HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 BLOCK 2 LOT 3 - 2 LEGALt fr^,s-fiilqT4i' ' ,/ / 4qqF, Pt,r1,ful+ T4)b.n- u/ab f?rlllL + AbqeFLf-- WIIApytvl I S.LlEEfdlE- b)_*F - pt. 1st4'{' l!.r ,-Or'fu - '/l lwq +)/L I| ?t ztlPllJqEi]l' - ro. 46-vkLtted' I I Leb zl*r+ t-,rJa "ttZsfzufupJ1= - to ffi-4cLlD' I Al' s3F6 3t6:5 </) .iz <t) r- rr <t) Jt ^f 'iT N \J r+ il 4LJ rf\i-s-N jl fl s N- 3 t0 0 + N- J 0\) j t Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Proiect Name: Shane hot tub ProjectNumber: PRJ22-0354 Project Description: placement of a moveable/portable hot tub with screening on the patio at the rear ofthe house (southeastern portion ofthe lot) Owner, Address, and Phone:John and Beverly Shane 2945 Booth Creek Drive (A), Vail, CO 81657 477-2945 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Maximum Comfort Pool and Spa LLC P.O. Box 267O,Yatl, CO 81657 904-4004 Project Street Address: 2945 Booth Creek Drive (A) Legal Description: Lot 3, Block 2,Yail Village 1lth Filing Parcel Number: 210103406017 Comments: Building Name;Shane Residence Motion by: Conditions: Town Planner: Date: Board/Staff Action Action:Staff approved 1. That th€ hot tub be screened temporarily with 3t6il lattice until permanent landscaping can be completed (as indicated on plans) during the spring and summer of 2000. This approval will lapse if the landscaping is not completed by the end of 2000. 2. An electrical inspection is required. Ann Kjerulf 0ur2t00 Proiect Name: Shane hot tub Pfi97-oss4 thc Plairning Stati l..i7>-l i23 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dasigrr Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign revicrv must reccive De-sign Rwicw approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmit. For specific information, sce the subrnittal rcquircrncnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acceptcd until all thc requircd inlbrnration is subrnittcd. Thc projcct may also nccd to bc rcviclvcd by thc Torvn Council and./or thc Planning and Envirottnrcntal Conirlission. Design Rcvicrv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a LocArroN oFPRoPosAtt lii, 7 a LOCK:F1ftrc.VL;L nLL/r'.r-,& tl 7h gu.rtio,rf,)t T?wN qFvAtt r{ c. D. E. 2 PFTYSICAL ADDRESS: PARCEL#: p1 . V*it (Contact Eaglc Co. Assessors Office at 970-32E-E640 for parcel #) F. c. ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATIJRE(S): NAME OFAPPLICANT: MAILINC 9J3 TYPE OFREVIEWAND FEE:n New Cenctrlctien ffiing. PHONE: 4 o{ -'1@+. or \. ryrEdetbii@ SJMinor Alteration - $20 Includcs minor changcs to buildings and site improvements. such as, / rcroofing. painting window arklitions, landscaping. fences and rc.taining walls. etc. DRB fc'es are to be paid at the time of submittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pennit, pleasc identifu thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct, The Town of Vail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. I,LEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLIC;\TION, ALL SUBMTTTAL REQUIRE}IENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTJVIENT OF COiVIMUNITY DEVELOPNIENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vArL, coLoRA,DO 8r657. PHONE: t)EC 02 lggg Jan-12-OO 03:OlP Scott Sones LA 970.262 2162 ; P. Ot SCOTTSONES January 12,2000 Ann To*h Of Vail Community Development Vail, Colorado RE: Shane Residence 2945 Booth Creek Drive Vail, Colorado DearAnn, The 6 Comus stolonifera shrubs proposed for the spa addition at the Shane Residence, 2945 Booth Creek Drive, I have estimated at $100.00 each. This pricc includes installation. Should you need any furttrer information or have any questions please do not Scott Sones Landscape Architect, Inc. hesitate to call. fIJST OFFTCE BOX ils . AVON. CO{ORADO 81620 . 970- 949-6490 ooo(171t1*blrV f4'b I ' I bi uAh efir,pil;?W4j auLl I c s'-t' e.*-ll-.ft'F'li t*4/-UEtr) ffi++a Lxb) I fu+**ft qetq'"AArfuIL t- ww"ffi / -'o=: wtew#fffi T"E<*-' Fence Detail a\n.x + E b(t) il; FEaa it?FI HY EE E Ea 6E:o ;75i FIU 7, FI Eu) Fl& {) tsEQo .gEt $slHit\ s..u l'= l.n-eJ koFct No. Date l-ll:z>z-> Revisions - '+L*balit'>tJ Street L-l e)31 Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Shane / O'Connell Residences ProiectNumber: PRJ00-0234 Project Description: Deck modification, window replacement, siding/trim replacement, in-fill floor area. Owner, Address and Phone: John & Beverly Shane / Bonnie & Derek O'Connell,2945 Booth Circle Drive, 47 7 -2945 | 479-9551 ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: K.II. Webb Architects (Kyle Webb), 953 S. Frontage Roed W. Suite 216, 477-2990 Project Street Address: 2945 Booth Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot 3, Block 2, Vail Villnge 1l'h Filing Parcel Number: 210103406017 Buildine Name: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Action: StaffApproved Conditions: Approved per plans received on 8/E/00 with revisions received on 8/25100 and 8/28100. Town Planner. Bill Gibson Date: 8/28/00 \\VAIL\DATA\CDEV\DRB\A?PROVAL\2OOO\SHANE O'CONNEI,L.DOC DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 oo questionszQle llanning staff at 47s-2138 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENEML INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Review approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submittal requirementifortheparticularapproval thatisrequested. Theapplicationcannotbeaccepteduntil all therequired information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is stated. OF B. -c. D, E. F. G. H, LOCATTON OF PROPOSAL: LOr: 9 BLOCK: 7- FILING:\\+h PHYSICAL ADDRESS: pARCET #= nnl)S<fTh A I '+ (contact Eagle Co. Assessors office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) ZONING: NAME OFOWNER(S): MAIIINGADDRESS: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPUCANT: ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr New Construction - $200 Construction of a new building. d Addition -$50 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. tr Minor Alteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of submittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVETOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VArl. cotoRADo 81657. RECETvEDAUG 0 B 20m (lrz Oj BUILDING MATERIAIS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other COLOR: C:re aCabd) f*ffi TYPE OF MATERIAL: bg'( $, \}arvrr \AA l,Vb y',\"r't Clv\ Zx ra&r Th,^ Oh+r,nle 1tl --t* t t61,\ f\'r.,r't 9l FrA-d- udkxbt raSru-t * Please speciff the manufacturer=s color, number and attach a small color chip x*All exteriorlightingmustmeettheTown=sLightingOrdinancel2-11-51, Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each fixture type and provide the height above grade, lumens output, lumlnous area, and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. t* CrAt r ft'l e'-'ey ClaA u/a,- rA/a Wa Ccffr 3 r dr r-,- t***++****t*****t************it**+**!t***tt****t***t!l***********:l TOI{N OF VAIL, COIORADO Statennt *********rll'**a++**t****rl**il**i*********rl**tl***i***t+l*****at**** gtatennt Nurnber: REC-0682 Aruount : Palment Method: CK Notati-on:3?29 Pe nit No: BO0-022r1 ?14re: A-BUILD aDD/ALT SFR BUILD PE Parce]- No: 2101- 034 - 06 - 017 Slte Addresg: 2945 BOOTII CREEK DR Location: 2945 BOCrltH CREEK DR Tota1 FeeE: 837.40 ToCaI ArJL Rnts: Balance : **tt*:l*+**+******tr***t+***rl*!rt*t**l*****:t***lfrl**t*t*******t**t* Account Code Descrirtlon 837.40 09/29/oo 07tL3 hit : .7RI.t 'IrbiE Pal@etrt 857.40 85? .40 .00 Anount 316 . OO 50.oo 2ta .40 250 . OO 3 .00 BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUII,DING PERIi{IT FEES DR 00100003112200 DESr@I REVTBW FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PI,AN CHECK FEES AD D2_DEPO8 CT.,EANIIP DEPOSITS wc 00r.00003112800 wILt cAt r.., rNsPBqrroN FEE Building Permit #: 97 O- 479 - 2149 (Inspections) mwvnFvtn Separate Permits are required for electrical, plumbing, mechanical, etc. ! 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 9,,h3-y*,.Conbd na Name: Jylrl^r{ / o r7 o t/dtL /Zcs robAddress: 2.)r/S bqr( &ny Bt kt t' t/t Detailed description of,r,tark: FZ f"r*-,r, )roi n f k, *oo*s -fr,.L /t Tfrzro WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel €4L nepair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type:Exterior${ Both Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family\pr\.lulti-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: -t---No, of Accommodation Units in this building: of : Gas Aooliances ( ) Gas of Fireolaces Prooosed: Gas Aopliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: S JB, rl>O ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $rorAl: $ Lg, (fiO REFUND CLEANUP DEPOSI'I TO:< 116( ' PE CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor:*rnna ff-u lg-Town of Vail Req, No.: I/,a- *Contact and Phone #'s:4lc aoc( sovl Contractor Signature: ******'t*************r.*******tr**tr**:t*+**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY"":k**************...**.!rrr**rr************ F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm PFDTl ?1 Pr rrr T/q. tOn Requested Inspect Date: Frldgy, December 22, 2000' Ilrsuecliolr Alea: JRlr Ef;e Addrass: 29{5 tsOOTH CREEK OR VAIL 2945 BOOTH CREEK OR l,/P/D lnformatlon commcnl: Commant: Rruusdgd hrsrrcctbr s) A.BUILD Itcm: l0 BlDGFootinoslsteel (6ionql) Ittrnr: 20BlDGFoundEtisr/Sloel -(ftrtlorr6l) Item: 30 BLDG Fran$nq (Optionall - Approved '* 11O8,00- Inspector: CDAVIS ' ' Actlon: AP APPRoVED Comrner*s: Nd STAIRS lN AT TIME OF FRAMING INSEPCTION WILL CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE AT FINAT Item: 50 Bloelnsulation (Optional) Item: 60 BLDGsherdiock Nail lOdronal)Item: 70 BLDG-Misc. (QpUmal) ftcm: 90 FLD$Final (Re+tirad) ^t,, I a\ flppfc;'n'Q U I CoHr 0rnor,t-/ ' 'l I / Sub TYD.: ADUP U'se: V N Phone: 97&84$1001 Phono: 97G84s1001 Ststus: ISOUED InspAlea: JRM RM :SET OF PLA}IS ADMiN iiIfr'eIfL'cTB'b-dN'NEEiib REVT.SED srrE pLAN To MArctr hem: R cquestot: Assigncd To: ACnOn: lnspectlon Hlstory Requested Tlme: 0l:00 PIS- Phone: 90+5735 EntorcdBy: LCAMPBELL K tksmB./ / fi' Ua,ra ftrvrvt coMptne $uvw^o por_ /too wrxa #''-fryE\ U/?ILL' -- P.A*r*e Co*yt-jryta*t fttd-fTrlt{- t ''.*,l, 1g 'lr36.oo= o o H E- c| B do 0 o o ot OH.q qrooOAZE o!qoadl ozoo!oOU a ts )1(J p{ o Hq tlql LI H o A EIF EI&U U @ t Ert21 rloF.UoHtr AOzo dEoa oFrzz E9 E H zz E9 }, rr Fro2+R H= E]e H2 8EA:EE( Elr F2 !o F{ tt E. lr 6t{i HdEUzs !qEqo ct lal (a doB EU ol U H &o tld AvD FI a( FIB o o E(! =>&I;€t{E!{O4&a9r!t{olqEo rbwi'r oF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ou,Q,t^r oF coMMLlN,r"oruurort t, ?l,lr:i '1i - NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E00-021I Job Address: 2945 BOOTH CRXEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DRIVE Applied. . : 1011712000 ParcelNo...: 210103406017 Issued' . : lO/20/2000 projecrNo , TKTm-A2i/ Expires. .: 04/1s/2001 olvNER BERND JURGN HINTZ to/!1/zOOO Phone: 4 oNSr,OW MEWS LONDON SW7 3AA ENGI.AND COI{TRACTOR WIRE NTIT ELECTRIC PO BOX L112 AVON, CO 8r.62 0 License : 232-E APPLICA.IflI WIRE NU:T ELECTRIC PO BOX 1112 AVON, CO 8r520 L0/1,7 /2000 Phone: 970-926-885s L0/L7 /2000 Phone: 910-926-8855 Desciption: Exteriorlighting Valuation: $2,000.00 *t+'l*****,ti**t{(:}*+:i:t(,ltttta*t,i*lt&irl'l Electrical--> $50 . oO Total Calculated Fces-> t53 . 00 DRB Feo------>, $o.Oo Additional Fees----> S0'00 lnvestigation-: SO. Oo Tofat P€rmil Fee--> S53 ' Oo Will Call-> S3.oo Pelrn€trts-------> $s3.00 TO'IAL FDES--> 953.00 BALANCE DtlE------> 90'00 Approvals:r€6m: O6OOO EIJECTRICAII DEPARTMEMT Lo/tg/zooo cDAvrs Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEIflT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 FIELD IIVSPECTIOIVS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI'ICE' DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in frrll ttre information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all ths information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the infomration and plot plan" to comply with all Tovm ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desiga review approved' Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQITESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE N4ADE TWENTY-FOIIR HOIJTRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPIIONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8;00 AM - 5 PM. *'t 1.******{.'***,t *****+*+*****'f +:}********+*,1**:t*****l++'t ******+*,t****{.******+*'t*+******'t**'l***,f TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stat€ment ***+*+*:i****,t **:*d.* !t *r*{.*****r.!t{.*******4.*r!**********************:}****+{',8*,1.***********+**r!**i.** statement Number: R000000090 Amount: 953.00 10/20/200006:.44 All Payment MeEhod: Check Init: JMN NotaLion: WIRE NIIT EIJECTRIC Permit No: 800-0211 Type: EIJECTRICAL PERMTT Parcel No: 210103406 017 Site Address r 2945 BOOTI{ CREEK DR VAfL Location: 2945 BoofH CREEK DRIVE Total Fees: $53.00 This Payment: $53.00 Total ALL| Pmts I $53.00 Balance: 90.00 d.:i******:t******+{,'tr++****+**************:t*****:t++++***+**'f**+******,t*+****+{'***'}*d.!*********{.* ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114O() TEMPOMRY PO.JER PERMITS I.IC OO1()OOO3112BOO WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 50.00 3.00 a AppucArroell nor BE AccEprED r, ,*.o"r,-r0*#irtfEy* ,r: y Building Permit *: KOO- oz72 Electricaf Permit h fu)o - OLl\ 97 O - 47 9 - 2149 (Inspections) TVWNOFWN 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorailo 81657 Conta.t Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parcel # Parcel # (Required if no bldg. permit # is provided above) e I O t OT ,t O e O t-l robName: {lan- Rts JobAddressr, ?f f (rofL C-nrr,L rin Legal Description Lot:Block:Filing:Subdivision: owners Nu ", J-uLn fLrznt, ij Address:, gtf(,"tA &. dn lj phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detailed description of work:/€.&e'''io'n L.'< l+'e, WorkClass: New( ) Addition(J nemoae( ) Repair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior (,-zf Both (. )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes (,zf No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-family Gj Ouptex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: /No. of Accommodation Units in this building: , Is this permit for a hot tub: Yes ( ) tto (4 Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No (zI COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALI OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNTOF SO FTIN STRUCTURE: - ELECTRICALVALUATION: $ 2oog CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor:;; i;'U'n4*o-Ena.Town of Vail Reo. No.:7tL- r,__ Contact and Phone #'s: t Gerx, Eeu,"do Qot or? t Contractor Signature: -/^ ..-^ --a_ , *?n ----V/ ********t<*****************************;.FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*****'!!r**.r.*!r****'*r.*****r<***rr.-r**'r***rr* F:/everyone,/forms/elecperm TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Shane Landscaping ProiectNumber: PRJ00-0195 Project Description: replacement of temporary wood fence with boulder wall at hot tub and addition oflandscaping Owner, Address, and Phone: John & Beverly Shane 2945 Booth Creek Dr, Vail, CO 81657 477-2945 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Scott Sones, Landscape Architect Inc P.O. Box 115, Avon, CO 81620 949-6490 Project Street Address: 2945 Booth Creek Dr Legal Description: Lot 3, Block 2,Yail Village llth Fiting Design Review Action Form Building Name:ParcelNumber: 210103406017 Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Board/StaffAction Action:Staff approved with I condition 1. Add additional landscaping to northeast of hot tub - to provide additional screening (at edge ofboulder wall) Town Planner: Juliet Martin Date: 07/17100 DRB Fee Paid: 520.00 Project Name: Shane Hot Tub Documentl .'/v' ^[\w't/ \ Questions? Call the ptanning Spf at +zg-Zrfa , rwhw must APPUCATIOil FdR, DESIGT{ REVIEW APPdOVAL GEfiERAt INFOR}IATIOI{ Thb.apdicatiot ls F any proted requlring Design Re/iew approval. Any pmiect requidngrceive Desiln Revie$, aqpqrat prior to submilting fur a Nitdng pennn f6r spi:nc see the s.rbrnlHalgureqenE br tie partiillar appmval that b requesGd. The apptkatbn canirot ae acepted all the requiredinftfitatiln b subnltEl. Ihe project rnay abo need b be revidyed by the Town Corrcil Phnnirg andEnvimnrcntal cmmission. Dcrlgn Rsvtcur Borrd eppronrl olqirle onG yclr rftcrfrnrfr bulHhg pcrnit L lcucd and conrtrucfion b ililbd. A. DESCRTffiOilOFTHE@UEr: c. D. E. B. LOCATION OF PROP6AL: PHYSCAL l{AtYtEOF DtAU.tt{G G. TYPE OF RE!'IEW AI{D FEE: cl tr A llsw Gonrtnrfion - S2OO Corurfudon d a neur bullding.lddltbn - f50 Indudes any addltion wtrere sqrnre foffise ,b added b any,^. resilentbl orqnmercbl buitshs.lllnorAltrrrtbn - Ittzo ) tnctuOes minor changes to buikliigs ard sfte imDmvErnents, suchV as, rerodng, painting, wfxlouv addtion+ landciphg, furces and retainlng walb, etc. DRB fees ale b be Fkt at the ffm of $bmiral L&r, when appvhg tur a buttslng peniit please tdendfy the acorate valrdon cf dte Fslrt The Torvn of Vd wil adiust tlre fte accordtrg to fid pid;ea vaftotin. PltAsE sutilrT Tt{Is AFpuctnoil, Au SuBrITrAL RE(lulREl|trrF AIIO THE FEE TO THE DEPARilETT OF COIITTIU'UTY DEYET.OPHET{T; 75 SOUfi FROITTAGE RgtD, VAil,' COLORADO tt65t. : trcnr?tsun I 0 t SCCTTSONES o,rrr: -/- lO -oo 'o, A\\i=,ra O, '.'5r* WA*o- PLEASE FIND ENCLOSED IHE FOLLOWINC: COPIES DATED t./t AA'i l- l-dr)I rlt hJue VfAd POST OFFICE BOX II5 . AVON, COLORADO 81620 TD I II. ZONING ANALYSIS Lot Siza: Zoning: Hazards: GRFA: W two 250's Site Coverage: Height; Landscaping: Parking: 15,316 square teet Two-family ResiJential None Allowed/REuired 4,632 sq. ft. 5,132 sq. ft. 3,063 sq. ft. (20%l ,tu 9,190 sq. ft- (60% min.) 6 spaces Existino 4,582 sq. tt. Prooosed 4,768 sq. ft. futerr lc.l' fur 2,698 sq. ft. 2,906 sq. ft.(17.6o/"') (19.0old 30' 30, 9,702 sq. fL 9,494 sq. ft.(63%) (62./"1 361 0 Lr4 4 zfif ..Should this request be approved. ths south unit will hava 114 sq. ft, of the 2S0 remaining." The norlh unil has lhe entire 250 sq. ft. of the 250 rsmaining. III. CFITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Chapter 18.71 - AdditionalGRFA, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for additional GRFA based upon the following factors: A. Consideration ol Factors: Before.acling on an application for additional GRFA, the planning and Environmental commission shall consider the following factors with respect to tFe proposed use: 1. The-applicant is proposing to match the existing architecture of the building. staff.belierres that the proposed additions will nbt negatively affect the existing structure. lmpact on adiacent properties lffissfJil[:ll,?:,1 o'lio.'ii,%,n"u" a negative impact on adjacent properties. ,' 6L sUz NUz 6 spaces 6 spaces The proposalwillhave! The addition on the west side of the Eunding waiT6e cinre-idd6olvEilne existing driveway and the addition on the east side will infill an existing deck. The applicant is proposing to add a new aspen tree. ed, it will be with th 2-1t2" Ii+fl€v impaqt an existing ro tne lree need to be 2. I APPLICATI L Nor BE AccEPrED rr rnao"".il]. uNsrcr Project +, raJiL - a oul r Building Permit #: 97 O - 47 9 - 2L49 (Inspections) para e ts are required for elec bing, mechanical, etc.! DD OLTZ75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 /-^-L-,J E^-t^ F^---,v.rtrLaQ. Eagtc .-Lr.tII.f Attg''ttlg aJ,IICe ctl './U-J1O-OO+U arf G WWW.gdqrc-LOUnry,COm fof fafce, F f"l9"l# 2l-r ojvo6ot? Job Name: 5rHeE PeJEE.lee JobAddress: Jfqf joontr A6tK E€rut- Legal Description Lot: Q ll Block: J Filingi Uy' Ftc t r Subdivision: Owners Name :J?d,u J Hau,Address: pqyg-4octru c.O?rzrc LlL Phone: y77-2ce( Architect/Designur, k H, UEn6 A*fttrt-rrunac,t l/dro c- tl69 Phonei gq?-)#?e' Engineeri Kpln Address't"/Yt?z u4r L *rafi Phone: q4g-7g91 Detaileddescriptionof work: ft6AU* al"4/p'sJ / n)8.-.,/ fiA,..e- t 4Jtat,/ OCz< WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (:Q Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( ) BothK Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) tlo () Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family() Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: p No. of Accommodation Units in this building: C No/Typeof FireplacesExistinq: GasAppliances( ) GasLoqs( ) Wood/Pellet( ) WoodBurninqf<) / Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Cas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Ves ( ) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: yes ( ) No-<l COMPTETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials) BUILDING: $ /OOro0e ELECTRICAL: $ /O,oou OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL: $roTAL: $ //O c,"- REFUNDCLEANUP DEPOSIT TO: NSEO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: -i,/ lhiodo ( o.,.s77tacrk- Town of Vail Reg. No,: a.rl 4 Contact and Phone #'s;rtor",6 6!d:/9ii ContractorSignature: Zji*<_ ******+******-!*******r!**********r.*****,rFOR OFFICE USE ONLY* ************************* *********** F :/everyone/forms/bldgperm nEcDrYDDAuG 3 1 m Sep O6 00 l0:45p T Maron 449-11?5 Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 222'7 Clnyon Blvd,, Suite 155, Boulder, CO 8{)302 Phone/Fax: (303) 449-1 t75 Qpnl err lrpr -l )h1(t Mr, 'f or-n Henderson Nedbo Construction P.O, Box 3419 Vail, CO 81658 SUBJECT: Asbestos Suwey'and Bulk Analyses Resuits 2945 Booth Creek, Vail. Colorado Dear Mr. Henderson: Artached is the report tbr the asbestos survey and bulk sampling of suspect asbestos- containing materials aI2945 Booth Creek, Vail, Colorado. Ifyou have any questions regarding rhe contents ofthis reporl, please do not hesitate to contact us. Sincerely, c6/h,,*,, Chris Maron Project Manager Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety*Final Air Testing *Health and Safety Training C:\WINDOWS\Desktop\Completed Jobs\lnspections\2945 Booth Creek - Vai1.<iocCreated on 09/06100 i,,i t-,.'r p.2 Sep OG 0O 10:45p T Manon 44S - I 175 Boulder Environmental Manasement. Inc, 2227 Canyon Blvd., Suite 155, Boulder, Colorado 80-102 Phone/Fax: (303) 449-1 1 75 ASBESTOS SURVEY AND BULK SAMPLING REPORT 2945 Booth Creek, Vail, Colorado Introduction: On August 31, 2000, Boulder Environmental Management, inc.'s building inspector, Chris Maron, conducted an asbestos-containing materials sun'ey. The pr.rrpose of tlie survey was to identify asbestos containing materials (ACM) as defined by the Environrnental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish the asbestos impact of building renovation. Sampling: During the sampling process, suspect ACM was separated into three EPA categories. These categories ale thermal system insulation (TSi), surfacing ACM, and miscellaneous ACM. TSI includes all materials used to prevent heat loss or gain or wator condensatiou on mechanical sysiems. Examples of TSI are pipe coverings, boiler insulation, duct wrap, and mud packed fttting cement. Surfacing ACM includes all ACM that is sprayed, trowelled, or otherwise applied to a surface. These applications are most commonly used in fireproofing, decorative and acoustical applications. Miscel,laneous materials include all ACM not listed in the thermal system insulation or surfacing categories, such as linoleum, vinyl asbestos flooring, and ceiling tile, Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. followed EPA recommended sampling guidefines for identifrcation ofasbestos in bulk matrices. A set ofthree (3), five (5), or seven (7) samples were collected for each material type and analyzed by Polarized Light Microscopy (PLM). Each sampie set was systematically analyzed. Upon determination that a sample in a set contained asbestos, analysis of the.remaining samples in the set was discontinued, Ifno asbestos was detected during the anaiyses, the suspect material was determined to be nesative for asbestos content. Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety*Final Air Testlng *Health snd Safetv Training p.3 Sep 06 OO 1O:45p tj r'1aron 449-11?5 Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 2227 Cenycn ?lhijf lij:ffji;l;!.iorado 80302 The following matenals were analyzed and deternined to be non asbestos-containing utiiizing polarized light microsccpy (PLM). p.4 textrrre/ jornt conlpound/dr-pvall LOCATION kitchen wall, ..t;.i.,',^^*.,,"r1ullrr.lb r vvl lr YYq|., closet by cntrl at stairs SAIVIPLE ID 8-31-CM-0lA 8-31-CM-02A 8-31-Crvl-O3A Discussion; Sample analyses results are repofted in percentages ofasbestos and non-asbestos compolents. The EPA detlnes any material that contains greal€r ihan one percent ( l%) asbestos, utilizing PLM. as being an asbesios containing material. Materials that arer identified as "non detected" are specified as not containing asbestos. Conclusion: The only suspected asbestos-containing material is understood to be impacted was to be texture/ joint compoundldrywall. This material has tested to be non asbcsfos- containing. The laboratory reports suppofting the findings above are attached. Applicable state, federal, and local environmental regulations stipulate that all "l'riable" asbestos containing building rnateriais, 'materials that can be crumbled by hand pressure', antl asbestos-containing materiais that would be rendered friable must be abated prior to renovation/demolition activities that would impact the materials. By law individuals licensed to perform asbestos abatement in the state of Colorado must perform asbesfos abatement. Please contact Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. with any questions or concems regarding this report. Sincerelv. Chris Maron (AHERA Building Inspector 046-50-1457) Asbestos*Lead*Industrial Hygiene*Safety*Flnal Air Tuting *Henlth and Safety Trainins NON ASBESTOS.CONTAINING IV1ATERIALS IVIATERIAL l.o qa o0 10: 46p trh i s l1anon --_ 443 - 1 1?5 p.5 ASBESTOS CERTIFICATION STATtr OF COLORADO Health has met Control certified Issued: Expiresr 10i 19/2000 x nit cenificde lT vala only withtlw possession of cffr,t! AHERA ccrtlfication in the dlsclpline ryecilied above. Record Numbcr; 7657 Sep CG 33 iC:+Sp .S lei-cn J6^o>Y^4 .frf*"-"r=p ,'7 Boulder Environmental Management, Inc. 2227 Canyon Blvd., Suite 155, Boulder, CO 80302 Phone,4ax: (303) 449-l175, Pager: (303) 206-0433 ASBESTOS BULK SAMPLE LOGL' J LocATIofi: Zlq-s _Bmlh Creek, t/qrl ". DATE: E'Si-oc. . CLIENT: Grn HeJ.,So"' (1ro) ?ar. G3q t A,rAINSPECTOR: (_hniS /t,1acon TEST METHOD: PLM- ASBESTOS TURNAROUND: (Ll SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: STOP ON FTRST PQSITIVE FOR FACH SAMPLE SET SAMPLES COLLECTED BY: SAMPLES RECEIVED BY: SAMPLE ID QUAt{TrrY l- L/11 'otA /^,? AU)A NTATERIAL SAMPLED BUILDING/LOCATION d,'t,in. I n\ u.,( \ D DATE: Sep -06 O0 1Or46p u5 Manon 449 - 1 1?5 p.8 SET PROJECT #: DATE OF'RECEIPT: DATE OF ANALYSIS: SAMPLED BY: PAGE # 0009-04 09-0r-00 09-0r -00 (]LIENT loFl MATERIAL TYPE CELLCeltulose FG-Fibrous Glass A(-Aggregate NF-Non Fibrous BIN-Binder SYN-Synthetic HH-Horse Heir Stt 6llfl ElIYit OIlWlEIltLl. l[ltr. c o n s d a n s a n a a n a h t t c a t s e rv i c e s 7l00N.BroadwaySte.6-5,Denver,CO.8022l Phone(303)4874533 Fax(303)487-4534 CLIENT: CLIENT PROJECT #: PROJECT NAME: ABBREVIATIONSI BOULDER EWIRONMENTAL, INC 2227 CANYON BLVD., #155 BOULDER, CO 80302 ?945 BOOTH CREEK SAMPLE TYPE VT-V|oyl Floor Tile F$'Floor Sh€eting AC-Acousticsl Sprsy-On CT{eiling Tile DJM-Dryrvell Joiut Mud WP-Wsll Plester GRAN-Granular ASEESTOS TYPE CHRYS{hrysotile AMO$.Amosit! CROC4rocidolite TREM-Tremolite NAD-No Arbeetor Detrctod TRACE-<l7c Asbestos NIST/IWLAP LAB #200,f50 CI,IEln#SEI LAB #SAMPIEDESCRITNON Sr!pl€ Condidon baetr-r &Jl-Clt-0t A s{25 DRY'\ryALUDJM.WHITE, CRAN NAD 35%CELL+ACC cooD NO &3r-cM42A 5426 DRYWALL/DJM.TAN. CRAN NAD 35%CELL+AGG coot)NO &3r-cM43A 5421 DR}I'VALI./I)J[-I.W}IITE. GRAN NAD 2S'/oCELLTACC GOOl)NO METHOD: DETf,CTION LIMIT: ANALYST: Authorized Signature: Polarized Light Microscopy, EPA Method 6fi)/R-93/t l6 I o/o Asbcstos Lars Mrlmrtrom .ThitIr9orrpGrtsi!3o!tytoth.iEo!f.laLThk'tDonor0oibcrpr0duc.dg.rPihfuurittpcrubrloorrfSE|.T|rirnrpoft.rnm|b.U'.db,rt.c|ientt0clrilnprodrl eud0rs.n.nlbyNvLAPoruy.$rqo'itcU.gGov.noca|FloorT|h!snplG.!o|yyh|d''Fr|rc|{ogr6Y...(<l%}r!b€totdq.brt.&rot8b.'l6fb.r!.Drfn|tivcr!sU|trcr! quilld !| IqM .r SEM r.dy!b. SXt rtcooocudr r-adyrb Dy pobr co{for aor" rccuna qtrrlriAcrdia) o; TEM A!dyrb(frr cdtu.cd d.r.rrio!} lor Eslerhle rrguhr.d bytP.':ISH.\FS |! r J i ".1!ri-rri lt|. :!er 1cr :sn r/<!n?,,r {Shf.t4. ty Pilarla'd t,ign(p[]tt Bo.tt girvlc6 gre lr.iils)1. {rr r! ?dCidr.rl lef. TO!{}{ OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGB ROADVAIL, CO 81,657 970-479-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEIiTT NOTE: TIIrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT ON 'JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 800-0224 .fob Address: Location. . .: Parcel No..:Project No.: 2945 BOOTH CREEK 2945 BOOTH CREEK 2101-034-06-OL7 PRat00-0234 Status...: ISSUEDApp1ied..: 08/3L/2000Issued...: 0e/3]./2000 E>q)ires. . : 02/27 /2OOI Phone- 97Q-949-O660 Phone:. 970-949-0660 DR DR APPTICAI T SALTIRE DEVELOPMEMT TNC PO BOX L37L, VAIL, CO 81558 CONfRACTOR SALTIRS DEVELOPMENT INC PO BOX L377-, VA.rL, CO 81659OWI{ER iIOHN AND BEVERLY SHANE 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR, VATTJ,CO 81649 Description: REPLACE SIDING,NEW WTNDOWS,NEW FLOOR Occupancy: R3Tlpe Const,ruction: V N Valuation: Single Family Residence Tlrpe V Non-Ratsed Add Sq Ft:28, 000 Fireplace InfornaCion: Restrictsed: Y *Of cas Appliancee:*Of GaF LogB:#of Wood/Pel1et: t*'rt*t*tt*t*ti**tttt****rtt.r!rtttt!r*t**i*t!trr FEE SITUI'ARY r*tltr*t********tttr*ttttt*t*t*t'rttttt*tir*t Building-----> Plan check- - - > fnvest'igaLion> lti11 Call.----> 336.00 21S ,40 .oo .oo 50.oo .oo 250 - O0 857-{0 857 .40 .oo . oo Reatuarant Pl,an Rerrier- - > DRB Fac-------- Recrcauion Fee------- ---> clqrn-rrp Dclro6it- - - -- - - - > TOTAI, FBBS-. - - - Total calculated Fees---> AddibionaJ. FcGo- --- ----- > Total Peruit Fea--------> Pal4ents------- BAIANCE DT'B-. - - e A g e t 8+I uIt f 0I I 0I L 1_ 1 m 3 ln 3 ln 3 ln 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 51 00 54 00 56 00 55 0z 0z 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 BUILDING DEPARTMENTJRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PI,ANN]NG DEPARIMENTiIRM ACTiON: APPR APPR PERFIRE DEPARIMENTJRM Actsion: APPR N/A N/A Dept : BUILDING Dj-vision: Dept : PLAIINING Division: B.G'., Dept: FrRE Division; Dept: PIIB WORK Division:Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS08/3112000 JRM Action: APPR See Page 2 of this Document, for any condj-Lj-ons Lhat may apply to this per:Init.. DECIJARATIONS I hereby act<norl€dg. thrt I have r€ad ghis iFplication, filled out in full the infornation requi-ed, co[Plcted all acculatse p],ot plan, and scate thats all tshe infortuation provided as lequired ir correct, I aErcc Eo codlrly yith Lhe infon[atsion ald plot plan, to coEply !.igh ell Torn ordinances and sEat. 1ar6, and to buj.ld thiE st:ructure according tso the Tostr'g zoning |nd Eubdivision cods6, design revier agSrrowed, vnj. forr! Building Code and othcr ordi.nancee of tshe Toi,rn applicable Eherotso. REQUESTS FOR INSPEMIONS SHAIJI' BE MADE TN'EITTC'FOT'R HOT'RS IN AD\IANCE BY TELE S€nd clean-I4) D.poEit, To: SALTIRE DEv OF OWNER OR @MTRACToR FOR HIUSELF AND OWNER Page 2******************************************************************************** COI{DITIONS Permit #: 800-0224 as of 09/29/00 sEatsus---: ISSIIED******************************************************************************** PermiE, Tlpe: ADD/AL,T SFR BUIL,,D PERMTT Applicant-- : SALTIRE DEVELOPMEIiIT INC 970-949-0660 .JOb AddrCSA: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR tocatsion---| 2945 BOOTH CP.EEK DR Parcel No-- : 2l-01-034-06-0L7 Descriptsion: REPI'ACE SIDING,NEW WINDOWS,NEW FLOOR Applied- - : 08 / 3L/2000Issued---: 08/3L/2000 To Expire: 02/27/200L ************************************** COnditiOns ****************************** ]-. FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE PSQUIRED TO qHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI{CE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AIiID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.6.1 0F rTrE 1997 IIBC. 3. MUST COMPL,Y TO DRB REQUIPJMEIiITS 4. WINDOIilS MUST MEET EGRESS TF REQ'D,SAFETY GLAZING IF REQ'D HAND OR GUARD RAILS AS REQ'D. PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Botanicat Name Common Name Quantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footage GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifo other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, ek.) Page 7 of L2l04l2\l04 .W';!,tr;!"r" I ,o*ffi Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: MORRIS ADDffiON DRB Number: DR8050185 Proiect Description: STOMGE ROOM ADDMON Participants: owNER MORRTS,IOAN E, &JOHN R. 0s/09/200s 6302 CRESTCREEK CT LOUISVILLE KY 40241 APPUCANT SALTIRE DEVELOPMENTINC 05/09i2005 Phone: 970-949-0660 PO BOX 1371 VAIL co 816s8 License: 160-A CONTMCTOR SALTIRE DEVELOPMENT INC 05/0912005 Phone: 970-949-0560 PO BOX 1371 VAIL co 816s8 License: 150-A ProjectAddress: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DRVAIL Locataonl 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR., EAST UNrr Legal DescripUon: Lot: 3^,2 Block: 6 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 11 Parcel Number: 2101-034-0601-7 Comments: seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:05/23l2005 Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permlt is issued and constructlon is ommenced and ls diligently pursued torvard completlon. Matt Gennet DRB Fee Paadr S30O.O0 TOI,[NM General f nformation: Description of the Request: .J f,aitions-Residential or Omrnercial Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2739 faxi 97 0.479.2452 web: www,vailoov.com 1l- ePjeq:. r:quiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit apptication. please refer rothe submittal requirements for the particular apprwal that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot beaccepted until all required information is received by the community Development Department. The project may also needto be reviewed by the Town council and/or the Planning and Environmentat i:ommissiJn. oesign revie; upp.o'""fLpr",unless a building permit is issued and constructio'n commences within one year of the approval, J Block: MaifinsAddress: __b_6pX_1311 1 Uly/L | _.CocoaAh ?,l6tt Phone: '41o 9q>to a.f -,,, E--"lt Add*"*-6;=bax: 91c QQ 066 0 Physical Address: Name of Applicanf: Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Construction Ef Addition Lf Minor Alteration (mu ltFfamily/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved ptans tr Separation Request ut DAtu€^l? t.u <. R $s0 No Fee $650 $300 $250 $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design No F". R'ui"* Bou'd' ftCO AAv _ s zo0. rY\ prus 91.00 per square foot of total sign area. YPf Fof construction of a new building or demo/rebuird. 9l For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or I commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). || For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. Location ofthe proposal: tot:_-3 Page 1 of 12104/28104 lilar 4 2005. l:l7Plil. *ut, ro ' ruu{ r'ctrr!pNo,27!5 pP , 1/1 2{AuSl$2m4, Torrtmlnry pb|'lsbsmil!$*tl sosllis g€otroaq drllas ndo ofioh rlll r*, tlfrt4 t"p-oi otirctott m "FW ry ry:f |oh # t""" o,,i**A fr5.-tut€r 1trh s$irios *o.Id 6c or lhc ft * f,oor ofthoto ffiffifi;ll ridc rrit ns;1bte ovu*uoe cftho *cmd I tfyfid wudd 16t pir-tt"p"l th!f,atb ofthrl *isctrl s6od !ficrr' Eruio ,ffiE# .;c- --rr.d-*tqrsrs.a4S*{rlryLl ;:tJ€cd.!.rdiagr-a- -a! | ) *-. Jr t " -'f * Dt 's *++++******!t******l"t************************+++*'l't't***+************************************* TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Sraremenr+++++++:i+****tt+ff**f++++***************f't'tfl********t***t**********:t********'t****+**,1'l**t** Statement Nurnber: R050000547 Amount: $300.00 OS/09/ZOOSO2:43 pM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: 5822ISAITIRE DEVELOPMENI, INC. Permit No: DR8050185 T!rI)e: DRB - Addit.ion of GRFAParcel No: 2101- 034 - 05 01- zSite Address: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIIJLocation: 2945 BOOTH CRBBK DR., EAST IJNIT Total Feea: $300.00This Palment: $300.00 Total AIrIr Pmts: $300.00Balance: $0.00********d.****ttr'l'1.{.{.'1.*******!r'}*'}*'t*******+'t**!t****'}**+****'}**t*****'tS$*********************t * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: AccouItt. Code Descriptlon Curren! Prnts DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN RSVIEW FEES 300.00 IOI4N\IM ffi {_&L:Ntffido€16s7 h*^ a Home Occupation permit _,.._ s-s-.crt-Application yn_..'--, ( ,,. rffi i-"\-(-,P"9h A home occupation is a use conducted entirely within a dwelling and is incidental and secondary to the use of thedwelling for dwelling purposes' Home occupa'tion permie must be renewed on an annual basis. Approvals for homeoccupations shall lapse [0ot nursued Business t{ame: Jhff/{Businessn".", \Ftr(rD \l--:,\[-J L f-C--- General Information: Description of the business: two months of approval. Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8G40 for parcel no.) #w lFgruIt{(onrngi _ Loe ( Bbcx:2 subdMsion: !' Name(s) of Propefi Owner(s)t Maiting Addres", Lq\S 1q- Name of Applicant (Buslness Ownerll ".'.i(-Co^^C Mailing Address: aq\S \ EmaitAddress, . Un fJOr\\e-oo\. HOME OCCUPAIION IN FOR}IATIOI{ Number of employees: Hours of operation:GY'.Qd Equapment/vehides (including number) b be used: CL,J Where are sl uipment F bq locatedi\/c\Fv-t..\ \ nCcfrl o The Administrator may require the submission of additional plans, drawings,specification+ samples and other materials (including a model) if'deemed-necessary todetermine whether a proiect will comply with Oesign euidelines or if the intent of tfieproposal is not clearly indicated. L"<-c.\- b-.. F : \Users\cdev\FORMSUdmin i$rative_Actiom\home_oc_2004. doc Page 1 of 3 03/241M t. HOME OCCUPATION pERJttIT CONDffiONS All home occupations must comply with the following regutations at all Umes. If anycondition is violated at any time, the home occupation petmlt may be reyoked. 1. The use shall be conducted enUrely within a dwelling and carried on principally by the inhabitants thereof. A home child daycare facility shall be exempifrom this requi[meni toallbw outdoor play 2' Employees, other than inhabitants of the dwelling, shall not exceed one person at any time. 3' The use shall be clearly incidental and secondary !o the use of the dwelling for dwelling purposes and shall not change the residential character of the property and neighborhood. 4. The total floor area used for the home occupation shall not el<ceed on+fourth (1/4) of the gross residential floor area of the dwelling, nor exceed five hundred (500) square feet. Home-child dafcare facilities shall not exceed one-ialf (V2) of the gross residential floor'area of the dwelling, noi one thousand two hundred fifty (1,250) square feet. 5. There shall be no advertising, display, or other indication of the home occupation on the premises. p. .$tting stqk,. supplles, or producb on the premises shall not be permitted, provided that incidental retail sales may be made in connection with other permitted home oacupations. 7. There shall be no exterior storage on the premises of material used in the home occupation. 8. There shall be no noise, vibration, smoke, dust, odor, heat, or glare noticeable at or beyond theproperty line, as a result of the home occupation. A home child day-care facility shall be ocempt from this requirement to allow outdoor play areas, 9. A home occupation shall not generate signincant vehicular traffic in excess of that typicallygenerated by residential dwellings and shall not interfere with parking, access or other normal activities on adjacent properties, or with other uniE in a multFfamily residential dwelopmenl i - lp. t'to ryttln9 or storage of commercial vehicles in association with a home occupation permit shall , be permifted on the site. .. 11. A tlome occupation permit is valid for one year and must be renewed by the Administrator in order for the home occupation to legally be continued. I agree that the home occupation will be in compliance with all of these conditions. -o+ F: \Users\cde\AFORMS\Adminisf atir/e_Acfl ons\home_occ_2004,doc Page 2 of 3 o3l24lM { Aus.25. 2001 2:2lP|t,| a o I'10,8067 P , 3/3 lh orrit I. Job ltrcrrs grerrt r*coissfron frr Bomfu O'C-ornell to oooduct hsfocsc knoun as il;.Tb.il-fii . 'l"o r, t-n*""t o'coEcll to condusr busiless kno\iln as iffiiiffi S*i; f*;*'" GAeno nzg4lgoothCreelk Dr. Var'l, Co' 81657 wn,TTny utSigrre \ Johnlvlornrr TOWNOFVAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97M79-2138 APPI,ICAIflT SALTIRE DEVELOPMENT INC PO BOX 1371" VAIL, CO 81658 I-,icense: 15O-A Also is OWNER TOHN A}ID BEVERTY SIIANE 2945 BOOT1I CREEK DR vArrJ, co 4L649 Lricense: COI{TRACTOR SALTIRE DEVELOPMENT TNC PO BOX 1371 VAIL, CO 81658 License: 150-A 08/31/2000 Phone z 970-949-066o COIfTRACTOR 08/3t/2000 Phone: o8/3a/2000 Phone: 970-949-0660 Description: REPLACE SIDING,NEW WINDOWS,NEW FI.OOR Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction:V N Type V Non-Rated Valuation: $28,000.00 Add Sq Ff 0 Fireolace Inforsntion: Restricted: Y Permit #:800-0224 Status...: FINAL Applied. . : 08/31/2000 Issued...: 08/31/2000 Expires. ..: 12/28/2000 Total Calculated Fees-> Addidonal Fees-> Total Pemrit Fee--> Payments-> BALANCE DUE-> #ot Building-> PIan Check-> Investigation-> will call-> S335.00 Restuarant Plan Review-> $218 .40 DRB Fee--> $o.oo Recreation Fee .--> $3.00 Clean-uPDeposit---> TOTAL FEES;----> $0.00 $s0.00 $0. 00 $2s0. 00 $857.40 9857.40 $85?.40 s8s7.40 90.00 o DEPARTMENT'FC.MMUN,#L'*'.'-':'/;'\7'L NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON TOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BTIILD PERMT Job Address: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR ParcelNo...: 2101,03406017 Project No : Also is Applicant approved amount date # oI Gas Appliances:0 # of Gas logs: 0 TOVlComm. Dev. Cfean-up Deposit Refund Approvals:Ife'm: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENI 08,/31/2000.TRM Action: Itern: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEIIIT 08/3r./2000 JRM Acrion: IICM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTI{EI T 08/31l2000 'JRMItem: 05500 PI,BI-,IC WORKS APPR APPROVED APPR APPR PER B.G. APPR N,/AAction: o8l31l2ooo.rRM Action: APPR N/A r*flft l*************1t*'r**t#**rr*t**ff ,tr*rblllt**rtlr*r**F***r+**&rs See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this apptication, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unilorm Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 *********rl*rit*ra:t*trvftt**rht*rt*l*ffiffi**r*rit***ffiffi*****rB#********************** CONDITIONSOF APPROVAL Permit #: BU]-0224 asof.0G77-2[3 Status: FINAL L*tr'it{it**til**:tlt********!l!l.l-********lnhtffitit#ffi*tit*******fir*{i***tt1t****!t*ltdit*:*tdi:ffi Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Apptied: 08/21/2000 Applicanf SALTIRE DEVELOPMENT INC Issued: 0B/27/ZCfl0970-949-0660 ToExpire: 72/28/2000 |ob Address: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Location: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR ParcelNo: 2701,03406017 Description: REPLACE SIDING,NEW WINDOWS,NEW FLOOR ***********|*{.*'t*:t'*|H.***r*********************** COnditiOnS #*{nt*********r********************* Cond: CON0000274 MUST COMPLY TO DRB REQTIIREMENTS Cond: CON0OO0275 WINDOWSMUST MEETEGRESSIF REQ'DSAFETY GTAZING IF REQ'D HAND OR GUARD RAITS AS REQ'D. Cond:12 (BLDG.): mLD INSPECTIONS ARE REQLIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPUANCE. Cond:16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALLBEDROOIVISAND EVERY STORY AS PERSEC.31O.9.1 OF THE1997 IJB,C, * * ** ***+ * * * *+ ***+'* + + ++ * * * +* * * * ** * * **+** + * tl t** f ++1t * + *+ {. +,}*+* **************** * *+** * ** {. * *** ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopyRerlntGd m 0G1?-20lXl rt 16:f2:Sil 06h7/2003 Statement ** *+**'* ********* *+* * *** * * ******++* + + ****** +* * ** * **** * * *+ * * * +* * * * *+ ** * ** * * *******+***+ + + +++++ Statement Nuriber: REC-0682 Anount: 983?.40 O9/29/2OOOO?:13 AM Palment Method: CK Init: .fRM Notation: 3729 Permit No: BOO-O224 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT ParceL No: 210 J_03 4 0G 012 Site Addrees: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL IJocation: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR TotaL Fees: 9857.40This Payment: $832.40 Total AL,L pmts: gB57.4O Balance: $0.00 ** * ********{.*+++*+*********+***************'t'****'i{r************+****+****+*+++******+**+****+ ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cunrent Pmts AD D2-DIPOB CLEANUP DEPOSITS 25O.OO BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERMIT FEES 316.00 DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 5O.OO PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 2L8.40 |/,JC 00100003112800 htill CALL INSPECTI0N FEE 3.00 PREPInED 6/19/03, 11:56:2{ PROGRAU XN415U Tor! of vail DBPOSIT RSFI'IID RSPORT-UDDATE PAOE 1 clrsT-rD cusml|ER NtltB cBt8Gts C@E DEIICRIPTIOT DIDOEIT DIPOETI-ID' AD'USTIIEI}T AFIER-NEF'I@ TT-DATE .Ar'.DATE IIOUIIT llIq'NT AI'OUIIT IIIOUTIT 2025 800-022a salttlra Dqellotmeot D2 DEP08 DBPOSrI 9/29100 6/L9103 25o.OO 250.00 250-OO- TCTAI, IOR CI'SII)IER IY?E: D2 alt B,ATclr CREATED3 BArot-01931 2003106 ngERrD-HrorrsrcA Ap Har,D coultr-L O0 At@Ur*T- .00 zso.00 250.00 250. o0- GRASD tOtAIr ? 250.00 250.00 250.Oo- DAPOSIT COUN!: 1 .00 250.00 owNER sHANE .roHN AND BEVERLI 0e/o7/20oo nhtppfOVed tg r,icense: 251-A Also is Applicant clean-up DepOsit RefUnd 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR fih'r*r*r oF c oMMUNrr" orurrol}u, L^+ 3 amount 5oO.- date l\2,,\ot Desciption: lIEliI DECK, SIDING, IiIINDO$IS Occupancy Tl4ge Fact,or Sq Feet Totals.,. $110,000.00* Number of Dwelling Units: 2 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: $110,000.00 Fireplace lnformalon: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 # ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pallot: 0 FEF, STJMMARY Building-> S?80.00 Restuarant Plan Revicw->g0 . 00 Toral Caloulated Feos--> 91, 890 . 0o Plan Check--> S5O? . OO DRB Fe€.-__> S1OO . Oo Arlditiolral F€€s.---------> Investigation-> S0.00 Recreation Fee-->So. oo Total Permit Fee > S1,89o.oo Will Call_-> S3 . 00 Clean-up Deposil-.*-> 9500 , 00 Pe]'ments--------> S1. 890 . 00 TOTAL FEES_--_> S1,89O.OO BALANCE DUE-> ,f ';' \u&rt rTOWNCF VArL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PROJECT TITLE: ADDiALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 800-0232 Job Address: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR Applied. . : 09/07/2000 Parcel No...: 210103406017 - Issued. . : 10/05/2000 ProjectNo , TKTm-Oe7/ Expires. .: 03127/2oll APPLICAI'{:I NEDBO CONSTRUCTION o9/O1 /2000 Phone: 970-945-L001 P.O. BOX 34L9 vArL, co cEr,L# 471-4888 81658 License: 251-A Also is CONTRACTOR CoNTRA(=OR NEDBO CONSTRUCTION 09/07/2000 Phone: 970-845-1001 P.O. BOX 3419 Hil; l?r_nrr, s16ss TOV/Comm. Dev. VAII-,, CO 81649 License: s0.0o s0.0o Approvals:Ifem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMEICT j9/07/2OOO JPJ,( Action: NOTE PT,ANS TO GARY 09/28/2OOO GGOODELL Action: APPR RCVD REVISED SITE PIJAII Itrem: 05400 PIANNING DEPARTMNT 09/07/2000 Jwt Action: NOTE PLAITS TO BILL 09/28/2000 GGOODELL Action: APPR PER BILIr GIBSOI'I Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENI 09/07/2000 Jwl Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 09 / 07 / 2OO0 JRrtt Actionr APPR N/A Action: APPR IiI/A See pale 2 of this Document *, -fidrdons that may appty ro ,ti, p.*ir! DECLARATIO}IS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in full the information required, completed an accurale plot plan, and state that all the inforrnation as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this struclure accodiog to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, desip revicw approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. \ Send Clean-up Deposil To: NEDBO ( ,1jr4 REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.IJOT]R HOLIRS IN ADVA}ICE BY AT 479.213E oR AT OIJ'R OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM . 5 PM. SIGNATURE OF OWNER NTRACTOR FOR HIMSEIJ'AND OWNE PAGE 2 *** ** **** ***************************f:l******+** ****************{.{.**********ti**********************+***** CONDITIONS OFAPPROVAL Permit #: 800-0232 as of 10-05-2000 Starus: ISSUED *****+**f++*+****!****+**+*********i(*r(**{r*t*****i(f**irt*tt *ir t *:t * ** * *1. * * * + * *** * * * {r**** *r( * + ** *** * *** *** ***** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BI"IILD PERMIT Applied: 09107/2000 Applicanr NEDBO CONSTRUCTION Issued: 10/05/2000 Job Address: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DRVAIL Location: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR Parcel No: 210103406017 ** * * * ** ** * * ** * * **** * * * * * ** ** * * * * * ** *ci * * * *** *r * *rr * * * ***i.* * * * ** {r*{r * * ** * ** *** * ** ** * * {'*** * ** *** * d(* *** * * *** ** * CONDITIONS *++*****++*******{.*******x.**++************ ************************************xr************************* Cond: CONO000281 MAKE SURE THAT AT LEJAST ONE EXTERIOR WIIIDOW OR DOOR IN EACIT SIJEEPING ROOM II{EETS THE BEDROOM EGRESS REQUIREMnTTS OF SECTION 310.4, 1997 UBC. Cond: CON0000282 TIiE W]NDING A}ID SPIRAI., STAIRS CONCEPTUAI,I-,Y SHOhIN O!{ TIIE PI.,AIIS MUST MEET AI,L OF THE SPECIFTC REQUIREMENTS F'OR WINDING A.}ID SPIRAL STAIRS, RESPECTIVELY. SEE sEcrroN 1003., UBC, FOR WIlmnTG STAIR REQUIREMmflTS AND SECTION r., UBC, FOR SPIRAL STAIRS. Cond: CONO000283 EACH STAIR IS TO HAVE A CONFORMING ITAI.IDRATL ON AT I-IEAST ONE SIDE. SEE SECTION ]-, T997 I]BC FOR SPECIFIC I{AIiIDRJAIL REQUIREME]flTS. Cond: CO1T0000284 PROVTDE SPECS AND/OR DRAWING STAMPED BY A QIIAI,IFIM COI,ORADO-REG]STERED PROFESS]ONAL ENGTNEER FOR BEAM IN KITSITET{,/DINTNG AREA AT TOCATION WIIERE EXISTING WALL TS TO BE REMOI/ED. THIS MUST BE ST]BMITTED, REVIEIiIED & APPROVED PRIOR TO SCIIEDI]I,]NG A FRAM]NG ]NSPEETION. Cond: CON0000285 PROVTDE APPROVED SAFETY GI,AZING FOR NEW WINDOWS IN LOEATIONS VIHERE IT IS REQUTRED BY SEC. 2406, '97 UBC. Cond: CONO000285 sEE REV]SED SrTE PrrAN PSCETVED 9/27/00 FOR NOTES, ETC. AS PER DRB.APPROVJIL. REVTSED SITEET AO.1 STAPLED TO APPROVED PI,,AIIS AS LAST SIIEET IN SET. Cond: 12 FIETD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO ctMCK FOR CODE COMPLIA.IVCE. Cond: 16 SMOKE DETECTORS ARE PJEQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.5,1 OF TIIE ]-997 I]BC. t * **** ***+ * *:t * 't ** 'f* *'f + * *** *** * ** ***+ * **1.:t'lr* f** **** t*******++****'1.* ****r.***tr:tr{rtrlr:td.*+ **+*****'}.r TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO SHement***********:t***'i'*******{.'l'}'f t ****x*r.*********t'i**'******!*******+*****t t **:t{.**{.*********+++**** SEatement Number: R000000012 Amount: 91,A90.00 L0/OS/?OOOLL:51 All Payment Method: Check Init: itltN Notation: NEDBO CONSTRITCTION Permit No: 800-0232 Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUTITD pERMfT Parcel No: 2101- 034 - 0501- 7 Site Address: 2945 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIIJ I"rocation: 2945 BOOTI{ CRXEK DR Total Feee: $1,890.00This Payment: $1,890.00 Total AIrIr Pmts: $1,890.00 BaIaDce: $0.00 **+* {.**+*++{r*{r**l' ***'1.*t!'******************:lr* tr**'t:t{.{.i!**:t*+++++*+++*'tf *,tt,l,l*'t't!t't'}**********{.*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descr"i pti on Current ffis AD D2-DEPO8 CLEANUP DEPOSITS 5OO.O() BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUiLDING PERMIT FEES 78O.OO DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEI4I FEES 100.00 PF 00100003112300 PLAN CHECK FEES 507.00 l^Jc 00i00003112800 i^/tLL CALL INSPECTIoN FEE 3.00 \__ '\=--- " I -"- -2 / a7,/ C ZZt-Y/(t { o I o /, ,. / _. , _r/ ).y.'t-:-1 V-"--- q*-y -rtrD R 7Y )t o "f*F1'- < tf-'-r al )rd::t. ' . t. o o Ir d..criD.d lD EhtDtt I .tt ch'd h.r.to ud rd. a P.rt betrof -I-rL Lltt I Ltot{l I|l &.,*n l5r0 3 ------.---.+:=*5_,;*+-#*=?=:.:z=t;--c'.f-. -- - -t-- t- lr .l - Elra rI -- -l -t - d d--a --l_ f-' - -'--=- r-- D.-r-r- --o- - _- -. - ----.- .-E -- l-rrrr----t--_ -tG l- -- - .{} - q, t ta - -t- .a fll.q - rI .lI - i-aa-t- rq-i'- G-'-- - .I-- r -- rI---'- L--- r ilr; - -l L r- --- d -EDL --- .1b--.t- --s E-t---_------t-tt' ---|--.'..-tt|x|.--..E--.'dl-!-|-q-.|r'!.ll.u/....D.:.rif-- a.rd. - -a-.E------- -_-_r-- E-r_ ---- ---r ---- --'-- -..---rf --- - E ----' - .-ll .- r .{- t- - -l-S drr d'-|l !'rr q' -'r -'.F5' ld - -F -.. -t - d...--a5. i-. -EL qa - tl-dF 'r-' drE ii o -r -- I-r--n..|.rrrt " -l- ---r--g-._d.l-..'.ll-.'l.t..--,F.-al-.t.. - --r- Er rF-Hdr--- -l'd.u-'4t!r r---!'?" - " t" =____ -- -_ ------t--t.D---_:;---- --- - --l--.---:-E.r-bfat- _.-lt t- - - Er a d fd - - d -a- - r-.--lD r-tpr tsE rl--.-t-h---I'-.--|dt-.t-_-q-. lr.C. Q.-f . a\u-_J 150 5 EXEIBII A to Eaacocnt Agrcaaant bctrcen V.il Aarocirtes, Ltd. rrd Oar ?rcllitie., Inc., dltcd Decenberl, ress Lnd Da.criptl,on, .lturtad in tha Countv of Eaqle, Stlte of CoLorrcr,: lbc forth 5 f.et of r.ot 6, Etoc)( 6, vlil viUlge, Firat Filing; A 20 toot c...rnt lying lO f..t on eitl.cr ride of a line d€rcripcdt.r c*ncillg !t the 8I corncr of trrct E, vaLl vill.ge, lirstlilttrg, tlenc. lorthcrly 15.83 f..t along thc .rc of th. fert lr,:r"of ld lnct E, uh.nc. tha ?S.OO foot r.diur bcrr. gouth gZ"3?'Icrt to th€ irb. potnt of begtnning l thcncc Bortb 51c35. E rt lO;.;fccC rort or lcar to thc lroiDt of cunrature dr tha liorth lin! oi..id U.ct It f 10 foot ...CDt fyfng 5 f..t on Gither .lale of r linc Aercribedrrr c-!|clng rt thc gl Corncr of trlct E, Vail Vlllage, pirstlifturg. thencG Xor-therly 1O5.?O fcct elong the .rc of the Brrt ti::dof reid ?rrct E, vhcacr tbc 85.25 foot redlur bc.r. gouth 61000'h.t, tbcEt trortb 56'00. f.rt U3.OO fGct Dre or LGrr to thelortb.rly linr of a.id lr-tct E, f lO foot ...cEnt Iying 5 feet on ci, ther ride of a Lir. dc.cri-bed !t E|i"4lg rt r polnt qr the t rr lLne of Lot I, \ arL village,loorth tlliDg, l8.OO f..t aqrtb of th. If @rncr thclcof, th"r,c"aouth l8'O3' L.t 68.00 f.Gt to r poirt qt tb. Eoutb Iinc o!la.ct t, Y.11 vl!.L9o, rlttb !111ng, 3.oo fGGt rGst of thc pointod errrtun 6 Oor'a Crlah Driva, lo ..rGt IO.OO tc.t i[ uidth 1169 tb. goutherly .tr.ight lErtronof ldE LO, yril VilLg.. geaond tlltngr tt lorth.rly IO.OO f..t of Lot ll, tb. ro8tb.sly IO.OO t..t of tot ll, tt foEtbrrlt lO.O0 feot of Lt 13, !t lctD.tty I,O.OO f..t of Ior la, VrIl yllhg., gecord liliagr llte lortlrrty lO-Oo f..t ot t-t lS, vril ytlt.g|., gecsd ttliag; !t tortL.rly IO.OO t.t ot trrct .!., vrll vr,U.rr, !.coEtt liling; V.tl ViU.g., Sccond ttltaqr Y.il VtU.grr, Sccloni rllingt Y.11 VlUrgo, E coDd lttingl Si0i4 ,art c qorrDo 'E C OCM) t.**.. Lrtrnt rrr *rl{rl trto rt;q/E! t rb.; '.D.G! ..cc E--Errrlla.l r erarc urld IZHdccttctleel. F q!|[Dtj- Ilt|,tr. lIc. , ,I rr. , D lcloff lltrrt n ..bol.t- LrE -,-|q oa- lr*.- . ftLr I ir r rslrl Oil' C Er|r - |Dlr-. --lrqh. r'J t'til I l AMENDED TOWNHOUSE DECLARATION FOR PERKIN_SWETISH TOWNHOUSES WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner in fee simple of thefotlow-Ii[EEscribed real estaie- ("sunj;.r-;r;;;iio"I siruare inthe County of Eagle, State of Co1orado, to wil: Lot rhree (3), Block Two (2), Vail villageELeventh Filing, Town of Vail , County ofEagle, colorado, and WHEREAS, Decrarant recorded a Townhouse Declaration forSwetiEE-T6ilFhouses ("Declaration") on November 22, rg77 in Book262 at page GB4 i and WHEREAS ' paragraph 15 of the Declaration allowed for theAmendmGfrE-6F the.neclaration "p"" tt" recoraing-oi .r, instrumentduly executed and acknowledqed by arl of the then record ownersof the Subject property; and WHEREAS, the undersigned are all the record owners of theSubj edE-eroperty . NOW, THEREFORE, the undersiqned. do hereby amend theo ec I a iEEi o i--FJ-6-1 1 ow s : I. Concurrently herewith,Eagle County, State of Colorado,of Lot 3, Block 2, VaiL Village, Declarant files for record ina Plat entitled A ResubdivisionEleventh Filing recorded in Bookat Page 2. schedule r attached hereto sets forth a new Exhibit ,,A,,in which a new legal description is set forth. ffr" legaldescription set forth in scLedule.l sharl rufru". the reqaldescription set forth in the original Exhibil-;;A;. 3. schedure 2 attached hereto sets forth a new Exhibit ,,B,,in which a new tegal- description-is set foilhl -ri," regaldescription set forth in sciredur-e.2 shall replace the tegardescription set forth in the original nxhinit ;e;. 4. schedule 3 attached hereto sets forth a new Exhibit ,,c"in which a ne$/ legar description is set forthl -tir. legaldescription set forth in Sc-hedure.3 sha1l reprace the 1egaIdescription set forth in the original Exhibii-;;a;. 5. The following paragraphs sharl be added. to Articr-e 4 ofthe Declaration: "Each owner may add to his property a maximum of 50g ofthe gross residential floor area (CnpA) permitted bythe Town of VaiI Zoning Code at that t.ime on theSubject property. Further, the area in which eachowner may add square footage to his existing structurein addition to his existing parcel , is defiied by theExpansion parcel legar descriptions in schedur_e 4 andSchedul-e 5. Structures built within these legaldescriptions must be a minimum of three feet i3'_0,,)from the described boundaries (excepting the existingparty wa11). rf such addition encroaches on the common parcer, thensuch owner sharl cause the plat to be modified suchthat the encroachment of the addition shalr b*"o*. purtof the parcel to which it is attached and no longer aportion of the conmon parcel . such chanqe shalr bereflected in the agreement to be fired of record in theClerk and Recorderts Office of Eagle County,-State ofColorad.o, and by an amendment to the plat.;, rN wrrNEsS ryEEM..' the undersigned have duly executed. this*;$.6{ Tor.fiEoufF, P'ggrararion eoi peir.in-sweti sh iownhouses this6th day of ft/Uat,_--,-iga-s. The undersigned holder of acovered by this Amended TownhouseTownhouses hereby consents to andAmended Townhouse Declaration For Deed_of Trust upon the propertyDeclaration For perkin-Swetish ratifies the provisions of thisPerkin-Swetish Townhouses. EMPIRE SAVTNGS AND LOAN DECLARANT: s?ATE oY (b(*4a/,, couNrY oy €at/l- . The foregoing instrument was acknowledqed before me this# dav of -llT,ir'l , rgas;-rv Michael G. perkin. Witness my hand and official seal- My commission expi_res: G - 1-9.1 STATE OF COUNTY OF l. I l r..l ?#ss. acknowledged beforeby Gary B. Swetish. seal. .. The for # day of eggins instrument was , lgg5, Witness my hand and of f icial me this My commission expires b-1-grl STATE OF COUNTY OF ( n(d*o/^r,ss. rd- The foregoirne instrument was acknowledged before me thisKY day of LlUf T , 1985, by Laurafe6 u. Swetish. Witness my hand and official seal. My commission expires: (j-r1-g? srArE oE 1_b* u, (o-- COUNTY OF {lzl,u.,J ,The foreqoingz/'! dav of '72.1 , L985, instrument was Wj.tness my hand and official seal. My commission expires, ^/..,,;, ss. ackngwledged by \.. ,r/n. , ;/ lj before me this l,4; ary o i< SCHEDULE 1 (Attached to and made a part of Amended Townhouse DeclarationFor Perkin-Swetish Townhouses) EXHIBIT A (Attached to and made a part of Townhouse DeclarationFor Perkin-Swetish Townhouses) Parcel l Parcel l, accordinq to the plat entitledA Resubdivision of Iot 3, Block 2,Vail Village, Eleventh Filing SCI{EDULE 2 (Attached to and made a part of Amended Townhouse DeclarationFor Perkin-Swetish Townhouses) EXHIBIT B (Attached to and made a part of Townhouse DeclarationFor Perkin-Swetish Townhouses) Parcel 2 Parcel- 2, according to the plat entitledA Resubdivision of Lot 3, Block 2,VaiI Village, Eleventh Filing (Attached to and made a part ofAmended Townhouse DeclarationFor Perkin-SwetiEh Townhousee) EXHIBIT E (Attached to and made a part ofTownhouse DeclarationFor Perkin-Swetish Townhouses) SCHEDUI,E 3 Common Parcel Comrnon Parcel , according to the plat entitledA Resubdivision of Lot 3, Block 2,Vail Village, Eleventh Filin<r SCHEDULE 4 (Attached to and made a part of Amended Townhouse Declaration For Perkin-Swetish Townhouses) Parcel 1 - Expansion parcel A parcel of land in Lot J, Brock 2, Vair vi ilaqc t.rcvcnt.h l:ir ing, accord.i ng to theH!.:H:.jr";:ii:;1. in rhe of fice of thc ragte couiitt;-c"iorado, cterk anj necoroe" Beginning at the southwesterry corner of said !1,! li.thence N zgo 47, 05,,E 91.13feet^to the True Pojnt_of Beginning; thence S 50o 56'26;,-;12.00 feet; thenceN 39'03' 34" t.l 47^34 feet t6 tne iesierty iot line of iaij lot:; thence alonqsaid rot i jne N 02u 29' 1i" E qo.ot fect .tg lrre nortnwclterly corner of said L;t 3,thence along the norther'ty tor I ine,.,oi said i"; 3; i B;d"5b, 49,, t 44.li5 feer;thence departing said rQt rine s 39o 03, 34,' i-as.zi iu*t]"tn"n.c s 50- 56, 26,, t,l18.00 feer;^rrence N 85o s4' zs; w +. jg ruet;-I;;;;; i'i6d so, 26,, r,r r.z5 feer;thence N 39" 03'34" r{ 14.25 feet; tnence-i-iod"id;"2i,,"il 2s.55 feet to the TruePoint of Beginning containing qtao squire feet or o.ogoo"aiross, more or ress. SCHEDULE 5 (Attached to and made a part of Amended Townhouse DeclarationFor Perkin-Swetish Townhouses) Parcel 2 - Expansion Parcel A parcel of land in Lot 3, Block Z, Vail ntap thereof recorded in the office of thedescribed as fol lows; Villaqe tleventh Fil ingr dccording to theEag)e County, Colorado, Clerk and Recoroer Beginning at the southwesterly corner of saict Lot 3; ilrence N 280 47, 05,,E 91,13 feetl! 3i",1:!: i;ll:."{ 3;8'!!t'ii 'il.1!i,3 ?::,'t; il :.li;::,J;:i;,il:r;.;:1"::;^;;Creek Dlive; lhence dlorrr; s..t id right-of having a radjus of iooo,E.x,,i,r;8,J,:ii,,!,r,lli;;!,:iij;;lfulll i:"i?:i*ii,",ili;l,illi:*i:ri;lil:r:.:l 3 33.';Et',ll'il'i.)u'?..!: d:;.i i',BB li?,;olT.i; ),d?:"?i',fr:;J", ;i.';ii',fl.ili"25'55 feet to the True Point of Beginning containing 3932 square feet or 0.0903 across,more or less. TOWNHOUSE DECLARATTON FOR PERK IN_Si4ET] SH TOW}.IHOUSES WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner in fee simple of the following described real estate ("subject property") situate in the County of Eagle, State of Colorado, to wit: Lot Three (3), Block Two (2), VaiI Village Eleventh Filing, Town of Vail, County of Eagle, Colorado. '!:.' ' 't '-"' r;' I^IHEREjAS;= such Declarant has-constructed:-on "616' 'psb:..-: I :I mises a bui. lding consisting of two townhouse units, known as Perkin-Swetish Townhouse Unit One and Perkin-Svreti-sh Townhouse Unit Tvo, which townhouses are connected by a common wall; IfHEREAS._ Declarant has divided such lot into parcels as follows: , Parcel One (containing the portion of such building known as Perkin-Swetish Townhouse Unit One); Parcel Two (containing the portion of such building known as Perkin-Swetish Townhouse Unit Two); Common Parce ] All of which parcels are more particularly described in Exhibit "A", "8" and "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof. viliEREAS, Declarant wishes to create easements relating to the party wa11 (placed equatly divided on the common boundary separating Unit One and Unit Two, the footings underlying such Party wal1 and the roof over such Party wall - such wall, foot- ings and roof being hereinafter designated as the "party wall") i NO\,'J , THEREFORE, Declarant hereby provides the fol1ow- ing easements and restrictions which shaIl hereafter run with the land and be binding upon and inure to the benefit of Declar- ant, its successors and assigns forever: - L. The subject property is hereby divided into those parcels, each separately described in Exhibit "A", "B' and "C' and designated as f 01 l-ows: Parcel OneParcel Two Corr,rnon Parce 1 2. Parcel One and parcel Two shall each constitute a separate fee simple estate to which shal. 1 be appurtenant equal undivided one-haff interests in and to the Common parcel- 3. The above described parcels and improvements there- on may be conveyed and described for all purposes as perkin- swetish Townhouse one (representing ea#c"1 one and the appurtenant undivided one-half.interest in.and to the common parcel. together:l: ' with the improvements on such.ldnd and the easements and righLs - appurtenant thereto); and perkin-swetish Townhouse Two (repre- senting Parcel Two and t.he appurtenant undivided one-ha1f interest in and to the Common Parce}, together vrith the improvements on such land and the easements and rights appurtenant thereto) - 4. No owner of eiLher parcel shall make or suffer any ilstructural or design change (includingj a color scheme change), either perrnanent or imperritanent and of whatever type or naLure to the exterior of his townhouse without first obtaining the prior written consent thereto from the owner of the other town- house, which consent shalI not unreasonably be withheld or delayed. In case of damage to or destruction of either townhouse. the owner of the other townhouse may demand repair or reconstruction of the damaged townhouse to condition comparable to that prior to the damage and if the owner of such damaged townhouse does not commence such repair or reconstruction within 30 days, the or^rner of the other townhouse may do so. Costs of any such repair or reconstruction shal1 be paid for by j-nsurance applicable to the damaged townhouse. If the cost of repair or reconstruction exceeds such insurance, the excess- shal1 be paid for by the owner of the damaged townhouse and in the event he fails to so pay; the orvner of the other townhouse may make payment and charge- such other owner, imposing a lien on hid townhouse in the amount of his payments plus interest at 108 per annum, costs and reasonable attornev t s fees. -2- 5. The said party wall shal1 be a party wall between such townhouses. 6. The owners of either townhouse shall have a per- petual easement in and to that part of the other Lownhouse on which said party wa1l is located, for party wall purposes, in- cluding maintenance, repair and inspection. 7. The cost of maintaining the party wa11 and the exterior wal1s of the building shall be borne equally by the owners of both townhouses. The cost of maintaininq the roof of each townhouse unit sha11 be borne by-each individuar owner. B, Tn the event of . _damage to tor destruction of s-aid party wall from any cause, the'th"r, owners of the,townhouse shall, at joint expense. repair or rebuifd said party wa11, and each owner, his heirs, personal representatives, successors and assigns'-shal-l have the right to the furl use of said party walrr;so repailed and rebuilt. If the negligence of any owner shall , cause damage to, or destruction of, said party wal1, such neglig party shaIl bear the entire costs of repair.or reconstruction. 9. If the ov/ner, at any time, of either townhouse, shall neglect or refuse to pay his share, as herein provided, of any expense, the owner at such time of the other townhouse may undertake the work reasonably required hereunder for repair, restoration or maintenance and shalI be entitled to have a Iien, in the nature of a rnechanic's l-ien, on the townhouse of the owner so failing to pay, for the cost of such defaulting ownerrs share of such work, interest at 10% per annum, costs and reason- able attorney's fees. 10- Each owner of a townhouse shall obtain and main- tain at all times insurance against loss or damage by fire and such other hazards as are generally covered in the area under standard extended coverage provisions for at least the fu11 insurable ieplacement cost of the townhouse which he owns. Proof -of such insurance shall be supplied by each owner upon the request by another owner. Upon reguest of any owner, the insurance of the other owner shall be amended to provide to -3- to the requesting owner, a ten (10) day notice prior to cancellation for any reason. Any owner may, at any time one (1) year or longer after the last appraisal, demand of the owner an apprai-sa1 for insurance purposes of each townhouse, or may have such appraisal made, charging the owners of each townhouse equally with the costs thereof. 11- Except as otherwise specificalty provided in wri-ting, the owner or owners of each towrrhouse sha11 sha;e one-ha1f of ar1-expenses, liabilities and general "o#inij."sponi -sibiliries' with' respecr ro the common parcel -r,a'r'-rr.li.rind"r;*.*=,. = thereon' ?he owners from time to time, of the tow'tous.s .shalr, -. undertake such landscaping and general 0utdoor improvements as they may mutually and unanimousry deem proper for the harmonious improvement of both townhouses in a common theme. The owner of one parcer shall .not unreasonably damage the value of the other parcel such as by shoddy upkeep outside, but both owners shar 1 make afL rcasonabre efforts to preserve a ha rmonious c ommon appearance of the building and grounds. Each owner may use the common parcel in accordance wi-th the purposes for which it is intended, including, but not limited to, parking, Iand_ scaping, and open space, without. hindering or encroaching upon the lawful rights of the other owner. 12. Cofiunon utility or service connections, conmon facilit-ies or other equipment and property located on either of the townhouses but used in common with the other such town- house, of any there be, shall be owned as tenants in common of equal undivided one-half interests by the owners of each town_ house and all expenses and liabilities concerned with such property shall be shared proportionately with such ownership. The owner of the townhouse on which such property is not located shal1 have all reasonabl"e rights to inspect, repair and maintain such property as shall appear reasonabie from time to time. -4- 13. It is expected that common parking and access faciLities will be provided on a portion of the Cornmon Parcel. The owners of each townhouse shall have equal right to the use of such access and parking facilities and no owner sha1l hinder or permit his guests to hinder reasonabl,e access by the other orrner and his guests to the building and parking areas, and further, no owner shall take or permit his guests to take more than one-half of the parking spaces from time to time provided without the.consent of the other owner. It is presumed.tha,t.-- snowplowing 'wi11 be requirLd from time to Limer,,the 'costs'of which will be shared equally- by the .owners of each.-townhousq Other maintenance, repair or improvement of such. parking and access facilities may be required from time to time, the same shaIl be undertaken upon the unani.mous agreement of the owners who share aLl- experir"" "qr'ruily-,.i 7 14. The'easements- qnd restrictions hereby created are and shal-l be perpetuaf and consLrued as covenants running with the land and each and every person accepting by deed or otherwise any portion of the above described premises sha11 be deemed to have accepted such permises with the understanding that he is bound hereby and entitled to the benefits hereof, all to the same extent as though he had signed this instrument. The undersigned, in executing and delivering deeds to the above described premises may provide, by reference, in said convey- ances, that the same are subject to the terms, conditions, reservations, restrictions and covenant.s herein contained, and may designate the book and page of the records in which this instrument is recorded - 15- These easements and restrictions may be amended or revoked only upon the recording of an instrument duly executed and acknowledged by all of the the then record owners of the subject premises. - 16. ff any provisions of this instrument or any section, sentence, clause, phrase, word, or the application -5- thereof in any circuntstance, is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this instrument and of the application of any such provision, section, sentence, phrase, or word in any other circumstance shall not be affected thereby- L7. Any ciisputes arising hereunder, not otherwj-se settfed, shall be settled pursuant to the Rules of the American Arbitration Associati-on. The costs of enforcement of any pro- vision hereof by one owner or Declarant, against any other owner shall be recoverabLe by suit wherein recoverlz shall be made- for'- - costs, reasona6le attorney! 5- fees' and damages ;ind also'fcir-"': " moneys p.id ont by one of the foregoing for the obligation of.- another owner plus ini:erest at the rate of 108 per annum' 18. Ownership of these townhouses may be by any number of entilies, but for all purposes herein, there sha11 be deemed to be only two "owners", the owner of Townhouse one and the ovmer of Torvnhouse Two. The parties, if more than onet having the ownership of each such townhouse shatl aqree among themselves how to share the rights and obligations of such ownership ' 19 - Each townhouse shall be considered a separate parcel of real estate for all purposes, including, bY way of illustration, real estate taxation and mechanic's liens. 20. No owner may selI or lease (for a term of three (3) years or more) such owner's unit or anY interest therein, except pursuant to the provisions of this Section 20' Arty owner, including Declarant, who receives a bona fide offer for the purchase or lease of his unit, which he intends to accept' sha1l give prompt written notice, by certified mail' to the other unit owner of such offer and of such intention ' the name and address of the proposed purchaser or lessee, the terms of theproposed'transaction,andsuchotherinformationasthe other owner may reasonably reguire and such owner shalI there- upon offer to seII or to lease his unit, to the other owner, on the same terms and conditions as containeil in the bona fide *6- offer. The gi-ving of notice shall constitute a warranty and representation to the other orvner, that such owner believes the offer to purchase to be bona fide in all respects- For a period of ten (10) days beginning on and in- cluding the date of Lhe act-ua1 mailing of such information, the other owner shall have the right to purchase or to lease the subject unit on the same terms and conditions as contained in lhc l-'ona fi dc offer- In order to exercise the right of first refusal , the o\,rner must on oi before the end of such ten day period., -.actual]y.. .: deliver to the owner selling his unit.a written-committrnent to'-. : purchase or lease the subject unit- The owner who exercised the right hereunder shalI enter into a contract with the offer- ing owner to purchase or fease the offered unit upon terms and conditions no Iess favorable to the offering owner.' and tender. - to the offering owner any down payment or deposit theretofore made under the bona f ide of f er.. ff the other owner does noL exercise his right here- under within the time period provided, the offering owner shall be free to accept and close upon the basis of the bona fide offer rvith the person or persons who made the bona fide offer' If the offering owner shall- not wiLhin the period provided in the bona fide offer, close the transaction on the terms and conditions as originally contained therein, then the offering owner shall be required to again comply with all of the terms and provisions of this Section 20 in order to subsequently sell of lease the unit. Any sale or l-ease of a unit without full complj-ance with the terms and provisions of this section 20 shall be void- able at the election of the other owrler' After fu1l compli-ance by an offering owner with this section 20, and after all periods of time provided for purchase by other owner have expired and the right of first refusal has not been exercised, then the offering owner shall execute a -7- o certificate in recordable form stating that the provisions of this Section 20 have been complied \"ith' and that any right of first refusaL theretofore vested in the other owner have ter- minated.Theofferingownershallalsoattesttothecertifi_ cate, as an exhibit, a photocopy of the return receipt from thecertifiedmail.Suchcerti-ficateshallbeconclusiveupon the other ovtner in favor of a1I persons who rely thereon in good faith. . The' foll-owing"transf er or conveyances of"a ?ownhouse-r 'l Unit are .*p{9==fy'excepted from the pr9visions of'this"' :- Section ZO: :!'I A. A transfer to or Purchase bY any mortgages which acquires its title as a result of foreclosure. proceedings or convey- anceinlieuthereof;.andaLransfer,sale''. il or lease by any such mortgagee {fter acqua- -: sition of the unit' ' 'j B. A transfert conveyance or fease between or among owners who are co- tenants of the same unit' C. A transfer or conveyance ' whether or not for consideration' by an owner to any one or more of such owner's following relatives: spouse' Parent or par- ents. son, daughter' son-in-law' daughter- i-n-law, grandson or granddaughter' D. A transfer or conveYance bY gift, devise or inheritance or by operation of law- E. A transfer or conveyance' whether or not for consideration to a trust for the benefit of the owner' or to any one - or more of the rel-atives listed in Paragraph D above- -8- o The aforesaid right of first refusal sha11 terminate upon the death of the survivor of Michael G. Perkin and Gary B. Swetish plus twenty-one (2f) years. 2I . If any encroachment by the improvements nor"/ located hereon, or any minor encroachment deriving from re- placement thereof, exists upon any parcel, a valid easement therefore and for maintenance thereof shalL exist. For title or other purposes, such encroachrnents and easements shal1 not be ionsidered or determined to be encumbrance$f either on .the - Common Parcel or the Townhouse Units.. : .': -2?- Any owner shalI have l-he night to enf orce;- by- any proceeding at 1aw or in equity, a1I restrictionsr'conditions, covenants, liens and charges now or hereafter imposed pursuant to this DeclaraLion. Failure by any owner to enforce any cov- enant or restriction herein contained shalI in no event be'deemed a waiver of the right to do so thereafter- In any enforcement.- proceeding,-the prevailing pafty sha11 be entitled to its costs and attorney's fees, including, but not limited to, the cost of injunction bonds 23. AII owners of any interest in the property by accepting a deed to any interest thereto waive the homestead exemption or any other exemption of the laws of the State of Colorado or any federal 1aw only as it relates to any lien fii-ed by any owner pursuant to this Declaration- Otherwise, such exemptions are not herebY waived. 24. Any lien filed by an owner Pursuant hereto shall be subordinate to the lien of any first mortgage or deed of trust on the unit. 25. Each owner shall register its mailing address with the other owner and all notices or demands intended to be served upon owners shall be sent by certified mail, postage prepaid addressed in the name of the owner at such registered mailing address. In the alternative, notices may be delivered -9- il !lal if in writing, personally to ovrners. Prospective purchasers of units shall be entitled to determine if a se11in9 owner 5-s in defaulL with respect to any maintenance obligation or any other obligation under these covenants by delivering a written inquiry with respect thereto to the owner of the other unit. rf no response is received to such inquiry within ten (10) ,days of the date said notice is received, the nonselling owner shaLl be deemed to have waived any claim of Iien, however' shal1 .const.itute notice. to a prospective purchaser of a claim by any ownsr-.o-rthe olher unitr'and.shall.not be affected by,'.. the . foregoing request -forinformation; ' IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned Declarants have 'i ii executed this instrument this l44day of l*LtF' nrta L97 7 DECLARANTS: Lauralee Ir1. I -I0- / STATE OF COLORADO County of Eagle 5D. The foregoing instrument was o acknowledged before me , L977, by i i,,.4tnis /T day of Mi-chael G. Perkin Witness my hand and official seal.fr{y ectift f Ss gan expt res ery 5, 1981 STATE OF COLORADO County of Eagle ss.. The foregoing instrumenL was acknowledged. before me ) ) ) ,, ,Ltnis /7-t'day of 'tqvlAu^ , L977, by B. Swetish and Lauralee M. Swetish witness my hand and of ficial sea1.l$ycoryimtsslon explres' February 5, 1981 -rt- / EXHIBI,T "A,' Parcel I A parcel of land in 1ot 3' Btock 2' Vail Villaoe Eleventh Filing' a -subdivi=ion ii lr,":ro*t' ot vlirl'county of e591e' state of Color- lu","t"t"-l"it:'""rar1y described as follows: aeginning at-!he southvresterly corner of said Lot 3; thence N 28o 47t 05" E a^ot"tu.r,.e'of 9l-it3 f;;l to tbe-'TlttE POrNr oF'BEGTNNTNG;' rhence.N 3ey: 03t 34, w a distai;;-";-zb-ss 6eett-!l:":" *-?0"'s6l'; 26* E a distanc . ;i aa ' s! -fe3tiitr'"tt"" s -?9Y o:':134''1"' E ar'distance:? of 37.80 feet; ir,""t" s 5oo soi - zs:':w a distance of -18:00-fg:et;: thence N 94- of i, jq,, W a aistance- of-- A.za:f "'at; ltf'bnce -s 50? -'55j; -j 2G,,w a disrance of 1.25_feer;";;";;"-N 399 o3'' 3ri" ?t a distance of l-4.25 feet, ih!r,"t-s 5oo 561 25'w a distance of 25'55 feet to rhe TRUE porNr oi-iBerroNrNc .ontaining 2159 =!,r.tt feet or 0'0498 acres , more or less' {' EXHTBTT ''BI' Parcel 2 A parcel 0f rand in Lot 3, Bl0ck 2, vair- vilJ.age Eleventh Filing,a subdivision in the Town of vair,'co,rily'ii n-gr", state of coror_ado, more particularly desciiu.a-i=-;;;i;.;: Beginning at the southwesterly corner of said Lot 3; thence N 2go'47r '05"-E a,-distance'ot gi=ig'r.*t to trre-rnue porHr or BE.TNNTNG,thence s 39:-03! '34''', E a dislance of 17-25, fssg; thence-u 500.551-25!" E a distanc-" of 3-90-feet;:thence s-ig"-o:t..34,,. E ;i distarrce-:of 2'50 feet; thence' s 509' ssi ' z6'r, I{ a distance'of--3.g0 feet;-thence s 390,03' 31.1 : E-.a aisla.rce of,,34;g0 f eet;.,thence ,N -509..5G..26n E a distance-of 20-70 f;;l; thence N 34o o3r 32, w a distance -of 5'70 feet; thence r.r soo ii, 26, E a distance of 9.80 feet;thence N 390 03r 3!" w --Ji=il.,ce of 31-60 feet; thence N 840 03,34" w a distance of 4.24 f;;ii tr,"r,."-s-io.-ie | 26n w a disranceof 1-75 feet; thence N 39o oi; 34,,w a distance of 14.25 feet;thence s 5oo 56' 29" w a-aiJl.r,ce of 25-55 feet to the TRUE porNT i:r::"t**rNG containing r526-square f eet or 0,0350 acresr-more..or...., i o EXHIBTT "CI' Common Parce1 A parcel of land in Lot 3, Block 2, Vail- Village El.eventh Filing,a subdivision in the Town of vail, county of Eagle, state of colcjr-ado, described as all of said r,ot 3, Block 2, excepting two parcelsdescribed as Unit 1 and Unit 2:,il said common-i.ilfcel.-c-g-Irtaining,.lL,Gr8 sguare feet or- o.2667.acresr,--more or 'less.,:f :. i,lituat $,vrtifirutp nf (Drrupunrg Unun (Df lflutl fruililtng Brfurtnunl THIS CERTIFICA.TE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE REQUIREMENTS OF SECTION 306 OF THE UNIFORM BI]ILDING CODE CERTIFYING THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE hlAS IN COMPLIANCE I4]ITTI THE VARIOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN REGULATING BUILD_ ING CONSTRUCTION OR USE. FOR THE FOLLOIIING: p"n', -sWETISH,/PERKTN RESIDENTIAL DUPLEX RESIDENTIAI,use Llassrllca on Group rfJ. BuildingPermit No. 135/77 Type Construction V pire Zonea- use zone-I GARY SWOuner of Building -'---- -.:; LOT }; BLOCK/ 2, UAIu VILLAGE IITH FILING DECEMBER 5, L977 POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE EXITS REO. DATE OF APPLICATION TOTAL FLOOR AREA NEW{/I ALTERATION A,DDITION ( } REPAIR USE OF BUILDING HEIGHT IN FT.OFF ST. PARKING NO. OF STORIES NO. OF LIVING UNITS AIR() ELEC( }UNIT( } LOT.-) BLK ,/ FI LING COVERING r. rYPE OF coNSTRUcrrON | fl t tV 4D I HR 2. OccuPANcY GBOUP A B c D E F G F(Qg) DtvtstoN 12 3 4 BUILDING PERMIT SPECIFIED PLAN CHECK FEES FIRE SPRINKLERS DRY STANDPIPE CLEAN UP DEPOSIT OESCRIPTION OF WOFK AREA SEPARATION T0u{r{ 0F EIUILtrlINGi l,A IL PEFIMIT tr# HAT I HA READ THIS APPLICATION AND STATE THAT ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGBEE TO COMPL TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR AREA RATIO EASEMENTS VARIANCE UNCOVERED DATE AND STATE ,+?.5 Town of Vail F:I,NCTRICAL PERMIT ,n.J2. N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Received By 427 $-...-..--..-...-............ ,fu2 AFPROVALS n&,/=, THIS FORT BE POSTED ON .,OB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUGTION 24 HOURS ADVANCE NOTICE REQUIRED FOR INSPECIIONS THa C. r. fi!a0rrr oo., !rivEt !1!a!a Town of VaiI ET,ECTBICAL PERMIT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Received By-...-...-. 388 $..-..,-.........-........-.. Applicant.--.--. $lDaturt $-.... $..-.. g9z- ffiWm/ A'PPRovALs T/4H,sq( FORM I E POSTED ON SITE DU COilSTRUCTTON 2,| HOUNS ADVAI\ICE NOTIC,E REQUIREI' FOR INSPECTIONS rsr a. F. |l!a!rrL ao., Dalrvat troasr aa PLUMBING'./MECHANICAL PEF|MIT TOWN OF VAIL '"r, h^-27 /71 roB NAME ^, llu /u/ '/ h. A. t )r, nj, / U / //*"6ornJqfupA,/, USE OF BUILDING: E eoornoru ! nemooel I neplrn IPTION OF WORK: MEGHANICAL: NUMBER PERMIT FEE '# 11\ o DESIGN REVIEll' BOARD . SECONDED BY: AGAINST: DATE OII MEMBERS MEETING: PRESENT; SUBJECT: ACTION TAKIIN BY BOARD,: MOTION: VOTE: STIINTION: , - t'/ ,"4(l/ , -/'APPROVIID: l/ foy /773 DISAPPROVEQ: o DISIGN REVIEIv BOARD DATE Of Ir{IiETING: MEMBERS PRESENT: SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD MOTION: VOTE: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: . SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION I SUlrllilAr.J :. Jbo /'') /,/1/./ Plerce Brlner & Fllzhugh Scotl Inc. Architecture Planning P. O. Box 2299 Vail, Colorado 81657 303 476-3os8 April 29, '1977 Mr. Bill Pierce Building Inspector, Town of Vail P. 0. Box .|00 Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Swetish/Perkin Duplex Vail, Colorado Dear Bill: As you requested at our neeting today, this is to confirm that the footings shown on the drawings you have in your possession were designed by fip for'1000 lb. soil bearing capacity. Please note that the drawings you have were reviewed by Johnson-Voi'l and- Archuleta, Structura'l Engineers in Boulder and reflect their reconrnendations. Also, as we discussed today, please know that we will install rrcof overflows and smoke detectors to meet your requirements. In addition, I am enclosing a copy of the Pella window literature we reviewed with you todqy, showing the I'-ll" sash opening, which you ind'icated meets requirements for egress. Note, we have spec-ified Pel la's egress hardware on the appl'icab'le windows. If you have any further questions, p1 ease don't hesitate to call. Si ncerely,-h,1J-jFH Mi chae'l G. Pe rki n MGP/jm Encl osure f- 3, Or, -.{t- 2r 9Vz,'4 + 2t ,tt -l)- 2t 7tt -4 28t' -a t- a' 6tt -'--"1 t- 1t 5r/r" --.1t- 1t jt, ---,{*..3tt-l F- lt" --l I9 f-S:o6 r-a ffi 2Et6WAffi 2820WA iiift TTTTT lhl=r. to- _ F 11I11 ,|al6WA t820wA aa24wa TTTTT fflil ir it11t-t1 362aWA 36t8WA 3,+- dE tlltt 4824W4 EqtzEss hACDNAnet ?zr*,u 48t 5WA t820wa rEE 2El5WAffi8ffi 3620W4mffi mmm 3228WA 322aWA 362aWA 4oll4wA 3626rYA ao:l8wa Any vent-size unit can be ventilating or fixed. o 32l5WA 361 6rVA 4028W4 40l6wa 2820WA Note: Wood Casement Windowsin 60/ and 68" heights may alao be installed in awning position. Avoid stacking fixed-siz€ unitsor combinstions weigling overlfi) pounds over 60" and 68' units. In unit numbers (ae 2816WA): First two digdts - glass cridth. Last two digiLs - glass height. 3220W4 402orwA P& WOOD AWNTilG WIMDOWS ScaleVt" : l'O" TABTE OF SIZES-VENT.SIZE UNITS mffiffiffi 3616WA32t6WAffiffi 3t20w^36t0wAmffi 3224WAffiffiffi 3228W4 |-- g, 1rt -1 f- !, !r, --{F-}t lvl,t -1 F- 3t SVttt -----4 |- 3rt ln -i F- 3, 5t -lt_ rt lltt --__.t j_ !, 3,, .-_--_1 t- !2t' -l *- 35" -t l- lt On ----'1 t- 9' qlho--'--4 t- 3' j" ----j F_ 3, ltt ---_l t- 4Or -----{ P-E I L A, s?Eqn'a Tt'ltS , NtN65rs td,?H PELLaS ilol6WA ROTSCREEN COMPANY towA -. -* - :'l . 3rd rltJ: I I I ,l V.frTl, !l':T)ik illD SiilIT.{TICri: iil:;TliIC? P.0. lrOii f'31 t^J-'// ) ., _/-,{M ,'F- V/rII.,, 0',i;t cr c0Lc:rit0 rBL65?<. .t,!:.1rce of !.lu: inc sr, or. tl /'<!:!re s r aY! -4.,--l,ct -*r-:l=-5 .-?. , , t ].. toil-ci:, Uri,r:r1, oi" l.le$h5c',t:L Iic siCc::t-{- al. Coll;:,c:'c i-;.1- >.0x.l / *t' Sho',lct' o: ?ub. t, l:. F Lst rlth - Ice t.iachi.ne3 t 0.25 3. Ras' ]"st 2rd '.3nd' lt,th ll;rte:: Ccolers and. r.rat er fou;r'cains >,. o .2s = Ilas Ls't 2r'r ci t!th lJac.'Lst 2nd Srd4tli lla sLst . 2nd' srd 4th P::slot 2nd 3r'tlttth Bas Saurra$ : :: 0 .25 : .Basi-!1 er<! Tc,i1*t Orre-lia:lf Srrth >. 1"5'C Jlt _*-I'uIl Bath ( S.rro'..'er or Tub,Bnsin, Toilet) Rcons (Living rcc:ts, Kitchcns .Qasi<lcntitl Ai.':hL.-1slrc i' . .:.1x2,!,0=,>;AAZxt.oc.Zry; Brid:'co:rs, O:iices, Sliolrs. $iu<tios). . /O x !.00 = /4qo_ ].st l--7-znol/3r.d'-_+-l Xi tchnns Co:r,':rc:-cial Di:; Iu..'ir:; irc r. SJcat i:l g l;4 qth Bris.Ist 2nd lrth Lltr s x 2.50x 1.00 l-,rttlttrl:'..r llr.::: j.ln11 15.i 1 t)l)(')'Il.i::lf,rr. ZX 0.1,0 =/. oa;-----J "1/l1l'i t i I .J -O ': '. .l'1" 0:r s l. $t ?tttl 3!'(ltlth B:rslsi 2:tci 3r;iqth !e.t- I II [3. j I i i I\4, )-5. t,ir,,trri:l:.'Y Com:rbr'c ial 1'.;, .',tashcf '(rut';i.<lc i!,r i: o l' . ( illJri;run of onc ) (rirt sidc Sp:'.r.t1l:J-e ls Iir.r llose Ca,'rincts Scr.vice s'ia'c ion Srlin'r j.n I Pool ri. 2 .00 = V -. t' ana-2 r\ .-. Y - . x 0.33 = ?.aO '.a---- -.- x 1'00 = x30.00 .lx 5.00: -*- ;i-i '._---- perr pcrson :s 0.1-0 : .!'cr1 Ior.'in f: *;he cor'p). et ior,- clf - cct:r gT"f "!191. oI - lll en';ial and iJi,il""iir-"it u"o'L=.. ' the Dis''::'j'ct shall pe=fo phy s:ica!. in-(;.,r::i'i5r't;;.: ;i;.;-'t"-;;terr:ri'ne the ;:u::'bc' of pcin'cs to'sps,)t:(]!r of c)'1' pi'e: .r,.!r i6a e?r.t p..r..il':;;i;;;";A ;:;";;;;;-io {i,"'.r..o'' 9'9 l:':':i l :i- r11.''"1.i::;1 -(i,:!:\'ur -, (..' b"ie"i'- - . -. Tiris inspectioa sha]1: neces3€ray in the crig,i;ra] tap :"c.]t31s- ^^-..i--;fi;"ili:"":"""irr!^ui:-iJin!, o-,re:rti uatcr' ;nd sci'!e'' service 53,6 i /M5 charge. *.: .: . Boa.r'd of Directors - ':' i .. ' -' .t..:::.__-:,:--t T.tal rsnits 3155_ z $30 : - ' , -^' '.t_'. . 10:00 Pc,iirts,--:- J. o0 I'i:rit . ---' - ta le .-/- 'Z; 3/4//T?ErEe e *66.4 -L-'//7i.42 otl zzt ROJ ECT ZON ING CHECKL I ST S UMMA RY f7 I i -EGAL DESCR I PTION JSE ZONE ; PR0P0SED USE ( S ) ) I STANCE .IE I GHT: i.R.F.A. ]OMMERC I ^..^L | ^ -^ t+9WO!J IE >q. I r. , Actua I length Allowable _f,, Al Actua I sq. ++ . /1O4, SPACE: Requ i red ++ sq. ft., Actua I fii -ann; | .. LJ I Oqvtrq | . , Actua I 3+rq Ground Level -, %, Common -, /"; ' / / ^,-'r,-'l. ,-- , dRequired H(V141@_ sc. ft., Actual _-% _sq.ft. )ARKINc AND LOADING: No. Requi red - + , No. Actual + , Covered Re- 1 u i re d 10N ING APPROVAL )ES IGN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL Cha irman, Design Re v iew Board Da te ; ARCH TECT -or s I ze J43t4 ; FROr,rrAGE /1rl' ,/'-V t iETBACKS: Requlred - Front 27/)/ , sides lO*- /Of , aear 'ZO , - Front ?ht -, stdes /h' -35/.-, a.",n/ I NGS : Req u i ,.a Nr4- , Act ua I Height Allowed 4-F " | ,/) e /Y/-f ,7- ^ //)Allowable rnaximum length /Yf-t' , Diagonal JSEABLE OPEN -ANDSCAP ING: ]U I LD I NG BU LK CONTROL : lequired Offsets > ITE COVERAGE: Actua I BETIIEEN BU I LD Ave rage Gra de 4E /e. .: t /--\--'/.t ' KaT AL FLOOR AREA: io, Allowab Percentage Actua I sq. f ^ -^ t+tE >q. | | a I lowab I f t. , Actua t Z<2' 3n 7 , Actua I sq . rt .77/7 t Atl Co ve re Actua JTILITIES APPRO VA L Town Eng ineer Da te lR0Nt\4ENTAL IMPACT APPROVAL Mayo r Date late S ubm i )ate S ubm i )ale Submi ixtens ion for Zon i f o r Des.i for Envi ng Rev iew gn Revlew ronmen ta I tted tted tte d of Dea d I ine Dead I ine Date Da te I mpact Rev i ew to Dead I ine date B (Series of l 973)ry Sect i ]OI'lMENTS i tem of 0rd inance No as pe rm i tted eRrn /* F'..,n /&X 13,€ - 4Y 4,6- = /3,5x /?,5 = 6/ x /b,€ = 243 /& 253 574 /2ab Zno Ftoag. 3rx(1 = /27/ ?)exns= (*)ry+ Q,a x 71.5: /os Qxz3 = zo7 /&5 x /s,o =_Z5a /bn I? TZrez-Q,<F4 = n/7 €ec FEE: 2s2,.55- /ozovs- // </ za ., iqtt l(cvirr*' Iutl a zorr Iil(; Cllt-0li,L l5l 5 UMI4A frY t. '1a Pa l d OJ ICT CAL DE3CR E ZOIIE rT S IZE TBACKS: :quired 0f f sets ITE COVERAGE: ; ARCI'I ITEC;f tPIt()ll PROPOSED USE( S ) ; FR0t,ITAGE Required - Front JA , sides /f'lQ , Rea , Jzcfs7 _,- -7\ ,/ Acruar -Fronr "2q ,sldes $/,i 3"G), Rea, 3A i ST AI{C E i I GHT: .R.F.A. )l'4l,lERC I EC I li/C E t\ Ave rage AL Actua I sq. ft. J I LD ING BULK C0NTROL: A I lowab le rnax i BU I LD lllGS: Requ i red --, Actua I - ; Grade Heisht Allowed , Actua'2lf,-1-, - Ratio, Arrowabre sq . tt38n?3..*Llt, Actual sq' ftJHi'J: FLOOR AREA: Percentage a I lowab I Q-,Allowable sq. mum length Actua I length , D i agona I , Diagonal SEABLE OPEN ANDSCAP II..] G: Actua SPACE: Allowabte 3O %, Allowable Sq, t'r$&{Jr&, Actuat 13* fl I sq. fi. I ARKING AND LOADIIJG: No. Required A , No. Actual No.; Covered Actua | -t Required -%, _-.-_59. ll., Actual ES I GN RE V I EIi BOARD APPROVA L Chairman, Des i gn Rev iew Boa rd T I L IT IES APFROVAL NV IRONN.IENTAL I[4PACT APPROVAL Tow n Engineer Ir,layo r Requi red -_-..-- sq Ground Leve | ---' ft.. Actual sQ. -%, common -, !-t fr -_-=q. f , Cove re d Re- uired ON ING APPROVAL Da te Date Da te s t ra to r laf e Submi late S ubm i )ate Submi .xtens ion ry Sect ion )OI"lMENTS: f or Zon i for Des i tor Lnvl ng Review gn Review ronmenta I tte d tted tted of Dead I ine Dead line Date Da te lmpact Rev i to ew Dead I ine date B (Series of 1973) item of 0rd i nance No. as po rnr i tte d /'r /!Vru UA4a4+ 'T. 3/t 4z-- /il2 /f tr /r, Ho &/4 /7'- (7, 't = fit4 J"1 fr,(r Jo.(= ;zo, .( 4 /0. ( f. (, /2. ( f (t zs /7 (r /a s- %Itl "H* /f {, Jof z( tf,,r /I t lft h ff( 7+ 4t "ts( ?o ,f.(^ lf ( fuG.7t 4(t n( /o(,7s/ 17,(l E,( = ZJt,.z( /o?t, ott a? 4(L \3e) fr/F JOJ{ //z -- /? / , ,/,J f/" rrTz ( ?3o. z( 2r( z( /od z( /?(.,t'D 2e. z( 14 g 3. ro- :1" t)II\ISFECTE N TOWN OF FIEBUEsiT VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E ornen MON COMMENTS: I READY FOR INSPECTION WED THJR.,4 . t.l .. I-I PARTIAL. 'LOCATION ./.---'-) FRITUE AM PM I neeRovED I orsnnrRovED E uporu THE FoLlowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS n nerNSPEcr INSPECTOR . DATE a rNseecrirru FIEOIJESiT TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME RECEIVED JOB NAME M PM CALLER I orxrn E pnnrrel. READY FOR INSPECTION THURMON COMMENTS: TUE ! nppRovED E orsapp Rov E D ! nerNsPEcr D uporu rxe roubwrwG coRREcnoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOB ' I rNEiPE.tt TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL orrte r'1'-4 "-TIME RECEIVED- n ornen JOB NAME PM CALLER MON COMMENTS: [Aapp RovE D I uporrr THE Fo CORRECTIONS fl pnnnnl LocAnoN READY FOR INSPECTION t-, __[1D_-, THUR E orseppRovED LOWING CORREGTIONS: -'-'2 fJ nerNsPEcr rNsFEcrGru 'r':1":'- FIEGTUEST VAILTOWN OF DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER florHrn ! pnnrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM flaenRovED ! orsappRovED E nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE i 1: .: t rLl FIEOT'EST VAIL rNsPEcrG* TOWN OF DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER I oruen MON COMMENTS: E pnnrrel.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR IFR ! nppRovED E uporu rne CORRECTIONS ElotsappRovED FOLLOWI NG CORBECTIONS: E ne rNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNsiPEerGrv. TOWN OF FIEBUESiT VAIL DATE JOE NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D ornEn MON GOMMENTS: TUE fl pnnrrel. LocArloN READY FOR INSPECT!ON WED THUR FRI AM PM D nppRovED E otsappRovED E nerNsPEcr n upolrt rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS DATE a nuseeerGru F|EEUEsiT VAILTOWN OF DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALTER n ornen E pnnrrel LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FR PM ElappRovED E or snpp RovED I nerNsPEcr E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTOR rNseecrG* TOWN OF FIECIUEsiT VAIL 4 DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D orsen MON COMMENTS: D penrtar LocArroN READV FOR INSPECTION THUR FRI-AM PM E nppRovED florsnerRovED fl nerNsPEcr E uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DATE