HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 8 BLOCK 1 LOT 7 LEGALAorf;rury"friry I t"f Z ot- t Design Review Baard ACTION FOR.]4 Department of Community Developmenl 75 South Frontage Roed, Vaal. colorado 81f57 tel:970.479.1139 far:970.479.245I web: www.vailgov,com@*a*r'lTY EWInFU€llr Project Name: MARITZ ADDffiON Project Description: Addition of GRFA, bedroom Participants: Project Addrcss: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DR8060240 OWNER MARITZ, JENNIFER S, & PHILIPO6/2TI2OO6 PO BOX 5080 AVON co 81620 APPLICANT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHffiCTS 0612L12006 Phone: 970476-6342 1650 EAST VAIL VATTEY D& #C-1 VATL co 81657 Licenser @00001402 ARCHITECT FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHilECTS 0612112006 Phone: 970476{342 1650 EAST VAIL VAI.IEY DR, #C-1 VAIL co 81657 License: C000001402 11OO HORNSILVER CR VAIL Location: 11OO HORNSILVER CR Lot: 7 Block 1 Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG B 2101-092-0300-8 see conditions Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ActiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: O61281 2006 Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Condl 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid; $3OO.OO Addldons-Resldential or Commercial ApplicaUon for Deslgn Reviw Deparbnent of Community Development 75 south Fronbge Road, Va[, Colorado 81657 d: 970.479.2t28 fu: 970.44,2452 wcb: www.vallgov,co m Gencrrl Iniormedon: All proje(B equiring deslgn rariew must rccelve approral prlor to submitting a bulldlng permit applicatbn. Ple|se r€ter b the $lbrnidal requircmenb for the partlcular approEl that is requrested. An appliation for Dedgn Rsiew cannot bea@ until all requlr€d lrfrrmatbn is r€cehred by the Communlty Darclopment Depaftrn€rt, The proJed may also need to be r€rrie'$€d by the Town @undl and/or the Pbrning and E rvlronrnenbl C.ommbsion. Dclgn rcvlcur rpprord bpc!3rnLr. r Dolldn! pormlt b bald lnd o|!trucdon ommqrco wllfiln ono ycrr of thc +prwrl. Dccrfpdmof$.R.qu..tt 6a,--u o l r-,e, A c.c i r)ou Tn&,d,i^ta klstttec l.ocldonotfr Proporal: Prrol llo.: IZoolng: iltn(3) ot Ownar(r)! l.lalllng Addrcre: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-ffi fior parel no.) Phone: v.3l *74 aoo N o N {hrmr(r)sgn trrl(r): typ€ otRsnh, and Fes: O Slgns tr Concedual Revi€fr EL llar Con-stuctbn [, noaition tr tllnor Altentlon (multi-famly/commercial) tr MinorAbatbn (ingle-famU/dudex) tr Ounges to Apprwed Plans tr S€plntlon Request tf.m. of Appllc.nt! E-mr ll lidrrrr : bi {lc,9. u^.lnL:.k&l*t tlgr: $50 Eu ll.m per square tuot of bbl CAn !rea. l{o Fee *550 For @nstudio.r d a nerv building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition wherc squarc foobge is added to any reddenual or @mnErchl tuildlng (includes 250 addltofls & inErior @nverslons). $250 For minor dr.ng€s to buildings ard site impruv€rnenb. $rch as, rercoling, pahUng, window addtions, bndscapfE, tbne and r€tatnhg wals, etr. $20 For mlnor dang€s b buiHings and dte impFv€rnents, sudt 6, te-roo'frtg, palndry, window dltJons, landscaping, ftnces ard rebhing walb, et$& fur rgvisbns b y'ans aleady apgwed by Planning Sffi or the Dedgn Revlew Board, No Fee Phyrlcel Addrecr: )- i ,OITIT PROPERW OW{ER wRrTTEtrAppRovArLETIER kf 4pHc.AaU, I, (print name), a joint owner of property located at (addresVlegal description) provide $b leffier as yrritten appror/al of tfie plans daEd whidr ha\€ been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Danelopment Depa.tment for the fopos€d improvemems b be complebd at tfie address noEd abore. I undersbnd that the poposed impro\rements includei I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans o\€r the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Townb applicable codes and regulations. (SigDstur€)(Date) F:\cda,\FORl4$PErmlts\Planning\DRB\drb_addltion_l 1 -23 -2005.doc Page 2 of t4 7!?5'l?!,l,5 Eulldlno Hatedals Roof Skling O$er Wall Materials F6ch Soffits Windo\rvs Window Trim Doors Door Trim Fland or Deck Rails Fues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exbrior Lighting Other llotes! PROPOSED IIATERIATS TVoc of lletgial Te *tetul ay.i,+Trrt t- leler Te H*tcu eWsflNe MA Please specify the nBnufacture/s name, the color name and number and attadt a color €hip, F:\ds\FoRMs\Permns\Plarning\DRB\drb_addition_11-23-2@5.dc PqeT dL4 7U23lZWs I\ :..... ,. PROPTOSED LAITDSGAPII{C Ha t A ?ft'lc4 BLL Botenlcal llene Common l|em€ $ntrll! S|4 PROPOsED TREES AND SHRUBS D(ISIINGTREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for landscaping: Deciduous Trces - 2" Caliper Co.riferous Trees - 6'ln hepht Shrubs - 5 Gal. Irri gscsi.@l! GROT'ND@VER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION @NTROL Plere spectFy other landscape haturcs (i.e. rctaining walls, fences, snrimming poob, fr.) F:\cdaAF0RitlS\DermlE\Planmg\DRB\drb-addltoLll-23-2m5.doc Page 8 of 14 lUZ}l2Ws r. .:.. _.. ,^ $ID urrLrryAppRovAL&vERrFIcArIoN -Nof /tPPua.tBLA- TfrINEI'IilV Thls form serves b verify Srat Ste proposed improvemanb wlll not lmpad any o(isting or propGed udlity services, and also b vErlfy seMe a\railability and location fior nevu coftsuuction and should b€ used in conjunction wih preparing )/our utility plan and scheduling in*allations. A site plan, ircluding gmding plan, flmr plan, and elanatinns, strall be submltted b the bllowing utilitis for apprcval ard verification. Authorlpd Slonatun 9cE!09!E Dale QrrEsil 970.s13.7189 (bD 970.384.0257(fax) 970.687.0722 (cell) Contactsr Sbe Waters swaters@qwest.com flCEL HIG}I PRESSURE 6A15 970.262..m76 (tel) 970.a68.1.101 (hx) @ntad: Ridr Sisnems HOLY CROTSI' EtECtRtC 970.947,542s (teD 970.945.408r (fax) Contact; Jefi Vroom iwoom@holvcross.com gCELETERGY 970.262.,$38 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 921.262.,1024 Kattedne Bogert EIGI-C RIYERWATEN,I SAIIITATIOT DSTRICT 970.476.72f80 (bt) 970.476,4089 (fax) Coritact Fed Haslee fhaslee@erwsd.org ooilcAsrcABtE 9rc.468.2669 ext 1100 (ED 9m.48.2672(td) Contact Bnd lbrcas bradeh dorcas@cable.comcast.com OlElS: L If the utility appov'al & verificatbn brm tl6 signatuEs from each of the utility companieE and no commnE are made direcdy on the form, the Town wlll presurne that th€re ar€ no proHems and the developmert can proceed. 2. If a udlity company has conerns wiB| the proposed consbuction, the utility repr€sentative shall note dlredy on the utility verificatbn fum tfiat th€re 19 a problem whldr needs to be resolved, The issue should then be detalletl In an attached letter to the Town of Vail. Howe\rer, please keep in mind that it is th€ r€sponsibiliv of the uulity company and the applicant to r€solve HenUfied orobhms. 3. These verncations do not rdieve the @ntractor of the responCHlty b ottaln a Publk Way Permit frcrn the Depdment of fubllc Works at the Torvn of VaiL rrdilw locatlcr murt bc obrrlmd bcforc il ino in any public rightof-rvay or easement within the Town of Vail. AbulldlrE E itb ndr Publlcftu Enr t.!d murt b. obtrln d no*rhlt The Dereloper b required and agr€es b $bmit any realsed drawingE to the utilites fur Bappror,'al & re.verfllcdon if the submitH plans are albred In any uay after the authorized signafurc date (unhss oherwise spedfically mbd within the @mm€nt area of thb form). Dsdope/s Signaturc F:\cdar\rcRMs\Emlts\Plannlng\DRBvrb_addition_U-8-2m5.doc DaE Pqe 9 of 14 ruz3lzfis "b., ,.*i ,1;r#n tfr- .r I t-i "!t *# I il ,,|[" iv;-s a *r'"Spj ', pi,t" iP":,. ; ' rn. I . ""' ,t 11:., ri: FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS vAll , ( illoMl)() April 21, 2006 Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Village Filing Number 8 Written Description of the Variance Requested The site coverage variance requested is for 31 sq. ft of CRFAover an existing roof overhang. The area under the ioof overhang meets the current definition of site coverage but at the.time the residence was built in 1991 tt did not. Today the site coverate, under the current definition, exceeds the allowable. Lot 7 is an undersized and non-conforming lot. The original building design strived to preserve existing vegetation and stay within the applicable planning restrictions' In support of the variance it should be noted that numerous small lois in the Town of Vail have received minor variances in order to maintain architectural character and adapt to the existinS building envelope. The proposed 31 sq. ft of CRFAy'sile coverage is being placed over area that is currently considered site ioverage. Even ihough the proposed "ddition is being placed over existing s_ite coverage staff is concerned that the addition may be interpreted as "making an existing non-conforming use/ more non-conforming". our applcation includes two options to demonstrate the superiority of the design solution that requires a variance. option #1 requires a variance and proPoses the new square footage over the roofed entry area. This is the prefeired option. Option #2 does not require a variance and proPoses a third floor over the West side of the house. Option #1 maintains the building total building height under two stories and minimizes imPact on neighbors to the east and south.lt is the applicant's and the architect's opinion, this option better respects the existing architectural character, massin8 and detailing. A. The relationship of the requested variance to other existinS ot Potential uses and strudurs in the vicinity - OpIion #1 , which requires a variance, has no more impact on the neighborhood than Option #2 which does not require a variance. B. Ihe degree to which relief hom the strict or literal intetpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objeciives of this title without grant of special privilege. Numerous undersized lots in the Town of Vail have received minor variance in order to enhance development in harmony with Town of Vail Design Cuidelines. C. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, ttansporTatioh traffic facilities, utilities and public safety. There is no net effect on these items, further there is no additional site disturbance proposed. D. How the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning polices and development objeaives. The applicant and architect believe that the variance will facilitate a design solution that is more in harmony with the two story surrounding development as well as better preserve the architectural character of the building. ,i.:'r,i,:.' r:li !.r/ii:t j'jr'r,., : tl iti:tt , .t. :,. ! j; (,rr(,ijj(i., ?ili:ri; t.: ..1 r, t. | .)i\ (....i1 , t 1, t, _1,),.' . 1. :: . 1 t.l:.".'. " \ a 1,:" .j...:,, r ;rl.iii ri-r I .:t:; '*'r*++f+++*tri***t ***'t'!****'rr*'r'r!r* **:i *+**r+*+t{.++'if,+*********{'*'t******t*{.* * * ** *** **** * * * * +++** TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement ****t+**+**f**'t +***{.****i* ** ** ******i****++****f +*,t.1.{.{.**{.{.** * * * * * * * * * * *******.*** ********** * * statement Number: R060000844 Anount: $300.00 06/2L/2Oo6L0:09 AIrt Payment Method: Credit, Crd Fritzlen/Fritzlen Pierce AIA Init: LC Notation: LYnr- Permit No: DR8050240 q/pe: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2101- 092 - 03 00 - I Site Address 3 1100 HORNSILVER CR VAIL Locati.ons 1100 HORNSILVER CR Totsal FeeE 3 This Payment :$300.00 $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 Total ALL Pmta : Balance: *****************++***+*+*+*+++f+*+t+*+++**+++++*t+*******+**f******++*+***********l++*****+ ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003112200 Description DESIGN REVIEW FEES CurrenE Ptntsa 300.00 Archir* .Fh ft Zonc disricr 2 F-a orrncr Phonc Phonc Lot sizc Proposcd usc Buildable arca Prinrary GRFA ----,-- Sccondary GRFA + 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs tlris rqucst involvc a 250 Addition? _4 e.rz?& Sitc Covcngc Hcight Sctbacks 2D% Conrplics rvirh TOV Liglting Ord.inancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%)y**tZ No I ) Pcrccni Slopc (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands '4) Watcr Course Setback (30) (5 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snotv Avalanchc b) Rockfall c) Dcbris Florv Horv much of tlc allorvcd 2j0 Addition is uscd with Ns rcqucstl /A Landscaping 60%uMinimum,Tj*,a "rM Ll- VtAf lr"qfrf -+<t 74 | RctainingWall Hcights 3, 16, \".''/ Parking Rquircd ) 2- -----fnetsco caragc crcdit t&ool (600) (900).(1200) Dn-r'crvay e"n^tt"astop" i/ % proposcd Slopc % /,nq-^'trg21!* O =titoq(/(30)$y' 39' - - Front ', ZO'/..sidcs .r5' t// Orc_Rcar 15' V vu-i/- No Environm cn taL/llazards Pro'ious conditions of approval (chcck propcrty filc); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc:h;n,> Fra a\ -/ DESIGN REVIE}Y CFECKLIST \. scalc _}' e"nchmart -!.- Lcgal dcsaiption j\, Lor sizc { Buildablctuca I Eascrncnrs -.X Topography :- l00yr. ftoodplain X Watcr Coursc Sctback -:(- Environmcnalllazards A rrees A utirity rocations )f Scalc X GRFA / ^ spotclcvations qlrrrr* K )( x _!_ / X X K I Y' .6 q Scalc Building Hcight Encroachmcnts Sctbacks Sitc Covcrage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Deckstsalconics Gangc conncction Sitc Gradc\Slopc Rchining lValls Fenccs Parking/Garagc TumingRadius Drivcrvay (acccss and gradc) Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss a ) / t /2. EHu lrdunor.,rc ELEvATToNs ScaJc ColorWatcriats / - RoofPitch $ILANDScAIEILAN k Edsrjng trccs h proposcdtccs I r.s-a MISCELLANEOUS C99do Approvat Titlc rcport (A & B) Utility verifi cation form !otos ofsitc Buil ding mataial sarnptcs C.O. Vcrilicati on '"' iir3,?rf,'',115, rt;ff,FPs sto-J-szes P16€ Application for Review by the Planning and Environorental Commiesion Dlgtnmrnl of Cara.nualty Dcvalotrcnt 75 Sq,rth F@nlror tqrd. Vd, Colo.aoo ClC57 !.r; 9ro,.7c.31lg tu; 9t0.a792152 w6: *lIv.vri|tsr,qn Canatll Inlornltlon: Ar.-g/orD- tqwtno plr.nrnt ||ra &ri'orr}intal cdnm-bt rct,a! ftrot rccdra .pprrval pdt to a{Drti$^e . b/itding 9.r|rlll rrdl€ q]. Pt r |tbr |o 1|r. SuBtrft|t i}qurGra,r,O lo, llr pr.nCllt; agpcrrt thCt b l!(r6td Ar agrLotbn lo. Fbnd|lg |1d Cfti|!.trEnlal Corrvrirrort |tvbi G.mot br Eglrd |,rt J tl ,reurred hlo.yir.lion| ,aoirod Dt |nc cs''|u,try otrdolrna.t ga't.!ft|nt rrx gofot rrrlt abd ni.d io b {lvrcrtd Dt t|o To,inCaror riat t rh. Or.bn b*Oc.{ tF. ot ADpttsrgoi d F.r: p. e 0r . koang teOo' U.pr Sulivaion frge. flrtr Sulcvl*rn SdtO' €rt|D.i n Pfar 160. Ulrgr Ar!ndr.* ro rn SOg SroO' xc! Sldlo.vdoe .m O&*al IOOOO. fbig.^dFdn ^r ro m 3OO lflf@. rDrcr A,iardrut lc an SOO trtl|o(.roo''/'!'ffieto,'g') . htind ttraFarn'l. Flrubbh lldifc*on. lrtro, Efltxy Ab.atbo- rthrE$a.br Alrrr:ba. Orr.t 9ntrl Fbl' Arra.nr( lo I O.val$.'|n| Pbn ' loahg Oodo Anononont. \turr|c ' $gnvlirlo tr90t6 L50tm 3r {t00 i260lr16 t600 1800 OrGrlp||on ct fhc laqar.at! tttc.f lro,r ano loilzol OoC (Corfti E|eb co. t-or sr g70{20$ao ,o, p.rort ,F,) &dng <jl? C rG,r3r V-+ir,r' C _ -- I.r.ragAdat.rr PO.flor 5o8_Q x ofn!'(t, rtcn.turrl3r: I.|ra ot A9tLo l: 42q.1 o,d'd hu___ ciadr 19.: PI32dL FPo ENrRY O REcErvrNc RaoRr PAGE: l- FPO NITMBER : F2'7659 DATE RECEIVED: 5/2L/06 REMARKS : REFI]ND WIT}IDRAWN APPLICATION RECEIVED BY: IIC ENTEREDI 6/2I/06 T3242 BY: LCAI'IPtsELL VENDOR: 000L59L - FRITZIJEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS INVOICE NUMBER: PEC06OO33 II''n/OICE DATE: 6/2L/o6 INVOICE POSTED: 6/2L/06 t3:42 BY: I.,CAMPBEI,I, pAYMEt{t DUE: 6/30/06 ArvrOnNT: $ soo.oo ACCOUNT# PRO'J# AMOT'NT ITEM DESCRIPTION 001000031r.2s00 S 5OO. OO APPLICATION WITHDRAWN qd.r/t'-tt{rr^€ **+'t+**********f*****+*********++*f,*******'t******+***********t****+***+**+***+****+++***t**+ TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement******++t++*++****!**********'l*******t+*********+***++***i!,t'***+++****i******************++**+ statement Number: R060000433 Amount: s500.00 04/24/2oo6L2:34 ptt! Pa)ment Met,hod: Check Init: LC Notat.ion: #13?04lERrTZr.,EtiI PIERCE ARCHTTESTS Permit No: P8C050033 T!G)e: PEC - Variance ParceL No: 2101-092-0300-8 Site Address: 1100 HORNSILVER CR VAIL,IJocation: 110 0 HORNSILVER CR Total Fees: $500.00This Palment: $500.00 Tota1 ALIJ pnts: $500.00Balance: $0.00+*******+**+t*'*********+**+*'i'*********'i*+*i't+++tt't++***++*****+t***************+++**++++*+*+ ACCOIJNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmtss PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPIJICATION FEES s00.00 FRITZLEN PIERCE ARCHITECTS VAIL, COIORADO April 21, 2006 Lot Z, Block 1, Vail Village Filing Numbcr 8 Written Description of the Variance Requested The site coverage variance requested is for 31 sq. ft of CRFA over an existing roof overhang. The area under the ioof overhang meets the current definition of site coverage but al the time the residence was built in 1991 it did not. Today the site coverage, under the current definition, exceeds the allowable. Lot 7 is an undersized and non-conforming lot. The original building design strived to Preserve existing vegetation and stay within the applicable planning restrictions. In support of the variance it should be noted that numerous small loii in the Town of Vail have received minor variances in order to maintain architectural character and adapt to the existing building envelope' The proposed 3t sq. ft of CRFiy'site coverage is being placed over area that is currently considered site coverage. Even ihough the proposed aJdition is being placed over existint site coverage staff is concernedihat the addition may be interpreted as "making an existing non-conforming use, more non-conforming". our application includes two options to demonstrate the superiority of the design_ solution that requires a variance. Option #1 requires a variance and proposes the new square footage over the roofed entry area. This is the preferred option. Option #2 does not require a variance and Proposes a third floor over the West side of the house. Option #1 maintains the building total building height under two stories and minimizes impact on neighbors to the east and south. lt is the applicant's and the architect's opinion, this option better respects the existing architectural character, massing and detailing. A. Ihe relationship of the requested variance to d.het existini or Potential uses and sttudures in the vicinity - Option #1, which requires a variance, has no more imPact on the neighborhood than Option #2 which does not require a variance. B. IhJdegree to vvhich relief from the strict or litera! interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objeaives of thrs title without grant of special privilege. Numerous undersized lots in the Town of Vail have received minor variance in order to enhance development in harmony with Town of Vail Design Cuidelines. C. The effect of the variance on light md air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilitiu and public safety. There is no net effect on these items, further there is no additional site disturbance proposed. D. How the reguest complies with adopted Town of Vail planning polices and development objeaives. The applicant and architect believe that the variance will facilitate a desiEn solution lhat is more in harmony with the two story surrounding development as well as better preserve the architectural character of the building. THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with section 12-3-6, Vail Town Code, on May 22,2006, at 2:00 pm in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: r.l A request for a variance from Section 12-6D-9, Site Coverage, pursuant to Chapter 12- $%K 17, Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 1100 f/1q\,7 Hornsilver Circle/Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 8, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0033) Applicant: Phillip and Jennifer Mari2, represented by Fritzlen Pierce ArchitectsPlanner: Matt Gennett A request for a final review of a variance, from Section 12-68-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17, Variances, to allow for a garage addition within the front setback, located at 1462 Aspen Grove Lane/Lot 11, Block 2, Lion's Ridge Subdivision Filing 4, and setting forth details in regard thereto. (PEC06-0034) Applicant: Matthew and Doris Gobec, represented by John M. Perkins, AIAPlanner: Matt Gennett The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is inMted to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call 970-479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request, with 24-hour notification. Please call 970-479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published May 5, 2006, in the Vail Daily. Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Johnson Residence Project Description: 250 Addition (office and bay window addition) Owner, Address, and Phone: Kinney Johnson 1100 Hornsilver Cr. Vail, CO 81658 fuchitecVContact, Address, and Phone: MorterAker Architects (Kirk Aker) 143 E. Meadow Dr. Vail" CO 81657 (970) 476s10s Project Street Address: 1100 Hornsilver Legal Description: Lot 7n Block 1, Vail Village Filing 8 ParcelNumber: 210109203008 BuildingName: Comments: f36.7 sq. ft. of "250" remaining Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Na Conditions: Board/Staff Action Action: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 3122199 DRB Fee Paid: $50.00 Project Name: Johnson Residence (formerly Trope House) VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\ 1 DRBAPPR Na StaffApproved Na Na TOWN OF VAIL75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArt, eo 9t657 970-479-21-38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMI'NITY DEVELOPMENT 1c/Z skt, O u" (/i/,ye sZ ON .JOBSITE AT AIL TIMES Permlt. #: B99-0L63 NOTE: TIIIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ilob Address: Location. . .:Parcel No..:Project No.: 1106 HORNSILVER CR 1.100 HORNSIIJVER CR 2LOl.-092-03 -008 PRiI99-0032 SEaEus. . Applied. Issued. . Expires. ISSI'ED 06 /24 / L999 06 /28 /L999 12 /2s /1"999 APPLICAI{If HErD CONSTRUCIION phone: 970-4?6-4343 2111_ NORTII FRONTAGE ROAD, SUrTE L, VArL, CO 81657colimRAcToR HErD CONSTRUCTTON phone: 970-4',16-4343 211_1 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE t, VAIL, CO 81657OWNER KINNEY .]OHNSON 1.1-OO HORNSILVER CR, VATL,CO Descriptsion: OFFICE A}ID BAY WINDOW ADDITON Fir€placc InforoaEion. RaBtricted: y TCV/Comm. Dev. Cf oan-up flDproved {iln()unt D it Refund Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence "1_r^T)4ge const,ruction: V N Tl4le v Non-Rat,ed r{(?ttr Valuation:100, 000 Add Sq Ft: 2L0 *of ors Appliance.: #of oar LogB: Tolal calcuhc.d Fee6- - - > *of t{oodlPallct: Building-----> Plan Chcck- - - > Inve6tiga!ion> wl1I ca1I----> ?40 . oo 481.OO . o0 3-00 .00 100 .00 31.S0 250 . OO 1,605.5O 1, 505.50 ReBtsuarenl PLen Revicw-- > DRB F..-------- Rcercalion Fcc-- --------> Cl.an-t4r D€I'oalt - -- -- - - - > Total Pcrrit Fc6--------> PeyDcntsB------- Addibional P..s---------> .oo TOIAIT PEE3----- 1,605.50 BAITANCE DUE---- .0O * i***a*r** * i i*r**** **a* f*,r*i*r* *+ i**rrr*****r * Dept: BUILDING Division:,fR - DepE: PLANNING Division: A]-,LISON DepE : FII{E Division: DepE: PIIB UIORK Division: IEEM: ,O51OO BUIIJDING DEPARTMENTo6-/.21/.L999 JRM AcEion: NOTE PLANS TO96/28/L999 JRM AcE,ion: AppR AppR .TRMIEEM: .O54OO PLANNING DEPARIIIIENTO5/,24/L999 'JRM Action: NOTE PLANS TO96/28/L999 AOCHS Action: AppR]EEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT9F/24/\229-Jq- -- AcElon: APPR N/AIEEM: O55OO PIIBLIC V{ORKS06/24/1999 ,fRM Action: AppR N,/A *t:ttittt*atlr|}t**rt!rial}tttitrri. r r r.i ri r * r i t l r r t, r * tr t.r r t t r t 1t rlr ta r r r r r. r rr r. r * * riri i see Page 2 of t,his Document for any condiEions thaL may apply co t,his permit. DECLARATIONS I hcrGby acknowLcdgc tshrt I havs rcad !hi6 rlrplicatslon, fill,ed ouc in full the infomation roqui!|ed, cornlrlGtod an rccurrt. lrlotphn, rnd 6tala chal r11 the lnfoluatsion provided a6 required is corracts. I agr6e to coDply r{ith Ehc irlfohnntsion and lrlot trrIan,to cotuply rrith all Town ordinancaE and r€ala lawE, anil co build t'hls ctsructur6 according !o thc To$n,B zoning and Eubdivlaioncodcs, dctlgn revl'clr apFrov€d, unLform Bulldi.nE codc rnd oth€r ordlnanceE of che Tolrn appLicabl6 thorclo. RAQTTESTS FOR TNgPECTIONA €HALI, BB MA.DE TWEIIIV-FOUR HOURS rN ADVTNCB By TELBPHONA Nr...419 - 213s I's\ ../ Scnd cl..n-tD D.porlg ler ttBID cONsT ei@(rfte oF or.|NER A? oUR OPFICE FROM s:00 .e.tit s:oo Plt Page 2 *:t**********************************************************************:t******* COIIDITIONS Permits #: 899-0163 as of O6/2e/99 status---: rssItED******************************************************************************** Permit. Tlrpe: ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERI'IT Applied--t 06/24/1999 Applicanll-: HEID CONSTRUCIION Issued---: 06/28/L999 970-476-4343 To E:q)ire, L2/25/1999 ilob Addre66: 1105 IIORNSILVER CRLocaEion---: 1100 HoRNSILVBR CR Parcel No--: 2LOl-092-03-008 DescripEion: OFFICE AT{D BAY WIIIDOW ADDTTON * * * * * !t :l * !t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t COndiEiOnE ****************************** 1. FIELD INSPEC|IONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAIiICE '2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AtiID EVERY STORY AS pER S8C.310.6.1 0F TrrE 1997 IIBC. O h+******************l********* * ** * * * * ** ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * :l * * * * * I TOWN OF VAIL, COLOR'ADO StaEemnt * * * ** * :l'l* * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * !t * * * SEatemnt Number: REC-0535 Amount: Payment Metshod: CK NotaEion: 3451 1,605 .50 06/28/99 LLz57 IniE: JRM Permit, No: 899-0153 I)pe: A-BUrr.,D ADD/ALT sFR BUrLD PE Parcel No: 2101-092-03-008site Address: 1106 HORNSILVER CRLocat,ion: 1100 HORNSTITVER CR This Palment, Total Fees: 1,505.50 ToEal ALL PmLS: Balance: :t:t:t*:t********************************************:t************** AccounE, Code Description BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PBRMIT FEES DR OO]-OOO031122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI.AN EHECK FEES AD D2-DEPO8 CLEANIIP DEPOSITS RF 111OOOO31127OO RECREATION FEES WC OO1OOO0311280O WIIJL CAIL TNSPECTION FEE 1,605.50 1,605 .50 .00 Amount 740.00 100 .00 481.00 250.00 31.50 3.00 oo o oo 'FlozC'Dd8 E(,I oAlr AHEE R o ca oC'o EHa @ AI E!a 9t I{ tt o oc o o| oo co oo o a{ o o o|' oo o oo o c)o o a{ :iozo=|d8 E '{ :E Hr. oozo.AE{c,0 H E do E E (.t 6I E o Htl Fo UHHaqlHO!oaIEo oo {'|E '|cl,! ah EB E8o!a & E ia TE E8B( a raH 2Ci3H' HIA F. F' dE E: I:o e fl E x tsA H IHF t{s6rt ul2X cE-IP EEp r9E E- ol{ C.!tr B E Fr E Eo EE BLeE F'HIA E F ; o \'D 4tI> l|TH&t o{ot fr8F frE€ INT'ORITTATION MUSTBE COMPI.ETE OR THE APPLICATION WILLBf, REJECTT,D R{ 9 ?