HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 9 LOT 12 LEGALoz, ry =E uJo- ooo .{'(n ul IJJ lJ. tr =E uJo- qns\\\\ thr\F;b $$A (\ ctro\ oc{ zz Eorl h t4 E [uIF ; tr]YZ+z6{(,i 6o!z u, E F E FIz: zz u) urF z (9z6J @ € ozz Gurz =o uJ Foz -t- o c asggc Eg E:E :ffE; iEFEE t;E"t€ EiEEg iiiiE crr(n .it c{+ o@ q tr =c,|l/ zoJ f @ t UJaoz o- J IEFo uJJul oz ao =l o- Iz o UJ E ul uJtl-zo F IJJ C) uJE @ 3g UJ z 6ulo F ttt uJ z uJJ() x F ulol U' Lu UJlt E = lrJo- J FoF ozo! f @ J ocFo uJ ul (9z =Jq. Iz uJ- NOUVn'rvA ? tsFts rr1 E-r 14 F.l zH rqE - =IL zo Fo- Eo ulo J E. uJ =uJ0 =>tr -fi)3tnE =aOGl zzoo F-U'q5 EP O .L91>E9t! <coggg FO;Gi t\(n.+t1 HHE Pr >r 2 rt) 14 F{ z tr u- r oEo UJo- F ooo .if IJJ z E x '<xz. 9F uJFJ ; UJz tl trz zI <,t o< =HEci<z o =<F2? d6}EOI l-l!tltl Ftoltoltdl ul = (! lt, ulzYo IF F z tr 5oz I z zI v) i fi o oo3 l-rl<t trt =l zl .. >lo UJ UJ uJz F =UJ J z 9 tr oz trv,I c) il; l;,; (?) Ifr ?- -J(o Lr)o(:) frltr() H Ft v,z tl (\ CA( o zo zH uJ EoooIzo Fo- UJY lrJo oF F E llJ o-uo o-oo I IJJFoz uJF o &H Z rrlo= Ezex E=t a lf .+ dP 3 EH= A;E E Ht!o EUE3€uE9!Lb951-F't* = uJ :- E iEE =FE 66E iuE ;'rul€= H F --- ts =E,lrlo-zoFof E. 6zoo !tn I I J olull JI >l bl fleol ulFI F JI <t>l t!lq 2l =lolFI o\(\.itN I €\' F] IJE'z iE E z o =tr }{F.-l- Ffo z tltv(-) F, n .+ X E A a ul 4 d)(f) c{ @ I\o F..if, *ltt\Olol-l ol z r{ Ez rI1 P.lAH FlH l! }J () Hz frlE Hv) Ftrl l-az t) 'li=z (D t\.s o- H = z H (, F z V) lll =z oF!*() =+tFt-o2 E2? s3fFd6() E -rO<FG()uJ<ztL!F(rzo() NT]FI --X- RECEIPT- llre Town of Vailq >1DATE IfTEIVED FROM I'i .r,;ar tll:,; ,pq>. : N9 4?566 r iDt'zTDDRESS LLARS $ /' I -,,, ;, ) ---.---.2t !--J- Permit Numbers HO1V PAID- Cash-chec d:-l > z ' ' 1"1 J'' *+.rF*r***-*********#*****l********* oH********t*****+**************x**'*"**r DAHL,INI:: .OF I::OLORADO SPRINGS 43c'5 5INTON ROAD '::OL0RADO SFRINGSTC:OLORADO St-tgo7 ( 719 ) 59ts-661 1 VAIL, r::o , r) 1*t) 1- 19BO HO6AN I'IE|:H FF:OUGHTON/SHANLEY DUFLEX RED SANDSTONE F:D tleatl,rss is based on a Design Temp, Differencp ':f 9() The BTUTS per fc,*t r,f radiati*n ig 640 I'4ASTEF: BEDFjOOM I::EJLINE HEIEHT IS 8. OO FEET, VOLUT4E 15 1536, {]O fiUEII:: FEET ? EXFUSED OF EN I Nrig, TBTAL I Nti :r::.:r::.:':: :l:r:r.:l.r:r:::':r.:,:r:r,\ i .r:l .r .] 31 . tlt) SGIUAFIE FEET 3 EXFOSED t^lALLS, nc,t inclurding crpenings, TDTALINB .:'r:' 1751. t1O $AUAftE FEET F;OO|'4 SIZE IS 1:.r-)O LONI3 by 1e,.OO WIDE, TOTALJNTi:'l 191.0(l souARE FEET TJINDOH TYPE IS: U-Val ne = . 361 , Dcutbl e Fane, Lc'w e tl:aat ing r rl:1 ear 6I ass NALL TYFE IS: U-ValLre = .(:)6, Frame Insutl ated Ct-:ILINE TYFE I5: U-Valr-re = . t-t2€'r Uncc,ndit ianed Att ic $pare Abnve FLOOE TYFE I5: U-ValLre = (:t, Fl*c,r 'rver any C*nditinned Spa':e I]EATLO55 The T,rta1 FTUH f ,:r the .:utgide walls are 95(:r The Tc,tal BTUH f or tfre Expc'sed Openings are 1,04(i The t*tal BTUH f'rr the ceilings 44: The t c,t al ETTUH f c'r t he f I *c,r s {) The BTUH inf iltrat inn f':'r the ,:penings is 5,I14 THE TOTAL BTUH FOFj THIS FitrOl"l I5 7 rE4E The t,rtal feet ,:f radiat i,:n required f ,:r this. rc,r'm 11.9 HASTEFj EATHET]T]H CEILING HEIEHT IS 8.O(' FEE-| , , VOLUNE ISi 504.{,0 [:UBII: FEET 1 EXPOSED OFENINGS, TOTALINTS :r::r:::!.}.:.1i.:r.}}.}:.::..1":..:r.r.r.r:r::.:'::' 6, tltl SQUAPE FEET 3 EXPOSED hrALLS, nctt inclr-rding apeningsrTOTALINE :,::':F I2:.O0 SQUARE FEET EOON SIZE IS 9.O(l LONE by 7.()0 WIDE, TOTALINTS ::.r 63.fu SGUARE FE€T I^IINDOW TyFE IS: U-Val ure = . 361 , Dc,r-tbl e pane, Lc,w e E:c,at ing, f,l ear 6L ass ]^IALL TYFE IS: U-Val ne =.1J6, Frame Ingr-rlated CEILING TYFE IS: U-Valure = . tlt26r Uncc,ndit ic,ned Att ic Sp;.ce Ab':,ve FLOOF: TYFE IS: U-Vallre = {:}, Fl ':.'tr {rver any f,ondit ic,ne+d sp*ce IlEATLOSS The T':taI BTUH f':r the c'r-rtside wal ls are 659 The Tc.tal BTUH fr,r the Expc,sed Operrings are 1'lS The tc,tal BTUFI f':,r the cei I ings 145 The tc,tal BTUH f c,r the f lc,c'rs C, The FTUH inf iltrat i':n f 'rr the {'penings is ,3'74 TflE TOTAL BTUH FOFr THIS FrBOM IS 1,97A The t':'tal f eaet ':f rad iat ic,n requrired f ,:r tlr i:; rc,c'rn 3. I Fage I DININI3 FjOOI4 I::EILING HEIIJHT IS B. Od FEET, VOLUI4E IS 1536. OO I::UBII:: FEET 3 EXFOSED IIFENINGS, TOTALING l: "'.)'.:lr;.;;';1'3;t".r'3:}:'.!.r::..}':!.::i.l:::l 34. (l{l SCUAEE FEET l EXF'0SED WALLS, not inclr-rding r'peningsrTOTALINti,,:3: 68.uC| SEIUAFIE FEET EOOI.I SI ZE IS 1I. ()0 LONG by 16. r)C, tlIDE, TOTALING .:. lr 1'3t. oo SOUARE FEET WINDOhI TYFE IS: U-ValLre =.361, Dr,r-rble Pane, Lc,w e l::':,atingr l::lear 6lass I^IALL TYF'E IS:U-Value = .06, Frame Ingulated f,EILING TYF'E IS: U-ValLre = , O26. Uncondit ir,ned Att ic Spare Ab*ve FLOOF: TYFE IS; U-Value = O, FI'lf'r ':'ver any tl:c,ndit ic,ned $pace The T':tal BTUH f cr the c-rt-ttside, wal l:: are The Tr-,tal BTUH fr-rr the Expcsed Openings are The total BTUH for the ceilings The tc,tal BTUH f *r the f 1c'org T'he BTUH inf iltrati':'n f ,rr the apenings is THE TATAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOH IS The t,rtal f eet ':f radiat ic'n required f c,r thig roorn HEATLOSS 347 I , l7(l ,+4: {:, 5,866 7, 845 ti.,? LIVING ITI"I ADD CEILINE HEIEHT IS B. C}() FEET, VOLUHE I5 6C}O. OC' I:UBIC FEET I EXPOSED OFENINGS, TOTALING .:.1::.::..r;.::,..::l:1.:.":.:r.r..1 :.:,3.!;..:: i.:. 1!. (r(:l SOUARE FEET f EXFOSED I^TALLS, nc,t i nc 1r-rd i ng *pen i ngs, TOTAL I NG :r:!:l 36. oO SOUAEE FEET FIOOI'4 SIZE IS I5.(]0 LONG by 5.(:xl WIDE, TO'IALINIS :'i 75.(:)0 SOUAF:E FEET t^rlNDOL{ TYF'E IS: U-Value =.361r Dc,urble Pane, Lc,r^r e f:':'atingr t]lear Elags WALL TYFE I5:U-Valure = . OEr Frame Ingurl ateci l:EILING TYFE I$: U-ValLre =,Ltl6, Uncc,nditioned Attic Space Ftb':,ve FLOOR TYFE IS: U-Valr-re = 0, FIcrc'r d'ver any f'rndit ic,ned Space HEATLOSS The Tatal BTUII f ,:r the autside wal ls are 1'34 The Tc,tal BTUH f c,r the E:<pc,sed Openings are 390 The t*tal ETTUH f,:r the ':eilings t73 The tr-,tal FTUH f,:r the fl**rs tJ The ErTUH infiltrati,=rr fc,r the openings is Irg55 THE TSTAL ETUH FDE THIS ROOH 15 ,7,7!7 The tc,tal f eet ,:,f radiat ir'n reqLlired f 'rr thig; r,:,*tn 4.': FEDF:OOI4 I:EILINIJ HEII:HT IfJ 8. OC} FEET, VOLUI4E I5 114.1 . t]O I:.UE{IL: FEET() EXFoSED OPENINTSS, TOTALINtS :r.r:1.:."").: :..r.:|.}':l:]..::.:).::,!:3:.r:..r:i:: C). O(' SOUARE FEET 3 EXFoSED I"JALLS, nc't inclr-rdinqr ,:penings, TOTALINTii .::l::' 1?:.OO SOUAEE FEET F.:OOl'l SIZE IS 11.QO LONri by 13.(lrl lrlDE, TOTALINT3 :l:r 143.(x:l SSUARE FEET WINDOTJ TYFE 15: U*Valure = O, Nc, *penings in thig rc,c,m I,JALL TYF'E IS:U-Val ue = . (.16, Frarne Insul ated L:EILINIS TYPE I5: U-Valute = (r, tl:ondit inned spa':e abc've FLOOE TYFE IS: U-Valute = .(1,71r Fl c,c,r, tr,ver Encl*sed, Un,:,:nd it irsned spa{e HEATLOSS r:) 454 The Total BTUH f c,r the 'rutside r.ra11s are The Tc,tal ETTUH f c'r the Exposed Open inqts are The tntal BTUH f*r the ceilings The tatal BTUH f c'r the f lc,c,r:; The BTUII in f i t trat t.,t' ,.? ,n* THE TOTAL E{TUH FOF: THIS F:OOI,I Fage 3 ':rPEn rngs r5 -tE The tL-ttaL feet of radiat i'rn required f ,:r thic; r ':t':'m 1,494r.3 BEDRT]OM r.:EILIN6 HEIEHT IS B.C}C} TEET, VOLL'ME I5 8Bil.OT} I:UBIT FEET t) EXFOSED OPENINGS, TOTALINTj '.:.'r..:'.:l:::i:..::.r).:r'.1:l::'. j.:r.::.lr:r:.1::.::":. (1 .00 SOUARE FEET ? EXFOSED I"JALLS, n{rt includine ,:penings, TOTALING ::'.3 l68, Oo SOUARE FEET F.:OtrH SIZE I5 1rl.O0 LONrs by 11.0(:l t^tIDE, TOTALINT::.:: 11r1 .0(l SOUAEE FEET WINDBTJ TYFE I$r U*Valure = fi, N':' c,penings in this rc',:nr I,IALL TYFE IS:U*Va I Lre = . OE , Fr ame I n::u 1 at ed CEILINIS TVFE I5: U-ValLle = (:,, tl:andit ir-.ned sFace abc've: FLOOFi TYFE IS: U*ValLre = .(:t71, Fl,:":'r, fiver Enrli:eed, Uncc'nd it i':ned spa':e HEATLOSS 9.:,7 tl 353 (J I -,,q':', , 1- r.' J r [r:"n !.t] The The The The The TI-{E The T,:taI BTUH f c,r the r-.,utside wal I g areTntal ETTUH for the Exp,:sed Openings are t.:tal FTUH f'-rr the ceilings total ETUH for the flasrg ETTUH inf iltratic,n fr-rr the openings is TOTAL BTUH FOF{ THIS FiOOM IS t*tal f eet ':f radiat i,rn required f ,rr thi:; BATHF;OOM t::EILING IIEIGHT IS g, O(:, FEET,VOLUI'4E I$(:, EXFOSED OPENIFIES, TOTALIN':j ).:.;."!!:.:./\::::.:.\:l:>):."1:::l:i.r.:..:r.i.:. O EXFOSED IJALLS, nrt includinq c'peningr;,TOTALINri .:.i:l FIOOH SIZE IS Ltl() LONr"i by 5.$0 IJIDE, TOTALINT:j:.::. WINDOW TYFE IS: U-ValLre = (:), Nc' c,pen inqs in this r,rc'm I"IALL TYFE IS:U-VaIlte = . O6, Frame In::r-rlated t:EILINTS TYF'E ISt U*Value s 0, t-:c,ndit ic,ned space abc,ve FLOOF.: TYFE IS: U-ValLre = .t-171r Fl,:,:r r nver Enc l,:ged, Unc*ndit i':ned gpa,:e HEATLOSS The T'rtal FTUH f'rr the *utside r.ral ls are The Tc'tal E<TUH f c,r the Expc'sed Openinqs are The t.:'taI ETTUH f *r the cei I ings The t c't al BTul{ f r,r t he f I c,c,r g The FTUFI inf iltrati':,n f ,rr the apenings is THE TOTAL BTUH FOR THIS ROOH IS The tc,tal f eet nf rad iat ic,n rpqurired f ,:r th ig r ':,,:m 3?O. OO E:UE I I:: FEET(].OO SOUAFIE FEET O. Ot] SOUAEE FEET 4Q.{1{:} SOUAFIE FEET {:l 1:Et 1"8 TOTALS*****+** **+ **+* * ****Jt +*+* ** * * +** **{.*.**+***+**+**l****{ *+. *.* ** +** ****** **** * ** * ***t VOLUNE IS :r :. :.:. ;: .: ":. "r. :.:. ::. .l :: :l :l .:. :.r :l "r. :r :! 3 :l :: :l :l "1. .:. :. .. .I :r. .l :: ) ;r :. ? :: €r5:{1 . r)(l truBIfr FEET EXFOSED OFENINGS, TOTALING :3.r:::::':,.::'!::"::: ::'::.'):'::':: ):::r'r'!::r::i' 86. O{r SOUARE FEET EXPOSED WALLS, ab*ve grade n,:t incllrding r:'peninqts TOTAL SGUAF:E FEET, af walls belc'A, grade 762.I]O SGUARE FEET (J.O(J SOUARE FEET Page 4 FLOOE AND I::EILING SIZE IS Tl-ie T'rtal BTU|l f ,:,r the wal Is; abc,ve grader ai-e The T':,tal ETTUH f c'r the 'ra11s belf,'L/ gr iide arGr The] T,-,tal ETIJH f ':r the Eyrp,:,sec1 Open ingls are The tc,tal BTUH f c,r the rei I inge The t':,t*1 EtTUI-l f*r the f 1':,:rt; Thrt BTUI-I inf iltrati,:,n f c,r the wi ridc.H'r i:; TOTAL BTIJH, TFiIS tjuILDI|'! 13-fhe tt'tal f eet ':' f radiat i ':'rt reitLtired $ 15, {lr:} S0UAFTI FEET t.{rATLO55 tr LL,J IJ ':''7':iq 938 lri arJ'-l &|:' r t-/ (:' I '€*t+*l+*'ft+J+.r:.t***it'j.+'F'j+.**+*j+j+.*.*.}*.K-i+.X.t(.;+J{.+'F*.F{.,tj+*.i.***'!+#i+.*'**'}+.:+{+.j**.if'+if.F.:E',++*l+.]+**.}e+.*l+*End ,::, f r eg':'r t Table 2. Maxlmum Suggested Clrcult Length In Feet BOILER MODEL 1. Charl is based on 3@F maximum temperature rise. 2. Calculations are based on Type L copper tubing with one zone valve and €ight elbows. 3. Typical Circulating Pumps: 1/25 HP Taco 007, B&G LR-20 or SLC-25, Grundfos UP15.42F, or equivalenl. 1112HP B&G LR-12, crundfos UP2642F, o. equivalenl. 1/6 HP B&G Series HV, Grundlos UP4&75F, or equival€nt. PIPE SIZE 1t2"314"1"1-1t4" PUMP H.P. 1n5 1t12 116 PUMP H.P. 1125 u12 1lB PUiIP H.P. 11251t't2 1tB PUiIP H.P. 1123 1112 1tB 50 100 125 160 n5 cu 99 156 35 6s -24 390 680 - 160 300 460 77 150 2ffi 27 AO UO - 25 72 640 - 330 620 170 360 600 57 160 330 - - 110 NOTES: 1D. Boiler Placement The Boiler must be placed to provide clearances on all sides for maintenance and inspection. There must also be minimum distances maintained from combusti- ble surfaces. At least 15" acc€ss must be available in front of the boiler for burner removal. Consult local codes for clearancos to hot water pipes and accessories. ll the boiler is to be installed in a garage, all burners and burner ignition devices must have a minimum 18" clearance above the floor. The Model JV-50 through JV-125 boilers can be in- stalled in a closet, as long as the minimum clearances shown above are observed. Soecial attention should be paid to clearances between the front of the boiler and the closet door when it is closed. The Model JV-160 and JV-225 boilers can be install- ed in an alcove, which would be the same as a closet but without a door, but not in a closet. Consult the American National Standard 221 .13 for more informa- tion concerning closet and alcove installations. CLOSET INSTALLATION For Model! JV-50 lo JV-125 ALCOVE INSTALLATION For ilodel! JV-160 and JV-225 Fig. 1. Closet and Alcove Installation. See Table 3. IMPORTANT: The boiler shall be installed on a floor of non-combustible conslruction (with non- combustible flooring and surtace finish) with no com- bustible materials against the underside; or on fire' resistant slabs or arches having no combustible materials against the underside, unless listed for in- stallalion on a combustible floor. All boilers must be installed on a non-combustible surface. That means a surface not capable of being ig- nited or burning, such as surfaces consisting entirely or a combination of steel, iron, brick, tile concrete, slate, asbestos, glass or plaster. All boilers can be installed on a combustible floor if a non-combustible base assembly, available lrom Teledyne Laars, is used. See lhe boiler .ating plate for the appropriate base part number. Under no cir- cumstances can boilers be installed on carpeling. As an alternative to the Teledyne Laars non- combustible base plate, the National Fuel Code allows a boiler to be placed on other than a non-combustible surlace when such an installation complies with the Table 3, Mlnlmum Boller Clearances From Combustlble Surfaces JV-so | 6" 6" | 2,' I 4" 6', JV-7s I 6" 6" | 2" | 4" 6" JV-100 | 6" 6" | 2" I 4" 6" JV-125 | 6" 6" | 3" | 4" 6" TOP 36" 36" 36" 36" JV-160 | 6" 6" I 3" I uNoe$nuc 6" 36" JV-225 | 6" 6" I s" I urrcesrnuc 6" 36', NOTE: Models JV-160 & JV-225 can onty bs instailed in alcoves, not in clos€ts (see Fig. 1). \ 5q \jfi r-- cr) tf)OO oz E =e IIJo- ts.z l* I tu) IEIHI{ Ilrd IQl' t5 Fq ai.h9lotr> a,z Ee =Y.6ts lr{ tuF F Et-I = I c{gl >1 E z vtu zY ts z llr :elo I I I I I I lJ to IE rot(,,2 r6 | -,1 C! co\ rr H E YItl4 H(n z \ t $\$ $ $r ct q) q) G -9tl(g.v o\(! c 3oF o xI" 1(!' * os o c6 q)ttoo ct) E tD E =f do o clo. a! '.9 q) '6 oE 4;(D I,oa c .9 .2 !4l5o o $bq'= oN -aDc] t- O)E o =Yo()o6 E oJ o ,9 9 4 o E (u .J' '(! E .igo;(!'=9(a gsE EIi EsEc-o -Pi =':sFj'i =c96'- 4S eEt E E-F :€8 eeggi EcLo o- sEE c)- O. =€:E; ! E E.E o, (5* EEEa9 -r.CrE O'-3: O- --c gEE '6>.9 rca ;*E .bt.e9E o eEg -o6 CN rn .tt cr) .+ CN* <\,l t- =llJ z @ .J) IJJ UJl! E = IIJ o- J Fo frl Aq) (9zH HFl z ItIC't<IEt< l(J lPlz t9 I E-l_ 'r-{x;-r ;< 5H 6E Epr3rd 83 H',-c', JtJ) HEo =>d --d) =lDN zzoo :3 =.nO =>6:r!<o1 iE -iai ooo rn UJ(r z tr o A E, v, 2 v,z fl I UJ Eo UJ E U' @oazo Fo-luY uJ .D OotFo\rl .-iUJ:IL ^pr o-ao;.oE lx uJFoz ftl dzfi<r9' =e trcoo E ==Edg'.ir FNT-.lTAxJ L_J r--co E =E lrJo-zIF C)fE 6zo(J t: u,l ttoEqE3€8B9EA EE => =uJ:E b=o dfiE =*-c db9 iurE XO-E ;Taul €= ltllooF m \ v/fls\qr= ] = ifi ZF= A;E i II I I I ol =.1otutlEl zl 3lolFI I I ql <l>lIt|ol AolH I I .lzl cil uJl :l 5l s9l p FI F' E{lo\l r'1 I(Jl<lFlIFrlt-{ |>l .lHl z J IL co I*lFll IF J zo HH H FlA u) r.ii =z Hto- FJo z .J> M h .srn X IJJ = (ft (Y'l N @ I \.C)r\.n uJl .cl il>ltrl z l1& ou rd H FlH td z.l OI uJlcl il z ro UJ = Xir =*E Fo2 JE<oC)F =(JEE =2 z6 =) F(J uJtr O E, -.r O<Ft<)uJ<zEulF o FF! 0 0Projecl Application Project Name: Proiect Descriptron; Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descnption Lot /z BIock ,,,,^n /o: / L;/4,74one - Com ments: i I t. Design Review Board ' Motion ort ' Ln ( seconded or, Gfsf o^," (zth/ DISAPPROVAL E statf Approval LEGAL DE5CRIPTION: LoT / 2 Block - ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE D]STR]CT **LOT S|ZE l# #e. iz, E{4.4 Allowed (30) (33) joKt,l' tt I PRoPoSED usB 44 illtv\ Height Total GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wa1l Heights Parking Garage Credlt Drive: l.'a o SFR ZONE CHECK FOR , R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICT a D DATE: PHONE PHONE Existinq Proposed Total Ezl,@S- t{+3 WH zbt'z^ +dl,t hrIJ fdd+ tgD -nTk 14 $r\1.20, 15' 15' (30) (s0) 2ha'q ffi.*al -qa-({tk'z Rlt '?f"s t7 74 .{* ,tf 6-o'r"'J oE 3', 4U'(', bol, Ita . tl4lsl14t2.1 ,rl 3' /6' Reqrd rsoo[@reoo) (1200)4sr,t Vi-ew Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronment a1lHa z ards : 'Yes 1)Flood Plain Filing Pernitted Slope 8t Actual Slope ^1a. Date approved by Town Engineer: *lL no-yl zzz 2) Percent stope .f tt- la/, 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avafancheb) Rockfall 4) Previous conditions of approval c) Debris FIow Wetlands (check property file)- Does this request involve a 250 Addition?LruED LIII- lE9trEDL lllvt.rJ-vg a z-tv alrr.IrJl L l lrrr a -tL I How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used wlt.h this request? rLlA **Note: under sections Lg.12.0g0(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Prinary/Secondary which are less than 15,000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the appJ.icant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 78.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle valley. flo tLc ""-LJ {r Gtu'\ t0 ''Plan Rsview Baged ontbe 1992 Uniforn Codes NAME: SHANLEY ADD. DATE: 5_4_92 ADDPGSS: 854 SPRUCE CT. CONTRACTOR: PHILIPPE COURTON VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: GOSS OCCUPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED fhe iteng liated belor are not intended to be a conplete liating of all possible code reguirenents in tbe adopted cod€s. It is aguide to gelected sections of tbe codes. Tbe folloring ig aot to be construed to be an allprova1 of any violation of any of tbe pro- visiong of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of tbe Town of Vail . 1. THIS PROJECT WILI REQUIRE A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY STTALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FOR A FRAMING INSPECTION,2. FIREPLACE TO BE GAS LOG OR GAS APPLIANCE ONLY, RESTRICTED FROM WOOD BURNING. 3. SMOKE DETECTORS IN AIL BEDROOMS AND HALLS AS PER SEC.12].0 ].99]. UBC.4. ONE HOUR SEPARATION REQUIRED BETWEEN R-3 AND M OCCUPANCY.5. BEDROOM EGRESS WTNDOW REQUTRED TO MEET SECI-204 L991 UBC. 6. GUARDRAILS TO BE MTNIMUM OF 35'I IN HEIGHT AND MAXIMI]M OF 4II SPACING AS PER SEC1712 1991. UBC. 7 . ATTIC VENTII,ATION REQUIRED ].SQ . FT . PER 15OSQ . FT . 8. tt "tu, \ -\i't-/,""& 3{r'; oa4. ; c7 r*hq P.rl:. o iHE i E=B I !.J s \* 8oj> a 6t n *'lr*-= (rl ro tf) 1r)No l H $ $ F so{ l- Fo $ { s Iro>osa FT qd Es F= =Elrilrt 3$s* { s Fr tro l-.qI H!f; ig' E Ebo E{ ;i nl o!r.ooo 5q? dg.i flgn ro N (,) o tr tlt,o 0!E ,Lc, ctrocC"-.-. tt0rLC'Eu, 0! ctrorc.tr Lt-LrEg0,.PC,C' C.- Ct +, '-odo)EEtI L lJ.lLOc, TF E.|., g.t- t.F .ql-a +,F-E>=. t.o|lto =-cLl(,OLLU- o,,6 .PQ'C !tOL.Fo.o..rJuLct.Fooc+rLct=oii.UTFL*o-g -E;5aJ =+t c, otz.F (uF.+, E{J --Yt (U.F : E H:g *r a o) 3ob= -.-o ? io.€lF € r ?to tlo E.l, =+, -.t llI ogc F c,L iq-C C +rEr,|OL L .aJ :o,crE'6 gE U) tt O.F .EO|r'q'FT'6,L ! q,r/|c, uo.p+rL.r .6 F. tr.8 L +,.o o ocL.60, co.rrL E !4ul(ULO Or!C+r(lE('CO>OJ OCL O O.Ct OCfrsr(u rt L.F.o O O('L.Fc' CLL Cl 0, O,CL .IJE()O:?J+, Ful.E X>Vl.F P o,.P Ur 6, G . 'r' o or5 +, |l'E '.lJ C L CC . 0,(t J o|.F o| |/arF +,c,Er,'|.P>€E0,OOP.u,F 5 Ct.u.c ur c|6 rF.O.r- (r.F ClJ..|J dl|EEg'rt,.e \.e L O O.F 'E(Fc OOXLLt,.F |! +t.C€ F (J CL .P.|J 0,|E +, +, o c L c!!E<o LotnooO O+, C.r E (,U(, !O+rO.FOX!to gccoc,EOC UtU .FCO(,'!.+, O O0.r -.F c qrc o L.Dtt F+,(t.COL,6!.FOrnL{J.FE 16 |U>uoS|6roo o oLOutee>.l-)i toF. c cL.F o (, (u c{J o..t- tLc€rEc+, >-o ct o+, o!|EOO E'F C L'r- O, F. > ..F +, +, O rE ,UE+r'- o u|! c! vl(U.F = (, C, 0,€ (/| CL>.u t,| g.E g+, {J rgq-o q, +r c tr oLc,+th o.c,OCL3 tr +,UtrEE+'E-gE-Er,t9,b!t C, P P-C O.- o-Uf E>+t .Fvr L = 'g 5a;, gE a+, '. 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Eeueipi * 87583: R,:,:ountS [t(#1539 C'F:F FIPFLICFTTIOI'I FEE.'.5HRHLEV Fn':unt tendpred ) F6.86 Iten paid BtBB0B4t33BA8o flrrcrnt paid 58.oEl Ch.ange returna'J l 8.081 THFIhI}{ VOTJ t.i .,,our cashier CHRIS i I,-r----_ , _; . .i T0lrlh{ EF \,|tr| I l- Pliscel laneous Cash O$-ffI-gt lF-,r il: 1l F:FceiDt S lBlS?E Fltr,:'runt.+ Cti*54? F.H I LL I PPE COUFJTI:II 5'..PEI.IFLTIT FEES''F:E_ I I']EFE cTl0r{5 Fini,fun t tendPrFd I' Item paid fi etretrtBu4?ti1nFJE .qIi' f:h.EnUF ret.urn*d : 4l:1. L:tB Fmannt paid 4Er. ffFJ s. Erit THFTHI< l.{]LJ V,rur ca=hi er 'TEllt'lIFEF: ,,0-,t u9',0 H ,i! s d 3 ${? h$ F i#N St #$ *$$: ;{ fflIlu! ciF $ +Nt L It al {I R.lqr \i{i s TD.6 L(t) b r / I fi$ $g +5 t'\, N $ $ N N N N \ T { \t +tl o a- .+r ^t s -g v+ fh .,ll Gil F/r %tlc2<t2tlr- w '5As gNIO'lln8 39d5 l'1081661'I I'EA tt TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.]NITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTION FORM r/ /'/ /a4 /a tDAitEz / /€ / /"7 / : ::: :i::i 0l 0000 41330 ooM.DEv.rppr-rcnnoxrrss /)&l / @ .''-'-, v', o-/,5ny 0l m004ltCI ZONINGAND ADDRESS MAPS $5.m 0l m0042415 T'NIFORM BI'ILDING CODE $50.00 0l m00 42415 T'NIFORM PLIJMBING CODE $36.00 0l 0000 42415 I,NIFORM MECHAMCAL CODE $32.00 0l 0000 42415 T'NIFORMFIRE CODE $36.00 0r 00004215 NATIONAL ELBSTRICAL CODE $30.00 01000042415 OTHERCODEBOOKS 0t m0041548 BLt E PRINTS (IvfllLARS)$7.00 0r 000042412 XEROX COPIES/STIJDIES $0.25 0r 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS or0no042322 OFF HOI,JRS INSPECTION FEES 0r 000041412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 01000041330 OTHERFEES 0l 0000 4i413 SIGN APPI-ICATION FEE $20.00 0r m00 L__tt ,J oz ==t uJo- o .ir a IJJulu- F = uJo- b/ A</L o4 t /o/ 6l €'ro\ e.l e.l F F]b F) H NF{ Fv)z trr &#QZtr<l!ioEobdz = yr F FIz = oz 2 (r, uJ Foz z 6) !a ozz lLlz3 utrF oz o ; k(\ EJ h(! B'. c) o Ec tlt g) : =o c o =c l CL 3 .o o v, .: tl\ oc(! o) .E N -tt 3 F o o) =ooo(! q) Q .9 -c =l o o 6 ' !t:9ot'a(! '=Oo*!o E8E cu)oo; 9tEXY E=P O YEc-oef: =gPj'i =c96 EEE EE-F E'Stq: c.Y- (5 o-(' 0- sEE o! O.s*e E6:EE Eo(5= Es E - o-g *eC(60-.c; oP-E a!Qr+drE cE L=-9:;;6>,o.5=c-=?!.X6R U .,3"6 s96.o eEg -o(! o) o) .o a!()(\ F\Nt\ * F =Eu, z -)l t !! z J E !! z (I) =fJ z uJ uJtl/t!2 tr llJ uJ o Co 3g ur z 6qJ6 F uJ o- z t!J C) X UJ (.f, Iu trJ LL E =t LUc oz !:)o ) IEF()ltlJ UJ z =l o- 2 llJ = NOrrvnlv^ M B IHl&Its IEJlr'r"FlYrrl 3. bBZHots o-o AAo< E6t!Ezta (J- 6l 6J zz io- A :fEP o aO5a()z bE OVi5 dN =>E -I = tll zo q lJ- tl a l uJo- F o .if uJE z Eoo x*zotr E llJ =uJz abz:zOa <oo< >arRtrdci<z trztrf,9z do3trOI llilil#rlll'I tElI tzloI lzi' I+I lu? ttJI t<lNl=totFlilff ll.ll E a z i F- z F J az X X X }( Fl io z tr (! z Y llJo JI -l 2_l zl .. >l uJ uJulzo tr UJ ) z E o ol< url(/) du-<:oH o ('l I O. oo LO Lc)Ou)oz Fl 2s lJ.tFodlo1zo |-(L ulY IJJo a\ e.l-o\'cFFr (EC{ut Gl o5l >Dl =zl\J c)lol,zltHl'I uJL- llii^FL,zo .$\o€ H(J F]c) & o{ <J) z .n9zr602iz JOa! L! 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F.Y EFfc '- tlte:5- 6.o =oFd'! =c9G 35t_E >, E El- .j: o E;EF5;.=- (E o-(I' 0-*Exo-o_Ego-(6cEo: E E.EO(!;> -:q5F J-::: 6 6.=-c= oP e-C S,*;O r-=a)i=36>. 9 (ua J=EHis -if e9E o6EEr-ocD -o(! GII\o{r\ * F = UJ z 5 d) Y I z ) -F UJ ur 2 dt f d ) z Io uJ = LU LIJ z Etu () uJ ]tl,tuJ zo UJo F o- UJ o. 2 x uto (n uJ uJl! F E,ul.L J Fo z J lcl F UJ u, oz6 = d 2 IJJt NOtM-rVA \/, B lF{lrtIHl:tlr'J.: FlYtdE 3.uZ zHotstrH ;a6< x|I <l:ffxztrl -Irr) =dlN zz tr^6 :fF9066z>- <)zLL<v= (L!a-x .j<ri =>E z tr l co UJI F o '.rt o- Lr.lg z Eoo X)4z tr EtuF =luz tltltltl trzlzOCo o< =FP,!6o<z Lz OZ -F-do =trOI Llll z 9IF d F z F .J foz o = I -l xl_l -l ; Jl sl zl z o u,.lo UJ uJza tr cr UJ(L J z E o ^l=lutlol z tr J c) -l -T I Iolzl =lrll<l&l (') I& Eoo U) 3 F ul c.r- t:\ L_.J C)tt,a Fl z ul Eooo-'z o Fo- llJv LJ d) 'P H FF{ cr c.lIIJ N(I b!la-l63tol, 7.1| '.{lguJbEzo I H "1EIC'{ FJ "{r{ 1J z:tr J { ) F() frl rd z (, Fq u; z IIHzt& F{l O ol L)dt FFl calAr<l (ac lzt.cHl \Orl€i tlal 3I tr.lI'l I alot 61,:l <3J<l<a= H I()g IIJEoo ) = - F G z uJ J lJ-oz3olFI H&H U) *t =E Ir\ o'\ ciz o uJ = t! z3o I t\.lt ul E g o oul 5 -ll-oz3 =t oz lrJ J t!oz3oF =tr z .; llJ J z 3 F rll.J UJF IY uJz = F uJ =1-() <FE<)r!<zE arzo <o(.) r.- FS \25r t,OOat;o =#]F)zcO <;YF =2:^.iFiz =g l-Cir uJ+G Oz<()e9. =o tr = H oF{;+!uE : 7-E S <r= u5 a =ERa 9 =='tt1r L -.,i i .o = ;. ,_, LILJL_I E H=I.r rJJ =l J- J rll -)da i Hl "59E p bl =E<E 5 Hl =s.t6E X -I ?;EE.gn--' I |lDct Ir, I LJ +q r_J UJ @o E =E,lrl o-zIF(JfEFazoo - ]Fr. uJFo @o.) zo Fo.lllY UJl0 o E lE UJc t!o o.oo I utFo2 z o9ze roo =z=ldP J E (J UJJ UJ 4 (tz oJ .o ! ;trluA oEgE<8Att2E9Ek '9EE =>E dEE h=o dEE =o-E EBE iuE ;taula-i!i IJ.|o oF (\J(tP c\ Cd _J:)--) FFt{ uJF o ts =E,lrl o-zIF C)3 E,Fozo() tr! oz E =E UJc oz ltJluo =? E e lloFo GFzoo .Eo il;i "f I =l!dlgl Z Zv Io oo I ; a : E"l F? gfl iE gi zl .. >lolrjotuutz ut ts GIuo. z tr6 tr UJ = J!l l*ll: lslotzF-.i Jl! r- \N\-\ $\-{. oa ui = =@oI gl alt UI o -l = tc { = ic 6 vtanur oot -l - -E t! lo =.10lul 5l <l>lttlq zl;lolH ..l s\l -"'l\ s-qE I#,4 oz) outl 5a>lttlq zl 3loFI D\ t^ i\ \\ uiJtllF =tu I I olurlEl Jl <l>lttlol zl =lotH E lrl =c Io o llJ :l <i>l r!Iol zl}IotFI UJJutF' \,\\Nfr{\3: .loe i F() IIJEI(JE c -rO<FE()uJ<zE TIJ F6Z-o() JE 59 fiEra 2p 3Ed6o axOY =Eg6 Eo =c)=Fl-o2 () J<()qg :{. lmn 75 louth tronl.ge road nll, colorado E1657 (3o3) 479-2138 or 479-2{39 BUILDING PERI{IT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE Agreeo rc Dy.. Project Name Date Work Sheet was turned into the Corununi ty Devel opment Departrnent. olflce ol communlty dcvclopmcnl If this permi.t requires a Town of Vail fiire Department Approval ,Engineer"s (.Pyb]ic |,|orks) reyiew and approval, a plannin!'Department review or Health Department revi'ew, and a review by the EuilbingDepartment, the estimated time for a total review may take as 16ngas three weeks. All commercial (large or smal'l) and all mu1ti-family permits wi'|1 have te follow the above mentioned maximum requiremLnts. Residentialand-small projects shou'ld take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wi.th regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso tal{e the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this departrnent to expedite thispermit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. { t .t I 75 soulh trontage road vail, colorrdo 8'1657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: offlce of communlly development ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITIT TITE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DE\TEIOPIIENT MARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnrnary, _ordinance No. G states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor material , inctuding trash dumpsters, portable ioilets andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or publicpllge or any portion thereof. The right-oi-way 6n a:.i Town ofVail streets and-roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavement.This ordinance will be strillry enforcid by the Town of vairPY!]ig works Departrnent. pers6ns found viStating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not comply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puLfic WorksDepartrnent will remove said urateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance snitf not beapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain - copy. tfrank you for yourcooperation on this matter. Read and acknowledged by: Date anLE coPV 2. A rcquest for a denslty varlance ln order to allow an additlon to an exlstlng non- conformlng structure at 8Ai Spruce CourUa part of Lot 12, Vall vlllage 9th Flllng. Appllcant: Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Broughton/Steve ShanleyPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained this lot conlained two dwelling units, but was under 15,000 square feet in area. -The zoning code allows two units on a lot which is under 15,000 square feet if one ol the units is restricted for employee housing. Because both units are separately owned and neither is deed restricted for employee housing, a variance to the non-conforming section of the code was needed to allow lor the use of the GRFA remaining on the lot. The applicants wished tgo construct an addition on the south side of the structure. The staff recommendation was for approval. lt was felt this would not constitute a grant of special privilege, as the Town has approved similar variance requests tor the Bighom Townhouses in East Vail; the variance would not be a detriment to public health, safety or welfare, and there are extraordinary circumstances relaled to this site with regard to the history and documentation of approvals, and timing of construction. The documentation in the file for this property showed that the two-family dwelling was permitled by the Town in 1973. The regulations requiring that the secondary unit be deed restricted to employee housing was not adopted by the Town until 1979. In addition to this, the Town had approved a duplex suMivision in 1987. Because of this documentaion showing the construction had been approved by the Town of Vail prior to 1979, staft recommended approval. Elliot Goss, project architect, was available for questions. The PEC did not have any questions. Chuck Crlst moved, followed by Gonnle Knlght's second, to approve the request lor a denslty varlance per the stafl memo. The vote was 7-0 In favor. I 3. A request for a slde setback varlance at 585 Forest Road/Lot 3, Block 1, Vall Vlllage 6th Flllng. Appllcant: WllllamSheppardPlanner: Andy Knudtsen Andy Knudtsen explained when the improvement location certificate for the framing inspection was submitted lo the staff, it was found the garage had been constructed 7 inches into the side yard setback. The owner agreed to remove the stone veneer, reducing the encroachment to 1 inch. He would replace the stone with stucco and add five aspens to compensate for the less attractive appearance of the wall. The applicant had planted the trees, but wanted to request a variance approval to see if he could keep the stone. The staff recommendation was for denial due to a lack of physical hardship on the property. Jay Pelerson, representing the applicant, telt the applicant met all criteria with the exception of hardship. However, Jay pointed out that instead of hardship, the PEC could find o Shelly Mello distributed elevations and plans. She explained that the size of the trailer had . been changed from 12' x 56' to 14' x 50' and was to be in place for one year. In the Public Use District (PUD), the development standards are set by the PEC. Shelty pointed out the stafl recommended approval of the request with conditions. She then reviewed the consideration ol factors. The lactor which concemed the staff was the visibility of the modular unit from lhe recreation path. To mitigate this, the staff recommended the applicant install five 6-8 loot evergreens along the soulh fence line adjacent to Gore Creek and the modular unit. They also wished to have the dumpster enclosed, as it was also visible from the recreation path. In addilion, the stiaff recommended that the unit be a minimum of 5 feet from the south fence line, reducing the visibility from the Frontage Road. Fred Haslee, representing the Sanitation District, stated he had no problem with the gnclosure ol he dumpster. However, the planting of trees and moving the unit would impac.t a plan the District had to use spac€ in the future for environmental recycling and mulching, Thls new activity would require a mulcher, and chipper and several bins. Further, the Distric,t stores their snow where the trees were proposed to be planted. Mr. Haslee added the D'strlct would to propose a landscape plan in late summer which would include ths whole property. When' asked if he could move the unit 5 teet from the south fence line, he replied that it would interfere with the use of a door in the existing building. Diana asked if the project would be completed within one year, and Fred replied that it would. Kathy wondered if the building could be painted another color which would be more compatible with the existing building. Fred stated that, since the District did not own the building, but was leasing it, he was not sure if it could be painted. Kathy asked that the concem of the color of the building be passed along lo the DRB. Dalton agreed with Fred that il would not make sense to plant the trees only to take them out at a later date to make room for snow storage. He did feel painting the unit to match he existing buibing would help to make it less obtrusive. Connie felt the requirement ot trees would be a hardship. She added when she biked along the recreation path, she did ndt look up loward this area. Chuck Crist liked to see a continuous line of the buildings rather than move the unit back. Gena had nothing lo add. Ludi asked about height, and Haslee replied the height would be approximately 12'-13.5'. Ludi did not feelthe trees were needed. Fred otfered to look into another trailer, and would bring that issue plus color samples to the Design Review Board. Kathy Langenwalter moved to approve the condltlonal use permlt per the staft memo, . deletlng the request for trees as a requlrement, and the requh€ment to move the bulldlng to the north 5 feet, but wlth the addltlon of the enclosure of the dumpster and the recommendatlon to palnt the bulldlng a color to blend wlth the eilstlng bulldlng. Connle Knlght seconded the motlon, and the vote was 7-0 In favor. o Pf,ENAAED BY ,k\ OAIE y'z/Fz, ^- . /t-//?23 / s.,-hL uz /2. r 3 -k-+a-+'Jz-L-- TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: . MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Deparrncnt JF u"ry 13,1992 ,N rl'"^ k, [l*4 ?*" h C6y',ru,e It;L , 1-0 A request for a density variance in order to allow an addition to an existing non-conforming structure at 864 Spruce Court/a part of Lot 12, Vail Villagc 9th Filing. Applicanc Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Broughtory'Steve Shanlcy Planner: Andy Knudtsen I. DESCRIMON OF THE REOUESTED VARIANCE Thc applicants, Steve Shanley and Dr. and Mrs. Broughton, are requesting a variance to the non-conforming section of the zoning code, specifrcally Section 18.64.050(8). That section states that "stnrctures which do not conform to density controls may be enlarged, only if the total gross residential floor area of the enlarged sructure does not exceed the total gross residential floor area of the pre-existing non-conforming structure." This duplex does not conform to dcnsity controls because the lot on which it is located is less than 15,000 square feet. Though the lot has additional GRFA which could bc used the number of dwelling units on the site (two) exceed what the current code allows. The code only allows two units on a lot less than 15,000 square feet if the secondary unit is resricted for employee housing. Because both units are separately owned and neither is deed restricted for employee housing, a variance to the non-conforming section of the code is needed o allow for the use of the rcmaining GRFA. II. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND BACKGROUND The two ownen of the duplex would like to remodel the structure. The area for the proposcd addition is south of the duplex. The proposed addition will be two stories and includes a two-car garage on the fint floor and approximately 600 square feet of GRFA on the second floor. By a private agre€ment between the two ownerst each will be entitled to one of the two parking spaces within the garage. The background of the project stans in 1970, when the 9th Filing (in which this Iot is . located) was platted. The Town of Vail issued a building permit for a nvofamily structgre in 1973. The Town's requirement that secondary units on lots less than 15,000 square fcct bc rcstricted for employee housing was added to the zoning code in 1979. Last of all, tbe Town approved a duplex subdivision for the property in 1987 which allowed for two separate ownenhips. III. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Tnning: Duplex I.ot area: 12,354.4 sq. ft. Allowed Existine Proposed Total GRFA: 3,938.6 1,843 683.1 2,526.L Site Coverage: 2,470.9 1,100 635-4 1,735.4 Height: 33' 26.5' 26.5' Parkingspaces 4 4 8 8 Setbacks: Front: 2O ft 37 ft 30 ft North Side: 15 ft 13 ft 13 ft South Side: 15 ft 34 ft 3l ft Rear: 15 ft 12 ft 12 ft (Note: The 12' rear setback and thc 13' side setback are not changed with this proposal.) IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 2 \l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The new addition will be built on the south side of the cxisting home. This portion of the lot is adjacent to the North Frontage Road on the south and Red Sandstone Road on the west and is the furthest from surrounding homes. The addition is dcsigned to match thc existing house and wiU be compatiblc with the homes in the rest of the neighborhood. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to adlieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staff belicves that rhe history of this site and ttrough documentation of approvals for the two units, makc the sitc unique from other lots with less than 15,000 square feet. Because the structurc was consmrcted as a twofamily residence prior to any Town regulations pertaining to lots less than 15,000 square fcet, staff believes it is reasonable to allow the suucture to maintain its original development potential. The zoning establishing the resuicted unit requirement was adopted aftcr the structure was legally constructed and creates a hardship for the property. Approval of this request will not prevent the Town from requiring an employee unit restriction for other structures built after the adoption of the restricted unit section of the code or for properties that cannot document building permit approvals for the number of units on a given lot 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The proposed variance will not effect the above referenced criteria- The Plannins and Environmental Commission shall make the followins findings beforc sranting a variance: l. That the gxanting of the variance will not constitute a gant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same disrict. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be derimental to the public health, safety or weHale, or materially injurious to properties or B. 'tI improvements in the vicinitY. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or morc of the following rcasons: a. The strict literal interprctation or cnforcement of the specified rcgulation would result in practical diffrculty or unneccssary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectivcs of this tidc. b. There are exceptions or extraqdinary circumstanccs o conditions applicablc to thc same sitc of thc variancc that do not apply generfly to other properties in the same zone' c. The strict interpretation or enforccment of the specificd regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivilegcs enjoycd by the owners of other properties in the same disuict' V. STAFF RECOMMENDATION planning suff recommends approval of the requested variance. Staff bclieves that a variancc is wanited berause thc struiiurc was approved by the Town of Vail and oonstructed for two families prior to the adoption of employee housing requirements for lots such as dpsc. Because the lot has avaiiable unused GRFA, staff believes that it is reasonable for the applicant to use the GRFA. The findings are met, in staffs opinion, as discussed below: 1. Staff believes that approval of this variance would not constinrb a gnnt of special privilege as the Town has approved similar -nttiT"" r€quests fu the fiigto* Town--houses in East Vail. Though those situations are not idcntical to thii, they are similar in that there was available, unused GRFA on thc sirc. 2. Staff believes approving the variance will not be a detriment to public health, safetY or welfare. 3(b). Staff believes that rhe variance is warranted, specifically because there are extraordinary circumstances related to this site that are not generally true of many of the, sites in this zone district. Specifrcally, the history and documentation of approvals for this site, given the construction prior to the adoption of the empioyee housing regulation, sets this site apan frrom other lots less than 15,000 square feet' c:Vcr\ncm6\&tou$at. I I 3 / f \. c -(U(L o?-a co -go)fo m I oc(! -cU) o ooo-a o(L Eo o)fo mI -9c(6 -cU) T $ h $ E I it c,o (U. -oIU :lo U) co -co)fo m I (l) c(6 a co .J (U:> o [rJ +.v,(U Lu co -cc',f,o dt I oc(u U) co (u _q,ul U)o Eos(', =o trt I (l) c (E -ca H B a P E fi t P t tI t c tU (L oo l'L E c,J oo-o-f co o)fo d) I oc (U -cU) ! { i _lix.a art 3{ -tuI'd trfr t!$;'5[]f i16 6i- FIIiII : i. -F.'I t. \a{ fi * f I c.([ (L :o'o LL '(l) .o (l) =oJ co -co,fo trt I (1)c(! -ca F;ctd B"ck V'/45f, 73 a q-.2,9, / ? 76 -- LrcnsnDs rNcrNFil. rt'rc, ui ql ,$\ o Fzfo(J q I I I I I arl -$l'\l\l I\l'\lslrl z 3 5 1 I Iwt, sl 1 I I I I I I r.ll ...1 I I I I E I I I I \i\lil!Ibl I I frl lJl vl\l !'r) i\i \i Q\' i i r) P.O. lor l9Od Vril, Colorrdo 81657 Phonc 476-5072 i S+g'SOZZ Dcnvrr f-ine .6'93-153/ f, a /^^ A '/1.Ly JGl4,++tc,.- 1u'td'r'X '' 'J a I /lv ,Sr,eucE CAu,er DAT rloles in 'Faaad Spi*c fre' z-,. . R[6IsTERiO AIIID I.AND I Sca,/e: / ".20' l / Foond 5//, P,'n -&ea/ zyer ^ni -\sas'sa'/lE 3o.oo' R, 4ffioo e 9o(, F F oz(,z i; a \ e \ h \t I Rq $ a il v Wu'\t,n? ilt.10 $o. Znd 0 ****f 6;', ,,*nunO*u i'1.'*R.OJ. CTRII'ICATE OF SURVTY Ihir is lo ce,tify lhat on lhr abovc dale an improvcmrnl trrvoy war mada by mo. or unCcr my rupewl;ion, of thc abovr dercribcd progrerty, and thal lo lh6 bert ol ;;ry knowledtc and beliel, lho abovo t'l.l accuratoly rop,o', ronlr lhc improvarnenlc in relalion lo lh6 prop€rty iirsl a. iho\rn, a.d lhat ,hc localion and dirnenrionr ol all building improvefrtenlr, oalemenlr or righl.ol-woy in evijencg or lnown to me, ond oncroachmenll by or on thr prgmitgt lrr a(cuialaly lhoYrn. 4e1' PqV CI'ffi: p)',i $"]ru I .\' '""$k''" - - r.r /\/| .fl i|rt!;"fr;f";""f f,f*l"t\' lrea.nrffi.-l- - -je'aQ: --i Pa;n/,,,'ffi'nr.Si De//a ,( oltZ Parr:-/" \ .z' N lz qr /z - P. e*yt'nd".tto' 47 5 +' F/''lAR 4/ail\l/i//ao5.illnlh Fi/rnq./ o-\s,. f1l,u"z\q74\r,, \:\tr-^- -ila:ryh€{ 4<a _si1,W=\, \i"l ,'t1 .,ilf'asef''er'l ''iM uo2 \\ \o' ' '/$ 'Y* -,- - 6*- -\\-Y-Z_, ./ <"r\/ s\ N\-\+'s\ a\ ''/ufr"' \i\o qt li 2- Sra,er;!:h'.tla.065q.Fr a\'hYl <4,'-..