HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 10 LOT 8 LEGAL,{ 'ilt:'r I PROTECT1VE COVE}TANTS OF vArL-VrLlAcEr TENTIi fILIile, EAGtx colrilrt, coLoRADO . -UHEREAS, i'ai1 Aesociates, Inc., a. Colorado corporationrie thc o*a* of thr fol:cirlng-6..1.iuea 1-ana-J- vv'r'Y'sL _.-!:q$ilg_at.thC Eart quarter corner of Scction 8,;::l9llp s*south, rangG 8c tdcst of thc 6th prineipaitlcrlotanr-Eatlc Countyr Colo:^edo, bcing the huc Foint9r Ee$rnnlng3 tlencc North 00o 23r 03i-East a-TG?TheEasr linc of eaid Scction 8 a distance of 660.00-fiiirthen:e South 89o 23r 2q' East a aiiiince of f5.os-iiiito a poLnt on . curve on-the.lfast night-rf-"y'iL;-;iPta:^;.igen Rcad; thcnce r-long.-eaia yiEt-niifri:6t-r.i iin"e d:stance of 62.t+7 fect'on-thc arc or a curve to thelig:rt,-caid curve l*rllg a radius or aei.oo-i;"i, ;"-g:gtT?l angle of l3e 30t ?Ln and a chord Ucarini'nonttrf 3' i8r ttl,t lJcst 62.33 feet distanti thence Souih-,1S6--Ze,lEi Seet a distance of r0s.00 feetg'thcn"i souirr--sio 2i; 00"t3et e dlstance of 716.22 feet3 thin..-b-"utr-Ciit ;;. ;6"lfclt a dlstance of 150.00 rcctf ttrcncc s""iil i6 oi; 06;Eaat c distance of 35q.78 feet-to a porniJ" irrc-iouiil rrr,.of^the liortheast quart.F of said section-ei--triiin.I-iJitfrE90 szr 37'Ealt i10ng said iouir,-iii. a distancc of 867.18fcct to the truc ooilI^of b.gflo.,pi, i""r"aiii'Iir-ir-r,ii i,Block 3' va5.r. yiriage scvenrf, rrriiii ana coniiGirrg-ioJrsteres Dore or less. er gonctines referned -'. ".. Fillngr fon the bcncfit 6r trrc orncr, ""4--rt"-".apcctivc grantocsr.^-'; , 1" Bucc.Ea..rg 'rnc asrigns, in order to cstabllah and latntern thci cha.cter arrd valuc-of-real-cetat;-fn-i;fi-itff"g.. . t ..' ! -d ; " t :Iotl lEPEroRE, in considenation of thc prncolaee, vail Associates,; rnc.-, tor-itieli-;g-it"'iilr,t..", cucccsaori and eeeign', docB,i. hereDy isgose, estaliisn, pubtiah, ;r"r;;l;;c, dechrc and agree: : ritb, to aod for the r,cnirii oi-iirJtr;;;;t;" nay hcrcaftcn:- .:t p.rncbaac oF'fease ar,,r fDo! trac to-t-ni-;;-"d or irori ini-Ji tr,err' lraetr an<r :rots in vair vr.Dagcl -Tcnth rurns; that rt orn' .'dholda ru_ of t:re janas -r"liii-iriil;!' ili.T'rurng, aubJcct,,' tto tho folloling rcstricifoirsr-cov"rrnte, and Condttions, alt of- i - .rhla-aha[ be icoed to n " rith tbc land and to inurc to the-' , benoflt "jrT9 E-$fqbs-ipo" $r. orninl-tii-ncepccttv. grantcca, ,*,.1 .. d ruccrreo. ftro aatrgn'. vr'r=r't rL.' I . ;1. PI.NIIIIIS ATD ANCEITECruRAL CO'*TROL CO}II{IT'EE ', ' i 1;1, Conoi I I i 'I I I ;f Conaittec. the Elarur!.ng and Archl.tcetunal Contnol I rtcd €8 r ciateB, ,ee he F €8 r '1 t. i{i I'i $ Cr;nnlttrtr hcrcineft$ rrfcnncd to r! thr Co@itt.cr thrllconalBt of five nrnDrr.s uho rhelr bi-aiJrgnit"a-iJ-irrl twncn, rtaaucc.aaona or assigna, te= revhwr ltudy, ina-iepr-crvi-"r-rlj"it---pr'gpoq?9- :lnrprovenrcnts rrithrn thc -anii iircnrb.i-ln'irr.- u.p-oi -vail villagc' Tenth Filing, or ilrctr-0rcai-tqiinrltiiil cou"n.rrt"at'e nadc a part . 1.2 RuleB. _ Thc Com!.ttcc ehall nakc euch rrrlee andlv-laws.and adffi-uch procc<ruila is--i;;;. ail-6pilifu... rogovct'n ita pnoceedinga. 1.3 Aponowarr or oiiro iffH*-*i-+Hii r:e.*:*llfii'l,3lilll"3; fence, maintaincd . on anv hact oJr- rotl ""r-"ir.rr, ani -iail.irin-iher:cto or artcrati.n thev'cin be uade rintir prini'i'a il;ffi".iion"showing the color, location, ,"i."i"i", landacaiinir-iri ",r.r,other infonnation nelating_to euch irp:roverncnt as the coulittccnay reaaonably requine strirr have bccir "uunitica-tJ"irri'"ppoou.oby thc Couittce in writing ; t euitabillty of thc l,nprovcocnt .and to be eonstrruct.d to thc el,tt upon ifrtcfr I. t'i- HF. [: *. f; I F tI l'4'crltenig'. 'rn pereing upon ruch.glana and apcclfications,tha Co@l.ttqc E'ElFonglderi' natcrl'ale of rhich lt ieit i8 to bc .locatcd3 inprovenen.", :'4'2. The natunc ol adSalcnt "',: lGithborinsr;:'. in any n*n"""1-lii""ff"llil!Il or the -..Till,.o;l:,1lttr"* .l..q.l': The effect ( . 'thc.outlook or any adjacent ""."jfrffiI"nilTli$"S1"-'nt on ..- centain .n..,,l"iiti$:.i",iilT:t$ :il1*".:f"tj.:i":?"?i$to others Ln the vi.cinity that-valuc;; ;;;il,y-irr.-aaathctic, wltlbe inpaincd.'-;. : e*,ent thelit .td::"r."specificatione and no euLt to.qnjoin the conEtruto - thc - corup l ctl,on - thc!'?of I qplrrovrl'etr"ir n"i -6c -Fqullia Ga -irr" nelated covenantE chru,D; aiicnrnca"G-r,ivi [I.i-i"uy couplrcd. with. .. - .: - i.--,, .,.' 2. IAND lrSE '-.-' -r.. -' i" ' ;., 1 ' . i .:t., ., .;,. ",, .- . : .i _ The t;1le_tn Vait ylllegr, fcntn fillngs:rhrll bc uEcdfol the followlng purposca: I,i. . .' ..., :. .i- -:l ., \ f, :..' .. ,.,.. .. ,: " r,. :. ,,:i:2,.1 .. ": . _ ,..! i .:: r ., anq rr rnari. Da'ulco gnly dor Dr1vrtt fanot noro than two.acpmate ltvlng unita.lvitc -rcildincir. -rGrr io 9r'10 oontain i'! :' 2.2 Tnact A"r harclneftor. callcd thc SubJtct landpr shallbi ugcd arid hainteinGd-rt rll tincr lr a yrornt en6 undirturi.dgDen alrra in its lt-trlsql oond{tlon rnd no.stlucture, bulldlng onlnpnovcnent of et\y.XLn.l -9r chtrloctcrr.rlreihcr tcopoia4r or pcro.rleltt,rlay fc erect€d on nal,ntrincd thet'con, no vehl.cular tnaific Lnpar.ktng of any klnd rrr na.dupc rhall. bc pcrsittcd uDotrr lcroar orthrou8h the Subjcct lrnds. No prl.t of the SubJe4t-trnde sh.ll le used-fon^eanping on overnight eteye by eny poeon or person!.Nor shall thCre by per.aittcdr withLn or uDon-tle Sutieet-landsuy infonr,ral or ongenlzed public or pr.i.vate getnenla! nor anyglhen act by arry pcraoD or pGrsona, rhLch ln-thc irrCgnent of-tlre (rwn€rr D.y defrccr Qltenr de8troy on darane thc rraturralaondition of tlie vegetation o" tbe alethctte ialrrc of thc natu.faranvironuental qualtty of thc SubJcct Lrndr; Tnact A la;r 53dedicatcd by the Orrer.,to public-uec. . "'rOTWITHSTANDING the foregoingr thc follorlng EXCEpIIOI{S..to the abovc uses and ncstnlctl,ons BhaU bc ocrol,ttcd-$lth raaDec ' TOTWITHSTANDING thE to the SubJcct trnds;bc pcrulttcd $lth neslrect !, ltion8, ,on t,r tsl'i 'i II I II I I r. r_- _! !v- t lSubl aat l-:ndr ir ntrt. rrnlricanrlrl rr d.rlr crd Ho.uid '.": . th€ Subject hndasrp'ovidcd.tlat.lrcfr tryrourDrrts-- .., .. I.j,i\ - shrla |!on f ^rit t.r 'thr rrrc.lr i ira+urrr I rtrndrrvln .; $. lllproveudnta fon fitc rnd policc pnotcctlon on , . .-- eseJssl .rB.rt E ..ll t5r l. Uaas-CElJaraUL, II-llEg j r.tj.a-g. : .iI "' rc'tirlltlas ^ : -; + ' .,1 1:., ,' slraul..:conforo to thc ancbitcctunal tt ndaFdE. : :' ' -! -,., 1 i .. i i..i r it, " l' .lj-i ..1 , norr les8'restrictivc tlran any appll,eable lcgul.etlons.of any . "1 gcvcnnncntal agencf..'.Anv aaiitiinaf reBtrrlEtions rai lc lircludqd '! pnotective covcnantg''to-be ftlcd ll tho off-icq 6i'ttrc Clrnk rnd : hocorder'".of Eagle County, g9f9Dd.:.; .,. i: ,.,n i ..:: .,_.,i, , - ,i r. -! ra- l i .. i ii.r i 't .:. - i':;-- ".,. l'',. lba Ouner D€acrnct thc right to oekr rdditlonel reatrl.ct- '.,.;i ionaand.',1i.nitationguPonu8cnot-iicoluntlb1e.rith.theforcgoirr3 t:q+'-T" 3.l:tr::ilHllNt S AIID RIilfrs-0f -tfAY 3.I f,a!.lGnts rnd rights-€f-way fon llghtingt,tr:"ti:g.:! f,a!.lcnts enci righte-cf-way fon llghtingt-hcatinSt -; 8;;;T;i;in"."i, ::ii:-;* :i::l:l:.{t:rl*llii,l bridareIc --trlcitl' r tis r tclePnone t warer srrr' -!ErEr sEs '5s--- r-- ;iiri;: -;;' tli -::*l-i$:,:i" ; :iil;.":,:1":i-t:?i'irllllll'lllli:.'ll.'1" "::*: lllnli" Si'ii'l;':;-li-iil i-irii"l"' t"ntr'scrvicc al'e;iiil:':.. ilill'-".ii'-r'eas:' !""lii:-:"^:t*:-lTli::'5::;iiti";. ;'";;:;=;"-iiiitli"Ea.'9n' :cn?l= gliilhil-Ih:.,:::"'io"-ii".t"nt! erd rift,ts-of-way' nor irr :"ol-919::rcgcrved Jor algcnentt erd rrE:rrs-er -ut.J t rrv!' orori-nl.tv {-h!:eto ""-io-i=p"ii trre acceii to or use thcrcof 'groxi.nlty 5 . TF}.:}I AI|D GAF BAGE 3.2 Ease:enta for dral'aag9 PulPg:9: are r€acrved as shcwn ;ln tl'.e EIat cf Yeil ViLlagcr Tcntit flLrnS' 3.3 Ease:ents for: drainage PurPosea resenved- in these covenants and :n ti,I"ii:.i-viiriec'-fe;th-Fiting PIat shall be DerFetual. 3.||Easglcntgadjacenttoalotbutoutsidetheboundaries thereof Day be .pp""i-ii.i.iy landecape-, subjcct to the provisions of these covenantEr [V if,. 6wne:n of'the lott but in-the-event I""ii"iiia"la;i;; i; li.tu"b"e by use of thc casenent, the coet and ;ilr;;;-i'.iiB"i.g'"rit'ii;,a"6.ping-st"u be eolely thet of the grrrcr of thc lot. 4.S:SNS.Nosignsrbillboards'PoatQDboardsoradvertiaing "tr.r"irr.'.-ii.';;y ii"e Er,ait u" crected ir oaintained on anv lot or stricturc for ."y-F;;F;e-rbataoever' except-such signs as havc been approved bv-ini cormittce as neasonlbly ncceesary for iii-io.ii:.i-:ilii"" o? ,"iia.nces and plaec8 of businese. S. IIATER AIID SEiI'AGE. Each otructure designed for oecupancy oo u"l-uy"iiuni" tiing. shall connect-irith the irater and rerage f.cilitics of the i;ii ;;t;; inJ-si"it"tion District. No pnivate rclt shall lc ueca'ii-" i""."" "f qter for hrruan consumPtiol .or #if iiil ii*:ii, :i li:g; i,i:*n,*l'$3t "l'L inSll'."1{'3i' illll *. be usei for the disp-'sal of scrage' ilechanicat g-arbagc dieposal iJ"iiiif."- "r,iif-U"'ii.rfa"a-i" iach kitchen or iood prcparing area' t I I ; II ? I I t l li r '- - 6.1 lisposal of Trae\ and Garbage' No trashr ashet or ,- other refuse nay be throrn or orrfitE?fti l'and,sithin Vail iiii;s;,-irn:i,-ii-ri"g. .-rl:_purnGg or refuse out _of doors shall. .not be pcrt"iti.a-in-Vaif virrage, tcnth.filins' .l|9 lnclnerator ur other cevice ;; i;"';;iil;? i"iui. indoorE shatt bc conctructed' ' inBtalied or used b:/ any person "i"Jpt lE aPProved Dy the Conmittee' .. Each p*p"rty-il""'s-iif'p"ovidc suitable iecgPtaclcs for the collectioncjref:se.Suchreecptaclesehallbeecreenedfroapublic view anrl protected fron dietu:sbancl ' 6.2 Dclinltion. As uacd ln thlg Sectlon 6t rrtlasht garbage "i'rufrffi"ffii lncludc uaater ncJectcd, valuclesg on wur.thlees ratter. r r"i.iiif i"""a-a.U"fi,'ueci.aa r- unuacd, unnanted I "i' iiliiiaEa -Joti"rli-li"i "n- ""dl1any - rrousehold r naEte fnon the ;;,';;;;;i;"1 ""iti"ii ii'ta-."ii"'nptlon- of f,ood' narket refuae' iH::;i::r;:*"ilill*lili:1:ii*:Siiiliii;i,;nFl"'::':: ror;:' other general yatid and garden laBMi".iuai food on food pn5ducts to D' pnepaned over outcloor or ;;;;-ii";;-n,.,'-rooi-"I'' ;;;;;-ilicrl"i' -ueed for fucr in firepraces' ?. LIvEsTocK. No anl'rala, liveatock' hol99? ol3 ltoultry of any kind shalr u.-i"pt, raised or bned in Viil Villagc' Tenth Firiii"s,'-"icept in "i".i'ii"iglaiig ion such purpoaee-by the cotmittee' ;;;-;;;.;t-ii'ot 0.i",-;"i;-tf,a otl"r houeehold lninala rnav be kept onIY as Pets 8. TRf,ES. No trees shall be cut' tninmcd or rcnoved I'n vaiL viuage, Ter.ti riri"i'-.*ccpi wittr prion sritten approval of the Committee and by PeraonB oeergnatld by the Conmittee 9. SET BACK REQUIREI|EI|TS' Thene ehall be a genenal requirement for the i";ii;;;F inpnovenents with relation to ;ilil;;i-ii"iI, i'J-ai;;;$;a ;t 'n.9 rorn of vail zoning ondinancee and the Architectur;i-C;i;;1 tounittee. In detenolnlng-the.ProPer rocatlon for each iiin""Iiiti, irrt Comittec ahalr-eoneiden the i;;ii;; li- "ii ii it'l;;l;i;e -j,.up1ov&enta on adJ gcent ProPcrtv' i;;-;i;t.;-oi aajacEnt ProPcrty-onirers, and guch othcr Donetarv ;-.;;til;ti"-.""iiaeratioti as it nay decn eppropniate' 1C. AREA REQUIRE$EilTS' llo structune dcelgncd fon hunan uec on habitation ehall be conetructid unlceg thc iSgncgate floon iil"i' ;;i;;i;;-;f';;;; po""ui"' baecncnts, 9er:09r,'1a' and gardses' shall be in excese o? sob equar- fcet' The Couittec shal1 detcrnine fron the ;;"i;; #T; tnp""""rlnt rhethGir rn arca which is partiallv below ii.aE""n"ri qulllfv aa'| arcae to be included *ititin the ;initnun peruissible .lrca? t. . lI. TRADE NAI{ES. No rorkl na'uei slmb{r on conbination theneof shall be ;"; t;'iaentif' ion connci'el'a1-p'rpoae' a house' .tructurc, Uuetncsi-In -I.i"i"i-l'n V.ff -Vittag?, -fiurlh Flling' unleas the sane sirarr rravl;;";-ii;;i ippn"vea fn rifiing by the Connittce' .-.i. -'' '''t -"'l ' ''i'.,. 12 . sdcoHunnv Srnuctunss., j . xo 8gcog6sy .lrt-achcd at!'uct .r:rcs ehau.le-i"rmlli.d cxetsEt.for garagci-and other- 6ut buildtnga aa appnovcd by the Conoittcs. ; 13 . TEHPonARy srRucrt REE . No tcnPorarY . ?tTrgtut€ r QXGE- vationr l"".r.rrt, iiiir.i- J"-ii"i alriir b..pcruittcd.ln Vail Vill'ase' Tenth Fillngr u*o"ii-i"-ray le ncccerary aui.tng constrnctl'on and authorizcd by trre--Coruitte;' "na .sxclpl-tcupon&y protcctlon for iitrrctrcfacilities. , / .l -5- l I t t ll t, f i' t- f IfIr, I I t'I I I r,t j ,1 , d! e. I t t -:' :€ t 1d l .. , ' 14. CoNTINUIIY OF COIISTRUCTION. All rtructurcl crnnenc.d "tn 'llall 9l,llngrr fcnth Ftllngr rhall bc anorccutcd dlll;cntlyto oonplrtl.on rnd rh.rll l'e conplctcd rlthln 12 rnthf oi eonncnce-n.ht, exo.pt wrth rrittcn sonlcnt of thc Coullttec. 15. ' NUISAIfCE. lfo noxious on offcngl.vc aetivlty rhall bc cannied on nor ehall onything bc donc or pcrolttcd rhich ahall'c.nltitut. r publio nuisancc ln Yalf. Vl,LLagc, Tcnttr flllng. edr te lca8. :ry rh nnl,ttee I in 16. EFTECI AXD DURAfION OP COVEIIAITS. Ihc condltlongrr'ertnictl,ons, stipulatione, rgrc€&ents and covcnants conta:lncdhencin shell bc for the bsncfit of and bG btJtdlrq ugon caeb lotll,lock and tract in Vril Vllhge, Tcntlr l!,lingr and..ch oyneFof propenty thGDeirr, hie auccaslon! | DcpDclcntatlves and aarl.gneand.shall corrtinua ln full forcc and cffect untll ilanuaty 1r.2022,at uhich tLnc they ahall bc eutorrticatly cxtcnded for fivc.auc-: oGaBive ternma of ten years eacb ' 17. 'AilENDMENT. iTlre eonditiona, rcgtr.ictiona, etipulations,. agrecnento and covenanta contalled hcncin ghall not be raivedr, abandoncdl terrninatedr on amendcd lxcapt by nrittcn consent of'the onnera of 65t of the privatcly-orned land lnclurJed sithln ' the boundaries of VaiL Villagel Tenth Filingr and the Drnc Day be than ehown by the p!.at on file Ln thc office of thc Clerk 'and Rcconder of Eagle Countyl Colonado and fillng said auendncntwith thc.Clerk and Recorder of Eaglc CouatSrr Colorado and. filtng eaid arnendrncnt with the Clank of ttre Town of tail iflrnd ie rlthin the Town of Vail Jurledlction. ncea noPer t rtY r v lan ,o0l! rt€8 I : rhlchl, Lon )U8C Iunlesanittce. UC'.UfeA a3 xCa-Villate r endfor r8. ,El{r0RcEMEtft. : .- .I ,. . : - ;,1S.1 Procedure for Erforecucnt.. If any pcreon ahallviolate or threaten to violatc.ny of thc pnoviaion- of thl.s ln-, gtrulcntr'YaiI Associ.atca, Ino. or Ltt eueccagolg,or r3lignsrlG- i'+ rny ornsn;of rcal propenty ln Viil Yillagqr Tcath Flltngr-bia' . agents on enployeesr-may, but rl.thout obligetlon to do sor.cntoFccthc provfuions of th;F. iastruncn! Dy: ::. rr. l: t ') ", -: 18.1.1 enterinit iipoh thc-propeity Fhcrc the3iolation or thraetcncd violation.criatc rnd rcnovlrrg, . ,renedying and abating thc-vioLatlon;' tuch actf-hclD. shall only bc excrcl.scd aftcn having givcri fiftccn-.: '. (15) tlays prion rrltten notiec to thc ounGr or ornclic. . ,of the propernty upon rb:Lch thc,violrtion txlrte and ;rrovided ttde orndr 3haU.h.Ve-failed.rithfui ruch ti.DGto tatce such actlon eE Day De neccrsarSr tO eonforo tothe covena..::a i or 'i ''i .- l - ;... , '18.1.2 iniiituiing euch proccedl,nge et, lau or . in egulty_as- nay.bc-approprlatc- to_cnfoncc the pro-- .. '., .,rvisiong of thia lnetruncnt, including a dcnand fon Ln-.'. ,,, :,^'.o':*,:junctlvc nelief to lrrcvent on rcnedy tba threetcncd or .,'ii' ''qxisuing violatl,onc .of thcao coven.nt! and for drnAgc6. tiJ{ r.-, ||s.{ |r_i rt lr &t i.Nr.'t Iq- +:.i il:'u .r.. :-eal PnoF,: ty in Vall Villagcl Tenth filingr hereb;'.liFolntB tl,e fonn Clcrk of the Torrn of Vail as.ltis .-.,rent to rt'ceive any notice provided for hercin andlJ acccpt s:rvicc of process in any court proceeding l:'cught tc eni'..rce the provisions of this inatrument. .{;:y noticc required under this Section I7 shall herritten and ehall specify the violation or threatened'.'iolatl.on obJected tor th€ p:.openty subject to the :'i. e.l,ation and shall denand cornpliance nith these coir€nants rithin fifteen (I5) days after the giving of ,,u:h nctice. If efter reasonable effort the persongiving the notice shall be unable to deliver the sanc p€rsenalfy to the penson to nhon it i6 directedarl ghall be un.rble to obtain a return receipts}:ring delive:'7 of notice to the person to xhotn iti= directed, then the required nctice shall be deemedsufficiently gi'ren if posted upon the property describedin the notice and nailed to the last known addresscf the De.scn to rhon the r,otice is directed. 19; ,|'INITTO:I CT FF.OPERTY OWNER is usr: in this instr':ment r the phrases nreal property -i'rne: " or "i.irner --i re:1 i,ropertyn ghall arean any natural persorr, ; artr.ershig, cc:l3rat:rn, association or other business entity. r t:lationship tiri: l^. shail, olfn an estate as a co-tenant or other-'j.se in fee si:rple o:" fc:' a tern of not less than forty-nine (49) l ea:'s in any pc:'tion cf the lands included sithin the boundanies ' f ','ail Viliage, Tenth Filing. Such phrases shal.l not include : itl.ir their rneaning the holder or onner of any lien or: secur:ed : nte: est in lands or iap:.cvenents thereon Fithin the subdivision,!,or a:.y pe!'3Jn clai:r.iag an easenent or right-of-say for utility,:rai.:;tnta:icn o:' other ptrrpose through, over or actioEs any sucir .:.anis. 20. SI';EF-1.3IL1!-I . invalidation of any one of the provisicnscf t::is instrune:rt b7 juignent or court ordlr or deeree lhatl inr.c ;;1se affe:t any o- the-other. proviaione sbich shall renain i:rfuI! i*ee ::.C e'fec*..d hot , re73.IEi{ECU::_, TI{IS r, - day of VAIL ASSOCIATES, fNC., a Colorado Corporation b e<l v ll; €r- 9) s lr t t h ,oDa ,n .ll .,1 - fo STATE Ot COLotiAl)o COUNTY OF EAC!]: )) ss.): f B aoknonledged bofore rner 1973, byR. BARTUTT r.e SECRETARY of V/rIL ASS0CIATES, IllCp a Colorado Corpo!'atlon. The forel:oinp- inBtrnurnent lb i, E-r trffi ' :" r i 1.8 t, *414 lfitnegs n',, hand and offlelal ecal. My Comnission expires: ,7/r7hf 1'-t- '\.. :!* { a t ii ':' FJ: i1'fgfagfl.i's.r-= . ' -"ttbaL L,, ,r?. o.roll -i :1 C. . ' '''-fii d )I ?IdU l,-'; \,.r : -or crJnl?t! .t P$6ET3w .FC FFEl.f? q il. TAft.';ELry26-vrtce ^1f,ilrf, EIUD lr! ! PE. rol Pixrr e.,^ Fltr tHt Ffl I||lrD r!*i I...f 'llt{lo) neY,-l'oortolo) Jo i;/ls I 9r*.t( . ,i, .J .-, v o r,t29 t ).i- l:r-dtLL k. in:'z . Rord.. ,.foct 11., lazi :. \177 Tni lfra. r.a",r,.l[.ollrt. , s sT t|P l' / /. i'r*'L rhll.ti!! :r, cait1.,ri.'ht.-'x1 \-lice ''.CaF.ri.rilt. {usinrE anr .{r.e rrrl Jqtl:lrrl .lpllcr dltl Arlrl !'aric !llc: l.rt-, It'rl-Erd ard ' 'r:r .a &* I lurtr d t.t<li(, rnd sir, ,,t .-lo...h,.,lrrf tfn r-fl..nd gilr ian r. cartlri ol-,t :r!rc .!.l,rcre rl. C;rCEr.tht ., ' ! /. 7 t-!:'c:- r'unt!.! f.r.l' | {rd r!,!. .::r!rhl ./r. - ... r,, .] tjs-.t't,.,isio- n+ l',(t ., ...11 I'irla::., . . - 1r!, rc€r_arrn to Lt Dl ,t r..co-&.(: !.-.Y' .r* , Pa.'e Lb , ir r-|x' ra. le Cqr::t,'t ^:i -,:_vi-trqrlcrrii-f jce. Ir'(,E-riEli r,!r rl, r, r rt{' nrrnrhg. lnd rr\rrsrnhs. rirrrrrtt. r: ,',.rjd, r. iri-irr.., ..,i:rJ,.:,. 6tl|.. nEhr,. rrri., Dtercrr, rlsrh snd drnrrnJ ehrr*' . J:n. ..rn r.- iCF .eull!'i!ftntndll'r'!|*,f.|ar!th.dprtn|sr. TO HA\ I A\t) T(' tr()LI) th. sid DFrl&- rrrr ra, (,,.: ,.1: rr. r-nh ('f th? *..hd D.rt !htr. ha'F.nd titian. a,,h.r.. 11,:rh. -i,d1.,-:es j:', t:r-.i.,:: a -.'- lr t.tr. *ll ind.oi!e! tht rrn 1,,n.1,r.-,.,.1 ,,:! i;,, .L:,r. ,Jr rr r ..:. i -,.I Md ,'rh4 rrrr'r. h.rsr': i. rrl, . .,,...,.,,',., ..,tt1Ftat..s Patetit- res€rlations, Froteati |e C.''cnin:s. (,.r)renrrr:, s, ftq' t-r-r.. r:r, :, $-|of reaord .r:1:j Draf,ert,. Laxes to! lai- .l!re Ja. i3n_ l, to-i, * -f .r--. j.'-. ..t, iC!a!t ,rs.sltrfy' { ,r-r'.re i-o .r!\. I, e lt.r|rnh.tuse -Fcl.]l-.lt lc:, i:..:...i t\ .- .1 1; *IVCS -:la 1l herr'. . r"rlrurb. rhd romir r{hr,,rr ,l '.1(:srd Dsittr-i,,f !h. r.c.nd F|n.thei. h.r.! rhd rrirFn. .|' {:h. !rn! rl'i,,r-,nL',,'n:rj nlrr,.r.i'ri,.t rr.- .ntt 3le scll r.r2.d df thr penr..s sr,, * .,'n\r\(,t n. of K, u .J.. rlrrnfr .,n. jj! rh I :nr.i, ,-j: . erral?.tribtdrrnk.tn|!\1,rnt."slmtlt,.ndhr!€ r ,t r,ch1 all r (,:.',u tr l)att ,rs.sltrfy' { ,r-r'.re i-o .r!\. I, e lt.r|rnh.tuse -Fcl.]l-.lt lc:, i:..:...i thr :i :- 1iTi ]e{l o' r-er-.u'; ii Frdti , j, ai pJc. c!^ ._he ., ./ :.:,, . :!nd!h.ahn!"hlr..'tr.dn.fhr{.rr'r,llFq!n.||'i]np'r'its'I.'{.i'-!':-.* h.'|.a''dair'cn\.FLlnslllLtrn1|I.Il rhr.hrdr,t:riCS ,tthr arr.r I'srl shtr:i M.l $iil \'AI:i:{\i i\i' | ,lll'illl. ir rr i\ -{ iTSt,sS \{ ill.kf-r,f thl $.rdri. los i:l rrr.':,,r ',,. '' .l: : , ' , 'i, ,lr, n-,1 ..!: ar:.r !t... rri::.n s,r., ro Srliro rho t,eir!trcd ri thr l'rr{LhJ' f : L.:.n' '' STATE OF 'OI,OIAD(] \. 931. rri.xt! Drrt -, ,a.: ':., ,r 'r , , rsl. . I . 1.5te96 BED AND BREAKFAST APPLICATION Date: 5-'? - 7AI I Name of physical Mailing Appiicant: Address: Address: Property Owner:Narae of ltail ing Owner I g rowDe! | s Address of Owner:7;a Phone Number: Signature: footage of 9o0 square feet Bed and Breakfast (B&B) Please provide a floor plan of the dwelling unit with the rooms to be used for the B & B highlighted. Please provide a site plan and indicate the designated Attach an application for a conditional uqe perrnit and check for $10o.oo for the Conditional Use application fee. Include a title report to verify ownership. 4.. Up to 3 bedrooms or a maximum square of the dwelling may be utilized foi a operation. :ala.- 4,f I 1. 32. 3. parking. The reguired parking is as follows: L space for ryej q'4 1,{,u4. oefc d.o.rl-t-e.__-owner/proprietor, plus 1 space for first bedrooh rented, g^hA-/r'l plus 1/2 space for each additional bedroom rented. If a Bed and Breakfast operation proposes to use ProPerty or facilities owned in common or jointly with other property owners, such as parkj.ng spaces or a driveway in a duplex subdivision, the written approval of the other proPerty owner, ohrners, or ownelrrs association shall be required. Address the adeguacy of the unitrs trash facilities (i.e. I 4. 6. -l ri vAtLa y ' I?AC'I A ! igog Sc Fl . -161 Ac A PANT OF sEcTtolt or'' !,AI t 'I!LAG€. SLVENIH FILING I FAC T B 2 zGlGaSq F' Oa6Ac N cEfTtFt€trE t ilsfrgtp tto Eqc.rr* ;tC XI rr tr Tfr,tl. rrEatrta rr,.r .a(i ot r. rf.r.r.;.rn...1d..crrE<l land. aa altr -?larr.d t.ndr" ! I P.tr ot thr b'$..i q|r..r.a 4t ta(.rr!(a t.,nrr:rt . sujr!., a.ro. rr r.lr . 1., s,... r,.- rLtrauah. C.unrt ol !.9r. ttate !,t Colora.to tur. tart,ccl.! tr d..(rrro .r : ,. , ,r. liitllttc lt flf lLt O{rrr|tt| Cqttr (t tt,.r:,n |r. rrri!!{t p : suir}. ;[ , rls ., ! rr |,h r.rtrtErtutlrt, !&r"s coCll. q,qern. rtttc rq lE r 14 L!! (/| Blctr.tr!,. ffiiir'*iii ," ;: ';: ili;llolt6 r}r[ l:a!T lttt o. tlto tScrl .'t H ^ ;, r srFi-?i-iii--l:F_FEFFrkrtlro ltctr |'r r ^;,l5rFt-dr-; ;F-Fl t!'L !(rr tr' !9 /, r.,rtt!_t 5Or &, !9 /, /a t^r, ^glStl{cD ur f 9.06 tttt to A toltt ot| A ct tvt. or fnt t!.s.t f,:\iltT,(,t -tat ltrr ,rr frrurc} r,*; fnCl} r'a&r ltlEr. r.Arl.|3'octt1tii, !tc. Noa o c, Idc ttrl, tttt r|o|!t-(t-tlt LttD A lrttttlcr ot r,.:.4r fEr:t iri fiu tc c a Lallv! rs lle lta|li, !rr;Clriw! riAv I r(i ^ IDIU' Of t55.OO ftfr, i C!X?r l. tttdLr rr tr t1, Za. Xtlr a CiirtD lrrrrrc aad - u I8 ll ltst 6?.ll I!trT Dll lf: 'llELct 9tt"lr 4J .;r l,r IEtt a tllalct Of rOt.O, attt ltatt(sourr 6rf r0. ir(,- tlsf ^ DliTt,ct or rlt,.)l tt.t.t rx5lat Eoirfi 82. t tJ'. rttr i nitticr'"r-lfij!!!r; r,arcr tourh r' frl. ,,o- t.r? l utlttt cf. {,. ,5..rr. tulT tc i torrt oi, lrc &l.nr aif ; tlc-nllSt gllllEr ol ltlo St:.'tl(t s: ft:tc3 roi?! 8q az, r: Cgr elCC ,llp r_lritll Lt* e Ur fffcf iri6t.lE tlET ta ?{8 rtr ! ?(rrra c r66t:rf!. rrlluDrrc r.r. rr rc,r I, roar _r, verl vrBior lnrri!fllllc ltaD Clrif^tLtt; lo.rl\ tClts LfiE ot'!:rS. lirt v.rr are.r.t-i, tn.-- .rrrrr.r th.t rt tr th. rrJ. !ryn r ot ali or ih. ?rat.lao Ldr!+ *arecrlo aa''tanl r .nd rtghr5-ot-tay ,,t rpcoad. tlr.r- 9.r1 lt.,.r.rr.', tnc,, by thGa. trcaaant. {o.r h.rrill. lay ,,rrt ,Iar ft. -tarvrrh tt ,r.tt.rlL.n tr rrto.uch lotr.r rro rhorn cn atrrr Drr. sr.t+, rh. n;roa.iti. - -iaii-t;td;;;I-fl!lta-. :!:l-v.ll _ !:?g^f!:r, rnc., rr..r her.by rrdrc.t€ r. rno r|,s dr vr,r ro, eerr,. r.r. yr.cr.. .'lro.o.r .rr..ra, atrcl.r. cqrrta lld r.ltrayr .hdn h{r.or.r |rr! rcct to |.€tr .ar..aa - rnr-of -rov.r F tr oa .ucn ro.di, .rr..tr, Gtrcl.r .od r.lrr.yr ri rrc ar.e.rrtty ,rtrr .r iorrr- ji i*-. ?h't v.rr ar.ocr.r... rnc. h'r.tv d.dti.r.. ro rh. ruen ot v.rr to! *. s,r ir;al^a tr. r.rr.utrlltY e...Fanta .iorr on tr.r. ilrt r.r th. lr,rt.,!4 ot ronrrrociioa, .Irn!air-6. tta ,.caaalr.t 6!!o! ..e.r.gc, e.t.r, g.r, .t(cr!rc.fi, t"tcpr,i,, irea.,r*rr,,n rr"rii..-". lh'r va:l A'octatc6. rrc- d-cta!.r.n,r.qa-.! rh.r th. pl.rr.d L&a. &atl r..rbraGt ra t|,a **#*;;:i!'::i;l"1gg#;l:;rr, :: Ift .ilr r..::::r:.si#i.Frr*E; :. .ftbl ,a, 0565 a, C ...!g_lEq!; l!!!!.L lf :.r.Jnr ' tl5 Jo _ U 5 FOREST SFRVICE a. Set Sl"el Prn \{ q:4 .. "rl]i. F: I !680sa Ft O.7O2 A. ! r"J:i:r' .: i i _! T\ ',-'11' .!.' irsirurF:? a... .:r?,r$.;rcr.:. :n : .r .' thrr fr t ^.r., _:e". r" i"iii, ..'*.ii:; irc. rrt!ie.;,t r{ J.nr rdr.ir-in*?Ar, fir-r.a..In. I CorO.taO .a.ae.at'oi.:ji::r:;s 'i :...,..r .i... ,..i ||y co_i[ton .+*n lU, h, ta|-Eb . tppmyal oF ttE yrtl platflttc ailtltlrrh[ llar ot vAlL vttltEi, lctl+t ftt.llc, b..nrt ih.4a.a ,. hara]y {ra61ta. o,...n. l*a.- ,, ttSa 11 E 1t4 CqsEc Ir55 e€ow 6'H PM az"royal oFan a,idE?|tffiE tr Gffiafpttt, PteT cr ne ffrt ff tJa_ . r, )RE-.r SERV!a:- "- ll taat!*€l li -: i or:r oa lirll .l :lia'r.! ,Cxr6 a^fe1 !t ;.6 a court! :o(or.oo ltrr. tt.r cr vttl vtr,l.lc, *l* "llllu, _r! hr!+r:r .ppr,.i.! r, ,,,, h,).rLr .: .r. ,,r1,, .rv|rl'.|ntir.|.dlc.tron|otths'o|dr."ttcrt*..'.,.'...;'tL..on ara h..a!y cc.pi.d by rho toei ! \..,, o.r.d, Ar.; 1 ra1.t --_- - fit '!ca7€ ef gewfo, iii'*#*'l1H a::l!.!:.d '..*r.t lt tn y:!!F, rra nr,rre, rr-i.ii x!|._Fr.!-Jtr .rr lltrl.rc d .r.t nt&rtr'nt& tlllt-rd -r!--r'' Ar.- , l.e. tr''OF ,.IAIU9 ,rrS FtLtHG a€QfiFrcIE oF fHE cawfr'"3clEfrr ,to aEccpoEn oF EI6LE COAB|T FEnE;-i; :;'::.:i:.-i:::::lJ'":i:::' -"', Alltlt'aa'Chordt.?C6.OO' tc.rlE'.1'nrL:63 17' Lc .62 !3' (ff- a\ @-- "' r.J.uror, \*',-'' orsiaZ InE?I o6a. \ \ ,q-)L{ \S; 7 3OOsOSq Fl 0691 Ac , l.gl.t a- !.d stttcyot rc. !/ f/! felt the Town should spend the money to do such a study. Diana felt ttris parcel was needed \\ in the community, and the Forest Service might add it to the lands to be transferred lo the Town. Jill lold the board the criteria would be developed by the Land Ownership Committee for lhe trade and sales ot Forest Service land. Diana felt there should be some way to use creative tax breaks to preserve existing stock. As an example, she menlioned allowing a RETT break il the purchaser would permanently restrict the unit. She felt that one of the causes of the shortage of housing was second-home owners. Diana believed these second- home purchasers should somehow have a linancial responsibility to bear a portion ol lhe cost associated with providing atfordable housing in the Town. Diana's position on the use of Donovan Park for housing was that it had more value as a park. Jen repeated that he would like that issue to be discussed soon at a Town Council meeting. Kathy agreed Donovan Park was a good test case, but felt that if the community would not stand behind the high density, she would like to see the Housing Authority put efforts into other projects. Jen agreed. Diana felt that public housing had little support in the community. Jen remarked it was important to continue to work on the housing issues, othenvise the community would be hurt in the long term. Chuck felt he would rather see a group of a few larger for-sale townhomes for long term use, rather than a large number of smaller rental units. Jill explained the proposed method of using the 250 ordinance to encourage employee housing contained in the Employee Housing ordinance. Jen felt that il the board were to proceed with looking into using Donovan Park, the next step would be to balance the issues. Diana wanted to know how much of Donovan Park would be used. Jen indicated the lower bench of Donovan Park was 12 acres and the Authority had discussed using 4 acres of the site lor employee housing. 2. A work sesslon on the proposed Performlng Arts/Conference Center, which ls proposed to be located adlacent to the east end ol the Llonshead Parklng Structure. Presenters: RonPhllllps/E.B.Chesler Ron Phillips distributed a summary report. Mr. Chester explained the process to date had included speaking to many groups, and the next step was lo go back to lhe Town Council and investigate financing. The building was to house a conference center and a performing arts center. A sketch of the building was distributed, which showed that it would be slightly higher than the existing parking structure. lt was hoped it could be financed with a 1% or 2/" room tax. Kathy questioned how the size compared to the past proposal of the Congress Hall, and was told that the newer proposal had a smaller conference center and a larger theater. A discussion of the details of the building followed. Publlc Hearlno 1. A request for a condltlonal use permlt to allow a bed and breakfast operatlon at 920 Falrway Drlve/Lot 8A, Vail Village 1oth Flllng. I ' ' Applicant: Atlce CartwrlghtPlanner: Betsy Rosolack The staff presentation was made by Betsy Bosolack, who stated that all requirements for a bed and breakfast had been filled, and the staff recommended approval. Chuck Crist moved and Ludi Kurz seconded to approve the Bed and Breakfast. The vote was 4-0 in favor. (Gena was out of the room for this vote.) 2. A request for a condltlonal use permlt to allow a bed and breakfast operallon on Lot 11A, Block 2, Vall vlllage 13th Flllng/2625A Bald Mountaln Road. Appllcant: Eugenla G. WhlttenPlanner: Betsy Rosolack This was taken later in the meeting. 3. Presentation of proposed Llonshead Sundlal Plaza landscaplng plan (Llfthouse Lodge). Presenters;Jlll Kammerer/Sherry Donrard Jill gave an introduction to the proposal, and Sherry showed slides of the site. The Lionshead merchants propose to install the proposal in the spring of 1992. Prior to that time, the design must be reviewed by the Fire Department, as they are concerned with fire access to lhe building under the existing design. After discussion, Kathy moved to accept the concept of the proposed design for Sundial Plaza. The motion was seconded by Chuck Crist, with a vote of 5-0 in favor. 4. A request for a conditlonal use permlt tor a llquor store at the Cascade Crosslng Retail Center, 1031 S. Frontage Hoad. Appllcant: William Von Schneidau/Mlke Combs Planner: Andy Knudtsen Mike Mollica presented this request for Andy Knudtsen, planner on the project, who was ill, Chuck Crist moved and Ludwig Kurz seconded lo approve the request for lhe conditional use. The vote for approval was 4-0 in favor. (Kathy was out for this vote.) 5. A request for a condltlonal use permlt to allow a sieasonal plant producls buslness ln the Heavy Servlce zone dlstricl, West Vall Texaco, 2313 N. Frontage Road West/Tract B, Vall Das Schone Flllng No. 1. Appllcant: Rlchard Dilllng Planner: Jlll Kammerer This item had been presented as a work session item at lhe previous PEC meeting on November 11th. The statf recommended approval of the requested conditional use permit with the following conditions: \ *Jk^%1 #;{..w'ry&' . NOTICE lS HEREBY GTVEN that he Planning and Environmental Gommission ol the Town of i Vait wiil hotd a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on November 25, 1991 at 2:00 p.m. in the To\^/n of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: l. A request for the establishment of a 90-day review period for a Commercial Core I exterior alteration request for the Golden Peak House, 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A and B, Block 2, Vail Village First Filing. Applicants: Golden Peak House Condominium AssociationA/ail Associates, lnc.iG PH Partners, Ltd./Margaritaville' Inc. Planner: Mike Mollica 2. A request for a conditional use permit lor a liquor store at the Cascade Crossing Retail Center, 1031 S. Frontage Road, more specifically described as follows: A parcel ol land located in Section 12, Township 5, South, Range 81 Wegl ot tha p.M., Coung of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: commencing at a point on the northerly ROW line of US HwY 6, whence lhe northeast corner of said Section 12 bears north 38'07' E 876.99 ft.; thence south 730,45' W along said northerly ROW line a distance ot 75 ft. to the true point of beginning; thence north 16o45'W to the south ROW line of l-70; thence in a southwesterlt direction along the south ROW line of l'70 to the point of intersection of that Row line with he north ROW line of us Hwy 6 and thence in an easterly direction along the north Row of US Hwy 6 to the point of beginning, County of Eagle, Stiate of Colorado. Applicant: William Von Schweidall/Mike Combs Planner: Andy Knudtsen g. A request for a conditional use permit to operate the Cartwright Bed and Breakfast at 4. 5. b, 970 Fairway Drive/Lot 8A, VailVillage 1Oth Filing. Applicanl Alice Cartwright Planner: Betsy Rosolack A request for a conditional use permit to allow a seasonal plant producls business in the l-ieavy Service zone district, West Vail Texaco, 2313 N. Frontage Road WesVTract B, Vail Das Schone Filing No. 1. Applicant: Richard Dilling Planner: Jill Kammerer A request for a conditional use permit to operate a bed and-breakfast operation on Lot 11A, Block 2, Vail Village 13th Filing/2625A Bald Mountain Road. Applicant Eugenia G. Whitten Planner: BetsY Rosolack A request for a worksession on the proposed Performing Arb,/Conference Center' which is proposed to be located adjacent to the east end ot the Lionshead Parking Structure. Presenters: RonPhillips/E.B.Chester /".",t ,r/"/t,ry ,. 9l,ffiJti:if"l#**:'F#ff'ao"'o lnreftoluar Proposarfor the " ' Planner: Shelly Mello .. 8. Presentation of proposed Uonshead Sundial Plaza landscaplng plan (Llfthouse Lodge). Presenters: Jill Kammerer/Sherry Dorward 9. Any ltems tabled from the November 11, 199'l Plannlng and Environmenlal Commission meeting. lnformation on the listed items is available at the Community Development office in he Vail Municipal Bullding during regular office hours. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VailTrail on November 8, 1991. Johnny and Anne Marie Mueller -Ml Futemick 3{0 Fairway Drive U2 Grove lsle Drive Vail, CO 81657 Apartment 1509 Miami, FL tlll133 Paul and Nancy Rondeau Carl ard Marilyn Thoma ot;ffr#[",, 143 E. Meadour Drive Vail, CO 8'1657 9308 Fairway Drive Vail, CO 81657 140 Melrose Avenue Kenilworlh, FL 60043 v o to r& r*, rrf z i/att ,l I TO: FROM: DATE: RE: II. Planning and Environmental Commission Comnunity Development Department November 25' A reguest for operation ofvillaqe 1Oth Applicants: 1991 a Conditional Use Pertnit to alLow for the a Bed and Breakfast on Lot 8A, Vail Filing, 920 FairwaY Drive williim H. and Alice M. Cartwright I.DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED USE In December of 1989, the Vaif Town Council passed Ordinance fto.-Sf, Series of 1b89 to allow Bed and Breakfasts in the iorn oi vail. The definition given in that ordinance states: [A Bed and Breakfast means a business which accommodate- guests in a dwelling unit in which the Bed andBreakfast-proprietorlivesonthepremisesandisin residence d-uriirg the Bed and Breakfast use'" Mr and Mrs. Cartwright have applied for a conditional use ;;;it io allow thefr to use one bedroom in rheir home in a F.imaryZSecondary zone district for a Bed and Breakfast rental: The bedioom and bath contain a total of 273 square feet. Two guests could stay in the bedroom' CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Section 18.60, the Community DeveloPl:"!^-*j* D-epartment recommends.approval of the conditional use permit based uPon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. Ref ationship a4d ir.npact qf . lhe-use on the ffiloprnent ob'iectives of the Town' The Town Council encourages Bed and Breakfasts in the Town of vail as a favorable type of lodging for tourists. needs. The addition of effect uPon the two guests should have little above faciors. 2. rto U o 3. Since this bed and breakfast is two blocks from the bus route, it ls likely that many of the guests would use the Town of Vail bus system iather than drive a car. If the guests drive their own vehicle, there could be one additional vehicle driving to the Cartwright residence' Staff feels thtt this would be an insignificant impact upon traffic and parking- The Cartwrights trave tfrrie parklng space-s to the west of their duplex. rhLse paifing spaces are. not shared with th^e owners of the other half of the duplex' 4. The staff feels that the character of will not be negatively impacted by the a Bed and Breakfast in this area. No changes to the residence are proposed accommodate the Bed and Breakfast. the areaaddition ofexterior to following recruirements : a. Offstreet desiqnated parkinq shalI be required as follows: The reguired nunber of parking spaces for the--rt*n.fgnt Bed and Breakfast business is 2 parking spaces. The Cartwrights have a double-gaiage plus 3 additional spaces' surrounding uses. b. Trash is placed into covered containers in v o to I tl the garage and is cotlected rjnce a week. There wilt be no removal of landscaping- A name plate has not been applied for at this time. No facilities are used in common with other property owners. c. d. e. fV. FINDINGS A. B. That the proposed focation of the use is in accord with in"-prrpoies- of this Ordinance and the purposes of the dist-rict in which the site is located. That the proposed location of the use and the conditioni uirOer which it would be operated or,. miintained would not be detrimental to the public fr"iftn, safety, or welfare or materially injurious to prope.ties or improvements ln the vicinity' That the proposed use would comply with each of the applicable provisions of this Ordinance' v o It v.STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Conmunity Development Department staff approval of Lrris apPlication for a Bed and oiirration. staff flnds that all ap.plicable airO ftnOings have been satisfactorily met. recommends Breakfast review criteria I^ .j-_ - r-7 rtI irf zrlr 1 '/Ar* mc'0 ocT23t99f Date Received by Conmunity Developrnent Department Date of PEC I'leeting BED AND BREANFAST CONDf TIONAIJ USE APPI-,ICATION(ordinance No. 31, Serles of 1989) A.Nane of Applicant: Mailing taareEsz ?2 Location of Proposed Bus AddresE: 7?a ,On, Iegal Description:BIock Subdivision B.Nane of Property atner:7k; l.lailing Address of Owner: ,.a Ownerrs Phone Nurnber:u-32 'roYDerts Signature: c.Condoniniun Association Approval (if appl cable): D. .tr. F. Up to 3 bedroorns or feet of the dwelling (B&B) operation. a rnaximum square footage of 90o sguare may be utilized for a Bed and Breakfast C-n J*/^+a*-V)3 F Piease provide two Copies of the follori.ng inforrna+-icn: 1. A floor plan with dimensions of all rooms to be used fortheB&8. 2. A slte plan with the designated parking indicated. The required parking is as follows: 1 space for owner/proprietor plus 1 sPace for first bedroon rented, plus 1/2 space for each addltional bedroom rented. (It is poss.ib.le that floor and site plans of proposed location rnay be available at the Cornnunity Development DePa*i-acn+- at S?.OO Per eoPY) If a Bed and Breakfast operation proPoses to use proPerty or facilities owned in coumon or jointly with other property onners, such as parking Epaces or a driveway in a duplex subdivision, the written approval of the other property owner, o!/ners, or ownerrs association shall be required. Describe trasb facillties available (i.e. enclosed trashG. facilities/regular garbage removal senrice/etc. ) . /t-O-Z; v o tI I. J. K. L. 7n?* u. N. -fr*-fz,-r&t fr-.,-*Vnat''" V4"L/ZJ-' ,0*&-+ f-8 64* Xnfro ta/&* I H.Application Fee: $l-oo.oo Paid cR * /277 ", 0 0;uh. hW*lq"/ Include one coPy of a-title report to verify ownership' A list of the nanes of owners of aII property adJacent to ttre subJect property INCIJUDING PROPERTY BEHIND At{D ACROSS STREETS, and their nailing addresses' THE APPITICANT ?IILL BE RESPONSIBI,E FOR CORRECT OWNERS A}ID CORREET ADDFSSSES' Additional material nay be necessary for the review of the application as deternl'ned by the zoning administrator' Time Reguirements: The Ptanning and Envl-ronnental conmission meets on the 2nd and 4th uondays of each month' A complete appllcation forn and all accouPanying material (as described above) rnust be subrnitted a mininun of 4 weeks prior to the date of the PEC Public Hearing' Incomplete applications (as detetmined by the zoning adrninistrator) will not be scheduled until the subrnittal is determined to be complete. Please submit a home occupation application' A business license rnust be obtained fron the Finance Department. ffi ka-r ,?tq / f 3o 4 *"',L"V ,Au . w/fo7Vl+-; , /4, 7t'? pvtu-t t'-fi-"U /1*,,-*- ?PfE fu^t^-*r A*, 6L" -1r*! G-"dJ,--,,.-a'2.) ?' T ^4 F{*"* f*-fr{" //3 t nWJ""r- fin, /44 >ryl-ru'&tt4r< Kpa;/"^nv%., /y'4. 2 J^[i,a n", 33 133 1/a.-,!fttrsT &oott3 \rt oo(" John and AnneMarie Mueller 910 Fairway Drive Vai1, Co 8l-657 Town of Vail Community Development Department Vail CO 81657 \ May 30,1990 Sirs / Ladies, This letter is to authorize my neighbour.Mrs William Cartwright' to personally operate a Bed and Breakfast at her resldense, 920 Fairway Drive,Vail. Parking is sufficient at that locatlon. John and Annemarie Mueller .Ll. ^kl^ *r Il. d(llllltNMtri ItUtlotl^a. \!l vrNr.r i.^J,^,L /ur v\,rfiA\ . \-. !o t or 75 south frontlg€ ro.d vsll, colorado 81O57 (303) 479.2100 Uay 10, L99O Ms. Alice Cartwright 920 Falrway Drivevail, co 81657 Dear Alice: I apologize for the confusion which occurred concerning the Vail Bed and Breakfast ordinance. Since your letter, the staff hasdiscussed the business license issue with Charlie Wick. I haveattached a letter from Charlie to Kathy Fagen which explains thepolicy on the business license for a Bed and Breakfast. I hopethis answers all your questions. If you have additLonal guestions, I will be happy to sLt dosnwith you to discuss a solutlon. I want to emphasize that the Town of Vall does not wish to get rid of the Bed and Breakfastuse. Our departnent and the Council belleve that the use is verypositive for Vail . Thanks for polnting out a problem that neededto be rectified. Sincerely, ,&fo)?"S" Director Cornrnunity Developnent KP./pp ""%Charlie Wick 75 routh troitaga rord Y.ll, coloredo 81657 {3o3t 47}21t3 May 10, 1990 Ms. Kathy Fagan Bed & Breakfast VaiI Val}ey P.O. Box 491 Vail, CO 81658 RE! Business License Fees for Bed and Breakfast in vail Dear Kathy: This tetter is in response to our conversation on Wednesday, May 9, 1990. Businesses which are established in vail to nanage, narket and so operate bed and breakfast operations are subject to the Town of Vail business license fee. If such a business operates out of their home, they would fall under the home occupation classificat.ion. If said business operated out of a business location rather than at home, they would be subject to the standard business license fee. Those people who provide their homes for bed and breakfast operations but work through a business established for rnanaging bed and breakfast operations are not subject to the Town of Vail business license fee' as are those bed and breakfast business operations that manage properties in Vail but have their business location outside of the Town of Vail. fn all cases sales tax must be collected on bed and breakfast operations. vt ;.f;l:.''F!--}jli. rt '. BED AND BREAXFAST LETTER MAY 10, 1990 PAGE 2 Kathy, if you have any further questions please feel free to discuss this issue with Sally Lorton, our Sales Tax Ad.ninistrator and Business Lj-cense Adninistrator. Sa11y's phone nurnber is 479-2125. I hope this letter sufficiently clearE up any questions you had. Most respectfully,n&d-ful Charles Wick Assistant Town Manager CRW/ds cc: -E-elJy Lortonffi Pam Brandmeyer PUBLIC NOTICE I NOTICE IS HEREBY GfVEN that the Planning and Environmental Cornmission of the Town of Vail wilt hold a public hearing in accordance with Section L8.66.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of Vail on June 11, 1990 at 3:00 p,m. ln the Town of Vail Dtunicipal Bullding. Consideration of: A reguest to apply High Density t{ulti-Fanily zoning to theUarriott }tark Resort, a najor amendment to Special Development District No. 7 (Marriott ilark) and for aconditional use perrnit in order to add 58 tirneshare units and 8 employee housing units.Applicant: Marriott Corporatlon. A request for a front setbaclc variance and a creek setbackvariance for Lot 6, Vail Village West, Filing No. 2, 1755l{est Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Dan and Karen Forey A request for a height variance for an addition to Condoniniun Unit E-6, Lot P, Block 5D, VaiI Village FirstFiling, 1-41 East Meadow Drive.Applicant: H. williara Snith, Jr. A request for a height variance for an addition to Condoniniurn unit E-5, Lot P, Block 5D, vail Village FirstFiling, 141 East Meadow Drive.Applicant: Robert Snith A najor arnendment to Special Development District No. 4, Area c, Section 18.46.100, Paragraph C: deletion of the following sentence 'rNo residential lot shall contain more than 4200 square feet of GRFA per the Glen Lyon subdivision covenantsrr, which anends the GRFA requirenent to conform to the Priurary/Secondary zone district, Section 18.13.080, Density Control .Applicant: creg Amsden for 75t of the property ordners. A reguest for a setback variance in order to add a bay window at Villa Valhalla, unit No. 3, r.ot JI , Block A, vailVillage 5th Filing.Applicant: Harry Davison A reguest for a major subdivision, a reguest to approve theprelininary plan, a reguest for a variance to the maximum height for retal-ning walls, and a reguest for a variance to the maxinurn percent grade for a road, on a parcel cornmonly referred to as Spraddle Creek, an approximate 40 acre parcel located north and east of the Main vail f-70 interchange and east of the Spraddle Creek livery. Cornmencing at the Northeast Corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southwest 1/4of Section 5, Toqtnship 5 South, Range 80 tlest of the 6th Principal Meridian, being an Eagle County Brass Cap properly marked and set, with all bearings cantained herein being /ftuM l" OA*-",*'--."\o^s Va>lz o to v o 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. I reraEtve Eo :uearrng ot s oo tl' uu" !t; IEween Ene Northeast Cofqer of said Southeast L/4 o)Et.lre Southwest L/4, and the Soutlsr corner of said soutnpJ 1/4 of the Southwest L/{beLng an Eagle county BrasE cap properly narked and seti said Northeast Corner of tle Southeast 1/4of the southqrest 1/4 being ttre Point of beginning; thence S O0 l1f OOrr E along the east line of said Southeast L/4 otthe Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1320.14 feet tothe Southeast Corner the said Southeast L/4 of tbe Southwest L/4 of Section 5i thence S 89 47 | 48r W along the south lineof said Southeast L/4 of the southwest- L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 9o1.Oo feett thence N 73 48' 32't w alongInterstate 7o Right of way line a distance of 2L4.12 feett thence N 66 52r 12't{ along said Right of Way line a distance of 24L. 10 feet to a point on the west line of said Southeast l/4 ot the Southwest L/4 of Section 5; thence N O0 2ot 31tr lv along the west line of sal-d Southeast L/4 of tlle Southwest L/4 of Section 5 a distance of 1161.66 feet to the Northwest corner of the Southeast L/4 of the Southwest a/4of Section 5 being an Eagle County brass cap properly marked and seti thence N 89 41r 12' E along the north line of said Southeast L/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of Section 5 a distanceof 1331.07 feet to the Point of Beginning. Said realproperty containing 39.55 acres, more or 1ess.Applicant3 ceorge Gillett, Jr. A request for a conditional use perrnit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lots 6 and L/2 of 5, Bloc]< 5, Vail Village Seventh Filing, 1119 E. Ptamigan Road.Applicant: Monie S. Beal A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 3, Block 3, Vail Intermountain, 2754A Basingdale. Catherine S. Cheney A reguest for a conditional use pennit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 8, Block 3, Bighorn Subdivision, Sth Addition, 5198 core Circle.Applicant: John and Paula Canning A reguest for a conditional use perrnit to allow for a Bed and Breakfast at Lot 8A, Vail Village loth Filing, 920 Fairway Drive.Applicant: Alice M. cartwright infornation about the proposals are inspection in the Couununity Development 8. 9. l_0. x" The applications and available for public Department office. Town of Vail Cornnunity Developnent Published in the VaiL Departnent Trail on May 25, 1990. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT t bATE-'8.5-81 PROJECT NO.-[''l 7 75 It]I fTf trtment of community development TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION ONLY 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON I ll lll lve/l 2. occu PANcY GRouP e a t n tSu DtvlsloN r z za$ GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK ; Re-roof PERMIT NO. z tr f,-) BUILDING EL ECTR ICAL PLUMBING MECHANICAL Pa-nnnf q-oon TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V R-3 BUILDING PERM IT 74.50 PLAN CHECK 37 .25 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING MECHANICALNEw( ) ALTERATION( X) ADDITIONAL REPAIR( ) DWELLTNGUNITS -ACCOMMODATIONUNITS G,R.F.A. -B€DROOMS -COMMERCIAL SYST -RESTAURANT SEATING -HEIGHT IN FT. - BATHTUB,/SHOWER NO FIREPLACES -NO, TOILETS COVERED PARKING -UNCOVERED PARKING - RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO 10.00 CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 .00 TqTAL PERMIT/FSE9 $22L.7s INSULATION ZONING ADMINISTRATOR DATE FLOOR EXT, WALLS ROOF TYPE THICKNESS R.VALUE ZONINGNOTES:#w styro R.3B c t(' HEAT 1'l ''E/T'F:firy EILC: I GAs. SOLAR: IWOOD: VAIT WATER & SAN OIST, TAP FEE . SPECIAL NOTES: LEGAL Utr5L, LOT 8 BL FILtNG Vai'l Vi'l 'lage 10th B NAME: Cartwright-Mue'l'ler Dup'lex MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH, ARCHITECT nnr,r Muel'l er Construction MAIL ADDRESS GENERAL CONTRACTOR MAII. ADORESS ELECTRICAL NTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS PLUMBING CONTRACTOR MAIL ADDRESS MECHANI CONIRACTOR MAIt ADDRESS CITY PH. OTHER CONTRACTO 9r:-o? i7tti? el 27FPrfl;tr(v -c {r.rt t3 7 { foo{t v, I -+ (.,' (- -1 ) I i .l a, 11 &) rt6) oe(-r Og{fi I to4 L , 4'> (f)) 5f o\1 _ \ I -l--l P- I tlril -1 \. o l'x>5 ;=ft ilt {i- tn)4 Jn5 izo6o ' 'rt rfl6' cifr@,a'1 u a1 +l o53 8- Oo(- op o4 -t1r U H 4t" (i-l ) 5(' -7 +'t ; {-1 {t''l tflvfo-r N \Tl '(l O Profect Appttcatio") | Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPFOVAL(r/ '" ")Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descripti on, to, 9 , tro"* Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: Summary: - ,Jtz-j\tt, ttlifttvtul J)r t uc ' VLLUr - I/'1r ,.i^ Qeo La^L,!'oa - € "-*- C; n ftrup \e ir(J:rF, ou1 t1T2Fa-l , rrtuJ k/o r ctf,a,ka ^':t/ tlr,*rukor .l , fi V .d,l;,t u'tttttl nuun ft 6oX /ss Uc\d Alt - -qls ?_ Lt lb 3C--3 3 1? s 6P-!( I L.O " w 6,vrtifirutr uf (Drrupunru (Df liluil Erpurtntrnt @rutun fruililing THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 306 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE CERTIFYING TIIAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TO}IN REGALATING BUILD- ING CONSTRUCTION OR USE. FOR THE FOLLOWING: name MUELLER RESIDENCE UscClassification RESIDENCE Group Building Permit No.254 Type Construction V/L hour Fire Zone-IIf- use zone TFRD otvner of _) Building Address VILLAGE lnrn l POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLAC€ $*rttftrutr uf (Drrupunru @umtr (Df liluil ffui[iling iBrpurtmrnt THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 306 OF THE UNIFORM BUILDINC CODE CERTIFYING THAT AT TITE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN REGULATING BUILD_ ING CONSTRUCTION OR USE. FOR THE FOLLOIIIING: 51ilns CARTWRIGHT BESIDENCE Use Classification BESIDENCE Group I&J Building Permit No.254 Type construction--Yl-I--&g-f-- Fire Zonel-LL- Use Zone-IEBD- Ovner of Buildins WILLIAM CARTWRIGHT 10th, POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE TOWN OF VA IL BUILEIING PEFIMIT DATE OF APPLfCATION \ ll )t4F -/ / ls rewXalrenlrroN ( ) AoDrnoN{ ) R€pArR( ) OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF STORIES NO. OF LIVING UNITS SO. FT. COMMERCIAL AIR{ IELECI}UNIT( lor,A BLK FILTNG r. TypE oF coNsrRucrroN t r rr rv fJr an 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP A B C o e r C X4sr otvtstoN 12 3 4 SPECIFIED FIBE SPRINKLEBS MECHANICAL RAL OESCRIPTION OF WORK OCCUPANCY SEPARATION tt7 0/(-1frant^- TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED READ THIS APPLICA'I'ION AND STATE THAT TI{E ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY WITH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE DI]SIGN RIIVIEI{ BOARD DATE OT MBETING: },IEMBERS PBISENT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOAR MOTION: VOTE: FOR: -...-APPROVED: t/ DISAPPROVED:.- ABSTDNTION: I .".o*uo "",€/ */./ AGAINST: SUlrllr{ARY: ?ermit No. 000256 of t'AIL TTATER Al{D SA}IITAII(II{ DISTRICT TTATER A]{D SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMITWILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID lN FULL. NAME OF JOB PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBER OF UNITi-,3 (L - x $300.00 - Amount Date Billed /3/4,/ LOCATION AND LE ,lmilraillTJoqn fflrur.re 6q* tffi .V4qtL,Ca. Ltc. No. Lrc. No.?tb'^Yzdq Si2e -"1 Bldg. Dept. - V\thit€; - Watff a.|d Sanitation - Gre6n; - tr PLUMEITNGi/ MECHANTCAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL NAME ./ /' // /t/-l / ]- OF BUILDING: oF woRK: Eruew D noolnorv E neruooel D neplln RIPT]ON OF WORK: PLUMBING: NUMBER 3\5:A MEGHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION S 55{Y)VALUATION $ REMARKS:BEMARKS: PERMTT FEE 1z; ez PEBMIT FEE ! orseeenoveo box 100 yail, colorado 81657 13031 47&s613 TEI'IPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY LOT 8, VAIL VILLAGE loth FILiNG l.,ILLIAM CARTWRIGHT RESIDENCE department of community developmant January 6, 1978 I, lrli'l'liam Cartwright, do hereby agree to complete the required landscaping, as required by the Zoning Ordinance, (0rd'inance.No. 8, Series of 1973, as amended) and as approved by the Design Review Board for Lot 8, Vail'Vi1lage lOth Fi'ling. The above-mentioned work wi'l'l be completed no later than July '1, 1978. This letter may be recorded and filed in the records of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder, and the Tbwn of Vai'l agrees to file a release of the conditions contained in this letter folloling their satisfactory completion. to f This agreement premisis., for a permits you temporary occupancy of the above-mentioned period terminating July I, '1978. e Offi ci al t{ITNE55 r t,lITNESS: My Comnlsslon etplrcs Sept. l, l$gt I t, li I , DNSICII nnvTn\lt Bq4RD DATE OT TIIETING: MEIIBEI1S PIIESE}.IT: ACTION TA}iI'N BY BOARD: IT1OTION: VOTE: FOR: DI Si\]'PIIO\']:ll : -_--- SECONDED BY: AGAINST: AI]STDN'I'ION: SUIITIAI'IY: |9 )es ign )ate Pa ,ROJ ECT i{ov i eU. i oo ld ZON I ING CI.IECKL IST S UMMA RY t RCH I TE CTtj.EGAL DESCR IPT ION .,.j JsE zoNE /( ; PROPOSED USE(S) ,.1 4 -,1-0T slze JJ, S-07 ; FRoNrAGE _ ' -r^;ETBACKS: Required - Front JO ,s ides '^l\t /OrJ , Rea, JOIS tt^ ' /1 .-/\ U-Anpry, ffru,ur - Front + , sides t#{f) 'ry'\ , a.^, 7h i h--{,tn.f rMhac k)lsfANCE EeTweeN BUILDINGS: Reouired -.._, Actual _ ; tEIGHT: Averaqe Grade Heiqht Allowedoc/i.R.F.a., Jtf lb Ratio, Altowabte sq. tt. 8-37Q--, Actual sq. rtT/tflt )0MMERc|ALFL00RAREA:Percenlagea||owab|e-lA||owablesq.ff.-, Actual sq. ft. -; IUILDING BULK CONTROL: Allowable maximum length ____..-_, Diagonal _--, iequiredoffsets-,Actua|length,Diagona|-; ilTE CoVERAGE: Alow uat. J( %, Allowabte Sq . fr. ryJL-, Acfua , 7 f Actuar sq. +t. J?44 t . ++ -ANDSCAPING: Required -fr, sq. f t., Actual 'ARK lt'lc AND LOAD I NG: No. Requ i red -4-, No. Actua I A , covered Re- 1 u i re d ZON ING No.; Covered Actua I APPRO VA L )ES IGN REV IE!1l BOARD APPROVAL JSEABLE OPEN SPACE:Required Ground Leve I tl i ^-t,.- |I I . , nL I UO I fi, Common >qqn %; 'x -tq ft Actua I Cha i rma n Des i gn Rev i ew Boa rd Da te JTILITIES APPROVAL IRON14ENTAL IMPACT APPROVAL Town Eng ineer Da te Mayo r r'\ ^ -l- ^Lrg I It )ate Submi Dafe Submi Date Submi Extens i on by Secti COMMENTS n g Re v i ew gn Review ronmenta I tte d tted tte d of for for for Zon i Des i Envi Dead I i ne Dead I ine Date Date lmpact Rev iew fo Dead I I ne date B (Series of l97l) item of Ord i nance No as permitted - (r, (,t fl(t 7t so.T 1t -- llz7, ( 4-- 7a P t 4(" {rr t44 4t ' fH f,, ('tSrt' tf ( 1, (lL .- 3 /(tL 1(, t -- t( 4t- 2- ( /'tZ '- ? tlL /) 2--- ltz '- L /o' (,, Z,(, zL,L( l/z " 4lZ f ' tD /tZ " 7- laL'L-_ Jvg?' ]s- Luz (/-( )Jo 2L.(as3 . {74 g ?l 4 . JL lsx 37" . +gl t3.(;t s3 44Cfot_ ,o( C.,-f, I 3tt '- l'1M,, f,.(sr {. ll r .ZF'/1.(t7 . L(n( ' 20,(4 /-- 32.(O saf t-//ol.s sz, ( trC( QOO, D SCt o,/L/^,,J 0t0-D qr^^- J7f ?" 7 c- t2Z7,uoffi 0 /o . t,,t #,-{b L6 .7( r/l JrA bu'""f fu t J0. 2/at0 Srt ro ' rf,d t|a ( 4f, Qt zt = JE t 't I -?1 ,-/ = lO{-r4 ls- Va t { -.to( J? 44D - hp'-l / Lb./ L duft. t \ltt r,1i"'.;'jj li ii i l) I i:! IT.jf.i I i'll i ti :iTli.L Cl' P. O. i:Oi: ,i::. l'r1r.l,r COL():i:,; l 61.65? :T.iz::{ffiiza, or. lf;:shbc'"rl 2.>: o.i5 = /.AO.Y T.CO 'clrar.'r.rr nn 'r'r.h -.. 1 (fl. .)r lvi r;J.' !r;.- . r,!J rit!-. :( s't 7tl..r) 3r'<itltir 2. r: c-r 'i'oilct r l!r'i,:;ri rl{csiC.::rtiaI Co;,r-:erc i.;.I '2. t.fee l{::chi-l', c: lra'i:c? CooI.:rs anC uatel f ountt.ins x (1 .2$ ::. >i o,2S = ,3. Il:rs 1s1: llno "'- . t r, ,.t. -----' i ll3 J]:'.c | 7. B::s' .!. r;'; l' Zncii i{r::l! +ti, I lc. DasI tst 2nd 3rd ,\oorrs (Lil,ing r,ccr:rs, l lcd:.ccl;rs , 05:ices, Slrolrs, $turiios ). . / O* 1.0C : t II I a tlth $. llis. ' Ist' 2nd 3r:(lllth Nitchcns .lics iCcnt.i.al J)ishrashc"r' 2x z,so = ,4.'nO Z). I.oc = Z. nr) 'i Xit c)rc;ls Co;r.l:rer-c ia 1 Dislrr.:ir shc r C-.^r..',... ' r,r(jurrrrij.i. .r ! tr I. JV >: 2.50 :: x 1.00 i 0.llii s ?) l rt'l t,lurrrlly Itr:::.iCcn t i l.l. l)(.'r, ll;l l; lr t [,r 0.5tr = -/:@-._,Z l.- I I t;1: ?:trl 3:.rl t tlt !t l,ir Irr . :,' Cor:,,;rcDc i;rl . a5hcr (tr ' : i.<li: lJe'" st(;i,:ri;.run oi onc) 0u'::ri<.!e Si::.:i ni: J.cls x 2.00 r. t:00Z "&rc.- .x 0.33 = ?rslst 2:rd 3riiIrth Iir'.': tlosc Cabincis Ser-vi ce S'c a'rilon Srri;:l;r j.ng Pocl rl I.00 = x30.00 = x b.oo = LG ': Is't' 2i,'j 4tlr Convcet:ion Cert c:: Per. i)erson ?: 0.L0 : TO?.riL l0llllrS L0:00 I>c,i:its = 1.00 i.;:i:ii: 4,9^.x4,--z:- uni'r s --t- _-=t#.'.Iri-lLor.,ing .';i:c co;:pi. i:t::iorr <ii c c:) st'.itc-t ic):t bf .'t I 'r- ::c:; j. ri a:'r'; j. a 1-44 C cr'l;::.:cr'c ia ll- s'ii).-uct'r::'ts, Lire Di. s'i:'-'i. (:'. sli.1:!.1- De:ci:o:'.r:t a P;:l':;:i..::il ::r- g:p<r'.:t.i-c'ir of c:Ll. Di.e;:rj.r:e:i to dete r.l:rj.r)e tl:e ;ru::,1:tD of 1:ci;l:s --c l:e asr;r:::s;ei i'.iao:-(i:;.;lrl i.o 'thc 1',t.ttc:' a;:d Sr:,tc:: 1'".ir !-ec. a::<i ?i;t: Sci':*rrl.,r..t-,:, i1:: a;ic,)(ieti, e-nd ';l:r, Di:r:.'r'i.<:t sh:l-l- :r.r.1:c ;:n;' a C -i ur'-'::l'-',::ts ,recerr:r:r:r in '!he c:.igi;r;r1 ia1: fec i>eicl. Tjrj.rr j.nc:rec'rio;r s:'.i1! . aLso clc'.'c!':,i ne tlie l,:ui.Icl.:i.ng, oitire:r's r.Iiltct- ancl ser''sr. scrvicl-, char.ge. Bonrd of Dirc:cto:g .:' I'aiL l'l;r'ccn and Sani"iatioa Dis::'.-lct t1 - h,,.1 ' frl'n.orZIEiE ;- /€L-,70/tz1 // '*,' ., DESIGN REVIEiI' BOARD DATE OT M}iETING; ME}IBERS PRESENT: AC{ION TAKIiN BY BOARp: }IOTION: VOTE: FOR: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: ,-/ApPROVED: L/ - DISAPi)ROVIiD; \?v//\ PROOF STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OF PUBLICATION entire issue of every number of siri(i weckly newspaper for the pedod of consecutivc insertions; and lhat the first pubication of said notice was in the issue of said newspapcr daled A.D. 19 l5 and that the last publication <.r[ said nolicc v/as in lhe issue of said newspaper dated A.D.191s In witness whereof I have hereunto sei my hand this day of ALj6.-r(T A.D.lefS- Subscribed and sworn to before me, a notary pu unfy of Eagle, Sfafe of Colorado, rn;s //C aav or ss. o A l, t. /kteS {StV do sotemnly swear that I am tnu 36!{51!G- of TllD VAIL TRAILi that the same is a 'rveekly newspaper printcd, in whole or in part and published in lhe County of Eagle, -St'ate of Colorado. anci has a general circulation therein; that said newspaper has been publishcd conlir)uouslt and uninterruptedly in said County of Eagle for a period of more thar Clt)'-two consecutive weeks next prioi to the fi.-st publication of the annexed lrgal nolice or advertisemettt;.that said nelvspapcr has been admilted to lhc United States nrails as secottd-class matler undcr the provisions of the Ac! of Ilarch 3, 18?9, or any amendnrcnts tlrereof, and that said newspaper is a rveekly newspaper dull' qualilied for ptrbiisiring legal nolices and advprl,isements within ihe mcrrning of the larvs of t)ie Slate ol Colorado. That lhe anncxed legal nolice or adve rlisement rvas published in the rcgular and ii..,,.-l.nl -, I i-,,i.ft.'nr ii-rj-Yi,rn c\-\r/ u rilJ'st NOTICE OF PU 8L IC HEARING PLEASE TAKE NOTICE thAt INC bwners o{ Lot5 4, 5. 6. 7,.rnd B;v.1ll Villaoe Tenth Fiirnq h.rve aDplicd lor a se t bilc k viridnc...' rrr,ccord wr:h scction 3.502 ot O/dLn!nce NO.8. Serics of I9/3, rn ordcr to construct residgncci wilhoul ettcnsivc cutg and titlr nnc, furthcr lo tetsen nvllanchc dangel to 5,1lcl st ruct u ret, A prrblic hcrrrnq !vrll uc hcld In aqcorcl,lnce witll Section 21.500 of Ordinnocc No,8, Scries of 1973 on Augu5t 2i, 1975 at 3 P.m. bctore tne vd rt Plannrng CoramiS!ion v/ho5e. alcci!ron will be tranglnttted to thc Towri councrl tor final dccision. Said hcaring wrll be held in thc vail Mun icipal Bualdlng. TOIVN OF VA IL . OE PA RTM ENT OF COMMUN ITY OEVELOPI\IENT D ianJ S. To uShill Zon ing Ad fi in Ittlator Pubtilhed In The Vall Trail o^ ALrgust 1, 197 5. .D.n-E 'l -..t-- La-L4'tz- Notary Public Iily Commission expires oo Zonin6 Adninistrator Tolin of \tail'r Colorado To v;hom it n'aY concel:nt oo , ti $tI Iue 1ed h"t ;;;-p]i"it=i"" of thei o'nlr-l;fffi i" r o n a!'. e appr- i c .l t :.:-?:* .:": *"2 ol?i",c " o'il' :": : :T"x}. ? I::"'J;:;ii'a. i'= a variance 1n'zonr:?*;-il- ioninc-oriina4cer c oIorado . rhas :"?lu':::t-:::: =l:*" l'i'iitl;;!::tt;-:i i! ;:'; :t::::: l$di :::; l;. ii- i ";i'i ns," y';{l? : :::l?t l": I i! l: "''ilii;i;- 4.5o2-setbi:r'::':*:":;:i?'!a-ii ("'entv) :;:ll ; i:' i i F ? - * iii:" : ;' if, :" I "'ni?,. 3u' il " i'" i, " *t v ) re e -" "i n' feet nin. j-n varri i:'":L: ii'ril;;;;on and. aci as .?;'_"0;:i,i""1,!"."n or vail, :: " ;;; ;' +e. i'= - ? ^I ::: :l-" : "it."i:' : :"{ ; i,':: i 19 " L': ;" ;i?: I' onnerE-st6nai'lre i;i=ft*:::Y ii.l a6e ' loih . Fj'I in6 t . bl';;il;iow, 6""t' P'ti' Oo oo I { i ! Zoni.tg Aori ni s tl aio.-. Toi,;:: of Ya.i-1-t Col-ore.tio To rhon i'" n'aY eonce::ll! Tiri.s s'"atenertt decl ares 'uhai t'h c,- a 1p]- i' c an'' 'r'r i'r n I'litcl l er r ta)_ h:-s -i;lrc pe:::::'i ssiott oi ihe oi;ncr ' -{/ l-t:-{-c'J: 'co rrai:e i:l.iicai j.on ar':c aci; as agc r:" io'* Lhe c"';::'Jr l:l -:"";";1;;"i;;*; i'ur, ance in zoni'5 oriitia:rcelTo:ir of varl-' l---- :- .,'^ni n z: Ori -: n2r,c6l .- gL LsrJ Cofo::ado.ihis s:.-a.',,e::enL re ::'"ai'ns onry -'o. -ut':::i^Y- ^- t.(r^.;:i?:i:" ; : ; ;;-:;ii:;; : l.i";; "; ;;"".--"',..i ;, ;: ltir t^ : : j { ; : *= ) i; J ; " ;i' . ii"; ;;i ;-;. " " i ; - i i;" " .1 " o- i'i'. "'a zo ( i'' e :'-' ;' ) ie e i; ni n' .-')= ll i:'r, e LoL ,/: 1\: c i'l a r,iI'T c: sec Y'i.i.l are , r O Lh irrl irrS r s.Tir,r3ci:,6th P.l;. ,. v I L oo oo NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING PLEASE TAKE N0TICE that the owners of Lots 4, 5, 6, Village Tenth Filing have applied for a setback variance wi:th Section 3.502'of 0rdinance No. 8, Series of .l973' jn co.nstruct residences l'lithout extensive cuts and fills and to lessen avalanche danger to said structures. A public hearing will be held in accordance with section 21.500 of 0rdjnance No. 8, Series of 1973 on August 21' 1975 at 3:00 Pl4 before the Vai'l Planning Commission whose decisjon will be transmitted to the Tovin Council for final decision. said hearjng will be held in the Vail Municipal Building. ZONIIIG ADMINISTRATOR Published in the Vail Trail August l' '1975 7, and 8; Vail i n accord order to further TOI.IN IANA S. TOUG}IILL VAIL NT OF COI.IMUNIT EVELOPMENT O O,,u,- ril^ r'ror r orr v^rr,rt, I And/ttr CONTJIT IOI.]AL US[ 1.,t]RM IT Ordinance No. B (Scries ot lg73) App I icat ion o"to*_:L/A/_lE_--pub I icarion Dare-.-'i---r'.J( IIIt It I I t' j I Hearing Da'f e Final Dec is ion Cate f or Tovrn Council llea r ing Fee t (we )(Apptican-of ( A d d rc s s ) .,''t - /,. ,/ t).. -,,_::Ll_ ==---__,(State) do he reby req ues t permission to appear bc fore the Vail pranninoCommission 1o req uest the following: ( !)'Yariance f rom Article , Sect i"n*@Q,- _to( ( ( Zon ing Cha nge f rom .Parking VarianceCondilional Use permit to allow ln 7-one . ,-j t . I t.!;: -.,/i i;., ,4 For fhe following described property: Lot/ rr""f'' nf't, Brock I r.Fi I i.ns Nurnbe, \/.1:_ V,Zl4l:E+E;ttZllHi i !' t ,it1;-1it1.rre., 't7,-,t;,..;,i1 ;/.t,./.1- <?.,//:lrz.i.:_ r,4 .n,,,,1.,1)/' :|:*( -( you feel is tl i.' ,J r r.. ,'l t ! -t ',.7 ,.' , t (- t.. ^ f;':;'tz" .-//i, : r,,{, )/J-v 7 1 p, y. ,.1i'r(:',i lfl{t -- chen and associates, inc. CONSULTING ENGINEERS e6 s. zuNt . DENVER, CoLOFAOO 30223 1924 EAST FIRST STREET . CASPER, WYOMING soil,3 touxDAItox :x6txErnrxc SOIL AND FOUNDATION INVESTIGATION FOR PROPOSED RESIDENCE LOCATED IN LOT 8, FTLING IO VAI L VI LLAGE SUBDIV 1S IOI,I FA I RI,'AY DR IVE EAGLE CoultTY, coLoMDO Prepared for: MR. JOHN I.IUELLER Box I g3 ASPdN, CoL0MDO gt6tl 82601 303/744.7105 307123r-2128 Job 1'lo.t3359 July 5,t9t6 o TABLE OF CONTEI.ITS coNcLUs t0Ns SCOPE stTE coNotTtoNS suEsotL coNDtTtoNS BUILDING FOUNDATIONS FLOOR SLABS AVALAIICHE PROTECTION STRUCTURE SURFACE DMINAGE M I SCELLAIIEOUS FIG. I - LOCATION OF TEST PITS FIG. 2 - LOGS OF TEST PITS FtGS. 3 ANo 4 - SWELL-CONSOLtDATION TEST RESULTS. FIG. 5 - GRADATION TEST RESULTS FIG. 6 - COHPACTION TEST RESULTS FIG. 7 - DIRECT SHEAR TEST RESULTS TABLE I . sUH}IARY OF LABORATORY TEST RESULTS I I I I 2 2 3_ 3 4 c0NcLUs t0Ns The proposed resldence should be founded wlthspread footlngs on the upper natural solls des lgned for a maxlmum soll pressure of 2,000 psfwlth precautlons and deslgn crlterla for the evalu-atlon of a protectlon retalnlng structure given as d I scus sed . SCCPE ihls report Bovers a soil and foundatron investigatron for a proposed reridence to be located In Lot 8, Flring r0, Vail viltage subdrvision on Frin'ray Drlve, Eagle county, cororado. The report presents the most desrrabre lno safe type foundat lons, allowabre soll pressures, water tabre condltlons, ccrlgn crlterla for the avaranche protectlon structure and other pertinent ftta i ls. Strt coNDtTt0Ns ;he slte ls located on a relatlvely .t tne south side sloping to the north. rrlatively flat ground between elevatlon llrusirr. wi I I be located to the south of lrrvlly wooded wlth aspens and plnes. All lid have hot shown glgns that an avalanche tnr prst. l{3sotL coNDtTloNS Subsoil cond I t lons were lnvestlgated locrtlon of the proposed resldence and one t?ogosed ava lanche protect lon structure. steep slope wlth ground surface hlgh The proposed house ls located on 8280 €nd 8290. An avalanche protectlon the house. The area ls medlum to the trees In the area are stralght has ever come near to thls area ln by openlng two test plts at the test plt at the locatlon of the Und lsturbed hand drlve samples wercIttcn f rom thc test plts. The materlal wwag tested for Index property, -2- gradation analysts, swel l-congol ldatlon tests and dlrect shear tests. A bulk sample of the solls obtalned was tested for proctor denslty. The results of the tests are shotrn attached. General ly, the subsol I conslsts of a thln layer of topsol I overlylng sllty grayels. The materlal has relatlvely hlgh molsture content. some of them will settle excesslvely upon wettlng. llo free water was found In the iest holes at the tlme of our Investlgation. BUILDING FOUNDATIONS we belleve the nost deslrable and safe type foundation for the proposed res ldence ls spread footlngs placed on the upper natural solls. The fol lowlng deslgn and construction details should be observedl (l)'All footlngs should be placed belour the topsoll or man-made fill on the sllty gravels. (2) Footlngs placed on the medlum sllty gravels should maxlmun soll pressure of 2,000 psf. Thls pressure basls of the possible excesslve settlement of the (3) Contlnuous foundetlon walls should be relnforced span an unsupported length of at least l0 feet. (4) Local soft pockets found lrnredratery beneath thc footlngs should be renpved and the footlngs extended to the lower flrm solls. (5) Al I exterior footlngs should be placed belorv frost depth. FLOOR SLABS Tha natqral upper solls are adequate to support lntsrlor floor slabs. To prevent dlfferentlal slab movement, all slabs should be separated from be designed for a ls asslgned on the sllty gravels. top'and bottom to -3- the bearing walls and adequately reinforced. A minimun 4-inch free draining gravel should be placed beneath the slab to distribute floor load and break capi I lary water r ise. AVALANCHE PROTECTION STRUCTURE We understand that it is proposed to construct an avalanche protection structure in the form of compacted structural fill about l0 feet hlgh' 130 feet long and wi th configuration ai shown on Fig. l. Dlrect shear tests indicate that the material is cohesionless with an angle of lnternal frlction of 3lto. Typical Proctor tests indicate that the optlmun moisture content is ll.3; with maximum density of 126.1 pcf It is ou.r opinlon that such structural fill wi.l I not be stable unless the natural slope Is benched to receive the fill. to Ue staUle, the flll should be compacted to at least l00Z standard Proctor density at optlmum moisture con ten t . Judglng from the It ls our oplnion.that an e I abora te avalanche SURFACE DRAI NAGE The fol lowing drainage precautlons should. be observed duiing constructlon and malntalned at all times after the residence has been completed: (l) Excessive wetting or drying of the foundation excavarlon should be ' avoided during constructlon. (2) Backfill arorrnd the residence should be moistened. and cor,rpac ted to at leas t 85? s tanda rd Proctor dens I ty. topography of the site and our experlence ln the areal the occurence of an ava lanche ls very s I im. \,/hether protettlon structure is needed deserves close 5tudy. ! t! '?. * a x (4)::':.::,,:::""ff:,::: all backflll. the res ldence in should dlscharge ;::,"f;::'.,. ,,m,,s .f I,I I SCELLANEOUS 0ur exploratory borlngs were to obtaln a comprehenslve plcture soll condltlons may occur between in the exposed excavatlon, lt'fs the foundatlon excava t lon . FHC/mbr cc: R. R. Russell, Englneer. Structural and C lvil Engineerlng2l0l South Clermont Street, Denver, Colorado BAZZ2 spaced as closely as feaslble In order of the subsoll condltlons; hovrever, erratic test plts. lf such condltlons are found advlsable that we be notlfled to Inspect CHEN AND ASSoCtATES, tNC. By Fa i rwaY Dr ive /--- BzBo -" Test / ./B29o-/ -/ --- / ,f N ,-- Scale: I Plr ----B3OO /'- B3lo _ -----8320 = lQl G-- \,=i\ri \>.1 .--t1 \ '-/ .- | -j' - -t''8330 - - 8340 _ 8360 - -- 8370 ---'- 8:go - eal- ,t 3359 LOCATION OF TEST PITS Fl9. I Ptt IErBr6' LEGEND: PIt 2il;mr o Pt r 3 El.-8282 trq R.,g h:Hg Kfl ffi:f:f llC-25.3 11.28. 5 Pl-1.4 -200-5 | LL-27,2 P l*8 .3 -200=27.5 Uc=19,3 DD=92.5 -200=53.0 -200=25.j NO F LI.J IJ L. I F- Ll''lJ a FIfJ W (l ) Test pl ts opened on.June ll , 1976 with a backhoe. (2) All elevations refer to contour map furnlshed to us. (:) llo f ree water vyater was found In test pits at the tlmeof I nves t iga t lon. (4) VC o lJater Content (t); P9 = Dry oenstry (p.f); LL - Llquid Linrit (Z); ll - ptasrtcity Index (i); l'lP - ttonplastic; -200 = Percent passing llo, 200 Sieve. Topsoi | , clayey s I lts, Gravel (cH) , silty, low bou lders, brown, mo lsr. plastlcity, with cobb I es and and dlsturbed hand drive sampleS.L Und lgturbed LI I I ilOTE5: LOGS OF TEST PITS Fls. 2 rrJ, at depth 2t6" Ot* AN D ASSoc rAr ES t Nolutol Ory Unrt Wcrghl : pcf Nolurol Morsture Contrnt = 25.] pcrccnt 't Add Pra tl su )n 'e I d e )l ess i on nrett i ng lnde )n t,l'l t \ \ t.o APPLIED PRESSURE .to ' lst roo Typlcal sampl e of gravel ly sllr from Test plt I Swell - Consolidotion Test Results Fls. 3 I Cr* AND AssocrATEs O t. APPLI EO Pn g SSUR E - lrt AP|'LI C O PRC 3!UR! - r.t 9re ll-C-onrclidotion Terr Retu ltr I { Fl9. 4 Noturol Ory Unrt wlgrrr - !4.4 Dct Noturol Lorrlut. Conrrnl ' lt.f, p.rcant lly sl Nolurol Ory Unrt W.rght - pct Nolurol Uor tlu.t Contrni . garcant a rrt l" rxo AssocrArrs Conrulting Soil ond Foundorion Eng incco ! t I a J: at I oI a to o ! I I a a al t I t a to ao to cL^Y (rL^!rrcr t0 tr!l ts-arartrcl onrveu {2.2 % LIOUTD LIM IT saMPL€ or Grave I srnro J0.2% sr L r ANo cr-t.- ll .$ o/o To FLAI rrc I ry rNoEx To ly sl lt FR.M pit I at depth 4'0r, coarL I I ao to F lo oE|t 0't olr 0r. r.t ttt tlF 'a ,lta .! Lf rr trrri|rarart tL I,raa ,at I araa cotlt.tl or^ttlft of fll c!lY rt!rltrcl ro ltLt lrff. rr^r?tcr caever- 11 |,$ 7o srn,o!2.J - !-rclu I o r-rMrr To SaMPLE o' Gr€vel ly Sllt GRADATION % srLr aHo CLAY P(...SItCt rY li.otrx FRoM plt : TEST RESULTS 25,3 olo 7, at depth 8t0" ._rji __ olt otir 0,Arl T f t rrrfilrz ,r .,..t .tl . rarr(rt t!a Flg. 5 co, v Cxrx lxo AssoctArts Conculting Enginecn Soil ond Foundotion Engineering I I I I NY rjt to it an a rl rlrl c!lY {r!llrrcl m ltL? lrq_rl^lrrcl GRADAT]ON TEST RESULTS oravfL lo gaNo 1o slLr aHo CL^Y Lf ouf o Lf Mf , 'lo FLAsrtclrY .lNoEx o t ! t (, I to c0t tL€t' '/o 7o nlOI SIUR€- PERC€NT OF OAY \./EIGHT 'o a" : C I a : o ao | ?o I OO coMPACTION SAMPLE OF r,.oM Plt COMPACTTON TEST RESULTS rf,3r FRocEolJrE ASTI 0698-70, t'lethod C Typlcal gravelly sandY sllt v 3 SrlNaarD -arrfrio I c.lrr louart c|'ti't€l.,o. .!0..o.!o .r i.! .. tr' \: L r. !:q ffi Ltro ,,t .lXsr .. rrl rlr lat rrt rll orltarft ot tlrl-iCLa rl xrL!rrafrtlt rorStvrt oiY otrsrTr c\riv[s l.-i. ".. "...,,",...,1 26. I I t.3 ""'"'::,..,...I L i+1'---T I-"t !:::r-.!. l-i- -i- i -i--l--._j^;_-f_J+F-.' -+:_= ={- '+-!'-ta '+-t------+---+ --.L:1- 1 ;1--'I-l --LtL-_-f .r -.I---'; i - --:--- L.,- ---- - :t--1-: ffiT--+- -..-+-- -F+ -) - -ts-+ - + -----+- 'a--+++- + --+_-+ --- -+ -l'-.-+ --- * -J i .+-++.--++'- 359 I , compos lte oEFrH 4 10,, , 7t0tt and 8r0rl F [9-', 6 t|3359: 'tF vlJ I a/J r,t1 UJ&Fln LU <n Ig OF TEST 2t 0F SAI'|PLE tir 0 t 'DIRECT SHEAR 2 H08 TEST RESULTS ' t. 5 .4 3 2 I 0 -." SUMMARY OF JN AND ASSOCIATEs TABLE I LABORATORY TEST RESULTS DEPTH (F E ET) iIATURAL MOISTU R E (v.l NATU RAL DR OENSTTY (PCri TTERE€RG LIMITS UNCONFINED MPRESSIV STRENGTH (PSF) TRIAXIAL SHE.AR TESTS PERC ENT PASS ING N0. 200 SOI L TYPE Lt0ur0 LIIIT l%l lsTtcl lIDtt lv"l OEVIATOR STR E SS (P s F) CONFIN I N G PR ESSUR E (PS F) Gravel ly silt Gravel ly si lt dr i That the snnexed legal notlce or advertisement was published in the regular and entire issue of every number of said weekly newspsper for the period of I consecutive insertions; and that the first pubication of sald notice was in the issue Colorado, and has a g*Jta circulaiion therein;- that said newspaper has- been il;irh; "oniinuouirf onJ unitttuitpttaly in said Counlv of Eagle for a. period of lnoie ttran fifty'two ionsecui'ive weeis next prior to the frrst publication ofthe aone*ea tegal notiee ot -oai*tti,.,ount; that ;id n-ewsnaDcr has been admitted to the united srates maits ;r-;;;;-J-;lr.; mitt"r und"r tire provisions of the Act- of lvtarch 3, 18?9, or ""v ;;;;;;;; tt'ti""r, and that said rrervspaper ls a weeklv n"*to.plia"rv quaifiei ior-pub-tishing tegat'notices and advertisements wlthin the meaninl of thi laws of the State of Colorado' o! said newspaper aatea fuRlttPY 4 l'D' f97? and that tlre last publication of said notice was in the issue of said newsPaPer dated At t. #drCgN KNrtD( do solenrnlv swear that I am -fhe'&-EUtSt(fP- of THE VAIL TRAIL; that the same is a weekly newspaper Qr,n*a, in whole or in part and.publishpd *- tl:99y1*v-^:l-I5:'fl:'t;'i RJ +.PY__4_A.D. 1e--7:l- In vitness vhereof I have hereunto set my hand this day of 'V*{rtl€4 A.D.1e!- Suhcrlb€al and sworn to befqlg me, a notary putlic in ty of Eagle, PROOF STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EACLE OF PUBLICATION State ..Eu.,fu *;dL-- of Colorado, this D daY Publio ]dotice ' NOTtCE lS HEREBY GIVEN lhtt Johann .nd Ann Morlo Mueller cnd willilm H..r€ Alice Carfwrighl have applied loa a r.subdivislon ol Lot 8. V.il Villlge loth Fillng pursuani lo Articlc lll, Sactioo l, Town of Vail Subdivislon Requlalion!. Tht parccl is proPosed lo be divid€d hlo tv,o intaresls reotesenling a division ot an o(lrling duPlax, A Peblic Herring will be held b€lo.e |na .Towiol Vall Ptnnntng Commlsslon puBuanl to lha subdivilion R.cuhlions on Fcbrully . 7,a, l9f, .t 3:00 9.m. tn lhe vall Munlcipal ', B{rildlng. ; TOWN OF VAIL ' OEPARTMEI{' OF. COM'IAUIIITY OEVELOPM€NT ' Diant S. toi&hlU Zqli lg Ad.ninl:ft.L?' Publlgrrd |n Tho vatt tratl o.r Flbtuaty ,4, tm. o ' Mycommfrrlooopiro /0- 6 s{L Ls1-1- PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN THAT Johann and Ann Marie Mueller and ttlilliam H. and Alice Cartwright have applied for a resubdivision of Lot 8, Vai] Village 10th Filing pursuant to Article III, Section 3, Town of Vail Subdivision Regulations, The parcel is proposed to be divided into two interests representing a division of an existing duplex. A Public Hearing will be held before the Town of Vail Planning Commission pursuant to the Subdivision Regulations on February 24, 1977 at 3:00 p.m. 'in the Vail ltlun'icipal Building, TOt.lN VAIL NITY DEVELOPMENT DianaS. Toughill Zoning Administrator Published in the Vail Trail February 4, 1977 DEPAFTI4ENT OF tNsPEe|oru HEBIJEsT TOWN OF VAIL TIME RECEIVED-|-- AM PM CALTEH E ornen E plnnnl LocATloN MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR INSPECT]ON WED THUR FRI-AM PM E orsappRovED REINSPECT ='l-t.:F:'?'- i DATE ,I /',,) \,, / rNsPEcGru FIEOUEsiT DATE JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I orHen MON COMMENTS: ! pnnnnl. LocATroN TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUB FRI-AM PM I orsaerRovED E uporv rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcrroNs: CORRECTIONS ffipRovED E nerNsPEcr /'1,,/( 3 ,/ I . z-< rYl - .Zz. -- ---& DATE INSPECTOR rNsPE{bru TOWN .,i- ..,.. . FIEBUEST OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orxen MON COMMENTS: FRITUE E pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM El-appRovED CORRECTIONS florsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: //" :-',' /' - rtrEieeolrv TOWN FIEGTUEgiT .OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER n oruen E pnnrral. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR PMFR Ep-tsnppRovED E upom THE FoLLowlNG coRREcnoNS: CORRECTIONS E appRovED fl nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE BUILDING DIVISION' P. O. BOX 789 PHONE: 328-633S DATE JOB NAME TIME BECEIVED- AM PM CALLER INSFE FlEeuFsT E orxen n pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION @f-nrr'rnov e o ! orsaeeRovED D nerNSPEcr fl uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcloNS: CORRECTIONS onre 5? /7- 2 rNst=t.,* TOWN OF VAIL FIE(lUEEiTI florne n E pnnnnu LOCATION MON COMMENTS: TUE PMFR El nppRovED E upor*r rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcnoNS: D orsappRovED D nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS 1l $a Flnt ttl1,ail I I INSPECTOR !t ., / .. .'-1,. ti t ,i /'.. ,/ .' ,,'jDATE '' .' ' .'/ - JOBNAME . : INSPECilOW FTEBUEST TOWN !,/ ,.',.t . ,i-,n /,,,' TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen E panrrrl.LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR - rnr . . {rfr Drt,tMON COMMENTST 11APPROVJ.tr.E nerNsPEcrE orsappRovED Iupolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNs: ,.ii ,{.'*.I .:'r'"ri(;1fi4f / 4LL/UF|EEUEst.T VAIL narE :/'JO8 [{AME ( /1" TIME RECEIVED-.-..--._. AM PM (, 'i q",OF I ornen E pnnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED FRI-AM PM ElappRovED florsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr [J'ijpon rHE FoLLowtNc coRnEcnoNs: CORRECTIONS .-,, , t:,.i DATE . ? '..' ' ^.^. ?. ,f': rNsPEolbru . TOWN OF VAIL FIEOUEST DATE TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLEB ! orxen MON COMMENTS: f]pannau LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM E appRovED D orslppRovED E nerNsPEcr fl upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECrtoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNEiFEt.,N t"t'i' HEEUECiT i JOF NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TOWN OF ! ornen D pnRnel.LOCATION MON GOMMENTS: THUR FRI AM PM fl.eppRovED lD DISAPPRovED D nerNsPEcr ! uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR HEEUEsiT TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER '-: rr'.<':,lc' r-,2.*"' .-:l- l1^-t.'t,^", t-I,a, t.-'.t.,- tNsieec*ru DATE TIME E ornrn MON COMMENTS: TJJE ! pannll LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FFI-AM PM S'o+snrnRovED FOLLOWING CORR ECTIONS: flappRovED ! uporu rne CORRECTIONS I nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE ,l rNsFEIaor FrEGluEsr TowN.oF VAlL. '. JOB NAME E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE I pnnrral.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM E nppRovED E orseppRovED E nerNsPEcr E upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRREGTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR .i' . i . ..o rNsrtEefrru HEtluEsr OF VAI L DATE - JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D orHen fl pnnrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM eu-,MoN ,,, fUE. COMMENTS: APP ROV E D E UPOT'T THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E orseppRovED I nErNsPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR