HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 TRACT E GENERAL LEGAL:',,firrfl-&--/'J.-.f E office of the-town manager V / /la-' bei l(X) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 July 28, L977 TO YTHOM IT MAY CONCERN: The Town of Vail has reviewed the Hydro-Triad, Ltd. supplemental detailed report on Tract E of Vai-l Village,Filing Eleven defining the 100-year Gore Creek floodinglinits. The report is j-n compliance with the standard analyticalfloodplain procedure and its validity is herein acknowledged. Sincerely, DEPARTMENT I HYDfiO -Tftti.C), l-TD. July 26, 7977 Mr. Jim Viele P.0. Box 214 Vai'1, Colorado 81657 Dear Jim: l^le have reviewed Tract E of vail vil'l age, Filing Eleven to defjne the 100-year Gore Creek flooding limits. The Gore creek 100-year djscharge adjacent to Tract E is 1.,990 cubic feet per second (cfs) ai defined in-the Gore Creek F'loodplain Information Report prepared by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. jn June 1.975. Two stream cross seltioni oi Gore Cre-ek are located adjacent to Tract E. Using the flood elevations at these cross sections and the topographic contour map pre- pared by Vail Associates, we have shown the 100-year flooding ljmits. Lots number 13, 14, and 15 have varying degrees of floodplain infringment as can be seen on the attached fl oodplain map. However, all three lots have adequate area for construction outside the f'loodplain limit. Increased flood protection and bui'lding location f'lexibility cou'ld be gained by providing irn erosion protected berm from 1/2 to 2 feet high along ihe sout-h broperty-lines of lo* 13, 14, and 15. A suggested'location of this protective bLrm is shown on the attached drawing. along with a suggested consti^uction detail. The construction of a berm at this'location will in no way cause damage to upstrearn or downstream properties. In summary, the 100-year floodplain defined using the Vail Associates map has been delineated. The minor encroachment of the floodplain onto- lots 13, 14, and 15 lim'its building siting, but does not preclude buildjng on the 'l ots by the Federal Insurance Administratjon (FIA) crjterion. An erosion protect'ive berm a'long the south of these 'lots would provide addit- ional f'lood protection and increase flexibility in siting buildings- If you have further questions or we can provide other assjstance, p1 ease cal I S i ncerel y HYDRO-TRIAD, LTD. Curtis l,|. Miller, Senjor Engineer IS.S!"{si or coLoV (it'\sIr4E 2673 x ,*q ffALS Ct^ll4lnl SU iTE '' a AssociaEeVail Inc. July 8, 1976 Mr. Kent Rose Town of Vail P. 0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Subject: Tract E, Eleventh Filing Resubdivision and Bike Path Route Dear Kent: This will confirm our conversation this morn'ing regard'ing the realign- ment of the b'icycle path as it relates to Tract E, Eleventh Filing. It was agreed that we will provide a bike path easement between Lots 13 and 14 of the proposed resubdivision of Tract E. This will allow the b'i ke path to go generally'i n a straight line from the bridge to the cul de sac proposed for the Tract. We agree that the present bike path should be left intact until the Tract E cul de sac is paved, at which time the Town of Vail would move the path to the new easement. Please sign and return a copy of this letter indicating your approval of the above arrangement. Si ncerely, RWT/smw READ AND APPROVED IHIS /dfl DAY OF JULY, 1976. cc: Jen Wright Dan Corcoran Diana Toughill TO}IN OF VAIL Box 7, Vail, Colorado 81657. 303i 476-5601 U \ (', n \ ,€ \\ &_1 , .\( () ooc+ r I\+ C o o l'^q!3 I rtt A;$e * /---F.\7 njr lcs e. I I I I