HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 9 LOT 7 LEGAL/a/v O u-^il;l/'ye ,M DEVELOPMEIiTT ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 899-0138 status...: IssItEDApplied..: 05/28/L999Issued...: 06/lt/]-999 Erqrires . ., L2/O8/]-999 Phone: 970-475-4343vArL, co 81_657 Phone: 970-476-4343vArL, co 81657 Clean-up approved ..rrrrrtrrrtrt. i+.tlrrrrrirrrr FBE sorotARY ReEguarant Plan Reviei- - > DRB Pcc-------- Racrcation Fcc- - -- -- ---- > cl..n-l4r D.tr o.lg- - - - -- -- > tcaAl, FEES----- See Page 2 of this Document for any condiEions that may apply Eo this permit. DECI,ARATIONS I her6by acknorledge ghrg I have rcad th16 appLicetion, fj.lled ouc in full ghc inforrnatsion required' cot!P16t'6d an accurats ploc plan, and 6!ac. tshau i1I ch6 lnforoatsiorr provided as requir€d 16 correcc. f aglae to couply rith the lnfolltrati,on and plot plan, to couply ritsh all Toren oldinanccr and aeatse 1a!r6, and Eo build thi6 Btructurs according to the To*n's zoning and eubdivision cod66, dadign r€wisrr approv.d, lrnifofir Building Codc and oth6r ordlnances of fho Town applicabf€ thereto. TOVOTiT OF VAIL 75 S. FROI.ITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 DEPARIIiIEI{:T OF COMMI'NITY NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUTI.,D PERMIT Job Address: I-'ocation. . . : Parcel No..: Project No.: 898 RED SANDSTONE 898 Red Sandst,one 2101- 053 -03 -010 PR.I98 - 0214 CR Cr APPLICAT.IT TIEID CONSTRUETION 2111 NORTTI FRONTAGE ROAD, SUITE I,, CONTRAEIOR HEID CONSTRUMION OWNER Description:Finish basement/add smalL Occupancy: R3 T)4pe Const.ruction: V N Valuat.ion:75, 500 Firepl.c€ Inf,ordatl,on: R.6tricc6d: y 21].1 NORTH FRONTAGE ROAD, TESTI{UIDE PAI]L .A, & \TATiTET M 898 SANDSTONE CIRCLE, VAIL SUITE I.,, co 81657 addition Single Famity nesider€ElOunt Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: *of oa6 Appliancc€:fof wood,/P.llal: Building-----> Plan chock- - - > Inveatig.Lion> wt11 call----> Total calculated F6c!- - - > AddiEional 8oe6--- ----- -> Totsal P6rmits Fec--------> Pal&€nt B- - -- - - - - 620.00 {03 .00 . o0 3 -OO .00 100. 00 .00 2SO.00 1,3?6.00 1,376.00 .00 1,376.0O 1,376.0O rtem: 05100 06 /.02 /.L99906/07 /L999o6'/tt'/Le99Item: 0540006/02/L999 o6'/ o7'/L999IEem:05600 06 /LL/ L999IEem:0550006/LL/L999 BUIIJDTNG DEPARTI,IEI{:TKATIIY Act.ion: NOTEKATiTY ACt.iON: NOTEiIRM Act,ion: APPR PI,ANNING DEPARIIT,IENTKATTIY ACEiON: NCTTEBWILSON Actsion: APPR FTRE DEPARTI,IEI{TJRM Actsion: APPR PUBIJIC WORKSJRM Actsion: APPR Routed LoPlanning APPRO\rED Roueed toPRE-PAID N/A N/A TOV/Comm. Dev. date *of cas Logs: BAIANCB DI'E- - -. .OO Dept: BUILDING Division: .JR:SeL TO iIR ,tRMDEPT: PI.ANNING DiViSiON:BrantDRB FEE COSTDept: FIRE Division: Dept: PIIB WORK Division: it Refund REQITESTS FOR IIIIIPECTIONS SmlJI. BE I'ADE TWENTY-FOITR HOURS Ilt AD\,AIC8 BI S.nd C1..n-rrp DctrtollC tor Hcid Con.trucO srGlrATrrRE "u- oR corrTRAcrER FoR llrMlrEr,F aND ot{NBR Page 2 *:l****************************************************************************** CONDTTIONS Permit #: 899-0138 as of 05/LL/99 Status---: ISSUED !r*************:l*:tt*********************************************:l***************** Permit T149e: ADD/AJ.,T sFR BUrLD PERMTT Appried--: 05/28/t999 ApplicanE--: HErD CONSTRUCTTON Issued---t 06/11"/L999970-4'16-4343 To Ex;lire: L2/08/L999 ilob Address: 898 RED SAITDSTONE CR Locatsion---: 898 Red SandsEone Cr Parcel No-- : 2101-063-03-010 Descript.ion:Finish basement,/add small addition ************************************** COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPBSIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. 2. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI,L BEDROOI4S AIID EVBRY STORY AS PER S8C.310.6.1 OF THE 1997 ITBC.3. HAITD RAIL/GI'ARD RAILS REQD4. SAFETY GI,AZING REQ'D IN NOTED ARE,A AND HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS AS PER 1997 T'BC o lotlt ot vlll|, corFnlm Rct aint.d. o6llL/9t 13!17 St'rr.lrlc alrcurt llub.r ! EC-O510 ltrcunt't Pryrlnt L.CboAt Cf,, lfotrtloo3 1,32a.0O Oilttlt9 rt rra f3392 Inlg! itnl| P.nlc Lo. B99-013a rl|'. I l-SttILD fDD/lI|f gln' autlD PB Pare.l Do: 2101-063-03-010 ltlcr ladt r.. a9a RlD gl@lfltl|l CE Locrtioo! l9l nld ltatrdleotrc (f Itrl. PqrDng 1,375,0O 1.375.00 .00 lbLl Fr.r ! 1,325.o0 locrl llJE tuerr BrIaDca: lc€rag cod. 8P 00100003111100 DB O0100003112200 Pt 00100003112300 ID Dz-DIPO' ||c o0100003112a00 D..crlpcl06 BUILDIXS PIRIIT IItA Dtardt ttntttf ltla PLlr cl|lcr rtSg ct ltlfoP DlDoatla |lllL CILII APEelld tBE le|rrg 620.00 50.00 t03.00 250.00 l.o0 o cl lro2o9'oou A|lEE Aa c crn c |, a.l 'lro2c,D.ootr6rl oo FIiHFvEr.EHT8EEoo ! E EE E H $ 'I E c0 o 0 o o o o al uuE A HEaqlc F o ti H a! A H Eq4U !r!UH f, 'lc| !t EoH ED c(az Ol.l.laql E8EEo ocIAots '|e! EELO ET E E{ I EE EI 6 EErll I IA FETHZq! El 883ao E E ;t EH xH It{ E{ Hn6aq|EE g !6 E"E lto H 68 Al{ !D E T E D Hdo IE o B T& 3{!a H!o o )enlo :E!ts!tEao.Eo!'!lEOt EE8 I MAI''2EI-EB 13, 3E FROM r TOV -Colt- DEv -OEF T ' WortClrss: Nsw ( ) Nudd ofDwcllils Units r D | 9? 04 ?a24s? rowN oF VA|LONSTRUCTIoN PERMIT mPLllloN FORM INF0B]|IATIoNMUSTEECoIuPLEI3oBIEEAPPLICATIoNweLBEREIECTED2I/ mardthaErc,lcomtvAeststto,ls otfrcldsoo3zanwfotFatet *'Ct-d.'[ @ -.r,6;"ffi P.,'il* Bq-otp8ztlf, JobNand:'t rftu:"'Je ki'/'T y6546r*. E?a' t(ed ,f0,,.!,4.',, ()n'1, !, A|jE sdtdbsX PlnDbbt( )EccEiczl ( )Mcctaicat ( )A!cf( ) Lcgd D.scriltioc eroos-rl- F@suudMdoo \GiI V' ll</l OnocrNoc 7r.r( . -Jt",c'l -[rJrl(v'. t" o,, z'l' fu 1 l{u."Ai4rw:- xairo:,, Gnun fr fl4 {QNJ Addns:g? Vn:u <':fltbf0 Yh5d-834)l9t Ercscripdoof:ob: € t 4 6 ti B !{ emelf t tvt+LL ft00 m Nlerdos( )Add$oDat (X)R4air( )Oihcr( ) Nmbcr rad Type of Ftrcptaccs: C.ar Applfrttrccc ) Jat,h.tr$bcf of Ac,rusodarloD Uda: G.s Lo85 Wood/Pcllcr BrJrr.Dr\rGr tE{o o.@-- PLI'MBINO $- $ssg;-ccsg I ttil k',r/'<u't;t" 'Ad&ss': vALuATloirs gI.FCTRICAL: s----.-* MEC}TANICAI $ splnRAcToR NTRMAnOil OTHER TOTAL )ltt N. /zan+" Eleetrlcel Cmtrctoc Ad&c.c: Ph@o#Toun of vail Ragilnrim No. &rIirE-C$Esr' Tmn of veil Rcgisciut No. Mch2ricllcoffi$or: Torm of vtil F,tti$rtioa No' Addrcss: Pboqc # Addcss: tu!3# FOR OFNCE U9E SIGMTURE: ZONINB: SIGMTURE Date Receiver rlAY 21 1999 o DEVEI.,OPMENT ON JOBSITE AT A],I, TIMES PermiE #: 899-01-29 CR CR Description: ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEL Valuation:2,500.00 rr**irrt*irrr** FEE sIr'MlaRY +i * r* * * *, * *ir t t t ISSUED o7 /27 /1"999 07 /27 /1,999 oL/23 /20OO TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROIiITAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 97Q-479-2L38 APPLIEAIIT COIiITRACTOR OWNER Blcc!!ical---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY NOTE:THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELEqTRIEAI, PERMIT Job Address: 898 RED SAIIDSTONE Location...: 898 RED SANDSTONE Parcel No. . : 2l-01-063-03-01"0 Project No. : PRiI98-02L4 ABBEY'S FIRST CI,ASS EI.,ECTRIC P.O. BOX 1"3, EAGr,E, CO 81631 AE}BEY'S FIRST CI,ASS ELECTRIC P.O. BOX t_3, EAGrrE, CO 81531 TESTWUIDE PAI]L A & ,JANET M 898 SANDSTONE CIRCIE, VAIIJ CO 8]-557 Phone:. 970-376-3761 Phone z 970-376-376A St,atus. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. 54.O0 DRB F€e .O0 Inv.atigation> .o0 wilI call---->3-00 Tota1 Calculated Fees---> Additional Fees-------- -> ToEal Paruit Fee--------> Pay,tl€nte-------- 57-OO . oo 57.OO 5t .00 TOTATT FEES---> 57.00 BAIANCE DUB.---- .OO *r**rat* ITEM: O6OOO ELECTRICAL DEPARTIIENT DCPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:O7/27/L999 iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED 'JRM-Itbm:"05600 FIRE DEPARIUENT Dept: FrRE Division: 07/2'7/L999 JRM Action: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ]-, FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAT.ICE. DECI,ARITTIONS I hereby acknor.ledge that I hav. r€ad this application, filled out' in full the inf,ornation required, completed alr acculale plot plan. artd 6tatc that al.1 th€ j.nformation provided as lequired i.B correc!. I aglee Eo conply lrith tshe information and ploc Plan, co conply rdith all Town ordinances and stale 1ar6, and io build this slructure according to tshe Town's zoning and subdivision codes, deFign review approwed, Unj.form Building code and oEher ordinances of lhe Tosn appl.ica-ble theleto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHA1IJ BE MADE ITIENTY- FOI'R HOURS IN ADTI}NCE BY TEI'EPHONE AT {79.213S OR AT OUR OFFICE PROM 8:OO AM 5:OO PM gtac{nt lllrcaong lhrbcr r REc-0544 lrcunt ! PryBrnt tl.Ehod. e( l|oc.tion! 57.OO O7127199 lrt25 1592/lBBBIs BLEC rniE: altl Pal.ait I.o. Prrcal not 8it€ lddrG.! : Iiocrtion: Thir P.yr.$t local Foar ! 57. oo Tos.l, lI.L Id.: Bllattca a 899-0139 TyP.. B-EITEC ELEGI?ICIIj PERIllf 2101-053-03-010 898 RED sANDgt$tE CR 898 RED SAIIDET€NE CR 5?.00 5?.00 .00 AccouDt @dc D.rqlipBion 8P 00100003111,100 ELICIR'ICII PERI|I! FE89 tfc o0l000031r2goo mLL crlrE tflgPtcrr(trt fBE lBounU 5,1.00 3 -OO TowN oF vAraoNSTRUcnoN pERMrr aflrcamoN FoRM INFORMATION MUST BE COMPLETE OR TIIE APPLICATION WILL BE RE"IECTEII Contactthe Eagle County Assesso/s Office at 970-328-8640for Parcel # Parcel# elol -ab 3-O?a(o ,o", Vs-r /q e Permit# Aq?*ot3{ JobName: fislulttr'J€IobAddress: get R*d s*lc[ s10^lc ca Electrical (X Mechanical ( )Other ( ) Filing Subdivision Address:Phone# Architect:Address: Description of JoU, Eeryta0, ( Building ( ) Legal Description: Owners Name: Plumbing ( ) Lot Block Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces:Gas Appliances BUILDING: $ PLTJMBING $ Alteration#ldditiona{V Repatu( ) Number of Accommodauon Units: Other ( ) 1 Gas Logs VALUATIONS MECI{AMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMATION ELECTRICAL: $ 2 {aa i* .TFIER: $ Wood/Pellet TOTAL $ General Contractor:Address: 2/// PoA Fo.l.r. eo ,lo.'f Phone #4za q3 q3Town of Vail Registration No Erectricaf contracror, F,'-s! c lrg.s d".*. Town of Vail Resistration No /o7- € Plumbinq Contractor: Town of Vail Registration Mecharicrl Contractor: Town of Vail Regisuation No. FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Address: 8a- t3 E:*ale ctf o <,tb3 / E>o -3>b*3>6( Address: €1 7 - gtZ S CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: t TO: FROM: DATE: RE: JOB NAME: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS JANUARY I, 1999 WHEN A "PIJ'BLIC WAYPERMIT: IS REQUIRED 7as*tnu}du,: PLEASE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONNAIRE REGARDING TTIE NEED FORA.?UBLIC WAYPERMT': l. Is this a new residence? 2. 3. 4. f,. 6. YEs- Nol- Is dernolition work being perfonned ft61pq,rirgs flp use of the Right-of-Way, easements or public property? YES_ NO / No-l- YES Is any utility work needed? YES Is the driveway being repaved? Is a diferent access needed to the site other than the e"risting driveway? YES Notr Is any drainage wor\ leing done that affects the Right-of-Way, easem€nts, or public property?YES_ NO x 8. Is a *Rwocable Rigbtof-Way Permit" rcquired? YES NOX A. Is the Right+f-Wgy easements or public property to be used for saging, parting or fencing? YES NO A B. If NO to te,. is a pg*ing; staang or fencing plan required by Corunrmity Development? YES NO ,( If you answered YES to any of these questionq a "Public Way Permif must be obtained. "Public Way Permit'' qplications ruy be obtained at the Public Work's office or al Community Dwelopment. If you have any questions please call Leonard Sandoval from Public Works at 47y2194. I HAVE READ AND ANSWERED ALL TI{E ABOVE QUESTIONS. Noy DArE: 2,/Z / { ./n*s E/..{r,<. ,/ ,/ D"., v?t/ E7 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. PUBLIC WORKS PERXIIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits Fill out our check list provided with a Building Permit Application. If yes was answered to any of the questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 South Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verifu (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to 48 hours notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic controVstaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper. An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices (signs, cones, etc.) and the work zone, (area of Construction" Staglng, etc.). This plan will expire on November 1st and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width and depth of work). This may be drawn on the traflic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Work's office for review. If required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and Irrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning, but may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public Work's Construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any requirements that may be needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one (l) weekto process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permit" to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" which is to do work on a project itself. NOTE: The above process is for work in a public way ONLY. Public Way Permits are valid only until November l5h. A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. TO$IN OF VA]L 75 S. FROITTAGE ROAD vArL, co 8L657 970-479-2t38 APPLICAI\IT CONTRAETOR OI{NER CLF"AR CREEK MECHANICAL P.O. BOX 979, GEORGETOWN, CO CLEAR CREEK MECIIAIiIICAIJ P.O. BOX 979, GEORGETOWN, CO TESTWUIDE PAT]L A & iIANET M 898 SANDSTONE CIRCLE, VAIL CO 80444 80444 8L657 Valuation: #of Gaa Lo96: Phone: 303 -569-3564 Phone: 303-569-3564 8, 800 . 00 *of wood/PalLet: Job Address...: 898 RED SAI{DSTONEtocation. . . . . . : 898 RED SAI{DSTONE Parcel- No..... : 210L-063-03-010 ProjecL Number: PR.l98-0214 DEPARTTIEI{T OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Perm1t,M99-0076 stacus...: ISSITED App1ied..: 07/L3/L999rssued...: 07/2L/L999 E>cpires. . : 0l/1,7 /2000 CR CR DescripEion: REPI,ACE BOILER, REPI,ACE WATER HEATER Fir.p1acc Information: Rcgtricced: Y *Of cas Appliancca: FEE SUT,|MARY M6challical- -- > Plan chcck- - - > InwcBtigation> will call----> AddilionaL Fees-- ------ -> Tota1 Permits Fee------_-> Pa! lents------- BAI,A}ICE DUE---- 190.00 45 .00 .00 3 .00 .00 .00 22A.OO . o0 228. O0 22A.OO . o0 ReEtsuarant Plan Revief- - > DRB Fcc-- ------ TOTAIJ TEAS'- .. - Total Calculaced Fees- - -> 22e.OO BUILDING DEPARTMEI{:r DepE: BUTLDING Division:iIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED iIRM--PJNE DEPARTTVIENi DepE: FIRE DiViSiON:.fRM ACEiON: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIA}IqE.2. cotqsusrroN ArR rs REoUTRED PER sgc. 701 oF THE 1997 uMc, oR sEqrroN 701 0F THE L997 rMc.3. INSTAII,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI'FACTURES INSTRUCTIONS 4ND- TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IJMC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC.4. GAS APPIIAIiICES SHALL BE VEIiTTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 8 ANDSgall TERMTNATE As spEcrFrED rN sEc.806 oF TrrE 1997 IlMc, oR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMEI{T MUST COMPLY WITTI CHAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF THE 1.997 I'MC AIiID EI{APTER 3 OF TIIE 1997 IMC.6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOI'NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBTE FLOORING.7. PERMIT,PI,ANS AT.ID CODB AIiIALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPESTION REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITII A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC. LO22 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTION 1004.5 OF THE L997 IMC. ******************************************************************************** Item:0510007/L3/L999Item:05600 07 /L3 /L999 DECI,ARATIONS t h.r.by rckaorl.dg. thr! I hrvo r.rd thi. .pplic.tiqr, fillcd out in full tsh. infora.Uidr r.quired, coq)l.sld .Il .ccur.t. Plot ptrn, rnd .trt. th.C alL th. lnfo!.ulion provld.d a6 rcquir.d i! corrccg. I r9r!. bo coulrly rieh tshr infonEtion rnd Plot pl.n, tso cdlrly rith all toyn ordln.nca! and .ts.!a lrr3, .nd go build thla Etrucgurc .ccordl,ng to lhc Torn'g zqlLng and .ubdivl.lot! cod.r, daalgr ravbr .plrtqvrd, rtnifor:! Buildlng cod. rnd och.r ordlnancca of the aotn rpplic.bla thlrcto. RtQUEg?8 FOR XrsPBsrrONS snArrlr BB rnDl Tl{EnTY-FOln HOURI' IN Bt TELEPIIOI{E AT {?t-2138 OR AT OI,R OFFTCB FROU 8!00 AH 5!00 Dfl glOllATIrRE Ol ol lln. On. OOIITRICIOR Fm HI|.SELF lllD Ol{llER t 'l t t t r, r i t rtar * |}rt I r arr tttr r *a * * t '} J * r at t * t * t rr * il * t tt t * * * * t t t * tr * r ?oftt oF Ittu,. coloRlrx)StrtcDnE Btrr6lnU Nuub.r ! nEC-0542 lDount 3 PqrrdrB ll.thod ! CK lgot Eion: 22e.o0 07/2L199 t2t2L 1196,/Ct lAR ctc ll! fnlE! l,c Prr'rl! Nor U99-0076 Ti'p.. E-MECH IIECHAI'ICAL PERIIIT Plrq.l lgo: 2101-063-03-010 8it. lddr.. i 398 RED SNlDgToNB cR r.oc.rioa, 393 RED glI|DStO!18 CR ttiE P.!d.nE lotrl Fc.E: 228.00 Toerl AtrrL P[t6: Btltttce: 2eg. 00 228.00 .00 Iqcounc Cod! DarcripEion xp 00100003111300 llEgtllfrclt PERIiTTT lBBg pp 00100003112300 Elllll cHBcr FEES t{c 00L00003r.12800 TIIJIT ctJJl INltPEcuoN lEE Anrounc It0,o0 45.00 UEUJTGEI UUJN MKT. ' TOWN TEL :305-569-3507 Jul 12'99 9 :38 No .002 "f lt.l- .' /tl.'l P .01ttrV oF vAt3oNsrRucrtoN PERtultr APP?cArloN FoRM INTOnMATION MJISi[,pp COM'LpTE ol rHp ArPLlc rloN wtl', rE' RFJECTED Mcclrmicglt) Olh.r() t snuivicion$ U,L atlryL Phonc# Addlional ( )RcpnirV)Oftcr( ) Iffi,'\'ffiitr[ {tffi-fff: 4 e'axzE-''o ro' Parcet * p*r*,.-'7:-[' .---l:--=:- - p.,,'ur-tZ t:R"--*Sfo^* rorrNamc:,J'.{1g.9ide--.-. ..-... JobAddrcss; lluilding ( )Plwnbing( )Blccrricnl ( ) Lssat Dcscdption, t or-L- Hd 3 - ,,*s.....fl-l'/1.. owners Namc:.. BSliad O-. Arldnss: Dcscriflionof Iob:.-() P 1t"t4&- -.,_an:_9..- - S y 4...t(4. Wort (lh*x: Ncril ( )Attcrdiot/) Nrrrnbcr of f)wclling Units:. 4 ,1il'--Number of Accorunorhtiol Unia:.-.fl. .(-9- - Nrrrnhcrantl'tlpcofFircplrccs: (hsAppliarrces-- 4f/' -.--- GuLoas ' Wood/Pelhl vauauaNg Bt,tl.DlNc: lr ___. ELF.CTRTCAL: $. ..,..._-_--. olrIER: $-.- pr.rrMstNc s. _______.,- -_: MEcTIANT(nLt.".ft-W,q.p- 'ror L t--....--..---- 9OI{TEACI-AR tNFoBMAnoN rl$$rfcqf,gmirrcbr' -( lqg.4or.h .fu'-h,.- Arldrcss: - {\p-t q- -? 1 &o4o.lo-y", €t ts 'rhrvnrilVrrirRegisrationNo...f !-{: l\ --- - Phoncll..3p}:--lc q -J-51{ FOR OFFICE USE . BUILDING:- ,, - -... ----SIGNATURE: .. . SIGMTURE: .clEAN_.uPpEP@ GEORGET0II|N MKT. TEL:303-569-3307 Jul 12,99 9:43 No.002 P.07 R0(tM: CIUF*ST JOB #; 2319 R0()MWDTII:zSROOMIITiIGIIT:gI|oOMI'ENGTII:?'1 LIjXP0SI'DW.IIIS: 33 (ifrOsswnIJ..qREA" 2e7 flnSS ARIIA: 45 fil: 0'65 ltTtlfll; 2100 NITI'WAI.J, ARBA: zSI 12: '()S BTlJlI2: 9(10 (lHIlJN(iARIUi: 52g III: 0'05 UlIlHl; 1900 t'lJ)Olt AlUi,A: sBg F4: 0'04 I}'IUH4: t'to0 INFILTRA'IE,V0L: 4?61 Ir5: 0'018 l]IUIlS: 6000 'rlLnrl't]ll rtf ?0I': 12400 1't1,B'l'l,H ATDES: 16t00 IIIiATDIS'I'TIMIS: GE0R6ET0b|N MKT . TEL :305-569-3307 Ju l 12 ,99 9 : 43 N0 .002 P .08 Itfi)lU: OREATIIALL JOB/I: 2319 R(Xfu WDIITI; ' RO()M I]IIIGI.IT; 16 .II(X)III ilO.IGIII: zIJ. l, HXPOSEDWAI.IS: 29 (ill,OsSWALLAltEA: 0Ul GLASS ARF,A: l3(r Fl: 0.65 BTIilIl: 5800 NlIl'[tALLAIlF",l: ]2lt F?: 0,05 l]I'Ult2: 1200 CFJ|JN(i ARIIA: 180 It: 0.04 BTUIII: 600 I,1{)OR AluilA: 29 Ir4'. 0.53 BTtlH4; t000 lNfil,'lllATJlVO.,: 288(f F.5: 0.027 B'l'll}t5; 5600 'l'l'l.ltitlll{A't'?C}: 14200 'l tt.BTUIIA't'Dls: 1t200 fIEAI'DI,$l'UNIIS: GLUIIGE |OI,JN HKT .TfL:303 369 3307 Jul t2,99 9:44 Ho.O02 P.O9 SCOPE OF WORK IT'STWJIDE RESIDENTIA HYDRONIC UPGRADES 1.|NSI.ALLoN€NEWHEATzoNEToHE^TDEN/GUESTRooMAl{DENTRY}|AtL' ?. RFPTAC€ 1SOK BTU BOILER WITH ?25K BOILER BOTHTELEDYNE I.A8R$' 3REt\,lOt/ETWOF|FTTcALLoNGASFIRED-WAT€R-HEATERSAI{DREPIACEWITH /$frROL \'\rHTt SIDEI\RMin-ri'ioxr'riron inroarif noiro ExcEED 20M'ilm$ oN PRIORTY. 1'|NBTALoNEAIV|TF.oLWHgts|DEARMuNITTocoNTRoLEx|sTlNGsNow|vlELT.' 5'REtv|ovAoFTWoF|FwGA|.LoilGAsF|REDu}|rsA{D|NCREAJS|NGBolLERglzE By 05t( BTU WLL tNSuRE iilf dtisrilis co]rsusiiott en \tENTs Ar{D FLUE ARE oF rvoRE THAn N)EAUETE SZi. nei'ro-rinLbi cas nrirb uws t^rlLL aso lNsuRE Tl{Ar iirsrrus oAs t,tNEsARE oF ADEoUETE slzE- O. NO EI-EVATOR EQI'IPT\GTIT ls TO BE INSIA-LED. ?. LOClitloNS OF AL CotvlPOt{ENTB ARE THE sAfiG AS EXISIINC' TOWN OF VATL DEPARII4EIIT OF COMMT]NITY 75 S. FROIITAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2L38 NOIIE: TIIIS PERI,IIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT AL,L TIMES PLUI'IBING PERMIT Permit #: P99-0054 ilob Address: 898 RED SAI{DSTOIIE CR Statsus...: ISSUEDLocat,ion...: 898 Red sandstone cr Applied..: o7/0L/L999 Parcel No.. : 2101-063-03-010Project No. : PRir98-02L4 APPIJICANT EAGI,E RIVER PIJI'IIBING & HEATING PO BOX 498L, VAIL, CO 81558 CONTRACTOR E.AGI,E RIVBR PLI'MBING & HBATING PO BOX 498L, VAIL, CO 81658OWNER TESTWUIDE PAI'L A & .JAI{ET M 898 SAI{DSTONE CTRCLE, VArr. CO 81657 Descript,ion: Plun0cing for bath,shower,wc,two lavaluation:I 6, 000.00 irrrrirrr.r*t*rr**.trf*r+rrrr*trtrirrr,.ra.*}., FEE sur,tuARY *r.r*rrrr'rttt+*t .rittt*tfrlrr+. Pluubing-----> 9O.OO Raatu.rant PIur R.vilt --> .Oo ?otrl Calculrt6d Fac.---> 115.50 PIr'n Ch.ck---> 22.50 TOIIL FEBS----- Inv!.Cig.tid!> .00 wlll, c.ll----> 3 .00 o DEVBLOPMENT rssued...: 07/0L/1999 Brqrires . . z L2/28/L999 Phone: 9'lo-390-L897 Phone: 970-390-1897 Tots.l Paruib F.e--------> 115.5o Payoonts------- BAIANCE DI'B- - - - IEEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARI!,IEIiIT DEPT: BUILDING DiViSiON:o7/oL/L999 KArlrY Action: APPR Approved per-I€tshv rrb.n:'.05600 Frne oepARTr[ENio7/0L/L999 KATTTY Acrion: APPR N/A ' -" ;;;;;;;;;" "''.' r*'l''. r "',' .''+ '''ia* *' r+r 1. FIELD INSPECIIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHACK FOR CODE COMPLIATiICE. DECLAR'ATIONS I hcr.by {cknorl6dEc ChtE I hav6 rcad tshis application, filLed outs in fu1l, tshe inforroation reguircd, couplegcd an eccuratc plo! plan, and stat'. lhat all the inforbat.ion prov-id.d a6 r.qui.rcd id eorlcct. I agrcc tso coitply witsh thc infomation rd Plot PIan, to codpty rlth al,I Toyn ordinances and alacc IarE, and Lo build bhi6 Etructure according to the Tosn'6 zoning and eubdiviEion cod6E, dcsign revicw approved, Itnifolli Building Code and other ordinartced of th6 Totn appLicable thereEo. REQITA8TS FOR INSPESIIONS SHAIIIJ BE MADE TI|ENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AD\AICE BY aET.EPHONE AT 4?9-2139-oR AT OUR OFFICE FRoM s:o0 Al, s:oo Plit attt*aattattrrairAtaaattttt*ia|'t'!ittaittl'tt TOnt{ oF vAtt , cot oRl.Do gcacacng gt.t.Ett m[b.r: REC-0536 ercurrt: Paldatre l.aEhod: Ct( ltoEaclon: 34?5 115.S0 07l01/tt 15:50 tnlE: .tN P.8ol,E !{o: Parcal f,o! sl,c. ldd-..r ! Locr!ion: ahl. Pr!r!.nt P9t-O061 T!Tr.: B-PBB PIUIIBING 2101-063-03-O10 3" RID gllfDSlqfE CR 393 Rrd s.n&con. cr aotal Paa! ! 115.50 toc.l AIJ. Pft.!: Baluc.: PIRIIIT I 15 .50 115.50 .00 Accerrt|c @d. Dlacripclon pp 00100003111200 PLt tGtttc ptRt|tr PErg Et 00100003112100 Dlln cHlcR tlEs rc 00100003112800 |l .L ctIJL !N9PECrIo!| rEE lrcunt 90. oo 22.50 3.00 Pzsqt -oal{ TowN or vlrfoNsrRucroN pERMrr aercnroN FoRM INT'ORMATION MUST Bf' COMPLETE OR THE APPLICATION WILL BE REJECTEI) Contact the Easle Countv Assesso/s Oflice at 970-328-8640 for Parcel # Parcet# zlq i-P(cf -o3-ot u permit# B_1r-o t jd IobAddress: 81 8 (Q-lg*,,tofftv{ ct/cc( Building ( )Plumbing([Elecrical ( )Mechanical ( )Other( ) Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing_ Subdivision ownersNarne: PAuL TOfutu,df Address: 91 tt tu.l g/+voJlavA etftC€pnone* +?6-76V7. Architect:Phone# Description of Job: BYTH lLoo l9- , S rto^ t'. t W C. r -I -o La u[. Work Class: New ( ) Number of Dwelling Units: Number and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Atteration 1lj Additional,r)Repair ( ) Number of Accommodation Units: Other( ) Wood/Pellet OTHER: $ rOrAL $ LaOOO- Gas Logs VALUATIONS ELECTRICAL: $BTJILDING: PLIJMBING General Contrsctor: .114++<-t Town of Vail Regisnation No. E!@..,j!]ontrector: Town of Vail Registra on No. s.4-el2r$--:-a--MECHAMCAL $ CONTRACTOR INFORMANON Address: Phone # Address: Phone # PlumbinsContractor' €t+t't-E (tt u t/- PtuFt B'H{*},lyt::: Town of Vail Registration No.9tto-P Phone # Mechanical Contractor:Address: Phone #Town of Vail Registration No. FOR OFFICE USE BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: JobName: 'TL S-rw u t DL h5'50 CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO: t rign Review,q,'.foo Form TOWI\ OF VAIL Project Name: Testwuide Project Description: Addition and interior conversion Owneq Address and Phone: Paul & Janet Testwuide, 898 Red Sandstone Circle, Vail Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Galen Aasland, Box 383, Vail P'oject Street Address: 898 Red Sandstone Circle, Vail Legal Description: Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Village 96 Parcel Number: 210106303010 Building Name: Comments: GRFA remaining: 154 sf (no 250 approved, yet) Site Coverage Remaining: 72 sf Motion by: Seconded by: Vote. Conditions: Town Planner: JeffHunt Date: 9-22-98 Board / Staff Action Action: Staffapproval F :\E\TERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL98\Testwuid. DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $50 TOWN OFVAIL Qucstions?Call thc Planning Stafi'ri 479-2 l2ti APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION TpT 78 - 02tt This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigr revicw must rcccivc Design Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, sce the subnfttal rcquircnrcnh for thc particular approval that is rcquasted. Thc application cannot be accepted until all thc requircd infornration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Town Council and./or thc Planning and Environutental Comnrission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd, A, DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: PARCEL #:LlolDUaotot.D (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONINGJ NAME OF OWNER(S):2 MAILING ADDRESS:c PHONE:b.y-4q OWNER(S) SIGNA NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. B. D. E. G. I|nuuition- E l\{inor Altcration $50 Includcs any addition whcrc square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or comrncrcial bdilding. $20 Includcs nrinor changes to buildings and site irnprovcnrcnts' such as' rcroofing. painting. window additions. landscaping, fenccs and retaining rvalls, etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying for a building pennit. plcase identiff thc accurate valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn of Vail rvill adjust thefce according to the projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAIL. COLORADO 81657. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT: .7 BLOCK:? FILING: PFTSICAt ADDRESS: ''':''::::::::r::::' ','''-:j':'''']''..'':':l:.],''::::::' 'i,':.: :,, , . ,::.;'i: ,:'i:, ::i. ':'LV' ,, .: fl: r": ..:.:.i:::.:tF r.:.i 'nl ZONE CHECK atc:' q'el- 1tr :i: Ht^^f Lcgal description.Lot 1/ Block 3 fibng UV 1}h Addrcss Architcrt Phone Phonc hoposcd use Lot sizc Buildablc arca Existine Totat GRFA 3at3 + 4A5 Primary GRFA -. + (425) (675+) - Seoa@CRIA + (425) (675+)=_ * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 2 r0 Aridition? __ ILO Horv much of thc ailowed 250 Addition is uscd with this requcst? Allorved = EL3.E',_ Proooscd Total = 3!g+t5+ Sitc €ovcragc Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping RctainingWall Heiglts Parliing Garagc Credit 7s'7o a a8,at7 = e+l8 -74 (30x33) Front Sidcs Rear 20' 15', l5' Minimum J,/O Encloscd Drivcway ; ,.1 Complics witl TOV Lighting Ord.inancc Arc finishcdgradcs icss thaa 2:l (50%") Environmcntal4lazards Pro,ious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrty file); Is thc property non-conforming? Dcscribc: Goo) @) (eoo) (t2oo) Permittcd Slopc _ %Proposcd Slopc _% Yes No Ycs- No l) Pcrccnt Slope (<>30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards _ a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rockfall Rcmaining c) Dcbris Florv o DESIGNREVIEW CMCKLIST Projcct: EI SI'R\EY Scalc Bcnchmark Legal dcsription Lot Sizc Buildablc Area Eascmcnb Topography 100 yr. flood plain - 'Watcr Coursc Sctback Environmcnal l{azards Trces Utiliry locations Spot clwations tr SITEPI.-AN Scalc Building Hcighr Encroachmen6 Setbach Site Coverage EavcVOvcrhangs (4) Dec[:s/tsalconies Sitc Gndc\Slope Fcoces Parking/Garagc TumingRadius Driveway (access and grade) Snorv Storagc Fire Access tr FLooRPI-ANS 250additionat GRFA Garvl\Anic Spacc EI{U O BUILDD.IGELEVATIoNS Colortr{atcdals ' Scalc GRFA RoofPihh I cireurDscaprpt,clr Existingtrccs Proposed tecs Legcnd MISCELLANEOUS CondoApproval Titlc report (A & B) Utility verifi cati on form Photos ofsitc Buildingmatoialsamplcs ;' C.O. Vaification Sun\ShadeAnglcs Utiliti es (un dcrgrorrn d) Vicrv Corddors Variances Plat rcstictions l/" t r-t"' I J- 'r r- r iTrr.pJr -'li'x.!rl + t2 nlgn Review Action Frt TOWN OF VAIL Category Numb€t Propa Name:-Wbt u.lvli,ia - utrwtor,,o &elrtrlhar.r< Building Name: .\ r l .r ProlectDesffiption: fldclttrprr oL tou) ttJti^1lt,r,.rlrz ntrf(trtvw Olrner, Address ^n|rnon"' fih.nl ftAwutde-' ArchilecUGontact, Address and Phone:Vait 0p 3h - 5r4a LegalDescription: rct ? Bbck- suuoivisionVail V, llaa,, 4D zone Districl ProjectstreetAdaias: E1?> Qrd 9n^A4ar,- ( 'irctt- Comments: f\,f O.aV|t 6ZFA Motion by; Seconded by: fl Approval n Disapproval XstattRpprovat Conditions: Town Planner n,DalF'. AAq,<+ Z, nqh DRBFeeere-paio+qo. c>ae.i. x.ft d, altT ltl DESTq{ RE\rIEII BOARD APPIJICATTON ' rOflN OF DATE RECETVED: ; COIORADO DATE OF DRB MEETING: *rtttll*i***wretrs#ll!,ffltF scwaL@ rcR REy TE9. AU0 0 ? 1996 I. A. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: _lileyr Construction _-*-aaairion (g5o. oo) rf property is described bydescription, please provideto this appLication. ($200. O0) -XJ4inor Alberation Conceptual Review a meets and bounds on a separate sheet, ($20.00) ($0) 7ock c. D. E. F. I. ,t. ADDRESS, -46 %P 94.+O5bre. qUJ-e LEGA.IJ DESCRIPTTON:Lot 1 Subdivision Iegal and attach ZONING: NAI.{E OFMailing _rk APPI.IICAIiIT:Aut- Address: H. G. NAlr{E OF O$lllER(S) : NN,IE OF Mailing APPIJICAIiIT 'Address: T'|f REqRESErirTATrvE, -6*." N AA?cko, fufu1gftYD. b,-t 7& .-/5.ic_;-a;=Elb-<q-- Phone Phone' ?"21->i?45 Q.c ' z Mailins Address:Q CTOLcQ (&kq Fhone APPrrrcATroNs wrrr N0fr BE PRocEssE wrmow onNER's srcluattuR.E Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above. are to be paid at thetine of submittal of the DRB application. Llter., whenapplying for a building permit. please identify the accuratevaluation of the proposaL. The Town of vail will adjust thefee accordi.rrg to tbe tabLe be1ow, to ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDIIIIE: VALUATTON$ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000g Over S1,000.000 DESIOC RETJIIETI B(}ARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRBS APPROI'AIJ I'NIJESS A BIIUJDII{G PERMIT ISIS STARTSD. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 ss00.00 OITE YEAR AFITIBR FIIIAIJ ISSI'ED AIID CONSERUC.rION rr. A plg-application meeting with a mestber of the pJ.anningstaff is encouraged uo detetinine if any addiEionalappLication information is needed. It is the applicant,sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todeEermine if there are additionaL su.bmit,tal requirements.Prease note that a coltprJETE application wil.l streanline thereview procesa for your project. III . IMPORTItr|T lliOllICE REGARDDIG ALL SUEMISSTdIS IFO Trr DRB: A. In addition to neeting submittal. reguirenents, theapplicant must stake and tape the project site toind,icate property lineg, building Lines aad buildingcorners. All trees to be renoved nust be taped. A1Isite tapings and staking must be conpleted piior to the DRB site visit. The applicant must eneure tbat EtakiDgdone during tbe winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS nornally requirestwo separate meeEings of tbe Desigm Review Board: aconceptual review and a final review. C. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design RewiewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that diecussion on their iterr bepostponed, wiLl have their itens renoved from the DRBagenda until such tsime as the iten bas beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning adninistrator, be approved by the Comnunity DeveLopment Department Etaff (i.e. a fornal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. $findows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Bullding additions not visible from .rny other Lotor public space. At the time such a propoeal issubmitted, applicants must include let,ters fruradjacent property ormers and/or fron the agent foror manager of any adjacent condoninium associationstating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is Located in a napped hazard area (i.e. snow avaLanche, rockfalL, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc.), a hazard study muet be submitted andthe oemer must sigm an affidavit recogmizing the hazardreport prior to tbe isguance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a Toym plannerprior to DRB application to deterrrine the relationshipof tbe property to all napped trazards. F. For all residential consHruction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior stnrctural. wall.s of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed 1ine oa the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting colunns. G. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, a1l conditions of approval rnrst beaddressed prior to the application for a buildingpermit. LIST OP UATERIAI.,S A. BUTI.DIITG IIATERIAI.IS: Roof Siding otlrer vrall MateriaLs Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl-ues .- Fl.ashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhousee Retaining WaLls Exterior Lighting Other IryPB OF llAlERI.lIJ COIJOR - fr yqWak o.**rq fi - e ,Lvxt+t o n [\ z Des j.gmer: .Phone: NAME OF PRO.IECT: -IB9ILJUIO€ AOO (t(bF{ IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: I.OT-L BTJOCK 7 suBDrvrsroN vAtL vrLLrq€ +ldv Fcwl STREET ADDRESS: The following inforrrat,ion is Review Board before a final required for submittal- to the Design approval can be given: B.I..AIiIDSCAPING: Nane of .t IN,A I PIJATIIT MAT"nls, PROPOSED TREES AI{D SHRI'BS Botanicat Name ...r"10.r" ouanrirv size* ) a '.'-fr("'e'- *Indicate caliper forfor deciduous treee is coniferous Erees. Minimr:m heicrht for conif erous deciduous treea. Minimum calioer2 inches. Indicate height for trees is 5 feet.**Indicate size of proposed ghrubs. 5 qallon.Minint:m eize of shrubs is GROI'ND COVERS Tvpe U lrbr'te? gsuare Footaoe soD SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSTON CONTROIJ C. LAIiIDSCI;pE LIGHTING: If exterior 1ighting is proposed, please show the nunber of fj.xtures and locations on a separateIightinq plan. Ident.ify each fixture from the fi-hting planin the space below and provide the height above grade, tlpe off.ight.propoged, Lumen output, Iurninous area and a cut sneet otthe light fixture. (Section 18.54.050 ,t) D.orIlER rJAtitDscAPE FEATIIRES (retaining walLs, fences, awilmringpoo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heiqrhts of retainingwall.e. Maximurr height of walls within the front setback il3' . Maximun height of walls elsewhere on the property is G' / *"*e '4 I \I 5 t\'ls >tfI xl .$ i a Il F l't - Iq{ I "-.. I i' I ppils oq Eq rJ.- I ' tlrrr N-tf lu/Lra t/' t\t5 -$ E- iJJll . l'=. I lFd r _ -r F--_r I l---1_- l'-rl .F.F( rht L. . t_ ,e 6- {>t$:lp .j- =l\,>&i {t\B*3{ $* s ?-=- ._5 $-P- ^'x$z fi.r d, t =az- F c_.L -'Tl-r > r',flc; 0\ -.$ r-t'\na fL ,_ o c-.(5 I:'t r-r d_ l' -z -ls-> Ffrl/ I_E- Etrz? In ost$ t I tlIr.. I t-- I F+ -1t f, L =--ti --{s -J* "rr'^ _I i----*- I tL__4-,J --'/- 1rI I.L I a tt|D{ *, VynTho , TOWNOFVAIL DE TnIMEIT OF OOMl|T'ltlTY EIEI.I,'IIINf F) 2 4rottz___t/_l_? ,JJ-__ cllEcxs tlaDE taY^ltl to towN op v,rr- ___ag@qEl!5o. - '-'-- -'-- ' -.--. " rEpt.--. "-'- ;;.-----'.:.--- rd-..- !: trl-.=- c6Tt& -.., totrL.. 0l 00004t540 ZONINGANDADffi $5.00 I 0l (xxro:424rt UNIFORM BUILDINGEODE s54.000l (xno424t5 UNIFORM PLUMBINGEOI'E sJ9.00 I 0l flmo424tt I.JNIFORM MECTIAMCAf,CODE s37.q)0r 0m042415 I.'NIFORMFIRSC-ODE s35.00 I('l fl)fi)424If NATIONAL ELECTRJMtrCOD s37.00or (x)00424t5 OTIIERCODE B I 0100004t54tr ELUE PRINTS (MYIAFS 57.(X)0t fimo424x-X.bROX COPIES s0.250l m00424tI STUDIES 0l fi}004241-TOVFtsES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.(X)0l fino42i71 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPFCTTONSol oo004t332 PLAN REvrElv RE-CfiFCKFEE-S4O PER HR.0r 0000423fr OFFHOURSINSPEffi 0t 00004l4lr CoNTRACTORS LICEFSESFEES 0r m004I,[I3 SIGN APPLTCATIC'IFEE s20.000r fino4r4tt ADDITIONALSIGNAGFFET 51.00 PER SO.FT. W,tFa|/.\qC ART PROJE1)l ooo0.4l 5D,Drr-lrTIXruO 4237t I}WESTIGATION FEE (BUItDIFGlI (xxx) 451to TOVPARJilNGFT 0r 0000 22027 IOV NLWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND-r 0l 0000 2lTxf TffiEEET67;5ffir 0l 0000 4t0to TAXABLE @ 4. 0r fi)00 4237t B U I LDING I}.Tr/rSTTGATION(JrHbI{ 0l fl}004133f ADDITIONALGRffi i2m ffl0l fl)004r33-(r CONDINONALUSEPERMIT s200.00 !lt! 0l fi)004r3t[EXTERIOR ALTERA_TIOtr LESS TI{AN IOO SO.FT.s2q).00ot flno41330 p(TERJORALTERAnOW s500.000r oo004133[sPEcrAL pEVELOPMENTDISTRICTINW 500-oo0l (xx)o4lt3o SPECIALDEVELM s1.m0.000r (x)00 4lfjlr SPECIAL DE s200.000r (xrco4133{r SUBDIVISION 0t q)00 41330 VARIANCE s250.(x)ot fi}004133il ZUNINS C()DE AMLNDMENTS s250.000l fiDo4t3i0 R!,.ZONING $200.00uIHtsK UTHEK GlSg t------l cr.f n.OLr ,ttnw&- t oz ==t ur o-\f \f \' { c U>ul uJu- E =llJ (@tulwl') tb*/.d. ra)cn ca IF- c.l Irn Jio o +J ct) gcnko\ol N I|n <d Cl 'r'lii r-{ lJ- > Od) z 5ts LUF F F u7z =z F q.1 | .r,t ol lJot tr.Ft tq{q€ OI CJlr,tr|Lol oluol oollJl o Qt p ol EqJl o ct)l FOOBz, OTz 'ii O .r{jq :t .g ao -q .d !.1 OHz,of,rz N h olr d Q,) CJ qJ (g o (E Fl F{ rd .r{ (d o .r{ (n (H B ts )ul U) = = o F2 o uJzt lr uJ IE cF q _9 C H HH -i- o c6*E.q BE€:E EEEIt € 9E: .s :iFiEEi;se i€:iE EE;EE e;E$isE;eJ rEigi ;EEEg :383dGo'-.=-.c; o (a c sEi:: ;I F;3;t;Eg lrr o. o -. iE$Eo Lrl tr{.s c c\r- .d c\(\uI I I .|c d fi E E, uJA z -olu-oz J 9El- IJ E z 6 = J J 2 llj = UJu,t!zotr uJc UJ 3 _llJ lr.l 0lz 6I!o F6ocrllo (L lz |l (J x uJ q2 .'Y xa tn uJ UJrl- E E I.lJ(l- J FoF z o =f ) =F J UJ z6 =fJ 9z To uJ- NOTIVn'rVA cr EI :< !. 5H =.i.1Z Z tL- i a I =i: l > !z aJE 9 " E^29 3no o a-a z XXL<(3 5 3!d \J ;.nIE ;EiN('< >g -- z tr l 1 a !tJc q-r 6 t xX J z Eoo Rl<z tr E IJJF ;ulz Lzlz Eur<oo< >tr>(! RLr-5ci<z =z -.1 'rd6 =frOI -Jl<IFl zl zl .. >louloululz F Eul(L J z Eoo ulf ll lltzY() If- z F - U)z ooo3 CE tr! o-LL>oF ooJ -) 3 F uJ o c! I z I l--O CO gurbEzo UJFodl -)zo t-(L IIJY t!dl F h tr^lrJ x trdo >F\IN ^>.IE I E =E.EIo.zIl-() E,Faz,Ofo z =e =z 24. __ Llt l J zd =uJ CO uJ F lll IL :!{E:E<clfo926E9vcc =d=>.=uJ:-E h= oi;iE ;FE 669 iurE;(!t x>6=Fo.1oitt* ll,(D oF \ J 2 UJ = I.f1 :q 1% 0,|FIFI I-{ 'F{(s (Jz u- :< -J ,-l Y +l .6 l.lo'q''1 l.Et3 IIuJl=t<lzl(!lq rl) il BIJo F .tl o, dFl .4 ,-.{ (d =z o o a! OJ o\ ao UJe.oo .J = I o- r\ln @ .Fl E di-la tr c.) cn X a UJto )? \fc{!n It\N6 i 6 @ F{.rl (d E d .rl FIrt CO .r{ =tr IF\' oz ci IJJ(r J a ltoz3pl = tr oz o LUE J tl.oz3oF g oz. lttI ll- z3oF r< 9 ^)Y-:t* 3 '---() t: :N\ =Etr l-.1tsLl I t\n N=\" "lTlzl , I sllnc1;J- iloq>l t!lLol ld r tr /i z uI J t! z3 F luJ uJF uJz =o F UJF I E <F r,! <ztrr.! Ft, z () )E<o(JF iftsF -5oIO EOc)zt- =E4ZLr- o ix =F =2+(r V'=>U E. E ir Y F;:o2O(t uJv J t'l- sCIu Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: TESTWUIDE ADD DATE: 5-25-93 ADDRESS: S9SREDSANDSTONE CONTRACTOR:VICGALLINA VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: AASLAND OCCUPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: MONROE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the cndes The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUTRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.l2Ol OF TIIE 1991 UBC. 2. l HR CONST. REQUTRED BETWEEN DWELLTNG AND GARAGE. 3. 20 MINUTE DOOR WITII CLOSURE REQUTRED BETWEEN GARACE AND DWELLINC. 4. FIREPLACE IN BEDROOM TO BE GAS APPLIANCE ONLY WITI{ B-VENT, NEEDS COMBUSTION AIRFROM OUTSIDE AND FOLLOWS MANTJFACTURES SPECS FOR INSTALLATION OF GAS APPLIANCE AND B-VENT. 5. NEED MECHANICAL PLANS APPROVED BY TOWN OF VAIL BEFORE ANY MECHANICAL WORK CAN BE STARTED. 6. FIELD INSPECTIONS WILL BE REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Project Application o^t" /o' 5 '73 - ProJect Projecl Conlact Name: Descriplion: Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone:/-,,,/r- A-^/.-l Legal Description: Lot Block Zone - Com menls: Design Review Board Oate Molion by: Seconded by: A PPR OVAL D ISAPPROVA L Summary: A t ,/n-^ ^- a "rigH4 AkrA = ztc r I t/. /, 53O Date:/o, E'tz Staff Approval oh1 o $, & d5J pr t!+*" zf t *qY{ caq ci 2 F € ffi N 0- @ 18B [;Ef-5-\t tr,-t36., --6 J {.;ir a h + \, fitr 6ie.& dh @le E sJ B ,J =r-F + -i ! g.n.."t ..4.r--g j. I e,--q.-!o-.".----.----.- e --Q a,:* i 't.A.75 Itrw r,{rtl(il Ta-,- 4 Vft^fo^**.\ 'fitl'1"*/, Urr fu'. Ww (*Tstr,p,oe h4u\ W\TE . M -e Qt*,tlg,eo 6+rr*4is t,r-,\'ffteTfil,a*a . teoLD lii& h u* u1.0fi l,tp plarrtfi ra* Lede!. cJlqu. %,+ W Y^aL ila^)1a^1'ye A lE. tuden & W fre!, tb Fr+rrLe qtf.h, I' W fur,.tw Ja5 -h T'* 9{x/'{ U[eL liE <tf+ )U* W lvwtz"P . c+. ?o,-M+!uve Box.3a3 VAIL CO 81658 A9123/93 13:23 13A39434054 r'tI,'R0E/t€l,ELL EN6. HE FLLOU'INq WA3 T{CITED: -*o - Guqi--k.ttcp\hru -.. ,,., Project Name: Project Application // o^" /f7/f3 , tlttrv - 81, Z.-,>wzsrlr'r Legal Description: Lot 7 Btoct< ? , riting y'lrt l/ttt,ort ?', zon" ?'"te{ Comments: Design Review Board on" '/'/rt Motion by:r/ ,*.var Seconded by:/r%out, af t/rt ) ' DISAPPHOVALt{ta//urt't' DrB Summary: f,5o.aa Dzs fo e ft, l r E statt Approval o,|l""or*nroN - Em or vrr', DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING : .o*ril""o 9- t5-1'Rtij'0 I"AR I s rw 9/4/9\ I. tl*t**ll*t IAIS TPPIJICITION WII.L l|OT Br TCCEPTEDuNrrL lrJL RlQqrruD ,,rrllto*Rl4rroN rs sltBt{rrrED PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DEScRrprroN: 400(toxS J" A* gnr..(-.a tlAeg B. TYPE OF REVIEW: _New Const ruct ion C. ADDRESS:-o lD Lvo |A-+tFg>*e <_atcvt- (S200.00) Minor AlteraLion ,,/eadition ($5o.oo). uu) Conceptual Review"o1b ko >aqrq>.ra Cttcvr- D. LEGA! DESCRIPTION: Lot 1 attach to this appliCatlon. B.l" o ck subdivj.sion'Jtlt:,- Utt't\f 1.1U. rf property is described by a meets and bounds lecaldescription., .please provide on a separate sheet .nJ NA.}4E OE Mai Iing APPLICANT: Address: [brt'/1 /5lq> .)t-E. ZONING: .( I'> - F. LoT AREA: If required, applicant must provide astamped surve)' showing tot area. -45 py,/.e H. G, Mailing Address : Mailing address: J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paic ..r_the time of submittal of DRB.application, Lur..,'"nur,appJ.ying for a bullding permit-,- please identify Ljreaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of vaitvrilL adjust the fee according'to the table below, io *ensure the correct fee is paid. ,7 t' FFE c'r.,E!h'r'- rEE PArD: s a) -' - 1_ :: cun:uu-E: ?l VALUATION FEE$ 0 - s 10,000 s 20.00$ 10, 001 - S 50, 000 S 50.00s 50/001 - S 150,000 $100.00s150, 001 - $ 500, 000 s2oo. o0s500,001 - s1,000,000 $400.00I Over 91, 000, 000 $500. 00 r DESIG RE1/IEIiI BOIRD APPROVAT TXPIRES OIIE TEAR AFTER FTNAI.EPPROI'AI, I'XUSS A BT'ILDING PEAMIT IS ISST'ED .IND CONSTRUCT] ON ISSTIRTED . **NO IPPLICtrTION WII.L A& PROCESSED WrTrOUr OT|NER' S SIGNATURE NA.T"1E OF APPLICANT!S REPRESENTAT:',/E : Qr*, *, *TffirsrRrcrs DATE: LEGAT, DESCRTPTION: tot -l Block I Fiting ADDRESS: r';l-{t>. OWNER { Auu ARC}I I TECT ZONE DI STRICT PROPOSED USE 6% >t.. AIIowed Existinq Proposed ToLaI (30)@ TOIAl GRFA Prinary GRFA 'A?-lt * qzs -fufu Secondary GRFA _+ 425 Set,backs vaona 4'Uo- 7-fi PHONE ffi-5243 Tgfr.tt*b@._ 4'-G', ?hLl .'--- / - ^,/"251o _ 20' (30) (50) L91D P6^r.l Fronl Sides Rea! Water Course Setback qi l-a a^trorado Landscaping Retaining wa 11 Heights Parking r:.r rrda r-16.l i i Drive: vi-ew Corridor Encroachnent: Environmen!aI /Hazards : NoYes 1) 2') 3) Does thls request Lnvolve a 250 Addltlon? . Nlp How much of the allowed 250 Additlon Is used wlth this reqresuf ilh. I**Note: Under Sections 18,12,090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Prinary/Secondary which are l-ess than 15r000 sq. ft, ln area may not construct a second dwelling ur'rt. Tire Corununity Developnent Departtnent may grant an exception to Lhisrestriction provJ.ded the applicant tneets the criteria set fcrth under Sections and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including pernanently restrlctlng the unit as a long-term rental unit for fuII- time employees of the Upper Eagle VaIIey, rroofffi) <noot trzoo> @ C 51?> Permltted Stope _..11!_ AcLual. S I(r!)e Date approved by Tordn Engineer: Flood Plain Percent SLope cEologic. gazardsal snow Avalanche-bl Rockfallc) Debrls FIow4) wetlands Prevtoue conditlons of approval (check property file); 10 LI S'I' OF I,IATERIAIS NAME Oq PROJECT: LEGAI DESCRIPTIoN: LoT BLOCK -SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: e+, TYPE OF MATERIAL .T The following information isReview Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS : Roof Siding Other t4aI I Material,s Fasc ia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rairs FIues Flashings Chimneys Trash.Enclosures Greenhouses Other requlred for submittal to Lhe Di,si{:.approval can be given: t^irHt(t -+A r4i.lr-1 \,.!,. :3-- .i'#Iu r]-.-, y. t<?- ? $t4R e{it 3.LANDSCAPlNG:Name of Des j.gner: phone i PLANT I'4ATERIATS: Botanical- Nane PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO - No"t f --,-BE REMOVED *rndi.cate cariper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper fordegiquou.q, trees is. 2, inches. rndicate hA;EFEF;;;I=;;rfcrees. Mini.mum heiqht for coniferous treei LS 6 feel - l ',,JlfiO .qPbr., P Comrnon Name PLANT T.4ATERIAIS: PRoPoslnRuBs Connon Name uuairLrLv )J.zer t5 -4, EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE RE!,TO\IED *Indicate slze 5 qallon. GROUND COVERS )\JU TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs .gJpe Minimum size of shrubs is Square Foot aqe Noxe .l ^F }.l ,A I C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting j.s proposedr please shov, the nutnller of flxtures and locatlons on a separateIighting plan. Ident.lfy each flxture frotn the lighring plan on the llst below and provlde the wattage, height abovegrade and type of llght proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retainlng walls, fences, swimrningpoo1s, etc.) Please specify. Indicate helghts of retainingwalls, Maxlnum helght of Halls wlttrln the front seLback is3 feet. Maxinun height of salls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. suBDrvrsroN ffi r JOB NAME uor 1 aloc;p=;f FTLTNG "/^or VIL':-\F 1b' ADDRE5g 61b ko 9*ros'tvrz c^t-,tt The Iocation and availabill.ty of utilltiest whether they be mar:' trunk rines ot ptopo"li- ifnii', tu"t be approved and verified bv ;;;';.ri;;i"g uii.riti.s for the acconpanvlng slte pran' Authorized siqnature Dat e U,S. llests Corununications 1-800-922-1987 468-6860 or 94 9-4 53 0 Public Service comPany 94 9-57 81 Gary HaII Holy Cross Electric Assoc - 94 9-58 9 2 Ted Husky/MichaeI Laverly Heritage Cablevision T.v. 94 9-5530 st.eve Hiatt >// ./ ^nl(v.\ ul- ''.rlot"t \ d,,k Upper Eagl.e vall'ey !{ater- I Sanitation District * 4't 5-'t 490 Fred HasIee NOTE: 1 . 2. 3. -i,!u cation form has signatu re s .ltY cornPanles r and no :ecllY on the forn, the Town ere aie no Problems and thaL proceed. , do not relleve the contractor ltv to obtain a slree! cuL ,i'oi-varr, Department of Fublic .n utllitv lgcationF before DIlc rlght -ot-way oi-Easeasett€ir! :-i' a buiLdlnq Dermit is noc a ;. ffit cuFpermit must bE ery. )or plan, and elevations when li"t'I sinitation signatures l':':e This folm is to verlfy service availability and iiillti""'. -ittis sttouri be used in conjunction w:th ;;;;;;i;; youi utiritv pLan and schedulins installations. For anv new construction proPosal, t!9.app::3rr''' must piovide a comPleted uEility v€rrttcatr": form. If a utility cotnpany has concerns with the oioposea coirstruttion, the uEility represenla:)ve lnoirfa not directly on the utility verltlcar r3n ioi.-irtit there Is-a probretn whicb needs- to be-::ir"lo. -ihe issue inouta then be sPelred out in- -i- an attached lette! to the Town of vail' LaeP ln nind that it is the ':; )tility colnPany to resolve "fh'"i /,u o1 l^ obtainr.., flow needs mub. &**(. NAME oF "*o"r.r, t-* LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT ,7 BLOCK & 1-'nj STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The followinq Revlew Board lnforrlatlon lsbefore a flnaL regulred f,or submlttalapproval can be given: TYPE OF IIATERIAT to the Desiqn A.BUILDING MATERIAIS : Roof Siding other wall Materials ,b !'ascia Sofflt s Vf indo!rs Vfindon Trim Doors Door Trim Hand o! Deck Ral1s Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other *t*w,- IANDSCAP ING : *tto ', Br5op€ .r 9t.r-h*ts. *tt\ # o4o "*;-7n*t, Wrt/)a{tt L\.freL >4-- c-LakL Nalne of Dealgner: phone : PI,ANT MATERTAIS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Conmon Nane Ouantltv Size*coto4lw)ol\.ua_ V d orAtll;e Penut A 2'l EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED * fndicate cal lper deciduous treea. COLOR trees . IndI erous 4-t-IE EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE RE}IIOVED *IndLcate size 5 qallon. GROIJND COVERS soD SEED TVDE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTROL of proposed shruba. IYDE !{lninum size of shrubs is .ESeIg-Egtade Fbr.rz l.,.to*r6 -r.or tl/A. I LANDSCAPE I.IGBTING: . If E:.TCTI shorY the nunber of f ls proPosedr Please on ,a iseParate the jlightlng Planhelght abovelighting plan. ,Ide-nt on the llst belos,encl grade and ttpe of llght D.OTHER f.AlilDSCAPE FEATURES (retalning wallsr pools, etc.) Pleaq-e speclfy-.-ISC+9399 lf! fencesr swimmingqhts of retaining.lfront setback iswalls. Maxindnrhelght oft I 3 feet. Maxlnun belgh! of is 6 feet. tbi& LA<aS on lthe property PLEASE TOWN OF VAIL D EPA RTi\{E}iT OF CO|VI:VII.JNITY D EVELOP}IENT' S^LES ACTION FOR:U. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD 8r657 ZCT'L\G .!$D A DDR.ESS !'{A}S0t 00004t510 0t 0000421t5 LTNTFO L\ { B IIJLDh*G CO D E UMFOL\{ PLU!r';B t\G C ODE0t 0000 {24IJ 0l 0000 42.il5 .l UMFoL\.t I{ECH.$'1C,'.L CODE UNIFOR.,\{ FIRI CODE0l 0000 i1{ 15 N,\TIONAL E LECTPJ CA L CODE0t 0000{2{15 OTIIER CODE }OOKS0t 0000.{24,5 BLUE PR,L\TTS OTYLAT{0t cooo{t513 }:ER.OX COPIES / S'TUDG50t 0000 {2412 0l 00c{123?l i PENA!.TYFEES/RE.1.,,''SPECT]ONS ot ceco.r t 332 i pL,,"v Rr,vtgrv RE'cHEcK FEE tsro FER liR. 0r {'oco 42321 | oFF HOURS DiSPECTION FEES CONTL\ CTORS LICE\S ES FEIIS0l (9)011{ t2 .0r 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE 0t 0000{r330 0l 00co4t{t3 ADDITTONAI.;SI6NAGE F;E ISI.OO i'ER, SO.IT. 0l 0c00121.10 VTC ART FROJECT DONAT]ON 0l 0C90 .l l33l PRE PAJD DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 0 41010 T x O1 OOOO 42371 INVESTIGATION FEE (BUILDING) 0l 00C\1 d 1330 | SPEC1AL D .il330 tzoNING * * * * * * * tk *. I rJrr, l{ LrF rJH I l- l'liscel larrcus Cdl Etl- 1E -93 16r 61: 17 F.:*':eiF,t * 1lEt'EE1 g,:-c'Lrnt. # t-:K # 1611 riFtLEil F]ff5LF{l..ltj'.D'EEr FEE Flrirc,unt tend':r*d i 56.ff6 Item paid hount Peid r-1 I [1r:1ur6 4 1 f, f, 1 g0Ei sCI.6F [:h.!r|Je re t r..] Fned .] . ' ' t Project Name: Project Oescription: Contact person and phone Architect, Address and phone: Legal Description: Lot 7 Bbck:=- ru,nn (n, iltrur arfl ^- D"rrrt Comments: Design Review Board .! Motion by: 4 hnB - --, c1 seconded n". 1. //a4tulEl) @4-O //o^," B/tq/qz DISAPPROVAL ?aa,r)61 r'.row# /)oate' R/2//4a TOWN OFVAIL 75 Soath Frontagc Roail Vail, Colorado 81657 t 03 -47 9 -2 t t I / 47 9 -21 3 9 TILE COPI Dcpartment of Commanity Dcoclopmcnt March 12, 1993 Paul and Janet Testwuide 898 Red Sandstone Circle Vail, CO 81657 RE: An action on an August 10, 1992 PEC Meeting for front and side setback variances in order to construct an addition at 898 Red Sandstone Circle/Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Village 9th Filing Dear Mr. and Mrs. Testwuide: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes ol the August 10, 1992 Planning and Environmental (PEC) meeting at which your variance requests were approved. The attached copy ol the meeting minules will serve as your record of this approval. Please note that the approval of these variances shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction is not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from approval (August 10, 1993). lf approval of these variances lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, ./\ ,6tula Timothy N. Devlin Town Planner Enclosure 4. 5. The applicant has agreed to plan four coniferous and eleven aspen in front of the driveway for building envelope 5. 6. The applicant shall plant clusters of trees by the entrance of the development and west of the former pond site. 7. The Planning and Environmental Commission strongly recommends that the Town not require a "pull-out" for cars to pass, located approximately between envelopes 5 and 6. A request for front and side setback variances in order to construct an addition at 898 Fled Sandstone Circle/Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Village 9th Filing. Applicant: Paul and Janet TestwuidePlanner: Tim Devlin Tim Devlin gave a quick overview of this request. A variance had been approved several years ago, but has expired. The applicant now wants a s-foot side and a 3- foot front setback variance for construction of a garage and entry/kitchen addition. The applicant is well under on GFTFA and site coverage. Staff recommends approval of the 3-feet front and S-feet side setback variances, with conditions that one foot taken up by stone face on a portion of the north and west facades, and a portion of the asphalt parking pad be removed and the area landscaped. Diana Donovan said the only question was where the asphalt should be removed. One of the nearby property owners, the Hochtls at 890 Red Sandstone Circle, recommend approval. Gena Whitten had a reservation about granting variances, but this is okay as it is tastefully designed and the location of the house warranted some flexibility. Generally, the asphalt not in front of the new parking garage will be removed and landscaped. Jeff Bowen moved that a side and front setback variance be approved with the stipulation that asphalt be removed to the east and west of the garage that is not used for access to the garage and the area shall be landscaped and tht 1 ft. of the variance was to allow lor the stone. The motion was seconded by Chuck Crist and unanimously approved by the Committee. A request for a conditional use permit to allow an addition and roof top mechanical to the vail Valley Medicalcenter located at 181 west Meadow Drive/Lots E & F, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Vail Valley Medical Center, represented by Dan Feeney Planner: Shelly Mello Shelly outlined the major issues. The VVMC wants an 880 sq. ft addition; the temporary lrailer and satellite dish have been removed from the request. There will also be additional roof-top mechanical, which will not exceed lhe height of the existing mechanical. Parking is one of the major issues on this site. Wth this addition, lhe WMC now has a surplus of five parking spaces. Staff recommends approval with one condition - they would like to see the barrier fence and revegetation of the streambank on the west installed prior to the release of a temporary certilicate of occupancy for the project. This will improve and insure the condition of the stream bank Pbnolng f|d Enylrqrari.nt l Conmhabo Augu.l10,1902 The ltens below glvlng a pernlt Please check off FINAL PLI'UBINC INSPECTION ' S need to be conplete a flnal C of 0. ln the box provlded. COUPLETED before DATE: tl n FINAL T'IECHANICAT DATE: IMPROVEMENT SURVEY OK RESID. NA}'E: pATE2 t 41d{ , e,''h ?< FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE:FINAL BUILDING u tl u DATE: TEI'{PORARY C OF O DATE! CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAI{CY DATE: LANDSCAPING DUE DATE! FILE NAME: t?v kJ Snry/sfunr, CR. INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:THUR BUILDING: #oorrrucs / srEEL I ry;PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr tr tr tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FrfiAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR JECT lr ro INSPECTION REQUEST, @ TOWN OF VAIL I lr JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI q, 'ptA,' \t-uuatnc:BU|LDfNG: /'I,-d,tA' PLUMBING: TINGS / STEEL ._ O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FBAMING ROOF & SHEER O GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR O FINAL Ktttouto CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION. TOWN OF REQUEST I VAIL r' INSPECTION: Lr. PMREADY FOR LOCATION: MON PERMIT CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL )eSoucn / D.w.v. +-l-<J zt'Lt't tr tr FRAMING E4OUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING lcas PTPTNG tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL:r' L/". tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL qAkPRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: nffis** INSPECTOR a3/29/93 13:29 13A394948s4 MONROE/NEWELL EN6. & Monroe &Neq/etl #[ Brrqr* { \ *"*^Hffi$S FOLLOWING WAs NOTED: .'a lr ,o",o ,o $uJqc- (dlNg: \,hru -,.. " ,.,- blo. , .-"-,..,., INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OFPERMIT NUMB DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI ON AM@ Ar BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING E tr ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE tr;r 7ttr( tr_ GTRICAL:M tr tr tr tr ECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL y'neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE (/ - 2 ./ . ..,/,? rNSpEcroR nffiuioP INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL t ().t---.--/ READY FOB LOCATION: r1, -l',V:z - JOB NAME MON,, CATLER Hr UR FRI 't' 1t-.c BU o1 n d ;l tr trl tr ILDING:PL tr tr o tr D D tr UMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING - RooF & snden GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT - D tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED O DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REOUIBED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOFI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES-^ fn -\ ED ] THUR INSPECTION. TOWN OF (') t/'rI REQUESTVAIL . \' -364 AM/ PM,-FRI I (-. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER{fnnrtrrr.rC r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL r] FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP.'POWEB M tr tr D tr ECHANICAL: HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ' ,:,''if l,'". '.i. '" " r r-ot-'t t . r:cr== -[ 4 PERMIT NUMBER OF'PROJECT INSPECTOR nlffirre '- i'i? 'r ',- ' INSPECTION REOUEST' TOWN OF VAIL rL\' @PM tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED tk'1 ,l J PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo,, lc/l lQ3 ,o" READY FOR LOCATION: CALL TUES \r'c-l . INSPECTIO 6q'a ER WED ? TH UR FRI tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FBAMING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL -Tr--:' INSPECTION. , TOWN OF REQUESTVAIL ,i \ INSPECTION: I NAME MON CALLER ESREADY FOR LOCATION: fi' ECT BL tr tr tr tr tr X tr ILDING:PLUMBING: FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL v APPROVED it. CORRECTIONg DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR,,- PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LOCATION: DArE I I /tn /q3 JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON CALLER l1=' , -WED JHU It':J R INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I \' Tr lC) ('\ tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RIaF tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL E FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL _tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOB afitseop (ro READY FOR LOCATION: PROJECT INSPECTION:a JOB NAME U I N I IT I REQUESTvAtL !/rr ONNOFICT TOU INSPE Fnr ) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING I-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: t.)oo-r, tlltzf ?s rNSpEcroR Cdah.-*"1--._ I a t TION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL T 479-2138 r tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED ffnerruseecroN REeuTRED PERMIT NUMBE JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: INGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR --P" ! .', -", . J{i.Lj !./ TION REQUEST a PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -t" '/ r' \:a 4DDJOB NAME CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:wED (G13) FRI '* t k:t cC6 q tt ErD s 11^.,i,i5r'- .ir TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr tr tr POOL i H. TUB NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPBOVED I nerr.rseecroN REeutREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: orft t ,*#roN REeuEsr PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: MON CATLE @ TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ,Qsiln*"- LOCATION: 4n, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR ETION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMB DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:,"r,MON WED THUR *{: :";. 1l-CALLER TUES r;.il\t-,t:.r \, OF PROJEC tr tr B tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: C] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr tr o GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR p Project Application // o^," 4/(/qz ,'l {,r-rtProject Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone ,ra rz7-574t vruF 0p.Owner, Address and Phone: /t,, h O:HT u%, - z Architect, Address and Phone: 4. /n'' ^ lStt /pr) Legal Description: Lot a ,u,ns (tu, y'l.uEr ?ffl , zon Dufld(9Block Com ments: Design Review Board o^r" a/rr/uz Motion by: Seconded by: @4'o DISAPPROVAL summary: kr - lt'tl/ r/r Qraoruq OPPr : z) *n> (lr r -' ,lpvr a- \.a3,) /re' a' ar /ail.il7 k/t//v4 fr/> tts /*vrutd,'. a.lt. laE 11 r Town Planner o^,", ?fz//Ez E statt Approval itgzt P-a.*' ?e*,r) lf}qws lh,- fF r:, {rp Dn t,,,/ PRO,JECT: INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVTEW wty (r<ptpa firort,aN 3lr*l -z-) tu-- dr.r, t\eu) FIRE DEPAR?MENT Reviewed by: Comments: 3) tJLvse -Yr- M.,=-r 4) fio.u r+ ? Date: Date: Dat.e: fVo't er.--eJ ,u''lL-- 'f Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: t l-- DATE SUBMITTED z f'titl 'rl'k DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING L coMMENrs NEEDED BY -- tl1l4L BRIEF DESCRTPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: lrt'at' "i,;i;;\iiirrfu; gw rlr', ?, 8{ { ,;r" " E PUBLTC WORKS ;::::,"" ar<1il"Ll - do:: ;"8";; ...-t( t".e1uJ"e- %uoa'Ll'<- Pon"^* | Bc"'" 'Ju)s .h IN Wh;*.! (u,L- a* ) ,-'l[*".t' t'io*' ';)'rf 'Q^^.* JU- €. ttc frs ""._.L- ; ^- l-o s,.f b*-,-Lt 1 i> ); pr;u,*k ,,*.J-j , L,',.n bu,- Sw,>,.----, 5 +tt"-TL ) 'u{t -}L can J/- t ^ r"^ |a4C Can- lo,-,.1 7 "-t !. j.'r-.. . INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMTTTED: (6q61uttr toEfi€ffuN DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Date: Date: COMMENTS NEEDED BY:tll4L BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comment,s: FIRE DEPARTMENT QWqrfk,rtnut lvrnottl /pttrpv To EtlT for ai h/;t ,/t*o. ) . bin"..o Q ; S^r* O\" r*v.a-S€ V- t 1-q r-Reviewed by: Comments: Qr,.4^-.^-e^*: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date: Date: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department August 10, 1992 A request for a side and front setback variance in order to construct a garage on Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Village 9th Filing, 898 Red Sandstone Circle Applicant: Paul and Janet TestwuidePlanner: Tim Devlin il. BACKGROUND The Planning and Environmental Commission initially heard a request for a variance at the Testwuide residence for a 3-foot encroachment into the 15{oot side setbac( requirement and a 6-foot encroachment into the 20{oot front setback requirement at the June 11, 1990 PEC meeting. PEC was generally supportive of the 3-foot side setback variance request, but expressed concern with the 6-foot front setback variance request. The item was tabled to the June 25, 1990 meeting. At the June 25, 1990 PEC meeiing, the applicant retumed with a request for a variance for a 3-foot encroachment into the 1s-foot side setback and a z-foot encroachment into the 20-foot front setback. Both setbacks were ultimately approved by PEC, with the condition that the Design Review Board be asked to review both the landscaping plan and the possibility of eliminating the existing asphalt parking pad on the east side of the proposed driveway. Slightly over two years has passed since the variance request was granted by the PEC for a 3-foot side and 2{oot front setback encroachment. The variance has expired, and the appllcant ls presently requestlng that varlances be granted for a s-foot slde setback encroachment and a 3-foot front setback encroachment. DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED REQUEST The applicant is requesting a S-foot side and 3-foot front setback variance in order lo construct a garage and eniry/kitchen addition on an existing single family home. The applicant is proposing to use stone facing on both the front and some of the west side of lhe garage, accounting partially for the increase of the previously approved setback variances. The proposed garage has a total uea ol approximately 516 sq. ft. and the entry/kitchen addition has a tolal area of approximately 182 sq. tt. With the exception of the front and side setback variance requests, all other development standards will be met. The 12,850 sq. ft. site is currently occupied by a single family structure located in the ilr. Two-Family (duplex) zone district. The building has an existing GRFA of 2,345 sq. ft., with an allowed GRFA of 3,638 sq. ft. The applicant's request includes approximately 516 sq. ft. of garage area (not included in GRFA), approximately 182 sq. ft. of entry addition area, and a 233 sq. ft. addition on the east side of the residence (the latter is not included in the variance request), bringing the proposed total GRFA lo 2,760 sq. ft. The current 1,081 sq. ft. of site coverags will be increased to 2,140 sq. ft., including roof overhang areas exceeding 4 feet, resulting in a site ooverage of 16.65"/". 2Oo/" site coverage is permitted in this zone district. VARIANCE CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Department of Community Development recommends approval of the requested variance based upon the following factors: A. Consideralion ol Factors: 1. The relatlonshlp of the requested varlance to other exlstlng or potentlal uses and structures In the vlclnlty. The addition of the garage should not create any problems to existing or potential uses or structures in the vicinity. The properly most likely to be affected would be the single family home on Lot I to the west of the proposed garage. The existing residence on Lot 8 is approximately 15 feet from the edge of pavement to the north. The proposed garage would be approximately 10 feet from the west properly line and approximately 29 feet from the south edge of pavement. No trees or shrubs will be removed to accommodate lhe addition. The applicant has proposed additional landscaping to include two new Colorado Spruce (6 feet minimum height), fifteen new Sgallon Potentilla, and eight new 2- Inch caliper Quaking Aspen. 2. The degree to whlch rellef from the strlct and llteral lnterpretatlon and enforcement of a speclfled regulatlon ls necessary to achleve compatlblllty and unlformlty of treatment among sltes In the vlclnlty or to attaln the obJectlves ot thls tltle wlthout grant of speclal prlvllege. The staff recognizes that the siting of the existing building does constitute a physical hardship. Because of the existing location of the house in the upper center of the lot, the applicant would require a setback variance for any garage that is located on the front (north) side of lhe property. The only way to avoid a variance would be to construct a long driveway to access a garage on the southwest comer of the site. This approach is unreasonable and would have negative impacts on ths neighbors on Lot 8. The applicant has adjusted the location and size of the proposed garage to minimize the encroachment necessary into the front setback. -2- 3. The effect of the requested varlance on llght and alr, dlstrlbutlon of populatlon, transportatlon and trafflc facllltles, publlc facllltles and utllltles, and publlc safety. The staff finds that the requested variance will have a positive effect upon public safety, transportation and traffic facilities by providing enclosed parking that is out of the public right-oFway. The proposal will have no significant effect upon any of the other above issues. B. The Plannino and EnvironmentalCommission shall make lhe followino findinos before qrantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitalions on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulalion would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions appllcable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enloyed by the owners of other properties in lhe same district. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the criteria discussed above, the staff recommends approval of the request for a 3-foot front and a S-foot side setback variance, with the condition that approximately one (1) foot on both the lront and side setback encroachments be for the proposed stone face treatment. A second condition is that the portion of the existing asphalt parking "pad' east of the proposed driveway should be eliminated and landscaped (please see attached Site Plan). The variance is not a grant of special privilege and does not impact adjacent properties in a negative manner. We find that there ars extraordinary circumslances or conditions that affect this site lhat do not generally apply to other properties in the same district. The staff feels that the addition of enclosed parking will improve the general -3- o appeaftnce of the neighborhood. With the garage additlon, there will be a maximum : of 4-5 parking spaces provided on-site, depending on whether or not the entire asphalt parking pad remains. Staff finds that the garage and entry/kitchen addition have been located so that the encroachment to the side and front setback have been minimized, with a slight increase in the degree of the variance requested due in part lo the exterior stone treatrnent on both the north and west facades. qbaclrnamos\sslwulto + o W*.1 ASfI{ALT f|\fil0,ti lAD Ct) t{uJ tt o*' ab' e)'d q qFv' or\-qWe etvl vl +1TL $L ilrlI l9?r:rant ?drc r{tl rEri Rfiitrrott -JprLe >(b Ldt t (s) nied t-'' ---ttt-' Lof 1 4tW-qolwY + 1 I I II.l \ I I t I l l- 8 _It-fJ>\S -J >r-SZF- -= t.-.i.':'' . o .r'f i 6. 7. The applicant shall of lrees by the entrance of lhe development and west of the The Planning and Enviro Commission strongly recommends that the cars to pass, located approximately betweenTown not require a the stone. The motion was Chuck Crist and u eFF roved Elh e Eo m m ittee. A request for a conditional use the vail Valley Medical center Village 2nd Filing. it to allow an addi and roof top mechanical to Drive/LotsE&F,Vail Applicant: Vail Valley MedicalCePlanner: Shelly Mello by Dan Feeney Shelly outlined the major issues. The an 880 sq. ft addition; the temporary trailer and salellite dish have from the request. There will also be additional roof-top mechanical, which not exceed the heighl of the existing mechanical. Parking is one of the major VVMC now has a surplus of five parking on this site. With this addition, the ces\Staff recommends approval with one condition -- they would like to see the and revegetation of the streambank on the west installed prior to the of a tempo certificate of occupancy for the project. This will improve and insure e condition of stream bank Dan Feeney, representing the agreed with these and also agreed to reconsider the proposed lacade wanted to know if there is a set and bring them the DRB. Jeff Bowen for the learning lab lo -5- at 181 West z-" *--*---= ""999t-t 13{ J_-r- /-( S. A request for front and side setback varianbps in order to construct an addilion at 898 \ ned Sandstone Chcle/Lot/, Block 3, Vail Village 9th Filing. Applicant: Paul and y''anet Testwuide Planner: Tim Devlin Tim Devlin gave a quick overview of this request. A variance had been approved several years ago, but has expired. The applicant now wants a 5-foot side and a 3- foot front setback variance for construction of a garage and entry/kitchen addition. The applicant is well under on GRFA and site coverage. Staff recommends approval of the 3-feet front and S-feet side setback variances, with conditions that one foot taken up by stone face on a portion ol the north and west facades, and a portion of the asphalt parking pad be removed and the area landscaped. Diana Donovan said the only question was where the asphalt should be removed. One of the nearby property owners, the Hochtls at 890 Red Sandstone Circle, recommend approval. Gena Whitten had a reservation about granting variances, but this is okay as it is tastefully designed and the location of the house warranted some flexibility. Generally, the asphalt not in front of the new parking garage will be removed and landscaped. Jetf Bowen moved that a side and front setback variance stipulation e oaraoe and the area shall be I variance was to 4. The answer was no, MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department August 10, 1992 4,nti '','(,:, ,','*,^-,,* 4 A *",u ",fnii,* '' t ')^4--t'\''W:tr*;,'r!,n""'o -';' Wi*'''o i*L'ttl *'f' b/{, TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: F il. A request for a side and front setback variance in order to consUuct a garage on Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Village 9th Filing, 898 Red Sandstone Circle Applicant Paul and Janet Testwuide Planner: Tim Devlin BACKGROUND The Planning and Environmental Commission initially heard a request for a variance at the Testwuide residence for a 3-foot encroachment into the 1S{oot side setback requirement and a 6{oot encroachment into the 2o-foot lront setback requirement at the Juns 11, 1990 PEC meeting. PEC was generally supportive of the 3-foot side setback variance request, but expressed concem with the 6-foot front setback variance request. The item was tabled to the June 25, 1990 meeting. At the June 25, 1990 PEG meeting, the applicant returned with a request for a variance for a 3-foot encroachment into the l5-foot side setback and a 2-loot encroachment into ths 2o-foot front setback. Both setbacks were ultimately approved by PEC, with the condition that ths Design Review Board be asked to review both the landscaping plan and the possibility of eliminating the existing asphalt parking pad on the east side of the proposed driveway. Slightly over two years has passed since the variance request was granted by the PEC for a 3-foot side and 2-foot front setback encroachment. The variance has expired, and the appllcant ls D.resently requesuno that yarlances be granted for a $foot stce 6I5EEF encroactrment inoi g{offichmern-.-- DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSED REQUEST The applicant is requesting a S-foot side and 3-foot front setback variance in order lo construcl a garage and entry/kitchen addition on an existing single family home. The applicant is proposing to use stone facing on both the front and some of the west side of th€ garage, accounting partially for the increase of the previously approved setback variances. The proposed garage has a total area of approximately 516 sq. ft. and the entry/kitchen addition has a total area of approximatsly 182 sq. ft. With he exception of he front and side setback variance requests, all other development standarG will be met. The 12,850 sq. ft. site is cunently occupied by a single family structure located in the ilt. Two-Family (duplex) zone district. The buildirg has an existing GRFA of 2,345 sq. ft., wifrl an allowed GRFA of 3,638 sq. ft. The applicant's r€quest includes approximately 516 sq. ft. of garage area (not included in GRFA), approximately 182 sq. ft. of entry addition area, and a 233 sq. ft. addition on the east side of the residence (the latter is not inclurded in the variance request), Mnging the proposed totalGRFA to 2,760 sq. ft. The cunent 1,081 sq. ft. of site coverage will be increased to 2,140 sq. ft., Including roof overhang areas exceeding 4 feet, resulting in a site ooverage ol 16.65/o. 2O7o site coverage is permitted in this zone district. VARIANCE CRITERIA AND FlNDINGS Upon reviar of Criteda and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of he Vail Municipal Code, the Deparlment of Community Development recommends apfoval of the requested variance based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relatlonshlp of the Equested varlance to other erlstlng or potentlal uses and structures In the ylclnlty. The addition of the garage should not crsate any problems to existing or potential uses or structures in the vicinity. The property most likely to be affected would be he single lamily home on Lot 8 to the west ot the proposed garage. The existing residence on Lot 8 is approximately 15 feet trom the edge of pavement to the north. The proposed garage would be approximately 10 feet from the west property line and approximately 29 feet from the south edge of pavement. No trees or shrubs will be removed to accommodats ths addition. The proposed additional to include two new Colorado The degree to whlch rellet from the strlct and llteral Interpretatlon and enforcement of a speclfled regulatlon ls necessary to achleve compatlblllty and unlformlty of treatment among slte3 In the vlclnlty or to attaln the oblectlves of thls tltle wlthout grant of speclal prlvllege. The statf recognizes that the siting of the existing building does constitute a physical hardship. Because of the existing location of the house in the upper center of the lot, the applicant would require a setback variance for any garage hat is located on the front (north) side of he property. The only way to avoid a variance would be to construct a long driveuray to access a garage on the southwest comer of the site. This approach is unreasonable and would have negative impacts on the neighbors on Lot 8. The applicant has adjusled the location and size of the proposed garage to minimize the encroachment necessary into the front setback. 2. 3. The eftect of the requested varlanc€ on llght and alr, dlstrlbutlon of populatlon, transponailon and traftlc facllltles, publlc lacllltles and utllltles, and publlc aafety. The staff finds that the requesled variance will have a positive effec-t upon public safety, transportation and traffic tacilities by providing enclosed parking that is out ol the public right-of-way. The proposal will have no signilicant effect upon any of the other above issues. B. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the follontino findinqs before orantinq a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classilied in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, satsty or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for ona or more of the following re€rsons: a. The stric{ literal interpretiation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site ol the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of he specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same dislrict. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Based on the criteria discussed above, the staff recommends approval of the request for a S-foot front and a S-foot side setback varian@, with the condition that approximately one (1) foot on boh the front and side setback encroachments be for the proposed stone face treatment. A second condition is that the portion of the existing asphalt parking 'pad" east of the proposed driveway should be eliminated and landscaped (please see attiached Site Plan). The variance is not a grant of special privilege and doss not impact adjacent properties in a negative manner. We find that thers are extraordinary circumstances or conditions that affect this site that do not generally apply to other properties in the same district. The staff feels that the addition of enclosed parking will improve the general -3- appearanos of th€ neigfiborhood. With the garags addition, there will be a maximum of &5 parking spaoes provlded on-site, depending on whether or not the entire asphalt parklng pad remains. Stafl flncb that the garage and entry/kitchen addition have been located so that he encroachmsnt to fie side and front setback have been minlmized, with a slight Increase in the degree of he variance requested due in part to tho exterior stons treatrnent on botr the north and west facades. c:Feclmmor\taffukL -4- 1. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that he Planning and EnvironmentalCommission of he Town of Vail will hold a pubtic hearing ln accordance with Seclion 18.66.060 ol the Municipal Gode of the Town of Vail on August 10, 1992, at 2:00 p,m. In the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: A request for a work sesslon lor a PEC delermlnation of the parking requirement lor the.proposed Booth Falls Par 3 Golfcourse, located on Tract A, Vail Village 13th Filing. AFplicant Vail Recreaton DistrictPlanner: Mike Mollica A request for a work sesslon lor a conditional use permlt for an addition to the Municipal Building lo house the Vail Police Department, located at 75 South Frontage Road West (at the east end ol the existing Munlcipal Building), and as legally descdbed below: A part of the Southeasl114 ol Section 6, Townshlp 5 South, Range 80 West of the Sixth Pdncipal Meridian, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast comer of said Section 6, thence Norh 00 degrees 28 minutes 16 seconds West and along the East line of said Southeast 1/4 of said Section 6 72.75 he East line of said Southeast 1/4 ol said Section 6 72.75 feel to a point, said point being 1 1 0.00 feet northeasterly from the southerly right-of-way line of U.S. Highway No. 6 as measured at right angles thereto; thence North 79 degrees 46 minutes 11 seconds West and along a line parallel to sakJ southerly dght-of-way line 145.50 feet to The True Point of Beginning; thence North 16 degrees 08 minutes 47 seconds East 78.00 feet;thence Nodh 68 degrees 08 minutes 35 seconds West 428.70 feet; hence North 66 degrees 01 minutes 29 seconds West 152.57 feet; thencs South 27 degrees 42 minutes 40 seconds West 192.66 feet; thence South 52 degrees 48 minutes 50 seconds East 36.32 feet to a point, said point being 110.00 feet northeast from said South right-oFway line of U.S. Highway No. 6 as measured at righi angles thereto; thence South 79 degrees 46 minutes 11 seconds East and along a line parallel to said South right of way line 585.56 feet to The True Point of Beginning. Except that portion conveyed to he Board of Gounty Commissioners of Eagle County, and the Department of Highways, State of Colorado by rule and order recorded January 5, 1971 In Book 219 at Page 441. Applicant: Town ol VailPlanner: Mike Mollica A request for front and side setback variances In order to construct an addition at 898 Bed Sandstone Circle/Lot 7, Block 3, Vail Village 9th Filing. Applicant: Paul and Janet TestwuidePlanner: Tim Devlin w{7^ "{AW 3.t 4.A request for a condi$onal uss permlt b allorv an addition, bmporary hallers, and a satellite dish to he Vall Valley Medical Cenbr and a request for a varlance lrom fire standards ol Section 18.58.320 to allow two sabllite dishes for the VVMC, located at 181 West Meadow Ddvefl,ob E & F, Vall Vlllage 2nd Flling. Applicant Vall Valley MedicalC€nter, represented by Dan FeeneyPlannen Shelly ilello A request for an amsndment to an approved development plan to allow the shlltlng of the bullding envelopes at The Valley, Phaso lV/1700 Block of Buffehr Creek Road. Applicant Ed Znelmer Planner: Andy Knudben A rcquest for a malor amendment b SDD #.{ Cascade Mllage lo arnend the development dan lor the Waterford parcal localed d,1275 Westraven Drlve and as legally described as: That pad of the SW 1/4 NE 1/4, Sedlon 12, Townshlp 5 South, Range 81 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, Town of Vall, Eagle Gounty, Colorado, tlescribEd as follows: Beginning at a point on the southerly dghtof-way line ot lnterstate Hlghway No.70 whence an iron pln with a plastic cap marking he cenbr of said Sectlon 12 bearc S 33"10'19' W 1447.03 feet; thence along sald southly rlghtof-way line two oources 1) N 52'50'29' E 229.66 feet 2) N 74"38'17'E 160.70 teet; thencs deparling sald souherly dghtof-way llne N 88"4557'E 138.93 bst; thenca S 40o45'14'W 94.32 feet; hencs S 18o l8'36'W t0.08 feet; thence S 01o21'36'W 205.02 feet;thenco S 12"0736'W 11025 bet; thsnce S 2828'36'W 1O4.48 bet; thence N 40 o17'04'W 211.16feet; thence N 49o42'56'E 97.80leet; thence N 37o09'31'W 95.59 feet; thence S 52"50'29'W 55.10 feet; hencs 69.48 feet along the arc of a non-tangent curve to the left havlng a radlus of 65.00 fset, a contral angle of 61o14'42'and a chord that bears N 58" 5553'W 66.22 feet; thsncs N 37q0931'W 118.50 feet To The TruE Point of Beglnning, County of Eagle, State of Colorado. Applicant: MECM Entepfises represented by Eustaqulo CodlnaPlanner: Shelly Mello nppeal of stafl Interpretation of Sec{ion 18.58.300 - Seback hom watercourse ol he Town of Vail Munlcipal Code. Appellant Bob Kandell Planner: A request for a variance to Secdon 18.58.320 to allow tor satellite dish antsnna; to be located at The Wren and Apollo Park Condominiums. Trac{ D, Vail Village Sth Filingl442 and 500 Frontage Road East. Applicant: Wren and Apollo Condominium AssociationsPlanner: Tim Devlin 7. 8. 9. A request to modify the lanGcaping plan associated with fie previously approved extedor alteration proposal for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreeUPart of Lob B and C, Lot 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Rod and Beth SliferPlanner: Tim Davlln The applications and Information about the proposals are availabte for public revlew In the Community Development Departmsnt otfice. Town of Vail Gommunity Development Department Published in the Vail Trail on July 24, 1992. Wren S Frontage Vail,\CO 81657 Vail c/o East Realty Tex 400 Vail 433 E Drive Vail, VailT clo Realty 43i] E Creek Drive 658Vail, CO T 400 E P.O. Vail, co 81657 Vail VailValley Vail, CO 81657 Paul Assoc Lane 20814 Scorpio 4919 Blanche C Hill 311 Bffige Street Vail, CO 81657 Sidchai Chanchaikulvet P.O Box 1371 Vail, CO 81658 Thomas Place PGA Tour-Sawgrass Pontre Verda, FL 32082 Carolyn Maryland 893 Red Sandstone Circle Vall, CO 81657 Michael & Debra Dawson c/o lvtJ & Ruth Heling 819 Red Sandstone Circle Vail, CO 81657 PzulCorcoran 819 Red Sandstone Circle Vail, CO 81657 Karl& Kristie Hochtl 890 Red SanGtone Circle Vail, CO 81657 Linda Hutson & Robert Cummings 38 East Elm Chicago, ll 60611 Erich Windisch 896 Red Sandstone Circle Vail, CO 81657 Delvin Zopf 13772 Denver West Parkway Suite 100 Golden, CO 80401 Departmentof 1 East Arkansas ,co 80222 Standard) (Holklay Inn) Go DAB Property P.O. Box ElPaso, Vail 108 S Vail, Vail 181 Vail 7453 79917 Bank Road West Genter Drive, #200co 81 Vail I E Broad ,NY 1 PaulMyers Scorpio Condo Assoc. 4919 Hampden Lane Bethesda, MD 20814 o E0 AUo 71992 AtLgu-sL 7, 1992 Tun DevI-Ltt PIn nni:r.g and. Ervv L+orune-n*a2 C omni;aLon Town oS UilL 75 Sou.th, Fnonln-ge- Roa.d. Uo)2, Colom.-d"o 81657 Dea,n Mr. Dc-vL)*t, It)e uouAd 2)Ja.e Lo e-LpLeA^ otttt ttuppoa* loz *)te- vdr)atlce- tLeq&eAL bg Jd.tlet u1A PortL Tet*tttu)ie. The te.L bae-b zzgu.i-z-etnen*-l , tLe)r*)Lel)onA anl mottg eodea wule- e&*ebl)-sbQn aiLcn ou* lvomeA wcsve bwLQ*. Ttve outuerl ol o.n ol-de'a. home i--s olLen harnpe>ted bg Lod.ay'L ullea qlva6 la$-ttg Lo mod.ennize and" upg+ade lvi.t dwc-e-Urstg . OrtA-aa4&L//' g4;/Z' Ch,il-stic- eLd" Kur2. HoeA*2 890 Red Sud.aLotLe- CLze-Q.c- Va)L, CO 81657 47 6-1 | 25 Appl icatiorlOe PEC MEETING DATE APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE procedure is required fornot be accepted until all ,.i_\ NAME OF APPLICANT Ii,,X---l ADDRESS any project requesting a variance. The applicationinformation is submitted. I This wil I VAlc sl PHonE {c" idq B.KA,NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESS *( PHINE b?:l-524 c.NAME OF s ADDRESS (\ Ot^lNER(S) (type or print) \-!--^ D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS freroE. FEE dr€o THE FEE MUST BE YOUR PROPOSAL. F, A list of the names of owners of all property TNCLUDTNG pRopERTy PEHITD AND ACR0SS brnbers,THE APPLICANT t,lILL SE NrtPOI.iIrgiL'-FON CORRECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT_L BLOC K 3- FTLTNG p^rp '?,+)' cx t_11@._ FRa,4 .\ +&u-rfu. l ltr(% PAID BEFORE THI COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT l,lILL ACCEPF2 adjacent to the subject property and their mailing addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. A PRE-APPLICATION,9gryIETEryCE !|lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 ')DETERMINE IF ANY ADDITIONAL ir,rFonr.rniror,r rt niroeo. -nolpprrcnu0N tntlLL BEACCEPTED UNLESS IT-IS.COMPLCiE -(N.jSi ir'rirUOi iiil-iiiNi-N'EbUINEO BY THE ZONINGI9IIN$I4I9!1. II-.1! lHg npFriCnrli'!_nespoNsrarliiv-ro-nqKE AN AppoTNTMENTWITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT NgOUi-AiJDrirONNr-SUEMiiiNi NEqiJINEMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A vevn-tuqlic';,0u,f;ffi,fii:hli0ii'i{ibh,iif5il'Jl'olHfoiii-?ilti i[P'Fii^[?ft,AND ENVIRoNMENTAL 99Ml1I:119ry r,r,qV-siipurnri. -Aii-dor'roiribirs 0F AppRovAL MUsr BEcoMpLrED tlrTH BEFoRE n s0iLDrNd' pERt,tii-Ii-issliEF."""".'.y,' Ittr. Ve are asking toe a7 Fmt side and a 3 Foot front setback Varience in mder to construct a garage on an eristing single family home constructed in approrimatelyl9T{. L The addition vill not block any maior or primary vievs from any adiacent homes. The addition vill allov the owners to keep their cars enclosed and off the street. Around the nev addition the owners vill provide landscaping to blend the new building with the site. 2. The eristing home is set tvards the trorth side of the lot vith the limitations of depth and site grading. Without maior modifications to the existing site or home, the depth requested is neessary to accomodate cafs. 3. All parting vill be kept off the existing roadvay. the Barage vill not bring any additional occupants into the home, it will only mver eristing on grade parting. LIST OF MATERIATS NAME oF pRoJEcr, -f6":o LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT 1 BLOCK SUBDIVISION STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PRO.JECT: The following information is Revi-ew Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WaIl Materials Fascia So ffit s Windows Window Trirn Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: Botanical Name required approval TYPE OF for submittal can be given: MATERIAL to the Design COLOR PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Common Name Ouantitv Size* o c"uoani^ lW "- e' BXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED ""*, *f"r, PROPOSED SHRUBS tt -4 EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate si ze 5 qal Ion . GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Mininum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe 4 1*(ae- Qn^neo Dor\ c"^(*n{a, TYPE oR METIIoD or \------.- EROSION CONTROL LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the nunber of fixtures and locations on a separatelighting plan. Identlfy each fixture fron the lighting ptanon the list beloer and provlde the wattage, height abovegrade and type of llght proposed, OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal1s, fences, swimrningpooLs' etc.) Please speci.fy. Indicat.e heights of retainingwalls. Maxirnum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximun height of walls eLserdhere on the propertyis 6 feet. affe qr*,.,- zl tu(( D. DATE : LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS: QWNER ARCHITECT ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS 1Lot I at. ZONE DISTRICT T12 PROPOSED USE Y ' **Lor srzE .2-16 hr*e PHoNE W4:a245 Al-lowed Existins Proposed (30) (33) ?o' 'r\t ,ro*t 41b-37a4 Tot a1 Height TOTAI GRFA Prlmary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks U-\5 + 425 =-fub- ____T_425_ E ront Sides Rear Water Course Setback qiia c^r'6Fr^6 !qrru>L<1Prr'9 Retaining wa 11 Heights nA rarra a ra.l i r' Drive: Vlew Corridor Encroachment : Environmental /Hazards : t-1s./ r-l49+ I (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope rgL Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: No- ??? Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfall.c) Debris Flow4) wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the al"lowed 250 Addition is used with this resuest? **Note: Under Sectj.ons 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipalcode, Iots zoned Two Farnify and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15,000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwel]ing unit, The Community Development Department nay grant an exception to this ,restrj.ction prorr.ided the appLicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including perrnanenlly restricting the unit as a long-tern rental uniE for full- time ernployees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 20, 15'1t' (30) (50) z(>o/ o a, ta, ? Reqrd I4 L+ _;'i" Yes 1) 2',, ?r Flood Plain Percen! Slope 10 l : TOWN OF VAIL_ DEPART|\{ENT OF COMMINITY DEVELOP}IENT SALES ACTION FORM il:rn .!ll! 1 31992 DATE " 7- I ZCNE\O AIID ADDRESJ MAi'S0l 0000 4t540 T'NIFO&\{ B I'ILDING CODE0l cs00 42415 0l 0000{2415 UMFOR.V PLUMBING CODE 0r 0000 42415 UNIFORT{ FIRE CODE0t 000042415 NATIONAI ELECTRICAL CODE0l 0000 42415 OTHER CODEBOOKS0r co00 42415 0l 0000 41543 XER,OX COPIES / STUDIES0l 000042412 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE.NSPECNONS 0l 000041332 PLA}I REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE [S4O PER HR. OFF HOURS INSPECT]ON FEES0r 0000 42322 CONTRACTOR S UCE\S ES FEES0l 000011412 SIGN APPLICATION FEE 0l 000041330 0t 0000 41413 ADDmONAL SIGNAGE FEE [S1.00 PER SQ.Fr'0t 0000 414 t 3 VTC ART PROJECTDONANON0t 00cQ 42440 PRE PAJD DESIoN REVIEWBOARD FEE0t 0c004r33r I 0000 4toro rax 0l 0000 4r:130 o o ii!"itiitift ii**iiyiii:;;;gffi t'!15:ggr;.orevlrton r.v, ffi .{ - 7-u..rg P-E'2AUG-27-92 THU 1E !2E Aq.g I q. r.r d ArEtr i tGet SUEDTVISION JOB NlilE ' tfrf Detq 1. *_ PIeaSe btlnq ii8;'l:x5,'fxii ft ehorrrd d agnplleaqcd, a$ tttacheitpltrgs kecDcg tbr NOTE T 2, 3. Thlg- foro fu to verllv -A,..,t _^llilll?I: ^rnii. irriiii ;:-,:::: Bvurabrlicv Encl T::::i:'.r. e uErllEy or ai'.."i"1^rll.cotlJunct lon rrlEhtnstrllltionr. '--r r-.rt g$e scaGdutrlng ;i;.Tl"lil"l"::i$i:i3l liififi,;"ll!.llf llf ,". {. $$*9,*-gl*'ryggti,ffiTil;; ln ,,ot_1 - MDRE8S i=i;qlnligl,'nunscrt lon! roE-OEEo or grtg_{5io t"Slliiii"rce corFany Gery Hq11 ttlirlltii El.outc Asrss. Ted gusty,/Ulchtel Laverty Srrv€ fiiltt *i;i$i;;r,xi'iiro$i!8'_ Fred Hagtoe :h/r* &b* E i, L ry^fr_ If thc IF lir'tertcr 16'ii'ein $[rd thEL .'ttrt.;ft, td.v. atl.' ;!!flg,iodi ldenriftcd g.fhescof hls cutcf Fublro do rtgttY toparmlt lroin'inorFa lnd go. rhea 8l!€ AIJG-2V_92 THU tA=zct Aqg l q.r.1 cl Ar(:ti iseeto r.IE! Of HAIlfttAIrtt P- e'5 trN't8 gF FROJECf t_lilH?4rqEt IEGI}Ir DESCnIFTTOIr tdt 8TNA8B 'IDDRE65| $lir ;i'lilll"li *f lii1l".#S1;i"#'W A. tull,Dltrc ltJiBERtller f,oot Etdlng Otlrr ttdl l|ltgrlats lnrolr' lottltr Iflnilotfr Slndov Trh DOOr! Door Trh l|lld or Dcst hallr tlnea ftr orhlnEr chllnclr Enrl Enclprunr CrginbouBsa Othrr D. IA$T,SqAFINSI ITIE O' }il\TEKIAI, |ltt[e 6- a-4 r-..- COIPR ;hx*ctt . rupr(l4r*, ,{*. *|n.ww l{A{re{, NaDr et Dcelgner r Fhoncr |-4w vlcp cur NYq+t Extctrilo thEEF rOsE nEl|ov8D T. A. ll"""rcrrrox - rorf' o, vrrl, "ffi'"o e/4/eL , DArE AppLrcArroN REcErvED, 1-1p-12 DATE oF DRB lrEErrNG: ...tjTEZ. -**** *** lt * EEIS TPPLIEIEIOI rrI',,L ItO! BE ICCTPTSDItftII/, IIiIr RIQUIATD rlrtttorut]rlo lg SlrBt(IrraD PROJEC? INFORMAT ION T D( aaaition ($50.00) €ot*a *pefito<g ::> C. ADDRESS: attach tq this aBAication. ZONING : LOT AREA: If reguired,applicant must provide a currentstamped survey showing Address: Phone I. NAME OF rsrcmntRE(sr: vail,ing ) Phone B. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Conatruction ($200.00) Minor ALteration (S20.00) D.LEGAI DESCRTPTION: LoE.. 1 e:-pck ? Subdlvision If property is described by a neets and bounds 1egaldescriptlonr.pLease provid6 on a separate sheet and H. .r. K. NAI{E OFMaillng APPLICANT: Address l Phone NAME OF Ma iJ. ing APPLICANT'A\+.^no @].rIU-y .\ CondornlnLurn Approval if appLicable. PIB 9PE, DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe titne of submittal of DRB application. Llter, whenapplying for a buil-dlng perrnitr- please j.dentify tiru ---' accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vaitwill adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. FEF q't,.=.irir = ".E." P^lD I s ?o FEEs 20.00s s0.00 sl00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 ,o'ffiw, VATUATIONs 0-9 10,000s10,001 -$ 50,000950,001 -$ 150,000 5150,001 - g 5oo,obo 9500,001 - $1r 000r 000I 0ver $1,000,000 r DESIGN REXTIEIT BCNRD .IPPRO\XIL I'IPIRES OUE YEIR TrIER rINA!l:llg?L ONT.EFS A Bnu.Drlrc pERMrr rs rssuED rND CONSTRUCTToN rsSIARTED . **NO .IPPLICATIOT NrtN BE PNOCESSED NTTSOUT OTNTER'S SIG}IATT'RE 1 Conceptual Review (S0) aoo SUBDIVISION JOB NAME 4LOT ' ADDRESS U. S. WesE Cornmuni cat ionsr-800-922-L987 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5?81 Gary Ha 11 Authorized Siqnature Date r(rt 2s tv. The Location and availabillt.y of utillties, i{bethe! they be main:;:'l.i i::i.;'"iiiff i:3 lil"ii"^l!8.ff ;lifii.i"c,iJ'iri"i"uv" -tlzn/r^ HoIy Cross E.l-ect'ri c949-5892 Ted Husky/Mj.chaet As soc . Her j-tage Cablevision T.V. 94 9-5s3 0Steve Hiat t Upper EagLe VaIley Waterd Sanitation DistricE. 47 6-1 480 Ered Has lee NOTE : l. . 2. * Please bringobtaining Upperflow needs must r$ See-q{qdrreA- trqp $os t^ydelr. duAt Ser^rern \oc-+{rct"r'S. Lavelry il "( 7-z.-p2_ 7.2+-ee j This form is to verify service availability andlocatj.on. This should be used i" "onlun"iion wichgrena5ing. a uriliry pl.an and scheduliiglnsE.altatrons. For any new constluction proposal, tbe applicantmus! provide a completed utility verificitron!orm. If a utility company has concerns with theproposed construction, the utilit,y lepresentativeshould. note_ directly on rhe utiliiy viriiicari.ontoln that there is a problem lrhich- needs to beresoJ.ved. If the lssue is relat,ively cornfti""t"o,it should be speLJ.ed out. in detalt iir an ittacneareEEer to the Town of VaiI. HoyJever, please keepin mind rhat ir 1s rhe .esponJtuiliii 6i-ir,.utility cornpany and owner Lo resciive- j.dentifiedproblens . If the utility verlfication forn has sisnaruresfron each of the ut.ility companies, ana-nocomments are made directly on the forn, the TownwiII presume that t.here are no problems and thatthe developnent, can proceed. These veriflcations do not !elieve the e.ontracLorof his responsibillty to obt,ain a streei cutpelmit from the Town of ValL, Department of pubLj.cq?:I: ?rq to obtain.utilitv iocations beforeolqsj.ns in any public right-of-wat or easement inthe Town of, ValL. A buildlna per;tit is not aslreet gut p9{mlt. ffir ueoDla:.ned separateJ.y, a sl.te plan, floor pipn, ana efevations whenEagle.Valley Waier E Sanitation signatures. Fj.rebe addressed. : Go$ $ob\ic s.Xrn\'1S' ld4\S O$ gqser'it-t.tt LJrl\ sQ-lu\va- a- t' fn g,.66rqaflutcr* ^4rrr ce'-re.{ " *-.-^. -.lr^e-" - *{.- o*d sqvr.{<{rc.e- 5..\ro'..l. 5. 4'F$9:P'\6 ,-,t zl ar., a$|ndh Lr2\ st',' ?d(Eil{ I ", Q'' &) wn ild l@rrra't \ \ ,A r- \o "/-"'' \ '-Y'=-'-l '. \\ o\u\"t-foffi /' -7 "@ r-ol =rdt! z ib' ;i-ia,iii E:iEl;iE; i:p;;E E *; E'e+ g*E:,s il;;E;ftrr i;i;a-Eft: i:!;?ilis; 3gI?!iti:r Y 73+ lr, u., O@ rr.f3 zz c\t';(.J = zO (o lt) z e \ ..\\ \\ o.i !_) m ul z :f) tco i= i>tz b{ I + ,r-i+ \'."a\p \1"" G\ \1;tHi, \'o,v\ z (, o '/oa\ \"2 >(9 \-r''ro d^l loIO It--r*dto 7 J J- J6 I FJz N 6 z z zob-(no rt) o) c.l a(t z z c.. c. o .oNN() ii.jor- oco lz 4a .-rl *N ?H '.a @ ro F- f,Ad"8-.rt.g9 ot-, o = /,-- /* F'.r lglro st\ )\/ _a/ r'l t c (o -l|r) (\,1 rli . <$ L.,-t) i" 'v .t €il< r 0..*rnzI tXr+" dro.e-,szt OVOU ]NOISCNVS C]U dc\"a- Ls zzz y't 200'90 dc^,8-.08t209'z@ dJA"8-.96t * * t * t * * * * TOtrtH oF lrFltl- I'titcel lfftcous Cstl rlt*!1-9?10r33r46 F:{,tr*iF,t * 18891? Flc,::i'ut-rt * EH * 1972 FRI.IL F. TESTITIUIBE\PEE PD lln,:'un I tendered ] Irem Paid E1BEB6413f,1BBEI r-h.lnge r*turned ) trRB FEE 5E.AS hornt prid $8.66 E. OB THJIFI}< l/{}IJ tour cashier JENHIFER B. D, 46Errr1rllJf,.,!! 'rr PROPERTY 1YPE: ' UNP.b. SAt,,PRIOR P'DL, ORtlA. STAT. CODE: fr:i:._r'r; l'iILf Ii rltl5iiiH':T ir-ri,lF.Hl'tY_w 90, 000,00 F. TITLE o, slMUL. H, PRIOR wrrrrtaen; USA POLICY NUMBERT Z 3F-er'b 5M io POLICY NUMBER: ,450.00 REMARKS: Coda Grosr Prcm. sprciApR/eg C€DE/S: _ _!l------.ls _____._ -{r--< Cgdr lGrort Prom, Codc lGro:r Prem. lr.ln Codo lGrocc Plem. Code lGrogr Prom, Datc of Poticy: t''tarch | 9, 1 9E7 8t | 0: 19 A' M' Amounr of Insurance T 80r000'00 L Name of lnrurcd: BANKERS MORTGAGE CORPORAT ION and/or Asslgns cF No. 500521-M The estat€ or Int€resl In the land deBqrtbBd In thts $chedulc leeseholrl, ilc,) Fee 3, The ostal€ 0r lntetest r€f€rrsd to h6r6in ls it pet6 of Fblt0y vestcd In: PAUL A. TESTWUtOE and JANET t,t. TESTUUTDE fn Jolnt tenancy 4, The mottgagQ, hrrsln referred to !s tho inrured mortgago, end ths esglgnmonts tharcof, lt sny, lro dsscrlbed ar.follows: Desd of Trust frcrn Paul A, Testwuldo ehd Janet lil. Testrt'ulde to fh€ Publ lc Trustee ot Eagle County for the use of BANKERS. M0RTGA0E 00RP0RATl0N, to sscure $80r000.00, dated t'4arch 10, 1987, and recorded March 19, 1997, tn Book 159 at page F02i Tha land lot€rrsd to In thig policy ir d0rcribed a8 followsi LE6AL DESCRIFTION SET FORTH ON SHEET ATTAO{ED AND BY THIS REFERENCE INOORPORATED HEREIN ANO A PART HEREOF l ignd whlch is €noumbersd by th€ hsurgd mortglge ler (a fee,I HERETO MADE , ttrh USA lrrrur6n.r CorDgr.tlonll Sot Mrtn 8t.. or .t. Tlrr t6A0, Amir*.n L,n, 'nrr. Lrocl.t|on LD Porl.r - l0?0 - tnw, lOl7.?g rnd 3.30 Ba) Ad!.tjte A ?orn ?OOA Gan loMtt8|,| AttachodlojuL 14 ,9a dd:.t;'tttr_E 6. AEgtEnCl' I!. lrno rrloffrt tc ln tnlt pel 8ggrty ot EAlt ' srt ls *-rr ot l.rommmle t N0. 8 - ceat}land P.3 Ftcl fcy lF. l0tgltl. Ordrr lhr l00t l-*fortlBtil.t Lst ?'' TAil, r|ftaEf ilnn{ F|t$E. b rltn$m fa thr St*i* ot 0olrrtstrc ld lcrr .':i r.i;.1:",'. i.{j i'i;li.}ir:i::'. lrFc. tl$gr lsrtla{ pEircv r',o. $ ?11?5?oriei tlo, 500521-M This Policy degs not inEure sgalnst loss or damage by reason ot the followingi 1. Taxes for the year 1987, no+ yet due or payuble' 2. Rlgh.l of the Proprletor of a veln or Lods to extract and rGmove hls ore therefrom, shoull the seme be found fo penetrate or InferseCt fhe,premlses hereby gronted, as reservsd in [niiea Sietes Patent recorded May 24, 1904, ln Book 48 at Pago 505. 3. Rlght of tay for dltches or cansls constructed by the outhor.l.ty of the Unlted Statis, a$ reserved tn UntteO Statee Puteirf recorded May 24, 1904, In Book 48 at Page 505' 4. Utllity easenent as shorin on th€ Plat of satd subdlvlslon, sold ea$nsnt U"inS !O.OO-i""t afong ttre Southeatt6rly lot llnE of subJect Properfy' 5. Re$trlctlonsl whlch do not contefn a forfelture or revertEr clsuse, but omlttlng resitlctlonsr lf any, basEd on raoe,. color,-re1 lglon.or-natlonal orlglnl-as contalned ln tnsti'lmeni r€corded ianuory 9' 1970, In Book ?15 at r Page 762. ECI{EDULE B - PART tl ' tn addiilon to lhs matr€rs sot lorlh In part I of this Schedule, the title to th€ sstate ot Iniere$t in lh6 lend deEcrlbed or referred to in Sch6dul€ A is gubject to the lollowing maligrp, i{ any be ghown, but the Campany insures that such mEtlers afe subordlnat€ to the li€n or charge of lhe insured mortgage upon eaid €8tate or IntBre6t: Beverty M. Prawltt , Tirk Ull ln]'rrlnca Oo&ofatio ,'l301 l{dn ir,, fhID, Tafaa t6202 Am.?lc.( L.nd Tirb ArEciniio. Lo.r Policv - tg?o - tnr{. 1O.l?-?O r.d !'fGgal - lzhrart! n Fdft 2.|x,5 Oan 50Ml6lt,l - J t-lL i..l :li rj,:,.-, llr-L -.. Fitr:.,-,tr!i L.L,r'ti-rrr i': i] .*ltAl-tl l JUL 14 ,'f: Lr_l: =.=t Tl ILf P.5 Endorsement At ch.d to rnd formi.rg I pe n o{ Pollcy_ ._.H,_ l',1 _?3.,358L- ----lFder N0.30-[Sfl-- Irru3d by USLIFE TITLE INSURANCE COMFANY OI O.III3 Thr comDrny horeby inrurrs sgrlnrl lst$ whlch raid InBurbd lhrll rutlsin bY trrron ot Fny ol thc lollowifio mlll€rt: 1 , Any Incof rgclnsss.in lha lrrurrnca $/hioh tha Compeny hrnby giveo: (r) Thrt therg lr! no covrnr s, canditioar, or reetricrion: sndrr which tfu lilD ol thc mon9099 ol dcod Li riuli'ritrrrra ro tn Schedult A crn bc cul off. rubordlnrttd, or oth.twlse impsirodi (b) Thrt, exggpl Fs thown In schgdule a, lhnr! !r! no pr.stnt viqtttiofi& on ||ld ltnd of tfiy cntgtcaoblc covcnrntt, conditions, 0r reBtrlcii0nr; (ol Th6r. ercept ri $hown in Sghsdula 6, ihoro ere no cncroBChdcnts Ol buildingl., rlfuelufBl, ot itnpfov'mcnle |ocFlgdon|!idlrnd,ontosdioini^glandr,norlnytncrogohm|fiiaonto:sid|!ndo|bg||dingg,3lfuc|ui93. or Improvanlsnl$ locBlod on rdigining hrdt, 2. Any tutult vlolFtiont on Egid lrnd of gnY covanlnl$, oorditionr' or fcatricliont ocoutriog priol to lcquirition ot rilte ro 6iid cirrre o, intu,r.r"ii iiu iniutJa, piivi6rO luch.vloltlionl t.rult In lo30 or imprlrmsnt ol th. llcn of the meng.o. or ocoo ot'vusi rltorrco to in sch.dvls A or rffuir In lo$ ol th. tillr to trid .ltrtc or intcrctl ll rhe Insured nnrrr rcqiite ructt tiitr tn |lrlrlsction of the indehld 't! tocurcd by such mgrlgsgc of ds€d gf trufr. 3, Dsmsge to €xiEting lmprovsm€nt, which rre lgcFlrd ol 0ncropch upon thrt. potfion ol lh' tend sublrct io.nt iriarinr rtrsw-n in'sctrrduir B, whioh demrgc te{ult3 {fom lhe exgrcito of th! right ia utt or mrinlsin ruoh ea8omenl for lho purpotai lg. which thl trme wFs grlnltd 0r f€g€lvc6' 4. Any final courlordrr oriuCgment rtqulrin! romovEltromlny bnd ldiolning ttid lcrtd of rny oncrorchmcnl shown in SahEduls B. wh€n8vgr in thir rndorsomgnl 6dy or !ll ol rh€ wotdt "Govanantr, condilions ol t$ttiotion6" !pp00t' lhsy lhsll nol bB d6€mtd lo falsl tg c, lncludl thr lerlrr. covtnsntl snd condltionr canlsin'd in rRy l€€60 rclrt?gd ro In Schcdule A. Thr 16trl li{biliry of rhr compsny under srid policy snd rny .ndorrem6nt6 rhatoin Ehsll nol rrcred' in lh' "se..!;i., ii. r:,." F."o,.,A, ^f ;i'; n;i;^;;;i;;iir which iho Compeny i3 oblieoted und.l the condiliont rnd stipularionr thcrool tg pBy. ThiB endorssrnr^t is mlce ! pEr( ol rrld polioy !E Of thc detg lhfiGof rnd ir 0ubjact to the rgh.dular, condiriont nnd Etlpslsligns thclaln, sxsePl Be fnodlllcd by the provltlons hereol' Nqlhing h.rsin conlsined Fhrll bc conrtreec le lxtending of chsnging th3 altoctive der6 ol thc r{oieleid palicy or Egrnmitfiinl. unlo$3 othelwisa rxptaSsly slgtod. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, lhB Comprny hae oauscd lh;r Endors'rn'ht ro b€ tigncd lnd l€slsd !t ot lhr 4rh dsy of May t g 87, to bc velid tyhtn oountersign.d bY sn sulhotirrd ollic'er or 89dnl of thc Compeny, Ell in ttc$rd9nce with ilr By'Law6 IJSLIFE TITLE INSURANCE Compeny ol oeilos /*f,/"-.2 hrr.t.nt E Cht,t tr.cltrc Olt,ta,d-;d6-1 ;l;;;;i;.;ffi vi"'iiiii'iii;.-ii,ii;,i:;;'i';;':;|"; ltttttd lt CovnlaBitatCi Larki ns f(rfinly bAll $ lllLE ANn GUAAANT r" COMFAI3Y COL Olalrl tnPP l0C 2ol.|etttl JUL 1JI ,3E ULi: Jt TI ILf LHEtTiiH.T |UTIFFhY - lStlFE TITLE INSURANCE cmrparrvof Dallas USLIFE TITLE INSURANCE Company of Dallae fi'ar/,*tz Thc Conrpany hereby iurur* thc in-aur-ed rgaiurt lorc which the ineuroil rhrll aurtlin bY remon of phyricsl. but not sertletiot drma'c lo irlprovernert: exirriug ou rhe lanil'at n"r" if'Foii"y;t;;;i*ti;d thereon tLeresfter, rlrrihiag froqr thc excrciae Lii.i['ii,r"'ir," n"r" "l iloii"i:"i;;;;t;i;-";;-d;;;i;'"" liit i i*a''-det rhc mtureral inruclt reterred to ln Excep i;i\t;:?"',if#r,li'i" s"i'ltrilli,L'.'Tiitit,,'i, i*i'"t, ho'"'cter, ro &e following lerms aud conditionrr l. The ineurcil cSall notify rhc Corrpany pronptly |lr r+riting in caee knowlcdgc rhall come to an ingured hercundcr of rny rctual or thrcEtened exerciee of lhe minerel rlgh$, 2. The Conrpaoy rhsll hrvc thc right, et itr c-ort, to trke rny-action which in iu opinisn mrJ'be se'cegotn' or dcrirable ln ord* for rlrd company to arotd or'pioirnizc th.;;Ji;ii?urTtiiii';e;;'il;ir;'"d;;;;! in.t"aiog' lut aot lirnlteil tor ahy or rll of tlre lollowiug r (a) Ia the Company,r orrn righ-t, o1 tn rhc n-rme of tho inruredl or of tho borrower uniler the indebtednclr recureil by rhe iseured *"il;;;'f;'ii'il eor;fiiliil"o-Jn-i r-o-ii-'tii"r", p.*.*I" and putruc ro Enal datetrninrtiou Bny Pro' ;;dff. ;ilil';i tT iltrt;;ili;; ii'-l'Iiiltp"t. "a*i'iirirati"o, or r6suhtory tnb'nrl or boardi (b) in rhe Company,r own righ! or ln the ngme of_tbc inrured or.of the borrcwer urrder the iodebtcdne$ aecured by nre rnrurlco ,r"t io;;'f"r'itJ;il;i;'ilr;1r, ig ;;p"t the girinx of recuritv' bond or Y-dtYST H*-:. Dcrson or o"r."o.'iio* "h;;t;]-fii"a o:ii""it roii-or.i'et t.- cdiirled bv hrr to rueh -gecuritY. bond or rmdcr'' iakinq. and in rhe srnrc rmount oF Emo*ri L ":iiiit-ti. in.rrred or ,u.Flo"'ro*"t *ouia l"n" bich m entitled hsil thir c'ntlorse*"nt bot be$r iseuedi anil (c) to rctain or be priil out ol eny ruch mcuriry, bond or unilcrteking' or oul of ruy cosrpe-B.rtior ot funilr recoveteil'-' i):ii;Uil;$il bl;i;'i;r;;;;btT#;;;;;;;*d;' thl ind"btudn"gi secuicil bv the in-rurcil.T-ol!_"s: ruch amounr ,r'".iir"r'"iiiiriiJ- -th; E#p;yloiell prpteutr-mqde to the inrured by rhe C-ornnotv bv reasop or the inrursnce afiordlcd by thie "nao.r.rlilt.';g;ii,';;';'t.h .rf *ii,'i#i*p*r.' ii.utttd lf thi Cbmproy tn connection there*{th, including atlorncy'r feea' l. Thc iusurcd chall take sll rcsronEble st6pE to require the bo-rro*'er yndcr tbe indebrcdnc$ gecured bv thc iacureil rnorrFAge ro cooper-xre_ fully wirh the comprny il:i;';"'rt;;iii'-it ry tr*-c-"rT;it;n-tt"""t io the o"or*ionr of nera' srEoh 2 hereof. anil erso ro requrt€ .o.n oo..ornl'i ;;""fiir"iil ilffi:d ;il;iift"'*itioi itt ..r. ku6wlcdgc rhdl iome io ruch borrorver of a.1, actual'or thrsatened exercirc of the mincral rightr. 4. No richra. benefitr or defenoee rre intctded ro or rhall be ileemed to-fiow or be mrcle rvailablc-to rnv bGt'on or Gatitv otlrer thin the inrurcil by reaeon of rhe insuran.-";ffi;4.;-h'i'hi;;;d;;.;i"t' "ia"i* i"lnna rg'"t"thet all of rbl incured,e richr. and,*er;idi;;;;i;';]f,;ifi;i;;ild; r;til'g..t;-ncr niarrci of tJrie esdorronteai shsu bo dccmcil lo t'*;;;;il;[;il.;, i" ih;.;il;;;;;; is ir thir cndoirgmcnt hril not been iaeued' Thc rorrl liobiliry of the Comprny under raid policy anil any cndoreemcht therelo ehell not ercccd in the rggregater rh" i;;;;;,;;ii,iidra p"ii.i""i?;ir;:irj;it;-h;C';ii "y-i, .[iig;i"a ""uei the conditionr rnd rtipularione thercor to prv' Thie codo$emcnt ir nrrtle f, prrt of raful policy anil ie rubjccr ro the rchoilulea, condilionr anil etipularionr thcrcirrt ercept as btoilified by the provirions hereof. ENDOFSEMENT Atlached lo Polisy No' M ?33555 0rder No. 300321 lssued by P.tl Pollcy No. 0rder No. Cova'|tr;aqa4 Norman E. Larklns Endorsement Form 100. 30 JUL 14 '5:rrEr: il3 rr11-r " _-' Srntifj'lriitFHitijE (-ompany ol Uatlas Endorsement F.7 A[6ch.d ro ind tormlng r pln ol Pol I cy ' The company hereby lururer the Inrurecl ngnlttrr to.' or ilanrage rvhich thl incurcd rholl ,.o,nii li r*o'rorr'of rtro .ntr"rnort or ottenrpic4 enforcetttcttt thereol ogoinrt lhe hnd in con' nection rtith paragraph 3 ' Scheiule B. TIre totsl liabiliry of tlrc Conrpnrry trurler r[itl polic,v and any ettdortcnlent thcrclo elrell not erceed ln thc aggrcgate, rtle f,rcc nrrrolnt of tlirl poiicl',i,,.1 cosrlithicir rltc Conrprn!'ia ohlignterl ruuder lhc Conditiong rntl Stiprrlulioirr llrt'rcnf. to Da)-' Thir cndorrenteul ir tllnrlo n pfft of rnitl poliey ng of tlre policl'rlntc lhcreof nntl ir ilhjrrcl to t6s eclrcdulel, con.litio,r* ,rrirl'.fiputotin,rr ntrrl esclrreion' i'o"i covctnge llrcreitr cotrllitrcrl' .xcept sE nrodifieil by thc protiriotrs hcrcof. l$u.d by USLIFE TITLE INgUfiANCE Comprnv of grllrr Drtodl May 4, 1987 USLIFE TITLE INSUHANCE Comprny ol Dellrc lhiB andotstmmt i3 mrdc I pltt ol lhc polioy 0r oommitmrnl efid 13 rubieol lo tll lhs tettnt lnd pro\liriont rh*col md or env Driot e noorreieits iiciiro. Etcopr.ro thr ute^t riDtcrcly tl"t-c!'f! nsirh -modllils lii'oi'ri'.Ji"ii'.'i'ini"i',oviii?,;iiiii'riiddiiil'-co-;ititrirrnt eno pnor 'noo'cem'nr!' rr !''v' .'u' rre'r '' "*i"io it. rllrctlve date ot rtt" piiicv oliommitmont tnd prior sndo't'n€nr6 or Incrlrre thc l'c' rtrrounl thtrtol, Policy Nunrbet fur(uz frro.fta;/"/taL Utecd al Norman E. Larklns Au t haa t' a d Corlalert i rd J a tt a roRLr S t0 20r,r Sltg lllH lindorscnrcnl Form C.l 10.? 5El.lT Ey: Etint:. I L..r REf I Ir'Ef .lT I iL lh USA ;,isr.r,-ance CorPotati RsojulIllg )TEl*,*;dr Loan Policy EI!,'!;i't'E of Titls lnsurance fi S{l$frlT+}idthk*itiiri:'"^ntssllht*ri:'l't{ffil'=.* txlr.rl,trrr J !cr,s r'uoor'rt'r'tr t"'';;t' ;;"! 'r' i''r'trrrrv rrri'rrri'!\ 'A (t Dalrrl ol Ft'trcv shorvn rt! Sctndul' A arptrrrt '^" '" ":""'";; t " ' 1"""r "'r rlt' r''rot'ni itl 'rlli'rrrilct stillod tn S(trldult. A crt(l Lrr:,ih ',,,"""';; ;;;' 'r'rl r''rx." ' rr^rt h 'tlro Comtl.dtv mcv mcontd oti(;al9d !o tl.!Y hlri'lJlxl''r t"tt"litti t" 'it t""*i t't tre' trt\rtrll lw tlltot! ol t lllt ! lo ltnt r$t.lh'| !t rlrlt"l'\t tl''\cl 'li'tl ' ' S( ltr{llr[' A lx.|rrl tl'rtlif l,tht't*rl4 lh'tF $a rl&ttd I har?{r 2 AnY dJlgcl \ Or l|un o' eirctrntl!''ttlc{' on rrx h lllb' 3 L*f ol I Bhl ol t(lirr lo 'rllrt lt(tnr lh ' litl'(l' I Urr}Lrltrb,t,rV ol ttrth t'lle 5 lhe mYdadriv or rrionk)tclf..l,'l'lv ol lhrr I'l'it ('t lh9 't'!l lrr,lt flvtlrl'lit t'9on tg'd rfl'lt Ol 661a11 llsjpt to !uu "t'u"' tnut 'uln"'""uini'it ' " t'i*urttcr"rhl'lv ('r tl "nt tfrcrlot 'rrrr.l oul "iit- i.^iift- Ev'dencod bt ;ric 'nrutarl 'notlqrl|" 'r'rl '\ h'lrrxl rtudr r. uLt?Y, ol i tt, aon*-", Cl?dtl Otolettrft'l or trulh in llndn0 ldtr 6 lhc protitv Ol tnY htn ot cn(umbtdnco uvcr tt'" l'|'rl ol thl"n3urdl ftPlolll'; t Any ttrlulotv l|Gn lol to'El or 691611r anrn notr hJ'r U""rr''l-,o,t lrtrslllcr ti'Y o'fl D'orrlv o*;r Jr;n or ri,,,n.u,"o -on$'ii'.*jg,**:-ll'iiffi l'* iiffiqfr#n'H H;Sf#i:i ,i.1'.i[[?]h'.; ilf"i'ir o' r* ""r'+ rrorrcr{e rtrn 't orto or hr..Y' ii-|niri.a nar eovo^cc<! or r' obl'gtl?d ro edYi rcc o' !. llr. nrihdrty o, ,rnantoraono,itii-" "tt.{n"tt'u, tt-:i:L.stttt*" A ol rh' .n'!t'd nwtq.d ot thl lrtluft ol 3'{r la8'g^thant to vott I'tl' to thc rnr'lrtc'l nEtolgp n th: nltr'd oirriO-tffgt*t lta' 'nd cltot ot rll l€rrl tN wrTl*g6 WXtffOf. r'rb Uil Intdr$G' Cdpot'lon ttl 9t"d ll|| 9o''v |o r '{trld r€ rd.d w,n Juh rurm""o'lti;;;;;;";;;; bt t-dd nr ol ltrtr ol tur'Y r'ottr n Sct+tr A atnlY wtr'r tr -'' .|i.r'iiJu"a' -ot'g'ntt co'lr.rlgtllttJt o'r tiGtrd|r B trll USA lnrulrlcr CotDortlflr .o\$ ,tJut'- tu"*/@ -7,t- ,ofl lOOat tti FaI|t tll l tal tfi t rIcrllll lo'r 'att r-tS tt l0r qr.rt tt-}e - ' r1\"r'r* ?- 1-l-!L- 9: f'f Hr'l ;lalEE{T- Erolurionr From fha |obrrinl lilllrtr "r rr tslv rrcludtd |to|!t llr' Goltrrg' Coverrgc "-,J,.I^',iii'*i.q*t"'l!9:1fl::f .'i*l5lLgJli"'!I;[1';JSJItl',.i;r. ri,tr ti*'1 .'l 1H'1 .TlLi:3:?l'"if#"?":'.lmiLiryf *i*;lsgt iiog1 "|5#.-."|"?.o,0g'lI,'t||?|iUl.||on(|Fc|vd'60but3,":ff].:.ffl":l.!fr;:;:F-:.lj1g*p;:mu' #Eftiau*f,p.*tfiffiii;#'4 iii'i1fr,i"#id$*$ilffif ffiilffili.i;;o-;"r |rcr o. hrr.rlt'' rrt(lrd o.r tte lrd.9' -r-ri.L,..n,, {dt t|ch'ai Drctubnhe . Ei.rrlro.r ,., oini.r,o g; . r.dust'o'' In lne f,TlilJii;i"i ,;ir urrni,tnut.rr. t. lofd'd it?di 'lffiir.| -'.i.. ol ttr b6d. o? the trt|rcl ot T! Y!'tto" io "ir.i jtr,.l hon fo? hbor o' mrlfrrtll t;;;f L.. crd'or*. o, gorrr.'|trhltl rreurrrron . __ . :::;;;";,i" of rho rsn or 166 l6sgrrd r crt|r!r.!:.:I z, rrrr. or.rcrrnr -.T:I:l"i:t';,T;i,,;tij'.J:fl:: ' :ill,'"','":f?llYri!tfu:.,i'.gi#*:iJj;I1F$il , m*$ffix':i'i1:,o.***.*, lH::':!":ilffi:Tfii:l"lilnii''o ir.*'l* ' ilTri'otaa"a .vfired 'rulrd o' rgr"d lo br th? {rru'€q Condlrions and StiPulrtlonr I. Dlt|;rhlo$ Ol Trrmr - - ..hty, ..,ch fi.lrcf o' n.lrum.nlrltv ts lh' artl'lcildfll' fi[l},f -r*. wpn uFd n th,r iolEv it r^ ii' ii'rii"r.dr cl .uci ..r.t. er hltrfll tl ltirl'otr t ot ;;;;J r1' r11t.'.d nard rn ScFulr A llx lcrm.'ln ,|' 'iru.ricr cortt'ra d gutra'rtr ffifrH#;:n:s;"*+fiipll;1ii,il,0, c-o'rinurrron or In.ur'nc"n'r r:onY'v'no' ffim**l;l'rf;:f,il[i-: .,- lt*tl;o,.,*,p.x,l' .r,n,mr, n r* l.:-1-9r .. flheug5 frcr. p.rrc,unJiidrng. ott "oi htllld-lo- ll:. or il *-J* fi"ot ol rn lnr,r'd.!a bno rt lch lusd "ld'r tn drrf$rd.rr. d-.-r. *,,tt!c.r. li.or.-rr ,.e..n nttwr, Fort I ::il;;; ;;'; rn ryif- * TJ;T ffifit#;H f. ii'i-#.i,r. - trcuo.r? s;.osr th.l lh. -canolttJ:o:'! . lrocnt|. ranv tslgrT- . .. rhri hrrr 1.1{tf t; flacn et F,:#ffi ffi :Jlil*i::L'Tiiilfiifi3'"T'"il.i'T.'"i,ffi#;;ff -"';dnlnvi'r'r'r'.c r ou...,,td r..6., .o rhtr..nt;i;; ; gu"rnr' "'lu"ng.o' ;;;;;; ol luch 6llt' orrnf';:l*T?Tf'ffii t# ;.,r';;;.r-..d {rfu'd''ll or rry ern ttlfFt wh'rh'r 3#il,^'.iiii*Ht$Xff"';';'i;;;in.mo$rdnrH*H it!tr,8*:ru:#tli,,fliffi "-:l: ili',Jov r w,"r..- ,.-.' "J"i# "ii i' r"ci 'n""oo lll 'r rd lirnsnr" .. "..r"." .t *,,g 1o|. o- d'mq' ;. t;.".a p1d-,1-ll1g*bt 6f Acllno'-Nollo' of lu||tdrar' rcr,rru,hdr.., .crs., r...,r..,r.. nor co*.dhn -rnorr. t,"tirfi':#li#.9.ffi*f,#,fifo;- dr. o, ndkr rfih n y E ';;;-i".n lalrri.d bv r..ron "t o.l""io.';r;i;?hp ot-lllrlrlrd rn .ll l tr rtsn coturldrl or rioruc,ecqcr :-__"--,,.. ^, r,r dr...ac.,. l;;;;; o, prca..4.rr.co"rdxfl,g"T::.t"sf;tffii -- fCi *ar,"- 1; 516 6;grb<1. r0n rlrc'llY o' bv 'sr"o4c'-m d3fon.fl. '6l"mr"g "'lj ! -oj.&rrdul. l. rrt rmsowrmnoirr,il-rr,e.ao *t'crt { 'it:-t:l. iJili'-o*'. oi t t';":* glfi,:?$lt ;|il#ff;liiiiie iiO o.otonO -l!{w.tr. ih' l"nr "und .d€r Tot r., ,nrvrrd r^ rn '€t!oa lo -'-l;5s;'ffi ;rf*ffi*,*,*4qi*,.i.f 'f f*:if q.'pi;1"sT;i'sr*1iif#: iri. !r..-",mt n.u,rn,"e r,ilii. io-lor. itti- .lll b11: iJr?,I"i "pii i".l.lroglt,ct trrn alcs'nlvrr c! or otrr" nrtlt' Ji o' -m.-m, bil.€thne lrcrc|n rhrr alod vorl n lh"llcrl ,ij,rrrd rgr,^rt b'v lh|| Pol,Cv to *hlCrr ritt c Ea ro r* 'rl"ir rrm .r rt$r'!d Dv llrr Frtt i-oi i*-,^ru.x rt,.[ nol,lt Jh. con'c.^Y I trrrrPtlr iti w? lno t.t -msr|ir' rwre.c.. ood of rrurr rru.r dfld o' oth'r ,.rll'"[.^r-..*i * a,ocruo'T-']r[ii#, T'i]i*jf[|;t l.El||'rlv liiaradlar lng ordrr ct 'qgnctro'r ll 'frlt?t' 1r ..q.rc n .!rc rhol!(rrdr rh'ch Dy r.* ''rp4't ro" i"t*-.?'il*r-; ';tl *T ::-'-^,fiilTff:-.5:.i1it tl,ffi ;ffift;:|,ruX:f.r&quh,riont;.It[","#sl*5#"'l*;"*'.^'tli'";ri.H r rorey ddr co,,rnr. ,,r rq,c. .r or olrr or pgr'cv ". 1."-y. :j *i[l### ;"-'."-'5 ::'lL",'.i {ini[i{ ] ri lt.,rd rha c$r".. .. a lnl-ili oi ih* ".trr. oi r.leraat ,n a.,'"i J,",,,", rrot;!-dulj 6{rJ -b 6,"!n to th' Comp'nY tfln E ro rb trnd dr.rard In Scnrdr i;i;,;L;u;. t'u.t.c t ub con ;;;; ;;;;; .rr r.rb.tty <,,r trT .Co-notor thtll ' 'trr rnd tll'lq{lr {ry..Er 6 hr or tot'Gtc|ur' J.'ii-' r"it' itrrrne' ih$h 6't' '"il'g;;tl-'*."tt1.:1 T:t:i:'i 1fi.::TJl:i}tj"1l1HH oh.rior la, tan or r. ilu{rrtd rtr.tgrg.' .|ra 'l tY 11":if-.:-.: r*q.Ji *d t'rovd|rl l*'""' :' ,n..,,-, u^d.r ,r,r pot v unLrt rltt ilii;ii,J. ir rrurlrrotl_thc trlrrr o' r'rrr''rr lro ,.od..f.', 0f.'ru{"e' tht''otllr o::::.:TlJTilil.l,ii- ,^j [.i ".-tt ro tr frfiJr-.ri rlir.r-r th. llrfont o, rrlioltl o!^e'l 'ubt-1:ill.i:' C,';"'r"t r|$lr b' F'Plurx'r'l h [r,r inti,ro. rna," ltrof ol r|lv lpr.'nrn€nt'l 'glncf (x ]|1t-1.'u.flrrrrr ,rt('t 'y' lvch prtlud'cu tltrlt whrclr a.qu..rr tu o. rii pl t or I h.lrlrl r' u' rol'rr ctl -,. , ,,., C*t ,., gr*t rr.vi- th, 'qht rl 'tr ot I ct$ lo fi}|ndl lno arjrwrtt to. oonr.rcr o, "'*r,aii.-- 9ur''6tY i'rr,'.'nt r" gerr''rr Jil, il;;;-u**-l' xlr.'t t F' €'rong ot to rF Fv ,.",* rha,naLataa* .-.ri' ,t";rerrd 'nortg'gc e'wd"' 1,"" -*i wtirt '",rioln n ,n N b i.o.!'rt o dli.trtb lo rrd.dr lhat 11. rrn nt o, *,arrrar*.' fit.""dr' rltv ruin rc-ou'r't<ttt i*.',,,iliu ,tr aa,tn" €, ,frtF'r'rl d r krn ol llr ''r'{tnd mrt$0r' r .rArtr. ot co.tr, Irror,rn ,r.nl"l1.'iol-*ax't' rt" cc-r'r"r :,'!fi 'illfr idn-" ,'r"r^3"11 3ry eFgor 'rh 'ctrdr g,t' lll rral bdnr oy..r* ,o o.r,'riiii-"ii-..i,1 r*t..to' ','.fl;il ir,,ioorcr..'r..11,.t, Ji**i'i'r.r rmrarct.mdfrr t,l llt an.'rtt ct mri'rrFr itrirc 'n tonaoer r . . -r ;;; ;;"r.trt;tJ Hsrdy q t rts rtw Four'n of llr lsrct ltl th. a.r$J.rr ol rt- ,ne.c tt.n€gat .t llr. n6olr"d'irr- ': ';,;;i;; pr crr?-i dr.l t{rt lth{ 'l .nY Jtg t g "';;;;fr;,i'rrlr!b.rol prvr ntrr.rl tlr'rrqr lre',,rln *:;;;;;;;.q.,rr{c'jr.dr* qrtr. 'T;f-d:::53'ollctr&ut'r€'iE'r'liltrJJtfLot"'ettnrlpn-olrt'o''J"tit'-tt{t-T-:i**trrrot|cldsrtEl 'ris.t i!.t'.e. ..1 r""lJ w *o 6'uttd .o'tgtor 'i i'tc-tt.uo,,r"tttt""'t1*lspltlffiqfrFfl; ,,'u cE uc..."ilfi:4.1]^''fi1f.1*l tr*ffi;18fffi{l;iffi&;;*.- r.r i[ llSiEIw ; tm'5gt5,+':Xfr& ."if.'ffiilit'atffe ;rot E H 'iE!Ft-t99E'f---: l,ll-J6.:- : E aE-t- T -J :.]E I tl.l3q I 53d it I ;ll'JU{ :,r,E lt'Jll5 SENT E''': EF.{f ll'. l'r FESII'EllTItrL ; ?-:1.:l-l-r: g : j,-!.lAl-t ;Z6lEr-.r?-3O3;H 4 M a33555, tclltDt lt r 0rtd Pcby.hrch 19, lI? rt tOrt9 l.fl.gp 6 l00t2l-fl Amn* ol t,,..''D ' to'ooo'oo f. l.Ir.C Lr|!ld: ur€Rr$ FrIBftE OilorAtl0* md,ror Arrlerf t t|r| is r tr||S h lb |J€ d-cl|ra li irh Ecr.dsh l,r.t utrtdt b ndui.. d t/ tt rtrtd F ltt h: l' frt" Ld3J Fr t' tlE rrtc t'.r lr.ild t|!*t I t Drrl hlyrrfld h;- P'dr A' IEglfultE .ttd JlfT lL tEsflUlf f t lgl fit tro.ogt a tlr itcfirr' ffir nor* t - b l||us fiettcl!.' Jt rn a|lann|| rh;ot' i rry' rr ecrtlrl r hlosl: D' d ot Trurl lrt Fr||l A. Trchult 'nd Jrnrt X'-l.drrltl to thr Puur l^ Trurl..'J-qli buntv fr lh' ur ot EII|€n3XRID'EE orrorfirw io-rcFr p,00b.00, d.trd llrch 10, lgtt, .nd rFtlbd nnrrr tf, lil8 , In 8o* lt9 .i hg. ,02. !| ttt l||lt tr' td L ln thb FIGy h d-odt a a lbllor': tfoa trscRlPf lolt sET FoflH 0t{ s}cET AlT Of9 Fnfmm-av-nis *tEfiEltc ltloRFofi TEo tcRE ltl ilo r|lE A ?AiT lfRtOF titlJlt trtFl tsltttFitl tt t lua t'r'r ls ialDt--l L+ totn - ltF - lttr' llttt' ' - -ri {tra trilA6c;rr sENT B ''' : Et+IIi. J I.I RE5 I TTETIT I IiL 36fEE.l?-i ---&Ei-dtffi;.Fratrtrh.roerlrrtFFEI'''OIt rofil,rr ^-orltrnrr. Bljlf'rffrili nrr r.i. 7tl.?ru. rt ,l'i:tlslfl.tl.tllii$,rn rhr stdr of 6r16' et'fy sf ttlr r rJ Is? ?riiit itt'ttl. rlfi tltlr' r-iaFf!a' FEEIf'ErlTIHL |Eilr9ril l-lllf I iot lcY ilo.Ortbt fb. t Dlttt!0dl2l-r lhlr Foltat dglr 'rol lnasfr rCal t ldt O? d.,nada by nlrron o, lha fclloYrlnC: l. Taiar for fh. I.rr 19€7' trt yrt drr or gtyoblr. 2.R,!hr ot ihr horrfrl(|. of . Y.lfi or Lofi to rrir6 lfttt |}fftt nlt ofr ir#etia, rrtolii tf tr b. lound to gortrrtr or lnirrrc?'th'-grrlrt h,rr.0y gltitrc, u rnrvrc-in Uiitro Sirtrr Pctrnt r'cord'C r|t e" l$f' t1 B$t-aE r? h0| tot. Rlght ol rry fot dltcfirr or cltrllt Gonrtrucf.d by th' ruthorJtY ll tlt!, Urltrd Slotar .. ..-tt.i ri-uirim Strtrr Frtoivt rccortbd tb? 2" lS" I r toot {C ot hP l0l. Utlllty r|irif |r dtalr on tht Plrt st r.ld Subdlvltlon, rlld '|r-r?lniie 1O.OO ftt rlotig lh. SG'!ii.!3f.r1t ldt llrr ct rubJrct trottrly' Flrtrlellonrr rhfch 6lpl €ontrln r torlaltura of ralrl|r cl'||!' bul oiiftf ie irrirtsrton., li rny, Dr..d on rro, catd., rrl lglon.or-mtlooll ofiiin,-.r'trilrlrd'in inrrli,mnr rocor(btt irntrry gr t9t0, In 3o* ?16 r? hp ?62. t. a. t. tGl{loutr B-?AiT ll In lcdltton tD th. Drlhrr |Gt lorrh lfi ptd I cf tnlt gchrdulr. thr tltta to lhi r|tlla ot inlt?art In tt trhd d.&tlb.d or t lt.ttd lo fi tincOurr A ir rublagl lo thr lollonlng mNtl.tr, if .ny ba ric*n, bul thr Cotnprny Inturc. lhrt ruch tD.tlrE lrt luEtdlnrh b fra lLa or chare. ot lhr tnrutad motlgrga sgon |.lc .ltdt ot lnlattsl: ilorc 3.Ya?lf lL Pr.rltt ll| sl^ r|tF. .I' i. rll| lF l. o.1 [- ilc F|.alrrfl|f lrF5.l!19' D, lllt ttra'*lrt - Fxlr a roFrlilll I L.' FE:r I IiEt.lT l AL f6n4?- |$tn Endorsement AE.|{ - d trriLit. f..r cl_llllshffidr*3lFL lrd|' u$rrl nru rrFuraracl cox?rxt.{ Ddb trr Crfrf lr'rl l.|rlJ.r r|rlt|l hal i dr I., ki.naa ||Llt l€h !' tlrt d rt i lb tffrll ,r5i; t . a.t' t tGrf5 h tL {.ra,nt rrii} tha cdttcttt h.ttr lrs P tls ia.a a.a ro ffi.trtl. Gc,tdllld" o ,lLch.r strar r'|...r if ttfi d tf t 'lt!' t ll' ii rrr |-nrr r n rark A crt !t aut afi' |r|b.*r.il. n ooa'Y- itrFntd: Ol nta" --fa - Jr.rn ln lcrrar|. l. dla ||r i t*r r5'*t.| m d lrxl rt i|; rfr.fl* mt|i, !fr*fot, a. '|fr l3lotr'i b, tra. d r $orr 'lr Lidb l. tltt r| t\o aft.t dr|r,ti d blaltl -trG'* r lifrinfrt a-r-; a- ba. cr r#en6 lta. t: rt iict!ffi ciro D' |J|. C ttlt'l] Sr;r"a rhr!5rrfa||{Fd.hl|i l5a , rar r*t |iSbnr rr |.E !d.f 5t F/rt3rL rdrab.L. t tfilc't ='Tr t-.! T!!nd fi- s 13 rn ot lnl.rd !Y ,| tttald. t'tf# $dt riddorr ||a,| rr h t ltltttrtr| t ,|a lfi d fi r ri|||rr id.l rtd trirtt. a rr lalsda l t dl l'r b d fi tob rd -tr. i:r il t terir* dral -quLrucr tda a ..trHr .l fs 'fit ia*fr ler* It rdt tr,r|ala rtEdrrl. t otira a G||trlo rnlnFrri. #r ,r la{aa d rtlaa* Str nra' F L'r C ||r. lrrt "'qt'lI n rilrllr ds.i .r icif,rrr l. {rtldt l|inr tr|Jlt ha'i rtra rard.. ot 6' |t{'l| ' r- t |lr'rrth ||Jdr ffill h. ila p5g6 tr $rci tf rtia fl g.dfl r tiftta a- t{t i tl tirr r-. .. ,|.qi r .i.r.rra tl|!a.'t| ti'tr ty 5d 'dF|l'i r'd lrtd tl rt l|ldt'r drrhlJa.lrhr. tNin-at it il,a .|r{to{r.i}t trt o. ri ol ls -.a {iiDn ariaidl I lstCr{ 'F, rt $d |la L atid io i.h I t r|*lei fu t rrl, -irrt| r|. ar|d{Nrrla i'ir"r'l ltttl-'|tbr'|. rrrL daA. l}a I lltlq C tt. Crqlry ur*r rirO dEf d lit rqtrtEir ,lrdtr fl tfi'' hfi r#; |L iar;fi I da rq $i crr wt*r i. ocntrYt n .srFd !'t- L a'rtr .,rdFlcr fi.-latrt tt|| nrlrr.nani I rr|r a Far al $,a 9caE r cf lrl||r na;l r'{ "uitrt ' l't. drd||r' E{rLr frc E|t|rFt|ttl , catF r tEai.. ft tF rLffI,Ca! !rt3' l|.!lftl l..5 gnrtr! $all I ao|r|iraa|' t riial,ta t drrtrl|r! tE |rr'.trt' ffr " dr rr''{ Flq ' sr'ltrltr. s||L.. dtrr*|. a|'trlt rtd n Wtftltf W tf fOI. ita Cottr.tr }ts latad gth tilrr'itt I !t dSrr rrf .ra I d lr lth -f !r llly tf 87. rt i. rJa rtri ailr|len d lt r! |Uto.rtl rfia. a. acl.rl aa ti. Cdi|ary. rl li rE lrErlir lr hl|rr U3r,|| I mU fitutAltcl Co.irr.ry.t Ornn /aQ/*..triaF a ar.t l.r.r* rxi.t/-*x6a AnJa? Craslr llon*n E. Lrrllni. .'l!,n*t( 0lrr * ,r*\11 ,ridror&^| fi'll rJ|D !l4trrall6'l; v toloatm ,0rr tta lFt?h a IrrFE=,lIEftrlAL laE..r?-i ENOOBSEMENT AnrcMbFc'cy No. tl 233555 0rdrr l{0. 300321 l!|e.dry lltltl TITLE INSURANCE cornpfir d D*rr Tbr Cc luv brrtby iorcr6 dr b13rril rrrtrl lc.. rhlch rhr lruurd Artl rurtrb by rrrnr o{ pbyior\ tot 4r w$rllcr drarro to i iomr'cmclir rdlLrt c tlr llad'rt Drtc ol Policr or crrnttnrctrd thrroo tbcrrrft:t, rcrulltBf, tntr lla aral:L rtLltr."r- oit. Drr.-oa P;llci=of roy rlrhu ro rlrc rha lur{ri: of r$e ftad urdtr tbr ninrnl iatcr*r nlcrnd ta h Erc.? dfr tla=: ot S"t'.luti B tllc nLcil ri$rr-I. ruU*L horcrm. to rbr lollo-ir; trtnr *rd coldltlart t. fhr 1.rre rrd r$rtl mrlly rb. flnf.rl prg6,?!lt hr vrhlag ta rr* bcrlcdp rlrrll co* ro .4 I rnd bt e 'dcr d rn7 rcrsl cr thtrtrld trcrd* { th. lbrrrl th}rr L Thr {)ooprov Arll hrr: t}c tltbl .l lo c*|i lo r.lt l|||t rsrlq|rhlc! lnJu cpirlco Dry b' nrGl|'t * oe'i?rDh |: ordcr fc, r$j C.ai"Dr|rt rr rrold or-dalnirr rf,c ctcrt al hr ltrblllty uldrr llir tndon|?!|.ll ri.lr.llre l||{ lll dttlLd rl u7 or rll ol rbi lollu ryr tr) tn rhr Cr11l6t'r m r{fbg cr b rf,c ornc of rho lnapd or ol t$r }orrotr.. erJ*' Ibe itdrttdar rclrrd Dy'-. ib.1;;*d'iihiqr l"irtr C*rpray'. barir rc brtltutc. prarortc ud Drt il. lof,ry| darnbrrior eot PF r rrdilp at lar oi lr qulry, ot D.lor. ray oulclprL rdnltd.lta Yq ot r{rltort tr|Del l C E r{l I bt in rl. Clnlrrt'r cra r{rtt cr h r5r surc .rl tlc blrnd or of ttr larr** aadrr-rli bd$tr&c a!!al ft-' ih. i-"-C;,.niil6 toi rli Gre*y'r borir. ro ampcl t}. dsFt rf qgrlrltl. bord or uadgietb3 Dt !t r.,fa'Fn ot prnall- fior rhcl tho hldnd or ruch bsrnr-r ;r .lrItH-Dt lrt lG Eb ^rt|odtr t'El q!- T...qirlttf" rad la th. rrDG rnornl ot raolltr to rhich tlrc larutd ol llcb borrDrtr Ycld brrc La - rrgUaa La rhb idor*rrrlt rat L.c bodI rrtil (. ) t,l r.trln cr be grld orr ol .tl lrA trlritr., bond or Indanrllr& cr ont d |.7 rE*lcslie or froA tr..nad t.v rhc Clrnmiv ar Lr rL lirlrd cr bl if,r barc-o rudrr thr iadc.btcda: *u!d It iL. lslrd antrF ,,i.f rn.iai r. *ttt iUf"-o rb Godpray lor rtl pryncar_nr& ro $r l,rlrmd b7 thc 9=ff:f $t rm d lhr larnrrn6 rfodr{ b thi. ddatrc;;ll3rr. rolcthrr ritf, rli .-L rDd crF.r i!.orrcrl Dt lD r'-F!t ll r ur.Errtio rhrrtrlrlr, hlMll| rrta,nrry'r fc !. Thr;.irsrcd rhrll tr$:ll r;nel|r.rcDr ro r.$drt lhe ]ormtcr rlndqr rhr hdrb$dar xrcnrd b; t[e tpnrl rorrlrs, ic c<np rrrc lully wirh rSc f-ampia; to riy rcdon rrlm $_ t}r Ceppf Fmrrll io ibo Pt:t.idc! of DrItrnlh 2 ipnol. ind rlc to nqnlr arrb lorr+tr; ro rotlly tht ltlird PrsrrPlrt lr flrUGl l! arra l0it;lt{la |lllt !E [o rixh I'orrortr of rnl rctrrl'cr thrrrlord qrmh ol thc nlnrnl rfht* { !{o d. htl b.!ci|. rr drfru rrr lnralded lo or A.lt b drnrd ro iow cr b ardr- rvr.lLbh-rr rly FrE 9-t qd.' crl13r th. a th. lDur..d by rc11o ol tft iarcr;5.. rfcrird by rhb aodohrooq ud l5r iEE d rftt--lD.l -.ll of -lDabrundi rl$r rod r*ilic. rF:in r rlrird prrrle rcl.tira to thc ruLfct ;.lht of tL odoro{ir |l.U D. aa-aa |. hrrr nn'rlirrd intrfl '- 'hr rlr lrrrr rl if rlb aderrcnral hl.l tol !at! lan.rl ?fu ro11; Urbtlltr ol ltrr Ca;rrrnl ebdr: ;rld pnllry rail rnt cadarrrrrrnr t.harrlo rldl lot c*card b thr rgrqrtC t}1 fea rnr uar of dld pellc; raf,seir rblcb th. Cornprey l. eblllrtad uadcr lha €ndldo+r .!d rllpqlruoor lb.nol tc D.t. Thh cEd rrrnrrnt lr rrtrdr r pra ol rld pollry md te ru{rcl to tf,t nhrdulrr coslltlor r.nd rdprlrtlu tlon|r| anrpt l rrdiiri hJ tbr prrlrlou hrrrl. UELIF! ?ITLE iNSUfr tiCE ComprnT ol Drllrrlia*/*_ i:l1;',H.rm*rmmmm li/r--//l,il*ftdJ- luart ** 'f,aa'F**. Wr -af.r-i 3*aJ ffdrr{Fra _'hr|ilfi E. Lirtlni . ---.'------.--------.--. ,'/tt*,,'loa''l, tndorrsttrnt Forn 100.t0 FE:. I t'El .r I HL lFnil E INSURANCE ComPenY of Endorsement ^aralrd s rt hnlrg a trr C "lrtu:"to*g9iLh-lt rj*FI lm-E ll{f{trflcl curpnl of o$ee ?br '}aprrl7 h+t$ lmrr r},r tnlr*! rgrinrl lo* ot t}"rrrft :hi$ t! lerurr{ I'r' il aurtrid bf ,o..*'of i!* egforrr'a*nt or rtlrttlrtotl tn'Drt{'ltlcrtl thtr+tl rF inrl lhl lon"l rn r'n r*r,eii+* *!rh F!rE€*=b t , 3+Scdr.b B. T'lr* ta;e! li*!i!it; at th. C*Fprnt r*rin" ,rl,l prlity rnJ ra; el;lorxwre-*l tl'cne:c rh.rll nat ,re <td in rh. ,gt ry.t . ll+ l*o rtor,nr nt *i,l lx,ilti in,l tclr *hith lltr s+r;*";' ir otrlllord r.r;irr ilr€ C*r!iri* :nd Sli}r;iellar th+n''f l.' Pirt' Tlrir *n,lateiirral b a:;i!c r pra gl.l lrrliq lr ol tlx'lrnlin i!ri+ 1|plarf en'l ir rnhJr*t ,o tlx rir.tr.l+q ;*riiltlr,cr .*l'J1,,rletl^,.' ,.,,,1'6rl,rrior," 'fr..,.,' o,trrp. ti*rrin rr'.r:rirtcrl' .srtpt r. m*lif=-* 3i ii- Frerl'lcrrl htrrr+l PolhT Numbrr tb.l aa*,rnFd d fla*t a ,{.1ol dtl ,Fr+r g gnsntrtt'i|! ! s*: * i'Fr*i * lt $r ir'*' }rt Diirlfi' !l*$l r'{ cl |.}f 9+ c"Uo.mttrt f ir-'." i.{f* ,c ea ;J!# t:rl''}t l'.r t' d ttdtr iUil.. ff ea lh rtrta|i ird ir,t'l*'!a oa fir rai'tt !t ,aialtr,a-Ft! -j ;-'rF "d'T '+tid'!a { l'/ n' rh lt 3.*rd ilt rll*"'r{ ar* &l ltra p(i(r }r|;rtu,F.t't iF': Ft' srtF!*nt'i+ +t irefirE thn bt 't$'r'I*rax---l9r-lr-llll- l.Euta fllll nrBulAHCt CoriDriy rt O.l|.furU*ffi rtr*"#,il44al- ;ri.r ta* *aa.aaaffd h'|r', ia 5..4I SFB' l{ot'tnan E, Lrrl.lnr jlie|ca c||n .;t{.rt fcrn Olloj lui|,l ll rt^l llll lal :'Ell E .EHi lf FE:i iIF'iri--r 'r::jil I ;laE-l?- !r ! :i .+u -=--,,.,.,,.'3ffi*.,:'"*;' ]]-.-''"'.Ql:?,':--, lt'|i ri i\*, :, :',r5rlr-dind S;1r:t Jirt. ,t f l^,r qi, :r.r,. ,rl+, .r-, i:+r , . .., " ;fr; ;.H; i1 ,+f {*}+ti. c.-, , t}.i. ,r+!,1- ag*j ,!r .!1+ rril ?brr rb.d .i. i{ 1.- .s,J io . ' 5,, :.. drt rfi Flst ll F ;rq,qt prrrr.{tEF : ,is :_ ,lu }.: .,-!t r+O €tl.,r +, rr|tnaal t !'Otfral h-*tif :! ," .t'!- . * ].o€tr! atv lli. :htort€ ;''. = ,,i: f, - .. _. .. .r,,o.;-,a , .I $ftrJrtF.* arul ttl ,l'=-fi'ta 1''- ': ' i<r }llrrui{rtf i'{fi q{r':i_. :, 1. 1.t",, ., ,' .,. -.,,," .*. .;r -t. . l r(a rar(r..Qd ,frtaaL:r-- r€:: r. . -' ,,14 t- )i,i1:dq &:.nK ,.. a\]a- .:-:.-; -- ..: ++ i: ,ir c+i.r :._ it,i+,.rr rr:$ .,r!ij,r* i!: rstt ra:..'ri,l !', ;'i : 'r,r.nor10asl a=.::==*' riq!r!'+- :=, r-- ::,r..ii.r1 ::ae rllEv.r_! rha j, '.?! r-r1 ./ w it',lw' ., ',-"!'iYt r.ratEtb^ Ot rttiaa.;-;:ia-. ,t,:: .a it?:..ai,ilt .,t .. ..,, ,!!. aclron :], Orii h_,. !r-i n:! '\i i:l r '::,' ati La ||6iv Oa tff COmO|.ny ---=i:h j= lt:lb tlant i!rf,:.,a€ c*{!rncr +brr!,airip *,!,.rr. ; lr )'!rdvli i' . t ra! t,' l di }*'rl _:...*:. i{}o. ,;fre^crol rr,1r 1.,r,.,,.-. a:i(e€r-:{ i i:il .4.i+ -,' .h,rr;. r i , t \atr lEt Er rtrtlad t, r!}i='.-':']*''!i;!i||.iit]..*l!jil'i!or:rrlri*:r:i*;.q.,,'..] riittL' ,. I r.nrr,;.;1 ', r r;aacl;trlan €t fha fiarra '- i;Gi.+* et liir&.- LIFlltrlign of lgti.:n ^,,..;.qr erid t r!,,:<.i ,,+.re, .,-,-.1 -j_'_"=]_..,._'+---t'rqLtrr#,initF. t'.',\.rpr Lr,,.:; ,.,i.. irr ^ty-,frr ,t:,i }, e4,.n ,.,,:r ;.rr<*Ft lfE Flr',U ar+'r! I trl,:'3r'l t :{":,1 )i ilrr ij'!! ,: 'Jr"si+^' .rt t!a,i :r{, f€rl -.i:nr+ ,, r lo.ri.f ar b.t , H|Dtd,::iFqje i9t *ri.F I:? Ir i.!E-1 r!* Cc,'rF+.v ,- -U" .,,r.-, -,-. ^ ar<nctr.';rr,rr. t,1or: c a.a,- -,r ar,fr i{ fut-tah|d to t}r*:44 r .=nil S}r...,|J!4!..r, 1.+: | :,.riaa; .--,, 1,.:r ?d OfV,, i,,o, .,,.,, fatlilrtll{)n si rr,q {..;,nptiy:=== + j=::,*.**.r,!ti:.,. ._-,=. G,5i.d,ne_:,.x! ri r_:1; irt tii*, g I ifbilrf f NOr_,r..ur_,.iltirli_a=i a.:'.: rc.;.ji!-.,i,- ;,r,,.tr6r e.it i-_j fa:E €11(- a.,rtt ,.a_==r I n. +:r iiEr* *}5 ri , ,, :f :.-.,; r:r,., | "c'r,"r.tr- b{.iA lrnl}:i., l! rri ti';.!rt li:i;,)r.t 'r*'.::f{ as,rrt { fitat*-l }j'.,rlbhc''i :,rt! :- 'ri.*r ra ir!:i ,.ar.. . + t +.s,ii = ir., CC,,!.i, , r.)",D! !.'" aitaifri^.1; i,-, ,,$€ :; .',+ .:fr.d {\+6*ri,. q. aary.::'E-!; '.=- ' r .r r-:r:. ,.in {, ;a-!itr Ftr, t:!r.... I n r:9 ili,. {1_.c*.r,-*; rh.i,'r it* .r,{.r,, .t rr}r,r.r:a ,, r1i. "1, I tFt/ r .,|';i: l]| ::-ir.; ,ry l,'., ,Jr\€.rt iia COrr.; - r^{ $r*)rri, 1' te€.€ ti ..i di,1..ia .'i. .r.rt", afri,jir|l lr .T 1 . ".t ..tt ir-.<' .- J,' :€ rr. r\ ..