HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 TRACT E LOT 15 LEGALI J ll i @z o =F o d- fE€;:Y€=;E a€€E;; isFi;e E j l'e'i t € l;E; : Eg€B€: i I I I -l\ \ol i I I I I I I I l I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Fl,rl\q ad d'i .r{ z j qI djl4u\ dcr{ colNl * = 2.3 :-A !le '= t;- I I I l l I I I-lEI'!c.lEl 3t') h : \ z r{t{- oF -uEaq Y!-:>x \vL.J)zzqrs< E:.; ^aU)i -. :'-z"v)z: * n' !--ts2 rt;:r.\ .rJ v HtrZZ ir iq1 -'r -': =f=€q4ca\ <., r"oE ztrl F- i--- *9i*<-.-<YoliF- ?i'. .<z .-tL>io0 ? E .,.r ^a4 - 'F \,,/ -l-f\^-' l\ !.rqJ Ito> *J , .a '\)r/: :\ LrJ '>('l\4|'<-*.rYv l4>+<eie= I..:EXFZU.-c<:-hFlri a- -i !auSxs...'FYl-AacZ{S,..i sI!\ \.,/ ,. F e \q tr{iF -a. tFr-ttF+ta)+ Ar Fil rn F -raJE -tr,l- H -H -fflFJ E'F q-a fh\.F'v t- -F(IF? -a!l{|e F\ -aL. l-t{ EI+F{FLr f.a €FT\sv if{ 11 A. irf rdLf.Pi+{ .lJrhft{Ae z q U o. F F-.$ It-. hl t..1 ag ol :11 61: r{l\xlrrl'l BIol =l =.; .= ;-: { tU lJa q) .d .-t.rl ru ]Ja t.rq) I *ign Review Action Fen TOWN OF VAIL :_ Category Num Date lWAv Projest Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVGontact, Address and Phone: Lesaf Description ^16 M;Jn Subdivision Zone District K. Project Street Address: Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by: U.lf .t I -_-i*1 | Seconded by: t=r ,huncctou"l ! Disapproval 5 Slatf Approval voet 4* La Gonditions: Town Planner Date: r-? g 'q2:DRB Fee Pre-paid ratS tnpu,lct+ BEwt' - q-ou T i*t* 6nEN kr.,-+e4 +N* C^y - 6L, d{ipli'b- (,utit w 2?.ttJ-r^z} Uor/f.- vlr/rro-v- codilftfi .{tlncrl- ?-ftn. rnot crvr,tn^l €{vtc^u Trlt - zrct 4-o t ZONE CHECK outc: Mi\ la,lffi Legaldescription,ro, l4ffie Addrcss Architcct Zonc district Phone Phone Buildable area =-4P-- Proooscd Total Remaining + 4314 = +sjT {TT7 -\<r;fPrimary IRFA nqb {qz5}ots*t=4Ll 4io+ = 4ti>_ Sccondary cwt t44b @]6ts*1-2*u rc( - 50t * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition y'Docs this request involve a 250 Addition? l4,O / Ho* much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this repuest? htzvt't Allowed +@ =34a= 4 t4+ /Landscaping (,pF5 v;ro"or^ l0,m IUH- tqgn- 7o RetainingWall Heights 3',/6', Required 5 O 5 2 Enclosed % ProposedSlope /Guagecredit p6xhpoo)(r2oo) 4nurnu,Permitted Slope Yes- /- Yes- v{) Percent Slope (<>30%)-22 {zlnooqlan W'waa (t(t(n :w'S ,'gdAo ' iv.,A" .ovwftr4:gVllt6f15 F{f- oE er J dA^'r'3)Wetlands ?zbloi n,^,,. A\ 1ar , ,, , ,^ ^7f,;i\,, , -- ./ . - ,' Vv'vttKal-,,'4;waterCourseSetback1060fuue,C.nz.L- Y"'''ffi6fvt v'5) Geologic Hazards a) SnowAvalanche M b) Rockfall w fl Complies with TOV Lighting Ordinancc /'sitccou"rage Zdlo r'Haent /Sctbacks 3b 1o' lb rlt\ 7l )nl l5' l5' /o o % No No/ Arc finished grades less than 2: I (50%) {^r, o*r,rntal4{azards Prcvious conditions of approval (check proper$ Proposcd use-Nrt4o, 3-t5D + ?42 / gqD f, rotr cnna 4j-fu * ?8+7 (3@ Front Sides Rear Existing Is the property non-conforming? Describe: file,.: / c) Debris FIow 1"0 "/ EnvironmentalHazards ,/ Trees Utility locations Spot elevations Scale Building Height Encroachments Setbacks Site Coverage EaveVOverhangs (4) Decks/Balconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slope RetainingWalls Fences Parking/Garage TumingRadius Driveway (access and grade) Snow Storage Fire Access DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Projcct: tr SURVEY,/ Scalc Benchmark Legal description Lot Size Buildable Area Easements Topography I fi) yr. fl ood pl an (fwd, bwe.@'Aft) Water Course Setback tr FLooRPLA]..{S Scale GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crarvl\Attic Spacc EHU tr BUILDn.IGELEVATIoNS Scale ColorWaterials Roof Pitch D LANDSCAPEPLAN Existing trees Proposed trees Legend MISCELLANEOUS Condo Approval Title report (A & B) Utility vedfi cation form PhotoS ofsite Building material samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shade Anglcs Utilities (underground) View Corridors Variances Plat restrictions ,/ ,/ ,/ hq J E SITEPLAN ,/ ,/ r/ ./ ,/ ,/ r' o AP CENFRAL TNFORMATION fnis apptication is for any projcct requiring Dcsigrr Rcvicrv approval Any projcct requiring dcsigrt rcviow ntust rccciv; Dcsign Revicw approval prioi to submltting for a builtling pcrnrit. For spccific 'nforrnatilrr, scc thc submittal rcquiremcnts for the particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Tlic applicatiorl cannot bc acccpt:'l trntil lllthcrcquircd infornration is subnrittcd. fnc pioSect may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvrr Council and,/or thc Planning and Environmental Commission. Dcsign ReviCw Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. N OF THEREQ PLICATION FOR DIiSIGN II.BVIE!V APPTTOVAI, T?l,//N 0F vAtt, B,LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PHYSICAL AD,l/ NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: F' NAME OF APPLICANT: BLOCK: L. l). MAILINC ADDRESS: U ptu PHONE: G.TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: }(n.tt Construction - $200 Constmction of a ncrv builrling. b- Addition - $50 lncludcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial i comnrercial building. D Minor Alteration - $20 Includcs urinor changcs to buildings and sitc itttpror'.:ttrctits, st'tch as, rcroofing, painting, windorv ltlditions, landscaping. lcuccs ltnil retaining walls. etc. C Conccptual Revicw - $0 For any application whcrc thc applicant wishcs to nlcct rvitlt Dcsigtl Revierv Board to dctern'rinc whcthcr or not thc project gcncrally conrplics with thc design guidclincs. Thc DRB docs not votc on collccPtt'rtl revicrvs. Dl{B fees arc to be paid at the time of subrnittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pcrnrit. plcase identif,r' thc accuratc valuation of the project. The Town of Vail rvill adjust thc fec according to thc projcct valuation PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI\IBNTS Ai'{D THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' VAIL, COLORADO 81657. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): Updarcd 1/97 BUILDINC MATERIALS: l+ ,t'5 'fuuhtil'Ysdtw TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLQ&:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors DoorTrim Hand or Dcck Rails Flues Flashings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other ryq Vt Mttr) +Yw- fu)n it{ adrrr'.Jnfi{iu, l".arlt- * Please specifu the manufachrrer's color, number and attach a small color chip +*AllexteriorlightingmustmeettheTown'sLigbtngOrdinancel8.54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, please indicate thi number offixhres and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixhue type and providc the height above grade, lumens output, luminous area" and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtues' ht ls 8*"3".""f1i.1,1n h'ftlkilr Felilsutbr PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: EobnicatNamc ilnn ?,anw Common Namc Ouantity Sizct H,lraftrn 6 M EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum requirements for landscapi ng:deciduous trecs - 2 inch catiPer coniferous trccs - 6 fcet in hcight - 5 gallons Square Footage GROL'ND COVER SOD SEED IRRTCATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL orHERLANDscApErenrun'e3li.aTl"eliirlilr.H&ii'*itr'"tlFJpootr,c..y Pteasespecify.lndicatetopand bonom ctevations of retaining watls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 fcet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. , a a - l',J F i-1ul , 5l JLlltfre. , A "r o l'.2 .' urruTY r.OcArrONl[EEmrcATlON taf ti * k*tb,).,rttr'.M of Tw-+ B Vo'l 11'lturrn n?i {; l;^u This ftrrn is ro vsri& scrvice evail$ility rrrd loc$ion for ncw coosguction urd shoutd bc utcd in conjunCion J wirh prcpg'ing yorr utility plan and schcduling inslallations. Thc tocation and availability of utilitics. whcthq rhcy 6c main trunk lincs or proposcd lincs, nrust trc apgrovcd and vcrificd by thc following ulilitics for thc amompanying ritc plan. U.S. Wcs Coronliiicaioru t-t0o-922-19t7 a68-5850 or 949-{530 hddicScnticc CaDDuty 949-t?$ Grrytldl llgly Gocl Elcctio Atsoo. 9{9-5E92 Tod ltu*y/Joh Boyd Hcriugs ONwidarT.V. 949-5530 StcwHict ErgfcRivcrWrrcr & Serrltrtiqr Dirtrict' 4?674t{' Frcd lleclo Dllr 3-2l-'t-l qtry 3 ^z q-t7 3a^qts r Plcrre biog,r sitc pllr. floor plrn. lrd clsvetions whcn obtainiog Upper Ea$c Vdlcy Wrtcr & Saniation signrturcs. Firt flow necds rnust bc ad&csscd. NOTES: l. If tbe utility vctifcatim fsm has eigndunc from cactr of tltc uility compani*, ttd no comnrcnb arr mrdc dirutly on the form, thc Town witl presumc thet ilr*c arc no poblcms and thc dwclopmcnt can prccccd. 2. lf . dtity congary bg cqrccms with tbc propo*d conrtwtioq thc utility rcpresalrirc rhrll notc dircaly on thc otility racrification form that thcrt is r poblcn which necds to bc rcsolved. Tbc isarc sbould tbar bc ds.tailcd in rn sttachcd lcttcr to tbc To*a of Vail. Horcvcr, plcasc kccp in mind 6at it is 0rc rcparsibility of ths utitity company rnd $c applicant to rcsolvc idalifiod problenr. 3. Ttcs vcrilic*im do not rdicva tbG conrrtc of tbc rcsponsibility o obtrin r hrblic Wry Pcrmit Fom 6c Depanocnt of Public Work at the Town of Vail. Mility locetioniltrust bc Cbnioctlrftrr.d8gilg in any public rigltt-of-way or cascment witbia the Torvn of Vail. A Fullding permit is no a hrblic \Yil(Ircrmit and mwt bc obtained seararcly, sJ"+ ii4 :il -1 =:ti ,lF 'Et<c*.64= r9" I ov) /o.\ v € tJ"")----- ;="*h; € , ":c:i \.../ 6All\ 'J ' 51$l :. ru $i |v,,; ,Q=,iilff \fr==1JtrI/ =j= |I r, XY.i< 'ot .=z tl t5lDl 9I I I I l-L -o= z-O r,ra() --) Im>ltn ! ^ul <rr- > ,',It to: € ^€\<ct. 5.rc a -:> > -t-rzZ- t /:\ c :,.41-.8'9 it BOOTH l-_,_gq r ^i8g| =:Eg .rrl> >r iE-3 i8i t (E t z ,'' o z -fl': f, I 'la;. ! -l----" ^l L::r il r .\-it-._ ll'| ;-ll=^It'vTt *Ei -Ehi,;-.___ z.Qo!{.^9.32 HJ=; f F rTa -=UJl!<-0ao>- E- D,o o '.40tr -iI GI =z .l' l.r/ llt t',2 Mir'qiE o iip. =E-? r,r o-z n-t l- ll tf,, / ^:tt.l/ /, 3q \i{x auJ zz -{ i:{=: | 'o9 N i, irI 3lE: =iEi t.--/aXt- "1?z d) l;!t!-:$Se'i ZIGGURAT DOUBLE ZIGGURAT PZ 1t1t-3 PZ 1413-3 DZ DZ t4ll-5 l8r 3-5 ztccuR.dir 1- DSZ l6l l-5R 20r 3-5R Design and function are beautifully combined in the Ziggurat Wall Sconces by Saxe-Patterson. These uniquely handsome light fixtures are constructed of reinforced porcelain and are available in ten high-fire matte colors. In addition, the natural, unfinished porcelain surtace will accept your choice of paints or other treatments. The Sconces are shipped ready to install with mounting brackets, wiring and UL approved porcelain receptacles. Our standard lamping utilizes medium base incandescent bulbs. As an option, energy efficient, compact fluorescent lamps and ballasts are available. Or we will work with you to adapt other types of lamping. In addition to our Exterior Ziggurat other models may be converted to all-weather use. All fixtures mount readily to standard light receptacle boxes. Alternative mounting hardware is available. We will be glad to discuss with you custom designs, dimensions, colors and finishes. FIXTURE NUMBERING CODE Example: PZ l0 STYTES > TYPE OF RECEPTACLE > NUMBER OF LOUVERS > FtxruRE wrDTH (NOMTNAL) > FIXTURE HEICHT (NOMINAL) > SWLE 09-2:tllr I PZ. ZIGCURAT SZ. SPIRAL ZIGGURAT EZ.EXTERIOR ZIGGURAT DZ - DOUBLE ZICCURAT DSZ. DOUBLE SPIRAL ZIGGURAT HR'HALF ROUND 8'23'68 1009-2 t0t r-2 EXTERIOR ZIGGI'RAT EZ lnt-3 EZ 1313-3 sz tl ll-3R sz r413-3R sz 1 1 il-31 sz l4t3-3L DOUBIE SPtrrrrll9l:. DSZ t6r l-51 DSZ 2013-51 SPIRAL ZIGGURAT SPECIFICATIONS ZIGGURAT ZICCURAT DOUBLE ZIGGURAT DOUBLE SPIRAL ZICGURAT MODEL # PZ 09il-3r PZ il t 3-3* PZ lt I l-3. PZ l413-3' DZ 0809-3' DZ 09t l-3. DSZ l6l l-5R or L" DSZ 2013-5R or L*' DIMENSIONS IN INCHES 9tl 1OVz | 3V2 7Vz 9 5Vz 6Vz 6th 4Vz 5Vz 5 r,i 6Yz 7 6 Ia 7 7 9 l0 t5 | SVz 20 HR r006-l - HR 1009.t * HR l2l0-l * 10 l0 t2 3t/t 4Vz 5Yz HALF ROUND 'Single porcelain receptacle, lamp down . . Duplex porcelain receptacle, lamps up and down HPR. 14.1.997 9r 3!Hl'l 51Cl^iiRI TITLL YHtL J. 11U.tr1.] f.i: AEdr COMMM{ENT FOR ITTI.B D{SURANCE ISSUM BY STEWART TITLEGUARANTY COMPANY SiTEW RT Im.B GUAIAI{TT COMPA}fI , e frnu Corpmdoa hlrcb cdbd ec Coryray, fu vrhrblc conridcriliq, hcrcby cmnin to i$su6 iB pOlicy o policicg of titlc inrunncc, rs idsutified il Schodutc A, il frvor of ttc proposcd Insurd smcd h Sc[crhrlc A, rs owq or Esr8aScc of tlp ectc or iGl|t covcrcd bcrcby b tbt lsrd dcrefibed or ,rcfcrlld b in Sclodnlc A, rpoB prytr0ol of 6c Fcofr|D| rad ctrrpr tlcrcfqi dl m$ccr b .th€ Fovidmr of Scbduler A rd E rnd o tbc Condltimr rnd $ipulrtioor hacof. tldr Cunttordrbrlt bcc0lc$raorry fh.otloidcodryofrtepmpo*d lDfulldrld rbrEoultof tc pdiry or pollcicr c@i@d for hrvc bco inrcrbd i! ScHulc A htof !t tb Coryary, aitlcr u fu dne of ftc irruacc of ltis Couuiueot or by rubscqucnt codorrocd. Thir Cmim ir palbhry otheirnrpoeof rub polirryor policiar of filc iuunocr mdrlllieili['od obligrtioor hcmndcr rhtll ccsrt ud Espilrtr rir noubr rficr th! cffcdrc doc hcrcof or wh thcpolirym policir c@dtcd fgr rtrlllimr, w[ic.hwer firn cam,providcd thuttrc frilurc to icsuc snct policy or policica ls mt itbc furlt of tbe Conpary. Sid udcs $rl fc tta Coqny, h[ 6is Cmolry sbrlt lot ba vdid o btdia3 uutil it bcrrr ar rutlqlad CounUrignrnu,e. I IN WIT!{BSS VIIEREOE hilstlitb Au6sy COryuy hl c{rcd iEcq?crtc DrDord !.rl b bc hrctuuo affxcd by ib duly nrtlorird officcrs ou rte dru shown in Scbc{ulc A. STEWANT TITLE GUA'/NITt C1OMEANY (brlltl|ra ot lha I ' 'Ncrttnibcr: e6otla.? ' ,, WVc&: Ila€r, t7, tg97 .t ?:It t.t. : 2, Hq e hltdct b b ltt *(a)ALTA" OnsT rrur-.a.t rt) hwdhM I @ALT.ALMv (srud.rd, PtgndItM, (c)IetM It Ptwotdntwd: Dutpofr.d rildc.tt t 2t30 ttDw cmar YEEt @ 8165' fiAlwMOF cEAn@{l Thac dnryrc ot tb d pqabh bdav a Poltqc,rltbclund. ivryrrr,8A llu. t Yi l'. .! i tfutnt{I}J,e?neI coo,ooo.oo t t, ma.sw r twcs tn the tsd tlcscrlbd u r6nfn h fitt confuwt otit cowrd lurch tt it.. altgtJ i IL lhlc to dp tto sirrrr. cstqo q tt fr.lnltt ln IMVN ts qt dlc clbntvc dafr @wstud ,^L. PEZBJ'P ForSns:frrv i 5. rrp land t@ p tn d$ htnfuwt rs rtc.nrfW 88 ]EE|CA'D !,50tt atscn.tPrtoy fu lfuficf,: tcaJ,'t., ,nE 7,I w@axEtac[ ot lllc' t, @4rr oD '|tfitSrl/tE O' &U)'^m U,lfY.r Y.J/> 'DEffiRI'IION ItU.b--J H,'r : t.' iI Ordrlffilr.: tcoztaa, ficuNWD &aion I REQVINI,/EITTE ntc ffitfig ffi dr @ru'lrltlr b b. MryW rtdE fun (t) Ita,paanol' lorttcwoutotrhcgrfrbftailprttapdof ilatullwrtidewiu lortluaukq infrn$ to bc lt$urd. Itu t (b) PtWr fattlrrt.ns(il qahg fie ctutc or lnrr$t. to be inswd nutt bc qeottd atd dutl tltdlor netd nvil: Z. a6. a nso LtrTTtrt @F TRANS^' IT'TAL THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: f As requested S For your u." E For approval Snowdon and Hopki 201 Gore Creek Drive Vall, Golorado 81657 tr Copy of letter ! Shop drawings I For review and comment ! FOR BIDS DUE Plans Returned tor corrections Approved as noted Approved as submitted Architects 970476-fr201 FA(476.7491 TO . WE ARE SENDING YOU d AttacneO E Under separate cover via ! Change order p erints E Samples I Specifications D Return -corrected prints D Submit -copies tor distribution ! Resubmit-copies for approval tr X ! ! ! n 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US coPtEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION I 4it'/47 I Mw-vd/& 4 7 4l/tllt h frillt*d fufv- mJ Ta4JiHo hh*-tl ,t t'I /' SIGNED: ,, .ncloau.ar ara not .. n&ad, kindlrt noiity .ra rt oaca. O 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2 I 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 D e p artme nt of C ownunity D eve lopment April 23, 1997 Craig Snowdon Snowdon and Hopkins 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 RE: Lot 15, Tract E, Vail Village 11th Filingi2830 Aspen Court Dear Craig: The Town of Vail staff has reviewed your application lor a new residence and have the tollowing comments. 1. Please show on the site plan a 4Joot concrete pan, with a 2" invert, where the driveway meets the edge of the road. 2. Please provide spot elevations along the edge of the road. 3. There appears to be some drainage coming onto the site from the northeast corner of the property. Please show on the sile plan, a drainage swale within the drainage easement to accommodate the water. ln order to remain on the agenda for the May 7, 1997 Design Review Board meeting, the above issues must be addressed and revised plans provided to our office by 12:00 on Monday, April 28, 1997. Should you have any questions regarding the above comments, please feel lree to contact me at 479-2454. I ,l I Sincerely,/ 'l r Lqbutet/\ WAkr-tqr Lauren Waterton Town Planner {p *""'"'"o '*"* \ Community Developrnent Plan Routing Forrn Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) X epproved with conditions Greg Hall, Public Works .Terri Marlinez, Fublic Works , Mike McGee, Fire Routcd To: Lauren Waterton, Community DcvclopmentRctum To: *-zB-q+Datc Routed: Proj ect Name: Projcct Address: v tttu ReVera dqrc-. WaC a;'* corn\irq,,t{s,Project Description: videA trhe Rcviewed by: f r\e1'eryone donr\rou{orm sNowDoN nno rOnns ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive vArt, coLoRADo 81657 (303) 47G220r CHECI(ED gY lCALE fluf9 . sNowmN AND H3|NS ARCIIIIECTT 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vArL. coLoRADO 81657 (303) t17S2201 JOI .TGET r|O, c^rc,,r 'ED'Y4-L- . - Tqlll' CXTCXED IY tErr |o.r /GFlk- a,rr b oxrt. sNowDoN ANO lo(|NS ARCHITECTS 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vArL, CoLoRADO 81657 (303) 470.220r n\-,^,. E/9171 . JO8 STiEET NO. CALCULATEO BY CHECKEO gY oAtE- l-ou r0nm.! ffi?|[.c|t6i rr oot sNowDoNi+3ctll(,*s 201 Gore Creek Drive vArL, coLoRADO 81657 (303) 47S220r JO8 EXEET r{O. "^t r,.no"r-ffi--- "*, q6/Il CXECKEO EY {EE| n t@rk-0r*r- c||rr sNowDoN AND HS|NS ARCHITECTS- 201 Gore Creek Drive vAtL. coLoRADO 81657 (303)47&2201 CHECK€O BY tr"nrt&' 6-l 19 rrPR.14.1997 9 : ,.]4H11 t6013sa? srEh*R i tlttt uiiihEDur,E a Scalon 2 llu.rrr'.1 F.:': HTCEFNONS lInc.lr/lfqrrpoltcia bbckwelwtllcwwtn *ciptbwtoiltc foUoving unlqtihcsane aredsposcdofnfrusairlaalat$tlu hrpry: I- Rigls * doins qf pardet rnpowatbn not iltwnb dtcptiblic reords. 2, fgsataf.r,, or cldtttt 6awwtt, na st.lclvttUb An pdnic rccord.s, 3' h@a,an{llc&in bwertUttct, stwftagcingw, atcr@tn'clut. utdury ladt vr&ltaerctt nncy od irspccliat of tha prcmEa vould dlsclatc artd uthicl, arc not thown by the pblic recordt. 4. ltt,llat,orrlglttoallcn torurtica, l&otoy mawidhdct@rcor hrsufinishcd, tlpEdblW and rd slwn by tlu pnbhc norfu. 5. Dcfut, liau, auntbrwnw, advcnecldwo durndtqs, lfml,crad,fint ryoatkgttttlvpnblicrmrds or^&a&lng subseqtatt to thc cMfi U. hcrcof, bw prilor t6 thc dac rtc profdvd tnitrcd aie1uircs of recordfor wlue the Etate or itttcr.est or nwngatc therion covqrcd by rtis nnadtineit. 6, AnWaN rffint clalirw ; res envdalu or weifr wu ln pcraf s, or ut 6 duAng thc lssmrct thetS;wo riglw, fuims or ttlc m vact. ,. lry atd rlt uaprtd t.r.r atd rrt.trtfsi, ud ray u!!.C.ard lrr rttot. t, fu atrCql oI tlclvr,to,t Il .!1r gasaflf os .tnclgle nt.r oolrrr.acy, Iln pro?tagtoa, totl coztesva0JoB or ogrr dJrtcl cE oa ,',ol!u[,{oa Ja .||y r. t.8 t.a7tce o Eraa! i.qraorltcr arra. t. 2.nt .Ug os ap.ptl@. o@'iated,'ta O.t. t|t.,';f,.. os tt ,dql rullortrtagt&. lrrurrca &es'E? t oC tceotd, 8.f:rrlag l) ,lgb't ot r!. l,Eogtlecos oC t rru{a or Tode to tttflo! rad rroova lJr ort gacrofron a,'d S, rlEbht oC tty totdtg€b.. .ad a.arlr cg[,,tqx.'r,c9.d sldtr .t!c tu;lottCy og Cbr Olttcd gtrtcr, tO, eaafj''ta? €,ot vltah do aoc cs! lrll r 'ferfojtcr. or r:rvlrgar cltit'o, aa oost.Jn.d lD Jafcfl[aa! roscrdrd ihtly 26, l9?l ts eool., Z2l at D.g. ta| .t 'r'Gqrttoa ft. 7l6C',5, .& .. oradrC D'|2 tatErsrrnt r.oosd.d ta too& 2ga .t p.lrc 868 .. a.6.ptio! na. t57t6t, lt, tfl|trlr'|ttt t thr!ct!6..nd etg$&-oi1,vryt rr rlor||. aa glr gZtE o! ttit!! wurt|l tI|?.at! ttltag arcordcd iruly,26, l9?l ta tuf 227 rr Drgr tat .tnrc.ptjsa No, 776at6 rad hrutdjvl tloa pt.a oC tE.ac tr rccondad t!7y 2e. ,976j8 &ot 2t7 .E D.Jr 772 .. E c.pctq lF.. Za395t. l i I Communify Development Plan Routiirg Form Approved {n.ni.d (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works orlc Todd Oppenheimer, Mike McGee. Fire Public Works Rctum To:Community Development Date Routed:4-14-97 Return By:4-22-97 Project Name:l/ott,c-e ciZ tt) Project Address:2gzo 4sp*^ (n ^n Project Lcgal:/or z9 -/ r?A--E-r/tt t/r\ Project Description:Ne,*s €r5& - 9.-+ r7 '". rz, I f56vrde .,gr- r- €re,.crt Lrrl r'r-r ',uf\13.i aicft\ n1e d*'.<hnc1 eA,;^e ,J s)pr..1l''2 D..'.we \tO ';c'. d. nrl<. i !t tA,[l ivi' ftEF f\6iir o'.rcr:!ro {un)pra.,n ' n. g'Lb7,€ t'c <"'' 691,r(i<i {-t9'41 rcvrcr.red 4-7?,t\1, reuftalj +-'2-t ,\'l i! ?crrr,-,.r. i*t'(i Pa"acv ,l 1,,t.*'.r \-'. . z-i--{----Date received: I -(- - t+ Reviewed bv: v I WESTERX BETOUBCE DEYELOPTEIIT P.O. Box.167 71t Wdnul Slncl Boild.t Colondo 8fi106 (303) aae-eog FA( (3Bl110-9(xl8 October 17,1994 Mr. Mike ClaffeY Biologist, Retulatory Section U.S. Army CorPs of Engineen /O2 Rood Avenue, Room 142 GnndJunction, CO 81501 REr Christopher ProPefi Dear Mike: On August 22t 1gg4 we conducted a wetland audit on the Rocky Christopher single family housing lot located in Section 3, Township 5 South, Range 80 West, just east of Vail in Eagle County, Colorado iiil f ). We used the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 1987 Wetland Delineation Manual to conduct a riutineon-site inspection for "Areas Equal to, or Less than 5 Acres in size"' A total of six sample sites were scattered across the 7,200 square foot.lot (FiSure 2)' Based upon six soil pis, the soils weie not hydric. ioil saturation t.ngei fro1n iB-26 inches below the surface and showed no evidence of water movement, ie, mottles. There is no on-site ponded water or water channels across the site. Thus, the site doei not'trive a wetland hydrology. Gore Creek occurs several hundred feet to if," ro"t6 of t'he project but does not affect the site hydrology. Hydrophytic vegetation. sufficient to qualify as a wetland occurs at sites 2 and 3. However, these sites do not hav_e a wetland hydrology or hydric soils. Thus, there are nL jurisdictional wetlands on the project site. Our field data is attached. On August 30, 1994 | met you at the project site and we reviewed the data and examined the soils' you co-ncurred with our conclusion thai wetlands are not present on the Christopher property' Please send us a letter stating that there are no jurisdictional wetlands on the Christopher property' Sincerely, l,a. /L )J l)J-*^. It David Johnson i/ Ecologist DJlds Enclosures cc: Rocky Christopher USAS 7.5 Mlnute Vall East, Cotoracto euadrangte Secdon 3, Townshlp5 South, Range gO We;t S€le 1' - 2OOq Contour hterval - 40 feet Figure 1. Project Location Map oso =OF!:Eur- =..afo :iflF; E lrB l'-E bln I t cr. 8v, I I."t 1 \t-q h=-_ (,q { /I A fr$' s,"jj -[!. a.7tE. F.I 1E o .;,4 ri- 9d snq {"*/i ,*li $ /- 'q /t r':\/ - -,1' '\ rRAUR #.("Ni)t 1'*n /.1 $ Ei: =ii $r Ei' sii $ rL -'. . DEPABTMENTOFTHEARMY o Regrulatory Branch u.s. ARHY ENGINEEe OISTRICT, SACRAT ENTO CORPS OF ENGII{EERS i325 J STREET sAcRA[Et{To, GALIFORNIA 95814'2922 Augugt L7. L995 ( 199575105) l{r. David Johngon Western Resource Developnent PoEt office Box 457 Boulder, Colorado 80306 Dear l,tr. ,fohngon: Bared on a teleplrone conversatLon with l{r. Rocky Chrl.etopher on this date, I an writing thls to correct tbe locatlon given in our vetlands deLineation verification letter dated April 5, 1995. our file number is 199575105. Tlre correction eite locatlon iE lrot DruD.r 15, Rcgubdlvl'rlon of, Trast E, vail Vlllage 1t'tb flll,Dg, 2a3o Aspon court. A11other aspects of our letter dated April 5, 1995 renain unchanged. Please furnish a copy of this letter to your cllent, Mr. Christopher. I do not have his address or telephone nunber. iEPIY 'OAI?ETflO OF 402 Rood Avenue, Grand Junction, Roon 142Colorado 81501-2553 75 south frontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 otllce ot communlty development December 13, 1983 Rocky Christopher Box 1155Vaii, Colorado, 81658 RE: Proposed Residence b.l i?;n*"-sub rract E Dear Rocky, The Department of community Development has staff approved a one year extension of the Design Review Board approval for your proposed resi dence. The condition made with your original approval (that statt check thecolor of roof), will remain a pait of this approval . Any questions can be directed to me at 476-7000, extension 103. Sirperely, /t)..beG,rnt^ Thomas A. Braun \ TAB/rme ENCL. Project Application ;t/ 1r -' I. --Date ":'' iI1'l'!>(" ti 'la Project Name: d-A.. ".1 Lf\t " tt' '-:''''r"ttt* Pro.iect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot /5 ,erock i. !-r\. i : $ 6 Fiting 'r V r' ', \:L Comments: Design Review Board t )lv rData *'i\l .-r i Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: .El'statt ApprovalTown Planner I department of community deve{opment vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 May 25, 1982 Craig Snowdon 201 Gore Creek Dr. Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Craig: RE: DRB Submitta'l of 5-19-82 The residence for Lot 15, Resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Village l1th Fi'ling has been approved by the Design Review Board. You shou'ld submjt the co'lor of the roof to the Staff for approval. Si ncerel y, 4./ /t"1 :J,z ./Jim Savre Town Pi anner JS:df llal I Project Application o*" i l\nV rJ , ici'(a. Proiect Name: Pro,ect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description:t-ot/5 . ",o"* v''i ll fi Architect, Address and Phone: Comments: APPROVAL Design Review Board ,; .t1,7 ,' ,/,! / .iDate@ /' DISAPPROVAL '*'1*'(J tsrrrowopl;sgJgal LErUI @F TRANSnfluT=TAL ARCHITECTS 201 Gore Creek Drive P. O. Box 1998 VAIL COLORADO 81657 TO GENTLEMEN: WE ARE SENDING fl Shop drawings F CoOt of letter YOU ! Attached ! p Prints ! Change order Under separate cover via D Plans the following items: E Samples ! Specifications tr (303) 476-2201 coPlEs DATE NO.OESCRIPTION 4 6/4/9't u ftff,u/A64*l h,'Hppyile,rt+ ,/ aF. ddhtliezq7I t iqnt 4 f'afu,Mftf't,/t t'/dir n ,)ffiv7I4/'rtiti)n.r'h'r/ai'ri,t/: /' h Trzlt /ii, /f?i /r ra hrh r?rn q 4nilw j Itryr,r / I THESE ARE n E )s D tr TRANSMITTED as checked For approval For your use As requested below: tr Approved tr Approved ! Returned as submitted as noted for corrections ! tr tr Resubmit-copies for approval Submit -copies for distribution Retu rn -corrected prints For review and comment D FOR BIDS DUE 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US FORU 24G2 - Ariil$|€ nd|r @ Toffr.|d, ia..!. Or/[G)tt enctoauaaa fr. aot rt aoted. kindly noti y us at onc.- o Subdivision Lot Bl ock Filing 1. Subnrittal Items 2 IIIGI]{EtR]}tG CHTEK LIST e t (Acceptable) (l'tot Acceptable) 2. 3. (A) Topo I'iap - t'/' (s) slie Plan *- (c) utility Plan (o) ritte fleport , r I -.-+- Vrtt L4st lf -iii sruo:v ision Aqreement (if applicable) t{rq i neeri ng Requirementl (A) Culvert size 1f/'(s) orivcr';ay Grade tEF ma:<i-0rctual) -?--5^ =-- Sou rce of Uii I i ti es J-_12-_, '!2-7!71€'€s&4 -4. Co;:rnertt:;: (D_lpilttt- Z to, ttrl?*13-19- t. (A (B (c (D IF (F L lectrl c uo5 Seller l,la te r Tcl epl;cr;e T. V. @- Oa-ue-at---t-o.c&7-, /<'t J'' P -------- Approved: Disapproved: - --;- -..-i-{ -tc!;aru:rfaof l']ubl ic liorks Bil I Arrdrc'.:s I I, . zoNE clr[cK for SFR, .R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS Orner Zone'District 'Lot Area Setbacks: Architect Proposed Use =. 7"1t7H'Ar€ft{ tront-Required 20' Proposed Sides-Required'15' proposed Rear -Required"l5' proposed GRFA: . GRFA:Prinlry Propo:ed Propcsed ProposedSecondary -%zat% Proposed .%t/g Proposccl 6R Ptopc:-ed Actual Corrnents:. 'L /t*,+ut l,laterccurse-required,.9O''proposed A'l I or'red I Primary Al I or.red Secondary Al'l owed Site Coverage: A'll oived Landscaping: Required Park ing i Required Drive: Slope permitted % Envi ronniental /llazards: .Aval anche Fl ood P'iain 'Slope $: AlrpiTclri li'r't..',: i.',.:r. ( Ll'{;il, i,:.. ll;l''i ljl:l;t.ll I j'l irr,, ()l; lii,'r : i,f fi' l'1.'t).ri:i,'i' t 'llrc fll lril;irri1 jrrf'cirin:rt iotr i:, lJotr rcl lrciu:,r ir l..i nirl iiJ)])f'ovit I h. lllni,tlii.;'l il'l'l:RtALs Iloo f Sid j rrfl Other: l',itl I lulateri:rls Fascia Soffit s l'iindoris l9indop 'I'rim Door-s Door'i'rinr Iland or Deck Rails F lues Flashi.ngs Chimreys Trash ]lncl osures drecirhous es 0tirer' 1'c(|r j r'c,.1 l<lr' :;rrlrr:,iit:rJ by llrc a|1:J ir;riil cln lr0 l;ivc,r: ll.l" ,r-l i1'rir,r'ia1 1o l.llc I)c:; i1;rr lir'r,rj ' ,' {..ti i t' r B. LANDSCAPING Name of Des'igner: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Common Name g!-q!!r-tJ Si ze Keka+b- Prt* 4,tt -r^t.-r-^, V-f,n'o ko +r\nw:,tJeY ) J__ .*2_. *11/- +fu) -..-0 | 40",' q ---ll--- 4 _t_ I 4Ll l=Xy'y," /^,.- 1/26v 4/l ll-f,u- €Q,'- rl j' tl \r SI,IRUBS ?a*krtMe^,*' /*+wn gile- Yy;,r-Wvr' 4u>,ta Yo"nJ.l4zzA -Tt lnet+4'.*^42a4'A4t-J,^J fudr-Av/--L-w*-k**fuwVrb k'^Mt-Aq^tt fu9ul.-.-(wIt'a%zz (nout'in COV I R5 SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION I ill I i\i;t: SOD V,t,U,J ,Lq+sQUARE FooTAGr %o*lP /,1' " lrt>PoJ SQUARE F0OTAGE fuowrrwp B= lA^-tuwee TYPE OR METHOD OF EROS]ON CONTROL Other Landscape Features (retaining wal 'l s, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Pleasec.speci fy. llt) 1,i. .' . I Il'ltr':; il r:'l cr,"i"topr,"ftdence, rl'llrr;i: Lrrt .]1. ... t:t.rr, t. .--.... .. l.tl (||I l,tr() i|.r :t' .$fnglg .{Aqfly. .rLes-i_q9r-ree of Tract !;-_v-gi] .Village 11th 'i lrc l'r,llr,r:irr1i itrfr2r.r:r:tt irlt i:; llo:r rtl lrr.lrrr',. lt l,irr:rl ;rlr1trot,;r I A. lllJll.l,l;iii tl^'l'l:'llAl.S Roo f Sid ing Otlrcr l','a I I I:ascia Soffirs l{i n dor.rs lVirr rl ow l'rim Doors Door'l'rirn Ilanc! or Dcck Rails Flucs r tasrtl.l)8s Chinncl's Trir slr [n: I crsLlr.es Grccnhor,rs es 0tirer t'r.rt1ttil'q'11 l'ot' :;ttl,ttr itt;rl lry tlrt: r:;r r r lrc Ili.vcn: -''l'ypc ol.l)!;trl,_t:,lll - It;11rIi,;rrr|. to t.llc l)t::l i11l ll,.vrr.,.r tar & Eravel - 1.o .l-o r red/brown lava rock -iddl"iobd - square edge T & G - sealed Irb ,ld"ltd l"lat cr ia I s A redwood sealed ri.Aredwood ;aealcri r painted vvHlTt, hrood white clad wood stained white wood white,/seaLed wood whi te metal painted to match sto meLal -palnled to match sto or wood sto - 8566 sto - 8566 N,/A N,/A B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT I.'IATER]ALS TREES Botani cal Name Conrnon Nanre Quanti ty Si ze SIiRUBS Residence UTILIlY LOCATION VTJIIIFICATION SUBDMSION Resubdivision of Tract E JOB NAME Chris toT 15 BTOCK FILING Vail Village 11th ADDSSS Asoen Court. Vail . The location of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or ProPosedlines, mrst be approved and verified by the following utilities for the acconpanying site plan. Authorized Date Mountain Bell Westem Slope Gas Public Service Company Holy Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District NOTE: Itrese verifications do not relieve the contractor of his : responsibility to obtain a street cut Pernit from the Town of Vail, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locati.ons before digging in any public right- of-way or easenent in the Town of Vail. A building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. Itris forrn is to verify service availablity and location. Ttris should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. :82 '/-3-J<-{ €-s^e)Qsffi- tl FORM NO, C-5OOO-! ^.r-.toe u6E vrrlrH colon^Do nEctflc^N LAND rrrt-E Assocl^TtoN owNER'E bro , B- teTo rAriEXoED to-r7-?o, SCHEDULE A Amount of fneurance $ 38, 675.0.0 PolicyNo 4100082 Sheet I of 4Datoof Policy August L9, L977 1:01 P.M. l. Name of Inaured: NOCKY S. CHRISTOPHER AND BARBARA K. CHRISTOI2HER 2. lAe eetate or interest in the land described hereia aud which ie covered by thia policy ie: IN FEE SIMPLE 3. lbe estate or interest rcferred to herein is at l)ate of Policy vested in: . ROCKY S. CHRTSTOPHER AND BARBARA K. CHRISTOPHER' in joint tenancy FORM NO. C-600()-2, il ;:: #;.T.'-""Iff ;:n."J.fi,H:'^::T::"""Ji: :"}; :ff:,H :::'J::", o., 7.,o, SCHEDULE A-Continued thc lcnd refcrred to in this policy is 3itualcd in the Srare of Colorado, County of Eagle , and is dcscritrcd as followe: . Ipt 15, A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT E VAII, VILI,AGE llth FILING t I3if i3;ti 3;tt"?;? '..'11,"^N LAND 'rrLE AssocrarroN .o^n "fl'o (AMENDE' ro-tr-7o) SCHEDULE B PART I Thic Policy doee not insure against lose or damage by reason of the following: l. Righta or ctaims of parties in possession not shown by the public recordg. 2. Eaeemenle, or ctaime of easements, not shown by the public recorde. 3. Diecrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachmenta, and any facts which a cor- rect survey anil inspection of the premisee lr'ould disclose and which are not ehown by the public records. 4. Aay lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public recordg. 5. Taxes due and payable; anil any lax, special asse$ment6, charge or lien imposed for water or 6ewet rervice, or for any other special taxing district. Right of the Proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove hii ore therefrom,. should the same be found to Penetrate or in- tersect the premises; and right of Way for ditches or canals contructed by the authority of the United State, all as reserved ln United States Patents of record. Easements as shordn on the recorded Plat of Vail Village' Eleventh Filing, said easement being 10' in width over the easterly and southeasterly tract line of subject ProPerty- Easements as shown on the recorded plat of a resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Village Eleventh Filing. Restrictions, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clause, but onitting restrictions, if any, based on race, color, religiont Or national origin, as contained in instrument recorded July 26, 1971 in Book 221 at Page 140, and in instrument recorded in Book 254 at Page 855. Easement and right of way for utility purposes as granted to Gas Facilities, Inc., by inslrument recorded December 15, 1955 in Book 187 at Page 503. ?/ttl Easement and Right of way for utility purposes as'\-/ Vail tlater and sanitation District by instrument 20' 1969 in Book 215 at. Page 217. of Way for Utility PurPoses, as granted to Association, Inc., bY instrument recorded Book 22I at Page 910. 6. ?,@ (, 0(A Easement and Risht'\-/ EoIy Cross Electric october 8, 1971 in 9. 1@) granted to recorded October FOF M NO. C-6000-3C FoF usF s,,rH .",r."^"^ ".-,^l] ?,'' r ^<<:.!.,^'r,n^r ,.r^N "^' '- 7OT UAE WITX COLORAOO REGION AT4EF''iCAN LAND TITLE A66OCtATION OWNER'S POLTCY-FOR)I A-I970 (AMENDED IO.I'.7O} SCHEDULE B-Continued Easement and Right of way for Utility purposes, as granted to VaiIwater and Sanitation District by. instrument recorded September 8' 1971 in Book 221 at Page 608. Easernent and Right of Way for Utitity purposes, as granted to HoJ-y Cross Electric Association, Inc., by Instrument recorded September 14, 1971 in Book 225 at Page 390. , lot€cure drted rcrorded 1g) 1@ 'r:. DceilofTmstfrom: Rocky S. 'Christopher and Barbara K. Christopher to rhe Public Trustee of the County of Eaqleforlheuseof : The Bank of iail : s30,000.00: August 17, L977: August 23, L977 in Book 258 at Page 809 !i3?r: Assignment of Rents recorded August 23, 1977 in Book 258 at Page 810, given in connection with the above Deed of Trust. t-lYD|;O-1R!4D, LTD. July 26, 1977 Mr. Jim Viele P.0. Box 214 Vaj'1, Co]orado 81657 Dear J'im: l,le have revjewed Tract E of vail village, Filing Eleven to define the i00-year Gore Creek flooding limits. The Gore creek 100-year discharge adjacent to Tract.E_is 1,990 cubic f""t' per-i!...a'iitii-ai defined in'the Gore Creek Floodplain Information Report prepared by Hydro-Triad, Ltd. .jn June 1975. Two stream cross sec:ions of Gor" Lreik a"e locited adjacent to Tract E. Using the flood c,'cvations at these cross sectionS and the topograph'ic-contour map pre- pur"a Uy Vuil Assocjates, we have shown the 100-year fl ooding'l im'its' Loti-nrill". 13, 14, and i5 have varying degrees of floodplain infringment ir-iun-u.-t..n'on ihe attached floodplain map. However,-all three lots r,u""-ualquii" ur". for construction butside the floodplajn limit- Increased flood protectjon and building location flexibjljty could be oained-bv prov'idjng an erosion protected berm from 1/2 to 2 feet high a'long il;';;r;'h i"op.itv-t jnes of .lots 13, 14, and 15. A suggested location of if,it-piot"ttive birm is shown on the attached drawing.along with a suggested ii,rititiii"n a.tait. The construction of a berm at this location will in ;; ;;y cause damage to upstream or downstream properties' In summary, the 10O-year f1 oodplain defined using the-Vajl Associates rup f,us-U..n ietineated.- The minor encroachment of the f'l oodpla'in onto. toir ii, 14, and 1.5 limits bui'ld'ing siting, but does.19t.Rrec'lude building on the iots-by the Federal Insuranie Admjnistration (FIA) criterion. An ".orion proteitive berm along the south of these lots would provide add'it- ional flbod protection and iicrease flexibility in s'iting buildings- If you have further questions or call. we can provide other assistance, p1 ease Si ncere'ly HYDRO-TRIAD, LTD. Curti s Sen ior 6"is\sIE/tb 2673 n :'(1, -rs/ arvnS nc'l osure: /\*=_/ -i\-fa--ffi #i/i, /'," i'.,, l,'I ;fi.'L,'{), /' iD 3J ,/ \fi-1oez --..- x OJ-*---,.--- - il .i.,.r X+ ,1 ,//'\,1 so .i 1}.. ./'\c:)--9r ,__\.-.N t-c I l':t: i r.-", - tr) /h/.\/ r\--/- I I I il \ ) \ t I ;4" i/t; +tt lFr ;J: I I fI ', |,. .t: iL -..$ c; --9 - la)() \ I )l ( "^/J- \.S' I I /./'rp, t4l li k {N \)\ Ns;