-oot-Contactthe Eagle County Assessors Ol?icre at 97A-326-8640 for Parcel# Parcel# cJt al oF)o jatr61 ox", 6/ar /fr Permit # Job Name: nurrains$f Plumbing ( )Electricat ( ) Owners Name:Address: Address: Description of Job:ll,1 tDz ,d/)/)ail Work Class: New ( )Alteralion ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: / Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances lob Ad&ess: ///O Mechanical (Other ( Phone# D N Repair t )Other ( ) Number of Accommodation Unis: Ozdz t/ait Legal Description: Lot-f- nbck rnne----/- sftdi';,sio,- Vrt; L U; ilrle Gas Logs Wood/Pellet------./-- g loo, oo. , 96 VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $.BUILDING: PLT]MBING OTHER: $ TOTAL $MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION GenerelContractor: /i/ /ot,rfzur/"' Town of Vail Registration No.113.8 phone# fttr -1"L-t/.ly-? /fre -lStz rt zo Pt57 Electrical Contructor:TBA Town of Vail Registralion No.-t// Plumbins Contractor:764 Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Regisuation No. Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ctetnup oeposn nepuuoto, rt€ t D c rs"l {7n'otcTior(, tal (, -Lt tl Mo V*tLr (o, 8/br7- TOWN OF VAII.,75 S. FROMTAGE ROADvArrJ, co 9L557 970-479-2L38 DEPARII!4ENI OF COMMI]NITY DEVEI,OPMENT NOTE: THrS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED DEMO. OF PART/AI,L BIJDG. ON iIOBSTTE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: D99-0026 Occupancy: R3I:pe ConstsrucLion: V NTlpe Occupancy: Valuation: Fir.phc. fnfornatlon: R.!Crlc!.d: Single Fami-ly ResidenceT}pe V Non-Rated Stat,ug...: ISSITEDApplied..: 06/23/L999 Issued. . .: O6/23/L999bq)ires . .: L2/20/L999 Phone z 970-4'76-4343co 81557 Phone: 970-476-4343co 81657 DepE,: PIIB WORK Division: ilob Address: Locati.on. . . :Parcel No..: ProJecE No.: 1106 HORNSILVER ].106 HORNSIIJVER ?LOL-092-03 -008 PRir99 - 0 032 CR CR APPLICAffT HEID CONSTRUCTION 2111 NORITT FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE I.,, VAIL.CONTR,A TOR IIEID CONSTRUETION 2111- NORTII FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE L, VAII,OWNER KINNEY JOHNSON Descrlption: PARTIAII DEMO FOR NEW ADDITION 500 *Of Oas Applianca.: Add sq FE,: Dept : BUfLDING Division:APPR i'RM - Dept: PLANNING Division:OK PER AI,I-,ISONDept: FIRE Divi-sion: *Of 6ra Loge:*of Wood/P.ll.t I t!.ttttra?*irr*rr*.rr*rrr*.rt*i FBE St Ml,tARy ,.,rtt+ti.rrtBuildlnE-----> 2o.oo RcBcuaran! plan Rcvi€s-_> .oo Total caLculitcd pc66___> 55.ooPlan Ch6ck---> 13.00 DRB Fc.-_-----_rnw"tsl'grtron> .oo R.Creatr.on F6e----------> .00 rotal per-"ic Fc€--------> 56.00n11). CaIl---^> 3.oO clean-up D€poEit---__-_-> .oo paynent6-____--- 56.00rorAl FEES_____ s6.oo BArnNcE DUE-_-- .oottt**t*tt**t*'t***rtt+a*****rlt *a*r*****ri*r*** * r r * * * r t + . * r * * r r * a ., * r * iE?y, i Al_bg I oRIl' "o' \38 i3*l*ffi . 6ETY|rii'-t9loHft *'"""38i3fi H$; "E7\i ASgg ."f;il* o'nlEIYSls' ;;;; gg /23 /Lge-g -.rR!,r - -- -AEEib;l"Ei;Fn 'gE7Y i A3-8-9 :"[ilY ""*EHB*' ;;;;9F / 23 / 19e_g -.rRr.t-- ---iGETSiii appn 6E7ti A11gloflll""'. "R5ff;;, ;;;;Iqe.qr! . 05? 00 EI{VIRoNMENTAT-HEAr_,TrifEem: 05706/23/L99It.em:' 059rtsem:'05900 Li05/23/L999 irRM 6 B ? E o'ff " r Ro^MefrFif "'i'tfl Ffi l??EotYooo* Action: AFF* Action: APPR N/A ACIiON: APPR N/A N/A N/A DepE: HEAL'TH Dept.: CLERK Division: Division: +ta.ttrtta.'rrir*rr+tltirrrrat*rllirrrrarra*titr*aitra.*t*i**i* *+.trra**irrrtirt**r.ra*rrttttttritrlrrrr.*irrrti!rttttr see Page 2 of this Document, for any conditions that, may apply to this permit. DECI,,]\R]\TIONS r h'r'by rcknotlcdgc ihrc r havc rsad chi6 applicacion, fillcd oqe in full Ehc infomatlon lequirad, compr€Erd an aceurag. protsplan, and ttagc that tLl thc lnfon tlon provlded ae tequired i6 colrcct, r agrcc tg cootrly rith ch6 lnionEtslon and p1ot, p1an,co corlrly rirh all Totn ordr'n.nc.. |nd 6t4te lar'6, and to build bhis .tructure accordlng co the Torn,r zonlng and 6ubdivr,!1oncod'6' dctign rcvier rpprovad, ttniforu Bull,cllng cod6 and other ordinanc€g of thc Toxn applicable theraco. RBQUESTS FOR IIff'PECTIONS sHAt,IJ B8 T'ADA T!{ENTY. FOUR HOI,RS ]N ADVANCE BY TEI.EPHoNB AT 479.213s oR Ar oUR oFFIcE FRou SIoo AJ.I SIoo PM s6nd Cl...n-qp D.po.it To! HIID C.oNA? !t***************************t'*************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: D99-0026 as of 06/23/99 Status: ISSIIEDtl***************!t********!t**************************:l*:l*********************,1*** eeryi!.Type: DEMo. oF PART/ALL BrrDG.applicanE : HEID CONSTRUCTION 970_475_4343 Applied: 06/23/L999Isgued: 06/23/L999To E>cpire: L2/2O/L999 ilob Address:tocation: 1106 HoRNSILVER CRParcel No: 2101-o92_03_008 Deecription: PARTIAI., DEMO FOR NEW ADDITION Conditions:1' TIIrs PERMTT rs cooD FoR AsBEsros ABATEMEI,TT oNr-.y. At{ASBESTOS ABATEMENT CERTIFICATE SIIOWING THE AREA FREE FROMASBESTOS TS REQUTRED PRTOR TO ANY FT'RTITER WORK OCCI'RING ONTHIS SITE. IF FIJRTHER QUESTIONS ARISE, CONTACT TIIE VAILFIRE DEPARTI,IENI AT 4.Tg-2250.2. FIRE DEPARTI,IETU APPRoVAL Is REQuIF$D BEFoRE ANY woRK eAN BESTARTED. 3 ' FrELD rNsPEcrroNs ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMpr.rAl\rcE. to ****************************:t*********************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StatsemrE**************************************************************** st,at,emnt. Number: REc-0533 Amount:Palment Method: CK, Notat,ion: 3452 s6.00 06/23/99 13:54lnit: JRM Permits No: D99-0025 Tylge: A-DEMO DEMO. OF PART/AIIIT BUParcel No: 2101_-092-03-009 SiEe Address: 1106 HORNSITVER CR LOCAt,iON: 1106 HORNSILVER CR Tota]- Fees:56.00 ToEal ALrL PmEs: Balance: This Payment, **************************************************************** Account Code DescripEion BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEESPF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL EALL INSPEqTION FEE 56.00 56.00 .00 Amount 20.00 20.00 13 .00 3 .00 TOWN OF VA|ONSTRUCTON pERMrr AilTCATTON FORM INI'ORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Eaole Countv Assessors Office at 970-32&8640 for Parcel # parcet H )l6i 0?2o360g f LI ot ' oolv oate: Llltlll rcaxu ", Kihnev lllonna ilclidcuc JobAddress: Building ( ) Legal Description: Owners Name: Plumbing( )Electrical ( Lot_J nm* ,/ ritng Address: Permit # ) f, Mechanical ( ) Other ( ) Subdivision Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: $-J?D PLIJMBING $ Architect: Descripdon of Job: Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dryelling Unis: General Contractor Town of Vail Registration No. Elcctrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Els,Diltgcontractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Mechanical Contractor: Town of Vail Resisration No. Alteration ( )Additionat ( ) VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Repair( ) Otler( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood,/Pellet OTFIER: $ TOTAL $ Address: t{$l - B Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: 'a K/eucfto nl Address: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: SIGNATURE: DEPARTIIENT OF COMMI]NTTY NOTE:TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .'OBSITE AT ALL TIMBS ELECTRICAI PERMIT Permit 899-013 0 o DEVETOPMENT Job Address: Locatsion. . . : Parcel No..: Project, No.: ABBEY'S FIRST CT,ASS P.O. BOX 13, EAGLE, ABBEY'S FIRST CI^ASS P.O. BOX ].3, EAGLE, KINNEY .JOHNSON 11OO HORNSITVER CR. DescripEion: ELECTRICAI FOR REMODEL FEE SWMARY ttrttrii*rrtrtt Item: 06000 ELECTRICAI-, DEPART!4EI{I Dept: BUITDING Division: O7/27/L999 .'RM AcLion: APPR APPROVED .]RM-irbmi'.05660- riRE DEpARTI{E}II -__ 07/27/1999 iiRM Actsion: APPR N,/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE FGQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI,IAT..ICE. DECI,ARATIONS I h6r€by acloxowlEdg6 LhaC I have read this appl,ication, fitLed out in full Ehe inforftation required, coEPlebed an accuratse Plot plan, and ELaEe tha! atl tshe informaEion prowided a6 required iB correcE. I agree to conply with cha inforEation and plot Plan' to compl-y lrith all Tol{n ordinanceg and stsatse la!,s, and to build Chis slructule accordi,ng to t.he Town's zoning and subdiwiBj.on codeE, degigTl reviow approvcd, Uniform Building code and oEhcr ordinanceB of tshe To!,n applicable thcreto. REQUBSTS 3OR TNSPECTTONS SHAr,r, BE UADE TWEIIIY-FOIJR HOT R.S rN ADVANCS BY TET,EPHONE AT 479-2139 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM A:0O A!| 5:00 PU Phonez 970-376-376L Phone:. 97O-376-376L Valuation:2, 500 . 00 ToEaI calcuLatcd F.eB---> 57.00 Additiohal Fecs- --------> .0o Tolal Pemit F€6--------> 5?.0O Paym€ntg _ _ - _ _ - _ _ BAI,ANCE DUE..-- .OO TSSUED 07 /27 /L999 07 /27 /L999 0]-/23/2000 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 970-479-2L38 1106 IIORNSILVER 1]-06 HORNSILVER zLOa-092- 03 -008 PRJ99 - 00 32 ETECTRIC co 81631 ELECTRIC co 8163L vArL, co SEatus.. applied. Issued. . Ex;lires. CR CR APPLTEANT CONTRAETOR OWNER Elcct.rical--- > DRE Fqc Inv6 sc igra t i olr > t{i11 call----> TOTIJI FEES"'> .o0 3 .00 57.00 Sollt OF VAIL, COt OR.IIX, gt reErc rtrr rarr rt art.rt.r r rr rtta tt t rrrtrJ * t i*rr *r.r rtt*t tri * t glrBerrt trlubcr: nlc-Osat imune r 57.OO O7l21ltg L1..21 P.yo.ni tr Elrod 3 Cl( [oE cion! 1593/laEryS EGEC Inie: .rn -----.---------- ?.mig !to! E9r-013O Tir!,! 3 B-ELEC EITECItICA'J 9ERllIT Prrcll gor 2!,01-092-03- 0o8 sii,. lddr!.r: 1106 H(nngILVER CR Loc.cl,on: 1106 HORlfSMn. CR , lotrl, !aaa! . 57-oo IhiB P.l|tlang 57.oo 4oaa1 eI,L PliB r 57.00 5. Erlanca ! .00 lccouDc Coda DaacripeLon Asount EP O0100003111t00 ElaclRlcttr.| PERItrt FtEg 54.00 rfc oo10ooo3i12goo rrrJr ct!! n|sPEerr@ !!E 3.oo I TowN oF vArlNsrRuciloN pERMtT AplcAiloN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE Rf,JECTEI) Contact the Eagle County Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for Parcel# Parcet# 2lOl-O E Z-O ?dO8: "^", 7/z/ /?? naNane: KiryNe/l Joh.ilsa*t ' IobAddress:// ogt I4ortsailucr -U Elecnicd |d Mechanical ( ) Architect: Building ( ) lrgal Description: Owners Name: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Permit # Filine Subdivision Address: Oher( ) Phone# Remdr,llDescription of Job: Work Class: New ()llirterllrronfl Addirional S Repair( )Other ( ) Numberof Dwelling Units: /Number of Ac commodation Units: Number and Type ofFireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS BUILDING: $ELECTRICAL: $OTFIER: $ TOTAL $PLI.JMBING $MECHAMCAL$ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor, He ;d Address: gttt Porll- Froul^i- r?6 Va.'"/ Town of Vail Registration No Phone #?76-qE/3 EfectricalContractor ft.*l .lr.< el.dAddress: Town of Vail Registration No./07-E Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Regislration No. @: Town of Vail Registration FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ' 47a-37b-32e( No. CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: TOI{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 APPI-,ICANT COIiITRAETOR O!{NER Job Address: 1105 HORNSIIJVERtocation. .. : 1105 HoRNSIL\IBR Parcel No.. : 2L0L-092-O3-008Project No- : PItiIg9-0032 BJAGTE RIVBR PTIJIIBING & HEATING PO BOX 498L, VArL, CO 81658 EAGLE RIVER PIJT'MBING & HEATING PO BOX 498L, VArt, CO 81658 KINNEY iIOIINSON 1100 IIORNSILVER CR, VAIL,CO SEAEUS...: TSSITED Appl-ied. . : 08/L2/L999 Isgued. . . : Expires. . : Phone: 97O-390-t897 Phone: 970-390-L897 DEPARIIIENT OF COIO{T'NITY DEVELOPMEITT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BB POSTBD ON JOBSTTE AT ALt TIMES PLT]MBING PERMIT Perm:it, #: P99-0086 CR CR Description: PIiIMBING FOR RSMODEIJ t*tttt.rti***rr*tti*r*r*'lrrr**tt***.lr*rri***ttttttrtrtrrrrrJ FEE Valuation:4,500 . 00 guuHtNly *r. r.. rr * * * *t.t1t t * * t * r i Pluoblag---- -> Plrn Ctr.ck---> t nv.. t i g.ts:L on > wtll crl1----> RartuaruL Plan Raviar- -> rorat FEEg-- -- - rolr1 c.lculrt.d P..r---> Addlcionrl P.G!---------> Totsrl Pcrults Pe6- --- -- - -> 75.00 13.75 .00 96.75 96 .75 .00 96.75 Pa)m.ntr-------- 9€.75 BAIINCE DUE---- .O0 t 'r i t t tart * tt * * a t t tttt i a t a r ra a r * ttt rl a t rl t t r*ir t i t t J ara *.r Irrraara f J a, J i raarrrt t f |l at,rrt*atrar t. rltattt+ t ', attr a t at J * t9a t., ta a il9* taat* ar r Ileqti .951q0 BurLDrNc DEPARTMEI{T DepE: BUTLDTNG Divigion:O8/L2/L999 iIRM Action: APPR APPROVEDI!qmi'.05580 ItrRE DEPARll,tENi Dept: FrRE Division:O8/L2/L999 {IRM Act,ion: AppR N/A r*rJ*ft*t*rirr*arr*raarttatrtt,rrritttr,r*trr*rrrJ*rtrraa!}rt rraa*ttt*frt*tr*i*rl't**t**tttttt tttttrtt'r t 'r'r* COIIDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CITECK FOR CODE COMPrJrArilCE. r t ri **a + rt i * a * * * l} *,r a t t * rti * *r* r ** * *r * t rl, tt !r * +r DECLAR.ATIONS I h.r.by ackno[l.dg. th.g.I havc r.rd Ehl' rpplicatslon, flll.d outs in full fh. infonut.Lon loqulrad, coEtrtl.l.d.n phn, rnd r!rt. that r11 tsh. infomrtsion provldcd rr rcqu!,rod, l. colrect. I rgro. tso cooply ribh thc ltforu.tion fo c.'nply wlth rll Totn ordin.ncaa.nd strE. lrra, .nd Eo build !h1,. .trucCur. rceord:lng io th. Toxnr E zonlng rnd ccd.., do.ign lerri.v rplrrov.d, Irniforu autldlnE cod. rnd olhar ordlnrDc€. of !h6 Tova epplicablc Lhlrcco. acculatsa pl,ot rnd plot plm, .ubdlvlrlon RSQI'86T6 FOR INSDB TIONI' 6HA'JL BB MADE 1!{EITTT'FOUR HOI'RS IN ADI/ANCE BY AELEPHOIIE AT 479'2T39 OR AT OT'R O?FICE FNOU | .r - , \ g:00 Af,f 5!00 PU/1* )cr sEL! AND Om85, ,{^x') O! OWNBR OR * * * * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * !t * * * * * * * * rl * !t * !t * * t * * * * !t * * * * * * * * * * TOtf![ oF va,IL, COIJORADO *************************!t*********************.t!r**************rt I ************ sEatennt 96.7s 08/L2/99 L0:20 Init: ilRli! Stat.emxe linrmber: REC-0549 Amount, :Pa]ment, MeEhod: CK Notatlon: 3610 PermiE No: P99-0086 T14per B-PLMBParcet No: 2to1-092-03-bbgsite AddreEE: 1106 HORI{SILI/ER CRIrocation: 1106 IIoRNSIIj/BR CT, PLI,MBING PERII{IT Thie Payment **********!t**********************rr***************************** Amounts 75 .00 L8.75 3.00 Tocal FeeE:96.75 ToEaI AL,t PmtE: Balance: 96.75 96.75 .00 Account Code DescrlpElonPP OO1OOOO31112OO PLU,IBING PERMIT FEESFF OO1OOOO31123OO PIJAN CITECK FBESwc 00100003112800 !{ILL, CAIJIJ TNSPBCITON FEB Parcel # Date: TOWN OF VAil-DNSTRUCT|ON pERMtr ApfCAilON FORM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTED Contad the Eagle County Assesso/s Ofli'ce at 970-32&8UO for Parcel # , ttdI d lo/ rr Permit #. 0/c3 JobName: fr*Ufo^t JobAddress: ///) o ftnal" /s<4 C-t'(t Plumbing (>(Electrical (Mechanical ( )Other ( ) tu*"rron Utj < L/, ll< u Building ( ) Legal Description:Lot "7 Block I ) g () Town of Vail Registration No. Number of Accommodation Units: Gas Logs Wood/Pellet VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ MECHANICAL $TOTAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Address: Phone # Address: Phone # Address:f,l. 4dx Yret /ai t <4 .frcfd rownorvair ^"rr*no *(. "tltj6"/ / pnon"+ f4f- ftL/ /,?zo'}r4 Jr I4ec@!cal-gal!@r: Town of Vail Reeistratron No. Address: Phone # FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: o*n"ov*rc )/' n r,n lulrt tart l(rtess: I t D0 /lani / //tz (in zfu pnone* Architect:Phone# Description of Job: Work Class: New ( )Additional ( )Repair ( )Other ( Number of Dwelling Units: / Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances BTJILDING: $ PLUMBING $ General Contrector: v+t-8 Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Registration No. Plumbins Contractor: 6hJ/rzn.f)d-.2ttt ru./tu-/<t2 E"/. t/a,^ ,la, fzt - /3 rJ tzi-z17 d^ ?r/t r't, /n-xt<;* At. Juiv&L Vrf). <-a Clt(c{7 iuN-21-1999 iloN 02r09 PI{ HORTER AGR ARCHITECTS FM N0, 9704760710 P, 01 Design Review Action tr'orm TOWN OF VAIL huject Namc Johmon Rcrldenco hojcct Dcscription: 250 Addition (office erd bey window sddition) Owner, Addrcss, and Phone: Klnnoy Johnron lllXl Horncilver Cr, Vatl, CO E1558 ArchilecUContact, Addrrss, and Fhone: MortcrAker ^Archltects (KIrt Akcr) 1{1& MeedowDr. Yel! CO 81657 (970) 4765105 Frojcct SrcctAddrcus: lllXlHorndlver Logal Description: Lot 7, Elock I, Vril Villege Filing t Parccl Numbcr: 2101{1920301ts Building Namc: Comrnents; 136.7 sq. ft. of *25(P rernrinlng Motion by: Scconded by: Vote: Na Conditious: BorrdlStaff rlcflon Action: Town Planncr: Allleon Ochr Ducr tl22l99 DRB Fcc Paidr S50.00 Pmjcct Naru: Johnson Recidence (brmer[y Tropc House) VNLDATA\EVERYONEU Ra'\AIPROVALS\I D RSAPPR Nr StrfiAppruved CONSTRUCTIO Date Receivec JUN 2 r 099 Tuesday, June 22, 1999 Mr. JR Mondragon Town of Vail Building Dept. 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 RE: 1 100 Hornsilver Circle. Dear JR: (Wd\"1 U$, Fot ttailing: NBox3419 Yait,0081ffi Forlwivery &ShiWiW: 4tw)Hwv6&24 Sulb 0 Eaile-lail, C0 0|.ffi c70445-tNl FAX:C70-U54n Nedbo Construction, Inc. completed the construction of the Trope Residence at 1 100 Hornsilver Circle, Vail, CO 81657 in 1991 . To the best of my knowledge, no asbestos or asbestos products were used in the construction. I believe the house has since been sold and the new owners would like to proceed with renovations through Hyde Construction. Please call me or my office with any questions at (970) 845-1001. Sincerely, /JJ/, Roland J. Kj#bo President cc. Y. Olson, Hyde Construction REPTI3I TOHI| OF YArL, COLORADO PAGE 5 AREA: JRllO|/O1/2OW O7:55 REOUESTS - IHSPECTN rOR|( SHEETS FORI Ll 5f2O Actl.vlttr: 899-0153 ll 5/2O Type: A-BUILD Statue: ISSUED Conetr: ASFR Addreeg: llOO HORIISiILYER CR Locetionz LL9,O HORTISILVER CR Percel: 2IOI-O92-O3-OOA Descrl'ptLon: OFFICE AllD BAY UILDOU ADDITOTI Applicant: HEID COIISTRUCTfOil Orner: KIIIHEY JOHIISOil Contractor: HEID COIISTRUCTIOII Occ:Use: Y ll Phone: 970-476-4343 Phone: Phone: 97f0-476-4343 fnepectlon Request Requeetor: YYETTE Req Tlne: OBzIDOItene requeeted to AAQ9O BLDG-Final Infornation.. ... 390-2674 Phone: 476-4343 Conrents: t|fLL CALL be Inepected... Actlon Gonnentg Ti.ne Exp fnepectJ.on f,n A+P gyle-0 l'5't9o Iten:ften: Iten:ften: Iten: Itern: Iten: t lten: ften: HJ'etory..... OO51O drivevay grade fina.l OOOLO BLDG-Footinge/SteeL OOO2O BlDG-Foundation/Steel o,o,o36 BLDG-Franing 6A/L3/99 Inapector: JRll O6OSO BLDG-InsuIatl-on o'8/23/99 Inspector: JRll WO6O Bl-Dti*Sheetrock llaiJ. OA/3O/99 fnspector: JRl| OO6TO BLDG-llLec. OtB/ 19/99 Inepector: GBG OAl19/99 Inspector: GIRG OSg9g BLDG-Final 12/23/99 fnapector: JRll llotes: SHOH 0,OE3O BLDG-Terp. ClO Action: APPR Actlon: APPR Action: APPR Actlon: llRAction: APPR Action: Dll APPROVED APPROVED APPRCIYED IIOT READY RETURNED C no AccEss G 3:OO 423O, OK COIITRACTOR l{(1 Qucstions? Q ,n. I'i;.r.r:ing StaiT at 4 ,'v-- 128 APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION NPT 11 - oo 3L This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any project rcquiring dcsigt review must rcccive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see thc subrnittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all thc requircd inlbrnration is submiffcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Planning and Envirounrental Commission. Design Rcview Board approval cxpircs one ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is startcd. DESCRIPTION OF THE 2€o s c'JJ l'6 eA Irr LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: -7 BLOCK: 4 FILING: & PHYSICAL ADDRESS:ltoL *on-,.t { twy Y7g- c/L PARCEL #: 2l o l oqzo3oob (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Officc at 970-328-8640 forparcel #) ZONING: NAMEOF OWNERTS): MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: owNER(S) STGNATURE(S):C NAME OF APPLICANT: ING ADDRESS: PHONE:Slo H.ryPE OF AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. X aaaition -$50 Includes any addition whcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or conuncrcial building. $20 lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvements. such as, I reroofing. painting. window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining I walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. please identiff thc accuratc valuation ofthc project. ThcTown ofVailwill adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTA-L REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. B, C. D. E. F. G. E Minor Altcration - IvwNqFvut o BUILDING MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:! Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trinr Doors Door Trinr l{and or Dcck Rails Flucs Flaslrings Chirnncys Trash Encldsurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other nJ-J r-r^4t!- alc,J r[ r I rtrb"J J" t*fthL *"I. h Nf\ NE IUA t" nnr*"hJ" r^"lJ + Please specify the nranufacturer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip *+ All cxtcrior lighting nrust nreet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, plcase indicate thc nunrbcr offixtrucs and locations on a scparatc lighting plan. Identifi cach fixture type and providc the height above grade, lumens output, luminous arca. and attach a cut shect ofthe lighting fixtures. .| to\\ sa"ar-s Updatcd 6/97 I Botanical Nanrc Conunon Namc Ouantity SiZd' PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Mininturn rcquircmcnts for landrcaping: dcciduouti trccs - 2 inch calipcr conifc,rous hcc' .- 1 H;:ll"rn' T],pc Squarc Footagc CROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retainingwatls,'fen1es,-swimming pools,'erc.) please specifi. Indicatetop andbottom clevations of retaining walls'_Maximum hcight of watls within thc front setback is 3 tie. i,taxi,num hjght ofwalls elscwherc on the propergr is 6 fect. Updatcd 6197 ,P BilAFT DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entersd into this - day of ----, 19-, by and among Sorrell and Linda Trope (hereinafter called the 'Developer"), and the TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO (hereinafter called the Town'). WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of the issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy for Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Village Sttt Filing, wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provlde security or collateral suflicient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to establish a inevocable letter of credit in a dollar amount as set lorth below, such inevocable letter of credit shall provkJe security for the following: IMPROVEMENT Paving and/or Landscaping as he case may be in accordance with the landscaping plan approved by the Design Review Board for Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Village 8h Filing NOW, THEREFOHE, in consideration of the lollowing mutual covenants and agreemenb, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment aw*@dal necessary to perlorm and complete said improvement, on or belore June 23, 1Q92. lne Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as lisWabove, in accordance wih all plans and specifications filed in the office of the Community Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do allwork incidentalthereto according to and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmential entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to he satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other official lrom the Town of Vail, as affected by special districS or service districB, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. The total estimated cost of said work and improvements is the sum of2. $ O O /t)ouWrn o To secure and guarantee performance of its ouigations as set forth herein, the " q/ /f n Developer agress to provide security and collateral as follows: q lnevocable letter of credit in the amount of $as he security for the improvements set forth above if there is a default under the Agreement by Developer. 3. The Developer may at any time suhstitute th€ collateral originally set forth above for another form of collateral acceptable to he Town to guarantee the faithful completion of those improvements relened to herein and the performance of the terms of his Agreement. Such acceptance by he Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any officer or employee thereof, be liable or responsible for any accident, loss or damage happening or occuning to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any officer or employee thereof, be liable for any persons or propefi injured by reason ol the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and any of its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any of its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insofar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilites (or actions in respect thereof) that arise out of or are based upon any perlormance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse the Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or defending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indemnity provision shall be in addition to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed that the Developer may apply to the Town and the Town shall authorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Bank for each category of improvement at such time as such improvements are constucted in compliance with all plans and specifications as referenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. 