r.|Y.| n -- /..rr .i I r - ^,1rrF\r^\T.icTNUIj:I,I IVA UUVI.!I\fII\ r.r
devisee under ;he i,lill of Jav
WAR.REN ICA(YER PULIS, TRUSTEIS,ing described lends:
'l. .l
Begiuring at che Southwcst coi:ner of the Noreh half- of Ehe Nortiri,rest quarcer; thence Northerly along
-the l,Iest line of said North half of the Nor:hrvesEquar:er a disiance of 1135.30 feet to a poi;:t onihe South line oj StaEe Higi-.rvay No. 6; thence on
.. en.angle to rhe righc'of 770461 08"-and along said. South line a distance of 355.40 feet; thence on an
angl-e to the right of. 44059 '56" and ilong said
South line a distance of L4L.50 feet; thence on
an angLe to the left of 44o57tli7tt aod along said
;.j .I
' 'South line a distance of. L19L.68'feet; thence on
an angle Eo Ehe right of 89057'51" a distance of
,4.92 feeE to a point of curve; t,hence alor^g a
curve to thc- lefc having a =adius of 245.00 feet,'. a central a;rgle of L7o22'52", an -arc distance of
74.32 feet to a point of tangentl'thence along^-"r'!'- distance oE L38.00 feec co a.. !cl!g .LcrrrSu\rL c.l- point of curve; thence'alo:rg a curve Eo the. -righc-having a radius oi i90-00 feec, a central angle'
. of 35030'00", an arc distance of \L7.72 feeE to
a poiae of reverse cu::vc; thence along a curve uo
the lefr having a radius af. L25.0C feet,
centr.'al angle 6f qZo+0r00", an arc di.stince of
93.08 5eet; ihence or an angle Lo Ehe righc of
125000r00rr a distance oi 525.00 feet; thence on
an angle Eo Ehe lcft of 15o15J00" a distance of.. 370.00 feet; Ehe::ce or ei engle to the rlgh; of
09045t00" a cliscance of. 2i5.00 feet; thence on an
--^1 ^ {-^ +L^ t.:f i of 114000,00r, a <jistance ofs!1,5!€ L\-/ Lt rg !l
250,0A feet Eo a. oolni or-r tite Souch line of said- North half of che Nor:i':wesi quarier; thence on an
angi-e to the r:-gl1; of 12Io30'0C".a:rd along sa:-d
South line of tire Ncrch iralf of 'the NoithwesE
guarter a distaace of 250.00 feec; Ehence on an
dngle to tlle r:gi.: of t0o03 'JiL" a'dis cahce of' , i04.00 !eet; thince o:'i ail a:igie to Ehe 1ef t oi
27o3}r00rr a dr-stance oi L\7.d0 feec; tilence on an
^-^.' ^ &^ -'^- -'"f - of c5o/+5r0c;r ^ <iisiance ois.rE;J. s Lv li.li: .i. I
PULIS, for herself and'asB. Pul-is, deceased, JAY B.
and .T^{Y B. PULIS, JR. and
are che ovrners of the follow-
15:.00 feec; thencc on an ae31-c to thc 1ef; oi
46003t59rt a'ciisrance of 2L7.59 feut: Ehence on aa- angle to the left of 62oilr0lrr a diiuance of
115.00 fect; tiicncc on an angle'to Ehe left of' 65013'241t a'dis:ance of 150,77 feex; ihehce on anangle Eo the rigl-rc o" 7Lo29 t52tt and'along a curveto che left having a :adius of. L25.00 feec, a' central angie of 33055'09t', an arc distance of
74.00 feet to a point of ra:tgen:; thence alongsaid tangeni a <ils;ance of 15.00 feec to a poinc onthe South line of said North half of the Northwesrqgarter; chence on an ergle to Ehe right of
90000'00" and aLong sa.id South line of the Northhalf of the Northvrest qua'rier a distance of,768.14 feet Eo the poiit of beginning; concaiiring
.^- J
t wHenEes, caRoLIN: K. pul,is , for herself aad asdevisee under the liiil of jay B. .D;rii-s, deceased, J.{Y B.
