HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 9 LOT 5 LEGALt jte c..*.oeu Reuieu. t- lpsourL 6*>- 4.!4A \'&F Home Occupation Permit Application Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us @neral Information: A home occupaton is a use conducted enulely within a dwdling and is incjdental and secondary to the use of the dwdling fur ctwelling purposes. Home occupation permiE mt6t be rmewed on an annual basis. Approvals fior horne occupations shall lapse if not pursued within two months of approval. Businesst"r", F[V0K g<; Wr'x Uai I l-i.(-, Descriptbn of the business: 'i Ki VrJc,i*- D F-'tr i l-rtLrC l-ocation: Lot: 'J Block:_ PhysicalAddress, StlO ReJ. /3t' A.;'!.r,"-. Cru-".il Parcel I{o.:(Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) I{ame(s) of Ormer(s):k.".rt + c t\ ri.:.1-i <: (.{&tt^+t MaitinsAddress, (dtO 'L.cL 9",^"!*,.tc,r- CrrUc.,l ('o €i(,C* Ourner(s) Signdure{s): llameofApplkar*: Kesirzr + \<tre-L Ltr.ltl,.+ t Mailirqg Address, I crG t :j....--!{c'Lt,- U^i I Co s'a-7e '3'1 c Emait Mdress. g <i h <> rh{ t@ f zilrto,c-etfra; Number of employees:,Q-HomE occuPATIoN rrronmerron Hourc of operation:c"v,tn .F<> Cprn Equipment/vehiclee (including number) to be used:a Where arc materials/equipment to be located: Will clients be coming tothehome: ilO Estimate number of client visits p€r uree U, ,6 o Plexe attach written approval from a condominium associaUon landlord, and joint ownet, if applicable.o The Administrator may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and odrer mabrials (including a model) if deemed necessary tod&rmine whet{rer a prcject will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposat is notctearty indicated. TrlVr,.Si OF \.,AlL DESIGN RET'IBJY Page 1 of 3lo4l15/02 STAFF APPRO\AL ? JOIiIT PROPERW OWNER WRITIEI{ APPROVAL ETIER I, (print name) description) provide this lefter as written appro\al of the phns dated fiIt t2 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improrements to be completed at the address noted above, I undeFtand that the proposed improvemenE include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the phns o€r the course of the re\rierv process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes ard regulations. t4fu,u /R,, fl?lL (Date) rrJv$; oF \i-\t|. DFSIGN REVIEW ST'AFF APPROINL '+(,- /tJ5 Page 3 of 3104/15102 nnie,fu,: of property located at (address/legal g.,,r,,-p. t4JC TtW$Tt OF \r;\tt- ff^PFtrffiffi rlr,i, 3'lLl. la HOME OCCUPATION PERMIT CONDITIOilS ,. U(-- All home occupations must conrply with the follouring regulationa at all times. If any condition is violabd atany time, the horne occupaUon permit may be revoked. 1. The use shall be conducted entirely within a dwelling and carried on principally by the inhabitants thereof. Employees, other than inhabitanb of the dwelling, shall not exceed one person at any tirn€. 2. The use shall be clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and shall not change the residential character thereof. 3. The total flmr are used br the home occupation shall not o(ceed one-frcurth of the gross residential floor area of the dwelling, or five hundred square feet, whichever is less. 4, There shall be no advertising, display, or other indication of the home occupation on the premises. 5. Selling stocks, supplies, or products on the premise shall not be permitted, provided that incidental retail sales may be made in connection with other permitted home occupations. 6. There shatl be no exterior storage on the premises of materials or equipment used in the home occupation. 7. There shall be no noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line, as a result of the home occupation, 8. A home occupatbn shall not generate significant vehbular traffic in e)aess of that typically generated by residential dwellings. 9. l'!o parking or storage of commercial veh icl€s shall be permitted on the site. 10. A home occupation permit is valid for one year and must be renewed by the Administrator in order for the home occupation to legally be continued. I agree that the home occupation will be in compliance with all of these conditions. 3-//-Zor z- (Signature)(Date) fr 3*a- [5'x6' m^F ^r?4 6b.-k w^[[ }ou, W co,rs G,,* ?*by in Ae e4ra4eS*^\\ Sc,rantftes og-xi,v,*el1 i- Tvd al,* aur, U,*/3* Page 2 of 3/O4/15102 ljo c*,stonars c**nn3 4o lon . Mail To: Town of Vail Sales Tax Administrator 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Phone: (970) 479-2125 Fax: (97O) 479-2248 E_mail : slortonr.@,r,ail gov.con Website: vailgor'.com PLEASE RETAIN A COPY FOR YOLIR RECORDS TOWN OF VA[L, COLORADO APPLICATION FOR BUSINESS AND/OR SALES TAXLICENSE BUSINESS ACTTVITIES (Note all activitiB conducted under thi.s ljcense) Retarl Sales (specify): Restaurant / Bar: Lodgrng: Professional (speci&): Service (speciff type): Other: Product or service sold: ii € €,F_r \,()(^d A separate application must be TYPE OFLICENSE APPL I'I RETAIL SALES TAX LICE Is tequired for any perron to cDSage $ Persorul property and ccrtain 8crvtcd Vril and those m€rchants locatcd out oersonal oropertv into the Town ofVill ,'trl ABUSII\TESS LICENSE (SEI, ' Is rcquircd for any Pcrson to mrintain thc Town ofVail. 82-504/t07)1001 To receive the Sales Tax Ner \ There you can signup J S( }IWK SKI WAX VAIL LLL 890 RED SANDSTONE CIR. VAIL.CO 81657 uwwsnr$ank.corn (m) 961.{X44 *r: lo ?oo 50L ?r: e ?q 50tt fo ? qoil' tDo I Type of Ownership: - Sole ProPnetor /\ Partnership If Corpo ratron, Registered Agent: Trade Name of Business: Name of Ownersbip (if other tlaa trade name PhvsicarAddress"?qo l.c"\s.^-.! r.Lr,,teffF ou**"' 8t7o'R.e..-{ (r.*$*=+.",e c t't- City State yes, Home Occupation Pernit is required) SAIES TAX REMITTANCf, INTORMATION Name of person preparing Sales Tax Retum Business Phone # Choose one: - Employee - Accountant / Bookkeeper - Other (specify) zb @dtf t)^il Co gaCS+L/.,'l (o B(6S'h- w5,64 VV? rllr 75 South Frontage Rd. Department of community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 970479-2138t479-2139 FAx970479-2452 Christie Hochtl 890 Red Sandstone Circle Vail, CO 81657 May 28, 2009 Re: Zoning Analysis for 890 Red Sandstone Circle Dear Christie, The following is a zoning summary for 890 Red Sandstone Circle: Zoning : Two-family primary/secondary (PS) distict Lot size= 0.253 acres (1 1,020 sq ft) Lot size is legally non-conforming Allowable units: 1 dwelling unit plus 1 deed restricted employee housing unit Existing units: 2 dwelling units, no deed restriction. Density is legally non-conforming Allowable GRFA: 4988 sq ft. credit of up to 600 sq ft for garage per unit. Credit of 550 sq ft for employee housing unito The portion of the lowest level that is below grade does not count as GRFA . Anything 16 ft or more in ceiling height counts as two floors Existing GRFA: Because density is legally non-conforming (existing has more than the allowable number of units) no additional GRFA may be added to the existing structure. In order to capture the allowable GRFA, the building would need to come into compliance by deed restricting the second unit or a demo/rebuild with conforming units. Site coverage: Maximum 20% Landscaping: Minimum 60%, hardscape counts for up to 20% of total landscaping Setbacks: 20 feet in the front, 15 feet sides Planner ll (970)479-2440 Rfriede@vailgov.com COPY Friede, AICP, LEED AP wflir Design Review Board ACTION FORT'I DeDartment of community oevelopment zS So,rttt Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 t€l:970.479.2139 taxr970'47s'2452 web: www.vaiJgov'(om6,tit.S0wlElELoFFllt Protect Name: Prct€ct DescrlPdon: PardciPants: OWNER CHRISTIE ]EAN & I(ARI-, JR. HOO6/04/2007 REVOCABLE TRUST 890 RED SANDSTONE CIR VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT CHRISTIE JEAN & KARL, JR. HO06.IMI2W7 REVOCABLE TRUST' E9OREDSANDSTONECIR VAIL co 816s7 ProJect Addr€ss: 890 RED SANDSTONE CR VAIL 890 RED SANDSTONE CR locaton: Legal DescrlpHon! Lot:5 Block 3 Subdlvislon: VAILVILLAGE FILING 9 Parcel l{umber: 2101-063-0300-8 Comments: HOCHTL SOIAR PANELS FINALAPPRoVALFoRAMINoRALTEMTIoNToREP|-ACEE}cSnNGsol'ARPANELS DRBNumber: DRB070243 Modon By: Second By; Vote: Condltiolr: BOARD/SIAFF ACIION Actlon: SIAFFAPR Date of APprovalz 061 0512007 Cond:8 (Pl.AN)lNochangestotheseplansmaybemade.withoutthewr|ttenconsentofTownof iait stin and/or the approPriate review aommitee(s)' Cond: 0 (P|-AN):DRBapprovat(besnotconstituteapermitforbuilding.Pleaseconsu|twith io*n br vai| guiHing personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 ongipJro/ar shall not beaome valtd for 20 days foltowlng the date of approval. Cond: 202 ilprd*i "r nrs project shall lapse and bemme void one (1) vear followins-tle-9:-te tift""iipp*f, u,ifes" a O"ifOing permit ls issued and construction ls ommenced and ls diidently pursued toward completion' Cond: 113 4".\- *.,_,i',, . ' - ^ . It-,.r. '$1, l- t t ':,'$', Alldorclopmentappliauonssuhnlftdbt|eTorn afu tfieeftc$,edaEof Ordlnance 26, Series 2006 shall be s.tQtect to $e pendlng employee trousirB regulations ln whatever form they arc flnally adopted; pwided, how€r\€r, Urat f the Torun fails b ado* the pandlng employee hoslrp regnrlations ry Aprfl !5,2d07,. thls Ordinance sha[ not apply b sudr darelopmcnt app]katbns. Pl.nnor: Joe Su&er DRB Fca paid: f2o.m -- Minor Exterior Alterations General Infonnatson: A[ projects requiring dedgn rwiew must reelve approval prlor to s|lbmlting a building permlt apdication. Please retdr t6 Ure submittat requirements for the particular apprc\ral that is requested. An applhaton fior Dedgn Review cannot be ac6gp@d unUi all requircd Informatlon ls received by the Community Dev€lopment Deparfnent. The pmject may atsil neeO to be reviev'red by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environ.nental C.ommisdon. if.iign rciien" approval lapsec unlecc a buildlng pcrmlt |r lsucd and oonstru(don ornrrenoes witlrin Application for Design Review vf)6to \, D N {.tV Department of Cornmunity Devehpment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 dt 970.479.2128 fax: 97O.479.2452 u,eb: www.vailgo/.@m $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. l{o Fee $650 For construcdon ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addltion where square botage is added b any reddential or commercial building (lncludes 250 additions & Interior conversions). $250 For mlnor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' rs.roofing, paintlng, windov{ addiuons, landscaping' fences and retaining walls, €fr. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site lmpro/ements, srch as' re'roofing, painung, windot Y addiuons, landscaping, fence and rebining walls, etc. $20 For r€visions to plans already approved by Planning Sbff or the Design Review Board. one year of the approval. of Locatftn of the Proposal: [ot: Plrysical Addrees: Paraef rfo.: Aoi ithlo z 003 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: ilame(s) of thrner(s): Haillng Address: Phone: (lrrner(s) $gnatrre(s): llareof Applkant: l.lailing Address: Phone: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs Conceptual Revlew New Construction Addltion Minor Afteration (multl-family/commercial) Minor Alterafon (dnglefamily/duplex) Changes to Approved nans tr tr EI n x Sffi**g"to**rNo., 284 ey, *", -7 - (E'6? +f*tffi*tt*******+++*+++{'**************+lftff*f*****l'*tr*****r*+*************ltlft+tt**t*+*+ TOWN OF VAIL, COIORADO Statement *ff'|'t'}*****tt+{'+l'tt**f***t**+****+*+*l+*ttfftfaitlfa*tl*ftf++*l+**f*********+'l********t+t++tl+ SCatement, Number: R070000867 PalmenE l{ethod: Check HOCt*TIr Anounts: $20,00 06/o4/2oo7o1 :57 PMInit : iISNotation: 9894/CHRISTIE Pemit. No: Parcel Dlo: Site Addreas: Location: TbiE Palment: ACCOTJNTITEM LIST: Account Code DR 001000031122 0 0 DR8070243 T14re: 2101-053 -0300-8 890 RED SAITDSTOIIE CR 890 RED SAT{DSTONE CR $2O.00 DeEcriptLon DRB-Minor A1t,sFR/DuP VAIIJ TotsaI Feea: ToCaI iqlfr Ptnt6 : Balance: $20.00 s20. oo $0.00 Current PmtE 20.00DESIGN REVIEW FEES Solar Collector Picture Subject: Solar Collector Picture From: "Barqi Engleman" <barryengleman@comcast.net> Date: Mon.4 Jun 2007 10:19:08 -0600 To: <chochtl@mountainmax.net> There is a small photovoltaic panel mounted shown in the attached picture. It will- not coLlector. Thanks Barry on be the thermal- col- Iector included on your I of2 6/412007 l0:25 AM o va'zr;tfr7!'u z Deslgn Review Board ACTION FOR}I Department of Comrnun ity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 faxi970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com@rtfunnY o€lEl4rfrr Proiect Name: HOCHTLTREE CHANGE Project Descrip6on: Participantsr Project Addrees: 890 SANDSTONE CR Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: DRBilumber: DR8050599 REQUESTTO REMOVE ATOTAL OF 6 COTTONWOODS WHICH ARE DYING DUE TO APHIDS, WOODPECKER' AND SCARING/ROTING. STAFF PERFORMED A STTE INSPECNON TO CONFIRM THE CONDMON OF THE TREES. THE TREES WERE FOUND TO BE ROTTEN IN THE CORE. owNER CHRISTIE JEAN & KAR|- JR. HOLtl07lZ005 REVOCABLE TRUST 890 RED SANDSTONE CIR VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT CHRISTIE JEAN & KARL, JR. HOLIIOTIaOOS REVOCABLE TRUST 890 RED SANDSTONE CIR VAIL co 81657 890 RED SANDSTONE CR VAIL Location: Lot: 5 Block 3 Subdivision: VAIL UIIAGE FIUNG 9 2101{63-0300-8 See Conditions MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Gonditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 11/08i2005 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date or nnat apptl, unless a building permit is issued and milstruction is commenced and is diligendy pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0007704 THE APPUCANT SHALL REPTACE THE SIX TREES TO BE REMOVED WITH A MINIMUM OF SIX EVERGREEN TREES MEASURING 8 FEET OR GREATER IN HEIGHT. iF THE APPLICINT WOULD UKE TO PLANT SEVERAL ASPENS IN PI.ACE OF THE REQUIRED EVERGREENS THE MINIMUM CAUPER SHALL BE 2.5 INCHES. ALL REQUIRED REPLACMENT P|-AITTTNGS SHALL BE INSTALLED PRIOR TO JUNE 1, 2006. Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 lpplication for Design Ci"* Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Subdivision: :i.-l:riijr/ ' ,.idi..jlf: U*Jequest:w Location of the Proposal: t-ot: 5 ebck: J v.-lA)v a h { Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Mailing Address: Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs ! Conceptual Review n New Construction D Addition ! Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request X ! $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commerciai building (inciucies 250 acjciitions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and N retarnrng walls, etc. 11 l" ^Urb.r!$20 For minor changes to buildings and sjte i2ryovlreltEl:h 11: -^l*ffiJreroofing, painting, window additionsf _ la ndsca prng, tences ano qD' retaining walls, etc. {-- $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee 13/7r/77 /03 pRBrif D < iI *-t \.' 12-188 Made an USA l0 Mlllimeterc to the C€ntimeter ,ona,€ +e/ff) +f++*******+***frt'l'*'***********************+*lt***it*+*******************+******************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Number: RO5OOO19OO Anourt: $20.00 LL/07/2OO5O3:13 PM Pa)ment Method: Check IniE: iIS Notation: 971\ICHRISTIE HOCHTI., Permit No! DR8050599 Type 3 DRB-Chg to Appr Plans Parcel No3 2101- 053 - 03 00 - I Site Address: 890 RED SANDSTONE CR VAIL Location: 890 SAIIDSTONE CR Totsal FeeE: $20.00This Palment,: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance3 90.00*f****'****f*******************+**t+********+*fr******t*fl.*****tt******a************+t+fa**t* ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: AccounC Code DeBcription Current PmtE DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGTI REYIEIiT FEES 20.00 o Deeign Revieur Boa ACTIOT{ Folrf rd Department of Comrnunity Development 75 South Frontage Roadn Vail, Colorado 81657 tef: 970.479.2139 faxz 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgou.com Project Name: HOCHTL RES.LANDSCAPING CHANGES Project Description: Participants: owNER CHRISTIE JEAN & KARL, JR. HO10/14/2005 REVOCABLE TRUST 890 RED SANDSTONE CIR VAIL co 81657 APPLICANT CHRISTTE JEAN & KARL,lR. HO10/14l2005 REVOCABLE TRUST 890 RED SANDSTONE CIR VAIL co 816s7 890 RED SANDSTONE CR VAIL DRB Number: DR8050552 Location: REQUESTTO REMOVE 3 COTTONWOODS WHICH ARE D\1NG DUE TO APHIDS, WOODPECKERS, AND SCARING/ROMNG. PrcjectAddrcss: 890 SANDSIONE CR Legal Description: Lot: 5 BlodcflsuMivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 9 Parcel Number: Comments: 2101{63-0300-8 SEE CONDMONS MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Condltionsr BOARD/STAFF ACTION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approvah l0l28l2o05 Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of vail statr and/or lhe appropriate review committee(s), "]]ir, ' Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced ,l jr"r.'r"' and is diligently pursued toward completion. cono: coNrotosz O THE APPUCANT SHALL REPLACE THE TREES TO BE REMOVED WITH A MINIMUM OF THREE 2.5 INC CALIPER ASPENS PRIOR TO JUNE 1, 2006. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO ,-ffi Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tf'l: 970.179.2L39 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to.the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application 6r Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departmint, Theproject may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and oonstruction commences within one year of the approval. frplication for Design **"* Physical Address: Parcel No.: v7, w 7 hvf f.J LfirJ (Contact Eagle @. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Locationoftheproposal: Lot: 5 Bbck: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s); Name of Applicant: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr AddiUon tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/com mercial) I Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request ,,k*Y $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commerciai building (inciucies 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site igprover|e|lff{ch as, reroofing, painting, window additionsf- landscaping,-Jences retaining walls, etc. L- $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or Design Review Board. No Fee and"'-{ tr tr Page 1of t3lIllt7l03 TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R050001721 Amount: $20.00 n/U/2OO5O2:.2I PM Payment Method: CaEh Init: iISNotation: $,/CHnrSrrS HOCHTI., Permit No: DRB050552 T:pe: DRB-Minor Alt,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2101-063-0300-8 SitE Address: 890 RED SA}IDSTONE CR VAII, L,ocation: 890 SAIiIDSTONE CR . Total Fees: $20.00This Payment: $20.00 Total AL,L Pmta: $20.00Balance: 90.00 ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN RSVIEW FEES Currents Pmgs 20.00 PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXIfiNG TREES TO BE REMOVED . lt I(iflnwM&t M_ Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal, Tvoe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL t3lLLlL7l03 APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to veriff that the proposed improvemenb will not impact any o<isting or proposed utility services, and also to veriff service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. A site plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the following utilities for approval and verification. o UTILITY Authorized Siqnature Date QWEST 970.384.0257(fax) Contacts: Scott Carrington 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 EXCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.a076 (tel) Contact: Rich Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970.949.s892 (tel) 970.949.4565 (fax) Contact: Ted Husky EXCEL ENERGY 970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogaft 970.262.4024 Jim O'neal 970.262.4003 EAGLE RTVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (tel) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contact: Fred Haslee COMCAST CABLE 970.949.L224 x 112 (tel) 970,949.9138 (fax) Contact: Floyd Salazar NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directy on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contmctor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Department of Public Works at the Town of Vail, Utility locaUons must be obtained before diqgino in any public right- of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained seDarately, The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-veriflcation if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise speifically noted within the comment area of this form). Comments Developer's Signature Page 8 of L3lLLl17l03 Date L- I0 MtlllmcteE to the C.€ntlmeter +e?m 12-188 Made in USA ,-ffi o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depatnent of C,qnmunity De\rdopmert 75 South Fontage Road, vail, colorado 81657 tef : 970,479.2139 lax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us PrcrGGt ilame: Hochtl tree removal DRB t{umber: DR8010222 ProJcct Dccrifilon: Tree rernoral Participants: OWNER CHRISIIE JEAN & KARL:n. HO07l27l2NL Phone: REVOCABI.f TRUST 890 RED SANDSTONE CIR vArLco 81657 License: APPUCANT CHRISTIE JFIN & KARL, JR.HOOilzilzOOl Phone: REVOCABLETRUST 890 RED SANDSTONE CIR vArL co 81657 Li:ense: PrulctAddrucc: 890 RED SANDSIONE CRVAIL Locadon: tcgel DG.crlpdon: Lot: 5 Block 3 Subdivirbn: VAIL VII.|AGE FIUNG 9 Perccl t{umber: 210106303008 Commentr: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Mdon By: Aclion: SIAFFAPR Seond By:Vote: DateofApprcvalz 07127/2ffiL Condltlonc: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the wrifren consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constihrte a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Phnner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fe Pail: $20.00 TA -m General Information: unless a building permit is issued anlppnstruction commences within one VTar,of the approval. Description of the Request . ltlw,tt (,a'hl^n tu I I d Jrzz-s Physical Address: Name(s) of Owner(s Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: 'Iype of Review and Fee: tr New Construcbm $200tr Addition $50 frinorercntirn tr Changes toApproved Plans $20 retaining walb, eE. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Design Rwiew Board PLEASE SUBMITTHIS APPUCATION, ALL SUBMFTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 7s souTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAil-, COLOMDO 81657. Application for Design Review Department of Community Devel@ment 75 Sou$ Fontage Road, Vail, Cobrado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Phoner For consfuctbn of a new building or demo/rebuild. Flr an addition where square fuotage is added to any residential or commercial buildirE (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). for minor changes b buildings and . site irnprovernents, sridr as, Planning Stafi or This. application b fur any projed rcquiring Design Review approval. Any poject requirirE design rerierv must receive approval prior b subnitting a building permit applicatbn. Please refrr to the submittal requirements br tfreparticuhr appro|/al that is requested. An application for Design Rsriew cannot be accepted until all required infurnutbn is received by the Community Dqrelopment Departnint. The pmject may also need to be rwiewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environrnental Conrnission. Oesign neview Board approval lapsei %t,/q !l:,{,', ****'t'}t*t'tl if+ f+ *'lt+* t'i{r'} I'l * *{. ** *!*'i*++ + + * ** +*'}*'ll +'}'lr'l' 'l * +*rt*l +**f * * * * *++ + + + | +***t +'i *f t*ttt +*t+* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stateme,nt ** *+*'l * 't*'t* *'i*{.'l 'l * * * * 'l ** ** *:**r}* **'}* *'l *'t't{r* ** 'l {r't* * {' 'lr * * * {.ri*+* * * * * ** **'}** t!*:t * * * *** +*:t * t'}* * l** ** Statement Number: R000001141 Amount: $20.00 O7 /2'l /20OtO4:19 Plt! Pa)ment Method: Check Init : iIAR Notation: 9147 Permit No: DR8010222 Type: DRB - Irlinor Alteration Parcel No: 2101053 03008 Sit.e Addreee: 890 RBD SANDSTONB CR VAIIJ Location: TotaL Feea: $20. O0 Thie Payment: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts r $20.00 Balance: 90.00 **'t*****+********+**'t*****************+****t*****'i'li****:f********+i*++'|+***+*'l*+******'tt**:t'lt ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI^J FEES 20.00 Ndrfied ch PMENTTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI\TTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 97 0 -47 9 -27-3 B NOTE: TOV/Comm. Dev. DEPARTIVIEI{| OF COMMUNTTY THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PRO'JECT TITIE: HOCIITL REROOF ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT JOBSITE AT Permits TIMES 800 -0L4 9 ALL #: lean-up D )proved rlTlOUilt date Refund Project No. : PR,fo0-0L55 APPLICANT WESTERN STATES ROOFING, TNC. 71_3 ARROWEST COURT, GRAND .TUNCTTON, COMIRASIOR WESTERN STATES ROOFING, INC. Job Address: Location. . . : cel No..: Resluarant Plan Revieir- - > DRB Fe6- - Recreation Fee------ ----> Cl€an-t4r Delrod j.t - - - - - - - - > 890 RED SANDSTONB CR 890 RED SANDSTONE CR 2101-063-03-008 euilding-----> Pfan check- - - > Inwestsigation> wiLl call----> Tot.al CalculaLed Fees-- > Additional Feee------- --> ToEal Permi! Fee--------> Pay[enta------- BAI,INCE DUE-. -. 145 - OO 94 -25 . oo 3 .00 .00 20.00 -00 100.00 .co 252,25 362.25 -00TOTAL PEES- 362.25 IT,CM: O51.OO BUILDING DEPARTIVIENT 05/27/2000 KATITY Acrion: APPR ITEM: O54OO PLANNING DEPARTIIEIVT 06/27 /2000 KATHY AcE.ion: APPR II,EM: 05600 FIRE DEPART}TENT 06/27/2000 KATHY Action: APPR Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS 06/27/2000 KATIIY Act,ion: AppR APPROVED DR3 APPR N/A N/A Dept: BUILDING PER KW Dept,: PLANNING REC'D 5/6/OO Dept: FIRE Dept: PIJB WORK Division: Division: Division: Division: See Page 2 of this Document. for any condiEions thaE may apply to this perrnj-t DECI,ARATIONS i h€reby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in fu1l Ehe infomat.ion required, comploted an accurale plol plan, and atale that al1 tha information provided a6 required is correct. I agree to codply wilh the informaEion and pLot plan, tso coupLy with all Toxrn ordj.nances and 6ta!e Lara, and tso buil<i chis dtructure according to Ehc Town, s zoning and eubdivision codes, design revie!, approved, Unifordr Building code and other oldinances of the Torn applicable Eherelo. REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SITALT! BE trADE TV{EMrv - FOIJR HOURS rN ADI/}NCE By TEIJEeIiOI)E Xr4ll;/ngy'Oe AT OUR OFFTCE FROM g:OO AItt 5;OO PML'/ y'r*fl '/ gend Clcan-Up Depoeit Ta: WESTERN STATES SIGMTItRE oF owNER oR coMRAcToR FOR HTMSBLE AND olvI{ER t DEVELO Plrone: 97O-24L-533L co 8r_505 Phone:. 970-24L-533L OI^INER 713 ARROWEST COURT, GRAND Jt]NSITON, CO 81505 HOCIITL KARL & CHRISTTE JEAN 890 RED SANDSTONE CIR. VAIL CO 81657 Description:RE-ROOF SAME FOR SAME (RED GRAVEL)Number of Dwelling Unit,s: 001 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: 9,449 Fireplace Inf ormatsion: Restricted: YEs *of eas ADDIianceg:*of ea€ Logs:flof wood/Pallct: FEE SWMARY Status...: ISSIIED Applied-.: 06/27/2000Issued...: 06/27/2000hqrires..t L2/24/2000 PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDTTTONS OF APPROVAI, Permit. #: 800-0149 as of 06/27/00 Status: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/AIT sFR BUILD PERMTT Applied: 06/27/2000 Applicant: WESTERN STATES ROOFfNG, INC. Issued: 05/27/2000 JOb AddrCSS: 890 RED SANDSTONE CR LOCAIiON: 890 RED SANDSTONE CR Parcel No: 21_01-053-03-008 ******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS******************************************************************************** ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIIATiICE. 2. NO PARKING OR STAGING OF MATERIALS IS ALLOWED ON PI]BIIC RIGITT OF VilAY WITHOUT A PI'BLIC WAY PERMTT. ttt*********************************************t****************** TOI{N OF VArt, coLoRADO SEaEemnE**************************************************************** St,aEennt, Number: REC-0647 Amount: 342.25 06/27/OO L6244Payment. Met,hod: CHECK Notation: #414o/V|ESTERN ST Init: KMW Permit, No: 800-0149 \49e: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD pE Parcel No: 2101-0G3-03-008site Addrees: 890 RED SAr.lDsToNE cRLocation: 890 RED SAIiIDSTONB CR This Payment * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Account Code Descript.ion BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEESDR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGT{ REVIEW FEESpF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES AD D2-DBPO8 ELE,NiII'P DBPOSITS WC OO1OOOO31128OO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Total Fees:342.25 Tot,al ALt pmrs: Balance: 362.25 362.25 .00 Anrount. 125.00 20.00 94.25 100. 00 3 .00 oo oo FI8Ei8o g T a cl C| orooro I ah Itt ilCl rII Iut I Hili I HFI!t iEl Il!a IE'IBi {l zE iil it{ a! |t!lRiI'AI HH I H5 i99 !Eliel El Cll |lI al IlF. laraIltl FI 8!t{ |EiHI6iollrol TIOI I!o I 68 i I l.l3Ed9oa oo oo do il EHIE(|,a FA H tlD E lDDU !3 I. ]t oo oo o o oo o 0o 0o 0 do oo <;o o F o o o r L a aI b Ut E8IAtlo H(,oora.OI9A GIn I ; fr E ao B At{ Ha B IUnAIt! Hg g Fo 0oo3l a o UH f, AElr I4u g a{ € t Et T fl E E EIc 3!.TE 3ll-l EIo o o a\o _ EtIrutao tr[s EEE t'fAY-3O-oo sg = 77 FFOI{ = To\,-COII-DEV-DEPT - TTNTIQ?YT AFprJ"^rrof{ | n - "= AccEprED rF *"*r*g| rD=9?94792452 PAGE Ei./ 2g "//2, / 3//..2f EuiHing Peflrrit Scparerc Permits ere requlrxl for elcctricd' plunbing' mechsnicNl' etc'! 75 S- Frontr*e Rd. Vailr €oloraEo a1657 otfre orvislt htel WorkCtess: New( ) Additbn( ) Rctllodcl( ) Re.parx) Defto( ) OUfr( ) o".s an eHu etdst at thts location: Yes ( ) No ( )WorftType: Inbrior ( ) Bcterior (X) Bo'th ( ) ryp" * aog-- sr,gFf,amily 0<) Tyrro+dmily ( ) MultFfamlv ( ) commeftisl ( ) Restaurart ( ) other ( ) l,lo. of Accommodation Units in U*s bualding:No. of bdsfiing Dr^r€tlhq UIdE In tftls buildng: ;EFntder System E(i*: Yes ( ) No COilrPl..ETE YAUTATIO]|S FTOR BnILDING PERMTT (rabor & ilaEriab) BI.'ILDING: $ELECTRTCAL: $oTHER. $ e,/r',Ff t PTIJMBING: $MECHAIIIICAL: $roTAL: $ iy'/,9.t2 REFUNDCLEANUPDEPOSITTCh .. I COIIITRACTOR IN FORMATIO N fu .JD'qclo3 i***r*r**********++FQR OFFICE USE ONLY********+**+++**+rr**rle* F:/evcsysE/Ttrrfi c/Udgpeffi pzroo- or55 pr",poid- zo=. ' Sbol* fficD JUN 27 2000 t\o.hru. ho-,o t- !i1v-v25 05/30/00 09:31 TXIRX N0.9489 P. 006 ofNo. - 713 Arrowest Court Grand Junction, CO 81505 (970)241-5331 o (970) 241-5319 Far (970) 241-5377 r l-800-420-9065 PROPOSAL AND ACCEPTANCE Ne 03002 - {{ESTERN STATES Your Roofing Speciolist ROOnuG rNC. PiOPOSAI. SU8MITTED TO arlr - .i -.r- .i ^ Lr^ ^L 1 l PHONE 1 -Q1n-A1F.-11)q DATE Mav I q . 2OOn sftEEr- 890 Red Sand Stone Circl-e JO8 NAME Samp CIIY, STATE AND ZIP COOE Vail. c.|loradrt JOB IOCAIION Ra rto ARCHITECT DAIE OF PTANS JO8 PHONE We hereby tebmil 3peciticotions ond artimol€s lo.: Roofinq as Follovs: (1) Pranare exist-ino roof svstem bv clean off dehri and orrtti nri buckels. (2) Mechanicallv fasten a L" insulation li6galqerd- (3) Mechanically fasten a 28* fiberglass base felt. (4) Install neu metaL drip edge on perimeter of roof. (5) soLid mop in hot asphatt Two (2) lavers of fibergl4ss ll# qlassply- {6) Seal rr)of nanetrat-i rln.q wlth n1astio roclf cement and nvlon rgebbincf . (7) Flood coat entire flat section of nev roofinc; sith hot asphalt and embed lava qravel in hot asDhalt. (8) Clean up and traul arav roofino debri (9) Workmansliip cuaranteed Five (5) vears. NoTE: If custoner $ant rc'of removed to shoetfil.J and no insulation.base tno ply-flood and gravel lxA Total Cost $10323.0L ft|. A1-. .od,, 00-.--------.--,.. _(, f1t5 S/at /auou fl&1r /4 ) ' '9,5' /tr() We PfOpOSe hc.eby ro furnirh moreriol ond lobor - complere in occordq\wir^ "r-UWnr, lor rhe sf olr Ni nre Thorrrland F'nrtr Hrrnclrod t E'nrrrlrr E'i r:h+ Dn1 l ars .[ Ra./xdlOs (3 4448 - 8? , ) Poymenl lo be mode og followc: a|rq €++. r+ _\ A ranrr i rrrlor 2+ ...\yn:'\ 1 o* i nn arf tXCi tta,'-{- / All moia.iol i. guo.oniaad lo ba oa rpaciliad. All wo.lr lo ba comglal.d in o wo.lfion' lika monne. oc<o.ding lo alo.dord p.ocliaar. Any oll..olion or daviolic^ lro.n obov. spccili.otion. inyolving .rlro coslr will b. .x.cut.d only upon w.ill.n ord..!. ond will b..om. on.xt.o cho.g. ovor ond obovo lh..rlirnol.. All og...m.nr conil|rg.nl upon rl.ik.r. oc(id.nl. o. doloyr boyond ou. .onlrol. Own.. lo co.ry fira. to.nodo ond othcr n.cc.rory inru.onca. Our worlorr oro lully <ov.rad by Workman. Com- pentolaon Insuron<e. ACGgptanGe Ot PfOpOSal -rtc obo'o p.i..., rp.crlicorion. ond .ondilionr ora 3oliafo<to.y ond oa. haaaby oa<€plad, You ora oulhorirad to do the work oa rpa(ifiod. Poym.nt will bo modr ot outlinad obov.. '.-,on,O d --AP { ,4t-ra'*4 'cb4 J'?'zl Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Hochtl Re-roof Project Number: PRJ00-0155 Project Descripion: replacement of existing roof with identical materials (red gravel) Owner, Address, and Phone: Christie and Karl Hochtl 890 Red Sandstone Circle, Vail, CO 81657 476-1t25 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: same as above Project Street Address: E90 Red Sandstone Circle Legal Description: Lot 5, Vail Village 9th Filing Parcel Number: 210106303008 Comments: BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 06106100 Project Name: Hochtl Re.roof Board/Staff Action Action:Staffapproved DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 '7I REPT131 TT]WN OF 'UFIIL. COLf]RADO e7/lL/?frWV ft7t46 REGUESTS - INSFECTN WORK SHEETS FORt 7/tIlet}F'A6E E ARFA: CD ==============5==============::==:5=========================;::====== ==-====::1=*===E=flctivity: EEE-Olir9 7/IL/eA Type: A-BUILD Statr"rs: I$liUED Constr': ASFR Adclress: B9tZl RED SAND$TONE UR Location: B9O RED SAND$TUNE CR F,ar"cel: P1O1*O6.?-IZIJ-OEB Ocr.,: Use: V N Deseription: RE-ROOF SAME FOR SQME (RED GRAVEL) Appl icant: ITIESTERN STATES ROIIFING, INC. Fhone: S7O-P41-5331 Ownerr HOCHTL RARL & CI-{RISTIE JEAN phone: Contnaetor': WE$TERN STATES ROOFING. INC. Frhoner 97fl-il4 1-5331 Inspeet i on Request Inf or.mat i on. . . Reqr-1ss1or.: F,AT l-glaft*496-9465 Req Time: tl8:ElO Comments: ROOF It ems rleqr-lest ed t o be Inspect ed. . 6?t69ft FL*DG-Final Fhone: Co mm ent sAetio Time Exp Inspect i. on Item: Item;Iten: Item: I t em :It em: It em:It em: Item: Item: Itetn: History..... UrrZtSlO dri veway grade f inal AA0ltzr BLDG-Foot ings,/5t ee1 EraOPB BLD{3-Foundat i onlSt ee I ArOSelA FLAN-ILC Site F lan OerASO BLDG*FFaming AqrOSCr BLD6-.I nsr-rlat i on A0E6'a BLDE-$heetrock Nai I $qil7fr BLD6*Misc. A@A9A BLDG-Final A7 /tQ/ilQ Inspertor': 6RG lZretSSA BLDG--Temp. C,/O er0s40 BLDG-.FinaI Cln Act i on: AF' Glt I 'L--a**4'u^ tY@ 1{s-e.,iffiR'.AME ''-.. I ''.... i ^- Town of Vail lltmenr of Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road , / I Vail, cO 81657 *"^", Cft)r).Fzt t{rt-rr{f,Address: ReceiotNo. 5/33? ,^r.ELBdff)Project: Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.Item No.Code #Cosl Each Total 001 0000 314 11 10 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 314 1112 U niform Buildinq Code - 1 997 - Volume 1&2 c(n q4 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform Buildino Code - '1997 - Volume 3 $s7.20 001 0000 314 1112 International Plumbinq Code - 1997 vtt $36.00 001 0000 3141112 lnternational Mechanical Code - 1998 CB $35.00 001 0000 314 1112 Uniform l\rechanical Code -1997 $33.60 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Fire Code UEI $36.00 001 0000 3141112 National Eloctrical Code tr tt $37.00 001 0000 314 1112 Abatement of Dangerous Bldg.'s 1997 $9.9s 001 0000314 1112 Model Enerqv Code - 1995 $10.00 001 0000 314 1112 Analysis of Revisions to 1997 Uniform Codes $12.75 001 0000 314 1112 Other CodE Books 001 0000 314 1211 Blue Prints/Mylar CopV Fees BF $7.00 001 0000 314 1 111 Xerox Cooies $0.2s 001 0000 314 1111 Lionshead Master Plan ($1 .80/$1 .60)MS $40.00 001 0000 314 1t11 Shdies, Master Plans, etc.MS 001 0000 31s 3000 Penalty Feeslne-lnspections PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Recheck Fee ($40/per hour)PF 001 0000 315 2000 Oft Hours lnsoection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Contractors License Fees 001 0000 312 4000 Siqn ADplication Fee SP $20.00 001 0000 312 4000 Additional Siqn Application Fee SP ..\ 001 0000 31 1 2200 Design Revia , Board FEE (Pre-paid)DR 70,()() 001 0000 31s 3000 Buildinq Invastiqation Fee PN 001 0000 240 3300 Devebpot lmpfursmE rl AgrB€rnar o€posil D2.DEP10 AD 001 0000 312 1000 Restaurant License fee (TOV)RL 001 0000 230 2000 Spec. Assess.-Restaurant Fee b Co.D€pLRev.SA '001 0000 201 1000 Taxabls @ 4.57" (Statel - Tax pavable TP "001 0000 310 1100 Taxabl€ @ 4.Oolo (Town) - Retail sales Tax J'' Other/Misc. -MS 001 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 001 0000311 2500 Additional GRFA - '250'PV $200.00 001 00003112500 Conditional Use Permit PV $200.00 001 00003112500 Exterior Alteration - Less than 100 so. ft.PV $200.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Exterior Altefation - Mor€ than 100 sq. ft.PV $s00.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development Distlict - NEW PV $1.s00.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Special Development Distdct - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Dovelopment District - Minor Amend PV $200.00 001 00003112500 Subdivision Fees PV 001 0000 311 2s00 Variance PV $250.00 001 0000 311 2s00 Zoning Code Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 001 0000 319 3100 Greenstar Program Other -MS TOTAL:2/7,/K) connenc: gqa' 4{i (\ e / ,-.' (1 = ^ ,"1/h arrrfi F:/Ev€o/one/Forms/Saleaacl.ex€ DerE, tiic/d8iflEl'fti1ffil"'thi: n$t4fiiHil" r $ssrh IB0€R DETAILT4 mrffffi:' Tlt cti ,,o, Sl'#g.o TIS YUI F(lR YI}TJR PAYtft{T! TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Votr,. ll-Lama'tcA MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department January 9, 1995 A request for a vacation of a pedestrian easement located at 890 and 891 Red Sandstone Circle/Lot 4 and Lot 5, Vail Valley 9th Filing. Applicant: Christie HochtlPlanner: Lauren Waterton I. BACKGROUND The Vail Village 9th Filing was platted in 1970 with a 10-foot wide utility and pedestrian easemenl located between Lots 4 and 5. Each lot contains a S-foot wide easement running the length of the lots. The easement connected Red Sandstone Circle through undeveloped Town-owned land to the Sandstone Tot Lot. In 1971, the Hochtls built a duplex on Lot 5. According to the applicant, a verlcal agreemenl was made between the Hochtls and some members of the Town Council in 1977 about removing the word "pedestrian" from the easement as shown on the plat. However, this was not done at the time. When the Hochtls applied for a building permit to add a garage to their existing house, a condition of the building permit required the addition of eight to ten trees along the north side of the building. In 1981,lhese trees were planted in the utility and pedestrian easemenl. As these trees have grown over lhe last lourteen years, it has been increasingly difficult to . se the easement as a viable path. An electrical transformer also blocks the access to the easement from Red Sandstone Circle. The Hochtls have now requesled that the pedestrian easement be vacated. II. PROCESS FOR VACATION In order to vacate the pedestrian easement, a hearing belore the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) is necessary, with a PEC recommendation then forwarded to Town Council. An ordinance which vacates the easement must be read at two meetings of the Town Council. III. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request to vacate lhis easement. Although pedestrian easements connecting cul-de-sacs with parks are good planning practice, this easement is not serving that purpose. There is a need for a connection from the residential neighborhood to the park, however, slaff believes this is not the appropriate place for lhe connection. The easement does not offer direct access from the Sandstone Tot Lot to the neighborhood and is not frequently used. The location of the trees and the translormer within this easement create an impractical connection. c\D€c\rnemos$ochtl. t09 POTATO PATCH DSTONE PARK / LOT Easenent,' locaf.on WHITE RIVERNATIONAL FOFI r-* .--.. 4t GONDOI +jwtH-ffi n u- u-t LiCNSF COREAFEAi l. Ll(t l(noo I i2io I , I 8. c-ar:N: 3rog ;iE o" f,1| 5H oo'ol'so'e ,t ;7" l,IAilt ." \"" \i, F4\ "/ t., ",\ le t,es HPON-or-\ o'or' a -{ I tf, it 1'{d dj..Jio 'i -roE otl- p" o IB l,; IN rlr 1. 39 pBBi!gl{ q 'n 155,25' olkgN 'oL>o ]rl s od oJ so'w E * ,t n-,?ilo-Po x 3ioSr >U|.IN l' l=(' ls I #, t'"t,ttt' 'lP.A pB B!t.lt; ,r\tJ-=d 33iroOrrl >tt.T //a.a- I 1oe6e : F. l[. \,Y._ TCOUNTYt.ROAD n 45' l)f, \q\? a, @ ,O" ulo. o. m (t !r)oo 19000' \5rr\f-,\ l t^\'L\m-\ |a,. l4 ),-\5\%,x\ q; *.\ I qe q E{ m mrtlz o \\ =d \ \r r'' a\\ i'r q-\l \ 'nt('1,' 6l(r 'l-rN "$'\ t.. \: ^,\\"vql \\ \aness cAp MoN.(JC.S.H.D. (T.S. STA. 147o'16.41 s odoJso'w I rae.eg' \' o c{-{ -zr) g il B{! Fz dt mtz e) *I \ e)x January 9, 1995 MINUTES MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT STAFF PRESENT Greg Amsden Mike Mollica Bill Anderson Andy Knudtsen Bob Armour Jim Curnutte Jeff Bowen Lauren Waterton Kathy Langenwalter Russ Forrest Allison Lassoe Dalton Williams 1. A request for a vacation of a pedestrian easement located at 890 and 891 Red Sandstone Circle/Lot 4 and Lot 5, Vail Village 9th Filing. Applicant: Christie HochtlPlanner: Lauren Waterton Lauren Waterton made a presentation per the staff memo. She stated that statf was recommending approval of the request to vacate this easement. Christie Hochtl explained the background of this property to the PEC. Kathy Langenwalter inquired about the verbal agreement between the Town Council and the Hochtls in 1977. Bob Armour asked the applicant what would keep people from using this connection to reach the Sandstone Tot Lot. Christie Hochtl responded that the vacation of the pedestrian easement would allow her to contact the Police when people used her property for crossing. Bill Anderson agreed with the staff's position that the use of this connection lor access purposes was impractical and that as the trees continue to grow, the connection will become more difficult. He added that there were more appropriate places for the con nection. Bob Armour was in favor ol vacating the pedestrian easement but felt that merely removing the word "pedestrian" may not alleviate the problem of people using the Hochtl property for access to the Sandstone Tot Lot. Greg Amsden and Jeff Bowen had no further comments. Planning and Envilonmqrlsl commbllon Minut€ Jenusry 9, 1995 r 1 /-l' rJ i't LLt i,J U ij Allison Lassoe lelt that it was not appropriate to remove the pedestrian easement. Christie Hochtl stated that surprisingly tew people utilized the pedestrian easement for access in the last year. Kathy Langenwalter did nol feel that it was appropriate to remove the pedestrian easement from this location and that it was important to maintain access to the open area. Jeff Bowen made a motion to approve this request for a vacation of a pedestrian easement with Bill Anderson seconding the motion. A 4-2 vote approved this request with Kathy Langenwalter and Allison Lassoe opposing the request. 2. A request lor a conditional use permit to allow for a helipad to be located at the east end of the Ford Park parking lot. Applicant: VailValley Medical Center, represented by Dan Feeney Planner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that staff was recommending approval of this request with the one condition outlined on Page 5 of the staff memorandum. Dan Feeney, representing the Vail Valley Medical Center, stated that the issue ol the helipad has been an ongoing discussion for the last two years. He stated that in that time, the Hospital Board has focused on a long-term solution and will be going fonryard with plans to locate the helipad on top ol the Medical Center Building later this year. He stated that they were very sensitive to the use of Ford Park during the summer months, but requested that they be allowed to use the Ford Park site through November 30, 1995. He stated that they would be willing to let the Town decide at what times the helipad area be utilized for parking. Andy Knudtsen asked whether the jersey barrier would be removed at times when the helipad site was utilized for parking. Dan Feeney stated that they were not proposing to remove the jersey barriers at such times. Andy Knudtsen explained that such a scenario would result in a loss of approximately twenty parking spaces. Dan Feeney stated that several years ago, one ol their main helicopter companies, Air Life, switched to larger helicopters. Bob Armour inquired whether the applicant had consider utilizing a chinook helicopter from Vail Mountain Rescue for transport to the root of the hospital. Plannlng and Environme|||rl commi||ion f|inulc J.nulry 9,1995 Hocthl Easement PEC ilanuary 9, 1995 Adjacent Property olilners Blanche Hill 311 Bridge Streetvail, co 81657 Thomas Place PGA Tour - Sawgrass Pointe Verda, FL 32082 Danie1 and Lisa Bouvier P.O. Box 2254vair, co 81658 L,inda Hutson and Robert Curunings 38 E. Elm Chicago, IL 60611 Paul Corcoran 891 Red Sandstone Circlevail, co 81658 Michael and Debra Dawson i .c/o ut & RuLh Helins W + 819 Red Sandstone Circlevai1, co 81657 Erich Windisch 896 Red Sandstone Circlevail, co 81657 PauI and ,Janet. Testwuide 898 Red Sandstone CircleVai1, CO 81657 t*I + ia / a OIq+ - ccldcclff's Sr-rT orr €N rHIS ITEM MAY EFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 ol the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 9, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration ol: A request for a vacation of a pedestrian easement located at 890 Red Sandstone Circle/Lot 5, Vail Village 9th Filing. Applicanl: Christie Hochtl Planner: Russ ForresVLauren Waterton 2. A request for a worksession for a CCI minor exterior alteration and a site coverage and a landscaping variance to allow for an addition to the Golden Bear retail shop within the A and D Building, located at 286 Bridge StreeVLots A and B and a part of C, Block 5-A, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Lee Hollis Planner: Randy Stouder 3. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a helipad to be located at the east end of the Ford Park parking lot. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Dan Feeney Planner: Andy Knudtsen 4. A request lor a major CCll exterior alteration and common area variance to allow for a lobby expansion for the Lions Square Lodge located at 660 West Lionshead Place/Lot 1, Vail Lionshead 1st Filing. Applicant: Lions Square Lodge, represented by Bill Pierce Planner: Jim Curnutte 5. A request to amend Section 18.57, Employee Housing, to set forth requirements pertaining to Type Vl Employee Housing units and set forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Town of Vail Planner: Andy Knudtsen {r 't \! 4\ (. January 3, 1995 Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road LJestVaiI, CO 81557 Planning Commission, L,Je wouLd like to request an updated and amended plaL for VaiI Village 9th Fi]ing, a part <lf the St,l quarter of Section 5 T5S RSOIJ 6th PM Eag1e county, Colorado Filed It/tA/7O Eook 216 page 762. tJe would like to )-equest t-emoval of the word "pedestrian" from the 10' utility and pedesLrian easement between lots 4 and 5 - The Town of VaiI promised us they would remove the word-pedestrian "from the easement ovey L7 years ago when they planned Lhe bike path along the Nclrth Frontage Road and the I*70 pedestrian overpass. l^lith subsequent additions to our home, Iandscaping u.Jas required in the northern section of our property, including 8-10 trees in the easement ( Permit *00692 5/t3/AL). These tree$ have now reached considerable size. The plat was drawn in 1959 and filed in I97O, Since that time TOV has added the pedestrian overpass, the bike path, free buses and the sidewalks along Sandstone Road and Lhe green belt adjacent to our property on the east side - There is no reason for a pedestrian easement in Lhis location. The ulilit.ies were also placed after the pIaL was drawn. A huge electrical" box sits squarely in the middle of the urest access from Red Sandstone Circle causing one to cross lots4 or 5 to use the easement. On Lhe east side, in Lhe middle of Lhe easement, sit the telephone box and Lhe cable lines- The Town Council unanimously supported lhis request at the December t3, 1994 work session. Thank you, i/rrer#iolfr',,kffi2aChristie and Karl Hochtl 89O Red Sandslone CircIe Vail, co 81657Lot 5,9th Filing Vail Village [,J e support the above request . Mi ke 891 and Deborah Red Sandstone co 81657 Dr . PauI G. Corcoran 891 Red Sandstone CircLe VaiI, C0 81557 DaNson C ir cle Vai l :0t ,9th Fi Vail Village oo ORDINANCE NO.3 SER|ES OF 1995 Akrv Trvt AN ORDINANCE VACATING A PEDESTRIAN EASEMENT LOCATED AT 890 AND 891 RED SANDSTONE CIRCLE 7-o WHEREAS, the Vail Village 9th Filing was platted in 1970 with a 10 ft. wide utility and pedestrian easement located between Lots 4 and 5, also known as 890 and 891 Red Sandstone Circle and each lot contains a 5 ft. wide utility and pedestrian easement running the length ol the lots which connected Red Sandstone Circle through undeveloped Town owned land to he Sandstone Tot Lot.; and WHEREAS, in 1971, the Hochtl's built a duplex on Lot 5 and when the Hochtl's applied for a building permit to add a garage to thoir sxisting house, a condition of the building permit required he addition of eight to ten trees along the north side of the building which are planted and growing in he utility and pedestrian easement; and WHEREAS, this easement is no longer a viable path lor pedestrians. NOW, THEREFORE, the Torvn of Vail and the owners of Lots 4 and 5, Vail Village 9th Filing covenant and agree and Town Councit ORDATNS AS FOLLOWS: 1) The Town of Vail, on behalf of itself, ib successors and assigns, by this instrument hereby forever abandons, vacates, releases and terminates fre pedestrian oasement as more fully described on Exhibit "A'. 2) The utility eas€ment located between Lots 4 and 5 continues in existence and is unaffected by the vacation of the pedestrian easement. 3) The vacation of fre pedestrian easement shall be binding upon and enure to the benefit of he owners of Lots 4 and 5 and treir respective successors, heirs and assigns. 4) lf any part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is for any reason held to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance; and the Town Gouncil hereby declares it would have passed this ordinance, and each part, section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase thereof , regardless of the fact that any one or more parts, sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. 5) The Town Council hereby finds, determines, and declares that this ordinance is necessary and proper tor the health, satety, and welfare of the Town of Vail and the inhabitants thereof. ftin nc. No. 3, S.rir o{ l$s 6) The repeal or the repeal and reenaciment of any provision of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail as provided in this ordinance shall not atfect any right which has accrued, any duty imposed, any violation that occurred prior to the etfective date hereof, any prosecution commenced, nor any other action or proceedings as commenced under or by virtue of the provision repealed or repealed and reenacted. The repeal of any provision hereby shall not revive any provision or any ordinance previously repealed or superseded unless expressly strated herein. 7) All bylaws, orders, resolutions, and ordinances, or parts thereof, inconsistent herewith are repealed to the extent only of such inconsistency. This repealer shall not be construed to revise any bylaw, order, resolution, or ordinance, or part thereof, theretofore repealed. INTRODUCED, READ, APPROVED, AND ORDERED PUBLISHED ONCE IN FULL ON FIRST BEADING this - day of January, 1995, and a public hearing shall be hetd on this Ordinance on the _ day of 1995, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Vail Municipal Building, Vail, Colorado. ATTEST: Margaret A. Osterbss, Mayor Holly L. McOutcheon, Town Clerk READ AND APPROVED ON SECOND READING AND ORDERED PUBLISHED this _ day of 1994. ATTEST: Maqaret A. Osterfoss, Mayor Holly L. McOutcheon, Town Clerk ctoR0953 Odh|ncc tlo. 3. S..h. ol f gs z = uJ (\ FI oo(\., F\ r.f) (!) uJ uJ LL ==L| I II lol tlcI lPl -I t(,t I!=lcr,,l-l; I arl a11 lsl c'rJ l(dl rc r l!.l cI l.6l ut0l| | lo| | .t o' lol ,!, t.t !I l(Jl .d' I lo, lolI l+rlottfI l!ll* I olizX l'-l olE I r-l .! 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Ir-{ o,qtr o|rol o i{d ol t4l .u t0J ,d,t, & Iqrl o '.1 olrJ6qa'4 Utl{(r .?e3J<t<z2 o (.) o .H o C' {J ui z '-) E Ei\ P FEo (J E2? =<>E J?-t- zo o F EFz z I ITJ <F uJ<ZE (rz J -E uJ F UJ ts Otrtrtl I t^oV-\--'{ lo "'-/TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATION FORMDArE:-l[0I+{Ay I 9 1995 ^ APPLICATTON MUST BE FILI,ED OUT COMPI,ETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ^l!****************************** pEIIMJT INFoRI,{ATI9N *************************i*** J'-tx-Building [ ]-Plunbing []f-nlectrlcal [ ]-MechanLcal [ ]-Other "oo *.*", t\ilfl fu*rfu^U rob Address: Legal oescripti onz t,ot-\ aLock-!- Fiting ,l owners Name: (\n*a+Kwt h\lil Address , C4o W SovdEWu0l/,,il2 ph47'b- llAi Architect - W Address: t|aar, W".44b-b4e General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New &d V/MT'rY" llilnPat t -Alteration [ ]-Addltional [ ]-Repair [ ]-Other Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Number of Accomrnodation Units: MECIIANICAL: $ c ********************************FOR OFFICE USE *********** ************* ******* ****** ***** **** *** ** ******* Town of vail Reg. No. |100'6 Phone Number: Town of Vail- Phone Number: 42L - b15X Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Nunbers Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: I I *****TTON Address: Electrica Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: BUTLDTNG PERMIT FEE3 PLU},IBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERI'IIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: -75 - da BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE3 I'IECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FE8: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT:./od -IOTAL PERMIT FEES: . F,-.n J n^BUTLDTNG: / 't 7' - J\--.--. STGNATURE: € ZONING: SIGNATURE! ornnents: ctor NO. '"* * o*#, ** ,o, fllnnrfu #yuL Wd,il q4o t(6tt>'t Sturt Prolect Application ?5 r2tlr{ Date - u6/ P ' .//,'ar €zrrzcz rc'/t*r**ru+ + /doa.,.'{to.tft y'L&, */5rorr, -t fiats Fti. k ;lo/, /tt tzon..n Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone:,(n Qn><zrrs futr vAu h 8//< 7 /% //7< Archit€ct, Address and Phone:Kr,, flarr 47/ t/7/Z t- Legaf Descriptio n: Lol 2 Block riling VAL l/Ltae ?fr . zone - Comments: Design Review Board Oate Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL // / - Town Planner o^," Sftt/q< Staff Apprgval PLEASE I.TAKE TOWN OF VAIL DEPA RT;\{E}iT OF COMMLiNITY DEVELOP}IENT' S.TLES ACTION FOR:\{ 75 -SOUTII FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, C0L0MD0 81657 zcla\ic tu\D ADDRlss t'lAPs0t 00004t510 LTNT.':O L\ { B UILDL.'-G COD E0t cs30424t5 UMFOR.\{ PLUT{B ],\-'C C ODE0t 0000 {24 t5 UM FOL\.I ]WECHANICAL CODE0l 0000 42.r t5 UNIFOfu\{ FIRE CODE0t co00 {?415 N,\TIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE0t 0000 d2{ l5 0l m00 {24 t5 OTIIER CODE IOOKS 0t c'000 .{ l54s BLUE PRTYTS OIYLA 0l 00ff1{21 l2 | >:eaox coPgs / s'iuDIEs PENA I.TY FEES / R E'I,'.-,S PECNOIiS0r 00c{1237t ot 00c0 .1332 i pL,r..t REvJgtv RE.cHEcx FEE [s"(o FER HR. 0t ocrco 42323 I oFF ltouRs L\"sPEcTIoN FEES CONTIL\ fiORS LICL\S LS FEES0l 000c.1l{ t2 0l CO004l'r30 SIGN APPLICATION FEE.01 c\300 414 t 3 0l co004t{r3 ADDITION,\I, SIONAGE;TE ISI.OO PER SO.IT. VTC ART PROJECT DONAT]ON0t ctco 12410 PRE PAJD DESIGN REVIL1V BOARD FEE0t 0000.1133t 0l 000042412 BUITDING-CONSTRUCTION PERMIT COUPUTER DI *.01 0000 41010 TAX OI OOOO 4237I INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) TOTAL DUE: 0t 0000.il3 *. * * * * * * * # ltnJblb revised 9/4/9L DRB Appr.,rcaTroN - TovrN or' \rarr,, cor,onADo Bffi! tlAY 17 1t;93 DATE APPLICATION RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** TCTS APPIJICAIION WTLL NOI BE ACCEPTED ITNTIL ALL REQUTRED INE'OR!{nTION IS SUBldrfTED********** I.PROJECT TNFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION: ft143 ,/($200.00) V Minor Alteration ($20.00) ceptual ie.w ($0 r.,ot 5 Block E. G. H. NA},IE OF APPLICANT: LEGAL DESCRIPT Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Ne!'r Construction Addition ($50.00) ADDRESS Q4c. D. LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicant mulot area. Mailing Address: NA},IE OF Mailing APPLICANT'.S Address: SENTATIVE , W?UNO ,5lrzlqsQN Phone I. NA},[E OF *SIGNAII'RE (S) :Mailing Address: I Condominlum Approval if appticable. l DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe t,ltne of, submittal of DRB application. tater, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurat,e valuat,ion of the proposal . The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according t,o the table below, to ensure the correcL fee is paid. ,\_,i , ' FEE pArp: s o*--l. L)O ( C.qSl^, )E'E:E: qnI{EnIIT.E. t!.21 ,-r^^ ---j..r -,/FEE SCHEDULE: +; J. K. 7--nen --t si$.38, s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPRO\TAT EXPIRES ONE IE.AR AFTER FIT{AI, IPPRO\IAI. T'NLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED AIID CONSTRUCTION TS SIARTED. **NO APPLICATION TTILL BE PROCESSED WIIBOUI O!{NER'S SIGNATURE 1 $ 10;ool - T-*50;ooo $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500r 001. - $1r 000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 - ) NAI,IE OF PROTTECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: ( DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING }4ATERIATS: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascia ., Soffits .-wlndows --*Window Trim ' Doors ..- Door Trim Hand or Deck Plues Flashings Chlmneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B. LA}.IDSCAPING: BTOCK reguired approval TYPE OF SIJBDI SION for submittal can be given:to the Design I'IATERIAT COLOR Rails Name of Designer: Pbone: PLANT MATERIAI.,S: ...PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO - Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* BE REMO\/ED : 'r.{rl "-i 'i.'*Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Mininum caliper forheight for coniferoustrees.Indicate PI^AIIT I'{ATE|}S: Botanica} Name PROPOSED SHRUBS Ouantitv Size*, -;r-- EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMO\IED *Indicate size5 qal.lon.of proposed shrubs. TvDe ': Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL OTHEh. LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimrningpools, etc.) Please specify. fndicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximun height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximun height of walls elsewhere on the propertyis 5 feet. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior Iighting is proposed, please show the nunber of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identify each fixture frorn the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. D. ,,;r9Fi. '- ' l-r-\/q -k\( -/( -') | PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,, i! NSPEc-rl*o$rTFSUISJ HttcY,TL f?-t\ \16'tlL @ tf. ( t L,lic PM DATE I' trl- I 3 JoB NAME u)CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:g /tuD4 , ) \ IILDING:PL tr o o tr tr tr tr UMBING:BU trl trl (' IDi trl trl tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL eryryftrytr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL ffieoveo 'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ffisnop KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P.O. Box 4572 vArL, coLoRADO 81658 (303) 949-939r FAX (303) 949-rs77 SXEET NO.*l CALCUTATED BY KBM o^r, Sfztfls CHECKED BY PERMI DATE 1- tq '1\JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:(qo BUILDING: O FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr \.i F tr tr o TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED .- -.tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: OATE INSPECTOR n?i$oP R OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION:' INSPECT $,.f I S{eeeaoveo.} r-/\d6E^Tt.\ lt6.t . tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED coFrFrEcTroNS- :. ./.," ,/.. lNSpEcroR --.- .r, /.,, ' :t., ./,. ''' b'( EffieioP tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING lr BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING I] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR I OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECT @D, FRI .dW BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr o UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL 6 rrr.rnr-D FINAL ELECTRIGAT: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: o tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr '&twat tr FINAL '.< L/-t-/t tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIREO CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR U) uJFoz oz 6J .0 .d I l_ .Ft<r(f I I I ,oa te IFtqz l=to lotz ooror C! t4 .t) * ts(t) tslrl [lJIF lo I I I I I I t_,, IE tYto,zl6 Oro\ oN (9 i & v HH B lJrrl HE (n uJ uJ lJ- tr =tul(L t b\\IL uJ i ar TL CE Q) 0) o -o(6 .9 CI 'F o o ooo F Yo q)E (t oE o) I t0 E = -io (! 3 .9 0) t: (g -Y' s{$ o(6s) es?€ EE8.=6.- d E:E-o> ;:5pF->=:9,!Eo€o3;:*->6;: o.NEE,O O'cEo3'-oooeF:ie(g cL-E:9iEot fi:€666 F€3 EFgo-.: o =o(,o:!.9 EE5I =EHaE EFe R 6p =ocl!- 6 Eggo (! :: o o (5 c c o = o c o (o o T' o o (0 (q o O)E(D =o voo q) .t) UJt! IL L =E uJ J Fo F tr eu, z o) z o .D I F 5oz J(ro =lt z tr a uJ J e. UJz uJo =>04 =oN z2 Fo- 4xfF90aroz>-ooozrL< i-(Jt9 .iN ILq o o- c J zo E UJF 3 uJz I I I.il ;| IJJI 1l <l>l tr-lol il :ol uJFI F <l>l I 3lIFI z.l ol rut 5l ;l zl 3lq FI c{ I\0r\.rt ,"ltloi l =.1ol u.tl 5l <l>ltrlol EI =.1ol uJl cEl -Jl<l>I bl zl 3lalFI I Htf,(l q g u.l =4 cnB AzHB t) fi_l& ll o ui z .Do z Jtr d) F -J F _e. 6g b2 E 2? =<=c d6 (J F E z -rO<F uJ <zEUJF(r1 z c.) oFo z O J ; F LUJ F u,r =T E, z =eoo =z a! lJ- =f;* J i'i'l (J coil> !r! F =ul u-o:t!E2E< 606eB9tt irie'EE =>.E::{F5 h=()i;iE :1-E 669 \urE Xo-t x>I q*o-Etr uJ c0 F Fln-r D<I LJ LJ I I (o o) LO.-? O oz t lrr =l- uJ(t o-o -' oFt =G,OH$bt}No{ogr1 -t uJbEzo zo F(L lrlY UJ to F =E lrJ o-z9FofEFazo() rl t,'' !Ni r! '; Dor,gloF||dtt Bu[d Honn F|trPhn Vaildlty of P6rmlt Sec. 303 (c) 19 tl.B;fr. Thc i;suance 0r grailing 0t a pormll or approvlt 0f pAlF ano s;ieciiications siiail not be c0nstruod t0 be a perftit l0r, fr af B$p{xral of. sn'J vi0latlo{t 0f arry 0t the trwKi06s 0f tl*s sdt lr ol rry ot\er crdin&.8 of sE irisdi0rtion. Tb isstldnd d {tnsr{d{*.{rhdlt-- -_niit rw* ne buitd{ dfictal frotn tfisfcfftdr rcqlt$ins l*a r;ffruh rf rnut h rai6 Clt, Sdfl#nt riiC dfl'tf Gitrtil" ! IAtrE: \ ,Ai.---.'*-t-e.- \ik--- * ,r- -- }ln**_.--- - Iown ot Vall Communth, Dlvolopmcnt Bullrl d'.'dff.>€3i ii4t o il -5::' _ Vatidity ot permft SBc.3C3 (c) 19 U.B t. r tATEi rNsilc'oNTOWN OF REQUEST VAILF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON UA L L trI.1 TUES WED ++.-=@'"THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ntr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH .'tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL fI FINAL lr4qgnoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, 7* 7 2o rNSPEcroB lgrt4r -I ' - --'1"- Profect Applicallon Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded 6y: APPBPVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: o"r". ? /tt /? o/ /. Stafl Approval sg0 Aug2?s DRB IPP&ICIEION APPI.,ICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB UEETING: *****THIS APPI.,ICATION IIILL NOT BE ACCEPTED I'NITL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI.{TTTED***** I. PR8-APPLTCATION UEETING: A pre-appllcation rueeting with a planning staff menber is strongly suggested to deternine if any additional infor:mation is needed. No applicatlon will be accepted unless it l-s conplete (nust LncLude alt itens required bv the zoninq admlnLstrator). It ls the appllcantrs responsibtfity to make an appointnent with the staff to find out about additional subnittal requirenents. Please note that a COI{PLETE applicatlon will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a buildingpernit is issued. Application wlll not be processed without Ownerrs SJ-gnature. A.PRO.TECT DESCRIPTION: B.IOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: Subdivision C. NAI'iE Of APPL,ICANT: Mailing Address: .//azz Cct Ctr/d S 2 D. NAME OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATTVE: Mailing Address: Phone NAI'IE OF OWNEF srsNATnRE (81 : 7Z ling Legal Descriptlon I'ot 5 Block Phone 'as {Z //"25 E.fas Mai //a Address:P qZ Srsoa/S /- -> e rt )./e Phone F. Condoninium Approval if applicable. c. DRB FEE: The fee will be naid at the'tine a building oermit is oaid for. VALUATION $ o- $ 1O,OO1 -$ 501001 - s150,0o1 - $500, oo1 .- $ over s 10, O0o$ 50, Oo0$ 15O, o0o$ 50o,ooo sl, 0oo, 000 sl, 000, 000 FEE I ro. oo I2s.00$ 50.00 $100. oo s200. o0 $soo. oo Zoning rT. IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBUTSSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to neeting subnittal requlrements, theapplicant nust stake the site to indicate propertylines and building corners. Trees that will be removednust also be rnarked. This work must be conpleted before the DRB viEits the site. B. The review process for NEw BUILDINGS will nonnally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at Least two neetings for a final approval . c. appticants who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled neeting and who have not askedfor a postponernent will be regulred to be republl-Ehed. D. At the dlscretlon of the zonlng adninistrator, the followinq itens nay not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Departnent for approval: a. WJ.ndows, skylights and sinilar exterior changesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed fron anyother lot or public space, which have had letters subnitted fron adjoining property owners approvingthe addition; and/or approval frorn the agent for,or manager of a condoniniun association. E. you may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debrisflow, wetlands, etc). You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. oz = =E IIJ N oO(n N ooro (nt! UJu.t =t uJo 'cxn\\ )'Jr\:\s I I I $ I /\l N LIJF t- FIz = ozz q .+ c C!.tc c c+ Ic ,l IIItoi,1,{llt rlllolit I,ldl()lrl (dl .t olrl r4l 1'l't olrl .d 'l L)l (d ,l"lrlo l.p 'ltl-Y'lo.l ro.l-o I ! ?.9:L9(l,.> z62a) I I *lol +rlllol =lol*l €lcrl+)IEI6la I(Ul "l.Lt I EIEl elv'l(5l .-i fqI 01q.lt, x(u (J +) .E +t u1 = .!|Lo al'.g olE -o -i. 1< O(, ;'z c l.i 1z QZz^<: Fe qzrt :F ,.J :F<i c La: do L(\ o oo rrt(r) \ oo o I.c 6. 04<t oo ro(\t cc oo oO (o(') F =tt/ z 6 E] t llr z F uJ UJ z = o- 9z I<) tu = trl UJ z9 UJ uJG to 3g uJezo UJ F tl o-ulo z ur C) alrK E = uJo-IoF z o 5 d) J E o llJJ UJ z J 9z uJ = NOu.VnlVA IJ t'alo[)6_ lq: r$lEN ltl =coNll i.Elg;=l;6 6 b'5l8 H c =;;l;5 b SEfri F qFLE !J ; EEI(U:8 HEIH(\tC'l z tr f Fl! oq o- |l, F c (Y t LIJcl z9F o z tr LUFJ 3 uJz ||tl) lllll 2zgi E 5 FesaIre gEEEBglg | | | rtl | | | | ,^ozE>-.i?.A fr E F fr *E;F5H z tr ) a/,z luf st(\ I d, olr{ I c cv: Id, k LIJI \ in (J llJ) IIJ \ o 3 Jo u., uJ F F: 2 E agF 3 UJ z) ouJ uJz--F rf,c6(\ (Yi I t!o. F +r +J(! +)P(o ! q I ci,!lalo diE +q a.rl| cl. 1 I oz F IJJ-) (L -,1@lrl(Yrl r-{lrl|rrl I luF o h =E, lrJ o- Jz z .n91t(n0 =z=, 1JOa! l,! .-i5 zEeoh- -'r - t!cofi> >{.u o E o o o 3 a o C) o ts arIu tr uJ F F() uJ o a = al uJl eI <l >l ilIIll|ltl l-lI urlI urltElloll<l Et =ltr|>l vrlEI CId -l E o .|J !!t +) (Jo-l- ui =z (I] o- Eo q >l- =) lJ- 6 F J ocii uJ b2 E. z . .1. I.JJ ZY =#-.t z(LO =F uJJ IJJ F uJ =I E <Fcr()uJ<zEUJFt,1 z zIF() E,Fazo(J \ >=< (jz t-: 'r: ii s.s \ (. \l r!( 6o {. $ tv\\. \r Y n C \4 \N .Attl UJu- l: "a LU IrN NgE$ '\ t$l lul lol i$l lRl iN l$l lill./tll\l L\I: Ns\ K v) R Nv N L \ \ svl $t ()- ,r) r..( ,,}.. b \t b .44 r\U \ \ bq rv? > 0 \ t \/^} n \) c\\J 0 \ a \ t ..t-A n i 9,.i;:: ". -?C,rJ*i, :,!F:'ii:I:".1 ..:F!1,,:_ it)i.t :<c7.5 =?-za:i: < lr 4\J12i '- f: J:i'$l::: ii <- "rle_-:ji-;.. < .:i O> -!t< a -3riao:<<< '.: i2 .E O o j- l 0:l :E a (t 9 !! F. z6 :) |I !' r() ;.( .Ycr oa r)II n] a of uJ :lt (-) at', LU LU t-- UJ o-' .J F F oz -: ao E F co l o- ; o NOrlVnlYA r;'*lr-,I tl.*?S 5.o9l 'i- j(f zo F:o-a' .S.o' c uJz zz i,.9XlAoo;:(raoZ!oi)CZ oo-,,, f .! !-f F() -: c.j E K/, t/ -rf u.r =(l) t U $ lq $I N $r z tr o-) <t ulo- F $l\l l.ol ) itt:: l.ti4- ict-. I t= l0i:io l( to IFl.t Iu-i|.:l' t-IBtr!tz lriltldttttl _trlttt'ioo42z d--! fi H x5-i.5qP33":EEfr3Piig6u3t.3i('Y<(cca(tz:)rllrllNririi '-(,El"H -= iN $ E : *:{'.':+HU*tBHgHo(,(Jrz<) zo F. --t:) <n-z :) \$ \) \l \>. u cq I{t t- i!I X tn4 x; oo .( ; F F !:!t: z E ; tU oz 3() zv l:F s \'3' $ ft I V F f\ N \s Ys {-. si,Lvro JI-.Y t,.l r: I1.. F() ttl__') x. tl.l l-- o Jz z ,., o\J:- =<C'(j>2, JOo.t! 2612:o* -'! _: Lr.lioil> co E Iq, o! .z 5'.- C.ro itiux' orL 5* tpo.(l,'(t h Effi tr.i rLzo t'- C):luF(nzo() tJut:l FIl*l l'rl #,$lt\lllItlt\ Iql'l t+tz J II- Yt t,l \ ( )J \ '-f n; j z (Do \\ ,t N \1 'l\i\\- i- t\\ ai. \\ uoo a ,N \ LN \Y\\$a\\ i o- ;.J\l tr(J .s\l N\ "4,' l-.\ JJt_\] o/ N \ n: (\. \l gco.{ rl,'r, 'Sf{. rN Io- ..i .\ f,t l\ ri .\ \l s s \:cr e =i!-) t/ o C) '.f \ \s i-.f.J l o t\\ I \ t i$q \ \ tY. ii g rl ri \4 s<\\S Io zN a .l N] "ls\l\\l\l\l..\l"\l-lS)\)l : .>.,J ii (r a s\! s r .rlt x t\ \ t: (!r]t].{ a T o. F- (. (! Ec uJ ar o :t ::g Eutz o Fo UJh -t_ c) .--r O ,-r<F\.ff?"s ttll-lN.6 -( () .rO(JF :. .{ ov-r. tu5 l-J,-f|rlO -c) o:(Jozt- =<.2d :)FJZ(lO *5:t r--. <)*# (J=::o.O IIcFc t- C & IUIFad<, <^U nil[-l o v.- \- \.'r i\I'l.