HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 10 LOT 1 LEGALs/t/"t 925 Fairwav Drive/Lot l. Vail Village Filine 10 Lot Size: 19,646 sq. ft. Zoning: Two-Family District Permitted Uses: Single Family or Two-Family Residence Conditional Uses: Type II EHU Geotogic Hazards: Medium Severity Rockfall, High Hazard Debris Flow, and Moderate Avalanche Hazard Setbacks (min): 20 ft. front, 15 ft. sides, and 15 ft. rear Ileight (max): 30 ft. flat roof 33 ft. sloped roof Density: t)wslling Units (max.): 2 units GRFA (max.): 7,104 sq. ft. Site Coverage (max.): 3,929 sq. ft. (z0yo) Landscape Area (min): 11,788 sq. ft. (60%) Vr*VttayI'n,/rfl Design tevieur Board ACTXOITI FOil,M Departl*ent of Community Development 75 south Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 bl: 970.479.2139 fa* 970"479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Pmject Name: ALLEN ADDmON DRB t{umber: DR8070226 Prolect Descriptlon: FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON (BEDROOM AND LMNG ROOM) Partlcipants: owNER ALLEN, LARRY M. & LORI L. O5l25l?OO7 450 SHERWOOD RD SHREVEPORT l-A 71135 APPLICANT ALLEN, IIRRY M. & LORI L. O5l25l2OO7 450 SHERWOOD RD SHREVEPORT t-A 71136 ARCHITECT MICI-IAEL SANNE& ARCHITECT Osl25l2OO7 Phone: 970-926-1125 P.O. BOX 1498 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000001547 Project Address: 925 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Location: 925 FAIRWAY DR., WEST UNIT Legal Descripuon: Lotr 1 Block: Subdivision: VAIL Utl-AGE FIUNG 10 ParcelNumber: 2101-081-1601-5 Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProvalt 061 L412007 Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|_AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced t'.'; ',. t. r.,.t,.i . .,\ and is diligently pursued toward compleUon. @nd: CON0009054 The use of wood shake as a roofing maErial is prohlbited W the Vail Town Code. The applicant shall revise the rmf plan wlth the buildlng permft applicatlon to omply with this standard. Oond: CON00ff)065 TheJolnt property orrmer (i.e, east unit) must ommlt b upgrading the deck ralls to match the nev', rails on the west unit wlthln a speclflc time perlod. The applicant shall enter into Devebper Imprwement Agreement with the Torvn of Vail to ensure the deck nils are Installed. Condr @N0009070 With the building permlt appllcaUon, the appllcant shall submlt a site sPecific geobgical hazad analysls, In aordance wlth Cha@r 12'21, Vall Town @de, addresslng the proposed addiUon and the rockfall hazard on the site. Planner: BillGibson DRB Fee Pald: $300.00 \ Description of the Request: Additions-Residential or Commercial Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel. 970.479.2128 tayj. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Dr) ffirl{tryltl U 7t General Information: All projects requiring design rs/iew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicaUon. Please refer tf]lff the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested, An application for Design Review cannd bevv accepted until all required information is received by the Cornmunity Development Department. The project may also ned fa to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses l,-/ unless a building permit is issued and construction oommences within one year of the aPproval.vo A/ A,f. physicaf Address: 11-5 (lqf.ii,Jx.{ &tla, \^l€4 Ops parcef No.: LtOt - Ogtl@t5 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:Z For..rru-f +* Name(s)of owner(s): \-A€K{ n U-cfr ALr.g^J Mailing Address: 4 4**vlap Owner(s) Signature( Name of Applicant:-A) Mailinq Address:-{A.r,,. $50 Plus $1.00 per square footoftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such asf re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to Review Board. No Fee plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design \a -f{/r- E-mail Addrcss: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review El New Construction A Mdition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-fa mily/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request e TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO SEatement Number: R070000806 Palment Method: Check AIJIJEN Staternent Anount: $300.00 0s/25/200704:05 PMInit: ,JS Notsation: 3272,/I'ARRY Permit, No: DRB0?0225 TiDe: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No3 2101-081-1501-5 Site Address: 925 FAIRWAY DR VAIIJ Location: 925 FAIRT{AY DR., WEST IrNfT Tota1 Feea: Total ALrLr Pmts : Balance: $300.00 $300.00 $0.00 Thl.a Palment I s300.00 +*********+++++++**++a't+{i'tt*++*'t***+**********++t*****+************'t****+f+r**|t{'{'*'t+f|'tt+t** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account code Deacription Current Pmta DR 00100003LL2200 DESICIN RTVIEI{ FEES 300.00 Yahoo! Mail - sanner.archll€cts@yahoo.com to get his ideas. Michael, Please give us your ideas. {'{r,r/ 0512212007 09:29 AM From : I NG. MAN U E L CASTRO I ma i lto : ca-strom f Qr-n-s-t1.-c-o,T.] Sent Friday, May 11, 2007 8:32 PM To: 'Larry M. Allen' Subject RE: V-ail Improvements Larry: Than you, we don't see any problem, invade the over common property. Please inform us what do you have in Manuel y Guadalupe Castro it's alright, as long as it is in the west side and don't mind with the siding? De: Larry M. Al len [mailto : {Lqq!{Qpg] Ls_qqlh._neq Enviado el: Jueves, 10 de Mayo de2007 10:37 p.m. Para: Manuel Castro Asunto: V_ail Improvements Manuel, Michael Sanner, the architect, thinks that we need to make the west wall even with the stairwell on the living room level and put the balcony on that side. This is only about 4 feet . We lalked with the Town of V-ail and they said that it was alrighl with them. ls this alright with you? | need to order the hardwood floors soon. Qo r ry,,,, r/ .Qtl, t : .i%/o, oetete I nepty I rorwara I spam I prove.'. I Previous I Next I Eack to Messaoes Saye Megsess-Ist I EllHeedcls ' check lrall I Compose I Copyright @ 1994-2007 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. Terms of Service - CopyrighvlP Policy - Guidelines - Ad Feedback NOTICE: We collect personal informalion on this site. To learn more about how we use your information, see our Privacy Policy Search Mail I Search thc wcb I http:/ /us.f9O3.mail.yahoo.com/ym/ShowLener?Search-&ldx=3&W=83...&y5 beta=yes&y5 beta=yes&order=down&son=date&pos=o&vlew=a&head=b Page 2 of 2 Buildlno Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tiare of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffib Windows WindowTrim Doors DmrTrim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Ughting Other KJui,Dt- ttP'}4+) (X'/FaG:' - 8705 P@2y'1 awZtl1- &e'4- (4. e?&(v{vwe hnrlJrf t * 4 Ln4o4r+a tFo') (tavteg u94*c- ffifw-y- t*h -fi' AXrll Y*,u" 'U*tn)Cco VqJVi ltIWtO* 8aJ7L D)i,{,r7 V$&4 W--aeuJe-Fdt** .,dtl)v ": / vf"tN-e'*f N.A. -\D Axug eFtqt'<au( t(xo 1{7 ll 'fo!'+4-€ 4kf+ +-e4e$-+(eto4 C-*< l\ $.4- D&. )Jo c-:Y$ae9 IIotes: Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip, F:\d€v\FoRMs\Permib\Planninq\DRB\drb mlnor alt 1-25-2007.doc Paocsof 1l 1 r /r?/70nq PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Quantity Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS No*I3 EXISNNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" CaliPer Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. IJE Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION ItH?Wtolt TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifu other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permib\Planning\DRB\drb_minor_alt_1 -25-2007.d0c Page 7 of 13 tLl23l200s tadTtleq.rdt€eBffinV]|un(Iilrffis Drt€r 0$19-2003 Our Ordtr Nurubnr: Vft9OO9-3 hopetty Addrtsg: 925 FAIRWAT DRTT'E Buycr/Borrowcn I.,IRRY ilf. ALLE{ AND LORI L ALLET'I Scller/Owner! $$:N,IDAN/F'AIRWAY LIMITED PARTI{ERSHIP. AN ILJ.INOIS LIIIdIITD PARTNERSTilP Notcr Olrcc an originel commihncflt hss btcrr fusued, rhy Subdequcnt rnodltlcarlors nlll h+ effiphffirn l by rmdedining or commcnts- ll you hevc rny inquiric or rtquirc furthff |3slrtrhce, plcrca conf*cl nnp al ahe nlrmhors ltolow: Iror'f itlc Assistsnccrl'o r Clocing Assistancc; Duicllc Stoltr lllt s- FnoNTAGE nD- w. #z|rJ P.O. BOX 3st VAIL, CO 6l5st Phor: 97G.47G1il5l Fur 90-tl764gl4 E[rIdl: dsblts@lqccom LAXEWOOD, C1)AE15 Plpm 30!237-fl100 ABA No.: 1|n01!:ill47 Accouf,: 2160521E25 A.atcdion]! Denidlc Stoltz loE s. rnnNTAcE *u. w. P.O. BOX:lri? Phone 97slFG2251 Fm: fi0-476-4534 Etr!{dl: nvlh@l$c.com Tllire lhloHdtlon! Bnts f,'nSIBA]\tK (F cou)xADO Veil Tidc Dcpt l0&3 wc.d-FAx AvEhIuE RogfFAvtlr C\cdlt I ND TIILE cu.r.n (NtEt COI}IPiNY VA.II. CO t165t Ncad-r rr|lr oi dlr€c0ons tor -vour upconing dosing! Cbcrk out Ixd fitlc'E rv€b dte rt wwfl.ltgccoltr loti (El(r/t!.:t rlIANtr, YOU FOR YOTJN ONDBIII r rlrF or a EIIMAIEGTTTTEES Altr O?|Er3 Follcy 10-17-t2 Alnr l.orn Pon(y 10-17-92 Dclction of Excqtdors 1-3 (Oil*t) Dclction of Gsrcnl &cepnon a (Orrcr) Dclction of Erccpliors 1-3 (Lerder) Dclcdon ot Grrtrnl Exceflion { (Lcn&r) Brdo|seru* Altr I (Lcn@ Hotsetffi 103.f G.odcr) Horscruatrt A16 8. I (Lerdcr) Horsdt8tAlt[ 5 (IrndcO Trx Rrport SCHil n0to229 b bccn ordcr,cd from Ergle Cty l'q Rcport SCUI| P02:13S6 h* batn odcrtd tom E Cb CV $2, ?28 . 0O $1rt0 - 00 t30 . oo $10, oo $30.00 $10. oo s212 . 00 $30 . 00 $3O - OO s212.00 $15. OO 915. OO TTtrA $3, 452. O0 r€- ^L fr. (Jr\rt.> t-t t\rr.t ro-ttcttit Froh Land Title Cuarante Wed 19 ltar Z{Xf 3 t!;111;14 6,1 yg1 Pagc 4 of 10 P. st (Irr Ordcr !b. VngUDA I.EilLIHMOI 'rrlAT PART oF tor I' VAIL vIIlacE TE{Ttr FILINq DEscrnBE) As Ft)rj.owis BEGINNING AT A IrdNT VTIIbN@ Tffi NORTEE:ISTERLY OONNET, Ot. SAID I,oT r BEANS NORIN29 DDcnEEs 01 MrNr.rfEs s6 sEq{Df E{, A DI;TANCE (X es.eo mf,; nrmc.nbursU5 DEGREES 55 MINUTES 5[ STECQNDS WEST, A DEtrANCE Otr rS.ZS_rqt'; rrrNrCi SOUrq IDEcnEEs 04 MINrnEs 0e snoolrDs BAsr, A DrsrANcts oE'dr.4o FBrrr ffitg il6irn ,,DEG*Ets 55 MTNUTES Sr SEcot{Ds t)rsf, A Dr,srANCA OF 33.?5 niLT; rrrmcn xoira nDEG*EES 04 MINUIE 09 srecollDs umsr, A Dxsf,rnG G fr.{o trEET ro rm pouri mBEGINNING. IIOGErEER WUH AN T'NDIVII'H) 50 PENCEfi INTREST U\ AFID TO TEE qN,MON AREA, DESCRIBED AS FOLU)T4T: ALr' oF LoT I' VAIL vlLlAGaTE{Ts FILNq dGPT trtE Four}lf}rNc Df,scRrBtEDPARCEI.S3 BEGINNINGATA FOtr\"T WIIET{CE TTIENOIUIIIEASIDNLY CONNER.tr SAID II}T l BEA.RS NOIIU29 DEGREES 01 MINUTES56 sDG{Ds EAsr, A DlsrltNGtrfi6o rg1; lpEvc nonrsts DEGnES ss Mbrurtss sr sEmNDs EAsr, A DxsrANG oF J3.?5 td:; rrm.ics Jourg IDEGRtrS 04 MTNTJTES (}' SEAONDS EASB A DIITANCE tr CZ.40 rMq rffiCX SO:rg rSDEGREES 55 MINLTTES 5r SEmNDS WESB A DXSrANCT (F:ir-?s rtED TlEI,rcr r.ion n cDEGREES 04 Mltrturbs 09 sEcoNDs wEsr, A DTSTANC.|i tr 67.10 F|IET'TO 13E ponlt eBEGINNING. AND BBGINNING A'T A FONT WHB{G THE N(XTI|FASTMLY GONNER (F SAID IrYr 1 BEANS NONf,U29 DrenEs ol MINUIESS6 slEcttNDs EAsr, A DlsfANcE oF 65.60 rmr; Tlm.i&;owr8s DEGnEES 55 MNUTES sl SEm{DS WESf, A DISTANCE oF 33.?5 rEtr; rrmricu sourE lDEGREIS 04 MINUTtS 09 sEcoNlx EASr, ^ DrsrAt{cE or ez.ao rrnerl nin rc lron s s5DEGRmS 5s Mrr\ruTES 5r SEcDr\rDs E/lsr, A Dxsr^Nc G $.zs rrgri ,iimls iloriul IDEcnffis o{ MTNUTES 09 SEAO|hTDS WEST, A DXSTa}lcE q er.ro mgi r,o nrr ponrr or.BEGTNNINq CouNTy m EAG|J, STAI.R (F (Urrl^rxr NCI'IE| .T.ttE FINAL Ffi.TcY DoEs NoT IN ATTIY TryAY GUAnANTEE oR INsUaE TIm DtMI$IsK)Ns OF TTII: ABOVE DESCRIBE) TANN, TSBLEC^L DESCRIPr1OtrI trS DRN,,ED FROM TIIE CIruN (X'ITTI,E AND O{LY AN ACLI'RAIE SUNVEY CAI.I DITENMINE 1IJE DIMET{SIOI.{S. From Laftd Title Guarante W€d 19 Mar 2003 10:20:14 Att ltST Page 5 of 10 ALTA COII,IMITMENT Schrdule B - Sccrion I (Regtuncnts) Our Oder No. V279009_3 '!.'hc tolloutug rrle thr rcquir€rrGbts to be complicil lplthl Itcm (e) Falrmrl 'o or for dE eccor{t of tho gr[ ors or ||nr€egor8 of thr tull constderrtion ror thc Gsh0e orlhacrcst to br iruunerl Itcm (b) Ptopr twlnrucn(s) crtrtiq t|E esr-s or trlbnst r0 bG i|ls|red rdlst bc €xeqhd *d driy filcd lor' r$on4b-wlC IlAm (c) Fryrrril of ell Orcs, cinges or esses*anfs krfGd {td tssessed rgslrst dF ,r$jcct pcmiges F}rich arc ducad Fsyet{e. Itcm (d) Addiaioml |tquircn|eu8, if ony d$doscd betow; r. @R{rFrcATE oF RrGtrr oF }'rRsr nEFusAL tN c'$tFLtaNcE WIIH t1'' Tml'rs,col{Drtrol\rs AND PRovIsIc{s otr TnE DEOIARaTIQ{ G coND[roNs, covFNANrs ANDREsTRrcrrobls FoR. rrll' r, VAIL vtIJAffi TE$trIf Fn.lN(? REcoRDo rvil ilo, rper D.rBOOK34I} ATPAGE2SO. L EyIDEN(E, SAIXSFACT.ORY TO nrB co\{pANy IEAT Tm lERrrq ccFlDlno}ts AND PROVISTO$TS OF lTE TOWfiI OF VAIL TNANSFER 1iilX HAVE BEB\I SATXSBTED. 3' wAtrRANTY DEreD FROMSHERIDAN/FAIRVfAY Lttl,IITm pARTIrrERsHrp, AN lltrlr{ol$IJTVtrIED PARTNENSSIP TO IARRY M. AI.I f,N AND 'OnI L ATIEN COITiVEYTNG ETJBJE.CTEROPERTY. Ng'lq:qTtrlcArE oI' rlilflElq:paRmrERsB|P nLED |YITF THE SEmTTARY G, sT^ rE s 4. DEED OF TTTUST FROM I ^ RRY i\d. AI.LE\I AND LORI L AIIEN TO TIIE I{JBLTC IRUSTEEOT' EAGT-E COUNTY FO.-I. TP 9S OI} BANK ONE rrs SUCffitORS AND/OR ASSIGNSlI) SECURE'n{E suM of $eq6.s00.00. TIIE FOIIOWING DbI-ETIoTt{s/MoDIFIc{.TIoNs Aru FoR THE ov/ND,n.,s FoTIcY ANDMONTGAGRR'S }r()I.TCY: NOTE TTMMS I.I TX' THE GEI{ERAL EXCEPTToI{S ANE HEREEY DU,EID. UPION TEE APPROVAI, OF'IIIE COMPANY AND TTIE RDCUPT Ot? A NOTArureD FINAL LIE\AX.TIDAVN', ITEM NO. 4 G TIIE GE\ER^L EXCEFTTON\TS WILL BE AMENDED AS From Land T'lt't € Guarante€ _. tyed 19 tar 200j 10:20:14 Afl ilST -_Prge 6 of 10 ALTA COITIT.TITMENT Schdle B. &ction I G.qulttftats)Our Odcr No. V379tt09-3 Coutimcd: !I)II,oWSs ITEM NO. 4 tr I'TIE GE{ERAL EXCffiONS I5 DELEIED AS TO ANY IJEIIS (!R EtrTIJnIILIENS RESI'LT]NG FROM WORK OR MA1MIAL N'NNENED AT THE NFAUEST OFSIIERIDA}I/FiJRWAY LIMTTED PARNEnsxilP, AN IIINons uMII@ PAi.,INEnsm,qIICAGO TITT.E INSURANG cITr'rPANr SEITII EAva No LTAEtrrTf rrn. ANi ugrrsARXSINC!'R(M WOnKoR MtrutALFUnNXSEm Ar rm, xEQt EST uunny rra lrr,m.lANDT.oRIL ALLET.I. NOTB ITETIf 5 OP'IIIEGE$IERALE)(CBPIIONS WIIIBEDEI.STM IFI.AND TTTLEGUANANTEE gTCMPANY COI{DUCTS lEB OTSTNG G TIIE q)NInfTPlAMO i'N.IrrsACTtOitSIAND RD@ND6 TTIE DOCTJMENTS IN COTTINECIIC{ THENNSTTI{- NorB uFoN PRooF oF PATMENT (xf Art rAxns, ITE&I 6 wLL BE aMEtilDED To REAL: TAXDS AND ASSESSII&NIE TIOR. TIIE YEAR2OIXI AI{D SUBSEQUEI{T YEARS. TIEM 7 T.INDI:R.SCEEDUIjI 8.2 WILL BE DE.ATED IIFil\l PNOSTII^T TsE WAIER^I.ID SEJWER CEARGAS ANE PAID UP TO DA1E t trtatl. N0IICB tr FB CEAI{GE, EFIrcIM SEPIEI{BEn r, 1002 *r*:r*f,*. hEl b Colof|rdo Raafucd Strbb :t{}l042l , -rh jqutr clar& "'rd r,ceordcr rf,ct collcct I sftlrrrEc of gL 0o fordr doqmt nrgvcd for rtco|{Dg or 6liry h Ea or hr oGce. Th srrthrrgr Jnll bc in rdm[on h ory ot|trtcca Fraitlrd bt $rn " suollculssJ lEld segueuBn sJopuJoc r\ eln (puno:6:epun) seRttRn seg6uy epeqs / uns uollEcuuen'o'c sa;dures lepapur 6u;p1;ng ells lo sopqd uuoJ uo[ecupe^ &lnn (gpy) yodar ap11 leirotddy opuog sseccv eJlJ e6aolg anoug (aper6 pue sseoce) Ieanea;lg snlpeu 0u;u:n1 e6ele9 7 6u;ye6 sscual qp6 bulure1eu edolg 7 eperg eIS uolpauuoc a6ereg saluocpg / qceo (l) s6ueqen9/sa ES s)lceqlos sluaurqceoJcuf lqOgeg 6u1p1tng suo;geaega pdg suollgcolr$ll[n , SEEJI spJBzBH lBluouruoJ!^u=l )peqles esJnoc JeleM . u;e1d poog'fi ggt fqde:6odo1 slueussBS eeJV elqepllng ezls lo'l uoglducsep 1eOa1 NVld 3lts tr ASAUnS tr snofN\nlfcsllll see4 pesodo:d - saal6u11slxf NV'ld SdvcsoNvl tr rlclld Joou stEuelew / roloc e;ecg - sNolrv^3ls cNlollnS nH3 - ecedg c;gy 1 n eJC - vlu9leuollrppB 092 VJUO 8lE3S sNvldUOOll tr lslgcaqC AIre!^eU uBgseq :lce[o.rd t-'- From Land Tltle Guarante€ --.. Wed 19 Mar 2003 I0:20r14 AI{ trlST Page 7 of l0 ALTA COMMITMENT SdEddcB.Sccdoh2 (Erepdone) our Order No. V/r9ilf0_3 Tbc ;rrrlicy or pollcres ro be ls$lcd wi|| contrin crccpdons to rte fottorvlrg urlcss tlrc seme erc dlrposedof to thc srflslrction ot the Corfrrry! r. nighrc or ctdrw ot port€s in possisriqn r$1slb$,tr by- ttr prbtic rtcotds 2, ERrtrtq or ctcw of canmaxs, notrhown ty thc Flrlic rtcot*. 3' Discrcperrcics, cort[icb in boudlrt [tr6, shottr€c in sttr, lrredmrc, lrd ery hcb whidr I corrrcf surrcy dirspector ot dre perdrcc wo[td discbse ud vrrr-ch rc mt rrnvn ty rh ntnc rdrts. 4' AnJ liflL or dgl* 0o a lht\ fof scfvlccs, lebor or nntstiat thele0oron or hort{fLr tlrt'$h.d, iryosed by r:w ancnotsho\r[ by fte ptrlic rrcords. 5' Dcfccb, llers' cnqluhame$r rdveisc chirc or o0rer ntbu, it &V, cr€oed, 6nt eppesriug t drc F$llc Ecord! or{ft0chirE Ithsequcnr io Or (fi€cdve dd rnrcot hr 6ior b !E dsh dr Imlbced ilx|rsl| lcquirss ot r=cord torvstr* ttlc Gstoe or fu.rcst or Dorgrgc ttKrbn coysrd by S{s C-omdarEot - 6' Thxcs or sFcid rssosflDerg which n mt stuwrr rs edsfirg rieis bI dr pHtc rtcnrd* 7- LiGN for usid rrler d sarcr c.kges, if qr. u' ln eddidoq &r ownds policy wlu bc sble.t b lb rrroltgrgo, tt uy, no*d ia Sccrion I d.tcbdte B hnot 9. RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN ORI,oDE TIO HTTNACT AND NBMOVE rrl$ ONETTIENEEROM SIIOT'LD TIIE SAME BE FOUI\ID TO PEI\ETNATE OR INTERSECT TEE PREI\IISESAs RESEIVED IN UNITE) srATEs PATsirnE@nDED MAv zo, rgos,'nr sooK4s ,\rPAGE 5I1. rO. RIGTII OF WAY FON. DTTCHES OR CANAIS CONSITUCTED BY TIIE AUTIIORITY OF lEEUNITED sl)drEs As RESERVED tN UNDED sf,alts pAtENT REC\}RDED MAy 20, r90s,IN BOOKlaATPAGE5ll. II. IIESTRICIIVE COVENANIB WHTCH DO NOT ($NrAN A FONFEITUNE OR NEVERTEN CIAUSE,BIJ'' OMITI.TNGREShTTIONS, tFANy, BASED .'{RAqi, cqoR, R&tciloN, ORNATffi{ALoF{GIN' As @NTATN@ IN INSTRITMENT RBC]oRDD ApRrL rr, l9zr, INB('.OK 22E AT PAGE 604. [L EAIEMENT GSAI{TED TO VATL MI:TROFOI.ITAN RECtrEATION DXSTSICT TN INSIITTJMENTRECOnDED NOVEMBEn 6, 1975 IN DooK242 AT pAcD 933. ut' EASEI!Ia{N' ccNDmlo$ls' c$\rENANTs, REsrRlcnans, REsERvArl<x\s AI{D NorEs q\ TIIE NECONDED PT,I\T tr VAIL VILTAffi TETTfl FIIING. Fron Land Title Guarantee tr€d 19 Mar 2003 10:20:14 AM MST Pag. 8 of 10 ALTA COMMTTMENT Scheddc B. Soctoh 2 (e-!dor) Our OdcrNo. v?9(r9_3 Tlrc FrlicJ or potfths to be i8su€d r{lt conuln crc+dons ro thc tollovhg urlcrs ttu srr rrt di+osdol !o thc rl||d.cdoh of tAe Goqony: 14. lERrdS, crcNlrrrrrNsAi,sD movE[orrsoFD4r^rArrof{ ffio.orDrnolrrs, covENANrnAND nESmrcTKrNs RE6RDE! rrlAr ro, rct2 N-8OOX:! r0 AT pacE 2sL T5. EXJSNNGITAS]ESANDTE{ANCXBS, From Land Title Guarahtee lv€d 19 tlar 2003 10:20:14 Al[ ST \Page I of 10 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCI,OSUNE STAITMENTS Notc: fuiruf to CRS t0.ll.tlz, rbric€ ir he|tw giveh thr! ll }l1 ryI*l *{1ropc_qr nay bc tocena in aqftil cntru disrtcrE, A cbrdfic4 of TcxesDm ltstir€ each rnirg Jurisficton raqy bc ohfuEd fmm d|G CouryTtts$rctJ c rdrodztd ogcnr C) ll|elnfonmfun rtgrrdrg spocid dstics atd thc boudrrics ot sEh .flrticrs rry be obtrftre{ honuk Bord or crutrV Couniscionts, 0E Cohry Octf( rd Rccordnf, o, t Corty .,fro*o" Nob: Effc.fiYc- WD$er lfy: SN 3l:10.{06 regrirts thnt elt dncrwrnts ncrrved for trcordirE or filingin dc ckd< erd nccordcds offi.".strrl co rrn r op nnfun or $ kest o,* r*h dd s rcft rrght {d boar'mruryin of at lerst or! helf of g| trEh The .lfilc sd nco-rdcr ftr.y rrtrsc lo rtcort or tili eny loc[ra d|etdoes .T: co|fomr cxc+t !tl' dE rrsrhmflt ror dr top nnrgin shrll nr Tpy ro doc|enrr t|3ftt6 fortron whrch spee rs ptr'vided ror rccordtrg or 6rlg idomttD" "t o* op -rgi;of dE docu*,t Noh: coloredo Divlsloh of-Insmncc nDgutaforrs 3-5-t, Prngrqrh c of Arrtclc vlr rcgrircs dltt ,.Eyclf, tifle euity shslr be respo'oiue for elr rmthrs wrich qfier of rccord prior b rhc tn e. of rfior{Ingwherpyer tlrc ddi cntiV corrduc8 tha dosir€ sd b $rsible for recordirg or filitE ot lcgal lrcr|Ibcne ncdting tnom the tols.ction wtich w.9 cl"ccf-. pr.ovidd {|4 Lrnd firh GocsrccCorquqr conducb oa ctosing of 0rc lnsrnd omsa.rlon md ls resporr$Uc;;;;rdirgdrelcgd do(arFft honr Or t3r|8edion, ef,csioa rfiDber 5 wttl mt q)pe{. on the O$n€r.s fidePnlcy rd tbc Lendcrs Fottcy whcn isucd. Note: Affimdve rmber{c.a licu pmEcfioD for UE Owltt |nry De rvsitsHe (tgicolly by dclctiono( Erccpdon no. 4 o( sdredde B, sccrion 2 of thr couritrrr ttom tre o*r.i" n"ir"y to c.ls$ed) upotr conry||lcEe with tu tolowlrg codlions: A) Tlr lrrd dcscribed tn Schrme I of Ofs douritnrt. trlust be a siryle fsdv rcsldrncc vtichlndudes a condonidrru or t0w|lro|rc EfL B) No lrboror lrutctide bere bean nrd'hcd by necbics or matrir-rrxn for pnposcs otc{rrshclion oD lhc lrrd dcsctibed ln ScHule A of dis Corudtnem wi&in-trrc'p"rt e r-nto,c) Thc corqpqy n st ,.Aeiye '' smJrrrr. rffidrvrt rhd.mritlrig d," conFfv €arrct 'ratcdntccMc's ord mr&rid_rEn r liens. D-)Tlt earW m$trcccive FJdot ttF mroFisc prend|:rrrIt tr |lE r br$ bccrr corrarrdon, tnrpove,**'ir qror lrprir rldcrldocn on nE FoFtqr !o lD Frclnscdwi0in slx monds nrio11 ry oan of |hc corsittnt, &c rcqdrurFG tD ourein covct gefor r'rccorded licns rvlll incftrde dirclosur 6t ccrtin cowt ,"to' t,fonmdorq fim*lsl lnfonufiobs to thc scllor' drr hrirdcr rxr or 6a .o .ctori pdJrncnt or dE aFmFrrn. Frrd,ou turtJcxcoted Indctnrlty Agrrc|rsl, Edisfe.bry b tlp corryry, rhd, .ry .aCColtrf rtqlfrcr|Etds$ nny bc ncccssrrt rfur o fitradon ot dre rfor€sid Lfo"o*oi ty U.4"qil,. No covcrrge wll bc giyen rdcr ary clrqmshcef tor hbor or m&rtd for wtich dE iEurldhrs cotttrchd tot or agEed io FrJr. NoEr hrmrrr m CRS lGll-XLt, rpticc b l**by givee A) That Oprc ts rtcorded cvidcnce [q r nirnnl i-it lus h*n Jcyor4 tcseq or o!rcn lercohvaycd frir|r| lhG 'rrte.e €rielc &!d dd ahcrc ls a *rbdd ttkdihod 6j r |hird F(qlholds sorrc or dl irrrtst In oi! g:r, oo..f mir*et$, or gco0rernnr crrrgr in tbc pmpetty; ouB) t'or ruch rdne*t crhb 'oey Inclodc ilu :igtt b crrer rn rre tr pope6 widr; de ' surface owneds pemlrdoru Tlds nodcc ryflles to owDeds policy coEmittmnE conbinirg r tincral severncc insbqruceF|loq or €rcr#ions, ln Sdrtrc B, Seoiou 2. Notlirg hcrrdn co.nriDed. vflr tc doemd b obrgrc &c corquy b p.ovrd! rv of d,. covcrrgcsrcle|'ed b hretn ulcss $e abovc coDdfiotrs rrG Afty srrirficil foEt DrffC6rQ 09,/01,/(U Frqn Lrhd Titlc cruarante f,€d 19 xar 2oo3 10:20!14 ^'tl tST P.g€ 10 of 10 JOINT NOTICE OF PNTVACY POLICY Itdctfty Nrtio,ner "* ff t:ffiflm" rBurrrs compony rlrd Jury t, 2ufr ffi In thc courrc ot oE bEtrcsE rc mry collcrl Pehronrl lntonnation &out tott ttom firc lollowirg sourcs: : ffi ff i[$H{"ll'rffi Hr',# ry,#r-ffi ,Tffi,, * "*,.,4 f.roh otf iffittit rrcb siha I SffiS"ffiffifukfl1-.- *'c d.. rc det uurtr *.*r Do," rrpsc- rn Dm em ru.i ot oftr npodrg agarifce, (}tf Policits ncgrrding fhc h,otecrnon of lhe C,onddcnfidlts and Sccurler o( your pcrrornl t onr flotr ftr Potlci6 rnd ftrcticcs Rcgrrdng thc Shering o( your pcrrml lntormrdonS,frItrIiHffi;:,;fr.ffij3Hr.'-' rsc*, *n onEr '"c : dngoroG ' *d,HEm ri c*r uo;*r E|cdng Tn E rr. tor Fo&cts orrcniccs rb ,e brrley. yor F $C!rt re rilt dsclooc toNr Bctlod tr{ordon nhn. gr ffiSffifiX#g11eo.' b b n.ad oocm h or pdnc Rlght ro Aoccss Your Pctsoml ldornrrton rrd Ab fty fo Coriccf Error Or Rc$n$ Chrngrs Or Dtlcdon crdCn drbs {or{ you lhc righ to rar' you: REorl h(ob whon your ltooil kond$Ft,Tf#L{ffi #mffiffi pl#Ftr*ffi ffi f ilr #llHtr"iffi T.?S.#rydf"#*ffi*P*otcnrqrieicrdcrgonocb,orrnoq"oy fltvrct CoDD|lrEG q[carffiEi!ffiffi,*sffi B{tco, cA 93Ir0 ttrtrltipb Pnoducts or Sarrriccs tr we frovl& lou f,tt m|t thn-o|E ffi_profut of t.|y{cA, yol rny rrcdvc wr dro orn pivrqr mtietvtrt rs. $t rpotogtzc tor ey hwedcnii-d; my-rniffjou Fq eR .Eoc.cql Department of Communiry Deuelopmmt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21i8 FAX 970-479-2452 wuw. uai lgou. com June 6, 2007 Michael Sanner. Architect PO Box 1498 Edwards, CO 81 632 RE: Allen Residences (DR807-0226) 925 Fairway Drive, West UniVLot 1, Vail Village Filing 10 Dear Michael. The Town Staff has reviewed the revisions to the addition to the Allen residence at 925 Fairurrav Drive. lhat review: design review applications for the proposed new The following is a summary of the commenls lrom 1. Wood shakes are prohibited as a roofing material within the Town of Vail. The roof plans must be revised to comply with this condition. 2. The joint property owner (i.e. east unit) must commit to upgrading the deck rails within a specific time period. A Developer lmprovement Agreement bond must be executed with the Town of Vail lo ensure the deck rails are installed. 3. A conslruction staging plan and public way permit are required with the building perrnit application. lf you have any questions or comments, please leel lree to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town o1 Vail n hecvctto ptpnn Yahoo! Mail - sanner.archilects@yahoo.com Yah,oo! i Mv Yahoo! | @i! ! Tutorials ' Mgfq 0512212007 09:29 AM Welcome, sanner,architects Siqn Out Helo thHootlrArL I Mail 'J Addresles 'Calendar -l Notepad v Search: l $ Web,Search.8 M,i,ii]i?{lry"!itg - Maitlp$adcs - .gq'cni check Mail I compose I A card in 3 days for bad credit* Folders lAdd - Editl i Inbox (7) grevious I Next | &eklg_&SSES€S Search Mail I asearch the web I oetete I nepry | rorward I spam I uove... I This message is not flagged. IFlag Message - Mark as Unread ] "Larry M. Allen" < Allen44@Bellsouth. net> ffinOO to Address Book I add uobile nlert "'Michael Sanner"' <Sanner.Architects@yahoo.com > Printable View Froml Toi Draft Sent Bulk (2) Trash IEmpty ] lEmpty l Search Shortcuts My Photos My Attachmenls Subject: FW: Vail Improvements Date: Wed, 16 May 2007 17:15:49 -0500 .Qo,"y 9lf,Ztlo,.,:tL(,Ir.' From : I NG. M AN U EL CASTRO [ma i lto : ca-strom l9_qs_r'!.-cg_tlr.] Sent: Wednesday, May 16,2007 11:09 AM To: 'Larry M. Allen' Subject: RE: V-ail Improvements Larry: Let's wait to hear what Michael Sanner suggest. I have some one that can do the painting job at a good price I will ask him to quote us. Manuel Caslro See your credit score - free Earn a degree in 1 yr, FICO more than 680? 4.6250/o+ refi rate Find Any Email Address De : La rry M. Al I en [ma i lto : Al le_n44-@-F] l*U!l .le_ U Enviado el: Domingq 13 de Mayo de2007 10:15 p,m. Para:'ING.MANUEL CASTRO' CC: 'Michael Sanner' Asunto: RE: V-ail Improvements Thank you Manuel, I did meet with a painter and talked to him about the outside. He said that painting the outside would be costly and would need to redone in 5 years. I am asking Michael Sanner what he thinks. I also have a contractor from home who I am talking to about the outside http:/ / us.f90 3.mall.yahoo.com/ym /S howLette r?Sea rch -&ld x = 3&YY= 8 3 ... &y5 beta =yes&y5 beta =yes&orde r= down &sort-date& pos = 0&view=a& head = b Page 1 of 2 Zone Gheck Date: c/,t/o't Legal description:Lot I Block Address Owner Lar Architect rtrc{..r1 54A'v,,n Phone Phone 949- roo-7 Zone dislrict 6 T*o - Fa*.:ly Lot size E t7.tc6 F Proposed use Buildable area Allowed 7. to? Existino Proposed TotalGRFA w(3.F*ryGRFA -+(+ffi7#)=_ SernCary GRFA -+1+25;---i5751=_ 6asf.67$:-@ion Site Coverage 3.?27*r =_ 2,1?.o N, ls more than 60% of the site being disturbed (per section 1z-21-14E Restrictions in Specific Zones on ExcessiveSlopes)? do 3'/o 6 Total Remainino q;-/tt z/3/, Z,r/O p/A z,z./"? ph (3oo) (600) (eoa(1zob)\ Permitted Slope ID Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:1 (50o/o) Environmental/Hazards Previous conditions of approval ls the Property non-conforming? 