HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 10 LOT 7 - 1 LEGALBuilding Safety & lnspection Sentices Diztision C-ammunity D eaelapment D ep ar tmmt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cnlornilo USA 81657 CERTIFTCATE OF OCCUPAIICY This certificate is issued pursuant to the requiremenb of the Uniform Building Code as adopted by the Town of Vail certifying that, at the time of issuance, this strucfure was found to be substantially in compliance with the various ordinances of the town regulating building construction or use for the following: Name and description of projecf FUTERMCK REMODEL Address of project 930 FAIRWAY DRIVE Owner name and address: MORRIS & MIRIAM A. FUTERNICK Occupancy Group(s):R-3 Type(s) of Construction:V-N Permit Number(s): 802-0031 o It NOTE: The building official may, in writing suspend or rcvoke a certificaE of occupancy issued under the provisions of this code whenever the certificate is issued in error, or on the basis of incorrect information supplied, or when it is determined that the building or sEucfirre or portion thereof is in violation of any ordinance or regulation of this code. Charlie Davis, Chief Building Official Date ^- --i To: 210 Edwards Village Blvd., A-201 P.O. Box 1889 Edwards, Colorado 8 I 632 off (970) 926-3443 Fax (970) 926-3440 jacvail@vail.net Memorandum Date: 04/24102 Mr. William H. Cartwright l0l7 Country Club Drive North Palm Beach, Florida 33408 s6L-775-3539 From: JeffCohen Re: Agreement with Futemicks to Encroach onto Property CC: Morris Futemick Below you will frnd the agreement we spoke about on the phone. Please sigrr and return it to me in the enclosed preaddress-ed Federal Express envelope. If you have any questions or concerns at anytime please ion't hesitate to call. I can be reached at the numbers above or on my cell phone at970-471-3810. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter' IECOHEN I:CONSTRUCTION INC. AGREEMENT As lhe contractor and agent for your neighbors, Morris and Miriam Futemick, whose property is located at 930 Fairwaybriue irrVail, Co-lorado, which is located to the east of your propertY' we are asking for your permission to encroach upon your property for the purpose ofconstruction access foi the p-j"it. We agree to return yo* prop".iy to itccunent condition as part of this agreement. Acceptedby, L* {lf I William H. Carhvright oarc: *Z?-OL Planning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Department of Community Ds/elopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us koiect Name: Futernick Plat PEC Number: PEC030025 Project Description: Plat amending and existing duplex lot into a single-family lot under one ownership. Participants: OWNER FUTERNICK, MORRIS & MIRIAM A05/02/2003 Phone: 2 GROVE ISLE DR APT 1509 MIAMI FL 33133 License: APPUCAi.IT Michael Dunlevie PC 0510212003 Phone: 970-569-3844 POB2404 Edwards, CO 81632 License: Prciect Address: 930 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Loca6on: 930 Fainrvay Drive Legal Descrlption: Lot: 7-A Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FILING 10 Parcel Number: 210108116016 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTTON Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date ofApproval: 05/13/2003 Conditions: Oond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Planner: Warren Camobell PEC Fee Paidr $100.00 I Revised 5/?92 oatE Flgceived by ths Community Development Departmant : APPLICATION FOH di,:151;".'i}i'f, i"#'l5Hyn (PLEASE PRINT OF TYPE)A. APPLICANT , Mnrr:i s' & Mi ri am Frrtern i ek MAILING AODRESS Z C-^*. rstc n.i.we PHoNE 305.856.9286 B. APPLICANTSREPRESENTATTVE M+ehae] Dunlevie pC AODRESS C. PHOPERTY OWNER'S SIGNA MAILING D. LocArloNoFpRoposAr: /WCel- #4lO/0 g7l ODrZ STREET ADDHESS LoT ? BLocK _susDtvrslon vail village FILTNG_!..,!IEb_ E. f. APPLICATIOT{ FEE 9t00.00 PAID- CHECKTI-BY; MATEEIALS TO BE SUBMITTED; 'L Two mylar coriss and one paper copy olthe subdivision plal shell ba iubmitted to lhs ospanm6nt of Community DelrElopmgnl Th€ plat.shall inctudg the folhwing: a. The final pl.t shell bs drawn by a r€gisterEd survgyor in lndie Ink, or othet substantial solution, on a reproducible medium (preferably mylar) with dimension ol $rrenty-lour by thirty-six inchas end:shall be rt a 3cale ofon€ hundred fset to one inch or larger with margins ol orir and one-halt to two inches on the left and ons.hetf inoh on all othsr sides. b. Accurale dimensions to lhe naarast ong+undredtlr ol d foot for all llnes, angler and curyes us€d to d€scnbo boundarios, slrs6ts, satbacks, alleys, easemenls, structuras. araas -tb be ressrvgd or dedicated for oublic or common uses and othgt' importanl tealuris. All curves shall be circular arcs and shall be defrned by th. tEdius. cantral Engle, are scorcd dBlaneea and bearing. All dim6ision6, both- linsat and angular, are to bg d€termined by an accurate control suwey h the field which must bdance ard dose within a limit of one in tsn lhousand. c. Norlh arrow rnd graphic scale. d. A iystematic idantlfication ol all exieting and proposed buildings, units, lots, blocks, and narnes for all Brrsgts. €. An idEntification of thE nrgets; aileys, parks; and other publh areas or facilhles sg shown on th€ plet, and a dedication ther€of to the public usa. An identitication ol' the sasamsnls as shown 6n the p{et and e gfent thaaeof to lhe public use. ArEas reserv€d tof luture publh acquiaition shell dso b6 sho!'.n on lha plat. t A wtitten survey descridion of the area including the totel acreag€ to the neare3t apptopfilt€ slgnilicanl figufe. Ths acreago of esch lor or parcel shall be shown in lhis manngr as wrll. g. A descdpfion of all suruay monume/ s, both found and set, which mad( ths boundaries of the subdivision. and a descriotion of all nronumenlr used in conducting thg sutvey. Monument psrimeter per Colotado slatueg. Tr.ro' psrimebr monurngnts shall be esteHished as major control monumsnts, lhe materials which Fhall be detormined by thElown enginscr. h. A slalemant by thE land suweyor explaining how baaring basa was detg.minrd, l. A cartifrcate by lh€ fagistered land surveyor as outlinsd in Chapt.r ,|7.32 ol ihic 6 FL 33133 Drive {r c oT-cg.E X t. (}n*mg::'-illl:i"tffI;:i,:ll,ti"ll:';*1ff '^ii#'fi I A certilicale by an aiomsy adrni ed ro practic. in ih6 Stata of Colorado, or corporale ritlB insurer, that th6 owne(s) of record dedicating to .tha public ths public right-of-way, areas or facilities as shown thgroon rre the ownbrs thereof in tse simple, fres and dear of ail liens and encumbrancas oxcepl as not€d. The proper lorm lo/ filing of the plat wilh ths Eagle County clerk and recordar. C€rtlficala ot dsdication and orrnsrship. Should rha cartificsta ot d€dicalion and ownership provide for a dedicatlon ol land or improvements to the public, all bsn€ficiarjes of degds ol trust and mortgag€ hold€rs on said real properlT will ba requirad to sign th6 cartilicala of dsdication and qwn€rship in addirion to th6 fee srmple owng/ lhe teof. All cuffenl taxgs mrjst be paid prior to lhe Town's approval of plat. This includas taxss Which havB b€6n billad out but are not yst du6. Th6 o€nifica16 of taxss paid musl b€ signad on ths plat o/ a staternent kom lhs Eagle County Asse$ors Offica musl be provided wil lhe subminal information'stating that gll raxes hav. boan paid. n. Signature of ownet, Th€ plal must conlain lh6 following sulemenl: "For zoning purposgs. the lois c/eal6d by this subdivision ar6 10 be tfaated as Ong lol wilh no more than lgg dwelling units allowcd on rhE combined afea ol lh6 !99 lots.' Th6 stalement shall be modiii€d to indicate thg numbsr of units and lots orooosed." 3. A copy ol thE declaralions and,for covonanb rslating to the subdivision, which shall assurs the mainlenance of any common areas which may be created. The covenants shall fun wilh th6 land snd shall be in a form suirable lor ramrding with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 4. Sohadules A & B of ati$e r6pon. APPROVAL PROCESS, FEVI€W CRITERIA Upon r6c6iving two copies ol a completo submittal along with paymonl of fie aopropriaro tae, the zoning adrninisrabf shall fout6 on€ copy of rha site map to ths lolyn engingsr for his reviow. Jhe zoning adminislrator shall tren conduct this r€vigw concutrsntly. ThE town rnginear shall review tha submifl8,l and feturn comments and notilications to tha zoning adminisltator who shall transmit lhe approval, disapp.oval or approvalwith modifica ons of ths plat wirhin louneen days to tho apdicant. The zoning administrator shall sign th€ Car ii approvod or raquire modificalions on lhe plat for app/oval or dcny appmval du€ lo inconsistonci€s with tha originally approved dan or . failure lo meko othar required modificstlons of tho plat. FILING ANO RECOROING Tha Depanment ol Community oevelopment will record rhe plst md any related covanants whh the Eagl€ County Cl8rk and Flacord.r. Fees for recording shall b€ paid by the applicant. The Communny Devslopmsnt oapartmEnt will rorain one rnylar copy of the plat for their records and wiil r3cord lhe femainrng mylar copy. lf lhis applicalion rgquirgs a seperats raview by any local, State or FEderal agancy oth6/ than'tha Town of Vail, lhs applicallon lE€ shsll be increased by S200,00. Eramples of such reviau may lnciud6, but are not limited to: Colorado Departmenr of Highway Accsss Parmits, Army Corps of Enginsers 404, etc. Tha applicant shall be rxponsible lor paying.any publishing fees which ars in excess ol 50o/" ol the appllcation tes. lf, et th6 applicanl's r€quest, eny matt€r is postponed lor hearing, oausing thg matl6f lo be re-published, thsn, ths entire lce for such re-publication shall bs paid by the applicent. Applicalions deemed by the Community Development Depenment to hava significant design, land uee or 'other issues which may havs a significant impact on the communhy may rEqulrE revisw by consultsnls olh6|, than town stafl. Should a dst€rmination be mads by th€ lown slall that an outsido consullant is nesded to revtew any application, the Community oevelopment may hir€ an ouside consultant, il shall gslimats the amounl of monay n€cessary to pay him or h€r and this amouot shall he forward€d to th6 Town by lhs applicant at the tim6 he files his applicatron wilh tho Community Dsvslopmsnl Dspanmenl. Upon cornpletlon of Ih€ review ol ths applicarion hy the consultanl, ary ol fi6 funds forward€d by tho applicanl for payment of th€ consultanl which havs not bgen paid to the consultent shall b6 relurned lo lh9 applicant. Expenses lncun€d by tho Town In excess ol thc amounr lo|v/arded by the applicant shall bs paid 10 lhe Town by lhe applicant within 30 days of notiftca on by rh3 Town. H. Apr-25-?003 03:18pn Report Dsret MlUlMS 02:3tPM +9703?88879 EAGLE COTJI}flTY IBEASIJRER STATEMEM OF TAXDS DT'E t-247 P.001/002 F-697 PrgH f Fro||r{AGLE CoUEASURER ASSESSED TOI FUTERNICK, MORRIS & MIRIAM A, 2 GROVE ISLE DR APT 15Og MIAMI, FL33133 SUE:VAIL VILLAGE FILING l0 LOT:7-A DESC: MUELLER-WYMAI{ DUPLEX BK{471 PGmlT PARCEk 210108116016 SITUS ADD: 000930 A FAIRWA.Y DR VAIL TA)(. MTALTAXDS 6,324.U 0.00 6,324.04 Ei?Fiffi-- Afhority EAGLE COUNTY, OOI - OIO cMc,012 RE50J SCHOOL, 0t6 MINTURNCEM VAILP&R cRwc ERWS\ /cw ECI{SD TOWN OFVAIL,036 TAJGS FOR2OO2 Mitr I*r, 6.999 3.WI 2r.98t 0.436 2.'Tfi 0.255 1.300 Lln 2.011 4.7t7 Amollf 965.29 551.27 3,031.62 60.13 380.66 35.17 179,30 r92,67 m36 6fi.57 ValDes I.AND IMPS TOIAL Ac{Jd Aar€scal 503,500 16,070 r,003,810 9t,850 r,507,310 L!7,yn 45.853 6,3U.O4 AII TAX LIEN SALE AIT,|OITNTS ,{RE SIJBJECT ltO CI{,ANGE DUE TO ENDORSEMEIIII OF CURRE$IT TAIGS BY TttE LIENHOLDEA OR TO A.DVERTISING AND glSrSAtrlT WAXXTU{T FEFJ. CHN{GES MAY OCCUR AND TTIE TIEASLJRER'S OFFICE WILL NEED m BE CONTACTm FRIOR TO REtvflTTANCE AFTER TIIB FOLLOWING DATEST PERSONTA! PROPERTY A.hlD I\'OB!LE I{OlvlES - SEFTEMBER l. REAL PRoPERTY . SEFTEX\{BER. r. TrX IJEN SALE REDEMFITON IMOUNTS MUST BE PAID BY CASE OR CLqHIERS CEDCI(' P.O. Bqrt79 ErgF, cO 81631-{1479 (vt0):r2Es60 -.r tF\ '4 tl !PAIU ^ Y* APR 2 4 2003 ffiE Cot t{TY IREA$IJRER*-b;:J*4F 5Gq- 3Y{Ll-q7c- fll/n 0n; d- , Apr-25-2003 03:18pn Re0ort Ilote 0tll24l10{B (n:stP[d +97034880?9 EAGIT COUNIY TBEASURDR. STATFIMENT O[' TA:(ES DTJT l-zal ?.002/002 F-697 page: l Frorn-EAGLE C0UREASURER ASSESSED TO; FUTERMCK, MORRIS &MIRIAI\,I A. 2GROVEISLEDR, APT $09 MIAMI, FL33B3 ,IT LEGAL suB:VAIL MLLAGE I{LING 10 LOT:7-B DESC: MITEIIER-WYMAN DIJPLEX BK{471 PO{D[7 BK- 508 FG24.9 DEm 06D-89 PARCEL: 210108116017 SITIJS AIID:OOO93O B FNRWAY DR VAIL 2W2 Aurhority EAGIJ COUNTY, OOT . OIO cMc.0r2 RE50J scHool,016 MINTTJRNCEM VAILP&R cRwc ERWS wcw ECHSD TOWN OF VAIL. 036 TA'GS FOR2{x)2 TAJ( I1OTALTA:{ES 4,868.68 MillI4v 6.999 3.991 21.981 0.436 2.7fi 0.255 I.300 t.3n 2.0rr 4.7t7 0.00 Ynlues I.AI.{D IMPS TOTAL 4,86E,68 Act$l Ass€ss€al 503,500 46,070 656,690 60,110 Auo|tnt 141.16 4U.40 2,333.96 46.8 293.M n.a8 13E.03 1.{8.33 tl? {? 5q).85 1,160,390 t06,lg) 45.853 4,86E.68 AII, TAX UEI{ SAI.F AIV()TJNTS ARE SI'EJECT TO CHANGE DIJE TO ENDORSEMANT OF CUBX,EI{T TAXES BY TIIE UENIIOLDER oRluADvsRrIsirNcAbTDDrsrRArNrlrrARRANTFEE8. cIIANoEsMA?bccunaNnfirernEAslJ!4'somcE!!.tSEPlqBE cohnAcIED pRroR To REl,{rmANai AFIER luE ForJOwrNG D^TES: pERsoNAL PRoTERTY AND MO$ILE HoMEg - SEPIEMBER l. REAL PROPERTY - SETTEMBER T. TAX LIHTI SAI.E XEDEMPNON AMOI'NTS MTJST EE PAID EY CA$I OR CT$EIERS CHECK' P.O. Box 479 DrglG, CO 81631-0479 (970) 32eEE60 PAID * P APR l4 20S3 EHE cUlt{TY TREA$URER A ti(*"- *)**ffir ,. t.ol Land Tit]e Guarantee I t.t 1.4 Mar 2003 09:32:57 All MST I Page 4 of 10 Odcago Tllle Imrme C.ot4uy ALTA COMMITMEN T Sdredule A Our Order No. V279256-2 Cust Ref. ! Property Addre3s! 930 FAIRWAY DRIVE 1. Efiecfive Date: Febnnv 2E. 2{X}3 ar 5:00 P.ld. ?* Pollcy to be Issued, and hoposed Insured: IrfonmdonBlr*r hoposcdhrutd: MORRIS F{JTERNIC:( AND MIRIAM A. FUTBRNIS( 3. The estrte or Interrst ln the lend defcrlbed or referrdd to in thls Codnlfinent snd covered hercin ls; A Fee S[tSe 4. Tltle to the €state or lnterest covered hertfoi ls st the ettecdve drte her€of vest€d ln: MORRS ruTERNICIC A}ID MIRIAM A. FIJItsNNICI( 5. The land relerred to ln thls Comrnlfinent ts descrlbed es follows: SM ATTACHM PAGES) trI)R LEGAL DESCRIPTION , Frorn Land Title Guarantee 1) t., 14 Mar 2003 09:32:57 AM MST I Page 5 of 10 Our Order No. VngE6-2 I.gLDHHPnCN PARCEL 1: LOT ?A, MUELLER-WYMAN DUPLEX, A BESUBDIyISIoN OF ITOT 7, VAIL VILLAGq TENTII FILING, ACCORDING T0 TIIE PLAT RECORDED STTEMBER 30, 19t7 IN BOOK 471 AT PAGE 18, COUNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COIJORADO. PARCEL2: LOT?8, MI.JE-I,ER.WYMAN DUPI.EX, ARF^SUBDTYISION OF I.OT7, VAIL VIII\ffi' TENTH FIIJNG, ACf,ORDING T0 TIIE PI-AT RECOnDED SEPTEMBER m, t'gEt IN BOOK 471 AT PAGE 18, COTJNTY OF EAGLE STATE OF COIORADO. Fronr Land Tit1e Guarantee O t.t 14 Mar 2003 09232:57 AM MST a Page 6 of 10 ALTA COMMITMEN T ScheduleB.Secdonl (Requfrernenu) Our Order No, VnyL96-2 The followlng arc the requir€menti to be complled wlth! Iem (a) hyment to or for thc rccout of tlE grmtors or rmeego]s ol tlt fitll conldcradon for th estrb or hlertst b be tnnrcd. Itern (b) hoper irstrrneids) creaflrg the estr& or lnErest to be irrs|trrd rnust be exeq$ed ard dr|ly filed for rccord, b-wlt: Item (c) Poynrf of dI tues, clt{Ber or Gsessrmrts leyl€d {rd assessed rgdrt tb nd{ect ptcdses wldch erc dre ad pryaHe. Item (d) Adddoml r:qdrcmenb, lf f,ry dsclosed below! TTIIS COM}trTME{T XS FORINFORMATIOI\I O\LY, AND NO FOLICT WILL BE ESTjEI) PUNSUANT HENETO. Fron Land Title Guarantee a t.t 14 llar 2003 09:32:57 AM MST I Page 7 of 10 ALTA COMMITMENT ScbdileB-Secdon2 (kceptons) Our Order No. Vn92,*2 The policy or pollci€s to be lssued wlll contain exeptlons to the following unless the srme are .Uspos€d of to the saflsfadion of the Company: 1. IUgIfs or cldm6 of pedes In possesslon mt shown by OE Frbnc nnords. 2. E&s€ltrenh, or cldnrs of ereenrtis, mt shown by the pruic rtcords. 3. IliscreFmcies, corfilc8 h boudry llm, shottge ln elte, errro{crltrEr6, ad x|y trcb wtdch B @n€ct supey atd tmpecdon of the prend.ses worid dsclose rrd wldch ere mt shown by tlt pSlic rccords. 4. Ary lleq or dght to r ller] for s€rTlaes, labor or rnaierlal tbretofore or ltrcdter finrfsh4 itryosed by law ard mt shown by the pilllc records. 5. Ilefects, llerE, encrtrtrbrfilces, adeerse cldrns or olher malbts, lf ry, crcaledn fitst rFpedrE ln the ptbfic rnecords or rfischlrg sub€qrent to fln efiecdve dfe lcrcof brt p'lor to &e date tlr propos€d tn$red ecqtdr"r of rccold for velrr tlp €stste or lfrerest or Im4gge llpreon covercd by d{s CormdlEnt 6. Tkes or sfclet sss€s.emeft whtch ere not slpwn 6 cdsdrg ltens by 0r pHfc records.o lln Ttea$reCs ofilce" 7, Llens for rnrydd wrer std sewer chnrges, lf ary.. E. In rdddon, fte owmls policy wltl be sultect !o fir rmrtgqe, lt uy, mtsd In Socdon 1 of Schcd e B hercof,' 9. RIGITTOT PROPRIETOROFA VEIN ORLODETOEKTRACTAND REMOVE HXSONS TIIEREFROM SIIOULD TT{E SAME BE IOTJND TO PEI'{E]TRAIB OR INTERSECT TIIE PREII{ISES AS NESERVED IN UNND STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 20, 1905, IN B(X)K4E AT PAGE 5I.I. 10. RIGTIT OF WAY ['OR DITCIIES OR CANAI,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTIIOruTY (X' IIIE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN T]NMED STATES PATB,.{T RECORDD MAY 20, 1905, IN B@K4t AT PAGE 511. 11. NESTRICTTVE COVENANTS WHICII DO NOT CONTAIN A FORTtsITURE OR REVERIER CIAUSE! BUT OMITTING AIYY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASF,D ON RACE COLO& RELIGION, SEX, HANDICAP, FAMILTAL STATUS ORNATTONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND OI\ILY TO TTIE ilTSIT TIIAT SAID CO\IE{ANT (A) Is EXEMPT UNDm CHAPTEn /o, SECTION 36(}7 Otr' TIIE I'NITED STATES CODE OR(B) Rf,X"ATES TO IIANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DFCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAP PERSCI\IS, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED APRIL 11, 1973, IN BOOKZIE AT PA(S 604. rL ,A,LL OF IrOT ? LIES WTTHIN TIIE DEBRXS AVALANCIIE €IGII HAZARD) AS NOI@ ON IMPROVENISIT LOCATION CERTtrICATE No. 1105 BY EAGI,E VALLEY EIIGINERING & SURVEYING, INC, AND AS CERTIETED BY TIIE TOWN G'VA]L . Froh Land Title Guarantee I fti 14 Mar 2003 09132:57 AM MST a Page 8 of 10 ALTA COMMITMENT Scbdde B - Secdon 2 (Excepflonr) Our Order No' V2:19256'2 The pottcy or poBct€r to be issu€d wlll contaln exeptlons to the followlDg unlese ore esme are dlsposed of to th€ sadsfsctlon of th€ Company! u''ALLoFI.0TTLIESWITIIINTHEMEDIUMSEVERITYR(TKFALLARBAASNc'tmoN IMFRoVEIIIE{TLOGAJIIoNCERIIFICATENo.II05BYEAGLEVALI,STENGINmRING& SURVE"NNG, INC AND AS CERTTIFIED BY TTIE TO\ilIiI OF \/AIL |4. EASEMENTS, co|llDmol\s, covENANTS' REsTRIcTIoNs, nEsERvATIoNs AND NcfiEs Cx\J IIIE Pri.T OF MUELTER-WTMAN DUPLEX RECORDED SEFIEIUBEn'3O' 19t7 IN Bfi)K471 AT PAffi lt. 15. (rTENI INTE$ITTONALLY DU,ETED) L6. H.ECTRIC TRANSFORMER IN TIIE NORTIIEAST CORNER OF SUBECT PROPERTY AS SHOWI\ oN TIIE I]vIPRovEM!,t'{T LocATIoN CERTIFICA,TE DATF,D SEPTEMBER2t, Lgtl BY pHNSON, KUNIGL &AssocIA.TES' INC. (TEIE ABOVE MENdS AITECT BOTH PARCEI,S) fl. DmD OF TRttsT DATED OCTCIBER 03' 21001, FROM Monnxs FUTEnNICI(AND MIHAM A' FI,]TENX{ICK TO TIIE PTJBLIC TRUSTEE OF COUNTY FOR TTIE USE OF NORTIIERN TRUST BANK OF FLORIDA N.A. TO SECURE TIIE SUM OF $1,100'OOO'OO RECORDED OCTOBER 15, 2001, UNDER RECEmoN No- 76yr6t. (TI-IE ABOVE ITEIvI AFTECTS PARCU.2) .. From Land T'lt'le Guarantee (} ttt 14 Mar 2003 09:32:57 Nl MST ) Page 9 of 10 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DTSCLOSUNE STATEMENTS Noter hllsumt to CRS 10-11'l-:D, mdce ls hereby glven tluf, A) The subJect rc81 pt:oFrty nray be loce&d ln a specid tsxltE dtsntct nj I Certnc*e of iaxes Due ltsdrg each Mqg gdsdcdon Iuy be o6ned fmm trc Courty Tleasrrct's ufiottztd ogent c) The irdormtlon ragsrdng sPecid tilstrlcls td lln borrrdarles of srrh dsticb tEy b obht€d aom 0r Boad ot cotmty c-omdsstomrs, tlt coufy oer* sd Recorder' or the c-ounty A,csecson Not€: Eff€cdyc S€pfember l, 19g7, CRS 30-10-406 rcqdrts fl'rt a|| doorDcnts rcceived tor recordtg or lllltg in 0r clert and rccodeds ofnce slntl confln a toP lErEln of 8t t€{st oE lnch md e lcf! dght r|d brnom mrgln of et lcat or lrlf of an lrnh Tlr cle* sd rtc{detr rmy rcfirs€ to ncord or flle rqf docuErt tld aoes"mt conforrn, except ht, ttte rcqdrtlmnt tor fE toP rrlgh slnll mt rypy to documnb ultg fot1E on wlfch space is prcvided for rccordtng or tlllrry irtronnadon at the bp m€in of ttt document Note: Crlorado Dlvislon of lEuonce R€guldons 3'5'! Parqrf,r C of ArtcJe Vtr rcqdrca tlnt'Evcry dde endty slnlt be resportstble lor dl rmlters wldch ryee. of rccord prlof b tlre tim of rccotdrg whenever flre dde enfib condlc6 the closlrg ard ts rcspolrslye for recoI6rg or llllrg of lcgal docrrEnb rcsdthE tom the fiflEacdon wldch wss clos€d". Ptovld€d tlst Lsd TIde Gutrdee cotryry @trdrts-$e closlr?g otft lE|rtd E|fl|smflon dls nsporrtue for recordrB rti| legd dd1apnb hom dre tsarsj5don, excepdon rnmber 5 wllt mt ryefi on lb Orvnet's Tldc Policy ud the Lorbn Pollcy wlnn ls$led" Nob: Affinmdve rneclqdc,s llen rrtrtecdon for oE owmr mry be avdlsble (tyf,cally by deledon ot Excepdon no. 4 ol sclredule B, Secton 2 of th conrdtneril ftom lhe ownet's Foltcy to be lssrrd) upon cor@lme wllh the followlrg conddom: A) The lf,d desc,rrbed in schedrle A of dda corfiiftEnt n st be a slrgle fandly rcsldence wldch inchdes a condondrdun or lownhowe udl B) No labor or maErids hsve ben thtdshfil by rrechudcs or rmlerid-rcn for pryoses ol co|Etnxdon on or l{d descrlbed in schedr.{e A of oit cotmdorcnt wtlldn ore part 5 rmdr. c) The corryov rmrst rtcelve m rymp{ate dl[davtt tn&lrdfyirg the colryf,ry egdrst ut'trted rmchadc's rrd ruierlal'rcn's Ilens. D) The Corqsrry rnat receive pyrrnt of ttn rymp'tare predulr. nj n mre ls lfon constrrnoq -iryrovemrr or rqpr rtpon rmdertrlan on t6 -propedy t0 be wphsed wi0fn slx montlE pior b the Dae of dt condm|f, tlE rcqdrcrtrDb to obhin cover€e for urrccoded llerB wlll inclde: dsclosure of cer.trtr corrtution hfondon; flnalrclsl fufonmfon 18 to the setler, 0re hdlder d or th contutoB pyrmnt of tlle appriate prerdu[ fully €xesftd Indemdty Agrtem€nb sadstrctory to dE cotqnqf' an{ my addidoml rc$drcmeffi r may bc ncceassry dtEr m €xerdn {on of ttc atoresoid irfonmdon by Un Colryty' No coverage wlll be $ven rnder my clrt|r$trnces fdr labor or rmterial for which the lnsued has contrcted for or ogreed to pay. Not€! h$|nnt b CR.S lG ll't":l3t' nodce ls hrcby givcn: A) Ttnt therc ts rccorded €vldeme tld a rdrnnl estat€ hs been sevene4 leased' or o0rllse colfleyed tsm tbe sltrf*e €srob m.t ttnt tlEre ls r suhtsrdal llkelthood uret e ddld FIty holds sorn or all lnt r,,est ln o[ gos, oorer dnerals' or geollr€fnnl ercrgl ln ttr pmperty; arll B) Thrr strch dnerrl esEte rry lncrrde rhe dght b €mI d Ds€ the Fropelq| widbm ole surfse ovmt' t Pend.$slorr Tlds notice ryflles to owner's policy cormrdbnents contddng a rdrrral severmce llEtltrnent exepdon, or ercel$orx, ln Schedule B, Secdon 2. Notldrg herdn contrhed wlll be d€€tEd to ob[gate ftc col4flty to prcvlde uy of tlr coverzges rrfernd to hercln u ess the rbov€ conddons erc folly saflsllerl Eors D$crgRE O9/O1/O2 F1o.m Lana Title Cuarantee I t.t 14 Mar 2003 09:32:57 Aid MST Page 10 of 10 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fldellty Nadonal Flnencld Group of CompanledChlcago fitle Insurance Compcny rnd Land Tftle Guarrntee Company July 1, 2001 We recoedze ard rcsrct lhe sivecf crDectrforr6 of bdcy's corErluelts erd OE Eqrdrffrefib of dicrble lcde ral fld strE ulv-s.f, laws. We beltevr! nrat rinldirg you swart ol liow we rse your mnrtbllc rrsonal hrl6imdon ('?ersornl Inforiradori'), sd to whom it ls dsclosed -wlll form the basls for e r6laf orchti of hit htween rr ard th-puHlc t|gt we seree. Tlds fttvacy Sterement fyld€s tlnt exflnndon We rcsew€ da rlght to charge tlds ftlvry Sbtement fmm drl[ to dnie conslstera'Elth appliceble prlvecy laws. In the cours€ of our bushess, we may collcct Pensonal Infontadon ebout you fron the tollowlng tourGelr: I From arllcadorr or olhr lonn we recelye lbom you or yo|[ arnDdzed rtfres€nffive;* Fmm ybir tarsncdors wldrn or fmm tlrc servlccs 6elrg phfonrd by, us, o'rr etltli*g- or otl:rs;r Fmm 6ur lr$ennt web sltes:* From th prHlc reco$ rmindned by govennrenhl enddes tlnt we eltlrcr oHn drecfly tom 0rose endtes. oi fmm our afflHates or o0rehiard* trlom cbtrumr or otlrer rcpordrg agelhes. Our Pollcies Regardtng the hotecdon of the Confldentloltty and S€curlty of Your Personal Irtrorrnetion We rmirnrln d|Yslcd. €bc'Oordc ud mcedual sdegurrds !o uroEct you Fersoml Irfonnelion tom u|ofrnfized eess or lntrirsfon We lftdt scc€rr Ui dre krconl Iftonmdoir only 6 Urose erdoyees lf,ho red sudr scess ln conrclion wlth provldtlg pm.fucb or servlces to you or lor odrr legldttr E hrfmss FrTos€s. Our Pollcles and Practies Regardlng the Sharlng of Your Persond Informaflon We rmy share your Fersornl Infonrndon wlth our at lates, such as lmrrfirce corqsdes, agents, ord other rcal estat€ si:fiIerneit service Foviders. We also rnry dsclcse yrirr Penornl Infonmdori: * to qents, bm}frs or r€Eqsmtrfrves to foytih you wlth se|vlces you hsve rcquesed;* m Airddlt conorctoilr or.servlce prviAers wlo provlde *rvlct* or perlorm rmrtirirrng or odrr Ihcflori ori orr hlralf; and* to others wlth vhom we erier lnlo Jotnt rmrkrdrg agn€rrEirts for pmdrrE or servlc€s tlnt we belleve you rry flrd of trerest In addition we will dlsclose vour Persornl lrfonmdon wlrn you dlrcct or glye us fr.rdssiot\ when we art reqdrcd bv larv to do so. or wltn we-surmct turdulent or crindrd r-dvldes. We alSo mry dlsclose yorn Fenonal Iidonmdon wlin othervlse aniltted bv aullcable uivacv lnvs nrch es. for exaide. wheir disclosue is n€e.red b ertrorte our dgls arlstrg bu of ttry d$edtnt, timecdon or retdomtlp wldr you Orc of the frqorurt lesporulUlldes o? som of orr dtrltated-corrydes ls to rccord doflrrr{s ln tlr p$llc do|lEin Slrch doc|Imnts- nry conhin your Persornl lrfonmdon - Rjght to Access Your Personal lnlormadon and Abiltty to Correct Errors Or Requ$t Changes Or Ddetlon Celdn shtes dford you the rlght to access yotr Pensornl Irfonmdon anl, rnder ccndn clmlrshnces, to f,rd out b whom yorr Penorirl htronmdon hes beei dsclosed Also. certrln shles dford you tlE rlqht to rcq|rcst conectiori, {En&Er|t or deledon of you Fersonel lrfonEdon We reserve the rfCl4 where perrdfied ry lsw, to cJnrge a reosornHe fee to cover tb costs incurrcd ln rcspondqg b such rcqt$sb. All requesb srfidtbd b the Ft.hllty NedorEl Fhrrial Gmrp of C-orrydes/Odc{o TIde nEtme Cotryry shrll be in wrldrg, nd defivered to flrc lollowlng ddrtss: hivacv Comollnre Offcer Fldeu& Nsdrinel Etmnciat. Irrc. 4050 Cdle neal, $dte Zl0- SuilaBathtr. CA93110 Multiple Products or SerYices tr we pmvide you with rmre llnn oE ftMrctsl prodrct or scwice, you rry recelve rmre thm orr pivacy mtice film rs. We apologlze for sry incomerderre tds fmy canse you. Fo[! gRnf.POL.Gr "-t '' REVOCATION OF T}M TOWNHOUSE DECLARATION oF coffiilfrHib"oNDlrloNs FORTIIE RESUBDIVISION OF LOT 7, VAIL VILLAGE, TENTH FILING TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO This Revocation of The Townhouse Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for the Resubdivision of Lot 7, Vail Village, Tenth Filing Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado ("Revocation of Declaration") is executed to be effective as ofthis 22 d"i of February, 2003, by Morris Futernick and Miriam Futemick (the "Futemicks"). Recitals A. The Futernicks are, asi of the date of execution of this Revocation of Declaration, the owners in fee simple of all that real property situated in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado described as follows: Mueller - Wyman Duplex, a Resubdivision of Lot 7, Vail Village, Tenth Filing, as recorded September 30, 1987 in Book 471 .atPage 18, and also known as 930 Fairway Drive, Vail, Colorado (*Lot 7'). B. The Futemicks predecessbr(s) in interest recorded the final plat for the Mueller - Wyman Duplex in the records of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder at Book 47l,Page 18, C. The Futemicks predecessor(s) in interest recorded the Townhouse Declaration for a Resubdivision of Lot 7, Vail Village, Tenth Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado in the records ofthe Eagle County Clerk and Recorder at Book 47l,Page 17, reception number 367235 (the "Townhouse Declaration"). E. Pursuant to Section 12(c) of the Declaration, the right to amend or revoke the Townhouse Declaration was reserved'for all ou'ners and if any, the first mortgage or first deed of trust lienors of record of any portion of Lots 7 A and 78. F. The Futernicks, being the omers of all of Lots 7 A and 78, pursuant to the Townhouse Declaration, and there being no fnst mortgage or first deed of trust lienors of record of any portion of Lots 7A and 78, hereby desire to revoke the Townhouse Declaration and to re-plat the property described as Lot 7. Revocation of Declaration In consideration of the foregoing, the Futernicks hereby revoke the Townhouse Declaration as follows : Revocation of Declaration Paee I of2 T.rk J Simonton ErElr, C0 lillll ffilfl,',l,... R 11.00 D o.oo l. The above stated recitals are true and correct and are incorporated into this Revocation of Declaration as though fully stated at this point. 2. Pursuant to the Futemicks rights, the Futernicks hereby revoke the Townhouse Declaration by this Revocation of Declaration. EXECUTED to be effective as of the date first set forth above. Miriam A. Futernick srAr' oe 4**t-u*--h (€, ]COUNTY OF 2003, by Monis!as record owner of title of Lot 7, Vail Village, Tenth Filing, Vail, Colorado. STATE OF 2003,by Miriam A. Fqt+iql6,-as record owner of title of Lot7, Vail Village, Tenth Filing, Vaif Colorado. wi -d) Revocation of Declaration Page2 of2 I |||il llil llllll fi lllll lll illilll lil lllll lillll #l?"lf,,,",^ R 11.00 DO,OO MIRIAM A. FUTERNICK Notary Public couNrY o, ;io-#E- 1""' ,0. *r;m;acknowledged before ne t'*2)d ot ffi.iffs;x- hphffid and bfftftal i Wi*:;s'Notarv Public Address: //)EcF f.rk .l si a^t6n E!q!.. CO :t:*++********{.'}rt***'*:t**{.*'*********:**+*++*f l*{.{.*'}t**'t **********,*****!*,r**********'}**!t ****r.:****:* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO *****1.t ******:t'l't*********++:t:f +++****** Statement Mmller: R030003893 Anount: $100.00 05/OZ/ZOO3O9:51 At{ Pa)ment Method: Check Init: iIAR Not.ation: 1388 Michael Dunlevie P. C. Permit No: PECO3OO2s Type: pEC - Duplex SubdiviEion Parcel No: 2101081L501-6 Site Address: 930 FAIRWAY DR VAIIJ Irocation: 930 Fairway Drive Total Fees: $100. OO This Palment: $100.00 Total- AIjJ Pmta: $100.00. Balance: $0. oo ***'r.** *,i,I** **l**'r'**{.'r.'* **+:****** **+++*+f +*f *f t"f t 'f f **'t**{.**:t *:****!**'f ************!t*********:i,r** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cunrent Prnts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES IOO.OO Statement Michael Dunlevie PC Attorney at Law P.O. Box 2504 1140 Edwards Village Blvd., Ste. 8-208 Edwards. Colorado 8 1632 Telephone: (970) 569-3844 - Telefax: (97 0) 569-3846 April28,2003 VIA }IAND DELIVERY Warren Campbell Planning Department Town of Vail Vail, CO Re: Lot 7, Vail Village, 0930 Fairway Drive, Vail Dear Mr. Campbell: Attached, please find the application of Morris and Miriam Futernick requesting to vacate the lot line between Lots 7A and 78, Vail Village, creating a single family lot. Included with the application is a check in the amount of $100.00 for the application to the Tovm of Vail, a check in the amount of $ I I .00 for recording with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, two mylars and one paper copy ofthe plat, Schedule A and B ofthe Title Report, a copy ofthe recorded Revocation of Townhouse Declaration and paid tax statements. Please advise this offrce the status of this application and when it is submitted to Eagle County for frling. Thank you for your continued courtesy and cooperation. MICHAEL DUNLEVIE PC Cecelia Fenton Legal Assistant Attachments as noted TO: FROM: DATE: Wanen Canrpbell, Toum of Vail Cecelia at Michael Dunlevie's Offi ce February 13,2003 Following are proposed changes to the Futemick Plat Map for Lots 7 A & TB,Vnrl Village: t^ Title Header to read: .[.mended Final Plat D k $utemick Single Family Residence Af Resubdivision of Lot 7, Vail Village, Tenth Filing, lown of Vail, County of Eagle, State of Colorado Wrrren, doe.g the thir{ line readlng 6A Resubdivision....,..'still apply and is correct? Yrs i+ is cpnzct, In General Notes revrito #3 to read: 53. The fole purpose of this Plat is to vacate the comrnon property line on thc Mueller-Wyman duplex plat between LotT A and Lot 7B, and to vacate the Access Easements on Lots 7A and ?ts which was originallyrecorded in Book 471 at Page 18. Thank vou. Deportment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-21 38 Flx 970-479-2452 www.ci,vail.co.us January 30, 2003 Michael Dunlevie PC P.O. Box 2504 1140 Edwards Village Blvd., Suite 8-208 Edwards, CO 81632 Re: Elirnination of Duplex Lot Line to Create a Single-Family Lot / Lot7, Vail Village Filing 10 Mr. Dunlevie: This letter is to serve as a follow up to our conversation regarding the steps needed to be taken to record this Amended Duplex Plat. First, look at the red' line corrections which were made. Make these corrections or call with any questions. You may then go to mylar and begin the signature process. A9 Vgu stated w6 are the second to last to sign the plat prior to the signatures from Eagle County. Return to our office the application with the $100 fee and the two mylar copies to be signed. lt is our intention to make this amendment an administrative action and therefore will not need to go to the Town Council or the Planning and Environmental Com mission. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this letter please contact me at 479-2148. With regards, '11,,^^Warren Campbell Planner ll Cc: File {g *t"*tror^rs, Michael Dunlevie PC Attomey at Law P.O. Box 2504 I140 Edwards Village Blvd., Ste. 8-208 Edwards, Colorado 8 I 632 Telephone: (970) 569-3844 - Telefax: (970) 569-3846 January 24,2003 VIA HAND DELIVERY Warren Campbell Planning Department Town of Vail Vail. CO Re: Lot 7, Vail Village, 0930 Fairway Drive, Vail Dear Mr. Campbell: We represent Mr. & Mrs. Morris Futernick in the above matter. As we discussed, attached is a blue line ofthe plat for consideration ofan application to vacate the lot line between Lots 7A and 7B creating a single family lot. Please advise this office of the status of this request following your staff meeting of January 28 including what procedure you would like us to follow to reach the point of all signing an original mylar for final recording with the County Clerk & Recorder. Thank you for your courtesy and cooperation. MICHAEL DT'NLEVIE PC ,)/-t",2..-:--.i;-? , g-_-.-.--* Cecelia Fenton Legal Assistant Attachment as noted TO\A4\I OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DEVELOPMENT 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CD 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES 03/l-9/2oo2 Phone: 970-926-3443 03/L9/2OO2 Phone: 970-926-3443 90. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> $3 , 051 . ?5 $o. oo ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 802-0031 ]ob Address: 930 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.....: 930 FAIRWAY DRIVE Applied . . : W/79/2002 Parcel No...: 2701.081'1.60'1.6 Issued . .. : 04/23/2002 Project No : Expires . ..: 70/20/2002 owNER FU:TERNICK, MORRIS & MTRTAM A03/L9/2002 phone: 2 GROVE ISI,E DR APT ]-509 MfAMI FL 33133 L,icense : CONTRACTOR COI{EN CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 1_889 EDWARDS CO 8163 2 License: L23 -B APPIJICANT COHEN CONSTRUCTTON P O BOX 1889 EDWARDS CO 8163 2 IJicense: 123 -B Wcxrd Pelleh *"* FEE SUMMARY Building----> $t , 82 0 . 00 Restuarant Plan Review--> Plan Check--> S1,183.00 DRB Fec-*--------->go. oo Additional Fees-----> O-.,,\ 0,L\*;. t" (^."\ I 'J Description:Intefior remodel - 1-25 sq. ft. to both halves of duplex Occupanry: R3,U1 Type Construction:V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $369,283.00 Add Sq Ft: 305 Fireplace lnformation: Ilestricted: Y # of Gas Appliances: 0 # of Gas I-ogs: 0 # of Inves h gation-> Will CalI--> $0. oo Recreation F€€-----> S3 .00 Clean-up Depo6it-----> S45. ?5 Total petmit Fee_> 93 , 051- 25 S0 - 00 Payments--> $3 , 051- 75 s0.00TOTAL FEEg-------> S3.051. ?5 BALANCE DUE-__-> Approvals:IEem: 05L00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT o3/28/2OO2 CDAVTS Action: AP I{AKE NOTE OF CORRECTIONS ON PI,ANS ILem: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT O3/29/2OO2 ao Action: Dlitr driveway width does not match DRB approval limits of disturbance fence reod to be shown I 04/09/2oo2 ao IIEM: O55OO FTRE DEPARTMEIAT 04/22/2OO2 Mccee ririf f de reviewed once selected. Item: 05500 PIIBLIC WORKS 04/LO/2OO2 r,S Action: AP Action: AP licensed alarm Action: DN Fire alarm plans contractors has been Plans do not show Publ-ic Work issues. Iimit of disturbance fence not shown Driveway not reduced Heated portion of driveway not shown on a seperate zone and marked at. control box. Revoca.ble right of way permit required. 04/23/2OO2 Ls Action: AP See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicatioo filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the in-formation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build *ris stmcture according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOUI{S IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE IROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Deposit To: N/A OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEtr Permit #; 97 O- 47 9 - 2149 ( Inspections) 75 S, Frontaqe Rd. Vail, Colora-do 81657 Contact Assessors Offrce at 970-328-864O or visit www.for Parcel # Parcel # 210'l-081-16-016 lob Name: FUTERNICK REMODEL JobAddress: 930 Fairway Drive, Vail, CC Legal Description Lot: 7 Block:Filing; 10th Subdivision: Vail Villaqe owners Name: H8€6+s . &kMrl<l<r-Address: fi:.!fi?Y"r,i" j3 r ?5. * I 5u Phone: 305-856-92-86 ffs$h"si/Dwiqs'd 3 E Y ; I E E' o Address: +99?,sc6r8?6qqe Rd w Phone: g7O-476-4433 Enswates,EEdJuTo z ? 7L9rR98PY.TuEo a o o Dh^n^.6""""' 303-66s-0090 _1",*1T:::ptionof work: \ ;r47r u E-yf c*/hoa_{-q,s WorkClass: New( ) Addition(X) Remodel (x) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: interior (X ) E$erior ( X; Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family 1X1 two-Family ( ) Multrfarnily ( ) Commercial ( ) Reslaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: No/Type of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood.Burninc (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Aiarm Exist: Yes (X ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( X) coMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMTT (Labor & l'laterials) BUILDING: $ 266 ,6 5 1 .0 0 ELECTRICAL; $ 34, 455 . 00 OTHER: $ - PLUMBING:$ 63,652.00 MECHANICAL: $ 4,525.00 TOTAI-: S 369 ,283 .00 REFLIND CLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: CONTRACTOR II{ FORMATION General Confactor:Cohen Construction, Inc.Contact and Phone,Jeff Cohen 926-3443 or 47 1-381 Town of Vail Reg. No.: 123-B -r-r*-J**r<**4J**rr*****r?********************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY* ** * ****'r******** ******rF**** *:t*:k**rts** F :/everyone/formslbldgperm X,{e ECOHEN I=CONSTRUCTION, INC. 210 Edwards Village Blvd., A-201 P.O. Box 1889 Edwards, Colorado 81632 off (970) e26-3443 Fax (970) 926-3440 jacvail@vail.net Memorandum Date: 09/19102 To: CommunityDevelopment, Town of Vail Attn: Greg From: JeffCohen Re: Perrnit # 802-0031. Futemick Remodel CC: Further to my memo of 08/26/02, attached please find original of the engineer's stamp documents that you requested. Thank you. Jeff or*iHTi'iliiPv RFcE,uED\- stP e o ?nn,. vu( og/o9/O2 12:00 Srp OS OZ ll:e+a 8s70 028 5140 NicsTssoc COEEN CONSIBUCTI ?9sj'oon APPROVED Communlty Development Departrnstt&frt4 Safaty & Inspection Servlme 303-65rzrt "."T&ru*Hr.H;'.tr*mrutmtf&ffi *,ffiPhdte: ($o) SZ5.3a+3 ;frJi;-i'*d;tiiFn-tEiru'rl or. -y viotatordFil (r'o)nFogoffi'*ffi$Si#:E*Hr.ffiffi,il codr d dbcdlr Cblfllb fl il. t vrli4 FAXI{O.:S70{f8-{508 To; D^TE: ATTN: Kuil$orrtrs FROM: PtftCl{E: 9?047G{*rt - -NO. OF PAGES (ftrd, cnvereheetf -1 - ltalrl Capybtlloryb Met YcE_ lfog._ OC: l{oryRtpried(wk3mAA3.P26e) Re: Fubm&lt Ranrdel . E!|r€tunl HaUcr aFpmral fuTOV The To*n sf Vail has lg$rGEt d ry|Ettol and ugfn*n sbtne of tfn frllorrlne durga to a prcrerudyeppmed rwbin: Ftun ltgno D# 06106r@ pr.nb,||fy.ttlElr.O fid €tampsd: 2) Rplsvdr&fraildng-pape: OKto rwt* dr*&ncttngo iltow ft dtttrS ChLh tr't et'r..L b erdinb ruw *is well md tcer qr rrinda.r hFidE tr lictt of crrtting tln Urting Glrrbrrr ald frrniry rcw Gttdlm belrr nd nn* BIO bsur ec jtgwa wr pbn NEp Gtulpl bcam 'wi[butt i!6 odrE]tEbaEi rnd ue ccmtisn |s rhgrvn hr dedl folg The corndon inb fis cfiisthg Chlam beam w drrhpd tont Ue set lnrqnr rtnwn intrll lOSi! b e Silnffil lltf4l0 lnhgpr. Ths frrmr lnrdc tHr dtltgs beEilm he csdd not {tx$+G tlte b.cFsid. of tho Ghlrm bearh uilEut Carlq out en*ing thtsftE uyc wErB fyhe b srv:. HE rnrrld hil€ nc*d b aw hs DrdrsHe of tha Clulan b trhgr the t|rrilgtrioltr h I)eH lorsa I mr not ayare of tc ctEnge hs mdp ar llp thne or I reuH lrave rdd|lso.d hthen. l-d me lcpw il tils ie olay and lf ro Flar* hnn il odgth{ Copy sbwped nd ma0ed b me for submltbl b thg Tffvn of Voil. Tharkforyurhdp. . FAXTRANSilTTAT rttigogolrtdl*ioiirdtcdoro.ldtihrd{ nor p,creat tb tdt&g odldrl fton ir.!.nc nfrdq |tc co*b ol crmrs h caH phu, rpccificrtioor rad cher dat+ fi fioo li3Ycndts htifdtt o?crarions b€ing catried on dErcundcr when in viobdo of thig codc ord oar*glf/'fu- bia1*' .fafr ok fipnc 'fus t ilial M\IIE.Boz-oosl r/qh+ ' Nicol Associates, Inc. Co6rultiol Slra ttrr l I nl i trtrll Og/09/02 12:00 Og OA I l:254 8s70 028 ,$d40 lliooJssoc COEEN CONflNUCTI WooL/ooip-OseE AuguGt2g' 20Ol Mn. tlolly L. RitgwrY segctttrg Mq/hail ArdriEcb t6l7 Wazm Stcct, Suits C? DEvcr,CO gn02 &lloz RE: my StrtrBngincc( Ro{ovdBy Diu: H. Joner, P.E. Arsosidc ll7r? ttrBny |\r.Y, Surtc llrl Lrliwtte, Colorndo 100[6 3o3-6T-1211 AF[NROVED Community D:veloPment DsPartmeil Butktins sarety & '"30"ff[:l TOINOFUAILV scilon r06L3, umr nllljglg*gffi: *;*::n ffii :I;'itil:il"';"ffi m-#Hi6f"r=.*--*i.tfi *':l ffi Kl;;;i;b"'.'ryn{:T.1d":T;"d."lint'H"'fi:fiI$:1111 operations being t"ttif. *.ry*.^^ INITIALS: DATE: Futmit Rcsirkcc Reooeet 930 Fainnrl Dtirtc, Vril, CO Dlrr tto[y, Thc urooss oftis ker ir6 6frn in rnfthg, tlut thc subdit|rio of (4)-l 7." x 9 lf2'Idctoltn i][ii6-tt -;a itist" ir s*a* clsz it srrfrrdg acccpauc. ThB DEw Mis4gr bcan sbuld bc qryport€d m .*b c"a -ith r ni"itnran ofQ)'2x6 uinuner rtds' Plcrcc fut Foc to cmtr6 our offtccg if &crr orc t[lhcr qrcciurr r:gfrdirU 0ris projc€t' Rcrpccfitlly Sutmittd, NIooLAS6()CIATEq|xC Comldag Srnrctrnt EnSincGrs fhdi.. tloll 665{l!10 f.rt llo 665-tfi t TOWN OFVAIL Department oJ Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co.us Cohen Construction, lnc. 210 Edwards Village Blvd. A-201 P.O. Box 1889 Edwards, CO 81632 970-926-3443 970-926-3440 August 28, 2002 Mr. Jeff Cohen, s04-*z lv T,r\-r N\r-,- After reviewing your fax of August 26,2002,I still do not see that the corrections from August 8,2002 have been addressed. In item 2 of the memorandum dated June 5,2002 regarding deck framing page - 52 you stated in the last sentonce tlat connections as shown in detail 10/52 would be used. The connection as installed appears to be some type of Simpson face nail hanger, not the thru bolt angle shown. I do not see this referenced in any ofthe correspondence between you aud the engineer. More importantly detail 6/32 the substitution of the microlams, for the steel anglss 61 1[s concrete wall, specified by the engineer has not been addressed. No detail has been submitted and there is no reference by page number or section in any correspondence between you and the engineer. This is a complete plan change therefore, I need number and size of the microlams beams used, how they were attached to the floor and the support required under the beams. This should be provided as an original scaled drawing or a typed letter, on letter head, and wet stamped by the engineer of record. As a demonstration of cooperation I allowed the sheetrock to be hung after the insulation inspection. In retrospect I should not have allowed this as it may need to be removed to check for compliance. Consequently the inspection request for today has been denied. No more inspections will be performed until the required information has been provided. r/Plans Examiner {,7 ""n"uo'o'"' VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL, co 8r657, 970-479-2135 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES AIARM PERMIT Permit #: A02-0017 t3o,? -4O31 Job Address: 930 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 930 fairway dr Applied . . : 04/12/2002 Parcel No...: 2101081 16016 Issued . . : 08/26/2002 ProjectNo: ?S Jt-O{31 Expires..: 02t22/2003 owNER FUTERNTCK, MORRTS & MTRTAM AO4/L2/2OO2 phone: 2 GROVE ISI,E DR APT 1509 MIAMI FIJ 33133 L,icenge: APPLICAM| COHEN CONSTRUCTION 04/1,2/2002 phone: 970-926-3443 P O BOX 1889 EDWARDS CO 8L632 Iricense : 1-23 -B CoMTRACTOR COHEN CONSTRUCTTON 04/12/2002 phone: 970-925-3443 P O BOX 1889 EDWARDS CO 8r'.632 License: 123 -B Desciption: rade of existing alarm system to meet code Valuation; $4.600.00 {+t***+t**.r+t'li****rtr+ FEE SUMMARY *a****rt**+*++*t:i*+*t**,** TOWN OF VAIL FIRE DEPARTMENTI Electrical------> DRB F€€-----> InYestigation-> Will Call---.--> TOTAL FEES...> Approvals:IICM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT j4/L5/2OO2 mvaughan Action: DN alarm appl icat ion and submittals will not : accepted from general contractor. This submittal must come from an approved, tov licensed contractor. 07/24/2002 mcgee dated 07/!2/02. Actionr AP Approved based on supl imental information $90. OO $0.00 $0. 00 $93 .00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees------> Total Pemit Fee-----> Payments--------*---> BALANCE DUE--_> s93.00 90. o0 $93 .00 $93 .00 $0 .00 rt+t'i.:3:t*l*:t * *,r *:t 'a r. 'l ir t ', r 't:t;r + + CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL *rt,t +,| l:1.* *,l*,t 'l +:t**,1i* ***'1, * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review *******+*+***************,t't * * * * * + + * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * t {. {. * * *{. * * * *i. {. * * * * * * | + * + * * * * ** * * *,* * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement * ** *'* * * * ** * * * * * **.1* * * * * * * * * * *** ** *** * + * * * * * * ** * ** 'i ** * * * ** * * * ++ + * * +l + * | +* f ** +'| * * ** * * * *** * ** ** Statement Number: R000002958 Amount: 993.00 Og/26/200203:40 pM Pal.ment Method: Check Init: DDc Notation: Cuatom Audio 13838 Permit No: A02-0017 T:y!,e: AIJARM PERMIT Parcel No: 21010 811-6 016 Sit.e Address: 930 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Location: 930 fairwav dr Total Feee: $93.00This Pa]rment: $93 .00 Tota1 AIJIJ Pmt6: 993 .00 Balance: $0.00 *** +* + + *+ * * * ** * ***+ * * l'+ * * * ** ***+**** ++ + f * a+*** + ++* * * * f* * * * ++ * * * ** * ***** ***** * ** ** * ****** * * *+ ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31i14OO TEMPORARY POI'/ER PERMITS !\lC OO1OOOO31128OO I^/ILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE 90.00 3.00 DEPARTMENT OF COMM'fr DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Permit #: D02-0009 Job Address: 930 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED Location.......: 930 Fairway Dr. Applied. . : 04/07/2002 ParcelNo....: 210108116016 Issued...: 04/1,0/2002 Project No . : ?? trRI C\ *O 131 Expires . . .: 1,0/ 07 /2002 OI'INER FIITERNICK, MORRIS & MIRIAM AO4/OL/20O2 PhONC: 2 GROVE ISIJE DR APT 1509 MIAMI FIJ 331_33 License: CONTRACTOR COHBI CONSTRUCTION o4/oL/2O02 phone: 970-926-3443 P O BOX 18e9 EDWARDS CO 8L532 License: L23-B APPLICATqT COHEN CONSTRUCTTON O4/0L/2OO2 phone: 97O-926-3443 P O BOX 1889 EDWARDS CO 8153 2 License: L23-B Desciption: demo of existing walls/finishes Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence TypeConstruction: VN TypeVNon-Rated TypeOccupancy: ?? Valuation: $8,000.00 AddSqFt 0 Fireolace lnformation: Reshicted:# ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet .** FEE SUMMARY So. oo Total Calculated Fees-> 1209.25 Uo..^\ Ur\.^q,'t. toJb <5 tc:+ -l TOWNOFVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2738 Building--> 9125.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-> s81 .2s DRB Fee----->S0 - oo Additional Fees >$0. 00 go. oo TotallPermit Fee-> $209.25 90.00 pavments____> g2O9.2S Investigation-> wiucdl--> $0.00 f,.screationFee--> 93.00 Clean-upDeposit----> TOTAL FEFST--> S2O9 .25 BALANCE DUE-> See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. so. 00 Approvals:I€em: 051O0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/O9/2OO2 cdavis Action: AP PEI{DING PLANNING DEPT VERBAL APPROVAI-, TO REIJEASE DEMO PERMIT DECLARATIONS I hereby hcknowledge that I have read this applicatiory filled out in fuIl the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the infonnation as required is correct I agree to comply with the information and plot plaru to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this strucfure according to the towns zoninp and subdivision codes, design review approved Unifonn Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. Send Clean-up Dqnsit To: q/a CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET PAGE 2 *:*rnt'r*****.*****r.**t****|Kr**:*rt***#l*.*dif**dr**rt#ri*i**********ir********r+***********tr****r+*********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit#: D02-0009 asof 04-1,0-2002 Status: ISSUED *******ii:**rt**:trt******rk{it*********rh*1tr****rt*ri***!tti*tit*******',****ffir*rt**!t t*rH#*****thhr**rt* Permit Type: DEMO. OF PART/ALL BLDG. Applicant COHENCONSTRUCTION w0-92G3M3 job Address: 930 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Location: 930 Fairway Dr. Parcel No: 210108116016 Description: demo of existing walls/finishes Conditions: Cond:12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: CON0O05228 THISPERMIT ISGOOD FOR DEMO ONLY,NO FURTHER WORK ALLOWED UNTIL BUILDING PERMIT IS RELEASED MUST COMPLY TO CONDITIONSOF DRB APPROVAL TO INSTALLASITE DISTURBANCE FENCE. Applied: 04/01/2002 Issued: M/70/2002 ToExpire: 70/07/2002 ' * *** * * * ** * * *1.* * * ++*rt ++ r. r. * *+ + * * ** * * * * ** * * * *****t; **ir t + + ++ * * *** * * * ** * * * ** f* r tt | +* +t+ **+d.***{ * ++ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement * ++* * * *a*'* ** * * * ** *+++ + + * ++ * * * *+ + * * *** * '! * ** *!t:t*+*** l + ++ f, * * ** * * '; ** {. * * ** * * * ** | * ++*****+*:t***++* Statement Number: R000002132 Amount: 9209.25 04/LO/2OO2O3:48 pM Payment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: #5055/Cohen Construction Permit No: Parcel No3 Sile Address: IJocation: Tlris Payment : D02 - 0009 2 1010 8 116 016 930 FAIRWAY DR 93 0 Fair'way Dr. $209.2s Tlt)e: DEMO. OF PART/AL,L BLDG. VAIL Tota]- Fees: Total ALL Pmta: Balance : $209.2s 5209.2s s0. oo ******* * * **{.'l**+ * * * ++* **** * * ***:} **** * * ***{.** * *** ** * ***'t * ******++ ** ********{. * +* tt + ++ ***** * * *+ ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri pti on Current Pmts BP 00100003111100 PF 00100003112300 t,lc 00100003112800 BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 125.00 81.25 3.00 APPLICATI o ON WILL Nor BE AccEprED rF rNcoMpLTE oR#irrpL\n, _rqrc ?*Y--t I :-t ,/ f / /.",,n. fon',fzr< /' ''IilJ/Vt{-0FVtn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 0L-cN1 Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc.! CONTRACTOR INFORMATION COMPLETE VALUA TIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT Labor & Matedals\ BUILDING: $ >4+ l-;/-e'l ELECTRICAL: $ffiooo PLUMBING: $ .-t1, /57v'7-MECHANICAL: S-.,;1<s TOTAL: S -"**_tZ_:! Parcel # Conb.t Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit 4 Plrel# ,)t< / * (:i'/ -- /L 'c'tf dappliertionwill not be accepbd withiiutparcel number) Job Name: fipn,,, n Y!,,,.,,,,,/. /lob Address: V,:r'! +!-,'/' / *', r4-r, 10 Lesal Description ll lou f ll en*:Filingl / n//^Subdivision: r''o,7 l'l//<''Yc Address: 1 -r".-r +-'tt- t/A'- rr /5-t:fl/::.i:/:( Address: ,,.':', WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo({) Other( ) Work Type: Interior (f,) Exterior (( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family (X) Two-family ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building: NofFypeofFireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninq( No/Tyoe of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) WoodiPellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves (l) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (X) **************************************FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******j&******************************* F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm et$Ltr_s o3/28/OZ 00:20 8070 02G l{{0 cof,E{ Col{s'ltucTl - IECOHEN I=@NSTRUSTIONINC. Marqh28,2002 c TowuofVail 75 S- Froltsge ltoad Vail, CO 81657 Atb: Doris/PlmftgDePt. Re: F\rternick R€sid€nce 930 Fairway Drivg Vlil,,CO I DearDoris: IYe ueed ts convfft orIr surrsnt builiting permi$arpligatiol to a dcoo]id3lql ;;ttffi ffi;; ;r*";;; *gy G g*I onr atteirtion vesterdiv bv ilil M.,G* ofthe fuc rlepartd€rrt. whichvrc are addrccsing As eooaasfresc areresolved, wcwill agdr ePply forabuitdingp€rmiL fruokyot, aitt, /l 6tv(l JofrcYA- Cohen itrtltu ilt l I filonneo Er-ft'ut- B'? L)tcu nl* -BC" I GzulrevO Bur fr Deuo P*-"'r -Lt*t BE^llpla- ', F"e - tD fut-d ar",^ ;J WE-'2 Ft,g &u5119o,crlall.l i }..6 E*c*tu+rlgnl ttuo,-te4 &)nee ft Mrc Plnn'r' 3-7b-o> t:PWt i P.O. Bq lSSg . E lr!r&, OOrElCtl t 970-926'3145 ' 970'925llt{40 Frt ' lbooz/ooz \ \ Page l ofl ogt h9ct o 1\9 *tdt F t: crr CD rJ X togt -l RESERVOIRS ENVIRONMDN'TAL SERVICES' INC' )ilvt AP Arcr"di&d L{boratory f 101896 TDII Ucmscd hbs'ttto'ry f 30'0f36 :ADLE I. PLM BUII(AI{ALSIS' PERCEI{TAGE COMPO$IION DY VOLUME lBSJob Nlmbc: f,ieot: liort Projccttdrnber / P'O': f, itat Projea DtsctiPtion: )ato Sqrlcs Roccivcd: Autysis$rPc: tlmrouail: REs el72l-1 Coheo Coostnctlon N/A fo,.tnf .t nof dancc 930 Falrway Dr' Vail CO Itlrrch l0' 20Ul PLMShortlePor! Bulk 2 Hour AmfFt' PII( L A Y t, Sub Put (Y') A !9biic Plaster rv/ vhitc aainl B 'White atrnvalf A Whr'tePlaslerdwbitePaht B Whitc drYwall 1 96 3 97 t95958 595969 -rl Rr SenPlc Nudbcr FUTERNICKSAMPLE#1 CKSAMPLEfl2 ntrt ? EI z'ut tdn ND -Nq,nG DG&cGd It ' Tm'< l% Vitlrl EEtimu'! Foo t\9 Tcm-Act = TrcrnolltB-Atlinolitc __ 0l/2:0/02 ffED 12:56 FAX 30347U5 RES, ETW, SERY,@ oor P{r --of - . RESERVOIRS ET.IVIRONMENTAL SERVICES' 2059 BrYBn' St" D't 'crCO80211 lNc. RESI Job * - --"---RES E3',lzl al laborarory hourE ur ess arraoged arrd specirro * ,u o,u,itoi;;;;;;*d i5 rdDled to taborarory voft:nre. You wifi be mtifed if delays ere ASBESTQS LABORATORY HOURS: W€CKdiYJ: TATF -7PM z tfo{r. RlrsH _7I lr.rr - 3^S s"rday6 6 Hort RUsx - 24 ho|r -$3 tec*d'Yr rrtc t&toc ieotnEo h, TeM 6 Ho(' RUSH E E tr E E IE|a PCM 7{OOA, 74008, osHA TEM AHERA. LOVC II. 74oA '4r€rAbtr tsotdi.td Pt€9' C $[Gld ^, |ICP +Uerrl-RCR^8 DJcl fobl. R..Plriu' PLM gFn trt6.r, LooE rt9ofi' Point Count TEU il-. orryt Sdt 4rsn A^l ICP -M€tal - RCRA 8 Plint Sol. 06( WP':' TCLP TEM otlnfiing. wlsfe w!r4( aA vrrit a-- MetRl - RcllA 8 Oi'*irg. Wr3rc WEt€r s9€dty -- tso, BULK: ALS LABORATORY HOuRS: Weetdays: 8:m ' 5Prn - sPEcla! RUSH - 2a Hotr - !'5 orY E -gPEcl^LtusH - lo?t -loDlt - SPEC|AL RUIH - 5 D., -i0 D" No&a ReoUTREO '0. SP€clAL RUSII AA' RCRA q lcLP RCR/I tnd IGLP sPEctAL RUSH F I Dry r clisn srmA Xr t . ,, ) /,_r/E n . cto 4f,,..F/c-. V./! /7-- Volufle EEIrTrr(8q#.T -4- l. ?. 3. {. 5- L t, 9- 10. I t. r?. l3- l{. t5. JUN-19-2002 HED 08104 Al,l Nr.fccoc FAN NO.1208 Pcrmit # 970468o P.0l/01 --lpplication # Job Address: Legal Dcscc Owucr: --'l30 .!lailirtg Address:_fp Phone #: 17o 1z(ethtnu Etcvetor Contrtctot: llailing Addrcss: Phortc #: ....9 7 0-,/-9 4 5-8 4 2f CI:ws of Work: Dcscribc lVork: 8f47; MIT APPLICATION AIRwA, D^/ lenwood NOTtCf,I hcrcby certi& tlu.,t I hevc rtgd and cxarnioed this rpplication and knory the samc lo bc uu€ anrt corccl All provision$ of larvr and ordinrnccs gov:rning ftis lypc of$ork ryill bs somplM rvih wherhct spssificd hcruin oi nor- Thc gnnring of I pcrmii docr lut lrcaumc trr givc outhorlry to violarc or. crncel rhc provirigng of at:, oths starc or los;llrn pgu;o,int conlrrucrion or llrc pcrformrncc, of conrtruclicn. NEW lirisT.{LLATION FEf,S: ,/ Parscngcr or frcight clcvator, tsr{lrtoa, moviIg wnlk: L'p to nnd inclur.ling 550,000.00 ofvalualion - j350.00 Orcr tJ0.000.00 of rllurtion - Slj0.00 plus 36.00 for crch S1,000,00 or fraction *crcofovcr SJ0,000_00 Dumbrnilcr or priv:ttr rrsldcncc elovltor: L'p to and includin,c 510,000.00 olvnturdon . S2j0,00 Otcr $?0,0tX),00 ot'valuation . SZ-s0.00 plur Si,00 for cach S 1,000.00 or fncrion rhcrcofovcr 920,00r1.(D MAJOR ALTERATION FEES; Signaturc pfowncr Totd Frq (Ditr) lz Dltc Pald Rcceipt # Approvcd by:FFCTIVED Approvcd by: /,r/0" b Oz Fes fot mirjor ultcrariont shall be as scr forrh in T$lc l..t of thc Unilomr Adminislrrrirc Codc or Table No. l-Aof the L:niform Building Cudg v.{LUArroN fr Qsfl ,* Ekvslor plan revictv ard tiald inrpcclions will bc toaduclcrt by thc Northrvcst Colorado Councii-oi GoYcrtlrncnts. Plrnr will bc lorwrrded to NWCCOG for r:view rnd npprovat. Schcdute inspcctionr by contucting thc NWCCOG l,lcvrtor Inrpector rt (970) {68-029J r l0E.- - Pteasc nrke chcckr pnyabtc tol\ivccoc, f,t '.talel l II 'ir;ffi /*P,PPr , .- ..r,rj--,,.. : .Town-of Vail OFFICE C ,v CorN REVISET2 3/4" = l'-o ('/tlf, W2'E)(F. Jr. HATL CPIWEC PA!EFg,FIR ARCITL 5LAB,€EE H.,ll{ gEE AR6I{L TO.9|.AB b. (agi.v{ALL(,'[.{5r-, FEttG,oFaE '{lTH ft'5 . lb'x El&Il ltlAY, TY?. tl'HE XA.L E 05flll6 Fd.iD Tlct{, Pqttflfr, f5 BOIdHJ xt'-o. z4"e,9/RllJ. AID ePor/ b' fl 6E@t{t.TF.wr d|9b r*Lr t2bs.l4' .4b o l&'e.l,f l{AY lt l ll€t6 }+trT Pcnttzc a4Ercffi (t h P iIfr| Y ,f,, 4ltltu + ^tr)lFTnr I$col Associates Crar.l Iht ltrtfltral lrtlrrarr llLtt Li ! ! t.L",tnlttt'. ! ! | e'otl'f ftt ma l'r,r'rl D'lt {l-.4, €ll'nl -rlrt rg lEl*r *t)wh &b no- dl'n, '*i;!f#,Fr4,,--Y.Iiffi$$ "' ;r;; 4...::-#;ri';fffil:) 06/28/02 13:45 tDS70 926 3{40 C0HSN CONSTRUCTI B ooazoor iStT? IINL I'I.OT /26/02 70 926 COHEN CON 08/26/02 13:40 €1970 926 3440 coHEN coNSTRUcTI g 00r/003 IECOHENl:coNsrRucnoN INc. 210 Edwards Village Blvd., A'201 P.O. Box 1889, Edwards, Colorado 81632Phone: (970)926-3443 Fax (970) 926'3440 FAXTRANSMITTAL TO: Torn of Vail Communitv Develooment DATE: ffin6l0z AfiN: J. R. Mondragon FROM: Jeff Gohen PHONE: 47$.2,138 NO. OF PAGES (ind. cover sheet): 3 FAX NO.: 479-2452 Hard copy to follow vla Mail: Yes- NoJ.- CC: ne: Futernick Remodel, 930 Fairuay Drive, Vail, Co Permit#02-0031 Attached is the revbed structural detail for the retaining wall that is to be added whore none is existing. griginal plans indicated that a rctaining wall already existed. You may need this for the footing steel inspection that is called in for tomorrow, early PM. N0v-28-2002 TUE 08:15 Al,| Nl.lCCoC FAl{ NO.2089704681o P, 0l ItrHrffi$R$rfliffEJJffi ro: Charl;c 0arr'' -l6un ol Va4 8ld6 4, From: Wayne Martin, Inspector, Eleabn Inspection program 970468-0295 eld tOg q elevator@nwc.mq.@.usDab: lllJf/oe proi*tuarnel Fr+"rnlck Resid+'acs- H { I tr d Elevabr Plan Review Bewbr Test ard InsDection ?3o trairwau 0r,location (ail, h. trtutl Permif Number i/0rlc c6 e o4- 034 ElwatorType 4Y P Festl+,rf;al The flans have been rer/er,ved and found b conform to alt appticable ANSI 17.1 and UBC codes The elenabr / escshor / ffi / cgsbrm*er at fre above locauon was inspectsd and twted on il/as/N . ,,*ru, TEMrcMRY Certificab has been isued- FINAL Inspection Certifiote has been issued. NO certificab is being lssued_ tr d tr Cornments: " Fina,l.firpec*,bn Cetil;c.te. hat 6een i.r"ucd." slgnature'', /f {u' ,. NorthwestColoradoCouncrtofcoreflnerft r pOEffiig - 070-46E 02S5 r Fax 97S46&12(E | \rir,w.nwc.cog.co.qs r CO. 60498 oTOI^/NOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81557 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMT MUST BE POSTED ON IOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E02-0707 ]ob Address: 930 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSLIED [,ocation.....: 930 FAIRWAY DR Applied. . : O6/79/ZJI02 Parcel No...: 210108116016 Issued . . : 07 /17 /2002 ProjectNo : /CTOt -A'lj1 Expires. .: O|/LZ/ZOOS owNER FTUTERNTCK, MORRIS & MlRrAI.{ }106/].9/2002 Phone: 2 GRO\/E TSIJE DR APT 1.509 MTAIqI FIJ 3 3133 Licenge: COIiITRACTOR IJIGHTS ON BROADWAY, INc 06/L9/2ooz phone: 970-328-3393 iIOSEPH FRASCO 404 Broadway, Suite B PO Box 3004 EAGIJE, CO 81531 License: 317-E APPLICAI{m LIGHTS ON BROADWAY, INC 06/19/2002 Phone: 970-328-3393 JOSEPH FRASCO 404 Broadway,Suite B PO Box 3oo4 EAGIJE' CO 81631 License: 317-E Desciption: ADD ELECTRIC FOR NEW ENTRY Valuation: $9,550.00 FEESUMMARY Total Calculated Fees-> S183 - 00Elech'ical-> S190.00 DRB Fee_> Investigation-> will call-> TOTALFEES-> 9183. OO Additional Fees--->$0.00 Totdl permit Fee___-_> 5183 . 00 Pavments- > S1S3 -OO BALANCE DUE->$0. o0 $0. 00 90. 00 $3 .00 Approvals:Iteim: 06000 EI-,ECTRICAL DEPARTMENI o6/L9/2o02 DF Action: AP TIEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEIVT CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Cond: 12 i::::.1:-:--=3-x:-".:1"-:t::*:311:-':--:*:::::-T:-::1'*-:::.:'fl:"- DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the inJormation required, completed an , ugl?*o "oo,ply with the information and plo-t plgn to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build. this snucttrre iciording to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHATT BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI]RS PM. OFFICE FROM &M AM -5 OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OI^/NEI *** *+ * ***'l * *'*+* * * *****+*,t'**+* +rf*'** * * + f+* f**++ +*** *+***++** *******+** * * ****f+***r!** + + +******* TOWNOF VAIL, COLORADO Srarernent ,' * ** f * f**'t*l +!i * ** * ** *** ** *****l*** * *+ **********+'t * ******t + f****++*+* *+ ** **+++++*****'| ++***** Statement Number: R000002?4G Amouat: 9193.00 07/L7/2OO2O1 :05 pM Palment Method: Credit Crd Init: LC Notation: pd w/ cc Uoe Fragco Permit No: E02-OIO7 TIG)e: ELECTRICAIT PERMIT Parcel llo: 210108115 015 SiIe Address: 930 FAIRWAY DR \IAIIJ IJocation: 930 FAIRWAY DR Tota1 Feea: $183.00This Payment: $183.00 Total ALt E'rntr: $183.00 Balance: 50.00 * * * * *** * ++ *** ** ***+ * * * *+ * * + *+* * *a* +f******* f*** * * **a' *+ t**** * ****l +*** * ** * *a+*** ***** lt ****** ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POI,JER PERMITS I^JC OO1OOOO31128OO t4lILL CALL INSPECTION FEE iBO.00 3. 00 I I TVWIIOFVIN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81G57 AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE; FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATTONS FOR ArL OTHERS ( ELECTRICAL VALUATiON: $ Contact **** **,. ****** *n ******* ** * ** * **** * **** **FOR OFFICE USE ONLy********************* **************** J "tf'u' F:/everyone/forms/elecperm Assessorc Office at 970-328-8640 or visit forParcel # Parcel # lnequiteA :ou t'tutu' elz.^,'"L C.ur-,,JobAddress:?SO AD Legal Descripdolll Lor )Block:Filing: ;45 subdivision: rX\ (1.\L-- Engineer: -/Address: ../Phone: ./ Detailed description of work:l\L\ Flt*.* ^ h. N.-^, F,oE, -"r- a,r.r, -"- ( WorkType: tnt"rioiffi Does an EHU exist at this location; Yes ( ) No ( ) I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: Is this permit for a h ( ) ruo fy1 Does a Fire Alarm Exist: VE ff--trtoll Does a Fire Sprinkler System ExisU Yes ( ) No (14 TOWNOFVATL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vAtL. co 8r657, 970-479-2138 Job Address: 930 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Location.....: 930 fairway drive ParcelNo...: 210108116016 Project No : j qr5Ot-o 151 Fireolace lnformadon: Restricted: Y # of Cas Appliances: 0 Mechanical--> $500. 00 Restuarant Plan R€view--.> Plan Check--> 9125.00 DRB Fee-----------> owNER FUTERNICK, I.{ORRTS & MIRIAM AO5/t5/2002 phone: 2 GROVE ISLE DR APT ]-509 MIAMI FIJ 33L33 License: coNrRAcToR HOAG, iIIM PLIJIT{BrNG & HEATINGo5/L'/2OO2 phone: 970-945-5569 3907 OI"D IIODGE ROAD GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 816 01 I-,icense: 135-P APPL,ICAM HOAG, aIrM PLITMBING & HEATTNGo'/L1|2OO2 Phone: 970-945-5569 3907 OLD IJODGE ROAD GI-,ENWOOD SPRINGS, CO 8150r- License: 135-P Desciption: alter basement heat for new layout, alter piping on existing boilers and snowmelt in driveways and ducts Valuation: $25.000.00 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES neilnrrraeNr oF coMMUNrry DEvELort, $o. oo Additional Fees-------> S0 . 00 TOTAL FEES_----_-> SG2g - 00 Total Pennit Fee----> $528. 00 Payments---------__> $52 8 .00 MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0101 3oX-o5t ''ot-aoq1 -?o?-600'{ Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 05/1512002 Issued. . : 05129/2002 Expires. .: ll/2512002 # ofGas lngs: 0 # of wood Pellet 0 FEESUMMARYjTI|t*****:l'1**a+:N*:***'**l't'rtr*t+*r*,}t*l+'tt'ril1l'|t*"*'r'**'t****** S0.00 Total Calculated Fees--> $628.00 lnvestigation-> Will Catl--->$3.00 so. 00 $0. 00BALANCE DUE-_--> Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTMmflf 05/21/2002 JRltl Action: AP ftem: 05600 FfRE DEPARTIIENI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Condr 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. Cond: 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUTRED PER SEC. 701 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR SECTIOII 701 0F Tr{E 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BI.,DG. ) : INSTA]-,I,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTT'RES INSTRUCTIONS AI{D TO CI{APTER 10 OF TI{E 1997 IJMC. CIIAPTER 10 OF 13IE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 (BLDG. ) : GAS TERMII{FITE AS, Cond: 29 (BLDG. ) : ACCESS TO HEATING EQUTPMEIII MUST COMPIJY WITH THE 1997 I]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1-99? IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SHALL BE MOIINTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI,E CONST. I]NI,ESS IIISTM FOR MOUIiflTING ON COI'BUSTIBI-IE FIJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLTANS AI{D CODE A}IAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED fN MECIIA}IICAIJ ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. Cond: 30 Iv APPLIAI\ICES SIIAIJL BE VENTED ACCORDTNG TO SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF THE 1997 t,MC, OR a CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER (BLDG. ) : DRjAINAGE BOIIJERS SHAT-,I' BE SECTION 1004.6 0F 8 AI{D SI{AI.,L 8 OF THE 1997 IMC, 3 AlrD SEC.10L? OF OF MECHANICAI-, ROOMS COMTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY EQUIPPED WITH A FL,OOR DRAIN pER SEC. 1_022 OF TIIE L997 I]MC, OR THE 1997 IMC. *** **,* *+**t't't* * *:t* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is conect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this shucture according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances oftle Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHAl.l. BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. SICNATURE OF OWNEROR CTOR FO HIMSELF AND OWNEF +*+++************++*++++'l'!*+***********+********r*****+t*******ti*:i*t+++++++++**++***** *++** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemenr*************'i***t*+!F+****'l+*************************:t *'t*{.**'t **:t ,}**{.********************'tt***.t Statement Number: R000002429 Amount: 9628.00 OS/29/2OO2O1_: j.5 pM Payment Method: Check Init: LC NotaEion: #L2952/;ILm Houg P&H Permit No: M02-0101- T\T)e: MECHAI{ICAL PERMIT Parcel No: 210108116015 Site Addre6s: 930 FATRWAY DR VA]IJ L,ocation: 930 fairway driwe Total Fees: 5628,00 This Pa)rments: $528.00 Total ALL Pmts: $628.00 Balance: 50.00 * * * * * * * ** + + * + * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *:1. * + * + * * + ***.t * '1. * * '1. {. '} *:} * dr d. '} '} * * * * * * dr l. * * * * * * * + * ** * + + *:S* * * * * * ****** ACCOI.JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Curnent Pmts I4P OO1OOOO31113OO MECHAN]CAL PERMIT FEES 5OO.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 125.00 !|lC OOIOOOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO o r?[TV0F 75 S. Frontage Vall, Colorado ccale b include: Equlpm€nt Cut/Spec Building Permit#: will not be accepted witnout Ure roiiffi[i CONTRACTORIMORMATION Town of Vail Reg, NoI conractand prtpnrfl{'DFl r 3774?{2 tl.rn rp ro o n er''s/;|Effi, n *irt l Orr,.rt l Boiler Locauon: Interior fif g,t ri*ffi, t I Does an EHU el<ist at this locatbn; y", ( ) No (;z) Typeof Blds: Sinsrefamity( ) ou4.x1171ffiffi I ( ) Resburant ( ) Otter ( ) No. of Exbttng Dwelting Units in tnis OuilOinlfl - Units ln this bullding: N"fiye" "f Fi*e|."* p,"e*ad Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is thb a convem rrrirtrf, rF*rt,r,r****** 'r:,f:a'|.***FOB OFFICE t* rt * rl.:t r*:r r*:t F: /cvcttl||c/fo mE/mcdrpcrm ONL * * r* rr:t tc:F tt l. tf, !t rl * rl.,t *,r,I:t TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657' 970-479-2138 Mechanical-> Plan Check--> lnv€stigation-> Will Call--> Job Address: 930 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Location.....: 930 FAIRWAY DRIVE ParcelNo...: 210108116016 ProjectNo: ?Rp(-6ct31 $80 - 00 R€sluarant Plan Revicw-> S20 . 00 DRB Fee----------> Act,ion: AP $0 . 00 TOTAL FEES-------------> 5103 .00 Total Permit F€e------> $178 . 00 $3.00 t +++ t:+ *'l:** 'l 'i* | *l+ *++ *:i,l {* + tt 't* ** * *:} +:t ** ***,r* * * + at *+,i t:* TIEm: O51OO BUTLDING DEPARTT,TENI o7/22/2002 GCD Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Paymellls-----------> BAr.AhlcE DUE--_---> $1?8.00 so. 00 CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG. ) : FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Condz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TI{E 1997 IJMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 rMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS Ar.ID TO CIIAPTER 10 OF rIIE 1997 I]MC, CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IMC. oBtr,aeNr oF coMM rrNrry DEVELoprpNr NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M02-0143 3o1,-oo3[ Status...: ISSUED Applied. . : 07/10/2002 lssued. . : 07/23/2002 Expires . .: 0l/19/2003 $0. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> 9103 . 00 50.00 AdditionalFees-->$?s.00 o$rNER FUTERNTCK, MORRIS & MrRrA.${ AO7/|0/2O02 phone: 2 GROVE TSI.,E DR APT 1509 MIAT{I FL 33133 License: CoNIRACTOR WIEMER'S lIEATrl{c & SHEETMETAOT /1,0/2OO2 phone : 97O-328-93L5 P.O. BoX 22 EAGIJE, CO 8163 l_ IJicense: 198-M APPLICANr WIEMER'S HEATING & SIIEETI{ETAO'I /L0/2OOZ Phone: 970-328-9315 P.O. BOX 22 EAGI,E, CO 81631 I-,icense: 198-M Desciption: INSTALL NEW BOILER FLUE,COMBUSTION AIR,BATH VENTS DRYER VENTS Valuation: $3,800.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # oiGas Appliances: 0 # ofGas tngs: 0 # of Wood Pellet 0 Condr 25 (BLDG-): GAS APPLIANCES SIIAIJIJ BE VEMTED ACCORDING TO TERMINAfE, AS,SPECIFTED IN SEC.805 OF THE 1997 UMC, OR Cond:29 (BLDG.) r ACCESS TO HEATTNG EQUIPMENT MUST COMPITY WrTH THE 1997 IJI,TC AND CI{APTER 3 OF THE ]-997 IMC. Cond: 31 (BLDG.): BOILERS SHAI-,L BE MOUNIED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTfBLE CONST. ITNIJESS IJISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBIJE FTJOORING. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMTT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANAIJYSIS MUST BE POSTED INMECTIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTTON REQI'EST. Cond: 30 (BI,DG.): DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI, RooMs CoNTAINING HE.ATING oR HoT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUfPPED WITH A FTJOOR DRAIN PER SEC. 7-022 OF TIIE 1997 IrMe, OR SECTION 1004.6 0F THE 1997 IMe. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state larvs, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY o CHAPTER CHAPTER CHAPTER 8 AND SHAIJIJ 8 OF TIIE 1997 IMC. 3 AND S8C.1017 0F AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 5 PM. CTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNET * *+{t* * l. * +** *f** * * +{.***++* +** + ****** * * ******+*i*** f,******* * i *++ {.'}**** * * ** * **+*** **** *** ***+** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on07-24-2002 at 09:40:06 O7t24l20\z Statement,f*l'{.***l********t'}*+l******+:t*+++***t**********+*'t{r*****+++***********+*+******+*****:}++***'} Statement Nudber i R000002752 Amount i g1?8.00 07/tA/2OO2O3:05 pM Palment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: check # 3699 wierners heating/sheetmetal Permit, No: M02-0143 fype: MECHANICAL, PERMIT Parcel No: 210108115015 SiIe Address: 930 ,FAIRWAY DR VAIL Irocation: 930 FAIRWAY DRIVE Total- Feea: 91-78 - O0 This Payment: $178.00 Total AIL Pmt6: $178.00 Balance: $0.00 'l **** * * *** * +'l * * * * + * * ** *** ** * * * * * rft * * * ** '* * * ** * * l I *+ + t ** ** * * ** * * * * 'f* i * * *+ * **'F * * * * '' * +* * * t** * * * i. * ACCOTINT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descn'iDtion Current Pmts cL 00100003123000 C0NTMCTOR LTCENSES 75.00 MP OO1OOOO311i3OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 8O.OO PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 20.00 t4lc 00100003112800 LJiLL CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 srwunvvmw "P 97 o- 4t 9 -2r49 (Inspectionat- 75 S. Frcntage Vail, Colorado VATUA MECHANICAT PERMIT labor & Materials Codact and Phone #'s: Assesfi,s Otrtceat Parel SParcet * (nequiETno workclutt' N.*( ) Ad rution( ) Repair( ) other( ) Boiter Location: tnterior4-J--e*teiiilffir l ;Does an EHU exist at this location: yes { ) lla 1 ]r**t'dn,S,ng,.-* oro61a ) Mrto-frrity( ) corr"r.ffi No. of Existing Dweling Units in tnls OuifCinE No, of Accommodation Units in this building: No/]t* of Fireplaces proposed: C Wood Buming (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion froFTwood'to an EPA Phase Ir Owicez- vesl-J-Tiofr *******xx******%EUsEoNLY*********************d(******* F:/evervonc/ror-"7'""nr- $ ovt a-441h*q /A"t+strt RE0'DJUL.I?OA\P 08/0n/OZ L4,21 8070 028 ${40 HE._Os_wiz 13!4?nnum asluqtrc COEEN CONSIBUCTI ( Builcl,;',r I R **-^3$/ED ,- .: i-i ;i.. ? tt . ' ::;ccticn l: rvices ltoz- o t+3@: asfin JGtrCohrn CobaCustrsdm&c, P.O,Bor l8E!l Edrvg|ral8, CO 81632 RE: hneraic& Rrsidcmc n€flrodEl VriL Colffado Msster Brt|t Eilb4u6t Drrcr S!!c DETJefi wc hsrrc r€vig*cat tbc *ntildimrsdnocob fo rhc Msstcr Bdho@ brsert ou thpirstdlarimofec'diaducr-Altsr&ttr;**"u-*r&riryrcettftraJ-eio drrct,rbo4,dia ducth* edcqu& cryrigto 'o; ee ede ftquhd t-m,r"u r.e is aocoptable to ru.'W trAooz/ooz Em e4s ?5'?2. P-@/@. a80602 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 8t657 ' 970-479-2t38 out,r.*T oF coMMLrNrry DEVEL'T* NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permit #: P02-004s Box;&t 361-0011 ilOA 4( o[ T'Z<roo'( Job Address: 930 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 930 FAIRWAY DRM Applied. . : 05/15/2002 Parcel No...: 210108116016 Issued. . : 05/2912002 ProjectNo : ]Q5,d-6 t{3{ Expires. .: 1l/25/2002 owNER FUTERNTCK, MoRRrs & MTRIAM Aos/Ls/2oo2 phone: 2 GROVE ISIJE DR APT 1509 MIAMI FIJ 3 31_33 L,icense: coNtRAcTOR HOAG, irrM PLITMB]NG & HEATTNG0S/!5/2OO2 phone: 970-945-5559 3907 OIJD LODGE ROAD GIJMIWOOD SPRINGS, CO 816 01 Lricense: 135-P APPIJICAM HOAG, iIrM PTJInIBING & HEATTNG05/L5/20O2 phone z 97O-945-5569 3907 OLD I,ODGE ROAI) GIJENWOOD SPRTNGS, CO 816 01 License: l-35-P Desciption: ELIMINATE SOME PLUMBING FIXTURES AND RELOCATE TUB/SHOWER 2 LAVS AND TOILETS Valuation: $9,000.00 # ofGas Loes: '!? # of Wood Pallet: ??Fireplace Information: Reslricted: ??# ofGas Appliances: ?? Plumbing-> $135.00 Restuarant Plan Review--.>$0. o0 Total Calculated Fees--> $171.7s s33 . ?5 DRB Fee--._----> S0. 00 TOTAL FEES.-------> S1?1.7s Total Permit Fee----> $1?1 .7s FEE SUMMARY Plan Check-> lnvestigation-> Will Call---> So. OO Additional Fees--.-_>$0.00 $3.00 Payments--------------> 5171.75 BALANCE DUE----.> SO. OO * *t* tt,t***** **t *l ITCM: O51OO BUII-,DING DEPARTMEMT o5/L7/2O02 rRI4 Actsion: AP ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIVT CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review apprcved, Uniform Buiding coo" *a otnQrainances ofthe Tonm applicable ft"r"to.O nrQuesrs Fbn'INsPEcrIoN SHALL BE MADE TwENTy-FouR HouRs IN ADVANCE By TELEPHoNE AT 47e-2 t3r oR AT ouR oFFtcE FRoM E:00 AM - 5 pM. SIGNAruRE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSEI,F AND OWNEF +* * *+* i * *+** t+'t * * ** ***+***+*** * t+** * * +l t***+{.* * ** ** * * + ++ + + + ++ + + + +* +* * *+ * {. * ++ 'i**at+*++ * * ***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StatCrNCNt*+*++++'*****{.******+!ttf**t't**t't****+***+*******'}** * * t* + t + ++ + + * *+ * * *** * * * +****t* ***+*+ $ ******!* StateneDt Number: R0000024?g Amount: gj-21 .zS 05/29/2OO2O1 :14 ptf Palmene Method: Check Init: LC Notatl-on: #L2952/Jim Houg P& H Permit No: PO2-0049 Tlpe: PIJUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 210108115015 Site AddreEs: 930 FAIRWAY DR VArL Locat,ion: 930 FAIRWAY DRIVE Total Feea: $171.75This Payment: $1?1.?5 Total AIL Prnta: $171.?5 Balance: $0.00 * * * + + 'l' * **'t * + * 't * * ** ** +'f * ** ** * * * lf * * * * *{' ** * ** * * * * **+** * a* *** ***** **+* if{' *'lr*f** * ** '* * * *****+ | + * + ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Desclintion Current Pmts PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 33.75 PP OO1OOOO31112OO PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 135.00 iic 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTIoN FEt 3.00 Building Pennit #: Plu TVWN0pW 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 COM PLETE VALUATIQNIqB rlullBrNq pERntrT ( Labor & Materiats) - ll eruuerne: s /AF ll Plumbing Contractor: o1n llcqq Pt- lt Tordf, of Vail Reg. No.l 7tr-55€? or32?'-o2a:z- Contact t****1rt*ttti*.n*tti**tf,t*****ti*r***i***FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****rl*t*i*****,rr:!*rrr******r*.****** F/everyone/brms/pl mbperm Assssorc Office at 970-32&8640 '.com forPartel # JobAddress: ?3o ft,;^^,, a-,'re Legal Description nt?4 Block:rifing: fO subdivision: Vd{ Ui /lq n<- owners *u tthr.,s F"/*.,11| Addres$Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work: 127>,/<js E / f ninqle sone f tt't nb t-l$ WorkClass: New() Addirion( ) Alterationffi Repair( ) Other( ) Type of Bldg.: Single'family ( ) Ouplex!fl Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other ( ) l{o. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: !No. of Accommodation Unib in this building: Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EpA phase II device? ves ( I tto 1;6 9,?dt-3*3 *wm[l['#a'r P"s"t Rrqnrbd ftpoca*ti EB-.r, JJy r+ 2003W#"'ffiEffiVmp AlPrDhfEnn|t|on mfrunhbnLc|rqd.-Ctdi{d Dfiril. dorflitconuLdbDiblcvo{b?tn&,6rrnhdLdbg|qr5o|l.d ) TO CI{ARLE AIf,} ALTJEOII 06100,04- hnr|oc .Rl 0€t77//u| hdr$n Er0€t77//u| hdr$n Ermilut' APFRCltfiDFclCtllrc Acdoo: APAPPFOfiD Ac{m: APAPFRCruEDFffi RETAIIF WAII.. T.EFT FTEI.D COFV OF APPROI/EOWATIwilr{coilTRrcToRien: 2O Bto(}Fotffi[ont$.1 "AOD|ond- eEOqnA hEFcbr: fitf " Olllltu, hd'Sc .Rllrriltxilr: fPRCTEDFON. A€r.f,.D A. hdY-ofc $r0|r; FSIJED[qAru: CD AFFRCn/EO. T'IOFIffTIfR cm\fiB Cornrnu CflrnutComrt Comnflrt R€o||ccid ln8!|c0oaarl lE||tiR.s|.|bc Co|timcL:&lnrdTo;- Arilon: hflrCofirrilrls F) l,/lffio.ffil&Mr hm lo EtDqf_qg{qB,il Comnrrlr: Coflr|lnt Con$r|.fit Cormcr*Comn**Cofint|{: I/l/L- I frem: 3O FcnttDfflf,N Fl SOUI}}tABT COR'TER gF H-E-O|'|G FOR DECK.r.r l.ra--l lt IAtr"ED.FRCN'EE luNgERATOETff.1ry92. ogl4rul hrD.cbn GcD tcton: PAPffiIIALAPPRO/ALConnrfir mil4 FROil06ffiIAFFROIIEO.glt/0ll h.D.chr: GCD LJon: TPAPFnO,EDComnetr: RECEi/ED TCUESfED EilCICERED STA*GD RE\fiSFNil3. FRllfrtF B IFPROI,ED.lrar 5O BlDc,'harhtlon -Apptflr6* SFTllc ASFR(ftc: VN Fhon : 3l/!bgA€€4agFfror* 97S&6€4ilO -[.6Ar5olra REUIEED gTre[tF PIAN. PER AlJSOlil Ofri,EWAY FSIE Ntts r DRB Browl. eortlcb. noil.d (3:l3o4) - CilltlS ff|-m*b-te P.tfrNn d:cD vB RET'EWAFPRSI/ILS. LSATM'AL Ic{flI: TPAFFFOIGDrlfrn IPAFPROIGD I ^^ |C1' t4- oS 1/ RcqnsbdTtmc: {E:{FAr z ''''Allfi"- Pfw: 97ofiF3tl4il r i 1' E.an ratr rtpEa r UI t Enhrdry oFLCnEs KlhrEs t ''" I?I-Y. CORffiST1uFREO(INED Ffi C.O. AREDo(lffiLEAD0'BTOG ntdES REOIJE8'TED REPT131 Rrn Id: 118? I I I I a I I I t t I l I t I I I I I PROJECT MANUAL and INTERIOR FINISH PACKAGE Including Specifications and lnstructions For Remodeling and Addition to THE FTITER}IICK RESIDENCE 930 Fairway Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 Architects Segerberg Mayhew & Associates Architects 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 300 Vail. Colorado 81657 Proiect No. 25021.00 January 15,2002 I I PRoJEcr DtREcroRY I FUTERNTCK RESIDENCE REMODELI LOT 7. 10'" F|LING VAIL, COLORADOt Morris & Mikki FuternickI '":frr?i:ii3t:?JJ"'I 333133?.3333,", t t FH%ilB8.";''''n Avon, CO 81520t 970/845-7910. glorg4s-Tsz2Fry Segerberg Mayhew & Associates Architects I 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 300 I Vail. Colorado 81657 970t4764433 I e70t4764608 Fax ] NicolAssociates, Inc. Structural Engineer r 2770 Dagny Way, Suite202t iei?ffi:i"'? 80026 (- 303/665-1211Fax I t Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical Geotechnical Engineer 5020 County Road 154 I Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 I 970/945-7988 9701945-8454 Fax I1 - Owner Mechanical Consultant t I oI I Judy Robins Interiors, Inc. Interior Designer I 2165 East Alameda Avenue I Denver. CO 80209 3osn7i-8455I 3o3n2z-7879 '- I Mechanicaland Electrical MEP Engineert (Design/Build by GeneralContractor) I I t I t I I t I I l t t I END OF SECTION TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR REMODEL AND ADDITION TO THE FUTERNICK RESIDENCE 930 FAIRWAY DRIVE vAlL, coLoRADO 81657 PROJECT NO.25021.00 JANUARY 15,2002 DIVISION O - BIDDING AND CONTMCT REOU]REMENTS I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I t t t 00001 00002 00005 00205 00200 00500 00600 00800 Cover Page Project Directory Table of Contents lnstructions to Subcontract Bidders Information Available to Bidders Form of Agreement Contracto/s Qualifi cation Statement Supplementary Conditions 1-3 1 1-8 SPECIFICATIONS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 01100 01210 01312 01330 01351 01410 01421 01423 01450 01500 01600 01722 o't732 01736 o1741 o1770 01780 Summary Allowances Project Meetings Submittals Procedures Alteration Project Procedures Regulatory Requirements Abbreviations and Acronyms Reference Standards Quality Control Temporary Facilities and Controls Product Requirements Field Engineering Cutting and Patching Selective Demolition Final Cleaning Closeout Procedures Closeout Submittals 1-2 1-2 1-2 1-5 1-5 1 1-2 1 1-3 1-5 1-5 1-2 1-2 1-3 1 1 1 t I I DtVtStON2-S|TEWORK r 02300 Earthwork I 02519 Stone Paving'' 02752 Patterned Concrete Pavement I DIVISION3-CONCRETE 03100 Concrete Formwork t 03200 Concrete Reinforcementt 03300 Cast-ln-Place Concrete03600 GroutII DIVISION 4- MASONRY I o4zoo unit MasonryI 04400 StoneVeneer04455 Stone Countertops l DIVISION 5 - METALS I 05120 StructuralSteel I 05500 MetalFabrications I DtVtStON 6-WOODAND PLASTTCS 06100 Rough Carpentry f 06200 Finish Carpentry f 06275 Wood Door Frames t DtvtsloN 7 - THERMAL AND MOTSTURE PROTECTTON 07113 Modified Bituminous Sheet Membrane Waterproofing I 07120 Fluid Applied Waterproofing I 07195 Air lnfiltration Barrier07210 Building Insulation r 07240 Exterior Insulation and Finish System I 07317 Wood Shake Roofingr 07600 Flashing and Sheet Metal07900 Joint SealersII DIVISION 8 - DOORS AND WINDOWS I 08210 Wood Doors - 08611 Metal Clad Wood Windows08710 Door Hardwaret o88oo GtazingI t I t t DrvrsroN9-FtNtsHES 09250 Gypsum Boardr 09300 * Tile I 09600 Stone Flooringr 09680 * Carpetano pio r 09900 Painting I - DtvtstoN 10-sPEctALTtES I 10230 MetatVents10821 Residential Bath Accessories10825 Shower Enclosures, Steam Shower I DIVISION 11 _ EQUIPMENT I 11460 Steam Shower Equipmentt I DrvrsroN 12 - FURNTsHTNGS ' 12300 * Manufactured Casework I DIVISION 13 - SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION 13174 HotTubs I DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS I M244 Hydrautic Residential ElevatorI I DrvrsroN 15- MEcHANtcALt 15400 ptumbing (Design Build)15500 Heating (Design Build)II DIVISION 16 _ ELECTRICAL I 16000 Electrical (Design Build) I TNTERToR FtNtsH PACKAGE I I t I I DOCUMENT OO2OOI TNFoRMATToN AVATLABLE To BTDDERS I' 1.01 SITE SURVEY AND SUBSURFACE INVESTIGATION I Each bidder shall be fully familiar with the following documents that have been - prepared for the Owner by his separate consultants. I A. Site Survey:I Johnson, Kunkel & Associates, Inc. ;| 1286 ChambersAvenue, #200 I Eagle, CO 81631 970/328-6368 t B. Geologic Report: Hepworth-Pawlak Geotechnical, Inc. r 5020 Gounty Road 1S4 Glenwood Springs, CO 81601r 313'1,11;6?if,,I C. The above documents will be available for examination at the offices of I the General Contractor and Architect. In preparing his bid, each bidderI shall consider and evaluate data contained in the above documents as well as the drawings and Project Manual prepared by the Architect.I I D. Such data is offered solely for reference and is not to be considered a part of the Contract Documents. The data contained in the documents I prepared for the Owner by his separate consultant is believed to be I reliable; however, the Architect does not guarantee its accuracy or completeness. END OF INFORMATION AVAILABLETO BIDDERS I sMA25021 I I I T t I 1.1 I o DOCUMENI OO2O5 I rNsTRUcTroNs ro suBcoNTRAcT BTDDERS t r. coNTRAcTs I The Generol Controclor for fhis projecf is: T I I I 12. I t3. I I t I I I Excepl os indicqled olhenvise, oll wo* under this controci will be under lhe direcfion of lhe Generol Conlroclor. lhe succesfut bidder(s) will execule o subconlrocl or purchose order with lhe Generol Conlroclor on the Generol Confrocto/s stondord forms. Wherever lhe words Conhoclor or Generol Controclor ore used in the Projecl Monuol, lhey shotl meon f'{$Ji.:.,:. .r.,'.;-:.:':,,::':.:,.-".;':,.i':', i,;.;:,1':1.:,,-ii. STATE AND LOCAL LAWS Bidders ore expecled to fomiliorize fhemselves with the lows ond ocls of the Stote of Colorodo ond the ordinonces of ihe lown or county in which fhe proiect is locoted. INTERPREIATION OF DOCUMENTS No interpretotion of fhe meoning of lhe plons. specificolions or other pre-bid documents will be mode to ony bidder orolly- Only inlerprefofions mode in conformitywilh lhe following procedure will be volid. Inlerpretofions eilher wrilten or orol'by ony of fhe Archilecll consullonls will nof be volid. Every requesl for such inlerpretolion should be in wriling oddressed fo fhe Architect ond lo be given considerolion musl be received by the Architect before: l2:00 Noon, Seven Colendor Doys Before Doie set by he Controcfor for Receipl of Bids Any ond oll such inferpretolions ond ony supplemenlol inslruclions will be in lhe form of wrilten oddendq which, if issued, will be moiled lo lhe respeclive oddresses fumished for such purposes. Fqilure of ony bidder to receive ony such oddendq or infeprelolion sholl not relieve zuih bidder from ony obligolion under his bid os submilted. All oddendo so issued sholl become o porl of fhe Conlroct Documents. I I I @20$l 4. t t I CONSULTANTS As o mofler ol identificotion, lhe nomes of consullonfs employed by the Architecl or Ownerlorvorious phoses of lhe work ore lisled on lhe drowings ond in fhe Project Monuol. Eidden or moledol suppliers sholl nol communicote directly with ony of lhe consullonts without fhe permission of the Architecl. All quesfions ond requests for decisions ond inlerpretotions sholl be cfirecled fo lhe Archifecl, who if he deems it odvisoble, will confer with his consullonls regording some. See Arlicle 3 regording Inlerprefolions of Documenls. PARTIAL INFORMATION Al the requesf of porlies inferesled in submitling sub'bids on porlions of lhe work, the Conlroctor moy ftom time lo lime isue porlions of fhe drowings ond specifcofions os o convenience to soid porfies. Ihe Architecf discloims ony ond oll responsibilily for enon or omissions mode by porfies using such porliol informolion in compiling lheirproposols. CHANGES AND SUBST]TUIIONS lfems herein specified under monufoclurers'nomes ond cotolog numbes ore intended os o bosis of quolity ond nol os o closed specificofion unless noled ofhenMse. lfems olher lhon lhose specificolly nomed in fhe specifrcofions oros shown on fhe drowings will be considered provided requesl for opprovol of such ilems is received by fhe Archifecf in wifing by; l2:00 Noon, Seven CoEndor Doys Before Dole Sel by lhe Confroclor for Receipt of Bids Eoch requesl for subslifulion musf be occomponied by complele cololog sheets ond olher perlinenf doto, which will moke if posible fo propedy evoluofe lhe ilems proposed for use. lf, in lhe Architecfs opinion lhe ifem or ilems proposed for use ore eguol lo the itens specilied in design, quolity, moledol ond funcfion, he will issue on Addendum lisling oll such ilems opproved for use. Requesls for opprovol received ofler the obove lime ond dole Wll nof be considered. Requests Ior substifution of mechonicol ond electicol ifems moy be senl direclly to respeclive consulfing engineers wilh copy lo the Architecf Bldders sholl bose thek bid upon the use ol ony of fhe ilems specifico[y nomed in lhe specificotions or on lhe drourings. or os'opproved in on Addendum isued by lhe Archilecl. Chonges or subsfifufions will nol be considered ofler lhe oword of the conlroct excepl those which will resull in o betfer job, o sovings fo lhe Owner, or bolh. 5. 5. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I @2o,5-2 I 7. PROPOSALS I Proposols sholl be submifted by subconlroclors ond suppliers on forins designoted by the Generol Conlroclor. I I Reference this Proiecl Monuol ond occomponying drowings ond submit bid proposol os fotlows: I o. Perdrowings ond specificotions, ilemize costs by eoch specificolion seclion. Show I lolol cosfs ltoxes, freighl, elc.)!t b. Usl ony specificolion ifem exclusion seporotelyc. Note qll oddendo inctuded in bid. I d' hdicote lhe number of working doys required to complefe bid work. ll work ist phosed, provide fime schedule for eoch phose of work. (i.e. eleclricol - electricql roughin ond electricol trim work would be differenl phoses of work.f I Refurn drowings ond Project Monuol with bid lo the Generol Conlroclor not loler fhon dofe requesled. I'l Any bid.relurned lo the Generol Conhocfor incomplefe including ony ond oll informqtion herein requested, will be rejected upon such delerminofion by lhe Projeci ,- Monoger. r ff he porty bidding is qn incorporoted body, lhe proposol sholl be signed by ihe, president ond secrelory or o duly outhorized ogenl ond be occomponied by the I corporofion seql. lf noio corporotion, oll interested bidders must sign lhe proposol.I The proposol form bnd qll oftoched documenls togetherwith onyrequired proposol I guoronly, sholl be ploced in o seoled envelope morked for identificolion ond delivered I to lhe ploce indicoled by the Controctor prior lo lhe dote ond hourstipulofed. - 8. SALES AND USET XES II Bidden shqll include oll opplicoble soles ond use foxes. I 9. pLANs FoR REFERENcE -I ' Complefe sels ol plons ond specificolions for oll porlions of fhe work moy be exomined I by Controclos. subconlroclors ond mqleriol supplien ql lhe offices of lhe GenerolI Conlroclor qnd/or Archilect. I I END OF INSTRUCIIONS TO SUBCONTRACT BIDDERS I T I I 0020s3 I t I I I I I The Owner has indicated an intention to use the following form of agreement AIA Document A107 I 'Abbreviated Form of Agreement Between Owner and Contracto/' For Construclion Projects of Limited Scope where the Basis of Payment is a Stipulated Sum, 1987 Edition, as part of the Contract Documenls for this Work. r Additional blank originals of the referenced Document are on file at the offices of the I t I I t I I T Architect and are available for use. I sMA25021 I DOCUMENT OO5OO FORM OF AGREEMENT $Q: An alternate contract as prefened by the Bidder may be proposed for consideration and approval by the Owner prior to submittal of the bid. 00500-1 DOCUMENT OO6OO CONTRACTOR'S OUALIFICATION STATEMENT Submit a completed AIA Contractor's Qualification Statement 4305 With all information provided except for Item 5, Financing / Financial Statement. Note: ltem 5. Financing is optional for purposes of submitting a Proposal, but would be required from a successful bidder prior lo signing a contract. sMA 25021 00500-1 I I I t I I I I t t I I I I I I I I I o DOCUMENT OOSOO SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS Supplementary Conditions of the Contract for construction will be those agreed upon by and between the Owner and the Contractor. I r DlvlsloN l GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION OI I@ t SUMMARY I l.0l coNDlTloNs AND REQUIREMENTS I A Division I -- Generol Requiremenls govern work under oll divisions of specificolions. I 1.02 sCHEDULE oF DRAwtNGs. spEctFtcATtoNs AND ADDENDA I A. Drowings: See index on drowings.I B. project Manual: Remodel & Addition to the Futernick Residence dated January 15, 2002, including Interior Finish Package. I C. Addendq: All Addendo issued priorlo bidding. t 1.03 D(AMTNATTON OFSTTE A. foilure fo Vsil Site; Will nof relieve Conlroctor from necessily of furnishing moleriols or I trn$':il*ii:l'ffin::rX',ff't:"ffiR'Sworkinsccordoncew*h drowinss I r.o4 coNTRAcTs I A. Single Conlroci: All work under this conhocf will be execufed under one prime controcl I between O,^rnerqnd Generol Controclor. r r.o5 coNTRAcToR usE oF PREMsES I A. Access: Coordinole wth owner.I l. Reslricl occess lo extenf required lo ollow for ongoing oclivilies during regulor r ,.houn of operolion. I B. Conslruction Porking: Coordinote wilh Owner. I C. Emergency Exits: Moinloin oll requlred lire exits from existing building ol oll limes exisfing I building is occupied during conslrucfion process l. Exil Doors, Stoirwoyr ond Dischorge Areos: Acceptoble to locol code oulhoity. I D ?:"T:i:',;[3ffi]':H'"iill'i:1:H,fi::x$:tH*fi:lf:f;1"*"erand public access.r 2 3"",l,llls"?t"Jil'jli;'y:"{,?;,lj;"#i:"""ffir:in$iJ"use of rack proximity to existing building without prior approval of the Owner. I I I 0t toGl o. schedule ond coordinote such operolions wilh owner so thol lhey occur ol olher lhon normol operoting hours- b. upon notificolion from owner, ceose operotions which qre, in opinion of Owner, disruptive lo Owner's operotions. Schedule such operolions os described obove. Power Outoges: Coordinole ond schedule ony required eleclricol or other ufility oufoges wilh Or,vner. Ouloges sholl be ollowed only ol previously ogreed upon fimes. In generol outoges sholl be scheduled ol times when lhe school is not being ulilized. :': I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I I I E. Sequencing of Consfruction Plon: Before stort of conslruction on sile, submil three copies of construclion plon regording occess lo work; use of sile; ond phosing of new, demolition ond renovotion work for occeplonce by Owner ond Architecf. Afler occeplonce of plon, conslrucfion sequencing sholl complywilh occepled plon unles deviotions ore occepted in wriling. c. D. r.06 cooRDlNATroN A. Generol: Coordinole work of vorious seclions of specificolions lo ossure efficienl ond ofderly sequence of insiollofion of construclion elements, with provisions for occommodoling items inslolled loter. B. Equipmenl: Verify lhot choroclerislics of elements of inleneloted operoting equipmenf ore compotible; coordinqte work of vorious sections hoving interdependent responsibilities f6r insfolling, connecfing to, ond plocing in service, such equipment. l. HeclricolRequirements:o. Complywilh NEC.b. Provide UL listed ond lobeled producls where opplicoble. spaces: coordinate space requirements and installation of mechanical and electrical work. Utilize spaces effciently to maximum accessibility for other installations, for maintenance, and for repairs. Finished Areas: In finished areas conceal pipes, ducts and wiring in the construction. Coordinate locations of fixtures and outlets with finish elements. Continuous Occupancy: Owner anticipates living in the residence during the work of this Contractor, while the work is being performed. Coordinate with Owner to accomplish this objective. END OF SECTION 0l roo-2 I I I t I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I sEcTloN ol2lo ALLOWANCES l.0l A. REGIUIREMENTS INCLUDED J Allowonces: tnclude in conlrocl sum oll ollowonces sloted in the Conkocl Documenls or ogreed upon in writing. o..gsignote.in cons|ruc|ion progress schedu|e, defvery do|es for 'producls specified under'eoch ollowonce I.O2 RELATEDREQU]REMEMS A. Generol Condilions, Arlicle 38 Allov'onc€s' r.03 A. IIX A. ATLOWANCES Costs lnduded in Allowonces: I. Cosl of the producl to lhe Conhocior or subconhoctor,less ony opplicoue lrode discounls.2. De[very lo site.3. Applicoble foxes.1- t-oOor lo instclt only wfien ollowonce includes inslollqlion' Controc{cn Csts lnduded in Controcf Surn: |.t6o(|o(insto|lofionond|irrishing.uri|esso||olonceindudesftls|ol|qtion.2. Hondling ql site induding unlooding, uncroling ond storoge' 3. Prolection from elemenfs ond ftom domoge' 1. Otherexpenres requked to comptele inslollotion' 5. Conlrodorr ond sr.6controcloa overireod ond profit' S€.ffiKtr{ G FROU'CI5 {'NDER ALTOWANCES tuctrilect! Dtlies:l. Consjf wlfh Conkoctor in considerotion of products ond suppfien or inslcilfiets. 2- Moke seleclion in consultofron wilh O'vner' 3. Tronsnril Ovrner's dedsion io Conlroctor' 1, Prepore chonge orders. Controctofs Dulies:l. Asdsl Arcfrttect ond O,vnorln defennlrthg quofified ruppfiers orhslolers' i O-b6t^ top"r.dt fom spp,fers ond lrslolea urhon requesled by Archltecl. t f"f"fr o'pp,bpri"te reconirirendotirxu for condderofion of Arcfilfecl. 1. Notify Arcfriltect pronplf of orryt o. neasonoole oUdcdots Contnoctor mqvr hove ogolnsl ony supplier' or porty under conslderofron for Instcilolion' b. Eflect on the ccinsfruclion scfiedde onl'rJpoted by seleclions under corsiderolion. 0l2lGl 1.05 CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITY FOR PURCHASE. DELIVERYAND INSTALLATION A. Purchase: on notification of selection, execute purchase agreement with designated supplier. Arrange for and process shop drawings, product data and samples as required. B. Delivery: Make arrangements for delivery. Upon delivery, prompfly inspect products for damage or defects. submit claims for transportation damage. C- lnstallation: Install and finish products in compliance with requirements of referenced specifi cation sections. 1.06 ADJUSTMETN OF COSTS A. Adjustment Should net cost be more or less than specified amount of allowance, contract sum will be adjusted acoordingly by change order. 1.07 SCHEDULE OF ALLOWANCES A. Landscape Work: Provide an allowance of $10,000 forptanting beds, topsoil, mulch, plant material, inigation system, and installation. This allowance does not include other sitework, driveway, or other hard surfaces. A. Medicine Cabinet / Minor: Provide an allowance of $2,000 for a custom made medicine cabinet with minor at master including installation. B. Stone Countertops: Provide an allowance of $10,000 for slab marble countertops and installation. C- Shower Door: Provide an allowance of $1,000 for custom-made glass shower door with etchings. 1.08 ALTERNATES A. Provide an add altemate to remove entire existing cedar shake roof system and replace with new cedar shake roofing per Section OT31l. I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I I t I I T sEcTloN ol3l2 PROJECT MEETINGS t.0t I A. SileMobilizolionConference: Meelingwill bescheduledbyOwnerof siteimmediolely prior lo Conlroclor move-in. Represenlotives of Controctor, Mechonicol ond Eleclricol I Subcontroclors, Geolechnicol Engineer, Owner, Architecl ond Architect's Consultonfs I will be presenf. Job site procedures lo include following items will be discussed: l. Procedures for mointoining project record documenls. r 2. Owner's requiremenls. I 3. Conslruction focililies ond controls.r 4. Temporory ufilities. 5, Security ond housekeeping procedures. I 6. Moferiols testing.I 7. Services of the Geotechnicol Engineer- 8. Requiremenis ol siort-up trodes. l| 9. Building loyout. t 10. Communicotions wifh Architecl's consullonts. I l. Access lo ond use of site in relotion lo continued use of existing focilities. t r.02 PRoGRESS MEEilNGS _ A. Meelings: Conlroctor wilt schedule regulor periodic meetings qf Conlroctor's job sile I field office. Represenlolives of Owner ond Architect will be invited to ollend. AlsoI inviled os qppropriole lo ilems under discussion, will be selected subconlroclors ond suppliers ond Architecf's consullonls. Following ifems will be discussed: I l. Review of work progress since previous meetings. I 2. Field obcervqlions, problems. conflicfs. 3. Problems which impede conslrucfion schedule. 11 4. Review of off-sife fobricqtion, delivery schedules. I 5. Conective meosures ond procedures to regoin proiected schedule. 6. Revisions lo consfruction schedule. .. 7. Plon progress, schedule during succeeding work period. t 8. Coordinoiion of schedules.r 9. Moinlenonce of quolity stondords. 10. Review submittol schedules; expedite os required. I I l. Review proposed chonges for effecl on other lrodes, construclion schedule ond I completion dofe. 12. Coordinolion of seporote controcls. I 13. Other business os required. I B. Agendo ond Minules: Conl.roclor sholl estoblish ogendo, subject to Owner ond I Archilecl review, ond keep ond disiribule minules of progress meelings ond lisls of lhose I presenl ond ofhers os direcled. C. Persons Representing Conkoclor ol Meetings: Hove oulhority to commil Controcfor to I solutions ogreed upon in meelings. To moximum extenl possible, ossign some person or I persons lo represent Conlroclor of meelings lhroughoui progress of work. ot3t2-l t I o Coordinolion Meelings: Progress meelings sholl in no woy be considered substitute for Confroclor/subconfroclor coordinqlion meelings. END OF SECIION ot3t2-2 I r sEcTloN 01330 SUEMITTAL PROCEDURES I I.OI RELATEDREQUIREMENTS I A. Lisl of Subconlroctors:l. Instructions lo Bidders. ll 2. Generol Condilions. I B. Producls Usl: r l. Secfion 01600 Producl Requirements Ir C. Progress Schedule: L Generol ond Supplemenlory Condilions.TI D. Schedule ot volues: l. Generol ond Supplementory Condilions- I E. Perlormonce Bond/Loborond Moteriql Poymenl Bond: l. lnslructions to Bidden. I 2. Generol ond Supplementory Conditions- r F. lnsuronce cerlificofes:l. Generol ond Supplementory Conditions.Ir G. Applicotions for PoYmenl: l. Generol Condifions. I H. Projecl Record Documenls: I . Seclion Ol78O Closeoul Submiltols I l. Wononties: l. Section 01780 Closeoul Submillols. I J. Finol Poperwork: - l. Seclion 01780 Closeoul Submillols. I K. Conlroctofs Quolity Confrol Svstem: I l. Seclion 01450 Quolity Confrol. I I.O2 GENERAL I A. Submilfols: Mode eorly eneugh fo occounl for processing described below ond I reosonoble period for review by Architecf ond Engineers' - l.o3 PRoGRESS SCHEDULE I A. Schedule: ln form of chqrf ond indicole storl ond complelion of eoch of elements on I Schedule of Volues. 0l33Gl I I l. Complelion Time: As specified in Agreemenl. Revise schedule when completion lime is revised by chonge order. B. Schedule Submillol: Within ten doys ofter receipl of Notice to Proceed, submil one reproducible copy ond four prints of preliminory construcfion schedule. l. Within l0 doys otler receipt of review commenls on preliminory schedule, submil one reproducible ond four prints of consfruction schedule. 2. With eoch monthly opplicofion for poymenl, submit four prinls of updoted consiruction schedule indicoting octuol work progress in comporison fo scheduled progress. C. Btimoted Poymenls: Prepore ond submit eslimote of portiol poymenfs os reflecled by estimoted work progress with submitlol of construction schedule. D. Monthly Reports: l. Wth eqch monfhly opplicolion for poymenl, submil itemized reporl of delivery sfolus of mojor ond crilicol ifems of purchosed equipmenf ond motedol, including shop drowings ond stqfus of shop ond field fobricoted work- 2. lf complefion of ony port of work or delivery of moteriols is behind construclion schedule, submif plon for bringing work up to schedule. 3. Owner sholl hove right to wiihhold progress poymenls for work if Controclor foils to updote ond submil progress schedule ond reporfs os specifted. E. Controclor's Responsibility: Nothing in these requiremenfs sholl be deemed to be usurpofion of Conlroclor's outhority ond responsibility lo plon ond schedule work os he sees fit. subject lo oll olher requiremenls of Conlroct Documents. I.O4 SUBMITTALS LIST, SCHEDULE AND PROCEDURES A. Submitlol: Wilhin 30 doys ofter oword of conlroct, ond before ony ilems ore submilled for review, submit lo Archilect lwo copies of submittol lisf ond schedule. 8. Schedule: Compile complete schedule of oll submilfols onticipoled to be mode during progress of work. |. lnclude list of eoch type of item for which Coniroclor's drowings, shop drowings, producf doto. Cerlificofes of Complionce, somples, wononties orother lypes of submiltols ore required. 2. On qccepfonce by Archilecl, Conlroctor sholl odhere lo schedule excepl when specificolly olherwise permilled. C. Code Designoiion: On schedule, designote eoch iiem with number code ufilizing specificolion secfion five digit numbers. l. Eoch Submilfol: Morked wifh some code designolion. D. Coordinolion: Coordinole schedule wilh subconlroclors ond moferiols suppliers. E. Revisions: Revise ond updofe schedule on monthly bosis os necessory lo reflect condilions ond sequences. Promplly submil ony revised schedules to Archiiecl for review. I t I t I I I I I I I I I t I t I I I 0l 330-2 F. B. c. D. F. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I G. r.05 A. Tronsmillols: lnclude tronsmitiol letlerwiih eoch submillol, identify ilem by obove code designolion ond reference lo specificolion seclion. Use seporofe lronsmittol for eoch submillol. l. Eoch Submitfol: Hove chronologicol submittol number. 2. Resubmittols: Hove originol submitlol number ond lelter in olphqbeticol order for eoch resubmitlol.3. Mechonicol ond Eleclricol Submiltols: Broken down inlo porls so thol individuol oorts con be resubmitted without confusion. Deviolions: Cleorly mork ond nofe ony deviofions from Confroci Documenls in submillqls. SHOP DRAWINGS Shop Drowings: Moke porticulor nole of field-meqsured dimensions. os-built conditions. ond condilions requiring speciol coo(dinotion wifh olher controcfors ond requiremenls of ocfivilies of Owner. Subcontrocfor: Submif one reproducible lrocing ond two prinls per shop drowing sheel ond specified number of somples to Conlrocfor. Conlroctor:l. Review shop drowings for occurocy. complefeness, ond conformity with Conlrocl Documents. Moke noles ond coneclions on reproducible lrocings ond prints. 2. Stomp with Controctorl stomp/dote. Signoture of individuol who reviewed shop drowings is required below Controclor's stomp. 3. Prinl os required for Conlroclor's record. 4. Send reproducible lrocings ond ihree prints lo Architecf. 5. Shop drowings not slomped ond signed by Conlrocfor will be relurned. Architecl: L Check drqwings by moking notes ond coneciions on reproducible lrocings ond prints, sfomp "No Fxceptions Token", "Revise qnd Resubmif". "Rejecfed", etc. os required. 2. In evenl fhol shop drowings require consullont's check. roule reproducible ond prinf fhrough consulfont qnd bock lo Archilecl os necessqry. Consullontwill reloin one set of prints. 3. Reloin one set ol prinfs for record ond tronsmit one sel to Owner if required. 4. Refum morked reproducibles lo Conlroclor- Controcfor:l. Send reproducible trocings fo subcontrocfor. Subconlroclor:I. Prinl necessqry corries for record, disfribulion, efc. Resubmiltol: In event shop drowings hove lo be resubmitted to Architect, originol reproducible lrocings ond prinfs sholl be relurned directly to Conhoclor. Subconlroctor sholl moke his coneclions ond re-route new reproducible lrocings ond prints os oullined obove. G. 0r 330-3 H. r.06 A. B. D. 1.07 A. r.08 A. r.o9 A. t I I I I I I I I c. References: Reference shop drowings lo opplicoble drowings ond specificolion sections lo focilitole eose ond occurocy of checking. PRODUCT DATA Subconlroctor: Submil six copies of brochure moteriol ond ony required somples. Routing: Routing will be os indicoied obove for shop drowings wiih Archifecf ond Engineer retoining lhree copies for file ond relurning lhree copies to Controclor for his file ond dislribufion lo subconlroctor os opplicoble. Reference: Reference product dolo lo opplicoble drowings ond specificotion sections to fociliiote eose ond occurocy of checking. when contents of submilted lileroture from monutocfuren includes doio nol perlinenl to submittol, cleody indicole which portion of conlenls is being submitled for review. JOB SITE DOCUMENTS Documenfs: Keep complete sel of occepfed shop drowings or product dolo of jobsite. FIELD MEASUREMENTS Field Meosuremenis: Responsibility of Confrocfor- SAMPLES Checklist Architecl will provide Conkoclor wilh checklist indicoling molerbls where color. lexlure or finish is subject to selection by Archilect. Certoin other somples moy olso be requesled for use by Architect in preporolion of color ond moleriol somple presen- lolions for Owner. Submitlol: Promptly ofler receipt of checklisi, ossemble ond deliver to Archilect complete colleclion of required somples. Unless olherwise specified. submil somples in quontity which 'rs required fo be refumed plus one which will be retoined by Architecf. Somples: Beor tog or lobel providing following informolion: l. Project nome ond locofion.2. Monufocturer,supplier. 3. Nome, finish, ond composition of moledol.4. Locotion of where mqteriol is lo be used. 5. Specificotion seclion number. Lobels: Lorge enough for occeplonce stomp. Seleclion: Upon receipl of complele collection of somples, Architecf will, Wlh reosonoble promptness, mqke seleclions ond prepore ond deliver to Conlroctor schedule covering ilems subjecf lo seleciion. Architecf reserves dght not lo moke individuol delerminotion or selections unfil oll somples of oll moleriols ore submilled. B. D. I T I I t I I I I t 01330-4 ! I.IO CERTTFICATES OF COMPLIANCE I A. Certificoles: I l. Where Certificoles of Complionce ore specilied, show on eoch cerlificolion nome ond locotion ol work. nome ond oddress of Controclor, quonlity ond dole or doles I of shipmenf or delivery to which certificote opplies, ond nome of monufoclurer. f 2. Certificqfion: ln form of lelter or compony slondord forms. 3. Certificotes: Signed by officer of monufocturer. r 4. Loborolory Test Reports: Show dofe of tesfing, specifted requiremenfs for which I leslin_o wos oerformed. ond resulfs of lests. END OF SECTIONI I I I I I I N I I I I t t 0r33G5 I I I sEcTloN 01 35 1 ALTERATION PROJECT PROCEDURES f PARTr-GENERALI I.OI REAUIREMENTSINCLUDED t A. Coordinofe work of lrodes ond schedule elemenls of qlterotions ond renovolion work by procedures ond melhods lo expedile complelion of lhe work. I B. ln oddition to demolilion specified in Section 01736 ond lhof specificolly shown. cul,rr move ond remove lfems os necessory lo provide occess or io ollow olleroiions ond new - work io proceed. lnclude such ilems os: t l. Repoir or removol of hozordous or unsonitqry conditions.r 2. Removol of obondoned ilems ond ilems serving no uselul purpose, such os obondoned piprng, conduit ond wiring. I 3. Removol of unsuiloble or exkoneous moteriols not morked for solvoge, such qs I obondoned fumishings ond equipmenl, ond debris such os rolled wood, rusfed metols ond deterioroled concreie. ^ 4. Cleoning of surfoces. ond removql of surtoce finishes, os needed lo instoll new work I ond finishes. r- C. Pofch, repoir qnd refinish exisling items lo remoin, to lhe specified conditions for eoch I moleriol, with o workmonlike konsilion to odjocenl new items of conslruction. D. Coordinolion ol power oufoges ond mojor intem"lpiions of progress of consfrucfion work I wilh Owner. I'I.02 RELATEDREQUIREMEMS I I A. Moteriols for Renovolion Work: Specificotions in Divisions 2 through 16. ta B. Cutfing ond Polching of New or Existing Work During Construction: Section 01732 Cutting I ond Polchins. C. Use of Exisiing Utilities: Secfion 01500 Temporory Focililies ond Controls. t D. Cleoning During Conslruclion: Seclion 01500 Temporory Focilifies ond Conlrols. G E. Selective Demolition: Seclion 01736. lt I.O3 ALTERATIONS, CUTTING AND PROTECTION t A. Assign the work of moving, removol. cufting ond potching lo frodes quolified 1o performr lhe work in o monner to couse leosl domoge to eoch type of work, ond provide meons of relurning surfoces lo oppeoronce of new work. I I I 0t351-l o I I tB. Perform cuiling ond removol work lo remove minimum necessory, ond in o monner lo ovoid domoge to odjocent work.l. Cut finish surfoces such os mosonry. lile, slone flooring. plosler or mefols by melhods to terminole surfoces in o slroight line oi o noturol poinl of division. C. Prolecl existing finishes, equipmenl ond, odjocenl work which is scheduled lo remoin, from domoge.l. Profect exisfing ond new work from weother ond exlremes of lemperoture.o. Moinfqin exisling inleriorwork obove 60'F. b. Provide weolher profection, woterproofing, heot ond humidiiy control os needed lo prevenl domoge to remoining exisfing work ond lo new work. D. TempororyEnclosures: l. Provide lemporory, duslproof enclosures lo seporote work oreos from existing building qnd trom oreos occupied by Owner.?. Provide weolherproof ond secure portilions of poriions of exisling building which ore exposed during consfruclion of oddiiion, Locofe os indicole on lhe drowings. I.O4 COORDINATION WITH OWNER'S USE OF THE FACILITY A. Generol: Coordinoie construction phosing wilh operotion of Owner's exisling focility. The Owner intends lo occupy portions of lhe existing building fhroughout conslruclion.l. Btoblish effeclive communicofions with lhe Owndr regording his operolion ond moving schedule. Give os much odvqnce notice os possible, in oddition lo the minimums specified, for consfruction ocfivilies which will offecf Owne/s operolions. B. Utility lnferuplions: Schedule intemrpfions ol building ulilities lor hours when building is closed lo normol operolions. i.e. weekends, evenings, efc. Notify Owner 48 hours in odvonce of oll utility inlemlplions, including lhose scheduled for off hours. C. Sequence of Conslruction ond Remodeling:l. Generol: The Ownerdesires lo be oble io move inlo compleled building oddition before remodeling of exisling intedor spoces begins.2. Coordinotion: Coordinote conslrucfion schedule with Owner's requirements.3. Complefe building oddition lo point of finql complelion before remodeling inledor' spoces in exisfing building. PART 2. PRODUCIS 2.O1 PRODUCTS FOR PATCHING, DfiENDING AND MATCHING A. Generol Requiremenls thol Work be Complete:l. Provide some producfs or types of conshuclion os lhol in exisling slructure, qs needed to pofch. exlend or molch exisling work.o. Generolly Confrocl Documenls will not define products or stondords of workmonship presenf in existing conslruclion; Confroclor sholl determine producfs by inspeclion ond ony necessqry lesling, ond workmonship by use of lhe exisling os o sqmple of comporison. I I t I I t I I I ,l I t I I T T 01351-2 I I I 2. Presence ol o producl. finish, or lype of consfruction, requires thol potching. exlending or molching sholl be performed os necessory to moke work complete ond consistent. ir PART3-EXECUTION It 3.or LAYING oul woRK I A. Verify dimensions ond elevotions indicoted in loyout of exisling work. Refer discreponciest between drowings, specificolions ond exisiing condilions to Archilecl for odjuslmen'l before work offected is oerformed. Foilure io moke such nolilicotion sholl ploce I responsibility upon Conlroclor to corry out work in solisfoclory. workmonlike monner. I B. The Controclor sholl be held responsible for lhe locolion ond elevolion of ihe f conslruclion coniemploled by ihe Construction Documenls. I C. Prior to commencing work, corefully compore ond check orchilecturol, slruclurol, A mechonicol ond electricol drowings, eoch wilh the other lhol in ony woy offects the I locotion or elevotion of ihe work to be executed, ond should ony discreponcy be found,t immedioiely repor'l fhe some to lhe Architect for verificolion ond odjustmenl. | 3.o2 LocATroN oF EeurpMENT AND prprNc I A. Drowings showing locolion of equipmenl, piping. duchivork. efc. ore diogrommotic ond il iob conditions sholl nol otwoys duplicote conditions shown. When this sifuolion occurs. it I rf,ott Oe broughi 1o lhe Archilect's otlention immediolely ond lhe relocolion delermined r o joint conf erence. -I 3-03 PATCHTNG EXTSTTNG FACTL|TTESI A. Existing siructures, focilities, elc. lhol ore domoged or removed due lo required I conslruction work. sholl be potched, repoired or reploced, ond be lell in their originolI slote of repoir by ihe Conkocfor, io solisfoction ol the Architecl- t 3.04 TNTEGRATTNG EXTSTING woRK l'A. Protecl existing improvemenls from domqge. t B. Conkoclor's operotions sholl be confined to lhe immediole vicinily of the new work ond sholl noi in ony woy inlertere wilh or obslruct the ingress or egress to ond from odjocent - focililies. I C. Where new work is 1o be connecled to exisling work, speciol core sholl be exercised nol to dislurb or domoge lhe existing work more thon necessory. All domoged work sholl be t reploced, repoired ond reslored lo ils originol condilion ot no cosi to lhe Owner. ll . 3.05 ADJUSTMENTS t A. Where portitions ore removed, potch lloors, wolls ond ceilings wilh finish moleriols to molch existinq. r, 01351 -3a r I I t B. 3.06 A. 3.O7 A. 3.08 A. 3.09 A. l. Where removol of portitions results in odjocenl spoces becoming one, rework tloors ond ceilings lo provide smoolh plones wilhoul breoks, sleps or bulkheods. 2. Where exlreme chonge of plone occurs, request inslruclions from Architect os lo method of moking fronsilion. Trim ond refinish exisling doors os necessory lo cleor new floors. DAMAGED SURFACES Polch ond reploce ony porlion of on exisling finished surfoce which is found lo be domoged. litled, discolored, orshows other imperfections, with molching moferiol. l. Provide odequote support of subslrote prior to potching the finish. 2. Refinish potched portions of pointed or cooled surfoces in o monner to produce uniform color ond texlure over enlire surfqce. 3. When exisling surfoce finish cqnnot be molched, refinish enfire surfoce lo neoresf intenecfions. TRANSITION FROM EXISTING TO NEW WORK When newwork obufs or finishes flush with existing work, moke o smoolh ond workmonlike kqnsifion. Polch work sholl molch exisling odiocent work in lexlure ond oppeoronce so thot the polch or lronsilion is invisilrle ol o dislonce of five feet. l. When finished surfoces ore cul in such o woy lhol o smoofh fronsilion wilh new work is nol possible. terminole existing surfoce in o neql montler qlong o sfroight line of o noturol line of division, ond provide lrim oppropriote to finished surfoce. DUST CONTROL Precoulion sholl be exercised of oll limes to conlrol dusf creoled Os o fesull of ony operofions during lhe conslruclion period. lf serious problems orise due lo oir borne dusl, ond when direcfed by Archifect, operolions cousing such problems sholl be tempororily disconlinued ond necessory steps loken to conlrol the dust. FIRE PROTECTION Moinfoin good housekeeping procfices lo reduce the risk of fire domoge ond injury lo workmen. All scrop moteriols. rubbish ond frosh sholl be removed doily lrom in ond obout lhe work oreo ond sholl nof be permifted lo be scqltered lo odjocent qreos. Suitobp sforoge spoce sholl be provided outside the immediole building oreo for storing flommoble mqleriols ond poinls; no sforoge will be permitted in the building. Excess flommoble liquids being used inside the building sholl be kepf in closed melol contoiner ond rernoved from lhe building during unused periods. A fire extinguisher sholl be ovoiloble ot eoch locolion where cutfing orwelding is being performed. Where eleclric or gos welding or culling work is done, inlerposed shields of incombustible moleriol sholl be used to profect ogoinst fire domoge due lo sports ond hot melql. When lemporory heolang devices ore used, o wolchmon sholl be presenf lo cover periods when olher workmen ore nof on the premises. t I I I I I 1 I T I I I T I I I B. c. ol35r -4 t I D. Provide fire extinguishers in occordonce wilh lhe recommendotions of NFPa Bullelins Nos. I l0 ond 241. However, in oll coses o minimum of four fire extinguishea sholl be ovoiloble J_' foreoch building. | 3.ro CLEANTNG I' A. Perform periodic ond finol cleoning os specified in Section 01741. 01500 ond os follows: I l. Cleon Owner-occupied oreos where conslruction or remodeling is occuning. doily. I 2. Cleon oreos of heovy dusl produclion doily. 3. Cleon spilloge ond ovenproy immediolely' I B. At completion of woft of eoch trode, cleon oreo ond moke surfoces reody for wo* of!l succesive lrodes. I C. At complelion of work in eoch oreo, provide finol cleoning ond relum spoce fo o I condifion suitoble for use by Owner. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I t I I 01351 -5 I I t sEcTloN ol4l0 REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS .I I r.0r PERMTTS AND FEES A See Generol ond Supplemenfory Conditions.II I.O2 CODES AND ORDINANCES t A. Complionce: All controciors sholl comply with oll opplicoble codes. ordinonces ond t reguloiions in effect ot time of bid opening including bul not necessorily limifed io following: I Applicoble locol codes ond ordinonces' Uniform Building Code ,1 Uniform Mechonicol Code, 1997 Edition I Uniform Plumbing Code, 1997 Editionr Governing fire deportmeni requhemenls ^ Utility compony requiremenfs I Stofe of Colorodo Energy Siondords I Slole Deporlmenl of Lobor Requiremenls Stole'Deportmenl of Heollh Requiremenls 'a Nolionol Fire Proleclion Associolion Slondords I Sfole ond Federol Sofety ond Heollh Lqws- NFPA 70 - Nolionol Electdcol Code I Americons with Disobilities Act/Accessibility Stondords I B. Dscreponcies: lf discreponcies occur between Conlroct Documenls, locol codes, krcol - ufility requiremenls, efc., mosl sfringenl requiremenls sholl opply. '- END OF SECTION I T I I I J I 0l4lGl I I I T t sEcTloN ol42l ABBREVIATIONS AND ACRONYMS I r.or RELATED REeurREMENrs A. Drowing orSchedule Abbreviofions: As noted on Drowings orschedules. I I.O2 SPECIFICATION LANGUAGE EXPLANATION A. These Specificoiions ore of obbrevioted, simplified orstreomlined type ond include incomplele senfences.I. Omissions of words or phroses such os "lhe controctor sholl", "in conformity lherewith", "sholl be", "os noled on the drowings",'o", "ihe", ore inteniionol. 2. Supply omitled words or phroses by inference.3. Supply words 'sholl be" or ' sholl' by inference when colon is used wilhin sentences or phroses. I 4. Supply words "on fhe Drowings" by inference when "os indicoled" is used withC senlences or phroses. _ 5. 'Provide" sholl meon furnish ond insloll. I 1.03 ABBREVTATTONS AND ACRONYMS A. Reference in Conlrocf Documenls lo frode ossociolions, fechnicol sociefies. recognized outhorilies ond other inslifutions include following orgonizolions which ore somelimes refened lo only by conesponding obbreviotions or ocronyms: AA Aluminum AssociolionAAMA Americon Architeclurol Monufqcfur€r's AssociofionACI Americon Concrete InslifuteADA Americqns with Disobilities AcfADAAG Americons wilh Disobililies Acl Accessibilify GuidelinesAF&PA Americon Foresf ond Poper AssociotionAISC Americon lnstitule of Sfeel ConsiruciionAlSl Americon kon ond Sfeel InsfifufeAITC Amedcon lnslilule of Timber ConslruclionANSI Americon Noiionol Slondords InslituteAPA APA - The Engineered Wood Associolion ASHRAE Amedcon Society of Heoting, Refrigeroting ond Air Conditioning EngineenASTM Americon Society for Tesling ond MoleriolsAWI Archilecturol Woodwork InsliluleAWPA Americon Wood Preserven Associolion AWS Americon Welding SocietyBIA Brick Induslry AssociqlionCDA Copper Developmenl Associotion, Inc.CRA Colifornio Redwood Associolion CRSI Concrele Reinforcing Steel Inslitute CS Commerciol Slondord (U.S. Deportmeni of CommercefDFPA Douglos Fir Plplrood Associotion t I ,l I I I I I t I 01421- I o I t I T I I I t I t I I I I I T I t I FGMA FM FS GA tcBo MIA MIL MLMA NAAMM NBS NCMA NEC NEMA NFPA NLGA NOFMA NPVLMA NTMA NWWDA OSHA PCA PCr PEI PS sDl sJl SMACNA SPA sPr SPIB SPR ssPc swl TCA TIMA UBC UL WCLA wRt WRCLA WCLIB WWPA Flof Gloss Morkefing AsSociotion Foctory Mutuol Engineering Division Federol Specificotion Gypsum Associofion Inlernqlionol Conlerence of Building Officiols Morble Instifute of Americo Militory Specificotion Metol Lolh Monufoclure/s Associolion The Nolionol Associolion of Archiiecfurol Melol Monufoclurers Notionol Bureou of Stondords Notionol Concrele Mosonry Associolion Nofionol Elecfdc Code {of NFPA) Nofionol Electricol Monufocturer's Associolion Nolionol Fire Proleclion Associolion Nofionol Lumber Grodes Authorify Nolionol Ook Flooring Monufocture/s Associolion Nofionol Poinl, Vomish ond Locquer Monufocfure/s Associofion The Notionol Tenozzo ond Mosoic Associotion Notionol Wood Window ond Door Associotion Occupolionol Sofety ond Heolth Adminislrotion Porflond Cement Associolion Presfressed Concrele Inslitute Porceloin Enomel Insfitufe Product Slondord (U.S. Deporlment of Commercef Steel Deck lnslitute Steel Joist Insfilufe Sheet Melol ond Air Conditioning Conlroctors Nolionol Asociotion Soufhern Pine Associotion The Sociefy of fhe Ploslics Induslry, Inc. Southern Pine Inspecfion Bureou Simplified Proclice Recommendotion (U.S. Deporlmenf of Commercef Sleel Struclures Poinfing Council Sleel Wndow Insfilute Iile Council of Americo Thermol Insulolion Monufocturers Associotion Unilorm Building Code Underwdlen' Loborolodes, Inc. Wesl Coosf Lumbermenl Associolion Wire Reinforcembnt lnslifu fe Westem Red Cedor Lumbermon Associolion Wesf Coosf Lumber Inspection Bureou Weslem Wood Producls Associofion END OFSECTION 01421-2 I I I I I I I sEcTloN 01423 REFERENCE SIANDARDS I.OI QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Reference Slondords: For producls or workmonship specified by ossociotion, lrode or federol stondords, comply with requiremenls of slondord, excepl when more rigid requiremenls ore specified or ore required by opplicoble codes. l. No provision of ony referenced slondord specificolion, monuol or code (whelher or nol specificolly incorporoled by reference in the Conlroct Documents) sholl be effeclive io chonge dulies ond responsibililies of Owner. Controclor or Architeci or ony of their consultonls, ogents or employees from lhose set forlh in Conkocl Documents. nor sholl il be effective lo ossign lo Architecl or ony of Archilecl's consullonts, ogenls or employees ony duly or outhority to supervise or direct lurnishing or performonce of work or ony duty or outhority lo underloke responsibililies controry lo provisions ot Generol ond Supplemenlory Conditions. B. Efieclive Doie: Dole of stondord is lhol in effecl os of documenfs dote excepl when specific dote is specified or when slondord is porl of opplicoble code which includes edilion dole. C. Copies: When required by individuol secfions, obioin copy of stondord. Moinfoin copy of iob sile during work. END OF SECTION I I I I I I t I I I 0r423-l I I I sEcTroN 01450 QUALITY CONTROL II I.OI RELATED REQUIREMENTSI .- A. Cost of Tesfing: Generol ond Supplemenlory Condilions. I I.O2 TESTING - GENERAL I A. Controclor: Provide equipmenl ond focilities os required, svbjecf io Architect's review, t for conducfing field fests ond for collecting ond forwording somples. l. Do nol use moteriols or equipmenf represenled by somples until fesls, if required, ^ hove been mode ond moleriols or equipmenf found lo be occepfoble.-'I 2. Do nol incorporote ony produci into work which becomes unfit for use ofler occeptonce thereof. I B. Testing: Moleriols or equipmenl proposed lo be used moy be lesled ol qny time dudng I lheir preporolion or use. Furnish required somples without chorge ond give sufficienf nolice of plocing of orders to permit lesting. Products moy be sompled eitherprior to f shipmeni or ofler being received oi site of work' I- C. Tests: Mode by occredited testing loboroiory selecfed by Owner. Except os olhen'vise a provided, sompling ond lesling of moledols ond loborofory melhods ond festing I equipment sholl be in occordonce wiih lolesf slondords ond lenlofive melhods of ASTM. - l. Specific informolion concerning fesling mefhods, somple sizes, etc.. is included t z. lliffi5fi:'"?.ff;""1'Ji:3:?:iill'lll'i#;, resr procedures incruded for specinc I motedols under lheir respeciive sections in specificofions sholl toke precedence over lhese procedures.II 'I.03 TESTS PAID FOR BY OWNER - A. Confrol Tesfs of Fill ond Bockfill: At such times ond in such numbers os specified in Section I 023O0 Eorthwork. - B. Conlrol Tesls of Concreie Work: At such times ond in such numbers os specified in I Seclion 03300 Cost-ln-Hoce Concrele. -C. Conlrol Tesls of Mosonry tvtbrtor ond Grout: At such fimes ond in such numbers os I specified in Sections 04060 Morlor,04070 Mosonry Grout ond 04810 Unit Mosonry It Assemblies. I .I.04 OTHER TESTINGr " A. Following Testing: Performed ot expense of instolling controclor: l. Olher Tests: Any other iesls required by Controct Documenls not listed in orticle I obove. I t 01450-l 2. Any odditionol lests required becouse of ony lests thqt foil subject to following conditions: o. Quontity ond Noture of Tests: Defermined by Architect. b. Tests: Token in presence of Archilec'i. c. Proof of Noncomplionce: Controclor lioble for conective oclion which Archilecl feels is required including complete removol ond replocemenl of defective moledol.3. Moleriol Substifufion: Any iesfs of moteriol or equipment offered os substitute for specified item on which fest moy be required in order lo prove ils complionce wilh specificotions- B. Conlroctor: Moy hove lesls performed on moleriol ond equipmenl for his own informotion ond job conlrol so long os Owner does not ossume responsibility for costs or for giving lhem considerofion when opproising quolify of moteriols. I.O5 TEST REPORTS A. Reports of tesis mode by lesting loborotories sholl be distributed by tesling loborolory os follows: Copy - Confrocfor Copy - Applicoble Supplier or Subconfrocior Copy - Owner Copy - Applicoble Engineer Copy - Architecl Ofher Copies - As Drected I I I I I I I I I T I T I I I T t I I r.06 A. CONIRACTOR'S QUALTTY CONTROL SYSTEM Quolily Conlrol: Bloblish syslem to perform sufficient inspeclion ond lesfs of qll ifems of work. including thot of subconlroclors, fo ensure conformonce lo Controcf Documents for moferiols, workmonship, conslruclion, finish, functionql performonce ond identificolion.L Conlrol Syslem: Esloblishforoll conslructionexceplwhereConhoclDocumenls provide for specific complionce lesls by lesling loborotories ond engineen employed by Owner.2. Confrol Syrfem: Specificolly include oll fesling required by vorious seclions of specificolions. Quolity Conlrol Syslem: Meons by which Conlroclor osures himself thot conslruclion complies wilh requiremenls of Conlrqcl Documents. Controls: Adequofe lo cover oll construction operolions ond keyed lo proposed conslrucfion schedule. Records: Mointoin conecl records on oppropriote form for oll inspecfions ond lesls performed, insfruclions received from Architecl ond ocfions loken os resull of lhose inslruclions.l. Records: Include evidence lhof required inspeclions or fests hove been performed (including type ond number of inspecfions or lesfs. noture of defecls, couses for rejeclion, elc.f proposed or direcfed remediql oclion, ond coneclive ocfion loken. 01450-2 2. Documenl inspeclions ond tesls os required by eoch seclion of specificolions. END OF SECTION 0145G3 B. c. D. t I I l I I I l I I t I I I I I I I t l.0l sEcTloN 01500 TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS TEMPORARY ELECTRICITY AND LIGHTING Generol:l. Division 16 Conlroclor: o. Moy connecl to existing eleclricol power slniem for source of lemporory electricity ond lighting. Coordinote locqtion ond meons of conneclion with Owner. b. Provide temporory eleclricol service qnd wiring, outlets, lighfs' efc. os required for conskucfion power ond lighting during conslruction period. c. Remove temporory service ond dislribulion syslem from exisling sysiem upon comolefion of work. 2. Service ond Distribution System: o. Properly ground in occordonce with NEC. b. Provide ground foult inleruplers os required by code. Temporory Power Distribution:l. Division l6 Conlroclor: o. Provide, insloll, ond mqinloin temporory service lo oddilion ond iemporory loop providing lemporory power ond lighling service os specified. b. Provide minimum of one double duplex l20V ouflet for every lO0 lineol feei of temporsry loop. 2. Eoch Confroctor: o. Provide exlension cords necessory lo convey eleclricity from temporory loop ouflels lo locolions of work. b. Provide speciql power required for welders or other speciol equipmenl. 3. Distribution equipmenf ond wiring devices for temporory power ond lighting need nol be new, however, instollolion sholl conform lo sofe generol proclice os required by OSHA. Temporory Lighling:l. Division 16 Conlrocfor: Provide one lighf for every inlerior room regordless of squore footoge oreo excepl closets ond pipe choses. In lorger rooms, provide one lighl for every 750 sq. fl. 2. Eoch Conlroclor: Provide plug-in porloble lights os required for fosk lighfing. Use of Permonent Syslems: l. Afler work is compleled lo exfenl lhol permonenl eleclric service info building is inslolled ond permoneni ouflels ore ovoiloble, permonenl syslem moy be used os necessqry for power ond light. 2. Permonenl bronch circuil wiring moy be used to supply pigfoil lights if protected by properly sized circuil breoker or fuse, Do nol use permonent receplocles for construction power. 3. , Eoch Conlroclor: 0l50Gr o. Be responsible for domoge to permonent wiring or fixlures os resull of lemporory use. b. Reploce receplocles ond device plotes showing weor or obuse. 4. Division l6 Controclor: o. Provide lomps necessory lo tempororily light work in permonently inslolled fixlures. b, Cleon permonenlly inslolled lighl fixlures which ore used for temporory lighting during construclion using meihods ond moferiols recommended by monufocturer. c. Remove lomps used fempororily in permonenl fixfures ond reploce wilh new lomps ol completion of work. E. Consumplion: Owner will provide electricity consumed from exisling sysfem for use during consfrucfion ol no cosl to Confroclor. I.O2 TEMPORARY HEAT AND ENCLOSURES A. Iemporory Heot: Provide lemporory heol necessqry forexeculion of work. lnsloll. mointoin ond operole temporory heoling opporolus in monner lo focilifote work, so work con conlinue ond so tinished work will not be domoged. B. Enclosures: Provide lemporory enclosures necessory for holding temporory heot for mctsonry ond concrele work, ond for thowing frozen'Qround. C. Use of Permonenl Sysfem: l. Afler building is enlirely permonenlly enclosed, glozing of exlerior openings complefed, permonenl or lemporory doon on exterior openings ond permonent heoting sysfem instolled ond copoble of being odequolely conholled, permonenf heofing qyslem moy be used lo provide heol forbuilding. 2. Division 15 Confrqcloc o. In using permonenl heoling sy:lem, ossume complele responsibility for its proper operotion ond for ony domoge which moy occur 1o heofing opporolus during ony phose of work except such weor ond teor which would ordinorily resulf from normol usoge. . b. At completion qnd before work is occepted by Owner. cleon oir vents ond coils, cleon cleonqble filten ond reploce replocement oir filten. 3. Ournerwill poy for gos ond eleclricity consumed from exisling ufility systems used in conneclion wilh operqtion of permonenf system of no cost lo Conlrocfor' 4. Generol Conlrocfor ond Div'rsion l5 Conlroctor: lf permonenl heoling syslem is used dudng conskuclion, remqin responsible for full mechonicol wononly from dole of Notice of Subslontiol Complefion. I.O3 TEMPORARY WATER A. Exisling System: Controclor moy connect lo existing woter dislribufion sysiem for source of lemporory woler. l. Coordinote locolion ond meons of conneclion wilh Owner. 2. Provide lemporory conneclion. plumbing, piping. etc. necesory lo convey some lo' ploces needed. I t I I t I I I t I t t I I I I I t I 0lsoGz I I I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I 3. Owner will provide woter consumed from exisling system for use during conslruction ot no cost fo Controclor. I.O4 TEMPORARYSANITARYFACILITIES A. Toilel Focilities: Provide ond mointoin. in neol ond sonitory condifion, odequoie chemicol toilel focilities for use ol employees engoged on work, in complionce with requkemenfs of opplicoble codes, regulqlions. lows ond ordinonces. l. Toilels in exisfing buildings sholl nol be used. I.O5 FIELD OFFICE AND OTHER TEMPORARY STRUCTURES A. Field Office: Provide ond mointqin suitoble lemporory field office- L Telephone service: Instoll lelephone in field office. Poy for inslollotion. moinlenqnce, removol qnd olher chorges for use of lelephone. 2. Moke office ond telephone ovoiloble for use by Owner ond Architecl. B. Temporory Slructures: Provide temporory structures ond sforoge oreos os required. l. Remove offices ond olher temporory struclures from sile upon completion of work. 2. Locote on sile in orderly monner os coordinoted with Owner. I.06 TEMPORARYPROTECTIVEFACILTTIES A. Provide ond moinfoin proteclive devices ond focililies for prolection of public ond generol proteclion of workmen on projecl. l. Provide worning signs ogoinsf hozords creoled by such ilems os profruding noils. hoisfs, well holes, windowopenings. sloirwoys ond folling moferiols- o. Donger Lights: Keep llghied eoch nighl from sundown lo sunrise. 2. Provide ond mqinloin fire extinguishen ond qclive fire hydronls where required. Moinlqin fire lqnes lo hydronts ond other equipmenl os necessory for proper fire protection during conslruclion. 3. Provide lempororywolks, roodwoys, trench covers, bonicodes, bulkheods, roilings, donger lights ond signols, efc. required forwork by opplicoble sofely lows ond building codes.1. Mointoin lemporory protective focilities in good condilion throughoul lerm of work. Remove of complefion of work. Repoir ond reploce work domoged by lemporory prolecfive fqcilif ies. B. Eoch Subconlrocfor: l. lf in performonce ol his subcontrocl, it becomes necessory, convenienf or odvisoble lo remove, reploce or inferfere wilh ony sofety devices or confrols instolled by Controctor or onolher subconlroctor; subconhqclor sholl reploce or reslore such devices of his expense. 2. In evenl such sofety devices or confrols ore nol so reploced or reslored. subconfroclor sholl reimbtnse Conlrocfor for doing so for subconlroctor's occounl, or by deducl chonge order lo his subconlroct' I.O7 SCAFFOLDING AND RUNWAYS A. Scoffolding: Provide os necessory for work. 0t500-3 B. Runwoys. Guord Roils. Plolforms ond Similor Temporory Construction: Provide ond moinloin for sofe performonce of Confrocl.l. Provide focililies of type ond onongemenl os required for theh specific use,' subslonfiolly conslrucled, sfrongly supporled, ond well secured. 2. Comply wilh opplicoble sofety lows ond codes. l.o8 closuREs A. Temporory Closures: Erect over openings when weother conditions render such oclion necessory for proper instollolion of work. I.O9 PROTECTION FOR WORK IN PLACE A. Work in Ploce: When subiect lo injury becouse of operolions being conied on odjocenl, cover, boord up, or subslontiolly enclose with odequote proieclion. l. Block ond boord heods, jombs ond sills of permonenl openings used os lhoroughfores for introduclion of work ond moleriols.2. Conslrucl forms of profection in monner lhol, upon complelion, enlire work will be delivered lo Owner in undomoged condifion. I.IO CONSTRUCTIONFENCE A. Conslruction Fence: Provide qs required for security ond the sofety of the public. | . Fence: 6 {" high choin link fencing with sfeel posls 8'4' o.c.2. Gotes: Provide where indicoled ond required. Keep goles closed ofter working hours.3. At completion of exlerior work (except site development wort), remove fences ftom lhe sife. Pofch ospholt domoged by fence posls ofler removol.4. See Seclion 0l 100 regording resMclions on use of sile. l.t I AccEss A. Limil qccess to necessory routes to perform the work.L Coordinole occess wifh Owner.2. See Section 0l 100 for limifotions on occess fo site. I.I2 TEMPORARYCONTROLS A. Generol: Comply with locol codes, ordinonces ond regulotions. B. Noise: Minimize noise neor occupried oreos. Properly muffle equipmenl. Do not operole noisy equipmenl during business hours. C. Dusl: Control when consfrucfion procedures resull in dust which becomes nuisonce lo Owner, privofe property or lroffic. D. Woter: Control flow of woler of sile lo prevent domoge to Owner's privote ond public focilities. I I I I I I I t I t t T I I I I I I t 01500-4 I t E. Debris: Conlinuolly police work lo prevent colleclion ond scollering of debris I uncovered, loosened' or coused by proseculion of work. I F. Pollulion: Toke precoulions 1o preveni spilling ond littering of wqler polluling subslonces. I Do nol dump ony foreign moleriols into sewer ond storm sewer collection systems. I l. Burning of debris or ony other oir polluling melhods or equipmenf not ollowed. G. bosion: Provide focililies necessory lo prevent erosive domoge to Owner's properly ond I ro oorocenT propenres.I - I.I3 CLEAN UP I A. Generol: Moinloin proiect ond sile in cleon ond orderly condition. Periodicolly cleon inferior oreos. Regulody remove woste mqleriols, debris ond rubbish from site. I B. Eoch Subconhocfor: Cleon up work on doily bosis. Foilure to cleon up will resull in cleon up by olhers with such cosls being bockchorged lo subconfroclor by deducf chonge I order lo his subcontrocl. I C. Inlerior Areos: Cleon prior lo storf of finish work ond continue cleoning os required' Conlrol cleoning operolions so thol dust ond other poriicles will nol odhere lo newly I cooted surfoces.r D. Finol Cleoning: See Seclion 01741. END OF SECTION I I I I I I I I I I 01500-5 I T . sEcTloN 01600 I PRODUCT REQUIREMENTS T I.OI RELATED REQUIREMENTSI A. Generol ond Supplemenlory Condilions.I ! 1.02 PRODUCTS I A. Producls: Include moferiol, equipment ond systems. I l. Comply wiih specificotions ond referenced slondords os minimum requirements. 2. Components Supplied in Quontity within o Specificolion Seclion: Some ond inlerchongeoble. I 3. Do nol use moteriols ond eguipmenl removed from exisfing sfructure, except os specificolly required, or ollowed, by Controci Documents. I l.o3 TRANspoRTATToN AND HANDLTNGr A. Tronsporiofion: Tronsport products by methods lo qvoid product domoge; deliver in I undomoged condifion in monufocturer's unopened conloinen or pockoging. dry-r B. Hondling: Provide equipmeni ond personnel fo hondle producls by melhods to prevenl I soiling ordomoge. I C- Inspeclion: Inspecl shipmenfs lo ossure producls comply wilh requiremenls, quonlities I ore conecl, ond producls ore undomoged. I l. Reiecl domoged ond defeclive items. D. Eoch Subconlrocior: Be responsible for hoisting ond siocking of his moteriols ond I equipmenf on sire.t l. Moferiol Sfocked on Floors: Pollelized or pockoged in oppropriote conloiners on floor by floor bosis. f] 2. Moferiol Sfocking: Coordinqled wilh Controclor's superintendent.I'I.O4 STORAGE AND PROTECTION I A. Sforoge: Slore producfs in occordonce with monufoclurer's recommendolions, wilh - seols ond lobels infocl ond legible. Slore sensilive producfs in weothertighl enclosures; - mqintqin within lemperoture ond humidity rqnges required by monufociurer's I recommencioiions.I l. Store loose gronulor moleriols on solid surfoces in well droined oreo; prevent mixing wilh foreign mofler. I B. ExteriorSloroge Prolection:l. Fobricoled Producls: Ploce on sloped supporls obove ground. f 2. Cover producls subjecl lo deteriorotion with impervious sheet covering; provide I venlilolion lo ovoid condensotion. t I 0l60Gl T r.05 Inspeclion: Anonge sloroge to provide occess for inspeciion. Periodicolly inspect lo ossure products ore undomoged, ond ore mointoined under recommended condilions. INSTALLATION Pre-lnstollolion Conferences: Hold pre-inslqllofion meeting ol site before inslollolion of eoch unii of work which requires coordinotion wifh other units of work. Instoller ond monufqcfure/s represenlotives of porliculor work ond offecled wo* sholl ottend.|. Nofify Archilect of meeting lime.2. Discuss coordinolion of work with ofherwork including shop drowings. producl dofo. possible conflicls, compotibility concerns, occeptobility of subslrofes, proleclion, elc. 3. Record significonf discussions ol eoch meefing, ogreemenfs, disogreements ond finol plon of oclion. Distibule record lo lhose in otlendonce ond lo Archifecl. 4. Do nol proceed with unit of work until pre-inslollotion meeling is successfully concluded with ogreed upon plon of oclion. Inspeclion of Subsiroles: Require instoller of eoch moior unit of work fo inspecf substrote to receive work ond conditions under which work is to be performed. l. Insloller: Report unsofisfocfory condifions lo Generol Controclor in wriling with copy to Archilect. 2. Do nof proceed with work unlil unsotistoctory conditions hove been conecled to solisfoction of instoller. Monufocturer's Inslrucfions: Where instollolions include monufqclured producls. comply wifh monufocturer's opplicoble instruclions ond recommendotions for insfollolion, to extenl lhot these inslrucfions ond recommendolions ore more explicit or more stringenl lhon requiremenls specified or indicoted.l. Notifo Archilect of ony conflicts between monufoclure/s inshuclions or recommendolions ond requiremenfs specified or indicoted. Atlochment: Provide oflochmenf ond conneclion devices qnd mefhods for securing work. l. Secure work lrue lo line ond level, ond wilhin specified loleronces, or if nol specified. industry recognized loleronces.2. Allow for exponsion ond building movemenf.3. Exposed Joinfs: o. Provide unilorm joint widlh.b. Anonge joinls fo obloin besl visuol effecf.c. Refer queslionoble visuoFetfecl choices fo Archilect for finol decision. Meosurements ond Dimensions: Recheck os infegrol step of storting eoch inslollolion. Climolic Conditions ond Projecf Stolus: Instoll eoch unit of work under condilions to ensure best possible results in coordinofion wilh enlire projecl.l. lsoloie eoch unit of work from incompotible work os necessrry to prevent deleriorofion.2. Coordinote enclosure of work with required inspeclions ond fesls to minimize necessity of uncovering work for those purposes. T t I I I I I I I T I I I I t I I I B. D. E. F. 0t600-2 I I G. Mounling Heights: where not indicoled, mount individuol units of work ot induslry I recognized slondord mounling heights for porliculor opplicolion indicofed. I L Refer questionoble mounling heights choices lo Architect for finol decision. I 1.06 PRODUCTS L|ST A. Submiltol: Within 30 doys ofler Nolice ol Aword, ironsmil lhree copies of list of mojor .- producfs which ore proposed for instollolion, including nome of monufocfurer. I L Tobulote products by specificotions seclion number, litle, ond orlicle number.ll 2. For producfs specified only by reference sfondorcls, give monufocfurer, frode nome, model or cotolog designofion. ond reference sfondords. III B. Archilecl: Will prompfly reply in writing whelher there is reosonoble objeclion to lisled items. Foilure fo object to lisied item shqll nol constifule woiver of requiremenls of I Conlrocl Documents. I I.O7 PRODUCTS OPTIONS I A. Producls Specified by Reference Slondords or by Descriplion Only: Any producl meelingr fhose slqndords. I B. Producls Specified by Noming One or More Monufoclurers wifh Subsfilution Porogroph: I Producfs of nomed monufocfuren meeting specificolions. Submif requesf for subslilufion for ony monufoclurer not specificolly nomed. I L Products of occeptoble monufocfureru ore subiect lo requirements of specificofions I forspecified product. I C. Products Specified by Noming One or More Monufocturers: Producfs of nomed I monufoclurers meefing specificolions; no options, no subsfilufions. ' l. Producls ol occeploble monufocfurers ore subiecl lo requirements of specificolions - for specified producf. t D. Producis Specified by Noming Only One Monufocturer: No option, no subslifution ollowed.Ir l.08 L|MTTATIoN oN suBsTtTUTtoNs I A. During Bidding Period: lnsfrucfions lo Biddea specifies limes forsubmitling requesls lor I substifufions. Submit requesfs lo Archifecf ollowing odequole lime for review prior fo bid'- ond in complionce with requiremenls of fhis seclion. I B. After Bidding Period: Requesls for substilutions of producls otter dole of Owner-t Conlrocfor Agneemenf will be considered only in cose of product unovoilobility or other condilions beyond control of Confrocfor. I c. Subsfilt-'lions:l. Will not be considered when indicoted on shop drowings or producf dolo submiitols f without seporole formol requesl, when requested direclly by subconlroctor or I tTj,jff;lll^en occeptonce willrequire subsfonliolrevision of Conlroct ol6oG.3a I 2. Do nol order or insfoll substilule producls wilhoui wrillen occepfonce' 3. Only one requesl for subslilution for eoch producl will be considered. When subsfiluiion is nol occepled provide specified producl- 4. Architecl will delermine occeptobility of substilufions' I.O9 REQUESTS FOR SUBSTITUTIONS A. Submittol: Submil lwo copies ol eoch requesf. Submit seporole request for eoch substilulion. l. ldenlify products by . ' :cificolions section ond orticle numbers. 2. Provide monufoclurer s nome ond oddress, lrode nome of producls, ond model or cotolog number. 3. List fobricolon ond supplien os oppropriole. B. Documentolion: Documenl eoch request with complete dolo subsionfioting complionce ol proposed substifulion wilh requirements of Controct Documents: l. Atfoch Product Dolo os specified in Seclion 01330. 2. Give ifemized comporison of proposed subslitution with specified producf, lisfing voriotion, ond reference to specificotion seciion ond orlicle numbeB. 3. Give quolity ond performqnce comporison between proposed subslitufion ond specified Producf.4. List ovoilobility ol moinfenonce seMces ond replocemenf moferiols. 5. Slole effecf of substilution on conslruclion schedule, ond chonges required in other work or producls. I.IO CONTRACTORREPRESENTATION A. Requesl for Substituiion: Represenlotion fhot Conlrocfor hos invesligoted proposed product ond hos defermined thot it is equol to or superior in oll respecls lo specified producf: l. Conlroclor will provide sqme woronty for subsiitufion os for specified producf' 2. Controclor will coordinole inslollotion of occepled subsfifule, moking such chonges qs moy be required lor work to be complele in oll respecls. 3. Conlroctor woives cloims for odditionol cosls reloled lo subslifulion which moy loler become opporenl, B. Replocemenl: lf substituled producls do not meef or exceed obove requiremenls, whelher before, during, or offer incorporofed into work, Confroclor sholl, of no odditionol cosl lo owner, reploce substifuled products with producls originolly specified. I.I I SUBMMAL PROCEDURES A. Architect Wll review Conlroctor's requesls tor subsfifutions with reosonoble promplness. l. lf occepled by Architecf. producfs proposed for substiiulion will be occepted subjecl lo modificolions by monufoclurer, if necessory, lo meet deloiled requiremenfs of drowings qnd specificotions. 2. Architecl will nol moke exhoustive otlempl to delermine lhof producls proposed for subslilufion ore equol to, or con be modified in <irder lo be eguol fo specitied producls. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 01600-4 I I B. Archilect'sAcceplonce: I l. During Bidding Period: Archifecl will record occeptoble substilutions in Addendo. I Acceplonces of subsfifutions during bid period ore condifionol upon further invesligolion ofler oword of conlrocl. I 2. Afler Aword of Conlrocf: Architecf will notify Confrqctor, in witing, of decision to I occepl or reieci requested subsfilufion. r C. For Accepfed Producfs: Submit shop drowings, producl doto. ond somples in I occordonce wilh Section 01330. II END OF SECTION I t T I I I I t t I I I I ol50G,5 I I sEcTloN 01722 I FIELD ENGINEERING I PART I -GENERALI I.OI SUMMARY f A. Section Includes: Field engineering services required for proper execulion ond completion ol work under this conlrocf.II B. Reloled Seclions:l. Record Documents: Secfion 01780 Closeout Submitlols I r.02 suBM[rALS - A. Quolity Conlrol Submittols: I l. Documentolion ond Records: Moinloin complele ond occurote log of conlrol ondt surveywork os il progresses. On requesf of Archilect, submil documentoiion lo verify occurocy of field engineering work.It r.03 QUALTTY ASSURANCE I A. Quolificotions: I l. Instrument Mon: Quolified ond experienced in use of surveying inslrumenls. 2. Be responsible for locqtion of building ond mojor site elemenls; esfoblishment of r building horizonlol ond verlicol conlrols; instollofion of conlrol sfokes os required; ond finol veriftcolion lhol finish groding hos been completed within toleroncesr specified. I PART2-PRoDUcTS I Nof Applicoble. I r PART3-EXECUTTON - 3.OI PROJECT SURVEY REQUIREMENTSrI A. Reference Points: lmmediotely upon enlering project. locole ond moinloin bench morks ond oll olher grodes, lines, levels ond dimensions. Report ony errors or inconsistencies to I Archilect before commencing work.! B. Permonenl Bench Morks: Esloblish minimum of two permonenl bench morks on site, t referenced to doto esloblished by survey control poinls. I C. Botler Boords ond Levels: Stoke oul building ond provide ond rigidly sel botler boords. I I. Conlroclor: Remoin responsible for their mointenonce ond occurocy. I 2. From permonenl bench morks, oscertoin grodes ond levels to building os needed. I I 01722-1 I I I I I I I I I t I I I T I I t I I D. F. G. Preservolion ol Monumenls ond Stokes: Corefully preserve monuments, bench morks, property morke6, reference poinls, ond slokes. L ln cose of his desfruction of lhese, Conlrocfor shqll be chorged wilh expense of replocement ond sholl be responsible for ony misloke or loss ot lime lhot moy be coused. 2. Prolecl permonent monuments or bench morks which must be removed or disturbed unlil properly referenced for relocolion. 3. Furnish mOleriols ond ossislonce fOr proper replocement of such monuments or bench morks. Loyoul ond Control:l. Building: Btoblish building horizonfol ond verticol controls by inslrumenlotion. 2. Siie: Estoblish lines, levels ond locolions by inslrumentofion. Sel control slokes for finish groding. Reset sfokes os required during progress of work' Complelion: Upon complelion of work. survey sife lo veffy fhot locolions ond elevolions required by Conlrocl Documenls hove been qchieved within specilted loleronces. Eqch Subcontroclor Provide complete engineering loyoul for work to be performed under his subconfrocl, including grodes. elevolions, ond qll other engineering required to perform his scope of work. END OF SECTION ot722-2 I I t sEcTloN 01732 CUNNG AND PATCHING t I I t t I PART I -GENERAT - I.OI SUMMARY l| A. Seclionlncludes: All cuffing,filtingondpotchingrequiredlocompleleworkondto:l. Moke its ports fil together propedy. 2. Uncover porlions of work lo provide for insfollotion of ill-fimed work. 3. Remove ond reploce defective work. 1. Remove ond reploce wo* nof conforming lo requiremenls of Confrocl Documenls. 5. Remove somples ol inslolled work os specified for tesfing. 6. Provide routine penelrotions of non-sfructurql surfoces for inslollolion of piping ond eleclricol conduil. I t B. Reloled Seclions: | . Alferotion Project Procedures: Seclion 0 | 35 | . I 2. Seleciive Demolilion: Section 01736. I I.O2 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Nolificolion of Architecl: Notify Architecl well in odvonce of execufing ony culling or olterofion which qffects: l. Work of Owner or ony seporote conkocfor. 2. Struclurol volue or infegrily of ony elemenl of proiect. 3. Infegrity of effecliveness of weolher-exposed or moislure+esistonf elernenis or sysfems.1. Efficiency, operolionol life, mointenonce or sofety of operolionol elements' 5. Visuol quolilies of sighf-exposed elemenfs. PART 2 - PRODUCTSII 2.OI MATERIALS I A. Generol: Comply with specificolions ond slondords for eoch specific producl involved. PART 3 - E(ECUTION I 3.or EXAMTNATT'N A. ExistingCondifions:l. Exomine exisfing condifions of project, including elements subjecl fo domoge or lo movemenf during cutting ond potching. 2. Atler uncovering work, exomine condilions offecling inslollolion of products or performonce of work. I I I I 01732-l o I I t I I I I I I t I I I I I B. Nofificolion: Report unsofisloclory or questionoble condilions to Archileci. Do nol oroceed wilh work until Architecf hos provided further instruclions' 3.02 PREPARATION. A. Prolection: Provide odequoie temporory supporl os necessory to ossure structurol volue ond integrity of offecled poriion of work. Provide devices ond methods lo prolecl other porlions of project from domoge. l. Provide proteclion from elements for lhol portion of projecl which moy be exposed by cutting ond polching work. 3.03 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. Generol: Openings in.new construction which ore required by ofherconfroctors sholl be lefl by crofts involved. l. Vqrious Controclors: Be responsible to supply in odvonce, proper ond sufficienlly detoiled informolion. 2. In event of foilure to supply this odvonce informolion, required cutting sholl be done only ofler concurrence of Architect ond of expense ol negligenl porly. B. Cutting: l. Execute cutting ond demolilion by methods which will prevent domoge to other work, ond will provide prop€r surfoces lo receive instollotion or repoirs. 2. Employ experienced ond lroined instoller or fobricqlor fo perform cutting ond potching for: o. Weolher-exposedormoislure-resislontelemenfs. b. Sight-exposedfinishedsurfoces. 3. Cul concrete or mosonry using mosonry sow or core drill os opplicoble. Pneumoiic tools will not be ollowed unless occepted by Archilecl. C. Fitting: Execule fitting ond odjustmenl of producls to provide finished insfollotion lo comply with specified products, functions, loleronces ond finishes. Fit work oirtight fo pipes, sleeves, ducfs, conduil ond other penelrolions lhrough surfoces. D. Polching: Wherever ony pipe, conduil, duct, steel member, brocket, equipmenl, or olher mqleriol penelrotes or posses lhrough fire-resislont woll, ceiling or floor, complefely seol voids in construclion with cemenf groul, plosler, or fire+esislonf mqleriol, embedding seoling moledol full thickness of woll. ceiling or floor. E. Finishing: Where surfoces ore exposed, finish with some moleriols specifted in finish schedule or moteriol ihot is on construcfed surfoces. l. Work: Accomplish wiih mechonics skilled in finish trode. 2. Reftnish enlire surfoces os necessory fo provide even finish lo motch odiocent finishes:o. For conlinuous surfoces. refinish to neoresf inlenecfion. b. Fot ossembly, refinish enlire unif. END OF SECTION o1732-2 I I t t I I I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTloN 01736 SELECTIVE DEMOLITION PART I . GENERAL I.OI SUMMARY A. Section lncludes:l. Erecl duslproof enclosures seporoting demolilion oreos from other oreos before beginning demolilion. Remove enclosures when work is compleled ond polch surfoces domoged by work. 2. Remove designoled building equipment, cobinels ond fixlures. Slore ond prolecl ifems nofed lo be soved or reinslolled. 3. Remove designoted portilions, wolls, ceilings, floors, doors ond fromes, windows, ductwork. piping ond olher building componenls. 4. Cop ond identify exposed ulililies. 5. Provide necessory shoring ond brocing. 6- Dispose of debds otf sile. 7 - Cleon up ond leove building ond sile prepored for renovofion. 8. Reloted Seclions: l - Bonicodes Woming Lighis ond Signs: Section 0150O Temporory Focililies ond Conlrols. 2. Use of Premises: Seclion 0l 100 Summory. 3. Phosing of Project Section 0l l0O. 4. Allerolion Projecf Procedures: Section 01351. t.02 PROJECT CONDIflONS A. Environmentol Requirements: Execute demolilion in monner lo limil unnecessory dust ond noise. Burning of moleriols on sile nol ollowed. B. Existing Conditions: Portions of the building will be occupied during consfruciion. See Secfion Ol 100 Summory. Do not interfere with use of occupied portions of building. Mointoin free ond sofe possoge to ond from occupied oreos.' C. Exisling Ulility SeMces:'1. Copping: Atronge ond poy for disconnecling, removing ond cqpping uliliV services within oreos of demolilion. Disconnecl ond stub off. Nolify qffected utility compony in qdvonce ond obfoin opprovol before storling this wo*. 2- ldentificofion: Ploce morkers to indicote locolion of disconnected services. ldentify seMce tines ond copping locolions.on project record documents. D. Proleclion: Provide necessory lemporory shoring ond brocing to support qnd protect pofions of existing building during demolilion operolions. Leove such shoring in ploce until permonenf supports hqve been inslolled. Be solqly responsible for design, solety ond odeguocy of femporory shoring ond brocing snd ils obility to corry lood tor which intended. 0t736-l E. Sofety: Ceose operolions ond notify Architecl immediolely if sofeiy of slruclure oppeors lo be endongered. Toke precoutions to properly support slructure. Do nol resume until sofely is restored. PART 2 -PRODUCTS 2,OI MATERIALS A. Moieriols fo be Reused: Corelully remove moleriols, speciolty items, equipmenl, cosework. elc. scheduled or noted to be reused in olher portions of work ond slore ol sile for loler reinslollotion. Repoir qny domoge coused during removol, storoge or reinslollolion fo sotisloction of Archifect. B. Moledo6 lo be Removed by Owner: lfems which ore removed prior fo storl of demolition sholl remoin property of Owner. All oiher ifems indicoted fo be removed bul not indicoled for reinslollqlion sholl become property of Controclor who sholl remove fhem from site. PART 3 - EXECUIION 3.OI PREPARATION A. Exterior Openings: Becf secure ond weolherproof dosures for exlerior openings. B. Dust Proteclion: Erecl ond moinloin dustproof porfilions os required lo prevent spreod of dusf, fumes ond smoke fo other ports of building. On completion, remove porlilions ond . repoir domoged surfoces fo mqlch odjocenl surfoces. C. Building Occuponcy: Corry ouf demolition work to couse os liftle inconvenience to occuponls os possible. I . Do not operole very noisy equipmenl such os jock hommen during normol business hours. 3.02 BUILDINGDEMOL]TION A. Generol: Demolish in orderly ond coreful mqnner os required lo occommodole new work. Prolecl exisling foundolions ond supporting slruclurol members. B. Repoic Repok demolilion performed in excess of thot required of no cosl fo Owner. 3.03 EXISTING FLOOR COVERINGS A. Remove exisling floor coverings where indicoled or new floor coverings ore scheduled. Remove existing moslic ond leove floors smoolh ond cleon ond reody for new floor coverings. 3.04 SITE DEMOLITION A. Remove exisling site improvemenls os indicoted. T T I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I T o1736-2 I t B. Cui existing poving lo o stroight line with o mosonry sow where removol is required. I 3.os .LEAN-,P I A. Cleoning: During demolition operotions, keep premises free from occumulolions ol I wosle moferiol or rubbish coused by employees or work, ond of complelion of work remove rubbish. fools ond surplus moferiol ond leove premises cleon ond reody for I subsequenl work. Promptly remove wosle, rubbish or debris lrom sife. I END oF sEcTloN I I I I I I I I I I I t I 0r 736-3 I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I sEcTloN 0l /41 FINAL CLEANING I.OI RELATEDREQUIREMENTS A. Cleon-up during construction: Section 01500 Temporory Focililies ond Conlrols. I,O2 CLEANERS A. Cleoners: Professionol cleoners with exception of cleon-up of sile ond cleoning r.03 B. specificolly ossigned lo instqllers ond opplicotors under vorious secfions of Specificoiions. FINAL CLEANING Exterior: In oddition fo ilems specified below. corefully ond lhoroughly cleon oll surfoces on exlerior: concrete, metol, etc. Gloss: Corefully ond fhoroughly cleon bofh sides of gloss ond leove obsolulely cleon ond ftee from poinf, lobels, greose, dirt, elc. l. Cleoners: Prolessionol window cleoners' Hordwore: Cleon ond pollsh hordwore ond leove Cleon ond free ftom point. greose, dirt, efc. Plumbing: Cleon ond polish plumbing fixtures. fittings ond exposed ploted piping. Leove cleon ond free lrom poini, greose, dirl, elc. Remove lobels- Elecfrico[ Cleon ond polish e]eclric lixlures, including glosswore, switchplotes, elc. ond leove cleon ond free from poinl, greose, dirt, etc. Equipment: Corefully ond thoroughly cleon ilems of equipment, mechonicol, electricol, cobinels, ductwork, etc. F. G. Floors: l. Resilienl Hoor Coverings: Mop with worn woter ond mild delergenl os recommended by monufoclurer of flooring, then lhoroughly mochine buff. 2. Corpeting: Vocuum ond cleon. Remove oll spols os recommended by monufoclurer. 3. Concrefe Floors: Domp mop or scrub concrele floors os required. 1. Floors: Leqve them fhoroughly cleon when building is lurned over lo Owner. I.O4 COMPLETION A. Enfire Work Inside ond Oul: First-closs cleon condilion upon completion before being occepled by Owner. END OF SECTION 01741-l c. D. I I t t I t t o sEcTloN 0l770 CLOSEOUT PROCEDURES I I,OI FINAL SITE REVIEWI A. Procedures: Following project closeoul procedure defines responsibilities of Controclor, I Owner ond Architecf in closing project:t Step I Controctor qdvises Archilecf in wrifing thot he hqs reoched'Substontiol Complelion" ond provides list of ilems lo be compleled or conecfed. Closeout I moy be conducled by oreos or porlions of work if requesled by Owner. I Step 2 Archifecl inspects work lo determine if it is subslonliolly complele, ond issues Cerlificote of Substontiol Complelion plus "Punch Lisf'of ilems lo be compleled or conecled. I Step 3 Controctor completes ond/or corects oll punch list items ond notifies Archilecl in writing lhot his work is reody for finol inspection. Ai this lime, finol opplicotion I srep 4 X'J.ffi::lTl[:l?#lH*."non. when work is round ro be occeprobre underf Conkocl Documenls, ond conlroct fully performed, Archifect will issue finol Certificofe for Pqymenl. I END OF SECTIONI t I I I I I I t I 01770-l I I I sEcTtoN 0r780 CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS I r.or RELATED REouTREMENTsI A. Operotion ond Moinlenonce Doio Submiliols: Section 01785 Operolion ond I Moinlenonce Doto.r I.OI PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS I A. Projecl Sile Record Documenls: Moinfoin of projecf sile one record copy of following:l. Drowings r 2. Specificofions I 3. Addendo.' 4. Accepled Shop Drowings, Product Dolo ond Somples5. Chonge Orders I 6. Other Modificotions lo Conlroctf 7. Field Test Records I B. Record Documents: Do nol us€ record documenls for construclion purposes. Mointoin t documenfs in cleon, dry legible condition, oport from documents used for conslruclion. I C. Record Informofion: Lobel eoch document "Record Documenf". I l. Mork informolion wifh confrosting color using ink. 2. Keep eoch record cunenf. Do not permonenfly conceol ony work unlil reguired informofion is recorded. r D. Drowings: Record following informolion on drowings:l. Depth of foundotion elements. I 2. Horizonlol ond verlicol locolion of underground ufilities. t 3. Locolion of internol ufililies ond oppurtenonces conceqled in conslruction.4. Field chonges of dimension ond deloil. I 5. Chonges by chonge order or field order. I 6. Detoils nol on originol conlrocl drowings. - E. Specificotions: Record lollowing informotion on specificoiions: I l- Monufocfurer, lrode nome, cofolog number ond supplier of products ond ilems ofI equipment octuolly inslolled.2. Chonges by chonge order or field order. I 3. Olher motlen nof originolly specified. I F. Shop Drowings: Moinfoin shop drowings os record documenls recording chonges mode I ofter review os specified for drowings obove. I G. Submiltol: At completion of project, deliver record documents fo Architect with r lronsmittol letler confoining dofe, projeci title ond number, Controcfor's nqme qnd I oddress, title ond number of eoch record document, ond certificolion lhot eochr documenl is complete ond occurole. Submillol sholl be signed by Controclor. 0l78Gl t I o T I I I I I I I I t I I I t.o2 A. t.04 A. L03 FINAL PAPERWORK Finol Poperwork Prior to releose of finol poymenf, Conlroclor sholl deliver following items to Archilecl:l. lnspeclion Certificotes, os opplicoble. 2. Conlroctor's Wononty ot Moteriols ond Workmonship. 3. Moinlenonce Monuols ond Ports Lisls, os specified. 4. All Guoronlies, Wononlies ond Submittols. os specified. 5. Receipts tor Exfro Moteriqls Delivered lo Jhe Owner. 6. Miscelloneous Keys, Switches, Eic. 7- Finol Applicotion for Poyment. B. Consent of Surefy (if onyf to Finol Poymenf. 9. ConhocforS Affidqvil of Releose of Liens lAlA Form G-7O6A|. 10. Proiect Record Documenls The obove ilems ore described in following orlicles or opplicoble seclions of lhe specificofions. INSPECTION CERTIFICATES Eoch subcontroclor sholl, upon completion of lhe work, secure in tdplicole, cerlificotes from ony slole or locol goveming bodies hoving jurisdiclion in dictoling thot the work is in slricl occordonce wilh lhe opplicoble codes ond deliver sqme fo the Conlroctor for tronsmitlql to lhe Owner. WARRAMIES One Yeor Conecfion Period: Remedy ony defects due lo foulty moteriols or workmonship ond poy for ony domoge fo olher work resulling therefrom, which sholl oppeor in work wilhin o period of one yeor from fhe dole of Notice of Subslonliol Completion qnd in qccordonce with lhe lerms of ony speciol wqnonlies provided in the Controcf Documenfs. The Owner sholl give nolice of observed defecls wilh reosonoble promplness. Wonontp Upon complelion of work, lhe Conhoclor sholl deliver lo lhe Archifecl, in duplicole, o writlen wononty bosed on lhe provisions of the Controct Documenls properly signed ond notorized. l. Wononty sholl be oddressed lo lhe Omer. 2. Provide seporote writlen wononlies from mechonicol ond elecfdcol subconfroclors. Subconlroctor Wonqnfies: Include lsbor qnd moleriols signed by monufoclurer or subconlroclor os cose moy be ond counle$igned by subconlroclor. l. Address wononty to Owner.2. Deliver fo Archilecf upon complefion of proiect ond before or wifh submission of request for finol poyment. Fxfended Wononfies: Deliver in duplicote exfended *ononfies os specified ond doled from the dole of Nolice of Substontiol Complelion ond iigned by subconfroctors ond monufoclurers. I I I I I T D. otT80.2 I t I I t I I I I I E. Monufoclurer Wononlies: Deliver in duplicole monufoclurer's woronlies os specified ond doted trom dote of Notice of Substontiol Completion signed by monufocturer. l. Monufoclurer's Wononlies: Supplemenf ond nol reploce implied ond express wononties provided for by Uniform Commerciol Code. Any stolemenls in monufoclurer's wqnonties denying or limifing responsibility for such implied ond express wonqnties sholl be void. I.O5 MISCELLANEOUS KEYS, SWITCHES AND WRENCHES A. Submiltol: Al complefion of proiecf, occounl for qll loose keys for hose bibs. odjuslmenf keys ond wrenches for door closers ond ponic hordwore, keys for elecldc svdfches, elecfricol ponels, elc. ond turn over to Confroclor for fronsmiflol fo Owner- I.06 OPERATING AND MAINTENANCE DATA A. Equipment Monuols: Upon compleiion of work, submil fhree typed ond bound copies of operoting ond moinfenonce monuol or monuols. 8%" x I l" in size, lo Archiiecl for his qcceplonce. l. Monuol: Hove index wilh lob dividers for eoch moior equipmenl seclion lo focilitofe locofing informofion on speciftc piece ol equipmenl. 2. ldentify dolo within eoch section wifh idenlificofion numben os fhey oppeor on drowings ond by specificolion seclion ond orticle nurnber. B. Doto: Include os minimum following doto: l. Alphobeticol lisl of oll syslem componenfs, wilh nome, oddress and24 hour phone number of compony responsible for seMcing eoch ilem during firsl yeor of operotion. 2. Oper'otinginstrucfions lorconrpletesptem including: o. Ernergency procedures for fire or foihne of mojor equipmenl. b. Mojor stort, operotion ond shutdown procedure. 3. Mointenonceinslruclionsincluding:q. Proper lubdconls ond lubricoling inslructions for eoch piece of equipmenf. b. Necessory cleoning, replocement ond odiusfmenl schedule' 4. Monufocfurer's product dolo on eoch piece of equipmenl including: o. lnstollolioninsfruclions.b. Drowings ond speciticolions. c. Porls lisls. d. Complefewiringdiogroms (os-builtl. e. Morked or chonged prints locoling oll conceoled ports ond oll voriolion from originol syslem design. 5. Schemolic diogrom showing component ports of syslem. 6. Simplified syslem description ond prevenlofive moinfenonce progrom. C- Operofing ond Moinlenonce Dolo: See following sections for equipment requiring operoling ond mointerronce dolo monuols: l. DoorHordwore: Section0B7l0.2 Mechonicol: Division 15. 3. Electricol: Division 16. I I I I I I t I I 0r 780-3 See obove sections for specific requiremenis of operoting ond moinlenqnce doto for eoch group of equiPmenf. 01780-4 I t I I DIVISION 2 SITE CONSTRUCTION sEcItoN 02300 EARTHWORK PART I - GENERAL . I.OI SUMMARY I A. Seclion Includes: I l. Excovolion ond Bockfill I B. Reloted Seclions: I l. Soil Testing: Seclion Ol45O Quolity Conlrol. ; t.oz irrr-*lrrt' seciion ol722Fietd Ensineerins' r A. Reference Slondords: Comply with following: I l. Excovofion: Colorodo Division of Lobor Rules ond Reguloiions. I 2. Compociion Slondord: Stondord Proctor Density ASTM D69B I 1.03 SUBMITTALS I A. Quolity Conlrol Submilfols: Test reports of soils lesting during conslruction specified I under Field Quolity Confrol will be dislribuled by the festing loborofory in occordonce I wilh Section 01450 Quolity Conlrol. I,04 QUALITY ASSURANCE I A. Tesiing Agency: Soil lesting during conslrucfion will be conducled by occeptoble tesling loborolory. See Section 01450 Quolity Conlrol. I B. Geofechnicol Engineer: Moteriqls ond operotions under this section sholl be execuled under observofion of Geofechnicol Engineer employed by Owner who will ploce quolified personnel on sile during eorlhwork operofions os necessory. r l-os pRoJEcT coNDtTtoNs I A. Test Holes: A series of lest holes hove been mode lor Owner by ils seporole consultont. I See Documeni 00300 Informolion Avoiloble to Bidders. Log ond report ore believed to be occurote; however, neither Owner nor Archilect guoroniees informolion conloined I fherein nor do lhey guoronfee condilions indicoted lo exisl ol locolions of lest holes will I prevoil of ciher locofions on sife. 1 I B. Existing Utililies: Prolecl from domoge ony sewer, woter, gos, eleclric, phone or other I pipe lines or conduits uncovered during work unlil they hove been exomined by Owner. I sMA 2sor6 I 0230s.1 l. lf such lines qre found lo be obondoned ond noi in use, remove qffected seclions wilhout exlro cost. 2. lf such lines ore found to be in use, corefully prolecf ond corry on work oround them.. lf Owner deems il odvisoble lo move such lines, Owner will poy cosl of moving. WARRANTY Fill ond Bockfill: Conecl seltlemenl in bockfill. fill, or in strucfures built over bockfill or fill, which moy occur wilhin one yeor coneclion period. Resiore ony slruclures domoged by setllement to fheir originol condition ol no cosl lo Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 1.06 A. 2.Ol A. 3.01 A. I I I I T I IFILL AND BACKFILL MATERIAL Moteriol: On-sile excovoled gronulor fill free of rubble or debris ond opproved by Geolechnicol Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUIION 3.02 A. B. EXAMINATION Sile Visit Visil ond inspecl sife ond toke inlo considerotion known or reosonobly inferoble condilions offecting work. Foilure lo visit sile will nol relieve Confroclor of furnishing moteriols or performing work required. PREPARATION Fiefd Engineering: See Seclion OlT22Field Engineering for bench morks, monumenis, boller boords, reference poinls ond loyoul ond checking of lhe work. Protecfion: l. Moinfoin soil under loundotions ond slqbs ol nqfurol moisfure conlent. 2. Provide ond moinloin slopes, crowns ond ditches in excovotion fo insure sofisfoclory surfoce droinoge ol oll times. Provide temporory droinoge focilities 1o prevenl woter from droining inlo excqvolions. When work is completed, restore lemporory ditches or cuts fo originol grode or finish grode os indicoted. 3. Boiling or Pumping: lmmediofely pump or boil oul woler found in excovolions. whether roin or seepoge. Keep excovolions free from woter ot oll fimes. Toke meosures ond furnish equipmeni ond lobor necessory to conlrol flow. droinoge ond occumuloiion of wofer os required to permil complelion of work under lhis section to ovoid domoge to work. EXCAVATION Generol: All foundotions sholl resl on noturol sonds or new slruclurol fill. 3.03 A. I I t I I I I I I T I I sMA 25016 02300-2 B. D. B. I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t E. 3.04 A. o- Excqvolions: Excovole site os required for wolls, foundolions, piers, oreo pifs, elc. lo depths indicoted on drowings.l. Trenches: Bolloms of full width required. lf through enor, lrenches ore conied deeper thon required, fill excess depth with compocled fill os dkecled ol Controctor's expense.2. lf debris, soft spols or loose or excessively moist oreos ore found of bottom of ony excovotion. immediofely reporl condifion lo Architecl who will delermine if conective work is necessory. Compocl excovoted oreos wilh o smoofh vibrotory compoclor immediolely before forming ond pouring concrete. Unclossif ied Excovof ion:l. All excovofion is considered os unclqssified ond is defined os removol of oll moleriol encounlered, regordless of soil fype. Unclossified excovoiion is considered normql excovotion ond no exko will be ollowed. Store suifqble bockfill moteriol os sooce is ovoiloble. Remove oll olher excovoled moleriol from the site. PREPARATION OF NAIURAL GROUND Generol: Remove lopsoil ond vegelolion before beginning preporolion of nolurol ground. Remove frozen or muddy ground in fill oreos. Preporotion: Mix ond blend the plowed or scorified surfoce with o disc or groder blode so the surfoce will be free of lorge clods or rocks, ruts, hummocks or olher uneven feotures which would lend lo preveni uniform compoclion by the equipmenl lo be used. Scorificolion ond Compoclion:l. Nolurol Ground Under Infedor Floor Slobs: Scorify lo o minimum depth of 6'ond recompoct ol neor optimum moisfure conlenl lo ol leosl 95% of ils Stondord Proctor Density, ASTM D698.2. Nolurol Ground Under Exlerior Sidewolks: Scorify to o minimum depth of 6" ond compocl ol neor of optimum moislure conlenl fo ot leosl 95% of its Stondord Proclor Density, ASTM D698. FILLING AND COMPACTION Generol: Fill ond compocl lo levels required lo complete fhe work indicoted. Filling moy require soil moleriol in excess of quonlity of suiloble moleriol ovoiloble from required groding ond excovolions even though not indicqted on lhe drowings. Such moleriol sholl be imporled of eorthwork conlroctor's expense. Plocing Fill: Dislribute moteriol io ovoid formolion of lenses or loyers of moleriol differing subslonliolly from sunounding moteriol. Deliver moteriol of uniform role fo permil sotisfoctory procedvre lo resulf in uniformly compocled fill.l. Avoid unnecessory concenlroiion of trovel cousing ruts qnd uneven compoction. Regrode ond compocl ruts ond hollows more thqn 6" deep before compocling.2. Spreod fill moleriol in horizonlol loyers no greoler lhon 8" thick. 3.0s A. sMA 25016 02300-3 I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I I I c. D. Bockfilling: Fill ond compoct temporory holes ond excovolion oround inierior wolls, grode beoms, pierc, lrenches, on inside of building ond excovotion oround exlerior foundotion wolls. I. Bockfill in even lifts on both sides of foundotion wolls fo prevenl excessive pressure on one side.2. Obtoin permission before bockfilling. 3. Debris, conslrucfion moteriols, exponsible cloy, or lorge chunks of eorlh ore nol ollowed in bqckfill.4. Bockfill ond mechonicolly compoct os indicoted below. Puddling not ollowed. Compoction ol Cohesionles Moteriols: When compocling moleriol such os sonds ond grovels, deposit moleriols in loyers ond compoct by surfoce vibrotors, smooth or pneumotic rollers. hond or power lompers, or by other meons opproved by Geotechnicol Engineer. l. Thickness of horizonlol loyers ofter deposiiion sholl be not more lhon 6" if compocfion is performed by surfoce vibrolors or similor equipmenl. 2. Ponding or woler flooding nol ollowed. Compoclion Requirements: Compoct eoch loyer by methods occeploble to Geolechnicol Engineer to minimum ol the following Slondord Proclor Densilies os determined by ASTM D698: l. Fill under foundofions 2. Fill under interior floor slobs3. Interior ulility trench bockfill4. Fill under exterior sidewolks 5. Foundolion bockfill EXCESS OR UNUSABLE MATERIAL Excess Mqferiol: Remove from site. 95%. 95% 957" 95% 95% 3.06 A. 3.07 A. B. 3. t0 B. FINISH GRADING Generol: Cul ond fill oll oreos fo elevolions ond loleronces specified. Leove groded surfoce cleon, free from rubbish ond lorge clods ond reosonobly smoolh. Subgrode Under Building: Finish grode to smooth, even, well compqcfed surfoce ot densities specified under Article 3.05 to elevofions indicoted. l. Slob on Grode Subgrode Toleronce: tal 0.02' (l/41. Subgrode Under Sidewolk. Curb ond Gufter: Finish grode fo beoring surfoce os required. Toleronce: (J) 0.04' ( I /2). FIELD OUALITY CONTROL Plocement Method: Obloin the Geotechnicol Engineer's opprovol of method of plocing ond compocling before slorling compocted fill or bockfill plocemenl- Compoction: Obtoin writlen opprovol of lhe completed compocled fill ond bockfill from the Geolechnicol Engineer who will hove sufficient tesls mode to ossure sMA 250 t6 02300-4 I I t complionce wilh lhese specificofions. lf, becouse of unsoiisfoclory tesl results it is necessory to relesl ofter conective works cosl of tes'ls ofher lhon iniliol lests sholl be poid by Conlrocfor. I C. DensityTesls: In occordoncewith ASTM D1555, ASTM D2922or ASTM D2167. See I Section 01450 Quolity Conlrol. D. Field Engineering: See Seclion OlT22Field Engineering. I I I t I I I I I I I I I sMA 2sol6 I END OF SECTION 0230G,5 t I I I t I t l I I t I t I I I I I I 1.02 A. SECrtoN n2s19 Sreparijj.l^ O PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUI,IMARY A. Section Includes:1. Exterior stone paving on concrete slabs.2. Exterior stone stair treads B. Hydronic Snow f4elt Systenr In Concrete Base Slabs: Design-Build Under Section 15500. REFERENCES Unless otherflise indicated, comply with all applicab'le requirements of Laticrete Data Sheet 230.6. 1.03 SUEI,|ITTALS A. Product oata: Submit for setting, grouting and cleaning materials in accordance with Section 01300. 8. Samples: Suhnit total of six individual .pieces.gf :tolg sh9!!!9 extrene variatlons in color and texture in accordance with Section 01300. 1.011 QuALIrv ASSURAIICE A. Contractor Qualifications: Paving subcontractor must.have at least flve (5) years eiperlence in the Installation of stone paving projects. B. Mock-Up: Install minimun q' by 1l panel including base concrete slab and stbne paving at locatiotl as directed-by Architect.1. Use coistrlition nettrods and materlals specified. Use full range paver color and texture.2. Accepted tlock-up: Standard for rest of work. 3. Accepted l4ock-up: l'lay relain part of completed proiect. c. Pr.otection: coordinate with and protect installation of hydronic heating system specified in Dlvision 15. PART 2 - PRODUCTS z.OL STOI{E PAVERS A. Treads and Pavers: Colorado Buff Sandstone flagstone pavers as I ndicated.1. Exterlor front entry steps:a. Tread Thickness: 2-U2 to 3'b. Riser Thickness: l-l'12 to 22. other Pavers: l-ll2 to 2b thick 2.02 I,IORTAR AND GROUT A. Admixture l.lanufacturers:1. Laticrete International2. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. o I I I B. Thick Bed l,tortar; 1:3 Portland cement/sand gauged-with Laticrete #3701 admix as specified under Laticrete Data )neeE zJU'o' C. Slurry Bond Coat: Portland cement/sand gauged-with Laticrete #4237 admit-as specified under Laticrete'Data Sheet 230'6' D. Grout: Laticrete Dry Bond Grout and Joint Filler or approved equal gauged with LaticretL *lZOt grout'and mortar admit. Color as selected by Architect. E. Mixing proportions and procedures shall be in strict accordance with recomfreirdations to LatiLrete Data Sheet 230'6' PARI 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Clean concrete base slabs to remove all contaminants. Acid etch, if iequireO, to remove curing compounds and rinse clean. Dry or dusty coiirete-surtaiei'iniit le wet'down or washed and excess water removed iust prior to appllcation of setting bed' 3.02 THICK BED II{STALLATION A. Expansion Joints: hstall 3/8" polystyrene,at !gt.!iol! indicated and ithuireO tV Laticrete Oata Sheet'230.6, full depth of setting bed. B. Setting: Install pavers over base slab according to.thick bed setting materiils and methbds specified in paragraphs 6.0 and.10.0 of Laticrete Data sheet 230.6. Back butter each'pavir before setting. Install in patterns indicated with 3f8" ioints between pavers. i. Setting pattern: Set'payers with iolnts_and in pattern indicated.2. Snow l,lelt System: Coordinate with installation where occurring. C. Replacement: Replace any paver work showing darnage or disfiguration duiing pnogress bf work in its entirety. Patchfng or hiding of defects not permitted. 3.04 GROUTIIIG AND CLEANING I I I I t I T I I t IGrouting: Grout ioints as soon as initial set or settl!9 bed is achleved. Cure grout by maintaining in damp condltlon for seven days. Cleaning: Remove grout haze with stone paver nanufacturer approved cl eaner. 3.05 EXPANSTOII JOII{T SEALAIIT A. Expansion joints shall be sealed by the sealant contractor innediately after conpletion of paving. A. B.I t I I I I I I SECTION 02752 PATTERNED CONCRETE PAVEMENT PART 1- GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: 1. Concrete sidewalks and concrete driveway paving. 2. Miscellaneous site concrete as indicated. B. Products Installed But No Supplied Under This Section: 1. Exterior Concrete: Supplied under Section 0330 Cast-ln-Place Concrete.2. Hydronic Radiant Heating System supplied under Division 1b. C. Related Sections: '1. Layout Section O1722Field Engineering.2. Finish Grading: Section 02300 Earthwork. 3. Quality Control: Section 01450.4. Formwork: Section 03100 Concrete Forms and Accessories.5. Steel Reinforcement: Section 03200 Concrete Reinforcement.6. Concrete Testing: Section 03300 Cast-ln-Place Concrete.7. lntegral Color for Concrete: Section 03300 Castln-Place Concrete.8. Snowrnelt System: Division 15. 9. Interior FiniSh Package lhis Manual. I.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Sfondords: Comply wilh lisled reference stondords excepf os modified by supplemenfol requiremenfs on lhe Drowings or by lhese Specificolions.l. ACI I l7-90 - Stondord Specificoiions for Toleronces for Concrele Construclion ond Moleriqls.2. ACI 3Ol-96 - Stondord Specificqfion for Shuclurol Concrefe.3. ACI 306.l-90 - Stondord Specilicotions for Cold Weqther Concreling.4. ACI 308.1-98- Stondord Specificotion for Curing Concrele5. ACI 303.1-97 - Sfondord Specificofion for Cosl{n-Ploce Archileclurol Concrefe.6. ASTM C94 - Stqndord Specificotion for Reody-Mixed Concrele. 7 . MSP-I -97 - Monuol of Stondord Proctice of the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Instifufe. B. Guide References ond Stondord Proctices:l. ACI 3O5R-89 - Hol Weolher Concreting.2. ACI 3O9R-87- Guide for Consolidolion of Concrele. C. Field References: Keep ot leost one copy in Confroctor's field office ot oll limes: ACI Field Reference Monuol, SP-15, Specificotions for Sfruclurol Concrete for Buildings (ACt 3Ol )wilh Selected ACt ond ASTM References. I.O3 SUBMMALS A. Mix Designs: See Seclion 03300 for design procedures ond submiltol requirements. I I I t I I t I t t I I T i I t 02752-L I I I 8. ,Tesf Reports: Reports of confrol lests, speciol lesls or core tesfs specified under Seclion 03300 sholl be distribuled by ihe iesting lqborolory in qccordonce with Section 0145O Quolity Conlrol. C. Colored Concrele Somples: Submitted under Seclion 03300. I.O4 QUAL]IY ASSURANCE A. RegulotoryRequirements: l. Comply wifh design stondqrds of opplicoble locol codes ond ordinonces. B. Iesling Agency: All lesting wil be conducfed by opproved lesling loborotory. See Field Quolity Conlrol - Porl 3 ond Seclion 01450. I.O5 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDUNG A. Houling fime: Dischorge oll concrete lronsmitled in o truck mixer, ogitolor or other tronsporlolion device within l -l /2 hours ofter lhe mixing wofer hos been odded- B. Exfro Wofer: Comply with Secfion 033@. t .9. PROJECT CONDTTToNS A. Environmenlol Requiremenis: Complywith Seclion O33OOond ACl306.l. PART 2. PRODUCTS 2OI FORMWORK MATERIAI.S A. Form Focing Motedols, Formwork Releose Agenls ond Formwork Accesories: Supplied underSeclion 03I00. 2.O2 REINFORCING STEEL A. Reinforcing Bon: Supplied underSecfion03200. B. Wre BorSupporfsondSpocen: ComplywifhCRS| MSP-I. Providedgld supporlond cleqronces required in concrele sloirs. l. Supporled on Soil: Closs 3. Provide eorftrbeoring plotes. 2.03 CONCRETEMATERIALS A. Generol: Use reody mixed concrele conforming wilh ASTM C?4. No on iob mixed concrelewill be ollowed. Concrete supplied underSeclion 03300. B. Concrefe Color Admixlure: Supplied under Seclion 03300. 2.O4 ACCESSORYMATERIALS A. Curing ond Seoling Compounds: I I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I n2752-2 I I I I. Curing Compound - Iniegrolly Colored Concrete: ASIM C309, liguid membrone- r. forming curing compound formuloled for use wilh colored concrele ond os l ::'"ts*,iff,:ffi31*:t1",,'oror m,onurocrurer' I 2 3;"'i?i''fl135,Hi'JH:Jlffi"Jl,i:::yl1n'ji:X31ffi, "on.,e'e co'or I monufocturer. I B. ExponsionJoinls: l/2'lhickospholtimpregnotedpremoldedfiber. I C. Poured Joinl Seoler: Section 07920 Joinf Seolonts. l. Joint Seolonls for Colored Concrele: Comply wifh concrele color monufoclurer's I ::"""'&:::ltli1';,.","o by Archirect. I 2.05 coNcRETE MrxESI A. Design: See Section 03300 for mix design, min. 5lz sack mix, max. 4" slump. r B. Mixing: ASTM C94. See Section 03300. | 2.06 PRoDUcr DESCRIpIoN:t A. 'BrickForm' color hardener mix with cement, color pigments, and aggregates.i S B. Concrete preparation, application, curing, sealers, and maintenance as specified by manufacturer. I C. Pattem and Color: European Fan in medium gray. color samples to be approved By Interior Designer prior to beginning work. I D. Manufacturer: "BrickForm" Rafco Products, 11383 Newport Drive, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730. 1-800-483-9628 f E. lnstall all materials according to manufacturer's instruction and technical literature. I PART3-E(ECUT|ONt, 3.oI EXAMINATIoN t A. Verilicolionof Conditions: ComplywithSection01600.t L Loyoui: Verify loyout of work'before beginning instollolion.2. Subgrode: lnspecf subgrode to verify elevotion ond compocfion requkemenls.f 3. Nofificofion: Notify Generol Conlrocior of unsolisfoclory condifions in writing withI copylo Archilect. C B. Acceplonce: Beginning of work meons occepfonce of exisling condifions by instoller.r I I 02752-3 I 3.02. A. PREPAEAION Finish Groding:l. Work b1 Eorlhwork Contrgctoc..Eodhwork controclorwill pg,rform o|l cuf ond fill necessory lo bring lhe subgrode to wilhin !0.04' (Uzl of botlom surfoce of sidewolks, curb ond gufter ond olher cqncrele wort trndet this iection.2. Work by ConcrefeDrivewayConlroclor: Cul or fill ond finish grode os required fo bollom of sidewolk or curb ond gutter wilhin o tolbronce of 0.02' ( I /4"1. lf fill is reguired use on-site moleriol compocled in occordonce wifh Seclion 02300 or Closs 6 rood bose moteriol compocted in conformonce wiih Seclion 02740. 3. Fine grode fo smoo-lh, level surfoce prior fo instollolion of forms' Concrefe work preporofion: Do nol begin concrele work unlil operolions ore complete enough fo ollow plocement to be conied on os confinuous operolion for enfire seclion lhot is lo be ploced. Cleon equipmenl for mixing ond fronsporling concrefe. l. Forms: constniited under seclion 03100. cleoned of debris ond ice, wefted (excepl in freelng weofherl ond cooled wilh form oil before concrete plocement. 2. lf woter occumulqfes in forms. pump out before concrete is deposited. 3. Cleorly mork finish top surfoce of concrele on form wolls. Reinlorcement: Cleon prior lo plocing concrele lo remove oil, soil, ice or olher cootings fhot will deslroy or reduce bond. Proleclion: Comply with Section 03300. STEEL REINFORCEMENT PLACEMENT Sleel Reinforcement: Insfotled under Seclion 03200. Provide reinforcing steel type. sizes. spocings ond locolions indicoled on Drowings. l. Sidewolks: Sleel reinforcement nol required unless indicqled olherwise on Drowings. CONCREIE PLACEMENT Generol: comply wifh Acl 3ol . Ploce, stdke off ond consolidote wilh mechonicol linishing mochine, vibroling screed or by hond-finishing melhods' Plocemenl: Ploce concrefe in opproximolely uniform horizontol loyers nol over lwelve inches in heighf. Piling up of concrele in forms or chuting in monner lo seporote oggregoles will nol be permitled. Do nof drop concrefe in ftee foll over 5 feet. Woler: Prevent occumulotions of woler on surfoce of concrete due lo woler goin, segregoliorl, or ofher couses, during plocemenl or compocling. Moke provision for removol ol woter os tnoy crccumulote so thot concrele nol be ploced in such qccumulotion. , ,',.' ': 'l ', Plqce vibrolors to ropidly penetrote ploced loyerond of leo3t 6'into preceding t,ryer. fjo not ins6rt vibrolon inlo lower loyers of concrefe ttrof tiove belgun fo sel. Al eoch inserlion. limit durotion ol vibrolion fo time necessory fo consolidofe concrete ond complete embedmenl of reinforcemenl ond cjlher embedded llems wiihoul cousing segregolion of mix. 02752-4 t I t I I I t t t I I I I I B. c. D. 3.03 A. 3.04 A. B. D.I 7 I I 4. 5. D. t I I T I I I I I t t I t I t I I I I 3.05 B, c. Finishing: Where lop of cost.in-ploce concrele plocement will form finished surfoce, immediotely finish concrele an form by skilled cemenl finisher. Surfoces not finished to level subjecf 1o removol ond replocement. CURING AND PROTECIION Reference Siondqrds: ACI 301 ond ACI 308.1 Proleclion: Prolecl exposed surfoces of concrele ftom premoture drying ond frost. Prolect freshly ploced concrefe from rqin domoge. Form Removot: Do nol remove forms unlil limes os specified. Remove corefully lo nol injure concrele surfoce. Protecl edges ond coners lo prevenl crocking. chipping or olherdomoge ond premolure drying. Horizonlol Surfoces: As soon os possible offer plocing concrete, cool oll exposed horizontol surfoces wilh curing compound os recommended. Give special attention to obloining odequole curing of slob edges. Seolec Apply fo colored concrele poving occording lo monufoclurerb recommendqlions ofler concrele hos fully cured. Proleclion: Protecl concrefe surfoces lrom sfoining, crocking. chipping. ond other domoge during progress of the work, ond leove in good condilion upon completion. F. 3.07 MISCELLANEOUS SrE CONCREIE REQUIREMENTS A' Provide oll othersile concrele indicoled on lhe Drowings even thotrgh nol specificolymenfioned herein to comptete fhe work. 3.08 BACKFITLING A. Eockftlling: After lhe concrete hos sel sufficiently, bul no loter fhon 3 doys ofter lhepouring, lhe spoces in fronl ond bock of fhe curb ond olher excovolion generoted from this work sholl be refilled fo the required elevofion with suiloble moleriol. fbced ondlhoroughly compocled in loyers not to exceed 6 inches. B. Finol Grode Toleronce: + O.l foot. 3.09 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Concrele Tesling: All lestirig, wilh the exceplion of slump fesls, sholl be performed by on opproved lesting loborotory. Comply wifh tesling requirements specified in Seclion 03300. B. Record of Work: A record sholl be kept by lhe Conlroclor listing the time ond dote ofplocemenl of oll concrele. Such record sholl be kepl until the complelion of the projecf ond shqll be ovoilqble to lhe Architecl lorexominolion of ony lime. 027 52-5 3.IO PROTECTION A. Prolecl oll exposed surfoces of concrele ftom premofure drying ond frost. B. Protecl freshly ploced concrete ogoinsl roin domoge. C. Protect oll concrele surfoces from sloining, crocking, chipping ond ofher domoge dudng progress of work. ond leove in good condifion upon complelion' END OF SECTION 02752-6 I I I DIVISIOI{ 3 CONCRETE General Requirements: General Conditions, Supplementary,Conditions and Division l'- General Requirements apply to work of this division. t I t I I I I I 1.02 A. SECTION 03lOO CONCRETE FORI'IWORK PART 1 - GENEML I.01 DESIGN CRITERIA A. Safety: Assume responsibility for the safety of the.formwork and proviie necessary dbsign, construction,_materials and maintenance t0 froduce the required concrete work safely. PART 2.01 A. B. c. 2.02 A. REFEREI{CE5 Formwork: comply with ACI 301-96 - Standard.specification for Structural Contrlte and ACI 374 - Recorrnended Practice for Concrete Fonmvork. 2 - PRODUCTS FORI.,II.TORK I,IAT ER I ALS Footings: Dressed lumber or plywood. Exposed Concrete: New B-B Plyfom, 4'-8' sheets' Non-exposed Concrete; Plywood, steel or dressed lumber' FORjl|t.lORK ACCESS0R I ES Form Ties: Adjustable in length to permit tightening-of forms and of ruit type to l6ave no metal cToser than 1" of the surface nor holes or depresiions larger than 7/8" in diameter. Clamps, Brackets, Bnaces, Washers, Wedges, Walers, Etc': Contractor's opti on. C. Shoring System: Contractor's optlon. 2.03 MISCELLAIIEOUS I.IAT€RIALS A. Form 0il: l{on-stalnlng, Contractorrs option. 8. Expansion Joint Filler: ASTM 01751, Bituminous fiber type' c. lJaterstops: Greenstreak Pvc Type 1723 ot approved substitution. B. I t I I I I I I RDA 97004 3.1 2.04 EI"IBEDS A. Dovetail Slots: provide continuous dovetail slots cast into concrete where masonry wal ls abut concrete. Dovetail slots shall accormodate tiionrv andtrbrs to be provided under section 04200' PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI ERECTION A. Footings: The use of earth as a form not allowed' Laq,lgTllS.$ll, dressei lumber or Olywood not allowed. Butt form material end to end conforming to tftipE,-iinis an6 dimensions indicated. Properly brace or tie to maintain Position. B. Walls: The use of earth as a form not allowed' lqp forying with OiesseO lurnber-oi-pivwoo6 not allowed. Forms shall conform to shape, tine and Oimensionl i,i-ine members indicated and shall be substantial and sufficientiy tight to prevent leakage 9f qol"lgf: Properlv brace or tie to maintain position, ihape and lateral stability' antl proviqe. sufficient strenbth to carry Lonstruction operations and material deao loads without Oeiieciion or vibration. oesign forms to be capable of needed adjustments. carefully watch as work proceeds and promptly Correct fiults. t{here finishld concrete is to remain exposed, space-- joints regularly and hold to a minimum both horizontally and vertically. Provide aicess'iraneis in formwork for clean out or placing as required' C. Construction Joints: Use construction joints at tenporary stopping of ioncreie pficerneni. Leave -joints rough and.provide longitudinal or ve"tical iceys.ai"ieasi t-t7I" Ueep. install continuous waterstop in walls where exterior grade'is above interior floor 'l ine' D. Slabs on Grade: l,lhere concrete slabs are deposited-on earth, take care to obtain a smoottr ievel surface so slabs will be of uniform thickness ii ieq"jie6 ihroughout. Do not pour slabs in areas larger than 600 sq. ft. iri any one-piiie, nor longer'than 15' in any direction. Provide reinforrement at cold ioints. E. Anchors, Inserts, Blockouts and Built-In ltems: Securely fasten anchor- Uotts, inserts, iorm nlocfouts and other items built into the concrete to formwork or.'hold in place with templates. Insertion into concrete after pouring not allowed.1. Dovetail-Slots: Install vertically spaced at 24" on Coord{nate with Sectlons 04200 and 04400. 2. Chamfer Strips: Install at exposed outside corners. within forms'using flnish nails. I I I I T I t I I t I I I I I I I I I center. Securely nail RDA 97004 3.2 1 I 3.oz FoRM coATINcIA. Coat the surface of formwork prior to each pour. Apply coating prior to I the plicing of the reinforcembnt. Remove any excess coating material. I Remove coaiings of dust from contact surfaces of forms prior to depositing concrete. I 3.03 REMovALI A. Remove forms in such a manner as to insure the complete safety of the I ltructure. Forms in qeneral may be removed from vertical surfaces after I iq trours from time of'placing and from horizontal surfaces 72 hours from time of placing, unlesi otheiwise specified under Cold lJeather in a Section 03300. '' 3.04 REUSE I A. Clean fonn material suitable for reuse before erection. No form! material will be acceptable for reuse if it will not produce a finished suituc" requireO by tirese specifications or called for on the drawings. r SECTIOI{ O32OO COI{CRETE REINFORCEI.IENT PART 1 - GENERAL I [.01 REFERENcEsI A. Reinforcement: Comply with ACI 301-96 Standard lReglfication for t Structural Concrete'Rtt lfS Detailing llanual, and ACI 318-95 8u'ilding I Code Requirements for Structural concrete' t 1.02 SHOP DM}'IINGS I A. Submit shop drawings in accordance with Section 01300. I PART2-PRoDucTsI 2.OL I4ATERIALS t A. Relnforcing Bars: ASnl A615, Grade 60 unless othenrise indicated, sizes as lndicated. I B. Bar Supports and Spacers: Contractor's option' C. Tie llire: No. 14 or 16 gauge, black, soft iron wire' I D. llelded tlire Fabric: ASTt'l A185, sizes as indicated. t I RDA e7004 I 3.3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI PLACEMENT A. Bending: Eend reinforcement cold. Ears shall be full l.qnqtf required inii-iliuraieiy bent to details. t{o bars partially embedded in concrete shall be fleld Oeni "icept as indicated oi specifically permitted by the Archi tect. B. Placing: Place reinforcement accurately-and hold firmly in place before inO-Ouiing Aeposiiiiig of concrete. Prolide minimum concrete protective cover for-reihioriement from the exterior face of members in accordance with ACI 3lg. Oi,weii snatl project 36 diameters unless othemise shown. }|ire bent dowels in place before pouring. C. Solicinq: l,Jherever it is necessary to splice reinforcement other than i['ir,irii-on'tni-oiiwings, ttre charicter bt ttre splice shall be approved Oi tfie nrcniteit.'-iio ioi sptice at points.of maiimum stress or splice a-djacent Uars ii-ttre-sime pbint. Lab continuous bars 36 diameters where spliced but not less than 12". D. Supports and Spacers: Properly space suppo"E,gl-,tlllicient strength to cil.i.y the loaOi oi reinforbing stbel and-deposited,concrete without iottipsing or ilowing bars t6 sag: .Use gaivanizgg !1" supports and ipaceli wiictr wltl be'in contact with conirete surfaces exposed-to weather. 0o not use bar supports to support runways for concrete buggies or similar loads. 3.02 WELDED l.lIRE FABRIC A. Lay rnesh continuously with full mesh l.aps, tie and p'lace overall piping anil conduit. Lift to center of slab during pouring' 3.03 CLEANING A. Clean reinforcement prior to depositing concrete to-remove scale, oil, ice or ottrer coiiingi tLat will'destrot or reduce the bond, including mortar from previous concrete pours. I T t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I T I SECTION O33OO CAST-IN-PLACE COI{CRETE PART 1 - GEI{ERAL I,OI REFERENCES A. Concrete Work: Complv with ACI 301-96 Standard Specification structural concrete'a-no ect 318-95 Building code Requirements Structural Concrete. for for RoA 97004 3.4 I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I B. Hydronic Heating syster* In Concrete Base Slabs and Garage Apron Siabs as Iildicated: Oesign-euild Under Section 15500. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Mix Designs: Prior to pouring any concrete, submit concrete mixes for approval-in accordance with Section 01400. 1.03 DTLIVERY, STORAGE ANO HAI{OI-TNG A. Hauling Time: Discharge concrete transported in a mixer within 1-1/2 hours ifter the mixing-water has been added. B. Extra Water: Deliver concrete to the iob in exact quantities required bt the design mix. Any additional, water added to the mix after leaving lie-bitin piini inatt -be indicated on the truck ticket and signed bv the person responsible. l,lhere extra water is added to the concrete, mix ihoiougttty'tor CO revolutions of the drum or 3-1/2 ninutes at mixing speed, whichever is greater. 1.04 JOB COI{DITIONS A. Environmental Requirements:1. Cold weather'Placement: Nhen depositing concrete after the first frost or wtren the mean daily temberatures are below 40' F., follow ACI 306.1. tilaintain concreie teinperature at a ninimum of 70o F. at iilne of depositing and of 50'F for not less than 72 hours after depositing'. The ioncrete may not contain calcium chloride. tlaintain ionns in place for a ninimum of 72 hours after depositing concrete. 6n AaVs'when the tfltperature at 9:00 All is below 30" F., take,necessary piecautions and iupply necessary equipment to prevmt ttte concr€te from freezing. B. Protection: Protect newly finished slabs from rain damage. Cover maionry walls, glazing ani other finish materials with polyethylene or othenvise proieit from damage due to pouring of slabs' PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 CONCRETE I.IATERIALS A. General; ASTl.l c94 ready-mixed concrete. On-iob mixed concrete not al I owed. B. Cement: ASTl,l C150, Type I/II unless othenrise indicated or scheduled. C. Aggregate: ASTM C33. Fine aggregate shall be natural sand and coarse igdredate shall be gravel or ciushed stone. Maximum coarse.aggregate siie itratl be detennined by the thickness of members, finish reguired and spacing of reinforcement. RDA 97004 3.5 D. Air Entraining Agent: ASTM C260. E. Admixture: ASTI'I C494. 2.02 I,IISCELLANEOUS I.IATERIALS A. curing compound - Horizontal surfaces: sonneborn.Kure-l{-Seal' L & M oiesi-and beal, gurke sparton-cote or approved substitute. 2.03 I.IIX DESIGN A. Design: Proportion ingredients for mixes in accordance with ACI 301' See Article l.bS iin.Aiie-of Oeslgn Mixes for material and perfonmnce requi rements. B. Air Entrainment: All concrete work that will be exposed to frost action tn tts final form jnitt iontain an air entraining agelt. Other concrete wori may iiso trave-in air entraining agent at the option of the Contractor. c. Adm.lxtures: No admixtures will be allowed except as specified. D. Strengths: 3,000 psi unless otherwise indicated or scheduled. Provide minimum cement conlent of 470 lbs. per cubic yard unless othervise i nd i cated . 2.04 irlxING A. Comply with ACI 301. Add the aggregate qnd.angrgllmately-two-thirds of ine'rlquired water to the mixer-firit and mix a ninimum of 70 revoludions at mixinq speed to insure wetting of al'l the aggregate il;ii;i;a.- ifren'lO6"anh mix the cg1rent,_the-air entraining agent and lhe remaining *itei a minimurn of 30 revolutlons at mixing speed. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Do not begin concrete work until operations are complete_enough to allow olacement to be carried on as a cohtinuous operation. Clean. equipnent i"i-rnTiinS-inO-tiinspoiting the concrete. Ciean forms of debris and iii.""iiei-tiiiept-in' freezing reather) and coat forms as.specified in Section 03i00. 'If rater accunulates ln the foms' Punp i! out'.Delore ioncrete ls deposited. Clearly mark finish top surface of vertical members on the form walls. 3.02 PLACEI'IEI{T A. Placement: canply with ACI 301. Deposit.concrete in^apProxila!9!{-^.^ unlform horizontai layers not over 2 ft. in helght. Piling up concrete in the forms or chuting in such a manner_to separate the aggregates nof, permitted. Do not drop concrete over 5 ft. RDA 97004 3.6 I T t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t t I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I B. Make adjustments in mixture to prevent accumulations of water on the surface of the concrete.due to water gain, segregation, or other causes during placemeni or compacting. Make-provi:ion IoI-rimoval of such water as may aacumulate so thit concrete will not be placed in such accumul ati ons. C. Compaction: Compact concrete during and-irmedia!el{ afler deposit'ing ;;;lt-r.il. ot niignt of pour by nreans of mechanical vibrators or by rodding. presence-of honLycomb-will be sufficient cause for rejection of concrete D. Finishing: Where tops of poured walls fonn a finished surface' inune- aiiteiv iiniitr-in tnb form. Any such walls or surfaces not finished to a levei nay be ordered removed and replaced. 3.03 FLATWORK A. Screeds: Establish finish plane of horizontal surfaces by.screeds' iiigniO anU selureiy set, siraced not over 8 ft. apart and installed at the"proper Ievel or slop6, irrior to,the depositing of concrete. 1. barlge Floor: Slope to trench drain. B. Tolerances: Floor slabs shall be level' 1/4' in l0 ft- except uhere drains occur. indicated- D. Horizontal Surfaces: surface, apPly curing I nstructi ons. RDA 97004 within the maximum tolerance of Slope to the drains as C. Finishes: provide finishes in accordance with ACI 301: Finish surfaces spiringly with special tools, such as roller bugs, to force the coarse ibgregitl stigtrtiy below the surface. Jitterbug tampers not allowed. Uigneiiurn Outi tlbats not pemitted on concrete surfaces -containing-aniii entraining agmt. Ousfing of wearing surfaces ritft dry naterials not perlnitted. 3.04 CURII'IG PROTECTIOII A. General: Protect exposed surfaces to concrete from. premature drying and frost. Proteci-freChty ptaced concrete against wash by rain and rapid dryi ng. 8. Do not remove forms until time as specified. Remove carefully to not iniure the concreii surtace. Protelt edges and corners of footings to ii6"ent iiacking, chipping or other damage and premature drying. C. Vertical Surfaces: Clean surfaces of loose sand, qortar' debrls and grout. spray lightly wlth water. and coat with a clear or translucent iuring coirpoirnd ii s6on as possible after removi.ng forms. Apply curing coorpolnd the same day that Lhe fonns are removed. As soon as possible after finlshing concrete compound in' accordance with manufacturer's 3.7 3.05 SCHEDULE OF CONCRETE }IIXES A. Interior Slabs-On-Grade:l. Strength: 3,000 Psi2. Cement: TYPe.I/II3. Aggregate: 3/4n maximum srze 4. Entrained Air: 3% maximum5. SlumP: 4n maximum n..:r,r^-.6. tJater Reducini'ni;nt, Required. l,laster Builders or acceptgd substl tuti on. B. Footings, Columns and t'lalls: 1. Stiength: 3'000 Psi2. Cement: TYPe I/II3. Aggregate: 3/4r maximum.slze4: Etlrained ntri e !vtl245. Slurnp: 4'maxlmum C. Exterior Concrete Curbs and Slabs on Grade: l. Strength: 4,000 psi Mlrt.r57e gAcKMr,(Ml'{' 2. Cement: TYPe I/II3. Aggregate: 3/4' maxlmum.srze4. Eilrained Airi 6tt 1l-ll2*5. SlumP: 4r maxinum I t I t I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I sEcrroil 03600 GR0UT PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 I4ATERIALS A. Acceptable Products:1, ilaster Bullders Set2. U.S. Grout CorP. Flve Star Grcut 3. L & tl Chenlcals Crystex{. Burke tlon-l'tetalllc SPec5. AccePted Substltute PART 3 - EXECUTIOII 3.01 I]ISTALLATION A.comp.|etelyfil|wlthgrputundersteelbearlngplatesandasindicated. EIIO OF DTVISION 3 I I I I I l t T I I I I I I I I I I I DIVISION 4 MASONRY General Requirements: General Conditions, Supplementary,Conditions and Division l'- General Requirements apply to work of this division. SECTION O42OO UNIT I'IASONRY PART 1 - GENEML 1.01 ENVIRONMEIITAL REQUIREMENTS A. Cold Weather Protection During Installation:i. -piipaiation: Before begiinilS work, remove ice or snow formed on masbnry OeU by carefulli appliing heat unti'l top surface is dry to touch. Remove frozen or damaged masonry.2. Air temperature 40"F to 32'F: Heat sand or nixing water to minimum of 70o F and maximum of 160o F.3. Air Temperature 32oF to 25oF: Heat sand and mixing water to minirnum'of 70'F and maximum of 160o F- 4. Air Temperature 25oF to 20'F: Heat sand and mixing water to minimum'of 70"F and maximum of 160oF. Use salamander or other sources of heat on both sides of walls under construction. use windbreaks when wind is in excess of 15 nph. 5. Air Temperature 20"F and Below..' Heat sand and mixing water to minimum'of 70"F and maximum of 160"F. Provide enclosure and auxiliary heat to maintain air temperature-above 32"F. Temperature of units when laid shall be not less than 20"F. B. Cold t{eather Protection After Installation:1. Mean Daily Air Temperature 40oF to 32"F: Protect masonry from rain or snow for 24 hours.?. l4ean Daily Air Temperature 32"F to 25oF: Cover masonry completely for 24 hours.3. Mean Daily Air Temperature 25oF to 20"F: Cover masonry completely with insulatlnq blankets for 24 hours.4. t4ean Daily Afr-Temperature 20"F and Below: l'laintain masonry tem- perature -above 32"'F for 24 hours by enclosed and. s,uPPlengltalJ- heat, by electric-heating blankets, infrared heat lamps or other approved nethods. C. Hot Weather Protection During Installation: l||hen air tem_perature exceeds 99"F in the shade, piotect freshly laid masonry from direct exposure to wind and sun. D. iloisture Protection During Installation: Where exposed to weather' cover the top of masonry walls at the end of each day's work using a witerproot miterial weigtrted down to keep_in place. t'laintain such protettion until final iapping of the tvall. 4.1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OT MASONRY UI{ITS A. Lightweight Block: ASTM C90, Grade N Type 1, sizes as indicated. 2.02 ANCHORS, JOINT REINFORCEMENT AND CONTROL JOINTS A. Manufacturers:l. Dur-O-Wal2. M l.|ire Products3. Heckman Building Products4. Masonry Reinforcing Corporation of America5. Accepted Substitute B. Horizontal Reinforcement:l. General: lJelded wire units of ASTII A82 cold drawn wire. No. 9 gage deformed side rods and No. 9 gage plain cross rods.a. lJidth: Approximately 2" less than width of wailb. Provide prefabricated corners and tees2. Finish at Interior }Jalls: Brite finish3. Finish at Exterior }lalls: Galvanized4. Type: Truss design C. Stone Veneer tlall..T'ies: Triangular galvanized 3/16" wire tie similar to Dur-0-Wal No. D/A 213 Adiustable Veneer Anchors.1. Drywall Scrbws: Galvanized No. 8 x L-l/4" D. Dovetail Anchors: Lt' x 3-If2t' or 1" x 5-Lf2",. 16.gauge' galvanized' corrugated. Size for 2" mihimum embedment in horizontal mortar ioint. 2.03 FLEXIBLE FLASHII{G AND WEEP HOLES A. Flexible Flashing: Dur-O-Wal DCF Reinforced vinyl ethylene with D/A 1502 flashing tape.1. Non-Expoied i\pplications As Indicated: Jiffy Sea1 or Bituthene B. Weep Holes: I/4" i.d. PVC tubing. 2.04 MORTAR AIID GROUT I'IATERIALS A. Portland Cement: ASTl,l C150 B. Hydrated Lime: ASTM C207 c. Aggregate for Mortar: ASTM c 144 D. Water: Clean and free from deleterious amounts of acids alkalies or organic materials. E. Antifreeze Compounds: Not permitted. I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I 4.2 I I I I I I T I I I t I I I I I t I I F. 0ther Admixtures: Only with permission of Architect. 2.05 MiXES A. Setting Mortar: Type S containing Portland cement, hydrated lime and aggregate. The use of accelerators or antifreezes not pennitted. B. Non-Staining Stone Setting Mortar:l. Type S: Containing non-staining Type I Portland Cement, hydrated'lime and aggregate. 1800 ps'i average compressive strength in 28 days. C. Grout for Reinforced Masonry:1. Fine and Coarse Grout: ASTI4 C476, containing a minimum of six sacks of Portland cement per cubic yard. Add sufficient water to provide proper consistency without segregation for pouring.or troweling. a. Minimum Compressive Strength: 2000 psi at 28 days. 2.06 IIEASUREMET{T AT{D I.,IIXIT{G A. lrleasurement: llethod of neasuring materials shall be by volume. lrleasurement of sand by shovel not allowed. B. ltlixing: llix cementitious materials and aggregate and not more than 5 minutes in a mechanical batch anount of water..to produce a workable consistency. C. Retempering: Retemper mortars that have stiffened because of evapoiation of watei from the mortar by adding water as. frequently as needed to restore required consistency. Use mortar within 2 hours after initial mixing. PART 3 - IXECUTIOI{ 3.01 PREPARATION A. Remove all dirt, ice, loose rust and scale from walls and reinforcing prior to installation. 3.02 IIISTALLATIOII A. General: Unless othenvise indicated, lay block in running bond.1. Lay all masonry plumb and true to lines. Provide full mortar ioints. ilortai beds shall be spread smooth or only slightly furrowed.2. In laying masonry, avoid over-plumbing and pounding of the corners and iambs to fit stretcher units after being set in position., 3. Where an adjustment must be made after the mortar has started to harden, remove mortar and replace with fresh mortar.4. tJhere cutting of units is necessary, make cuts with a motor-driven masonry saw.5. Joints shall be plumb or level. Tool exposed ioints. for at least 3 minutes mixer with the maximum 4.3 I 6. Adjust masonry_dimensions and jnsta]l starter units as required to Ieliminate smail cuts and to maintain bond. I B. Built-In l.lembers: S'leeves of proper size shall be provided by others to permit passage of pipes through walls. Build in wall sleeves, anchors' ilates,'lintels anit bther steel members provided by others.. Properly_ bet suih built-in members as walls progress and under the direction of party providing same. C. Cutt'ing and Patching: Cut and patch masonry wherever_necessary for other irades. Use experienced fuechanics with workmanlike manner. Do not injure the strength or appearance of finished work. Cutting of finished masonry for the purirbse of building-in members not allowed. 3.03 ACCESSORIES INSTALLATION A. Horizontal Reinforcement: Install continuously 16" o.c. vertically in Iall block walls. Lap !,'. Install addi-tional piece above and below !openings extending minimum 2 ft. beyond opening. B. Anchors: Anchor masonry against concrete by use of dovetail anchors inserted in embedded slbts-at 16u vertically and 24" o.c. horizontally. Extend 2" into horizontal mortar ioints. c.. Tiesr Fasten ties to sheathing into wood studs using_power.driven. .. screws at 16n on center vertically on each stud. Field bend' providing 2" projection into horizontal mortar ioint. 3.04 FLEXIELE FLASHII'IG AND t.lEEP HOLES A. Flexible Flashings: Install in slurry of fresh mortar as indicated. Start flash;ngs i/2" from outside face of wall. Turn up face.of sheathing a minimirm of 6,, and tape top edge. Lap and tape end ioints. B. Weep Holes: Install where flashing or waterProofing^turns out and terininates in horizonta'l mortar ioints. Install at 24r o.c. in soft mortar. 3.05 PROTECTION AND REPLACEI4EI{T A. Protection of Completed Work from Physlcal oamage: Protect projecting masonry liable to damage after setting. B. Replace any nasonry work showing damage. or disfiguration during the I prbgress oi work i-n its entirety. Patchlng or hiding of detects not Ipermitted. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I C. Remove and replace any frozen work. 4.4 I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I 3.06 POII.ITII{G AND CLEANING A. Cut out defective joints and holes in exposed masonry and repoint with nortar. Dry brush masonry surface after mortar has set at end of each day,s work ind after final pointing. clean exposed masonry with stiff brush and clean water. B. Conunercial cleaners or diluted acid may be used only with the Architect's permi ssion. c. upon cornpletion of pointing and cleaning leave the work area and sirrrounding surfacei clean-and free of nortar spots, droppings, and broken masonry. SECTION O44OO STONE PART 1 - GEI{ERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Rough Stone l'lasonry Veneer2. Stone with Snapped Edges as indicated 4. Stone Caps5. Stone Lintels and Arches6. Stone Sills 1.02 REFERET{|IS A. Reference Standards: Cunply with following! -1. American National Stairdirds Institute,-At{SI/1{BS 211 (A41.1). oBuilding Code Requirements for Masonry" --2. Uniform duilding iode, UBC' chapter 21 - l4asonry. 1.03 SUBIqITTALS A. Samples: Submit full size samples of stone illustratlng the full-range of bolor and texture for accepiance in accordance with Section 01300. B. Shop Drawlngs: Submlt drawings of all cut stone in accordance with Section 01300. I.04 QUALITY ASSUMilCE A. l4ock-Up: Construct 4'x 6'wall panel wlth stone, block' and mortar in location as dlrected by Archltect.1. Accepted Sample ttall: Standard for rest of work. 2. Remove at completlon of proJect. 4.5 T I1.05 DELIVERY, STOMGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Stone: tthnCle carefully to avoid chipping and protect against wetting prior to use al'l owing air circulation under stacked units. 1.06 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Environmental Requirements; Comply with Section 04200- 1.07 WARRANTY A. Masonry subcontractor is responsible for design of mechanical supports for st6ne arches and shall filrnish a ten year wnitten warranty against structural failure of the support system. I I I I I t PART 2 _ PRODUCTS 2.01 STONE Rough Stone Veneer: Newly quarried stone to match existing' 1. Size: Nominal five inch thickness with sizes to match accepted sample. Sandstone: Colorado Buff Sandstone as directed by Architect. Stone Shelf Angles: 5" x 5" steel angles as indicated supplied under Section 05500. Coat with fluid applied waterproofing supplied under Section 07120. 2.02 },IORTAR AND ACCESSORIES A, Mortar: Furnished under Section 04200. B. Joint Reinforcement, Anchors, Tles, Fabric Flashing, lleep Holes and 0ther Accessories: See Section 04200. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. Cleaning: Remove dirt, ice, loose rust and scale from walls' ties reinforcing prior to installation. I I I I I T I I t I I B. c. 4.6 I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I B. Cooperation: Check relationship of masonry to work under other sec- tjons, cooperate with others and proceed as desirable for general progress and best interest 0f project. 3.02 STONE INSTALLATION A. General:1. Set stone in wall with minimum of dressing except at end joints and out corners which shall be pitched to line vertically.2. Pitch rough edges of stone outward and downward to drain.3. Irregularities within tolerance of wall Iine to three inch proiection are acceptable provided vertical ioint is in plane of wall.4. Proiecting stones shall have 4/7 cubical content in wall.5. Cornpleted stone work shall matbh accepted sample panel'6. Do not damage moss faces. 8. Stone Veneer l.lall Tfes: Locate 16" o.c. max. in both directions. C. Joints:1. Fill all ioints solidly with mortar for dry stack appearance.2. Avoid splashing exposed faces of stone with mortar.3. Remove droppings and splashings inunediately with clean sponge and water.4- Joints: Glove raked and back grouted. D. l{ires: Cut off wires beneath surface that are used for tying stone in place during mortaring. Exercise care that such ends are properly covered to prevent rust. E. Euilt-In ltems:1. Cooperate to build-in 'itsns of others into masonry as work progresses.2. Lintels: Install lintels furnished under Section 05500 for openings over 16" in width. Install in beds of mortar and do necessary pointing. Fill hollow masonry units full with grout for three courses at lintel bearings.3. Chases and Recesses: Provide cha$es in masonry walls as indicated and required for mechanica'l and electrical work for pipes and condui ts.4. Built-in ltems: Install sleeves of proper size provided by others, where directed, to permit passage of pipes through walls. Euild-in wall sleeves, anchois, plates, and other members provided by others. Properly set built-in items as walls progress and under direction of party providing same. F. Starting and Stopplng: t'lhere fresh masonry Joins partially_or-totally set masonry, cleih eiposed surfaces of set masonry and wet lightly to obtain good bond with'new work. Remove loose masonry and nortar. G. Accessories: Install weep holes, flashing and other accessories in accordance with Sectlon 04150. 4.7 H. Waterproofing Behind Stone: See Section 07113 3.03 CUTTING AND PATCHING A. cutting and Patching: cut and patch masonry wherever necessary for. other lrades. 0o slch work with experienced mechanics in workmanlike manner. Do not cut and patch work irtrictr will tend to injure strength or appearance of any finishbd work, Cutting.of finished masonry for piri'pose of building-in nembers not allowed. 3.04 POINTI}IG AIID CLEANING A. Pointing: Point stone work as work progresses using rounding-pointing tool. Fttt ioints to natch work in dccepted sanple wall panel. B. Cleaning: Upon completion of pointing and cleaning, leave work area and surrounding lurfaceb clean and'free of mortar spots, droppings' and broken masonry.l. Clean soiied and stained exposed stone by scrubbing with_soap powder boiled in clean water. Appiy with stiff brush, adding clean, sharp, fine white sand to the soap and water mixture when necessary- 2. After scrubbing, drench suifaces thoroughly with clean water. 3. Leave entire work clean and perfect upon completion.4. Commercial cleaners and diluted acids not allowed- C. Sealer: Apply sealer to all fireplace hearths. 3.05 PROTECTIOII A. Protection of Completed tJork from Physical Damage: Protect proiecting masonry liable to'damage after setting by_well supported suitable plankiirg. Securely boi iambs and sills of openings used for passage. B. Replacement; Replace masonry work showing_damage or disfiguration- duiing progress bf work in iis entirety. Patching or hiding of defects not pennitted. SECTIO}I 04455 STO]IE COUNTERTOPS PART I - GENERAL I .01 SUlitlitARY A. Section Includes:1. Stone countertops.2. Related stone splashbacks. I.O2 SUBIIITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Subrnit in accordance with Section 01300. Include laybut, anchoring, iointing and sink and trim openings. T I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I 4.8 T I t I I I I I I I I I I l I t I I I B. Samples: Submit l?"x L2" sample of each type of stone i'llustrating full range of color and finish for acceptance in accordance with Sectt'on 01300. 1.03 QUALTTY ASSURANCE A. Applicator Qualifications: Conpany specializing i nstal I ati on.1. Experience: Continuously installed cut stone Colorado for five years. 1.05 A. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Delivery and Handling: Carefully packed and loaded for delivery. Do not use packing material which may stain or discolor stone.2. Handling'and Storage: Carefully handle and store vertically to avoid chipping and-discoloration. Protect from weather by means of in cut stone and tile and tile in State of PART 2.01 non-staini ng waterproof covering, PROJECT CONDITIONS Envir:onmental Requirements: l4aintain materials and sumounding- air.to minimum 40"F pridr to, during, and 48 hours after conpletion of work. 2 - PRODUCTS SIONE Marble: ASTM C503, Group A. Meet standards of Marble Institute of America. See Allowanes, Section 0121 0. sources, colors, Veining and Patterns: see lnterior Finishes Manual. A. B. 2.02 SETTING AIIO GROUTING I'IATERIALS A. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar (Thin Set): ANSI 118.4, 1:1 Port'land cement/sand gauged with Laticrete 4237 tile setting liquid. 8. Grout: Laticrete drybond grout and Joint filler gauged with Laticrete 3701 adnix. Irlix as ieconnended by manufacturer. Color as selected by Architect. C. Cleaner: Laticrete TC-500. 4.9 PART 3.01 A. 8. 3.02 A. 3 - IXECUTION PREPARATION Coordinate installation of sinks and sink trim. Cooperation: Check relationship of stone to work under other sections' cooilerate with others and procebd as desirable for general progress and best interest of proiect. INSTALLATIOl{ Stone Countertops - Thin Set Installation: Install' -9r9u!r clean, protect and curb in confonnance with TCA Handbook Method Fl13 and ANSI hios.s uiing iatex portland cement mortar. Joints shall be 1/8" wide. Grouting: Fill ioints with a grout gun and strike flush with surface. Sinks and Trim: Coordinate installation of sinks and trim by plumbing subcontractor. El{D OF DIVISIOI{ 4 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I T I T I B. c. 3.03 CLEANING A. Stone: Keep face of stone free of mortar at all times. 1. After ibint pointing, carefully clean with Laticrete TC-500 applied according to manufacturerrs instructions.2. Use of wire brushes or of acid not allowed. 3.04 PROTECTION A. protection of Completed I'lork from Physical Damage: Protect counter tops after setting by buitable box'ing. Do not use lumber which may stain or deface stone. B. Replacement: Replace countertops showing damage.or disfiguration during prbgress of work'in its entirety. Patching or hiding of defects not permi tted. 4.10 t I I I I I t t I t t I I I I I I t T General Requirements: General Conditions, Supplementary.Conditions and Division 1'- General Requirements apply to work of this division. SECTION 05120 STRUCTURAL STTEL PART I - GEIIERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A, Structural Steel Allowance: See Section 01020 I.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. I'lelders: Al.|S certified. 1.03 REFEREI{CES A. Structural Steel Work: Comply with AISC Specification for the Design, Fabrication and Erection of-structural Steel for Buildings. B. I'telding: Comply with At{S Structural Welding Code - Steel 01.1. 1.04 SUBIiIITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300- I.O4 OELIVERY, STORAGE AI,ID HA}IDLING A. Materials to be Installed by 0thers: Deliver anchor bolts and otfter anchorage devices which are embedded in cast-in-place concrete or nasonry construction to the proiect site in tine to be installed before the stirt of cast-in-place cbncrete or masonry work. _Provide setting drawings, templates aitd directions for installation of anchor bolts and other devices. PART 2 - PROOUCTS 2.OT },IATERTALS A. Steel Shapes, Bars and Plates: ASTi'l A36 or ASTt'l A572, Grade 50 B. Seamless Steel Pipe: ASTl.l A501 or ASTII A53' Grade 8. C. Steel Tube: ASTl,l A500, Grade 8. 0. Anchor Bolts and lluts: AsTl.l A307 t. Steel Framing Bolts and l{uts: AST}'I A325 DIVISION 5 METALS 5.1 F. Paint: Tnemec 10-99 red primer or Rust 0leum 1069 2.02 FAERICATION A. General: Fabricate structural steel in accordance with AISC speci- fication. B. Shop Painting: After fabrication, clean off loose scale' rust, weld sla! or flux-deposit, oil, grease, dirt or other foreign material and shoi coat fabriLated items with red metal primer. c. l.larking: Mark members in protected plainly vi.sible locations' in accordince with reference humbers on'setting diagrams. D. Finished lJork: Finish work in accordance with the approved shop drawings. Fabricate true and free from twists, kinks' buckles' open joints and other defects. E. Splices: splicing of members to obtain the required lengths not per- mitted withbut prior approval of the Architect. F. Substitutlons: t{here exact sizes and weights called for are not readily available, secure the Architect's approval of suitable sizes in time to obviate any delay due to such substitutions. 2.03 A]{CHoRS A. Provide anchors for steel frarning as indicated and required' PART 3 - EXTCUTION 3.01 ERECTION A. General: Erect structural steel in accordance with AISC Specification. B, Temporary Bracing: Provide temporary bracing as necessary for dead load, wind and erection stresses. C. Bearlng Plates: Align indlvidual bearing plates for beams and similar structural members with wedges or shims. D. Erectlon Tolerances: Erect lndividual pleces so that the deviation from plumb, level and alignment shall not exceed 1 to 500. E. Base Plate Grouting: See Sect{on 03600 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 5.2 I I I t I t I I I T I t I I I t SECTION O55OO METAL FABRICATIONS I I I PART 1.01 A. 1.02 A. B. c. 1.03 A. l.o4 A. I - GEI{EML QUALITY ASSUM}ICE l.lelders: AHS certified. REFEREI{CES Metal Fabrication lJork: Cunply with AISC Specification for the Deslgn, Fabricatlon and Erection of Structural Steel for Buildings. Exposed l.letal Fabrication Nork: Comply with Section 10 Architecturally Exiosed Structura'l Steel of AISC Code of Standard Practice. $felding: Cmply with A}JS Structural t{elding Code - Steel 01.1. SUBI'IITTALS Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. DELIVERY. STORAGE AIID HA}IOLIilG l,laterials to be Installed by Others: Oeliver anchor bolts and other anchorage devices which are embedded in cast-in-place concrete con- struction or masonry construction to the proiect site in time to be installed before the start of cast-in-place concrete or masonry work. Provide setting drawings, templates, and dinections for the installation of anchor bolts and other devices. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI IiIATERIALS A, Steel Shapes, Bars and Plates: ASTi'l A36. B. Steel Pipe and Tubing: ASTI'I A53, A50l on A500; mininmt wall thickness 11 gauge. C. Paint: Tneorec 10-99 red metal primer or Rust-oleum 1069 red primer. D. Materials: l{ew stock of types and sizes lndicated. 5.3 o ON I I T I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I t 2.02 FABRICATI A. General: drawings. Fabricate in accordance with details and approved shop PART 3 - INSTALLATION 3.01 TNSTALLATION A. lleld or bolt aII iterns securely in place or othervise fasten as indi- cated and on approved shop drairings. Grind field welds smooth and touch-up with red primer. Et{D OF DIVISIOI{ 5 8. l.lake cuts clean and sharp with wire edges ground smooth. In completion, the work shall be straight, rlgid and tight and free from defects. Close exposed ends of steel pipe or tubing with welded caps. C. Welding: Miter and cope intersections and weld all around. Remove splatter, grind exposed welds to blend and contour surfaces to match those adJacent. D. Shop Paintfng: After fabrication, clean off loose scale, rust, weld slag or flux deposlt, oil, grease, dlrt or other foreign material and shop coat fabrlcated items with red metal priner. 5.4 I I DIVISION 6 - I.IOOD AND PLASTICS I General Requirements: General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and I Division l'- General Requirements apply to work of this division. t t t I I I I I I t I I SECTIOII 06100 ROUGH CARPEIITRY PART 1 - GEI{ERAL I.01 REFERENCES A. [ood Framing: conply with requirenents of uniform Building cg9q ln{ . "National 06sign Sbelificatioris for l'lood Constructionn, as published by National Forest Products Association. B. Lunber: Comply with Standard Grading Rules for Western Lumber published by l'festern Wbol products Association. Each piece of lumber shall be grade stamped. C. plywood: Comply with U.S. Product Standard PS l-95 for Construction and ln'oustriat Plnrirod. Each panel shall be identified with the grade tiademark of ine Anerican i'lvwood Association (APA). D. performance Rated Sheathing Panels: Comply with the foliowing: - ..1. ApA pRp-108 performanc6 Standards and Policies for Structural - Use Panel s2. US Department of conunerce Produce standard Ps 2-92lJood-Based Structural-Use Panel s. 1.02 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Store material off the ground and cover with waterproof covering. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI ROUGH HARO}IARE A. Provide necessary bolts, screws, nails, clips, plates, straps, hangers, etc. necessary ?or the completlon of rough carpentry. Use correct miieriii of pr6per size and'strength for ihe. purpose intended. Conform to the requiiernbnts of this speclilcation, the notes on the drawings and appticable building codes. B. provide anchor bolts indicated to be built into the concrete and nasonry for support of wood framing for installation under Division 3 Concrete and Division 4 l'lasonry.I I I I 6.1 2.02 FRAMII{G LUMBER A. General Requirements: Sound, thoroughly seasoned.,_surfaced four sides' well manufdctured and free from warp not correctable by bridging' blocking or nailing. Stress Grades: All 'lumber shall comply with stress grade rating indicated in the General llotes on the Structura'l Drawings. Moisture Content: ltlaximum of 198. Studs;1. 2x4z Stud grade or l{o. 2 or better Doug'las fir-'larch. 2. ?x6z No. 2-or better Douglas fir-larch' Pl ates:1. 2x4z Stud grade or No. 2 or better Douglas fir-larch. 2. 2x6 and Larger: No. 2 or No. 3 Douglas fir-larch. 3. Preservat'ive Treatment: All plates on concrete pressure preservative treated. Joists, Rafters and Headers: No. I or better Douglas fir-larch' Headers shall be kiln dried. Laminated Veneer Lumber (LVL) Beams and Headers: Versa-Lam by Boise Cascade Co. or equal . Blocking: Douglas fir-larch or hem-fir, standard grade or better. Furring: Douglas fir-larch or hem-fir, standard grade or better. SHEATHING Structural lJall Sheathing: APA CD. Plywood or APA Rated Sheathing. Waferboard is acceptable.i. Thickness and identification Index: As indicated. ,. Eipoiure Durabiliiy: Exposure I (Interior with exterior glue). 3. Usb for lateral support as indicated. B. T & G Floor Sheathing: APA Sturd-I-Floor T&G veneer faced Exposure I 1. Thickness and spin rating as indicated. C. Roof Plywood Sheathing: APA CD.l. Thilkness and Identification Index: As indicated. Z. Exposure OuriUitiiy: Exposure I (Interior with exterior glue). 2.04 METAL FMI4ING AI,ICHORS A. Acceptable Manufacturers: Simpson Strong-Tie B. Types and Sizes: As indicated and required. B. t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I c. D. E. F. G. H. I. 2.03 A. 6.2 Company, no substitutes. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I I C. Accessoriesl Provided nails and bolts as recormended by manufacturer. 2.05 SILL SEALER A. Sill Sealer: Tenneco PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.OI GENEML A. Cooperate with other and franing required Building Products Amofoam Sill Sealer trades. Provide wood grounds' blocking' backing for bther trades. Cut and patch rough carpentry as requi red. 3.02 INSTALI.ATION A. General: Install franlng, sheathing and metal franing anchors in accordance with the Unlform Buildin, Code. See General Structural llotes and Nailing Schedule on drawings. B. Franing:l. peiform framing in substantial manner consistent with. accepted standards of t[e carpentry trade. Erect franing plumb, 'level and true, and rigidly anchor in Place.Z. Locaie studs-16.-o.c. except'where indicated othemise. Provide double studs both sides of'openlngs and at ends of wa'lls. Provide 3 studs at conners.3. Locate roof and floor joists as indicated. Provide continuous headers or solid blocking (as indicated) at joist bearings. Provide bridging as indicated.4. neptice-warped lumber in walls and ioists prior to installation of finish surface.5. Anchor plates at bearings as indicated. unless othernise indicated, bolt plhtes firm'ly to c6ncrete with 1/2" x 10u anchor bolts, 4'-0o o.c. or as required by structural drawings.6. Provide minimdm doublb 2x top plates for stud walls, single botton pl ates. C. Exterior Treated llood Sill Plates on Concrete: Set on sill sealer in accordance with manufacturer's recorrnendations. D. Sheathing: Install sheathing panels with face grqi!.across supports. Glue all-T&G plywood floor sheathing. See General Structural llotes on drawings for detailed requirements.I. SuitAing paper: See'section 07195 for air infiltration barrier. E. Metal Framing Anchors: Secure fasten in place in accordance with manufacturerrs recomnendations. F, Furring: Insta'l I at 16" o.c. as indicated. Secure with metal expansive anchors or powder actuated fasteners at 24tr o.c- 6.3 SECTIOII 06200 FINISH CARPENTRY I I I I I t I I I I I I I I PART 1 - GEIIERAL I .01 SUl'll-lARY A. Section Includes:1. Interior:a. l,lood trim, base' casing.;b. Wood rail._ ; .. ic. Shelf and rod for clothes closets' elsewhere as indicated.d. l,lood cei'l i ng beans.2. Exterior:a. tlood trim and fascia,b. l'lood soffit boards.c. Wood sidlng.d. I'lood rai I I ngs .e. Redwood deck. pantry, linen closets and I.02 REFERENCES A. Reference standards: see section 01091. Cgnpty tlith follow!!g, . . -l. uArchitectirii-WooOwori Quality Standards- and Guide.Specifications"' 199a edition, -as-pult iinio oy ihe Architectural woodwork Institute. i.- comiiv witn Cirstorn Grade if not othemise specifled' I.03 DEFIIIITIONS A. Finish Carpentry: Woodwork requiring smooth finish and exposed to view but not coirsideied as cabinets or casework' 1.04 SUBI4ITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 Submittals. 1. 'Include-conformance to required reference standard. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 IHTERI0R |'TATERIALS (March existing) 2.02 EXTERIoR I'IATERIALS (Match existing) I I I I6.4 I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ 3.OI II{TERIOR I,IATERIALS IIISTALLATIOII A. General: AII installations Al{I Custom Grade unless othenrise specified. B. Interior Finish:i. Lengths: Uherever possible, provide single piece for each length of flnish. Butt iointi not alloired except for long pieces or room molds which mai Ue in two or more sections. tr1hen butt joints are necessary, bevel ioints.2. General: Install interior finish level, plumb and true' 3. Securing: Tightly secure to bracing with nails,-screvts' glue' etc. Blind niil wh6revLr possible. Where surface nailing is necessary, use finish nails carbfully set with nail punch. 4. Trim Finishing Against lJails or Ceiling: llill with extra width and scribe to wall or ceiling at iob.5. Edges: Except where molded, mill trim wi.th perfectlJ square_edges.. Afler erectlbn, slightly round exposed edges by sanding as directed. 6. Interior Finish: Hind imooth reaily for finish under Section 09900 free from machine or tool marks or any roughness' 7, Replacement: Replace any interior finish bearing hamner marks' spiits, cracks, mars or defects of any nature' C. Wood Rail: AWlCustom Grade 3.02 EXTERIOR }'IATERIALS INSTALLATION A. General: Ab|I Custom Grade unless otheruise specified' B. Exterior Trlm: Wherever possible'.provide-ea:! fgl of finish in sinqle piece. Face nail into frarni[g using non-corrosive' blued nails' Drive fiush but do not set' C. t{ood Soffits: Elind nail with nails driven flush. Install soffit vents as indicated. D. Redwood Decking: Screw each board with two non-corrosive-decking-screws to each supporl. provide 3/16 inch gap between boards. Stagger ioints in adjacent boards. sEcTIoN 06275 t,t00D D00R FRAI'|ES t I I t PART 1 - GENEML I. OI SUMI4ARY A. Section Includes:1. Interior wood2. Exterior wood door franes entry door frames 6.5 I. 02 REFEREI{CES A. Reference Standards: see section 01091. Comply with following: 1. "Architectural lloodwork Quality Standards and Guide Specificationsu' tggq edition, as publistrdO ny the Architectural Woodwork Institute. I .03 SUBI.IITTALS A, Shop Drawings: Submit in accordance with Section 01300 Submittals. l. 'Include'conformance to required reference standard' B. Samples: submit 1'-0u long sampl'e of each type and species of wood fraine for approval before fabrication. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI i{OOD DOOR FMilES A. Interior and Exterior Door Frame Species: I4atch existing' PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 FMT.IE INSTALLATIOI{ " A. General: ComPlY with AIJI 8. Insta] I ati on: Premium Grade. 1. Frames; Install square with finish nails. and plumb in the oPening,wedge and nail I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I 6.6 I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I OIVISIOI{ 7 THERI'IAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION General Requirements: General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1'- General Requirements apply to work of this division- SECTI0N 07113 MoDIFIED BITUIiINoUS SHEET MEMBRANE IIATERPR00FING PART 1 - GEI{ERAL 1.01 SUIIMARY A. Section lncludes: llembrane waterproofing at the following locations: 1. Horizontal waterproofing over exterior plywood decks as indicated. Cover entire sur?ace and extend 2'-0" mininum up al'l adjacent vertical surfaces (behind finishes)2. Under all wood shalie roofing as indicated. Cover all surfaces including ridges and valleyi. Exlenq !P lace of adioining vertical walls a itnimim of 3'-0u (behind finishes)'3. 0ver wood sheathing behind stone veneer.4. Elsewhere as indicated. 1.02 SUBI'IITTALS A. "Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. 1.03 PROJECT COI'IDITIONS A. Environmental Reouirements: Do not install nembrane waterproofing when air and surface temOerature is below 40" F unless manufacturer's recormended special'materials and methods are used' 8. Existing Conditions:1. Conirete: Cured minimum of seven days and dry' 1 .04 I.'ARRAIITY A. Wamanty: Provide two year written warranty covering materia'l and installation in accordance with Section 01700. 1. Warranty: Include watertight conditjon- PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OL ACCEPTABLE MANUFACTURERS A. Self-Adhered Modified Bitumen l,lembrane:1. l.l.R. Grace & Co., Bituthene System.2. bl.R. l.leadows Sealtight, l'lelnar.3. Protecto-Wrao. Jiffv-Sea'l 140/55.4. Approved subltitute-in accordance with Section 01600. T I T I 7.r 2.02 I.IATERIALS A. Sel f-Adhered l'lodi f ied I . l4embrane: Bitumen I'laterproofing for Decks: I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I T I a. l.|.R. Grace Bituthene 3000 waterproofing substitute by acceptable manufacturer.b. Thickness: 60 nils minimun membrane or approved 2. Primer and llastic: ilanufacturer recomnended' 3. Vertical Proiection Board: Bituthene PB-3000 protection board or approved substitute.4. Hbi.izontal Fiotection Board: 1/4' thick asphaltic hardboard. B. ilembrane for Roof Underlaynent:1. l,lembrane:- t: w.c. Grace Ice and Water shield or accepted substitute by acceptabl e manufacturer.b. llatei.iiii- dodpoiite laminated sheet of polyethylene filn coated on on"-rid"-wiin a factory applied rubbeiized asphalt and on other side with a removable protective release paper' c. Thickness: 40 mils minimum-2. Primer: llanufacturer recommended. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATION A. surface Preparation: Renove projections, Concrete splatter' general surface dirt and otner foreigir miterials to leave surfaces in clean condition suitable for application of membrane' l. Cleaning: -ii"an sui?ices wlth high pressure air to renove dust, loose stones and debris.Z. patching: -Faiif, holes and grossly irregular surfaces with Portland cement grout, concrete or epoxy grout' 3.02 INSIALLATION A. General: Apply in accordance with manufacturer's recomnendations' B. Priming:l. Prime surface with Bituthene Primer at coverage of 250 to 350 sq. ft. per gallon. Apply with lambswool roller' Z. iiimb onii'iiea to'be covered with membrane in one working day. i. Allow priiner to dry one hour or until tack free' 4. neprimL areas not Lovered with membrane within 24 hours. C. Corners:l. 0utside Corners: Double cover outside corners wJth initial strip of- sheet membrane 11. minlmum width centered on axis of corner. i.--Compietefi couer this strip by regular application of sheet membrane. 7.2 D. E. F. G. I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I t I I I b. 0utside Corners: Free of sharp edges. Inspect surfaces adjacent to corners and repair if necessary to provide smooth dense surface.?. Inside Corners: Provide 3/4" fillet formed with epoxy mortar or latex modified cement morthr and double coverage of membrane. Do not use fiber or wood cant strips.a, Alternate llethod: Form fillet with liquid nembrane Bituthene LX-3000 and apply layer of sheet membrane.3. App'ly Elastoneric'ilastic-Bituthene EM-3000 over membrane seans within 12n of corners. Application at Roofs:l.' Apply membrane from low points to-high points across fall line so that laps shed water. Stagger end laps._2. Roll eniire nembrane firmly-and completely as soon as possible with llnoleum roller or standard water-filled garden roller less than 30' wide. Protect face of roller with resilient material such as IfZ" plastic foam or two wraps of indoor-outdoor carpet.3. Seal end laps and T-ioiirts at end of each work-day. -4. Apply doublb thickness of nembrane over properly sealed expansion' construction and control ioints. Drains and Protrusions:1. Proiections: Apply double Iayer of membrane-around projections at least 6' in all-directions and seal terninations with El'l-3000-2. Drains: Apply double layer of membrane around drains and place.bead of Eil-3000'between top layer and clamping rings and at terminations. Terminations: Terminate by pressing very firmly t9 lgll and finish with trowelled bead of Elastomeric l.lastic Bituthene El'l-3000- Sealing Seams:1. 0v6rlap seams at least 2-1/2". Apply succeeding sheet with ninimum 2-Ll2' overlaD and roll entire membrane firmly and completely as sooh as possible to minimize bubbles caused by outgassing of air or water vaDor from concrete.2. Flshmouths: Slit and overlap flaps, repair with patch' press or roll to make seal, and seal bdges of patch with trowelled bead of Elastomeric Mastic Bituthene EM-3000.3, llisaligned or Inadequately Lapped Seams: Patch with sheet menbrane. 4. Seal lips within 12; of cbrnei details wi.th troweling.of El'l-3000. 5. For verlical applications, use heavy hand pressure and sean roller on laps. 7.3 SECTIOI{ O7I2O FLUID APPLIEO WATERPROOFING I I TPART 1.01 A. 1 - GENTRAL SUI'IMARY Section Includes: Fluid applied waterproofing and insulating drainage board at the followinq locations.l. Qutside face of Cil exterior foundation walls. Lap waterproofing- over vertical and horizontal face of footing and extend up exterigr face of wall to finish grade or intersection with slab above. 2. Elsewhere as indicated on the Drawings. I.O2 SUBMITTALS A. samples: Submit samples of cured membrane and samples of drainage boaid, in accordance'with Section 01300. B. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300' C. Quality Control Submittals:i. Maiufacturer's Instructions: Submit in accordance },ith Section 01600. 0. Contract Closeout Submittals:1. I,larranty: Submit in accordance with Section 01700' 1.03 QUALTTY ASSURAI{CE A. Applicator: Company qpecializing in waterproofing' 1.' npplicator:' l'lanufacturer approved.,. fiirerience: Continuously abbtieO fluid applied waterproofing in State of Colorado for five Years. 1.04 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I I I I I I A. General: Comply with Section 01600.1. Delivery:' Deliver materials in sealed' identified with material name. date of undamaged containers, each manufacture and lot number. with manufacturer's I I I I I I I t I t 2, Storage: Store materials in accordance reconmendati ons. PROJECT CONDITIONS1.05 A.Environmental Requirenents: Install materials in accordance with safety inO weitner conOitioni ieconmended by manufacturer or as required by- i6lui,-itite inO teOeral authorities- having-jurisd.ictio.n. Do not apply unlesi ambient temperature is minimum of 40" F and rising' 7.4 t I I t I t I I I I I 1.06 srquENcrNG/scHEDuLrNG A. Sequencing/Scheduling: Do not begin work until substrate has been conipleted-'and penetritions have b6en installed so membrane will not be penetrated or damaged by subsequent work. I. 07 I,IARMNTY A. Warranty: Provide five year written warranty covering material.s and installation for waterproofing in accordance with Section 01700.1. Warranty shall covbr mainienance of watertight condition. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MEMBRANE SYSTEI.I A. ltlanufacturers:1. Koch l4aterials Company2. Accepted substitutb in accordance with Section 01600. B. ilembrane: Tuff-ll-Dri tlaterproofing l'lembrane or lilar-Koet 5000- C. Drainage Board: Harm-ll-Dri or Drain & Dry l{all Drai nage/protecti on/i nsul ati on board. 0. Drainage Tile, Gravel and Filter Fabric: See Section 02710 Subdrainage System. 3 - EXECUTIOI{ PREPARATIOI{ Cleaning: Remove concrete flns and proieCtions, concrete splatter' -general-surface dirt and other foreign materials to leave surfaces in lenerally clean condition sultable for appl-ication of nembrane. Clean iurfaces-with high pressure alr to remove dust, Ioose stones and debris. Patching: Patch honeycomb, fonn tie holes and grossly irregular sur- faces oi concrete. Patch with Portland Cenent grout' concrete or epoxy grout. Exoanslon. Control. and Construction Joints: Clean, prime' fit with balker rod and fili with urethane sealant. Strip-coat with 60 mils wet film thlckness non-flowinq type membrane to width of not less than three inches on both sides of ioini. Install fibermesh sheet of same wldth and top coat entire area. D, Cracks: Rout or sawcut cracks exceedlng l/16" in width and fill with sealant. Strip-coat cracks with 60 mi'l dry film thickness non-flowing type membrane lo width of not less than three inches on either side of crack. PART 3.01 A. B. c. I I I I I I I I 7.5 E. Projections: Fill slot around projection with backer rod and sealant in accordance with manufacturer's btandard details. Strip-coat with 60 mil dry film thickness for a width of not less than three inches around proj ecti on. F. Protection: Protect adiacent materials with drop cloths or masking as requi red. G. lletal Surfaces: Remove contaminants which may adversely affect adhesion or perfornance of coatlng systsn and apply primer. 3.02 HEI,IBRANE APPLICATIOII A. General: Apply in accordanCe with nanufacturerrs recomnendations. B. Application: Apply in one coat with airless lpray, roller' sgueegee or tibwel to thickirbsi of not less than 60 mils (in addition to any preparation workl. C. Reglets: Seal with sealant as indicated and in accordance with manu- facturer's recomnendations. 3.03 CLEAN I}IG A. Clean stains from adiacent surfaces as reco{Tmended by nanufacturer. Remove foreign matter from finished menbrane surface- 3.04 PR0TECTT0N/DRAil{AGE/r}TSULATIoN BoARD A. Protection Board: Apply to membrhne surfaces at all areas to receive earth fill. Coordinhie with installation of foundation drainage syster. SECTION 07195 AIR II{FILTRATIO}I BARRIER PARTl-PARTGEI{ERAL 1.01 SUt'fi'tARY A. Section Inc'ludes:1. Continuous air inflltratlon barrier over sheathing at all areas behind wood siding. I.O2 SUBI,IITTALS A. Product Data: Submit to the Architect copies of manufacturerrs specifications covering all materials and accessories. I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t I I I 7.6 I I 1.03 SEQUENCTNG/SCHEDULING I A. Install air infiltration barrier prior to installation of stone veneerr wall ties. r PART2-PRoDUcrs I A. Acceptabl e lilanufacturer:I l. DuPont Construction Products2. Accepted substltute in accordance with Section 01600. I B. Description: DuPont Tyvek Housewrap or Typar Polyethylene reinforced 0lefin Fabric. I C. Joint Tape: As recomnended by the manufacturer. D. Fasteners: Staples I PART3-EXECUTIOI{ I 3.01 II{STALLATI0N I A. Install sheets horizontally in shingle fashion. Staple to rrood framlng. r Lap all joints as recoilmended by manufacturer and cut tight around all I Penetrations- B. Tape all joints and edges and around all penetrations to fonn a leakI frbe barrier.I I SECTI0N 07210 BUILDING II{SULATI0I{ I PARTl-GENERAL I 1.01 sullMARYI A. Section Includes:I l. Blanket Insulation as indicated.I 2. Acoustical insulation r PART2-PR0DUCTS t z.ol BLANKET rNsuLATroN I A. llanufacturers:r 1. owens-Corning2. Manville Corporation l| 3. CertainTeed Corp. I 4. Accepted substilute in accordance with Section 01600. T t t 7.7 Insulation: Fiberglass blankets. Thickness and R-Value: As indicated.2. llidth: As required to fit framing.3. Facing: Kraft faced4. Vapor Barrier: Six mil polyethylene sheeting. Sound Isolation Materials:1. Sound Attenuation Blankets: USG Thermafiber sound Attenuation Bl ankets.2. Acoustical Sealant: USG Acoustical Sealant at Bathrooms.3. Ductrork Penetrations Packing: Low dedsity fiberglass. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Blanket or Batt Insulation: Install insulation according to manufac- turer's recomendations. Fit tight to adioining wolk and adioining insulation to fom completely tight enclosure free from open ioints'. holes, cracks and voidi. Attach-insu'lation in place in manner insuring stability and to eliminate sagging.l. Vapoi Barrier: Completely-cover blanket insulation on warm side of exierior walls and ioof. Take care to protect vapor barrier from Puncture. Lap over framing and secure in place for leak free barrier with tape and adhesive at ioints2. Fill spaces betileen door and window frames and adjacent franing with unfaced batts. B. Sound Attenuation Blankets: Place in partitions tight within spaces' around cut openings, behind and around electrical and mechanical items within partitions and tight to items passing through partitions. 1. Ductwork Penetrationi: Provide ohe inch wide clearance around ductwork and pack with fiberglass ready for calking.2. All Bedroom ahd Bathroom l{alls: FUII thickness.3. Floors below and ceilings above all bedrooms and bathrooms: 6rr thickness, except not required in ceilings where roof assembly with blanket insulation occurs above. B. c. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I 7.8 I I I sEcTtoN 07240 EXTERIOR INSULAIION AND FINISH SYSTEMS (EIFS) I PARTr-GENERALr I.OI SUMMARY I A. Section Includes:l. Insulotion ond finish system os indicoted. I 2. Finish sysfem only oi concrete mosonry ond concrele.r ' B. Reloled Secfions: rt l. Gypsum Sheothing: Seclion 09253. ll 2. Colking: Section 07920 Joint Seolonls.I 1.02 SUBMITTALS I A. Product Doto: Submit in occordonce with Section 01330. Include monufoclurer's specificolions ond opplicolion inslruciions. il I B. Somples: Submit 2'x 2'somples ol eoch type of color ond texture for occeptonce in occordonce with Section 01330. Motch existing color ond lexiure. I r.o3 euALrTY AssuRANcEr r A. Applicotor Quolificolions: Foclory opproved ond lroined. II I.O4 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING I A. Generol: Comply wilh Section 01600. I l. Delivery: Deliver moteriols in originol unopened contoiners ond slore off ground ond unoer cover. r 2. Storoge: Slore ol femperoiures nol less ihon 40"F. ,l 3. Sioroge: Profect melol occessories from rusiing during sloroge.fr 4. Rusfed qnd woter domoged moleriols subjecl to rejection. I t.o5 pRoJEcT coNDtTtoNs I A. EnvironmentolRequirements: I l. Cold Weolher Prolection: I o. Do not opply moteriols to surfoces frozen or conioining frost. Do noi use frozen moleriols. b. lf ortificiol heot is used, locofe heoter io prevenl concentrolion of heol orrr fumes on finish surfoce.I c. Do nol opply if ombienl lemperoture is less thon 40'F. Moinloin this I Llffiiii:..f3trours prior to opplicotion, durins qpplicotion, ond ror 24 hours I d. Provide iemporory heol ond enclosure if necessory. r SMA 25016 0724o-l t I 2- Hot Weolher Profeclion: Protect ogoinsl uneven or excessive evoporolion during dry hot weofher ond lrom slrong blosls of dry oir, eilher nolurol or orlificiol. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2,OI SYNTHETIC STUCCO SYSTEM A. AcceptobleMonufqcturers:l. Dryvif Sysfems, Inc. (Dryvil) 2. El Rey Stucco Co., lnc. (lnsul-Flex/Permo-Flex) 3. Porex, Inc. 4. Pleko Systems lniernotionol lnc. (Pleko Therm) 5. Sto lnduslries, lnc. (STO) 6. Synergy (Senerflex) 7. TEC lncorporofed (Ful-O-Mite) 8. Accepted subsfilute in occordonce wifh Seclion 01600. B. Sysfem: Dryvil Outsulofion or equol of oiher occeptoble monufoclurer. 2.O2 MATERIALS A. Adhesive: DryvitPrimus/Adhesive. B. Insulolion Boord:l. Type: Exponded polystyrene. 2. Flome Spreqd: Less lhon 25. 3. Averoge Density: 1.0 lbs./cu. ft.4. Insuloiing Volue: K of 0.23 per inch.5. Thickness: As indicoled on drowings. 6. Insulofion Monufocturer: Approved by syslem monufoclurer. C. Reinforcing Mesh: Dryvit Stondord Reinforcing Mesh. D. Finish: Dryvit ocrylic bosed loctory mixed coofing with infegrol color ond lexfure to molch existing.. E. Cemenf: ASTM C 150-85 Porflond cemenf Type L F. Wofer: Cleor ond potoble. G. Melol Accessories: Golvonized, exponded mesh flonges,'1. Drip/Screed PARI3 - EXECUTION 3.OI EXAMINATION A. Verificolion of Condilions: Comply with Section 016@: |, Exisling Condilions: Exomine subslrofe before beginning inslollolion. I I I I I I I I N t I I I I I l t I I sMA 25016 07240-2 t I t t I 2. Notificotion: Nolify Generol Conlroclor of unsolisfoctory condilions in wriling Wth f copy lo Architect. r B. Acceptonce: Beginning of work meons occeplonce of exisfing condiiions by opplicolor. I 3.02 PREPARATION I A. Prolection: Provide dropes, drop clolhs ond other proleclion required to protecl I odjocent surfoces from domoge during finish operolions. 3.03 INSTALLATION.rIr A. Generol: Insfqll insulolion, reinforcing mesh, frim ond finish coot in occordonce wilh monuf ociurer's recommendotions. f B. lnsulolion: Insloll insulotion with odhesive in running bond with joinfs sloggered ond interlocked ol corners. Align edges fo produce flot surfoces. Let dry 24 hours. Sond high oreos lo produce flol surfoces. C. Bose Coot: Apply I / ,|6" coot of odhesive ond immediotely embed reinforcing mesh inlo wet odhesive ond smoolh surfoce unlil mesh is not visible. Lop mesh edges 2-l /2". Allow to dry 24 hours. D. Finish Coot: Apply with cleon sloinless frowel in continuous operolion wilhoul cold joinh in color ond texture to mqtch occepled somple.l. Form lo speciol shopes ond lines os indicoled. I 3.04 CLEANTNG A. Cleoning: Cleon odjocent surfoces sploltered wilh synlhetic plosler. END OF SECTION l t I sMA 25016 0724u3 I I l I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I t t T I I secrrox ozsrz wOsHnrr noorlre O PART 1 - GEIIERAL 1.01 SUI4HARY A. Section Includes:l. l'lood shake rooflng2. Related accessory materlals 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit catalog date for each item proposed for use. 1.03 QUALTTY ASSUMT{CE A. Regulatory Requirements: 1.- Fire:- t{odd rooflng shakes shall be fire for Class B fire rittng. Each bundle of type of shake and accessory attached. 1.04 I{ARRAI{TY A. l{arranty: Provide two (2) year written warranty coverlng materlals and installition in accordaricL wtttr Section 01700' 1.05 r.rAIl{TEt{At{CE A. Extra Materials: At completion of the work, deliver to the owner iepiicement striies in ttrb amount of 14 ot the total of each type of shake installed. PART 2 . Pf,ODUCTS 2.OL ROOFTIIG I,IATERIALS A. Cedar shakes: All roofing shakes shall be No. t hand split and resawn Red Cedar. Shakes shall be 24" lengths. Match existing. 1. Each bundle shall bear the label of the Red Cedar Shingle and Handsplit shake Bureau. Provide special 15" starters at eave line. All roofing shakes shall be pressure treated to meet UL 790 and shall have the equivalent of Class B fire rating. B. Interlayment: 30# roofing felt. C. Underlayment: 30# roofing felt minimum. 3.OI PREPARATTON A. General: Install rooflng shakes In accordance r1lth manufacturer's recqmendatfoii,'airC red-cedar shingle and handspllt shake bureau lnstructlons and guldellnes. B. Layout: Layout rooflng |n accordance with manufacturer's recomnendati ons. C. l{aterprcof l'lembrane: See Sectlon 07113' retardant pressure. treated shakes shall have UL label I 3.02 ROOF SHAKE APPLICATIOI{ A. Install shakes with maximum 10u weather as indicated on the drav{ings. Intenveave #30 roofing felt with each layer' B. Begin with doub'le starter course at eave line using specia'l starter Itritiis. nppii-inaiei wittr butts to the straigh! Jile startlng at-the eave llne. Staoie-strates into wood sheathir-lg-with two (2) only electro- gitvaniie6 stailii p"i-iningt". prive staples flush but do not'crush wood. C. Form hips as required using same weather as the field of the roof' Preforubd ridgei and hips acceptable' 0. t{o shakes less than 4' in width allowed' 3.04 CoilPLETIoll completion of project, replace warped or damaged shakes as directed the Architect. At by T I t t I I I I I I I I t I I T I I I I l-- SECTIOI{ 07600 FLASHII{G AND SHEET I'IETAL I I t t I t I t t I I PART I - GEIIERAL I .01 SUI"IMARY A. Sections Includes:1. Flashing and Counterflashing2. Roof edge flashing3. Sheet metal chimney caps and steel angle frame.4. Gutters and downspouts5. 0ther sheet metal-flashing related to the above, indicated on the drawings and not specified elsewhere. L.O2 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: Comply with following:1. oArchitectural Sheet l'letal ilanual,u 1993 edition, as published by Sheet f,letal and Air Conditloning Contractors National Association (sl-tAcltA).2. liationa'l Rooflng Contractors Association (lnCn; Roofing and tlaterlroofing llanual, 1985 Edition. 1.03 PROJECT COIIDITIONS A. Field l,leasurements: Before fabricating sheet metal, verify shapes and dimensions of surfaces to be covered. I.04 WARRANTY A. Warranty: Provide two year written warranty covering materials and installation for sheet metal in accordance with Section 01700.l. Include that system shall be watertight and weatherproof. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 SHEET METAL A. Match existins. 2.02 ACCESSORY }IATERIAL A. CIips or Cleats: Same material and gage as sheet metal being installed. B. Nails and Fasteners: Same metal as metal being installed or other non- comosive metal as recommended by sheet nanufacturer. lvlatch finish of exposed heads with material belng fastened. c- Solder: ASTM 832, l/2 lead, Llz tin. Use rosin for flux' t I I t I I PART 3 - qXECUTION 3.01 }JORIOIANSHIP A. Reference Standards: Comply with follorving:l. Unless indicated othehvr.se on drawings, workmanship and details- shall comply with NRCA Manual and SilACNA Architectural Sheet l'letal l4anual . B. Edges:l.- Edges: Hem all exposed edges, l/2' unless_othervise indicated. Z. Drips: Angle bottbm edges-of vertlcal surfaces to form drips. C. Joints: Make ioints watertight and allow for expanslon. 1. Reinforce iheet metal coiners as requlred.2. Reinforcement: Conceal within flnlshed assembly. D. Fastenings: Use concealed hook strips and fasteners. Exposed hook strips and fasteners not acceptable. E. Expansion and Contraction:1.' provide for thermal expansion and contractfon and building moveilent in cornpleted work.2. l,lake witertight and weathertight throughout. 3. Unless otherwise indicated, provide expansion ioints at maximum of 20 feet and not more than 4 feet from corners. Seal ioints with sealant in accordance with Section 07900. 3,02 SHEET METAL A. Flashing and Counterflashing: As detrailed. Lock and solder joints and hem exposed edges. B. Chimney Caps: Match existing. :.1 C. Gutters and Downspouts: Match existing. SECTIOI{ O79OO JOINT SEALERS PART 1 - GEIIERAL 1.01 SUBI4ITTALS A. Sanples: Submit for color selection in accordance with Section 0f300. 1.02 PROJECT CONDITIOI'IS A. Environmental Conditions: Do not apply exterior sealants when temperature is below 40"F. 7.r0 I .r PART2-PR0oUCTS II 2.01 MATERIALS f A. Acceptabl e l'lanufacturers:I 1. DAP Inc.2. Parr Inc.I 3. Pecora Corp. I 4. Sonneborn Building Products'- 5. Tremco l,lanufacturing Co.6. ll.R. Grace and Co. I 7. tlameco Internationall 8. Dow Corning9. General Electric| 10. APproved Substitute -B. Types:I 1.- Exterior: Two component Polyurethane I 2. Around Sinks and Lavatories: Siliconer 3. Interlor: Latex Acrylic I C. Colors: Selected from standards by Architect. I r D. Accessories: Provide joint backing and bond breaker as recommended by I manufacturer. PART 3 - IXECUTION I 3.01 PREPARATIoT{ J A. Clean and prirne joints as recomrended by manufacturer. II 3.02 II{STALLATION I A. General: Apply in accordance with manufacturer's reconunendations. I B. Joint Sealers: Apply in continuous bead without open ioints, voids or I air pockets. ConiinL to joints, remove excess. Leave joints slightly I recessed. . 3.03 SCHEDULE tf A. Locations:1. Door thresholds. I 2. Open Joints between dissimilar materials.t 3. Around lavatories and sinks,4. Exterior wall ioints.I 5. Joints at penelrations of walls, decks and floors by piping and I other service and equiPment.-6. Penetrations of exterior walls. i 7. 0ther ioints as indicated and required. I END OF DIVISION 7I I 7.TL I t I I I I I I T t I I I I I t I I I o DMSION 8 D00RS ANO }Jtl'lDOl'ls General Requirements: General Conditions, Supplementary.Conditions and Division 1'- General Requirements apply to work of this division. sEcTIoN 08210 t.|00D D00RS PART 1 - GTIIERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section lncludes: 1. lnterior Paneled Wood Doors 2. Exterior Plank Wood Entrance Door B. Section does not include Elevator Entrance Doors: See Interior Finish Package. I.O2 REFEREIICES A. Reference Standards: Comply with the following:l. Architectural Woodwork Quality Standards, Guide Specifications and Quality Certification Program, Sixth Edition, as published by the Architectural Woodwork Institute.a. Comply with premium grade requirements. 1.03 SUBT,IITTALS A. Shop Drawings: Submit in accordahce with Section 01300. Indicate location, size, elevation, details of construction, hardware bl ocking,fire rating, factory preparatjon requirenents fon each door type. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.0L PANELED D00RS (Match exisring) 2.02 PLANK D00R - Exterior Front Entry A. Description: Custom manufactured solid stock doors with vertical plank pineisi-siiie and rait or true plank as indicated. Premachined for hardware.1. Species: As selected by Interior-Designer.2. G'rade: Ah,I Premium Grade rules with Character grade wood 8.1 3. l'loisture Content: 10% maximum.4. Planks: Uniform widths as indicated. Random matched.5. Finish: As selected. 2.03 FACTORY PREFITTII{G A}ID PRE}IACHINII{G A. Doors: Prefit and premachine doors at factory.l. Take accurate field measurements of hardware mortised in wood frames to verify dimensions and allgnment before proceeding l{ith machining in factory.2. Machine d-oors for hardware requiring cutting.of doors' 3. Comply l{lth accepted hardware'schedules and door frame shop drawings with'hardwire teirplates to ensure proper fit of doors and hardware. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 PREPARATIOI{ A. Conditioning: condition doors to average humidity in insta'llation area prior to hanging. B. prefitting: prefit doors to frames and machine for hardware to whatever extent no[ previously worked at factory as required for proper fit and uniform clearance at each edge. 3.02 I]ISTALLATION A. General: Install doors in accordance with manufacturer's recomilen- dati ons. B. Hanging: 1. -Afier sizinq doors, fit for hardware as scheduled. Before in- stallation 6t hardware, brush apply an exterior seal coat to iob site cut surfaces. Usi sealer ibcolrnended by door manufacturer. Z. iang Ooors to be free of binding with hardware functioning properly. 3.03 ADJUSTING AND PROTECTION A. Adjustment: At conrpletlon of iob, adiust doors and hardware as required and leave in proper operating condltion. I I I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I t RDA 97004 8,2 -bv SECTION 08611 METAL CLAD }IOOD !{INDOWS I PART 1 - GENERAL I l.or suBr,,rITTALsI A. Shop Drawings: Submit In accordance with Section 01300 I I.O2 DELIVERY, STORAGE AI{D HAI{DLING I A. oelivery: Schedule delivery to coincide with glazlng schedules so that I minimum handling of crates is requlred. Do not open crates except as- requlred for inspection for shipping damage. I PART 2 - PRODUCTS I z.ot MANUFAcTURED t'tErAL cLAD lt000 ttINDoHsr A. Acceptable l4anufacturers: I 1. Match existing. I I B. Fixed and 0perable |rtood I'lindows: I ki'ln-dried iine; types as indicated on Drawings' 1."'Fii;A; 'riui oiiioed lites where indicated wi!h- glazing bars' - 2. Casement: 0Perable. I 5: tll ll;ll:e'windows: Provide manufacturer's standard wire scFeens I c. Finish:I 1. Exterior: A'l uminum clad, to match existing. 2, Interior: Match existing.r Il! D. Casement Unit Hardware: Roto operator,. hinges, sash guides and uracieis. Finish as selected. 'Egress hardware as required by I code. t. Weatherstrip: Manufacturer's standard' I F. Glazing: Factory preglazed with clear insulating glass, altitude adiusted, Low E. t G. Accessories: provide necessary hardware, anchors and. related items. I PART3-EXECUTI0N I 3.01 ExAMINATIoN I A. Verification of Conditions: Before installation, verify that openings I iie ptumb and square and of proper dimension. Report frame defects or uniuliiUie-lonoiiions to ttre' Geheral contractor before proceeding. II r 8'3 I B. Acceptance: condi tions. 3.02 INSTALTATION o Begl nnlng of Installation means acceptance of existing AI{D ADJUSTMEI{T A. General: Install windows according to manufacturer's lnstrtctlons and reviewed shop drawings. Adjust operable sash to work freely with all hardware functioning properly. Re-adjust at completlon of the Job lf directed by the Architect. 3.03 PR0IICTI0tl A. Cover windows during spray paintlng or other construction operations that might cause danage. 3.04 CLEANING A. Leave windows in a job clean condition. Final cleaning of glass will be done under Sections 01710. SECTION 08710 DOOR HARDWARE PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUI'iMARY A. Section Includes:1. Door Hardware I.O2 SUBMITTALS A. Hardware Schedule:1. ltithin 20 days after receipt of order for finish hardware'-prepare iomptete schldule and submit in accordance with Section 01300. Z. Do hot order hardware until accepted copy of schedule is returned to supplier bearing stanps of Contractor and Architect' 3. Intiude catalog-cut o? each different hardware item on hardware schedu'le.4. Schedule: Indicate following details: 0oor Numbers Frane l'laterials Location Hand of Door Size and Thickness of Door Degree of 0pening Door l,laterial Type of Attachment As well as any other pertinent infonnation-regarding door and quality and type of hardware to be furnished. B. Te-rnplates: }tithin 10 days after.receipt-of accepted hardware schedule' subirlt four sets of templates and schedu'les to: 1. tlood door and frame suPPlier. I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I8.4 I I I I I I I t I I I I I I I I I T I PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 GENERAL I'IATERIAL REQUIREIiIEIITS A. Fasteners: Furnish necessary screws and bolts for proper installation. Provide suitable sizes, type and finish to harmonize with hardware. 2.02 DOOR HARDWARE GROUPS A. See Interior Finish Package. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Fastening: Furnish items of hardware with attachnent screws, bolts, nuts, eti. as required to attach hardware to type of material involved and with finish to natch adiacent hardware.1. l,lake attachments to metal by template machine screws. B. lleatherstripping and Thresholds:t. Weather'siriiping: Run full height of both iambs and full width of head.2. Thresholds and Door Bottoms: Run full width of opening. Install thresholds set in sealant under Section 07900. C. Mounting Heights (Unless Qthendise Indicated): Dimensions given are from floor to center line of hardware item.t. Door Knobs: standard - 38 Inches or at center rack of panel doors. 3.02 PROTECTIOI{ A. Painting: Do not install door bottoms and wall stops-until after painting is complete. Loosen locksets prior to painting and reti.ghten itter pitnttng is complete. Mask hardware or othenvise protect during painting operation. 3.03 ADJUSTI'IEI{T A. Adjusting by Hardware Manufacturer's Representative: ,Prior to final inipecti6n, inspect and adiust door closers, locks and items requiring clo'se adiustment and regulation and check keying. 3.04 HARDWARE SCHEDULE See attached schedule 8.5 PART 2.0t A. SECTION O88OO GLAZING PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SUili|ARY A. Section Includes:1. lili rrors 2 . PROOUCTS }IIRRORS l,limors: 1/4 inch thickness pollshed plate' nirror glazing quality wlth polished edges.i. Slzes: As indicated on Drawings.i. ld[esive: palmer Qwik-Set ilirio-llastic or approved substitute. steam shower Door: Safety glazing with custom etched/obscure privacy area' See Allowances, Section 01210' PART3_E XECUTION 3.01 MIRRORS A. Mirrors: Installwith adhesive' End of Division 8 t I I t I I I I T I I I I I I I t I I B. 8.6 I t OIVISION 9 FINISHES I General Requirements: General Conditions, Supplementary.Conditions and I Division I'- General Requirements appty to work of this djvision. I sEcTIoN 09250 cYPsuM B0ARD PART 1 - GENERAL I 1.01 SUBMITTALS r A. Sample: submit 2' x 4' sample of textures for approval before starting | finishing work. Match existing finish, except at elevator entrance walls and doors. See lnterior Finish Package' I 1.02 PRoJECT CoNDTTT0NS r A. During gypsum board application and finishing, qll_ntjtin temperatures I withii [hb Uuitding within the range of 55" to 70" F. Provide adequater ventilation to carry off excess moisture. I PART2-PRoDUcTsI 2.01 MATERIALS I A. $vlsum Board: 1. Match existingZ, Moisture ResistanT: USG l,l/R. Use at all bath walls not tiled. I 3. Cementitious: llonderboard'or USG Durock. Use behind all tile, atr bathtub and shower surrounds and walls and ceiling of shower encl osure.rI B. Accessories:1. Trim: Mateh existing.I 2. Fasteners: Drywall nails or screws.I C. Joint Treatment: USG Perf-A-Type/Durabond Systen or equal' t PART3-EXECUTIoTI I 3.01 INSPECTIoN I A. Inspection: Inspect framing to receive drywall. Report any unsatis- factory conditions to the General Contractor.l, I 8. Acceptance: Beginning of work means acceptance of framing. ql I T I 3.02 INSTALLATION A. General: Apply and finish in accordance with Gypsum Association GA 216. B. Sound Insulation: Install in all bedroorn and bathroom partitions and in ilain Level floor assembly. Fit tight to adjoining work and adioining insulation for a tfght e-nclosure fiee from open joints, cracks and voi ds. c. Layout: Apply wall panels vertically full.height. Apply ceiling panels in-as long'ie-ngths ab practical to keep ioints to a mininum' D. Fasteners: Appty boards to wood framing with screws' E. liloisture Resistant: Apply U/R sealant to cut edges and fasteners heads. F. Cementitious Eoard: Apply to wood studs and tape ioints as recmrnended' G. Cut Holes: Holes for electrical devices, pipes, etc. shall not exceed size of "oter piite-or-eicutcheon. -nepair'oversize.hole with new panel of gypsum Ooari; spackle filling will not be pernitted' H. Trin: Apply at corners, where drywall abuts dissimilar materials and as i ndi cated. I. Acoustical sealant: Apply at all edges and_penitrations of,gypsum board at bathroom walls and iralis between l,laster Bedrooms and Living Rooms onti. ftreie walls shall also contain sound insulation. See Section 072t0. J, Finlshing: Finish ioints and fastener dimples as recommended by manufacturer. K. Priming: Gypsum board shall be primed under section 09900. I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I SECTION O93OO TILE PART 1 - GENERAL _1 .01 SUI.|MARY A. Section lncludes: lnstallation only: 1. See lnterior Finish Package. B. Work by Owner: 1. All tile will be provided by Owner for instaltation by the General Contractor. 9.2 I I 1.02 REFERENCTS ,- A. Reference Standards: Comply with the following standards: I 1. Instal lation SPecifications:I AilSI A108.14-1992: Installation of Ceramic Tile in the Wet-Set l,tethod with Portland Cement llortar I ANSI A103.5-1992 Ceramic Tile Installed with Dry-Set Portland I Cement Mortar or Latex-Portland Cement Mortar ANSI A108.10-1992 Installation of Grout in Tilework r 2. l4aterial Specifications: I ANSI All8.i-tSSZ Ory-Set Portland cement llortar Al{SI A118.4-1992 Latex-Portland Cement l'lortart 3. tTil tlli;fi'3?'*""f1#li.l'li.li?"'t 1995 Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation- I 1.03 SUBilITTALSrA. Product Data: Submit catalog data for all setting, grouting and I miscellaneous materia'ls in accordance with Section 01300. I B. Samples: Submit complete samples of. tile qnd gIgI! to Architect for colbr verification ih accordance with Section 01300. I 1.04 l.tAIilTEltANCE I A. ilaintenance l,laterials: Provide the 0r.rner at completion of the iob 38 of I each size and color used. - PART2-PR0DUCTS - z.oL TILE I A. Tile: see Interior Flnish Package Specifications.a B. Accessory Pieces: Provide bullnose tile pieces at all outside corners or exposed edges, or as detailed.I 2.02 SETTING AIID GROUTING I'IATERIALS I A. Acceptable llanufacturers: a r b;.a+{ lr /Urrdrrannan.}l. Bostlk/Hydroment.2. C-CureChemlcal Co., Inc. I 3. Custon Eullding ProductsI 4. Laticrete International, Inc.5. Approved Substitute I B. portland Cement Mortar: 1:3 Portland cement/sand gauged with C-Cure' Latex Adnlx or approved substitute. illx as reco,mended by manufacturer. Bond Coat: l{eat'itortland ceilent gauged with C-Cure Crete or approvedI substitute.t t I 9.3 A. B. 2.04 A. PART 3.01 A. C. Latex-Portland Cement Mortar (Thin-Set): ANSI 118.4; C-Cure Crete and C-Cure Crete Powder. D. Grout: C-Cure l'l-P Grout. I'lix as recommended by manufacturer. Color as selected by Interior Designer. 2.03 EXPANSIOII JOIIIT SEALANT Floors: Two component self-leveling sealant complying with Fs TT-s- 00227E. Color to match floor grout. I'lal I s; Si I icone to match grout. MISCELLA}IEOUS MATERIALS Troweled on l,laterproofing System: C-Cure Ultra Cure waterproof membrane with flashing unit. 3 - EXECUTION PREPARATIOI{ cleaning: clean concrete base slab to receive thin set tile to renove Auii, Oirt and loose material. Remove curing.compounds and sealers and test for absorption using -water or acid methods' T I t t I I I B. Waterproofing: Trowel apply waterlroofing on shower floors to receive iiii iccorAing to-minutiliuier's w'ritten data sheets. Extend minimum of O;'up-wiiii UEtrinC *iil finish. Reinforce all corners, Joints and penetrations with flashing unlt. 3.02 II{STALLATION A. Tile Floors - Thin set Installation 0n concrete slabs on Grade: initaii, giout,"iiein, pioiect and cure in conformance with TCA Handbook NettroC Ffif ani mrii AtbA.S using latex-Portland cement mortar' Slab-jniii le free of curing compound-or other contaninates before proceedlng. B. Tlle Floors - Thin set Installation on Plywood-Floor sheathing: .. ..iniiafi, grout;'ciein, piotect and cure l-n conformance rlth TCA Handbook ttettroO Ftqf ani nffii Atbg.S uslng Latex-Portland Cement llortar and-lii6i:plidianO Cement Grout recotnended by the manufacturer for this purpose. c. Tile Floors - Portland cement llortar Bed Installation: Install. gryIt, ciein, protect'iira iure in Confonrance with TCA Handbook llethod F111 or FllZ inh AttSI Ai68.i. tnitatl tlle reinforcing mesh in mortar bed. D. Uall Tlle and Base - Installat'lon 0ver Gypsum Board: Install wall tile iiiing tfri itrin-iet method. Install, grygt, qlgllr protect and cure in conf6rmance with TCA Handbook l,lethod [Zql anO AiISI A108.5 uslng latex I I I I I I I I t t I t 9.4 tile using the thln set method. Install, grout, clean, protect and cure I in conformance with TCA Handbook Method H244 and ANSI A108.5 using t latex-Portland cement mortar. - F. Ceranic Tile Showers: Install, grout, clean, protect in conformance I with TCA Handbook l,lethod 8415 in coniunction with Method M.44. 3.03 EXPANSIOII AND CONTROL JOII{TSII A. General: Comply wlth all requirements of TCA Handbook Method EJ17l. | 3.04 cLEAnIlrc ANo sEALIrc A. Just orior to occuDancy of the building, clean unglazed ceramic tile I with'sulfanlc acld'and flush with clean water. llhen tile and ioints are I completely clean of cement, scum and dirt, apply_manufacturer approved seaier to floors only. 0o not apply sealer to floors in shov{ers or I other wet aFeas. I B. Apply sealer according to manufacturer's recottmendations-in sufficient cbhti to produce an eien glaze over entire floor area. Exercise care to I avoid damige to adioining-surfaces.a C. Clean all other floor and $all tile according to tile manufacturer's t Portland cement nortar.I E. t{all Tile and Base - Installation 0ver Cementitious Board: Install wall I reconmendati ons. I sEcrIoN 09600 sToNE FLooRTNGI PART 1 - GENERAL I 1.01 sur0.tARY I A. Section Includes: I 1. Interior Stone Flooring I.02 REFEREIICES I A. Unless othenrlse indicated, comply with all applicable requirements of Laticrete Data :Sheet 240.L. I I 1.03 SUEI|TTTALS I A. Sarnples: Subnit samples of flooring proposed for use showing extrene I varlations in color and texture. B. Product Data: Subnit product data on all setting, grouting and cleaning materi al s.I I I 9.5 1.04 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Contractor Qualifications: Flooring subcontractor must have at least five (5) years experience in the 'installation of stone flooring proj ects . 1.05 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. Inspect flooring units upon delivery to insure color.match with the appi^oved samplei and handle carefully to avoid-chipping^and breakage. Sibre on paliets or concrete slab until ready for use. Cover and Protect against wbtting prior to use, allowing air circulation under stacked units. I I I T I I I I I I I I t I T I 8. Store cementitious rnaterials off the ground and under cover. admixtures in orlginal unopened containers. Protect liquid from freezing. 1.06 PROJECT COI{DITIONS A. Environmental Requirements: Follow procedures for cold and protection specified in Section 04200 Unit ilasonry. B. Protection of Completed Work from Physical Damage:1. Protect all fiooring after setting by suitab'le coverlng.Z. Replace any work showing damage or disfiguration durl!g the progress ..of'work in its entirety: ilo patching or hiding of defects will be penni tted. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI STONE FLOORIIIG UI{ITS ANO ACCESSORIES A. l,laterial: Colorado Buff Sandstone Fieldstone ln accor{ance with Interior Finishes l,lanual. 1. Size: Random, ungauged. 2.02 |,{ORTAR All0 GROUT A. Portland Cement l,lortar Bed Installation: Install grout, clean, Protect, and cure in conformance with TCA Handbook f,lethod F111 or Fll2 and NSI A108.1. tnstall tile reinforcing mesh in mortar beq. B. Grout: Laticrete Ory Bond Grout and Joint Filler or aPpnoved equal gauged with Laticrete t3701 Grout and l4ortar Admix. Color as selected by Architect. C. tlixing proportions and procedures shall be in strict accordance xith recormendations of Laticrete Data Sheet 240.t. 2.03 CLEAI'IER A. Laticrete TC-500 Store admixtures hot weather I I I9.6 t I I I l I I I I PART 3 3.01 A. 3.02 A. - EXECUTION PREPARATIOI{ Underl ayment: INSTALLATIOI{ Install as recormended by nanufacturer' T I SECTION 09680 CARPET AND PAD PART 1 - GENERAL I.O1 SUMMARY A. Section Includes: Installation only: 1. See Interior Finish Package. B. Work by Owner: Thick Bed Installation: Install flooring according- to-thick bed-setting miterials and methoOi'ipeiiiied in Laticiete Data Sheet 240.1. Back nutier each unit netore'seiiing. hstall in patterns indicated vlth 1/4" joints between units. 3.03 GROUTING ANO CLEAIIII{G A. Grouting:i.--eioit ioints as soon as init.lal set or setting bed ls achieved. c;oua i;i;ii i[aii-ii"-pumfeo full usins srout sun or polntins sun and struck flush.Z. Cure grout 6i-miintuintng in damp condition for seven (7) days. 8. Cleaning: Remove grout haze with grout and tile cleaner applied and removed-as recomnended by the manufacturer. 1. All carpet and paid will be provided by Owner for installation by the General Contractor. 1.02 SUBI,|ITTALS A. Samples: Submit full range of .!2n x 12n minimum size sanples of each carilet type for (hmer's selection or verification' 8. Searning Oiagram: Before starting installation, !!!qlt a'layout indicating ill seams in accordanie with section 01300. C. Installation Instructions: Before beginning installation, submit minufacturer's written recoarnended installation procedures for particular carpet and pad and installation conditions' PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI I.IATERIALS A. Carpet and Pad: See Interior Finish Package' I I T I I I I t 9.7 PART 3 . EXECUTIOP 3.01 IIISTALLATION I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I A. Layout: Lay out sheet goods so that wherever.possible' seams are eiiminatea ir netc to a-nlnimum ln high traffic areas. B.General:Installcarpetandpadinaccordancewlthmanufacturer.s recomrendations. Uniilisiiitbry installation resulting from work ffi6d;A-;niln' r s-riol-in iiioriance with the manufacturer's recoNn- nendations shail 5."iie'ieiponsilittty of the carpet.installer and may_ result in the rem6uui"inU-i!-taying o? carpet and'pad at the expense of the installer. particular attention should be paid to recofimendations ioi apptication oi floor pad, carpet and seaming' C. Seams: Eutt carpet material tightly together for seams without gaps. D. Edging: Install carpet edging at all exposed carpet e{ges. Locate unier-doors where ca'rpet slopi in door oilenings' Provide wood thresho'lds where required or-indicated on the Drawings' 3.02 CLEANIIIG A. After installation is complete, clean up dlrt.and.debris and clean Ciipet 6i ipois witn cleairing igents relonunended by the manufacturer. nembve toosb ttrreadi with shirp-scissors then clean with vacuum cleaner. B. Remove rubbish, wrapping paper' salvages, etc. from the iob site' 3.03 EXTRA STOCK A. l4aintenance l,laterials: Provide Onner with all usable carpet scrap over four feet square. I I SECTIO]I O99OO PAINTING PART 1 - GENERAL I. O1 SUI,IMARY A. Section Includes:1. Stain all exterior2. Paint or stain all surfaces not specifical ly excluded. interior surfales not speclfically excluded. B. Exclusions: In addition to material obviously not requiring paint such as glass, floor, tile, etc. do-not paint or-finlsh: i. -Surfices iniicatei by the finish schedule to reilain unfinished. 2. Factory finished surfaces. r.02 SUBT,IITTALS A. Color Sched,rf", ff'r" lnterior Designer will provide a coloi schedule in four copies to the Contractor listing paint colors selected. Color selestion will be made from color systems of recognized paint company. lf materials of other manufacturers are used, colors must match those selected. Wood ' stain colors will vary from house to house. 9.8 I I I I I I I t I I I I I t I I I I I B. Paint and Stain Sanples: Prepare and submit paint and stain samples forall types of paint and stains required for prbject. Make samptei;; '-' actuat substrate materials, full scale sections. Remake sampies untilaccepted. C. Material List: Immediately after award of the contract submit a letter listing the brand and quality of each different material for use on the projeci. Haterials lis-t shall be accepted by the Interior Designer before ordering materials. I.03 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Existing Conditions: Spaces must be clean before finishing is started. Do not iinish rooms or lpaces where rubbish has accumulated or while rubbish is being renoved. Finishing will not be allowed in dusty rooms. 0o not remove ribnish while finish is fresh. Surfaces to which finish is to be applied shall be dry and clean. B. Environmental Requirements: Do not finish outside surfaces in extreme cold, frosty, fodgy, or damp weather. In winter weather, finish on'ly when the teirperaiuii is 50o'F or over and surfaces are absolutely dry. Exterior paiirting shall not be allowed while dust is blowing. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI MTERIALS A. Acceptable ilanufacturers: The best qgql!ty materials as manufactured by any bf the following manufacturers will be acceptable:l. For Brush, Roller or SPraY work:a. Pittsburghb. Shernin-l,lilliamsc. OeVoe/ICId. Eenjamin Mooree. ICI f . Kel ley-l,looreg. }Jel lbornh. Sophir ilorrisi. Approved Substitute2. Interlbr Staln and Varnish: Shenrin-Williams Inc. or approved substi tute.3. Exterior Stain: 0kon or approved substitute B. Quality: All products not specified by name shall be "best gradeu or-dfirst-llne' pioducts or accbptable manufacturers. See Part 3 Execution for materlals'requlred for this proiect, lJhere possible. materials shall be of a slngle manufacturer' 9.9 PART 3 - EXECUTIOT{ 3. OI EXAI,III{ATION A. Verification of Conditions: Examine surfaces scheduled to receive paint and finishes for conditions that will adversely affect execution' Dermanence or quality of work and which cannot be put into an acceptable ionOition throdgh prlparatory work as included under Preparation.. _ neport unsatisfictbry'conditions to the General Contractor in writing with copy to the Architect. 8. Acceptance: Eeginning of application means acceptance of existing surfaces. 3.02 PREPARATION A. General:1. Sand finishes on wood and metal surfaces between coats to assure smoothness ind adhesion of subsequent coats. Use extra fine sindpaper to avoid cutting the edges when sanding. .ApplY putty or ailakiing compound after iurfaces-are primed and primer is dry. e'ring maleriai flush with adioining surfaces. Z. Surfices shall be perfectly dry, clean_and smooth before starting work. Fili cracks, holes -or chicks full and make smooth before finish is applied lo surfaces. Fill any cracks, etc., which occur after walls are sized. B. Interior l{ood Surfaces to be Painted: Touch-up sap and knots with an il;iilv;it ieii"". Fill voids with. Iead-free paste wood filler after primer is dry. C. Ferrous I'letal: Remove foreign material from unprimed metal with wire brush and dust clean. D. Shop Prlmed Metals: Touch-up shop primed.metal: 1vit! 3 ?tiT9l-ligi.latto the existing. Sand shop primer on hollow metal work irmediately befoie paintin! to remove grbase and dirt filn from surfaces. E. Zinc Coated getal (Galvanized Surfaces): ltash with mineral spirits and prime as specified. F. Interior Uood to be Stained: Pre-finished to match approved sampl-e. sand as required. Fill voids and nail holes after first coat ls_dry uiing-i fiiier iompattble wtth the finish systen and matching color. G. Protection: Furnish and lay drop cloths or mask off areas where finishing is being done to lrotelt floors and other work from danage during tfe execution of work. lJhere it becomes necossary to remove tanpoiary coverings place by others, !^epJagg.same in prgper manner. l. 'Remove oily rigs'and waite from the building every night. Do not allow to accumulate. T I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I t I I 9. 10 B. T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t H. Damage to lilork of 0thers: Be responsible for any damage done.to the work-of other trades, repairing slme to the satisfaction of the Architect. Replace iny materials damaged to such an extent that they cannot be restbred to their oniginal condition. 3.03 l,loRKl'tANsH I P A. Existing Surfaces: If the surfaces are not in proper shape. for paintin[, repair, rebui]d or refinish before proceeding-with the work. be iesp6nsiUie t6r any poor work caused by-improper surfaces. The ippii.ition of the fiisl coat does not relieve the responsibility for. thb base. Do not apply any coats on either damp or wet surfaces and in no case until the pibceding coat is dry and hard' B, Application: spread materials evenly without.runs or sagging of mhterials and thoroughly brush out. Sand work between coats. C. l{ood Doors: Finish the upper and lower edges of wood doors the same as the face. Do this work afier doors have been fitted and are ready for final hanging. 0. colors: Finish coat shall be color as selected by Architect. Tint primers to match finish coat.i. Interior Drywall: Qne color required per unit throughout ceilings and walls. E. Roller Application: Where paint or enamel is rolled on' use a fine nap roller sb'a nearly flat or brange peel texture is obtained' F. Exterior Wood to be Stained: Apply at rates recomnended by manufacturer. 3.04 COATING SYSTEI,I - IIITERIOR All Coating Systems listed below are to provide a standard of quality only. Systems selected and applied are to produce final result that matches existing. Minimum of the Following: A. ltoodwork and tlood Doors - Stained: Apply prepqation c91! 1l required' First Coat Sherwin-Uilliiins Wdod Classics Oil Stain Second Coat Lacquer Third Coat Lacquer Sand with No. 00 sandpaper between coats. lloodwork - Painted: First coat suitable Primer Second Coat Enamel Undercoat Third Coat Semi-Gloss Enamel Ferrous, Zinc Coated or Factory-Primed l'leta'ls - Painted: First C6at Suitabie Priner or Factory-Prime Coat Second Coat Enamel Undercoat Third Coat Semi-Gloss Enamel c. 9.11 D. Drywall - Painted: First Coat Suitable Primer Texturing under Section 09250 Second Coat Latex Enamel, Eggshell Third Coat Latex Enamel, Eggshell 3.05 COATING SYSTEM - EXTERIOR All Coating Systems listed below are to provide a standard of quality only. Systems selected and applied are to produce final result that matches existing. l.linimum of the Following: A. Ferrous iletals - Painted:First Coat Factory Prime Coat or Suitable Primer Second Coat Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enamel, Exterior Thlrd Coat Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enamel, Exterior B. Zinc Coated lletal (Galvanized) - Painted:First Coat Galvanized lron Primer Second Coat Alkyd Serni-Gloss Enamel, Exterior Thlrd Coat Alkyd Semi-Gloss Enamel, Exterior C. t{oott Siding, Soffits, Shutters, Railings and Trim-StainedFirst Coat Okon lJeatherpro Stain/Preservative Second Coat Okon Ueatherpro Stain/Preservative 3.06 ilISCELLANE0US REQUTREMEI{TS END OF DIVISION 9 9.L2 I I I I I t t A. Grilles, Registers and Louvers: Prime coated grilles, registers_and louvers, exiept those built permanently into masonry, will be delivered to this contrlctor by the paity furnishing same. They shall be sprgy palnted in colors as directed thoroughly covering all surfaces visible hfter installation and returned to the supplier for installation. After installation, do such touch up of screws and scuffed spots or repainting as required to. achieve a uniform paint job. B. 0bjects on Roof: Palnt all metal obJects on the roof includlng, but not llmlted to, roof drains, vents, etc. as speclfled under ferrous, zlnc coated netals. Do not paint copper. 3.07 CLEAII UP A. Final Clean-Up: At the completion of work, remove all surplus _materials, stlglng, rubbishi clean off all paint, vamish' stains from floors, glass,-walls, hardware; and leave the prsnises in clean condition. 3.08 EXTM SToCK A. txtra Palnt: At the completion of painting, deliver to the 0wner one full gallon of each paint color and'type used along with the color number or formula for each tyPe. I I I I I I T I I I I I I DIVISION 1O SPECIALTIES General Requirements: General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and I Division l'- General Requirements apply t6 woik of this-division.I I SECTI0N 10230 ltlETAL VENTSt PART 1 - GENERAL I 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:I 1. Conbustlon air louversI 2. Roof vents3. Attic vents I PART2-PRoDUCTS I 2.01 r,tETAL VE!|IS I A. Combustion Air Louvers:l. f.laterlal: Extruded aluminum with aluminum insect screen I 2. Blade Type: FixedI 3. Finish: Primed for finish paint I B. Roof Vents: Match existing. t C. Attic Ventss Match existing. I SECTIOII 10821 RESIDENTIAL BATH ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL I r.o1 suBr,rITTALsI A.ProductData:Submitlnaccordancewithsection01300. t PART 2 - PRODUCTS I 2.01 BATH ACCESSoRTES A. Accessories: I 1. See Interior Finish package. PART 3 - EXECUTIOI{ I 3.01 IIISTALLATIOI{ I A. Gendral: Securely install as indicated. Ensure pnoper blocking has t been installed. r 10.1 sEcTIol{ 10825 SH0}|ER EilCL0SURES PART I - GEI{ERAL 1.01 SUBI,IITTALS A. Shop Drarings and Product Data: Submit_product data for all shower enciosures.- Submit shop drawings for ali custom units. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 sHor,fER El{closuREs A. Shower Enclosures: See Interior Finishes ilanual B. Glass: clear, tempered safety glass with etched obscure privacy portion' 1. Master Showers: 3/8" thickness C. Finishes:1. Master Showers: As selected. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 IIISTALLATION Install according to manufacturer's instructions and approved shop drawings. AdJust to work freely with all hardware functioning properly. Readjust at completion of job if directed by Architect. El'rD 0F DMSI0I{ 10 I I I I I I I I I I I I Lo.z t I I I I I I I I I I T I I t t I I t I t I I I t I DIVISION 11 EQUIPMENT Ger{&?t Requirements: General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 - General Requirements apply to work of this division. SECTION 11460 STEAM SHOWER EQUIPMENT PART 1- GENEML 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section lncludes: 1. Steam shower equipment for master bath shower enclosure as indicated. B. Related Sections: 1. ElectricalHook-Up: Division 16 Electrical2. Plumbinq Hook-Up: Division 15 Mechanical 3. ShowerEnclosure: Section 10825. 4. Shower Pan Liner: Section 09315. 1.02 SUBMITTALS A. Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Include rough-in diagrams and manufacturer's installation instructions. 1.03 DELIVERY, STORAGE AND HANDLING A. General: Complywith Section 01600. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 STEAM GENERATORAND RELATED EQUIPMENT A. Generator: Mr. Steam Amerec AK Series steamer or equal by Amerec. Veriff voltage. Model No. as recommended by manufacturer. B. Controls: K60 Control. C. Accessories: Provide steam outlet head. Water feed, pressure relief valve, condensate drip pan and drain. Finish access panel for access to steam generator. Finishes as selected by Owner. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 EQUIPMENTINSTALLATION A. Install according to manufacturefs instructions. Contractor shall be responsible for design and installation of oomplete and funcfioning steam system including plumbing, electrical and control systems. Mount generator above ceiling outside steam room. Provide Yi cnpper water supply W copper air gap to drain and copper steam pipe. No galvanized pipe or fittings. No dips or traps in steam line. B. Final plumbing and electrical mnnections by mechanical and electrical contractors. END OF SECTION I I I t I I I I I I I I t I DIVISION 12 _ FURNISHINGP General Requirements: General Conditions, Supplementary Conditions and Division 1 - General Requirements appty to work of this division. SECTION 12300 MANUFACTURERED CASEWORK PART 1 _ GENERAL 1.01 SUMAMRY A. Section includes installation only. B. Work By Owner: 1. All manufactured casework at Master Bedroom, Den, and Powder Room will be provided by Owner for installation by General Contractor. PART 2 - products t z.o1 MANUFA.T,RERED 'ASEW'RK I A. See Interior Finishes Manual PART 3 - EXECUTION I 3.ol TNSTALT-AT'.N I I A. Install casework according to manufacturer's recommendations and AWI Custom Grade lnstallation Guidelines. END OF DIVISION 12 T t I I DIVISION 13 _ SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT 13174 HOT TUBS PARTl - GENERAL I 1.01 ',MMARY T I t A. Section lncludes: '1. Hot Tubs and all related equlpment specified under this Section. 2. Location: Rear patio, see drawings. B. Related Sections: 1. Water Supply and Drain Connections: Division 15 Mechanical. 2. Electrical Service and Connections: Division 16 Electrical. 102 SUBMITTALSIr A. Product Data:. Submit product data for all components as provided under Section 01300 Submittals. r B. Operation and Maintenance Data: Submit three (3) sets of operation and maintenance data including complete parts list and recommendations for proper I operation and maintenance. t 1.03 DELrvERy, sroRAGE AND HANDLTNG A. Delivery in original crates and store under cover. Protect from damage during I delivery, storage, installation and subsequent building operations. I PART2- PRODUCTSI 2.O1 HOT TUBS AND EQUIPMENT I A. Acceptable Manufacturers for Hot Tub: 1. Hot Spring Portable Spas I 2. Approved substitute. B. Acceptable Manufacturers for Support Equipment: I 1. Hot Spring Portable Spas I 2. Approved substitute. I 13174-1 I C. Hot Tubs - Total of one (1) required. Seating for 6. 1. Manufacturer and type: Hot Springs 2. Size: As selected by Owner. 3. Support Equipment: a. Effective Filter Area: 120 square foot, top loading, minirnum. b. Hydrojet Pumps: Manufacturels Standard c. Verify voltage; minimum 5 kw stainless steel, G.F.C.!. protected on all circuits, with subpanel. Accessories: As selected by Owner Color: As selected by Owner PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION A. Installer shall set Hot Tub, run all piping and make all connections. Mechanical Contractor shall provide water supply and drain connections. Electrical Contractor shall make final electrical connections. 3.02 DEMONSTRATION A. Hot Tub installer shall demonstrate proper use and maintenance of equipment for Onrner. END OF SECTION 4. 5. I t I I t I I I I t I I I I I I I I t 13174-2 I t I I I I I I t I I I I T I I T I I OIVISION 14 CONVEYING SYSTENS General Requirements: General Conditions, Supplementary.Conditions and Division 1'- General Requirements apply to work of this division. SECTION 14244 HYDMULIC RESIOTNTIAL ELEVATOR (ALTERNATE) PART I - GENERAL 1.01 SUMMARY A. Section Includes:1. Residential Elevator. 8. Related Sections:1. 0i vi si on 16 - E'lectri cal :a. Electrical connections.b. suitable connections from the power mains to each controller signalequipmentfeedersasrequired,.includingnecessaryciicuit drehkers and fused mainline disconnect switches. c. outlets at the machine room for lighting in the car. Electric powerforconstruction,testing.andadiusting'ofthesame bharacteristics as the permanent supply' 2. 0ther Sections:" a. Door Sill support Angles: Section 05500 l.letal Fabrications. b. Floor Finishi- Carpet under Section 09680' c. Divider Beams: Seltion 05120 Structural Steel' C. Elevator Alternate: See Section 01030. I.02 REFERENCES A. Reference Standards: Comply with:1. ANSI A17.1 Safety Code for Elevators.2. Americans t'lith Disabilities Act/Accessibility Guidelines 1.03 SYSTEM DESCRIPTION National Wheel-O-Vator Model "The Destiny" One (1) pre-engineered roped hydraulic Residential As indicated. 3 maximum As indicated. 22Ov,1phase, 60 cYcle Capacity 950lbs. Minimum Up Speed 36 feet per minute full load up Car Size 3'-0" x 4'-0" clear inside. Cab Design See car in Part 2 Door Operation Manual A. Description of SYstem: Number and Type Type Floors Served Travel Power SupplY RDA 97004 14.1 B. Comolete Installation: Provide a complete installation of electric oil- niOliuiic (eiectiicatly operated hydrhulic elevator using oil as the. iluio-rieoi,imj-etevaior. include the accessory items.listed.perfomed in a first-clasi inO workmanlike manner. Include materials and work as indlcated on Aiiwings and specified. l'lhere a device or part of the-- equipment ts reierilO to in the singular number, such,reference shall ippt' to as many such devices as ar6 required to complete the i nstal I ati on. 1.04 SUBMITTALS A. Shop Drawings and Product Data: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. Include:1. Hoistway drawings.2. Equlpment drawings.3. Eievator cab draiings and descriptive brochure' 4. Contro'l button 'locations. B. Color Selection Charts: Submit in accordance with Section 01300. 1.05 QUALITY ASSURAT{CE A. Regulatory Requirements: comply with l{ational Electrical code, and applicable state and local codes. 1.06 DELIVERY, STORAGE AT{D HANDLING Section 01600. The following work shall be performed under other enclosed, and including a Pit drains, llghts' and machine adequate for the lighting, ventilation and heat of-50" F minimun to 100" F maximum.2. AdCquate suDDorts and foundations to carry the loads of equipnent inciudlng sirirports for gulde rail brackets.3. iliiing 6t-iiltrors and ileeves. Pockets or blockouts for signal flxtures.4. Sill recesses and the grouting of door sills and holstway franes after installatlon. 1. A legal hoistray, properly framed and of pioper depth, provided with ladder' watbrpioofinb, as' required. Suitable elevator equlpnent, including floors' to malntain the room at a temperature Level i ng fmergency Lighting A. General: ConPly with 1.07 PROJECT CONDITIONS A. Existing Conditions: sections: T}{o-way Automatic emergency light and alarm system I t I t I t I I I T I I I t I I I I I RDA 97004 t4.2 I t I I T I I I I I t I I I I I I T I I .08 I.IARMNTY A. Provide one year written waffanty for material and installation in accordance with Section 01700. Make good any defects, not due to ordinary wear and tear or improper use, which may develop within the warranty period. 1.09 TiMPORARY USE DURING CONSTRUCTION A. Temporary Use: Should the General Contractor desire to use the service of ihe eievator during the period when work on the elevator is in progress or before final acleptance of the building, the General boniractor agrees to sign the'temporary acceptance form and be bound by the tenns and condjtions thereof. Also, the General Contractor agrees to provide, if required, temporary enclosures' guards or other protection-of hoiitway openihgs, necessary power signaling devices, iignts in the car, elevator operators and other work required to permit this temporary usage. B. Repairs: The General Contractor agrees_to.pay costs of maintenance of thb equipment during temporary use and further agrees that the complete elevaior'equipment iitt be relurned to the same condition of repair and maintenancd a! existed when the elevator was placed on temporary service. If reoairs or replacements are necessary to restore the apparatus to iti condition'at the time the General Contractor placed it ih'temporary service, the General Contractor agrees to permit this contractor to nake such repairs or replacements-and to pay the elevator contractor for this added dxpense at regular billing rates' PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.OI HYDRAULIC ELEVATOR A. AcceptableManufacturers: 1. National Wheel-O-Vator Co., Inc. by Thyssen Krupp Elevator. 2. Approved substitute in accordance with Section 01600. B. Car: Provide Level lll standard finish with accessories and options as selected by Interior Designer. PART 3 - TXECUTIOI{ 3.01 EXA}IINATION A. Verification of Conditions: Prior to beginning the installation of . elevator equipment, examine the following to verify that no irregu- larities eiisl thai would affect the quality of execution or work as speci fi ed:1. Hoistway size and Plumbness.2. Sill pockets and entry supports. RDA 97004 14.3 3. Stability of hoistwaY walls.4. Condition of elevator Pit. B. Acceptance: Beginning of installation means acceptance of existing condi ti ons . 3.02 PREPARATION A. The entire front wall of the hoistway shall be left open until entrances are installed. After elevator guide- rails are set and lined' the entrance frames jtratt le instalied'in perfect alignment with the guide rails. Finished walls shall then be completed. 3.03 II{STALLATIO]I A. General: Install according to manufacturer's instructiOns, reference standa;"ds and approved shop drawings. B. Wiring Piping and Oil: Furnish and install necessary wiring ilt llte hoistiay in iccorOance with the NEC' to connect the operating.buttons- and swiiches to ttre control board in the power unit. All wiring shall be done in rigid Conduit or electrical metallic tubing except-to moving ippiiiius wtriitr stratl be connected by short lengths of flexible conduit. provide n"."rtiry pipe and fittings io connect the power to the iack unit and oil..oi itrb irroper grade.- Protect underground conduit and piping against corrosion. c. Painting: Properly paint exposed metal work furnished under this section except as bthertise !pecified after installation' 3.04 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL A. Running Test: In addition to the other requirements,.inspections' tests and refredies herein Orovided upon completion of the elevator installation anO Oefbre final inspection make, in the presence of the Architect, a running speed test with full maximum load on the elevator car to Oeiermine wtr6ttrbr the elevator equipment as installed meets the ipeeO, iapacity and other requirements df the specificatlons. B. Replacement: In the event-the equipment does not.meet requirggl!:_,ol-. thb specifications, prornptly remove from-the premises.tJorl( conoemneo Dy the Architect ai iiiilng'to confonu to the spbcificatiols-r a4 promptly reptace and re-execute iork in accordance with the_speciflcations' wittroui eipense-to ihe Owner. Bear expense of makinb ggod work of other contractor; destroyed or damaged by suLh removal or replacenent. 3.05 COMPLETIOII SERVICES A. 0perating Test Report: Submit written report of required operatlons test at completion of the project. T I I I I I I I I I I I t t I t I I I RDA 97004 14.4 I I I I I T I t I r I t t I I il T t t B. Operating and Maintenance Data: Provide in accordance with Section 01700. C. Maintenance Agreement: Submit the required maintenance agreement at completion of the proiect. 3.06 MAINTENANCT AND SERVICE A. service: Provide maintenance and call-back service of elevaton eguipnent for a period of 12 months after Date of Acceptance of. total proiAct by gnner. Include regular exanination of installation by lomietent-and trained employees; and include necessary adjustments' grehsing, oiling, cleanihg,-supplies and parts to.keep the equipment in 6ood op6iation,-6xcept suin paits made necessary by misuse, accidents or negligbnce not causeil by thii contractor. Provide 24 hour ernergency cait Sasic service. Usb on'ly orig1nal nanufacturer's parts for repl acements. END OF DIVISION 14 RDA 97004 14. 5 INTERIOR FINISH PACKAGE JUDY ROBINS INTERIORS, INC. 7165 fnsf Ai"rn]ed,l Av{inJe Denvef . Ccrlrrr;ldo 80109 fi)/ | t /-?Aa', FD< 303/722'7 879 FUTERNICK RESIDENCE Morris & Mkki Futemick 930 Fairway Drive Vail. CO 81557 Job # 25021.00 INTERIOR DESIGNDR Judy Robins Judy Robins Interiors 2165 E. Alameda Ave. Denver, CO 80209 303-777-t485 phone 303-722-7t79 fax kermvrolin@aol.coo Assistaot Designer Lori Cazier i,JC Interiors 6661 S. Wellington Ct. Littleton, CO t0121 303-347-1454 phorc 303-794-797tfax licazier@rnsn.com , t l t t I t I 1 I g, o,lrl(,(J =trlz F- OLo2:f 5 @l fo. =ooEoz = trlo tt I I I I T t I I t T I I I l I :Eou, - ga I t I t I I I I I I t I I I I T I I t oo bl-oas a *i *tB;{tzS -r qH{ [ $$fr+- H5r$Du ts,;M=[i:o-MF-'ne--7a t? J x 18riql H6(3r?ofi',:- I IE€t e71:r f.looN llvf <$oE Rr'@.@ f AFi$ J'( 0 os{ 7,"o 3nO*ix @l l9 Fi*ul J*g F= f,HIotA ld a ra$ixi $rdu,3 hHeK $ ;(Z+:oJ.-)ft 1* >'i F- o/4,ultti3 F $$ 6Fr $*a$xRP ,ggl5rlg xa*9g9irl:-jo + F q$ f-rt G'rtl I .L I T I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I \t' dr CIF QS d o Aoo 7 \-tr0l -(flv \J lt tl lr -h r p oo 1 ts lf ll I rl -rdJl$ JE ll ll ll il tl rl tlf-n I I I I I t I I o{o t Agi HsrgDV Z a $E'E E 'g?, Hni; T s; --L6 ,-ii3>\)Yz ul 9 -r rI -Jnl t I I t l I I I @l g $ $E E:H d $ K E it $ $ilz -...ox b'{m ;f;r*g 1 =L.uh 7<)OZ I956u,n rl$fA J ffi- tfit I +l ftl I-ll n[ i+l titl=llnl+l tl -J-L ?q F 1lpJ t9 LtIY lru f;et I I I t t I I t t I I I t t@ I I I t I \ J.l{ ] o{,o I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I t t I t c 8(, lllot .EJ o6c 8 o|, o {,ct ql J =clult(,o oot@ 655oo6ooo EgEJ;rric, ct t\ait cl Fae6 tu 2 soJJ I I r I l I I I I @ -=-b*-=$*C=PS I t t I I il 'lnryo >ooq AazM OAZanalUlT .-.5 ;*F ',i a,a*s { {)-''s Ti:'. \"4i. 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E3(,(l, =() op geg o o Eos of ooos o CL o q c,1 I l I l zIFo. Eoo UTo oth -gooc,Eo(ll at, oo6; @c -5 E Eo e o .P o. (o xg |Il q, x ' id .N(t) I I t- H :E Et- E +t =ulb Es(T s (9lo >tul ooF tuozuloaultrxozEul flt o 6l G| NectNq, Eoot trotuIFxul e tr UI c:o =o> t,oo ILozooUIo trog oo .96It E,oc C) I @ I Lmtern Heiglt vs. Overall Heiglt I I t I I rmo O.lf l|ddh udF Whcn ordering, flcase bt srne to considcr the difirrcncc betwecn lanttm heiglt and overall h"igtr W wmt to m.kc scYm sdccr tha corrtct hntrn sizc for fie spaoe it will ocot- py If you bave que*ions about lsnterns size plensc call ow cusromcr scrvice deparment. E&$s-Afi! Pt tvtudi Logr C-rvdArmtfrdl x@r(trrmtti.tr}) D6dlpdon Modd Nunbtf, Rmf urth tlntcrtr H.igbt orrtrrll ttdgh Projccdor Moutrrbt ndc li]hrl|ge Whll Mount m-tt|tlAlz -.>Er-5311-Al2rZ. - -rrr e rrr CwvedAn Ef-tl6Alr Er_t313.a12. E-5J15-AUli ll-u8'9l r+v+u- t&5/8' 15- 27-ll8- 4-.3r'{'w r 7-h Yl50 wari +lttt-w t7'h l/150 san &3/i'w r Ph 1/150 srtt 8"wx 10'h Vl5O watt 8-e x ltrh Vl50 sett t -vrrr!ry 273t4+3&uf 9..LT 1r l6- l9- ! IO4datd Doddr lldss TcraadU/r.'l'orga.lrlmrs'fficrctol"t Ddn spltl bc:'r/- i'ffi14 o!|3nn ldgh tr.ftd6 bd..'IrryttD'Ehdo|k'gu ltu''s. ClEin Mount H-'3fril.ra q frra't* Lqll H-53{t9dla I ,- Ulx)san-- Ul5O watY I/ISO watr l/l5o vrtt Ul5O wan Stam Mount H-53{t9dl8 I t- - : iSgtri! Ui A-EY-r3tt'4rzE-i3r5-Ara 15' t< L- ' f b4f- .eo'do'ddnnhdshh+d!r-6'.lu! ,/ ,rJ y &g/f n ilb * @[dberr ddrsldd.dldL- I I *-rr*-, " lj" PI o,lfu Ix-tjlXr'Alg w Fr-.frl |-Al9 ll' .a. i-. r.t" -t CCA,Ef,-tt 'Alg ll'F5313.Are 13' c s - P'lqil' ;wltl" v"'E-53Xts419 15' I I I I I I 6! 9.ll- L/150 wrtt Vl50yau l/l50 wen Vljiowatt Ul50 reu Soodad oreml hSfi irchdrs 6- s Opdoul botlm ths Por.t lvdldl 4 {l- 0ru"t'da/i4}- rjo,tt^W#" j'"'* Po6t Mount Ef,-5:locil2z E-SO!}-A2' Ef,-531I-A2'D l/15r0 wrtt lnY) wan Ul50 {att OEdt f.iSh dc d ffiFJuaturztusffi3'itu dd Pd-" rol oa tdtdoa VW cava p Afurnm e @Porrl oul 52 ocI crl4 oo c{Naa o€() E Cr'l4 €c .a @ct oc E(oe E oaltt @e, oo oj6lq ttt oo (tlFne co o{NNU' o Eo ois6 r3to oi(!t\a o\ct+o ll)6 tdF oo6(l'oe) |l] ot\c:e 14,ac{{4 e, Rz = q'o 'Etoor .o 6:t!\< E -! o., oY q (, oY g E .al o .o 6Y l!g o)< Fo o!< Eo c'cEoI go GY o -9 o:< vt Eoga @.cq J. o -coY -9.co .Ea)E g(L g .Eo o Go:z IIz IL g c, = g .9c E (o eo EE3 E.Ygc T'oE aoJo o!IJC Eo,coalI! o5E 8Gafo o-Y()coo.cote ao o:<o=Eo aao 6!,9z. .go(D E5EooGoa!o o E eE() g -c ts @!c,E E|D.caeo g .c- EJo2 .so at E.c = o.Ya,zttocaa a(D zo L E(,q trla I F PIIF xiq al(\I Eo itotD c5o t:oucl tooEt6c o -e ooc ,boo Eoo eo€o ao i il-/-il tr IttFc6dt Joooo =o Eo.EF !a,CaE o at: ootoo.xooo Eodl Eq'eodt -9T'coE o oJ E6o Eoeo @ @ =ogoEco-uoc5o€.v(too lD {,J -g6 o,o Eo-cF Eodt Eo E6o :lt Eo@.D c go3ot oo(D.c !D3o€a EG6 Eo€o6 !t(!or g oG at o(' f6o E F Lo @J ll E @.Dth g soIov IoEob E6 EoaT'Coo,oo ocEo =coa Lo o;EF dl x s(r, GI(\l idNa eg EI at g o Eo = oto-go.c o oJ 6o oU' g 9I oo zo5o >ItIoucIlt, Eo Eo= t- 9oJoEl- It =ul E oqg u, o{ JI @alolo- 6l:E :ll f =F (, st (t,o(Dt\(\l o- o.ffd(! R(\I o- osoott o JJ olc{tool(\l TL oIaoo o & osoI(\l(tt (\l o_ drooN o$ 5 6ic{(o(\lt!& ooor{' o .L Lt(ttfI!( z6 ol aat 3 !u @ IolcI Rx os G? !< z an (D(, 4!( o (\l (\I (\l (\I uIJfo[lIo00zo =a q oIcog,oE .xg Eo =E NtGIe =o P - o Eul ot E tac6 oat Et6u- oJ ofF6oo =c E oo oo:to o F o o i] .Yooo g o-c6I,coI .Yooo o at)!toIJcoo @ EJ6to E(L -co Il Eoau .D c-T -co:toE (!lolfl HI-clatl i-lol el-cl ?l .sl ol EIolol trt6l(rI o LEooc6 E. e {'Eo i5 .a.ct EoOtc.T -cd5ot Lo EGo Le cf Eog U' o-oF t-o o 6: - otulo F li .s @ 6o EJolt -5 o oF |D o =at:l IL oErrl JGo:' ot, o F olt o.cII:l! l! Eosul o lf,II\\t I(\Ioqt oo o coo oco o G'roIdt CDoJ (ito(i' x .Eoo(D?oq G'clc, c € .g6oJ ijo Eoo I l I t T I I I I T I I I I ! I t I o @ttEcTtoNHASTINGS BATH Apd 20@ D DESCHPnON ELUSSE UNDERUOUNT BASIN. BaslnSpecs: ... O.D. 2. 1/zTl x 16 1A'D xTH ... t.D.21 rnvxlsrT)xrHe Shlpplng lnfo: ... S,tripping weigtrt t8 bs. usT PRICE $250 , PAGE 1 OF 1 , @r l9 Fi*ul J*g F= f,HIotA ld a ra$ixi $rdu,3 hHeK $ ;(Z+:oJ.-)ft 1* >'i F- o/4,ultti3 F $$ 6Fr $*a$xRP ,ggl5rlg xa*9g9irl:-jo + F q$ f-rt G'rtl I .L I T I I I I I I t I I I t I I I I I \t' dr CIF QS d o Aoo 7 \-tr0l -(flv \J lt tl lr -h r p oo 1 ts lf ll I rl -rdJl$ JE ll ll ll il tl rl tlf-n I I I I I t I I o{o t Agi HsrgDV Z a $E'E E 'g?, Hni; T s; --L6 ,-ii3>\)Yz ul 9 -r rI -Jnl t I I t l I I I @l g $ $E E:H d $ K E it $ $ilz -...ox b'{m ;f;r*g 1 =L.uh 7<)OZ I956u,n rl$fA J ffi- tfit I +l ftl I-ll n[ i+l titl=llnl+l tl -J-L ?q F 1lpJ t9 LtIY lru f;et I I I t t I I t t I I I t t@ I I I t I \ J.l{ ] o{,o I I t I t I I I I I I I I I I t t I t c 8(, lllot .EJ o6c 8 o|, o {,ct ql J =clult(,o oot@ 655oo6ooo EgEJ;rric, ct t\ait cl Fae6 tu 2 soJJ I I r I l I I I I @ -=-b*-=$*C=PS I t t I I il 'lnryo >ooq AazM OAZanalUlT .-.5 ;*F ',i a,a*s { {)-''s Ti:'. \"4i. '' '_, i:.i,$+ ,, i..-s 'li i!\*[(. =, (j xh$ C{ r} C X>$ ll r{ ( _.i ;+fr i',r ;t3S t C) , .tX {i ;I\ li il ou&u**?* It_ II lnt=l; I I IF- Ir5i. o l/- l' I t-tc l'u <;<-l:oll.!tl :l F-rF.-l ;-r c_ -_l ") iFs \ /i li --,Iii l' \ipE x5g q--l c=l;1ps .qsx L_:::l (i // ti i'9 € S;I: AsFii-66-I I I -U IqK eb xb;*- *? htsF @Ps (-G-t-fls *i ,;;$: *=s.#,"':t =xtsE {\\' ), r)_., g -frr 'f ' ., .'t']ri^-.S '>; '81.t'3{ - US c-iig ;5ae-()45 o=Au e' sdh=\r6',)ts'a(\ G7); c--=$>;C: fl)E ( ,'r- -\ ( -g i@ ( e-?)s -A*c$>se_: >n l du**?* Hr!Fx\l. i xx€9 :n!3 s.;iE9r @r a* ryar.hlrw Nr a.rTnl DohlL Cwt-4.I I -*. roltcnonn LEVER Llol Irwn in siticon bronze' medium patina I !. cHuo LEVER L103 shownin I lon bronze, light Patina I stc CHUB LEVER L1l2 Shown in ^ con brnnze, n,sl patina I I I I I I I t t I I t t t I T I ;tsisEeB €.'z415td;R.sfl '6 @orpFc@?oEp 6 !?;E5:N = Pl'Srrii5.qR d, --egej(,|>*3a='t.e8 o-t\lvt .= aL l@ oI J .9 doooo(\l(o @ I c (,ttz = - -9E(, c -9J at at([ dl I Ioz lt .l) NIo r! E3(,(l, =() op geg o o Eos of ooos o CL o q c,1 I l I l zIFo. Eoo UTo oth -gooc,Eo(ll at, oo6; @c -5 E Eo e o .P o. (o xg |Il q, x ' id .N(t) I I t- H :E Et- E +t =ulb Es(T s (9lo >tul ooF tuozuloaultrxozEul flt o 6l G| NectNq, Eoot trotuIFxul e tr UI c:o =o> t,oo ILozooUIo trog oo .96It E,oc C) I @ I Lmtern Heiglt vs. Overall Heiglt I I t I I rmo O.lf l|ddh udF Whcn ordering, flcase bt srne to considcr the difirrcncc betwecn lanttm heiglt and overall h"igtr W wmt to m.kc scYm sdccr tha corrtct hntrn sizc for fie spaoe it will ocot- py If you bave que*ions about lsnterns size plensc call ow cusromcr scrvice deparment. E&$s-Afi! Pt tvtudi Logr C-rvdArmtfrdl x@r(trrmtti.tr}) D6dlpdon Modd Nunbtf, Rmf urth tlntcrtr H.igbt orrtrrll ttdgh Projccdor Moutrrbt ndc li]hrl|ge Whll Mount m-tt|tlAlz -.>Er-5311-Al2rZ. - -rrr e rrr CwvedAn Ef-tl6Alr Er_t313.a12. E-5J15-AUli ll-u8'9l r+v+u- t&5/8' 15- 27-ll8- 4-.3r'{'w r 7-h Yl50 wari +lttt-w t7'h l/150 san &3/i'w r Ph 1/150 srtt 8"wx 10'h Vl5O watt 8-e x ltrh Vl50 sett t -vrrr!ry 273t4+3&uf 9..LT 1r l6- l9- ! IO4datd Doddr lldss TcraadU/r.'l'orga.lrlmrs'fficrctol"t Ddn spltl bc:'r/- i'ffi14 o!|3nn ldgh tr.ftd6 bd..'IrryttD'Ehdo|k'gu ltu''s. ClEin Mount H-'3fril.ra q frra't* Lqll H-53{t9dla I ,- Ulx)san-- Ul5O watY I/ISO watr l/l5o vrtt Ul5O wan Stam Mount H-53{t9dl8 I t- - : iSgtri! Ui A-EY-r3tt'4rzE-i3r5-Ara 15' t< L- ' f b4f- .eo'do'ddnnhdshh+d!r-6'.lu! ,/ ,rJ y &g/f n ilb * @[dberr ddrsldd.dldL- I I *-rr*-, " lj" PI o,lfu Ix-tjlXr'Alg w Fr-.frl |-Al9 ll' .a. i-. r.t" -t CCA,Ef,-tt 'Alg ll'F5313.Are 13' c s - P'lqil' ;wltl" v"'E-53Xts419 15' I I I I I I 6! 9.ll- L/150 wrtt Vl50yau l/l50 wen Vljiowatt Ul50 reu Soodad oreml hSfi irchdrs 6- s Opdoul botlm ths Por.t lvdldl 4 {l- 0ru"t'da/i4}- rjo,tt^W#" j'"'* Po6t Mount Ef,-5:locil2z E-SO!}-A2' Ef,-531I-A2'D l/15r0 wrtt lnY) wan Ul50 {att OEdt f.iSh dc d ffiFJuaturztusffi3'itu dd Pd-" rol oa tdtdoa VW cava p Afurnm e @Porrl oul 52 ocI crl4 oo c{Naa o€() E Cr'l4 €c .a @ct oc E(oe E oaltt @e, oo oj6lq ttt oo (tlFne co o{NNU' o Eo ois6 r3to oi(!t\a o\ct+o ll)6 tdF oo6(l'oe) |l] ot\c:e 14,ac{{4 e, Rz = q'o 'Etoor .o 6:t!\< E -! o., oY q (, oY g E .al o .o 6Y l!g o)< Fo o!< Eo c'cEoI go GY o -9 o:< vt Eoga @.cq J. o -coY -9.co .Ea)E g(L g .Eo o Go:z IIz IL g c, = g .9c E (o eo EE3 E.Ygc T'oE aoJo o!IJC Eo,coalI! o5E 8Gafo o-Y()coo.cote ao o:<o=Eo aao 6!,9z. .go(D E5EooGoa!o o E eE() g -c ts @!c,E E|D.caeo g .c- EJo2 .so at E.c = o.Ya,zttocaa a(D zo L E(,q trla I F PIIF xiq al(\I Eo itotD c5o t:oucl tooEt6c o -e ooc ,boo Eoo eo€o ao i il-/-il tr IttFc6dt Joooo =o Eo.EF !a,CaE o at: ootoo.xooo Eodl Eq'eodt -9T'coE o oJ E6o Eoeo @ @ =ogoEco-uoc5o€.v(too lD {,J -g6 o,o Eo-cF Eodt Eo E6o :lt Eo@.D c go3ot oo(D.c !D3o€a EG6 Eo€o6 !t(!or g oG at o(' f6o E F Lo @J ll E @.Dth g soIov IoEob E6 EoaT'Coo,oo ocEo =coa Lo o;EF dl x s(r, GI(\l idNa eg EI at g o Eo = oto-go.c o oJ 6o oU' g 9I oo zo5o >ItIoucIlt, Eo Eo= t- 9oJoEl- It =ul E oqg u, o{ JI @alolo- 6l:E :ll f =F (, st (t,o(Dt\(\l o- o.ffd(! R(\I o- osoott o JJ olc{tool(\l TL oIaoo o & osoI(\l(tt (\l o_ drooN o$ 5 6ic{(o(\lt!& ooor{' o .L Lt(ttfI!( z6 ol aat 3 !u @ IolcI Rx os G? !< z an (D(, 4!( o (\l (\I (\l (\I uIJfo[lIo00zo =a q oIcog,oE .xg Eo =E NtGIe =o P - o Eul ot E tac6 oat Et6u- oJ ofF6oo =c E oo oo:to o F o o i] .Yooo g o-c6I,coI .Yooo o at)!toIJcoo @ EJ6to E(L -co Il Eoau .D c-T -co:toE (!lolfl HI-clatl i-lol el-cl ?l .sl ol EIolol trt6l(rI o LEooc6 E. e {'Eo i5 .a.ct EoOtc.T -cd5ot Lo EGo Le cf Eog U' o-oF t-o o 6: - otulo F li .s @ 6o EJolt -5 o oF |D o =at:l IL oErrl JGo:' ot, o F olt o.cII:l! l! Eosul o lf,II\\t I(\Ioqt oo o coo oco o G'roIdt CDoJ (ito(i' x .Eoo(D?oq G'clc, c € .g6oJ ijo Eoo I l I t T I I I I T I I I I ! I t I o @ttEcTtoNHASTINGS BATH Apd 20@ D DESCHPnON ELUSSE UNDERUOUNT BASIN. BaslnSpecs: ... O.D. 2. 1/zTl x 16 1A'D xTH ... t.D.21 rnvxlsrT)xrHe Shlpplng lnfo: ... S,tripping weigtrt t8 bs. usT PRICE $250 , PAGE 1 OF 1 , @r ; reEe@ i oue v 8,;c d -9t!Ti6Fd5.sii .E gb@r-r!:Qd3-* E:g$33.sil t P R I t F- I I I I T I t I I I l t I I I I I I 20-504 @l seftes I b 46 ATR 'ETS72" x 36" x 2O" This elegant bath for I or 2 offers an exceptional design with bottr space and water saving advanages. The quintessential favorite provides all of the fantastic TMU characteristics in asuperb oval-shaped model for I or 2 people. Also available with flar deck for underrnount possibilities. s ffi;# 72" x 42n x2l" I I . TMU series . X indicates standard motor poshion O indicates standard keypad position . Available in oval only . Made from top quality (5mm, 3/16") lCl Lucite SWe (Perspef) acrylic . 60 air jets, 71-68 U.S. gallon 56 imp. gallon . 1 acrylic grab bar . t heated backresvheadrest . Air Heating System with 3 levels . 2 raised seats for a better thigh massage and a recess in each backrest specially designed for a better lower back and spinal.. massage . 1 HP turbine . Multi-feature electronic eontrol with digital readout . Must be connected to a 15 AMP, 120 V. 60 Hz. protected by a ground-fault circuit interrupter (GFl) . Available in more than 400 colors (4 standard) and different motifs . Full 20 year warranty on the tub and the turbine and a 5 year warranty on the electronic control . CSA, UL, IAPMO & Massachusetts approved The specifications shown represent the outer edge dimensions and the inside bathing capacity_ Inside dimens'rons are measured at airiets heaqht. TEETJT4O-MA$SEI]R BATIIS ANDSHOWENS ota .L.oin or;.,4r cr u;.rf lnliohd.r a$,{2 a7]\ ?t\ll 5ln_ I A=21"1 ovefitowheigw. 1?3H" I 4Ur T I I I I l I I I T I 6:lt/r' 7t' GED f 3l/4" / l__ t'lJl / E=.J '11q" r g F- iTl il Sgr4' - {lT=- GD t-- Itiitl t- Tfte ma[ulacturar accepb a 1/43 variance There u? rarialiorB on Gach tub and specifF calions ore subieet !o change rs we inprove upoo our pr0docl rs nq[ired ThE dimamioos needed tor sile prepa.afiol and sfuclllrD builG i||g will diltor- Ulha assunes no respomibility tor plGparaloty wolk done ldor to dle product I *l\:r Tutt SAN MARTINE"' Ilnintenupled urving design lines wilh quiel, rin iet flushing, coordinales with nost dercn a-'-- l-itl35 Sar XcFr ldd h lboi. ?&' .Oem, piel 1.6 gdht fludt .2'fulhdad truwoy on Fs on obistt th sizs of o hondbdl .Emsodbor|dsdst .AYddleritr hoofteelg1*** ? \{"q\:zi &rsq'_*r;, $ (llt r 518 r 610 mnl od onr, tol taplr ot t*tnrl-l65ilFad tun r I-{751(?-}P t, -fX -9 d -n irHc r flbl hl sd in G.br lld * rd Id6 ndrd h dtrr ohi id* o olnofil Fld tun sL lfer t" Eql = - = I l I I I I I I I t I T I I I I I I I I I I t I I t t .t I I I I I I I I (st ] ttw (t^'rt'^;U - MEMOIRS 72lfxlt Tineles ochftcdarsl lints integrate ri;thtln temlnsane rllflEbrl*rrdf flb w 7t4rs ET FAnt-l m|tr-ffffrn-tBltt ts FatFt, &4fl { 0n Gra { ${:lHrl?irffqr*q. C2fl { r*sflrli Itt. h - tij k Gr|o-{l|. rrr\l_tt ED o kfl "4*tl ff$ @ r@ I t I I I ?o+0T 2t*.?o'-q D r 4u): j+ 70 I'F-qI I I I I t I I I t I I T I MEMOIRS"' Kshler's nost flexible toilet suite offen nodels lo s$onnodsle toons bolh lotge and snoll - all with traditionul styling thot inlegrates with lhe llenoirs Suite I I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I .Opkp o[ duft u *oteh tunt de{rrliidr ornplemal dr.rtmt*thmr . deon 1.6 dm fluliig wrfommburladhto futs lohlctlJgpf tuCdr t(-:t439 tlstnnirloib villt sratdy dcqn, ohqdd bowl ond lrcnth (urn smt ord rover (146531 in [i*tt. .2'fulhsbdturnsrmpmoiir ohm&ol \:...............- .: : r-3429/r-3{3e 0nefriete no&k ond hhl oLo ovdht&I !de*6rdd lutfrur HDG*p rki $.*,06*htrt llnd thador lhmtAo* r SrtrlL r lldfil ill%'rlThfrllllf 1I/0 x 413 r 197 ml 3l9f,rlFlfr3lLf 072 r {O x 791 rnl 2grrtr lTTlf r 3Frf l7l{ r {13 r 797 rml Ittrfxlllf r 3l|tf l7l{ r {67 r 791 rnl hdr b nil l{}f 1368 ml q.riirg St6lro 15.3 ffitrPrBBh I ,6 h&d6 t-1251ft@dbill l-+15{ tnndi fu mtAnh ftrt rdrc hl ottr, lolry,odpltC drcn lfi lrrr! fi2tl Eqtguld hrt I-l{6{ drrcE 6ir tr{ndnc frdrdn,ldr@,b*qrdpt$d &ilG rt Lrcr t-{25I ktntfiotr brl. I-fi51 dreorr d'no kr*.HElvc frdrnlu,b*ortr,tdq,dpfd:d durEnihnr I-l?9ludhtad,l-fi6|fiuEffi b*.f,rd,+ ftdrrdrgh*orcqblq,dfilC dul: tb |tcr ilir*nmRqa}in l? (305 ml leromneoll 3/tfurlb St!?t rAlo t76fl f.tt lolct 5.d md (ont X{65fl{ lrlnq [-1653 ftrrdr (lrvq, r [O55ltnc I{l62l,lf lrn r r I-1756 firq r 1-ll5{ th D*c rt?5 bnd lgnl F9|39nscdAHh;t5.26 IbriOiom SiSln*rrTdli'r [-:t{19.u r-3{39t1 t-tlt2{l I-962{l t5.3 Gorfr'drl(}F*xrldd [-3151 t 3tf,t &afutrrtl*hal I-lt6V{ttC siltp t-{E {t53 korfiofU Soh kn irs 6.[, tr,2[ r(-3r5tA-3462 roltt(h)l ||lo2 aJ Hdds E s c, u'g l-l.|- g o tjgt 6 € F.I (!o E F.I oo E F.I r!o E F. @e rE Eicto(, cle c EIdt ort c)a Eg J4o-fo |'oq -96(9 oo GtctGtc rlI ot tt o3lI4 tlt 5etetete3l=t:'lt 3tIt3l3tr'lulvlu-tatat-t E GIl P5 uJ d? co F G Elletul d- o a0 F ci di F o dt F E o.lt e IIJ ta o Ei F E o3 e:ut e.? o..l e: uJ e.a E Ell eJut E.? o!EoIt g tr otl.E oE zo FGg.o IDrto JI< F r,|i .l 3 E I' :o otio Eo EIoco .DII6tr EoEcoE aa aE |os !a @!to ! .g.oEcon .a€oEot -jg ot eoo o Ea =o =ogcoN g 6 E =-go .' oE 6 Eo lr- (Y Fx a'\l F o.goII Et f EoCo(tt lt!o Eoc.oI I ot ?ooo €C =o =-cEqt @ G o o o C!cs g o .cIt€oo2qt u!'t oE co ot do iE 3\l Fx N F o -goa E et E.)o5o !!o !ocoI tot eoo o Eo -:t .9Eo: .D E3 o oqc rtt- E g tla CD3ocoI -io o0t eooo EG =o =.gootg, E3 o ouctl ot!o3 ooo !o 6- -:g oE e 6 o Ea =E -9ooJo E3 o o E 'So.v,6 E I'oE5o E 8Gdo E eoEollt -9o.'|o =eoI)F b x o |joEoo -1tc Eo o<tc ff oigo3 oc @ttocoI c eEtI o EC 6 =-9oo5o aoI o oqcoN o.E G Itoc5o E !oG!o E co?o.oso6o =EIofF b x oeoE(to oEc otl€ rS o rEo E ooca o eooE ra)rt oE co oa Eo IL r, x |l! o oo FEo E =Eol|- C(,ocoo ooco o ?ooT'()it oE co aa Tio lr- (t x lO o Ep Eo EJEol!I3coo n| x c{ c!c!|o @:ll to E!coIL Eo.ct J eaod 3 3E aoo 13,ol Eo GI x ot l. =ttsoo oooocEo() o aiF Itto (D o E e(, oo €o = UJJ =orlIoID 5 F luIzuleauttr YozEll! flr G'CI G) {'Iatca- =o P EooJlr aEE =T E€ut o F oo IL E q ILozooluo Eo PG fr $t! = oo lr. o;o.Eo $dg|; E =oo g o.c(t, 6co6 t- t.c CI' c ea .coco tD IoEo o Eots€ oEo o.ca,2 g oEo, Jo 6ofF llEo ocJoo co .go IDx s6 t!oo ocfoo ECd Go .golt.loodt sF o .9l|- -9F o .9l! ot! -9o o 6 = Eo PII'trt 5 o F o -9L EoI TLod =F .c fr oE 'o4 -gtr o .9lr. ll .Eo oc =oO I t I I I I I I I I I I I I T I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t I o Fo! o tl- slR 6lHcl El8-l ,;uil9 slE (, {q'!fcy .rftttc,C'ct a"r()lolIshl(')l criatll vtd.[l Jco. o g F o!c Gl!Ifut slB *1c sil9 slE GJro{6 !5 <DN c,loct trc o |.I ii! goo (9 2fi7a &frv 6z3--) r .+, -'-ijJ 4\, rt) lErO Eg XP "]dz 1UB =U' Iil.,r l-Mt3 sfi<v*'gF'dH*:ril t- I I I I I I I T I I T I azOet !; p ril .dE 9i6 HF 8ii,e ;g+s;Mtrulgp H*dqz $i{ sH00Ffl F.;1..,s : E$ * i $i ; v9$ ? n sf, il il $j ,fr#g*<od o JJ l rUIn I I I I t I I {ir'. ( f 9 -t, {{l^ ul:J .. 'Y!2 L 6q $ -tJ {5zUz rl]o I $o! :! pr vl ,1 Kqetr(fl-qut b{'o/ia ! r" Zq {d7..o'{. td aul)5 $qrL u) j I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I bJJ{FoF/*o d9JIL aat I I t I t I I I I .l I I t t ITurvlN ''ac*rrw @})l o 2Jry h,w fuJ,e Jy 27Unwrff #€:=T #€::T*:T -+\---- -ll-q J E=::-":? = @ :"E = I;ttic- ,-S* ryB A* ?H e;&e ?* t \\ "g a-O--)FS .t<- _ ;i _E=F ,{t ryilAryou&***?* q\.fr,--O FS -*.:.-g- trn A*ryilA* ryil *=&*E,<.=" -Tr/5=$--o*e f,-F$ €_ .&_ 5-o ^a>e d,n -$*A* ?H &* ?* *-L*n a:-7-rr$ .r I-?Y->uzz A*Cfl*A* Tf;&* ?*A* rysA* TH &* ?* *-:-5=.** -fl-rfl--rF$ rF ?E xE 9e ry M N - tr$ 21/2" x 5'^" ARCH ESCUTCHEON E7O1 Shown in passage tunction, with the K251 Ros/r'ell knob in white bronze, medium patrna (S 2,/," x 9" ARCH ESCUTCHEON E722 Shown iri' privacy mortise bolt function, exteri- or side emergency release lrim, with the 1102 Souirrel tail lever in O 3"* 13' ARCH ESCUTCHEON E729 Shown in entry function, keyed side, with the K205 Baker knob in silicon bronze, rust patina (j 2'/t' x 11" ARCH ESCUTCHEON E721 Shown in entry function, interior side, with ihe 1110 Classic lever in white I I I I 1",:'#fi 13 l*,::#$, *"T ^, D CHUB LEVER 1103 Shown in HOOK LEVER L104 Shown in silicon ESCUTCHEON E416 ith the 1104 Hook lever in silicon bronze, dark Patina @ 2'/t' DIAMOND ESCUTCHEON E415 Shown in passage lunction' with the L109 Legacy lever in white bronze' dark patina a 2t/t' ROUND ESCUTCHEON E417 Shown in passage iunction, with the Ll08Tube le,ver in white bronze, light patina @ 3'/t ROUND ESCUTCHEON E418 Shown in passage function' with the Ll03 Chub lever in silicon bronze, medium oatrna € z'tt x 5,/.'oVAL ESCUTCHEON E501 Shown in passage function, with the Ll27 Scroll lever in white bronze, dark patina A B c o L to+ fr * -|irc4,-, Ltltu',, *6^b- A CABINET HINGES |aT CABINET HINGE l/o'*l'/o' CABHNG3O0 Shown in silicon bronze' rusl patrna G) CABINET HINGE f xl'/i' CABHNG400 Shown in silicon bronze, light patrna 'tP c Shown in silicon bronze, rusl9',1,",s llil ?;. -l):^o'. -' patina Ball Finial CaP //\ .__MI z^r I : N'r-- ,,"-'I y--^r--.-- t-t- /..'J. | \r' |,-- | E:a I I-ffi \- tll-7\-/ Acom Flnial CaP Standald Finial CaP Dorne Finial CaP Steeple Finial CaP T I I I I I I I I rl -7e'g,tp+Z hUarcs vlet6ot (Z\lrc{e _--. I€f/ce - fupn, iQ-,-H /Art%qz lBtqtap t I I I I t I I I $t 3, 0 EIrl EI il {q dz{) =gSll{r $'z<fiE EA, tP, NJ 9IlTO ..<-: -- := -\ --: 7 t -'-:: $ tfl -.-,4 . : . -r- r_-- : -: ^\€'...: ----:'i: i.\':!-l:i--:^- ia --: - ]: =-::i<i^i:ii_:-:: : c :-= .v I : =-::,: i -:-:'-: i- j i --< : > j :: -{ -::. t i - --: ,:- ! i:: -:- -J: : ----:i----:----:-:: -i:-.t; i:-;l ; -- : - i-. i_- - - :- --i*:: i . : i =S'.--:... J: - i: i - --- -'->:.i:-:.-::- _. l: --:. i: -l i!:--j.':,r-,::i:--l-::-'-!-::-:- ::---.-l{--:-\:: I --< : \ - . -\ - : - .- : --J -.\-::i---:r,i:---;il::-i:-jl::-=:-<'<-':.-: ] --: Y i - :.-: j a77 97q 9n9 YV.'l CZ:SI g 0,\r:f | []?fl cu.r]Ivllic 'OZ 0I/15 TUE 15:20 FAX 3O3 623 2262 Technicat tnformatiteet SMARCIIS-DENVER ',-*- SMARCHS-VA r L 'tvt tJ) l' ) rgl uub B ri cKo r m Col orHarclener Colored Topping ancl Harclener for New Concrete Surfaces I l3E3 Nawpen DtNe ' Rahcho cucahonga, CA 9 | 73O ' Toll free 8Oo- 483.9628 ' 9o9, 4a4,g39)9 . Fsx 9o9. 4a43zl9 I t I I I I I Brlchfotnr CCII,OR BAnDD,NER ts rhG perfEct cotot mrterlal tor neyty phccd coDcrotc. When apgllcd In confuncrlon \Jilh Brl(Ifio?rn Terture Mrts rnrl Erlckfortn Andq{e Xelea>c Agcnt k prodDres e berutlfu! long- lnsrlng colored enrl reXtUred conCtet€ floot h ls eqUafly effectlve n3 tha colotfng ogcnt for tlflt-fTowctGd GonGtdG tutfaces- PIODUCT DISrEf,lFttON . Brlckform COLOR HARDENER is a blend of comcnl the finest light-hst pltm.n.5 obtaineble and prernium aggr.gares, r4/hen propcrfy applted and Erowele.t into trewty placed, ftesh concreto, it pl.ovides brillhnt color that lr resiEtrnt to wEtthering, wcll and normel abra.rion- U5[,5 - Brickforrn COLOR HARDENER producas a herdcr, dehser surtl€e with either lmprintcd or fl.r-tr6weled concrete thrn is posslble to ob?ein from Inregrrlly colored <oncrere.The lddition oI Brickform COLOR HARDENER to thc lurface develcps a n{xrure ef wcll-goded rnarerlals ..rhich <ombine easily with the phstic concrere and ellow for easicr hand- rowellng,The ute of any hlgh qualiry BricHorm TEXTURE I-1AT In (oniunqtion with Brickform COLOR HARDENEh pmducer clear end sharp impresrions, enhahclht rhc overall fi.lished tetrdred .PPcamnce. TFATURES . Sreak Frce. Non-fuding Color . Fins Compotition lvlerns Stnoo(h, Easy Troweling . Dcnser. l,lcre Drrrable Sudace . lmproves Abraslon Rcsisance . 4O Sandard Colors - lht€rior/EKerict Uses . Can Bc Antlqued And Strined . Dry Shake - hsy To Usa UMILfloNS . Brickform COT.OR HARDENER b for use onty ..it|t tresht poured, still phstic, Eoncrece sutfrce!, COLOBS . Brlckform COLOR HARDENER is ovrilable in 4O standard colors, as shown en the Brickform Color Selecdon CharE- Custoh colors and <olonmatching are also evailable. PACI(AqNG . Brickform COLOR HARDENER ls peckaged in conveniEnr 60 po'lnd molsrure resisbm prih- Due to dtF Vpeof pacla8ing, lhe hnterial hs e rhelf ll$e of at leaft oDe terr, doublo the llfr of baggEd <olor hrrdeners. COVf,IAGE . For most appllcatlons of darker colors" Brlctform COLOR HARDENER should be apptied rt rhe rete of 60 oF nore pounds per lfi) sguare feer Ught pafiel colors gencrelly reguire heavier applicarions of up to 60 pounds per 8O square fcctWhen r lightlt randbhrtcd sudace for decoratl,,c purposer is requireda minlrnum of 90 peunds per loo squaFe feet should be epplied. STOIAGE ' Store in a rafe phce. Kccp containers tightly rerled. Shelf life is rpproXinr:aly l2 nronths. CAUflON ' lt is reconrnrended that all concrrtc lihighers and ell on-rit€ persoDnel wear an OSHA-NIOSH Epproved dust resplrrtor whife applying or working amund Brickform COL6R HAR.DENEF,,WeaT rubber tloves (o pr.orect skln and safety qre gcggler, tMPORTArtlf , Btfore agplying Brickform COLOR HARDENER. protert all sufl=undirg ereas where colar ie not desired. PtrtPAEATlON OF SUI GRADE . The sub gr3de murt be unlformly graded, €omPtfted $d tnoktcned, but free of srAhdlnt watef. PFEPARATION OF <ONCIE E ' The concrere rhould be deJgncd rc meet the $reh8th and finishlrg rcquirements of the proiect with r rninimum cement contrht of 5 lfl srcls per cubic yard and a mstirrrurn slump of 4 inches. Brickferm COLOR HARDENER is compatlble .vith lr osr water-reducing, set retardihg and aipenmining cencrere adtrixturcc. A'oid using edmixEures €onl.iDih8 calclurr chloride, or the addhion of calcium chlorida ih an/ fotm, to the concreta for eccclcration drrrinE cold tte.drcr. AP?IJCAT|oI{ . Apply BricHorm COLOR HARDENER after the concrere hec bcon pl.rc:d. screede4 wood floated and elcess bleed warel has disappeared from rhe concreEe surfice- Brlckform COLOR HARDENER should be applied at rhe rat6 ot at lea$ 60 pound5 per loo sguate feet in trPo applicadons (pastel shrdes mry t€quil€ up to 6O pounds per 80 squarc feet) The first appllcerlon requires at ls|st rlo pounds per 100 sqsare feet The second rpplication should gtva complere and unlfonn (overage. \ lood-floaE tfre coDcrete surf:ce eftcr dre Jlrst applicndo4 but do not troweL After she eocond opplicadon of Brickform COLOR HaRDB{ER. the soncrete can be finished a; rpecified. l'leinain cohsktenl finlshing technlgurs end avoid har& troweling for rha nreff unilbrm 66f6r vgsdl$. Oventroweling will discolor thc conc,rete,-Addhional v'ater should not be appfied to the concretc rurface durlng finishing- All weter reguired Yvill came ffo|n lhe collcrete. CUIING . The use of a doq non-srrlnlng aerylic or \rat curing comyround or Serler i: rccornmehded, Do ncn cure, with phsti< rheetin5, nonbrane pnper or \r.tef rnlttlnT Ayoid the use of sodiurn silicone q?s hrtdcnets. 5ii6g all qf the forqgotg could cause discoloatlon and/or rnotdl4g of rhe colottd surface, MAIIfIINANCE . To ;rotecr the rith colcr of thc herdgred surface it should bc inepectEd anhually for arcas of thin or rnfi< wom sealorr and the sealer be Feapplicd as needed. lf traces of eFlorescense rre preserrt thls should first be eliminared wirh a genrle cleaner srch as Brlclftrrn EFFLORESCENCE REIIOYER I I I I I RAFCO P RODU CTS I I DKICK'ORM . RAFCO PRODUCTS MANUFACTU8.ER OF QUALITY DECORATIVE CONCRETE PRODUCTS '02 o1l15 TUE 15:19 FAX 3o3 623 2262 Thera are ertremeDr smau, but aurlle amouhrs oFsrrDstances resulrtc(l undcr Callbrnla Safi Dfinklng Waterflhd Totic Enlbr<emeDr Acr (propositfon 6SL lhesc liets irre ryp$t an! may vary sllghtly frorlt ye.r to ycar- The arnoumwali tes€ than il|e qrraDtlfiable llmit, : SilARCHS-DENVER +s-l SIARCHS-VAIL lgl{r(,btr|.,. t)) f, .lt I I I I I I 3I l 6t flP-B # I I T I t I Arsenl< Cadmium Less thah 2 ppm Lasr than 2 ppm i 5ECIION 7. BTACTIVITYDATA ; . Subl,lry: Snble. Harardous Polymeriration: MA i' Cohdirions ts Avoid: None. ltrerialr ro Avot+ Orgrnk rnd inorganic rcids [strenE orldans,)- Hezrrdous Decornposirion Prodrxrr: N/A , sECNOil B . SPILI, LIAX AND DT5FOSAT IROCIDUTES Steps to br takei in care hrtcriel ls relearcd {r spllled;vrtuum, sseep. or broom.up splllcd powder5 ahd pla€e :n(ontalnerr- Avoid genamcloh rnd exposule to.durr- Wasre Dlsposrl t'lethods: Ure non.ledting cghtrinon, Jetl tightly, and labcl groperly. Dirpose of Inl rccordance wirh appllcrble local, cotrnty. .rbta, rnd fedcnl riguhtions. Do not dispose in xrcamq wells, lakcC rivrrs, ocertts, dl sewers, i j I l srcfloN ,. sAftnAtNG Arrp usG. . Rcrpltetory Prorectioh: When working wlrh or nerr thisprodocrr etl pcrronnel murt wetr OSHA-NlosH rpprovod rcspirarors_ R efer ro OSHA STANDARDS lN ii Cfn l 9l0.l 3{. - Ventilrtion: Ure local uontilition sufflclent (o preyent erceeding recommendcd exDosuFa llt'|lr ' Protective Clorhing: W€at lultablq clothinE to mlDhnhE skln eoDtrct. ' E e Prote(iion: Goggles recornmcnded.. Othcr Proricrlve Clothing or Egulpnrrnr Aprons tnd glovec should be ,ryorn to minlmkc contact wirh skin. ' Wcrk/Ffyglenlc Pracrlces: Avold broarhing dusa end rePettcd csncr3t lvith skin- Rcrnove <onOminated clothing; lrundar tr dry-clcan betor3 rause- RqDoye coDtrmih.rcd shoec rnd thoropghly (lern lnd dry before reurc. Clernsc rkin thoroughly after ronnct, beforr breaks .hd maels, and lt end of work poriod. ProducE lr raadily remeved frpm skln by warerless hand cleanerr followod b7 Pashin( rhorou8hly with roap and wrter. sEcnoN ro . sPECrAr Pn[cAunoNs . Storc in cool, drt place.Avoid contrEt wlth oiidizorr. rcidr. ar mo&tut.e- Roecrr wirh scid to forn <arbon dioxidr ger. I t BR.ICKFORM - RAF(O PRODUCTs t ; MANUFACTURER, OF QUALITY DECORATIVE CONCRETE PR.ODIJC's 'sZ 0I/IS TUE 15:22 FAX 3og 623 226?SMARCHS_DENVER --- st[aRcHS-VAIL. 0 14 o09 Ericlrforo Mastcreal Suggcsred Shoft Form SpeciDcadont All concEtc iatryork desiSrnted rs being sealed ih chc plrns ahd rpe<ifl<rtioh, shrll be segled *irh l.Z lighr ewen cqiltr od BAlcKFoRrlllllTitlEfl:l:'fl!"t!/f.:.rte r. oanuta.crured by Rafqo Frrdl,cts.Brickforn laooy ler_retg, Ran<f,o Cucarnongr ca, pofl +e+-1399- BRf cKFoRl'{ It4AsTERsEAl shrll bo applied ln rccordrnce '*irh rhe BrkkfoTm MostLtseolTechnkol lnformotion strit. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I oR.DLR. SPECTf tcArrONS hcducr Flatters€al Itero No- ns.5 Contri||cr Sizc Frve-Grllons Shippiog Wcighr 52.O Lbs. oTHER SUC6[5I[,D Bf, !(Xfof,M FF,oDUCTS Driclforrn - Efflorescencc Echoryer is a safe4 riore-pleasant \.ay ro cllan coh(rere-r/pe surfa(cs or prepere rhcm for a proerrtue scEler- Fo? vs€ 4irh texrufed' sramped, Plain' colore4 or cxPoged.agBrgglre (oDcrete! porous brick, unglazed tile- 3rucco. natural slatr, stone. adobe, and flqgsro4g, Brl<l(6orrn . Gcmserl is r lacquer.b6ed, clear, g6fljs Seole,r designed to prorcct and thc surfeees sf dccohdve concrete-A light cordng of Genserl will enrich the color o{ Brickforrn coLoR HARDENER and Brickform ANTIQUE AELEA5E AGENT. For ure co rexrured, sqmPcd, Plain.<olored. or erpored-ag3regrr" coD€rere, porcus brick, unglaled dle, snrccq natutzl rlare, stone, adebe,and llag5tonc. Ericlforn ' €olot3uer{ ir a highatdormance, pr€rnenred re:ler, manufacured $pB(ificalry fot re-aljng.con<rere and masonry parlor, porftir, dechs, wallqwa/s and g:rage floors, lncluding surfaces tuch Es texu,re4 sranpcd, plain, or exposed-aggregita concrete. brick.slaie. saldllo iil€ and manufacnrred stryre. Colortuard is BuiEbl€ for enerior rpplicadcas whrre rerhon<e frErn latcr, €fllores(ence, oh6yiolet hhq abrrsio+ tuiniDg, rnd rnildew ir needed- lrickform - srrinreal is rho leteSr in waerbased, lcrfic, microemulsion rechnology, Hodern Chenisrry has rllowed BrlcLrorm-Fafco Products to ofer thc uhimt(c, 'iaterbased sealcr for con(rgte and rnasohry sudacec, For ose witjr ..rrrrud, yramped, pl|io, of color€d coiCrele, exPosed-aggregate. pbrous brick- Urrglazed dle. EtucEo, nAturat slare, Stone. adobc, end FhgstOoe- Brlckforrn ' Endul$ed is r waterbesed, peneradng sealcr designed to produce a long-hsrlng, in isible barrier rhat prorects reriouj surfrces tlom dre absorption o{ wqter and rhe mEraEion ol elllorescen(e from below- Foi use wkh (extur-€d. stsmped, plaih, rolored, or crPosed-a8Sregate concrEte. Porous bri(\ unSlu€d tile, s$.rccg, narutll slate. rtone, adobg.lnd fla6stone- Brlclforn 'Dc(cftrtivc S&ndbtast s(cn(ils elto\ry rny derigD imrtihable to be btouBht to life on cot(rere surfacel ornars d3€oratlvs borders' corPonte lo8os, Dednllions end originel ertrvod are easllt (rEated on neiF or existing concrere, Brickforrn DECoRATIyE SaNDBI-AST ST€NCILS <an also be 'sed with Brickform bLUSH-TOh|E AclD SfAlN to add more color to your design. Btlckform ' llusb.Tone A(kl Stiin is usrd ro color eirher newll-Gured con€r.ete or old. erlsring, concrele surfices Applied propErtthc liquid ttarerizl (ohtims demeng that combine chetnicaly \.rirh p.aricles in thc <oncrete to produce interesdng yariadons of the chosen colo4The result is an tetthedc rno(lcd lgpeannce, drrt in places, lighc In others, with Eubtte shadei of eech. Briclform tsLUSH.TANEACID STAIN y/tll NOT produce a uniform-<olored or paintrd look rnd is not rEcornmended to achie.e ,uch bn tppeerdnce- Bdc|<Forrtt . Ieraurc ,r|ilr e.c tools designed ro tnaLe a rlree-dlrnenslonal lrnpression on panhlly-set concrBte, Brkkform TE(TURE F1ATS recreate rha rexturE and fcel of naturll stone, briclq or r;tc, in wer)l deiril- Bri(Korrn TEXTURE FIATS rre molded frorn biBh- guelity, Poturedlne metErials rnd rre subiccr ro *rlct, qurlity-control nandards, !o ensure conjiirency in size. 16 eDd sguafenesr,All of ot r designs lre rrue racFetlJons of tBtur?l mlrerial, frorn coarse brick to rlndom lieldstone, and h:avily-texrur€d ,tone.Ayrilsble in overI50 Pa$erns lvith up ro l7 difierent rerrurEs, lrlcfrjorn . Color Har.lch.r is the perGft color-rnaterial for newly-pllced concrere, Whm rpplied h <oniuncdon wlth gricldorrn TEXTURE ilAfs and BricHorm AtrfTlQUE RETEASEAGENT it pmauces r beautiful, bngJarring, <otore4 and rercured <oncren floor h is equally elTecrive as rhe toloring rgenr for flrt-Fowcled ccncrete sudacer, Edclform ' Aon'quc *clersc dgenr ls rrecomfirended br use with Bn<tform coloR HARDENER aod Brickform TEXTURE HATS. rtserves e d$al PurPolQi |irsg rs a bond breaker between the mats and the frerhry-imprlnred qoncrete end se<ohd, ro <renE I uniqrJe,contrasring suda(c appearence ft4o,"a as qoncr€re nnriquing. Bridrform ' Lir;uirt Relcesc Agcnt is a colorless bond.brerker, formular:d for use with decorer,ive, conere(e, rEErur€ mas-r /heh used. it allows el'y release o[ the me$ froF th€ prasri(, cancrete svrface, which rcduces sutface rnaffiDB .,'d prolengs the tite of the mats. BR,ICKFORM - RArCO PRODUCTS MANUFACTURER OF QUAL'TY DECORATIVE CONCRETE FRODUCTS I T 'oZ Ol/ls TUE 15:21 FAX 303 623 2262 SMARCHS_DENVER .'J-+ SflAKUtlb-VArL {ll uuottv. t)) l, II I RATCO PRO D U CTS F iil,l"?:*i.'til""' Premium Lacquer Basecl Acryrlic Sealer 1 1383 Newpon DrFe ILrh(ho Cucamonga. CA 9l ZBO Toll 'ree AOO. 483-96.28 909.484.3399 Fa.x 9O9. 4€4.3t l8I I Brfcllorn MASTEISEAI ({Dturelr rll tlrc feeturer ol our Gernred A(ryftG SeJcr ulrb thca. adrlhionel beneFlsc Arrti-fuDglcrdes ptevcm tunBus fron breel.tng dorrD thcsreler from undrrnc.rih; tIV Frorecttott IecPs d$DnSiDt solit r.diatton ItoII| perrctffldhg BeitcD GIr!i!i-Dcad, rDtl.sflp additivc provldes slip-rcsi*rence, lh(?cases sutracc hardnctr, end inctteseS Dert For usewith terturcd, srarnped, plain, tolored, or cxpoie.l- i8gleghre coh(ttrc, porous brlck, unlttreal tiler gtU<co, nrluril blatc, etonc, ndobe, end flagrrone, PRODUCT DtSc$moN . Bri<Horm MASTERSEAT L r rrysul. rleal high-solidu, acrylic cering delgned ro protect rnd beaurify 6ohcr€t€, rnrsonrf, end rile surfaces" Thls supeFrouth ftlm wrs lprrnula.ted of inrerior or exGeriOf use- V\Alk on iq ddve on it (ii does rele<t ofE:hl< natns_) h offerr uhipate protes{oD tD a cleer tlDkh. IJSES -Bricklorm I,IASTEP.SEAL prorecrj garage floors and driyewa/s lroln oil stbini. lt eliminates roD<rete dustlng and fteeze-thew problems. hriot rnd barbecUe rrGits are protected from food lnd grerse srains. Sarurarion rvith Arlckform T4ASTERSEAL will acrually hardetr old, deteriorating monrr rnd plaster for adde<t life, Independcnr labDrarory res!, .a!e Erickform HASTERSEAL superior for rbrasion-resirtence, s un I ighr-resironce, end statn-r€sisanc" qullldgs, FEATUEES 'And-Fungkidcs . UV Prote<tion ' Glass Bead Anti-Slip Addhive ' Nan-Yellortins - Usg Indoors or Ourdoors - Fart Drying and Long Lrsting . Apph *ith Brush or Sprayer . Pre"ents Srahhrg ' High Sollds . Strohg Resistance ro Efllorescence PACI(AGING, . Avrilable in ftc,gallon crns. CoVIIAGE ' t00 to 400 sguare feet per gallon depending upon porositt sf surfa<e, STOBAGE -.Stora ln a ste phca, Keep cor,ElneB rightly serled nnd do not allow to fraere- Shel{ lih is rpprorimately iZ rnonths. CATffiONS . lf using spny cqu[xnenr, e prlntc/r .nssk should be worD. Dq not ttkc gDtemally_ Ayoid (orrhcr rri(h eyer and :kin, Do not breethE tnist. Close conainer after each use, IMPOnIAI{T . prodr.rct ronrliDs acdve toluene rnd perroleun distlll.tes. Read product lrbel crrefully or concuk with dqrler for more dcrailed prepa;rdon. applicetlon and <rutiorr intemntioD- PBEPAFATION . Surhce .nust be complerely rlean and dry ro the rouch, Remove oll efllore:cance, o . dirt, war, old pcinB or sealers. RINSE THOROUGHLy. I|'IPORTANT NOTE . We do nor rccomrnend huriatiq asid t6r cleanlng concr:te- h can discolor the rurhce, etch tlrl concrert. and ran bG ertremply drngeror,rl ro ule. lf murfaric rcid is usec. thc surfrce rflurr bc flu5hed wir,h <lean water end neuralizcd wlth r PH neutralher tu(h .s T.S-P Allow rhe surface !o dry for rr least 2,1 hours prior to spplicrrion of Brickform i,|ASTERSEAL rnd let neyr <oncrete cufc for at leatt l4 days bcforc application. APPLICAIION - Srir contents thorovghly before and during rpplicarion to insurc'tull susp"nslon of slip resistrnt addirives. A9pl7 from 2-4 light. evcn corrr (depending on porosity ol surfacel ol Brlckform I.IASTERSEAL wirh a narurrl brush or lovy pressure/rlrhls Eprtl/er (whh mctal or teften 2ip), Brickform hASTERSEAL must be dilurad whh hcquer thinner prior to spray rpplication, Lacquer thinner mry aoc be added ro rhit product in Ihe State of Califomia- Ocher staree nrry also have tift;lar resrri(tions, Please check ..rith /our lo(al rcgulrrorT ag,ehcy-Allo\^, l-3 hours between coats dr untll rude(e is dr), rO the touch, Not recommended for dense or preserted Jurfacen euch as glrzed Eeramic or quarry tile. rnarble, or terra2o- Applt in tenrperafl,rfcs berwcen 55'F rnd 80'F, Avqtd us;Dg in direcr sunllght- Use on}y in well vendlated areas- tr is rocommended lher foot tEf6c rehain olf the finished. serled rur{ace for 24 hours- For he2vf rntfic, rllor- 72 hours for €urlDt, HELPFUL HINT: Use teluene Dr lacquer thinner for easy <han r:p. MAINIINANCE rTo protect rhe seder .nd extend lib (lndoon), use commercirl floor polish for e tnffic cdat- S*ecp and damp nop floor regularly- SPECIAL NOIE5 - Ahreyt test a smdl ares of curface to verify protectlon rnd rppearence- NOT RECQ HENDE9 for gtazed tile, ns16;o. 4*". brick or dense slate, lf in doubt, rest sur.frce, Do not use wh€rr hydrortatic pieJsure is possible- SPEqNCET'ONs . Gla3s transtion rite letnperaEre: so't ' Dehsirti 7,2 LBS per gallon . vOC: 400 or less . Tulron hardnessr l2-13 . Clern up. Lrcquer thlnncr . Dr7 dme One hour , Flrsh poinc o'F 'Appliotion tctnp€r"tuier 50'F to BO'F WARIANT! . These pr6ducrs lre warranted to be of uniform gurlitT 'rrithin mrnufacturing tolerances, SIh(e no control is exefcised ovor their us3, tto warranry, expfessed or implled, is tnade tr.i Eo rhe cffect of guch use- Scller's and rn3nuflqjsrqr's obligr<ion under this warranty shrll be limired to feltrnding the purchase price of rhar perrlon of rhe rnaterbl proveo ro be defeeti"e. s E F x ;z a #U|aUTJalJ t I I I I I I I I I I I I BRICXFORM FAFC9 PR.ODUCTS . MANUfACTURER OF QUALITY DECORATIVE CONCRETT, PRODUCTSI I '02 OI/I5 TUE 15:20 FAX 303 SPECIFICATIONS ' Product Typc: Drt Shake Color ' Cleeo up: Water - Fl.rh polDc Non-flrmrnable - Odor; Not apprecilble . Specific gra"lqa Appmxlrnarery g.o . Freezable Not rpplicable . Application remperltlrrcs 55'F ro 85.F . Shelt L er Apprc'rinrrely I Terrr ' Storage'lbrnpt | 2O'F maximqrn . lncohpa(ibllitT: Acids, strong Orldrnrs SMARCHS_DENVER .-- SilARcHs-VAIL l@ooTt1e. tJ) l. 0 -WARRANTY . This product is not for pubtic usc and is intcnded tor use only by instrllert, experienced .nd rralned in the use of rhcsr producrt. lt lr w1ry"nao6 to be of unifonn quelity, wirhin rnenufzcturing tolerances- The mrnufacturef hri ho control over rhi use of thls ptoduc{: lhcrafore, no warranf/, txSrresscd or lmplled, is or crn be mede either rs ts the affecr.s or resuh! of such use. In arr; crss, the nlhufrcrurer's obligarions shall be llmheO to refunding rha purcharc price or repJacirrg matetirl prsven defcc[ive, 823o 2262 PLAN SPECINCANON Brlclform (olor llardelrer Suggestecl Sholt Form Spe<lflcation; ll:{:t:: -d-=getcd in the Plans lnd sPecificetlons as h|ing a cclorcd & hrrdened eurace lhrll bc cotor hardened wirh BRlcf FoRHr9Lr''R rtAKlJENE,q In l((oldeOce wich thE Btlckform 6lor Hodcner-Tachniol ltfwmotion Shcct, uring solcr ahd amioirflum of --lbs' Per lo0 rgu.re feet All tolor hanJenod surhces shrJl ue seaiJ wth BRlc{FoiIq EEmifiiail sceler orBRlcKFoRit HASTERSEAL-P|cmiu; Acryllc Sealer in accardence ro rhsir .".rcrp"naing iJ ni^! nprnodon srrcst, aftcr r gurinE perrodof 28 days' All products rholl be rnanuhcir.rred by Rafco Prcducts-Brickforrn, 1ao$ +liozi,'Rmcho Cusmongr, cl (yos) ig+lrgr.BRICKFORH COLOR HARDENER meetr ASTTJ'SIDS - abnston resistance rnd pSl. I T I t I I I I I I I I I t t I I t t onDtn sPtctFrcAfl oils hoduct Color Hardcner Itcrn No, cH-00 cH- l 06 cH-t t5 cH.t7s cH.200 cH.250 cH-300 cl.r-3 to cH-320 cH-325 cH-330 cH-150 cH.37s cH-400 cH-{25 cH-s00 cH-sts cH.szs cH.550 cH-s75 cH.600 cH-6rs Color Uocolored Derk Gray Ve.r6tlan Finl. Bur6rndy Ffuwe Fledlum Gray O/tter whhc Nwmeg Cream Beige Goldccr Sarrdsrone Stndston c C-o(onut Dcser-t Tan BufrTan Che hut Autumn BrEqn Tllc Red Sunbakey' Clay Dusty Rose Brick Red Vctorie n Red Light cruy Stonc Gret IteD Nc. cH-6?5 cH.650 cH-700 CH-E' O cH-Bl5 cH-820 cH.sz5 cH-900 cH- t000 cH- l0lo cH- l0 ts cH- to20 cH-tolo cH-1035 cH- 1040 cH-t045 cH.l090 cH-105s cH-106s cr+t070 cH- t075 Color Do.,er Blue Smokqf Bltre Terrr Cotta Welnut Frehch Gr?t Fluted Green Slatc Greun Bleck white Smoke Bcige Blurh Beige Anrique Rose . Ash Whire Sumrner Belge Werthered Sagc Shrdow Slare Andque Cork Pocos Sand Querry Red SandT Buff RosoTaupe Comrlner Slzc sbtppDrg wdgh 5 Gln- Bud€t 63,0 Lbs. orBER stfcGEsffD EDJcXlOnil pxoDucls Frlclfurm ' Teranrc ihts are tools designed to hake a rhree-dlmensional tmpressbn on p13.tirll;l,set concr€te-BricldErm TEXruREHAIS r=qreate r}re terture.nd focl of ner:rnl 3rone, brick,or rlle in e"ery deqil. BrickformTanUnE F,liATS are molded frorn hrgh{url,r,polnlrethane rEterhls arrd are subjcct re strict, quafitnconrol s4ndrrdsr to cnsura consisten<, lh slrc, fq end squareness. All of ourdesignt et! tle iecrcrdons oI nrtltraf tnareri.l, froln cerre briqk to random fieldstotre, aDd hetvily.nxtufed stonc,A.railable in o,er ISOpatterns hr;rh qp to 17 dificrcnt te*ures- BdcMorn ' Atttlqng ncleisE Agcrrr tr reeommended fsr use vith Brl(ktorn coloR HARDFNER and Brickfonn TEXTRE HATS- k5er\'es . drral purposq firrL es e bond-brer.ker b€rs,een the mers and the heshly.impfinted eohcrete "nJ ,""dnd, w cratt a unique,cohcartin& surhEe +pearence khoryn rs rancrlre andquln& BrlcEolrn ' Uquld Relerse Ag.nt i! a colorlcsc bond-brcaker. forrnulated and rcccommended br use with decoridve, concrere,textu, ma$'\lYhcn used, ir sllowe eqs). releele of the mars from rhe plastlc, concrete surfzce, which reduces surface mrring rnd prolorgsrhe lite of rhc mnts, Brlc|tbrm -'. Gcrnlea| ll a lrqquEFbareC, cleafi acryllc leole4 designcd tp protecr the surhces of dccorerive conqtte. A lrghr coating ofGemserl wl[ snrich the tolor of &iclform coloR HenoElrtei and BrtcLlorm Ar\rneu- RELEA5E AGENI Fpr use on rex red.samped pl:rin' colored, or exposrd-€Stcgrt€ ceDcretef pot€ur brid unglazed rile, *uccq, rntural srrtE, Btone, ad6be, and ffugstone- BRIC',(FORM ' RAFCO PRODUCTS ' MANUFACTURER oF QuAtltv DECoRATIVE CONCRETE PRODUCTS li i ' -..1.-. - l t./ t#? Vnit t/ ln response to the directive to correct the house numbers the owners would like to install a new address marker as noted below. See attached copy of the front elevation showing the approximate location of the address marker. Please let me know if this is acceptable and if so could you please sign this memo and retum it to me for my records. Thank vou. a Personalized IECOHEN I=CONSTRUCTION INC. 210 Edwards Village Blvd., A-201 P.O. Box 1889 Edwards, Colorado 81632 off (970) 926-3443 Fax (970) 926-3440 jacvail@vail.net Date: 02/10/03 To: Allison Oaks, Town of Vail Community Development From: Jeff Cohen Re: Futernick Remodel, 930 Fairway Drive Memorandum Tr-t ^ " P' S [r,X' -." rrAlL rw "AL Plaque That You Desig! On Your Hone or ln the Yard, and Add A Dash of Distinction To YourAddressl Mount one of our cast-aluminum, archhectural plaques to a wall, or directly to your home. Or if you prefer, stake one into your lawn near the driveway or entry. You can select one, .two, or three lines of type; select one of three styles of sign; and choose Estate or Residence Size. Indicate your choice of enamel color and we'll do the rest..Wthin 3-4 _weeks, )ou'll receive your personalized siign, ready lor mounting lb establish your officiaf residencel Chhse Bhck, Green, Rd, cif Elue NEII' DECK TO F'IATCI.I EXl9TlN6 NEUJ DOTIN- 9POUT N6^/ PrOlr,EgS. I.IEA\AT OUTLINE DENOTEg AREA OF NEUJ coNSTFllCTlOtl . .: NEU NCRTH ELEVAAF1 (r1 t'llcf TLY txb 9tDl EXI{ Tn\n,. r n.cr r/AlL Df: 'rEVS-rL .f,Vp 9CALE: ; ctlgTol'l iLerBY OUr.lER i.To HATCI-I Uo,.^\ Ur L(a..4 tc-r <) l^oF r ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *: 897-0256 #of Wood/Pa t Let: ****ffi**ff****tti*********r1t**ft**ffi***fi**ffi*** FEE SUI'II{ARY ffi*ff*t**ffi**ff***tffi*ff*t*****tffi**ff*****ff*ff** 'r**r*ffi****r*********ffir**'******]l]lhliii;;;;;;;;;*i***********ii;il*****Tlllf i-llf;;;;;;--*-*i**********li;il*** Ite4: .05100_EqII_,DrNG DEPARTMENT Depr: BUILDTNG Division:98/o7/!997 cHARLTE A--ioni ApFn cHARLTE pevr5-ItEm:. Os4OO-PLANNING DEPARTMENT Dept: er-,enNING Division:0B/o7/!997 cHARLTE aiEion:--EFFn peR orRrIIEM!'05600-EIRE_DEPARTMENT -_, , DEPTI FIRE DiViSiON:oB/07 /t997 cHnnlrE Acaionl eppR u/aItem:' 0ss00_pUBI_,Ig WORKS Dept; pUB WORK Division:08/07/1997 CHARLTE Action: AppR N/A tti****ffil"****rff*ffi**ffi**ffi***,rtt***ffi*ffi**t***t*ffiffi*********,fr********ffi.***t**ffiffi*ff***tt**ffi******* See Page 2 of thiE Document for any conditions that may appty to this pernit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknol lcdge that I have read-this appLiqation, fitl,ed out in fuLL the information requi ned, corpLeted an accurate plotptan, and statc that att the information provided as required. i.s correct. r agree to conply riith the iniormation and ptot il,an,to corply uith att Toun ordinances_and state taus, and to buiLd this structure according io'the Townt s i*i.g ana subd.ivisioncodes, design rcviev approved/ Unifom Buitding code and other ordinances of thc Town afpticabLe ther.to- APPROVED 08 /07 /tee708/07 /Le97 02 /03 /tee8 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL. CO 8l-657 970-479-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER DEPARTMENT OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUIIJD PERMIT Job Address Location. . .Parcel No..Project No. 930 FAIRWAY DR 930 B FAIRWAY DR 2 1 0 l- -0 8 1- 1 6-01.7 Status. . .applied.. Issued... Expires. . PAUL RONDEAU 930 B FAIRWAY PAUL RONDEAU 930 B FAIRWAY RONDEAU PAUL J 930_B FAIRI{AY 50.o0 32.50 .00 5.00 DR, VAIL DR, VAIL & NANCY DR, VAIL 816s7 81657 8165 7 co Phonet 970-476-4688 Phonez 970-476-4688 co M co Description: ADDING TWO WINDOWS Occupancy: R3 SingJ.e Family Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Val-uat ion:1r 500 Fireptace Information: Restricted: Add sq Ft: #0f Gas Apptiances: Restuarant Ptan Revieu--> DRB Fee-------- Recreation Fee----------> .00 #Of Gas Logs: .00 Total catcutated Fees--->.00 Additional Fees---------> .00 TotaI Permit Fee--------> Payments------- Bui Lding-----> Plan check---> Invest igation> lJi l,l. CaL l.----> 85.50 .o0 85.50 .00ctean-up Dcposit--------> REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I,IADE TIIENTY-FOUR IIOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up 0eposit To: PAUL RoI{DEAU z17F oR lfi ouR oFrrcE FRo OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII'ISELF AND OIINER Page 2 *************************************L*******!t************d.********************* CONDITIONSPermit #: 897-0256 as of 08/08/97 status---: ISSUED **d.***************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--. oT/07/Lgg7Applicant--: PAUL RONDEAU rssued---. OT'/T7'/:-gg:.970-476-4688 To Expire I ol'/l3'/tggl Job Address: 930 FAIRWAY DRLocation---: 930 B FAIRWAY DRParcel No--: 2101-081-L6-0 17 Deecription: ADDING TWO WINDOWS * * * * * * * * *'*** ****** * * * * * * ** ************ COnditiOng * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * J. * * ** * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. \ l|, ,_ **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0309 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1195 8s.50 08/08/97 09 : 34Init: CD Permit No Parcel NoSite Address Location This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4131-0 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 4L336 Total Fees:85,50 Total AIJIJ Pmts: Balance: Description BUII..DING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE E9?-0256 Type: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD pE 210 L-0 81- r_ 6-017 930 FAIRWAY DR 930 B FAIRI,'IAY DR **************************************************************** L3s.s0 135 .50 .00 Amount 50 .00 32 .50 3.00 PERI'IIT # I APPLICATToN MUST BE FrLLI:D OUT COMptETELy OR.Ir MAy NOT BE AccEprED - Ir***************************** PERMIT INFORI'IATION *****************************trl [f,]-Buirding [ ]-plunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-r,rechanibal [ ]-otber Job Name: Job Addre""" ?3O -b &i,t-u.'aZ brl .,q, Legal Description: Lot Owners Name: P".., I * Nr.r Architect:N ct*1 FiIing Po.g I ? Nr.rl*1 P.o-rlcrJaddress: ?9o- B fu.,rn -.t b.r. 'l B Block l4r Address:Ph. suBDrvrsroN . Va; I Uill*1a GeneraL Description: Work Class: [ ]-New [XJ-A].teration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units: I Nurnber of Accommodation Units: lPtU"t and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances (* * ** * * *..fffiff1,Vil* * * * * ** * * * * vALUArroNs tsitli,Dli\i-c: PLUMBING: }IECHANTCAL: $ Address: Electricat Contractor : Address: Plurnbing Contractor: Address; Mechanical Contractor: Address: ********************************FORBUILDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: @f. oo ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: cas Logs_ Wood/pellet ********************************* OTHER; f TOTAL: | 2-.aoo, INFORI'IATTON * *************** *********** Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number! Town of VaiL Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. Reg. NO. oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUII,DING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEEsMECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSITI TOTAL PERMTT FEES: .^ t* ** * ** ** *** * ** ** * * * ** ****,r* CONTRACTOR ' Eeneral Contractor: P*-, ( fl. cn4 c.a.-, BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLEAI{ I'P IIEPOSIT REFIIND TO: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Dwelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.rrail.co.us Project Name: Futernick Residence DRB Number: DRB01036B Project Description: Interior remodel - 125 sq. ft. to both halves of duplex Pafticipants: OWNER FUTERNICK, MORRIS & MIRIAM A11/05/2001 Phone: 2 GROVE ISLE DR APT 1509 MIAMI FL 33133 License: APPUCANT Segerberg Mayhew Architects, 1 1/05/2001 Phone : 476-4433 Thomas Mayhew 1000 S Frontage Rd West #300 Vail, CO 81657 License: PrcjectAddress: 930 FAIRWAY DRVAIL Location: Legal Description: Lot: 7-A Block: Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 10 Parcel Number: 210108116015 Comments: Must keep 2 kitchens BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion Byl Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvah O2lZ7l20Oz Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: CON0005192 Building permit set of plans must SHOW a limits of disturbance fence Cond: CON0005193 Revocable right-of-way permit req'd at building permit Cond: CON0005194 Show the drainage swale from deck Oond: CON0005195 All materials and colors to match existing Cond: CON0005196 ILC required. Built to setbacks and height. Cond: CON0005197 owner must sign a Geologic Hazard Ack form (attached) Planner: Allison Ochs DRB Fee Paid: S5O.OO Oa ZONE CHECK Datc:e/at/oa Lcpl dcscription: Lot 7 910.1 il" vrit tzitlrt lo{fiz Addrcss Ouncr Architcct Tonc 2. Lot sizr Sitc Covcralc Hcight sctbacks Vnriua$r frr+ ^Wrd A,p It" VtardE Landscaping Minimum Rctaining Wall Hciglts Caragc Crcdit Drivovay Complics rvith TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss than 2:l (50%) Enrironm cnta L&Iazards (3 0 0) (50 o) rl o o1 c-z o-0,) Pcrmittcd Slopc --%o proposcd Slopc _% Yes y' Nq Phonc 2q,7q5 Allorvcd Existing TotalGMA 8'il +950 =lfro- -_-+Prinrary GRFA -+ (42j) (675*) =_3o!!!_ j?Ol. * SccondaryCRFA + {+zsy6ts*1= ggtlO Tol * Proposed Total Rcmaining lf, = 1+zV _--1 * 6'15 = 425 crcdir plus 250 addition kach al,+ va1 ft{reiniq * oF zro) Docs this rcqucsr involvc a 250 Addirion? _ 4ll - th it h ou* te+t l|y n td at avr hWAIU Horv much of thc allorvcd 250 Addition is uscti rvirh this rcoucst? n6? * l?2. = 2fr5 AXT+6affi CIo)(D Fron t Sidcs Rcar 20' l5' l5' 3',/ 6' Parking Requircd Encloscd Ycsy'- No t) Pcrccnt Slopc (< >30o/") - 1?OYo 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands Pro'ious condirions of approval (chcck propcrty filc); Proposcd"t@km Brrildable arca a) SnorvAvalanchc b) RocHall c) Dcbris Florv Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dacribc:n$ nnrl ueA + [ ol n26oo Nr cuh ,ur*. oa Projcct: _ :' o t*5 scarc I ' Benchmark' I-_:_ Lcgal dcscription Buildablc Area Eascmcnts Topognphy 100 yr. flood plain Watcr Counc Sctback Environmental Hazards Trees Utility locations Spot clcvations Q SITE PLAN Scalc Building Height Encroachments Sctbacks Site Covcrage EavcVovcrhangs (4) DccllsBalconics Gange conncction _ . Sitc Cradclslopc Rctaining lValls Fcnces Tuming Radius Drivcrvay (access and gradc) Snorv Storagc Firc Acccss i- F FLOOR8LANS Scalc GRFA I . -*._=_ 250 additionpl CRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc EHU Q BUILDINCELEVATIONS Scalc ColorMatcrials Roofpitch Q LA.NDsCAPE PLAN Existing trccs proposed bces Lcgend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Tirlc rcport (A & B) Utility.verifi cation form photos ofsitc Building material sarnplcs C.O. Vcrification Sun\ShadcAnglcs Utilities (undcrground) Vicrv Corridors Plat reslrictions Varianccs oo DESIGN REVIE1Y CIIECKI,IST :ctlvFn tjt\r 1 I ?t}01,-- l Hepworth-Pau.lak Geotechnical, Inc. 5020 County Road 154 Glenwood Springs, Colorado 81601 Phone: 970-945-798E Fbx: 970-945-8454 hpgeo@hpgeotech.com November 9, 2001 Segerberg Mayhew Architects Attn: Holly Rrdgway 1617 Wazee Street, Suite C2 Denver, Colorado 80202 Job No. 101 750 Subject: Geologic Hazard Review for Proposed Futernick Remodel, Lot 7, Filing 10, Vail Village, 930 Fairway Drive, Vail, Colorado. Dear Ms. Ridgway: As requested, we have made a geologic hazards review of the site. The purpose of review was to evaluate if the proposed remodel has the potential for increasing existing geologic hazards to the existing building on the lot or to adjacent properties. A field review of the lot was made ou November 8, 2001. In addition, published regional geologic hazards studies ofthe area were reviewed Proposed Addition: An existing two story wood frame duplex over walkout basement/garage level is presently located on the lot. It is our understanding that the remodel will consist of combining the duplexes into a single family residence. A three story wood frame entry will be constructed on the north (downhill) side of the structue. The addition will not require major site grading and the exisring building will be essentially unchanged structurally. Site Conditions: The lot is located on the south side of Fairway Drive on a north facing colluvial slope. The ground surface in the area ofthe existing building has a strong to moderately steep slope. The valley side to the south (uphill) of tlre residence is very steep with a slope up to about 80%. Vegetation on the lot is an evergreen and aspen forest with an understory ofbrush and grass. Gmlogic Hazards: Our field review and regional hazards studies indicate that tlte existing building is exposed to several geologic hazards. Potential hazxlds present in the area are snow avalanche, debris flow and debris avalanche and rockfall. The existing building is located near the boundary between high and moderate snow avalanche haznd zones and in the high hazard debris avalanche hazard zones (Town of Vail Hazard Maps, 2000). The existing building is also exposed to a medium severity rockfall hazard (Town of Vail Hazard Maps, 2000). Evaluation: The proposed remodel, including the addition to the north side of the existing building should not increase the existing geologic hazards to the building or to adjacent properties, including roadways and utility easements. The potential geologic c&Ftecn Segerberg Mayhew Architects November 9,2O0l Page 2 hazards could result in damage to the building and addition. Additional studies would be required to assess the feasibility of hazard mitigation. A subsoil study should be conducted for foundation design of the proposed addition. If there are any questions or if we may be of further assistance, please let us know. Sincerely, lordy Z. Rev. by: JZA/ksw ffi'*R'lL"titt- oo^;;SS llt!& H-P GEOTECH oo S(ocre arL? ft tu'r@+l+'l.tatwl (t Ap plicaHon for Design ol) Review tl€oilmeflt sf Cqfin.|rlg Develcp|flcnt f s,id, eoltag. Ra4 Vafl, Cbbra& 81657 ts|: 9n .a?912139 hr: 970'479'21s2 rveb : wwurri.valLco'us Gerreral lnFrmation: Itrlr appl,catirr F br atty pojed stuFfF D'dq R"'F* apprwal' AtY ryg! F|j|ttS d€sign tc'lt:tv flrst rceh,e +Fq'El e,lo. t "#n-fini tfi"i6lfo perit appLfaUoii Pleasc refpi o ure.su;mlbl Fqulrenef6 tuf the paruqdar apprual u,"t s llft&i. -An'iiPlicaud'lt D"ttE Fgi"" grry9!:.tt*d unfll a[ requlql tntbrmation b recerrrcrt !y d.:ffiffintd igrtftfr"*,t Oattnlfi Th€ Fcled-trty atso need b be r€vtsured bv the rq,,n 6rndl and/or U,ipHi[ i'ta-etilii.-ttr"r6ttrnb{d fi6n n-'l-t lord rppmvat l-|.3.5 solcss I hrdlding p"mtft i[u.A"-td cottfr,,dot ctiin-t.- t"ttttn-one Tear d tln 'Fproval' DessiPtion of ttre Reqnest = | $f4&to K k n o? aJ *'le | 35.aq.' pr' 4'R F ft eoe' tto A <o i+Ctl gne. oF Exsr,$qf*o-F utlRestrct!4F ' p**1q.fw(conb6 Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-32s{5r10 lbr Parcel no') Zonlng: llame(s) of Ownds): Oirner(s) Signaturt{s): Itlarn€ of ApDlkaffi: I'ialling Addtuss:3. ?xovellue D*,rArr * tFE--= , ' FtaatoA s"Jgg --'lrllrl goi'b?E'o3eg Typc of Revlew and Fee: tr Ne$rconfilcdstl E, Addtuofl tr lllnrAbntbn B ChangsbApProvdPLng f20o i50 120 Frqsgen of a nelr buildrg orrtmofrbulld il bn.dddd wiuo squar" ttit ge r aiHcl o.any rccdenthl or itni"W l rnOtng lrrauacl 250 eddbls r [tErlorqwssioos)' #-n{ttt.tt.,t#'u otltctns .nd r&E ltgrotfmst-' sch c' #ttlg,- il|ntfiE, whdow;ddtuons, nndrcrptra frilces ild rtrahrtg $alE, eE +n i? ;-F,6"t't" plrrs rtladv +ProEd bf Flanrrrrc Sbfi r llp?E ild,t-dh-tBo,hd- _- RECEI1;ED ptEAsE sJBlIr l1ils APPIJEATION, Atl cJBifirrAL RqJIRg'tEt{rs'fno-nreffrot*a116{grl'1ff ioFo{l{UNITY^D949fr ffi ' l]'sounr iromleE FoArD, vAIt" @LoRADo 81657. i'l0v n 5 ?.{lot f:Ttdy ,flri Crt,/ (,r/;jr/ .- ^'-;/ l/'( llr '5 '01 10/04 'luu uu:5d lAr|I.1. J.clfiI ..t.DDl-l'l luildina Hett lalE Rsf Sldlng oliler Wall Haerlsls Fascia Sdtts , WIndom WindowTilm Doors DoorTrim thnd or Dec* Raib Flues Flashirig Ch|mneys Trash Endsures Grcenhouses Reblning Walls Ertedor tjghUng Other tloEsE J|Js 6zt lzoz tuttltvllo _r/r/t v Dt\ Soler oo U T OF PROPOSED IIAIERIAIS f\me of Hrtcrial CwkA o>o*A WAOD _ ltJoovz ocexL -EIe*u- I ^)/A IdtA . t^DI I* ,l Nt-{ol^*L I f --\l-lt{c* er 6fi t f- l"r i' r e) It a.ffi,,r, " g*[xsq.z,,l.tJ It !l ., t" (;ggt"s._ .,NffOAHL t.H*rc* a*t5ft'r1 Q*r,,. r' EqulJ. Plcase specifu the tmnufactultt's color and numbrr aill attech e color chlp' Al|€trbr|or||ghtngmustnrectheTowntrcEt|atirysregarding|lgl'dng(1rpe^14-ltwe|opment srandads). If orbdor lioil'sli pr#Ii, p|;. muide trJnrjrnuer dr nxtures and locatiom on a separap lEhdng pcn. Idg1tif,1'ffih*un iiry a1O frac rc hdg6 abwe grade' lumens outPut' iuirlnors a-rea, ana atEch a cut sheEt of the llght flxtures' E,l,f,€, (etu",") EtJEa/- ctf Ensni , ti}.,tu'.'u.2'ir"^u u.oc.o-o.."-ff^ t"" !5 PROF6'EDTREFS AIIID SDIRUBS ro PROPTISED IAiIDSCAPITG hmsE l$e OrtEndtv SlrEBotanlcaltrtEc N/o DqSTINGTREES TO BE RE!|O/ED Y*.^?uls<ess Ep,qeL>A*N,-?5' Mlnlmuo RequiemelG lbr LandscaPing:Dclduous Trces - Z' CaliPer Conitsrsus Trs - 5' In hdgltt Slrrub- 5 @1. Tvoe SouarrFootace GR(IJNDO'ER soD SEED IRR,IGATIOT{ TYPE OF EROSION @NTRCL Please spclfy gdrer |andscape ftahJres (|.e. r&|ning wa|q ftncrs, s{flim0{ng pools, etc.) Department of C ommunity Development 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2I38 FAX 970-479-24s2 www.ci.vail.co.us 2lzzfoz l.9r^"a,ll. ,1 tu Eu 5t! - AF()trwv uf adi1,a'a- ,\li,n, Ft*;,"l sn'l o* lhxt nlu!+ -.) t-. -!*l"l-|f,",Jil"J'(t1:: i l:'i':i-f 4 psysL'ri-r- P.,6,u ?'--'r*. A*-- {ao'irr( [1tr1't"' qs ']1;'ru'' i iN P 0 u)' fl lLor, &2At^41c *w., lc-. fi,r^ Jetk 4o January 10,2002 Holly Ridgway 1617 Wazee St. Suite C2 Denver, CO 80202 Fax: 303-623-2262 RE: Futernick Residence, located at 930 Fairway Dr. / Lot 7, Block 2, Vail Village 1Oth Dear Holly, The Community Development Department has reviewed the application for the addition at the Futernick Residence, localed at 930 Fairway Dr. / Lot 7, Block 2, Vail Village 10rh. The following commenls and concerns must be addressed prior to final approval: 1. Please indicate a limits of disturbance fence on the site plan (and during construction, in the field) for accessing the back of lot to complete work on palio. 2. Please show a method of providing positive drainage on the patio, and where it will daylighVflow. 3. The heated portion of the driveway in the Town ol Vail right of way must be in separate zone and indicated as such at the control box. Please indicate on the site plan. 4. Please provide a revocable right of way permit for the heated portion of the driveway in Town of Vail right of way. 5. Please narrow the width of the driveway entrance at the concrete pan area. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 970-479-2369. The above items must be met to staff's satisfaction prior to final approval. Sincerelv, ,t ',. iT/:llTt,Un Allison Ochs, AICP Town of Vail {p "*uo"^'o I Ld.{n3/2[l,rl.1 88 j49 97S-4?6-F :-1zr(1! \ r:--:r rlQWifF. PAGE A2 land Title Guarantee ComPanY GUSTOMER DISTBIBUTIOIU Dstc: 08-30-2001 hoperfy Adikcss: LgT 78, MUELLER.WYMA{ DUPLEX OuonlerNumber: Vn35Y EMITDESS€ADMT'S RP{L ESTA1E IEl ERIDGEST. vArL, co 8165? Ano: MARK CADMUS Phoue: 9l(}.4761450 Frr: 97G476.31tt Scnt Via CowicttF NAICXIbPAI'LRONDEAU 9SOBFNRWAXDRIVE VAIL, CO t1657 Plooc: Yt(F{7H6Et F!* 970-0763188 ScDi ViN US Postal S.ryicc MORRIS & MIRI,AM A. FIJTERNICK IAI|ID TTTLE OUAAANTEE COMPANT C/O 'AY PETEBSON 106 S- FRONIA€E RD. u'' f,zTx' los s' FRoNTAGE RD' #3o5 f'o' Eox 357 VAIL, CO &65? VAIL' CO E1657 Pho*: 97o'475{092 A$t; Dltticlle Stoltz Scnt \'ia Coufisf+t+ Ph orcl. yIO476'iXEl Fsgc ?7o47645v4 F{n D&lvtRY L L$dt23t2ao.1 aBr4s s7s_476_zu JAY K PETERST}.I PAGE 93 Land Title Guarantee Company Y0uB c0llTAcTs Datc: 08'3G2ffi1 Our Oriler Number: V273534 hoperty Addres: LO|I 78, MI,JELLER.WYilA}iI DUPLE ( BuyerBorrowert MORRIS FUTERMCK A}ID MIRTAM M.I'IJ'IERI{ICK Sdler/Orner: THE PAIJL J. RONDEAU TRUST, UA DTD 'UNE 12. I9t9 AI{D TIIB NAI{CY M. ROIIIDEAU TRUST, UADTDJUNB 12, 1989 Ifyou bave any inguiries or require firrther asshtance pleasc contad one o[ llre numbers belorr: For Closiag Assistance: Dasiclls Stoltz IOE S, FRONTAGE RD. W. #2O3 P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO 81657 P\onet 9f0476-2251 Fax; 9704'764534 BMait dstoltz@ltgc.com For lltle Asdelancc: vail Title Dept- Roger Avila 108 S. FF.ONIAGBRD. W. #2CB P.O. BOX 357 VAIL, CO t1557 Ybone: 91O416-2.:iL5l Fu:. 9'l0/;'16.4.5f4 EMait ravila@ltgc.cm Need a map qr dire(tions for yorq upcoming closing? Check ortt l-and Tlile'c web slte at wtro.hgc.com for dile<tions to erw of our 40 olfce locstions. ESTIMATE OF TITTE FEES Alte Ownsrs Policy 1G17-92 Deletion of S.:ndard Exception(s) 14 (Orvner) Trx Report SCI# R03079O has beca ordered ftom Eagle Cty €3 .tLO - OO s4o . o0 SLs . ao TOIAL s3 ,76s . oo to;E! crqd:tacr TIIAITI{ YOU T.QF YOI'R ORI'ER! I L8/23/286.1 68:49 9?A-476-6U JAV K PETERSON PAGE A4 Chicago Tide Inssrrncc CompanY ALTA COMMITMENT Schedule A Ou Order No, 'lfYRS}4 Cnst. Ref.: hoperty Addrcss: LOT 78. MT'ELLER"WYMAT-I DUPLE'X 1- Effedlve Date: August 15, 2fi)1 et 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be Issuod, end hopmed Insured: 'ALTA' Owrcr'$ Policy 10-17-91 $l'550'000.00 Proposed Insmred: MORRIS zuTERMCK AI{D }{IRIAM M. FT'TBRMCK 3. The ertate or Inicrcst ln the land ilcscribed or ruferrcd to in this Conmlfueat and coYered hcreirr is: A Fee Sinple 4. fitle to thc estate or int€rtl covercd hereln is at the clfcctive date hercof vesteil tn: TIIE PAUL J. RONDEAU TRUST. UA DTD IUNB 12, 1989 AND TIIE NANCY M. RONDBAU TRUST, UA DTD ruNE 12, 1989 5. fire tanrl rtferred to in 'bis Cornmitmeut 'rs rlescribed as follorvs; LOT 78, MUELLER-WYMAN DT'PLEX, A RESI.JBDIVISION OF LOT 7, VAIL VILLAGE, TENTII EILtrtG, ACCORDING TO TIIE PLAT RECoRDED SEPfEMBBR 30, 19E7 IN BOoK 4?l AT PAGE IE, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATts OF COLORADO, I L6123/2a81 E€j4s s7E_476_p PAGE S5 ALTA COMMITMBNT Sclc&rleB-Sectioul (Bequirements) Our Order No- Yn9$4 The following are the requireurents to be conplied wlth: Itcn (a) Payment to or fut tie accorurt of thc graniors or Eofigrgorg of the firll considlration for the esrsc or interest o be iDsued- ften (b) Propcr instr rEeflt(s) creatiog tbe csbtc or i{tercst to be insured nust bc cxecrrted all dufy fibd for rucord' ro-wit: Item(c)Palmeltofe]ltares'chargcsorassessmcntslgvicdandassessedagainrtlhesubjectprcoisesghic}'arettue and payrble, lhil (d) Additiomf aquLemeoc, if any disclosedbelow: 1. DI]LY ACKNO\I'LEDGED AFFIDAVJT SBTT'ING FORTH THE NAil{E OF THB PAUL J, RONDEAU 13.UST, UA DTD JUNE 12, 1989 AS A TRUST, AITID THE NAMES A}.TD ADDRBSSES OF AIJ OF TTIE TRUSTEES WHO ARE RBPRBSBNTBD BY SAID TRUST, TIIB NAI\,TBS OF THE TRUSTEES WTIO MAY CONVEY, ENCTJMBBR, LEASE, OR OTIIERWISE DBAL WTITI INIERESTS PR^OPBRLY FOR SAID TRUST, AND OIHERWISB COMPLYING WITH THB PROVISIONS OF SECfiON 38-30-166 OF THE 1973 CRS, EVTDENCING TIIE HflSTENCE OF SAID TRUST. SAID AFFIDAVIT MUST INCLIJDB T1IB LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF TTIB ST]BIECT PROPERTY. Z, DULY ACKNOWLEDGED AFFIDAVIT SBITTNG FORTH THE NA![E OF THB NANCY M- RONDEAU TRUST, UA DTD JUNE 12, 1989 AS ATRUST, A}.TD TIIE NAMBS AND ADDRESSES OF AIJ- OF THE TRUSTEES WHO ARE REPN,BSBNTtsD BY SAID TRUST, TI{E NAL4ES OF TIIE TRUSTEES WHO MAy coNvEy, Er{clJMBER, LBASE, OR OTITERWISE DEAL flTm INTERESTS PT.OPBR.LY FOR SAID TRUST, AI{D OTIIERWISE COMPLYING WTIII fiIE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 38-30-166 OF THE 193 CRS. EVIDENCING THB H(ISTENCE OF SAID TRUST. SAID AFFIDAVIT MUST INCLUDE TIIB LBGAL DESCRIPIION OF THE ST]BIECT PROPFRTY, 3. BYIDBNCE SAIISFACTORY TO THE COMPAI.IY THAT TIIE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF THE TOWN OF \'AIL TRAI{SFER TAX HAVE BFEN SATISFIED. 4. S'ARRAIITY DEED FROM TTIE PATJL I. RONDEAU TRUST, UA DTD TTJhIE 12, 19t9 AT.ID THE NAT.ICY M. RONDEAU IRUST, UA DTD ruNE 12, 1989 TO MORRIS FUTERNICK AT.ID MIRTAM M. FUTERMCK CONVBYING SUBJECT PROPFRTY. NoTE: DELETION/MoDIFICATIoN OF GENERAL BXCEffiONS ARE FOR TIIE OWNERS POI.ICY. JAV K PETERSON t to/23/2ztt A8:'49 978-476-AU JAY K PETERSON PAGE 85 ALTA COMMITMENT ScbeduleB-Sectronl (Requlremmae)Our Order No. V273534 Continued: NOTE: ITEMS l-3 OFTIIE GENERAL E (CEPtIoNS AnB I{ERBEY DBIJTED. UPON THE APPROVAL OF THE COMPAI{Y Al{D THE RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIBN AFFIDAVTT, ITEM NO. 4 OF T1{3 GENBR.AL BXCBPITONS WILL EE AIT,IENDED AS FOLLOSTS: ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DETITBD AS TO AI{Y LIENS OR FUTT'RE LIENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURNISIIED AT THB RBQI]EST OF THE PATJL J. RONDEAU TRUST, UA DTD JUNE 12, 19E9 AND TIIE NANCT M. RONDEAU TRUST, UA DTD JUNE 12. T989. CHICACO TITLE INST,IRAI{CE COMPAI\TT SHALL I{AVB NO LIABILITY FOR ANY LIEIIS ARISING FROM TVORK OR MATERIAL FURNIS}TED AT TIIE REQUBST OF MORNS FUTERNrcK AND MIRIAM M. FUIERMCK. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF TIIE GEI.$ERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DEI.gTED IF LAND TITLB RECORDS T1IE DOCUMENTS RFQUTRED I.II{DER SCHEDIILE B.I. NOIE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TA)(ES, mEM 6 WILL BE AITIENDED TO RBAD: TA)GS AIID ASSESSMENTS FoRTHE YBAR 2001 AI.ID SUBSBQUENT YEARS' MEM 7 UNDER SCHEDUI.E 8.2 $'ILL BE DELETED UPON PROOP TTIAT T}IE WATER AT.ID SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID tJP TO DATE^ t LA..23/2EA: 68:4s 978-476-T JAY K PETERSoN |l PAGE 67 ALTA EOMMITMENT Schedulc B - Sectioa 2 @rcePtiorre) Our Order No. V27?534 fie policy or pollcles to be issued will contaln enc€piloru to the following unless the same are diqrosed of to ltrc srtisfadion of tte Conpany: l. Righb 9r ..|'imq of pardes in poscssion not stoum by the public rccords. 2. Easemcnts, or slrims af easeoEots, Dot 6how[ by tbc public rccords. 3. Discrqrancics, co!.f,icts in boundary liues, shortagc in area, ercroachmenh, anC aqy hcts which a comct suvey and inspection of thc prtuiscs *roulil disclose a.ud wbrch arc not Soqtn by tle public records. 4. Any lico, or rig[r to a tien, for scrvrces, labcr or material lheretofure or hcrcafter furnisbecl, imposed by law anil not shoq/a try the gublic records. 5. Deftcts, liens, ongumbratres, adverse ol,aims or other mattcrs, if any, creat€4 first aPlteadtrg in the public records or auaching subsequctrt to the cffective date hereof brut prior b the ilate the prqrosed iltured acquircs of recod for value the €statc or intefest or Eortgage tlereon correred by this Coemiheot. 6. Taxes or rpecial asscssficnt$ nftict are aot shown as existiug licns by thc public records. 7 . Liens br uopaid water aud scurcr chargeg, if any. 8. In arlditio+ tbe owler's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if aay, noted ia Secdon I of Schedule B heceof. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AI\ID R.BMOYE HIS ORE TIFREFROM sHorJLD TIIE SAI\48 BE FOITND TO PENETRATB OR INTERSECT THE PRX,MISES AS RBSERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 20. 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 511. IO. NGIIT OF WAY FOR DITCHBS OR CAI{ALS CONSTRUCTED BY TIIB AUTTIORITY OF TIIE I'MIED STATES AS R.ESERVED IN I,NITED STATES PATENT RECORDED MAY 2I), T905, IN BOOK 4t AT PAGE 5I1. 1I. RFSTRICTTYE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI.AUSB, BUT OMITTING ANY COVENAI{T OR RESTRICTION BASED ON R.ACB, COLOR, RELIGION. SEX, IIANDICAF, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AI.ID ONLY TO T1IE EXTEI.ITTHAT SAID COVENAI\TT (A)Is E)(EMPTUNDERCHAPTER42, SECTION 36W OB TTIB IIMTED STATES CODE OR (B) REIATES TO HANDICAP BIIf DOES NOT DISCRMINATE AGAINST HA}.IDICAP PERSONS. AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RBCORDED APRIL 11, 193, IN BOOK 22E AT PAGE 604. 12. ALL OF LOT 7 LIES WTN-IIN TTTE DEBRIS AVALANCHE (HIGH HAZARD) AS NOTED ON IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTTFICATE NO. I1O5 BY EAGIJ VAIIEY EI\IGINEERING & suRvEYnrc. u\tc. . I8/23/286L 8B:4s 976-476-qlqt JAV K PETERSO.I ALTA COMMITMENT Ss,lrealule B - Section 2 (Excrptloru) Our OrderNo. Vn3$4 The policy or potlcle to be lssucd wllt contain exceptions to the (ollowing ualcss the samc are dlsposed of to Orc cafrfaction of tbe Cornpany: 13. AI.I OF LCTT ? tlES WillIIN TITB MBDIT'M SEVERTTY ROCKFALL AREA AS NOTED ON MPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATB NO. IIO5 BY BAOLBVALLEY ENGINEERII{G& SURVEYING, INC. 14, BASEMENTS, CONDITIONS, COVENANTS, RESTRICTTONS, RBSBRVATIONS AI{D NOTES ON THE PI.AT OF MT'ELLER-WYMAT.T DUPLBX RECORDED SEPTEMBER 30, 1987 IN BOOK 47I ATPAGE 18. ls. TERMS, CONDmONS AND PROvIsloNs oF TowNHousE DECLATATION RECORDED SEPTEMBER 30. I9E7 trIT BOOK4TI AT PAGE 17. 16. BLECTRIC TRAT.ISFORMER IN TTIE NORTIIEAST CORNER OF SUBIECT PROPBRTY AS SEOS'N ON TIIB IMPROVBMENT LOCATION CER.TIFICATE DATED SEPTEMBER 28, 1987 BY JOHNSON, KT'NKEL & ASSOCIATES, INC. PAGE 98 . L8,'f23/2Aq1 AAi49 97A-476-AA JAY K PETERSON PAGE 89 LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COIVIFANY DISCLOST'RE STATEMENTS Note: hrsua.ot to CRS 10-11-122, notice is hereby givea thqt: A) Thp subject rtal propcrty may bc locateit h a special tariag district. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listiug each taxins jutisdiction roay be obeioe{ from the Coruty Trcasurer's authorieed ageot, C) Thc infornation Fgarding spccial districf asd thc boundaries of such districts oay be obtainsd fton rhe Boar<l of Corury Comuiesiolers, tbe County Clcrk aod Recofller, or the Coulty Assessor. Note: Bffective Sqrt@b€r l, Bn, CRS 30-10-406 requircs that aU .loorrrctrts rrccived for rccordiag s1 filing il the clerk ard recorder's office shall contain e top margia of at lcast onc inch atd a lcft, right atd bottod margio of at l€ast oae half of an inch. The c.lerk and recorder may refuse to record or 6lc any docrmsnt thal docs pot colforn, excqlt tbat. the rcqlircnetrt for the top margir shall sot apply to docnments using foms on wbrch qpac. i$ Fovided for rccording or filiug information at the top nargin of the document. Note: Colo,rado Divisioo of Imuaoce Regulations 3-5-l , Paragraph C of Article VII requkes tbat "Evcry title entity sbdl be responsible for all matters which appear of record prior ro the tjoe of recording wtenever tte tide entity cordncts the dosiry aod is reslomibte for remrdiqg or filing of legal docunena resuhiqg from the taasactioa which wes clos€d'. Provided that Laud Title Cuanmtee eonpany conducts tie closing of the insured transaction and is for recordiqg the legal documeors frm. the Earsactiotr, exceptioa mmber 5 will uot appear on the Owner's Tide Policy and the I-enders Policy wlen iszued. Note: Affimztive mechanic's lio. probction for tbe Olvrer may be rvailable (typically by dclction of Exception no, 4 of Sc,hedule B, Section 2 of the Commitnetrt ftom lhe Oqmer's Policy to be issued) upol compliance with tle followirg coodirioos: A) The land described in Schedule A of this conmitne mu6t be a sitgle family resideDce which insludes a condominium or toumhoue unit. B) No labor or mateials Dave be€l furnished by necfrauics or materid-men for puqroses of constuction on ttre land descriH in Schedule A of this Commihent witfiin the past 5 months, C) The Company must receive rn appropriate affidavit iads'nniryi[g the Company against uo-fiIed mcchanic's 8nd matcriel-dcn's licns, D) The Company must receive palm.eat of tte appropriate prenium. E) If tbere has been construcdon, improrernents or major repairs undertaken on the prope,rty to be pufcbased within six months prior to lhe Dare of the C@mitmetrt, ttre requireoe E to obain coverage br unrecorded liels lyill ioclude: disdosure of certail coastruction information; finalsial information as to the seller, tbe builder strd or the contractor; payment of the appropriate pemftrn fully executed lndeoaity Agreeomts srtisfactory to the company, ald, aty adilitional requirements a$ Day be rrcecsaf,y after an etqrniration of the afortsrid iaforoation by the Cqgaoy. No coverage will be giwsa un6er any circr,rmsta.uces for labor or neterial for wb'rch thc insurcit has contracEd for or agreed to pay, Notc: husuant to CRS l0-11-123, nphcc is hcroby givcs: A) That thcre is recorded widcnpe that a mineral csiatc bas bccu sworcd, lcascd, or otbcrwise coweyed from ttre surface esrate anil that there is a zubstantial likelihood that a lhird party holds sme or all interest in oil, gas, otber minerals, or geothenrd ercrgy in Oe property; and B) That such mircrrl estate may include the right to eater and use the property wiihour the surfrce ormpr's pernissiotr, this rctice apglies to omer's policy coonimeats couuini.ug a minenl severarEe instruocnt exccption, or exceptioss, in Schedule B, Section 2. NorhiDE hereid contaiocd will bc de€fled to obligate the company to provide a$, of the coverages reftned to herein unless the above couditions are firlly satisned. Forn DISCLoSIJIE PAGE L8 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY trldelity National Flnencid Group of Companic/Cbrcago Title Insumnce Company and bnil fitle Guarantee Company JuIy 1,2lXlI We recoslize aod fesDect the orivacv cxDccbtiols of todav's oorsuners aod the requirErnents of apolicablc ftderal ard slste Drifacy lawe . We believe' tbet riadnc vou aware of fow we use your ml-Dtrblic Dersolal bfoimatioa ('Personsl Inforilatiori"), aod to wboo it is discloseil -witl furm the basrs for a ft,lation$iir of mim bemEei us and tbe'public ttrat wc srrvc.'flis Privacy Statcoet prgvides fhat qxpla.natiou. Wc resen e the fighr to chaoge this Privacy - Statengnt frorn timc to tinc consisrnt with appticable-privacy laws. In the cowse of our business, we mry colled Pcrsonsl lrformqtion about you from tbe following socccs: * Frm amlicatioos or other forms *r lcccivc ftoln vqu or your aulhodzed reDr€sefltetive:t Erom y?f,ur uarsactions ':vrth, or from thc services being pffiroed by, us, our affiliates, or othcrs;+ From irur i.oreraet web sites:'* Frqrg the public records- lnaintr ised by govErnmeDtal cDtidcs &at we either obtrin directly ftm those entities, oi from oqr affiliates or othersi rd+ From cousrncr or orlcr rqrortiog agencies. Our Po[ctes Regeriling thc hedion of the Conliilertidity and Securify of Yom Personal Information \rys rmintrin physical. electronic aud procedural saftguardE to Drotect your Personal Informatiol from unauthorized acce66 or iarrtsibn We limit access d the Personal Infmatioir onlv to those einployees who need such acc€ss itr conaeclioa with pro\ridiog products or services to you or for other lEgitimra busioess pluposes- Orrr Policles and Pradlccs Regarding the Sharing of Xour Pemond lrrforrnaflon wc may share your Pcrsonal Infurmation with oru affiliates, sucb as in5qrancc companies, agerts, a.od other rell estaE sbttlenetrr service providers. Wc also nay disclose your Personal Information: to asen6. brokers or reDreseltatives to urovide vou with sEfvicf.s you have r,eQuested:p tfird-party conjrlslqis or,s€rvice pro'viders niho prwidc scrvicds or perfoni matlcting or other firnctioG on otu behalf: and to others wirl. whom we enter inio joint markctiug agfEcmcsts for products or senrices tbat we believe you may 6nd of interest, In addition" we will disclose vour Personal lnformation whcn vou dilect or eive us oemissioo. when we are reguired by law to do so, or when qc itspect fraurfuIetrt or crininal acdvitics, v/e a$o oay -disclgse yoru Personal Info.roation wben otherwise perririued by applicabtre privacy laws such as, for example, whcn drsclosurc is rcedcd to erfotce our righu arising omt of aay aftre'dueat, rinsaction or relationihip with you, O- ne qf th9 im_ portant responsibilities of 6om€ of our {6liatcd companic$ is to record documets in the public donain. Suci-documentf may coataio your PersoDaf Information, - Right to A,ccess Your Perronal Inforrrallon and Ablllty to Correst Erron Or Request Changes Or Deletion Cenaia states afford yorr the rieht to access your Persoral lnformation and. uuder c€fialn circumstarces. to fiud our to whom your Persorial lnform-ation has beeir disclosed. Also, ceflain slates afford you thc risht to rcqtrcst cgrrection, amendme4t or deletion of your Personnl lnformatioa. We reserve the rilEht, where pemittat by law, to charge a 1eq$qnslJe ftc to cwcr the crJss iurrred in respoading to such requests. - All,rc4rese su-bnitted ro the Fidelity Nalooal Financial Group of Companies/Cbicago fiOe bsurancc Cornpany shrll b-e itr \triting, and delivered to'the following address: Privacv Compliaoce Officer Fidelitv National FiDa.rcial. I!c. 4050 Calta Rcal. suitc 220 Sauta Barbara, CA 931l0 Multiple hoduds or Servic-" Fw" prq+* yolr qlth more thln orc 6$arcia{ product ot scr.ricc, you may teccivc mete than 966 privacy notice EOrIr US, We apologrze fol any tlloollvenetrcc tb$ mey cause you. fonn PR I v. Pol.cH I *'trtt*'t*+******'**+***t **'t+'|!***,t * +* + ** ** * * * ++:t'** ***+** *** * ****'t** * * * ** * * * ** ***+**** ** ** * ** ***+ TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Stalement ********{r+*********t',t***+****'}+******{.++*!***+{'**+*****+***'t***** **'i,1.*+***+** ********'l'*'r****'t statement Number: R000001680 Amount; $50.00 r!/05/2o0l.o4:3? PM Palment Method: Check Init: JAR Notation: 12455 Permit No: DRB010358 Type: DPB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 210108115016 Sit.e Addrees: 930 FAIRWAY DR VAIL Location: Totaf Feea: g5o. oo Thie Payment: $50.00 Total ALL PmtB: $50'00 Balance: S0 .00 **{'****{.,i**+++**{.'r****.tr*r<*****r.{.'}****r r*,}*'l++*i.:t't****:t'}*:l{.**+*{t**:1.**'}**t *****'l'**********'}**'l ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmbs DR OO1O()O()31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 50. 00 November 5. 2001 Allison Ochs Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 Allison. Per our preliminary meetiag with you in October, we are submitting the necessary documentation for Lot 7, 10tn Filing, Town of Vail, also known as the Futernick Residence at 930 Fairway Drive for your determination of Staff Approved or Desigrt Review Board status. Enclosed in this submittal are the architectural floor plans, elevations, site plan, title policy and stamped topography map as required by the Desigrr Reyiew Board and stated in the application that was faxed to us. A primary goal of this project was to create a new entrpvay within the allotted square footage allowable that would translate into a cohesive, functional and aesthetically appealing entity in the foreground of the building. In doing so, we intend to construct this structure using the materials and methods that will match the existing state of the building and maintain the fundamental elements of its existing desigrr. As another primary goal for this project, we have intentionally tried to minimize the impact that this new construction would have on the existing landscape, site and building. This is to emphasize that the new construction will in no way deter from the existing hazard precautionary measures already in place. We have employed the services of Hepworth-Pawlak Geotech. to further verify this, and their documentation is forthcoming (contact Jordy Adamson9T0-945-7988). Should you have any further questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me at the information listed below. Thank vou for vour time. Ilr rlr lfitXtv,rf-'-- idgway U L/ t)) Segerberg, Main office: 1000 south Frontage Rosd wbst, suite 300 Dehv€r Officer 1617 wazee Strcet. Suite C2 . Denver. email: infofasmarchs.com Mayhew & Associates Architects, P.C., A.I.A. Vail, COco 80202 E t657 . Dhone:. phone: 303 910 416 4433 . faxi 91O 476 4608 623 3355 . fax: 303 623 2262 http:,tw$'w,smarchs.com From: To: Date: Subject: Leonard Sandoval Allison Ochs OilO9nOO21:32:46 PM Futernick Res. lssues Need on site plan- limit of disturbance fence during construction when accessing back of lot to work on patio. show method of providing postive drainage on patio, and where it will daylighUflow. Heated portion of driveway in Town of Vail right of way must be in separate zone and marked at the control box. Provide revocable right of way permit for heated portion of driveway in Town of Vail right of way. Allison, if you can, try and have them nanow the width of the driveway enlrance at the concrete pan area. I knovr they are reducing the width within the properly, I think it would work and look much better, if it was all reduced. lts around 43 ft now. Thanks ls Project Application Project Description: Contacl Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone; Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot a Block Filing zon" 7? Comments: Design Review Board Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: Date: ,\att Approval Qucstions? "ntr,.nn,ng Staff at 47g-2l2tl APPLICATION IIOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GI]NERAI- INFORMATION This npplioation is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcvicrv approvtrl. AIry projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv tttust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicrv approval prior to subnritting fora building pcrnrit. For spccific in fornration, scc thc sub rnittal rcquircrncnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cantrot bc acccptctl until all thc rcquircd infollation is subnrittcd. 1'hc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc Planningand Environnrcrrtal Contnrission. Dcsign Rcviclv Board approval expilcs onc yetr after final trpproval unlcss a building pcrntit is issucd and construction is startcd. B. c. E. DI]SCRIPTION OF T'I.IE ITEQUEST:.i r*) t (rs 'td a-beJroorvt rU LOCATlON OF PROPOSAL: LOT:FILING: P}IYSICAL ADDRESS:3o (ntett11.I1) Fq-icw PArrcEL #:050110 z f ol- Agl: tt(!- dt7)t (Contact Eaglc Co. Aiscssors Otlicc at 970-328-8640 for parccl ZONING: NAMI] OF OWNER(S):o\up lCy MAII-ING ADDRESS: -t 9v-oss. \a\ ea-Sf.rflc\.-, o+{e-r h+t (- CJK C. ll. PI-ION owN ER(S) S r GNA'r'URB(S) :2fu<-- NN ME OF APPI-ICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: PIIONE: l'YPE OF REVIEW AND FDE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Construction of a ncw building. Includcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to arty rcsidcntial or conrnrcroial building. tr Addition - I Conceptual Revicrv - $0 For any application whcrc thc appticant wishcs to nrcct with Dcsign Rcvi*v Board to dctcrnrinc whcthcr ornot the projcct gcncrally contplics with thc dcsigr guidclincs. Thc DRB docs not votc on conccpfual rcvicws. DRBfccsarctobepaidatthctinrcofsubrnittal. Latcr,whcnapplyingforabuitdingpcnnit,plcaseidcntify thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. TheTown ofVail will adjust thc fee accordrng lo thc projectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVDLOPI}IENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 8I657. TO|/|N OF VAIL 6/b/s7 +-*zu-vrfne"*< J. ( UJi\do., \ e-tcu I $50 $20\rrlinor lrteration -Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc itnprovcnrcnts, suclt as, .. : "t rcroofing, painting. rvitrdow additions, lardscaping. fcnccs and rctaining+ r !kt'::€' @qtaflocwalls. ctc. t LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDING MATERIALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits \\{ | nr , i/' | /^ \ X windows \N oo,l Ct<d".V i rry \ ( Pccr nr-a\l tel wooJ,y. windowTrim WOOct Doors Door T'ritn Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other * Please spccify thc manufachrrer's color, number and attach a small color chip *+ All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the ttumber offixhues and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixhre type and provide ih" h.ight uboue grade, lumens output, luminous area, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtures. +L *"S**,hnrgtf T,a)pr ^o{ ec,r.l SgB liccr*ian ,bl b'ilq+ *o.:;,e- 6pfecl<,.r N o*<- S r)0w,nevS pru pri$r I ru ns. up\',tl {o- ctpir;ry, ioo + *dl ,,\ r_.i,.,,,,i ; "l ..i,! - \Lltl i'- .^ { lr ,J-C.. Fau-e:t Stirs qc.f '|ca.'r^*( , i,, at\;r.,, u f uPpsr Yr,, g e\i+| !in€. li i t.t et43 r.u i r,a[o,r,' q, (--4t .' /.:. J l _ .-e. :l'""i J'1 "\(J^ n.l ,. t?t- g[ r-r? l€ V t/\ o C --+* , TI c\.C:0 tt n t Ie vl o ( :: n 1.'; r'' p .-l-v ' --r' a(f '. , .1 .t.'tr I r' "4'lvt C+t ^d-t ($ ?^\L V '', TttutFt oF rJF| I l_ ' Hiscellaneqts Cash B6-66-SP t5:5?:44 Receipt * 225758 Rccsunt # il{ d RNHT'ENU\DRB FEE ftrrrsunt tendsred '} Item paid 0t686841531888 Chenqr re,turned > 1l?4 :8. SS Anount paid 2F. Eff EI. BE THFIFIT< Volrr cashier REFTHfr TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: B96-0289 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No..Project No. 930 FAIRWAY DR 930 FAIRWAY DR 2101-0 81-16-016 PRJg6-0167 Status. . ,Applied.. Issued... Expires, . I S SUED 0e /23 /tee 6 L0/o4/Les6 04 /02 /tes7 AppLTCANT BOYMER CONSTRUCITON/CONT P O BOX 1.001, VArL CO 81658 CoNTRACTOR BOYMER CONSTRUCTTON/CONT P O BOX 1001, VAIL CO 81658OWNER FUTERNICK MORRIS & MIRIAM A2 GROVE ISLE DRIVE APT 1509, MIAMI FL 33133 Description: 250 ADDITION AND KTTCHEN REMODEL Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation:48, 000 Add Sq Ft: L23 flof Gas Apptiances: fof Gas Logs: Phone t 3034762958 Phone: 3034762958 fof Uood/Pat Let: ******************************************ff*************** FEE sUl',lt'lARy *******************Jr*****************ff*#******1'-1******** 8ui lding-----) 476.N Restuarant Ptan Revieu--> .Oo Tota[ catcutated Fees---> 1,106.g5Ptan check---> 509.40 DRB Fee-------Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> 18.45 Totat permit Fee--------> 1JA6.E5tli|'Lcat|.---->3.00c|ean-upDePosit-------->25o'ooPaynents----------------> TOTAL FEES-----************#********************fr************Jr******L******fft t***fffr*************ft********trk*Jr*:trrtrr#*ffi*ff**** Item: .O51OO-BUIIPING-DEPARTMENT DepI: BUILDING Divislon:a9/,?1/,1998 qHARLTE A-Eiont--Nois plaNs ro clrAF.iis99'/23'/ i!9_9 6_cIrAgLrE .A,crion : ApFn enenirs-DAVTS---Itemi'.0s400_PI,INNING DEpARTMENT Dept: pr,euNrNc Divj_sion:09/.23/.r996 CHARLTE A--iont--Noin pr_,awus To IAEREN--"-'-'--'- -'Lo'/o4'/t996 DLF.K Acrloni AFFRrtbm:'05600 FrRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division:09/23/1996 CHARLIE Acrionl AppR N./A [Ei2tt?3E1o.fiHRll3 *88[i"": aeen on)e Dept: puB woRK Division: **lr**********iri********lri****i**********************J*****ff*****************t********************ffi********ir**********ff******** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARAT]ONS I hereby acknowtedqe that I have read this apptication, f il,l,ed out in ful,l. the information required, compl,eted an accurate ptotpl-an, and state that a[t the information provided as required. is correct. r agree to compty viith tle iniormation and p1ot p1an,to conply with aLl' To!,n ordinances _and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure according io'ttre rowni" ioiiig "nu subdivisioncodes/ design revie|| approved, uniform Buil'ding code and othef oFdinances of the Town aiplicabLe thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: BoY ER CONSTRUTTON Fi replace Information: Restri cted: OR AT OUR OFFICE Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS Permit #: 896-0289 as of 10/07/96 Status---: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITApplicant--: BOYMER CONSTRUCITON/CONT 30347 62958 Job Address: 930 FAIRWAY DRLocation---: 930 FAIRWAY DRParcel No--: 2101-081-16-016 Description: 250 ADDITION AND KITCHEN REMODEL AppJ-ied-- | 09 /23/re96rssued---: IO/OA/I996 To Expire. 04/02/1997 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COndit iOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED TN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.I_210 0F THE 199L UBC.3. ALL GUARDRAILS MUST COMPLY WITH ].991 UBC SEC 1?124. GLAZTNG MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC SEC. 54065. SONO TUBE MUST BE INSTALLED A MIN. OF 48" BELOW GRADE6. FRAMING MAY BE REQ'D TO BE APPROVED BY STRUC. ENGINEER **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0214 Amounti 1,106.85 IO/07/96 14:03 Payment Method: CK Notation: #1386 Init: CD Permit No Parcel NoSite Address L.,ocation This Payment Account Code 01" 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSlTS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 896-0289 Type: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD pE 2101-0 B 1- 16-016 930 FAIRWAY DR 930 FAIRWAY DR 1, 106. 85 tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * !k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * **** * * * * * * * * * * * * 1r 106. 85 1, 106 . 85 .00 Amount 47 6 .00 s0.00 309.40 2s0.00 18.45 3.00 TOWN OF VAII 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 9'1 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUS? BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E9 6-023I Job Address Locati-on. . . Parcel- No..Project No. ELECTRICAL PERMIT 930 FAIRWAY DR 930 FAIRWAY DR 2101-081-16-016 PRJ96-016? Status. . ,epplied.. Issued... ExpJ-res . . ] S SUED 0e /23/7ee6 oe /23/ree6 03 /22 / 1.se7 96013APPLICANT RESORT ELECTRIC P O BOX 7079, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR RESORT ELECTRIC P O BOX 1079 | AVON CO 81620 OWNER FUTERNICK MORRIS & MIRIAM A 2 GROVE ISLE DRIVE APT 1509, MIAMI FL 33133 DRB Fee .00 5.00 57.00 TotaI CaLcutated Fees---) Additionat Fees--------> Total Permit Fee--------> Payments------ BALANCE DUE---- Phone:30394 Phone : 3 0 3 9 4 9 6 0 13 57.00 .00 57.00 57.00 .00 Description: ELEC FOR 250 ADDITION AND KITHCEN REMODValuation:3,000 . 00 **ff***ff****i*ffff*ffffi****t*t*J.ilJr*Jitff*J.l***********i** FEE SUlll'IARY *****r.**#**ff*ff***Jr***ff**ffi*#t#jr***it*******Jrt E tect ri ca [---)51..00 Investigat i on> l,iLt cal.l,----> TOTAL FEES-_> **tr****tr**ff*lr*Jr*rrt*ff*tr*ff*,t*****,t**ff***ff***lrt******ff*lrtt****ff***t********t*******ff#********#tffffi*******ff******** rtem: 06000 ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:09/23/L996 CHARLTE Acrion: AFFn-ron ERNST ***********lr**lr*lr*lrtffi***ffi#*l|i**t**'t't***H*tHr#*l|******fi*****************ft***ff**************ff*ffffi*lrrift*#**i****** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD ]NSPECTTON ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ******************************t*****tnt**************lit*******************ff*t************ff********ff*ff************************ DECLARATIONS r.hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appLication, fiLl,ed out in futt the infofmation requined, compLeted an accurate ptot Ptan/ and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. t agree to compLy vith the iniormation and pLot itan,to comPty with al'l' Town ordinances,and state lalrs/ and to bui[d this structure accofding io'the Town,s zoning and subdlvisioncodes/ design rev'iew aPproved, Unifonm Buil,ding code and other ordinances of the Town appLicabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TWENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt*******************r.******************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-02L4 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: #1386 s7.00 L0/07 /96 14:04Init: CD ELECTRICAL PERMIT Total Feea:57.00 Total ALL Pmt6: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: Thie Paynent Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 4L336 896-0231 Typei B-ELEC 2101-0 81-16 -016930 FAIRWAY DR 930 FAIRWAY DR s7 .00 57.00 .00 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE Amount 54. 00 3. 00 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE Pertnit AT ALL TIMES P9 6-01s2 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: 09/23/1996Issued...: 1O/04/1996 Expires. . : 04/02/1997 Phone : 719486LOL2 Phone: 719 4867O12 PLUMBING PERMIT Job Addresst 930 FAIRWAY DRLocation...: 930 FAIRWAY DR Parcel- No. . :' 2101.-081-l-6-016 Project No. : PRJ95-0167 APPLICANT MOUNT MASSIVE PLUMBING & HEATI P.O BOX 702, MINTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR MOUNT MASSTVE PLUMBING & HEATI P.O BOX 702, MTNTURN CO 81645 OWNER FUTERNICK MORRIS & MIRTAM A 2 GROVE ISLE DRM ApT 1509, MIAMI FL 33133 Description: PLUMBING FOR 250 ADDITION AND KlTHvaluation:L 3, 000 . 00 **'l|t*:h**lrt*lt****trffi*|tffi'r**)t:ffiff:t**ffff*'r**#r*ffi'H*'H*** FEE SUllllARY ********'i**t****Jr**tr*********ffi*****trt*fiffi*rr**ff***** P Iumbi ng-----) PLan check---> Investigat i on> Ui LL Ca(t----> Restuarant Plan Revi e!r--> TOTAL FEES----- 45.00 11 .25 .00 3.00 .00 59.e5 Tota[ Catculsted Fees---> 59.25 AdditionaL Fecs--------> TotaI Perrit Fee-------> Pavmcnts------- .00 59.25 59.25 *******rr*****n****rr*n****rrr********ft**r****tr************************r*********llfllll-lli;;;;;;;;***ii***********is*** Ile,mi ,O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DeDt: BUILDING Division:10/04/1996 DAN Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS **rr**ff*******t*ff*ffiffi*ft********ffiir*ffi*ff*ff:****fft****ff*****i********J.t*******t*ffi***ffffitr*ffiffi***ffiffi**** CONDITION OF APPROVAL ].. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE 't**it*'t**ff**i.**lh******tr*****f(****'ffi****ff*ff**ff***ff#r*ff'**lH|sfirff***L***#(*****tr**************r***ffif,r*ff***ffi****ir** DECTARATIONS I hereby .acknovtedge that I have read.this apptication, f il,l,ed out in ful,l, the information required, compteted an accurate pl,otptan, and state that gt[ the information provided as requined is correct. r agree to compty riith tire in?ormation and pl,ot i:Lan,to compty lrith atL Toun ordinances -and state [aws, and to buiLd this structure accofding io'the Town,s zoning and subdjvisibncodes, design fevieH approved, llniforrn Euilding Code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI.IENTY-fOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY AT OUR OF FICE **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0215 Amount:59 .25 L0/07 /96 14:05Init: CDPayment Method: CK Notation: #1386 P96-0\52 Type: B-PLMB 2 101-0 81- 1 5 -016 930 FAIRWAY DR 930 FAIRWAY DR PLUMBING PERMIT . Total Fees:59.25 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: ******************************************!k********************* Permit No Parcel NoSite Address Location This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41311 01 0000 47332 01 0000 41336 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 59.25 s9.25 .00 Amount 4s. 00 TI.25 3.00 d" lTiff t iil;i' s:iuH#r'tr?i x#tIPARcEL llz lllOl-r IY. DATE: L Job Nane: Legal Description: CONSTRUCT C''TION/IFORM Address: ,-Block_|1?j Filing PERI'IIT t: Ad t APPLTCATToN MUST BE FILLED OUT CoI'{PLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE AccEpTED x*********:r******************* PERMII TNFORMATTON ** ** ****** ********** * * * ** ****,l -/- ,.,--t,4-suifain9 gy'rfuurling l,fnLectrLcat [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other owners Name: frt (, f \42_ Address: Architecr z 7t t FA4+; tZ_ Address: General Description: Work Class: I J-New [. J-AlteratLon Number of Dwelling Units:Nunber of Accommodation Units: [ ]-other fiuutttonat [ ] BWILDING: PLUMBTNG: Address: Electrical Contra Address: Plumbing Address: . Mechanical Contractor: Address: {I4IATTONS_ * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * *E?6-,oASI 3*5T5I3Y;lzpe3 Town of V-ai1 Res. no.lS?_FPhone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUTLDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: No. / 77-E Contractor:Town of VaiL Reg. No.2.OB-pPhone Number: Town'of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: ******************************** FOR oFFrcE usE ** ******* ****** * *************** BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: CLEAN-UP DE TOTAIJ IFiHii3r1iffiflfff#i, REpT131 ' L-c/16196 A7t@8 I . TOt^lN 0F UAIL, COLBRADtr REAUESTS FtrR INSFECTION WORK SHEETS FOR:1F/16/96 F.AEE 5 AREA: llD Activity: 896-OP89 Le/lA/\6 Type: A-BUILD $tatusr ISSUED Address ; 93O FAI Rt^lAY DR Location: 939 FAIRWAY DR Far-ce1 : E1Er1-EA1-16-Ell6Description: ESttr ADDITION AND RITCHEN REMtrDEL Appl icant : ETOYMER IlONSTRUCITON/CtiNT Owner: FUTERNICR MORRIS & l{IRIffM R Eontractorr BOYMER trONSTRUCITON/CONT EonEtr: ADUF' UEe: V NOec: Frhone: 3034768954 F,hone: Ph on e : 3O34768954 speet i on Request Information. Request or: Bob Boyner Req Tirne: O8:OO Comnentsr esst ms requested to be Inspeeted'.. E BLDG-Final Inspection HistorY,..,. Item: raBB3O BLDG-Franing' 1A/83/96 Inspeetor-: CF ltem : OftO5O BLDG-Insulat lon 16/3A/96 InsPector": DS Itern: 00069 BLDG-Sheetroeli Nai I lL/&l/96 lnsPector': DS Iteml O@08€t * * Not 0n File x * Item: A@O7A BLDG-Misc. Item: BA09E BLDF-Final Item: OO53O BLDG-TemP. C/O Itenr AAS4A BLDG-Final ClO g ide A/wasnt t advise Act i on Comment e trhone:9 -a737hrs/?/friam Act i on; AFIPR east :ide Act i on : AF'F'R APF.RT]VED Actionl APtrR AtrFRIIUED t\ 't { ) fr ,.ii tf, I, t - Town of Vail OFFICE COPY ?fuY<4"reL LQ..17; .t b' r' Fo d - t, $ zoo @ ll!1,4.N.{0 Ys^.I 7.527, e79 rOf, IYI F}3r tr ,,,Y P'* n $\N"F - \! NJx$, \'r z-- ---\Ll[-JTE L fi$$$ $$[r ; '$RF"+ : ETn-F I ${:lt\t' '. l$ + + rF ir...F (.tL ,i @r -o z -ozz tzg tof IYJ ot : 0 I I llcx3.a.N:{4 r.'sd t REPT 131 ToHN 0F VRrL, CtrLORRDO IP/13,/96 [T6 I54 RENUESTS FOR INSF'ECTIT]N HBRK SHEETS FtrRT LE/L3/96 F'AGE 17 FlREil r EG =======E============tFE========*=================================::=--- - ---- 6ctivi.by: E96*rZrES1 LE/L3/96 Type: B-ELEC Status: ISSUHD onstr': ADTJF Addr'ess r 93O FAIRT^JAY DR Location r 9StZr FAIRT^,AY DR F;rr'r:n I : I1E1-rlB1-16-D16 Oee: Use: Degcription; ELEC FOR e5fi ADDITIUN AND KITHCEN REMODHL Applicant: RFSORT ELECTRIC Fhone: 3@3?496813 Owner: FUTERNICK FIURRIS & MIRIAM R phone: _:::::::i:::_5:::I-::::llL------- --:::r:-::::1:::::---- --- Inepect i on Reqtrest Information..... Reque st or: Bob Boyiner Req Time: 01:lZtO Conments: will Items reciuested to be Inspected,.. OBl90 FLEf,-Final cal I ear"ly pn before Act i on Conm ent e4e-s737 2"7 Ptr.t EPn Time Exp Fhone: \-*i*_ Act i on r AtrtrR APF'ROUED /2-/3. ?f f/fr .s Inspeetion History.,... Itemr OOllA ELEtr-TemP. Fower' ' Itemr 0O1E0 ELEtr-Rough' 1e/e=/96 Inspeetor: EG Itear 40134 ELEC-Conduit It en r Ogtt 4ra ELEC-ttli se. Iten : E01g€r ELEC-Final Itenr A@eP.4 FIRE-ftLARN ROUGH Iteur OCI5SS FIRE-FINAL C/u Hazar Revlew e (Legal Descrlptlon) The undersigned las/have r."o tnlu' t"X )t4azard Report, dated Ocxe \Qr I X. , .19y, prepared by t\i i CV\ c, t 4L:, L-616a-Pi f r 5 ,tv*,1 .{eb,;.,}.{law . reqgest tne Qn of !4il Buildfitg Department grant u-h-A.*JU/b4*,_- I (Name,/prner) STATE OF COLORADO executed the same for the purposes and considerati (Name, Omer) SffH'ffifBJ':]ruffifl person whose name is subscribedlo the before me tnis JPoay or known to me to be the instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same for lhe purposes and COUNTY OF My commission expires: A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: fl aaaitionat GRFA (250) tr Bed and Brealdast tr Conditional Use Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr Sign Vriance tr Variance tr Zoning Code Amendment PLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIROIYMENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL tr Amendmcnt to an Approved Dwelopment Plan tr Employee Housing Unit (TYPe: -) tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCI ExteriorAlteration (Lionshead) tr SpecialDwelopmentDisticttr Major or tr Minor Amendment to an SDD Approve a glass,/screen enclosure of Ouestif Call the Planning Staffat 479-2138 a covered Note: all t AP GENERAI INFORMATION 1't i. "pp6.ution is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmsntal Commission. For specific information. see the submittat requiremen6 for the particular approval tlrat is requested. The ryplication can not be accepted until all roquired information is submited. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Desigr Rwiew Board. B.DESCRJPTION OF THE REQI,JEST:deck, thereby creating a sun porch. TOWNOFVAIL doors & windows of the oricrinal house exterior remain in lace. F, G. C. D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT 78 -BLOCK-FILING 10th. Vail Villaoe ADDRESS:930-8 Fairway Drive BUILDINGNAME: ZONING: paul c Nancy Rondeau for the Paut J. Rondeau Trust and Nancy M. Rondeau NAMEOFOWNERIS):.n-".+. each dated June 12, 1989 MAILINGgppgggg. g30-B Fairway Drive, Vail , CO 81657 MAILINGADDRESS: PHONE:- FEE - SEE THE SI.]BMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRTATE FEE. STJBMIT THIS.APPLICATION, ALL SI]BIIITTAL REQIIIREMENTS AND TIIE F'EE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH F'RONTAGE ROAD' OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRD(S); NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE: VAIL. COLORADO 81557. Feepaitfu\,ffb c,*: Lz1b? urPa',A Q.qvvLp/r'w tt | 4r PEC Meeting Dato tL I t'-2 Revisd 5/96 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION November25,1996 Minutes MEMBERSABSENT: STAFF PRESENT:MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Moffet Greg Amsden John Schofield Gene Uselton Diane Golden Henry Pratt Galen Aasland Public Hearing 2:00 P.m. The meeting was called to order by Greg Motfet at 2:00 p.m. Henry Pratt and Galen Aasland were not presenf. 1. A request for an exlerior addition to add a 125 sq. ft. sun room, utilizing lhe 250 Ordinance, located at 930 B Fairway Drive/Lot 7, Vail Village 1Oth Filing. Applicant: Paut and Nancy RondeauPlanner: Dirk Mason Dirk Mason gave an overview of the request, according to the staft memo. He stated that no mitigation was being required with this proposal. Greg Mollet asked if the applicant had anythlng to add. Paul Rondeau had nolhing to add. Greg Moffet then asked for any public input. There was none. Diane Golden asked if the area would be heated? Paul Rondeau, the applicant, said yes, possibly. John Schofield had no comments. Gene Uselton asked when the duplbx was originally built? Paul Rondeau stated that it was purchased in 1988. Gene Uselton asked the applicant if he did the work himself? Paul Rondeau stated that he did the work himself. Gene Uselton asked the applicant if he was an engineer? Planning and krvilonmental Commission Minutes November 25, 1996 i";LE COF. Dirk Mason Tammie Williamson Dominic Mauriello Tom Moorhead Judy Rodriguez | . HLE coPY MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development November 25, 1996 A request for an exterior addition to construct a sun room' utilizing the 250 oro-ii"n.L.loiateO at 930 B Fairway Drive/Lot 7, VailVillage 1gth Filing' Applicant: Paul and NancY Rondeau Planner: Dirk Mason TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: BACKGFOUND AND DESCBIPTION OFTHE RE In 1 985, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance 4, Series of 1985, which created Chapter ilA.7i) bi th" Val rUunicipai Code, enttted "Additional Gross Residential Floor Area"' This bnipterlio*s for up to {so iquii"feet of additional Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to be iCOSOlo a dwelling iOeyonC ihb maximum allowance), provided certain criteria are me1 The ourDose of the Additionat GRFA Ordinance is to provibd an inducement for the upgrading ol 5;dti"g-d*;ili.g;ilit;, ;hi"h have been in exisience !o1-a period of.at least five vears, by p"rritt"ing up to'tro nunOreO fifty (250) square feet of GRFA to be added to a dwelling unit' The applicants, Paul and Nancy Rondeau, 9ryryJ9 of the west hall of an existing duplex are . seeXitifi ipptoval for previously constructed GRFA' The applicant converted an existing deck on if" tniri ii',.jor of the rbsidence'into a sun room. According to th_e_appl6ant, at the 1me of construction, no approval was thought to be necessary. This t2! s.9- lt. addition does not impact the exis1ng site c6verage, as this d6ck is below the existing fourth. floor. The exterior building miteriats dt tne aOOition match the existing building materials. With the approval ol this request' the west half of the duplex will have 125 sq' ft- of GRFA remaining' ZONING ANALYSIS Legal Description: Address: Lot Size: Zoning: Uss: GRFA: (wesl unil) Site Coverage: Lot 7, Vail Village 1Oth Filing 930 B Fairuay Drivo 30,100 sq. ft. / 0.691 acre Two Family Residential Duplex Allowed 3,053 sq. ft.. N/A Existino 3,176 sq. ft. N/A L Prooosed 3,301 sq. ft N/A Parking: Required 3 spaces Existino 2 enclosed spaces 2 surface sPace Proposed no change 'includes 425 sq. ft. credit and is currently legally non-conforming III. CR]TERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of chapter 18.71 -Additional GRFA, the community Development Department r-&ommenOs approval oJ the request Jor additional GRFA based upon the following fact6rs: A. Consideration ol Factors: Belore acting on an application for additional GRFA, the Planning and Environmental Commissio'isnall coddiOer the following lactors w1h respect to the proposed use: structures. The residential addition has no impacts on the existing topography' vegetation, drainage and the existing structure.. Thele is a minor change ro itre existing structure, as mentioned previously, the addition enclosed an existing deck and did not increase the site covefage. The changes affecting the existing structure are minimal and do not have any negaiive impacts on the property. A geologic_hazard investigation, writtenby a registered engineer with the Stale ol Colorado' has been submittei in regards to the potential avalanche hazards on the property, and the relationlhip to the addition. No mitigation is required' lmpact on adiacent Properties. upon completing a site visit to the applicant's prolqrty, staff believes.there aie no nedativelmpacts to adjacent properties. Public notices have been sent to th| aOlacedt property owners. To date, stialf has not received any input from the adiacent property owners. 1. 2. 3. development standards. Section 18.71 .020 (F) of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, requires that any single family O*etting or dwelling unit for which an addition is proposed snfut be required to meet the minimum Town of Vail landscaplng. standards ds set forth in Chapter 18.54 of the Vail Municipal Code. Additionally, betore any additional GRFA may be permitted in accordance with Chapter 18.71 , th; staff shall review the maintenance and upkeep of the existing single family or two family dwelling and site, to determine whether thiy comply wittr the Design Review Guidelines. These standards include land-scaping, undergrounding of utilities, driveway paving and general maintenance of the property. Uponinspectionofthesitebystaff'wefindthepropertyiincompliance witn'ine-ippricible devetopment standards listed above. The utilities are "rii"nlv-,LioJigrounoeo, ihe drive*ay is paved, and the general maintenance olthe property is excellent' B. Findings: The Planning and Environmental commission shall make the following findings before granting approval for additional GRFA: l.Thatthegrantingoftherequestedadditiona|GRFAwou|dnotnegative|y. etteii exiiting tdpography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures' 2. That the granting of the requested additional GRFA would not negatively imPact adjacent Properties' 3.Thatthegrantingo|therequestedadditiona|GRFAwou|dcomplyWitha|| Town zon-ing re{'uirements and applicable development stiandards. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends approval of.this application to uiirtJ izs sq. tt. ot tne isO squarb feet of additional GRFA available, subject to the following findings: 1. That the granting of the requested additional GRFA does not negatively effect existing topography, vegetation, drai nage and existing structures' Z. That the granting of the requested additional GRFA does not negatively impact adjacent properties. 3. That the granting of the requested additional GRFA does comply with all Town zoning requirements and applicable development standards' f :bveryone\pec\memos\rondeau\n25 FA -.E- 11 Iuil r Nt..I l\ 6llc -l"ii lij F tl; l;l*ii ]t U. z) LL LrJ(9 Jg t z =ur t- t! )J J s c< Fa L.]Jt P I zo ez EL! r LrJLI B l.'.. UJF- a' -st-:z m Jg z =iio i? frF Fz lrJJ .4 LJ ::< il =l 3i a: <{ ) .\..1 ///U\ / -- \' \\.\ / "TA\! F '9 .o\ ,o 7rV)d.l z; -\3o &' -)4 f(? ID M u) a n ) o ? x \ ts\a ^x:4Vl ral d7 -r.U r.l _.S).a e-lu'- ?D- .! ,/A./ .O r-s ffi,; ;\' ,/tttl " \\\ -4. X (,, Fa-sI '-l-lcf _0 7S \I J fl-l 2J tV v ? ',n o SowrH E*PqnoN \^J Esr Etevenoal SonsrHw€$f ELes*Tte\t .)( '),.>,/\.2 t .' orn Y/,t Vn\) t- t$t .II 6 \4")}\x u( rr -r' f$;s, F+\/T\/ $x\/a. -rat ?t!\'= 7 4--' 7r,e 7) 6l 7 t, F, >.f:. J2 f\n -P t,.'1-( :, c'- Y." frl -\I ?,,n, /r.\Q\( 7:,( %t !' 6'- Irl o f''t t&.- .l -P S r!,t' ,\.- _ -s--) T,- , ,-.\ 2t u€$-t h(&,, rr-(\ 't'tv \-,l,+'\- P-'l \ -\J {cr !-61' cr F e ,l? --'t:r, It7- d 4(tt v,- Addrcss Ourrcr-P**-g.-Ro.,,. Architcct ZONE CHECK Phonc Proposcd usc -Z.^,^-An raJ Buildablc ar€_ Zon,.- distdct Lot srzc > sul 2 .a,-- ,J \(--,, / 7A I t-> ' Proposcd + Total Rcmaining tzt 4 z5o tzs 4 7{o /L{ /z{ -- 20' l5' I5' tu?/'4 --_-r_- (300) (600) (900) (i200) t-,,1 a Encloscd a,/o b) Rock-fall c) Dcbns Florv ^fr2-a,a$ tt .{^^J.r- L.* 4""*e.^sQ5 (,^c.(-S {d\ d^ 251) Phonc "/7( - %98 Allorved Existine ToralGRFA 5zEf + 8{o = ti,to S -'D+r+naycRFA SccoDdaqfGRFA +(.125)(675*) = ?o-53_ 3t76 + (125) (675*) =__3e$j_ 3 r-l 6 + + + 67 5 = 125 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucsr involvc a 250 Addition? L4-99 v Horv nruch ofthc allorvcd 250 Addirion is uscd rvith this rcqtcst? / Z 1 4 Sitc Coveragc l{cight Sctbacks Landscaping Rctaining Wall Hcights Parking Garagc Crcdit Drivovay lv//) (30x31) Front Sidcs Rcar Mininrum 3' /6' Rcquired S Pcnnincd SIopc lt/n % Proposcd Slopc _% ('onrplics rvith TOV Lighting Ordinancc Arc f inishcd gradcs lcss than 2: I (50%) E n v i ron mcn tal,/H az:,rds Prcvious conditions ofapproval (chcck propcrty filc); Is thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: vcs4- No yes--il/n uo l) Pcrccnt Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlandq .a 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback (30) (50) /u/t4 5) Geologic Haz-ards a) SnorvAvalanchc zM.^fi r'/o T3.#\ @ 5*"+\ tl, *J or\*Nt'J C.- Ar"'I Atr,, l-l rL, 1-A \R \A '- Co 'l r/ rA N IlrKtu lvIuru-ER, v-rAj PK /1 't' /t'tbtbt2 { J f,tLIfft_l t Fuv?Zp /r K 13O * + t-A (tZct,,+1ib.prvg \+/L, co v16.i_+ -o '[6(oN'( !b\vE-bT tr4r:l{T SoLDlNq,)q?. 'opo ML\\(-AN a c^P'K€leKA l"lE*'lca {ouV cA tl'uo }4l{tc-o pY Of2oao f4o NUe; (*';TY'o Po$rE N\ €. 16o 11+ f Sv ttutJzrAu VAuelo Ye^tLo Pf oZioo 5|esvaN Fr,rKy{A'l L rn4rte? farrNgr.rpon t4tcl|tA-^NJ e.ox 244 L".lrur.a fiae I>v (o oo Z I N ttL,At'A \f Car<r^lrrq$-i ab far<'ln{ \/^', /..--, lL D* tt-t^1 rHrs lrEM "^rtuttffRlYouR PRoPERTY NOTICE ls HEREBy GtvEN that the Planning and Environmental commission ol the Town of Va-it witt hotd a pubtic nlaring in iccordance r,rlitn Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code ol the Town of Vail on HouemOer iS, 1996, at 2:00 P.M- in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of : A request for an exterior addition to add a 125 sq. [..sun..room, utilizing the 250 Ordinance' ^ tocatbO at 930 B Fairway Drive/Lot 7' Vail Village 1Oth Filing' Jplicant: Paul and NancY Rondeau lPlanner: Dirk Mason A request for a major SDD amendment to SDD # 4, to allow foJ a new office bu't1ding, located at f OO-O'Soutn Frontage Road West/Lot 54, Tract K, Glen Lyon (Glen Lyon Office Building). Applicant: Glen Lyon otfice Building Partnership, represented by Ken o'Bryan Pianner: Dominic Mauriello A request for two, 250's and a conditional use permit in order to construct a Type ll EHU' located at 79'6 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 9, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch' Applicant: Ray Mayer, represented by Steve Biden Planner:Tammie Williamson A reouest to amend Section 18.22.030, Conditional Uses, of the Vail Municipal Code to .?dd "time-Share Estate Units, Fractional Fee Units and Time-Share License Units," as conditional uses in the Public Accommodation Zone District. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce Planner:George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss establishing a Spec'r.q! DevfloP.m.9lt District overlay to the Austiia Haus, located a1242 Easl Meadow Drive/ on part of Tract C, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant: Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon Pierce Plan ner:George Ruther A request to amend Sections 18.27.030, 18.29.030, and 18.30.030 of the Zoning Cod.e.to allow van storage/transportation related businesses in Commercial Zone Districts as a conditional use. Applicanl: Town of VailPianner: Dominic Mauriello ilil ililil The applications and information about the proposals are available for pubjic.inspection.during reguldroffice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Ddvelopment Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretalion available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information. Com munity Developmenl Department Published November 8, 1996 in the Vail Trail. AJ:t,r|.,t.d tgnatory /+D-1^;', \'l i 'i*,' f'ners rorifi= ".L r.,l--t, d American Land'litle Assbciation Form B- 1970 (Amended 1S,t2.70) PoticyNumber AZ 756648 MINNESOTAt'tT !\ SUBJECI TO THE EXCTUSIONS FBOM COVEBAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPUIATIONS HEREOE TITLE INSUBANCE C0I\4PANY 0F MINNESOTA, herein called lne Company, insures, as of Date of Policy snown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding the amount 0l insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, anorneys' fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereundet sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: 1 lltle t0 the estate oI interest described in Schedule A being vested othenry se than as stated therein; 2 Any defect in or lien or encumbrance 0n such titie; 3. Lack ol a right of access to and from lhe land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. lN wITNESS WHEFEOI the said litle Insurance company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal lo be hereunto aflixed by its duly authorized oflicers as of the dale shown rn Schedule A, the policy to be valid when countersigned by an authorized officer or agent of the Company. TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA A Stock Conpanv 400 Second Avenue South, Mnneapohs. Mnnesata 55401 -f.z-^Y-*:/z T r.' i1 r, # Il0 Anesl TII'I Ourners Form ?31? ile No. 5L]HEDULE ]Address 1 , Pal i cv Etate: Apri l ?8, 19gg rt Er: OO A.1,1. l. Name of Insuned PAUL .l . RDNIrEAU ANII NANIY l'1. ;R0N[rEAU, its ,-lcrint Tenarrts :1. The €5tate c,r inter'est in the'i.no a.r."ihed in this Sche'lule and urhich is cc'vered bv this pol icy i.$: A Fee 9inrpl e 4. Title trr the estatr-' ur intc'nest c,rvL"r'ed hr this ec, I icr at- tfre date her'er-,f i s vested .i n: PAUL J. RDNnEAU ANn NANTIY f'1. RONITEAU' as,-lc,i.nt Tena.rrts 5. The land ref er'red tc irr this policr is situatecl in EA|-;LE f:c'unt.l ' l--:o I onado, and is described as follords: LOT 7E' I4UELLER-WYI4AN ETLIFLEX, A RE5UBnIVISIITN $F LOT 7, VAIL VILLAGE' TENTH FILING, AL:r:ORDlNti Tu THE FLAT FECORttEn SEFTEI4EIER 3Q, 1?87 IN BCIOI{ 471 AT FA6E I8' CIJI.INTY 6P fQT.iLEI E;TATE BF COLI:IRADO. FaEe L Thi.s F'c'l icv valid ,rrr l',' if E:chr,",lu I r, B i.s attached. '' ,t" ouner Form 2313 Thi fol J s pc, I icv dr-,es nc't insure asainst IoFs or I oujinsi /:. 1 'ai Rishts ar c I aims nf Par'tieg euhl itr r'ecor',as. REE;ERVATI0N IN ::;r::HEfrt..tLE B. RII]HT L1F I.IAY FI:IR [I ITI]HE::; I]R I]ANA[.::I LINITETI:;TATE::; A5 RET;EF{VEEI IN UNITEEI For:ll'.: 4e AT PAtiE 511. O"ol icv Na' A273664fr dartrase bt' r'eas * rr of the j.n pc,SFeSFi rlrrr nOt 5h':urrr h'r' tfrs ?. Easenrents t r-r r' ti-laims Of eagemeOts, rrcrt sh'lUrt br' tfre Publ itr r'eccrr'ds. ::1.fti.screeanCl€5:r:onflictsirrboun,Jar.rlines,5[r;.r'taseirrar.ea' errcr.oachments' aft,J an'f facts Ohich a ':'.-'rr'ect sUr'ver" afrd inspectiorr nl: the premises uJoul 'J 'Jisc'l nse and uhi':h arc' nnt strc'uJrr bT the put'I ic r'ec{'r'd5' 4- AnY I ierr, ,lr' r'ig|ht t':' a I ierr' fc'r' ser'vices' l6[11r' r'r' rTrat!"r'ial tfrc-r.etc,fr,r'er:rr'her'€after'fUfniSht''l,irrrp':'5s'lL'rlaurarldrr':'t s flr-rlrlFr E,r' thr,' Prlttl itr r'Laf f'rd5. 19AE TAXES NOT YET NLIE ANII PAYAELE, LIENS FOR I.INPAIN HATER ANR sEI'IER I:HARIJE';' IF ANY' RrGHT OF PRfiFRIETi:rR i:rF A VEIN OR LOI|E Tr:r F:XTRALIT ANtr 11gvlr-tVE HI5 'lRE THEFEFRT:rH FHr-rULrr t-HE SAt'tE BE FOIJNd iii f-'EnrEfrtnTE t'R INTERSET:T 1.t"tE 1-'REMI5E9' At; RESERVEI| IN UNITEII ::iTATEs: PATENT REc|:lRrlED |,lAY:c', 1-'=,05, Ir! Bnt-]}.:4e AT F,AGE =I1. +{.ENfIORSEI"IENT 1{1I].?'7{.{.THE I::OI'IF'ANY HERETTY IN:JUFE'i TIEAINST LI:I:;;::; I'IHII::I] THE IN-C|LIRETIE;HALL.::;Ui;TAINEtYF{EASCINLIFIIAI'IAEETI:IEXI!,TINI-iIMF.|RI'JVENENTT:' INL:LUDINI-i I-AI,^IN5, I*HRI-IRBERY OR TREE:]; , F{E:::I-IL.TINI-i FRLIM THE EXEF(IJ1::;H I'':tf: ANY Fi I I:iI.t-f TI:I t-I::;E THE SURFAL:E I:IF SA I tI LANII FLIIT T}'tE E X TRAI:IT I LIN DR I'IF'VEI*LII]MENT I'''I: THE 14INERAL::; I:XI::EFI'EN FRI:II"I THE ['81::;I-:RIF'TIRN I:IF::IAII-I I-ANII Ufl I:;IIt]I^JN A::i A I::I:INI:iTRI.II::"I'EI.I BY THE AIJTI-{I:IRI'TY I:tF THE r:;TATE$ FAI"ENT nUir-rirrEn HAY i0" f irt"tSr lf"l RE:iTRIDTIVE I]I:IVENANT'; I^JHlt]H EO NI:IT fiI-JNTAIN A FNRFEITI-IRE NR F{EVEIITS:5 1-;;PU':iI'' Etl-lT r:rf'l ITTINT:i RE::TRIr::TI[rNE; , 1p Al'{Y, BAtiEtl [lN RAr::Ei, f-:r:lLl:rFi', RELIIiII:llJ',l:ll1 NATIr:tNAL rlrFil,rJIN, A:f r:1:TNTAINEft i r.l l: t\i::iTtlUl.,1g111 tjfrl:r.-rRt'ifr-Of''ff tL- t. t, l'''t7:i' IN E{Crfrt:: 2?E: AT F AfiE 1:,Cr4 . ['ast Pol ict No. AZ73664EI I.(]. ALL LlF L|]T 7 LIEE I^'ITHIN THE [tEERI€i AVALANL:HE (HIIJH HAZARTI ) AiC NDTELI CIN II4PROVEMENT LCII::ATICIN I-:ERTIFICATE NE. 11O5 BY EAELE VALLEY ENGINEERING 9T :JURVEYINE, IN|]. I. 1. ALL NF LOT 7 LTEIS hIITHIN THE I'IEDILII4 SEVERITY RI]CIi:FALL AREA AB NI]TEEI I:IN IHFRfiVEHENT LOC:ATICIN f,ERTIFIEATE NCI, 1105 BY EA|:JLE VALLEY ENISINEERINI]i ET SURVEYINff, INC. 1:. RESTRIDTIT]N CONTAINEI] NN THE RECI:IRFEN F'LAT A5 FI]LLOI^II]: .,FDR ZONINCi FURFCISEEI THE TtdI] PARI::EL:i I:REATEB BY THIEi RESUBIIIVI:!;II:tN ARE TTI EE TREATEN A5 I]NE ENTITY WITH NCI HI:IRE THAN I:INE T_F'AI'IILY FEE:ITIENI::E ALLI]I'IEE ON THE COMBINEEI AFEA I:IF THE TI.I0 PARCEL-Ci. ALLI:II^JAELE LiRIJ:.iEi RESITIENTIAL FLI:ILIR AREA FI]R THE I_FAMILY RESINENCE I,IILL FE IALCI-ILATELI NN THE I::I]I"ILTINETI AtiEA OF; THE TWCI FARCELE:. .. 1,:]. TERM:J, I:ONEIITII:IN5 ANN F.ROVI:JILlNI:: I:IF Tt-I[^JNHLII-I::;E J:IEI::LAIlAT'II:tN flEL:I:tRTIETI ::EPTEI"IBER 30' I?EI7 IN EI:II]H 47I AT PAGE 1/. 1.4. ELEL]TRII:: TRANSFI]RTIER IN THE NORTHEATT I]TIRNEfI I]F I:;LIBTIEI-:T'PP{1:|P:'SRTY A:!i ::.HI:IIIN ON THE IHFRFVENENT LOI]ATICIN CERTIFII:ATE T'ATEN SEPTEI'IEER ?EI' 11?97 LIY .-JL']HNSI]N, I.1UN}C.EL TZ AS:iOI]IATES, INr.I. 15. ACCESS; EAS;EI4ENT A5 SHIIIIN TtN THE REI::I-]RTIETI F'LAT EF I"IUELLER-I'YI'IAN IILIFLEX. I./:,. NEEN OF TRU:3T TIATEN APr.iI ?I, 1-/::Ii.:, FRI:IFI r'AUL J. R|fNTJEAI.I ANTI NIANI::Y 14. RcrNnEAl-l rr:t THE FLtELIc: TrjustEE rrF EAr:iLE c:r:rL|NTy Fr:rH'rHE t-t5E: r:rF THE PRUETENTIAL Hr:rNE Mr:rRTtjALlE ct:rFlFANy Tu:::t:l::t_rRE THE EiUM t:tF lli11.5,rlrltl .(:r{:r RElt:rrt[rE[lApril ?7, 1--+993, IN Ft:r0l.;: 4B:,AT FAE;F_ -/7-:/. F'asr j' _-u 4B44gQ B-508 P-249 JOHNNETTE F'HILLIPS Q6/L9/89 Lrz EA6LE COUNTY 19 ELERK PG1OF1 REC 3.O@ DOC o.6@ .,(^ -/\ I GRANTOR(S): PAUL J. R0NDEAU and NANCY l',1. R0NDEAU for the consideration of $10.00,sell(s) and qult claim(s) to GRANTEE(S): THE PAUL J. RONDEAU TRUST, UA dt THE NANCY M. RONDEAU TRUsT, UA dt tenants in cormon 1989 and , 1989, as ADDRESS: ', -..,..' ,, :,i 'rr+rv\:,f _F:.'.|:{ LoT 78, FILING, PAGE 18, STATE OF COLORADO OF DENVER 930-8 Falrvay Drive, Vall, Colorado 81657, County of Eagle, Stateof Colorado thr followlng dascrlbad rcrl property, wtthr' tsi!nc!!' tn thc county of Eagl!. cotorado, MUELLER-WYHAN DUPLEX, A SUEDMSION 0F LOT 7, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 30, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. all lts appur-to wlt: VAIL VILLAGE, TENTH 1987 IN BOOK 471 AT , 1g3q ) ) FAMILY TRANSACTION - NO DOCUMENIARY FEE REOUIRED FOR TITLE PURPOSES ONLY '..9r'ir,i s 'i t,,J I ent was acknowledged R0NDEAU and NANCY M, before me RONDEAU The underslgned Trustee, being flrst and says that the following ls (are)trustee(s) currenily repre-entirig the xp es a*it* PAUL J. ROI{DEALJ NANCY M. RONDEAU This affidavit'i s prepared in above-referenced trust(s) is duly sworn upon oath oeDosesthe name(s) and address(es) of theGrantee Trust(s): 930-8 Fa'i rway Dri veVail, C0 81652 o ary ubtlc -;---;-T;-;-= *.^ * * *,t TR FTDAVIT accordance with CRS 38-30-166.The STATE OF COLORADO F OENVER ano slvo rn DEAU in hand paid, hereby e lD-a , to before me o , 198Q. 5y-T' Nicholas Lampiris, Ph.D. CONSULTING GEOLOGIST P.O. BOX 2 stLT, coLoRADO 81652 Phone i Fax (970) 876-5400 (24 HOURS) fic t ntr mr I f;l " ISS6 Faul J, Randeaur 9$0*B Fa i r way llr i ve Vai.l CA {3l6fi7 RE! West Unit, Lot 7, Vail Village, l0th Fillng Dear l"lr. Randeau; I vieited the above referenced home in Vail recently {or purpc}ses of a geologic hazard evaluation, ae it pertaine to rock fal 1r debris flown and avalanche potential . AE you know theee haeards are ehown by the Town of Vail's map€ as a{fecting your property, wlth a "high severity' classiflcation. 6now avalanche is al$o *potential hazard at the site and has been evaluated by anotherprofesaional ag in the "blLre" zon€. It is my under*tandinq frmm our convergati ons that the duplex waa designed to mittgate avalanche potential and it will be discussed. There is anexigting screen/glass porch that may have heat added to itq and therefore may naed to be *pproved by the T6wn. Th{s is on the uphill side of the utnlt. lvly general {indingr ere that the rock {al I haaard is notpresent, but thal debris {lows are possible and snow slides likely" The hillElde above thiri home is at least 35{:t +BFt high nnd ie hgavil,y fnrested. This unit is abont $t) feet {rom the baee o{ that steep hillside on somewhat gentler terra*n with a denge stand of coniferg just above the gite. These trees avarage about E} inches in dXarneter. The wedqe-shaped walI behind the duplex intanded to mitigate haaards in adeqlrate behind thisi unit. Truly large avalanchet are not likely at this site due to the height ct{ the hillside ernd th* tree cover. Becautse of the haaard regulations o{ the Town of Vai1, I can Etate that this addition hae not insreased the hasard to a neiqhbor. The property drras lie in a geologically seneitive arpar butt development as in place will not increase the hazard to otherpropertyr or structurreeo or to publ ic rights-of-wayr roadst Etreete, sagements, urtiLities or faciLities or other properties o{ any l*ind. I{ thene are {urther questi ons, pleaee contact me. $i ncprel y, ,zDt/.= a <- /,.tu(A ,ffui Nichotas Lampiris Congulting Beologirt oo TOWNOFVAIL DErAnTi\l E:\T oF Collu l,^-.lTl' D EIiELOPI\! Ei\T ADDR-ESS DATE ,vh_,9J4 PROJTCT C'NC'i^S T{ADE PAI' BLI TO TO\\'F- OF VATL!z TrX-- -. CosTEti'--- T{tr^L.' 0l 0000 4 540 ZONINO AI,JD ADDRI:SS M PS $5.00 0t 0000 42415 UNIFOR\,I IJUI LDINC CODI,554.00 0l 0000 424r5 UNIFORM PLUMtsING CODE st9.o0 0l 0000 4241 5 UNIFO&\{ t\,lECI{n NlCn L CODE s37.000l oo00 414 I 5 UNIFORN,I FIRE CODE s3 6.00,l 0()00 4f4 | 5 NATIO;r*A L ELECTRICA L CODIl s37.00 0t 0()00 4f415 oTHER CODE UOOKS 0l 0000 4 548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS s /.00 0l oo00 42412 XTROX COPIES s0.25 0l 0000 42412 SIUDIES 0l oo00 4?412 TOVFEES CO;VIPUTER PROCRAM 55.00 11 0l 0000 42i 7 |PENALTY FEES / Ri:-h*SPECTIONS -0 t oo00 4 ti2 PLn N RIiVII:\v Rli-ClllicK I'l:li I540 Plilt llR. 0l 0000 42_132 Ol'f ll()Ul(5 INSI'lrCTlON Fl:LS 0l 0000 4 412 CONTRACTORS LICIJNSES FEES 0l 0000 4 413 SIGN.,\PPLICATION FEE s20.00 0t 0000 4 4t3 ADDITIONN L SIGNAGE }.EE IS I.OO IER SO.JJT. 0l 0000 42.140 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0l 0000.4 .'J I PRE PAID DI:SICN REVlliW llOn RD FEI-- 0l 0000 42i7r INVt,sI'ICATION FEI.- ( tsUI LDJ NCil 0000 45t10 TOV PNRKINC FUND 0l 0000 2:027 I OV NL,\\TSPAPt,-R DISPI--NSl:R FUNDr 0l 0000 1l !'t T,L\AqLE G: I .57. (STATE)* 0l 0000 410t0 TA-\ABLE @I. 0-(Tdr"'N) - I 0l 0000 423 7 |I]UILDINC INVI'STIGATION )|Ill:l{ €r- I'EC,\PI'LICATIONFEES!l lTTO0Or-lm-TDDITIONAL GRFA "2i0"s200.00 ro,E1) CON D I TIO^\AL U SE PERMIT 5200.000l 0()00 4l 330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION LESS TI{AN IOO SO.}-T.s200.000l 0(,00 4l -ii0 IJXTERIOR N LTER.,\TION I\4ORF. TllnN 100 SO.FT.5500.00 0t 0(J00 4t ji0 SPIJCIAL D[VF.LOPT4F-NT DiSTRTT T\TEW s I,500.00 0l 0'000 4l JJU SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR AML,ND s I .000.00 0t 00004I it0 SPECIAL DEV ELOPN,I l:NT Dl STR I CT II,l INO RltiEND s200.00 :EI 0t 0000 4l JJU SUtsDIVISIONrl0t oo00 4l JJU VARI,i\NCE 5250.000l 0000 4l J-r(,ZONINC CODIl AMIiNDMEN'fS 5250.000l 0()00 4t3-10 ITE . ZONINO s200.00 OTIIER i OTI'IER n @ l./ ^.t 4,-*,-""*^, [D ][c/,.( tt - 'L?O *t", t .*., ' r..r.0Ll t Hiscel ltr€erE CE*r 1B-tE-96 H*c',:ipt. $ lE:r';11F, Flc,::r.,r.:rrt. # il:|,i, f+ :l:;l5l pFtUr,_ Flfi l.l$EF{U,. !-jqtrFl ff*r,r-rrr t. t.tjTrde Fe,--l I -lBff . $l:l Itern paid ffrnount paid rirtB*ri1ff4lf,5tjqBr:1 lfirl. fifj c!-iE!-lge f e l.u rned ':- . E. ES . T.FfirFtt< ltettj ' \'':ur casFrier HESTHfi 7 PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Septemberg 1996 Minutes MEMBERS PRESENT: DRBMEMBERS PRESENT: STAFF PRESENT: Greg Moffet Brent Alm Susan Connelly Greg Amsden Ted Hingst Mike Mollica Henry pratt Clark Brittain Dirk Mason Galen Aaslan6 Dominic Mauriello John Schofield George Ruther Gene Uselton Lauren Waterton Diane Golden AndY Knudtsen Judy Rodriguez Public Hearing 2:00 P'm. The meeting was called to order by Greg Motfet at 2:10 p.m. 1. A request for a residential addition to expand the existing kitchen, utilizing the 250 Ordinance, located at 930 Fairway Drive/Lot 7, VailVillage 1oth Filing Applicants: Morris and Miriam Futernick Planner: Dirk Mason Dirk Mason gave an overview of the applicants request to expand an existing deck. After the . . s1e visit, Dir[ explained it was located on the rear of the property. The applicant is entitled to this 250 and staff is recommending approval. Greg Moffet asked for comments from the applicant, or any public comment. There was none. Dirk Mason stated that he received a letter from the owner of the west half of the duplex and the owner was in favor of the request. John Schofield had no problem with the request, but did suggest that staff work with the Council to change the requirement for a Geological Study, since he did not feel it necessary. Gene Uselton agreed with John's comrnents regarding the study, as it was a cost that could be avoided. Greg Amsden agreed with the staff recommendation. Galen Aasland agreed with the statf recommendalion. Diane Golden had no comments. Henry Pratt agreed with the staff recommendation. Plarming and Environmental Commission Minutes September 9, 1996 1 7 Greg Moffet agreed with John's comments- Greg Amsden made a motion for approval per the statf recommendation, as stated in the staff memo. The motion was seconded by Henry Pratt. It passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. Planning and Enviromotal Commiesion Minut€s Septomber 9, 1996 'F[E co; TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Department ol Community Development September 9, 1996 Arequestforaresidentia|addition!9exp.and-th.gexistingkitchen.uti|izingthe250 dio-ii"nie, rocated at 930 Fairway DriveiLot 7, VaitViilage 1Orh Filing Applicant: Morris Futernick, represented by William Reslock Planner: Dirk Mason Lot 7, Vail Village 1Oth Filing 930 FainivaY Drive 30,100 sq. tl, / 0.691 acre Two Family Besidential Duplex In 1985, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance 4, Series of 1 985,.which created Chapter iia.ii ) bi fr'e vair uruniciiii c'ooEf r"mr"c. "Adgi,rionai Gross Residential Floor Area." This Chapter alows for up to fdb tq"iiJi""t ol additionalGross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) to be added to a dwelling (Oeyoncf tn'e maximum allowance), provided certain criteria are met' The ilrft;"t me nOO-itionir-enFA OrOinance is to providd an inducement for the upgrading of EiiJting A*ellings units, tn'icn ha-u" been in exisience for a period of at least five years' by petmining up to-two nunareO iitty iisbi squate feet of GRFA to be added to a dwelling unit' In August 1 995, the Town council approved ordinance 6, Series of 1995 which amended Cnap[erf A.Zr,ior he purpose ot etirhinating the.ability to use-the additional GRFAwhen a iliiift unit is,;oemolieo,Iirt-; inis oroinanie also requires that all requests for additional GRFA, that invotve erterioi"ftangei to a building, be r6viewed and approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission' The applicant, Morris Futernick,_repres^en!9d by william Reslock, is proposing a.residential..-. iJjitijfi"iiri.ing tne nddiuona bnFn ordinan6e (250). The applicant is p.roposing the addition to tnJ"i.t trifiof-an existing duplex located at 930 Fairway Drive. The applicant is requesting to "onuert an existing deck 5n tde third floor of the residence into kitchen and dining room space. iniJ ids iq. ft. aOliton wilt not impact the existing site coverage, as this deck is below the e-lrti"glJr-tth trooi. rne'exreiioi 6uiroing materiais of the new addition are rygposed to. T1t9l ine J*iEting building mateiiaii. Upon apirovat of this request, there will be 125 sq' ft' of GRFA remaining. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Legal Description: Address: Lot Size: Zoning: Use: GRFA: (East unit) Sits Col/erage: Parking: Allored 3,0s3 sq. ft.- N/A Beouired 3 spaces Existino 3,176 sq. ft. N/A Existino 2 enclosed sPaces 2 surface space Prooosed 3,301 rq. tt N/A Prooosed no change 'includes 425 sq. ft. credit and is currently legally non-conforming III. CR|TER|AAND FINDINGS upon review of chapter 18.71 -AdditionalGRFA, the Gommunity Development Department ,-g orrunor "ppro;d oitne request for additional GRFA based upon the following factorsl A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on an application for additional GRFA, the Planning and Environmental Col"riJin"-rnaticoidiOer the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. structures. Theproposedresidentialadditionwi||haveminimal,ifany,impactsonthe existing'topography, vegetation, drainage and the existing structure in"ie iliff 'Ue-a riririor cliange to the exiiting structure, as mentioned pretiously, rhe proposed addition will enclose an existing deck and not increase the site coverage. The changes affecting the existing structure are minimal and will not have ani negaiiue impacs-on tre property' However, a geologic nqtit9 inuistffion, wiitten Uy a redi$Aredengineer with the State of Colorado' must be su5mittea witti rega;ds to the p-otential avalanche hazards on the property, and the relationship to the addition' 2. lmpact on adiacent ProPertles. Upon comp|eting a site visit to the app|icant'S eropelly: stafl be|ieves there witt be no iegative impacts to adiacent properties. Public notices nave been sent to the tdiaient properiy ownirs. To date, staff has not received any input from the adjacent property owners' 3. develoPment standards. section 18.71.020 (F) of the Town of vail Municipal code,.requires that ini iingfe tamity Owettlng or dwelling unit for wh'rch an addition is proposed JnafiOirequirei to meeirhe minimtm Town of Vail landscaping. standards ds set torth in chapter 18.54 of the vail Municipalcode. Additiona||y,beforeanyadditionalGRFAmaybe"permittedinaccordance *itt'bji"pliei, re.ti, th6 itar snatt review tha maintenance and upkeep of tne eiiiriig singte t'amity or rwo family dwelling_and.site, to determine . ,hJth;;ihly d;pry wiin fte oeiign'neview Guidelines. These standards in"ruJe r"no',sc"ping, unoergroundiig of utilities, driveway paving and general maintenance of the propeny' Uponinspectionofthesitebystaff,welindthepropertyis-incomp|iance with the applicable development standards listed above' The utilities are "riiuniiv-,Ifi0"firounaeo, fure drivew.ay is paved' and the general maintenance oithe property is excellent' B. Findings: The Planning and Environmental commission shall rnake the lollowing findings before granting appioval for Additional GRFA: l.ThatthegrantingoftherequestedAdditiona|GRFAwouldnotnegatively "treii "iiEting to-pograpny, vegetarion, drainage and existing structures' .2.ThatthegrantingoltherequestedAdditiona|GRFAwou|dnotnegatively imPact adjacent Properties' 3.Thatthegrantingo|therequestedAdditiona|GRFAwou|dcomplywitha|| Townzon"ingreq'uirements.andapp|icab|edeve|opmentstandards. IV. STAFFRECOMMENDATION The community Development Department staff.recommends approval of.this application to ,iifitJ iiS Jq. fi. of the eSO sqr"tb t""r of additional GRFA available, subiect to the following conditions: 1. That a registered engineer with the stale. ot colorado must conduct a-geolog'tc !.azard invesiigatiion with iqi,iiOs to the potential avalanche hazard and relationship to the addition and that tnio*neiet"cute a Geotogic Hazard Owner Affidavit prior to the Town's issuance of a building permit for the project' staff believes that the review criteria have been met as described in the memorandum above' R;fi;rdili, th" tinoings, "tatt Grieue. that finding 81 is met, as the proposed addition will not ne-dativeri impact tnd exGiing sii"iFinoi"g 82 is-met, in staffls opinion, as the proposed addition *ilin6r n6gativety impaciio]iJeniproperiies; and Finding 83 is met, in staff's opinion, as the oioooleOiOOitio'n wiit compiy witn htt zoning requirements and applicable development itanOarOs described in the Town ol Vail Municipal Code' f :bveryon€\pecvnernosvutemick.909 4b- zt'v fuoov xJINU!ilnJ r{ I I I I2l 4lJI*l ll ql itJI 'Ul>l rJ l-rlo n-l I zl.. -rl_{ I (\J 't\ R fa Fs '(uL $ot d trb-?t - V Jonro<rv xolNusrnr t $? 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