HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 9 LOT 4 LEGALOVufi/4'rfi'^1 { f'f "f Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Cornmunity Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tef : 970,479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co,us ProtectName: DAWSoNDECKREPLACEMENT DRBNumber: DR8050466 Prulect Deotpdon: RNALAPPROVALTO REMOVE DECNNG AND REPAIR ROOF UNDERNEATH, REPLACE SAME FOR SAME. Partidpants: owNER DAWSON, DEBOMH L. 08/30/2005 891 RED SANDSTONE OR VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT DAWSON, DEBORAH L. 08/30/2005 891 RED SANDSTONE gR VAIL co 81657 CONTRACTOR G & G ROOFING 08/30/2005 Phoner 970-668-5552 P.O. BOX 817 FRIS@ CO 80,143 License: 124-5 ProJectAddrces: 891 RED SANDSTONE CRVAIL Locauonr 891 RED SANDSTONE CR legal Descrlpdon: loh 4 Blodc 3 Subdivision: SANDSrONE CIRCTE CONDO Parcel f{umber: 2101{63-0300-6 CommenB: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/StrAFF ACrIOil Modon By: Acdon: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vob: Date of Appmval: 08/30/2005 GondlUons: Cond;8 (P|AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permlt br building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prbr to construction activities. Condr 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days fullowing the date of approval. Cond: 202 -" * *?t year fftowins ure date of llnal approval, unhss a bullding permft ls lssued and oonithlcion b ommenced and ls dlllgendy punred bwarl ompleflon. Plrmnr: Joe Sutlter DRB Fec peld: f2o.oo o A pplication for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Fronbge Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 teli 970.479.2L28 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All projects requiring design raniew mu* receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requiremenb for the particular approval that is requested, An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informauon is reaeived by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design review apprcval tapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. of the Requestr oo{- \o.\i \*.-L Minor Exterior o,r*"# tn[ 4ur3 t . Ct, (o^do Locationof theProposalt LJ" cf ebct: 3 subdivision:fu Physical Address:?rt parcet No.: ZtO t g-3 Ofu3' L\crntact Eagle C-o. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: C-o For$6s0 $300 $2s0 LI tJ tr tr tr sn{-Cr rC $s0 No Fee For an to any residenUal or ). For minor changes to buildings re.roofing, painting, window retaining walls, etc. improvemenE, such as, additions, landscaping, fences and $20 For mlnor changes to buildings and site imprwements, such as, re-roofing, painting, windovrr additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rsriew Board. No Fee Q. sC - fr<l.'r Na me(s) or own"r("Qs\o'o'!$! Name of Appli""nt Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review Neur C.on sfuuction Addition Minor Alteration ( multi-family/commercial ) Minor Altention (singlefamily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request / DESIGN REVIEW/ STAFFAPPROVAL For Ofrice Use Only: ,./- Fee Paid: ---6eck No.:-i1- By: 4- 2 ---r a.MeetingDate:4DRBNo.: 29 2005 JOINT PROPERWOWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL TETTER I, (print name)a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) t A,&\Lo\UU Y'^ provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Depaftment for the proposed improvements to_!e completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvemenE include: c-p\o..Ci..- I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review prc,cess to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. C\ C\ t.t5.o5 (Signature)(Date) Page 2 of 13/06/06/05 ( -L. a zoNECHECK L V I ILA Otncr Phonc PboncArchitcct Zonc district hoposcd usc Lot siz.c Buildable arca Allorvcd Existing AW+rorarGRFA &Iob + 42{ =__AqL Primary GRFA .-_+ (a25) (675)=_ sccoFary€RrA-F3,tx6+$) =- -+ 675 = 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs tlris rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? Horv much of rhc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscd rvith this rcqucst? . Proposcd Total + t ,l/4 Sitc Covcragc 2n7, Arrt Hcigbt Sctbacks Landscaping bb /.uttt Rcraining Wall Hcigtrts Parking Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay 785 tu . 20' .15, l5' Encloscd (300) (600) (900) (1200) Pcrmittcd Slopc Zo Ycs- Nq Ycs-- Nq l) Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30%) 2) Floodplain Proposcd Slopc % 3) Wctlands N/A 4) Watcr Course Sctback (30) (Sq_Nb. 5) Gcologic Hazards a) SnorvAvaianchc b) Rocldall N,/4 iN/a c) Dcbris Florv il /a Pro'ious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrty filc) Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dacribc: Rcmaining e8g * t{6'* (30x33) Front Sidcs Rcar Minimum 60+A * 3'/ 6' Rcquircd Complics Mrh TOV Liglting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs less than 2:l (50V) Enrironm cntaL4lazards o Q SURVEY Scalc .-.-__ Bcnchmark I +_ Lcgal dcscription I -:- Lot Sizc Buildablc tuea Eascmcnts Topognphy 100 yr. flood plain Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmcnal llazards Trees Utility locations Spot clwations Q SITEPLAN Scalc Building Hcight Encroachmcnts Sstbaclrs DESIGN REVIEIV CEECKLIST O ELooRPLANS Scalc GRFA 250 additional GRFA CraM\Attic Spacc EHU Q BUILDINCELEVATIONS Scalc Color\Materials Roofpitch Q LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing trccs - .Proposcd tsees Lcgcnd Projcce -- Sitc Covcrage EavcVovcrhangs (4) Dcclis8alconics -' Gange connection _: Site Gndc\Slopc Rctaining lVails Fcnccs Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (acccss and gadc) Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss MISCELI.A,NEOUS Condo Approval Titlc rcport (A & B) Utility vuifi cation form Ptotos ofsitc Buil ding matoial sarnplcs C.O. Vcrilicati on Utilitics (undcrground) Vierv Conidors Variurccs plat rcsricdons oz F = uJo- \7 (\ l(|c{ a uJ UJ lJ- tr =Eul(L \$\\ oro\ tllz h zH M F& lor l- lH "irXN H FfFf iE Q r.r!rv:H;E2 ) tu F FIz = =z o IJJF z z ! .6 =z 4 UJ i .Eott EoFo CEFz o c c u,lz3oE l!ul6z;xcv =r ulFI<F Aovzo< H F.t z frl F.] i;= 9c = e n€: E€ E;E € 9::e. =!FiEIE;;E.- cLc ^!E :5.E,; !Ee: e E;slt g"; E"g * o:o+! 3t-'gs =EEE3X(/)*OO ;'< n c or):=eH; E6ES€ :3E3d .c= o q, E . o=.99g,Fs5 - 6 i;o= E H+=sisF!i6: uo & EEgi E \'\'oot c co c') b tu(L z = q) x uJ (J z J J 9EF(Ja! d oz6 o- 9z uJ = L!u/l!zIF ul e.(, Llr E, (o 3 UJ;urGz 9 l! F llJ lz uJJ x F uJo a.t uJt!ILt = UJ J F l- z J d) J oe UJ tr z = J 9z (.) uJ = Ff H H NOrJ.Vn'tVA F v. ; F I 2 FF ; : -'Eo3ZZU- F o- 9=Xf>YF9 of, z>-oobgl(JzX lJ- < q-+xEaXz rN(, <\l =>(r -I =(!l FJ,.t H cn& E Fzt-l zo l g tr o.f UJ(L & @ LIJE -) z Foo xX '<z tr E F 3ujz I LzlzOo <oo< >E>(lRrr.6o<z a:z, z -.1 rdo3trOI I Jl<t E2) =la IJ .. >t Io ___JuJloluJ1r!lz1p = tril zol <a ulfJJ 6. <1)a z =F z F oz oo 3 Il l o i Oul u.l I F]z z ) 3 F UJ H*i-o+ cn I -1a_J -2. c!/'.t$ -Y^ -i(,o f; E ul ts U) @ -z F o- u,lY llJ c0 oFt E (Lo\ ,, O,6 -'l-;l6*lo>l,<ltEl'I UJ l- lLbkzo z H F_z o= -' -< L{ =z- ()- LL @ h =E, UJo-zo F(JfEFaz 'Oo tr ul o- o tuoz oo oF tro- JFtu-h= (L l.lJ>(LOL9o\ul x>Er-J tr luo F o EIo o o E =E Eo(, o trtr! .-i3 =r3'..: i\.r- dd= CN @F- I-ito{rn nl-l I el 3lolFI zH E Fl >ttsz Fl ttl E G =.1(9l uJl 1l <l>lrtlol fl I I I I I cil =.1(.,l |rtI 1l al>l t!lol 3l sOl uJFI F Irl '..ll -l-l l6trn ,l .nol (.lzll -,,:l \o Hls JI <l>l bl zl =l t-t ts Fl B a xxl tlIIrl I .lolrllol rJll iElJILal >l s-lol zl 3l FI o\ TJJ o = =l<l&lol(JI "lFll <l*l u4 =4 Fl t z rli =z (D "-) I I FIO\l ul 3l ilF{ (,z J u- c'r F\\o I Or I CL z ;F I ,-llol-l XI 'l al I r.q cl CIsJ = &t!vz Fl itll HE ttr t-C(ir =i'-b -z z =f, o- F E z F C) EFz J n F LIJ E <FGC)r.! <ZE (rz O BtrN Proiect Name: Proioct Description: Contacl Person and owner, Address and phone: P" 2 C ,r-*.4--^ Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot I Block Comments: Design Review Board 5. 35;.76 Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Planner Staff Approval oo $} l*ont STn (c7 ConJJ W cn onl CD )Uf TD TlfL U tt) Fo fttU rii ftfa c r RCU n srlhvc cS oF ftft fEnoDtL r T /+n fUrcmruF ff'mtsrftLL coN5Tfzucnon/ (D FlLon nE ra/3, ftElkt S€tttL lW ftccouilnNP OF Tft Fu^)dS (trSoo) Y1t) UftlL Rttil P/h! rf;fr" prut cr. cocopan,Oo.s p-/G* q0 ,^u',,0r/ r$ Q, ,or 60€ ctlc€l mvc cr||" coaqloo ratt EbliJtl'tttel ]r rnrrrcrroN's coMPLErEn The lteus belor aeed to be couplete before glvLng a pernl.t a ftnal C of O. Please check off Ln the box provlded. FINAL PLUAINC t t t_-] FINAL UECEANICAL DATE: IT.{PROVEI.{ENT SURVEY RESID. NAI.TE! FINAL ELECTRICAL TJEST SIDE: tEI.{PORARY C OF O DATE: W i-rti F tl CERTIFICATE OF OCCIIPAI{CY ADATE: 16-l / -YO I.AT{DSCA?INC DI'E frlTB r FILE NAI{E: ..F. REQUEST VAIL ersDATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON 4- ;l^,Le= THUR FRI €2 BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEELA*^n r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr o o tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: .. tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: .ttr HEATING _ tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T1 CONDUIT 9 tr D tr SUPPLY AIR tr Et FINAL FINAL ( nennoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED / INSPECTOR niisrop P_SOJECT -\ JoB NAME rNstcnoN neoueli;,r TOWN OF VAIL .i..' THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER BUILDlNG: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .uoor. /f - '' , ^ /'('' rNSPEcroR {, \N\-f '"' l- REOUEST..'VAIL ,T; JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROG & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS :1 | CONDUI? - tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL (reenoveo tr DISAPPROVED I tr REINSPECTION HEOUIRED GORRECTIONS: oor. ?-Z/-fa rNSPEcroR 9{a TION Lt),'>a^-r?ffi,?!aFFr O $FPUEil'll rPM PERMIT cCoccr NUMBER OF PROJ rrlrs (6\ rnun ECT -JODATE B NAME INSPECTION: CALLER IUES FBIREADY FOR LOCATION: F BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-, ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING T] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr trb(r,*o.FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPEcTION dEQUIRED ,f t. i.r. , CORRECTIONS: PERMIT NUMBE OF PROJECT DATE l0 tu ,.1 lNSl Cor(n6f: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TU THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION:S-hl"t BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING ,_-, ROOF & SHEEH" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION ELEQTRICAL:mEcxAntclt-: tr .r- tr tr tr tr o neArrruo tr SUPPLY AIR fteenoveo "tr DISAPPROVED tr REtNsPEcloN REQUTRED CORRECTIONS: oo'r= /z ^./7fa rNSPEcroR ctz E-t IIJI a.l N (n IJJ uJu- E =E uJo- \NSN \\b\ o\ @ c H z F-) Or ru@E9o z. -4*F ll.bx 2Eo UJF t2z to z oluJIF Orzi olzl q; =!ai €i o!2l =: 3 I-l3 tr ! -n 4 vl -,1 a-{3 -{ rl -{ oc l\6.s ld3$€ 13Fts lE €cB$|E o;<,\,lvr lF \Hx : E B\]fr E P='.t\13i E T\NI6- FiE$IEa; TE \JIi-F o lsF '=:€ lg? o -'E ;g$ EH3 E o.cE:I' EiE bJ E 15. F_-g:Ed 18it u Ie;: r j gei S - o p E6'5Ect:EE ,.e. EEF'5E8cL |l,Gir =tl.t';cP'- cL EE E6OE bo cc 3'eg= o. aE SE E€ E6 !1, ELC Ooic3g -ct60 !o, qr.9 AE(DJE8o6 ti6E>g€*bF5o -o \T cr)N o\o + E-E|r|cozoJl6 -C)llJ3oz Jo. o e, Fc)ut uJ o2 @ =J J Iz ao UJ = lr,lult!z 9 UJe,ollt oG oo UIt uJczgou,o F a,o qJo o. i UJ x F |lJo: atul lrJu-t =t UJ o- J FoF o =6J5.o IEF(, UJJut azot Jc J ot-C)u,. Fl E-r F NOIVn]Y F zFF X .J FltlJ anv '.4t>er 9! o_ 6.i) E. $- uJ c|ts JF E'trJ;z; uJa (,F zzooFo- E =a a toO E!t!<og Eg -a $i t>cr =ut zI J lt d o.3oe,(, UJo- F o ((| -c IJJ Rt9) z E zo F E llJF ; uJ2 (t)Fz zO(' <oo{ol =E2.rxr!5o<z v, tr2.. 9= IoBtr uJ o UJzx F 2o F J oz Ii<!{EFi EqX--L JJ i tilrl 3 o F o F at> rl<l|-l zl zl .. >l llJ uJu,zo ==Eul z Eoo zF at, d) I t;,; & H c, =Jl! dE] E & z & ui =zoo-l o\c'\ crr I\o o. Fl H o z F al) z c'\€ It uJ d,o = z () () d A lJ. =z rn N I\o F{ lq I ctz oul J troz-oF z Hts F z FlH t E ?tol uJl :l 3l tl ti tflt3g9t ll| Fl I I Hl il bl ll t: F.\o I Or ir z F6 F- X Ar a,aul4 I EHzz .J) Fl FJrt E tctt g,oF() G,Fzo z r C) uJ = F:'li () =+Eo2 () o\ co Or op UJ Eooo?zo Fo- uJY uJlo oF F =E uJo.lro o.oo I llJFoz J EEi ;HE &rn E =.E IIJo-ttoEgE<cll€8IP{]!E!e5EE ;=b FE! 3tE oot ltuE XO-E HTsi uto oF rm Ys=t uJF o trlz HIA EI23..rP d 3E noo 5 =z-d8 s E =e lr,lo.zoF C)fG azo() ntn Project Application n, o ^'" Gl=">l'g? : ' proiect Name: Ct'fC ,,> (a -r t/'--: i\*'.J<-ti'- Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot al Block Filing Jvl 1t{?/<, Zone ',P Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL ;),\.^-.'\Summary: b a,"u Approval INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJEC]' \. x-t - -r-\ I JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED r. '...i\'.: " BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH i WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL a.Kppaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE 2/Z / / d'l rNSPEcroR PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: MON I,TUES ,) WED THUR FRI INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL ,,G. JOB NAME AMIPM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND C] ROUGH / O.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB O FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: C] HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOOOS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL \EI.APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .' '.: t/ .,,'' 1., ,'t:: : , DATE \:, ,/ .'-.7'/-'-'- , ': ' INSPECTOR oz ts =c IIJ o- rt N (t uJ UJ]L tr =t tr.,l o- \ss$s\ o\ @o\ c'l e.l F1z F-) H z E F) @ uJcE-o. e.l rdz F) z ieIt!!A (,iiZJ Eit ulF EFI =t I =z Fl F &ts <n H iniut( it oiz,6,J) l6. .5r o(z: =! ** 1 \ E -.{ ,l = { 3 E rl trltlz3o utI F oz (- ? ^ t \-) . .) ttJulo:I E.ol! troFo CEFzoo Go .E uJz3o Ito IIJ G F zIo 1 z Jv i a j ,7' ,'1 z J,-)/ a 4.J oH z rI1 FI 'l 4 r 3 '/. q -r E 6 oooo o) .gI .o E o =l d0t o CL CI G 3 .9 E iEgg EgEE € EE:3 ef ;'E:+i;c9dEIoSorg 5': =' E E-s: E;;F $; as SEaso!6-ol e €e€ EEEE -o.Yo-+,c?60'-EG= d' O gEi; ;ff8 iE$E F- e.l .if |r}\o c.$ + tr =c,uro,o =J ao !() lll o2 Jo. J 9c, () UJ ut (Jz 6 =- Iz E UJE UJllJt!zo F uJeourE E o.o a u,ltulc,z(' al, uJo F I uJo o-?z ulJ(J x F uJo an uJ uJII tr =c UJo J FoF ('zoJ @ 9cFoqt J ur o =tot =Jo- J 9 z ou,t Fl H ts N O trvn 1vA F Fxr! 1 ; E E 2 FFv tsEoilZ2tt-o ooF-aazq 5 =9F9 OE att o e,6b tlQzXl!<9q IEq tr-x2 rNO >E ilH ils itB l2 ilE lr I r:lt>rg t, lm t* Irtllllo lH IHle 12tz z9 J u- o, e, UJo. e C! E uJ J z Eoo XXX =o F E uJ =uJz oFzlz tr o =o(.)o al> =zl z uJ3o auto Jq. uJ tr ciz F z F E ulf = ou, u,/zY =F u,l F 2 trI oz i -J I,l rrt Izl TI =l-il <l:l 8l t!o lE ooo = o F o F o uJo uJutz U'tr Gulo- J z E il; lt ;;z F-q) 5o (9 zY CC c.l I t.c)r or) a ulF g,ooazo Fq uJY UJgl oF F CE orluaoO- o\r-lell 8elrBlgur :^F\Jzo z ts rJ)za-_o z(:) :-zea 6C] =2tr=) &JOo- tl-Ol EE3e;3 E =ut bEE2ZE<ol€8E9tt ira9EE =>E dEE iE: =oi 8bI iuE ;=6. u{ €= l!ooF E =Elrlo-zIF C):fE 6zo() n!ry ffiY=.7 oz d UJE ltoz3oF 2 oul J lt z 3oF I I I oluilElJI <ln bl zl]olH oz dtl.E = t!oz3oF (,I 3l Fl H 6z lI- F 9 E zHE zEI ts v z U)B ii =z coo-l o. H 6 Hl dBI H<t 4AI A sl 3 :l dEEI -{<l o{ HI H !3 (9 z co =-!J E F C) Fzo C) E ir =+Eo2 e. -rO<(FC()l!<ZGr!Fozo () pmn a t Jr APPLICATION DATE OF DRB DRB APPLICATION / r**T*THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION I. PRE-APPLICATION MEEIING: . " be resolved befo.re a building permit is issued. rongly suggested to a-eiermiiri if any aaOitionat infonirat'ion is needed. No applfcation will be-accepted unt.rs it is coirpl'ete (must include ail ltems required by the zoning adrninistrqtor). il is tne appiiciniis iesponsibility to make an appointment with th-e_staff to-findIC t5 Eng ApPlrcanE'5 rE5POn5lDt I lEy EO maKe aln cPPerrrrJ|rsrtr._ llr r,.r r,x-r-_J!ur ,, ,.--. out about aiaitional submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- : ..;ri! tion will streamiine lne appiovai-proceii-ior your proiect by decreasing the number -..,:oi conditions of approvai that the'DRB may stiluiate. ALL conditions of approval must :* A. pRoJEcT DEscRIprIoN, (e Q\.^.-o- ".cx\qi r t' c .\ ,,.ri (\\cu q- (/.,sf l';4#,\ l:,.i&#E Q.*. r..\r\'r rJ'.'r\.'.,.-, \O (\(-\ B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:/^'I <-'\ 1\-l: Jt 1Address Legal Description Bl ock Fil ing Zoning C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address ;(r tr --r telephonq :Ll-!-_(t-.r] D. NAI'IE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address E. NAME OF Si gnature Address.> ("''--.---s- tel ephone r. t\'.s-a iL\ -! \*L tel ephone be paid at the time a building permit is requested' $ 10.00 $ zs.oo $ so.oo $100 .00 .$200.00 $300.00 TO THE DR8: F.I)RB FEE: The fee wi'l'l VALUATION rEE $ o-$" lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGAROING ALL SUBMISSIONS 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremdnts, the_applicant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. Trees that will be removed shouid also be marfla. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the . si te. 2. The review process for NEl,l BUILDINGS wil'l normal'ly involve ttvo separate meetings of the Oesign Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their.approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have'not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. trtrt-T: FFm t-$sR Nr€TF LFIFrrrr i' q) 6a E ia I ie65 Eril -E 8:; -6peE EEEI-ftrfp iP 6a:P',a:p 8=6Xi =98[Y E:3 6: ;itgi 9Ee;: ieeEE Eo o x-t mltl'\s -.1 Nt-{ o qil clrll-\l lrl$lh.{ o r-"1 Eiil i-\l I--tl n'] |sl I'*ll---t ,l fl-ll-:.1 pl :o o eo o € os E-$ $ :Ese g,gf;i sE:a i EEEF $i! 3i ei t H5i g€ o o) oI I IrKl \)l I ll-o I I--'-l I UJo o !) e.!. .9 zI E o o o z ' l)r: '. z{a) 'lEl't'!t!tbaP, Ai o"( 0VLI) OL.D 211O fl\z,t1o h.--. --'- LZ 311< u t Aktt:-ulttl' fzt tpa\Px-Ats.ts q^ €_F -!c .ri & )l - lfj,t,.- v-] ll Lznsq' | rce; tl ll ,Yt:^,^ | ,toro,il ll 7''4111'- | ", Akos - a iYJ \,. i$ r,r-1 ,iJ r ti u c\t .u S>\t) nn >- \- ;. 5\n t,t l*\,\ \ $rtii r,rQfr F' i EN /\(\l !wr \ \, t Iv N) t, o V) tr)-:_ N-} (a\^C\)YlY-'.lol' t2 i4€1 uyi rri;0lc rt'rd c,.lB. Project Application Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol rirng V;./ ')rr I , zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPFOVAL Su mmary: Plan ne r {r,ru Approval FoLrcY No. AZ t238L2 AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY FORM B - 1970 lAmendd 10.17-701 frn-e lnsuner.rce oF lh'jrNNEsorA[omear.rv a Stock Company, of Minneapolis, Minnerota SI.'B'ECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVI$ONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF, TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against losr or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance sta6d in Schedule A, and cosls, attorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, strstained or incurred by the insured by reason of: l. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. kck of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the uid Title Insurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers as of the date shown in Schedule A, the pbficy to be valid when countersigned by an authorizcd ofhcer or agent of the Company. f rrr-e irusuRANcE oMPANY oF -'1-liiri,:;". , ilr /---i ..',t t u tt '' a>', $ ll .F.r l. L!I "r'.,, i EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE The following malters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: l. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (including but not limited to building and zoning ordinances) restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the character, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in o*mership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violrtion of any such law, ordinance or governmental regulation. 2. Rights of ominent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in.the public records at Date of Policy. 3' Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or ageed to by the insured clairrunt; (b) not known to the Company and not shown by the public records but known to the insured clainnnt either at Date of Policy or at the date such claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Company prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured clairnant by this policy. Copyrlglrt 1969 Am.rlc.n L.nd Tlth Alrochtion INNESOTA , .'il President , '"'( Secretary Phl i cy Itmsr.lnt Nu. Az ffi-el.n*irest i;'the Iumb€Fed br, this poI A. H. arr d rJes,:r.i. l,crii c:.i i :.:: !t4t,, f.trJfl, *tu I l Iti 1. Itl i.;l.:-;,:f1,'y41I I13 ,.i flJ I ti i: :-i.l | !: '.t.,t;1..,. .li: IjI{irtfitr ir.-r ! Hh.r l 'r it:i: .r .,;:.-:.,. i.)l,lllj I J1.ti.r. t...1 Ht..l..i::: .' .'.-, t)t'Jt.r r;r,l}.'NI.tt;EN I. I r-!t ![.] | y , ,i- li..r ;i.ii_r _ ffiffi I l,'trJt' r'l,.] $.r'*lir.q; ,, ,"'. P1fii*'1.'jTi:' I'rl 1 :rr, j:I,t :f;.the eetate c,r.f.,;vested irr:.intenest (:4t,i:rr.s j:l ht.. tfi r.:.r : b; DAtts'iN ANfr. grggg6AH r. , rir-lr,/iirrN{:lili,r' ncferr'ed tt, in tht,lnd i;-4..'.i'Jr,,ll':.";:ii;r;i sr ti,..tu{ : ii , i,i.:, ,'- 'il,t i vs1 litl ,:nlY i* fir:f|;,r.Jr11 ., r_ [r'f r a.-i.5 c' rr hl the cf grl hic ean ihii urh D a|nga ' i, rr ,.r''ii d inspectidn l:'',' thi:.' publ ic i'ne6, itrii;tase tcrrect s Ur.ve r arr ,:h a I'r': nr:rt ::, ft r:'tr||-idig " ,tFT Iirt "r;l- '"*Ij,ri'.on.rr rul' {'9iErv'l ce5 ,rished, irrpc,sc,l I :-lr'{ir" .:r !. fit3 t er ra I l,i l:,l.ui ,].!,1 :r,..t Sh*r.urr b.rrngrcords. lf: .' {ll.!D frr|yfiBL-E. ,ANn SEHF.R f:l{AHUF.:--:, lt- /r;\.r\.,Aitri,unrrn .llR UF 1\ VEIN r.JR |.r.JtlE tLt L.l, lt-l,ir. I i'tlti.t l-tt::lll lr'l: ll.t ::i !JHt: Ltfr rI'l Ii:l'r:::t,...I iHH. ht::l.r..it{1.: .rt.l .tf r:. I ltiiltF}.1 I l-HE FiAf'tE BE FOtJNIT TrJ l-,Eflf: tFjr,rt-.If{ IJNI fEn Sl r\ i b-S trA f EH t r,iFl?c,4 IN EilloK 4g /{I PArrE 5r.r.:r , ,,DI lf,HE$ UR. C/\N,\t-.i Crrr,t::: t'ttilr-:: rF-tl llY lJ-tii. r':t.i !lll..tliilY i.rF. i-'ll i E.Fj i hti.r:.Lrl.rlll: ll nir r-' AS RESEFVEF Ilt [JNITEIj gtntFg !!H nr Nor coNTAIN A FLrhl-El Iut{E t"ihi riF.vFr-,rf ER cL./iilrrr.-, TEllll'ILTNS, IF ANy, Br:i:jF.U fjtrl hr_\t-:H, r::r.rl..r.rr{, Rb:t-IGIDFt,,f; ns cohlTAINEn IN IN::fF\ttMSNt- hFi:trfil.rbt.r,tlrNtrARy :r,ir-" PAIIE 76'2, ^5 AMEI',ll-rF.r-r I'lr.i'r .iil , l,rr,r.:: .rlr !il-.rr.Jpi ;l?p hl '., I AN EAEIEI4FNT AFi D A,i REIJF-RVEI' ?1e. AT FAtiE 74,3 961111IHERLY.Ll]I' LINE'}NLI 1tJ $HtJtJN tiN .iHh t.t At" Crl-IN If.l;; I itt..t111--11 1 i{F:r.-'rlRDEn F.dltE Fll:.N I :--: Htr I Ni r t, FFET F i:-h l l f.J l.J i !-t l H riVL.R THE ANn FRrlt/ig;Iit|.l$ r:UNIIAINEs rt,j r":r..!1,il_i!.if,l.rr.j rIlE ?9F' ANF AMFNIjt'lEhl'I I'HERFl-r-r frH.t.itr".tri:,t..r ..,t1 l-(i:.r .:i.rRIJE:n I N Hi-rt:rt,: 3{}:i i..rl: lit-tf\i:l.l t r l- F r: liit: r'1,i TUARY !,,L?7& FRt:rM t4Ir.HflLi ri" i,r'iit:-.r rt,.i riill.l'BF M. J; HEL.I-INrj /\l.,ltJ f:it_t151 1-,_ !1r:1.I rt.rti rr.lOO REOOREED LIECEMHF.R t r.,;, J'tt,)::' ' fl l:r!r rf: .:,/.v FINAL INSPE TIOilIS COMPLETED The be'l orv items need to be complete before giving a permit a flnal C of 0. P'lease check off ln the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI{CY TEMP0RARY C of 0 6-/-?a I INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST ' VAIL '-jDATE /,.-'! ', ,, I JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUiIBING: tr UNDERGROUND T] FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL MECHANICAL: C] HEATING tr EXHAT'ST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR t\.INSPECTION REOUEGT TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT *t ?r JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trI E.F tr( tr CTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: TE sc MP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED -.'rr*-:.tri g i;F{f, :,r.h< J,- -l- Y=*. r _--r-,'- DATE -'r' = --.' .d-j;E*r' -r- INSPECTOR i:, .)'4 Prifte,oP INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL ar REQUE6TL1 F DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON L ! u ll | /\- t \/ t 4 ,\t'?^ -)A |,/(/r v v, Li t/ \. lL. WED /fHUR 'FRl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL [IECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - n tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr FINAL FAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED '2 .yz z-r7'i' \'.t-.t t.iJtl r-z) DATE ,-K:/., ,r)2/F.2 rNSpEcroR Pnftsro il r}.-l lf il INSPECTIONTOWN OF REOUESJtPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT VAIL DATE I2_' READY FOH LOCATION: PECTION:WED b\ THUR BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FBAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS. PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr brsAP El REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDArE L-- ./ - .,?o f t INSPECTION REQU .oF VAIL -|l:- - {' F(\-l . :tr r t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE !) READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI JOB NAME CALLER TUqS.WED T f\ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH i D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING -tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR glnnenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR oz t =tujo I I I I I b)F FltFlxI' tcl SEFE zoilsl 'g Els:lr =-!E lriJe tlE 3t= Elg -i- o c tq 6 ri 8.9 ld a Hf : g.{= E *€$c-o>i 3.-p :gN cEl;E S ;gE;g d Iii;ffiI gE;it* ssiE3$: =>E --lY|Eu& =oN Zzuo ooF ^ tr zg 5 >eF9 OE aocaZll()89 q ul = IL z tr 5 oz U'JJ =F UJ UJib z tr E z Y cc IL ti),tl iN C.J cl zo9zedto>z d9 df; 2?a ;Hg L() Or sf Lo OJ oz, llJF o ut E <J> @oazo F.Lutv uJ6 oF F =E UJ o- lto o-oo UJFo2 E =Eul l! EE2ZE<tlf€aB9rrk 'EE =>=uJ:-E FEE =*E 66 9 \tnEX(!r x>t q- o-iPE-lrl ooF rm\lrE = ts =E,lrlo-zoF(Jf E,Fozo() tr!tr tltl l=l JTJ(t,ltrl-l lEl t,-'l'El>$ll(,tzq= rFoo otn =(6o ii =z -) co 3rdf, agL o) UJ =z +)tn c a6VI 'o(uE t{ Ol o IJJ .J c Fo =g t|- tt UJtr o J- -o- F =ct! ci a uJ 5 ?>l IL zl 3iolFI =tr z ,; U ar lt 23 o1F = tr : tr -iz o uJ \ a t!oz;lI (F & (o .n = iY = tr U) I (Y) F{c! oz o uJE <l lroz 3lolF tu uJ t GIuz =o F uJ E ot E -rO<Fco IJJ <zE TIJ F-o() )E<oOF Ff4'-=^ -J \Jro gF s3f,Fd6o iN\JF =?.+c YZ =g o t ir =+E Fo2 O <oo9.u.l x-lr-fl-r! t5I u.,i telt2t= l< l3 l-loIFo 5(J o ls lE, 1,. trloz IEEfur TTZAozut< -s' () IJJ o i il F-l -- >l u,oul z F UJ o =o qt >o I I lzIJEl5 olF f o F tz I :-| <lJI olzl ,.1'I I iz 2 tr o : o I III trzl : t il- Ir:Jt* t^ It: ei =lol :il IE lc I tirt= ^/ =i rLi o o =\5'\ L-: ll uYl))igirlrl ; () r! urtl qrf(r'X >c -=c!Iru€ =O6a FzYO .J (L !?5f,co;FC9o:>-,Y(J oc-urlc- (J )- (J FO ": 6.' F ld D ./a $ I oV +-dl .l il ,fl J {J r! l,!,o F J J r.,t l '! g J oz (, qJ 1l <l>lt.l 3tl oz ctirul 1l <lilol :l FI oz (, url ]itol zl il i:1------E--*>__a_: Ilu, t?,o I I I t' I,c lx .Jt rU uJ Ll_ F <.<1 ' ir\l o{rs\6 Qr'l *,)l '' <./l Ll.l !.r_ t!r N 'vl \ \ 'l ( \ F x ao o f.; o o 6 l,u o Go z (J a l o o l! (J F NOt tYn_tv^lotz..:l^r:1 trDD ct o cl oE E Eo|J o =lu-.[--rLtrJoglrr<.(J Z,J',<:a: oF>< qc F--+-t rr.€ - |iriJ= |-_,1o--r.! | ^r_clr-.::- IFol J ,:- |o--=lru--.>lF'r .-{rt u4r xl-iY-JFtr- z,-oz? z.zf,l a-,e IJ L" i5 6;S-96 "(.r!= Lto) 0, --c.(n )z- Lo --\,5/ l ll c[ -",lilo I OPz() 'r- GE:-:6 E:P;o =<-- = !i- (J 5P f<(J,'t Grlig tlF3 llu= llotloll ;< >.!Oc, J .,--53 :'rlll= E.<-1 I t: = Oc r) ^i\'I . Y) ,.\ - -I2\(..' qt c\ e\ t_, c.^ n I _) Lj V' G -)' 't n -.-{,i'SSSi{\t L: $vlt ? \'.R,r'\E),t{N ..t$ o \ o)il i F;:-(v \, k p \\l ,0iF5 I )' r i"c \ S.c\\ ac \.,x " )'\ \q '{V I\4 ooi oo oz ==E uJ o rJ,| oo Or oo<f(\J oo(7) allJulu- F =G[!o- o FIz =o zz tq N I I loe lut\l, li az I I I I I i"lsi Tlltq lc,,ltl FI tl $i 'S-r-. ss crc c @ rC)C! osr Oo I',(') oo o cf) oo o Fl o(') s|.ro oo oor-{ tf)?o(o (f)q FJ:!i il #!!ii! s;l!:i\ I9.,rP S Siir=ul 2 o co -ouJ z J ) I F ul uJ z =f)o- z I trJ = r!gJ l!z tr !r,l rlJ 3 UJ uJ z F6 UJ z lr]) .t- uJKt = uJo( -J =bF z =!:) @ ) aF(J luJ UJ 26 -) 2 o UJ = NOIIVN']VAItl 1'€'- ll:;61 |t; *ll -l = = isli . 619lX f > Y.gleP oEctl66 E-lF? E€I E a E,Pl iNOl z tr lJ o GfoEo u.l(L <lo<: o z z tr UJF uJz |||| ltrttttl?.._l =zzli E 5 F I5-EEv,elg E q B i E l=E e 3 i I A tEg E fr's ZZ 13t*l | | | | l;l3l | | | | l=FolE 2 -= IA i"EFr I:J<H FEE I =dtEgEH Ioootzol u, J Ol I F L!'T- >< o uJ 6 = o F F =I EluF 3 LIJ F z o UJ ulzx9 FN€ c4 (rl Id, F o ---,]p;b)*= IJJ z z .nQ =<.coo =z dP J.^i5\J \-/ = =83dd= o Eo -9@ o ': E=o;.i.ict^ ou- 5PE>rF6 {'tt m\'. i'fl=\YE -.- oz. F C) uJ-l o- FIrfr l '{l6l I u.J o b =E,lrl o-zIFoD E,Fazo() E]IT 'd F.g EI el <l =l Io F Eoo al uJl(rl olol<l -1<l =l tlIItl|lll|ltll-llQtI uJl toltol<l =:io3 <ltrt =l tllltl;l IPt I8l Illvtl I!t I(lJt I atfltallotaentrr I I I t_ l" I I Aul @q 3I<i =lo tlII|l tlltl-lI at\IruteltcItcIt< Et dtr|E I +l I z o I I*l F (UEo o)t o ctL ro(5 ov, =cto ui z (D E t-E irI,Eo2 z - IJJ = Ectozr- =#JZo-O J F L!-)t! <F tu<zEL!F(1 Zo F uJF T() E, )<()on!6 F(rrr rrL lxlD<l --"- I Itttt.t{ ". iu . i .iii: il, t- | ! :l " -: t.l;;;i l..1| | i:l i i; i.l: ,1 5 l ,l7-: -: l.t.r;: l:lI ; I{ ii!11l;i li<t.: ,l __--*t I lir f I I I ciz !tl 5ltri UJF o z.oz_o()i-zQ coO>z JO O- t! J "3q ==3dd= b t! uj F cq) Eo,Io lu .z J E E (J o ((Icto€ h ffir,*l!!,zoF(J EF(nzo() L]ND :c t t ,.i G tlJ o- B\ o o"a tn r+ N 0 r a\ o :r c'6 il 0 U M) a Ul LU F- ":ai:u,t\ I I ilrllirlI l*l :ii rA Ir()tliii 'lI.lll I lx tl-I t<rI ta,;- zlii ti19 16 tZ l<rfo tzti ,l,; tY z =z :::::",, -:*7r-I ,-.-r/! r-:" -:<::;ii :: s F /tt-.i r t !r-.{:::1 x ^ -r Y ,.;i.,ii : < a /.i:zt:-::.: <::_ !FF 311 v<! . _::<: It-;-;:<iJ; * " r:; lFu,"c> -!a<: i- j t{.j.ad<t.: \l (\ IL Iq.-{ tr\ "\ e \ t. bry t t-\\) \ tv' U \ \ t I q \ ^{ 0 q t \ ht a \ ILt: IP lolzlolJl:)ls) I t5ttgll6l| =lt<tt:,1t*l .( !? O ul 6 : cl- 9z I E 2:oi: t(J d': c)a ; c:z ,n L) ti o- :l 2 rn UJ LU ll L E,tu -t F F o o! =g) e. Jlrj (D :) o- = I NOr.r,vntvA ;E() =ZrL 6z59 ;F d x\ J z ::iq5'"1-$ = Lrl ci =(D<\ z9,, o- trE<na1>-l, (-)OZtL << ',' :] ;oFO v \\ ,N \ \ * N \rs\ s\ I 9 :) F .i CL:f E(, tuo- F 0 \\ \ cr o- rrtttlJ||l <22F E5 F6-i--pP9BEiEEB33EeAA0lll koi<fDGCoZ)tlllll||tl,\ a 2_ 3$;E$s =oE+HH9tEgEHc)(,orzo z. ':)f ttf, ? N a F.t u..''T' 2i' X I I I 1,, | ,.1 lr'! ci o 0a tr FtIo z 3 a F z () (L /-) z t: rl zIF g LUFJ z z +^{ ,$ t O! 2qA.!!:{}oirP tUN (:o IU o 2 Eoo a "-l9l1,I \./ |e,l UI { 4lh.l-loll--tl<r-i'l,tl \JI al o \Aa] "x"l b TO = r< \0 = G I I II I I J z =tr z. coo--'l o'r : @lUIEIq olnJ al >t ( f)))(., no'(* t ) * l; o: F6lcJ-&FFOz o i5YF- +3;-i Fi,z =g oozt- =<>E]FJZcLo F Fz E --r O<F r.u <ze.UJFtrzoo J<oo!):o -/ t:flu bor 100 vrll, oolondo 81657 130$ 47G6613 May 26, 1981 Tim C'lark Box 1413 Vai l, Co]orado 81657 Dear Tim: At the May 20 meeting of the for conversion of 354 sq.ft. approved. dopertmont of communlty development RE: DRB Submittal of 5/20/8L Lot 4, VV 9th Design Review Board, your suilnittal of garage space to 'l iving area was a PetC 5 Project Application Project Name: Proiect DescriPtion: Owner Address and Phone: (>^ I --, I s\o--',-r. C tt, Architecr Address and phone: ]r <>\^._,v.--PQ-cV t-]''-s Legal Descriptiol; 1e1 - '![---, atocr zoning Approvecl: Design Review Board ;, iir Motionby: , ' C seconded o* CALM*I APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL U^/ 4//nov/ s Summary: Chief Building Off icial I sFR, -t-zoNE ctEcK forR, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS 3 Lega'l Description: Lot BI ock Fi I ing( Zone Distri "t - R Proposed Use Height A'llowed 30' Proposed Front-nequirJo lo i'""Proposed Sides-Required'15' Proposed Rear -Required l5' Proposed lr|atercourse-requi red GRFA: A]l ovred GRFA: Primary Secondary Site Coverage: Landseaping: Parking: Primary Proposed Secondary Proposed Requi red Drive: Slope Permitted Env'i ronmental /Ha za rds : Ava 1 anche F'lood P'lain Sl ope o*", )rtNbY nrchitect T' Ctf+Z< Lot Area Setbacks: A] I owed Al I ovred A'li owed Proposed Proposcd ,tRequired ? Propc:ed tl Slope Actual Corments: Zon i ng LIST OF M]'l:RIAt,S LEGAL DLSCIIIPl DESCRIPTION OF 0N: L,OT 4 PROJECT The following information is Board bcfore a final approval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wal1 Materials F asc i.a Soffits ltlindows lVindor.r Trirn Doo rs Door Trinr Hancl or Dcck lla i ls F lues F I ash ings Ch i rnncy s Tlash lllc 1 o-s,.ries Grccnhous es 0tlr c r' H PLriN'f Il{IllRlALS (Vegctative, Lan, Botanical Narne required for subnittal by the applicant to the Desi-gn Review can bc g iven : TyIe of l'4atgrial Color ,t 1,\-r \' (r l<> .r\\ \. \f \ I \ \ O \-,r' rr'..,\t \-- (x-\'1\., '.- 't\^- I!rrr i\t\kX\,t i. -\'t., \ I t rund Cov o r) Si zt: \Z:\\-.. ( r'..",. q'.t'z .:tr.-r i [,. (' \l\-,r-i- *-.-- -=--.-- ,| \, xq \(.> - ' ' c) -Y- (\ rl_ \^te'-.?a a--\--^\ \ \1 \\ (a-\-- ..*.-^.t^-^\a\o d .; .\v. 3'l f; .--\- c\ r ., .{ 1. 3?",-* n\-eos \z ,. ' I J') ' d c,1 '-'a \\ . Namc NDI'I CONSTRUC'IION l. 2. 3, 4. -. 5. 6. Proj ect DRB SUSMIMAL CIIICK LIST (if applicable) nl Chccked Uy J' J l-f-z-pDate Stanpcd topographic map (2 copies Site plan showing utilities (2copies) Utility location verification Prelirninary title report (l copy) Landscape Plan (2 coPies) Architectural Plans (2 coPies) (a.1 I floors and all elevations) Materials list (1 set)1 8. o Color Samples (1 set) Subdj.vision agrcements l.llNOR ALTERATIONS TO TI-IE EXTERIOR, OF RUILDI}.IGS 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. Photo or sketch shorr'ing al terat iotts (2 coPics) Si.i:e plan (2 coPies) Material spccifications (2 sets)' Color sarnples (2 sets) Lctter of approval fron condo assoc '(if applicable) Apfrrl'roNs -. RES_I-DENTIAL 0lr c0sERcIAL @lie-surveY 2. Originrtl floor Plan (2 coPics) 3. New floor Plan (2 coPies) 4, Site plan (2 coPi cs) 5. Elcvttjons (2 copics) 6. t)lrotos oti existing stl'uctu):c (l 7. trl:rte:'ioI spccifjc:rtions (t set) 8. Colol srnples (l sct-) sct) :-- ... \ INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAiL DATE JOB NAME CALLER -'\ (l /t'l fl - € r-,.' READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:tl THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I l\.t' l ,t 0 .,.) ,s t4 INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL r a \ DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES THUR FRI o'\ --'-- \ \-) .'-t t ".- | WED al BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING N INSULATION O SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: D HEATING D ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr D q/ FINAL O FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: --)2 /' , INSpECToR -24+ -..--4 :'24'-'.F ,' DATE _-I TNSPEPJJ*oN, $F9uerr \ !,) c /t tL.L"/ , 't, .> n : DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED fiIVA Gfr\ ' - AM PM ? a./ / tz- (- / \---''/.f 7 / ,/("q *J rc-," | : /,.t--_ 4r-*-r/ (r, - r: /. BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr r'l tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS -CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR F}t{AL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ffio*o5,.T5guE:r I DATE READY FOB I SPECTI LOCATION: JOB NAME ON i(I4t t CALLER TUES BUILDING: : tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr o tr E tr n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION GAS PIPING E tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trC tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o rfto,tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor. //-'a -"4 rNSPEcroR : (, (,t ,^r. ,,1/t u/'fl JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:":2 TUES t-'VtrED THUR FRI INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING fi noucH E] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr O FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: I] DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR t 1 l, t DATE JOB NAM / "L.,( tiit',?)--* I, l t, '(, l, THURREADY FOR INSPECT]O LOCATION: BUILDlNG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UND x Rou 'q)"ou D GAS D POO tr ERGROUND GH / D.W.V. GH / WATER PIPING -L/H,TUB - ff"ot'*o - I] INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D NAIL E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING N ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR n tr t4{AL tr FINAL !,AFPRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORBECTIONS: k/-7tsE 4zuzr.-, -,Z,aE7f7 4_4- INSPECTOR I JOB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI CALLER TUES BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: UNDERGBOUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: Ll tl:ivtr. i't. vv tl Ft MECHANICAL: D HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIRD CONDUIT tr tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: tr ROUGH trF ?-tz r>,/ I DATE ,/ '/-6 / |NSpECTOR c€-*?*<$ F Q Fz a 2 F I tFlgT o.', ^AYZ lrl t- tr F rrlF F. z F e () e z 3 a ,| ; F. rrl i1- z o 14 F =ut o u,J ul oz F Fl F 7 lll zF ul Jlt ul F J F !r J J F F2!J:ul UJ ttr ul o o z I 0 Jf 0 j lro --et- i t E E =8 u*N UJF zo9 -c0= z trtl ll-tlEO tQo =>:z:< o- (J>a ;.i DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PI\4 CALLER f orHrn INSTTCdbT FtEBUEST TOWN OF VAIL ! panral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION AM PM JOB NAIVI E MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: SHEETFOCK V€,ilEER- gooF , -, PARTIAL L@ATIOl{, ROtxil{ .' f nppnovED fl DrsAppRovED n nEtNSPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR lh. Pirnr..Y va DAT E I rNspeiloru FlEGtueFT r owN o'F?Y o)1-g^--" :.--41',t onre i JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ctr'/ '3:ru c flpnnrral TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PMFRMON COMMENTS: E nppRovED I orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr E upoN THE FoLLowrNG coRBECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS rNsPEtoru TOWN OF HEeUEFT vAlL i o,.'te.,,i,. 7..<) JoB NAME M -JArrt o.J TIME REcErvEo 3- -:-o arvl prvl CALLER I pnnrrel.LOCATION MON ''!/ tv'4tl @ ne{ptveo ! otsnppRovED rll'II' UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nrrNSPEcr CORRECTIONS box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 office of the town manager September ?0, 1976 Mr. M.J. Helling 230 Eighth Avenue llest Itest firgo, North Dakota 58078 Dear Mr, Helling: 0n September .|6, .|976 the Design Review Board unanimously ;;";;iA the aaaition of an enirance to the M'R' Dawson Rbiiaence on Sandstone Circle. Approval is subiect to the following condition: that the siding for the p"opoi"a-.ntrince malch the existing' (Enc'losed is the Design neview-Eiar,i-fo"'n wtrictr siites this iequirement') I apologize for the de'lay in getting this through-the Board' m"l"i""iv-sel 'l i nger, youi' coniractoi, -has not lPPl i.ed. for the buitdjng permit'yi[-lri[ijrsh the-fee has already been paid. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me' Si ncerelY ' DEPARII-IENT 0F COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT i ).4'^ A b /'t lftl;( ,'lt -Jo,'Kramer/lv 1,,/ {. DATI OIT i{I|BTING: MEMBENS PRESENT: SUBJ]1CT: NSICN REVINIV DOAND ABSTENTION: t D a APPROVIiD:. l.---' _ DISAPPIIO\tILD: -{y ACTION TAKUN BY BOAII,DT: i/./ / I\torIoN , {ft,; f t.t sECoNDED BY: VOTE: FOR: .AGAINST: SUi\I1\IA]iY: ,lro-.]i ,La-;) It 4 \\ ,n6s,_\ \\ .€,'r:t ?'ts o r..*- *. !lft4.. l+r'lr r: !.t! ---.t .-,!-199............."n *].l.r-. .. .}rlr..a, .19?6 lrf,rr'i JUL t?.'r I e2ofl lhs Drq rrr. ur 1r 75.ldi.. ttb .|q d July cf,arlrc |r. EII ad 8rtltfi tlrE tEx.rr oa rb brt d bsfa .ra srr' o( c.br&,..rr ftr. F r,..d fdcfllL t, DIXlo|| udBXII L. DAIEoI. P.O. lor 356, Yrll,colondo 8165t d tr. C..ry .f Eada .d sttt. of colorrdo. of rL x{d Drn : rlrsEaclt ta t .L Fn ltl oa-t|. tnt Ft! t'r 'r'l i' dt 'nno of tL tu t'l ffttff llt l'ur$n I t lt/loor--r-- --- - - - - -rxlr'LAn-r' |o rL r.L r-. Laa .( rb f&i Fn r. H t ld tt r|i .id DdrilE ot rlF Fqd t'n' rn' N'D:'r'F'jf h rib ..&a .rf &@d. r. Va rt tr.tl, b'Fi..d -ld . d*r'd 'd bt th"' nkkir: 'r' .tur h..l*, rd(.-t t ra c.drti u- lL t ||i ,..tfd d rk...$'d t'n. llkir li'ia ind $'!F for'rr' i { bncrir.F-bth j.l'' Lct { tL t tt-ita ddtS.a lot cFFt olh" trtr'lt lrinrrh' LitttL . e-E.a LEla '!'Eu"rcolo"do ro!{: 8aa litblt A attadr.d hlretoad rda I Eart h.rcof. IOGETIIE rtl .ll .!a -atL. aL t idr.D-a...a .t'!tt.!ettr rh{hlnro ttloclta ur h 'nta1'r tL 5 .d ro trnr .lit ril!.|. si.n a. S..Li..d lhlln'li irll. t'tt-.r ol ltr: rl-! t El. \1.' .lt , frt&..t lur.l..a -t,ii:l . - li; l' tFn.silt, l!. '.''rt'tio., .ra r!r.ttb* FG.lra.. -d rc ind.rt nnu. itlqrs "d prtnr th'N'i $d rll Ih ..r.t.. ritr &L. hr.dt" .Lh Fa a.rtd tLr.-t.r ot tl* nia !.n les 'l rl'' li"r D''t rnhtr tn l'* "r .aIirr. .i n .d rq Or .Ift Ltt.tr.a /tnih. titlt rb h(tdjLr(nr. 3.d 'r'!'ut1"''nre3rox VE ANOfo lloLD.L..L tr-r.t.5t. btt in'd |'d d'Hnh'd *it[ rh(tPrrnrEnc]' ur't ttr'inl . !.riid ,t tr. ..d Fn. rtt.lr l|.lrt |!a .dar &tltlt l.dlt.anp.nLqs "rhr rib! p1'1 n{ theE ..lrOl , thal,r !.i1|, .r.crtd;. .'!d rdd||ldt .ti d' @rdnt rr$r' l'"{'n' nnd !|rt( !" "d $or t). {ld !.nhr .a tL t*ora D.n, ll h fdi .l .!1|!.. ttll d rh. aift ol tL "ns"lir! rnd d'litdt ol th' 'r I tts dq thGY atfr.ll .it d .a t\ tffir.| .t@ .6Y.!.{. s .f tood. !un. D?'rtl. '$an!rt md rid{trJrbl' ..t r. cf h-h.ril!xr. b l.r.In t* .bDb, i{ b ttra atod ridrt. toll D.{.. sd L$t!t iutho.itt t' tirDr' lzr' 6i r.ll .nd ror'vrt tlt ..||. h rnF l'd tofl rlorlldd. lnd rh.t tl8 '!m. !R tRr !o'l 'lt'r lr'h 'll r' nkr |nd dh.r abnlt. tar|rtt., r.ln, li.n.. ur.r, $-.tr.lt .td .rtudbr.r.t ol rn.r'rYr lin'l or n'rur( {tt+t ; ercept lhltad Strtat Pat€lt Ltarvltlqr!, eaaclEnta, lestrlctlona andrlghtr-of-n7 of r.cord lrd Droparty t.xcr for 1976 du€ January I, 1977, dltch Darty ol tha r!c@d Dlit rtrt4! .nd agtee. to pay. |!d th. dor. b.ttdr.d !..Db..ln tt $i.t Dd F.t$l. Dorr...rd.t tlF {d !.ni.' dl rit kr 'nd Fn. !h'!t t ln $/ .r|tE {d.r ,ll .d *.t' F r .r F -r. | rtull) .LiEill.i rd (Lih tb' rhol. rr.nt I r'r lh1t. '1. rL dd rnlal d th fi.tr D.n .r.ll rd nn t^lFl--T lr_D FotErER Dr:tE:tD l\ lttrsaa Ul|lIEoF.L..td Fi Lel .fr}'|nlF.rbv? h.Elnto '.r tlEltt nda r.n \lr \ A,b/.WiVQ". rr tni+lr.-,6.'l-''4hdps Irr E ..rEt ara r.Lrr r. rtil 7th ltr ot July |.. lrcll! .!d Sh|fo llrrlc gclLn. t.t t EXHIBIT A co r Lrrr.ncy Dccd.ht.d Jult 7. l9t6 baraao cHAlntING tl. tlgl.Il qnd Sf,Alln HfflE fGLIn (P.rtt of tb. llr.tPrrr) end l{IcaAlL R. DAtfsotr .Dd [DlAf L- nAr6O! GraCt cfthc Secord Pr.t), IIOAL DESCRIPTIOf, CorDolllltlrll t IIIT NO, I of th. SALDSTjffl CIRCll OoiUEIU3. rccordlng to thr CondodDL@ lbp th.raof r.cord.d Jult 6, ltt6 t! thc rccord! of thc clart rnd Racoadcr of Ertla Couott, colosa&. to toot 247. rt P.gc 3Oo, of ruch tecotdr |nd .t d.ftB.d ln tb condoolnlu! D€cl.rrtlon r.cordGd July 6, 19?6, h loot 2at, rt P.ge 299, of such rccords; lubjact to thc tanr condltloar rd grovLrlonr cont.ln.d ln s.ld Daclar.tlon. lar Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Project Application (;. o AJA, *,a,,t VJ, (o, * las* 2 Legal Description: Lot (/ , Block ,u,^n U-.'! UJ!4o 1&- .J Zoning Approve o, Y * Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 49 P fz 5e,n *er'rtrpot aas 9Tt '-^.lo l..l Summary: Zoning Administrator Chief Building Oflicial March 16, 1979 AGREEI{ENT We the undersi.gned have revlewed the fLoor pl-ans and elevatlons for the proposed expanslon of the upper unlt Ln Sandstone Clrcle Condonlniums to include a naster bedroom wlth bath. Sald expanslon will add approxlnately 425 square feet to the unit owned by Mr. and Mrs. L. Richard Plrog Jr. We the underslgned hereby approve those expansion plans $rlth the lndtcated connents. {o.V- -tt-u-'- I". W--r + tD.\..- QL-.-8"- Debble Dawson and Mrs. Karl Hochtyl, M"' ( I .\-<- \nt\\< Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gersbach I ^r"-rrr.f-'TDISTRiCTS 30' Proposed fz.9z0lrI cril-cK SFR, R,R for P/S Z0i'rE [ega1 Descri'ption: Lot 4 eloc|-'J Fil inq Lot Area Setbacks: l//03 ,eisht Allowed Front -RequireO 7O r -"ProposeO S.ides-Requi red 'l 5 ' Rear -Required l5'Proposed ,r/rt 1h=... l.latercourse-required 0 Propoggd -O- q 0 GRFA: A]lorted i :Wf U' 'r- t m1ftu GRFA: Primary A]]orved tu/+ Primary Proposed //.+-_ T Secondary A'llorved i/rt Secondary Proposed S'ite Coverage: Al'lor,red hIo Proposed Landscaping: Required 0o0/o ProposednrParking:. 'Required + Proposed ,{o Drive: Slope Permitted Slope Actua1 Environmental/Hazards: Ava'lanche .' Fl ood P'lain Sl ope Ot< Conments: aK .(o z-,+'c1^,. Zoning: Approvcd,/ 8p,, oq ,l ?-- -t--" zor{E cil[cK fz.q sFR, R, R for P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Description: Lot 4 WocU Firing LVq* Archi tect Zone District R Proposed Use Lot Area ,, t , ' ,ei ght Al'lowed Setbacks : Front-Reqri"uT iO '- -"nroplsed Sides-Required'15' Proposcd Rear -Required l5' Proposed @/+ Legal Owner 30' Proposed /o .tl ttL 6RFA:Primary Allowed Secondary Al'lowed S'ite Coverage: A'll oled Proposed Proposed Proposed ProposedLandscaping: Parking:. Required -0-s1u Slope Actual Envjronmental/Hazards: Ava'lanche oK Corments: Flood Piain Sl ope _ eK _- I 'nRequired + Propcsed Drive, ,ton" Permitted Zoning: Approv ..-1 ?p t, bV r 7-- -'---- ;Zon'i I o DESIGN BEVIEW BOARD DATE OT MEMBERS MEETING: PRESENT: ACrroN rAKEN B\ BoARrT l/.J/n l-'. Morrol, ' (j{i}t: /fut ' " SEcoNDED BY: AGAINST:VOTE: FOR: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: ABSTENTION: SUIrllrtARY:,4'l'l', -. -BUILDING PERMIT Vail, Colorado Pe rrnit provisions set forth by the Vail the rules and regulations as set and in cornpliance with the 1964 -r Group -l' rchitectural Control forth in the Vail Village Uniforrn Building Code. rType of C onstruction Contractor -tdD^tu y'c.n- 4 n-re Perrnission is hereby gr^fiud €/4.tn V, l/c/r'- as ?Wn?r t" Catt:*xct a 2 stoty ? qy''/er ""%tu t aar"", ,Pt J J.r rJ' t taa (r'rc /a In accordance with the Cornmittee, subject to Prote ctive Covenants, l pprowed INSPECTION RECORD (For Departrnental use Only) INSPECTION FOUND;\ TIONS .\PPROV} L COMMENTS DATE & SIGN/TURE FRr' MING bo .\ g.t FINAL ROUGHd a.) 14 FIN.r^ L ROUGH UD E FIN/ L ROUGH bon q) a E FINr' L f*t- . {sdli APPLICATION TT{E licant F€R BUILDING PERMIT TOWN OF VAIL fill in this eection onl Buildiag Date of addrees Application if,nta Tel. No. 'r'r.a Tel.No.$ai*fl_ BUILD INFORMATION New Addition Alteration Repairs , Type of occuPancYjQgS4- (Al1 parts of building) BUILDING orvENsrcxq ffi-Tamtii% t"l No of stori"" .2--H'.4 t!5No. of roome ! t No. of water closete f lrq) tr Bo Addre s s,city l/i Name Name Address City ; Ih Name Address oI City Tel. No. .lLot !,filer.e . i{ subaivi-ion ssrrMArsD c{ 4'/'" o r co usr Rv C T roN 1l?' 44!*a (Materiele & Labor) (Gircle correct classification) ^r. Type of conetruction I.II.[I.I V (til ?\ \ ' occup*ncv group A-B'c.D.t.r.c.H@' ,r*"u$.* }lF (Per*itteel Approval by planning- and architcctural control committee to pbtain buildingpermit. ssrr f#;;;'-Z-h;";;;ra Jups 4, 7a Date Signature Receipt of Plang C:jZ:jD- -$lqgE-cjuqNAPProval of Plans /-2lt-7o BUILDING l}fi/(2 sets required) Amount of Permit Fee Date Paid: Caeh $ $ Check SJSZAf Gheck $ Amount Amount of Clean up Feg g i-t- Paid: Gaeh 3ii:'1lTi:,1,:'"""u 4/' - 3::"1",""$:i lzf7zf Certificate of occupaney & cornpliance clean- up STATE OT'COLORADO )I ss. couNTyoF EAGLE ) DEC LARATION CF I;AND. ALI,,O CATION dcecriptioa of thg.building gite for the prepgaed buildiag ie /'or' 4 V.' -tozEol,'Jo corrrpliee to the Floor Area Rptio for the zoning which appliee to the building sit€, a8 defincd in thd aforesaid T,oaing OrdinK\ g- ry publlc, byL subecribed and '>t ' thie t, , bDfirg firet dulY sworn uPon oath, StS The foregoing affidavit and declaration gworn to, before rne, a n 2t/-tk-- da'y of ( depose and say that the following statcmente are true and correct accooCing to my best knowledge, information and belief, to wit: 1. That thie etatement ig made {n conjunction with the filing of an applieation for a building perrnit to the Town of .Vail and to comply with the requiremente of Article VII, Section 3, Ordinance Numbcr 7 (Serlee of f969) Zoning Ordioance for the Town of Vail. Z. The dcecriptioa buildiag ie as follows: (Deacription may be attached or aurveyorre map may be used to shoc, de cription. ) 3. The proposed building site containe Sguare feet, and the proposed building coatalns square feet of area as defined in the aforesaid Zoning Ordinlnce. 4. The propoaed building, as it relatee to the building site area, wa8 d llunr 2$r L9?0 l{n. ChrnninS lf. lfrll.nc/o Vall AaroclaterYall, Colo:r'ado R.t l{cIln Dupl.x-V.ll Dra:l Hr. l{clinr Follonlng aro th. ncaultr of a plan ohrck on thc eubJcct bulldlngr l. ToLletr ncad 30i rtdth.2. Bloak rcnk in conforoanca wl.th handout chcctr per bulldtng ooda rcqubcroente.3. Guard ritk to bi ln tonfotnancc wl'th Scctl'on 171f .tl. If any Opcnlng ln plunbLng 8ne at a lowen slavatlon than thc nLn of thc finet dosratrrcarn nanholor a back ratcr valve uuat br lnrtallcd Ln an accegaablc pol'nt brfone thc goil plpc laavee thc hour;.5. Hoec biba-would bc a handy additlon to plurnblng. Plane are hencby approvcd rlth tho abovc correctl,onc. Thlrcplenr havc thr halt nunbcn of conncctlone of any f hrvc ohcokrdthlt yran. Vrry tnrly youn!, TOI{}I OF VAIL Charlet G. Bynunl P.E. Bulldlng Offlclal Eneloruna (1)lJ]""4-#'l*^, tv\4$, VdJ O P.O. BOX 7 vArL. coLo. 81675 RS: fk &A ARCHITECTURAL CONTROL COMMITTEE VAIL VILLAGE June 4, L970 Mr. Chan Welin Vailr Colorado 81657 Dear Chan: The Committee found that your preliminary plans for the construction of your residence on Lot 4, 9th filing were in line and preliminary approval is given within the scope of the authority of this Conmittee. As you know. we requested a letter signed by you and Bil-L Brown, who is building on the site next to you, stating that each of you had investigated the othersplans and that you agreed with each others p1ans. That Ietter has been received and is hereby acknowledged. It was requested due to the fact that the architecture is quite different in each case. When your working plans are complete, together with the landscaping p1ans, they should be presented to the Commit- tee. Q i nr.ara I r.re -..vvr vrJ t ../ ARCHITE/C9IIRAI, CONTROL COMMTTTEE ' '' ',.. / ,.. ,/.,, , _l ' fodnei, 3I:.rer Co-Chairman lNrb\t"e-turr STJBJECT:Q tt*ttue - Oe rcsr7 F€l:ttta roro I eHAp W€tt^J ReS/2 E4) e€ '*o" U -y*pF.vAtL vAtL, coLoRADO 8t6t 47G56t3 57 ea,7'. JrN, /2, trzo A.t' L o/P€ P4-2*, /7 .<Jo. 67a 57 {rssJ(rr /,Ro) e c---r /S o4pt?Lere;e t pLFupo Foe C( enp uP ,rtlr7 ,/ 8C PAIA, PLEASE REPLY TO -+ SIGNED oRAYARC CO., lNC., BROOKLYNT N. Y. I t lllll DETACH THIS COPY- RETAIN FOR ANSWER. SEND WHITE AND PINK COPIES WITH CARBONS INTACT. -fe 6- g r DAILY BUILDING INSPECTTON REPORT I Biuldins:hfG(tl.l R.tl ' Contractor: Penmit No: 61OEfN lo l "7d FP r|+n tP c /),1:ja fnrT- c.raltlTt{Al.J 't^oa r lssued. pe, 24, t??o 94r+. lt') ta Fxe n r*1 ok -llu-ffi,.t-t //z-o 7'F t4. Gu-"t -C". ?,2" | , / ,!-r-. ofE^.l"iryr ? l,ttir+{ /* 5/O' . o tDate Issued: )uN€ Zf, ro