HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 10 LOT 2 LEGALm**t(lf 0et,E|,srE{t Deeign tsview Board ACTIOil FORlyl Oiprrtmsnt of Communfty Dsvelopmsnt 75 South Frontegs Road, Vall, Colorado 81657 tel:970.479.2139 Far:970,479.2452 web; uwr.vatlgov.com Project Name: LEEDS RESIDENCE Proiect Description: EXTERIOR UGHTING CHANGES Project Address: Legal Descrip6on: Parcel l{umben Comments: PO BOX 2378 EDWARDS co 81632 965 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Participants: owNER LEEDS, ROBERTK. 06/03/2008 1275 MLLOWBROOK DR WATZATA MN 55391 APPUCANT BERGI.AND ARCHIECTS DRB Number: DR8080187 06/03/2008 Phone: 926-4301 locafion: 965 FAIRWAY DR. loB 2 Block: Subdivision: VAIL WLLAGE FIUNG 10 2101-081-1500-2 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPP Date of Apprcval: 05/11/2008 C,ond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 (Pl3N): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PI-AN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Plannen Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: 320.00 YF;J)b --0l8ta Changes To The Approved plans ffi) Application for Design Review L-\-\7r, o.p.?tm€nt ot tunnrrntty Devebpm€ntTm\drytr,f ^ifliffi$r'#x,?.gr;#*' web: wv tr,vatgoY.com Ganerzl Infonnagoni 1!Tls Hutr-try.dcgft rerrhn must rKeive rrprorral prbr b s.,b.nttting a buatding permlt ippli@tion. pt€as4 'gcr to.UrE rrbmtlal nqdr€m€nB fDr the partcutar appmrral urrt b rcqucied- en aijttcrr'oo ior D:sign Radwrcanlq & accpted u*l dl rcquhed.hfoflt|+n t,s;"-h[d by ttre Communlty Da.dopmqnt t eparui.oL Thepai.(t tnat .lso ne€d to bc mvl€'v€d bv the rovn counor -rl/0, the phnning -a eri.riro".inu comrninionDetg,t ttYi3w apDttld hFaa3 .,nhss e bulldhrg pcrnft lt lsueo and cDnstrucdon cornr:lcrs.siutino||c tcar otdtc ap'|oyal. Ocscrlpqncthcntgucrr! 3E$0vE ftrF(6ED Sc6\\(sS t}.r ? eAnoNg r€Ellrc€ w.rtt tre? ur h,a-j. .ugg... .*4o.tc€5"'to .oo.ql^iCr"< AS. i*dw *aUtsD-* Loc.fonof drcpropoa.t: ,-o e o"f, 'it$ufutvrsron: v*rl' vt(l^aE PhyccafAddrcr$ e6S f^t€.t^,|^,y Dli{lvg Percel tlo.: @ (contact Eagle co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcpt no.) ?-otfingt [rnc(s)otowner(3]r GoB {.}|D (!E_<ur+ I=E:E!>* (}wnc(s) ffame of Appticant;A'tc+trEaG t'laifing Addr.rrj; ' Phone: a16. 92-6- 4s6 I s.Fax: a-76 - EZb t{i3L*r|Et For rwlsltns tD plam al'lrdy Oe$gn Rev,erf, Egtrd- Malling Artdress; l6t. +??. 2643 Typa of Revlew and Fce: X chBr8es to Approrrd ptans Ssb'tittal RfqdlcrEnttt fz0 3^ Sets of Bang Addl€ssing proFct O€nges $gnaturc of Horneouaner(s) or Assciad6n lulqbrr t3 Asr.orarrg f6c. €\re.\ \ooo 5a.F\. oF Laf 5r?E. LOf 19 lo1.?-La 14."1 Tt|€€.Efd'EE zO LrQ{n3 aoc. ^rarhlw). ?.O 3<6r{C€5f 9up{A<€- xcrrxrQ ulq*Y3 .te€ SnoUFr \Fr 5,rr€t'T$ Afi1.CHED rr_t F:tcdevtFOR lSlt"nr{tslpla|r|rlnglDRBldtt-_chrnge_to_rDD.ov!dJrlrao_iJorga_t0JL2oo6.doc A\rDl(r6Fr ro f, srge Lrgg6- wHrcH ,(a.€ MfvF\ttD u€3sG\+rt lg " AGov€ rrrs\611ED aeAD€ AF{D rr'\ggg{Foe'€ n€ Ndf aoU^frE;T2 rN Trt(= orrrco.oe LtqHr'rh.,q .ntl"+L. TOWN qF VA!.1 Dkqffiw1 ??evtott+ ?uAFt trr6\FED e6 ourEa6s Li?'or5s r€E r o-.v-= L- l"l!t!t**'ht**f********r+++++ft*'++++**t't't 't{.t***t'}t*t{'+f++++i******r******f++t++***+*****r{'*{r*'a'}tr TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemetrt *t*+tt**tf+++f't+t+*f*****+*i**********l****t****'i{'***{'t*f*f**++++att*********+*+++++++****++ Statement Nurnber: R080000855 Amount: $20.00 06/03/2OO9L1 :44 All Payment Method: Check Init: |.ILE Notation: 3145 BERGLI IID ARCIIITECTS I,LC Permit No: DR8080187 T!pe: DRB- Chg to Appr Plans ParceL No: 2101- 081- 15 0 0 -2 Site Address: 955 FAIRVIAY DR VAIIJ Location: 955 FAIRWAY DR. Total Fees: $20,00 Thi6 Payment: $20.00 Total ALL PmtB: $20.00 Balance: $0.00 *tll'i**t********************t+***itt*+*t*t*l*l*******a**'tl'****'*'**'i**+***********'t:t*'i'|'**'t'|t't'|'lt ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pnts DR OO].OOOO3II22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 ooffrlrr oEutloP{Efat Design Review Boa ACTION FORM Depattment of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 t€f : 970.479.2139 fax. 970'479'2452 rrreb: www.vail gov.com Project Name: Project Description: Project Address: Legal DescripUon: Parcel Number: Comments: APPUCANT BERGLAND ARCHITECTS PO BOX 2378 EDWARDS co 81632 ARCHMCT BERGLUND ARCHITECTS PO BOX 2378 EDWARDS co 81632 License: C000002069 965 FAIRWAY DR VAIL lZlLT 12007 Phone: 926-4301 tzl 17 lZO07 Phone: 970-926-4301 LocatioN: 965 FAIRWAY DR' LEEDS CHANGE DRB Number: DRB07070B FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI-ANS FOR ADDING WINDOWS TO 3RD LEVEL EAST ELEVATION ON THE 'B' SIDE Pafticipantsl owNER LEEDS, ROBERT K. r2lL7l2OO7 1275 WILLOWBROOK DR WATZATA MN 55391 Lot: 2 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 10 2101-081-1600-2 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION AGtiON: STAFFAPP Date of APProvalt l2l L8|2OO7 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s)' Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 ,1s) Apptication tor d;isn i;lron!,ffi# -ffi Clanges To The Approved pla Ef; 970.{79-2128 t:xr,, gm.CTF.ZcSZ web: |rww.yalggv.cofB Gcnenl Jnfonradoni Al Forcds ruOdth9 degtr Flhlr 1nu* ,tcEirlt rpDrovJ . prb, b. $Hr t rg a bu.lfngr perrdt rppt@dor,- ptasers?r .o .ne rubrn'fat *bl:t..* p"n.fr;;-;ff'ult.s ,.q,r.*.d. An ,pplcatbn fa oe*gn na,nwc.nnot D! ?aceptad mI n ,*F.A.qnq."d.; ; #il ii.*- a"11"q,V oerdopment oepallncrrt rh!ggpgm*mgffid#anrr#,ffiffi ;: EGEIVE DEC 14 2007 TOWN OF VAIL t ocitson of ttrc ptopoc.t:r*L t o?tl 8106.flux.q PhldolAddlrrc:. SDdhr|sbn: VArL Vt :(Contaa Eagle @. Asscssor at g7o-Jlfigffi br parcel no,) Jht. +-r?. zo43 ,trAfi G Perel o.r ?!O.to8!t C.OOa lantng fraifng Ad.tregc; Owncr(s) Srgnabre(i t a|rlc of Apdbaft: Hrnitrg Addrcss; FnrdtAd4€sc 6- r.<T,Typc of nGrrhsr end Fec: F OEag<s O teerorcd Flrns Ssl.ttdu.l Raqr|flrrErrtt: 3. Sets ol'Bans Adckessing prqrlct c'BngesSign un€ of Xonrco,,vo,crti) o. er*cgUon +20 For rsrtsbrs b phns,l,t Oy app|ot|eal by.pLrrhg Slar o, tncOcsEn Rcdcw Eotrd_ F:tc.lniFOR slpcrrrtllpbir{elDRBldrt_dEnqr_h_rrrrurldJrL,ra_tJrryr_ro-rt2ooidoc BEFI.GLUND Architects, LLc TRAHSM ITTAL DATE December12,2007 Bill Gibson Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. CO 81657 970.479.2128 970.479.2452Fax FRotl Hans Berglund 965 Fairway Drive / Lot 2, Vail Village l Otn Filing DRB06-0156 Hand Delivery ENcLoSED (3) Sets of revised / noted 24x36 sheets A3.3 and A4.1 Completed application for change to approved plans Check for $20 cof,uElftl8 Please let us know if there are any questions- Thank you very much. Hans Berglund P.O- Elox 2378, Ed\ivards, CO 81632 Tef : 97O 926-4301 tax.97O 926-4364 tl'l'l'l'*'l'l*****'t****lt'*'a'l't,|*{'****************l'*f*+******'l{r'l*******+{'*t**t*lffffl******+*+++**+l TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment *****t****+'*'l**********'l*+*+*'l'ti*'t'a*{.****'*'|!*t **'|t****f********+****+ **** * * * * * * * * * + + * ** * * * ***** statement Nuriber: R0?0002714 AmounE: $20.00 L2/L7/200710:09 AIII Palment Method: Check ARCHITECTS rnit: ils NoEations 2248IBERGL,UIID Permit No3 Parcel No3 site AddreBE : Irocat ion 3 I'lxi6 PaltmenE : DRBO70708 2101-081-1600-2 955 FAIRIINY DR 955 FAIRWAY DR. $20.00 Tl4)e: DRB-Chg to Appr PIanE VAfIJ Total FeeE: TOTAI AIJIJ ETtICs: Balance: s20.00 $20.00 $0.00 ***++a******+******at*******************taiti+++ll"t!l'*+*******************t**++++****+*a****{' ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST:' Account Code Description DR 00100003L72200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 Cufient Pmts OOrl*.l|lYo€liEloft { Deaign Revlew Foard ACTIOIII FORtt{ Departmeflt of Cnmmunity lteveloplnent 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. c,olorado 81657 tel: 9?0.479.2139 fex':, 97A-479'2452 r,veb: www'va.i lgw-com PrcJect Name: Prcject Descrlptlon: Protect Addr€ss: Legal llescription: Parcel Number: Comments: MoUon By: Second By: Vote: Condltions: Paftlclpants: . OWNER LEEDS, ROBERTK. 1275 WILLOWBROOK DR WATZATA MN 55391 APPUCANT BERG]AND ARCHNECTS PO BOX 2378 EDWARDS co 81632 965 FAIRWAY DRVAIL I.fEDS - CHANGE TO APPROVED DRBNumber: DR8070074 CHANGE TO APPROVED PIANS - REVISIONS TO FLOOR PI.ANS AND ELEVATIONS FROM JULY 19, 2006 o3l09l20o7 03lWl2C/|,7 Phone: 926{301 LocaBon: 965 FAIRWAY DR. LoE 2 BIOCK SUbdIVISION: VAILVILTAGE FIUNG 10 2101-081-1600-2 BOARD/STAFF ACIION Acdon: SIAFFAPR Date of APProYa|, 03ll9l2OOT @nd:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vall staff and/or the appropriate radeul committee(s). Cond: 0 tn-,qn)t DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with iown bf van Building personnel prior !o constructlon activities' Cond: 201 DRB apprwal shall not become valid fur 20 days following the date of apprwal. Oond: 202 Approval ofthis proJect shall lapse and become void one (1) year folloring the date of hnal approvat, untess a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued bward completion. Cond: 113 All dwelopment applications submitEd to the Tcn ,n after the efrective date of Ordinance ZG, Series 2005 shall be subject to the pending employee housing Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date ' t of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paad: $2O.OO regulaUons in whaEver form they arc finally adopted; Fqrlded, horvwer, tfiat [ ' the Town fails b adopt the pendfp rrnployee houslng regulaUons by Aprll I5,nD7, thls Ordinane shall not appfi b stdt development appllcaUons. Ptanncr: Blll Gibson DRB FGe Pald: S2O.OO @3/a9/2A67 LIt37 7667769695 POSTNET PAGE ST *m Deoaftrnent of community Development- -- zs i",itri *ottt"e Road, vaii, c-olorado 91657 td: 970.a79-'218 ful 970'+79'2452 web: www.vailgo\''com f,iffiH*,frfl"& reviau rn6t Gc€ive approval pnor to submiting a. buildlng pennit appllcutbn' Ple.se ,.fier ro the subminat ,.qr*.lil[ #il*il;]ff tltpoi'r"l't'Et [-t"c;.i"d' m alpitication for Desi€n R6'ie$' cannot be a*pted -u .rr ,.ilir.J'inrriatlon is niieireo li utl c""n'ounny oevilopmertt Department' Th€ orctud may atso need to be ;t/y?";;'di.il c*,""r..niUJitt" pr"n"it'ir and rnvtronmental commisn' itciisn reviw epproyel-uff"ii.l I u,irfu6tF"tm*';1i;;; -tia ointt"cton commene witlrin one year of lfie ePprovrl' Changes To The ApProved PJans Appfcation for Design Review Pltonel r-ocaUondthePmposa* tou 2 Eo*':--bubd-Miion: V Ptrysical Addrcs: parcct r{o.: ?lO tO 0\l 6 OO Z zonins: +J H-g,tgL[",T#'H*"S:f ffil"HTiffi l.J x r'AY .t'rrvg l/D lTi::1"^: T:{rateTo-328's64ororparcerno') O ilame(s) of Owner(s): F{'-e +Fr/ vF'? vFTr -'--- - - t.B NameofApplicanb EE'FAL\IND/4EGs\'\y-'I- | -- I I r,rairinsAddrcsc, f.o. eox -s-t6 =P:y #r;# f:Ea rh/ .-6-.r"* qlaflfu --AlEr -fyP€ of Rwle'w and ree: X Chang€s to APPrwed Plans Subrdtbl Requirctnstts: t20Frrarisitls!oy'ansalreatlvaeProredbyPbnnirEsbfforthe Design Review Eoard' 3 S€ts of Plans Addressirq Proiect Changes Signadrre of Homeowner(s) q l5sprqiEllon toet f lUrf 6 E-mall Addr€se: ""*,no*., 4444t-...-- |'{AR -e 200? F,\cdet {roRMs\P€FnitsFl.nning\DRBld'b-ch ge-to-epP6vtdJltnE-UEoc-1 0- A3l@9/2a27 LL:37 7647769595 POSTNET JOII{T PROPERTY OWI{ER WRITTT'{ AFPROVAL LETTER PAGE g2 t[ "r4rJt ll,-*$U a-q.rl I, (prirt name)a joint owner of property tocateC at provide this letGr as writGn apHqal of the plans dated which have been submltted to the Toryrr of Vail Community Ds/elopment Department for the proposecf improvements to be compl&d st, tfte addreEs noted aborrs I understand $at the proposed improvemenB irtludei (Dale) Additionalln pleffe ch€ck the statcm€nt below whlch ls most applicable to you! D I undet*and th* mifltr mdfrations rtay be nade b tl:f- plarc atEr dte aune of the rcnEw pnffi b erBure mnpliane ,,vfrh the ToywtS apilEabE sds and rcgubtlqs. Mt D I reque dat eI modifiatiow minor or ott quie, whidr arc mafu b the phtE oBrt re @use of the rcdew pvcx, fu brotEirt b nry atandu by tle applicant br a&ltlonal approtal More ut ddgtoitg furtlffi teylav bythe Town. {aat*rz2 joini prop€rty owtlct lcttc,t ttviscd t0/t 8/2006 Er F:\cdedFORMs\Permite\Pleoning\ORE|\drb-chenge-to-aPpiovEdJtl.n!-lJta€a-10-1&2006'doc l**aaallll't|'*'l****ttltalafllttflfflf*+++at{r***flaatalla{rt*a"t+++++llt****lltllll**{'{"}***t*tat TOWNOFVAIL, COTORADO Stat€ment fl***t*tf*lft|ttflflt*****ttf,fllf**li'|i+*+****i*fl*'ttrtt*tltt**:|****tlt*tt*itt*tlftt{'*'l'+*l'*{'t*t gtatement Nudber: RO7OOOO253 Amount: $20.00 03/09/200703:14 PM Palment Method: check Init: LC NoEatsion: {+2023,/BERGL,UIID ARCHITEETS LLC Permit No: DR8070074 Ty?e: DRB-chg to Appr Plang Parcel No: 2101-OS1-1500-2 Site Address: 965 FAIRIIAY DR VAfIJ IJocation: 965 FAIRYIAY DR. Total. FeeB: $20 ' 00 Ehls PaymencI $20.00 Total ALL Pmt6: $20'00Balance: $0.00 t****ltfataff'$*+**tl**tfatt*****'l+*t**'|la1*lltlltt*'}ltl't+ff********{r{r*ltl*!**************{ttl"t't ACCOUNI ITEM LIST: AccouDt Code Description Current PmtE DR 00100003Lt2200 DEsIet REvIEfl FEES 20. oo QuwttTo/# lrt>Design Revlew Soard ACTIOI{ FOR,M Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail. Colorado 81657 t€,lz 979.47s.2139 fax: 970.479.2'152 lveb: suw.vailgov'rom Project Name: Proiect Description: Project Mdress: Legal Descriptson: Parcel Number: Comments: Participants: OWNER LEEDS, ROBERTK. 1275 WILLOWBROOK DR WAYZATA MN 55391 APPUCANT BERG]AND ARCHMCTS PO BOX 2378 EDWARDS co 81632 955 FAIRWAY DRVAIL oslL4l2o07 O5lL4l20O7 Phone: 9264301 LocatION: 965 FAIRWAY DR, LEEDS CHANGE DRB Number: DR8070199 RNAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PI-ANS (I-ANDSCAPING) toB 2 Block Subdlvlslon: VAIL ULLAGE FIUNG 10 2101{81-1600-2 Motion By: Second By: voter Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACIION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of ApPrcvalz O5lL5l2OO7 Condl I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate revhw committee(s)' Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel Prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval' Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Cond: CON0008947 The applicant shall revise the landscape plan to provide two additional (minimum 3 inch caliper) aspens. The revised plan must be submit to the Town of Vail b,y no fater than Monday, May 28, 2007. DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OOPtannert Bill Gibson l'lav Og O7 O5: 47p unsu I a l eeds 05/0(/ZOOI 06:05 FAX lS109?64364 HBarchitects Changes To The Approved Plans m) Application for Design Review [\\.7., ocP.rtm€ ot community DarcbpmentTwlffii/ -?135tr8T,1?'#3,3F#"#"' wgb: w\n r.vallgov.rom @ncral Infor|n3g96 All Itorects r€qultfng.design rEvlew tltust recefve gpprov6l prior to submltting a buldrg pennlt rpplkaEon. ptegse Gfcr to.fre ertmittrl regut?rnett tur the partkulai ap9rDvel tiat S ruquc*cO. An aipttation b Ooq,., twle,cannot be acc€ptad un0l all rEqdred .l fmtr|auon b r€etved br thc cornmuntty oevelopment oep€rvned. Th.proilct may atso need to be |rrt leurrd by tfie Toiyn Councff ani{or the planrsni "na E'n ion'rte;tat cor ni5sim.DcJgn twic{, apglwrl tapset ur{cls a bultdlnt pcrmit lc assu€d and ojnstrucUon comnrcnces w r no|tc yrrr of t|ic rppruwl. Zonlng: t{.me(s)ofOwrer(s)r Gotlr +tS) (res.UL* tJE.S6 v, spg o \rl ^o-o 9 763-473-?tJ43 Percel tro-: a6to8 tl g OO e (conttct €agle Co. Assessor at gzo-3z8-8ffi fior parcel no.) p. r Fb oo2/ oo2 a9 slaern :I tr.lf, +20 For rtvtslons to plans alrlldy approvcd by pbnnirg Statf or t|re O6i9n Revlew 8grrd. Type ot Review end Fee: X Ch6n9€s lo Applo.red ptrns Submiltrl Raquir.mcnbj 3 Sets of flans A(ldrlssing project Ch3nges Signature of Homeoh/rEr(s) or Aisodau;n l.laiEng Address; ?63. +-?3. 264-3 Ouncr(s) Sigrature(F) i Mtinng Addrc:lst o...*o.,29!9u,' -o > DRB No.:.---77- : djb rhoracr,{o.: c l-E lt v l-svauvL- MAY i 4 2007 TOWN OF VAIL F:lCdeelFC)RMSPenntts\pl tni.E\DRBtdlb_clrh9e_to_aDp.ovcdJlsn3_1Jrga_rO- 'l********{r't'a********+{'i**+*****+*t't+**'}*'}***+{.'t*{'***********+*'}{,*l'***{'***'t*'}**+'t*t"}'t*f '}+*+** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **tf******++'tt**l*t******l'f+lf**tta*****l***t**ll***++****f++*t+++*++*al******************** Statement Nrmber: Payment Method 3 ARCHITEETS R0?000059S Amount: $20.00 05/L4/2007Ll :19 AM Check Init: aIS Notation: 2060/BERGLAIID Permit No: Parcel lilo :site AddreaB: L,ocauion: Thie Paynrent: ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 001000031L2200 DRBO70199 2101-081-1500-2 955 FAIRWAY DR VAIIJ 955 FAIRMY DR. s20.00 Description TIE)e: DRB- Chg to Appr PIanE Total Feea: Total ALL Prnta: Balance l DESIGN RS\,ITEVI FEES $2o. oo 920. OO $o. oo Current Pmts 20.00 BEFIGLUND Architects, LLC DATE TO vta ENCLOSED co[uE1'tT3 P.O. Box 2378, Edwards, CO 81632T6l: 97O 926-4301 fax:97O 926-4364 TRAN SM !TTAL May 12,2007 Bill Gibeon Town of Vail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970.479.2128 970.479.2452Fax Hans Berglund 965 Fairway Drive / Lot 2, Vail Village 10h Filing DRB06-0156 Hand Delivery (3) Sets of revised / noted 24x36 L-1 landscape drawing Completed application for change to approved plans Check for $20 Please let us know if there are any questions. Thank you very much. Hans Berglund €tr,l,slw |E!ELCiE tl Design Review Board ACTIOI{ FORlrt Dspartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Raad, Vail, Colcrado 81657 tel: 970.{79.2139 fer,. 97A.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Prcject ilame: LEEDS NEW DUPLD( Project Description: Project Address: Legal Descriptlon: Parcel Number: Comments: DRB Number: DRBO60255 0612612006 Phone: 926-4301 Demo-rebuild of existing Single-Family Residene b new Twe.Family Residence. All specifications on file. Approved with two @nditions. Paltdpants: owNER LEEDS, ROBERT K. 0612612006 1275 MLLOWBROOK DR WAYZATA MN 55391 APPUCANT BERGLAND ARCHNECTS PO BOX 2378 EDWARDS @ 81632 ARCHNECT BERGLUND ARCHNECTS 061 261 ?:OAG Phone: 970-926-4301 PO BOX 2378 EDWARDS co 81632 Liense: C000002069 965 FAIRWAYDRVAIL Locaton: 955 FAIRWAYDR. Lot 2 Block: Subdivision: VAIL VIIJ-AGE FIUNG 10 2101-081-1600-2 see conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION l.lotion By: Second By: Vote: Condl$ons: Dunning Dantas 5-0-0 Action: APPROVED Date of Approval= O7lL9l2O06 Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. C.ondl 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this p$ect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0008243 Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0008244 Monitored fire alarm sysGm required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002) and VFES standards. Cond: CON0008289 At the time of the applicanfs submittal for a building permil the following items must be submitted to the Public Works Depaftment: A revocable Right-of-Way permit, stamped PE drawings of walls over four feet an erosion control detail, and a public way permit. Cond: CON0008290 At Ure time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall submit a site specific study by a professlona geologist which reflects any necessary mitigation measures for the Moderate Severity Rockfall and the High Hazard Avalanche Debris areas upon the site (pursuant to Section 12-21-15-8). Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: $650.(l(l Jun 22 OB O6:OOp unsula leedsvt ztf tvvti vJ:tu tt.t turuuzbrtirtiit lluarcnltects 763-4?3-?O13 p.1 ta 002 /002 New Construction Application for Design Review Dcp!.tmart of CdnruDiv Dauclop('t nt7l Soottr Fontrgc noa4 \ral[ Colorado el6t t€f: 970.{29.2128 }dt 90.479-2452 w!b: $ vw.vallgpv. @m Ee'|crtl lntrOm|.finr All rorecG ?eqt blr'tg dctiJn twilry mqtt ,€ceina appro\rat pdor tg 5uemitng a trulldlng Fnrit ardkauon. pha* Fefer to.ihe subrrnH ruqlLrrf|cnts ror the partkuii !pp.ov!l that ts rcqueflad. An applkatbn fo, D!3t n Revt€!,/canrrct bc rc€eptqt un a r!cri.!d ^intotr€tion ls rictrad ty it. €,irnriruilty oera;fr;t ilpertncnr nePEFct ttu|f elso n€ad to bc rcdaflld br Ure Torn Corno ailor th€ plrnnlni anO gwircnm.t*l corrrnisdofl,Dcticn Eq]! rpproyrr regcca onhri a uao;g irnr|t- dLucd ."o.6"rtr.raoicoiicrc -nrrilorc t rr of |t|r lgptonl. Deccriptlon of thc R:quesb locetion of tho propGat: t tsjl_gbdc_ gtclvtCon: PhySGit AddnF3: Farcef lfo.: zlolDBtl bb" (contlct E glc co, Assesror at 97o_3AeB64O for pwcd m,) etrSt naarc{s) of orrncr(s): t{.iling AddrGas: Owncr(r) Sign tur.(s): rrne of Applkane t{eiling A4|7rsg! vflrto o\. oN n-l Type of, Rpiew ard ;tc:O ligns O Conceo$al Rarl€w )4 Nert, brdrucdootr Atlotbn O Mlt|ot Alta€Ulon (multttbmtv/ormEcbD n MinorAltrntton (ti€llhmly/dupt€x) O Chen!.3 te Apgruvd pe6 E Sc9lntlm Rcqurct 150 ELC *1.0O pcrsegrr bot of robt jgn arcr- No Fee !9i9 tror congUvci*rn d o nc$, boildhg or dcrno/.rbutb.t:n0 For .n .d&dt wttere 9qnrail h6tage tr eOd:a to any rcritcnlbl orcomm.ercbl.Dutkling (hdud$ 250 additions I iotcrbr conve6bns).l<ru tlt rtt|}or Cha096 to bufldlngF and Cte lrnprOvemCnts, srrb as,le,roollnq. prhtf|g, wtnooir ilndo||s, landscapini, fenccr a<trebxrhg w.lB €tt.l2O For nrhor changes to butldings.nd glte knfllr.girents. sJch as,qryonng, pltdfng, wt,tdow addflons, ' tandscaptni, fenc.s rnd]ltainhg nS, ctt20 lo. - n{ti"F to ptrrs rlrcrdy rpp.fiad by pbnntng Stf er ghs O6l9n R6rlg$, loard. No Fcc orckNo.r I ?2 *******++++{'*}********+++r}**+****************f,********'*****+***t+'}++**********************++ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement Nunber: R050000977 Payment. Method: check ARCHTTECTS Amount: $550.00 06/26/2oo5o4 :01 PMInit : dISNotation: 172 4 / BERGIJI'I{D Permit No: Parcel No3 Site Addreee : Location: ThiE Palment: DRB0602ss 2101-081-1500-2 965 FAIRWAY DR 965 FAIRWAY DR. s5s0.00 Tlpe: DRB - New eonstruction VAIIJ Total Fees: Total AlIr ltnts : Balance: ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account, Code DR 00100003LL2200 Descriotion DES IGN REVIEW FEES $55o. oo $55o. oo $0.00 Currents Pmta 650.00 JUN 26 2OoG 6: SOFl.t HLp I NE 06/25/2006 20:.07 FAX 13?09261364 FIOUNTRIN BUILDERSHBarchltacts s?o - s26 -a?o5 p.1 t4 vuzt u v2 ,-m NEW CONSTRUCTION SUBIIIITTA I REQUIREII,IENTS General tnformason! The rwictrv proccss for nsrv conslJrKtlon normally requiret two s€pantc medlng3 of tic De5l9n Review Boadi e mnceghF, |evew gnd E finat rgr'lew. &pll(antr should plan on prescndng.thelr det clopmcnt propo$tl .t r mlnl.nvm of two mectings ffire.obtrlnlng flnal approval, T. SUBMITTAL R,EOUIREMENTS**, Et All pages of Apdlcatlon ls complete€ Chccftllst ls comdeted and signedF Sbmped Topogaphlc Survey.f $te and Gradlng Plant{ tardsapg Pl6nr Or Arrhhcn ral ElevatlorE' El. Extrrlor color and mabrial sainples and spedllcathns. Er Ardlitechiral Foor Plans. afiJ.<Al- .|.1o/ Ughtlng Flanr'and Crbsheet(s) for proposed ftxttres A.-ld> Cha.n ""i,3:"*iltTjffi,#:ffi1:l l'.ffif,,ffiffi..j,1tR H'el p t*"anJ "|..t"-br-r UEtrUng itan* ina Cucito*frl for proposed fnc,r..r f.'9*5 &,.I€- Phobos of th€ c$sdng stte and adjacent sfrxturcs, where appllcaHe.o Wrlttsn eppronal ltqn a cordomiolurn asgociation, l€rldord, Erxl Jolnt eu/ner, if: appllcabte .,!( stFspecific Cr€ological l-lazard Repoft, tf rpptkabter r.g l=,:r.tlrr{c[d- EHC P6""fF. o The Admlnbtrabr and/or DRE may requlrc tfie srbmlsdon of actdltlorrl planridawtrgs, spedncau'cns, sampler Bnd od1er msEdals (lndudlng a rpdel) if deern€d nccrsary to det€rmlnc wtrEthcr r project will comfly wlth Design Gridelincr or lf ltlc lnt nt of tie proposl ts not dearly IndicrEd. P/eate.czlmll /hrtc (l) caplas o/he zn/etrr/t aatcd r'//n tz adz&* (l/. nFot' intq'ior @nverslons wtth lgglgiigllbuqst the submtdBt requtr€ments itldude s cornpleG 5et of e)dsung 6nd proposed floor plens, a we repo(, and wrlttcn awwal from a condomlnlum assodaton, landhd, and jotnt orncr, lf appllable. I have r6rd.!nd undaEtlnd Uro abovc listcd rubmlttrl r.qulrcrn€nts: tt( o Pro;fectNamu '€/\ce i|../C\tJt ,i'r.tt'{Ai F lU\ €onFartorSignabt|t lLc$ F:\Gdqv\rcR 5\Pernftt\Fbnnlng^ORqdrt-n r,v-crrstnrdionJl-?3-20Sdoc / . trg. 3 of 14 ru23Dc,/' ]TEW CONSTRUCTION SUBMTTTAL REQUIREM EI{TS t6 t d g Topographlc survry:g IYej qmp and signature of a ti@nsed survelorlf DaEofsuney!. Norft anow and gnphic bar scale0. Scale of t"=L''or t,=20)y l€gal decription and pfmical addressg/ lot size and build able area (build able area o<dudes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than4OVo, arfr flodplain)8' Ies io o<i$irg bendrmark, eittro USGS landmark or selver invert. This inbrmation must be _ dearly stated on the zurvey( Prowrty boundaries to,the'nearest hurdredth (.01) of a foot aacuracy. Distanaes ancl bearingsaf,9 ba.sis of bearing must be *rown. shovr' &sdng pins o,. ,onur"nc iound and their- relationship to the established omer. { 9no* right of way and property lines; induding bearirgs, distances and curve Informauon.tr Indicate all easemenG idenufied on the subdiri'sion plat and reorded against the property asindicated in the title report. Ust any easement resilictions.r spot Bevauom at the edge of asphal! along the sbeet frontage of the property at twenty_five _- Iot inten ats (29), and a minimum orone *rot gemtions on either side of the lot.Z' Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervalsr Existing rees or groups of trees having uunks with diarneters of 4q or morg, as mea$rcd from apoint dle foot above grade.E Rock outcropfings and other significant natunl feafures (large boulders, inbrmitent streams,etc). Er All odsting improvements (induding foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).P Environmental Hazards.(ie. R9.d1 F[l debrris flow, avararrche, wetanii nooipLin, soirslB' Watercourse setbacks, if appticable (show enterline and edge of sueam or creek in addition tothe requircd s0eam or oeak se6ack) EF show all utility meter locations, inctuoing any pedestals on site or in the rightof-way adjacent tothe site' Eract location of o<isting utility souries ano propoged seMce linril trom rreir source totfc structure. Wilittes to indde:o cableTv sewer Gaso Telephone Water BectlcI ?T and fype of drainage cut\€rb, s,\rales, etc.Er Adjacent roadwap rabded and edge of asphalt br both sides of the roadway shown for aminimum of 250, in either direction from p'roperty. zrl sio and Grading pla- r I t I t hteor1'=20'orlarse?: anA 4 5?af&' ca'd'tu'Jrirt i,r",\€=rJ dtv1tr Property and setback linesf Eyisting and proposed easements Existing and proposed grades Exi:Ung {d proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences andwalls' Indicate the foundation wth a da-shed llne and the roof edge wit-n a sod ine. -' ' All proposed roof ridge rines with. proposed ridge sle\€ti..r. -tnoicate er<isting-and proposedgrades shown undemeath arr roof lines. This will-be used to calcurate ouitoing heigti.Proposed drivervap, induding perent dope ano spot erevauons at s,e tro#t-r'i;; garage sraband. as necessary along the enbrline of tire driraway to acorrately refl,i* goOL.A 4' wide unheated @ncreh pan at the edge of .qinatt ro,' ari,rewavs urJt &i the sbeet in anuphill direction. / F:\ds\FoRilS\Rrmtts\planning\DRB\drb_nelv_corisfuclion_fl_23_2oo5.doc page 4 ot f4 ruBnm.s d tocauons of all utilities induding existing soures and proposed seMae lines from sources to the structures.f Proposed surface drainage on and otr-site. E| bcation of landscaped areas. I f. ffi:l $lii[:i,:53#ff.f#f -e\ co.*' '^""xo..-"l f-t.E Snow storage areas, Ig. Proposed dumpster rocation and detail of dumpster endosure. 66 c6rFJ. uanqrrrra.fr Rebining walls with proposed ele\ations at bp and borom or wlits" n letaireo iLGfoii aio elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or sepante sheq!. Stamped engineerinqerff.tEon ordwngs snal De prol/tded on the dan or separate sheet stamoed enoineerinq dnwings are required for wa[s betrrrreen 4'and 6'ftet in height. gcilfrazC ;c. ;"h. ;rlfD Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timins, if appticaUe-:iiTf qF-F-{ D landscap€ Ptan:s' Scale of 1".= 20'or larger Ef tandscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan. 0,' location of o<istirg Fees, 4' diameter or larger. Indicat! bees b remain, to be relocabd(indudirp new location), and to be rerrwed. Large stands of trees may be shpwn (as bub,bte) if $te stand is rnt being affected by the propced impmvements ano gnding. cb ilp".. .iE'. Indicate all o<isting ground over and shrubs,c' Detailed legend, llsti.ng S"-tYry and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifrrs, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) of all the existing and propose<l plant miterial induding ground over.cf Delineate oitical root zgles for existing trees in dose proximity to site grading and consbKtion.!, Indicate the location of all proposed plantirEs. 8/'The lootion and tVOe 9f o<isting and proposed watering systems to be employed in oring forplant material follo$/ing its installation. F!. Exi$ing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be induded with the top of wall andthe bottom of wall elevations noted. 0 Arrhitectura! Floor Plans:f Scale of 1/8'= 1'or larger; 1/4" is prefened B,^ flool flans of the proposed development drdwn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building devations must be drawn at the same scah.o4 gPly_indicate on the floor plars tfre inside face of the elterior sfructural walls of the building.o. Fbd floor dans to indicate the proposed flmr area use (i.e. bedroom, kitcfnn. etc).!| one set of floor plans mtst be "r:ed-lined" indicaurp hoi fre gross r&oentiai flooi area (GRFA) was calculated. See ltl€ 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.f ProMde dimenslons of all roofeaves and overhangs. D Aftfiltectural Elevauons:F Scale of !8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preftrred[r All devatons of the proposed development drawn to scale aM fully dinrensioned. The el€MationdGwirEs must stto| both. o<isting and fini*red grades. Hoor plani and buildirg elevations mus- be drawn at the same scale. \h o If building les a1e proposed at arEles mt represented well on the rrcrmat building elevatons, show thee facs also,g^ Elevations shall shorv proposed finished eletaton of floors and roofr on all lelrels.er All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the eleratons.a The following shall be shown graphically and fu.lly dimen$oned: fascia, trim, raitinos. chimnev caps, rneter locatiors, and window deaits. Dct!q\,.}[ be ha.h+ {D'hi.al.rb : l';iffi1T,iffi,ff:J::'f'SHrm:r on the buirdins' ;+ 'lg[' "1FJ*4;|i7t';!!s-e *e {aff i#HEl;i';ffi,HT'5;H, ffiffiffiTi Sf;lffT.if"?utrffi,Lur. jl ;ur^ffirrJJ r F:\dE \FoRHslpemrts\flanr{n9\Ds8\drb-nery-corEhrtion-lt-23-2005.doc pase s of t4 * . - .-(ll^i* crr$r1. wranumd ru23nns 66 tenl<ap? tt*b itd.^ ?lar. 8' fllustrate proposed building height elaration on roof lines and ridges. These delations should@ordinate with the finished floor ele\Etions and tfre dafum used fioi the survey.o Exterior color and material samples shall F zupmitted^to staff and presented at the DesiqnReview Board meetins. b ftlrb tr.S^,'ftd # a,S rrf r.,^^plerOgt-Ea q -us-htinsnan:{hF$gf cqnples 6 bc- b'!t#- {o'*'oA\ - o Indicare type, tocation r#tffir lffihr*r. -\'- '--- - '-J D Indude height abor,e gnde, lumens ou@ut, luminous areatr Attadt a c|.t sheet for eadt proposed firfi.rre. onae a buildirE-permit has been iss.rcd, and construction is undenrvay, and before the BuildingDepartment will schedule a fi-aming inspection, two opies of an Improvenrent Location F_rtifiFte ryrvey (ILc) stamped by a registered proftssional erEineer must be submitted. Thebllowing informaUon must be provided on tre tt_i: Easis of bearing and te to section oomer All property pins bund or set 9uil{inS location(s) with ties to property onrers (ie. distances and angles) qul!9i.g din*nsions, irduding dedc and baronies, to the nearcst tefrth or a motBuildirg ard garage floor erenations and arr roof ridge aM eave rine erevations All drainage and utility service line as-builts, stnwing type of maErial, size and eGct locaton All easements o o o o U o o O IMPROVEUEIIT F: \cd6AFORl4S\PenrrE\Hanning\OR8\db_n€nv_6nsbucton_1 I _23-20Os.doc Pag€ 6 of 14 tu?:.nms Buildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall MaErials Fascia Soffits Wirdo,vs Wintlow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimn€ys Trash Endcures Greenhouses Retaining Wdls Exbrior LighErE Other afa SHJa.rbocrJ o*r ero rlo ri& p6cc< ftr Rhcinz lnkr: EIT-8EI Rt -'JL' zinc. coalrj S{ud L'15to tdtdo t15 morctrod rdor dl t+u cCoc sosna as urJerr:O Itlaofa r,rJ Al q5 o.6clq'4*a rxFesgaaug ffir J 6aJsLc-,fJq frDuri\ orr houAC f,'";4 Notes: - Please speciff the manuftcfure/s narne, the color name and number and attadr a oolor chip. sF€. atL.LcJ A".t r:\da'\FoRt{51kndb\Plannirp\DR4db_nav_onstuctnn_11-&2005.&, Page 7 of 14 1v23120ttr5 fhorrz-J .Jor oet {o r*Lh tvra,ti'. Brqrzc czbr flrbh"rJ{o^, fo€q-u,"tt rcon c Dt,rrr Spar{:t ficr z.d z9IZ-Z9Z-OLg tr'4.2005.&c ceuseuos l.tB6Z:6 SOOZ 9Z unc PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Mln|mtrn Readrements for GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSIoi.I CONTROL Pleee geclfy other landscape PRODGED LAI{DSOAPING bi$redelins- It Asoen Declduans Trees - 2'Gliper @nlbrous Trees - 6'In lelght ShrLbs - 5 Gal. TVoc Common l\bme Coloradc Spnre ouanflw I L ?\ lo 5 grs tz'H+. 11't++. (o't++. 8'Fl+- '2.- " Caliper 3t'caltr.- +'b{B 15.15 Souere Footaoe t-?oo s LU?l.tm05 Kev'c+r -H Rl.ucAras nntx_63QlE__ nq*i\r€ qras srd.'hF .:eep\an-_ nnqliFd-rp fu-shn/bs, I *rceg <*'rar.r rrnuldn i *actift €r-pg.E5ggd3d o.,rea.s (1.e. retalnlng walh, fiences, swlmmlng podt ets) P€cBdr+ FROM la:.--! E rg./q| -nlreo<r 08/27 /2008 22:30 FAX 1g?0S284384 QWEST 970.5r3,7189 (ED 970.304.0257(tbx) 970-6E7.fi22 (ce[, Conbcts: Stere WaErs s\^rttefs@owe$.Com <THU)JU}{ 2a ?o,oCI 3'. t2.rsl. A:31lNo.7Eooooo217 P HBa rchitects A OO2IOOS grh Date p',ge 9 ot 74 f\\ | /lr_>s\,/.r UTILIIy AppRovAL & \GiRIFIcATtoNTCffiM'Thls form serves to verllv that the.prolosed imProvemenb l,,lltl not rrnpact any exEtlng or progos€d utlity sewices, and also toverify jeNice avaitabllhy and tocatoo ior new 6r,*;d;"-*d ;;d be rsad h confunctbn wUr pr€partng your uritfty ptan and##lHi#;nH..H* pran, inq{gilne e-a'"s ;hl;;'pnn, 'na .t-'#,-i'nir'u" ilnitt o ro r,e forowtns uurres Ar horizcd Slon.tp'! Commcnti 165 ?Av'1l,,'tu1 Df| - VA"IL I -6k @(EXCEL HIGH PRE!'SURE SA.s 97(L262.2t076 (teD 970.468.r.|(}l (fax) Conoct Rich Sisniros HOIY CnOSS ILECTRTC 970.947.9q2s ket) 970.9a5.4081 fia:<) Contact: Jefl Vroom iE9@@!gycrots,Eelq EXCEI ET{ER,6Y 970.262,038 (Ei Contasts: Klt Bogart 920.2d2.4024 Kcticrtne Bogert EAGLE RTVER WATER & SANITATION OISIRICT 970.476.7180 (td) 97o.176.40a9 (tq) Contsct: lhd Hashe fhadee@en sd,om cot{cAst c BLE 97O.16a.2569 ext. lrOO (bel) 970,168.2672 (t x) Contact Erad DoEas lrndelv dorcas@cable,corncast.<om OTES: 1' It the uttl&y 'pproval & verificatl'on f9p has ggnstu,€s from c€rh of thc luricy comgantes, and no cl,nments are made ortquron the form, the Town wlll presurne that Urerca;'; p-roielis and orc developmenc can proceed. Z. If a udllty company has concems wifi t,le propos€d constructon/ thc uutV represenbtlve shal note dir€rw on tE uuityr€drE!{on form that tficre le a gtoHetn r"trro, nleai to L-reJnF, the lSsue slrould then be debikd in an att ched letter to rtreTorn ofiall. Howaer, ptease keep ln mtna n.in l, 6. i+p"*iurV ir trre "tin, .Jirrryl* *" apptiant b ,€soh€ tdendned 3' Il|e e lrriilcabons do not .eliAr'e the contractor of the rerpons_lfnry b Obtah a puHic Way permlt from the Oepartment o, fuUlCwo]k'atheTowno'u-u.*..'|nanypubIcr{9ht.of.wayofeE5ernefltwlthin tfie fown ot U",t Tl|. Developcr b requlred and agrees to stbmit y rcvised drawlngs to the uunucs for re.apporrat & rc-veriflcatbn if the#fffifi:Hi* oltered In ariv wav aner ttre iLittro-niJis;iure aae luntess otherwise lpe<ricany nored wnhin tre co,nmert Darelo6r,; SlgnahrE F:\odev\FQRMS\Perft lts\planning\DR B\dft_new_con bucsorLu _23-lOO5.do( - d zeaooooogz .oN..e' : I ! . r9lo9 :9 t aooz za 1nr. <ct:fti> Lr/?tl2jf5 r.3eio t'|ou.d Jun-29-2005 08:20 From-ERtlSD t\\r,,,, UIIJIY APPROVAT & VEruFICATIOII fiii3Efii'*nnrov:rltl tlr,tihe popedlmptprrstElErflt rpt bnFactany odrhg or progoead utiltyrevtts, anrt alo b tctry_ *|ltE ilnhbfity and_ bcedon lbr nar orsrrion urd d|or,ld bc (EC n onJtrncdon -w[r tr€pihg lE r irdtry plan anA dredu$ng tstrEtlons. I dts Fn, hdudhg gradtg p!n, noor plil, and EtvrUcri $a[ U Eudntieg dOe tUomi rrUmer fEr.pg|ud ild vcfifcadon. 9701761088 _Siqfltull / Gcmn:rnE lUS fuw,,tbu-( 0 T-615 P.002/002 F-1?8 Drb qEsT 970.sB.7lD(d) n0fi{,wr(tar', 97O58t0Zl2(cElD bttsdsr StsrrefvaFs e4ts@stst.Ftr scEtftuilt PRESSTnE6As 970.ZGZ{076 (tcD s/0.{6E.1d1 (br0 Co0bct: REr SbnfiF HoLYCnGSB.StItc gzo.c{25{25 (t!D yro.9ts.r08l 0$0 ConEF:i Jdfvroom lvrwnt!holvcmrr-com Ercas|lncY c/o262.{018 (b0 e.ila(E lst Eogart9ru,262.40ft lG$edrl! EoFt EACIIRN'ERWATERI SAilTTATIOII DI'TRICT e2o,176.7ffiW)' rro,475.{0E9 (rb0ffi*ffi $xvvtta'an n--M^coucAsilcABrE - 070,(68.155t d. 1tm (ts0 9o458.26t2 (tb0 cgntaA Bnd Docr braCqF. dorcar&cr*+conost Fom l. It tia udIV aDP.q,al & !€dncadm tbttn tEc slgmturts ilrn eadt of the utlllty cfiirnlcs end no conmarg rlr mrde dbccdyon tfie len Br TOrn wil prrsuDe tfilt rhcre are no FroDlCtb And fh. deetopnr-rnr eir p|l'ilra. a { a Y6lry @qFny hE conclnE q|-S" pmFo6.d @,Ehddt, he uttt[y rrnrentathn *al note dredy on oE uUlVyfltb{g loT E rt tittt b ! nrot*nr wlrlclr ne.s E be ft$ftrd. nr rare sirouE urn !c ila|ed h an ad{d EuEr b 4ETorv! d vd. ]hnCat', ph$r bGp h rd.d uflt k b tre rr*oldbtly 0f dt€ uury orruury ano ur" apoi,qrt t nsol,. iaenuino t|otrtsr|tr 3- The* Yqllcrdoni & rct dlevE [re conts Ebr of he Worts d FqTowt of lA0, u|eTovn cfVli. tr obblh t hrblc Wry Rmlt fur tha Ocp€rtsnsttdtubh In mt pr$lb dgh|.ofrffiy orslcamentwihln oale Egc I ot r4 l:999fl^B .{-ry and Alrc o submt ry.mdsed drawlngr b dre uttlucs tor rerFpnral tt rcrrcflcnlon f tfirtrErrlo Bdrs a€ dler€d in ilV way aftFr the.rdrcrEerl c!ruurru drE (uales odrvrEd $cilo1y mE6 wtttth $c Eq|flngt.resf ihbf*lr), F! \cccvlFctRt's\Pltn{b\ptDont|B\DRrA4b_n€tv-rr*uct&rLU.A.:U}qi.itog Lu?5ftfis XCEL SWMIT CTY Faxz97O2624O57 Jun 30 2006 I7tI4 P.A2qvl'tllzuu6 zz.to f at't ltlvccs'tcc. rre.,r!,,.r.ew AN\t-,-/,4 UTIUTY APPROVAL A YERIFICATIO]I Tttit rorrn $n s tt' Yt|iry ftrt nt 9r0po6cd hnFrovgt|cnE wlll noi impec !w aatsdno or pt9pe$d uulRy tgfl'rcer. rld ah to vctfy. tGrYlCC lvailobillv.nd lcildon tbr netr ccnfirton rnd SlEUld be ulrd In on6unOon wtih DnDtl|nl tour ut{[y Dlrn lrd rEhtdtJling !d.!ilSt. A etc ptrn, Including gnCing pt.n, t|g phnr rnd atsvrtlcnt, rh.U h T|hnit$ to t,rr tulbr,$|r tJ0tdtt fEr rtgrufil ilC \€rfflcation. Ac&s!Erl.g$!gr QTYE6il ,70.313,7U9 (hD . 970.3't,02t(hx) e70,61t7.0t2r GdDCon$i Str,ra tJlrrbt! luraif6glfr'.llrorr Etccl lil€H tttEltuiE oA3 t0,262.{ot6 (Et) 970.{6t,1101 (fro 6nbct Rfth Sr.f6 r|otY crogl EEcrRtc 970.9{7.542:t ,m.945..0t1 Conffi d vroanr lvroon@hokmc.tom ECELFGIRI'Y 970.it6i2..0!t (fbo ConbrE:rt !o$rt tt0,2t2.{02r Gllhrrln ECgrrt E^CLE IIYET WAIET & sAilrtATrotr D!!'TRIB' 910.476.t{t0 (U) tr0.476.i0r9 (h|o C.nE€t: Rtd H$lce ItlashlFaftr.d.olr ooilcAstcrll! 9?0.468.2669 oc r$0 (hD t7o.{53.1512 (tn0 6nbd| lnd Dorca hEt&D !e!E losqics'tt€. *.ce'|l dGr tt|€ Tcrrh of V!l[ Fl\rdrqf rr|5\FrmE\ptrnning\DF!\drb-rror-onrmdoLf t.A.Z0OS.6oG t' r $e u(lllv lPP't'rT l I v!fln€ue.! forn ,i$ #nilgrt from €.dl of$!.utilty corng.nGt Ird rio comm.ncr .r! m.dc (tr €uy6n tlr. fionn, th. Towd wtll !'rsrme tiat thc.E .rr-no pEDhtr ena Crc Caalopitni;;;;;;;. 2' tf : uulity engrny hr conccrr r,vtttr lhc popoord or*uctfortr drr u$lty lrFru.[rrdt/e $.t notr 6rdr on 6;r udlltyletlfk qT.Fqt! tfirt hrn lr e probtg rytrlch ne.lt b !. G.ott. ?re lsrui ci,""t[ tlii" uc ll+iitcd In rn rt ctr.d r€Elr b ur€TAI 9t v!il. Horrrrnr. plcarc hrp In mftrd tlrrt lt k ttrt '|.pmibliry * u-.-rr,irV J'niiitrlniTi .prrcm b naiotv! it nEtdprod€n6, 3, 11c* ndflc|fronr dc nct rdleve il|! ssrbrctof of t l. Vt orkr rt tha Toxrn of Vail. Utrfihr loc.tjlotE iturt l. .b obbtn r nlblc wry FEnt norrr tfrc Drpafi;rrt c fublht? di"tll" in ony nrblh dgtf.of.vray or rermenr wXfrin EsrEtrr[g Prt (El) (f.d) b30,6b T|1. Orv.lops b |tqulrrd rU .grlct to srbrnit rry rurfied dnrVingS b hr uHftleE for r?a99rgyat O ,Fycrlltcrbn lf th!eubminrd.pLln.r. rli$d in.ny uEy:ftrr thc rstnorra cg"rfi d.i au;l;;h;.J#iiiil ry,orcrr wurln rhc EoErn€nt..r. of thlr far ). g.E ||$torl.ruzilztni fl.t.l 28 ,96 L?,24 t9.&F26{,3E,4 PNE€.9E SILVERTI-I]RNE HP Fax:19704681401 rruq I Lrrl' r,cl t> Arrlhori:td Sionalurr Jun 28 2006 16:05 Commantt Drta P.A2 w oo2 / 0o3 *,H*i, urrLITy ^ppRovAI & VERrFlcarroN Thls form serves to vcdty that thc p'oposed imptor'em?nb will Dot lnpect any exkrng or prcgo*dutfrty servrc6, and arso tovetlfy s€rvte a'ailaultty and tocatlon iot na, .onrt ration=al iiiuu ue_ rscd in-contuncton with prup.nng ),ou. rrtility ptan andill#|ll3.i$'H;-{ sltc pfan, 'ncluotng eraffifri]'tf,Ji,-, u* ehvarions, shar be submrnco to (he,oflo*rno udr?i.< QWESI 970 513.7189 (fet) 970 18{ 0257(frx) 970.687.0222 (ce[) C.ontrcts: Stcv€ Wat€rs swaters6)owest.com EXCEL XIGH PRESSUT.G GA.s 970.262.4o76 (tel) 970.468.t401 (fax) Cont ct: Rld) Sbneros llolY CROSS EIECTRTC 970.9'17.5a25 (tct) 970.9a5.{001 (fax) Conbct: Joff Vroorn iwoom (attlr OlyCfiiSS Com EXCEL E'|ERGY 970.262.4O38 (tat) Conhct': Ktt Bogan 970.25?.{024 (ltherrne 8o9e.t EAGIE RTVER, WATER ASA TTITIOII DISTRTCT 970.475.7a80 (et) 970.a76.a089 (fa:r) Cont ct: Frcd Haslce thasteeclerwsd.orc CO CIST CA'LE 970.468.26G9 c:t. I r()0 (rct) 97O.468.2672 (tax) Contacl: Bred Dorces bradetv dorcasocrbh.comcest.co.rl I{OTES: +u-- kET/--L JUr{ 28 ?offi 1' rf the utilrty approrttl & venfi<tlior| lolm hds sign.brrcs tro|!| €ach of the luttty companiet and no cornmalts arc ,nade dirc<oyon the lorm, the Town w', grenrn€ that ne,. ari-no pr.Ufii. ano tfr" Oor.bpme can procccd. Z. It . utllty comga.ty hls conccrns with fh€ p?opoced consbucuon. ti€ u laty reFes€ntadve 5hatt note dtrecw oo the utt[tyrrcrifEatbn totm rh* thcre is e orcbl€m *r'ich ni6 u L;+,. Th€ lsue shoub thcn be ahtal.d in an attached rettlr to d:e;:#:*J"' Hot{ever' pleasc ieep ln mino nat it L irre iofirrurity or tr,e ut$ttv comprnv and thc aepricant to rasolr,e irenut6 3. Thcse v"rifi(.tior|s do not rt{rcvq hs-gonlr6etor of lhe,lspondbtflty lo o.bt ln a publk Way permlt from the Oepartrlent o, AJbIctr'ffItjtt"trT y o' eascment w*hin The Derreloger is reqirir€d a1d aorers to submit any revisad drrwhgF to the util(res ,o, re-approvat & ,c_vedtlcatbn if theHltf'i[H;te alte'e<l h a;v wav anet ttte atirttotiiJJiit r" 0... lrnress olhcrwrse specrrrc.uy nored tyithrn lhe co.nrnent O6rclope./s Slgnafurc Oate Prg. 9 ot l1 F:kdqv\FoRt.r5\9?r {cr\Ptr,r rng\CrttE\dro_nctrr_congrr<bon_1f-13_2OO5.oo< t u2yzo05 JU|tl, 28, 2006; 3;20PMroszegoLY cROSS ENERGfrchlrects for airproval drdtvetfiedon. . ; Autho ed Siqo.tqtt QwBst 970.5t3.7189 (d) e70,984.02t(too 97o.5tt,oZeZ (€ell) Conbcts: Strvc WEterE trYttcts€orYed.Slll EXGET- Tfi6H PRESSUEE GAS' 970.26a476Wl 90/58,1401 (fito OnllcE RlJr Ssn€lot HOLY CRqSS ELEC?8Trc 970'947.3,.?5 (d) 970545.4001 (fdx) Codact: J€ff Vtoom $qllge@qns,ee ETCEL EI{ERCY e70.Z5a40El8 (fa9 Cont€ctsi lft Bogart 90.2GL4024 Kathcdne 6olEn EAS.ERN'ERWATER& SffUTAflO'I DISiTRICT e7o.476.7lEo (td) 970,476,408e (1a,0 comrctl Red llGlee fllesEe(Aa-ftatd.gra COHCA$ICABLE 3. Thesc vertrl@tiont do not ftliBre th€ conb"ctot 0f tfra workr at di€ Towtl of Voll tie Town of Val" D€vcbpe,/s ggnafutE Fr\cdevFoRMs\Plrfi ln\Pf .nning\DRB\d|t-n€s,-cgnrHdon-11.23.200s.doc l! & VERIfI'CATIONV) urrLrrYAPPRovAt & vERrFrcATro Ku, t *n *t the poPosed rnuovemenrs wllf not inP'c ily odsrlrc or 7roryp uti'iv setlcrs' end arto b . ., "€'vtea!'anabrlvandroeri'ln-6rnewconstnrdonardsh;dG;;a;--oi""ef d#f:JHfJIJ:YJffH sdlcdvlns infiIdo* n,* piJi, ,t-i"di; r.-dn, ;6,;tt "r plil, and de\ratb'l', sball be tul .@trslg N0. 029 P. 1 Drlo 6484 970.458.2569 e}a 1f00 (td) n0.468.2672(r,r) CpnEcb Brad porcas tradelv dorEa€@blrr(omcEl-tom BEIESI--ffi? umy igpmval & \,lftlkatbn fonn has glgnatsE ffom elFh of tha ulrtity comg€n|es, and no cd flents ale made dreely ot 6p 1q6, f,*'iown wll Dresune hat thqe ere no p|bUcm and the darcloPm€nt can Proceed' z. tr a udllry comgany hzs conce rs wtrh the eroposcd cont!,qdon, the utitty rePr€s€dluv€ shalt notc drrcdy on $e dJlty ilrrnouon fl- urier ti.tot si pnouem *ifa niitti to bc nsoivcd, Tlre tssre iroutb then be debllad ln an anacbed leql b -dterown of Van. Howe/er, pfaase itrep fn hfnO that lt ls St€ rc+on*itiV oi tre utitiv comptry rnd the appllcant to re*lve ldcrrtifled trodefint tb obbln a Public Way Prfit{t fiom the oepartmeni of h'Dllc fesl*qing In anv Pubk tigttd{ey o! ctsenenl rr'thln 'the DsrElopct b requircd and E[e6 b stDn t any Evlsad dnwlngp b tJre ub:liEes for rc'rpplu\ral &, rE'vertficaEon 'tf $G ohrnmed plans ate alter"O in a6y uray altcr th" au'OOr{zed Sgr4,rre aaC ornhss ottctwbe +cctrrcat7 not:d vrithh dre cfilm€nt area ot lhE Forrn). Drte Pag. 9 ol t4 Lrlz?t2n05 Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community De\€lopment 75 South Frontagp Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2128 f axt 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com *Thisdr&istmust EsubnitM priorto Public Wories review of a popwd developntenL t tv 02 C Landscape plan tr Title Report (Section B) Environmental Hazards (ie. rod<tall, debris flow, avalanche, wedands, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) n/6. Trees labeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pede$rian, etc...)t' Topographyg' Utility locations o/ Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property, S"E**-,*.t, a Udq peft"J+ZT ownerVProject ruame: Bob a'.,J Lrfcola. LeaJS Project Address: nppri..nt, Flor.t BcEluJ ' phone Number: qzb ,L?rjl Submittald Stamped suney of propertyo CMYSite plans Surv€v Reouarementg: y' Surveyor's wet stamp and signatured Date of survey!f North anow ef Proper rale (1"=10' or 1"=20JY Legal description ef Basis of bearings / Benchmark E|, Spot Elevationsa. Labeled right of way and property lines; including bearings, disbnces and curve information.d Lot Sizer Build able Area (excludes red hazard avalandre, slopes greater than 409o, aM floodplain) Sib Plan Reouir€ments: L Access (check all) ffi,t' f Driveway type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. o Unheated A Heated (portion in ROW in a separ.rte zone)!L Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (300/o of driveway area if unheated; 1096 of drivewav area if heated) 0. All driveway grades, dimensions, radii are clearly noted on the site plan and confoym to Development r -StaMards, plrr. steepest Section Driveway eraoe (not the averaie graoe;:io7a cloag ${, a ro"&, \ptalll z?t' Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standartls, pp.12&14 il. Constuction Site (check all)rf Locauon of all utilities and meter pits are shown on the site plan.t' Umits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan.f I am aware that approved Staging and Consfuction Traffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of Uniform Traffic Control Devices, will be necessary prior to construction,g/ I am aware that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be required prior to construction. F:\dev\FoRj"Is\Permits\Hanning\DRB\drb_nefl_consfiKtion_U-8-2m5.doc Page 12 of 14 ru23l2m5 uI.x ^. Drdinage (dec* all that apply) The requircd Valley Pan is shown on the site plan as per Development Standards, p. 12. (Note: Valley pan must not be heated)( 4 Footconcrete ean o 8 Foot Concrete Pang PoEUve and adequate drainage is maintained at all times within the proposed gte. o Culverts have been provided and are labeled and dimensioned on the site plan. o A Hydraulic report has been provided. (As requested by Town Engineer) ry. Erogon Control (Check all that apply)o Disturbance area is greater than one half acre.o A separate Erosion Control Plan has been professionally engineered and PE stamped. f Less than one half acre has been disfurbed, and proper erosion control devices are shown on the site plan. V. Floodplain (check all that apply)o The project lies within or adjac€nt to a 100 year Floodplain.o 100 year Floodplain is shown on the site plan.o A Floodplain sRdy has been provided. (Required if floodplain is within construction limits or as requeted by Town Engineer)o TtE project does not lie within or adjacent to a 100 year Floodplain W. Geologica/Environmental Hazards (check all that apply)t' The project lies within a GeologidEnvironmental Hazard area. (See Dwelopment Standards, p. 20)o A Hazard Report has been provide4 :irtt beiccro The project does not lie within a GeologidEnvirOlmentat Hazard area. WI. Gnding (deck all that apdy)( Existing and proposed grades/ontours are provided on the site pla.n, ..,. r r | ,t , Id An disturbed'areis trave been retumed to a 2:1 g.d;.o; lJ"dA-r-i{\ bo.{dsr u:qll5or c1-19fe,.rrll5 o All disturbed areas not retumed to 2:1 grade have been Professionally Engineered with slope sol,crt!' trrh.- protection and/or stable soils. PE stamped details are provided within plans. Cng vrrscc{ o Only existing contours are shown on the site plan, there is no proposed gnding. VIII. Parking (check all)d All residential and ommercial parking spaces conform to the Development Standards, pp. 12&15. H. Retaining Walls (check all that apply)t( All retaining walls conform to the standards in the Development Standards, p. f S. Boddcr ,*te$ ca6,,.Ofr' 11 All retaining walls and combination walls over 4 feet have been.Profegsionally Enginee-red and a PE . . ' , I' stamped detail has been provided within the plans. All ccncrcL <ebllirq r,rcl[5 r.ritt b3. aqgisr:rcA b], 6tft dttq f All retaining walls are shown on the site plan, with labeled top and bottom-of wall elevations aqdlype q[,gf^@,- of wall construction, and aobwiuta t^{ o No re{aining walls are required for this project. Hdg. fcr*i{- 5*DkX. Sight Distance (check all that apply) -r ..rf, Proper sight distance has been attained and shown on site plan as per Development Standards, p.12, fEts;tto Proper sight distance has not been attained. Explanation why:_ Additional Oomments Please provide any additional comments that pertain to Public Works Review. Page 13 of 14 rv23lzws Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Schcdule A Our Order No. V500151?6 Cust. Ref.: Property Address: 965 FAIRWAY DR. AKA LOT 2, VAIL VTLLAGE T()(H FLG VAIL, CO 81657 l. Effccdve Datc: June 09, 2m6 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issued, and Proposcd Insured: Information Binder Proposed Insured: ROBERT K. LEEDS 3. Thc cstate or intcrest in the land described or refcrrcd to ln thls Commltment and covered hercln is: A Fee Simple {. fitle to the estate or interest covered hercin is at the effective datc hereof vested in: ROBERT K, LEEDS 5. Thc land referrcd to in this Commitmcnt is dcscribed as follows: LOT 2, VAIL ULLAGE, TENTH FILING, ACCORDING TO THE PI,.AT RECORDED APRIL II, 1973 UNDER RECEMON NO. 124443. COUNry OF EAGLE. STATE OF COLORADO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl (Requlrcments) Our Ordcr No. V50015176 The followlng are the rcqulreinents to bc conpllcd with: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or hterest to be insured. Itun ft) Pmper insrummt(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due and payable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: This product is for informational purposes only and does not constitute any form of tide guarantee nor insurance. The liabiltty of the company shall not exceed the charge patd by the applicant for this product, nor shall the company be held liable to any party other than lhe applicant for this pmduct. THIS COMMTIMENT IS FOR INFORMATION ONLY, AND NO POLICY WLL BE ISSUED PURSUANT HERETO. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 ' (Exccptions) Our Order No. V50015176 The policy or policies to be lssucd wiX contain exccptions to the following unlcss the same arc dispmed of to the satisfaction of the Company: l. Righb or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and whiCh are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or rigbt to a lien, for servlces, labor or material theretofore or hereafter Amished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encrrnbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attachiqg subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date lhe proposed insu€d acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. 6. Taxes or special ass€ssments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records.o the Treasurer's office. 7 . Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any.. 8. In addition, lhe owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted in Section 1 of Schedule B hereof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE T}IEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETMTE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 20, 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 5IT. IO. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 20, 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 5II. II. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UNITED STATES CODE OR (B) RELATES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL I1, 1973, IN BOOK 228 AT PAGE 604. 12. EASEMENT AS GRANTED TO VAIL METROPOLITAN RECREATION DISTRICT IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED NOVEMBER 6. 1975 IN BOOK 242 AT PAGE 933. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-SectionZ (Exccptions) Our Order No. V50015176 Thc pollcy or policics to bc lssucd wllt conteln exccpdons to thc following unlas thc samc arc disposed of to lhe sa&facfion of the Company: 13. EASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTIONS, RESERVATIONSANDNOTESON THE PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE TENTI{ FILING RECORDED APRIL II. 1973 I.,NDER RECEmON NO. 124443. 14. DEED OF TRUST DATED FEBRUARY 27,2OOI, FROM ROBERT K. LEEDS TO THE PT,.'BLIC TRUSTEE OF COIJNTY FOR T}IE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SUM OF $475,(|OO.OO RECORDED MARCH OI, 2OOI, UNDER RECEPTION NO, 750698. LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY ANd MERIDIAN LAND TITLE. LLC DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Punuant to CRS 10-l l-122, notice is hereby glven thal: A) The subJect real property may be located in a special taxing district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained from the County Treasurer's authorized agent. C) The information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districs may be obtained from the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Effective September I, 1997, CRS 30-10-406 requires that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's sffigg 5hall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refirse io record or file any document that does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top margin shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is pmvided for recording or filing information al the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article MI requires that "Every title entity shall be responsible for all matlen which appear of record prior to lhe time of rtcording whenever the tlde enti$ conducts the closing and is responsible for recording or filing of legal documents resulting from lhe transaction which was closed". Provided that l-and Tide Guarantee Company conducts lhe closing of the insured transaction and is responsible for recording the legal documents from the transaction, exception number 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Poliry and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Alfirmative mechanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (tnicaly by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 of the Comrnitrnent from lhe Owner's Policy to be issued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The land described in Schedule A of this commiunenl must be a single family residence which includes a condominium or townhouse unit. B) No labor or materials have been firnished by mechanics or material-men for purposes of construction on the land described in Schedule A of this Commitment within the past 6 monlhs. C) The Company musl receive an appropriate alfidavit indemni$ing the Company againsl un-filed mechanic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the apprbpriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvernents or major repalrs undertaken on dre property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage for unrecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain conslruction information: financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; payment of the appropriate premium frrlly executed Indemnity Agreements satisfactory lo the company, and, any additional requirements as may be necessary after an examination of the aforesaid information by the Company. No coverage will be given under any circumstances for labor or material for which the insured has contracted for or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l-123, notice is hereby given: This notlce applies to owner's policy commitments containing a mineral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2. A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a third parg holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geotherrnal enerry in the property; and B) That such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the properly wilhoul the sutface owner's permission. Nothing herein contained will be deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fuIlv satisfied. FoEn DISCI.GITRE O9/0I/O2 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies / Chicago Title Insurance Company Security Unlon Tltle Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company and Meridian Land Title, LLC Jdy 1, 2001 We recomize and resoect the orivacv exDectations of lodav's consumers and the recuirements of applicable federal and state priv-bcy laws. We believd that rftakiire you aware of fiow we use vour non-pubfic personal infonnation ("Penonal Inforination"'), and to whom it is discloseil'will form the basis for a r6lationshid of truSt between us and the public {nt we serye. This Privacy Statement pmvides that explanation. We reserve thir right to change this Privacy - Statement from time to tirie consistent'with applicabte privary laws. In the course ofour business, wc may collect Personal Information about you from the following sourtes: * From applications or other forms we receive from vou or vour authorized representative;* From ybir transactiols with, or fmm the services 6eing p6rformed by, us, o'ur afnliates, or olhers;* From bur internet web sites:* Froln the putlic recordlmaintained_ by gove,rnmental entities that we either obtain directly from those entities. oi from our alliliates or otheisiand* From consumer or olher reporting agenbies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidmtiality and Seflrity of Your Permnal Information We maintain phvsical, elecfonic and pmcedural safesuards to Drotect your Personal lnfonnation from unauthorized access or intrision. We limit access td the Personal Iiformation only to those emplovees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for olher lEgitimate business purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Inforrnation We may share your Personal Information with our afliliates, sulh as iryqralce companies, agents, and other real estate s-ettlemefit service providen. We also may disclose your Personal Infonnatiod: + to agents, broken or reDresentatives to pmvide you with services vou have requested;* tg tfiird-par$ contraclo-rs or.service providers who provide servicds or perforni marketing or other firnctioni ori our behalf: and* to others with whom we enter into joilt marketing agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. In addition, we will disclose your Persona.l Information when vou direct or give us permission, when we are required bv law to do so, or when wetuspect fraudulmt or criminal ac-tivities. We aEo may disclose your Personal Information when othenwise peflilitted by applicable privacv laws such as, for exainple, wheir disclosure is needed lo enforce our rights arising out of any a-grdement, transaction or relationship with ybu. Qne of th_g important responsibilities of some of our alliliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such'documenti may contain your Personal Information. ' Right to Access Your Personal Informadon aad Ability to Corrcct Errors Or Request Changes Or Dcledon Certain states afford vou the risht lo access your Personal Information and, under certain circumstances, to find out to whom your Persorial Infonnltion has beei disclosed. Also, certain slates afford vou the right to r€quest correctiori, amend,me_nl or deletion of your Personal lnformation. We rrserve the right, wherE permitlbd by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the c6ss incurred in responding to such requests. - All requests submitted to the Fidelity.Nalional Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company shall b-e in writing, and delivered to-the following address: Privacy Compliance Offf cer [618'9"]f $i?i Financiar' rnc' Santa Barbara. CA 931l0 Multiple Products or Serviccs $we provide you with pore than one ftnancial. product or service, you may receive more lhan one privacy notice from ris. We alologize for any inconvenience tlfis may cause you. Folrn PRw. POL.OII (oo.o(\l Nor\o f- r{?o q) oto(L |r)to C\O(oodlxo L €oc .o =EcoO (, IoE o o F tr o o a, o F o z z oz oz z oz o (, oE o o o o |!o N (ot\ (o ND(\ |oooN toNbo @ooN co(\ |oooN oFo @ N N Eot x, EI eoo z oz oz z oz z .9 E'trottoo g fr s. E€€E ;€i FEeb; EE E.g!eFP}J (!E 9Z E OE Ag-E E+o:x5E U 6 fr -g -aPPs,E= gE!E E€b E FE 5ip3;5 iEiFCc8I tt s6 PE:c)668: 9=:9E;oogE F$* coFi E 5EH ggigs iigiEt 6 ottEgc(5(! EggP Ei: 8r.^aEt f€E Fa.3 dr trt!ii g9 9s EStr< a$ eEXlg >;i(!E.E eFs E*gEco >86 € o N (\o(\ +NaoooozoO(' N zoon ooo Status: I Approved Cotutvtuuw DEVELopM ENT Rour Nc Fonn n Approved with conditions fi Denied Routed To:George Chalberq, PW Date Routed:06/30/06 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:07t07t06 Description of work:Final review of a demo-rebuild New Two-Family Residence Address:965 Fairway Drive Legal:Lot:2 Block:Subdivision:VailVillaqe 10'Filing Comments:Date Reviewed: 7/11/06 Need additional review by Fire Department. Call out 4' pan with 2" invert no heat. Pan to have same elevation front and back. Show heat zone in Town ROW. Provide a Revocable ROW at Move retaininq walls back 10'from edqe of Provide PE drawinos for walls 4' or Surface 9'x1 9' enclosed 9'xl 8'. Move trees back 10'from Provide an erosion controll detail. Provide a Public W at Snow to be on orooertv not in ROW. BE'RGLUND Architects Leeds Residence - Town of Vail Finat DRB Submittat, 6-26-06 ExteriorMaterial and Colors Information, page 1 of 2 ROOFING, ROOF F|ASH|NG, GIUTTERS, DOVTINSPOUT€I Zinc oated Standing seam metal Manuf: Rheinzink Color: "Blue-gray Pre weathered" CEDAR StDtNG , FASCTA & TRIMlxlO channel Rustic Siding Fascia: 2xB shadow board over 2xlOTrim: 3x3, Picture Frame, Butt Joints Moorewood Semi transparent StaanColor: Oal 45 TIMBERS, FIAFTERS & SOFFITDouglas Farr, rough sawn finishSoffit: 1x8 Douglas Firr, S4S Finih- Moorewood Semi transparent Stain Color: OA1 45 WINDOW GLADDING & EXT. STTEEL Marvin metal clad wood windows andpatio doors, Golor: BronzeSteel window Headers in stone veneer, steel railings and misc exposed steelbeams and connections: color to match window color WINDOVI| & MISC. WALL FIASHING, Copper, will naturaly weather to modelled brown patina BERGLUND Architects Leeds Residence - Town of Vail Final DRB Submittal, 6-26-06 ExteriorMaterial and Colors Information, page 2 of 2 BOULDER l,vALLS blocky rectangular organic shape, mix of colorado Buff and darker brower stones with moss where possible similar to stone veneer SIDING, ELEC ENCLOSURE, STONE, TIMBER & VI'INDOVVS shows lxlO channel Rustic Sidingprofile, timber finish and color, window color and stone CURVED ROOF PROFILE, CURVEDBEAM SIZE AND TEXTURE AND 1x8 DOUGLAS FIRR SOFFIT Colors shown are not correct but size of mernbers, profiles and finish is sirnilar toproposed EXAMPLE OF V\'INDOW COLOR, STEAL AND STONE HEADERS AND FTAILING DESIGN AND FINISH headers 3'and less are stone and larger than 3' are steel C channelspainted to match windows FIAILINGS, EXPOSED STEEL BEAMS, COLUMNS & ADDITIONAL EXAMPLE OF STONE VENEER Exposed steel bearns at decks and Railings are steel similar to these- shown andare painted to match windows E]OULDER BASE ATCOLUMN example of similar detail ouTDooR A,B&C NDlv Outdoor sconccs. t2-v2" . t6-t i4". and 2l- l/2" h. overall. Aluminum u ith closrd- top glass and alunrinum top plate. Suitablc tor wet location- Medium sockct; l(X)-watt maximum on l2-l /2" and 16-l/4"', 150-watt maximum on 2 I - 1i2". Shown in natural iron linish (20). ,'l: I2-1,'2" h. t 6" n'. t 5 " pntl R: 16-li4" h. t 8" tt..r 6- l /2" pnu. ('; 21-l2" h. x 9- I4" u. ,\:30-5992-20 B: 30-5993-20 C:.10-5994-20 HUBBARDTON FORGE . 30.5992-20 FXTURE fr FX I cB- r LUMINAIRE@ 0, cB-20 .",?iJ:€ Srvere , ELe cnrur, Errrt 'l'he introduction of the CB to any landscape will be a welcome one. Its s()phisticated styling and first class quality will add new dimension to any fine landscape. [t is no secret why our pathlites ar€ easy to distinguish from the rest. 'l'his lumin.rire is the best choice for the client who wants a flarvless design that will nrake a long term c()ntribution l{) llteir gdrden- Usit)g hig,h output lorrlq lif-e halogen larnps reduces operittiirtl ,r|rd service costs. Milled from v( ,!y gaugc, solid copper with st ,r.trdrvare, this lurninaire will tr,lr,rrcc arry fine lighting project. l'he copper over time nr1 rvith solutiol fornrtrl,r visi wlrv.lrXL.corn ll patin.r r.tturllly rr be .t( (fl{ritted ..'j lor P ]t[lit r:i websitc al Ceprunr rHE NtcHT G.rr.Jcns .rrc exaens/on of ou: hor",es theref.,c '/cr shoutd be obic t. eniay tl.n .ll thr ,mc noa ri,st OunnE the doyt,gni a.Jrs li 6 mpan(nt rc /;Lm,noic tnese spdccJ whr/c rcspcal,ng ihc st(oundtng natu.e. 41tf,.:.rl h9ht'rE shautdnt be drstr..tlng bur shoNrd r..ikc yo,rr sp.tcc /ook ond fecl roncntic FX's 0rg(/nrc .Jcs/Ens riae!rartc themsel/es cllortlcsst inro thcrr surornd;ngs Dazzle lour 'o4\ o/ bioL.ll a.n L CLrDc//rB o ' br..f d fo.1)s ta lotrr E(yden whlc cjistr:oat;.e t:hc cyc lran oIha. un<les;Ktblc eler. enls 7.O0" PERIMETER LTGHTTNG o2006 FX LUMINAIRE' 800-688-t 269 www.Fl4r_.como tr Your choice of one lamp will come pre-installed. STANDARD OPTIONS: I + 2 + 3 +' ORDEREDTOGETHER ON SAME LINE t0 20 8000 8000 8R 8" Riser l2R 12" Riser l8R 18" Riser Your choice of one aiser option will come pre-assembled. Riser Diameter:0.75" Copper is standard. Allother choices must be specified. CU Copper (vlfl notutuW potino) Allow extra time tor the tollowing tinish options: BZ Bronze Meollic DG Desert Granite BF Black Wrinkb VF Verde Speckle Sa Sedona Brown WF WhiteWrinkle }vl Weathered lron NP Nickel Plare @ @2006 FX LUl.llNAlRE" 800-688-1269 www.FXL.com' The CB comes standard whh any watt T3 Xenolux@, Basic Spike, and in Copper (CU), ,/ SupcrSpiXo NON-STANDARD OPTIONSI MUST BE ORDERED ON SEPARATE LINET Comes pre-assembled with Superspix@. All other moundnS oplions will arrive in separate box. ,a Tl Xenolux@ -.-!!a ^7J -rt /r'- v SJ SuPell-boxo 2 50" x 12.00" pM PosrMount- 2.5O'x 13.00" Distance C&10 2' 4' 8' t0' t2' l4' t.5 .31 .14 .08 .03 .01 .88 .14 .08 .01 For conversion to lumens: Multiply footcandles x 10. See FX glossary for a full description of fc ano lumens. SPECIFICATION SHEET sPJ13-14 Underwater Light MODEL: MOUNTING: MATERIAL: SOCKET: ELECTRIGAL: LAMP: sPJ13-14 Submersible Cast Brass Bi-Pin 20Ft. SJ Cord Incl. 12V MR-16 35W Max. DRAWN BY MMC BASE DESIGN: SPJ DATE: @-14-03 SPJ LIGHTING INC. 2107 Chico Avenue South El Monte, CA 91733 (800) 469-3637 FAX: (626) 433-4839 SPECIFICATION SHEET sPJ 14-O1 231q" {-{' MODEL: MOUNTING: SOCKET: t\4R 16 sPJ14-01 1/2" NPT. Dual Fin Spike Incl. All Weather Ceramic (Bi-Pin) ELECTRICAL: 12V LAMP:20 WATT - 50 WATT See Beam Spread Chart frn' Lamp Options FINISH OPTIONS: (V) VERDE (M) MOSS (AG) AGED BRASS (BR) BRONZE (GM)GUN METAL (R) RUSTY (vr0 wHrTE (B) BLACK DRAWN BY [,4I.4C BASE DES CN SP.]trAIE t2 05 00 SPJ LIGHTING INC. 2107 Chico Avenue South El lVonte, CA 91733 (800)469 3637 FAX: (626)433 4839 Shop Drawing Number: T2 60 ln May 22,2006 Mr. Hans Berglund Berglund Architects PO Box 2378 Edwards, CO. 81632 (Fax) 970.926.43@l Re: Leeds Residence 965 Fainray Drive/Lot 2, Vail Village lOth Filing DRB064156 Dear Hans. Thank you for submitting an application for conceptual review of a new Two'Family residence at the referenced address. I have both routed and reviewed the application and summarized the comments of each Department below for your review: Planninq Deoartment 1. Pleasesubmitastamped surveyoftheLot. @ W 2. Please submil a site plan indicating the following i#s: ,' r Existing and proposed grades.o Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences, and walls. Indicate the foundalion with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.o All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate roof height. Please be sure that the proposed site coverage, as defined below, does not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total site. My calculations indicated that the proposed site coverage was approximately six hundred square feet more than the 4,052 square feet allowed this site. However, I could not accurately calculate the site coverage without the presence of a site plan containing the information reguested above. SITE COVERAGE: The ntio of the total building area of a site to the tdal area of a site, expressed as a percentage. Forthe purposes of this defrnition, 'building area of a site' shall mean that pottion of a site Ncupied by any building, caryott, potte cocherc, arcade, and covered or roofed walkway constructed at, below, or above gade as measwed from the exterior face of the sheathing of tln peimeter walls or suppofting columns. For the purposes of this definition, a balcony w deck projecting fron a higher elevation may exted over a lower balcony, deck or wallway, arfr in such case the higher Mlcory or deck shall rd be deenad a roof or coverirg for the lower balcony, deck q wall<way. ln addition to the above, building area shall also include any portion of a roof overharry, eaves, or covered stair, covered ,w1'vlty 6 ,-,/,,i/// %ta't' /) aL/ deck, covercd potch, calered tenace or covercd patio that extends morc than four feet (4) trom the ertedor face of the pedneter building walls or suppotting columns. 4. Please note that the side setbacks within the Two-Family Residential District are fifteen feet (15'). Therefore, building area is being proposed within the western side setback on several levels. lf this is truly the intent, sufficient hardship must be proven and a variance from the Planning and Environmental Commission must be requested and approved. t? 5. Please note that at the time of final review, a site specific stu/gpy a. proietsional geologist will need to be submitted for the following hazards, which exist on thelott (/ W o Moderate Hazard Snow Avalanche; / . Moderate Severity RocKall; and,r High Hazard Debris Flow There are several additional items that will be required by the Planning Department at the time of final submittal. However, none of these are substantial enough to be required for conceptual review or to mention in any manner at this early stage. Public Works Department 1 . Please show all snow storage (30o/o of total unheated paved area or 10olo of heated paved area). 2. Pfease provide driveway entrances that are no more than twenty four fer't (24'l in width. 3. Please verify that the site distance requirements (as defined below) are met for each driveway. Srgft t Distance Trlangle: The line of sight to the right and lefr of a diver sitting in a car 3' above the ddveway or access toad prepadng to enter tl:€ public road. Tha diver must be a e to see 2&' in either direction to an objecl 3' above the asphalt of the public rcacl in tl,e oncoming lane. 4. Please attempt to locate the hammerhead further ftom Fairway Drive. Fire Department 1. Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R(2002) and VFES standards. 2. Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72(2002). Neither the Public Works Department nor the Fire Department comments need to be addressed before the time of conceptual review by the Design Review Board on June 7, 2006. However, please address in plan format items 2, 3, and 4 and submit them to the Community Development Department by Friday, June 2"" in order to remain on the agenda for Wednesday, June 7tn. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any specific questions or concerns. I will hope to receive revised plans from you soon. Best regards, Elisabeth Eckel Reed 970.479.2454 June 5, 2006 Mr. Hans Berglund Berglund Architects PO Box 2378 Edwards, CO. 81632 (Fax) 970.926.4364 Re: Leeds Residence 965 Fairway Drive/Lot 2, Vail Village lOth Filing DRB0641s6 Dear Hans, Thank you for submitting revised plans for the conceptual review of the Leeds Residence. I have reviewed the plans again and identified several important items that should be addressed before submittal for final revie\ r. Planninq Department 1. Please be sure that the proposed site coverage does not exceed twenty percent (20%) of the total site. In spite of seeing the calculation of site coverage to be 4,051 square feet, my calculations leave an overage of about two hundred (200) square feet. This may be due to the additional site coverage resulting from roof overhangs that extend beyond four feet (4') from the exterior wall. Let's make sure that we are calculating site coverage in the same manner. 2. Additionally, I have calculated the Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to be 7,664 square feet, 480 square feet above the allowable amount. Let's chat about this. 3. Finally, the roof ridge that extends from the south to the north above the great room of the larger unit is thirty six feet (36') tall according to my calculations. Again, let's make sure that we are calculating building height in the same manner. The items that remain un-addressed from my last letter will need to be finalized at the time of final submittal as well. Thanks for your patience in what is not always a simple design review process. Due to my absence on Wednesday, this project will likely be presented by Warren Campbell, who can be reached at 970.479.2148. I have thoroughly briefed him on the project. Please check the following link afler 2 p.m. on Tuesday to verifo the placement of this item on Wednesday's agenda: http ://www.vailgov.com/releaselist.asp?type=1 6&year=2006&month=99 Finally, thank you for making sure that the site is staked. lwill call you this afternoon to discuss these issues. Best regards, Elisabeth Reed 970.479.2454 July 7, 2006 Mr. Hans Berglund Berglund Architects PO Box 2378 Edwards. CO. 81632 (Fax) 970.926.43O1 Re: Leeds Residence 965 Fairway Drive/Lot 2, Vail Village lOur Filing DR8064255; Final review of a new 2-Family residence Dear Hans. Thank you for submitting plans for final review of the proposed Leeds Residence. I have reviewed the plans and compiled the following items for resolution prior to final review by the Design Review Board on July 19"'. Planninq Department 1. I have calculated the Gross Residenlial Floor Area (GRFA) to be 7,259 square feet, seventy five (75) square feet above the allowable amount. I think that this difference results from the fact that your calculations of the GRFA of the residence do not include the seventy eight (78) square feet of garage area that exceeds the six hundred (600) square feet allowable garage.deduction. Either the garage area or lhe area of the residence will need to be reduced to comply with the 7,1&4 square feet of GRFA allowed this lot. 2. Please note that all snow storage must be located within the property line. Some of the snow storage indicated on the landscape plan was located beyond the property line and therefore was not able to be counted towards the 10% of paved areas snow storage requiremenl (236 square feet for this site). Please fulfill this requirement within the property boundaries elsewhere on the site. 3. Please reduce the height of all retaining walls that are within the front setback to three feei (3') or less in height, per the following seclion of the Vail Town Code: Retaining Walle (General) .. .Within a ftont setback, retaining walls shall not exceed a height of three (3) feet, unless related to access to a structure constructed on ex@ssive slopes (in excess of thirty (30) percent). (Section 14-6, Vail Town Code). 4. Please submit cut sheets of the lighting indicated on the landscape plan. Cunently, it is not clear whether or not the proposed landscape lighting is within 18" of grade, and therefore exempt from the lighting regulation addressing the number of lights pelt,000 square feet of lot size. 5. Please enlarge the surface parking spaces to be I x 19 rectangles. Fire Department 1 . Fire sprinkler system required and shall comply with NFPA 13R (2002) and VFES standards.2. Monitored fire alarm system required and shall comply with NFPA 72 (2002) and VFES standards. I have routed the plans to the Public Works Department, but have not yet received their comments. Once I have, I will send them to you for review immediately. Meanwhile, please submit all items needing revision to me on or before 12 noon on Friday, July 14, 2006, to relain placement on the July 19'n DRB agenda and don't hesitate to call before then with any questions or concerns. Thanks for your patience in what is not always a simple design review process. Enjoy your weekend. Best regards, Elisabeth Reed 970.479.2454 BEFRGLUND Architects, LLc TF'ANSMITTAL DAIE July 14,2006 Elisabeth Reed Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 970.479.2128 FDG 970.479.2452 c.c. FRo[ Hans Berglund Revised Drawings for Design Review Per Comments Hand Delivery ElrcLosED Revised landscape plans, lighting cut sheets, square footage calculations We have also enclosed site photos, rendered perspective images of duplex and rendered elevations. Note, we have provided a version of the elevations' with the proposed and existing landscape shown to provide a more realistic version of what the house will look like on the site as well as a version with no landscaping so all of the elements of the elevations can be seen. cottExrs Here are the revised sheets to meet all the requirements for us to remain on the agenda for the meeting on 19th of July. Please let us know if there are any questions. Thank you very much. Hans P.O. Elox 2378, Edwards, CO 41632Tel: 97O 926-4301 fax: 97O 926-4364 Conceptual Review Application for Design Review Departn€nt of Cormunrty 9qvtdopment 75 Sootfi Frontagc Roel, vril, colorado 81657 tel; 970.479.2128 fari 970,479.2452 web: vvww.vailgov.com Genetal lnfoflnatlon! All pplsds rcquiring dcstgn fwhw must r€celv€ approrDl prior to rubmitting a buflding 9€fiit applkadon. Pletse rcter no the $bmittal rcquircnE ts for tt€ panlculer apprc^/at that is rcque#, An application ior Design Raderr @nnot be acc€pted un$l ar rcquircd lnformrthn b recelved by tie Comrnuntty oarelopm€nt Departmgrt' Th€ prDject may ako nccd to be rwlewcd by Src Town Councll rndlor the Phnnhg rnd Erwlronmental Corrn'llsshn. Dcsi$r revicr rpproval hpscs unhrs r br|ltdlng pcmlt b ltsucd ar, coortlnrcdon commanc.r wltftin onc ycar of thc epgroYal, Deccript.onorureRcquert' N€*rt D-rrFUa< To €FPtJz.E E <J3t$\EH6r^g Loc.tion of th€ Proposrt: tot: ? ebck---: Phy:ical Addressr (@ntact Eagle Co. Asse$or at 97G328-86.10 fior pEItEI no.) Zoning:a\^ro t^v\\r-Y ?-G\aelfflA\- ce) rreme(s)orown€r(s): -oS alqD rtG,<'uf+r L-EEP5 Address:lz?f Wru-6wjr<reo6K terv€ WAY?-Af*, \^H Phone: Orncr(s) Sign turG( ilarne of Appllca nt! Ittailing Address: E-mall Addrsss:rax: 9?O. cZ-6. 4G,d.4 p.l 1400r/001 l.lav 11 OE lO:46a 05/ 10/2008 21:43 FAx unsu I a I eeds I97092643 84 HBarchitects ?63-473-?O43 rrs.rt, c.rt lr€q+ q Typa ot R€Yaru and Fce: lJ srgns )( Concnptual Revlcw q Newcon*uction O Addition O Mhor Alteratloo (multsfamlV/(ornmerllal) O Minor Alteraugn (singlc-fumih/drrplex) E €haogcs tn Approvd Plrfls g S€9olaflon R€quest <.o ir\c^git - l{ET !!!E 11.0o per sgurrc ioot of total slgn are8. For construction of a ncr buildklg or d('Tloy'rebuild. For an addition rvhere souare fostlge '6 a@ed to any rsgdcntitl or commertial building (nctudcs 250 addltions & intcrir @nvetsions). For minor charE.' to buildingF rnd site knorovernents, such ai, rc-rooflng, prlntlog. $rlndow addltlotB, tra(bcDplng. ?cncca rnd r€talnlng walls, etc, FOr rnlnor ChtngEs to bulldlDgs and slte l,tlpro\iementg, sudr as. re-ro6tlng, palntlr€. wlndor, addtlons, lands.tplng, f€nces nnd retalr ng wdls, €tc. For rcvidom to pLns rlrBrdy rF|lvld !y Planning Strff or thc 06rgn Revlew Board. o P CN ?- o L\ ul ft. ts0 No f-ee l6so tt0o $250 l?0 i20 No Fae I t,t'Utrr"E [l] IEGIEII VE TOWN OF VAIL Status: I Approved Gonrmunrw DEVELopMENT Rounno Fonna fi Approved with:conditions I Denied Routed To:George Chalberg, PW Date Routed:o5t17to6 Routed By:Elisabeth Eckel Date Due:05124106 Description of work:New Single-Family Residence Address:965 Fairwav Drive Legal:Lot:2 Block:Subdivision: I vailvittase 10h Filins Comments:Date Reviewed: 5/19/06 Need additional review bv Fire Max24'd entrance. to move hammer head from road. fr oooz Eo(t -8 2 E N 8 F3 o iq96 H$9-o<6 +; 3E *€ Fd- figt rEff fl1* FTH il Rg6g Ed DOaeo5D = T> 8.e{F FB EEd.=a!OF< Eg56-zo-{ D Fo6t E' Eot Eo = 2o zo Eo e 7 v o vt c 3g E q f; E os s E E' a o c F 3- so3 zo 5tot t(t o U- E,v F a 3oI. 9.t 6l6; Bi; oo =CL 6'f0 d on @octto (tl o) To(cIo SPg)(tl oE G' ti-oo CD ZONE CFIECK Datc: JUX Lcgal on: Lot Z- Block Fitins vklL. vtu*tE tw Addrcss Onncr 5 Architcct enonc 1to 4ZL 45ol Proposcd usc Allorvcd =lrJU- Fron t Sidcs Rcar i\nl1-/4 Q(to' Zonc disri Lot sizc Total GRFA CRFA . * 675=425 crcdit plus 250 addition o Horv much of tlc altorvcd 250 l^aaiU*Er..a,*nllii?A-r*fu Existing , Proposcd IeUf lt?b R.rn*inin bDm".w=wffij dwno . !-1,++: - /). 3'/6',/V, Rmuircd '1 ar tflr,u 4I Enclosco Proposcd Slopc i % l)Pcrccnt Slopc (<>30%), zW 2) Floodplain a./14r + (425) (675r) = + i\{7 5) r67-+fi - Sitc Covcragc Hcigbt Sctbacks Lrndscaping Rctaining Wall Hcig!6 Parking Garagc Crcdit Drivcrvay Complics rvirh TOV Liglting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tban 2:l (50%) Environrncn tal4Iazatds &4.^ J-,'H7) ' u:*t^u.l|o'L_JLtEl '- 13,'l6q I,blLL ---7-r_----7-- K. ---------:- lb\uI 20' .li, 3) Wctlands 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback (30) 5) Gcologic Hazards a) Snorv Avalanch b) Rocldall c) Dcbris Florv Pro,ious conditions of approval (cbcck propcrty filc); s---,----- vta? (s0) (4to ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: 1,. ti.\t 1l: 'rl- - ',1.\. .rlet.'J,-: 'tr,t .i 3 a*.r.,,io$" ( ,' :J Lcgat dcsaiption j -/ torsirc j uoitdrut.Ar." Eascmcnts __r,z5d''lcou6fi}qg:3_.- - --*u._, - !'r i l00yr. flbodptgr. Watcr Counc Sclback --l Environmcn ul Haztrds -' l rees tr SmPLAN ,ia J Scalc Building Hcight Encroachmcnts MISCELT.A,NEOUS Condo Approval Titlc rcport (A & B) Utility.vcrifi cation form Photos ofsitc 'l -.2 s.tbacks ./' / Sitc Covcragc Z EavcVoviiti' '/ ' l?nss(4) ' Dccls/Balc0tics Gangc conncction ,/....., . -, r.-ir-Site Cradc\S-lopc.-.- il{ nit idnsVurk....'. " 1. Fcnccs ' ./ parking/Garagc _-_--_ TumingRadius __-// Ddv clay (acces and gadc) ./ Snorv Storagc / Firc Acccss -1 suitding matcrial samplcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\ShadcAnglcs Utilities (un dcrgrorur d) Vicrv Corridors Vuianccs Plat rcstictions July 19, 2006 Mr. Hans Berglund Berglund Architects PO Box 2378 Edwards, CO. 81632 (Fax) 970.926.436,1 Re: Leeds Residence 965 Fairway Drive/Lot 2, Vail Village 1Os Filing DRB06-0255; Final review of a new 2-Family residence Dear Hans, Congratulations on receiving unanimous Design Review Board approval of the Leeds residence durin$ today's public hearing. The Board consent approved the application with the following conditions: 1. At the time of the applicant's submittal for a building permit, the following items must be submitted to the Public Works Department:o A revocable Right-of-Way permit;r Stamped PE drawings of all walls over four feet (4') in height;o An erosion control detail; and,r A public way permit. 2. At the time of building permit submittal, the applicant shall submit a site specific study by a professional geologist which reflects any necessary mitigalion measures for the Moderate Severity RocKall and the High Hazard Avalanche Debris areas upon the site (pursuant to Section 12-21-15-9l. Thank you for your patience in what is not ahvays a simple design review process. I look forward to reviewing the building permit submittal soon. Best regards, Elisabeth Reed 970.479.2454 enclosure Page I ofl Bill Gibson - Robeft Leeds Residence Ftt t cuPy From: Bill Gibson To: lpeterson@slifer.net Date: 06/15/2005 4:00 PM Subject Robert Leeds Residence Hey Larry, The Leed Residence (965 Fairway Drive/Lot 2, Vail Village 10th Filing) is zoned Two-Family Residential (R) District. Based upon a lot size of 20,262 sq.ft. the allowable gross residenUal floor area (GRFA) is 7,184 sq.ft. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me via email or at 479-2173. Sincerely, Bill Bill Gibson, AICP Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 (970) 479-2L73 (97O) 479-2452 fax file://C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Local Settings\Temp\GW)00001.HTM 06115/2005 ooz U'{7cr){ozTmF ={ co {8,f 3o3 o ()o 3 3c5 CLo !goE 3ot o m 1-rlm | --r oti9 t "' -.1ItJ Ol'n ol!3lm!tr i''l= -1I-m !! o ao zomo.rl !m -{ -nEor- z= 2z6oz 3trP]nLLoxFtii FP'r D!tr !n! E6mil Fl F8F:loF.n9rFS =I -'to @mxm!-{ oz Co @L{m TmF =. 29 IIg) Kr, K^)r z.O @z =m F F] U7 F H ztsz {Fr.r t-c =@z r HrrP H z m H a" F Fits c- (n E FFp l0tr, e YlF INJl!l*l{lH IH l=It! l8t'l - {PKNFH Ez :dg ,-{ t{mlo Fl= to lil:ttmlo la I I I Elo l1lt<l> lFIIlm t9, 16 l-ro lf la l-{to E l'rrt<t> lF lil lo l6 ldEl€F l! lat> t>lrl IH IE la lE |:I lc) l- trJ EIF I UJ \rl I -Tz T ! m 3t cltzmm m l<' lz l= IJItl.- {lrdo>lFlm E13fr ;IBEEl-g 'IHfl HIE: : -l^Z vtElFo o -lEi = Z lt-.i' O =lFihlEl ;-19l s' EIEI:rli tH I.lFl Nt-o-{ .i!;mio>'n10ao'1 :zot48! 5z -I ,< = * icEe E=;[; = gr o =tJ = -.O qt EieiF gse E;lagS€ ilE Iei'l ,lri rit? r?\o \olo r*. iig=i3 Ei= aie;'= ::^>rH I =+lztF+ I TOWN OF VATIJ CONSTRU PERI.{IT APPLICATION DATE: S ftrqzouev 4auRf ' Legal Description: Lot .2 Block_ rtrins suBprvrsroN, ,//2 Owners Nane: Architect: General Description: Work Classs [ ]-New I Number of Dwelling Units: / ^ {pnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/pelret_vI**** * ************** * ************* VALUATTONS *********** **********************rl durr,ollrc: izdtrA ELEcTRTcAL: $ orsrn: $ - Nurnber of Acconmodation Units: l-Alteration t56'l /7/ASoNf?l $MECHANTCAL: $- TOTAL: Contractor: Address:6r /5 6,Phone N\ ber.. ?o3I2Ag3lS Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Town of Vail. Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR OFFTCE USE ** ********** * * ***************** B_tJi3til8;Efft[ I33: ]2r- H#3iil8;H S#t8I FE3: /qi-:---- MEcITANTcAL pERr'rrr rnn: T r{EcuANrcAL pr,AN air-ci-Fint ELECTRTCAIJ FEEs RECREATIoTI TTs:oTHER TypE OF FEE: ,_._A%D=4a4, CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: Z-DRB FEE: 1MZA t -AOaroo- TOTAL pER!.tIT FEES:- t . ffi. l l aurrorHe:I r/ l_l_l_l s:l-l-l-l-l z( Posrjt*l-l-l-l I s: t6-1'r)| , t_l_l_l s: Coroments: CLEAN TTP I'EPOSIT IEFI'TD TO3 l,l 75 aoulh trontege road uail. colorado E1657 (3o3) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 otllcc ol Gommunlly dcvalopmenl BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRANE If this permit.lequires a Town of vai'l Fire Department Approval,Engineer"s (Public wot"ks) reyiew and approval , a plann.i ng'Departrnentreview or Health Department review, anb'a review uy itre 6uiibingDepartment, the estimated time for a total review iray take as l5ngas three weeks. All commerc-ial (large or small) and all multi-fami'ly permits willnave to foilow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentialand.small projects_should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresident'ial or smaller projects impact the various above mentionedgg?arlmgnq.with regard to necessary rev.iew, these proje.ii rnuyatso take the three week period. Every attempt wil'l be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possible. I' the frame. unders'igned, understand the plan check procedure and time 1- zr-f^, Communi ty Devel opment Department. 75 soulh tronlaEe road Yail, color.do 81657 (303, 479-2L.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce of communlly developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THEtOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnmary, _ordinance No. G states that it is unlawful for anyPerson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debr'isor naterial . including trash durnpsteri, poriable ioilets andworknen vehicles. upon any streetl sidewaik, afiey or public P1?:" .or afy portion theieof. The rishr-"i-;at 6n att Tor,m ofvarr sE,reets and.fgaqs is approxinatety 5 ft. off pavernent.This ordinance wirr. be striliry enforcld by the Town of VaiI_llPlr: works Departrnent. pers6ns found viSratinq this ordinancewrr-l De grven a 24 hour written notice to renove said material.rn the event the person so notified does not cornpry wiin ah;--notice within the 24 hour time specified, ttt"-p"[ii.c worksDepartment wirl remove said rnateiia:. at tn" "xpe"se of personnotified- The provisions of this ordinance sha1l not beapprrcabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right_a_way. To review ordinance No. 6 in fur1, prease stop by the Tovrn ofYill B"ilding Department to obtain a copy. rtrank you for yourcooperation on this natter. ad and acknowledged by: onlRe1a (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 soutr lrontlgc rod Yall. colofedo 81657 (3{x') 47}2138 (303) 47$2130 oftlce ot communlty developmenl NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS/OITNER BUILDERS Effective June 20, 1,99L, the Town of Vail Building Department has developed the following procedures to ensure that new constructionsites have adeguately established proper drainage frorn buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of Vail- roads or streets. Tb,e Town of Vail Public Works Department will be required toinspect and atrT)rove drainage adjacent to Town of Vail roads orstreets and the installation of tenporary or pelmanent culverts ataccess points from the road or street on to the construction site. Such approval must be obtained prior to any request for inspecti_onby the Town of Vail Building Department for footings or temporaryelectrical or any other inspection. Please caII 4'79-n-60 torequest an inspectj.on from the Public Works Department. Allow a minimum of 24 hour notice. Also, the Town of Vail Public Works Department wil_I be approvingall final drainage and culvert installation with resulting roadparching as necessary. Such approval must be obtained prior toFjnaI Certificate of Occupancy j.ssuance. TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-24s2 1_. 2. Department of Community Development rIfFORI.IAIIOX ITEEDED MlEtf APPI.YTf,G FOR A MECHAITCAL PERMIT 3. 4. HEAT LOSS CAICULAT]ONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PLAN OF MECHANICAL ROOM WITH EQUIPMENT DR,,,AWN IN TO SCAI.,E, WITH PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS AND BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPMENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. SHOW STZE AND LOCATION OF COMBUSTION AIR DUCTS, FLUES. VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EQUIPMENT WILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAT ROOM. FAILURB TO PROVIDE TEIS ITTORIiATTOIf WII.L DELAT TOUR PENTIT. fi, Flr;: " i 1 l',:'r:,. . ; r.-r,,r er,ry?Irw'rlF,.F;' r- lt , ' t t' '-- " 1{- ' Category Numberf Project Name: Building Name: ilgn Revrew Acuon Fl TOWN OF VAIL //o"" //t hl Projec't Description: Owner. Address and Phone: xcnitea{@Addressandphone: ,t' I'a / rr ,/t&v t{6, r'- € -' 4d-?20-zzt( or Q(0-ri7 e (' ", ,O^ zoneDistricl Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: D Approval ! Disapproval Project Street Address: -42 6?o Motion by: Xstaff Approvat /conort nsr& Town Planner /, - / o"r", //f/q/ DRB Fee Prc-paid f 2 \t T{}UIFI EF LIFI I I- Fliscel laneous Cssh r:t4*$i]-'_t+l3:17:?5 FJe,c*ipt * 14ifrl8 Fli{L-'r-iri t # |]t: # .:rIl,lEl_r r::F5|]].{'..FEE FEE Fliriur-rn t tende, r*,1 :} Item paid Eii B[t]:1114 i f,;li BEri [:h*ing* rF t.urnsd :, 5418 ?6. BE fuiount paid ?8.68 EI. EIFJ 'l-HFtb.{l{ vEU !',:rlrr c.:shi*r FjEffTHff O.-r.". c, g/1/g'- .APPLTCA,TION - TOWN'O!. \rAIL, COLORADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: ********** * DESIGN RE\rIEW BOARD APPROVTIL EXPIRES ONE YEAR AI'TER FIT|AIAPPRovl& ItNr.,Ess A-.BurrDrNc 'PERMT! -rs-rssuED AttD coNsrRucfloNSTARIED. **No aPPrrrcAlroN wrr.L BE PRocEssED ttrrgour O!{NER, s srcNATuRE Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEE| DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at,the t,lme of submittal of DRB application. Liter, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify tireaccurate vaLuation of the proposal . The town of Vailwill adjust the fee according- to the table below, to /u).ensure the correct fee is paid. ^^,/ Jfr FEE SCHEDULE: EEE PlJ5: S & . 'i -L{ V/^r/4rt,. r.,.1^' - TEIS APPLICATION TIILL NOT BE .t ,,\1,-',^ ? tllillFlT- AT.T. n!:nrrTpiln TNFT.\DMI 'rtr.rrtUNIIL, ALL, REQUIRED INFORI,IATION ':li;d \'! t-.:* . . .)e' - , cir ii:-\ \ PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION-: ACCEPTEDIS SI'BMIIIED********** B. b5 If property is described bydescription, please provideattach to this applicatign. E. ZONING: NAI,IE OF APPLICANT:(; // utZl J. K 4t l( lg, ; ),i] VALUATION$ 0 - $ 10,000g 10r 001 - $ 50,000 $ 50,001 - $ 150,000 s150,001-- $ 500r000 $500,001 - s1,000,000$ Over $1r 0OOr O0O FEE $ 20 .00I 50.00 $100.00 s200.00 9400.00 $500 .00 ^./New Constrdction ($Z00.OOl tlauinor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Revievr ($0) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Subdivision tli LOT AREA: If required, applicant, st,amped survey showing lot area. € Mailinq .Address: NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRES "?i,'itf &ddress NAME OF OWNERS: *srcNATuRE (S) :Mailing Address: FEE SCHEDULE: a neets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and must prpvide a current r // /:L ,hr. TYPE OF REVIEW: -II. PRE-APPLTCATION MEETTNG: ' A pre-appstaff is J !,apPlicagi resPonsib determine Please no ]II lication meeting with a member of the planningst_rongly encouraged to determine if any additional6fi'informat.ion is needed. It is the applicantrsili.ty ,to make an appoint.ment yrith the slaff toif there are additional submittal requirements.te that a COMPLETE applicat,ion will sCreamline the A. approval process for your project a. Windows, skylight.swhich do not, alterbuilding,. and In addition to meeting submittal requirements, tbeapplicant must stake and tape the pioject site Loindicate property lines, building lints and buildingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. AIfsite t,apings. and staking must be completed prior to theDRB site visit. The applicant must ensure Lhat stakingdone during the winLer is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally reguirestero separate meetings of the Design Review goard: aconcept,ual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshorald plan on presenting their development broposal ata mj-nimum of two meet.ings before obtaining finaiapproval. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the ComrnunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. i formal heariigbefore t,he DRB may not be required): and similar exterior changesthe existing plane of the b. Building addition.proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such a._proposal is submitted, applicants must include . letters f{o$ a4jacefrt property owners and,/or fromtlbragslr'for drs- mdnagei Uf any adjacentcohdominium association stat.ing the associationapproves of tbe addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avaLanche, rockfal.l, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc) r a hazard st,udy must be submitted and theowner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged t.o check with a-T-own plannerp!1o5 to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. For aLL residentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding,' andb. Indicate with a dashed ]ine on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approve€-the application-with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must. bereso}ved prior to Town issuance of a building permit R D. E. G. IV. A.Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survev. stamped bva licgnsed survevor, at a scale of 1u = 20, or targer,on which the following information is provided: 1. Lot area. 2. Two foot cont.our intervals unless the parcelconsists of 6 acres or more, in which case, Stcontour intervals may be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4" or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (Iarge boulders, int,ermittenL streams,etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfa11, etc.),centerline of stream or creek, reguired creek orstream setback, 10O-year flood plain and slopes of40* or more, if applicable. 6. Ties to exibt.ing benchmark, either USGS 1andmarkor sewer invert. This information should beclearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point.This is particularly important for heightmeasurements. See policy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys. 7. Locat,ions of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. must be shown. b. Exact location of existinq utility sourcesand proposed service lines from t,heir sourceto the structure. Utilities to include:Cable TV Telephone Sewer Gas Water ELectric c. Show all utility meter locations, includingany pedestals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocablepermits from Lhe Town of Vail are requiredfor improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing must be shown. e. All easements (Title report must also includeexisting easement locations) 8. Existing and finished grades. 9. Provide spot elevations of the street, and a mi.nimum of one spot elevation on either side ofthe 1ot, 25 feet out from the side property l_ines. Site Plan 1. Locations of the foltowing: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. percent slope and spot.elevations must be shown. 2. A11 existing improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,, walks, .driveways, off-street-parking, loadingareas, retaining walls (with top and bottom ofwall spot elevaLions), and other existing siteimprovements. B. 3. and prgposed qrades shown underneatht. TEEsE-elevations and grades must be provided in orderfor the staff to determine building height. AIIridge lines should be indicated on the iite ptan.Elevations for roof ridges shall al.so be indicat.edon the sit,e plan with corresponding finished andexisting grade elevatj-ons. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 8t unless approvedby the Town Engineer. Landscape Plan (!tt - 2Qt or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The following information nust be provided on theIandscape plan. The location of existing 4,'diameter or larger trees, the location, iize,spacing and type (common and Latin name) of allexisting and proposed plant mat,erial . A1l treesto be saved and to be removed must also beindicaLed. The plan must also differentiatebetween existing and proposed vegetation. 2. Complet.e t.he attached landscape maLerials Iist. 3. The location and type of 'existing and proposedwatering systems to be enployed in caring- forplant mat.erial following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed cont,our lines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of the variousdevelopment proposal conponents, ptease incorporate asmuch of the above information as possible onto the siteplan. -Siqn gff from gaqh utilitv companv verifying thelocation of utility service and availaUifity (seeattached) . A pre_liminarv title report must accompany allsubnittals, to insure property ownership and locationof all easements on property. Architectural Plans (!/8't = Lt or larger, !/4,, lspreferred scale for review) 3 copies required. L. Scaled floor plans and all elevations of theproposed development. Elevations must show bothexisting and finished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be .red-lined,r to showhow the gross residential floor area (GRFA) wascalculated. 3. Reductions of all. elevations and the site plan (g-L/2.t x L!"1 for inclusion in pEC and/or TownCouncil memos may be requested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material_ colorsshall be specified on the attached materials list.This materials list must be completed andsubmitted as a part of DRB application. Colorchlps, siding samples etc., shoutd be presented tot,he Design Review Board meet.ing. ?ong checf li_s!.. (attached) nust be completed if projectj.s located within the Single-Family, primary,/Secbndiryor Duplex zone district,s. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent structures. NOTE: D. F. .' r. The ,onrpo*inisrraror and,/or o*"t require t.hesubmission of additional p1ans, drawings,specifications, sarnples and other materials (includinga model) if deemed necessary to deterrnine whether apro ject will comply wJ.th Desi.gn Guidelines. V. MINOR ALTERATIONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopmentproposal and t.he location (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be submitted in lieu of the more formalrequirements set forth above, provided all inportantspecifications for the proposal including colors andmaterials to be used are submitted. VI . ADDTTIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCTAL A. Original floor plans with all specifj.cations shown. Three sets of proposed floor plans !/8,, = Lt or larger(t/4" = L, is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing structure. F. Specifications for aLL materials and color samples onmaterials list (attached). At the request of the Zoning Administrat.or you may also berequired to submit: G. A statement from each utility verifying location ofservice and avaj-l.ability. See attached utilityIocation verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stamped by registeredprofessional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership ofproperty, which lists aII easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN Once a buiJ.ding permit has been issued, and construction isundervray, and before the Building Department wiLl schedule aframing inspection, two copies of an Improvement LocationCertificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submitted. ?he followinqinformation must be provj_ded on the ILC: B. A. t'. c, Y\ E. b. Building location (s) with ties to property corners,i.e. distances and angles. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot - All utility service line as-builts, showing type ofmaterlal used, and size and exact location of 1ines. Dralnage as-buitts. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. A11 property pJ-ns are to be either found or set andstated on inprovement survey. A1l easements. Building fLoor elevations and a1l roof ridge elevationswith exlsting and proposed grades shown under the ridgeIines. t{ VIII A.SUbmittal fequiremer.ltg: The owner or aut.horized agentof any project requiring design approval as prescribedby this chapter rnay submit plans for conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board to the Department ofComnunity Development. The conceptual review isintended to give the applicant a basic und.erstanding ofthe compatibility of their proposal with the Town'sDesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applications more complex than single-family and t,wo-family residences. However, deveiopersof single-fanily and two-farnily projects shall not beexcluded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign review. conplet.e applications must be sulrnitted10 days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information shall be submitt.ed for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimumscale of one inch equals twenty feet,. 2. Conceptual el.evations showing exterior materialsand a description of the character of the proposedsLructure or structures; 3. Sufficient information t.o show the proposalcomplies with the development standlrdl of thezone district in which the project is to beIocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculations,number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Completed DRB appllcation form,' Procedure: Upon receipt of an applicat.ion forconceptual design review, the Department of CommunityDevelopment shall review the submitted materials forgeneral . compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in bisicconpliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject shall be forwarded to the ORe for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally incompliance with zoning code requirements, theapplication and submittal materials shall be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation as to whyt,he Community Development Department sLaff has found-the project not to be in conpliance with zoning coderequJ.rements. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptualreview application and supporting material in order todetermine whether 9l l9t Lhe project generally complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not-vote onconceptual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentative shaLl be present. at the DRB hearinq. R NAME OF PROJECT: LIST OF MATERIALS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT STREET ADDRESS: BLOCK SUBDIVISION DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WalL Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck RailFrues *uhtFlashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures B. LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT MATERTAI,S: PROPOSED TREES required for submittal to the Designapproval can be given: TYPE OF I4ATERIAL COLOR Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size* EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED r_lw *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.deciduous.trees is 2 inches. rndicate hm Greenhouses Designer: Phone: trees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PLANT MATERI;: PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name .o.^o,*..Ouantitv Size* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL of proposed shrubs Tvpe Minimun size of shrubs is Square Footaqe c. LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighting is proposed, pleaseshow the number of fixt.ures and locations on a separaterighting plan. rdentify each fi.xture from the rilrrting planon the list beLow and provide the wattage, height abov5grade and type of light proposed. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpooIs, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainin!walls. Maximum height of wal1s within the front setback i63 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the properE.yis 6 feet. D. L-800-922-L987 \468-6860 or 949-4530 \ / Publ.ic Service Company \ /949-s?gL | / ,/)tw ""llnli8is Erectric Assoc. r/ /V / /#red Husky./MichaeL LaverL! # '":l!;$;l:::""'"'on r'v' ( n iI..I?::'.. l"@& Sanit,ation District * | ]tv,4i6-74s0 I 1 r\ Fred Hasree I b 'L) ' NOTE: 1. This formJt to verify service availability and SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be maintrunk lines or proposed Iines, must be approved and verified bythe foLlowing utilities for the accompanying site p1an. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Communications location. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing your utility plan and schedulinginstallations. For any new consLruction proposal, the applicant must, provide a conpleted ut,ility verificationform. 3. ff a utility company has concerns with theproposed construction, the utility representativeshould not directly on the utility verificationform that there is a problem whici needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out indetail in an att,ached letter to the Town of Vail.However, please keep in mind that it is theresponsibility of the utilit.y company to resolveidentified problems. 4. If the utility verification form has signaturesfrom each of the utility companies, and nocomnents are made directly on the form, t.he Townwill presume that there are no problems and thatthe development can proceed. 5. ?hese verifications do not relieve the contract,orof his responsibility to obtain a street cutpermit from the Town of Vail, Department of public Works and to obtain uti_1itv Locations beforediqqinq in an U inthe Town of Vail. A buildinq permit is not astreet cut permit. A street cut permit must beobtained separately. * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations whenobtaining upper Eagle-va-lrey water -&--sanitation -signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. o SFR ZONE CHECK FOR , R, R P/S ZONE DISTRI I crs t DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Lot _ Block 425 a25 Front Sides Rear water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaIl Heights Parking carage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental,/ttazards : FiIing PHONE PHONE AIIowed (30) (33) Existinq Proposed TotaI 0t 15' 15' (30) (50) 3'/5' (300) (600) (900) Permit.ted SIope (1200)_ Actual Slope Dat.e approved by T Engineer: 22? Geologic y'tazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris FIow4) Wetlands Re 2', 3) Prevlous conditions of approval (check property/ file) Does thls request invotve a 250 Addition? Nq/\L Hoyr much of the allowed 250 Addit.ion is used-ffiEis request.? **Note: Under Sections 78 .12.090 (B) and 18 .1 3.080 (B) of the Municipalcode, lot.s zoned rwo Famiry and primary/secondary which are less than15'000.sq. ft. in area may not construct a second. d.welring unit. Thecommunity Development Department, may grant an except,ion t6 trrisrestriction provided the applicant meets t,he criteiia set forth underSections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of rhe Municipat Code includingpermanently restricting.the unit as. a-long-Lerm rental unit for full--tine employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. t^, il t-AL IN 10 10$[ -^4Q' i'b hre ?' the mj mueller co., inc. 30 Novenber L993 Robert and Ursula Leeds l-275 Willowbrook Drive Wayzata, Minnesota 5539L subject: Sj.te Retaining Walls 965 Fairway CourtVail, Colorado Dear Robert and Ursula: At your reguest, this office has conducted a visual inspection ofthe site retaining walls at your residence in vail. As funderstand, the wood crib walls rdere constructed together with theresidence in 1978. lhe wood crib walls are located on the south side of the house witha wing extending 4O feet out to the east and another wing extending 25 feet out to the west. The wa1ls vary in height from 4 feet tallto 8 feet taIl with a stair from the driveway to the deck on theeast side of the house. The existing wood crib walls are in the prelininary stages offailure. Connections at the deadmen are failing, allowing the face menbers of the wal1 to displace. The backfill behind the walls andbelow tlre stairs is experiencing differential settlementaccelerating the deterioration of the walls and making the stairsunsafe for pedestrians. It has been proposed that the existing wood crib retaining wallsysten be replaced with a poured-in-place concrete retaining wal1systern. The new retaining walls will be placed parallel to theexisting retaining rrqalls. The walls will be placed to beextensions of the existing concrete wing walls which extend fromthe corners of the existing foundation (field coordinate dowelingdetail of proposed retaining walls to existing wing walls). Thefoundation plan dated 2l- October L977 indicates that the wing wallshave adequate frost protection (field verify at time ofexcavation). The new concrete retaining walls will have minimumfrost protection of 48rt to ttom footing. The nelr retainingwalls will be faced with selected and approved by theowner. The new stair 11 be located in the approxinate samelocation as the exis ng ed stairs.tairs will be constructedof concrete, cons to ith a hand rail on each "li*'$il'stl1' ?^re h,^ftfil,* t-!'a 7ru7'*/6 le a'et6; RoN' a' odt$,a e ryl d s/o4r- 6*; ll fteq engineering o p.o. bo4 2 7 47 -vail, colgrado 8) 6ta +7 G1627. 47.G1h32 (FlXl (I/f lt ,/ 6" f4ns^,# on" (itf architectural ar{d structuralcivil ens neeri n s " "wdIi;IHw'E' tLj ;#i*a [Mr" Page 2Robert and Ursula Leeds 30 Novenber l-993 side. See the attached details for construction of retaining walls 10 feet tall and l-2 feet tall, also see attached specifications foraII construction. Field coordinate tapering of footings and wallreinforcement for walls shorter than 8 feet tall (4 feet exposedretaining walls). AII construction must conply with the Town of Vail zoning andbuilding codes. If you have any questions regarding this letter,tlre attached gections and specifications or require additionalinfornation for construction, please contact this office at theptrone number shown on the cover sheet. Sincerely yorrrs, THE Iif,J MI'ELIJER CO., INC. Marlr J. llueller, PE President cc: Jinbo Cason-CASON !,iASONRY loululll 'l I'l,i 'I,t 'I.l I I'I ,.I I .l 'I I i 1O'-O'' MAX. HEIGHT RETAINING WA Egqn\rh*,* ,671o*n "(owr9?. \ b.*5 9rt|t5 Ctrtt. (ffie &p +?gtF6 O loro,c, = *691ff"telb'.o,o, : 12'-0" MAX. HEIGHT RETAINING AINOCIIIIRAI. APECIFICA|rIOTA 1) loundlatlon al€slgm Dar€d upon a..u!.d DaxLru! aolls b€allng capaclty of 2500 Pst ar|d Gqulvalent fluid pressure of '15 pcfto bc v.rlfied by a rolle cnglne€r at tlB of excavatlon.Inatauation o! perl*tor atraln to conforr vlth eoils r€port by englDeer and b€ conn€ct€d to exicting drainage aysteD. AII foottng8 are to b€ar upon natural urdlsturb€d Bo11 as appro{ed b!' th6 eolla englnear. Bactflll rotalnlng sauE full-helghtvlth gravel or uae tcmfl ttlradraln 5000. subDlt copy of report to engtineer.2) All foundatlon aroutrd Parl,!€ter of stnrcturo Fhall have dnLnunfrost protectlon of a8r to botto! ot footl.nE.3) AU cast ln place concrete rust be lrd€ slth Portlanal c€mnt and sttaln nl,nhun corprbeelve atr6ngtb of 3ooo pei after 28dayE. D€slgm baaed upon BUILDING @DE REQUIRB{EITS FoR REINRORCAD ooxCRElB (AcI 318). L992. All, exPoEeat edges of concret6 Bball bava 1/2' chaDpfer. @ncr€te sor* sball not have any horlzontal colal Jolnts unle.B autborLzed by theEtructural englneer. lleld coordinate all vertical colal Jolntgwitlr etructurat €ngLneer. concrets 8t€PB to b€ riniBun 4itblck reinlorced vltb *5 bare e 12i on center botb rays wlthfa nosing ba! at eacD, tread typlcal.4) Reinforclng gteel Le tsTlt Grad€ {0 for 14 and f5 ba!s, #5 andgreat€r to be Grade 60. ReLnlorcelent placeuent 6ha1:. conforDuitb ltll{UAL OT STNIDAAD P&ACTICE, 1990 aB prepaled by CREI.All lap apllcee to be lin1Du! 36 bar dLanetars, all hcrizontal reinforcing stsel to bc contl,nuous around cornera ar.*: at rtalllntereectlong. uinlnu r€lnforcenant protection: -concrete poured again3t earth 3i -concret€ poured in tome 2' -81ab€ lt5) gtructural Bteel aball be ASIII A36 or b€tter. Al1 s+-ructuralsteel ia to be d€talled, fabrlcated and erected in acc()rd.ancevith AISC SPECIFICATIONS, I9A9 ANd CODE OF STINDARD PRAqIICE.AU $elding to be performd by a certlfled velder a.r.'j, confonulth Arsc and Aws slBIteroRAL WEL,DING @DB, 1990, all eiectrodesto b€ EB-?O:O(. All Ttdtolt wedge Ancbors and Rarsets to beinBtalled accordlng to ranutacturere apecif ications.6) AII conEtructlon ruct corply ultlr t.be 1991 ltniforr BuildinE code as adopt€d by the lova of vall Bulldlng Departlent and therGeneral @ndltlona ol tbe Contract lor con8tructloni ( ALADocncnt A2O1) .7, Afl atructural, rerb€rB are sbosn ln thelr final pos:.tiona property braced and aupport€d, duling constructlon :.'. nay be neoeasary to shore portlonB of tbs structure uhile cr-herportlons are being conatructed. Contact the atructujal eng!.neer for conaultation as requlred.8) contractor Is responslbl€ for all non-apecified connections, contact atructural engineer for detallE aa required. Engineerto approve all Btructural Bub3tltutlons.9) General Contractpr ie responalble for Deaia, tethods,tschniguea, Eeqrr€nc€a and procedures asaociated viti tbi8prol ect. c€neral contrrctor to verlly all dllenalons sltharchitectural drawinEa, Notlfy engLneer of all conllicta orolieeLong betseen varlous €IeDent3 of the sorking dlauinEE andth6 €xiatlng conditlonr beforo couencing slth that portlon ofthe project. Idontlty ol .Il exiatlng hldden strucruralolersnte baEed upon plana by sIIAPIRO CONSIRUqrION COI{PL\Y dat€d2l Oetober 1977.10) Al1 rat€rt als €xt o3€d to €xt rtor andr/or loleture conditlonBsball bs trcatad lor tb€.o condl,tione (ie, chelical treatlsnt,stalning, palntLng, €tc.) aa roguired by cod€. 11 ) ltaaoDry epecif icatLona-a) Itortar lor atone venoGr to be Tfzlre S slth linill:l cubsBtr6ngth of 2000 pel free ol all adrlxtures unlessapproved by engineer.b) Eovlde Dlaonry anchor8 overy 2.0 aquare feet for connectl,on of atone to concrota.12) Return all. aits condltion8 Lncluding but not linitec togEadlng, grrasa and tr.ea to exlatlng condltlons pricr tocongtructlon. PERMIT NUMBEF OF 479-2'138 7e altDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER .TUES WEDMBN- BUILDINgI 1 . | --Z- $t:-oorrncs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: g TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING trl ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT t"l tr SUPPLY AIR n tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIREO(i CORRECTIONS: D,,,E '5;,//i/'7/ rNsPEcroR ,^/ll .t4t - l1 -:?-/. i ,^,, CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 I r. ! a h4 rv / C ll I .- ct\ J N^,A .CN,li'y INSI JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: EB OF PROJECT BUILDING: LE FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUGH / D.W.V. tr FOUGH i WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT C] SUPPLY AIR fl tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION REQUIRED oare *-{ /,2 )7 ' rNsPEcroR (-, 1r--^ (('^ J lr.rsfuTroN neouesrl TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME PROJ e ECT I?,*t INSPECTION: OTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER frtrF nFl trll trs tr_ tr GAS PIPING FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING HOOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS ----_:CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR I IN#CTION REQUEST : TOWN OF VAIL ,a479-2138 t .3l ER OF ECTPROJ 75 INSPECTION: JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMB DATE / BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr n (rrrunr e-' t i) (A , ,' ' nE r^^' ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR r'l T] FINAL tr FINAL t .z:)/ff tr DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: tt,t---7 r \f v i- *:1 INSPECTOR rNsilcroN REeu=rrt TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 *'*t I BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: } NAME MON CALLER WED THUR O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED AM D COBRECTIONS: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT I t I .\ /owe I Itl/1/J loe BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL '.t.,-; | .L17- Lltr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL tr FINAL | .t i -.\. ./ , __...'-DATE INSPECTOR .:, , i-- '--- - oz F =t IJJo- EEq{{ta D an UJuJt! tr =t UJ(L tE*R No\o'i >r E v z Hv) z l9r ILdl< r'Li2lYZ't{rO Fll,n orl Zzt u, E F FI == zz in 9r 5z z 6i 5l aDl .6 ol2l 2l z H Fl frlE T' 4 3j 4 ,) l!J uJo o b rR Ell$ ci o It ll(g(t o.ct(u q)*soC.n RS grEcc iB e6 =Eoo orcc6 E€oo8o$cD o.S:o F'=gd B5 e€o:) =d69 e9'cloclc6"3 .h@.';s9 c.9oqto .Aq, !to c .9 ..2.:Eofo Ec(g q) .scoN -oc =o|- q)E o CD .EE ooo(g () at .9! =-o Ec ao al,](t -;- oot: d '=!)(D sbE co.t).Yo 6torc FfcXo= c-ocf: :g€E >=c9d EEE EE-P,.-oo fEo 3eeF! i.:- 6cto o. sEE (,'f OE*e E6:EE Eg'-6 EFE;o ** C6 0'-E;(D€ --c ETEggt- 9 (Ea E*EBte9docEg -o6 ./6 tal €(D r..'l ct') o,l(o e F = UJ z J Y u,t z 9 F gJ) u.t ozql E o- oz I UJ = UJ UJ z Eu,l UJ =uJtuJ z 6 UJ Foo uJ L 2 UJJ C) x F uto ouJtuII F =e. IJJo- J FoF (9z6J ) 9GF uJJ UJ z =) J =o UJ = NOrlVntVA l* l=Itqtz Irl td lEr I ct)tzIHIJT;HoetBF b.: 62 o-A CJ();i uJOfrlt7<o trF aa(, ol 9ohq-g:3 =-azq, <5etr!<oq i-o-8 i <\i =>e. -I = llJ =O l; lE IE l*r l14tz It Itt{tl-{|<t& IAtz|< Fv|< PllIJt{FIAaHt. H|<vttal<r L:aH zo F t) J 2< -.t -:{o <o-lAO{E 'Do du3>rJF o\ c-o- uJG .J z E !< ?sz E ulF =uJz Ezlz iUo< >[2aExrr6o<z Fz. 9z EO3EOI tlllH-lllI trl]I tzI toI l=l--t-FIIll Ll_l tolt-.1I t<t5t-tFt; utl (o uJzY9 F F 2I oz o 3 a o JI<l FI zl zl .. >lo u.lo uJulzo ==lUc J zI troo L/ 2 FQ 6 il; t;,; ctr I ; -J FLOE -i:?roto<O rJ) zHF A <!c'\o\ @ >l E (J FI& u,F o ulF u)oo-zo Fo. LlJY UJ .o oF tr tul(L l!o o-oo I utFoz H& z\,^g E ;5 3 =z-lf, rnJO \oa! l! o\ EEi = llJ ;''idd= E UJ lt :l!E:E<ttl605eE9tt ir EEa,>>JF =t!-E !:=o * i?iE :*-E 659 ilnE ACLE X>t q- €= LIJooF Eg! E =Elrlo-zIF()3EFazo(J !trD =.1ol HI il>lttlol zln('H ,l fll JI <l>l|rIol 3l g Ol LuFI F, O' o\ I F-.ir .f, @ I\o f\\' I-lrlF\INI.ol I .l el cil HI il>lttlq zl FI I I =.1olurl.rl 3l Ho 1r1a FfH H u) 14 FT FJ 'ii=z ID -) I ILl.tz lE IS,44qNH> HS l><= =o B FfFft-lB !o F\ N slrrlIrl <lFfl u)l&l ;l *l trltl fl 3 *,5 =+t Fo2o 2F s3 =Fd6 (J E -.r O<FEC)ur<z.Et!F.tr ZFntr selelE sL i= l$i i j,llr if i" lllr I lNl.ah UJ E.Gu,A ::E:eNen eiiiEE EI;9'lE !iEEg iiiii roltvn'lvA zl .. >l ulo UJgJz at tru,& z9 troo 5 6b:; - a=*! e e EeotJE!! BSoqi'a!g FiF9:i -N(J =E(\. .-.. x9\9 : \n ) o- E-a H N E =E uJ4 o UJA tr:trll,e oEE2ZE{a6i239vE.EE l>-=urEbol?=rYEY9=EX tE -a- ta3tr u,o E- culo>g O ==ct. ul I I I I I LIJ o E =g, lrlo-zo FO )EFazoO u, Eo tDoazoFo. lrJx UJ TD oF E tr UJ ll. Ao I UJ z z o9 =z@o ==dP z--' =e) trn \^ 9z (J UJ =I 0z tl I I I ID o-) -v)Awrl ui =z @q \olsl{rl\l.-I sl\li S tal -& sc uJ, z S1wl N1-d :l-s S -\c) F..<-t IEoo t s\rg lal\ l-'*\t\lNl>> lsI> t() a lrJ4 ) t t (, L. =(J\t \CJq Js I E cO Irc( tf) ctz (t gJ E! l!oz3o IFFF .:\ -s.*\t a* r!( *\ lll gr ctz) ouJG i o E \ =: tg lo 1 EE o E ui uJ I i- = o- 0!J : s oztF |lJ LJ s tc oz o TJtrJ goz;o |l, UJF EUz3 C) =() E E -rO<FE()uJ<ze, a,t 2-o() dF =<trG -,, zurO() oz to = o IE =oO i5 =FEE Eo =C.'=+Eo2 o <()qg!D o t5 louth fronlrg. to.d v.ll, colot.do ElE57 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2\39 offlcc ol communlly dovcloPmcttl BUILt)ING PERI'iIT ISSUANCE TIME FMNE If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Oepartment Approval 'Engineer''s (Public Works) review and approval , a Planning Departrnent review or Health Department review, and a review by the Building Department, the est'imated time for a total review may take as long as three weeRs. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary rev'i ew, these proiects may also take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite this permit ai soon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the pl an check procedure and time frame. Date Work Sheet was turned inm tne Communi ty Devel opment Departrnent. 75 south lronl.ga ?o.d Y.il. colot.do 8165t (303, 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 offlcc of communlty devcloPmcnt TO: FROM! DATE: SU&TECT: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COI'IMUNITY DEVELOPi"IE}IT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & I,IATERIAL STORAGE fn sunmary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or rnaterJ.al, including trash durnpsters, portable toilets and workrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on aII Town of Vail streets and roads is approxirnately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of vaj'l Public Works Departnent. Persons found violating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour vtritten notice to rernove said naterial.In the event the person so notified does not conply with the notice within the 24 hour tine specified, the Public works Departnent wlll remove said uraterial at the expense of Personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance shall not be applicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To revlen ordLnance llo. 6 ln full, please stop by the Toern ofvail BuLldlng DepartaEnt to obtain a copy. Ihank you for your cooperatlon on thls natter. Date 5.s - q? ledged by: (i.e. contractor, owner) I't' arl o IFb ! !aaa Iaa Ooo -o -a Oa.a .oa I.aa , -t t FotrRr 9 lkaus laes- | Ynit ltflrc fun?65 Fdz-,q /rt+Br I Za fletr. 2?o//lL,az. / I y'AL, eP t/c* I ilaril ahuvs// it/ 4/q Jrzzzz /*q-a# -n rxr'alrnn oh)4, - /t/ ilrrfuD/ R€/lrrK/ o/d hArtc*;/ is D knei f"pa< u,*rt zav V/av-z lan/zd/ & ,hra/ Pa*2 ' 4aztt=12ry4 .8x8' tu# pTth fuz.aaKih//rrtt a/ 4. oe /as i// 5 il 6.C W {qr*^r ),r/,ru- Crlr "tvut -t// ^rn/^ / fau,f onl daze"i/i*,it*;h ;;.;;n-" ( (-i b,d tnirtZ/ Prz an{ /Br- - /ns,-g } fu* @ l/ry uil lr ah,,)a p Ar,Jtdtfrrq affuR, /,rs| 4 w, h/a//t 4EY*, / ALPINE OONSTRUCTION'.' P,0. BOx 2701 vAtL, c0 81659 -/ Pl.aa Review Based oatbe 1992 Uniform Codes NAME: LEEDS REMODEL DATE: 5-LL-92 ADDRESS: 965 FAIRWAY DR. CONTRACTOR: ALPINE CONST. VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R_3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK coRRECrroNs REQUTRED rbe iteng listed belor are not intended to be a complete listingof all possible code require'nents in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of tbe codes. The folloring is not to b€ construed to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro- visions of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of VaiI . 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC121O 1991 UBC.2. STAIRWAYS AND GUARDRAILS TO MEET CH.33 AND CH.17 OF THE ].99]- UBC. FOR CODE COMPIANCE. rNst'oNTOWN OF neouesi VAILPERMTT NUN4FEF qF PROJECT 9 /^; 14 2-DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON- cnllen TUES i(t WED THUR FRI -----4-)PMt,i L BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL D o tr D tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYwooo NAIL|NG GAS PIPING EI INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL i H. TUB X tr FINAL D tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH D o B EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL (FFnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR h?Bsgop