HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 TRACT E LOT 11 LEGALVantbl" ft-' , Isf ll Design Review Board ACTIOH FORM Department of Commun itl' Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.,179.2139 tax'. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailg o\f.comco.|nfi.!{w tr\/ELop}le}|? Project Name: BEALS/FREEMAN REROOF Project Description: Project Address: Legal DescripUon; Parcel Numben 2101-034-0401-4 Comments: DRB Number; DR8060435 RNAL APPROVAL TO REPLACE E(ISNNG CEDAR SHAKES ROOF WTH COMPOSITE SIMUI.ATED SHAKE SHINGLE 50 YEAR Participants: OWNER SUSAN K, BEALS REVOCABLETRUO9/15/2005 ]ACK D. &SUSAN K. BEALSTRUSTEES PO BOX 2581 VAIL co 81658 OWNER FREEMAN, ANNEUESE M, 28OO ASPEN LN VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT ]ACK BEALS 091 t512006 Phone: 476-8690 . CONTMCTOR MERCK CONSTRUCTION, INC. 09/15/2006 Phone: 970-845-0355 P.O BOX 3970 AVON co 81520 License: 431-5 280 ASPEN LN VAIL LocaUon: 2910 ASPEN CT LOE 11-B BIOCK: 4 SUbdiViSiON: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 11 2101-034-0401-5 SEE CONDMONS Motion By: Second Byl Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of APProval: 09/15/2006 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 -Lr. r,... :..t I I,rr r. \\S),::l,l \!-fi , r: I .l '-rtl : : DRB apprwal shall not bmme valld fur 20 days folloruing the date of apprwal. Cond:202 Apprwal of thls project *tall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a bullding petrnit is lssr.red and @nstruction is ommenced . and is dillg€ntly pursued bnnrd ompletion. Cond: @MXD8447 SHINGTES BEING INSTAUED TO BE $ YEAR Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fcc Pald: $2O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.\railgov.com General Information: All projecG requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicab'on. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The poect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request:Qt\lttr.l6 c t.'ri i!::- ;- TypeofReviewand Fee: Itr Signs $50 Plus$l.00persquarefootoftotal signarea, E Conceptual Revie\rv No Fee tr New Construction $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild.tr Addition $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 addiUons & interior conversions).D Minor Alteration $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as,(multi-family/commercial) re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and -V retaining walls, etc, ,,i\Minor Alteration $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such at\-(single-family/duplex) re-rooftng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. \tr Changes to Approved Plans $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the \ Design Review Board. \'.. tr Separation Request No Fee - I f,S^vJ*-;"</ PhysicalAddress: 74lO tffitJ qwtzr -lrz, Zlote?+64ot4- ' ,\,ParelNo.? atotot$ololf (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) I Zonino: Qvput-l elw JJil::::"i 6A0 An : vName of ApplicanE J+<+ 941-t Maiting Address: ?., . c", ,a", vn- ,- e, o -s * * * * * * * * * * t + t tt * +++***+*** t + t f * * * * * * * *,F*,t*** * ********* l.****** * * * * * * * *,***,* ****'i't'i'lt***'f******* TOWNOFVAIL. COLORADO Statement Statetnent. Number: R060001451 Amount 3 $20.00 09/L5/200609:13 AM Paltmene Method: Cash fnit: JS Notation: S/.faCr sEALs Permit. No: DR8050435 TIT)e: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DIIP Parcel. No: 2101- 03 4 - 04 01" - 5 2101-034-0401-4 SitC Address: 280 ASPEN IniI VAIL Location: 2910 ASPEN Cf Total Fees: This Palment:$2o.. oo Total AIJL Pmta : Balance : *** * ++++******************+***+*{.{.rt{.++ * * + ** * *********************+*** * * * * * * + + ** * * * ** ******** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR 00100003L12200 DESTGN RSVIEW FEES 20.oo 920. O0 $20.00 $0.00 JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) 4tO Pff+t CPrlCzr provide this letter as written approval of the plans dateC which have been submifted !o the Town of Vail Community Development Depaftment for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: \orr&@( trrrr* 'tr,lotWf2 /t1(/lr,r't-rVr--' (Signature) tln/ uloa (Date) / / i,rlo_so€a trJr*t Et qr.etri I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations, F:\cdev\FORMS\PERMm\Planning\drb_minor_al[_l1-23-2005.doc Ltl23l2O0S Page 2 of 13 ffi"-i;; oo I T Ir6 rt <. oo {-rt tt g;zr i I o'' ,' I \Zu>rJt Tv-..-,L€ TOhIN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI\ITAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 970-479-2L38 Building-----> 42o '00 Plan Check- - - > Investigation> will call----> DEPART'IVIENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT /l NOTE: THrS PERMIT ADD/ALT SFR MUST BE POSTED ON 'JOBS]TE BUILD PERMIT PETMiI AT AI,I, TIMES #: B98-0179 Job Address: LocaEion. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: 280 ASPEN LN 28OO ASPEN LANE 2l_0r_-034-04-015 StaEus...: ISSIJED App1ied..: 07/06/]_998Issued...: o7/07/1998 E>cpires. . : Ol/03/L999 Phone: 97O-475-8590 co 81558 Phone: 97Q-476-8590 co 81658 APPIJICANT BEALS, JACK P. O. BOX 2581, 2800 ASPEN LANE, VArL, CONTRACTOR BEAI,S, iIACK P. O. BOX 2581 , 28OO ASPEN LANE, VAIL, OWNER BEALS 'JACK D & SUSAN K PO BOX 258L, VArL CO 81658 DescripLion: STUCCO AND REPI,ACE WINDOWS Occupancy: R3 Tlpe ConstrucLion: v N Valuation:40, 000 Fir6place InfottaLion: R€etricE€d: TOV/Comm. Dev' Clean-uP DePosit Refund Oasingre Famiry nesi&F#Oved T)rpe v Non-Rated Aff)OUnt Add sq Fr: ciiite +of ca8 Appliance€: cl..n-Up Dcpo.ig--------> Restuarants PLan Review- - > DRB Fee- --- ---- *of caB Logs:*of !.lood/Pa11eb: .00 50.00213.00 - 00 3,00 RecreaEion Fee----------> .00 ToEal calcr.rlaled Feee---> 995 '00 Additional Fee6--- ----- -> '00 Total Pemit Fee-----_-_> 995.00 250 . O0 PaymenE6------- TOTAL FEES- -. -.BAIANCE DUE--.- . OO ITEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT DEPtr: BUILDING DiViSiON: o7/06/L998 JRM Action: APPR APPROVED JBI'I-itair;'oSaoo-D-r,auuNg iEPAR{UE-NT- Dept.: PLANNTNG Division: O7/O6/L998 ,fRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER BRENTitbft;'05600-rinn DEPA-RTMElfli Dept.: FrRE Division: o7/06/L999 ,IRI4 AgElon: APPR N,/Arrbmi'OssOo-Fuet,rc w$RKs Dept: PIIB woRK Dj-vision: 07 / 05 /1998 'JRM Action: APPR N/A See Page 2 of this Document for any condit.ions that may appty to this permit. DECLARATIONS f hercby ackno{ledge t'hat' I have read chis application, filled out in fuI1 tshe inforrnation required, completed an accurate ploc pLan, and €hatse Ehat all Ehe inforrsalion provided as reiuired i6 correct. I aglee to conply eith lhe i.nformatsion and plol pLan. to compl"y lritsh alL Toirn oldinances and sEate laws, and to build Ehis BtlucEure according t'o tshe Totrn's zoning and subdiwision codce, deeign revicw approved, Uniforn Building code and olher oldinances of lhe Town aPPLicable tshcrcto' R'euEsrg FoR rNspEsrroNs slrArJL BE MADE Tr{ENTy-pouR Ho'Rs rN ADI/AN.E By rnr,eeuone$r a79-2t}ryR ot /fr o""ra, pRoM s: oo A}t s I oo PM -J t{ '\ a^-s'-- Scnd clcan-Up Depo6its To:SIGNATIJRE OF OWNER OR COIITRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER Page 2 *******************************************************it************************ CONDITIONSPermit #: 898-0179 as of 07/07/98 SEatus---: ISSTED******************************************************************************** Permit \pe: ADD/ALT SFR BUITD PERMIT Applied-- z O7/05/L998 Applicants--: BBALS, JACK Issued---, o7/07/L998 970-476-8690 To $cpire:, OL/03/L999 Job Address: 280 ASPEN LNLocation---: 2800 ASPEN LANE Parcel No-- : 2101-034-04-01-5 Description: STUCCO AtiID REPLACE WIIIDOWS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns rt * Jr Jr * 't * * * * * * * * * * * *:t !t * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIEIJD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL,IAME. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.].2]-O OF TIIE 1991 UBC. I t t !, * t tt a t.r a tt t at a !t tt I rt l.r ati a l t rr., rrt t i tt+ t rl t a t tt i rr i ra ri r r.r r r a t rr a rr t IO$N Ol VAt!, @TJORIDO SCrB.nnC ttt aa t taa tal. r atarrittatlt tartrrra rtatta aa ttttrt t trl'rarr rotrrra rt ScrBat[rc l{s6.!! &3C-0121 bount: Dq'lanc [.chod: CK lfolrtlon! 1327 916,Oo 07lo7/9s ll.Lt lnlt! INI POBIE t|ot E9a-0179 Tt'IrG: l-BUt&D AtrD/A'Jl ll?R BOIID PB Prrc.l Xo3 2101-03t-04-015 8Ig. lddr.rr t 260 tltPEN l,l{ LcrBiqr r 2800 IAP&I LINE ThIr Er)trqrt lloErl lra! ! ti[5.00 ToErl llJL Dutr 3 Brtlnc., 9t6, 00 996,00 ,oo lccoune cod. !P 00100003111100 Pt 0010000t112300 lt 00100002403100 tfc 00100003112400 D..crIpELon BUIIJDIN€ PERITIT FEllt Dtal{ cHtcK rEEg CLIAIqUP DBPOSIIS |frLL CILI, t]fgPBetr4t l!8 lrcunc {20.00 27t.OO 250. OO 3.00 t ac 970-328-8640 for Parcel 0. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON \RCEL I I ( ^ APPLTCATION }fL'ST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT }lAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI r * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT INFORMATION * * * * * * * r. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,\I [ ]-Building [, J-Plurnbing [ ]-Electrical- [ ]-Mechaniba] fi-otf,"t rob Name: VA*a /ft*or^^l t'rlL Job Acldress: V$oo Bmrl tfi/ ,/ --;-:--Legal DescriPtion: f,ot ll 'F Job Address: lVOa F+:6{ tJ\P? ./ -;-i--ato.,x_lfff Firins I I P FrylJdilrcrc.',- -JA oL OeLLs - - /rwners Name: i**'ii* fvcw*t Address Y,o.7oV ZfAl l/U,- CO pn.frO:864g -_--T--- \rchitect: N/A Address: ph. PERMIT APPLICATION FORM DATE: PER.\IIT f leneral Description: rNUO lbts€ + WLL{a- AV^9 LurrP$Cr,.r-rS ' fl-nepair t ] -othertork class: [ ]-New I J-Alteration [ ]-Additional tumber of Dwelling Units, -y Number 'Ipmber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances) -- t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't * * * * * * * * * VALUATfONS lur"or*", * ?LUMBTNG: $ of Accornmodation Units: Gas Logs_ Wood/Pellet *********************************4P-EI,ECTRICAL: $ MECHANICAL: $ OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ * **********tt * * **** **rr ** **** Tovrn of Vail Reg. NO. ,Ol Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nurilber: Reg. NO. Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: :l.'OWn Or Vart Phone Nunrber: Reg. NO. OFFfCE USE * * * * * * rl * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * x BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: UECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ;*** * **** * * * *tr* :k * tr *** **.** *** )eneraL Contractor y')lttlJl(L t \ddress: .llectrical contractor : iddress: Iechanical Contractor: tddress: r rt rt:f :t *:t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * * * * FOR }UILDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMI'.T FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ]LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: )lunbing iddress: lomments: contractor: VALUATION ) CLEAN I'P DEP.OSIT REFTIND TO: o I FtotzOD.o N ,l A{ <l rl.ov .oo-|ll lnal o |!c| ro4Fr Iqlto &aA glltE tAH F!|d6 tIoo !;& Io|A q|qB .{o fA o!t ct q HE Ei !, o 4qql oF E r;E:r FC-z&iDoaolr(rEOUE{ l. li oandeo.orFIEN\ n ao F o:{zzDD a9gi4 xE:. I C.F.aE E9aa 6a 6'(Di9HllItIqo F. F.HZotDooA- B4 !{li( a El. e x !; L 2o 1.1A IC-(,aorx tqIIP EHro aoE O- AH FIcl F :.!4 EEc 2 !c :{ q|IEo F r,| ErtI>9t*cta o a0 cro tEE OAAl. REPT131 Run Id: 379 A/P/DHqrdlon Ro([.|.scod lr|sp.c{ D*.:' Asibned To: triDecflan TyDe: lnioectlon Arba: Sfto Address: (Oodonan (Rdodrudl' '(OrtfonEl) (R6qrdr.d)' Ifi,f,E Februdl {16, zxrl BLOC CD 28{t ASPEI| Lt{ VA|L 28OO ASPEI{ LAI{E Ac,tivity: 89&0179 Tvoe: A-BUILD Sub Tnoc: ASFR Status: ISSUED Corr3t TlDc: _ Occupairla: 0007 O3e: V N Insp Arca: CD Paicel: 210103404015 Applicart: BEALS, JACK Phonc: 97H7&86S0Coa{rtctor: BEALS. JACK Phonc: 97G47&8690Orner: BEALS JACK D & SUSAN K DESCdptim: STUCCO AND REPTACE WINDOWS R.qr*rodrrsoccron(3r ,,lafrl2 !fl\*' - [em: g{t BLDG-Fhal ./'" }((Yl v R.quostod-Ttno: l}8:00AltRcsrestor: ,{ | r' ' Phone: Conimcnts zffiI cail 4768690A,sisnp{I9\GBAYJ.9_ ffi (',R*?rF!l^ /WyItcm: 10 BlDeFddlnss/gtcd '(fulondD t / t rltom: ?_0. BLDGFoundation/Sleel (ffional) \-/ | ' I trftcm: 520 PLAN-lLCSitePlan (Rc'diredt ' 14" Itcm: 510 (kivrwrvaadeflnal {ODtloml) / /4fl1 <a-Itcm: 10 BlDeFddlnos/gtcd '(fulonin | / y Iia;rii:2oeL6cFourifitTo-ilEilet 'ididi"Htl w | | 11A.-ftcm: 520 PLAN-ILC Site Plan (Ro'csiredt It6m: 30 BLDGFramino (ObtlodaD *fuDrcA/Gd * V 0828/196- Inspcdor: .JRM Actlon: APPR APPROVEDComm.rts: APPROVED JRM It.rn: Item: Itcm: Itcrn: Itcm: Item: It.m: Itsm: \ (Oetlonal)Nail (OdktEl) Entcrcd By: JMONDRAGON K I t, ,^,tlt! ?"[oI,'u ".-,! I t to^o/ 40 EA 60 80 70 90 %ou*;;:u' u,,,'/ o- 4L77 J?rig' Review .tctf,r, Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Beals / Freeman Residence Ploject Description: Add/paint stucco, windows and rvood fascia Owner. Address and Phonc: Jack Beals & Anna Lise Freeman. PO Box 2581. Vail81658 Architect/Contact, Address and Phonc: Project Street Addrrss: 2800 Aspen Lane Lcgal Description: Lot ll, Vail Village I lth Parccl Numbcr: 210l-034-04-015 Building Namc: Comments: Motion by: nla Scconded by: nla Vote: nla Conditions: Town Planner': Brent Wilson Datc: July 2, 1998 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproved 1I:\I lVtJ RY0NE\DRI}\APPRoVAIf, 98\BEA TJi,702 DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$50.00 (previous) *p @ C. n E. F. C, PARCEL #: ZONING: 'z'lOl 03404 U f (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Of'ficc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) nTl NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: OWNER(S) SICNATURE(S): NA]VIE OF APPLICANT: MAILTNC ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: I Nerv Construction - $200 D Addition - $50 Nlinor Altcration - $20 PHO H. Pr-roNE: 476 - ablo Construction of a ncw building. Lrcludcs any adtlitiorr rvhcrc squat'e footagc is added to any rcsidcntial or comnicrcial building. Includes nriuor changcs to builditrgs and sitc illlprovclncnts' such as' rcroofiug, painting. windorv additions. Iandscaping, fcnccs and rctaining rvalls, ctc. DRII lbcs are to bc pairl at thc tinre of sr-rbrrrittal, Latcr. whcn applying tbr a building pcnnit. plcase idcntify thc accurate valuation of tlrc project. ThcTownof Vail will adjust the tbc according to the project valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTI\,IENT OF COMIVIUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL, COLORADO 8T657. Qucstions? f n" Planning Staff at 479-2l2tl APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL lLT "t - ol)t GENERAL INFORMATION 'l-his application is fbr any projcct rcquiring Desigt Rcvicw approval. Any projcct requiring design rcview nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific infornration, see thc submittal rcquircntcnts tbr the particular approval that is rcquestcd. Thc application camot bc acccptcd until all the required infornration is submittcd. Thc pro.lect nray also need to bc rcviervcd by thc Torvn Council and./or the Plannirrg and En'r,iron rricntal Comnrission. Dcsign Rcvicw Board approval cxpircs onc aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. B. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:?NL/-0 4t4. 576q PHYSICAL ADDRESS: TOI'r{N OF I/AIL BUILDINC MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL: Qr rzrr Pe UMD COLOR:* Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windorvs Wiudow Trinr Doors Door Trim l{and or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Grccnhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other @/wJ Pa/ Nc<*wa- (rilDusS * Plcasc specify the manufacturcr's color, number arrd attach a snrall color chip ** All cxtcrior lighting must rneet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If cxterior lighting is proposed, pleasc indicate the numbcr offixhgqs and locations on a separate lighting plan. tdentifo each fixturetype and provide thc hcight abovc grade. lumens output, lunrinous arca. and attach a cut shect ofthc lighting fixtures' Lmbof Updatcd 6/97 oo Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Beals Residence Project Description: Minoralteration/addition and driveway expansion. Owner, Address and Phone:Jack Beals, P.O. Box 2581,476-8690 ArchitecVContact. Address and Phone: Jack Berls' see above. Project Street Address: 28{X) Aspen Lane Legal Description: Lot 11, Vail Viltage llth Filing Parcel Number: BuildingName: nla Comments: Plans drawn by owner. Addition of 6l sq.ft. would max the site coyenge allowed (32fi) sq. ft). Drive*ay expansion would reduce the landscape area to 73o/o of the parcel area of 15,905 sq. lL (600/" required). Board / Staff Action Motion by: nlt Secondedby: n/a Vote: nlr Conditious: nls Action: STAFFAPPROVAL Town Planner: Reed Oflate Date: 2125198 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL98\BEAIS.WPD DRB Fee he-Paid: $50.00 F -r( il? F{'i a-ulrU 1E 1I$^ /- cr ZT 's8-.2a2 -1 d )$ 3tvl d ,2 $; $+ * Z)a'd sE 7!J AE zS*E*.2 p .!s$ IFF FfiH ^\\./\\\ ,/t,/ t'. /\{\ \ --1$ .,f\ \/ ,/ \ \/ ./\ ./ \ */r\ J"f2\}.9 S'6 vt3r i$sfi 4,'J $E \*J ri$.JD a$s;$s€ -3d dEF FffH I'5 t?Fi Ja,v *\'J 'irg; *L .D $ k* irli !!() $i If;:;li -!''<:O'': tI : .;: Lr .'o_ =6fpmF]ra .fr3-{, 7 ,Y P$ el\.$ E && a\z. \r. seFr J e o $ s lil= ,{.-g\.2\$ .{ ^r $H IH ?l-l ( \0 ;:n I lr tJ. FU''c /.'c I ,cl cl\I R E 4 $ d -s $ ,Y3q -7 Dt $.3 tg5 -+ " B*i$ss* rt ci-il f'9 * N (\ J E U g r \-1 q X I II f, It-. - I L_-J u, ok JV $G4u r^ $$$ +7 $e fi H#F $ {.$ €fr$ t $B 60"S1,", 3 $* $ 3jg \' \, s .E; t $ *>; b $'s [$ i $ $Rl€ t ? l$i:ll sldl$jj J $ ^,v N a + B-7i $ a; 7 € ><I I \b $l Jlls 57 5I\S $c & t lr I d z.J $ rEi 1 '=; .. F86 9)I8E cg Es |'/ \:/ t\Y-l I F5 aA x{ ,aVfitft*|1 o ,l .|,i'r , .1.. Project Application Ult't( . (-/ (i L-f_ Proiect Descriptiont '' t<) 4t +J t tr't'tQ-y" / Q44 r-a Date // / 14 h.r€.--,.t A_tProjecl Name: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone; Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: Lol ,/l 6 Block l.z- -,teSu L 'f.n,7-4 ' zon" (/' ('t' r / r' 4Filing Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: t/) t /b Kds rl ac-lc Town Planner o"", ,77 /q0 Staff Approval t&L^;lk4 u I zo fzo (fu ,tra",,,,*I h,elxvl ?fbeoth bl.lfu DaQQ,il TUIVN OF VAIL ES*N RF,/|EWgfAFF APnngY11, onB SIIFF: W ?j(ftra 2-'x6"" 7'o,cr- ?uco48 uJAr, ?'* d' 4'?'(, A9g,<..o.J -t\I^1. lN{t( otr.< A)(e *4Ao(a *tr6tu ,l rr l-7 ,t t', SIArtl(Z.t-N/3,'*bJ AN)bfu ?oo (bo( ?a(<rots, tl3-\4 t\Lxrc b's'^S L' V' * ti' Ott'rti-t12 itb'uAu> ZAi":.6 &(*+fOOr"Crr,q/slAr,e LAn . L' BUILDING MATERIALS: LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERLAL:C,QLQR:* trr,f, f"a.A'^*.S fU tlnPrv*\Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnncys Trash Enclosures Creenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other * Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip +* All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior ligbting is proposed, please indicate the number offixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixture type and provide the height abov e grade,lumens output, luminous are4 and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. tEB Z0 €$ roy{ffii|. m[/, t)Eff. wA,?q Fr}ltl av6;g=r, €l.,ulfrroos {all- u!\.t f,no?ozrs) *mitrat*-r Q; =1 .- ) -ro *? *f" u+-i (,rtf t, ,,?r-n.i , u&tu, g-trtAroz tt} 6r-ty") . ?*+', latJ*. l.^<- d:( Tdr + ()qrac-,-l ie ,pl) I F,. 1 F.yFrt\6r^.- @rts=rorS . I tr\" la'4\ ) ' bqo' q412- 1\.+'rf-9 | Jpr- tTcaus s €.r-l4 :r' as Il t- ..h' 0r- IA F(b\lRI cC, tA otl rl$l ?I tll.f \ o'l o??.{q5$& q 0- {4 \.-J,) (-\.t! --/s t) qpF rlA ,-l S S H osAR,lQi ; -5 s5l'$ill$'? l;r lll, r-lr-\"1\ T ,-\/q/ ---\--r {---I-- ! r \ .l {! }, -..) ^:C U -a 'r- +-__-vif\ C r \-.--/ \ '*{_,. 1 F\ - -A|.- ^lIt $-'+ -: -\,AJRx\qo \) ll -F =y1 o .8 tt -t $ d, \$ E: f: i:o$\) NRE s t _ --1_.r i:_i| ^ \\ \: \)dr .s:l -'2_ E-,: 4S,. "R- \.., ar .V d(i -}.-\r o i. r- ,ConCacE Eaglc Coun ry ,rc 970-328-8640 for,ARCEL /I: Assessors 0fflca TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLTCATION FORM DATE: PERI.IIT /i t APPLICATfoN MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NoT BE AccEpTED .t***************lt************* PERMTT TNFORMATTON * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *f,,,/IvJ-BuiLding [ ]-Plumbing J.,,]-rlectricar [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other i\rchitect: ,, FJo Address: i-Ceneral Description: PAe-r rA r-, tx\t-5r..rc Vo.(- L$ ao= Address: P.o. eox -i4e1 !\,,,- ,6,P}l. A-lL -Boqo Ph. Datr,!\l,L.l ?Ai6i t+ra Legal Descriptionz r,otW'o" oBlo"k__ riri.s // ,P ,uuorursro*,A.A ure erffi{-)'tners Narne: W*lg" %lur- TUILDING: + i,roo.)LUMBfNG: $ :.tork class: [ ]-New y{-ett.tation t l-Additional p4/.lpspair 1 ,-offil Number of Dwelling Units3 I Number of Accornrnodation Units: yrnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appriances_ cas Logs_ wood/perret t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ELECTRTcAL: $ 3so' - MECHANTCA + t?t-cr5 \,.e'|tr OTHER: $ tooo. TOTAL: $ 4Aqo. Reg. NO. r :l :t rt rt :t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * coNTRAcroR TNFORMATToN *************************** ::l:Iil-contractor: _--!Aaj- riEAu< ,,= _ Town of Vail Reg. No._tddress: P'a..2ffi phone HurnUer:-'-- -llectricaL Contractor: iddress:Town of VaiI Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nunrber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. ,lumbing Contractor: tddress: .echanical Contractor: .ddress:Reg. NO. tr*****************************t, .FoR oFFrcE usE ******************************* ''.ITLDING PERMIT FEE: . .,:'lt BUTLDING PL,AN cHEcK FEE:LUMBING PERMIT TE!:_ JC}ANICAI PER&IT. rEE: - -€-'{II1 UECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE::EcrRrcAL FEEaE 0E!f u-Tggr€' necneAriblN ;EE, -"-- lH"l"$:*""Til'ffi$ffiffi' ;3fll-H"ilie;1il' - GRoUP I sa.I,E.tlttT? t\tatr- -rrvr!u.!tl\r:_r_r_r_r SIGNATURE:t_t_t_t zoNrNG: EEEB :LEAN IIP DEP.OSIT f,EFIIND TO:-J'a.L TTL4 a-)Vo_W{ >gt UA,u ,(D. o 75 soulh lrontage toad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 olllce ol communlly deyelopmenl To: ALL coNTRAcroRs C'RRENTLVL REGT.TERED wrrH THE. i TOWN OF VAIL FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMUNITy DEVELOPMENT MARCH L6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKTNG & MATERIAL STOR,AGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to 'itter, track or deposit. a"V-="if]-rl.i., sand, debrisor nateriar, incruding trash dunpsterl , p".i"[iJ'toirets andworkmen vehicles. upon any streetl siaewaix] -;ii;y or publicp'l:" or any porrion theieof. rrre rish€:;i_;;y-;n arr Town ofVaiL streets and.rgag= is approxi--ul"iv-s-it.-iri pavement.This ordinance wirr be. str-il[iy--enforced by the Town of Vai].Pubric works Department. pers6ns found riirr"Il"g this ordinancewil-l be siven a 24 hour written notice-to-;;;;;;'"aid materiar.rn the event the person so notiri"a-a"""-";;'';;;p1y with thenotice within the 24 hour.tine-speciii;;,"tt"*iriric worksDepartment wirr. remove said mateii"r-ii-inJ"I"p]i.e of personnotified' The provisions or trris ".ai"un"J ;frIii not beapplicabre to c-onstruction, ruir,i"r,u.,ce or repair projects ofany street or all_ey or any utilities i" in"-iiiii_"_ruy. To review ordinance No- o in furl, prease stop by the Tordn ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. tirani you for yourcooperation on this matter. liii acknowledge or, owner) I t 0PyFILI C TOITN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 Eouth Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 December23. 1997 Jack Beals P.O. Box 2581 Vail, CO 81658 Rc: Application for a minor alteration and addition to 2800 Aspen Lanc (Lot I l, Block 4, Vail Villagc I lth). Dcar Mr. Bcals: Thc Planning Dopartment has performed its initial review of your application subrnitted on Dcccmbcr 9, 1997 for altcrations and additions to 2800 Aspcn Lane. At this time ttre application is considered incomplctc duc to a lack of information nccdcd to assess existing conditions and future improvements on thc sitc. Spccifically, thc following information and/or architectural drawings are requcsted. Qucstions and commcnts arc also notcd in parcnthesis- *tnk,:, ;) 1tL?/', oK3' An architcctural clcvation of thc proposed addition, rvhich shows thc proposcd ncrv hcadcr, cxtcrior wall, and roof. (l arn unccrtain of thc utility of thc proposcd headcr spanning the dianrctcr of the existing half circle deck.) A cross scction of the proposcd ncw header, exterior wall, and roof. (It is unclear fron the drawings the vertical placernent and pitch ofthc proposed shed roof.) Please speciff thc materials to bc uscd for the housc addition and thc driveway improvemcnts, or subm.it a statcnrent identifying that materials are to "match existing duplex." A site plan drawn to scale showing existing and proposed driveway/landscape improvemenls within the legal property lines. (This information is needed for the purposes of calculating landscape area; the minimum landscape requirement equals 60% of the lot area.) Approval of this application may be performed at staff level provided the new information, as requested above, does not reveal any significant code inconsistencie.s. In addition, it has come to my attention that there was some confusion over thc typc of permit application being applied for. The permit application is for an "addition" with a fee of $50.00, which I undentand has already been paid. (% tP *"nn'o'^'"* Jack Beals Dqoa 7 December 18, 1997 I look forward to your response. To prevent firther delays in thc ryplication pnness please submit the information requested above by January 2, 1998. Ifyou have any ftrther questions please conbct me at 970.479.2369. Thankvou. /,!6u Reed Oilate Town Planner * o tN- iii ,- ix* FPf't.. L"l ll,Q6tVogrrre* e Val Vil\a4z- tt'>' From thc tlcsk 0f.., ?\N \ta t qvr ' tA I b"t --,,.-l I(zt 'Q446" o /)r-If)2 I qltDt'rtl O-,I IL' r -----174\1+4'1 |ll t t ( I .L_____--J . WITEETET-Lau,Ur W-oArt-\ua^ [,.a] arat =- ll.r-tx-r-,th' U lwur'/ T ffi)plaD =boz)r650 ----a t,7-c>c-> <l{6 c-.apvanr, a\lw.teA-- 1'uo+ ert+vg dtzq* [oaEvrys1L--- - =-t=-=---- bt + or aiV Gg'a-*.g' ''llrolqr TOhIN.OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, CO 81,657 970-479-2a38 APPLIEANT OWNER CONTRACTOR DEPARTMENT OF COMMITNITY DEVELOPMENT A f ,, *,2,- f"*4 t'* rl ttVi" | ''"f" STAEUS...: ISSUEDApplied..: LO/30/L997 rssued... : LL/04/L997 Extrrires. . : 05/03/1998 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON iIOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #t 897-Q402 ilob Address: Location...: Parcel No..: Project. No.: 28OO ASPEN LN 28OO ASPEN CT 2101-034-04-Ot4 PRiI97-023r- FREEMAN ANNELIESE M 2800 ASPEN r_,N, VArIr CO FREEMAN ANNELIESE M 2800 ASPEN LN, VAIL CO TCC COITTRACTORS, INC. P.O. BOX L822, AVON, CO 81,657 8L657 8L620 Description: REROOF ENTRY WAY Occupancy: T)4ge Construction: Valuation: 6,000 Fireplace Information: Res!!ictcd: Add Sq Ft: lof ga€ Applianc€e:*Of gae Log6: Phone:949-0630 #of Wood/Pallct: FEE SWMA.RY Building-----> Plan chcck-- - > InvestsigaEion> will caII----> Additional Fce6- -- ----- -> Tot'.l PertniE Fe6-- ----- -> PaynGnhE---_-__- BAI.ANCE DUB-. -. t 05.oo 10s .00 3 .00 . oo 20.00 . oo 100.00 401 .25 ,00 401.25 {01.2s .00 Rastuarant PIln R6vic$- - > DRB Fco---- -- --- R€crcaEion F.c-------- --> clean-Up Dcposi,E- ----- --> PI,ANNING DEPARIT{EI{T FTRE DEPARTI4E}TTPI]BI-,IC WORKS Totse1 Calculat.d FccB- - - > 401.25 Dept RIr[Dept De-pt Dept, ,fRM Item:051-00 LO /30 /L997Item:05400It,em:05600Item:05500 See Page 2 of this DocumenE for any conditions Ehat may apply to this permit. DECI,ARATIONS I hercby acknowledge that I have r.ead this application, filled out in full fhe inforoabion required, conu'lelcd an accuratse Plot pLan, and statc thaE all tshe ihformation provided a6 lequiled i6 correcE. I a9!c6 tso comply 'riCh lhe infoftatsion and PloC Plan, co comply l.itsh all Torln oldinahces anal staEc Lai,r6, and bo build EhiF gtlucturB accordi.ng bo the Toen'6 zoning and subdivieion codes, d€sign review approved, Uniform BuiLding codc and othc! ordinancca of th6 Tosn appl.icabl€ therctso. REQUESTS FoR INSPECaIONS SHAITIJ BA MADE TwElfTy-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONB AT 479-2114 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM g:00 A 5:00 PM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED JBUILDING DEPARTME}flT : BUILDING Division: : PI,ANNING Di: FIRE Di: PUB WORK Di vr-sr-on:vl-sr-on:vision: send clean-Up DepoBit To: Page 2**********************************************************:********************** CONDITIONS Permit. #: 897-0402 as of L1/04/97 Status---: ISSITED******************************************************************************** PCTMit, TIPC: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITApplicant--: FREEMAN ANNEITIESE M Job Address: 2800 ASPEN LNLocatrion---: 2800 ASPEN CT Parcel No-- : 2t-01-034-04-014 Applied-- : 1,0 /30 /L997 Issued- --: LL/A4/L997 To E),eire z O5/03/L998 DescripLion: REROOF ENTRY WAY * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * eonditions * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AIiID EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.L210 0F THE 1991 UBC. foml OF VAIL, COI,ORAm gcrc.nns SErg.onB lluDbcr ! REc-o!s5 lrcunt ! ErlD.nB ]la!hod! cK lfolrtlon: 2233 roL.25 LllOUtT oe tot lnlc! tn P.r[Ls No! B9?-o{02 Tlpc: A-BUILD ADD/A&I gER BUILD PE Perc.l No: 21o1-034-04-Ot4 SlrG Mdr...: 28Oo tttPBll l,N Locrglon. 2gO0 ISPBN Cf Tolll Faar ! Prlm.nt 401.25 Tocrl ALrJ Pntr: Brl.nco: lccoun! Coda BP OO1OOOO31111OO EUITDIN6 PERMIT FBEg DR 00100003112200 .DESIG{ Rn rEtl FEES pF 00100003112300 PLttf cHBct( FBES Dl 00100002403100 cr.Elllt P DEPoSrla $c 0010000311a900 lfll,L c Lt rNgPBeSloN PEE PN 00100003153000 II{\TEIITIGATION FEE (8l,Dc) {01.25 40t.2s .oo i r attra r r a trara t rrrrrn a ta tt a rta D..crIpilon Anoung 105.00 20.00 69.25 100,00 3,OO 105.00 I. )*contect E r' -- al?n 'lO cl Eagl.c Couirty { at 970=32818640 for i PARCEL //: /l 2 lo.'PARCEL. //: 4 2 lo It ,^.r-lT-t4rJl o N PERIIIT i/VAIL CONSTRUCTTO APPLICATTON FORM DATE. ./?/3VFz TBrn -r:zt t Pa-rcglf. TOWNOF) +LlOq O/q pERMrr , APPLICATToN MUST BE FILLED OUT CoMPL,ETELY oR Ir ltAY NoT BE AcCEpTED x***************************** PERMIT TNFORMATION ***********************rr****i/l ...-[ ]-Building [ ]-Plurnbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal g(-otner Job Name: .4 A*^.1 Job Addre ss: Z&.za -& - - arof Legal Description:I Owners Name: -r{nna Lot__l Block_ filing susprvrsroN, /q'es trat-no*Address , Z-W Af^ C^^./ _._rn.+to.-sy?{ Address: ph.Architect: General Description: Work C]ass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration" [ ]-Additional Number of Dvrelling Units:Number Nunber and Tvoe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances { F* * * * d' * * * * * * * * * * * * * *.1 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS BUILDING: $EI,ECTRICAL: $ PI,I,JMBTNG: $ 7 ,.' [-]zRepair [ ]-other of Accornhodation Units: cas Logs_ Wood/pellet ************tt******************** n !31W&, $ (o,cao TOTAL: $- Address: Contractor:P." Zr>-,,-/r'z-'^---Vffi 4,-af' Erectricar Jfrt--""*?tut A Town of Vair" Req. No.57a*Bffi,, qvzn-:rea Town of VaiI Reg. NO.Phone Nrrrnber: Plumbing Contractor: Address: Address: ** ******* * * * *-* * * **** *******1,.**** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEEs MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: INFORMATION ***!t ^**,******************** Town of Vail Reg. NO.Phone Number: Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: FOR OFFICE USE ** * * ****rr**** ****************.** BUILDING PI,AN CHECK TEE: PLWBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDINI;: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: Mechanical Contractor: Address: o =F =G IJJ o- zl ) r= | :til2 \ol I I .!I rlfi -i lelaSlt :El3<l<-> 19lJ a;;:c €Ec:r :giiEiiEs;;*>5 3 i::;t!.;eei sE;eJ f E="9! Egtgg ;9E3d(u 0'-.: -E=(|)./,c g,f;!g€ sgle3 iEiii QWFI<F7aYZ(t, < Y o =Zzu-o ootr ^ 62H; =Fq,(,e,5b ?,(JzXE<oq iH6 s =H Z rNO =>E --(aI tr,t & =aOda zl .. >lo UJo llj uJz U'F E uJc 2I troo ul E U)loo?zo Fo. IJJY Llj @ oF E ffixo-3b'ltrlOr,llo<lr-lgur t^F\Jzo -J 2 I g oz =TL Jlo FoJ z = h ii =z dlo z lL u] z : u )qul dd J = I =g rt uJg,oo J =tr o =.1olull : a1>lttiol zl 3lolFl frl E ts a lq E I (\ oz our IE J a t!oz3oF F.-t |.-. I u u F =tr o oulcl J >l l!q zl3oH tr oz olU CE J l!oz3I tr o =ulql <l>l rtl ol zl 3lolFI u.l utF I, t!, =,T E UJz, =o I F uJF E E -.1 O<FGOuJ<zElll Ftrzo )E<o()F H#fr,, - E 2? s3 =Fd3o =T C)Iu = : - ) (rot-Gir ry+EFt-o2 C) <c) fi^8-l J O()zd 9b -,JlDluXnEl F Gll,cEoEE E<ol€8B9Eir;9'EF E it- =lu:-E h=o dtrx =o-i 8b9 EutE Xo-t x>t q- o -'i!E uJ F I =- z,n9ze =zItd8 E =Elrlo.zIFoq EFazo() !D TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cobrado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 March 5, 1995 Va1ley wide Mechanical & Elect,rical Inc' P.O. Box 5080 Avon, Co 81620 Re: Permit #675j. & 5785 Expiration Freeman Gas Heat & Electrical Permit F : \Everyone\Chuck\Fina1 s 17a Deparnnent of Communiry Development Dear Sir, It has come to our att.ention that you have an outstanding permit that has not received a final inspection' Your permit has expired according to section- 303 of the L994 Unifo;m plumbing Code. This permit must either be finalized, extended by written request or reperrnitted' I,would appreciate your prompL aLtent.ion to Ehis problem and expect t6 hear from you within 30 days of receipt of this leLLer. sincerelv,,40 /:. . / "ffi"(kwarlreuilding Inspector xc: File .. .r 7. N11f ttlro* oF vArL coNsrRucrt$ 'll66tu- ' pERr-lrrTAppLrcATroN FoRM I,?D* [ ]-Building [ ]-Plurbing fr)-Electrical [ ]-Mechanicat [ ]-other Job Name: Fpz.rurl &t,Jrlu-Job Address:d .- Legal Description: Lot_,!L / r tt4LBlock- rilinS y l/ suBprvrsroN, / , 4' fr:z.alal General Description /y'r?h /r/,oruJ (zooa.za.,, ,V-,,/ccU k,l/"t.t' Work Class: [ ]-New [fi]-Alteration 6 l-Additionat t l-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accommodation Units: ^ {pnber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appriances_ cas Logs_ wood/pellet_ trt************** ** ** *************** VALUATTONS *********************************rl BUfLDING: $ELECTRICAL: S zfl,OO OTHER: I Address:Owners Name: Architect:Address:Ph. I PERI.lrr # b7# , APPLTCATToN uusT BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY OR rT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED It***************************** PERMIT TNFORMATION * ********* * *** ************* **tr) Electrical contractorz l/P/b/ lu,/cAddress: Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Mechanical Contractor : Address: ******* * ***** ** *** * * **** ******** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE3 PIUI.{BING PERMIT FEE: I'{ECHANICAIJ PER}TIT FEE : EI,ECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE! Town of VaiI Reg. NO. Pbone Nunber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Ptrone Nurnber: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHECK TEE: Contractor: 3n4t'';%to" PLII.IBING PLAN CHECK FEE: MECHANTCAI., PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMTT FEES3 BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: CLEAI{ UP.DEPOSIT REtrT'ITD TO: Connents: o = ts =tulo-o U' uJlt lJ- F LIJd t8/Q+Ql I llrJIF lo \?'otlll (')l t.lnl t_, '<vro zitL{rotsloU),2It uJF oF el-22 = 0z oqJ F z oz 6 .5 oz tr uJz = ul Foz ttJul U' = E.ot! zIo ct Eq) .c -g.o(o .9 CI f, 3oFIEr a,oc a! .Eo O' otq (rt o)Eooo E t0 E o =f, d Q' o.o,(! '.q, a, o ti fi, .Y' alE: €fr eEe.l 6 eE1.S6 E UE:Oc-o> ET:E : gF: E >=:c96i.l of or e 6 t.= EEAFE!Eo*.€ 3EgceF Eiseo- (E cL-sEieoiE-qr s €e€E6:i :EgH E6ES_ o.,y o .u o'- !E=O.,l E,€EfgglE 9 6a5 t* E: .e5eE9E o -csgg - o 6S rr\' A 00 d c E IJJ z = Io - uJI z c J EFolll UJ (,z .D = E J Iz () tu IIJtl,IIz tr uJEou,G o @ =uJ5ur z 6llto d UJ z |lJ x F UJol c |-3 o u.l UJtL ts =E uJo- J FoF z J @ F UJJ UJ zo = J z Eo uJt NO[Vn']VA ; o =zzu-o ootr ^ 6zI5 =9E I of, qroE6b ?l(Jzx l!<oq iH6s-R 2 iNO =>E _ltY, =loN z9F tr- E o- o ozo uJc uJ(r J z E tsx zo F G, I.IJ J 3qJz tltltltl Lz z9. ut<oo<>ft>(EV tr-Uci<z (t, =3;9= iIfio3trOI UJ J a o U) UJzYIIF z F - z a 3 F UJ o o 3 Jl<l FI 2_l zl .. >lol! IJJ IJJzoF ul(L J z Eo =o qt I lel: l;:lioH al I tof-(o IuFo(ooazo Fo-luY uJ co oF ts EPo-o\t.l- o.lO-l O- ....r1O .nlo.ltglguJbkzo z ,rP =eoo =zt=JOfL LL J oc) =d.=() (D UJ E =l!o-l!oEgE<cll€8E9tt irb9 =EE ;tF h=E lffE =o--c UbE io.,E X>t E-o-i!tr H F -I - F =E, lrJ o-zIF() DE *a zoo !tr ) C)z io UJ (,z J LL I I I IxJ @ FI FoJ ts td a z E Ltl l',r a H Fl z ii z .Do\Z- z Errl a Fq trl(4 F] azz ul =4 z z alvl ut qdI = s.$ I F\'io Fra J == tr = i =E oz ciulG J ltoz3oF oz q, IIJ J l! z]oF z .,i uj I oz3 F IFI] A<lq) cr)FHO&4{!F Fu H*9 $eIEil;rH> $btz)E3l95Or!H F\ F- I .$ o\ d IJJF = E oz oult J <1 t!oz =lotF ut UJ F &. taJz =t uJ tsI t E -..r O<Fc()uJ<zEt!F(tZ-o )Egt HdqE-L z = .J(r E ? r z dN :iF =3Y,Z =8 E i. =+E l-o2<ciQ9u.l x-t!! TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303.-479-2452 March G, 1995 va1ley wide Mechanical & Etectrical Inc. P.O. Box 5080 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Permit #6'757 & 5?85 ExPiraLion Freeman Gas Heat & ElecErical Permit F : \Everyone\chuck\Final s Deparnnent of Communiry Development Ehis problem and expecc of this leLter. Dear Sir. It has come to our attention Lhat you have an ouLstanding permit t.hat has not received a final inspection. Your pernit has expired accordingr . to Section- 303 of the L994 Unifo;m plumbing Code. This permiE must either be finalized, exLended by written request or repermitted. I would appreciate your prompL attention to Lo hear from you within 30 days of receipt Sincerelv,,4D /- / "ffi;,(KwtftBuilding rnspector xc: File I J-Building [ ]-Pr.unbing t l-Electrical [$-Mechanl.cal [ ]-Other Job NaEe: Legal Description:Block_ Filing Owners Nane:Address: R^@tlsZo, ,n. Architect:Address:Ph. DIVISION: tr4l General Description: I{ork Class: [ ]-New 14lalteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Drelling Units: /Nulber of Accornnodation Units: / l)l*"r and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas {**** * * * ************************** Appliances Gas logs_ Wood/Pellet VALUATTONS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** OTHER: $ TOTAL: f CoNTRACIOR INFORUATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. sLECTnlceL: IMEcHANrcAulW-BUILDING: $ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Address: Contractor: lrtechanical Contractor: Address: **************************l***** FOR Town of Vail Reg. No. ,/a3-P Phone Nurnber: q/?-/24? ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: OFFTCE USE BUTLDTNGBUTLDING PERUTT FEE: PLI'MBING PERMIT FEE: I{ECHANICAL PERMIT Pnnz --77fT EI,ECTRTCAL FEE: PII'I'{BTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE3 I.TECHANTCAI, PI,AN CHECK F8E; RECREATION FEE: CI.EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DR8 FEE: BUILDING: STGNATTJRE: ZONTNG: STGNATI]RE: CIJAT{ I'P IIEPOSIT NEFI'TTD .3-28 - Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: FREEMAN MECH. DATE: 5-31-94 ADDRESS: 2800 ASPEN LANE CONTRACTOR: VALLEY WIDE VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCLJPANCY: R3,M ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Yail. 1. COMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED PER SEC. 607 OF TrrE 1991 IJMC. 2. ACCESS TO IIEATTNG EQUTPMENT MUST COMpLy WT|H SEC. 50s AND 703 OF THE I99I TJMC. 3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDX CHAPTER 21 OF TIIE 1991 UMC. 4. GAS LrNE TEST AND TNSPECTTON rS REQUTRED BEFORE CONNECTTON oF ANY EQI'IPMENT pER SEC. 1206 OF THE 1991 UMC. 5. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SI,JPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQIIIPPED WTITI A FLOOR DRAIN PER sEc. 2119 0F Tr{E 1991 UMC. 6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION IJNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 7. FrELD TNSPECTION IS REQUTRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE PER SEC. 305 OF THE 1991 IJMC. 8. ALL EQUTPMENT TO BE A MTNTMUM OF 18" OFF FLOOR rF OPEN TO GARAGE, AS PER SEC. 508 OF TI{E 1991 UMC. Town of Vail OFFffiN CICPY ot ,rl?t"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAILbr<t PERMIT NU 43 MBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ^ ROOF & SHEERu pLYwooD NA|LING B GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT J tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL '.'.\t t-/ |/'c/-nlaN dtstdonce- CALLER MoN /'fG wED ,,/ /;il*b THUR 5ail 7sa7 PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED T] REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR ,pficnoN REeuEs TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:THUR FRI PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING !oo. plprNc ,/A U4 tr INSULATION - O POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL - T] Eltr T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: h oor, ( ?' ' 3r/ 4 rNsPEcroR C P-'' -+ & FI)(BIt4 J!<ui(JF u-Fq tllJIF lo I I I I I I t_,, r(J tE tzro o\o\ F\ ts E .t7H oz r'roFl tt) uJ UJu- F =t uJ(L Nss\ -$ )o\\N \( $lJ- UJ i Eo ccoFo E '-zoo o o o -g!o(J ah (D qt € q) o o)Eoo q) E =o o l -iq) o '.9 g 3g€sguh"; F.9 R3 EE E: "0 8p:6c-o> : !Fi c96F.l 05 or35t: EE-Bi 5E gF e;tgsEieoiEors*:€ 96,6 6 :EEH E6Eg - o..!3 () -- c !.gO-!5ac i $f;;E E E;: t*E: EE.: E. eES: -oG: (r, !Uul lJ- E =Elu(L J FoF o 3I uJ z 6l!o .. >lou,ollt UJz = uJL J z Eo z tr Jlaz =>E _IaY, 3lu* =lDN z 2,,OQEc Ead -e 2? EU:r!<o* a-Qi5jci ct)& FHB trl €& ETtEl.xl EI D<H x =14'ozo Fo- E(J uJo !L o-loe.o G (L UJc J z Eo ^ o \' Ic'\\'or ..tl El" IFql | |>lFr Iplco Idl* |rl I Hl el el Sl flt tl2t <lbl >l sl gl E3l 5t fl zl ol rl sl EIq zl 3lolFI .AIA ts at) 3 z E frl o tr €(n \' Iq\.rf( ui JulF u) I\oN\? oz (, UJ J lt z3 F ccl JI al>lLlol zl 3l PI z.l olulllcl JI flzl;lolFI oET NHHc) rJ) v)z Yl E lu =z m '-) I FIFrl*l 14ltJl <l EI Fl FfH az Jtr EctozF- =#)zrLo O t Fz z T O I.IJ l-Eir = Oz toFo Fzo o t-o uJJ F() uJ ToE <FE()uJ<zEUJF(tZ oz b =t uJo- F oz otL =f*=x(J-t '.i u.l6ilE z = J(L tr ul t!o}. IJJE9E<clf6U)6eB9at irb9'EE => =lur-E b=o Ji-E =FE d6 9 \tnE XO-t x>6=Fcl"io-1rtr llJ F trDtr -l !nE \ (o (r) -i'C) UJFo dto-zo Fo-luY ulo oF F =3b3 o-bdiJ8Hr1gur :^F\Jzo ts =E, UJo-zo F(Jq EFazo() - a ffi r@+*f.4€ 20 HA< qo FAr/Ea.g,._- t \ lr ,ar'1^.r I?Ll ?--\,lc np, I r 11 Vhtt- CobBvE (-u28 8"xt6'bepP C,NTQoL &tNrs tlJ AUR 6 &S P e&-'D. a tttrft'oi,J/f ;/Pas ) 4',' ,- 4.0 #E4rN& T+tP,ouo4,ro, ),\/ rg ={? PE - '--.- --'r-11 30 -\r- - 29' '*EYPA-IStoJ"/'' Joi'\z .ll SSALE' '/4 . I' f$ 7*vpro. "A",4 7 PP.OJECT: TE OF PUBLIC HEARING ltpate ahfert 4 vo--'#ois.t {" a- nea-l 'rus;Jprt- ? - Qrb tul- *'f a5ph4/+ r.,t;// run) J" lt /e, -//" oZp|^ft 9 ca A/o- ^t./( no f / ^/ | ,Itt d/- T-n ,u,,,lJ 11 ' I kn 2'l' of- t lt tou)A 7*H frvter'Pat/"/+ dL hp^ /.*r*.- FI RE DEPA.RTI'IENT / o.qrE susl.rttt'Eo: {/ -- Dr CCI","r'ENTS I|EEDED ey: fu> {/? t*,fu BRI EF DES.R r prr oN oF-TH-m Reviewed by: Conments: Date POLICE DEPARTHENT Revieved by: Connerrts: Date i ',1'r. REC;;!ATi OX DEPARTI.:iNT Reviewed.by: Co;nents: I HTEP.-OEPARTNENIAL P.eviened by: Date P- t r <-'1,t / t',,) I/DATE OF *****THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT 8E ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***T* A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member'is strongly suggested to "r!'ii: detennine if any additional information it"il!i"il"-lri ippii.ilioir wiii be-accepted ,.:::*+Fd,iross it is cornol'ete (must include al'l ltems required by the zoning administrator). ri{:l? i-::le;..' A pre-application meetins with-a planning staff membef i:-?!l9l9ll :: ilil;'il is ffipi;;-(ruit inciuJe-iii riems-iiquired by the zonins adm.i.nistrator). --.rL !L.- -A-r'-l A- -CJ-lii'il-tt'i ippiiiS"i;! iiiponsiui iiiy-to riiJ-un dppoi ntmint. wi th the^s3lf !9.Ii !d . : .,+;IE 1S Eng clPPlf CafnE > ltr>PvrrJlul | | l,J r'rr, lllqlt qrr sFl,v ":-" ;;^.-;;---_:,: ' ....fi!l out aUout aiititionat-sulmittal requirements. P'lease note.that,a C!!f!!le3?pli!3: : ''-.*ii';iout auout aiititionat-sutmitta'l reqrirements. P'leise note that a COMPLETE applica- : .,-.*iff iion wil'l streami jne ttre approvai'procesi for your prci99l by decreasing the number -=..-;ji-lonaitions oi approvat ihat the'gRB miy stilulatb. ALL conditions of approval must -'itiltFd be resolved befo.re a bui'lding perm'it is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:'.ettoUd ext TtNe CoNcpEtE gtpttLE D, UooD grooP. Egeta Eorq Nrrg I L eoag(E't. B. LOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: 28oo A kgPelJ LAr"lE Descri pti on t-f g Fil ing ?F-srse-+'\71 &'- c. NAME oF AppLrcANr: futettgr . GJ&&rL_ _- Address D. NAME OF Addres s loTL kl-t A*ss,+oD€telephone {rc-8qt-OSgo g,As Cl ,.f3 APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : tel ephone E. NAME 0F 0l.lNERS: =Pue**l.l-, S i gnature Address F. DRB FEE: 7L ctil. btet epnone I I 6 -8 Q I -OST o t-egui Zoning I.tL VALUATION $ o-$ 1o,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $:.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 FEE $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ s0.00 $100 .00. $20o.oo $3oo . oo IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO.THE DRB: l. In addition to meeting submittal requiremdnts, the_appljcant must stake the site to indicate property iines and building corners. I"9"t- that will be removed should also be inartia. itris worf must be completed before the DRB visits the . site. 2. The review p"o..r, for'NEH EUILDINGS will normally involve fivo separate meetings oi-ttre oiiibn Review eoiii, so plan on at least two meetings for their.approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their schedu'led meeling ind who have'not asked for a postponement w'il'l be required to be republ i shed. ..1. . ti.lta .rF.l- -"'.J....r.:'iJ r.{,. - ,:+a! 4.lsented to the Design Review 8oard. """'"qi ;:',!;:'!i[d"[.t-ih;' ioning-nouini stratoi ror approval : a. }Jlndons, skyllghts and similar exterlor changes that do not alter the ;i;ai;6 pline-of the building; artd b. gulldlng addltlons that are not vl€$€d fr-o! $y other lot or public spacsr wnich have nii'iiitiii-sulmiliio'iiom adJorning propertv Gfners approvlng - the addigoni-.niii"-ipi"""ii iru, ine agent 16r, or nanager of a condominiun associ atl on . 5. You may be required .to conduct Natural Hazard studies on your property. You should ctrect< irittr a Town Planner before prcceeding' The fol'lowing ltem no They, horever' have to 26 Aprtl 1990 Town of Varl Connuntty Developnent 75 South Frontage Rd Var'1, CO 81657 Attn: Betsy Dear Betsy, I enJoyed talktng wlth you on the phone the end of March and thank you for naillng the applicatlon fornrs for my driveway re- constructlon proJect. f have fllled then out to the best of ny knowledge and, strould you wish any other info, please let ne know. The constructlon ls scheduled for 25 June as I wiLl be in ValI for two ereeks only and I certainly wish to verlfiir the layout and grrades for dralnage with the contractor as he starts. Hopefully, the D.R.B. and perml.t matter can be settl.ed before then. I was not sure if the fee ls based on the cost of both the drlve and plunbing, therefore, I enclosed two separate checks: 91o. + S15. = $25. Thank you for hand.llng thls matter. AUGUSTGRASIS 10727 AMBASSADOR DRIW . KANSAS ATY, MISSOURI M153 o 816'8914550 LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REi'4OVED GROUND COVERS \z----\v---N Type Square Footage s0D A& @a'5 SEED TYPE OF IRRI GATI ON TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retainjng walls, fences, swimming pools' etc.) P'lease specify. ?r+rteeS , n lAlt- Co6gug" €A-*T+lraile 6An) C-;oL. gutegt$ 6-:ooo Psl CN SNoaVAvf : 6*s ^ AtaeorJ tc oo/' tuuln box l(Xl vdl. cotondo 81657 13031 4766613 office of tho town manag€r JuLy 28' L97? TO VHOU IT IIAY CONCERT{: The Town of Vell has revlewed the Hydro-Tr1ad,, Ltd' suppienental detalled report on Tract E of Vatl Vlllage, Fiiilg Eleven deflnlng the 100-year Gore Creek floodlng llmlts. Thereportlslncompllancewlththestandardanalytlcal.floodplalir proceaute "n'a lts validlty ts herein acknowledged. Slncerely, DEPARTIIENT OF HYDTiO-TRIAD, LTD. ,luly 26, 1977 Mr. illn Vlele P.0. Box 214 Vall, Colorado 8f657 Dear Jlm: l,le have revlewed Tract E of vaJl vlllage, Flling Eleven to deflne the 100-year Gore Creek floodl.ng limits. The Gore Creek 100-year dlscharge adJacent to.Tract.E-is 1,990 cubic reet'p!"-!Lir.l-iirii-.i-aLrinio in-it'e-6o"e creek Floodplain tnformation nepori prepared 6y Hidro-Triad, Ltd. .in June 1975. Two stream cross sections of Gore Creti ire locitea adiacent to Tract E. Using the flood iiivitioni at these cross sections and the topographic-contour map pre- pi"ia Ui Vuii Rssociit"i, ,. have shown the 100-ygar-flooding 'limits' loti-nuiUet 13, 14,'ina-iS have varying degrees of floodplain infringment as can be seen on tfre"itlicf,.a-ilooip1iin iap. However, al'l three 'lots fiiue-iAequute area ior-ionitruction butside ttre floodplain'limit' Increased flood protectlon and bullding loc-ation.flexlbility cou'ld be gainel-fi-proviaing |ir-eroifon protected b6rm from V2 ro 2 feet high along the south property finei'oi ioti ii, tq, and 15. A suggested1ocation of ifiis-p"6iettive birm ls shown on thi atiached drawing. along with a suggested iJnttiriiion detail. The construction of a berm at this location wi'll in no way cause damage to upstream or downstream properties' In surnary, the 100.year floodplain deflned using. the-Val.| Associates map nis-Uiin iefineaiia.- ine minoi' encroachment of the floodp'lain.onto. iois ii, 14, and ri-iimits Uuiiaing siting, but does,lot.preclude building on it"-iois'Ui tne fiOerii insuranie Admiiistration (FIA)-criterion' An ei;oiion-iioteitive Uerm itong the south of these'lots wou'ld provide addit- ionit itboa protection and iicrease flexibj'lity in siting bui'ldingc' If you have further questions or call. we can provide other asslstance, please Sincerely HYDRO.TRIAD, LTD. urti s Senior Engineer #".*& 3#KE StttrE 2673,IJ ft ALd Cffi'l/nl 9utT! 10 PTIO;.. F *^i \lrt) ,, r/ r, ,,ffi,I it {A '.N^\sjf.iO '*o ,^. Q"{.">Pl/t h) I I / 'sr t,, ,,, / Ai I t I I \ \#ort-l/ -\; \4" \/ l/l,llllt.tt I llI ll \ llI tlvl ,;N , [ /06'-'r l-rI $=/s,r /l\%, I l.f,r / I I I -;,i-ai^Q<o^ /-('q) -1(D(.. I .--E /s, III tI I bol ;\ |3l \ \W= ao oz ts =e Luo- cc cN oo (r, LUtuu- ts =E UJo- -\nfi{/'#"n I I I r{qol I lu.J i16 lor I I sl Sr $31 Nr\i5 . rlE.ta ;o .s:g\5 ulF lu,I llJlr- xl9Elo =t zEl6ant J =laol.s it? Cc uJz 3 UJ F z -i- o tro - 6 .:i,.:66RC' [EE; E =.e*€! Ei€ iE 4 :€qFF"|. iffi rEig! iEEtg .c= o (,' c gEii: iggig orJ) o<t ro(\T or\ oo |<) (Y) ort r<tsl o rJ)(\l Oo oo cq ra r( <\ F(< TJ E UJo. (9z J @ Y C) UJ-(.,z J J EP()qt TIJ oz to = oz uJ = ul uJ z tr ujGo uJc o =qJ uJEz(J ulo EU'o o- uJ 2 IIJ () x F IJJo U' uJ UJlt tr = uJ o- J FoF z J lD J uJ UJ z 6 E E J Iz o uJE NO|lVn]V YCrxc;E x(,, z><9oFo' cla*) !4 c,Ho :.Fe{rc.'-uJgztt U< =>E -E.Y, =,.,.! =o(\l zz99F^aniB =661>E9u-<oq g-E FOjci zo F)J u- cE o UJc F ooc) o(\I t outE x J z Eoo z tr IJJ J =UJz tlttotrz zO(/, L ll,l<oo< =PRtrX.i<z <t)Fz .. 9z _iF tro}E u,l a. u)ulzYIIF zo F 5 z II __l o?l_il<l:l 8l l! o 3 a o (vt [[| 1,.lEl: l;:l-og zx ootd .il' ','-l.) :) UJF v, dto-zo Fo. UJY t! @ oF F =C(r)H3bl>-lo- r-l8*rl'lguJaEzo z o9zeoo =<r-9 =f;* =Hg !trD F =llJo. :l{E>.E<of6 <1,ne.B9trkbesE2>E dEE h=8 5G-o-ulE =L= Eb9 HurE XO_t x>t q- o-irrE lllo F -g.tJ o .tJ !! tdo)!o Ef, =zoo-) l",llElsl-13 15 l-('to | * -lq Ial< |.ut ILlo I5lo It@lplro Iol l'- =l .A .Fol f{l (o =l a>*l IHlr4Eo tltxl t€l I'F Il.o I!t|J- | sl,- |Llo Iol.+ |-l'- |.r{ IHI =tA9flqH Fl 3 ll;t Iqtl3l I fi'l 'l flltGl El il;l g iBl fit Pl =.1olurl tEl JI 3lolFI I olzl ol u.lltrl JI<t>l t!lol zl 3lolFI =.1 utl.cl JI at>l :l FI I I I EI al>l EIol el E t2? =<z.e d6o C) tFz C) o =F;Oz E =Elrlo.zIt-()fEt-azoo H ) i ] h F vi r E EEN I+1.f-'g^^f<ag ry'3t Wfu ffirJ Grasis Corporation 5601 Gard ner Avenue P.O. Box 1039 Kansas City, M issouri 64141 U.S.A. Telephone: (816) 483-1 100 Telex:42-4121 lnternational: Engineers Manufacturers Contractors Electronics Towers Plastidome Buildings Custom Fabricating Shelter Division 9300 N.E. Underground Dr. P.O. Box 1128 Kansas City, Missouri 64141 u.s.A. Telephone: (81 6) 453-6000 6 May 1983 Mr. J. Sayre Design Review Board City of Vai1, Colorado 8L657 Dear Mr. Sayre: This letter 1s to advise you and the Design Review Board that I concur with the addition of the hot tub area at 2800 B as well as the addition of the sunrooms at 2800 A Aspen Lane, as shown on the design drawings by Paul Krause, approved by the city of Vail. I under- stand that these additions virtually utilize all of thepermissible building area and that these additions encroach on the comnon area. Sincerely, August GrasisOwner: 2800 A Aspen Lane Vail, Colorado AG: jde cc: Rod lfarters Owner: 28OO B Aspen Lane Gary Bossow Contractor ta 4h SX',*/2<,?bdt A-*{g+{uq-.v fa A=-4 e *4- fur-*a--z---a-.-e-4-- -4 Lr*h"4- * *-t4 .?-L.z-*o-.^( - /e /c*--,t*-+w. ef Z-4 *f 6.2-n4' /:;A4-:f a4/ ?,/4* L?@.4/B/44-:f a4v ? -/4z-ra745@+. fu-_42-L+/r^-Lt t*r-, a/a+--e--Q.4 J/r4f Aa I U.* ), ,2,--f o *zf,%91ffi. Gr @afttu /tu+4-u_ z-goo A %/4 .o -)t11rJ \^f l/ /v\ -J 'r\'J,rl +b'uJ, qoS-Jd lt )G1 n#rf ./ p 75 roulh tTonlrge rold v!n, colorldo 81657 (36) 4?6-7000 lltlarch 21, 1983 August Grasls 2800 A Aspen Lane vall ' colo. 81657 RE: DRB submittar of 3-16-83 lDear August: dn March 16, 1983 the-Design Revievl Board approved the addition of agun room and hot tub for the Grasis Residentb. I $incerely, | .-l - t?-*-*rlim Sayre t''[own Planner l .!S:df lta- -: Prolect Appllcatlon f i *19r9 P /N-O(f F t::J 'a L-<'Proiect Name: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: '?-lc)As Pe,')VAI Archil€ct, Address and Phone:La-,QAt's,i t4d/u< r- AV e/T'/ f(o 66tr Legaf Descripti on to, //r{?,\rr --Bloek -J-- Filing € l€ L/EIJ -t/. Zone - Commonts: Design Revlew Board Motion by: tjNT6l ! seconded wt fuF,frz- Date DISAPPROVAL Summary: E Statt Approval R *s \ -F\ o\ $.SNN-: r{ir'.|\ ru 5\ vi!\ It\ $ N a ss\i\ q .'<sJ-z?) '(z €o 0'ft x: \Y $/ \-v i 5 ,+ c ,! \9 ,8, rr /,/ ,\ -zz-it 7-s\r .99\ \ o \ $ ,,r: \,VIlx\ r'r C\.. ;l -Y / ,+/ /.r,y /, \'-z-f i\ri\|'rx\' o0 \ h.' s; tR.i\ li \ db \n \s(h s \ V) .r, Sheet 3 of 3 LEGAL DESCRIPTION . Comrnon Area A Part of Lot 11, Tract E, Amended Final PIat of Vail Village, Eleventh Filing, as recorded on July 7, L971 in Book 257 at Page 56, Town of Vall, Eagle County, Colorado' more particularly des- cribed as follows, to rtit: Beglnnlng at the Northwesterly Corner of said Lot lI; thence along the Northerly llne of said Lot 1I, being also the southerly Righi-of-lfay line of Aspen Lane S.?1o55r28"E. 164.45 feet; thence at5ng the Wlsterly Right-of-Way line of Aspen Court on the following two courses and distances: f) 35.88 feet along the arc of a to the right whose long chord feet.2) S.30o5lrl0"w. 85.11 feet; thence N.58026'29uw. 180.86 feet; thence along the westerly line of said Lot 11, N.itozStzg"E.66.13 feet to the point of beginning; except for the East Unit and the West Unit as previously described. Said Conrnon area contains L2t372 square feet or 0-2840 of an acre, rnore or less. Jack W. Johnson 20.00 foot radius curve bears s.20o32'09"E. 3L.26 455r T LEGAL DESCRIPTION west Unlt A part of Lot ll, Tract E, Amended Final Plat of Vail village, Eleventlr Flling aE recorded on JuIy 7 , L971 in Book 257 , aL Page 56, To!,rn of Vall, fagle County, Colorado, more particularly described as followa, tg ttit: Beginning at a point on the common wall between two private residenies and the extensions thereof, from which the Northwesterly corner of eaid Lot 1l bears N.6lo2t'OBIW. 99.67 feet distant; thence along said common !'rall S.0I"21'30nw. 50.30 feet; thence N.88"38'30"w. I.00 feet; thence N.0lo2I'30"E. 8.I0 feet; thence N.88o38'3O"Vl. 54.75 feet; thence N.0lo21'30"8. 20.90 feet; thence S.88o38r30"E. 12.05 feet; thence N.01o21'30uE. L6.25 feet; thence S.88o38r30"E. lO.?5 feet; thence S.01"21'30uW. 2.55 feet; thence s.88o38r30"8. 13.75 feet; thence N.01"21'30"E.7.60 feet; thence S.88o38'30"8. 19.20 feet to the point of beginning- Said West Unit contains 1945 square feet or 0.0447 of an acre, more or less. Jack W. Johnson 455r Sz< a-flaa sr4< ".(\ ,r5 l* LEGAL DESCRIPTION East Unit A part of Lot ll, Tract E, Amended Final Plat of Vail Vi11a9e, Eleventir Filing as recorded on July ? , L977 ln Book 257 Page 56 'town of Vail, iagle County, Colorado, npre particularly described as followg, to rtit: Beginning at a point-on the conuton waIl between two grivate residen6ea an6 the eitension thereof, fron which the Northwesterly corner of said Lot 1l bears N.61021rO8"W. 99.67 feet distanti thence .iottg said comnron wall S.Olo2l'30"W. 50.30 feet, thence S.88o38'30"8' ii.OO feet; thence S.0lo2I'30"w. 5.75 feet; thence S.88o38'30"E. 23.O5feet;thenceN.Olo2I'30"8.51.15feet;thenceN'88o38r30"vf' 33.05 feeti thence N.0lo2I'30"E. 4.90 feet; thence N'88o38r30"!{' 1.,00 feet to the point of beginning' said EaEt unit contains 11683 square feet or 0.0386 of an acre' more or Less. T lJack w. Johnson 4 551 ttla'ta;;{! ---n i*:i ou ut_"i ",:rt*rl*fl$ sze /". af/t1 9".4- il""/ U""-4 6AfA q)&R foA &oSJ ot'.J / GrzAStJ O,t4t-g:yt/r,/eu zoNl? A tArzbfu JA)'f 2@s ,3 s- 5rt1wu- ut-rl 7- / 4 7e. ? :- 7zrlL 4ruueo RErjAtM&- aLt/1 r s hrzort'o sl slq>l" StTt ranlo 3n8 7 3es'o 363 d. 9tp j -/-59 -trff' z 187 6./LST,32.oo ,r"i'.i ' i;!'llo:i: (,1',i i,j ,:ri, ! GoI)DP,€soa)q r,fl tt 'ffff.' g ! , tl 1re'Dl'l:;'; 6!.e /A\|TU ?r_ BosS?.al= 4.At s) 'llrc f'ol lot irril infortllrt iltt .i .; lloat'd bt f r1;r ;1 f itral itpprovrr I A, llllll,lrliii: triA'l'l:lllALS lkrof Siding Othcr liall Materials Fascia Soffits hlindovrs Itlindow 'I'rin Doors Door Trin Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Cliim',e1's Trash Encl osures Gtcelrhotrs es Otirer B. LANDSCAPiNG Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS l'r)(lu ir'()(l J'or :;r.rlrr:,it'tn I I'I Ilrt: ;r|lrlir':rrrt Lo tlrc l)c:; illr lk vjrl.r crr rr bc 11iv<rrr : -lYl" -r'-L-11' Lt -,"1 -!:, I tlolor G/-*<! C4Aa PfA EngT/i6 tt €xt57 p .l ArG"\t€,4LL ASPAI Botani ca'l Name Corunon Name Quanti ty Si ze TREES AdL SHRUBS --# -.f-Y oz L = [U $€...1 U)Iu UJ LL F =E UJ ,6l,otf q 1d ta)^J zw \q++ | +t F o (ts t-az = =z a z zz i F z E &/ ,.Srro > a 'tK_ :2 6K/ ai'lY F 2 r 3lr 1zF,3l RS*ids;: rr =<)s :: \-: \\SJrJ U q tl C.l s!o !.)0c F{ oo ori |.nr\ c\! = =e. lJ., z =l Yo UJIoz o- 9E Fo uJ) uJ z =l ) 2 LIJ = q u., z F UJ uJ o 3IIJ UJ z 6 uJ Fo Bt z ulJ U> tTJ-$ F =EIu froF z oJ 5(o aF uJ UJ oz6 =-) 2 uJ NO|lVnlVA Q6"z=O = lrl ci :< =FZ Z rLvI 9 0':1F ^ rh z-,: f z Y'dE P 6f,! a/, a6 a 8q3= 6E3i 3f; !! ;-i rrJ Fa X zn!!O- N O> z tr f Fl! o (L f co uJ F v @ E o. E x J z E 6 z tr ltl =u,z = z. ?c s 5 F5-EEoP,gsEiEE gEEEEg |llIlttrttl ES E ,Z3 i rQF2 E=delt:g5:ooolz<) zIF az u,:f, F uJI o Ltl-) UJ o o;UJ lrJ .: Io 2 E uJF =: urF z u.t UJzt - F F1 C.l ro I o. F -E<LL!alo JFY UJ T b coo ql uJlclolol<l --{<l =l u't tr,Jl H:i<l EI tltltlql I.;t I(sl l+.H td tt IEt Iat I|at Iot Itatt4tEltcttctg1a<tr4EO o ul lr14 C! = tr lslt(5lJ"lqtrl 14 ()lul trlool 101*oluolnl oolq'ltllrlHfr 4 "Rl t<ladEt >l n 3 d z tt dl I I 1 F llJ z (D lY ,- =o2 e. F Fz =I UJ 2? =#)z I'.l-O E F t t-z E. LU) LU <F Lu<zEUJFoe J<c)o?.:o oz Fo uJ..| o z z zz coo =z o-- P -J..i6 =Ee dd= oI -9c) o 2 ='-EFo;(,; o lJ-+.Otr r,ro;iE>-tFE TLo! sl6l\l\Ol LU o E =E, lrJo-zIF(Jf E.Fozoo t]ntr G -E a a I trnf o ^ department of community developmentbox lfi) vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47S5613 June 5, 1981 Gary Bossow 2800 A Aspen Lane Vail , Co]orado 81657 Dear Gary: At the June 3 meetingfor the additipn of an submi tted. DRB Submitta'l of 6/3/81 Lot 11, Blk. I, VV 1lth of the Design Review Board, your submittal entrance vestibule was given approval as Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df (u*rc- Project Application : ad- G Project Description:tno^! oF Elnh€*'{c€- VFs)l &utt: Contact Person and Phone oQ AuG-usr G&Asrs 8t6 - 413* /too r,^t *lds-ts c,r>f owner, Address and phone: 6. Bosqad * A , G4a gr9 28oo A AsPn ) !il€ UA t L Architect. Address and Phone:tL E 14ot fiTr <f,t,< 7-^/Zrl*ts,l9€/ r'7 ,<<8re 37 - 32{ Legat Description, r-or l\ ,aro.k ,,, lV llih ,'on"- Comments: Design Review Board ,^," 6r/rfg t DISAPPBOVAL Motion by: seconded or, /4r'*!$fr€lA S APPROVAL O statt Approval ! "aJ No er+ E tev- s/r'/tr l-r os3otJ -{"-P556 AD") tTl D^J I go7'rq -Wesr " bh,yto, iBos3d r,J Ga-Asi s ldD irr aa.J ' sour+1- v.l E3T ELEV. - Bc>sso",) - (-e.Asrs Aoo ffii" t Flo Rr-+t (wr+r) *rFil,rc, &o ssa vJ - 6-feA5 1{ /r0i1 ;}-lr |l LIsr oI' MArI*IALS .o NAMIj oF PRoJrcr $a99ot - LECAL DESCRIPTION: LO't ll BLOCK le Ort]tdIND ) t/1 ,-'tr -/le.suLaf Tr-*-f e VUIlfl DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT fiOOIT Dlrr orrj GLA99 u.JrdO s o^.J DEctL the folLowing information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given.: Type ,of llatgrial C€s44 s+irNGL€ + 1 ColorA. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding 0ther Wall Materials Fas c ia Soffits Windows Window Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnneys . .7. i:. lrasn Enclosures. (t""r,ho,r.")'Ut" o Other a i.- -rt r . ri ):, scQsi*J.' .aM__sou.9_ge_e€ -. silrcEa GEodJe col,r _zuEIs€j_E]u!-E-, %t ilTtu-E(bw xl -"iloJe GALI, S.H , Noil E reN PF PED GL.*'S * funt e(\€@l ?/* ( ce.orue. PN utooo Fr*eo t{gu A|^J€D B'6runj L L DE;J*tL9 hA t€s4 eocoLs 'ra +{ oLl.€€ B, PLANT I,TAT}]RIALS (Vegetat ive, Landscaping Botanical Name h-- Materia.ls including Comnon Narnc Trecs, Sir:'.ubs, and QLlrrt r: j-ty Ground.Cover) Si ze C'ot\t F-*{r:==e- :i:tI I l_ IEro I I I I l* ti l',2z t= lotz z l'ii :< ;d6f6sBdt u.{ ^8,iPF<oz '!Zf I c\L ll = rt l$"!!< ,_igq z z tL 9+o 909 ; 3 : E$ 2 * H$ B i ?$ i H frl oz E =E UJo- t-r-l c, Or.ft (q z Jtr Jo J c t C e cc !( s(l ui =z colol-) I l=l+tc lcc Isl=-T) nttl -t(tct<f+fo Efr,ED;-F/r< 6 ;.u1 1E= 4= Io/ c( q E + c U Gv C Gv F o; U, =rt! >4 c'a !oc!c- tr l 3.1Ix agq N adlr,l F{osf ot! oo J = o(r I Fc j + (- u( (/r n! - Io tso =tr IJJ oo .J z tr o UJ o 12 =tr UJEoo J = ( z =tr uJ E,oo Ja E E ln LU oo = -o- tr uJI E F(J I.JJF T E -rO<FdOuJ<zt[!Ft,'l 2oO <oC)F FS HP() (Jozt =<>t]F.-6() ix YF =2+(rAFYZ =E t-E i.r =b2 J<()a!23E oz F C) uJ-)oEI o@ LrJ) Irjt t!F o G'ood. Jzoz,.,9 coo =zrOcL t! EEi ;H= ao Eooo oT' 'E 5t-E :.-E= =wo iil()i 6 ll-vO8pE>rF F =El!o-z9F C) -lE Fa zo C) ntE ntn oz E =tIuo- (9 FI srtfl ooo- @ ci>tu uJILt =ul LUF z z.z IJ 3 v < z. 2 ==5 zz F F z oz 2 zt F JJ F > 7 ; F IrlJ 'z O lrl .Il '4 Y F aa >, F{d ; d € $(o $ N N c. rctc to F- n N lot olrs ro oIoo FI N !c N t4 n t |- =t llJ o-oz 6J @ :a t!.r 2 J FF !!.J uJ z =Jo z f t! ultuu-z tr LUE LU dt =u.l uJEz L UJo Faoo- uJ o- z uJ 6 't c{- F: U' IJJulu- F = Iuo- -J FoF z dI ao J I IJJ) UJ z J IL 2 ur = NOr.fn'lvA x(r ar 3zzv- tr ^ 6zI 5 ; e|r I o f,(ooE'-z '- oFo () n=()zxt l!<a1 0- J-; l <td o F0-R 22'. Y uJi-rN(, *olur& z tr J Fl! o t ulo- F ( |- rC- |ot F{ rvr UJ z Eoo zo F E uJFJ R =tuz J.l lq-l I F = 2__ 2 2 - E ; " E aE;i*;<oGoz)t9 | tll ^l ^J I l^l 'l\7FogP t' n7as$g3E *E;FE; zo F -J U)z uJ ?t @ I A I $ I cc F t!.r O llJ)t! o = E J LU UJ Fiao 2 o5 E. uJF = Q UJF z (J u,t LUz :<9 F .rl = tr.ri =t D. ol(o !S @ I r-{ IE N I = tu F F*BilPrCtorO rt arl alz. 6)t- I \tr cf) oz F() u,-)oto- o)F f..- UJF o z.oz =ecoO =zllJOo- tL dx 6E=5 u.lE6il= co E ELoo c'It .E 3FE=Rtr oh FHE>rF6ILo!t E =E,lrl o-z9F(JfEFazoo flnn (, =J u- RI Nl .<l 6loldlYJ6 '-{ Fo .J Xo Fl a).Fl a(t Foaa ca il =zl F aa h F{ u UJ =z l.l o b0d o 'r{F @ stsl UJ oo = (Drr{((@l\Jt(t tX eio- <r o = F -t;Fl F tr UI UI,4f oo{ --{ E H C) Bo =g oU\ tlJl 1l al >l =tr IIJ -l = =tr llJto = =Etr uJ o .J =tr tllEoo )a o- F. E LIJI F()r!F T c)t. -.r O<F(r() lrJ <ztIjJ F(rz <o(JF L:K' 9?c?>dfFd6 .J IY<= YF +3 Eg E i\gi J- IYo2 () <c)qE88il PermitNo. 01055 VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT LOCATION ANO LEGAL DESCRIPTION lnrn 0,,, TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID NAMEoF $a GhRY BoSSod * Aua(tsr ( 4tL U,ru OENERAL CONTRACTOR PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Llc. No. Lrc. No. Lrc. No. SIZE OF TAP:Weter - SewerSIZE OF TAP: Weler Sewgr - Metor Size NUMBERoFUNfTs 4, Aoo (x$60o.oo)=rmoun A52O.oD -= o- -- - !, AoateBilled Daropaid 7'3'77 ?fno.a l"1006 Financ6 Director Bldg. Dopt. - Whit6; - Water lnd Sanitation - cr€€n;- Public Works - Crnary; - Contractor - Pink; - Accounting - Goldonrod o TOWN OF VAIL STREET CUT PERMIT O PERmrrNo.0il24 dNffitrl Work is lor: (circreone) LicenseNo.) ELECTRIc-.U@@ cAs $ g.,oa INSPECTION REMARKS SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED PROJECT # OTINIR' S NAME PIIONE InT _JL_, BLOCK_-_____+........, F r L r NG_____#_ VntuVut*,e. //L department of community development or corrections now in the Building box 10O vail, colorlrdo 81657 (3031 476-56't3 The follorving are requifed to complete Department for review: additional information the Plan Check which is 0 Ce"- S.ozc CoPa Oe-r> 4l 't4lb ?eou,o z/taJ - 2. - /b il<l*t-t^s e) ryH 1,et 7zl,+y /5o €an- ',n, l. BAsEIENTlsr noon ?rs ruocc JRD F[.MR BAS€}3|7lsr ruor tro nmn JRD ROOR BASEVE}ITlsr rrcst ho noca JfiD FLooR z-z' BAsrrr t TotLEr,(OE Hqtf EANU x1.$ a =. /g,o :-; YAtL }{[TER t S tttrnttot DlsrRlcT P O EOX IUJ -, vnrr-, io6iioro-;iOt O RtStDsrTtAL rtnren Z SBER TAP FEE OllJtI-ATlCIl PIflSICAI- -. n* ou.* X IUI€ OF lC€ o;;m srREEr ADqSgsstoI 6 z+:ss, s .FiLlltc BILl-TIE ADNE5S 2, 3t q, =-frt'L DCIRA SII{ICS FIII- &lIH . (srntn oa BASIN, TOI TtB r r-Ei) -x .75 bx tm Rmrs (Lt./lNG Rffils,;il.rr-;;' oi; r ces, -7zx l. fi) Sr,otOS) 5,oz,o.- tJ) 7-KITC?GNS Dt$&IASA:; I.IUTORIES bEn wlstaiJ '7x 2,fiZx l.fr) Zx .5) ='/z', o 5. 6. 7, g. 9. 10, tcE l4AcilINES SAfiAS wareq coot-ns & T.{ATER FOU{TAIIE Sl{l}ttllrG POIIJ JAAIZ.I CI,JTSIDE }JATER . 0ilNt.'$,| oF c\E) RT.L BTITts ms KlIAfIT Dlsrr'lAslfR i.er.nmres x x x,E= x5.CI =x5,ffi =x l,uj = .6= .E t' APART}ENTS l. 2.. 3. q. CN'TSIDE I{ATER x 3.01 x'l.ff!rlt x' .9) x l.ttr5, ' //so/zi :/ DAIE ItrAl- POlNrs ' $.m potms = I.ffi q,l; -.^- .ronL u{rrs 4,2 {ffi = rcil-o{rtrc T}€ co\?LETlcll oF cclsrRLgrr-gL-qi-4+^t*trn'REs' n€ DlsrRlcT sH^ll ;ffoGfl'; piilsrc-ri-iris''Ecrlct oF Atl. fRanlsgs io DETEtrtlliE ns ruLtcR-oF Polt:Ts To;E ftii;s-ncolrut;:c-ro T}-. r'"'iiar tiiD sai'i:R 7tP F'€-';:D IIATE sor'Julf' As luU*Dd;-/LD-n,e-Otsilitcf Sm,ti l',te illY lIUuSIiiitTs fie(ESs'\?Y lN-n-€Jalcl;v'L ig;5#1r",4"il1i:*'or siut, ALe) DotiurtitE nc EUrUs o'rER-s rs\T$r c 257O.0a. DOT1RD OF Dtnccrofis I hl rl'rr I ^? 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Setbacks: _6r GRFA: Pt"itnatl, Al I ot.ted Seccrtt<lat1, Al'lorved f|A--Sccorrd,rry Propo:ed N-A l,iaterccu rse-regtr i rcd .--a.- PropcEed GRFA: Al'lor.red " :---3-gtO-L---. propcie a fl=7? 4-lh Site Covcrage: Allc.rued -_*_Z&o_ 4b7o Drive: Slope Permitted 3?o Envirorrmenta'l/Hazards: Avalanche Flood Plain Sl opc Coiinrcnts : Fron'u-Requi red Sides-Requi rcd Rcar -Reqrrircd 20r -"nropbsea l5' Proposed I5' Proposed lW Landscaping: Parking: . Requi red Requi red Pr^opo:r:d - /{?o- _- Proposcd & _ Propo:ed =4 _ _slope Acrrrar __619_- lrploved Zou i ; lil,,,(,iI!l 6rft I o d&tr zq,q *'i!f=trd,b' )'1 r0:9 /-q I L= rr | $uaa' l(.tr 2 = 2t[ I 6 r d,l=?9.$) _,,tr.zrr\" rt;I T,.'rrJt t1ir^ o e'-'t$l 2t.4'.tt9 fttr J " ',:;,H7*.T^7f ur., 6dt1'l ' *8'D Z*glnt ,i5r rt : rrf -)v rf,,tr g{.qn6) firzt o w?/ c* h,nda6 a, zp,:ff]t 1(fr lzrpn ) 'ii&:fr f zcP firlttz Iprto=* ) l6QCo I Project Appl o lcatlo /-:'\.'--3' o"r" s/LL/+g Proiect Name: Proioct Descriptio Owner Address Architect Address i / , ,,o"*"^/tr ,,/ ,UL't,\tft tt:.t LL v -i: t-[ ftr"t ll -Legal Description: Zane: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board APPROVAL OISAPPROVAL lr' '/- -n Administrator Chief Building Off icial ;;j.$)rerr ,., r{ ft Project Appticatio Project Name: Project Descript Contact Person Bos s,c:'t) Owner, Address an Architect, Address bnd Phone: Legat Description, r-or ll , ero"r Comments: Design Review Board '^'" {/r-fst DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL W T,+ Projoct Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address Project Application ,^,. 3- a v -27 o _ ry/sb Lagal Description: Zon€: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board 3- p?, ]? Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Zoning Administrator Chief Building Official Date: NAMI ANO AODRESS OF AGENCY CENTINCAIE OF INSUNANCE G. FINDLAY REED, INC. I701 TEN MAIN CENTER KANSAS CITY. MISSOURI 64I05 COTPAilIES AFFORDING COVERAGES ii'+?A* A 3.oS?A* B GARV R. B0SSO{il AN? M RA B0SS00; BIRUTA GIiASIS, REX BOSSOO AND RITA BOSSOft'; AAI' AUGUSI W,ISIS 7.T.1 i3#?A-'c !.o*?i* D couern !LETTTR L This is to certify that policies of insurance listed below have been issued to the insured named above and are in force at this tame COMPANY AGGRIGATELETTIR ' loo,ooo XXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXn( A 100 .000 . ConttttucLi.on oi T:.tts Stthu, Fnane OUPLEX, ti,tunted:VaiI Viilnge, 1l Fi.Ling, VaiI, CoLonado. Lot. 11, ffi. xl oivi,ai.on oi Tinc.t. E. Cancellation: Should any of the above described policies be cancelled before the expiration date thereof, the issuing com- pany wi *n{SAllq.rylo mait -$Q- days written notice to the below named certificate holder,)Sgu(Xyguu& CTTY OF VATL, COLORMO VAT.L, C0L0RA00 6-21- 80B'I.INER - POfi.CY NUMBER ASSIGI'JE? YET, {lilHEN AVA1LABLE WT,LL TILE REVT.SEO CERTIFICATE OT lNSURAI/CE GENERAL LIABILlTY [ "o"""trtns,r*o"rn[ ,"au,sas-o"a"o'on, l-l exptosrcr aND coLLAPsE = HMARD LI UNDERGROUND HAZARO l-l ecooucrszcouprEr:o = OPERATIONS HAzARD LI CONTRACTUAL INSURAI{CE l-l gnoro roau pnopEerv = OAMAGE Ll norpElrognt coNrRrcToRS E a,"sono. ,"rr", '30o,ooo AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY n aorr""ara*r'u, .o"u ! orn"ro ! ","r0I no*orrn.o 6-21 - 80BIM?ER - lla abovel l/ l I I / I i I l I I -A /4 H\it ? $5 I I I \ I -dls l I l e, ,l I I t 1ii, tiirli;li i$ 1$ \9 .u \i ?o U { \ ? \b ec\ Ir h N ttl 3{ $ \ \ 'ftt@ l I I It I t*,.r- I I I I s $ o' t-TIL -t "Q1-_ti: a;\' Ilt I vp 4L? t$I \{e< ul -.$ |' x+t S\ q''ctt NN$ l-.,SU { \ \ i.. o ? o a, t. E q{,0 {$t ,Yi l.;.q b. 'l; ISns d pq i] ,y, .. \*N' NI 3i $l T I I