-. "'. .v;l.S! "r' r 'lt'cn lr'd l;yprqr,11 Ot Lcrr ?'{ j---.r-. ,\11 r! | ^ ir +. 6 | .-,, '' " :r+ qr :|}+ l':.iFrruni tJf'dar :ii!r /itir! r t6ari ,,, r.n rr4 '1 rt '!l'JQt rltx |}rl 'r\, ''] * ',+ rr.rl +l a-i tlr!.;1, .-i ;rafi;.t' ,+ i:-i+.; , *r.,j1i.'j.:;!i..\.l,'*+..o.iF.Fl.ni*t.*..al'.-,+.iil':*t.{€'lr''.,.. iii' :E" 'r-*- 1! r4,."trr:n :itl{ ,!! trtf!{-+.* I * ,l r; rre clt4*n? tr\l'! !f t,rtfff to i:' ; .:r.\ 'a ;j,.: 4na.-''*. --:* r'! -, '+-,e|.'.. lEf,:r'i,F+-. .. isrgr jrr Jlr, =+ _..i ' #:.'^l! G-r t+-!4. :'i i,oi.: 'r' '+-r+ -. , i . '{Nar tr,}: : i. '-r' i i :=.+ ,^di'ilirgtiEit *a;;taat t;t !hr. .4ri.!il t+^r ^? r,rttoc:t+' rV ;:.r ,t t , E'":: =!j t: t tn:trtte+ -+5ildr $ttli;n$[ E ],rroc. ", ,.+ ^h'it +! t''(r 1^;4.; :lal-j'-=€i' r-:': " J*i't,€* :*.,...ii .+.t!1d€, *,.s,: j=r*'in* ! <r '=]!rt t'r' 'tru+- "i +. ! it---:'... -:,,i r.:rirtli !h.rrr. .-ii 1t A'f 't .'r i,(r Calr1t-ft: 1i .'L.,F IJ i::t'FFf...i-.;F.r=,!,r!i+/ 11 !df"rF;. ia: j:i.irrn,n€i,,rti rir,.:r; t:{h '*}r!l }_4 tt1-+1t,{a.:r :l'. : i * rJi ,:,, ,-r.,.11,, 11 :: '=,t .!r '5'. I !-b+t,-+ !p.n r^ :ser.+l q- tt\l!i<!rr r!. Lt''r'E :ftrl t;t-i (-! f| tt,6 +r .r ELr. r+].r:a.!..r: r l- .,'.'?. 1* =1 "'f _:.i* CiH'i,)4,l, rei i,:i!! tni.t.e,i, 8r.r. l:l i+gtt ljit]fitEr+ tlbr:/Lrt|lll4r' ':i e.r:.n!r-,.. _{,icrla ii rr*.:: u' :". .::: .r 4;*; +1.* 6=:,1r4.+t ,. trrida=.!^ ii;.. ,, oi Jr !.i,1 ,,.i,Jrakj .*.lt: t-- ''rrll rlca l.-l |{: ei :rf . :ar' --r :r*i{::11 :,i. -. r r-: i: ^, s{*e=.--:. rr:.*.{t?,41 ct-trd l:::J,f..l! t+rd trirt 9Oi!:; }ri rL CcJ':+!ta: e: l',f " 1 .!'; ::t "t: t'-l iE: d,;$- !+'br+r *r. t.,. .:+{...rc\ r,rG- r. r+1-,ir{+i.d ,r., i_ ,;]il,lHllHr:;": ::I1 -.,, {; .,:- , ,* ,.-._33"==..!'l+:;r.X,,Ti't' ''= r"'i:' cn:'+r r;li']; b. t*.t:'i !h.,^rr'6r.',i'! rr r|: r'rr.1!',.8,..ic.*r. ? .i.jmlr=a:en :ii !.,n:riiir- t:rj.f:T:':*l|,;:t''.. .-.,:;'.--*r".jf,1.* 4 .*.1 -_ S= aio* :'i*.1 !"* i- :,a nr*; rrlri!3: !, - : ,t; i.;i pgn., :i? .i .r'a^!t ' rrr. :1 3' 1*.' F.; .ig rr, i ^-.tt+6ai; . . ', fr;lt|, i.*t*', trlF r^qdFq 'ir+*+il --. ,=, r,, ":,rgi.r i,,.r.r rlrf -c^:rr r.,! iJ.{|, lie,^r,,'j( iii ;-**'.;rar.;*,,1 *ar".ffXi'.,jl ._T j"-.,',, .. .:'.-';; /,r'cii!Lr ., -_1:: r,',F. 1ri qlri e fi6.-rl. .i-. 'tr.t;, rt:r rrrxrc -.r:.{r4cf*.*ti. i=,n !\.f l !r+F i.ri+:; :ar :i: ir. .nFe:::, ;r tsrr.c o"^"n ,Jo "ir"-.,i"io il, F.'..;;;,:' j:.fit .:.'fi ffi f._:-::, jt:,*"i,:' 'r,. --.*'...*i :.;:rlca rr'..r, ",j F.ilqrgg l}i a..hc t!i* rr,-.:{ r,ri- r r. , .,t s , r r Ger}.* 'tF!iri...i.i., i,rr\. -r;,-, E:..,t. -r J,:; .1Cra= rqi ,, ;r.* 'l, !^r -.!|g^ trrr.f;,* l.r(: . H, ._h. ." ;;,;.r.,'. t,;;; 11,:i**i., i, '.,-_:.::l tt.-,j ' .,.!i i;!:e,n,,..r1!. irv ! -,r-r!1r rtsi rcftjr,i.irr rikj ..,r-_:/d i. r i-i,r a{€rr{t =+=F{lt. r .i?4rt!rF ,.i ,-al_,-s:;" :: a. 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ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu pLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr, SHEE.TROCK NAIL FINAL (..FINAL ELECTRICALT I \ O TEMP. POWdR MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH CONDUIT FINAL O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR OVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor= )O - /6 ^ 7/ rNSPEcroR e INSPECTION: OB NAME CALLER TUES INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND EI ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEFtr FRAMING tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS o tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FtNAr/ 'yffic ED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR r Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Conlact Person and Plione Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol Design Review Board Date -l t-1 ,10 Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL !, , i,L{ Summary: Town Plan ner E Statt Approval TO: FROM: DATE: su&rEcT: t t%yf'"" Jlt"/)" L' ' 'Dqf, rnatc 6 Po*aiLz&, r€m7va Plannins and Environnental connlssion 6f WU g^A N tw'4 \,.|Connunity Developnent Departnent June 25, 1990 A request for a varlance fron the side and front setback requirenent of the two-fanily residential zonedistrict for Lot 7, Block 3 of vall Village 9th Filing (898 Red Sandstone Circle)Applicant: Paul Testwrride I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED This request is for a garage and entry addition to the north and west sides of the existing residence. The proposed garage has a total area of 526 Bg. ft and will encroach a naxinun of 3 ft. lnto the 15 foot el.de Eetback reguirement and 2 ft. lnto the 20 foot front setback requirenent. with the exception of thls variance request, all other developrnent standards vill be net. The site is currently occupied by a single fanily structure located in the duplex zone district. The building has a GRFA of 1990 sq. ft. wlth an allowed GRFA of 3212 sq. ft. and a total site area of L2r850 ag. ft. The applicantrs request wilt add 1OB sg. ft. of addLtLonal GRFA to the unit. The garage has a total are of 526 8q. ft. The current 1108sq. ft. of site coverage will be increased to 1776 sq. ft. , nith the proposal-. It is allowed a total of 2470 sg. ft. of Fqtn+ site coverage. II. CRITERIA AND FTNDTNGS -tupon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the VaiI Municipal Code, the Department of Cornmunity Development recomrnends approval of the requested variance based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: The addition of the garage should not create any problens to existing or potential uses or structures in the vicinlty. The Property mostlikely to be affected would be a single fanily home on I,ot I to the west of the proposed garage. The existing resldence on l.ot I is approxinately t@ l*E' The relationship of the recruested variance to other existing or ootential uses and structures in the vicinity. 1. gbl bbl< t z '/ tto @ rror the edg€ of pavenent to ghe noltrr. Theproposed garage rould be approxtny'tely l4 feet.fron the sest prop€rty llne and 6) fron the south edge of pavement. No trees or s5rubE witl be a lat'l ,.. hpf' renoved to accorn'nodate the addltion. Theapplicant has proposed additional landscaping. 2. The deqree to whlch relief fron the strict and The staff recognizes that the elting of theexisting buildlng doeE conEtitute a physicalhardship. Because of the existing location of the house in the upper center of the lot, theapplicant would regul-re a setback variance for any garage that is located on the front (north) sldeof the property. The only way to avoid a variance would be to construct a long driveway to access a garage on the southwest corner of the site. This approach Ls unreaEonable and would have negativeinpacts on the neighbors on Lot 8. The applicant has adJusted the location and size of the proposed garage to nininize the encroachnent necessary lntothe front Eetback. The effect of the recruested variance on liqht and fhe staff finds that the requested variance will have a posltive effect upon public eafety, transportation and traffic facilities by providing encloEed parking that is out of the public right-of-way. The proposal w111 have no sJ.gnificanteffect upon any of the otlrer above issues. 3.air- dl.stribution of oopulation. transportation and traffic facilities. public facilities andutilitles, and public safetv. ErhN. aungMEa 8.r rThe Plannina and Env followino findings before qranting a variance: That the grantJ.ng of the variance will not constitute agrant of special privilege inconsistent witb thelinitations on other properties classified ln the samedistrict. r. I 1x. <x. If)- properties in the sarne district. IV. STAFF RECOI.{IGNDATION , That the granting of the variance wiII not bedetrinental to the public health, safety or selfare, ormaterlally lnjurious to properties or inprovements in the viclnity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: {. The strict literal interpretation or enforcementof the specified regulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardshlp Lnconsl-Etent with the obJectives of thistitle. 1. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or condltions applicable to the sauesite of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c.4. The strict interpretation or enforcernent of the specified regulation vould deprive the applicantof privileges enjoyed by the owners of other YJ i"t'l , The staff reconmends aPproval of the reguest with theqil condltion that the easternmost 10r of the existing paved ,z.gdv.1.g--..--parking area be rernoved and landEcaped. The variance is not 4,5.J.$/ a grant of speciat privitege and does not inpact adjacentproperties in a negative nanner. We find that there are exceptions or extraordinary circurnstances or conditions applicable to this site that do not generally apply to other properties in this sane district. The staff feels that the addition of enclosed parking will irnprove the general appearance of the neighborhood. with the garage addition, there will be a naxinum 5 vehicle parking spaces provided on site. The staff finds that the garage and entry area have been located so that the encroachment to the side and front setback have been ninirnized. t 1 Q.{rl?* of'a9 -t\(+l tow' 1 rj Jaorrl ?-,t|ru^ frfl .P 6rU*g*'* &rt atlz'tqi + d4l o' tlrl. cotstt-oo *ro&*, -" LoI D cJ t q^L. ?trs ?Lt1 -'/2 lLy, zic;u. 6, ,,111 sc,4 -/ (o) rrul *t ee' ci,J'* ra?t:l Cc) i.J ' 4*' {tE'n'}^ ltt 1 .aAJ r4 'a.*' * q" . Jtt \ .\' }-.J \ Ltf 1 wtb a, \ snE PLAN gq4E- Neaf Evatxtal ft Present Chuck Crlst Diana Donovan L,,udwig KurzJin Shearer Kathy l{arren Dalton Willians l{embers Absent Connie Knight PIAIINING AIID EIWIRONI,TENTAL COMMISSION JrrNE 25, 1990 staffKristan Pritzltike llollicashelly Dlello Andy Knudtsen Penny Perry fn the interest of tlme, work sessions were held prior to thepublic hearing beglnning at 12:40 p.!0. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, rnc. Kristan Pritz explained that the request was for the redevelopurent of the Sonnenalp property and a proposed Special Development District. She gave a brief sumnary of the reguest and reviewed the zoning analysis. She reviewed those items related to the project found within the vail Village Master Plan inctuding Sub-Area #1-3, eurphasizlng Goals & Policies, and Illustrative Plans. She al-o provided corresponding prelininary staff conments. Kristan then relayed connents nade by the Fire Department and Publlc Works. This was a work session, so no recornnendation was rnade. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, explained that they were before the board on a prelininary basis and sinply wanted cornrnents and suggestions so they could nove ahead with the design Process. Irene Westby, manager of the Talisman, explained that the olilners had discussed the proposal , though not in depth, regarding coordination with the Sonnenalp on landscape and parking. As the manager, she would encourage the board to nove faster. They do have concerns with parklng, landscape and fire access. Jay explained that he had net with the president of the association and the Sonnenalp had offered access through the Sonnenalp structure. uarilyn Fletcher, a Talisman condoninium owner, felt the proposal ras very nice looking. She was concerned about the setbacks and ingress/egress. A recruest for a work session on the SonnenaLp redevelopment and Kent RoBe, speakLng for hinself as a Council lllenber, felt ttratthe zonlng analysls found slthln the neno rae vell prepared. fnthe future, he sould like to see a conparieon of the sDD with the Vitlage llaster Plan as sell. He suggested to lGlstan to add this conparleon to the present chart. He etated that the additional conparJ-son could help hfun lean nore favorable toward the proJect. As Lt was currently depicted, the proJect looked too large. Larry Eslnrlth explaLned that he would prefer that the Council menbers not particlpate in the PEc neeting. The councll is aquasi-Judicial board and he felt their partlcipation could causelegal problens. Diana asked if they could speak in a general aense or at a mininun ask questions, and Iarry said nyes.n l.lerv Iapln felt that page 2 of the Deno was the key. t{hen an SDD Ls proposed, there ehould be trade-offs. He wanted to know what these trade-offs were. He felt that staff presented the trade-offs in respect to the l{arriott proJect well. Regarding theMarriott project, he felt that too nuch time was spent conparing the orlginal application to the current proposal . uenr agreedwith Larry Eskwith, that the Councilrs connents should be linitedat thiE polnt. The council wae Ln a quasi-Judicial role. Kristan explained that the Planning Cornrnission sinply wanted general comnents and issues that the councll felt needed to be addressed. Lynn Fritzlen asked lf staff could restate the purPose of applying underlylng zonlng and Kristan explained that there werebasically two reasons. lhe first waE to ldentlfy the uses possible on the Eite and the second was used to conpare the proposal with the underlylng zoning requirenents which PEC and Council always request staff to do. Jay Peterson addressed the trade-off lssue. He stated that the Sonnenalp building could neet the PA criteria, however, the buildlng design would becone a terrible bulky nass in the nlddleof the lot. He also felt that the propoaed use of 99t hotel roons uaB a trade-off. Also, the proposal wae not far over GRFA. The current proposal was at 32 unlte per acre conpared to the 25units per acre called for under PA zoning. Peggy Osterfoss stated tbat lt would be helpful lf atl partl.es concerned had a copy of the vall Village l,taster Plan. Jln Shearer felt it was extrenely inportant for the Sonnenalp to work wLth the Tatisman regarding parking and landscapLng. He vas concerned about the Ludwig deck and its inpact on the creek area. He also wanted to Eee the enployee housing issue addressed. He was very concerned about the height creating a crowded feeling on I Meadow Drlve. He understood ilayrs coruenta regarding the bulk in the nlddle of the lot, but felt that the nass could be pulled offof ueadow Drive and a more attractive walk created. He felt the approach would create nore interest for the retaLl area. Jinatio felt a phaslng plan was needed. Jin liked the increase in Iodglng units, underground parking, and felt that the l'aesslers were good nanagers. lle had some concern about the amount ofretail space and density. He prefered the tower aE an archltectural feature as opposed to a ftbuildingrr provldJ.ng living area in the tower. Kathy lfarren asked if the staff could total all the sg. footage calculations (GRFA, Accessory etc..) on the charts in the future. Fron what she could qulckly salculate, the proPosal vas over PA zoning by 25t. Kathy felt she could not support setback variances for Vail Road, Dleadow Drive or the Strean and she felt that the heights called for by the l{aster Plan should be adhered to. Though slightly under on site coverage and over on landscaping, the landscaped area is private and Ehould be opened up and nore inviting to the pub!-ic. Creek access is inportant. Kathy felt enployee houslng was necessary and would like to see tt on site. The Talisnran parking should also be addreEsed. No variances on parking should be given. Iodge use is very good. She is looking for the public good in respect to the proJect. Kathy felt that, because it was a hoteL, she was not as concerned with units per acre as she was with GRFA. She did not see much in the way of benefits for the Town. Jay, in response to the ernployee housing J.ssue, stated that the Faesslers own 24 units in solir vail as well as some units in Bighorn. chuck Crist stated ttrat he had always wanted to see the slte developed. He had concerns about the tower. He stated that he was not as concerned with setbacks with the exception of lteadow drive. The mass on Meadow Drive needs to be broken up- The loss of landscaping is a problern. He also would like to see employee housing in-orporated into the proJect on site. He felt that the Town would be losing green space and the stream would be blocked frorn the pubtic and he liked the amount of retail space proposed. He liked the underground parking. Dalton ltas very concerrred with the setbacks as they related to the transfer of open space fron public areas to private areas. The 2o foot setbalf rnult be naintained. The ber:m, per the Vail Village lrfaster PIan, should be kept. He felt that the building, along lteadow Drive, should be stepped back in order to avoid a(canyonn affect. He did not feel he could approve the requested setblck variances. Bhe parking for the entire project including Talisman and Swiss House must be addressed. Dalton contlnued by quoting the Vall Vitlage l,laster Plan Sub-Area #1-5 lltllow Bridge Road Wall(Itay aB etating: nA decoratlve paver pedestrlan salktray, separated fronthe atreet and accented by a strong landscaped area to encourage pedestrian cLrculation along ueadow Drive. Loss of parking wlII need to be relocated on site.r Dalton felt that the lngress/egress ehould be on tlre east sLde ofthe sonnenalp by Village center (Swiss llouse) and the planter along lfeadow Drlve uust stay. Dalton aleo felt that the building should be pulled back to buffer nolee trou bua trafflc. He feltthat the gate should be noved east and felt that the nass and bulk nas not compatlble vlth East lteadow Drl.ve. Dalton felt that the 48 foot helght reguireuent ghould be gtrlctly adhered to, a 1o1r toser was out of the queetion and the King Ildwig deck should be stepped down towards the creek. !!he deck creates too nuch of a wall. Dalton felt that the employee houeing should be on-sLte and that the proposal was taking open apace and landscaping away from the public. The applicant should put inpubllc spaces, llke a strean walk. He conmended the FaesslerEfor being excellent hoteliers. Ludwig couplimented the Faesslers for running a iclaes operation.i Ludwig Kurz felt the proposal needed a conprehenslve parking plan as well as an acceas study. He felt he could give sone leeway with the helght and naee, however, the building still needed sork. Ludwlg felt that the wal-lstay and loading area werein conflict and need a better Lnterface. Jay stated that the loading area was located by default. Ludwig also felt that theinternal open space sat naxinized at the sacrl,fice of areas along Meadow Dr. and Vail Road. Diana stated that the proposal disregarded the vail vLllage Master Plan. She guestioned whether parking for conmercial would be accesslbte and resernred for cornnercial . atay sald space would be made available to customers. She felt that the building was beautiful but would be nore appropriate on large acreage. Diana felt that a streannnalk should b€ proposed and the parklng sltuation concerned her. Jay erq)Ial-ned that he felt the parking regrulations pertalned tosnaller hotel rooms. The proposed parking would work eimilar to Crossroads and the gate nould be relocated. Diana felt that the loading needed to be either noved away fron the creek orinproved. Parking for Swiss House and Talisnan needs to be figrured out. The role of the Talisman also needs to be defined. Ebployee housing rnust be addressed - perhaps pemanently restrict wtrat sonnenalp already has for enployee unlts. She felt lt was inportant to know what the Tall.snanrs lntentlona were soon and wbat would be done. Diana also had concerns regarding the setbacks along lleadow Drlve and Vail Road. She dldnrt have a problen with a varl.ance for an archltectural Etatement, houever,the height ln general nust be reduced. Diana vas concerned whether an SDD was realy necesaary. She questLoned the benefitof the proJect to the public and stated more general public l-mprovenents were needed. Kathy warren felt that the trash el.tuation needed to be addressed and that the applicant needed to eoften the approach at thepedestrian level . She aleo felt that new employee housing units needed to be addressed ln additlon to tlrose already owned. Shefelt the connercial square footage aleo contrlbuted to enployee housing demand. Jay felt that an additional employee unlt reguirenent would bepenalizing the applicant for having the foresight to purchase theunits. The applicant purchased the Solar crest unLts witb theintention of completing the redevelopnent currently proposed. Ton Steinberg conmented that he feLt the proposal was golng in the correct directLon. He also agreed with Dlana that he was not sure an SDD would be needed. A reauest for a work sessl.on for an exterior alteration, a slte coveraae variance. a heigrht variance. a landscane variance and a floodplain modification for the Covered Bridge Building, locateB on L,ot C and Lot D, and the southwesterlv 4 feet of Lot B, all in Block 5-8. VaiI village 1st Fll1ng. 227 Bridqe street.Applicant: HillLs of Snowmass. Inc. and Bruce Arrrn & Associates. Mike Mollica explained that the applicants were proPosing a najor redevelopment of the covered Bridge Building. The proposal called for maJor rnodlfications to the front entrance of the existS-ng connercial spaces, the creation of lorter level cornnercial spaces, infill on the north and northwest sectionE of the existing structure, the addition of an elevator, and the addition of two upper floors. The reguest involved 5 separate applications, an exterLor alteration reguest, a site coverage variance reguest, a height variance request, a Landscape variance request, and a floodplain nodification request. Mike reviewed the applicable zonLng considerations and gave prelininary staff conments. Since this was a work session, no staff reconmendations were Dade. Kathy warren asked what the allowed GRFA was and Mike explainedthat the Eurivey was not finished and therefore calculations were not nade with regard to GRFA. Ned Gwathney' project architect, felt that they would be within what was allowed. Ned explained the changes that were nade since the staff neno was written. The only lssue he felt that the PEc Dight be concerned about was the height of the new roof line. The new proposal did, however, elirninate the flat roof design. He explained that the adjacent propertles uere bullt prlor to the enactment of the hei.ght reitrlctions and nost vere above the helght of the present covered arldge Bulldlng. Ned stated that the proposal would beln llne with-the surrounding propertiee, and that the design did not negatively affect adJacent propertles. In fact tlre propoeal could enhance the adJacent properties, for exarnple, the new roof would Bcreen dPeplrs wall.i Ton Steinberg, slttlng ln ttre audlence, said he felt he uould have no obJectl-ons to the helght varlance due to the fact thatthe roof would screen Peplrs vall. Dalton willlans €ncouraged uorklng vlth the pocket park and extending the strean walk down to the end of the property line, if at alt possible, eo that lt could be continued ln the future. chuck Crl.st asked lf they would be lncreaslng co"'-on space and Ned answered rrno.i However, there would be no decrease Ln connon space either. Chuck asked how the helEht related to the grade found on Brldge street and Ned ansvered that Brldge Street Ls 6l higher ttran the grade used to calculate height. Ned also wanted Chuck to bear ln nind that the building was stepped back' hence the highest polnt would be 5or off of the street. Chuck explained that he liked the proposal. He would like to see rnore flower boxes and perhaps a Dore Tyrolean look. Ludwig Kurz felt the proJect looked good. He guestioned wlrether there was any opposition to the proJect and l{ike eqllalned that the proposal had not formally been published since thLE sas sinply a work session. Mlke explalned that he did have oneletter at that tlme from Rod Slifer in favor of the proposal . Kathy lfarren asked, lf they removed the building area by thepark, htghltghted Ln yellow on the plans, including the rear stalr, if the proJect sould be ln conpliance with slte co-verage. She also stated that she was not confortable with the height variance but if the Town could end up wlth a more usable public park she could consider the height varLance. She wae not comfortable rith the eite coverage varlance. Kathy felt she could not obJect to the exterLor alteration, it waE a much needed tnprovement. Kathy questioned whether the pocket park sas LdentifLed in the vail Village Uaster Plan and Ml'ke explained that it vaE not addressed. Kathy was concerned about the Bridge Street access to the park and wanted to see nore detail . Jin Shearer felt the proJect was good looklng. Ile llked the roof ll.neE and would like to see nore planter boxeg. He stated that the reason behind a variance le to irnprove the property. He would like to see improvenents to the etreamwalk and to see a1l evergreens saved or 4 Put ln for the 2 taken out. He felt there nlght be a problen with the floodplain nodificatl.on. He was concerned with the elevator slraft and water teepage. He hadproblen with the height. He would rather have an attractivellne. He was satlsfied with the looks of the proposal . Hethe staff and board needed to look at the view corrLdor. Heliked the way the proposal tiered back fron the street with height. norooffelt the Diana Donovan felt lt would be wonderful to get a walkway to Gore Creek Plaza. She felt it woutd be nLce to have jogs, and bay windows on the north slde of the bullding. She felt the accessto the park needed to be more enticl-ng. she was not sure about the height. Trade-offs and other considerations such as screening Pepirs buildlng would be a help. She nould have a hardtine supporting the proposal if the evergreen trees were renoved. Mike explalned that the Town Landscape Architect felt the trees were.very healthy and would Last many years. Diana suggested the use of pavers rather than asphalt in front of the building. chuck Crist asked about the alurninun siding that was origl.nally proposed and Ned explained that the siding had been changed to wood. The Public Hearing was called to order at 3:1o p.n. by Diana Donovan, Chairperson. Connie Knight was absent. In the lnterestof tine, the board skipped to Iten No. 4. The applicants for Itens No. 2 & 3 nere not present. rtem No. 4: A request for a condl.tional use pernlt for ?construction staginq area, Iocated iust uphill of the Golden Peak snowmaking Punphouse, Tract B,Vail Villaqe 7th FiIincl.Applicant: Vail Associates. Inc. Shelly Melto explained that VaiI Associates lras requesting a conditional use permit for a sunmer seasonal staging area at the Golden Peak base area for the construction of the Far East Restaurant. The area was located in the Ski Base Recreatl.on zonedistrict. fn this zone district, rrsummer outdoor Storage for Mountain Equiprnentrr is an allowed conditional use. The proposed use would be for an office trailer, 12 enployee parking spaces for the sunmer of 1990 and 25 parking spaces for 1991. A linited amount of construction naterials would also be located at the stagJ-ng area. The construction trailer and the building materials would be renoved by Noveuber 15th of each year. Shelly ex;)lalned that staff was concerned about parking being located on the eite and suggested the posslbillty of located the parklng uphlll on county land or an alternate area suclt ae the west Day f,ot. The staff reconnendatl.on wag for approval sl,th conditions as found wlthin the meno. Joe l.lacy exptalned that the reguest was nade ln order to construct a 5oo seat restaurant at the Far 8att. He stated thatVail Associatee had recelved at least 2 other condltlonal usepernite and had no complaints. They did not want to take parking away from the public by parklng thelr enployeea ln publlc parklngareas. Ehe new Vlllage Parklng stnrcture had created a parking shortage. Jack Hunn explained that part of the goal was to have vlstbtlltyfor delivery trucks. The other reaaon ua8 to have a collectingplace for ernployeee Ln order to lfunlt the nunber of vehicles on the nountaLn. The appllcant had originally looked at uslng the t{est Day Lot. However, when the Town of Vail decided to go forthwith the parking structure expansion, it wae felt that this lot would be needed for publlc parking. Joe Uacy clarified that the etag!.ng area ttas actually downhill ofthe punphouse. Kristan Prltz noted that the propoeal had statedspecifically that the staging sould be uphilt. Ildwig Kurz asked if any of the area would be fenced or screened and Jack Hunn explained that the storage area sould not be screened. IJudulg saw no problems with having both the storage area and parking on the site. He understood the hardshlp of staging fron tlto areas. Diana Donovan asked why Vail Associates did not wish to use the Eagle County area uphill since lt was already graveled and graded. Dalton Williarns had no problern with delivery and staging but wanted the parking hidden. He also wanted to knov why the staff conditions of approval included revegetating after the firetyear. He felt it would be a waste of tine and noney, for the area rrould be used for skiing ln the winter and reused for staging the next year. He felt it would be sufficlent to revegetate in the fall of 1991. ilin Shearer asked why the request wae for !.2 cara in 1990 and 25in 1991 and Joe Macy e:<plalned that the finlsh construction which would be done in the second year required more enployees. Jin conmented that the blggest problen would be how the site would Iook from I-70. Diana Donovan felt that if the area ttag screened she could support the parking of 12 vehicles. She was stlll unsure about 25 vehicles. Diana also felt that the rdust preventioni statenent should state fron the iVLEta-Bahnn. She connented that she would rather aee approval for the staging slte cone through the Vail board than to deny the request and be proposed to Eagle County and have no control . A motlon to aprroval the recruested conditional use petmit with the followina conditions was nade bv Kathy l{arren and seconded by Chuck Crist. Conditions: 1. That the staoing sLte be used for constructlon fron June 1. lggo:Novenber 15, 1990 and the end of the aki season to November 15, 1991; and AII areas Lmnacted bv the construction staglnq have straw taid at the bv Noveurber 3O. 1990 and be cornpletelv reveqetated bv Novenber 30, 1991; and No nore than 12 vehl.cles at any one time. screened in a manner approved bv staff in 1990 and no nore than 5 vehicles at anv 1 tirne be parked on site in 1991; and 4. A 3or setback be maintained fron Mill Creek; and 5. That the aoplicant treat the road from the ViEta Bahn to the staqinq area to limit the amount of road dust that would result from the increased use of the access road. VOTE: 5-O rN FAVOR ftem No. 5: A reouest for a side and front setback variance in order to construct a qaraqe on Lot 7' Block ?,vait vltlaqe gth tr'lllnq. ggg Red sandstone Clrcle- Aolllicant: PauI Testwulde Shelly Mello explained that the request was for a garage and entry addition to the nortlr and west sides of the existing residence. The proposed garage had a total area of 526 sq. ft. and would encroath i naxlnun of 3 ft. into the 15 foot side setback requirement and 2 ft. into the 20 foot front setback requirenent. l{ith the exception of the requested variance, aII other development standards would be met. The Etaff reconmendation was for approval of the request with the conditionthat the easternmost lor of the existing paved parking area be removed and landscaped. The variance would not be a grant of special privilege and did not impact adjacent properties in a 2. 3. negatlve nanner. The staff felt that the addition of encloeedparklng would tmprove the general appearance of the nelghborhood. Galen Etated that he had signlficantly reduced the garage per theboardrs reguest at thc last neetlng. Ttrey vere slnply asking to keep the aephalt. The propoaal dld add a algnificant anount oflandecaplng. llhey viehed to leave tbe aephalt as a place for thekide to play. Galen aleo aeked to have a lLttle leeway wlth the Eetback (lnches) ln order to avoid havlng extenslve sur:vey work. Kathy Warren aeked why the additlonal 1Or of asphalt was needed and l{rs. Testr rlde e:<plalned that slthout the additional asphaltthey would have no grueet parklng. Guests sould not want to park Ln front of the garage, therefore blocking the garage. Jin Shearer questioned the landscapLng as it vae portrayed on theplan. He felt lf the 10r area was left, lt sould look strange.ltrs. Testwrrlde explaLned the exietLng rock saII rhlch franed theportion belng spoken of and how the landscape features wereplanned around the asphalt. Kathy Warren stated that ghe understood the etaffrs concerrrE. However, she could also slmpathlze with !lre. Testrnriders concerns. Chuck Crist, Da1ton t{illians, and Ludwig Kurz DLana Donovan euggested the appllcant reduce west side of the driveway. had no concerna. the aephalt on the A notion to approve the recruested 3r eide eetback and 2rfront eetback varLances with condl.tion as follorrs was nade bv Kathy Warren and Seconded by Jin Shearer oer findincrE C- 1--toDoqraphv, C-2 and C-3. Conditions: 1. landscapirur. W Iten No. 6: Applicant: Dan and Karen Forev uike tlollLca explained that the applicants were reguesting variances fron the front setback and the stream setback. They were proposLng a maJor remodel of the existlng two-fanily hone 10 which lncluded an attached two-car garage with a secondary,rental unit located above the garage which is required to berestricted per the Townrs zoning code. Mike alEo explal.ned thatthe lot was severely constralned by the llnitatlons of the setbacks and the renaining buildable area was linited. The lot was also constrained by the exieting topography; the average slope beneath the parking area and the proposed garage site was approxinately 31t. llhe slope dld allow the owners to conEtruct a garage in the front setback without a varlance. The variance was regulred due to the proposed secondary unlt located above the {tarage. The staff reconnendatlon was for approval . Staff believed the lot to be encunbered with a physical hardship and believed the siting of the garage had been deslgned in the most sensitive nanner possible. John Perkins, representlng the appllcant, explained that the hone was purchased with the lntent of renodellng. The plan was to convert the duplex lnto one unit and add the garage and caretakerunLt. He felt the key points were that the applicant was proposing to upgrade a property and add a much needed employeeunit. Kathy warren felt that the parking asphalt should be decreased to 40r compared to the proposed 50r width. Chuck crist connented that he liked the plan as presented. Ludwig Kurz also liked the proposal . Jiu Shearer agreed with Kathy that the driveway could be decreased in width and John Perkins felt he could adJust the width but felt 4Or may be too small. Jim conmented that it was part of the job as a Planning Conmissioner to encourage upgrading, employee housing and coveredparking. He could not see any negative inpacts and therefore could support the proposal. Dl.ana Donovan concurred with the board. In general , she felt that the PEc was beglnning to be too easy with lots that had physical constraints. The zoning regulations were sritten to address the matters and should be adhered to. A notion to approve the requests Per the staff neno- r{ith the condition that the DRB review the width of the drivewavto maintain as close to a 40r as possible, was nade by Jin Shearer and seconded bv Kathy l{arren. VOTE: 6-0 TN FAVOR 11 Iten No. 7:A recnrest for a conditional use per.mit and a Road.AoolLcant: Town of Vail PolLce Department Andy Knudteen explalned that the Pollce Degnrtnent proposed tobuild a tower for a new antenna and rnlcrowave dish as part of an improvenent to tha Energency Serirrices Coununicatlon Systeu. llhetower would be 40 feet tall slth a 10 foot antenna on top for atotal of 50 feet ln height. The etaff felt that the proposal would have rninimal negatlve Lupactg and that the overall proJect wouLd inprove the character of the area. Ttre etaff reconmendation was for approval sith condltlonE as stated in the memo. Kathy Itarren felt that the nechanlcal equlpnent referred to Lnthe reconmended conditions of approval was already supposed to have been renoved. Ken Hughy agreed and apologlzed that it hadnot already been done. He assured Kathy that lt would be done. Dalton lfilllans was concerned about the propoeed helght of the tower and Ken explained that he had looked lnto alternatives; however, cost and the lack of cooperatlon fron the U.S. Westbuildlng attributed to the proposed location. Ken conmented that the long range plans rere to relocate thepolice station and hopefully the nove would include noving allthe equipnent. Kristan wanted the board to understand that the reason staff was recoumending approval of the reguest was because the buildlng was located Ln the Rrbllc Uee dl.strl.ct, not because the appllcant wasthe Town of Vail. Ludwlg stated that he had concerns, however, in light of thesafety Lssues he felt he could support the proJect. Jim Strearer asked if there would be any grulde wiree and Ken responded n1e.rr Jirn then asked what the chances were of the Police Departnent addlng other dishes in the future and Ken explaLned that there rrere no plans for additions in the nearfuture. Jin pointed out that the paint color was an important issue for the Design Revlew Board to conelder. Kathy warren had no conrnentE. Diana felt that the blg trees salvaged fron the parklng structure renovation would be too big and would attract attentlon rather than divert attention to the tower. She would prefer to see aspens but felt it wae a natter better left for the Design Review Board to review. L2 A notion to aoorove the conditional uEe perurit oer the staff nemo and staff conditions ae follows was made bv Ludwiq Kurz and seconded bv Jim Shearer. Conditions: 1. Rernove unnecessarv nechanl-cal equionent on the roof; and Repalr the danaged fence on the northern Dropertv line; and Buffer the tower by olantlng 3-5 trees; and Paint the tower, dish. and antenna with a non-reflective, environmentallv sensitive paint color per the Desian Review Board approval . VOTE3 6-0 IN fAVoR Item No. 8: 2. 3. 4. Shelly Uello explained that the applicant was requesting a variance froro the 20 ft. side and rear setback reguirement to allos for the construction of a 101.25 sq. ft. addition on the north side of the building. The variance request was for an 11 ft. encroachment lnto the 20 ft. rear setback and a 15 ft. encroachment into the 2O ft. side yard setback. Bighorn Terrace is a nonconfornLng subdivlsion because it was annexed into the Town and zoned UDMF after it was estabtl.shed. The imposed setbacks greatly linit the locations of possible additions which would not-require setback varl.ances. The staff recornnendation was for denial- of the reguest. Staff acknowledged tbat other properties in the Eighorn Terrace subdivision had received setback variances and therefore the variance reguest was not a grant of special privilege and that although there were exceptions or extraordinary conditions applJ-cable to the lot which did not generalty apply to their properties in the same zone district, a mininurn setback should be maintained in order to guarantee a nininum distance between buildings to insurepublic health , safety, and welfare as sell as the fair treatment of all property owners within Blghorn Terrace. If the PEC uere to approve the variance reguest, staff reconmended the applicant be required to underground the electrical serlrrice from the service pole. A request for a side yard setback variance at 4247 13 John Nilsson explalned that he needed the space to nake the honeuore habitable. He felt the idLstance between buildingsil rule was unfair since there were nany hones nuch closer together. Hefelt the addltlon sould Luprove the area by ridding the junk onhis porch. Ludwig Kurz didnrt feel the additlon Lnpacted nelghborlngpropertles in a negative way. He could not eee denying the request wlth the anendnent of the code stlll outstandlng. Dalton Willlans sas also concerned about denying the reguestwithout fonal pollcles belng ln force. H€ aBked shere the pole and linee were. He felt Lt was unreasonable to ask the appllcantto underground the vl,res shen lt had not been asked ln the past. IGistan and Shelly enphaslz€d that when a variance is granted, nany tLnes there le a trade-off. In thls case, the undergrounding of wires nust begln sonewhere. Dalton was not in favor of reguirlng the applicant to undergroundthe wires. He felt he could support a condition that reguiredthe applicant to underground the wlres at the tiue that 5Ot ofthe residents whose lines were Located on the same pole undergrounded thelr wLres. Chuck Crist had no problen supportlng the variance requests. He was not in favor of reguiring the appl-icant to underground thewires. tle would rather see lncreased landscaplng. Kathy warren clarlfied that the addition would be where theexisting deck was located. Because the deck wag already there, she would be comfortable with the additlon. She would also llketo see the undergroundlng of utilities. JIn Shearer asked how close the house sas to the weEt and Shelly explained that the diEtance was 17 I staggered but the deck enclosure would not increase the distance. Jin shared Daltonrsfeeling regardlng the undergrounding of utilities though he did agree that the Tohrn should get sone tlpe of trade-off in returnfor a variance. Diana agreed wltb Kathy lfarren In that the utllltLes needed to be undergrounded. John Nilsson felt Lt nas unfair to requlre hfun to underground theutllities until done by all. He explalned that, sithin the last 5 months, there uaa a conmittee formed to try and have the llneE undergrounded. The connittee waa unsuccessful . Durlng hisactivity on the conml.ttee, the infotnatLon he received wascontrary. He understood one llne at a tine could not be L4 undergrounded. It would have to be a nass project. He stated he would be happy to get bids on the cost, reopen conversation withthe association regarding the undergrounding of the utilities, and be willing to spend up to $4O0.OO to underground theindividual utility lines to his unit. A notion to approve the recmested Eetback variances sith conditions as follows per findings A. B. C-1 . and C-3 was nade bv Chuck Crist and seconded bv Jin Shearer. Conditions: 1. The applicant obtain 3 bids and aqrees to underqroundutilities if the cost of underaroundino was 5400.00 or less. 2. If the cost is over 3400.00. the anplicant agrees to undercrround the utilities when the rest of the association does. 3. The applicant agrees to head a committee for BuildingsA. B. and C in order to approach Holv Cross Electric and the Town to address the under<rroundinq of theutilities for the proiect as a whole. VOTE: 6-0 rN FAVOR Itern No. 9: A recruest for an anendnent to SDD No. 23' ViaI National Bank. Part of Lot D. Block 2' Vail Village 2nd Filinq. 108 S. Frontaqe Road West.Applicant: Vail National Bank Buildinct CorD. Mike MoIIica explained that the application involved two elements, an amendment to the approved developrnent plan to allowfor the enclosure of two decks on the third floor of thestructure and an amendment to the parking standards of sDD No. 23in order to provide parking for this proposed addition within the parklng structure at the Vail Valley Medical Center. The proposaL constitutes a major anendnent to an existing SDD. The Planning Conmissions action is advisory, and final decisions are nade by the Town Council. The staff was suPportive of the vail National Bankrs request. Staff was cornfortable with the tinlngof the request and the l{odification Agreement and Irrevocable r.etter of credl,t. staff felt that the joint-use parking arrangenent was very reasonable. The staff reconmendation carried conditions as found within the meno. Jay Peterson, representing the applicant, ercplained that the applicant had waited for the Medical Center to get approval for the addltional spaces and begin construction before they returnedto tbe PEC. He felt the tining $ras now right. 15 Kathy tlarren agreed ttre tinlng waa rlght and Jin Shearer agreed. Dalton l{illians guestloned, sl.nce the appllcant was purchasLng extra apaces, lf the board could regul.re then to delete a Bpacethat he felt wae uneafe located on the front Iot. DiscuEsion centered around the Lssue and lt sag decided that the board didnot have the authorlty to requlre the renoval of the space. CondltlonE: 1. Ttre Town of VaLl will not lseue a Tenporarv CertLfLcateof Occupancv to the Vall National Bank (for the 2. If for sorne unforeseen reason the Medlcal Centerrsparking strtrcture is not conpleted, the newly constructed deck enclosure shall only be allowed to be used for connon storage. llhe owner ehall be requiredto subnl.t a wrltten aoreenent addressing this condition on the use of the space for the Town Attornevts revLew and this shall be recorded, on the land records, at the Eaole Countrr Clerk and Recorderrs Office. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Iten No. 10:A recruest for an anendment to the Townre zonl-ng code to add nTelevision Stationsrr as a first fg,l5,-O4g-Applicant: VaLl/Beaver Creek Ielevision Netrtork. ltike Mollica explained that the applicant was requesting to anend Section 18.26.040 of the Town of Vail Zon1ng Code in order to addrrTelevision Stationsrr as a fl.rst floor level , conditJ.onal use Ln the Connercial core II zone district. The current zonJ.ng codedid not specifically address televislon stations, however theposition of the plannlng staff had been that televiEion stationstall under the category of professional offices. Professionaloffices are currently not allowed as permitted or conditl.onal uses on first floor or street level . The staff reconmended denlal of the applicantrs request to nodify the Townrs Zoning Code. Staff did not support the proposed change in the zonlng A notion to aoorove the recmests oer staff neno and conditl.one aE follows was nade bv Ludwiq Kurz and eeconded by Dalton l{llllans. 16 O code aE they felt that the appllcantrs request was not consistentwith the pur?ose section of the Conmercial Core II zone district. Although staff belleved that television stations should be allowable uses Ln CommercLal Core fI at basement or second floorlevels, staff strongly felt that the proposed use on the flrstfloor was inappropriate. B11I Perkins, President of Vail/Beaver Creek T.V., disagreed withthe staffrs assumption that a Television Statlon should fall intothe same category as a profeesional offlce. Flrst, a televisionstation needed high ceilings. The nature of the business tas to cater to and attract the gruests of the valley. An open frontage Ls aleo very inportant. He stated that the nerchants ln the area were very supportive. Bill elaborated that the area they were considerLng rras an area that had been unsuccessful for retail usein ttre past. Chuck stated that due to the nature of Vall and this proposed T.V. Station, he vould tend to support the proposal . However, he was afraid of creating a precedent for other professional offices. Kathy Warren asked staff how the proposal would be handled sinceT.v. Stations were not dLrectly dealt with in the code and Kristan explained that the staff made the assurnption T.V. Stations would fall into the sarne category as professional offices due to sinrilar uses and inpacts. Kathy felt she couldnot support the proposal . Jirn Shearer feLt he could be supportive of anything that wouldbuild clientele in the area but didntt feel a T.V. Station wouldbring sales tax revenue to the Town. Bill Perkins stated that he understood the boardrs concerns. Hohrever, he needed a temporary solution until the Sunbird wasrebuilt. He asked if the board would be supportive if he could nake the station first floor without frontage on the nall. It would be difficult for hirn to operate but felt it could be nanaged. Kristan felt that it sould still be considered first floor level even without the frontage on the naIl. DLana conmented that it was not approprlate to change zonJ-ng for a singLe applicant. Ludwig Kurz felt that the board was hung up on the definition of street level and stated that the proposed site was, without a doubt, first floor and a T.v. Station should be considered a professional office. He felt the board could not afford to set a precedent. L7 Dalton lllllians connented that he had the chance in the past to operate a T.v. Station. He felt the board sas nissing the pointof trafflc. ff done correctly, a T.V. Statlon could increase saleE tax Ln excess of what could be generated by a retail storeIocated in the same space. He felt thiE uas the exact kind ofcondltional use that ehould be pernitted Chuck crist asked staff lf a pennnent condltlon could be put ona conditlonal use and Diana etated an exarnple from pg 346 of the code, Barber and Beauty Shopa, rhlch etated the use would beallowed as long as there waa no exterlor frontage. Discussion then centered around the possl.bllity of adding T.V. StatLons under tlre earne condltionE as the Beauty Shops andshether lt would be feaelble for the appllcant. Kristan commented that lf the use sas allowed under the Beauty Shop conditions, the space sould be taken away from other vl.ableretail shops. A notion to deny the recruest to anend the zonlng code perthe staff nemo was nade by Kathv Warren and eeconded bv Ludwig Kurz. It was regueeted by the board that the vote be passed on to the Town council sith conments fron the board aE folloss: Chuck Crist - guestlons whether the proposed use will really draw pedeEtrians to the area. Hosever, he feelsthat due to the general resort nature of the Townof Vail and the proposed T.V. station he tends to support the reguest. Kathy lfarren - questionE whether a conditional use pemit procesa would be nore appropriate lf the proposal had absolutely no frontage on a pedestrl.an rnall orstreet. - generally felt that the proposed use nas avlable uae on first floor ln CCII. - generally not confortable vith the request. - she believes that the requested use would bebetter euited to a basenent or second floor level and suggested that the applicant pursue an anendnent to the zoning code regarding Section L8.24.030(c-6) regarding pernltted uses on flrstfloor or Etreet level withln a structure, subJectto the iseuance of a condltional use permltr Eb9E9the use does not have any exterior frontacre on apublic wav. street. walkwav or mall area. 18 Jim Shearer - fs in favor of bullding up the comnercial areasin Lionshead, but believeE that linited sa1eE tax would be generated by this proposal . - believes that an upper floor location would be nore appropriate and feels that an upper floor would provide a better backdrop of thE ski areafor the T.V. studlo. - believes that the proposed uEe does have narketable value for the fown of Vail but feelsthat ne nust guard agalnst setting a precedent with this proposed use. - agrees wlth Kathy Warren regarding Section L8.24.o3o(C-5) and stressed the need to protect against setting a precedent and feels that he was voting strlctly as a Planning Connission menber and not with his emotions. Diana Donovan -believes that once thie use is listed as a eonditional use it would be very difficult to deny a request for such a conditional use. - agtrees with Kathy lfarren and Chuck Crist regarding Section L8.24.03o (C-5) . Ludwig Kurz - agrees with the staff that we cannot afford to set a precedent with the proposed change and is not in favor of the request. Dalton Williarns- believee that this proposed use would produce very heavy pedestrian traffic in Lionshead, which would generate sales and sales tax. - believes that this is exactly what the Town ofVail wants. -believes that people wilt show up for this proposed use. Feels that this is a rrdynaniterl idea. -believes that this is a proper conditional use. VOTE: 4-2 WITH DALTON WILLIN{S AND CHUCK CRIST OPPOSED TO THE DENIAL 19 Iten No. 11: ThiE Ltem waeItem No. 123 ApplLcant: Kevln Clalr/Chuck Rogencnrl.st wlthdrawn, no actl.on waB taken. Mlke Mollica explalned that the request was to schedule a reviewperiod. Staff recommended a 90 day revlew period for the Covered Bridge Bullding and a 60 day revLew perlod for the lrtontaneros. A.motion 'to eet the revLew oerLods as reconmended bv staff was made bv Kathy l{arren and seconded bv Jin Shearer. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Iten No. 13: A recnrest for a variance fron the wall hel-crht Iten No. 14: 805 Potato Patch Drlve.Aprlicant: Patsv and Pedro CerLeola A recnrest for an exterior alteration and a landscape variance in order to construct anaddltlon to the Bell Tower Bulldlncr at 201 core Creek Drive, Part of Tract A. Block 58, VailVillaoe lst Filinq. Applicant: Hernann Staufer - Lancelot Restaurant A notion to table Iten No.s 13 and 14 to JuIv 9. 1990 waE made bv Kathy Warren and eeconded bv Dalton Willl.ams. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR B. orooertLeE (60-90 dav etudv oerLodl: 20 Iten No. 1: Aooroval of ninutee fron June 4, 1990 and June 11. 1990 neetings. A notion to approve the nLnutes fron the June 4. 199o ninutes as wrLtten was nade bv Jin Shearer and seconded bv L,udwiq Kurz. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR Chuck criBt stated that on page 13 of the 6/Lf/9O minutes thevote should be adJusted to ghow that he had abstained. Kathy l{arren also had changes to be made on t-,}ne 6/LL/90 minutes and asked if she could nake then later and have the minutes resubnitted for approval at the next neetlng. Item No. 2:A recruest for a condltional use pemit to allowfor a Bed and Breakfast at Lots 6 and 1/2 of 5. Block 5, Vail Villaqe Seventh Filincr. 1119 E. Ptarmigan Road.Applicant: l{onl.e S. Beal . There were no public cornnents and the applicant was not present A motion to approve the request per the staff meno was made bv Dalton Yfilllans and seconded by Chuck Crist. VOTE: 6-0 rN FAVOR Itern No. 3: A recruest for a conditional use permit to allowfor a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 8. Block 3. Bighorn Subdivislon. 5th Addition. 5198 Gore Circle.Applicant: John and Paula Canning There were no public conments and the applicant was not present A motion to apnrove the request per the staff memo was nade bv Chuck Crist and seconded by Ludwig Kurz. VOTE: 6-0 IN FAVOR The neeting was adJourned at approxinately 7:00 p.n. 2L ! I ffiA,,,.A toa(* Planning and Environnental Comission Connunity Developnent Department June 11, 1990 A request for a variance fron the side and front setbick reguirement of the two-family residential zonedistrict for Lot ?, Block 3 of VaiI Village 9th FiJ.inq (898 Red Sandstone Circle)Appllcant: Paul Testwuide Consideration of Factors: 1. The reLationshio of the requested variance to other existinq or potential uses and structures in the vicinitv. The addition of the garage should not create any problems to existing or potential uses or structures in the vicinity. The property most likely to be affected would be a sJ.ngle fanily hone on l,ot I to the west of the proposed garage. TO: FRO}T: DATE: SU&TECT: I. DESCRIPTTON OT THE VARIANCE REOUESTED This request ls for a garage and etorage addition to the west side of an existlng resl.dence. The garage has a total area of 644 Bq. ft and will encroach a naxinum of 3 ft. into the 15 foot side setback requirement and 6 ft. into the 20 foot front Eetbact< requirenent. With the exception of this variance reguest, all other developrnent standards will be met. The site is currently occupied by a single fanily structure located in the duplex zone district. The buifding has a GRFA of 1990 sq. ft. with an allowed GRFA of 32L2 sq. ft- and a total site area of L2r850 sq. ft. The appllcantrs request will add 44 sq. ft. of additional GRFA to the unit because the proposed garage exceeds the applicable 600 sg. ft. garage credit. The current 11og sg. ft. of site coverage will be increased to 1822 sq. ft. with the proposil . It is allowed a total of 2470 aq. ft. of site coverage. II. CRITERIA AND TINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.o60 of the VaiI Uunicipal Code, the Department of Cornrnunity Developroent reconmends denial of the reguested variance based upon the following factors: A. t t ; 2. The residence on l,ot 8 does not conform to the setback requirements. llhe proposed garage would be approxinately 12 feet from the west property line. No trees or shrubs wiII be removed to accornmodate the addition. The degree to which relief frorn the strict andliteral interpretation and enforcenent of a specified recrulation is necessarv to achieveconpatibilitv and unifortnitv of treatnent anonqsites in the vlcinitv or to attain the objectivesof this tl.tle without orant of special privileqe. The staff recognizes that the siting of the existing building does constitute a physical hardship. The staff is not supportive of the variance and feels that the encroachrnent should be rnininal . The applicant has adjusted the location and size of the proposed garage, but the staff naintains that the encroachment is excessive. The effect of the reouested variance on liqht and3.air. distribution of population, transportation and traffic facillties, public facilities andutilities, and public safetv. The staff finds that the reguested variance will have a positive effect upon public safety, transportation and traffic facilities by providing enclosed parking that is out of the public right-of-way. The proposal wl-ll have no significanteffect upon any of the other above issues. III. FINDINGS The Planninq and Environmental Comnission shall make the followinq findincrs before qrantinq a variance: That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with thelinitations on other properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or naterially injurious to properties or improvernents in the vicinity. A. B. d : t fhat the variance is warranted for one or rnore of the following reasons: 1. The strlct literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regrulation would result inpractical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardshlp inconsistent with the objectives of this title. 2. There are excePtions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to ottrer properties in the same zone. The strlct interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulatl.on would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IV. STAFF RECOT{IIIENDATfON The staff feels that the addition of enclosed parking will iuprove the general appearance of the neighborhood. The gaiage has been tocated so the encroachnent to the side letbick is rniniml-zed and 2 vehicles may be parked behind the garage. However, the staff finds that the size of the garage (24tx29') could be decreased to minimize the front setback encroachment. Staff is recornmending denial of this request. However, we would be supportive of a request for a 3 ft. side setback encroachment and a one or two foot front setback encroachment with the condition that ttre applicant remove and landscape the excess paved parking area to the east of the garage. c. 3. t 't ; o\ \ \\ \r?.x - 'l'EJ- ||,L -^t's€r8r{l Iaia. I iE t.,$ 1r! z. 16€r Ir$ 5s.H 21r-tra I B+t 3CL t o _J i.cd I l/' {:t s' B I I I \ I I r \J Et{ f7i. 1 j .\l ',t '7 t J Ed E. j(.f u :* \ III {oaRFrf.3 p I!ilo i -g E- si- il E"1 lJ-t3 { t^€ si<\) xat<oi.a9+%,.{ B3()-s *a {l- g z Jr IIJFo Present Chuck criEt Diana Donovan Connie l(night ilim Shearer Kathy Vlarren Dalton Willians Absent Ludwig Kurz PIANNING A}{D ENVIRONI.IENfAL COUUISSION JnNE 11, 1990 Staff Present Kristan Pritz Mike l,tollicashelly llello Andy Knudtsen Betsy Rosolack Penny PerryLarry Eskwith rn the interest of tine, Item No. 11 a work session was begun at 2:30 prior to the Public Hearing. Item No. 1L: on a parcel connonly referred to as Soraddle Creek, an apDroximate 40 acre Darcel located north and east of the lrtain Vail I-70 interchanae and east of the SPraddle Creek liverv.Applicant: Georcre Gillett, Jr. Joe Macy and Kent Rose displayed revised plans beginning at the lower level on the hi1L. Kent Rose stated that the road took advantage of two benches and the whole road was out of the creek by taking advantage of two of the nplatformlr areas where the stabte was located and by putting two switchbacks in that area. Kathy asked what the vertical distance between the two roads on the Forest Service land was and Kent stated that there rrls 221 difference. He added that they nay still have to adjust the roads. Kent sumnarized the situation with the grades by saying that the first 25or were 3.88, the next TOor were 9* onto 7.58 to station no. 24. He finished descrlbing the roads and explained that aLl the switchbacks were 8t grade or less except for the first swj-tchback which vas 8-L/2*. He felt that there were some trade- offs. llhere they were increasing the fills to have a lower grade on the road, they woutd have higher walls. He said that the worse scenario was at station 5 with a 13 foot high wall. I I I7',ilay pointed out that the only way to cone up 8t grades everlmhere was to go onto Forest Sernrice property and although they had laidit out that way they dldnrt know lf they could get Forest Serrrice approval . He asked what the quantlty of retainlng walls was withthe new proposal veraus the previous proposal , and Kent Etatedthat the retainJ-ng walls had been lessened vlth the new proposal . Kent felt that the balance waa better. llay Petereon felt thatthe trade-off was quite signlflcant. Kent polnted out that lf they llnited all of the road to 8t there would be hlgher walls,but if they could be allowed to go up to 9t, they could reducethe height of the walls. Kristan stated that Greg Hall felt that iloe and Kent were goingin the right directlon but that they needed to neet wlth the Forest Service and refine part of the plan. ilay sald he wouldIike to have the flexibitity to go over 8t grades. Datton felt that the Foreet Serrrlce land was a good place for a turnaround Ln order to nake the Forest Senrice land more accessible. Jay asked if they could have the flexibility to deslgn the roadsto 9t. Dalton was concerned wl-th the top ewltchback and the fact that it was so tight and Kent explalned that ttre road sloped toward the nountain rather than away fron the rnountaln. Kent e:<plalned thatthe slopes nade additional changee very difficult. carB, l-fsliding, would tend to slide lnto the hill rather than away fronthe hill. Kathy felt the proJect was looklng good and that she would be comfortable with a 9t grade naxinun. She was still uncornfortablewith the heights of the walls. She wanted to see 8r maximumtiered wal.ls. Connie Kntght was concerned about the prospect of uslng Forest Service land. She ras concerned about gettlng into a eituationsinilar to the Tannenbaun conflict. Jim Shearer was confortable wlth any grade less than 9t. He suggested the possibility of increaaLng eome of the 8t grades in order to reduce the wall heights. Jin also suggested the applicant make the flat area at the proJect entrance into parking and a trail head and Jay explal.ned that the trade-off to the Forest Service for the use of the land would be construction of the trail head and the o1d road would be rnaintained. Andy Norris, the fglnal developer, exptainfthe intent of therestrlctive statenent as a neans of guaranteeing GRFA. Sincethat tLne, the statenent had becoue restrictLve ln nature. He explained that the appllcant sinply vished to be treated as any other Prinary/Secondary developnent. Dalton and Chuck had no problen with the proposal. Kathy tfarren eaid that she could accept the proposal vith the exception that she would llke to see the allowance for 250 sg.ft. of GRFA be disallowed on the property. Andy Norris didnrt feeladditional 250. He saidtreated the Bame as anydeletion of the 25O rule that lt would be fair to disallow thethat the applieant sinply wanted to be other Prftnary/Secondary subdiviEion. The rrould be singling out the eubdlviEion. Diana and Kathy seemed to feel strongly about disallowlng theadditional 250, stating that they set the ground rules to begin wLth and they didnrt feel it sas too rnuch to ask. Stan Beard, owner of lots in the Glen Lyon Subdivision, was opposed to the deletion of the additional 250, reiterating what Andy had felt about the fal.rness. He felt that deleting the 25orule would be penalizing then for askJ-ng to be treated the same acrogs the board. Diana stated that she felt the 250 rule was a nistake. She asked how the board could keep the nonster house fron being built. stan Beard stated ttrat the site coverage formula was designed to address Dianars concerns. He suggested that if they santed to delete the 25O rule that it should be deleted for the whole tosn not Just one development. Mike Mollica stated that he understood Dianars concerns. However, this was an issue that should be brought up with Ton Braun, the consultant working on the Zoning Code reviEions. Stan Beard contended that there would be as much control as there was throughout the Town. The whole idea of the arnendnent was to establish unlformity with the Town. Shelly Metlo expl.ained to Diana that a number of the lots had large percent slopes and therefore were linited to 15t slte coverage. She added that as depicted on the chart found on page 3 of the memo, only 11 of 51 lots could add over 500 sq. ft. Andy renlnded the board that a large portion of acreage in this subdivision rras dedlcated open Bpace. A notion to reconnend aporoval to Town Councll of the naior amendrnent to SDD No. 4 sas nade by Dalton Willians and seconded by Chuck Crist VOTE: 4-1 IN trAVOR WITH DIANA DONOVAN VOTING AGAINST 19 Iten No. 9: Apnlicant: Paul Testwuide Shelly llelto explained that the applicantfs request was for a garage and storage addition to the west elde of an existingresidence. The garage had a total area of 644 sg. ft. and would encroach a naxinun of 3 ft. Lnto tlre 15 foot slde setback requirenent and 6 ft. tnto the 20 foot front eetback reguirement. With the exception of the requested varlance, all other developnent standards would be net. The Btaff felt that theaddition of enclosed parking would inprove the general appearanceof the neighborhood. However, the staff found that the el.ze ofthe garage (24rr29r) could be decreased to uininlze the front setback encroachnent. Staff waa recomnending denial of therequest. Staff would be supportive of a reguest for a 3 ft. slde setback encroachnent and a one or tso foot front eetback encroachment with the conditlon that the applicant remove and landscape the excess paved parklng area to the east of the garage. Diana asked what standard credit was given with GRFA calculations and Shelly ansnered 600 sg. ft. Mike expanded, saying that a basicr/standard garage was 24'x24' . Paul Testwuide, the applcant, explained that the reason he askedfor a larger garage was that he would be using the area as anentrance. The only other option would be around the other side and the entrance would be directly into the living room. I{ith a young active fanily, that was not Eensible. Kathy Warren asked rrhy 10r walls were planned rather than 8lnalls and Galen explained that the cost was mininal and it would be easier to add a floor in the future. He explained that Mr. Testwuide had the rernaining GRFA so that he could enclose the area in the future. Kathy stated that she understood the hardship on the side but notthe front setback. There were too nany other options. Dalton Willians also felt there were other options and gave exarnples to the appllcant. Jin Shearer liked the profile better with the garage thanwithout. He made some suggestions on how the garage coul.d be redesigned to avoid the encroachnent. Jinrs preference would beto see the applicant nove the garage back a few feet or shave a couple of feet off the front to nininize the encroachnent. Jin was more against setting a precedent. Dalton gtated that he could be in favor of some variance in thefront if they could shotr cause. Diana stated that she saw other alternatl.ves. She was comfortable with the side setback variance request. Galen asked the board if they rnight conslder a 4 | front setback and the infortnal vote was 3-2 in favor. ValI Villaqe gthillinq, 898 Red Sandstone CLrcle. 20 5-O TN FAVOR OF TABLING ften No. 10: the Llonrs Rldcre Subdivision recorded JuIy 25. 1969. Ln case 2, Drawer L, and Book 215' at pacre 649. Mike Mollica explalned that the applicant was reguesting a variance from the ninlmun lot slze to allow for the constructionof a single fanily residence with a secondary, caretaker unit, on an unplatted site zoned Agricultural and open space. The zonedistrict had a nininun lot area requirenent of 35 acres with a rninirnun of one acre of ttbuildable arearr, Per dwelling unit. The applicant was reguesting that two dwelling units be allowed on the parcel . Under the Agricultural and open space zoning this would r-quire a parcel of 70 acres in size. The applicantrsparcel was e.844 acres in size, and so the total lot size variance request was for a shortage of 53.156 acres. Also, ttre applicantrs parcel was .61 acres short of the two acres ofrrbuildable arearr which was reguired for two dwelling units. The staff reconrnendation was for denial of the requested lot size variance. Staff believed that approval of the reguest would be a grant of speciat privilege and that the variance would not be in conpliance with the Townrs Land Use Pl-an. Staff also felt that approval of the request would set a dangerous precedent for future lot size variance reguests and therefore believed that the reguest should not be approved. ur. shapiro felt that the Town dldn't wish hin to buitd a hone on the site. In response to Mike's presentation and the staff memo, Mr. Shaplro wished to dispute the staffrs position as follows: PAGE 1, LASt PARAGRAPH: Ttre memo stated that Mr. Shapiro wj-shed to build a single-fanlly horne wlth a caretaker unit and that it was counted as two units. Mr. Shapiro wanted it understood that his application was for a sJ.ngle faniJ.y hone with a caretakerunit.- If the caretaker unit counted as a second unit, his application was for one unit. A recruest for a variance fron the minimum lot size on a parcel of land descrLbed as that unplattedplat of the southeast 1^/4 of M 2t eAGE 2, cRrrERrA l, "o*cRAptt ls rtr" nenofated that theapplicantrs parcel is highly vislble and therefore constnrctlon on the site would have a negatlve Lrnpact on the neighboringpropertles. According to the reno, staff also felt any cuttlnginto the sLte would likely leave vlsible acars. ttr. Shaplropointed out the zoning on the nelghboring lote and stated that he would do nhatever neceaaary to avoid ecaring. He did not feelthat lt was fair to deny the appllcation on theee grounds wl.thoutletting hin present a prelininary plan flret. PAGE 2, CRITERIA A-1, PARAGRAPH 2: This sectlon of the nemostated that the 6ite area sas located Ln a nhlgh hazard debris flowrr and a trhigh severity rockfalln zone. The staff guestJ.oned whether the geologic hazards could be properly uitigated. l,lr. Shapiro felt that, aB a maJor developer Ln the area, he had addressed the lesue nany tines. Agal.n, he felt he should begiven the opportunlty to subnlt a proposal . PAGE 2, CRITERIA A-1, PAR,AGRAPH 3, 4, AIiID 5, CIIHER CONCERNSS Thestaff questloned the availablllty of utilltlee to tlre parcel, access for fire protectlon, as well as the maes and bulk of thebuilding. In response, l!r. Shaplro stated that he couldsubstantiate that the necessary utilitles vere available and that no trenching would be needed. He would put the neceasary lines under the driveway. Regardlng fire protection access, he felt he should at least be allowed to eubnlt plane and regardlng the nass and bulk concerns, his wlfe would not clean a house the gl.ze concerned with by staff. lle agreed he would not build a hone anylarger than 5,0O0 sg. ft. PAGE 3, CRITERIA A-2: This section of the neno addresged theinability for staff to identlfy a physlcal hardship and that approval of this request would be a grant of special prlvllege. Mr. Shapiro asked how it was deter:mLned that lt would be a grantof special privilege. He felt that the surrounding properties were zoned Duplex and Tract A, open space. PAGE 3, CRITERIA A-3: Staff lras concerned about the negative inpact of providing access to the parcel . l,lr. Shapiro etatedthat he had sent his application to the Forest Senrlce and they had given hin verbal approval to grant accesE if he recel.ved PEC approval . He felt that he was a good developer and would llkethe chance to submit a plan for revies. PAGE 3, REIATED POLICIES, A: The neno described hos the Land Use Plan had identlfied thls parcelrs potential uee as open Space and Mr. Shapiro felt he could point out many precedents in which parcels with steep grades had been built on. PAGE 4, REIATED POLICIES, B: Policy 1.6 etated tbat hillside areas could be developed upon as long as the area was not highlyvisible from the valley floor. ur. shapiro felt that all real estate was visible fron the valley floor and that the pollcy dtd not apply. Policy 5.1 was quoted ae stating that growth should occur in areas where high hazards did not exist. l,tr. Shaplrofelt that other properties had done what he proposed. Examples he stated lncluded Potato Patch and Spraddle creek. 22 DNB APPLICIIIION DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB ITIEETINGS *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NoT BE ACCEPTED ITNTIL ALL INFORI'IATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLfCATION I'IEETING: A pre-application neeting with a planning etaff meuber isstrongly suggested to detemine if any addltionalinfotmation is needed. No application will be acceoted the zonincr adninistrator'l . It is the applicantrsresponsibility to nake an appolntment with the Etaff to flndresPonslDrrrEy Eo maKe an apPornEmenE wr.Ert Ene aEarr Eo r out about additional subnittal requlrenents. Please notethat a COMPLETE application will streamline the approvalprocess for your project by decreasing the nurnber of conditions of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALLconditions of approval nust be resolved before a buildingpermit is issued. Application will not be processed without Ownerrs Signature. A.tal6.:PRO.TECT DESCRIPTION: ko-e , B.IOCATION OF Address PROPOSAL: r?B^ ?*o )&<n{o.'e AtZqE Lega1 Description to|- 1 Block 3 subdivision VV ?S Zoning C. NAI{E OF APPLICANT: Mailing Address: {Nt- e2 >uos7 Phone 4lto - 7c-41 D. NAI,TE OF APPLICANTIS REPRESENTATIVE: Mailing Address: Phone L71-tz<s E. NAII{E OF OWNERS: 8IGNATI'RE(8): Mailing Address:7>14 Aeo )*'otbue Qec+ Phone 41G3c4q Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: The fbe will be paid at the tine a buildinctpernrit is paid for. F. G. VALUATION $ o- $ 1o,oo1 -$ 50,001 - $150,001 - $500, 001_ -I Over I lo,0ooS go, oooI 150,000$ 5oo, ooo 91, 000, oo0 91, ooo, ooo FEE s 10.00 I25.00$ 50.00 s1O0.00 s200.00 $300.00 (ovER) II. IUPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING AI,L SUBT'ISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In additlon to neetlng subnittal regul.rernents, the applicant nust stake the site to indl.cate propertyIines and building corners. Trees that wiLl be renoveduust also be rnarked. Itrls work nust be completed before the DRB vlEitE the sl.te. B. The review procesB for NEI{ BUILDINGS w111 normally involve two eeparate neetlngs of the Design Review Board, Eo the appllcant ehould plan on at least two neetings for a final approval . c. Applicants who fail to appear before the Deslgn Review Board at their scheduled neeting and who have not askedfor a postponement wIIl be reguired to be republished. D. At the discretlon of the zoning adninistrator, thefollowlng Ltens rnay not have to be preeented to the Deslgn Revl,ew Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Plannlng Departnent for approval: a. l{lndows, skylights and sinilar exterior changesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebullding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed from anyother lot or public space, which have had letteresubnitted frorn adJolning property owners approving the additlon; and,/or approval from the agent for,or nanager of a condoninium association. E. lou may be reguired to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. Oa Jufu --u.Su*.'l -rvuA fu- %+- % W:ryrunp--- ,,f-\ i I l^ rr l . I t t1 -WfuA'- Wbah is Wkl*h ^I -4ztt % *p4e-7-- n'--Vr4.Wl --l - --Jt;^- -- Uws uda&td- l M,.nP- W+ etu"! - J- +v't l1t{ ghryld---r: -WVrt- ( 11 |6Wkl,tr w-Uf 'r'.n ) t,.a,.*1 o-^-.t' iJr"'a, - t'o/ r^s^Q! PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE Is EEREBY GfvEN that the Planning and Environnental ConnlEsion of the Town of VaiI will hold a publlc hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.050 of tlre nunicipal code of the Town of Vail on tune 4, 1990 at l$Lo-Dr&- ln the Town of Vail l{unlcipal Bullding. Consideration of: 1.A nork eesEion for a Dajor subdlvision, a reguest for a variance to the naximun-helght for retainlng ra1le, and a request for a variance to the Daximum Percent grlde for a road, on a parcel cornuonly referred to as Spraddle Creek, an approxinate 40 acre parcel located north and east of the ulin vait I-70 Lnterchange and east of the Spraddle Creek Iivery. Connencing at the Northeast Corner of the Southeast L/ oi the Southsest L/4 of Section 5, Torrrship-s south' Rbnge 80 West of the 6th Principal Ueridian, being an Eagle couity BrasE cap Properly narked and set,.with all bearings contained herein being relative to a bearing of S 00 11r 00rl E between the Noftheast Corner of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest l/4, and the southeast Corner of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest 1,/4 being an Eagle County Brass cap properly uarked and seti said Northeast Corner of the souLtrealt I/4 ot the Southvest L/4 being the Point of beginning; thence s oo 11r oor E along the-east llne of said sorftneasf, l/4 ot tbe southyest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1320.14 feet to the Southeast Corner the said Southeast L/4 ot the Southvest L/4 of Section 5; thence S 89 47r 48rr l{ along the south llne of said Southeast L/4 ot' the southwest L/4 ot Sectlon 5 a distance of 9o1.oo feet; thence N 73 481 3-2n W along Interstate ?0 Rlght of t{ay llne-a distance of 2L4.L2 feet; thense N 66 52' 12n I{ along said Right of l{ay Iine a distance of 24L.10 feet to a point on the west llne of said Southeast L/4 of tlre Southwest- L/4 of Section 5; thence N OO 2Or 31n W along the rest line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of X161.66 feet to the Northwest corner of the Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest L/4 ot Section 5 belng an Eagle County brass cap properly narked and set; thence N 89 41r 12rr E along the norttr tlne of said Southeast L/4 of the Southsest L/4 ot Section 5 a distance of 1331.07 feet to the Point of Beginnlng. Said real proPerty containing 39.55 acres, loore or less.ApplLcant: George Gillett, Jr. A reguest for an exterior alteration and a landscape variince in order to constrrrct an addltion to the B€11 Toser Building at 2Ol Gore Creek Drive, Part of Tract A, Block 58 Vail Village lst filing.Appllcant: Clark Tiltingharn / BeI-L Tower Associates, Ltd' 2. 3. *FF::L!:*{:lilili j;':::::i:'iffi E*:i*:lltu".di" i""aJcapine r"qnit"t"nt at 149 N' Frontage Road' an uripr.it"a-ii€"-c""iJniy rererred. to as the lrountaln BeIl riit north of r-70 and-vest of the t'laln vail r-70 lnterclrange.Applicant: ABc School. A request for a conditional use-penlt to allow for a Bed ina-iiea1fast at fot ?B, Vail Vlltage lgth F11in9' 930 E Falnay Drive.Appliclnt: Nancy l{. Rondeau t request for a sl'de construct a Earage on Appficint: PauI Testwulde 4. 6.A request for a variance fron the ninl'nun lot eize on a i"i"Er or land delcribed aa tbat unplatted.pra! of the $;ilil; iz-";-rhe-soutrreaet. L/4 -or sectton l,.Tosnship 5 south, RanEe anJ"i,-oi-tne 6th princtpal !reli-dl"r, lying_ ;;rtil"ly-6e trr"-iroir's nrae?.t*oD as ahovn of the recorded il;i';;-irre-rron'I-i-iaeg i$dtvtsion recorded JuIy 25, 1e6e, ir, ""te 2, Drawer r,, a4a Eook 215, at-page 6!-9', iiipri"i"ti a. l. Sirapiro & co', i cotorido Nonlnee General PartnershlP. An appeal of a decision of the zoning adTlnistrator' pursuant to Sectlin-ii.ee.030 of tlre-zonlng.code, regarding il;i;; ii.ie.oio and 18.26.040 or the zonlns 99d9' epecifically as fi i"i.t"s to Peraltted and Conditional Usee fi;;;-ilroira-r-ag-, located Ln the connercial core rr zone -i-tri"t, 6?5 Lionshead Place' -6;ii;;;i:--irri Perkins, Preeident of channel 8' AreguesttoanendSectlonlS.l2.o3ooftheValll{unlclpal-d;"'i" provlde i"is"a and.Breakfast operatlonE in the Tro i.riri Rlsidential (R) Dlstrlct' appffirant: Town of Vail 7. 8. The aPPlicatlons and lnfornatlon available for Publlc I'nsPectlon Department office. Town of Vall Coununlty Developuent Departnent Publlstred ln the Vail Trail on l{ay 18' 1990' about the ProPosa1g are Ln the ConnunltY Devel'oPnent Application Ortl , - '";J PEC MEETING DATE Vr APPLICATION FOR A VARIANCE I.This wi'll A. procedure is required for any proiect requesting a variance. The application not be accepted until all information is submitted. NAME oF Appucaw Prw- f'e-zkruu,nz ADDRESS V+LL , c. 6(bs? PH}NE 41b-r4 APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVEB.NAME OF ADDRESS PrLt4 A. A*+<,q"ra (bs8 pHoNE $21-s245 c. NAME 0F 0WNER((type or print) si ADDfiESS ?-l' 3*-osL,< D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL THE FEE MUST BE PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT }IILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A'list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to the subject property INCLUDING PR0PERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT I,JILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. II. A PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE l.lITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTED TO.:DETERMiNEIFANY'ADDITIONAL INFORMATION IS NEEDED. NO APPLICATION l.llLL BE ACCEPTED UNLESS IT IS COMPLETE (MUST INCLUDE ALL ITEMS REqUIRED BY THE ZONING ADMINISTRATOR). IT IS THE APPLICANT'S RESPONSIBILITY TO MKE AN APPOINTMENT l.lITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITIONAL SUBMITTAL REqUIREMENTS. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION l.lILL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT UV OECTffiI.IIFTHE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MAY STIPULATE. ALL CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSIM" III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE eooxrss % @ ?eQ 'k-s$n,e 9rz.t-t , LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT_-? BLOCT_Z_TTLING .1A'L_V t<}\ E. FEE $1oo PAID '";2 cK # ,-?- $r€fF| 14 ', ,10 REQUESTED NNO fHE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 'l . The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or litera'l interpretation and enforcement of a_specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population' transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety' Variance 4. How your request complies with Vail's Comprehensive plan. B. A topographi.c g1d/or i.mprovement survey at a scale of at_least l. - 20, stampedby a colorado.licensed surveyor rncruding-rocations of all.existing fipr;;:ments, including-grades and elevations. .Other elements which must-U Strownare_parking and.loading areas, lngress and egress, landscBped aieas-in]"-"" .utility and drainage features. C. l:i1g plan at a sca'le of at least l't .20r showing existing and proposed buildings. 0. All preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicatethe dimensionr'.gil:I.l-.pp:ulille, scale and use of a'[ buirdings ina-ipicesexisting and proposed.on the site. E. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements F. If the proposal is located in a multl-family deve'lopment which has a homeowners,association, then written. approval from the association in support of ine-proiebt nust be received by a duly authorized agent for said iisociation. G. Any additi,ona]-material necessary for the review of the applicatlon asdetermined by the zoning administrator.. * For interior modifications, an imprrvement survey and site p'lan nay bewaived by the zoning administrator. IV.Time Requirments The Planning and Environmental Cormission meetsof each month. A complete application form and (as described above) must be submitted a minimum PEC public hearing. No incomp'lete applications administrator) will be accepted by the planning nated submittal date. on the 2nd and 4th ibndaysall accompanying materialof 4 weeks prior to the date of(as determined by the zoningstaff before or after the desig- the .t t-J / L,IST OF IIATERIAIS .T NA}|E OF 96193F;cj72 lLs(e,trn( A2Dtltoi ,. ,^l r.,EGAL DEscRrPTroN: ror-3- BwcK :L suBDwrsr on W VrL(ry aI6 fr'\ STREET ADDRESS: to the Deslgn IN6fu7 LOM. aeoa*-. *- ^^ou 0t,, ..' hbu B.IANDSCAPING:Nane of Deslgmer: Pbone: PIAIIT UATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES Botanical llarne CaMgn-NrEe ouantl-tv Size* ^ -tlb Z'Lkt -d-^in EXISTING TREES TO BE REUO\TED .Indicate caliper for a DESCRIqUON OF PRG'EqI: Afu) lttre follosLng Lnforoatl,on ls regulred lor eubulttal Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING IIATERIALS: TTPE OF }IATERIAL Roof Siding other tfall ltaterlals Fascia Soffits l{indows Window Trin Doors Door Trim gand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trastr Enclosures Greenbouses Other wEn c-L-Af) LEO*\ LLOh- trees. deciduoustrees. @nches. Indicate height f,or conlferous PHttT I|ATERIALS: Botanl.cal Name CAmgLlt3Se ouantl'tv SLze* PROPOSED SITRUBS PLl., v -?+r,- EXISTING SIIRUBS TO B8 REI,TOVED rlndicate size of propoeed lhrrrbs. illnLnun eLze of ehrubs Ls 5 trallon. SIpe gquar€ Footacre GROT'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR UETBOD OF EROSION CONTROI, C. OllIER IANDSCAPE FEATTRES (retaininE valle, fences, ryigningpoole, etc.l Please sPeclfy. Indicate helghts of retalnrng ;;ii;: i.iirr--rrelghg- or yills wltlrin the-front eetback I's 3 feet. t{axinum height of yalls eleewhere on the ProPertyie 6 feet. DATE: IJGAL DESCRTPTTONE-I 1- Btock 4 riltng ADDRES OTINER PHONE PHONEARCHITEET ZONE DISTRIET PROPOSED USE I'T SIZE lleight 'otat GRFA loL. ,a€ x,-ttc Prlnary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage Iandscaping Fence/Retaining WalI Heights Parking Credits: carage llechanlcal Airlock storage Drive: Slope Pernltted Enviroruaentalr/Ha zards : Zonl.ng: Date: I ZONE CTIECK POR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE Drsl-Rrqrs VALL Uu-L^a, 1L Prooosed - - | lt-/1'-b n"" trura., I Allowed (30) (33) nu\"- 201 151 15 1 (30) (50) Itb 17-' tl U1o t17b q [3ssi@ (100)5o sr r50)L' od, (4oo)7)o Slope Actua1 Avalanche Flood Plain Slope GeoloEic Hazards Approved/Disapproved Staff Signature ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Filing DATE: re. n.1D LEGAL DESCRIFTION: mT- "1 Block ADDRESS: Ol'lNER ARCH I TE one Phone ZONE DISTRIET PROPOSED U5E LOT SIZE Hei gh t Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage fi.O Landscapi ng Fence/Retaining tlal I Parki ng Credi ts: Garage 3ztL,sS 20, 15' 15', Al I owed (30)(33) (3oo)(600) (eoo) (1200) (50) (1oo) (25)(50) (2oo) (4oo) Proposed (?@ 7po hwo {T ffi@ fro;:ttt't(ctr - tqp-, zi 7o -t1ufll n1b - \ lr/ -lv *lr Hei ghts (:0115s1 L> fU - l'lechani ca I Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronrnental /Hazards : Comments: Zoni ng Date: 2-E Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope lletl ands Geologic Hazards Di sapproved a'&?fr o lL',b{Da O,z( +3ztz{ 6ffe cstp"rzaug: tT/bSD G .u z{10 L,''lf 1f c14. f tq 'f Sfl t"t > l5r*:ov{ ApD ttro^r - NeTu?*t I-tf r:t:l< 3, Lot I Hj..l.l-, B l.ant:he (llrr j.stiatr 3 L l lJr idge Stre* l- V;r i 1, Co. B 165 / tsl ock 3, J,rtt 2 A Hill, Blarrche tilrr is t iarnj11 B:'i.dge Strr-'r:t Vail, Clr.l . t|1657 Block ), Lot 2 L\ IliIl,. B.[anche C]rrist.ian 31 1 Briclge Street vail, (:o. Bl65'/ 81c.,ck 3, Lol- I P -'1. irce, 'l'cr m P(-iA ll(Jrlr SavrrJrir s s Porrl-r.e Vedra, tL 32082 [llocl< 3, L,ot. 3 Mary Land, ljan j €rl 3-J0 East liecond 9lt. Ilulut.h, Minn. 55805 fil"ock 3, Lot 4 , Unit #1 M.,f . & Rrtth R HcIIitrg 8001 East. Broadway *7 I73 Denver', Co, B:i208 13lock -1 , I"rtl 4, Unit $2 (-'orcrarl , PaLrl- t. Chet'yI 2OL Gare Crecik llr. Vail, Cr;. Bl6c-r7 BJ,ock 3, Lot 5 HoechLl., Krrrl 890 Red Sands t.one Ci::c.l-e Vail, Co. 81657 (t)avrson) oxx e\et. t Va\ I' Block 3, L,ot 6 MilLs, liandra 11239 E. Raintree Ltrive it206l Scottsda-le, AZ 85260 Block 3, Lot 7 'lles twuide Block 3, L,>t B lrli rrd i sch, !ir j.clr t96 Red SandstoneVail, Crr. 81657 Ellock 3, Lot 9 Topf , Delvi tt L I J'l 2'l Del)ver West ParkwnY Suite 100 Golden, C,r. 80401 L!]o,:k 3. L,o b L 0 Mikltelson, I)elbert & Ve:rona tl89 Spruce Ct. Vai1., Llo. Bl(;57 F I I I 04 / 19 /90 o .: '|:$ ..,DtrFMRTMtrNT @F tr@ xxx MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXX sALEsAcroNFoRM XXXXXXX 01 0000 41f,30 COM. DEV. APPUCA]]ON FEES : 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 1 0000 42+15 1988 UNTFORI]I BUILDINC CODE 1 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORI.I PLUIIBINC CODE 'r 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORII MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI/ RRE CODA 1 0000 42115 1987 NA]IONAL zuCTRICAL CODE 1 0000 42+15 OTHER CODE BOOKS BLUE PRINTS (M\lARS)1 0000 41548 01.0000 42+12 0X CoPIES ,/ SruOreS r 0000 42371 PENALTY tT;.S / RE_INSPECIION 1 0000 +1322 OFF HOURS TNSPECTION FE= CoNIRACToRS UCENSES fEES 1 0000 41330 0l 0000 4r4r3 .SIGN APPLICATION 9 t f^,, r,[,t d., a.u I T0lrr}.| OF (,Fl f L- Hiscel laneous Cash €ii_gl_gg r:19: Fg: 14 EeceiF,t * g4€,gg'-1 Flccounrfl rlHsE'38 FFIUL g. TE5TLIUII'E "'FPF FEE Frnoun L tendered .: lBtl.BB Ir.en Paid Rnount Paid E 1 EEE1B4 1 -If,EgB0 I EE. t3B Ch.:nge re tu rned :: $ ' r:1';1 THFIF{I< l/olJ Vour cashier 5T 445 G rant Street Denver, Colorado 80203 COMPANY of Colorado o74.i,t8t 1 IT.I.IFE TITLE I -15-73 Coun?y T# Eagl e 901 10 Lor 7 Insured Blocl TESTI'IU I DE lnstructions: Delivcr To: Vail Associates, Incr P.0. Box 7Vail, Colorado ATTEN: Judy Received this - dav By lVe ore lrcnsmiff ing herewith in conneclion wilh thc obove cose, lhc.documents chacked balow: - Mortgogee's Policy X Owner's Policy - Survcys - Abslroct' Dead of Trust - As signment - lVorronty Deed - Re leose of Deed o{ Trust Binder Lcfter of Indemhiry Endorsement Very tru ly yours, lf,LrFE ITLE / Colorado ? IBy LTC F.t lile are asking for a side and front setback variance in orderLo construct a 24' x 31' garage on an existing sing.le fanily honrewhich was built in approximately 1974. 1. The addition will not block any najor or primary viewsfron any adjacent homes. The a<ldition wilt atlow the owners tokeep their cars enclosed and off the street. Around the newaddition the owners will provide landscaping to blend the newbrrilding with the site. 2. The existing trone is set towards the north side of thelot witlr the lirnitations of all depth and site grading, withoutnajor nodifications to the existing home or site. I,he depilrrequested is needed to accomodate cars. 3. All parking wiJ. I be kept off the existing roadway. Thegarage will not bring any additional occupants to the home, onlycover existing on grade parking. 4, The Town's naster plan encourages covering of parking. |I.l,lFE I NSURANCE COM PANY of Dallas Owner Policy of Title lnsurance ,$*::.:1x POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE issued by USLIFE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY of Dallas' subject to the Exclusions from Coverage, the exceptions contained in Schedule I and the pro- visions of the Conditions and Stipulations hereof, USLIFE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY ol Dallas, a Texas Corporation, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount of insurance staled in Schedule A, and costs, attorneys' fees and expeirses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: 1 . Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. lN WITNESS WHEREOF, USLIFE TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY of Dallas has caused these presents to be signed by its duly authorized officers in facsimile with its corporate seal hereto affixed to become effective as its original signature and seal and binding on this Company as of the date shown in Schedule A, the effective date of this policy. A,t4-L-/64 Allest Scnnr Vrce-Pres,.lenl. Secrelaty and freasurel 2,i', F ,/ I/!: [t-t-1" o - ,/.1 V/r47tt. t Authonzed Signalute USLIFE TITLE COMPANy of Cotorado FORMERLY TITLES INCORPORATT' zl45 Grant Street Denver, Colorado 90203 744_L8tL AMERICAT{ LANO TITLE ASSOCIATION STANDARO OWNER'S POLICY_FORM A_197O-AMENDED 10.I7.'O Formerlv DALLAS TITLE AND GUARANry COMPANY FORM IM I OM 672H Exclusions from Coverage The followjng matters u." u"Or"""fcluded from the 3. Defects, tlenslumbrances, adverse claims. or other cov€rage of this policy: matters (al cre'E[ed, suffered, assumed or agreed to byl. Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (includ- the insured claimant; (bl not known to the Compaiy and ing bul not limited to building and zoning ordinances| not shown by the public records but known lo the insured restricting or regulating or prohibiting the occupancy, claimant either at Date of Policy or at the date such use or enioyment of the land, or regulating the charac- claimant acquired an estate or interest insured by this ter, dimensions or location of any improvement now or policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claim- hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation ant to the Company prior to the date such insured claim- in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of ant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no the land, or the effect of any violation oI any such law, loss or damage to the insured claimant; (d) attaching or ordinance or governmental regulation. created subsequent to Date of Policy; or (e) resulting in 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of loss or damage which would not have been sustained if police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights the insured claimant had paid value for the estate or appears in lhe public records al Date of Policy. - interest insured by this policy. Conditions and 1 . Definition of Terms The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "insured": the insured named in Schedule A. and. sub- ject to any rights or defenses the Company may have had agaanst the named insured, those who succeed to the interest of such insured by operation of law as distinguished from purchase including, but not limited to, heirs, distributees, devisees, survivors, personal representatives, next of kin, or corporate or liduciary successors. (b) "insured claimanl": an insured claiming loss or damage hereunder. (c) "knowledge": actual knowledge, not constructive know- ledge or notice which may be imputed to an insured by reason of any public records. (dl "land": the land described, specifically or by reference in Schedule A, and improvements affixed thereto which by law constitute real property; provided, however, the term "land" does not include any property beyond the lines ol the area specifically described or referred to in Schedule A, nor any right, title, interest, estate or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, ways or waterways, but nothing herein shall modify or limit the extent to which a right of access to and from the land is insured by this policy. {e) "mortgage": mortgage, deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. (f) "public records": lhose records which by law impart conslruclive notice of matters relating to said land. 2. Continuation of Insurance after Conveyance of Title Tlre coverage of this policy shall continue in force as of Date of Policy in favor of an insured so long as such insured rclains an estate or interest in 1he land, or holds an indebted- ness secured by a lturchase motley nrortgage oiven by a pur- clraser from suclr irrsured, or so long as such insured shall have liability by reasorr of covenants of warranty made by such insured in any transfer or conveyance of such eslate or interest; provided, however, this policy shall not continue In force in favor of any purchaser lrom such insured of either said estate or interest or the indebtedness secured by a pur- chase money mortgage given to such insured. 3. Defense and Prosecution of Actions- Notice of Claim to be given by an Insured Claimant (a) The Company, at its own cost and without undue delay, strall provide for the defense of an insured in all litigation consisting of actions or proceedings commenced against such insured, or a defense interposed against an insured in an action lo enforce a contract for a sale of the estate or interesl in said land, to the extent that such litigation is founded Stipulations upon an alleged defect, lien, encumbrance, or other matter insured against by this policy. (b) The insured shall notify the Company promptly in writ- ing (i) in case any action or proceeding is begun or defense is interposed as set torth in (a) above, (ii) in case knowledge shall come to an insured hereunder of any claim of title or interest which is adverse to the title to the estate or inlerest, as insured, and which might cause loss or damage for which the Company may be liable by virtue of this policy, or (iii) if title to the estate or interest, as insured, is reiected as unmar- ketable. lf such prompt notice shall not be given to the Com- pany, then as to such insured all liability of the Company shall cease and terminate in regard to the matter or matters for which such prompt notice is required; provided, however, that failure to notify shall in no case prejudice the rights of any such insured under this policy unless the Company shall be prejudiced by such failure and lhen only to the extent of such prejudice. (cl The Company shall have the right at its own cost to institute and without undue delay prosecute any action or pro- ceeding or to do any other act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to eslablish the title to the estate or interest as insured, and the Company may lake any appropriate action under the lerms of this policy, whether or not it shall be liable thereunder, and shall not thereby concede liability or waive any provision of this policy. (dl Whenever the Company shall have brought any action or interposed a defense as required or permilled by the pro- visions of this policy, the Company may pursue any such liti- gation to final determination by a court of competent jurisdiction and expressly reserves the right, in its sole discre- tion, to appeal from any adverse judgment or orijer. (e) In all cases where this policy permits or requires the Com pany to prosecute or provide for the defense of any aclion or proceeding, the insured hereunder shall secure to the Com- pany the right to so prosecute or provide defense in such action or proceeding, and all appeals therein, and permit tha Company to use, at its option, the name of such insured for such purpose. Whenever requested by the Company, such insured shall give the Company all reasonable aid in any such action or proceeding, in elfecting settlement, securing evi. dence, obtainirrg witnesses, or prosecuting or defending such action or proceeding, and the Company shall reimburse such insured for any expense so incurred. 4. Notice of Loss-Limitation of Action In addition to the notices required under paragraph 3(b) of these Conditions and Stipulations, a statement in writing of any loss or damage lor which it is claimed the Company is liable under this policy shall be furnished to the Company within 90 days after such loss or damage shall have been (Condiiions and Stipule.lions Continued and Concluded on Last Page ol This Policy) - SCHEDULE A cw AMouNr $ 2,'100.00 1. Name of Insured: PAUL A. TESTWUIDE T#90il0 ' Date or policy: December 15, '1972 PoLlcY NoO 81159?' C At 7:00 a.m. 2. The estate or interest in the land described herein and which is covered by this policy is: (a fee, a leasehold, etc.) Fee Simple 3. The estale'or interest referred to herein is at Date of Policv vested in: The insured in joint tenancy 4. The land referred to in this policy is described as follows: Lot 7, VAIL VILLAGE, NINTH FILING, Eagle County, Co'lorado USLlFE/Colo. }lorn lnt Insorr a loM 6?2ll SCHEDULE B o.t This Policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason of the following: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. ' 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown bv the public records 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and Inspec' tion of the premises would disclose and which are llot shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material theretofore or hereafter furnished. imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Any and aIl unpaid taxes and assessments, including unredeemed sa]es, if any, for unpaid taxes and/or assessments. 6. Restrictions which do not contain language of forfeiture or reversion of tit'le affecting subject property recorded January 9, 1970 in Book 216 at Page 762. A copy is attached. 7. Any tax or assessment for water or sewer service. 8. Easement along the rear or Souther'ly'10 feet of subiect property for utility purposes, as shown on the recorded plat of said subdivision, and as reserveo in Paragraph 3 of instrument recorded January 9, 1970 in Book 216 at Page 762. a o POLICY No. 0 81i597 (T# 901?0) tolE lll (cO| h..n B l0lr at:ll a /?-a'l Jwoen6l t?ro u- Took z,c J ftXt Tttt 4 PROTEC'I I\/E COVENArfTS OF VAIL VILIJGE, NINTII FILING, E.ACII: COLTI{ITY, C$LDR\DO !r-HEREAS. V.ril Assocrates, Inc.. a corporatton dulyorganrzed and exrsting \rnder the lab-g of the State of Cotorado(hereinafter aonet lnes referr€d to ag ,Ouner.). r, thc ojnerof the f ol.loutng descrrbed landsr Segrnning st the South$est Corner or Sectj,on 6,Tolnshrp 5 South, RJnge gO ifest of the oth principal Iteridran, EiqId Count),, Colorido, then!-e tiorthOO'Olt 5r)r Er3t ilong the tdest lrne of sJrd Section6 a dlstance oa lbl.oo feet to the true pornt ofbegrnnlngr th.rnc.r North OO.Ol,5O" Esst nlono th..gard West ltn.' of Sectron 6. ,rnd along the Easterlyrrght -of -rr.rl. lrn!. )f R.,d S.indstone County Road .rd!et. rr.c. oa o.lr).()O irr.itr th!.nce South gli.5b,lO,, East adret.rn('(' .\r .ll J.t)O f rrot I thrrnc(r Scuth 51.'26,1O,, E.st a(llst.rtr\rrr (rt ll5.()d irrrrt: t lr(rlt(.rr South OO.Ol,5O', Weat aJrst.rrr..(. .)! : I r,.l.r !.,..t. t r...r]c.r Sn,rth 59.-Jil.2O., West ad st.rrr...' ,:r .'ll. l.) lr,(.t : .- x(rncrr: South OO.Oi_50,, West adrstn t('(' oi t')().1)1) 11'111 t!- .r pornt 0f lntersectron withthc' iqe115..1'1t, t r,lht-.ra-L.r-v I rnr. cf Color.rdo fnterstate1lr.thL.r) lio.l(). tt.\'t(!\-t \... I -tr_2r;)lB3: th_.nce South5.1 Jrt,l0" W(.st .rl.)r.r.t s.r:..i \-.r-thr,rl), rr(lht_of_wa), lrnc.r dlst.rrr(.r' ot l{ri.,\.) :r,.i r,- t}r-, ti-uc Fornt of be_Slrnnln(t. ContJrnlf,.t I-i.1...iS..,-r sq,.r.rre feet or 3.9{lilcr(rg morlr o!. I(iss. AND wllt:RtrAs, \',rr I .\ssccr,rt(.s, Ir)c. .ic,s.1.1.s to pl.rce cert.rrnrestrictlons on thc usr, ot th!, l.(s s h-_i^.n on thlr mip of V.r),1Villaqe, Ninth Fll rrt(t. for tho brrnrI rt oi th(. Otnc.r .rnd ltBreap(rct lve' qr.ilnt('ts, s\tccrrssors .r!r.i .tss tqns, rn ordcr to estab_Itsh .ln(l m.rttrtiln thr. c-har.rt tr'r .rn(l vilue of propcrty rn theV.rrl Vrl,lngc., Nlnth Frl I n\rt ir(i..t. NC)W, Tllt:RIFOR!:. rn,r-o:rsr.lt_r.rt r !.rn of th., premrses, VailAs9oct.rtr-s, lllc-., !ot ltsr.ll .r|l(l rts q!rrrtoos,'aucct,oaor.s anrlass lgns, docg he r-ebvu,,.,;;."i..;.;-;n:;;';;l ,n:."i1,;,.iil'll'.iil iiillii'J:*;;'::;:,." an rnterest rn any of the lots rn Varl vil.lage, Nrnth Frlrqg,all of the lands in Vail Vrllage. Nrnth Fi.lrng lhalt b. sub- le.:t to the follcrring restrtctlons, covenants. and condrtron!,t'\lch sl,:rll bd dlrcrmerd to rul.l b.ith thr lind Jnd to lnure totlld l,(rn*'r rt of ,in(l br' brnd rng up..rn tl e r\rner, trs granr(.es, s uccl's s \) a s Jnd .155lgns. I. Pt.lNNINc AND ARCIIITECTURAL coNTRoL ccHxITTEE. t.l CoruTitte-e. The ptanning and Architectural ControlConunittee, he relilflii re f e r red to 3s the ,,Conunrttee,. shallconsist of five members r.rbo shall be designateq by the ot''ner,its successors or assigl.s, to revrerr, study and 3pprove orreject proposed rmprovements r{ithrn the ar!.a descrrbed in thepl.rt of Viil !'ill.rgc, Nrnth Filrng, of uhrch these restrrctivecovLrnints .ire mf,de a part. The rrqht to designate the nedbers ofthe CoNnittee sh.tl.l remJin rn the ONner reg.irdless of :ts priorconvlryilncrrs of l;rnd !,itthrn the subdivrs!on, i ? Rul(-s. The Corunrtt"e shall makc such rules andbyl.rr"s Jnd .rdopt such procedures .1s it rxay deem appropriate togoverD :ts pro.-c!'dings, f .I 4I4 re!:r_l__el_ t'L.n. No buildrng. out bui.ldrng.fencc, l'.rll or other- lnprovcnr,.:nt shall Dc, constructed. erected,rcpari.red, rcstored, r.-.constructe-d .tttcrcd, .tdded to or mainta:nedon any lot unttl plitns and specrflcnt rons sh!!,i!ng the color, Ioca_tion, mntariills, llnclsc,rpr.nry, :rnd such other informatron relatingto Such inprover,cnt .-r s thr' COn:mrttrlLr .:1.ry reison.]bly require,shall ha\,(' b(rcn sunrltt!.d to .'|lJ .t,Jp.-o\.o.1 U1, the Conunlttee lnurl t ing . 1.4 Criteri.r. In p.rssrnc upon su.-h pl.rns 3nd specifi-cat ions , the CoffiIli6-s hr L l ccns rde r : I.4.I Thc suit.rbrlrt!, of the rmprovement tothe site upon uhre.h rt rs tc b!- loc.rtcd ind rn:rterralaof lrhich it is to li. sql15l ructed; I.4,2 ,Iho t).rt.rtr-c of .tdt,rcr.nt ,:rrrd ne.rcthbor_rng tnlProvcmL\nts; 1.4.3 Tl:e- qr..rIrt), oi th., nr.rtt ri.rls to be -2- utilited in any ProPo.ed inProvenent t 1.4.4 ThG ctfcct of any ProPo.Qd rtnProvc- ment on the outlook of any ad)3cent or nergbbor- ing propertyr and 1.4.5 Any goverrun€ntaI :,:nrn9 requi renentt applicable to the site and trnproveme-nt6 thereon. It 6ha!.1 be an oblective of the ccnnj.ttee to makc c.rtain that no improvement uill be so similar or to di3!imilrr to othert in the vicinity that vnlues, monetary or aesthetic, uill be i.mpa i red . I.5 Effect of the comnittee's Fiilure to Act. In the event the Conuni s a.rd epecificati,ons submitted to it within sixty days of submis8ion, approval shaII not be required. 2 . I,AND USE . 'fhe lands within Vail village. Nir.th Filing. ahall be u6ed for the f ollwing purposes: 2,1 The nunbered Luis I through 12 brth tncfusrveshall be rrsed only for privatc residerrces, each to contain not more tban four Separate Iiving unrts, 3. EASEI"IENTS AIiD RIGIITS-OF-WAY. Easements and rights-of-way for lightrng, heating,electricity, gas, telephone, water and seuerage facilities, andany othei: kj.nd of publrc or guasr-publrc utility serwice are reaerved Js shorrn on the plat of Vail VrlIage, Ninth piIing. No fence. ual,l, hedge, barrier or other rmprovement shall beerected or rnaintain€d on, across or uithin the a:eaa reservedfor eas4ments and rj.ghts-of-uay, nor in auch elosc proxrr.ii,tythereto as to impa j.r the access to or use thereof. 4. S icNS. No aigns, bilibo.rras, poster boards or advertisingdiaplay or structure of any kind shall bo placed or riraintainedrrithin the suLdivi.sron for any purpose ehatsoever, except such -3- ltrgns as shall have been approved by thc Cqllnittee aa rearonablynecessary for the identification of t:re€ts. re!:,dence. r,tdplo!(s of businesa rnd location marker!. 5. W.qTRR AND SEWAGE. EJch structure degrgned f .rr o!_cup.lncy or usc b), hunanrshall connect rrrth the.rrater and sewe r.1.r.. facrlrtieg o! the Vailw,rter and sanrtatton District. No prrv.ite .j"tt "tott be u.ed ara source of water for hurnJn "onsuapi icn or irrrgatrcn rrr VrilYltlil": Ni.nrh Fili.ng, nor shalt an!, ti"iiitV other rhan tho.€provided by the vail water and sanriatr.on oiltrict- be uled forthe d:sposal of seuaa€.h. r i ;:-;;;";;"i'ii,!;.nn;:l:il;":.'?*';.:i::::l:"'::: :.,"" 6. TRASTT AND GARBAGE. 6.1 Disoosil ^f .FFr-L :.:Pus" o. '.,bbffi; "li illj';,iili''vail vilrage, Nrnth Filing. ll" i"i"i"g'ii i.."n, garbage or::Pl:l_:l"rt be permitted in var.t tiii";;.',i,n.n ,ir,,,r. norncrnerator or other dcvije for ttre Uurnir:i ct trastr, gartlageor rubbrsh indoors shill be "o.,*a.u"i.J,'-rirlurr"a or used byany person e\cL.pt .ls .rpp;.oved try ttre Connift.o ona the Tc,en ofY-.ll:- to"!. Oroprrrt y ownL.!. sh.r I i prov rde r|.,it olI. receFtac lestor thc collc.-r-.or "f tr,tsh, r"tr(-.s, q:.t,...re or rutt,r"f,. Suchrecept.tcles sh]ll be scrert-rndd from pubtrc.vrer* ana protectedfron d is t u rba ncc.. 6.2 D..finitigl. As us!.d rn this Secrlon fr, ,,trash,garbage or r.,bl.lllFsi"lI1.. rncIudL, r..rstL:, r(.jected, \,ilueiess crr{orthless m.rtter, nnterinls .tnd. d!.brrs, ,,"ui,-.;or disca rdL.d art rcres r.on, ..,,, o.a,,,.,..' riJ".;;i;'llii3,.:H"l;:0,Prepar.ltron, cookrng, Jncl L,onsrrFrrt i""'ot- iooC- mirk._t ref use,14(-!ste from the handlinq, stor..rgL., 1r.^p.,r..,aron or s.tle of Froduce,::::_b:.1.:h.:, twies. e::":.,ri.,,u'"ripp.ui",',"ooo,. reaves. andotner gcnertrl yarct and grrden w.rstc, ,l.1;;r;i; I)ut shil!I not::::r::.,_l:"0 oi food products ." r," p."p..,."J over orrtdoor oropen tlres nor r.rood or other materr;ls i,r"a-tJ. t_uel -n frre_pl.rces. 't . l.l vt:sTOCX. No .rrrtm.t:s, liv(,stock, rlor.s(.s or. poultry of iny kind,cxctpt dogs, c.-rrs nnd othc.r horrst,hct,l ;.,;;. "Jinrt u.,. kept, raised No trees sh.rll be cut, trinmed or removed rn VirlVrllage, Ninth Filing, except vrth prior yritten approvil ofthe Conmi.ttee, and all such rdork shatl be perforrned by pr.rsonsapprovcd Ly the Comnittee or by the ToHn of Vail. 9. SET BACK RTOUIREI.TENTS. There shall be no generol requirement for the locntionof improvements within property lines except those imposed bygoverr.menta I zonrng regulations, but the location of each im_hrrc+ L^!Y !r tc l()ntntEEee. lndetermining the proper location for c,ach improvement, the Cotr_mrttee shall consider the proposcd location, the loc.-ttion ofexisting and projected rmprovements cn adjacent propert],, theeffect upon adjacent property cidners of any proposcd rmprovenentlocation, and such other consi,lerations as-ii may deem appropriate. or brc.d rn vJrl Villnge, Nrnth FiIrng except rn areas destgnntedfor such purposes b.. the Conrnittee, provrded, hc.rever, th.t..-if'r,o h..rein contained shall b€ construed to permrt the!'onn(irclf I brer'r..|inrl of do!.ts, c.tts or other hous!.hold pets -n\',r !I vrLI.r.Jr., Nt|ltlr [.1] lDq. a.TREES. IO. LANDSCAhING AND GAR.DT|NING. All ground surf..lc!: ilrri,.ls not used .is r.mprovcment sitesbut disturbcd by constr\rction sh:tll bL, rcturned promptly to therrnatur3I condrtion iind replinte(l in nitrvL. gr.tsscs, unless suchdre3s are to be utilrzed for gJrdlrrrs. Irwns, .tnd exterior llvrngo-.ui:. Every tmprovcd burlding srte rrrthtn the subdivisronshill be landscapncl Jccordl n(l to ..r plitn ilpproved b!, thL. Cotnmtttee.The l.rndsc,lpe plan sh;rII bc submrttt,ci ao ii].. Co^.,atee at thet rme of the submrss ron of const iuct ron pl..rtrs ._r ncl .rpg,ror,.r I by the :"TTl!too of either plirr miy b!. d(rr) itr(i irnt r I bot tr thL_ plins f orbuiLding construct ion antl I.rndsciprn.t "f,.rli f,.,,,,. D(re;n Jrpproved.E.-tsements ad jacent to a lot but oLts r.ic it.,c Loun.r".r..s thereofmay be appropriately landsc;rpcd, subr(.ct ,o i f,,,. pro\' rsrons ofthese coveni,nts, by thc o\,ner of the lot. but rn tli(. |'rv(rnt srrchl.rndsc.rping is disturbad by use of tf,., o."..n,.,,.,r. rlrr. (.(-!st .lndcxpcnse of aestorin(, such l.rrr<lsc; )!n(l slt..rl I bi.r sol(_Iy thJt olthc 6*rnc.!. of thc lot. -5- .\;* t !{1:.'t r RltIi::tTS. \.i Irvrnt urlrt Jc's r.i.rc.l tor hutl.ln us€ or hJblt.ltlorl -{l ' i I I ( \'.rl:st i!i\.t.\l uliless thqr .rq<|r!:gire f loot. rreJ. (.Xclut. vc: .'r'.,' [,srt..h.'s. l..ts('rr!,i]ts !'.tttt\r! ts .lnJ j tfi9e3, thall C tply - -t:' .,!! L.'rr'lc. .rjlv.,.trt:!.r.,t-tI j!':ritt.l .r-lull -.tl!rnt a Jnd ahall havc 1...(.rt -!rrrrr.,'..',1 lr-v th!' r.lrnullt t.,c'. ,fhcr !.orxrrtt!'(' sh.rll detetl|inC ! !lrnr tlt(' Jr's !.1:r of th.t lnPrlrvgrtr,('lrt thdthct tll .t1!|.t bhrch tr 1'.rr t r.rl.11' L|t|lob rrrJd!. niy be uadJ to c-rlculste thGther thc propoacd stru!.tua<r !.onpl trr3 brth thr. mrr:::eum .rrei reiutrem€ntr. tlre Cur-n:t!c... nr.l!.. purs\tlnt t., these s.ot'enstrta, tnpose greatcr ntninuniloor Jr..r r'.r{ur rlrnr.rnt3 thJn those- rnposed b-v ?onrng regulatlona .rn*'l m.ry .rpply dtiflarent errterrr for der3.nnrning Conirl tinoe. ll. TR\I.E r"ittES. No t r.r.ler:r.r rk, t r.rdrr nJtlld. trJdc a)?bol or cchbrnat ron t t'r.rr.r.ri sh.tl L t'(. used or't struL-turr's. or ior lrus:r,esses or ser- r't,l rtrlt r-.r b('!rrr f rrst JppIov.rd tn rdrrt rng by th€ C|xn|rlrttee. I l. Tt:MF(]R\RT STR[.(.TI.,REs . ii{l ttiult(rr.lr'\' St l'ttr.t u1'.r .atat.lv.lt lOn, b.t!(.ment. trArlerltr tdllt sh,rll u!' |l!'nl|tt lr,rl ||t \'.tt I vrII.r.!!. ,,;tnth l.tlrnq. except.ts n.ll L'(i r'ri.lslrlr.t[rl] nr'('ei:i-r: \, .lrrlrn.t \'!\t]st rr.(-t r.rn Jnd JUthoflted Lry lhr. Corll|trtt t('r.'. l.l. ('rlfi'l'l lit't'l'Y rtl r,.r\SS tlit r.l'r..\. .ll I ...rnst : ur.t rrlr ...rf.:-(.tlr.r!,1 !;.r ).,i : i .,.,1l.r.:., :{rnthl rlin,r, s}l.rll I'rr !,r.rs('..rit r'.1 ,t.1.,:.,: t:,.. t.. ..,e.r. :.. t . .. r: Jnd sb.tllt'.' .'rrtlrtrl('t(..1 htthttr l-r \rntl.s \r: --r\r!r,r,1.,.( -.ri..t ..:::ass tlr, CCm_n:rtl(.r. rr'rll rlr rr'tt tn.r .u..rr t .r.t.!:t r.'!:. I t:-.(,. I ". Nt l S.\rir'l:. tl. S\r noxt(.rus (tr. lrt:irl:gtV(r .r\.t :\ lt\. sl.tll 1.., !..t1.!.irrrl (rnr.rthul thrt sr:l'.llvlal(rn rri.rr. sh,rll rtr1,th111., i.., .;..".. J: ir(\r.t- i,t trrdtrItr'lt sh.rlI ('.'|lst ltutrr .t liulrltr. trrrr$.rn(.!' r:: \.r:l ..: tl.r.:t,. ltrnthl r | |lr.t. Iri. t'ENCES. \\r rrtn\'.:s. r..tI ls Jl' othrrr b-lrrrerr 3hal I be Pennrtted .:. \'.rL[ \ | I ! r . I c . :\ I I r I l) [ l I tll.l (r\!'!(rt !' ltfl th(' Lrltten !-onsent Of l'' r"l'u':ltt<r'r' l ' . : l : :'.':' .\:{l !\tl :i.\T J!-lN oF c\)v!\-.\sTs . ThG. ('urrJttrotrs, restrtL'trong, strPulJtrons' 39reemencs .rnJ s-r.lvenlnts contirnL'd h!'rein shJll be for the benefrt of and sh.r ll r!..rJl-rtc the usr.' of eJch lot, block and tract rn viil \'r ll.r.r<' srnth Frlrtr.l, n'rqte Countl'. Colorf,do, ind sh'rtl be hrn.i rnq upon .rJ('h ori nr't of ProPirrti- ther('rn, hts succ!'ss-1rs ' !-(!trf('s(r,\t.r! t\'..s -tnJ .!sstqns. Theslr \-!'rvrin.1t:t s shsll c!-ntlnue Ir! : ll ior(-e .tn\l (,f!(.!.t urrtrl J,rnu.rl.I' L [.l.r'l. rt t,hr!-h ttrre t h(.)' shJll be .rutom.rt t!-.rlly extend(rd for f !v(r suL-cess!vlr tenls \)i t(!!t l,(r.trS !i.r(.1r. IA. A[!:NDHT:NT. Thr' .--.n.lrt to||s, r.rstl'1r't r(rlls. st !ptll-lt rrrtrs -rqree- nr(![ts .ttl\l !'ov(rll.rntg ('\'ttr I .l I ll( rl lr('fr'ltl sll.lll tr.rt '.'t' b.rl\'t'(1, .tb.rn(lon(:rl. tc.tnrrn.rt(r!1. .rr' .ttt,r.n.l.'.| rr\('.'l,t l\\' Lr lt t.rtl CorlSr'nt Od tltlr obtrLrfs of orr-2/] ''rt th(, sut t.t(.rr .r!...r L rth rti tl:!r |,.)uu.l;rrres lri V.rrl Vrlt.r.1.', Nltlth l'l llll.l, .rs I l'(' s.rt"r' ::.r)' l:(' t!'tr!r sh(r^ll L)' th!. pl,rt otr t r,!' rn th(' \rlf r.',,' .'t lllt'' \'l('r\ .r:'.(l S('\'Jt'd('r of l:.r(j lL. ('ounty, Color'.r.1.r. l .) . t:Nl'(rl\.I.:lt}:NT. - l ).1 -Prot(..|tr.(t t.x l'rr'or\'r.n: i:. i: .i:.y :'(':s..:. sh.Il vrt'l.tt(r ()r' tltt.'.tt('tt to vrol.tt(r .ilt). o. trlrr Lrl.i\':s:ri:'.s ,': :lls Ins: fum.rnt. V.ttl j\!'9o(-tJtrr3, ln(., ot. tts s,.:(.e(rSS..: s ..: ,rss:,.::is Irr .||i), (trrr)(rr ol r'('.tl prol\rrty rn V.rll Vr ll,r.rr., \:t:ll' -r'r!.:l.r lrrs .r,Ir'nts (rI rrmPloy(res, miy, but rtlthorrt L.bl r.r.rt l\\!: t,r rlla so, trnl()r'r'(t thr. ]rrovlsl()lts of thlg rnstrunr(rnt l)!': (.r) ('lltcrlnrl tlpotl tht' Ptol!t'ttv r.lrtr r(r thrr vt(tl.it l(lll Ctr thrrr.lt,.'tl(.(l vlol.rt l(rtr rr\lsls .rn.l l ('- no\'rll(1, tt'nrt'rlyrtr,l In(l .rb.rt rlt,t tlr(' \'rrrl.rt ri\rl: su('h sr'l f-lrt. l1' sf1.s1l onl' r'r' 1.'t1.11'13r'rl .r.tr'! It.tvttr.l .1 tvt'tt l" .1.1,1's 1'1 1s1' hl ltt(rtl n(\i l('(' ti thrr obner or criners of the property upon bhich tnd vrelJtron exlgta ind provrded the oyner shJlI hJrve frtled b.rthrn $uch trme to tc\est,.i: -lt't r!)r) .tS nl.r! bcr ne\-eSri.i rJ' tO COnform t -\ t:rf (.\)\ !| tr.||.rtS i O! 1lr | 113j rtUt rng auch procelrdrnga 3t l.rh o| tn ctqr rty its ntJy be Jpproprr.rte to cnfoR-!r the provrsrons of thts rnstrujlllrnt, rrrr-lrr.lrng .r dlrm.rnd for rnJunctrve relref to Irtlrvlrnt or rcrnl€d!, the threatened or exrst_rng vlol.rtron of thege coven3ntg :nd for J.rnr;rgc.s. l.l,: Not 1c..' .rnd S.rrvlce of prcess. Erch crrner ofr('rt prJp('.!\' ttr vr.i t'rll_rgr-. Nlnth Frlrng, he reb!, ippornts thef.\n !'l('!'\ ..: th(. Tohn of t'.rrl fS hrs :lgent to recelve Jn), notrce.1'rr.'1'11"1 i-r1 !1.'1'.'111 .rnd to .t!'cr'pt sert'tcr- .1f !'r,-ct-ss rjr :rn)' court1.:.-..-.'.'!::..j lj r J .,: -;:^- :,\.).rtot1.-q' 1.1.qu1rr.d,,"o.:;-;;;"';..":;;'i;":;";i;:':.il.;:;:;l'' slr.rlI sp!'(-ri!, th!. vlolrtron or thr...ttened vrolJtron oblectedt\). tn(r prop(.rt)' subl!.ct to th!. vrol.rt ton .rnd sh.rII denind(-\rtnpl r rn(-.r r.tth t h!.srr cOr,!(rn.u.-s brthtn l5 (l.rl,s .ritrrr th(, grvrngot su(-h n()t !(-tr. It Jf t!.r r.rr.tSorr.rl) l(r !,ii.rrt th!. person gtvlng(h(' ttLrt le.: sit,rll iru r.rrr.,l,lr. t., .1..1rr(,f t:r(. s.ii.i, i\(,..:...-r !l!. :Jth(' p('r's.rn to rhonr rr rs .lrr'(.('t!..i .rrrJ s!:.rll !,(. :rn.rt'lr' to obt3tn.l rt.rturn rlrclrrpt shori ttr.l .lr'l rr.c,rr. \\! not t(,.\ t.r (11.. l.(.isotl tOrrhQnr rt ts (irr!.!-tr'd, tlt..ll th(. lf\lrtr t.r.l [\rt l\.rr sh.tll llrr .lrrencitstllI l!-lrrlltl1' .1 t r,'r.n rf F951..,1 uprrtr th(r l):!rP<rIti .tr,S \..t t!.(,d rn thetl\)t r(-(. -rn(l nr.lllc'.1 t.r th.. l.lst |i'D.\tl .r.lrlr.r.ss ,\. l!.(j ir(r: s!rt: to\ilt.xr th(, n\\t !(-(r ts (l I r\.(-t('\l .tn.l ll .rls.r i:.r: l(,.i .:- .:(r::,.,.r:(rd toI hr' 'l'.rr. rr ('l!.r\ o! tll.' :..\ n or \,.t I l.rs .,,.(,.rt ..: : j.r. .-,: -.i.(r!.tv.i^ rr('r . l,('r'Sotr.! l ill tll ts sirl).ll\'lslon nt.l(lir ln .t(-(.!rr.dJrcrr l^ ttlr tl.(, prC,...l:..; sertr-ncer| rl l,r' ol)t.r rni.rl, l)ut onll. t!rr th(, (,r...),.,.(.r.r,i:t \\: :...(,s. rr!r,,.tr6..1-. st'! s(tr\'r('tr (rr pIo(.!tss upon ilt(. Tu^n cl(,r.\ or th!, Tg:: ,\: \,.rrlrs .rrl('lit ior t hr' s,t ld ordn(rr, I i .litcr t.(i.rs!\r:.tlrlr, J: I :.:t,::.-r.. sr.lch I I r ' ! r ' I r ( | - | | r t (..rtrrrot b.. t(rund $rthrrr th(, St.tt\. -.: C..l-r:..t.1-r .r::.1 |.'t s(rn.rl sdr'\'tcr,r c.lltn(rt b(. oth(rt.t^ ts(r obt.rrn(,.i i,tll\.|(r t. thrr r.i!!r_I r,l.r llulr's !rl (.tvl I nrocr,rlur(.. .. 1,. | \l.r.,r,rl_l![. e.f!,:fI\USl. \..rrlrr'\' trl itr'r' l.('ts()n h(,r.(.1,\. rrrt:\rr.t?(.(l t() l.(,n,\1\.(, .i s s.\!. . .! t (i s . lnc, \\l : {'::,('(i!, \.!r-l,tt lons -B- or threitlrncrd violations of the provisrons of thi3 instrument rn -t!'\-ord.lnc'e !jrth parrgriph 19.I(.r), shal.I not be Iiable to -rr\ ir!'i:s!'t! i.rr s.'' .lorn.l !.s!-ept for ]try inirrr_v or dam.rge re- s.:lt iii.i ::.r::: r:rt('!!- t.ttt-tIly hr.rtr,lf ttl .r(-ts, .1nI' p..rson .!c'qulr- ' i:.\' !nt!'r!'!t rn r!.Jl propcrrt,. rtr vi!l !rll.r.l.. Nrnth Frlrng ::: 1 ,. r'(rr.ord tng Or' th-i rn5trul'rent in th!' r!..-J!JS Of th€ .'.' .:\r', !'!.':. .rnl Record(.r of Eagle County, Colorado, shJll be .'....,nr+,I L. )r.i\. r, r r\..i,1 :lnv ind alI rights ro or clarns for l.tn.l..lr's o:' rntur), r!.sult tng f rom ef fortg to correct ur to pre- \ -rnt -in!' \'rolrtloa or threatened vrolation of these covenants 1n Jccord.Tnclr !'itth p,rrf,grJph t9.l(J) above witb resp€ct to the r.:.i I propert)'so tcqu i red. t.r. J coll."@. Vail ss s.'.. l.r r !.s . rn.-. @roceeding rn .r.'..r:--l-r:l(-!. 1r rth p.rr.rgrapb I9.I (t) 3hall, have a clitm rg,rinstr:.t .\:rcr !. \-. (irne!-9 0:- thc property liith respect to uhicb the\. .\l rt r,1.r .rr rhr.!rr.hr,-r r,,^lrl ,^6 nf t!:e?" ::1,a::f:::: !,::: ,r\-L-u a r.rJ !r ,tn imount equal to the actual costs Jnd expenses, rn!-lulrng rlrnson.:bIe ,r!tor.ne!.s' fccs, incurred in conDection!. rth prlrvrlnt rng, removing or renedying such violatron or thrr--rcened vrol.ttron. Such cI.tin shdll not exceed the .rmoJntor T\io Thousind Doll.rrs (S2,OOO) for any one violation orthre,rt!.u.rd vrolJtron of the provisions of this instrunent nndshrll b(' r'nforcr.Jblr. through nny appropriate court actlon. V.ril.lsso!-r.rtt.rs, Inc. Or any other person or persons brrngrng n pro-(-..e.i rn.l urrdrrr pir.rgritph l.l.l(b) to enforce nny provisron ofthrs rnstt'lunlrnt shill bc- entitled to j u.l.lnt nt for thr, .rctual('osts .rtrd trxt).,insrrS, inCludrng rcnsOn.tblt, .rttorr.rr),sr f.rris. tn_.'trt.rr..l ll!' Such person rn the pUoS(.clrt ton oi su.,h pr r.rt r,r,r.l rrrtlr. .r.l.lrt t\)n to .rny oth(rr relrr\f gr.. rt.r(l l)), tll(, c.)ul.t. 1.9.5 q!!ver. No trsgorrt or ,t!.tl1t(rs(.rr1(..r, r,\r)t..rss(t(l.rr rn:pl rr'tl, to .rni,-;;.., rcn or. thr.(i,rt!rrr.,.i vr..,l.rr lon \)t .ul), o:tht pro\,tsr(.ns oi thrs 1n911.s111..nt stt.tll b., .tr.r.n,t,tl or. t,tk(rn to1,.. I b I tt..'r of .tny slrcccr,trng cf othef vlol.rl ton ol. t h l.<r.rt.rf.rr\!r'l.rl lt lon r'f t ltr'sc' protr.ct rv(r cov(r[.tnts. .l(r. t)t:r.tNtTtON ()t' pROp!:R.t,I (TiN!:R. As us!.(l .n thrs rnstrunl(\nt, the phr.ts(.s ,.t.r,., I pr..rp_( r t , .i.||r.r- or "('ill('! of t.r..rl proporty.. sh..rt | 61..111 Jn\. |l.rtur..rl _()_ l'':. ll, t,.t.l rr,'t $l: tl.. r.\rl.,,i,t.tt l\r., ,rlis(!r.l.tt l()^ \)r Otll(,r b.,i$r n!|!g "r:t llt \rr l('1.'lr()trshll, hl).r.ll slt.tll u.1 .1t 1'st.tt(r rts .t !-o- t rrr1Jlt.r: \)ih(itLrB$ ln t!|(, sln,plrt or trrr .r tr..rn o, yeJrs or legitrt ! ,: rrr ..tr!' lrort iotr of th(. l..rnds Included rtihrn the boundartes. I t'-r'I ', ! I I r.t.', Ninth Filtng. or shall (,. .rni rnterest in anyL'rrr l.ri:r.r .'rr l.rn.! thL.rein unaJi .rny f .u"u -i. r"ni*.rrt . suchi'hr'.rs.':r slr.rll (rt !n(.lud(. rithin ihr.ir mcaning'th!. holder or.,rrn(ir of Jny Ii!.n or slrcured interest i.n landt or rmprovementat ltrlr"r(rn b rthtn thc sr,rbdrvrsron, nor nny pL!raon ctalmrng an('.r:r!rru.'n t of rrght_of_ryay for utility, irlnsportation or otherput.poa.r through. over or acroas any such lands. I l. SEVER iAI:- I,tl(. A Joterminntion of the invalidity of any one ormotsr of the provrsrons _f this inatrument U.| 5uAgnnent, courtord(r!' or d!r!.r.ee sh.rll in no tr rge .rf f*ct any oi the other pro_i:...;^vrd i,..re.(,f . birtcn snatl remarn rn full force and effcct. -'t aE.\EcurED thLs 7' -day of January, 1970. vAtL ASSOCTATES, tNc. .;r ,'|aY tt,i . ,*:... Clay ,1. S imon Vice' pres i.dent n B. ,Ileedy rlrt.r ry s,t'ATE oF q)LoRADO ) .. C TTY .\ COI.INTf OF DENVER ) Th(r forrtgornq irrstruront r,ias rcknot ledged before ,ne thi8 ?thd.rl' of .rnnu.rry. l'rz0," by ctny R. srmon o"-viii-".o"ratent and Johhll. 'l\n('r'(lt, .rs S(r(.r.r,t.rl.y ot' V,\if. ASSOC,ATES, iNC. l{tfn('ss nry h.rrrrl lnd of f tcr..rl sr.JI. !.ly <.onun i ss run ,,rxp! rcs J:':'i'.,, , - lo- I srtlslll tnl\l , g:*;-.$ ;-;,r Xi^*Sil?i i:;\): ii', i i+ sI j '),,'. ., ' -i: (X\l i;,, r, : *.li {-.i,'n i ' i.r<l .s I c) oo CONDITIONS AND STI determined and no right of action shall accrue to an insured claimant until 30 days after such statement shall have been furnished. Failure to furnish such statement of loss or damage shall terminate any liability of the Company under this policy as to such loss or damage. 5. Options to Pay or Otherwise Settle Claims The Company shall have the option to pay or otherwise settle for or in the name of an insured claimant any claim insr:red againsl or to terminate all liability and obligations of the Company hereunder by paying or tendering payment of the amount of insurance under this policy together with any cosls, attorneys'fees and expenses incurred up to the time of such payment or tender ol payment, by the insured claimant and authorized by the Company. 6. Determination and Payment of Loss (a) The liability ol the Company under this policy shall in no case exceed the least of: (i) lhe actual loss of the insured claimant; or (ii) the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A. (bl The Company will pay, in addition to any loss insured against by this policy, all costs imposed upon an insured in litigation carried on by the Company for such insured, and all costs, altorneys'fees and expenses in litigation carried on by such insured with lhe written authorization ol the Company (c) When liability has been definitely tixed in accordance with the conditions of this policy, the loss or damage shall be payable within 3O days thereafter. 7. Limitation of Liability No claim shall arise or be maintainable under this policy (al if the Company, after having received nolice of an alleged defect, lien or encumbrance insured against hereunder, by liiigation or otherwise, removes such defect, lien or encum- brance or establishes the title, as insured, within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice; (b) in the event of litigation until there has been a final determination by a court of compe- tent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals therefrom, adverse to the title, as insured, as provided in paragraph 3 hereof; or (c) for liability voluntarily assumed by an insured in seltling any claim or suit without prior written consent of the Company. 8. Reduction of Liability All payments under this policy, except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses, shall reduce the amount of the insurance pro tanto. No payment shall be made without producing this policy for endorsement of such payment unless the policy be lost or destroyed, in which case proof of strch loss or destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Company. 9. Liability Noncumutative It is expressly understood that the amount of insurance under this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Com- pany may pay under any policy insuring either (a) a mortgage shown or referred to in Schedule B hereof which is a lien on the estate or inleresl covered by this policy, or (b) a mortgage herealter executed by an insured which is a charge or lien on the estate or interest described or referred to in Schedule A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy. The Company shall have the option to apply to the pay- t .d TIONS (Continued and Concluded From o PULA a Reverse Sido of Policy Face) ment of any such morlgages any amount that otherwise would be payable hereunder to the insured owner of the estate or interest covered by this policy and lhe amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy to said insured owner. 1O. Apportionment lf the land described in Schedule A consists of two or more parcels which are not used as a single sile, and a loss is estab- lished affecling one or more of said parcels but not all, the loss shall be computed and settled on a pro rata basis as if the amount of insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as to the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole, exclusive of any improvements made subsequent to Date of Policy, unless a liability or value has otherwise been agreed upon as to each such parcel by the Company and the insured at the time of the issuance of this policy and shown by an express statement herein or by an endorsement attached hereto. 1 1 . Subrogation Upon Payment or Settlement Whenever the Companv shall have settled a claim under this policy, all right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the insured claimant. The Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and remedies which such insured claimant would have hacl against any person or property in respect to such claim had this policy not been issued, and if requested by lhe Company, such insured claimant shall transfer to the Company all rights and remedies against any person or property necessary in order to perfect such righl of subrogation and shall permit the Company to use the name of such insured claimant in any lransaction or litigation involving such rights or remedies. lf the payment does not cover the loss of such insured claimant, the Company shall be subrogated to such rights and remedies in the propor- tion which said payment bears to the amount of said loss. lf loss should result from anv act of such insured claimant, such act shall not void this policy, but the Company, in that event, shall be required to pay only that part of any losses insured against hereunder which shall exceed the amount, if any, lost to the Company by reason of the impairment of the right of subrogation. '1 2. Liability Limited to this Policy This instrument together with all endorsements and other instruments, if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and wlrich arises out of the status of the title to the estate or interest covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and Condi- tions and Stipulations of this policy. No'amendment of or endorsement to this policy can be made except by writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed by either the President, a Vice President, the Secre- tary, an Assistant Secretary, or validating officer or author- ized signatory of the Company. 13. Notices, Where Sent All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in writing required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to it at its Home Office. z s oo-z CE l(9 oz tr v) 1 o P 6 o\ =o o, I9tf(0'79lt ogl E o I€ ;E q , eo --'is : !2H+F E.EEEE$f:gi i E#3#5 #$i!5gs!gi*s $ g oo o zf o(J uJ(Jz laz LIJJtrt- IlIl r!I 2b - HiFi iEEg< Q c,9 E - AEiE?b ;AnE zz eZ<i zo 6?EdFe oE<C)ocz; rEFE?U'?SeiHFo: <c SEtits < F,r Ft e !l B 2x t, !l sl = Lll J E44 -IJ !,1 oz JA out ul o()z UJo2g ll utF2 uJ =u,lo uJ o F uI G acooJtt gT E FoJ J F9F u,l ooJ l! J FoF ! 5t-r =tr=ulo LLC:O -?-no-F=l.o EiAulc zo Foo : 2o F IE u,lF C,z ct f .otto ul 3 Flt =FI ai, LlI e2 (,z J tto CJz z 9,-.t fc lto t!F o ? t!t (,F' ttN UIF ozo9oo5 <6 o I z 4 fo (.i .E o 2o F() tsozo t! u,lG F u,lzo N !Jof at \ \ \ PLUMEilNG/MECHANTCAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL USE OF BUILDING: cLASS oF woRK: Kr* E noorlon E nemooel ! nEprln DEscRrPrfoN oF woRK: ,P/-Je S oee"oveo \ I orsaeeRovr"N\St oere '\- l] . 13 ADDREss ,>4/t/dS,hrt PLUMB]NG: NUMBER MEGHANICAL: NUMBER vALUArfoN s ,3 P:SV. o O VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERM.T FEE 3 o. oa PERMIT FEE H \ | .r'1 # ,f, \ rorAl FEES: s ,3 ? of'. QI\ s $ t,turtt... {io!vz \No T z =oiEdt rUlF!{ \.\\.{ $\ \ \ \ s N{ 6 \ 7J 6 b-,t & 2o ro 2 1 ro LL I Fl el >.>ri:<FAEr.E_k9 iFoE9ltsF:.El et!:Hq:3q;< E;2io< XTiF9<Cl<oaI;E ;<OE2ut -Frta><o!lEc< oul Gt! o C'2 ul z 3E o F urE !coo Jl! uIE Fo J Fo1- !,1E ooJl! 3 oF ahFzut =ul(t Lr,l L Er lrl 0. oz -,o Jl o -l I&et -, -ot- I2 I G 4 Fv,ttILo F =Eglc (9z o o E Gut .E zo F oo 2 F G IIJF F =f C,2 J tto o2 zo F IJ4A Ito ulF o I2 J E v o FoJ t? zoo t T (9 tt u,l o o ao Alo C' ()z cf 3J .i ata zo F(,llrFozoIJt!o tug F; rNsPErfr*FIEOUEST DATE lt- b- 73 nME REcEfvED /3DO AM PM CALLER t/', TOWN OF VAIL. --*)JoB NAME I e sf uJ d t 0ti K"€,t I D€ r'Jc€ E ornen MON COMMENTS: E penrrll LocATroN BEADY FOR INSPECTION TUE THUR Fil / 3oo o*ffiJ D eppRovED fi orseeeRovED fi[nrrNsPEcr 13 upoIII THE FoLLoWING CoRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONSO fr'ebRs DATE ir- o'73 o rNs"=to* TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL DATE '- ' l - .rP JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER f]ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnnal LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION irxvu FRI AM PM E appRovED D orsappRovED D nerNSPEcr fl uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE i "".. r INSPECTOR rNso=.t,n FIEOUEsiT JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED AM PM CALLER TOWN OF VAIL ! orxEn I '... MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrreu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR APP ROV E D E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ! orsappRovED E nerNSPEcr DATE rNsPE.|lot JoBNAME -l'?cf tVtl t:Y€- TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL PM CALLER UIwTIME REcErvEo t,) I'a E ornen MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM FattRovED D orsnppRovED fl uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECnoNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr . S' . ,.trDATE ti ,ij,cr ?3 INSPECTOR rNsPEt||o,., TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL TIME RECEIVED E ornen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E pennau LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM ftnee Rov E D E orsappRovED ! nerNSPEcr I uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS oerc tt /litrl) /*{ INSPECTOR ^. -rNsPEtllot TOWN OF F|EEUEST VAIL onre Il rl'lilY JOB NAME ejl l','u t-L ( TIMERECEIVEDt=_t_i-lArUpru CALLER :"-' f-;-l r i.1y' ./1 E ornen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrtnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION ;AlV! PMTUETHUR. FRI ,' l[ ElappRovED E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr El uporrr rHE FoLLowlNG conRECTToNS: COFRECTIONS rNst=.!lot TOWN OF FIEOUEST vAlL . . DArE Lrrui l4 JOB NAME rf ME REcErvEo / .' d'O orut-!y,CALLER E orxen MON COMMENTS: ,, WED .) \*.- -. : ..:-:r.-'-#r fiUR FRI /,0c'AM €-ryr. I pnnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE ELnpp Rov E D E upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orsapp Rov E D n nrrNsPEcr _."2, .r4.aFIflFqRF"------:lI Lj I rlodbr||Fr{r "|r..'r a r,c, bn- jn irn*_rr.a;*_.*nr ro;u-3f.r'il.. llalgarct Lo',r I sc T.s',-rnr.k. rr rr or odor Dq LOo0 .l Eaa le I Xalgaret. LouLse loatvulalq . rl-lntrb vdl E.gle (lq.a Colorado , ra ad..l Coloraalo ,fu iL.aa|ll&rdar I Ten .nd no,/lo0 (910.00) D.[or b rrr|t t 14' kdt.dl(.) ra {rl.l&(r) b Paul A. aeltvulde ,db.rUrl.-!