813 Yes "/ No ' (yzhd -fb z7 Height Setbacks Landscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Driveway Minimum (30) (33) Front Sides Rear ilt7ffi 3' t6' 20' 1s', 15' Required /4qoc ,.'/& 8?7 t,btS 1) Percent Slope (< > 30o/o) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands 4) Water Course Setback (30) (50) 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Roclcfall c) Debris Flow pln (check property file): ^,/a .ttOescrlbe: ' jd6at2J aarat. t;trzt!v w % Proposed SloPe z% e*'thry o/o - Yes ",/No oz E =t u.lo- t\ C! !n E {E)'{X (?l (.r> IJJ lrJ l.L == UJI I bgC- 1, Y.Jlhghu w v@urns c'rJ *q(o\o\ i 14rJ, 3 H B Fl (J HE t6i t.t\ lH>, 15g odJF] Jt*r.!l Fr !r Fl 6H 26 6J uJ e oF a.Faz = 2 ah uJF z z J- .6 ozz ulz B uJtF z €rr'l.\o ()FIoo@vr d)(no<.+ o !aXo.lZrOrl()Htsto<FOA]> F{ A z frl Fl(J J IU @ =I l! (.) Fzoo Go Eulz =o 'ft c;Eg .r; 9. o0,(J3 a(!6.9'aa't ctEo-oc "'g,o pF FE o)--co o (E oooo q) == dl E o =l E o, ooo.(u =.g q) o) oo(t q) (J ah .2 -c T' 4 o o (5 <; '(s (I) (5 n, D 6 ooo (o € o 3 F =(! ' slo a Ec(! co (! E o ;c = ' Eo(J o o Eo)(! DE6 5:q: E3 R.e FX E:bs cL'-oo(!€9o =p€>c9'- o. -rCo.9 !6(t)tr CC €Etq!.Y- o6 -6'- -c €g-6E6ooLC O(l'ic.c(! -o(!0 og !?, (o ;go(t' ;F6E>E!t q) 9EEE-EO -o ln @c{ c!.$$.it 6t rn r\rn<\c! oo\F\ 4 E E u./ z ! .o Y() IIJ z J J E o UJ uJ oz.6 .Jo- J 2 I() llJ = IIJtull.z tr llJ qJ oe oo 3g uJ z 6 IIJo Fo u, z uJ x F ul @ ..t) IJJull! b =t LU o- J FoF ozo4fo () tFou, !tl z t6 =J L J = uJE F.r H NOrJ,Vn'lVA IF It= lEl: " lfi-r.rlEu N lF= .o - lE ..1^ XE 8E =-Zzs-E Y )< v<F^ttz 3 B =FE.nocF36 AEl= aE9 q i-xJ ;'i E=:8 HE -N z tr q- CE o o-fo E,0 uJo- i ut xXx z Eo z tr UJFJ 'UJz tl Ezlz9!a<oo< EEzt!9trdo<z aFz. 9z '.iF d63EOI UJlJJ aa llJzY iF z F .Jloz I F1z z I JJ 3 F ul o = a l<ltrl al zl .. >l ulolu uJzat = u.l J z E c\ .ft z F(/, J fi I z I cY)(oo !OO 6'l rn tstl F, z zH €vvl F{l j zH 2 Fl IJJFo @oazo Fo.ulY IIJ @ oF F E LrJo l!o o-oo I UJFoz E =Elrlo-z9F()fEFazoo uJF o rI] Hfr z,-_o <2EE E. Elf .-,P R OrTHnr-'rI}4LIL.J J "dq ==3-! -'i uJcoil= tr ut u- +. ut59E<o, laoEoB9!L ar =o=> =UJ-E FE: >o-IolrE oo9 \utE XO-'t x>E q- €= u,ooF 'f'-\- ai I \' IOl.+ o\ ,l $l -l I ol z.l ol sl () H H<Jt'ld,4 & 14 H4 14tsH B =c F-.n Io\\f I*lAIol I I dl =.1(, lulEl JI <l>l bl zl FI E fr1 HE tr FfFl =g I I I I Iolz.l olrul :l <r.l bl 2l ..t3t 5Ol ulFI F H z =l! c Hx = tro I 3l Ffl tr] |7l fl =4 o0\t\\o Io\lrn o.\Ec z - o F\\o\o }< IJJ o J @ Igr.+ rl fl <l>l H z HHH ? & rI1 u)p rr1 F{ ii =z (D t2?o> =;d5 Fl+o =.!tv l-o2 o C) E <FdQuJ<zEurFtrzo <c)qgfRtRrtt.X'X.X t =E UJ.L tt. vf xl Ibl 0 .8 ,ll fi I t $ I I 6ul uJu- tr =E, UJo- antuFoz voJf.o € G!uz] ll, F. ozx ltJul @ |l o g 0t cbtsoo gF E€oo Eotu cD o.E:E fi'53dtig oo El'i ttog eg EOcat-' o.9,(! E c .9oq,E vt tu!oo .9 .9.:.!t|t o (q o1-.1c, -Ero' 9'o (! .9 E o .g q)c c't >ct Eo() .tU ru ot(\t o o ! lg to o)() Gt o c]oF qt ,E't q, o)o (r:(t(!'rolot Ol '-lltlq, I Ei 0, g, ! ;pr>:o C\.c' .9 6. E o .E o,E iE icE !q) (E i6 'c) .tt ;i:g.c\ !o:o rC, IED5:(J9Ct )(! (E 1]Ei JI tr( c.!o--):rF':xt;( ot I '.i=i:t.: cl o.lpl Oj co'FC':o. oo(g .9 !(! q) o) GE IrtE q, o)ltg 'o Jut! oo q) $, 00 N N \ +- n \u F.\r)r\ on N .l bo b'-tr* N\ trItt UJagz to x u,l z J a o uJ tl, 26 =Jo. =. () u, uJ zotr UJ (Jql(r @ uJ ulGz UJ F u,o z tll o x F tll f, ln UJ u\ ts Er E, tJJ Js oj- Iz oJ {o E F(JwJ uJ oz @I G { = o uJt NOrtvnlYA I o;Zt!oc)6z:9or' I 5 I UJ @ lzlo18 slc tslvr o 16 elElo qlH 6l- 8I j d v = Itt L zl 9l<l =l<l>t l! (E li o t! . \R UU o ry- :l <lo.IuJi"l EJI<lzlol tr 6o l:lzloItrt<lr t? t:l* luJ JI<l :l zl .. >l qJoultuz 1/'tr ur zILotu<:og =3i UJ u, JJ o u,zY =F 2 tr 5 anz tltttl zlzOu,c trl<osl 3HRcX.i<z L<Fp.? d6}EOI :u,o ozY (I o z 5 est sl N1 '{ z.. l I I I J e q a I I Iol J lrrl I Itlol 3l sol tllFI F tl 1l'fl =l trl ZY =< :FJZo-Oo E <F-rr (JuJ<zt LI.J Ftrz (J G.L!z = J<oo2iiH Eir =b2 (J ;{l i I I , ._q'6, cf)o ?.? +c.2 Hil co E oo e! .t : E 8 ts =(v trJ o- z.otrof, E, h-azoO uJ P o L_r z(,9 =eCllo =z:):)dg 6n XE?i;o aqE &etr ts = UJ l.L llJ(L F lE^HHsffi November 26,1991 Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 'rW.qu This letter is a request for an extension on building permit #W4963 for the Castro Residence deck. The early snow this year has prevented us from starting the work. We would like to begin the work in May of 1992. If there is any problem in requesting this extension, please give me a call. Otherwise, I will assume we have the extension and can begin the work in May of 1992 under permit #4963. Attention: Gary Murrain Dear Gary: Frank Payne Project Manager Beck and Associates, Inc. FP\di GEHEfitt cour,lncToFs P"O. AOX 4030 VA'L, COLOBADO 81658(3Oi) 9-lAOA o Project Application Contact Person and Phoner' I Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL [.*u Approval Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST O7O3 VALLEY ROAD CARBON DALE, COLOFADO 81623 (3031 s3€600 (21 HOURS) l"1ay 290 I99l I'lant-rel Ea:itro c,1c: ltoc [j:y Chr i stopher 1!88 Bridge Strec-t Vai I CO BJ.{r57 RE: Rock{alI Eval uatiI]n, W ?25 Fairway Drive. North Addition ( 'rrai I lt ,tic,4 lct:'D€:ar I'lr, Castro: I t,i.;i tecl the honis: at tfie abmve r- er{i era'ncer-J adrJresi:l at yoltr rerctr-telrst to trvaluratr- the r-nch: {;rIl potgnti;rl. f: or tlrel prn6rosed adcli. ti on c:,n ther norttr si rjer o{ 'L,he l-rrmc. Thi t: :i s i n thci mi ddl e n{ thr: nnrtlr si de a.$ tfrn horne n well I at^ray 'l:r'om the dir-ectir:n o* {a}1i.ng rocl:grr or even tfre edge's o{ 1:rotentiaLdebri s "f I owg. i'ly'{:indi.ngs are that the addition j.g on thar *;i.cle o'f the hsrne whirh i= away {rom snd prr:tectecl f ranr the e:ri gt i t'!g moderrate rocl,: f al I hazar-d a:i m"rpped by me f r:r ther 'for.vn rf \r"ei I i n 1?44, It is my opinion that the aclcli t j. on j.s :i.n .": qleDl oqi cal I y sesng j. ti ve ;rrela trurt 'htre devel trF{nt:n t i:.1rre+s nt:t i nt:r'eag;p the ha:r.rrd tn clLher ;:roperty or rstrlrrtrtr-t:'r:,t or to pr-tbl ic bt.r j. J. rli ncls n r-i r;l-rts*o.f *wayn roacjsi,, sLrpei:g. r,.laliletrte.n t 6 ," L-tt j. l. iti.et; or f acllitj.ers or othsr propnrties clf 91 '7 kind. If there ars f urther- qurosti ons pl eare do not hes;j. t"rtu+ tn contact {n€?. WJ">a lrli chol as l-ampiris Oclnsul.ting iiieoil r:q i eit o Project Application Project Name: Pro.iect Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: l ll-f 5 Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description' t-ot I ,.^"vw{ Design Review Board Date D ISA PPROVAL Su m mary: Staff Approval oOo !J F u) IrJ J ad& zot-zldo e trJI +BtE -.'q, d-vs \J \\'\\- }* \t\) fF- 3* rFlF7rW l/:E' ;. -{. li l-,r-_!t_ilF.{ !:tF !___!Ft I t_ !.!i::iej I =nec,r_r:: f,.:=h i''',-;,; ', ;,1 ll it:1.,11 i,f : i, '-::-ir,ri;: ,ii r::.i: i:J-t'-r.',.., .-.r,,r. r -Ti:l:,I-JIF.: ,:il:i':.,'..rt; i. .r. !: li. iiiji;i t- 4,r:.i J t errr p.= i rj i: i. :t rl.r:,il l'r 1 l:,|;"|:ii-.t::i .'t....:i,, ._..,j_j -J::i ' '- -r4i a.-r ! *,-. - E::r' ;.: r::: grrln;-rn t F,E!,J ii, r.:.ri ::: , . ,; .i .: t! .. THI]F{F:: 1.rr_-1!_r ' ri:,i..: :' r].Ul:jt:it i:tiF t-.i.li:!if ;" A o VAIIT, CO DATE APPI,ICATTON RECETVED: DATE OF DRB UEETING: -aaaaaaaaa tlEIE lPPtrIClTtOn IIIJIJ NOI BE ICCEPIED INrIL aI.! nEQSIRED ITfOT{ATION tg aUBEITIED aaattaaatt PROJEC1I INFOR},T,ATION : A. DESCRIPTIONs o DRB APPIJ CATION - IOT{N OF R[c'[ ,t; ,i IPRADO i"/ ls31 I. B.TYPE OT REVTEW: New ConstnrctLon --}i eaaltion ADDRESS: ZONTNG: Ulnor Alteration c. D. a Deets and bounds legal on a seParate sheet and nust provide a current E. F. G. H. J. x. applicantlot area. NAItfE OT Mailing APPLICANT: Address:Phone APPLICANI I S REPRESENTA Address:Phone X I. NAI'IE OF OWNERS: .stGNArsRE (8) s trlailing Address:Phone Condorninlum APProvaI lf applicable. s o- $ 1o,oo1 -I 50,001 - $150,001 - $500,0ot -$ over FAE s 1o.oo $ 25.00I 50.OO $1oo. oo s200. oo $300. oo Conceptual Review I.EGAIJ DESCRTPTION: I,Ot -I- B1OCK Sr^rbd iv is ion -\t:!9-t!crta- If propertY is descrlbed-bYaeslription, Please -Provldeattach to this aPPllcation. LOT AREA: If required, stanped tulivey showing NAI'{E OF MaiLing DRB FEE: DRB fees are oaid at the tfune of I'ssuancF of afiiiirii"im I FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION I lo,Ooo$ 50,000s l5OroooI 5oo,ooo s1, OO0,000 $1, Oo0r 0oo .!to lPPrr qtEloll rr!,rJ EE DROCESSED rrlEoul ortsERrS 8IGIAEURI LEGAI DESCRT ZONE CHECK FORR, R P,/S ZONE DISTRICTSSFR, ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Height Total GRFA (J!(r A Setbacks Front. Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wa11 Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronment a1 /Haz ards : Block Filing PHONE PHONE Allowed (3o)[9 Existinq Proposed + oV4T I Lns dL No Nn lts olL Permitted Slope ;Q! Actual Slope (3oo) (Goo) (eoo)(fZOb $l>fun Date approved by rown />gineer:Yes No r'/ ??? a) Snow Avalanch b) Rockfall 4) Wetlands Does this request j.nvolve a 250 Addition? --- N/f How much of t,he allowed 250 Addit,ion is used with this request? - .l ,05L.o6L ,u77 -.-1.-_f6r 2', Percent Slope N() 10 t.l \h,^*,,rtf \Mr t (b,r",nl 44'-v,b llz.1 hfu{W{"^ro Ic,w.tv/kho Qb*Z7rt i llrl l'7-1 _Ue {o*too kztJz pb q, Total /v/c_-'- M4b, 20' 15, r.5, (30) (s0) ?4/q,l 3' /6' D neqro 1) Flood Plain AI /1[v u 21q l\re0t DEFHRTMENT @F ,E@MMUNITV DEVEL@FMENT' 3l2 Sjz nrz !!? Qvr !t2 \r''?t- t- t- lts -- -a.1'$ 4N 4N zN zN aS at SATES ACTION FORM AC3CUNT t 01 0cc0 413i0 cc.u. DE'1/. APFUCATTON FESS I C0C0 4is4c f zcNrNo AND ADC.IESS UAPS 01 0cc0 42+15 19AA UNIFORII BUTIJINO CCDE 1 0cc0 42+i= [:ses uxrrcatr FLUHE!.\C CCC= 1 CCCo 42+i3 :983 UNIFORIJ UECIANICAL CltE : c33: 42+iS Jrsee urur.oall Fti: CSDE I 0c00 4z+1s lrsez Ne::cxAL ffiilcAl C3DE 1 0cc0 42115 o]iiEt ccDE EooKs 1 0c00 41548 PRINTS (Mttrns) 01.0c00 421i2 COFTES ,/ $lJDrES ffi / RE-NSFECTION oFF HOURS [.rSpSCnON t= C0N73AS'0RS UGE!{sEs tEEs r^.r. i-.r iF-artJtl]tt tL:: 0t 0000 4t4t3 .st6t tttuclIlof SCIIEDULE A ORDER NUIIBER: 91006765 1. EFFECTIVE DATE: llarch 26, l99L at B:00 A.i'l . 2. POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE IS,SUED: AIIOUNT oF INSURANCE A. ALTA OhINER ' S POLTCY 5 500 ' 000 . 00 PROPOSED TNSURED; I1ANUEL CASTRO B. ALTA LOAN POLICY S PROPOSED INSURED: C. ALTA LOAN POLICY $ PROPOSED INSURED: 3. THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LArr*D DESCRIBED OR THTS COMMITMENT AND COVERED HEREIN IS FEE SIMPLE IS AT THE EFFECTIVE DATE HEREOF VESTED llr*: CELIA TEUSCHER TORRES, GABRIELA TEUSCHER TORRES TEUSCHER TORRES 4. THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THTS COMMITMENT IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: SEE ATTACI'ED LEGAL PREMI Ull rOti'liERS: 1,250.00 TA:( CERT. 20.00 copies to: Cel j.a, Gabriel , & Guil lermo Estaquio Rocky Jan Johnson STEI{ART TITLE OF EAGLE COUNTY, INC. P.O. BOX 2000vArL, co. 81658 ( 303 ) 949-1011 Teuscher Torres REFERRED TO IN AND TITLE THERETO AND GUTLLERUO STE\VART TITLE GUANANTY COMPANY 990-r o2 tr =e. r,uo r'1 C\ (n UJ UJlt- tr = uJ "9 lalvltt -9OLo/o P-r) ol Ol .ir e.l ts zz Fl h t4 lorcr\ rE -s t6N FT F1rl EE FrAJ zl;o-' |J & z EE tsz I< 2& ;1q) =z zo 6t-{ J ;z O}4ZO 2^ UJF o F F ==o zz @!n.\o ()Froo6ca ('tvlo<\ro tdXo'MrqFl()HlElo<4A{> oH AF z r-I C) q) 6 vrl t! .ld -ca o) oo o) ! l E =l o o o- (E ; .9 0) o .:.. 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It. IH IE l=t>IFto T\ 14 lr1FzEI z uJ o = I I J&l at,<l'lt4l>lz sl u4E 4 v F an ui z HIolFrl IFll(Jl<l Fllr-{ |>l I.11 H =Jtr 6 F @ Io\.d. or I<lrlF\lFrl F{ | I I .l ?l UJI TI <l>l 3| v)tilH Hoo .J) IA q M c "l=.1 OI uJl 1l <l>l ltlol zl;lolFI I I I I el sl 1l al>l rLlol 3t :Ol uJFI F F\\o Io\.if c'\ I zo F F\o\o Xo FE oA 4l oo) 2z cn FJt4 HE =tr oFo EFz ) EF C) UJ >Y =#)z LLO z ro LU = F z t-E ir*-EOz F uJ =I E <F t/.J <zE tt'l zouJ.J ee*Eu E!gEE Eg:€s :E*;E *Effi g*ffi SE;eJ €ESgF CCoFo GFzoo E f ' 6 E'E JI<t FI =l zl .. >lo uJou,t!zo E UJ J zI tro 6 6btr ^ 6zq 5 =9E P Of, tnoeXx 8r: H_oq cEq EE6 3,rN(, .\l ,l I I $..1Nt: ll.oz b =E, LljL -, ) .') .l--, ;..1 +El Il.,rk:o "iS ts =ar UJ l!o UJ F E u.ltL l!o UJoz oI oF I.rc J UJFut o-:o F)ootrrJ! ul @o F t6 q = li sE l'nilIJ l- o-zo ttl-C9HJ9E,gF€Az:z'EOE()E -<'---:.-/\ --\ ar'ixp! /-7U{= ;(i llt- tr\?/EE. ..35rr\I t7 \\ts )i--.--l z oP d|o>z JO(lt! EH?liiio BTH trtr E z oa LU -l-Fo {tt. I b D 0 !I L, tso 5l 5' azJtr ct I I I I IF J TU =z co _-'l Kpn BECK AND ASSOCIATES,,Nl P.O. Box 4030 vArL, coLoRADO 81658 (303) 949.18@ FAr 949-4335 WE ARE SENDING YOU ! AttAChEd il Under separate cover via LtrTTIh @F TRANSNNITTAT D l Plans -the f ollowing items: n Samples n Specif icationsI Shop drawings ! Copy of letter I Prints ! Change order L] OATE Ib E3 n '!tL t{ol vI a I litill, arrE'.rr'oN-]f_b^ ^ ^- tn,L<o G--rL,--P-,\..^.. DATE NO.DESCR]PTION z t d.J*,c--Lo D*r.Vo.^.'V---\ Aep\J,-- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: I For approval ! For your use n As requested ! For review and comment tr N FOR BIDS DUE IQ \r.Q-\ P ! Approved as submitted D Approved as noted ! Returned for correclions ! Ftesubmit -copies f or aPProval n Submit -copies for distribution n Return -corrected Prints 19- f PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMAHKS ..,-Jf, r.tz* L *L,\ \^.,., Y'\.r ts-*AJo. T *o*\L (pprc.r\. o*y Yon Ce** S.,- vv\etr \ cbnv ,o O stGNED: lf onclosurcs arc not as noted, kindty notily us at onca. F^..Xh,*g oovuotoc'l|v^ SNIHC AVMUIVJ l-SVf 926 NO|IIOOV yClto €HlE-|L--JI fusqf*(} 166l U:lBYI3l-d3S t t {l s \ sr H ns.\$ $ $ Ti[ \+ $nt\ il +* *\ \ iI K + fr + z J+YOtuo $aIP I sfi iiii*il; iiiiiiili ri#iriltil?a j tl l3 il.8i. "iii .9i5 1i ;ttt it ir 1i !C 9i ii l5 iI E5i ? t t? rt rIi1 5tl. EE I t? irE::I to.iit 'tt6eE t! itiill ill!lr ts. J! I I Se I - iiiiiiiiiiiii i#i#ittuiifiliii ;;;a;aF 3a ct)zIE otr () LU(L U) Efl-o =)(E U)t, \ 899f9 operopo1leaz9a€2, t: z mq'o'd ru1'oc Jaflanur [u aqt zotro IU U) N {N$ $r fit NE $t $. -r( {* $it $ Project Application Pro.,ect Name: Pro,ect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and,.Rhone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Com menls: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL D ISAPPROVAL x'"APProvar pA'7'D- Drtr, ,Ijr!cA'rrvrt p*fnnr,r"nrr- DATB OF *****!tlls aPELISRTIoII fitrIJJ NATIS SUBHTIIIBD***** I. PRE-'IPPLICATTgI{ HEETINGI A^ Dre-?ppl loatLon meetlng,strohgl,y suggristed, to detelnformatLon ls needed. llo responslbll.lty to Dahe an aDut .a"Eout adldl.tlonat submltthat I FftI{Dt.F'nF =.t.r..'t I arr.r --. eI requl.rebetrteo PJ.eaE€ note -.l.tt -!----- i t. l.t_is the appllcantrE'polnthent wlth the staff to tlndt .E *-,E.!ili|-!..*Sal,i -. I requlrenente. PleeEa not€ E. DHSCNTPNTNtirI IPCATION OF PSOPOSAI,: AddresE l13gaf. DescrlptLotr subdlvlslon l{aiJ-lng Ilddrese l- tj NA}IE OF APPLICAIIUIS n111" strcaurllne ttra approvaldccreas.lrrg tho nrmber afthe DRB roay stlEulEte. AI,Lbe reedlved before a bulrilIng:lon wJ.3.l. not b.e ptoc€Bsedl tion of deck llorth Side of B].OAN C.llAll8 OF ITPFLICN{TI ind Assoclates Sonlng ParceJ.S-. ': .-... - Box 4030 lfail, Co- ._ Phona 9{9-1900 D. F. G. condomLnLurn Approval' DRF FEE! - .xraI&EriIEB .--- --- appll.cable, Phqne -567--7.5100 ., . A,ffi tt (ii g 1o.oof ?5,00$ Eo.oo 9100.o0 $20o, D0 $300,0o :z') - lri -.- .:-- .- i.'.' i':i;.+i'..,..::::-;j' . i 'i=-'*i.: t i ._. ',-_ .,... ;._- i;.. ,. i""-.:i*'r--i;i';,^ ' Halltng li6fla6ss 3-sillt N-A!:E 08 oWNrRsc EIGllrrllUnE (El I HalLl.ng Adilreps: I o- $ torool -4 5o,ool - $15orOOX. - $5oor0ol -S over 10, ooo 50, Do0 15Or OOO 50o, ooo 1r 0o0roo0 1,, o00r 000 RECEITfEDI I. llfiBTlllGl IIECE9TED UITIIIT AIJTJ INfORU.tTtrgtl ,JUI . th r plannlng ptaff, berber lElne-lf any audlLlonal s the sppllcantrE tlnent rrLth the staf,f to flnd ir92 aI o4 // t- - -.AN RECRE ATION DISTRICT OOK 242,PAGE 933) -..-..'.-....'-.-.-(' \ \ \rr ^'*\U\ \ \ \ \ \ \ .@.o/ r\ .9 Ol , '.F\(o- a -(i,rOl- \(o_\(t\q\t \ \ \ \ \ \I \ \ a\ $\o\o\ s_ o @= rnA, O) :J $o \ \ I +/Por'otr> D€r-K Gr,i,::,t'/t'o t,.t, t; u6€ o.F L'/' i-i:'>;t' "' ft Lt*lt NB5o55'5l/W o z.lslolol$l o(o ,*.o-6t 9ors-:{ -tr \ \ \ ?..2' 2.2' s s.z 5' PARCEL A PARTY WALL 20.9' +lolol .s_l O(o { o) >ls O 4.2'x 2.2' METER BOX Ts, PARCEL -l5l i:_1 I ) I I I 33.7 5i G DECK o- t.O L__ - 5l'ws85 O4 // t .AN RECREATION DISTRICTrOOK 242,pAGE 933) rJl tutI1 \ I ^'-*\\) \ -, (J\ ro \(o-\cn\q\2 \ \ \ \ I a\5 oo$- o tc= mA, ---l Iz.5oo s_o(o ,t o, :J .Do 9o+- :-l$ S 85"5 5l'w ?.2' ?.2' 33.7 5' t?.2 PARC EL A PART Y WALL 20,9' +lol Ot .s- o(o € o >l .Do T5, PARCEL 4.2'x Z.Z' METER BOX -l5r i:_1 t ) I I I 33.75: l; DEcK L__ - .. ^ ^.^ -.-[r,1 ,\ ll-- NOIIIOOV XC:IO ]AIUO AVMUIVJ ISVf 9E6 oovtloloc 'TVn j fuuqT TiU' $,H* zoFO Lua $ $ FTN $ s .{ -$n$.|ds l$ $$ SR s 6r fi$ $ lL\+ AI K = + -{. $ N\\+ s f\ 'l-(r Ij $lNll =li $ll stl\ll {t\<t.) '.1t,\ v) 6\b,8, I ll-r \l) Id) $* *i €)15:€l-r- L{ - J----- E-l\r-,-i- . El-L.,- t-_-..r....rrr-. rREa - € I tl L66L UfBt^I3Id3S t L ri $ A\T il. s+ C, E s_ L { ri )$if\l $N INi I \ -t N$iItv\, vR I $$ $'{ i\i $i z Jo- I \< O tUo -t--- tn!l'i:ii ji lii ifui lffi,ii iiitu'i,; rur ''oc Jollanu [u eqt \ ?{ ST ffi $$$ $r $$ $$!,..(I $$r /t i\| '--: ,. /\a NOIIIOOV XC:|O ]AIUO AVMHIVJ lSVf 926 oovuoloc ']vn t66r Hf8ruSldfs trj fuuq-b fi$(} $ -fi- $ rM* N $\J T il. \+, z Otr() tU Q -$rs.t {,$ 3$ $$ +t s' $r fis( $ \ '-\t iI s = +I. $ \\ $ s* *i 'ti-' lii; ; l3ti r^ ris >6 r,' f F+$l + s t,+ .l tl s |\I\; opeJoloc'l!e l-vle \o<l 'o'd 99tB It9z-9l' .. lul 'oc Jallonur [u eql r _$_ $\.) U) X, ')\6\bv; 6/ tt, d) ( {-Ld) N )tr v, s, s ri z Jo- I \< O tUo ,llfi ii Iii i*;i lffi,ii ff*r 4{ SN $$$ {$ Sr $$ il$ Nef))\+ s.{:z^ t\\\,\t (( 4'\l I -l oo't 'Sq\ ;J attq tii, sr ir t'-u i--\P,t- * /l 6\l-\ x I\-ll I J zo-ir -lI fflF. ,tt.\ +;-1 g a_ il\- It \.p(r ll'l tl. \-.,,l\ ( +,\l.J o t Ssat ce tii, *l n |*A 5=t sr \nt f'- '? t I ?B\6 1R-J i- iR,\ iLr: N 7 rrlF\r +r.1 Ga rnilf $$ . o..l aaaaaaa ANTY ACIS I]{YAIIDAIII{G TYARRAI{TY: This warrant,v is void if this HOT SPRING Portable Spa has been subjected to alteration, misuse or abuse, or if any repairs on the spa are attempted by anyone other than an authorized representative of Watkins Manufacturing Corporation. Alteration shall include any component or plumbing change, electrical conversion, or the additior. ofany non-approredx sanitation or water purification device or heating system which contributes to a component or unit failure or unsafe operating system. Misuse and abuse shall include: any operation of the spa othei than in accordance with \4'atkins Manufacturing Corporation's printed instructions, or use of the spa in an application for which it is not designed. Specifically: use of the spa in a non-residential application; damage caused by operation of the spa at r"ter temperatures outside the range of32 degrees F. and 120 degrees F.; damage caused by dirtl', clogged or calcified filter cartridges (see Spa Care and Maintenance instructions in the Owner's Manual); damage to the spa surface caused bi/ the use oftri-chloro chlorine, chemical tablets, acid, or any other spa sanitizing chemicals or spa surface cleaners which are not recommended by lVatkins Manufacturing Corporation; damage caused by* allowing undissolved spa sanitizing chemicals to lie on the spa surface (no spa surface material can withstand this kind of abuse); damage to components or spa surface caused by improper pH balance or other improper water chemistry maintenance; and damage to the spa surface caused by leaving the spa uncovered while empty of &ater and in direct exposure to sunlight (this ma!'cause solar heating distress in desert or hot weather regions) are considered abuses and may invalidate this warranty. DISCLAI}IERS: Watkins Nlanufacturing Corporation shall not be liable for loss of use of the HOT SPRING Portable Spa or other incidental or consequential costs, expenses or damages, which may include but are not l-imited to, the removalofa perrnanent deck or other custom fixture. Any implied warranty shall have a duration equal to the duration of the applicable warranty stated above. Under no circumstances shall Watkins Manufacturing Corporation or any of its representatives be held liable for injury to any person or damage to any property, however arising. Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation ofincidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply ro ]'ou. [EGAI REiIEDIES: This warranty gives 1,'ou specific Iegal rights, and 1,'ou may har.e other rights rvhich vary from state to state. CUSTOIIICR SERVICE: For emergency service, contact a Factory Authorized Service Agent irnrnediately. If you do not knot' who your local representati!.e is, contact the Watkins Manulacturing Corporation Service Department at the above listed address or call (800) 999-HOTT, Ext. 432. Hot$priIe PoltableSpds rtNcroRPoR;TroN @ DET WATKINSMANUFACTURINGCORPORATION \Y 1280 Park Center Drive, Vista, California 92083 Lrsled 's%tkini lrl3nul..urinscorpo..ri,n nuinriim3 td orzppio!eda!.*$rir!ddrescrver rh! rilhrro in tud€d Dnrhis.pFo!€dtLn. lb orrc n wzr:,iy rpDrov.loi any ac.Ndrinrlricrwk. MaDrFr ar rh. rct.phonr trrhbq nredabole aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa o Do o G Y@ The perfect spa for smaller spaces and tighter budgets. It s all the spa you could ask for - with plenty of room for four and lots of hydrotherapy options. And all this luxury is available at a price you wouldn't expecl The Prodigy is also sized to fitthrough a standard doorway, so finding the right space is easy. Finding the time to enjoy it is even easier. SeatingCapaciry:Up to 4 adults and one chrld Dimensrons:5 l l" x 6' 0"x 29"H Water Capacity: 295 ga lons JetConfiguration:5jets total, nclud ng | ]etstream for feet, cavesand lower bac< 4 adlustab e hydrotne'apylets Seatint Type:Dee, m " t ,leve , bench-type seat rg, ra.ner free EffectiveFilterArea: 90sq"arefeet,top-oadrng HydrojetPump:H ghlyeftc ent. HP I l0 volt. | 5 kwstarnless stee;requ .esded catec 20 al.lt c.rcu,t:'eceptac.e':ludec a: 5tanddr c Thermostat Sensitivity Plus or rrr^us I dedree c E lectrical Safety: Comp ete y U.L. I sted Weitht:485lbs. dry,2,9451bs f led Fl*cEiFt. * I r:t[5i,] \ F,:,:L1r*rrit S [:i.1: S ll4fr:; Ef:r::tr. Fltlti Fl!;5il|:,',.FlFE F'tll ti lrFlE Ftri'fun t t Fnds l.pd .:' ]$ . EIB I tem paid F{$ount pai d Eil BBtl[r+1f,:i1E1r:tE 3tjl. t-1[ [.harrge r*turne'l .> t:i. i-ltil THFlh.{}< t/(fl-f !Jour i:gshier ..IE.l'.ll.lIF[F: I -roLJH (fF Ltfl r 1- l'liscel I aneous Cash F-t?- 1 7-9: ff!: 4N : 4 t' * * * * * * * * j 4 // ra I €t, <5 P- o' Fa =ca.B <tt'; 8ts ' EqEEE: Y: => TN RE€REATION DISTRICT )OK ?4?,PAGE 933 Eutr rll tutl'{ \ \ . i --'f\v\ \ \ \ \\ ffi*(tT o =o fl ffg*P'#: "':'ffi&i>;rtn t-t*t€ Ed)>€s9l oo).tA 4.(- ('\rOl- \(o-\(t\o-\t trli F(o- U)\ $\o\o\ $_ o to= rn, z.lslolo s_ o @ ,e$-'2,O) :"J .DoO) :'.Js Is 505 5l'wo 2.2' 2.2' t s.z s' PARTY WALL 20,9' PAR C ELrlol+l ol(o = € o) :J$o 4.2'x 2.2' METER BOX A1'PARCEL -tal tr-g I J I I I 33.75i 6 DECK b- r.O L__ - tr.r.rnll/a ,,\ ll -- a 'ilri lll;ni !lfl [i ilirnryri iiIii ;[o (. FO I F tl its I .el i e 3:' 8l \,:"J'- ;iiii;ili ii\ / Ill"liil ri\-../ t?E I:;F i' .: .l '.it. r. vt I i ----,-F;.4 I $$J7 &G t-\ N' Ft!7N Eis )r z {: Nx N t' sY e$ s' NR- $Ns-t.F .$F NP\q\JN $F FFT @ mo -loz t_r clmoX !r z NU\) rhr^l- t\\ rAIL\\ TTta7 s{*! 925 EAST FAIRWAY DRIVE VAIL, COLORADO I {. "; ": ! the mj mueller co.,in p.o. box 2747 476. vail, colorado Fs Nl- ). c\ $ t( 11 SEPTEMBEI] DECK ADDITIO N $ $ .$ k q_ fi' q.>uJ 5$Nf(* .{E 1991 \\-; $F FNts7"(t E\\ N\\tu.r i'9Yi- J rtl- t(' ils\5 $$f\NE {i$ NltN: r$N N{PE i\ . \i; aJ O 'T1 i3.}l lr)l FI El ,qlvtr!gi , {i g$ L I.)q d q P{ U ?o d. JI V VJl Pt- ,rl Fs i\ dq Bi :sH ri iiSH ra. J .:-Il'l UJl1'.i ,J'r'l tui .'t IrJJ.tl.'.I,i c{.:l q) ,,1 z $= $$Rs.jl- I ^.i<l i l-r )L UiJ \ll ,l1-lrdol ,-+1 ')]t{! PermitNo.0101 1 VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL, NAME OF JOB LOCATION ANO LEGAL DESCRIPTION lnun GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTMCT SIZEOFTAP:WaIor z- - 3 NUMBER OF UNITS oate Bllled Ltc. No. Lrc. No. Lrc. No. MelerSizo (x $600.(X)) = trmqunl Date Paid Finance i=E 7laqlt€c \ Bldg. Ocpt. -Whlle;- Wrtorand SaniiEtion - creen:- PublicWorks - Canary; - Contrrctor - Pink;- Accounting - Goldenrod It luwn box lfl} vail. coloredo 81657 lgr3l 4766813 Jin'Sheehan Vail Investnent q Developnent Ltd. 17 East Meadow Drivd: Vail, Co 8f657 Dear Jin, ltris is just a reninder that the bank regraded and reseeded this spring. department of community development April 28, l98I below Fairway Drive m.rst be Toun Planner PJ:bpr Encl. cc: John lfueller Village PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: qqq-8%4 'l<(A. - lbfl'-au INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME I MON CALLER TUES WED 4obREADY FOR LOCATION: OVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED BU tr o v tr B tr tr ILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr o tr F|NAL i tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL BEST IMAGE' POSSIBLE (,) ./-. ., l t YDATE //-',1 / "" rNsPEcroR// 5,r,' J PROJECT ? READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: -INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL a Sa( , ' JOB NAME MON z,rzZ)C< CALLER ,ur; @ THUR FRI PM PERMIT NUMBER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr n tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n X r,*ot tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR trr FTNAL tr FINAL 'feeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR SEHEDULE A PROPERTY DESCRIPTf O:'j ORDER \O.:91006765 ThaL part of Lot 1, VAIL VILLAGE Tenth Filing, described as follorvs: Beginning at a poinL whence the Nort.heasterll' corner of said lot 1 be,:r.s North 2.9 degrees 01 ' 56 " Ilast , a dist.rnce of b3 . 60 f eet; thence \orth 05 degiees 55'51" EasL, a distance of 33.75 feet; tlrence South 4 degi.ees 04,09" East, a distance of 67.10 f eet; thence South B5 dlgrees 55'51-" West, a disl,ance of 33.75 feet; thence North 4 degiees 04' 09 " lt'est, a distance of 67 .10 f eet to the Point of Beginning. Together rvith a undivided 50% interest in and to the common area, described as f ol lor','g: A.l. I of Lot 1 , VAIL VILLAGE Tenth Fi I ing, except 11'ts f ,rl lowing described parcel s: Beginning al Lot 1 bears 65.60 feeL; 33.73 fect; distance o.f di-stance of d i sta irce of Beginning at Lot 1 br:ars feet; the nc e f eet; therrce feet; thenc e feet; thence feet to the a point whence the Northeasterl)' Corner- of said rorlh ?9 degrees 01'56" East, a distance of thence North B5 degrees 55'51" East, a d j'sLance of thence South 4 degrees 04'09' E.rst, a 6'7 .10 feet; thence Souttr 85 degrees 55'51-" Hest, a 33 . 75 f e:et; thence North 4 degrees 0'i '09" ['lest, a 6'7.40 feet to the PoinL of Beg.inrring, a point rvhence the Northe.rsLerly corner of said Ucrrlh 29 degrees 01'56" East, a distance of 65'60 South 95 degrees 55'51"" l{est, a distance of 33'73 South ,1 degiees 0.1 '09" East, a distance of 67 .4O North 85 degrees 55'51" East, a distance of 33'75 liorth 4 degiees 04'09" hlesL. a distance of 67'40 Point of Beginning. COL]NTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COLORADO THIS COMMITI"IENT 9IAS PREPARED ON APRIL 3 ' 1991. FOR QL:ESTTONS PLEASE CALL TRUDY A. IIATARESE (303) 949-1011. STE\'V'AFTT TITLE GUANANTY COMPANY SCHEDULEB-SECTIONl ORDER .\:UIIBER: 91006765 NEQUIREI"lENTS THE TOLLOI{ING ARE THE REQUIREyENTS TO BE COMPLIED $tiITH: ITEII (A) pi\yllEil*T TO OR I;OR THE ACCOUNT OF THE GRiINTORS OR IIORTGAGOI?S OF TI{E FULL CONSIDERATION FOR TI.IE ESTATE OR INTERDST TO BE INSURED' ITEM (B) PROPER TNSTRUMENT (S) CREATING THE ESTATE OR INTEREST TO BE IIiSURED ITIUST BE EXECUTED AND DULY FILED POR RECORD' TO WIT: 1. Execution of affidavit as to Debts and Liens and its return to Stewart Title GuarantY ComPanY. 2. Evidence satisfactory to stewart Title Guaranty cornpa rr1' of payment of all outstanding taxes and assessments as certified by The EagIe CountY Treasurer. 3. Esecution of certificate - Entity Transferor/Individual Transferor and its return to the office 4. Evidence satisfactory to stewarl TitIe Guaranty company that the real estate transfer tax assessed by the Town of vail has been paid or that the transaction is exempt from said tax. 5. Evirlence of proper compli-ance with the right of f irst refusal contained i-n Secti-on ?0 of Declaration recorded [la1' 18, 1982 in Book 340 at Page ?30 as Reception No' 236579' 6. Deed from celia Teuscher Torres, Gabriela Teuscher Torres and GuilIermo Teuscher Torres, vesting fee simple title in Itanuel castro, NOTE; NOTATION OF THE LEGAL ADDRESS OF THE GRANTEE MUST APPEAR ON THE DEED AS PER 1976 AIIEND}IENT TO STATUTE ON RECORDING OF DEEDS CRS 38-35-109 (2). NOTE: For an additional charge, stewart Title of Eagle county will provide any copies of exceptions as shown on Schedule B - Section 2. STE\^IAR.T TITLE GUANANTY COXPANY I SCHEDULEB-SECTION2 EXCEPT IONS ORDER NUIIBER: 91006765 THE POLICY OR POLICIES TO BE ISSUED WILL CONTAIN EI{CEPTIONS TO.THE FOLLOI4JING UNLESS THE SAME ARE DISPOSED OF TO THE SATTSFACTION OF TIIE COITPANY: 1. RIGHTS OR CLAI}IS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSIO;T' I'OT SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 2. EASEMENTS, OR CL}\IYS OF EASEI1ENTS, NOT SHOrliN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 3. DISCREPANCIES, CONFLICTS IN BOUr.r*DARY LINES, SHORTAGE IN AREA, ENCROACHMENTS,ANDANYFACTShIHICHACORRECTSURVEYAND INSPECTION OF TIIE PRE}IISES WOUTD DISCLOSE AND WHICH ARE Ir*OT SHOhIN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 4. ANY LIEN, OR RTGHT TO A LIEN, FOR SERVICES, LABOR OR TIATERIAL HERETOFORE OR HEREAFTER FURNISHED, IMPOSED BY LAI^I AND NOT STIC}WN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS. 5. DETECTS, LTENS, ENCUMBRANCES, ADVERSE CLAIMS OR OTHER I1ATTERS, rN ANY, CREA?ED, PIRST APPEARING IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OR ATTACIII.'T*G SUBSEQUENT TO THE EEFECTIVE DATE HEREOF BUT PRIOR TO THE DATE PROPOSED In*SIIRED ACQUIRES OF RECORD FOR ttALUE THE ESTATE OR INTEREST OR MORTGAGE THEREON COVERED BY THIS COMI{IT}IENT. 6. UNPATENTED MINING CLAIMS; RESERVATTONS OR EXCEPTIONS INPATENTSORAIiACTAUTI{oRIZIn-GTHEISSUANCETHEREOF; TI]ATER RIGHTS CLAIMS OR TITLE TO WATER. \OTE: ")IECI.IANIC'S LIEN" A\lD,'/Otl "GAP" PROTECTION (EXCEPTIONS 4 A:iD 5 .\BOVE) TIAY BE AVATLABLE WITH AN OIl']fER'S POLICY OF TITLE INSUR.\NCE ON RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY UPON COMPLI.qT-CE I,{ITH STEITIART TITLE GUARANTY REQUIREMENTS. PLEASE CALL FOR FURTHER INF'ORMATION AS rO THOSE SPECTFTC REQUIREMENT (S) NECESSARY TO OBTAIN THIS COVERAGE. 7. Any ancl alI unpaid taxes and assessments and any unredeemed tax saIes. 8.' The effect of inclusions in an1'general or specific water conservancy, fire protr=ction, soil conservation or other district oi inclusion in any water service or street improvement area. 9. Patent reservations of record. 1,0. Easements, restr.ictions and rights-of-ways as shown on the Plat of vail village Subdivi.sion Tenth Filing. 11. Terms, conditions, resert'ations, restrictions and obligaLions as contained in Protectiv-e Covenislfpl$f.RCCfnln Continued on nelit -Pagffr.rnrnry coxpr y I CONTINUATION SHEET SCITEDULEB-SECTION2 EXCEPTIONS ORDER NUMBER: 91006765 lI , Lg73 in Book ZZg ^t Page 604 as Reception No ' L24442' 11. Easement granted to Vail Metropolitan Recreation District recorded NovemSer 6, 1975 in Book 242 at Page 933 as Reception No. 139058. L2. Terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and obligations as contained in Declaration of covenants, and Restiictions for Lot 1, VaiI village Tenth Filing, recorded l4ay 10, 1982 in Book 340 at Page 230 as Reception No' 236579' 13. Any and all rights of the owner of the property adjoining the subject property on the west arising from the existence of a p"tiy wait iartiy located on the subject property, as described in Dec.Iaratr-on oi conditions, Covenants, and Restrictions for Lot 1, VaiI \tillage. TenLh Filing, recorded May 10' 1982 in Book 340 at page 230 as Receplion No. 236579 and all easements, rights of way as shown 6n the Plat which is included within Lhe said Declaration. STE\vAR.T TITLE GUAIANIY COIf PANY goc-l lrAt rxsPEcrroN's couPLstED lhe lteus belon need to be couplete before gtviag a pernl.t a flnel C of 0. Pleaee check off ln the box provlded. DATE:tl FINAT }IECEANICAL DATE: IMPROVEUENT SURVEY RESID. NA}IE: DATE: DATE! [] $f, K FINAI, BUILDING EAST SIDE:I{EST SIDE: TEUPORARY C OF O Ir I DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PAI{CY DATE: tlli I.AIIDSCA?IIIG DI'E DATE: T' INSPECTIONTOWN OF qqr ] PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 1, "( -1 t JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON 5- CALLER TUES WED THUR @ . L'L{ AM PM I .,En r,=chnE ufJLrJ llVAra---"1 !'| t DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BU {, trl trl _.1 ILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUNDFOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL o tr tr c tr ROUGH i D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFR4MING tr tr tr r-l ROOF & SHEER GAS PIPINGPIYWOOD NATLTNG rrlsuLAroN _POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr o FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECT niFsnop rNs PE PERMI DATE 3 - l0' ?iroB NAME CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL i n1 + INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THUR AM' PMFRI lr. if. BEADY FOR LOCATION:1i ( T NUMBER OF PBOJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: C HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAM.E MON .It'' --\- \ 'rF, \uNhqr'., I NsfreTt o N REQU Estl ,r'j ,.-. \ \. \ r TOWN OF VAIL I rt!ffi \\AN\\\S\ r (:../< 'a,.U AM@ CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TUES ,/1, NUM BUILDINGl - O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: / O UNDERGROUNiQ tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ! tr D tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL q/Aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE .. 1::, " ;, I SPECTIONTOWN OF I REQUESTivAtL I .,1+DATE ------ READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALL TUES THUR FRI PERMIT NUM ROJECT BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr D tr tr n FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tsGouc*tr tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL FINAL {orraoveo 4 tr DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, (- // ' 7/ rNSPEcroR ,; s,':r!ii. " ' d*i- - -r t" erl> c\afN s n E,c;p N, $F o u Esf/?t' s -\ PERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECTq-{-?/JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUESniocArloN: ?A{ ("rn"t"- tQ'Lo"t )t o* pT"t/ I . JtJtt ,tn' // 0A W*.r-u*' aa - oy\' BUILDING:PLUMBING:AA^ffiqfEffitr FOOTINGS / STEEL _F-UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V. L-1 4-AOUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr E trFINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL t ,tr tr FtNAL,, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDft'enoveo CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nFsrop (',i INSPECTIONTOWN OF ' .1\ I REOUES.T\vAtL I '. lrt PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,;Q>r ,{,TUES (WEil TH>.2- t JOB NAME [/oN CALLER I AM €v) NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr BOUGH / WATER/4*ori*e ROOF & SHEEB D GAS PIPINGtr.t- ru DS D- tr POOL i H. TUB PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATIONI SHEETROCK " IYAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: ,iy HEATING O ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDU]T O SUPPLY AIR D FINAL D FINAL APPBOVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: / ttlQb3 * PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -\q\":J.q,t- rNs wED @ FRI PECTION TOWN OF I tr REOUE6TvAlL r .. !lt DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER ON BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGI.I / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING |-.l ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB EETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELE ol trF o( o MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWEB tr HEATINQ','- ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED A t1 Atonrr "l- lc* t/ : rNSPEcroR j TOWN OF :. REOUES]iVAIL . *" '.b r, DA-|E / -(/'J READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES V?tp3 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT -/4 4 rt\tQDtr^Tt^Nt'z MONa ax JOB NAME tr DISAPPROVED i r&, WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTTNGS /Sreel PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING E ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING -..:- tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED COBRECTIONS: REINSPECTION REQUIREDI INSPECTOR INSPECTIONTOWN OF I 'I REQUEST.vArL { 't' i; .-. DATE \\-\ JOB NAM; toN: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: INSPE \r9 wEDs._ rHUR CALLER MON PMAM I BUILDING:PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER N FOOTINGS / STEEL B tr tr B tr tr FOUNDAT1ON / STEEL ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Knppnoveo CORRECTIONS: E] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ome //-/Z -?/ rNSPEcroR o uJF z oz I dl .5 z uJF F oaF ? =z I I I I I I I I Zt<lE'tslFrl rl HIel I I@l@l*l (nl .- llu E16 Frl IXxl l(r I I I zlH'<l &13plo EIGlu- |.1 ro&.t0<,2vto RN\$N\\N\\ (t uJ UJt! b =G IIJc E) UJo =I Eo TL zH z Hts F anz F. oH pr !) z rd Eqt -c o.o.6 'o\o o tOq)() G a q) .c oo 6 oEoo o)c = dl E o =l o oo C' =Q) o ID .:1t ovGfo) at cl N -o 'F o = o()(! o o (t .9 = -o oco ar;,}(! o 6 o Ec(E o0,() o E o c 3 F 6 '= Eo o c(! CL a 6 .9 {t Er-3 o. Eo() o o, E G 6goro)ioOcC)(U o a!, OEg)c ,=(o Sr-oU'(6c..'36.o!F'I= 96o-5 5'=F> EloiE,99 '-oo-E; =!6cI6x -oo-(t'C ii6 -.o r!^ 6cF(s. CL;eCo'-aE 0)- ?i .cg-= 33o>(dE CC(!: T6frsEoEEooOG EE c.9 9EE= cL o$-cr-x=;G> '-o 5.e DGOE 5C '-9 .Y- o.c -' -c'=^!t Euotr-c OlIic-cs (uc og(rc BtO(tc-6i6I >T-oq(D7 bE.gC -C rn * U'ul UJlJ- E =E IJJ(L F F tr-E uJo- z =o oz =Jc X X D<X l F z F c) z Ett =o aFzfz <oo< =p9tr6o<z u) =z. 9= -.1 ido3d t.l(, I frl,1tMFrl<<l!EFlc,).hl2t3 l{|ltjl2,ilotatzxl"Etr{(n lc)tzC9t<zt&FIIEHIErrlfdHIEXI rrl lh Eto,\ lCotAtd F4 | rEl<ttsrtrt<E..'IB :< ; z trqc uJ UJz uJ(5 =>E .v) = LlJ ^: =@N zzoo F^ttq5..-ooFgooz>-o()<)2lr<oq E!?;Ej^i 1r1 c UJ z z F gJ J 3 UJz I I I I I ol =.1olull 1l <l>l rLlolzl ..: FI E ol uJl cEl JI <lilol zl 3l 9tFI ol =.1ol uJl 1l al>l tr.lol zl 3lolH (no cr\ I o,'-ir 01 flsl*l I II dlz.l ol uJl 1l <l>l rLiol zl FIFt z HH H z Fl tr ol =.1olutl 5l <l>l lLlol zl 3lolFI ca I\o io- F-1H F o .l! 'l('tz. AJ J IJ- z H at) cn F ui =z -t E Fzoo 2 T UJ ) 9EF() uJ) zt- =#]FJZrto t <F ur<zE LIJ F("t Zo l s s 1 oz E =G, IJJo. EFz C 7 "b =E* JYO -r "i ul6d=.}{.x-ulllJLt E =Itr l!o,' IJJE9E'3o9,EurE9fir 5gFJr=ur-E b=o iiiE =EE F5E :HE ;-Eul €= ut.o rF T-1LXI.-J z o9 =eoo2z =tfJO O- lJ- uJ Eo llJ Eo .ooazo Fo- IIJY uJdl oF F =-G= -cr\ t!ooi > o.l o-nFl - t-t\Jd t3 rJ.lFoz E =E lrJo-z9FofE 6zoo ^cuJo.. UJ C)F-r.rHCD+'E<lod(-) CUJH TgO-J'- c5 0- Xz,< a ) lJ- or-. F. o) ]!.JC d t= Qc1l' r-/, pO.!LrJ C)o o .+Jlrl ! qj LrJ C r-7-OA- ut .oF.E() (5 l-q-2,.+- o- =,V'o (u€Jp c,JPa/' u-JC\J lJ.l ) \J\ a. x x x 1 dl d a\) U f-I H + ,h,t"r (n IJJ uJu-t =E IJJ o- \l N \ \| t I N \N N oul oz oz o J l(o ctt zz ,*]- ;q iltr * ,- l v. \ \ I 2 =gJ |- z tt uIo =T l! F Fz o xX c.9 1l c; D(D d9etXalo;l F q) Ni o ouc(6 oooo ol == dl E =cf 0) o =.q, o 'i\ 'oF o o o) t o()o(! o o .2 = 6 at 36 (D (E o o v, o)() 6c c 3oF E E (! .E (E E ; '= CL Eoo o c)c) o)o ()o o o E o) (u 1Dp .9 (o E ; (! (6 o (! v, ! (! c(E CL o o- o (! () o c(g 0) oE Eoo o E E G ; lt() (E CI CL(u o E(lt q) o (o 6 oo)oo; .Y (5 oo o )! N C. 0 U \0t'^${$ I s \ ^s\ a {, \ \ N F = uJ o- z =f O oz J (J E C) UJ ut z =3 J () z () UJ = UJ uJl!z EUEoltlE o(E o co 3 _ut tll z 6ut Fo qJ o- z UJJ x F 1!atl o uJ LlJt! r-taE uJ FoF J. I:sz J (D J I UJJ UJ oz @ =Jo- = UJ = J F F{ c\t NO|lvn]VA \) .\, uJF o ( i I .: t; a tI -Eo =ozo Fceo Itlo tulztu $ zz Es ",-EPoana =>U:l!<oo- o.-qIE Et\ ts, itn =aD ,1. z tr J IL o UJ 0 R \A uJ z z E uJ =UJz v, uJo Jq luE u-- o2 I Fz, Oz EO3tr trz zo tr 6 oo UJo (,z Y a. oz Fo o zI l z I ac\ \ N (\ o\ N m IJJ E U'ooa zo h uJY uto oF l- tcul -\tl.o o-oo I uJFoz 4,,.9 ff; EF +E!Dn =ilf; Dnr e.><$ g1 a-5z*e. \) Es q FcI;-4 BH 9 -F E.}-9:fi I E=F; EO= 3 =--ru 59I\ utErr-X tL tue r €q= =lU1+- OioiF*.r -G! E =Elrlo-zo F() EFcnzo(J 6 r l\l Itl -lSl dtl l\l Ls.l t-.tlolz.F-:9; {CI E v^,qJ sl c.J(1, 1a'r I i; =z to a 5 1 ^/ :.1 =,^l-1 ru =4 "O -u -(L ,.- 6 I IL lo. I I I )taul CI CIci>g5 I(\:,1 .-l rl .l zl '/, ctl : Hl =JI <l c.-it :9'3l ul PI F I I (rl Lrjl rEl JI al>l l!lol zl 3lolFI Et =E z o uJ a il zl 3l 9lFI ol =.1olrulEl 3t FI =Etr I I I :l utl 1l =l>l t!lol Pl e=E E uJz3o uJ F- E -.r O<F(rQ tIJ <zELUF <oOF hd =F---, z.-,oIO 2? =ff,FJZ 6F =3Y,Z =g \,, z <oqfr-l x><x xxXx.x I f r'' --+, , N+ tll-las5ifrr/ {<oir( 1't5 L f,(:ttt)(t' ' -Tre ln 75 soulh tronlage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 ;fune 2, 1988 ottlce of communlly development Ms. Marilyn J. Thoma Re: Lot rl vlt__fdU"ae torh Filing Dear Marilyn: According to the Town zoningt maps, the land west and north ofthe above property is zoned Agriculture/Open Space. Thiszoning is intended to preserve agricultural , undeveloped or open space lands from intensive developrnent while pernrittingagricultural pursuits and low density residential useconsistent with agricultural and open space objectives.Pernitted uses are single family dwellings, public parks,recreation areas, open space and plant and tree nurseries. Not more than one dwelling unit shall be perrnitted for each thirty-five areas of site development. This land is owned by the Tovrn of Vail and presently accomnodates the Vail Golf Course. While there has been nodiscussion of changing the use in this area, owners of adjacentproperties wouLd be notified by mail of any significant changescontemplated for this property. Sincerely, Planning Technician o PE WED THUR FRI tNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES PM LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E. FINAL 6t'., tr FTNAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR OVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED (. ') DATE INSPECTOR": Iup Fcpacp I ctz E =e uJo- -{ m (?)\o \o 4 tn UJ uJu- E = IJJ.L {*\N$$\ttrl lor €r Ol6r ('\' o\ F{l'-{l lr".ll" lnl <@:< ro to tr]lF*l rl ,1,, I, E*l;r^EDr;i r-1 Z =lE o.t = 3iE His ntt!Foz z = @ .6 z 2 ltJu,o =(rolt. GoFo EFzoo o iJ D/t/.'r\,v.) I Jtt)/ Yv cilol olEl6, I €\ |.9\ |E\ Is \l NI ;\E\ o ll rN(!lcE)o,,r --/./ |o:4 =./)o -//EI6, 'oE?IO4r?4€4 ay.e'ZE '/t Efl--/r, t a t\(t) \-/iilS*l aul 0Hl -a- o cot:6,:' '= O .,;i g8E; .;fi pE F.= 6 -E =_.s 6 S UP:Ac-o> ef;? .=si;c9cE -*=o)3E-: E E-F:*.€35 € qee n!se cL 6 cL-$E; eo!E-ors€e€E6:i :E:F E6 E: -o.Yo--C?60'-!!;o(, g,TEE ggr,E 9'!45.)(6=9 iE;e9Eor -eEg: - o (! .:v |.\D F\o KT v,/, 4 q 6 tr EE uJ z o) Y uJ z J -) = !uJ uJ z o .J 9z = u,J uJ!!z tr tu uJ 3g LU z 6 uJo 6oo- UJ o-lz tl,l o x F uJ \,tIr- uJll- F =E, uJ(L J F F z J J F IJJ UJ z =) oz o UJ = F.l ts H NOtrvn1v IE lEl= l*lI : " lFl- - : lEl: : i lclo'' lZlFl * 'rlH: -ltF F EEIE E a =E;ls12 EdlEoq dli: rI I LItrllf-{l*tz z tr J q ol E UJ F \o \o Ra uJE z E z9 E .E IIJ 3 UJz tltltltl EzlzOa koo< >6>(E}<EUo<z a =2. 9= Io3trOI ullJ) (E o) z 9IF zq F oz =3 F u,l tlltl l"l sll l--t--.l'lltt oll l3t6l,al H-?l:o9l Jtl<t+.-_zl :- F F (n zl .. >lo uJ lrlulzoF =(r uJ z E o tl4 .ll>.rt-- I l"lzl6t<IJt@ z =E (l (n I& @€c'\ (?) F{ lrJ Eo,oo-zo ro- IIJY UJ c0 oFt uJ(L ILo coo IJJFoz u, o d, z2__o Bn:"- d;6 3>z-f >.nJO C\(L u- o\ z*^? ;Hg tr c1!o- u-o+. ulE9Eial6 attnea9Tl ir sgE-JF =uJ-E F> Q 1EedrJ :>aL: ol!E 9o9 iurEX(LE X>6=Fct 'io-itttr uJ F EI-- E =E. lrJ o-z9F(JfE azo() H!D Ho lrf(9 Fl Ffl-{ FlH z J ll- J E i Fo) -.l.,'I,'I t4| <l --<-l -1 I El H 7 H h C.l u,; =z. co ,-l (/) |zl oi (/JqI =z xl >l<l3&H h C\ q>a llle. .) I\o j o- FlH =o = tr uJ oo : q F & Fv) E ts : tr cq I cn oz dluc J ILoz3oF @\o I\ot\\T : I H&F Itl Fr ET t4 &HE XE !<n =t tr I I!4 1r(lD'q IFrlt-+: l I lclt-.lol=.loI uj IJt<l>Ir|-lolzt=loIF uJJ uJF (Jlzlt.{l Fql EI HI -lal E ts T4Fl Fl =tr ,l('}lcl-^l il(t UJE a ILI23 }\.ifr\ Io\.f, o\ ui.J UJF =tr H J u- z Bo =g IJJI bz 3oF IJJJ{!F E, UJz =o F u,JL-o E <FcouJ<zE[!Ftt'l zo() JE<o()F FS f?F =z^-!lJ OIO E2? =#JZqo C) 6p +3AFiz =g d ;\ =+E Oz<()c.t L:a 2 tRtEtft.X.X" \,' .^. cl,rj c|F-r'ii< Gl .rJE<.EE(Jc lrJ H .64J- (t o- xz<@ J.L AFr F. Ol !-v c d .'FOc.uE(/)!-t, -o O16ItJ C,o O +-r ltJ ! O,,Itr-l c Fl:= o o_l(J EI|t) ol; F;I = q_ o_l5t-lSstlJpv)lQ0, ItJ- J C\r I =,.1 I I rl pl 5 x !l\ \\ lx I N N]sl od x l^ I I p sl\ls an l1J u.J t,|- F =c UJ(L or|lFoz 1 Jl .D .6 = x >< IE;€F l;;gggI c.= (E - a!: e€.osEEXS& :eEiR :g€i; -EF;9.:-€8E* SqeFE fli5;$ f E ="9!pao6d :E€ H!, it'Eqi :3€ g; .c;(l)4rtr eti.e€6i'to> BF+Eac-=-> E;5: E is:qr eEggX -o(5f: Dt \! f.. UJ oz CD J 'l FIdol I I :a() l! z v U F.. cnl'l I I 0 () rlal-l I F I I x d e \ It I t\\i H c) F tu uJ oz (o J J 2 o uJ u.l alJILzo F tu r,uE oe. 3uJ luEz 6!! F o.u, z uJ x F ut U'l U' UJl!u- F\ R.'1oAut\ql -rI E"l-l oz J o Fo UJ UJ (,z .o = o- oz () u, J F.oF NQrlVnlVA IJJF o l='dl= =E{ lF g =E$ sg Er-' .,>{ Llil= $/r E t< Ir! lE I j z Eo : z tr<1 9il -l-l ^l ;lulzl q, at> zYo It- ll tltloFz z9aFUJ<oo<OJ>:i =Ed1oo<z attF 2,. 9z f,hd63tr u,o ozz F o) J oo J B ul \ \ { F \,1 tv Y\ wv) (t, at@2. ==z=odf,*ITJ UJ lrl ' dl o-F E CEul -. o.- _- l!topl> D<J E>$o\LrdlguJbkZ, a) l- EEl!o- i .D 1 J IFo c -1 t-.{ FI -l F] (Jl tl lt llta IH =t Jflg I I I I ol =.1ol PI .,l <l>l ?l,ol rrJFI FE -JO<Fcc)lrJ <zEIIJ FAZo C) o F Iu o F Q zo() z - LU Ei:gE o2 () J<c)au>L! llJ -rO *e \ IIJ a,/a d, \-/ llao5=*U z *t=a :f 'iHP =E--F E .1X.i- I atr 5 ff I -,El-E=g;lodul;l J*=5 Fl ..*E:-+8 Hl =;F;JL -l atF.l; = H :- lrll -,r.|l-E ;. J =t J V l\l [[ffi;HEr E q; Efl! =utf3 1kF+* zot-(J DEF CNzo()F = uJ.L ><><xl'. Prolect Appllcatlon Project Name: Proiecl Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: rl'l r l' Firins \hi li l.Jll | ,( 'l\ , zono i: Design Review Board Moiion by: \ | -. ,.\./,t\.lr i:\ ll lXl ',t-r. I'J -i L)k? - DISAPPBOVAL Seconded by: APPBOVAL Summary: r./ nt' [,r,-!', Town Planner :i\ |.-.-o",". iUi i C'/ "'b, Staff Approval til INSPECTION REOUEST READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME "Ie CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI D^rE 2- /l z- TOWN OF VAIL L BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr tr tr tr tr tr D UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING '-r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB A tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FhIAL tr FINAL 6,feaoveo oARECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ---:-J\./i. f'.a.-,.-I^-- t INSPECTOR.DATE I\fi ,r) t\ l).\\ | l.\l)l',1 [ i^\to't r^\l)t I l, t .{^\l5. l^\L. nrcchilnicrtl ittttl clcctricirl -.4,---lI June I7, 1980 Mr. Jim Sheahan 925 Fairvay Drive Vai I , Col orado 8'1657 Re: Combustion Air Requirements for Duplex Unit in Filing #10. Dear Jim: Based on our discussions and my observations at the duplex site on Monday afternoon, I have the following recommendations for provid'ing combustionair to the equ'i pment room. The boiler input rating is 470 CFH and the water heater input rating is 199 CFH, for a total input within the equipment room of 669 CFH. In ac- cordance with U.M.C. Section 607 (C) 2, where the combustion ajr inletis "directly corrnunicating with outdoors" at least one square inch per 4,000 BTUH is required. This means that the net free area of the com- bustion air opening must be 167 square inches. Assuming that the free areaof a louvered opening is 65%, the gross opening into which the'louver would be placed must have 257 square inches. The gross opening would therefore be 16" x 16" square. This opening, as we discussed, would be directly from the equipment room to the exterior above grade and below an exterior deck. Since the equipment room has a floor area greater than 50 square feet (ap- proximately 75 square feet), it w'ill not be necessary to spljt the com- bustion air into openings within the upper'12 inches of the compartment and the lower 12 inches of the conpartment per U.M.C. Section 602 (A). To summarize, you wjll need an opening 16" square in the upper 12 inches of the mechanical room, conmunicat'i ng directly to the exterior in order to satisfy the pertinent sections of the Uniform Mechanical Code. The opening should have a louver" and the fabricated louver should have a minimum of 65%free, or net, area. I hope that the above information is understandab'le and will permit you to proceed with the construction of your Project. If there are any questions, please do not hesjtate to contact me. I am forwarding a copy of this letterdirectly to Steve Patterson of the Town of Vail Building Department for hisrecords. Thank you for calling upon us. Sincerely, David L. Yoder 4c: Steve Patterson DLY/ei I'. {). []r'r 24* . ll5 Nl'rrh Eighth Strcct Cr:rnd Juncrion, ( olorado 815{,tl . 103^245-0148 l\lountain Haus. [ 'rr it 2 Vaii. Colorado 81657 29J f'-. \{eaclorl Drir0. 301-4?6,2{)91 o SPE at' CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL :PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE IN JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON w!:D. rHUB '. I inu i PM\_-READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr c9. FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr Fr|lrAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR lD' oa March 28, l9B0 Mr. Steve Patterson Departmenf of Community Developmenf Town of Vai I Box 100 Vai l, Colorado 81657 Re: Vai I Duptex Dear Steve: ^ .0n February 12, 1gg1, it was mutually agreed between pennerConstruction Managemenf, Inc., and Dr. C. J. Tsamasfyros thatPenner construction Managemeni, Inc., wourd no ronger be invorvedin the construction of the dupiex at'925 Fairway oiive. As ofFebruary 12, 7980, we will no longer be responsible for the con-strucfion of fhis project under our license. Sincerely, PENNER CONSTRUCTION ,"M Project Manager MANAGEMENT, INC. MVrIM: bd 1795 WEST WARREN AVENUE ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80110 . 303/935-3591 0R 934-2251 Itl,l I oz =t UJo c. CIII .: \ $ \ f\ )l ,q \l/") rn. \, \ s \,\| \ U''ulIu lJ-t E uJc l, ti " "r'D I I I rili tl lllr lt =I I e D =E3 =z IJJ F z zz 9!:t< rr-=iF_<9r9 < :. 9 z FtrlF<|,F?, VHiHT!a::?: '-<ozd ^22F')z: - ll- YFFCtra<U'<uazyi;Ei;;<UEg,-ti? o> -|,<cn-atr:<r(<':..r a \ $ a\ q tl N aN tc) $ O \ RJ lN sa $ (\ $\ s.. $ o a oa q ,o s N '1.Bs v) N t LlJ z oJ 5 x LU z) J aF lLJJt! z f J =- tll = uJ UJu. z. tr uJ UJtr o(E o =UJ uJ z 6 UJo F atoo-Ito z LUJ a IJ,J UJlr-t =ul J F F z 5If d) t |J,t UJ z :)Jo- J z c) uJ NOuVntvA Yg\ = =7.43 " 3 9n B c =fiI3d 8io z X\!!<3i ${:s il.i (\t (Jl .r1,,{\> l\ c\>/ >/ a\--\)) $ g I JI I zo F J F .i <n (L uJ F \\\ \}\t a v,q fi \ss N aIL LIJ z E z F G UJFJ =IJz (r\l ll I I z =E o- FUJ|.|J lrJ IIJ => ozz= zv>2 tlJ f7v<1o-;- a'\ uJ llJ z<) n\| -l Elu =a !ol ? F dt t ll r)l f,z F UJ- Je ll 3Z5ktr6<Foaz938 =9oo(,?HHtJll ll r l'^trN 'h I NHUI YI JNI Flv t lc\odztfr s\$ = o(5o zo F J =U)z llJ .J ? t4 T F uJ- d 3 ! b!tqI I t)t-+- o LUJ u-l o = J tl\l atY-\ tlll'w :o)rl\\\ ul UJt! o- F 6 z oa LUF =.J (n uJF z)s UJ U) t/JzY iF t4 $ \4 trt lr') \ \ N l") N N N N 0"\ t\ {t \ ul F \5tl to tt $u 3Fgb JF= UJ r \' 6it(t crlz. N \ Noz F() uJ-) E o- r{\ $ NU N{ I.IJF o F =Eul o- 2 z =<(Do =z \dL Etrtr EE='-\ -: L! co il,= bNN L =E[!(L ll-o uJ C! F kr I i!rfs l(.,lzF- J I.L $ N Nii =z UJ oo J = I t \ N -\ \ \ a $ $ tr kl tsIrl f IN\ lH$l<=l=o I Il J{3 ed (^ B </) <n uJ <l = \ t\ ! I (ti L t UJ oo =tr aa LIJ = E Lll 6 = II I E E IJJEoo = Ic = E. UJ E,t) FO uJ T- <F(r(JuJ<ztIUFo=ua <oOF -<r - UJ (Jl() E Zr- =#fFJZrro *oYF =3?,2 =g t-t i. = \JZ <() t-,Il-T zo FofEFazo() oz F =E uJo- lgr :?lo I I I I I t_., rc) IE tvtotzro I I l_ .Ft<to I I I I I, IFt<(EIFlaz l=to lotz iHil=:::Ti-*3"3 < :- i z F:f F <(,I;l*Ea:?isi<ozdlzzA);9085Yt!.CFo<iJ<ordz:iiEi;;<o <Fgs:H- i .. < c O>-r,)<on]6ro=<e<tl z i'i:< =E6f#-o<FuJrou{g ==-ts9<ozroZf :< E. =ZD- ^ 6z =ZYE "L !O YUJ +i ^tXz Ncl ttl .J z E o z tr uJF.J ; IJJz z Jtr Y'Jdt .J LIJ =zil =z <1, LI' oo )a = I F = tr (ha UJ o J = I F = tr a <n LI,JEoo = tr aaluEoo J- = Ic F tr |r tr a llJEoo)= tr a Eo ) = IIL F uJE ,t) F uJ tsr E <F IJJ <zE[!F(42 oA <o(JF F=gl \(J E.(,ozr =#:zr-L o =- Lu = 5 T llJ b=<(J(44ri/-lJv oz F() IJJ-.|ot o- UJF 6 ts =E lrJo- Jz z ze coo =z (L r! =E? lC);\ 6il= ntn o E CLoo ott .E lt-E-E=ntr ;(Lox tr rrr9Etr>rF zo FofEFazo() nr! 7 - 1s otP6rmit No. VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT lnttnWATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL OESCRIPTION GENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP:Water NUMBER OF UNITS Date Billed Lrc. No. Ltc. No. Lrc. No. Metor Size (x $6fi).00) = Amount Date Paid Finance Oirector Bldg. Dept. -While:-Wet€tand Saniiation - G'e€n;- Public Works - Canary;- Contractor - Pink;- Accounting - Goldonrod olo fu= Project r.eation VAtt,uw ED OUTL]NE SPECITTTCATTON **4nl1b - t. 6JilEnAL REQUTR€,{ExT3r 2. 5lTE YORKrilmlLj 'll1T,l__.::*__:-=-- Dcoolitio: conrtrucrion ol rl.,.rurcl ro.h drnolirhd ond rnorariolr to br raurrd. Ohrr lord inprovanrntl. Curbs ond Guttrrl: Typc ond morrriol. N.4 . Povcrnrnl: f,lotdiol sod thiclnrrr of bosc ond wcoring surfoce tor dri"or, po.t ing o,oor,srrc.t3, qll.yr, cowtr, volkr,drying yords ond pley crcor. Slcpt, hondroilr, chcctyollr. - Storor Droinogr: Culvcrlr, pipc.t. moohohs, colcl bosins. do,,nrp*l connrrction (dry wcll, rplosh bloclr, slorn sewar).Site frigg3lig: !t e go.gt5,.tig1, ru3gcry, xqtlqlg[Jr, ioxoil rtrisoi,ro. cteqrinc. o,,,bh;.,n anJ ,-*L-.^r.^-: [itriff . F' ; xg:nip NkEF#iry "", . u -' "', : * l!., "i .Ij*'1- Equipneat loe Sprc io l.lr.ror ond Eocloruru: plo, cguipnnl, brncl er, --- lcncr r. Fini:h C,roding: Approrimotr cristing drpth ond mtthod of ingroving toproil. Exrcnl ol linirh groding. Lownr ond plonting: Typr, siro, guonrity ond lown, ground covrr ond hrdgr nroteriol, lrccr. rtuubr, clc.lc olion ol I r'|.: I o oo Coxg.E-g I!: C.xrcrete str.ngth lor crt:rror rqllr h.low onJ obovr gr,:do. irrl:rior wollr ond gorlilionr. prrlr. foclrngr, col- gmnt ond g,r,trrr. Siro, thrcl.nrrr ond locolrcn on drutrrogr. Nolo portronr hoving r"i'tlorcrng rlcclon dror rng L. Locot ion, rirc ond motcrlol ol lrtrieg drcrot ond ouflil.-:frffifrf::zwWu.m Stuctural rtrt.n el csrcrrtt lloorr ol borrnrrrl, othrr lloorr snd roo[, Thichnrrr of slcbr ond rtranglh of concrctl, Altochcd .rl3rid concr.tr rropr ond pq.h.r. tf nsr rhon onr rypi ol contlruclioo ir urrd, lirt rcpeiolaly ond rlot: locolionr. Slob Prrirlrlter Inrulotiool .t- lt!5oraRYr lLtrsial ond lhicLnrrc ol rrtrrior vollr obovr ond brlo* grodo, inlorior wqlls ond portitionr, lrro vollr, rtcir, t-lt --l -l--.^. -^-l-...,-- .f i----. inria*tpr ...--. .ill. r.arinat rlehott ond clcrrelor oncloiur.s, chimmyr, inciarrolcr. Ytnrtt,5illr, copingr, ctc. - 5. IETALST Mirccllonrour lroo: Accarr Doqr-- llotcriol 6od rir. ol itea,r such o3: &oo Gotingr- { r r Linlolr [\ | /l- Fi.. Er Foundotioo Vrnre I coP.l Struclurol Strol: Froning or trructutgl ryrtrn usrd. 6. $!!!!g Sir, ,rubl rpocing, ond grodr ol tumbrr lo br urod for lloor, roo[, ulrricr wollr obova grodr ond intcria portitioo lrtsior I Grode ond rprcior fq intorior ond irt ior lini rh riC-ue, o oa u*u!!I-U8!- f E8.T€g.IlQ!!; MolcIrolr onrJ orethorl ol wotorproofing wolls a.d rlobr bcL.,r grode, lccotirn, rfticlncr3 sr n..r,ob.rof plicr' Tyl,o, ol pcrmononl P(otcctrqn o, eofcrp.oofing (porgiig) il urcd. Morhod ol do,npprooliog "L". nr.J.. - firrril{gnotcriolr il othcr thoo ihcct crol. Spondr.l *otcrpooling. "'--'--'' !ry's Jru"r' t , t. Therrnol Ertcrior Ctili lnrulotion:. Thrc s ond Ps molcriol. vollr ol ror to llot ion. Ohrr Rooli : Rool c icolioo, vrighr of rhingb*, nrrnbcr of fclt plirr, bitumrn, olc- Coulling: on laolurar ot 3<livs Ircolt'.nl. ond nelhod of gloring. Doort Ertrri ond Froort: icknrtr7ll ol In tarior:Thichncrs,nrotaiol ond rypr for public hollr cnJ gpotlm.Dlr (cntroncc ond intcrior), boilar roonr,lir.doon I I Itnt rtLP,- F ini rh cof,inal Hordworc:llolcriol onJ door c lorrrr fini:h ol arlcrior ond intcrior loclsctr, rliding .d9g.,,!qo< lrrr, nunbrn, ctc. oad folding door hordworc, window ondhordrorr o oo ||cothcrhippiog: l9oothorurripp irig: findorr Ertcrior 0ogr Thrrrholdr Scrornr: Typ ond nctrrisl of mrrh ond lronr l*rtcriol lav-.uryr___ 9.fIU!!!Ef. Poiating: Tygr ond nunbrr 9f cocrr. Ertrric fogd llclol l{o:ocry Infrrir l{ood Ilrtal Wollr & Kitehrn Ccili"gr & Both f ilc oal Ccronic Eotbroca Acccgorior; Floor ond lfoll Covrring 'rlor.raol3: Thicloosr,grodr,. linish ond woinscot trcighr. Eothrool Atrochrd Rccrrrrd Rorilicnr Accrrrorier: Hof criol ood Flooring: Loco ond gouge, for otl notrriob. TA' E RIA L D. C. !. SPEC,IALTt€Sr List Signilicoor hcnr. Intcrior portiticrrt olhrr thon concrarr, llrorona, or wood. t0. Cool Chutcr ' : YAtt--D&srllllrlolDlsTRlcr O uo,il ?".?I^S" usY REstDElfTlAL ttATER & sa€R up-ree carru'cTtctl PH{stcAL -!*?* Ntl,E 0F l0€ oi .STREET ADDRESS toT BtI.ItlE ADD?ESS 2l. EAsEJ-4Eln JST FLOOR. ?m rloor JND FLMR 2, EAsF-I.€NTlst FL0oR 3o ruon. ,RD FL@R bx 5.n BAstN & TolL.rr, (oNe yarf SATHI ocRA SlNlcs FUl. BATH(srgrm oR TtE{ BASIN, TOILET' z-x l,fi = ,75 =/,t /8/x 3r EAsErErr I,ST FLOM Ztlo FLooR JRD FI-OOR nffiG (Lt'lluc nooYts, iar"rr=-jt?,' oi;- I ces, f D x i' 0 STUDIOS' KITC€NS DIS[0'|ASHRS LA.sDRtEs . hen wes.ail ICE HAOTINES SATNAS WATER cootlRs & I{AIER FOWTAIIE s1{llt4llG PmlJ' JNg.lzzr OUTSIDE }IATER . ' 0"tllltlul't oF cNEl Fttl &lrtls mss KITC}€N DIS${ASIER LAu'ImlEs OUTSIDE WATER TUTAL POTNTS = /o s,oz,o. /,o 9v -----,2,, 2x Zx :6. i7, 8.x X xzx {. 5. zx x 7x 2,n LM .50 'rE ,E .E 5.m ?:ffi x 5.0 x I.S itil x' .50 9. 10. l. 2. 3. q. 5. t : !i APAFTT\€NTS x1.0= .//'7 z# za : ffi,;lr135g11:*,m:w'[il^it:l',i, *ffiiH'*ffi m"Ri.R',1'LEt'$ "n" * D I sTR t cr Cza24(zE /-//.5 x zo,i!' 32st.zO.s ''.(7F<to.<zo f/4,4- 5Od /? _ /5 x,/O< z = 4s * 7rz = ---'-- /72J7- Scsx /? = tS x,tQ y 2_ : /.s v? xz = .j.-_-->€ayto /tAre- 3? x Z/ i !rr.------t gaz /3 31/.2{;2 a/-@_-z=- =30 asa 7eo 300 bz 7so soo b3 6 6Jz 2qv /-/ e' .^/DA, -3?aa @ es / z Troz/ o - fL€.€-ejory-li ' VEB-,r 38ooZOOO 3 Z-to tl 7 ---'>,AJrn23 3 z- 3 z@ =s-t' tqL 33O Z -)O vl e z- QsS zQO2 * /az?s1e-L ./63 tue //2 a 1s,l Qcp9 7'/YB gc-xL 7c1 X /O +#? zzg 7c, 3r/ T,x+-tBe t ,r/= //?OA /VSo =< ?f>z/"'a -_---.---6;,2)d @ i_E%/(,I ZzZv:' - a+'/aaa ./ tO I I I i - r..tFlf"ttEt|!t!.tl@ |rq!q*ii'{d' N9 1{14?7 krmit l,hrmbcrs HOll' PAID-Cash-Crect K Project Application Proiect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone:voltx Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: t-ot / , etock Zone: Filing Zoning Approved: K;6; -rT s &+k \/r \' ^Ebtihiheview Board APPROVAL .t "^," 6///Ytl DISAPPROVAL (lt^a-.,-., Summary: Zoning Administrator { box'|fi) rail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-s613 Dr. C. J. Tsamasfyros 6965 So. Fox Circle Perry Park, Colorado 80118 Dear Dr. Tsamasfyros: 'Ycrur request for a Setbaek Variance for your residence on Lpt 1, Vail Village l was brought before the Planninf & Environmental Commission on June 13, 1978. This letter constitutes notification that this request haq been approved and granted by the Planning & Envj-ronmental Cornoissi-on, this decision will become final ten (10) days 'from June 14, 1978 unless appealed to'the Vail Town Council. DST/gew lnwn department of community development June L6, 1978 Since S. Toughill Administrator PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEBEBY GIVEN that James E. Sheahan, representing C. J. Tsamafi'yros, has applied for a\J- variance from the provisions of Section 18.12.060, Setbacks, of the Municipal Code for the Town of Va1l in order to construct a new residence to be located on Lot 1, Vail Village 10th Filing. Appli-cation has been made in accord with Chapter 18.62 of the Municipal Code. A Public Eearing will be held in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Muni.cipal Code on June 13, 1978, at 3:00 p.M. before the Town of Vail Planning & Environ- mental Commissi.on. Said Hearing will be held in Vail Municipal Building. TOWN OF VAIL ITY DEVEI.OPMENT Zoning Admini-strator Published in the Vail Trail May 19, 1978. a S. Toughill a App I lca f lon 0a ls I (x ( ( ( For tho Fl I In9 Cle6rly APPL ICAT l0N f:0n VAf{ IANCE And/Qr coN0l'l'loll^t usE PERl,ll T Ordlnanco llo. I (Sorios of l97l) Pub llcatlon 0a te Va r lance from Arf iclo-r Socflon Zon ing Ch ange f rom---to Park I ng Varlance Condl'l'lonaJ Use Psrmit to allov ln lulr,nn DofoJloarlng Foa- Flncl Ooclclon dato lor Town Councll = I I ?-at .tl- ; (Applicant) (Addro3st .- ! i t '="'' ' Phone'---'-"""'t " -TStr tot (cl tv) do horeUy roquost permisslon fo appoar before the Vall Plrnnlig comnlrrlon to roquest the following: Zone. descrlbod property: Lot/trtct---f-1 B.l ockfollowlng l'l umbe r stcto purpose l ntont of thl seel< a 12 Foot .nd to s opp | | cat I on-Ibe-pp4gQ;ie- i I'I of Iication is variane ffqn the 20 f@E I n th l. c!r.?-L)Jbs-lgLUhct do you leel ll the brelt lor hardrhlp on tte s and r,,ould bd requircd to build accoddinq to plans; 2) Irre to UF locaeion on tte vail Golf cotuse' I feel tlnt tte q11q@ tlre tpuse is. located, the better it would senre ttre Gclf Traffic. rn.daid on the.rear of the lot at the of ttre Vail tan Li66 , p1s1rist. .. l gnal uret.f;A'pp t crnt /c fttnal F7nar, t7,4 t I I I .r- tl r, I r-.1 MEMORANDIIM TO PLANNING & ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION FROM DEPARTI'TENT OF COMMUNITT DEVELOPMENT DATE 8 June 1978 REF RTQUESI rOR SETBACK VARTANCE - DR. TSAMAS!'YROS LOT 1, VAIL VILLAGE loth FILING James Sheahan, representing Dr. Tsamasfyros, has requested a L2 ft. varianse from the requlred 20 ft. front setback in order to construst a duplex. The variance has been requested because of a very steep slope on the front sideof the lot. The Department of Communlty Development has reviewed the criteria and findings provided for in Section 18.62.060of the Zoning Ordinance and our conclusions are as fo:lows: CONSIDERATION OF FACTORS 1. The relationship of the requested variance to c.ther existing or potential uses and structures - in the vicinity The subject lot is the most westerly Iot on the north side of Faj-rway Drive. The proposed duplex has 4 coveredparking spaces, so the impact on surrounding residences should be minimal . 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of specified regulation is necessary to achievecompatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the obiectivesof this ordinance without grant of special privilege. This lot has.been subiect to a 40 ft. rear setback at the request of the Vail l{etropolitan Recreation District. The reason for this was to keep a considerable distance from any structure on this 1ot and the Fifth lairway. The 4O ft: rear setback signiflcantly reduces the useable part of the site. Tbis combined with the steep slope on the front of the lot necessitated this variance request. 3. The affect of the requested variance on.light _and air,distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utili-ties, and public safety. We do not foresee any adverse affects upon these factors. CRITBRIA AND FINDINGS pt Pe. 2 ' R6quest for Setback Variance - Dr. Tsamasfyros 8 June 1978. The Department of Community Development. finds that: 1. That the granting of the variance will notconstitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitati-ons on other prop-erties classified in the same district. ' (See Nunber 2 under Criteria and Findings) 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety, orwelfare, or materially injurious to propertiesor improvements in the vicinity. (See Number 3 under Criteria and Findings) ' 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. There are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable tothe site of the variance that do not applygenerally to other properties in the same zone. Due to the extended rear setback and the steep topography on the front of the site, we feel that the variancerequest is warranted and should be approved. a a Diq^o's. coP"l lY/ ' ./ otticeof the town manager { box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 I t \\.\ Roger l.l. Tilkemeier Development Manager Vail Associates, Inc. Box 7 Vail, Co]orado 8'1657 Dear Rpger: Thank you for attending the Board of Directors meeting-and presenting the plini f6r the developmeit of Lot l, Vail Village'lgth Filing. The Boari would'like to thank you for your cooperation on this issue. rhe plan as submitted, indicating a rva1l of Blue lPruce and Aspens bordering'the Golf Course, a 40-ft. lu'iialng set-back from the north property line, ani new Spruce treei at the east end of Lot 2, shouid provide . - .suiticient landscaping. l.le agree that the landscaping as proposed should be adequate to protect the bui'ldings.. The Board wou'ld jjke to point out tha't there are'inher'ent prob'lertrs with residentia'l development idiacent to the Go]f Course. It is 'important ihat ttre property onners undersiand these prior to_building. They.must respect tire iublic's right to the use of the Golf Course --- and they wili not be iermitted to use the Go]f Course as a playground. Although ine Uui'laing'should be well screened and out of the way of errant drives' iterl-unOou6teOti wi'l'l be 1;roblems in the future; as we agreed, golfers. will be able to ietrieve gbtf Uatts from the yards of adioining properties' The owners should use disiretjon in the site and building design. The Board would also'like to point out that they have,no 1e9al responiibility for ieitrictinS ihe'development of t-ol Z. ,Therefore, the making of lhese recoirmendations and ihe review oi your proposal shall not be deemed ii,r ilir*ption or rijuiriti for the District. As'agreed upon, it is Vail Associat!s pesponsibility to ensure that the site is developed,according^to the site plbn bresented'in your correspondence of 17 January, l9ll to tne Recreation District. Further, it shou]d be understood that the Vaj'l Metropolitan Recreation. Distriit doei not accept and is not liable to the adiacent property.gwners ioi p.oUt.ts resu'lting from the operat'ion of the Golf Course. As the course was beveloped prior ti residentiai units, their status as the.existing use prevai I s. January 26, 1977 j: j I ir a \ Paqe #2 Roier bl. Tilkemeier Again' thankllrst choice would prcposed wlll be a RS/gtt vou very much for uorking with us' .Althoughi!"ti-iiuti-in.-iol uicait,-we think that the ii.iluni-iaoiiion to the solfins experience' 0ur I andscapl ng : 'l a ...- VA/{-VfLL ll nt\g PART OF SECNON B,T5 S , ,4 ^^IL A?l -Tx:sq5c lu \sE. 61$ t .,uro!# . llr,ctu i coll:, !:l'_tl i ctrcrt lllj-lf! ! , - tfit=-a DATE READY FOR LOCATION: .JOB NAME rrusTGIoN REQUEsT wED @\ rnr AM@INSPECTION:5 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr o n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB n ( rrruar-tr FINAL ELECTRICAT: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED ( nerr.rsnecroN REeu rRED/l o^r= ll-l$40 rNsPEcroR ?OB NAME '"sil#IoN REQUEsT wED @-) rnr AM@READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES5 BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIP,ING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB \d rrr.rnr- fc,,a',, ( ,l () tr F'NAL/\ta , ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. pbwen tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED ,{nerNseecrtoN REeutRED oo JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON o PE Oronr REouEsr DATE tNs TOWN READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER rUES THUR PMFRIWED ,'AM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr CONDUIT tr tr FINAL E ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H.TUB n_ a tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - r-1 _ tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .-.- DATE INSPECTOR oo r*sp?&,o" REeuESr 1-I <.4 TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME ,,.-i.,/.,/;-DATE li' READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES -) WED THUR FRI AM PM. .- 1- n LOCATION: t'"'*r 2/ ( BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL D UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D BOUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEF tr INSULATION - n GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr trtr E FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: t,t q DTSAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED i ,, ;.!..:. ): i 1,/ ll\lq Dtri/-TalaDATE i; ,t,t.: ;! .i' VAIL DATE LJ READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES THUR FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. n 199.f-&^s-H.EFB...^ Er cAS prprNc" PLYWOOD NAILING tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - n 199.f-&^s-H.EFB...^ Er cAS prprNc - " PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION - tr POOL i H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr - 14/n_ tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAT: IIIECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr ROUGH B EXHAUST HOODS tr CONOUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -r-rn- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION - tr POOL i H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr tr'/tr tr FINAL D FINAL tr FINAL tr FINAL b?PPROVED CORREGTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,rrfr"fio* REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS r] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E FINAL g AppRoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR / rNstroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON. CALLER TUES ,, WED :. THUR,. FRI AM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- E] UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSI'LATION ET SHEETROCK tr_ tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB f'l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tl D FINAL D FINAL tr APPRoVED ICORRECTIONS: /\orsneenoveo ,( nerr.rseecroN REeuTRED //; '+4' DATE INSPECTOR ,**t?,o* TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR JOB NAME CALLER .o"or,8#,! 'toN: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNO tr FOUNDATION / STEE-tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION fsneernocr tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ISAPPROVED ,E REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNsfretroN REeuEsr OF VAIL JOB NAME WNIo ' , l'.r,DATE READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR ,'' .\ AM ifU)FR1 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,; /;>c/ oo ,"rttro'r.r REeuEsr TOWNt-),r:'',4.) OF VAIL_--.-. DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ioe NrnMe CALLER MON TUES weo 7fifif,.,) ps1 ca BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION ETSHEETROCK tr_ tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIFED n '^ ,47n| | tl tl j\ti DATE rtv '" TNSPECTOR oo rNst&roN REeuEsr READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER _,JU91'TUES WED THUR'-/',( tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUITIBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER INSULATION GAS PIPING SHEETRoCK NAIL - .J'POOL / H, TUB tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIF APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR to rNst&roN REeuEsr JOB NAME MON TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES REINSPECTION REQUIRED tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER O INSULATION PIPING SHEETRO OL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT ' tr SUPPLY AIR DISAPPROVED INSPECTOR rNsttroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL t ' : ..: "."' ,/ ,i.' / /DATE '. ./ ,/ JOB NAME/. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON :"s2." cALr=ER T,UES THUR FRI PM' BUILDING: I] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERC] FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: rEMp. powEe {au*..r *,'1 tr HEAING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR rl T] FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE blal6u JOB NAME '"tt&oN REeuEsr ,r-TOWN OF VA|L{. iz'l 1:. ,l t .. /lI r'71-)Ut i't)rAA< QL,L.lt,a1 tt READY FOR INSPECTION: MON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH/WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL 2 -/ ',,CALLER 6..tD WED THUR FRI LOCATION: 7 '9" .0' tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPHOVEO ;r-nerruseecrroN REQUr RED rNs#roN REeuEsr DATE , READY FOR INSPEGTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES TOWN OF VAIL pu l) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL \, tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: Xrelrp. PowER iIECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH u tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED // CORRECTIONS.:l ,,qDTSAPPBOVED ts REINSPECTION REQUIRED,./' ll..-t,-,,' , ,,1 ,,/ - /..': ,t:' ':? -4 4 a._-'l-.rt;-.'1.-! DATE '*stct, 'ts;+ v ON REOUEST INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES .. TOWN READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REOUIREDO APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: f tt r, .,,1),DATE t-?u'^u TNSPECTOR flrarrgafrfu jO tNst o CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANIGAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ir,t?rpf!{tqil {sr},sr, :.. - O r^.r\dtr tNsilcfrn REQuEsr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION:' LOCATION: TUES WED THUR FRI t\ BU!fPlNGr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOU'NDATION / STEEL O ROUGH/WATER tr GAS PIPING T] POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: " tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED \! -* f-' f.:':-: ;. INSPECTOR 'l'-- i ,,"'r-'-t't'.'4v\.ti tr PanrrYrvat DATE TOWN OF VAIL DATE ,l/ READY FOR LOCATION: (' INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER """'fr'5il '' ,rr.WED THUR FRI AM UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPBOVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR il"7 oo INS*frlr REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MONREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THUR FBI PMAM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOR rNSt?toN REeuEsr TOWN VAILOF gat!gglp ii li ,;.r r, "1. i.> !'is,sJoB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES IHUR ,-itDWED PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ooGu.ot'ot'r tr GAS PIPING rh{ffi tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ CTRICAL:M o tr tr tr ECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E FINAL-'tr FINAL PPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR .'./ D^rE q4-iog NrRi/e READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: oo CALLER MON ES----WED THUR INSilKIION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION dR tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: E TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr BOUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR B FINAL D FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E--BTSAPPROVED ET-fi€II{SPECTION REQU I R ED INSPECTOR DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: foe Nrnn,re ..1:)..! ., CALLER MON ,-rUe-d -THUR FRIWED illrsillon REQUEsT TOWN OF VAIL , AM^.'PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEET PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION i STEEL tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK d-exs-f4Fii,rG NAIL o n tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr o EI tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB FINAL FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: CL€iSAPPBOVED ELRftNSPECTI ON R EQU I RED INSPECTOR tffiF 'TvF YrrttFr;.ultlFlllt-F1-.p rNst&roN REouEsr f JOB NAME CALLER TUES TOW\ /4' OF VA]L eDATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: PMFRIMON BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER ndu*oorloN / srEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINA{tr FINAL OVED CORRECTIONS: B DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t l i DATE {.tb INSPECTOR ;k^,y'$ -^,OO rusfforu REeuEsr Jbe Nn[,re MON TUES WED AM@READY fOR TNSPECTTON: LOCATION: THUR ttfilf,|tto: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ifnoucn / wArER ON /. STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB g U) A 4 ?,\f ,r, ++-1 t.,-a^l. ^ tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT 6 -i'''' SUPPLY AIR tr ,t**/-FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR oo rNsftfloN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI D FRAMING / STEEL ON / STEEL tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB - tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -nrr- tr FINAL O FINAL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR oo lNgPftTgN REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAMEDATE READY FOB INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALTER FRI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr*JNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E.-APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR oo rNsltnoN REeuEsr sr'.zl€cSJOB NAME " t--7ffi or12=u.oez LCALLER TUES WED THUR FRI PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: 1..2so'2f 1-,-z--t '. ,-r9-.- PPROVED O.gEffspecTl oN R EQU I RED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: effi{6n roN / srEEu O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr n FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK O GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB n tr FINAL B FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr tr f'l ROUGH tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR oo rNsft|loN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ' DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR 1Nsftlsru REouEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: '7 -,'' JOB NAME MON :i. ,. . TUES ,WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETROCK NAIL t1 O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O ROUGH tr CONDUIT n PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ts RoucH / D.w.v. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING E POOL / H. TUB D tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL N FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR to 1psftfien REeuEsr OF VAIL lu2DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER UES WED I JOB NAME MON AM,PM '' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL O FINAL ELE trT E.R trc tr_ GTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL -tr.APPROVED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED ,,tr.REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR