HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 BLOCK 2 TRACT D WESTERN SLOPE GAS LEGALDonald J Brungardt Senior Righl-ol-WaY Agenl Engineering Services 500 Prudentlal Plaza .t'L' . -^.t.u^l Weslgos* \\tZ Western Gas Supply ComPanY iblo i"u"nt""ntn st - Po Box 840 Denver, CO 80201 tsist stz'qzt (303) 922-051 5 whil eyou were ou EXPERT No. ',o'' IIM. ,ri )l\ b'.rh L\r\ I. 'L t1 t_ (1 T F I'J l 'Tv: .' t u., l -7-.-1b-'-_ ..*.-fi*,. ttr K(r T ry l lar }, a 't*- .f' a at -{.J . .)t**i \St tlo'-.s ,\tttt|t ,t ) v\J\,. ,YCI . 9?Sr1, Rccorded 1:00 June 6, t97lr r"....1?.9-92?....Barz a J D I J I t RECORDEIUS STArIP Thie Deeal, Made uris 3}st day of l/taf ,1974 between vArL ASSOCIATES, INe., a corporatioo duly organizcd and o<isting under aad by virtue of the lawa of the Sbte of Colorad.o of the first pa4 and WESTARI\I SLOPE GAS COPTPA}TY cxisting under aod by virtue of ttc laws of tle eccond part; r, corporation duly org:anizcd aad of tlc statc of Colorado '' rit-.". ';rtiffiTE:gFCOLORADO, 'l ",,,*#fril#Btsi**i:'3-*ffif 0.,"," 6 3 161s i r s t 19 74'"'jby';Rl-chard L. Peterson Frederick S. otto Vail Associates, Inc., /1 My notarial comnission ,*pir." 0U42' Witncss my hand and oflicial seal EnI[ 0ocuffifir$ m WITNESSETH, That the said party of thc first part, for and in consideration of thc sun of TEN DOLLARS AND OTI-IER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATIOII ------Eol-nrrfi.3 to the said perty of thc first part in haad paid by the said party of tie sccond part, tbe rcceipt whereof is hcreby confcsscd and acknowledged, hatl grattcd, bargained, sotd and convcyed, and by thesc presents does grant, bargain, sell, convcJ' and coafirm, unto thc said party of the second prrt, its succcssorg and assigns forevcr, all the lollowing dcscribcd or parcel of land, situatc, tyins arld being in the coulty of Eagle and Statc of Colorado, tewit: A tract of land located in Tract It, Bl-ock 2t \IAIT' \TILLAGD llth FILING, said Vail Villaqe llth Filing being record.ed in Book 221 at PalJe 14I, of the Eagle County, Colorado, Clerk and Recorderts record.s, said tract of land being more particularly described asfollows: BEGINNING at the most Southwesterly corner of said Tract p, Block 2, said Southwest corner also being a point on the Northerly right of way line of Aspen Laner thence S. 71o55'28u E. alonct said Northerly riqht of wav l-ine of Aspen Lane for a d,istance of 85.00 feet; thence N. 18o4r?2" E. a distance of 79.99 feet to a ooint on the ldesterly boundary line of said. Tract D; thence ri 55010'31" l.'r. along sair1.t'Iesterly bounC-ary line of Tract D a d.istance of 116.03 feet to the true point of beqinninq TOGETHE& with alt aad singutar the hercditarnents .nd appurtcoances tbercunto belonging, or in anywise appertaiaing, aad the reverrion and rcvcrsions, rcoaindcr and remaindcrr, rcnts, issucs and profits thereof; a:rd all the estate, righi title, intereat, claim aad demand whetsoevcr of the said party of thc lirst pa!t, cithcr in law or equity, of, in and to the abovc bargained prcmiscs, rvith the hereditaments and appurtenanceo, TO ITAVE AND TO IIOLD th" said premises above bargaincd and described, with thc appurtenences unto the said party of the sccond part, its successors and assigns forever. And the said VAIL ASSOCIATES, INC. party of the fitst part, for itself, its succeasora and assigns, doth covcnaot, grant, bargain and agrce to end witb the said party of thc second pert, its succesaoro and assigns, tlrat at t}e timc of &e ensealing and delivcry of thesc pres- ents it is well seizcd of the prenriscr above cooveyed, as of good surc, gerfect, absolute and indcfeasiblc estate of inheritancq in law, io fce eimplg ald hath good rieiht, full power and larrful authority to grant, bargain, setl and convey the saae i.rr manner and form aforesai4 aod that tic saoe are free and clear from all fonncr aad other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, asscssuents and incurrrbrances of whate-vqr-klnd or nattrr,c socverl Exgept-: .q-eneraT -taxed and d6acibl--EJiei-s-neints fot 1974 baya-ble--L7l/75,-rvhlchparLy of the second part assumgs and agrees.to F?y.;.sublect to-U.S.bateht reservations, restrictions, ea5ements, -iqltq-qE=uJ4Y-of re--cord or apparent and'Protectrve covenants as Eecorcec. t 1-"-o/ tL rn E6ok 22f--at-Pa6e I40 o.f -the-iecoitls of Eaqle county, Colorado, and the above bargaincd prenises in the quiet and peaceable possession of thc said patty of the second part, its suc- ccssors and assfuns against all and cvery person or persons lawfully claiming or to claim tlc whole or any trart ther€of, the said parg of Ore lirst part shatl and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND. name to be her€unto sub- by its Assistant Julrf 6'ftt \1s 7//f rson, No. ?67. YAn$INTY ltEElt*rcorr.r.don to Corlorrilq-BFitfoi{ Puuirltttg Co., lllt-46 Atort Str.Gq Dcnvet, Colotsdo--d-?3 ii ig ' lL !. n"*-:1S-p_sE9*.-__ WARRAIITY DEED TO I hereby certify that tbis-.,.-.*-"-.Instnrrncat was J,' h rny officc thi*..kfu-..--...- ^,D. p.rsl and duly rccordcd t^ B *k--gAA* q €-,, p o"uf .f- *-....... traDFotD tuEllaxta{o go,. Dltifrl 't filed for Filnr No-.*.,-.,-..-..-, Reccptioa N Dorilt