WIS.REN I(/(YER. PULIS, Ti.USTEIS, hereinafter sorneEimes' referred io as Or.rners, desire to place cer:ain restricEionson ihe use of the Tracts, Blocks and LoEs shovn on the Mapof Vail Village, Eighrh Filing, for rhe benefit of rhe' Orvners, and their rcspectivc grantecs, successors and assigns,' in order to establ.ish and natniain the.character and valueof real es-tate in Vail VilLage,
NOI'I THEREFCRI, ia conside:aEioe of tire -p-re::rises, the
Ov.'ners', for Ehemseivcs anc ib.ei: grantees, successors anci. assigns, do hcreby i:npose, cscablish, pu'u1ish, acliaor.rlcige,
.'declare and egree r.rith, to and fo: the benefit of all persons
. r+ho may hereafter ourchase or lease and fron cine co tilie so
oltn or.hold any of:he Tracis, 3)-ocks anC Lots in Vail :
Village, Eightli Fliing, :b.at ihey or,i:: aid hold all of the. -1ands in Vail Villaga, Aigh:h Siling, surject Eo Ehe follow-ing restrictions, cove;1encs anC coriitio;:s, aiI of vrhice
sha1l be <ieenei io !u:1 r,rith the lanci and to inure Eo the ber:e-fit of and be binilng u?on :ne.G\c:rers, Eheir respective granlees,
successors and assig::s.
' 1.1 loi;nijlet. tre lfanning a:rd A:chicectural-.Concrol Con::riEcee, ft:'e:-nc:Ec; reie-rreci :o-as :he Ccnniciee,
- shall consist of ih:ee ;,ren)e:s, one of r.zhon shaLl be .., . l
designated by the Olr;:e:s, lhel= successo:s or assig:'ls, and
-') -
.i\ro of r.rhon shail be desig:r.atdc 'cy Vail Associates, Ltd., a
Coloracio Linited Der:nersr,ip, its successors a:rd assigns, to'review, s tudy, a::ci eo:rove or rej ecE p:oposcci i:nproveierts
. within lhe area described in the l{a.o oi Vail Vj-llage, lighth
- Filing, of rahich these restrictive covenants ale nade a part.
', and 'bylarus anci ad,opTTIEh o'coceclu::es es it riray deem appro-
', priate Eo govern its proceeciings
f .3 Aoprovai of gan. No building, out build-, i.g, fenie, r'rall o: ocher i;n2rovc:.rent sirall be const:ucEed,erectedl or creinieined on eny T:acc, Biocli or Loc, nor snail
any eddition thereto, or alte:a:ion ;irerei:r be made, until
plans. and specifica!ioes shorri-::g the color, iocation, neEeriais,. lanciscaping, and sucir o:her lnfo::;aatioi relatir:g co such
have been submitteci to and -aop::oved .cy the- Connictee inwritine. '
a -- :
L.4' griterla' In pessing upon such plans and
specifications, the Con:-nittee shali consicier:
1 /, 1' .i... /:. ^.,i +a'^.. i r' r,t a3 -L ^ _.__-^-I.+.I I.l(3 >Ll!LdLrl-Ly U! glr€ J-rllu | !,, v r=lt.EII L- and TiiaEerials of rvhich it is to be constructeci to the sice
o. -
upon whicir iE is t_o
ing improveinentsl
., r.' t ; ..^>l .l-ll LI.|. ,g\l lll
nent on ihe
be Located;
L':4.2 .Tae naLure of .adja:ent and neighbor-
of Ene Eaterials to be
^- l
L.4.3 The quality
r a -. J r'--r^.rr5-..16r +- .qrry :J!9irv)r;ll .l-[rJrv v€rrrr:..r,)
1.4.4 fne effect of any proposed implove-
^..r'l ^^!, ^j ^*" aJ.i a^^-l- ^+ qa" *L'^^-'.L)LlLI(JU.l Ur cirly duJ d(:e',1,L (Jl .rs!6.lrur !rrts !.rrvirE!,-jl .
' It shall be an objeecive of che CoEniitee-Eo nal(e ceriar-n thac no inorove.leilc loil1 be so slnilar or so'
dissinilar to othcrs ir: th'e vici.niiy Ehat values, itonetary
- or aesthei:.c, wiii be inpa:=eci.
