HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 BLOCK 1 LOT 3 LEGALDesign Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Devdopment 75 South Frcntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.48.2L39 faxl 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Project Namei E fZ U,l S D DRB Number: DRB0402149 Prcfirt Descripuon: ADDING 2 FENCES Pafticipants: OWNER EAGTE RIVER WATER AND SANITA0S/30/2fi)4 Phone: 846 FORESTROAD VAIL co 81557 Lr'cense: APPUCANT EAGLf RIVER WATER AND SANIT08i30/2004 Phone: 846 FOREST ROAD VAIL co 81657 License: Prctect Addres$ 2920 BOOfi CREEK DR VAIL 2920 BOOTH CREEK DR Locadon: Legal Description: l'ot 3 Bloclc l SnbdlvlCon: VAILVILI-AGE RUNG 11 Paroe| Number: 210103.10,(D5 CommenE: see conditions BOARD/SirAFF ACIION Motion By: Dunning Action: APPROVED Se@nd By: Mathias vote: 3-0-0 Dateof Approval= 09h5120A4 Gonditions: Condl 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the wrifren consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprlate revlew committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Buildlng personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days folloruing the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a buildlng permit ls lssued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completlon' Cond: CON0006688 oo 1) The 90' section of drain link fence on the east end of the site, adjacent to the buildlng, may be erected provlded that 6-8 aspen tr€es are planted to scr€en the fene concunently wlth lb @nstruction, Gond: CON0006689 2) The smaller sedion of fene on the west side of the siE is not permitted and wlll not be er€cGd In csodation wfth this applicaton. Mat Gennefr DRB F€G Prad: S25O.OO Application for Design Review Department of Community Development T5South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 lax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must recei\€ approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informalion is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design revlew approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Location of the Proposal: Physical Address: Parcel i Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s) : Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mailAddress: Phone: Fax: Type of Review and Fee: . Signs t, Conceptual Review New Corstruction Addition Minor Alteration (multi-fam ily/com mercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request rU{NW ,\ f\f".,. , .--.rr r l-,yl;. lj i .ict 't ' l $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of iotal sign area. No Fee $650 For corstruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $3oo For an addition where square foolage is added to any reidential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior mnversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and sile improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee Ff 3'J[Z"S-t""nf -", ?13'j #,; Planner: Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Master ColorrM is the perfect choice for homeowners who need a fence that delivers all the strength and protection of chain link but desire a fence that blends in beautifully with the environment. Master Color represents the ideal choice for a fence that does it all. 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Line Posrs | 5./8" O D. . Terminal Posts 2 3/8" O.D. . | o-Year Warranty KowMA N . Prime Steel . 1 .2 oz. Hot-Dip Galvanized Coating . 3 mil Polyester Coating (minimum| Over Galvanrzed Coatrng . | O-year Warranty Master ColorrM is available from: M/\Srut@ r r {619{ t/98 (op)4hi@ 1997 lrhr.Id(qlnc Irfrtc r.eld k#m[,t;'.rs ii: ,, ' ;l-.,f-fl"Li W ."ryi C * |1 $. r {.r rlr :t:***'t**+;**+****+*****+****+***'|+**rt't*{.{.d!*t*:rtrr.***dot*:*'i***,***1.d.:***r.d.1r:}**{.1!**{.**:***:r{.***:r,t *** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Statement lilunber: RO4OOO5532 Amount: $250.00 O8/3O/2OO4O3:08 PM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation3 #32913/ERW&SD Permit No: DRBO4O449 Tlrl)e r DRB-Minor Al-t, Cottun/1,!u1ti Parcel No! 210103404005 Site Address: 2920 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIIr L,ocation: 2920 BOOTH CREEK DR Total Fees: S250.0O This Payment: $250.00 Total AIJL Pmts: $250.00 Balance: $0.00 {. r* * r} **'f * **!*!** **'t ** *** * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'i * *'l* * 'l' 'f *'t * * lr{' rlt:lr * * rl {r * * * t':1. * * * 'f * r}'} * * * rt** **,r** {.{.!r** {. *,s * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI/ FEES 250.00 oilgn Review Action Fcli TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Namer Building Name: Projec't Description: owner, Address ano pnone: ?-ilq,E( ll Rttr) ArchitecVGontact, Addfgs O t (a.c Legal Description La 3 alo* [ Subdivision Project Street Zon€ District Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: fl Approval fl Disapproval Xst"ffRpprou"l Conditions: "'"/\nL A a, Wn DRB Fee Pr"-P"iC oo '--rr--r- Peo Eutiltu., @ - fe, prr;/rr,r-@"nu,6 10/(rtlgti aEt2t' fA.l {I5 SrJb 3l:}{J 5 r )l!Lr.\lgj uu;: P.2I g.€7-l S t€ ' ,9lt rr-rattx Dltror E s ErD ltfolerlllq[ .fiE ot vllt, cEoBlDo *{tr,*.r ar€ }rFKtrs stuae?.sl aaarrr ataa I. l. a TB DAt rrD:3 @ iisrttEl! lE:tt58: IitB:II, $ub,:[l,virioa tcf.tF: -&[. Cortr.rgtrsp. (|zOO.OOt J(Jt"* ereraarto lttD.O0) -'r.uuBtq.fsJ:00t__ ^. - -o*biuar Brvi*'66i-' c. D. t. p. c. a. I! rEg?lTty !a dnrcrlbcd.b0r I rctr -Ei tgrrld! lrs.rca$strrtio.'.prc*c arovial oo r-ibfrte ru=.t-iia att,*hto t.r.i! eplrtlol8loa. HW fr#trTV Eillc oF oNlq.r5, , l+-ffiffill&ZrG| l ttrir, xn I &,.E ttutut t. . il. eoQdtrLrr lmsotnf l,t r$rlicrblr. DB! :lE: n! fes. |l_rDou_rbore, lre Eo Dr Ddd.t, tlcBJr? of nrhtG,trl of . tae-qr rueii.iiio. rrroa, ,bG!rDgf:{!d for r bsitd,tar lerofl-,-fiiii-rc.rtrry EIG acct$rB. =l* !i*.gr tre psoooiei- Toi iora-ir-v.ri-iiri-iasEilirree i ecordilg ro tbe uabrr btlJr, -go cEnrtc tlc eo;:c;-eitr Piic. rr53 VetrUtElOIt 0-3 l0,0oo5i0,00i-l _50,000l5O,0Ot't itg,ggg 1150,001 . I jOO,000 !900,Q91 . tl,0091990I Orrtr 11,000,000 tt8| 30.00t 50.00 t100.00 1300.00 . l4no. na t500.00 d.l , ?rlh ?+iAwn , :!! tiliihh*pw,. fli,;i!lfo* t1'" , WIvt iffsvlm,w ,/ o Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drlve Vall, Colorado 81657 n d LtrTTtrP@F TRANSNNOTTAL ! Samples O Specifications Io Architects 9704762201 FA)(47&7491 TO -, wE ARE SENDTNG You .{ ettacnea tr Copy oI letter ! Shop drawings THESE ARE TRANSMITTED ! As requested as checked below: Ll Under separate Change order Prints cover vi tr ! Plans fi Fo, you, us p For approval D For review and comment n D FOR BIDS DUE n Returned n Approved tr Approved for corrections as noted as submitted ! Return -correct€d prints tr Submit-copies for distribution tr Resubmit-copies for approval 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US SIGNED: coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION /,fi'rf 14 u /fu,/7",/ h/a f/at4 , L L 'pa/brnd / ,, encloauraa.ru not at natad, hindllt notillt ua al oncc- I o ArchitectsSnowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vall, Colorado 81657 97G476-2201 FAX.476-7451 TO > WE ARE SEN0ING vOU fi Attached tl Under separate cover via D Copy of letter ! Shop drawings . ffAr ,"qrest"d ( For vour use X For approval D Change order D Prints ! Plans I Returned tor corrections E Approved as noted E Approved as submitted F THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For review and comment tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US LffiTtrP@F TRANSNflITTAL the lollowing items: Samples I Specifications I Return -cor.ected prints D Submit -copies lor distribution ! Resubmit-copies for approval coPtEs DATE,NO.OESCRIFTION I D/ 4/4t /fuE tu/rx*trzt'1 'illil qb /* *rr E+ha.t f tt.acrosfr.! r.. not '' notad, kindlt nolity u. rt ooc.- T{TKI}{ OF LJFI I L l'liEcel laneeus Cash I E-rj'_1-36 13:ljl:f,i E*r*iPt' S 3f1if 11 Rc'::r-,urrt * i::t: + 84f'5 st.llrLltl0t.l ! HfrFll ll.{5'..trRE FEE grirBun l. t*nds rEd l lfl ' tlEl I terr Paid Amaurrt Paid 1:11ff88e1'+ t f,5l Brl1* 3ff, FfJ [:h.3nge r,:t.urned ]' tJ ' l* ' -FHg1-314 1/BU 1,'*ur ca:l-rier PEffTHFt L-_-.-:.=---. coP yFIL II TOW OFVAIL 75 Soath Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 t 0t -47 9-2 I 3 I / 47 9 -21 1 I D cpartment of Commanity Derelopmcnt June 25, 1992 Mr. J. Russell Pitto 2920 Booth Creek Drive Vail, CO 81567 Fle: May 11, 1992 request for an extenslon of a prevlously approved setback varlance for the Pltto Resldence, Lot 3, Block 1, Vall Vlllage Eleventh Flllngl2920 Booth Greek Drlve Dear Mr. Pitto: Enclosed is a copy of the minules of the May 11, 1992 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting at which your extension of a previously approved setback variance request was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of the conditions of approval. Please note that the approval of this variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from approval (May 11, 1992). lf approval of this variance lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, 44 ha- Mike Mollica Assistiant Director of Planning Enclosure fJtE BOPY PI.ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION May 11, 1992 Present Staff Greg 4r.6.n -fristan priu Diana Donovan Mike Mollica Kathy Langenwalter Mary Caster Gena Whitten Dalton Williams Absent Chuck Crist The meeting was called to order at 1:35PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. 1. A request for a worksession on a conditional use permit for the Vail Team Tennis facility, generally located to the south of the Uonshead Skier Bridge and north oI West Forest Road on the existing tennis courts. Applicant: VailAssociatesA/ailRecreationDistrictPlannen Mike Mollica There was general discussion relating to the proposed tennis facility. 2. A request for an extension of a previously approved setback variance for the Pito Residence, Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village Eleventh Filingl2920 Booth Creek Drive.Applicant: J. Russell PittoPlanner: Mike Mollica Mike Mollica reviewed the request. After some discussion, a motion was made by Dalton Williams to approve the request. Gena Whitten seconded the motion. A unanimous 5-0 vote approved the motion. 3. A request to expand a previously approved conditional use permit allowing a public utility and a request for a variance from Section 18.58.320 regulating satellite dish antennas for 501 N. Frontage Road WesULot 8, Block 2, Vail Potato patch. Applicant U.S. West New VectorPlanner: Andy Knudtsen/Jill Kammerer The presentation was made by Kristan Pritz. A motion was made by Kathy Langenwalter to approve the request per the stafi memo. The'motion was given a second by Greg Amsden. The motion was,approved by a vote of 5-0. FROM: DATE: SUBJEGT: MEMORANDUM Plannirp and Environmental Commission Community Development Department May 5, 1992 A request lor an extension of a previously approved setback variance for lhe Pitto Residence, Lot3, Block 1, VailVillage Eleventh Filing/2920 Booth Creek Drive. Applicant: J. Russell PittoPlanner: Mike Mollica il. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUEST On April 8, 1991 the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEG) approved a side setback variance in order to allow for an expansion to an existing single family residence. The approved setback variance would allow for the addition to encroach 10 feet6 inches into the required 1S-foot side yard setback. The applicant has indicated in the atlached letter dated April 7, 1992, that should this variance extension be approved, they propose to construct the addition this summer. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the request to extend the previously approved side setback variance, based on the attached PEC memo dated April 8, 1991 and subject to the conditions of approval as indicated in the PEC meeting minutes dated April 8, 1991. The two conditions of approvalare as follows: 1. That the applicant place additional landscaping along the south elevation of the proposed addition. lf any trees are removed during the conslruction process, they shall be replanted or replaced. 2. That the new roof ridge of the proposed addition not exceed the height of the existing roof ridge. lf lhe PEC approves this variance extensiojuesuest, the side setback variance approvalwouid then be valid untilApril @9 Va{e:5-o c:\pscvnomo$plno. 51'l I I t{El.loRlllDttu Planning and Environmental Conmission Corornunity Development Departnent April 8, 1991 A request for a setback variance,3, Block 1, VaiI Village EleventtiCreek Drl.ve.Applicant: J. Russell pitto Pitto Residence, Lot FLLLng/2920 Booth TO: FROM: DATE: SUR'ECT: r. The applicant Ls requesting a side setback varl.ance in order toexlrand their existing single fanily residence. A two storyexpansion is proposed to the south of the existing home. 6n thefirst floor, a fanily roon, breakfast nook, bathroon and two-cargarage are proposed to be added. The second fl.oor witl includean expanded master bedroorn with naster bath, walk-in closet, andan office/dressing area. Tr+o snaller bedroours with baths ,6"iabe located a hatf level below the naster bedroon, innediately-iothe north. This lot is located in the Ewo-Fanily Residential zone District.with_the.excgption of this reguest f6r a side setbact variance,no additional varialces are reguested, nor is there a request toutilize the 250 Ordinance Tbe applicant Ls proposing an additlou rhlcb wl.lr cncroacb lor-6rliato the requlred t5 foot side yard setbact. This setback areais located on the south side of the lot, and parallels GoreCreek, located further to the south. II. ZONING CONSTDERATIONS Zone District: Two-Farnily Residential_Lot Size: L7,3LS sq. ft. Allowabl"e GRFA: 4,831.5 sg. ft. Existing GRFA: 2,483 sg. ft.Proposed GRFA: 1.916 sg. ft.Total GRFA: 4,399 sg. ft. Renaining GRFA After Proposed Ex;lansl.on: 432.5 sg. ft. o The above GRFA calculations vere deternined using the 'rreviseddefinition of GRFArr, which went into effect as of January 1, 1991. Sl.te Coverage: Total Allowable: 3,463 ag. ft. or 20* ': ,- Existing: Proposed: Total 3 2,419 sq. ft. 1.O44 sq. ft. 3,453 sg. ft. or 20t Again, the above site coverage nunbers were determined by using then revised site coverage definitiontr, whiclr was adopted and went into effect as of January 1, 1991. III. BACKGROI'ND AND HISTORY On lqay 22, 1989' the Planning and Environmental Corunission reviewed a similar request by Russ Pitto for a side setback variance. The reguesL, at that tine' was also for a 10t-6tr encroachurent into the required 15 foot side setback area. The staff recornmendation for !tr. Pitto's reguest vas for denial. The Planning ind Environmental Comrnission, by a vote of 6-0-1 (Parn Hopkini abstaining), voted to approve the applicant's request, with findings that the addition, as proposed, would have less of an inpact on the adjacent strean, as well as on neigtrboring properties. one condition of approval was that no pari of the proposed addition be any higher than the existing iiage. (A copy of the meeting ninutes is attached for your inforrnation. ) IV. CRTTERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Criteria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the vail. ltunicipal Code, the Cornmunity Developnent Department recoimends denial of the requested variance based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factorss 1. The relationship of the requested variance to ottrer existincr or Potential uses and structures in the vicinitv. Staff acknowLedges that the applicant's reguested encroachment will have littLe inpact upon other existing residential uses in this area. we do feel , however, that the proposed addition will have a negative irnpact on the Gore Creek stream tract imrnediately to the south of Lot 3. Although the strearn o tract is not owned by the Town of Vail (it is owned byVall Associates), we believe this open space areashould be naintained as much as possible for use by the Eeneral public. Further, we believe the sensj.tlve environnent of the Btreau tract should be protectedfron encroaching development, and should be presenredln its natural state. It ie also recognlzed by staff that the Upper Eag1eValley l{ater and Sanitation District has constructedutility facilltles (i.e., a punp etation with concretevaults) lnnediately,adjacent to the creek and gouth ofLot 3, trhich certainly detract frou the natural character of the strearn corridor. However, theplanning staff believes the encroachment of additional developnent into this natural area, adjacent to the stream tract, is not Justified. It is the staff's opinion that the applicant has sorne options to further develop this property without encroaching lnto any of the reguired setback areas. ?le believe the applicant could expand his hone by pushing out to the north and west, as well as south of the existing garage. l{e feel it would be a grant of speciaL privitege to allow the applicant to expand into the rear setback area on this property. 3. The effect of the recruested variance on llqht and utilities, and public safetY. Staff believes the proposed setback variance request, lf approved, would have no significant irnpact upon any of the above criteria. B. Related Policl,es ln the vail l,ald Use Plan The Town of Vait Land Use PIan, I'n Section 1.13, states the following: |'Vail recognizes lts stream tract as being a desirable land feature as-wefl as its potential for pubJ'ic use-rl 2. This pollcy statement reiterates the concerns staff has expressedregarding maintaining the required setbacks adJacent to the core Creek corridor. c. llbc PlrnrlnE aad EaviroaneDtal Connlsglon ahall Daketbe followlag fiadlDgs Dofore graatl,nE r vrrl.rDc€: 1. That the granting of the variance wilL notconstitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent wlth the lLnitations on otherproperties classified ln the sane district. 2. That the granting of the varlance wlll not bedetrinental to the public health, safety orwelfare, or naterially injurious to properties or inprovements Ln the viclnity. That the variance is warranted for one or nore of the following ieasons: ! a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcernent of the specified regulation wouldresult in practical difficulty or unnecessaryphysical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this tit1e. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circurnstances or conditions applicabfe to the sarne site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the sane zone. c. The strict interpretatlon or enforcernent of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the ownersof other properties in the same district. 3. VI. STAFF RECOI,TMENDATION Staff recomrnends denial of the applicant's reguest for a side setback variance. Again, staff believes that additional square footage could be added to the existing structure on other areas of thE property which would not require setback variances- we beLieve that approval of this variancq request would be a grant of special privilege. As ln all variance requests, the finding nust be rnade that thereis a ptryslcal hardship, or a unigue situation, specific to thisproperty which would varrant approval of a variance. After review of this proposal , staff has been unable to identify anyphysical hardship which would warrant a setback variance approval . ltore inportantly, staff is of the belief tbat the proposed encroachnents toward the Btrean tract would have a negative inpact upon the public use of that area. Included ln our recomrnendatlon for denial , etaff believes that none offindings A, B, and C-1, 2 and.3 are applLcable to thLs request. Should the Planning and Environnental Connission decide to approve Mr. Pitto's reguest for a setback varlance, staff would reconrnend that as a condition of approval , additional landscaping be required to be installed as a buffer along the south elevatlonof the proposed addition. t{e would recomnend that the Plannlng and Envlronmental Conurrission pass this condition along to the Design Review Board for further analysis. c: \p€c \neflEs \p i tto.408 .:l . t, ca l- ll+ a Jr., r:ijr l.f.i._f:'.' i .1".' : [..::i"r . r\( it 'r.t .:. 1 .i :':i:.' --Ji---- '-t 't 1 '-J ..' a't -- -l-' I I (.!; -+l,c') $'.-lI F I_l I I I I I t. i I I t I --a '-_:'s.-. 'l .j .'$ )t.\ -(.t )t ' f-J L:-t \ \\'rf ' \.J \. \ Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 303 476-2201 81657 ^n.(t atllact- 1a.\llc h I, r-ease g.l-ve me a c4..., }iOPKINS - ARCHJTECTS April 7, 1992 Mr. Mike Mollica Senior Planning Director Tcwn. of Vail Pi.anning Dept, 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 RE: Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village 1lth Filing Mike: I would like to request an extension of the planning commission approval (4/8/91) for the Pitto residence on Lot 3, Block 1, Vail VilJ.age 11th Filing. This would a11ow us to continue through the Townof VaiI process (Building Perrnit), and start construction thiE sunmer. We received DRB approval on Ll/20/97. I appreciate your understanding .on this matter, and Russ Pitto and I look.forward to fi-nishing up theprocess. As I undersiand we will need to make a presentation at the next avail.abie PEC meeting (5/17/92) to have the extension approved. If there are any problems with the extension request, please let ne know. If ycu have Sincerely, SNOWDON AND Craig N. Snowdon Partner CNN/s Ih cc. Mr. Russ Pitto Snowdon '.a I PLANMNG AND EI'IVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION April E, 1991 Present Staff Diana Donovan Kristan kitz Connie Knight Mike Mollica Ludwig Kurz Jill Kammerer Kathy Langenwalter Andy Knudtsen Jim Shearer Shelly Mello Gena Whinen Beay Rosolack Tom Braun Absent Amber Blecker Chuck Crist The worksession was called to order at 1:l5PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. l' A worksession to consider a condirional use permit and a densitv variance to allow the consm:ction of addidons to existing strucrures and $e consruction of emplo'\ree housins on the Davs Inn site. 2211 N. Frontaee Roadl-ot I, Block A. Vail Das Schone Third Filine. a resubdivision of Vail Das Schone First Filine Apolicanr Peter Jacobs of Davs Inn A rcpresenadve for the applicanq Saundra Spaeh began the prcsentation by indicating the three irems the applicant wouid like thc PEC to review. firc first was employee housing, the second was the redevelopment of the shoppene, and the final issue was the hoel upgrade. Saundra indicared, in order to accomplish the proposed redevelopment, the Days Inn would be requesting a density (GRFA and uniry count) variance. Jill Kammerer clarified thar employee housing is allowed as a conditional use in this zone district and, therefore, the applicant would also need to rcquest approval of a condirional use permit. She funher indicated the Fire Deparunent and Public Works Departnrent staffs had not yet reviewed the project Saundra stared to the Commission a considerable amount of landscaping would be added under this proposal. Jill continued that this was viewed by suff to bc a positive proposal, cspecially with rhe provision of employee horsing and additional landscaping. This site is desirablc for employee housing, as therp is easy pedesuian access to public tansponation and scrvices (i.e., grocery storc, laundry, ctc.). To explain the employee housing proposal, Saundra began by showing the Commission it was a simplc design which would be locared at thc nonhwest corner of the sirc behind the existing smlctures. There would be thirry-two 300 sq. ft. studios and eight 500 sq.fl one bedroom Jim amendcd thc p,revious motion to add the following language to thc bcginning: Hc moved that thc ordinancc bc scnt to thc Town Council with a rccommendation of denial of the staff rccommendations in order for thc ordinancc !o Gtum to the Zoning Code Task Force to clarify thc issues stated abve. Ludwig Kurz amendcd his second to includc the additional worrding. Jim statcd his intent was that thc good work which had bccn done on GRFA conuols not be negated, utd hc wanted thc 250 o'rdinance tightcned up to hclp those people for which it was designcd- He thought that the Town should encounrge improvements, and make thc process as simplc as possible for the "littlc guy." Diana Donovan wishcd to go on rccord with the rcason shc would bc voting against thc motion with thc statement that she thought the Town needed to start fresh with a new ordinance, not just doctor up thc existing reguladons. Shc also wanted to scc if the Town Council wouid give clear dircction io the Task Force and PEC that they would sand behind thc Town in a potential lawsuit if the dcmolrebuild provision were eliminated Larry Agneberg asked if Diana thought the ordinance should be repealed and a ncw ordinance be developed. Diana replied yes, if thc Council would back a hard line approach. Larry stated that he would like to see thc repeal delayed until a new ordinance was rcady. Jim stated that if he had to vore on thc ordinance now, hc would lcave it as is, but work toward modifying it based on the history of pioblems. After fine-nming of the specific wording, as finalized above, and with Jirn and Ludwig's consent, the recommendation was voted upon. The vote was 4-1, with Diana Donovan in opposition. The meedng was briefly rccessed, and was called back into order at 5:10. At that time, the following neo agenda items were taken out of ordcr in the inrcrests of time and public comment. 5. A request for a sctback variance. Pino Residcncc. lrt 3. Block 1. Vail Villaee Elevcnth Filine/2920 Booth CIE€k Drive. Applicanc J. Russell Pitto Mike Mollica prcsented the staff memo and recommendations for this variance. The request was for a 10'-6" side setback variance which had previously been approvcd, but had subsequently lapsed. The zoning for the propcrty is Two Family Residential (duplex), and Mikc briefly rcvicwcd the zoning consideradons. There wiui no concern for GRFA wirh fris rcquest, but thc sitc covcrage would bc at its maximum 2A% rf thc variance werc to be approved and thc addidon constnrctcd Suff recommendcd dcnial of the rcquest bccause ftey werc unable to idcntify a physical hardship. Thcy fclt the addition could bc added elsewhcre on the propcrty without a variance. Staff note4 however, that ftom thc prcvious reguest, the applicant had lowered the height of the structurc per the requcst of neighbors. The prcvious PEC approval of the variance was contingent upon thc ridge height not exceeding thc existing smrcttue's ridge heighr Saff believed that Findings A, B, and C (1-3) were not applicable to this request Should the PEC support a variance, staff requested additional landscaping along thc creek side of the arldigisn as a buffcr for the adjacent strc:rm tract. Jay Peterson, legal reprcscntativc for thc applicant, starcd that this proposal had bccn changed since the prcvious variance had been ganted, and that thesc changes were positive. The owner had gone to the neighbors to determinc their concems, and thc consensus was that ttrey wanted thc addition to be placed as proposed in this application. The neighbon felt it would impact their land least in this position. In order to piace the addition in another location on their iot, the house would have to be internally reconfigured and "flip-flopped" to accommodatc the expanded kitchen. Regarding lard.use quesrions, Jay agfeed that there needed to be a buffer berween the house and thc creek. He indicated, however, that since fte sueam tract mearders, this locadon was acrually funher from the creek than if it had becn placed on another arca of the lot which might not rcquire a setback variance. Jay emphasized that nothing had changed substantially since the previous PEC approval of the setback variance, and that the neighbors were in favor of the addition. He believed the proposal met the criteria for a variance, the purposc of which was to prcvent practical difficulties. Thc house is one of the older homes in ttre neighborhood, and the location was a problem in designing the addition. The scale of the home fit well into the neighborhr,,.xi. If a strict interprctation of the code were used in this case, thc neighbon would be negatively impacted. Jay cgmmentcd that rhc only options thc owners would have would be to sell thc properry or reson to a demo/rebuild. Pam Hopkins was also prcsent reprcscnting thc applicant, and she pointed out that utilitics had bccn built on the crepk bank. Diana Donovan explained that the previous variance approval wu partially due to the fact the creck was not pristine bccause there was an cxtensive warer pump and vault which had bccn placed in thc casemenr. She also funher explained the design consideration of placing'tbe addition into the setback was panially dctermined by thc fact that cithcr sidc of the house was csscntially oPen qpace, and the placcment of thc addition into the setback impacted fcwer views and hid thc addition from more homcs. ln effecq the hardship was creatcd by the ncighbon. Jay Peterson agreed, and stared the applicant had worked diligcntly to minimize the impacts to both the sirc and the ncighbors. Connie Knight askcd if therc would still bc room for a stream walk to be built, and Mike indicarcd thcre would. The Town's rccreation path is currcntly located on the south, or oppositc, side of tbe strpam. Ludwig Kun moved for approval of the setback variancc for the Pitto Residcnce, lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village Eleventh Fil;ul.gl 2920 Bootb Clcck Drive, finding that thc srict and litcral inelpretation or cnforcement of the specificd rcgulation would rcsult in a pr:actical diffrculty or unnccessary physical hardship inconsistent widr tbe objectives of this title. A condition of approval would be that the owners placc additional landscaping along thc southem elcvation of the addition. If any trecs are removed during the construction pr@ess, they shall bc rcplanted or rcplaccd- Jim Shearcr seconded thc motion. An additional condition of approval was that thc new rcofline of the addition not exceed thc hcight of the existing roof ridge. Thc vore on the cntirc motion was 4-Gl, with Gcna Whiren abstaining, due to the fact that she was absent during the site visir Kathy Langenwalter rcmrned to the meeting at this point. 6. A reouest for a setback variance at the Christiania Indee. Lot D. Block 2. Vail Villaee First Filine/356 Hanson Ranch Road. Applicanc Paul & Sallv Johnston Jill Kammerer briefly explained the request before the Commission was to grant a setback variance to the eastern setback in order to allow the expansion of Christiania Lodge's lobby and a 4.sq. ft. expansion of the proposed easrcrn, third floor dwelling unit. She indicated that thers is a zcro setback currcndy at this location. Findings A, B, and C (1-3) suppon the granting of this variance because the encroachment would not bc incrcased. Connie Knight asked if the parking questions had becn rcsolved- Jill responded the only rccognized Lodge parking by the Town are the three spaces located on Chrisdania Lodge- owned propen-v immediately west of thc Christiania Lodge struclure. Under thc original purchase agre€menr with Vail Associates, the Lodge has the right to park in perpetuiry on Parcel P-3. However, the properry they currcntly park on is Lot J. It would appear the Chrisdania lldge has never used l,ot P-3 for parking. Thercforc, the Town docs not rccognize the parking spaces which could bc accommodated on Parcel P-3. Jay Petenon, anorney for the applicants, added that the square footage being added did not increasc the amounr of parking which must be provided by the I-odge. JilI concluded that no additional units wcre being added under this proposal. Katry Langenwalrer moved for approval of tlie setback variance at thc Clristiania Lodge, Lot D, Block 2, Vail Villagc Fint Filing/ 356 Hanson Ranch Road per the staff recommendations, with findings A, B, C(1-3) applicable to this rcquest. Ludwig Kurz seconded the modon, and by a vote of 60, the variance was approved. zv Snowdon and Hopkins . Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 303 476-2201 April 7, 1992 Mr. Mlke Mollica Senior Planning Director Tci.rn of Vai.l- P.t annrng Dept. 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 RE: Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village 11th Filing Mike: I would like to request an extension of the planning commission approval (4/8/9!) for the Pitto residence on Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village 11th Filing. This would allow us to continue througl the Town of Vail process (Building Permit), and start construction this summer. We received DRB approval on tt/2o/91,. I appreciate your understanding on this matter, anci Russ Pitt:o and I look forward to finishing up the process. A,s r understand we will need to make a presentation at the next avail.abie PEC meeting (5/L/92) to have tire extension approved. If there are any problems with the extension request, please let me know. If ycu have Sincerely, SNOWDON AND any questions, please give me a cal]. Craig N. Snowdon Partner CNN/ s th cci Mr. Russ Pitto HOPKINS - ARCHITECTS \./-7\ 3. X jir,- ,-h,,.'-.J"?rytr1 NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on lvlay 11, 1992 at 2:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for an extension of a previously approved variance for the Ghristiania Lodge, 356 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village Firsl Filing. Applicant: Paul & Sally JohnstonPlanner: Mike Mollica 2. A request to rezons the 'Ski Museum' pocket park site from PuHic Accommoddtion to Public Use District. The site is located at lhe northwest interseclion of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive, and more specifically described as follows: A part of Lot'B', Amended Map of Vail Village, Second Filing, County of Eagle, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of Section 7, Township 5 South, Hange 80 West of the 6th P.M.: thence Southerly along the East Line of said Scclion 7 a distance of 390.78 ft; thence on an angle to the right of 90"00'00" a distance o125.00 ft to a point on the East Line of said Lot'B', said point being 73.00 feet Northerly from the SE corner of said Lot'B' and the true point of beginning; thence continuing along the aforesaid course a distance of 98.75 ft to a point on the Southwesterly line of said Lot 'B', which is the Northeasterly line of W. Meadow Dr.; thence on an angle to the left of 12'1"43'21" and along he curve to the right having a radius of 175.00 feet and a cenlral angle of 0206'21 and an arc distance of 6.431 ft to a point of tangent; thence continuing along said tangent a distance of 33.97 ft to a point of curve; thence on a curve to the left having a radius of 75.00 ft and a central angle ot 60"23'00" and an arc distance of 79.04 ft to a point of tangent; thence continuing along said tangent a distance of 13.48 ft to the Southeasterly corner of said Lot "8", said comer being 25.00 ft Westerly of the East line of said Section 7; thence on an angle to the left of 90'00'00' and along the Easterly line of said Lot'8" and along a line parallel to the East line of said Section 7 a distance of 73.00 ft to the true point ol beginning, more generally known as NW corner of Vail Road and West Meadow Drive, Vail, Colorado. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Mike Mollica A request for an extension of a previously approved setback variance for the Pitto Residence, Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village Eleventh Filingl2920 Booth Creek Drive. Applicant: J. Russell Pitto Planner: Mike Mollica A request to expand a previously approved conditional use permit allowing a public utility and a request lor a variance from Section 18.58.320 regulating satellite dish antennas for 501 N. Frontage Road WesULot 8, Block 2, Vail Poiato Patch. Applicant: U.S. West New VectorPlanner: Andy Knudtsen/Jill Kammerer 4. 9t Ab {-:q ' 5. A request for a conditional use permit for the Vail Team Tennis facility, generally located to fie souh of the Lionshead Skier Bridge and north of Forest Road on he existing tennis courtrs. Applicant: VailAssociatesl/ailRecreationDistrictPlanner: Mike Mollica 6. Any items tabled from the April 27,1992 meeting. The applications and intormation about the proposals are available for public review in the Community Development Department otfice. Town of Vail Community Development Department Published in the VailTrail on April 24, 1992 FI[.tt;ilrr 75 south lrontage toad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479,2138 (303) 471$.2139 oflice ol community development February 13, 1992 Mr. J. Russell Pitto 2920 Booth Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Re: April 8, 1991 request for a setback variance, Pltto Residence, Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Vlllage Eleventh Filing/2920 Booth Creek Drlve. Dear Mr. Pitto: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the April 8, 1991 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting at which your setback variance request was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of the conditions oi approval. Please note that the approval of this variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construclion not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within one year trom approval (April 8, 1991). lf approval of this conditional use permit lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Mollica at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, / ,/11'7 I /'r,Ltnfu, /rlkelt*t Amber Blecker Planning Assistant Enclosure I rlir coPY {Ua* po[;"51u i l0rrll,pri ( ,',*/oJ tli, IIU Inwn 75 south lronlage road Yail, colorado 81557 (303) 47+2138 (303) 479'2139 February 7, L991 Ms. Pam Hopkins Mr. Craig Snowdon Snowdon & Hopkins Architects 201 Gore Creek DriveVaiI, CO 81657 Re: vail uouDtain gchool 1988 PEc Approval aad Pltto r,ot 3, Block 1 vail vlllage Dear Parn & Craig: otfice of community developmeni Variaacelltb Fiu.trg i I am writing this letter to respond to letters you sent in August, l-990, concerning the Vail Mountain School and Pitto variance. According to the Town of vail Municipal code, you must reappl-y for the Conditional Use Perrnit and the Variance you received for the above projects. The staff is not in a position to staff approve an extension of the Planning Comrnission approvals. I would suggest that you subnit your applications and a letter stating your intent to request the exact sarne approval per the approved plans which are on file in the Comrnunity Development Departrnent. We will then schedule your application as soon as possible for the next Planning and Environmental Commission meeting. Attached is a schedule of upcoming meetings. Please renember to check the adjacent property owners and submit a nelr list for notification purposes. Thank you for your attention to this rnatter. Sincerely, i r t O-ll,/ '-l V^4-, JrYtYra,t l{tt p Kristan Pritz Community Development Director /abEnclosure Snowdon and Hopkins e Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303-476-2201 Vail, Colorado 81657 August 8, 1990 Ms. Kristan Pritz Planning Director Tovrn of Vail Planning oePt. 75 South Frontage Roadvail, co aL557 RE: vail uountain School 1988 PEc Approval Kristan; As per our conversation last week, I would Like to request.an_ extension of the planning commission approval for the original Vail iountain School pioposat. Tltis woutd a}low us to sontinue.through the Til; ;i viii review-process (Design Review Board and Building Department), and stalt construction next spring on the third floor "ii""roor idAition. fhese classrooms were not built due to the cost overag" and our enC application was nodified to show this phasing. If there are any questions, please let ne know. Sincerely, SNOWDON AND HOPKINS - ARCTTITECTS Pamela W. HoPkins Partner PwH/slh cc: Ur. Fred Otto t-. 'l Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lot Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: ko, APPROVAL--=- '- l\a\ -- I I. J t/ D ISA PPR OVAL Sum mary: E statt Approval revised 6/L8/9L DRB APPLICATION - TOIiIN OF VAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: COLORADO ffie$v 21lee1 rsrs eppLr*rffii#rlliior "r AccEprED UNTII.I ATL REQUIRED INFORI'TAEION IS SUBMITTEDt********* I. DESCRIPTTON: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (9200.00) X eaai.rio.r ($50.0-0) C. ADDRESS: D. LEGAL DESCRIPTION:Lot Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provide attach to this application. zoNrNG , n' LOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. NAME OF APPLICANT:Mailjn Minor Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) Mvt Block a meets and bounds on a separate sheet 'I ^-- 1-!Yyctr and F. G. H.NAME OF APPLICANT' Phone I(I! J TATIVE; Address: Phone I.NAME OF OWNERS: SIGNATURE (S) :Mailing Addre#: J. Condominium Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid aL the time of submittal of DRB application. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vail- will adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. I'*' "rr "oror $ 90.fP FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION 1t]=r- wrl $0$ 10,001 $ 50,001 9150, 001 $500, 001 $ 10,000$ 50,000$ 150,000$ 500r 000 $1r 000r 000 FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00$ over 51r 000r 000 *NO APPLICATION WILL BE PROCESSED WTTHOUT OWNER' S SIGNATURE NAME OF PROJECT: LIST OF MATERIALS LEGAL DESCRTPTTON: ror2 BLOCK I STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: SUBDIVISION A. The following infornation is Review Board before a final BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding other wal] Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LANDSCAPING: Name of PLANT }4ATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES reguired for submittal to the Design approval can be given: Botanical Name Conmon Name Ouantitv Size* Fl$" B. EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED wt@fi)Itr) I I *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferous ',al'imWttu_lP4b-F Designer: Phone: Lrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferous trees is,_6_lec!_- Botanical- NamePLANT ueTnnf: PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon. Ouantitv Size* rtM.J_ w-!_ ;1 1d: lqd 5d4.dr'Mugi, ?vfr | of proposed shrubs. GROUND COVERS soD D rJr. Ll TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE oR METHoD oF W> EROSION CONTROL orHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining warrs, fences, swirnmingpools, etc.) Please- specify. rndicate heights of retainingwal"ls ' Maximurn height- of wllrs within the-front setback is3 feet. Maximum height of warrs er.sewhere otr fne- properEyis 6 feet. e ZONE CHECK FOR , R, R P/S ZONE DISTRI tcrs DATE: llfufr LEGAT DEscRrptroN: Lor t Btock I rifing ADDRESS: ,14 OWNER J. ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Height TOIAI GREA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks PHONE PHONE Existinq Proposed Totalq?1 -- 1497 lltb 41,n 425 425 Front Sides Rear Water Course Set.back Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining WalI Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Envi ronmental,/Haz ards : ilbe 11, ActuaL Slope Englneer: Yes 1.) 2l 3) FIood Fl.ain Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) RockfalLc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands _4"b. ,lihll v0\ zQt ,01:; wnuFD ol5 ",16 lAg to++ hf/" 19f, -b/o3'69 Wz X.6 x"c'a '4 ( 3oo) ( 600 ) tooo\4ffr0\-!!!- Permitted Slope:9L Date approved by Town 4- uo .X-- r:: Percent Slope W Previous conditions of approval (check property file): Does this request involve a 250 Addition? n0How rnuch of Lhe atrowed 250 Addition is useffif,Tis requesE? t(?. **Note: under sections 18. 12.090 (Bl and 1g .13.090 (B) of the Municipatcode, lots zoned rwo Famj.ly and primary/secondary'which are Less than15r000.sq. ft. in area may not construcl a second dwelling unit. -The community Deveropment Depirtment, may grant an exception t5 thi;restrictiol l5ovided the applicant meets the criteria set forth underSections 18.12.090 (B) and j.8.13.090 (B) of the Municipal Code includingpermanently restricting the unit as a rong-term rent.bl unit for full-time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 10 s N owD o N t J:.t|:::-t "fl| rrEcrs LETTT @F TRANSNflITTAL TO vAtL, coLoRADo 81557 (303) 476.220r > wE ARE SENDING YOU A Attached E Under separate cover via -!t Prints p Ptans D Samples the following items: tr Specificationstr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter ! Change order tr coPrEs OATE NO.DESCRIPTION ,17 tlllt/'lr t,/tanE " fziura,hm" < /ix'ti,ii /t 7Fh z*a/itz*i-u "lri r d,! t I ir.yd p-r?,hrt: irt*,o I 'l j lnaw,l / P/dro ";L/;rtrr ttu i / rTtfri/4'>n fr,tt/t+r,t I t lhilr *'* ttnl THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval f For your use n As requested ! Approved as submitted tr Approv€d as noted D Returned for corrections E Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit-copies for distribution tr Return -corrected prints E For review and comment tr tr FOR BIDS DUE 19- D PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS PRooro za&? ,@ hc, Gtuhr ile orll la crclotuaet ,aa .rot as notad, klndty notity tr3 tt oncc, .i. -T{fhTFI BF LIFI I L- Pliscel laneous Cash I i-?1-91 151 19:16 F:eceipt * Egflt5? F,tccc'untS [H*€,?98 FiTTn FitiDITl$t'l\.l]Ol4lt SEl"r BFF ffrri,-runt tendered 3 5S.6S Item paid Hmrnt Faid Ei i.1[t8841f,3fl808 58. et* [:h.rnge rB t urnad ] i,'i. F.t:: THFIF{I4 I/EIJ Your cashier STEFHFTHIE TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI,JNITY DEVELOPMENT SAIJS ACTION FORM 0r 000041330 ZONINGAND ADDRESS MAPS T,'NIFORM BI.JILDING CODE 01000041540 I.JNIFORM PLI]MBING CODE0l 0000 42415 0l 0000 42415 0r 0000 42415 NATIONAL ELEMRICAL CODE0l 0000 42415 OTHERCODEBOOKS0l m00 42415 0l 0000 41548 )GROX COPIES /STUDIES0rffio42412 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS01 0000 42371 01 0000 41412 0l 0000 41330 01000041413 Ib \UEUORII|DInI Planning and Environmental Cornmisslon Comrnunity Developnent Departnent April 8, 1991 A request for a setback variance,3, 8lock 1, Vail VilJ.age EleventhCreek Drive.Applicant: J. Russell pitto Pitto Residence, LotFiltng/292o Booth TO: FROI'I: DATEs SU&'ECT3 r. DESCRIPTTON OF THE VARTANCE REOUESTED The applicant is reguesting a sJ.de setback variance in order toexpand their existing single fanily residence. A two storyexpansion is proposed to the south-of the existinq home, 6n thefirst floor, a farnily room, breakfast nook, bathr6our and two-cargarage are proposed to be added. The second floor wiLl includean expanded master bedroorn with uraster bath, walk-in closet, andan office/dressing area. Two smaller bedroons with baths w6uldbe located a half level below the master bedroom, immediately tothe north. This lot is located in the Two-Farnily ResidentiaL zone District.wLth_the.exception of this reguest for a side setback variance,no additional varl.aTces are requested, nor is there a reguest toutilize the 250 Ordinance. lrhe appllcant ig proposlng an addltion whLcb wilt encroach 10r-6rllnto the reguired 15 f,oot side yarat setbactc. This setback areais located on the south side of the lot, and parallels coreCreek, located further to the south. II. ZONTNG CONSTDERATIONS Zone District: Two-Fanily ResidentialLot Size: L7 r3L5 sq. ft. Allowabl.e GRFA: Existing GRFA: Proposed GRFA:Total GRFA: 4,831.5 sg. ft. 2,483 sg. ft. l-,915 sg. ft.4,399 sq. ft. Renaining GRFA After Proposed Expansion: 432.5 sq. ft. 6 IThe above GRFA calculations were deterrnined using the rrrevised definition of GRFAtr, which went into effect as of January 1, 1991. Site Coverage:Total Allowable: Existing: Proposed: Tota1 3 31463 sg. ft. or 208 2,4L9 sq. ft. 1.044 sq. ft. 3,463 sg. ft. or 2OZ Again, the above site coverage nurnberE were detennined by using tf,e" revised site coverage definitionrr, which was adopted and went into effect as of January 1, 1991. III.@ On ltay 22, tggg, the Planning and Environmental Commission revieired i sfunilar request by Russ Pitto for a side setback variance. The reguesf , at that time, was al-so for a l-0t-6rl encroachment into the reguired 15 foot side setback area, The staff recommendation for Mr. Pitto's request was for denial . The Planning and Environmental- Commission, by a vote of 5-0-1 (Pan Hopkini abstaining), voted to approve the applicant's ieguestl with findings that the addition, as proposed, would have IeJs of an impact on the adjacent stream, as well as on neighboring pioperties. one condition of approval was that no parf of tfr6 irobosed addition be any higher than ttre existing iiage. (A copy of the meeting rninutes is attached for your inforrnation. ) IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS upon review of criteria and Findings, section l-8.62.060 of tne vait Municipal Code, the Community DeveLopment Departrnent recoitmends denial of the requested varLance based on the following factors: A. consideration of Sactors: 1.The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Staff acknowledges that the applicant's reguested encroachnent will have little inpact upon other existing residential uses in this area. We do feel , however, that the proposed addition will have a negative impact on the Gore Creek stream tract irmrrediately to the south of Lot 3. Although the strearn tract is not owned by the Town of Vail (it is owned by Vail Associates), we believe this oPen space area should be maintained as much as possible for use by the general public. Further, we believe the sensitive environrnent of the stream tract should be protected fron encroaching developurent, and should be preserved in its natural state. ft ls also recognized by staff that the Upper Eagle Valley water and Sanitation District has constructed utility facilities (1.e., a pump station with concrete vaults) inmediatelyradjacent to the creek and south of Lot 3, whictr certainly detract from the natural character of the stream corridor. However, the planning staff believes the encroachment of additional development into this natural area, adjacent to the stream tract, is not justified. It is the staff's opinion that the applicant has sorne options to further develop this property without encroaching into any of the reguired setback areas. we believe the applicant could expand his hone by pushing out to the north and west, as well as south of the existing garage. We feel it would be a grant of special-piivilege to allow the applicant to expand into the rear setback area on this property. 3. The effect of the recruested variance on light and air. distribution of population. transPortation ind traffic facitities, public facilities and utilities, and public safetv. Staff believes the proposed setback variance reguest' if approved, would have no significant irnpact upon any of the above criteria. B. Related Policies lD tbe Vail Land Use PIan The Town of Vail Land Use PIan, ln Section 1.13, states the following: ilvail recognizes its strean tract as being a desLrable land feature as-well as its potential for public use.rr The degree to which relj-ef from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve 2. cornpatibility and unifornity of treatnent,amolg This policy statement reiterates the concerns staff has expressed regarding rnaj.ntaining the required setbacks adjacent to the Gore Creek corridor. C. The PlanDLng aad Eavl,ronmeutal Connission sball mate the foUowLng fiudllngs before granting a varianceg 1. That the granting of the variance wj.ll not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the linitations on other properties classified in the same dlstrict. 2. That the granting of the variance wlll not be detrimental to the public lrealth, safety or welfare, or naterially injurious to properties or irnprovenents in the vicinitY. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcenent of the specified regul-ation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordlnary circunstances or conditions applicable to the sarne site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. VI . STAFF RECOMMENDATION ' Staff recommends denial of the applicant's request for a side setback variance. Again, staff believes that additional square footage could be added to the existing structure on other areas of the property which would not require setback variances. we believe thlt approval of this variance request would be a grant of special privilege' 3. As in all variance requests, the finding must be nade that there is a physical hardship, or a unique sl-tuation, specific to this property which would warrant approval of a variance. After ieview of ttris proposal , staff has been unable to identify any physical hardship which would warrant a setback variance-pproval . ltore inportantly, staff is of the belief that the proposed encroachnents toward the strearn tract would have a negitive inpact upon the public use of that area. Included in our reconmendation for denial , staff believes that none of findings A, B, and C-1, 2 and 3 are applicable to this request. Shou1d the Planning and Environmental Comnission decide to approve Mr. Pitto's reguest for a setback variance, staff would reconruend that as a condition of approval , additional landscaping be reguired to be installed as a buffer along the south elevation of the proposed addition. We would recornmend that the Planning and Environmental Corrmission pass this condition along to the Design Review Board for further analysis. c:\pec\ne0os\pi tto.408 1l ,t 3 ;j;:i:'--:',j' : :;;: !-- Aw15-rt r'.a i- :r ilj ''1,-" i; ',i'*':+1 l'+. -i:::9 ..'ffi 'I,liffirr Present Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kutz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whitten Absent Chuck Crist PLANNING AND E}iTVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Apdl8, 1991 Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Jill Kammerer Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Betsy Rosolack Tom Braun Amber Blecker The worksession was called to order at 1:15PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. L A worksession to consider a conditional use permit and a densitv variance to allow the consmrction of additions to existing structur€s and the construction of emolovee housine on the Davs Inn site. 22ll N. Frontage Roadfut l. Block A. Vail Das Schone Third Filing. a resubdivision of Vail Das Schone First Filine Applicanfi Peter Jacobs of Davs Inn A reprcsentative for the applicant, Saundra Spaeh began the presentation by indicating the three items the applicant would like the PEC to review. The first was employee housing, the second was the redevelopment of the shoppette, and the final issue was the hotel upgrade. Saundra indicated, in order to accomplish the proposed redevelopment, the Days Inn would be requesting a density (GRFA and unity count) variance. Jill Kammerer clarified that employcc housing is allowed as a conditional use in this zone district and, therefore, the applicant would also need to request approval of a conditional use permit. She further indicated the Fire Deparfinent and Public Works Deparunent staffs had not yet reviewed the projecr Saundra stated to the Commission a considerable amount of landscaping would be added under this Foposal. Jill continued that this was viewed by staff to be a positive proposal, especially with ttre provision of employee housing and additional landscaping. This site is desirable for cmployee housing, as therc is easy pcdesuian aocess to public transporution and services (i.e., grocery store, laundry, etc.). To explain the employee housing proposal, Saundra began by showing the Commission it was a simple dcsign which would be located at the northwest corner of the site behind thc existing structures. There would be thiny-rwo 300 sq. ft studios and eight 500 sq. ft. one bedroom units for a total of 40 units in the building. Ludwig Kurz asked how the height of the building would rclate to buildings existing on the site. Saundra answered that they would be about the same. Jill questioned if there could be additional storage provided, and if the building shape could be modified to wrap around in an "L" shape, instead of being rectangular in shape. Saundra answered ttrat and "L" shaped buitding had been considered, and the curent design was the desired shape bccause of the impact an "L" shaped building would have on the provision of parking. Ludwig asked if underground parking had been considered Saundra said underground parking would not only be too cxpensive, but mor€ parking could be provided in the same area with surface parking, as opposed to stmcturcd parking and parking on the site was already tight. Ludwig cxpressed his prefercnce to see either sub-tcrrainean parking or semi- coverpd to minimize the expanse of blacktop. Saundra clarified the intent of the design was to provide a low, inconspicuous building, and the building will shield the view of the asphalt from the residential areas to the north. The 2 story addition at the eastern end of the Shoppette structure and the new facade was discussed next. Additional space for the bank and a drive up bank window on the first floor was a part of the proposal, as was second floor additional office space. The exterior would be stucco, and a new shingled or shaked roof would be built. Window relief would also be a part of the design. Jill mentioned the Public rily'orks Deparfiient staff wanted the number of can which would be utilizing the drive-through to be addressed. Saundra continued her explanation of the proposed pmject by focusing on the hotel renovation. The most noticeable changes would be the new facade and primarily retail space upgrades to the existing retail and CJ Capers rcstaurant spaces by filling in the existing deck to provide more retail space. Kathy LangenwalEr questioned the loss of the restaurant's dining deck, but Saundra stated the restaurant's owners had been polled about the changes and the owners did not have any concerns regarding it. Ludwig asked if the second floor access on the eastem end of the building would be changed or rsnovated, as the plan prescnted indicated the area benneen a free standing stairwell and the building would be filled in. Saundra said the main entry to the commercial space would be from the south, but shc was unclear as to whether this area would be filled in. It may have been a drafting error - she would check on it. Jim Shearcr tumed his attention to the hotcl enny, asking if the stairs under the pone cochere would be the main entrance. Saundra clarified an existing elevator in the Days Inn Building would be the primary access point. Kathy wondered if the entire building would be faced with stuoco, to which Saundra replied affirmatively. Ken thc l Connic Knight asked Kristan if the ordinance could be maintained without the build amendmenl Kristan indicatcd that it is the opinion of the staff and Task Force no, lt could not. She added that if the PEC was willing !o $ate o Council they willing to live with the inconsistcncy, the Council may take note. Connie Knight askcd if dcmo/ rcbuild could be legally eliminatcd from the ordinance. Tom Braun hc was not sur€ could be done without a legal challenge. Krisun elaboratcd that would be a weakness ordinance, but thc bcnefits gained may outweigh that suggested that language be placed in the orrdinance if a cenain percenuge of were dcmolishcd, then it would no longer qualify as cxisting homc for anothcr 5 yeall,furtlrer suggested the percentage b,50%. Jim Shearer that he felt the purpose of the was to upgade an existing smrcture. He like to see the orrdinance ordcr to allow the worst houses to remodel, but not see a mechanism o do that.wanted to prctect more of the smaller homes rather than larger, and felt that the factor in a remodcl be the 5 year provision. Jim said if a homeowner could the new GRFA calculations to find additional square for a remodel, they be enconraged to do so. He would also like to see the direction Housing decides to take before acting on the current 250 ordinancc. He like to see provision of employee housing be taken out of CRFA, but rather added to stronger definition of and would the motion. is kept and amcnded, he would like to see a " If a variance were to be granted in If the " and connection with a 250 request, cffect on the site, structurc and that the criteria for that variance be only the with an addition to bulk and/or mass of the building to be weighed negatively His statements concluded, Jim to modify the existing 250 ordinance based on to minimize abuses of the system. The 5 yearthe findings of the Task with the requirement for renovation be used all 250 requests, be they reconstruction or be frgured as a separate issue. Any variances glven rn conJuncuon dable housing win a 250 requcst will justified by the benefits to the community, additions. sitc, structure and against a variance, with an to bulk anilor mass weighing negatively not necessarily ruling out variancc. These facton would be weighed on a demolished to Building (i.e., basis for each application.In addition, if enough of the building is the building to be brought up code under thc Uniform Code of of the building), then the structure be classified as a new house, for a 250 sq. ft. addition for 5 years. Ludwig Kurz seconded Diana asked for a clarification that the motion was g that the o'rdinance be to to to the Task Force to tidy up. Krisan rcplied that ondinance would go to i/rcgardless of Jim's motion. Jim indicated his intent was the ordinance to proceed to have them retum it to the Task Force. He would like Task Force to tighten up the ordinance. L7 statement from Council Iim amended the previous motion to add the following languagc to thc beginning: He moved that the orrdinance be scnt to the Town Council with a recommendation of denial of the staff recommendations in order fo'r the ordinance to r€turn to the Zoning Code Task Force to clarify thc issues stated above. Ludwig Kurz amended his second to includc the additional wording. Jim stated his intcnt was that the good work which had been done on GRFA controls not be negated, and he wanted the 250 ordinance tightened up to help those people for which it was designed. He thought that the Town should encourage improvements, and make the process as simple as possible for the "littlc guy." Diana Donovan wished to go on record with the rcason she would be voting against the motion with the statement that she thought the Town needed to start fresh with a new ordinance, not just doctor up the existing regulations. She also wanted to see if the Town Council would give clcar direction to the Task Force and PEC that they would stand behind the Town in a potential lawsuit if the demo/rebuild provision were eliminated. Larry Agneberg asked if Diana thought the ordinance should be rcpealed and a new ordinance be develo'ped. Diana replied yes, if the Council would back a hard line approach. Larry stated that he would like to see the repeal delayed until a new o'rdinance was ready. Jim stated ttrat if he had to vote on the ordinance now, he would leave it as is, but work toward modifying it based on the history of problems. After fine-tuning of the specific wording, as finalized above, and with Jirn and Ludwig's consent, the recommendation was voted upon. The vote was 4-1, with Diana Donovan in opposition. The mceting was briefly recessed, and was called back into ordcr at 5:10. At that time, the following two agenda items were taken out of order in the interests of time and public comment. 5. A reouest fq a sctback vriance. Plno Residence. Int 3. Block 1. Vail Villa& Elcve$th Filing2920 Booth Ch€ek Drivc. Applicant J. Russell Pitto Mike Mollica prcsented the staff memo and recommendations for this variance. The request was for a 10'-6" side setback variance which had previously been approved, but had subsequently lapsed. The zoning for the property is Two Family Residential (duplex), and Mike briefly revicwed the zoning considerations. There was no concern for GRFA with this rcquest, but the site coverage would be at its maximum 2O% if thc variance were to be approved and the addition constructed. 18 Staff recommended denial of the request because ftey werc unable to identify a physical hardship. They felt the addition could bc addcd clscwhere on the property without a variance. Staff note4 howcvcr, that fr,om thc previous raquest, the applicant had lowered the height of the structure pcr the rcquest of neighbors. The previous PEC approval of the variance was contingent upon the ridge height not exceeding the existing structut€'s ridge hcight. Staff believed that Findings A, B, and C (1-3) wer€ not applicablc to this request. Should the PEC support a vadance, staff requested additional landscaping along the creek side of the addition as a buffer for the adjacent stream tract. Jay Fetcrson, legal rcpresentative for the applicant, stalod that this proposal had been changed since the previous variance had been granted, and that these changes were positive. The owner had gone to thc ncighbors to dcrcrmine their conccms, and the consensus was that they wanred the addition to be placed as proposed in this application. The neighbors felt it would impact their land least in this position. In order to place the addition in another location on their lot" the house would have to be internally reconfrgured and "flip-flopped" to accommodate the expanded kirchen. Rcgarding land use questions, Jay agreed that there needed to be a buffer between the house and the creek. He indicated" however, that since the sEcam tract meanden, this location was actually furthcr from the creek than if it had been placed on another area of the lot which might not require a setback variance. Jay emphasized that nothing had changed substantially since the previous PEC approval of the sotback variance, and that thc neighbors werc in favor of the addition. He believed the proposal met the criEria for a variance, the purpose of which was to prcvent practical difficulties. The house is one of the older homes in the neighborhood, and the location was a problem in designing the addition. The scale of the home fit well into the neighborhood. If a suict interpretation of thc code were used in this case, the neighbon would be negatively impacted. fay commented that the only options the owners would have would be to sell the property or r€sort to a demohebuild. Pam Ho'pkins was also present representing the applicant, and she pointed out that utilities had been built on the creek bank. Diana Donovan explained that the prcvious variance approval was paaially due to the fact the creek was not pristine because there was an cxtcnsive water pump and vault which had becn placed in the easement. She also further explained the design consideration ofplacing the addition into the setback was partially determined by the fact that either sidc ofthc housc was csscntially open qPace, and the placement of thc addition into thc setback impactcd fewer views and hid the addition from more homes. In effect, the hardship was created by the neighbors. Jay Percrson agreed, and srared rhe applicant had worted diligently to minimize the impacts to both the site and the neighbors. 19 Connie Knight askcd if thcrc would still be room for a str€am walk to be built, and Mke indicatcd there would. The Town's rccreation path is cunently locued on the south, or opposite, side of the suram. Ludwig Kurz moved for approvd of the setback variancc for thc Pitto Residence, Lot 3, Block l, Vail Villagc Elevcnth Filiny 29208@th G,oek Drive, fmding that the strict and literal intcrprctation or enforcement of the specified rcgulation would result in a practical difficulty tr unnooessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives ofthis title. A condition of approval would be that tlp owners place additional landscaping along the southem elevation of the addition. If any tr€es arE rcmoved during the construction p(rcess, they shall be rcplantcd or replaccd- Jim Shearer seconded the motion. An additional condition of approval was that the new rooflinc of the addition not excecd thc height of the existing roof ridge. The vote on the entirc motion was 4-0-1, with Gena Whitten abstaining, due to the fact that she was absent during the site visit. Kathy Langenwalter returned to the meeting at this point. 6. A reouest for a setback variance at the Ctuistiania Lodee. Irt D. Block 2. Vail Villaee First Filine/356 Hanson Ranch Road. Applicanc Paul & Sallv Johnson Jill Kammcrer briefly explained the rcqucst before the Commission was to grant a sctback variance to the eastern setback in orrder to allow the expansion of Christiania Lodge's lobby and a M sq. ft. expansion of the proposed eastem, third floor dwelling unit. She indicated that there is a zero setback currently at this location. Findings A, B, and C (1-3) support the granting of this variance because the encroachment would not be incrcased. Connie Knight asked if the parking questions had been resolved. Jill rcsponded the only recognized Lodge parking by the Town are the three spaces located on Christiania Lodge- owned property immediately west of ttre Christiania Lodge strucilre. Under the original purchase agrcement with Vail Associates, the Lodge has the right to park in perpetuity on Parcel P-3. However, the property they currendy park on is Lot J. It would appear the Christiania l,odge has never used Lot P-3 for parking. Therefore, the Town does not recognize the parking qpaces which could be accommodated on Parcel P-3. Jay Peterson, attorney for the applicants, addcd thu the square footage being added did not increase the amount of parking which must be pmvided by the Lodge. Jill concluded that no additional units were being added under this proposal. Kathy Langenwalter moved for approval of the setback variance at the Christiania Lodge, Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village Fint Filing/ 356 Hanson Ranch Road per the staff recommendations, with findings A, B, C(l-3) applicable to this request. Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion, and by a vote of G0, the variance was approved. 20 o T,h Uad-4 4. 8.1( 7:4 2* )e. ;CL | & 4;-<e 'a. //-Jz--"4t/ GBr*) U//r^ ETa U-tfo-4* 4 /^W"4 & n,L*i-tt- ,W:nffffi7v'1n24 cera;h.^ r#^ "ph*r, ( nbrtf*/ft30) c ttry'lll' .^rr^-**( , 4 n".+ ,le ^'VZr;/ ll ,// A'' oJhn O r&':; 4 '?4,4' .r*q h -'': l-r /' ri :,/\t/4 - o - I /Gn^-* - /*l "ai ,,a. ,* 4>A\J\-_ 4r'-l ,.*.*;A-r'' Z I r.lTER - DEFARTI,IEI'ITAL REVIEW PITTO EESIDET{CEPROJECT:- DAIE SUBMITTED: COMh,IENTS NEEDED B1': BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FROPOSAL; SETBACK VARIANCE F{-IBLIC ilIORKs MIKE BRAKE APFIL 3, Ig91 Redewed by Dote: Ccrnments: 1) AFTER REVtEWp1c THE TITLE REPORT, SUtsDlVHO1l PLAT AND HAVING' CRAIG STIOIADCII-I CONFER \'dITH DANI..|IE CORCCRAI]II ABOUT EASE)'IENIS MENNONED IH THE TITI.E EEFORT I CAhINOT RECOGHZE ANY ENCROACHMENTS' 2) tF THERE .ARt ANi" OTHER CONCERNS THAT I SH$JLn BE Ai'{pRE OF PLEASE LET ME KNOIV. FIRE DEFARTLIENT Revie*ed by eorntr€nts: Dote: TO s N owD o N t J:3rll::_r "xl} FEcrs vArL. coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476220r > WE ARE SENDING YOU { ettacnea D Under separate cover via { Rrints E Change order '..rrv u tvrirr !, j .) iJ Vl LETTT\ @ F TRANSNfl ITTTAL .d Pl"-ns,, E Samples ! Specitications Nftfk 4nF tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTIONItl4hr5/Wes/ u/*n, ' p/atr- /hfeilif I 'Ttllt ,ftbnFI,ll THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: kFor approval E Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted ! Returned for corrections E Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit-copies for distribution E Return -corrected prints lfFor your use p As requested SFor review and comment E ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS tl eDclotuaas rr. nol ta nded, kiadltt notity ss at oncc.ProqJcrzatr? /@|c, gdll t6. oraTl o(a '' ': For^r"roTllt Ouncra I Fllr No. rr@O6/t0r SCHESJLE A O".;,."T,1til;f;i'; Arount l32J,0OO.OO Addnrrr l. Pollcv Drtct OCTOBER 26' 1984 rt BIOO A.i,l. I 2. Nrmc of InsuFcdr ",. RIJSSELL PITTO 3. Thc crtrtc or lntirert ln tbc lrnd dcrcrtbcd ln thtr Schcdulr rnduhlch 1r covcred bv thtr rollcv lrr A FEE 4. Tttlc to thr rrtrtc or lntcrrrt covcrcd bv thlr rolicv at thr drtchercof lr vcctcd lnr J, RUSSELL PITTO 5. Thc lrnd rcf*rrid to in thtg rolicy ir stturtrd tn EAALE Gountv'Colorrdo' end lr drrcrlbed rr follourr LOT 3, BLOCK I ' VAIL VILLAGE l lTH FlLlttl0.' ACCORDING TO TIE RECORIED PLAT TI.IEREOF. OOIJNTY OF EAGI.EI STATE OF COLORABO. Puc I Thlr Pollcv veltd onlv lf Schcdulc B ir :ttrchcd. irn o.rn." ro.," zerJ Ftlr No. vooo64at Pol tcY No. A2484799 2. 3. 8CrfiIX.[-E B Thtc rollcv doer not lnrurc urtnrt lorr or drnrre by nerron of tho fol I ouinrr l. Rtrhtr or clrlnr of nrtlrr ln porscrllon not rhoun bY thr rubllc rccor dg. Etsrnrnts' or clrinr of lrgcm€ntrr not chourn bv thr publlc rocord3. Dlrcrerrnclar' confllctr ln boundrnv llnccr rhortue 1n trct, rncrorchacntrr rnd rny frctc uhich r <oFr'.oct rupvaY and lntrcctlon of thc lnenlrel rould dlrclose rod uhlch lra not thogn bv thc publlc rccoidt. Anv ticn' qr ntrht to r llcn. fon rtnviccl' lebor' or natcrlrl thcrctofone or hcrcrftcr funnlrhcd' tnposcd bv lru rnd not thottn bY tha rsbl ic rccendl. 5. 1984 TAXES ruOT YET TITJE AND PAYABLE. 6. LIENS FOR IJi.IPAID }'ATER AND SEI.'ER CHAR6ES, IF AHY. 7. RIOHT OF llAY FOR DITCHES OR cAtrBLS CONSTRTICTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF TH€ T.IIIITED STATES AS RESERVEB IN I'.IITED STATES PATENT RECSRDED }IARCH 19, t927, IN HIOK 93 AT PASE 60. 8. RESTRTCTIVE COVEI{${TA, }HICH DO NOT OONTAIN A FORFEITI.FE ON REVERTER CLAUSE' zuT OI'IITTINO RESTRIGTIOMi' IF ANY' EASED ON RACE' COLOR' RELISION, Oft NATIONAL ORIBIN. AS CO}ITAINED IN INSTFT''.IENT RECORD€D i ..U-Y 26, I?7L. IN BO{IK 22t Af PAO€ T4O AND AS AI'IENDED IN INSTRTJI.IENT RECORDED ilAY O5, 19rc, tN BOO|( 2S4 AT PAOE e55. 9. UTILITY EASET'I€NT AS SRAI{TED TO VAIL VILLAGE T{ATER AND SANITATIOhI DISTRICT IN INSTRI.FIENT RECORDED OCTOBER 20. 1969 IN I{OOK 216 AT PA6E 2t7 AND IN INSTRT'}IENT RECORD€D $EPTE}'IBER B' 1971 IN BOOK 2?1 AT PAGE 608. 10. UTILITY EASEI.IENT AS BRANTED TO HOLY CROSS ELECTRTC ASSOCIATION INC. IN INSTRUIISNT RECORDED SEPTET'IBER T I, I97I IN BOOK 22S AT PAAE 390 Ar{D DocrttEilr RE0mIED OCTOBER L t97l rl{ BOOK Z2r AT PAGE 9lO. II. DEED (F TRUST DATED SEPTEIIBER 14, 1984, FRO}I SI. Fil.JSSELL PITTO TO TI€ PI,BLIC TRI'STEE CF EAq-E GOUI{TY FOR THE U$€ gF FIR6T T.IESTERN T'IORTGAGE CORPORATTON TO SEDI'RE TT{E st'FI OF 'I2O,OOO.OO RECffiI}ED OCTOBER 25' 1984r IN BOOK 397 AT PA6E 970. SAID DEED F TRUST $RS ASSIGNED TO CO.ONIAL ASSOCIATIot,I IN ASSIEN}IENT RECORIED OCTOBER PAAE 97r. Puc 4. SAVIiIGS AND LOAN 25' 1984r IN BOOK 397 AT Thlr Pollcv vrlld only !f Schcdulc B It rttrched. t * r *. Fh...r- k. r.t -.r b I tr tr|r lt|lrt |\ | \llr l\ tatr\\l rlltr lllr|l llt\\v lltt\,i rrl | | | la. tl tltl\stl ||{l tr a urllBltlullll It lot uloairlmo. llcll. l^t oi 0llLi clttfl lrotolf clilnllo rlto rltl DEED OF TRUST {Ou, or| Tramlsl - Sr|d) r@ -359?34,,,, !+.b.3- r,.r..-SoE Jetltltlt t 'r '; l 'l ' EA0LE 0l Y. RlC0r,t'ti nrv29 2l3Ptr'!, f tff\lrl.f trot.-lR:-\r,.u,-.rcrh^-r?&f ..,ta,'r - NAI -.t', ll,.h{rcrr --- .,_ J-._El3s4f_Pl!!q ---_-- rB.rlr*crr rr,,6(.hu,.\r,\ 19 2a_vfffe!_lt-.r__san-LtarEis@r -S - 94123.*.- r ,frl llx' l\hr\ t turt{! ,'t llk (i{nt! In $hh h th(' lt' l*tl ! t \.{ prt.rfrJdr lt r\ 'ttrr.rtql I ft 'll.!r: lr lh' tr|r il d Ollifi: P. Colvln '| {n lr . {h|t alJrtrr ir P.O. b!( 5909, San Ja€, gl 95150 llrr.q.r rd lrrr.ls .,i(r|Jd r J r[^.ll .h t lr|s. t In.F||rtnfl|,t lti,far.r. rr..n\rk.;frl|l nt rlt. t|rl!.ht.tlt|(.. h.nrn n\ rtrl Jrkl lhd |nnl.||.'tcn rrfJn:d,hcl[ht !.Jtta! l |r!nrr.r\hrt.utrr.d!nt.u.r.trhtr*(r.'t.rtc.rlrtt,tl.Inf ,k\rilr,,t F{r.dr l\rkilnrtlx -q!tf- of-Vai- I-- ri.,nn ,,r -Ef le . r. rc/I 3, Bi&K 1, VArL VrureE llnt EILITS, l@FDllG !o !G | @D prAr IrrEnEF, cctNd oF EAGLE, sEAlt cF @IrRAm. rh.h b$ ttr. r.lr,'r\r,{ 29?0 b .tX CEFk-EiVe- I lh{-.^nr ,UJt.. r. tDrtl||.t I nh rll dr r0rnfi{nJ|i{. ' l'rltrrll ': \,rc:(Ihr'.()htlJlxn. Sr\tl.!d fh|\l\rd. falrt r\ trr(n l \.ruft'lo l.'nd(t \ rhl,rturn. ,n rh.' rftL hrrrln$. {'r nl'nr{J h\ ll.|rr.i.rr'. rh{r I \,{r'r J{.',1 ll&!t'irt*-? I , ' t.q6-'ildt',--'i'-'. --'' iioii,otjii.oo iiiriiitrbi wrth i troattnq itterest ratr $e$on rtqtt ffi ltrder,l,---. le &L . trr ilPdl.;lF iiE itn!-rrt€ ijf :. C-Fltici-ifi; iirtr l- inte6.U qr urc ougtardltrE prlnclplc balrrFe shaU be pry&le cn tfie 10th ciay of eadt lultlr. 'tt'.J.t 'r i = lr|lr'rdr ===!r r!: ar.rrlrrll t-t'_' 11 ,',:=r !::=: !!:= rll - | {ilt Ftrlllir ir trittG uillll! littt ltfrllla:l|lr! tl tl|:d tt .dNr*Flllh id,h lll.'dnlft Frr'r'rFJl rorr||i 'irlr|llxllns Jtrl ri|!<r' tnE|t'l thctrlrt' rhrll t'OBltd $r!$rc,. IIq@9! I . r', -87 . lrd llrm,rrr r.tonr ftr l.(n|l'. r ldr rhirtft t{ - .- -.-- - --'; '{ rtrr F+nxit |rrt l(a'crt!\' h! lh" ltn&t riftn - d4. rtkr l{n|..|r r. .t|h . r|rl llrr,a(r h.|. tl* nfhr t.r fff|}|\ rh(. flrn l|rJ .rnrrunl r!{hl$d|nf utl&r rrxl Nrl!- |n $hrl! rx tn IJrl. .d I'rt lrr||r rllx||lt F]nJt! (\!.Tl $ rlx F ns'lt r{ rll .{ll.r {rn.i. r h mtr.r{\r th.ru. .rt -- - 'i F,'r .rnnrr . dhhu.{d lr! l-dn|(. |n.!(t'.tkr( rrth lhN lXld,{ lrurl hrF{trt th.'tfrutll!.tl t]rh lhrlt{ I.||rl.'|ltl C th( tt( n'rh.m(c ttt thr rdrcmnt\ Ial e8n'rnnN r{ R.rn*l'. h'rr.|i (onts|tlrl' t |||h. |k['l A(r .t'| !.rrr r |hd |lr'tic' (inr |||rl hJr |h. filht t||f'rd r|r| (nn..' |!l. p'r'r.d}' r I si||'rlntl| t|dt'l|'thr rgrE. rulrFr! tI fri!-r.d trrl c\u[tu!\ liil llB (u,tit t(ra, arq'|lFnh r{ |tttil r,l tn frhl$sa. $t! ta1\tJ$l On'hr.ll|.|m' Brtlicttri'. ft.{tr.rfi.ir. ittl (r^|:nirnl\. tl rnr' !r({th|r &lr tr.tJ cr(fF . Ihrr. r't l.flnfln.rl r||tl t l1{. lLtrt*t' rltrll Fr|:Flr n4 rlrn J|r lh. FirF.l r{ lnt mrtlrl 'I| lh' in|.trdr$ .a |ltr'ilrrl l* th' fti,,l{. rid l.i.' rhrrfF.r Fwi'd h th( t[{c !Bl rhrll Fdmr ''ll r'l llntrrr'r'r r rlt'r c'i Jm\ $hl'rih'd it llc Nr$ l lfft|.rt|rn,t l!!r*nrr All Fitnrnh nrfnr.dh! lr||i.ld tl ,L.r ut trnrh h.F-rt( \h.rlt h'4|til\\l hr l^'nd{r lii\t inltr|rnr ll|l J.r*nt. ,lrr tun0rn l ' lu.|srl|'h :t tt:*-n l |lidt l.r lrr(' ffd h'{tirlt(rl l|rt h fr'rrnh dFto't'rl b! lrnl.' F 'u'd lr ri|?.1|.|{i.' t |\tfu||n.n.|| | c!|.!-..\ s{\1|n|! l .irl t|L. h''|Jo(. |' J. nt xc r|ft t;{ !'rrn tlrl !:|rrl'unr.{ thc Ntrtc. ,...rL\,.s\. io' to t!.11.!!. couFultr. gfEo ol tiult .cu. o" nr^ir?'r- "tlc?r -tr' c t r'o"t'! " ' dtti llf6'ffiIl \-\srlls |t'6r{ ;it s7l @ 4'i9 lEt,i:,,r.f'cIl, ftlccf,r!! 73 I Z rlPI'f. n tth,r tt'Wirf|:..,ril II{.t\r{ l.u.r- {-hnru. lEn. l} rr.{$ .hrll F rlrrr| .rll ol l}'nat.\ rfiluinr||l\ ulrd{i.m!.r'xr. .|tr|..ttru<.n|lniirlx.'|n'[hrh'F'mnr.l.hillF.[.l||h\f.''|.t...|txn|\Jfl|'ilh'LlL|ri$hr!'..|^l|mFN|||llor.,t.|lr!bhi! thq l,r,|r|(.dr rhr h mi+ h.^ -'rn J|t.m r fni{rNi(r rhn i t-e ,t.t g.t. xrl L'Jr'h,Ll n4 rlrnt. ,'r tn '0n l nrrts. rf n!_. n thc mrrmct rd .i't||l|t.||lt'Jr*:l||'ifA|unJ'k'liJtt.J\|ln!u|'t|(r|l{''|[{lLqt||Rd||'l'rFI[llnn^'|nunx(a'h!|h|r't*c1n|i|l|n!t|,|} "h([.|.|!...l'ria|hk|lh(ldLr|hclL''||x.\r|t'|h(|.''r(tl|n!a|'rY|Atr\h.'||n'tt\Nt||||'(Jli,|nJliiPJi||*n|r||ht\|'n|(rJtlr||lt''mir(i'rtl..rn.'tr.ct.'l't'i.|.'l''hI||'n!'i;|t'l||h..t't(^t. |n'|i.rJ|E.r!g||nf|uh|rh''Flflfh|lrra{|h([oh'C([rjn||'||h'|fhf.|lhnt'|'nttth{r,{tt'('||F||ii[Jn!PId!h.{.|nl' un,n.lr.'rr.'rrttruirny..||'U.ir|''|C.|(:JnJr|.Jn|.Jn.,|,hg[Jrn{nt\6|'*J.\,tntltl'{|t|h'||r..'..[|'|?'||||||(!.nln!||$n(nri F.trrn( rnf. .|tt h|rd' t li{tnt lrrrurJn.* ll,rfiutr.hdlIrtPlh( lhFrcnt{nl. flr; (tl.trltEr'r }(acxll\'t !h.ll{'l nlhc lhrF lt |tht-|\{:r!lit{ |.'*hr[N.;d,.'.d.|n(hh.|Nl$|th|ntlh.|cr|'driIRL{(|n(rJ!.r.'mJnJ|nr|J|h^|qth|h,ti if". ft{\n. ,. i: i.",r"||,rni .!lt(rm hr n$ t&. .onr..re unrl tir rhr. l)ed r'l lru{ Jr $rll x\ rnt trkr (lt{ lrtrfit.r.(!\ rm lhc lhrFny Alldr iltr' ti'lt!.rrnr.hJllt\.ln{ n J. lhrrxrll In\ut r! .' - Th" ';.;;;.:..;.r m^r,trnirll rniurai,': \hil hc {u.rhtr$J k! rrtk lhF''t! In\uuEs rr' :'r*ruJo rnl rh l bc chn<'tt tty B.fi*cr.ohrc(t hr lJrdr' '\ nrhl lir Ertl tha chtr:n tmcr k* n.r.,mhlc ift\r All Inrut{tc tr{t(tr rnrl lt|ll*r|\ l|tcnc({ $r|I ;;;;t. t;;;;;l;!t rtai.. rn r.1,ror lrn.Lr. r l\hi'll F^d( rhi'r th ft.ur r( Lrlrr.! \hrlln'ttt L4trJct.t lcrst rcn t lOrdryr l'd'!nj.J!r{||{[|n.|'l'|i|ri.rtt.n'.r:rnrmlcnl|rlun!r.|J(riciJFc.|rn0rrBcFt|[&:'.h.,||l'(|u'n|.h(r'k|lJ|'|(lc'atrf|}l||,lc|(nml|. hftlcr \lr.rll h$r. rh(. nrhl lo hrl,l thc Ftl|Ci(\ rrd Ni($tl\ llNfta{*-'i;,t";;i.,itt."i: i r"*-r Gil lt* n -f niri r,' rtrrn.unnl r.tr.r *J trnL'r Llld.r 6t tn lG t{trf (f klrrif mr m.l|l' m'mFl! lD &rn*.Y'''--li.rrri.Jrni..ta..hrtttr.lpprr.rlr,,n\t,r.rron.rrtr,'n"frhcPnGn,.{trrni'td.frlfldql\c(hlt\tonta(rrttrEF.ir crrnonr|(.rlh k;rbtc it ! rhr yr.uflrt ot th|\ [I.r{ i{ T.$t i\ ni thcn$g rmrsrf(tl ll.rrh rcrt(rrl|.nrf ltPr|r r\ |rn cs(rrufirIly l(|rrhl(,r'tth(.duntrr't,rrtlkitilTru\trr td !a rmlurtEil. th{ 'n$rl:rtr( Fr(r . \h.rll hc.fir;|(dfrt llr: \umi.lr-urr\l !y $|r l\'Jittrurr.rnnllx.'cr(ll\',rtrr!.nrdktgnnt.lrltlhcftt'Fny|\Jlu|rlhtrjhtBt|'nrtr.rirlE(rlttf,{|'lrllrl|lErFtlOlo lxndcr { htn l0 d.|\r Inn rtx .lrr ri ir!.( n lrisr in sar|rtt i.! $'rh irr,rg.qa llt t N.irc t h!- la Lr |l| Br'rnil,tt lhrt thd m\u.ri(t ;;;;,{ili;,*.tril.ii.,,n rUrn-rrn r llcrir,r\. trfttct r\ |hrircd kr(i'lhrr Il og'ty rtrc rn"rr.trr.e Frttrlr..l L lc?\rt'lkto. .rlhcl lo |tqr.rtr('r tr |tnllr rt thd PnrlE.rt (!a lrt llr lum. \.rrtlrl h! lhi\ D.trl ttl Ttual- -l"-'.*:ftin"i..rt""iA r-*..(.t r,ir*ti.ipd*atl |Il cra|r,rr FitF1rc thcdtr drtc dl t||j n\tidkrEnh trfcrql t.in p|r.8t f'hr4 rFrr nr:rir rt Pn'ri,rnll .rnrl lirrr.rt m.j :J ttt{nr* Frnl} ftr Tir,rc\ rnd ln{riJtxcr,'r (hm[! llE.t|trunl ,t rutlt rr l.ll|l* r. Noiqrrh.rrrdtor irrirrhrn! h||ttrn kr th< crnt.Jn. if ui(t. n r.f.!Ft ltl tArttlcr.trn: ht[Lhhu.r. (,1]:t kltlfi,rcrr lrE tntFn] |r a.uur[.dlrrL;tkt'a fliht.trrlcerrlrn|c.rrroi&xnrrrin.rnilrorn]in...njcF,lic|(.rndirmd|(|tiFFrEccd\_llEllttl'lrurnS fnm rbm.rgc t.| rhc Pnjcil) lt|(r kr thc \.!lG rtl 4qoi\ir('l \htll nqr lo laftL't ltr lhr cttcd t tlrc \uc|r r'cuNtl h] lhlt lxco rt lrutl t|nncd|.Lh fir(x kr \u(h \3lc (i rr|olrllLro."" ' A-iilirJ;;hi.,'ii ;;cr .a ""rettrc'tur',fr xrthn\F!r r,r i'|tu.ir'Ic tj|fnc^.Inrut:r:Kc F|lk'ki rnl |nru...cc Ftxfttb G ruh|r.(l hr tha nihlr ,f .rnr h &r ol e rrr,n r['cd r{ ti^t w(h G\fcd to \Ild |n\ufii(rc (im|ct\' FrlxFl rnL l-nrllcor'- fl. Rt.cnirru :nl \lJmrcnrrxc i'l ArrtE?ty Srtn*tr .h.lll l.iF llx PntFn) In frt(tr rlrulr xrl \hrll i(N.C.(rftrrhrl |!|C fi tlrmtt i|nD.|rttrnt Ir tlfrfturrrr||r D[ thc Fni|lcnr \hrll {,mnlt wnn lh. Fii\xtr\ (!t lnt k,r rl lhl-r lxGl ol Inr! E ql I lcr.ctxrld.'&rnrntr .hirll t|. nt.m.ll ({ &'fn,*trt (lrlildiofi ufilft fit ikth'.|rf. (Ir!wd||. D!-||rr' rE\' o' ot|r'l olEuriFnrr ttrttnrn! tlF rs. rsn(|.hln rt .NuF.rn(t i{ tfa Pnt9cny' -.t fri'rr"tn'i ,'t L.nJci\ *-urit). 'f.i*1i "ft[i'ii.'n*.r ht crctr\cd ,8(rrr.r.\ .ight\ urLr p'rlftrPh 6.tt!: ]Jft Sdrnrecr trrh tr rlatftli|n lhc ((scnrnt;rnrl ||!|Einrntr !'orrrincd in fiit tH r{ Tru{. tr rl ! t'clrull (r-cu'\ n-r F('- lt.n' (,l ll rlll rrr,n rr nrr..crline rr lr{nnEn(ad r'hr h m:rcnrll} {Tai.rr L.n&r'r Intcr!-{ m lhc Rt\Ert}. thcn tri<b,. rl ldroc. t oparrn. t n rxrtr.r kr brrn ,cr it tr\rul|ltt h\ l.* nat mrlc {$h atFltrltcca' JNI$ta \r{h rofir ilr lr\c \u(lt -llolt-! lr lr !$ay In !i!!'cl Lrrxt r\ IrE rr. ln.tu.tinf . hila'rl h|nrirt r.r. drrh ^.n d '|f n.yxrdt& .llrr'|(y \ lcc\ r lcnrrt uF ,lt InEnt I:11:-\lr_!...B(ri ir htstrt br'!n\ ti, 1..'n t r rny r|1n l|{'nr,.v rng hnt ht tr$rxi r{ rny P't"f cnlumht '! on UE tntFnt d oy l.ly t rxtrrr*r\. to fl|! mv dafruh u La r d |'ntr cn(rrnttri(t*'''ii,r-"',,iJ"',.-iifrfr.i;i.TJ;il;G;-r1iiiiriiirr.Oc..,irhi6rR{rh..q'n.\h!lllErt,tF*litioidiid.d.dffrrof 6,'.,,]ii fiilil:ffiiiJ i; tj.i i i,*-r' 1iii"iir'.iiit tr flait'tc,r1*'o r"rrt rnnn Lcnrf,:r to.Bomr*r Eqscr]in! pt'n { tluto( rnrt t_cnd.r nuv kiirr rurtto(' t.r.t ! nrrirnri e, d,'hnvd ihi. rnrcri.r.Fri.J In F J8r,|f*r:I tNrri Oth.r Oblitdio.rr ScClrEdI ij,ir,"i-i:iiii",t' ,i rii. 1..in1'.p ,i .t .tt ,.qu,. trn&r rr'r ror:qr unv c';rn.< ri r.rtc ir :rr'un tE..nkt l0: InrFrrr.ri. t-crirct hri rnur.,' ir-JJn'tr rnrrlc rcr"n* - intlr. q''n nni rnqr,r'y1q F- nf-"" Tlf-tlgl".i&a {dl tt|t 8{rn*|3r ftrtnriFnr tornt \lrh in$nli \FtFrif lr.tqhrblc tlu$ lhcrrfo.ltlll{ lo lJruar ' 'r'!|!i|ul|l Pirgn1. ll. Cffitrnir,||n Ttr pnxtr(J. ol .mt i..ft! (r |'li|||r| fir durrtra. dr.rtl ,lr !-\ \.{ucnlul. ftt crtr||.ctidr rit,.!t Tl: damnlt|rm ra(ihat ta\inr rftha-Pir|tnr, i{ n t tharB{, (a hr(r|nrctiltla In hco r{-(rr lcmnrl|on. rB llrtlt.ltrlllLO-dE $llxl all Frl hr lafiLt ri haEin F^ t,.lcd. llrtsc;c' ril ,tf lh rttlrt\ ol Brtm!*ar il|t|| l^nJrf lFBunddr $ ||h tl\F(l tt ran Frcc{r rt $llt ''Erro rhc nlhh ol t lx rlct of I Fnr dftd r{ l|1l{. in r'lr.,.rrr.i. r"ol tnr,nd,{ '. pnfirrt. thc F..r.dr \h.ll hc 4Tli{.d ro rh. {xtN r(uNd t}.. thi\ I)ccd Df Tru{. with tha.rct$. if .nr'. n d |tr l{rtrtr.r In tk' arcnl r{ : nun|tli ullnf ol lh. Ph{\'nt. t( F \!rrh |tnrrlnrnf 'lt{t lrttnt o||| lrly-frd ol rt rr:"sqf rnr 6nir l,cr lwl&r r ncr iD:|nt) \h.ll h. 'Jir ftJtll tFltccn k Lr rl &ry.{{r.In t lrn|c tirt rr ls lllc rrrrml d lllc l{nr rtclryo qt- rh* bcd d lnrg imr|.il,||clr nn.tr tu tlF d.r|G r{ rdrn! harr\ ht Br|lnf,t:r'\ cquit! rn lha lt'Fit! im.rFdtrt l! Ft(r lo.lia daE ol l|lrrp F',|:r*(r'r..orrtr rn t* hrrtEnr |trm\lhc lo|r mtl.t \'ilul tf lic PhFrnr Lr' tl|(':rmil|rt I \|rnrr r6lu|ttlny odn In|lLETi! ot ld\r rt$ dt iai(tr tt6r tcre+ iercir rhJr .rrt to rRrttc !n! r{ tl|c ir.l|nl, .rll { th. trlu( rrnm.rlirlcly F.i lrr llE clts d brlnt. lf rhc hrninv |i .rhlnurrr, 'rr ll.trrr.:r or lf. .r[t . rri|(c by l/rn('r to Blnrcr th l lhc (rh.Lllltra i{lal\ ln nrrla atl r*al! (r ".,r,t.';;i;,;i:; it-i;;i f,,rn*c-, iir t. r,' n.rn t r. Lcnk. srrim.loJ.^r rtrcr rtl drr...r h drnici\ lrrttt, ktrr.t t. rltlrrird lo collcr't ent +ot lhc irtc(th. i{ Ltn.I'.\'{rrtt|r. c h" nr F\tlrrdr|n (rr |lFr'r{ tti'lnT!j.\ rrl|| llL \un\ \'s!|!q D! |nlrcou Ttuv. Anr \|Ih ltrnh(||ttln r Fnrccd! trt Ff rn{rFrl.frll |ra (rr|:|xt rr Fi^rFnc rl|c du(. dd. rl thc 'n.trllmar{r tt-trrtJ $ in f:.|;rrh. { rFnn:rir,rt hriirrsl uri Ini.c\ltuxl !-r I[*-^r ]u $hvTrr.' rl In-c| |r'r (hiln8l llt rmrtud rt \lltll llltl'll|tEnrt .'t: &ftr./rr'i{r Ruhr*rl. E rtcfttr'n .rf thr trr! lrtt l\4 nrnt .|1 irrlhritlr(h r r|r nl,tlr(ttr rt l|r ]unn (cs!t6! D! ln|{ rllo of Tru{ rr.|||Gd liy L{n lca tr irtrt {rrrucrw In dctt{ r{ l}|rt*dt 'hrll n({ 'FrtL r.r llld:tq' in rnr tn' v'lllcl$nn !r}ll|Lonfn'l &rnr,ri. nr &*rrtri vr'crivn in ntcts\t. tn|rnth.ttr|[ trll(rm\trflh^ l\rt "l Tft't l txr'lt:"hrll nl tE |ttlul|lrlt(rct' r|st rrrrccrrrn{\ tanst \!ch v$(6r{|l (r EJora tr| Ctltfil x|lE l.r pIr nf,.rtt rt rrt|trr r\d nnr|tlr Jnxfil,rlrrtn.r |l! \rnr !{tr|falr lrt urn lf*tO "t finiry rtr..n,{ lny tl.tunt m.rJG hy llE.r|8rfil l}mf,r. |xt lLxrrd(r \ \ur''c\\rft In lik|E-'-'1.r.Lai-.i.i.rr'yf.t*rirNrrrwlrci',rnlftt'*lnnchylr*tr'.tnNCNarrn$rntnslttr'rrErErllt*rtun'|rt'rrrih'trir' irliir cd hr ltr, \hdt fitl hc I r.itlt o? Ffflld. lh( (rdr'lY' r{ } nfi nFlr rr Nrrll}-' ii ri,rr,ir,, cr,ntu|",r" 61.;;6,ii-lr"i tJii rhr N,'rr'nJrhn't\.sl,'r f?ult r\Jrti||(l fnrn rnl sumul:ttitt to.ll olh.r nrt r..* niit't{ un t :r rrrc i'i,r. "n r ,rt" n rij,i-irviiirirr,".t ,t tt ro. .".ru !. lrl In.{ h( t,r.rt'r\.t1.'rrr'!r'n'lrllt. ilrLFtt&nrly .- li' (*ii*^ .rrr ,ri.rrnr tL'rrr|. I'intr l li\.'.rl | 'lhrht':( u{nn\ llr'-stnimr.'rrrlJ rlnlrrrllr-l1Tl1r'g1d-$lli hrnd. rnd tlr' nlhli h(ttundr; \hilll lrtt' tt,. ltn' N.F\ llr( \rr'(t\!r\ fl r\$*nr '{ I (r|(kt rrxt |llr|r*rt v'nFr'l l'r llF Fl| |r$nr or nur.srrntr :l r lir+l"r,,t 1113 h{En!. A*u;iFx; i ,rtl.,^mlrr. nn l rgntnr:nr.,'l ll,,mi.*, \hlll hr irid rrtt! rclr'.ll Tlrc.rF|rhr ft [i;i;i, ',i il ;-,:iiini, ii iiii i i"t ;,r i;*r r. r,r (rna.nicicc onr] rlrl ult ri{ n' h' u.cal r.l tnr.'rr.r 'r. Jdltr r}F Fr Fnloi h(rr({. 16 vt|<r t tlrtrt trr;rnr orx!(. qot|r-d hr lJ* to hr [[t.n In .rnilrt nr.rtrnr'r. t ilt |ln! n,li{G tl| Strnrt*lr Frn iiLd fin in hh r r""r',,1 r..iL1h(;[;;;;i.'i;r' iir;;;;.; "i ix.,ir.{ri...urn rl,r*hrcn r, h, rlr'$1.i,'r-r: r m.iliu ruh nr hr h! tiN{l$i ii-n.ir.efrn:..c,tr,'ttnn,,i,r.rrit*r,'r.'riJ,ln''\rt!|bJlx'|t;n{t:rt.||(hritr*:r&ln'r:r'Bt'rnrrtnr+dc{{nJ|.htri{i|icftli-.;d;,.^-;,i.t-d.|;. un,r rt'.rn. ,n'r'.,r i,'i .n i:r.luiit* in * ntrnp ,r",t .trrll h'trrur trrlrl t'( rlkrtrrt uFn | | ! d!'liwn llrd'r ;;;:;;;,i;r';;;;, "'i1 ri..r..:r^' r: s nr:it. r,, r rnr.ri ,xlrrc* \r;||td h.'trn.{ r,, \tkh,{hrr dl.t$ .l. l-nJ.. nut & fr{. n.r n,rr,;c r,r lt.,ri,rcr.r. n'r*,,i.d tr..r",n rfnr n.r^" p,. hkrl 1i', rn thrr ll.cJ r{ 1ru\l .hilll lt( tlr":nrrl lti hart htrtr srrcn ti| Brtn ct(ll lrfil(i s|iln trrcn n.n! mrnr||i rl'r'lnr|(.tl hr'( fi'^-ii-iil.:;;il's.ii""ri,f'r.'frr,i.r.,,..-rrn.tt.t.,rl.u\r.hJtt?r,.F.rdrthlth('l.|Y.({G.Hl'lrrhcetlnllhix.or. F,_,;::::il;Lfi.^*- 1-.,,",1*. r.,rc !,nrlrrr\ urrh rhd tfl..'l.h $nrt'.1 .hrti'r.{ !trc!r,{rfiFnFn'n\ d rhrr lxcrl or Tru.rr,rrhrllx*hrtrr:rntr:!r.*r"tt"o",rt.rriht,nilr.rrrrlp,,rr.r,n,".rttt||hr\ rtl th( rhi rtdh d tl|c lt<1, r{ tturl url lrLrc lrr dc(l td f,, h. rartirhlc clacl si P L- , rn rlrc!g-- ItriJ,r* ipfe lt|6ltrtf't Jl h.d!..|r! Jtr&r rrthrn |||ritn! sftl.a drl h! l.r'n l('. t mlrttol||.$ drl rr thc Nrtta kr frrt\llnt kl:-ffi ' \-\srll\ I ,:| ll( \, r.:Lrrlx|rr h'nilthuN. lhl|Lr l{r'rrah. | \.(F .r. tr.nnlal 'n t rsr{ltr :l I l.:|n\lljr ,i lh hrrFn! A\\un|Illtfit uF|n llir,ircr \ hnhr{r[ r.iLni]r rr4r(.rrfr.,1 ll'|n{(rut\'\|\(,1|'l lru\t. .{ uFn m! d'hrrll !tr r Fnt !rn uF'n lhc li{xrtl. |'rDlr.\ llrr!fLr Lr\rnr{lll$m Lr'r n,rht\ ! \k tr .r,rr,fl' h,!h!ro. rt|. h'r'\rltln{r. irll'{ rh( \um\.t(u(t h!fN lL.f(|,'i tru'r.h llht nnnr.{r.tr..li I irr .|txl nJr.hl( | \\{r.lnrnnr lrrdrra(r\ ih'. nFxn Lcnls nur InvlclhcF*.t,'l \.rt(.rd !nt ,{h(r rcn|r.thr. F..nnrrt.d ln l.r I x 'xi. | .l!ll h {ntlcJ t,, ({l[\ | !ll NN 'nJhlL r.\h .n (rFr\'\ In(ur$J In Fr^urn! lll( RnrCNi Fr^ ('tlrnrirF |\$lr't |run. rir'h|jnrtl. brx ri lnntld n'. naq$jhh Jltrfi!'r '. ||'!r ll Lr|ll(r Inr,[c.lh. Fflrjr rtl \nL.. Lr.n&r \h.rllfrrr rfr|llnft{rr. i, lrx\krr \u(hrlNx|n Ithl'rr.hJll Frr(.u(h nlr|:nt B,'m'r (r,n ll |rr,ire r'r rf l|l\ $ ir l|r,^ {hrl$ lhFr(t\hrll|\r.rdJ(r'flr,d suth ll| 'ttrd Jr ](r{!'d h! l.E | ru\hc .hrll .dr(nrs lh!'tiri'rnrl plx'i,{ rhc'rF.tl thc lt |ttnr. kri.r lc\itlunl('('*(.I\Inr|rr..rlt'ri{ f(^hlrr.ulJx'n r tji(hg drrn$hth{r; l,tr{r.i! r\.u.1trJ. rd .lrell nr!rl rr+rr ll {rh n{[c r'l \.rk r,r l]!mi (( .dhl r{h$ Fr! \ i Fr'(it\'(l hr h$ An(r thr' ht\'.{ ru(h|||!EJ\t|l.}a$n1UBd|i:|i$.||u\|rT.!.||h|Nl&.|Jrh|l{rl|tmhLrrhl||.f||tlx.lh|F.nrr|Jtl|h||{|l|(t|l|t|l||thC|.lh.!lb. li(rh.rt rh('ltr[. tdpl*t*h[hnhh.Intli.ltr!F.rr|,rrn!p.tlh'^1{^Fin{rrJlr!hrtm.,n'rrnrrrlt!tclrrlru\t(nut thrnl h.\t Jnrl ln \u(h.tnl.r.s linr|.a ni.^ Girnn|rr l.{n(lr tr hlh|(. rd!.rsti,c ntl! nut(hrrcthi.lh'Jtrll Jllntvlu h \h!lli.lt* ohlfirl"^ uF{t th{ Fitr(lu$t { rni llrh $h t,' qt 1,, ll|| .|ll|tl(nx.n.{ th( nufthl\' fr|nrt. liu\t!-* .h,tll rITt! tha pn$cr,rh |,t rlE \illc n tli. trthr lns rr*.r tI I tlr idl NJwmftlc (,hr\ d'J\Fn\.\r tli.\i|[.. rrr.lulm!. hr !r||m|[dltt.n.F''|i.l6kl.iAk.'l\.Ir|J|hr|!..l.tNiftl[Fl.t|||r.crt1rf:th||.|.l|\umraturrr|hrth|.th'i|.|n|.t.d|!||h. rr(|j\\. d irnt. kt lh(. Frrr|r.r F..vnr ldfrll! (nt l('rl th'n{rr. 19 tl|rn'.ljr'\ ttilh hr ('uii ll('li|ult. llha|r\{. h|n.(lxlrN i. cr$nn|cn(('J fit Ntrlir\ rrtnl ({ ,n! .uln\ dor isR"urd$- lc iiro('\ ,rl th(. I'n{rnv (' FdR\ lioblq hrrs'| rhrll tr rntnlrrl ftr .ult \.|rl &'h!hr h! fElrnf .tll (l'hqu(' Frrx'lprl rnl |nlclt{ |rJ\nl!'nl\Jlc.lrtrllh(jd:!i{(||'.(titr-atFnr.\.lrtt(hJtF\.i{t''r'!'\k"r\itrltli'rl}rllInlhr'rluni.'tFiU{thln.UFn\|,$P$n|(.lhr\l)i\'rlt{lt*tjrdlhrrali?rt|.{l\r.!u'td}rtht\h.llNtt|lrmtnlulix'tr'.rnil(l|lj(lJ\lh('r,fh|||rAr..ldtr'nhrl r.'(uln'd. Jnd l}x h|lihratt F*!.r\tin8r rhrll ht dl{r'ntrtlird. :tl .\\rtfnnEd ({ R('rrt Afirtnttt||l|d !{ ltNsrcr. t,!:i&.r in Ax$.r||n Ar q.Llrtxxril ..(u-dt h(Nuidcr. lt,ftiae] h.tdtt lrrrgn* tr l.rirdcr thc |!r{. rd thc Pn{rflrl hr||{r,r. Brrni{.r \hrll. Fxtr lI Alr{lrr-rtftn ufikl p.tt.fritdl lt ifu(clcnti'ni hRrh^u.rl ()rh!. llA.nrdi\t (|. !h d.rnix .l rh!. lh'|lcr!, i5r |hc nghl kr (ollr\t .|Ni! .!'lir|n \|rh Nnt\ i^ lh\_ cslonc d(a |nal ' t!r{t!'.or thc h &rnath( Trurk{ \.rnihcrt| of nolThl|\a \hdl hctrtlrlhdt r r!\'Brttt a(r lh( ItnrF-trt !tt't A(\\jlc. in ltdct Fi|rJSrlth lt |A.{cl(a{rnl FirrkhutTi Olldt Rdn*dFrL d thdl rl$r t\' er rnl bd drrnnF ftc nmc rrn:n'd tt littak r! !n\.cd|nr\ lnJ tht. r\..rrl d nrlcrnrn|n, it m$: d \hrll h. lrnallC1l thctrnt !s J rotrtt., rtl t|ltht rt|h{t |l:8:l'rl l.t th('vrlwtt..y It inrrlrrn-y rr lt,'mnir rrdarll |it '|r i|r|t..'a tlr lltrF.rtr. dd uth'(|| rstln! t'r th( rdlx th( i't. st sh rll(strrt m:f" tt{ rFFrm|td bt rn! (ir{rt of lltrnrttarll l|ftl|(lrn un,i c! rE lc rat'lKllrn !,xl r rr|| n |cc - thilcf h:n! hsat'lr! Fr'\rly rztlrrl'trftmArr,cL.nrrnictdcroirl|(rinhlltti(rrL.irt|({r.frnr.h|ru|t:Orhcrltdr|({rl*rr.Jt'ridrhtnrr"fticPnrti.nt. l4i&t h 6n rn. hr rlcnr rr g pdirrlli.aplrrrirtrrl nrr.nr.r. \hrll hac rtk.!| tocnrct q!$. t|la F^\$nn rl3nd nuni4c l}(' ltt{tn} md to ar't|..\t lhr rrr ..'a $a Ftrrxnl fialdmr tlxh.. Flrr d|r|; All r$tr (rtlLcrnr h! l.n ldr.t lh( '\\1'rr{. \hrll t\ ilnnli(\l. llrrl. ht Fc} ra ot thr crhtr ({ fr!\a.rrtiri .nd lunrlcri*nr ,rt il|(. n F ||\. \.i|t|rd.lrr n$ |r(.nlrdu: ||Fro Fxr lNn\. irnd thcn lo th. \rrn. \.1u.arl rhr\ l)(\\l ol Tiurt. [^n&r rn! thc ri.crr(t \h{ll lr huth lo |j.r|ttnt.lnl! ftla th{ n'tr|\ Jrtu.ll! Nl.tlrcd ll. Rr.l.'r.t. ['F.'Elnrlnl ril tl \un|\ rtun\l l|! lhh t\lld,'l tru{.l.(|ll|{r \h l {$\a lrtl.lN trr Nb.|tl thir llc$l i'f T.u\r.nl rh.rll pnrturc tdr l rurrh rtic i/.rtc llvnnv shrlt 1,rr (rnt\ r{ N\'(t\trt(!i Jnrl \hlll Fr tlts'\til|utt|l liu't!.c\ fNr ll.fnldr rlEll 't nii'du!. th( Nrrc .rs dtrg\iid. llin t.(.ncr uF; t{|{L In ir'(rtrtr||r.'( f, h Ft.{rqrh llt l:\{|(r'r tntrn lltfr.f trt Lt:i.L'a. $rll d'rrin, rt l.cn,le r\ crFrn<. ,nd tiL. rn! l.N rn.tdrnt hDd nrFrtd h! t r{t'{ ir I{ r'(.rrltfttot li,df!'!t t}b'Nk':t { rtf thtr llEad !1. Werrsr rrf Ersngini. 8n rrl.,hrnl|}'ritirrrlt nfh r{ hrrErtaid :rn.l |||! r'lhcrctmFth in lha PtoFn! u||dcrrLl.' tad.frl lfi Fs\...tly <rirtnt rr }rtrttrr .||Fd !1 Errnr hrnlr firTsrr rnt Inrwrrrc. Th|\ tit,llr|dr:t A|rrr.rtr|||rhlc ll Fltrl\ a&1lltrl hck* d! h.ml Fd Fltlt|l |o. Fir c'rlrmhtitct. s{bFt lt.rtdtr'.rhlc l . 8.'rh'rri 'tritl pry rrt blri'r.'n.rh Jr.t |n{rlltnnh of Fi'tiD'l rl int.|td rt 'r.Fh|.uidGr||rNli..!.ii|thCNd!hF'rl'i'!||.i.\dml|rGinGft[!dt0rr.'ltfi,i.|!r|!r|$|-diEFt.lv tu.\ ri.! |rt{arnr.ili r'hrjh n|| ttt.r tri'.rr\ Int.r tti\ t\.d r{ t"'\!. l,:.: --- ol $|ny Faqn|El la.rrftmnt. f,r PnEctty I|||rr.rrr. rll .'. rcnrnihll r.,'r".rrd rn rdlt ||rl tnriD tttFL,lrr.. h) L.idrrrtn tlr h6rir of $l.$d!|lr rl hrllr .rnd nrvrnlhh cr|rnrt\ tlE"t${, tlhnr intr $r unt r,D atralr l fiJr { us'' 't .hnrN. Th..i.r'iritlotthaFndrrhrllhch.ldin|snrrid{r'.,' alllt<Lcnrrrtr.Lqxtthah'n'tlto[thcBodnrltaddaFriHhl .n m\otutiir rhi d(lindr.'rtt||| \ oI rhth rt Inrunrt rr rurrn|rrd lrl r kd.rrl.i rtrta.r!(FfI Lcnd{t \htn rFnly tk Fl.drlo tat'. -srrl rercs. e$r..m6nr ad iarurrrc prcrnturnr. lJr rr r[4 firt hrrF (tvrhtldi4 rfil rtlpl] t! thc R/nrir. .l]rln| rald -tul('rsrfut rn.t (.(mqlint ..kl6<ir||rnlr.fil llrlh. |Jfttr{Ell nrt br |R{|||ni |op.t Srrn'rs:r.r Lj|l\t rt.lmlnFonoE llltal. trntcritr jtt rtlr trt drnrircr. r' hrr ftrrlr. .n riiod irr..i ng rl tF l!nd\ rhn ioF .ttr.lih rd rrch'h hr ttE Funtl. dd ltF tirrFa frr shrh.ih .jclit kr iE fs|rt. $l|i mri'. Thf, hrrrl..rn Phrrlr..rt .| rllin,'nirl \G$rrt! f(i th( \unh '(tursl h-v thtr D.dl oa Ttltl. lf thc.rrDirrot r{ r!. F||trrr h{ldh} hfiIrrhrll r lr. siftiqcnt ttrp4 tus..r,rcs||trnh rfil inlFt. pr!'rr|!trr.h tlE tall&. B.rrrrcr. h.ll pJy to lttJat rn' irfirid n(\!$trt' lir ndd up rh. &|||;F r r {hra lldtlr tnm tl. , {licr lrtNto n Ef,dJEl s h riira.rartnh lft tNrt|(rl hr LrT&a hr lirnflct ariJr|(rlrnt trnrrl.'l lhr:Rr{- L'rt'i nii.cnr rn in-tt<f lt.um..r,rU f.yitrr.lirrf ,ithir. t <i,cr.hrtl rr'lllhrrrrrr.ll rtl" ..8.ttir't ttn tuid|h.ldby Lntl*.i lfrj lcr n|ng.li 18IA!(!krrtrn. Frfijlr^rN:(ttFr RcttFdictl tt ' lhrFnt tt{ dtr i rhrtrrtl.' aio r.tr|l. {trtcd ty Lrnrlr. Lcndcr rirll imh. m lrtcr tiJn tmnr.rt |ch tr|ir |ttrlE r.L r{tb'n,ltsrit.r rtr *_{urrrl|(rn h! t-.'ndct slttdEr.a ocsu|a l1ftl. m' tun|. l|{'ld hy t ;i|i r lh. ttnr r{ 4trlr{t ; :r. r ('l{rl rfr|ir, ||r rum\ i{\utrl h] lhrr Dc{d ot lrirr! :l trJn\t(r rrl . firrrtnr. {i\u tFr!{t lhr h!l}.iaB (a(at. .h.rll tr. nltrnrl hr lNG.|n l\ ., ff.|nrLl lil . ld$fat tl .,*;",*: ,;i,;ti i,t;ti*"i ir.f"''r, l'.r." u|'rtrhtcr.'. tix ]hnrn t,,' rn\ ltrl th.^rrl rr r|cN\r rl*(tr'r' I x I rlt'' 'tc('rriit It ;..ini;;|;" "r";r.:; .ii.nnE r fllht rr; ftri.. r,r .or F 'rrr| ft,.^rt. i.Fri .i qlrrJhl. r In rhi.. lhf{rh r,t.rn} PF \rrr{ Y lqlllh(rr'r.tr.Inrr,rJnJgnttr.ntlrrnttnfIF!r\\ti\nlXlrnllt:lhFnl\t:ltlFrl|lr|lli'ir\r I In {\r{* 'rl qtl'c i ' f !(:'.}: ll:lli lFg rrnrt!.r . . ,{ th{ rrr\|rtr't dt r r.rntr r|. rfN\(rr*nl {|tJhr , alfltt hr r'quf rtr rt(r1r1_. l|||rn l|\rn lllarrtr.r .(xtl t ol [F (r,atn{ltn! n r.\.,\t ,i mi! |h t|n F.?r$n il|r, r nt tlx hnr.lKul mr.rr.{ In lt|. |.k|fn(t ti r lh( $ffrnlrrr.f. lnlllrlilll[.lt - Jt\\rhrtt r,t tl|( H,{r.rr Lr t.r N rrh hd.J .|. ,r linn.h'r r[r th. rn..rr-r.{ r lrn rr rnrurrrhtrn.( r lrr(l{.ll( lrr InN lx!! al i,u.t.,u, rh. , u.rru,n.,t n grrr. tt .. uu,n t ...ut,n ii,r..r.r f.rh -.h'U.rttt'ti|n.ti.rirrrrrrltri\ht T Jr'rr1'. ,t\rnl.r h! .rF '4kn ,{ lh{ lJ{ nr\trr lll( ,\'.nhil r I'rnr rn'rnt At lhr' {n-\li'n,{ l.trl'r.:n llr:(1(|{:{r"rh 'rlkl ta([ lrun\lL'r: I r I ,1 f ' rurrr r'|.|r.nt ln tl||r lln'd rtr lt!\l .hr ll |\t,5r 'nrri{rtk't} dtr' J|ll 0.4$L' l \r'slct'tlNn r - , -IhrllJ lirnrtc. rr.rdr itrl.lri l lrnltr dtctcn|l.lan ll'r'r.!!i.ri F.r|lrd tnlhN f{68r.lFh:4lrr A$flr'crk l.rn\|crlll inar tr'.trr r'.t t,, h.nr.r\$irrl rll {t |rr. rfilrflrrr\.rt t$tmicr u|rl.r thn ]lrrrl f Tir|{ ri'hdr||f dl \umr *::"n*l h.]rlt:.':-!f.1119: rhr ,n\tftnra (|ktrr|{rniiuh (1irr6nrl(G. trr||nrr rr. !..it ctnn\rly yr FrrLr. ahF {rnr!.tun| rft..ll ru|| Btlh l|lt| tnF'ny rrl |T;jm ,r tu h,( || J|r, r[tA ,r.ttrt .r"l * n,..rt rd In toll. | h. L'jndt nr4 s lx{t Drlr!a hr lid llt[ti.!'r rLtl r rh larntk'rfa In hC ..ii" ri,,,r*i.. inrt,r*, nfl...1 | 'rhn tc'lnrii;iJ."-ii.iitrJ.ii* ri+"*nr rr (r\ JI hr'lrunrrr'rtr'r't un l.ho.{dntnt }{+ .irt rii.niiir,,fr ui ..t t -o.. *,rt"n r ,n "r'i'4 iii:t,ii,r,li" tr..i,r'i itJ lI"''.*rt\ luhrtrh lrc'*.11'iL'r hr th. r$hfrlxnr lr1;lrt rrfINd t(|SlsrrlJ;ntr|rrta|\ttrtA(|.Cl|.rrtr{inrl|c,r\l|nr|rrr{rnr'hlr,rn.l'lrt||'n..uhrltt!lhldri(.ft{rii'n'(r'ltt{rhFad r'rk rr lhL rr(nt.riL 'l frr rlr||!t ||lhr{4t i,r Jn! .rl .ur'h !$!'. { h*!!"r 1'? r'{ I f+!.'r h'rl x1u'rl r{ !tn\ltutln!' n'il u r'rt i;;.;.;;;i;i;i:i;;l'ii",ii.ti.iii:ilci.iiit'r a,! 'n r'".hrkrunft"hll I gxtr N'c'hrFd trf,'lsfn"n ht Intr tl*id I h,: tr\$nt(( r|rr h.ltrll ri th. l{n..r .rl a ^$tlra rli|.(r*rl rhf,in! lhc rulur t{ l}r' I}|n, sh.lllr'r (x |ri l4ltr|r n.ru flu.l t (,nrrnxl|lr $|t|(. r{ !a'l f..|n\l(.. \bll i.t. hc .| rtlirt].i.tttflt|.{ lrt||l't r rai.l tlfht! t I i t .. ) j J i t :5. lt,tm*cr r ('qf 'i &'n*vEI.rf,|..r|fc.'c!r4l.J.(lT'o|th'lNt{t.'.|thirltqln||h^|' :: (httir.a.. |lrtra rld.. Tr li Cor thr ln' 0e, st ll F ye de F .x' I t h.' ioo ih.. 1 frf rl: ine<i .rrrl I ! r,i t'l e ial '.c .! rrlj ih !r. i', t E.\t.l I |.'\ Ll l-.,l.l Oot I -""-40',, S 'ri ' I I'Jl' rr:"., '. , :, fif,;-: c.'. rl.i. C.,to-::'. rri'l t.:!ro.i lty t'/ "i li ::1tr: I';'.. ..1 -.,i :.!11tr:1..u, rv;,1: Ar.- .1i:l t\j 1pr' .. '\ist::rrsr :l.rr r:JLON;.{t. s-{'-tlcs {lfD Lor:( !-rlnClA?log' r,rr tt.,i,, . o: rd.d rt1,:.., ',,? aflrl r" ',rns:'l"ri:ion :rf tt'e s r'r 'f Ti:: i5l0'rift! 'itl'Jt{s ' J';'..,.;:; .,1".' ,"i-"^i"ure ,:,1',rsr:crrti.' 'J tt it' lr"d '):r!ri \!:::lri'ir i nER\l' s"u:::L; lill ' ' ' 1;1, ..1i'11j1-1,' -r':r'r'lL) lS! :t:'' 1 1 {3 "-ra!t, ,\nooP(!lir. ;jr'lrtrJ :1"('l :l !'.'cr:.. ri'-,1 : : !3 hJi':rf r, *u,'"t",fnoc i rtt So!(i, Tronif'!'i'C' r'' :o!rvc'r''l- rn-c. 'l':-- t"tTi :.F ;;r':L' nu s -r::i;' ''*:' ,.'^" ls "'"'^fibs: :!ArE ',:.:, TO idO t,rn i.1n? 'rntir tr"r r.i4 FIRST i'!])Ei.\I S':-r:;i;'i 'r\::r l'\rAn :5't latr. ., :::N,11 ': !5, 2025 gr'e 'ii r,-:t. \nI. ,r''1ll$' tlaril rn(|"' 2l'"1 I tt< ,i r.!o!' .,.1 AlrllSnr f,'.i"".rr uilhou: ia(orrrt' on :l'a Uodcrr: "{ \t' iilc'..T1r .'r,ra '$$.', _--.- Jsy or --''-ll::-- i *. 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I { .-ti, ''''a,,tEt 1 "1. ..'t:, j . a,ii'r:; r )Jr,t [ " rruo.4ro S]:li. .)t drFlct. t't' -JlL _.' j:1"::j__, A."_). , l9-9. I i::r,i:fr't-,ft , ir l)ifl,,ii,, ,-),r,,l,,,'i, j '* ,'6;.'-t-lffitii{T *oT ,'tt j W.oel s"ter,.ct totrn PtblLc ; ' :i& -: i l€r 'tt. .gtrti ot It-t: , " "- ST " ' It Cfl{t.loa, 'rFtr" I-13-8t' .::, ! .tl'ir .i1r:ff 'l rS11.'.'fi' ".4: ',' i" 'nE ZONE CHECK FOR sFR, R, R PrlS ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: i' 22',? ( TJEGALDEs@ Brock ADDRESSi 2?zo Bail hz,t D*. I Fil.ing VV II{ OWNER 2"st P;tfl PROPOSED USE IFT SIZE A. 11,3r5.1 7 Height Total GRFA 3?il'5f ?5D: Prinary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front ,<'fr;)\-___----/ Rear Water Course Iandscaping Fencer/Retaining Parking Existing Proposed TotaL PHONE PHONEARCHITECT Ca,rrg Srrav.lcy ZONE DISTRIgI 71,,0 - S-,i(v {-ec,y.-{;e.{ AIlowed F' (33) 4731.s_ 201 15 1 15 1 trrl (50) l/Rrua,rce E x/n ,/ * A 1) 2l 3) OK Date: Flood Plain OK * Slope GeologJ.c Hazards a) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow Wetlands 2183 + t?/L ^-4371_+ u/n x/n n/n Tretk I sLte cove""n" €oo)3163 21t1 + *l_044- _3loS @14 Wall Heights 3t /61 -3 Reqrd Credits: Garage Drive: Permitted Slope 98-Actual Stope A a2o /\(3oo) (6oo) t4t3\ (9OO) (1200) - r Approved by Town Engineer: Environmental/Hazards : Avalanche 4)OL OK PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY GMN that the Planning and Environmental Connission of the Torirn of VaiL will hold a public hearing in accordance witlr Section 18.56.060 of the nunicipal code of the Town of val.l on Aprll 8, 1991 at 2:oo p.Itr. in tlre Town of VaiI tlunLclpal BuLlding. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for a varlance frou pavLng driveway, ;Iosey Residence, Ipt 3, Block 7, vail Viltage First FLLLng/ 97 Rockledge Road.Applicant: Clint itosey 2. A request for a setback variance, F9fbe9-lesidence, TeTas Torrnliouses 48 and 58, Lot 43758, vail village Fourth Filing/ 483 Gore Creek Drive.Applicant: Walter Forbes 3. A request for a setbaclc variance at the christiania Lodge,- Lot 6, Block 2, Vail Village Flrst Filingrz 356 Hanson Ranch Road.ApplLcant: Paul & sally Johnston )F 4.A request for a setback variance, Pitto Residencet Lct 3t Blocli l, vail Village Eteventh Filing/ 2920 Booth creek Drive.Appllcant: J' Russell Pitto A request to repeal Town of vaLt ltuniclpal code chapter- iA.Zi - AclclitionaL crosa Residential Floor Area, conmonly referred to as the rr250 ordinance.rl Applicant: trown of Vail appeal of staff decision that Christiania Lodge rl-aevelopurent proposal considered by the Dlq -9" March 5, igSf f" -in vioiation of the zoning code, 356 Hansen Ranch Road./ Lot D, Block 2, Vail Village lst Filing appficant: BilI ltorton of Jack Morton Associates, Inc' A request to anend Town of vail uunicipal Code Section ie.si.16o - off street Parking and rcading Exeurptions, -Sectlon L8.24.18O - Conmerciai Core I Parking and Loading, Sectlon 18.26.150 - Cornmercial Core II Parking and Loading, i"a i".tfon t8.ZZ.L4O - Publlc Accoromodation Parking and Loading.Appllcint: trown of VaiI A reguest to amend Town of vail uunicipal-code.sectl-ons ie.oa.33o, 16.20.160, and 16.20-22o - I{lndow SiEns' ApplLcant! Town of Vail 5. 5. 7. 8. 3-?/4t . 9. A worksession to consider a conditional use petnit and a denslty varlance to allos the construction of additions toexisting stnrctures and the construction of enployee housing on the Days Inn site, 2211 N. Frontage Roadr/ Lot 1, Block A,vall Das Scbone Third Flling, a resubdivisLon of VaIl Das Schone First Filing.Applicant: Peter ilacobE of Days Inn AII itens tabled from the March 25, 1991 PEC neeting agenda. The applLcations and infornation about the proposals are available for public inspection ln the conmunity Development Department office. Town of Vai]. Connunity Developrnent Departnent Published in the Vail Trall on lllarc}r 22' 1991. t;ll' g::.il"1i:"X'lli+:""e'lti3ilu",irvollbracht Co'" or Vall vail, co 8L657 303 East lst Ave, Ste 500 Denver, CO 80206 Allan & Mary Vanderford M.R. and Elaine Banner 2907 Booth Creek Drive L540 Roclsnont CLrcle VaiJ-, CO 8l-657 Boulder, CO 80303 R.G.M. Investments, Ltd. Byron Rosec/o cont. Invest. Srvc. 2880 Aspen Lane 2420 Atc.o Tower Vail , CO 8L657 707 r-7th st. Denver, CO 8O2O2 7 TO I sN owD o N t Jl"t::::-t r:tt t"tt VAIL, COLORADO 81657 ' (303) 47G220r LETTT@F TRANSNflOTTTAL tr Samples ! Specitications5 tr E tr Prints Change order Plans - WE ARE SENDING YOU ,( Attached tr Under separate cover via tr tr Shop drawings Copy ol letter coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION+t lll /t,/ttruvtz4 hhl h/ao,t, THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as ch€cked below: I For approval S For your use [(As requested fl For review and comment tr tr FOR BIDS DUE tr Approved tr Approved E Returned as submitted as noted for corrections tr n tr Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Retu rn -corracted prints 19- t] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS PRolXlCI2aoz /nv-6rsl l|lc,got r IE 0la7l ,f ancroruaas ,ac ,rot ts noaad, kindly aotify us at oaca. s N owDo N t J:"t#:|_t J R lrEcrs vAtL. coLoRADo 81657 LETTEI@F TRANSNNITTAL (303) 476-220r TO - WE ARE SENDING YOU E'Attachrd A Under separate cover via ! ! p erints n Change order h tr Shop drawings Copy of letter Plans'E Samples E Specifications COPIES OATE NO.OESCRIPTION //v/n ./1 /rifrdaf ,t/.-a,h--^ a/wz/tr>'I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked i For approval 76 For your use S As requested E For review and comment tr tr FOR BIDS DUE below: ! Approved as submitted I Approved as noted n Returned for corrections tr Resubmit-copies for approval n Submit -copies {or distribution ! Return -corrested prints 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS lt aacrosuras ara not t3 notad, kindly notiflt ua ,t onca.n0qfi?aG? /@ t|f,. otur tr$ 0l. -rourh| frF (,F| r L Hiscel lEneous Ca+l 135*1I-91 t4: F9:4? Bec*ipt * Bf'7[i4! Fcfount# {:},:#Sr3g3 Fi TTN UF{EIF{HI:E1SPP. FEE Flr*,:un t len,ier*d .:. lfig. EB Iten paid Anount paid El gL]fIE4l33ffEFF IBB. EE L--h.Bn,Jt? re t u rn*d :r tl. Bt'J -I-HFFI}{ \/ELI \tnur c.ashier IHIIIS DEFNHTMtrNT @F .E@MMUNNTV DEVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX sALEs AcTroN FoRM ACcouNT t 0r 0000 4:3s0 coM. DE\t APFUC.t.noN FESS I C^na llE_rn-l:lurri_,1 ;3 19EB UNtFoRL{ Butt-otNc coDE I 0000 42415 1988 UNIFORIT PLUI.IBINO CODE | 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI.I UEfi{ANICAL CODE 1988 UNIFOR'T RRE CODE 10000 42+15 1987 NATIONAL EIJCTRJCAL CODE t 0000 42415 OilER CODE BOOKS PRTNTS (ffi,ARS) 010000 42412 0x coPtEs / sruDns r 0000 lzlzt tEs / RE-TNSPECIION oFF HoURS nspecnoH rE coNFlActoRs ucEtsES 'EES 0t 0000 4l{13 .SICN A?ILICATION o sN owDo N t #:"t$::-t'fl rrE crs vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476-2201 TO ! > wE ARE SENDING YOU V Attached El Under separate cover via ! Shop drawings XCopy ot lotter { Prints E Change order $ Pt"ns tr Samples tr Specifications coPlEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 4 +/t /1r h f/zws 'h/Hrr,./"*r)'/1l/i/'iq f,nrt ru" 7 4/// /f/,/flLa/.,/'n nqn,/- ,/ /tu*t ?r?/ne Feau^h . '/1'/ tt'/?t tdlt" t^r* n-lr o- /C/I 4 /rt'/qt,/itri/'tr tL 'f holn' / f 'h/h,/€o/,4,L lk h/e / THESE ARE TRANSMITTED D For approval ff For yout use ,[ As reQuested as checked below: tr Approved as submitted E Approved as noted E Returned for corrections Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Return-corrected prints tr ! tr F For review and comment ! ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS rnoolcl240.2 ,@ ric., crcron, il&r 0l4lL.tl aftctoawai lra not rr notcd, kiadly notrty ua rt once. SNOWDON AND TNKINS ,,13".,lf',::-F* vArL, coLoRADO 816s7 (303) 476'220r CALCULATEO gY /An r ct{EcKEo aY {/ l}t tuError|ffifiir|i- h, rb. or . '-",:ffii$i,i9i,ff'-' vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 47G2201 CALCULATEO AY "^r.*rou, 49 o^o rn!r!+ll@*c-. rr ar.n. I. Thi The A. APPLICATION s procedure is required application wiII not be Appricati .^ ofr--- llttl It ' t''ii PEC MEETING DATE FORM FOR A VARIA}ICE for any project requesting a Varj_ance. accepted until all information is submitted. NAI,IE OF APPIJICANT J , ADDRESS B.NAI,IE OF APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE ADDRESs 0ol (tnra [,ru Mq, . Varl 0 rl f0 aw"]41b -w7l .NAME OF OWNER (type or p"intl J. Frlffiull Ptba SlGNATURE ADDREss 1,t0h pnoun 41h'44q4 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAI ADDRESS LEGAL DESCRIPTION FEE. $1oo.oo 7 / V A list of the namessubject property and Iblock I1ot1 Filin9 F. . 3/, of owners of aI1 property adjacenttheir mail ing addresses. to the [,thr application forrQr a variance page 2 II. Four (.1-) copies of the following information: A. A statement.of the preeise nature of the variance requested,the regutation involvedl and the practicai aitii""iiv "t=*i"""essaryphysical hardship inconsistent wilh tn- ooiectives oi trti" iitr"that would resull from strict or l-iteral iiierpretation and. enforce-ment of the specified regulation. B. A site plal .showing arl existing and proposed features on thesite, and on adjoining-sites if nec5ssiry'r-pertinent to the variancerequested, incrud.ing site boundaries, reQuiied setbact<=, -luiiaing locations and heights, toPography a"i ptrvrical features and similardata. c. such additionar rnaterial ag lhe zoning administrator may pre-scribe or the app]-icant may submit pertin6nt to the appti."iior,. III. Time requirements The Planning and Environmentar commission meets on the 2nd and4th Mondays of eaqh nonth. An apprication with the ;;.";;"il accom-plnying materiar must be subnittll rou.---weeks prior to the dateof the meetjJtg. Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drive 303-476-2201 Vail. Colorado 81657 August 3, 1990 Ms. Kristan Pritz Planning Director Town of VaiI Planning DePt. 75 South Frontage RoadVait, CO 81657 RE: Lot 3, Block 1, VaiJ- Villaqe 1Lth FiJ-ing Kristan: As per our conversation last week, I would like to request an extLnsion of the planning commission approval (5/22/89) for the Pitto residence on Lot 3, Block L, Vail Village L1th Filing. This woulg allow us to continue through the Town of VaiI review process (Deslgn Review Board and Building Departnent), and start construction next spring. I appreciate your understanding on this matter, and Russ Pitto and I look forward to finishing up the process. If there are any problems with the extension, please let me know, as Russ aild I witf-start fine tuning the design for Design Review Board submittal' If you have any questions, please give ne a call. Sincerely, SNOWDON AND HOPKINS - ARCHITECTS Craig N. Snowdon Partner CNN,/sth cc: llr. Russ Pitto Prant ."$";Tl:"13;1.., "o"fo,, Minutes dc Diana Donovan Peggy osterfoss Sid Schultz Kathy Warren Pan Hopkins chuck Crist STAFF PRESENT Peter PattenKristan Pritz Betsy Rosolack The meeting hras called to order by chairman Jim Vie1e at 3:00 p.m. Item No. l-. Approval of minutes of Mav 8, 1989. Diana Donovan rnotioned for approval of the minutes. The motion was seconded bv Kathv Warren, Vote: 7-O Iten No.o amend Area er to rel"oc an SDD co oval Applicant: Vail BrewerY ComPanY. 2.to (The staff presentation was rnade by Kristan Pritz. She.explained that the appliclnt was requesting several amendnents to Ordinance No. 40 which iras approved in 1988. The amendments would allow the applicant to void a requirement that utilities be undergrounded, relocate a bus stop, add a deceleration lane on South Frontage Road, achieve a minor subilivision, and add a stairwelt. The staff reconmendation was for approval of all the anendments except the request to void the requirernent of undergrounded utilities. The staff felt that the condition of the undergrounding of utilities was an important trade-off in the original negotiations between the developerl staff and PEC and did not feel this condition should be voided. The staff recommended that if the PEC did decide to remove this requirement, the comrnission should require the developer !,o escrohr lnoney for the undergrounding of utilities when an overall irnprovement project is initiated by HoIy Cross. In resPect to the otirer anendnbnt-requests, the staff recommended the followingr eondition: The developer shall agree to construct the bus Lane per Town-of Vail standlrds 1n the area of the porte cochere. The specific design for the bus shelter shaIl be nutually agreed to -by tbe Area D owner and/or the developer, Colorado Division of Highways, and the Town of Vail . The bus lane shall be ( constructed subseguent to the issuance of the building perruit and prior to the issuance of a tenporary certificate of occupancy for either the brewery addition' office expansion, east office building, or parking structure. The applicant was represented by Andy Norris. He said that Holy Cross iefused to underground the utilities in front of the building. He suggested that the applicant could pay L/3 of the cost of undergioundlng and hoped that the Town would fund a portion. The remaining cost could be paid by property owners. Andy discussed the high cost of undergrounding utilities. Kathy agreed with the staff rnemo despite the financial situation. Peggy asked what the procedure would be to fund part of the unaeigrounding. Peter said the PEC could suggest to Council what the contributions would be. Peggy felt it was fair to have the cost shared. Sid agreed. Diana pointed out that the Town should be encouraged to underground utilities all the way from Matterhorn. Pam agreed that as much undergrounding should be done as possible. Chuck agreed with Diana about undergrounding from Matterhorn. ioned to r to Coun con unction w Cross en Lvon Off ement tha ut esforest Road. Diana seconded the motioE. Vote: 5-o-1, Jin abstaininq. Iten No.3.for minor subdivision fo Area D SDD Glen L ffice Applicant: Vail Brevtery companv to ( ( Kristan Pritz gave the staff presentation. She explained tbat the applicant was ieguesting a minor subdivision which would allow the pi.-oject to be ditided into separate ownerships prior to conpletion of Lhe-project. The applicant felt that the minor subdivision was nece-ssaly due to thi- financing reguirements demanded by the rruniqueness of the vail Ale Brewery.rl The staff recommended approval- with the reguirement that agreenent outlined in the following be recorded with the County on the land records of this parcel p;ior to the fonnal approval of this minor subdivision: 1. The developrnent of parcels A, B, C, and D shall be linited to the SDD 4 bevelopnent plan and governed by the SDD 4 Ordinance as approved by the Town of VaiI and on file with the Department of comrnunity beveJ.opment or as amended and approved by the Comrnunity Developrnent Department, Planning and Environmental Comrnission, and,/or the vail Town Council. 2. The minor subdivision plat sha1l include a statement that developnent of the four parcels shall be governed by the approved SDD 4.Development Plan for Area D and ordinance 40' 3. The Comnunity Development Department and Totrtn of Vail Attorneyshall have the right to review and reguire changes in anyrrAgreenents of tenants in common, rt |tConveyance of Easernent and Party wall Agreements,rr and any otber easement or ownership agreements related to the development of parcels are developed per the approved development plan and SDD 4 ordinance. 4. Any rnodifications or anendnents to the minor subdivision conditions of approval agreement shall be reviewed as a major amendrnent under the procedures outlined in Section 18.40 of the Toun of Vail zoning code. 5. The applicant shal-I be resPonsible for preparing the wording of these agreements for review by the Planning staff and Tos/n Attorney. The specific legal wording nust be subnitted before the minor subdivision is recorded with the County. The Town of VaiL shall record the minor subdivision plat. However it will be the responsibility of the developer to cover any fees for recording the plat. Andy Norris representing the applicant, agreed with the conditions. ( motioned for a chu seconded the motion. Vote: 5-O-1, Jim abstaining. Item No. 4.Ar Because of an oversight that a for this request, the item was the staff for an exter alteration order to constru an add on t the The k Res eek Bu Id Va lv Conditional Use Perurit htas necessary tabled to the next meeting. Gore Vote: 7-O Iten No. 5 nce toA s v tforas 1e farnilv res Ilaqe even lInq. Russ tto ( The staff presentation was made by Kristan.Pritz. She explained the applicantrl reguest for a side setback variance in order to expand tirLir single firnily residence. A two-story expanslon was proposed whlch would includl the addition of a breakfast nook and fanily room on the first floor, and a master bedroom on the second floor. The proposed addition would encroach 10 feet 6 inctres into the reguired 15 foot setback. ( The staff recommendl"rri"f of this request. I ttarr felt it was evident that the addition could be added to the east of the existing house without requiring a setback variance. Approving this reguest would be a grant of special privilege. The staff also believed that the addition woutd have a negative irnpact on the stream tract parcel to the south of Lot 3. The staff added that if the proposal was approved, the PEC should nake a condition that the applicant subrnit a titfe report Schedul.e B to verlfy that there are no utility easements in the area of the encroachment. Jay Peterson was present to represent applicants. craig Snowdon, architect for ttre project, lras also present. He gave background on the project, expJ-aining that the fanily had outgrown their house and wished to add on with the least impact on neighbors. He stated that an expansion in a different locatlon than proposed would be inappropriate. He claimed there ltere physical hardships due to the tocition of the house and felt that the proposal would be consistent with adjacent properties. Regarding the staff recommendation that the addl.tion be built onto the east of the house, Craig said the applicant would have to rebuild the eastern part of ttte house in order to build there. He conceded that other expansions were possible but that the design would be awkward, iurpacts on neighbors would be created, and that there would be a structural and physical hardship in trying to tie the design into the existi.ng design. He presented 5 letters from adjacent property owners with no objections. Sid said he could see rdhere it would be difficult to put the addition on the east and felt that adding on to any of the other sides didn't nake sense. He could find a hardship with the existing location of the house. Peggy felt the the issue of conpatibility was important. She also felt it was important to be sensitive to the neighbors' views and opinions. She asked what else the applicant would be willing to do to make additional inprovements. Craig said the Pittos would have no problem with adding landscaping. Peggy said she would support the variance since the applicant was wllling to landscape, thE-neighbors had no objections, and because other properties ltere close to the stream. Kathy bad a problem with finding-a hardship. She could see the praclical sense, but did not see that anything excluded other possibilities. She felt supporting the proposal would be a grant of special privilege. Jay Peterson felt that the ordinance was being read too strictly and that it was more iurportant to consider the neighbors' concerns. Jin stated that variances are created for the protection of neighbors and noted that since the neighbors are satLsfied, he could support the request. Craig pointed out that all affected property owners were notified and that all points of view were discussed. ( Russ Pitto, the appllcant, said his rnain concern was not impacting the neighbors. He felt that it would be nore logical to deal with a variance than with dlsturbing the neighbors. Diana motioned for a est t was felt tbat e ESS e stream and on A con at no the a on coul nded the rno on. vote: 6-0-1 , Pam abstainins. Item No. 6 st for ck vari site coveraqe resldencevrsto Vote: 7-O Item No. 7 It was decided that the Red Lion najor exterior alteration would be reviewed on ifune L2, L989. Betsy Rosolack made the staff presentation. She explained that the applicant was reguesting rear setback and site coverage-variances in oiaer to add a second floor addition to an existing residence and to change the conflgruratLon of the existing garage. The staff recourmended approval and felt that approving the reguest would not be a grant of special privilege. ( ( | .,:.u- TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and -Environmental Connission Corumunity Developnent Department Ylay 22, L989 A request for a side setback variance in orderconstruct an addition to a residence on Lot 3,vail Village l1th Filing.Applicant: Russ Pitto to Block I, I.DESCRTI{TTON OF VARTANCES REOUESTED The applicant is requesti.ng a side setback variance in orderto expand their single-fanily residence. A two-storyexpansion is proposed. On the first floor, a breakfist nookand fani.ly roon will be added. The second floor wiJ-l be fora master bedroom. The proposed addition will encroach L0feet 6 inches into the reguired 15, setback. The property is in the two fanily residential zone district.No variances for GRFA or the 250 ordinance are necessary forthe expansion. BeLow is a sunmary of the zoning statistics: Zone: DuplexLot Size: 17,315 s.f.Allowable GRFA: 3,981 s.f.Existing GRFA: 2,355 s.f. it Rernaining GRFA Before Addition: 1,62G s.f. First Floor Expansion, Breakfast Nook/Fanily Roon: 722 s.f. ?16 s.f.TotalExpansion: G Existing Footage:2,355ns1,438Total:3,793 188 s. f.s.f. s. f. s. f. 1_!Th" following credits have been included in the existing GRFA calculations: storage, 3d s.f.i nechanical, 39 s.f.tand, garage, 538 s.f. II.CBTTERIA AND FINDTNGS Renaining GRFA After Expansion: Upon review of Criteriathe rnunicipal code, the reconnends denial of thefollowing factors: and Findings, Section 18.61.0G0 ofDepartment of Conrrunity Developmentrequested variance based upon the A.Consideratiorr' of Factors: Staff's opinion is that the addition will have anegative irupact on the strean tract parcel to the southof Lot 3. Even though this parcel is not owned by the Town of Vail (it is owned by Vail Associates), webelieve that the open space character of the area shouldbe maintained as much as possible for the generalpublic. We acknowledge that Upper Eagle Valley Water andSanitation has constructed utility facilities adjacentto the creek which detract frorn the natural character ofthe creek corridor. However, staff believes thatadditj.onal developrnent adjacent to the stream tract isnot justified. There are no major inpacts on this criteria. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems appti.c'abf a ITT. REI,ATED POLICTES IN VAII, I,AND USE PLAN The d eto ich relief from the strict d literaltretationand enforcement ofa ations necessa achieve ty and un oftreatmentsites o tofprlvrleqe. ft will be a grant of special privilege to allow thlssetback variance. ft is apparent that the additioncould be added on the eastern side of the residencewithout requiring any setback variances. We believethat the applicant could work within the setbackrequirements to provide for tbe additional squarefootage. The effect of the ested variance on Liqht and airstribution o rtat on and trafficacilitiesutties, and publicsafetv. The Land Use Plan states in Section 1.13: Vail recognizes its strearn tract as being a desirableIand feature as well as its potential for public use. Ithis policy relates to staff,s concern that setbacks bernaintained adjacent to the Gore Creek corridor. t a: .,t -l follow ion shall.e thearlance: v. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grantof special privilege inconsistent with the linitations onother properties classified in the same district. That the granting of the variance vill not be detrinental tothe public trealth, safety or welfare, or naterially injuriousto properties or improvenents in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of thefollowing reaEons: The strict or literal interpretation or enforcenent oftle specified regulation would result in practicaldifficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistentvith the objectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances orconditions applicable to the same site of the variancethat do not apply grenerally to other properties in thesame zone The strict interpretation or enforcenent of thespecified regrulation wouLd deprive the applicant ofprivileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties Lnthe sane district. STAFF RECOM}IENDAIION The staff recomrends denial of the side setback variance. Toapprove the varj-ance would be a grant of special privilege.It is evident that the addition could be added to-the eatt ofthe-existing house and would not require any setbackvariances. We also believe that there are negative inpacts ... on the adjacent strean tract which are not iustified. - Maintaining approxinately 4 feet G inches flon the propertyline does not arlow for the separation of the residEntial irsefrom the strean tract. There is al_so no physical hardship.For these reasons, the staff reconmends denial of the. - request. If the proposal is approved, staff would request that the pEC make a condition of approval that the appliCant subnit atitle report schedule B to verify that ttrere are no utilltyeasenents in the area of the encroachnent. )I -t a Yitto, 4!l\rr\l''sf,ru-\{: .@ a"u' , fs ri, !0f\Gr't\19, \<rhJ i9 (\ucL I lenn \xqpa r r@ \r.far*es ' d.eomn $rrrdofi- 1\orLbL preJatu{i ' ,{ q{<I}ai- *( \.,* tt oddA*', 1o Dionvtro*qL('afr^ €5l,r,,-,l\ \rulqo \18) cn,rIn,U uoaiarup.ou , b*rp,o {, so$04- er^J "\.-r^t m arvr$rr . uiarr)r\t"[t S a, 1\d+t{, +\,,\..U\ n{on Dionvr offrNa, ,e#tad J'\il-thd Cpu+{iu''il i'r l\.,0u loro*\on \0,,0 irnood oH nqrqhhrt @'UEutA\ - \nucr-& fl.o^rru+rod'oO'udrl 0 D 6{taqr-dut "+ crcurnrs\urroa {uq-+u 6lfmrOO \o^^k^$Ml e{r"rn* t2 edi^t'c.'." rcRJ $1 d@, \Nprd+ *d.f,tor_. nd4V D,,"j'T,mi\,t-Hffi*e ., Drg - \"rLd nryfr^\ dDs"t\ b- iaklaAon' May 24, 1989 Jay K. Petersonotto, Peterson & Post P.O. Box 3149Vail, Co 8l-658 Dear Jay: Regarding the recently approved Set Back Variance for our planned addition to 2920 Booth Creek Drive. This confirns my agreenent to: 1. not object to a future construction of the bike path on VaiI Associates property which borders the southerly boundary of our property; and 2. the extent DRB requires any landscaping of the southerly boundary of our property, only native grasses, plants and flowers shall be used. SincereJ.y. F(Pa'Russ Pitto 250 Executive Park Blvd.9uite 3300 san Francisco, cA 94L34 (415) 468-7000 Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado Subject to appllcant roof lines and using feet of second floor. keeping proposed best efforts to Architects 303-476-2201 81657 To whom it maY concern: I have had an opportunity to review the Pitto Residence Addltion (Lot, 3, Block 1-, Vail Village l-lth Filing) drawings dated 4/4/e9 (site plan) ' 3/23/89 (floor plans), and 2/27/89 (elevations). f have no objections to the proposal as presented. si.gned by Date: , fl,'* 1^1A-: "'"n"'.r,7410 fuath &uJc Drivt, addltion no hlgher reduce the scale of than existing southerlv six Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado Architects 303-476-2201 81657 Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado o Architects 303-476-2201 81657 To whom it nay concern: I have had an opportunity to review the Pitto Residence Addltion (Lot 3, Block L, vail Village rLth rtling) drawings dated 4/4/89 (site plan), 3/23/89 (floor plans), and 2/27/89 (elevations). I have no objections to the proposal as presented. Signed by: oatet 5y' r/r- nropertyz 27of !, / tdrT Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado o Architects 303-476-2201 81657 To whom it nay concern: I have had an opportunLty to review the Pitto Residence Addition (Lot 3, Block 1, VaiI Village LLth Filing) drawings dated 4/4/89 (site plan) , 3/23/eg, (floor plans), and 2/27/89 (elevations). I have no objections to the proposal as Presented. Signed by: Date: Property: Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado o Architects 303-476-2201 81657 To whon lt nay concern: I have had an opportunity to review the Pitto Residence Addition (Lot 3, Block L, Vail Vi1lage Lfth Filing) drawings dated 4/4/89 (site pLan) | 3/23/89 (floor plans), and, 2/27/89 (elevations). I have no objections to the proposal as presented. L",&t/ltritf signed nyz 744/tc?r-uq &e Date: Property: t'/1'{, LrL l, lt' ,,,, " , l/t/ o-o BANNER ENTERPRISES 1540 Roclrrnont Circle Boulder, Colorado 80303 May 17, 1989 To whom it may concem: I have reviewed the Pitto plans for the expansion of their residence at292A Booth Creek Dr., Vail, CO, and have absolutely no objection to the plans. I iulrher feel *rhai a set back waiver shoulcl 'oe gralted, in tlfs case, as thc pi'oposed Piiiu reruo.iel and expansion will, in my view, enhance the beauty and value of the stream, the neighborhood and Vail. Kindest regards, n,- . 4' \ o*^-*.--_-_ Matthew R. "Petg" Banner, III 2930 Booth Cr€ek Dr. Vail, CO MRB:et I PUBLIC NOTICE NoTfCE fS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Conmission of the Town of vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.050 of the nunicipal code of the Town of VaiL on May 22, 1989 at 3: oO PU in the Tol,tn of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request for a side setback variance to extrland a single fanily residence on Lot 3, Block L, Vail Village 11th FiIing. Applicant: Russ Pitto 2. A request for a setback variance and site coverage variance to construct an addition to a residence on Lot 4, Block D, Vail Ridge Subdivision. Applicant: Ms. Boatman The applications and infonnation about the proposals are available in the zoning adninistrator's office during office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT DEPARTMENT Published in the Vait Trait on May 5, L989. SNOWDON AND HOPKIN ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476-220r ilfurnoaD r. ftnrn il ltail flannru hqt 76 fi. tt aufrys frfil.' ' lail ,hl@t' fr1b67 Date 4l?6 lgl subiect filb ' frr,gd ryna tfl Jubn;llal frt,L, lllnlba , FoFM rAO.2 Available lrom /N66rhc.. Grotoo. Mass 01450 ! Please repty [f'lo renlv necessary I. APPTICATION This procedure is required The application will not be A.NAI{E OI' APPLICANT ADDRESS Appricati "^ ,^(D hfflW FORM F'OR A VARIANCE for any project reguesting a Variance. accepted until all information is submj.tted. B.NAME OF ADDRESS APPLICANT I S REPRESENTATI\/E c.I|AME 0F ol.lNER (type or print) SIGNATURE ADDRESS D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL ADDRESS LEGAL DEsCRrpTroN 1ot 1 block E. FEE. $100.00 A list of the nanessubject property and Et PIMNE noNn 4Ih-47ft WflTh of owners of all property adjacent to thetheir mail ing addresses. II. Four (4) copies of the following information: A' A statement.of the,precise nature of the variance requested,the regulation invotvedl and tt. p.i.ti""f--Iigticufty or unnnecessaryphysical hardship inconsistent wiih trre oo:ectives of this titlethat would resurt from siri"l or literal iiierpretation and enforce-ment of the specified regulation. B' A site ptal .slowing arr existing and proposed features on thesite, and on adjoining sites ir nec6ss"ivi-p-"rtj.nent to the variancerequested' incruding site boundarie"l-i"e"iiJd setbacks, buirdinglocations and heighfs, topography and physicar features and similardata. application forJor a variance p.e. z I C. Such additional materialscribe or the applicant may ag lhe zoning administrator may pre_submit pertinent to the appficaii6n. III. Time requirements The Planning and Environmentar commission meets on the 2nd and4tb Mondays of each month. -an applicaiiorr-,itf, the necessary accom_panying materiat must be s.brnittih t-"*---weeics prior to the dateof the meeting. sNowDoSaN8cutffis 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vArL. coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.220r CIIECKED BY rElfa+t@}._elr t-. or'|ht, a s/r/r i 'Vlb 'r.,l . yy1a,t<JL s)qVt sNowrX)NaNDcHrtNs 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 476.220r CXECKEO BY ?Gtr Ll @)rr- c,{.( r- ol.n sNowDoN & HoPKINS - ARCGCTS ffi]TTTilOF TRANSNflITTAL 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vAtL. coLoRADO 81657 WE ARE SENDING YOU X Attached I Under separate cover via TO tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter Ef, Prints ! Change order {eunt tr Samples following items: tr Specifications (303) 476.2201 coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 4 ,/rftr'//fu 6 trUdvrhml i/*rs * a/ilrzhrzr+ 4 +fi4'/fibl fifafhnr.l rl lnrtz,tts 'irawt l,//lir//I Mu/rrz/tm'I J ?/?///t///WtrL /r*' I THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked belorv: E For approval { For your use K As requested tr Approved as submitted tr Approved as noted E Returned for corrections E Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit -copi€s for distribution D Return -corr€ct€d prints ( ror review and commcnt tr ! FOR BIDS DUE 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS PmoJfi2.er l@|-', Enl rc. o||/l ll .,rcloauras rr. not rt not d, hi^dty Dqtity ut tt oast. .iso\ =Td1qe-{- g '- 57sEilF-* *^'us*dZg*;4tr=c-;i * , -F l I t g) fi jie €,F 12- i' ; -r-t 'K r !Cv ,c/) r \-/ 'l q, q)fr&q' i i iEI\AJ Fs *ot'NK\{"\t PUBLIC HEARING u'!a;fJ JJI IIITER.DEPARTHENTAL REVt El,| -l t,.' i F"+ PR,OJECT: DATE SUEI'IITTED: COI.'iI4ENTS NEEOEO BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTTON OF 'oL +t'[ t,\.\J r 7d. f,t:i:o'"e J c^ i r"1,. FIRE DEPARTI'IENT Reviewed by: Coninents: Reviewed by: Comnents: Reviewed .by: Co.;;rents: Date I9LISE DEPARTT4ENT Date ,t r. PUBLIC tfoR[g Reviewed by: Date 75 Boulh fronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce of communlly developm€nt August 20, 1987 Mr. Russ Pitto 250 Executive Park Sui.te 3300 San Francisco, California 941-34 Re: Landscaping for Lot 3, Block L, VaiI Village llth Filing Dear Russ: Recently, I received the proposed landscape plan for the areaadjacent to your property, Lot 3, Block I, Vail Village llthFiling. I would like to thank you for responding to ny letter concerning the retaining waIl. Before you commence work onthe landscape plan, we must ask that you make the following changes and get the appropriate approvals by affected property owners: 1. The area of turf must be pulLed back per the drawingattached to this letter. The idea is to create an open natural buffer along the creek. It is certainlytrue that adjacent property owners have previouslyplanted landscaping up to the edge of the creek. This work was done in the past and did not receive Town approval . The staff does not want to perpetuatethis type of ]andscaping along the creek. For this reason, I rnust ask you to pull back the turf area approxirnately 20 feet. (P1ease see the attached drawing. ) 2. In order to return the area along the creek to itsnatural state, I would request that you add two tothree clumps of willows to the area along the edge ofthe creek to create a natural appearance. 3. Vail Associates approval for the landscape plan nust be received before we can approve the final landscapeplan. Their approval should be in written form, 4. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District nust approve the landscaping. Their approval should alsobe in written forn. In general, the landscape plan is very nice. I am very happythat we have been able to work out a solution to this problen.I would like to see these improvenent made before this winter.f must ask that you rnake the requested revisions to the plan and subrnit the two approvals from affected property owners by September L0, L987. Once we receive this j_nforrnation, we willbe able to approve the plan, and you may proceed with theIandscape irnprovements. We must require that the irnprovernentsbe cornpleted by Novenber 2, 1987. I do hope that we will not have to get into a series ofdeadline letters like we did during the beginnlng of thisprocess. I feel that you are trying to cooperate with the Town on taking care of the landscape problern. I look forwardto resolving this issue ln the near future and feel that I qanrely on you to follow through with the proposed solution. Thank you for your cooperation. If I can be of any furtherhelp, please feel free to caII rne at 476-7000. cc: Glen ELLisonPeter Patten KP:br ttl":r*tr,f) , t(ri*un KrilKristan Pritz' Town Planner 75 south tronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oltlce of communlly dgvelopmenl JuIy 22 , L98'7 CERTIFIED MAIL Mr. Russ Pitto 250 Executive ParkSuite 3300 San Francisco, California 94L34 Re: Retalning wall adjacent to Gorevail village J-lth Filing.Creek on Lot 3, Block 1, Dear Russ: On June llth, I talked to you about taking care of theretaining wa}I built along core creek adJacent to your residence on Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village llth Filing. It wasagreed that you would talk to Glen Ellison and ask him tosubmit drawings to the Connunity Developrnent Departmentimnediately. I also called Glen and, to his knowledge, he was unaware of any request to subrnit drawings concerning theretaining wall. I bel-ieve that I have allowed adequate tirne to handle this situation. I must ask that you submit drawings for Design Review Board forremoving the wall and revegetating the site by August l-0, L9g7if you wish to remove the wall. The second option is to go through the flood plain rnodification process. Once again, Iwould need this Planning Commission submittal by August L0,L987. If no action is taken on the issue, I will be forced tocite you for the violation. Basically, I have been trying to work on this issue withsince January L987. I feel that nore than enough time been provided to take care of the problem. In addition,that f have been more than flexible as far as trying toout subnittal deadlines. For these reasons, I want to emphasize that if nothing is subrnitted by August loth, Idefinitely have to issue a cltation for the vioLation. you hasI feel work wiII ff there are any guestions about this lEsue, please feel freeto contact ne. I look forward to your cooperatlon on thiEmatter. Sincerely,l,l 0I"l\llnan$t t+ KriEtan Pritz Eown Planner KP:br cc: Peter Patten 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflca of communlty development June 9, 1987 CERTIFIED MAIL Mr. Russ Pitto 250 Executive ParkSuite 3300 San Francisco, California 94L34 Re: Retaining wall adjacent to coreVail village J-Ith Filing Creek on Lot 3, Block I, Dear Russ: On January 28, I sent you a letter which addressed the issue ofthe retaining wall built along core Creek adjacent to your residence on Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village llth Filing. As wasstated in the letter, it was my understanding that you builtthe wall. I indicated two alternative solutions to remedy theproblen with the wall. I asked that if you wished to removethe wall, you submit a revegetation plan to the staff no laterthan March 2, L987. The second option is to go through thefloodplain rnodification process. I requested that you makeyour subrnittat by March L5, 1987 for the PEC meetJ-ng on April13, 1987 if you decided to use this option. At this time, I have not heard from you, either on the phone or through a]etter as to how you wish to resolve this issue. Recently I sent a Letter to you dated April 23rd. I reguestedthat you write me a letter by May Llth inforrning me how you wish to resolve this issue. My letter was returned due to anincorrect address. I sent a new letter on May 4th asking you to respond by May20th. I did not hear fron you. As stated before, f will have to cite you for the violation ifyou do not write ne a letter indicating your intentions for . TMPORTANT MESSAGE TO ,-J Lctt-.'-' ,t6 A.M. nnrn I u P.trr.DA M- OF *r++ yl I PLEASE CALLTELEPHONED WILL CALL AGAINCALLED TO SEE YOU WANTS TO SEE YOU URGENT RETURNED YOUR CALL Operator Sincerely, l) \ N\ {nqtou Yrft"Kristan Pritz- Town Planner removing the wall or resolving this issue. r will need to receive your letter by June 26th. If I do not receive your letter by June 26th I will have to cite you. Please call me if you have any questions. Thanks for your cooperation. KP;br I i 75 south lrontage road Yeil, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce ot oommunlty development May 2L, 1,987 CERTIFTED }IAIL Mr. Russ Pitto 2 North 2nd StreetSuite L3OO San Jose, California 951-l-3 Re3 Retaining wall adjacent to Gore Creek on Lot 3, Block 1,VaiI Villaqe llth Filing Dear Russ: On January 28, I sent you a letter which addressed the issue ofthe retaining wa1l built along core Creek adjacent to your residence on Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village l1th Filing. As wasstated in the letter, it was rny understanding that you builtthe wall. I indicated two alternative solutions to remedy the {lproblen with the wall. I asked that if you wished to removethe wall, you subnit a revegetation plan to the staff no laterthan March 2, L987. The second option is to go through thefloodplain modification process. I reguested that you makeyour submittal by l,tarch 16, l-987 for the PEC rneeting on AprilL3, f9S7 if you decided to use this option. At this time, I have not heard from you, either on the phone or through aletter as to how you wish to resolve this issue. Recently I sent a letter tothat you write me a letterwish to resolve this issue.incorrect address. you dated April 23rd. I requestedby May lIth inforrning me how you My letter was returned due to an I sent a new }etter on l4ay 4th asking you to respond by May20th. f did not hear from you. As stated before, I will have to cite you for the violation ifyou do not write me a letter indicating your intentions for renoving the wall or resolvlng this issue. I will need to receive your Letter by ,lundT*ttr. If I do not receive yourletter by June L0th I will have to cite you. P1ease call me if you have any guestions. Thanks for your cooperation. Sincerely, K,th^?.'tKristan Pritz Town Planner KP:br 75 soulh lrontage road |all, colo.ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce of communlty developmenl May 4, L987 Mr. Russ Pitto2 North 2nd StreetSuite L3OO san Jose, California 95L13 Re: Retaining wall adjacent to core Creek on Lot 3, Block 1,Vail village llth Filing Dear Russ: on January 28, r sent you a fetter which addressed the i.ssue ofthe.retaining wall built along Gore Creek adjacent to yourresidence on Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village llah Filing. As wasstated in the letter, it was my understanding that you builtthe wal1. I indicated two alternative solutions to remedy theproblem with the wa1l. I asked that if you wished to removethe wa11, you subrnit a revegetation plan to the staff no laterthan March 2, L98?. The second option is to go through theftoodplain rnodification process. f requested that you makeyour_submittat by March l-6, l9B7 for the pfC neetin! on AprilL3, 1987 if you decided to use this option. At thi; time-, rhave not heard from you, either on the phone or through aletter as to how you wish to resolve this issue. I need to ernphasize that if the wall is not removed by June l,1987, the staff will have no choice but to cite you for thevioration. r feel that it would be an unnecessary use of yourtime and rnine to get involved with the court systirn over tlismatter. Recently I sent a letter to you dated eprit 23rd. I reguestedthat you write me a letter by May llth informing rne how youwish to resolve this issue. My letter was retuined due Lo anincorrect address. I would like to hear from you by May 20thin order to solve the problem as soon as possible. pleise call rne if you have any questions. Thanks for your cooperation. sinleretv.v. I 0.1arrrtrrn {l.'t)ilrr)\t-/UI ut tT')Kristan Priti Town Planner KP: br cc: GIen Ellison 75 routh frontlg. road Y!ll, colorsdo 81657 (303) 47&7000 oftlcc of communlly development April 23, 1987 It[r. Russ Pitto2 North Znd StreetSuite L3OO San Jose, California 95LL3 Re: Retaining wall adjacent to core Creek on Lot 3, Block I,vail village llth Filing Dear Russ: On January 28, I sent you a letter which addressed the issue ofthe.retaining wall built aLong core creek adjacent to yourresidence on Lot 3, Block 1, Vail Village llth Filing. As wasstated in the letter, it was my understanding that you builtthe wa1l. I indicated two alternative solutions to remedy theproblem with the wal1. I asked that if you wished to renovethe wall, yo[ subnit a revegetation plan to the staff no laterthan March 2, L9A7. The second option is to go through thefloodplain modification process. I reguested that you nakeyour submittal by March t6t i,997 for the pEC meeting on April13, J-987 if you decided to use this option. At thi; tirnel rhave not heard from you, either on the phone or through aletter as to how you wish to resolve this issue. I need to emphasize that if the wall is not removed by June 1, L987 | the staff will have no choice but to cite you for theviolation. I feel that lt would be an unnecessaiy use of yourtime and mine to get involved with the court systErn over thismatter. Sincerely, {frtl^^ft,h kristan Pritz fown Planner I would appreciate Lt if you would write ne a letter by May 11inforning me of how you wish to resolve thl-E issue. Tirank-youfor your cooperation. KP:br cc: Glen Ellison 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (3o3) 476-7000 January 28, 1987 ofllce of communlty development Mr. Russ Pitto Two North Second Street Suite 1300 San Jose, Californ'i a 95113 Re: Retaining wall adjacent to Gore Creek Dear Russ: Recently, the staff noticed that there'is a retainj ng wa1 I built along Gore Creek adjacent to your residence on Lot 3, Block l, Vail Village llth Filing. Our fi'les show that there was never any approval for this retaining wa1 1. It is our understanding that you built the wall. The Town of.Vail- Design Review Guidelines require that the Design Review Board approve any construction. Section .|8.54.030 Design Approval A. No person shal'l commence removal of vegetation, site preparation, - building construction or demo'l ition, dumping of material upon a site, sign erection, extenior alteration or enlargement of an existing structure, paving, fencing or other improvements of open space within the corporate limits of the Town of Vail unless design approval has been as prescribed in this chapter. The addition of plant materials to existing landscaping, gardening and landscape maintenance shall be exempt from this provision. B. It shall be a vjolation of this chapter and the building permit for any person to commence, continue or complete work that has not received design approval as prescribed in thjs chapter and or is not'in conformity wjth the plans approved and authorized by the zoning administrator and/or DRB and the chief building officia'l . A1so, the Town of vaiI Design Review Guidelines discourage any type ofconstruction along creek areas. Section 18.54.050 Design Guidelines D.l. The goal of any landscape plan should be to preserve and enhance thenatural landscape character of the area in which it is to be located. 8.3. Removal of trees, shrubs, and other native vegetation shall be ljmjtedto removal of those essential for deve'l opment of the site or thoseidentified as diseased. In order to remedy the situation, there are two alternative solutjons. Onewould be to agree in a written legal document that you wjll remove the wall andrevegetate the creek bank area by June l, lg87, The DRB would review therevegetation p'l an which you would need to submit as soon as possible. A letterof credit would also need to be submitted to cover the cost bt ttre constructionwork- This agreement would need to be submitted to the staff no later thanMarch 2, 1987. You would also need to inform vail Assoc.i ates, property owner,that the wall has been constructed on their property and that'you ire goj ng t6remove it by June I, 1987. The second option is to go through the approprjate review processes to allowyou to have the retaining wall in this area. The steps for the revjew would be: l. Vai'l Associates would need to approve your request for an exterior floodplain modification. As property owners, they must sign off on the request. 2. You would proceed to Planning Commission for a review of the f1 ood plainmodification request. You would need to do a special study that woulddetermine that the retaining wall does not adversely affecl adjacentproperties or.increase the quantity or velocity of f1 ood waters in Gorecreek. You would need to make your submittal by March 16, 19g7 for the PEC meeting on April 13, .|987. 3. If you receive P1 anning comnission approval , then you wou'ld proceed to Design Review Board approval for the retain'ing wa11. If you do notrecejve Planning commission approval , the retainjng wall would need tobe removed by June l, 1987. If you have any questions about this process, please fee'l free to call me at476-7000 ext lll. Thank you for your cooperat.ion on this matter. Si ncerel y, | ) | nft,/. l trl1nr0{rfR Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP: br cc: Glen Ellison ef,r, rr*., 8\u i , l.,uf ) Uppen Elem Velrev WATER ANO SANITATION DISTRICTS ta6 FOREST ROAD . v lL. Colon^Do al6s7 (303) 476.?480 Noernber 5, 1986 l,lr. J. Ru68ell Pltto Slncon Propertles, Inc. 250 Executlve Park sutte 3300 San Franclsco, Californla 94134 RE: LANDSCAPE AND ACCESS IOWN OF VAIL - TRACT C - EAST VAIL Dear Mr. Pltto: I recelved your letter several days ago regardlng your landscaplng the Tract rrCrr aouth of your lot ln East Vall. Your landscape plan ls a very extenslve upgrade fron vhat ls currently {n the area. When we met oo slte we dlscussed the Dlstrlct paytng for several thousand dollars tonards the revegetatlon ln lleu of the Dl6trlct restorlng the area. The ground level above the new vault was graded to the eame level as the exletlng vault area, whlch we felt would be the leaet oblectlonable. Apparently you did not llke tts appearance. I uentloned to you the Dletrlct would loner the ground and new vault cover l-ll2 f.eet ln the area of the new vault and well head at a cost of approxlnately $1,500. Thle would nake the orlglnal vault area appear to be hlgher, but ifould reduce the overall dlaneter of the mound area. we estlnated $1,000 north of addltlonal gradlng and $l'000 for fleld grass aeedlng to restore the area to lts orlglnal condltlon. Soue wlllos bushes would be placed at the well head to conceal lt fron your vlew. In aumary, our coata nould be ae f ollowe: Lower new vaul t area: Conplete renalnlng gradlng: Seedlng: Plantlng wlllow buehea : Total Eetlnated CoBtE: 9t,500 I,000 I ,000 500 ffio'oo' I ll paattctt "txo o,ltrtctt - aRRowrEAo .rh"o .^tar . ^,-r, METR. *AT€R o gEAvER cREEx METR. warE t . 6ERRV cREEx MErRo warER ,-fr\ o\ EAoLEva'|LMEYRow^'""'*^**ffi;:I:,Tffiff;';?4":T;*::',.""** -*oarEo sa''!rar*tN @ r Mr. J. Russell Pltto November 5, 1986 Page 2 If you wlsh to complete the rescoraElon for the Distrlct, we wlll relmburee you up to $4,000. We feel our estlmates are on the "hlgh" side and would be the rnaxlmum amount we would reimburse you. Tf th16 does not neeE \rith your approval , we wlll proceed to restore the area to near orlglnal condltlon. It has been suggested the access road be relocated to an area r^test of your lot. This road w111 need to be loeated on your lot and not the lot west of yours. Thts will require renoval of sorne wlllow bushes at the northwest corner of your driveway. A permanent access easenenE would need to be granted to the Dlstr{ct, along wlth approval from the Town of Vall for relocating this road before we would agree to this change . Let us know how you would llke restoratlon on Tract "C" (Town of Vall property) and the access road locatlon to occur. Slncerely, UPPER EAGLE VALLEY CPNSOLIDATED SANITATION DISTRICT Wr^"t/ 91""*L Davld L. Krenek, P.E. operations Dl recEor DLK5: das . l8 xc: Kristan Prltz, TOV / I / \\/ l-f<x'- I I I ' t \i'::t4.' .,. !.-,1 , t'l'i- ' /.-l \\ \. \\ .\Acceis R.os& ,b ''',;..f -,,ii I I ) I '-: ,2' s' ,to_r. ii.,r, lowffio ,.-\ FIITT FIESI[] .,,i., f ---l.,,u, rl'",] :);.;;_=..-_=-.* 1,,,r:,:;i+t::,.2L:- r-+".'' -i ".. .-4 t-, : qw .l . r,^:.,r,..4i,v.r,l'rrrr,r.,\fir,,rr.'r.D i : '. i .": ; {1i' 5r;ir!/fr:.\i)ili t! } j'tlli ,,r ri : ;-. {,, irtr'i -.,r ,1. rmrililfi'': i"' $o lrs tm/ilcrr{! (il?ll$ni;i 'e'hii-riiiror .trwlilil rrrlto rrntr?, "!\ !^ liI" !ll.: l. ITi: :,t:l?::irilr?:til$ irinlt#;F:;h.F;;'trif ;*.:;::i ::""t1$,1:l'.1:,:s ljl"i;riirorr ol l.lla oodrty.i6';i;;";;F{l -":rll^:'iiloif"fii::'"i'n!il'i'I'"'.to. tor lll lrcall .rD"'c'q t| 't111141 rndr rEaltl. thr lndo?rlFo' cltt b"' thti i;il'i;.iil.,i tttht; th' botlrdrrlc ' ot I rMr 0tl Ot ttrr P.ttr$lF-Yrll ?lll4. tl*tntn fr li.]i,lil l:i,"i!' ::'l'11,,\",''., "." Trlr:tt L, n'' c' t" & t n.r{..r -$tt! lll iut n:'*'.r'li'*lifiloill*lr"l]l"t:.ff * ..* *ot*tr'' fttr#:rr*:iilli:iliili'i!:'iliiiHr'rr'lrlls"ll", o"r.iriLrl'li':.:eQ":^$1i.li*l'il'li,"tl::ljy.nHlill .'' Friii'iuri oP.n.r.. to ttrffi' ry.iLiffi fi ffi ffinlr*i'.*',*it.i',lit*'*:il'i-...liTll'iloi*l' r,llli'Lli t'lii"Il'a-io'- ilisrne or- ov'rhtrht't'rr ii #-tiiici'ti:iii:"Xi.illlUqt f :i#ii'ili:ri:ii:pttrrtr letrrrllr Pt _.1,Y_::'j:ir'ilrii tl.irt', ehlch In'thr Juilt' -..ll:r:i ii.Sxil$l.ifii:il'i#ii.i;ili:'',ti"l"ri'1,:'i^li::i.' lotra ltton ot thr r.rf'trtron ffiilo"-"i"f qurt tty ot tb' rqbtlct Lind' I ?o'n xm." mttrd !l!, l:iff t:*,lni,tillflilllo'*:r:::1.:t .' [tt. fbo't ur.t .n(l rarttlct llo tubl.ct L.6dr I t. tFro'"lrntt n'o'rrlrY' 6r'ltrbl' or conv'hlont to? :H"rffi 'rsiffi *:".!lii*l**:*:rli"i:li*.#1i,*.,' ffi$l*: lS'.llrl5 l?"lii;;;;;ir iita 'urrn"r.rtor rhrrr tr ili;;fi ii-n-*r1 .' n:: iii:.:{$i";li;llt l"' li3":lLi:ll-'*".t itaa rlth Plrntlngl rrnrr t. tlra ttlttt ot -Ito"t'r' Forl"' &htrtr 'rt!a a{lcr throfih rn rii'o-iio"i ru.a- r"1'-iii':ii*il,n*l'f ,il#llti'.?11.. tfl!$:iT:il,[i*'li lil"lil;;;r'"-ot tt'r a'ttrt Io irtoo o! U$ ltbJ.at Lnd'' gO S ,, '. t.rd r 'tcjv vt'' t. ft>u*se o .::,:-#ffi,'ffi*' a"o'' ,/ !.,,:i I ..'" i 1! It tl :Trlct t ,( .', r r! . lli.: .': |! il., r1. I I ..t.r ' l. i,: tt !;.::"":! t|tlttr J' Hrli::1! f[t:hrtf.h fcn? ! \tJ"'l'fl- d' *_r#, 'll. |! ri i,r oo September 18, 1985 Mr. Larry Esquith Town Attorney 'I own ot v au ?5 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8165? Dear Larry: I am representing one of the Property owners of Lot I Block 3 of Vail village l ttn rimrg. He is requesting the vacation of Aspen Lane as a oublit street betrveen Lot 1 and Lot 3 of Block l. This part of Aspen Lane is not a paved street and probably never would be built as a street' Even so, the owner requested I process the vacation of Aspen Lane as a streer. I have discussed this rvith Stan Berryman, Curt Ufkus and lgler-Pa$g!- and they stated that they have no probiems .rvith the request. Enclosed are letters from Dick Duran and Patrick Dodson regarding the request' As noted in Patrick's letter, he is requesting that there be an easement for goif carts. I understand he is anticipating the deveiopment of the land south of Gore Creek for a future nine holes of golf. The problem is that no bridge structure is permitted across Gore Creek. use of Tract C next to Gore Creek is restricted under the protective covenants. See Section 2.3 of the amended covenants regarding Tract c. Therefore, it does not seem to make sense to have a golf cart easement in this area. There are utilities in this area so a utility easement should be retained. Enclosed. are the descriptions of Aspen Lane that would revert to the property owners of Lot 1 and Lot 3. If you have any questions or concerns' contact me. I would appreciate knowing when this u'ould go to the Town Council. Sincerely, DICK RYAN COMPA N Y P.O. Box 813 Colorado 6r6;8 ---i\' /4*<.t<-- Dick Ryan DR/jt enc. l0l i.r76-02.1 l itli I regret to inform you that at department head staff meeting this ro.ning ihe discussion of the sireet vacat'ion relating !g Lo!-'l 'Bi;;k i oi-vuit Village llth Filing tras not approved' It-Ta-i-'- -tEfrEETTv felt that due to the possibility of the development of in addi."ional 9 holes of golf on'uhe Katsos property thatitt+as not in the best interest of the Town, at this point in t'ime, to uiiate inis particular street. This would be the staff recommenda- tion.r"o the iown Council in the event the matter is br^ought before them. please advise me on your decision regarding further pursuance of this matter. Iuwn 75 south lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 475-7000 September 27' .l985 Dick Ryan Box 8.l3 Vail, Colorado 81658 Dear Dick; Very sincerelY l^S t A. Peie Di recior Conmunity DeveloPment APP: bpr of f lce ol communlty develoPment Vacation between Lots I and 3, VV Jlth :,} Dick Ryan & Go. Planning Cotrsultants P. O. Bo: 813 Vail, Colorado 81658 Go3) 476-0243 6'/" Dh-'L Dick Ryan DR/jr enc. ftil& June 10, 1985 Mr. A Peler Patten CommuniEy Development Director IOtr7N OI VAII 75 SouEh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Peter 3 I am larriEing Eo request you to review vacating part of Aspen Lane as a street. The area under consideratlon is sholrn on the enclosed map. The possibility of a street being constructed ls quite remote as it vould only go to open-space land ovned by the Torsn of vall. The part vacated as a street woul.d resrain as a utility eaaement. I have d{scussed the street vacation with SCan Berryaan and Public Works does not have a problem with the request. I would appreciate a Letter regarding your corments on the request' Thanks . S incerely , o \ti, [ ** j .<. nl) ,Jr'" t1/ll t-||n.uJ|/,:z lrlzf to E t-t! lr,l u, trllrlo o department of transporlatlon/PubliG works ir1 , v"i ;I TO; FROM: RE; DATE: 75 south lronlage road vall, colorado 81657 (303) {76-7000 MEMORANDI'M 'pnrrn.pltinrv' f)b KRISTEN PNTTZ "VD STAI.I BERRYMAN VACATION OF ASPEN LANE PORTION SEPTEMBER 25, L985 The Departnent of street vacation of Public Wo rks /Tr ansP o r E at ion the area betr,teen Lot 1 and supporEs the attached Lot 3 of Block 1. SB/njn cc :, B iL1 Andrews recreaibn deparhent 3i,5;,ffii",[i*" (303) 47e2040 June 26, 1985 Dick Ryan^. ^ l;!t,t36 oiiuu' Dear Dick: -:-- ,{anrrrmcnt does not r n r e q u e s t l ? I?' :.6 { ::{t?,1";:;d'fr;:l l!l'" :''o'T'115'linl ; :' ilL l'l:l' !!: . ft * tr1,,i:' :lilt . ::. s ",T.' rT] !*u:.'ii", ; nr : development l.o o,i],"1^."-"""oerties as a - 9o't-.-,'-'"'ii,. want theii'-d.r.iop lt sil"l,Uffll.q** ;li"i:fi,.l"it ulii,,on., :::.#T'lT'?lrl"n "?o'-'u-'u" path' ;"':il;;;t , P'l ease cal I ' Si ncerel Y ' '.i. t.l''c'tu?*'.vu' lllilli,i; B!il:t.' PJD/'l a tuwn o I0l flre dePartmenl 42 we3t mcadow dtlve valt, colorrdo 81657 (s03) 476'2200 June I?, 1985 oick RYan i:?1,%:i:"il'iii' Dear Dick: rn response-:. T"H#S';:.tiH *Hi ifl; of AsPen Ldne ' r tto"' It is my r:nderstandlng that the area will ease-qen[ ' If I can be of further assistance' please SincerelY, VAIL. FIRE DEPART}'IENI/lt IJ |,/ i ^/.--I/\ L/-t/-ti Dick D.:ran Ch-ief 1985 to vacate a Portron ii* ; You described i-"' rernail as a utility contact I(€' DD/hml- A parr of Altpen Lane, vail village, Eleventh Fillng according lo the maP thereof recorded 1n the office of the Eagle counry, Colorado, clerk and Recorder described as follous; Beginning at: the most southerly corner of Lot 1, Block 3, of sald Vall V1l1age' Eleventh Fi-.lng rhence s 55'36'40" W 25.16 feet along the northstesterly line of Tract C of said Vait Vi11age, Eleventh F11lng to Ehe centerlLne of said Aspen Lane; thence deparCing sald norChwesEerly 1lne N 27"50t13" W 126'07 feeC along said centerllne; thence continuinB along sald centerline 38.43 feeE along Ehe arc.of a curve to the left havlng a radlus of. 225.08 feet, a central angle of 09.46'54" and a chord rhar bears N 32o43r40" W 38.38 feet; thence departlng said centerline N 42"57'14" E 9.66 feeC; Ehence N 47o29111" E 29.07 feet to Ehe westerly line of said Lot 1; thence 3 courses along said sesterly line L) 2L,56 feet along the arc of a curve to 'Ehe left having a radlus of 15'00 il"t, a central angle of 82"44'59" and a chord Chat bears S 06"05t36ttW 19'83 feet 2) 32,43 feet along the arc of a curve Eo Lhe right having a radius of 25O.OB feer, a central aigle of 07"25'45" and a chord that bears S 31o33'06" E gi.qo r"". 3) s 27'50'13n E !23.20 feeE Co lhe point of beginning contalning 0.0965 acres more or 1ess. Part of AsPrln lane to revert Co Lot 8/20 /85 LJL. d LechnEF -: 4iliik3::s I I 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 .|984 ofllce ol communliy developmenl April 25, Jim Sheehan % Vail Associates Real Estate ]83 Gore Creek Drive Va'il , Colorado 81657 Re: Zoning 'informatjon for Lot 3, Block l, V. Village 11th Dear Jim, I have the foilowing information for Lot 3 whjch is in the Two Family Residential zone: Lot size: I7,314 sq ft Al]owed GRFA: 3981.4 sq ft Existing 6RFA: 2235 sq ft Remaining GRFA .1746 sq ft Please note that these are approximate figures. When you submit your project, I will be able to give you exact calculations. As you know, a small corner of the lot is impacted by the I00 year floodp'l ain. Once we receive a stamped topograph'ic survey, the flood- plain elevation can be determined. Please call me if you have any further quest'ions. Si ncerely,rr | /ltv .l y'L- t{\lTo\ 1(rlt KRISTAN PRITZ Town Pl anner KP: br t ergl't fr{A7loHt r.{ofa g& l-lafg tl|t 6Etr 11 r'1 -L+nr 9* tsaF|t-l,a-\- G]H FfFb+f+ "r+6Etr+'{l fFJr4 G*eti Fq HtsT .*f fE,vt{} aia -lrEl Hru '*g F3t+ L rg F?a f-1. 7 iSEi; *'hHa lsfiFlEIF SFFXlpi *ii.UNl" dF=r ln iSsalff aiXS IF ;$5HI xsQEI .-rbS\I Ni6=| "''dI*.I FE5:| ^\J\ \:I\'\F\I SFrn'I F F $EI 6SXI XFR| $qE| :BeI tE:| tri.iRI s"RI| \uxI HHH| -tieI ESrI lt\H (D o a ts-t-l ta tso I trtp, P.P xoa P. or{ oo e:r op, r-l 9, uqo :l z I lurItrIUItll{lol I -lY (! .) trott FoEt,.HH p, € (D qI K Fo H\o ._t N(o \oo lr{ oo ci- N (D N n o a!=4 ls 'r':'q Tri Wllnl e - - eTI E 5l-I z o !trt 3'I \---N R [' \ \\ \J s A. a -{ D|- t- m n|- o t m Io m om3 m2{ ;zom d>F5Ei4;o>-<t> t! iha- o> AY:isizt!oQ> YJ!>aYZzzd>,>z ^o-i;FqitF; >-lz ;':u-=o*s?oliE;Eig { F' > z e z o z rl o€ z { I(n cz m m t-r i o<o!cln>;z^ <Y d6!{9.=EH =z 9> N,N."o(l oAvtl-\-/ -b! D|. E'n !-{ z n € x =o Ioz trl 3 -{ \ N\b \ *-s h t 1 : z>t €z lt| o zt ot Town of Vail EI,ECTRICAL PERMIT .1 .,(4/ t._-..--.._...-..-...-. .-19. 1.. :-,r' __. __---.. N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 335 $..........--."-...-.-."..... $4s:p-()- $.....J,D- .. $. lL $ &00 oate p ua. - -. J/. I 5.A.. Q... Received nv. - -.. R. !e.- - -#33a,/ A"PPROVALS ,/. /t chl.f BulldlE! otficlal THIS FORM 13 TO BE POSTED ('1{ JOB SITE DURING CONSTRUGTION 24 HOI,'RSI ADVANCE NOTICE REQIJIRED FOR TNSPECTIONS Electrical Contractor --(g-"J 1Na a... xoEor.! Eo., oErrval troa5, Town of Vail F'ITf,TCIRICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation 325 $.-..-...-.-..............-.. $......-...-"..-".--.....-... Permit Pee Inspection Fee Total Fee Dateof Apprication.... cm /.+-...-........rn../.&.,..... Electrical Contractor Applicant.-..--. slSnrturc APPROVAI,Ss/A:i @RA€)I PllD Chcctcr THIS FORM T9 POSTED 01{ 24 IIOI'RS ADVAN(E NOTTCE REQUIRED FOR INSPECTIONS ,.l0ffi .IOB SITE DURTI{G COI{STRUGTTOT{ Tfir !. F. {lE3r!a lc., 0EllYEl ltoa5r ol ao PLUMEilt\tGi.' MECHANICAL PEFIM|T TOWN OF VAIL USE OF BUILDING: KWA T't|' J (E cLASS oF woRK: ilTrr* E nootlon D nemooel n nepnrn DESCRIPTION OF WORK: paon#2 PLUMBING: NUMBER /"1 MECHANICAL: NUMBER vALUAnoN $ 2.5/h*VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMTTFEE o 3 7ot PERMIT FEE E] orsnppnoveo 37? 'Plrrnit No. 000266 Ltc. No. Ltc. No. Llc. No. Mster Size24€ ort"p'io ?-t7-7e. 853.3{t 7RC Finance Director Contractoa -Pink; - Accounting - Goldanrod hm WATER AI{D SEWER TAP PERMIT @te fhcrnn-o.anfux to35- /.+tL ,('-zs-o. TAP PERMIT WI LL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. l,AIt }TATER Al{D SAI{IIATIOI{ DISTRICT NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION GENERAL CONTEACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBER OF UNITS Date Billed Bldg. Dapt. - Whit€; - Water and Sanitation " Greon; - Public Works - Canary; - ,;'. ao MCMILLAN RESIoENcE Rgvtsroms. ?o- TH€ RooF FRAMtNc NovEMBER 23,19?6 PREPARED FoRI Cna t c CoHsraucr toN Co.VAtL, Couoneoo vt_'..::"J -. r I t,-"1 '.r''. N l. .. t I'-'. r,,...- ' | \i ,!a . | | j ..| , r )..- r,{ I iI - CoNcLUS I oNs t THE FoLLowtNc REvtstoNs ro THE RooF srRUcruRE sHouLo BE MAoE IN oRoER THAT THE McMtLLAN RESIcENcE coMPLYwtrx THE TowH or VAIL RooF LoADtNc oF ?O#/rr2. 1. TxE 2rrx4rr punolNs ovER THe LtvlNG RooM, olNlNc ROOM ANO NOOK SHOULO BE OOUBLED. r 2. Txe 4ilx8il RAFTERS lN THE LtvlNe RooM, otNlNG RooM AND NOOK SHOULD BE SUPPORTED 16 TEEI FROM THE EAST EXTERIOR WALL BY AN AOOITIONAL 6I'X1 zfl BEAM SPANNING THE LIV|NG ROOM, OlNtNe ROOM AND NOOK, 3. Borg 6rtxl 2n aElus spANNtNG THE LlvtNe Roogr DtNtNc ROOM ANO NOOK SHOULO BE SUPPORTED AT THE NOOK-DlNlNG ,,- ROOM WALL. Il . TxE 2frx8!t punL trus lN THE cALLERv RooF sHouLo BE SUPPORTEO AT THE MtD SPAN tvtTH A 4nX1 2n BEAM. y 5, TxE 2trx8o RAFTERs tN THE NoRTH BEDRooMs sHouLD BE OOUBLED. i L RESPECT I VELY,//-*/2e/ NOEL D. NEovEO P,E. $.ii[titH,lt:.'.t\i; 1lbze ,r,i* fttr,,iW t.l| ltAx = € , I- "/ a 1,t' I uA ? . 3' , / iic o'7i*tqJ -ii, ' ,luA ftPr",rts Poufutao a^/ A4 " L Effreti vs tPaP ,{'! t I" = {,fJ t w -/z--.:ff .-t:{. c,t .t ,?- lJ?. {. (sl ?"?) +,tt -8* s'7 ?,? Fr-+;t; (- €/ t? r a ..#^ *., -P --ald Fi )t/,,\! It.'l ( d.!iU i*r*,qi.b 4.!!fr' Ft/) * ,3$3,& i I ,l I i I I I I I I 'l I il , ,,: i.,i.L\,,Y:,r' ., ' i '(: /.r' /./J F. I -J" $)ail or,N -.J vd ^" . 1"., ., O )r) Lt I ltl. HSe fi4 a "f AorrAbftuu loal 7u4t,n,t, * _, \l.4f *, )F. ,;frxt o s ji a!w!,E(tri )-^ / :'-, J jrlr'{ 4 I t owas;Lri:,t"t 6,oC 4={s^ /iao x 73 /, '/,i"a/ii, q143' .? /\' r'Dt) ,ltE: ,3r ( ,!i':,'"t 1 l*r.n//'tri, xi +5r-n:;sdr,4Fr, .. n*.!. A (t,f){s,-f xr- ,4"' ,t ./ ,: tj L. 7' 7/P ^' 5pr4 / 4tf| vv/ 3x+ i)oKanro4. v/ ?ur\un,s o,r) '../ x",tz €"e/.<ri e4 ' Ce,o-raQS. + 3ul''l ill.* sr+T *4x l?o.,te,,,r /rPPFTP? t,*l -f" i 4I {,t'SteW . ,LiJ,,EJ$H'+ / t T 2-43?,r# f, R,+C (+sz,r) lc atr* I l I I I {^tf, o f* ? F, = l+s+{+? *s *.,,(4gz,s)s 3L ( fJ7"r) 7R, = ld?do R, = l?.fo'f Kz= i.cls-/7€o l/rnr *-.= o ..fu 3' .FRun Pq . l't . R(+il,s)-J("8) € & l, oo o trv-# I I Il) I I I.l I I l J i fl'd=ff,.7 tp3 zlX,oo#r' .: .e\r = ryLjUd): +Jl,rt/.A ftt F"R 4Xg Stffi'u /-t =t' s- /Ja( t s,l)'=5ll,/o't*t-th ot {^tnnr< lr P, " , ,\H - 3(V) F-_:,4thh .-+f ntr)5-.\ :z-'''-,, Z x4 x*) 1t *-/,^t-. oF. Ps fliri 12= 437. = Rr. - -!-'t-- 4(+sz's);e--i 3 37,r th ."if; .1, ''> u 6rz{n t,) 7.1l|. d, x rl 6t?-t. ,f = lJ or, #l* //A* /oaprttt6 dF Eytsrtxl^ 6,zen ,.P ? P| -'t a/ /l Ut.b lnl L,{ Vr-7?l "? 4r [?,n(z= 3(t7{") {r',,r=o s4-t2,ft\2. It374 /;,?iu ts (, = (,diu")n ,i6;s:,) l?,: a 6er P^ = '!$o - l,c zs= F,c ;r*"{ 9a Sa c 4--4 o tt 375 I 7'ot\-L,{ Qts")t t,r(lc tj) d t gl rr-/*ttrzsr rat-# r'/rtn, /,/ * i; /41 aF P= tzs -t r 7s = /?do# 4/to,,,,ta 6te 5i-a,e,s S h :fs : = /?o" (1++)+ 172,?oo /tt-;f'al< {Nc41( i r (\ \/= t7E s(D-7Tn s (r zs) T(ffi^\ /tr,J 0 l< .T-? {irl!": r'.."" ll f =t R o.o #/"2 0f te'R-u:r/*rrrn, I ao ( r:)a (r A{A o Fr-/$ 3 o 1,4 e trtt 'tt P,= Rt gJ & tao(1) --tfo# ii ",' ' 'ii R x 13,/4= ld,Z i 1.. g H= taa . t / r' r' ]rfio y'itr ct 4 t/ 1', tt If-//t+l'r ,/Lr"w'tSue '{rK*rs ft=f{ = l2oo ,4, 2(,2? = 3l{gC.nu-',tk OK, d( sfi e, 4T- €u/p" ar <y'= {4aLl t/Ns 3( v ) .t I ltcr l) t-t,\3( Yq") --:_._{"- i- ^(/.6x?,79//d, r ,o( il ,x"t". €= /J, /ltt-o,o,t6LG STap Fo( a e /J2,,1 #/rr l'u,,r,u? uu ;,,'rL 11, r^td fi t:"o{7t//" 17s loaO l,?a u (ts, t{7 6Y t4) /N-#t // 9, t-t*? tt)- u.tt) ,?( l'3;l;4 '* ?dJ. q,7€' Pt 7lr' r kas,: ,t *t / N ll ,D tf2,4 ttttF PrnLtNS. tl xtA banq lot-fiz{at, ?PrPP77,P .r.",'f l'l:9#hri #'l fi,l q,'l u ' lf < R,fP^= Z( ts")=37ro , /'i" -- o ^ro lo'P2 = d-+ tli"6+{vo('fso) Fr.. s t{9a *(, e 37to'-t{?o z f tRo lhrn: 7{ { ]^' dF, i Jl/q7r/) .f Jo # ,fre ;*-.+ f-tttLr,lnJ 4'F&o^ R, /'/e ,-y''T /,.t3t.4(t)e han* 'y'\ * 2+4+t(,ss)- t(trvi'1 ' trt(;a,,) - A(t{?c,'?-, C., e o -. fs,t a = Stto Fr-r/'z gf,t;o /N-N/; ,4 f towtiGt. fr,{r'55, 4vAEean f*. !rf-_^ iii,;)*(rC ';' f ( t'a f r llc,, r:",//tf/|* I fr o ii' ;/t n,t^, y'1 = -/r J-"\.t4 t?oc' (q() = / | S, Roo tN f'4' a /'(, o 4t' y' = to(,a;l* S( ntt,; it 1-1'7i ,;t-i 0 l4^, l..,,', - ' .., ^, f r .!"! o D . t, BSIGN RDVIEl'/ BOARD DATE IlIIiETING:OF ACTION TIEMEERS PRESENT: SUBJDCT: TAKIJN BY BOAN MOTION: VOTE: FOR: SECOMED BY: AGAINST: hnAnlrutLt- ABSTI]NTION: -/--aAPPnOVIiD: L/ DISAPDI1OV[D r-_- or {trt A l)v .rJ vlr rr rt ,' t ri'";I$ i ll,rrrrr of !it:l;i.rr'.:1.;.', (,r" iicr;;:r: '2, rya7z/ [l>v ,/c-3:5' Veitu,i):,.---.' 1..li,': t; . :l{;l ' .2n '-l 3r.d t.i.'c i) 7 t:c) ll til C rr ;:;;. .: ,': c i. ; .l .<i) ror.r<: l. o:: 'ili:5 c):.:. t .'.: a.I l -'J c '..i I Q >: 0,15 =Y. ).,00 i, i: :[..50 ; C' a") - l-J_'-a i:_-. llcc l1:ch:'-l'i c i il,-'.:; .!.1; L,'. .' '-i-".-_'--'' i;:,:.G S:lrt:';r'l' .t: i::lil t l all:(: 1al r ii i Ctrr c -ii.;I.tl !:..'; l t . l --'1/ r: J.. l.Il :: /'<, u ' D. 'll si; 2Ittj 3;'r.l- lrtli 'llas 1 <: l- . 2ncl .::ir"d lltll B:l :, :i !r:L ri rn J..--_* l(itchcns iicsi.dclti,:r1 ))i-::h:r..r s)ro r. 3.00 :. ''C,oo.L D.l:'; 2nd 3l'r] lt th rj: L, ouL,, /a! />t '!t . ll ri :; .' lst 2t-r cl C c, ;;'"';t .-- t' c .i ; t I Lt;r l .'tt;f: '/ 7:il(i Lrrrrrrl:.\r li r: ll.irlr:tr (:i.ir.1, lrr,:, l/.r:rltr.t / .. n ,'rr .. 1':1 I r -_.... -.__.,.I rt, l,;:',' C<';i.,:r,:t'ci;tI I'( .i:'gh(:r. z >i 2,00 2 x'l;oo ': :< 0.3i) :: /2 /'a 2'j lsi: 2t-t<\ ?r";i li !)l In:.'t it3'.I ,i?i ,t'1 i-j . ,r li'. '1 ' lilt' I. ;r f, .i. It I i x L.00 =f i.i'tr liosc Ci];i. n c'i s Scr'r'i c e S t-;r',: i. on Sr.rj ;:,;:r j.;r I Po:rl! x30.00 : x'5.00 = ljii:; .1.:: i i:1.'i,lltlr Co:ir'ar:r'; :lo:t Cc-'::tc:: i'cl. I'e).- s;o:.1 11 0.J.0 :' .f(tii.,'i1, l.{) . t](t '.ft'-i:t:1. tit;j)g() i 24.5- U:i c9. 00 ' s:.1r(:,-:t:! c.:r <r:1 a.il. ]r:f 3:;rj...::):i 'to <ji:ter.r:: j.:rc tl:r ;:u):o.!" 1)ali)its -:.- a .l.'<,ll Io:.'-iuS .';,1:n co;::rrl. e l::i. or; ri:i c{i:) st'::'.!(:'i: i.():l of c('):,:;cr,c-iar:l- ::'c l:".rc t'.::'i: s . tirr: Di.s'i:':i.c:-t si;;.1 1.:!- Qi: ll: tis:;:::;:;ci ;:cco:'r):'-;:g ':o tirc iler<:::' ;r::<i S'.:,:.tc:: Sc?:'.',<irt'1':, al.9 ii;::c,:r;('..: .' .--r: t! ";,'it: D-i-:;:,:'i<:t s,i::l-.r- t)(rccl;::ii:.'.',' iil t):':: '.r1.-i.;i;:;rJ- ta-i: f ?c ir:-.J <). I'ir:1.r" i:J.:.o (;r.:'i(:::::i n,-: tl:c bu.i)-cl-rtr6 oir.:rr':,'r's uil iic!. a!:d ar:i::'-:1. a:-:,:1I iii:.,'l;i.r:r-i. :i.;'.- 'i':,r1 i.r^ ,'\,1 ',r.'. i'a -';I!11, ;.1rr.. :, rl ;q.1_1 ... -,1 t, i) r :l i:c c'J ::-o ;r, s l-,.:-'. l- char.Sc. DESIGN REVIET!BOARD DATE OT MEMBERS PRESENT: MEETING: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION: VOTE: FOR: '' SECONDED BY: AGAINST: JlnLrlrruIle- ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUtrltrIARY: v oo U oo )os igrr f(ov )ate Pa I d re[ | ee ZON ING CI"IECKL IST S UMMA RY ; ARCH ITECT t_ /o/{,a.ur,2d{ , /1)ROJ ECT .E6AL DESCR IPT ION .0T s rzE iETBACKS: /trJSE ZONE A ; PROPOSED USE(S) ,7, o ) ; FRoNTAGE Lfqi"ry .' - Requtred - rrontJo , siaeJ '/a"{ /O/ { , a"u, Jnt { tE I GHT : Ave rage, Gra de )-'/l.R.F.a.: *'l0O aati )OMMERC IAL FLOOR AREA: Actua I ) ISTANCE BETl^lEEN ]U I LD ING BULK CONTROL lequi red 0ffsets JSEABLE -AN DSCA P ]ARKING Pe rcentage all Actual sq. ft. Allowable max imum length -Front Jf ,sides23n /7(,auu,3? i BU I LD INGS:Reo u i red , Acfua I o, Arlowable sq. ,r.432tJ4-, Actuat sq. t./JJ{-Z owab | €_r A I lowab le rq.ft Height Allowed , Actuat 23@-; , Actua I length D i agona I D iagona I ilrE covERAGE: Allow aot" J (%, Allowable Sq . tr.432t (4 Acfua t-J4--i,, 27rD d r ^^^^-, L Ommo n Actua I sq. ft. 0PEN SPACE: Required Ground Le ve I ItlG: Required _fr, AND L0ADlllG: No. Required _ sq. ft. , Actua I , No. Actual , No.; Cove red Actua I ,% %; P _>q ' | | . Covered Re- 1 u i re d lON ING APPROVAL ]ES IGN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL JTILITIES APPROVAL :NV IRONMENTAL I |\/1PACT APPROVA L Zon ing Admin isirator Chairman, Des i gn Rev iew Board Tow n Eng ineer Da te Mayor Date late S ubmi Da'l e S ubm i Date Submi Extens ion by Sect i c0Mr,4EfrTs for Zon i for Des.i for Envi ng Review gn Review ronmenta I tte d tted tte d of Dead I ine Dead I ine Da te Date lmpact Rev iew "i /'r Dead I ine date I (Series of l97l) i tem of 0rd i nance No. as pe rm i tted It! /L,(r /(, ,f 2L4 /8. (,1 Jn/ 2{, (1 Jf=4lt( 3/ ' qqc J3. {q{ {\-" /01,7( fl. / L<'- 3 t-l /7. 3ot /f, IJ,,*l** /2/dr?( fld /07'/,2\.- 2z-. fL/ --_-_ 1-c./ -/-zJ J S, ZS zs{D -/ /,.) /V47^---l ,'W C,, // l'' * * -t rrrr'"ift ',#'^tl?-i$'#DE vE LopMENt Jrfl fn t tcft 11 For rCcurerc rcgirtcr of cerboo copicr, foroth.t, bc t.p.i.Gd rlong rbovc fold. Steplc cgmplcccd rhc.t' roSshcr in ori3inrl ordcr, FHA Form 2005 VA Form 25-1852 Rd. 3/60 5 Proposed Construclion g Under Construclion DESCRP}PN OF MATERIATS Form Approvod Budget Burcov No.63-R0055 No. - (To bc iorcrtcd by FHA or VAl Properf oddress City Stuie (Addn$) (Addr6.) Morlgogor or Sponsor Conhodor or Builder (Narr*) INSTRUCTIONS l. lor qdditionol informo?ion or how fhit forn it to b. lubmift.d, nun|barof <opicr. olc,, r.. tlrr inrtructio.t oppliccbb ro fir FHA Applilation b. lloatgogc Inruronc. or VA Rcqucrt tor DGtrrt|tiootion of lqqronqblc Vqlur, o: th. co$ moy b.. 2, Dsrcribc oll molrriolr ond cquipmant to bc urcd, whrthcr or not thown onth. dbving!, by morhing oo X in roch oppropriot. chccl-bor ond cnt.ring th. inio..'rollon colled for in roch rpacr. ll rpocc ir inodrquoio, anl.r "S.r miac," ond drrcribc und.. itrcm 27 or oa on otlcchcd rhod.3. Wo* nol rp.(lR.olly dcrcribcd or rhown will not b. conrid...d eol.rt rcquirod, thrn lhc mininum occ.pl'obl! will br orurntd. Woll rrccediro mlnimun ..quinncnll ccn|tol br coatidorrd unlctt rjrcificolly dorcribrd.4. Includa .o olirmot.3, "or cquol" phrorc , or cgntrodicto.t ihmr. (Co,F tidc.olign of o rrgglrl for occaptonca of rgbrtltrrt! mgl.riolr or aqtrip.n.nl ir nol lhar.bt prccludrd.l 5. Includr rignotur.r .rquir.d ol thc cod of ttrir forrn. 6. tha conrln clion rholl bc <omplctcd io compliqnc. rith thr nlotrd droringr ond rp.cificqtiodr, or omondcd dv.ing proc.t|lng. lhc ryrcificotiom i||chd. lhir D.a..iptior of fiolcriolr ond rhr opplicoblc , initnum Conrt|-ctlo|| t|quir.|nrnlt. t. 2. EXCAVATION: Bearing soil, type FOUNDATIONS: Footings: concrete ^i* .{ '{ '! ;; strcngth psi -7 F " ::t Reinforcing '--z # t/i"i"n*i"ZW'","Foundation wall: materiat C- C ,gt :<-. e CInterior fiounda]ion wall: matcrial C,olumns: material and sizca Waterproonnt Tcrmite protection Pa4y foundation wall Pierr: material and ninforting <ar''a ta ',/ 7t:/ 4 Cirdcrr: material and sizes Baseitrent €ntrance areaway -' - -l \''':Sille: marerial a l),, Window areawayr Fmting draim Basemcnthss spacc: Spccial foundationg ground covcr l n'l F:' : / ; u*t^t an f f f)C JotJ ,//r'D; foundarion Additional information : 3.CHIMNEYT: Matcrial Prefabricated ( nak ond sizt ) Fluc lining: matcrial Heatcr fluc size - -r a/Yents ( marcriol ard rrar,r.' gar or oil hearcr l'/\ b7 A L P' t,"rt 2" I water hearcr Additional information; 4. FIREPI,ACES: Additional information: 5. EXIf,RIOR WAITS: Fircplace flue size it t /z A FuFry'Ac{ Type: S sold fuel; I gar-burning; I circulator ( nak aad siac 1 /4 ]tla </t z . Ash dump and cl€an.out Fircplace: tacing 11409< /o.rl- ; t;,ning Fr t1 EBi, cA ; heanh S-&-ZE--; mantel Wood framc: wood, grade, and species UtLt, F<rd et Al'T R f, Coroer bracing, Building pa.pcr or felt Shcathing 6f,lolai ;thickness ?n , width ?/ ; Edlid; E rfu""a-" o c,; E diagonall Sidiry LFD*k Lltvtt tgra4p ,7 z- ; rvp.8-S-; sirc -/12-! cxposurc --2---.,; fastcning ilcllv ttt't9 sbtngltl .lWD <P/t7 ; grade f t ;ryp l/,|ilr ; size 3!-; cx. urc --14!!"; hrtcning )u'61 // Stucco *I thickncss --:- "; l,ath ; wcight - lb. Masor.ry veneer Lintclg Barc flashiag Masonry: [ :olid I hced I stuccocd; total wall thicknes -"; facing thiclncs -"; facing material Eaclup marerial --; thicknca3-"; bonding Door sills Ltl 0 c b Window dllr Lintclr Barc f,arhing InGrior rurfacer: dampproofing, - coatr of ; furring Additiond information: Sillr Exterior painting: material Gable watl construction: fl r.-e "" main walls; E other construction 6. FLOOR FRAMI].IG: Joists: woorl, gradc, and sryJciesW!-Dt--53-EJ.E; oher Concretc slab: f] bascment fioor; S 6rst floor; fi grcund supporied; I self-supponing; mix reinforting ; insulation Fill under clab: material GPhutt ; thickncss --?l-"Additbnal information : ; number of coats .- ; bridging /l V c h o+q i anchors '* fo*o p tf : thickncsr -"; mcmbranq 7.SUBFIOORING: (Describe underflooring fior cpeciol floors under ilen 2l .) OVCDF CD FXT i"in k ;r/F AlfNlaterial; grade and species 6rst Soor; fl second flor; I attic - sq. ft.; E diagonal; fr right angtcs.Additional informarion: 8. HNISH FIOOR,ING: LocATtoN First floor Sccond floor Attic Soor Additional VA Form 26-1852 Descn'be other ffnish flooring undu ilen 2l .) DESCRIPTION OF MAIERIATSFHA Form 20O5 DESCRIPTION OF MAIERIATS 9. PARIITION FRAMINQ: Studs: w'ood, grade, and species Lp c-oFcr0h-ErP ,l.te atd spacing a,(t/ /6 " - € 916. Additional information: Bndgln1 l, 2'/.,t h/ Additional information : I l. ROOF FRAirlll{G: Rafters: wood, grade, and zg,ies U. r. D P S7 D n r Er K Rmf trusses (sec dctail): grade and spccics Additional information : 12. ROOFTNO: Sheathing: wood, grade, and sort.ies-:, ; ! solid; I spaccd -" oc. n*nos@:grade *- | ;'"i..-H.-$Ayp H *1P'1P/ rT Underlay ; weight or thiclcness -; 3izc -; fastening - to. GETUNG FRArtilN9: Joisu: wmd, grade, and srrr:i6 tt/ 6DF 9Z!t.r Ef l( g;1h' Built-up roohng ; number of plies-; rurfacing matcrial - Flashing: ;r.ri"1 GE ; gage or weigtu 2 ? ; E gravel stops; El snow guardr il3. { I v'Downspouts: material ; gagc or weight -- ; size - ; shape Downspouts connected o: ! Storm scwer; I sanitary scwer; I dry-well. I Splash blocks: material and sizc Additional information : l numbcr 14. IAITI AND PIA9TER Lath I walls, I ccilings: matcrial --; wcight or thickncss ------ Plaster: coats -; finish------------7-.."" Dry-wall [il walls, [t ceilinge: materiat 1+,y/ ; thickness --#-; fintuh Zf v f J5. t, Joint tre3tment DGCORATING: (Point, wollpoper, ek^J Kitchen Balh Other CHLtNo FrNaH MATSRIAL AND AppucATloN Additional informatioa : 16. INIERIOR DOORS AND TRIM: D1;lrsz typ ,F/ // 5: rl ; o.,arer:td '/U P P ; thickness -4-- "Door rrim: type-j-h*-- ; macfial--2lJ/E-- b*: typ. 5 L 1/ : matlrial .4 '"' Vb ; zize-ft- Fitu1'. d.*,rc 17* l/ - L,*€ p2 t /? ; rim . * )A f Other trim ( ikn, ttp. dnd lncaliotr )Ei. f 5 **t r WALL FtNrsK MATEIIAL AND Appuc^TroN Add ftional information : 17.WIM)OW3: /nf YT . ^^1n M} lt ut ll,/ i matetrat P/rl/F ; sash thicknesWindowr: typc (' jT). tttT ,V r ; roa}c ----!!J--4--1L.3-!Li matettal | / /r/ F ; sash thicknes --Z$-- Glass:gradeF-Th/trpnao;Dsashweights;[balances,IyPe-;headflashingl|./z/*l Trim; typc ---4.1-; marefial --f-g--ZE-- Pai < | l' I /- L. dL, t4 numbcr coars - Weatherstripping: typ P /) p st z Ps-' ; m^tedal %Storm sash. numbet -2L!-tVlLoPScrceor; [!l full; E half; type ; number ---l!!- ; screen clorh matcrial Balemcnt windows: tyPe ; malerial ; screens, number-; Storm sash, number - Srx3(jiat windows f nJ-i ttr. /f - ,l " R JTO / /, 7:e y'4 RTc 14. /A )r h ut r) Additional information: Al.L FrtEP 7e ,"EJoR )k1 ft+<,, n eD 'f rtI t7 l'|d PI t8.ENTRANCES AND EXTERbR D-EIAIL: Main entrance door: mate r'ral Other cntnncc dors: material Head flasnng Af,Wcathcrstripting: ryp F J7 ES c t, 4 z- ; saddtes _- Screen doru: thickness --:-"; number --l-; ecren cloth material - Storm doors: thickness -"; number - Combination storm and sclccn doorg: thickness -"; number-; scr€€n cloth matcrial Shutters: El hinged; El 6xed. Railingr . Attic louverr Extetior millwork: grade and spccies Pait---2-Z-Z--L ; number coats --L- Additional informatircn: 19. CABINETS AND INIE$OR DEIAII.: Kitchen cabineas, wall unir:lineal fect of shelvec-; shelf width Base units: rnaterial =< L tU f ; counter top TeFrL< t c-t ; dging 9 /''/ F Back and cnd splash Mcdicinc cabinets: make <E/F- Finish of cabinets < 7.4t/ 4l/-Qr,t 'r'1'; number "*t, ---{.- Other cabinets and built-in furniture 20. Additional information: B {LUsT€r€ Additional information : STAIR,S: STA|f, Basement Main Attic Disappearing: matc and modcl numbcr 21. sPEClAt ;IOORS AND WAIN!C-:; Bathmorn accessories: fl Rccccsed; -^1";s ,1 /ttl ; oumber lPgR ; EAtachcd; material ('/EL ; numbcr ? PeR Additionsl information : UNE.Rn-dM^drr^L Co@& f,otDlr., Slzls, CAcr, Err. i'z ? PtUItBING: MFr's Fxrurs I DENnncATrox No. x2, ?. a Lavatory Watcr clocet Bathtub Shower over tubA Stall showerA Laundry trays Ag iurtfi md A[l Dor S Shower pnn: metcrial Water supply: [| nublic; I community ryncm; I individud (prfintc) ryrtem.* Scwagc dispocsl: p[ nublic; I commuaity syacrn; I itrdividual (privatc) ry*cnr.f *Shao and dzsribc individtul gslen in cuttphtc dclail in tcfurale thatoings ond specilwtins atmding to rcquin runtt. Dome*ic water heater: typc 6ts f tlAe : ma&c and model Gar rcrvicc: fl utility compatry; I liq. pcr ga$ 0 othcr Footing drains comected to: E storm ccwcr; E] unitary sacr; tr dry t tcll. Sump pirmp; ma&c and modct ; capacity ; dircharga into 23. HEANNGi: I Hot water. E Stcam. I Vapor. I Ooa,pipe syrtcnr, E Radiaron. I Convccorr. E Bascboad radiatiqr. Radiant panel: [ floor; I wall; f] ceiling. Pancl coil: I Tt*o-pipe rynem. I Circulator. f] Return pump. Make and model gph. t00' rirc. Soragc t r.u; n Ei @; capacity € gallmr. House scwcr (ouaide): E cart iron; I rilc; fl othct Py'C Sitt cockr, number -3-- i heetiDg ^@y 1' t g. I Gas piSnag: I ooo&ing; fl'hourc heating. Malc and modcl m!tedal Boilcr; make and modcl ; caFcity - gprn. Output - Btuh.; nct ratirg - Btub. Addhional information: Warm air: fl Graviry.( fory"a. Typc of ryrtcm Duct matcrial: supply eA ; nnrrn &f Inrulation -, thickne* - [ outeidc air intatc. Furnace: make and modcl I f- ly l/ d I lnptl 2!e 4t I Btuh.; output / f/, ltl Bfih. Additional inhrmatiorl llul\rhrFt€/? '* tLtc7fattc Lt':? c/t*'Ur\ I Spacc hcater; O flmr fumacel f] wall bearcr. Input BNh.; output Btuh,; number unit3 Make, modcl Additional informati on: Controls: male and types Additional information: Fucl: I Coal; El oil; E] Sas; E liq. pcr Sas; E elcctric; E orhcr Additbnal 'rurrformari'rrlr 1'7 C Firing equipnent fimilhcd leparatcly: f] Gar bnrmcr, convcrrio typc. E] Soker: hoppcr fccd [; bin feed I Oll burner: fl prersurc atomizing; I vaporizing Mahc and modcl Control Additional informatiqr: Electric heating system: type Input -watu; @ - volts; output- Btub. Additional information: Ventilating cquipmcnt: attic fan, malc gnd model kitchea exhaurt fan, makc and modcl ; capacity Other hcating, ventilatitrg. or cooling cquipmcot 24. EtCr$C WmNe Servbc: I overhcarl; ffl underground. Panel: I fuse box; fl circuit-breaker ; ^ k"--GE--N.19" lb4 No. circuitr V Wiring:[conduit:[armcedcable;Qnonmetalliccable;[knobandnrbc;[othcr Spccial outfcts: W r*g.; E watcr h"ate.] E citlr'r a /- v-'La n /l YE- 4 I Doorbcll. I Chima. huh-button locatiom Additional informatioo: 25. UGHTING FIXilIRES: ? Total numbcr of fixrurs----t- Toal allowancc br fixturcr, typical installation, S -1-AO ' OZ> Nontypical inrtallation Additionel informetion: DESCRIPTION OF TYIAIERIALS DESCRIPTION OF MATERIATS 26, INSUIATION: Roof o Ceiling Wall Floor HARDWARB (make, mobdd, ond finirh.f S?F€!Af. EQUIPIIENI: (Slroie.motrriol. y !-o!., modrf ond q)on ity. -Include oaly 3quipnorf ond opptioncer which ore occept oble by locol.low, cutlom ond oppfttoblo FHA $aadords.. Do not-incfude. iirmr which, by crtoblislii cusforn, ore supplied'by ond removed vfren fro wcofror pnnircr or chottlcs prohibiied by hv fron beconiing raofty.,f tz- 27.Mf SCELLANEOU3: (Dcscribo ony ma/rn dwclling moledok, equiyneal, or construcfion ifcmr not showr elsewherc,. or use io provide oddilionol inf*mlioa whcn the rpoce providrd rror incdcquole. Al*uyr reference by ilcm number lo correspond to nurirberingoddilionol inf*nnlion reference by ilcm number lo correspond to nurirbering us€d ofi ltis forn,) FORCHEST ICIRACEi: GAIAGEIT: WAI|(S AND DHYEWAYT: Driveway: widln SEEWI basc matcrial C-nr\ l/& u i thlckncg ,/ "; rurfacing ,n Lrur1 lco!*y'T ; thicknclr Fronr walk: wi&h ?/ ; marcrid 6/lf f rr- : thirckrrlrs ?/ ", Servicc wall: width ---; rnarcrirl-; rhiclnccs a- ,, Stepr: materid @; trad! /)- "; ri:cn-2-", Check wa s r\,r zl 4: i.}'.r 4{ OTHER ONS||E ftIPROVEJTIEI{TI: (Specit2alIexlcrio|on'it.impn.).,,.cn|snoldcstribciclscwhctc'ittct0dingi|cnssuchasunuswlgading'drainagc'l|uclut.',raoiningulatk,|cncc and occcsttitt sl/uctu'ct, ) IANItC{mlO, PlAl{fl?,|G, AND FlNltH GlADll{G: Topsoil " thick: I front yard: I ridc yardr; E rcar yard to Lawns ( sccdal,.ro&hd, or iprigged )z E front yard o fcct behind main building. ; I sidc yards Planting: ! ar spccifird and shown on drawings; I ar followr: Shdc trecr, deciduour, -" caliper. Iaw f,owcring trea, dcciduors' High jrowing rhrubc, dcciduour, Modium-growing shrubr' dcciduous, 'lo to- a! - 'io Vina, ?-ycer Low-growing chrubr, dcciduour, ; O rtar yard Evcrgreen trces, Evergrccn rhrubc. Iou,mrnclTroN.-Thir cxhibit rhall bc idcntiQed known .t thc timc of applicstion. by thc rignarure of thc buildcr,oi rpon, and/or th propo.d mongagor if thc lrtcr it ;HA Forn 2@5 VA Fonn 26-18t2 SiSnature Signaturc 4 u. s, covEnNMB{r PnNTING oF'FtcE : ls6s o - rt59-o2g DATE OF MEETING MEMBERS PRESEI'IT: DESIGN REVIEIV BOARD SECONDED BY AGAINST SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN tsY BOARD: MOTION: VOTE:FOR: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: ,+ :'{- I o PRo;ecr No. 691 s-7s-6-2 JUNE 23, lgzs S0IL 6 F0UN0ATIpN INVESTIGATI0N PRoposED Restoencr LoT 3i Br-ocx l, rrrn FtLTNG VAIL VrLLAce SueorvlsroN EeeIe CoUNTY, CoLoRAoo R ECEIVED rul wffi> ^ifiilli,T,l&,if lilff' PRepeReo FoRr MR. BoBERT I,|cMtLLAN c,/o ARcHt rEcrs o Plnnnens INTERNATToNAL, INc.P.0. Box I t4z CoLoRADo SPRINGS, Cu Bogol ATTIIT MN. CHARLES CHOI TABLE OF CONTENTS CoNcLusIoNs PAGE t Scope :f PAGE r PRoPoSED CoNsrRucrIoN , pAGE a FIELD INVESTIGATIoN PAGE 2 LABoRAToRY INVESTIGATIoN PAGE 2 SuasuRrnce Coruotrrons PAGE 3 DIScussIoN PAGE 3 DESIGN AHO COruSTRUCTION DETAILS PACE + CoHsrRucrIoN INsPEcTIoN PAGE 5 Tesr Prr LocATIoN Punru Frcune No. I - TEST PIT LoGs FIGURE No. 2 GneoRrloru ANALysEs FtcuRe Nos. 3 E 4 SUI'IUNRY OF LABORATORV TEST RESULTS TEEUE NO. I o s, aOO hartxy da<e colo(dd) s|}ngs cdo.ado ' 00917 303.500.1547 fi1 soJrh lroruaoe roodp o box rQqa - val . cdorado . O1657 303 .475.0297 JUNE a3, 1975 RE: SoIL e FouNoarIoN INvEsTIGATIoM PRoPoSED RESIDENcE LOT 3, BLocK 1, TlTH FILING VAIL VILLAGE SUBDIVISIoN EAGLE Counrv. CoLonaooPnolecr No. 691 s- 75-6-23.1 kj I otf r) 2t 3) 4',) s) Soil G Joundatronengtneerng CoNcLUs I oNS :r In oun opINIoN, THE pRoposED srRUcruRE sHouLD BE suppoRT€DBY SPREAD FOOTING FOUNDATIONS PROPORTIONED FOR A MAXIMUM ALLOV'ABLEsoIL BEARING pRESSURE oF a,soo pSF. F0UNDATIoN ITALLS sHouLD BE wELL REINFoRCED, Top AND Borrou, wITHAT LEAST Tu,o (2) No. 5 BARS.(4 BARS ToTAL). TNe NnluRAL solLs AND,/oR THE NEw FrLL wILL BE sATIsFAcroRy roSUPPORT THE GROUND FLOOR SLABS. FtLt useo FoR suppoRT oF FouNDATIoNS AND/oR FLooR sLABS sHouLDBE APPROVED BY THE SOIL ENGINEER AND SHOULD BE COMPACTED TO ATLEAST 952 OF-MAXIMUM STANDARD PROCTOR DENSTTY AND WITHIN 2ZoF OPTIMUM MoISTURE CONTENT, PER ASTM D-698. PRESENT GRoUND wATER coNDITIoNS ARE sATISFACToRY FOR BASEMENT CONSTRUCTION TO A DEPTH OF APPROXIMATELY TWO (2) FEET BELOX'PRESENT SITE GRADES. 6) TypE r cEMENT MAy BE usED IN ALL coNcRETE. ScoPE Tnrs REpoRT pREsENTs rHE RES,LTS oF A soIL AND FouNDlrt6N INVESTIGATION AT THE SITE OF THE PROPOSED MCMIIT-NI'RESIDENCE TO BE LOCATED ON LOT 3, BLOCK I, VAIL VILLAGE SUBDIVISION, IlTH FILINC, EAGLE CouNrv, Couoneoo. Txe puRposE oF THls INVEsTIGATIoN wAs ro DETERMINE SUtsSURFACE CONDITIONS AT THIS SITE AND TO FORMULATE FOUNDATION DESIGN CRITERIA FOR THE PROPOSED STRUCTURE. PRoJEcT No. 691 PAGE 2 PFoP0sEp CoNSTRUcTI0N IT Is UNDERSTooD THAT A SINGLE FAMILY REsIDENCE l.,ILL BE CONSTRUCTED IN THE AREA COVERED BY THIS INVESTIGATION. TNE PRO- POSED STRUCTURE WILL BE ONE (1) TO TI{O (2) STORTES HIGH. THE LOWEST FLOOR WILL BE AT BASEMENT LEVEL. TNE GROUND FLOORS WILL BE coNcRETE SLABS-ON-GRADE. CONSTRU:rrpN WrLL BE WOOD FRAME. LOAOS IARE EXPECTED TO BE LIGHT. Fteuq _IruvEsrIeartoN Tulo (2) TEsr PITs tvERE EXcAvATED AT LocATIoNS AppRoxIMATELv INDICATED oN THE TEST PIT LocATIoru Punu, FIcuRE No. 1. THE TEST PITS WERE EXCAVATED WITH A BACKHOE. SAIIPLES OF THE VARIOUS SUB- SURFACE STRATA I',ERE RECOVERED FROM THE SIDES OF THE TEST PIT EXCA- VATIONS. ALL SAMPLES WERE SEALED TO PREVENT MOISTURE LOSS AND FORWARDED TO OUR COLORADO SPRTNCS LABORATORIES. THE LOGS OF THE TEST PITS ARE FRESENTED ON FIGURE NO. 2. TNC EUEVITIONS AT THE TEST PIT LOCATIONS WERE INTERPOLATED FROM CONTOURS SHOWN ON THE SITE PLAN PROVIDED TO US BY THE PROJECT ARCHITECT. LABoRAToRY INVESTtGATIoN I ALL oF THE RECoVERED SoIL SAMPLES WERE CLASSIFIED AND A LABORATORY TESTING PROGRAM WAS INITIATED'BY THE PROJECT ENGINEER. Tne Resuurs oF THE LABoRAToRy rESTs ARE pRESENTED oN FIGURE Nos. 3 AND 4 AND ARE SUMMARIZED orq Teaue No. I. Pno.Ject No. 69r PAGE 3 9lasunrncE CoNoJrloNs SUBSURFACE CoNDITIoNs AT THIs sITE ARE FAIRLY UNIFoRM. GENERALLv' FRoM T',lo (2) To rwo AND oNE-HALF (z-t/z) FEET OF TOPSOIL, ORGANIC SILT AND LOOSE SILTY TO CLAYEY SAND OVERLTE- MEDIUM DENSE SAND AND GRAVEL WITH COBBLES ANO BOULDERS. THE GROUND WATER TABLE T.'AS PRESENT APPROXIMATELY FOUR (4' TO FIVE (5' TFEET BELow PRESENT SITE GRADES, AT THE TIME oF oUR INVESTIGATION. DIScUSSIoN TrtE uppERMosr LAvERS oF TopsolL, oRGANlc sILT AND LoosE CLAYEY SANO AND FINE GRAVEL HAVE RELATIVELY LOW SUPPORTING CAPACTTIES AND ARE NOT CONSIDEREO TO BE SATISFACTORY FOR SUPPORT OF THE GROUND FLOOR SLABS OR THE STRUCTURAL LOADS. TNCREPORET THESE MATERIALS SHOULD BE REMOVED FROM WITHIN THE AREA TO BE OCCUPIED BY THE PROPOSED sTRUcruRE. TnE suB-ExcAVATED MATERTALs sHouLD BE usED FoR FILL IN NON-CRITICAL LANDSCAPED AREAS ONLY. Tue unoencuT AREAS sHoULD BE BACKFILLED wITH A MATERIAL APPROVED BY TI-|E SOIL ENGINEER. THE SURFACE OF THE NATURAL SOILS SHOULD BE COMPACTED IN-PLACE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE NEI' COMPACTED FILL. THE NEW FILL SHOULD BE PLACED tN HORIZONTAL LIFTS AND COM- ) PRCTEO TO AT LEAST 95r OF MAXIMUM STEruONRO PROCTON DENSITY. PER ASTM D-6e8. IT IS UNDERSTOOD THAT SITE GRADEs vlILL BE RAIsED coNStDERABLY ON SOME PORTIONS OF THIS SITE AND THAT FOUNDATIONS IVILL BEAR ON THE NEW COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL. FILL USED FOR SUPPORT OF THE BUILDING FOUNDATIONS SHOULD EXTEND OUTWARD BEYOND THE EDGES OF PRo.lecr No. 69 | PAGE 4 THE FOUNDATIONS A DISTANCE EOUAL TO AT LEAST I,5 T]MES THE THICK* NESS OF THE COMPACTED FILL BELOTI/ BOTTOM OF FOUNDATION ELEVATIONS. THEREFORE, IF FOUNDATIoNS wILL BE SUPP0RTED BY FOUR (4) FEET. oF NEW COMPACTED FILL, THE FILL SHOULD EXTEND BEYOND THE EDGES OF THE FOUNDATION A MINIMUM OF SIX (6) FEET. Oruce Ine NEW coMPAcTED STRUCTURAL FILL HAS BEEN PLACED, THE pRoposED srRUcruRE MAy BE suppoRTEt) ei coNveNTIoNAL spREAD FoorING FOUNDATIONS BEARING ON EITHER THE NATURAL UNDISTURBED GRANULAR SOILS OR THE NEItl COMPACTED STRUCTURAL FILL, THE FOUNDATIONS SHOULD BE PROPORTIONED FOR A MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE BEARING PRESSURE OF 2,500 PSF. BASED ON THE TOTAL LOADS TO.BE CARRIED BY THE FOUNDATION SYSTEM. DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION DETAILS 1) 2') 3) 4' 5) Auu exteRIoR FoUNDATIoNs sHouLD BE WHICH IS CONSIDERED TA BE AT LEAST PLACED BELOW FROST DEPTH, FORTY-TWO (42) INCHES IN THE AREA OF THIS INVESTIGATION. A MINIMUM oF FOUR (4) INcHEs oF CLEAN (I.E. LESS THAN 2u FINES). GRANULAR MATERIAL SHOULD 8E PLACED BENEATH ALL SLABS-ON_GRADE. ALU eecxrILL pLAcED ADJACENT To rr'tE EXTERIoR FouNDATIoN t,lALLS SHOULD BE COMPACTED TO AT LEAST 922, OF MAXIMUM STANOARD PROCTOR . DENSI TY . Tne cRourlD suRFAcE sHouLD BE GIvEN A GooD sLopE AvrAy FRoM THE BUILDING ON ALL SIDES TO CONTROL SURFACE WATER RUNTOFF. ALL coMPAcTED STRUCTURAL FILL MATERIALS MUST BE APPR0VED BY THE SOIL ENGINEER. IT Ts REC0MMENIDED THAT A SAMPLE oF THE PRoPoSED FILL MATERIALS BE SUBMITTED TO THE SOIL ENGINEER FOR APPROVAL AT LEAST TWO (2) WEEKS PRIOR TO ITS IMPORATION ON THE PROJECT o PRoJECT No. 69I PRce s - SITE. THE FILL SHoULD 8E A NON-EXPANSIVE MATERIAL AND sHoULD BE FREE OF RUBBLEI PEAT, TOPSOIL AND OTHER OELETARIOUS MATERIALS. Tne ulxlMUM pARTtcLE sIzE ALLoTvABLE FoR usE IN THE coMpAcrED srRUcruRAL FILL wILL BE FouR (4) INcHEs. Tne soIL ENGINEER SHOULD BE GIVFN THE OPPORTUNITY TO INSPECT THE SURFACE OF THE NATURAL SOILS PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE NEW FILL MATERIALS AND TO VERIFY THAT ADEOUATE COMPACTION OF THE FILL HAS BEEN ACH I E VED CoNSTRUCTIoN INsPEcTIoN Tne aruatysls AND REcoMMENDATIoNS suBMITTED IN THIs REpoRT ARE BASED UPON THE DATA OBTAINED FROM THE TWO (2) TEST PITS EXCAVATED AT THE LOCATIONS INDICATED ON THE LOCATION DIAGRAM. THIS REPORT DOES NOT REFLECT ANY VARIATTONS WHICH MAY OCCUR BETWEEN THESE PITS. THE NATURE AND EXTENT OF VARIATIONS BETWEEN THE PITS MAy Nor BEcoME EVIDENT UNTIL couRsE oF coNSTRUcTIoN. FoR THIs REASON, IT IS RECOI'4MENDED THAT THE SOIL ENGINEER INSPECT THE OPEN EXCAVATIoNS. IF VARIATtoNS THEN APPEAR EVIDENT, IT wILL BE NEcEssARY FOR A RE-EVALUATION OF THE RECOMMENDATIONS OF THE REPORT TO BE MAOE AFTER PERFORMING ON-SITE OBSERVATIONS DURING THE CONSTRUCTION PERTOo AND NoTING THE CHARACTERISTIcS oF ANY VARIATIoNS. THIS RePoRT HAs BEEN PREPARED IN 0RDER To AtD IN THE EVALuA_ TTON OF THIS PROPERTY AND TO ASSIST THE ARCHITECT OR ENGINEER IN THE DESIGN OF THIS PROJECT. IN THE EVENT THAT ANY CFIANGES IN THE OESIGN OR LOCATION OF THE BUILDING AS OUTLINEO OR PRESENTED IN THIS REPORT ARE PLANNED, THE CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS PRoJEcT No. 69I PAGE 6 CPNTAINED IN THIS REPORT SHALL NOT tsE CONSIDERED VALID UNLESS THE CHANGES ARE REVIEWED AND CONCLUSIONS OF THIS REPORT MODIFIED OR APPROVED TN WRITING BY THE SOIL AND FOUNDATION ENCINEER. RESPEcTFULLY SUBMITTED. Tf THoMAS E.SUMMERLSe. P. E. TSzee 3 COPIES PnEs t oexr SENT TEST PIT LOCATION PLAN PRoJECT No. 691 JUNE 23, tgTs LoT 3, BLocK 1VAIL VILLAcE SUBDIVISIoN EAGLE CoUNTY, Couoneoo .......-=- - 8oo:_ - _rH cRY >f 9*t ne /"{ €8* TEsT PIT No. $ l*orcArES TEsr prr LocArroN j F lrl ulIL zo F ulJt! 8290 82 85 8280 TEST PIT LOGS PIT No. r :7 LEGEND TOPSOIL. SILTY, SANDY, oRGANIc, DARK BROI{N TO BLACK. SILT -. CLAYEY, SANDY, LooSE, MoIS BROWN TO DARK BROWN, WITH SAND 6 FINE GRAVEL - SILTY To cLA MEDIUM MOIST, BROU'Nt WITH SAND s GRAVEL WITH COBBLES a BOUL MOIST TO tET, BROWN. PRolEcr No. 691 No. 2 829 0 ioiJA{o.l. /.hi3i.l'i:w ;qol-{,'a\ v.;! ;:et: 82 80 827 5 SOFT, VERY MOIST, T, WITH SOME ORGANICS, OCCASIONAL FINE GRAVEL. YEYI LOOSE, LIGHT TO OCCASIONAL COBBLES. DERS - MEDIUM DENSEI 82 85 F ut UJ u- zo F t!Jtrl -.-2 I 8275 tr m ffi ffi Iuorcetes GRouND wATER LEVEL AT coMpLETIoN oF TEsr pIT EXCAVAT I ONS. NOTES r) THE TEST PtTs WERE EXCAVATED WITH A BACKH0E oH JuNe Iq, t9?5. 2) THE LOGS SHOW APPROXIMATE BOUNDARIES BETII'EEN THE VARIOUS STRATA AT THE DATES AND LOCATIONS INDICATED AND IT IS NOT WARRANTED THAT THEY ARE REPRESENTATIVE OF SUBSURFACE CONOITIONS AT OTHER LOCATIONS AND TIMES. -? f "l "oz o L z 9crrf 9= :u)a@(n<(J Of UJ; (Df;: F.J o- Jc I I JJ *.,(zz lrj -()(n /IU'lrl <o-(\ t rto F N F GI .'. |n FF n N n '+ ( @ rf) ) lrJ rrJ O-za (\rf tr \c| +h l.t-at c\.1 :tF oo \o(\ @ o\ o\ N + o\ c\o c\ o o\ o\ oo o I N I tl N:t <) aIoo Fo cIzoz F J o oF o Fo J a oooo o o.)ooo(''\ -t v"\ .O Cro3rr I Y13U lNlf uld 9 tSSVd lr{!3U3dooo\o \/\ -to(\ oo o + o g, J z lr, Ll tt oo2, q o t G Jd ll E LIJ(, o: E L,o LJ !, ot oe z Fltt ll ) o z I F gl t/) ) 2 F :o G I tr z J LL zo o r-l raUoJ co V, ul(, JJ li{ J to FoJ z ; oo J Ll J (n U' Y(r .Y lr, F o trr' rrJ'J EFI trJ>(rJ;>o ]F u)(r..OO f.rj @ Z .t)F<o>JLJo?roovv)tr I F lrj LJ J a I NI I oz tdJo- n)t- { ro o UJJ (L o bJ F o J lrj F. Sr s=Fr ) o_ ) ao 2I F (') --q: tna<n<c) O] 3?r tssYd rx!cu3oooooo\ @ c.-aao(, o0 ooo\o v\ -? ooanol N \o a\ o\ o\ t t .OAl-. GI o\ o * (v-t o o\ No\cl o Fo Jg I2oz F J U' 0 F 9 v, ) J(, 6 o\oo oo oIc\ I' $r -t ooo(f\ -t v-\ \o c! co oJN I Yl.f u tNlf ufd oo Folzz lrJ -o@tttr!< I N f... F to F F.- to lr) N {t m o N \o a $l n I @ ] td>. lrJ O-za +:rt \o +,*--t-Tr-ill. o N +. 6 o J z It .A o' t!,z ; o,o Ll( Joa C LJJo J Ll c(, o E g, lrl lrl v, z F an o : ln vl z F ro I |J|oz t F c.. a :a t!rr oo u Jo ;Fzf,o() lrlJI L! UJF o .. Iur' . I_td IJl I!-g .olz\)llFl U)(l..OOuJcDz AJF<o>Jlrjo? L (h zr-l o l-loo o ltJI JJ J N oz tdJoI U'F rt \o a a J z. z. ; =co dt- U) o t!N LJ) ;G L2x; LJ tlJ_(Lr>;<; 9v..: U >; (', r.)trj FF:o z t- C) J lrJ J th J trJ F (a ,2 t69 T: gfi;6: jd 3E t JIJ G(9 (o 6z a OJz r.u o<.E lrl . ttl J J HH(J U Il.(, | | qJ> trF F o lrlJ J Z> tJ', q q ll|', O lrJ Vt Eg, o.< {t t.19(9 a-lLL LL n P3il:\Rt!, 6@ lloo ro ^ f.J H ] fi P fltg l s-ioto 9NFrqll@o ogo 6Ffii Fl \3c I I I I \R.J4 \RJJ I I -.r f<FC > -lrf c ur <)F O :lo.<urzo !o-rllrrottl ,L?rq:i*rg Otncon OIo!(o$ \t F. ]fl IFFUJ I t^Jlr, tr or\Frco FIO(\|GI ;e NNN u)t\ to(\l (o UJ F o lrjtrjJEr.lrJ =6'=an o.2, td F(n() =aoo:EGF& rNsPEcibru rtEBTJEsT TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: PMFRTUE f] pannnu LocAroN READY FOB INSPECTION WED THUR fleppRovED fl upor,r rHE FoLLowrNG conREcrtoNS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR (^.F '|E-OWN OF INSPEC T FIEOUEST VAIL JOB NAMEDATE TIME RECEIVED ; ,;. AM CALLER ! orxen MON COMMENTS: ! pnRrrnl READY FOR INSPECTION LOCATION j"'t l .') THUR FRI-AM PM flnppRovED p orsnePRovED _El nerNsPEcr [I UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CoRRFCT|ONS"_.. DATE INSPECTOR oo off ice of the town manager September 20, L977 Bob McMillian Box 1035 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Lot 3, Block 1, Vail iillagel1th Filing Dear Sir: As a representative of the Town of Vai1, Department of Community Development, I would like to express my congratulationsto you for the fine building you recently constructed on the above named property. f feel that your home is a welcome additionto Vail and on behalf of the Department of Community DeveJ.opment,would like to express my appreciation for your efforts. In order to receive a Certificate of Occupancy (the official document that permits you.to occupy your premises) it is ne<lessarythat the exterior of yorrr. nesirlence be completed in compliancewith plans approved by the Design Review Board (items such asflashink. flue oainting). It is also necessary that a finalinspection be conducted in your building to assure compliancewith Town of Vail Building Codes. It is also necessary thatfinal €'r'srling he ^nmnleted and ]andscape materials be installqdto compiy wiih your lpproveci ia If it proves impossible to have this work done in tbe nearfuture, the Town of Vail can issue you a Temporary Certificateof Occupancy upon you agreeing to have this work done prior to amutually agreed date in the future. Sincerely, ARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-5613 BP/di ITY box 10O vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 t,D rrtzz-,q-rt office of the town manager May 1O, 1977 Dear Sir: It has come to my attentlon that a residence constructed durlng the past year is currently belng occupied by you. Our records indicate that po---ti-ual-inspection has been 4ppgoved nor has a Certlficate of Occupancy been issued for your property. It is necessary that you contact me, at your earliest conveaience, to arrange for this inspection and subsequent issuance of Certificate of Occupancy. If any of the information contained in this notice is incorrect please contact me. I am available at the above address or at (303) 476-5613 ext. 235. Sin rely, {t2a-n'2iLliam Pi.er Building Official velopment ltP/di la rNsPEIot TOWN OF FIEGITJEST VAI L l |.t tt i." iDATE :' i,- ,/ , ''' x TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orngn E panrer.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED FRI-AM PM APPROVED E orsepp RovED E nerNsPEcr El uporrr rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE TOWN, FIEIIUEsiT VAIL FRITUE n pnnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR AM PM f]orxen MON COMMENTS: ElnppRovED ! orserrRovED I nerNsPEcr -E upon rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTtoNSr CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR DATE rNst=tfr* REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL oeTE / ., - tt t .' . t'' JOg TIME RECEIVED--- AM PM rururr/ I orsen D pnnrral LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE .a rNsPE!|rot TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT vAlL l OA,TE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED . , "' . AM PM CALLER I ornen MON GOMMENTS: TUE I prnnnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI-AM PM I neeRovED E uporu rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS E orseppRovED D nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR DATE t:rNsPEfu* TOWN FIEBUEST VAIL JoB NAME ' l'i .'': -AM PM CALLER E ornEn Efapp RovE D E pnartel.LOCATION E otsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr TUE .-.-.. FRI ,1 -. .'-*!' E upor'r rHE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS READY FOR INSPECTION rusir=#*FIETTUEsiT VAI L,r/ .')/.'": /iOXfe / t' ' ^t ' '' t JOB NAME TIME REcEIVED .' .AM PM CALLER t fl orHen il pnnrtnr-.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION E-npp RovE D r; I-LI.IJFON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I orsRppRovED fl nerNsPEcr ol rNsi"=fr*FIEOUEETT VAI LTOWN t"'IiDATE 'r. ri i ;' ' JOB NAME J TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER fl orxea flpnnrrel LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED ,' TFIUBMON COMMENTS: TUE El"AppRovED CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr fl upor*r rHE FoLLowtNG coBRECTtoNS: DATE INSPECTOR