HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 9 LOT 8 LEGALoz E =d uJc ooln @ o o\ ..t) IJJ ut Lr- ts =E IJJL I b- | f-Y ttr*?RY"ff o\ .if \o M z H(l) 4 t!! lk e (\ l\. v l< F] *3r ;F4,h >"1 = cAlY t'rqEl uJF FI =o z z U)tuF z o4o!fo € zz ox (u '-9@*iEXOctrod e at, ur.9; 3E9cF.= I o xEc-oef::firE >= c96'- o. -c EEE E E-s :E <) easri c.Y- (Il o.o c! SEr or o-'E €eE6:EEE o6= EE E *eC(! o'-5Ee E'f;;6 5'= =6>.o (!= .Y=EH;8 \.9 ^Zr'o!.oEo€59 -o.E f\ FI olln .it.if @ c'r CD oo e{.v e F =q, ozoj l co I lu oz Jo- o e. Fo uJ E z =J o- 2 () qJ uJ uJl!z tr uJc(J uJE o ;uJt UJezo ul F6oo-u, z J F llJo q, UJ uJu- F =E UJo- F F zo = J 9 F() |lJJ tlJ z to = d =Io UI = FI HcH NOrrvnlvA IF IE=lE>o. l<:;;lg ==;flE -,-.xz;<Z Z !-rr. tr--.nzJ P e =EEl,(j}c6F? E;oq ixis H$HN(t z tr IL o o- o (J UJ rn Or Ea(L [!E !ax z Eoo z tr uJ ; UJz II I Ezfz <oo< =p8o<z tr3xr 942-:XF: }f,;i;lr;OI Ll,ll utz (-) F 2 tr Jloz I tllzoz ;;t =!!l o(l o 3 Jl<l -l zl zl .. >l ul tu IJJz L E llJ ) z Eoo (\.r z a ('r & 2 I ffos@s-Jijo rn zHB Ei uJF U) .noIzo Fo uJY UJ @ oF F crr =9ccllJ -{O-Nbrl lEl6Fl?;lrHl HFJoEzo ! z tr z otr- Fil D<J z co = J n E =E lrJ o-zoF C) =E,F(nzo() F E uJc ILot!!E2E<cllo!4EY!B9:o i EE =>. =lrJ-E h=o dilE >o-E Eb9 \rrE XO-t x>t q- o-.i!i lu .DoF ..i5 =r,l =Hg =.1olutl 5l al>l I I I .l ?l .l rl <l>l bl 5l sOl ulFI F ol =.1ol uJl 5l <t>l t\ codt C! I\o F -f i rl 2o H a e tsl(.! fl 3 (, aa 2 B ii =z -) H (, =tr cl) H zHB H z .l- o IU = sb +EFFo2 t 2? =#d3 g. -rO<FGOr!<zE[!F(tZo C) J EF uJJEtrT oz =c UJo. I F$gg ..4'99 !u, =to aIb*?durc'+>Egl!<og EdFc,jnl <lJIGf I o(at ozt/ zl .. >l CIulou,u,z 3t,t- G UJA z9!oo t!I J tr oti zx 3ltl ril dl It T"tzlF-il9 El f, ..4 flEolq J>IE Hd, tl ld, .cI il H aH d gJ F' ;lotFI=c, <o14 V'rn UJ =o G,uJ'z3o ()u,E () G E-rO<FE('l!<ze(rzoo JC69;Qt< srgt5.-, o gF =(J =Ed6o 6F 33 gE oEhgv EFvz o()x G'Fa,As,+, -\ig ! oo)t,) iu uo1\' :'NlvJuLI!0rJ$I :. l-l\\-l 5 qvl I t6l : !r.lt3 ? tsEE rl.|o-zoFo EFazoo C.L. .E zo9 =<loo =zd8 ;EE xpn trdtr EgE<&aE9TPbE =o.=>E dtsF h=E =e* iHi EbE lur5 5$h 8tr5-{!E tuao ./ (:aur*ro ,:o1ce:1uo" . " . T ) Ye atn$7Jil/,1O pabpalrlourlce 6etz-6lt ro gcrz-Gzt (coe) zsglg opeioloJ .lle^ peor a6e1uo.t1 qtnos SZ t,ztt' /lIq :no.f, :os nor >!ueq; .Fdoc e urEaqo ;;"ll:H-::83o";"i3Eff"fi:;Jo uAo'tr' aq1 dq dols eseald ,i1n; u1 s .oN acueurpro &1ar^er ol 'Ier-r-e-1q6lr -q+ uT saTaTTlln {ue :o ,{a11e :o 1aa:1s r(uegro slca[o:d :teda: :o acueui+uiiru ,uorron:]srJ6c o1 alqeirlddeaq ?ou TI::f acuEuTp:o sTql Jo suolslao:d ar{,r .parjllouuos:ad go asuadx. a{1 1i- 1er{j1Eq pres aloural TTTjr luauf,:edags{.ro6 oTTqnd arfi} ,paTfrcads errTl rnoq ?Z aql uTr{1Tl,t ecT?ouaq1 r{1T.r1 r(ldrnoc 1ou sa6p'paggrrlou os uos:ad aql lua^a ar{l uI'TETJalEur pres anoular ox acTlou u€11TrA rnoq ,z e-ujar6 aq'irriecueuTp:o s1q1 6u11eT9T^ punol suos:aj .1uaru1:edaq s{.ro!,t cTTqndTTeA Jo unor, eq1 .{q pac:ogrua ^d11c1:?s eq 1TTA acupuTp:o sTr{L'?uauraled JJg .1J g r(lalerulxoiaai s1 sjedi pue slaar?s TTeAJo uAo.1 TTe uo .,{ea-;o-1q6r: aqg, .Joaraql uo11:od Xue :J "j;iec11qnd :o z(a11e ,:11er"ra1i1s tlaa:1s .{.d'uodn saTcTqa^ uauD{JoApuE slaTTol aTqe+:od ,s:alsdunp qsp:f 6u1pn1cu1 i1e1:a1eu :o=I:3"!_:pyes '1co: ,TTos rue ltsodap ro'>tceii ;r.iqi o1 uos:adAUP :oJ InJAEfun sT XT ler{a safEls 9 .oN acupuTpJo',-z(:eururns uf sgvrlo.trs TVIESIWI 3 9NIXUVd Norrcnul,sNoc 886T ,9T I{CEWI ,lNsndoTsAgq I,trrNIX^II^IOC,/SXUOAI SITSOd TM dO NMOS TrvA ,{o Nllo&sg& s&ut q3us&slgsE aI,T,tNSlrrrnC SUOI,C\|d&NOC aTV luautdol.Aap lllunuu.roc lo €cglo :,lcg.egns :arvq ;,'IOUJ :otr I ,a'-t I 'i w.. (, , \,O,. TIlsuorlPTau,/uotf r sod 'o ./ ,.f :r Project Name: Project Application Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone c-.-lt//,4.r. Uta cl ,nrL Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: t-ot f, , etock Comments:C-d^-/i*rt<- Design Review Board Motion by: lt'n ' o 5 ,5 4 seconded or, La-a' (" Date APPROVAL 3-o DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: €r,-1r-/ Town Plan ner r/o^r" b/z-o,/?ol E Statt Approval Project Application - g , '-t:'t*l\-- Proiect Name:tu, Proiect Description: i Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: .t. Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: tof f, , atocl ,u,^n l/0'tl ?f4 ,r"^" f 6 7 ,(. ,t i).dn,r', 1'o<- C , nt i. Comments: Design Review Board Dale APPROVAL 3- r) DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: zP/i/5 (.o: r.! a. I Town Planner /^ /2_o/?./Dale: ' / - E statt Approval nr 1 }IAI'IE OF CO}PINY:E&lcH vr tvD ls(,_01^,/ /VFR B artDtRtF llust be r=ceived and apprcved prlor to lssuance of reglstration. *submit to the Tann of Vall Buildlng lhpartrcnt. PLEASE SUBI.IIT COPY Of AT{Y PERTII{EI{T REGISTRATIO'I }IITH APPLICATION' Type of reglstration be Application made bY: REGISTRATTOi FEES Re gu]a r Cost General Contractor A or Construction l'lanagemnt tviitiiiin ovJr $t,oo0;000): " "' "$175'00 General Contractor 8 or Construction,l'la1qgeq1!iviiriiiii unaei $i,ooo,ooo) ' 100'00 Pl unbi n g. 75 ' 00 t€chanical... 75'00 iieiiri ial. . . No FEE $;;i;'i -iiniiuaet d;J",;ii, s'llss' masonrv' concrete' lll]lll" rr.* Ercavation. ' ll..!q--..'c,n nn )owner/gui,lder.... . <::_/ :orrrig.o,,-.O AUPR, 4q tt DE P *, Ntuliyt( -=- Renewa'l Cost $12s.00 75.00 5s.00 55.00 NO FEE 55.00 55.00 LIABILITY - 0ption #l: tl,qgq,qqQ '!n llte a99teq!9 for Bodllv lnjurv ii.ooo'ooo ln the aggreiate for Property lhma9e Optlon#2:Corbinedslnglellmltof$1'000'000'00 tdORKl{EN'S @llPEl{SATION - Show.tiat you.!re-t95l9d..11 the State of Colorado :i; i6;k,'d' ;'fl;; :' "'' = if i'l:;;riii'*ii:ri;i,IBr'n"'li,': li'ilrii,'o' the tlm v6r-liti somone you will piovl& us with |JC' I|OTE:tfyouartpurchasing.ale.|ectrlcalorglrrrrblngr=glstratlon,Youq! provide . .oiy-lji-i"fuil.i iigistrition'frcm t[e Siate of Colorado' Thank you' Janei'l Turnbu'l 'l TOV Building DePt. 57V/VE RD,t/Att-, (o , ,Tl 6 tt---t / 0?f A-DUnNF t. 7-*r| -,(J.\ 7- t. .l By: .. : ltr I r .l-[i.t Prlncipal 0fflce: ,,raaaoaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ffi(ArA h:iii:: :"il,i:tT,l:.'I!::,,iTil; ;:IT.ffi ,. ::. :::: ::::. ::.:ao aiaa.aa.aaa. a aa.aa a a aaa aaaaaoa aa.aaaa l--Igy gny years.experience tn the oconstruction work I . .. ... . .. ... . .... . . has Jour org.ni iirS;"[i:t.. ::::.:::.::::.::taaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaaa 3. !f st the nost recent ,r^*--.- -_^ -_' .."""..' cons*uiti-J; fi;i ;tTi?lrofiJff;: #l'rillfnrzatron has hrd rn aaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaoaaoaaaa Docuoent l{uuber A-3OS 79 Edftton nay be Type and lJhenClass of work Cono I eted aoaaaa aa a o ta a aa a aa aar .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoa aaaaaaaaoaaoaaaaaaa!aaaaaao aa a a a a a aaa tt a a a aaa a a. aa aa aaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaaaaaaoaaaoaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaoaaoaaaaoaaaoaaaaooa.aaaaaaaaaaa 1 dtI f:r'..:i. j ' '-'r-t'i 5.inat other ftaportant projects conp i Eted? Type and Class of work of slmilar nagnitude has your organi zatlon llane & Addr:ss of Cnrner "o"" .aa.aaaaaa aaaaa..a... a.a.aa,aa.r a.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.oaaa.. ]then Cono'leted 6. Have you ever failed to cc;:plete any work If so, uhere and why? . .arraaa. .aaaaaaa... aaaaaa .a.aaaa..a.. 7. . l'lgne the Surety.Conpan-v, bonding capacity,.nd the nane and address of the locil alency-you expect to use:....... .......:. a..aaa 8.- I'lhat is the construction and experience ofprincipal lndividuals of your organi:ation andto be directly lnvolved ln rny pioject-ln ttte awarded to you? ln tlhrt the thos Town ' Present Posi tion or 0ffice Yrs. of Con- Struction Exoeri ence e InClvlduals of Vall. llagni tudet Type of tlork Individual's l{ane 9. Do you hold aa..aa aaa..a aaataaaaa a a a a a a.a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a O aaaaaa aaaaaaoaaaaaaaa aa.aaaaaoa.. aaa aaoaaa ataaaaaaaaaaoaaaaaa. atao aa.aaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaataaaaaa aaaaa i{astcr Pluuber. Architect, Electrical? a a...aaaaaaa.a..aaa.aaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaiaoaaaaaaaaaa a any val ld I lcenses, l.e. aaa.iaaa aaaaaaataaaaaa Caoacitv? "t" "" ' ..aa a a a a'' a a aa aa aa a aa a a a a a a aa a a aa o a a aa a a a a a aaaaa a aa aa a a aaa. aa a a. "t " " a aa a ' ' ' t t ' ' ' 'aa a a a a a a a aa r... a a a a. a a a a aaaa aa a a aa a aaa a a a a.o 'r r. ?'.I}. Tt.' 13. How nuch of the work xlll 14. .Bankfng Reierences A. 8'. 15. Trade References A. B. c. D. '8. lou..do df rcctly coapar:d to rub-contrrctors? +r'..t '-.'l o?trt a t ta t-, 15. Have you ever had a llcense ln our areaUnder any name that was: A) Revoked 8) Denied C) Suspended lf so, please explain: ..aaaaaaa aaa..a !7).lf regisirant ls.Corporailon or partnership, please stateappl icant relationship/plsi iionj -.' -' ....aaa.aaa aa..aa.aaaa.aa t aaa a a a a a a a'aa a a a a aaaaaaao.aa aaaa l8) l.lhat is your postion in this registration? A) Officer 8) Stockho'tder C) Prlncipal D) other: CVhpR- EutLDFR or lny other tret le)soeiar securtty t, .?i23.:.11! -: 1\ 2? FET- - , %e+s t Tt /wD sc77?rP .1 Res ut t-r 5 ,40 MnA, 4 P/ry t i/t ,, '77 o/V, kk) I tFrs oF Pt.Trvs W/+ll/1 (Hon. U, , 6p17rE/). (Dt ",.- ) o t-------.---. 3*zer 3+ t--TtfAMk 5 4,rr< h,*,< Land Title Guarantee ConpanyP.O. Box 357Vail, colorado 81658 303-476-225L *******tIINVOICE******** oItR INVOTCE # 15338 v 05-23-90 TO: LAND TfTLE GUARANTEE CO. #2 BOX 357VAIL, CO. 81_657Attn ERICH WINDISCH REFERENCE:Cust# 4L6Onner TBDSeller ERICH WTNDISCHAddr L,,OT MIL VfLLAGE ALTA Owner PolLcy PRELIITIINARY REPORT TOTAL INVOICE# 15338 $100. o0 PLEASE REFER TO OUR TNVOICE NWBER 15338 OR RETURN THTS TNVOICEWITH PAYMENT. PLEASE MAKE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO I,AND TITLE GUARANTEE COUPANY 0. 00 l_00.00 i -- 'lr- I' LAND rr0n'cuARANias OorpANy Repreeenting TLtle InEurance Company of Minneeota TIIAI{K YOU FOR YOUR ORDER Uay 23, 1990 Our Order: V15338 BulE!,/ol{NER: TBD sEr.r.nR: ERICH T{INDISCH ADDRESSS IPT 8 VAIL VIIJAGE PICKED UP FOR DEIJI\TERY A!,1 PDI CO\TENANTS ATTACHED YES NO MINNESOTA TrTrF l$ 5440 Wa rd Road Suire 200 Arvada, CO 80002 420-0241 3300 So Parker Rd., Suife 105 Aurora, CO 80014 75t-4336 2425 Canyon Blvd. Suile 230 Boulder, CO 80302 444-410'l 200 North Ridge P.O. Box 2880 Breckenridge, CO 80424 4s3-?255 5l2 Wilcox Caslle Rock, CO 80'l04 688-6363 102 South Teion 5ui'le 100 Colorlado Springs, CO 80903 634-4821 Commitment To Insure lssued through the Offie of: P.O. Box 5440 Denver, CO 8021 7 32 r -1880 8821 E. Hampden Su ite I00 Denver, CO 80231 750-4223 9l 0l Ha rla n Suile 100 Westminsler, CO 80030 427-9353 l 20l Ma in Avenue Durango, CO 8l 301 247-5860 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd- Suite 150 Englewood, CO 801 l2 770-9596 3600 So. Yosemife Suite 255 Denver, CO 80237 694-2837 108 LAI{D TITLE GLARANTEE COil/FANY South Fronrage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Vail, CO 81657 176-2251 710 Kipling Slreet Suite 202 lakewood, CO 802.|5 232-31 I I 3609 So. Wadsworth Su ite | 15 Lakewood, CO 80235 988-8550 '| 9590 East Main Street Su iie 105 Parker, CO 80134 841-4900 108 South Frontage Road W. P.O. Box 357 Va il, CO 8l 658 47 6-2251 7700 E. Arapahoe Road Suite 150 Englewood, CO 801l2 770-9596 LAND TITLE CdJARAT{TEE COil/PANY zggz u.uol wta lrqeufiS pa oWV '"'1 'i'1 ";t t, vr0slNN[r r0 ANVdr r0S ]cNVUnsNt l]rtl fuoleu0rs pazuoqlnp raqp Jo raJUJo 6unepr;en e Aq peu0rsralunoc uaqm prle^ aq ol'V alnpaqcs ur uMoqs olep aql uo sracqlo pazuoqlne l{lnp qr Aq paxlge olunaraq aq ol leas pue auleu alerodros slr pasneJ ssq elosauuryl ,o Auedu.roS asuernsul atu. SolulHA sslNI|A Nl 'luaurlrurxo3 srql ,1q pa.ra^oc uoersql abeouour ro lsaralur ro alelsa aql anle^ Jol pJocor lo sarrnbce parnsur pasodord aql alep aql ol:oud lnq loaraq alep anrlcaga aql olluanbosqns 0urqoeue ro sp;ocar cr;qnd aql ur 0uueadde lsrU'paleorc'Aup I'sraupur r0rll0 r0 surelo asra^pp'sacuejqurncuo'suarl 'slJelao '9 'sprocar crlqnd eql Aq umoqs tou pue me; Aq pasodurr 'paqsrurnl rauearaq Jo arololaraql leualeur ro roqel 'saotnlas lol 'uatl e o11q6u to 'uat1 Auy 1'splocar crlqnd aqllq umoLls lou are qcrqM pue asolosrp p;norvr sasruard aql;o uorlcadsur pue Aaruns 1ca::oc e qcrqM slce; Iue pue 'sluaurqoeolcua 'pare ur e6eyoqs 'saur; fuepunoq ut stctlluoc 'satcuedatcstg g 'sprocar cr;qnd aq1Aq urnoqs 1ou 'sluauasea lo sutelJ Jo 'sluaulasel Z 'sp.rocar crlqnd aqg Aq umoqs 1ou uolssassod ut satued lo sttttelc lo slqblu 'l rxorl su'rsnrcxr pue suorle;nd4s pue suoDrpuoo .* ,,'ouJ,fillj:ltl:iiilXl$i;lt-,?Jlt1t'"t' srqr'or parralar anoqe aoe:ano3 sNotldl3xl 0uv0Nvrs 'luau4ruJujm srql lo suorsrrrod aql ol iralqns ate pue u0 paseq aq Nnur luauqrullq srq i{q paranor uoaraqi abebpou aq 1o snlegs ag io NaJelur n alelsa aql ol a[rl aq lo snle$ aql p no 0ursue Auedulo3 aq1 purebe 6uuq Aeu ro areq ,ieu parnsul pasodord aql leq uorl.cs ]0 slqOu ro suorpe ro uoqce Auy g 'utalaq potttpou Alssaldxa se ldacxa luaulruuro3 srql p ued e apeu pue aluaralar Aq pagerodtocut Aqeleq are qorq A painsul pasodord aq] 1o rolel ur rol pe1lulrJor sarcrlod to Acr;od 1o urol aq 1o a6era^o3 u.r04 suorsnlJxa aqt pue suorlelndng pue suonrpuog aql pue suorsr^ord 0uunsur aq o1 lcalqns sr A1r1rqer1 qons pue Dl pautulutoo sarcr;od ro fur1od aql iol V alnpaps ur papp lunoue aql paaoxa Arlrqerl qxns lleqs lua^a ou ul 'luaqrurxoC srql Aq para oc uoala$ s0e0uotu to lsanlur to alelsa aql alean ro arnboe ol lr) ro 'g alnpaq3s ur umoqs suotidacxa ateururla ot (qlJo loaraq guauerrnbar aql $!M Alduroc ol (e) qlrel poo0 ut ourlelapun ur uoaraq aouerlai ur parmur ssol lenlre ro, Aluo pue r0l pagruru,oc satctlod ro Acrlod 1o urol aql ur paJnsul lo wtlrugap sql topun papnlcur seryed qrns pue parnsul pasodord paueu aq o1 ,{luo aq 1;eqs tuaurullJoC srq] rapun Auedu.ro3 aql Jo AUllqeI 't 'suotlelnd[S pue suot]tpuo3 asag ]o t qdet0eJed o] ]uensJnd palncur r(;snorHd rgrqer; uo4 ,(ueduq ag a^arlar lou lleqs Uaurpuaue pns tnq ,!0ulptoooe luau4uuuroC slr.lt lo B alnpaqJs puaue Aeu uorldo s1r 1e Aueduro3 aql laueur raqlo Jo urelo asja^pe 'aruerquinlua 'uarl 'pa1ep qcns itue p a0papaoq ;enpe sarrnbce asnruaqp Auedue3 aq1 n luedulo3 aq ol a0pap'roq rl3ns asolosrp lleqs parnsul pasodord aql ll 'a0pal/v\oul qcns asolosrp os ol pansul pasodord aqfl p arnlrel r{q pacrpnlard sr rtuedu.ro3 aql luo]xe eq o] uoataq acuer;ar ;o pe l{ue uo4 burllnser abeuep to ssol l(ue rol Altltqer; urul pa^arlar aq l1eqs l(ueduq aql '0uuJirl ur ueduq aq ot a0papnoq qrns asolcstp o] ltel lleqs pue loalaq I alnpaqcs ut u,ri\oqs asoq ueql laqp luau ulm0J stql Aq palam uoetaq aoeoyor.u ro patalur rc e1e6a aq1 ourpage laueur Jago lo urelc asra pe 'asuerquncua 'uarl 1calap itue 1o aopa[aou1 len1ce sarrnhoe ro seq parnsul pasodoid aql ]l z 'lusurulsur r\uncas raqyo ro 'poep lsrut 'lsru];o pt.O tpn,rut llpqs 'utereq pesn uaqt* ',,a6e61.r0u,, tll.ral eql I sN0tMtnd[s 0NV sN0tIt0N03 Aueduq aq1 1o lgnel aql]ou sr sarcrlod ro Arrlod qcns anssr o] arnle] aq] ]eql paprlord 'sn$o lslrl ranaqgrw 'snssr lleqs r0l pa ruMc sarorlod Jo ,irr;od aql uaqm ro 1oaraq alpp a^rpaga aql raue sqluo[u xts aleuturai pue asea3 lleqs japunaraq suo4e0r;qo pup ,ilrlqql lle pue eJuernsur ollrl lo sorqlod ro ^ctlod qcns jo acuPnss 0q1ol fueuturtlud st lusu-qruJuroo slll 'Uauasropua tuanbasqns r{q ro luaulrr-uuro] s[ll lo ocuenssr aql lo aurll aql le raq]la 'r{ueduq aql riq loaraq v alnpaqJs ur pauasur ua€q a^eq r01 pauuuroc sarcr;od ro AJlod au 10 lunouie aql pue parnsul pasodord a$ lo Aluapr aqt uaqi i{luo a tpa$a aq llPqs luauruulQ srql loaFq suo4elnd4g pue suorlrpuo3 aq] ol pue I pue V solnpaqc5lo suorsr,ud aq] ol pafqns lle :rolaraql safueqc pue sunruard aq}1o luauAed uodn V alnpaqJs ur oI paralal Jo poquosap puel aq ur Aqataq pala^oc IsoJalul ro a1e1sa aq1;o aa6ebuotlr ro raurvro se 'V alnpaqcs ur paureu palnsul pasodord aql lo rolel ut 'V alnp€Ws ur po!+rluapr se 'aluernsur al]!l ]0 salcrl0d ro ,(crlod $r anssr o1 slrr.uruoc ,iqaraq 'uorteraprsuoJ alqenle e ro1 lueduq aql pallm uralaq 'uo[erodroc elosauury! e 'VLgS]NNly\ J0 ANVdy\6C IJNVU1SNI llll ,€u 016 l-uaulul|rroc vI]v I VJ,,.,,. ernsq oI ueuuumroc VTOS]NNIW ALToO"oMMTTMENT SCHEDUIiE A Application No. V1-5338 For Information OnIy LOT 8 VAIL VILI,,AGE - Charges - ALTA Owner Policy PRELTMTNAR:Y;3f;I"- - ti33:33 With your remittance please refer to VL5338. L. Effective Date: llay l_6, 1990 at 8:OO A.t{, 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: IIALTAn Ownerts policy Forn 8-1-970 (Amended l_O-17-70) Proposed Insured: TBD 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to i.nthis Cornmitnent and covered herein is: A Fee Sirnple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: ERICH WINDISCH 5. The land referred to in this conmitment is described asfollows: roT 8, VAIL VILT,AGE, NrNTH FrLrNG, ACCORDTNG TO THE pr,AT RECORDED NovEllBER 10' 1970 rN BooK 2l-9 AT PAGE 92, couNTy oFEAGLE, STATE OF COI_,ORADO, PAGE 1 A L r oO" o rt! l{ r r i,r u il r SCHEDULE 8.1 (Requirenents) Appllcatlon No. vi"5338 The following are the requirements to be complied with: 1. Palzment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe full consideration for the estate or interest to be-insured. 2. Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest to beinsured nust be executed and-duly filed for record, to-wit: THIS COMMITMENT TS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WILL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HEFETO. THE COIINTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUIIENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 2 ALrolD"olrurrir'lrr SCI{EDULE B-2 (Exceptions)Application No. Vl-5338 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefollowing unless the same are disposed of to the satilfaction ofthe Conpany: l-. Standard Exceptions l- through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payabte and specialassessments not yet certified to the Treasurerrs office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RESERVATIONS AS CONTAINED IN PATENT OF THE UNTTED STATES. 10. RESTRTCTIVE COVENANTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTERcl,AUsE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANy, BASED ON RACE, COT.,OR, RELrGrON,OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUI,IENT RECORDED january 09, Lg'1O,IN BOOK 215 AT PAGE 752 AND AS AI'{ENDED IN INSTRITMENT RECORDED May 24, Lg73,IN BOOK 229 AT PAGE 275. 11. UTILITY EASEMENT 5 FEET IN WIDTH AIONG THE WESBERLY LOT LINE OF SUR]ECTPROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VArL VrLr,AGE, NrNTH FrLINc. PAGE DRB IPPIJICATION DATE APPLICATION RECETVEDs DATE OF DRB }TEETING: *****TTIIS APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEEITED T'NTIL ALL INFORUATION rs SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLTCATION UEETING: A pre-application meeting with a plannlng Etaff rnember is strongly suggested to deternine if any additional infomation is needed. the zoninq adrnLnistrator). It is the applicantrs responsibiLity to make an appolntnent with the staff to findresponslDrlrEy Eo maKe an appolnEmenE xlrErl Ene sEafr Ec, r out about additional subrnittal reguirements. Please note that a COMPLETE application will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALL conditions of approval nust be resolved before a building perrnit is issued. application will not be processed without Ohrnerrs Signature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTIOX, €,+RA6E *DAI TIAM B.ISCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address tr7 s R ea 5 t+M Legal Description Subdivision ,F RJ), c. D. NAI{E OF Mailing APPLICANT: Address: f,ot I Brock 7, EJ L-IIYE Zoning tsa 37 t70/1/E APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE : Address: Phone 476 ^ 23 rv NAI'IE OF Mailing Phone E.NAI,TE OF OWNERS:ER.tCff ^//NO/S( SIGNATURE (8) 3 Mailing Address:b RED sA- Phone 474 --j._3.f'Z a. Condominiun Approval if applicable. G. DRB FEE: The fbe will be paid at the tiure a buildinq permit is oaid for. VALUATION FEE $ lO.Oo $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $1oo. oo 9200.00 930o.oo $ 0-$ $ 10,001 -I 50,001 - 9150,001 - 9500,001 -$ Over 50, ooo 150, OOO 5OO, 000 ooo, 000 0oo, o0o s $ s $1, $1, (ovER) II. IUPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALT. sUBIIfIssIoNs To THE DRB: A. In addition to neeting subnittal reguirenents, theapplicant must stake the site to indicate propertylines and building corners. Trees that wiil Le r6novedrnust also be narked. Ttrls work must be conpletedbefore the DRB visits the site. B. The revlew process for NEW BUILDINGS will nornallyLnvolve two separate meetings of the Design RevieiBoard, so the appllcant should plan on at least twoneetings for a final approval . c. Appricants wlro fail to appear before the Design RevienBoard at their scheduled rneeting and who have not askedfor a postponenent wiII be required to be republished. D. At the dlscretion of the zoning adninistrator, thefollowing itens nay not have to be presented io theDesign Review Board. They, howeverl have to bepresented to the plannLng Departnent for approval: a. Wlndows, skylights and slnilar exterior changesthat do not alter the existJ_ng plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions that are not viewed fron anyother lot or public space, which have had letterssubnitted. fron adjoining property owners approvingthe addition; and/or approval fron the agenl for,or nanager of a condominium association. E. you may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studieson your property. you should check with a Town planner before proceeding. NAME I.,,EGAL OF PRO'EqT: DESCRIPIION:roT--8- BrocK LTST OF UATERIAI,S )U no M ,- l) Q Ptey 6 ntuorrch suBDrvrsr on 4 ' V/ L/ tu 6 srREEr ADDRE'': tr76 K e p J*u D S Io Mg AD , DEscRII{rroN oF PRoJECT: A A &'tG e ,,{)Dn 0 M The following infor.matLon isReview Board before a final required for submittal to the DesJ.gnapproval can be given: A.BUILDING I{ATERIAI^S: Roof Siding Other lfa1l lrtaterials Fascia Soffits Windows l{indow Trim Doors Door Erim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other IANDSCAPING: Name of PI,AI{I IiIATERIAI,S: PROPOSED TREES TYPE OF UATERTAL COIOR Designer: Phone: Botanical Name Conmon Name Ouantitv Size* B. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Mininun caliper fordeciduous.trees is 2 inches. rndicate nffistrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PIANT UATERIAI,S: PROPOSED SIIRUBS Botanical Nane Common Name ouantitv Size* EXISTTNG STIRUBS TO BE REUOVED *Indicate Eize 5 qallon.of proposed shrubs.Itininun size of shrubs is Ilrpe Square Footaqe GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR I.IETHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c. oTHER LAIIDSCAPE FEAlttREs (retaining walls, fences, swfunming pools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining walls. uaxinun height of valls within the front setback ls 3 feet. l.taxinun height of walls eleewhere on the property is 6 feet. I EAtClt vtuDtsetl tl t P,E"b s4MDsTotvE r,D, v+lL,co, f-tos'7 Prrope ,! Lt ?6 _ { t S"f ,\+f 23,10 Tovtr otr t/ft1 L Bur,-D/tv6 Dep4RThevT-, h7r,+CffF O Pte 45E, Fr uD pt-* rv \ 7 o& A DtvE - c l{_K6 AA.*€E *X Ot T7 0 ri,t Av fne vE Sr S /D,F OF T// F DepLExoM Lor 8-nprH ?tt-t,vc,f'r6 AFD s(i/DtrotvE t'Qo,STucco tsta/^t6' AA/D -tR.t htttM6E h./tLL H*rCti TfteExtsny_c $urt-DrNG. EMTK1 To THF 6*Rft-CFwtLL gAi FRcfi -i7fE F x(s#NG p+nktue +KF /_, Tt+*ttr to,z ToR y o rt tz cotvsrDFR .+T7 o w, \ttBhtItED 8y ,Jtt)"q ^nA4rN 4 H wtr,rtr ttC tl fbe lteue below glvtng a pernlt Please check off FINAL PLI'UBING INSPECTION' S need to be couplete a final C of O. lu the box provlded. CO}IPLETED before DATEstlFINAL MECIIANICAI DATE: tr IMPROVE}IENT SI'RVEY RESID. NNE: DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL TE}IPORARY C OF O a:a | )-i IT+ i-- DATE: I I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: LAI{DSCA?ING DUE Ilit; DATE: FILE NAME: lrrt O o INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES NAME ON WED THUR TOWNTOF Vr <J/44 a BUILDING: dponrrrucs / srtrtrl ) PLUMBING: N IJNDFRGROIJND ft trF FItr^r trll trS tr_ \_.------------7 OUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr HEATING E D El ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: b*/7-2/INSPECTOR ONNOF REQUESTVAIL ' .{ a PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT\ ^-\_\rDATE \v .--{\ \\ JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: MON BUILDING: O FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr tr FINAL TROCK NAIL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED . At ol DArE (0- r/ I - -l I tNSpEcroR prSFsnoc rNS#toNTOWN OF REQUESTVAIL ' I I t. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL -, ) / ^.1fn il t-.11a^ ,W tr t-l]----=_rtr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: '. E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR 'tr o F|NAL 't" tr F|NAL Ieeenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR INSPECTION REOUEqT TOWN OF VAILPERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES UMBER OF PROJECT CTION: PL tr tr D tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB FINAL TDING: OOTIN OUNDI RAMIN ooF & LYWO( .ISULA' HEETR tr FINAL BUIL nFc trFC f,rtlRc"PL ?N, Psrtr_ lLt :r\ :R, ro ING DAI ING &s ool .ATI GS \Tt( G SH )D ilo oc / STEEL ON / STE E N N K EL rF&S ,VOOf JLATIt ETRO ER AILING NAIL MECHANICAL: D HEATING D tr tr tr FINAL EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR ELECTRICALI TEMP. POWER ROUGH CONDUIT O FINAL o q tr tr VED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDN DISAPPROVED CORRECTI INSPECTOR PERMIT T JO8 F PROJECNUMBER O DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: NAME THUR CALLER BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ N FRAMING .- ROOF & SHEER.- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB EETROCK NAIL D D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr D tr TEMP. POWER --------i O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,FCPPnoveo 'coRREcloNS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE ,/O ^ tr -?/ rNSPEcroR Rfiisop :ffiF:- ,'r-- ir-=;.9 -;:,., "rttoN REouEsr PERMIT NUMBER oF PRoJEcr f ) ' t - TOVyN/ OF VAIL a i ,or= /o l<l/q I JoB NAME ( /tu'&' /- -fla,-ro o" --' t CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:yues ,@ ruua.FRI BUILDING: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. B ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL - ROOF & SHEER "'pLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: B HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL ,,h'nppnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR .il PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOB INSPECTI LOCATION: OB NAME tr DISAPPROVED A Y? tNsPE_CflON_ REOUFqT h€ FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT t tr SUPPLY AtR tr FINAL ,\APPROVED ,.,. L coRRECTtONsit-;' 'y'- -tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PniFcle DATE INSPECTOR y'//t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE tNsPEcrl*o$, $f9ursr I,...{JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TIJES 'r'", -/ BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL -tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ffis{oP G h(\ ciz E =E uJo- T'ltt=F,, >IJIr:$l!ri-k9,9-*3-3;i3:Nlin-6.-i;HggiitEE6a:?isi<ozd iE:ei,S ;isrN I I l., t<ro I I I I, rYt< rFtaz t= lg I I I I ll {l !t-tlF rrlFvdtu \4E z EA6fEs'rP;E'x-=EHE <Ozr!Z= zar, =E?FzJc.-o !- t! !u iGEOu-; UJOO-zo l,ll titl Efld fi#l sl F c\] I * ciz F(J llJ-)oEo o)t- cf,6l rO ulF o F =E lrJ o- Jz z .n9zecoo =zll dP EEi =HE !ntr I -!- co Ectoo !,1' .E 5r-E-E=o iii(r= 6tt PO8ruE>rFoo.o! zIF(JfEFazoo ql u,Jl <l Jl <l =l Ic E ll l,l,qt |ol .91 -l Fl nl ql q,'it g tr]| 5lIOI EI :trt E uJlEI RI <J <l >l +J X Il{.r{ tr{ q'n .t{F C).rl t{ 6.?1 = "Filr{ =z d.B E. 2? =#d6o to F() EFzoO z I ul l-Eirg lrz <oOFg? tl- L!EO F C) uJF T C)E E --.r O<FTOur<zG.!I' Ft4Zo() tr!D oz = =E uJ IPJ :E I I I I I I I IO ItrItl- totzl6 I I l_ .Ft<ro I I I I I, tyIEct l6 z. l=to lotz !Hlfl= rr>iF-<9,)9 < :. Y z F. l;g*E Qtt:?:i<ozElzz^)i::53(J<A<aor zYriiii;<o <+3siBlE, <co> -ta< c i-H!A =<tr < '.1 NO[Vn]VA z:i<;E6ST^o<.'FLU tDuJc! =^itsP<oz6Z) za= h-q czdo L- LIJ lrl YE =ZZtL tr ^ 6z X=>YE9 0i7,6trz>-ooo9.()z.X t!<of iP-.I:F 2'. -1 UJiN(, E L!E ) z E o z tr UJ 3 alJz oz F C)tu-)oEd uJ Eo Jz z zz coo =z O- u- ..i5\J \.,, = ==3 =HE F =IY uJ l.t. uJ(L F o, Ecto c' o 3 E Eo(, F =& lrJ o-zo0:-l-(JfEFazoo trnn J c0 F J z =tr uJ =zil U,J =z uJtoo J -o- F Etr lu oo ) r F tr LUEoo Ja =Etr LU o 1 = Ic F g u-lE o J tr LIJEo J = ttr UJ oo - = ts t UJ,z l3 F C) I.IJ F-r E <F(tsC) IJJ <zE[!F(42o <oC)F H#ilO t >Y =#lz <a :IFz()e<+t -F:,2 =8 t-E 2r P rJ z.o(J J<Oo9.rrl uJlo In! E =,tY il-{l I-t\\-l-\r c; !!t J'2. oz .,P cDo =z=t :)JO(L r.t J<o59 =eft.:C)* ;HE trDn c(, EG3ql (u 1J .:cf,rF=Ewo;(,x ot! C. ','o:-c>-tr-F(, o).o o i*. o =b2 oF() Fz Iz -(J TU oc).zt- =<..8fF:4 JE<o.(J F5t3z _.r O<F oa (J LIJ <z&T!F(1 z Fotrt Exo CE tu ui = @cl J ou)ur{t 7 iIiHr;:;T; -<o('u-U )!rp9f;i;'i 3bHfiUi?:1ei<oz-d =2:z;); 9 < ;:5Y F F croA<(J<<.>,nzYiig:e;<o <93ei3- i .. < d Q> -q<a-4ura!<r(< 'J u,lF -z z z o & Iz = zo Nlll ,q \rp \* I I tl\, ^9.\Jsl**Gv\ro\= a UJul LLL = IIJo-a LlJ u.tu-t u, FoF tuluu-z 9 tlt IJJ oE o rD =lr-l-ul(r z 6IUo f- -ao ttlo LlJJ F c.tllIL z j c) J o arF ul ul (, 6 ) o- 9z C)tr, z J .D 9 F(J LU J uJ <Jz; J (L uttut! o- F;2o z U' .a E IUF 3 a z F J:f U'z ao-!u(r J z Foo z. F ctuF oz =E !rlE tU 2 i,nF lu=gEgoo(Jrz<) U)F u"t J o ciz I I I I ('z -G'- tlJD}.no l- -r .tza>s;o==YS=obiLIJ UJcoE6 ttt:l a?G=19._:c..) €: I zz99ho-axfza9 0 aOz>-o(J0()zrL: <o. o-. ,,, fg8 FO ;<ri -' = z tr o. </)tuo J u.lz tl'ro 2et- tu :< i E o oz () [!-ro (L uiF o J I Il-tc I I Jv\u{. clqI<l trg (-: I I I ILti I I u'lurlu-{ dqnJ =l O F$,\Z{to cA I \9r-':r €-(q)- 5(-6-r Et'aO\Oi}_ttl \ ss Y$ a0s +t>.oOUdgtrx O ?.4 O U' r{F|r{ ooE.cF+,o.c+)!trtrodd+,cd€EFIO.fl Ft.rtiFllo+t -h\o0E O\ Floo o.r.l (JE* .E€3HO !){,E":p{Oot{ '{catoo+ ohochE*€dFkU)9 g€ooodE cdO CFI+oa OtN \o r-t t{ Fl d o>dx(0cr{ -r{.{ Ft a}r €dtl)A+ otO.0ooB{rFtrlAHXot' mog ^OFlp odHFIFIrl Or{e6.r +)AAqo6EErl q,ag tcO.FlEC5(){,€rqjuOFt€€;et5.oooSltr -{E3 T 6 E5'3 tr t ''rFS 5 r'r ,c v, E{AE4<t - OHo O l.lItl E C< Er 4-o ,- trj J l!, T t-Eoz 'l: *fYt V z a F{ UJ -_r LJ F(') Irl t _\ox \u- $'x $ ._tr vl \ A t {x c\{ il ivt-'w To.v* e,= \,/elrt- lN lPe cTloN r<EauErT Pale SO d ^t 73 N,avre fle, ltt/rrJ-ots4IdoB/=\ Ti*= (6asrrzea 4'oc o- O (-ALL€-r?- Gu,r^n u D Fco1rlc- tr Founralont tr FPannrnc- 8.'FtNau B Ar<p^u Locnlont : C o.rr ra Req. l&1"u e -D fneelrco.x D VeNeer< n Koor E Z^=1o. Loc,<1ror'.-r' lZur."r5t Nc- n Rouet+ [l f1o*ortrc tr Fruau D E Varz1rau LocaTlorl: vac MEeHar.lrc"r.t- D Venrlt'-alronr I l-\eo.1uc- J Aooo+ tr BTae1,au Localrors: fJ onrere B ?x<1tat. Localonr Motrt I : IUE Vea.rzv Fofufzs<-T\oN vEP THur GSt' tl oc A"@ [,Ot'rtVenTg: !, TTRoveV A?t€.q??t?oveV Dtfet NtF?sc7 y'Jen<trtsy'op€@ Fem"r€ 1tr5J cnr'r/ FRc 'nCo".a.1oil9 Q-l'tx C-orn Etl >7, a,J A,(- (tt,.,e@ I I, ,?t Ja^/ 73 lNre€CT:a.(4 t: ET d) 22-, J x C'!J (, z Jc 6 E8:: t-YA dU oul .E !,1 a2f !-. €rz o E c zt a ti zo v, El ,x lrA ri>k9 rio!l tr 2HdEli;c ;,<4Ozzo<is()eitcdc <o2o h&lo><oll!lq< uro2 sE F G IUc G JtI' ltlG FoJ J FoF ll,l ooJlt J Fo oF2qJ E uJ aD ul ! ,E=r=ulo lJ-etg -= ==no-F-=f o z d2 I z g g d, tsJ ET F, a,t z F]o? z zB s tr, (,z o oJ Fv,Et!o (t)ulujtt YourIoz JG o-ltr G ( z F oo zo F ltlFJ 3ulz -.S\)\1 \ -\ -.SL) \lu t! =zoo \).( sl> zo F o Jac tto ulF o ,4 x c { oattlu Goo J E i. \t {\o\ E -15 ll- :-tr! >(9G| :*N UIF =ozo9-o-ot zo F.JA-laoF.EQOe>xc):26furfA(JIt -nl Y Goatto2o F4 abuIo J E uJ t *\t' Archltectural Control Connltee of the To*n of fall Gentlenenl Snclosed pleasc flnd plane for addlng a dorner - to lnprovc elearance of etalnray to thc attlo - on the iluplex of Erlch and Jean llndlgch on lott8, 9th flllng, Vall v!.11a9e. Tbe brlldlng Ie located at tbe oorncr of Red 9ands*ono Road and: Sandgtonc Clncle. Pleage bc klnd enough to let uB knort when the plans are appnoved. Iours tnrly, 'h,(w,r,-t Erlch llndlsoh P.O. 8o:c l-55 lllllon, CoLo. 80435 Phone 458-2142 ro/2ff1 BU|LDING PERMIT APPLICATION / ' r'l Jurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. : .g tr Ca.r-= '"^"- /,Li t (;/lqe- I,Til,'"j{f}see trrrcxeo sxeerl OWNER AIL AODRE3S zIPz Ef /Ch Mt'n disCh Bos 1s's-,p|/loh,Colo, tr1131'_+6r-2/ , L MAtt aoDFESS PFONE3 seL s pe-c ifr &-l-,'o ^ s aRcHtTEct oR DESIGNEt ,/\ |4 --'E'L'ia7;r41 LICENSE NO. ENG II{EER MAIL AOOR EsS PHONE r-tcENsE No. MAIL AOORESS BiANCH TusEoFEU'LD'N6 Re-s ido,-cic- { 8 Ctass of work: XruEw n ADDITIoN tr ALTEBATIoN D REPAIR tr MovE tr REM0VE I Describe work: l0 Change ol use from t1 Voluationolwork: g 3 0, 0OO,c "PERMfT FEE /01. AaPLAN cHEcK FEe {4,. o O SPECIAL CONDITIONS: iii,",il31,1';=q OFFSTREET PARKING EPACES; NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIREO FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OF CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WOBK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED.I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ ANO EXAMINEO THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR C.ANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATTNGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 3ICNATUEE O WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE' THIS IS YOUR PERMII PLAN CHECK VALIDATION INSPECTOR REORDER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOING M.O. 'r'on^' cK. M.o. cAsH PERMIT u^r,o^t'?&,1 OFFrclALs o !o so. LosForm 100.1 9.69 iOBLE9 ' FAgADENAI CALIFOiNIA 9I lOt INSPECTION RECORD DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS:' SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT, LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. /Ttr/ , PLUMBING Juridiction Applicant to comptete numb€red sor,c:as only. (LlsEE ATTaCHEO 3HEEtl I oEsc r. MAIL ADDi"S FHON E ' LtcEtlsE No. cl tEct oi Dt3tGNai M t L AODiE!fS PHONE Ltctr{5E NO. IJSE OF !UILOINO 8 ctas ot work: {n6f El Aoolrldil 'tr ALTERATI0il D REPAIR Typ. ot Farturr or l!.|n WATER CLOSET ITOILET)SPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORV (WASH BASIN) KITCHEN SINK & OISP. WATER HEATER URINALNorrcE ( I THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORKIOR CONSTBUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIII'@ DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOED OR AEANOONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCE D. IED THIS ORRECT.ING THIS PRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE PROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR -SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SINK cAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING II TREATING EQUIP. VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VAIIDATED IIN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PE PERMIT VALIOATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.o.CASHgo WHITE - INSPECTOFI CANARY - AUDIT PINK _ APPLICANT GOLDENROD - /q7/' /v) 4ION nT-MECHANICAL Ju rid iction Applicant to comptete numbered spaces only, (f]se e errecxto y'ter) I otSc r. ZIP PHONE LtcE{5E rO. aicHttECt oR oEsrcrEi LICEN5E ftO, INGINEEi tL aDDRESS PHONE LICENSE NO. lL aoDiEss aiAN cH 8 clas ot work: Nr6 tr nootrt6t tr ALTERATToN tr REPAIB I Describe work: Type ot Fuel: Oit D Nat. Gas 0 t-PC. fl. PERMIT FEES Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnaoe Ea. Forced Air Systems-8.T.U. M Ea. Systems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Heaters-B.T.U. Unit Hsaters- B.T.U. MNOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORI.{' OR CONSTRUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIIV @ DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOED OR ABANOONED FOR A PEFIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. EXAMINED THIS HEREIN OR NOT. ' PRESUME TO GIVEPROVISIONS OF ANYCONSTRUCTION OR R CANCEL THE W REGULATING:ONSTRUCTION. TOTAL FEE WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED IIN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PE PERMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION cK. M.O. CASH WHITE _ INSPECTO F CANABY - AUOIT PINK - APPLICANT GOLDEN BOD - TEMP. F ILE August 4, 1971 Mr. Enic l,lindlschP. 0. Box I55DilLon, Colorado 80435 Subject; lJindiech Duplex Dear" Mn. Windisch: I have checked the plans for the above-subject job in accondance with the provisions aet fonth in the Unifonm Bulldlng Code (1970) as amended and adopted by the Town of Vailo and find the following: Use zone is Multi-fanrilyi occuPancy grouP is I; tyPe V conetruction. The following iteme shall be conrected by nevised plans on addendum pnion to issuance of a building pernit: 1. Foun parking opacee (9tx 19r) are reguined and they cannot be annanged whene they back out onto a public noadway. Please subnit a dinensional plan. 2. Pl,ans ane Lnsufficient in detaLl , neeubmLt details fon the following: '->! a. Indieate size of footings and reinforcing., b. Fireplace footing ehall be in accondance vtith Section 3704 (n). ,)tz c. Show sections of fireplace indieating neinfoncing and dinensLone.a{ d. Dimenaion floor plane,'e. Show plan of attic anea and finish. * t, Submit roof framing plan with cal.culation fon dead load' n-.'-o unit live load and 65 poudd per square foot snow load (enow- Load may be neduced in accordance nith Section 2305 (d). Pnesent infornatLon on noof shows 4 x 10 ane insufficient in eize. ,.? S. Roofl.ng neguinee eheathing and watenproofing unden shinglee which is not indlcated on ehohtn.,f.h. Bracing fon shear in load beaning walle regulned. ':j. 1. Waterproofing of aII exterior wallg noquined.' j. Without calcutatj.one, I an doubtful that the eizc and loea- tion of baseboard heat unite wil.I meet Code requinements.'k. Bedroom wlndows Ehalt meet requinements of Section 1t+04. o Wliaiacfr Rceidsnce r '-a. AII foundation platea and/or sood columns on conoretc or . Daaonny ehall be foundatLon cedar, nedwood, on proeeqre tneated wood.'r',1( m, Bathroom walle ehall confonrn with Section 2517 (k). ,?f n. Balcony ralling shall not be Less than {2il ln height. tlhen the abova itena heve bein corrected by neviae{ planr on addcndun,I wlll be:ready to isgue a bull,ding permit for tho aubJect Job. Conetrtrotl,on haa alneady atanted on thLa proJeot and thsrcfors it Lsto the bencflt of aII concenned that tha lforcnantioncd ltcns be conroottd itmcdiately ro the pennit qry be laaucd. At pncsent you ano.I'PR0CEEDING AT YOUR OWN RISK" ae defLncd in Srctlon 302. Youre veny truly, TOWN OT VAIL Ed StrubleBuilding Official. dw. STATE OF GOI.ORADO COT'NTY OF EAGLE DECLARATION CF l.,AND. ALI,CCATION )l ss. ) depose and say that the following eccorCing to my beet knowledge, , bDilrg firet statcmeatg are lnformation and duly swora upon oath' true and correct belief, to wit: P:?eed buitding ie I,,.| and thie l. That thie statement is made ln conjunction with the flling of an application for a butlding perrnit to the Town of .:Vail and to comply with the requirements of Article VII, Sectlon 3, Ordinance Number ? (Seriea of f969) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of 'Ilall, 2, Thc ae followa: deecriptionLof #K of 14. the '-i I o;:lf'"t ""',ii;;^; (Deacription cription. I may be attached or eurveyo I map may be to shoqr dee- 3. The proposed buildiag gite contain E 12- 162 , + 3 sguare feet, and the propoeed butlding coataine / 4 / O - . :qlare feet \of area as defined in the aforeeaid T.oning Ordinance. t{g 6-O 5.f . ttt3r /troc- l 4, The propoeed building, ae it relatee to the building aite area, con:pliee to the Floor Area Rptio for the zoning which appliee to the building eite, ae defined in the aforesaid Z.gnlng Ordinance. The foregoing affidavit and declaration wae dul aworn to before me, a.notary publlc, by 3O*at day of <l u;t , r9lr. NOTARY PUBLICMy Commision oxpircl Fcbruary 13' 1974 Building Penmit SupplenentrAl . .-h, 1,.,,PnojectJ.a m/Ox - he< ,'4, Date T,zuQ- 30, t771 _ ;-^,.1/ t rl /r l) \t -/ .'r,r, b-r/cq MtudisCt, , bt tllf4- of theabo v@ve nead and undenstand in full the foLlowing excerpts fnom the Unifonm Building Code and that a copy of this supplementshall be posted with the inspection card at the job site; TOWN OF VAIL Whenever there is insufficient evidence of compliance with the pnovisions of this code, the BuiLding Official may nequine tests as proof of conpliance to be made at the expense of the owner or his agent, bY an appnoved agency. Wheneven any wonk is contnary to this code, the Building Official may orden the wo:rk stopped until he authorizes the work to pnoceed. Approved plans shall not be changed, modified, on altened without wnitten authonizationfron the Building Official. No penmit gives authonity to\,*violate anypnovisions of this Code, on ekry other ordin-ance. The issuance of a perml.t shall not prevent the Buil-ding Official fnorn theneaften nequining the connection of non-confonnities. At the request of the Building 0fficial , aletter. shaLl be submitted to him fnom a negistered land surveyor or engineer centify-ing the Location of the building in relationto pnoperty lines, pnion to the instal-lation of the foundation wal-ls. Inspection cand shaLL be read,fuIl , and posted conspicuouslysite. Do not cover up any workoff by Building Inspector. fiLled out inat the job not signed posted, itBefore any sign may be used onshall be appnoved by the Sign Sec. 107 Sec. 202 (e) Sec. 302 (a) Sec.302 (c) Sec. 304 (a) Sec. 304 (b) oRD. 15-1967 Review Committee. .a ^,- rermlt No:v PLAN CHECK LTST Buildine &1 tu D t ScH Date '1 J. ll 8. Use Zone Occupancy Gnoup .T Avenage Gnade Height of Buil,din No. of Stories FLoon Anea gType of Constnuction) Lot Anea I?-,.6z- Floon Anea Ratio L0. Setbacks Requined:- fnont {0 Si de t0 Rear:tD 11 L2', J.J. Ll+. Occupant Load Par"king Requine4 Loading Benths Required CornpJ-iance With: a) Occupancy Sec. 5 b) 0ccupancy Gnou c) Type Const. Sec. 17 d) Type Const. e) Exits Sec. 33 f ) Gener.al Engrg.Sec, g) Masonry Sec. 24 h) Wood Sec. 25 i , l'l t' j) Concr"ete Sec. 26 k) Steel Sec. 27 t ,. J Ex., Fdtns., Ret. Walls Sec. 29L) m) n) o) P) r^) D,' t) 'v) w). x) y) z) aa) ab) ac) Veneen Sec. 30 Roof Const. Sec. 32 Skylights Sec. 34 Penthouses Sec. 36 Fi:repLaces Sec. 37 Fine Protection Sec. 42 Fine St andands Sec . I+ 3 Public Protections Sec. 44 Occ. of Pub. Prop. Sec. 45 D:rywall € Plaster Sec. 47 Pre-Fabnicated Constr Sec. 50 Plastics Sec. 52 .l t:. Fire Systems Sec. Stases Sec. 39 Glass € Glazine Sec. er>o Emcs IT$S WPINX EUIIOIXG OT JE,AT IIIIDISOI -a-Igg4gg cinclrt!.ns of douhlr Jotrtr- rgf}. rl}k1a fscfirs1.--Iry-T$tts#ffi loi"ffirlogltatr tir tnrtrttatla ot-plptng-(plurbtng and lrt rlt* hcrtlng sylt r), r!11 b. tlono rltlr ilrc follorlng lldtatl'mrt (") Thc top or botton cdgca of, Jolntr rtt b notcfied 1ot to excc66' L/6 if'tUc Jolri ilcpth. No notchlng of tlhe top ot bottan lalgr of Jolrtl ln tdrc rlttalle thlr{ of any Jolnt rpan. (t) :f errttlru of a (!oor Jolrt rorr thg'' 1/6 of ltr drptlr ta fgtutit aoecmrrT, e trct$ter llrc firl1 itcpth of l.lrc Jolnt ahr"ll bc sut In to mpport t*rc ond of the Jotnt. (o) Ihe c loee.t!.or of plpea neccseltate thclr passlng thrugh tb Jolngr_ holcc shsU bc drLllcd lo-rcaelw thc pllrorr Ttra alanetcr of ttrc trolcr nlll not br norc th111 1/2 lnch 6rcatcr than thc-antrlac dknctcr of_th.-Pltr *d_P no ca!. ahell t*re efarcter of thc holer bc g:neatcr trarr 2 1/2 lnchct. thr cdgp of thc holee ehal1 not bc locateil nclrer ttun 2 lnchoc llon thc toP or bottor of t*rr Jo!.at, !{o rturt thall bc otrt non thafl half ltc dcpth to rccrlw-plplng. If norc-4cpth ts rcgu1nd thc part!.tton ctudr shell bc lnsrcarcd aocortlnglyr therc tlrc mnntng oi plpce neciesltatc thc cuttlng of platcrl ,I113pcr provlclon sball be nadr foi tyfie-toecthcr and cupportlng all ctr-uctunl lolbera a'ffootct by rrch anttlng;r 4, AOOF, ltrc chake ehlnet€d roof ts to bc rhaatheil tdth 5/8 fnotr plyrood. Trrnt'y' four lnch ahinglea to b. iald 10 lnohcc to thc rcattrers dorblc ocrratng all flrrt oorjrlralr Tar ppcr lncta[Gd nlilr eeah lox rs rcsonrcndcd ln the lnctt'Uetiol lnetrilct'lon. 5. EIIERIAI ytII. COYERIIIC, Inarlatl.or of J lnchcr metc *oo1 ls to br oowrrd uP bt L/2 Lnoh oclotrx. (") Ertcr.Lor rallr to be ooverrcd t{tth I I g tnch rsugh ocdar ctunncl lr'P dilln8r trcrtcd rlth da,rt brom cts'ltr. (t) Bgmnt walla to bc circcocd rlttr tno layerrl sccond lrycr to b. xtftar 6, EXTtsilOn milt. All crtcr.tor trirj lnoludlng faolal boaror arountl :roofr plproo{ covcrtng at bottoa of ovcrtranglng raftcn, bdoonLct, ard flrrt flloor rlntlor fl|Dt to br palntcrt rhlto. Br.rcnant rlndon franss trcatei rlth ilark br-"Orn rtrlnr o CPI0IrICArIOIIE trON 1. IOnr nEqrIsED. thl trrlLd|t rhell bt lrtr m g]|rrr.t. ootrestor (rrar!,rer fintsbP- fng rcOd ror*r rgonrtr, lrnCrOeptngp otn.)s mA atrelt-nrtasotrmt l:(savattngt afioErtt il, ncattngi crcotriirl rrort lto.' fn ilrfUo:r rhell coordlnatr uril oooDont rltfr rnC io lnt ncc.s.e:r3r oe,4ortra tqufilr0 by ot{ror t114. f91 aorph!!6 ibrlr rolt. tll mtt ahrll br . g,,tle lrl.oorpfleneo rlth tft 19?! Unlforcr Bu[iltng Codr and t$r 19?g Plurbtng enil ElcatrLoel Coe.. 2. DIilEfSIC IlJliBDR. Ualcg. otrtrcrnlrr ry.otf,Ld, ell lurbcr rllt bt no. lr ttto:rotgltlt eigoncd, rtratgtrt ural fire fror eny afrffetr tbat ranlil l"alrdr tho a'!lolr. % Y00D J0tr8l8r Jolgtc ehelt br ft;nlil ltoPG4t rl-th r eha,rusr of ? lnehcr e'lound' Itc oh!.ncy 1etonrt or ft1a plaao crrpt ;hcrr & lnohcc of rrronty 1r uecd antrlilr ibr fluo llntni, ln rhioh ceg ttrc fnrlng rrt b tu1lt filurh.nlllr the !;5oaly{ Th' 2 lnoh rpa,r:c-ilnrc forrcil ahall tc f$fd rllb fln-rcclatant lstcrl'8l to fo*r I flr rtopr ltr'tng nc6€!!sty arounil rtalr nolll ulal othcl rtrllar P1$9! ahrll br of ?. IilgULATtr0n. Tuo tnoh roelrxool to bc plaocd. lnrtdr all ba,scncnt conontr relL. fiuncr lnoh loclrrool to b plrocd ln f,lrgt floor rrllt rnd. oy.r flrst flloor octllag.All tnarlatlor to bc lnrtallcd rccoritng to nrnufactunrr lnrtrnrc.!1ou. 8. PAiiTLTI0N|S. All ttrdding Dertlttonr snd, out ldo nalla ahrlt br oonatnrctod g rhora of 4 I &rr, 2 I llfa or I I 6rr, rl1{*r plater roll rptkrd. AII ltudr to tr rBeor{, 15 lnohor O.C. lhubh etudillng a,nturd all opcalngr at rII oornclr and propcrly tltu- rcd rcnolr ell opcnlnp. Corncn for ell roor rhorld bo flerlrdl roltit for lntadorflnlrb" 9. I9OD ElpOngr thrr-fortlrr tnoh plyood floor or mb floor of 5/8 !.noh plyroodrhcrihlng. All filoore to bo eovcrod rrlth earyctlng or tlnolcue. 10. gtalns. (r) ttttlrr fion cpllt 1cvcl entranoo ha1l to baecncnt and flnt floor to hln 2 lnch r{.g.*! a.nd tnadsg r!.11 b. sryportcil on 2 I 12 lnoh ctrln6ctto Rlarrrto br of 6 5/8 fnchec ln helghtl trcaas p lnctrca. lhc atalrrayr rhall balr nst1lrr thrn 6 fect 8 lnch cleu hcad rooao (t) Attl.o rtalrc rtrrll heve rlcsre of I lnchor and trecdr of ? lnohsr. Ll. DOORST E:rtcrl.or doors to ba of sotld, J foot by 6 loot 8 lnch coro tl[r.. AIIlatrr{or iloon hollor oon bheh. le. IINDOilS. Unrovablc wlndons to bs of d.oublo otrengttr thcracl glaser llovabbnlndorr to bo ilcrhh 6lart ra^rh t5pe. O D /NOtKcH f nave checked tre plansw:ri] rre ?rovJ-slor-s setas a::;.endeci ano acoo:eci for the above-subiect rob inforth in t::e Unifoir:. BrrI'l cl i no -- "'rr I ir,1,- 'Fr }1.!ut LllC J.lJWl. l,.| VA,-r , o,rM l I.r!. accordance UOOE (J.Y /UJ the following: use Zone it Mf ; Occupancy gnoup i= T ; type f.FL^ .F^'l l ^.--'* - :+,\.,/.r.!vwlrE r r-€JIls shal1 be corrected by revised plans ]-. on adde;:dum prior to issuance of building permit: KI? ^)J^ )*<-aJa- 6,tl I Lrr.- d- paJ^2'-4_ t ztgrl.;fleh.L o-*-.-/ar 9.-, azab e_l A, f. flt nz^w;u"# _!J i ;- - -.,- 1--..-.IsC--5 ri-VFi .O -!S SUe Jeen correcteo by revl:eo plans cr adcer.Cun, a buiLci;l.t .Der::.:t for tee subject ;ob. I A4J lpy'r(, lc S;:u:l e GW cc: oI f.-?e#']3>afr!;f#f:nR 'uo*-\- cD, EF5 tl/f; #- K \ rtl \ \ {u L J F-s \s oq/* A<o, ,f/rL o Ata c( q a l-- a .<t a, ru rc \ cf, +<x ,1,+ * # x | 00,9e t S ITtr PLAN L 0r # g , VAlt vtLLA6 E RED s+MDsroME R'AD TI I^ ING 0?a 9pnes PRarecr ',L/ocL n7;..: E.RICH vi uOtsCH DLtltEX GA-R/+6E ADD trlov/ S4Ate: Iil -te,oot ?Nr: PtA|r 13,f o : ,l I .l'ir o 35', | \. llIrlrillll lii I i-;.*:tir' Irl rllt,. r'tl r'l t' ',1l,tl ll lllrlrl,,11,rt'rll,,l lllr1l tl I llll \o rhllltl:l'lll l t,,:ll': i"l l,l,t 1| ;Ir r"l lil1lrllrItltllrltg,rllriill; I I r'l pJ Itf , I +t I I lt' ERtlH Wl M D tsfH -Dt,t Pt px <ABAGE ADD I T'l o^/ SCA;I lt' -4' DAnE : 11 AY 23 ,q 0 TouuDz4rTTOV Pt-^t't o s,- cy; 6.( )-> { \ r!F q X ttr 6:'l SI4a F --AIoqa 2uJiv-s< -Q(*< au U.l {0 I ruJ 'w ( IuI -do<5AoulCU -----F! I I I I I zo F LJJ UJ -F:lo tn - - --.r I I I I I I I __-_t >./.; \ -7? Hi[ *\\r.- t-- "fa ar*t\.i t( \0 ( {. (, Yol.-. .s h ) (l I".< \3 \n -l Il'- - |tl I 11l l1 I ll tl t' rl I 3o ao\ll{ /1.tlll-- J --1 a- 3', : --{,__- ,t'. --:' | -'\-r\,J 1-.'' ,\:r r- t t I I I I Zt9, Fl bJlJlurl I -FlEl tltt- r I 34 3EourcU o\., R, tr I II I t oS. cY't \ { \ IttF q h I |d -{\Jv s>-aP l\- \Jq.-r Sa-{ >(l.l>\o ){v\< vUa( tlJ '.jr tl z{ot FI<i>l LJiJI uJl FI r/u lrl ] La ttt I\l \) s \ \-7 s *--'-* -I__\4 \t \b =r!€ :i\n o \) J t-_r) tvl ql V Eo T PtYt", 8n 4ED4II stD,Al G sTu 44o 7'Enrttia Broc k s "c cI:_'.-.s-'-i:e-t\$frr{: {-E A i:.i:: 5\-i tt (01)cRtrE, /to Prk Foor tvc111t'p E y t'T, wEsr WAtt \ao t\ u '/r K\ /t A 'z s3\// ff'l'N D,4ft.otkt/W 2/'ta< UMrczz- 2-x e R ArreBs r 2tt O/d 7i surer &e K 1x tz BRtDe rpc 2X e tRA/'tlMG .*;l< 7.,1' :-;' (t It .- | :/:z ' 1., ../ | ';:11t.-;.ll i:,, *l.ir 5l ii;rl|:"', V ''.','wlt'v; lT"r' l;ai' Y.'"1| '/t / ll,t: o lV: i!', /;[i,/,' OPEtt /N G {r, \J Alr S ElTto tu S E RI!H vlMDtSdlt DUPLtrK 6 AB.^68 ADOtTt 0 A/ td4AE,' l" { t