1.5 Effect oi the Con::i:iee's Failure to Act..In the evenc the Coplans anC specifica'cions sub:li.uted to ii i*ithrn sixty ciays of
subaission and no suit io e:rjoi:r the -coastruccion has been
cor.ic3ncei prior to :i1e cc::.pil;ion :herecf, a-oP'iovaI she.L1 :':oc'be requireC ai:d the:eie;ed covenancs shall- be deternined to.
have bee;r fulIy coaplled wich.
'2.L- The nunbered'Lots in tslock I shalL be used
'on1y for lrivate residences, each to concain not more than
-r^ ':.:.,.:-^ ..-i -^. tw\J DEirq!6sc ;!vj.la5 liil!eJ
' 2.2 -Any poriio; or porcions of tslock 2 ri:ay be
used for such purDoses as :he O..rners shall Cesignate,' Dut- in, iro 'event she11 such designaced use be inconsisienE lrich these
2.3 Tracts A anci B shall be used for golf
. course dnd other recreaEionai uses so long as they renain
parE of a golf course. Sho!1d ihey or any part thereof be
-r-^-.:--^J ^^ -^-- ^: ^ ^^1.oU(r.l(JUltlSlI db 'Jd; L Ul. d EUIl. (:UU-ber' Lll,ii) uiqJ us lr-
such.purpcses as the o',rne::s shal1 Cesignate, but in no event
shall such desigcated use be inconsisteirt with. these covei'rants.
- - 3. EASEMENTS AiiD ^1'IG:{TS-0rr-1fAY.
' - ' ' 3.1 Easemsnis and rights-of-r+ey for roads,
1.i al.r-i** l.^-!jicr .: l;:nl- -.i n-i:rr 1^-L^-Irgr'tul-ng, neai]-t-i2, ----, , J4,s, cereDnoi:e, l,racer,
sevrerage, gas pipeline, anci. ai:y other kind of public or
quasi pubiic ucility se:v1ce are:ese:ved as shorl:: on Ehe.Dlac
.of Vail Village, E:gh:a Filing. No fence, wa11, heCge,_lbarrier or other ir,rproveneat shall be erecteC or naintained
along, on, ecross- or within the areas reserved for easements- and rights-of-way.
4. SIGI:S. :No signs, bi-1lboards, Poster boa::ds or
.:9y::,.i:-i"-g--".t5::'::":.i..::.{-'^'i::.-'i':,it-::-:::".:.:9,-::^::i"-'lar:leo on a:'Iy ro! or s:ructu:e :o: ai,y Pu:?ose rti:.acs.oeve:,
except such signs as have Jee:l aDproved by ;he Cor.:li:Eee 6s
. reasbnably necEssa:y !or tee i.deiiifica;ion of resiiences and' places of busincss.
- .5. I^IATEB. -{ND SEInAGE. Each structure cleslgred for
occupancy or use by huira:'l bc-ings shall connect itith.he water' '-'{ ;^"^;--^ t'ciltcies of tne Vaii llace: a:rC Sanita;ior Dls-. cr rr(l >E;wgrq6s r<i
crict. No-p::ivate ve]l sha11 be used es a soulce of r'racer
. for hunan cilnsunjcicn or :-;::i--ge:':o;i in Vail Viliage, Elghcir
Fili.ng, no:: sha1l a:y laciii;y oiher cha;r those _prov-iCed by
the Vail l,Iater and Sanitacion Dis:rict be used.'or tire dis-. posal of servage. iiecha:r:-ce1- g,aibage Cisposal facilic:es
. shall be proviCeo in each l<:.tihen or food preparieg aiea.
6. ' TL{S-: A)D GAli?-r-Gi. No't:asn' ebaes o: o:ler. re.luse nray be ih:oir;r o: du:.-.'rcd on a::y lar:d rvi:hl:r Va:I
V-illsoo. i;.'h i'1 ?-iii-o. Ti:3 j:urn-i- ''- oi :'o-i'.t,i: ouC Oi jCO:S )- v Jrr-s5'v r g!srag.. o v- -sheill noE be pcnei;tei ln Va:l- Viilege, !:ge:h Fiilng. No
. inclnerator or othe:: Cevice for the Surnlng of reiuse iilCoo:s
. shall be construcleC, instaiieC or used by ary Person excePt
' ;;-;;p;o'tt-a uy ;he-c5mnj-ttee. Each propef ty oY":t-shall pro-
"iauiiuitable't"""pii"i"s for the coilettioh of refuse. Such
. ;;;;pi;;iu"-stliri-t," i"tuunuc fron public view and ProtecEed
from' dis curbance
7. LIVES?OCK. No eninals, livestock, horses or
pourEry ot .tty.-kiia, "t-""pt Cogs, cacs and other household
pecs snalr ou "opi,'raise'c or Sria in Vail- Vilrage, Eighth
!'itir.g, except i; i't""t designaled t-or such PurPoses by the
Co-.rni i tee .
' 8. TR'EES. No tr.ees shal-l be cut, trin:red or
renoved in Vaii vifi"gu, Ei-gh:h Filitng-, excePt wilh Prig: ,rvriEten approvel of tie connittee and by Persons deslgilaEec
by the Cor.rnlitee .
' . 9. 'SET BACK REQU::'Si19NTS' There shal1 be no
geieral ieo."ireii.i :ot Che location of-ir,rp-rove:.ents r';ith ::e1a-
Eion to prdperiy ii.nes, bu; the iocation of each ir'p:ove;'ei'lc
rr".t Ue ipplovei i" aa.]a"ce- by thE Connitcee' -In de;er;rililg
-;-[;-p;;p"l' ro""rioi ior each inproveii.relE, rhe. col-;airiee shall-considel the .location of existing anC fuEu;e imProve:.enEs on
a<iiacen! Droperty' the r'rishes of adjacenE proPerty Q\t'i1ers'
;;a-;;; [li;;-;|:reta:v or aestiretil conslderations as ii
. cay deem aPProPriace.
disturbed Uy "otsl="ctj-on sl:aiL be re:urned prcnp:ly :o their
natural cor.iitio;l a:rC repiai:ceC in na:ive grasses,. el:ceP;.
th.to such areas are to be' inprovei by t::e consi:uclro;i or
i.ia""i, 1at"s, -u'-:d-e:i:e:ior' i:t,ittg areas, r'rhich wiii be
permlcEeo o.,ry]after cne plans theiet-or shalL have 'oeen
. --___--.^J.^.. _:-,e Co;mi ttee. ePtu!vvE\r vJ srrE
' 11. AR'LA R'EQijIS'Ii'i!:iTS. No sErucEure designeC for
hu;ian use or fl"ili"ll"-"-shaLl be consi:ucted unless the
&;;;g;i" iioot a:ee, exclusive of oren porches, base:-nen:s'
carporEs u." git.!"s, shali oe-in e:<cess-of 900 -sc-ia:e leet'
The Coniirig;ee ii"ii-i"iu,,n'i"u fro:a ihe CesiSl of the improve-
rnent wheth"t "t't "=u" which is pa=;ia1iy below grade shali
qualify "" "r""r--r"-U" i"" f"iel, r'iChin' the rainir,rum pennis sible
L2 . Tzu^DE N.!.€S . No ..oo:i, . haiae_, s_ynbol , or con-
bi.nation Che:eof
-sh.if5" -,-rsed to tibntify lor. co::"-ie:c-i,a1_ pur--
""""i-" house, rt,--""1"=e,'ousi;:ess or se:vice i:r Vail Vi.iIage,
- 5i.-''iir.'-r;'-ii;;1 .t.'iutt chl sa;e sheii have been fi:s: -"- rir-,:i.rL!r
apJroved in vrrl:i:lg by uhe Con:.:!!cee
13. TEM?03.,A-R.Y STI.UCTUI.3S. No tenporary.sEructure,'.- excavation, basein-ei-.t, trailer o-r Eent shall be permitted in' Vaii Villa!e, Eigl:ch'Fili:ig, except es may be necessary'-durlng' construction anC au:horized by the Com:rictee.-
14. CONTINUITY Of C0l{SfllUCTION' AIl structut€S corii-
menced. in Vail V:1lage, Iighth filing,-sha11 be Prosicutec. diligently Eo ccnpleiion aid shalt be completed withi-n 12
nontf,s of- conrnencenent, excert rvith r.rritEen co:lsent of the
Conni E tee
- - , 15. NUISANCE. No no>:ious or offensive actlvity
sha11 be. car::ied on rror shail anychiilg be done or pernitced
which shal1 consiitute a public :ruisance in Vail Vi1lage,
lj-gntrn Fi!:-ng.
tIl./!lJ r I i;) L! Ir- L-lr^.o t o I
^:-'-.-1 a -.i ^- ^ . - ayae:rentS and COVenantSJ LrVlj-<-i uIv!l) , <rtiL (
'tioas, resEricEio::s, sti.pulacio:ts,'agreenents and covenants
.co;'rtaineci herein sh6tt bi ror the-beie;it of and be bincii-ng^a ^-J 1^^ L.i-.i.i-aLr! eIl\l L., tt lJ.|.rr\rrrriS'upon each tract, 1ot, a:rd block -in VaiI Vil1-age, Eighchuppn each tract, Iot, ani blocli -ln valr vtrr-age, r,rgnER' Filing, end each ovtne: of property therein, hi-s-successo-rs,
: -leoreJenEatives anC assiqni a:ra shall continue in full forc-repreJentatives anC assign-s aia shalI continue in full force
-J,, - !1---- ^L^'t.1 1-and effect until Jenuary-l , L999, at which cime-chey shall be
. auiomaEically exten<ieci for 5 successive terms of -10 years
1-7 A !,a;\'tn\r i:\TT 1'h,- nnnri.'f ionq l.arci-rr'nf -:(1is
Ll. f\t!r\!,/.r:J!\-!. {lit5 \-Wtl!,l; L j'\Jrrr ! rve!v|.s,
tanC incluCed wichin tl-re Uoui:Car--es of Vail VilGge; Sighchland included r.rithln the boui:daries oi VaLl vMage; iign'tiiin5j, as the sene rn6y be ;iree silo\en by !h9 Plat-on fiie
in ch6'office of ihe Cierk and Recorder of Eagle Couaty,' CoLorado.
18. SNFOR.CE:{]NT. '\f any -:erson shall viola:e o=
chrea ten to violate a:Iy oi:he provisi-ons of chis inscru;en;,
: iE shalI be la:,ifu1 fo:'c;.y 2e-:sbaro'r pe::sons.oi'nin3::eai
prope::ty in Vail ViLiage, iigrth Fiii::9, -Eo ins;icu;e p:o--
te.'ai,lgi 6; lar.r or in 6qui:y-;o enforce tne-provisions of
this iisE:.:u:.enc, io resi:aii Ehe person violati+g or threaten-
ing :o vioiare ihe::1,. ancl Eo recove'r dar,lages, actual and
punicive, €or such vicia:lo;is
19. SEVER-a-BILiIY. invaliCeiion oi any one of the
provisions of. this instrund:ii by juig::elc oI cour: orcer or
stipulaLions, eg-reeii.enCs and covenanEs contained herein shal-l-
nol'' be waived, ibandoneC, terninatei, or anendeci e:<ce.oc by' vrri:ien consen: o! the oirners of. 75% of the prival-el-y-oru'ned
the oiher provisioas
' d,\
. :. | -, 1965.
. .' "r.: .\,r . and as Truitee
. ffi' '" , i\otarYrPubl-ic "
. The foregoing insirunent was acknowledged before
,j.,'/. Cav of, -r, . ,l' . 1955, bv CARoLINE K.-
' -I,IITIi3SS mv hand arci official'seal' -- ' : -.^, -- ^. q. t!,. ,' . ..,. -,,', l- /. )My comniss ion expires'. ;/:-!-;"'^---,--t u , ,.? -j-...
-. CTATF NF,, rL'i,.&,-'i COIJNT-{ Ol
,: i ' sTr.TE 0r coLo:LA-Do )Lit,;'i COUNTf Of i ; ) oo
The foregoli:g instruxient \tas acknovrllCged belore
me this ':i.t- day of .i_--._L .,.: , 1965, by jAY B. PULIS, JR.
individuTl$ ar.C as T-just3e'.-
: '"':