$tY f'6.G-t* fi-=-,d,ii: i9f"fia'] SURVEYOR NO, ../d3 ( .l $ tf 6[r E1 Vl aa. Fo & Fr-+Ho\€ TLs-(,t t-'. NH d : IE Soo5€CE€fxvd;9 RS beLo* -"yj€{e.t \t ourJ ?."p*tj ,4.x PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66,060 of the Municipal Code ol the Town of Vail on January 13, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: I 1. A request for a work session for an sxterior alteration anC a site coverage variance in Commercial Core I for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge Street/Part of Lors B and C, Lot 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Rod SlilerPlanner: Jill Kammerer 2. A request to amend the Town of Vail zoning code regarding minor exterior alteration procedures in Commercial Core I and Commercial Core ll, Section 18.24.065 Exterior Alterations or Modifications - Procedure, and Section 18.26.045 Exterior Alterations or Modifications - Procedure. Planner: Jill Kammerer 3. A request for a variance from the maximum allowable driveway grade at 16 Forest Road/Lot 1, Block 7, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Ron Byrne/Jay PetersonStaff: JillKammerer/Greg Hall A request for a density variance in order to allow an addition to an existing non- conforming structure at 864 Spruce CourVa part of Lot 12, Vail Village 9th Filing. Applicant: Dr. and Mrs. Joseph BroughtorVSteve ShanleyPlanner: Jill Kammerer 5. A request for a major amendment to Phase lV-A of Special Development District No. 6, Vail Village Inn, 100 East Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5-D, Vail Village lst Filing. Applicant: Josef Staufer Pranner: Mike Mollica 6. A request for a conditional use permit for a modular office trailer at 846 Forest Road/Lot 3'1, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation District Planner: Shelly Mello 7. A request to allow a change to an approved development plan, Tracts A and B, a part of Parcel A, Lions Ridge Filing No.2, commonly referred to as The Valley, Phase ll. Applicant: Crossview at Vail Properties, Inc./Steve Gensler Planners: AndyKnudtsen/KristanPriE 8. A request for a side setback variance at 254 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: William SheppardPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 9. A request for a setback variance and conditional use permit to allow a tow which wlll transport people and supplies from the garage to the house a12701 Davos Trail/l-ot 15, Block B, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Brian and Sonja Craythome Planner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO JANUARY 27, 199,2 IIEETING. Information on the listed items is available at the Community Development offioe in the Vall Municipal Building during regular office hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vait Trail on December 27, 1991. ,ELIOT GOSS ARCHITECT Jackson Hole Box 541 Teton Village, \ yoming 83025 (r07) 733- 1890 Adjacent property owners:Kit & Horst Abraham, 874 Spruce Ct. Mick & Ron Mikkelson, 884 Spruce CtDel Zoft, 894 Red Sandstone Road tt ..t')i' ,\$r'\,i 1 ADDITIO{ AND REMODELING TO THE BROUGHTON/SHANLEY DUPLEX Lot 12, i Ninth fifing, Vail, eolorado A.We request a variance to allow an addition to an existing non-conforming structure. The Two-Family ResidentialDistrict does not allow lots of less than fifLeen thousand square feet. This lot contains I1 ,234.5 square feet. 1.This project is an addition to the side of the building bounded by Red Sandstone Road and the highway frontage Road;that side is away from the existing neighborhood. 2.The hardship in this case is due to the existing condition of non-conformity of 1ot size. Relief from the literalinferpretation of the ordinance will allow construction of a garage for the use of both units, plus expanded living space above the garage. The proposed project vill add 625 squarefeet of living space plus two-car garage to an existing 2188 square foot tvo-unit structure, for a total of 2813 squarefeet. Present day density control rrould a11or 2809 sguarefeet ( 25 sf x 71234.5 divided by 100).The addiLion of agarage will increase the compatibility of this building withthe rest of the neiqhborhood. 3.This project will have no effect on light and air,distribubion of population, transportation,trafficfacilities and public safety. The project will have a minoreffect on utilities. 4.This request cannot. complie with Vail's comprehensive Plan due to the non-conforminq nature of t.he oriqinal structure. t-e]- 476-O879 476-4820 476-4399 + ffi cte'n *t'a beLo' -o3l "!{"* !"{..r,rg PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 13, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request lor a work session for an exterior alteration and a site coverage variance in Commercial Core I for the Slifer Building, 230 Bridge StreeVPart of Lots B and G, Lot 5, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Rod SliferPlanner: Jill Kammerer 2. A request to amend the Town of Vail zoning code regarding'minor exterior alteration procedures in CommercialCore land CommercialCore ll, Section 18.24.065 Exterior Alterations or Modifications - Procedure, and Section 18.26.045 Exterior Alterations or Modifications - Procedure.Planner: Jill Kammerer 3. A request for a variance from the maximum allowable driveway grade at 16 Forest Road/Lot 1, Block 7, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Ron ByrneiJay PetersonStaff: Jill Kammerer/Greg Hall 4. A request for a density variance in order to allow an addition to an existing non- conforming structure at 864 Spruce CourVa part ot Lot 12, Vail Village 9th Filing. Applicant: Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Broughton/Steve ShanleyPlanner: Jill Kammerer 5. A request for a major amendment to Phase lV-A of Special Development District No.6, Vail Village Inn, 100 East Meadow Drive/Lot O, Block 5-D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Josef StauferPlanner: Mike Mollica 6. A request for a conditional use permit for a modular office trailer at 846 Forest Road/Lot 31, VailVillage 2nd Filing. Applicant: Upper Eagle Valley Consolidated Sanitation DistrictPlanner: Shelly Mello 7. A request to allow a change to an approved development plan, Tracts A and B, a part of Parcel A, Lions Ridge Filing No.2, commonly referred to as The Valley, Phase ll. Applicant: Crossview at Vail Properties, lnc.lSteve Gensler Planners: AndyKnudtsen/KristanPritz 8. A request for a side setback variance at 254 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 4, Block 1, Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: William SheppardPlanner: Andy Knudtsen 't 9. A request for a setback variance and conditional use permit to allow a tow which willtransport people and supplies from the garags to the house al27}1 Davos Trail/Lot 15, Block B, Vail Ridge. Applicant: Brian and Sonja CraythomePlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO JANUARY 27,1|9i}2 ilEEnNG. Information on the listed items is available at the Community Development oftioe in tre VailMunicipal Building during regular offic€ hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNlTY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on December 27, 1991. U'/'i al \ DITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOF AND THE FOLLOWING MATTERS WHICH ARE EXPRESSLY EX. CLUDED FROM THE COVEBAGE OF THE POLICY: 8. Matters causing actual loss which are: a, Created, permitted, assumed or agreed to by the Insured; b. Known to the lnsured prior to the Policy Date, but not disclosed to the Company in writing; c, Created or which attach subsequent to the Policy Date. 9. Except to the extent affirmative insurance is afforded herein by paragraphs 5, 6 and 7 above: a. Unrecorded liens for labor and material; b. Rights and claims of parties in possession; c. Facts which would be disclosed by an accurate survey; d. The existence, effect or violation ol any laws, ordinances, building codes or regulations of any govern. mental body regulating the use, occupancy or subdivision of the land or regulating the character or location of any improvements now or hereafter erected; 10. The effect of any flood plain or other hazard mapping law or regulation. This policy is effective when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. Jrrr.e lxsunrNcE CoMpANy oF MtNNEsorA x ffi",,,,*r4 A Secretary 11 t, Ln ild, lj Uttl,{,, Authorized Off icer or Agent OTitlo Inrurrnc. ComD.nv ot Mlnnllotr 1976 . :t:: ' Policy No. RZ L23022 Poticry Amosnt 3 48 ' 500 . 00 Filc No.cv 3516 SCHEDULE A l. Folicy Date June 16. 1976 at --gi08-&- M. o'clock. 2. The lnsured hereundcr, in whom title to the fee simple estate is wsted at the date hercof, is: JOSE?II O. BROUGHTON, JR. anil LINDA K. BROUCHION' ln Jolnt Tenancy H'affilei.1..r"r'*{ x*,+. {ddr i'}.. i," . 3. the land refened to in this policy is situated in the County of Eagle State of Colorado and is described as follows: A part of Lot 12, VAIL VILLAGE NINTII FILING, accordlng to the recorded plat thereof, County of Bag1e, State of Colorado, more partlcularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 12, VAIL VILLAGE NINIH FILING; thence N 59038120" E a dlstance of 97.90 feet; thence N 30o21r40t' I,I a dslcance of 37.64 feet to che true polnt of beglnnlng; thence N 20o32t25" E a dlstance of 20,52 feeti thence.N 69027'35" }J a distance of 27.3L feet; thence S 20o32t 25" W a dlstance of 20.51 feet; thence S 69027135" E a distance of 27.33 feet to the true point of beginning, together with an undivided l-/2 Lnterest in and to the foJ.lowlng described parcel. of land: A1l- of Lot 12' VAIL VILLAGE NINTH FILING, accordlng to the recorded pJ-at thereof, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, less a part of Lot 12, VAIL VILLAGE NINTIT FILING, according to the recorded plat thereof, County of Eag1e, State of Colroado, more partlcularl-y descrlbed as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of Lot 12, VAIL VILLAGE NINTTI FILING; thence N 59038120" E a dlstance of 129.87 feet; thence N 30021140" W a dlstance of 63.62 feet to qhe true point of beginnlng; thence N 69o27t35" w a dlstance of 27.29 feet; thence S 20o32t 25" \t a dlstance of 20.51 feet; thence S 69o27t35r' E a distance of 27.31 feet; thence N 2oo32t 25" E a dlsEance of 20.52 feec to the Erue point of beglnning, and less a parc of Lot 72' VAIL VfLLAGE NINTH FILING, according to the recorded p].at thereof, County of Eagle' State of CoJ-orado, more partlcularly described as follolrs: Beginnl-ng at the Southwest cotner.of Lot L2, VAIL VILLAGE NINTIT FILING; thence N 59o38f20[ E a dirtencc of 97,90 lcctl thcncc N 30021'40" w a distance of 37.64 feet !o the true polnt of beginnlng; thence N 20032125" E a dlstance of 20.52 feet; thence N 69o27t35" W a distan". of 27.31 feet; thence S 20032' 25" I,I a dlstance of 20.51 feet; thence s 69027135" E a distance ot 27.33 feet to the true point of beglnnlng. This policy valid only if Schedule B ir attached. 4. File No.cV 3516 Policytlo. AZ 123022 SCHEDULE B This policy does not insurc agrinrt lcs or damage by rearon of the folloring: 1. General or speclal taxes aod assessmenta required to be pal.d ln the year 1977 and sub- sequent years. 2. Llens for unpald water and sewer charges, lf any. 3. Terms, conrlitions and provlslona contalned l-n party wall agreement bet!'teen GARY L. KEHL an< DELLA K. OTTO, recorded December 13, 1973, ln Book 232 at Page 485 and re-recorded April 3' t. ... 1974,."ta Boob 234 .C Page 41. 4. Restrl.ctlve Covenants, whlch do not contaLn a forfelture or reverter clause, aa contained in lngtrument recorded January 9, 1970, ln Book 215 at Page 762, 5. Utl1lty easements ' 30 feet in wldth, along Southerly 1ot lines and 5 feet along lJesterly lot llnes as shown on the plat. 6. Deed of Trust dated June 2, 1976 fron JOSEPII O. BROUGHT0N, JR. and LINDA K. BROUGHTON ro the Public Trustee of Eagle County for the use of WESTERN FEDEML SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIA- TION 0F DENVER to secure the sum of $36,400.00, recorded June L5, L976, ln Book 246 aE Pag, 988. 7. Deed of Trust dated June 2, 1975 fron JOSEPH O. BROUGHTON, JR. and LINDA K. BROUGHTON to the Publlc Trustee of Eagle County for the use of DELLA K. OTTO to secure the sum of $2,500.00, recorded June 15, 1976, in Book 246 at Page 989. A -]t-- - I 5*5j^E 3 .. E €€E 6=EF,o 8fiE = H P€E f .i:E {|a{Nsfrf dd{ZL I i,i vJ f. 1 la F W.BIT A A part of Lot'12. VAIL-ViLLAGE NITIIH FILING, according to the recorded p.latthereof' countv of Easr;;-i;;;"";;'ioiiruoo, To.re particurarrv describei, asTo'o''s : Besinnino_u! l!:-fouir,*"ti_.orner of r_ot'iz,'vaii^vrIAGE NlrrH FrLi*G ;thence N 59"38'20" E a distance ot gz.so,"eii irr"n..'n'30;?1,40,, 14 a distance of37'64 feet to the true_point oi n"ginningi_thence lt io;giizs" E a distance of 20.52teet; thence N 6e"27,39',,w;;i,;;;;;";i^:i,!l ii.!,.lJl.! s 20o32,25,,r,/ a cisianceof 20.51 feet; thence.s.es.iz;ii;-i"l iirtunce or 27.33 i"ut to the true poinr ofbesinning, toserher,with-an-uniiuiiej Tfi-i.i...!t-in"unO=io the followins describedparcel of land: A1'l of Loi-izl vnii"vilLncE rvrruiri iiiii'ie ,"accordins to the recoroeoplat thereof' countv-91 i;ri1g"siui"'"it;i;";;,"r"ri'i"iurt of Lot r2, vArL vrLLAGiNII'ITH FILING, accoriing to-the ""iora.o prui *rui"oil"cJrfiiy,of Eagie, Stare ofco]orado, more narticuiartv Jescrii"i'it'rrirg;i1^^gggi"ri',is at the southurest cornerof Lot 12, vAIL vILLAGE..Niilrn-iilitei irrence_ry s9"38;10;;"8"i distance of 129.87reet; thence N 30o2r'40" nu a aisiinid it al.az iu.i"ti",,,.' t"ue_point of beginn.ing;tnence N 69"27'35" W a^distuni.-ni ii.ls teet;11"n."-s"io"iz,25,,W a distance of20.5., feet; thence s^os;e7;55;-E"i iiiiirce of.27.3r.feet; thence N 20o32,25,, Ea distance of 20.52 feet-io-ir,.-tirJ'iJin, o. uesinni;;;";; tess a part of Lot tz,vAIL vtLLAGE NINTH rrri|\e,-acc;;;;; lJ'ar,. recoided piit-*,.".of,.county of ras1e,s.tate of cororado, more..particu'rarr! jur."iouJ-ii'i"rT",uJ,u'o"g.,nnrng at the s;Jrh_u|est corner of Lot 12, vAIL viiteei"niNiH nLrrueJ il;;;;-N 5e"38,20,, E a distanceor e7'e0 feet; thenc:^l-ig:qi;Id'*; u'i.irtun.. of 17.oq-r;.i to 1," true point ofbeginning; thence N ZO"SiaZs; i-u a'irtli.u o.f Z0.SZf""t;'in"n.e N 69"27,35,,W aorsrance of 2r.31 feet; thence s zo;gili's,, w a-aiiiun."'Jr"io.Sr feet; thence S69"27' 35" E a distance'oi'ii.is-riit-io'tn" true point oi beginning. o$ sclo $ $s z b! : ,t': (1,:tt .6O i>, ic iE li il ;i ii :I iiii i!ii :dl 6 i q, o t: Ep o o E:,o(J o o ho EI Ft trtn F< z q, fr zr h oFz z F F2 b A HH Fz EPH iiiiii.iijlu I llll",ilT.il i-'1"\;;; i;;;*f,;1,?lt 1*l Tnrs Drno. lg 76 . betrveen Made thig Znd FREDERICK S. husband and day of JUne 0TT0 and DELLA K. OTT0, wi fe County of Eagl e RECORDER'S STA}TP and State of Colorado, to wit: $m 0$ffiiltt ru JUN tr'?6, of the Colorado, of the first pert, and JOSEPH O. BROUGHTON, County of Eagl e and State of and LINDA K. BROUGHTON Eag'le 8nd State of Colorado, of the seco'nd part: of the first prrt, for and in consideration of tho sum of HUNDRED AND NO/IOO. DOLLABS' to the said psrt ieS of the first part in hand paid by the said parties of the second part, the receipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknowledged, ha Ug granted, bargained, sold nnd conveyed, and by these presents do grant, bargain, sell, convey and confirm unto the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever, not in tenancy in common but in joint tenancy, all the folloNjng Cescrib€d lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and re County of WITNESSETH, that the said part i 95 FORTY EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE Y-v beins in the SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A agreement recortled in Book 232 al page lr85 and rerecorrled in Bogk- 23L a!, Page. lr1 and the above bargained premises in the quiet and peaceable possession of the ssid parties of the s€cond part' tnerr TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditarnents and appurtcnanccs thereunto beloaging, or in anywise appertaining, the reversion and reversions, remainder and remaindets, rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the estate, right, title, interest, clsim and demand whatsoever of the said partigs of the first part, either in law or equity, of. in and to the above bargained premises, with lhe hercditaments and appurtenanc€s' TO HAVE AiiD TO HOLD tle said prcnrises ahove bargaineti and descriLcd, rvith the appu:tcnances, untc the said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigns forever. And thc said part i gS of thc first nart, for 16"t- sel VeS , thei f heirs, exccutors, and administrators rlo covenant, grant, bargain und agree to and with thc said parties of the second part, their heirs and assigrs, that at the time of the cnsealing and delivery of these pres- ents they 3pg rvell seized of the premises abovc conveyed, as of good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasiblo estatc of inherit:rnce, in larv, in fee simple, and ha yg good right, full porver and lau{ul authority to grant, bar- gain, sell and convey the same in manner and form aforesaid, and that the same sre free and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessment and encumbrances of whatever kind or nsture soever, except for General Taxes for the year 1976 and subseguent years and subject torestrictions, reservations, easements and covenants of record, and lrarty ,ra!1 heirs and assigns, against all and every p€rson or persons lawfully claiming or to claim the whole or any part thereof, the said parti eS of the filst part shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND' IN \ryITNESS }VHEREOF the said part i 95 of the first part have hereunto set16"i" hand seal S the day and year first above written. Signed, Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of ...IsE.{L] DELLA K. 0TT0, and w'ife .......... .IsEAL] STATE OF COLORADO I ,............county or....Eag.le................f "' The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before mt this Znd d"t of Jrn" te 76"bv, FREDERICK S. 0TT0 and DELLA K. 0TT0, husband and wife r .4.'l ..1&..*,,0 ,9,j1 ' 19 {l Witness mv hand and official seal' | 7'' ' r .{'>. t;\ -*-t-..-{--.* f*.L, , f Ll r; .;f":1'-\ \.- Notlrv .ubric and No.92l. wABRANTY DEED To Joint T.nur.Itrrdford Publilhirl Co.. 182{-{6 Stout Street. Denvcr, Color'do r5?3-50ll l -$"?5 .TOlr|}{ BF (JFIIL- Pliscel lareous Cash 1 2- 12-Er 1 rir9: i:?:54 Flsceiot * E$:5!$ Flccor-n t S ct'. r+ l6€,? ELItjT EIJ55 }1R|::HITE[T\COI,II.I SEU BPF FEE Bm':r.rn t tend* red l r'5El . fl13 Ite'm paid ffmount Paid I I I I I I 1 Llt Ei'18841336888 LlhanllP r*'t'urned "t 258. BB 6. Eu,J THFII.II< \|OIJ (lor-rr rs=hier S-fEFHFtlllE r€vised 9/4/9L I. 7 o Application Date PEC MEETING DATE NPPLICATION TOR A \IARIT}TCE This procedure is required for any project requesting avariance. The application will not be accepted until allinformation is submitted. A. NAME OF APPLICANT Eliot Goss, Architect ADDRESS R^- 543, Teton vi1lage, Wy. 83025 PHONE (307)733-1890 B. NAME OE' APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE above ADDRESS PHONE NAME OF OWNER(S) (type or print) OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) ADDRESS 240 ash St. Denver, co.8O22O Steve Shanley HoNE (aOa) 399-2e7o D. 864 Spruce Ct. 476-0879 .OCATION OF PROPOSAL: LLOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: lAer oFLOr_12__ Dr. /t{rs. Joseph Brouqhton (at/ h//atdFILING Nin-YhBLOCK ADDRESS Vail-Co. FEE s250.00 THE FEE @j! BE DEPARTMENT WILL PAIDICK # 166? BY El i nr r:nss PAID BEFORE THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. A list of the names of owners of a1l property adjacentto the subject property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS STREETS, and their mailing addresses. THE APPLICANT WTLL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRESSES. fr. A pre-appfication conference with a planning staff member j.s strongly suggested to determine if any additionalinformation is needed. No application wiLl be accepted unLess it is complete (must include all items reguired bythe zoning administrator) . It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff to findout about additional submittal resuirements. IIT. PLEASE NOTE THAT A COMPLETE APPLICATION WTLL STREAMLINE THE APPROVAL PROCESS FOR YOUR PROJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION (PEC) MAY STIPULATE. AI,L CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL MUST BE COMPLIED WITH BEFORE A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED AND THE P€GULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: 1. The reLationship of t.he requested variance toother existing or potential uses and structures inthe vicinity. c4^4'' t i, l\,O'"n-.) i,r.. ,' tt ^ z lr0l tr-4J I114'1.l ( .1 (( (p ,Co.nt"e to which rellef ,l .n. strict or literal inLerpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve co-@a! ibi I it-1 ancl-Uli f ormity of t reatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, ltilities, and public safety. How your request compJ.i.es with Vaj-l-'s Conprehensive Plan. I e. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale of at least ln - 20' stamped by a Colorado licensed surveyor including locations of alL existing improvements, including grades and elevations. Other elements which must. be shovrn are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscaped areas and utility and drainage features. 7n = 20' showing / At1 preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicat.e the dimensions, general ,r/ appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces' existing and proposed on the site. D. A site plan at a scale of at least existing and proPosed buifdings. Y,f, A preliminary title report to verify ownership and ,r/t easements. If the proposal is located in a rnulti-family !^4 developrnent which has a hqr\e__olv4-e_rs_' association, then written approval from the as-JociaCion in-snFFort of the project must abe received by a duly authorized agent for said association. Ar.y additionaL naterial necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan rnay be waived by the zoning administrator. IV. TIME REQUlREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete appJ-ication form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be submitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No incomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date. A11 PEC approved variances shall lapse if construction is not commenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to completion. If this application requires a separate review by any Iocal, State or Federal agency other Lhan the Town of Vai1, the application fee shall be increased by S200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not fimited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shatl be responsible for paying anypublishing fees which are in excess of 50* of the application fee. Ifr at the applicant's requestr aDY matter is postponed for hearingr causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re- publication shal-I be paid by the applicant. A. EI A.\/ \ P -I,^" (/zt/q / -v Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address and Phone:. Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lol /z B lock Com ments: Design Review Board / Motion bv: U^, / seconded or, Cr ; S f ,^" ( zt/rt D ISAPPROVAL Town Plan ner E statt Approval I \Q*, *, *-",,"Jto* orrr*r.r! DATE: l-) LEGAL DESCR]PTION: Lot / 1 B1OCK AU U.t(I1 ) D OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Filing PHONE PHONE **LoT stzx l# #. lz,3{a,4 Allowed (30) (33) aaKk,U + k q-r2 i373-7ft Front Sides Rear 20, 15' 15' (30) (s0) z4"lu'cl Existinq Proposed Total He i ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Water Course Setback qi i- a a/'-|rraraara I -- .l^^--i -^!drtLrJ\-ctlJrrrY Retaining Wa11 Heights Parking a.^ -^^^ ^-^,,1 .i+\Jql o9g \-! c\.r-L L- Drive: It13 4 <t.z ?-bt'L ^fi}lJ +b+J f,,t^-+ + 425 + qzJ 14 <rsPTsJ tz aa ,^,1a 4gt,z ot44 K?k,z -l4tz.4 11. .l1s4 (JJ_@J&t-t vl at /A,'k rczf Att'"J oK 3'Reqrd (3ooilf66ot(eoo) (r20o) &'L Permitted Slope -.$- Actual Slope +(o Date approved by Town Engineer: ,c1e- wo r/ zzz Flood Plain tLt* Percent sf ope - / t+- lO I Geoloqic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) RockfaIIc) Debris FIow 4) wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property frle)- DnAc this reorrcst involve a 250 Addition? nd t How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this requesL? rLlA **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and L8.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less than 15,000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Comrnunity Development Deplrtment may grant an exception to _thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.i2'090(B) and 1-8-L3.080(B) of the Municipal code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. aD'(' uol. view Corridor Encroachment: Envi-ronmental /Hazards : Yes 1) 2) 71f- sl ra 10 L,t't'-) PROJECT: DATE SUBI'IITTED! COMIIENTS NEEDED BY: INTER-DEPARTI.{ENTAIJ REVIEW Uo,l l,:t1"f . op!-lo!qpuBrJrc HEARING BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL3 tr / -/74{/;/t*r / a lttz (ar /. , -,'/tb'u, /7-/>|4 J"{'G n- PUBLIC WORKS n^ U RevLewed avz Y,ttlle i4,P<,kQ comments: /;,J -/ .,-ud .,,.-/s 7, a/.is c,. ata cF 1 B/"-<s bo ,.Jof D':7'<RL €v'ST"{9 6*^A- / * 7"-{t&t, Date ! r-l t-,-,t 14 I u Ph I *sPh4. 6^d:bJa-I/fl- 15,.^ "**ff ,'l //.^- ,) rota o4/ 6 etz-€e . ,"Y"!, t : :! o"!;T? : yf,- ;;:it-J6""- 1i r^CJ ' rE ' Pe d^'ce* '^t tT\ Pon/' Do ^1"?= T rsTz.e;L €v' s7 t n/c) ' hh-sPIlA.;=- FIRE DEPARTI.TENT Revlewed by: Conrnents: Date: /J(;/-'//,/(at n* /",-4r"t /AJTE Reviewed by: Connents! RECREATION DEPARTMENT Dr+ {. fr'" I l-t p lt*l 1l ll"*af*t- INTER-DEPARTMENTAIJ REVIEW PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED: NL. I DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING coMMENTs NEEDED nTi----v- t'7 - q / BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: fl//.,4 PUBLIC I{ORKS.€-gE4J.-.:'......EaYf!ta RevLewed by: Date: commentBt o"{/,1^ / a i- tar /rb,r, /Tv>/( t{dbe iU urr--(/ fr- 6r.^ ,r.'yr7nl /4."- lr-/ -/ .*{ .,.-/s 7 u*d : 6*^t- / -* " "( t&t , Date: /J(,'/-,(u^/ * Z .*"1 /1/JTe t0 r'A revised EPARTMEN Reviewed byl; fr+ k 6"4 la SCHEDULE A Date of Policy: July | 5, 196-/ af 9150 A.M. GF No. 41097 l-O Amount of Insurance $ | 051000.00 1. Name of Insured: STEHIEN R. SHAI.ILEY 2. The estate or inl€rest in the land describ€d hereln and whlch ls covered by this policy is: (a fee, a laasehold, 6tc.) FEE 3. The estale or interest referred to herein ls at Dale of Pollcy v€sled In: STERIEN R. SHAI,ILEY 4. The land relerred to In thls policy ls d€scrlb€d as follows: LEGAL DESCRIFTION SET FOR]H ON SHEET ATTAO{ED HERETO lND BY IHIS REFERENCE IN@RFORATED HEREIN A|.|D MADE A PART HEREOF'. o129835 tlrlc USA ln$.mce OoDootlo.r/|30t Mdn Sr,, Oatt6.T.xa.t'2&l Ane.icsn L6nd Titt. Asrocisrion Ofitor'a Polhy - Fo|m B lB.v. 1Ct7-70 |nd 3-3084) - sch.drt. A otm lmA G'o 251'188H r Attached to and made a part ol Title USA InsuraTorporation Policy, Binder or Commitmoni No. O SfiEilrLE A - contlnued Pollcy No. OlZgAtS Order No.410971-0 The land referred to In thls pol lcy ls sltuated ln the State of Oolorado, Oounty of Eagle , and ls descrlbed as fol lcs: Lot A, a resubdlvlslon of Lot 12, vAlL vILLAGE, N|NIH FtLtNG, accordlng to the plat flled May 29, 1991 , tn Book 463 at page 421 and together rtth al I rlghfs and beneflts accrulng to the subJect property by reason of the party wal I locafed along the south llne of the abo/e descrlbed property as prwlded ln the agreement recorded |lay 29, 19S1, In Book 465 at Page 422. MISC. INSERT 50il1'187x SCHEDULE B{,. POLTCY NO.o .|29855 This poricy does not insure against ross or damage by reason of the following' order No' 4 | 097 l-0 1. Rlghts or claims of partles in possession not shown by lhe public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facls which a correct survey and inspec- tion of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any tien, or right to a lien, for servlces, labor, or material herstofore or hereattor furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Ta><es due and payablef and any tax, speclal assessn€nts, charge or llen lmposed for nater or sewer serylce, or for any oth€r speclal taxlng dlstrlct. 6. Rlght of the Proprletor of a Veln or Lode to extrct and rmove hls ore therefron' should the same be found to penetrate or lntersect the premlses hereby grantod, as reseryed In Unlted States Patent recorded l4ay 24, 1904, In Book 48 at Page 505. 7. Rlghf of rray for dltches and canals construsted by the authorlty of the Unlted Stites, as reseryed In Unlted Stafes Patent recorded May 24, 1904, ln Book 48 at Page 505. 8. Restrlctlons, whlch do not confaln a forfelture or rerrert€r clause, but onlftlng restrlctlons, lf any, based on race, color, r€!lglon or natlonal orlglnr^as contaln€d ln Instrumilnt recorded Jairuary 9, 1970; ln Book 216 at Page 762, as amended by lnstrument recorded In Book 229 at Page 275.- 9. Utlllty easement as shqrn on the Plat of Vall Vlllage Nlnth Flllng sald easement belng 5 feet In wldth along the llesterl y lot llne. 10. Ufl llty easemenf as shovn on the Plat of sald Subdlvlslon, sald easemenf belng 5 feet In vldth along the tlesterl y lot llne and 50 feet In wldth along the Southerl y lot I lne. 11. Any and al I rlghts of the onner of the property lrmedlately adJolnlng subJect property on fhe soufh arlslng fron the exl stene of a party wal I partl y located on subJect property, as descrlbed ln Agreement recorded |tiay 29, 1987, ln Book 463 at Pagp 422. 12. Deed of Trust frqn STEFHEN R. SHAILEY to the Publ lc Trusfee of Grand County for the use of MERAOR t40R]GlGE CORP0RATION, ll,l ARIZONA CORP0RATION, to secure $65,000.00, dated July 8, 1987, and.r€corded July 15, 19g7 r ln Book 466 at Page 27. NOTE: Asslgnment of the above Deed of Trust to MERltsAl'lK, a Federal Savlngs Bank, recorded July 15, 198i/, , In Book 466 af Page 28. AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY, FORM B 1970 AMENDED 10.17-70 FOFM IM (CO) SCHEOULE B I3M tITAH I UT]L]TY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The ]ocation and availability of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the following utitities for the acconpanying site plan. U. S. west Communications 1-800-922-198? 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 9 4 9-57 81 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/uichael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T.v. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Valley water & Sanitation District * 416-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: Authorized Siqnature Date r'4-/l-7/ I -e-ql g ao^?l These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut Permit from the Town of Vail, Department of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq i-n.3ny public @in the Town of Vair. A buifdinq peirnit is not a street cut permit. A street cut. permit. must, be obtained separately' This form is to verify service availabifity and. location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installaLions. * please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtaining upper Eagle val1ey Water & sanitation signatures. Fire ffow needs must be addressed. -ra,q 67y\^,L g. o O rytu1 - INTER-DEPARIIfENTAL REVIEW DATEJF PUBIJIC IIEARINGDATE SUBI.IITTEDT COMMENTS NEEDED BY3 ' t-7 - BRIEF DESCRIPTION OT I]HE PROPOSALs PRO,'EqXs Revlewed by: CommentB: Revlewed by: Cotnnenta: FIRE DEPARTIIENT o//*^ / o i- car 1fu,r, /av>'r J-t'-L;U 0*T / * 7^'(t&h, Date! 6^"d:uru,.t/ f,* fi,^'^ "r-tr*l /4*- h-/ y' c/4{ .o.r* 7 Date: ".-../ Revl.ewed by: Comentas tr"4 CI Sf*'t1ur7 )-w*-y 7un'=lyr/tJ-4'141_ I i'l- -Ftt/i ,.,4/'- lr {p 1i,lil-_ _1L_v i1 //,j ffA1a-{a ]"tti""d 6/L8/9L COLORADODRB APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAIL' DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB I{EETING: r'rs APPLr*tfilTJtlliL, ", A.CEPTED gNlfl ALII REQUIRED INTORMATION IS SUBMIIIED attttl*t*i T A. DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New construction ($200.00)Minor Aft'eration (920 ' 00) oncePtual Rev-iew ($0)X Raoltion (S59. oQ) -concePtuaE] ooo*"rr, gb{ S?NE Ur, \IHL, C D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I.,Ot IL BIOCK subdivisi o^ ltHL tltt+*O€ 7A fu(N? a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheeL and E. ZONING: applicantIot area. must provide a current NAME OF APPLICANT:S€ &cou) Mailing Address: Phone S+r,re, S If property is described bY description, Please Provideattach to this aPPIication. LOT AREA: If requiredr stamped survey showing H. I. NAI"IE OFMailing APPLICANT, Address:ta'uy" NAME OF OWNERS: *SIGNATURE (S) : Mailing Address: Phone J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submii'taL of DRB application' Later' when applying for a building permit, please- identify the attui'ate valuagion or ine proposal ' The Town of vail wiII adjust the fee according uo the table O"'y'^E ensure the correct fee is Paid-FEE PAID: .-r',V'ttU'E'!,'!; va:-u: t -tv -Oq "FEE scHEpuLE: Wlb ("JJFEE SCHEDULE: lrL,l4,') ' 0 Un*{ | 'tl ^n}t: )VALUATTON FEE c, [*t^d [4\ $ o-$ 1o,ooo s2o.oo /'1l'/r\ s 1o,oo1 - s 50,ooo $ 5o.oo 1\" $ so;oo1 - s 1s0, oo0 $1oo. oo 91sO; oo1 - $ 5Oo, ooo $2oo. oo $5oo;oo1 - $1, ooo, ooo $4oo. oo $ over 51, 000, 000 5500 ' 00 *NO EPPIICATION WII.I. BE PROCESSED WITEOU'I OY|NER'S SIGNATURE uEIr ftEu LIb 07 /29/ l99l 12t 2"T0 re55_8 ll2 revleed 6lLe/9r DRp AppLtcATroN - To,tN oF vArr,' coLoRADo .{liU' DATE APFI,ICAITON RECEI\TED: t. Z?I . DATE OF DRB I.TEETING: # attrtattat EEIS ePPlllc.tEtfl tfsl& $Otl AE ICCE'E''D ItNtrr. rl.l. RaggtilD rxromaEloN rg suBl|IS'rlED *lttttttll A.DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIE}I: New construetion (9200.00) Addition (950.00) Minor Alteration ($20-00) -conccPtual Revi€w (90) c.ADDRESS; I,EGAL DESCRIPTION.; t"oot"t=ton Vt) | rot tL-. Btocktfill>,'. 4lr- If property Is described by a meetg and bounds lcgal aEstribtroi:, please grovtdl on a seParate shcct and atEach Lo this aPPllcatlon. G. zoNrNG: - Tt a .,Fh^",l\1 -. LOT AREA: If reguir€d, ePPllcant stamped survey ahowlng lot area' NAI{Ii OF APPLICNIT;atrrla €hr,^( glz >Lovct DRB E'EE: DRE feeSr as shown abgver ale to be-paid at tne tfrne of submiltel of DRa application' Later, when ipplvlns for a buitding pcrmttr pleaee identify the #il,r;l; "ii"itlon or irre propoeal. Tlre Town of Vail wili adjurt the fee accordlna to the table below' to must Provide a curreflt Mai]ing Address i EEE.SSIEP,ULE: VAIJUATION s 0-$ 10,000 $101001 -$ 5orooo $ 50,001. - I 150,000 $150,001 - $ 5001000 $5oo, ooL - $1,000,0oo$ Over 9rr 0001 000 *NO APPIIICTTIOI{ WILI/ BE ?$OCDSEID NAME OFMairlng AFPLICAI.IT, S REPRESENTATIVE: Address: Phon€ NA}!E OF OVINERS: Condomiaium ApProval if, rpplic:ble. will adjult t'he fee accordlnE E(] Ene Eapr enaure tlre correct fee ia PaId. _.FEE_-P,AtrD-: )g;. TIEE I 20.00 $ 50-00 $100.00 $200 ,00 $100 . 00 $500 .00 wrrEott! otlNER' I slGnaTgRE Jo:ErP* O- gqodctTo LIST 08 I.TATERIAI.S 0^JNAI.IE oF PRoJECT:;llfEMle I.EGAI, DESCRIP{CIOU; IPTILL SIREET ADDRESS: DESCRII{TION OF PRO.TECTS FtqatU The folloving info:nation is required for subDittal to tlre Deaign Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING I{ATERIAI.S: TYPE OF MATERIAL COIPR Roof Siding Other l{aII l,laterials Fascia Soffits Windows lfindov Triu Doors Door Triu Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashings Chinneys Trash Encloeures Greenhouses Other B.IAI{DSC.APING:Nane of Designer: Phone: Ecls&ica.LNane Caare!-}lene glirlLltJ E.iz-*. NK PI.A}IT UATERIAI.S: PROPOSED TREES EXISTINC TREES TO BE REI.TOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate Minimum caliPer for height for coniferous treeg. #L€:-s.b ,4tl l6R/gEEo &sE. o E' i DA1E {rtLk" I APPLICATION FOR DUPLEII Sltsl:'.ti Si0i'l aeVr in- A.NAME oF APPLTCANT J asePh 4. Zuaf+ 8lbt S. F;rlnar< hrMAILING ADDRESS r--l 6otzz pHoNE 7 ril_qlb b REPREsENTATTvE 5't aAtL Shfru\t4{, '\' B.NAT1E OF APPLICANT'S c. D. fi. pHone {J0:S!91J s.lol NAME 0F PROPERTY 0llNER (print or type)Josapl. A. Eu rl$| owNER's srGNAruRE 0:lrf!-ft :_n"// eHoNE ?tfl-vltt, MArLrriG F.DDRiss ?lltl S. giInJTL C;f . U*ltt t',blptzz E. F.MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED FEE $i00.00 1. Two mylar copies of the duplex subdivision plat following the requirements of Section 17.16-130 (C), 1 ,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,.|0,'l 1,13 and 14 of the Subdivision Regulations. ' 2. The plat must conta'i n the following statement: 5. "For zoning purposes,'uhe two Iots created by this subdiv'i sion are to be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family. ,.,,.'.i,1 residence allowed on the combined areas of the two lots." The statement must be modified according to the number of lots created, .,, A copy of the declarations and/or covenants proposed to assure the.,"''-- maintenance of any common areas. The declaration and/ or covenants.... shal 1 specifical 1y address the painting of the exteriors of the ---:.: units so that the units will be painted the same color and ' ,:.' .'nai ntai nad in the same manner. ;: . ,r_": APPROVAL PROCTSS, REVIEhI CRITERIA These can be found in Chapier 17.24 FILiI'tG ;liD i:::it::;3 of the Subdivision Regulations. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL LoI IL BLocK SUBDIVISIoN The Departneni of Comnunity Developnent will recording the piat and acco:panying oocunents and P,ecorder upon Tcwn cf Vai l approval . FTLTNG tlaltinql2 -J enro {_Ld6-? ev c,l,*t-L - {t 3 3L, /*, be responsi bl e i+irh the Eagle for promptly County C'l erk ! t STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OFFICE OF THE TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE ORDERNO.: VENDORNO.: ISSUED TO: S reve 1986 PARCEL NO.: OO8776 ASSESSED TO: Shanley Joseph A. Box 1636 Vai1, C0 Rouff 81658 AMOUNTS REFLECTED ARE VALID ONLY UNTIL I 5 / 31187 PROPERW DESCRIPTION Block - Pt of Lot 12 Vail Village 9th Filing \OTICE I, THE UNDERSIGNED, DO HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF REAL ESTATETMES OUE UPON PARCELSOFTHE SAME FOR UNPAID REAL ESTATE PROPERW DESCRIBED HEREIN, ANO ALL SALES OF THE SAME OFFICE, FROM WHICH THE SAME MAY STILL BE REDEEMED WITH THE Ai/iOUNT REOUIRED FOF FEDEMPTION, ARE AS NOTEO HEREIN. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I HAVE HEREUNTO SET MY HAND AND SEAL THIS 12DAYOF MAY ADro g7 TREASURER. EAGLE COUNTY MABY E. WALKEA CURRENTTAX TAX DUE: INTEREST: ADVERTISING: PENALTIES: MISC: STATUS: 902 .40 TAX LIEN SALES OR 902 .40 DELINOUENT TAX SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS 00 .00 TTIIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT INCLUDE I.AND OR IMPROVEMEMTS A9 SESSED UNDER A SEPARATE SCHEDULE NUMBER, PERSONAL PROPERTY TAXES, OR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSME}.ITS, I'/IOBILE IIOMES, UNI.ESS SPECIFICALLY MEiMONED. FEE FOR ISSUING THIS CERTIFICATE $ 5 . O0 U .t T DECLARATION OF PARTY WALL AND DUPLBX COVENANT. CONDITIONS AND RESTRICTIONS This Declaratlon of PartY 1e nade by Joseph A. Ruoff (rrRUofFtr) and Ltnda K. Broughton (" BROUGIITON" ) . ln t egra I part pa rt les dee l re thense lves and beneflE of the prenlses. 2. Declaratlon. dared May // , 1987, o. BroughEon Jr. and U lJall, Joeeph l. Recltals. (a) RUOFF and BROUGIIToN are Ehe owners of Lot 12, Vatl Vtllage Ntnth Flllng, Eagle County, Colorado ('rLot 12") upon whlch a Ewo resl.dence butldlng (ttDuplexrr) has been coneErucEed. (b) RUOFF oerna thaL Portlon of Lot l2 deecrlbed as Parcel A on the aEtached Plat (the 'rA Reeldence") and BRoUGIII0N owne that porElon of Lot l2 described ae Parcel B on the aEEached PlaE ( the "B Ree J.dence[ ). (c) RUOFF and BROUGHTON onn a one-half undlvlded lnteres t 1n thaE porElon of Lot l2 descrlbed as Parcel C on the at tached PlaC. (d) The A Resldence and the B Residence 6hare connon wall (the " Party Wall'r) located on Lot l2' The Party lf all supporEe boEh Ehe A Regldence and the B Resldence. (e) sLnce Ehe ParEy t{a11 suPporcs and is an of both the A ResLdence and the B Resldence, Ehe to nake thLs Declaratlon for the beneflt of thelr auccesaora, helrs and asslgns and for Ehe .. The Parties hereby declare thati (a) The Partles heretor anl subsequenc owner of the A Residence...and any subeequent o$ner of the B Reeldence (who are referred to colLecElvely hereln as the owners ), -l- o for themselves, theLr succeasorg, aeslgne ' dortgageea r leseees t llcensees or pernlttees, are each hereby granted an easemenE and rlghc Eo use the Part.y l{al1 for aupport and as a partltlon aeparaElng the A Resl-dence and the B Reeldence. (b) The Ownera or those Peraons holdlng posse!rsory rlghts to the A Residence and Ehe B Resldence shall each be entl tled and obllged to maLnEaln and repal r Ehelr g lde of the Party Wa1l, however, no reaPective party nay ttrake any sEructural repalrs, rebutld or break Ehrough the Party l{al1 to repa I r or resEore se$rage, !taEer and utllltles ettthout the prlor strlElen conaenE of the other respectLve Party, whlch consent shall not be unreasonably wlthheld. Any expensea lncurred Ln connecElon wlth auch repal r, rebulldlng or break through thall be borne equally by the Owners, or those persona holdlng poaseasory rlghts co Ehe A ResLdence and the B Realdence, excePt that any euch expenee neceasltaEed by reason of any w111fu1r etanton or negllgent act of one guch parry (or df any. oEher peraon conmltEed upon the property of euch party) shall be borne eolely by that party. llalntenance of exrernal appearance and of roofs shall be undertaken !tlCh.Lhe unanlmous consent of both orrners and at equal expenBe of both oonerB unless the owners unanltlously agree to the contrary. (c) No owner shall make or suffer any structural or deeign change (lncluding color change) of any type or naEure whatever to Ehe exter{or of any lmprovenent on the Property wlthout obtalnlng the prlor.'consent of the orher ownerr.rhlch consent shall not be unreasonably wlthheld or delayed (d) Each owner shall obtaln and maLntaln aB all tlraes Lngurance agaLne t los s or danage by flre and such other hazarde as are generally covered ir, ct" area under etandard extended cove rage provlsfons for at leas t the fu11 lneurable replacenenE coa t ' of the lmprovements on the eubJect properEy owned thereby. Proof of -2- -tt such lnaurance shall be aupplled by each owner uPon reaaonable requeat of che oEher owner. The ingurance ehall provlde chaE lE cannot be cance 11ed by elther Ehe lnsured or the lnsuranee conpany untll wrlEEen notlce hae been aenc to t.he owner. (e) Except as otherwlse epecifLca1ly provlded 1n rrl t lng , each oetner ehall be responslble for one-ha1f of all expenses, llabtllci-es and general upkeep r e s p o n e I b I 1 I t I e s wlrh reapect to Parcel C. The owners thall undertake such landscaplng and general outdoor improvemenEg as Ehey may unanlmously deem proper for t.he harnonlous lmprovenenE of Parcel C. Each owner shall have recLprocal r lght s to use Parcel C for the purpos e s of access ' landscaplngt Eardenlng, recreatlon, parklng and for all PurposeB reasonable wlth respect Eo any eaaementBr uttllty' servlce llnes or other rlght.s lncldenc to Parcel C and for all other reasonable PurpoBes. (f) A nutual easemenE for the locatlon' lnsEallaELon, oal.nbenance, repaLr and renoval of ut111ty facllltles ( tnc lud t ng buE not llnl Eed to sys tems, lines , plpes , tanks r neEerlng and d ls t rlbut lon devLces for gaa, !rater, Bewer t elecErlcltyt telephone and televls lon purposes ) 1s hereby granted r together wl.th the rlghr of ingress and egress therefore, on, abover over and through the subJect property and Ehe inprovementa consErucEed thereon, subJect, Eo Ehe o bl lgat ton to res core aa nearly as posslble eald property and lmproverents. All maLntenance and repaLr wlth respect to ea ld uEtlttieB, ehall be accompllshed aE Che JoInt expense of boEh onners (g) Ihls declaratLon ehall be a covenant runnlng ttlth the land and shall blnd and lnure to the beneflt of the Owners and thelr respectl.ve successors, helre, lessees and asBl.gns. . -3- (h) Any dlspute arl.elng under or by vlrtue of thls DelaraElon whlch cannot be resolved by the Owners, or those peraons holdtng posaeaaory rlghta Eo the A Reeldence or the B Reeldence ehall be eubrultted to arbLtratlon 1n Denver , , Colorado, accordlng to Ehe rules and practlces of the Aruerlcan Arbltrators AeeoclaElon fron tlne to tlne l-n force, before a panel of three arbitrators, one of whoo shall be appointed by Ehe owner of the A Regldence, one of whon shal1 be appolnred by the owner of the B Realdence and a rhtrd shall be selected by agreenent of the two arbitraEors so appointed. The declelon of the arblrrators shall be flnal and blndlng on a1l partles to Ehe extent and ln the roanner provlded by the Colorado Rulee of Clvl1 Procedure. A11 awarda nay be flled wluh the Clerk of the DlstrLct CourE Ln Denver, Colorado, as a basLs of JudgeoenE and the Leeuance of executl-on. STATE OT COLORADO ) ) ) IN t, IINESS tlHEREOf, EhLa Declaratlon of Party Wall and Duplex Covenance, CondLtlons and Restrictlons has been executed rhte ll day or May, rsst, irtrl, fiuvta 4 <'FtLCdll atV o{l"o* d4lr"ktl}rr1. as. COUNTY OF EAGLE Comnl es lon Explres: A+M ttt n?o Jos eph Joseph O. Broughton Jr. Llnda Brought The foregolng Lnstrument was acknowledged before rne thie llW day of May, 1987, by Joseph A. Llnda K. Brough(on. l{l tnes s ny hand and eeal. Ruoff, Joseph O. Broughton Jr. and tly Notary Publlc EJ,7 INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVI El,, PROJECT: DATE SUEMITTED: COI"II'IENTS NEEDED BY: FIRE DEPARTMENT Lr r-L vvq Sa DATE OF PUBLIC Date O< Reviewed by: Conments: Reviewed by: Comnerrts: POLICE DEPARTI.IENT Date Date , i:,-t, . . '. "..; RECREATiOII DEPARTI4ENT Reviewed by: Cor--uents: PTION OF THE PROPOSAL: Date rt6,{r PERMIT NUMSER OF PROJECT oor, //:';' z'?< JoB NAME {t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER TUES THUR FRIINSPECTION:tl/READY FOR LOCATION: N /t, AM PM;2 ,.t / ,-, ('' BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR Etr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Br$i u:rl-lutl$g\l DATE INSPECTOR # I -*---,l *r u.-.r':--..,$\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT onre\-\\ JoB NAME rNsilcnoN REou;si" READY FOR LOCATION: THUR @ *E tstti'- TOWN OF VAIL CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr ft UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEFtr FRAMING r_r HOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n^ tr SUPPLY AIR D *{rJ*o,-'tr FINAL -OVEDl tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t ..) . TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 oo DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD,/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: B97-0183 Job AddressLocation... Parcel- No. .Project No. 864 SPRUCE CT 2101-063-03-016 Status. . . Applied.. fssued. . . Expires. . I SSUED 06/27 /res706/27 /res7 L2 /24 / ]-ee'l APPLICANT PHILIPPE R. COURTOTS P O BOX 1313, VArrJ CO 81658 CONTRACTOR PHILIPPE R. COURTOIS P O BOX 1313, VAIL CO 81658OWNER - BROUGHTON JOSEPH O JR & LINDA KI72L E 19TH AVE STE 356, DENVER CO BO21B Description: REROOF WITH LIKE MATERIALS Occupancy: R2 Not in table!Type Constructi-on: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation:12, 000 Add Sq Ft: #Of Gas App ti ances: Bui tding-----) 165.00 Restuarant P lan Revi e'.r--> Phone: 303845?451 Phone: 3038457451 Fi reptace Information: Rest ri cted: Pl,an Check---> Invest igat i on> UiLt CaL l,----> 107.25 DRB 3.00 .00 Recreation Fee----------> Totat Catcutated Fees---> 375.25 Addi tionat Fees--------->.o0 375 .25 375 .?5Ctean-Up Depos i t--------> Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: ITqm: ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENTO6/27/L997 CHARLIE Action: AppRITEn:..05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT06/27/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppRIten :'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT06/27/1997 CHARLIE Action! AppRIte.m:' .O5500 PUBLIC WORKS06/27/7997 CHARLIE Action: AppR ff*ff********ff******ff*i*fi**ff****ff*iri*ff*********t********iri***ff***t*******i***t******************l****ff****ff********ff** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this 'permit. DECLARATIONS l. hereby .acknowtedge that r have read-this appl'ication, fil.Led out in fuLL the information requi red, conpteted an accurate ptotpl'an, and state that atl the infofnation Provided as required. is correct. r agree to compty Jith tlre iniormation and pl,ot i:Lan,to.conpty uith atl' Tolrn ordinances_and state taws, and io buitd this structure according io'the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes/ design neview approved, Uni{orm Buil.ding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl.e thereto. REouEsTs FoR INSPECTIoNS 'HALL BE r,lAoE TUENTY-FoUR HouRs rN ADVANCE By 'rrt rffit-"ilx. rtF;);+r^r, !f4u 9n' fof Gas Logs:fof Uood/PaI tet: .00 .00 .00._ Total Permit tee--------> loo. o0 rt payments------- ***********************************t*********************** FEE SUl,lllARy ********t********t**********t***************************** Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: pHILIppE COVERIOS FOR HI}ISELF AND O}INER ) Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 897-0183 as ot 06/27/97 Status---: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMTT Applied--r o6/27/Lss7Applicant--: PHILIPPE R. COURTOIS Issued---r 06/27/19973038457451 To Expire: 72/24/1997 Job Address: 864 SPRUCE CTLocation---:Parcel No--: 2101-063-03-01-6 Description: REROOF WITH LTKE MATERIALS * *** * * * * * * ** * * * * * *** * ** * r.* *** * * * *** * * * COnditiOng ** * *** * * ** ** * rr* * * * *** * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1.991 UBC. Oooo oo*** *************************!k************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0293 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notationz *2699 ************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO *********************************** Stat.ennt 375.25 06/27/97 14:t2IniT: DS Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 4L336 Total Fees:Total ALL PmTs: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 897-0183 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD pE 2101-063-03-016 864 SPRUCE CT 37 5 .25 **************************************************************** 375.25 37 5 .25 .00 Amount 16s . 00 L07.25 100.00 3.00 TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2t38 oo NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT oo DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permi-t #: 897-0183 APPLICANT PHILIPPE R. COURTOIS P O BOX 1313, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR PHILIPPE R. COURTOIS P O BOX 1313, VAIL CO 81658OWNER BROUGHTON JOSEPH O JR & LINDA K 772T E 19TH AVE STE 356, DENVER CO 802].8 Description: REROOF WITH LIKE MATERIALS Occupancy: R2 Not in table! Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation:12, 000 Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. 864 SPRUCE CT 2101-063-03-016 Status. . .applied.. Issued... Expj-res . . TotaI Permit tee--------> I S SUED o6/27 /ree't06/27 /ree7 t2 /24 / Lee't Phone: 3038457451 Phone: 3038457451 F i reotace Information: Restricted: Add Sq Ft: #of Gas App I i ances:flof t,lood/Pa L l,et : ***************t*************************l***************** FEE SUHl,|ARy ******************************ff***********t************** dof Gas Logs: .00 TotaI Catcutated Fees---).00 Additional, Fees---------> 375 .?5 .00 375 .?5 accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdivi si on Bu i Ldi ng-----> Ptan check---> Investigation> Ui tL CaLt----> 165.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ev--)107.25 DRB Recreation Fee----------> c Lean-Up 0epos'i t-------->Payments------- .00 3.00 .00 100.00 Dept: BUII-,DING Division: Dept: PI-,ANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Itqm: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTO6/27/1997 CHARLIE Actionr AppRItQn:'.05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT06/27/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppRItqm:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT06/27/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppRItem:'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS06/27/1997 CHARLIE Action: AppR **************ft*********************ff*ff**************t****t*************i**t******t*************fi********i**********ff******** See Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions t,hat may apply to this'permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknoHtedge that I have read.this apptication, f il,l.ed out in fuLt the information required, compteted anpl'an, and state that atl the informati_on provided as required is correct. I agree to compty riith tire inforrnationto comPty with atl' Town ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according io'the Toun's zoning andcodes, design reviev approved, uniform Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town alpticabte thereto. REouEsrs F.R rNspEcrroNs .HALL BE IIADE rrENTy-FouR HouRs rN AD'ANCE By rELE*|}7S*"flX ,"fr";X Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: PHILIppE COVERIOS FOR HII'ISELF AND OI.INER oo oo Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0183 as of 06/27/97 Statu6---: ISSUED********************************************************************rr*********** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--3 06/27/L997Applicant--: PHILIPPE R. COURTOIS rssued---. O6-/27'/t9973038457451 To Expire z t2/2a/t997 Job Address: 864 SPRUCE CTLocat,ion---: Parcel No--: 2101-063-03-016 Description: REROOF WITH LIKE MATERIALS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE T.991 UBC. t' ooov**************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number! REC-0293 Amount: 375,25 06/27/97 L4|I2 Payment Met,hod: CK Notationz *2699 Init: DS Permit No: 897-0183 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PEParcel No: 2101-063-03-016Site Address: 864 SPRUCE CT Tota] Fees: 375.25This Payment 375.25 Total ALL Pmts: 375,25Balance: . 00 * * * * * * * * * * Jr * * * * * * * * * * * * * ik * * * * * * * * * r, * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Account, Code Description Amount01 OOOO 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 165.0001 0000 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES t07.2501 0000 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 100.0001 OOOO 41.336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO ('iif ssor L t. BE se ST yAs Par MUI ct Eagle Count 0-328:8640 fortt. APPLTCATION al fi,tof*l oF vArL coNsrRucrrop pERr,rrr /r PERMIT APPLTCATTOI rgRMD^tE._ /4//27/f f- FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED ******* pERl,tIT TNFORMATToN ************************** *** I j-Buil [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Namei Legal Descriptionz Lo|' ,/4 Filing; owners Name: / , ft.//S/+2t^,/dz/Address: f,e{ *r<4A Cf .p1.. //n -.//Zt Architect, y' Address: ceneral Description:/',?/E work class: [ ]-New prV\tt"tation t l-Addi Nurnber of Dwelting Units: ? fu nu" Logs- Wood/pellet-Nnmber and TvDe of FirepJ-aces: cas Appliances-rYftGas Logs_ wood/perret_v 'f**********rt*********-************* VALUATTONS ********************************* iy:tltlg' ltt 'r@.oaPLUMBTNG: $ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL: $--*---- Town of Vail Reg. NO. P6"B Phone Number: y'26 d;E;- *************************** Town of Vail Req. NO. Phone Nunler: OTHER: $ TOTAL: S Town of Vail Regl-NO. Phone Nunb€ft-- Mechanical Contractor: Plurnbing Contractor: Address: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERUIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vqgil-{-eg. NO. Phone Nufiber: FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUITDING PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI-.AN CHECK FEE: RECREAIION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: l*t-sQ. FT. d2'j*4'FHfLs / ional [J-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Accornrnodation Units: CLEAN I'P I}EPOSIT REFIIND TO: VALUATION I a rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any "oir,-r""k, sand, debrisor material , incruding trash lurnp=ters, portabre toirets and.workmen vehicles. ypon any street_, sidewalk, alley or publicplace or anv nortibn tneieot. Tl" right-oi-"uv "n arr. Town ofVail streets lnd,.""a"--i=-Jf,i.o*ir.teiy s rt. irr pavement.This ordinance_wil' be. strilt,iy enrorced by the Tor,rn of vailPublic works Department. persbns found vihiting this ordinancewill be qiven a 24 hour written notice to r"*o.r" said material .rn the event the persott =o rroiified does-""i-""".p1y with thenotice within the 24 t""i tim"-"pe"iiiea,-'[t"-i.rbIic worksDepartment wirl remove saia nite-riat at it "-'"*p.rrse of personnotified. The provisions "r irri=-"iai""""I If,5r.r nor beappricable to construction, naintenanr. or-r"fiir prolects ofany street or alley or any utirities in irr"-.itnt-'"-"iy:-- -- To review ordinance No. e in fulr, please stop by the Tov'n ofVair Buir'ding Department to ouiain a copy. tiranx you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. Read ald acknowledsed bv:r o 75 south tronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L.38 or 479-2L39 |JflIluwn n TO: FROM: DATE: SUR'ECT: otflce of communlty deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED TSITH TITETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE (i.e. contractor, owner) a o If this peryit.lequires a Town of Vai'l Fire Department Approval,Engi neer''s (.Public wgrfs) reyiew and approvat ,' a pjinnini'O.pu"t entreview or Health Department review, anb'u_review by the BuirdingDepartment, the estimated time for'a totar r.ui.n-ilay"iur..'as r6ngas three weeks. f]] cgrntngrgial (targe or smal I ) and al I mul ti _family permi ts wi.l.lhave to follow the above mentioned maximum requirem-enti. iesidentialand.sma'l 1 projects shourd take a 'r esser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smaller projects impact the various auove mentioneodepartments with reoard' to-necessary review,-ilr.i" p""i".ti' ruya'lso take the three-weef peiioJ. Every attempt will be made by thispermi't.as sqon as poss'ib1 e. - I' the undersigned, understand the frame. ao |lal 75 south frontage road Yril, colorado 81657 (3o3) 479-2138 or 479-2139 oftlco ot communlty devclopment BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE department to expedite this pl an check procedure and time Conmun'i ty Devel opment Department. MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED a ooo TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Job Name: Please answer questionnJre regarding the need for a "Public Way Permit": YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed 10 site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done aflecting the right of way, easemenls, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit' required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no lo 8A, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Development? ll you answered yes to any of ihese questions, a 'Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's ofiice or at Cgmmunity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of VailConstruction Inspector, at 479-218. questio NO 1) 2) ,'- - 3) 4) 5) 6) ./ 7- I have read and answered or's Signature Gi o o o o 2l 3) PUBLIC WORKS PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building Permits: 1) Fill out our check list provided with a buildino permit aoolication. lf yes was answered to any of the above questions then a "Public Way" is required. You can pick up an application at either Community Development, located at 75 S. Frontage Road or Public Works, located at 1309 Vail Valley Drive. Notice sign offs for utility companies. All utilities must field verify (locate) respective utilities prior to signing application. Some utility companies require up to a 48 hour notice to schedule a locate. A construction traffic controlistaging plan must be prepared on a separate sheet of paper.An approved site plan may also be used. This plan will show locations of all traffic control devices(signs, cones, etc..) and the work zone, (area of Construction, Staging, etc..). This plan willexpire on Oct. 15th. and will need to be resubmitted for approval through the winter. Sketch of work being performed must be submitted indicating dimensions (length, width & depth of work). This may be drawn on the traffic control plan or a site plan for the job. Submit completed application to the Public Works's office for review. lf required, locates will be scheduled for the Town of Vail Electricians and lrrigation crew. The locates take place in the morning but, may require up to 48 hours to perform. The Public work's construction Inspector will review the application and approve or disapprove the permit. You will be contacted as to the status and any that may needed. Most permits are released within 48 hours of being received, but please allow up to one week to process. As soon as the permit is processed, a copy will be faxed to Community Development allowing the "Building Permif'to be released. Please do not confuse the "Public Way Permit" with a "Building Permit" to do work on a project itself. NOTE: * The above. process is lor work in a public way only.* Public Way Permits are valid only until November 15th.* A new Public Way Permit is required each year if work is not complete. 4) s) 6) 7) cotp ay T 75 south fronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (30:r) 47+,2139 office of communlty developmenl NOTTCE TO CONTRACTORS/OWNER BUITDERS Effective ,June 20, 1991,t the Town of Vail Building Department hasdeveloped the foLlowing procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adequately establj-shed proper drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail_ roads or street.s. The Town of VaiL Public Works Department will be required toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads orstreets and the instalLation of temporary or permanent culverts ataccess points from the road or street on to the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspectionby the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspection. Please call 4'l.9-2160 torequest an inspection from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. AJ-so, the Town of Vail Publ-j-q Works Department will be approvingall fina-I drainage and culvert installation with resulting roadpacching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prlor toFi.nal Certificate of Occupancv issuance. o o o TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage. Road Vail. Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 D e pa rtn e nt of C onntun iry Deve lo pm e nt TNFORI.I,ATTON NEEDED I{HEII APPLTING FOR A MECHAITICAI, PERUIT 1. HEAT LOSS CALCULATTONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DRAWN IN TO SCAI.,E, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. SHOW SIZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EOUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. FAII..URE TO PROVIDE IHIS INFORUATION WII,& DEI,AY YOUR PERIIIIT. 2, 3. .+. TowN oF VAIL, ra, acrp?o Keyword: UACT u".tQo*"r,Activity Maintenance - rnspection Processing Permit No: 897-0183 Applicant: PHILIPPE R. COURTOIS Statue: ISSUED Address z 864 SPRUCE CT Inspection Item: 00090 Description: BLDc-Final InspectionDate Inspector Action Notation 09/15/97 ARt APPR Fj-nal roofing inspection 0e /17 /e7 ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMI Dept: BUILDING Div: ===== Timgg ===== Begin End Elpsd Entry No :10 Enter Option: A=Add an Entry F2=Next Item F5=First 12 Entries C=Change an Entry F3=Previous Item ESC=Return to ltem List D=Delete an entry F4=Next 12 Entries o o I_::.^o .$Nn^tt, *.:Q^-, - ...'^,*i. ""- ---.-- i;iril -,l)lr. t!.1. _.,*__.:- r.j.--- y'rla-,t qrt,, CI.IECK lIDQUEST DAl'll: ,/aPREPARI]D DY: VENDOR NAME: VENDORNUMBER: ;I DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CLITAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND FOR BP # 877-d[4 NAME OF JOB: ACCOUNTNUMBER: 0l 0000 22002 AMOUNT oF REFLIND T *aa. 4 DATE APPROVED:-J )- APPROVAL SICNATURE: gi o Cr !l z ts EBz, E eoz p ot li :ia 2 v, oz z E }'-l E H E &lE F lr Ir &1 F' tra H H + E =lEulc J oc!o v(,!r o 2 Jc 2o F I Jco oulEul og2f uJ(,zs G qF2 IU =ul at ut F E ul Eoo lt u,lE FoJ J FoF urc IEooJtt J FoF t t :r ul o t 2 -o Jf o = lret -,-et- (9 =Y G E FQttlto .Ei uJ : 2 9F oo zo tr Eql FJ.<t 3ut2 \\.\rt \q (,z J folto !lof o tr,lJYz EGv, IIJc tt a,F zl 2 ILo;z zo F IJ tto ulF 6 z J E xJ6 FoJ - Itt gat IUFozo9oo5 <6 A E(, IJz o C\i cE : z = 2o Fo Fozootto uJc F F. l{ \ ul2oN ulo5 at g o3ttozo F9tot u,lo PLLTMEIINGi/MEeHANICAL ]IEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL DATE roB NAME /ftUt Fest o{,Je-{ owNER --du,,t X--/Z ADDRESS Z;-J Zf' USE OF BUILDING:,Q'J2.-.- N cLASS oF woRK: ,El rrrew E loornoru ! neruooel D nEpetn DESGRIPTIONOFWoRK:,AZ &\ PLUMBTNG: NUMBER J/+4 /drr/+MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATIoNS AJ'ld a'-*VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMTTFEE S zg- fg \PERMIT FEE r) , f3=.7 "or' 4 flnl 73 PLUMBINGi/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAlL OF BUILDING: LASS oF woRK: E r,rew E eoorror,r D nEnnooel E nepetn RIPTION OF WORK: EI appnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEE {PERMIT FEE DATE tt *!-T gE$'i[ii''' {oo EE$TCIOPV AVAIIJEIE TTNISIT A A part ot tot l?, yAlt VItLtGt r;xn ;:l ;f,6, accordlng to ti4, .e.:.rde4 rr,itthcreof, Cq.,ntt of trlir, !trte nf Col,,rddo: nlo.u l".ii.r:u.i_" ,,,i-.,t,na ",follorrr: _Bcainning li the So,ir.r"!,t..r:nrr o. Iot tz, tA;t i;iii;f ri:r,ii.tfltltlci thcnc? tt 5r"38'ZO. I a drrta6.c ot i9.4t fcei; ti^c^:e i iO-zi,<!r. . .. drst.nce of 53.62 f.et to tne tr{e ir i6j: of bcjjnnin,l, t ejie .. iS"Zi,:S.L.. di3t.nce of 2t.?,9 tuet; t^!_.rie S-?..32.25" y-a disi.:nie-or:-z^.ii ;cet;ti.nct_S 69'27'f,s" [ , ,lirtan.e (,r Zrl:-l .?et; !.,i,n< e li Zi;ti,Zl r].a c;.,i;.,c!of 2|1.52 fcet to the l.rr,e rcint of be!,rning, tole$,cr iiin';'1-;.,tittteo tlZ .l:1".1.:t !!.nd t0 ihc foltouint,;escirro,l iarcei of I.rrd: iji ,i ,l ,tt ,2,'.'.it'illiMrEftllilHflr:NG,3.ger.,i1q;,_t,,r,corij.,tl-)t:..-r,.,-r,,.:,r,of i:?ll;,ll"l! of color.rao, lers r ,,art it ,ot tz, ,,r,ti .'trrr.i. i;, ,, .i, j.tr,'):cor.fnq.lo_th€ r, or':..d plat t., r(ot. a r-,ty of td,.;,. St:., o' i.:0, ,,1:Lnrc t'drticula.'1, dns,.rrL,-d .t fd;lclrs: itegi;niiq li ,.j,e S.,.r,y.:s!':c.,eruI LoL rzr rarr Yr, raCc titnth ;i:in9; 1 .efcc [ 59.39'2f,' a a ci5.-]i._c li 9r.90 199!: !l*:S" r {.?ll!S: r.. disi"n;! ci- r/.6. feet to t,. i.,"-r,;it or s._i,rnnrn9; thcnc. | &.32'25. €. djet nce of ?o.52 feei; rL..o- r- ii;ZZ. fS.f.. dist n!!-of-27. fe€t; rhence s-?0.12,?a.-t -. ;i;i.; ;; ii.6:'r*t;&telr. s 5tr2t'35. € t dtstrnc. or f7.33 icei t" u,i i"*l-i.t'oi-u.9, *, o9. I I L*--. IoI -5 BE$TCOPY AIJA|l"l8lE l{(lis I l ErtaFg Jtt I 4 \' t\\1 i /r, ! yj /t. .L 1t L/.32Y. lr@ _ XleU. 6. nul otlcl ..f-t L. ,l|r,|r. . 15- I d.r ol JUn€ and DELL^ X. 0Tr0, Eagle "d shr' of LIIIDA K. EROUGHTOII cdatr.,r €a9lC T8F)'DEf,'I 3TT IP anr0nrr JUr It;'7t' . Tur. I )r:r.ar.r|.r'e rhir 2ri FREOTRIC( 5. OTTO husb.nd and ii f€ tagle lhd sirt. 'a Coti..,la. " the 3eonl prd: of ih. lint D!n, lor $d in .dridprarion of ttc {um .l Htr{DRE0 At{D tto/100----__-__-______---___-Dr)r.r.Ars. b th...id p.n le3 .l thr lirr! r.n In h.nd r.id by rh. sid Frni- ot rhe ]{ond o.n, rhf ,(€rrr rnrn-,: L htrcbr .o.t ri.d rnJ {Lno*lcdten, ha Ve !nna.d. br!r.Fd, .otd rnd.onr.t.{. .nd b} th.!e pr+!(n| n,,rh.i. b.tt.in, r.ll. .onv.) rnd conlirm un!, rhr .aii D.in,. ot rh. FUn,l Dx , th.i. irrk .nd a:$rD. t"..$r. n,r in !.utut ir ..Eh.n b{! in joi rrn...J, l|t .h. ?otT,,r ins ,!dnh.d ld or p.h.l !t t.nd.!inrr!.. r!r^( lha lllTNtjssETll. rh.r rh. rrid prn ies FORT| EIGNT THOUSAIIO FIYT ol rL (.u.tr of l :lohd., df th.liFt rrn..nd J0SIPH 0. BmUolTo , JR. nnd sTltf, ot coLoS^Do cosnry or Eagle .nd Sbrr ull'olq.:Jo. t., in t- Th. tq.Frnr inrrruh.nl rn. *tn.d.&.a l'?foR hr rl," znd ,t.,r !itr 76.rr FRIDIRICK S. OIIO and 0ELLA K. 0TIO, tJs[and ana rire crn0 /s* ATTACHED ErHlsrT A $e T{X;ETIIER i,iri .ll d ti^luLr ttE hehdihn.nr. rnJ rrru.aBk, rh.r.!rb b.t6sins. .pF n,nrhA. tnr 'rc.'on lrn rr.nirn!. rErihd.r .nit erid.r.. rnt., i,!E .]d ,Dtirs rh.icf: r ! llr...r.r.. ritlrr. rill.. Int.drt. ct i6.Bt &rxd ih.rer.. dt {r. rid D.nlas ot tlk ti6t p..t. ?iri.r in [rnrqrutr). 'f. i. a.!l t,' th4 rl,,,r" l-rsrin.d rrrbinl. e' TO l|-rl t:,i:\..D T(,ll(,Lr, ih...i,l Drrmii,.attr, |Lr!rL,.n rL,i i.nrrt-d. rrth rht !!!rnrh$!r., u, !, r...rrr D..t't. rl rhr i(onJ prrr. tn.ir hrrrs.nd nJrio, n,Rr.r rh,l'h"..,nltd ieS f:h"nF.r,.,.!,n,. then-*l ves. thelr h.,r,. "rru!.r'. lnd rdni',{rrnv!.t. .,^*"ii_r^m. r..x., d.r :*, rr k, rhd ujri t}(,rnl p!r!rr. of rnr rKrrl rlr thr'r h.r.!.nd.a,r lrr(-tttu-nrfrl,,.cutr.i.tctrr(.rrrrr..rrr\ fl,B they are $.ll teiz.d olrh. DR.Fr*r rl!,k rtar.rd. ni na !",r1,.!h.. B.rf(t. rt,r lurrrnrrrofinh(irr!h.,.inlr*,iD|' comDtt.rrdftaVe s,,\t .![t. fJll r,, rr]ni tiu!!l urh,,rirr_ r" stunr. hr, 4r'. s.ll rrd ldrry !h. !.ntr ir mrDr.r .nn t.d rto.r-xd. rnd rhrr rhr nn. nh, ttu, nrJ .ter h nr rU n,tu i !.nd .nhrr t.rntt, hlr*rin., i.l+{. tr.n', r.r8. 6r.i.mrn! nn.t "nrnnt.,!n. ! | rt rhli"!-r tnrl ,,r n.run. -r\.rexcept for Genertl Taxes for tha vear lgt6 and subscquent years and suDJect to -rest-rictions, r€servrtions, egsanln-rs and,covcnants o, recqrd, ..d .anJ r lrr:-6rnr :s.-Ftcd rn Fo k ?12 at .a . , rr.t _F..Fr' Ith, 1r,,,rrb!rft,nrdDn.hi\.r,n!nr,r!i{.,i.trpr..ht.rirrr!..n,,r!r"..,nr.,nh,,r,h.:.i;,i n,: ih,:tih,,r. arn xr.rshr, ar nir rll ,'^d "rrr) ,-ry,n.,r F,r-r r t.*t! . ,tr,n,r.! ,,r r,,. rln rrr rhutr or l r.rl ir, r, Irht,:nl!'rieS .,trhrtrrn }rn rl'ill lnJ rilt $At l'|St t\trti'ra!1.]:t t,t:t.!:\t,l\ tilT\t:sS $llt:Rl:(,t rh" lld r,r.r ier-trh"n.{rr4i:.Ve t$i,,.,i!, r!tiairr(., S rh",tr! in.l \,Jr I'r.r rtt,r" $nrt6 {:r:\isiEn",l. S!.l.drr,l ltslrrrrr(t rn rh" t'&*h., I Ilttl r arNsPEcfbnr TOWN OF .. '| ffil l.' n-!:'t/ :t. E'r'' L FIEBUE.SiT VAIL t, /U ,: y i .'74 vAlE ' It'r\' ' : TfME REcEfvED i::-) i,lt(a4M JOB NAME PM CALLER 6t.i)HA) E]orxEn MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED ]THUR I ,,AM PM S eeeRovED E orsappRovED ! nErNsPEcr L_]uPoN TH! FOLLOWTNG CORRECflONS: (r \ CORRECT]ONS \"..t : -:'itt o n..r' - u^,.: DATE INSPECTOR rNs"=tlot TOWN OF -l HEEUE.ST VAIL oerc 8 '3- 74 JoB NAME TIME REGEIVED /rlr(l AM (l!CALLER E ornEn MON COMMENTS: TUE flpennal LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION THUR rat / ; a:t AM PM IlIAPPROVED E orseppRovED E upolrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE ; _.-_..,1 i..-Jt.) rNsi"=.lo* FtEBUE.sr TOWN OF VAIL p41s Z6 J..u.l ?J JoB NAME TIME RECETVED j. 2d GIDPM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: fl pnRrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED t[ve:;rnr ll r ArQy- $ nne RovED ! orsnpp RovED E nerNsPEcr El'uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coR BECnoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE 11 4 /-/ -"1/ tL,- iJ INSPECTOR rNsPESo* HEeuE.sr TOWN OF VAIL orte ,' + ,'1,"'l ,> 'l' :l JoB NAME r E ornen 'MON COMMENTS: FRITUE I pnnrtnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED 'AM PM I.N(APPROVED E orsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr fl upol THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE I r-/ 1, 'll INSPECTOR rNsPE.lo* TOWN OF F|EEUE,ST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED ? .i,::, r.AM,PM CALLER E ornen MON COMM€NTS: E pnnrrnu. LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM 'fl neeRovED ! orsappRovED ! nerNsP Ecr fl upor rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS /Vr; r'ri d 'at -?7 INSPECTOR DATE .i:i ir r,t ; rNs"=.*t , TOWN OF FIEOUE,sT VAIL CALLER DATE /,'/ ,': TIME RECEIVED E ornen a'-MoN COMMENTS: TUE D pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR [[eeeRovED ! orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR