HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 10 LOT 6 - 1 LEGALI TOWNOFVAIL DEPTRT}IEIiT OF CO}T}IU!iITY DETEK]PMEI\T A.DDRESS . CT :CRIS MADE 'AY^.BLA TO TOWN OF T'AIL T'IT 54 3e.- 17. JO. T. s7 0l 0000 424i2 X.bROX COPIES s0.250l 0000 42412 S I UDI.LS 0l oo00 424r2 TOVFEESCOMPUTERTRM s5.00 0t 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 4t3i2 PLAN RE\4EW RE. C HETE E-TSOPERTRT- 0r 0000 42332 OFF HOURS NSPECTIONFEES 0l 0000 41.1r2 CONTRACTORS LICENSESTEES 0l 0000 4t4l3 SIGN APPLICAT]O].TFEE s20.000I 0000 4t4t3 AI}I]ITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE tSI.OO PER SO.FT.] 0_l m0042+1€-VTC ART PROJECT DONATIONnl 0000.4lilTr PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 2h,/1Dl))-W'-77 I}.^/ESTIGATION FEE ( BUILDING' 3 I 0000 rl5l t 0 TOV PARKING FUND 0l fi)00 2:027 I-OV NE\YSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 0l 0000 2ltlt TnXABLE@1.sm* 0l 0000:tl0l0 T..IXABLE @ { . 0zJTotfN)0l 00@ 42.i71 ATION 4l fl 3t lorHER !l 0t 0000 4ti30 ADDITIONAL GRFA ?50-5200.000l m00 4ti30 :UNI]I IIONAL USE PERMIT s200.000l 0000 41330 ExrERtoR ALTERATTON ILESS THAN t00 SO.FT.I 520U.000l 0000 41i30 Lxl'bzuORALTERATION ttvlORE TI{AN I00 SO.FT.I s500.00 0r 0000 4l jio SPLCIALDEVELOPI,IENTDISTRICT tNEWl s t.500.000l 0000 413i0 SPECIALDEVELOM s1.000.000l 0000 4t330 SPECIALDEVELOPM sz00.oo0l 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 0l oo0041330 VARIANCE s250.000l 0000 4l 330 ZON]NG CO DE A]VIEN DNIENTs 5250.000l 0(}00 41330 RE-ZONING s200.00 OTHER OTHER @ ,", ^,*, Sryrn!. lvwhvwl-t.--'E:.A\plWt,+ OISE t t cr.r 1 ll.0Ll rcc.sY: (jV * --_;il;-;;-;;;.----* niscer r*,eorrsla=r,':..,J*_1i-?6 tf,::Er 1!__.*_:-*.-*] !-r,-,r-.- i -, + t+ -r,=, { ..: r,,1 ] f.t,-_-,:r-run1. ,ii !..:1,1 {+ 1F4I F r'r!f-ftJt,' TlJi l!:aThrrr trf \..'4r.. r..r,r, FreFr, r.iL_! i , ,*l lTi!.F,i'|1 [,F:E, F[q! Flfirn,-iir i. ifjir.dpi'*i.j .1 :fi. U!:: I tefit F,aid Fm*un I FEi,J E11B*B':14if::ilJ0*r :ri.r. *ri1 [:i.:iiq,:: i'*i -ri-n*,J .r ,J. tlil THFrt$< ?frlj ,:i,:ur ;*::hief l".lEISI 'r, ; oftgn Review Action fo} TOWN OF VAIL Date ti ^H- f A f Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: owner, Address ano enone: \-r?-e T3ol/ps#zo g 7{o r-a:,-,to,U T, . (rto-Q (o :- ^ ^ Architect€orwsddress and enone, /(of/g Po/;^"o,- ?/7 - /fTl'Po, rE-, t,'5/ - ('-o (o g/6s( LegatDescription:Lot 6 Bbck - Subdivieion (.t. (t. /4 lk zoneoistrictEL- projeststreetAdar"""t ?{o Fo,'r^"." -T-> /o'! = C-O Board@ Motion by: Seconded by: EApproval ! Disapproval I Staff Approval Conditions: Town Pfanner Vtef / Zrnt Date: 6-rf 76 DRB Fee ere-paia { PZ NOTE: THIS PERMIT I,IUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL, TIMES . ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITPermit #: 895-0213 OWNER P O BOX 4382, VAIL CO 81658 BRYONY INVESTI'{ENT HOLDINGS L,TD GRUPO MEXICANO CARRETERA MEX, TOLUCA, 4OOO, Description: TRASH ENCLOSURE Occupancy: R3 Type Con6truction: V N Valuation:1,000 Fireptace Informtidr: Restricted:#of Gas AppLiances:#of Gas Logs:#0f lfood/PaL tet: .00 Total catcutated Fees---> 80.75 t*ffi See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to thie permit. DECLARATIONS I hcneby acknoytedgc that I have nead this Eppl,ication, fil,ted out in ful,l thc infornation nequi red, corpteted an accurate ptot ptan, and state that !![ thc infonnrt ion provided as requi rcd is conrect. I agfee to conply rrith the infofnrtion and ptot p[an, to compty vith aLt Toyn ordinances and state [avs, and to buiLd this structure according to the Torrnrs zoning .nd subdivision cod!3, design pevieH approved, Unifoftr Buitding Code and other ondinances of the Toun appti cable thereto. REAUESTS FOR IIISPECTTONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIEI{TY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHOIIE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 6:M A 5:OO PI'I Status...: APPROVED Applied..: 07/Lz/Legs Iseued...: 07/L3/L995 Expires..: Ol/o9/L996 Phone= 3034767 185 Phone: 3034767185 .00 80.75 20.m &.75 /'1ft' APPI-,ICANT CARY BUIIJDERS, TNC P O BOX 4382, VAIL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR CARY BUIIDERS, INC II l'4'/t' n ft &i tding----> Ptan Check--> Invcat igation> i,liLt C![t----> Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. 35.00 Restuafant Ptan Revicrr--> 22.75.00 Recreation Fce---------->5.00 CLean-Up Dcposit-------> ToTAL FE€S----------> 950 FAIRWAY DR 2101-081-16-00? Single Fanily Reeidence Type V Non-Rated Add sq Ft: 20.00 Additional, Fees------>.00 Totat Pernit Fec------->.00 Paynents------80.75 BALANCE OUE_-_ Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: PLANNING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: Dept: PUB WORK Division: Item: 051OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT07/12/1995 DA]II Action: APPRrt'em:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARSI'{ENT 07 /L2/1995 AIIDY Action: APPRItbm:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTI',IENT 07 /L2/!995 DAN Action: APPRItbm:' 05500 PUBLIC WORKSo7/L2/L9es DAN Action: APPR N/A Send C l,.an-Up Drposit To:SIGI{AIURE OF OI{NER OR COI{TRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF A'{D OT'NER o Page 2******************************************************:************************** CONDITlONS Permit #: 895-0213 as of 07/13/95 Status---: APPROVED******************************************************************************** Perrnit Tllge: ADD/Ar-,T sFR BUILD PERMTT Applied--t o7/Lz/t99sApplicant--: CARY BUILDERS, INC Issued---t 07/13/19953034?67185 To Expire. OL/09/I996 Job Address: 950 FAIRWAY DRLocation---: Parcel No--: 2101-081-16-007 Deecription: TRASH ENCLOSURE * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng ******:trt********************** 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0046 Amount:20.00 o7/L3/95 L3229 Payment Method: CK NOIation: PRE-PAID DRB Init: Ds Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41331 895-0213 Type: A-BUILD 2101-081-16-007 950 FAIRWAY DR ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE 20. 00 Deecription DESIGN REVIEW FEES Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Ba.l-ance: 80.7s 20.00 60.75**************************************************************** Amount 20.00 tro* oF vArL coNsrRucrrop PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORMDATE:1ttt/x PERMIT 'I , APPLICATIoN MUST BE FfLLED OUT COTIPLETEIJY OR IT MAY NOT BE AccEpTED X******************* * * * * ****** pEIll{rT INFoR}fATfoN ****** * * * *****************i** ' '7,'l-auirding t l-plunbing [ ]-Erectrical [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other work cLass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration 1/1-Additional [ ]-Repair I l-other Number of Dwelling UnLts:Number of Accotnrnodation Units: An llrnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances lf* * * * * * * * * * * !r * * ** ** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * VAEUATf ONS BUILDING: +/0CO EI.ECTRTCAL: I MECHANTCAL: $ *****-* coNTRAqIOR INFORUAITON Address: Gas Logs_ Wood/Pe1let ********************************* OTIIER: $ TOTAL: f /Ooo_ *************************** Mechanical Contractorz tUl*Address: - ******************************** FOR CLEAN.UP VW,A@@{1 iorar, er SQ. FT. BUILDTNG PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PER}TIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiI Req. No.ZGyB Phone Number: g1b-Zsb- Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ****** * * ******* * * *** * ********** BUIIJDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUIIIBING PIAN CHECK FEE: MECHAI.TICAIJ PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION F8E: BUII,DTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAtrURE: Electrical Contractor: N/4Address: - Plunbing Contractor: Address: CLEAII I'P DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: VALUATI -t: t{ ilign Review Action Ftn TOWN OF VAIL ,Category Number ProjeaName: $a lirs{pr^: Zr r,,J{ra,e Building Name: Dare b-1- 4r Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Po Ba. l'L('l Avz*r C r) Legal Description: Lot k Bbck - Subdivision fZone District Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Board / Staff Action Vote: Seconded by: D Approval ! Disapproval \p StaffApproval Condilions: Town Planner Date:b- 1- q<kf r-, DRB Fee Pre-paiu P f D. rl C FROI''I : JT]RGE Bf,LLESTEROSAPp-2'/'19$ tb:]b |*rru* '(EHL EsrHrE JoNe .. r.- l0t t{ 9l'St(3l fgs:rtr EOrnD lPElfiCrtIOs ' s(tld Dl88 BlC$ryEt DAT! O' DT8 TSIElllrF:afl,aatJtte FFR.2?. 199s N0. : 525 245JgrJtr* t t't tra[tPo attftttata I. lr tR@l B.lflPE oF lfiirlfl: €. D. ;f.jEhtiSi'?ilE 1 38, ( | 2 o0' 0 0 ) *H:rt*i'i:+il"' tlt ; o o' .IDDRBSS: LEO}D Fbb64vtrion r Ecels 5a6 boulaLf lrgrlon l seDrlrga rhccc aac rEtsohIf psopsrly ls descrtbed by deeertgrlon, pletge prcvlde co thit alr9llaaBioB. E. F. A(.!NfI'lG: NAI,I8 OF xat liilEr IDFLICAI{IDr Mdress: Clr N'|TE OF AEPI,ICTNII3 tEPRESSllSAtlttE I*r;lilrng Aedrgsg! ---r.r-r---f*\rr.f.rs oF oflNEr(g': OrQEllltl=.!{SAIPiEr- . ,rr -r|atting tlcrat6r_-- -_ _ _-. Dlroar I. t. ftPr,tClt30ttg ;t$t fld, 8t ttOCE8SlD fliflfitE? flErt E8@gr?:UTP Cc,adonlatu! AIDlorfEf 11 3Dlrlte$le. Daf, FBlr DIiE f€gr, rt Etroun tbove, era to be pald ag Ebcctne of auhtttrl of tLc DR! rDDllcaaloo. rricei, -r{heE- rgPiytnt lo1 a_buildlnE perutB;-DlGuc tdeactty rie accrrraleval'rreBlon of lDe D3ogosal. ?he Toun Qf vrll vlll sdjuaB bhefee accord{uE ro rhd labre beror. Eo e!6ure tle corr6ci.-ti-e - lc aa{d. trr-slt ly ftP..l0t|EQUAr. vAtulttof| 0.f .10,000 f10,001 .f 30,000t30,001 '1130'000f150,001 - t 500.000f300,001 . t1r0001000| over 11,009,000 glllil llYIEfl g0rnD lEPEgVrr. tltltlgrlPr9vrt nftlsg r. 8trrl,Drrg !88tstr rttl 8tll$E. , FEE| 20.00 + 50.00 ll0o.00fl00.00lroo.0o f500.00 orfi vlll rFlrl'tslr*' rsgutD ro cclttgcfiIou 1 TBTRL P.@ PLAI T MATERT: PROPOSED TREES AITD SHRUBS Botanical Name ( c (t/ttiL: 'Pi(f A iPCnu.u'ci F LiE -..t-vu'cl., "n*rnto.*" ouant,itv si2e* lzt z<r/ '&:- Minimum size of shrubs is .ag: €lArE- '>u:rwi.rvr /\Ldt,,tc t-ei{ulf Z-++< , llrLht ltnE A 3a' Dta *Indicat,e caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum calioerfor deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous trees. Minimum heiohl for coniferous f2oTEurri-lLug ;=ctrrrd f.aTa-f*r-1s1i/ / C +TrL' .l CCF'tL)el- .tEi2tci:y Pcl) il,itc lttn -1 trees is 5 feet.**Indj.cate size of proposed shrubs.5 ga1lon. Twe Square Footaoe GROIJND COVERS DUIJ SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTROIJ LF oF lL ETT"[la] C. IJANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the nurnber of fixEures and locations on a separatelight,inq p1an. Identify each fixture.from the liqhting planin the space below and provide the height. above grade, tlpe ofliqht proposed, lumen output, luminous area and a cut sheet, ofthe liqht f ixture. (Section 18 . 54 . 050 .T) OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining waI1s, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. rndicat,e heights of retainingwalls. Maximum heighE. of wal1s wiLhin the front seEback is3' . Maximum heiqht of wa11s elsewhere on the property is 5' t-ih)€ T\ IJIST OF MATERIAIJS NAT{E OF PROJECT: LEGAL,, DESCRIPTION: I-,OT_ BTOCK STREET ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION The following information is Review Board before a final required for submittal to the Design approval can be given: A. BUII,DING UATBRIAIJS! Roof Siding Other WaI1 MateriaLs . Fascia Soffi ts windows Wind.ow Trim Doorg Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhousee Ret,aining WalLs Exterior lJighting Other TYPE OF TI'ATARTAI.COIJOR Designer: Phone: R I.TAIITDSCAPING: Name of INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L . 479-2138 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES THUR FRI tr. FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: g UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr BOUGH / WATERtr FRAMING f-l ROOF & SHEER. PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING E INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED - ,r/) )DATE INSPECTOR '^.J U*+Wy lNs ", ,btft tt / CALLER ES WED THUR /). CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VA|L * 479-2138PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: I NAME MON /. fry'"'a JoB BUILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr FOOTINGS / STEEL ,drouruonrloN / srEEL tr FRAMING E tr tr tr tr tr FOUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAtLtNG GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED.l(tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS:' oor, 7 -2 /' ,/5' rNSpEcroR I INSPECTI TOW 4,l l,//.--- AMTHURt-FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:/ly' BUILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D-W.V, O ROUGH / WATER OOTINGS / STEEL D tr n tr tr f] tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOO NAILTNG tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP..'POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING C] ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT,sn': ^" PPROVED \. RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ao TOWNOFVAIL RECETPT NO.- ADDR.E'SS- TR(}JECT CHECK^T MADE PAYBLE TO TOWN OF VAIL 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESSIIAPS $5.00 01 0000 42415 I.JNIFORM BI.JILDING CODE $54 00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINGCODE $19.000l 0000 42415 I.]NIFORM M ECHAM-AIEODE $37.000l 000042415 $36.000l 0000 42415 NATIONALELECTfuTAI{OD-E $3 7.UO 01 0000 424t5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0 i 0000 41548 tsLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)t;7.00 0 | 0000 424 12 XEROX COPIES $0.25 0r 000042412 STI,JDIES 0r 000042412 TOVFEESCOMPUTERM $5.00 0t 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES i RE-INSPETTIOFIS ol 000041332 PLAN REVII]W RE-CI#CK FEE [S4() PERITR] 0l 0000 42332 OFF I{OURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 414t 2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FETS 0I00004t413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE $20.000r 0000 4t413 ALIL'II'IONAL SIGNAGE FEE [$ I.OO PER SQ.FT.] 0l 0000 ,VTC ART PROJECT DONATIoN 0l 00p0 41 3l I ,+RE PAID DESICN RLVIEW BOARD FEE 7p 7!40r 00004237I INVESTrcATrONrgElnffi 3 1 0000 451 l0 TOV PARKING FUND 0r 0000 22027 TO V N EW SPA PER D IS-ENSERTUND* 0l 0000 2l l 12 TAXABLE @ 4% (STATX)* 0l 0000 41010 TAXABLE@!o/o (TOWN) 0l 0000 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATIOII OTHER PEC APPLISATTONTEES 0l 0000 41330 ADDII-IONAL GRFA "250"s;200.00 01 0000 41330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00 0 t 0000 41330 EXTERIoR ALTERAT-roNJtESSTmN l OOSQ|.FT:I $200.000l 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TMORE TFANIOOSO.F-TI $)00.00 01 000041330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRIC-T INEW]s 1,500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIALDEVELO-PMM $ I,000.00 01 000041330 SPECIALDEVELOPMEM $200.00 01 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 0l 0000 41330 VARIANCE $250.00ol 000041330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS $250.000l 00004t330 RE - ZONING li200.oo OT'HBR OTHER E casE t__t cK.# r__ I M.oLl RBC. BY: - FRU{ : FR€IVI JL'RGE HILLESTEROS ; Pan-rsqit c PPF t Y.l.-'l l/r"tti D|ltI(Ir REV:EErf l[(l9tlrlEu ty/r lf ]rtf,, $|il 31i[:=l'3#='ol"iffi" P1 EiJ Jtt z I ruf LU ruN.2?-rErEE e:r-Fr'r -p r I !Olt![ gF tfitsE&r ClctEElnlD€l o^ro '3^HF ffi:iirr--r--*t, rrrtlfit. I. 8naf,'Eai.rr S'rnenrrrtr'?Olf r a. e- D. 4rFE OF REl/rEltr r --N€td cgDstrrrctl'orraddl1 cio|r (tso. OO) (?2Oo.oO) *.---$tner ll rerarl.oB (f2O.OOt_.- conclcFrtu.,L lt€!rl,.r (0Ot e.qDnlggs 'JECAI' DE*!GR,IPifTON :gubCtvt flI'on IJoE Eto€k ff 9rop.=Ey 1g degcribeCr byctcgcrr.D Et on. .lla6aF€ Da€^r:ld.to thl'r o.tr't'l.icat,I(,rt. a Er€€tE €nd trorrrlalsotl a' e-E t!|,Bc rtacrst x.eqtal.r.Dd At carrlb t. t. I, J. ZcllfjEIVGI t I|EME OFUal, t Lsrgr AFp&rcJilltf rSdd-sr; I g.!|AME OF}|r,Ll,Laql APPLTCATqIP I B R,EPn,E!'ENIr,AT:c\/E.Addfees r-.-. .. F.l{iAl4e aF ortNsR (s, r tEE-PlrPJ a .CEFqt t! ,. prNt'r r,, ,,. gy,! ., __. rf-FtlE:l:ce3l€|nf.g nrr{E' snf 8E fnEE, Ae@ r.rtpaogr!! OUt|Eif, rt AJ.dIIE|E|F|E Condomtai.r^*rfl Atr'prova I .l'6 afrpl:toqlrl.e. llRlt tttr DR.E f3g9, ar rlaowb, alrst/-, ar! to b9 Faldl ac ch€ _iff "1i""ryI-'g*.ii,IE;'.H.i?";ig-s*"9i.""#5:fi***]=.,.r}:+ Il'rE c,J. os of clle ElFollor_BJ.. - rtrg TOda st vsl,l wi.lf. rdlugE qbefG. a€cotdl'rl€t Fs c,rrr rrble brlor. -co eueura ef,e-coirecr ts rrr+la Daid. EEE sol$lipur.n 'vALU{Irdrl| o-* lo.o00f,roroot-glio,ooots 50,ool - t aso, ooof15o, ool. - t soo,ooo;soo. oo1 - t t, ogo; oooO o\rer. . .tt , OOO , OOO p gTF nsrEa; EotiD tpH,cryrr. ErpIB,ls.raghs?7u. rrrtrr8gs e' BrtErdpfiltg rgiiifr-'rsra 8T,ilnaE- FTE$ ao.oo* EO.OOitoo . oo fiaoo - oofaoo. oo. tsoo. oo orE rEltt AAtPta. F-rf,AtIttt lD riltt Gq[SaRErgErto!3 : q 10 - +1q o?p+js(ttrn € r # *ign Review Action Ft" TOWN Projec't Desoiption: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot k Bbck - Subdivision Zone District Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Statt Action Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval fl Disapproval f,/starnoRrovat Conditions: Town Planner ./ DRB Fee Pre-paia tfl ? d ' "' <) r.virrd 8/l?,/9,1 DBSIGN REVIEW BOARD APPIJTCATIOT ' TOIIN OF DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: ira******** **********I. PRGIECT INFORIIATTON: A.DESCRIPTI B. TYPE OF REVIEW: D. LEGAL DESCRT Subdivision ff property descript.ion,to this appl I ,1 . $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -g 150,000 9150,001 - g 500,000 $500,001 - $1.000,000g Over 91,000,000 DESIGN RSVIBIT BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROI/AIJ I'NIJESS A BUIIJDING PER!'IIT ISrS STARTED. VAI.,UATTONo - $ 10,ooo FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YE,AR AFTBR FTNAIJ ISSUED AITD CONSTRUCTTON New Consr.rucrion ($200. OU -6inor AlreraLion ($20.00)Addirion ($50.00) conceprual Review tgo) c. ADDRESS, t5A FA,RWA'r cT. vtic PTION: LoL 6 B,l€clr /o'H F/4,n., is described byplease provide icat.ion. a meets and boundson a separate sheet legaJ. and attach E. F. zoNrNG: lZ4, tog> c.e NAME OF Mailing dress: Phone H. G.NAt'{E APPLICANT 'REPRESENTATIVE: NAr.rE oF ourNER tsl: ///F d ,117/5 A-a"LLr=7tez= OWNER(S) SIGNATTIRB:Mailing Address: Phone APPrrrc rroMs wrLrJ No? BE PRocEssED wrriloar owNER,s .trclva?uRE Condominium Approval if applicabJ_e DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of subnittal of the DRB application. Llter, whenapplying for a building permit, please idencify the accuratevaluation of bhe proposal . The Town of vait witt adjust thefee according to the t.able beIow, to ensure the correct feeis paid. FEE SCHEDULE: $ APPI.IICAI{T: OF ingMai Address: PLANT *lroor: Botanicar Name ".tn', ".." ouanr.itv gizg. PROPOSED TREES A}TD SHRUBS trees is 6 feet.**Indicate size of proposed5 ga11on. coniferous Lrees. TvDe GROT'}ID COVERS shrubs. Scruare Foot,age soD SEED TYPE OF TRRIGATTON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL c.LANDSCAPE LTGHTTNG: rf exterior lighLing is proposed, pleaeeshow the number of fixtures and tocations on- a ieparatelighting plan. Identify each fixbure.from the li;hting plan 1l the space below and provide the height above giade, -tifpe oflight proposed, lurnen output, luninous area and i cut srreet, orthe light fixture. (Secrion 18.54.050 ,t) D.OTHER LAf.IDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls. fences, swinningpoors, etc.) Prease specify. rndicate heights of retalningwalls. Maximum height of waLls within the front setback is3' . Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is G' *fndicate caliper forfor I tlL,nn Review Action ilt TOWN OF VAIL ! t.\ Category Number q ,n" I oltql ct4 Project Name: Building Name: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecilContact, Address and Phone: ) Legal Description:bt fe Bbck - Subdivision Project Street Addr€ss: Comments: 17-?c Zone District Board I Staff Action Seconded oy: ,5.' ({ , t/, n ,, , J ll /ll Approval fl Disapproval fl Staff Approval r'f /// /.-/ /r,a I t r' 7-1- a-< .; ./ ta.l Town Planner I- DRB Fee Pre-Paid { z'd "' 7,o DRB I DATE APPLICATION RECEI\IED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: R[C'o $EP- 2" 2 ]LeA ******t*** AEIS TPPLICATTON WII.I, NOI BA }CCIPTED ITNTIL N.rr REoUTRED INFORMATION IS SttBt{rttEDtti***t*** t.PRO.JECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: oN - TOI|N Ot' O reviced 9/rl9L vtIL, coloRtDo B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction Addition ($50.00) -/($200 .001 l'/ ttinor AlteraLion Conceptual Review ($20.00) ($0) c. D. E. F. (J. ADDREsS z 9fr FAtAt^tA-r- 47a LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoT * Ce Block -g lilusooaE:": H. J. K. lSbz subdivisi on Vtit VtLl-a,he nra r)tr ,ncl If property is descrlbed by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. ZONING: LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. must provide a current NAI,IE OF APPLICANT: NAME OF APPLICAI.IT'REP SENTATIVE:Mailing Address: I.NAME OF OWNERS: *STGNATURE(S): Mailing AddresF Condominium Approvat if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be pald atthe time of submlttal of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VailwiII adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid.4zFEE PTTD: FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION 0 - $ 101000$10,001 -s 50,000$50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500r000 s500,001 - s1r 000,000I over $1' 0001 000 r DESIGN RE\TXEN BOARD IPPROI'AI IXPINES APPROITAI. UNI,.ESS l' BUII.DINC PERUTT IS ST}RTED. **NO TPPLICAIION TiTT.r. SE PROCESSED WrIEOIIB OIfNER'S SIGNAIURE 1 slBloo i: : ! sl6q+3,;3:33', dtil$200.00 i- r$4oo.oo ^l.,cl|ul$soo.oo qyh ONE YE.TR TI'TER FTNIL rssuED AltD coNstRltctroN Is I t -i!.-dd,r ; I l' l l I t FIl Iill['" Inr U*rttftru tr trf (DrrufuruU @qrurr (Df Hutt -. v- iluiliing Frf*rtmrnt ;iilll"ftri#,frv;x:iiii:{n?ff:,T;,i,#r,.ffi#ffi .,uPRMBUTLDTNGcoDE;i:,;fli?rjxii?#i#:,;;;;i1:.1,1.1,,,'"u,,.,,*clo,t,il:r,xl::lsx:l:,!rl Name -$MITHUsc Classif ication RESIDENTIAL Building ltcrnrit Group R-3 No.5s00 Typc Construction Owner of Building v-N Building Addrcss g*$*n*ilt**#,,ffi A CONSPICUOUS PLACE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION 950 trIXRAIRWAY DR. NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE rN 0N MAY I, L992 PLANS rN sror-33 005500 department of community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT PIF BUILDING Elr elecrRrcal EF MECHANICAL gg tr FILING VAIL VILLAGE 1OTH rjOBr..1nME, SMITH RESID. NEW NAME r-'Ia v r|', orr]-rlrrc- PEORIA. ILLCITY ' PH. GENERAL 476-4880 FIRM TRIANGLE ELECTRIC TOWN OFVATL REG. NO. 126-E 468-8086 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR rrnu IilHITE WATER PLUMBING MECHANI CONTRACTO FIRM STONE SI{EETMETAL rOwr., Or uott nee . No. 124-M 949-8166 OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TELE, 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP t l tv v ABEHIRM 122a34orvtstoN GENERAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK : - CONSTRUCTION OF NEW SING],E FMILY PERMIT NO. \r'\J\'\'T'T' zI F J BUILDING 660,000 ELECTRICAI 20 ,000 PLUIilBING 50 ,000 RESID;ENCE.MECHANICAL l2 , 000 TOTAL 7 42,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F-A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES EV s( R-3 *4985 7 42.000 BUILDING PERMIT 3,308 tu 4 -rJ) l$r F tna(tJ PLAN CHECK 2,LsO ELECTRICAL 244 NEW (LJr) ALTERATTON ( ) AOOTTIONAL ( ) REPATR( )PLUMEING $7so / $r88 #413 OWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, - NO, FIREPLACES MECHANICAL $240 / $60 #4133: RECREATION FEE 883 THICKNESS R-VALLUE TYPE OF ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: INITIAL ST. CUT X BLASTING x PARKING x DEMO x INSULATION: FLOOR EXT, WALLS DESIGN REVIEW BOARD \t r\ri. rrJ.!, Yivv/ CLEAN.UP OEPOSIT 750 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $8,573 DAN STANEK JUNE 4, 1992 ,nO-nC orrrCr,ni -DATE - - ANDY KNIIDTSEN JUNE 4, 1992 INING AOMINISTRATOR DATE )NING & BUILOING NOTES:. IEED TO BE APPROVSD MECHANICAL DRAITINGS BY TOV BEFORE ANY IECHANICAL WORK CAN BE STARTED. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all lhe information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stale laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances-of the ToJvn qpplicable thereto. UP TO: G.X.A. & ASSOC. PO BoX 5055 vrAL, c0 81658 CLEAN ANO THE OWNER. FOR HIMSELF a Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657(303) 479-2L38 Plan review based onthe 1991 Uniform Building Code Name: SMITH RESIDENCE Date: May 29, 1"992 Occupancy: R3, Ml- Type of Const: V-N Address: 950 FAIRWAY DR. Contractor: G.M.A. & I,. DEV. CO. Architect: DAVID HASSEEngineer: NONE P1ans Examiner: C. FELDMANN Exterior surfaces with stucco shall be provided with exterior met.al lath as per UBC 4706 with 2 layers ofpaper. Windows and doors are regui.red to be adeguately flashed(not with just screed metal). A lat.h inspection is required prior stucco application - It is recommended that projects wj.Lhin the Town ofVail which are owner/builder constructed have foundations staked out by a licensed surveyor to avoid possible errors in the Location of the structure. This area requi-res operable exterior opening(s) having an area equal Lo 5* or more of the floor area. -- Sec. L205. (c) A bathroom is required to have an openable wj.ndow or a mechanical ventilation system. -- Sec. 1-205. (c) In bathrooms wlth a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilation system connecteddirectly to the outside shall be provj-ded. Bathrms which contain only a wat.er closet or lav, may be ventilated with a recirculating fan. UBC l-205(c). Domestic clothes dryer exhaust ducts shall beinstalled as per UMC L104 and 1903. Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6t in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the building and not exceed 14' length - 12 IL) 10 11 l-5 16 1'1LI Cross connection control devices sha]l ue instatt\L. to protect pollution of potable vrater supply by use of approved backflow prevention devices. UPC 1003. Domestic ranges shall have a vertical cLearance above the cooking surface of not less than 30" to unprotected combustible material . UMC 1901. In buildings of unusually tight construction (all neer construction within the Town of Vail) tcombustion ai-r shall be obtained from the outside. Such combustion air openings shall be as per UMC Ch. a Furnaces not listed for closet or alcoveinstallation shal"l be installed in a room or space having a volume at least 12 times the volume of thefurnace. A boiler unit will require a space 16 times larger than the boiler. UMC 504(b) Supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of system, size (BTU and volume) of equipment, vent location and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation. Gas piping shall not be installed in or on theground under any building or structure and exposed gas piping shaIl be kept at least 6" above grade. uMc 22r.3 (b) The size of the hearth does not meet the minimum requirements. -- Sec. 3707. (1) The garage must be separated from the dwelling bythr fire-resistive construction on the garage side. -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The door between the garage and the dwelfing is reguired to be a I 3/8 inch thick solid core or 20 minute self closing door. -- Sec. 503. (d) exc.#3 lhe enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected by thr fire-resist,ive construction. -- 3306. (1) The open side of aII decks, porches, stairs, etc. which are nore than 30'r above grade shall beprotected with a guardrail. Openings can not exceed 6". Wit.hin R-L occ. and all R-3, height min. is 36"-outside R-1 occ. height. min. is 42". UBc 1711. a I T forwiIl if 18 rY Unless the Lower 1eve1 is clearly shown as a basement (5t or less from floor above to grade 50t of building perirneter), a 3 level dwellingreguire 2 means of exiting fron the 3rd. Ievel 3rd. 1evel exceeds 500 sq. ft. UBC 420 & UBC 3303 (a) . At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayment shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water damage. Two layers of felt solid moppedto sheathing and between layers or a conmercial water & ice shield may be used as per Table 328L. Because of this project's location, the foundation is required to be dampproofed to prevent damage to areas below finished grade. UBC L707(d). The structure is required to be anchored to the foundataion with L/2 incb anchor bolts. The bolts must be into the concrete or masonry 7 inches and spaced a maximum of 5 feet apart. See code for additional reguirements. -- Sec. 2907. (f) 20 2L Town of Vail 25 South Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 8155?(303) 4'79-2L38 Plan analysis based onthe 1991 Uniform Buildinq Code NaMe: SMITH RESIDENCE Date: May 29, L992 Occupancy: R3rM1 Type of Const: V-N NOTE:The code items listed in this reportlisting of aII possible code requirements seLected sections of the code. Address: 950 FAIRWAY DR. Contractor: G.M.A. & L. DEV. CO.Architect: DAVID HASSE Engineer: NONE Plans Examiner: C. FELDMANN are not intended to be a completein the 1991 UBC. It is a guide t.o FL AREA MIN.LIGHT MTN.VENT NO. EXITS EGRESS 3 Living room3 KiLchen3 Dining room3 Bath room3 Ha1ls, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR2 Bedroom #12 Bath room #12 Bath room #22 Bedroom #22 Bedroom #32 Bath room #32 Laundry room2 Off:-ce2 Furnace room2 Master bath2 Master bedroom2 Ha11s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR1- Garage1 Hallway1 Game room1 Bedroom #1l- Bath room1 Ha11s, closets, etc. TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL '709 JL5 255 26 260 1563 204 49 49 187 L87 52 6'l 168 L07 'l A1L-' t 315 766 2298 t022 390 276 L't 9 53 LZV r.980 5841 ?0.90 3r. .50 25 .30 0.00 0 .00 20 .40 0.00 0 .00 18 .70 1Q ?n 0.00 0.00 16.80 0.00 0.00 3r. .50 0 .00 0.00 0.00 21.60 1t-.90 0.00 0.00 35.4s 15 .75 12.65 L .50 0.00 10 .20 2 .45 2 .45 v.55 9.35 2 .60 3.35 I .40 0 .00 7 .35 r_5.75 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.80 5.95 2.65 0.00 No No No No No YeS No No YeS YeS No No No No No Yes No No No No Yes No No L t- 1 l_ 1 z ,|II 1 1 1-! t- t 1 1 1 L 1 t_ 1 t_ 1 .l I 1 1 1 z FOOTNOTES:1) EGRESS - An operable window or door that opens directly to the exterioris reguired from this room. The minimum clear openable area must meet Lhe following. -- Sec. 1204.l-) The mlnimum clear height is 24 inches2) The minimum clear width is 20 inches3) The minj-mum clear area is 5.7 square feet4) The maximum sill height is 44 inches2) The number of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical ventiLation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openings for ventilation. -- Sec. f205. (c) 5) The requirements for 2 exits from the 3rd floor j.s based onSec. 3303. (a) exc. 3. ROOM DTMENSTONS: Habitable space shall- have a ceiling height of not l-ess than ? feet 6inches. Kit.chens, halls, bathrooms and toilet compartments may have aceiling height of 7 feet measured to the lowest pgojection. If the ceilingis slopingf, then the minimum height. is required in onl-y L/2 of the area. --Sec. L207 . (a) Every dwellinq unit shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less t.han 70 square feet. -- Sec. l-207. (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in anvdimension. -- Sec. 1207 . (c) GLAZ]NG REQUTREMENTS: A1I glazing in hazardous locations is required to be of safet.yglazing material . -- Sec. 5406. (d)1) Glazing in ingress and egress doors except jalousies. 2, Glazing in fixed and sliding panels of slidinq door assemblies andpanels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors.3) Glazing in storn doors.4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors.5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs, whirlpools, saunas, steamrooms, batht.ubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where the bottom exposed edge of theglazing is less than 60 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet.6) Glazj-ng in fixed or operable panels adjacent to a door where Lhe nearest exposed edge of the qlazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edge of the door in a closed position and where the bottom exposed edgeof the glazing is less than 60 inches above the walking surface.1) Glazing in an individual fixed or operable panel, other than thoseIocations described in items 5 and 6 above, than meets all of thefollowing conditions:A. Exposed area of an individual pane greater than 9 square feet.B. Exposed bottom edge less than L8 inches above the f1oor.C. Exposed top edge great.er than 36 inches above the floor.D. One or more walking surfaces within 36 inches horizontally of t.heplane of the glazing. 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height above a walking surface.Included are st.ructural baluster panels and nonstructural in-fi]lpanels. See exceptions. SMOKE DETECTOR REOUIREMENTS :A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall at a point centrallylocated in the corridor or area giving access to each sleeping area. -- Sec. l-210 . (a) 4. A smoke detector is required on thearea. -- Sec. L21-0.(a) 4.A smoke detector is required on allIf the upper level contains sleepingin the ceiling of the upper level -- Sec. 1210.(a) 4 Smoke detectors are reguired t.o be wired to the building's power source andsha]l be equipped with a battery backup. -- Sec. l-21-0. (a) 3.Detectors shalL sound an alarm audible in aII sleepinq area of the dwellinqin which they are located. -- Sec. 12L0. (a) 4. FIREPLACE REQUIREMENTS : MASONRY FIREPLACE:1) Fireplace must be supported by a foundation. -- Sec. 3?07.(b)2l The firebox must be at least 20 inches deep and wal-ls of firebox areto be 10 inches thick. If the lining is of firebrick then the walls may be 8 inches thick. -- Sec. 3707. (c) 3) The minimum clearance to combustible material is from the fireplace, smoke chamber, and chimney waIls is 2 inches. Codbustible material maynot be placed within 5 inches of fireplace opening and combustiblewithin 12 inches may not project more than 1/8 inch for each 1 inch ofclearance. -- Sec. 3?07. (h) 4l The hearth nust be noncombustible, a minimum of 4 inches thick, andsupported by noncombustible material . The hearth size must be at least:If Opening size is: Front extension Side extensionLess than 6 sq.ft.16 inches 8 inches 12 inches6 sq.ft. or greater 20 inches -- Sec. 3707. (k) & (I) 5) Chirnney height must be per Table 37-B OCCUPANCY SEPARATION: Between the garage and the residence, materials approved for thr fireconstruction are required on the garage side only and any doors betereenthe garage and the residence are to be a self-closing l3/8 inch solidcore door or a 20 minute fire door. -- Table 5-B & Sec.503.(d) exc. #3 STAIR REQUIREMENTS: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 j-nches wide. -- Sec. 3306.(b) The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is 9 inches. -- Sec. 3306. (c) exc- #1 ceiling or waII in each sleeping stories. -- Sec. 1-2L0. (a) 4.room(s), a smoke detector is required close to the stairway. Provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 to 38 inches above the nosing ifthere is 4 or more risers. -- Sec. 3306. (i) Provide a guard rail, where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minirnum height= 36 inches, maximum opening size = 4 inches. -- Sec. L7L2.(al exc. #1 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 8 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(o) Enclosed usable space under the stairs is required to be protected as requiredfor thr fire-resistive construction. -- Sec. 3306. (1) SHAFT ENCLOSURES: l-) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross-sectional area of not more than9 sguare feet may lined on the inside with not. less than 26 gage galvanized sheet metal with all joints locklapped. The outside must bet hr construction. All openings into any such enclosure sha1l be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood door L 3/8 inches thick orequivalent. -- Sec. 1706. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombustible piping installed in wa1ls passing through3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shafts. -- Sec. 1706. (c) 3) A11 other shafts are required to be enclosed in a t hour assembly. -- Sec. 1?06. (a) Addj-tional requirements :For R3 Occupancythis project will require a site improvement survey. Such surveyshall be submitted and approved prior to request for frameinspection. A11 crawl spaces within the town of vail are limited to a earth tostructural fLoor ceiling height of 5,, be earLh floor on1y, beventil-ated as per UBC 251-6 (c) 6 with minimum access as per UBC 2516(c)2 and maximum access of 9 sq. ft. Any building site with a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design shall address drainage, soil retainage, and structural design. ExcavaLi-on below slabs on grade shall not be permitted without prior approval . Address numbers shall be posted plainly visible and legible from thestreet. For Ml Occupancy Slope garage floor to allow for drainage to outside or provide afloor drain wit,h with sand and oit interceptor to dry well or tosewer. Any garage floor draln connected to sewer must be appprovedby Upper Eagle Val1ey Water & Sanitation District. In garages with living area above, the walls of the garage which are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fireresistive construction. UBC 503 (b) . I [t-p,"A Ir" 7l-* rn''La 9, s 3^,k?" 4, -& L:"( J f 'r) /LL fr.. t]clJ. . 1,.* .,.**.( "t' , .i. . ..1 . '?a' .ut \' . v,u 10 f''- 9*'ft r l -^t l.'t | lr lDATE: ll rt-tc' LEGAI., DESCRIPTTON: ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R P/S ZONE DTSTRTCTS r.,ot fL Bl-ock - Filtng S,".;.1r,-ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT PHONE PHONE ZONE DISTSIST Dt -fU4 r t, l,-PROPOSED USE T-I> *'7 CZ ac ,3a, s1<. lz (ts, cz'z.\ { 'z <\ Qg roz i('t..) e?q.tz ('os) Existinq Proposed afu"*zq' (> 3'7 ra t 9aa . z&.1 5 z1t, q Total **LOT SIZE Heighc/ 5 2:t t.q + Allowed (30) (33) brzt,4t1( Total GRFA"- dlc-Primary GFJ'A" Cfsecondary GRFA' 6r[LSetbacks / 8su 425 425 53Lt.1 '; Front Sides Rear 201 15' 1.5 ' (30) (s0) *n;m nL4- LPwater Course setback/ C)f-s ite coverag{ z,:)(ur;la) z pFtandseaplng' CKRetaining warl Heighrs/ 6pParkingt o U-Garage Credit / f]oti*,., ' d(vlew Corridor Encroachment:/ I--lnt.tironnental/Hazards : / Y-tl-<' o<t z1' ' ( 3oG2 c4 4', No w./' 2?2 ,L cVL <Flood Plain Percent Slope 3 Yes 1) 2', 3) 7q,i 1. 4ltGeologic Hazards kdl ,S lu^ c_a) Snow Avalanchel%- zlt ) bi Rockfall ,-.-l,ut",n- -'/l t:cj Debris rt@qilWetlands 'r Previous conditions of approval (check property fi-l-el z +z'e,/ OlLDoes this request involve a 250 Addition? NA How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used w.ittr th'is request? ()**Note: Under Sections L8.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and PrLmary/Secondary which are less than 15r000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Departnent may grant. an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code includingpermanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full-time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. €tVeT 3t(. Tt1r0 lqV),-l t- '", l11 )Lz r, , '.' .,i 9t"X'g f' l4.I t qo"T drr, )t . '* t 3c''7 = {ttl': 7 \i1,1 4) 10 Grt5ko 3' /6' 7.'L neqxa (3oo) (5oo(eD (1200) lo3<r,7 Permitted Slope 8t Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineers 68r* TOWNOFVAIL ej.)non lnc, 0000 21112 CASH t I cK* I DATE:_/_,_ REc- By:_ I t T{f hfl.t BF lJflI l- t4iscellars;s Cdt BF-:l-94 15;52:46 Eer'=i.pt t+ 1545F? ffrc*unt* l:i..*1EEl LRI.][' FESIIJI.Is FT ELLI5|]I..|\.FREFfrIF DRB Flnr,:un t t*nderx'l i ?8. 69 Item paid fuunt paid 81 Erff[re413j1 BEIFJ ?8. Bg [:h.:ng* rs turnFd ] ff, EiE THFIFII{ I'OIJ lr',:u r cashi * r HEIB I VTV,ddd"BLUE RIVEB BFIONZE FOUNTAIN 64'H X 25"W WOMAN' ED TION OF 1O X 28'D o 1.Prior to the construction of the driveway, the applicant must provide survey information to the Town of Vail. The information must show the centerline radii, the slope of the driveway, and the retaining wall heights around the drive. This information must be submitted after the grading has been completed, prior to the construction of the driveway. A TCO will not be issued if any portion of the driveway exceeds the approved grade of Il.4Vo. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall install a monitored fire alarm system, in accordance with standards adopted by the Town of Vail, and must be approved by the Vail Fire Department per VFC 10.501(B). 2. crrdyvrEdrbrilhSOo JOBADDRESS 950 FAIRWAY DR.JOBNAME SMITH RESIDENCE OWNERSNAIIE DAVID SMITIT BOX 5055 VArL .: .: '.:..::...., ,f .:,i.:;.:r NAHE DAVID HASSE ]-7 GRANDVTEW PEORIA IL ISTFL@R 545 1STFLOOR 56? A FEilAII,IING 1,L42.95451. 58 June Q4,L992 {q tr^ Ii 4L\ 4:J .J {; ) /)u' thl //<* 78 '/ii.l i I tt';zt' [L'" f,/L/r- ,l/A1 /.. ' 1',/-\ 1 lI t,'* b! F' rib,-o2-19,_r2 6E:4Efit'l lrr,.,,, FRI]I-I f;RT I']ERRg 14?64EE15 AT{|HLJR I. MEARS, P.8., l'latrrrslFhzurt Crurib:lb 222 Era & rh Avc, G"*'t'o, CdcrJo Bl?r0 w-641.32!E Iune 2,1997 Mr. Gary Bossow GMA and Associatcs Box 5055 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Rockfall and debris-avalanche expgsure, Irrt 6, 10th filing. Dcar Mr. Bossow: The information sontained in this letter is intended to supplement my snow-avalanche Ioading auaiysis providcd last month and discusscs rockfall and dehris-avalanche exposurc at thc subject property. DEBRiS AVAI-ANCHE Dcbris avalanchet c;rn rcach thc proposed building, however, the snow*avalancho mitigation proposed in my report of May, l-992, will also providc mitigation from debris avalanchcs. Thc mitigation, as previously staled, wilt bc in conformance with Town of Vail }lazard Regulations (paragraph 1B,69,052 [C] [h]), thus will not result in adverse deflection onto adjacent public or private propcrty, ROCKFAIL According tct Town of Vail maps, thc site is also within a "Modcratc Scvcrity" rockfall area, My ficld inspcclion of the site, however, does not indicate a rockfall hazard at this location, Therefore, rockfall mitigation will not be required, Please contact me if you havc any additional questions. Sincereiv.(#u'l r!fu a",< Arthur I. Mears. P.E. Avalanchc-con trol cnginccr lrtolr Wqlty . A*k16l5a . Aoe|171cl9Q,1,l$l$4ttpir4 Jl-lf.l- I-.]l TUE E ! 5tr 1 .lti1 3 F,41 I:36 F. F-l I 2 /gg" TO F.E\ INC. E6/8f..'!! I I F. [1q!: ig sT|-rt.tE l,t TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Smith File Andy Knudtsen May 6, 1992 Design Review Board Conditions of Approval for Lot 6, Vail Village 10th Filing On May 6, 1992, the Design Review Board approved the Smith Residence with the following condions: 1. Prior to submittalof the building permit for Lot 6, Vail Village 10th Filing, the applicant shall modify the architectural drawings to show: A That all crawl spaces shall be bacldilled so frat the resulting head height does not exceed 5 feet. / b. That in no case shall any roof ridge exceed 33 feet in height. A roof plan shall be drawn and overlaid against the existing and proposed topography to show this. ,/c- That the retaining walls supporting the deck on the southeast comer of the house shall not exceed 6 feet in height. V d. That the avalanche protection wall shown on the Alpine Engineering April 9, 1992 plans will not be constructed. To clarify the construction activity in this area of the site, a note shall be added to the plans stating that no regrading will be performed above elevation 8,340, and no structure will be built above , elevation 8,330. Ic e. That a pedestrian pathway, a minimum of 3 feet in width, must be constructed according to the Fire Department approved drawing, dated April 13, 1992. J f. That a 4-foot wide concrete pan be installed between fie existing edge of , asphalt and the proposed new driveway. I" g. That a l2-inch culvert be installed at the driveway entrance. h. A revised landscape plan, showing: / (l) two 8' and two 10' spruce trees to be located on either side of the property between the front of the Smith residence and the back decks of the houses on either side ot this lot (a total of eight trees); 2. t/' (ii) a total of 15 aspen along the front property line; and /(iii) a group of potentilla and mugo pines along the east property line, between the driveway and the neighboring house to the east. i. That the colors to be used on the structure will be as follows: stuc@: 5(P/" Desert Tan window trim: 100% Desert Tanfascia: 125olo Desert Tan Prior to issuance of the building permit, the applicant shall: a. Provide a geologic hazard analysis by Arthur Mears, specifically reviewing the site plan dated April 9, 1992 by Alpine Engineering, and specilically reviewing lhe proposed architectural plans. The building permit plans shall include stamped drawings by an engineer, showing that the mitigation standards called for in the Mears report have been incorporated into the architectural drawings. b. Provide letters from the adjoining property owners allowing disturbances within their properties. Prior to the construction of the driveway, the applicant must provide survey information to the Town of Vail. The information must show the centerline radii, the slope of the driveway, and the retaining wall heights around the drive. This information must be submitted after the grading has been completed, prior to the construction of the driveway. A TCO will not be issued if any portion of the driva,vay exceeds the approved grade of 11.4o/o. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, lhe applicant shall install a monilored fire alarm system, in accordance with standards adopted by the Town of Vail, and must be approved by the Vail Fire Department per VFC 10.501(B). . At this time, no lighting has been approved lor the driveway. Any lighting which is desired by the applicants must be submiiled to, and approved by, the Design Review Board on a separate application. The boundary of the red avalanche zone has been determined by a letter from Arthur Mears, dated April9, 1992, and follows the 8,330 contour. Please note that the Town of Vail Public Works staff believes that by geometric standards, the driveway alignment as shown is a minimum design for a passenger-type vehicle. A vehicle type larger than a passenger car could encounter difficulties negotiating the driveway alignment as shown. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. oicndytnrrE brnh.606 l-t/n/r-b LB l/ 76 Qa ? a :tL-e* /"-- ,J,n/4 a,s/ -/tr..?^'q-".---, - /7/* *4P fu Ua,L turf'& a/,/"4f h frIa /r44p4'-d- .boe-h-dy- rTrt/t' J--*J l"-'- ^. Ja-"u^r+ /X--;.- /8,s4.oto J2 r;H- ;"/*J /fu"- rd"/-r""n -"2Jf ",:*n^ff *yf:f- ry?* 4r*'a'ra l*-e-c-'t-zdl j-"-rJ -{/t"Z o) -*^g /4-"d) ,114ed, tY,SVolA C, q 0, rs3) " ' r,-\,, r*.1*h,-- /" aa1ac'..-t fzryte; d -d'* ,,r'.f,tj*,irA'" /8,Sy',oso n. / .oto C,^{r.ilrL4 c-a-uJzt or-1r"--"..* /J,rr*g/ 1L /l*f* & '//-a*/', - oI ^fr rtf7 fu /,U", ph -4L/) ;^* lt j*, /z'a-r*A -A- rr-,*'b-*-l-, "l H* J''*-U A"--t'- *, Jouu^-,*V /-0A.")/ -4"-r,- j-."'") crLa-"A*.et /" ll-"*;-.'' --,-atet J/./ -/4-/ tu*) j"; M $$r-,---*rt Jj-/--:--, ,.L pln-'----" *.i, "/" *Ze-/**r tlo "*,---*-r*-*J -tA -!4*- 7/t/* /*4, 4- ^/"an*-'^-, /m"*nt, @, a/d) */* " anM--,,-ao)' 'nf ;zu 4- )tu 1, qrtud.D drdz*.-, e-) Hr- ;l".zdt-q -l-."-*"iat ^J'r-t/*1 &a44 ddr-urt t,4^-4fr*D A-bjl At"r- a - I ^ , A' ________ , ,/, /fW,q &A44 4dr-tvv , (J:{.4.ctZvt-zt ,l.z-<-za/ A-,Le-La r7da.6z--' tu h;r top*tr- ffi% A-,'-, kj"z'/d/-* 1,- -,ag,l'*'-:+ ry H*- ry /*,"* Hr* A/z/r'"/ &{d, ftt/ { M t/a-*s cantzt^zd) rj-*/, t/* oeu.'ro ' /<.^d-z/a--&d, 4 /4', /tL.t*, a-d) 4 "b*/*--J'. ,1 ,4t4*^-tl*'- rt'*I" @ *r"{"*, f,-/,a^-a-,, "L}e "L:^/^ -h.{L /r*fr*d, /t*J usaii) 4*' wM) */lt " ouz-. /*d, t/Ho p-nztzt J/t- q-u-h* -l- */"* -+ 1r* "g- /r-*' @,t g-,* /zu#-, /*" c^o/?.u T p"r-.11,,-raL -/"t dr-* ^*d. A ryo **/ /r,*? %*"-qtr,rta-*44 /vfurt octdeat Lfh ata-aF P-S n/e/tt) //r, //rin* AnW o,o4{t p.za-z-.' - J "b,.";L /" Lfu,fu- -./ -,f fufd J"2.,* d .H* " *r,-h-^/ " atdz.;,.: 7ry" frD *%, /'ua7a) h e.td'zo+' c,ovvtz,t-t"ztt ;Ha* Fan/,r-*t ' .4sa/fu") "'to"al /,/aJ a.-d) t 4,*- .Ar'l,L'r. GARDIOLOGY CO}ISU LTAI{TS 2320 NORTH ORANGE AVENUE ORLANDO, FLOFIDA 32804 (',t > i," (1" I' PHONE (407) 896-0054 ' i. i DIPLOMATES OF AMEFIICAN BOAFO OF INTERNAL MEDICINE ZEB C, BURTON JR,, M.O,, F A C,C,, P.A, JAMES L. BOLEN, M.D,, F A,C.C., P.A. HOBERT B, BOSWELL, M,D,, FACC, P,A. ROBERT L, FOTHBAFIO, M,D.. F,A,C.o., F,A.C.P., P,A, EGERTON K VAN DEN BEFIG JB,, M,O, F,A,C.C, April 23, 1992 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town Pl dnn€r ?5 $outh Fnontaga Rd. Vail, Co]orado 81657 bRE: Pnoposed constr.uction, tot p{, Fainway Court May 6th Architectura'l Review Meeting Dear Mn. Knudtsen, On my recent visit to Vail I have neviewed the sJte plans fon thehouse to be buJ"l t on Lot #5 and sp€nt a few hours wa'i kfng thisprop€rty, and part-icularly viewing tha e'l evat"ions sp6cifjed bV the p'l ans and th€ staked footprint of the house on site. I have strong, and I believc Just, object'ions to the pnoposed loc€tJonof the house on Lot #5. The architect and ownen$ have request@d thdtthe house be set back much furthen fnom the noad (Fa"irway Court) thanall existjng houses on Fairway Count- By having the house s{tting so much further up the mountain than th6 ex'ist{ng houses, the architecthas created a visua'l dJstunbance for us fnom our backyards, as well asa vJsua'l {ntrusion by the resJdents of Lot fiS into the privacy of the nean of oun homes. By visua'l distunbance I mean that our future viewfrom oun nean patio would be of the nesidenc€ on Lot S5 rdthen thanthe tranqui'l forest wh"ich prev{ous'l y exJsted- Even more disturbing is the fact that the proposed thind f 'loor patios of the proposed residence on Lot *P are a good 6-10 feet above our rear third f 'loor patios, which allows the residents of Lot #5 to Iook dinect'l y into the pnivacy clf our pool , patio and thjrd f 'l oor I iving room area - Most, Jf not all, of the houses on F€irway Caurt !q*re bui'l t ten years ago, and al'l wene bui'lt 'in confonmity and 'l ocated with mjnJma'l s€t* backs f rom the road itse'lf . ThJs a'l 'l owed unobstructed rear views f onall of the residents, and a'l so allowed much des'inab'i € near privacy. I thenefor€ strongly feel that in co4formity with th€ remainder of thoneighbcrrhood, the reeidence on Lot *9 should be built with a simi"l arsetback and the own€r not b€ allowed to p1ac6 the house so far up th€mountain. Actual ly, I see 'l itt'1 e nea6on f on the ownen or arehJtectwishing to do this, as it places him jn gneater ava'l anche jeopardy and seems to afford lJttle or nothing 'in the way of improved vistas. I have spoken to all of the immediate neighbors, and a"ll are $tronglyopposed to the proposed s{te locdtion. SPECIALIZING IN DISEASES OF THE CAFIDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM l"lr. Andg Knudtsen Toun P l annerApril 13, 1993 Fage -3- I regret that b ec ause of the attend the proposed meeting be resp ec ted. d i stanc e and exp€fi5€r Hag 6th. but hape that I am unab le to our fpEl ings uril1 Ve trulg UoulE, Bolen,l"l. D. Vai sL. : tl1 Fai.rurag Court 1, Co l orsd o {Lot *3) / TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Smith File Andy Knudtsen April 15, 1992 Design Review Board Gonditions of Approval for Lot 6, Vail Village 1Oth Filing 1.Prior to submittal of the building permit for Lot 6, Vail Village 1Oth Filing, the applicant shall modify the architectural drawings to show: a. That all crawl spaces shall be backfilled so that the resulting head height does not exceed 5 feet. b. That in no case shall any roof ridge exceed 33 feet in height. A roof plan shall be drawn and overlaid against the existing and proposed topography to show this. c. That the retaining walls supporting the deck on the southeast corner of the house do not exceed 6 feet in height. ),,;rr._.\*d. That the avalanche protection wall shown on the Alpine Engineering April 9, 1992 plans will not be construcled. To clarify the construction activity in this area of the site, a note shall be added to the plans stating that no regrading will be performed above elevation 8,340, and no structure will be built above elevation 8,330. e. That a pedestrian pathway, a minimum of 3 feet in width, must be constructed according to the Fire Department approved drawing, dated April 13, 1992. f. That a 4-foot wide concrete pan be installed between the existing edge of asphalt and the proposed new driveway. S. That a 12-inch culvert be installed at the driveway entrance. Prior to issuance of the building permit, the applicant shall: a. Provide a geologic hazard analysis by Arthur Mears, specifically reviewing the site plan dated April 9, 1992 by Alpine Engineering, and specifically reviewing the proposed architectural plans. The building permit plans shall include stamped drawings by an engineer, showing that the mitigation standards called for in the Mears report have been incorporated into the architectural drawings. 2. b. Provide letters lrom the adjoining propefi owners allowing disturbances within their properties. 3. Prior to the construction of the driveway, the applicant must provide survey information to the Town of Vail. The information must show the centerline radii, the slope of the driveway, and the retaining wall heights around the drive. This information must be submitted after the grading has been completed, prior to the construction of the driveway. A TCO will not be issued if any portion of the driveway exceeds the approved grade of 11.4o/o. 4. Prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy, the applicant shall install a monitored fire alarm system, in accordance with standards adopted by the Town of Vail, and must be approved by the Vail Fire Department per VFC 10.501(B). 5. At this time, no lighting has been approved for the driveway. Any lighting which is desired by the applicants must be submitted to, and approved by, the Design Review Board on a separate application. 6. The boundary of the red avalanche zone has been determined by a letter from Arthur Mears, dated April9, 1992, and follows the 8,330 contour. 7. Please note that the Town of Vail Public Works staff believes that by geometric standards, the driveway alignment as shown is a minimum design for a passenger-type vehicle. A vehicle type larger than a passenger car could encounter difficulties negotiating the driveway alignment as shown. q'ardy\melrF3\smfth.41 5 j I Project Application S r.^ ;tk 0*, D^t. 4- l9 -qL Pro ject Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board 7a /.,jzr/ €-4-rz DISAPPROVAL e( r"n*T E Statt Approval zb. PEDJECTI INTER _ DEPAEruENTAL RE\ilEW SMITH RESIDENCE DATE SUBhIITTED: COMHEHTS NEEDED ERIEF DESCR|PND{.I BY: SINGLE OF THE PROPOSAI-: FAMILY RESIDENCE PUEUD WDEKS I.IIHE BRAKERadewed bp Dote:APRIL 15. IS9Z Comrrents; L T1E-]UWN-RE.AI'RESTNET * 4 FOOr ffiDE IC.IHCRETE PAI,,I Ef INSTALLED,, FETil,EEN THE EXEnNc EDGE sF ASPHALT ANU THE pRoposED NEw 0RlyEwAy,: A.@ LET-TERS FROM ]HE ADJOINING PROPERTY OIII,NERS. ALL{IW|NG DISruRBAHCES 1/,lTHlt'{ THEIR PROPERTIES, ^- €ETfrltlES Fftl3R.TO,,=.Gii!.:ftvrr.fl*{ tz" cuLvERT ts REeutRED Ar rHE DRt\tErt/AT ENTRANCE-/4. F_RIOR TO |SSUI{G A TCO THE O\\+IER tS REQUTRED rO PROVIDE TO THE r0WH ASUNVEY OF THE DFTVEWAY GRADES, A TCO WILL NOT BI ISSUED IF AHYPORIIOI'I OF THE DRIVEI'/AY CRADE EXCEEDS THE ACCEPTED PLAN GRADE ,4. s.IO STATE AVAI-ANCHE MITIGANON PROPOSAL PHOR TO lils ru srATE THATJBy CE0MEIR|C SIANDARDS.THE A5 SIIOWN IS A MINTMUf',I DESGN F+R A PASSEilGER TYPE VEHICLE. A \EHICLE TYPE LARGER IHAI.I A PASSENGER CAR COULD EI.ICOUI.IIER DIFFICULNES NEGOTIANNG ]HE DRI\IWAY ALIGhIMENT .d,S I't I /nt D lS",ila1''n *f BPB 4-,, -o,l r,{r-.f o pra-6-&-,r. u--*f= (- s-z< l.r.r-.r.- dt "^" c--Lov"t +. , /.---/ . -So.-- (.--.. [,-^--.' (*+"{*; b W-J .-,-/ .f/ h.{tL s,/t. 'L,e( Ltu{A r-tt. ='rl- bM B,z 7>-5 [.^+J s; h-1 .r a A.J. Fr";sL-a/{ b^-L,f./" a€ "-'/-4"' gr.'J 6-*,V.. MJ, {:o' *a t-L- N*da &-/dZ<-'14/Y1' arzL' It *26. b, Sla,t-tA b- A rr o "t-"-" 4 Atu*' t t( htn"z'* ,\ ,t't-analv<-7 /,< !fr- s l--/. c-u-c<-1-v.-l tl-+ ^j k,-.*-.- -? +f /44,L.k %y ft^* arLn- fL^ | / / 3/4dLr-1f"""/W * *.L s 6*4- 't<-ot< *-(ofi14 4 t*Tr{* )/ /*4 (Wt hr\A /n- s/6r q *-,1-"J b*.1frrt- ,1f ^1 qQrr"t J k /. fr"-. s'L*Ld k Lo'a\'''^e-r D, ^o( *u- rutt SotL )ftuc--^, : Fa"cr> o{- &t] ftt) a u*/P *dt*s*-L A, I I \( l^.*k lr^*"/ d'^ <.fr=r 1r/'' "/ '>;k \\ S^- L+.,-z oa *; t\-r sd4 ,w +-C.,nr1r' LLa' L^tl' J s"}-' "'*) r( e"'k fu- l" zq'e( s;&, ,rA {-, -'!'-*fnu i...i a4-gs-L1-r" 12r llPl'l FRM1 RRT I{ENRS .ARTHURLMEARS, P'E.' NurnllhznrLC,mrho tl2Fzt@i.Avlc. Gpirn, Colqrdo 8123{) n'ut-?z% TB 14T64886 P.BL lNC. \ April9, 1992 Mr. GarY Bossow GMA and Associates Vail, CO 8L657 RE: Avalanchc zolc' l,ot 6, 10th Fiting' Dear Mr. Bosssw: This lctter repofls my ovaluation of thE avalanche Red/Bluc zonc boun'Jary on.the altove rofereDc,€d lot. ln ascordancc with definitions in the Tow! of Vail ordiaance (section fgsqneO) the blue zoflD mcans n... an arca impaCied by a snow avalanchc producing a total static gnd dynunic ptessule less than six htrndicd pounds pef'$quarg fOOt On a flat surfacp notr"f to the flow aud e rctum intcrval in CXccss Of tWentpfivc ycars.|r My ficltl invcstigations and iletrilcd avalauchc*dynamics calculations indicate that the ,ud,blu, zonc boundary on |.ot 6 is locatcd at the 8,330-foot contour interval' This contour i* ior6rA apprcxinat;y 125 fect south of thc.norlbem lot boundary o$ thc lot north-south centerlino of the lot. #uiiOing st or north of the red6tuc boundary is pcrmincd Uy Y1r.l oidio"or* lf struetural mitigat'ion is incorporated iuto building rlesigrr' I will be providing the nocassery structural desiglt ffiteria t0 you' I-ot 6 is also impactcd by <tebris-avalnnche haZard. Plcasc note that thc snow-avalanchc Jcsi$ critefia I am developing will also provide mitigation from debris avalanchEs' plcase cantact mc whcn I shoulcl procced with preparation sf tho final rcport for the structural cngircer. Sinccrely, Arthur I. Mears, P'8, Avalanchc-control cn gincl B5-85-198 IE:Z?AT.I FRO}'I ART },IEARS v TU L4?*L57 P.Az ANTTIURI. MEARS, P.B. INC&mlFtdCurht &ErGd*lil.&*,cffi iflto tol -6{l.t2t6 Apdl9, 1992 Mr. G{y Emmv OIyIA aud Associatco Vail, CO 81557 RE: Avalanclrc roa!, Lot 6 1&h fflfug. DEar Mr, Bosw; Thie ldta reportc ny evaluatlou of thc *rnlmahe Redfilua zalr boundary on thc abovo rcfc,rcnccd lot. Ia aEcorfu with drfinitious ir the Tonm of Vail oddlnarco (SEcdotr 18,69tr20) the blue dn€ mesnl "-.. aB 6pa impacted by a rnor avalm,ln prroducing a total static ard d5n*rric trEs$utE bss than Bix tudrEd po.oe pon $qu8r' fucf on a flat c'dbcc normal lo thc flow and a rcturn futcnal h cxcccs of nrcnty-firrc ycars.' My ficld irwetigaHons and detdled avalurche-dymics calodatlotrB indicate trat thE ttd/bluc zmc bumdary m lot 6 iE locdrd at fto A$O-foot oontour iatcwal. Thts @ntour is locaed appruxinatcty 125 ftct routh of fre aodten lot boudary oo ttc ld nodh+outh EtrlcditrF of tb lot Building d or uorth sf tho $d/tluo bsudary is pcrnittrd by Vail ordinane if stuctural mitigation ir inco'rpomtod into buildhg dcsip. I witl bc pravidiag thr rcccsgary Elrust$ral d&slgn cdtcda to ]rul. Int 6 i* aleo impaeted by dabris-avalaucho bf,uard. FIca* uotc that ths firrrw*svelauchs didgn ftiteria I am dcveloping wtll aho pmvidc mitigation ftom dcbrlc avalmchcs. Plcasc srilaet rnc when I should Ffincscd witb propffiadm of th€ fiffiI rcport for thc structurtt cnglnccr. Sincc,rely, AWWba Arthur I. Meate, P.E. Avalmchc-ontml cngins€T l& Vf4/n r dmlnle r ilrtldr CsradErtuctqt TBTH- P-@ 7\ Soatb Frontoge Rodd Vail, Colorado 81657 1 03 -47 9-21 1 I / 47 9-2 1 t 9 Deqartment of Commanity Deoelopment April 8, 1992 Mr. Gary Bossow P.O. Box 5055 Vail, CO 81658 Re:Lot 6, Vall Vlllage 1Oth Filing Dear Gary: At this time, I have completed the 2one check'for the proposed Smith residence on the above-referencedlot' Please review the commenb from the various Town departments shown below. I am available todiscuss them with you at any time. Fire Deoartment: Public Works: Planning: Because_the proposed structure is located more than lso feet from a staging area onFainray court, the driveway would need to be expanded to 20 feet in widih,Lnd a firetruck tumaround would need to be provided at the top of the driveway. As thesechanges do not seem feasible with the current design concept, a redesign may beneeded.. lf you would like, I can arrange a meeting-with the Fire Department so theycan explain their review standards in more detail, ;nd suggest some possible altematives. After review of all the information submitted, it appears the original grade of thedriveway identified on the survey was less tnan ibz. rne proiposeJ grade of 12/" isnot one the Public works staff feels they can approve, as it appears t-here is a solutionwith a lesser grade. Please make sure that each curve in the driveway has at least a20{oot centerline radius. .lf a driveway along the lines of this concept is ultimately approved, a condition of the DRB approval will be to have a surveyor shoot the graoes of the site work prior to any driveway paving. The surveyor must show that the ilopeof he proposed driveway does not exceed ihe approved slope. It appears the location of the proposed structure is in a ',Red Avalanche Zone.,, TheTown code does not allow any construction within the red avalanche zone. Staff hasreviewed all of the plans for other structures in the 1Oth filing, and it appears ihat theneighboring structures have been built in the blue avalanche zone. In iact, the Townhas approved setback variances lor some of them, to allow the structures to be shiftedinto the front seback and out of the red zone. In order to clarify the status of all the hazards, staff requests that your surveyor review the Town hazird maps and identify all hazards on the survey. lt appears that this lot has both red and blue avalanche hazards, as well as medium severity rockfall and high hazarddebris flow hazards. Mr. Gary Bosow April 8, 1992 Page 2 Other zoning issues, such as GRFA, site coverage, setbacks, etc., have all been reviewed and meet the zoning slandards. Staff requests that you submit a height analysis showing the existing and proposed topography overlaid against.a roof plan. On tiris drawinglelevations for the proposed and finished grades, as well as all major roof ridges, mult be identified. Staff also needs to see a section through the retaining w46 oi the west side of the proposed structure. For both the ridge height and retaining wall issues, it appears that your plans comply with the Town standards. However, staff needs to see the additional information to confirm this. I realize all ol this information may significantly alter the plans you have proposed. lf you would.like to discuss this further before you reOesign, I am available to arrange meetings with the Public Works staff' the Fire Department staff, or our Town Attorney. I still have the project scheduled for a conceptual review wilh the Design Review Board on April 15, 199,. lf you would like me to table it from the agenda, please let me know. Cinceming a linal DRB review, please submit revised drawings addressing each of the above concerns, and allo:w a minimum of three weeks of stalf review prior to the DRB hearing. I have enclosed a schedule for all ol the DRB meetings in 1992 to help you plan your schedule. Let me know il I can be of any assistance in resolving any of these issues. ^#^;k4"'^G"\Town Planner lab Enclosures ',erqe, a(\ -'\lL" PROJECT: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comrnents: POLTCE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Commenls: r-- , :' t-<i -z . r/ l- .r,t1-"-n /,,- --'-. "'-''-"ar'-4 RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: aOA*h INTER_DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW ..'.....::,-F DArE suBMrrrED, $l=h DArE oF puBl-rc HEARTNG 4, lt CoMMENTS NEEDED "", 1. l- 72 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: 11.%) -sA4.-$ 4.hl.-l A prVc aU-/q4*hr( THE 6,I ,ffi /^trt ,'f l:. ftQo,/ta ,^f>. Date: , D4.X /*r/+Ala a)|// *Jd'*L F t*-^, ,^",, *dlur 1.1 {-rftrt W til4 Date: t$ dr4. /-1,+ /44, flt,.JS'-<z a , ,tZ-:ay' .4-)/ ''u', ' t,7. - '-'L/ Date: -.': ,- <- 2Z--:Z- .11 s/o,-.. cI ")J -_L-/ -r1-"2 tL /'/ 4'2 ??a4t4 fl ,/ t-/ - ,.)(1:.' r'7 )2_ Reviewed Conrnents / RIC:-]'.''-l i{fiii 2 5 1l!1 I F IL T COPV 75 3oulh frontlge road Yall, colo.rdo E1657 (3qt) 47+2138 (3{Xt} 4792139 ofllce of communlty developmeni March 24, 1992 Mr. Gary Bossow P.O. Box 5055 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Lot 6, Vall Village 1Oth Flllng Dear Gary: After a brief review of the recent DRB submittal for the Smith residence, I am concerned theproject may require more than one review by the Design Review Board. I recall you and I discussing your schedule and the need for a final DBB approval at the tirst meeting. However, I was under the impression the proposal would be a relatively simple one. I am primarily concerned about the driveway: the slope, the retaining walls which may be built in conjunction with the driveway, and landscaping around it. Unfortunately, your application did not include a site plan showing existing and finished topography. Given that this driveway is one of the more complicated that we have reviewed, this information is critical. After reviewing the file, I noticed that none ol the landscaping information had been provided. I am sure this will be of interest to the Design Review Board members, and I encourage you to provide a landscape plan and complete the materials list. Additionally, lfound that-settion B(2) of the title report was not included. This is an important piece of information that our Public Works staff needs to review. Also, when you submitted the revised plans, you only included 2 sets. Because I sent these sets to the Fire and Public Works Departments, I will need a sel for my own review as soon as possible. I want to reiterate the importance of showing how the driveway witl be constructed and showing how much retainage will be needed to make this driveway design work. lt may be necessary for you to provide several cross sections through the driveway showing the cut andfill. Because of the many concerns I have and because of the missing pieces of information at this time, I believe the DRB review process will proceed much better with both a conceptual and final hearing. According to the DRB schedule, the final hearing would take place on May 6, 1992. Please plan on the final review being May 6 unless we specifically agree othenrise. Mr. Gary Bossow March 24, 1992 Page 2 When we discussed the need for a grading plan, I believe we agreed to Thursday, March 26 as the deadline for its submittal. At the time we talked, I did not realize there was other information which would also need to be submitted. lf you cannot keep that deadline for all the material I have outlined here, please call me. Once I receive the outstanding material, I will review the project more thoroughly. I may have other comments and may need additional information once I complete a 'zone check' and look at the avalanche hazard in detail. Thank you for your attention to these details. I appreciate your cooperation with the Grasis review recently. Please call me at 479-2138 if you would like to discuss these issues further. Sincerely, )il / -'//J,4,{ ,,. Anoy Rirudtsen Town Planner laocc: Greg Hall Mike Brake llHR-24-1'J'i.l 1::3? FFi[rll CHFJ STDF,HER IJEI'.] iuN Ttl ^ 4'r-i4F.JEa F,t;)! I-/:\t a-ALTA. COMMTTMENT SCHEDULE D*? (Exceptions) . Application No. VL7257 e policy or policies to be issued wil"l contain exceptions to thellowing unless the same are disposed of to the satiifactLon ofe Companyi Standard Exceptions L through 5 printed on the cover sheet. Taxes and assessnents not yet due or payable and specialassessments not yet certified tq the Treasurerrs office. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against said land. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any RIGIIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REI{OVE HIS ORE ?HEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMTSES AS RESERVED rN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED May 20/ 1905/ tN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 51.1 . . RIGHT OF WAY FOR DTTCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED Il'T UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED May 20, 1905, fN BOOK 4S AT PAGE 511. . RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A TORFEITURE OR REVERTER CIJAUSE? BUT OMfTTING RESTRICTIONS, IF ANY, BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENI RECORDED April 11, I97Xt IN BOOK 228 AT PACE 604. ' POWER TRANSFORMER AS SHOWI'I ON TMPROVEMENT LOCATIOI{ CERfIFICATE DATED MARCH2]-, 1989 PREPARED BY IqACKOWN SURVEYING & ENGINEHRING, INC. I. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VAIL VILLAGE, TENTH FII,TNG. ftwo/ rt - INTER_DEPARTMENTAL REVTEW HKUJr;U'I : DATE SUBMITTED:DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING t coMMENTS NEEDED BY: Al I - BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL:lf,\t* {:rl t J .ar. rlg:C)','- v,1""'zr t-ilztzf -a ;:2:' o'''''llu' fl{ t[e^l - bts '.' r, PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: Reviewed by: Comments: ,rl Q 2o'''''7 FIRE DEPARTMENT Date: Date: Date: Date: /Vr; G.t:ti /?i,9c:, 4'/1r,rr"u"''' [W;1.- 4/-'6- *z/ffie, POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARITMENT Reviewed by: CommenLs: /,r( s/," PROJECT: r4 DArE suBMrrrED , 8l = h DArE oF puBl,rc HEARTNG '1, lC coMMENrs NEEDED ""r' 1' l' 72 BRTEF DESCRTPTION OF PROPOSAL: lA.%) - THE 6,I s,a4.-$ 4'Hlr.-l tr ,adVc ah,t--LhJ(,ffi /,rt ,'f l:. fur, ,ju^x/ra ,\?5, Date: : l4+,'s /*r/+/la a).7/ *-i-'.- r T;. F, ,^" ",*4;C /rddw anx./( Date: PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: ft dk-r. /-1,4 Date: Reviewed Comments: l | /.r , DRB APPLICATION - TOI{I{ OF VAIL, DATE .APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DFTB MEETING: ********** TIIIS APPLICJLTION WfLL NOT BE T'NTI]. AI-,L REQUIRED INFOR}IATION********** PROJECT INFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION: 'Q"',ri""a gl4/gL COIOR.ADO ACCEPTED rS SUBI''ITTED lBDMAR16P92 I. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: X tle* Construction ($200. 00) Addition (S50.00) Minor AlLeration ($20.00) conceptual Review ($0) E. LOT AREA: ff required, sLamped survey showing NAIVIE OF APPLICANT: /)*ei,- 1 ,oodt"ffi; musL provide a current.1 oz *.c.appliclot ar t H.NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT' S Address: I. NAME OF OWNERS: ?/../ _.--{'SrcNAruRE (S) :L/' Mailing ,Addres J. K. Phone Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown abover are to be paid at the Lime of submittaf of DRB appl-ication. Later, when applyingr for a building permit, please identify the abcurate valuation of Lhe proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust Lhe fee according to the tabfe below, to ensure the correct fee.is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION $ 0 - $ 10,000 $ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $ 50,001- - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1r 000r 000I over $1r 000,000 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVA]J EXPTRTS APPROVAIJ IINLESS A BUII.DING PERMIT IS FEE $ 20.00I s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YE,AR AFTER FINAJ. ISSUED AND CONSTRUCTIOI{ IS STARTED. **NO APPIJICATION WIIJI' BE PROCESSED WITEOUT OWNER'S SIGNATgRE ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:t'ot (n Block rlSubdivision Vniu \fitrl,rot lo*5 ;;;;;";;,description, please provide on a separate sheet and att.ach Lo this application. ZONING: clrl ea b Phone REPRESENTATIVE: .-rl "t NAME OF PROJECT: O "r* ou "oru*ro", t 5,-\-v"- rrltg IEGAL DESCRTPTTON: roT__.lb BLOCK SUBDIvISIoN V/ Io1: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF Dpn.-Itr(-,T,. The following informat,ion is Review Board before a finaL A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Ot.her WalL Materials Srascia Soffit. s Wi-ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Ot.her LANDSCAPING:Narne of Designer: Phone: required for submitLalapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL C- adrq.. \h*y< E- to the Design COLOR \\Alt,rl(lru- \.lr.+'. u * 4raol.s < +ucco JAr,,+t, A< SrJiu u CeA *g, z-x Dts*r. T+*\--u,Bd5::( LzAtA lXto t- \ I lu/o.d Cc-le4)\)z<zrzi Tt+r ooA +tc.r TA*r Tr^lo StadqS. DA@r/dr- _*o {L+dtsRrTa+r' '-',no',t-zQ- DAcl4$' \ s P*rr. s id ;rrq I1t\54py t- N\t t+t- PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical- Name Common Name Ouantity Size* *fndicate caliper for deciduous trees. EXISTING TREES TO BE REI"IOVED Lrees. M SUBDIVISI JOB LOT urrf,r, "o.orro* **t""o"o" I NAME The location and availabilily of utilities' whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines-, ^";;-;;-;ppro"ea and' verified by rhe follo"ing ,.rtii;ii;; for Lfie accompanving site plan' NOTE:I U.S. west Communications t-800-922-19 87 468-6860 or 949-4530 Publ,ic Service comPany 949-5?81 GarY HalI Hoty Cross Electric Assoc' 949-589? Ted HuskY/Michael Laverty Heritage Cablevision T'V' 949-5530 SLeve Hiatt Upper EagIe ValIeY Water.- i Sanitation Dist-Lrcq { i'"o ii"reu of;tiitlqaBo ccrp'r o-f Qor|.-o*-r'-ia r+". r oo crfl ti\-lr:fr"-5t$ffij- ( s--0,r. J. A ( ter"-- ?:'* l-,,, otte':trl This form is to verify service availability and location. This should be used in conjunction with ;;;;;;i;; a-utiritY Plan and schedurins installations. 2. For any new construcLion proposal' t'!g.app1icant must. proviAe-i- co*pleted utiiity verification form. 3. If a utility company has- concerns with the proposed coirstruici-on, the utility representative should note directly on the utiliLy verification form t'hat th;;;-i;-i problem which needs to be resorved' iF-in"-iisue is reratively compricatedr it should u.-"p"ifuo-out in detail in an attached leLter to til"-i""n or vail ' However' please keep in mind that iL is the responsibifity of the utility company and owner to resolve idenLified ProbIems. A. If Lhe utility verification form has signatures from each oi-tnt utility companies' and no comments ut. *io" direclty on t'rte form' the Town wil} presume that there are no problems and that t.he d-eveloPment can Proceed' These verifications do not relie"" :h:-:onLractor;;";it'i""p""ttnirity to obtain a street cut -- -- ^.c r'-i r na.rrf mant of PubliC;:,iii; ;;;il"fi;-i;;;' :i,Y:l1r ^::t?:::"*:,::ffi;l:;"';a-fo-outain utiligv igcatiopg befsseworj(s drllr r-\J sgment indiqqinq in any.public. t+?l!-:t-I-*r* .ia n,.,r A\irrvvrarv -"--::' .:. e uuiroirrq pprrit-ig ng!-athe Town of varrLrre rulvrr \.r! -it must bgitreet cut Permlt-. A street cut obtained seParatelY ' * pfease bring a site plan, ffoor plan, ?1d.91?"1tions when obtaining upper E;;ig .iari6v-wat.er'i sanitation sisnatures ' Fire flow needs must be addresseo' h BLocK ADDRESS Date 3,/6- ulJ tta 'f,t vrtuoE TTH FILING ill.rtyrv*,fta: .- Ioll le$ i I __ _--_ . t-.. _- r5\ ero ca660 #fr ZONE CHBCK FOR R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS /l,I , IJ SFR, R, DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoE (r-' Block Filing TZn-i-\,^. ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITtrCT ZONtr DISTRICT *'tLOT SIZE tr\_'l Heighl: I OE. al. L, t(t A Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA J5?l + Setbacks Front. Sides Rear Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wal} Heights Parking Carana f-rorl i fvq-q)rv Drive i View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronmenta l,/Haz ards : 425 = 3o/6 e 20, l qt 15' (30) (50) J"7A. */E7 z7lft7 Permitted Slope 83 Actuaf Slope iZn/o Date approved bY Town Engineer: Yes No---J:-- ??? 1- ) FIood Plain r{e PHONE PHONE PRoPosED USE -( i *1\c- F,,r"'-'iuq* Existinq Proposed Total 3/.5 3/-< ,€o5t 3BE- + .A22 ---4tE-4z7o /// / ??, /7 //2' trr^ Allowed (30) (33) b{27 2 o _fG' / 447o ,//&/ 3' / 6t ,'f Reqrd 5 (3oo) (600) (9oo) (1200l, /zoo 2) PercenL SIoPe 4 3) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Ava.Lanche b) Rockf all- c) Debris Flow 4) Wetl-ands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this requesL invofve a 250 Addit.ion? c How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request?-ilJ/, -*xNote: Und.er Sections 18.1,2.090 (B) and L8.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which.are l-ess than t5,0b0 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unlt. The Conununitf Development Depirtment may grant an excePtion to _thisrestrict.ion p.o.tided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under sections 18.12.090(B) ana ib.L3.oB0(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle ValIey- 474 - 757, 10 AV.qI-,ANCTIE LOADTNG ANAIYSIS - KATZ DUPLJI-Y LOT 6, I0th FrLrl'lc, VArL, COLORADO Prepa::ed f or A1r. 'IL)rn Brirrer Br.iner-Strain Archltects Arthur I. Mearsr P'T na- oG?dfi-Gon, --Colora \:'"') STUDY OBJTCTIVES AI,ID LIMITNTTONS Tltis anal:;sis of avalanche loads anciproposeC Katz ouple:< rvaG reguested by a',ralanche hazard at thel"lr. ?om Briner of Briner.-, the objectives of tlri.sStrain Architects, Vail. st-udy are: c. To discuss the avalancire risl< assr-rmed by buildingat thLs Iocation. The results pi:esented in th:s report supercede those of myprevio'is (JLrne, I98 9 ) report. Revisions io avaL anche Ioads i,,erenecessary because the buildinc design was changed from that usedj.n the previous_ analysis. iurt.hermore, thJ analysis is site9-Eg-9jjj_9, theref ore the avalanche loading criteria clerived -i6i the Katz Duplex cannot be trans:-e::red to other loca.iions. Speci.fic.rIIy a. To co:npute the desigl)-avalancheproposed ouplex location;encrgy at the b. To calcr-rlate the avalanche Ioads on the proposecl dup J. e:< siructure; and AVALANCiI.E CONDITIONS The pro-ccsec Katz Duple:i rvill :e locatec on Vaii's 1Oth firing,vrnich.:.s situated directly beLow steep rortheas't-facing slcpestirat accunu Iate and nraintain a deep snCrvcover on certaii ,.,,"oi.. A-s a result the slope can also prcouce si.loi,/ anc clebrrsavalanches. The aspen forest on the li: l l slope has beerr cutFlrrnrr^\ i- 1^^-r-.:^-^ i-... ----^--.: ^.--Llrruug:r rn lllanv rocaUIOnS D-.' 1:reviOUS aVaIanCheS. r\ SmaIiavalancire, in fact, occurred in 19u4 or 1985 ani stopped on ti.reupper pert of Lot 6 and 7 , r+ithin approximately .1 0 ieet cf theproposec duprex. Avalanches r"ill. probablv occuf every. fer+ l,earslrere, e. Ithough most rviLl be snrall. Because these imallavalanches will .be to broad guilies on ti':e slope, they wiII notreach ti:e proposed duplex. During tire unusual or "desj.gn" avalanches with estimated retul:nperj.ods of 50-to-100 years, (a I t-t9-28 constant annualprobabrlity ) , Iarge volumes cf dry or h'et sno!{ (possibly witirentrained ciebris), will run ccnoletely across Lot 6 and wil-I stopir.r. Lupi ne Drive art tlre north end of the Iot . Jrn ava lanche oftiris magnitude has heen considered in the analysj.s even trrough ite-xceeds the s iz e of any pre','iously observed irere. Tlre designavalanche rviIl have the follorving characteristics: a. The avalanche will rerease as a c1 ry or r,ret snortslab 3-to-5 feet thick ol1 steep slopes roughly 400 feetabove the duplex; b. Additional snore, soi1, ancl vegetatj.on nlay beentrained by the avalancli.: as it descerids; ,lr' c. A maximum velocity of approxima-"ely 30 mph on theupper slopes will decrease to 15 mph at the duplex; ancl d. The e:<posed duplex surf aces r.riil recei.ze clirectirnpact from snow, with possible entrained debris. Avalanche.s sirnjrar to those described abo're occur every ferv 1,sarcon the steeo slopes above vaj. 1. They are nrost conrmon belou theprominent Iimestone cliff b.rnd that crops out 400 feet above tirevaIIey fioor on the sou-r-h sicle - For e.:ramnl o.occurred clurins a rapid sprins rh.l,:ti,r""il'tj:' ,rTj# #t,.,ltiuriiavaIanches coDtain trees, soil, and rccl; ancl were verydestructive. rnspection of aerial photog::aphs clateci 1939, I95o;L962 , 1974, and I98 4 indicate such cr.valanche! have been a reguiaroccurrence at least durinq thi.s centurv. AVALAIICIIII LOADS ON TI{E DUPLL.( Beca.use i,he duplex is within range of avaLanches, structuraimitigaticn prccedures must be used to ersure safe buiic:ngoccupanc',/ during the design-avalancire coni:.tions icscribe<j abcve. l,Je have cirosen to mitiEate tlte hazard i>i. i ) buil<iinq above theav.llnnai.o f lz-rt^r :,'nrl ? lAi r.ral.' ^e^! r^.r- r'^^av.llanche ,-'Ioy, and _2)direc! p:oi._.ction. - i.lcstffirirlI I nct recerve avalanche inroact because the Iorvcer fLoor r.rrLi beE f eet a,love grade . This g-f oot cI eara;:ce i s requireci becauseduring cesign-ar,'alanche conclitions tl're ar:aianche flow wiuurr.irg ussJ-g -d\tqrJ.d,nslte concltEJ.ons tl'Ie avaraitche ilow will !:e 4feet dee.o and w:.LI be flowing on a 4-foot ieep snov.,1rack. The . dir-ect-protection nrethod involves designing certain builc.ingwalls for avalancl:e Ioacls so that tlre uuiteing rviil not sui-ferstructureL danrage when it reqei,'res inrpact ironr the clesignavalanci:e. As 3hor1n on Figures r and z; i5 wal I surf aces, ( ;;,,through "f " ) anci -a.11 of the e:<posecl pirrars rviII recei.ve inrpact.The magnj.tude, dj.rection, anc other detaiis of the impaci areshcwn on Figure 3 and Table I. r' a<lditio:: to normar aiJ ir-,u",loads (Pn and Py) on vertical surfaces, tire bridqe connectinq thegpper and lorver units will receive uplift of 200 lbs/ttZ. it i"importat:t to note that the inrpacC heigirts are, in g"r,ur.i,greater than the B-fooc heigh,t of the snorvpack + fIo-w clepth.This is true because avalanche ciebris rvilr' cI imb verticarry -iinen 1arge, flat, rigid surfaces are encountereC. The mitrgation options chosen rvilr ensure that the protectionstructu:e rvi 11 not divert avalqnches torr'ard ad jaceni property.Deflect:.cn ift tvelocity is only I5 mph, therefore avalanche ciebris r,rili bestopped by the. builging a'd rvill be compressed against theex.posed uphirl walIs. l,therever an gjfoot cIe-arance ismaintaine<i, avalanche irnpact wiIl be avoidei. The 'roais shou ld be treated in rjcs-ign as i:lg:rct l oacls. The loacjson each exposed waI I surf ace rvi r I incr:dEsE-f rom zero Eo the 2 maximum. specif icd in TabIe I in 0.2-to-0.5 seconcrs. As noteclabove, the avaranclre f row that impacts trre :vir I may "ontaii ;;;.,trees and other soil. ancl vegetatrve clebris, tlrererore pornt loaclsma)' be concentrated at Iimited ar:eas on ez;r,rr.o r,ralI' =urf u.u..This means tha t soure avalanche d.anrage tnoy 6""u, even though thesurf aces are designed f or avaranche Ioads. t't'te ob jective ii, tt i"building design is to ensure that major urru"turul failure doesnot occur arrd. occupants of the buiidinE are not endangered.These- objecti'es wiIl be obtai'ed if rhe Ioaoing "iit"ir"specif ieci here a:e usecl in desicrn. 4 AVAINNCI{D IIAZARD The_ Katz cuplex is rocated in an area of ra!e avalanches thatrvi i I reach the bui Idi.ng locati-.n only one ti:ire- every 2 0 years orI'onger, on the e'zerage . .the steepe.f s roprs above the buircr:ncho'ever, ivill produce smaller avaianche" ".iu-?r"t"unir;;-;-;;:lthat. is not important in building desigi, L; that should be :::::9"r"d rvhen u sing rire surrour,6ing tJ:::'arn- during winter ancloL,rtrrl9. construction w':-ihin avalanche terra:.n r.,':-i ar.!r,ai,s lncrease theoverLlli i.azard aid ilris is no e:.lcept.ion. Trere eiiists sorne sinaLlpro!>.abi1ity t,.a-t the persorls orle ,,+is!:es io prctect vrit, aspeciaLly-desigr:ed str:ucture i,rii I be ort..cu "ilo,., the avaLanchc.occurs- Secause the probabrlrt): of a pe::on being buried ;t-;"avaLanche outsiie but near the building .i- ="uff, Town of VaiIordinance permi;s building in are.ls -of rnf requent avala'chcactivity- Horve\rer', the hazarcl can be fr-rri:.:e: reduce<i throuqh a. sel f ecjucation about the avaLanche p::ocess, b. obtaining informaiion aboutr.nnAi {-.i^-^ ^-ll.IrJlI5, q.llu iocal avalancl.re c. responding The steps (a - c)bui Id in ava Ianche properly to of f icial a,.-alanche rvarnings. should be ta)cen by al i those who in-.enc.i toareas. S)rbmitted byI).t'l I ^v#.t?: Y,; Aval anche-co r ,tl VV\.9QlJ ars, ntro I att cr i noa r -") oo/.'" ii '':-' \.---- ),+. ,. IrICUliu 1. Surfaccs r:::pcsurl Lo avala;rclrc foaclc. I I I '\= ..1;.\ l'.- --'i Plan vlorv of pr.opcctlcl l(aL:: r.ocldoncc. I\- l.!l- --- SC.\T,I,..., 1,, - 1t\, -'--i '"\. --+1j SC;\LIi: 1"-10' r -r:.- J_*?il' -" -l-- '--)..!,'; -'-'i_ ,/,'._ ' ,-r----x.. I i \ .r' z-1.-\. - _r.i-,'.- *F 1i-*- --_ t-*/-: i:--1;-----.--je-' ) i' j::.::i$*=\=I]Iii-_l'=-ttti i*S iy :-a=.:r:=r==-r:1";ai.;'jl -,. -''',.: - -,' \-Q-=*-++-.=fle. -'- "' i- ' -=l-l - =-/ ;:=- - -l -5-l ,i) i - --- *-."J-/ .i-r-1.-: l-==i- _:: L r-..._..-. ..-_ i ''i'_/"- _ iiii' i.-j"i '- ti iit.iii" li rii .-,i p_^*,il ,., {l-.i :-----,:.i[j: l$|.'i ,:'ti' -.\iiiii Ihr\f - Il ,,'.1.i?- ..- \i:ili i''rillt1i:5;-">r--- ...'-- i- -tl . I rit il Li ----r *ii -.}l;--drit .-'. :-' ,F;h---.-: ---j-----liil.ii i il o $ , :.rl_: v -.a.- l;i=+!.-2'2' ii-lr":=E. r:Tr:illgiii r:' 'j I -- l-7,- i "g'"t ij iiii '' "''!.l__qi: -- i7-k5..t -:: .*-.- ll ij L'ii_,..=___ =ii4+L_=j lil _ -;." - \' :i. rr \\ 0t \.-- )\ a:\$() .: s;\:'.' c. ;: \ (' ,i 11,$r!',h. ri !:.{\ \j' !. i I| ,-r j 'rr, .s t I I I I I I I ',q o(ric){o:cH .- l- v c? t:-ji... :r I{) lN ts.fOo<'\A'(J1 ',HEc)<i'.t bb-ii..J<aoP.:j.oots(odXa.H.P5 IlOtn |lJF'D -Ap H' .FP'cfo5P.o9,tJJ<ts. p, n,O\HP.trpl.Ja5IT'FO hOl0rl atbluf) 6 rl .Ug!!g-]. Dirccbtotrr lttd tiisUrlbubionu of nornal toaa (?n) and vexticat shcar (Pu) on xall sur-face s tdentlflecl ln lr!6ures 1 and, 2, Assune ?.,, = 0.J ln at ali. points. Load nagnitudes and irnpac-b heigh'.s, H, are given in Table 1. Grqd e T;\?LE I'lagni'bude s of na:<it;rutn ? anclll i1 b c d 1'l:\LL e I p (pllLars) (Pitlars receive uniforn load) I'lax. P )60 Lbsftt' 410 'r 360 ', 410 260 260 t' l|.10 13.1 LJ.t L2.7 L).1 rd.? 70,2 8.0 f+ f* 1t tr.L ra'.'l! I ' efl'd 1dAFSLF t.loit'{f0 o USHdOISIUHS tJDBi AV.F'tr eEEI-91-dUt^l IE'd Froposed fnsured: F66l 9rF =tt, LTAUcoMM SCHEDUIJE rMENr \-/ %o,_ rr/4 L. ,.1 t' /.,; o lg,gi . . Application No, v17257 gh:EI Hflt4 g6-9I-HHtl r'pr Information Onl-y . LOT 6 VAIL VILITAGE 1OTH - Charges ALTA O$rner Policy , g.t76.OO Tax Certif. g20.oo_torAl"-- .9796.00 With your remittance please refer !o.VI^72F7. , Effective Date: JuLy 15, 1991 at SIOO A.M. Policy to be issued, ancl proposed Insured: IAI/TA" O\nrner's Policy 1"987 Revision (Anended 1.990) $530,000.00 CHARLES DAVTD SMII'II the lan d,descrlbed or referred to inthis Comrnitnrent and covered herein is; A Fee Slmpl-e i xte or interesti"o.rur*u'nerein is at the+g *9 \effective date hereof vest,ed in: . ' -''- MICHAEL L. KATZ ANd VALERIE The ]and referred to in thisfollows: LOT 6, VAIL VILLAGE, PLAT THEREOF/ COUNTY describecl as , ACCORDING TO THEOF EAGLE, STATE. OF COI-,ORADO. RECORDED (Requirenents) Apptication ':following are the requirements t9,.he eornplied with: Paynent to ar for the account of, the gtrantors or mortgagorsthe fulI 'consideration for the,eslatelo: interest to 5e-inSured.. ,.'.i . Proper instrurnent,(s) creating Nhe estate or interest to beinsured must be executed and dulf'F{fe$ for record, to-wit: EVIDENCE SAfISFACTORY TO THN COMPANY ?HAg THE TERMS, CONDITION$ AND Na. V17257 :. in* i' . ! of TOWN OF VAIL.TRANSEER IAX HAVE BEEN SAfISFIED. I^TARRANfY DEED FROM MICHAEL L. KA?A And VAI,ERIE }(ATZ TO CHARLES DAVID SMITII CONVEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY } RETURN al t, i:ilri riitil: :iii:li ;iLi ii{ i-{j :l,ii $ i$ i$ i:lii iiii :li+i iriii 'i:::Ll .i.ii: TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COM}fTJNITY DEVELOPMENT SALES ACTTON F1ORM [A}IE nm'D i\,1,13 1 ir i!!2 IIAIT: 0r 000041330 COM. DEV. APPUCATTONFEES PEC 01000041540 ZONING AND ADDRESS lvtAPS $5,00 0100004215 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $50.00 01 0000 42415 I]NIFORM PLIJMBING CODE s36.00 01000042415 I.JNIFORM MECIIAMCAL CODE s32.00 01 000042415 I.JNIFORMFIRECODE I s36.00 01000042415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $0.m 01000042415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS' .:i::: ':... 0lomo4u48 BLUE PRINTS (lvfYI-ARS)$7.00 010@042412 XEROX COPIES /STT'DIES $0.25 01000042371 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS oronno4zlz?,OFF HOURS TNSPECTION FEES 010000414t2 CONTRACTORS UCENSES FEES L':il ti :,i ::: :il :l i,;: 01000041330 OTHER FEES 01000041413 STGN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 0r m00 01 0n00.42440 \t"IC Art . Prol ect Donatlone I or 0000 41331 DNSTCTiI RIflgTF,I' BOAND FEE!i i\!-1.)f (" f1 e6ffiffi1 \\\r\\\ I6H REUIEITI ?6Et.6g Cf,ount peid Vour r:ssh STEPHHiIIE KRI.I COHSULTAHTS, I HC.P-@2 tiKRM coNsurrANTS, lruc. P.O. BOX {572 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 lgoSl s4+9391 FAX 949-1577 FIELD NEPORT TO: IqMr 4 Aegccrrras _ Aa. Eon 5d55 ,. _ rlt tt_, +a btr_tEL I ATTENTION: 6AR"Y gq#EOhJ ,,-, f,HOJECT! DATE: ARHIvE: I r:go A,M, DEPABT tz; lE ev WEATHERI -- RAIHINc' JOB tluMBERr 4zoz-oa FEESENT 41- 6lfe: glM MG6HEE , M41T DFAtf I A:.,' Vf€lL, Mfr, 6MITH Fdu4H FR MIU4 ta 10fo CrtrrtFtFTF. THE FaLl.ohltHq ITEME NBFE NDTED 'l. Sot-fp aLo4rfHq 4.|- EE M dNtr coLUMhl EEAEIN6T LOC+{TIoNS HA$ Nor FEEN CAEEIFtr TFBOUqil 71r THE FOU|VtrA?ION, ?r THE THIEF FLOAE^ trFelc JOTBT.$ OVFF ?HC FEDEFT'II$ ,4f Tt{E FA6t FIDts OF 7H'E SUILPIN€N FEqUIEE A gIMFFON ^NE FFAMIHq ', crrP HleH 6lbE oF E,qd:Ff {o,3T AT :}le 6.L, E,g.A\4, NA|L ta TflE q,L, BEIM w/ tit; |.lAltE. _grrHE gb xte ts*te*|on Dsst HE i4 AT THE NF6T BHb AF\ trtF THIFtr Ft#E REeurBFa AN lrDHtr,oNAL srEErL ANqug A'r EA4$ EilD ldrTl.{ a/+'0 X 5rtalp^t.J6t0}..l ANgHoE TA THE cON(FE:re rauNbATl0N t^lALbs,' crnfr€ahleE1 FRAMIN4T A|"FEF.E6 f0 bE 6^?'$Frt6t0[ry. l COPY TO:SlGNED: KRII COHSULTAHTS,I HC.P.ett KRM coNsuLTANTs, rNc. P.O. BOX {E72 vAlL, coLoRADo 81667 (3031s4s€391 FAX 94E-1677 LETTEN OF TNANSMITTAL DA,TET . ,, tt/#/,q?- ..,,.- ATTENTION: t t,- t-Ft (,rfil!4| PROJECTI WETRANEMTTHEFEWTHTHEFOLLOWNGffEMS: lrMAIL tIOvffil{tcHT !{reX r t orHER COPIES! DE$CRIPTION: I FF.At4,lN6 PEPosr .,-, ,.,-_ BEMAHK3: JOE NUMEER! EIGNED:ooFfro: The ltens below giving a permlt Please eheck off FINAL PLT]MBING ETNINSPECTIoN' s COMPI,ETED --need to be cornplete before a final C of 0. in the box provlded. ol I I DATE: I FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAI, DATE: /* ),,lra FIIiAL BUILDING EAST SIDEI WEST SIDE: DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY .T ILL l \ No T00 ,-kl * I I I 6)( uet; t' 'l brL/, I6H REUIEITI ?6Et.6g Cf,ount peid Vour r:ssh STEPHHiIIE KRI.I COHSULTAHTS, I HC.P-@2 tiKRM coNsurrANTS, lruc. P.O. BOX {572 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 lgoSl s4+9391 FAX 949-1577 FIELD NEPORT TO: IqMr 4 Aegccrrras _ Aa. Eon 5d55 ,. _ rlt tt_, +a btr_tEL I ATTENTION: 6AR"Y gq#EOhJ ,,-, f,HOJECT! DATE: ARHIvE: I r:go A,M, DEPABT tz; lE ev WEATHERI -- RAIHINc' JOB tluMBERr 4zoz-oa FEESENT 41- 6lfe: glM MG6HEE , M41T DFAtf I A:.,' Vf€lL, Mfr, 6MITH Fdu4H FR MIU4 ta 10fo CrtrrtFtFTF. THE FaLl.ohltHq ITEME NBFE NDTED 'l. Sot-fp aLo4rfHq 4.|- EE M dNtr coLUMhl EEAEIN6T LOC+{TIoNS HA$ Nor FEEN CAEEIFtr TFBOUqil 71r THE FOU|VtrA?ION, ?r THE THIEF FLOAE^ trFelc JOTBT.$ OVFF ?HC FEDEFT'II$ ,4f Tt{E FA6t FIDts OF 7H'E SUILPIN€N FEqUIEE A gIMFFON ^NE FFAMIHq ', crrP HleH 6lbE oF E,qd:Ff {o,3T AT :}le 6.L, E,g.A\4, NA|L ta TflE q,L, BEIM w/ tit; |.lAltE. _grrHE gb xte ts*te*|on Dsst HE i4 AT THE NF6T BHb AF\ trtF THIFtr Ft#E REeurBFa AN lrDHtr,oNAL srEErL ANqug A'r EA4$ EilD ldrTl.{ a/+'0 X 5rtalp^t.J6t0}..l ANgHoE TA THE cON(FE:re rauNbATl0N t^lALbs,' crnfr€ahleE1 FRAMIN4T A|"FEF.E6 f0 bE 6^?'$Frt6t0[ry. l COPY TO:SlGNED: KRII COHSULTAHTS,I HC.P.ett KRM coNsuLTANTs, rNc. P.O. BOX {E72 vAlL, coLoRADo 81667 (3031s4s€391 FAX 94E-1677 LETTEN OF TNANSMITTAL DA,TET . ,, tt/#/,q?- ..,,.- ATTENTION: t t,- t-Ft (,rfil!4| PROJECTI WETRANEMTTHEFEWTHTHEFOLLOWNGffEMS: lrMAIL tIOvffil{tcHT !{reX r t orHER COPIES! DE$CRIPTION: I FF.At4,lN6 PEPosr .,-, ,.,-_ BEMAHK3: JOE NUMEER! EIGNED:ooFfro: The ltens below giving a permlt Please eheck off FINAL PLT]MBING ETNINSPECTIoN' s COMPI,ETED --need to be cornplete before a final C of 0. in the box provlded. ol I I DATE: I FINAL MECHANICAL FINAL ELECTRICAI, DATE: /* ),,lra FIIiAL BUILDING EAST SIDEI WEST SIDE: DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY .T ILL l \ No T00 ,-kl * I I I 6)( uet; t' 'l brL/, a TOY'N OFVAII .,, oeeannrlffil*t" ":"Sr, :uln g@ . -FIELD IIETIO pRoJEcr(LocAnony,Lar G clso tr*eqt,*l {lP ' fr l>'t cvwp iS Ncf €,Eeurpf0 F6€. rKE B€lq<c Tos, p€or fA/6. f "';-f . tf To: //z I TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS 479-2158 FIELD MEMO fr Preou{Q Go A u-s wD c{ u:oQV . rA yltc€ }40*e,erO T6. c*-roP kS 6a 'g q€-) Tiueft-JSPFT ra\a oate, ti/oAlr/ CONTRACTOR'S COMMENTS Recelved rttention: eAWn 0Fy' PROJECT (LOCATTON): Pooar+ 68r+-gr== L1-1atJz Gaa.x,r eY PQ Bctc (/y1 r r< € r TH Corr(CP €Tt> $,<:r>lrr*/(, Sc.r € €.^ eZW S 4ec Whhe-Contractor Pink-Conslruclion Engirosr Canary-Fil€ PERMIT NUMBER OF OJECT }\ DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME \ INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL qDWED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL:MECHANIGAL:p trR EMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr r'1 E tNta I N FINAI 46""*oueo & CORRECTIONS: // O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Ssaa INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUESTVAIL IPERMIT NUMBEF OF PROJECT ./-aarc 7/ JoBNAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: .f a,'.,r .' CALLER MON TUES WED ,t\ BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu pLvwooo NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - tr SHEETHOCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTI REQUIREDPROV€D .. .i CORRFCTIONS: INSPECTOR 5 {e) PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT . ) - J.DATE ,.,,,.1 JOB NAM READY FOR INSPECTION: INSPECTIONTOWN OF ) REQUESTVAIL I t TUES,- WED THUR \FRr i AM \ PM'MON LOCATION: BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FRAMING ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ' u,?2'fr a /t) ' /trajt( tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ' DArE -J+q3L- JoB NAME t INSPECTION tl TOWN OF t REQUESTVAIL I @PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:ESTU \r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ronepnov,p$ t tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 55ce t t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN oF VAIL I r-fu.-- OFI NAME r,,. DATE - READY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: ;.tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED B CT Lro BUILDING:PLUMBING: , "rrrrJ"z.i tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATI ON / STE UGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr tr tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL fiaenaoveo 7-sa - ?z INSPECTOR r#sroP -;50e,1 PERMIT NU BER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ttltl ? JoB NAME CALLER 0ol- j TUES, WED THUR CTION TOWN,.OF REQUEST VAIL INSPECTION: BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER FOOTINGS / STEEL [rourrrooroN / srEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING o tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr E SUPPLY AIR O FINAL O FINAL N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDOVED( CORRECTIONS: DATE a -l .-.. ( / t). \ 't.l \ L-lt-l * SPECTION REQUEST ,-,n JOW/N OF VAIL \,-JL.)\ (tfl,ttrr. . PERMIT N ir,., It,r" DATE UM a'?t5 Lrot runvE ROJECT CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION:MON TUES WE LOCATION: OVED N DISAPPROVEDI tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ROF BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: l,)t a,-^ tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER D tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr o n EXHAUST HOODS tr u CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL Pr?firrop D^rE llfab /q*- JoB NAME TOWN OF VAIL CATLER READY FOR LOCATION: 'Ff ', ",c)(' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: 'rI tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ':tr ROUGH / @,W,V E FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING . n cAS FrFilrra --t O INSULATION tr POOL I-H, TUB D SHEETROCK NAIL X tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEAT1NG tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS N CONDUIT tr tr o suPPfY 4rR tr tr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED q RETNSPECTTOhT BEQUTRED D^rE /nf rcf 12- rNSPEcroR #-r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL TUES WED THUR FRI A/O O d nrr,r oor= tc>fao h>- JoB NAME Sfitrt+ PFsr rrel.lcp' ' UALLtrr{Pr>l * t(EUr n/ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: OF MON I R t..tr4 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr n tr ROUGH / D,W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr tr n tr E tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL tr neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR lO/7o/7e- p*trs 57+ tr* lV-,D6rE ? * -rAr,t+au"l bC >F+veaq PA"S,,6 + go2t - IJ.L 1(eu &t% t.t<t -*.f''t,.*i:' 7o& tz.tza t7 8? , )o tz'14-/>e'n.e-Z / 3 L F,4?o ,54/o tz zao 6 4 tz 'L(o ooq l:s ! riLI:-ttll-t I +1>O 7o +4.1 o+@D o+ iD I+ VD ttrc t+ta ? +bD ) + to't.5 J7? _sj5(- -+4 1,87. t-7'/ 70 fta"sa I I \ Qn4&c 4.->4-t6: - \ \ ) t 0 +dO fi...,r, rF. ..- ER OF PROJECTPERMIT NUM (_._REQUEST VAIL )E 'l4 4, c AMFRI roNNOF DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: (. -.. I) JOB NAME N CALLER THUR BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N FOUNDATION / STEEL .,w{oucr/ D.w.v. tr FRAMING )E ROUGH / WArER - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING -)/cas PTPTNG - .,. N POOL / H. TUBtr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr.CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIbNS: oo" lt'/-{/ r z INSPECTOR ,"il"lii'JlJ 'JJT,,,, TOWNPERMITNUMBEB '/''." .' OF PROJECT JOB NAME OF VAIL -.1DATE MON "!. zrr .. CALLER TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS D FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL r_-, ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr U tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUII tr FINAL tr FINAL D SPPPLY AIR {-4i4 tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: ET DISAPPROVED EI REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR PriHsxor 55a o PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: oo',, /) /l JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: 'NltbroN REeuESr BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL N FINAL {ner^oueof}tr DISAPPHOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, /2' ( - f? rNsPEcroR 4"'--...</'\7\J )uw PERMIT NUMBER OF, PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME rN#cnoN REeuEsr tr REINSPECTION REOUIREDtr DISAPPROVED TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTOR l,) PERMIT NUM ERO PROJECT DATE I Z-- ,ou *ot. READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: ( -t1 CALLER n1 -----@"(IJ-ES, wED THUR l/-0'/ CTION TOWN OF REQUE6T VAIL BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: B tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERXIiryi9 E tr ROOF & SHEER D GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr D tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr o EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL '-tr.FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR hffisnop - -'' INSPECTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VAIL /llr,:{/:-,- * INSPECTION:MON NUMl/,t.-t I r,tl 2 JoB NAME CALLER ruFS (gfl.) ,"r* PERMIT ERO PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: ,: PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V.D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL ELECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER -tr HEATING ,, tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT NSPECTION: TOWN OF VAIL oorr$-A !\). JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUB OPM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING T] INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr FINAL EETROCK ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT - SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ffipssy6p tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR Hftsxop ffoo rNTinoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL oercf3o/ 13 JoBNAME €n,?h R,es,denl-e ' CALLER READY FoR TNSpECTToN: MoN TUES wED @ FRr G pr,/| LocArloN: ?f o ra, {l .;oo.r DR. Lo+ b tta,t lltllayq PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING rr ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING N GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H.TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL _ tr FINAL tr HEATING o HoucH ttr SUPPLY AIR FINAL D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRqD o,..e /*/J>ff rNSPEcroR WED THUR FRI fr INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL \\^...sI .4 s;SrJC) PERMIT NUMBERT OF PBOJECT DATE --)/- (J JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSRECTIO '-,.{' <7 \r -J \_../ \ I , /'\ ''U -r d(o tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. E ROUGH / WATERtr FBAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL C] FINAL iF tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORREGTIONS: :, / - /,.-',DATE .) ,./;' -,,/ ') 1' |NSPECTOR PERMIT DATE / READY FOR LOCATION: d:F) weo NAME nLa-tt CALLER INSPECTION REQUE$T TOWN OF VAIL aul THUR FRI R OF,PROJECT // ?1 JoB BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D'FRAMING ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr tr tr INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL t'rrrunr- tr tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ED T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: -4 INSPECTOR 5{oo PERMIT NUMBER OF PBOJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: I INSPECTION REOUE$T JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING B SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL DISAPPROVED EINSPECTION FEOUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES,-J.fiEAOY FOR,PECTION: LOCATION:t reD ?b- 2!)24 D"' 3 tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: N,.,DISAPPROVED B$ETNSPECTTON REQUTRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND I] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr TEMP. POWER .T O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR DATE INSPECTOR Conrez o FRtenuRN A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW P O, BOX l7lo7 OENVER, COLORADO SOAIT TELEPHONE t3O3) 796-O7OO TELECOPIER {303) 79€-20t5 ONE DENVER TECH CENTER SUITE 7oo 525I DTC PARKWAY ENGLEWOOD, COLORADO SAiII JuIy 18' 1989 ffi8JUL201e8e Town Councif Town of Vail Town of Vail MuniciPal Building VaiIr Colorado 81657 Dear L,adies and Gentlemen: This firm represents the owners (ltary Lou Walters and vern and Golden Anders|n) of Lot 5, Vail Village Tenth Filing. This lot is adjacent to Lot 6, Vail Village Tenth Filing' The Planning and Environnental Commissionr on JuIy l0r 1989 ' granted applicant I'tichael Kalzt request for a setback varian6e. The oirners of Lot 5 hereby file this appeal and request for a hearing. Mr. Katz' after the PEC meeting, assured the undersigned and others that he woufd be wilfing to take into account the concerns of neighbors. I have atternpted to reach Mr. Katz but have been unsuccessful. While I preiune that discuseions with Mr. Katz will result in everyone -rnicably reaching agreementr it was necessary to file this appeal to preserve the ownersr rights. It is not intended to foreclose discussion with ['lr' Katz' Yours trulyr EFM: c cc: I1r . Itlichael Katz Mr. and l{rs. Vern Anderson Ms. tlarY Lou Walters ft .,t l( "+'u / ,81, , 'r ,; €/'7 / ' '-o-' '{a; -\A ,(t ' f' ' lPtw^t' t*! aq rtu.l,p*'f : I c-^^,td p J s f' F* A-tb'-u* 'A"*n----:f1l'*,- oo - f* 4r\t f " n-- lti+tb/t" t- A?*Lf+*ld - ol4a // /) \:i < /or rt t\r(I -\/lv \J l ,I ..'-tjt l1) /') , C/ a- -,t ) lt t L ?ii t.;- jlY, d Y6Y, t /- 3'Lf,,15 it +vr-4 lno s*d s-o o Lo u-t-- il^.( >-4 fL'r4 /-/ i( a' +=-l , /- z?(0,) ( .. r-- - t ';.k v {. ,'), ttr.d-.f <_' ,- J,J z( ro : 3\- ?x36 z t''L t-y' -{ -z-strl }'u..,'<'.- \ i,JJ. J - ..- L z'-1$ /{'-3L 2- r' x.( --Y:-:-;;?r'.. , a.: 4"- e".$E 7.y,r 1orL fx""L a'fo^*)^ -/-+-i z r<J CrP-s) - -- ,lv i; ..-r-'--u- I ts-L<.'\: U4A \ 1fu i.L"' ftLfeLrr- lyi' z' a' l-- ? -4>' Ua /'.,t- /* ) i t,-/ f- -f .-t /L-u -* ,.:l 81,.i,.; -L, ,,,.--, c<-j.-- /. JI.,4'- /(,r(.^lUJ ,.", '!l t, t 'fo (-l^a!l c lf_ v-L-,/. I fit-t--_, ' c> /-( '""\i -,) ," " i". / v -?|}t?-c44, 3Qs')7 a€[:oe-a- --o 3 7 J-')/rc uzf {L 7 f . ,/-yo 3. ca d lu-'-l4,z- c') 5 s- {^, r- /f,vt x ,( /1. r VI y'( 3,6) ,1, /r r ,{u/.0U,r / ,r4 /)/laua*o G') :/ t'/ ...- '4 e ('o1 3TCt r t- I /. ;l-0,,, r. (-a u-c.-. c-.-*-. +4s /l /7 v / L. x f't' l4-f . 4 x 2) ! nltr ?,.//, z- F, T x s /rn 3 ys^. r 7 3 -tr./ /0 L 7tc F S,y:r>-/ qn"fr z-/ /r /f ,? rf {oc,L 3 F o'o /os. d x .3 / Y-- t'd ) 7o) ,< .i jz >,t,1 ( 2_ f f (- (- tLt,v- d,,i L,cl' 3 l,J -- 3.J- > f 7.:- -- / 3.s- ' 'l 1 .'C) . o /7o(-zs ,..ot rl ,\ 75 south trontage roed Yall. colorado 81657 (300) 47$'2138 (300) 479.2139 oflice of community dryelopment July 28, L989 TO: PROPERTY OWNERS ANTACENT TO IOT 6, VATL VILI,AGE 1OTH FTI.,,ING RE: DESIGN REVIEW BOARD MEETING The above property wiII be heard at the regularly scheduled Design Review Board meeting on August 2, 1989. The time of the meetinghas not yet been set, but will be known by Monday, July 31-. Thiswill be an afternoon meeting. Questions concerning this hearing may be directed to (303) 479- 2L3a - In addition, the owners of Lot 5 have appealed the PEC decision onthe setback variance and this r.lilI be heard by the Town Council onthe evening of August L. Iro* "o.r*"rr on""oo *"out Request form must be gj-ven to the Secretary to the Town Manager by8:00 A.U. Thursdays 4n1,. Cpn, /)<u _ Meeting --T6EGsionI. Iten/Topic:/rl4a aly'x / /- //u / 4- / g:d.L C o-a< at a) A '/) | re Jt ry,no a- rJ+//"L ,"A'/T'l'V' II. Action Reguested of Council /z. r-o r- oh ,t/ lil " " s+^t'-tz- f€L IIr. Background Rationale , /.,ttoo.-f-.rrr--*"-t', (J.^r''\44 J/, if e'ff";2 (V.^o a"/7'ccn'-t/'J. d / ^n Jl ,/oi':i^:;':fr n-+Ao'o'J^- Mn9 o^pfr, 'i.'*-)i";t +"!f -;5"n''^ *- ' +/' /' fr 04 'u,o +1.!, "^-Jr, ,/- t^' 6 .tL*i'/ ' Eofi 'O zt''fLa'(( *aztia-u-c2'e') t n t t1 r- ol-o-l 1, q oulo fr''u( /"i ^S / 4. d a^n'a' /"- f€L v o't'e' #l,i;i; *"#* H^'{;:- ("+, orn--r ".-.t r ff"H, *.,, ,,,1U +L leL i!4e,.oe/, "trn-' V. Assurances: (_Legal , Engineering, Finance, Date: I Evening PtZ &t cl,n.o. , Uo:/ 0,1("v* outside Professional) M I NUTES VAIL TOWN COUNCIL MEETING AUGUST 1, 1989 7:30 P.M. A regular meeting of the VaiI Town Council was held on Tuesday, August 1, 1989, at 7:30 p.m. in the Councjl Chambers of the Vail Munjcipal Building. MEMBERS PRESENT:Kent Rose, Mayor John Slevin, Mayor Pro Tem Eric Affeldt Michael Cacioppo Merv Lapin Gail Wahrl ich-Lowenthal Tom Steinberg None Ron Phil1ips, Town Manager Larry Eskwi th, Town AttorneY Pam Brandmeyer, Town C1 erk MEMBERS ABSENT: TOWN OFFICIALS PRESENT: B. Ordinance No. 15, Series of 1989, second emp'l oyee units in Lionsridge Filing #4. C. Ordinance No. 18, Series of 1989, second tel evision comnun i cati ons . The first order of business was a ten year employment anniversary award to Glenn Moore, a Fire Technician at the Fire Department. Ron Phillips gave background information on Glenn, and presented him w'ith a Town of Vail belt buckle. Dick Duran, Fire Chief, said a few words regarding the hard work Glenn has done over the years and how much he appreciated h'im. The next item was a consent agenda for the following'i tems: A. Approval of the minutes of the July 11 and 18, 1989 meetings. reading, an ordinance al'l owing reading, concerning cable D. 0rdinance No. 19, Series of 1989, second reading, granting a five year cable television franchise to Heritage Cablevision. E. 0rdinance No.20, Series of 1989, second reading, concerning the issuance of local improvement bonds for the Booth Creek Local Improvement District, and reflecting the interest rates presented and accepted, purchase price of the bonds, and purchaser name inserted in the ordinance. Mayor Rose read the full titles of all the ordinances. Larry Eskwith noted one change on page 6 of the franchise agreement. Eric Affeldt commented on one paragraph of the July 18 m'i nutes. Merv Lapin made a motion to approve all items in the consent agenda, which was seconded by John Slevin. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. The third subject was an appeal of a Planning and Environmental Commission decision to approve a setback variance on Lot 6, Vail Village 10th Fi'ling (950 Fairway Drive). Betsy Rosolack gave background information regarding the vari ance request, noting the PEC vote was 5-1-1, with Diana Donovan oppos'ing, and Jim Vie'l e abstaining. She then explained why staff recommended approval and uphold'i ng the PEC decision. Eugene McGuire, who filed the appeal , explained he would prefer to hold this item over for two weeks until he could talk to Mr. Katz and the neighbors. Tom Briner remarked he would not be avajlable on August 15, and also, they wanted construction to proceed; Mr. Katz was planning to go to the Design Review Board tomorrow. Mr. McGuire reviewed the serjes of events leading up to this point. He stated he was asking that the vari ance be denied (overturn the PEC decision), or have Council send the item back to the PEC for review again, and gave reasons why he felt the variance was unnecessary. Vern Anderson, an adjacent property owner, reasoned the front of the new house should be in ljne with the front of the other houses; it was not consistent with the architecture appearance of other properties on the block. There was some discussion regarding variances for neighbors in relation to the Katz residence, and studies done in 1975 versus later specjfic information. Mary Lou l{alters, an adjacent property owner, felt Mr. Katz should try to make the neighborhood consistent and not build in front of his neighbor. He1 ga Mesenbau, a potential buyer of Mary Lou Walters' residence, gave abjt of background information regarding a 1977 study- Dr. Mesenbau stated he had looked at the proposed drawings, noted the items of importance to him, and that he would be in agreement with the other neighbors. There was some d'iscussion by l''lr. Katz as to changes already made to appease the ne'i ghbors' concerns, and why he felt the PEC decision should be upheld. All parties agreed to postpone this item for a few minutes to see if the property oh,ners cou'l d work out the problems by themselves and find common ground- The fourth order of business u,as an appeal of the Planning and Environmental Corrnission dec'i sion to approve an exterior alteration, height variance, and density variance for the Enzian Lodge, at 705 West Lionshead Circle, Lot 1, Block 2, Vail Lionshead 3rd Filing. Knistan Pritz gave background information regarding the two variance requests made by the Enzian. She reviewed the criteria used in looking at the variances, and explained why staff recormended approval of both variances, with two conditions: 1. An employee housing unit shal 1 be provided within the building. The employee housing unit shall have a minimum square footage of 400 square feet. The owner shall be responsible for submitting an employee housing agreement to the Commun'ity Development Department before a building permit will be released for the portion of the remodel . The employee dwelling unit shall be restricted per Section 18.13.080 B. L0 a-d. This written agreement shal'l be submitted to the Community Devei opment Department and Town Attorney and approved by the staff before a bu'i lding permit is issued for the project. 2. The three new accomnodation units wi1 I have gas fireplaces per Town of Vail ordinances governing fireplaces. Kristan noted the Planning Comnission had removed the employee housing requ'i rement. Jay Peterson, nepresenting Alma Equities Corporation, the applicant, explained why the employee unjt was not acceptable, and briefly djscussed parking. There was some discussion regarding Commercial Core II zoning, and Counc'i l's need to look at changing the zoning. Council directed staff to bring the zoning problem back to Council in the near future for changes. There y{as then some discussion regarding parking needed for the restaurant and hotel , and landscaping. Mike Cacioppo questioned the lowering of square footage of the meeting rooms, and was disturbed by the plans to take away some of the parking. Kristan reviewed the empioyee housing cond'it'ion, and stated the PEC did not agree it was a fair request; that was why they pu1'l ed the condition. Merv Lapin made a motion to uphold the PEC decision based on staff recommendation, with the fo'l |owing conditions: the uses will be residential only; employee housing would be provided in the building; a charge of $5,000 per park'i ng space would be applied for each space taken away; plus the two conditions recommended by staff (shown above). After some discussion, Merv included the size of the employee unit would be no less than the size of one hotel room. Eric Affeldt seconded the motion. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. Tom Stejnberg requested staff to review the zoning and bring the issue back to Council. The fjfth agenda item was an appeal of the Design Review Board decision granting final approval of the Rose residence (2880 Booth Creek Drjve). Mayor Rose stated the reason this item was brought before Council was because of the 2-0-Z vote by the DRB; this was just for review. Mike Mollica reviewed the plans of the res'i dence and noted the removal of two trees, while saving three. Duane Piper, project architect, then reviewed the |andscape p1 ans. A motion to approve the Rose residence as presented was made by Merv Lapin and seconded by Mike Cacioppo. A vote was taken and the motion passed unanimously 7-0. At this time, Council returned to item three regarding the Katz residence setback variance. Mary Lou Walters commented they had been unable to come to a compromise, Aften much discussion by Mr. Katz and his neighbors, Tom Briner reviewed the plans for the home and what the requested changes would jnvolve. Mr. Katz remarked the house did not request any vari ances other than the four foot setback all the othen property owners in the neighborhood had. He stated he did not expect any problems, and did not understand the complaints of the appeal . He said he needed to go to the Design Review Board tomorrow so he could start construction September 15. After some discussion regarding the PEC guidelines, Merv Lapin made a mot'ion to uphold the PEC decision based on the findings of the PEC that 1) this was not a -2- grant of special privilege; 2) this was not detrjmental to the public health, welfare, and safety; and 3) this variance was warranted because of the strict interpretation of the guidelines. John Slevin seconded. Gai'l Wahrlich-Lowenthal commented she would oppose the request due to the fact that now v',e have more information than in 1975, when the original variances were granted. Mike Cacioppo agreed, adding he d'i d not feel there was a hardship involved. Mayor Rose felt he wou'l d rather err on the side of safety, and rockfal'l and avalanche hazard studies are unscientific. He would rather look at moving the building forward for safety rather than assume'i t would be alright; therefore, he would vote for it. A vote was taken and the motion passed 5-2, with Gail l{ahrlich-Lowenthal and Mike Cacioppo opposi ng. There There was no Citizen Participation. being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Respectful ly submitted, Kent R. Rose, Mayor ATTEST: Pamela A. Brandmeyer, Town Clerk Irlinutes taken by Brenda Chesman -3- Please r^"Jao previous for the original of this DRB appl ication ut'ility location fila lrlay 22, 1989) veri fi cati on. t';i' UTILITT LOCAT:C:: VEP.I::CATI3:I SUBD IVISION Vail Village JoB NA.,\E Katz Res i dence Lor 6 alocr r J. Ll.rtr:10th N)DREss 950 Fairway Drive, Vajl, C0 The locacion of utillcies, r.rhether they be main trunk lines uus! be approved and verified by the following urilicles fo; site plan. l'louncain Bell 468-6500 Wescern Slope Gas Co. 1800 92?-1987 Harry $oyes Public Service Coutpany 949-5781 Gary Hall IIo ly Cross El,eccj.rc Assoc. 949-5892 Ted llusky/Mlchael Laverty Heric:ge Cablevision I.V. 949-5i30 .---.. I^!.-^^-\, (1r j \, |Jrrr.-\J.^ Upper Eagle Valley l.Iater & Sanic,f,tion Dis cricE 47 6-7 480 Frod ll:cIoo Authorl:ed S iznacure NOTE: or proposed llnes n che acconpanYing Dat e These verificaCions do no! reIleve the concrscCor of his responsibilify to obrain a streel cuB pe!'trrlr froo lhe Town of vail, DePartraenc of Publlc Works and co obtain uciLj.cy locac:ons before digging in any public righr- Of-way or easenenc in Che ToiJn of Vail. A builCine oernit is not a sCreec cur pernit. A screet cuc perni! nus! be obca:.ned seParacely. Thls foru 1s to verify servlce availabilily aad loeatlon. ltls should be used in conjuncclon with preparing your ut11lly pl,an and seheduling lnstallarlons. ,' *(Please bring a slre plan shen obcal.ning Upper Eagle Valley Wacer & Sanitation s lgnarures ) n^fr. 7117 IAQ ==77_.:i-=-LEGiL D::tnif i1tt1t: LoE_- nOOnSSS: 950 Fqi ONNER ARCH I TECTBTi ner ZONE DI PROPOSED USE I nf <IlFLtJ I JAer Hei ght Totai GRFA PrimarY GRFA SecondarY GR'FA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear Water Course Site Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence/Retaining "^lal I Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani ca I Ai rl ock q +6Fe.1aJ ee' s:b Solar Heat Drive: 51oPe Permitted Envi ronmenta I /Hazards : l.UIIE LNEL J\ FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZOiiE OISTRICTS Al I or'red f?n\f??\ s275 2638 2637 20' 15' 15' (30)(50) 20% nax 60% mi n 5- Block Va'il VillageFiling 10th^.-uo I ora00 Phon 303-476-3038 Pro oo s ed 33 | _0rl 3100 3100 4r_0'' * 15' -0" 5 (4 inside) 757 100 -n- 266 NA face of fireplace) 3600 ) ( 3oo ) (600 ) (eoo ) (1200) (so)(loo) (2s)(50) ( 2oo i (4oo ) NA Slope Actual 8% Avalanche !4oderate ** Flood Plain A Sl cpe l,|etl ands Geol ogi c Hazardsl4oderate **Rockfal I N l4oderAte Debris flow 8% N/A Lt.7% l4oderate 'Snow ava'l anche Zoni ng: Approved/Di sapproved Date: )Eatt 5lgnaEure f. Variance approved b;l fEC J!1.'r, 10, lggg** See attached report from Aritiur-tieiii-Oated February 7, LgBg. . PLA|IT iIATE.!,IALS: /nnntr\. \r-|Jrr e, (uDt tRc EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REiIOVED Eotani ca I Name Comnon i'lame Quani tv Size Tvoe ,.Fr/!r rr rl\t:t(tlLlrtU (.L,, J r.XJ .l-u-ntpg" oi' to 12" high Snr r: ra F4nfr no 350 <nn [qltle grasses 4500 TYPE OF iRRIGAiiOII Temporary drip irriqation as rertuired TYPE 0R METHOO 0FErosion control mat a's requjred until natu!3lggls 2000 ER0S i Oli c0ilTROL a OTHER LANDSCAPE rEAIUKE5 Two stone plan (retaining wal'l s, fences, swimning pools, etc.) wi th rainbow mix; concrete pavers jn driveway.and ent P'lease speci fy. LIST OF MTEF.IALS - 4AilE oo ,rorurt, Katz Res'idence aqe fiLlilLEGALDESC.qIPTI0iI: LOI e -lrneEi ADDRESS:__- =9FJ Fairwa.v Frive, Vai1,,Qolorado oescatpric;l 0F PR0JECT, ' :---' The fol Ioling Boaro before A. EUILDIIIG Roof Si di ng inforrnation is required for subm'ittal a final approvai can be fiven: I'IATEP.IALS: TYPE 0F |IATERiAL Cedar sh'i nql es 6" redwood cla board sid ing by the appiicant to the Oesign Review COLOR hi n'l v{ l,lother',,1a1'l Nateriais Stucco Fasci a Soffi ts }|i ndows llindo',v Trim Doors n^^r Tv. i rnUIJl,I Hand or Oeck Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Rails Trash Enciosures Greenhouses 0ther l4D0 Board Whi te R6dwood S4S Whi te metal color ate gray I n Metal & cut stone Rainbol mix for stone Incorporated in building Wood posts & deck suPPorts: glue clams: Stained natural Bridge exposed truss:Stained natural Name of Designer: Briner/Stra'i n Architects pnone: Botanical Name Redwoos S4S l''lhjte 9r slate gray apioe rails & cables (South deck only) "Slate gray" & n al i#:rk { )a 6 n ,N-:l I Jl B . LANDSCAP I IIG : PLANT MTERIALS: PROPO5ED TREES Corrmon Name Pjpg]q@]3idet "Aspen" Pp.p& T""rnulojdes "Aspen" PjpU.IS T.emuloides "Aspen" Pi nrrq Fl pxi I i s "l odgepo l e" Ouani tv '9 o 1E 5 Indicate height for cohifers. . (over) (i rp* ltz 2 ?,26 6l EXISTING TREES TO @igjJ-lgi 1 d i nq footprj n!. a nd wherglglggequ'i-8,- BE REII0VED (Note - many of the aspen are drseaseo,. *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees' l4etal cl ad Metal elad ,"r - ." r''\ l|i':t'i. .?1? .a .F .J :.':,;l !tt 'i 4. The following items no longer have.to be. presenfed^19.,:!" Design-Review Board' .;i€ They, however, nave to be presenteA io-in! ioning Administrator for approvai: a. l'lindows, si<y'lights and similar exterior change-s that do not alter the existing pline-of the buildingi and b. Building additions that are not viewed from any other lo-t^o.:-!:bli:-:l?:t' wnictr trive had letters submitted from adjoin'ing property owners- approvlng the addition:-ona/o" ippiovai trom itre aient f6r' or manager of a condomin'ium associ ati on 5. you may be required to conduct Naturai Hazard Studies on your property. You shouid check with a Town Planner before proceed'ing. Ia' APPLICATION DATE:July 17, 1989 DRB APPLICATION ****TTHIS APPLICATION l.lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL I. PRE.APPLICATION I'IEETII.IG: A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: DATE OF ORg TEETIIiG: INFORI4ATION IS SUBIIITTED**T** Auqust 2, 1989 .*?$i Tr,',.'- .}.... . t-t.* - t..- A pre-appiication meeting with'; planning'staff member is strongly suggested to a-eierminl if any additioial infoniration is needed. No appiication wil'l be acceptad uni"tr it is cofrpl:ete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). : it is ttre appiicant's responsibility to make an appointrnent with the staff to finci out aUout add'itional subnittal requlrements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- r" iion wlll streamiine the approval process for your project by decreas'ing the number of conditions of approvai that the'DRB may stiiuiate. ALL conditions of approvai must be resoived bef.o.re a buiiding permit is issued. : -:;i:': '---. i;: - ::1- rf: foundation desiqned to mitiqate avalanche hazard. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Leqal Descriotion Lot Block -YilUll-ggg- Fiiing 10th Zon'ing Tlvo family residential C. NAI4E OF APPLICANT:14ichael Katz Address 2665 S. Bayshore Dr., Penthouse II, l'liar!i,IL-!-3-l-3-3- telephone.3OS-950-0444 - D. NAIIE OF APPLICANT'S REPRESEi.ITATI'/E: Address 143 E. l'leadour Dr., Vail, C0 81657 telephoneS03-476-3038 E. NAI'IE 0F 0I,JNERS: t'li'chael Katz 5 i gnature Address2665 S. Bayshore Dr., Penthouse II, t'liami, FL 33133 telephone305-856-6444 F.DRB FEE: The VALUATION t 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $5oo,ool - $1,ooo,ooo$ Over $1,000,000 fee will be paid at the time a buiiding perrnit is requested' FEE $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ s0.00$100.00 :. $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUEMISSIONS TO.THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requiremelnts, the app'licant must stake the site to indicate property lines and bui'lding corners. Trees that will be removed shouid also be markld. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the . site. Z- The review O"o".r, for'NEll BUILDINGS wiil normal'ly'i nvolve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least, two meet'ings for their.approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Oesign Review Board at their scheduled meetjng and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ ished. PLANNIIi6 COI.1I,II SSIOiIAugust Zl , l9Z5 3: 00 pi,l l" l,lenrbers prescnU: lle inrba c h l,tright Abbott l,li I to 0thers present:' Larnon t Toughi I I SALES TAX FIGURIS 'rnc torcgotnt rnstn lcnt Hlr lctnol.lcdgad bcforc ma l{I n^Efi Eir l}Infrti4ryrq., .1r,s. .trrrl SUSANiY ccr:rll ir l.- ,,--t,,^.. . Lantont prcscnted salcs tax data + litfriii: i',:. r,,ii*: I l'!: I rd : : _ il,;i, li I I l* jr l;il.i: * ii: i;tl 1,, 1e i,ipoie-t',.-io,,.'Jilloidlii.lfi,:'r.Cl,,::iii';;ti;].;!*l,lllr:lli the nrarket p)ace shou),r o.i.rriili"'uil=o'i trpu. of ner.r businesses arel.,1iii'f;; ,lli'ui't,i.":i:I;';,,';fJ ;iij,ji5"x3i:,;iil.!i,li',^urinun'"nt, rEux_utul- Jirn Abbie. representing owners of Lots .5, 7, & B, Vail Village'l0th Filing - uppri.i,tion_io"'q;";uirro.t in lieu oi Io;'..qrired by thez0nrns Ordinance' D jarra Tougtril r -"ipTiiruJ iil; ;;.";"ttlcr va"iance rrasrequested by these or{ners ror iwo ,.Iionr: ririt, io-ioio.u the structureas far from Zone r. nvirinin; ,r;;.;;";;ea, as possible, anmitisate the environi,grlu] ai,''idu-ir*j.extensive cuts un,r iiii:t#:I t' ::::lI ..,meet_rhe setback ruqriruruii, iii'iiliii,*rlt,x;niF$'151fl li.:f,:li.dii:Hl.;:,i3l:Iffi: i,er j a $iin'ii8.i{ iil"y:;:;;-i'a' !"I'lli'i"ii ut r r ui itJ. -rr," l,.iili".lffiil" th lr dly ot D. BIRNKRANT Hay 10, 1989 @ it#li:,,0." iszs 1| tn*nul l,lith regard to the appointment of a new member to the Local Licensing Authority to fjl'l the vacancy created by the resignation of Gemy l,lhite, the Council voted by paper ballot. Application was made in writingto the Town Clerk by the following persons: Jim Schorsch, Isobel Schober' Krjstine Keesling and Barbara Parker. Barbara Parker receivedthe highest number of votes and was du)y appointed by the Town Counci'l .It was then necessary for the Council to vote to increase one of theoriginal board member's terms from two to four years; the board memberreceivjng the highest number of votes was Bil'l Grassie; thus, his term on the Local Ljcensing Authority was increased to four years.r-l . l,lith regard to a request for an amendment to a variance permit already granted to Bob Lazier, the owner requested that he be al'lowed to use the money des'ignated for covering'l 5 parking spaces to heat walkways and landscape the area. The amount plus $500 design.funds has been depositedwith the Town of Vail; the project is to be completed by September 30,'1975.' It was the opinion of the Counci'l that the Town'staff shoulil work with Mr, Lazier if the request were granted. Councilman Staufer moved to approve the amendment; Councilman Donovan seconded the motioni a'l I present voted:.. in favori and the motion carried. :i .l,lith regard to a request for a sign variance for the Lift House Lodge, Doug , .'Packy'l,lalker stated that he needs an additional sign for identificationof llii 1odge, since the directory sign'is not sufficient. The zoning' administrator stated that the Design Review Board has recommended apfrovalof the request for a 15 sq. ft. s'ign. Mr. l,lalker stated that he hls : . permission from both Bob Lazier and Chuck Rosenquist to put the sign up.',.. Councilman Staufer moved to approve the request'on the Design Reviiw Board's recormendation subject to landscaping being done simultaneously according to plan. Councilwoman Klug seconded the motion; al1 present voted jn favor; and the motion carried. With regard to a request for a GRFA variance for the Row Houses from Geraldine cohen, the owners of units #4 and #6 want to enc'l ose the second story balconies and add 77 sq. ft. and a sliding glass door. The.zonlng administrator corrnented that it was the opin.ion of the Design. Revlew Eoard that the variance would improve the building aesthetica'lly. lhe llqna!hg ptimr+rsiion.r's1p61 4,i ir: faygp qf .;h0 ,oquuii,.Counci.lman-StaufaF COnrlefitr:ri t.r;1. ln ir jS ,:r;.,il.l i;3r 1!.,1.; i.rj:r:... i l.r,,t:r.i!rl in eSSgnCg be,llvirln r t,, ' l,lith regard to the consideration of a request for a setback variancefor Lots 5,7, and 8 in Vai'l Village Tenth Filing, the zoning administrator; Diana Toughiil, explained that the'lots are'located on the go]f course and that the owners are asking for a 16 ft. allowance on the required 20 ft. setback requ'irement. If houses could be constructed wjthin 4 ft.of the property line, which fronts on to the road, then the avalanche hazard would be minimized and deep cuts and fills on the hii'lside would be avoided. Jim Abbie and John Mile'l ler were present to represent al'llot owners; the owner of Lot 5 is Hamy Ziegler. Ms. Toughill statedthat the Planning Conmissjon and the Town staff have recommended approvalof the setback variance,. Counci'lman Oonovan stated that he understood the problem but could not see how anyone cou'ld build four feet from a property 1ine. Councilwoman Klug moved to approve the request; Counci'lman S'levin seconded the motion; a1l present voted in favor; and the motion carried to qrant the request. @ --)cfe0A- tx^td lr-r ^ -Tli&t $o^00 GAOI'At ryu,iN _ II a August 14.- 1989 Hastings, Nebraska. Toron of Va1I, Communlty Development Dept. --.}' Design and Review Board,Vail, Colo., 81 657 Rei Aug. 16th meeting Katz new residence, lot 6 Vail Village, 1Oth filing. Dear Members of the Board: I was present at the meeting two weeks past, and presented my case regarding the above property. I will not be presentat your Aug. 16th meeting, but I do hope that you will again consj.der my and our objections. Others who have built on the south side of Fairway Drive andFairway Court, were not allowed to build up the hill becauseof avalanche and slide danger. I donrt feeL that 1t is consj-stent or fair to allow this new house to be built up onthe hill, when we were not allowed that right. It is not rightto al1ow them the small set back anci still allow them to build high on the hill. They will invade our backyardprivacy and also may divert potential- slides over on to ourproperty. The design of the back porch or patiol will not collapse rin case of a slide, and let snow and debris through withoutcatching debris ar'rd trash and blocking the passage, thus divert-ing the material to the sides, and onto the neighboring prop-ertles.. Please... consider these facts, and have the plan changed to be more compatible with the neighborhoocl. The design is veryinteresting, but it does not belong oa 1ot 6. Sincerely,fu&s<-- Vern C. Arlderson 970A Fair:w:ry Ct., 'y'ai i. , Co.,-o . August 9, 1989 qtlryr1:!ru Mr. Betsy RosorackafGnlteGts Dept. of- Community Development Town of Vail :" :,;:;""'i :- 75 S. Frontage Rd.(3r3r .176 30:ra Va j I , C0 91657 Re: Katz Residence Hazard Studies Dear Betsy: Attached please find a copy of a letter from Art Mears, dated August 2, 1989 addnessing the potential of snow avalanche, rockfall and debris avalanche as these relate to our des'ign of a residence for Mr. Katz on Lot 6, Vail Village 10th Fi'ling. Note that this letter augments his report: Avalanche Loading Analysis - Katz Duplex dated July, 1989. I be'l ieve both the letter and the report sat'isfy requ'irements of the Town of Vail Hazard Ordinance. Mr. Katz understands that, prior to receiving a building pevrnit, he must submit a notorized'letter acknowledging the terms of the above mentioned letter and report. If you have any questions, please contact my office. Thank you. TAB/sw Encl osure cc: Mr. Mr'chael Katz Yours trulv. rk*lffi A ',?l ,ob .o, N laz I I I I t t\ tl )ii,e itbe tt 7a lt \ WltWlTT,' 1-r--lFl iv"l I ltr il \I lf lr \. 5i lF \L+___\ t\ r* oa t I TO: Town Council FROM: Cornmunity Development Department DATE: August 1-, 1989 rl,l' I rI tr -, u L'Tun,''\'" ^(lru'- a-LA) )' <\ 14 '2\-/ l\,/' l.r {.J&'\0t ' 4 /**t'" '1t"cl'w 2I r'r'i'r ,.T'x >t SUB.T: An qgp-.991_-of a Planning and Environmental decision to EFFItve - - iront'5e-tbaCf vaftance -f6?-tr6'E- 6, Va i 1 Vi I lagelutlr riling; -95-- rairvay biiv".Appellant: Mr. Eugene F. McGuire? On_JuIy L0th, the Planning and Environmental Commission approveda i6--f6o'E-Tront setback (4 feet fron the front property line) forMichael Katz, oltner of Lot 6, VaiI Village J.oth Filing. The lotsgl-sithetside of Mr. Katz received identical setback iarffin 1975 dlre tEgeoLo-EiEefhazards in the area. The PEC decision is @h6-orrers-or1rrE - S;--€asrt of @ -1:' _2, The staffgeological proposed, P.E., Inc. i - ,:'' The Planning and Environnental Commission voted for approval of the request by a 5-L-L vote, with Diana Donovan voting against, and JirnViele abstaining. The reasons for approval were the fact that theIots on either side with apparently sirnilar degrees of slope and hazards did receive the variance, negating the special privilege factor and that they felt the findings required to grant a variance had been met. Diana Donovanrs reason for voting against this requested variance was that since the house is designed to be constructed in "stairstepsrt up the hi1I, this proves that the house does not need to bebuilt at the front of the lot. The staff recommends upholding the PECts decision. /)[,t, I l, r! .. .t ' / c'4 /F- "A4ut-,We- d-eJ.y I't^4- u'v+Xe.\-\-k ry , t-4. r-ilq /)rn.t r' . t, r 0 o y',{ . /fJ FuttLzt,rr++J Lr-.uj o a L-+- G w o^ +l- a-k1+ 'n*4- ts 'l,nn,"u*,"[^ --ti A .,t)-rurJ' I -r *t,7 -t'l'.- x4ret-,an7- Q"Tt '*-'a 4f u^'e4/ €- ( ('\-a'4J'q-'/ 1lr-fL<,4 "/*- ,l ' ^, 1.tr - rt ,/ ]-l,e-e-- *-*I,/ 4 ,u*JJn-L U-tz\'-a.'r-'-^c'= 1n '!' c-e'Q has not yet received a site specific report on the hazards related to the specific design of the residencebut has rev-LeEell 3_9e_n_glel_,_Leport_ fro-4 A-rthur {. Mears,--.-.-----:---concerning five lo,!s, includirlg_Irot 6 (attached). Prtof"lrg(nl{' p'\ I -.1c4 -./er| i l"l o oProject Appllcation Project Name: XATZ NEI'I RESIDENCE Project Description: Date 8l2l8a Contact Person and Phone Owner. Address arid Phone: Legal Description: Lo6 6 , Block Comments: Design Revlew Board Motion by: ,fn l',+t f,l( (li'Jrlr ' n seconded r, Pa\ [\pr"t ixvr.cn. orr*ouo.- U DISAPPFOVAL ,}'T \ I tuttl {ur wvigilN*E E statt Approvat I a /., $ M,Y J-{-,t"^ l-/*- ,,&/ oo Ll a ry4 +&A+*a +-^ 4 /-. k-'''*'*) 11 .-f--'L- -:--44 rE- e!-n/ -,ti4 4*n-f*xt g=d421- -- r r-- --"- ' t z f -/t . f -g--lt-t( LfC n*4:-_ *v-/se43-- I o __ft:!jr- L.-r.,- P.tow^ [..:ov/ Ph-x n -,4.-t'r "V;QLE***?=tt e.. _L_ Ejr=-^;tr A-e+- to @hG "- {,o-.& W 4+- 4r,*/t rnrF4* -J:, -- lfd -',r t '^,!]{ ry-r;!ft#.#;=r-4,8 rt --*,}' J - rv IL ^,,t- )-+,..--- >n-- J h-1 u.-rf "r-"---<t pU */ o /t, ( I lv*- /'\ -%--((1J-&-,fia tyry, t1 TT t^lrN'L- O J,r:JY_,t-,b14, t (c/.4\" +*,/ S1.* _ a 'r''C/ o'! ltrf " o-r4 * i< y,a ?. --tl tn n \r - L"*t )4'-/'t--LWY rf ftV4tu;r&r_ - 1n /o l-\ u "{i :- / a-, -z n- -0.. 2/t'4- lli{$\ \( .{,r J (T\(' \' I \ I$ K -i \3 \ JI .\ rtct.: I sl I b '- //j Sfg"rt / -+- S>x-n- e,-z 57r-P t-- {.a/4 U I(- + ----'--"-f1 I %-!4 .il A +,*f fe{ l-,*, ir-4 $ /t".-'; I^ .r 4 a>,,1 u.4-. - r /n:-k"w/ -u'tr" [t rttf i **- ^,r-f, ,..^' ( ,.--- \( l- ^,(/-// l/ll-t''*J. (l sztL h.- \7 +/l/< o ol)r /- v ,; r,'n\(//otofc "7, ",r- +*J,4 )r. r 'i './ -./, - i. Rnn4t, Il^" 1u,,--.-- ---fr2:;;/- /;4 "/ /-t r- -' M:*j ' th{"'"f.:' *te.U* &d*o llt. (uL- <r:-{ ,-,4 -*L.f u jdi( - fu-f "Ln( YA \,t-.--/..- & ^*nuo\ $CI^-( \r{,,r-r-0"* /L,t- lr^\-,1 , W,\I,n;&^- - v./.r* - s*"J- poT ry ^[ l!1 I | ^+rt^,". hJ ck X-rr- 7:30 7:35 7:40 Stan Berryman 8:40 Mike Mollica Greg Hal l 8: 55 Charl ie }lick VAIL TOWN COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1989 \ z,go o.r. I , EXPANDED AGENDA 1. Ten Year Emp'l oyment Anniversary Award to 2. Approval of Minutes of the August 1 and Peter Patten 15, 1989 Meet'ings 4. 3. Public Hearing on Proposed Village Parking Structure Expansion and Renovation Action Requested of Councjl: Authorize staff to proceed with contract negotiations to prepare design development documents for "Scheme Two" parking expansion, transit deck, and parking structure renovation. Background Rationale: Michael Barber, of Michael Barber Arch'i tecture, will make a presentation of the proposed concept design for the Village Parking Structure expansion and renovation. The Vaj l Transportation and Parking Advisory Committee unan'imously recommended and the Town Council agreed to proceed with "Scheme Two." Staff Recormendation: Authorize staff to proceed with contract negotiations to prepare design development documents for "scheme Two" parking expans'i on, transit deck, and parking structure renovation. 0rdinance No. 21, Series of 1989, first readjng, vacating a portion of Meadow Road (also known as Grouse Lane), a public roadway within the Town of Vail (5122 Grouse Lane); adjacent to Lot 7, Block 1, Gore Creek Subdivision Action Requested of Counci'l : Approve/deny Ordinance No. 21, Series of 1989, on first reading. Background Rationale: The new owner of 5L22 Grouse Lane has discovered that a portion of the existing primary/secondary building was constructed outside of the property lines and encroaches approximately 2 feet onto TOV property. The building was constructed in the late 60's prior to the formal onganization of an Eagle County building department. Due to topographic constraints and the locatjon of the existing cu1-de-sac, the Town Engineer and the Community Development Dept. recommend approval of the requested vacati on. Staff Recommendatio4.: Approve 0rdinance No. 21, Series ofTgeEreaTng. Resolution No. 57, Series of 1989, updating the TOV personnel rules and regulations Action Re uested of Council: Approve/deny Resolution No. 57, Series of 1989. 5. Background Rationale: Several weeks ago, the Town Council Fevieweo witn statt the Town's personnel rules and regu'l ations. The Council was told at that time a resolut'i on would be forthcoming. Staff Recommendation: 1.989. Approve Resolution No. 57, Series of t 9:00 Larry Eskwith 9: 15 Mi ke Mo]l i ca 6.Resolution No. 58, Series of 1989, supporting local regulation of cable television Action Reouested of Council:ffi Approve/deny Resolution No. Background Rationale: The U.S. Congress has held hearings Ioliscuss whether or not the cable TV industry should be subject to local government regulation. This resolution, suggested by the National League of Cities, supports '| egis'l ation which would permit such local regulatory author i ty . Staff Recommendation: Approve Resolution No. 58, Series of 1989. 7. Appeal of Design Review Board Decision denying a requested color change by the Camelot Townhouse Association (2801 Bassi ngdal e Bl vd. ) Action Requested of Councjl: Uphold,/overtunn the action of the DRB. Background Rationale: 0n August 2, 1989, the Design Review Board, by a vote of 3-1-1, denied the Camelot Townhouse Association's request for a color change. The DRB made the fo] lowing findings in their motion for denial: "That the proposed colors would not be compatible with the neighborhood and that the proposed co'l ors would attract undue attention to the buiIding-" 9:30 Kristan Pritz 9: 50 Rick Pylman 8. Staff Non Appeal of the Design Review Board Approva'l of the Katz Residence on Lot 6, Vail V'i11a9e 10th Filing (950 Fairway Dri ve ) Acti on Requested of Councjl: The Council called up for review the DRB approval of the Katz residence. Background Rationa'l e: The DRB approved th'i s project 3 to2. Jamie McCluskie made the motjon, and Pat Herrington seconded the action. The project was approved with four condi ti ons: 1.Four spruce (1-6 ft.,2-8ft., 1-10 ft-) shall be added in front of the northeast corner of the residence.It is recommended that landscape screening underneath the house be planted to screen the support columns. The owner and neighbors should work together on their c0ncerns. The transplanted aspens should be placed careful ly for maximum screening impact. Roy Sante and Chuck Crist voted against the motion to approve. Roy voted against, as he bef ieved the project was two structures. He stated he would have a hard time voting for the project for this specific reason. Chuck voted against, as he felt the site planning was jnappropriate. He believed the project did not need to go up the site as far as proposeo. Finishing Touch Sign Vari ance Request Approve/deny the request.Action Reouested of Council: Background Rationale: The Finishing Touch Furniture Showroom is request'i ng a sign variance for their Inn at West Vail location. The request js not for the sign as it exists today. Staff Recommendation,: Approve the variance request. .2) \il]*''$"-r,i": -J iltg ldid ilnlr'rJl/nW df 3"J-rt, 2. 3. 4. 4mr -2- TOt,lN COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST Request form must be given to the Secretary to the Town Manager by 8:00 a.m. Thursdays. 0".", 6/n Dept.: Work Session: Approx'imate length of time item will I Tiffihff6*I' *a:#,*il,]* &r; du'{*- on r't III. I I . Acti on Requested of Councj I : '1\L !*,o! cc.l'rul u'r) $.;,i^Nui{il }'\o- DPJ o'pfrutafi-lo tie. kii-5$oido'^tt ' iI-'i?U',lio?,',it i1, . p oyc -\ 1 1,, I. \1*',n- "' ;*ffi#i{n {t o- i\t*' rr^- 0.il l.r\ \,";,,.1r.r\r'.; xlli'ojrcd tu-trac4*n n* 0n,J€cr \{1"} 4lfftt€{l' 1i l; 1,5'i;'iiili;;, r r,x+) rl,:,ii Lt o rdd',1{o,.1 w, t}+ rv{ rr n:} ("t:\:'ci'-f 't *f ;ltri:][o*o.-tn$ &"at b'r.il'mapt 5c'rtnzni'prt'vulci*ua\ht"\oruc L gi*'+ed la 4 i*ui\u t*3';{,.t;i;';r$ il.,^.it *,*L.dE\itr n1 *\o1'-, &ttri}'rs' ,* *-*.:":H:,: ;i, ; :, t^'tl *e fr S#ffi i.f*it ; lo;i,,n,e(- \ \ t.*- P*r {'J";"-oAJ er.n:?n l$'{'qr""'*\a ,'$'u'.lo 34t{ b *'.{'ffitr' **t'gil*i,;; H;*Jil#.l tlt*';$ff reqtsf\- .t,,riL y&t $flfl:^1\ ar n0 $e\t ,\\t' t1h- i\r**'r"1 \apl i."p?qf,i.trt- R{ }iiln$d0t}" qn>,td d;d ru\ wlr i$ 'ti* 4i t\e- r,+t- ott'Sar as QopcqedAssurances- (_ Legal , I Englneerlng, _ Finance, _ Qutside Professiona'l) tttrv. V. Evening llteeting: \ | n t\ 'f ....r requi re: ,.J..U ilwtrl,rlJo luwn August 3O, 75 south lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479,2139 1989 ollle€ ol community development Ton Briner & ilin StrainBriner Strain Architects 1-43 East Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 81b57 Re: The Katz residence, Lot 6, Vail Village Tenth Filing Dear Tom & Jim, I am writing this l-etter to document the conditions of approval of theKatz residence from the Design Review Board meetingr on August 16, 19g9.The_Design Review Board voted 3-2 to approve the pioject witn tnefollowing conditions: l-. Four spruce trees will be added in front of the northeast cornerof the residence. These inctude one G foot, two 8 foot, and one 1-0 foot spruce. 2- The Board recornmended that landscaping be added underneath thehouse around the colurnns to screen this area. 3. The owner and neighbors were directed to work together on theirconcerns for landscaping and view inpacts. 4. The transplanted aspens shouLd be placed carefully for rnaximumscreening impact. rn addition, r have reviewed your hazard report and r wourd like ArtMears to write in his letter the exact wording that our hazardordinance requires. rn respect to avalanche, r would like hin to saythat the project requires or does not reguire rnitigation. rf thestructure reguires nitigation, then r would like to have the type ofmitigation spelJ-ed out. This rnitigation must be included in y6urbuilding perrnit p1ans. In respect to the debris avalanctre and rnedium severity rockfall, it is necessary that Mr. Mears state in a letter that rthe site is in ageorogically sensitive area, that the construction will not increasethe hazard to other property or structure.s or to public buildings,roads, streets, rights-of-way, easenents, utilities, or facilities.rtI have attached a section of the Zoning Code which relates to hazards.Please pass this on to Mr. Katz. The owner of the property must also suburit a written, signed, andnotarized affidavit certifying acknowledgernent of receivlng personalnotice of the fact that the buirding is in an area of geor5gicsensitivity and notice of the studies conducted to date has-beenreviewed. This wording is taken straight frorn the zoning code andshould be incorporated in a letter from Mr. Katz to the iown of vail_that is notarized. If y"g have any guestions about these conditions of approvar, preasefeel free to call me at 4'79-2L39. Thank you for your rrerp on tnis. Sincerely, -r | /^, I -l/. l - ^ I iifl NiSLU \ Y( rIf Kristan PritiSenior Planner KP: IT 75 south lrontage road vail, colondo 81657 (303) 479.2138 (303) 479-2139 August 23, ]'9g9 olfice of community developmenl Mr. Michael Katz L3420 Southwest 66th AvenueMiami, Florida 33L56 Re: Katz residence, Lot 6, Vail Village Tenth Filing Dear Michael , on August 22t L989, the Vail Town Council decided to call up yourrecentry approved residence at 950 Fairway Drive. Every tuis&ay aftera Design Review Board meeting, the staff has been asked by the Louncilto go over the Design Review-board.votes on the agenda. bo.ing ih"review.of-the agenda, the Katz project was d.iscusied and the counciLdetermined that they wished to ieview the Design Review Boardrsapproval. The earliest date that your project could be scheduled forreview would be the septenber 5th iown iouicir meeting. Th;;;-;;"tir,9"p-egin at-7:3o p.n.. Noraalry, appears are schedured. fowards the end ofthe agenda, however, r wourd-pran-to be at the meeting uv iiso p.n.. r have also tord Tom Briner about the review. rf you have anyquestions concerning the review, please caLl me at (303) 47g-2L38. Sincerely, {tist^n' ftth- Kristan PritzSenior Planner KP: Ir cc: Tom BrinerLarry EskwithPeter patten VAIL TOtl|N COUNCIL tllORK SESSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, T989 2:00 p.m. AGENDA Discussion of Pedestrian/Walkway A1 ternatives in the Vjllage Vail Valley Marketing Board Request for Funds for a Vail Valley Fall Advertising Campaign 3. Vai'l Valley Marketing Board Request for Advance of $11,068 to the Marketing Fund 4. Discussion of Forest Service Proposal to Double Timber Harvest on the l,lestern Sl ope Information Update Other Executive Session - Land Negotiations 1J.. 2. 6. t. 8. a -v 2:00 Jef f tl|'i nston Peter Patten 2:45 Charl ie t^l ick 2:55 Charl'i e l,li ck ?-1n 3:20 Kri stan Pritz 3:30 Ron Phillips 3:40 ?. F6 5:00 VAIL TOt,lN COUNCIL WORK SESSION TUESDAY, AUGUST 22, T989 2:00 p.m. EXPANDED AGENDA :l . l-li scussi on of Pedestri anlWal kwa.y Al ternati ves i n the Vi 11age of Counci I : Di scuss wal kway opti ons wi th Jeff hIinston, the consul tant. Town.s urban desjgn/landscape architect Background Rationa'l e: The Council requested this discussion at their August 1st meeting, in wh'i ch it was decided to not look at a streamwalk, but to look at other walkway al ternati ves . 2- Vail Val 1ey Marketing Board Request for Funds for a Vail Va11ey FalI Advertising Campaign Acti on Requested of Council: Approve/deny approval of funds for a fall advertising campaign. Background Rationale: The marketing fund, by year end, wi11 have projected excess revenues of $23,500 over the approved budget. The Board wants to use these funds, as well as $14,000 of existing funds, for a $24,900 fa1 1 advertising campaign. The VVMB would request these funds be approved for this ad campaign, and placed in the Town's next supplemental appropriation. Staff Recormendati on:Approval of the VVMB request. 3. Vail Valley Marketing Board Request for Advance of $11,068to the marketing fund Action Requested of Council: Approve/deny the advance of $11,068 to the market'i ng fund. Background Rationale: This is a request to the Council to advance $11,068 to the marketing fund to partial 1y pay for a ful1 page $17,738 ad for the 1990 edition of the Colorado Tourism Board's marketing magazine. The marketing fund would pay the Town back in January, 1990. StqflBe@rueldCtion: Approve the advance of funds from the ffi to the market'ing fund. 4. Discussion of Forest Service Proposal to Double Timber Harvest on the Western S'l ope Background Rationale: Continued until CAST discussion on 8/ft/e9. Design Review Board Report Informat'i on Update 0ther Execut'i ve Session - Land Neqotiations Executive Session with Avon Town Council regarding Land Negotiations, at the Avon trown Offices 6. 7. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD August 16, 1989 3: O0 PM Site PublicVisits Meeting l-2: l-5 Order 14 I MacCorrnick Remodel , Lot 6-8, Texas Townhomes MM 15 TABLED TO AUGUST 3OTH MEETING 2 Ridder Remodel , Lot 4-8, Texas Townhomes MM TABT.RD, at applicant's request, until Aug. 3oth Ned Gwathrney abstained. 3 Topsider II, new single family residence, ltlltLot 25, Vail village West #LMofIoN: Jamie M. SECOND: Pat H. VOTE: 5-0 Approve witb condition(1) shake roof. 4 creen remodel , Lot 1-8, Bighorn subdivision, KP Conceptual NO VOTE L7 L3 5 Chester landscape plan, Lot 1.9, Blk I,Vail Village lst, 395 Mi11 Creek Circle and on Vail Associates GoLden Peak Property adjacent to bike path and Chester Residence KP TABLED TO AUGUST 3OTH !,IEETING KPGlen Lyon office bul-Iding, uinor changesto exterior, 1OO0 South Frontage Road IABLED TO AUGUST 3OTII UEETING Flnishing Touch TABI.ED TO AUGUST awning and sign variance 3OTH IIEETTNG RP Gart Brothers signage, West Vail Mall TABI.,ED TO AUGUST 3OIII I{EETING 10, Chuck RP RP VOTE: 5-0 RP Orrison new residence, IotLlonsridge #4 I'IOEION: ilanie lrt. SECOND:c. Approved as subnl-tted and approved. l01 Schnidt newLionsridge,residence, Lot G-1,riling #2 TABLED TO AUGI'ST 3OTH IIEETING BRl0th FIIlng, Final I.IOTION: ,fanie l.I.SECOND3 PAt H.VOTE: 3-2 I Present iirn-vIEre Diana DonovanSid Schuttz Peggy Osterfoss Kathy Warren Chuck Crist Pam Hopkins The Planning approxirnately Item No. 1 The following minutes: Planning and Environrnental CommissionJuly 1-0 , 1-989 Minutes Staff Present Betsy RosoLackKristan Pritz and Environmental Comrnission meeting began at3:00 p.n. Approval of Jqne 12, 1989 rninutes. changes were requested to be made to the June l-2th 1. z- On Iten No. 4, (d) - change trskilfultr to ItSiglu.tt On Red.Lion request, delete the sentence on page 3, paragraph 6,beginning, rrsince then. . . tl ( Diana motioned for approval of the rninutes as corrected.Pam secondedthe rnotion. Vote: 7-O ftem No. 2 Are a front ack variance for Vail1Ia cant:chael Ka The staff presentation ven by Betsy Rosolack. She explained thatthe applicant was requesting a front setback variance of 16 feet inorder to construct a residence. The front setback requirement is 20feet and the applicant wourd like to build within 4 feet of theproperty Iine. The 16 foot encroachrnent h/ould allow the owner to buildtwo garages with living space on the level above. The applicant'sreason. for moving the structure forward is to hetp mitigate againstpotential damage since the lot is in high avalanche, snow avalanche,and rnediurn severity rockfall hazard areis. The applicant also wishedto reduce extensive cuts and fills necessary to meet setbackrequirements. \ The staff's opinion was that the strict interpretation and enforcementof the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privilegesenjoyed by the owners of other properties in the sarne district. Tenth Fil ;r,. t- - The staff recommended approval since the construction of a residence on( a steep lot in hazard ai:Las can be considered a practical difficulty\ and unnecessary physical hardship. Tom Briner of Briner/Strain Architects represented the applicants. Gene Mccuire represented the owners of a duplex on Lot 5, east of thesubject 1ot. The adjacent property owners were concerned. about aninterruption of their view frorn balconies and living areas. They werenot totally opposed to the proposal, but felt that the design of theresidence should be sensitive to the neighborhood. The owners of 1ot 7were also concerned about the diversion of avalanche hazards onto otherproperties. Betsy assured Gene that avalanche controL would not affectother property owners. Kristan explained nitigation proceduresregarding debris f1ow, etc. Peggy felt it was difficult to construe that a denial would be made ofthe sarne variance granted to other property owners. She was in favorof the proposal. She said she appreciated the adjacent propertyowners' concerns about views but did not feel it applied to thisproperty. Sid agreed with Peggy. Kathy afso agreed that sinceneighbors on bothlsides of the applicantrs 1ot have the varianceprivilege, it would be wrong if the applicant did not have the sameprivilege. Pam also agreed. Diana disagreed. She said that by tooking at the p1ans, a differentdesign couid be used which would not warrant a variance. Jim abstained on the item due to a potential conflict of interest. Peqgv motioned for approval as per the staff nemo. Chuck seconded themotion. Vote: 5-L-l-, Diana opposed, Jirn abstaininq. Item No. 3 A recruest for a floodnlain al teration on T,ot- 7. Rl or:k i This itern was tabled to JuIy 24, L989. The neeting adjourned after a worksession on Art in Public places. { A fegugst for a floodplain alteration on Lot 7, Block 3,Vail Villaqe Eleventh FiIincr.Applicant: Junqe Reich Maqee ;. 5. luwn August 30, Tom Briner & Jin StrainBriner strain Architects l-43 East Meadow DriveVaiI, Colorado 81657 Re: The Katz residence, Lot G, Dear Tom & Jim, f am writing this letter to docurnentKatz residence from the Desiqn ReviewThe Design Review Board voted 3-2 tofollowing conditions: l-. Four spruce trees will be addedof the residence. These include 1"0 foot spruce. olflce ol community development vail Village Tenth Filing the conditions of approval of the Board neeting on August L6, 1989. approve the project with the in front of the northeast corner one 5 foot, two I foot, and one 75 soulh trontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 47!F2138 (303) 479.213e 1989 2. The Board recommended that randscaping be added underneath thehouse around the columns to screen this area. 3. The owner and neighbors were directed to work together on theirconcerns for landscaping and view inpacts. 4. The transplanted aspens should be placed carefurly for maxirnumscreening inpact. rn addition, r have reviewed your hazard. report and r would like ArtMears to write in his letter the exact wording that our hazardordinance reguires. Tn respect to avalanche. r wourd Like him to saythat the project requires or does not require rnitigation. rf thestructure requires nitigation, then r would like to have the type ofnitigation sperred out. This rnitigation rnust be incruded in yiirrbuilding perrnit plans. rn respect to the debris avalanche and nedium severity rockfarl, it is ,} necessary that Mr. Mears state in a letter that rthe site is in ageologically sensitive area, that the construction will not ir"r.a".the hazard to other. property or structures or to public r"rrainq=lroads, streets. rights-of-way, easenents, utilitils, or facirities."I have attached a section of-the Zoning iode which relates to hazards.Please pass this on to Mr. Katz. The owner of the property rnust also subnrit a written, signed, andnotarized affidavit. certifying. acr.<nowledgement of receiving i"ironarnotice of the fact that tha b;ilding is i. .t area of geor6gicsensitivity a1d notice of the studi6s conducted to dat6 has beenreviewed- This wording is taken straight from the zoning code and :lr"y19 be incorporated in a letter frorn Mr. Katz to the iown of vailthat is notarized. If y"! have any questLons about these conditions of approval, preasefeel free to call me at 479-2L3a. Thank you for your herp on tni=. Sincerely, \lf.r)/, t^ ^t Ih-\fiSrir \Y{,rflKristan PritiSenior Planner KP:1r t BR|N ER/-srRAt N AR-cHfns 143 E. Meadow Drive - vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 Lffir#FrRANsnnnrrAL DA'E 7-/7-51 JOB NO. ArrEN'oN DEg€N Rfulfu EgeM> (303) 476.3038 ro TaWA ry Vatu Cpl4W.,'-y DEVEpp/4,nVf DEtr( Desen Reuteat fuanp) \,^WE ARE SENDING YOU A Attached n Under separate cover via f .. tt ,XP.int.tr Plans tr Samples the following items: E Specificationstr Shop drawings ! Copy of letter D Change order coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTIONz7f7-81 snEFat/FlRflAr67qr*ffriap/46v47bvs oF NFoiED xArz 4-{o FA//il4ND(row- t / a*€Ers) 1 7-t7-6q ( DRB kPPLI&rcN " (an'o/de. )I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: ! For approval ! For your use tr As requost€d E Approved as submitted E Approved as noted E Returned for corr€ctions ! Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit -copies for distribution E Return-corrected prints I For review and comment tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US SIGNED: PRUEI?|}3 /,r'/-eEsl l-, 6ob', 16' olut.,t l.|cro$rrar ,ru not aa notad, klndly ,totity u! at once. tt ,,rrU &iDa;ii o / L<t drc'(///5, -uu/ / z+5 'u, (z*..1 d/tv ' ^n- J4*, a _,'"J( ,aaL/ (.f \/c -4* - (303) 476.3038 -I6wd 0e Uai( - WE ARE SENDING YOU tr Attached I Under separate cover via tt BRTNER/STRATN ARCHcTS 143 E. Meadow Drivev vAtL, CoLoRADO 81657 LETTfrF TRANSNflITTAL DATE , IJOA NO.6lL>/nc | 0' ATTENTIONTtau- rl:Vr-r-o._J I/.-A:tz, ?€.sr a6Jcr ! Shop drawings D Copy ol letter ! Prints E Change order E Samples the following items: ! Specificationstr Plans coPrEs DATE NO-DESCRIPTION 4/zz/tc I -tt-sr?€?v,q!J, fuodl- ]CusS, fud..r*z.o^-rS Sec,zra,g I 6hz tat .)l-t AlFuc,"lzroJ r: hzlXl 1DfVPtr.Az.:,' 'nTc{- t zltldl AL2 Me-Ars 9e'?8{T THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as check€d below: { For approval E For your use [] As requested E Approved as submifted E Approved as noted E Returned for corrections tr Resubmit-copies lor approval ! Submit -copies for distribution U Return -corrected prints E For review and commcnt tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US pgygp6g fr".:a. t- air- r-aFaruS l€?o&-Z { :57en+l*.?r -f,Ao COPY TO SIGNED: PR0qfi2|q3 l@h." o.nq', rs' olail ,t ancrosuaas r.a not aa notad, kiardlt notily ea al ';{ FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Environmental Comnission Community Development Department July 10, 1999 A request for a front setback variance in order toconstruct a residence on Lot 6, Vail Village TenthFiling.Applicant: Michael Katz A, Consideration of Factors: L.The relationship of the re ested varianceexistinq or potential uses and structuresvicinitv. I.DESCRTPTION OF VARIANCE REQUESTED The applicant is requesting a front setback variance of 16feet in order to construct a residence--,1 The property is inthe blue and red snow avaranche, trigrrl'ff6bris ivaianche, andrnedium severity rockfalr hazard areis'] The slope of the rotunqer the proposed garages and residence is apploxinately30?. Zoning on this property Ls Two Farnily Residential_. Thefront setback reguirement is 2o feet. Mr. Katz would like tobuild within 4 feet of the front property line. The r-6 footencroachment allows the orrrner to build two garages withliving space on the Level above. The applicant's reasons for rnoving the structure forward isto help mJ-tigate against potential damage from avalanche,rockfalr and debris frow and arso to reduce extensive cuisand fills necessary to meet setback requirements. II. CRITERTA AND FTNDTNGS upon review of criteria and Findings, section r-8.62.060 ofthe municipal code, the Department of cornmunity Developmentrecomrnends approval of the reque_sted variance based upon thefollowing factors: fn L975, the PEqand Town Council approved anapplication for.l}iffoot front setbacXi for Lot S, 7,and 8. Lots 5 and 7 border Lot 6. Existingstructures already encroach into the front ietbackon either side of this lot. (please see theattached PEC and Town Council ninutes for thevariances in 1975). 4a .}. The deqree to !,relief from the strict and to attain the obiectivesof this title w t of special privil The fact that the lots adjacent to Lot 6 received, (/(^foot setback variances negates the specialprivilege factor. A]1 of the lots along the southside of Faimay Drive are impacted by nrlmerou=hazards which make the variance requests reasonableand necessary. Staff believes that the owner ofLot 6 should receive the same treatrnent. 2 The effect of variance o ht andair, distr tion, transDo on andtraffic facil es, public facilities andublic safet There are no significant impacts on these factors.However, we would recommend that the balconies beconstructed without supporting posts. This willresult in the balconies having less of a visualinpact when viewed from the sireet and neighboringproperties. rrr.Such factors and litefql _interpspecifJ.ed regulation is necessarv to achieveconpatibility and uniformEr treatment amo criteria as the commission deems a l icabL eto the roposed var]-ance. IV. FTNDTNGS Thg_ Pl?nni4g a{rd Environrnental Commission shall nake thefollowinq findinqs be That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the liuritations oiother properties classified in the same district. That the.granting of the variance wirr not be detriurental tothe pubLic health, safety or welfare, or rnateriarly injuriousto properties or irnprovelnents in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reasons: The strict or riterar interpretation or enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practicaldifficurty or unnecessary physical nar--irip inconsistentwith the objectives ot tnil titfe. ;r- v. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the same site of the variancethat do not apply generally to other properties in thesame zone. The strLct interpretation or enforcement of thespecified regulation would deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties inthe sane district. STAFF RECOI'IMENDATION aI of the requested variance. +L r ,.^t__J ofu,o oA,-, il t'z*- )-., n ^r, ".- a-'lr'Ott'zf /"L \F=i{ -.-ia I -l_-r^E---=-ffi'/ \--'-'-J--l- -- .----.- i'--); F'"-$ffi* -----\r,-i----i $$$ -.--.1$jf'-rlt+-0- I Staternent Mr. MichaeL Katz is applying for a 16, front set back variancein order to construct a Lwo-famiry residen". "n-r,ot e. vaitVrllage 10th Filing with a 4, set back. This loEis in themoderate snow avalanche, debris avaranche and rockfalr zone.Final .design is not cornplete, but Mr. Katz is desirous oflocating his residence so as to mitigate against potentiardarnage from snow avalanctre and debrii frow-and tha potential ofenvironmentar darnage that rnight occur frorn extensive cuts andfills neccessary to neet the set bacl< requirernents as stated inln paragraph L8.L2.060 0f the Tosrn of vail zoning ordinance rn August of r97s, the Town of valr pranning conmission approvedan application for a 4'set back on the two tots adjacent'Lo r,o€6. At a To$rn of vair councLl neeting on september i, 1975 the4' set back was unanimousry approved-by tho3e present. rn therneantirne, two z faniry res-iaeiries have-been buil.t on these lots,each talcing advantage of the 4, set back. The location of Mr. Katzrs residence wourd thus be in conformitywith that of each.of his adJacent neighbors. iinutes frour boththe Pranning cornnission tteaiing and t6wn councir are attached tothis application. By granting this variance, there would be no adverse effect onlis|!r air, distribution of population, transportation, trafficfacilities, utilities and pubfic safety. July, 6, 1989. Vail Colo. Town of Vail Community Development Department,Vai1, Colo. Re: Item 4- Reguest for setback variance,Lot 6, Vail Vi11a9e, 'tOth Filing.Hearing 3PM, July 1Oth. Dear Sirs: f am concerned about the above request for setback andtherefore I will be represented by my neighbor to thewest of me in thls dupJ-ex on lot 5, just east and adjacentto lot 5. We are concerned that the nehr structure may jut out morethan the lineup of existing structures, and block theview to the west. It is true that our property was built with a 4'setback,permit, but this certainly does not appfy to the structurethat is parallel to the straight street, for it is far morethan thaL. It may more easily apply to the east end of thehouse and the distance to the round cul-de-sac, which is notbeing used in a round form. Actually, the south side of thecul-de-sac, is a straight line extension of the street tothe west. My neighbor, Gene McGuire, willas their property, which i.s allat the public hearing on Monday Sincerely, , ..) .,1i 1 t!.tz c (1'' i 7a-'2,'-'----* _.Vern C. Anderson 970A Fairway Court,VaiI, Co1o. vca/me be representj-ng me as welLof the property, on lot 5,July 10. rte||||l||tary Jruuy ()] rlte vatl area I General Data oh Avalanch'ert' oYi*ut" ot 'rrctrc and AlPirc | Paths by: Colorado Geological Survey, \\\N I Inf luence Zones drawn by A.!. Mears, 19Z6 I \ .=\,SN '{#) '/.., +) Vail Assoc. lOth Filing (Mc Dowell-Smith & Assoc. ahd Arthur l. trltears) /, / ,flfh>H,f/ ftzza-r )11"/^& ,&.rnr/ BRTNEViT:$l*"1*$#U*ILETT'fl) @F TRANSnfl ITTAL vArr, coLoRADo 81657 (303) 4763038 TO TawP q uHt rt*tuNtpe @l/r'lqsorr Y|>-gq l'"' NO, ^n'n''on BEft'FrE kAv-z AfPLla17av fuF Ratf =;ETEA< l/AFlANe wE ARE SENDING vOU f Attached tr Under separate cover via tl Shop drawings tr Copy of letter tr Prints E Change order tr u the following items: Plans E Samples E Specifications e/78 n 7// --1q t 'g/t =1r_o 4 +q7w E//-/'-o tr Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted E Retu rned for corrections ! For revi€w and commcnt tr ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO w Horfta-..khru SIGNED: Piu,lcr zfiJ /A€Fsl l|t-, Grtur ftn 0ll7l ,t e.rclott ras r.a nol ar a9,a6d, kiardly notny ua tt otca. 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 April 8, 1988 DPC Developnent Company Re: Lot 6, Vail Village tOth Filing oftlce ol communlly development centlemens Accordl-ng to our,records, the above property contains 3Or58Osquare feet and is zoned Two Fanily ie"iaeniiii--ia"plex).9=ilg 30,580 square feet as a fir"l the altowiUfi-sro="Residential Floor Area foi ttris-property woutd be 5,279 squarefeet using our present zoning "o'a".Sincerely,ea6/"-/Betsy ny'sbfacfPlanning lechnician tr,fnr 1 CONSTRUCTION PERMIT depanment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT DATE 3-23-81 PROJECT NO.--tJ il$ i;? btr D 6rilil BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY PERMIT NO. I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III I 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H (B/M GENERfldFsSUfiIrQlor wonx,PLUMBING PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP SO. FT. VALUATION 655.25 PLUMBING NEw(^) ALTERATION ADDITToNAL ( } REPAIR( DWELLING UNITS G.R,F.A. COMMERCIAL SYST HEIGHT IN FT. NO FIREPLACES COVERED PARKING - ACCOMMODATION UNITS - RESTAURANT SEATING - BATHTUB/SHOWER -NO.TOILETS - UNCOVERED PARKING TOTAL PERMITfEES NGADMINISTRATOR DATE R-VALUE I HEREBY AcKNI)\nLEDGE TIIAT I H,\\'E READ THIS APPI,ICATII)N AND STATE TIIAT TIIT: ABoVE IS CORREC'I' ANTt AGREN To CO1IPI,Y WITTT ALL TOWN ()RDINANCES ANL} ST 'I'T: L{ws RFcARI)rNU ucrI-or}rc c{)\srRr'( 1r,)r. -t ':[f ,. lf\ j luor" rz----/ VAIL WATER & SAN. DIST. TAP FEE : LEGAL DESC.ll.k-"t=lg loth ]:oe nnue, lilason & Betty Thomas Duplex OWNER MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH ARCHITECT FIRM MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. GENERAL CONTRACTOR F'RM Torn & colltll J9!!t. MAIL ADDRESS si,1?'^i?3h FIRM MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MAIL ADDRESS MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM MAlL ADDRESS OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM [,AIL ADD RESS CITY PH. h! tr S. H. S*r'r" CONSULTING ENGINEERS Smith, p.E CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1425 BRENTWOOD STREET SUITE 16 LAKEW900. COLORADO 80215 3o3/ 232-O4eO December 29, 1980 VAIL PLANNING DEPARTMENTVai1, CoLorado Re- Two-Fanily Residencefor Mason & Bettv Thomas Gentlemen: T-h. working drawings for this project show a steer frame on.th" uphill side of this structure as welr. as throughout thebuilding. The structural system will mitigate the ava.l.anche hazard asset forth in the avaranche repoit for the Tenth Filing vailVillage, prepared by MSC nngineers. Yours trulyr S tanles H. H. SMITH w\t'/4l- </J \n 1\l,lil' U ql /)bcc Mason e Betty ThomasOrvilLe Anderson 1rt' Projecl Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: - Owner Address and Phone: Architect Add.€ss and Phon€: Legal Descriptio n: tot b , Block Zone: Zoning , Filing Ul /n/e If, Motion by: >ir'* ,1 '^ seconded orl. '7/, ' ft or-o,-,: Deslgn ReYiew Board ''l:, ,^," /t/r/tr0 ,/ DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL .2 Summary: tr S. H. Su,t" CONSULTING ENGINEERS 1425 BRENTWOOD STREET SUITE 16 LAKEWOOO, COLORADO 80215 30t / 232-0480 October 25, 1980 VAIL PLANNING DEPARTMENT Vail, Colorado Re: :two-Family Residencefor Mason & Betty Thomas Gentlemen: The site plan for this project shows the inclusion of an earth avalanche dam on the uphill side of the building. The final size of this avalanche defense will be determined at the tine of our final engineering design of the structure. In any event it will greatly rnitigate the avalanche hazard. we also recognize that a considerable horizontal force will exist on the the structure and we will account for that at the appropriate time. snith, P.E. S. H. SMITH CO{SULTING ENGTNEERS /ibcc: Mason & Betty Thomas Yours tru1y, I Project Application o"t" Qllol'qrz I's, \1E': ' Proiect Name: Project Description: - Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Pho ,on",'fl"t-= Design Review Board * r,/r*n DISAPPROVAL-,---.--{?Pe t+tt'u'l zy A P P R ovAL \J.-- -\<- Chi€t Building Official *e^4 z0nE flr[cK for SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Legal Ouner Zone Description: l-ot Jt-Block - FilingTs,-s"r/_ll'ilfuN| tl+LM\t' Archi tect D?, District T Proposed Use Lot Area fu/5ffi Height A'l'toived 30' proposed Secondary Al1 owed Secondary Site Coverage: Al lowed '1, tjafo _ Landscaping : Requir eA (,",t {1.o _ Propc: ed Slope Permitted, f o/. Slope Actual 5o,'? Required Z a-nr/' 4i Setbacks: Front-Requirea 2Oi' "Froposed Sides-Required l5' Proposed Rear -Required l5' Prcposed l{aterccurse-required /JA Proposed GRFA:Altoned i{L7a propos sL+/, {Proposed 5L#, { -GRFA: Primary A'l l owed Proposed Proposed Proposad Parking: Drive: Envi ronmenta I /Ha zards :Ava'lanche Fl ood P'lain S'lope Connents: Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: ;Zoning Administrator : ]:l-l:.1._ (rlJ ll,\'l l:li I A.],1; l{Al.:l; r;1,' }'l(o.l l,:(j'l' TUo-FAt{ILy Lti(iAL ,)liL;Clr.l i)1't Ot'l t,,'a October 20' 1980 R E-91 P_E.I qE E -o! __UAS_9.X_ &-_E-E.TJI ],o'l' N/A ]l;,(X)li Vail V111age1 ten.th l)ltiicll I J,1'l oi,l o,,' l)ti(),1 l:c'l'Two-fanlly re sidcnce Irl I lJtr q\ $'J'lrc Jo.l lt.rvr.i rtg to thc I)r:l;ilJtL A. ) IttilI.,1)r1{G lloof fiidi.ng Otlr<:r \'Jal i tr 1'ot'tnlL 1..i.<ltt i Itcvi.<riv ]i r>lt rcl l,lA'l'lili l.AL.'i : Ira ss c i. a SofJlit.s \Tindorvs 1,iin dovr Irlm I)o<-rrs Door Trim llirnd or I)c<:1,, Rails Ilucs 1rlaslr j ngs Clr l rnn cy *; 'fras-;lr Ijnc J or-;urcs Grc crrhou sc:; Otlrr,'r *olynplc staLns. shall be D. ) ' PI-ANT 1'1ATr:liil r\l,s (VcJ',et at j vc, l.:itrrirc:il:i arrd Crourr<l Covc::) ,;() l:.11) 1. (:,'t I tJi||no-P;ilil;- ' TrcnuLoLC_e.e.__ Plcca -lsnsceq,- r.; t'r:t1tt.i.r't'rl fol s;rtittni. 1.1,1r1. b5' 1.lrc AJ>1;1i l.rr:Jr.ric ir f .i.na.l. itJ)lJl'()\'lIl. cftl) lt(: [iil'crtt. jr:.ttq- t | :.iL!-c:l.i.i'.1- Ccdar Shake Co .1. cl r Natural Cedar NoBs Rock N/A Cedar Plywood ( rorlgh-,sawn) .=- Flr Cedar P lywood Uood !19t1u-1_e qlazcd_]_ Ccder 709 ___l9llBplc_ ?a+-^ Cl ear *o,I_ynp!L_?oq ( ro u q!_:-S awn L_-.____lolyrglg _ ? O 9 __ Flr , __lot_yep_fg___109__ .gggq..-__ _ *olyrplc zo9 Rcdwood Clear Itletal/Hasonry N/A eatn-.- t{.t al ( paf g9. gal----- lo natc[ llo s s Rock N/A N/A N/A & Sash ' rolyraplc 7o9 lf ood Francs Cedar Posts seml-transparGnt n1 llai.-ct. i;r.l-s inclr-riling 'I'rces, Shrul>s, !l_,lUlil:t..Il-,trc Quaklng --4.9Ps[-- -. --.CoLorado _ Splu_g.-e_, ., __. S'at1!_lrj. 20 !:r::. I-L./lLt' -o:-1lo-'ftt. o ST4ocroa+u Destq $ Qr.6sL67r\t sFFF ooo600 FCirt cl(\r(\ct c.| a.{ i'tt-l Fe" Tfuo - F,tantuY VAru 1fir-rr14€, Atrs.o Rs: rDarcc- l\Tl,t fiur.rt Lof G E ft,r. . B"-Trv -l xr^a R t T3Y S. H. Sr,tt CONSUTTING ENGINEERS I425 BRENIWOOD STREET SUITE 16 LAKEUOOO, COLORAOO 80215 ff'l#-l ?q};;q dte$ o !FF oo9|a0('Faa at (\t (\l c{ lr cr t. a ? 4. t- 6. 7. f. I. 16. il. le. rt t+. rt, l(.. l?. i\. rl Lo. Ll. ?7- ' _-[-rrl b EX S"o.re..7 Dqsr<nr D+rn Bur q. N-s s6r-To.J I A,tat*,.x.as' LDt5. Av A.,c'.rc,e,E S"r.o,..r5 { Ovecfu,r.-rug " L.^or.r49 C R..P 'l F-.r. Co*r! r..r -?.. - D e+rr: t-o*e : rA-" F F&+?t^,'{t \e-s1a ^t3aO pt-or 4 pc-e' a.l rl1 Db]' l(...1 ztD r\ \! \r €, ^19,1-1,. ^1 f)u a. ^.t d Dg-:rq ^rz-D Fr-.or( 5r-ro Au*-*,...'.o !E-s,.^r 6"*"\ 6ur.rD*-rr. t 5 xo+r( C*cc- s (- A&,+< € O .t4 - Dooa- L^s ( cr- Fo.r ptrrTro p 5 otu ?ceTr,rcE C+r. s Frr-a,^ a F-j ?g:rc^r fcnne F-ts FRenE F-t- '' Ft*nte F- t rr l.ao6 -f*..rlr Igst+^l EooA- tr rl 5o.rt,r LuaLr- 6,rat Dgrre ^rrr tr flour-ro ^r tl hlrA>o -J AAp\6nr Dgsr < ".1 6 J P,*q.- A-l t, t l,lq - 1,1 b l.z (.3 ,.+ -t.u t.? I,Q lR- t.ll l' l? (,r] -l,t$ i.rs l. l!- t,tf 2,1 - 7..b :. 1 - !, s- 1.6 - +,Lo 5:r-stL 6.1 L.Z - t-,3 6.t - L.+ 6.tr '7. | -'7. L A-t o \,a>ra ^r p+r n W r^ro 3oY 6Aartee((."F L, F-."4 Co^r-o,gr 6 ?gt,..s - A<'.t! 3\t-?'t 5r --. Dtt,.^r r..- Attc- p\4'*tott- oy Tr"ngEL Dgsr<^.: ^,, uGq lg?1 So ut 1.-<- € UGc. UBG Or{ oF VArL tJ 6<. Cr TY op Vatt 1 Rep..<7tt Avau;,uogtt t P1'r91.....; ?5iForse " $1 ncDo*ru - Srar l..( Irlc o c,. FFD. to) 19?t Frt yAr,- Af r.c-. 'b,rrtt*r( Gog gr4Jr(r'\s*rs F*.. flsrro1"race.;r (o^rcrr.6;19' " (ls-t-r- Gertflrrcf rrr) t it Forrao,.r AIT<. Ti.r\ B€'Q G,osta.retro ^l fvl,,l^r,rru " aPD FDrTrc^r l.l?.1 ): tf,Q'FAvn La^?t A ') Ps lL t6 >F .r 6- iooor 'rrP (-rs Fo& (t, is"+t ol 7r ( Fr AD fs a€ I{EI + \t<'.r.{ La +of .r.{ B L 'r?s ''t'11 2-oQt y7x ifa o3l ot + '- ${o40 rlo l'( T. = F'- ,F$ .f .R :flTt .o?e rfr(- raL =7{ f,A 'ti't Lt 9.r t.r 1 *1 FFF ooovto(? n(tal.lctC{ A;f-t o .A .-wt/tTEfrtAL )Pgcf Frc+fror\, S : C-o..t cr.--1€ : Sreec : Cuu- Le r.a : l-p'c. = 3oao f,r i e-<E 9'.VS tl t<7; Sa r{s f F GRA?E AlT"'r A3 G ASrrq Az-+z E=tt= 2+ BorL Dr aJ( Se=fro ^r { A.rRt^^r.'1. L.^e,rq Fc..n W. kf.ot Frlr*-e lo ?7- Za CurraE, rlT F,t Vg-R1 tral-L: lLl A- Dr1'r" 'f ' loo $aro*r Fus g.r Drpr'{ t rot T.trq .} gfr"( = 4t Sruo"\l LoAD : GtS prF (eq. lo ) + Le ?.F Hygr(|gTeTa (e^.Zo\ (*. zt'7.1,o'r 5Zo f5f 6 Suorr Lo *o (lveur",cxc) t 6tS lzsF +telc zot- o f,+ 4.rr(a.) . ?to ?tF_) jce FL|(.$/*, zans* f -e rrlEzo . \l: f, ?sF edo F,.( I-o FFF ooo600 aiclc-|atc<N tAtt-t a Prn -92. ?sF -/t\bvtu9t,*r( 5M [r.r-s )curt"*) | = lO vALA^rcHg fr,o,.0VrrcTu.kJlrl -F{OtF1*S /.t", .\-FA ) >LtDrN({ t .. €' ; ( | ) Av n r.r'., c-r c- ( z\ S",. p I it = ?t-zt x (s' lcxo,o+o v'---f ^ - /s3f,.L K , zl-Lx = /df,7. z- R L{= o,r P,.., 3.+F ,<iF l/.? (T\ il".-t A-LJ.l-.-..{ 5o.\ D*{-t^ L7. { fD1- f y'r FFF TTI ooo,400 -nrlnnl' ar(\|ctdc|ct tAlr-t\-.1 u)-A> Lr Dr ^. < K.:-tf T* trc-t- .' 5o.,r< Gr^t, r{s€ PCs. zXr3 flr 59 ; o,eoo t ZL,7 K J.-1,1 pea. w+Li- {?.fY f o | /-oo 3 337-S,( Alo..,f F"r? t^re-LL L'1.f 15-o; O,3oo z lO l, 3 Z ' 46t'+ ( T*1 lruv'1, See*t Kerg A N-g h.t *lc| 3 ,(c--/ s / *. r+t-r- = t ,(€ Ys 7c 7+L ,,q fr \ / \-ltl* =[".)-(",t)]e (.o rzs F ' _d f_ = tL+,+ < (or-r--- Srl{ t N..l ii 3 < i3",.o, ^r1 (ar\-r* !urof No,<?r wra.$ rf 5ra-- cr( $Y 'A v,+ur+^.e-<6 . A>Or?tr.rlr- Q,€:r:z+^r e€_ t^olf b€ oB?4r^r qD DV Arc.r.es 0 /\ Rr'?rr-.-f r:, 4{rE t lrr ! otq, t, ?&(ra4, ,46}r{ S ( T. l-o e lo,60 : 98-\ - 3xzox +'1 | t>rr1fe:€\ Cnrtror ! t- d'{ "/-f, ,* € 3o' Frc, Vo^-1,1 \"-q \ Sotw €-}tl$ i>aq,ix4 l'F! -l r,- o-("."-tL) ii- . u -'J - o,-fr.rrr3x z+r + L.o*66) . gtqn &/R ft= jx31+: l6{-t K ^5.L 7V,n f,oso t,t a c)@r1gA7,rar.l rntq Mar^nr7 : Ovrntgr,or^.rC. z ?.2."t y (,-t, *,.) x6?.r : D)4<i:r >(r-{ Mo*.e*,1 tl. 6o,l ( tr,1{ lg.10 11.81 ?4,ta 3,r$ 21 .oa Az, b3 z*.L{ Ll'<'o !{;Lo tzt,z,i t- \?5 ,L{'-€/.ot-= e*-a.t'+ 4-Errtrr^rf o.T, 4ars. 'Ko FFF ooo!1 00 -6tll ct fi clct c.{ (\l -.ioATt-t Nr.+L 4--t €o.r'f"t t I '!'c F,-( "'Jc P14 G,.'< L'' " er--,e 6Lu Atc 5o.rt{ t J}Ll-,' Fo^t C?( or., ar-L €k5t " \dgr r \l 6T Fo^' wElT rl erfrt X6zf,). 3 b 7-r^ (, ? 'r 6zr) r5 ,.gi; x .7'r/ t? ?/ (rF ! r?'tY t r tzDF). c7.r-l aO tr-FFatXl6Iz- e6 (af t (t. fTzo I )-o t}r:lG?.tX e t (16 feFi $tx B f L(r?t Qr-F a$' \ ra lrF ) tr} lor K ts)o : X lf.o r I ll-o -- x 3 T.6 : I lf.r r x tl'o I Xe'4q s x4r'y.{- -' xa3 € xL] -' xs}' T?-\ : ItrL - tA 111.3 f ltl. a 5t5, 1 z7\1.7 3r+,t ls?.L lLri,o ?tal, I <\1t, o 4lc, t tre,l L'a41.9 - z.l4.1.t z9 3o1, o tA tl:.1q- J ,,[t TTVr'1rlt'X(?-- Zt' L.S Co.,q I "1l-,7< {z-- rr.rc Xrq.ct fi1.{ *"Slf,.3 Q-o,to: ?f,4;5 l(n', u..rtx +c + ?s+.tx(+z* ,l#)' - fir*u ff?e' -?qist lR 3,Er7q?tl .l,f,flzsrz F* F>,l Desrc^t OA7 ,/ '25u. (ryus /,q 7u<l /. Au*ut*ro't6 Aoso l.z eL,o FFF ooovroo c{ ct atc{ .\t cl ,-oATt-r '(L"of ! jtD F..e Var 6rsgtrolr4.-rr + ?SJ:. -+ CtrrQ+r:frk lo' o I V* r 8. zL t<LF .,t/r; Fis4:I r (qcr-r..)-r.a.*- *7" , + Crrrr-ttr) r?.r'rr l| |L -t /rl*-"" :5I..1_A 2- : q,lSKLF I ao. a o {Lo $ri {'lr3t Vo.. [r:4 * {rr' 4.tg vlt1 /\(xlJ'-cs5)xt fo - 1- 6- = ez.z{ Q- tt'+o -t 7lx5l '< LF I tl- I I i -?loFlF gL{F3F -t v Fofo /-3 FFF cto()qoo al t{ allc{|llnl CoN Eza.Jc'Tl Dea D Lt*>.s .-r- ) !<oo F SH^(6 5*''r1uE S 3o F FrLt {g Ptv qr oo D eYz(t ?- tt " 1o+ F€UT !l-'\ P'-Y''o"> +l!'rL lo" I".s . YL" 4"t?' ?'D' a.L- ts ".l. 5 T)L = 3.6, o,3: l. t. o,li . @,5 , r l'5 3 z.o r $70= z-z=731o, - Z4.tr et?u36 af (,SF ^!,/+-+- jtr)-l-rar rtU Fuoo A Caa-9c-1 Y+" PLYurorD lo"ft r €, tc" Vi'cve, r1 o. ig-c,.u>, F,..oA G""t) C+,<.p'aT 3/4't R.7 rrlooD 2X1 sLe€'F{YLS S,,Co.rC . Sru D e-c( U.Jtf.ro Ba) -/\Sc--^rg F,-oo a ($rrrx ) Cx+pl-t 7+" ?cY*'"o D lo"T{1; Q- tc " 3*S. {/a" Q*o BD 2vu l.o L.E z.o 2.7- lvw z{ FIF us6 lo frfr ^-l--- l-o 2.3 O.(oLz.{ t.{ 2.f, tnu L 1o,+ trrF tJsf "l prF l.o 2.3 2.o 4.ot.t 6 JJJ- Jf t t(. | (rt o tF lL (tF 4r-A-\,- ,/L-. brf?rf lL lo /-6 "?LF r- dr. .e4xaS' loo gup lt' +"hLL r I fX +: !oo6r- p R* &61 dl o rJ 0-ro1€ r3 ttf gr 4rr} tq.i( s jrt fLF1..3t L7t I tr aNt-5ru. -ra ,rs > \a?t tqFFFF ooo|noo d(lNcl ai c{ iAtt-l ZPp= Grf+?rt lgrecStr-e 7T A zl lL Kgr t+.tL "'2- (s= !.1 t?* (- Qoo + ChLl = do61 IZr,to 1 trsrlr f,.zzr::a a.f rtz I r+'u l1frra V=o Q i}? {P (? ("oq t D-.r1 A y, 7.s l' A7 x"?.lf M*, v\*t =t @ d''; J P' \'r{ D)6,v,.g rue D fa'..r3r.^, A^r D FLEF \r4€- Z-572 L lrx 4t?to Q+.L "z {-. S- t,Y ta /7 G.L. ?-o F. a b- ,^t t-v= NS!] - trz"I]: s q1?5 t?- - l,tlq)?3 - rct".z pri r+.t " ,loY t 6, 5'o A. f$.L M= Sv T+ N- *5 - ltr-l >c 5 /g l6 r- F l=+ ?LSLY,; 1- z1-o ..'..'.'-.---\r.rr. V.-.,--,\\.'^\-- 1 r | 2(,.1o ?-olryt- lbro x + trs! ! =a 6. =-\z[4r?10 ? 4-o q A)5xeoa : ' LD : \Sle PUF -_z: l Srz li. i* + (rcro- trrr-) x7.3 I +Z t* 417'to C*t-c- oA 5q\+ : 72f,. ?ItJ t ,/tt ,/? t Foso tE 56zo^rD 6r,t A) fvool- J"rs1 ;"1q' {L'rL' ftr oovto c{ alat Gl F oo C.| !t cl tI .Jl=_!9,x{L=h t't- TB,.rs! do,sf r) sr-eu E-..c- Ba, dr'c[+l)lf,e+to' lo" f.l:t W{aqF gLF o{' L3l!4 tJt, re ytp tao6t-F 6 J M*y 9p*^r L: 2L,81 2z -o K t.l 111:_f vJ *..8 .Zt.zR g Ae lc.4yo.ta t ll 'o( c-) G^,c . S u,+ r / F-.-B"'t 5e27. d ' v)L= too { q6 z lgoT>g L= r+' 5r $-o' Bn ht : l+l+ro.,lto ' 7' 8 K krBXro t{-'*l , 83t o1 ") 9orr* F-ont S4 La2t,[', N = 4* o.l4o +lLxo,ota + O'la = l'44ruf '!3t'tt CAra o( - \lJr.., 38.7'< R=\3.4.K W rrx 4o do" !S- ,4o,?KzL,f -'\1 rtLb)a 3:'r , l.or (a6 a 6aT'rlt Lo oA b+' (""o. t4J ?'-a+ tr8\t., +o'-L $ t Aru Ulp.-,- 1z-" ErrcrjT <;R^t. )tt c- wlugg A.L€- 8" A. No'teD, I//Altv F.z) = z-sr.S I tL(.f r ;r.t,o: lt+,-f K y 365'o : Zf3,b K ,U-l ,/; rlolt. oocln()0 at (\ ({ c{ cr a.l ,-oA3III !o It 4 7lr Itt .vt! FRo"^ ?5. 5,2 Lo*o -f. W*ue- L*t To w>,L /*t A R (FRa-t- = lt.lt r t9.+?- :26.4? ! P.4z- 368.o( , ,t- ,o 7+ r, 14? I I I orj l!lt., !tigl |l-l I r.t IDt 3L IttqY l, taotrJnl(,..- .du!; fi s: ^ll --L---L- isF ,\i1A'-, A-14-S .)5g-.-o F-oa- Ste'g Des,<,{ (A.//t.,*-.(E) ,-do: r.rr A.f,F (tzqr z) '- 7.114Lp Ro' FFF ooo|n00 (! ar arrr c1 Cr a.{t-t z-ll Ro' t,r ("rl'.)+ */"-t") z {r!.t< 5eFPq. t,f FoA Fta,r€ F-a Lot*t oa w e'r.gr AtB s.- S,r.-LL B-(.., L. gLe.-r Co..'. {o F1,.. w^r\ sI t,'l( t t $.r)+ -.o (r.r)' !fo'?K $," (-,,tc. Su*e V.'V"*Vt'z\roaa ygf t+t\L + ,.o.O : l+l.e + Po.g t lll.e K60r, o.tax 11ir1L \e o. [oo\u At 2.1'J . TF" SSrrt-u )s.*- Su,+ g FueFvrr-f : .taL+i5 u4J^-I-L (, E ^rELT|. ^l ST(.t - z*&otrz - (,o )( t+}( (z A. ' o.zs ru"/e(. st3. t s.4o ttL f 11 . ,or. 6--11 AT @ 4Lo* $" ---l t " e_rt" -t I s Auu *re,rz"o,<- l.- oR_ Z -* + [tAr,t?r^r s M" = 111331!!! yL1.n. b{r7.d a- b'g" Iot+?'t1 5' 5ce C*p"?d\ g"'1 R+.,<- 9IJ. rxr. 16. = g,tt t^r" r/se q - *.1 No arY{ E9{f / rrlf 2-11 1,F({ l- lz xci K Y r.1 :6?.tr cl( j so.-l I ) _I I I 2l-o q rr-" tlro /.t3 ,r ,J sAT.\ '.1 (l '* cl- A F,..r Po,. l, \'?- F,e.^ P1 . 4.2 Qeu =3to,?'< + rt r. f\ : 1"r>-. 1 Zul' 'W Kt{u",l,r(su.'r + zo.+ a) 11t u * t/'t - ,lv c- \a r,6'tr5, No*.".^,\ *L C tZ." vt r Ll- 5r+rtrP( 5xe-*( b) {6.rr:,o ^, G-r^r.--7,-- A- S..rt'{ \rr >uG- T-, = V, (r..r* rtr.) " zoo3 (oi ''') I74c.L E to . a.r{1 n-t 1{ltz 9r : Z-. o : 3,zo ,a' O.1x '' o 4.- z-.1 el., = zldtocc r lol' il'.{ 1J-..{ tl+c rz'f g. tr- *cGrr.. ln. o.+oxtt. s 6.* toL 1r .7\ FFF ooo600 a.{ ci c{ cr al cr ATtrl Il- o.,a, PAT.. ^, W-u- "3 6-?7 1,'t 771 |'s t !,ta ulc- 5 -',..g- Rn I- (r A,-,- "C " f Rou , f,te .F K . lnb.{ = {L+- |{v -ffi( €ann 9 \.rz @.n 11 . ?-\ FAo n UJgq(. 'J N \1 ^f\/v. l,? (65.5 + tz. r) ) fu= r.r(:".:r 2..tt) L --) AJ.r :V" ,f bL b) 7e*r,.^, c'^.,^r. lJ = Z_o o R +333.)K Att = jll.) . 6.1? r^r .)! t er-. R-1't *. o "..-, ( e. \,/u : I r ?r. jlo= z+.2 ^ /f f4r+ O lo 8" pt-rt c 5 V". .{-P. Y 1 O.1t C o -+7 .) fft. fts* 6.o r,.tL ' 1U9; (zt'e' I oaa l,t'7'? V, , z+.7 -o.w (r.z) = tL"1 t1 Au=rl-rS- z il.z"f,z - t-y o LoN tLlo-tr a.zz *!..;." 1 I jo?. T r,r,o _ = t?l, l y:i 7 arJi-rc. ' lot o.z{t lz x (4il-r6) tl- *{en-" f,. F Ve-r'''J fia= Q.rL 1,-tL f ? 1 Vs= 0,azr6lXa.rrlco : li * 5rr 7r.( uJlt-L 21 Y eq€ : ,l-o, s' tr7 7rlont{5 Ca,-r,..*t Eoo Co- a .J Ds-q -D /., Irs-r L; ,r.- o r ^r { !- G.L. lo t/q r r-'1. TqrzD ?coo * G,L- f,26rtr'/- SCeoru G-oo (- i W laY'j1 ?L+LL-- biX f .Stl K!F DLrLL = El o. 10 r4LF L $r-r-uc- lfy Q,€zVw7z 6ta /.t L FFF ooo600 c<(\rc..d6|c.l ;",llI-I A". $ =zs-1 5,Z,c Cor-,-^, { A. * flxrty rg Frc. w / 6-+t e.-".t.B'r. = 3t.*( : 8.t : lc'L % -?1A TI q€-ro ^)L ' t I- C. ,r.r 3 r^ tDrI Ftq- 5ea ?3 r.tf 4.1 + t"- ?- ,^= rcgtG'rD ' l-- fu./ _.L / t1 ' l.ct" C.,-. xf = trt o.? tr y't t n^: tq-o.ro(1.ftr) Pc-tt,tK HT= T-taA P^'" ?q.t-,1 ?cr3o3,tK { ts.rL A..lB-! : ]l-4S r.,z 1,7tf, urr' lt'(x tt" fL \ r4,!3 tr I tt - o,fS(r) . 4,r S' 7-,r@t., *.,s r'J o, +t3- K\il o u:F -€ r'l rrx r{ "/ +-[.{ a-s tsrc-+^g F-z NotT''1 oA5. tp"n i>+rr 5e -(ay u P^. B.fL ttsXal Cou. 3o8.5{ 303.1t1"gq . : f .io Sca Pq t't4 F.u tf<, 9artq^t I Sn z -1o 0r€- e 4- xt?)art A -i> ,7v t"4 l-s--,!t.rr:j (-,.F &1,4 R*rff. u;pr.r krr.tl lo-Qzo llj. e-< ltd,r roo 't- hr ar-L 8,l. 7 ao z-D1a- ll.5|r lao?- FDI v.l * -,- ?- \ '4r to d-r- \rrlcra wa..-- (*a *.--- Ja,-s) . LDr-t-LL {- /f,'o = l{t'r PLF- 1z't'o/'r# : ?E^63 FuF ' Zro fLF, +as f-g+ t'?a p-F : 118' ?.F A".f-..-1.) ooovroo Fa'{q c{ (i a.l or cl at 6 27.r1 2- ?-o zlo'ro 1S$s-o J z-o O B *.lo t*." lo ,lfq lat z1G /.+f '/.+r '/*r = /tt a /+r "_ /r- "'1+t = 4'- ( Itd 2i+ lcF \16 l?o -2.-++ 4sq ?ao o ?'t' frF t'-F l"f P r'F 9r- F r! ILX\ ) rd rg.{. Tc tzo 7 zt ,tf z- llfo gr-1- -1 Zu,r[{ "ot( t 5o 9-FO Cr*rrgtr 11a-2,,. rrJr-r-1- f{o. c B "rI ,r' ' l(rc,lf.. r\ " u(Ptn-wF.-L j"I F-A l \ 't z *D F"- r- 5<-- P9o.e.. 6.i Y rttr /+r r,,r rzi'r,. /+f Ls"rG- - (f,f, 4- ?,-'F d.- qf +- : 2,1.r)lJ) o a l.t'.'rt f t o - {tr gu F 1 Z\1. r 7rd = Jfi ? lt!3.. ZZ1 t [?L3 li?.r = JfLr (el I = !rr o Qrl t- 1'-g i/J.= j!LL= I,c-r/ 2t oo 1Ulf 5'!o Ft< 3 3t(-o (r-F . 1F?-1 y.p €-.F ts^s (l,gc.r B- U [2f en.w*r-u t:.'o:: z'D F-& F9. - ttr- A(e7,.+\ (. rrrr x (oqi.t1 tl-! ztl{. Yt 4-co : FC r3 *r zcfTy L so " zclz 7. e-.r E-J-/15 {<,o s f e., so /+ "lrt + (.3 Y 6 tr) /+Y l16+6.'']( {{o /+f to,E- X \5o r.o y. (r: tc.r) / tr 1+e" 1Qrrc.\) / $t "!o )( I fqPO ^r l^. '4 r-L Nta-ta Fa^t t"/,+t-t' '4-.\= L-*> = (f *+) loo w| Ar-r- t3 2( 2-o jr{- PuJL \t! t+-wt- F- r^ 7f Z_o z;n o.-'r- ( ,g* * f,")t c ntoo FD..r. hJril-r- 4ai se e teo / cr. r -2/6*t*J -- lL-, d L1 o'o 170 lo s€ = litz ur = *olz l.F' oz- ?tq. fof,o /,tt ooo60c' -nt{t'r't or or ctci (\t l{ )oATt-: Pt = zoBq, erF gA\\ a r(-= J o 2,1 f6"eeaE F - 3 M*t**-t , Jor^ors _, Lo,r-p s I H t{ r-? A sc D J7 5 F 5 I .L a L I z + 300Jroo dar|\aratl\l ATt-: Jor... f s \ L 5 + J Oo o 8,f O .z.r.Ls 0,o z.f- z i $.o 8,:- Jo,^, 1 Loos Jo,-t @ T...,st _/\(2aa61..-.r C3rJ FLA) = lz.I3:, I?c,..1,.", (4".f): rz-L] r 9.1f, ' 63.3'( ?.L1- a fZ.\ <Jo,,.',1 Gt -fa-ri l M et^ tb EYL Lor-o 5 O Aut F. lris-+qris- : lo 6-o f r f rp. !r-L. C.., t<. 3_,$i-. z.zr' A,-r p: 1qf |?,6 = (37. f p5Fd I ---Z--' tl. ll/r I fr.. Cr.rTrL . t Z,2o : l.! t L du1 (g: L6o ?5F t ty'rDr>( Lr.., ?v' lfo e:s X 7--o'(r, UJ r ?,f b EuF E @ $J: I(. \t l.r> t<,-p (y'. 6,81 nl''ifl f uF krrrr?-, Cfrl= O,|o t<.- ? tz-1L y zrko) +D+y Eo ' Zt4d$ L Dt- = o'8o >v- l'1 { i I @e ell\ tal ----t Or; f., e- +.o' fnara.+S fo Sv t-i F.^F-r f4e^^t.-r-Drrtt e ^l Mo^^irct- N". I ?c, * 3"-tl i\ . ll-s-8 ,-r!tf n5 rr(sx 1a (rr',) P:' l+.+ Sle 3?-q \f* 3 l.o B t1 = 3.6s * = o-\L<l-oft6n- > ( IK tV= f.o112.1 f,.!-= jts/t -- r;{- - FJ= tsc F- - l9-tt +*V*FFF oo0L.oo"a\ (\|n|a-a c< c{ c{ ATt-t w. ?v- (."^oo..- N, ( Vo= 3z-f+ ' 14 , q.f,+ '^ Kj.= l?)trz,'?i - 91:-.-?-"E- -' M a,-rlc-n- a ?- = ('7' o *'' . ta: 8.+z,n/'X d= rzy8nt. 53Y( z,aP F^. = f 3,ot fi, =- 2a }{s1' t+.+ lzr< rr-if : 7.f*Lti 31.? z4*ti ( Fn r,"-\-0 ,, L Ts Fx lY')z f)t!^. t' $-,t".- l-r!: Fv- -Lrr- Hr. tt! e,rPf1+-l-: L'?r' tcsi \"-Y q-r+/ te-.t 3 3 'tFPsr J It.7-l- z4 o- F !9. z o,L-7 1t.a Fv aA trJ f6 +o L . ll'7 9r' l!.r \rX t 3'f a . art = 7.a* 4'- z Lz.oF/ tt.1 : f,.zz +L= lcyi-lTltcr:.z.t.o L + -L z o.Vd 1r.s a l<-t 7*o FILA^ 6 F-:P1q.^$s,r- F tl- Fao e.Q Y.= lrl : Is.o+n 4.-tz'< [/|J la2( +o )-z t{. g )r s <t.1 \rt, l'13 b*+t =F- ra h,t r?x l.o art'L*. gr. tl/rt. t . 'l.o1tLit tb ' rr-r +.tzf a.., (Q. f xtZ . Y.{ | ..t t F- t l8'af Fv=7L Co - .r ,^. .->r5.+- +.1a' a to I.oa o,++ <t;o FFF TIT oo0600 -il <l{tt a'r alt Flcr a\ c< ATf-r or( l* I 6"r ll+ rr' +#ts -'o'"-L o )- - q.z" u>a o.7J- a,af xi6 = 6-7L r 'i r ''1 ,19 ts-€ ,/ n. "/*'+ F-8,t"- Tr crt tL -o.qr(f). l llztlFl ,loaa A-S Merqs€Rs Jor^rrs A^rD l-eP s ts 6,.f _.,.- T rt.r sa t ^r -L-1 Jo,- rs I z 3 4 .cj Fr.A 3,/ trl 5A a fl'.aa-r,ne :F-+ -vl \9\l ooo 'aoo-a{ it c{ c{dct11 tAtfrl oo o 8,f 7.ig 3.t '7.bA l?.,3+ Ttr€ t{ R H tV\a.,. Cfer< 14 e"..qe"- L.o ces A'1 \t c> f = roj-o frF u-,, IFL 39 N'ro 3,4f ,'LF 1f,. 5-(4.1 y= (zt -ro.te) y ao f Lrf, : iso frf\' \,r.Il-{^ 3! fx= 3,r-xo,ta: 3.?-c K.-F Pu= \S.six zo t loo = 4tz ?rF Du: zov!.i: rc \Nrer"\ = }L lrJ : \-+9 KtF .bl JA A R c t<- L3z+ I z 1 e @ o M".-.-L..I f : J =- 7;''t |r-: ro.1- L j: to.'l fi= {,oi oaf:LS Fodo J-r o F.antr 7+ Mer'' Bt*S Me*.gr'.r,* No, I Pc, = lS.o1. ^ l^y = -l.rr /( [ c''^gcn- No , ] ?o' lz.z3K fzl :, 2 j. S--t' < FQ " Ext?- :Y t.+r F"- . tc.r $ 4z-' = t't'z>) = I S-, z-o ( = zd,4+'^ lziF- :6L,Lt.f P F*_ = l(.8 + Fb * z+*s{ L= ts. zo /to-L = 1'4r't'ii 4t ' 11a zs-\$/1t-t ' lc,LWs: fiAe',n ser1 A)o- Z 1.r-Ftr. $,ro1a?lFt : Urg- e-L 74 * 9x t'-o 6/ +-'/i4 ^-s Tr tx*xf1. lv'. to,4- 9rr, l9,t \ff, a 2'L1 1nf r l.s.+ +^ *-39 e 0.?6 1t-o o/tF- Fv R.IL 8'x tz h? q.to {r= ti.aa. O.lr"t el- o, f+'l F fr c- d.ot 3re f,.3f nr'-rt = /-Ld ?c- M.* L9. , YV FFF ooourOO c,l Gr a.aarclo| !rf;II:\!t< BV tN!Fsarr.a Tr F; +r1/- .< a- C*tc--|( 66,L Sl-of,: 3'41 ?s ts*+x 79 1*/e,? o,Ll fip. r xe]-fi : f,".1r 4l J:lr Btr D.sg.-|.^ u3€ TSr,x+IYL F o o o FFF ooo!1oo ctdc!ct c{ c.l 6i ,lzYF( J /4.tA,+t {/. ad2LEX---f- atj*efro- l/*aSz*t-fr15 Farre.€ f'?- I 16zr,o..t I uc. I Ae€* lil"n zuor,t 4.o MauRac-\ \! I re9 (/t x +o W r?.l( +-o w 1{1f F 7s E xtr'/- zus 4xt x \/a uuo r) zLs sxlt/ax YL ' I ?L) (;1( zrht3/4 \t I L 7 4r (t 7 t 7.at lt,1 tt.8 to.o t4. + L,Co 8.oo l(. (" rz-F t+c' 3to 5+o t3 | t o.l Zt.o zt-t {sz7rc.'g f7*/a<na:s l-r.*-g F I M*,.a*s ="..,.* | tTJ. l^l^ l*,"-'-.,^ I luaxzt- | r I t..t I sz-F Iurr-x*o I z | ,,.? I (+L It,rrz_nzt,o | 3 | tt.t | :ro I TscxcvY+ | + | t-t' I t".t Irss\(r*'4 | s I r+.+ | t:r I 2u\rK3*y.r'nol 6 | | | Lt'!L77'1.ri1,o "l : | ;: I ;: Il'ltt io()rroo dfl(.. ,/cAi(!: k|*ga Trto''t*s F(a-s F-l Mcr^gEA's { Jo r"rrS o n Me^^B.A. uos. I 1 ,-i(3 *.r zT\ ,il'*n ol ?)t @ 30] \I --\ I It (t6i@ c@ @@ E@nOE(0 o 4- l r- 4-8 \CIt9\@\ xaI,n\ @a @o@ ol r"--rr: t1l yA Nq %;-q % \- I I I rj .l 1 I i tfl {-o f- ,cl\y- +-o cEe q -t'/. ){ a t ele r.'r Irl <ll to, Til \% +z+ LI l?. t(! I ql -.1 ,--.'l (zz @e Fr4.nr're F-t FL€VATIa^t C J",-r No'. 5, pg,+n^€ F-l Jt,^16, Go(OrarAfCl A^r.) La+oS {o r". I 4 3 tl'r L 1I I I lo ll \L It l+ t> t6 t? tt tq zo zl LL a3 L$ 1-f 7-L 7_7 zt Lt ta 1l 39 3+ 3s- lL 71 F/rt* a Tdart*>fa,tz 4,2 H r-t FFF ooouroo -|rl (t I't Glcl c{ al ,aotAt f-: o o o 4-o 4.o 7.o f,-o \? ]-1 \z-21 t?,Ll tz.L1 lr,c 3 lq .6 3 tL . ( 3 lc.a3 Z\.\o Lt.\o ef,,t (. ? i,"t t 2f -1 to 7;Ac Li.\L zq-qG ?-1 .41 L zl ,1c L1.1L z1 .16 Ln'1c zi.t L [r-.6 3 t4.f,(.' 1".21 8.o o o g.o [4. rs 3'o )1. r t+. s- t+. f I l. s \4. rrl..r l.r, ! tl.s- 7. L> 7,o 3,o 1. Lf tt. t l+..r \4. :- l(. t I4.:-il.r '7.2i 3.o o o 3 t.zi Ir.ir+-f 40,t '?:6 . : ?q. > "a-{Zt,) Z.o - ! zo.d z[.?-\ L?.7-3 3r. / L-o,.1 rl lo-u,o1 Lc;o3 i ltg: Iltu. | (n. 2.116r fl.a. PLILq z ?lla&xo,of2 . 5,o ( z I.z?_t(G : lt It 1\.f,! 3 " s7.e .+T-z]3 , j 4.s'(t- O r.( H .r K (er. r..\ 31.aK (erut) (P1 r.r) FeAnaE F-l Mev^.gen-s, Jo,^.rr, ?aopct'r.€t A^> LAos M6}1qsrr- /'/zz,/r 'oa 7aa,qF ! Dot fo.f"4.3 5czr TvP€5€.a a, o. 'noo ar a.a al a1 al Gl I z q- ) G Y I lo tl IL l3 t1 ts IL t'? tf tl ,,I LL ?t LI rf av L1 zt L\ lo fl It ]] l4 3s- Jd 37 yt 3n $o +r {z +3 +$4r I j rF + { s- 6 (. (- -7 8 q \q. 1 1 l0 lf l0 (o lo tl s t{ rs IP l(' {(, l" t? lf, t.t l'r ze ?_^ zo 2--a zt LI zt ?', z\ c ? +r J (o (. -7 7 I a I 1 rf, t\ l+ t0 l$ t9 ri. \1, tr- \3 lz ,(' lb l7 t1 '17 t6 tl l8 t1 zb LV L{ zq- LI L+ Z3z7 L3 LF f, s ?, (. 3 (. 7 (" 3 L z- (. t z <a z 3 ? L z l. ,L a, L 1 L 1- 6 3 (, L 3 b L 3 L 6 b 6 z b tc L 7 z A 6 C D t- FG H I rr K L M N Mo P G H R 5 T S \J xqu l--z A. Dl M ? DI €'rlr P -lEp{ GI i{' :EI 6 I -- Yt= zE, v r'rs- = I'E1- >L l:Tt",LL ?v. tEyo,4-o = f,+Pt 'g4 - 1'to Lt,. +,7? 4 |t<uar*g fu lrgo 4-1 Fte*r',a€F-l JT Me"^gea-J, Jor^r1!Pe.ertt\tr} A*J> L,reS Jf 56<-T TYP6 Jec-r No.1-41" +7 +r +1 So sf sa .'3 s+ sf f,( 5? f,f s\ 6o 6l l.? (> 6{-()- 69 c? (6 G,J ?o ll 11- z+ L-5 z-G z'7 z7 It tt rt za ta 3l r 8_ 3Lltr j) j+ 3+ 3r- 31 j(' tf t6 lf Lf, Ld L1 z5 z-l zS L1 za LF Lcl 3o 3l \'r- 3atd)o it-!b 33 3$ ]l- j3 36 3l. z1 11 \7 ZG 7P 11 1l KI l' tn' J. N,o' ?t QI Tl (r S. J. T' ul \Al t x' Y' 2, Arr I*,c r( D a 1_ a coevt00 -al (.t ct (.{ AIt-r ,7 L 6 L L I +l I I z L h ?_ t t 5 I lo L (" + t t (t ! Prc. 4, ' '.Ettrry( ag r'r) |a-dd3u-'ld,E 77 o, fu6o 1.t5 z)t Flet^V ea- -tlpf A t< tt ,1t :fr rr l Jw) - t1Sezr,.^t Y U's "*,1r7-J^sr f",r L6' !3 " 'd'''n " fs tTtalla naq$e\ | ',L " c(' " lr " 3.? l-rer; e tvl*t PT. ac.o3{ OM+t it = e7.qt'f @ Mr,y y'x t 1r.ot F @ o4- Or('.tt oA v/ CD o FFF crcl()rooo q!ta ai t\t c.{.]f\(\1 .-oiAtf-t\v< /r1 qr-.q'stt- Ttl € apa: f3, f Nt' 4.'tt /|.^Lrn I (rvrt "G "\ P<- * f1 r-6 A . 6.\C 7ra c-- | ev tt ( rrV t d\ P<- t I r,L7 A. L. rL l{.-^4... 7.t- (rqt- v\ P6- s ll'11 ( It- o M e.q^a' E-rL e ? ( tt r€ - ) lc-* Lr.t'L M r f .ci fqsolRc-a. t. (trct E\ P<'u.sz A:/-(1 f'1 o^R 'r4- tL CrYfe n') P<- ' af.5-f t\r o lt4*^g,rr- 6 c P-t 3+-o? /A.-.L., ,\\, t/' f6 '< (!.-h--, It,r1 K|i 1z* Z= erix|, otl -_-./.--.-\---v z) I tr/ r1+o t A z //.'7 5;: 3J:f Ly. dl" V1 '3.f,3 Lgt /47" {A'z.ol- Pa: 2r.'r1( /Yl:r ' - 26.13 | x dr =. 3-o? R 16, t tf'otxt''- o.d'.14'+ &'"- A/, v- T/tr L $v. {-.--_ K9- r( ! €- a Iz 10, tt \.Ft \ zY (,:6 3 i:r ,r. tL 141 =2.o l- l+.4 SY,; lz.1 rrl -E) ,)< o z.tr trti Zz 1.rr r> i <,,, r.xc stJl 7^-= t+ r12 O-r'\ lzzK d "2< ++ ol< s tl of( =B 7l,ot fo, lL,zn t 0,37 1l-o t, E)ilt -, t'o fro. , (ft"-rtn l/" +) o., fttc...rr e-rt Uo.' -L Pe =-t?.1+ a L'ao" ,v{ =- o 1.. *J3 12. fr q\sq-- No, t (rttc x) 1 - 1-o.8'9 K L-r.o " t-. /!: 4.. 1.,lr*Lea N., -!3 ( zrfc *) ?e J-t-G K Lx -' (zs"as" M: o FL/r.-. +c / \ Pq : 19. d.t ( FX r";. {+. ; 8,9a *r, d, f{ s,,.t rret r.ro.rs (n+;r N) ?u,-6!,L11 L5 Gs' LS ln:o la q- nt-$1, rr- Mer.rBerr do. gE (rtge x\ f 6,.. ;11. ,| r 6 L '- 6a.l " Sqzn.^t 6 Z.t-l f,xsxlt- LLg ts t' 7'{o S7: {'92 vr' l' S\ v4 s l. zr L l'+o. v (+u.) (lr") . e ta', v1v t-- l.ro (zt^ ar-us to 4 i 2 t-t d><s t/tz LL B b (Fl'-lt\ o,< l4r't/.*-L 4Lc-'i 9*".., ^l f,7ealT ,44&1't grL ' No . 17 t rto. z, Tzt LLt t rt/rX/.(sa.r't) A. 4.oa \fy = f -lz tlr l.+4 *,4zsv,o t t'+-5 E-'- zt'ti &.-*!- 2 tf,.r\ F:t ? Ct+-c t *- 51 * 4J LL.n oj-g.,+(.i t- +.r L: z!'.tt tt f,*. f?ro 1.tt o) FFF ooor,1o.?-ct -11<t ct(\|darc.d tAtttt\v<KLIq'} 3 fl.L F..-.1?.zo (4r<) e-, t. $* : l>-'rz Q$ Mo,. *"* tJo. 3 3 (-tty.- D') f: tll,Sa<L-6c.,s" l\(a o -(= ra.r tK L= Lo" lA = o (1 = td- ,+E-t; oA [1e^,nge*- uo. & (rrre D') l{-- o $;' e-'r Mr.^s,.'u do. li (rvgo q)\. Mr'^^Bg.a No r-I (r1pr A) (: 1B 5.7 r K T = tz.\o K |'^1d A g..^r\ e't ft-= -to q.-. 1C.*to}( Lz 7t" 91-.. 7o;7s*,>i [.-y"vI t"^-('J. t\: o f; . I.rt F:r Mera$ c'J Aro. zr ('twe l) /q. -?LT\ L' 73"q*' 1o, to L. tz" 31 (rvpc r') -L*z"," M. ,lu.Tr:fL.rf, fur z?,1t1.'; G.t) Po Qoc) Mc-"-P,L^- do. 31 (216r l') ?T . f,c.cz < ff s tt. rr, l.li l{c-'\B r.-YL .-t o. f f (r-rgr f t ) T=-'7,2a * F-l o l,o (si N. I Fc/., . 41 't L z \z'r> P:i g r4- F-= rt.es- Kci JO , t-:z K Yu/rt t--.: l?.tl r:i Dt') (Ea:c\ M e^rilc-r r.Jo r +l (trp* 7--73-fL< 'f{- ; l-8o l-1e^^pc-a- No. 4 z Lfyf f Pc- -ar.t-q{ Lo Lo" .( = G7 '4 ftdo 4'tz FFF ooo|noo Na{clNtlil !lo{f-r Qt' cxr, ,l o.) Mq -.rlsv,- >-o (rr g C r ') -' L= 81" ?.= -zt.|t ( YL -- 6e,2- Fr.l6'f,o tz:J "tr {-r38}E:i * b) **,r-. St (rr".- l') 'T= Lz -Lo R *&' : 'oz-ra:" c) nc*^Br-*- S-? (rrpe lI'\ -(= rJ' 72'A S+ = 4.tt- *ti l) l^6!.sst\ l! (rtlt- s') ?<-=:7?.?LK L *F6 " LL - Cc F\ 3 t6, Fo rrivd F-. qtt F> i o '{ z\ ?c. eo, $-c K Mx = i'oL'K Lx. F-t+' : lo-?'l ,t , ,r,Lr' = lqt ' ts! . )2L; tL)'z F't F'tottsi rt l'6 t I ,,t$*: Zo.l4 : L-f1 t<J t 7-o8- $r {C . re xr.oa 2 /.? t F): fr= Zzl't, ?''1 - \b , o.>t 1t.o o*T (.1 5.r'- fC S7 u t (rl1.t o', ?',4',r' / *r') .t -rf/r'".8e'<r ?o ? 7 | .' f,t s-C . 57. ( ? 1, 5 ..rBf S: ?'f,c ?4 ' fr'tL fI " hia nt - /.\o u,t zLtQ :r)fr^r nx.+l fi: 7ot 56 = ?o-l vx 3 3.+L Yt - ),,. I fle-.*t Fv ?.- - - | t-.t1x 6l - li..rt t^ L = "a, ta /t..r : I a,rt K>; Pb = rax$.r.r | / ^-'t -- ?c.)6 tLr-i >zz' P.-'-tz-o+{ Fl = ga.2a r'( *-i rb & fr., = )tJ .z?.oto1,.+ =LL n fu. l,tbfv f--= lr,LL \*z 7'\'f $b : r'F f z C*uu o*--a sxyx), 3d) F7 rt utE NrXx* F7 tc 7zv lJ9xFo /r: /L7 5).' rt' o- f? ' a'o+ n)/vlc*^a"ns Lt rtz (t I lc.--(o7.3" ^ -:T= to -l l- A"----.r P.. -28'f '-=-t U , tLt9'sz- .'( r'\r A4-s fz". .rtr!.J 9-'- f.rt-l 0-: 7.75' !: lo,t3' + f,l A-z- rt 't't'rooLL (1 (rf . tl. L . qo7. le /r.* z t+-tt tL>, &- /d.t1 (2 tr) OA Us; E7rt5, l\?-'1 r32-ttJr)@'t" t'] I.FF o00vrooFa{ NCI(!I NCi(!I tAtt-: Zzt rxzx). uL?D o t P.=LP'- t\ ("- t'7 l'. > z1 f; 3L ?c- ' -jf?'- -zJ.c r a -ro*-zf( -to (.2 t --7 ) K r?- t )\ -tof.rl K - (6.r{ '< N* f-',<'K t1 u,lr.o t.t< t4Y z l...t F'< fry =1.f7tx AY. tfa'4 My:1,?L'< Al<'t'-*t'x L. +d" L. fr" L. J, ,' L= tz" L- fc'l L- ft'! L-+f" nt t-= l6t.?l /il.f, z 1.t1-t.tI Pt' fax{4.ot/n.,t .' 3.2c4; : Ia rZ. t.t . 26, +l L1\ I t.-z lF z'L vL/'- /Y4 {u =- IUsr N ftV 4o L_Et* | vt" *- tt.r S'r . f/' 7 fr= Sll3rt ' /'?3 rr' /. f1 fEaz . tt L/d-oYo. ol\ Lt'o fiso Tri-ii- ) Mo."rrc''*l ?-o,z-.1 , t4rtL) .ht *t, (r, *t,,t7, t3,lQ,, lt, Z.', t l, fE) 6t )vt/fx4o frs (1 "f; -' "d' +7) +tt )t.7 tfrf 3. r) z.o I FFF ooo1600 -a( l+ T: 4-o.t+'< P{- {t.o3'( {: L,.\7( ) l*' +' ti ?c,-\f,.z* 1v1 ' {l-oJrx 1f' 1r-e}(- | -S? " z?- -T=. zr$,f tK M: tc, ?o '( V. 3.1f ( J f (, ?c=L.o(* ,\ ' 3t.+z'< G tf +zK I Ly "eo fc. -tgr.c1( n = 3t.$z'< V"to,o( \ z+ Pq-r -l[l .c?.K A: ft-o? K V' e'at K ) V= r4,:?k ) Lr {. t.bK I :l t o.c14 \v= :.qr( ) 11=z.or]K V=0.e1 4 ) 1,r.7.l4rK V-- r,rr K ( L-..^^r., lrt. l(.?f,( V= slFl( ( ' fl: l6.rf tl = F-oz-4 l 41 Pc-- -zt".br* y= 7,3o'L l, I,LL^ ) f3 1z1o.o\( tl :ti1 +t" V=\-ltx f L"'c't?2" if 1,-1,1 u( tA- L7-o1t^ Vo ilz x, ) 6l P.-.-{-?.qrK M'\+.f}.t( ,1 .Z-+zK' 3+ g"-- -|z.Lr^ 14.z7.tt'k t | 7e* - 4l..;z< A -- z7,rs'( +o T' 1f.*fK .,it: ro,1+ +$ f : lfs.rfK 6,1 .1o.irL +f P. = -t(6.r 5K +L pa:-lo1.z1 K +1 ?e- - lot.z-t' +q ?c-- - {t.y2-L t!; {f" ,,*^* = +l *s, " = 4L" t," I r\L-r= €-G : IoZs' IZ-tO ]Z: r' = lo. tz ras i /€= re.rr- (fdt.) {> = 2-* atL tt^ 1., D; *""''.- 11ss- ut 9r49 6 t ("")?c ' l{l.c2, & +b K- l4r , ll,l a' ( \4-1.6?- f il.2 = tzxSr,ie / rs:r *c/"\= *= ro L/r--+ W lns \.to 4 r-t\ lo-r.e? )tl.-t : 1.t-7 lzx t(.?s- = {.LLij:r I *Rl" 'tu6 r-o t, Gus (+. )c{( t- 9b' (e "- zt +, '\ar't'' r'e F*' lt'.c l- *r, ons Ll.a d r--- /4o...to 4.ro Fr.*" e tr-l fl Nc-xo r-S )o,rT -A v?L tFf za.g tL T _- l,t'^zs.€ _- 40.4c( A - t".) 1 rt-c A-t A:"1 fi..= *o,+t o 0.-2f,o;it Lo .ve€ +- ul 4 7. lN +? !1'^r 7+J € lo" \zn =_,yor .r{ LJ} ooovroO ci at cl Gt at ol )otAff-t J.,"T @ UB',fT = zS+.+\ At. = l.lSLt+.+f,-Aln/ ot fret Q lo"o.o. o 9.ot tAL r \ -tlzr-o.q((l.zlj = 7.ot L t,?-- o.so (l.ot) . t.1'l o.? | 66 P- = 3ot.ZK .. {lLK t-*, V4r,esla"a-c-(ot ' l?-x lg ce-t i Po- - 6frKe e.o,tl l*, rtoA ge.t 3" ?4. # . t.?7,/," t.ic't )st z7r' rr< fr, Cro${ /ot t( s,' Pr'1 'F7 t"'\ 4-//+frz'-e t Cou.r.^.n-, B. rL w 8x+o Usr 1t \o x zz u/ ot v..t e to" l4^" ?. 1 t.? x3at-L = gt z-1' 1., FL- !r41i fu-. o.16..) s : 1.11 x, hv= zt( .E tn a &|ar s s' tt'7.; z s- D't-zt" [^,1* ' f,ot " I ----4--1r+l 11,""rlr-]l +"1 ' I /.st.l --{ o,zfytL ttrz 1,ot [ ^.,.*o n- De r-f 5 -ll ' zst *({ Fotrs 71 fv.rr' G3.6oA *t-o ,- tot- t t/ J t- +|l t\) _l N El- tt/6 c'-,'/+ .9 _l ('.1 st-f/a zo'- E ( zo.e r) C F,e.,+*e F'z Ma-reoes 4 JorHrs ( r+. ra; +t-d3/+ Jo,-1 No, M€u^RE7L NO, + -2- € LevAT tc\r Z* Jo rro7S 4A ,r{d:}i^(? U('S Z 5u FFo?.f t I-FF coo,r,oo d(tclcr(\t(i AAT-:\-a @ 7t.11- o c r-) fi6_* n'r t ., I 17/4soa Ttco^ 6ooap,^toT gl H FFF ooo600 ia 6t ol ca 6t lil 6 ,/ t+, {s,+" \ +t fl-+'< ( ;:; 1., i t- tI I lr,) o Tlt^*e {-Z c Jo.,., 1 t 7 I +r C -t t q to ll lz ]3 r+ lr l6 t? tt l1 Zo zr az L} zq o o o 4.o {.o 1,L7 1.zt l +-sb r+, 16 z-o'C\ 2o.61 2^.t"t Zo,Lt 7.Lt \4.sG Zo,L t Zo . r.8 t4. f,(. 7,Zt o {.o l+. f (- 2-o ,G I ?.qt 6.1?- lr, t'1 ll - r'l L.AL ll, t-I 6.74 ll, t-l b.1z 1t. r'? lt.1L z.t t o r?. to lzso r?. f o t"-fo L7.ao z5,q o 23.1 A e3 .10 rf,,1o 5t.t7 28. t?- T'tee Lo *9 P,t. bf r Hu. tr.fA*r.ir:-f 1.1 f. oot', (?^ r4,lxo.osz= 7.4n / L" Lor. d( /o' L' P,r= $"a.sf : tz,zK ) It 1". L dL- +o.f; L P". l!.s x+ F,te : tt c'r( - !9irr ?.s!6 r Lov tL|- 9L (Lt' #"rD Lr*D S {,3 [-1t6r'6 €-Z Ma-rgcn-:Jo r^r7!3a"crLTreS Lo*o s Mc| s€lt J7 JT T.vet3.fNo +g I L 4 6 ? I q n ll It ll rt l\ l6 l? It ll 7-a LI 47 L7 L+ zf zb ,1 L6 Ll 3o 3( )z t3 sF j.r- 76 1. '' tt 31 +o +t 4L +3 ++4{' +c G {-f 3. b L 1 L 3 (. L (- t' z L 3 6 LI(. a L L L (t a + L (. 6 J 6 J (, c + (, L 6 L (. I [. I \ (" 7' A 9c I e F a Ht- J o ,1v vl 'Jo ? e, Rs -T U \At Y Yz Al B) Lr D' €l Ft Gl H. JI J. K' Y L. ,JI or ?l , G?l Lr tq L 3 + .> .5-rr G (o -7 8 q I I lo lo tt IL t?- t?- tl l-7 ll t-l lc 8 IC ls- l+ r< zl zo lbtl t-1 tt tl z* L+ Ll- L} L3 z1- z-o ?a I z- j 3 z I + + 5 f, (. (, 6 7 ( s q q q \ t? l( lo l6 f lc 8 ls-\r a. '1, t+ l4 l+ z-o l6 ll t? lt I8 t'tz\ lq ZLz\ z'z- FFF II- ooor'iOo ar (i a.a 10tAtt-r o . Frara,^',9 F- Z M,s*.ise-os A. $o,r,t (o,--*"s r: Frtxlz lrl.,nL.- l, z, tr d 3s P- = z-..SK m*' 11 -1\t4 -t<@ (s: -lo.ct tAM _- 1c.oB' ?-. -L6-O K ^{2 -lo. f 'r( @ SZfo .Ji tl F*. tt Fo FFF ooC'vrc|(' -(il ar c.. a.l a{ c,a (!l tAtt-r\v< ft = tq.+ 5rt . ?2.1 Yy -rt r 3'o 3 4'14! "-t 3.o b ,r. -4,fr, L. at.ofr+-1" +b ' l?-'?\ Yrz l2 -n r{l 4.{t r 6,+? Fn n* , o.tLlt-6 ax. Ps1-7... Q. Tr O- V(-rpg t?i,u-(SHcrr\ 3+,- s ( a ^r<-qo4- \)59 AtSr 4lc tLf T1 = to: Co. > Pc.n-r ^t: no ,<: i l-A -. l'7 i->. O ,3t I to b Srcrcr.:i Fl = f-lq Aszt-r o&- A ++1 k,- : t1+.1f Rh,. 214-ai* = {[4 o '7 YGa ,^t H t., 'l'"*rr'.-f T*' tI $a.L ' lro' +K T*. = $Ys{.r: z'uK Js€ 4- +- te"l A = 't-qt ^, +-rVa'\# tr - sa* /4.85. +- 4- tof(:i r14',4 r%'4 ,z;'.l ?-6-h lr. e .o. .4 adt*> F^'^- F-z fle--Bt*5 C^,tt>. Vr' r+.S(W: r.zx3$r.f,. i Sho,tnl Vu"+,.'L'',.t. g. D V.r^.. r'a ( (r'u t-cJ Cfy+.t Cda^,Ne-L g"Lo,.r4 FFF cool/r00 -C{!'<t tt tl (\t ot ltrct a\r c. AIl-r Vr*. f.ox F = $o K l..l r e 1*.{ Usr ,r g /z'ta.G .ltolrf T" : l?)'s =,u .u Mg ' rr.rrx F(.?t 4 3,Lat' t L7'7,Lo"4 $=btt= jJ_i: b(. e, -Ii^^'$.-' { G'.-- St'"-': w-L 5 *"@.a.\{ ! lo lz,7 usr t[- Ly-t. tb x llc vf +-J4" d r.'5. , +rri) |l-r 3z b.lJ-r Rsz st? C-ruu"^-u R- t- G rv1 lo x,+b fum ,rl3 b)No a-r'.( G*r ,- n-l UJrX4o Mo"".t., z-'t) ?-?- r.t, L4, 1\%, .t) z-) tr) r>( Y<- c -3 o 3 .a Mr= '? (' I +cr( ?-* 'lr,',"4 f'4 * = ?l-tt'( {u- - tt7,a< 14> = [..o '( -rz4.t K +-t'4 '-ll-l F -'l-i'( * - t 1-1( o 1,or'(. T'aY Ts' exrx{/g A. \"'$ S>: 3$'s {t* t6 : ?.-'t4 !u- z+) Y.-' flT' r5) Pc Ay. +") V. fA;r FFF ooo6oO <tl'9 cl c1 0i Cl C,l C( tAlfI: Me",rr.*- ?-t-21-?.: L, = t, = -L._3sj!-' 11,fircl .'* 11.+ $ -, t,o r,t.t"rt.z : 45. j r-(2.1. u<9/tl ' 4f.tl ,O,Il Le lt t' c C+'- o.foa Fr= o.sobx4o a 23.?S Kt: : f2YTltf s /L.a-\*5s 3f. ! fuc ?7.c a-5 Ye1 r, r.r t* z h ' tf.l v EL" il.rrrrz r4t.?.1tx l'La r-Zkt. {t.rq = o,9t C.- ltl.ao C4-s o.rtc-. 1i: Z3,Ct W'-o'sFt = z-t'L t(si (, F- 5r * 9f-t fd = $*r tor.a /r ?.-/r*_ $r - tr* rr'rf g7.a W1 eu t Po { c.f : lL,SL o.-l a l$, f i-:,' .& t \.1-z {" l, l} C^-( or( $, ?; ^^^.'c" L otq , L * t!- . 1,fr 21- "E ?.?-. F.1' n,tn .st* B,LFc€- Msi^Bc't T" z+tK lra-*ce h eqRc-'a- tt tc ?-' -zfi.8< -T.--t Lt-t -n.L.,.t4 LLRR (t *) zfT N- z-Lt r^:|"r. ). [ = f,'oo (tt-t-z- o 4_-:===:--f A.'-{ =15(rtr '-\ r l-6 O 17 5-{ U z-$- ! r- = FFF ooo|'roo -fl (.{ (\ a\lal(\|r{ A3t-:\t{ A= il,{. t'} r f.ii -d '-9=?-+tY\z:ttrY> t. r{ 1\-r-a*-r ?c- : lt-e x //. 'l \('lz c.*- S Fr-: z+. ! r. 't?-{-t.5'- ct)1 It #+:,=-;iLt5=, \l) a - L|.on- zr) T3 Fc,L '< $r i , t:, rt , vi, z-9, 30) zr) ?.- -- zr. 3 K ro) T r lt.trK 3+) T. r-l-J* zi) v-- ,t.,4 LI-B D C,L 'O Vy z !.L>- rA a l.+o R= zt.6 t P-t l*z,zK oK- 6, A.-,L A<-, L..t 5+, ,'' r) !?/ +l ?z) P- =st,o 4 *r) r- zo.d4 b= t.o lf7.t K r3) O= c3 I-T/Ly LL'+r\r'/z . A= L'So \t$6.'1 :-.6{.F l. ?r -T-- = G.so X 33 = zt{- K Crte:e-{, \t .r jf 9. 1-.q' EL = l?-t l-61 e q:y' l --Lf e*.-VI q{ t3 l(,zl f5; ) rot.q ^ f o* tr!. Yy t?.,: a)t 'a,- : 1t r: T^-r ?-L>..<...-a lr4. = LuR$ Y6- -- Z>-11- f* = 8.oX 3) = ,)- E- l )7* 7-t r 3 lZyc.r:- s:r. {/x't- = f(- rt\\a f I l t/r.r P-- = zL v\ .lt\ LL I/z F t') v)c ft..+-,.^e +-'?-/Ltn'*3' a',t *'t Pc= tQc.r( M--" -"A w P; ze Lz fx3 "i- ?.o t 3-+L l,ct F-- -- 'T (.bt = lo L.z. FFF ooOutoo -(\|rl arfla{ a{ (\| a{ tttt-t -(-"--a r,rJ f*rt-oottr lyz 0.-7 tZ-t*F*-= P-: El = F4-,t faz lz.z-a /.-- fr.{.q t1--to t?+,? t( a4 USt ut Ft< *o: q h =,nt-" {7 z l.?-f Y? E-l-{-o fL'. ?-af ?,.-= az,-t K ??. tzxt+-L-- lBav-t F>o- i-_= r-r, fl.,-= 64. ! ( lr{sr^^gren- -i-l Pc --c F-r< 14 *, Lr" '7i.\,,1. Z-Lt +t= tr/, ur- i) D '[ ' 6 . e.r *I ,- lzxrT,zi = rz+-:,? r.r{ zuj f)r I v'/7 LLB D p a 7.'co f1 = f.f"l f6 : l'\o Us.- .^, tf"-+ p.- .-f-6-?< 9*. 1Jr'/.91 ' '*''" lL}-t+.7f ) fa*+,^ e F-Z An-. .-rr. ar-l+.. d- \a,c) or-1 U At"' U(crfi( = 113.{K , 9.46 r.t *r=e-o 7e) q lo "a -Q, ?' e-#q' */*t tf a,.7 +-t7s,6 (1a*{ FFF ooo|ltOo c.a cr a.l ar c,( ar ATt-t A,..n"e f3o u-rs Clal.J F+ tos A',- = 173' f = .Cta 7a L 0,lax toi B.'TL lctt ? Dr LiS Ut€ 't-: /, Lt td x 3L| fi -tol t(t, . -/\/\r'^. t]'-o,tt(9, z Z.7o L ly'ln t.t o I t? 3il. s.-#' +' tr(zt1,z\ /.6 tvt =o+b o ].*9lzr+'tl 1o y L-l = z-rj " .tlUsr rE z/yVra 7t'-4 -rfo*ttl-|tl e.l (2+<lF TG./ar Du--yre ^) o F'u*^ P1 L. L dx = 9. 7-L Ft-f . o I r \a lxNtr L-zz M. t."-yi , 74q.r C,r.$ P.-f1 , 7!''! n l6L.{*4.r (l) RoT er,trr(D f*' '!tAt t 6n4 t'-tL oo0|ncO -d{ (r ct l{ tElt-:\!r < G: rof il'll..t' -?a cxo xl. (?f+-r.. r.r s'. L*. $! L7 :rs.f' P-. zzfK oA_ ,N6^zr A: --zl+ tuL .6,+' Pa.. r+r ( e*!L, a<- U.l)C!\ t) y err*rc \-9'l . KR" tr.fl F.rz: ll(.o Ct) 1",.r*.r. T" Fro.^rt (.)C.., ..e "r . T* (.,., <. . l,\, Se'*1 us a r4rZxo LG " W/ t4" 1i- Sr,77e-"n Z Ttr.'s <- StO wc57 t{t /r',Ut \.o \rhr'L Er* "<- {1, = ,,r.o( @- +to P. eLs 4Fjrzs uucs l.?xril.o 7i'{* 6" tt'A's \- 3 ee. I\ r-/+l _=l+- [-u'.," L b._l--r l:. > oP1 ' Ga '') ls-" K l.* = Id 4.7 €-",. T.cus: )e:,<n, o ?a-^.^ ?". Lz U{..= 'I y'l= rr.iri-e S- -- . --..L 14 : l."tf,r z1 l-ri Fr-6 l:>+.\< = aoQ'1R 11^f LHortQ L = L'l ooovrOO cl a.a cl ,-otltf-t fo 7 (vt oR-D I 'ft 7 X'? t>k t3-(Cvtl D ?o.?r : Jo6.7,T r |z<L.-l\ z-L,ol ?*K L? P*. x.l= zU- j .t\i.aaa LD i. l€ya -\?.:0..:.]B: b O.of,a = o,z7 -t- o,oF - o,tlfu rtl23, LfM=9' 8) dr::::- [ : \1,.f 5,r a +?,r . \-1r {,e? l,-t rz x a[-zf - g-oj. f+. 4L.r Co ^re . l^J '+t- r- _ rZ)(?? : 7L. +21-Ll.Yof|. t.-".r : lr,?r Kr,7* : O,F'L zv= o,\q- f-.2.\'lr. ( l.)r go.- G^r* rta-r( uN 't.. d*? @:'t:+-r( Co r.rc . -Co 9t,- Fa-*,"-6 Vs ; t)$'\( [.r; t.r1rr+.f th'4t" : Zt-f .\K " (.A.5 . N. =&-- tz'z lr. b v5s- tt ->/l'l!,n" e-81sv7"" 1.,gg.',u-,> 5t->1 L: 8-B'{ lTzt $o'rs V"'' B,r-<. 8> PXrF: I Q t'< ??,2: lr5^,( 1.\ ,,'- t kr-oo r?- JLqi I Lo.r T > ffP-q.<.rda' :l3+.)< ?--Pt = rl4vtrf.t' tfr-r( ZLr s-x trl/- (eX s"\ LL'R (= t-L:-5,L P.-..M- = tlC'f^ '1.{ o 7)6 r( rolt-+ I L uJ: L ;r) u= ra M u) L. tL fi = :-rrr(r-rr)L . 17. lo Sr .r- lzl B?-f s- - ?o .u \l= 3,t't (t.rr) s Jo.s( a 9--)3jjo,)F , \z-t9l"t 7o -r(g5 /r-'tf t^\fi zxcxl. ('00vrOg c.t al 6l Jo.rt4 0J+--,- 4,rtl .Jf f "*L."e- - t9o7. G,*7 (-,e,*te.,B., ar..i Kr. '7 = 3-i trJ: 7-f,o'1 (t;E 1r+.f,r z) t 7rr'l e,-F L= ror M- 4+' 2 4{,7J z Sa {t- ( L-F I -J-)\)f Be-ru Le,rr. -T.p 4,c1 Co-'ra. H? e rU -4+r 51 o s?o ). f6's+ l-l'1"-r"l -\ol lr^:. 3,jsr i"-rtY s s).13 7s zrtyL. €7- L4':. 'T\ 7y+rt1b 9t. tz-L 9t= \zv,4{?9 = ff,.3? rjo t-fs ?tdr 2z 56z t€-/ €*t-<- oLv 5.*@ s zl.tf, 3o )5 = /F.( 5o.rr,< L<)*,-u Ct*rs Trr\ Lo*r-^ L-g-ls-- L--..r* 1'wa _tlL- ) - ---__---- Co.rTA . AT' -lZ r. :-?1 '_T /\ ti z Qgts-f z>Yzo) 3.r1 : +''l+ ?r-r? -) L-Ea il = 4r:I.*t't-*)t ,. B?-+tr( Us€ Ts, Ts FFF o9('v!0e a{ dct iAAI-I 1v> L--L' M: 5e, . ,.- - \'Z ,t\+.0?(a,r'r) r Z?-or} a t ? Y z?' t! ?o z ?.tt t^ > J n -- z-r'l (e-r)z= zz.tt t K a 1. - '-WIJ-' //.ot 3o I[. L-* er.- Lr'rrru - UfBeltL 4,,cT ( o 'r1a- vt7 lrJ * 3.o f -\ L= (! _t = (t-+ t t) -- 3,t I - a-(a r r t.- 0t.t)) = Z11o ?t- F Txuarz "x+tya9xr /z-L zxrr /" 97etz.3 6.+ A) .rp p -* Laue L loapr-oo.o P: ,.rLr !!rf ;L zr.uI l2: f .r?;r to,r f 2 I tz.c $K /t1o ai s Fo.Sa e.d $o'taa Ld*,-. 1L{u,-tro^rs l,l ^7 M' 5.. r l?,. + + t,f l'" zlre rL . 7-r tt-+trr'+ .a+ z 7l.t-( r zx" +,t t t 71-tLjo T Fx6rr\ v rtstt/g 5r.. e 1F. *f tt( St . zr.9 zL.+ 57, z^f-f caof)Oo AErcl g) "f fcrr Le-var- 63 w"'o'*'$.. (-\ tJ p P cru Lc-v t-r- CJ *t^,.rro*Jt sn= 31lr?g..L L.* crr- Leve u loa t'o,^'uc..r F,? r- x a1-t L ls .? s- -Tt z+.L7 ryor//- = lF,?1 Ts, exax'$ Sv=2a'\ |/L1 . tr <.or r r- +e\ + (a.rr r r.a)-- ?1, tr, ( F 4.ot r zl,18 z.lqt to..tr - f L'o? l- tr.:i - z f- tb (tB . l+.s3 K fv{: 14,}} f ?;9L e 9-=t#- 3o 34'.2 l( r \B-E? r^ ft tlr *r'/ /,/ a 51 'll.i Qt t?.ct 8a*t^*.o S.:7. r!-s ? : //-o7 Ct r< - o .r14 s Pc.guu.u . A}(.) furo z/ \y'J 1 ,r>o'o A a,.,,o < pg-sf " ^-, D-t. '- M^t d- t6*^' z+ M^* A.! e.'r'.<-1€ A)iTeaL Og3l.j. (n ^ 6tr+z-5(.") . gozf, 6:7 M: r6?fx*.o , l\?. ltF a * blz L{, o o . dq rlt{ai(r l\| c.a aif^2 s."+' fb +.. f; e -- ,I b_ r e I f!?. :-- 4, 1?z+oro r ,,-- lz- b.!': t"r,o.>1;-- o,oSZ?lL tL \W t o.e1'r us€ 3/.,s<c It o !"n-1,.n t M.ruuto,.t llT t L, ol !-oAD : (o?f-t'o = [ott (sF M-wL7- a --z--:i : -x a-:" =SB b -- f)l z -or FZ-oL>,tzS J{*'l27oo.}ll.\ A ,,- reo-^la .t e- Auu_o V Co6l -TL t'tt* Te-,.1. Casrs<- D+c. t-D;- {u) L =Jt+F7 a{xrottrG lrtzf 7t*l 2looopt o.ofL1 a.zr] n Lt = La\o F,- l= Jr= tztt,t$ , *.f? trtzV AJ*/-,t Sx'ffr- It = ll.3 s+. - .\ 3t Ys,' qr.[ o] zt/>t 'r-z Af 6 !7oC= ,o *,ot vs zorxro' :- D.\{, r.t'.- De' ?.1 7''\ 6 rc-,*c I o4, O.S-Z- " €,u ,^r t|rr Blr( o.rr " R.- V^" L A ue d ?.t + I rr( : O.ll" T,),A-, .'^ I 'w -, . rl-_rrrr c,PLgfl(Llss fi4t*t*5 61 Lr.c S = !-.' r.-r 1 /'-iz-g.. 9o)<z* 1 Sxloaa I 1r^r ze La sui 3ooo +/ .fo zz \!1^rlow ^tood 19i sTa g- A. A (rr repa,r'.. 1* z z-ro */r* : " F-'to?\- rl F ao Vf,u o Ce L.-'r,- a -t 7q," r'a trOO ^oe icrd r9'ti -T-o- -- - t' qS S = j^,i-'' Er--- ,...1. t ?.lto " F1 uo'r4 u, LJ +/,.t L :- L 1*L ,.r @ /;'T*< 7n-- --oo #/1n -rt'-1- . 9o xL4 =- l-otffi" = Looo t /rr t-- 9 (r : z4.ta '{ ( +)') -(r-!(-*(t)') 'z+(r r 4 (+t)) li ARTHUR I, MEAR^S, P.E., INC. Itrurd lluudr Gruulultr -_- 3l? hr Gcl* Avr. Gr:nvrlrottr Glor& 312)0 -" zL10r.0{l.116 b{l- :,- r l,lr. Mark gadous Ergndess-Cadous Res,l, EsEare, Inc. 281 ErJ,Cge SBreeuVall, CO 81657r. : February 7r l98E De ar llr . Cadrou s i At your leguest, I have conpleted a reconnalisance ol snotr-evslonchcr debrlg- evslanchel debrts-f,low, and rockfsll hazard aB the s vall LorB dlccusgedbelow, 3he work reported here congtlgutes "olte-specttlc" lpprlleerr o!thase.lots wlth re8pecg ro th6 geologlc hazqlEs_Jtlledjbove. other geologl,c hezsrde or deveropurent co'lstrEtn'trg -fg Bnt, havo llg! been conrtdcEed ss pstEof rhls atudy. HAZARp HArR.rx.FoR rHE 5 ?.o-ts. The 5 lots eBudlad are lleted ln the lefE colunn ln the hstrlx betou. The loEg are effected by varlous conbtnEtlons and geverltlea of thc 4, geologle hazards llsted sbove. Snow avalEnche, debrls flowl and rockfgll Bte rgt€d ag"uoderS!e"1 or "htgh" hazard. In Eccordance Hlth crtEerla adopted by tho Toun of vell, debtle-svalanche porentlal le ldentlfted ("yee" or "No"), bug noE bloken down lnto hlgh and soderste categortes. ITAZARD MA?RIX Hoderrcc lloModergte Uodersteiloderstc HodersteHoderore Moderate I( no/,'a ' Hodc ra t,a - | * \,-/ &y Study of the hazard natrlx lndlcaces thsl none of the 5 locs arc aflected by htgh-hazard snowavalanohe, debrls flou, or rochfalli only Lot 6' !0th FlUnS ls affected by debrle avalanche. HAZARp pEFTIJIToNS Snon avalanchc p",' 'fL l,oj,,rt f7, 3rd Flllng il5, 3rd Flllng 04, 3rd Flllng tfl3p 3rd Ftllng @ ro.r, rlrrng Debrle Avsl Debrls Flow RockfalL__ NO No NO NO Yee - ltoderare Hazard: Reached by enow avalanches slEh retus$ Per19d!. -ol 25 yegla or ilort, gnd avalenchcg groduclng lnPscg-Ptsssu-re8 of 615 lbs/ftr oE ia;g, Burtdtng ts pet8ltt;d buc-avriancie de!enrt dcolgn rltd/o.l sirJcrural tetnlircemenr o"y bc necdc 9!e#}' Moderage No Hoderaie Hodetsts Mode rr te _-r.q /A-,I Lou 7' 3rd Ftl'nc wfl] be- exposed uo rlght.frow and./or.,fiowder breer fron ths"cTulraIE:6rE['r l:"-I:l:li i. ii'a,iir n g. na J or d rv - snos, ovs rs nc he c ond r t r o n e .Debtte flous oey also_reaeh'ttre efie,-buc-vlll lonrirt.-onry of.ouddy vacerand tloatlng veE€tatr"o oacifi it-lngurfrcrcns neaa !o cre!!c Brructurrldemage' ?he evalsnche hazard--."n .r" mtrr,gs-ced -by proper burldrnsorlenr8ulon, wlndow.ard_do.o1 deslgn, and posslblf loccl ielnforceoent. ?hleaddlrlonar work woutd p-robabiy-c-oni,rituri ;-;.i"1i-;;i..n..s" o! Bhe eocetbulldlng cosc. Debrts-trou_ ofrrgriion ssy nor ue rdquireo, bu. ln any c!8ocould easlly be accoopltshed ttrro",.,in fanasleftng, Il+l+*4$ll+!,-te exposed co debrle flor.r slrttsr ro thac effecttrng Lot 7,8nd requlllng- atmller- trttlBsttcn' 1t any. rtte uulroini' srr" rg tojaied oith0 f,rlnge of, rock!all haiard and urobebly would not requlre srrucBuralgresecElon fror rockfall . *+++l!ll+s ls exsos.ed ro debrls fro* and rockfalr atmlrar ro Lor 5.Ho!,ever, rr rr arso_.Ilor_iq ro tlghc Jr,ow_and/oi p-oroui ur"rt p".raui.i-iriiavalarrcLeg bagtnnrng on rho oceepl norttr-eacii-e-"ii;-;"rive sunburar Drrve.Avalanchee of, a srze and_-energy_'euffrclenc t-o "a,ise-"i reBBE ao'e ulnoldarcag.e- Ea.y occur :ye:y s!-ro--i00.ye€r6r. sod etructurEr p!oBectton r8Juecttred. The evarinche hazerd' c"o i"--rrriiiiii- uy- p;;;;;-;"-riiriiorlencatlonl wlndow and door dealgns and posel,bii-iic"f iulnforceoren!. !44' gi! rlrrnn.l,a.exposed co debrtg ftow and rockfetl etotter co Lors 4snc 5r as deacrl,bed above. Thte lot la, howeve!, closer co thJ-sBncavarsnche pa-th thac aff,ecue Lot 4. Gonsequerirly, iv"fincui"-treis, .lirriiiielso rare (eeri,uared 25.-to-s0 . year reiurn plrroal r--aeflnriery -i;ili;; aEructuret !01llgarlon,- I'ttrtg8rt6n can casil] Ue icconpiiifreAi ct riG[attentlon to bulldlng form, Btrength, orlentaclori, and locaclon. Ltl.l.]9+I#!S l-s exposed r,o 6nart snow eyatancr,es, frIil';;;kfarr, andoebrls avalancheo. Snow avalanshea hsve realfied co wtrirrrrfitroxlnsrrri_15o?Eer of raqgway- Drlve above rrr" neiuern portton of lor o-qi-iine -Jt,i'paii geverrl -ilncCri. hl9q1 gv.alanchei can cioss rhe roed. neqlf3tl h6o st6ooccurred_snd depoetrei- -on the e teep olopes- epproxtuarely z-db-s06_!ear aboviFElrr{By Drlve, and could r_each the_Fllding eiiep DarEtclraJtyJt the fbresrwere reDoved or deE-troyed. Uebrfa avitEnehesr durtng extrdroc condltlone,wil'I also dep.oait ln Fatrway Drlve. Jolnt struciural uittgaglon of__the_cnor.rlqyaranc[q-and-roelcfall--hezerd-_-ie feastlrd-heie-.--_bs!ris____,.lvaranl]iiJ canptobebly be atopped betore ttrc EuffArnglft-,i--1s reactred cnEeby.cllnlniutnith6 harsrd. The forg and ahepe of the butldtng wlll deBernrno ibntttgrtionls feaglbte on rhls lot. The elte leconnalssance conducted for thic study lndlcates that developuenti,e feasl,ble, vlth gotre restrlcllons, on all 5 lota conaldered. pieaee cont8cc oe t! you have any further guestlons. Sincc rely, Ctdt "'4,ft'lea*a Arthur t. Mearap P.E. RHT<RA}IT LOT FO LOT s&t Qc- lo*nt oolou*' LOT 7 Founo cln I qoP nc, 4551 FounC tln I coP no. ll4ll sol Dln e cop no 12666 LOT 6 O,?02 oc IMPROVE MgNTS Jor6S | +.pt. I N 87c e5 44" w A # ^TilS^'; lsc 28'29" c tlO.t4' : 14 8.6 l' = 2O.t9' : 4O.O2' l-1 Ego td e d'g LOT I) 3CA t":50' ---- ltarch 21r 1989 89/orr FAIRWAY to|,ct lronffglthe. oncrootjlmSnl od_00l TRACT 4.oo'A R T c .a I It,6b'\:,,V Io \8. \8. \8,.r' I tlI T LE, NO N-li $ c o a t24.00