\ I'\\ Mq( nuu,g'tl, Et' $u sut .orv\\, Oo ::t '" t ; =-. - v Yail. colotado 81657 €031 47S5613 September 13, 1982 Karl Hocht'l 890 Red Sandstone Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Karl: department of commun ity development RE: Lot 9, Vail Village 9th 0n Decenrber 15, 1981, the Building Inspector disapproved a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy for the following reasons: l) There is a wood stove that was not-approved, al{ 1fireplace within the same unjt. Our fireplace ordjnance limils the number of.fireplaces or stoves to one per unit' 2) One of the conditions of DRB approval is that. the,old garage conversion be turned back to a garage' The old SaraEe should not be used as living space' 3) The deck needs a railing to meet code standards' Since a TenporarY Certificate items should be taken care of be made withjn 1.5 daYs. Sl ncerely, ,k"@ Town Planner ; JS:df of in 0ccupancy has not the near future. been issued these An inspection wil'l lttl Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 47G5613 4/ 76 - l)2)' Ftui dspartment of commun ity development F),' September 9, 1982 Hochtl Addition -- 890 Sandstone Circle 0n December 1.5, 1.981, I made an inspection of the Hochtl Residence for a Temporary Cert'lficate of Occupancy. Th'is request was disapproved the fol'l owing reasons: 1. There is a wood stove that was not approved, and they have a fireplace within the same unit, Ord. 8.28.030A(1) 2. Part of the agreement for the add'ition was to restore the old garage converslon back to a garage. 3. Need railing on deck. Lof 1 / /P-4A' ? TO: FROM: RE: JrM SAYRE / -- Gary Mumai ^// lttl !n{ 74 o ffi) Dt,tuT.urt Proiect Name:l\riol,"tcl Project Application ,ri9Dats U1^41L9{ 0 Project Description: Contact Person and owner, Address and Phone: Y',uL ' li i t''l't lb Ufl ?", . 1,'i{o :,undshv (fuwk Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL Q-ar //rtg &nftrrs @5,+ ts rVor ,tN (On?/t,ia/6Sum mary:6ttufUuA i' , ,,{:'i"li,(,,(, ,,1?Project Application a Proiect Name: ftO f ,q f t 4 DP) fta f/ 't Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description' 1-e1 5 , Btoct Motion by:/1r*o ,^," Jf4'ft t Design Review Board Seconded by:7;%-'^zcq DISAPPBOVAL DESIGN REVIEITI BOARD AGEIIDA lfednesday, llarch -4, 1981 2:00 p.n. z. Kiandra Entrance Renodel */il "/v-r"//+ r//,.*z E)r/A"tSto-/ Vail Golf Course Townhones-lba=c#P /,€€lt,ut,r,,rtt-Z ,1ffpzz4L f-Z /=e 141-f % +/?'z'-z2 tf-f tr/ 5. l. Glen Lyon Offices StA, u 4. Millrace Condos Phase II Hochtl Addition Lot 5, Vail village 9th f-;/n*f,*"-/'- 6-o /a/nZ,!a-- /,;,*' Village Center Building D Addition,. Discussion only. 5. 6. ME}tsERS PRESENT ,"'r.*r- I INSPECTION REQUE$T TOWN OF VAIL DATE,"! "l t--. READ . LOCA JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIY FOR TION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION D SHEETROCK tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB r:l \. lqE*lr*t tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:d$ tr rEMP. pOffen tr ROUGH S. MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr o FINAL .t7 D FINAL tr APPROVED PPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED COBBECTIONS: z */(-i/INSPECTOR ,ru#"toN REeuEsr TOWN cC e ,1DATE ! 'fl . nfiov ron LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES ,frQ THUR FRItc?c, €n"/t'..n c (,,,4 AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER r-r l:ae Dt DtNta: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL #ii^" tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr n ROUGH tr u EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR 9rM tr FINAL APPROVED fiirG-rorus' tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 'NsfctoNTOWN OF REQUE$TVAIL } , NAME 'l/'l oiDATEl L. -:- , /-+CALLER ,READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: TUES GD THUR FRI i --t-ca-'-2 I ( BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr FRAMING tr INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr E ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,l DATE INSPECTOR REQUEST VAIL t SPE 4/ CTION TOWN OF NAME IN ( 11k/JOBDATE I READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON 01 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND '. ,/1 FOUNDATION/STEEL 4 ,'''' trROUGH/D.W.V. FRAMING tr tr tr D tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRIC,AL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL N DISAPPBOVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED tr OVED CORRECTIONS: ome ?2 7'" ?/ 'INSPECTO \ DATE i READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER AM PM tNstcrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME INSPECTIoN: MoN TUES WED THUR.. !!)/ ss C /, '4", 'l r I Qo ,rn ktltv' e",I'7.- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING Inoucr-r tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT n_ tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FIXAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED ,^r. ,/d^ ,10 ' f l,INSPECTOB tINSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL Ko tDATEI READY FOB NSPECT LOCATION:n JOB NAME THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE DATE I RdADY FOB INSPECTION:I JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES lnstcnoN REQUEsT, rowN oF vAlL r' ii ;r I -'* : ,<' ' I s c4*) r*'WED AM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING V rrusulnrroru tr SHEETROCK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr n SUPPLY AIR tr FIN'[E FINAL ffipssyEs tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTORDATE ,*#"toN REouEsr ToWN oF VAIL I. JOB NAME Hrca7L rf DDATE t RdADY FOR INSPECTTON: a CALLER rued WED THUR FRI PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING D INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETBOCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION BEQUIRED ,*ril.toNTOWN OF REQUESTVAIL .,. ra t /-oor, ?- z '- -ffJoB NAME I TJocaf I CALLER RE DY FOR tocRtrdru: INSPECTION:pto PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION {SHEETRocK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL D POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr n CONDUIT c n SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR a )-^ 17DATE J'I{L/'// JOBNAME li READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: rrusRg;*o5, TFguEsI tr REINSPECTION REOUIREDAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING b rrlsuurtoru tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT U SUPPLY AIR INSPECTOR J: oz F t uJ o- cc r€ oo LO af>Iu uJII = uJ(L o tH.r I I I I Iol*str I l- 1<lo IE r3\z lfr5 u l I =I 2 =3 =z I IlcloICI tf'l'€-Pl o =r'-l@rdl>llolqulotoo[o1iEloEl .-l.'-l Ir!@ IlrFro ii g. Ho >Pe€ z.t o! v, -cPLoc =o 3H:rif:ir;_<O(,U+O , lil;rro i;i E*\- iirigN:: s I f \"<c:-- \!rr0=< \d < 'J t { \ w) 1S \ crr ( rJ) <\,1 |.l' oo @ ?.{ oo rJ)(\l oo oo \(\ \ vt !cF (\(! tr E uJ z. 6 =ld) x LU- z J ) F UJ) UJ z = d 9z I UJ = UJ IU z tr trl t!E o =UJt UJ z 6 IJJ oo- alJ o- ?z uJJo a uJ UJII F =E UJd FoF z J J 9 F t! J IJJ (,zo = d = uJ = NOrM'lVA j c ! F =-ct E +tln'i (l, oP o ru! aEIq E! ; 3 IL z tr(L u,o UJz LIJ @L>I (r -r.') =tO(\t zz.9oF^Axfe9066z>- a)zrr- < c!{ -i c.j z F l) lt- o (L f E IJJo- F cc cc G E- UJE >< ) z E o zo F e llJF =uJz l||l_ttltllF =z*zE fiH F6-zirHe3E iEE E 8 fi E: 9<co(rloz=tllllllllll-l ? e_ ,?3 < rQF9 9=d;iaE +HH9t=gE:ooorz(J z F J az uJlJ E UJ-r o uJ tr ; z, E tu UJ F ia o z .a UJF =J a uJF z) LU Lr,lzY iF .c.rt v.z, c(\ E UJ t- a ci.'Hloiid u.l (rt ct\' olz, oz F(Jlll-'oE ol?l oh r<l,{Xlrxllr) tal I I uJF F =E lrJ o- Jzoz .n9ze(Do =zJo(L|r zIF'C).f E, l Fazoo co E CL -9o G,!t .E 5l-E-EFo i'i]:Eo* tr rrr€'iE>rF trnn ix 23-==:io^ dd= lltlll:< -ll.6 +rl-r -l t=l I-ll(,tz ;\J J IJ- o1JIeoE, oa !!t oo)|gg |l'(5 {J-c(,o:tr ui =z.1r-I +J.Eoo- ! .Ev LU z UJ ) ! F =tr oo LIJ o = o- = +J.E Uo- ! .E!z tr +' U'Eo(.) - o5 U' ot!Eoo J-& tr oo uJ ) E Etr uJE o =tr UJEoo tr ln J = i F uJ.2 f= Fo I.IJ - C) E <F(EOr!< < = g "i',;:r N"5 -t )E<o(JF 64il E zt- >d )ztIO i5 =F7() =*Y,z =g ti:gi IIY \JZ J<(Jan9H KKtr department of community development75 soulh lronlage rd. vall. colorado 81657 (303) '176-7000 Novenrber 16, 1982 Karl Hochtl 890 Red Sandstone Circle Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Hochtl: As I understand our phone conversatjon of today, you will.construct a garage door on the facade of your workshop area. This door should be-comfilete by December 25, 1982. If the door is not in Placg-by Decembbr 25, \982 you.w'ill be in violation of .sectjon 18-12.090 of the Vail Municipal-Code, Density Control in the Two Family Residential Djstrict and subject to the standard enforcement procedures which accompanies such violations. Si ncerely,v" Jim Town JS: df Sayre Pl anner Profect Appllcation 4- ts E() Prolect Name: Prolect Description: - Owner Address and Phone:F.iu-u 'tu 3 7oe7- 51or7 Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ^Block VVA&Filing Zone: Zoning Approved: Motionby: 8, t& " Design Review Board I,/a- 3D- vo DISAPPROVAL ,kA (uu Chief Building Off icial \_:7 Lrsr oF "oruof,,, o NAME OF PROJECT LEGAL DEScRrPTrou 5 Lor BLocK V l/ q+i rFrLINc '.DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT @rddz ./ The to A.) following informationthe Design Review Board BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chimneys Trasb Enclosures Greenhouses Otber is required for submittal by the Applicant before a final approval can be given. Type of Material Color h r:r)'V t ) z ''rV nale E.) PLANT MATERIALS(Vegetative,_Landscaping Materials including Trees, Shrubs,and Ground Cover) Eotanical Name Conunon l{ame F." ' a,ai+try 4as:-w,:v1.-,;// Quantity Size /.1 .1t/1 /1 t Hei ght Al I or.red 30' Proposed (a SFR, Lot B'l oc k Fi 1 ing Archi tect Proposed Use R, ZOtlE Ctil:CK for R P/S ZOI{E DISTRICTS Legal Description: Owner Lot Area Setbacks: Front-Requi red 20; 'Proposed S'ides-Requi red I 5' Proposed Rear -Requ'i rcC l5' Proposed , lrlaterccurse-requ'ired __ Proposed Allor.red i ) 7:;L Primary Al lov;ed Secondary Al I ot'ted S'ite Covera ge : Al I o''red Zone District GRFA: GRFA: Landscaping: Park'ing: Requi red Requi red Prinary Secondary Proposed Propci ed Propcsed Proposed Propos cd Prnp:: ed Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental,/Hci za rds : Ava I anche Slope Actual Flood Piain Connents : Zc:ri ng : Approvc'J gtlr4 L * INSPECTION l..-t r' t '' 1tDATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME ,/ voru ) CALLER TUES C.^ o t INSPECTION: {J ' 7.r ''AIvl/ PMWEDTHURFRI TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr ( ,,*o. l-c, r (}Q-e.*^n{t D F'NAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr n n,{tLat tr FINAL uAppaoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR CTION TOWN OF IN t SPE I REQUEST vArL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME € t n.4--, INSPECTION: CALLER TUES PMAMWEDTHUR t BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL C] POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT rl O SUPPLY AIR tr X r,*o'tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor,- /Z- /t- ft rNSpEcroR DATE JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED -/* .1k , - INSPECTION:READY FOR LOCATION:T Ir fo t.0 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUTTIBING: tr UNDERGROUND B ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH /WATER INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL N FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ',i I f INSPECTOR I 'NsetoNTOWN OF . i.r" REQUESTvAlL ' . DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: i-_ CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATERtr tr D FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB .,{," - ',7,., /' - tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTR!CAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED I ,o-, l/'s o -- S ,/ rNSPEcroR yl"f "Ua,a;.7,,,.f rNfulqN-BEouEgr rJrA*. t DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:,ES THUR AM@ BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND I] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL O INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNoutr E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVEDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: REQUIRED 'j, t'I l"t-.: r'' "(INSPECTOR .4-7 oo DATE OF IUEETING MEMBERS PRESEI.{T: I -II r.IJLfr - .n I il'! .c-1 I ;h ,d SECONDED BY AGAINSTFOR: SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN ITOTION: VOTE: APPROVBD: DISAPPROVED: oo oo MEMORANDUM T0: Ben Strahan FR0M; James F. Lamont ' DATE: April 28 n7.''-,,kurtz Landscapi ng Prob'l em ( l,lould you please investigate this situation and provide me with a reasonable approach to solve the problem. I would suggest you contact Rose, pierce, Kruger and Toughill to get their thoughts. Please, have something for me by Fridayn May 9th.. ol ao April 24, 1975 Mr. Jim Lamont Town of VaiI Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Lamont: My wife, Sharon, and I have ljved in our duplex on Lot 4, Vail Village 9th filing sjnce 1970. The next sulnmer Ludwig Kurtz built.and occupied a duplex on Lot 5. Mr. Kurtz has never (to my know'l edge) submjtied a grading/ iahdscape/revegetation plan and todate l'i ttle similar work has been finjshed- 0n a neighbor-to-neighbor basis my notes show we talked to him once in 1972' three times in 1973 and four times in 1974, Each time we were assured that a viable plan would be approved and implemented. The exjsting situation is an unkempt, unsightly and unfinished project far below the usual Vail standards. This mess is in the foreground of our pre- dominant view. A more serious problem is the vertical cut bank'immediately adjacent to the pedestrian/utjlity easement strad'ling the Lot 4/Lot 5line. Thjs'is the logical way for the Sandstone kjds to go to the Tot Lot. However, the vtay is quite unsafb. It js also used by adults takjng a short cut from the frontage road to Sandstone, Brooktree, etcetera. After three do-nothing summers, our patjence is quite thin and I can only assume that Mr. Kurtz wi'l I not finish his project to the usual Vail standards. We need help from the Town offjcjals; certainly the Town ordinances, zoning regulations or bujlding regulatjons must speak to such unsightly and unsafe conditions. l..le are most affected by this mess; however, in recent discussions with Dudley Abbott, Bill Brown and Jack Mills, all expressed the same chagrin. Si ncerely, Sharon & Chan l,lelin Box 73 Vai I , Col orado 81657 cc: John Dobson Di ana Toughi'l 1 Ben Strahanz/ I LON Vbq:T APPoui?oRro (ryj Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. /litL.rriltrs fl.,EE ATIAC}1ED SHE ET )I oEscR. 21, LIC ENS E NO. 2.4t goze- ARCHITECT OR DESIGN€R /4ca s,a,t, LICENSE NO. 6 ENOINEER MAl L AODR ESs PHONE LICENSE NO."J,Vie,'pt/C(,tA Sldu A Al;. J,rt. dot,Jt USE OF AUILOIN v4, 8 C|ass of worK: PI(EW N ADOITION D ALTERATION tr REPAIR tr MOVE f] REMOVE .D 10 Change ol use from PERMIT FeE / lb O . 11 Vaf uation of work: $ 5{00C;, o- PLAN cHEcK ree f, P, 23 Occupancy -fcroup -l-" IAL CONDITIONST Size ot BldE. (Tot.l) Sq. Ft. Flre Sprlnkl€rs Requlred E\,es oFFST REEJ.j'AR KrNG SPACES' covere.t {t I vnco""r"a / N OTIC E SEPABATE PERMITS AFE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL. PLUMB- ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCEO WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDEO OR ASANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. IGNAYURE OFICONTFACIOR OR TUTHORIZED ACEN' FIRE DEPT. WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED {IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION /. Form 100,1 9-69 INSPECTOR REORDER FROM: TNTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING '4{F,24h) oFFtclALs a 50 so, Los RoBLEs a PAsaoENA, CAL|FORT.||A 91101 Oo oo PLUMBING PERMIT APPLICATION Jurisdiction "t TO..l n -f V.r,l Applicent to complete numbered spaces only. /2b?-5 5A 'Ftrt 1[st: rtrecxeo sx::r II oESC i, zIP PHONE MAI L ADOiESS LtaENSE rO. aicrir'tEct oR oESlcNER L I C Er{SE NO. ENGINEEi LIC€NSE NO. U5E OF BI.J IL DIN C 8 Ctas o{ work: slew tr ADolTloN D ALTERATI0N tr REPAIR Typc ot Firtura or ltam WATER CLOSET (TOILET)SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WAsH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. LAUNDRV TRAYAPPIICAIION ACCEPTEO BY: CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOIO IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED IVITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOEDOR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS ANO OROINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT. THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOT PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITV TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTH€R STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR -SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPR INKLER SYSTEM SEFTIC TANK & PIT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT CASHcK. M.O.n\ \ n\ UNhl' ,c\'''\" u q'' GOLDENROD M.O.PERMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. WHITE _ INSPECTOR CANARY - AUDIT PINK - APPLICANT _ TEMP. F ILE Oo do lfrrch 29, 1972 llr. Lrdrlg KurrF. O. Box f25 Yrl l, Colorudo SebJectl Rrrldcncc cn Srndrtonr Clrctr Darr llr. Kurt: It hlr cora to ty rttrntlon fbrt yo$ .r. oecupylngyorr uncorplr?rd rltldlnc:. Al you hrvr not callcdior r prrflnrl Inrpretloa rnd no fetporrry errtlllcatoof occupraoy hil brca laau.d' uahlr you confrct thlr otfler by Aprl | 5, thr prrrltlr rurt br vrcrtrd lnteeordtncf'rlth tcctloa tO6 of thl Ulllorn BulldlEg Codr. ll ll yor rlro plruo clrro lp, rroond your bul ldlngrl?r lr lt lr loth unrlghtly .nd. hrlrrdotrl. Your eooprrutlen rl | | br rxprctcd.. Yeurr truly, TOIX OF YAIL Ed ftrcblr Drl lttlng Offlslrl dr .r'i OO oo Box 425 Vat'l , Co'lorqdo 8'1657 September'15, l97l Mr. Ed Strubl e, Bui I di ng Inspector Town of Va i I ', Box 631, Vai 1 , Col orado 8'1657 Dear Mr. Strubl e : Thank you for your letten of September lst re; our Dupl ex on Lot #5 , 9th Fi 1 i ng , We haye corrected or revlsed the fol'l owing items, The set back on the south east corner 1's'l 2r6$. Door. to Boiler room will be I 3/4N solt'd core withdoor cl oser, Ombustible air from outside shall be in accordancewith Sect'ion 603 and Table 5.A of Volume .|1, Mechanical Code, Boi l er f l ue wi l l be '10" metal f ab gas yent pi pe. Plans of upper level showing stairwells have been nevised. Steel beam wil'l be protected with one-hour fireresistiye construction. Bean dimension and weight: 8I'lZ. Weather resi sti ve barrier wi I I be used over studs andsheeti ng on al I exterior wal'l s. A'l I foundation plates and wood columns are pressuretreated. Anchor bo'l ts are embedded in concrete, Thene are atleast 2 bolts in each plate. Bedroom windows will have an openable area with a minimum of 5 square feet with no dtinenston less than 22". olll0lQ. OO Mr. Ed Struble Town of Va i 'l , Page 2. I hope the above js your cooperat'ion in this oo sat'i sf actor.y matter. and thank you for Si ncerely, Ludwi g Ka r'l Kurz Hoechtl LK/rl Septembe:r 1, L971 Iln. Ludwlg Kurz andMr. Kar] HochtlP. 0. Box t+25 Vail , Color.ado Gentlemen: I have checked the plans fon your duplex in accordance with theprovieiona aet fonth in the Unlfonm Building Code (1970 edition) ae anrended and adopted by the Town of Vai1, and find the folLowing: Use zone is Multi-FaniJ.y; occupancy glroup is I; and type V con-etnuction. The following ltemg atrre nonconforming with the UnLfonrrBuilding Code and shall be eonrected by revised plane on addendumeprion to issuance of the per"nits. If an lten ie conforning byvirtue of a specification or detail on the exioting docum€nts -Bo nota in your return replyl Variance nequined fon eetback of southeaot corner. Doon to boiLen n-om ahall be L 3/t+" solid core with doon cloeer.Conbuetible air fnom outeide ghall be in accondance with Section 603 and Table 6-4 of Volurne II, Hechanlcal Code. Show detail of boilen f1ue. Submit revieed plan of upprr level ehowing stairwells (dinenaions are not neces8any). Steel beam shall be pnotectad with one houn fire neaistive eon-stnuction. Indicate weight of bearn. Weather reeietive barrien ie nequinsd over etuds on sheeting of aI1extenlon walLs. AlL foundation plates and/on wood colunns on concrete or naaonryshall be foundation cedar, rederood, or preeaure treated wood. Anchon bolte shall be inbeded in concnete a nininum of 7il. Theneshall- be a minimum of two anchor bolts per plate, with one boltlocated within l2'r of each end of each p1ate. Bedr:oom windows shaLl have an oponable area with a ninimum of flve aqua!'e feet with no diraeneion leee than 22tf . $lnqr onetrrietion haa aheady ttartcd on thl.suurt havg r ncturn rtply not latcr than 16 datsin ondar: for rork to eont{nur on ths prolect..of aesl.gtanec, phace dqntt healtatc io 6alf . i. Yourrr vary truly, TOI'N O' VAIL : Ed StrublaEulldlng 0fflaial '. TOWN OF VAIL Project 7- tz--77 r,- )'/t ,1 r I : \CtQ, 1c'cVft _ of the, \(. l,'1r, -7L'ULLL Of tne - o neneby certr-ry tnat I nave reao and understhnd in full the followi-ng exeerpts fnon the Unifonm Building Code and that a copy of this supplernentshall be posted with the inspection cand at the job site: Sec. 107 Sec.202 (e) Sec. 302 (a) Sec. 302 (c) Sec. 304 (a) Sec. 304 (b) Wheneven thene is insufficient evidence of compliance with the pnovisions of this code, the Building Official may requine tests as proof of eonpliance to be rnade at the expense of the owner or his agent, bY an appnoved agency. Wheneven any wonk is contnary to this code, the Building 0fficial may orden the work stopped until he authorizes the wonk to pnoceed. Approved plans shall not be changed, modified, o:r altered without written autho:rization firom the Building Official . No penmit gives authority to violate anyprovisions of this Code, on any other ordin- ance. The issuance of a permit shall not prevent the Building Official from thereafter. neguiring the correction of non-confornities. At the request of the Building official , al-etter: shall- be submitted to him from a negistered land surveyor or engineer: certify-ing the location of the building in reLationto propenty J-ines, pnion to the instal-lation of the foundation walls. fnspection cand shall be nead, fiIled out infull , and posted eonspicuously at the job site. Do not covet up any wonk not signedoff by Building Inspecton. Before any sign may be used on posted, itshall bf "ry::*Y_9 bv the sign Review committee t /-'-'---71 kuJUp JW- /L t.6 oRD. 15-1967 oO STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF'EAGLE )) ss. ) , DEtrrg flret duly sworn uPon oath. depoee and eay that the following statements are true and correct accorCing to my beet knowledge, lnformation and belief, to wit: l. That this statement ig made ln conjunction wlth the flling of an application for a bullding pernit to the Town of lvail and to comply with the requirements of Article VII, Section 3, Ordinance Nurrbcr 7 (Serlec of f969j Zoning Ordinance for the Town of Yail. 7,<-z- 2"'t"-2'-6/z':/ 2. The fescription of the as follows: /(i S r.1A/L t./ building aite,for the propoeed building ia (t46tr /4u -rltlNtt conrplies to the Floor Area Rptio for the zoning which appliee to the building Bite, a6 dcfincd in the aforcaald' Z'oning Ordinance. DECLARATION CF LAND' ALI,OCATION a-(Deecription trray bd attached or eurveyot'e maP maY be ueed ghow de cription. ) 3. The proposed building site containa & squa-re feet, and the proposed building containe --=4O equare feet of area ag defined in the aforegaid Z'oning Ordinance. 4. The propoaed building, ag it relatea to the building aite area, The foregoing affidavit and declaratiq tary public, b , Lgg+. ? t..,, duly , thle gubscribed and eworn to before me./92a9 da! of jt t