6. The Developer shall pave the area indicated on Exhibit A in accordance with a landscaping plan approved by the Design Review Board of the Town no later than. However, should the Developer give evidence to fte Town, acceptable to the Town Attorney, that the area indicated on Exhibit A will no longer be used for parking, then the Developer shall landscape the area indicated on Exhibit A in accordance with a landscaping plan approved by the Design Review Board of the Town. lf the Town determines, at it's sole discretion, that either he paving or landscaping as the cass may be, are not constructed in compliance with the landscaping plan approved by the Town Design Fleview Board, the Town shall have the right to take what€ver action is necossary to obtain and use the collateral provided by the Developer, in accordancs with this Agresment" to complete the unlinished improvements. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material for a period of one year after acceptanc€ of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail or road r(;ht-oFway. t tt ,/^{v7s?-- 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended t o 4/ 7S time to time, provided that such amsndments be in writing and executed by allparties hereto. ^ a Dated the day and year tirst above writen. DEVELOPER ATTEST: AfiEST: TOWN OF VAIL STATE OF COLORADO ) ) ss. couNTYoF EAGLE ) The foregoing Developer lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of . 19_by Wihess my hand and official seal. My commission expires: / TOWT,I OFVAIL Departnunt of Community D eve lopment 75 South Frontage Road VaiL Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 October 5, 1998 Ms. Debra Whitman Christopher, Denton, Kelton & Kendall Real Estate 288 Bridge Street Vail. CO 81657 Re: L<t 7, Bkrck I, Vail Village 8'h Filittg Dear Debra: Based on mv review ofthe files for the above-referenced lot, it appears the owner is eligible to.eceive (upon Planning & Environmental Commission approval) a one-time grant ofan additional 250 square feet ofgross residential floor area. However, be advised that other zoning requirements (site coverage, for example) could potentially affect future improvements on this lot. If I can betf further assistance in this matter, please contact me at (970) 479'2128. Sincerely, p^4-.r q-'*: Brent Wilson Plannine Liaison Officer 7 {p*onuor * l--'+ 7, frbe6- \ VV S'b EDWARD D. WHITE PEGGY J. ANOERSON CRAIG B. SHAFFER SCOTT J. MIKULECKY LAWRENCE O. STONE TERRY JO EPSTEIN THOMAS E. J. HAZARO THOMAS M. STERN MICHAEL GOOOMAN OOUGLAS A. THOMAS OAVID L. SMITH DUFFORD g BROWN, P.C. ATTORNEYS AT LAW ITOO BROADWAY SUITE ITOO DENVER. COLORAOO 80290-r701 TELEPHONE (3O3) FACSTMTLE (303) 86r-8013 432-34O4 PHILIP G. OUFFORO THOMAS G. BROWN DAVIO W. FURGASON WILLIAM C. ROBB RICHARD L. FANYO PH ILLIP D. BARBER JACK F. ROSS EUGENE F. MEGYESY, JR. RANDALL J. FEUERSTEIN S. KIRK INGEBRETSEN DOUGLAS P' RUEGSEGGER October 2, 1996 JOANNE HERLIHY LISA A. LEE LISA A. VARRIALE OF CouNsEL CLAUDE M. MAER, JR. MORRTS B, HECO)q JR. JAMES E. CARPENTER DALE TOOLEY (r933-r985) Ms. Lauren Waterton Town of Vail Community Development Department 75 SouthFrontageRoad Vail. Colorado 81657 Re: Certificate of Occupanc! on I100 Hornsilver Circle. Vail. Colorado Dear Ms. Waterton: Our firm represents Sorrell and Linda Trope. It is my understanding that you advised Lynn Fritzlen that you would issue the Certificate of Occupancy on I 100 Homsilver Circle, Vail, Colorado upon your receipt in writing confirming that the Tropes' neighbors are in agreement with the curent configuration of the driveway atthat property. Enclosed is a letter from David L. Wood, the attorney for those neighbors, Homsilver Circle, Ltd. and Sherry B. Johnson, confirming that they are in agreement with the current configuration of the driveway and representing that a Certificate of Occupancy should be issued. If you need additional information on this matter in order to issue a Certificate of Occupancy, please contact me as soon as possible. Sincerely, DIJFFORD & BROWN, P.C. J !tA-'- PJA/vs Enclosure cc: Sorrell and Linda Trope (denc.) David L. Wood, Esq. (w/o enc.) 56261-1.14v96 DAVID L. WOOD ATTORNEYATLAW Carole C. Schriefer Associate 303 West Prospect Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 October l,1996 Town of Vail Planning and Building Inspection Department Vail. Colorado To'lvhom it may concern: Homsilver Cirde Ltd., a partnership, and Sherry B. |ohnson are the owners of the residential property located at I106 Homsilver Circle in Vail, Colorado. This property is benefited by a parking easement on adjacent property at ll00 Hornsilver Circle belonging to Sorrell and Linda Trope. Recently" Mr. and Mrs. Trope have undertaken the construction and installation of a heated and paved parking area upon the easement. I am the attorney for Hornsilver Circle Ltd., and Sherry B. fohnson. On September 30,1996,I inspected the improvements project on the parking easement and found the dimensions of the improved easement and the nature of the improvements constructed or installed to be consistent with the agreements made between my dients and Mr. and Mrs. Trope. On the date of my inspection the hydronic heating system was not completely installed and was therefore not operational. Otherwise, on behalf of my clients, I represent that the improvements are satisfactory and that a certificate of completion or certificate of occupancy, as appropriate, should be issued. GI - sn$ David L. Wood DLW:bdj Phonc: (970) 482-2727 . Facsimile: (970)484-6648 "1 Fl olign Revlew Actlon Ftt TOWN OF VAIL Calegory Number-o*" J.wrol1,1b Project Name: Bulldjng Namer PO€ct D$crlptlonr Orner, Address and Phone: ArdliQSU$ntac't, Addrees .VPhone: t€gdD€qarlptlonttuy. 1 Bbck I subdivlEion Prciect Sbest Address: Zone Dsfflct Commenb: Seconded by: \*o,*a(6t.,an Disapprch/al ! $aff Apprwal Condilions: Tovm Planner DRB Fee Pre'pald DESIGN REVIEW DESCRIPT]ON: ARD APPLTCAUON . TOWN DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ****l|l!t*** Elr\o APPLICATI MAY BE ii| a.r t.t ,t=l r;" I B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConsLructi.on ($200.00) AddiEion ($50.00) AnnpE qc ' A Minor Al LeraLion ( g20 . 00 )_Conceptual Review ($0) c. D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Subdivi s.ion If properLy is described by.g rneets and bounds J_egaldocnri nl- i an hl;-\.^cD\-! ryLr(Jrr, preaSe prOvi.de;bn a SepafaLe Sheet and aLt.aChLo this application. , ^'/zoNINc: 7/S ':;r, F NAME OF APPLICANT:.., 1 popd MArlrnq Address: Phone NAME OF APPLICANT'S- R€PRESENTA}IVE: Ma r 1ri ng Addres s : Phone M,ai|ins nddresst 6448 46 A€pJ-/rqy')T _ J. AYPIJICAI'IONS WTLL NOT BE PROCESSED WITHOT]T OhIVER'S STGNATUfiE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown,above,\ are to be paid at_ t.heLirne of submiLLal of Lhe DRB applibatron. tater, whenappJ-ying for a buirdinq permiL,- prease icientify ehe accuraLevaluarion of Lhe proposal. The iown of Vail witf aAiust. thefee according to Lhe t.abre belorv, Lo ensure Lhe correct feers pard. '4/. trF'tr q.]JtrT'\I IT E. VALUATTO\] ,if, q, v I rvrUUL,$ 10.001 $ 50,,p00$ s0,001 $ 1s0;Q00 $150, 001 $ 500flO00 $s00, 001 $1,000;:p00$ over $1,000)t00 ,f$li DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAiII;'EXPTRES APPROVAL UNLESS A BUII,DING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. .IJ' il i''i ,i, n'1I l.i FEE I ZU. UU $ 50.00 $l-00.00 $200,00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTER FINAL ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTION |wfrrr..::t:4: "" ' '" - :--. D_1 ^^l- NAME,OF' OWNER(S): APPLICATIONS WTLL FEE PAID:DATE: PLANT MATERIALS: PRoPOSED t*U AND' SHRU'BS *rndicate caliper for deciduous Lrees. MinimuT calipFE for rlar.i rlrrnrrs tiees is 2 inches. IndicaLe height f or conif erousdeciclgous trees is-?-----,ing@ IndicaLe Bo Lanr.cal. Name LOllullOIl rtdiltc v VLlcrrrL-! L / 9l=t- * * Indica te c. a;r 'l I nn GROUND, COVERS conr rees is 6 fee Square Footaqe Reril/*tl DP]/4 tu#iftt,4 SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exgerior ]ighcing is show the number of fixcurgs and locaLi-ons on ,t:i rl! light.inq plan. Idcntj.fy {[cn fixLure from the lighting plan in Lhe ipace below ana pr{}iae Lhe heighr above grade, type of liqht proposed, lumen ouL the Iiqht fixture. (Secci proposed, PIeqsea separa te t, Iuminous area and a cuL sheeL of 18,54.0s0 J) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES'(retaining wal-ls, fences, swimmLng pooIs, etc. ) Please speci.fy. Indicat.e heighes of retaining watls. Maximum heighc of walls wichin Lhe front seLback is 3'. Maximum heiqht of walls elsewhere on Lhe properLy i's 6" :', 3Za\tL <A P F.+26 SUef ic6 bJ PLL 3 /.to <cftca { *V' ou u il 0I |- lrc n u.i \lJ $$$..Qt:$ t \ur, I\J ),1ij ";'ri: !r.] tu IIa ltl (r) oIaq 0_ J- $-'-)if\\: qi Cr lr atF t'l) T'.. - I 3 Nd {s r q o? t:L)\V lu :da : 'n b ; t.. J 1 !i ci atl.{ a a q.I. (t) o ='d: --J 0_ lll F- u) uta{tt\l -t - 0- U) TL utF (r) --t.J -z{F ua 'a ,bt $d .: r*iT dFi ut 0_ 0 u)az ifr t- 0-p9 l{ iq O) t-o -J : \t 6: \ ,[ t-$s Yh N$ s$ {NN{ ,.,) U \ UJ a \nn$r{ $\ \t LO +-rr..+ t { 0 k F- tll \o (r) ,iq -t--r0 rt J Iit ,do f \v f ,i" .r" i ,t'r{dl/ '' ''l-"-$: '* o*t* .i1if,' il ,i' ,ftt I dr W::' lx <ul:qu()az uI ul 6< tt)q-l rrS k\]JZU ..,rj i.rkr- - {tll:()q Iz \J 0r u) T F o -,0 rf) -l =t{ \)z { F. l{q tLn |.--.|- \ <r0{\ ft\b s' ,(ri ,o/ rrr a1/ It d/.i i :,I:J rll F..- U U] a.- tr) ulll 0_ oo \=.-___--- / l- "' " r j \\ q', rl ^4)' I I It fl\. I I 3 I I I I I I I --r Ill l, at H -....", \ Etln\-/ \ t---1$l : $\a ,.U F$ !$ $$ 9.It l I l; I $ I rF I i f A I t.--T ( -lo'ae I ,-"""1 \(\ \ \J { tI io *R Fl?e fi,F,- \|\ r\ I.i 1., I h- !l II /1/.rlir 1i /l I c) I! ?- aa [UJ a CN sc ss tI *s){$il $ri F st.t d b I 6 I \.\\) s t \ t^.fisat ll.b\*$-(o JL' E.J r.r IgJl ?N a $ sBRx Itit *-: sl HESR I .*trEf :tsE PS*'...l01 d.S f; \l sl R\ IE t,z e l :E rtE. \Btt H TEE E l$:\ $E $t ITE E irii Fi: Ee tEl:t::sti i sEi Rlo R ei{ 1o-li Ir IF ls IB td ,a s sS'^l C\r;) aj tt ll *s) }iHil tc: SN 3; RS +- t" -4€zeI,. ilI 6 Dffird &-Browfr, P.C, 17O0 EruadNq, Suitc 1700 Dawan CO 8O29A 86t_8013 Fu (3O3) 632-sEU FA)( TM}.TSMISSION CO1rBR SHEBT Datct To: Rcl Juru 6, 1996 Lauren Wauran I 7 0 4 7 9 -24 5 2 Tlope Scnitcr: I(4tc A. Idtuni YOU SHOULD RECETI4 7 pAcE(SI rF rcu I.IAI4E Qr/F_Sr,IOJ\rs, pLEAsE e!4II IIARCIA vAl{]vdcrro oR cRArc soRENsENreT (3og) iol-gots. MESSAGE: I uttlhz,oitN Tln itfimaaon in thte tar:'tnih b colvFIDxIm,{L AI,ID t.EGAIry PRIil ITEGED, and b tnuW otfufortt *e of dtt tsclvldtll or _mdgt land alow. Ifun an nat *t tntmfuil ndpimc, or en nqbyat o, q.rrt - ' raporclbhfor fuhwy b dntrdptartry archmiby nodfiad *atlwhan iutwA dtu Fwamkttor tn snw eilthlt u7 illtdollrn,-a1Wilr*, ilbailrl,dtll., ot er(lan arrtor ti r*naior dE @nalflE { ilk E*uniutm E proldhtfrd, ffxnuhlmnet'tddth uarc,mhilottn nw,ph'{,crmncdlafuwdftasby ubptina,anilntunt*e eriput nxwga to w at lht dtrow l, /t #1430-N0C ''IIVA J0 Nt101r8980?88e0t I 11d99:Z I g8-S -S I l.l|l10u8 f 0u0lln0:Ag lNlS , riil"ilill li"ili olliii r g oi ll- r lil',' o! i llt'' I un',rElll'*i$tfi ti|. DttGtIC[ coult, cr!. No. tr cu eauNEy .05 1[N'lHNiEJl'r' . o8 ltoE.|f lgtEt et 6oE0nAD0 taoa,rrf ocr ' pd tfl..-.,,r...J oR0lt rtetl{tllvnn ctn0DE,EHllIy !, JoHNtotr, DIrlnElflr, Vr LINDJT TAOEE rNd IOTREIIT IROIII Dlt.nCcntr &'llD,, I ColCn.lo 6tntftl .!!trLr nrtffl or4 brcotr $rr courr tcr trl.rl bm llin3ll : q:liool,:.$li:..lllli*r.il B:i*ils :i,?!!!9n-f15-ly th.lr eour.trl,.lchn '*, Dururr lrqr I[ltt.-rrl tlrr tuslrcny'ot thr rtEn.lrrl, rrcitvrii !ha--;nr.r-rF.TJrt E.rE$cnI'ol thf rfl-rtrllrllr rrcrlvrq thrxn:Dlta lno Eoal:{lrai Ehr t!|lrtirntt rt ocu$r.l,:hr lDllch,inl {lnl:ngl, concLullcnr ln6 tuclnmt. $r oPl Hl|Dlror 0t rnrrD lreD t. - lS!.r llrlnttttr, Dnlrarrrcrt ln tlttr r'.urrroorft d cencrrolulf latrirat f n -*ifr-rror-Eiv; rrcrlpt ct ilrur 1.r0, vrtl rrrschili soiiafiti'I tg r_ tL_llt D|rcy by 4crm rl|{ brun{|r ftrrr-trttmErro'mtoD ura t oclgad D.tct tulnEltlr, {.i6. . f. ttrlnllttr rrr thr c,r'nfra ct r lrrldrntlrlvrllr. cororrqcr tocrtrc rt troa-Harnitrvii-dffitr.-vrrrl. EBrorloor iBSlElg.lE Llol HorilllTar e1!0lr.Dltqrcrllolr lB illlr tll.t r6qrr{r.4 thti lroDrtty rccrvrrr:lsr !r0n Vrll !roc$tr-, wllah Crrcrl5rc-fnir.€t tf tlcalr I, vrtl vtthlr,-iivin*r-'rlIH-.--" - l. tlp.|r.Clrgovrly 0E thr lhDurrt bcunauf}, tlDrrl.e.raolt Ifi fflu -uaa vrtl lrlccrrtrt ?or f,lreos rtrir rntt ilr. ?$lr c4gy uhtd hrrl tnrunl thithrt lrvrutt ylr .t!tr.t rl rEorntrnci-try iirtntri-iiDb;holrrorr_ln Et!t. os t-mrrrEtlcn lrif-ififch rqoCtcrn.trtl.r cf lhrtr-jrc;.tryr thr iohir:rsi---;.Ti{[ t /Z #:430-l{0C ''IIVA l0 N|ll0te8060t8ge0e : ildEg:Z I 98-9 -9 i Nliloug f 0U0Jlfl0:,\8 lNlS {. ?lr!ntr!tr' Drrdrcaracrr ln tltt. rlrc rrcrlvad itrrcrrii-iunar tn rictirmnt ct th. nu.'JlE tc.le{lllr| ie ra1 c in rng fhalr_ p-r?t!!ty c! . tltl-n!:!h- itnlrl- r. i!:T-rali'inrni"lF..ii iiJiirry c! thf- norlh ithlrlt rr cmsril'ii'ieli-t, vrtl-vlitrgi, lrgntn lulng. thtr ls,t-r ulrrC Ulth thr lntrnt to ocnprnerur *n Drri, lor tlr B ttoil &ce 9r llooh C? ttY rtrsrFirnct ot'Ellt cosflcr,to-rlilieiii r{rrnir !n mtiirrnrnt o! etrr lrrrul: oce.rm ,ff+tDll;ll3l'rlfl,]lllF r0rJdl'r!;lt,'r?iiffl'd',Nl,Ailflfil,$UF'i0] ,*pr, lfifo I"'l I tarollbrq bv nllrl ln6 loun{r rn6 rhlch ?at qc1r.6 'rl6tc,-ilit-vfihf,r, lrvtnth Fllttq' I trg.t n6. !0 I tlrot uibn-i-pfet oi iurvry arg *hlch mr na9.r rtoordrd' ln !, on !.b!urty 14, lt?-lr ?lrln!u!r' prrdrolrrclron lablurtV 1{r ll?!r lllln?ltll' Frlc 'lct r, rta6k l, tc lflnlrof iEllll|tlLi,t l:!;ffiiiif li'i: *HH"i.iiT:*lii.li";.ff torii[lirli rircicuierr ln tltlr rn crmrn! lcr i-irid:linrllt. o! thr ettn rf ot egcuDrlwr cf I,o! tor thrqhrlR ' lr 0ntc thr , llaclrltrlnrt vrcl|r1g ll ltll CtlC, cF ggcuDrntt ct !o! rryr .mallblhs tat rrtrr by urii. -ttrr cctrcotlcn fff$-flgllllr !*!-'rrrr bY !.ttt rnd *ar nog ltger[m unlir rptltr lt; 197t. YS-r *9' .ttt, r..t |tr"..' '.r -'r ' t E Oitiiatnir. Sllr a.fd $rf l.ooltllal July-tlrfirly lC, ltrc, th. tunr! o! h! ?r-{ooh-l,r 0,tc mrtEllthritlrr lct rrrbtrot te thr rllrnrnB DyEollvlyr Enl rgE tlrDJtss Ee to l{tndror fnd$rtrl[r lhe. 1. Thr nrrlttru rlrsut, or iortlonl !t11!3ot. srlr n lsui- 'iri iy rfrtntttlr,'thr ieeupetrtr of -tlrrlr -grrlnqoui ur- ry rfrtntltlr''-iata.--i nirelcn o! thi rurnrnt vu grrdqd rnisnvrl. rtt 'tly ile!, uhrn !ir-t!l!4r-it!? !lr:.-iliv-ilio' vhrn the Drllndracr llrrtrlirl lrilrnc. of lh. Drdttng iot r ure tha otvlcuari-ti, -*rr Dhyrllri primncr 9! l.].. DlFlltlg -lot-r,rlrlgii?tartrf incrorahilnt on th. loi tLr Ertrf,trnii-d to yrrdtmr. ?t rlt!.: d..d 11 I f . EI| ilt|l|drntr rigr.r{ rn rglrBrllt ts- t.irchrrr 1r Uhlllr nrCr no.tPaalllg lrtrElFgr ta tnr Dflrutlrfri.---frariliir prloi to oicrlng lhr purehrrr ttqrr;il;. ;;iI- rrir-nli-rv-r:r rigiirton.ln tltal! tlttrlllrl j;lt l;!fnil":t :t in'illlliH:l!il"!l'lt ,rfo:ri ii8. ro frrt by .0 tr.t lru tln !qH!l|!-!o;-r;E; 'irriv rrri-rnrl t.hr nlllr o! t[r grrtkl tor irn! wrr rrirwrg urC tSr rlBbtr |l|{f ll.lttrtlahr r! , ctrllrr ittl I I iI I t. ) uallrrll' l, /0 #i430-lt0C ''llVA J0 Nt10]r6960t8800e : tldgg: Z i S6-S -0 |Nlrl0US I 0U0lif10lI8 lNlS t.,lil"lj ;Hl' ff ,Xfl :' of I I :, Ii'',i I i"f ' ;*u|[fr'"1'['rJ,tr; 10. Ib. a..|tt rtton 6t rlr.!.n! ldrntltlil thrrrlrtr er nlet !rt, llook 6r t dtrcrl!?tQn ol I Dll0r nat DrrE c! rn qcilclrl flrt. lhr nrsil rnC-bounirj1 1iq-rrgu atlrttr tn tlli eerftgglgn .tmc chlchr rlt rxrcutrd enC ilrll'rural bllorr tha lalfwltlan ol thr nol rre,ofdd utltll rsnr ttfc holrthr rft.r tnll\'ta, Ehl q0nlnrnt lftttl lhl tlrr ralvlant tttlt.tr{ltn trys dltfrrrnt ltlLryr et th. vrlr vtllrlr : lli t fbyllgrl lnrDactl0n o! thr Drfnllrr nrhrr lt rr.nu thtt flr rr*rirt lr ter thr binrlrt ct rhr prsI ll*nr'{lvr- €hcl.. il, ltlr rtlmrnt rroraCr tot ol thr ttrl lrndt lleek 1. tl. llrvlng tnol'trdga ol tftr nrnll ot thr pnrtl[. w.wrc tha arrrn nt, hri tht Dtgrnarntt i|rcr til.ofilbl tho, nrlglrborl, thrir tttntor 6t ochat prltlar uli'h Drtrndintr rout{ hrvi dlroovrrrtl cctlDlrla inlctnlgrrr,-oi thr l0utnrnt iltrlr md ttr plioht looetlon. cek I o! aha lrvrntb ll:tttt tE0sr tbr tltlr ooryt{tn]rt,r.. tt lr obvlour thiq thr 4mlnrnl aGrtr lr dtnrna ttrrI ol tha lrvrnt! F1:1.!l tEo[r ! Iootr rrljc{nr lloel! -1 ot_thr !1ti iloor rilc{nr lloeh r of thr llrhtlt ?ttlnf . Eh.terlDtlon bt DrE.r llrll Doundr ot tltr aollnrnt trsltatt.r ol pnlltc la€od. I . 1!. tl|l| seilprtlst of llllilfntr rl$ougb r docunr DtaDlr3C ln thr rlnElltlar, tilltal Jlg rDrsltlo trtrrrnE ilght, to rtrc* rccunulrtd lnou tbldl hrt blrn flcnrl t toEttc8001if I AilC ?neellr +. I TJtCa.rty rt It 1{ll lrlca. c throlrtr rbctta cf lot rnqulry Irllgr, ',cl ih. ifgnt to rtrc* rceunulrtd ttlcr l||lah hlr !r.n Dlilrl t thl alllFlllt.l'I tlr ltsE ?r Elca* I ll r mrll lct, llhr rilc$frtlct ltr-rrri tcr'r parklng rrrun! k rrrbrtrntlrl. ltrr til(l DnrDotr ol thr .lrltrtt |. tat lfl}ltrf ns6rgstllr!6fllrrrnglt vdrlol|., rire do.r nct llc$ill ta tho r1l rDro-thrq rirtrtr.a to rirvr r;hr purpcrr ol thr alratrlltt. | il. lhr Drlordrntr isr rntltlrl tc bui,ld Dcrtienr h's:nr ghlCr rtr smtlhvltad ovm llhr rllrrrrttr rr lutrgrultlatrnt |rll ltl lrrhlat l| rrrrrvrtl brnrrtb ch. ovl I 11. Bht llrrrf,t lrn{rornral trrr ft tha arrr ot rr thi rtltFlrtt.l'I 16' lsE ?r Eica* I ll r mrll.lct,. Ehr !r!.ct ltr-rrri tcr'r narklnl rrrun! k rrrbrtrntlrl. ' !1. Ehr l!'.tang lln0rorF|(l lrrr ls gh. ftrf o! r DEsBtsr s! tnd ll'|c[g 1r ncl rt r rsbrErntrrl\t bl$tiilrvrtlca Ghrlt utrl.+ttlos't0 rortruotton C!,.thr Dr fiurim. ltii ml tbi cvafirnrlnr rtambqm lppdr vrhlhsurr. !ht. rill dr ovrfirnllnl lEa|3BTlr l{r.dr t rcEr.l ro thlr DosBlcn ot lba r-rF.nt lor grstltu.l . '"' I,,. I a'!4' L /tt #i430-fl0C ''liVA J0 Nfil0lr8980?88t00 I Hdg9rZ : g6-9 -9 i Nlrl0ug 0 0U0Jin0:,\E tN3S s.f#t'l'i-Iff 'J#l?J'itt''r3ttlt'5tt0",1i1'#'b'un'{K'*1to',tfr,i 20. th. uf.nong fu nc! r*clurivr, ggHCfrWl0lfl la. Fha owtlrtrtll rnl lccetlolt of Ul. dsit riia utin-iiia-DEslt Trciga rlth ruftlcl..rttt-ly r|rrenrb]r tnqulrY. tt. tnt ar*rlnfv et furartprtoa q|gl1tpi t9- rfvlsrriiia riir trtrir il r rtctstqi. rtrndar{ thrn-tfrt-r-urllril uarci :liv 'er $rntlll.d by rrlrrrna. to lrttr iEFdi; li-r-it'li'rntt -itrr nfutrtirnt tes lngulqr net by L\a tvldrtrer, 3r, [hr rlrrcrlDtl.n o! llllnltffr'.nloDrsty !?.Fcch f, rry net br lgltlolglt for thm.tc o?nv.y-tltrcsil f, rrv net br -llttlol.nt for than tc csnvay-tltl i$sicii-nt tc atcvltlr nollet ct thr loertlon ot rhl ]-'*'*l rll illtrr .but lrnrnt rgrntr Ehrrr nY lill lr t0 ller otlrtl ctsulrllr trtr ct thrlr llrrilentr l!. thr flrlntltlr hrvr r vrlirl rlloilrnt rl whlclt f.nfrntr-ilI* Frqrl upon tugrlf! natlc. by Ehr .trlro att trl olleuDrttngrr. 6, Ehr rBoDa, anrrlatrt rni tlurDom of t.hr bra -rth rririnrblr lrnrlntv bY thr rslltrn l?. lrlalr m{ nrlntrrrrnor 0t lhr nlnrnt ill rn fniiariitif r{sht ot tlrljnttfil .yrn !Iouil_l9t.!*!,-i6$-i[tcf i rrcht-ot rntrt upcn tlr ilrurrn! llllnElllf hrvl llla rlgtrE,Ec tlor rDof troil to 6til! tbl ttr. lot Dlrl3!'nf. rnil $ t.rt h IItr.' Drtrnamtr sera cn nc!*el to rr!..ruenlblr.If*1ry or r nuiircrr a:ra ixrori-ii ilir mirntrt rnt ttrr orn;qrhlD "d;.iL#-;i [iir e#iiinl rrttr bv rhr Dhtrl.rr rvlfrnc.,ct rtr r. cl rtlslr Dr!|rrd$ltl hl6 knouls$ brlolr lcfultrnl tF. wlrrrt retltl. I t /9 #1410-tl00 ]M i0 Nft10lr8980t80e0e : [dLE:Z | 98-g -S i Ntioug t 0u0Jin0:,\s lN3s iflrl Y' ,l'#"il l'n'e' fi i ;ii'f,? ? 0l il5''.-d'f ",1 itrff , b,rrddofrt^#F,iG' l om trftf "frlbtti'l T tlnr. No rt|o*tnf o! lnor bS lhlntltlr lf Prllllttrd ou bqunlrrlae et thr allanrnt. t0. D|l|r$lntr tttry trrl thr rlr rpral rborrr thr rry to ch3 lf,Ernt tDrtl 1r nr lflEllt.irncr vlgh llrlnt[tr r|rrrvtd by ?nr rltrl$]tt. fc tlr r*trnt thrt tl thr DrfrnCrntlt hour| rhttib wf5hrnlr thr reilnrnt I ldnE ln thr ltrr Dltt|rth ttr DrlrndaDtl hrvr t|r6l rl E ttr tredlnt el lhrt rral ltrlg be ructr Ebrt grrklng.scnnsiclrl lorrrngrr vah{olrl orn Dr recoqpllrhrd. - 3!.t . ll, tlatnlllfrrt rnq orDth ot f0 illly nct lltr!l|ftotra. |r. .rrgltl.Agrrt lE! tha ghr alrvrtlon sr tc ulr thr rntlrr rld rattFraC cr lryt3lrC rldr thr fr Dprtlcn rctloll e! thr 6f t0 cnr rad !cr €t8, E. F, thr flrt cn bitfhr I Drlrnl.htrrftrl lt lf liltorlnt'thr {hrnrtonr, dl rDgtSl br-borar bI E.fonlraEl. l{. Ebr tlrlnttlli heYr r$tflrrc lrrrprilblr lch lttrl hrv. no rdr{ltrtr lalrily l3 iltJ, l.ll.t1. thrlatorr l9DtoFlrrt.. rram.lrt. !t. 3hr aortr cto! thr aftlil|trt !!r I nrnirtcry lnJunetlut lr h*r!ry urt .dlrntr rntl rfl giryrofu rctlnl on_thrll ruttrerltutdrnEr rnl rll lilEront rcttnf on thrlll luEncrrr.r€tr ttrr rl3'itlln rn{ g*h ol thr lurr otlrlnnt to -rrllnll$iy lhrg lhcrn r"tt rlrr trirg orlvrd lD -rrrtaangl, rltb ttlltrgtl. lf r[U, olril J!00tDt! ullla vlaa Il rt +staalrt||, tltttndrhtrr aonrbluctlcrl, lt, thr Drlrhdrntr ltrr ?ulltlrt ctlrrril tp or lv.:r tf,. |tltltr t0 l||l by l0 f||t rril fifiFq'trrrl .by Dr€nl.dc! thr t uttlttl r3r lv.:r !L lllBttr l0 lrrB Dy a0 rrrR ft.rrlolr nty Atttr! tlffi thrt arlttlttr Dllol tcrr r.€rrrttg to lccmoartr Elra aftrllrrt'rrrr et ttr rirrnrat rhrli hrvr Drolnrnt iltt Elrsr.l Tlrr tot.flln3 nrllurr.itrll br llll trl by rr|c rmflrtr{ rlt$t'B r talldrrD:l tttl. llr Dr3|I|6$rtr rhlll nct caaat c5 lrlhtrln fn arrrr thr trrananl lylor t{rlr D$t?crl. t?. vt{rrrl I l, /9 f :430-l{0c llv^ J0 Nit0lr898 0?680 00 : lld89 rU I g8-9 -S I NI'10US 8 0U0JJfl0lIE INIS ,lFltlgliiFllt' fflcll?l! I u, t *.. ,i ts. Dlrlnlltlr' urr..:! gt.tltg:l.l! :o.r.ntl,*r-lilii'iii. il-tlii i,t :l: rrr'nrF's iilii :rlir..*";:" i;:i'.Hili ;llln':i dl illii$:i,tl'e*l;ffiiii-iiilt uta t.-00ttri'rtsht. tC 6l.ril,;it'tn{:iii'il,ilt''qii':il*i:#1r1'r ae ..frr!Drr-:- i-rr-f tbttae llcung.lt fng$ rr1ll fBl9|r lnslu lnau {0, rtrlnti{tr nil.rDtttl'i uo frosr'r! rcthi-in uri rnqPt ct ll?l'{o' af tt llt!'ullre ttrtrlldti 'rY o! tql!'f,'b'E'r !u thr eolttt t ,/l #1410-il0C 'IIVA l0 Nltl0]r8080t80000 I [dB9:Z i 96-9 -S i l.Jlrtoug f 0u0jin0:18 INIS Fritzlen Pierce Briner 1650 E. Vail Volley Drive C-I Voil Colodo 81657 TEL 970-176 6312 FAX 970 176 1901 May 22,1996 Lauren Vy'aterton Planner Town of Vail Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road Vail Colorado re: Trope Residence Parking Easement Improvements Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Village 8th Filing Dear Lauren, Here are some clarifications on this submittal. 1. Background - The area being improved is a parking easement for the neigbbofs property to the south. In 1993 the conskuction on the Trope's residence was complete and the Town required a bond for paving the easement prior to issuing a Final Certificate of Occupancy since the Tropes requested that the litigation between themselves and the neighbors go forward before finalizing the solution. We are assuming that bond will be released when the proposed improvements in this application are complete. The easement has been litigated and the court has made a determination that the easement is valid. It is my impression that there has been extensive settlement discussion, since the judgment between the attomeys of the plaintiff (the neighbors) and the Tropes. The Tropes have considered several altematives and feel that the current proposal being submitted is the one that best meets the intent of the judgement and the easement description. Kirk Ingerbetsen of Dufford and Brown in Denver is the attomey for the Tropes and is available for questions or clarifications. His number is 303-861-8013. You can call him collect. 2. Paving/Site Coverage - New interlocking pavers are shown on the proposed easement. They are specified to match the existing on the Trope's driveway. The added driveway paving will put us over the allowable minimum for "hardscape" for the zone district. I assume since the easement is a pre-existing condition that has been established through the court, and that the Town of Vail required paving for the easement, that the Town will not require a variance procedure or restrict us from making the proposed improvements. Lauren Waterton Page2 May 28, 1996 3. Conditioned Approval - The south retaining wall for the easement is shown on tle Trope's south property line. It will still be necessary to excavate a 2'or so area adjacent to the proposed south retaining wall on the neighbor's property during the period of construction. After the construction is finished the retaining wall will be backfilled and resodded. We are requesting that the DRB condition the issuance of the building pernit on obtaining the neighbors permission to disturb this portion of their property. 4. Landscaping -We are not proposing any additional landscaping due to the existence of three trees and one shrub between the existing and proposed drives. I am assuming Town will not allow us to propose new shrubbery in the public right of way. Please advise. 5. Retaining Walls - The retaining walls are proposed to be stucco faced with a stone cap to match the existing retaining walls on the Trope's existing residence. No retaining wall exceeds 6'-0" in height in order to meet the Town's restrictions. 6. Drainage - A drywell is shown in the middle of the paved area to provide adequate drainage per the Town of Vail standards. I am including a photo-imaging study of an earlier alternate . This study reflects the location of the proposed improvements between the two residences but does not acctuately reflect the retaining wall heights. Regardless I think this may help you visualize the context of the improvements . As always thank you for yotr help and please call with any questions. cc:LindaTrope l-310476-4300 Kirk Inserbretson I -303-832-3 804 Architect L196I4\LAUREN.WPD 06/01/SO 14:11 FAX. 9704?64901 FRITZLEN PIERCE Q oor t Fritzlen Pierce Briner 6t12 F,i.J(970 176 lgtu Dtar T,nrrrcn, Tbc Ttopes l}rvc requcstcd that I provide thc following ioforoationto ycrr.on wednesday' June 5, 1996 James c. Atkinson p.E- olS.A. Miro tnc. provided me with several spot elevations thaa ;i il; ";*; * p*po"i'g i" i-p*"u Mr. Atkinson is a colsultant that has btx' Lirql bv thc Tmpe's to evdrrxe tte proltnseA implove,ocDtg as it relaics to theiudgcment' It appeals tbat tbE ulderside of lhc brulrs tlrat cantilcvcr ovcr the eosement are ct 43'5 ratbrr thart 43-0 as I had previously assumed based on the coastrrstion documents- This will allow for a 7'- 0" cleatuce rather tlat a 6'-6icleararrce rmdcr tlrc balcony es stntcd ou the applic*ion' Tbe drivcwy clwstion is 35.5. The judgement was tixcd to yorlr office yesrcrday. Pluasp sall l]rc if you havc auy filrther qrrc*ions. I will see you on Junc 19, 1996 at thc DRB hearing' Juns 7, 1995 Louren Wetertqt FLX:479-2452 Town of Vail Commr:nity Developrnuut ?5 S- Frontaee Road Vail Colorado re: Trope DtivewaY ImFrovements cc: Kay laavzi,Dtrfford bdBrown FAX: 303-832-3804 FAXEtr*_ 1o llllt/, L:\9514\0607'lUv. wTIt c'l !r+Oci o\\o rf, F- t--sstl t-- a\ rBsF! (EOOar )^B :=EE9 :>6c I 5o.-; E*= E39.E 9 = rr'=fi< rE:j \oo\o\ -a\fr.(\ L ci!l -frA' -(l) Fr =€BaAvFr, -tAvLA, -h G F(l) .-Lo q) cJaEq)rrtY.-0(l)il (D AxoliF l/tuva TOWN OF VAIL DEPAnTLENT OF CO:Ult ulr---lTy DEIELOTMENT IROIECI ' "^n---2,2bt1le- C'|ECXS MAI}E FAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL ACCIOUITjT IriO. 0l 00004 540 ZONINC AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 I ol oooo' 424 r 5 uNil.,ORMm---t;t4.00 0 l0000424t5 UNIFORMPLUI'iM s39.00 0 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $37.O0 il 0 0000 424 | 5 UNIFORM FIRIJ CODE $t6.00 uxD 424 t5 NAIIONN L I'LIJCTIIICAL CODIJ s37.O0 0 oo00 424 | 5 () l llElt COI)I: llO()KS (l 0000 4 5.18 I]LUE PRINTS (MYLARS)s 7.00 0 oo00 42412 XLKOX COPIES s0.25 o oooo 42412 STUDIES 0 oooo 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 0 0000 4237t PENALTY FEES i RE-INSPECTIONS 0 0000 4r332 PLAN R EVI EW iTE:CIIEEK}ETTS4-P F- R I M --0 oo00 42332 OFF I]OURS INSPECTION FEES 0 oo00 4 412 CONTRACTORS LICI]NSIJS I-EI]S 0t 00004 413 SICN APPLICATION FEE s20.u0 0 0000 4 413 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE ISI.OO PER SO.FT.I -*ee0Frgra(L VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0 0()00.4 331 PRE PAID DI]SIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 2n.oa--Irt-tro(It4z:f7t INV ES'I'ICATION FEE ( BUILDING) J fi)00 451 Io TOV PNRKING FUND 0 oooo 220?7 IOV NL,WSPAPI.,R DISPENSER FUND* 0t 0000 2nl2 TAXABLE@)4.5m* 0t 0000 4t0t0 TAXABLE @4.02 (TowN) 0 0000 4237 r BUILDING INVESTIGATION ITIIIJR PEC APPLICATION FEES 0 0000 4 330 ADDITIONALGRFA "25O 52orJ.(,u 0 moo 4 J30 C()NL'I I IONAL USE PERM]T s200.00 0 00,00 4 330 EXI-ERIOR ALTERATION TLESS TIIAN IOO SQ.FT.I s200.00 H 0 uloo 4 330 EXTERIORALTERNTION IMOR}. TIIAN IOOSO.FT.]5)U0.00 0 0000 4 330 SPECIA L D I-:V}-LOPI\4 ENT DW s 1.500.00 0 oo00 4 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMI-]NT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMIiND s 1.000.00 0 0000 4 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMI]NT DISTRICT TMINOR AI'END 5200.u0 0 0000 4 330 SUBDIVISION 0 oo00 4 330 VARIANCE s250.00 0 0000 4 330 ZONINC CODE AMENDMENTS 5250.O0 0 0000 4 330 RL,. ZONING s200.00 OTI{ER OTI{ER ry =on**rn 1-fr1- - D?F I QISE I I cx.r1 r,1.oLr REc.Bv'-LIA)- oz E =E UIc oo o r\ 6 r,lJ uJt! ts =l!o- -2Y5./L ,.6 I t9t o/ # TF2 .if anrn .v tlrl Nl I(hr (\tl '.J ct\'@,\Nl @1,.,r't SEi"lrlr1lrt_, | fil - ri= Eir #15 Eriro o'= ftil f;iz_-l=',= in uJF z z .5 zz ulz3 F oz IJJz; II .i Q) o o qt<,-qq 6 'oF o 6)to c6 .=9q o\ E (! oE ct) I dl E o =f o 0, o.o.(U ; .@ o ooIt o .:t, -o o (lt dcr'= oN -o =o F o o o) = oo G (, J (J o .2 =f4 o t'c g; 3(! 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D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER E HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL zurNAL : ,/ // -/D^rE //- /1 - 4i . rNSpEcroR <.:ACJ--2 // INSPECTION: OB NAME CALLER - ]ION TUES 6J-' "\*_-,/WED :-='qlqrii-.Frl-q. INSPECTION TOWN -OF VAIL REQUEST READY FOR LOCATION:| / .4, APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NATLTNG N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POq' / H. rUF ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH UST HOODS tr CONDUIT D^rE a -Ea -q ? rNSPEcroR oz tr =E Luo o N n -l r) LrlN aul UJu- L =E uJ o- o\ o.l -il v z H.A z [-d<o\o ..\ \- r,1 lrlE<EoF4 l! YFTl, t{za = o F E I ==o zz (tt lr.l z oz dI co € o =z u) zHB & ,1 Hz 14t F F]|l E !- F1 @ro\o or(p \T Xo. Ho<A> \ \.. r-.( \ ) ts(vt,z- iO( frl (zl ts z fr1 Ff o\: io\ g" o\ q) (u p\ oE (! rup o .s =f o = l; o qt 3 .9 o x (5 .Y, '=O4);i*io€E8E"; E;cEEiE: .E 8E:ic-o> e:;_; = g'e: ; >=:cY'-o -*-o)r F;.s TEAFE!Eo*OOc iEoS.e;9e g:Ee El (5 cL-cl= - o(g):o- o!E-or: fi:5 ;E€3 EaqS !;o(,, nr O - .:.: 3EE5 €glE ** F: B69F9E o -PEg: @ @tt'l .$rn r\ e.l \o + oo oo \T an + b =Euto- z ! l Y utr z -) o g. F UJ UJ z 6 =fJc J 9z UJ = t!llJu-zo F !J (D;g UJ z 6 UJo F o- UJ z u,J F IJJo (n uJr!t!t = uJ(L F F z J .D F gJ u,l z CD: J z IJJt H NOrrvn'tv^ t F E2F u. F 2 rz 2 F Fuz I 3ZZtL F o- 4z^X r =Yc I oE rhoE6a ?,<)zX !!<oq iP:'irli6sio6rN(J =>E ItuS =(l|or H z Ha 14 z tr l 1 u- ccti l o (.) rnN E LIJE j z Eoo z tr E IJJFJ x,lx 3ulz tl 'l I trzfzQ!, <Oo< =P8ci<z I,ll l i Fz Oz do3trOI l J CE z or z tr J az I bl PI -) 3 F -lI -l j-t F f, F ?ltrl zl 2 .. >t ulo UJ tl.lzoF UJ(L J z Eoo z tra CD I I Il I I I ^l>lr!lol N (?).* I I I I 3ltl (f) I z I F ( cr) co -:fOO -+l "l I er' FfU' zH (Az tl P{ u,,lto @o.) zo Fo IIJY t!o9erli =CE€ lrJ0-04 bqia 8=lrl HuJ 2E &H &Fl Fl (hz s*TFLiH z.n9>_ioo =z O- t! =ur 14' E9E<clo9.E2B9!a CE F '-t v- =ul-E E=(r=J= o =:E 55 9 iutE XO-r x>I q- ct-!E uJ F --- E =Elrl o-z9t-a3EFozoo trH J..i5\,, \., = =='=dd= dlgl :I<l>l u-lol fl I I i I ctlz.l <rltul 5l al>l rLlol 5l sol ulFI F tn ctl.ir I\o F-.if I FqlrlFrl6l*l I I OI =.1ol uJl 5:l>l u-l \JI zl =lPI z HH &Hat)z z Ee. =.1 uJl 5l al>l I OI u,tl(El JI al q 3lIFI I I I I I l(J I l(l) I trllrJtFl tz "J<fl- ;IYclt ' :l = I 14t. A' lE Hlz Fl lErFl lFt4 t<E lFl otz(tl I €FOt6l<l zlritFlI I L!l >l 4 B Tda H U) Ao&ts ui =z (D = lJ- N.ir(n\o I\o io- FlH =o f'.rn X uJ 0co J = ZY =ff,F)zrroo z r UJ F Fz L.Ei\ b= E -rO<FEOuJ<ZEt!F(42 o F UJ uJz. = F Iu =r( r-roQ.!EmFm t LAw OFFtcEs CoSGRIFF, DUNN & AepLnNIRLP A PARTNERSAIP INCL AL CORPORATION VAI L NATIoNAL BANK BUILDING su trE 3Oo I 08 SoUTH FRoNTAGE RoAo WEST VArL, CoLoRAoo 81657 TELEPHoNE: (3O3, 47 6-7 552 TELECOPT ER: (3O3) 476-4765 October 2, 1992 Ms. JiIl Kammerer Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage Road VaiI, CO. 81657 Rer Subpoena, Hornsj.Iver v. Trope. Dear Ms. Kammerer: This letter is to remind you of the trial scheduled to begin on November 9, L992, for three days, in the above entitled matter. As you may recall from prev5.ous iorrespondence, the subpoena originally served uPon you remains in effect. As a result you will be reguired to appear and testify. Please contact this office at your convenience, so a more specific tine for your testimony may be scheduled. If you have a conflict, we will try to accommodate your schedule. Thank you in advance for your cooPeration. Yours very truly, COSGRIFF, DUNN & ABPLANALP \///\ . 2 ll/ Ylnr4,t /. l+tl//l,t/.L',-'t/'- - a Diane L. Herman\ PETER COSGR IF F JOH N W, DUN N ARTH U R A. AB PLANA LP, JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLE N C. C H RISTEN 5E N LAWRENCE P, HARTLAUB OIANE L. HERMAN c'199? IN LEADVILLE: CosGRrFF, DUNN & BERRY P.c', Box | | LEADVT LLE, COLORADO 80461 (7 | 9) 446- I Bg5 SPECIAL COU NSEL: JER RY l/v, HANNAH THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS OUNN & AtsPLANALP. P,C, IN VAIL, It J a^ o (J G z (J z Eci Ei:;ii=E z3.i:24.2 iiEzi? 7 81f12 ? i. =-?a7alia,.ii-.913.=i z':., >-=-=.4=-,3 Z'=.Z=s Eii:1:ai?i:e i ! ..€ i =i1=,?:*iE ; ;:iziiz: 7izEil= No\ CA NN FFf P) (9zl-lFlHlr ts@ Irlt9 H FlH V() Fffc F tso Flc)g H H z o a FT Irl4 tn 4 zl{ Ff - z I U F c.) @.if z (Y)! HHz tdlAHtt U f t\ tsoFl Fl z H frrAo ts c 11 F-uig9L5<>xo ,., \, =Ooa<= adz ^c\/YA;\z"Y-z= H,aDiszL=Qra kJ \.i-<,'.FtrZEqd<s<=r.li l\ -,ca c4 caS=r:orz3FF-kj<H:;FSE O;a<l=z>h><-9 iE,.r^ai:tr3 ilto>f,. nOlREgrt€<sF<X SotsAFZU:E;<UUSXH,-FYl ESSE *-rF -e. iF -rFl+rLdt+ O. FR EN F -rltat-{ riF|a -F5 El f lr)aF r{.lzhEY IFatF{F?c?Ele =nL.Faratit *FI?tLILI n,v tF. trt e.tFrdLI IPfH.PtfrfhA. € e Sl *rr*of America t- --=Cable Address: BankAmerica TRADE FINAIICE SERVICES #5655, 333 SOUTH BEAUDRY AVENUE' zOTH FI,INR. LOS ANGELES. CALIFOBNIA 90017 FX-l311 $87 t 7 I I This refers to our preliminary telelransmission advice of this credit. IRREVOCABLE srAr{DBY LETTER OF CREDIT NO. LAsB-214s43 DATEOFISSUE: JULY 21, 1992 APPLICAI'I7 SORRELL TROPE 12121 rrLsIlrRE BLVD., 801 LOS AIIGELES, CA 90025 ADVISIT.IG SANK REFERENCE NO.:BENEFIGARY TOIIII OF VAIL VAIL, COIpRADO 81657 DAIE AIO PI.AG OF HEfrY JULY 14, 1993 AT TTIIS OFFICE IN IOS ANGELES Ai,OIJNT u.s. $3,600.00 (THBEE THOU$AI{D SIX HIn{DBED AXD 00/100 u.s. DottABIt) Credit available with BANK OF AI{EAICA Il.T. & S.A.,LOS ANCELES, CALIFOBNIA l--l neootiation SIGFT by E sight payment [--l defened payment f-.l acceptance against presentation of the documents detailed below and your draft(s) at DOflJmNTS BEQUIBED: 1. THIS ORIGINAL SfAXDBY LSITER OF CREDIT. 2. THE SIGNED STATEIiET{T OF THE BENEFICIARY THAT THE AI{OUM OF TIIE DBATING BEPRESETTS }IONEY DT'E AND PAYABLE fi) THI BENEFICIARY FOB THE FOLLOIIING BEASON:.:: ':. A) rrD PL/trNTIFtrg'' (IIOPE'S) THE TOIII, T() PAYE THE B)A FII{DII{G IT Tf,IS CASE I!I1 IT IS RESPOilSIBILITY, ln{DER THE OSDIIAilCES OF FORTIOII OF SUCN EASE}IHIT US@ F(x PIBf,IXC. t*3***tt** We hereby issue this Documentary Credit in your favour. lt is subject to the Uniform Customs and Practice for Documentary Credits, 1983 revision, ICC Publicaiion No. 400, and engages us in accordance with the terms thereof. The number and the date of the credit and the name of our bank must be quot-ed on all drafts required. lJ the credit is available by negotiation, each presentation must be noted on the reverse of this advice by the bank where the credit is available. All documents to be forwarded in one cover, by airmail, unlesQ otherwise stated above. NegotiatFg bank charges, i{.any, are for account of beneficiary. The advhing bank is requested to notilv the credit to the benef iciart{/itDdut adding their coniirmalion. This {ocument consists of signed page(s)pr"-/ COUNTERSIGNATURE ts IN THE DISTRICT COURT, COI'NIY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLOR.ADO case No. 92cV267 STIPT'LATION LINDA TROPE, et aI., Plalntlff, vg. TO[{N OF VAIL, et al ., Defendants. COME NOw the parties by their respective attorneys and stlpulate as follows: ViHEREAS, Plalntlffs seek to Town of Vail ("the Town"), to lssue a occupancy for their resldence locatedin the complainti and cause the Defendant, thefinal certificate of on the property descrlbed WHEREAS, the Toyrn ts wtlling to issue a flnalcertlflcate of occupancy 1f a resolutlon ls reached wlthPlaintlffs as to the lmprovement of a parking atea located on Plaintiff 's propertyi and YIHEREAS, there ls also pendlng, ln this Court, caae number 91Cv405 wherel.n Hornsilver Clrcle, Ltd. ("Hornsilverrr) and others have claimed against Plalntiffs an easement for parklng motor vehlcles on Plaintiffs' property within the parklng area hereinabove described; and WHEREAS, Plaintiffs are defending against such claim and dispute the rlght of Hornsilver to park motor vehlcles on their property; and !{HEREAS, lf the easenent of Hornsllver is determined to be valid, Plaintlffs will nevertheless have the right to consent to any improvement of such easementi and WHEREAS, the Plalntiffs and the To$tn desire to resolve their differences contingent upon the resolutlon of case number 91CV4 05; Now, THEREFoRE, lt ls stlpulated: I t. ll .,i ': 1. Plalntiffs will cause the portlon of the easement used for parking to be paved ln a manner satisfactory to the Town upon the occurrence of both of the followlng condltions: a. A findtng in case number 91CV405that Hornsllver has a valld easement for theparking of motor vehlcles on Plaintlffs'property. b. A flnding in thls case that lt tsPlaintiffs' responslbillty, under the ordinances of the Town, to pave the portionof such easenent used for parking. 2. Plaintlffs wlll cause the parking area to be landscaped ln a manner satisfactory to the Tovtn If there ls aflnding in case number 91CV'105 t,hat no valld easenent was reserved. 3. If the courL finds in case number 91Cv405 that avalld easement exlsts but further finds in this case that Platntlffs are not responsible for the pavlng of the portlon of the easement used for parklng, then the Town may look only to Hornsilver and lts co-owners to cause the parklng area to bepaved. Further in that event any pavlng or other lmprovement of the parking area by Hornsil.ver will be subject to the consent of the Plalntiffs, as provided for in the reservatlon of the easement. 4. Plaintiffs shall provide security for the performance of their obllgation herein to pave or landscape the parking area in the form of a corporate surety bond or letter of credlt. The amount of such bond or credit shall be the cost, estlmated by Plaintiffs' principal contractor, of the paving of the parking area. 5. Upon posting of such security, the Town shall f ort-hwi th issuo t-o plajntjffs a final r:or-ti f icate of oecuDanev. DATED this 30th day of June' 1992. COSGRIFF, DUNN & ABPLANALP By: John W. Dunn, No. l42L 108 S. Frontage Rd. *300 Vail, Colorado 81557 ( 303 ) 476-7552 Attorneys for Plaintiffs t II .r "r Lawrence A. Esl$rith, No. 59-t 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L07 Attorney for Defendantg DISTRICT COURT,EAGLE COUNTY . co[.oRADocAsENo.92CV267 DrvNo. tr SUBPOENA (Personat) fl SUBPOENA TO PRODUCE (Subpoena duces tecum) The People of the State of Colorado: TO: JILL KAI{MERER You arc ordered to attend and give testimony in the District qo*, o1 Eaq1e County r Colorado . o1 Eaqle County Justice Center, RRq ehamhers Road. Eagle, Colorado (location)qn .Trrne 1O. 19Q2 at 9:00 a.m. (dare and time), as a witness for P l a i nt i f f s in an action betneen , defendant(s), and also to produce qt this tirn€ an{ plaqg-(if ,agplicaqel; all,documents relating to the'I'rope resroence ]-n va].r, cororaoo COSGRIFF, DUNN now in vour custody or control.& ABPLANTEP Datc:June 24 L992 xci; rriF+Vai1, Co 81657(303) 476-1552 RETU.RN OF SERVICE Statc of COLORADO County Eaqle JilI KammererI declarc under oath thar I served this fftffit<df subpoena to produce onEagle Cornry, Colorado *(d8c), (time), al the following location: E by lState Manner of Service) O I am over the age of l8 years and am not interested in nor a party to this case. Signed under oath before me on Nolary Public . D Private process server fl Sheriff,County Fee $ Mileage $ 'Norrry should ilrludc.rpir.tior d!r. ol commission. W. Dunn, No. l42L ^,,-,,,/* Plaintiff s @No. 197. Rcv. 2-83. SUaPOETiA Bradford pubtishint, 5825 W 6rh Al!.. t:kcc,ood, CO to2l4 - (!O3) 23!6qn Recepilon N".......!.?.+?-6 I .f .,.:,ii SHERWOOD, L. C. WILSON and T. whoso eddresr is County of Larimer K. Coloradogood and dollars, In , for the consideration valuable consideration and hand pnid, hereby gell(s) nnd convey (s) INDUSTRIES, INC.' a Colorado 2535 South Santa Fe , City and CountY bf the following real property ln the , and State of Colorado, to wit: , Stnte of of otherren (s10.00 to corporation whoee address is Denver ,Drive, Colorado !-,ot 7. Block 1, Vail Village Eighth Fitingr according to the recoriled Plat thereof, County of Eagle' State of CoLorado, especially reserving unto Grlntors the easement set forth in attached pxhibit A incorporated herein by reference wlth all itr appurtcnanc€Er and warrant (c) the title to the aame, Eubject to -general taxes fq;- i-9ti;;tauiE in 1975, eidements of record, buildins and zoninq requlrenentlr and restrictive covenants of record' , and State of County of Eagle 14rh ilay of before rne this 14th K. Shenood, L. C. 4 ,jliitt' ,l I FEBzhnrr IJ leaeonSTATE OF COI0RADO, I Countt of Larimer The foregolng lnstrument wgs aclarowletlgBil deyof February J.- Gleaaon.,1975,by o. My corumlrulon explres Wttneer my hand and offlclal real. l,ly Clrnld;:isn r;ip:lls Lio' LI,W8 r:, ,../ .-,:1,..;r,l *.,.i ""$"Fl,f "IffnUrfi'-.,#fl/#iHllffiflrlhfiffi]iilffif"ii]J'#ifr*h'fF$'ffit'ilfiii'r,]iTfii;il Dotllloa n|rnha lt lfe!'?.'onrrrHr.rt'.-r.a|t'.|.11c&t.r'tt-Dfrt|to'l|Pub|hhln3co.,r!2}||Btootlhrrt'D|.!tr!t|cotor.ilo-to''' r,..--..--'1 I EXHIBIT A ;:, Easement for Parking 9) Grantors especialJ'y ieserve unto themselves, their heirs, adntinistrators r. successors and assigns an easement or"r,'on and across that part of L,ot 7r Block l, Vail Village nlghih Filing, Cit.y qf' Vail,-Eaqle County, .Colorado, more paitlcularty .described as follows: ' Beglnning at the Southeast corner of saia Lot ? I Block 1r-thenc6 west along the south line of Lot 7 a distance ol gO feet, thence North, perpendicular to the South- llne of Lot 7, a distance of 20 feet't thence East,-' tara1lel to the South line of LoL 7, Lo the Easterly iirre of said Lot 7, a distance of 60 feet more or less,.'thenceSoutheasterlyalongtheEasterlytineofLotT [" tft" point of beginning; said reservation of an . ..easement being sot6ty foi the purpose. of non-commercial tirting of op6rable private rnotor vehicles owned or Lsed b! the owners or occupants of Lot B' a part of gtocf 3, vail village seventh Filing, or their guestsi fiovldeii, however, that the exercise of such easement shall "ornpii with-all appl_icable zoning and otlier 1aws, "niff not'l-nclude the rigfrt to make any improvements . thereon unless the grantee of Lot 7, Block l' its . . successors and assiins shall in advance consent thereto 1 in writing, and shall not be exercised sg a! to create i--"uii"""" or otherwise interfere with the development and use of said I'oE '1 , Block 1, Vail Village Eighth Fillng. i t I lr' /'El LAw OFFTcES PETER COSG RIFF JOHN W. DUNN ARTH U R A. ABPLANALB JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CH RISTENSEN LAWRENCE P. HAFTLAUB CosaRrrr, DuruN & ABpLaN/fF0 APH i 0rooc A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING A PROEESSIONAL CORPORATION - 'VWL VatL NAT|oNAL BANK Bu I LDTNG SUITE 3OO IO8 SoUTH FRoNTAGE ROAD WEST VArL, CoLoRADo 81657 TELePHoN E: t3o3) 476-755? TELEcoPIER: (3o3t 476-47 65 April 17, L992 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Ms. Jill Kammerer Town of VaiI 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 81557 Re: Hornsilver Circle, Ltd. v. Trope, et al . Case No. 91CV405 Dear Jill: I enclose copy of ORDER entered by Judge Hart continuing all Subpoenaes ln the above matter to November 9r L992, at 9:00 a.n. I wiII be in touch with you closer to that time to discuss a mutually convenient time for you to testlfy. Yours very truly, COSGRIFF, DUNN & ABPLANALP JWD: kem Enc. lN LEADvtLLE: CoscRrFFi, Du NN & BERRY P. O. Bo)( ll LEADVILLE, COLORADO gOZtCI (7t9) 4AC-r465 JohnrW. Dunn THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS DUNN & ABPLANALB P.C. IN VAIL, ff0 APt( 'ri 019e4 COUNTY OF EAGLE' STATE OF COLORADOIN THE DISTRICT COURT, Case No. 91CV405 ORDER HORNSILVER CIRCLE' LTD. 'SHERRY B. JOHNSON, PIaintIffs, vs. LINDA TROPE ANd SORRELL TROPE, Defendants. a Colorado general partnershlp; and IT IS Ls rescheduledto 9:00 A.M. on ORDERED that trialto Novesrber 9, 1992. November 9, L992, settlng in the wlthln mattet, AIl -ubpoenaes are contLnued DoNE this tO+ daY of APrll, Lggz' BY THE COUREI ,tr,i -:;i,irE;} ri, !ii{.l:I PETER COSG RI FF JOHN W. DU NN ARTH U R A.ABPLANALP, JR. TIMOTHY H. B ERRY ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN LAWRE NCE R HARTLAUB Law OFFlcEs CoscnrpE DuruN & ABPLANALP A PARTNERSHIP INCIUDINO A PROFESSIONAL CORPORAIION VAtL NAT|oNAL BANK Bu |LDTNG Su rrE 3OO IOA SoUTH FRoNTAGE RoAD WEST Va rL, CoLoRADo 81657 TELEPHoN E, {3o3) 476-755? TE LEcoPTER: (3O3) 476-4765 lN LEADVTLLE, CosGRrFF, DUNN & BERFY P O, 90X tl LEADVILLE, COLORADO €O:I€I (7t9r a€6- regs March 27, L992 Ms. JilI Kanmerer Town of VaII 75 S. Frontage Road, I{estvail, co 81657 Re: Hornsllver Clrcle Ltd. v. TroPe Dear Ms. Kammerer: This tetter Is to advlse that the above-entltled matter which was previously set for trial begtnnlng APrll 8' 1992 has been vacated. The matter will be reset at a future date. When I am advised of that date, I wlll let you knolv. Should you have any questlone do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, COSGRIFF, DT'NN & ABPI"ANALP lh^, / /'--.*- Dihne L. Herman Law Clerk THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS OUNN & ABPLANALP. P,C. IN VAIL. DTSTRTCT COURT. rlAGT.F: COUNTY cAsElro. qle / L/r'f DIvNo. COLORADO fi$UBPOENA (Personat) D SUBPOENA TO PRODUCE (Subpoena duces tecum) The People of lhe Stste of Colorado: IiO! IIII;L KAIvT'4FRFR You are ordered lo attend and give testimony in the fii stri c't court of Ea g I e Counry r Cn] orado ,g1 the Eag"le County Justice Cpntei, Eacr'l e, Col nrado (location) on AFri'l R. 1qQ2 at Q:00 A-M- (date and time), as a witncss for De f endant in an acrion bct$reenHornsilver CircIe, Ltd. ,plaintiffG),and SorrelI Trope, et al. defendant(s), I xIl@lHx0$rmarexi$filfidlffi ila'tFr${ifxt$b} Xdr'lr<FlfIff t5A6':6ildntrPl p"6. March 18, 1992 F!&O6it{ 108 S. Frontage Road W. *300 Vail, CoLorado 81657 (303) 476-7552 RETT,'RN OF SERVICE g619 61 Cnlorado E"gl e counry I declarc urder oath that I servcd this subpoena<or$oxrrloptdgF on County (date), (time), at thc folloring location: tn E by (State Manner of Scrvice) D I am oar the age of 18 pars and am not interestcd in Dor a party to this casc. Signed undcr oath bcforc me on - lloruy Public. D Private proccss server D Sheriff, Fee $ '!{drrt Culd irrlda clpi|ztbn drc oacsnmi$irr.Mileage 3 No. 197, Rcv,2.83. sUapoENA Brdford Publirbin8, lt{3 wr.c. St., Dcrycr, CO 80:O: - (l0l) 29:-1500 - t-90 PETER COSGRIFF JOHN W. OUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALB JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN LAWRENCE P. HARTLAU B JWD!kem LAw OFFTcES CoscRtrn DuruN & AapLANALP A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION VArL NATToNAL BANK Bu rLor NG SUITE 3OO IO8 SoUTH FRoNTAGE ROAD WEST VArL, CoLoRADo I1657 TELEPHoNE: (3O3, 476 -7552 TELEcoPTER: (3O31 47 6-47 65 IN LEADVILLE: CosGRtFF, DUNN & BERRY P. O. 60X rl LEADVT LLE, C0LQRADO eO4el (7t9) 4e6-teas March L8, L992 Re: Hornsilver Circle, Ltd. v. Trope, et aI . Case No. 91CV405 Dear Witness: The attached subpoena dlrects you to appear ln the eagle County Distrlct Court at 9:00 a.n. on April 8, L992. Yfhlle it iE necessary that we subpoena you for the first day of trlal, it is highfy unltkely that we wlll be ready for your testimony at that tine. To save you the lnconvenience of having to be present every day of the trial, f ask that you call me so that ete can work out a mutually convenlent tlme for you to testlfy. I wlll, of course, promptly notify you if the case is settled and your appearance becomes unnecessary. Thank you for your cooperation. Yours very truly, COSGRIFF, DUNN & ABPLANALP IS-Yrt{I IJohn W. DunnU THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS DUNN & ASPLANALP. P.C. IN VAIL. @ grftr(o,at DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT gorre-l( *,'d / ;z/<' Tr ?+ (hereinafter called the OF VAIL, COLORADO (hereinaflercalled the "Town'), and among , and the TOWN Jt7 )*/Y/r7'd' / ot'? Lot.{ ?lock /WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval of the fi,Vait Village t2th Filing, wishes to enter into a Deveioper lmprovement Agreement;/and'|-8 WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sutficient in the judgment of the Town to make reasonabls provisions for completion of certain improvements set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance ol this agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the followirg: Developer agrees to establish a irevocable letter of credit in a dollar amount as set forth below, such irrevocable lefter of credit shall provide security for the following: 1/l^L IMPR''EMENT ,va 7 fr+W M ryw : *Wq /1 1 8t S, Atocr,Z., Vail Village ?th Filing -*Y:22a urtA 47d/o zAaZACaf4.^q-'771< ru, eacz.z,.zzz-€,--m-r<r' erq*H.#WMr#4"6)-s"'-'A;"'u*t \ V"ryrq od/, #";'r;;t ;y,tt,eW L g;,F.;d Z" yA;"'i;>*_ -NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the folloWing mutualtovenanb afd_ /?oo_ _agreemenb,ineoevetoperaMtheTownagreeasfo||ows:wfu* 1.'.-{e Developer agrees, at its sole cost and expenses, to furnish allequipmeht €Wand rnaldriaf nanaicar\r t^ narf^rm anr{ nnmnlalo cair{ imnrnvomant nn nr hclare ?-z-=./ -v- ?\l^yy:t"tHPP"ntt"#i:':^?l:d^:*r,*:1d^r?:":"1::1.,::":^b-?lT"- ^^^^. ^ffii=.,)rne/Zz ' /??3 i' . tne oevetoper shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, atff>=-z imprj\r- em@6-above, in accbrdance witn htptans and specifications filed in lhe,u.4 -*=]+r* otfice d(Lqeomftunity Development Department, the Town of Vail, and to do all work ;?a,-ka--<<"incidentaltheretoaccordingtoandincomp|iancewiththefo|towing:kffi-t-a-a:\r \<- Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other mallor . 2o submitted by the Developer to Ue appriveO by any of the above-referenced €<;.r^vAmmonlal eniiliac Atl aaid wark chall ha dnna rrnder lha insnoclion of and .7.2' \govemmential entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, andYvvgrrrrrrgrrtEtr E lll||,rgat. rr|| -rcu\a rrvr ]\ or rca|| r/s \Jrrr 19 rJrrvgr lrr\, rr rrJlr\rvrllrr | ,/a. a to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other ')2"2qt to the satisfaction of, the Town Engineer, the Town Building Official, or other ')z# official from lhe Town of Vail, as affected by special districts or service disticts, '73 as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approved and accepted as completed by the Town of Vailnpommunity Development Department and Public Works Department. The total estimated cost of said work and improvements is the sum of$__a_. oo N/- , // ftL ezg/ip* g;o /hfuzce-fr fu ,,W "%;; 7 *;, rfln'frtu"''n' a,?,a, -'*ffi; o/;i;; ;"2/.;1 tpaz ffi/, :r*qt ) Y/2,. %/. Az"/-Va- sl.zh /;rb* rru Y'L b' 4 c(z-*,/c<- 4 ?. / /o^- // e rAoT{Tal&d* /ubL* 1 Tf" P'E/V 6/4^4( f ::::1t 4d/'l/4TffiS g Dr%f//A// 6%-,+L-'"*7 7oA"w7' & a&- t'd/'ar2/r4 ffiffiffi 7 Af fu qezhzrzzzza>u* , t?'o"d?* 'ZzI=15'Arz --ty' a/e *Jaz/zz ,4fu/ _e,,rZ"rrfu 7arry -.b_aqr.7-,az r%' -k_ a e ,* Jr 16/- r_ q- /.d11fr#wwarw zs*z.*casd. .7" olTL/* .: u{t %"- qb ptauzd"/ L"74_.4/ -*/, a.rq/ -///;s V- b a+d* :,4t /a*-- /"//^4 a^-pner,',r6'' +-.- F1K fir" a 475767 B-579 tr-657 05/J1,/'92 JJ:06 JOHNNETTE FHILLIFS EAGLE CIJLINTY CLERK, N'oi = i;: t .r:ii&--'^ ENCROACHMENT PG 1 OF 3 REC DOC COLORADO J5.QO O.OO ,,145 t{c-"r,r!,o,, \rr Ncq\ $ gb?Oa AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, 1s made and entered into tlils 28thdayof .Ap{il I L992, between Llnda Trope and Sorreff fropelhereinafter referred to as "property owners'i and the uppER gacls VALLEY CONSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT, and vArL VALLEY CoNSoLTDATED WATER DrsrRrcr, quasl-munlcipar corporatrons of theState of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as "Dj.stricts". WHEREAS, Property Owners are presentJ.y the owners ofcertain real property described as LoE 7, Block 1, Flling g, VailVillage, which is located in Eagle County, Colorado; and WHEREAS, the Dist,ricts are presently in possession of aneasement, 10 feet ln wldth, running through the aforementionedproperty, which easement is described on Exhibit A, attached heretoand incorporated herein by this reference; and WHEREAS, Property Owners deslres to constructa permanent structure that wil} encroach- upon the describedeasement in an area approximately 1.5 febt by 9 feet, saidencroachment belng described on Exhlblt A; and WHEREAS, the easement is an active easement presently inuse by the Districts. Nol{' THEREFORE, in consideration of the covenant,s and promlseshereln, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. The Districts sha.l.l. permit the permanent.structureto encroach upon the aforementloned easement. 2. The Property Owners shall indernnify the Districtsfrom the costs of any repaiis to the Distrtcts. utility lines whichmay occur as a result of the construction of the permanentstructure over and upon such easement. 3. The Property Owners shall hold harmless theDistricts from the cost of iepalring any damage to the structure, yhr9.h-damage may be caused by Lhe tnJtattatlon br new uttlity rineiin this easement, or by a break ln present and future utiriti' llnesof the Dlstricts, or by the repair of such break by the oittri.ctsor by other malntenance of the llnes. frqm-any Lncrease in the cbst of construction of -any ner utllltyIines or ln the cost of any repalrs to the Dlstrigts' utillt!rines, such increase, if iny, - due to the proxrmity of thapermanent structure to the utility llnes 5. This Agreement shall blnd the successors and assignsof Lhe Property O,wners, and shall be appurtenant to and deemed torun wlth and for the benefit of the aforementioned property tnEagle County, Colorado until such time that the Distrl-cts abandonssaid easement. Thls Agreement shalI be recorded against saldproperty ln accordance wlth the laws of the State of Colorado. IN tfITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have caused thts Agreement to be executed as of the day and year first abovewritten. CONSOLIDA WATER DISTRICT ATTEST:Warren Manager Assistant Secretary CALIFORNIA STATE OF OUDGMD(X LOS ANGELES couNTY oF RrrtrTr 28 day qf The foregolngApril instrument was acknowledged before me this , L992, by Notary SkipperMy Commission expires: 9/16/94 STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregolng instrument was acknowledged before rne this _ day of , 7992, by Warren M. Garb€, ds General-Manager of the upper Eagre valley consolidated sanitatlon Dlstrictand Vail Valley Consolidated t{ater Dlrtrict. explres: By By ss 475767 8-579 P-6s7 05/11/92 t1:O6 ', { LINDA TROPE PER EAGLE VALLEY CONSOI./IDATED SANITATION DISTRICT lVAIV VALLEY oPtflcIAL SEitt BEGINA SKIPPEF MtC..in Crttr S9f, 16 PG2OF3 *--tI \\u\o\\ s Iln\ D I o. Ul\ o(n \J t-t- og\ "rir, t' I -t II nDzJ(- rYt m5 I I I ! h.t 'l@J 'vbro 9.V l I -'1- r'<) I \ \ I I \ I \ I \ \ I ?r F l' ol I iJ'll- cDF.- -e'e- It----;:f1 t ---_J =-. s'f[trltll =tF,-.'il ' 'i='l l" tl Ir tl llt I lr . rr __.1i., C r, i\.,/ =z ^m9-' " in; Itr'YD'Ia=Pvt=D ;'- 3 =-mo =z lo I I i I I \ I @Om.D1 is 33 I l I I' PINt' b- Toox z o^l $:"s, Utlllty Certlflcate In the matter of the revocable easenent pernlesloil for the landscaping and deck located wlthln the eaeenent on the south-erly ten feet of Lot 7 Block I, Vall Vll1age Fillng 8, Vall, Colorado, the followlng utllltles hereby approve the stte plan for sald lnprovements ln the utll1ty easer0eDt ag shown on exhlblt "At' and exhiblt rt8rr. Authorlzed slgnatureMountsln Bell Date ,tt,ftef "{*"" ---t-tH2 and I pry*fu/ft Publlc Servlce Co. Gary llall Holy Cross Electrlc Mlchael Laverty l&ri k.se (6'bku;sr4 lH+:+at*e+-\t, Qe*y-Jelr*son(Aart Gqtrl Upper Eagle Vall.ey l{ater Sanltaclon Dlstrlct David Krenek - .,...-_,_i-_!:{a! , ,, . Utltlty CertLflcace In the ostteu,.,of the rpvocabl.e eagenen! permlsslon for the J.andscaplng and deck located rrrlthln the easement on Ehe soulh-erly cen feet of Lot 7 Block 1, VaiI Village Filing 8, Vail , Colorado, the followlog uBilttles hereby approve the sire planfor sald loproveoeqte 1o the ut,tllcy easenent as shown onexhlblt ttAtt and elrhlbl,t rrBtt. AuEhorized s igrra ! lr r'..Mountain BelI Weslern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Publlc Servlce Co. Gary HalI Holy Cross Electrtc Mlchael Laverty Vall Cable T.V. Gary Johneon Upper Eag1e Valley $Iater Sanitarlon Dlstrlct Davld Krenek Da!e l-.27-1u '\. Utlltty Certlflcate In the natter of the revocable easelnenL perniisslon tr:r che landscaplng and deck Located wlthin the easement on che souch- erly ten feet of Lot 7 Block 1, ValI Vlllage Fillng 8, Vail , Colorado, ehe followlog utllltles hereby approve che slte plan for said funproveoents ln the uclllEy easement as shown on exhlbic tt4tr Bnd exh|blt rrB . AuLhorized s ign:r uulr Moun cal-n Bell LresLern SIope Gas Harry lloyes Publlc Servlce Co, Gary Hall lloly Cross Eleccrlc Mlchael Layerty Vail Cable T.V. Gery Johnson Upper Eagle Valley l{ater Sanltatlon Dlstttct Davi.d Krenek Da Ee /-e/-?v /:4:?- and I UtllIti CcrrlflcaEe It rhe nacceu of the Ecvecable . easement, permission for the laadecaping cnd dcck locatcd rdthin th€ eacamen! on lhe south- eELy'terr feet of l.oc 7 Block lr ValI village F1llng 8, Vail , Colorqdo, tbe followlng uEtlltles hcreby approve she $ire plan for sald luprovenentr lR gh€ uglltEy casement as ghown on exhibtt, ItAtt e$d errhlbtt rrBrt, Mountaln 8eI1 U.€.a6s/- WesBern $1ope Gas llarry Moyes PubIlc Servlce Co. Gury ltal1 HoIy Cross Electnic Hlchacl Laverty Vs11 Cable t.V. 6ary Johnoon uPper Eagle Velley l,Iaceu aud Santcag1on DlBtuLct DevLd Krenek Date d/-49€& Authorlzed r0 (o Y(roFozcld 66 o& =a(Jrh I tr \ I<l zl/1 | FI HrF I<:^ iEZYtr<: Itrv>- () r o-it L '- /^t!"z= I a\J (r) :) (J o 17 \\, \-\_ lo- \- --,-1jo\ I I I 1qlo I L- 9. :EFzt! o ,*t (o _'' la ar--\ Cr .. \-- , o o.'.r>:- , f- -.lf, \ -'+ Ai- -) i :a:c r : 1 Itl ) Fz 7d \ h $ ( \ '' u I \ 9\ I \ I I I ft._l- \ I I l5.l :1):ro Project Application Dut" ,/O'2 7/ Project Descrip tion Exfrfz' Contact Person and Phone 'p4a,t ltasdVdle Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot 7 Block Filing 00 '/l,a yva Review Board , zonu P/S atr/e s4<- ,1:,1)/a(7/o/'r/ / ) a./1'l a/'r/ ., '(t /o J 'l/ DISAPPROVAL Com menls: Motion by: (d?nt a, /, t//ur., rt, ,//4 a, Jirraa,na /a t rtra/g esig n APPBOVAL Date Seconded by: Su m mary: E statt Approval LETTER OF TRANSMITTAIJ To: Attn: fry,W Dates. Job No Re: Attached Please Find: _ rytsgress Prints _ Specifications J/PLans _ Shop DrawingsOther The itens listed _ E9E Review and 1t'6s Requested- Other above .. are s Corunent For Your Use Returned After Review Remarks: Item No. tto. of Copies Description By: Page 1 TRANSOOO . DOC SITE VISTTS 1:00 P.M. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 1{ drl^ili,;sL& DESI@I REi\'1IEI| BO]ARD TGENDA SEPAEUBER {, 1991 3:00 P.M. lupy - 1901 CbanoaLr laae uS ncat/Ccllular - 953 S trloBtage Road Micbael's Rsstauraat - 12 Vail RoadVail Village IDD - 100 Bast Ucador Drive Euffard - 100 last ltcador Drive uclnera€y/ucvey - 232 Bridge StreetIaacelot - 2OL East Gore Crcek Drive Eong Kong Caf,e - 227 rf,aLL Stroet Rcd Lion - 30{ Bridge StEoet Samue]'s - 226 Forest RoadIbe ttren - 500 S. trrontage Roadvail vauey Conaolidated rat€r Dist. - Vail Golf Cou83eVail llountain Scbool - 3160 Froatage Road East Dick - {708 lleador Drive AGENDA t !{D3. vail village Inn - Redevelopment of Phase IV-A MM 100 East Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5-D' Vail village 1st MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-0 Conceptual approval on1y. Applicant to come back and address the issues of landscaping and parking (at the Food and Deli lot) and landscaping (along the S. Frontage Road) . Samuels - Revisions to site Plan MD 226 Eorest Road/Lot 11-B' Block ?, Vail Village 1st MOTION: George Lanb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-0 Approved as presented. Lancelot - Roof vent 201 East Gore Creek Drive/Bell Tower Building MOTTON: George Lanb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE! 5-0 TAAI.ED IO SEPTET{BER 18TE UEEIINC. 15. Mcfnerney/McVey - New Sign BR 232 Bridge Street/Clock Tower Building MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Approval of portion of awning to be extended out fromdoor. Retractable awnings are not to be included in' approval. L7. US west/CelLular - New Sign 953 South Frontage Road/Vail Professional Building MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herringrton VOTE: 5-0 Consent approved. 18. village Popcorn wagon - Sign Variance & Awning BR Founder's Plaza, Top of Wall Street MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Reconmend to council denial of sign variance to section L6.20.110. Purpose which restricts the amount of signage which describes the general nature of business. Approvalof awning. Signs part of wagon - design g! signage. 19. The Wren - New Sign 500 S. Frontage Road/Vail Village Inn Plaza MOTION: George Lanb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-0 Consent approved. 20. .frope Residence - Modification to approved site plan JKto allow changes to driveway, site walls, and adjacent landscaping. 1115 Hornsilver Circle/Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Village *.t91il- MOTION: George Lamb VOTE: 4-0 SECOND: Pat Herringrton Approved: Subject to following conditions: . 1. Plant material be warranted for 1 year from date ofinstallation.2. applicant notify neighbors to North (Duddy's) whenplant material is to be installed and transpLanted.3. Town Engineer sign off on revised plans. lvm -&afr *vd 77o'as District Court The follo*,ing actions havc been ftled in District Court in Eagle County. Foreclosures 8/19 U-S. Horne Acccptance Corp. vs Phillip md Peggy L. Adkim. Christie Lodge timcshar, 8/19 US. Home Acceptmct Corp. vs. Thelma Ames. Christie Lodge timesbarc. 8/19 US. Hone Acceptance Corp. vs. MJ. Arnold. Christie Lodgc timeshae. 8/19 US. Home Acccptrnce Corp. v* Thomas L. Baker. Christie Lodge timesharc. 8/19 US. Home AcccPr-ncc CorP. vs Dorotby M. Banister. Christie Lodge dmcshaB 8/19 U.S. HoEc Acceptance CorP. vs. Edward Bauer. Christie Lodge timeshare. District Court 7/31 All Valhy Consbuctbn and New Electric vs. Leo Palmer, dba Yail Gateway. AII Valley se€ls payment of $2,834 for improvemorB to commercial space, New Electric seeks payment of $5,327 bill. 8/16 llornsilver Circle, Ltd. and Sherry B. Johnson vs. Linda and Sorrell Ttope. Plaintiff and defendant own adjacent prcpenies in Vail Vtllage. Plaintiff claims recontoured area and placed barriers that make it impossible for Iohnson n use her parking q$emenL Seeks permanent injuction restoring use of the easement 8/14 Birch at Streamside vs. Edward C. Whittaker. Seeks paymcnt of $526 in CriminolActions 8/15 Pcople vs. Bryan M. Valentine. Defendant is charged with swindling a number of roommates out of $9,000 in a zub-leas anangement fc a rcsidence in Vail. Divorces 8/16 Cindy L. Roberts,35, Ft Collins and Robert Scheinfeld, 34, Englewood. Sheriff's Log El20 Rodney P. Loomis, 38, Northglenn Faiturc to ap'pear. 822 Salomon Benavente, 70, Edwards. Thfud-deg€e assault 8l22Mark M. Durfee,26, Seal Berch, Calif. Speeding. The following anests havebear reponed glglf:*T..htve been made thrr through the-Eagle County Detdntion :pj:oyqtFrili[::'g1t"x.I"dt*tffsi,r:sn,,lif"Ii'i Eogte County Sheriff filfitf;3r"Sffifr;y,oo26spin E/14 Dona|d T. Jaworowicz, 20, Lane' Tyindward Ranch' gar Chicago. Failure o_rypear in courr- iii?tooni" LcHockey, 2441 Bt Vl6 Thomas J. Lewman, 2E, Ouray. dreek Road, Eagle, adiltion, $1,Theft- E\r€rett case. connacrg. 8/18. Craig J. Devlin, 27, Edwards. gD2y*en atiU luOy White House, ff;"f,fi.ffitrtrffit,e, Minnm. lffihTf&#:tlr:&gngVehiculr eluding. 8/19 saroru Fikushima, 20, rustin, k& i"ffiHin, 0213 spring c,ffffifi r. Rorrc, 24. yait. ltrlg'"':l?;ffi"*;tJfiffi', Disordcrly conducf Cordiliera Way, Cordilera, altcrati8/l9 Pedro V. Chavez' 32, Gypsum. Sft,ZSO. Coidillera Consrrucl Disordedy conducrsni ri..y Johnsonbaugh, 29, ififlRtinr"rham Ranch, 12 Edwards. Ilarassmenl Colorado Rlver Road, GypsE/20 Thomas J. Diemara' 31, mobi1ehor"onprlvatetand,sZsm Evergreen. Failure o 4pear. 8/20 Christine D. Margolies. Denvo, Seconddegrce tr€spa$. 821 Steven C. Kunshier, 28, A Fugitive ftom justice. Eogle Police 8/18 Derrick L. Wiemer, 19, Gyp Disorderly conduct 8/18 Tyler J. Faulkner, 23, Er Disordoly conducr Building Permits The following building pe CframpagneGligfrts D jiue someoneyou I The Do\rl€a' Conporv s'tlh o\r€r40 y€qt a ^{ I Nonrvr-e.N R. Ilnr-wre ATTORNEY AT LAW SUITE 2OO IOOO SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST vArL, COLORADO 8l657 TELEPHONE (303) 479-9579 FAx (3031 476-9554 DENVER DIRECT NUMBER (3O3) 493.1226 August 22, L99L HAND DELIVERED Kristan Pritz Department of Conmunity Development Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage Roadvail, co 81657 Dear l[s. Pritz: My secretary called your office and was advised that you are on vacation until Monday. Enclosed please find a copy of ny letter dated August 20, 1991. llhis letter is to reguest that you disregard the reguests uade in paragraph 3 for the tine being. Iwould Etill greatly appreciate the information requested in paragraphs L and 2 as soon as possible. Thank you again for your cooperation and asslstance. Very truly yours, '-) /,,',' ,," fJ n /"''-t Nortfn R. Helwis I NRH/jn \, O 'L;-,.11 NonrueN R. Ilnr-wrc ATTORNEY AT LAW SUITE 2OO IOOO SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST vArL. COLORADO 81657 TELEPHONE (3031 479-9579 FAx (303) 476-9554 DENVER DIRECT NUMBER (3O3' 493.I226 Augrust ZO, L99L Kristan pritz Department of Cornmunity DevelopmentTown of Vail75.South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81d57 Dear ![s. pritz: . r represent Linda and sorrerl Trope who have purchased a 10tat LLLL HornsiLver circre, which is reliriy-a""criuea as follows: Iot Z, Vait Vil1age Filing No. 8 My clients are in- tbe. process of constructing a residence on this1ot. The firn of Fritzren, pierce, Briner lias the architecturarcontract for this project. djspute has arisen between ny clients and wirr.ian and carolDuddy, the owners of a residence aajoininj w-"ri""t's property onthe north. This disprrte rerates t-o ttre -"uiiitv "f my crients touse the complete right-of-way arong the apertrr"d ot tni Hornsir.veicircle cul de sac- to theii prolierty i; oiaer--to construct adriveway' Irr- ?lq Mrs. oucrdy rravd constructed a berm whichpartially blocks this aperture. rn order fo. me to have all availabre facts surrounding thiscontroversy, r need to confirn certain tactuar- nutt"", rron vouroffice. r need to know the forlowing natt""r;" roor, ." possibre: L' with respe,ct to the approved site plan on file with theTown of vail for ttre construction or tne Duddy resiaence,has the south. wal1, as shown on that plan,'b""r, moved?fs this wa11 in a location other ttran itrat'"how, on thefiled drawing? rf so, d.oes the Town of vaii-have a nerudrawing which shows the present locatiott of inir ,.riiWas a variance or. -any tlpe of approval obtained by !tr.and l[rs. Duddy with respect to this action? Kristan Pritz Auguat 20, L99L Page 2 2. With regard to the approved site ptan for the Duddyresidence which is on file with the Town of VaiI , doesthe present driveway conform with the J-ocation, size, andcontour of the driveway as depicted on the approveddrawlng? If not, does the Town of Vail have any drawingon file which shows the constructed driveway in itspresent condition? Did lifr. and Dlrs. Duddy obtain avariance or Erny tlpe of approval from the Town of Vailwith respect to this action? with respect to the Duddy residence, is the grosaresidential floor area in the presently existingatructure in excess of that which was approved by the Town of vail-? If so, how nany excess sguare feet have been constructed? llave Mr. and lDis. Duddy obtained avariance or any tlpe of approval fron the Town of VaiIwith respect to this action? It is inperative that I receive a letter fron your office as soon aEi possible relating to these matters. In the event you needfurther explanation or information concerning these requests,please contact ue. You may also wish to contact L,1mn Fritzlendirectly, inasmuch as she is aware of this request and the substance of the questions which are being asked. Thank you very much for your cooperation and assistance. very truly yours, .J$*r*".#,*h NRH/jn 3. i',. ,,. ,Irl I DESIGIN RE\'IIEI| BOARD TGETIDTlucltsr 7, 1991 3:00 P.M. REUISED 7/6/9L - 5:00 p.tr. SITE vlSIIS 1:15 P.M. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7I 9 10 11 t2 13 L4 15 15 - Tarz zal 7, 8/2 /, t/4b/ttd/tr O 4,/Et Elk Creek Torabones - 767 Potato Patch Dr, East SideElk Cre6k |[orDboBca - 767 Potato Patcb Dr, West Sidellertbein Gazebo - 774 Potato Patch Drive Daly Residence - 782 Potato Patcb Drive lupy Resideace - 1901 Cbanonir Lase Oberlobr lddition - 2656 Davos lrail ttcDoaaldr - 2172 tt. trrontage Roadlernreich Garage - 2684 Larkspur CourtVaiI Glo Bollards - 701 tfest Lioasbead Circle Sundial Plaza Landscape lnptoveneat PlaD - Lionsbeadtiftbouse Iodge - 555 E. Lionsbead Circle Lodge Torer - 2OO Vail RoadDaily Grind ueau Board - 288 Bridge Streetlrope Resideace - 1115 Bornsilver CircleArthur Rasidence - 3956 lupiae Drive Streamside Duplex - {551 Streamside Circle AGENDA 1 Gasthof Gramshanmer - LandscaPe PIan AK 231 Gore Creek Drive/Lot H & I, Block 5-B, vail villagelst MOTION: George Lamb VOTE: 5-0 Consent approved. SECOND: Pat Herrington 2. Kravis - Outdoor Lighting Plan 424 Forest Road/Lot 4, Block 1, vail Village 3rd MOTfON: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOIE: 4-0-1 Denied 3. Tupy - New Primary/Secondary Residence AI( 1901 Charnonix Lane/Lot 33, Buffehr Creek Subdivision MOIION:SECOND:VOTE: AK TIBI.ED TO IT'GUSI 21ST UEEIINE 16. DaJ-y Residence - Landscape Plan SM ?82 Potato Patch Drive/Lo1 15, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch MOTION: George Larnb SECOND: Strerry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 screen parking with 3 6-12'conifers; blanket' steep banks,. 12 Aspdn min 2" some 3-4n in front and 5 Aspen min 2" some -3-4' in front of parking; Recommendation to improve shrubs. 17. Fried - Reguest to seParate garage & residenc^e SM 5124 Grouse Lane/Lot i, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision MOTION: George Lanb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-0 Approved landscape to be subnitted to staff' 18. Trope Residence - Modification to approved s-ite plan JK to a1low changes to driveway and adjacenL-landscaping' 1115 Hornsilvelr Circle/Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Village 1st MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Chuck Crist VOTE: 4-0 Following discussion t,his item was IABLED to a date convent for the aPPlicant. 19. Lifthouse Lodge - Roof design changes over Pedal 'IKpower and Lifthouse Lodge Condominium entrancesi roof materiaf and color changesi band material changesi West elevation change to a1low for emergency secondary access as required bY the building code. 555 E.- l-,ionsh6ad Circle/Loi 3, Block 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. MOIION: George Lamb VOTE: 4-0 Other changes aPProved:1. Facade Changes2. Window changes SECOND: Chuck Crist 20. ELk creek Townhomes/75? Potato Patch--east side of AK :,' Patch MOTION: Sherry Dorward SECOND: Chuck Crist VOTE: 4-0 Approved 2t Elk Creek Townhomes/767 Potato Patch--west side of AK Parcel Ar Nevt Residence. Lot 34, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 Approved with conditions. 22. Arthur - New Duplex 3955 Lupine Drive/Lot 4' Block 2, Bighorn 1st MOTfON: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry Dorward VOTE: 4-0 AK 23 Approved with conditions. Buffehr Creek Townhomes - 1710 Buffehr Creek,/tot 2, Subdivision MOTION: George Lanb VOTE: 5-0 Consent approved. MOTION:SECOND: EABI.ED EO AT'GOST 21ST IIEEIING Temporary DeveloPnent Sign MD Resud. of Phase VI, The VaIleY SECOND: Pat Herrington 24. McDonalds - Color change for roof trim MD 2L72 N. Front.age Road/iot 2, Vail Das Schone 3rd Fiting MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 5-0 Consent approved. 25. Lauterbach - new Primary/Secondary Residence JK 1458 Greenhill Court/Lot 21, GIen Lyon Subdivision VOIE: UEMBERS AEENT.:EEIEEEBBEENJI: Ned Gwathney Sherry Dorward Pat Herrington George Lanb Chuck Crist (PEC) donndmeybr /zt:r*)rfu2/ -,*&y 4,,r ,o-rA,YB zza4rt,fuAr#rt//,ilryo;a//fr/Z bb a%:"rg'rfu'ul,fu ?1fzafzryZ-"zz,uA 4Z-ztZf ,bft.L4/2"e2/ n, XZ>arZ->1,2.---r:-Z-u;u.Aez,A H/a.z-hvz4//bfu->uh UAs'2-e "e/zzrr@b/r4 V+7=- -a z/atz-h/;,znyu/4,-) r',,QazZ-ralz@q /"ta-t/9#) .t- - -.-, - .'- / ./ t o tum*>r-e donndmeybr fu, rzrz:szA*/uZ, Yn vftra., Z*r^ p'.2/*'- ,4 "rV-"> 77zag4/zYz-Aaaafr4"#'-;AZttZ*4Aza.b /-a-a*z/ 44tLh a4fu&aa fr a*-77*u,Aag*afie, r &)-yz2azt %-i I,4/fPiz saaftaz&l, ,. 'l- 75 soulh fnonl,ago load vdl, coaorado 8l6li7 (3fi1) 47$2138 (3€) 479.2t39 Augrust 2, 1991 Caro1 Duddy 1115 Hornsilver CircleVail, Colorado 81557 otflce of community dwelopmenl RE: Trope Residence, Hornsilver Circle Loru 7, Block 1, Vaj-l Village 8th Filing Dear Carol, Thank you for your letter of July 30, 1991 regarding our discussion of July 23rd. Having read your letter, I belleve there has been some miscommunication regarding our discussion which I would like t.o clarify. On July L1, L99I , the Community Development Department received information from t.he project architect regardi-ng a proposed modification to the driveway at the Trope Residence located at Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Village 8th Filing. Following revj.ew of thismaterial by the Community Development Department and Public Works Department staffs, the Community Development Department staff determined the proposed modification should be reviewed by the Design Review Board. This iten was scheduled for review at the next available DRB meeting which was JuIy L7th. Because of your interest in the development of this site, I telephoned you to inform you of the JuIy L7th hearing. Prior to July L7t.h, theproject architect informed me that the property owner wished to at.tend the DRB meeting at which the driveway nodification issue would be discussed. Since the property owner was unable to attend the July 1?th meeting, but would be able to attend the August 7th DRB meeting, discussion on this matter was tabled untiL August ?th. I again telephoned you to inform you of the change in the DRB meeti.ng dates. When you dropped by the Conmunity Development office on JuIy 23rd to look over the revised driveway plans which had been submitted, you brought to my attention the fact that the northern retaining wa11 was not constructed per the approved DRB plans and a tree which was to be transplanted had not been planted in the approved Iocation. Further, it was your opinion the tree to be Carol Duddy August 2, L991 Page 2 transplanted had not been properly moved or cared for. As !'rediscussed, I did not believe the circumstances warranted "redtagging" the project, as the applicant lras already scheduled for ahearing before the DRB on August 7t.h and the issue of the landscaping and the retaining wall could be addressed at the sametime. As I further indicated, in instances where it is brought tothe Town's atLention work on a project is not proceeding accordingto the approved p1ans, foJ.lowing a site visj.t to investigate t.henature of any compJ-aint, staff contacts the project architect to discuss any discrepancies and t.he options and procedures which mustbe followed in order to resolve the discrepancies with the Town.ff the Community Development Department staff determines the natureof the discrepancy is serious enough to stop work on the project, a red tag is issued. AlI work on the project then remains stoppeduntil all differences are resolved. Following oui conversation of the 23rd, I telephoned the projectarchitect to discuss the issues which you raised regarding the tree and retaining waIl. f indi.cated to the project architect theseissues needed to be resol"ved and shoufd be addressed at the August7th DRB meeting. the architect agreed this would be an acceptable way in which to proceed. For your information, the architect recognizes the wa1l has beenconstructed incorrectly and intended to discuss the redesign of thevrall at the DRB meeting. The walL needs to be reworked because thegrades on the survey were as much as 2 feet off. The proposed wallwill not be as massive as the wal1 whj-ch is currently on the site. However, it now appears a boulder wall wilL need to be constructedin this area in lieu of the approved verticaL wall. The architectbelieves the majority of the retaj.ning wall can be buried,/coveredwith soil and landscaped so that when completed, only the toe ofthe boulder wa1l will be visible. The architect will bringinformation regarding the boulder wall-'s design and appearance tothe August ?th DRB meeting. 9,Iith regard to the tree, the project architect believes the tree isheal-thy. We will confirm this when the DRB comes out to the siteon the 7th of August. The architect has indicated the tree wasplanted in another location because t.he waI1/reLaining issue neededto be resolved before the tree could be planted in the approvedlocation. Because the tree was of a substantia] size and theproperty owner wanted to insure the tree would survive, t,he tree $ras planted in an alternative location on the north side of thestructure adjacent to the "bridge". Another tree of similar sizeis located on Lot 5, which is Located immediately west of andadjacent to Lot 'l , is also owned by the Tropes and a buildingpermit has been approved for the construction of a single familyresidence on this lot. Carol Duddy August 2, 1991 Page 3 The construction of this residence will necessitate the removal oft,his tree. I understand it j.s the property ovrner's intent torelocate this t.ree to the previously approved location. The netresult will be the installation of an additional large evergreen onthe north side of the Trope residence. If you have any further concerns or guestion regarding thesematters please do not hesitate to contact me at 479-2138 Sincerely, xc: Lynn FritzlenProject Architect DRB Members 11 E.nrmererenior P FAX PHONE TRANSMITTAI. SHEET TO: / coMpANy NAl"rE : /rtl^ b,t ?t ere- &rv'.t FAx PHoNE NUMBER: *A-7 d3/z t-/ FRoM: UrlL KAn't tt t-?J.e/\-) 7r(/ol y'd/2n4-zztnrc' /''/'<"'/ c'-* 'J A, +1- lz,/rt ,/a-zt.tzcr/ h -4(./L(4/'1 J/4/'// ' l/ |- ^ dt€ -zzzzc/, rt h- - y/a zal "u/zler ao/2a/zabt/,tzV'' zsrouth ,-*7: '/)r- ,,''* ni"l-t" Lo o!/"'ot/'[' aV/a,* yrff,coror.dosl6sz Zrrrrf r:r^ ruE 4-O )/DArEs 8///q/ rrME: - # oF PAGES rN DOCUMENTS (NOT INCLUDTNG ^ ' )?'/ " t\ covER SHEET): RESPONSE REQUIRED? SENT BY:EXT. # TOWN OF VAIL TAX PIIONE NT]MBER: TOWN OF VAIL REGUI.,AR PHONE NUMBER! ( 303 ) 479-2157 fucr/ tlstrn F// * A; {ar rr4/trtq /-/L/4 'h ( 4rr""tk ,E &n/ Ad/E ra /.4t zzar/ &"/ aJ J- ,<n#a- sAc dec#:-'(/ Yrrr-r/ \r/ 11 ,.^^,- /^,. ) ,. t \-/NB ttenfuas /a/ /tprt ,ae.rfuna<-le 4 nfuua/" P ,7nL r \-/ V 303 ) 479-2100 :-Lcc D88bznnlt il^ftaz uy't,, /t /aqtr/ c.//z? t"lad-aatlr4ld_ ,ybttda>,.,2udrto ,-/,tLL// b?r49 rbdaz,e *zzzatu.a,,brc . 2dz/7,fu/( Szznzda/a/6' hcllrr,r,, !-/acane zcaZb /4.t'- 5az'/V/acz- .'ar'rurcg/ !,zto* ezr'. aa dmuzz,t. @zry y' a a,.,-772t)Lol AraL/) -oroy' /eaz e ,7 4a dfi Jonft. ry 9F*4* /e --ztza.zazzztatt l/ed't o46tct-t .,'-:; .-(fu,nl maZZ Z . . -,/2-J-a-_a__.c:_2,1"Ur.--@ T A d2,.,'77/.)to/ D4d79 -orol )o, o ,"4 4a ^z/{/&"{rr*'9/ k //'-6" ztde) *ntravzrzt "y"! /'?a.h,u,rLt.&-Ufue' 4dA W,/k V aupzrcd ax.-, ?&enzz^7- L'- - ,rt / , 'r.f, V wLja .ryfa ;*? a -oza/ -e-z/' itf,,' -/z*4' "'g %M''1^(Ay(,Lr €/t,ry ,/a;clot lotttzzort hdgt Ka"e+ 4 n ttk -r/rr/zz-ttzo>" .,/.%2{boa' tW @**a/frru^,,* L4 tu?dt h b.;/slo^, -^ TVud h -z,iaL a4(- hsfr 4 7-Co_ 77,fu, Go /z,cz , ltdtz.tt; cz'zfuhe U ,, L)c,/ a,any' b /{Zk gr4u4a/4/ a/vzfi; qk*-- Yes't//uv4 ,.ntzcl n Tdzlt <N -tr/e/ aaz dnn-uaz,rtb rrrqzrc,|nnfr4z4) 4U/ /*l-J fi., n/n!-,,ad ' dt *-Stit'Y) fpt 7,',,,,k' r,r:"i?nff:i"i/H5g Vtffi :% F# hZlg h- -tz ,l"Ud ia "t t7)r2l JuIy 30, 1991 , 6 \gg\ ffis i't'o '" "Design Review Board Town of VailVail, Colorado 81658 RE: Propoeed revisions to drive entrance I,ot 7, Vail Village Filing No. 8 Dear Board l,lembers: Hornsilver Circle, Ltd., a Colorado general partnership, and Sherry B. Johnson are the owners of the residential property at 1106 ltornsilver Circle in Vail. This residence is located on the cul-de-sac adjoining the property owned by SorreII Trope and Linda Trope. we are inforned that Mr. and Mrs. Trope have applied to the Town of Vail for pernission to renove a landscaped berm on city property adjoining their lot in connection with their proposed drive entry plan. We wish to express our opposition to this proposal. The neighbors around .the cul-de-sac have taken great pains over the past 22 years to protect and preserve the natural beauty of the trees and flowers on city property, as well astheir own property. The request of lilr. and llrs. Trope is totally inconsistentwith the historical development and use of the property andwould be extremely destructive of the aesthetic and environmental harnony of the neighborhood. The request demonstrates the applicant's indifference to the needs of the neighborhood and the desires of its inhabitants in much the same way as their intentional trespass upon our parking easement along our common property boundary where Mr. and I'!rs. Trope have placed barriers to deny our parking access therebycreatinE addir-ional congestion around the cul-de-sac. This action was taken despite their full knowledge of our rights. Yours v Y, I xc: creg llall, Town EngineerJilI Kanrnerer, Senior Planner oztrbnd /o aoov'- n r{z+<- b.^/azo-' azzy' ,4zzz+-'@J'.v2272 En/7.o a .a -- ilarovt- /4# , , 1.c--,n- z ^-,'*lz,,kzl ,.s.zrt/' z;;r-/4'*22- ahr'4< uo'q. t/ u"'e"'"/t tt/ ooyaal ls ' aif, o'e ib:'A-o*.,,o/ 41" i *L nt atezzaL a'*zlag '/,la-T/a"/. -a#k 9x&Uaf74)- ea y'nft /o/ 5 /zzz. neu ezz-gfhnJ -mm:Z Ls- ^ffi!%wi1'7rffitrh^ /or%'/a* (*J, --- 't 1 ,,/4a @ il,il{ Ji21 - ,{eyhrn:,4 /t/a// ue'llinf- ,' trctl;,rayy' F <nztLt4cz--/&vr(- k^a'rct-.bAZ fi. ;& a^az( ,6 /'rrZA^zrny'1-irl ir( tr rrn#z"e e; W& x& itu 1,tL frf- W - s*/: U f r'o'(F aldzc"rac 6-h'4/"p'r/& trf"U6#"1ffir"%K a'"''n *5 /4"A a/czzz azzbd ^d"r - oA(///t4 /',- o'/oroztz / \-/ e{4-.2*aza/tzec ao/a*a4/qzr' - z/a'zt "zrtrU' ".7zrL"* -./ , ^1 ./r- r - n2 2-#'- -;;;;;a/ ,r-7a"r5 "h'4 ,' f p /'21/ta-r6< oz ' DZB-ffi Fu,,vFra-,"&49 c &/d,7;D 2,zz1bra rc'lrrue "/rss'' ga- ?raeaxr/ %- k//afu sa/ufrq zs ztzgazetz . aae2zzh) a''.t Trarpz- K1,ffKg i ono- &. e.oe. /.,u za c.a,e--y a,//eJa c- u /*,/tt/rca)5 uo i./,*,b/"^e' a'.//*",?Tr/: @ k;g=*rerc*ww'%n"U%M R[C'|] 'l::001991 aluly 30, L99L )*h ' ,zfo/ 7u t/et/ /rt/aqa-t n4 rt{A7*P Design Review Board Town of VailVail, colorado 81658 RE: Proposed revisions to drive entranceLot 7, Vail Village Filing No. 8 Dear Board Menbers: Ilornsilver Circle, Ltd., a Colorado general partnership, and Sherry B. Johnson are the owners of the residential property at 1106 Hornsilver Circle in VaiI. This residence is located onthe cul-de-sac adJoining the property onned by Sorrell Trope and Lj.nda Trope. we are inforned that Mr. and Mrs. Trope have appJ.ied to the Town of Vail for pernission to remove a landscaped bern on cityproperty adjoining their lot in connection with their proposeddrive entry plan. We wish to express our opposition to this proposal. The neighbors around the cul-de-sac have taken great pains over the past 22 yeara to protect and preserve the natural beauty of the trees and floners on city property, as well astheir own property. The reguest of l{r. and }trs. Trope is totally inconsistentwith the historical development and use of the property andwould be extrenely destructive of the aesthetic and environmental harmony of the neighborhood. The reguest demonstrates the applicant's indifference to the needs of the neighborhood and the desires of its inhabitants in rnuch the same way as their intentional trespass upon our parking easenent along our common property boundary where Mr. and !{rs. Trope have placed barriers to deny our parking access therebycreating aCdi+-ional congestion around the cul-de-sac. Thisaction was taken despite their full knowledge of our rights. xc: creg HaIl, TownJill Kannerer, f,'trt,ii;r;; J7l July 30, 1991 Design Review Board c,/o Community Development Dept. 75 S. Frontage Road VaiI, Colorado Dear Board: The attached ]viemorandum was to be sent to D.R.B. Insteadt Robert Johnson, a neighbor residing on Lot 9, Block 6 of the Vail village 8th Filing, and I met with Town Staff member, JilI Kimmerer, on Tuesday the 23rd after a brief chat with Ken Huey, acting Town Manager. Rob and I expressed our concerns about the building being constructed on l-,ot 7 . Ji1l stated that when an owner does not follow hj-s approved plans, she caIIs the architect to have them come in for a variance request. This is standard procedure for Jill, vrho says sometimes she would ask the-owner to comply with what has already been agreed upon at D.R.B. Jill said she would look into our concerns regarding what is transpiring on Lot 7. and get back to ne. To date' I haven't heard from her. I feel at a bit of a loss here, as f know one of the duties of the Town Staff is to make sure D.R.B. regulations are adhered to. our neighborhood is more than duly concerned about what is goi-ng on and communication with the Tovun staff is apathetic, at best. 5l_cerely, Carol C. Duddy ccD/ jL/ 030 &T Atlc (\, llgl MEMO TO MEMO FROM SUBJECT MEMORANDUM Design Review Board Carol Duddy Troup ResidenceLot 7, Block 1, Vail Landscaping Plan has July 23, f991 VaIley 8th Filing been totally ignored. MEMO DATE Double trunked spruce tree, approximately 12 feet high. It u/as to be carefully transplanted to a Nori:heast spot agreed to in the landscaping p1an. The tree was, however, pu11ed out of the ground without being bailed or wrapped. It was allowed to lie on the Northeast corner of theconstruction site for approximately two weeks with its root exposed. It \^/as then dragged to the Northwest corner of the construction site and allowed to remain in that spotfor approximately one week. r'\ri,.i ^- rr- i ^ r-.i *^ ^^-.i ^r r rut three Cal1S intO thel-.,uJ- -LrrY L-llI- L.LILLE PCJ- .l- 1J\-r t I !architects, two calls into the contractorr and talked to the foreman on-site to express my concern. I was told the -.ree would be replanted and :-n the pi:oper spot. After the tree was dragged to the Northv.rest corner, I was told they could not move it back because the construction of tlre home vras now blocking its path. After further concerned conversations, the tree was propped upright and dirt was piled around its roots, not totally covering them. I have been watering and fertilizing the tree, but it was handled in such a manner that it was severely damaged and wr11 probably not live. Troup Residence, Landscaping Plan JuIy 23, f991 Page Two Pine tree Three existing pine trees which were grouped together onthe Northwest side of the property vrere to be saved, to date one pine approximately 30' tall has been destroyed. Boulder WaI1 This type of wa1l is not a part of the landscaping plan and is in the wrong spot. I was told the surveyor, Dan Corcoran made a three foot mistake in the elevation, whichsurprises me because of his good reputation. Even so therock boulders piled next to the cut made on the North sideof the property line are not in the correct place, nor arethey exactly what i-s required from the landscaping p1an. The v,rall has been pushed up against the property 1i-ne, makingit impossible for the Troup's to plant any of the treesj-n the places shown on the landscaping p1an. I would likethis rock lrall moved South and there is plenty of room todo so. The trees were a very important part of thelandscaping plan and important to us as neighbors becausethe homes are located so close together and i-t was agreedat the D.R.B. that every effort would be made to saveexgisting trees and proceed according to the Troup's Iandscaping plan. Further Concerns The Trouprs will be going to the Design Review Board torequest the removal of a landscaped burm between lots.This would remove more green space and create a parking lot feeling at the end of our cul-de-sac. I am totallyagainst any further disregard for the landscaping in the area. There is plenty of roon for us to maneuver cars onthe dead end cul-de-sac where there is virtually no traffic,but there is no room in our minds for anv further disreqardfor the surrounding greenery. CD/ss/O)-6 VaiI Town Staff Tqz, alal X, 6k / t4/t1i/2Ju fd O 7/n/il DESTCN REIXIEIT BOARD IGEIIDA ituLr 17, 1991 3:00 P.M. lbrahan - 871 Spnrcc Court Oberlobr - 2656 Davos TrailBailey - 193 Beaver Dan RoadRiaski - 394 Beaver DaE Road Lodge Tover - 2O0 VaiI Road Sonaeaalp - 20 Vail Road Gasthof Gransbalner - 231 Gore Creek Drive Eubcap - 1{3 Meadow Drive Super Star Studios - 263 East Core Creek Drive Scbofi.e]'d - 1a/t8 vai]. Valley Drive tfoore R€sidence - 42L4 Coluobiae ltay 9liadgtream Condos. - '[295 Colunbiae DriveFried - 512{ Grouse Lane RE[7rSED 7/L7/9L STTE VISITS 1:30 p.n. 1 2 3 4 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 1{ 15 AGENDA t.Sonnenalp - Major Renovation to Hotel AK 20 vail Road,/Part of Lots K & L, Block 5-E, Vail village 1st MOTION: George LambVOTE: 4-0 SECOND:Sherry Dorward PreJ-iminary approval given to the structure withconditions. Landscaping will be presented later forfinal approval . Willow Bri.dge Replacement of existing structure MM Located on Willow Bridge Road, between the Village Center Condominiums and the Sitzmark Lodge MOTION: George Lanb VOTE: 4-0 Approved as modified. SECOND: Sherry Dorward AK3.Kravis - Outdoor Lighting Plan 424 Forest Road/Lot 4, Block 1,MOTION: SECOND: IABI.ED TO AUGUSI 7IE I,IEEIING. vail Village 3rd VOTE: 2L. Trope Residence - Modification to approved site plan ,JKto al-low changes to driveway and adjacent landscaping. 1115 Hornsilver Circle/Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Vlllage 8thMOTION: SECOND; VOTE: TIBI.ED BO AUGUSB 7IE I@EIING. 22. TV8 - Air Conditioning System JK 575 Lionshead Place/Sunbird Lodge MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Chuck CristVOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. MEMBERS PRESENT: MEMBERS ABSENT: Ned Gwathmey Pat Herrington Chuck Crist (PEC) Sherry Dorward George Lamb .-@BE@E: Meyer/Byrne Residence - Changes to approved plan. Lo|' 23, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Hutchinson Primary/Secondary Residence - Revise interior spaces of secondary unj-t. Revise window on north elevation.Lot 1, vail village 1st Gotthelf's/My Jeweller - New awning with signage on existing frame. East Gore Creek Drive,/Lodge Promenade Kramer Residence - New Deck on Unit *3 933 Red Sandstone Road/Cottonwood Park Condo./Unplatted Booth Creek Roadway - Retaining walls located on Bald Mtn. Road and Katsos Ranch Road. July 9, 1991 l,tr. Greg HaIl Town Engineer Department of Public WorksMs. JiIl Kemmerer Senior Planner Department of Community Developrnent Town of VailVail Colorado Res Proposed Revisionsto Drive EntranceLot 7, VaiI Village Filing No.6 Dear Greg and JiII, As construction has progressed on the Trope Residencethere have been several concerns that have corne up inregards to the functionality of the approved drive en-trance. As you may remember the driveway was discussedat length at the Design Review Board and we made several changes to accommodate the concerns of the Board and the adJacent neighbor Carol Duddy. One of the goals was tobalance the green space between the existing parking easement on the south and the Duddy,s drive entrance onthe north. In order to accomplish this the driveway hadto be curved. In reviewing the construction and further diagranunaticstudy it has become clear that the approved drive entryis not workabLe solution and we would like to propose changes to the approved site plan. PROBLBIfS I|ITII EPPROVED DRIVE ENTRY PI,AI{ - IIIADEQTIATE NA-DIT END vtSW OBSTRUCTIOIT In order for a vehicle to back out of the garage itwould have to start turning immediately and then backinto the existing tree in the center of the cul de sac.As you rnay be a\rare although the public right of way is50' R the radius to the edge of gravel is 21,. This sig-nificantly limits room to maneuver. In order respect theexisting line of pavement and turn around the tree itwould be necessary to make a t,hree point turn. The approved site plan shows no modification to the ex-isting berm between the Duddy,s drive entrance and theTrope drive entrance located within the pubtic Right of I?y. We have a concern that the existing berm is toohigh for an adequate view angle when backing out of thegaragg. We would like to propose lowering it and surfac-ing the outermost projection in order alleviate any po-tential _ safety problem. We would also like to proposemovj-ng the existing 6,-0' high trees to a locati6n thatwould have less view obstruction. pierce, fritzlen, architects, inc. d.b.a. ftitzler|, pierce, briner formerly intratect design group fDlen. Dierce. brinervarchitecture, planning, interiors p.o. box 57 IOOO lionsridge loop suite l/d vail. colorado 81658 303-476-63 42 fax 303-476-490 1 ' -/' ' ': '/'-'. : .', ',, 'rLu .lul 11199, Pg. 2 07089020.DOC fDlen. pierce. brinervarchitecture, planning, interiors p.o. box 57 IOOO lionsridge loop suite l/d vail, eolorado 81658 303-476-63 42 fax 303-476-490 I Pg. 3 07089020.Doc The proposed plan would allow a vehicle to completelyback out into the drlve prior to radiusing and allow thedriver to look behind prior to pulling out into the pub-Iic right of way. I have prepared a sketch superimposedover the approved to site plan to demonstrate the pro- posal . Upper Eagle VaIIey will be replacing the existing hy-drant in the berm this surnmer. It will be necessary toexcavate a significant portion of the berm and remove one tree in order to accomplish the replacement. In thatthe area is going to be disturbed it would be most costeffective to agree upon a solution prior to hydrant the replacement. f would also assume that the Town of Vail sonewhere downthe road would want to address widening the cul de sacin order to improve emergency access. I would be happy to meet lrith either of you at the siteat your convenience. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Fritzlen Pierce Briner pierce, fritzlen, architects, inc. d.b,a, fritzlen, pierce, briner formerly intratect design group -7// g ulJ.',' \ IL $ 'i -..> ''\ s Y I $ I- \ ( l--I I $ ,l E 0t )u L\ $)(g o$r I I I , It I I I f fitL.[. I il T $Iv "o LLll L sIL. { k .,. r btI t sl-{n tt t l- \ $ $t ? I -r I j .a!\: i, -'$P $te t\ t' LuJo tr UJ J .Iaz(r g .t1*FJtq in -si b [* s!- ( {(J 0 ul $ $ 0* 0z ) il 0 r$ 0 N $ ri f,t :'; i'rtfl i:,{ JT T$ v,{iil \ L . \i. ut ,l\, . t., : $ li l.{'$ i. ')-ltvt \ ( rt t/ +x stt I -J $u)-1 rlt u \L \'Jl , fnth-JFi ,ri .l r{l t t"ts_., 0u H K il0 LI Irl H rIo g l0 H 0z h hl p \i rl t\ ) $s ii tl' li rt $.r't 6i$ I'F. . a j j I .4 i1i ' 17 )' ):'ilil'fi i ii,tl;, u ir $ o.Jnr- #-. E9 tr{ ta .----1 I have read the memo dated Aprll survey policies stipulated in the Town of Vail3, 1991 and conrnit to adhering to them. Perrnit, Nunber Legal Description: c: \ k!13t an\lrqnor \ rulvoy. po1 Lo:- J, Block | , subdivision t/(.pg gna ure r) Kc lt Name Date DATE:4-21-91LEGAL: LOT ADDRESS: OWNER: ARCHITECT: P FLOOR R BASEMENT SO.FT.I 1ST, FLOOR SO.FT. M 2ND. FLOOR SO.FT.A 3RD. FLOOR SQ.FT. R LOFT FLOOR SQ.FT.Y TOTALS PRIMARY / SECONDARY ZONE 7 BLOCK FILINGllll HORNSIILVERTROPE PI{ONE # FRITZLEN,PRIECE.BRINER PHONE # LOT SIZE: 8,989.0 PROPOSED lS THE LOT SLOPE OVER 30"/o YES/NO NO. OF UNITSALLOWEDON SITE NO. OF GARAGE SPACES GRFA ALLOWED ON SITE TOTAL GRFA WITH ALL INCREASES ALLOWED SITE COVERAGE SITE COVERAGE USED SITE COVERAGE BEMAINING I.ANDSCAPE COVEMGE TOTAL GRFA USED ON SITE GRFA REMAINING ON SITE VAIL VILLAGE #8 476-3594 476-6342USE: RESIDENG o No-^( 1.OJ z.v 2,242.3 2,242.O 1,793.8 1,794-0 0.0 5,381.4 2,239.0 3.0 GARAGE STOMGE MECH. STAIR AIRLOCK VOID oRED|TS REMANTNG ON SITE 3.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 UNIT ONE U N I T CREDIT TOTALS USED ADDED GRFA(|E 2s0?) GRFA ALLOWED GRFA USED GRFA REMAINING TOTAL GARAGE STOBAGE MECH. STAIR AIRLOCK VOID685.0 621.0 22.O 0.0 42.0 0.0 0.0'1,877.0 0.0 113.0 0.0 36.0 0.0 22.0559.0 0.0 59.0 0.0 9.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.00.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.03J21.0 621.0 194.0 0.0 87.0 0.0 22.o TOTAL GROSS SQ.FT. 3,121.0 924.0 CREDTT 621.0 194.0 0.0 87.0 0.O 22.O 0.0 ToTALS 0.0 6.0 50.0 0.0 25.0 0.0 2,242.0 COMMENTS: 2,?39.O 3.0 \ HoLy cRost ?ttc-rRtc o,tt&tATtoN, INC 3?99 HIGHWAY 62 P, O. DRAWER 2I50 GLEMVOOD SPRINGS, COLORADO 8I602 April 17, L99L Linda and Sorrell Trope c/o Ray NielsenFritzlen, Pierce, BrinerP. o. Box 57Vai1, Colorado 8L658 RE: Vail Valley Filing 1, Lots 5 and 7 Dear Linda and Sorrell: HoIy Cross Electric Association has no objection to your landscaping plans for the utiJ,ity easement along the southerly lot lines of the above referenced properties providing the following conditions are agreed to: A. Should Holy cross Electric Association need to repair or replace the electric facilities within the easement, the Association sha1l not be responsible for the replacement of trees, shrubs, or retaining walls removed or damaged during the course of our work. B. If the Association detennines that the existing electric facilities have been darnaged by landscaping activities, the property owners will cornpensate Holy cross Electric for alL expenses incurred in the repair of the danages. c. The manhole cover of the existing splice vault in the southwesterly corner of Lot 7 sball not be covered. If the landscaping requires raising the grade at the manhole, rnanhole grade rings will be installed at property ounerts expense to keep the rnanhole cover at or above final grade. (303) 945-5491 FAX: 945-40E I D. Sincerely, HOLY CROSS This agreement shalt be binding on the current and aIf future owners of said Lots 5 and 7. ASSOCTATTON, rNC. Michael Laverty, Engineering Technicia ML: rjn cc: HCEA, Vail office CC: Ray Neilsen TitIe: . .A.rt r: eihed is an appl lcation for a revocable penrlt to. erect or maintaLn.a s[i:ucture on a pub1lc rtght-of-way. As has been discussed in the ',evlewing d,b.a. frltzlea,. pierce, briner I deslgn group ffio [,lAR t] 9lggl APPLICATION FOR REVOCABTE A STRUETURE ON A (Please type or print) DATE 44EAT+ OWNER OF PROPERTY NAI{E oF APPLICN{T A4I.4L ADDRESS Corner Iot - DESCRISTION OF STRUCTURE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN PUBLIC RIGHT.OT'-WAY AYDU/UH Fence WaLI- aiuE- LandscaPing Other Tkre )<X LEGAI., DESCRTPTION OF PROPERTY TO BE SERVED: lrrr 7 BrocK I suBDrvrsrov V*lL v/Lb%€ ftz A (ff necessary, attach description on separate sheet) ' Inside fot X oR rTEM(S) rNTO RIGHT-OF-WAY:2reft\/rc/ UA//+Y Bt///l/a/?1// 'fl/?rf ,\ t il \,oi Attacb plans show Does structure presentlY exLst? Proposed date for connencenent of. construction In conEideratlon of the issuance .of a revocable structure above indicated, applicant agrees as *t+AtL '////!6 €7Z2O7uEZ TD Fe-rxtl other affected AP4/L ll,!a?_L permit for the follows: + appurlenance in tlre project area (to scale or_dimensioned) and seltion(s) as well as elevations (if applicable) ' 1. That the structure hereln authorized on a revocable pernit basis is restricted exclusively to the land above described. 2. that the pernit is linited specifically to the type of structure- described in this application. 3. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manger, or his.duly authorizea-igent, twenty-four hours in advance of the tine for connencement of construction, in order that proper lnspection may be nade by the Tonn- 4. The- applicant agrees to indemnify and hold hannless the Town of Vaii, its ofiicers, eurployrees and agents from and against all tia;i1ity, clairos and dernands on account of injury, -lossor damage, including without linitation claims arising fron bodity Injury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, propeity ios3'oi damage, oi any other loss of any kind wnatEoever, which arlse out of or are in any manner connected irltfr appficantrs abtivities pursuant to this penuit, lf euch -tnJury, Ioss,. or damage ls.caused in whofe 6r fn iart by, or is Liairned to ue caused in vhole or in part b!, the-act, oml'ss.ion, errotr, professional error, iistaX!, negllgence or other iault of the applicanL, his contractor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or representative of the appllcant, his contractor or his EuLcontractor. fhe app.l-icant agrees to investigate, handle respond to, and to pr6viae defense for and defend against, any- such liability, clains, or demands at the sole expense of the applicant. The applicant also agrees to bear aII other ex!-enses relating Lhereto, including.court costs and attorney-'s fees, wheth6r or not any such liability, clains, or denairds alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent' Applicant agrees to procure and naintain, at its own cost, apolicy or policies of Lnsurance sufflcient to ensure agalnstall liability clains, denands and other obligations assuned by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Torm of Vail , itsof.ficers, agents and enployees from any and all llability,clairns, denands, or actions or cauaes of actions whatgoeverarising out of any damage, loss or inJury to the appllcantor to the applicantrs property caused by the Tonn of Vail,its officers, agents and enployees whlle engaged in naintenance or snou removal activitles or any otheractivities whatsoever on Town of Vail propefty, streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way.5. lhat the pernit nay be revoked whenever lt is determl.nedthat the encroachnent, obstruction, or other structureconstitutes a nuisance, destroys or inpairs the use of theright-of-way by the public, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachnent, obstruction, orstructure exists 5.s required for use by the publici or it may be revoked at any tlne for any reason deened sufficient by the Town of VaiI. That the applicant wiII renovg, at his expense, the encroachment, obstruction, or structure within ten daysafter receiving notice of any revocation of said pernit.7. That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associated with the encroachment on the right-of-way.8. That in the event said renoval of the encroachrnent, obstruction, or structure is not acconpl.ished within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and havethe right to make an assessnrent against the property andcollect the costs or'removal in the sane manner as general taxes are collected.9. That the applicant has read and understands all of the tenns and conditlons set forth in this application. 10. Special conditions: 6. Signature of Property Owner Date(If joint ownership, both signatures) APPROVED: Developnent Ngk J{Aqr2€l-91 THIJ 1, IE=2= Ih.rTRATECT P. E3 Appllcant agl?€g to procure and nal.ntaln, at ltr own cort, apollcy or porleles o? ineurance sufficle;rt-to ensurc aEalnstarl llabllity clalns, demands and ot[ti-drrfi"rron" aasunedby th€ appllcant purauant to this paragri.ph-i. lryll:llts.lllller agree_to relcase rhe rown of Vail, itslTlllit"t-:9:l!" and enploveer fron anv and alr ltabilltt,clarns, denands, cr actlona or cauEes of actl,one whateocierartetns. out of .any danage, toss or inJury G-aii; ;;;iiili-or to-the appllcant.s pioperty caured-by'the rown 6? varr-,ItB ofrlcerE, aqentE and enployeee while engaged lnnaLntenance or inow renovar-aotivrtlcs or if,v-otrreractlvitles trhatsoevetr on Town of vatr prop-iiy, ltreetc,sldewalks, or rlghts-of-way.5. ?hat the penrlt nay be revoxed whenever lt ts determlnedthat the encroachrnent, obstructlon, or other gtructureconstituteg a nulsance, destroys oi lnpalrs the uEc oi ttreright-of-way by the publlc, coistltutei a traff,lc traziral-orthe property-upon which the encroachnent, obstruotlon, oretructure cxlets Le regulred for use by the publlcl oi ltnay be revoked at any tlne for any rea-on deemed eufflclentby the Town of Vall.5. Tlrat th€ appllcant wltl renovc, at hle expense, theencroachnent, obstructlon, or structure slthln ten daysafter receivlng notlce of any revocatLsn of sald per:nit.7. That the gppllcant agreeg to rnalntaln any landecaptngaeeociated with tho enoroachment on the itEht-of-way.8. That ln the event eaid renoval of the encroachrncntr-obstruction, or structure Lg not aeconpllrhed wlthln tendays, the Tovn ls hereby'authorlzed to renove sanc and havEt}re right to nake an asEesanent sEalnet the property andcollect the coEts orrenoval ln the sane nanner ar Eeneraltax€s are collectgd.9. That the appllcant haE read and conditlone eet forth ln and underEtlnds all of the terrrsthls appllcatlon.10. Special conditl"ons: Date APPROVED: i.l Dlrector of Connunlty Developnent Date olrectoi of Publlc works Date Town l,lanager Datr /. 2. / oLv.4 7-f- ,4zz,zn+t ferota^rt ,fua/f,4 Tuln rz. azL )'5f- Jrc 6aryZ bld 4A ,ile/' 7e6t,fu^- dZfA oz. o fr.ntau€ aA/p 7t:frttZ/ize ua//\-/ : 4 rag/-t r'a zg//rd,zra-/ nag//o ),' -1- S*z.rc/ -4tryfu\) y'o.& ,.rruau zrrleac?- : 1l /rcK noy' ,.t/. ,-ytc/e bty'r.'cer- ' A / Aye-" /J- Z /Jyr'- 't d. drrsnq-,, Mrl. dJ/ 86 aVTnuaJ- -e/ziore,2t an/rczb ( 9 4 /n/,b c/ny'er nhrq ,bJfu( grl.;fr ,e./aa't A h / Lo la , 't ':r. a/27/pt 4, /ry.oz2a-t JTuu> 4., I ?/.,fot ,rc/zzd rt g//rc/ ,zrh: €ZeV * 477rv/q*)t 4 rao/s fo <z//.c,t,?&-/ /"a4/o c (c,/aszl , ,l+th. .s/"ro'a4') /LO" ,b /l/i zz t4tr/ou ua// St/ql-s / ,) AftlZ d/U er{ coutK/l,{' A/ta.tlED /?9y'- 4/atJ /A7Z -/ zru frrt /"'uzz'-t<- a1@ /zC /nrn n t J r-6ntu+lr1 &'/L/ . tuot, ,sy7nk, / Qtfuels- /ladareo\ \-/'/() - e fttraat tua// zt tf,ntt qr/ (an.tsy' exe<.',l /ta"t) "7rt . a /6o" cJla?o-" 4e// d77 &k y/*tJ. . €t//2- /ol4/' l'/4t2"<l .'t/ EeoF'fu1n16d€€TT o J l Town of Vail Corununit.y Development 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81557(303) 4'19-2L38 Plan review based on the 1988 Uniforn Building Code Project Number: 31391 Address: 1111 HORNSILVER CIRCLE Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N Portions of the material contained in this Uniform Building Code ( 1988 edition) with Conference of Building Officials # SHEET IDENTTFICATION Name: TROPE RESIDENCE Date: March L3, 1991 Contractor: NEDBO CONST. Architect: FRITZTPIERCE'BRINEREngj.neer: KRH CONSULTANTS Plans Exaniner: DAII STANEK program are reproduced from the permission of International CORRECTION REQUIRED L 51 CRAWT SPACE All areas delineated as crawl spaces or nonhabit. basement shall have less than 5'ht. from earth to structural fLoor/ceiling above, be ventilated as per UBC 25L6, with rninimum access as per UBC 2515 and max. access of 9 sq. ft. 2 P.11-13 STUCCO 3 P.5-5 VENTS 4 51 VENTS 5 51 ACCESS Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be provided with exterior metal lath as per UBC 4?06 with 2layers ofpaper. Windows and doors are required to be adeguately flashed(not with just screed metal). Alath inspection is required prior stucco application. A bathroom is reguired to have an openable window or a rnechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. 1205. (c) Crawl spaces are required to be ventilated by mechanical means or by openings. Such openingsshall have a net area of not less than 1 sq. ft. for each 150 sq. ft. of under-fIoor area. UBC 2515(c)5. Provide a minimun 18X24" underfloor access. UBC 25L6 (cl2. 6 P.4 COMBUSTION In buildinqs of unusually tight construction (all AIR nevr construction within the Town of Vail), combustion air shall be obtained from the outside. Such conbustion air openings shall be as per UMC. Tr. I P.5 P.4 **** 10 **** 11 **** 12 **** 13 P.4 LOG LIGHTER MECH ROOM **** **** **** **** STAIRS Page 2 Gas log lighters are not permitted within the Town of Vail unless they are a fisted aPparat,us btith a thermocoupler and a pilot. Furnaces not listed for closet or alcove instalLation shall be installed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 tines the volune of the furnace. A boiler unit will reguire a space 16 times larger than the boiler. UMC 504 (b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of eguipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any instal.lation. Due t.o Colorado State Statutes, all sink faucetts and shower heads are required to utilj.ze flow resLriction devices. Also, the maximum water closet flush usage is limited to a maximum of 3.5 gallons per flush. The garage must be separated from the dwelling bythr fire-resistive construction on the garage side. -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The door betbreen the garage and the dwelling is required to be a I 3/8 inch thick solid core seLf closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) exc.#3 The enclosed usable space under the stairs is reguired to be protected by thr fire-resistive construction. -- 3305. (m) Town of Vaif Community Development 75 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 PIan analysis based onthe 1.988 Uniform Building Code Project Number: 31391 Address: 1111 HORNSILVER CIRCLE Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this reportlisting of all possible code requirements selected sections of the code. Name: TROPE RESIDENCE Date: March 13' 1991 Contractor: NEDBO CONST.Architect: rRITZTPIERCETBRINER Engineer: KRH CONSULTANTS Plans Exaniner: DAN STANEK are not intended Lo be a complete in the 1988 UBC. It is a guide to Portions of the material contained in this program are reproduced from the Uniforn Building Code ( 1988 edition) with permission of fnternational Conference of Building Officials AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Master bedroom2 Master bath2 Hal1s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR TLOOR1 Living room1 Dining room1 Kitchen1 Bedroom #11 Bath roon *11 Bedroom *21 Bath room *21 Powder room1 Halls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOORB GarageB Mechanical roomB Halls, closets, etc. TOIAI, FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTA]-, 325 116 227 568 586 r't 5 154 2L4 47 225 47 23 423 18 95 555 76 82 713 2563 32 .50 0.00 0 .00 58.60 1?.60 15 .40 2L.40 0 .00 22.50 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 L6.25 5 .80 0.00 29.30 8.80 7 .70 10.70 2.35 tl..25 2 .35 1 .50 0.00 0 .00 0 .00 0 .00 Yes No No No No NO Ies No Yes No.No No NO No NO Yes 1 1 1 1 1I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Paqe 2 FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterior is reguired from this room. The minimum clear openable area nust meet the following. -- Sec. 1204. 1) The mininum clear height is 24 inches 2l The minimum clear width is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5.7 sguare feet 4, The maximum sill height is 44 inches 2l The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for vent.ilation. -- Sec. 1205. (c) 4l The requirement for an egress window in the basement is based on Sec. L204 . ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceiling height of not less than 7 feet 6 inches. Kitchens, hal-1s, bathrooms and toileL conpartments may have a ceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest projectj-on. ff the ceiling is sloping, then the minimum height is required in only L/2 of the area. --Sec. 1207. (a) Every dwelling unit shal1 have at least one room which has not less than 120 sguare feet of floor area. Otber habitabte rooms except kitchens. shall have an area of not less than 70 sguare feet. -- Sec. 120?.(b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shal1 not be less than 7 feet in any dimension. -- Sec. 1207 . (c) cr-,az rnc REOUTREMENTS : 1) A11 glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material. -- Sec. 5405. (d) 2) Note windows and doors in a tub or shower area are reguired to be safety glazed regardless of the height above the floor. -- 5406(d) 5. SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS: A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or waII at a point centrally located in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area.' -- Sec. 1210. (a) 4. The smoke detector is required to be wired to the building's power : source. -- Sec. 121-0 . (a) 3 . A srnoke detector is required in the basement. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. A smoke detector is reguired on alL stories. -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4. If the upper level contains sleeping roon(s), a smoke detector is -reguired in the ceiling of the upper Level close to the stairway. --Sec. 1210. (a) 4 Page 3 FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE:1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3707.(b) 2't The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and waLls of firebox are to be 10 inches thick. If t,he lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 370?. (c) 3) The ninirnum clearance to combustible naterial is from t.he fireplace, smoke chamber, and chirnney walls is 2 inches. Combustible material- nay not be placed within 6 inches of fireplace opening and conbustible within 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch of clearance. -- Sec. 3707. (h) 4't The hearth must be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thickr and supported by noncombustible material . The hearth size must be at least: If Opening size is: Front extension Side extension Less than 6 sq.ft.16 inches 8 inches 12 inches6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches -- Sec. 3707. (k) & (I) 5) Chimney height must be per Table 3?-B OCCUPANCY SEPARJATION : Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fi.re construction are required on the garage side only and any doors between the garage and the residence are to be a self-closing 1 3/8 inch solid core door. -- Table 5-B & Sec. 503. (d) ex #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairvray in a dwelling must, be at least 36 inches wide. -- Sec. 3306. (b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- sec. 3306. (c) exc.#1 Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (j) Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Mininun height =36 inches, maximum opening size = 6-inches. -- Sec. 1?L1. exc 1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(p) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is reguired to be protected as reguiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3305. (n) ATTIC REQUIREMENTS:1) Provide an access to all attic areas with a clear height of 30 inches or more. The minimum size is 22 inches by 30 inches. There musL be 30 inches or more clear height above the access. -- Sec. 3205. (a) 2) Provide ventilation in alL attic areas. The net free vent area isto be not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of attic area. The vent area nay be 1/300 if at Least 50t of the required ventilating area is provided by ventilators located in the upper portion of theattic. The upper ventilators must be at least 3 feet above the eve or cornice vents. -- Sec. 3205. (c) Page 4 CRAWLSPACE REQUIREMENTS : l.) Provide ventilation either by mechanical means or by openings in exterior walls. Opening sha1l provide a net area of not less than 1 square foot for each 150 square feet of area in crawl space. Openings sha1l be distributed on two opposite sides and be Located as close to corners as practical . -- Sec. 2516. (c) 5. Note: vent openings may be reduced to 10t of the above if ground surface area j-s covered with an approved vapor barrier and the building official approves. 2) Provide l8-inch by 24-inch access opening to the crawl space area. Note: opening may be reguired to be larger if mechanical equipment j-s located in the crawl space. -- Sec. 2515. (c) 2. 3) Unless the wood is listed as an approved wood of natural resistance to decay or treated wood, the ninimum clearance between exposed earth and floor joist is 18 inches. The minimum clearance to beams and girders is is 12 inches. -- Sec. 2515. (c) 2. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REOUEST FOR FRAME INSPECTION. ALL CRAWL SPACES WITHIN THE TOWN OF VAIL ARE LIMITED TO A EARTH TO STRUCTURAL FLOOR CEILING HEIGHT OF 5', BE EARTH FLOOR ONLY, BE VENTILATED AS PER UBC 2515(C)6 WITH MINTMUM ACCESS AS PER UBC 2516(C)2 AlrD MAXTMI]M ACCESS 0F 9 SQ. FT. ANY BUILDING SITE T{TTH A SLOPE OF 30 DEGREES OR MORE SHALL REQUIRE AN ENGINEER DESIGN. SUCH DESIGN SHALL ADDRESS DRAINAGE, SOIL RETAINAGE, AND STRUCTURAL DESIGN EXCAVATION BELOW SLABS ON GRADE SHALT NOT BE PERMITTED WITHOUT PRIOR APPROVAL. ADDRESS NTJMBERS SHALL BE POSTED PLAINLY VISIBLE AND LEGIBLE FROM TIIE STREET. For Ml. occupancy SLOPE GARAGE FLOOR TO ALLOW FOR DRAINAGE TO OUTSIDE OR PROVIDE A FLOOR DRAIN WITI1 WITH SA}ID AND OIL INTERCEPTOR TO DRY WELL OR TO SEWER. A}IY GARAGE FLOOR DRAIN CONNECTED TO SEWER MUST BE APPPRO\TED BY UPPER EAGLE VALLEY WATER E SANITATION DISTRICT. IN GAEAGES WITH LIVING AREA ABOVE, THE WAILS OF THE GARAGE WHICII ARE BEARING THE AREA ABOVE SITATL BE PROTECTED WITH ONE HOUR FIRE RESISTIVE CONSTRUCTION. UBC 503(B) . ||Jt:' COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY STE\^/AFTT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY STEWAFT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY, A Texas Corporation, herein called the Company, for valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A. as owner or mortg€geeof theestateor interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Schedule A, upon payment of thepremiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipu lations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when of the proposed Insured and the amount in Schedule A hereof by the Company,of the policy or policies committed for either at the time of the issuance of this t or by subsequent endorsement. This Commitment is preliminary to of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obligations hereunder shd and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. This Commitment shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorized officer or agent. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has caused this Commitment to be signed and sealed, to become valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company, all in accordance with its By- Laws Th is Com mitment iseffectiveasof the date shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." .2 ba/t"*7<"-,-,+tu Cou ntersigned by: sera,No. C.1601. 206 903 STE\II tTLE sl' SCIIEDULE :\ onDER NUIIBER: 90006t48c? 1. EFFEC'IIVE DATE: tl.ry 30, 1990 at Br00 A.M. 2. POLICY OR POI,ICIES TO tlE ISSUID: rl]lOUNT oe INSURANCA A. ;\LTA O!,JNER'S pOLICy $ 600,000.00 PROPOSED INSURED: LINDA 'fROPN B. r\LT+\ LOAN POLICY 5 PROPOSED INSURED: (-'. .\L'f.\ LOr\N POLICY 5 PR(]Pt]SED INSURED TTIE ESTATB OR INTEREST IN THE LAND DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO IN 'fHtS COlltlI'[,\lD],lT AND COVERnD llER0tN I.S L'!lli stllPLE .-\ND TI'tLE Ttll:frF:'[o IS ,\'l TllE EF FEC't'IVE Dt\TE HERnOF VES'PED IN I 'l'llt)il:\S ll . FRAIC I S TtlE t,.\ND RnFERRED TO tN 'fHIS COiqr'l t'IllEi'r'T IS D0S(:RIBtlD AS FOLLot'ttli: 3. A LOTS 5 .AND 7lllocK I VAIL VTLLAGE, NIGHTH co0N'rY oF ti.\ct B S'IA'IE OF C()LORADO 't't{ t S COYlll t'f ltliN't t,L\S PLE.\S!: CALT.. 'IIiUDY .\. SILIN(J t)Rr:p.AR!l-) oN JUNE 1B, lq9n. ll.{'f;\llttstl ( 303 ) 949- L0l t . FOII QUESTI()iqS PREUIUTI: Tr\K CERT. t, J?5.00 30.00 S'TEIVARI T I'I'LT:()!' EAGT,D (J()UN'TY, INC. P.(). t3()X 3000 V.l\[L, Ct). B[6r:B (30"11 9.19-tr)tt ,r#,u(ffi COTJNTERS ICN tu STE.I^/AR.T TITLD GUANANTY COM'ANY o scH EDil t,E t] - S EC"t t()N t OtIDI:)R -\tillAL:R :')0006 t -lBC2 REQUIRt]i'tEN'tS Tllt:l !'Ot,Lt)t{tNG,\lltl fttE RFIQtJIREIInN'fS'fO BE CoivlPT,ttiD ItJI'fll: ITElvl (A) Pi\YllEllT TO OR l''OR'fllD ACCOUN'r ()!''tlltl (:ll.\N'[ORS OR MOR'|G-,\GORS oF 'tilt1 PULt, co\lstDER.\'ttoN !'oR 'tltti tls'tf,\'t'E otl INTnRES't To RE INSURED. ITEM (U) FR()PDR tNS'l'llUllSN'r (Sl (--ltl::.\'fI\C'rllE b:S'rnTE oR tNTeRDST I() tsE tNSURtiD:lt-rS'f Bll ti.\ECUTED i\ND DULY IJ.tL!,'D I.'OR tllJ(iORD, TO ttlt't: 1. ll\Frcrrtion of affirlavi.t,rs to DebLs.1nd Li,ens and ibs return Lo :ih,:ri,\rL'I'i.t le Cr.rar,.rnt-y tionrf.r.trry. 2. [,r,'i.rl,:rrt:e s.thisfa<:tory h-() Sl(]n,.rrh 'f i. l-le Cu,rranLy Company of p,rvrnr:nf- rrf ,rI I o r.l L :'- t.r n r:l i n q t.rxe:l ltnrl .rssessmenbs as r:erltif ierl try 'f he 1i,1t.; I r.: (l()ltrrt!' T rr:,.lstrrr:r. 3. Exr-r:rrf. i-'.)n ,)l: rl,rr'l i l: ir:,rf.,: - lintt i t y 'tr.rnsf (i!r()r/ [ntlivir-lr.ra I'Irinsf tri'or' ,-rn'l rt-s rr-,1.-.rtrn Lr: Lhr: of f l,:rj, 4. l,)v irlrrnr:e s.rh is f.r,:l-r'r'v f.() S Lr:.,,v,1 rt: 'libli:l Cu,.r r,lnLy Comp.tny F-h,rL-the r;:,r I r.:sl:al-rl l- r.ln:;f er l-,rx ,rs:;esser-l by Llte 'fcrrvn of Vall h,r:; br:tr-.n ;t.l i-rl r-rt' l-lr.-r t t:ll.-' lrj.:rrljr.r(:1, i-{rrt i.:i c: sr.:tni:L f ronr s..r i-<-l b.rx. 5. Dci:rl f r',rnr 'l'lr,>rn.r s .\1 . lir;rnr: i.r;, vr-':;1, inr.1 f t-.rt s i.nrJ: lr:' biLl.e irr [,in,i.r'ft'i'1'11 . \()ft: ; \t,l'.\'ft{))l r16"t'[{li [,i.t.;AL -\DDRn:i:; OP TtlE CR.\N'fI.:l] llus'f r\PPili\R olI'tflIj t)litif),\s pt':tl t976,\.\tt:iNI.)!ltiI'r To s'f.\'tuTE oN R|:C(JRt)IN(l Or DU[Ojj (:ris ]$-15-1.{)|) (.1 ). 6 . A srlrv,,ry, rnr'.'e L i"nrl l:hc nt i.n irnrrrn rlet:.a i I st..rnrlarr.ls oE l-hrr ,\LTA/'.\(:5ll , [)t''.:[).1 r,.:,1 Lry.r r{,:(li:;t.r:r'r..rl (loloritclo sirtrveyor', wiLhin t-ht: lirst t-rvo rnonLhs, mrrst l.re prt':scnted to Stervart 'lible Cuaranty Cc'rmp..rrry, for il-s ;rg,pr,rv.rl prir>r br: l-hc rlcle t-. j.()n of .lny surv(!y excepL ions f rom b.trr: ALTA loan po.l ir:y t.o be issued hereunder or t-hr: i:;su"rncr: of lrorm 100 on l-lre r\L'lr\ Lo.rn Pol.i-cy.Sbel.rrt Til-- Ie Grr,tr;nty r(lserves the riqhL bo t.rke excepb ion to ;rny irrlr,ersc rrl,t tters as shown on sfi l,l survey, or make f rrrtl'rerinqui.ry or re(lu i.rernenbs relati.ve Lhere:to. Stiw.rrE Tible C;u,1r.rnr-y f r.rrtlrer rrls..-rrv()s Llrr: righb bo exclr:r.le from Form 1-00 cover'.1.Je any advr:rsrl nah-ters iL may r'leem necessary. NO'tE: For an.r,:ltl ition.rl r:harqe, Str-.:tvarE TiEle oE Eagle eoirntyrvill [tlor,,Lclc .rny c(:rpie$ of r,.xcept.i.ons as shown on SchedLr Ie B - S,.,:i.:ti(:)n ?. STE\VART TITLE GUANANTY COMPANY SCHEDUT.,A B - SNCl'ION 2. CKCIJPTIONS or{DER NUivrBnR: 90006.l.{BC2 .ITIE POLICY OR POLICIES 'I() I}[ tS:JUED I{tLT, C()N A tN t.]:(CIPTIONS TO '[IIE |:-()LLOI{ING UNLF]SS 'l'tl8 S.\!lli .\RE D tSllOSflD ()F 'f() 'f HE Sr\1'ISF,\CT tON oE TtIE COMPANY: 1. RTGII'IS ()R CL:\IMS OTT PJ\RTTES IN POSSESSION NO'I STIOWN BY TIIE PtrtJL te RECORD:]. 2. E;\SEi'lliN'tS, OR CL."\IMS Ot- EASIitlE.\'tS, '\*O'l SflOtvN uY THE PUBLIC Rri(:c)tlt)s. 3. DISCtlEp.\)tCIES, CoNb'LIC'fS IN IIoUNDIRY f, l\nS, SIIOR'|.\CE IN,,\REA ENCROT\CHIIEN'IS, ,\ND r\NY FACTS I{HIcl{ A CORRECT SURVEY AND INSPECTION OF TIIE PREMISES T,JOUI.D DISCLOSE AND WHICH AIIE NOT silc)tili lry 'tilt] puut, I(: REcoRDS. .l . .,\\Y [,irjN, ()tl Rtcil't To A LIIiN, FoR stiRVt(lES, L.\t]ott oR t'lA'ttiRt.\t, Ilf':ill:l'f()['')tii:] t)11 ttliRlllA["f tjR [:tJR\ tStlIiD. t]ll'OSEI) DY r-A!'l .\ND tl*O'C fill()r'rlI llY f:ltl t,tJBf,tC tl lJCLrtlDS.5. lri:!'i.:(: l's, f,'.t:lis;, D-\c'uIltti.\Nct']s,..\DVtirl,sti ct.\tllr; Ott o'fttrjR !lA'f'fftRS, IN,\];Y, CRI'1.\'I'LI), L.'tlt1;T.\t)L'l:1.\ti[\(i tN TllE Ptii]LIC RllCOlrDS OR .\1'T.\(-'ilI\C SUD:i[(,]tjn:;'t'f()'filti t:jlrLt.t(-"ttvli D.\flj n'jLlEo['I]tJ't'PRt()lt 'fO TllE l.l.\'flr: l)i{()P()SI:D INStJltfD.\CQUItllllj OF liliCjottD IiOl] VAL,tlE'l'llri l:l:i'f .\'f D otr tN'Hiril]s't' ()rt i.t()R'fc;A(;ti 'illt]tlIoN c]()vERflt) BY 't't{ IS (_'o!tll t 'f llIVl" 6. uNpA't'lt),i'tnD )trN INC ct,,\ tIt:i; Rt,'sEtiV,\TI()NS oR t:'\(:Epr IoNS IN P.\'lllli'f S (lt{ ,\\l l\(:'f i\U'f tl()RIZ tN(l 'tltll ISSII:\N(-'Ll 'tlllittEO['; r,r,\'f Dlt ll icflTs (:1,.\ tll:i ()R 'f L'tt,E T() trvA'rIR . Nt)'l'li: "]ll:(:tl,\N[(:'S [, l-t.]li".\ND/()tl "(lr\P" Plt(.)'l:l':(l'l't()N ( nxctJt,.l'Ir)Nt; + .\ND 5 .\11()V|j ] il.\'{ lrli .\Vr\ t 1,,\Lil,ti t{ t'I'l.t ,\N ()t{NliR' S POf, ICY Ofi 'f i'lf,E tNStrR,\NCli ON ttl:lS IDCNT t.\f, PROpERTY UPON CO|IPLIT\NCE W{'ftl S'tEtV.\ll'll 1'I'I'LFl GUARAN'lY RLjQUIRiiIIENTS. Pf,I'1.\SU Cr\LL FOR Ir(,RTtlhlR INrORIIATION AS 'l(.) TilOSE SptICIFIC REQUIR0!tti\t'r (S ) IJItCESSARy TO OB'I.A I.N 'TIIIS COVERACE. 7 . r\ny ancl a I I unpaid baxes and assessments cnd "rny unre(leemecl tas s:a I e:; . B. 'ltre eEf ecL of inclusions in anv qeneral or specif ic waberconservancy, fire protecLion, s(.)i-l conservaLion or other disbrict or incltrsion in any water service or sLr(:et imFrrovement area. .9. Ternrs, r:onrl.iLions, reserv.-rL Lons, resl-rir:t-ions and obl itl;rl- i-ons .rs c(rntaine(l in bhc Protec:f. i,,'e Covt:nanLs r>f V,t i I Vi. I I.:ge, C i.5llrLh FLlin,l re.:r:orr.lcrl De t:r:mtre r 17, 1.965 in Bool< lliT at. t)agr.: 5?3 .lsj R,-.(-.rlpf ir)n No. f()1779. t0. E;tsemenbs, ri.rsl-r.Lt:Lions ..rnrl r i(llltr;-o[-rv.rys as slrorvrr r.rn thr''PIat, of V.ril VitIa,1e, Iiitlhth tti-[inc1 , rec()r(led [Jecr]mber 17, 1965 ConL inr.rt:r:l on nex.t- parJe STEIYAR.T TITLE GUANANTY COMPANY CON'[INUr\tION StIEET SCITEDUI,E B - SE(]TION 2 e xcIP'r't()NS ORDUR NUIIBER: 90006148C2 ils llr)cepfi.r>n No. t02781. td. E.rsr:rncnL,.rSross parl- oE [,uf. J, l]lo<:k [, V,ril Vi. Ilar'1c 0ighftr Flli.n<y, solely for bhe purpose oE non-r:onrnr:rc L.r t parking of oper.rble 1.rr iv.rbe motor vehicles ,rrvnetl or used by bhe otvners of ocr:rtpanbs of Lob B, a part of Ulock 6, V,:r i. I Vll la,"1c Sevenl--h FiIin'J, or h-heir quesLsi etc., as reserve<l i"n bhe Deed .f rom O S. Shr:rrr'ood, L. C. t{i Ison ancl T. .I . Gleason l-. o l.lin<-lsor Iltrlusl-ries, Inc., a Colorado Corporation, recorded February 24, 1975 in Book 238 aL Pagc':738, as RecepLion No. t34768. NO'|E: Exc-e6:L-ion No. 4 abt:ve will be <leleterl from Lhr: Oltter's Pol l,:y tvhr:n isstterl , lnt-l nri)r:lt,.rn i.r-:s t lien prr:Lr-:r:l. ion is hr,':r.:by 11 r.rnLr:d l-he owner from bhe d.r t-r: of rec()r'r.l inq; of [.h,: Dt:eri bt:i.trg i-nsttre,l, pror.'id.inq bhe s;rirl D.,'r::d i.s rec:.:r,lcrl [ry St,.:rv.rrL 'tiLle Crt.rrirnt-y C()rnp,rny ,rnrl provir-lr:rl Lhe i:rlclo:i1-..1 Af lli,l.rvit is prr>pr1 rly ':):(!{: ti:}i.[ .Irrrl r,',:ttrrncd t-o ljl-r:tv,rrtj 't'i.fjl.r,: (-,irt,,rr.',:rrrl-y (-'rrinl],rOY. Il:.t.:t|| :-r rvr, I I b,-' rlt:l*.:l-erl in blrr': Owrrr.-.r'$ 'l'i.L le l)r.r I i.<:v l,,r lrr. ls:;t.t,:,j . (lprrn rr,.:,:r:LfrL of Srtrvey ([.rrep.lrcrl rvi-thin llrr: l,rsh 6 ur,>nl-lr!i ) ,'r 1-r;r s1; v1..;{ lry Sl-ewi.rrt Title Gtraranty Compnny, Ibems r.,*o. l, ll ,: nrl 3 tv'rl I Lre r.l r: I,:l,r:r.l ,rncl propr-'r insuring <: I..rusr:s w i I I Lre a rlr.l<-:d . STE\^/ART TITLE CUANANTY COMPANY 'tuaurlru.rruor stqt ]o a6ed lsrll aql Jo luo4 aql lo ulolloq eql uo sJeadde qclqM u3g -NnN 'lvlSls INSl lIlt/illoc Perulrd sl! Aq luaurl!uJuro3. srql AJlruap! pue 'zgzLL s-eiiag'uotsnog '6Z0Z xo€ 'O'd re rl ol passeJPPe eq lleqs iuedu.tog eql PeqsluJnl eq ol pel!nbar fiuiirrr'a uiruatuatiri Aue pue Auedurog eql ua^16 aq ol porlnbeJ secllou llV g e6e6 INYA'{iOC ,tINYUYOOgT.ITJL .LtI\/A\g'LS 'luaulluiLUoC slql lo suollelndlrg pue suorllpuoC pue suots!^ord aql ol palctrlsar aq lleqs;ute1c-qcns bulUasse uotlce Aue ro qaraq peJe1oc e$B$UoLLl parnsu! aql ]o uall eql ro lsaralu! ro alelsa aqr ol ellll eql lo snlels eql +o lno i.r,,r qc,qt'pue'ecua6tl6au uo paseq lou ro Jeqloq^'aoeulep .lo ssol ]o ullelc luv ' urareq pa!r!potu llssaldxa se ldacxa luaulllururoC slqf lo ued e apeu, eJe pue ecuaJelal Aq pelelodlocut Aqa.raq a.re qorqM parnsul pasodoJd eql ,o ro^e] ul Jol PeulurLtloJ salcllod ro fullod to urrol oql lo 36era^oc uroll suolsnlcxa aql pue suollelndlrs pue suolllpuoc aql pue suols!^o.td 6u1lnsu1 eql ol lcalqns sl Arll!qP!l qcrr pue rol peu!rluloc sa!3!lod ro Acrlod aqt rol V alnpaqcs u! pelers tunoure eql Peacxa Arlllqell qcns lleqs lua^e ou ul 'luaurllu,ruroc slqr Aq pele^oc uoeieql a6e6uou, Jo lsejelu! ro ale$a sql eleelc ro arlnbce ol (tl ro 'g alnpeqca u! uMoqs suolldecxe aleulwlla or (q) lo 'roaraq slueurei!nbal aql qflM Aldu.roc ol (e) qlle} poo6 ul EulleUapun ul uoereq acuelle.l u! par:ncu! ssol lenlce to1 l;uo pue Jol paululuroo sa1c1lod Jo Acllod lo urJo, arll ul pornsul lo uotrlullep eql rapun pepnlcul salued q3ns pue paJnsu I pasodold parleu eql ol Aluo aq lleqs luaurlluluJoC slql ropun Auedulo3 eqryo Ar!l!qe!'l 'suollelndlrs pue suolttpuoc aseql 1o g qdeloered ol luensrnd pe/Jnou! A;snolrald AUllqell u.rol1 Auedtuo3 aql e^etler tou lleqs luaurpueule qcns lnq 'Al6ulp.locce lueurllurtrJoc slql lo I alnpeqcs puarue Aeu uotldo sll 1e Auedu:o3 aql 'Jaueu Jeqlo Jo ullelc esJa^pe 'ecueJqLllnJua 'uall 'lcalep qcns Aue 1o a6pepaoul lenlce serlnbce aslMJaqlo Aueduo3 aql l! ro 'AuedtuoS eql ol a6paplou>1 qcns esolrstp lleqs pernsul pasodord aqt 11 'a6palnroul r{cns €solcslp os ol elnlle} Aq paclpn[ard sr Auedurog aql lualxa aqt ol uoalaq ecue!lal ]o lce Aue uro:1 6u1l;nsa.t a6eurep ro ssol Aue .lo1 fu1;1qe11 uror1 Pa^allar eq llBqs AueduroC eqr '6u1tpar ut Auedurog aqt ot a8pelmoul qcns asolcslP or llet lleqs Pue 'loeJaq I elnpaqcs u! uMoqs asoql uBql raqlo lueulllirrr.loc slql Aq paJanoc uoeraql aEeouour ro lseralu! Jo elege aqr 6ulrcage Jaueul Jeqlo lo ullelc asJelpe 'acueJqulncua 'ua!l 'rcalep Aue 1o abpa;arroul l?nlce seJlnbee ro seq p€lnsul pasodold aqf 11 'luaurnJ$u! Alu nc€s Jeqlo ro 'peap lsnll 'lsnJl lo peep epnlcu! lleqs 'ularaq Pesn usq6 'aEeOUouJ urJel eql 'n 't 'z 't sNotrvlndus oNv sNolrloNoc s. { Ee{ /or DATE suBMrrrED: //.e7-/o t DAIE oF PUBLTc HEARTNG /2/5//o-------_-j- L/rut rt). 47/-J/38 INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEWa PRO'ECT: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: h/e{. TTIE 4rr7 fht? PUBIlIC WORKS Reviewed by: Connents:r, Date: Date: Date: (ar-.--a r a.- cL---.- ct^- +l-L e*sz r,.'tJ, bulL ,,^. )4-- $,1--' FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Connents: POIJICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTIiIENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date: fritzlen, pierce, briner architecture, planning, interiors p.o. box 57 lOOO lionsridge looP suite 1/d vail, colorado 81658I,ETTER OF TRANSUITTAI, To:Date: 303-476'6342 fax303-476-4901,'F;W *,, 72a?F B. bT7 Attention , d//1- Attached Please Find: _y'|E]ce6s Prints Specifications lfLans -_shop Drawings other H.3PFA f S -Ay. aqAs, Iten No. No. of CoPies DescriPtion The itena listed Yfot Review and _ As Requested Other above are: Col'||nent 7 Eor Your UEe - Returned After Review Renarka: By3 Copies Pg. 1 TRAN8OOO . DO picrcc, fritzlen. architects. inc. d.b.a. fritzlen, pierce. briner formcrly intratect design grouP V:fr"*:&e,,offio*' oo ah*re n&|k)q. lqa-Urt Vt(auNl- Clriuz, t fu'M,r,"a apraD. W-toAtL \nL1h qrnir.u or fr.t')--_ wr1t^ o lnuu or. {t t' )_ _ - - i. d. bu., *'!k anvbu"a Wv-un dMMl- :,1 e. VVU rvwa VWV|AWAr _ W)4d44.!!ACre-o4'14U. i lil " lreea --#- ,-+t4e-,!qEQe.S -lll- " eknt-bs lr-rurrcz."apdalbo"'-o- w^) il - n. oC d(,i4 -=--'t.r#a?, rtft" - --i,l-- r, u,lkn'(dre" ^MU-@-€fu(- oidaat Qz'L-- -u- - --I,Ip"?--- -iil- rli.o7qlwen d-:Mt4-@i+lll Qkt nrnpn 7 l! lMLt4 tx. l*,&: bldra, -ll 'lnrtler'r.-(z* urrtr,) LE/-.t'+lnltle /trrno^a 1(.) lll Qkt nrnpn 7 l! lMLt4 tx. l*,&: bldra, -rl '1,,,ob1 -(Ar ,rrut twe" lhUe-_frzuone-1ffi- --:--- iii- eo,oat +)^pM--'---lll tn ,'rv,a,Mrs,n 7 Uau,+A^6v7.- lll -i , - L dto'lrL? H,2 chaca aL'wurfuiu-lo--€vryo-,li )+^! 40rcd *uca, Lb^Id-Lal @ilttM. -" -lji umrnua-\ wlo a-Aa,,^g (o@l,z{s---- -- ll runre o^(tub-te- ltllueul"l*l,oe-d---- . - .:l )( /,/<B ty'r f//o /4,,tu,Qt Ibarra Lighting Plan 333 Beaver Dan Road/Lot l-f Block I,IOTION: SECOND: 5. Please visit site to see between 5 and I p.n. GIen answer any guestions. 6.Lund Residence - Lighting pJ.an KP 443 Beaver Dam Rd,zlot 4, Block 4, vail Vlllage 3rd UOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual review, will be heard January 2, 1991-. Note: Jirn Shearer arrived during presentation of this iten. 8.11 Curtin-Hill - Awning 244 WaIl Street #C-1lBlock 5-c, MOTION: SECOND: *Duplicate item; see #2 AK vail Village 1st VOTE: Trope - Nevr Single Farnily Residence JK Hornsilver Circle/Lot 7, Block 1, Vail village 8th MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 4-0 Approved r,rith following:L. 3r-orr wide waLkway on north side of driveway shown on site plan will be removed and replaced with 1t -Ort to - 1r -5rr wide retaining wa1l". Southern eAqe qf retaining wal-1 will be in same Iocation as southern edge of walkway as shown on p1an. 2. Driveway to be narrowed to 14 1-0rr at intersection of Hornsilver Circle and to taper to width shown on plans. 3. The 3 neht spruces to be installed on north side of building (approxirnately rnid-house) will be the following sizes: le 12r-0t' 2€ 10r-0rt 4. Applicant obtain revocable R.O.W. permit fron Town of VaiL prior to the issuance of any building permit for any improvements in thepublic rigtrt-of-wai. fi/1;V-raVz tc,r / &ixx- / Ll,4r' /t//:tgz Az KP3, Vail Village 3rd VOTE: J.ights on Decernber 18thEIIison will be there to SITE VISITS L:00 P.M. 1. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA DECEMBER 19, 1990 3: OO P.Dt. sundial - New Duplex 5030 Prina Court/Parcel 4, Phase I UOTION: George L,anb SECOND: VOTE: 3-0 Approved as amended: additionalstaff approval . MM Pat Herrington landscaping for 2.Curtin-Hill - Awning 244 wall street #C'l-,/BIock AK 5-C, VaiI Village lst SECOND: Pat Herrington 3. MOTION: George Lanb VOTE: 3-0 Approved, by consent, applicant tighten the schrager - New single 4249 Nugget Lnllot 8, IIOTION: George Lanb VOTE: 3-0 with the condition that the awning and remove the sags. Fanily Residence SM Bighorn Estates SECoND: Pat Herrington 4. Condition: 1. Needs town engineer approval. 2. Glass will be clean. Lancelot Restaurant - Addition SM 201 core Creek DrlTract A, Block 58, v. Village lst }!OTION: George Lanb SECOND: Pat Herrington VOTE: 3-0 Conditicin: 1. Applicant renove metal fence (notpart around trees) during the winter.2. Applicant subnit plans for a landscaping to be installed along Gore Creek Promanade for staff review and approval. 3. Applicant install staff approved landscaping. NV rv int) o* , $'\-/ ^tV" o r,)rct- L4fl')sl --r,j PROJEqTS DATE SUBMTTTED: INTER-DEPARTMENTAIJ REVIEW DATE OF PUBI,IC HEARING COIiII,IENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: . ,(zaa/c/e ' &uarabh- Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTITENT RevJ-ewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: l\-rz1o .//?/r-,aq) ,l ,eo.d-c-,6*ru UC" art( - .aaJrllrtt * (c.,,a /zr) ' eP K f. adTbcc,-l //tP a-/i-,,tv. t o d//-Ya; nr*ik 4t4'1"714; uL4;i. ./O! O,, )y1 r'/rt/,712 -/ -v?tt tr' J FIRE DEPARTI,TENT ffi RECREATION DEPARTI,IENT Date: Date: Date: Drgau R,.r,"-w Bor+e.D Toutn O€ VtsIL Vr+rr- , CoLoe*oo &lbgE Pg; fr"e4sro Qeu,sro^, To Diarv€: {3rrr",4r.raa Lorlt lJntL Vtlt*er fi Ltr.tc No. E Q+EAr-rof Aee o4)l*l s(Lt aFTt+€- hroc:ruzrct Oeopeazr @ n StfloelrsrLuFe &eel"e tN UgrL. OaB PesrDerucg r s Laerrzeo au TttE Oal --D-Sn< tdH-eee Eoec.etl- J$oraoe AroD GxIDA T+toepe- 4l2c* BurtDrpln A+bse. Ds $*ur Leae.loes lT|,fiT Tr+E .l-*oe-pqk *FAUg ADpt, FrD Toff+e TDu: r:r DF VAr L lo Egn< oug A t-qr.lgsc*pes Beeu Loen-rgo ar..r 4;+1 eaFerl\ AoU+c-ers'T A,r.o 'Tb TL\s x:aEn+FRT oFTftgIQ- FFo peZrrY . T+{ e- Or,r eac,s e, A s rr-r g L{roOe-FS7,*, g rf lS To k)tDexr TFrrrTe ALPFaqASeguere Derur ENlsqr-t. 'ii+F treaPa-sr+ L I s h" v eea CwzruFPllrs}e?- ?rsepza?7o,t} oF-rt{ie F=A€rs. tn€ t4P6€ Tl+s Dets To (ry:ep1t1 be,l,e'.r: t+le R"6^rs Ar'>o STftzu-l/teNys- T*lr FBr.t Tt**t Q,rrZoae-r*e-a-T+h s P>-o PDs+t Stla/t0lc Peturpt ntroFo byT+{F bFt. tCA ELro Aro €€D6€e*s"s 6A_At-fe-ip..lrof- t+*g DeruE FrrfPn+sce Fr;ln,l{\q &r'c.rNet Rnlrs. [0e Arto D.r€ A]era++Boes r]*oe lnssl6+E*r f\rns To K€'e-p 6ap -sfpae1 AtNefl/€/oc 4s.ecssrils. LOs borlrr Neea Mo€,e M+ar-r ap t0rtrar*|r+oe- yo,4, lrl l,l ii I i i ii: i;lUtctms oFtou Q.ss f Ts ADsorrrretl t$REssBP\s' tl,.l$*oo l N T*[ r s Ctsr I ?-s rtor. DLerrse Dn.:r.1 ill t*, r Eeeuesr +Lra 4c-z P u.s Al+rr.rlr+/r.) Ii,i O4A Sfpssl {trcg Vrgc( rp rri Mo<Til- ,,i N tfu fa D L tgr+r^-r \t ?asstbl€ . i Iil Yoqgs lp.utgr ,ri :;l,r +.i Jftnss bcl+lFgT,\ Q^-nfu*,/:l /'/., t/ ,,1 " ehF e&qfiB-r /11lii rfat- *-at"-*ri ri I i ..t I : ,I ,:] I l :l I i lri 1il l,l I i r'! ;, ri lr I . ;.i rt lilril ) i i I ri i :, UTILITY LOCi\TION VERIFICATION% SUBDIVI SION JOB [07 ADDRESS llOl3r*l.5tLvEF The location of utilities, lines, rnust be approved and accompanying site plan. whether they verified by be main trunk the following lines or proposedutilitles for the Date Mounta in Bel I t-l..|ttl-.(/rx Hestern Slope Gas Harry Moyes Pub'l jc Service Company Gary Hal l Holy Cross El ectri c Assoc. Ted Husky/M'ichael Laverty Va'il Cabl e T.V . Gary Johnson Upper Eag le Val ley l,later and Sanitation Discrict Davi d Krenek Authori zed na ture 4*4€r tt-,+i,!3i.'iT,i"i,' atiached sheet /!-/?a" lO-6,19 NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the cont.raccor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit frorn the Torm of Vail, Department of Public ltlorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent i.n the Torvn of VaiI. A building permit, is not a street cut permit. obtained separately. A street cut Dermit must be This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. PIANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name Cornmon Name LlUC tuftunu4 Quani tv /o /a 5aac. Faaz. GROUND COVERS ilorar T.ype / D/Art fTlttS'Ztua eP' eZZ Square Footaqe *-7 s0D 260 F SEED tlt4lle,U Alv-V a e r(fOncfz- 7a A,rcnab rG aW^ .. - smtts@- tuv /F^:/TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER:LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1'ls, fences, swjmming pools, etc.) Please specify. LIST OF MATERIALS ,Ar4E 0F PROJECT t L/@/', LEGAL DESCRI PTION :b V4IL V/LLffi STREET ADDRESS: hbPI/€/L/2*. DESCRIPTI0N 0F PROJECT: Strate r4trtzY Dat€l.t-lnn The fol lowing information is required for submittal Board before a final approval can be f,iven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to the Design Review Roof S idi ng Other Wall Materials CenqP tH/'{At& B. LAN0SCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: Fascia Soffi ts l,li ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues F tasn r ngs Ch i mneys Trash Enclosures Green hou s es 0ther COLOR tt t. ftYe/ooDdz lYl trh4z h/aaD UtlheS- pZzl #oeAeAel FaNT '^/ni'aEAFei4 lr'@z A/YP dt 4-t5 7&9/tQ"Mzs greL a,up r,/a/P(e4cP'a/4) r4':9= -,!t4%. -------3futo3i //u'a/oD h/eD AJ4otluS /u,wU'ieAL PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE RE|+OfEO TZA^EPdfrEtr- WlLLSn/E Botanical Name Common Name 4,4*/ k*c,tn.,_-1--__ vuq ll I Ly ? /7fuivD. p/^/E Si ze* /4 "araz. Z"aL. -. , C'tvttrl/. dtu€ ?aDaE, for deciducious trees.for conifers. (over) c lylqoe 5/78 H@r *Indicate caliper Indjcate height AppucATtoN 0Are : ,{aV, \,.t.?.9?-,- . ,,,,-* : :,:; ,ill'tii:f$' dpprtclrron IutL NOT ICATI0N I'IEETING I DATE OF DRB IIITTII{G DRB APPLICATION 8E ACCEPTEO U}ITIL ALL INFORMATION P4:9-tr- rr rrrrlrlgo*'**' \ pre-*pplicnrion rlq?t149 with-a plannlng staff member 1e silonglv suggestsd t0 .rerermine tr any rooriidi.i inrorhation Jt Ur9:1.,-lg ltp]l:t!Il-:11]-?:..::::?::1ilil fi il ;iHpiil'iil;i ifti;ii ;t1 1liTs l'!l1T-d.!I-:h?,:lnll!:lillr::':*:)iieiiH'i;i ilip.iniiit i i[y to nrlle q. l?l?r lg:n:.tlt! :13"1lglf .19, Illdli[i iilli.ir'ri,,u,ii ilii :r.equ"rriments . pl eiia note.that,. gqrylllt-t?p]i::: ;G;iiina tne rppr.ovii-p"oioss for.your proJect by de46slng thr numger ffi-# inlrovrl thlt itre"Oni may stlFulatb, ALL condJtlons of approval m siniimi{na the rpproval proc6ts for.your prgJ99i Dy decrtislng En. num'er ffil?'iiiirduit ihii itre"onn may stllulati, ALL condJtlons of approval 'ou't;;;;i;;';.io.i'i ourta{ns permit l3 Jtsusd' Pai'JtCI DESCRIPTI0NT )fF$le'L\&clruE .. .. lLdd.f et r_=_ !- lttll:i: "'UI[Eiit des*lPtJon Lot - 8'l ock !. F i 1 lng *rl VttIPda tel cphone Zo' i ng NAIE OF ftddres s ill'1 ilnt4E 0F Ad,'esi .'. fiAME 0F 0 SJrnrture l,J<ire E s DR? FEE tr ti,AppLtcANT's REPREstNTnrrve';- &#*sl?lf?h'-,. ,, - -?tVky,r?ttg-,-futtttt o \ait F'tur. -,, - turlpno)+9-l9fu ( I'g' \)c'3st4-5ffi"r- 8ri( rll!A]lgr-- 5 o-$ 10,000 $i0,001 -$ 50,000 $50.001 -$ 150'000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500.001 - 11,999,999 APPLICANT: hvrd7.;*furrcnlrt : The fte wlll be Pald rt the lst,ul tel aph tlme a bul'lding per|nlt ls requested' tcc $ 10.00 $ e5,00 $ .50 .00 $100.00 $2oo. oo ilnn .00 ADDRESS: OI.INER ARCHITECT ZONE DI PROPOSED U5E LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA SetbackS a Front Si des Rear Water Course Site Coverage V):/,, Landscapi ng -/:- Fence/Reta i ni ng'rJa'l 1 Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Al I owed (30[33y I22t2,26\ [sssm, (50)(1oo) (2s)(50) #sn 5pt' t0 7 ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS ne Phone Filing ArH u4/L ////24.Y€ Proposed 35' _/\ -4.t6r2-221'?, ? 7ou€< i'\\/ Hei gh ts /{2 /) ---VEAEQ4rs*'--4'%utr>n, eooffo) /7ff ('5/ave,) (strt^*^*a) -?rl# /q2,. A i4)7?A??(.,?l.J) Mechani cai Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Fermitted E nvi ronmenta I /Ha zards : ,0, Slope Actual l/' Flood Plain N/t Slope N/ P I,teuands N/!+ Geologic Hazards y')/fr Comments: DATE: /l' /1 '7D LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 20' 1ql 15', (30)(s0) 17q9.g..]+ftT Zoning: Approved/DisaPProved Date: staTr-sjg .ature I INTERDEPARTI.fENTAL MEETING Wednesday at Decernber Ron Phillips Stan Berryman Greg l{alI Pete Burnett Pam Brandmeyer SheIIy Mello Gary Murrain Susan Scanlan Mike Mollica Kristan Pritz Betsy Rosolack L0: 00 a.n.L2, 1990 Attn: 1. 3. 4. 5. Todd Oppenheiner Dick Duran Mike McGee Rob RobinsonI Ken HugheyI a Caroline Fischer\ t/) //tz*.- ,6ta*'-ew PECIDRB Items Selby Residence Orrison Residence Vail Gateway Sonnenalp - VaiL Road Trope Driveway - Lot 7 Exterior Alterations Aqenda improvements (Greg Halt/Jilr K)6. 7. Wo*"1, rrap<- ' i,#@' /a tlt'tzc /'hatz: u_=,-. o TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 479,2158 FIELD MEMO //,s ro: tVF]\ i?n anlVSTP(KyIoA/ DEL)'.(v1 tr 4F pRoJEcr(LocAloN): /l oo lrtoPrr/Stt-us4 7-<ope eFs, Rrc,tclgrfiExrrS rnc€ FrNr+L <_. o./t \lY (OCt{ fnus.r- 6e- mo,.lc,6 So flLtN. CUOftemtC€_ Ft?orn Eb6t 6F ASf:*+cLr rt g FT pt mour6 r+1\i C R_€ pt-.AC€) t-^Jrrr.i 3/q P.8, oL 3L/ s,€ . CONTRACTOR'S COMMENTS Received by:on"!-,'/ - '" - i ' Whho-Contlaclo{ Pint -Con6t ruclbn Engine€.. Canary-f ile TOWN oF VA|L i / 1 OEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 479-2158 FIELD IIEMO 1o, wFA &f 4c.VsiPtr}ro,V Atrenton: COlYl DFd QE€t'f'ltT= 1F (/F-l3 pRoJEcr(LocnnoNl: /l oo lv:€AJl{rlsE4 7-<opE PFs' RrQc.rrgrrn.r'NTs Fo€ Fr Nr4 L c-. o . ./t \l-/ Koc }c rnusr Be rno.-ruO so ratiN, CtS'rt<txcL F{eofi ESGE 6F Aspl+.ALr- r\ $ Fr / -r,($) soo 86Tr^Jtr:rJ DPru,e .^r,+"i F4d5 -i-4 tst=- Pr.mo,trb fl-,r./D etr pufrc:€ w rrH 3l.t P,& oP_ 3L/ s,€ . CONTRACTOR'S COMMENTS Received by:Date: Wh&+4ontracto. Pir*(-Conslruction Engineer Canary-Fil€ 7 JINAT INSPBCIIONIS COMPLETEX) .ro" ,."* uurowQ"a to be couplete before gtvtng a prrol.t a fina1 C of 0. Please check off tn the bor provrced. FINAL PLIfiBING DATE: I u FINAL I.{ECEANICAL DATE: #r DAIE! ?, /6 ' 71 /l . hrt-l:,^ FINAL BI'ILDING EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE: DATE: }_ZZ9E TEMPORARY C OF O tr CERTII'ICATE OF OCCT'PA}ICY I.AI{DSCA?ING DITE DATE: s'fil| dlr /u6r{ RE ga,rr,.< svct- pr<rs d. ../)(rfurh///1,,tf ,firt,ttt*t/ .,/ t,(Irn t? €,r/it,/ el(zya77trrcz/ i)r/'t c*l PERMIT N DATE INSP CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILOJECT JOB NAME CALLER S WED THURREADY FOR I OCATION: NS ECTION:MON UE tf\ ,t , n: /) tra^ /w ttl L.<)t4,1' '/(t/ \'' \ I BUILDlNG: lCoortNcs / srEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr D UMBING: UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER -.iROOF & SHEEB " PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING trJNsuLArtoN POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr,FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D D SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo-r. '';; ,/ rNSpEcroR PERMIT NU DATE READY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: NAME INSECTION REQUEST'.I'- TOWN OF VAIL ffi) erttr.<- CALLER TUES WED FRI EB OF PROJECT 2 1?l 'o, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING ):;F;;;;.- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] SHEETROCK _glaotrH:fa'e--.'..-'-'.--NAIL tr Do tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EI tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr FINAL )qenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR sffiq'o" ' , rft . '";;Pqflt{.lS'rtlrs, F" 3l INSP CTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME ..*\tt* - ,9t". nREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS i STEEL OUNDATION / PLUMBING: UNDERGROUND - ROUGH / D.W.V. BOUGH / WATEB tr FINAL O FRAMING O n 1995^&^si.EFR...^ o cAS PTPTNG_ PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATTON JAIDOTTH:TUB -, i - ,,Ti. T0B N SHFFTROCK NAII FINAL MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR ELECTRICAL: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED COBRECTIONS: fi l: |" INSPECTOR I PERMIT INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL oarc U lq t/JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: ,, LOCATION: THUR NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER ,-_, ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION CI POOL./ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL , o rtNnl ,tr FINAL O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR EI FINAL ,t{nPPaoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED '{ ^.-t O,DATE/Y -/ /'// |NSPECTOR niffisrop \\.\JOB Jo\u-, I PERMIT NUMBE \*-DATE \J \[neenoveo CORRECTIONS: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL il NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:._ . PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O UNDERGROUND , tr FouNDArloN / srEEL furouoH /iD.w.v. 5 f 57 l, { , tr FRAMING .d(5oucn lwnren /oo nCsJ. 8.",ff"%tJfiilr,*o -$ao. prprNc qo f '..rI tr TNSULATToN - 6 poot- l H. TUB I tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: D TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr. ROUGH' O EXHAUST HOODS v-tr cohDtJtr n*.n D FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER WED oor= h-ao-1{ rNSPEcroR niiiisxop / ECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME SP u IN THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NUM ROJECT BUILDING:PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND D ROUGH U O.Iry.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOOTINGS{STEEL _t tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NArLrNg tr GAS PIPING ttr INSULATION .tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEC.TRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING , ,. .,, KJlouGH tr CONDU n tr EXHAUST HOO DS tT_t tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINALtr FINAL ippnoveo .{'i/7 ' *- tr DTsAPPRovED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,,) ,/t,oolE '/- // - 't'/ tNSPEcroR '{#l3 ifli'. -'. i-l .iit!tt:. INSPECTION { &f*N oF."REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE | | /v) I -lt JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL AMING BOOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH -E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL PROVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS; INSPECTOR niFslo" PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ONNOF / cil TOW (' { SPE-JN f--l- REQUEST VAIL 'a,,(..- IJA I C READY FOR LOCATION: .?JOB NAME *l CALLER TUESINSPECTION:UR Bl, o tr tr tr qr- tr tr ILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL O UNDEBGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H- TUB SHEETROCK NAIL "__. tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPROVED DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ;pli. 1g,t z REQUEST VAILPERMITNUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ) rOWN oF "'Lt, ,:_Xflt e -,/r( JOB NAIVE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,,'MON TUES W FRI .'tt-'|o'(_y/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr o o o D tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER '+.PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB 'SHeernocK NArL tr tr FINAL D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr E FINAL Ii D FINAL F*aeeFovED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME lSlll il- .\it,,=Tx,*R?..Lfi. Ki.*l\i -, " -- ^' \S O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE_ D FRAMING _ ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB HEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trl D..F OC tr MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL VED COBRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PROJECT \,o, PERMIT DATE OFER \ MBNU N TOWN OF VAIL NAME $ CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: .INSPECTI\N TUES WEDMON AM PM D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE- - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL i H, TUB FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL oarc /O - t{,Q/ rNSpEcroR \xl** PERMIT. NUMBER OF PROJECT "^', \=\ *c\ JoB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER a:\Inurl \--jlREADY FOR LOCATION: ECTION:MON \T\U ES BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL ,/ PL o tr tr tr D tr tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING o tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: .\tr ROUGH. E HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR D O FINAL tr coNourT ,q.deenoveo ..,..{D DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NU INSPECTION REQUEST #r9lNN oF VAIL oora i JOB NAME o CALLER TUES WEDREADY FOR INSPE LOCATION: f APPRovEw, 'CORRECT|Ol.i€: - tr DISAPPROVED finerNseecrroN REeUTRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI D. FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V, d'noucr / wATER ON / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING ET tr tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL d rrrunr - qa tr F.NAL erictRtclt: N TEMN. POWERv 't MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH D D D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL drrrrunl INSPECTOR PERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST \lo** oF vArL CALLER |NS{'EC-rTON\\ [,4ON .TUES wED THUR @ ==- AM PM\\. \r:rss\s,-ut \t BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: D FOUNDATION i STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D,W,V, ROUGH / WATERC FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O_O *'APPROVED /r CORRECTIONS: ---.'i tr DISAPPROV tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /? - /.r ,q/INSPECTOR niffissop /'2, * PERMIT NUMB-ER OF PROJECT//t/n/tt lnzDATE u'/ / ll l"'l + JoB t INSPE r r'I CTION TOWN OF -1"r- REQUEST VAIL C"^ NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED -@'"BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEFI tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL 7 tr FINAL E*nppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED coRRECTrCfiS: 1o-/?';/C ,l'-' ,'--' -/INSPEOToR '',/'t-^-- 4t'z' /DATE 4fts PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oate 7- z'/ - 'zZ- JoB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL REQUEST CALLER MON TUES THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ll 6O f i.rrnllut tZ (trt. BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D D AL tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL Feppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR *iSs*o"