HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 9 LOT 1 LEGAL75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21 39 fax: 970.479.2wIA.FF: web: www.ci.vail.co'us General I nformation: A home occupalion is a use conduded entirely wilhin a dwelling and is incidental and semndary to the use of the dnvelling for dwelling purposes. Home ocanpation permits must be renaned on an annual basis. Approvals for home ocanpations shall lapse if not pursted within two months of approval. Business Name:hlv 0Nb Descri the Lot: I elock- Srbdivision: ruV\tD{ OF }tAL' H om e occupat i on Pe rm it trEs-iiiftEQ[E-W\. Application s3tAryryv'L\ ^..-,--ar'.e" i.t3 f )- ^- Department ot Community Developde/t{lE: Physical Address:t<rl ?t n>tfoNe, QY Vo*l Parcel No.:(Oontad Eagle Oo. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of owner(s): f,ogt tln'q 0 u'\AU$taa,nb Address:ho Owner( s) Signature( s) : Name of Appticant: W Mailin Em a i r Ad d re s*f,ntrtD@lF,1r$indffirblS'gf Number of employees: I HOME O@UPATI ON I NFORMATI ON Hours of operation:-q h4- Equipmentt vehicles (including number) to be used: -!--89-foy wif l ctients be coming to the home: -l4f' Estimate number of client visits per week: --13 LJMLTH- u Please attach written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and ioint owner, if applicable. a The Administrator may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samptes and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. P4el of Y030Y11 n HOME OCCUPATI ON PERMI T CONDITI ONS All home occupations must comply with the following regulations at all times. lf any condition b vlc|ttfl|l |hy time, the home occupation permit may be revoked. 1. The use strall be conduded entirely within a dwelling and carried on principally by the inhabitants thereof. Ernployees, other than inhabitants of the dwelling, shall not exceed one person at any time. 2. The use slrall be dearly incidental and seondary to the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and sfrall not cfrange the residential draracfer thereof. 3. The total flmr are used for the home ocanpation shall not exceed on+fourth of the gross residential floor area of the dwelling, or five hundred square feet, whidtever is less 4. There shall be no advertising, display, or other indication of the home ocorpation on the premises. 5. Selling stocks, srpplies, or produds on the premises shall not be permitted, provided that incidental retail sales may be made in connection with other permitted home ocqipations 6. There shall be no exterior storage on the premises of materials or equipment used in the home occ-upation. 7. There strall be no noise, vibration, srnoke, du$, odor, heat or glare noticeable at or beyond the property line, as a result of the home occupation. 8. A home occrJpation shall not generate significant vehicular tratfic in excess of that typically generated by residential dwellings. 9. l.lo parking or $orage of commercial vehides shall be permitted on the site. 10. A home occupation permit is valid for one year and mu$ be rensred by the Administrator in order for the home occupation to legally be continued. I agree that the home ocarpation will be in compliance with all of these conditions. lrc[p (Date)(Sgnature) Qtn-2ol 3|/03|/0Y11 . t .. \ ft k+ t \/ttit Yr\f s*'tf;-stTY ottcl(FuEnt Design il,eview Board ACTISH FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vailn Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.2452 web: wruw.vailgov"com Proiect Name: HANLON CONCEPTUAL REMODEVADDmON DRB Number: DR8050239 Project Description: CONCEPTUAL REVIEW FOR A REMODEUADDMON Pafticipantsr owNER HANLON, JOSEPH t. 06/03/2005 225 WATI ST VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT AMY BIRDSALL PO BOX 5927 VAIL co 81657 0610312005 Phone: 970-445-0098 Project Address: 897 RED SANDSTONE CR VAIL LocaUon: 897 RED SANDSTONE CR Legal Description: Lot: Blodc 3 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 9 Parcel Numben 2101-063-0300-1 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Aclion: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond: 200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Review Board approval. Planner: Matt Gennett Conceptual nevi$ Application for Design Review Depadnent of Community De\rdopment 75 South fonbge Road, Vall, Oolorado g165/ dt 970.479.2139 faxz 97e.4A.2452 web: www.vailgov.com h'r,'i}fi, U t:. !-, JUN 0 z 2005 cannot be accepEd untit a[ required informauon ls r.iiei,,ea uyG dffii;w'ilito1n"* Deparrnenr rheproject may also need b be revlerved by the Town counct anilor-ure n"""lng "ii-in"t *,n""a3 cornmission.Defgn rwiw apprwal lapces untess a buiHing petnrit f-fs,reO ano ojnsfrucuon ommences wiurinone year of the apprcyal. @neral fnformation: ^,, M.^..1- ! Tov-cotvl.DEv'llpt"t S requiring,dedgn re,iel rust receirc apprwar pdor to subminirg a buirdrng p"-it uixJffiHFg",**5:.Hrlf]9F qr.g9 puf*pi "ppdua u'"tli req,,e,i;. nn".ipri.uuon br Desisn Revieuv /$ Mailing Address: tr New ConstructionE Addition E Minor Alterauon (multi-f amlly/comrnerciaD tr Mirpr Alteratbn. (sirEle-family/duds0 tl ChangestoAppro\red Plans B Separation Request $650 For consfucfion of a nevu buiHlrp or demo/refuiH. $300 For an addition where square foo@e is added to any residential or . @mmercial building (indudes 250 additions & interior converslons).$250 For minor cianges b buiHlngs and site lmpronements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor d|anges to bulHings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, windorv addltions, landscaping, fences anJ retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions to plans already approred by plannirE Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ForOffice Us4nly: Fee Paid: - Check - By: l*rr,*ATEc sruotoso TRAT{SffTTAL To:Town of VailDesign Review Board c/o MattGennett Fmm: Amy Birdsall Date:06.02.05 Re:897 Red Sandsbne Circle Dear Matt, The atlached is tre Goncep[ral Review package for 897 Red Sandstone Circle. lt includes the Conceptual Review Applbalion, a Character Descriplbn, a Site and Landscaping Plan al 1'=20', and (3) Exterior Elevations at 1/8'=1'-0'. Please advise of any other required inbrmation pdor to the June 1 5r' DRB meeting. Amy Bidsall, Assoc. AIA Principal Best Regards,a Posr OFFtcE Box 5927 VA|L CoLoRADo 81658 970.445.0098 AMy@lNsPrRArECsTUDlos.COM t NSPIRATEC STUOIO o S Project 897 Red Sandstone Circle - #0501 Date: June 2,2005 Re: TOV Conceptual Design Review Character Description Charac{er Description The character of the proposed remodel and addilion is intended to be compatible with Vail's architectural vemacular through the use of natural stone, slucco, and wood, bul modem in it's massing and architectural detaib. The use of metal at connectbns, root exterior lighling and railings is intended to add innovative layem of texture that recall Colorado's industrial history. The exterior of he home is inlended lo convey warmth, style, and playful sophistication. The addition and site improvemenls are intended to create a bridge behreen he house and the slope at the north slJe of the site while maintaining the expansive yard and views to fte South. The bordering home, site, and landscaping privatize the developmenl of tenaces for multi-functional living al the northeast corner of fte site. Creating more funclirnal owner and guest entry access to tre home were also guiding feafures of he site design at the west side of the site. POST OFFICE BOX 5927 VAIL COLOMDO 81658 970.445.0098 AMy@lNsprRArEcSruDros.coM t€ "FII f,=^S lj* A $ tJ \7 _Jf i-l- I =o t0 J..y ilN ,$ hj t if B $ 3 ?12t--'a n de $fbn iFgn ,.--t$ep ylurep-t/ ,-^- -.t2,- , - ----.'/ 1-l'/ ay&r? arlw- trvERt *ss d & *W*,J, ,lll-'h4"IANjf,z^J {zg\\>. Q*e- t7\-t lll = 2-or ai ?".6. i,,,ffi{ I nvralrX'tttuE / rt\ l' ,^ \7*'*r. fltnU^t f ?osle-, W+w, 1/fl -r.la"l*,1**r_ .-lle:^l I Br&Ler .Ag \o ',"1a,\\ r vl I : a ; rur1'# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of @mmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxl 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co,us Project Name: HANLON HOTTUB DRB Number: DRB040292 Project Description: Add hot tub to rear deck of home: change window to sliding glass door/all finishes to match existing Participants: OWNER HANLON, JOSEPH J. 06/2912004 Phone: 225 WALL ST VAIL co 816s7 License: APPUCANT HANLON, JOSEPH J. 06/2912004 Phone: 225 WALL ST VAIL co 81657 Licensel Project Address: 897 RED SANDSTONE CR VAIL Location: 897 RED SANDSTONE CIRCTE Legal DescripUon: Lot: Blodc 3 Subdivision: VAILULLAGE FIUNG 9 Parcel Number: 210106303001 Commentss all finishes to match existing BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvalz 0710212004 CondiUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). @nd:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO ) I f minor Exterior Atter{lsffi *:';":r,:*#;,:rffii"'"ilff:' "* I0l,lal0Tmfiffi ter: e70'47s'213i.;il"?'..';flt'" General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approvat lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Physical Address: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no,) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address:Circlz Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address:,rwle E-mail Address: 1tL Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs fl Conceptual Review fl New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request tr tr $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenB, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee Page 1 of 12104128/04 Location of the Proposal: tot: P Block:- Subdivision: ****** t'l i' *t********* **'t******* t* * * ** *'r. * * ** ****t|* ** *'t*** * ****t 't {r * ** *** * ** * * * *i {. **** *'}'}** +'l'l ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement ** * rrlr I'l!t ** *:l!i * ** *** a*'ir t *'t* '; * | t**** t*!*:i{r* +** *'}* **'f *,*rl * lt t{.* * * * 'l *r** {.**,t * * f rl't'l* ***1.,} l.*'}'}* **'l** StatemenE Nurnber: R040006118 Anount 3 $20.00 06/29/2oo4]-0:17 Alt PalmenE [tethod: Cagh Init : iIS Notation: CASH/JOE HANIJON Permit No: DRBo4o292 Type3 DRB-Minor AIt,sFR/DttP Parcel No: 210106303001 Site Addreas: 897 RED SANDSToNE CR \IAIL, Irocation: 897 RED SAfiIDSTONE CIRCLE Total Feesr $20.00 This Palment: $20.00 Total AIJL Pmtar $20.00 Balance: $0. OO ****** '| ***tr******'tr *l' a***'t't+***d.*i******'*** 'l * *t|***********1. f,{,lrdr*'}*******{.**'l***r.* l* ********** ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Cunrent Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEhI FEES 20.00 Page 5 of 12104/ZBl04 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIAIS Tvoe of Material Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Cny h y"ur.n Etg{,\6w G* Cobr I lubD.K,tl W Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Color Page 6 of 12104128104 O Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Departrnent of Community Development 75 Soufr Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2t39 fax: 97Q.479.2452 weo: www.c|,va[.co.us *This checklirt must be submitted prior to Public Works review of a proposed development. Owners/Project Name: ProjectAddress: 6q-l 0-J i.^cLSJr*e . nppricant:{"- d",,r [o.n phone Numbe' n6-ttq{ Submittal E Stamped survey ofpropertye Civil/Site plans Survey Requirements: o Surveyor's wet stamp and signatureB Date ofsurveyo Nofth arrowo Proper scale (1"=10' or L"=20')o Legal descriptiono Basis of bearings / Benchmarko Spot Elevations o Labeled right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.o Lot Sizeo Buildable Area (excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Site Plan Reouirementsl I. Access (check all)o Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. o Unheated o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)o Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (30o/o of driveway area if unheated; 10o/o of driveway area if heated)o All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Section Driveway Grade (not the average grade):- o Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 il. Construction Site (check all)o Location of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan. o Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. o I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction.n I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. o Landscape plan o Title Report (Section B) o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils) o Watercourse setbacks (if applicable)o Trees o Labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...) o Topographya Utility locations o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. TOWM Page 11 of rzl04l28l04 ru. Drainage (check all that apply)o The required Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12.o (Note; Valley pan must not be heated)o 4 Foot Concrete Pan o 8 Foot Concrete Pano Positive and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed site.o Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan.o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested byTown Engineer) ry. Erosion Control (Check all that apply)o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped.B Less than one half acre has been disturbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check allthat apply)o The project lies within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain.o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan. o A Floodplain study has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requested by Town Engineer)o The project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain VI. Geological/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)o The project lies within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area, (See Development Standards, p. 20) o A Hazard Report has been provided o The project does not lie within a Geologic/Environmental Hazard area. VII. Grading (check all that apply)o Existing and proposed grades/contours are provided on the site plan. o All disturbed areas have been returned to a 2:1 gnde. a All disturbed areas not returned to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed grading. VIII. Parking (check all)o All residential and commercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. IX. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)o All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. 19.B All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been Professionally Engineered and a PE stamped detail has been provided within the plans. o All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom of wall elevations and type of wall construction. a No retaining walls are required for this project. X. Sight Distance (check all that apply)o Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12. o Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why: Additional Comments Please provide any additional comments that perFin to Public Works Review. L2of L2l04l2B/04 -t- be- I| -- oo Cu$omizahle The jetting in your Bullfroo Soa can be custoni-d6signed by selecting the .letPaks that are right for your individual oreferences. JePak ? s Do @ I Whether vou are 3'-6" or 6'-3", vou can sit in the seat that is appropriate for your body size and still have the jets of your choice by inti:rchanging JetPaks between seats. The best jets in the best seat - a feature available only in a Bullfrog Spa! Upgradeable As your,individual therapy neeos cnange/ you may wish to modify your spa in the future. Simplv purchase new letPbk and you can have a new spa in minutes - at a fraction of the cost of buying a brand new soa. jetPaks use only the Al9aL-\d- :\.\ Adjustable Neck let therapy need. @$ Storm Massage-)-\^>N OU %o Interchangeable Duo-jet lumbo let a "Life comes and gqes by the back-door." 200 Series Gliding Patio Doors {'fret 1"1,Je - 3'"vll ' Nanolind Glldlng Patio Doot A contemporary clasic, the Nanolinen gliding patio door offers natural wood interiors along with top energy performance. Thanks to its rugged construc- tion, it stands up to heavy use and harsh weather. Frenchwood" patio dool sidelights and transoms feature e egant ines that match oul n nged and outswing pat o doors. They are avarlable w th pine, oak, maple or prefinished white nter or opt ons, and our four standard exterior colors: White, Sandtone, Terratone and Forest Green. fI I I I t ilft'lt'J tl il; flI ll 3a 7o stL dh'+'ta'v3o ,ii'ri3,\-'' ,- t/ \- AiaG.,.==. (@41 7{ ,l t5 Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Narne: Hanlon door eddition Project Description: Change windo to a door Ovner, Address, and Phone: Joseph Hanlon 385 Gore Creek Dr Vait, CO 81657 97U47Gt4W Architect/Contact, Address. and Phone: Same as above Project Sreet Address: 897 Red Sandstone Cr. Legal Description: Lot I, Vail Yillege #9 Parcel Number: 210106303001 Comments: PRJ99-0143 Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Na Conditions: Board/Staff Action Na Action:Staff approved Na Materials must match existing Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 5llV99 Project Name: Ilanlon door addition VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\ I DRBA} PR DRB Fee Paid: $20 i q ".,,, o n, ffiJ,:'1, ;r', j,1,?, - -, r * APPLICATION FOR DESIGN RJVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcviov approval. Any project rcquiring dcsigr review must rcccivc Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, see the submittal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is requcsted. Thc applicatiolr cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd infornration is submittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Plarming and Environnrental Conrmission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpircs one ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startod, B, c. D. E. DESC ON LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: PARcEL #' 2lDl fu3 P ZONINC: NAMEOF OWNER(S): . Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) F. G. MAILINC PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNA NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADD H. . ryPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr Ncw Construction - $200 Construction ofa new buildins. E Addition - $50 Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is added to any rcsidential or ,/' conuncrcial building. Ef Minor Altcration - $20 lncludes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rcroofing, painting. window additions. landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr. whcn applying forabuildingpennit. pleaseidentiff thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. The Town of Vail witl adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT.75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL. coLoRADO 816s7. TOV{N OFYNI t FINAL INSPECf I0N'S CoI"IPLETED The belorv items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provided. FINAL PLUMBING DATE: DATE: FINAL ELECTRICAL DATE : T FINAL BUILDING CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TEMP0RARY-C of 0 f?.Fqru,lt'"--c. fli'lfts:1t ,-.- ^ 1_)-'.e) rr\ )PERMM I INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL CALLER@ WED THUR FRI AM6 DArE ? - a(-t*l JoB NAME E C 6. Cz *<o,q< !-J READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / O.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER TFOOT|NGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS P]PING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr trFINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr FID6L tr FINAL7W CORHECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED x FA.l(6 64 oerc 8-,'Z5'-s-'? rNsPEcro ...... ir- ^l'it't r ?,-/ \-r J J PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oot, ?. )t- t7 JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR r FRI-\-<.- .I I N s P E crwl*o $, $f9 u EFJ .,' MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND f, rouruonroN /€fEEt<+ tr RoUGH / D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS P1PING INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL OVED co RECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT TNSPECTION REQUE$Tfowru oF vAtL .i IJOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: I tr tr fi D tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND BOUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING BOOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR o rfinr-tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED i CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE -INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL 't.". ,1t ,i( READY FOR LOCATION: . j'1 CALLER TUES JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON a1( BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL i H. TUB NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING ET ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ? tf,-rt-usx\ CALLER TUES WED THUR PERMIT N INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \ESskts eu ,S/eeeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED oor= \=\=$. JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING HOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE /0 ,,? d7 INSPECTOR ,o INSPECTIONTOWN OF 'IFAI TFIA.F1{EtJlJHr Iriarr-- - -\ v t1t t- vPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOB INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES AM PMONM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr o FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL ,E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,, \ ) -. INSPECTION PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE l\ l /,, JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS N FOUNOATI tr FRAMING /ST oN/ EEL - PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NA|LTNG I INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL itr APPROVED CORHECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE TNSPECTOR 3oz3 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR FRI qr JOB NAME €al(( o :-.-- \. TOWN OF VAIL I f'I I AMPMI LocArloN: 8?-' ,Q*4 'O'a-'*ob t-*-'- Dz z-/ S / fz- BUILDING: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D,W,V, D ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL tr o tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr n drrrrunl e 0 DI-INAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr o tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL {nnnnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED / /^ oarc L/ 3/ 7 L' rNSpECroR J /o. oz F =t lr.lo- c cc <\ t-{ ?))) vv U'ul UJu-F =t UJo- rcLh#Tctfi'ly ru !'Fl Nlcq cqo{ ot,.,rg reolx d"-, '-l 0t ol ==1'''l l=; l(JEz<o E* dE HE 3= ci Hg iriulF z z_ = 4 =z.) IE UJz-od lLt!oZ:3 ECv PH<F2rrvzo< l"- t; 7 o \e oo". F o- =,ul J(J I \ o a? .tv\ t\ \ {s L1 J t/l == dl E o =l;o o o.o.6 =.9 0) o) E ooo(tt {) o o (! o =t5 >io-{Ero'iai Oln_\. lro-' Irolcl(!i c, (5, E ol oE c,.=' ':o-. E o. o oo G. (,oi, o .9 Eo o <t)6 Do1t o =d E o o 6 6 o qt at, (o (o o. I o Efo()(! (l, E o) -c E Ego'=E EE eaAo_ :r-E'= cL'- <hQ'G -C ?r =?rG> ci'-c d.E !cIDtr +c CC E:ni.=-oc dC--.c o+ ES G E3 LC O(ri.cs or!(, atE:EtO(|c..Y: (!t >il!0o? bE.g( -( cc LN(\l(\l (f)L()sr c rJ)N o (\l t\(o E u, z J Y lu (J z) F uJJ L! z co J J = UJ x (\ F ti.J tr-z tr uJe LU 3g |lJ z 6 UJo F o UJoc z UJ x F u,lo (n Iu uJtt E =Eu,o- J F F z oJ J 9cl () |lJ)gJ z z oIu = J 5) NOtlvnlvA Y ; l! z tr a UJ J z IJJ >E -:EfiIEu,S =((lN 2Z9o XfEY ttt o1>-9(J<)zr!< v= o-Y.x .i(\i -4E -l = 2 F F u. 2 L! L(I =ttz z tr +(r o- uJ o NIN a IJJ z E o z tr uJ * ?t B UJz IItltltl U'-zlzOq. KOo< =F9tr6o<z aFz .. 9z tro =trOI ull a (I a z :< =F z F Jloz o J =f- UJ Fl O ia -Jl<l z ,. >|o IJJ L! llJz aF uJ o- J z E oH..i>og Nt\ F{ IE ol IJJIcrl olFI ol =.1olull 5l <l>l ttlol zl BlolFI Lr)(\Jo I@(osf I 3lotFI &,F t!J!J L! (Jz. J .il I216 |Ht tl|tn l Fl.{ |frtl Et dr!l ,;l-t Elol ll<t <lo-l >l;l 6ltzla3l;t ;l rc)F\ I(o. .o = I -l+Jl'l sl:l El =G' oz u- 6 F t!(5 (5 :Z(J LtJ UJ =z ID _-) ot- b= C) (Jo -t-6Y =d =JZ|r-o <FEQur<zEUJF.4 Z.o F() z. F() I,JJF Ot IJJF <h c0o-zo Fo- uJY lrJo oF ts Sr\f@ OlL"foh (L-Folo6r+ HuJbkzo z (5=ze aDo =zJO aL lJ- EE=-r -: uJ6il> t Eul o- lL +.ul59E<cLf€uB9Ek cd: E:rl- =r!:-E FE: >c,YorlE IJO9 trurE X(Lt x>t q-o -'i!E ru d)oF --r- - F =El! o-z9FofEFazo(J Dtrtr D r rsFTI| >{>< r__J .a Proiect Applioation Roiect Name: Project Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legat Description: t-ot / , etocf Commenls: Design Review Board ",,. 6ft-rf11 DISAPPROVAL Motion by: ! t-' Seconded by: APPROVAL 3-O Summary: n /)-,, // )f rf z-1 (.. ,/l Town Planner r/ /o^t", 6/t-t/tr )/ E Statt Approval SUND8GNS A'RCHITECTS ' ARCHITECTURE LAND PLANNING SOLARCONSULTING {hr, /,r .tc {L June 4, L987 Town of Vail Planning Department Attn: BetsyVai1, CO 81657 RE:Dr'. Eck Garage Dear Betsys The following is a list of plant naterial for theDr. Eck garage addition: 13 - 5" Min. CaI. Aspen RE: Plan for Location4 - 12r Min. Ht. Evergreen RE: Plan for Location8 - Evergreen Shrubs RE: Plan for Location Flolver Mixture € Stair RE: PIan for Location Natural grasses for ground cover at all disturbed locations. I hope this will clarify any misunderstandings. Sincerely, SUNDESIGNS ARCHITECTS Steve Riden SR/lmp Enclosures 90r AVENUE GLENWOOD SPR|NGS COLORADO 81 60 | 303/945.2201 ,.Y"t DATE: nll i APPLICATION DATE OF DRB ORB APPLICATION Yta tE87 MEETI I'IG:.uNF 3 tc67 *****1;115 APPLICATION hlILL NOT BE ACCEPTEO UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***II I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatjon meeting with a plann'ing staff member is strongly suggested to . determihb if any additioial information is needed. No app'lication wil'1, be.accepted unless it is iompieie (must include all items required by'the-z9n!pS administrator). It is the app'licint's respons'ibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about aiiitiona't submittal requlrements. Please note that a COMPLETE fPPlica-tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditjons of approval ihat the'DRB may sti-pulate. ALL conditions of appmval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: ffi? FEP ltllHdN6 C/FoLe , V/+/t/, co. Legal Description Lot Zonins n/F& Fi l 'ing VAtt vtt*fu>?tLBl ock C. NAME OF APPLICANT:F. J. eck I Sisnature Address dl g.ed *^tmWe CtrarZ . telephone 4a-itl2 be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE $0 $ 10,001 $..50,oo1 $150,001 $500,001$ 0ver - $ 10,000- $ 5o,ooo- $ 15o,ooo- $ .500,000- $1,000,000 $ 1 ,000 ,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ 50.00 $1oo . oo $200.00 $3oo. oo TO THE DRB:IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS 1. In additjon to meeting submittal requirements, the app'licant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that wjll be removed should a'lso be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. The review process for NE1,l BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Des'ign Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be requ'ired to be republ i shed. I Address pd-l KtO *ygry;rorsO Aneo& , Wtu, (d telephone tfl6-7t53 - -g-- -\D. MME 0F APPLTCANT'S REPRESENTATN1.: 2M2htt2 14,fi/'eq5 ,Olp*<- /1tc/e'1 Address tefephone ?15'z'zn/ E. NAME OF OWNERS: r.DRB FEE: The fee wi l'l VALUATION ' 4. The fo11owing items no longer have to be presented to the Design-Review hnd. iniy, nowevei, have to be presented to the Zoning Administrator for appmnl: ' a. lfindows, skylights and slmilar exterior changes that do not alter thl ."xisting plane of the building; and b. Building additions that are not vlewed fqom any other lot or public gce, which hive had letters submitted from adolning properW oYrners appruring the addition; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a cofrtiniun , association. 5. You may be required to conduct l{atural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before prcceeding. o a 6We, LIST OF ,@ft?ed n MATERIALS ,tu/.64{a wrSeNAME OF PROJECT: . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information'is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be $iven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts l.li ndows t,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther uap ttW /x B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: phone: Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* coni fers . (over) / EXISTING TREES TO I'T/.+ BE REMOVED lCpuoae reacu-t* F*uKs ,4+/v&*L o/ctze - *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height for "PLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS s0D Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Size ,/ Tvpe Souare Footage 6t rtt*& P E*&? W q/ t SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences,swinming pools, etc.)Pl ease speci fy. z5: UTILIfi LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION JoB NAr'rE (J,|GI( 4/9469 hPq/oa^) Lsr_J__BL FTLTNG Uhlt/ t//bu/+*Z 7th ADDREsS &7 YE? 6N'tDsf0Na cr?ite VNU , 60. The location lines, must acconpany ing of utilities, be approved andsite plan. whether they be nain trunk verified by the following lines or util ities propos ed for the Authori zed Mountain Bell I -634-3778 XWestern 51ope Gas Harry Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hal l * HolyCross Electric Assoc. Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cable T.V. G_gry Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek M Elsa+ bqp\ftrc.l& 5 ^/s'gf/ 4titS f -K-47 ./ t * For new cons i/l.r-/F-7lease fill ou aliacneo sneel tts/ ts/ t7 -1-. NOTE: 'Itrese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit frorn the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way ol easenent in the Town of Vail. A building perrni.t is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit urust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utj.lity plan and scheduling installations. ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL ADDRESS: Ot,JNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear Water Course Site Coverage La nd s c9pi+11--------:, Fenceffig.qrini ng 'rJaI tJ Heigtrts_ .'b-__-.:a__/ParK t ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani ca I Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: Slope Permitted Env'i ronmenta l,/Hazards : Filins t//+/L u//-L/W ?fr Proposed t, o /0 ,L I./l Bl ock Al I owed (30)(33) 20' 15' 15' (:011561 ZHtrE6:O// ZCI"otl _21rw lffi]@, (50) (1oo) (25) (50) (200) (400) --|'rof ruzt{ frff6R,./b cl!oa ha N/^ i' ,, 1 ?,5%Slope Actual ,Avalanche fi/A Flood Plain tSlope t'/tt I f Wet'la nds n/t Geologic uazaras n/,t, Comments: Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: W q^:'&r: ) PP.OJ ECT:442t I NTEP.- DEPARTHENTAL REVI El,{ DATE OF PUBLIC HEARINGDATE SUBMITTED: s /-Lo COI"J4ENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF OESCRIPTION oF THE PROPOSAL: ,,,.)vA i;:";:: ?.*t - rei s:1":'A,1.,".._ PUBLIC W0RKS ,/7 .4 Revjeled av, ,l/ ,V ou Connents: C faoc- lL6a€ aF 5 ted/7 foe TcJcnt"v G a) oF ?Z t,,tezu*Z o,p-76 fev j.n-a:z..te- {atF - €O 7*r-ra- S<z-rzo^') ,(r, e>s S,{outA 6g * fr.oo, Z€'b €rft-'oszdr€ P''P Jo-fo) /-7' o/< FIRE DEPA,RTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTI4ENT n-r^Ud Lts Reviewed by: Connents: Date Reviewed by: Co;:uants: €-sr /1 ., ,/ .-irt c,v7 ( 7to < r--te Da te o t--(ou -7-l-lr,L,-u**fu o PO LICY OF TITLE INSURANCE lssued bY of Miomi, Florido SUBJECTToTHEEXCTUstoNsFROMCOVERAG!,_.I|.EEXCEpTloNsc-oNIf.IIIqDINSCHEDULEBAND rHE pROVtStONS OF THE aoN;tiioNi nr.ro srrpuini'ro].ri iintoc AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE coMpANy, oF MlAMt, rLoi'r6n, o n"'ldo corporotioli";;;;;" ;;li;J tLe componv, insures' os of Doie of policy shown in s.nuariu'r, I jf ii"i ro., or' aornog", n;t exceeding the omount of insuronce stofed in Schedule A, ond costs, ottoin"!'' fees ond "tp"n'!l' ;il';;; ';;Pony mov become obligoted to plv*i"t-.a.1,-rritoin"i Ji iil'i*a by the insured bv reoson of' l.TitletotheestoleorinterestdescribedinSchedu|eAbeingvestedotherwisethonosstoted therein; . 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbronce on such title; 3. Lock of right of occess to ond from the lond; 4. UnmorketobilitY of such title; 5. The involidity or unenforceobility of the lien of the insured morlgoge uPon soid eslole or infetest except to ttr" "trJiii6ot-such irivolidity ", ,i"".i"tt""U''f it''-oitfiit 'thereof' orises out of ihe tronsoction evioenceJ by the insured morlgoge ond is bosed upon o. usury, or b' ony consumer credit Protection or iruth' in-lending low; 6. The priority of ony lien or encumbronce over the lien of the insured mortgoge; T.Anystotutorylienfor|oborormoterio|whichnowhos,.goined'or}rereoftermoygoinPriority over the tien oi the insured mortgog., "*."1i ony ,r.h liJn orising from on improvement on the lond controcted {or ond commenced .ror"q"r."nt'ti-o"i" .i C.tiJv not finonced in whole or in oorr by proceeds of the indebtedness ,".rr:,j'uy'ii-r"-'rrrr"a -otigog" which ot Dote of Policy in" intui"d hos odvqnced or is obligoted to odvonce; s. Any ossessments for street improv-emerits under construction or compleled ot Dote of Policy which now rtou" gli*J t' hJ'"oft"' moy goin priority over the insured morigoge; or g.Theinvolidityorunenforceobilityofonyossignment',sfrov1ni1S-c-leduleA'offheinsured mortgoge or the foilure of soid ossignmuni-t-u"rt tiile to the insured mortgoge in the nomed insuied-ossignee free ond cleor of oll liens' This policy sholl not be volid or binding until schedule A hos teen countersigned by either o duly outhorized ogent or ,"pr"."ntotiu" of tlra C6mpony- onJ!.n"aute B hos been ottoched hereto' |Nw|TNESsWHEREoF.Americon.Tii|e|nsuronceCompony.hoscousedilscorporoteseoltobe hereunto offixed ond these presents lo be signed l" i*tl-ii.i unier outhority of its by-lows' atrterican title insurancc! cctlrlpany a subsidiary ct The Conlinental Corgoralion- am€t'iclan titt6 irrBuranc€ co|tlpalry Attes t: bgryr^;'*( G-Ql.hJ SectetarY FORM T'297-'.()-1€ REPRTNTED(4/79) AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSCCTATION ''OAN POLICY.I9TO ilil-i iiiiLsi-'tnpRov EM ENr AssEsSMENT covERAGs i,cM 0 012 5 I AMENDEC OCT. t7. 1970) scHEor.Q, ExctustoNs .FR.M .ouQoo= lhr follcwing tnoll..' ot. orpre'ly rxdudrd lrorn thc <cvrrogr ot rhir Poliay: l. any to', o.dinonc. o. gov.?nm.nrot ..gslorion li.(luding 5ur ncr iim;r.d to huitdins .nd r.ning odtnonrerl ,. ti.ling .? ttguloll'g ",t'iribiling lh' - cccupoo.y, ur. c. .niotm.nt ol thr lond, o. ..goloting thc .horo(t.r, dim.nrionr c. lo.6tion c, ony imPtcY.nr.nl nor o. htt oll.r...<lrd c|r th. lond, o' prohibiting o i.porotion in own.rrhip cr c ..de(tion it| th. dim.nrionr cr orrc cf fh. lond, or lh. .tl..t .t c^t viololio. of ony ruch low, ctdinon<' ot gov..nft.nlol ..9ulolion. - 2. tightr ot .min.6l dofioir o. Eov.rn|n.ntol ?ightr ot Doli(. powrr unlrrr ncll(. of lh. rrrr<irc of tuch tightt .FPaott in lh. Publia lr'oldt ol Dol' of tcli<Y' 3. D.t..tr, li.1r, .n(11111b'o11(1, ody.rr. <loirnr, or oth.. hdtt.n lol .r.ol.d, !uft...d, o$um.d or ogr..d lc bt lh. inruT.d doimonl; (bl n6t lrotn lo lh' Compony ond not rhorn by th. publi( r.ro.da but lnown to th. intu..d (loi|nonf .ilh.? ol Ool. ol Poliay c. ol th. dclo tu<h lloimonl oaquirld on "tol' "int..r in.e..d by thi. poli<y or ocquir.d th. intlr.d morrgog. ond nol dir(lor.d in wriling by lh. in.ur.d .loitnonl ls lh. ComPonv P?i'r to lh' dat' !u<h inrur.d .toamont b.(orn. on inru..d h.?.ond.r; l.l i.3otting in no torr or do.nog. ro fh. inru.€d doimonl; ldl otl.(hing ot .t.ol.d tvbrqu.trl lo ool. ol toti(y lct<.pt lo th. .tt.nt insuron<. ir offordcd hrrein o! ro o.ry rrolslort lirn lor lobor o? ,n.r.tiol or to lh. .rl.nt inrs.en(. it o'lo'd'd h"rin ot to ott.tini.nlt to. rl...l inpTov.tn.ntr und.. <onrl?u.lion o? <o'nPltlrd ol Oolo of Poli'yl' ,t. Unrnl...eobilitt .f th. ti.n of lh. inrsr.d ,no.tgog. b.rour. ot aoilur. ot thr inrurrd ot ool... ot Poli<t ct of ony ilb..qu'nl own" ot lh' ird'bl'dn'r3 lo <cmPly wilh oPPlicoblr "doing burin.tt" lotr ol lh' tlol' in whi<h lho lcnd ir tilusl'd' CONDITIONS AND STtPULATIONS |, DEFINITION OF IERMS insured mortgoge, ond if the insured is o The following terms when used in this corporolion, iis lronsferee of lhe.eslote or oolicv meon, inferest so ocquired, provided the trons-' (o) '.insured.,, the insured nomed in feree is the Porent or wholly _owned_sub- Schedule A. The term "insured olso in- sidiory of the insured; ond in fovor of ony .r"a* lr the owner of the indebtedness governmenlol ogency or inslrumenlolity secured bytheinsured mortgoge ond eqch which ocquires oll or ony porf ot the sricerror'in ownership of such indebted- eslote or interesl Pursuont io o controct ness {reserving, however, oll rights ond of insuronce or guoronly insuring or guor' defenses os to ony such successor who onteeing the indebtedness secured by lne oiorir", the indebtedness by operotion insured morfgoge; .provided thol the of iow os distinguished from purchose in- omount of insuronce hereunder olter sucn Ifra-i"g, igt;"ifi.ir"d to, heirs, distribu- ocquisition, exclusive of costs, ottorneys' tees, jevisees, survivors, personol repre- fees ond exPens€s .which the C:lP""t sentotives, next of kin or corPorote or moy become obligoted to Poy' sholl not fiduciorv successors thot the Compony exceed lhe leost ot: ;;'il i;'h;;-ogoinit rhe succeisor's {il the omount of insuronce stoied in tronsferor). ond further includes (ii) ony Schedule A; louern."ntol ogency or inslrumentolily , {ii} the omount of the unpoid principol i'rhi.h is on insurer or guorontor under on of the indebtedness os defined in Poro- insuronce controct or guoronty insuring groph 8 hereof, plus interest thereon, ex' or guoronieeing soid indebredness, orony penses of {oreclosure ond omounts ocl- ooii thereof, iheth", nomed os on in. vonced to protect the lien of the insured l-"a n"-in or. not, ond {iii} the porties mortgoge ond secured by soid insured designoted in porogroph 2{o) of rhese mortgoge oi the time of ocquisition ot such Co.,iitions ond Stipulotions. esfoie or interest in lhe lond; or (b) "insured cloimonl": on insured (iii) the omounl Poid by ony govern- cloiming loss or domoge hereunder. meniol ogency or insfrumentolity,.it such (c) "knowledge": octuol knowledge, nof ogency or insirumentolity rs -fhe .rnsureo constru.tir" kn6wledge or noiice which cloimont, in lhe ocquisition _of such estoie moy be impuled to o-n insured by reoson or inlerest in sotisfociion of ifs insuronce of ony public records. conlroct or guoronty. (d) "lond"' lhe lond described, spe' (bl CONTINUATION OF ]NSURANCE cificolly or by reference in thedule A, AFTEn CONVEYANGE OF TITLE ond improvements offixed therelo which The coveroge of this policy sholl con- by low conslitule reol property; provided, tinue in force os of Dote of Policy in fovor however, ihe term "lond" does nof include of on insured so long os such insured ony property beyond the lines of the oreo refoins on estote or inierest in the lond, spicificolly-described or referred to in or holds on indebtedness secured by o Schedule A, nor ony right, title, inierest, purchose money mortgoge given by o estote or eosement in obutting streets, purchoser from such insured, or so long os roods, ovenues, olleys, lones, woys or such insured sholl hove liobility by reoson woterwoys, but nolhing herein sholl mod- of covenonts of worronty mode by such ify or limit lhe extent io which o right of insured in ony tronsfer or conveyonce of occess to ond from the lond is insured by such estote or intereslt provided, however, lhis policy. (e) "mortgoge": mortgoge, deed of trusi, lrust deed, or other security in- strumenl. this policy sholl nor continue in force in fovor of ony purchoser from such insured of either soid estota or inlerest or the in' debtedness secured by o purchose money on insured in on oction to enforce o con' lroct for o sole of lhe indebtedness se' cured by the insured mortgoge, or o sole of lhe estote or;nterest in soid lond, to the exteni lhot such liligotion is founded upon on olleged defecl, lien, encum' bronce, or other motfer insured ogoinst by this policy. (bl The insured sholl nofify the Com- pony promptly in writing (i) in cose ony oction or proceeding is begun or defense or restroining order or iniunction is inler- posed os set forth in lo) obove, liil in cose knowledge sholl come to on insured hereunder of ony cloim of title or interest which is odverse to the title to lhe estote or interesl or the lien of lhe insured mort- goge, os insured, ond which mighl couse loss or domoge for which lhe Compony moy be lioble by virtue of this policy. or {iii} if tirle io the estote or inferest or the lien of the insured mortgoge, os insured, is reiecfed os unmorkefoble. lf such prompt nolice sholl not be given to the Compony, lhen os fo such insured oll liobility of the Compony sholl ceose ond ierminote in regord lo the motler or motters for which such promPt nolice is required; provided, however, thot foilure to notify sholl in no cose Preiudice the rights of ony such insured under this policy unless the Compony sholl be prei' udiced by such foilure ond then only to the exlent of such preiudice. (cl The Compony sholl hove the right ol its own cost to institute ond without undue deloy prosecute ony oclion or Pro- ceeding or to do ony other oct which in its opinion moy be necessory or desiroble to estoblish fhe tille io lhe estole or inter- est or the lien of the insured mortgoge, os insured, ond the Compony moy toke ony oppropriote oction under the terms of this poiicy, whether or nof il sholl be lioble ihereunder, ond sholl noi thereby concede liobiliry or woive ony provision of this policy.' (dl Whenever the Compony sholl hove brought ony oction or inlerposed- o de- fensJ os required or permitted by the provisions of this policy, the Compony moy pursue ony such litigotion to finol determinolion by o court of competent (f) "public records", those records mortgoge given to such insured. which by low import constructive notice 3. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTTON OF of motlers reloting to soid lond. AC1ONS - NOTICE OF CLA3M TO BE 2. (ol CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE GIVEN BY AN INSURED CIAIMANT AFIER ACOUISITION OF TITIE lo) The Compony, ot its own cost ond This policy sholl continue in force os of wilhoui undue deloy, sholl provide for Dote of Policy in fovor of on insured who the defense of on insured in oll litigotion ocquires oll or ony port of the estote or consisting of octions or proceedings com- ilterest in the lond described in Schedule menced ogoinst such insured, or defenses, Abyforec|osure,'rUstee.sso|e,convey.restroiningordersoriniUnctionsinter. on.u in li., ol foreclosure, ot oih"r l"96l posed oglinst o foreclosurt of the insured juriediction and.. expressly res€rves the monner which dischorg:s the lien of ihe morrgog-e or o defense interposed ogoinsl right, in its sole discretion, to appeal from (Conditions ond Siipulotions Continued ond Concluded on Lost Pogc of ihis Policyl . ony odverse iJ;;;;;;';. "- "" wr^'rr,r\J '|!()''..',ets(' q"q \'oncree'd From Rcr'^sidr o{ poricy Focrt .-,"i,,-r ,: -{!r.rn orr..o""-.',^,h"," ,h;,r;;i.y O , j"t:li.?ff.:*?fi:[:::i?fl;;;Jd :!*niiilil.i1t"fiimits or requites ihe Compony to prosecuL (b) The Compony wilt poy, in oddirion wr,"""".. li."' .1-'*:.. _r. oclion or proceeding, ond oll opoeols ond expenses in.lifigolion corried.on by indebtedness tJ.u*JLv the insuica morrllherein, ond permit the Compony to use, such insured with the writlen oufhorizo. Sogg .m9y r"l"ot" o1' .lrbJt,r.;; ;;" ';;: ot iis opfion, lhe nome of such insured tion of lhe Cgmpony. , sonol.liobility of ony oebror or guorontor.for s_uch purpose. Whenever requesled by (cl. When liobility hos .been definitely or extend oi otherliise rnoaifv-rf," t"iii lthe Compony, such insured sholl give fhe fixed in occordonce wifh the conditions.of of poymenf, or releose " porrion oi'rh|Compony oll reosonoble oid in ony such this policy, the loss or domoge sholl be eslote or inlerest trom rt" ji.n oi ti"ii]oction or proceeding, in effecring settle- poyoble within 30 doys lhereofter. sured mo_rfgoge, or releose ony colloterolment, securing evidence, ob.toining wit- z_ MlrartoN oF UABILITY security for the indebtedness, pro,rideJnesses, or prosecurins .' ,".?:?:;13 J:t; 7' LlM-lrATtoN oF tlAsltlrY ociion or proceeding, ond the Coirpony To :l9i- sholl orise or be mointoinol ' such oct occurs orior to re€eiPt by thc sholl reimburse such insured for onv ex.. unoer rnrs policy (ol if rhe compony, of?l? :::-* :l nolice. of.,ony cloim'of ti;le ;; pense so ncurred __: :":"" i:ulu::*il,[m.:;l,1fi:i*:; il:ffi*iilj["#:xt',TJ^i:ii:i;4. NoTlcE oF toss - LIMITATION oF hereunder, by lirigorion or orherwise, ;;-.;;-i;; ;i;Y;il of lhe tien of rhcACIION removes such defect, lien or encumbror In oddirion ro rhe norices- req.uired :j-.::]iblih", the iirle, o, rl'" ti.n or r'ht! [tr:::'.H',Ht"t""J J$ff#r,:t"iii!^{aunder porogroph 3{b) of these Conditions insured mortgoge, os insured, within ,o ond rehedies -t ich ir.n insured cloimon,ond Stipulotions, o stolement in wriling reosonoble time ofter receipt of su.ch would hove h"; -;;;;"", ony person orof ony. loss ,or domoge for which it ii notice;. (bl in lhe event of liiigotion ur', " property In respe.t to such cloim hod thiscloimed, th.e Compony is lioble under this there hos been o f inol deferminolion by policy not u""i irrr"j, ond if requestedpolicy sholl be furnished to the Compony :,-:?Y1, 9f comPetent iurisdiclion. ond by rhe Compony, 1r-J inrrrua cloimontwilhin 90 doys ofter such loss or domoge :,::ft:t1.1 of oll oppeols therefrom, od- sholl rrons{er ro"rhe -iompony oll rights :?".jl,i:,x':nlii:.:fl:g ffi',"".fJ".rl:fl il"Ji:d'.llieixi:;'i:,,'ii", fid "lii :li TH:ff::'';:.[?'i*fu%':::;ont..until 30. doys _ofter such -sforemenr ::,::::.ql':ph 3 hereof; or lc) for liobility ngi'r of subrJgotion ona ,noit p"r.iiit"sholl hove been furnished. Foilure ro voJuniorily ossumed by on insured in C6mpony to ,i" i61 no-u ot such insuredfurnish such stot€ment of loss or domoge settling ony cloim or suit without prior cloimont'in ony tronioion or litigotionsholl terminote ony liobility of the Coi- written conseni of the Compony. involving such'righl.;, remedies. lf ,he ?:1y :nd"|. this policy os lo such loss or 8. REOUCI;9N OF UABfgTy poymeni does no-t cover the lo.t "l ,rlhoomoge' (o) All poyments under this policy, ex- insured cloimont,. the .Compony sholl be '' SJJrAtf"pAy oR orHERwrsE f::J TJr"l:o#:;t",;:i"';":l'.:"",n i'r'":i,x;:::x1fi.t','.hT#1T;:'.',: The compony shor hove rhe oprion fo ;,T#:t^:l the insuronce pro tdtrto: pro' ;:ff;i?:?lilii't,jlliii"11,'.'fl.'if;poy or otherwise settle for :Ht#:Ti:.,'"",fi::1".:i;1i:tJ#j:i m:im;:i;l*,il"jt5 :,? ,l:**;ffi?:i',"i.i:i;inmt :!te_l; ;; ';; c;;;.;lj!tJ{+ii! ffi"s,.t 1;:l---";,s;;;gj,j;r;yi ;':,T,:"l,,'ff: S*;:;li ff',n:?',",::;::11:,:l flj"#! j#:"1'.', "l Jh" in-,,.o",i.]"""rro.aed hereunder "*."0, r',i it'"tt't.'"q,;,'J-to-poy onty tnor ioii all;t-;l yrln :-;; il::1"1*'*Pi!1 ff*:,*:*g,:nillJi#'ff $';il',i,'i;'i^':'"'J"in"'n"Tlll#:?:flond expenses incurred uo l"_tL"_]lL",d ;;;-;;;,; morrgoge. )Y tosr ro rhe Compony .ty ,eoson of rhe ;;:n,*:1ff?i.l;jit"jd"l,ffI11l Pr '"dil"i; in.run by ony person o, llpq':ryr elhe,iehr-o{ s,.,b,oeorion. *i:liiri, ,ri::i.{.,i:""qii:il r.uu'i;l!-:;:'r.i'"1"*::l;i,,'r ]ldi,!l'{t'il1'"?."?"lr:'fr'':.-;i;a;;p;;;;#iinii"?n."1-",1"',"j1i,"."; 1". Xy,;j,'#^.?ei.^v ",."pi'. p'.iii"a :,',:'."#:"'r'":;: Tf1i.g;ff:ll 'lTI;to purchose such indebte< omount owins ii"';,.n:':fii*,3,"|il ""lol"''l-;.1:'"?:';"r;' jji,i.tlT,',":["Jl ilixi jijll,Jq:,#:H:] between the in' costs' ottornevs' fees ond *e.."^T::Il':! ;;;.;;"i;';r, creored subsequenr to ooi'J anv cloim oi-rol-oi do-og", wherher ["r tor|"i#'.t.';;"oj;n'";;f'-n:1":19-'l-l .i]iiiv,'!"*pr os ro omounls od,,,on."i or. noi bosed .on neslisence, -ond which ioii ina"ulain-"fi;H:r;'^i:.1'^'i'::: to proreci rhe rien or tn" ini,'"i ;;i;;;; :j::::,"i^"jlt-'r:1,1 or the lien or the ::'lu'olsuch indebtednert:ltrYii:"";Jfl? ""9^t"::'.* rherebv' . ' insured morteose or of rhe title to the ond ossisn ,oia inaebtedn.sl :ll ll: o,)i.1"'nril;i'o:i:J ,l: "frT;#J'l"$ :'.',",i: :!,'Jiil;',lil'1fu1j,":"f.l,L'll ff;:n"tT l# ::::'Jii'lll^l""ilg-lT I";;:;'.""r unress rhe poricy be rost Jl stricted to rhe "provil;ons ond condtio;s rnereror os herein providedpon Poyment desrroycd. in which -.or"'proo? of loss o, ond stipulotions o{ this policy.. destruction sholl be furnisiea '6" *tiil No omendment of or endorsement to6' DETERMTNATT.N AND 'A'MENT to.rion ol tn" Co-pony.- -- :if;j:td::.i""11*j::frj,:t:;il: ..,!"),1|:" riobiri,v.or rhe compony under t ,t'f,t"'ll::,Io};y'lYtillrhe,estore ,t#"il?:,ff,t;'"''X:lll,;.I'!:.:;';i,"T; l!"t rltl'tt sholl i'n no cose exceed the or interest in solisfoction of rhe indJred- volidoring of{icer or outhorized signorory iir ri'" o6uor ross or rhe insured croim. :il ;::l':fl":J.;::,'i:":'$::1',: ,r;;: iilti$,?Frl"[HERE sENront, or ,,u g*iT;,I .j,,:;,::?:i:,_"d.jl ili'Jii,i;::fJl"# 'i"fi.'J;'Tr'X0""; c"l'l"ll,:^:':i;,.:,oe,jl"* ,:''ff,,11; mits or requites ihe compony to prosecule (b) The Compony will poy, in oddirion . wt".Lr", ii" cil*;t;;rlior provide for the defense of ony oction to ony loss insured ogoinst by this.polic.y, tr"a "-.ili- ,.-dr;;ili. policy..s -or proceeding, the insured hereunder sholl oll costs imposed upon on insured in li't- trbrogotion "ii"ii' ""i, in *r.secure lo the Compony the iight 1o so igotion corried on.by the Compony_for unoffe-cred bt;il-;;";f";#jfr:Iprosecute or provide defense in such such insured. ond oll costs, ottorneys' fees clo.imont, "r.'"pi i'not--it "-'J;-., t"ilt :"f ::|,:f,l!" indebtedness se- or lien on the estoie ", ;;;;;;;; ;;;i#i ii:}il:l i'R';ijU"i 'i'fi'iiii#'lii iExEi- ;_;I-:.i''.:11:*d mortgog€ o-s or referred ro in schcdule A, ond rhe utE A t3 IHE ENTtnE cHAtcE FOnfl:::11,:t ,^10",,-p"r.g7Jpn 8 omounr so poid shol be deemed o poy- schedute r, o,. ii-o-pp-ri.;tj;,",;" ;;:,#;;: ."";;";;_:;;;7",:ot,.:ly :""ilf:!t;^a'""iy,"::i:T:il: ,:.H';:l; . : omounl of insuronce os aeiinea in poii.y inr"ring o mortgoge hereo{ter ex- shall be addressed to it at its home office:,, porogroph 2(ol herr,!:,, tiiit ttra nrh^,,^| -.r..- ,"-:li,lt , ecr.ted by on insured which is o chorge P.O. Box 0l-5002, Miami, Florida 33101. porqorooh 6 omounf so poid sholl be deemed o poy- TlTl-E SEARCH, ExAl lNATloN ANDot the lime the losior'dom- nrent under rhis poiicy. TITLE INSUnANCE. alrtcrricarf tle insunancc! IJ-pany Vail-Eagle Title Cornpanf SCHEDULE A- lPo Dote of Policy, November 16, 1984 Code No.' at 11: 46 A.M Amount of Insuronce: $ 162,000.00 Order No.'E-84-451 Premium $30 ' 00 I . Nome of Insured, VAIL NATIONAL BANK 2. The estote or interest in the lond described in this Schedule ond which is encumbered by ihe insured mori' goge is: FEE SIMPLE 3. The estote or interest referred to herein is ot Dote of Policy vested inr F. J. ECK r (no status shown) 4. The mortgoge, herein referred to os the insured mortgoge, ond the ossignments thereof, if ony, ore described, os follows, A Deed of Trust given by Frederick J. Eck to The Public Trustee oi Eagle Count! t for the benefit of Vail Natlonal Bank in the amount of $162,000.00 , dated Novembet 15, 1984 recorded November 16, 1984 as Reception No' 296171' 5. The lond referred to in this policy is in the Stote of Colorado , Couniy of Eagle ond is described, os follows' Lot l, VAIL VILLAGE, NINTI{ FILING, ACCORDING TO TITE RECORDED PLAT TIIEREOF, Countersigned ond Volidoied r'A11 Byt//'l,UIllf.b-U&LaAn-- ALTA r-oon poricy .re7o (Amended 'to/vnol AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE wirh Street lrhprovement Alse.sment CoverqEe FORMT397A-10-76 roricy No.,CM 00125 SCHEDUIE BI 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.: 7. 6. ALTA loon wirh stfeet alrtericarJtle insuranc;c! fD*pany Vail-Eagle Title CouPanY Ftle/order No. E-84-451 lPo POLTCY N0. CM 00125 This policy does not insure ogoinst loss or domoge by reoson of the following: Taxes for the year 1984, a lien, not yeE due and payable' Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments and unredeemed tax sales' Any tax or assessment for \tater or sewer service or by reason of inclusion of subject property in any special assessment distrlct' Right of ProPrietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore therefrom should the same be found to penetraEe or lntersect the premisesl rlght of way for ditches and canals "" "orr"trr.1"te<1 by the authorlty of the United States as reserved ln the Patent to all the land covered herein' Terms, condltions and restrictions as stat.ed ln Protective covenants of vail Villale, Nlnrh Fillng as recorded January 9, I97O in Book 216 at Page 762 as Reception No. 112311. Easements and restrictions as shown on the Plat for vail Village, Ninth Filing as recorded January 9, LgTo in Book 2L6 ax Page 763 as Receptlon No' ll-2312' Utility easemeots for Lot l, Vail Village, Ninth Filing as shown on the Plat as recorded January g, :Igl o' in Book 2L5 ax Page 763 as Reception No. 112312' Policv | 970 lAmended lO/17/7Ol lmorovement Assessmenf Coveroge FORM T.397 B-l - 1o.76 atrrclrican litle insunance q1rnPany vaiL-nagl-e fftf" Cotp-rty ,".'t SCHEDULE Bll f 'lpo Order No. E-84-45I J'l POLTCY N0. cl4 00125 In oddition fo the molters set forth in Port lof described or referred to in Schedule A is subiect insures thot such molters ore subordinote fo lhe interest: NONE this Schedule, the title to fhe estote or interest in the lond to the following motters, if ony be shown' but lhe Compony lien or chorge of the insured morlgoge upon soid estote or ALTA toon Policy t970 iAmcnded lO/17/7Ol With Strcet lmPtovement A33cstmcnl Cov€toge FORM T-397 B-ll - 10'76 arTlel.lca ont itle insurance company Vail Eagle Tit1e Company 0rder No. E-84-451 1Po Attached to and forming a part of Policy No. FEE: $20 . 00 AMEzuCAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, hereinafter referred to as the Company The Company hereby insures against loss which said insured shall sustain by reason of any of the following matters: l. Any incorrectness in the.assurance which the Company hereby gives: (a) That there are no covenants, conditions, or restrictions under which the lien of the mortgage or deed of trust referred to in Schedule A can be cut off, subordinated, or otherwise impaired; (b) That, except as shown in Schedule B, there are no present violations on said land of any enforceable covenants, conditions, or restrictionsl (c) That, except as shown in Schedule B, there are no encroachments oibuildings, structures, or improvements located on said land, onto adjoining lands, nor any encroachments onto said land of buildings, structures, or improvements located on adjoining lands. 2.-Any future violations on said land of any covenants, conditions, or restrictions occurring prior to acquisition of title to said estate or interest by the insured, provided such violations result in loss or impairment of the lien of the mortgage or deed of trust referred to in Schedule A or result in loss of the title to said estate or interest if the insured shall acquire such title in satisfaction of the indebtedness secured by such mortgage or deed of trust. 3. Damage to existing improvements which are located or encroach upon that portion of the land subject to any easement shown in Schedule B, which damage results from the exercise of the right to use or maintain such easement for the purposes for which the siune was granted or reserved. 4. Any final court order or judgnent requiring removal from any land adjoining said land of any encroachment shown in Schedule B. Whenever in this endorsement any or all of the words "covenants, conditions or restrictions" appear, they shall not be deemed to refer to or include the terms, covenants and conditions contained in any lease referred to in Schedule A. The total liability of the Company under said policy and any endorsements thereof shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the face amount of said policy and costs which the Company is obligated under the conditions and stipulations thereof to pay. This endorsement is made a part of said policy as of the date thereof and is subject to the schedules, conditions and stipulations therein, except as modified by the provisions hereof. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as extending or changing the effective date of said policy, unless otherwise expressly slated. This Endorsement shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorized signature as designated below. Signed and sealed this 16th day of November . 1984 at 11:45 A.M. arnerican title insurance cornPan; Miami, Florida ENDORSEMENT cM 00125 of Countersigned: \'nn - By.L!.[!.\I.IMA ATTEST: 3 VVWr,s,^--CJaX P4+f-- coLoRAoo FoRM r0o (5/l/7s) T.508 Aurhorized Sigratory Secrctrry oc!cameFican title insuranc ompany Vail-Eagle Title Coupany Order No. E-84-451 lPo ENDORSEMENT The Company hereby insures 4 the owner of the indebtedness secured by the mortgage or deed of trust referred to in paragraph/of Schedule A against loss which said Insured shall sustain as a result of any exercise of the right of use or maintenance of the easement referred to in paragraph 4 of Schedule B bver or through said land. The total liability ofthe Company under said policy and any endorsements therein shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the face amount of said potcy and costs which the Company is obligated under the stipulations thereof to pay. This endorsement is made a part of said policy and except as modified by the provisions hereof. Dated: Novenber 16, 1984at 1l:46 A.M. Policy No. CU 00125 is subject to the schedules and stipulations therein, FEE:$25.00 ..-.;'i;;;;., , ,-'r+:#;;;'.'..1r", ,-.:-' 193E .. i-',iiisuari.rji,iifr.q.r.rriiY "'...,1..--=' Countersigned: AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY president -/YUJ,il^^--T. a-Lh/h/ seoetary Authorized ReDresentative r03.1 FORM T3O8-A (E/78) VAI],-EAGLE TITLE COMPANY Order No. E-84-451 1po Miami, Florida ENDORSEMENT of ooarrteFican title insunancc! colTlJtany FEE: $46 . 05 Endorsement No. E' 2 257 48 Attached to and forming a part of Policy No. CM 00125 AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, hereinafter referred to as the company. The Company hereby insures against loss which the insured shall sustain by reason of damage to existing improvements, including lawns, shrubbery or trees, resulting from the exercise of any right to use the surface of said land for the extraction or development of the minerals excepted from the description of said land or shown as a reservation in Schedule B. The total liability of the Company under said policy and any endorsements thereto shall not exceed, in the aggregate, the faie amount of iaid policy and costs which the Company is obligated under the conditions and stipulations thereof to pay. This endorsement is made a part of said policy and is subject to the schedules, conditions and stipulations therein, except as modified by the provisions hereof. Nothing herein contained shall be construed as extending or changing the effective date of said policy, unless otherwise expressly stated. This Endorsement shall not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorized signature as designated below. Siened and sealed this 16th daY of November Countersigned: Authorized Signatory coLoRAoo FoRi./l too.29 (5ltl75l T.5O9 (1/78t ,1985 at 11:46 A.M AMERICAN TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY President Attest fuu"*^- r. Ail.r^"/ secretov l.lzflA r.EtFECA&t-l Jt\-p 8 o--= \l n4rd l"vrr-tc,ot-, 5r'Mlr.i caL. 14:t) u ?Es q&lpr+otJEr qKOW @- 0l -t,-., t"tl'1,1- ra/,,i 4 t2r-- Frri evusot '70-- 1j "rl4t**tvk tn'ob w -d ql $l-=l ill $i _- ew. Lllts*rY", *trturuAJ I4 qbEsAL arlarui qfl,,fl/ _El#){il,{l \\ ltr'o toi * t,utvuJrvryv'InF_ I *s gU rd d $vI3r I I $$ l'a b,.t o$t -Kl 5l$l+rl FI -1 \ t I I IJ \$ \r ['r q) .: {ofi \LT s \ ----l TI\tl\' H' N O - l'-I \o oB E u\l L $$f $$ FO s$ HIv\:r I \\J \! \ N ,{\s x \ { {o tn R Rj >+, a,o It(, r-c(, > O? +rE LTFgA€EE G' c|GrF |F G5t |^ 'CLE-.,E'-3.>. 3t8855> o c| Gl+, o9r5 LI €oo 5.t.P O!o?13-EE'Eo g.B35r58'F EI'C''F To t >+rl, o(J (, .|-.|' L ' (,+'ooa, t.a+|t|.J>.,t E'3: EEE r C cl >9.1,E9!l-.bo., !' .ct (, u a -.1, >.| Fr O >+r'.l yt > L '.9r Ot$rrJ oE .,|o !a9ralF >+' F+'Og.FGG.! -al-..9! I lu t:lz tll cg $; LuJ()g () trJ -zooto (t)oz q o trJ G ".&i E. o o.c ! | r, o0.ge5"l.gE58 5.J lt >O.J lr il- | l! r.r (, xtu o !, do .5 l;!*iF3' Ei:r+.trO|..trt e, r, '{ 1, {,_? O.rlOE€o. ook r.9 io O o Fl"c Or{ O E t!!, E .'{ o > u 'IM d-:HE"UE,!'T .gsl;Fl" O lr.t (' C r, +{ Ir (\,gl-t-O 9 !, gC. CEO@x..:!E36gd ESg>cn{ u Q, > r! o 5 !, +.1q9A xooo.! od600i89*"6H.e3. Tt,E',ze'o.E.oi-5". h€:S.rr{ qro |JF{ c4 r,3,=g€gh"S '5*S;E-g5"lr** *i5.Iiis;El$$: ::+-s 3 " q B trf 6f H gg b< s fl9 or,, [, o 3 E:OC3r.TOHO (!h o.liO i Fi FltIi ! :E;E!, O O'.r .!n{ 'rE aO .uju;l;xEiHE;f,HE --out1,'oo c oo;E-i-gg€d3 6'!'io H g!;i8.efli !gta e E " u 3-g ": " : gd FF!;E;;ii; EE;5l!,r6!""5 8",q).d!Oll .rO(n.' - ir!trC r, a! O+{.r q| ., t. - C,SorEo6"tFEo oo"=..€. q.E>,EdU -o.$E ! s X.r{ ., Fl 'c t) o ,.fl;flE;EEr; gE?,; :Fiiotg.t o." Qx'"gEE3g g5:cr{ O r, . C C, o c rc 6 E.t SEEg$fleE: f sctr;;;"si;erF I?,iP f,$F'EE;Er sgsi3i:;eibJS 3€gE*E5gf EfgH €93* oo ONoo b";DOtt ll <J oe rlt oos l o -(o to oo)6 - ....: *i i.r.. rco') .; o(, &, !tco 'ctotxIEIE ROAD '99 :i.j ?-. t RED SANDSTONE t.) trj 1.. =g }.:j -.o rih 'f a / o o I ffi*;"""?'") A'hi".# t : oNg la) t h ta (lo |.) N I o I,, otl tl!- ||{ T t-llro t E E - st I I ,t, o iI I T .ljtj I B tl B I :l I UJF () \t-€tr,(, 6t- ooJ Fzlrl d oGo- = oo tr E3J()tt' rFFZ*25 b.=8 fUu{ 1d-'t< l ='. I =JJ Issl r. l FI II q I $ rIH ;gu Br Ee$ [ifi oz ts =t UJ o- o f)cf) (c (c t! =6 =e6 U' uJ LUt! F =E UJ o- L61P,S Cna|* *.t Fl F.lcq cqot ol ''1.iJll Sk' gE ilrl l1rvrQt1.cl\I HF fr= dEe= 4.= 95 '+i d: fis (n u,l z z = .at oz z Ft/) >< LJ.l "r- LIJz;o uJ? F z rF\l- seo' ..1otFl o-l =l el 5l o o () -g4(! =,a E 3o F o AT()' $ ; o. o G o oo Ct) ! o E o cl oo o o.o. ct 3o E -a- o co:: (6.Y, BFE: .*; gE E.= (! -EZ.E6E6E:Ec-o> ef =E = gi; c9GE.l oE or35t: EEE; :€ 8E SqeF E!eeo- (! c|--sE; s oiE-ols*:€ E6: iEE E H E;Eg -o.!o-- c l6 0'-.=r: o (,, E't; f ; E:= if;;;PE o -e5g* - o a5: (o (f) <r (c (r': oO oo o |r) l\(\l : IJJ z J o - u.J z Jc F uJ uJ z (o = d J = t!t UJ BJ zo uJ |lJ ; UJ z 6 uJ F attoo-ut c?z uJJo x F IJJ (n UJ uJII E =E, uJo J Fot- z J J oe F llJJ uJ 2 =) J 9z I() UJ = FcF F =*** NOtrvnlvA lct:Haln lJ 14, d T= "{elc HF:D= cPltl =IFtA= =cCD(/ cDz1 ur+> 1s4u6ZlcqF =FH<Itr CD Lra-1" YEo =t!ozI g E()o UJ J Itlzru =>E _lir) =lt6i =(oGl zz9o iE =tn <55dozlr<oq ^-O-oi-o -. (\i z9 F J {rl E ..i o- oE gJ ro r.o a IJJ z E zo F qJ F =gJz F2tr2Oo <oo<OJ:fi>.Ex'r6o<2 (tF<F9z fio}EOI UJ f o UJzYI F z F 5 .tz a3 F IIJ 3 l-.r I<l -l zl zl .. >l uJ uJrllzoF uJ J zo E ( \ = ,l -l o2 F(D FtlI larlEl: t'''Ir*kl>ogTF! (?) I 5f) @(\ Oo F otr{ uJF o A/1 I/-'4 /'Y IJJ troooazo Fo. Ll,lY ul ct oF tr Elu o- ILo coo uJFoz trDD ts llj l! :!{EZE<ol6A E9.Eraa9'Etr =>.=uJ:-E !:= o Ji-: >o-^I Ou-E oo9 iurE XO-E X>€=Fc*io=I'E u, dt F z. oP =ec)o =z>=d9 =fi* =Hg E =Et!o-zIFo E 6zoo ao Oct(o I C\I(7) I Iol -rl F{l I I ctl =.1 l!l.rl JI <l>l bl zl 3lotFI itol zl =lotH >l FI =lr!lo-l <l"l =l-l col Eq tLt z uj J o z3 ol z.l HI JI <t>l t!lol zl 3lolFI (J F t!Jt! o) I I I I el 4olull 1l al>l ttlol Pl E irJ (' =lt-oJ =oz. = IJ =z dlo-) r()(O (f, N ItO i (o 6 (,z cl ==J EoF C) t Fzoo .Yir P b= O -.r O<FG()rlJ <ztIIJ F(rz-o() r=tl'tT-'lr*|.)tr_J r!"1 Y .lf 4 e |r Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Coniact Person and Prolect Appllcation €=>< \-t--r--: Lu>-D>o uJ Owner, Address and Phone: i r -\ /- a-.t-,/- z.-\.--r\-t --+L- - )(. __ v-)\ r ) Archiiect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: tot | , Block riring 9 ,zone- Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPBOVAL Summary: Town Planner X rou Approval 1-- @YecO Ft-'/Yeoo Aettr? - F$IAL d'FIFE tul,*Ilal .JENT (,lJI UW'J ' .t., I I+.l- - la'ru frar- rt*irf n:*nar 'H:',#.-" ?e,r\ *.jtl|rq twr@ fw'r-r | 7oL6 I a.a+o I LdlQ lttA-W I talb ltL+b | 7+b':w .lvtelz: t)?irl ",""xr#r4tr. (Jl,rrui'ny l,'f. i ' " t00 . a-, .-o ,Hd A2144t2. 4=E-=Fi=======^=t3=bE -#'-J7,r-=-r-F lgeBSE (ll '",., S' F_ !! l_,,.r | , ^ F_ r- c)O a =l ':i <-t:. L! -l :-: - r >- r.a-,.r > El .- i... d) ?. ==frl zE.-,-Z, <, el c) l,i :'i ,. =E tl H; ai; z.< -6 Eo o (Do {5 tt OJ rt oa {iiqts1lqqryffilnl'|r.{tQ''lt1qllrryrqt7:' ?'4' rf?/ ro ro INSPECTION REOUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: TOWN. OF VAIL JOB NAME tb THUR FRI CALLER /) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLU[IBING: E I /\o tr tr tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr E tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFBAMING ROOF & SHEEB GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D oArunl tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: DATE G- s-91 INSPECT ,i.t.t-i PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 4 'r'ro -?-1 JOB NAME INSPECTIONTOWN OF VAIL n REQUEST E Lq\ -€>n\, READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER /,-a -'::.,\ MON 'TUES\,THUR FRI _---{"y PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr D tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL d rrruRl 7-1:,//^''''FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: B HEATING N ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o r/runl tr FINAL '.' /t \PPROVED BRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED INSPECT I t ,liil'j.i :t1.. i'Tr'--4-"'' l',' i 'rr r, '.r I\,.i;-.-.-ttt--i i' l . ,,-).$pi-:.i:';'.,e r ii. I Prolect Appllcallon proiecrDescrip*on ?A-N,ST /{l;l,'q-: Cr:v''? (-;'IlAl frG lc t\](r -'*ar7, proiecrName: F,-d. 4c k ?gs .D€; ,l.-ra Contact PeBon and Phone (\q-6- !zr Owner. Addross and Phon€: Architoct. Address and Phone: Legaf Description: t-ot \ , Brock - riring Q { LL , zona - commonrs: \t- lA .o: C'crtc:fd ] 'i)q i t-- i:.; r'eH d ':-r - 3q Tt7.-t ;1';Cof) -j:r=S- Motion by: Deslgn Revlew Board Dale DISAPPROVAL lnun department of community development 24 JlLy L978 ' -"ltt[" vril, colorado 81657(sr3l 47S5613 Terence J. QuinnAttorney at Law P.O. Box 771 Eagle, Colorado 8L63I Dear Terry: In answer to be advised that a lfazaxd Zoae. DST/gew your letter dated July L4, L978 please f,irt f , Vail Village 9th Filing is not ln [tl S. Toughill Administrator TERENCE J. QUINN ATTORNEY AT LAW July 14, L978 yours, TJQ: J Jp xc: Bette Renz ?. Q. Box 771 Eagls Colorado 81631 Telephoner 303-328 71 16 Dianaroushill - ; I0/1Departmenf of Planning and Development | 1lJ JrlTo\dn of vail .,.1\,1/' IBox 100 ^ ' l/\ Ilvail, colorado 8165? J _t t VL4^'rRE: Booth - Vail Property 0 Dear Diana: As per out telephone conversation today, I would like a con- firmation fron the Town of VaiI that this property is not in a zone of fl"ood, mudslide or avalanche hazard. z Eo2t!--- FY6I tll-o o !J !J z llJo1z s F ul o Jtt lll J E J F Fz ur Eulo u,l ! .E =tr=H o z -o Jf o lrG' =,-et- I zvc c FQ ttt! o uJ uttl Y ut z ) c aculc zo F clo z F u,lFJ =Itz F z oul UJ o !J l!uJ ctz F an !i =o o uJ lt- 6 l,rJ o- at, IIJJY2 c IJJ tr J s uJ E E o Ftt o Jo t!o FIt o at IJJ cc Ftttt z =z (92 J .i z z o o l!o !Jq NOtIVnlVn Y!to3 zz F tt IJJF o z tr Y o Fo = 't2_ sl;- 4,; z 9 -rfEOF!C.40t>xo:z6f o-()>o -.i t oPermitNo. I .r 1079 hmVAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL T HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP:Wator GENERAL CONTRACTOR Lrc. No. Lrc. No. Meler Size NUMBER oF uNrrs . / (x$6oo.oo)=Amount Bldg. Oept. -whito; -Waterand Sanitstion - Gr€€n; - PublicWorks -Canary: - Contractor- Pink;- Accounting- Goldenrod f\, 0'{ z1/\t 'Nv $.VA, o N , o ()-9-- -fV0 4_ tp lv\ + 0a I r-)\ $ !O'!( 2 K)o u E ,v .lt € +7 -r\' f-. ov. I a,\t-- I IT-.,iX I lu, Ic. I lrr 3- riTo - -/\ ftq I 1'ry,, wi, 41,ln9-- I,M*l "pY I '-19l -Jtl slpl I--r- JOB NAME rrustcnoN REouEST TOWN OF VAIL w6e..- , MON CALLER TUESrl-WED THUR FRI PMAM 1 I t t' tr AppRovED tr DtsAppRovED (nerNspecrtoN REQUIBED/\ f\CORRECTIONS: i7) /'-t t.t.-,' JN: it':trtt'v Mt:'"':p / t r:t i;'s\''q'S' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING D POOL / H. TUB 'll/tO ( ,,r A/,tt EL tr tr tr tr ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL {i , ,. 1 :,\ ..:.-l. r*. -/"-J'DATE INSPECTOR f'i" rNseecrGru FtEouEsr ) TOWN OF VAI& JoB NAME ii U I ek Ae$tDATE TIME REcETVED- AM PM cALLER- n ornen I pnnrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED AM PM 'E eppRovED I orsnpPRovED ! n e rNsPEcr E upor.r rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS ' .,-'/ 1 .,' , " ,. --> I NSPECTOR lh. prr.t tt varl rNsp,eclGru FIEOUEsiT VAIL :' '1. Qr'? lrnl.r' (DATE i.:,-'I JOB NAME i TIME RE 1vg9 i , '', /-' taM)prvr cALLER n orxen MON COMMENTS: D plnrrnr READY FOR INSPECTION FRITUEWED,.THUR ]AM PM El-*pp RovE D ! orsnpPRovED fl aerNsPEcr E]-ueorrr rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTToNS: coRREcrf oN s i /"r;t ,,j -:., , ,. --,-' .... - ' .-,r..' ;r. -.-_- -,*- sr -.+=a_ INSPECTOR |h.P,|nLrtrva DATE f,INSPECTGru FTEEUEBT JOB NAME CALLEF E paRtta"l LOCATION ? ,^, /Dr;J* APPROVED E uporu rxe tr DTSAPPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E nerNSPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR . DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n orHen INSEEC]Gru FTEOUEST TOWN OF VAIL Ll panrral LocATroN R EADY FOR INSPECTION JOB NAME MON TUE WED THUR FRI COMM E N TS: AM PM .::--:' n appRovED D DrsAppRovED n REtNSPEcT f uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS IN SP ECTO R the Pirnl..Y va DAT E Ilt *Fotu#'i$tll Dt slRrcr (l ' ,.-, --t ,or,.* -t ^ cl'cK -RESTD€lff lAL uarrn E sEl'lER TAP FEE cAlJlJlATto'l r||r)ruT'r' - ' Y' Ml€ OF tg'.,E O;l?lER .SIREET ADORESS T.0T BTTLIIF ADMESS Er-ccK 1. 3.m = -;U- Lm = /d BASS4ENIlsr rrcon 2m ruoor JRD FI.OCR MSE}€NT]sr rLooq 3o ruon ,RD FLOOR BASB{ENTlsr noon ho nooa JRO FIOOR B'$IN I ToltEr. x (onE ltN-F Blrxr ACIRA SINIG X Fu.L BATH t .,(srgrcn oR Ttlaf / x BASIN, TOTI-ET,| RCO4S (LMNG R00l4Sr . --BtrmrF, oFFICES, / x $u)IOS,| 1.S ,75 2, 3i KITC.€NS DlStf/'lAStERs IJI${DRIES .(pen nsr,an) 4. 5. x x:6. i7. I 8. ICE !'IAC.{INES sA.rus WATER COOLERS & I,(ATER FOT.${TAI}IS slltt'ttttG POIJ JAflf,al C',.r[SIDE VNTER . Gttnr:u't oF cNE FtLl- BAlts R00l.s KITCIEN DIS$.NSHER I.AI!.IIRIES IttstIE WATER TUTAL POINTS x 2.50 ;= x 1.00 = x.50= ,E= ,E= x,E= .l 62t ? q. 5. I ;i I ?:ffi == XI.W =9. 10. APAFNENTS x 3.m xLm rlil x' .50 x l.fiJ = ffi:5ffi5t1.*;,:'mffi :$ili''ffi *''i-HHi#iffi Aff Ri.oo'Xffi,li, rnr,* DtsTRtcr rNseeclG*FIEOUEST VAILTOWN ,'..! DATE 4:l : TIME RECEIVEO JOB NAME I-J OTHER :".--'., ,,MON\ -. COMMENTS: I penrrlr LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE -j,itt L7 fl app RovE D f]orsappRovED EINSPECT i I.J, UPAI\I THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS i'l-',,'71'.*-?-- ! DATE SPECTOR .. ' tE; ' .l,r'1.-'",'. r-^ f. Project Application ^ r:, .':rt{.+r::r;:+.}-:..?,"{iv...x1 1: rx,l!. p!,f i 1,, Proiect Name: Proiect Oescription: Owner Address and Phone:Dy- t^/t\_ Archilect Address and I Legal Description: Lot / , Block Zone'. ,rr"g V V f'* Zoning Approved: Design Feview Board .,4 \ Motion by: fti' "" {- l- ',f Seconded by: r' ': ' I ' I "^,.(4ffi/"7>< DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL .r'' .. 7' i.,1.r Sh qi i,rr, ..,,' lur. **f tI Su m mary:'i). ;,. f.it , I t !.,. ,i: . .-. I '-'. - l'I,/L ,7ri zEta-tc.l Date:Date: CnFltmaIgb*ctls* Auguat 4, 1971 l{:r. Benry Duff " 1055 - 30th ' Boulden, Colonado Subjeot: Alnond Residence - VaiI , Colonado Gontlemen: I have checked the pl.ane fon the abova-subjcct Job in acoondanoe wlththe pnovisions set fonth in the Unlforrn Bui).ding Code (1970) ee amendcd and adoptcd by the Town of Vail , and find the followl.ng: Use zone i,r MultL-fanilyi occupancy gnoup Le I; type V construct!,on. The foLlowing itene sball be conneoted by reviged plane or addendunpr"ior to iesuance of building pennlt I 1. Ganage ehall have exhauet vantilatlon to the outeidc in lccondancsnith Soctlon ll04 2. Door from garagr to reaidcncc rhall be aeif-cloeing 3. Laundny chute is a shaft enolosurc and shall be one hour finonesietive construotion in accondance with Sectlon 1706. f+. Weather neeiEtive ba:rrien La negul:rad ovcr studs on ahEetlngof all extenior walle. 5. Bottorn tnead of stair shall conforn to Section 3305 (c). 6. AII balcony and/on guand nalle ahal.l be {2tr in haight 7. Fire etopPing Ls ncgul.ned Ln al1 stud walls so that the maximumdimoneion is not over 8t-0rt. 8. FircpLaoe shall ae.t F€quinemcrita of Sectlon 3?0lt (g) fon elgananccof combuetible natenial and Seotion ?517 (f,) 5 fon fLr"eetopa. 9. Bathnoom wall.e ehall confonn with Section 251.7 (k). 10. Stud walla and floor joiete ehall be in accondancE with Sectl,on2518 (f) 8 when containing pipe of any kind. 1l . A11 conorete masonny b locke below gnade Ehall be solid groutfilled (aection 2905 (a)). Pagc 2 Almnd Reridenoe Whon the above itcurg hava beon eo!'rectcd by rcvieed plans on addrndrrn, I wtll be nsady to igsue a building pennit fon the eubjoct Job. Conetruction has already start€d on thie pnoJcct and thercforc lt La to the brnefit cif all conocnned that thc af,oncmcntloned iteria bc oonnectcd innediatcly eo the peroit nay be igsued. At Prcsent you arc 'TPR0CEEDING AT YOUR OWN RISK'I aa defined ln Section 302. Youne veny tnuly, TOttX 0f VAIL Ed Stnuble Buildlng OffloLal dw cc: CanI Nelaon Conetnuctlon Company Don Almond | ' /Jsz'A . MECHANICAL PERMIT APPLICATION Juridiction of Applicant to complete numbered spaces onty. Don Alrn-..J . LtoarI DEtCa,c_tlste rrrecxro sx7 rr t e CLI(. la zIP PHONE -Bx n.(l N.-*,,-Ccnc--{ - AiCHI TEC'I Oi DESIGNEi MAII AObREI S PHON E l asth --h,nJu , MAI|. AOORESS PHONE LICEN3E NO. C- (, .uio MAIL ADOFESS EFANCh U3E OF IUILDINC 8 cras of work: !tr* El A0otTtor n ALTERATToN tr REPATR 9 Describg work:h.. Typs ot Fuet: oit I Nat. GasfK LPG. I Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. Gas F irod A.C. Units-T Forced Air Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. Syst€ms-8.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Hssters-8.T.U, M NOTICE THIS PERMIT EECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OF WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCE D. 9lCNATlriE OF COl.lTlACTOi Oi AUTHgFIZEO AO PROVtSI Unit Heaters-B.T.U. M WHEN PROP€RLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION Form lOO.4 9.69_--iEOiDEi FiOMi IN TERNATIONAL . INSPECTOR CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS ' 60 50, LO3 ioELES a FASAOE{A, CALTFORNTA 9l l0l INSPECTION REPORTS ri"di DATE ITEM REMARKS INSPECTOR . USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. --. ' PLUMBf;iG PERMTTAPPL,.?,'(-- 3 Jurisd iction of ----U-zJApplicant to complete numbered spaes only, S.tfls:: rrrecxeo sxeer) ZIP PHOIIE MAIL ADORESS PHOltE LICENSE NO. \ai r^ ANCHItECt Oh OE3IGNER MAIL ADORE33 /PHOX E LICEN9E NO. EN C IN EEi MAIL AOORESS PHON E LICENSE NO. L EXDEI MAIL ADORESS giAXCH 6 USE OF BUI LDINC 8 Class of worK: ANEW ! AODITION tr ALTERATION tr REPAIR .€r h" Typo ot Firturr or ltam wATER cLosET (TorLET) / , +-aSPECIAL CONOITI LAVATORY (WASH BASI Kf rcHEN srNK & orsP. / 1 -A LAUNORV TRAY CLOTHES WASHER WATER HEATER NOTICE THIS PEBMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTBUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHI.N 8O DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCEO. sICNA.rIJRE OF CON iFAC IOR OF ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR ORAIN GAS SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. T.AWN SPRINKLER SYSTEM SEPTIC TANK E PIT WHEN PROPERLY VAIIDATED (IN THIS SPACE} THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O.PERMIT VALIDATION REOROER FROM: INTERNATIONAL INSPECTOR CONFEFtENCE OF BUILDING QFFICIALSForm lOO.2 9-69 a ao so. Los ioaLEs a PASAoENA, caLtFoRNta 9l lo! USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. INSPECTION RECORD DATE R EMAR KS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAE FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. BUrDtc PERMTTAPPLT.f,.* /Js/ I of Town of VailJurisdiction Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. Almond Residence YTn r all_n 1!s:e ettecxeo sxe et1 P. 0. Box 72 Dotal-d and Mariorie Almond MAIL AODFESS PHONE LICENSE NO.3 C.ol Netson Construction ARCHTTECT OR OESIGNEF MAIL ADORESS PXONE LICENSE XO'a F. M. Fox Associates (Bennv Duff) 5645 Yukonl Arvada ENGINEEi LICEN3E NO. 5 F. M. Fox Associates MA II. ADDiES S JRAI'ICH 6 Gl-.nn Justice }lortease Com USE OF AUILOING Residence sinele fami I classof work: FNEW trA00lTl0N trntrpRartoru tr REPAIR trMovE I REMoVE l0 Change of use from PERMTT FEE / 2 /. 5'?I I Valuation of work: $ Jt_/t SPECIAL CONOITIONST Slze of Bldg. (Total) Sq. Ft. Flre Sprlnklors Required !ys5 lNq OFFSTREET PARKI NG SPACES. NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REOUIRED FOR ELECTRICAL, PLUMB. ING. HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENDED OR ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION AND KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIEO'\'ITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDHEREIN OR NOT./THE GRAI$TIN'o. OF A PERMIT DOES NOTPRESUII4E TO G T'E AUTHORJ'TYITO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THE 'E OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. TUR: Ot CO{tmctOrOR I|rjrHORtZED ACENT WHEN PROPERLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION INSPECTOR CON FERENCE OF BU ILDING PERM'r"y;;: r=,ltt rrun$ ""'" oFFtctaLs a 50 so. Log RoaLEs a P sADEl|a, cALlFoRNta 9llolForm 10O.1 9-69 iEOiOEF FROM: IN TEFINATIONAL STATE OF COIPRADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE )l ss. ) I, depose and eay that the following accorCing to my beet knowledge, DECLARATION OF I;A}TD. ALI.OCATION , bEfilrg firet duly Bwotn upon oath, statements are true and correct information and belief, to wit: a_'rn l. That thie atatement ie made in coajunction with the filing of an application for a buildiag permit to the Town of .:Vail and to comply with the requiremente of Articte VII, Section 3, Ordinance Nturrbcr 7 (Serlea of 1969) Zoning Ordinance for the Town of llail. deacription of the building aite r the propoeed building ia L 2. The as followe: (Deecription cription. ) may be attached or e rre map may used to ahow dee- 3. The propoeed building eitc contains % agulre feet, anil the propoaed building containe t ? ,g equarc fcet of area ae defined in the aforeeaid Zoning Ordinaoce. 4. The propoeed building, ae it relatee to the building aite area, cornpliee to the Floor Area Rptio for the zoning yhigh appllee to the building tite, ar defined io thei aforegaid Z.oninning O:dinance.<*tr-L3^o4 OWNER The foregoing affidavit and declaratign wae duly eubecribe uv Commission expir$ tekuary 13' 1974 and thlsBworn to before me, a.notary public, byq4il^- dalof (lr. .'', riog. NOTARY PUBLIC g