HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 TRACT E LOT 14 LEGALTOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Permit #: 806-0184 Project # PRI06-0070 Job Address: 2820 ASPEN CT VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 2820 ASPEN CT Applied . . : 07ll2l2W Parcel No...: 2LOLO340402O Issued. .. : 0712012006 ?(\SCG-oozO Expires. ..: 0lll6l20f7 owNER TJEPRTNO, NANCY O7/L2/2006 15355 W BAYAITD DR GOLDEN co 80401 APPT,TCANT BETTER I{OME IMPROVERS O7/L2/2006 Phone: 970-476-4712 2595 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD W. VAII, co 81657 L,icense: 120-B coNtRAcToR BETTER HOME TMPROVERS O7/L2/20O6 Phone: 970-476-471,2 2695 SOUTH FROMTAGE ROAD W. VAIL co 816s7 License: 120-B Description: REPIJACE ROTTED DECK FRAMING Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V B Valuation: $3,500.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 0 ***********|{.+t**|+*l*{.*******t*{.**l.****'|:t*'*****.************i*****FEEsMNY Bu dhs---- > Sn .25 Resnrarant Plan Review- > $0.00 Total Calculated Fees- > $260.71 Plan Cieck-- > $63.21 R€creation Fer-------- > $0.00 Additional Fe€s----- > $?5.0O Investigation- > $n .25 TOTAL FEES------------- > $260,71 Total Permit Fee---- > $335.71 w'r ca'-----> $3 00 l?ixl,?;;;------"1 "$.# Approvals: Item: 051-00 BUILDING DEPARTMENT 07/20/2006 JRM Action: Ap Items 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMEI.IT **********P*]/*l**,d39lf--*7**i*?*1************-*-.-:*-"*-'--*-l******li|**|t+**'t***a||i.**|||t{l:i||.** See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full ttre information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicabte thereto. Lt* I t{, Blo..,t t, Ua., { (1,[(7. t( RFOI.]ESTS T1OR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-TOT.JR HOIjRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2T49 OR AT OIJR OIIICE FROM t:|)O AM.4PM. OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER ****,t.*,t.*{.*,t.*'(*,t.*,t.*,t.*'r*{.*,t.*{.*1.*1.*************:t.*i.*{.*'t.,i:t.l.*,i!*,***{.***{.********:t*{.*****,**'|.*********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 806-0184 as of 07-20-2M Stanrs: ISSUED 'F*****'F*!t!*:t.*1.*:t.*'r*{.*******)t!*,|.***!*!**!****,t.****'ttt!'t't('t,**:*{.,t.{.,r{.,t.*'t*********** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applicant: BETTER HOME IMPROVERS 970476-4712 Job Address: 2820 ASPEN CT VAIL l-ocation: 2820 ASPEN CT Parcel No: 210103404l,20 Applied: 07ll2l2W6 Iszued: 0712012$6 To Expire: 0111612007 Description: REPLACE ROTTED DECK FRAMING *:*:F1.,t1.*********'i*!t'|.*i.****'t.i.i.i.*'t.**1.*!t.i.1.**{.*ti.*,r*{.**Conditions{.:|.***i.*'t*,t:t,|.*i.*******d.*,r*********** Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R3I3 OF THE 2M3 IRC. sv 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Separate Permits are required CoMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT (Labor & Materials BUILDING: S 35od ELECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ PLUMBING:$MECHANICAL: $TOTAL: $ For Parcel# Contact Assessors Office at 9? 0'328:9940-gt-yE!! Parei{#4 tnio34 0 t/ OLdq-/L/t v r ' - t - - Job Name:Lt cr,nn clerlc- Job Address: &kz-a Q,4r*,..n C,td Legal Description ll lot: / !Block:Fitin$t/'t/ i1t!subdivision: fnr",_l f Vo;ll.|loo!,tl owners *^ "t l/o n.'a)r;u l"nontt 3o:' o-" ''-o ArchitecUDesigner:Address:Phone: Enoineer: (-- ?Lt"q,l >n-91^@,^,h-t Address:Phone: 9 fi-St13 Detailed descriptioh of work: t r-< ttlc.a' ,^o'l+.cl aie-k- f|piy,"i** WorkClass: New() Addition( ) Remodel ( ) Repair(VJ Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( zf Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No (r,l : Type of Bldg.: single-family ( ) Two-family (zJ Multi-family ( ) commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: A No. of Accommodation Units in this building: @ NoffypeofFirep|acesExisting:GasApp|iances()GasLogs()Wood/Pe||et()WoodBurning(.,f Noffvoe of Fireplaces Proposed: 6ss 4pp1;sn6es ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Toes aFlieT:itm E EF Yes ( ) No (,,,)'TodeTireEFiinkieiStaiem Exist: Yes ( ) No ('f FOR OFFICE USE ONL RrEteElvrER Lilo*ro-loio |! TOWN OF VAIL F:\cdev\FORMS\Permits\Bui lding\building-rermit. DOC "16 Page 1 of 16 04091200s r'lt ASBESTOS TESTTNG REQUTREMENTS THE TOWN OF VAIL AND STATE OF COLOMDO DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HEALTH REQUIRE ASBESTOS TESNNG ANY TIME WHEN MORE THAN 160 S.F. OF MATERI,AL WILL BE DISTURBED OR REMOVED. AN ASBESTOS TEST AND REPORT IS REQUIRED TO BE SUBMITTED WITH YOUR BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION FOR AtI REMODEL, ADDMON OR OTHER PRO]ECTS INVOLVING ANY DEMOUTION OR REMOVAL OF BUILDING MATERI,ALS THAT MAY CONTAIN ASBESTOS. BUILDINGS CONSTRUCTED AFTER OCTOBER 12, 1988 THAT HAVE NO ASBESTOS CONTAINING MATERIALS ARE E(EMPT. R copv or rrr RepoRr musr ge sugNrrrEo wrrH youn auttbil{c prRMn RppucATlorrr o I have included the asbestos test and repod with my building permit application applicant dgnature OR date o I certify my project will not disturb or remove more than 160 s.f. of building material. The construction plans submitted with my application clearly indicate this information. fl-his will be verified during plan review, and will delay your proJect if found to be inaccurate) s r The building was constructed after October 12, 1988. The date of construction was original construction date applicant dgnaturc F:\cdev\FoRMS\Permits\Building\butldingJrermiLDOC date Page 4 of 16 ozl09l200s BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permit requires a Town of Vail Fire Depafinent Approval, Engineer/s (Public Works) review and approval, a Planning Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the Buitding Departnent the estimated time for a total review will take as long as three (3) weeks. All commercial (large or small) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projecB impact the various above mentioned departmenE with regard to necessary review, these projects may also take three (3) weeks to review and appmve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit as soon as possibte. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the expiration date, that I must still pay the plan check fee and that if I fail to do so it may affect future permib that I apply for. Agreed to by: Project Name: /.</tttnh rlerl< ,^^zf ,,- F:\cdev\FORMS\PermiE\Building\buildingJermiLDOC Page 5 of 16 o2lo9l2oo5 l-*---2, +l i\r' 'J\,oI 1I TD -t{d ed{ oJ tJ xft a$l 14 adfi0u "" )it -,{.{1rtr;;:tstnl"bs -s,x-5\6 o-jOIC*)l T,J ICJJ ImlLLtlJ.iO,ti*I ql \jif|r tli\f IA4l atq's odq .f.q d ,sl '-+tiat c'i I o-J'' r{,at LIsn 'd o tr 3oF t.\ r\ ](4 $ o 0l d_-5 ct 4u,x { '.J t "96N-q;orL- ^s!-;s rri 5 f; tn L r_r_)-- @J?€ s olrl |lL::AI Fi \*'9= = ,r. I {n is-d\ TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUMTY DBVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD vArL. co 81657 970-479-2t38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMIT Permit #: 806{110 Proiect # PRI064050 owNER rrEEDS, GARY R. & EIJTZABETH A05/03/2006 PO BOX 256 AVONco 81520 coNrRAcToR suMMrT FOREST DEVELOPMENT, 105/03 /2006 Phone: 970-925-2567 P. O. BOX 4382 VAII,co 81558 License: 103 -A Description: RE-STUCCO AND SIDING ON EXISTING HOME WIITI PROPOSED ADDITIONS AT FRO}flT EMTRY AND REJAR. Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction: V-B Valuation: $450,000.00 Revision Valuation: $0.00 Total Sq Ft Added: 918 Building---- > $2,953.75 Restuarant Plan Review-> Plan Check-- > $1.919.94 Recreation Fee-------- > Inv€stigation- > Will Call---- > Job Address: 786 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location.....: 768 POTATO PATCH ParcelNo...: 210106301063 $0.00 ToTAL FEES------------ > $3.00 StAfuS...: ISSTJED Applied,.: 0510312006 Issued...: 06/15/2M Expires. ..: l2ll2l2ffi6 FEE SUMMARY *t{.rr+:l:t l.l.*r*4***:r*'**'1.**'t**'tt:t'l.lr*tr ++:i+**,}*+:r'1.*!t*'}roi'*rt**'**;**:* $0.m Total Calculated Fees- > $5,234.39 S137.70 Additional Fees-----> $0.00 $5,234.39 Tolal Permit Fee----> $5,23439 Payments--------- > $5 ,234 .39 BALANCE DUE-_---- >$0.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTIUENT 06/0l/2006 ca"r:nion Action: AP see thn and conditions ICeM: 05101 BUIIJDING DEPT REVISION Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTI\,IEIIr 0sl0sl2005 MRG DRB approval Action: AP consistent with ftem: 05401 PLAI{INING DEPT REVISION Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMEII1I 05/05,/2005,J,fR Ibem: 05501 FIRE DEPT REVISION' Item: 05500 PIIBLTC WORKS 05/Lo/2006 gc Action: AP See conditions. Action: DN Provide Stamped drawings for 4t boulder walls. Provide size of roof gutter and site drainage pipe. Item: 05501 PIIBLIC WORKS REVISION See the Conditions section of this Document for any that may apply. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, frlled out in full ttre information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQT,JESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.I'|(XJR HOT'TS IN AI)VANCT BY IEI,EPIIONE AT 479.2T49 OR AT OUR OFFICE TROM 8:fi) AM - 4 PM. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER *i(*,t.*,t.*!t(*,|.***********!t***'r*i.*:l.*|t*1.*!t.*,t.***{.***'|.***{.*{.*i.*i.***.****{.'.*i.*,**1.*{.********** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 806-0110 as of 07-20-2006 Status: ISSUED *!t(*!i*****X.*t *{.**(*r(********:*:****!t****************1.{.*:t *{.:*{.*,}****{.*'F***1.rtr(***,1***,1.*****:t*****:1.***1.:1.'1.*{.***,t* Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BLIILD PERMIT Applied: 05/03/2M Applicant: LEEDS, GARY R. & ELIZABETH ANN Issued: 06/15/2006 To Expire: l2ll2l2W Job Address: 786 POTATO PATCH DR VAIL Location: 768 POTATO PATCH ParcelNo: 210106301063 Description: RE-STUCCO AND SIDING ON EXSTING HOME WITH PROPOSED ADDITIONS AT FRONT ENTRY AND REAR. :********1.*:i*****:i*********t *,t *'t ******************* COnditiOnS {.**********t **{.,1.,*,1.*********;t*****'k*t t *t !*4.*:F* Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R313 OF THE 2OO3 IRC. Cond: 18 (BLDG.): STAIRWAYS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R311.5 OF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION IOO9 OF THE 2M3 IBC. Cond: 19 (BLDG.): GUARDS ARE REQUIRED TO MEET SECTION R3l2 OF THE 2OO3 IRC OR SECTION IO12 OF THE 2OO3 IBC. Cond: 34 (BLDG.): A COPY OF THE SOILS REPORT WILL BE REQUIRED BEFORE A FOOTING INSPECTION WILL BE CALLED FOR. Cond: 39 (BLDG): EMERGENCY ESCAPE AND RFSCTJE OPENINGS ARE REQINRED TO MEET SECTION R31O OF THE 2OO3IRC OR SECTION IO25 OF THE 2m3IBC. B\t.oll Q tl TION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED tF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED. Buildine Permit #: V 05 OO9O Permits are re ls must include the Fietd set of approved plans. No further insoections TOWOT 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657***All Revision subm COMPLETE F_,or farcel # Contact *** CQNTRACTOR TNFORMATTON EVALqATTONS FOR BU|LDING PERMTT & Materials Assesfors Offrce at 970-329-9640 or visit OFFICE USE ONLY s:c&P-t- tA)LU,ffi?1t ooq tATTENTIONI .lOU,.ln" oTHERrg t$rtloflz Nn$\oNht, Wf. PLUMBING: $REVISED TOTAL: $ 2t0t 06? 010b7 Job Name: Lbeps (ht Job Address: Tgb (rfPfib ?prTclt Subdlvision: Jfrrb bllqt|Na fvur.r w.ttt- *r.,p,.- 1.t0, CffiXf,$ 19 ft/t4,t'trt AOgr Work Class: New ( )(X Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( )X) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: Single-famity ffi)( ) Multi-family ( ) Commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units i this building:No. of Accom : Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Page 1 of 2 121812005 c€aaffHt'{ ftvElcF{F$r lr4 th',eWX^1. f/ Design Review Board ACTTOI{ foRl,l Department of Community Development 75 South Frontrge Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.47s.2139 tex:970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov,com Project Nam€! Project Description: Partacapants! OWNER Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comm€nts: LEPRINO ADDTTION DRB Number: DR8070449 FINAL APPROVAL FOR AN ADDMON OF GRFA TO A THIRD STORY BEDROOM ON THE WEST UNIT LEPRINO, NANCY 16365 W BAYAUD DR GOLDEN co 80401 APPLICANT LEPRINO, NANCY 16365 W BAYAUD DR GOLDEN co 80401 2820 ASPEN CT VAIL Location: 2820 ASPEN CT Loft 14 Blodc 4 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 11 2101-034-0402-0 1: 12 roof considered sloping 0812412007 0812412007 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditaons: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: S|AFFAPR Date of Approvalz @l0Ll20O7 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date ofapproval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently purzued toward completion. Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $300.00Planner: Additions-Residential or commercial ( /'\tr{1} Application for Design Review N\t /4 Deparunentdcommunitv DevelopmentTmmF "Ht' '1flal?'b,?.Sf.#*'-t Ger*rar tnsormation: Yveb: www'vailgw'om tJtfL Atl projeds rcquiring d€*lgn revierv must reeine appro\ral pior b submitting a buiHing permit apdicatbn. Please refer to-l I the $bmittal rcquirements for the partiorlar approval that is requeded. An application for Design Roriew cannot W-fi' acce@ un$l all required informadon is reehred by the Community Development Departnenl The proied may also neef tobEr*d&by'Uili*niO.rnOl and/orttre ilaniring and arvlronmental commisc:on. oesign evieri appnorral tsip{f'l unhs a buildng pcnnlt ts isrcd and onstnrction cornmences wlttin one year of tlre approval. \ , DescriptionoftfieRequesfr 1.lll10 qlL:l fuPrclq *-glpT\^| \0 Tt1Y. ID*ST (y vNtT 0F A??g$l q7? 6F . N6 anewow. ?eoPocso . ^'- r rrua llftlIJ Physicaf Address: bOtQ |YWN Cl VfttV u0 /g{.Ntt b A parcef r{o.: * 4Ot A3'( O<$4"ntact Eagte co. Assessor at 970-328-8&lo for parcel no.) t- Zonins: & - 1lro fFf,lltY Rg6ig ttlAu \ -nrilame{s)ofowner(s): NANCY tgPelN0 \, l.lailing Address:7 LILHAUEN LN.LITTLETON b)JLT ()tmu(s) Signature(s): ilameofAppfi<zr.fi iAN,E AS A60Vg l,lailing Address: Typeof Roriewand Fee: D SiSns tr Conepbld R€vievt DTtGw ConsfudionI[ Adiuon tr UinorAlErauql (multi-fi amily/com mmial) tr MlnorAlbnthn (drule.far*lylduds<) CI Onng€sbApgmned F{am B Separatlm Request Plus $1.00 per square fud of total sign$s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 For coostrudion of a nen building or demo/rebuild. For an addition wtrcre square footage is added to any residental or cornmerchl building (indr.rdes 250 additions & interior onversions). For mlnor dtanges to bttildings and site improvwnents, sJch as, reroofing, painting, wirdour additinns, landscaping, fienes and retaining walls, etc For minordralqesb buildings and sib imp@vements' eJdl as, re-rodrg, paifong, wirdorv addfions, hndscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. S2O for revigms b plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Ret/ielY 8oad. lb Fee t=t\* \t il1r lilltutU TOWN OF VAIL Ult.rf A \/Ai{-nF ?y\4\' | 'r .v't vt I n tA ,!AA'l)ep.,ll/, tuul Srrl0-0? l0rlStn l2:09PM HASTI|tJ0S H0LDI|\l0S C0RP0RATI0N FronT0Uli 0F tl IL COWUlllIY OEVEL0PIE!|T 9101702{5? JOINY PROPERTY OWNER U'RITTEN APPR,OVAL LETTER No, 1074 P,2 T"e0s P.002100? F-767 Richard Butts, Trustee I, lprint name)-Ue&J-'T. Er{cksg! 2820 Aspen Court Vai I , C0 a Jolnt orner of ProPertY locabd at provtde ttrls lct&r as wrltten approval of the phns dated August 22 . 2007 , which have been submttted b he TOwn of \rbft Community DeveloPment Department tor the prcposed lmpmvements to be cornpleted at the addrcSs noted sbove, I undenbnd that the proposed lmprovements Indude: A 3rd story bedroom addition to the trlest Unit of approx. 472 st . Trust, (si Ricliard Butts, +pr-trbfrtrL Addltlonatty, pteace clreck the sbtement below whictr is most appllcable to youl W I tnders1and thatmlnor modlMtlons may h mpde fu the plans overthe rriwse of'the ravbw ptOcx to ensure complianrn wtth he Toqng aryfi@ble ads and ragulztlons. It*urw finiddl here) | tr r rque.thatatt mdififfilortq mlnor orotlterwls, whhh arc madebhe pbrc owtte Ourse of he revleW grc, b brought 6 my at61ntlon by lhe aPpllcant lOr addflonal appro'al b46re undugolng furdur reviau bytheTown. @)(nntltr.* - Ltuy C4roL 3oq.t95'7'7oto F:\cdaiFO RMsPermits\Flanniils\ORBvolnt ptop€tty oulnor l 0't C'2006'd0s hcJh"tl@^o\ 'tot/vl Sep,28, 2007 10:45AMl HASTINGS ||OLDIN0S C0RP0RATI0N No' ll61 riiu 1 ort Subj: 2S20AspcnCourtrevlsedDate: sa7r2o0l 1;38:46 PM Mountain DayllghtTime From: NPelerson@ygjlggYealoTo: hashold@eqlgg_gp Larry,' Please see attached revised plans for the addition h Unit B. Please ' respond to this omail with your appmval or comments. Thank you. Nicole Nicole Peterson, Planner ---: - Town of Vail I s. - 76 South Fontage.Road I \) r Vail, CO 81657 PH:970'477.3452 .A ^D *f,*tr-l - 26+o ilJ;^L Q;n^r-* tl 1fzr1o7 T"t-X l''lfl,Hflfllill l,E'= l, * <{{ $ $-l* tE-=EL3 ql rI(rI zn iil fl 5tl UJII 9lli Elli illll $tlHI(,Il <ll Ttl =ll trtl flltrll fl, bllitvla Ellt I t' iltfiu'iu*l 'd .riiiill t^lvEi:0t l00z '8a"d3sNOI]VUOdUOC S9NIOIOH SONIISVHL9 t t '0|\l l+ llli=l11lf,flfllil'll,E**{<< I EtJ4ll "=ff $uliif;tiltilffiil CI 0 ,i,ful,i,r. II II I I ! nl[! ilri q ;il HI fl, flti ql ill Fil fll dll 6ll Hi t4lvgi:0t l00r'8il'destiOllvx0du0c s0NI0l0H s9NIisvHl9ll'0N I- rit !F. ll3t l3t!lcrl l:lHlnll ldiloilaol lol ol I t>t>ltt*t*l | -lulul El El"ll t d - r o paliiiiiiiiiitiiliil i*iii i (-) c(l)o-90<( (-)R's.ri (!N> <t)<-) -<t) =ct><l)E oc o-o) -l o-ct) H=6d zII oolhLlJ.28vt <q ? ,rd^-oVda = = =,"O*uz- ; 6r H,.;j<o!!3-lP9E2aiSrE 1 =l o z^ d,zOF,.,9FX -ruJil fineeE 9, iN l i/ T/:t-!!- su**"'+ +9 tr! ftII il-t=$ .=Ea ll-V .EeHI I I I I I QEl Fz z I I I I I fo z o <9z, q l! ^'.- 4 -5 .* e;3.3 EeEl ;* *fH6b 3ff;: ;i -gRB; E -*EGe Ei ?SioEe t:.- i*E * glqg;i EHF;a 5;H i :;EE:3,:E;;: gEg ifr "QgZi; {FT:P F35 I E Hg5igs 5F:r> #ili r 27Jd ??E? 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IiirEs n; i s^\) \S -p SZ =O-- o_ - LIJa M - I I= t2 E! 5!! lr ----!----flvls 03sodx3 (: ii il ii" N-il ii ii6 r- {ii ii iiF .-:-JtJLJ l-l-L--iii----------1 iii r-----r ii ll -:ta-r--i--..1 I if;rY:li-+-iita - ----r !--F-i ! i'l... ----71i--l--j ilh-X-rii--F-.| ! | ;tJ- -\Jl L - -L- -.l rtj.---!;t i ! |T--T'-3-'l\._j iF -... Ei E --T--r--'r .--t-- ttT---- -i__.i-i :_.ll i.'cii i E it $ Friri irii I ! iiill t L--LJ iil tilI li tlY38 03S0dE L-i---', m;l : IY z d fI ========Jr '--< !!.+ ll) i'-2"' -i i Y: i 'ls) ii;- t F , *iilElXtlI ; -l biiLr,=V 6ll m ia Arl llt :r Eltl|l E{ * PLANNINGDATA SIIEET Propertv Address/ PID 2820 Aspen Court, Unit Bl 210103404020 Legal Description Vail Village Filing 11, Resubdivision Tract E Lot 14 Lot Area 15,870.7 sf Date 08t3U07 Project Description Addition to West Unit (B) 2"o floor and proposed third floor Land Use Applications DRB Owner Contact Info Nancy Leprino - 303.27 3.527 0 Architect Contact Info Hower Architects" Boulder - 303.447.9465 Zontng Two-Familv Residential Hazard Districts None Comp Plan/ Land Use Low Density Residential Use Classification Duplex Proposed Use P/CAIP Permitted Accessory Uses P/ C/ NP NA Environmental Impacts/ Hazards Percent Slope (30%)NA 607o ofsite being disturbed Sec.12-21-14E NA Finished Grades 2:1 NA Floodplain Existing to south - no addition proposed within Wetlands NA Water Course Setback Gore Creek - Utilities Existing Sidewalks/ bike paths None GRFA (Gross Residential Floor Area) Square Feet Total Allowed 6,613 Existing 4954 Proposed 5589 Remaining 1024 West U Allowed 3,306.5 Existing 2396 Proposed 545 Remaining 365 East U Allowed 3,306.5 Existing 2558 Proposed 0 Remaining 748.5 General Setbacks (perimeter) Front 20 Proposed 20+ Side l5 Proposed l5+ Rear 15 Proposed l5+ Comer Side NA Proposed NA Minimum Lot Area/ Width Required 1s,000 Proposed I 5,871sf Max Site Coverage Allowed 20%Proposed 3289 (2r%) Existing coverage - no change Max Buildins Heisht Allowed 30 Proposed 30 Buildins Materials Required NA Proposed Landscaping Minimum 7o Landscape NA Proposed MinimumWidth Minimum Depth Minimum Square Footage Proposed Screening Required NA Proposed Retaininq Wall Heights Allowed NA Proposed Traffic Access Existing NA Proposed Driveway Slope Allowed NA Proposed Parking Stalls Required NA Proposed -Garage Credit =Proposed MinDriveWidth Proposed Loading required Proposed Lighting Trash Enclosure Rooftop Screening Notes History: DEartmmt of Ammanity Dcaehpmmt 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Cohrada 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 utwu.uailgou.com September 4, 2007 Roland Hower Hower Architects 711 Walnut Street Carriage House Boulder, CO 80302 Via Email: Roland@howerarchitects.com RE:Leprino Besidence - 2820 Aspen Court Unit B, Vail Village Filing l lResubdivition Tract E Lot 14 Dear Mr. Hower, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the Design Beview application (DRB07-0449) for the proposed addition located al 2820 Aspen Court Unit B. The application is deemed incomplete. Please submit the following items to proceed: Joint property owner written approved letter, signed by adiacent owner, Unit A. On sheet A5 please correcl the proposed GFTFA calculation to include the rOpen to BeloW' section of the proposed 2* Floor Plan (ref. Sec. 12-15-3Town Code). On sheet A3, please change label from 'Existing' north elevation to'Proposed.' A stamped topographic survey is required. Staff found the original survey of the property, which will meet this requiremeni. Please see attached 1981 survey and plans. On the site plan, sheet SP1, please show exisling natural topography of the site prior to construction (provided on 1981 survey). The natural topography will be used to determine the proposed height ot the structure. 6. On the site plan, sheet SP1, please indicate elevations (above sea level) of the roof ridge lines (Label elevation at each corner of proposed flat roof). Please submit satisfactory changes and additions for the items listed above by 4:30 pm, Monday September 10th. lf you have any questions or comments, leel free to contact me al (970) 477 -U52 ol noeterson @ vailqov.com. Sincerely,//il/;lph Nicole Peterson, Planner Town of Vail Cc Nancy Leprino via email: nleprino@comcast.net Enclosures 1981 Subject Site Survey and Plans 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. n ,Lo"uoruo Department of Ammuniry Dne[opment 75 South Frontagc Road Vail, Colnrado 81657 970479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wutu.uailgov,com September 4,2007 Roland Hower Hower Architects 71 1 Wahut Street Carriage House Boulder, CO 80302 Via Email: Roland@ howerarchitects.com Leprino Residence - 2820 Aspen Court Unit B, Vail Village Filing l l Resubdivition Tract E Lot 14 Dear Mr. Hower, The Town of Vail Staff has reviewed the Design Review application (DRB07-0449) for the proposed addition located al 2820 Aspen Court Unit B. The application is deemed incomplete. Please submit the lollowing ilems lo proceed: Joint property owner written approved letter, signed by adiacent owner, Unit A' On sheet A5 please correct the proposed GRFA calculation to include the "Open to Below' section of the proposed 2- Floor Plan (ref. Sec. 12-15-3 Town Code). On sheet A3, please change label from 'Existing' north elevation to'Proposed.' A stamped topographic survey is required. Statf found the original survey of the property, which will meet this requirement. Please see attached 1981 survey and plans. On the site plan, sheet SP1, please show existing natural topography of the site prior to construction (provided on 1981 survey). The natural topography will be used to determine the proposed height of the structure. 6. On the site plan, sheet SP1, please indicate elevations (above sea level) of the rool ridge lines (Label elevation at each comer of proposed flat roof). Please submit satisfaclory changes and additions for the items listed above by 4:30 pm, Monday September 1Or'. lf you have any quesiions or comments, feel lree to contact me at (970) 477-3452 ol npeterson @ vailoov.com. Sincerely,r7h;1fh Nicole Peterson, Planner Town of Vail ic Nancy Leprino via email: nleprino@comcast.net Enclosures 198'l Subject Site Survey and Plans 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. s ,L"r"uor*o TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement 't******f*** * + * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * t * * * * ** *******t*********************'i*****++a***r****+++t{"i Statenent Nurnber: R0?0001569 Amount: $300.00 08/24/2OO703:2'l Ptt! Payment Method: Check IJEPRIT{IO fnit: iIS Notation: 5447/NAlIcY ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code De scription Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address 3 Irocation: This Payment: DR8070449 1}|tr)e: 2Lo1-034-0402-0 2820 ASPEN CT VAIIJ 2820 ASPEN CT $300.00 DRB - Addieion of GRFA Total Fees: Total ALL, Pmts : Balance: $300. O0 $300.00 $o. oo Current Pmts 300.00DR 00100003t1"2200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES Vr*efr.t\ tl [1to"Flra*A ACTIOT{ FON,M Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vait. Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 far:970.479.2452 web: rcww.vailgov.comC€dilr{tY oElrEL#[*E f Project l{ame: LEPRINO RESIDENCE Protect Description: ADDMON, PATIO, AND DRIVEWAY Participants: DRB ilumber: DRB060051 DRB Fee Paid: $300.00 OWNER LEPRINO, NANCY 16365 W BAYAUD DR GOLDEN @ 80401 APPLICANT LEPRINO, NANCY 0311312006 ProJect Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: 031L312006 16365 W BAYAUD DR GOLDEN Co 80,+01 2820 ASPEN CT VAIL Location: 2820 ASPEN cT Loh 14 Block 4 Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FIUNG 11 2101-034-0402-0 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Acdon: DENIED Date of Approval: Cond: CON0008029 THE DfiSTING RESIDENCE AND PROPOSED ADDMON D(CEED fiE MNCMUM ATLOWABLE SITE COVERAGE Planner: Bill Gibson Additions-Residential or Com Application for Design R Deparbnent of Community 75 Sou$ Frcntage Road, Vail, Crlorado 81 EE 970.479.2L28 Jaxt 970.479.2452 web: www,rrailgov.com General Informadon: All projects requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submi$ing a building permit applicaUon. Please refer to the submitbl requirements fior the partiorlar apporral that is requested. An application fior Design Review cannot be accepted undl all required inbrmation is received by the Community De\relopment Department. The proiect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design r€view apploval lapses unless a buildlng pennit is lssued and constnrction oommenoes within one year of the apprcval. Description of the Request c.JJ.:iaf .lo'-Q /€.r€ [ io^ D C foo P Of +to ov\ 5o'-".\ \ s\ Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:Subdivision: l4AR 10 2006 TOWN OF VAIL Physical Address: Parcel No.:(Contact Eagle @. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no')3 rloYo \ c) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): l{ame of Applicant: Mailing Address: (- Gold Q,'t C o t o\ o Phone:?o3 )-'l ? 5 >o D Phone:7o\ d-7! lzto Fax:1o-> a1? 5aq9 $50 Plus $1.00 per.square foot of total sign area. No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re.roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining wallt etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudl as, re-roofing, painting, window addiuons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, No Fee E-mail Address: 'l Type of Revlew and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Construction fl. Mdition tr Minor Alteratbn (multi-family/commercjal) tr Minor Alterauon (single-family/duplex) B ChangesbApproved Plans tr Separation Request $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 f +{rl'1"1"}*'t**trltltllf f f llf f f f +++lf +l'l'*++*******+**f *f **:}{'**t{':lr}***:l*****{.***'1.**'lt**{t**+t ******* TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Statement f{!**'lr'l'*'ltltt**ltff* | t t+++** * +*++*+t**** + * ** * * * * * * ff******!tr'***'}**4.4. *** ** ****** ** ** * * *'1.'1.,N.{. ***r' Statement Number: R050000219 Arnount: $300.00 03/L3/2005022L4 PY! Pa)meng Method: Check I,EPRINO _Lnat : u !t Notation: 5054/NANCY Permit, I{o: DR8060051 Type: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel IiIo: 2101-034 -0402 -0 Site Addrees: 2820 ASPEN ef VAIIJ L,ocation: 2820 ASPEN ef Total Fees : ThLa Payment:$300.00 Total A],L Pmts : Balance: $300.00 $300.0o $0.00******+**ltaffff+++'}*'tt+'t'i**+*+++****+**{'*l*{''}***ll******r}*'}'}****:}**:}*****'i**********'t***'t** ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Currents Prnts DR 00100003 rr2200 DESfGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 TOI4'N# ADDMONS - RESIDEI{TIAI OR COMMERCIAL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS Geneml Information: This application is required for all proposals imolving the addiUon of GRFA (gross residential floor area). This irrcludes proposals for 250 additions and interior onversions. See TiUe 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for specific regulations. { E&E, ){ IUIf, All pages of Application is complete Checklist is completed and spned Stam@ Topoglaphic Survsv* . Site and Grading Plan* Landscape Plan* Architectunl Elevations* (1 set of Redlined elwationsi"' Exterior color and materiai samples and specifrcations. ,lrcr{o/' elAir'3 Architectural Floor Plans* (1 set of Redlined floor plans) Lighting Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures .' Tide repo( including Schedules A & B b verfi ownership and easements*' Phobs of the o<isting site and adjaent structures, where applicable. Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable Sitespecific Geologitt Hazard Repoft, if applicable*fie Administntor and/or DRB may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent oF the proposal is not dearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no ofterior changes, the subrnittal requirements include a complete set of odsting and proposed floor phns, a tide repoG and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint oruner, if applicable. I have rcad and understand the above listed submittal requirements: Project Contracbr E u Page 3 of L5llIlL4l05 -ffi ADDMONS . RESIDEIITIAL OR COMMERCIAL suBMrTTAt REQUTREM ENTS Topographlc sunyey:r Wet stamp and signature of a liensed surveyor. Date of surveyo North arrow and gnphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or t"=20). Legal descripfion and phflcal addresso Lot size and build able area (build able area o<cludes red hazard avalandrg slopes greater than ,10%, and fioodplain)o Ties to o<isting benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This informaUon must be clearly stated on the survey. Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existirE pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established @mer.. Show right of way and property lines; induding bearings, distances and curve inbrmation.. Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and reorded against the property as indicated in the tiUe report. Llst any easernent restrictions.. Spot Ele\rations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on ei$pr side of the lot.r Topographic conditions at two foot contour inlervals o Existing trees or groups of trees having trunk with diameters of 4" or more, as measurcd from a point one foot above grade.r Rock outooppings and other sitrnificant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).. All existing imprcvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).r Environmental Hazards (ie. Rock fall, debris flor, avalandre, wetlands, floodplain, soils)r Watercourse setbacks, if applkable (shorrt centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required str@m or creak setback)o Show all uUlity meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the rightof-way adjacent to the site. Exact locaEon of o<lsting utilfi sources and proposed servke lines from their source to the structure. t tiliUes to include:r Cable W Sewer Gasr Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways hbeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of 1"=20'or largerr Property and setback lineso Existing and proposed easementso Existing and proposed gndes. Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.o All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate o<isting and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height. Page 4 of LS|LUI4|0S pRoposED r-Ar{DscApr'" d J+ Botanical Name Common Name Ouantity Size PROPOSEDTREES AND SHRUBS. DCsIINGTREES TO BE REMOVED /VO o\.r,tv1<-: Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Square FootaoeTvoe a*po,^ o., ,t"adrJ u,1,fr^" uk^o' dktuvbl Qoo:sh los'/n Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, sl,vimming pools, etc.) r'pcr i'q - . ..., -t . .. \\ .1 Q cr (i oP r\cr$r- Page 8 of L5lltl!4l05 Bulldlno llaEdals PROFOSED IIATERIAUS TVoe of Materlal Color Rmf Sidlng Other Wall MaErlab Fascia T" Windff'rs WindovTrim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Ded Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys i Trash Endosures Greenhouses Reblnirp Walls Exterior UghUng Other Al\- r^otX ax'$rwl Please specify the manufactrre/s name, the color name and number and attach a color dtlp. Page 7 of LslLLlLqOs Suruey/Site Plan Review Checklist Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Crlorado 81557 tel 970.479.2L28 ta;l: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgw.com *This dteddist must be submitW Nor b Public Wodrs rcview of a popo*d development owners/Pqect nu ., l<gniv kn^lJrl tpptiant: /lAn"> 4fnia tvClw i4e,Ipr&honeNumber: 3Zh Sqlt/ \Submittal \ StampeO suruey of propertyts CiviUSite plans \ -E ,.^ \ .11ProjectAddresst d,-dJJ 4cau. Cc,.-'l Landscape plan Title Report (Section B) \ environmental Hazards (ie. Rock fall, debris 1I. Access (check all)\ - Drivetr,ray type and finished surface are shown on the site plan. r \ Unhedted o Heated (portion in ROW in a separate zone)\ Snow storage areas are shown on the site plan within property boundaries (307o of driveway area if unheated; 1006 of driveway area if heated) All driveway grades, dimensions, mdii are clearly noted on the site plan and conform to Development Standards, p. 11. Steepest Sedion Driveway Grade (not the average grade):- Parking spaces and turning radii are noted on site plan and conform to Development Standards, pp.12&14 r- Il. C.onstruction Site (check all) _\ Location of all utilities and meter pib are shown on the site plan. \ Limits of disturbance construction fencing is shown on the site plan. \ I am aware that approved Staging and Construction Tmffic Control Plans, as per the Manual of ..r\ \ Uniform Traffic @ntrol Dwies, will be necessary prior to construction. \\[s t am awarc that a Revocable Right of Way Permit will be requircd prior to construction.- 'Page LZot t5lLIlI4l05 \ \ Suruev Reouirements: \ Surveyor's wet stamp and signature\ Dateofsurvev\ North arow > Properscale (1"=10' or l"=20)\ Legal description\ Basis of bearings / Benchmark-E Soot Elevations\ GUereO right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curve information. Lot Size Build able Area (o<cludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain) Sib Plan Reouirements: flow, avalanche, weUands, floodplain, soils) Watercourse setbacks (if applicable) Trees hbeled easements (i.e. drainage, utility, pedestrian, etc...) Topography Uulity locations Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250' in either direction from property. \ \ \ \ Deslon Review Board Meeting Reouirements For new conshuction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the project site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners, All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not burled by snow. All slte tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. The applicant, or their representative shall be pment at the Design Review Board Hearing. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design Roriew Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be posSoned, will have their ibms removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB apprcves the application with conditions or modificatons, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permiL StaffAoomval The Administrator (a member of the planning stafr) may review and approve Design Rwiew applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the applicauon, or refer the applicauon to the Design Review Board for a decision. All staff approvals are rEriewed by the Design Review Board and any staff decision is subject to final approval by the DRB. Addldonal Review and Fees If this applicauon requires a separate review by any local, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Eramples of such revieur, may include, bth are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees in o<cess of 50% of the application fee. If, at the applicants request, any matrer is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then the enUre fee for such re.publication shall be paid by the applicant. Applications deemed by the @mmunfi Dweloprnent Department to have design, land use or other issues, which may have a significant impact on the ommunrty, may require reMew by external consultanb in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by Town staff that an external consultant is needed, the @mmunity Development Departnent may hire the consulbnt. The Department shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Tom by the applicant at the time of filing an applicaUon. The applicant shall pay e)(penses incuned by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the application to the Town within 30 days of noUfication by the Town, Any o(cess funds will be retumed to the applicant upon review completion. Page 11 of LSlLIlL4lOs , 'i. Illustrate proposed building helght elwation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should mordinate with the finished flmr elevations and the datum used for the survey.r Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted b staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting . LighHng Planrr Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.. Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. . IMPROVEMENT tOCATIOttI CERTIFICATE fiLC) . Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Deparunent will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following infurmaton must be provided on the ILC: : Basis of bearing and tie to section @rner. All property pins found or setr Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles). Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a footo Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevationso All drainage and utility service line as-builb, showing type of material, size and exact location. All easemenb Page 6 of L5lltlI4l0S . Proposed drivoarays, including percent slope and spot elwations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to accurately reflect grade.r A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that erit the street in an uphill direction.r locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed seryice lines from sources to the structures.. Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.. Location <if landscaped areas.r Location of limits of disturbance fencingr Location of all requircd parking spaces. Snow storage areas.. Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'ftet in heBht.o Delineate areas b be phased and appropriate timing, if appl'rcable . landscape Plan:. Scale of 1" = 20'or largero Landscape plan must be drawn at the same scale as the site plan.o Location of o<isting trees, 4' diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new locaUon), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed imprwements and grading.r Indlcate all o<isting ground cover and shrubs.. Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundaUon shrubs) of all the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.. Delineate criUcal root zones for eristing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction.o Indicate UJe location of all proposed plantings.. The locaUbn and type of o<isting and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installaUon.r Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevaUons noted. Architectural Floor Plans:. Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is prefened. Floor plans of the proposed dwelopment drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the o<terior structural walls of the building.e Labelfloor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.).. One set of floor plans must be 'rcd-lined' indicatng how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Flmr Area for regulaUons.. Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. r ArcfiitecturalElevaUons:. Scale of 1/8" = 1' or larger; 1/4" is preferredo All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must sho,rr both o<isting and finished gndes. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.o If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elwations, show these.faces also.. Elevablons shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels.o All o<terior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevaEons.. The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, bim, railings, chimney caps, meter locaUons, and window details.. Show all proposed exterior lighting fDcures on the building.r Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies'e Indicate the roof and building drainage system (1.e. gutters and downspoub)'o Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable. Page 5 of r5lLtl14l0s Jl 'itr r| -- suREAC,r SOF.T SgUARES H1300 ------r-l l--l ,,1^.i l"*i'' r___,=l __t I 612'-l (l65mm) H1301 H1300 Sott S-qutre C€lllng Mount Downllghtwlth Coll6x B a lfteFlnlrh: White lp), Bronze {BZ)Lampi 65W BR30 H1301 Solt Squtre Cciling Mount Downllghtwtth Collox B!f flcFlnbhr Whits (p), Bronze (BZ)Lamp: 150W BR,O Notcs: UL Damp Location Listed H1307 Soft Squrro Cclllng MountW.ll W!sher wlrh Co ex B!ffle _l t1 '/8.(283mm) __l Flnlsh: L!mp: Notcs: Scoop Retlrctor White (P), Bronze {BZl 150W BR40 UL Dsmp Locstion Listed Ht302 Solt Squsra Pond ! nt M ountOownllght wlth Coilox 8ltfle Whit€ lP), Bronze (BZl 150W 8R40, t 50w PAR38 UL Damp Locstion Listod t-:20. lt(508mm) fil--'t 11 1t8. | | (283mm) | |LLJ Larz') ll65mm) _l I 31 1/A. (79lmm) II Flnllh: Lamp: Noto!: H1303 Soft Squrrc W!ll Mount Downllg ht wlth Coll€x B!Flnl.h: Whits (p), Bronze (BZlLrmp: 65W BR30 H1304 Soft Squ!re Wrll Mount Down llg ht wlrh Collrx BrrFlnllh: White (P), Bronze (BZ)Lamp: 150W 8R40, l bOW pAR38 Nots.: UL Damp Location Listed H1305 H1306 H1305 Flnish: Lamp: H 1306 I I 18 1/8' (460mrn) I -_l Sott Squaro Wrll MountUpllght / Downllght wtth Co 6x Baf oWhit€ (P), Bronze lBZl 65W BR30 Soft Squar. W!ll MountUplight / Downllght wlth Collox Brfflo White (Pl, Bronze (BZ) 150W 8R40, 150W PAR38 UL Damp Locatlon List€d Flni!hi Lamp; Notos: Cooper Lig ( $dt b dq) L5 T lI It l u -*l{ o-t g * \J -s t' tsd 1r!< ac6 €o a& U W;% ffi eE ."ehl zJ.90B9"Or6: | lil )(11 : tnul z'd z /z # ' ' ' '/ "''-rouvHNuSa hnuJ h&*rg:? z€E]-zt-srs=M sn:NVoe:or :9c|-€ -gt @te9L3LnAL6, JOIITIT PROPERTY OWTI ER WRITTEN APPROVAL I.ETTER I, (print name)a joint owner of property located at (address/legal descripfron) lSeo A'F"', Ctr$"t\\ Co ' which have beenprwide this letter as written appronl of the plans dated 2, submitted to the Torvn of Vall Communlty Development Department for the proposed imProvements to be completed attheaddress noted abore. I understand thattfie proposed improvernents Indude: c..l.lJ+\on oF 5oo9?€+ /c,uJer le,rel ) aat.l;+io''.'€ ?"'^ <tp'. I further understand tlrat minor modifications may be made b the plans over the course of the reviet{ process to ensure ompllane with theToryn's applkable codes and regulations' (Date) ^ -a . f,a La t rtl? B-17-19S7 4:5lPt'l I P.3FROT,I BERhItARD'T-,,,, /,979,476761?,4 qornrncnts QWESrg*#.*fl*trd) qjtnnfi{'E l.-x)SloJ|:gEf+E ll) @nbcts: s'glvatar o.*FAF|F*+Tl EXCEL IIGH PR,ESSI'NE GAI' 970.262.4076.(rd) 970..N58.1{Or (bx) ConbcI Rldt Shneros HOLYCROSS EtECTRrc 970.9,{7.5425 (bl) 97'0.9rt5.4@t (tbx) Conbch Jctr Vroom iwmm@hohgmscom EXCEL EilERGY 970.252a038 (thx) ofitacts: Kt Bogart 9rc.262.{024 Katierine Eogert EAGLE RIVER WATER E SAI{ITANON DISTRIGT 970.476,7480 (80 970.+76.i10$ (fax) Contact: Fred Hagee ftadFe(lenivsd.om COMCASTCABLE 970.168.2559 exL t1O0 (B) 970.468.262 (tbx) Co.ttac Brad Dorcls tradelv dorcas@cable.corncast.com 1' r.the utlllty-approval & vedllcaton ttrm has sgnaturqs ftom eafi of sre rfillty corhpinids, and no commlrib are ,nadedincily on the form, the Tcftn wtl presrrme that ttirj arc no'Jrpur"rs and ule d€;bpm;i Ei proer.d, 2' tf a utillty company has -ry1,19 +:,plop":d consfiudion, ttE uuliv reprcsefltddve *rall n@ diEctty on Bre uotyven'Rcabon furm that therE ls . prsblem whtdr #e$ b be ;;htgi, me atin srrcrlra uren oe oe,t leo h an atta{hed ltl|'|'b ttp Town of Vall. Honmrcr,'please kdry in mlna o*-itE-rte ,t*o*ittrty "f G'-uofti;tmpqly arrd ihe appfirant breelve lden$f icd p.Dbtems. 3' Thesc rrerificatins do not relhrvctre contracbr of thc lEsponslblry b ottain a public way penntt firom the Deparbn€rt dtublk Wo*s at th" t* tU*': In any pubtic rigm-d-uay oreasement wlhin the Town of Vail. o i'iirlt'b. o!rd,n.O seifrn"*. ff#T::::":?lfs-:lt:ls.pfl4t *y,ruy'q dnwhes b $e utiriHes for re-approrar & re+eriffim f treH:ffi *l*f ,lH:tr1dv*vEreir;itirri'|iil'.Uili;il;; i;H:ffi n;#!;ffi ,i,,r*ffi,,"*T __ N)2r.t uEuTyAppRovA[&vERrFrcATroil u0f0ru,Iz I nF rotm sentes b vffi that fte gopooed rnptovcnertB wil not lmpad .ny odsdng or proposcd r.rdlEy sevlces, arrd abo uterify 9gvir! avalabllltv atd tocaton for nar 6ngua* "nJ rrrouu'u. roir ; d"fiitffi'ft, lr€p.rhg yon udlity ptanilt*'jff ffirffiptdl, i'dudlne sndr,'c pt ", il;phr, "'d;#.il;:hJ; s,'nuEtito rrenir,i,iiib ' Authorizcd q!6n!trn L6zo /,tPeil 5> VArLr C\cdz*,na h n1e'4+e-eeea F:bde$FoF.M :;DRa\urilty Apfl q6t-t 2-2{o.doc l2-+200s llrr-10-1006 ll:51 Frm{RtS0 0?0arE40Bs T-?f6 P 00?/00? F-?05 csy/., uTltlw AppRovAL & \rtrRIFrcATroN Thls-btrr trves to vcrifl thet the mFd lnprovemerG wilt not tm6ct any er<Gting or proposed utillty swices, and also bt€tiry *rvicb a'/allabiliry and locathn for trw conshrcdon and dpdd bc ,rsei in on;i,na.in "rttr pr"p"ii.g yr* ifriil'jfi-and schdting h:Efiaftons. A site pb4 lrdfttg grodng plan, tbor Can, ard Aevartdrs, st aU be-erbr,rtdjt" Udilffitd8b fsr amoval and \|r'ifE6m. QlYESr 9Q.513.71S' (EN) 92r.38{.lrzs4r.x) 9n,69r.0n2 (cdD Cor|bds: sbre W.brs *qtqE$ow:stonr EXGEL IIIG}I PREISSUTE GAIS y/0.?62.4(rr6.(u) 97o.46&r{t (fa) Ga6cb Rlch Sisnao: ilOLYCROSSET"ElHrRrc 9ro3{7.9f25 (tdl 97O.9{SitoBl (fu) Coract Jefr Vmonr irnwnohofvqosrfom EICGL TBENGY 970.202,{03E (f.x) @r{.G: lft 8ogaft 9il.262:{0?4 lGt||crlnc Bogrrt E|GIIRII'ER,WATERA STilTTATIOII DISTTIGT 9n.{76.r480 (U} 970-{76..108!t (hr) Coftcr*rf,rflhe thaslee@gytFd.qq GOIIICASTClll.Egm,4f,gJffied. uq, Gd) 970.{69.262 (td) conbc! Brad Dqc baddv dorwocruc.s+rnlt.Gorn ilOTES: l, ff $e t Ulfy appro'/tl & verilietbo fum has $9n Utlt tnm gdr of tre utitlty @rnpanlea and no connenB ane madg dreciyan tlte fum, theTo*a wlll pregrhaft.tf|Grlar€rF p(dF|rsrndthcdadopncrt@o giocd, Z. tf a uSW silpany ha3 qlolrns wilfi the propoeed con5hlclon, t'rt diltty r:pcscn6ivc shetl rrtE dirEdy qr the rt tV \,€dficatba turn that trer€ -E a problcm whhfi needs to b: t:solveO. lhe is$re $oukl $lan b! dettiled in an a@fu lecr to thq Tory,n of Vail. lfowcrtr, plcr* l(csp h nind t'|at it B ttre rcspordbltv sf thc r*ility onrpany and the appll€nt to |l$lve ad.ntfl ied FrElems. 3, There verificatisrs do nst rdicr,e $c qtueclr cf tha ]!+or$ililf tD ftin a fubfic Way Frrrnn hom tne Depafiient d Puulc Wb*s st S|e Torvn d \tal. UtiltFr Hons ft|tt b. obtrhct b€lb|l rlh l'|t in any publk rlghtd{ay or cagemcnt wfrhin thc Twyn d V.iL I hrildlno ocrn{t is,Tot e atbfic Utrv ncnnilao{n||st Fq..Qtfrflncd grrre|v The Deldoger is rcquked rrd agrces b sJbmil any rgrbed drai'rqs to UE uulnics for ic-approlrd & re'trerificatlon f $e r&F it€d pbns are tEt(l h any rvat altcr ttr arftsri4d dg,ltUrt! dat (lrdess dferwi* spccificrlly notert widlh $e cfirunent arll Jtt rb hml-n Authodrrd stonrt||tE' cormcnrr / QIE27zo Corfr,l/;!, i; 4,,1 .1 /r-r6 D€b 12.5{006F:Eoa^FORM I OR3UrilV AFD,or.l-12-2{5.doc SILVERTHG!,E HP Fax:19704681401 Mar 10 2006 9:39 P.Oz eD ' urrlrryAppRovAL&vERr'rcArror{ mflFmtz Thls,fofln serv6 to veriry that tf|e pruposed lmprorements wi,l not impact any existing or proposed utility sendces, rnd also bverlfy seMce avaitabil'V and lootion for nevv cDri*ruction and should be usei in conl-unoon wrtrr prepahng ptitiry pt;;- and sdrcduling instrlladons.,A site plan, Indudlng gradtng plan, ffoor plan and etcvaitons, shalt be subrndd b UE f;lffrgutifties for approval and rerlllcaton Arthorizcd Sloneurrr Comrncnti Dlt. l+7s;o'.fri. nEo (ter1 so'"'7-9 970.3&4.o257(fax) 970.687.0722 (cell) Conte6: Sbre Wrters irttrs@ivest.ont E(CET IIIGTI PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076(Er) 970.468.1401 (fax) CofltrG Rtdl Sisneros HOIY€I,OSS ELECTRTC 970.947.5.125 (tel) 970.9a5.4081 (fax) CgnbGr J€f Vroom ivroom @f nlrrcross.co,tt EICEL E'IER,GV 970.2614{138 (hx) conbdst Kit Bogart 970.262{021 KEthedn€ Bogert EAGIT RIT'ER.WATER & SAilrlrATlOII DISTRICT 970i76,74S0 (d) 970.476.4089 (fax) Contrdl Fr€d l,la$ee thadpe0erysd.ore COMCAST CABIE 970.468.2669 e(t. 1100,(tel) 9ru.a68.2572 (fax) Contact: Brad Dortas bradelv dorcasocabh.corncast.com OTES: *uc Ux*- tr 7tr5 t-o*n4/-, BNr€?,) Cu.o !HAR 1O M6 t. If $6 uullty approval & v€rlllcatlgn form hr signaturcs from erch of $e uullty companies, and no commenE are made dll€c8y on the torm, the To^ro wlll pr€grmc that there are m problerns and the development ctn prcce€d. Z. If a udlig company has corrccms wtt the proposed consbuctbn, tfre udtfi rcprescntatve shall note dlrectly on the utillty lErtficatbn form that there is a problem whirfr oeeds to be rEsoh/ed. The lssue $ould hen be detailed in an atffi l€frer b thc Tov.m of Vall. flo,vever, please kcep in mird that lt 's the respordblli!, d Ate uuliv cffipany and thc appliont to resolve ldenufi ed pabl ems. 3. These verlficltbris do nd relhve tjrc contrador of tbe responslullty b obtaln a Publlc Way Permit from the Departmefit of PrJblh Works at the Town of Valt. Utilttv lo.rdoffi m||st nc obtelned before didolna in any public right-of-wty or easement within the Town of Vail. A buildins p.rfnlt ls nat e Pulllc Wav parmlt and muf,t bc gb,tlin d ipPrtrttlly. The Derctopgr ls requlred and agrues to stbmlt arry revied drawings b the uullties for reapproval & r€-Arerlfication lf thc submited plans are altered in any way after the authorEed shnaurre date (unless drerwise specificatly nGd wf$in g|e I n-06 Dah F:\cder{FOF,M9tORBItIillV Aptru6l_1 z-245.d0f,12-5.2m5 vtdLg.? l.66t-Lt-a @rnment arglturis jrym) Develbpe/s Slcnaturd €'d @LfrL9LTe,L6 '-l-OUvHN838 l"lotll UTIUTY APPROVAL & VERIFICATION lum\' This form serves to veriry that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed utility services, and also to. veriry service availability and location for new constur.rction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utiliry plan and scheduling installauons. A site dan, induding grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submited to the follo$ring utilities for approval and verification, Authorized Sionature QWEST % _tv/t 970.513.7189 (tel) :::to:A;:otit(E;i 1a eraw o 970.687.0722 (cett) ito-4iP etz- ConFctsj Steve Waters ib,,rr.), tu/et t / t41'ar" sr /arers(oowest.com pDt.$lg r Comnrsnts Date EXCEL HIGH PR,ESSURE GAS 970.252.4076 (tel) ^ ,. P,t,1-4tl 970.468,1401 (fax) Frc.^ Jo3 Contact: Rictr disneos u\JO, - tf:*, - ,|, HOrY CROSS ELECTRTCI 'cF1 r 970.947.5425 (tel) 970.945.4081 (fax) . u cont"a-' l;ff 'j;r F.4*ah'r". ivroomCoholvcross.com EXCEL ENERGY \..S '"'*tt-970.262.4038 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogart 970.262.4024 Katherine Bogert EAGTE RTVER WATER &--- SANITATION DISTRIgT nn, I970.476.7480 (tel) I'l , - 970.476.a089 (fax) I *lp,n C.ontact: Fred Haslee tL nf' fhaslee@erwsd.oro Oe'(r'4r t Z rr'/kfr I COMCASTCABTE 7\. .970.468.2669 ext. 1100 (tel) "970.468.2672 (fax) Contact: Brad Dorcas bradelv dorcas@cable.comcast.com Z'q - aL . (}'" qroq{lql}B NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verification form has signatures from eadt of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the dwelopment can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concems with the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem whidr needs to be resolved, The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve idenUfied problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a fublic Way Permit ftom the Department of Pub|icWorkattheTownofvai|.!gg!!ginanypUb|icright-of-wayoreasement within the Town of Vail. . The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the utilities for re-approval & re-verilicaUon if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). DeveloperS Signature F:\cdev\FoRMS\PERMITS\Planning\drb-addition-l 1-23-2005.d0c f,ekct Page 9 of 14 1r12312005 . CHICAGO TITLE OF COLORADO, INC. Commercial Department: lE75 Lawrence St., Suite 1300 Denver. CO 80202 Main Phone: 303-291-9999 and Frr: 303-291-9997 February 27,2006 Please Deliver to: Please See Below: Nancy Leprino 16365 W. Bayaud Drive Golden, CO 80401 Ph: 303-273-5270 Our Order Number: 1421234 Property Address: 2820-8 Aspen Court Owner: Nancy Leprino Purchaser: TBD Enclosed you will find the commitment for the above-referenced transaction. If you have questions, please contact your closer, Liz Greco at (303) 291-9925 her Processor(s) Suzanna Hemandez at (303) 29I-9879 or Jennifer Isaac at (303) 291-9898 or for Title assistance, your Title Officer, Jessica Broderick, can be reached at (303) 291-9935. Distribution List Chas Bemhardt 2695 S. Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 We appreciate the opportunity to seme you! e I iza b et h. s r e c a(Acft c o m j es s icu bro der ic le@tt. co m CHICAGO TITLE OF COLORADO,INC. Jessica Broderick. Commercial Title Officer 1875 Lawrence. STE 1300 Denver. CO 80206 303 -I9 l -993 5 iessica.broderick@ctt. com To: NancyandChas File: 1421234 Date: February 27,2006 Subject: Exception 9 Only one ofthe plats referenced is available. I apologize, that copy is very poor. I have ordered better copies ofboth plats and should have them available in a day or so to forward to both of you. Thank you. Jessica Broderick Commercial Title Officer 303-291 -993 5; jessica.broderick@ctt.com CHICAGO TITLE OF COLORADO,INC. COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE A Commitment Number: 14212U 1, EffectiveDate: February 8, 2006at7:30AM 2. Policy or Policles to be issued: Amount Premium (A) ALTA Owners Policy (ALTA Owne/s Policy (10-17-92)) Proposed Insured: To Be Determined (B) ALTA Loan Policy (ALTA Loan Policy (10-17-92)) Proposed lnsured: To Be Determined Residential Owner's Policy/OEC $ 40.00 Tax certificate $ 3o'oo TOTAL: $ 70.00 3. The estate or Interest in the land described or referred to in this commitnent and covered herein is fee simple and title thereto is at the effective date hereof vested in: Nancy Leprino 4. The land referred to in thb commitment is described as follows and shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Property": Parcel B, A ResuMivision of Lot 14, A Resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Mllage Eleventh Filing (Amended) County of Eagle, State of Colorado. lssued at: DENVER, COLORADO Commitment (Schedule A) CHICAGO TITLE OF COLORADO CHICAGO TITLE OF COLORADO,INC. SCHEDULE 8.1 REQUIREMENTS CommitmentNumben 1421234 The following requiremenls are to be complied with: A. Payment to or for he accounl of the grantors or mortgagors of he full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. B. Proper instrument(s) creating he estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record in the office of the clerk and recorder of the county in which said property is located. C. This commitment is subject to such further exceptions and/or requirements as may appear necessary when the name of the proposed insured has been disclosed. D. The actual value of the estate or interest to be insured must be disclosed to the Company, and subject to approval by the Company, entered as the amount of the policy to be issued. Until the amount of the policy to be issued shall be determined and entered as aforesaid, it is agreed that as between the Company, the applicant for this Commitment, and every person relying on this Commitment, the Company cannot be required to approve any such evaluation in excess of $50,000.00 and the lotal liability of the Company on account of this Commitment shall not exceed said amount. E. Deed sufficient to convey the fee simple estate or interest in the land described or referred to herein, to the proposed insured, Schedule A, ltem 24. F. Deed of Trust sufftcient to encumber the estate or interest in the land described or referred to herein for the benefit of the proposed insured schedule A, item 2 (b) or (c). G. lf the parties to the subject transaction request us to provide escrow-seftlement and disbursement services to facilitate the closing of the transaction, then all funds submitted for disbursement must be available for immediate withdrawal. Further, if the deletion of exception No. 5 is requested, we must provide escrow settlement and disbursement services. H. Execution of the Company's Lien Affidavit by the Selle(s) and Purchaser(s). In the event that the Lien Affidavit discloses the existence of new construction on the property within the past six months, or plans for the commencement of new construction, additional requirements may be made, or Standard Exception No. 4 will not be deleted from the final policy(ies) to be issued hereunder. L Note: Upon completion of the requirements, and payment of the premiums, Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 will not appear on the Policy(s) to be issued. J. Note: Upon verification of payment of all prior years taxes, Exception No. 6 will be amended to read as follows: Taxes for the year 2006 and subsequent years, a lien, but not yet due or payable. K. Note: Pursuant to Section 10-11-122 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, 1987 the Company is required to disclose the following information: (A) The subject property may be located in a special taxing district. (B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obtained from the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. (C) Information regarding special districts and the boundaries of such districts may be obtained ftom the Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder or the County Assessor. CHICAGO TITLE OF COLORADO, INC. SCHEDULE B .2 EXGEPTIONS Commitment Number: 1421234 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless he same are disposed of to he satisfaction of the company. Standard Exceptions 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements or claims of easements not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortages in area, encroachments, and any facb which a conect survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right b a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter fumished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other maters, if any, created, first appearing in the records or attaching subsequent to the efiective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this commitment. 6. Taxes due and payable; and any tax, special assessments, charge or lien imposed for water or sewer service, or for any other special taxing district. Additional Exceptions 7. Covenants, conditions and restrictions, (but omitting thereftom any covenant or restriction based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, if any) which do not include a forfeiture or reverter clause, and any and all supplements, amendments, and annexations thereto, set forth in the instrument(s) recorded July 26, 1971 in Book 221 atPage 140, and as amended by instrument recorded May 5,'1977 in Book 254 at Page 865. 8. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations specified under the Par$ Wall Declaration, which was recorded May 28, 1982 in Book 341 alPage26. 9. Easements for utilities and bike path as shown on the plats of A Resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Village Eleventh Filing recorded July 23, 1971 at Reception Number 116816 and A Resubdivision of Lot 14, A Resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Mllage Eleventh Filing (Amended) recorded July 7,1977 at Reception Number 153382. END OF EXCEPTIONS lssued at: DENVER, COLORADO Commitmenl (Schedule B-2) CHICAGO TITLE OF COLORADO CHICAGO TITLE OF COLORADO, INC. COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE SCHEDULE C Gommi[nent Numben142123/. Parcel B, A Resubdivision of Lot 14, A ResubdMslon of Tract E, Vail Village Eleventh Filing 6pn6"6) County of Eagle State of Colorado. lssued at: DENVER, COLORADO Commalmert (Sch8duls C{6gd Drrcrlpton) CHICAGO TILE OF COLORADO CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY COMMITMENT FOR TITLE INSURANCE CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a corporation of Missouri, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hcrcby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposcd Insured named in Schedule A, as orrner or mortgrgge of the estate or interest covercd hercby in thc land described or referred to in Schedute A, upon payment of thc premiums and charges thercfor; all subject to thc provisions of Schedulc A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof. This Commitmcnt shall be effective only when the idcntiry of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitrnent or by subsequent endorscmcnt. This Commitment is preliminary to the isuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obliga tions hereunder shall cease and terminate six months aftcr the effective date hereof or when the pdicy or policies committed for shall issue, whichevei first occu6, provided that the failure lo isue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company, This Comrnitment shdl not be valid or binding until countersigned by an authorized officer or agpnt. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Company has cruscd this Commitmcnt to be signed and sealed, to become valid when countcrsigred by an authorized officer or agent of thc Company, all in accordance with its By-Laws. This Commitment is effective as of the drte shown in Schedule A as "Effective Date." CEICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPA}TY Iszued by: CHICAGO TITLE OF COLORADO. INC. 1875 LAWRENCE STREET. SUITE DENVE&CO 80202 (972)8L2-6447 FAX (303)29s-969s A"-..-- F.*"/'u- ,.-a Authorized Officer or Agent &rffr h.fr N AITEST );,*SB,*t cr*t F.2AEo CTIRB: 5.1.75 CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS l. Thc term 'lnortgagc," when urcd hcrcin, rhdl lncluth dccd of tnlt, trust dccd, or othcr sccurigr instrumcnt. 2. If the proposcd Insurad has or rcquira ac[rd knondcdgc of rny dcfect, lien, cncumbrmcc, rdvcrsc claim or ot]rer mrtter affccting thc cctatc or htercrt or mort8rgp thcreqt covercd by thir Conmitncnt other than thmc shown in Schcdule B hcrcof, and drdl fail to discloec uch knowledgp to tho Cornpuy in writing, the Company strall bc relievcd from liability for rny los or drmagc rcrultittg fron any act of reliancc hereon to the cxtent thc Company is prejudiced by frilure to so disclcc such knowlcdgp, If the propccd lnsurcd shall dirclose such knowlcdge to thc Company, or if thc Conpany othcrwisc rcguircs acturl knowledge of any ruch dcfcct, lien, cncumbrancc, advene claim or othcr mrttcr, thc Company rt ib etion mry rmend Schcdule B of this Cqnmitncnt accordingfy, but such amendment shall not relievc thc Conrpany fron liabllity prcviously incuncd pursurnt to paragraph 3 of ihcsc Con ditions and Stipuladons. 3. Liability of lhe Conpury un&r thir Cornmitment rlull be mly to the namcd proposed lnsurcd and such partics included under the definition of Insurcd in lhc form of policy or pdicies committcd for and only for actual loss incurred in reliancc hcrcon in underlaking in good fai0r (e) to conply wilh the rcquirements hereof, or (b) to climinate cxccptions drown in Schcdulc B, or (c) to rc$tirc or cnrtc the crtate or intercst or mortgage thcrcon covcred by this Commitment, [n no event shall such liability cxceed the amounl statcd in Schcdulc A for the pdicy or policies committed for and ruch lisbility is subject to thc insuring prwisions, thc Exclusirvrs front Coverage and the Conditions and Stipulations of thc form of policy or pdicier corunittcd for in favor of the propooed Insured which arc heroby incorporatcd by rcferencc and arc madc a Patt of this Csnmitmcnt exccpt as cxpressly modificd herein. 4. Any claim of locs or damagc, whether or not bascd on ncgligcnce, which ariscs out of thc starus of the titlc to rhe estate ot in&rcst or thc lien of the insur€d mortFgc covered hcreby, or my action asserting such claim, drall bc restrictcd to the provisions and Conditionr and Stipuladou of this Comrnitmcnl Pursuant to Section 10-1-122 of the Colorado Revised Statutes; the Company is required to disclose the following information: o The subject property may be located in a special taxing district; o A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction shall be obbined from he county teasurer or the county treasure/s authorized agent; o Information regarding special districts and tre boundaries of such districts may be obtained ftom a board of county commissioners, the county clerk and recorder, or the county assessor. Colorado Division of Insurance Regulation 3-5-1 , Pangraph C of Article Vll, requires that "every title entity shall be responsible for all matters which appear of rccord prior to the time of recording whenever he title entity conducts the closing and is responsible ftom recording or filing of legal documents resulting from the transaction which was closed'. Provided that CHICAGO TITLE OF COLORADO, lNC. conducb the closing of he insured transaction and is responsible for recording he legal documents from the transaction, exception No. 5 in Schedule B-2 will not appear in the Ownels Title Policy and Lender's Title Policy when issued. Recording statutes require that all documents received for recording or filing in the clerk and recorder's office shall contain a top margin of at least one inch and a left, righ[ and bottom margin of at least one-half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may Gfuse b record or file any document that does not conform to requirements of this paragraph (a). Pursuant to Section 10-1 1-123 of the Colorado Revised Statutes, the Company is required to disclose the following information: hat therc is a recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface estate and that there is a substantial likelihood that a hird party holds some or all interest in oil, gas, other minerals, or geothermal energy in he property; and that such mineral estate may include the right to enter and use the property without the surface owner's permission. lf the sales price of the subject property exceeds $100,000.00 the seller shall be required to comply wih the Discfosure of Withholding Provisions of C.R.S. 39-22-604.5 (Nonresident \Mthholding). Disclosure Slatement (1 4212U.P F D t 1 421 234t2',t Chicags Title Privacy Statement July 1,2001 We recognize and respect the privacy expectations of today's consumers and the requhements of applicable federal and state Privacy laws. We believe that making you aware of how we use )&ur non-pubtic personal information (..Personal Information"), and to whom it is disclosed, will form tre basis for a relationshf of trust between us and the public that we serve. This Privacy Statement provides that explanation. We reserve tre right to change this Privacy Statement fmm time to time consistent with applicable privacy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: r From applications or other forms we receive from you or your authorized representative; ' From your transactions with, or from the services being performed by, us, our affiliates, or others;. From our internet web sites;I From the public records maintained by governmental entities trat we either obtain dircctly from those entities, or from our affiliates or others; andr From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the Protection of the Confidentirlity and Security of Your Personat Information We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards to protect your Penonal Information fiom unauthorized access or intrusion. We limit access to the Personal Information only to those employees who need such access in connection with providing products or services to you or for other legitimate business purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information We may share your Personal Information with our affliates, such as insurance companies, agents, and other rcal estate settlement service providers. We also may disclose your Personal Information: t to agents, brokers or representatives to provide you with services you have requesteo;r to third-party contractors or service providen who provile services or perform marketing or other functions on our behalf; andr to olhem with whom we enter into joint marketing agt€ements for products or services that we beliere you may find of hterest. In addition, we will disclose your Personal Information when you direct or giw us permission, when we are required by law to do so, or when we suspect fraudulent or criminal activities, We also may disclose your Personal Information when otherwise permitted by applicable privacy laws such as, for example, when disclosure is needed to enforce our rights arising out of any agreement, transaction or relationship with you. One of the important responsibilities of some of our affiliated companies is to record documents in the public domain. Such documents may contain your Penonal Information. Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability To Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford you the right to access your Personal Information and, under certain circurnstances, to find out to whom your Personal Inforrnation has been disclosed. Also, certain states afford pu the right to request correction, amendment or deletion of your Penonal Information. We reserve the right, where permiued by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs incuned in responding to such requests. All requess must be made in writing to the following address: Privacy Compliance Ofticer Chicago Title 4050 Calle Real, Suire 220 Santa Barbara. CA 931 l0 Multiple Products or Services Ifwe provide you widr more than one financial product or service, you may receive more than one privacy notice from us. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause you. PRIVACY STATEMENT (l 42 | 234.PF D t | 42 | n 4 n) Printable Details Account Number: Parcel Number: Tax Area: Mill Levy: Owner Name/Address: Legal Description: Physical Address: Acres: Page I of2 R009754 210103404020 sc103 46.3410 LEPRINO, NANCY 16365 W BAYAUD DR GOLDEN. CO 80401 SUB:VAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 LOT:14 DESC: PARCEL B BK-0341 PG-0027 05-20-82 OO282O ASPEN CT VAIL AREA 0.18 Property Tax Valuation Information Actual Value Assessed Value Value Land 303750 24180 lmprovements 646250 51440 Total 950000 75620 Sale History Reception Number: n/a Book: 0717 Pa$e:0777 Sale Date: 113011997 Sale Price: 640000.00 Deed Type: WARRANTY DEED Grantor n/a Remarks: n/a lmprovement Information Residential Buildings:'l Commercial Buildings: 0 Heated Areas MAIN FLOOR AREA ONE STORY Total All Areas MAIN FLOOR AREA ONE STORY DECK FIN SCRN PORCH ABSTRACT-CODE ACT YEAR BLT 915.000 1230.000 2145 915.000 1230.000 314.000 257.000 SINGLE FAM.RES.IMPROVEMTS 1982 GARAGE ATTACHED FINISHED 372.OOO Building Characteristics (First lmprovment In Account) http ://www. eaglecounty.us/patie/printable_details. cfm 2/24t2006 Frintable Details AIRCOND ARCH-STYLE BASEMENTFINISH BATHS BEOROOMS BUILDING-WPE CONST-OUAL DEP1l EXTERIOR-WALL FIXTURES FLOOR FRAME GAMGE HEATING-FUEL HEATING-WPE INTERIOR-WALL LOCAL-CODE LOCATION-ADJ MODEL-O5VAL NEIGHBORHOOD ROOF-COVER ROOF_STRUCTURE ROOMS SHAPEO STORIES SUPER-NBHD UNITS USE-CODE WALL-FIN Page2 of2 NONE 2 STORY NO BASEMENT 4.00 4.00 DUP.TRIPLEX GOOD YEAR - 1982 \AD SID AVG 11 CARPET INV \AIf,OD FMME GAMGE 351.500 GAS HT WTR B/ts DRYWALL DUP/TRIPLEX LOC.ADJ. 634340 VAIL VILI.AGE FILE 11 BUILT.UP FLAT 7 N/A sroRrEs 2.0 EAST VAIL / BOOTH FALLS 1 RESIDENTIAL N/A Tax History Tax Y6ar Transaction Type 2005 Tax Amount 2004. Tax Amount zO0!. Tax Payment: \A/trole 2003 TaxAmount 2003 Tax Paymeni: Whole 2002 Tax Amount 2002 Tax Payment: Vvhole 2001 Tax Amounl 2001 Tax Payment Whole Amount 3504.30 3822.76 -3822.76 3730..1O -3730.40 3354.16 -3354.16 3'184.00 -3184.00 http ://www.eaglecounty. us/patie/printable_details. cfm 2/24t2006 I $l \.(, "?-|'Dti0o N\r. 'i{irl(Ila-o'ck'(t-M !,'lI WARRANITY DEEI) ! tHB utiutl. Marte rtris BOI1^ d,rr or' January . re 97 bctwcin Rlorlva N.V,, a Netherlands Anlllles '(i'unry ('f DougIJs Corporatlon r corFftti(m duly orsrnizrd anl cxirting undcr md trf' vinuc ('l thil kws of rtrc $i/|y' gf/ Netherlands Antllles , grmr(r. dnd Nancy Leprlno uhorc lcg:rl a<tdrcns ir P. 0. Box 541 Sedalia, Colorado 80135 . .Stnld 0l'C('k,rudo. $r:'Drc,: *,,,,.': Sj.x Hur.JreJ IariJ iiis!.-::.:r.: ;:i i I ,l I i of thc No/100ths \\ t i Nl:5Sl:l lI, Th.'l th( frrn('r. li)r rr r !,rLi.l.r.'t,.r,. J :1., --- DOU-,\lili. |hcrcccip|nnd5ut.licicncyol\,hichi\hertbyJc|i|l{)*lt.|:L\|'lrrsgilrlterl'trrr.tLrinct|.5l\l.iiJ|on!t)cd.1| 8ratl|,b,lr8ain,sctl.C(|o\&yirndcon1irnt.!nolhcr:ru.ttc.hirhcirr:rn,]:tlsignr|i''r..lll irrrirrrcrnntr'. il rr|l.. .itrrrtr'. lrrrrS rod bein!: irr tl^* si,r. ut ( (k re.). !..,", [L{ {s tr,rn,{r: Parcel B, A RESUBDIVISION OF LOT VAIL VILLAGE ELEVENTH County of Eagle, State C. i.;rr, "i Eaglc 14, A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT EI FILINC (A}IENDED), of Colorado. :\J\) \:d t. 'uv ,J I tfiilt fiill l!ilfl !iltlt ilil tilil !|fft lil [ii;i il;; ;;; 613?51 02103/1997 0l;35P S7l7 ?7?i, 132t of 3 i 16.00 0 8{.00 t{ 0.00 Ersh, Coterrdc also ln( rn by str!'ct rd numhcr is: 28208 Aspen Court, Vail, Colorado 81557 TOGI.j|'H!:R *ilh.tl afil $inguhr thc hrrcdiumcnts xl uFourttnolc$ lhcNro Bulongiog. or in iint$/irc lppcnaining. rnd thc rclcrsion lnd E1tniirr|s. rcnuindea and Emaiodcrr. rcnt(. issucs ud pl()lirr rhlrcol: rnd dll lh€ csratc. right. tillc. inlarast, claim and demat{ wh{c\(Elcr r{ thc Ersntur. rithLr in hw oa r.quil},, o[ in i|nd to lhc ahnc blr&irrd pcnri*_ri. wilh thc hctEdildmenl! aod appqnenlnccr. TO HAVg AND fi) HOIJ) |hc si|id prrmircs ntrm.burgairrctl und dcx-.ib!'d with thc appun.nanq:\. un|( (|rc Itattle.. hi:i hcini md asriSnli lircvcr. Anl thc 8nn|(r. for furclt. ||xt ils su('(!xso.s. rk[\ (|wi!.|Irnt, g.r - bri&rin lnd agrs: l(r and with lhc grlrltcc. his heit! |nd rssign\. th.t at rhr'rirn€ ol thc cac.linl rrxldcli\r:ry.rttla.{. prrcntr. ir as $/cll v:ia.d ottt|c J'cnriic!' irbow (.(ml,Eycd, ha5 good, sun.Frfc(l.absr)lntcrndindclc$ittcc.\ur(c(lmicriurncr.inlr*.inli'crirnnlc.lndha\grxdri8ht.tlllFx|*rrendaulhorilylo8n, bargain. scll rnd convry thc $anN in ntrnncr srxj f(rnn r:, illircslid. rnl that thc srmc ilN lrcc {ndclc.r ltum iil fr)nncr and othd grunl,i. barglins. slles. licns, tarcl. irtrclrirrxatr. cncumhrrncci dnd rcrtrrtionr ol *hatcwr kind or |lllurc sr!|'lvcr. ctcrpt taxga for the year 1997 and Eubsequent years, and subject to those ltens aholtn on Exhlblt I'A'? attached hereto and by thia reference lncorPorated hereLn' The gr/nt(r shsll rtxl will WARRANI ANI) l(lR';VI;R DF-l-l-:ND rhc .rtx,rr-hx.!.tincx.l pr.nri{t in thc quicr lnd pctcc.blc F):iscrision oI thr grentc('. his hritr arxli$$itrr. .gilin!,t all imd.\rjrt lrr.on or pcntns lirwfully clairling lhr \./holc or any Pan 0,cllxra. Thc sirgulsr numbcr rhall io(lude fi! plural. rhc plurirl lhe rinluls( .rnd thc u\( (,f ant gcndcr shall hc lpplicitblc rc all ScDd!$, lN WITNE.SS WH!:RE0[ TeL grrntor bs causul ir rorpnirk nanr to hc lErcunhr iubsctil,ed hy itr hcsidcd. lad its trrprac :i.rl t.r hc hc,cuoto 41ircd. rt{rr(d hl its Sc$ttary. lhc day {d Frt litrt aht\rc wntten , Atlcst: f I i : .s sTATri ot (ou)RAlx) (iuolt ol '| hr lircging inilrunr('rrt unr. ir'ln,'gl!'dgcd l\'krc nN lhi\ by Adan K. Ratner as Attorney 1n Fact for ano ol Rioriva N.V., a NetherlEnds Antllles Corporatlon. My connnrs\ion cxpircr Wlncsr rrt har dod rlficri'l s{nl- itrv ot January .19 97 / t,/ lt I t I t | / | | | tilt'htil I l. Sccrctary ll'1,'ld'l'l6ll -rmfi-Ed6? Ffi;";'rirGt-;;l"r.r Dtr trp tt ,rr;'odr. cr-s, 'll io l)cnttr- In$jr|'{ it} rnrl ' No- {OB. ltty. -r.fa. w{|.|a]|!l t tr}.t l) r( dc-{-.| sKr-D cH 77o-.88-2r6-7A EG 61375r-1997.OO1 Rioriva N.V., a Ne therlanda EXXIBTT'A' AN EASEI.IEI.IT FOR UTII]ITY, BIXE PAII{ AND INCIDEMA! PURPOSES OVER THE NORTIITIESTERLY 10 FEET OF THE IAI{D AS SHOMI ON THE PLAT OF A RESUBDIVISICi,I OFTRACT E, VAIL VILLAGE EI,EVENTH FILING. AN E.ASEIIiE!vT F'ICR BIKE PATII .I,!ID IIICIDEIITiL PURPOSES OVER A TRI,'\TGULAR T'.:,.Jr C' L"r\t!D LOCATED AATACEM! TO Ti{E SOU?l{ii:=sT:SLt LCT LII\'U CF SUBJIJT F:i3r !;:.:i ;,::iJTli: SOLI):E,ISTERLY LflE OF TllE 10 FaU,l' U:tI;::y t:i !i:i:.: pir?H AS gHC:.;:: C:: ,:: :: PTJAT OF A RESUBDMSI0N OF IJOT 1{, t REr0bDlvlcLoil oir :'iAcT E, V;:L V:Li,;rcr ELEVENTK FTLITiIG (N,'ETiIDED} . carJn:J).:T!. CO:ID:TICI:S Al;D R95.:R:C1':nr:.:. t.r:--!: r.c t:.a !lta:..::r..: ,., l.:.; -:-.....1 ,.,, RliiEii::i:: ::::!,;;, .r.,jlt'! i:::, A.IJD ALL gU:.:._::;i..:.--. ..,;::i::_:::::-._, ,-.::.-j ;:j:::i:.;::. :.1 THERETo. sof .o(,tii lN'tri8 INSTRLTMET**T I S ) kuc,-'itrr-),.,u!,y 2{, 19:1 11,, g!-oi: i:lt ;1,p,'.GE 14 0 . lli r|L:. rr,zrrr tr.t: LNS'IRUME:.1.1' RECORDED l4Ay 5. l9?7 lr.l BcgK 25i AT tAc! 663. TER|S. CoNDIUONS, pROVtsroNS, AGREE!{ENIS IND OBLTOATIoNS SPECIFTED UNDER mEPARrr WALL DEcL,AF-lrroN FoR Lqr 1l RECORDED MAY 28, 1982 rN Eoox 341 AT PAGE z€. PIAT RESTRIEIION AS S.gT FORTH ON TIIE PLA? OF A RESUBDTVTSION OF t,OT 14. A R9SU99rVfSIOrf aF TlrhcT E, vAtL vIt,:.r.al] E!.g,:Ftln: ..: :.;": iil,!g)::t:)t , Hir:::..; ;..,..:..:suEs?A.vrlALLy A! l O!,LOitS: FOR ZONIT.E PURPOSES. THE TWO I.CTIS CRELTED BY THIS SUBDIVISION ARE TO BE TREATED As oNE Ernlrr HITH No MoRE TI|AN oNE llilo-FNirlJy REs TDENCE ALLOhTED oNTHE CoMBTNED AREA oP TtlE Tbto rors. ALLO'-A!:.E Gncss REsrDa\-irAL FLooR Aiiln FcRTHE T!{O FAIIILY RESIDENCE I'ILL AE CAI,CuIATAD BASED ON TltE COIIBINED AREA OF THETrdo tglls. I tfilt lilt ililll lil||t il |lil] ]ilt lil l]|| ill ||]e8?3r 02l@/tt!? 0l:3!F lilfl S"rn at" Z cl I i 16.0e 0 o|,6 ll 0.00 Errh, Colcredo llti I q tt SKLL cH r70.88-2r6.7a EG 6t37sr-r997-Oo2 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNW OF SAN OIEGO ) : ss. ) 6n 16;s 'r 'i ? , before me, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared ADAM K. RATNER, (-f personally known to me ( ) proved lo me on the basis of satisfactcry evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the v/ithin inslrument and ackr:,...:.':: .l ::) me that he eyecu:ed the same in his a:;il:,rr::u,: .-r..:::::;,, anC lhiri ,r7 h:: .:,. j instr,-iment lir,r Fers3n or the entity up:n 5 ih:1!f i: '.,.,'ri..h lhe i:.cf s.3n acled, .,::..,, :,' : ' . insti'umeili. \l/lTN ESS mv hand and official seal. CAPACITY CLAIfuiEIJ BY SIGI'IER: lndividual Corporate Office(s) litles Partner y] Afr^rn?y-in-Facl I rustee(s) Truslor(s) Subscribing l/Vrtness Guardian/Conservator Other: . SIGNER lS REPRESENTING: Name of person(s) or entity(ies) Rioriva N. V.. a Netherlands Antilles Comoralion I ll]il llllt llilt llllll lll llllll lllll lll lllll llll llll 6tE1F.l OZlOSllJn dr33P !?l? PTn $i2 3 of 3 R lf .m D !{.m 0.00 Erglr, Colandc ilil: q SKLD CH r70.8a.2r6.74 EG 613757-1997-OO3 {e ITEAREeS, Vril lssociates ' fne- ' a Colorado CorPoration is tie craer of the f,o1l'or.'ing-des cribedl lands: Part of tlrc Southscat Qutrtc! of Seetion 2 lnd -.Jte Souureast Qualter of Section 3, tornship'5 South. Pangs g0 Eest of tbe Siir Principal lleridian ' coutrtry of Eaglo. stat€ of coloEado, lying So':tjt of Intclst.t€ nighvDy Io' ?O Rlcbt-of-fay describcC as: Ecgiruring at a point on tbc r&t ltne of srid Section 2, frur uhenee cha South- yGGt coroea urerceof bcars S 0'01'30- E 1001-98 fectt thc'lcc !t g9c58r3o- E 260.00 feet; ttrenec !9 7l' 00'00' E 22o.oo fect; tlrcnee s 89'30'00' E 270.00 feet; thence N 33'30'OO' E 220.00 foet; tjrenec .r- 14'56'18' E 62-67fcct to a point on sal€ rnccrstetc High$rw ]!a- 70 Pi9:r i--of-rty !i::L.' ttencc rlcrrg =aid Right-e:-Halt lina on drefolleing for:r ourscs: (11 x 87'33105- H 880-00 fcct ro a poir.: a =li3 il€st iiae of Section ?, also tlle East Itrre of Sectioa 3; (2) N 87'30'49' $ 685-82 feet; (31 x gg.19r{l' w 150.00 feet; a.ac ({) s 55c:,0'3i" q' 2s3.65feet; thcnce s 0'04'5?' E 2? -22 feett th€nce g 30o{5r13-ll 19a.73 feet; tbcnec 5 5o'35'll- t{ 52-77 fectt thence S 62'07'll' E <61-72 fc€t: tlbence S 8o'32'OO' E 225.00feet; tlrence !r aS'?8'00' I ?89.03 f,ect; tbenc.e ii 64e2E' OO. E 180-OO feet r tieir^.. N g9o5gr30' E 150-00 feet to tJre poirrt of beginaiagr containinc 17-9939 acres ' Eore oE less. . h'EEREAS, vril Associates. Inc., befeinEftc: sccetisesge&:=rrd ts a5 oanct ' desi=cg t9 iliace cg:udin restrictioas otr the use of tDe Sracts, B!'ockc iaA Ipts shog|ri oa tlre !'tp of Vailvil.ibge, zleventh FiU.Dg, for the henefit of ile 3.r.a; ' and its respectiwe gFantc€s, 3=setEsrs an€ :53igi!5, Lr order eo estls1i.tl ..:td- =liatain the draracteE qrd Yehte of nal estate ia t:be vici.uiq' of tle Tqft of vli1. b-ott :.EEREI|oAE, iD considelation of tlre preoises ' vai! , A36ocie::s. bc-. f.ot i6€1f an€ it8 gra!,ta€s, sr:ec-€rF a-1€ I essiq:g, Jcec lq:seiry S.upose ' es tabiish ' Pttbrisb, rctnouledge, I &cfare mit agrsee sttb' to ald. fs the Deaefit of aI'I' P€rsons-+o Eef aqFire an iatcregt i4 aoy of ttre T:acts ' glocts ald IdLtiu vai!' \til].qie, Ele"tltjh Filing' drat it cr:ts anal boldls all of tbe lrlils iu vail Yillage, Eleseut! Piliagr subicci to *,r 2ells;-ig rertriediEs, @vGoiD?E, ard conditioas, lll of eiridr stal: b€ dl=6Ea to :r rit\ thc lssd rre to iaore to the benefit o'f rait be biaaing tqto! .& o'.E== ' its respective grarltees r E3a=cgssEE ad arrigor; \w &fwfPEcEgrI-? coltEs;s:iis OF\tral vrrJRcE EtEtEIIIF FIL:I|G, EAGrE CAElrat, gth,,Rm el L !':i1 ;:c=I-C:i'?j: ao-90i cs:1':I::i:E:. rJ-t- '-' r.'|-' -- ':.I- CdEri--:ee- :he ?I4':titg a:rC F'rchi?ectr:ra1 Ccntrol coen,i--iec, -i"ieiffii"ti.e :o as -j-c cc.taie^-ce ' s:raf I cotsist o! !z:c;€-!tors .'ro il'"ii be iesig-e:ei hr *e s"9t'-1----.-. I"".I"I"J oi- assig:s , :o :cvies, 3--u+', s:rd aF?rorte- o:.-rel"c: proposei ri? rovc;-le:1t i -.'i:1,i" ::re lte! €escribeE- i; tJre 'r:a? oi i"'aii vif f agc, lLc*'ceth sili::5, of r'hrch ::'cse laslrlctire cove::ants are radc a Pa::- The D€rJ:€rs cf :hc Cc=i--:oe sla1l sera'e for oae -r'eal' a-- .-.hich tire --hey shall be =c-appointed or --^hcir successo:s "i'"ri-le appoi"ie'e bt-:ie-*;;r"'rr :"o s:ccesso= is a-:pci::tec uy l't" 'l"nii or :hc 'a:r.i"crse=1- of -o. a::5er's '-e iir ' he s):r:l u'" oJ"ea to havc been :e-aPpoi-tec r:.,s the crier- ; ::eu.Ecriber "i"ir-rti-"pfointee >i"::=i d'ioi on :hL c^at!': or resitia'-:o:: o{ a =crb€!. 1- 2 REIes - ftc :ar:ait:ce shel: ';akc ssch i:1es r'.C' b-slar.s and aCopR ?r6=ei'.::ct a6 rt r:ay da"F si?tcp::t:G t'o go\rcrn its proc=eClc-os - 1.3 Apploval of P1:-. lio buil|i;g, iarCscaPing ' -Parkingor vehicutar CrffiE;Eal I cr otirer i-??rc"'e:ia::'- shalL be cgnstnretce, erected-,'reilaireC, restoreg, reco-s--ructe4' al"eEe3' ;ie;;-;;;-'"iit't"iooe-oi an! iot rrr:il 5':::1ii:s P:a::s a:':; site' pf-," "rte =gecitica'-Icni--stt*'f -s -:re. cof c=' loci:ion ' =ateriels 'i*rd. "oiit,g', ane sucil-o=r'ot iir6r=e:io- rela: i-9 - :o^ sucr. i=>:ove- ;;t;;' iil6'cor-itt"i t'o1' Eeasoiabl'v ie9';i=e s:-'a:: )'are lee:: "Giittei to anc oppiolr.i b!' :he csm!:tee '::' !rt:::n?' i. i C:lteria. I:: ?ess:-gf s;:oii s'uc:' 3ia::s a::i sgecific- ations, tlre codit:eeThaf I c'onsicer: I. 4 - I . ?'!:a stj.:g!:1i--; cf --:-€ =r=3"'sac::t 3:.:i ratcrials ci ri j.a'. it is --o Fe cc::si:ucted :o :Le s:'te r:pon shich it is to be Located: 1-4-3. :he r:e:':::c of aiJa'e-: ar' --c:gh'\or:nq i.4=ovene:r:s: I-4-3. :he ql:a:ilf of the =ate=:a:s :o L'(' utl -:izei ir ar.';: ;::cgcse€ :!r:r'!'enent ; 1- { - € ltc ef f ect of a::l' pxcpese€ !;it =orrcEre:1: on :hs c::tl.o.k of any ldjace::: or ;eighlc=:::g ?=c?e:t)'; I- 4 - 3 - Aa-v Fovernsent'a1 zoni::F =equire:-4:r is epplicabte --o t}'e si;e a::6 - iEprottenes:s -:*a:ec'r:: a::d !-4.6- *e rtles =;rd regclati crs of --'-'e crei::ee ' It 3h.11 bc an obiec=i$c of thc coatitt€e to lale ccrtain tjl"t to i5proscr-ci-c r'ilI l€ so s!:ilar oi so -aksiEilar to other€ il the sicinitl' :'ha: t-alues' Dqnettry or eestletic, uill be :=?aired- -2- i;itj{i..i'g .o" .o.",.tii" t r$:--u;;i;i;ei;-;"*-.t"d-t'-it 'ititin skqr d-r= er ssnissic''a andl no suit to eDjoi! tr.o ?""tt t*itn lts bcc! c@€lced prior to tle celetion tbereof , Jpe"otJ -Jtt"fi not- be reqeind ad the relrteC H;;;;"#:l--'a"'*ttinee to ha've DeGn farrv cqrried uit\' 2. r,Nm usE Ahe lartds in vai1 villaqe, EleYtnt! 8ilir:g, shali b€ used for tbe follorring lturPcses: 2-]- Ihe arEDelcit tpts in B1o4's 1, 2 and 3 sball be uscd only i]r pii-itu teiiaer,eot, eacb to. contain oot nore tltan Fi-"uiii.L-f':ving ;its a= rrcti as arr off strcct prrking area' 2-z rract 'A' hcreina:f*er called tlre Su'bJJct r:ait strall be Gea "lla ""de!f"- at a:l - -':=* es a ecant and rndist--#:: a;;;L it"'-"arfii: c6alirioa sad::o st:qqtule, buildling, ;-i.pn"rnt of any kind or cltq!9tcT' nhether te+to:e+'-o! ;;"d--; roty ire .rictei c;:;.:'=!:e4 -s:!eo!tt no vehicqra= lii*fii oi paitios oc aay xlod o= Dature shall-be-peraittec naon'jjs;-;-.f,'.o;sb'tl" so$ie"c ttndt' -No PaE! of t1rc subject.-rand =-fr.if * r:sed f5r canpi''g or sverrrigbt st47s _by ary It€Esolr oE ;;"*": wor sbrll tir=-"6 U. peaittea, vittrin or reoa tle srDjcct ffiilaiy i"r"*i ci orgenizidt public o= pri.nate garlc:irtg nor ;t-ab"; act Dr5' aty' gr"rie,-or geF?s: n'rrich in tbe iEdpeilt J'tL-OroeE, ra!' dlfice. alterl destroy or darge tlre aatural "oaaiaion of tle- vegetatron or tie aestletic value of the natqral eoiirorr;a&tal qrirliixl of tbc -<ebjeet rsd: NcllhxEtrrsSrtlfDD|G tlre g63qgoin!l' t)re follcring FTcgPTrcEl to tle aDose ir,aes aaC =csSictiols sha:-l be geaitte6 urtlr resPect' to the sl'bject laad -' . 1, It4rovtS€nt; aecg3st-'' dlcs>ra}Ie or conveiient for tire gtroo'ilio. and aaia=eaece oi utiLi?; =+-j'cesr4r bc cinstnrctea aod naj:r!rj.*d' t}louSb or urCer tf^i ittl:."t l,rrnd t Prrttided tAat s?til iryrcveoents shall not cause ?erauelt aisq'tl6 oE |].teratror' tc thc. s r:rface oE t-be sgbjaea radl' ? -3 EEacEs B. c aDd P' bereiaait4! caii'cd t'-'e S$ject Iands, sUiii Ue os€A a"'d roaintaiaed at all ti.res as a vacart &i e.dGlur*ce qpe$ area i.D ir= trarolal coadlitio andl ao sttllc'trre, ;"ildiG;-;t-3-sErc"et'eDt of any xi'ud or cDancter, vtetjter imla:: Ei?H:":l fiI#""ffi; ity:l*rs"Ti:irl ocnittrd @o[, lcrGls oi tf.rougi the Sdject t:Ddls ' :so Part-cS -e sq!r;s+ !{rtts sba1l be lr3ed for c4'iag or freEragDE stays tt, ay peE:Eqa or persoDs. No! sba1l tbere be -Pc*'i ttei. ridrin or ;,qa -tb" Sobject, i.taas ' aDy i!€oErl or o!'ganlecd poblic or p-:L.t Satiatiltg r:oE aDfr oth€E act lg an-" Pcrso'| or P€]soD3 ie-.tf)t :s tereiltafte- G'=t-33-!Jr ?aait+-ad) s rtridt ir' 'Jre :'iatiat of tjbe ctrer. lltr deface ' altcr, &strcg or drdag€ itre ;gai csntll'tla of tle vcgatation or tbe aastledc value of i.he ::a:-!! envir:DnDentll Tualiill' of tJre Subjecc Iatras: liqfii:tTssrAlfDrNc t]e foregtoing, the follorriaE ExcEPrrctFs to tire .bove us€s *ri-i.tt"l.Uqts-srt"if b€ Pertittcc- vit} respec€ to tl|e Subjecc Iands : I- ItPEovernts nccessana ' iesirabLe or convenient for the pffiii"n' *e o"iitien"ttce of qtilit7 services D.+r be .ti "i^,"ilia -Jc t"itttoinec tlrrouglr or nnder tll salJec+-I: .&t provicec- tlnt saie itP:y't?:?E shall not -""Gi petirarrent -CisrnP46 or -ait€Ea-;tcito t'le s,:ri"". oi tlte srib ject tanrCs; and 2- rhe ricing of horses, paEtj'es ' donle)'s €og lrEles throueh ut;-;6d descir:ei rinai is eT"t9E:r]'--E:!Ei-'ted as well "j-."y-"tr,"i og=cstria: Eeleted gsage -r'hich,rill not *ttlit*"ii1'-ii-ect :he na!u!al: concition of trrevegetatioi"i-l'c'acsdre-jcvrluecf^-!:'s=!'i"'t LanrCs- 2-1 ?laets D and D o: lnv gorti'o; c: ?c*:6€-- therof'shali.oeusedforsudn-PurPogesasi.lecr.h€:shalldesisiData'but in no c?e:nt "r,"ii "t.r, Jesiinai'a r:'s€ b€ inconsistent uith these cpwenais. Trhe ci.neE reEetrtes the rigbt 3e nahe a'edition'I restsict- ions a'd li.Bitations-rrP;; -;";ot iicopaeille v.!th tlc fet€sloi:rg ii'irJjl i."'-ii.ti'il 6"ii *'i ippri"alrl reeurutiorrs oF u?v qo?erEentar "9"o.1'l -a"v "ti'ei:i-ozra1 restrictioas cry be i::ciuded i;-i;;H;E-;= iooteyince or f,ease-a:rc bv s-'-P-!'feEart to tr";-;;;J;oq cot.niitii t" be filed-in gbs office of tle ciiri ana P€c'orcer of grgle co"aty, coloraca' 3. E''Sa:Ce\:rs Ar.-D PJGSTS-CF-HAY 3-]. Els@rDents and =lg}':s-ei-$ey !a= Iig}'ei:rgt , !ea!ia9 'electricity, 9as' telephone, r'-ace; -an:d- sctr'e=ag€ :ac:l:-i'3s ';;*"I-;;iii'-ati "ii-15"i-ti.nc or pt'bric or quasi-Pubric uei ].ity 3s1sice .tJ-i.sJr'*d as shcaa! orr the Pla: of vail village ';I";;-ti Firitg. so-iei""'1'a11, hecae' sarrier o= ?q9t--.. i-q)rose--ent snalr i ii"&ie "i-iaitttii"ei on' a3=css or-vitlin -5 sre?.s ;'4s4rved ?oi-i"i-t"*is anc rights-of-r'ay ' nor-ia- sudr close prori:aity tfr"ilio-r= 1" 'i"g"ir thi access to or Ese !-ilereof- An easerent rot pedelttian tse sitall -erist an€ is hereby rese:red on, oYer u-e a.*=-ij-"=" 'p"i4ons of the plat of rtsi1 villase' Eler€a..* FiLing, a"=J.r"e io=e i" for ucilik scrrrice *rC facilities - 3-ZEaseoentsforeiainrge?ur?oses-arereserweias shorrn ilr t]1e plat "1-viif viilage, glerrcntjr FiLi:tg' 3-3 EaseD€nts fo: Crainage E'urltoses - Desenred - ia. these coveDarts -,e "n tl"-tiiif-vi11age, Efevcntrr Eiliag' Plat shall be Pez?ctr>l. 1. SIGIIS- fo sig:rs, bil1boards' itostcr boares or aave=cis5sg stnrctiie lii -iii;"e si'ar:. Be e=estd or naiatainedl , oD aDfr lot or atrErc:r::ie for auy Put?o6e ltrat5rcrever, except -1- such =igli1s aE Daee DGen aPP'Eo:'Gd by tbe. cotcittee as s€ason 3bly iJE=Ii&-;". tle-ia"";ii'ilitioa oi :csi&nc-s and 5rlaces of br:siaess - 5- flAIER rND SEIACE - Eacb structrEe desigaed for occu- p.o"y li =t" try leaa--leiigs sball- costect eitb tie vater aadl ser.tcjrlqe facil.itics of tL -vaif lfate! aDA Sanitation District' t-iiiiit!-".u suari-u" uscd -l a source of rater for t:=an ;=:il;;;-"i-rtd'sittoo ir vai! vit:'rse' Elerrcat'b Filills'- ;;Eii;;-t "irisv other t!-' tlrosc prowi+g ry cie vaii ;;;;"r; s-eiitrcioa-'pistsict be .sed.:or --he d'isposal of scu- aqe- -ec.haaicar g"rb;;E;P-ii(aerftic= sbal-l be prcvided il eacu kitcheD oi tooe PzePslng area- 6. TRTSE IITD GAIUBiGS- 6.1 DisposaL. of Z:casb.a's+- garbaqe ' No trash' ashcs or ot}lrr refcse my Fffior dtr4rcd oE-tV laDd -ri'-hi i vaii iiriG-- ire""ttl iiring- +? lYTr"E of refuse out of doors =tiii-"oe De Pelaitted i3 vail -iillaga, Eirc"'e:th Filing' - Na io"G"r"to" oi otber device fo! i-he burni=g of reiusc :n6'oors shal1E -;;t'os'-ed r iastaiLc3 er uscd bc' anY Person exc€?" * "gpto*a ry tlo Cfuittoc - F,ach ProPe-Y or=c=-shall pro- vide-;ui,tab1e- rc,cePtaclec for tle collection of refr:se' Such ;""ft "l*Juaf:. !c screorreil froa public view and Procected f:e distuta.:ce - 6-2 Ds1ini gisrs- As r:seti i-o, tiis SectloE 6' itrash ' galCrage o= t tUliEli-EEfincludle vaste, :-jected. value less or 'rDlttr]'ess Eatter, Eat€lia1s and debris, use]-ess ' unused ' uas'a:rted ';;-di=*td"a at+.i.res fraE a5 ord'i'uar1' house}old ' eas te fro;! tle ;;""titi;, cooriae, aadl constcgrtios- of !o<'il ' Earket refusc' ilI= ;=","-iire -fu-saii-ug, s@ragc, pre?aratio.-l or sal': of p:oduce, tr"*-:=J.t*es, rrigJ, G===, sha1;b- cligrg5ngs, s'eeds'. leaves ' a'ndl ":-r"t- g""".-=l' _.rara-rtia -ga.rd* was-in aateri:1s ; but sha Il not' in.f.a. foadt oi food products to b€ ltrei:erei' cver outdoor o; ;;=il;-i"i==ea oi otler roaterials u'sed fcr frtel in il:c- plae.es- 7- Lrr'egloc( - 1;6 ani=alc, lives:ock, horses ot ?ou1'-4' of allg lei-na s:rrlJ. be keP9, raised -or. bred in lrai I vi11a9e 'ii.#.-.. 9j.!.ing, .r""pd in areag EesigraateC for suclr- PurPoses by tl"'c"Jitiee, -a.ra exi4tt ilr^s? dogrs ' cats arrd o i'ber househoid a.3j.traLs ray be kePt oEI:t as ?ct5' e- lgEEs - so trces shatl be cut, tri'@d or reccved in ?ail 'ai-riago, glerenth PiZilg, excePt litfr 9rio1 s'ritten approwal if t5g C#iicee an.! a1t sucb rc:.?- shail be Perfoloed by gersons ePPro-rc3 9: (bsiFeted ll' t'\c co@iilcc ' 9- Slf tsAI= SgCgIlEf@lZS - fhe=e slrall ire no general :e- suii.Elt far cre locatioa of iq>ro.zre-n^-3 rr:lti relation cc ;-P lioes ' but b\e focagio= of eacb i'4ttovelaei': nust L3 i*pi".=i i: adpance bv t!.e coEaitte€. !:: deteainiagr ^Jte PloPar -s- (.1i!f 'v.i:i: locotion for oach i4)rcvernt ' thc Coanitcee siail co:igide! tlrc locatio:r of exrsiiliGd-i"t"te r1g:?vcnents o:r aijacent riosartv. the :'is5es -6-'aeJ "cet:. Ito?9lll s'-:ie;s' e::C' -<ucir oLle: =a:etary or o"=Ii"--i-" co:t-siEerltiots as 1-- ;si' deer ap?roPtiate - 10. t;liDSCiPI:iG i:sD Gn'eDA:I:iG' All grorl:ri =Y!T:.l:"* :-ot usei as itprorleaeti iii"n but - c:s --utbc€ by cotstructr.on =h:f! '-e !c'-ut3cd ptJJ'-fr-to.-i':i:, 13t5a1 coaCi:io:r a:te re- elanted iD -at j-v'- Sru=-s"tl lls:iEss . ;-u:''-' ;=is 35e to be st:lized -for aardens, ra'.:rs, iiE-ii*ilti livi-g a=n""' F-ery i;rc"'ec iii rSiil- Ji i" -.lisri^-uu-l;+."i' io:: ^s6ar1 be lardscasec accordirg to a ?r'l "#i"iJ'-ly- tho co:t::""- :':ie i a'ilesca?= :rIa-T sl:all be su>nrttlc to '-Jrt- co::i----ee a: ";'.'e :i'- ci --}e lr:bnission or .o""-,-iiiiJl Ji"t= -"9 l?9to*"t y" 'ja co-i:--ee of either PIa:r rra:' tJ-Eiilti-l---il bot!:- --re pre:s 5o= builcing IJ-.i;.ii5i-arra i"-"Es;#E shalt have bee.r a;3rrovec.- =*:- nee-_s adjacent to " Il:-u"t-outsiie the bor:-:.a:ie s -ie:eos -l' be a?prolrriotury .o"Sllapee'-st:l:9tE.-l:?'i'e tic\tis:o;s of drese covc-1a:r--s, by ttre o.:i"i-bl *e 16--' =-i:-- :: -ie ettn-' s::c; lari- scapiag is disturbed by us c o: t'\a case:rc--' ' ::1G cos i a;i ex- pense of :csro*ng Jritn iilat-"aJ:ig-i:=ulf. :e solci)- tha^- o: i5s e'.:rer oI --ha lot - 11- aREA REqui'Fa'ffS ' :so s::iic'-"=e ieslgnei Jc= ':ur:s^ ,."" ot-ir.uGoti"n-trtiir be coas-::c:ed u:rless -;c t;g:'qE:e aroor area, exc:..oiv!-ii.E"" -a959res ' -base=c-:s ' car?orts a:ic crd.laeeS e s}ra].l b'e in-eiccsS of g oo sq"ra=e f ee-- ' ::e coria:'?--ee ; ilii:; ;-=-rl"- rtoi ii'I- EE " is-- oi =j'3 i;pro:'c=e-i c'.,:et'-h: : -;;;;1;i;-is- eu::iar:':'-be!o"'-srade. sha: 1 s':ai: 5i as areas to li - i"; fie;t--:.'tlir t-\e' =:ri:tt= 3e ::a'i ss !'; i e :'= e a' 12. TR^;DE N.illEs - No torl< ' -a!l- ' s1o5ol ' or coabira:ior theleo* shai:' be o"..i- to- iie:ti:;- ;:f :?:=tial 9u'E)oses a house, sir'.:c:'se, lr:sieoss or se=r'ice !3 vail i:ii1agc' tl€'uenth Filr:g. n-1Iess .ru tliu-ii"ii itt-" bn-er' :i=s":p;:ovec in rlriting b1' the CcllGti.ee - 13- T=.4 O3iRT STRuc?ui:s. :io. --aiF':arr s-'ic:ure' exca- -.-at!o-, hescie::t, tt;ii;;-;;l*::' s;arr- be =J::::ed ::: l:ail villagc, =ie!'e:r-Jr Siii;g, exce:':. as -:-"t:i :e iec-'ssa-' irsing conseructio- -a "rrljSri l"a ty'+g.c?+jc:ee, a::€ exce?-- Ee4to- ;;;;;a;;!io; io= ati.lc::c fac:l:--:es' 14. Co:.("I.\-UIn' Oi CC-r-STStiCTiC:: ' - -;12 s--=uc:ures co;ce:rce d in vaii .iiiiaEc, sil.-i-ti-iliii_;,-rr,"rr"!. prore.-ted eiliSentl:l to conp).et:or a::i "iiii'i:t'lltsii"t'i 'iit:::.: :: ;o-::s of corac;cc- ;";:'-;;;;-;i .'ith '*.ttt:r sonsts: of the co:ai--iee' 15 - r-ci$t\C= ' ::s ::e:r:o:s cr of fe:':giTa acEivi--!'' shaLl 5'e cacrie€ a:: ::c: si,alr ii:'ir i ng. bc--io;e..o= =e:=::tei c!:ien slraLL cc::sii:u.e a p*f:c-::i:3;cc-i-' 'iei1 s:i:-ags ' licl'c-th -si j i:tg- -6- .,;6 affiffitg#iffi+ffi IO. SNFORCEilEln' *:dr'lxL:::";"";':=; Ff#ffi,rr*r€:i- it?i#*jH"#"#,t#:::F*"u:i",:::-:,;ii/+eu i"t3 *iitill*bllggi;+'si{}r:i***''r i*glli#*#g=t*Eift#''*" d5jlages' EifH -aira col*l I'i'rncc ' -1- e4'E/n".itj \.f: l:i:';i .'.! a:-:,:: :!:e 3L't!:tg of suai ::otice- Ij after reaso;rabJe cffor: --ho po:"o"-2it':.ig :::c t:ti:'=e 5::a:: bc u::e51e :o Ccflue: C':a sa:re 3e!5o::a ll'i i,o i:':e ?c=so:r to '.'hon l: is i::ecteC and shali b" ;-!ll; io citsi; a =Z:ur- =cceiPt sho|.ir'g cefiseT} o: :ro--ice i.o :ha gclsot: 36 '-'i.on i: is Ci:ectei, the:: thc =cquircc not).ce =""ff u'u iee--.ei' suf f:cic::'-lv =:vc? if pos--ee ::po- --he q:oPgrgl' ccs::ibei :t ::lt ::o:rce a-d :-,.aile'. :c ttrc I'asE i(;or:: ecc=ess of tlo pcrEoi. :o 'rhcn :t€ ::ot:cc is direc:ed ani if aiso naiicC o: ,j.:]i'vcred to ',:rc C: c t.'. end P.ccordcr o: goglc Cos.ij' or tha iorn C.lc:],. o: ihc ;o'-'.: of l'aiL as agci: o: '-\e ?roPc=:i- oL'ner icpcriing c; L'here jtrisiict:c- :s ;o:1--=3f lei' ?e:solai scr- v!t: of jrcacss upci any ?e=so:: c'':riig la;i !:: :!::s 6'rbiiuisio:: ::rair i r lccoida:1cc .itfr' tlre p:occCieg - se:1:e::ce ;a1- be ob:aireC '!"1-o"1y :oi-t'".e e;:io:ceraeri o{ :heso cosc::a::'-s. 5-v ser:r'ice o€ process :rpon '-hc To'.:r Clerk of the Tar'l - cf i'ir: I !s aqe::i - for !n.-tiia i*;tet, if ajter :easo:rablc i!.1i.ge:-'cc such ccfc:rcan: cir.c: be forrnd r^.j Cria i.h@ Sit:e oi Colora4o .1'rg lrcrso'1al Sei- vice can::ct bc othe=.'i.se obini-ci u::dcr --).e €ol'o=ii'c ?'::ies of CiviI Procci'r:e - ! B. 3 .r-o L j.;5il it'- ior DaT.rcqs. Vai! ;sicciatcs ' i:ic ' ' o= .rrr., o.noi-paiffic- rc=rovc c= le.:reii' r':c1atio.-.s or ti:reatcled viola--ions oi lhe p:c*isioas of ihrs :::s tr'':':.:: r i" """"ieu"ce r.'i th garagraph i6-I.f , shall ::o: be liabl': to !n:' ;;r;;;-i;ts- a-ing'exc6p--- for any i;jur;. or <iarege !es';i:ing ?ro:-* ::tertiolaily -re-Ei::! acts - I-:1' pc=so:: ac;':irir'g, aey lnterest in =eal i:oire:::' in Vail viflagc, :1€1'ei-l ^s:iitg'iiter '-rrc recordiig -or tiis i;.s::u$e:.-- i:: :he rcco:ds oi thc C-*::ti clers ani Rico:der o: =eglc cou:,t1', coloraio' shrLl be aec*..-C co have '"raivcc a;y a-C o11 r:ghts co o: clai=s :o= C!,mages or inju4' :est leing Sran cfio:Cs to cor=ec: o: ic pr@- i'enc-any violitlon oli thrcace::ed v:olation of :hese cc1'e:ran-!s i- accoi(..an3e *ith 9a=3g=a9h I8-1.I above si t.\ rcsPccl -*o :he =ea1 g:ope=--:t so acq'rirci - J.9.{ colf€c'-:c:: 3f cos--S e-all .llEslees ' r"3ii ;'ssocia:es ' rnc., ii-ar i::9 ::: gccs:iance '.'it:'Farag=aph 19.1-. 1, shal} ,::av!' a claj'= aqains:' E i-'c o'-=er or oL7:ers o: tlc p="pottj' u'!. tit respcc: to t"hici t.hc violation o: *rrcite:lee vioieelc: of, thcse covena::ts has occur:eC in a; inou-ri 3q'.:a! :o -ie ac--ua:' cos:s a;rd ex?e::ses. i::cluii;g reas- ona:Ie .€tct:e-*s' f ecs, jrcu::ed i:r co::lectio:: '*i !h p:evcn:ir'g ';;;;it; -;;- rci-ciyi::s such v ioiaticr or ::i:EEii--cd vi oratio:r' such clain sSaif ::or, csceci :F..: a:io|,r:: t oi T-'o Tho'Jsa;d Do:.1ars tiz,ooo-oof for a-y cie viorac:o:r or ihlaaLc-cd violatio:r o: tt', i ;:oltisiots of -:i-i= insc=,^e:re a:d shall be c:r 5o:cea51e *=";;h a*1'-tpg=o-tr"ie:c c5u:i action' vai:' '\sscc:5lcs ' I:rc' or an! otnl: plrsl:: or Pc:sois !:ieging a ;:=aceaci:tg ur:cer p.--";'=tii ie.i - z t" ea.f-o:ce a;i' p:oiisiors ci tiris ::lstrr:rEa: inari ui est'i--lec to j'€g=':r-- loi ure actual cos:s g:'c e)q)enscs ' in"i"ei-g reaso:1ao1e itt6rncys' fg:", incu:--tc b)' such Person ii-1r."-iir"--c'::tioe of such pioceedi-g in acii'-io- to ar-E other rclief gir!::io€ b:- ihe sour:. -e- 18-5 HaiveT- - Sc esseot- or acquiescense ' etq)lessed or i-olied, -ip aay -,o'-"EJ-ii-itt"-t"ded violacion of aaY of tbi provisions cf t-lfii""t-t*"t shall .be deecd or talc:r to bc a waiver ot *'i-"Geeeitg or otler rriolation o: threat- fi.FCo:"-*on or tlise protective coa'ena:rtg' 19. DEgllillloll oF P8oPE!f:( oh:NER ;s 'J5eil in tbie ins'-lrEllt' -th€ Phrases 'lEal-!:-:?- erf,y ov'er' ot 'gn1o.'i J?-i."-1et"ryrty'- 3h!'f 1 s3!n a,"v nai:sal ::H:i:"t=n=:lii'rm*!ii;:"i'i-"H*:*::.*h:'J:+H;: ffi tril:':#.fi=ft#tlk;i=#;*$ :i*.fri' '''-*l..}l#,'"ll#3"ilt#"Ti'itr*Tl*.3ffii!:,*:;i:;;il*l*"subdivision, oot "oy]tilJi"iiG$t9 ae i"sei-'^:r€ cr right-of- 'uav for uciligtr, ;tfi;;;ili ot 5e"r irurPosa throuEh' over oi ""toss anY luch larr& ' ?.o, sgvEPJurLIfl - Invalidation of any one ot the Provi- sionc of, trrts instJ;ii ui iuoe,*n.,-.o: eourt ordcr os decrcc shul} in no sl.sc urr;Il-.ii'_-6i ir,o other-provisicns tfhj.ch shall ilill"-i" fulr folce and effect' EI(EC(I|ED this zottt dtay of Jullt' l97I' valt, lssocuiitEs'.aIlic-tiono Ttre f o:egoing insoirtor::It !'- acxiottlcdgea A"{9::-I1jhit 2ctl azv of, Jurs, rgiillisich?'RD L' petens5x as PRESTDE\T aid jo:t: D. t'Es as lssiS'iar'i Ecrstl'u of vFJa ;sscc:jliEs' rNc" + calaraao c-+oratlon ' a .7,/ ?..:b -9- tt66t5 sr^lt of @on^Do.l-\, tAclr ollflT. t- \ | +rg d& tlr t& i*'e'a nTlr FraSEeg 2[*' e,t4*'a Afy ncacJd fuvr.ENDMENT TO THE PROTECTIVE COVENANTS CF VAIL VIi-,L{GE ELE\ENTII FILIN "51f',9 WH-EF.IAS, r/ai1 Associates, Inc., a Colorado corporation, recordedProtective covenants on the 26th day of Julyr 1974 in tsook 221 at Page 140 of the recorc:s of-the Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County,Colorado, ior aII fands embraced within the plat of VaiMllageEleventh Filing; and, WIIEREAS, tbe undersigned orrn more than 56* of the privateil,-- owned Land lncluded within the boundaries of Vail Village Eleven:hFiling; and, WHEREAST the undersigned owners wish to anend said protective Covenants to aLlow certain additional land uses, NOI{, TiIEREFORE, in accordance with the provisions of Sec-,ion 17of said, Protective Covenants, Section 2.3 of said Protective Covenantsis hereby anended to read in its entirety as follows: "2.3 Tracts B, C and F, hereinafter call.ed the SubjectLands, shall be used and maintained at all times as a vacant andundist,urbed open area in its natural condition and no structure,building, or improvement of any kind or character, whetheriemporary or permallertt, rnay be erected or maintained ihereon;no vehicul.ar -'raffic or parking of any kind or nature shall bepermitted upon, across or through the Subject Lands. No partof the subject tands shall be used for camping or overnight staysby any person or persons. Nor shall there be permitted, withinor uPon the Subject Lands, dDy informal or organized public orprivate gatheling nor any other act by any person or persons(except as hereinafter expressly permitted), which in the judg- nent of tbe Ownerr rndy deface, alter, destroy or damage the naturalcondition or the vegetation or the aesthetic vaLue of the natural environmental quality of the Subject Lands: NOTI{ITHSTANDING the foregoing, the following EXCEPTIoNS tothe above uses and restrictions shall be perrnitLed with respec: to;he Subject Lands: 1. Improvements necessary, desirabJ.e or convenient forthe provi.sion and rnaintenance of any utility services miy be ccn-structed and maintained through or under the subject Lands; provided that if the installation of such improvements alters or disrupts the surface of Subject Lands said surface area shall be returned as nearly as possible to the oriqinal grade and land- scaped with plantings sj-rnilar to those found in the immediate area. 2. The riding of horses, ponies, donkeys and rnul.es throughthe above-iescribed lan<ls is e$ressly pernitted as '.\'cf I es an-vother equestrian related usage whj.ch will not unreasonably affectthe natural condition of the veget.ation or the aesthetic valueof the Subject tands. ii" .ls {-l ' fJ'*717 sKr-D cH t70.a8-216-7A EG l5l168-197'7-OOl I &F t'larch 15, .1976 /.t/* P/"4:-t/Dtt*7 n./A /oe , I Tr':rc'i E SKI-D CH r' ".i ., .l i,{)' I J ()t'}j I :ii .J.r.:.1: ilill..:- & V.r.i I r\l;::u,' i .r i.'..s, (.'itr'ir..l-Y (:!).i'i ,(l r-.: : li! i.::lrtr.;ir S.'lr'. 1 , '| r',' ii.t!: liL)i r" r i l). :i I uJ:'l. , .l ;: . tr Vtri1 i,..11t1;.' i..it:,.-'li, lill:. htiIIia,n Il. V.;rIlirrlr.:lrl. s :t .j lt. Al.llir i.'r.r..!.:i'r1if i.r r /' /7/' "" '/" '.1:', *,, /: . /ft*t//,v ft,.; Ji.rr>iti.l: liii'ir, (ii.t.'r,;r. i.ltt::it r $ .'!olrrr :i. t-';iu [k-i tr:: ,, \, . A :: , ,,i.llt l;t "1"'l- 7 3 lr,i.L li am !i. lJcrc:r.:!r.:nr,t,l,/iil I f f l, | :i. l r.: Q.tctvtttp l. a.rrLt{ 1 I.l "-l'-'n- ]fL ,iJ i Dor j.:, ,i. !r;r t.l r.1. yJ ]fi -l , I XX-g"J .,. r)?' r\ ";-L\-1 I J l.r'.i ltiirrl !i. Ji.rlcs 'l i) :i l\:lt'l ll.'li:;: i:rrr l.r.rirri :: , r,,.A ril'r'r-.:i.:L .., ;), (', i)r / J / t t t ,-,{: r \.,.r i.l Ar;i;c,.:.i.rr'r..:;, rrrc. U.khr}U /lor.ydgi 3g-, 3-.3_. 70. 85 cl;r1' rr t l4arch , ).176 L';' Pepi Gramsirarner, Skeika Gransharrner, Fi tzhugh Scdtt, _fapi-e, i; Xia-qeC, ttj-ilian F. Krlmi, l.i.-A'l-lan trliCRoiiiei, 'Ricliard'H. Bailey, Doris A.-tiaiici tind A-nTrew-D; NbiFiS: -'- ' - '-"i'i'. ('i:':.rrri,;,;i.'.r-,:ri:,i,',.:,: -"Jahuaiy.tEi,')$D'-'i "" 70'8'i rr'r'' r:r:'il' :r'i r'' \'J r t t:i :::; t:ir,' l;.1;tti .::t(i (rl I ti.'i.r I ::r..r y1 ,-2 -., t"r'.'ji.ll i),: .r.t0r,Oli.rri)i) ) ' )U:Jt'\ . O i' i i.\ (; j ,l : .rt-)' l'ul,I SKLD CH r70.Aa.2r6.7a EG 15116a-1977-OO3 I I 1 If, ls:l€. lo-rlr:ls j" f€'t'-rl I I \ t.. f- Fi I @ \0 tl1 ri r1 IJ] mf. ';ri q o .t'- Er) rE| C' (F(F o IJE ,U EE(t '+.. .n ".. :V'; a''','{?'' = tnaL ox(u o v, ,tn =F cf'(, a- ,l a .6 (ua I .,,t 3J) (ut-()$- QJ!) .ct or, Ct)-trt cr 3:o' -vL'.a atl.9. = Rc .F &.J(f,O(5A)JO tr.J O(J +- TLu-ooOE LrJ F-FZ, ,-- o</) (.) aa tn ,(ta an 6 U q- +-o 1O t6 .IJ (u tn v, d)c.+, ,= (or\ Fl Fl c{ r-t a Q)L oxu o tn a4 () ,.(J '2vit; : (+- o AEs16 l-l}{ lrdqc F{cHN frlc.| F: t()E .A fre lol'-l lalol ol HIEl .l :ltlr"rf,ol .3l 9.9 Pg;.6dvo.ot dq Cf, f-l 'Ct r-f$ .r1 =E:AOEEg(, G' IP fr+tBt{:8 E&:tL+,vt> .c, .o (o('rt\C('r oCf).Eiolh-. ,l P.,slFJ (JI..[41 dfnt I 'a IA.n oct &Jc) <5JC) trlL' lJ*troc) rdFFz,4f,t-' cfU1 (J €e S,lt,BlD .A Rb+$rFqi{iql*Wg. ltriEllr'as 'Eilfel'ffit'..d.'SsG.eliqdo' hEsEI6 ;' .Bdbcrr f ; "fittielr.rua.'OC&-.$drcbach,' (' Del caraat" ), are rhe osnersr t-ri.fee' atigle.of .cbe'Coflortng descrlbed real estate ("subJect pgoperty'), aftuate in the County of Eag1e, State of Colorado, to w'lt: Lot Fonrteef,r (14), A te-SuUdiv*glsa of Tract E, Vail Village Eleveotb Fifisc, aceordtbg to'tlre recorded plat tbereof, Torn o.f VaL1, Corntf of Bagle,-State of Colorado; end IIUEREAS, -Declarant has cosBtructed on tbe aubJect ProPerty a b;rlldtng eoaLatlng of trro rmlts, 'located oa Parcel A ad Parcel B, wbich uol.ts'ere 6eP.rat6d by a co@n wa11,. rI'tb e ceDter liue belng a llae co@u to the dgglel dtructure of Lot Eourteen. (14), A Re- sI Sribdlvtslon of leee. E,.Val1',Yl.11age Eleventh ftltne, Town of Vail , Eagle Couoty, Colorado'u_ !. iirtfcriiarly "descrt'bed aa follors : Co,,'neoeLoc at the Southtest. corne! bf satd lot 14; thence S 59q 47'dd" E 97;60,f,eetr'rhenee tl, lf 01''49t' E 2!.90 feet to the True PoLut'o!.relfinfag;'theace N 15' 01r 49" E 46-2 feet to the Polnt of TcraLoits I{EEREAS, Declarant sLshea to provlde for ceparate onnershlp of such parcals end to create .easesenta relating to the 6ePar- ately o*red ?toperty, and the lpetty rratl (placed equally on the comon bormdary sep.ratl^ag, gdcb rrnlte), the. footlnge underlyiag auch party ral1 and the roof over euch party wall; n$f, TEEREFORE, the Declar:at hereby oakes, publlahee, and deelaree the- folloslag eeseoetrts'aad reatrlctl.one rlhl'ch ehal1 hereafter run rrlth the lsrtl and be bindlng upon and lnure to the benefit of Declarant and lte successora aad asaipe forever: 1. tbe aubJ ect property le hereby dtvided irto trto parcels, Parcel A and Parcel B, auch parcels bel.ng nore parclcularly described in Exhtblt "A" attached hereto and hereby aade a part hereof. 2- as used bereLn, r:nless e contrary Lntention clearly appears, shaIl oean elther the party or Partles holding s,a8a> t, 2q2t/ ffiSKLD CH 170.8a.216.78 EG 237374-79a2.OOr ,g,^.iit. itiilifiS :!ppq$6rtr'or of any ir1)rqse*nt ou tlc'preertyi t'ttilitut'obtaining tbe Prlor srltten conscne tbcreto frd thg othsr orner ' lf anyl rh ich consent sball nog unreasonably be slttheldl or delayed ' In caae of dlanage to or destrnctlon of itsprdenents on eitber Parcel A or Parcel B' gbe orner of the otbcr aucb parcel uayr ritbin ten days of Eseb atllg€ or destJsctlon, 6eearril reEpi:c or recclrgtruc- tion of tbc daaageit portlon to conditlon to that Prtor to the d.f,.ge, andt i.f tbc ' oyncr of guch 'luagc't lnprovcncnts does not corEncc tuch rePatr or 'rccoDltructlon rrltJrla 30 days after such deEroat r sueb regueatlng ounc-r ' ilay do sol grovidtedt ' hosevert that such repalr or reconstruction rhall noi bc undtertalcln rltbout any ptlor rotlce to any boldlcr- of a recorded rortgag€'or recorded deed of trugt enculLerlng i:b-e laprovecentr dalageit or destroyedl I lf auch notlce ls dheleln regu'lreitl. arrit further ProYlde't that thls eristlng Pro;t.tdt shall not alter or affect the ter$s of any existing recordedl nbrtgage br recorded deed of trust Pro- vision relating tg rePalE or rephceE€nt ' Costs of, any such repair or reco[EtFuctlon sball bc pald for by lnguranf,e' aPPli- crlie to the danagedt inprovenenta ' If thc cost of r€Pair or reconstructlon exceedg insurance proceede; the exceaa sha1l be paid for uy €rre owner of the dttntgedl lnprovelents and !n tlre event he fails to so payr the otber otsner nay Dake Paynentt roay charge the onner of the danageit impronenents ' ld is hereby given the right to a lien on the portlon of the subJect property owned by the oener of, such eanaged lnprovements in the anount of such paynents r Plus interest at 18+ Per annun' 1. Saiil Party pall ahall be constkued as a Party ldal1 -2- SKLD CH 77o-.aa.2r6.78 EG 237374-r9a2-OO2 e ano 8. Each og|||er sh.aff, e5tain,anit qaintain' at al]. tines insurance agalnst loes ori aanagg' Py' flre andl such other hazsrds as are generally covered in 3be'area under strndtard extendedt cost of irnprorrenents on the subject Property otnedt thereby ' and with the other owner shoun as an adtlitional insuredl I as the interest of such other osner nay aPPear. Proof Of such ingurance sKr-D cr{ 170.88-276--7a E(} -3- 237374-rgaz.oo3 , ettsent a3 thougb',gucfr'pergon Ulc aignild ''thtsrr:l'natruEFnt" I ,Itie : uhdereiqned, ln erecuting and "dellvqrlng 'lbixls to tbe abgve dle'-: a'Ccepted .- t^^,,-, "aralrv and entttled to the beneflts hereof, and that any ;;;-;;";"'.-o'' r'."'" o*o.' uv ;teee of otr'""""t ls sirnilarlv bouna bereby and entitle'dt to the benefit,berecf' all to the' sane ,^-16-l -a +h.r.r.rtr .uot :ioai.gon laa itcttiial'thtg::ll'iptrud€n!" The eta{if ,' , aJ.I ''to 'the stance, shall not be. af,fccted thereby' L2. Any di.sPutes arlsiug bereunder, not ot'berrlse settl'ed' shall be determineal pursuant to Coloradto'Iaw' .The costs of 'ia " '-: ---, ;4- SKLD Cr{ 170-aA.2t6-74 t' l covenant or restrictlon herein contained shall in no event be re right to do 60 Ebereafter' In iny en- to. lf. Au.q$i:ere of any, tnterest ln the ProPerty' by ac- recorded deed of tr-uat on the parccl' 16. All notlces ' or dteaandts ;intended tD be seqee'l uPon osners etrall be sent by uail. Poitage prqpaid' addreesed in the. nadeofthectrner'.atluchtheaallingaddress.oftbeParcel o{ned by such c*rner. In the altetnatl've' notices ruy be de- livered in sriting peqsonally to ortners' PrgsPectlve Purchasers of either parcel shalf be entitled to dl€terDine if a selling ognerisindefaultYlthresPecttoanynal'nt'enanceobllgatlon or any other obligation undter these covenants by deliverlng a rrritten inquiry vith resPect thereto to tbe otner of the other parce}.IfnoresPonseisreceivedtoauchinquiryrrithln30 -5- cr{ r70-aa.2r6-78 ECi 237374-1982-005 : Robert W. Ruder STATE OF SKLD CII MV colrmissiOn t'7C).aa-2r6-'7a -6- 17cJ.aa.2r6.78 237374-r942-OO7SKLDEG t.. ,.v "+ i-ry / lfutfufljlrffi os 41?r oFrHI Cr''{l #erc, rcvfifl{?t 6 ,$ury i'.hs.r ro trtrT F nE ilr} , lLtTEE9nrE HleHryty //a 70 .4i!r ,l il tiitl!I $ lh!-.,-in}!.'jYSY ;.0l t cfrIr\P;t'. r'8'C - € - .... --t1oa.-- -.*.., *. ,!.4{.'i: .. .- .tt tJ P-a ftcrt + l .ffl' -;r I .r il" ','.*t1 atrt.Al Ttfa€f c ",tJ) tr.4 tt r( f,,.r !! ,I -:\Y.{, Arr ry I ,1. *t t, I,|en u 14r'1- |r?" lrrt I4,x* ,u.td.( |,Q.'a{ |_ _,,,...J {!!egE)Z- c fi ". Pr ci.lir . ;, :ro t ar.1* , a.r'..att..t)ar *, d* F.'- a.Lt -.r..1'4 -t.r,. io:taa, -d, 'F,* H ttt adSt,,^q.d.*r. ',r. ^.n'.t -*t idt, hr..'r.'* - 4 t-'. rl * r#I*r'!t+.4 ; v r t) ..t ..a - vtr"q, ,D\.4r t3. 4l .tt . tQ. t, arcctrj 'J'\ ;ar'"r [^1o.7Lilpora?: rEAc, E $i ,,#h iti i;li!t rt *srcnxr z /nr srt oFttcno^' 4* rr/t 5n Pu - ffiLE Cau,vrt) aGtiantttl !l, L6^* ra .+- .tr ,a-.a^a .l a. r.r7t. I.a'' .trrrrr l,.. i"l d \.. ta( AA 70 ,l ;1/11,,{ i |L, r.' 'W*{.**-.J arrf* tP Jdr!.?- d t*ra - F. - -, i 4 --.d. .. rF ,\..t - --4.-JJ-4' -b dtW r'&\r.nti /'tt< z t <,!; ti-' lt .F, aa v", t ,nri, n, ,a.r.4rl. ; a,f..- ? -s.-. i ,- .r-Fa ^---i, Aa-{ - r. ii { .!r. - 6...r . +i,- '+<..e-' ,* . 1.. *t-nl .,r +r*ra. \, a ;, 'i {i! . -}, .s -t- |.-r, i.. ari| -r r! 2,*L-.n- I?ea .;l ',1', t tltt i .ttEnr,Hltr-rfa&*:*f -{l&Jzr.-.f"1!:!i:!t'-"-t-1',-!l{&tlf ' ,9 ,f,at 1 t . a!.1a...1r.tatt A{tta. .-r} a.-aa 4. t" at t'r'';tto.rr ,- Art €rt .r.'?.a--^.r tt .;-L-r )! | ; Jt,. r. aArit 'r,J-.bqra-*- -q' #..1J *- -;. aIii.t i,]r: lU-i E H,-.'{'rj r,14t aJr.. .GFJF,-.- )L +{,-h ....-r, J - /-'fabr-. r q. b.h- t-'-a-. .i--.rl'i-.7- -r -Jrril* r-+Dt#* -'- - -r -t'-' a1rqr t - ri--1-F g, - -tl"Aif Lt#^ .- t-.-lJ8$g l;,.l Hi6}* !:a!t ,l:;00,0i, Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 tutx 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us March 30,2006 Nancy Leprino 16365 W. Bayand Drive Golden, CO 80401 RE: 2820 Aspen CourVLot 14, Resub. Tracl E, Vail Village Filing 11 Dear Nancy, The Town Statf has reviewed the design review application for the proposed addition and renovations to the west unit at 2820 Aspen Court. The following is a summary ol the comments from that review: 1. The topographic survey and site plan do not accurately show the location ol the Gore Creek 100-year flood plain. Please contact Tom Kassmel, Town Engineer, with the Town of Vail Public Works Department for the current floodplain study data. The proposed addition appears to be located within the floodplain and can not be approved in this location. 2. The site plan must be revised as follows:. Show all setback lines. The proposed addition does not comply wilh the required 15 foot rear setback and can not be approved as submitted.. Label the total lot size in square feet.. Show all proposed roof ridges and eaves and their associated elevations. For building height calculation purposes, show all existing and proposed grades underneath all roof lines.. Show the surface drainage on and otf-site.o Delineate all required parking spaces with a 9'x18' box for interior spaces and a 9'x19' box for exterior spaces.. Show the limits of disturbance fence and erosion control methods.. Submit existing and proposed site coverage calculations for lhe entire property (i.e. total of west and east units).. Submit existing and proposed landscape area calculations for lhe entire property (i.e. total of west and east units). I NECYCLED PAPERs D epar tment of C ommunity D eve I opment 75 South Frontage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us 3. The floor plans must be revised as follows:. Submit one set of '?ed-lined" floor plans showing how the GRFA (gross residential floor area) was calculated in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 12-15, GRFA, Vail Town Code. The Town Code considers Lot 14 to be one lot, therefore existing GRFA calculations must be submitted for both the west and east residences. Floor{o-ceiling height specifications musl be show for the living/entertainment vaulled space. Any portion of this area 16 feel or greater in height shall be calculated as GRFA on two levels. 4. The elevations must be revised as follows: Specify the materials and colors of all proposed decks.' . The proposed upper level deck rail design shall match the rails already existing on lhe slructure. 5. Submit an exterior lighting plan indicating the type, location, number of existing and.' proposed fixtures, height above grade, and luminance calculations. 6. Specily and submit samples of lhe proposed roof materials. Please be aware that membrane roofs without decorative rock ballast are nol typically approved by the Design Review Board. 7. The fire alarm system musl be updated and must comply with NFPA 72 (2002). Please submit revised plans to the Town of Vail Department of Community Development addressing the above listed items. lf you have any questions or comments, please feel free to contact me at (970) 479-2173. Sincerely, 4^/.2_ A- Z-<__ BillGibson, AICP Town Planner Town ol Vail 2 RECYCLED PAPERs Conanaunrv DeveLopMENT Rounruc Fonnrt Routed To:Fire Date Routed:03t17t06 Routed Bv:BillGibson Date Due:03t2?/06 Description of work:Addition, driveway, and patio Address:2820 Aspen Court Leqal:Lot: 1 14 lBlock: l+ lSubdivision:Vail Villaqe Filinq 11 Status:I Approved @ Approved with conditions I Denied Gomments: Fire Date Reviewed: enl lssues. Need additional review Fire 'tt-/ L//,'/') /ourtu1"6r rt h r'// oca,rf,r{Fr gclEr.0ffaJl Design Revierv Soard ACTIOH FOR]TI DeparUnent of C.omm unity Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road, vall, Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 fax:970.479.1452 web: www.vailgov"corn Project Name: LEPNNO RESIDENCE Project Description: Pafticipants: OWNER GOLDEN co 80401 APPUCAT.IT LEPRINO, NANCY Project Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Gomments: 16365 W BAYAUD DR GOLDEN co 80401 2820 ASPEN CTVAIL DRB Number: DRB06026b REPI-ACE WOOD RETAINING WALL WITH BOULDERS; REMOVE GLASS ENCLOSURE; REPTACE WOOD DECKING W.ITH SYNTHMC LEPRINO, NANCY 16365 W BAYAUD DR 06129l2006 06l29l2006 Location: 2820ASPEN CT L.ot: 14 Block 4 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 11 2101-034-0402-0 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Actlon: SIAFFAPR Date of Approval= 0612912006 Cond:8 (PIAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for buiHing. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. C,ond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Condr 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid:s20.00 Additions-Residential or Com Application for Design R General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittal requirements for the panicular apprbvat that is requested' -An application for Design Review cannot be .iLpt J ,rUf ait'required informa6on is received 'by the Community Devetopment Department. The project may also need to ud revteweO by thi Town Council and/or the planning and Environmental commission. Design rcview approval lapses u-ni.o " UuifOing permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval' Department of Community Developmel 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 8 tel: 970.479.2128 laxi 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com Description of tfie Request:c.JJ.l ;OD lo"^-,s r lerel oFfao t-O)!-\ k Czf\-:.O o.r\ 5o-*\ S\ Location ofthe ProPosal: Lot:Block: PhysicalAddress: 29']O As ?en Ct (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s):fr (J Mailing Address:L^J.GolAQncoto\o prr.I* zor >l z > ao o Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: zfi 413 5^10 E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Construction El. Addition D Minor Afteration (multi-family/commercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-famitY/duPlo<) tr ChangestoApProved Plans tr Separation Request Fayc 30) a-1? sa.qn $s0 No Fee $6so $300 $2s0 $20 Plus $1.00 per.square foot of total sign area' For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' For minor dtanges to buildings and site improvements, s-ucn as, r.-r*ftS, paiiting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' s-uch as' iujroonng,- p.iiting, window additions, landscaping, fences and refaining walls, etc' $20 For ievisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Rsdew Board. No Fee i-efvE[J il ll 1 0 2006 ll/la ffial v btAR TOWN OF VAIL 3 .loYo\ d *m General Information: Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax; 970'479.2452 web : www.\,'a ilgo\r.com o All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building p€rmit application' Please re+er to ne submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town C.ouncil and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' beiign .eiriew approval lapses untess a building permit is issued and construction commences wiErin one year of the approval. ^- Physical Address: parcet No.: llol l7'r_cl-lc;29 (Contact Eagle C-o. Assessorat 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning:Z ---ra"r g. wg o$ o NFt\ Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs D Conceptual Review E New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration (multi-family/com mercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/d u plex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $20 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor dtanges to buildings and site improvements, sucft a+ re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, , $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee X tr I'iOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ONTOV/Comm. Dev. Clean-up Depqsit Refunri ADD/ALr sFR BUrLD PERMTT approved -*^_^--- _, ,71p2-T6b-Address z 2BZ0 ASeEN CT Occupancy:t(J Single Farnily ResiType Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated Vafuation:7,500 Add Sq Ft: Fireptace lnformation: Rest ri cted:fof Gas Apptiances:#0f Gas Logs:fof $,ood/Pa L tet: *******************f,****t*t*************t***********t****** fEE SUI{l'lARy *******************t*****t***t**i************************* Bui tding----->125.00 Restuarant Plan Revi eH-->.00 Total calcutated Fees---> 309.25 Lo{ t.t Uc,-^tOi (."o * (t 4 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8165? 97 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVEIJOPMENT amOunt {.UU . r.o,-ari_on...: t;to ilp;N iounr date lll@ [ft/ Parcel No..: 2101-034-04-020oject No.: l)A-- APPLICANT KING CUSTOM BUILDERS TNC.P.O. BOX 2125t AVON, CO 81620 CONTRACTOR KING CUSTOM BUILDERS INC.P.O. BOX 2125, AVON, CO 81620OWNER TEPRINO NANCY PO BOX 541-, SEDALIA CO 80135 Description: REMOVE CEILING(GLASS ENCLOSURE) REDO DECK JOBS ITE Permit AT ALL TIMES #: 897-0081 Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . I SSUED 04/28/res7 o4 /28 / reeT to /25 / resT .00 Recreation Fee---------->3.00 Ctean-Up Deposi t--------> Phone: 328-9188 Phone: 328-9188 .00 Additional, Fees--------->.00.00 Total Permit Fee--------> 309.?5100.00 Payments------- comptet accurate ptot ion and ptot ptan and subdivision (N ..-,\ \ P[an Check---> 81.25 DRB Investigation> Ui tt Catl,----> ***r***********************r***********]llll*llli;;;;;;;;;;;i**i**********ill;ii*******illl*i-llfi;;;;;;i*iiiii************iH*** rtem: .05100 BUrr",DrNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTIJDTNG Division:04/28/\99? CHARLIE ecEion: AFpn CsenLrE DAviSrtem:'.05400_PI,ANNTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: pLANNTNG Division:Q+/28/!e97 CHARLTE Aaaiona- Aitpn pen DrRK MA56N' --'-'''-''- -- Item3'05600_EIBE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:9!/28/\227^cttABI,Ig Aciion: AppR N/AIt'em:' 0ss00_PqBI,IC WORKS --__ --',_ Dept: pUB WORK Division:04/28/7997 CHARLIE ection: AppR N/A ****tt****************f***t *****t*******************t**1**************************t*ft************t*i***************************** See Page 2 of this Docunent for any condit,ions t.hat nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknow tedge that I have read.this appl.ication, fil,ted out in futl. the information required, Ptalt, Td ",:::. lfu! a[[ the information provided as required is corrcct. I agree to compty riith tireto tomply lrith al'L Town ordinances-and state. talrs,, and to buitd this structure according igthe Town,codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the rown iinf(.iui" REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL SE I.IADE TI.IENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 4 Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: KING CUSTolt BUILOERS ln HI}ISELF AND OI,INER Page 2*********************************r.********************************************** CONDITIONSPermit *: 897-0081 as of 04/28/97 Status---: rssuBD******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMITApplicant--: KING CUSTOM BUILDERS fNC. 328-9188 Job Address: 2820 ASPEN CTLocation---: 2820 ASPEN COURTParcel No--: 2101-034-04-020 Description: REMOVE CETLING(GLASS ENCLOSURE) REDO DECK * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOng Jr * * * * * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL DECK WORK MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC SEC 25]-6 INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO FIRE BLOCKING, TREATED LUMBER, ETC... Applied-- | 04/28/19e7 Issued--- z Oa/28/1997 To Expire. 10/25/1997 ".l} **************************************************************** TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0265 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1005 30e.2s 04/28/e7 Lt:2tInit: CD 309 .2s **************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4131,0 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 2200201 0000 4L336 Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMTT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WILL CALL ]NSPECTION FEE 897-0081 Type: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SFR BUIr_,D pE 2 10 1-0 3 4- O 4-020 2820 ASPEN CT 2820 ASPEN COURT 309.2s 309.25 .00 Amount 125.00 81.2s 100.00 3. 00 .-d tiozOD.oo(J 0 rt{ozOD,oO:E I JE688"Hostz8EEOA o o o oI oo 9 o () II{o E aHcEolp Itl.4& ;EH tlB(, oF4o 0 o oll{l !t aloc a 'Goa, !|(Jlr E,{a| axo )rAH(ocoo Eoo :lifi IorQ lacB [9 E AFr2Z ROH-&4*E E{ FTHaz EOFT A4 l, :{a2aproF.-H{ IEa t{EHZaa0ooAEE'o HH a rt4 q H 6 xF 2 El CEU 'qOZA cEEEo oFF laaq| <oD TU(J" A FIq| tJ q d it Edd 2 H& E{ oo Fa t: @D Ed-> E -qlfr404XaocEO texoAAIr )xContact Eagle County Assessors { at 970-328-8640..(or Parcel /l . i PARCEL /l : 11 TOWN OF VATL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORMDArez!3/!-ff , APPLTCATTON MUST BE FTLLED OUT COI.{PLETELY OR rT MAy NOT BE ACCEPTED I****************************** pERltIT INFORMATJON *****************************rl ..[[i-Building [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electricar [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other _ Job Name: Aantao .D*(,/?-n.Jc! Job Address: Legat Description: tot_l_{ Blolk_ sitins suBprvrsroNr tL,/ 1/,//o%? or^rners Name: ) v : ^ Address: .^<ae -4r, c+ h/crr4h.3o34gy't//6 Architect z /LlnAe Address:Bh. -_General Descriptian2 [?€nnu* C.r,/r.-- o-,/ e,/aaut aJa^atz - rt.<'t/o-- TL-k work crass: [ ]-New tX-arteration [ ]-Additionat [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units:Nurnber of Accornmodation Units: PERI-IIT /I TOTAL: f Address: Electrical Address: Contractor: **********************ii**** Town of Vail Reg. No.52q.F Phone Number: .roA ,, Plunbing Contractor: Address i --, MechanicaL Contractor: Address: ******************************** FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANTCAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Cornments: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. No. Reg. NO. oFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PI.,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI.,AN CHECK FEE: I,IECHANICAIJ PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEEs CI,EAN.UP DEPOSIT: TOIAL PERMIT FEES: BUII,DTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATUPA: C'I,EAN IIP DEPOSIT REFUilD TO3 VALUATION :i 6 '9)\l: RI G ( o+ lLa QLe'L 1' € vu;i ll TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, co 81657 97 0-4't 9-2r38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PROJECT TITLE: ADD/ALT SFR BUITD PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL Permi-t # Status. . .applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Total, Permit Fee--------> TIMES 897-0124 Description:REROOF WITH EPDM ROOFING Number of Dwelling Units: 000 Town of VaiI Adjusted VaLuationz 12,900 Fireptace Infornation: Restricted:#Of Gas App[ i ances:#of Gas Logs:fof tlood/Pa t Let: t***tff**tlt*i****t*t*******ffi**trtt*ffi*f,t**********tt*itt* FEE SUlll{ARY **ff*ffii*ffiffi*trffrtffitrrhHffiffnt*rttrt*ffffiffi*ff** APPLICANT B & R ROOFING INC. 3901 Mossy Rock Lane, Evergreen, CONTRACTOR B & R ROOFING INC. 3901 Mossy Rock Lane, Evergreen,OWNER THOMPSON HAYDEN H 222 MILWA.UKEE ST STE 209, DENVER Phone z 303-670-0257 80439 Phone: 303-670-0257 80439 802065010 .00 Tota ! Catcu[ated Fees--->391 .75 .00 391 .75 .0O AdditionaL Fees---------> Job Address Locati-on. . .Parcel No..Project No. 2820 ASPEN CT 210r.-034-04-019 co co co .@ 100.00 ISSUED 05 /23 /Lee7 0s /23 / LeeT 1r/Le /Lee7 Bu i Ldi ng-----> Ptan check---> Invest igat i on> ui t L cal.l.----> 175.00 Restuarant Ptan Revieu--> 113-75 DRB .00 3.00 Recreation Fee----------> CLean-Up Deposit-------->Payments------- BALANCE OUE---- *"t*********ff********tr*lt't***ffi*ffi**tffilHr***t*********ff***********f,t*ffi*ff***ffi**i***ff*****ff******************** IIem: 051OO BUII,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division Dept: PLANNING Division 05/23/tee7 DAN Action: APPR TOTAL FEES--_- Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENTOs/23/I997 DAN Action: AppR N/AItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT 05/23/1997 DAN Action: APPR N/AItem: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 05/23/1997 DAN Action: APPR N/A -,r l@AAComFn. o"oui"ision L I ea BdgB' hpos[R Efgffii.""approved /,L see Page 2 of this Document for any conOitiondalF.t *. DECLARATIONS I hereby ackmutedge that I have Pead this appl,ication, fil.Led out in fuLt the infornation required, conpteted an accurate ptot pl'an/ and state that atl the information provided as requi red is correct. I agree to conpl.y rrith the infomation and pl,ot pLan, to comPty uith atl' Tolrn ordinances and state [aws, and to buitd this structure according to the lo]rn's zoning and subdivision codes, design rev'ie* approved, Uniform BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Town aocl.icabte REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: B R ROOFING TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0279 Amount: Pa)rment Method: CHECK Notation: 1368 391.7s 05/28/97 l-l-:41InJ-t: DDM 391 . 75 **************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41332 01 0000 22002 01 0000 41336 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS WTLL CALL INSPECTTON FEE 897-0124 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PE 2101-0 34-04-019 2820 ASPEN CT Tota} Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 39L.75 391 . 75 .00 Amount 17s.00 113 . 75 100.00 3.00 FIozoil.oOU C' H el IFo2oat.ootoa I inz EE8" :REPoo 0 o C) o o 0 o ir'|oo5 arog oE6o (J|N{r tsAA't r n|Er.l O Q?R IFE Hgo E-E ot&g8 { E o oo o 6 EoxI e EEql at I I< lq ; EH E&.J C'F E o a ah-a E5T-E' ETli a EEED E99( Ea BE iEr{a HE F' F.l{t.'o 88 H( fl!. 6;a nH 6 x A H ao EHlcIUts 4g IEI Pt E 68 eH FIqt E ta fiD Hco Ffr 2 qc l. R Et{ n |n .{P dnl:> E :E rr. sg -FO t4C O PER}IIT // , APPLICATION MUST BE FTLLED OUT COMPLETEI.,Y OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I****************************** PERMIT TNFORMATTON *****************************rl-t l-Building [ ]-Plunbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanibal fi-ottr.r Vtfitne Job Name: llfr..-.ocrJ Qt:Job Address:2S& Legal nescription: Lot lUc t/tct4aL Zzootar* SUBDIVIS ION: Owners Name: Architect: ceneral Description: Ph. Address:Ph. Number of Dwelling Units: I BUILDING: $ PLT'MBING: S contractor3 Kte rSc -Address: ELectrical Contractor: Address: TOTAL: $ *************************** Plunbing Address: Contractor: Mechanical Contractor: Address: BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMIT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: work cLass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionat [ ]-Repair t/)-otner_2L-Eoot=_ {pnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliancesv ff* it it * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS EI,ECTRTCAL: $ Number of Accommodation Units: cas Logs Wood/PelIet ********************************* orHER: i /2/oo, oo Reg. NO. ******************************** FOR oFFrcE usE ******************************* Town of Vail Reg. No.4qf-.S Phone Number:3a3 67o- oasl- Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBTNG PLAN CHECK IEE: I-{ECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI.EAN.UP DEPOSIT: rOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: VALUATION CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFTIND !O: oz E =t UIo- ra \ (n IJJ lrJt! E =t uJL IJ s 1I R IH a6 a,l.A I I I I -1 '-lJ _g<--r(J rJU- -llr-9oaol!zro uJF F FIz = ozz U' UJF z o2o! @€ ozz6 o ..1 0)F 'l{J CJ o r.ld 'Flq.l (d OI .'l.rt 6 q-r uJz 3o llJi F z ct Eq,3 gItd =o(' i'oF o q oooc6citso oE. o Ec(! ottoo ! ql E o =:) dq, o o.o,6 3 .9 E FEfg *fi eEa.= 6 -;4.=o E UP:Ec-o> ef:E =+i;c96i -*=d)3 5;.5 EE-si E; gE E!te cL o cL-sEre €Eig E6:F EEEE - o..Y o 6 0'-.=g=oo --E--sf;; E E l;; ifis;9E o -cEg: -o(!: C\ cn CN (r) ==E,uro-(,z 6J \ You,Ioz).} J 9EF C) uJJ u.l oz ao = Iz tu UJ uJa!zo F u.lEoltc @ =ut IUEz9 aa UJo F tl, ul o. z uJJ x F uro .-l (5 i-lFI.rl E U'lu LlJt! E =c uJo- J FoF z o c,F UJ lu z 6 =J J Iz -(, uJ2 NO[VnlVA J} 6f3.tr- Iolza9.;Fo- ,. 5( l!tO.r <(.!<( uJ =>E -rc) =t!6i =@cl zz9oF^q,xrzEP O .nO6d<)zr!<oqqJ -o-YEE '-. N z tr {t|- cE.'i o--oe(, UJo- = Jg Ss *.a N €-s \ L a uJ L J E zo F c, uJF =gJz tltltlII ezlz9r<oR5 =$Rt!6ct<z (t) =2,. 9z -,1 'rdo =6OI ull oaulzIorF z tr J oz _l I _l -l<l:l fil o 3 a JI<li-l zl zl .. >loulo uJulz ut E =E u,l o-) z E s z @ tf-ll"lol<t1l6l" lEaF {J 23.--O 0)Ytr < =< .^oo ',r=z^lJ(\JOooaL t! c.l iH=dd= !n! .+ o\ol OJ an uJF o IJJ trooo-zo Fc LrJV ul(o oF F =cr IIJ o- tto o-oo I uJFoz F =tr4tloEqE5€uE9!Lb9'EE => =utr-E FE: >o-E 869 EtnE XO-E X>t 4- €= ul @oF E =E. lrJ o-zeF()fE Fa zoo tltl i=l lBIl(,tz.q; Fl z 14 p. z U) E H u; =z d) a o ir P-. i UJ =z {J o N c\I a UJ o j c F tr tha IJJ t -o- E C) =E lr- }J 4 lr(5 l-nt-t+lr lnIf.' lollo l=.loluJl5t?l>1I|rlqzl 3loFI \r\\ \ I g /0 I Itn l-( Ilot-loI u,lt:t<l>tt!lolzl3t9IF ?h f v Vtrvt u. E J a t!oa3q H ,^t?, =Etr I I I b)t1t.ltot1ltol| ltll:llall>lr!llolzll3lolFI uJJ uJF. culz =o F(J u.J ET C)E e -rO<FEC) IJJ <ztUJF(tZ-oo Jg<oC)F E3 SE-E 2F 33>Fd6o *6YF 33 YZ =8 E i\si+EF!-o2<C)H3-l!D! TOTfN OP VATL CONSTRUCTIOIIO PER}IIT APPLTCATTON FORIIT DATE:tu PERr.{rr tt /rrQ1/ , APPLfCATTON MUST BE FILLED OU! COMPIJTELY OR IT I.!AY NOT AE ACCEPTED x***************************** PERIIIT TXFORUAIION *********************:r*******Il [ ]-Building [ ]-Plu$ing [ ]-Electrlcal I 1-Uechanical [ ]-other Job Name:Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block Fil Owners Name: Architect:Address:Ph. General Description:'/t fr.'*d-af fi Nunber of Dwelling Units:Nunlter of Accommodation Units: vtork crass: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additionar g)d-nepalr g l-otherr' t1- Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contraetor: Address: ******************************** FOR Town of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE *** *********** ***************** BUTLDTNG PLAN CIIECK FEE: /.< -PLWBTNG PI-.AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAIJ PIAI{ CHECK FEE: - BUTLDTNG PERI{IT TEE: PTUMBING PERMIT FEE3 I'!ECHN{f CAL PERI,IIT FEE 3 ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: t-, P.rt -_ . RECREATION FEE:%LEAN-UP DEPosrr: BUILDING: SIGNAIURE! ZONTNG: SIGNATT'RE: cI.F^r{ UID ITEPOSIT nEFtntD {Kt sri rt c:t- or f,^f+--v"L P-.rD€ilCt r+t'€>Z 4-,k toNl- I I I I i EQTZIt\€ ', l7rr ^f +- 2,xe1 v/q " bBv -7 r.o &Tzpi z fty an"l Dzrk 5<Rzatap rirl fiiea*pnr,f ftck MLplTfiRt,//' Tetck ey_ rtd6r"re.ffi p,,vist4 To Lxigrrtrn a"fflv''oto n/-fr*, Town of Valt I OFFIOE COF',' t I t+\J auu PL {Q-orr Qoo K 4,.utu,- f.oJ.{ oN |'e- /rvcttZtoTotnir '/-2 ./ 'Kop Gr+pAg*,/O' //26- 6r'9-> 75 Soutb Fronttge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 1 0t-479-21 t 8 / 479-21 t9 Department of Community Deaelopmcnt April30, 1992 Mr. Fred Otto Otto, Porterfield & Post P.O. Box 3149 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Lot 14, Resubdlvlslon of Tract E, vall vlllage 1lth Flllng Dear Fred: You recently posed a question to l(ristan Pritz regarding the enclosure ol the greenhouse at the above residence. The greenhouse was approved by the Design Review Board July 1, 1988 with the condition that lhe door on the east end be deleted. At the time of approval, the greenhouse did not count as Gross Residential Floor Area (GFFA) because it was not completely enclosed. In 1990, the GRFA regulations were revised such that his area now counts as GRFA whether or not a door is in place. The regulations were changed to address substantially enclosed areas such as this which add mass and bulk to the building. I have enclosed he ordinances which address the changes to GRFA for your review. Should you have any questions, pfease call me at 479-2138. lab Enclosures u,l J q otro oz () 4 o c i: i i:i- t ? = Z=e ! l-l - -.= = a .=- a = r a * i .:t= ( = e a5:4 j * a = t ;:- '! i.:?l: . i - e= - ::€ !;.5i \: -- ,= = i:7=t,"o !f !E.'!a -t -E i . ..tr i .!M=. = E! FE+:. ?= i c-- EF i a.:ii i;:.I =-E;=t+ ! F i !:._: , =: :E; si @ @or \oc{ >'Ft b I I +J o (t lro ? t{o.r{ (d h > U F GI.$ (?',| z E ('T I& t'1 Fl Hz u) U D Fl Errl frl Fi c s'-urH Y\-<>x -zzre{< JEz ^2!lII- IJ F-z'v-z= qJ i-s32q--P ra I$ \,- c< ,.FtrZzuxuJ\': <F<=qJFrJgc4caS=oolr z!rF--a- HQil\<-r-<vo;af<zFtr>Z^=<-P -J -.SEqrH =-EX-'F-r.l\ ,,. t! dto>P;nOtDxz Hf3<xI<x SoxxFZe.-ff=<DUTXH -FYl-c<c(q!F^UJSF rl{ at-aA. IPiFarl+afra X. O. FI trnat.I aFar.ari-|+ -F5 -arFf att rFl (f,\sv Ff -F{€G? 11 19 ts\d,f-lr-: E' *rFt?-LIf-l .-,lv r+f 11 AtfrldLr ffJrFlrF) {rfhA. € 'q oz ts =t IIJo- (c oo oo sl- ooo c!N an uJ uJl! ==G, IIJo .V7/ LE I bYdL-l-,ry) FT OlFl sr P o) U) z, &.&. = d llJ<: -cr) '.&reIF ico- ',21IEt- IJJF F z =o =z in UJF z oz o dt .d zzn Ju,o =I tr t! o IL ulz3orc !L ludz-a =O:t urFI<F7ovzo< o {,o(!o (E\ =\FIr\( ;N8\ (l'lC/- En -a, q E1/lo../ E) $/ i/7o/u/t9.' '3!/l o-u.='tP/4 ;r'o tsF.v o- }l=o'< z. r- LJJ J o ?i |! .Y' '=@o-;*!otE8F; F.e :? €*t e aFiIc P6P.Ec-o> ET:E:sP: c9dE'-ot- e5t:rrE>6:EF; :€85.9; ee Eigco- (! 0--sEtsoiE-ol:fi:€ (!"-X :EE H ErES .c;oo efi; i sg1=9 6a.6 t* E: a6eF9Eor -cEg* - () (!- o Or |r) cc or.o st c o (f, D Y) oI(f 1r) N s cc l-. = IIJ o- z o o xott oz .Jo. o E o uJ E 2 Iz o IJJ o\Xo-{ UJluu-z tr t!t llJe e. o co 3g tue z.(9 6 UJo F6 c UJ z u,J x llJal (n UJ u.lu-t =t UJo- J FoF oz 6 -J lo () c, o uJJ uJ oz to =f o- 2 II,J- ) = NOtrvnlv^ u ;G =l! zo FcGo<t UJ tutz uJo >E iur.{ =ocl zz9oF^a95EP o @a55bQz.r!<oqHF>x z trk l! f uJ > c 14 (\ uJ z E6o z tr tu J Rx E IJJz trzlz KOo< EI>lr XIL6o<z trz,- 9= -.1 'rd<r3trOI uJI"rI -tl =l<l :l!) u,Jzl 6l uJ z F Jlaz llilt I oi o ll ? | :lT ll' | 1- ll-T-T--tl|lt_t_tl " I l- l[]-T]; i dlc; ll'l'l,.ll -----r-----r_1ilet llJt Ix 5 -l: ; pl x Ff, F Jl<l trl zl .. >lo Lt.loI!lljz U) F. E u,J o- z E o Iil slell fl sl;il tl.',' kl> o +l (\ q I 1 1 I ,, .-t utF o IIJF ot0o?zo F(L UJY IJJ @ oF F =F\-octt olllJ t{I ^\i+, =vl\., 5Oo) l< ut Foz t +J t! +J U .EIF !t5 tn & oz Jtr I o Fo J J TJJog t! lrl L,J J ii =z d) -) (u l- c) !- .u t! =z (n o,L 5(J = F.(7) co UJ = I't l..ho Lcl9\ Fd [-C) .S= PHto)l-1.6 l16t:l.nt> I J ! c, {J (u tr o aoJ +)(J == Or (\lsl IuE o J = NC! (a Iq I ao F (J IJt I IJ f, Y =tr x II q o.l z ci uJ J lroz = @ t-rr) I(o F\sf I l g z '; u,lE = t|-oz3oF z cilll = Eoz;oF I(o <l' Ld = TJJz, J =tr (\lrcF I o u F =t z uJ(r l! z3 F E !! ciz otu J <l lI- z3 F UJJqJ F tIJz = uJ ts? E E <FdOuJ<zE IIJ F(42 O )E -r'6 R FS4i -8 E, >Y =fffF4Zrl-o <-xOtr i3P,' =g e. =+(!o2<OoL =a +J!- (Jz u n !l iz< *coo& =z-f OtB g c!r-lrxr-lE<D4tl J..i6\J !,' ==Ee -r --i LU6il= tr UJ o. ,P IJJ89E<ol606ee9atE CE E dEE h= E :J i"i:E :FE 669 \ruE XO-E X>I q- oi!i ul @ F F lbI u,/ = liE, I;lrJ l- o-zoF() E,Fazo() I )--'/Be\ t9/flr=vAr= 'r-.=6 arxr=lFl|)< |>4bc 75 south frontage road Yall, colorado 81 657 (3O3) 476.7OOO July 21, L988 Mr. Javiar Alverde 282O-B Aspen Courtvail, co 81657 Re: Lot 14, Resubdivision of Tract E, VaiI Village 1lth Filing Dear ![r. Alverde: At their neeting of July 5, 1988, the Design Review Boardapproved the Alverde Greenhouse Addition as built conditions. The zoning concerns of the Cornmunity Development staffregarding the enclosure of the deck have been alleviated by therernoval of the doors on the east end of the deck. In order tonaintain compliance with Town of Vail regulations, this deckmust renain open to the outside. The Design Review Board didwish to pass along their concerns that both owners of theduplex work together with regard to future paint schemes and cornmon maintenance. If you have any further questions concerning this matter,please feel free to contact me. sincere\ \(,.1 Wu^ A^J Rick Pylnan Town Planner RP:Kccc: Bob Ruder 75 south trontage roed Yall, colotedo 81 657 (3O31 476-7000 July 13, 1988 Mr. Peter Looms 4269 Nugget LaneVail, CO 8L657 Re: Alverde Residence, Lot 14, Re-Subdivision of Track E, Vail Village llth Filing Dear Peter: At their neeting of JuIy 6, 1988, the Design Review Board approved the Alverde greenhouse addition as built conditions. The Design Review Board did wish for rne to pass along the concern that both owners of that property work together withregard to paint schenes and common maintenance. If you haveany further questions concerning this natter, please feel freeto contact me. Sincerely, 1\lt./ .. th,.,. r I(t(L, rlanna'-r Rick Pylnan Town Planner RP: Kc /o ffi w 6[h ab4- o a oo 75 south frontage roadyail, colorado 91657 (303).476-7000 February 2, 1989 oe ofllce of communlly development 4 ll/'/':y' Mr. Robert Ruder 4_496 East Meadow Drivevatl, Colorado 91657 Re: Building permit #3042, Alvercle Renodel Dear Bob: rl ly.previous correspondence da::g--Decernber 22, L987, the Townor Vail cornnunity^3"yfi;gr;;; ;;purrruent set Jiiuary 15, 1e88as the deadrine for.reguiring -o;npriance "itn-iirl zoninsregulations and oesien=Rl"ili i]";a approvi-i"rJ.'s,-,ild.ingpe-rnit #3042, rhe-arieroE-iJroilt. This deadline wassubs equentry amendea- ttrrougi-J-f orr.r"rsati on -illii - p"t", patten,urrecror of connunity oeveiopil.it, to r,lonJav,-illrr,urv r, 1988.on February l, l9BB, the Town of-v1il. Building Inspector and Irnspected rhe site-i:" ;r;;i]iuil. wirh zoning regulations andDesign Review Board- "ppro*,ri.--'r13^gnrv appaient-change to thesite since mv Decenrei'i;'i;;p";tron *u= the rernovar. of two'rench doors at the .irt-"ni"Ii"itr" patio and refracernent ofthose doors "i.h^.l_rl:* ii p;lrii" visqueen. rL is trreoprnion of the Town_of Vail [r,i['trr"";-;i;;;'.r!iar.nt" do norconstiture rhe cornprianc;-;"-;; seelcinf-i;; ihi;' project. rhedrawinss subnitted'ri[ii-irriJ iiiroins pemir appricarionc:'early showed the-warls t"-u.-J;"structed as a wind screen.The drawings showea n"-I",iJr"JyII., or roof form whatsoever.fn order to neet conpliance with 3?11.S regulations and DesignReview Board approvai, tr,.-"oJi systen-nusi be rernove.. werequest that ririse cnins;s [J-"oi;,i".:S-pii;ioii] February 12.rf the projecr is.11ii{'r; ;;";;t:l pr this tirne, a resarcltation wiII be rssued to the property or4rner, oa ol If you have any questions, please contact ne. Sincerelv, -) -\K" ird Rlck Pyln6n Town Planner RP:br c! ilaviar Alverde ,;\\r.'{o- Q-s. . t-.:r+\ G\a-.15 s,.Pgoc.f,' ^.rl ='eQ SeC\oru Srlocl LJ. fE2-<. R-oQ C+\^-r^l n*J-...-Q *o\ L .-d< , S.* s--\.Ii. 1v1c^ \ =u,t= Lr.B<-. t .ol* ?tao }.sgo^ C-or*\ Rr-"A.. - Rerv.c[.e aox.=\. j .?e,: Crr.<.+vr. \\orrl- -rr,qLcs.ror- ou.ry \*e\ $o 1 , g.,\\A'.,^5 L.\* Uto\A.o^= t ) SKj \tgk{s or ?-SS cr\^.'.\S s'L.^$, b<- L.*g^'{ , *o cArFy -rt.\*Ly ?...S \oJs o.s =g*Lt(iJ i"' S?q . e955 (-l. t'.C. , + Qo',.\.*t- \.A. ,..,\ s.,b-...\ Evr.gru.+rr= D.s.ggs (-,. ?."o4. G\",t-...g 6r u, A$ G\"i i, \\\ s^o.-!) \.J \ uJ tJ te..e ) , B) * **! \o-! f**r\, ) , c-on.\.,--\io*, \s J Lo.gLLL. q= \\..r,^c,r.. r ocl-.,p*.$ ,r,olJ Qol* -.s.o\.-\o.t * *t""'-\'1, F (.* -E ,€ ,+ Li .a,tf oF ,/"^.t.,-,1 rnakqd ofl ,^al-t*i1 ox,o4,a .-,,^dod-l J*U ' 11 \rl4u.oq12g6 qUU4(^U r,^ t^,.' c>'l'\ ,,^frrc.c-{-rcat f* }.,*fbl o,u he^. - I 14/Arv1t€r^o,a 4f # 75 south llontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otflce of communlty developmenl December 22, J.987 Mr. Robert Ruder 4496 East Meadow DriveVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Buildi-ng Permit + 3042 Dear Bob: On Friday, December 18, I accompanied the Town of VaiI BuildingInspector on the temporary certificate of occupancy inspectionrequested for the Alverde residence. I found the construction on the south side of the residence tobe in violation of zoning regulations and in non-compliancewith the Design Review Board approval and building pernit drawings. No temporary certificate of occupancy will be issued until theproject is in substantial conpliance with the zoningregulations and the Design Review Board approval . We requestthat the project be brought into compliance with these regula-tions by January 15, 1988. If the project is still in vj.olation"at this tirne, a legalcitation will be issued to the property owner. If you have any questions, please contact rne. Rick Pylrnan Town PLanner cc: Javiar Alverde RP: br PETER LOOMS . AIA . 4269 NUGGET LANE. VAIL. ARCHITECTUBE . PLANNING coLoRADO .81657 . (303) 476-3122 Auguet 14, 1987 Gary Murraln, Ctrlef Bullding Offlcial Town of Vail Vall, Colorado 81657 Dear Gary I Accompanylng are plans for a bul1d1ng addltlon to the Alverde llouse on Aspen Court, Town of Val1. The butlder, Ruder-Relnecke Constructlon, ls anxioue to get the project underway and eo we are subnlttlng these plans for approval by your department. The scope of work, whlch has received DRB approval, is a bedroom 6ulce addlclon above the exlsting garage, a wlndscreen at the Southwest and a deck addltlon. Structural lnpllcatlons are as followe: nelr bedroon roof spanning J-8r-6" wlll be framed wlth TJI 35 X - 12 @ 16" o.c. - allowable load of 141.5 lb/ft. - deelgn load ls L26.35 lb/ft. Second floor extensLon l.ookoute are to be 2 x L2ts @ L6'r o.c. - allowable load of 3,L64 lb. per Jolet - deelgn load l-e 1,300 lb. per Jolst. Thanke for your conslderatlon. 74n"r"" ty, I( // /-t{tf lo&sPeter -Looms, Archltect PL:knj !. -' Proiect Name: Projecl Description: Contact Person and Project Application I l-'t - \ -1,. 'r'*'t /1. J , 'L) Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: ,/'V lh'tLegal Description: t-ot l9 , Btocr Comments: Design Review Board o"," .r\s lr7 Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: / Ifl ^ / ' il . -- !, 'l :-ll A verAp-II il!r .' - itii G.r'."rr*_ , --- - -'-- -l-i-il --u),r{B**2-1l- utu/fl^ eJ*rt+ro,- Sl^rJdtt-li . l-r - I /^ n l)s +A/c.$el^ - Srefq te f-6q\e- -ii -,1^urn*,,,'-*\ "u,n'il*tk t't g,J.^" ;.iri ir. ..-r,-.ii )s-'unl. l-nr/ii t*t5 ,'-''l'P 5fr^^'1 r'""'("'^5 -li E, a,,-.!t,nrd lrli +- fevtv,-1 Co-t-tPbft l^ s,&astit/J ii !, ilIl Nil. -iL ts5 aq+be7 ,.r,fh ....r,rdrxJ;. \\ I -i; n Co rtur'/t'\Q)^15 ir I l. , t-i, ' | 'ii C€cf-- o.(' ',I a A / u",'Iu -La'/* r/ 7ez-S"b fu-eT VV t( l{ .(4ng 6 -*-la- t3*/-t-a 1 :* /tz NAME NE DTTN.IFI^T. LIST OF MATERIALS LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Rev'iew Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng 0ther Wall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F'l ues Fl ashi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther VvD. a B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: PLANT I'IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* for coni fers . ( over ) *indicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height 75 south lrontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oftlce of communlly developmenl TO: Adjacent Property Owners of Lot 14, Resubdivision of TractE, Vail Village l1th. DATE: July 20 | L987 This is to notify you that the owners of the above property areproposing to add a 250 square foot addition on the northwestside of their residence. The proposal will be presented to theDesign Review Board on July 29 at 3:00 P.M. If you have anyguestions or concerns about this project, please contact Rick Pylman at 476-7OOO. i " Project APPlication / / o^," 7/Hr/62 Project Nam€: "l Vm ' , ' ' Project Description: Contact Person and Phon€ L owner, Addross and phone: t 'utl ,^ AA,IW. Archit€ct, Addr€ss and Phone: L€gat Descripri on, tot /4 , eto"x ,u*nVV // ,ron"2{r- Comm€nls: Design Review Board Oate Motion by: S€cooded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Dale: Town Planngr EI statt Approval APPLI cA+I ON FOR PROPERTIES IN FOR AODITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLOI.JABLE GRFA Date of Appl Date of DRB jcatjon 7 /14/87 Meet ing PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a member of the pianning staff js stronglyencouraged to discuss the provisions under which aiditionit eRrl can be aja-eoto a site. It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each propertyan additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ord.i nance allows for gp'to250 square feet if certain conditions are mer. :-E- -:: Applicat-ions for additions under this section wi'l'l not be accepted uniess theyare.complete. This inc'l udes all information required on this horm as well as-Des'ign Review Board submittal requirements. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION:Addition of bedroom and bath, relacation of laundry facility per plan. B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description: Zone District p.s. Bl ock Fi'lingLot 14 C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Javier Alverde Address one 619-755-4036 D. NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Bob Ruder n66r"r, 4496 East Meadow Drive Vail' nhon -r, 47 6-57 08 NAI'IE Sign 0F OI.JNER(S):vier and Elsa Alverde Address t a Mil Cumbres Solava Beach. Ca. 92O75 h6ns 619-755-4036 F. Filing Fee of $'100.00 is required at tine The fo]'lowing'information, in addition to DRBrequired with this submittal: l. 'Verification that the unit has received 2. Names and mailing addresses of adjacenrunits on the same lot. This information Assessor's office. 3. Condominium association approvai 4. Existing floor plan of structure. of submjttal Attached #1 6 L /r- submittar 1.:,i,#;:ffi , ;/,/rt a final certificate of occupancy. property owriers and of owners ofis available from the Eagle County Co lorado (if appljcable). 'fi,ie ffin Proiect Name: .?e o\ roiect Application proiecr Descrip rion, E-n I * rLG.u r. u t- C>F €x t 5f ix 6 {i,N JE c/<. Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: -')ciZO Legal Descriptio n, to, / 4" , eb.x Filing .r,'C J tl i u ,,:i ,Ag,r:,,*. c f l,rg rl C,. d' i,i 1--/ Architect,Addressandphone: -*'a'gt't:,- l'l ;l''--tt .!-.)i'''tr;t/ 75-t'a/c' , Zone - li - - - r =t):\i i--.comments *'tI '-.'r(rlt','5u/'i *r- i k''t.e L' It , I Lli tl / .-iiAiL- k-t '" t-"'.rl*- Design Review Board Dale Motion by: , Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: ner r.l taN ") \F st.r Approval \, .A.L T a O r fl r r ,,r E N T oo SCHEOULE - Chargrrs -,Ouner. Fol icg +Z64.OOt_ender pol icg $40.00Errdr:.rrl fi tOO.tto $?0.00Endrsiit fl 100 . ?9 $g2 . 95Endrsrct fl 103.1 $tO.O0Ta>: Certif . $S.UO_ _ ToTAL _ _ $?2r.95 l,t ith gour retn i ttenc e plea-.r= rp_f ep I . Effect ive Date ! JULY tt6, l9g3 ?. Fo I i c i es to he i eEtred, anrJ F,roFoEr:rJ "ALTA', 0urlers's pol icgFori;r P.- i,g7O (A:,t,=rrrlerJ tO_tZ_ZA> l'r' c,g,Or.ed I 6_..ur.s:d : THE TiAT.LE T. ERICI(SON REVCCAP.LE TRUST 'trlTA" L oan F ol icg(1970 R+vision) F t'o p,6,9.,'; r---, I ns.ur.eci: COLOIJ I AL Ii,iVESTf.IEI.IT CCFiPOFiAT I oH Ap6,l ication No, VOO0g?58_z Fon Inf orcrat ion 0nlg to VU005Z3g-2. at 8rO0 A.fl . Inguned: The Est;te or Co iili itlren+- and int-eres.t in the c ov*rerJ h*re in I and c.leg.cr i [,*clis: !1',Li,r0tlfl.OO tr364 , ttc0. o0 oF nrlf enr.':.d to in this is. ;'t the ,:,f f pgl ir,, A FEE t' i t l r, to the r_-s.tete crr i nt*r,eg.t c over rd hr_.rc: i nci:te her*of vasterJ in: DEI{A GEFSP.ACH Ttr,: lrlrd rr.f r.rr,:d to in this PARCEL A, A fiESUEDIVISICN oFI.'A1L UILLATiE FLEVEi{TH FILI',IG1?8? IN P,OOI( 34I AT PAGE 25, Cor,rr,r itrrent is des.cr ihed .rs f ol. lows: f9l 14, A RESUBDrUrsrci.t oF TRACT E,ACCCritlliiG T0 THE FLAT RECCF:pED-f,iAy ?8,c0uilTy oF EAGLE, gTATE cF c0r-cnnoo. A.L.rAOfmlrnENr oo SD}I€DULE B- 1 ( Requ i renents )Ap'pl ication No. V0OO525S-2 lre f ollouinr! 3rp- the re,lu ir,-:rrl'-:nts to b'-: cot;lprl i'':d uith: . F,.:96ent to or for lhe accoun! of the gnantors or t,ronlgagors of . the ftril considr-,ration for the estete or interest to br: instrred. . F.r'oper instrunent(s-) cneating the estete or interest to be irts.ured r,rust be E)rric tltr-,d and dtrlg f i lr-'d f on n,lcordr to-w it: ftELEASE OF DEED CF TRUST !)ATED JUt{E 21 ' Tqg2' FRO'1 DEt{A GEFiSF.ACH TO TTtE F,UP.I. I C TRUSTEE OF EAGI-E COUN TY FOR TtJE USE OF COLON i AL iNvESTTTENT C0RF0FATION T0 SECURE THE 5Uf'l 0F S21OrO00.oo FEccRDED JULY 20, 1982, rN BO0l( 343 AT F',AGE 130. SAID DEED OF TRUST UAS ASSIGNED TO FIRST FEDERAL SAViNGS ANO LOAN ASSOCIATICN, YORK , NEe.RASKA IN ASSIGNI'IENT FECoRDED APFIL 11, 1983' ]N E00K 357 AT t',ACE 479. tiELEASE 0F DEED 0F TRUST DATED JULY OB, 1982, FR0tl CHARLES 6EFiSP,ACH Ai..JD DEi\tA tiERSBACH 1'C T}{E F'UBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE U5E CF TiCg.ERT U. RUt}FR 1C SECURE T}1E SUI'I CF E115,T,OO,OO F:ECORDED JULY fo, 1982, I il P.001( :143 AT F AGE 112. tTFLEASE 0F DEED CF lRLl5T 0ATED FEP'RUAR\' ?g' tgg3, FF:0rr CHARLES GERSEACH TO THE F'UP.L1C TFIUSTEE CF SAN IlIGUEL COUI{TY FCR THE U5E OF THE E.A1t( oF TELLURInE T0 sFcLlRF rt-tE sufit cF *"30,000.00 REccF:0ED APRIL 11, 1983, iN P,C0l( 357 AT PAGE 463. li0TE: SAID t)EED OF TFiLIST f'IUST BE RELEASE0 RY,THE PUP.LIC TRLISTEE OF SAN IilGUEI. COUNTY AND FECORDED UITH THE,CLERK:Ai'ID RF:CCRDER OF EAGLE .-/\ttitTv FIELEASE CF L)EED OF ]FIUST IiATET, AF.RIL:8' 1983, FftON CHARLES GERSP'ACH AND DENA GERSP.f;f,H TO THE PUP.LIC lRUSTEE OF EAGLE CCUNTY FOR THE USE CF BI6 H0FiN JUi{CT10N, LTD. T0 SECURE THE SUfi 0F *5'C00.00 REC0R0ED tlAY 11, 1983, trtl P.ccl( 359 AT PAGE 434. UAF:RAtilY DEED FR0n tlsl{A GERSP.ACH T0 THE l'IABLE T TFiUgT CCNU[,Y I },IG SUP..IECT F'FOFERTY. ER I C}(SOi.,I FEVOCABLE I}EED OF TFiUST FROf'I THE I:AP.LF T. ERIC}(5ON REVOCAS.LE TRUST TO THE F,Up.LIC TRL!STEE 0F EAGLE COUtiTY F0R THE USE 0F C0L0t,l IAL INVESTfIENT c0tiF 0F:AT I CN 10 SECURE THE SUn 0F 1364 , [100 .00. N0TE: THIS PROFERTY flAY BE 5UE-IECT TC THE REAL ESTATE IFIAt{SFER TAX g.Y I'1R1UE OF ITS INCLUSICI{ 1N lHE TOIJi'I OF VAiL, T'URCHASER SilOULD CCNTACT THE TOUN CF UAIL REGARDING SAID ASSESSiIENT. t)ULY ACI(t{CI,'LEDTiED AFFICAVIT SETIING FORTH THE I{AfTIE OF THE 'TIAP'LET. ERICI(SOi{ ftEt'CCAELE TRUST AS A TRUST, ANC TI-iE NAIiES A}IC ADORESSES 0F ALL t)F 11rE lRLtSlF.tS UHO ARE K'EPRESENTED BY SAIO TRUST, THE NAfiES oF TFtE TFUSTTES UH0 nAY ACnUIRE, CCNVEY, ENCU''le,ER' LEASE' CR 0THEFiUliiE t)EAL UITH itiTFRFSTS Il.{ HErrL FF:0PERTY F0R 5AI0 TRUST' AND A.L.T A O f n I T n E N r oo SCHEOIILE B- 1 ( Requ i retoents ) App,l i c at i on No. V0005258-2 OiI]ERIJISE COTIPLYIi.IG I,'ITH THE F'ROVISIONS OF SECTION 38-30-166 OI' TI{E 1973 CRS, EVIDENCING THE E.XISTENCE OF SAID TRUST F'RIOR TO iTS ACTIIUISITION OF SUP.JECT PFOPERTY. t \ r n (} o(} n r r n E N r oo SCHEOULE B-2 (E>rcep,tlons) Application No. V000521.,8-2 lrr: F,ol icg or p'ol ic ir:g to br: issued witl contain Eitceptions to theollouirig unle,ss t,he ea,ritj are disg'osed of to the satis.faction of lhe otlF BnU ! . Stanclard E>lc ep,t i one I thnough 5 p,r i nt,c_,d on the c over sheet . . Ta:.:r:s .;nd asEegsnenls not gr-,1 drre or p,.agabl e :4d 9F,ec i al as9e.-srnentsrrot get centif ied {o the Tne.r"-unen's off ica,. - t'rng unpa i d tailes or BsEess,;rr:nts aga i nst sa i d I and. . Lieng f ot^ unFaid uater and sr:wer charges, if eng. . R16HT OF PROF'RIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REIIOVE HIg ORE THEREFRCIT1 SHOULO THE sAIIE P,E FOUND TO F.ENETRATE OR II{TERSECT THE PREt{ISES AS RESERUED It'l UNITED STATES pATENT RECoRDED tlAy 06, 1905,II{ POOI( 48 AT F'AGE I73, Tl-iE EXISlENCE CF THE rill{ERAL EXCEFTION AN0,/0R FiESEF(UATI0t{ SHotitN AS ITER 9, SCHEDULE E-!, UII.L NOT AFFECT CUR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORAOO Eti[)0ti5E t'rEi.,lT t't0, I110, ?9 T0 0LtR fI0FTGAGEE'S F.0L I Cy UHEN I SSLtED. ]. FiIGHT OF UAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CCNSTRUCTED P.Y THE AUTHOFITY OF THE UNllED STATES AS RESEFVED IN UI.{]TEO STAlES FATFT{T F:EccRDEO f'lAY06, 1905, IN B00t( 4B AT FAGE 273. THE EXISTEtiCE 0F THE EASEnENT SH0UN nS ITER N0. r0, scHE0uLE g-?, I.'II-L NCT AFFECT OUR ABILITY TO ATTACH COLORADO ENDORSERENT NO. I.03.1 TO OLIR I.iOFiTGAGEE'S FOL I CY L,HEIi I sSUED . I.. FiESIftICTIUE COUEiIANTS, TJHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR FiEVERIER T;LALISE, PUT OTI]TIlNG RESTFICTIOI{S, IF AI'IY, P.A5ET) Oi{ FACE, COLOR, F(ELI61CN, OR NATIO}iAL ORIGIN, AS CONTAINED IN ITiSTRUNENT RECCRDED JULY ?6, 7977 ' IN P.C0l( ??t AT FAL-iE 140 AiiD AS AllEti0ED Iii INSTRUi"iENT F(ECCRDED flAY 05, 1977, IN EoCK ?54 AT F,AGE e6E. ::. TL'Fi'tS, [:CIiDII}OIiS, AI{C F.ROVISIONS OF F.ARTY I.'ALL AGREEfiENT RECORDEO f,lAy 2B r i 98_r, Iil E00K 341 AT FAGE ?5. i, FoFi z0llItiG F'uriF0sEs, THE TU0 L01S CRSAIED p.y THIS SUp-DIUlSI0i,t ARE T0EE TFiEATED AS ONE ENTITY TJITH NC f'}CRE THAN CNE TIJO FAITIILY RESIDENCE ALL9I,']EO ON ]HE CONP. II{EO AREA CF THE TUO LOTS. ALLOiJAELE GRCSS RESIDENTlAL FLOCR AREA FOR THE TI,JO FAnILY FiESIDE}icE UILL BE CAL CULATED P.ASEO ON THE COIlP.I I,IEO AREA OF THE TI,JO LOTS. ITENS I-4 +F STATIDARD EXCEPTIONS UILL EE DELETEO FROH NCRTGA6E i.OLICY UFON FiECEIF,T OF SATISFACTCRY LIEN AFFIDAVIT AI{D SURVEY. FOR''I 1OO.OO UILL BE ATTACHED TC IlCRTGAGEE'S POLIEY HHEN lSSUED. \ -COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LANDTITLE GUARAIITEE C0MPAi'|Y P. O. BOX 357, 108 SO. FRONTAGE BOAD WEST, VA!L, COLORADO 81657 Telephone (303) 476-2251 fnsr.t-a{'^t. Reprasenting: Jrrr-r Insunnrucr fiorvrenruv on ffirrurrrESorA TfM Form 2542 V 2/Al AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT - 1970 Rev. lr-rsuRANcE CoTPANY or [\/|TNNESoTA a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnercta TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or referred to in Sdredule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Slipulations hereof. This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endoresement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obliga- tions hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS l. The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instntrnent. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim ot other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in wiiting, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any los or damage resulting from any act of reliance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company other- wise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Uability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties in- cluded under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in re- liance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exc€ptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquite or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Sctredule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and tlre exclusibns from Coverage of the form of policy or policies com- mitted for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed Insured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgage thereon corared by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: I . Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements,,or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by tlte public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Title lnsurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized ofhcers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer or other authorized signatory. Jrrr-e lrn-r |rusunr,r.rcr Ioruenr'rv or ffirrur'rEsoIA - oo -crylH Application No. V00057?? For ll nf orrrtat i on 0n t g $s0.00 ' ALCOornrrnENt OO SCHHDULE A * Charges * 0wner. Pol icg PITHL. I fl . --T+TAL*- $:t0.00 tl i ih gour rern i t tance please ref en to Vll0llf,72?. t. Effective OateI SEFTE'{IBER 12, 19SB at 8r(10 A.f'l , ?.. Poticg ?o be issued, and prnposed Insuredc ''ALJ'4,. Owner's F o1 i cg TED Fornr B*197O ( Amended 1tJ-17-70 ) Propnsed Insuredl THE I'IAP.LE T. ERICKSON REVOCABLE TRUST 3. The esl,al,e or interest in the land descrikred sr referred to in this Conrrl itnent and csvered herein iss A FEE 4. Til,le ts ihe eslafe or interest covered herein is et the eff*ctivedete heneof v*sted in: 5. I'he lend refenred to in this Cornrtritment is deecribed as foltous: PARCEL A, A RE$UBoM$IoN 0F LoT 14, A RISUBDIVT$I0N 0F'rRAIT E, UAIL VILLA6E ELEVE]'II'H FILING ACCoRDING TO 1HE FLAT REC0fi0ED flAY 28, 19F? IN B00K 341 A'r PA6E 2S, CoUNTY 0F HAGLH, STATE 0F COLoRAoO. ALrOOn.llrrnHNT oo $f,Hf Dr.,r"r. B* I (Requirerrr*nts) Appf ic*tion l{o. U0005719 l'he Follouring are the requ ir,rtirents t.o he corrrpl ied uith:1, Fagirient t,a or for the accounl, of th* grantorr or rirortgagors of the f u11 cons icleraf i on f orLhe estat,e or i nteresf, t,n be i nsured. t. firng,13p inst,ruoent(s) c.p*aiing the estat* $r interest to lr* insured rirust, b* execut,*d end dulg f i Led f cn record, tB-i4 it: ' AttOOo*flI IrrtENT oo ${:H[DUr-t B-? t Except ions ) ApF,l i cat i an i,io. V00037?9 I'he policg or potici*s to be issued uill cont,ain exceptionE fo thefollowing unl*ss the san* are distosed af to the sai,isfaction af the {lornpang: 1, St,andand E>rcep,f ions I thr^ough 5 printed orr th* cover she*t. 6 " Taxes and agsessrrrent,s not get du* or pagab Le and sp*c i e I assesstoents not g*t ceri,ified t.o th* Tr*aEuFeF's office. 7" Ang unpaid tax*s Gr tssseEsrrr*nts against said tand. 8. Liens fot^ unF*id uat,er end sew*r charg*s, if eng. ?. RI6HT 0F PR0FRIEi0R 0F A UH.tN 0R t.0DE'r0 EXTRA{:'t AND Rf:,1'l0Vg HIS 0RE lHEftETRO!I SiHOULO 1'IIE SAf'IE BE FOUI'ID TO F.€NETRAl'E OR INTER$I-CT THE FRHTIII}HS A5 RF:SHRVED IN UNITHD STATH$ FAt rNT RfrC0RDE0 i'rAY 06, 1?05, It't BooK 4s AT fj.AGE 27:i. 10. RIGHT OF L'AY F'OR DITf,HES OR ilAilAL$ CO}'I$TRUf,TEO C.Y 1'HE AUTHORI'TY OF 1'HH IJNII'UD STATES AS RESEftVHD IN UNI'TED STATE$ F'ATEN1' RECORDED I'IAY06, 19$5, IN P.00H 48 AT F,AtiE 275. t 1. RESTRI{:t'rVE CoUENANTS, UHICH D0 N0T CONI'AIN A F0ttFEITURE 0R REVERTEn cLAUS[., guT otlITTrNG RESTRICTI0N$, rF ANy, BA$ED 0N RACE, noL0R, RELI{.lI0N, OR NArIoNAt.0RIGIN, A$ CoNTAINED IN 1N$THU|'IENT REC0RDED .JULY 16, lVTL, 1N E00K 2?J. AT PAGE 14n AND A€i AI-lENDE0 rN It'l$TRUl'IENT RHC0ttDHD i'tAY CI5, L97'/, IN B00K ?54 Ar FADE A,95. 1;1. TgRllS, il0NDITI0N$ AND PR0VI5I0N$ 0F r"'ARTY l,tALL A0REEf'rENT F{EC0RDED I'IAY t8, 199:l IN E00l( 341 AT FA$H ?6. 13. F0R Z0N1N6 PURF0$ESi, THE Ttt0 L.0T$ UITEA'rED p.,y lHtS giUp,0IVI$I0t't ARE 1'0P,f: R}.ATHD AS ONE F:N1'ITY I,'I1'T{ NO I'IORE THAN ON€ TIIO f"AIIILY RH$IDENCI: ALLOI,IED ON TI.IE UOIlBlNED AREA OF' THE 1I'IO LOTS. ALLObJABLE tiRO$$ RESIDt'-NTIAI- FLOOR AREA F0R fHE Ttl0 FAf'IILY REIiIDgNCE t,ILL $E CALCULA]'EO BASiED ON IHE COf'IBINED AREA OF THE 1'I.'O LOT5. oooo LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 3665 Cherry Creek North Drive Denver, CO 80209 321-1880 13693 East lliff Avenue Denver, CO 80232 7514336 8iil33 Greenwood Boulevard Denver, CO 80221 427.9363 31 10 S. Wadsworth Boulsvard Suite 102 Denver, CO 80227 988-8550 [!ilo Kipling Streat Lakewood, CO 80215 232.3111 P. O. Box 2280 Breckenridge, CO 80424 453.2255 303 South Cascade Colorado Springs, CO 80903 63/.4821 121 1 Main Avenus Durango, CO 81301 247.6860 P. O. Box 357 108 So, Frontaga Road W€3t Vail, CO 81657 476-2251 3600 S. Yosamite, Suite 350 Dsnvsr, CO 80237 7794220 650-17th Stroet Denver, CO 80202 629-7329 9725 E. Hampden, Suite 103 Denver, CO 80237 750€,424 COMMITMENT TO INSURE This commitment was produced and isued through the office of LANDTITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY P. O. BOX 357, 108 SO. FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, VAIL, COLORADO 81657 Taf ephone l3J'Sl 47 6 -2251 Tltl. Inrur.nc. Comprny ot Mlnnr.otr lt. tubaldl.ty ot MlnnaDia Thla Flnanchl Corgor.tlon. NASOAO Sy|ttol - MTIT. E =t nJd I I l_ ,Ft<ro I I I I I, tt-t<e,IFl9z t= ;::;il\- r,lz*az,t<ozEti:Sa<a ,l<933i.934t itsi?li=:ili"<cO> -.,< c it||Jo=<(<',: zzf;e FiEg, IE }EE3iFaSEoEGOZ)ztr^ aO7zozr!<o* (LY FO.j c.i J uJzlu C ct z I uJ = 6l I.El ILl slFl pl 'I F-rl-ol r-{l =l Isrl (lJlot oldl rul tFl:< F-lJ .rldt >ltltFlt'FlI ctll> I I<l*! lzF-i JIL xa o.5o LoE =d, c,tg-ovlL @(5 ui =z d) -ta UJ o = llJ =z -(L F =E uJ o J = o- F I.lrl vrl Eiolc)l (ul .:Zo(uc (U E IIo! t tE llJ o F ah uJ oo = = =c tr g uJ o - = t!lGI ol 1l <l =l o, EO L! o I=E_ tr IJ.Jz 3 a.I F UJ EI <F r.! <zE IJ.I F tqZ <o(JF;sfiF-,2tl E 9P E3]F)zO- a'\)6 *5!?F =2=tvi,z =g Eoall *Eo2 )<()o?.5H oz F C) UJ-)oeo- Ir-ll@l E UJF o Etx! zoz o9zQ coo =z=ld8 J O()zE (D Lu -At=r= co Eco o o .= Jr- EFo;i()r o lJ--,o9ur:.LE>TFoato! E =E, UJo-zoFoD E,Fozoo \ : I I I I I a \ ' zoNE ot[cK for sFR, .R, n P/S ZoNE DISTRICTS t t I Ecsoc Legal Description: Lot /? nock 4T Filing Ana.z-t,.,.tt I t.//r/ t/ //tuV' Ytt'+C 0ffier (:ru)6'/tC/f Aichitcct Zone'District K:,' proposecl Use t rot Aruo J Proposed f' Setbacks: Front-nequiftd 20r'*Fioiiosed Sides-Required '15' proposed __a . Rear -RcquireC 15' Proposed oA =I'laterccurse-required ?e r 'proposed _D4 ' GRFA: Al'toued t €8.a S prorrosed t3S3Z-uKrA: ,u roueo r t--cri5. ) . ' proposed I=OSZ_ . GRFA: .Primary Al lor+ed prinrnry proposed 2 77 7 Secondary A'll or'red Secondary Proposed /;YS _ Proposed 3z7q Proposccl -9 Pt opl;:ed ,7 Site Coverage: Alloived pO 7t 3 Z 7 i' Landscaping:' Required __6_gj4._ ParP.ing:. Reqrri.,. - T Ilrive: Slope Permitted Environmental/llazards: .Avalanche Flood Pr'ain 'Slope g%SIope Actual ah /(!:l:Alrpioyr.;t/n i;1rPi^oi'l:ti box 'l00 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-56't3 department of community development Ju'ly 8, 1981 Char] ie Gersbach/Bob Ruder 4496 E. Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 RE: DRB Submi tta'l Lot 14, Resub. vv llth Dear Char'l i e: At the July l meet'i ng of the Des'i gn Revjew Board, your submittal for a new two-family residence was given final approval with a total GRFA of 3610 sq.ft.: 2l4L sq.ft. primary and 1469 sq.ft' secondary. The fo1 lowing stipu'l at'ions were made: stucco co1 or be changed to #9038, and existing vegetation be pruned. of 7 /t/81 Tract E, Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df r - -- - -' RECEI RECETVED FROM ADDRESS a-l DoLLARs $ :3L,1; /) I I i f: Permit Numbers HOW PAID-Cash-Check Numbers l/ -- Project Application e.1" Jurt,= \, r':J8"1 Projecr Name: 6r=/: <ts c-',Jtl '" Project Description, I I Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: i4 .lic 5S3t Architect, Address and Phone: v Lesar Description,r-ot t4, """F'i;.11--?l,in Com ments: ! r-.{.-'vB1tr r,; r1 | C t-. (,*-rrJci *t iirii., Vr.tu VrtJ--r\(-C ll Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: (l Project Application Proiecl Name: Project Descriplion: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Design Review Board DISAPPROVAL co 9,fo A -Qz box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47$6ffHi z ao<> department of community development Dear Design Review Board Applicant: Enclosed ls your Design Beview Board. Project Application showingthe approval/disapproval of your project including comments fromthe Board. If you received approval from the Design Review Board, you must make any corrections stipulated by the Board and bring the revisedplans to the Town Planner before applying for a Building Permit. No site work may be commenced until the revi-sions are approved bythe Town Planner and two sets of working drawings are submittedto the Buildi.ng Department. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call the Town Planner at 476-7000, ext- 236, DEPARTMENT OF COMIUUNITY DEVELOPMENT .LIST OI: }'I'TIJRIALS - NAME or PRoJEcr 6Ft44c4 TEGAL DESCRIPTIoN: rcr--lilslocK-FrLrNc-V4/t.-vtJ-AlF qLEvE <JTH' - DEscRrprroN oF plulcr iler:! - -TbJg -aAM il q 3E+/OE-tf7-/A+ . - The following infornation is Board bcfore a final aPProval A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails F lues Fl.ashings Chinneys Trash Enclosures Gr eenhous e s Other PLAN'| i'4A1'lirl,IALS (Vegetativc, Land.scapin g Bol.cnical Nari:e I,lat:erials ii:c,1 uciing Cottitrion Naii:e Tlircs, Strrubs, and a:e'*:_lr C rorrud Cover) 9U: )//z-24" 24/ required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review can be given; TYPo of lrtaterial Colog /* 6 EEc N<->a lLA I> B. ?tt tE Fyt{-,rt/.Lr- I t*/ t-/3 eva*/LJool) --. €-e/€T/A/(?"-- NJu-a.-e--&etb Nea'e tr0a40 q 11|<i1-.114-t1l lt 2,/,-^L tt/2t/ (AL;eEALffi -r4*. "f--.-- l-ottre.&t*,* 5 4,L SUBDIVISION UTILIIY- LoCAIIoN VrI,lF ICATI_oN 2esu*Dt,JrSto*l oF T?kr JoB NNaE bEZ#Ml _ - Lar)ul_BLocK ADDRESS ZbZo The location of utilities, lines, must be approved and accompanying site plan. whether they verified bY be the nain trunk lines or ProPosed following utilities for the Date Wu ,u-pt r_+e/ Gkry -E4t/n Authorized Mountain Bel1 Western Slope Gas Public Service Conpany Holy Cross Electric Assoc.' Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District NOTE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit fron the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Tor'un of Vail. A, building perrnit is not a street cut Permit. A street cut Permit must be obtained separatel y. This folni is to veri-fy service a'railablity and locntion. This shoul<1 be used in conjunctj.on witir preparing your util.ity plan and schedul ing jnst"allations. HYDBO-TRIAD, LTD. April 28, l98l l.lr. Charles Gersbach Vail Associates Real Estate' Inc. 8ox 7 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear l,lr. Gersbach: At your request, we met with Hr. Bill Piercg: IglI architect' regarding your loi 14 in'the resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Vil'lage llth Filing. Based on a review of the Gore Creek Floodplain.lnformatlon Eeport (FPIR) prepared by Hydro-Triad, Ltd.-in Jtrne, tffias well as a site topographic inap'suppl;-ea -Uy you with more detai'l ed survey information, we find minima'l lOb Veb'r ftood-ptiin impingement upon your lot. Two stream cross sections (num-bers 49.5 ind 49.5.1 from the FPIR) are_adjacent to Tract E' the former iying within 25 of the lot. The resultant f'loodplain infringement as defined f-rom-the flood e1 evation of these cross sections and your contour map is indicated on the attached figure. Therefore, this lot has adequate area for constructjon outside the floodplain limit. Provided that proposed construction occurs outside the boundary of_the 100 year f'loodplaih, it is our understanding of Vails' .floodplain -regulationsthafno furthei' floodp'lain evaluation need be performed. No floodplain alteration is proposed. The minimum buildjng finish floor e'l evation for this site shou'ld be'AZbS.5 construction within these constraints wil'l cause no negative impact upon the floodplain. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service. pl ease call. If you have any guestions, Sincerely, HYDRO-TRIAD, LTD. B. Mat Proj ect Manager cc: William Pierce Attachment wBM/mfg /..3;SIt,,Q I 17188 n ;r Yonrn, t*)/. o', ett LAKEWOOD. COLORADO 8022812617 WEST CEDAR DRIVE - SUITE 1OO PHONE 303-989-1264 o 5 A-- l\&l t, tt -i ,€<j \r ) t / It-/ It € ,99 (J6 '#iiI J t !i cr -8 rt ,'r/ l=---- 7roI\ \\ ,') ! t\tt t ll / /n'.24 h;q rttz ts ! I I II , +,q b $ i c; srrt ,a) SI \l ? F XI a Rq $ \ H $ $ h Nn \ \I fl, /t' 7, \-E' -i'-l I / /i\l I I r (O rr gr r\- /' I / t it , I o ? t "$ ,"ll-fx / #,),/i,h/ /\.//L I // r ,/^i:.- I.t ,'//,9 / i / /! f t- I ll /; .ltttr!ttttt t/ I , T II fr It { o lf) n qJ 7ii' tS aouth l ontsga road,\. v.rl, Peter Palten Slnior Plinn6r Deparlmeot ol Community Developm6nl department of community development April 16, 1.981 This letter is in regard to your inquiry on Lot l4o VaiL Villagellth Filing, Resubdivision of rract E. The lot app"r.r on the Townrsfloodptain map as not being significantly affectei'by the flood plain,However, a letter written several years ago (attached) indicates there $)r be a flood plain problern on thl tot. -This issue should be clarifiedthrough a study by Hydro-Triad relating to lot 14. Cg"g:TIg the square footage issue, I will agree with the new figureof 15'858 as determined by Bill Andrews. Thii allows 378s squarefeet of GRFA to be built on this lot. Please contact ne or Peter Janar if yourve further questions. Rocky Christopher V.A. Real Estate Box 7 Vail, Colorado 81658 f,,',r.,.--S{L.-1?80 tt. Al,pt.l c^'t'r ol.r I'oli['Lq[ai!li'1i.ll-\:litilLl--l!l:r,l-'ll:s*l- Appl icant Roberc W. Ruder 4575 Streanside Appl i.cant rs Ilcprcsentat ive lurbctt F qrao Phone sffne c.Autlroriz.ation of Propcrt)' 0t'irrcr Si.gnature Nanrc of Adclrcss Nanc of Add::css Ill ^|t,'rl v Adclrcss s:np -. --.-.-- Phorre---54 Proposal Block !'ee $100 Tlpe of Subdivision: (chcck one) l,tajor (irlvolving nore than 4 lots) l*li.nor (involving 4 or fer'rer lots) X Duplcx (spl j.tting er clup)cx stllrctul'c and/or lot) Ploccdures for: tnajo:' and nfuror subdivj'sions ar-e as Subdivisiorl Rcgulations on PaSes 9 tlu:ough 20' definccl in thc Totin of Vrr'l lriling vrir Vrttage tl kss' of fract E' - Dul;lcx strb<Jivision :'cquircs thc sanre irtllortnation as a i'l'quir:"t"ttt th.t thc follorr'ing stotcr crlt nrtrst apPccl Toun of VniI aPplovol: I. I:or zclt'tittg or othcl I attcl-tt:-'c lcgtrlirl iotrs of t'he 'Iorlr oJ' clc"tc.l b1l this srthclivisi olr ilt'c- dcetttcd to bc onc Iot ' rcsjdcncc trt"ii ittt''irinttita o" thc cotitbirtc:d arcns of tlttr Gloss llcsitlt,nt.i.:rl-l:lool' AIc:I ((;Rl:''\) fol tlrc tr"o-f:rrlrily calctrl ntr.ta ,.,si,.ri1 titc colrrt'ittcd itrcrt of the tu'o patccls' J. Tir,,rc llcrlr i t.(I[cnts : l.l:r.ior irrrtl ttt-i.not' :rrrbclivi siotrS ttrlrst htr ltPlrfot'Cd b1' t lrt' I'l: ''' ittl; artt l:nvir.orrnrrtt:rl Crrrnritissiotr. 'fl.r" I'i;i:';;;;;;-;;t tll:: ,.ii:" "".'l'4th I'l'rr'l'rl's 'l' r" lt ruorrt'. A' irgr'l jcttl .i .lt r,'ith t ll(' llcc(:S::ill')' il(:collU):lny ilt1l t':rtr:riirl nrrtst l)!' :itli)1" i lcd ' fottt' ('1) wcttiii pt'iol to tltc <l:ttc ol: l ltt: rrr('ct jn8' D.Locati-on of Lot 14 l\n' \\ F. G. H. rrrinor subdivisiorr t"ith l;lrc' orr t.hc plat bcf.olc' 1'ccc:"''i l'rg VlriI, tlrc tt"o p:trt I s No nrorc tlliltr ()ll(' t\" ) il'irlilil "'t\,o l)Or.ccl s. Ailti...irlc ltrsidcncc sll:rlI bc Txts Dunn, Made this 19 81, between ofthe STATE OFCALIFORNIA pcrsonally appcarcd Colorrdo, of the first par.t, 8nd gy$ *O"r*, *. May ROYCE, KrM ROY RIIDEF "A}.ID DENA .4cERsBAcH, asrn @mrqr and H.W; DOU county#s Trustee for pftggtgff E DOUGHTERY day of POLLY },1. DOUGHTERY tenants rvlrose legal addr.ess is "t"ii,.*""."rH. rhst the ,li'o"i'jlrr;t.rrn"?,?"?t*"",, "" "".;::j"?;'"::;:**'"'j,::Tcon(r part: TWO HUNDRED TWENTY Two lfiousAllD AND NO,/lOO--- DoLLARS, to the reid party of thc firrt part in hand paid by the raid prrty of the'eecond psrt, the receipt whereof ir hereby coDfcrxcd und acknowledgcd, hat grantcd, bargained, nokl und conveyed, and by thosc presentB does grant, bargain,nel[, convey and confirm, unto the said party of the second part, his heirr and assigns forever, all the following deEcribed lot or parcel of land, situate, lying and being in the('ounty of Eagle and State ofColoredo, to-wit: LOT 14,a resubdivision of Tract E, VAIT, VILIAGE I1TH FILTNG, llso known as street and nu nrber ToCETIIER with all and ringular the hereditaments and appurtenanees thereto belonging, or in anywise apper- tnilrin8, and l,hc reversion and reversions, remainder and remainders, renta, issues und profits thercof; rnd ult thc "st| tc. l'ight. titlc, i nterest, clainr and de mand whatsoever of thc said party of t he first part, either in lllrv or c.l uity, of, in .nd to thc ab.ve burgointd pre4rises, with the hcreditunronts and appurtcrmncclr. TO HAVE AND T0 HOLD the said plenriser above bargained and r.lescribed, with thc 1l)pu rtqnir n((.ri, unt(, [6. s1i(l Party of the second part, his heirs and arsigns folever. And the said party of the first part, for himsclf, lris l1rrr.s, executors' and adrnit istt'ators, does covenant, grant, bargein, and agree to and with the said party ofthe second pa|r, his heirs and assigns. that st the time of the ensealing and detivery of these presents, he is well seized of the premises above conveyed' as of good, sure, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estate ofinheritance, in law, in fee simple, and has good right, full power and lawful authority to grant, bargain, rell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, and that the same are free and clear from ell former and other grants, bargaina, sales, liens, taxes, asseasments and encumbronceg ofwhatevet kind or nature soever.Except for easements, restrictions, covenants and rights ofsray of record, U.S. patent reservations, and real pr;pertytaxes for 198l and subsequent years. tdividual)g Nrc INSURANC€ AND IRUSI I part, his it thcreof, nbel shall year filst - lsEALl /. lsDALt "- lsEALl:ee tor ,iry rfficitl scal. ) cou vrr on__San__Ui_e9o__l $. On Ivlay 18, l9B1 *ror" € -,knowntomc lo bc rhc pcrson-S-whosc namcs €If,€ ""il;;;lo .hc within instrurncnt and acknowtcdgcd ttrar they - cxcculcd thc sartc. WITNESS my hand and official scat. Signaturc_j I _-l '.dr t ir: ir.\ ii,. l I-,'lat ] i , I t,l,r (ThL |'c. tor offcht aor.rhl r.rl) Sharon I,.Vervoort a POLICY-FO o OWNER'S - IoFORM NO. C-6000-38 FOR USg W|TH COLORADO REGION AMERICAN LAND TITLE A66OCIATION RM B-t97O (AMENDED 1O.17-7O' I SCHEDULE B 'fhir Policy does not ineure againet loee or damage by reason of the following: l. Righrs or claime of parties in posseseion not shown by the public records. 2. Basements, or claims of eoeernente, not shown by the public recorde. 3. Discrepancica, conllicle in boundary lines, slrortagle in area, encroachments, and any facte which o cor- rcct survcy arrd inspcction of rhc prcmiscs would diaclosc and which are not ehown by rhe public rccords. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not sholen by the public records. 5. Taxes due ond payablc; and any tax, special a6re66nrents, charge or lien imposcd for walcr or acwcr servicc, or lor any othcr spccial taxing district. 6. Rlgltc of che Proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove his ore Eherefrom, should lhe same be found to penerrate or lnEersect the premlses; and righc of way for dlcches or canals constructed by che auEhority. of Ehe United Scaces, all as reserved in Unifed StaCes PatenEs of record. 7. Easemenls as s houn on che recorded plat of Vail VilJ.age, ElevenEh Filing, said easement being l0r ln widLh over the Easterly and Southeascerly lracE llne of subject propar ty. tl . Easements as shown on the recorded plat of a lesubdivision of Tract E, Vall Vlllage Eleventh Filing. 9. RestricEions, uhich do noc contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, buE omiEtint restrlctlons, if any, based on race, iolor, lellgion, or national origin, as contalned ln instrumenc recorded July 26, l97l in Book 221 a! Page I40, and in lnscrunrcnu rccordcd tn Eool< 254 a,t ltugc 865. 10. Easemenc and righc of lray for utility purposes as granted co Gas Facilities, Inc., by inscrunrcnE recordcd Dcccmbcr 15, 1965 in Boolc 187 at Pagc 503. I I . Easemcn! and Right of Hay for Utillty purposes as granEed Eo Vail l.,la t er and Sanitation Distrlcr by instrurrrenc recorded October 20, 1969 in Book 2L6 at Page 21, l?.. Eascmenc and Right of l"lay for UtiIiEy purposes, as granEed c HoIy Cross lilcctric Association, Inc., by inscrumenc recorded occ.ober , l97I in Book 22L at Page 9I( ll. Easemenl and Rlght of Way for Ucllicy purposes, as granted to Vall Water and' Sanltatlon Dlstrict by instrument recorded September 8, 1971 1n Book 22L ac Page 6( 14. lllscntcnu ltl'l Ritrr! of i{ay for "Irilicy purposcs, xs gr.:tnucd to 'l'rlr.' ::-r::.: ii!,.'r:tr j.c r\ssociirL iutr, itrc., Lry iuscrur:)!:nc rccordcd Scptunrbcr 14, i9i i irr l,iuoir :2r :rt l.;rg<: )1 ol SCHEDULE B-Continued 15. DeedofTnrsrfrom: Robert W. Rud.er and Dena Gersbach to thc Public Trugtee of the County of Eag1e forthcuse of : VaiI National Banktorccure : SI30,000.00 rloted : Alay 26 , 19 81recorrled : May 28, 1981 in Book 323 at page 928 FoRM *o. "-oooo-"o I FOR UAE WITH C:OLORAOC' NEGION AIIERICAN L^ND TITLE ASAOCIATION LOAN POLICY I97O (AMENOED IO.I7-7O) I FOR U6E W|TH CC'LOiADCT iEGtON AmETTCAN LAND TTALE AraCtClATrON Ot'NEi'a FOLTCY-FOiM g-ttto (AlrExDED lo-f:t.7o) SUBDIVI SION Possible Develonmen ol'It\lERBLOCK Slowt'o/€e5 Vft Vft Vfr 6ps, F4I-K &erl-t &oyce glltsret ltlqEJla BP*ND€ ncntLL', (+ Wt ITEREI L lLLEE EELE tlJh moEiFt N€ VottBee ,A!Dtr- l ftND6t--i (P2r, 6F/ )5,0)/,344 bo Pa "J '' t" nn *I o" +,(,r/ t) office of the town manager August 4, L977 Re: Lots 13 and A " Resubdivisionof Tract r, E-il Village llthFiling, Flood Plain. Dear Jim: We have reviewed the recommLndations set forth in theiluly 26th letter from Hydro-Triapr Ltd. rf the 100 yearflood plain can be eliminated uding an earth-berm as outlinedby Hydro-Traid, the Town will q6nsider. the subject lots freeof 100 year fLood plain for zgf.Lng consideration. IJ you have any questidns, please give me a call. vail, colorado 81657 1303) 476-s613 ilim BartlettVail, Colorado e1657 Sincerely, DEPARTMENT Jrlldi