HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 TRACT E LOT 17 LEGALNOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOWN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-21sV479-2139 FAX 970-479-2452 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER elrrrf e lr. Department Community Development Description: REMODEL Occupancy: R3 Type Construction: V N Valuation:66,000 Fi reptac! Information: Restricted: Y Plan Check---> 370.50 CARY BUILDERS, INC P O BOX 4382, VArL CARY BUILDERS/ INC P O BOX 4382, VAIL W]I,IER FRANKLIN S &;r\r5 S Fi.A;iKLIii Si, .00 3 .00 2806 ASPEN LN UNIT #B 2101-034-04-013 PRJg 6-0021 co 81658 co 81658 JOYCE D EI{GLEWUOD uu 80110 Single Family Residence Type V Non-Rated Add Sq Ft: 545 flOf Gas Apptiances: #Of Gas Logs: Job Address: Location. . . : Parcel No..:Project No.: Status. . . Applied.. Issued... Expires. . Phone t 926-2567 Phone z 926-2567 dof [,ood/Pa l. Let: I S SUED 03 /22 /Lee 6 03/27 /lee6 oe /23 /ree6 trtrfiffiffirdr,(ffi*'t'|i,i*'t*'t*td.r|.ffirrr#**ffi*trH FEE SUl,lllARY ****t r**ffi#****ffriH*i*ffi1#**ffiffi Bui Ldi ng----->570.00 Restuerant Ptan RevieH--> DRB Fee-------- Recreat ion Fee----------> 81 .75 .00 100.00 2 50.00 1 ,375 .25 TotaI CaLcutated fees---> Additional, Fees---------> Totat Permit FeF-------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- 1 ,375.25 .00 'l ,375 .25 1 ,375 .25 .00 Investi 9at i on>llitL CaIt---->Ctean-Up Deposit--------> TOTAL FEES.---- ffi ffi ffi ffi ffi **Jrff *ffi **ffi t#(H**ffi ,*lr*#**#ffi fi ****ff ffi ****ffi rffi ffi**ffi Ite.m: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:03/25/7996 CHARLIE AcIion: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS IleIti',91190,PIA,IINING DEPARTMENT Depr: PLANNTNG Division:03/27/7996 GEORGE Action: APPR IFe,Il;',9Iq90 FIRE DEPARTMENT Depr: FrRE Division:03/26/1996 CHARLIE ACtiON: APPR PER JEFF A.I!e.mi'.05500 PUBLIC WORKS Dept: pUB WORK Division:03/26/r996 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR N/A ,*****|t***l.:tffi*ffi*ffffr******ffi*****'|-*irk,r*********tr*ffifftr******#r.**********ffi*************#*k***ir*Jr***ffi# See Page 2 of this Docurnent for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS l. h.reby .acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, filted out in futl the information requi red, compteted an accuratc ptotptan, and state that atl the infornation provided as requi red is correct. I agree to conpty vith tire in?ormation and pl.ot itan,to comPty vith al'l Town ordinances and state !aus, and to buitd this structure accord.ing to the Town's zon,ing and subdivis,ioncodes, design review approved, Uniforn BuiLding code and other ordinances of the Tovn apphicab!e thercto. REoUESTS FOR TNSPECTTONS SHALL 8E I4ADE TT.|ENTY-FOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE By TELEPHONE A; 479-213E OR AT OUR OFFTC€ tRolr4r:.r./&--z.zzFsendctean-uPDepositTo:cARYBUILD€RssIGNAimrrser.iAHolFHEi aoa rrnrrrrru*!t Page 2 x*Y4grffiESth5?**t ** *** **** * ********* *** **** **** *** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ********** Pernit Trpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Applicant--: CARY BUILDERS, INC 926-2567 Job Address: 2806 ASPEN LN Location---: UNIT #B Parcel No--: 2101-034-04-013 Description: REMODEL 75 Soutlt Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 rye4fl913,1W4pfrt#o3r 5. 6. 7. CONDITIONS as of 04/oL/96 Departtnent of Connunity Developntent Status---: fSSUED Applied-- z 03/22/1996rssued---. 03/27 /I996To Expire2 09/23/]-996 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOnS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 't 3. 4. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPL]ANCE. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 05' THE 1,991 UBC. GLAZING REQUIREMENTS SHALL MEET 1991 UBC. SEC. 5406(D) EXTERIOR WALL FIRE RATINGS PER TABLES 17_A AND 5-A SPECIFICALLY BETWEEN UNITS A AND B Driveway heating element must be held back from edge of asphaLt a niini-mum of f our feet,.A four foot concrete drain pan required at edge of asphalt. NO PLI,,MBTNG OR ELECTRICAL WORK CAN BEGIN UNTIT PERMITS ARE ISSUED {7 ^rrrr"ro rur* o **************************************************************** TOWN oF vArt, coLoRADO statemnt **************************************************************** Staremnt Number: REC-0119 Anount: 1,375'25 04/01/9.6 15:06-e-y .r,t itetnoa: ci- Notation: #2894 rnit: cD iernit No: 895-0031 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT Parcel No: 2l-01-034-04-013 Site Addrees: 2806 ASPEN LN Locati-on: UNIT #B Total Fees: Total ALL PMIS: Balance: SFR BU-ILD PE L,375 ,25 L,375.25 .00This Payment L,375.25 ************r.*************************************************** Account Code DescriPtion Amount 01 OOOO 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 570'OO 01 OOOO 41331 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 1OO'OO 01 OOOO 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 370'50 01 oooo 22002 CLEANUP DEPOSTTS 250'00 30 oooo 45032 RECREATToN FEES 81'75 O], OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3'OO TOWN OF VATSc-tfi"t / DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT li,fo 970- ' 75 South Frontape Road Department of Community Development'rontage Road Department of Community Development Vail, Colorado 81657 NOTE: 970-479-2 1 3 8/479-2 I 39 FAX 970-479-2452 THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ELECTRICAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E96-0030 OWNER WIMER FRANKLIN S & JOYCE D 4305 S FRANKLIN ST, ENGLEWOOD CONTRACTOR TEKOTA ELECTRIC 20 MOUNTVIEW DRTVE, SUITE B, TEKOTA ELECTRIC Descrintion: REMODEL Job Address: 2806 ASPEN LNLocation...: WIMER UNIT #B Parcel No.. ! 2101-034-04-013 Project No. : PRJ96-0021 54. m .m .m 3.m co 80110 Phone: 719-548-1500 coLoRADO SPRTNGS, CO 80907 Valuation:3 r 000.00 FEE SUtlllARY *lr*ffi*****ffi****tff***H*ffi****Rlli*tffi Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. ISSUED 03/22/Lee6 o 4 /2e /tee 6 10/26/tee6 APPLICANT Etectri ca(--> DRg Fee -_> Investigation> tli Lt Cal.l--> Totat Catcu[ated Fees---> AdditionaI Fees------> Totat Pernit F.e----> 57.00 .m 57.00 TOTAL FEES-> 57. @ ffi*f*ffiffiffi***t*i******r**Hr**tj*t*H**tFt***f,***l****tt**********l**t*r**bh*tdr**ffiffi IleIr! ,9qQq0-ELECTRTCAL DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:o3/25/L996 CHARLTE Action: AppR FOR ERNST G. **,r}***J(ffi *t#ff *ffi #t*l****irrt**rrtffil-ftiff*r**f,1-ftt*trt*****tffi CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. AI,L ELECTRICAT WIRING MUST BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO 1996NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE. tr**** *'r****it*ffi******t****t-trk ihriHt**t*t***f|****ffi DECLARATIONS I.hcreby acknov[edge that I havc n.ad this apptication, f itl,cd out in futL th. information requi red, conpteted an accuratc ptotptan, and statr that al[ the information provided as required is correct. t agree to conpty vittr the information and pLot ptan,to comPty Yith al'l' Tom ordinances and state [res, and to buiLd this structure accord'ing tothe Tovn's zoning and subdivisibncodes, design revi!H aPProved/ Uniforrn Buil,ding code and other ordinrnces of the Toun appl,i cabl,c thereto. REoUESTS FoR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ftADE wENTY-FOUR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-213E oR AT oUR OFtIcE FRott 6:0O Atl 5:0O ptl PayDents------- .@ {S^""""uoru* o ****************************************************************C!.F 6+ ^nn +Statemnt TowN oF vArL, coLoRADOil:i.:l.l:iii.;;;;X;f *** * ** **** **** *** * ** **** ***** * ** ******* * ** t l,\.t 16< 12.'t't Statennt Number: REC-0128 Amount:-eiyrnent Method: cAslt Notation: s?.oo o4/2e/e6 L3t22 INit: MAC Permit No: Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This PaYment 896-0030 TlrPe! B-ELEC 2101-03 4-04-013 2806 ASPEN tN WIMER UNIT #B ELECTRICAI.,PERMIT Total Fees: 57.00 Total ALL,.Pnts: Balance: 57 .00 57.00 .00 ****************************************************************AnountAccount Code DescriPtion 01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAI.' PERMIT FEES 54 ' OO 01 OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3'OO o TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2a38 Job Address...:Locat.ion......: Parcel- No.....: Project, Number: Status. . Applied. Issued.. $cpires. TSSUED 09/LB/1-998 09/L8/a998 03/L7 /1_999 APPLICAI!:T ALL CLTMATE MECHANICAI-,P. O. BOX 1059, L542 HTGHWAY 24, COT{'IRACTOR AI,I, CI,IMATE MEC:IANICAIP. O. BOX 1059, t642 HTGHWAY 24,OWNER CADMUS MARK & MARTA 28]- BRIDGE ST, VAIL CO 8L657 D::scription: ADD BOILER FOR SNOW MEI,T SYSTEM Phone z 7L9-486-234L LEADVTLLE, CO 80461 Phone:. 7a9-485-234L LEADVILLE, CO 80461 Valuat,ion: Firepl.c. InforDrlion: Re€tricted: I 14, L00 . 00 #of wood/Pa]let:*of eas Appl,iarccs: .00 378.00 *of oa6 Log€: Tolal calculabed Fee6- - - > PEE SUI.IMARY llechanical- -- > Plan Check- - - > Invest.igat.ion> t{i11 call----> Regbualants Plan Revier--> DRB F6e--------- TOTAL FETS----- 300,00 75 .00 , oo 3 .00 378.00 .00 378.00 379.00 .00 .00 Additional- Fees---------> Total P6rmit Fee------ --> PaymenE6- -- -- - - BAIANCE DUE-. -. BUILDING DEPARTMEI{:f DepE.: BUILDING Division:JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .fR!TFfRE DEPARIIvIENI Dept: FIR-E Division:JRM Act.ion: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL ],. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE,2. EOMBUSTTON AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 507 OF THE 1991 UMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACN'R3S INSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CI{APTER 21 OF THE 1-991 I]MC.4. GAS APPLTANCES SHALL BE VEI{TED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFTED TN SEC.9O6 OF THE ]-991 I]MC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMEI T MUST COMPIIY WTTH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F TIIE t_991 I]MC.5. BOIIJERS SIALL BE MOUITTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.I]NI-,ESS LISTED FOR MOIJIVTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7- PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATERSUPPLY BOTLERS SHALI, BE EOUIPPED WTTH A FLOOR DRA]N PER SEC.21,19 0F THE 1991 uMC. ******************************************************************************** Item: 051-00 09 /L8 /L998Item: 05500 09 /Le /L998 o U;t"Xi$rf,ffi* DEPARTI'iIEIIT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES MEC:IANTCAL PERMIT Permit #: M98-01-80 2860 ASPEN LN 2860 ASPEN LANE E UNIT 210L-034-04-0L2 DECI.ARATIONS r hsreby ackno{lcdg. EhaL r have reed chig epp}icaglon, flLlld out, in ful] fhe infornallon required? complcled an accuratse plo! plin, rnd state th.E rll the inforn tsion plovid.d as requirsd ir correcE. I aglee to coolrly r,ith th6 iDforoaLion and plots ptan, fo cdltly eith .11 Tovn oldinaDcc. rnd atatc 1|l!, and to bul,ld thia atsrucCur! accord.ing Eo the Torn'r zoding and eubdiviBion codcr, dcalgu r€vi.r rpproved, lt:rifon Buildlng Cod. .nd oth.r ordinanc.g of, thc Tovn rpplic.blc thercto. REQUE9TS FOR IlfsPEqIfONg AHAI,tr BE llllDB IWEn[rI-fO(n EOURS Itr lltgANCE BY TaLEPHONE AT 479-2134 OR AT OIrR OFFICE FROM 8.O0 AU 5:oo PU rt*r*ar*r!lalr rrat*art:tttt*t+*rti*tttrt*tti*rrrr TOI{N OF VAIIT, COIJORADO geaClunc St.tcunl NuEb.r: REC-O{s1 lBounC: p|l/[rnt, llcthod: CK !{oe.eion3 1055 3ts.0o o9l18/9s 09r13 Inig: Ilt Pclole No: U98-0180 ?il'p!: B-!,!ECtl IilECllAt{ICtL PERI.IIT P.!c.l No: 2101-03{-04-012 Sltc Addr.€r: 2860 A!'PEI Lt{ Iroc.tLon: 2850 AAPE tAl{E B Utffl ttris P.td.nE Total FaaE 3 37a.00 Totrl Mr lttr: Er:.rDca: 3 74. 0o 3 78. O0 .o0 lccorr|rc d! Drsclipgion llP ooi00003111300 EcxINfIcl! PER Ir FBla Pt 00100003:.12300 Pt tlc cBEcK FaEs nc 00100003112800 rlLtr ctliL I SPEcttot FEE ldounE 3 00. o0 15.00 3.00 **iLil'T:F:f;d sEP ld 1998 vtt' f "..^)Legal Description: Lot_ Block ordners Name: fh".lt (o,rl*rri 'Address. atta}g*., tr^- 6,-, BUILDTNG: $ -PUDIBTNG: T---ELECTRTCAL: $ FiIing SUBDIVISION: oTHER: S --TOTAL: l / - INFORMATToN ********** * ********* ****** *Town of VaiI Req. NO.Phone Nurnber: Electrical Contractor:Address:Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Plunbing Address: Contractor:Reg. NO. Mechanical CAddress: f, PLI'MBTNG PERMIT FEE: I'IECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of Vail Reo.Phone llunler: (7i1 FoR oFFrcE usE ******************************* BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:PLWBING PI,AN CIIECK FEE:I'TECHANICAL PIAN CHECK FEE: RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERUTT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: Address:Architect: ceneral Description: Work Class:[)(.)-New [ ]-Atteration t l-Aalditionat [ ]-Repair [ ]_other.__ Nurober of Dwerling un5-ts, Mlr Nunber of Acconnodation units , 4 'i ^ {pnber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ wood/perretv 't********************************* vALUATToNs **** * ******** ****** * **** *** ****** Eeneral. Contractor: Address: CLEAN T'P I}EPOSIT REN'rrD -off/*-r (ro.^n*- ' 1 cF u''' a /7f5 .-__-i .\>s\-,--...----\.J\.+- ).\s -\\ \ $-s l-t ; N r8"-el o PROPEBTY EOUIPMENT DATA EOUIP. No. -tyFEi- rou-EEFi- MAKE LOCATION IIODEL SERIAL NO. voLTS_ AMPS MANUFACTURER - DATE PURCHASED _ PHONE - SPAREPARTS -- OTHER DATA _ A - Air cond.I - &ilrn C - Coagr:soc O - Ebctonics F - Atac G - Grdjrdr H - lledcr| L - Ludry M - lbb.t O - OTHER P - Punpr T - trdne V - Vbfir.t w - Wrb. X - Enrelrrt MAINTENANCE REQUIREMENTS t.'' I Fl -..l F- t ,\- . FL $ I \ I I \wvl t.l \5\ H1 :F F, ;,}Y,*:, FhF L\g Y qt -t- '.\ :-.:. t. >\ AiF' N c) \ e\ -s,. ") Ilt,? $-":s' I:- i, -ft Sr \-i s! $o PROPEFTY EOUIPMENT DATA EourP No. -nYFf -if,iJridEF- uaKE LOCATION IIODEL SERIAL NO. voLTs _ AMPS DAIE PURCHASED MANUFACTURER - ADORESS - PHONE - SPAREPARTS -- OTHER DATA - A - Air €o.td. B - &ibrr C -- Co.np rsor! O - ELcrs*:. F - Flr.6 G- - Grwnds H - lb.|c'r L - Lar/ndrt M - Mob.r o - qnER P - Itrmp3 T - T.rdne V - lrdrta W - Warr X - Emgrncy MAINTENANCE REOUIREMENTS " -:;;=, I$r/$7/rA O7:5{3 REIIUESf S FOR INSFE.UI Itlhl t^l0llK SHEETS f::{fll:1r/ 7/14 [icc : F,FttiE. 6 ffREfl: CI) Activityt i'198-rl1BO ItA/ 7i9t! -l yper B*l{ECt-.t $tatr-tsr ItiSUED [bnstr; FtDUtr Liddr-ess r ilfJCrB A$F'Ehl LN Locatiorr: 3B6o AsFiEi{ L,INL. [: UNI I l.'arcel r il10r1-rtr34-E+*01[Use Descr-ipt ian: ADII BOTLER FOR $NUN ltlE|_I SySlHt4 AppL icant l ftLL CLIMA"f E MECI-{ANIt":tl|- Fhsne r 71'J-486-134 1 fiv.rner': CADI4US l4ilRl{ fi. MtlRlfl Flrone: [r:rrtr'actorr ALL CLIt{ATf HHCFIANICUL Fhone I 71r.,*486-eJ41 i.nspection Reqne et Requestor': Steve Reel Tirne: tZtl.;tZfi Items reqr-te*t:ed bo 'AtA390 I4ECH-F inal Inf'ormation.,... Llorrment g l Er0wrleIt Fhone r '7 19-a6e.-6316 be Inspected.ttct i o rr Com ment s lnspeetittn Histor'y...., I t em : 0dE'au HECH*Ror-rgh Itent: tl[i;4Ut frLHB*Ees FLipinq I bem: reltil.f lUr lrlECH-Heat irrg 1t em: -btir3*tZr MECH--Exfraust HoE,cis. It.en: €t833td t4ECH-Sir-rpply Aii' Iten: Btl34rzr FIECH-Misc, A9/eq198 lnspectorI uD Notes: ltlOVE HEfi"f LIFIES f{ ltem r OEJ9tZt ltlEtrH--Final Item: 'fila5sS FIRE-liINAL {-;./tr Time Exp fl .t TOWN OF VAIL. 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO ',81657 970-479-2r38 Job Address...:Location......: Parcel No.....:Project Number: 2860 ASPEN LN 2806 ASPEN LANE UNIT B 2101-0 3 4-0 4-013 PRJ9 5-0021 VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAIJ IP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 VAI,LEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL IP O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81520 WIMER FRANKLIN S & JOYCE D 4305 S FRANKLIN ST, ENGLEWOOD CO DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE MECHANICAL PERMIT PeTmit AT .[.tl . ALL TIMES M9 6-0033 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: REMODEL Fi reptace lnformation: Restri cted:tof Gas App I i ances: Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . I0110 Valuation: flof Gas Logs: ISSUED o4/2e /Lee605/08/tee6 Lt/04 /7ee 6 Phone : 3039 49 L7 47 Phone: 3039 49L7 47 3, 000 . 00 gof Uood/Pa Ltet: **ffi FEE SUill'lARYtlechanicat-) 50.00 Rcaturfant P!€n Reviev--> .0O Totet cal.cutatcd Fees---> ZE.OOPtan Chcck--) 15.00 DRB FcF--------lnvestigation> .00 TOTAL FEES------ t,i Lt Cal.L---> 3.00 payncnt5--- 76.@ BALANCE DUE_________> .00 ''| 2.3. 4. 5. o. 7. 8. Iqe{ri ,951q0 BUILDING_DEPARTMENT _ Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:04/29/1996 DArr Acriona-AFFn cHenr_,rE DAViS-' -- CONDITION OF APPROVAL qIE_LQ_IN9PECTTONS 4&E_-BEQqTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.gg_uEg_s_rIQN-4rR rs BEQqIBED pEn sEc.--007 oF--rHe-IsdI uMc. INS TA_LIAT I ON MUs r_ colqoBlr ro-rualluFec iune 5 - rll3itnfr ci i ollS -aNo Iq_AppENDIX_qEAprER 21 oF rHE 1t01 -uMa-.-- q49_4pl rANCES SHAL_L_EE VENTED-AeeOnDme ro CHAPTER 9 ANDsEA!! _ rEtsM-r-NATE As_ qpE g r E I-ED r N--S E a .-s 0-6 -oF -rHlili O t 1 UMC-. - AqqE 9q TQ HEATING- -EQUTpMENT- r'ru-sr- edlrFr.,i wirlr"Sed . s ds - jwo703 0F THE 1991 nMc: E9_r!E4S SEAT,L BE MqqNEED QN FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST. uN_LF-Eq !,_r 1ED FoR_UQUNTr-Nq oN-eoMgusirtsLH -F-L6oRiN6; pEEl'{rTrELANS_AND g9PE_ANALISrS-r.lTUSf-sE-Fo-sTED-'iii-l,recHaNrcar, $t8iyiEil0llfu tildi8if,1fl68ilq.88$fii* ;; ;;;;" -;. Hor-wArERSgppry_BoTLERS sH&rrl BE EeUrpFE-D-i,titH-A i,rttoR'DRIiN -pen SEe .'2119 0F THE 1991 nMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATTONS t. hereby .acknortedge thlt I have read,this.pptication, fil,ted out in ful.t thc infonnation requircd, conp[etcd an accurate plotptan, and etate that alt the information proiideo as required is correct. r agree io compty Hith the infonmtion and ptot ptan, o to conpty uith att Tovn ordinences and state tays, and to buitd this 3tfuctupe according to the Torrnr3 zoning €nd suHivision codcs,'dtgign rcvi ev approvcd, Uniforl Building Code and other ondinances of the Toun appticabte th+ato. . RECUESTS FOi II{SPECTIOI{S .SHALL EE TADE NTEITY-FOUR H(IJRS tI{ ADVATICE BY Ar 47tF213€ oR AT ouR otFIcE FRoll 6:00 xl 5:00 Pil SIGMIURE Of OT'I{ER O[ COITRACTON FOR HIIISELF AIID I * * * * * !t * * :l * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * :* * ** * * t TOWN OF VArL,'COLORADO Payme.nt Method: CK Notation: 8807 Statemnt **************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0136 Anount:78.00 05/08/96 13:03fnit: JR M96-0033 TlT)e! B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2101-0 34-04-013 2860 ASPEN tN 2805 ASPEN LANE UNIT B Total Fees: 78.00 Total AI,L Pmts: Balance: **L*L{.**************J.******r.*********lrr,************************* Permit No: Parcel No: site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3I2 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 78.00 ?8.00 .00 Anount 60.00 1s.00 3.00 l,iAY- 3-96 fRl i2:49 Pli{ f,mncn t; AlAl-r:*r't ^#il-;i,}itHug$3rnb PERI.IIT S -:* J APPlrcATroN HUsr BE FTLITED our cor,tplErEly oR rr MAy Nor BE AccEprED ,f******r*******r****t*tt******* PEBMTT rilFonl.tjh''roN *****'r***t********tr********** I J-Bulldhg t ,-Ptunrbtng I r-Ereatrtcar tfl-]rechantbar [ ]-othar .__Jsl' Nane! W .rob Addree", Z&.@ Legal D€scription: Lot_ Block_ Flliog.---__t!,nfltgro*, ewners Nane: \lL?W!.\€(- laaress:@llF?anbtirnSi_. ph,@Archt'tedt: % Address: \r . t,L , owners narne: _\Al ef ceneral Descrlptionl t+orx ctilsss I l-N€w f1{_afteration I Ph. r€i on-'. Nuro.ber of Dwelling Units: _ t BUILDING: t ELUHBTNG! |'--......r_- t*******rr******************rr Eeneral Contraotor: g1T:: ::u *" of. Ftreptaces: Gas Appliances-_ Gas Loss_ woo.t/pellet__ fi***********************+********* vALuATroNs ********************************* nlrcrnrcal: i OTHER: IUEct{ANf cA rJ : fEc eotn-iru.l n I TOTAL: $ coNfRACtoR . rNFoRI{ATION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r * * *Address r Iown of Vait neE. No,Phone Nuhber: - G- Electrical Contfactor: Addrese I Plunbihg CoDtractor; Address 3 Mechanlcal. contractor!Address: r:D{\ Ra; <-, r*********i******************t** BUfIfiINC DERI'IIT FEDr PLT'UBING PERMIT FEE: I'{ECHANTCAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRTCAII FEE: OTHEA, trYPE OF TEE; DRB FEE: SUILDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: 3!!I!B{NG P[.AN cHEcK EEEs I!^ClNtrcAL Pr,AN cHEcK FEE!RECREAFToN FEEr CLEAN*UP DEpOgfT! SOTAL PFRMIT FEEG: l-Addittonat t j-Repair I J-otherJ.- Nuhber of Acconnodation Units: town of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of Vai.l Phone Nurnberr Town of vail Phene Nurrbert Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FoR oFrrcE usE *** ****** ****.**********i * ***** SQ.FT; ---q -.--.-i BUILDINGT STGNATIJRE: ZONTHG: SIGNATT'RE!Cohrnents: g,EA$ ItP DEPOSTT RIFsHp m: I NAY- 3-90 IRI 12:50 * [t]*ttt {.:/ /' 'i ^,r'P }{ I{EATLO$S Vers 5'@ 'Al 'r1kOtli ri rrJ. r'* P}/l ' ;:;;;-5,;;. ;;;;;.',.' ;;;;;" ;;;'c..;;1.=: + \.,,+ .,. e | !, .! * $ * . - !.':,;1 | ,. I - ; ;11 :i * *'r r * * * *,r r * * * { * $ * *'t { DAItL GLENlilr-rO) GFlRllitll$ J366 GI.,EN AVE GLEt'llllofil) Fi1ll]'NGSi CC) ' F1601 945-2331 1-80e-?52-3245 -go'r\cr l- Sa-srooO B\J irasErl (,r'r ii iJos,i.glr 'f{nl;-r. lliff,ererrcF ()!-qo P. 3,*i*rata*t*rltarx Rel. laire, l4I **AYr**lt*+i.tv*1 O/.1 - ".'';. I tt'i(; WIHER l{eai 1o[rl' STUDIO/ i,I]iINHOOMigiiiNc Ill':l'IGHT rg t) . c0 Fllri:'i', vf-''LilMEl -'f s ) ' 4'!qt 1 EXPO$SD OPENTNGS,ToTALING :5>>>>>>>>ts i sxrosFlrr !^lAl,l,,s, notr i.rc:'l r:r'1j:lg oErenlngs''JioTALf N(f >>>> E9 ' @ ROOM SrZFt IS 12.@ LONC by 1S.o wrDE, ToTALTNG >> 180'0 WINDOW Typr; T,q. U-V{rlltFl ," O, No Openlnqls ln tnls troon WALL TYPFI I$, U-Value = .@6, Fratne fnst:lated CEIL,,Il.lfi 'r'li)rljl T:l: U' \lil i rr*', ,, {,0. CondLt ioned space i'LOOIi TYFB IS ' (J-VaIue = ' 8I , Concrete Floors IInATT,( ri:i$i {AUL lr a r , ? f.l r.. 3,944 'r ' ill ois 32 .3 CUBIC FliTiT SQUARE FEET SQUAEE FEIET SQUARE i'EET Bbove Tl'le Tntfll Rlluti for the outslde walls a:e The T01:i.i:l R'j"tlil f or the iilxpcrr,:rrd openings are The total BTUH for the celllngs The tota l STiiiT f ('l I itr':' l'l ''rrr:r F The F'il lll 1 nf I I t r'at lort f ot' I he open ings :s THE TOTAI F.Tllll FOT; 'rr''?r: ?1:1(11',1 T$ fl+,:;rrlrrc,cl i?a.1 inr';{ ilooi',rr:tput, ETU'5 ./3r;uafe fOot FN:JIIii iEILINfi li'i ri.'.lT :ts c.?i0 "FIFT, :/(l:,'il-tT Tl :',.'t(,t, i'lllll;' nnlli'r 3 $X-Ff-lgED SilAlIIllCS. TOTALI IJA l\:i:' !'-\:"r'>1>:>r:':L>>>5>>:'':t 5I ' 5 SQUARn FEET Z ilxtt]illi )J.': r,ll , 'rr;. ;lr"1 'r.ii'f.g openlngii,TOTAI-lliG :'>>> \AA'5 SQIJAFE FAii'I" ROOM SIZE :ti 19 .7 LCTJG by 1E .b Wile, TOIALII'TG >-*, !95 5 Si0tlt\Flii FrFlHiT wllit:ot{ T.'l-.,F1 'ii:, II \rr;.lrr(, .. .:'161, Douki.Le Fane, Low e ("rr,"r'l:l:19, clFal' f}l; r:'i WALL T!'Illl I8; U-'Jeil.rte - r'rlJ:,1,l;fll -*',il|1.: .1, ll :ii,I '. ' ,8.-, t Fii'nir I i', E -l l. 'r: 6d '\ , f 'Cr;l(Ji: l(:rii(-i:: ;ii:)r.r ii' ;iii.1i::'/n' . I i- , tl,r n c' l' t. lj t.: Pr l- (r(:1 t,' E 1l'nr.' T:rt,*1. i'lTi.I'i or.r" l,f . rr; .),.ii si'.il t't.t',L -.n Ai,i' 'f)'li" 'Tr'i .' l '):1,'l f rri ', r'(, ,\it l/(rf:t'(1 CI;{+l'l '; ' "''. Tl.r., | ,rl.ir L 'r-tii.lli fQl' f i'. '"':,i : '..jrj 'i'l',i' ti''. i.l''l,ll"i I/:l Tr'.i. 1."':-::: .tri'i'j l. {...t..i .:,, lr';i- ri:e r}!ie:11nglE :.€ :':ii ',ii',, '. ",jl-l ,"'i)r, 'l:'| 1"1(li)\'i Iii ;/frr,,i,, r' ,-..,-. 1;-..t') 1.tr:', f l.-.tjt r:ililfr\ t, EIT:j':f, /8.:lr-ldfe foot 'i'i ) ,i 1i i: :.r.1 '' , 10fi1 .1\ -l r', L.t' ' -J .,r r ) rtF. F, @.r41o 21 .2 tr* j i r.';' a*l'tlt{,}t'lfi'Si ltAY- 3-96 iRr t2:51 ?v. :1 I BgDRO0l4 flEi:.,,.1N(.: Iij': i.:ll,if i{' .. v-r? rtltl-j "i,, i} lir f : t ,,;, tA f i!;i;1' 1.r'i1',', 2 EXF',rlSiiD 0 filiiNlls,TL]TALING rb:e]].>:'Fr]:r:':1"r,.:']]]>.j..5:;.:.].:] ?0.D SI1I"JARH rtftT ? H):i-t-,iinl , ''.'lii.I,!"i , 'ri,i r",( ' ,l(i1Og Op€h:.-r!Fr'.1'1.:l,:'ALr-l':ii. ...,.,;' _Llf:, t) i3QljAl-l::i i'i.lLii':' IIOOM STZE.IS "t2.: LCNG lry :.0.0'dIfF, ?()TALfNc >> I25.4 SQUARI: F'IJET 'y,lT;\'niiikJ T\-1-',r 'i ji: lt ,/ f rii.. . :f,.1 , j_joUb,j.+ irAlitr, llfw e t":t)(ltit]g, CjedI (;'iitritt itAi.,l., i'Y;-Ill Ili r i]l- VaIUF * ,06, Frane lrrsuirrt,e,l (:"{iL,r.i i.;i'; ''}1"i' r|: :t 'jirrrl | ;;,, r;o]]o..tt;nnqc FIJffft a}]:.vg FLOTJF I Ylrlii i:tl r U- Vai .ir' - . Sl , Conc ret ,Ei I,']oo rs Ii!i:ATi,clFl,:hr. Totei: ilTi,.lij l:Qr tlte ciutslde wBIle aie 513j'f:rt li ,,:,rr i|l :ilf f()I :.1,(, ld[] ,-,t'r'l Openlng:i s.fe f"'501 The totirl BTUH for iile ceilrngs A','ile tolfri llrl III J'nr'llrr'..iir'.{.'r,. },O51 The BTUII lnflltratl-cn for the openlngs ls 7,25? TllE T(l'fA'., l1?l IH Fa)n rlliF R00l-t Ts "::i.471 SoqlllrecJ Radirrnt f loor output, BTU's /Bquare f oct i.s 2't .8 BNDROOM CEILING lllITrlHT Tf f'j .00 i:in:f1:T, t/Ol.liMt,l rfi :r. ,ot?t) ('ltllTc lilll,ll' 1 EXPOSED APSNINGS,TOTALINGL EXFCISEt) 1.{41,1,tl , r'rr;1. 1r'rr:l r1(i ir')g openrngs, TOIAL:NG >>>> )5. S SQUARS FEIIT H00l{ SIZE IS 13.5 I,ONG rry 10.0 WTnil, TOTALING >> 135. o SDUARE EI:ET WINDCIW TYI'FI rllir 1i y6 ll.r " .1iil , Double Fane, Low e Coating, clear Gl.6Es WAIL TVPF: Til , II-VnIr:e o A6. Frsme ]r"sulatod CEILING :fvf')', jl",: lt li.1tllir' *. 0, t-tlnclltloned space Rbove FT,OOR TVPlil T.g, Tj-VaIne = . Si, Concrete Flocre UFAT],OE{]Thn I'nt;c"!. Fl'f.lH f .-\r tha or.ttsrde wal. Is ar€, 4OA The Toberl IlTi III for fhe Hxpr"reel(l C)I)enings are 4Tfi Tho total BTUH f,or the ceillngs O The total nTlill fnr the liloors tl0.? Tho BTUti inflltration for the opcnlngc 1c 7O3 THE TOTAI, Frf iifi F(tlt TH.IS RooM IFi 2,399RGqulred Radl*nt f Iootr output, Bf,U' ,s /squore f oot is I? . I BTIINH CEILING iiTiI]GTIT IS B,OO IIEET, VOL,I,IMN T,C 560 fI]F.r(: If},;IIT'f EXFOEED OFENfNGS, TOTAI,ING >'",>>>>p>2tt2 2 j.r>>>)>>> 6.@ 6QUAF$ FEET? ExposFln wAT'L$, vrnt. ineJ.lirl't ng openings,TorALrNG >>>> ?g.o seuARH F'EET ROOI4 OIUE I$ 10,0 LONG lry 7.0 WIDE, TOTAL]NG >> ?O.o SQUARE IiEF:T wINDow rvpFl 'rs,: ll'"vnl1l(: ."' .lrii , Doubre pane, Low e coatlng, clear Gless}J.\III' TIFO TC I U-Value ,. , 06, FI i:iute f rlsulatecl CAILING TYI'll TFI r ll..Vrr I rrs: - O, Conillt lone'X space above FI,OOR rYPE IS, U-l/alue s .81, Cottcrete F J.oors i{l{Ir,TI .OS$ 42r I i-l t) The TUL*I BTUH for the out3lde walls are The ToLel IlT1lI{ for the Flxpoiir:;ri Openlngs Bre O.l rr^ l $,s; }IAi- 3-96 fRi t2:51 tr{ T[3 f;l,?i *li# f:l lff,ei,]l'" The BTUII tnflltratlon for the openlngs 13 .XHb. 1'OTAI, N'l-l'Il FOR :i'I']TF; ROOM Tg Regulred Radiant flaor output, BTU'3 /square foot ?, 5.-- 0tt5 316 .t I t.1 | {c ?6 ' uTTrru iiiituc IInTcilT rs I 4. o0 ir'itirr vr:r:i,tl*E Tfr {'}, 11tt ellt.''r-(l F-lir'i'l' 6 FIXPOSED opENINGg,TOTALING >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>P>>>> 133.0 SQUARE FFIET i gxposi:n wl1l,$, rr6t .1 ttr:1ufling openlngs.toTALrNG >;'>> 416'@ sQUAn$ FEE1 FOOM SIZF IS Z3.O LONC by iS.O W1OE, TOTALING >> 431 .A SQUApB EEET wrNDoti fYI-,lil TI'l' ll..vrrl\rrl * - 3fi1. r Doub-Le Pane, LoW e COaalng, c1eilr GIHss IIALL TYPE IS' U-Value - '06, Frane lrisul-ated CEILIIiG'fvl1l,l I,q' ii"Vfllirr'- .013, (A) 30 Ce111ng FtcOF Ty[]E rS, U-vaJ,ue = 0, F100r over anv condltt,?ll9*fFPc* !:.}i,).j I 'r, tFl,\ The Total BTUH for the outside walls are 2'57b The Total. Itl'ttll f or l:he lTxltorier! Qpertlngs are \ ' ?7) the totaL BTUH for the celllngs 1,311 ine total llil'llll f or' I,tre f l or.,r'r o The BTUtt 1nf j. ltratlon for the openlngs j.5 8' 327 TH0 T0TAI qrIIIt l,'olt THIE nooM lt\ 1"1'47q Regulred Radlant floor output, BTU'B /square f,oot 1s 39'9 LR CEILTNG IIilTGHT TS 14.n0| F]rrnil , v0:i,ijl4lr.rs i,653 ctjFtr(: IrI':'i:T 7 ENPOSED otrENINGS, TOTAL.ING >>>>>>:'>>>>>>>:'>>>>>>> 191 .4 SQUARE F'nEl', 3 EXPOSED WALI,F, r.,o'l; inr:'! ')rl'i ng openlngg; ,TOTALING >>>> 784'4 SQUARE FEIiT Root{ $TzE rS 36.? Lo}TG by :.S.1 wroe, TqTALTNG >> 546.6 SQUAFp FFiET WINnOW TVFIJ r$: li-L'e;l,l€\ r'] .!r5:1.r Double Pane, Lot^t e Coatlng, Clear Glasa WALL, TYtrE I9 r U-Vfllue - . O5, Frerne InELrlat ed CIIILING T'yilll Ifr, I'l.Vn1. 1'i{' ,,-' , O1tr, (R) 30 Celllnq FITOOR TVITE 1S, U-Vslue - 0, Floor over any flondit The Total DI'UII for the outside r-'sllc are The llotal, RTilli r(rI t.lre [.lx5rr:s<jc] OE]enlngs Bre Tlrv L0tcll BTUH fsf the celllngF The total BT'lfil rc'r'[he :Floc-trp.t Tlre BIUh ,J"rrf 1l-t re*t 1un !t>r the openlngE 1s THE TOTAT Rl\l]l FoIi l'l'Irfl R.toM l,q Rer;rllrecl nadlallt f Iour outPtlt, DtU'3 /6qu'1re foot l on€.cl SpF.r-- e 'JF:ATLI),5S4 ,236 f1 , i,4B ), ,846 l.L, ytt€ ?4,16tr.lE 44. B ?Np l'(JYb,iii CEILING IIF|T GHT Tf] i.I . OO FFTI, 0 h.ixPusElL oPEi{rNGS, TSTAI,rhlG 0 EXPCSED IdAl'LS. rrlf lttr:.ltlil'l vO'i'tll'IE il'l >>>>>>>>>>,> > >> > ? >)t > ] -7 > rrg openlngs, TOTAI,ING >>>> l iIri {:1lnTfl fnni 0.0 GQUARI'I lrnnl' O,O SQUARE FEET tJnrrrs 4 NAY- 3-96 lRl l2:52 PM ,ff$$o,f trtrt,',1t, r, tt,;'tu-tfl? L -5 SrljiI;- t?;TJi: ;;O 88 ' 0 WALL TYPE IS: U-Vaiue : .06, Frafle Insul'ated CEILINE :fyFn I6; ll licrl l;': - fr, Ccrnclit ioned cp'gcc above Ft,oOR TYPE lS, U-\relul = @, FLoor over anv Condjtt,?ilf;lr.i$F-" P6 sQUAt{ll t'EEj'r The Tot81 BTUH for the outslde walls are The Total. lJTi ,n r-or' thc ExpuuetJ 01'rrrrri11g5 6pg The total BTUH for the ce1l1ngs The tOfAI lrt'l'ittl t r:r- the !-1()3I E The BTUH inflltration for the openlngs is THE TOTAL nTt)H tr(lrt lHLS ft(lJM lfr Fequired Rsdlant tioor output, BTU',5 /sguare f oot ls o At 0 a o 0 a,@ Ft^lDR BM CEiI,TNG l.llil,r'oft? TS '') 0i't rl'lrl'1',v(;),L,r.ir{!j L i;7 4?t ClTl'1Tf FllJiiT O.O SOUAIIF] FEAT u. r, sguARil FEST 5@.0 $QUARIT FEE|T 0 EXPO$IID OPENINGS,TOTAI.,ING >>>>>>ts>>>:'>>>>>>>>>>> A EXPOSED L,JAI,I'$, rtni; itrr:1:trltlrg openlng€,TOTAI,ING >>>> ROOM SIZII IS 6.0 LONG bv s'0 hJIDE, TOTALING >> }iINDOW TYI-1ljr Tll r Ii"\rer.l r'rtl *' 0, No openlngs ln this room WAT,I, TYPE I S: U- Value = . 06 , Ft'ane Insu lat ed CEILING'rvPI1. Tfi, Il..'r/ilien = 0. condltloned space above F,T,OOR IYPE iqr u*value = 0, Floor over any condltloned space HENTI'OIIS The Totnl- STUH for the outslde wailB are A The Total i1,i'llll frrr 1'htl Exponticl (Jpenings are 0 Thr-, totnl BTIIH for the celllnq8 A The total. uTlili for- the f lc,ol''i O ?he BtuH 1nf lltr,rtton for th€ openlnqs is 0 THE TOTAI, FTIIT' T'OR TI{TS RONM TFI O Reqr,rlred Etar:ilant f loor output, BTU's lsquare foot is 0 'O nlrnnM CHILING linTf;llT r(j s . @0 F ilrilT, v0l.,uMl :ifi ?\Qt CilFI(l rrlilFlT L ExFooED oI]ENINCS, TOTALING :.F>::F>p!!:r5:t>>>>>>>>> 16.0 SQUAIIH FEIIT L EXFOsFlti I^IALLF! , rrat lnc-,lll(ljrrg openingls,TOTALTNG >>>> 24.0 gQUARE FtlEI ROOM .grZE Ig 6,0 LONo h,y 5.0 WIDE, TOTALING >> ea.o souARE FESIT WINDOW TYFn IS. ll .Vn Lu-4" = . -?61 , Doubte FAne, Low e Coat ing, C1ear G1ass 'rJAL1J TIPE IE: U-VaIue - . A6, Frome Inculated CllIi,ING T\iF:rn rff: il'Vn.l.t.ir' * 0, crlrrdttloned space above FLOTCR TYPE r3: u-va1u€ - @r Floor over any condltloned srraet Tlre TuLel BTUII for the outside wallc qrc the Total nru}t 1'or the Expe,serfJ Ot)enings are The UoLct] Bf,UH ft:rr tlre ceillngs The toterl F,TI,H for the f loors llie BTUH 1nf lLtrtiLlolr f u! the opetritrgs ls THE TOTAI. T'tI'It'I FOR THIS FOOM IS Hequrredt Racllant flool utlLpul, BTU's /square foot HFIATT,NflJT 13@ \20 @ h Pf,(?e i l€t NAY- 3-96 fRr t2:53 PM t? ?ND I'LF BFIN]IM CETI,,ING HI|,'TGIIT T$ 8, OO FEET, VOI,I.JMFi TS i. ,26',T I1JNTC S''iiqT 3 EXPOSED OPENINGS,TOTALING >>>>>>>>>> z EXFOSED wAI,t,Fl, trtrl. .[rrr;li.tl,l rrU ulrtrrrlngsr X'Q?ATrII,lG P]]> I84 ' 0 $QUARS Ftitlf, ROOI4 SI?E I5 28.0 I,ONG by 10.2 WIDE, TQTALING >> 285^5 SQUARI: F'ilET WINDOW ffYFtl 1F; il VirlL)1] s .36J, noultle Palle, Irow e Coatlng, Cl-eflF Glttlis WALL TYPH IS: U-Value = ,06, Frame Insulated CEILING TYF,Fi fflr lT-\ffl:tttt = t4, (lr)L(lltlonecl EpACe ADOVe FLooR TYPE IS, U-Value : 0, Floor over any Conditlcned Spoce lJh.iA .[] ,o:il i The Totel BTUII for t.he outslde waile are 994 The Totel B'1 ifll t ilr' t. ne t xpo$e(l l.lpenrnqs atre ,/ , lh I The tctal B]'UH for the cel]lngs O Ifte tot$I Hf ili{ ! rtr. t.bel ? j,c,rr.rr,6 A ?he BTUH 1nf1ltratlcrr for the openlngs 1s 4,508 TIIE TOTAI,, nTilll FC)n THT$ RcrrtM lifl 8,269 Requlred lladtant floor outputr BTU's /square foot ls ?9.0 3RD BEDRM CEILING TIE]G}IT IS B, OO FEFI'I" VOI,I.II4E IF ] , 44F EIIBTC FEITT 1 EXPOSED OPBNTNGS,TOTALING 1EXFOSED WALI.,I:, r)ot ir'rcllrl.i.rrc3 openlngs,TOTAIING >>>> 55.@ SQUAR$ F'EET ROOM SIZE IS 10.0 LONG by 13.1 WfDE, TOTALING >> t3L0 SQLIARE F'EET WINDOW TYFE TSr {!*Vr'l.rrr'': ..1(1., Doubl,e Pane, Low e Coatlng, Clear GiaBG WAI.L TYPE IS: U-Value = ,@5, Frame In8ulated CEILING TYPE Tflr il Vf,Lur',= .03i, (R) 30 Ceiling FLOOF TYFD I.$, U-VaIue - 0, Floor over any Condltloned Space I.iHATL,o,ssl The l'otal BllllH lior the ortte lria wal l s arF aQ? The Total BT1JII f(]r: the Elxpi:se{l Openlngs are l,040 The total BTIIH for the r:ei l lngs 3S3 The total FTTiII fcrr' r.he f loc/rtH A Th6 ETI-IH inflltratlon for thr o1>enlngs is 2,@44 TI]E TOTAL I]TiIiI TOR THTS ROOM IS :?,7"}C, Requlrcd Radlant floor output, BTU'B /Equare foot lo 28,5 3RD FLR I3?'II:'T}{ CEII.,ING HElci{if ]s *.0@ FI{ir'iT,VOI,UME ]II 4!6 Cl.'l3Tf: PUrr,l' o. 0 oQUAnn !'tiul' 40.0 SQUARF: I.,'EET 57.O GQUARE F't:F:? 0 EHPOSED OIJANINCE,TOTALII{C >rr).>>>>}>}>>>>>>>}.>->>>- L EXFOSFID ',{nI,I,,S,, nr:rt ;i.rrcIix.i trrg op6nlnqs,TOTALING >>>> IIOOM 6T?,8 TC 5 , 7 LOD{G by l"A. @ WIDE r TOTALI}'IG -z WINDOW TYFE IS) , i.I-VairJ+ = 0, Ncr oponlngs ln th18 room trIAI,I-, TYFFi IF: U-Valut: * ,06, Fral(e f tlsul{tEd CEILING TypE :rsi , U*VeJue * .o:l:i , (n) 30 CelItng FL,OOIT TYPE'I I$ r U-VaLue - 6 r Floor ove[ i :ry C(rn':l1t lsued Sp'dce I.tnAri,nS$ t).r.16 6 llLY- 3-96 tR I 12: 5: Pl{ BTTJH for the outrlde walls are FTIIII 1:rrv t h*: F,vJ'ri Opcninge s.r'e BTUH for the celIlngs Rlfllll li(rr ttre fl oorn Inflltration for the openlngs 13 BTtllt F()R TITIS FOO]\{ r$ Bactiant floor output, BTU'5 /square !. I The Total- The Tr:taL The total Tlre LuLidl The BTUH THE T9TAI. Requ l red foot ls o 7L a @ 3P76tr 3ITD FtR F'NYTIR cEII.,ING riri.iilllT Ts {r . 00 },',,.1J:i'.1',VQI-IIME T$340 cutJrc I'Flij'l' O. O SQUARE FEEI @,0 SQUAI1E FEET 42.5 SQUARH FEE:T @ EXPOSBD OPENINGS,TOTALING >>>>>>>>>> O EXPOSFD iIIAI,LS, r'ot irrcludi rlq flpen1n(fs, TOTALTTNS >>>> ROOM SIZE IS l.?.0 LONG ty ?.5 WIDE, TQTALING >> I^IINDOW TyFril lTtl , i.l-Vitlur: : 0, Nr) openlngE 1n tnls roolll WALL TYPE IS' U-Va1ue : .06, Fram€ Insulated CFiII,TNG TYF'FI lS, li'.Villlte '' .03:3 ' (X) 3U UeiIlng FLOOR TYPE T$r u-value - 0, Floor over Rny conditloneci gpace HtiAl l (lss The Total BTUH for the outatde walls 8re The Totdl. RT'liH f ()r' th4. Exp{rsecl Openlngs Sre The total BTUH for the delllngs The total FJTItlt f ttr thei :f locrs Tho BTUII lnfiltration for the openlngs :B THE TOTAI, B:|'II'I FOR THIB 'ROOH I$ Requlrect Badlant floor output, BTU's /square foot rs o 0 r2a h 0 ,1 ?B 3.0 3RF BEDRM CEILING HI.lIc.lllT Ig 8.00 trJ1gr, \rol'.lME lfl 1 , 2?3 CUBTC F lill{'l' 1 EXPOSTID OPE}IINGS,TOTAL]NG l EXPniiEn wALI,fi, trr:l ilictr.rcl:irrq ()penlng$,TOTALING >>>> 56.@ sQUARE FEET FOOM srzg XS rs.o L6NG by rO.1 wrnb, TnTAT,TNG >> 151.5 SQUAFE FEET WINDOW lYFti Tt;; IJ-Va] uF' - " 16: , Double Pane, Low e eodtlng, Clear GIaES WALL fYpE Is' U-ualue = '@6, F rame Tl.Isulated CllILIliG TYr'ii1 1'5i, Ll'Veil1;t' -o .fl3'1 , (R) 3A Ce11lng |:tY,nnn rvFn rtr. U Vsluc - @. Floor over any Condlt lonEd Spnno tlt'iATLtl$sl The Total FTUII for the outcidc lJslls are 262 The Total IlTll'{ f rrr' [!tr'-. Flx[ro''rcrd Cpenlngs are "' '04@lhe fotal BTUII f,or Ehe cettlngs 485 The total. BTIIII fnr: the floa):F A tlre IIIUH lnf1ltretlen for the openlnEc lE 2,OOA lHH TOTAL ETIiI' FC)}l TFII$ RDNM :II:i '3' FIIJ Recaulred Radiant f loor output, BtU'c /eifuatre foot 1s 27 '7 TOTAI,e ,. 1r* *ri +* +* *r r /e:1 , a *.rr A I tt * rr * ii f* l li * * lt ** tttL{a*}*t** /! **t ** i'**+ ** ** d* *tv'}tx ?*F**tl I I I tl ,pzrla 1 llAY- 3-96 FRI 12:51 PM P. 9 yygylylgfl"yyll]ll3lpy,lryyyyTg?.K.T-0...gll,r_*s_**t**,rl.r****a*^^a*{^^i VOLUME IS EXPOBSD r,T'ni!TNfilli. T(lTtrlI,TNG EXPOSED WALLS,f,bove grade not includlng openlngs TOTAL SQUAI{fi FliiFlT, r:i' wullu bel.ow Erade FI.,OOR AND,CEILING SIZT: IS The Total BTUII for the wal1s above grade areTlle TuLr*1. RTilll fr)r' t:h(', watIrj L,(rr:t ot-' grfi,de afe The Tota} BTUII for the Exposed openingB are The tota1 iltTriH for' !:n€ cerI.l.ngr:l The total BTUII for the floorsThe BTLIH lnl: r.Itritt:r orr tor tite c,E)(fninqts iS MEICI{AN ICAI. VENTII,AI IOT.I 26,82@ 63i.4 ? tQ59,4 U1 .Vl CUBIC F'ESI' sQUAttrB F UE't SQUAEE FF]ET li{,JtiAHkl l.'li'iilif SQUT1RE FEET2,514.8 HllA:l'i,( llil; 11,12i a 2Q t7g5 4 , t?.B 5, 458 3!), 9A$r 39 ,604TOTAIT II '!'IJH, 'I'[iTF 11 UILD**t****t****t**t*tt**r***t***f *f f ****ti* End 0f TNG Lzt,O?Q * * * * * t * I * t I t t * r ** * * * I'('''[)r):F1. 0 i1'1'lill * rr * *** *l * **t* f ** t.t I * su/lfllt7so,ts P.O.BOX1957 DiLLON,CO n$5 (e7o) 4684989 (970) 468.5891 FN( May 8,1996 CaryBuilderc P.O.BoxtllE2 Vail. CO 81658 Subjrf Sife; 'fvi,,,, i.i.]! ;'' -$0f-/' Allowable Soll Bearlng Capaci$ Lot 17, A Resubdivislon of Tnct E Filing 11, Vall Vlllage Town of Vail, Colondo Dear Bob: As reguesfed, we yisited tfe subj*t site on May I and ltray 7, 1996. The purpose of our visits was fo observe the exposed foundation solls of the three addition anas and verify the design allowable bearing capaci$ of 1fi0 pounds p* squarefooL Duing our vlsib the exposed solls at the varlous foundation levals of the site were observed to be a natural, medium dense sllty sand and gnvel with nbble. Based on our experienoe and knowledge of the area, the obserued natunl foundation soils are non- expansive and adquatefor a maximum allowable heaing capacl$ of 1500 pounds per square foot. The foundalion area is sultable for forming of footlngs. Duing our 5l7EG visit a short section of the west line of the north entry area contained 6" of a sft unsuitable clay. This roil was being removed durtng our vlsit. NII loose disturbed sr,ll in the footlng area slrculd be rcrnoved or compacted prior to co n c rete pl acernent. WafterO. Schultz P. E Sincerely, o DEPAR$ENT OF COV}4I'NITY Igtq,tl*Nil"o""' *o- !-?,i.-. co 816s?ugi'olbg-ztze -.ri.i oppMrr Musf BE ?osrED NOTE: T1{IS PERMII PLU{BING PER^UIT i::,ii:i:: : i iiF,{Hit ii,, ',?ii3i.li;. i iili u:ooz' ;f#::.il#$'m5'tffi: DEVEI,OP}{ENT ON JOBSITE AT AI.,I-, TIT'GS Pentit *: P96-0019 - ' lliilil: '.i iZTiii"'ui::i;: :'.', o1'1zs' 1 Ys e ffiii:;:'.1 og'/ztltggs Pbone: Phone: 3039491147 3$949t7 47 I0110 Valuation:20 r 000.00 DescriPtion: REY'ODEL un*:FJ IEE SUIIHARY 3]3.00 75.00 .@ 3.m ".G":: t'*j'-=tt P Lunbing-) Ptan check-> Investigatl on2 ui tl' Crlt-> BUIIDING Division: e:i, i)?3 e e o .',Hil? 5o n Jt"llT* CONDITION OF APPROVAI' RIQUIRED TO CiiECK FOR CODE .",::ff 1. FEILD INS?ECTIONS '**trr'.'-"--""--' DECL{itAr rvro . ---..r-^,{ cor.:teied an scclrat! ptot r hcreby acknov!{i: rti..l.niri;ri,;l';':?!:S"tittlin***t:i'illl}ii*:fffit*:$t.'.,."1 :h":'ltl':!:'iitt i,:::*,':!!!::t:i.*q**I:".:"rfliilf;fi:ti[:l'",lii::i]i'i:til[di#t'iry:::: i f [.,if *?]:ffi "*qi]ii:"ir":ru:qlf;*:i:ti[:]'":li '*:Y;+s^111111111:. .; : :[i:'"lm*i{!ll'-i',r,rm :1* :l*::*H*::;:;;;:: ;;:;;,r-,1* o* lr ounTrrrcE-lxoH E:o] '$ 5:00 Flt DECL\RATlONS ffi"" 37E.o?.s 3?E. o0 3?E.00 .00 '.:;:;:ill ,'s*lun+;***;lll*;i##i:"- nr Me:1:::_::_-----: -----------------roo*rNc pERMrr 9 TlrPe: B-Pin'Bl---'r*- No: P96-001r!:A:; "iI' iior-034-04-013YirY*'' - ^^?,c aePEN LN'Parcet "-' ieoe o:_r.* tI 3?B.oosite Addre::; ffiff'uNir *a rorar Fees: 3?s.00 fhis Palrinent 3? I ' 0O Total ALIJ PmtF t - ' OO * * * * * * **r. * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * : : : :- - - - -:?li::: ; - - - - - - - - - il:l;l- - ffi1;t: iiiil -- o"*llfu'-'xllj],'^1, "", 'gi,ll ;i ;;;; l)t',', i?il, iiiil''*i"::19:-:'-:6i oooo 41335 - a THISNOTE:PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERM]T Job Address: 2806 ASPEN LN Location..;: WIMER UNIT #B Parcel No.. : 2101-034-04-013 Project No. : PRJ96-0021 APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P O BOX 5080, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WTDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL I P o Box 5080, AVON CO 81620 OWNER WIMER FRANKLIN S & JOYCE D 4305 S FRANKLTN sT, ENGLEWOOD CO 80110 Description: REMODEL **r.#*t*#***#*trffi*t t!r****,***f,i****ffr**,* FEE SUlll{ARY Status...: APPROVED Applied..: 03/22/Lee6 rssued...: 03/25/L996 Expires..: 09/2L/L996 Phonez 303949L747 Phonez 303949L747 Valuation:20, 000 . 00 ON JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES Permit #: P96-0019 Restuarant PLan Revi eu--> TOTAL FEES--_- .00 378.00 TotaL CaLcul,ated Fees--> 378.m P Lumbi ng-----> Ptan Check---> Invcstigsti on> t,i tt Ca L t----> 300. m 75.00 .m 3.00 Additionat Fe!s-------> Total Permit Fer------) Payrents----- BALANCE DUE---- .m 378.00 .@ 37E.00 IIEM: O51OO BUILD]NG DEPARTMENT03/25/L996 CHARLIE Action: APPR DeDt: BUILDING Divieion: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FEILD INSPECTIONS REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE DECLARAT]ONS I hereby acknoutedge that I have read this appLication, fiLl,ed out in ful,t the information required-, cotlPleted an accurate plot ptin, a'no state thft att the infornJtion provio"o as required is correct. r agnee to corpl,y vith the infoflnation and ptot Ptan, io cimp1y yith ag, Toun ordinances and state taws, and io buitd this structure according to the ToHn's zoning and subdivision codes,'dlsign reviey approved, Uniform BuiLding code and othen ordinances of the Tovn appticabte thcreto- REouEsTs FoR INsPEcTIoNs SHALL BE }IADE T}IENTY-FouR HoURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROII 8:OO Afi 5:OO P SIGNATURE ot O!,lltER 0R CoNTRACTOR FoR HII{SELF AND ol'INER NOTE:PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TOWN OF VAIL ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 896-0030 o THIS Job Address Location. . . Parcel No.. Project No. 108. m .00 .00 3.00 111 .00 APPLICANT VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAL T P O BOX 5080' AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR VALLEY WIDE MECH. & ELECTRICAI-, T P o Box 5080, AVON CO 81620 O$INER WIMER FRANKLIN S & JOYCE D 4305 S FRANKLTN ST' ENGLEWOOD CO 80110 Deecription: REMODEL Valuation:6, 000 .00 Total. caLculated Fees---> 111.(x) Additionat Fecs--------> -0O Totat Pernit Fce--------> 1'11.(X) Payrents------ enlllce oue---- Status. '.: APPROVED Applied..: 03/22/L996 risued. ... 03/25/L996 Expires..: 09/2L/L996 Phone : 3039 49 L7 47 Phone: 3039 49L7 47 2806 ASPEN LN WIMER UNIT #B 2101-034-04-013 PRJ9 6-0 021 E Iectri ca [---> DRg Fee' Invest igation> ui tt caL l'----> TOTAL FEES---> ffi************** rtem: 06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTI,TENT--- Dept: BUILDING Division: 617ii/1ts6-cHARL-E--AEtion: APPR FoR ERNsr G.- CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. ALL ELECTRICAL WIRING MUST BE INSTALLED ACCORDING TO 1996 NATIONAIJ ELECTRICAL CODE ' **ffirffi * DECLARATIONS t hereby acknovt edge that I have read this apptication, fitl,ed out jn futt the information requi red, corPl'eted an accurate Ptot ptan, and state that al,l, thc informatim provided as required.is corfect. t agrce to conpl'y lrith the informtion and ptot ptan, to coop(y vith al.t Town ordinances and stite taHs, and io buil,d this structune according to the Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding Code and other ordinances of the Toun appticab[e thercto. REouEsrs FoR INspEcrIoNs sHALL BE IADE TuENTy-FouR HouRs rN ADvANCE BY TELEPHoNE Af 479-213E oR AT ouR oFFIcE FRoll 6:m ff{ 5:00 P}t SIC'NATI RE OF OUNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OI'INER .vl i:"i ;;:, lilli.S'llll,f :: i Tl "T,K "' vArr coNsrRuerro XPARcEL ltt ZlAl C4,/ OqDtl pERlrrT AppLTCATISN FSRMJ otg,ez zlee_ Job Name: Nrcnee- Job Addressz AdbL___a*^xr t_N Ovrners Name: Architect; General Description: Work Class: [ ]-New I ,n.z?ha'rct orHER: r iti+a-TOTAL:@ FOR Legal Description: Lot_l! arock_[_ rifirs | | suBprvrsroN, VA fK*sv v-'l r,.'r...e a- Address; rq6< *Sf ^\ L d en.tttt - /?6f Address: l-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of Acconnodation UnLts: _t_ l)mber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Logs_ wood/pellet_ {-:-:::-..:.";.:.*********."...phywt:o5bg ''t****************************** gloR INFORUATToN * ********* * **************** !9m of vail Reg. No.Z(ob-D Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vall Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: oFFrcE usE * * * ** * *** * * ** * * * ** * * * * * * ** **** * BUU-,DING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLI'UBTNG PI,AN CHECK TEE:MECHANICAL PIAN CHECK 8EE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERI.{IT FEES: BUTLDING: SIGNATT'RE: ZONTNG: SIGNAI'T'RE: IIEcEANTCAI: $- Number of Dwelling Unitst I BUfLDING: $O, Dco ILIIMBING: $OrDoo ***** actor: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDTNG PERI{IT FEE: PLI'MBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: VALUATTON CI.EAN I'P DEPOSIT REFTIf,D !O: C+a a'7 6urL>Eas i"\c -/ F'AGE -AREA: CD Addr"ess: tBEt6 ASF,EN LNLocation: WIMER UNIT SB F,ar"cel : ElOl-834-gr4-O13 Occ:Use:Descri pt i on I REfTIODEL Applicant: UALLEY l.rIDE MECH. & ELECTRICffL I Fhonez tfrJ949L747Owner: WIIvIER FRANKLIN S S JDYCE D F.hone :contr"actorr UALLEY l'.,lDE IrlEcH. E ELEITRIcAL I trhone: Joi949 1z4z I n*pect i on Request Requestor: LISA Req Time: O1:tl0 Itens r.equested to aBegel F,LlvlB.-Final lnformation.... VALLEY t^,IDE Comnent s : be Inspected.. . Fhone z 949-1747 Rct ion CommentF , Tiffi* /WPr',./f a-ne Ex Inspeet i on Item: It pm: Item: Item: Item: Item: Item: History.,... Arzrg I 0 F,Llr'lB-Und er.gr.o und $3/17/96 Inspectot: CD lAelegla FLilB-Rorrgh/D. tl. V. St5/gg/96 Inspector.: DS 0taE36 F,LltlB-Ro ugh lt^lat erq3/e2/96 Inspector.: D$ OAP4A trLMB-Gas Piping Q3/tV196 Inspecton: CD Ata;j5rzt F,l-MB-troo I /Hot Tr-rb lZilZrEbE FLlvlB-Misc. A6/14/96 Inspeetor: CD Notes: 60 trSI RIRTEST taAEgA FLMB-Final Action: AF,trR Act ion: AFtrR Act ion: AtrFR ftction: trFFR ftction: AFtrR I,''ATER TESTED UNDHR DOIYIESTIC F'RESSURE 15 PsI AIRTEST SNOI^'MHLT FCIR DRIUEI^JAY DT]NE ffiiliil. rD6:4e R'ouEsr#o*'?ilHog[rY3,l,'mfiil'9fi#?-* Rz r, e/e6 ======================g=Activity: F196-O833 7 / I /qE Type : B-MECH Stat rrs : I$$IJED Constr': ASFR ffddr"ess: E86E ASF,EN LN Location: EEOfr AStrEN LANE UNIT B Far.ce I I 31131-rZr34-04-rzr13 Descr"iption: REMODEL Applicant: VALLEY I^JIDE MEEH. & ELFCTRICAL I Owner': I'JIMER FRANKLIN 5 {. ,JOYCE D Contractot : VALLEY HIDE MECFI. & ELECTRICRL I F.RGE AREA: CD Occ: Use: Fhone:3O3549 1747 Fhone: F,hone r 3O39491747 Inspect i on Req ue st Reqtrestor: LISA - Req Time: Ol:OEtItens r*equestEd tq 6IAE8O MECH Information".... VALLEY l"lIDE Commente: UNIT B Fhone z 948*1747 Act ion Co mnen Tine Ex Inspeetion Histony.,... Itemr Afte00 MECH-Ro*gh V3/eEl96 Inspector.: D$Item: tarAe40 F,LMB*Eas F,iping Iten: tAA3lta HECH-Heating n3/L7/96 Inspector: CD Aet i on : AF F'R Act i on r AF,F R 5T'IOI^'FIELT HEAT SOPSI IN FLOOR HEBT 9*F.SI AIR Item: Iteml Item: Item: 1 tara3e6 HECH-Exhaust Hoods OUISS]A HECH-Supp I y Ai r" erfis4et MECH-Mi s razrsgra mE ,liiJlii- o6 :38 REnu'srt*'?ilu"9[rlf,i,'mHH'E[38?-+,7183/96 trn6E AREAI EB Activity: E96-EtZt3€t 7/83/96 Typq, : S-ELEC 9tatus: ISSUED Oddressl SBOG ASPEN LN j Loeat i on: I,JIMER UNIT *E Fan ceI : *lrZrl_pr34_Et4_AlJDescriptionr REMODEL Appl icant: TEKOTA ELECTRIC Ownerr I^IIMER FRfiNKLIN S & J0YCE D Cantractor': TEKOTff ELECTRIC Constr: ADUF UEe:Oce: Fhone: Fhone: F,hone: 719-544-15OO Inspect i on Request Requeston: TAHOTA Req Time: O8:EO ItenE requested to ra6f90 ELEC-Final Infor.mation.,... ELECTRICAL Co or m ent s i be Inspected.. . Fhone: 719-548-l5OO Tine Exomments Inspect i on History..... Item: 44116 ELEtr-Tenp. Fower" Itegr I lztlale0 ELEC-Rot-tgh V5/?L1i6 Inspeetor: EE en: 0@130 ELEC-Conduit en : ..'BOI.4tZt ELEC-Mi sc. Item: b6/fr3/Sh Inspect or: L-F,U Act i on : AF,trR Notesl CONTINGENT UFON PREVItrUS AtrFROVAL SERUICE CABLE. FRNM J_BOX, OD19A ELEtr-Final exept service to be ae e AF,trROVED OF ERNST. E. FBR EXISTI ftction: AFFR Iti il REPT131 TOIIN OF UArL' COLORAD{I o€le1lg6 SGt44 RECUESTS FOR INSpECTION |I|IORR SHEETS FtlR: A/ell96 trRGE AREA: trD Aetivity: Address: Locat i on r Parce I : Deseription: Appl icant l Owner: Eontraetor: 896-9031 A/er,t96 Type: AS60 ASPEN LN UNIT I+B E1s1-034-04-613 REFIODEL trARY BUILDERS, INC I.IIFIER FRANKLIN S & JOYtrE CARY BUILDERS, INtr A-BUILD Status: IESUED Constr: ADUP trce: R3 Phone t i?.6-25,67 D Phoner Fhone: 9P6-8567 User U N OO54A BLDG-Final trlO Inspection Request Inforration..... Requestor: BOB - CARY BUILDERS Req Tire: O8:GS Corrents: UNIT B Iters requested to be fnspected... Inspection History.....Iter: O051S driver,ray qrade final Iter: AOO1O BLDB-FootingslSteel b4/39/96 fnspector: CF O3/O7/96 Inspector: CD Notes: trLEASE trROVIIlE SOILS ol5/Ae/9b Inspectorr DS Iter : fi,o,t 20 BlD6-Foundat ion/Steel f!5/S?,/96 Inspector: CD O5/Eglgg Inspector: CDfterr gOSaO PLAN-ILC Site Plang7/15196 Inspector: EEtrRGEfter: OO03G BLDE-Fraring - RIGHT Act ion Phone; HAND UNIT 9?6-e567 TAFTER 9:OOAttll Tire Exp Action: AtrPR AtrtrROVED Aetion: AtrPR lfEST l.lALL ENG. REPORT TO THE TOI.IN TSOILS TEST' Action: APtrR FU{]TING FUR DECK Action: AtrtrR ENTRY AND BATH S$LL Flction: AtrtrR l.fEST IIALL \ g1lAelgb Inspector: DS Ag'fn4g, * * Not 0n File * * 60S50 BLDG-Insulation Q3/?4/Sg Inspeetor: DS OOAGA BLDG-Sheetrock Nail O5/3fi/96 Inspeetor: DS &OOSA * * Not tln FiIe i* * A$OTQ BLDG-llisc. Og09O BLDE-FinaI REAR DECK REOUIRES ILC 0&530 BLDG-Terp. ClA 87/?6/96 Inspector: trF Aetionr DN DENIED Notes: KITCHEN pATItr DOOR IIUST BE INOpERABLE UNTIL DECK IS FINIS FLANNIHG DEFT AppROVnL REEUIRED FRIOR T0 A tco being issu o,g/OBlgb Inspector: CF Action: APtrH AtrFROVED Notes: PLANNING DEtrT APFIIOVAL RE0UIRED PRIUR TO A trtr BEING ISSUE BY 9-15-96 KIT DECK FIUST RET{AIN INACCES5AELE UNTIL GUARD RAIL IS INS Aet i on: FItrPR Action: APPR AFtrROVED Iter: ft er: Iterr It er: Iter:Iter lIter: Action: APPR APPROVED Actionr APPR APPRIIUED LEDIter: $o549 BLDG-Final ClO il J II I' s-N zu \{ | $sf. {E \l * \fi $ C|JECK R.EQIJEST - vEt,DCp. NLrt.ttER; '"/ 22 6 6 7l DSSCRT?Tioi{ o:' t.,7li.il.1i C3 .lO3: 1l/-tu^t) ,//// .A.CCOUrir rfljt.!tsER, 2/ aalo -?aaa 4 Al'lOUlrr? OF REFLIN,D, t45'A.A DATE .T.PPFOVED: ,<,ZSZ,/EZ I AP ?RO\;.IL S i G}iAT''iF,E :{ul)-ii- < ( / oo oCign Reuew*tion Ftn TOWN OF VAIL l:' Category Number -7 oate t/ zzfql Project Name: Building Name: Proiect Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Legal Description:Lot /1 Block -Zone DistrictDelEd- Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: fl Approval fl Disapproval ! StaffApRroval Gonditions: - Town Planner TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: P,ann n g and Env ron m"*Tffi .rr r:;mfHil, .,- CommunityDevelopmentDepartment DATE: January 22,1996 PI.ANNER; A request for a residential addition utilizing tfre 250 Ordinance toE expansion to an existing duplex unit located at 2850 Aspen Lane/Lot 17, Resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Village 11th Filing. Applicant: Frank WimerPlanner: George Ruther I. BACKGROUND AND DESCHIPTION OF THE REOUEST In 1985, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance #4, Series of 1985 which created a new chaprer 18.71 to rhe vail Municipal code, entifled'ADDITIONAL GRoss RESIDENTIAL FLOOR AREA." The purpose of the additionalgross residential floor area (GRFA) Ordinance is to provide an inducement for the upgrading ol existing dwelling units, which have been in existence for a period of at least five years, by permitting up to two hundred fifty (250) square leet of GRFA (beyond the maximum allowance) to be added to a dwelling unit, Certain criteria must be met in order to allow additional GRFA. In August 1995, the Vail Town Council approved Ordinance# 6, 1 995 which amended Chapter 18.7'l of the Municipal Code. In part, Ordinance #6 eliminated the ability to use the additional GRFA when a dwelling is a "demoirebuild". The new ordinance also requires that all requests for additional GRFA, that involve exterior changes to a building, be reviewed and approved by the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC). With this proposal, the applicant wishes to use 145 souare feet of the 250 square feet allowance to conslruct a new dining room a{dition. The new dininq room d side of the existing residence above the front entry. The area above the front entry had originally been desiqned to accommodate an exterior deck. Atter reviewing the exterior deck design, the project architect felt that the area above the front entry would not lunction well for an exterior deck. The project architect concluded that an exterior deck on the north side of the building, tucked in between tvvo exterior building walls, would receive minimal, it any, direct sunlight and would be negatively impacted by the noise from the Interstate. The proposed floor plans and building elevations illustrating the dining room addition have been attached for reference (see attachment 1). a II. ZONING ANALYSIg i-i Legal Descriptbn: Lot '17, a Resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Village 1lth Filing. Lot Size: 1:j ,; 17 ,269 sq. ft. /0.3964 acres Zoningi";ii''i Two-Family Residential Use:Two-Family 'd*'./cP '*' " Allowed Existino =GRF#" 4,827 sq. ft. 4,384 sq.ft.' Prooosed (including credits) East half: West half: Parking: Fronl: 20' Sirjes: 1 5715' Rear: 15' 4,529 sq.ft. no change 2,877 sq.ft." no cnange Front: no change Sides: no change Bear: no change no cnange 1.652 sq. ft. 2,732 sg. ft. Site Coverage: 3,454 sq. ft. 2,420 sq'fi.' Setbacks: 23-s' 57't12.5' bc 3 spaces3 spaces - On December 1 1, 1995, lhe Planning & Environmental Commission granted lhe applicant an approval lo conslrucl a 371 sq. tl. addilion. Parl of lhe addilion will be in the side yard selback. The addition has not ye1 been conslrucled, however, lhe approval is valid for lwo years. " 145 square leel proposed using lhe 250 GRFA Ordinance III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Chapler 18.71 (Additional GRFA) the Community Development Department recommends approval of this request for additional GRFA based upon the following factors: '1 . Effect upon the existing topographv. vegetation. drainage and existing structures: The proposed dining room addition will have no negative impacts on the existing topography, vegetation, drainage or existing structures. The proposal will not alter the existing topography of the site, nor will any trees be removed. Since no regrading will be necessary, existing drainage on the property will not be affected. It is the staff's opinion that the existing structure will be improved with this request. Staff feels that the proposed addition will work well architecturally with the design of the existing structure. All exterior building materials, colors and finishes will match the existing structure. lmpact on adiacent proper.lies. In the staff's opinion, the proposed dining room addition will not have any negative impacts on adjacent properties. The addition proposed will till-in an existing alcove on the structure. The new addition will not project out any further than the existing exterior walls. The additional bulk and mass resulting lrom the dining room addition is minimal. The addition will be screened by a large, existing Lodgepole Pine. 2. o The only parties being affected by the proposed dining room addition are the owners of the duplex unit to he east. The applicant has provided a written statement from the duplex owners to the east granting their approval of the proposed addition (see attachment 2). Compliance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Section 18.71.020 (F) of the Municipal Code reguires that any dwelling unit that proposes to use additional GRFA shall cornply with the standards outlined in the Town of Vail Design Review Guidelines (18.54). These standards include landscaping, undergrounding of utilities, driveway paving and general maintenance of the property. Upon review of the site bv staff. the landscaping on the propertv appears to be in compliance with the landscape standards, the utiliw lines servicing the structure are alreadv underoround. the drivewav is paved, and the qeneral maintenance and upkeep of the property is excellent. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Communily Development Department stalf recommends approval of the applicant's request for a residential addition utilizing tlre 250 ordinance to allow for an expansion to an existing residence located at 2860W Aspen Lane. Staff believes that the review criteria have been met as discussed above in the memorandum. Regarding the findings, staff believes that; Finding 81 is met as the proposed dining room addition will have minimal, il any, negative impacts on the existing site; Finding 82 is met as the proposed addition will not negatively impact the adjacent properties; and Finding 83 is met, as the proposed addition and existing site comply with all of the zoning requirements and applicable development standards. F:\everyone\pec\memos\wim€1250.i22 o 3. o i?-''b''+__- r I I I j-- $d\s ''{L/{^t 'i $z$ ;ir\r'{ f.H.T;:r f_ri,- (i) \S!.l * *6i li 6;;tirr/$s l* ii \$ { -1: \$z. \ \ .T 11.F --l\ 7$r :- rt' I*: $r I \t,.I't T lz:-. Nt;Z V --t.llrrr> ;ti rt) i.. \\ \YIF,"-* i I I 1'{,.1-l-...\(rrl ,i \ '\\ .i n -l1l ttLl T1 -$z_s (\rRz-F .[ -l $r,a--,': A-l/ s.t ^A' \tl s-+\ -/ t- -\-I:,<[\-.ll rl Il\Jl /!- .. L*r,u'rn.",\vi a:r!l"b :i :'tP(V4 ,'A2aO \b'n\lb c2:;?ilbd o ll Brondess'Cqdmui lleol Estote, Inc. tE:t]nt rer BRtDcE srREEr . vAlL, coLoRADo 91657ftvt\ - Juuaru'y 18, 1996 George Rathu lown of Vail lax# 479-2452 Dear Mr. l(athen S'e approve the addition Frank and Joycc Wimer propose to this existing residence. oo Sincerply,rr'Y? P'/'- (6aw' **kaA*A HEAL EgrArE (3031 4?6.1450. DENVEFI TOLL FREE 893'3101 RESERVAtToN$ l -e00-222-vAtL . FAX (303) 476-3188 uN I Rt|ilt rf rn:-o:J-ero6 O f,r,,l, S:1ar .tr.7 f.tn flftq. E) fr 1 Dalc r:f Applrcirtion Dlcembcr '(t' l99-i Dtrte of DRB Mceting _ I)ste of PEC lvlsqting (if neccsrary)- il. APPLTCATION FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA (250) Zone Dirtrict: B. LOCATIONOFFROPOSAL: Addttss: 2860W AsPen Lsne, Vail' CO (Ai* "ttot n on rhe Vail str"et mAp m'?850Aspen Lanc") Lcgal Doscription: l,ot: l? (a ResubrJivision of Tract E)- Unit; B Filing: Vail Vrllage | | th Filing Two FamilY Residsntinl C. NAME OF APPLICANTS: Franklin S' and JoYcc D' Wimcr 2860W Aspen Lnne Vail' CO 81657 D, NAME OF APPLICANTS' REPRBSENTATTVB: Ross B' Wimer Sage Wimer Cootnbe Archilecls 55 Vandam Strcct New York, NY l0ol3 NAME OF OWNERS: Frnnklin S. and JoYce D' Wimer 2860W AsPcn Lnnu vdil. CO E1657 9701476-2969 ryPqoF'RFQtlESt i-"GTr1-..t/' Srandqrd 250 i i, iIS - :- Iyp" l.El1U,2:9^ lnlt" i,i, i"CV"CCfu{fuI^ ilFU il]FPT{qoNrrFoRMArreN __,: .^.i^^ i. rn o. . t0V.: C0${fo.},SEy'fipj"" PRorEcrIoN DEscRlPrloN: rhis^applicarion.i'.1: *d-itpj::fl::'t":::,illff" wes delrvcd dueA PROJECTION DEliuKtrtreN: tnrr t|PPrreol'ff,h; ffiffi;;J;;;". 'construldon was dehycd due otrrn,"i."iti"t this year (approred in Jtrlv 1995) to upgt io rhe neccssity ro obruin . d;il;; i;;"il *q;;;; fr*i'";;; an ei,'ting ovcrhnng {v$imcc Sranted on Dcccmbcr il, lgg5). Dunng rhe inrervening period, rlre wi.rt', arciir".ii una runiiot,or joinrly rocommended achange in lho onginal dcsign. They conclurtcd'ihut rh, proposed.second ;i;; ;;;k ;b" ioni^.tid over thc new foyer would be difficulr to comptere *rrn a iliable ,uoi b,u* rhe de.k ;;; io " rr.t of sufficient clevation chenge to ptovidc adcquate grade for arrinog".-'ihry furrher conclud.d rh;id spacc where the d_eck wss p6nned could be as economically enctosed by mercly extending rhc roof across tlte spacc and extonding the existing front wall of tho Wimcr rcsidencc. In order t' db this, approximntely I j0 -d.;; fcer of lho unusid 250 GRFA sllocated to lhe wimer propeny woutd bB ,n.iriro ln iir."iew tlcsign.' Thi; *.';i;"i;; nro"1a9 dre wirners wth a dining room (fte houso presently has none), -w-h-ri-c-h'ir- ron*i*t"r,t iitft n Wimer's tir4odet plan to make this thoir permsncnt residenco. It i9 expe'tcd (hat the oPpeaf'nce of rhc hous" o'ill-b" 'nhandO by ihe mu'ditication' but by end large it will hardty be ntoderstety n.,ii..o[ri", becausc onty o *roii'*t-* oi tn* r,ouit wilt be affcctod' The mstcrials of construction will be tho snmc ". 'iiot" bi *ftt"h the house is cunently conskuctcd 3/631-45m) Signatures: tINIRI]IK ,O=o--urJ-eo06 O lrrO ss 9 :22 No .004 F .0? ADJACFW: (PeiEagle County Assessor's Off ice) AgFoss the Stre.et and Facing (.to thc Nottlrl: (2855 Aspn Lane) R. Edgar irnd Judith A' Johnson l8 Polo Club Drivc Denver, CO 80209 (2E55 Aspen Lanc) Frank D. Finn 9l0l Jarncel Road, Numbcr I00 Houston. TX77O4O I{erlDqqlla.lbeEa$0: Adjoining l)uplex: Mark and Mafiu Cudmus 28608 Asrren Lanc voil, co 81657 Byron and Sally Rose 2895 Booth Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Across-thq Street (to tle WesO: (28004 Aspen Lane) Analcsp Freeman 2800 Aspen Court Vail, CO 81657 (28008 Aspen Lanc) Hany E. Tope lrtevt:cablc Trust Isabella Bank & Ttust, Trustec 2fi) East l}oadway Mt, Pleasant, Michigur 48858 Adjacent Prope{ty Owlers to thp Rear (to the S : (28404 AsPcn Ct) Robcrt und Sue O'Conncll 28 Saginaw St., Suite l410 Pontiac, Michigan 48058 (2E408 A.spen Ct) Pat Funk P.O. Box 1407 Vail, CO 81658 a Anakase Freeman 2800 Aspen Court Vail, GO81657 Pat Funk P.O. Box 1407 Vail, CO 81658 R. Edgar and Judith A. Johnson 18 Polo Club Drive Denver, CO 80209 Mark and Marta Cadmus 2860E Aspen Lane Vail, CO 81657 HarrY E. Tope trreVocable Trust lsab6lla Bank & Trust, Trustee 20O East BroadwaY Mt. Pleasant, M|48858 - ElrerreRcfSallyFlos 2595 Booth Crirek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Frank D' Finn bidil;ticidi aoeg! Number loo Hbuston, TX77O4O Robert and Sue O'Connell- b'dbiqiniw St., suite 1410 Pontidc, M|48058 THIS ITEM T',TAY AFFECT YOUR PROPEBTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTCE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission ot the Town of Vail vrfil hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Munbipal Code of the Town of Vail on January 22,1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance to allow for an expansion to an existing single family residence located at2299 Charnonix Lane/Lot 7, Block A, Vail das Schone Filing #1- Applicant Frank D. D'AlessioPlanner: George Ruther A request for a residential addition, utilizing the 250 Ordinance to allow for an expansion to the secondary residence located at 275 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 40, Block 7, Vail Village First Filing. Applicant Steve BerkovvitzPlanner: Randy Stouder A request for a residential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance and a density variance to allow for an expansion to an existing unit located at 1568 Golf Terrace/Unit #48, Golfcourse Townhomes, Sunburst 3rd Filing. Applicant: Bob TrottaPlanner: George Ruther A request for a residential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance to allow for an expansion to an existing unit located at 2801 Basingdale (Camelot Townhomes - Unit A)iLot 2, Block 8, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Jamie TurnerPlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a residential additiorr utilizing the 250 Ordinance to be used in the construction of a Type I EHU in a nev.r PrimaryiSecondary residence located at 1875 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 24,Yail Village West 2nd Filing. Applicant: Pat DauphinaisPlanner: Georoe Ruther tln request tor a resiO-ential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance to allow for an expansion to an ^Jpxisting duplex unit located at 2850 Aspen LanelLot 17, Resubdivision of Tract E, VailVillage t 11th Filing. Applicarrt: Planner-- Frank Wimer George Ruther o-. A request for a residential addition utilizing the 250 Ordinance to allow for an expansion to an .iiithg Lnit and a front yard setback variance localed at 325 Forest Road/Lot 18, Block 7' Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicanf Steve Riden representing Tim Drisco Planner: Jim Curnutte A request for a Minor SDD Amendment to allow for changes t9 the development plan located at Millrdce Phase 3, 1335 Westhaven Drive/Development Area A of the Glen Lyon SDD (SDD No. 4). Applicant: Steve Riden representing Gregory Walton Planner: Jim Curnutte . Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification- Please call 479- 21-14voice or 479'2356 TDD for information. Community Devetopment Department Published January 5, 1996 in the Vail Trail- olgn Review Action Fn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number oat 1/z'ttA Project Name: Building Name: vJ r r i rdz l(6-'-ir-r€rr d Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: lstt' 5 f. ,',, .'. L.- 7 4l , -Dr', ,rtaz , (,, PIFT(V Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot /? Block - Subdivision?GcA, or Tzelcr F Zone District Tr r;-.-)[f?-t L-.^, t-u,a rJ V llt/'Proiectstreet Address: '&ffi 4a r Lu+ua . Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: ! Approval ! Disapproval f] StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner oate, -tf zs fql DRB Fee Pre-paid o Date of Applicati"" Q---t*j,jrg5 Date of DRB Meeting- Date of PEC Me.tinicf *.rrrrv- APPLICATION F'OR ADDITIONAL GRFA (250) I TYPEOFREOUEST Standard 250 Type I EHU 250 Type II EHU 250 Type V EHU 250 m.APPLICATION INFORMATION Zone District: Signaturesf - . ., \4b YVnave= A PROJECTION DESCRIPTION: The plan is to use the 250 GRFA to provide an appropriate foyer and an additional bedroom (for family visits including, now, grandchildren) to what has become a nearly full-time residence for the owners over the past?1.l2 years. For the priorT years itwas used principally as a family "ski house." The area to be used is on the ground level, is currently emply space primarily under an existing overhang, and is entirely inside an alcove within the existing structure. The top of the portion which is not under the overhang will be used as a small deck, accessible through sliding doors which will simply replace large existing windows in the second floor family room. It is expected that the appearance of the house will be enhanced by the modification, but by and large it will only be moderately noticeable, except up close, because such a small area at the front and rear of the house will be affected. This is particularly so also because the materials of construction will be the house is currently constructed. B. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: Address: 2860W Aspen Lane, Vail, CO (Also shown on the Vail street map as "2850 Aspen l,ane") Legal Description: Lot: 17 (a Resubdivision ofTract E) Unic B Filing: Vail Village l lth Filing Two Family Residential C, NAMEOFAPPLICANTS: Franklin S. and Ioyce D. Wimer 2860W Aspen Lane Vail, CO 81657 D. NAME OF APPLICANTS' REPRESENTATTVE: Ross B. Wimer Sage Wimer Coombe Architects 55 Vandam Street New York, NY 10013 E NAMEOFOWNERS: Franklin S. and Joyce D. Wimer 2860W Aspen Lane Vail, CO 81657 970t476-2969 same as those of which the 1\ !^,, t+--,t' ftoo'""kJtr )/ru vw,"tw- b\pY= ( Single r o amil ZONE CHECK FORy Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRTCTS Primary/ Secondary I I DATE: l/tt>,/ e4 &EGAL DESCRIPTI0NT LoL 1ft BLaek I gubdivision ADDRESS: Z*,/tt z/-, / uL-,-r-/ / 4- ,. OWNER ARCHTTECT PHONE ZONE DISTRTCT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE I' HeighE Tor.al GRFA 5?7 7 Allowed (30)1(331 BUILDABIJE Exis Linq oL- LOT AREA Proposed o(- Total r 85? +Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA SeEbacks FronE Sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping *r L.:'tF:- Retaining wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: 425 = 425 = /o,fut_ 3'/e ' 5 neqrd r'V._ ,-t / .-r OL. ri/1 -; 4) Yes Does lhis i:eciriesl irrvuive a 2jA A<iriition? .,,-:- -yHow much of [he allowed zso eaaiiio"-ll"ur.fiffifnis resues JDy.s ,/- Previous conditions of approval (check property file) . .-,L_ Ar--. ?-;'z,it4'i,...t 'tLct b&14 hk= bo=J *llo'-'ttt> t lhz (frs t- .-.r;-.,,'l- iuu l-h: /,--,-t'.--og5 7*-/'ul/tt-'-, r\z=z=n6tr 4R7'-7 <r,r+-/ 6 Li73Zd r l'15 ,!_ 2877,/, /h5z '/ lrlt 15' 15, 1t15.1 ,t ot- 3 Z encl (3oo) (600) (e oot llzi{f ne ,1 permitted srope -ti{iroposed slope ok-s6 Complies with T.O.v. Lighting Ordinance Water Course SeLback Do Finish crades Exceed 2:1 (50%) Envi ronmen tal,/Ha zards : View Corridor Encroachment: Yes olt- No (30) (s0).t\ln YES- NO ,/ 1) Flood Plai.n 2) Percent Slope (< > 30t) ,/ 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanclta 1b) Rockf all ,/c) Debris Flow Wetlands No ,/ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Comm unity Development Department December 11,1995 Applicant: Frank WimerPlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OFTHE REOUEST The applicant, Frank Wimer, is proposing a 371 sq. ft. residential addition to his residence locatedat2E60WAspenLane/LotlT,aResubdivisionofTractE,Vail VillagellthFiling. The proposed addition will add a new foyer and second floor deck to the lront (north) of the residence, and a first floor artist's studio/bedroom and enlarged bathroom to the rear (south) of the residence. The addition proposed will take place in existing alcoves on the building (see Attachment 1). The addition to the rear of the house is proposed under an existing, second floor cantilever. A portion of the cantilevered second lloor encroaches 2.5' into the required, 15' side yard setback (see Aftachment 2). Since the addition is proposed under a portion of the cantilevered second floor, that is currently encroaching into the setback, a setlcack variance is necessary. Therefore, the applicant is requesting a variance to allow for 39 sq. feet of the proposed 371 sq. ft. addition to encroach 2.5' into the side yard setback. The applicant wishes to expand the existing exterior wall out to the edge of the second{loor cantilever, since it will permit more natural light into the new room. The new room created by this addition is intended to be used as an artist's studio. lf the addition were built to conform wift the setback line, the new room would be shaded from above by the three-foot, second-floor cantilever, the existing roof overhang and from the first floor bedroom to the west. The applicant has indicated that this is a logical location for the addition since it will fill in an existing alcove on the exterior of the building without adding additional bulk and mass to the structure. The applicant proposes to finish the exterior of the residence with building materials and colors which match existing materials and colors. By doing so, the addition will not appear to be "added on" to the building. Instead, the addition will appear as though it were constructed at the same time as the rest ot the structure (see Attachment 3). len - ^.ro to,-toiioJ oxt V\e 4 Ho+21 - l-o II. BACKGROUND Staff reviewed the Town's property file kept on Lot 17, a Resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Village 11th Filing, in an attempt to determine how the existing structure got built in the south side yard setback. Upon review of the tile, it is uncertain as to how the structure got built in the setback. The file contents did not indicate lhat a Planning and Environmental Commission approval was ever granted for the encroachment. Statf can only speculate that the structure was buift in the setback, and the encroachment had gone unnoticed. III. ZONING ANALYSIS Legal Description: Lot Size: Zoning: Use: GRFA: (including credits) Site Coverage: Setbacks: Front: Sides: Rear: Parking: 4,827 sq. ft. 3,454 sq. ft. 4,013 sq.ft. 2,420 sq.ft. 23.s', 57'112.s', oc 3 spaces Lot 17, a Resubdivision of Trac't E, Vail Village 11th Filing. 17,269 sq. ft. /0.3964 acres Two-Family Residential Dwelling Units Allowed Existino Prooosed 4,384 sq.fi. no change Front: 23.5' Sides: 57'112.5' Rear: 65' 3 spaces3 spaces IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of the criteria and findings contained in Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the requested side yard setback variance based upon the tollowing factors: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. Statf believes the request to encroach 2.5 feet into the side yard seback will have minimal, if any, negative impacts on existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity of the applicant's residence. While it is true the bulk and mass of the structure will be increased with the proposed addition, the additional mass will be located under an existing cantilevered second-floor portion of the building. The additional mass will not be visible from any where other than Lot 16 to the south. To mitigate any visual impacts caused by the proposed addition into the setback, the applicant has agreed to add two new 6' to 8' spruce trees. The new trees will be located to partially screen the proposed addition from the south. l:\everyone\pecvnemos\wimer.d1 1 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to anain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. The amount of the requested side yard setback encroachment is the minimum necessary for the applicant to meet the goals of the project. The applicant has requested to encroach only 2.5 feet into the fifteen-foot required setback. The 2.5 foot encroachment is equal to the amount of encroachment of the existing cantilevered, second-floor. Since the addition will match flush with the existing building exterior, the addition will not increase the buildings'existing setback non- conformity. Staff does not believe that an approval of the requested variance will result in the grant of special privilege. The applicant is asking to fill in under an existing cantilever that was constructed in the setback, completely out of his control. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, lransportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff does not believe that the requested side yard setback variance would have any affect on the above referenced criteria. B. The Planning and Environmental CommisSion shall make the following findings belore granting a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitdrtions on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or irnprovements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that doe not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properlies in the same district. | :\everyone\pecvnemos\wimer.d1 1 IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends approval of the applicant's request to encroach 2.5' into the required side yard setback. In staff's opinion, the applicant has met each of the Criteria and Findings, and therefore, the variance request should be granted. Staff believes that the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege. nor will it be detrimental to the public health, safety, or wellare, or be materially injurious to the properties in the vicinity. Statf believes that the strict literal interpretation of the 15' side yard setback regulation would result in a practical difficulty to the owner, since the existing residence is already encroaching into the setback. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission choose to grant an approval of the requested variance, staff would recommend that the approval carry with it the following condition: 1. That the applicant submit a landscape plan illustrating the location ol two new 6'to 8'spruce trees. . According to Section 18.62.080 of the Municipal Code, approval of the variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion within two years from when the approval becomes final. f :\everyone\pecvnemos\wimer.d l'1 ?{o\rI $tN} :x6 .Ttc :rv x\\Z\ .$ -! .,f NR^.i3 \-, \tz\$I\I o u.d>'/' ATTACHMENT 2 "'rit' zo.oo' 77.ls'22'. 25.96' er.eC n s9. al'5t"E I aatI t -,' 'rif' , tno ( #"t.r t-' .-i:- \E *'-#x : tj i ii:. ./a "l I -)kn? In --lG 918 -tt - ------:'o' $#+ du,''/./- i--i.ii ! 6 |<13r'lIi-l-:l.s ItIJr i$o{ !t Iq Nt$7rZ The addition d"O herein is being proposea primarifad a foyer (there is none ar present) and an artist's studio to the Wimer residence at 2860 Aspen Lane. The added rooms and the general upgrading of the house has become necessary_since the Wimers have begun to use it Irlorg T a primary residence than as a vacation home. The area to be added is on the ground level, in what is currently.e-mpty exterior space primarily under an existing overhang,lnd is entirely inside an alcove within the existing structure. The materials of consiruction will be the same as those of which the house is cunently constructed. Certain other areas of the exterior will be upgraded as well, with the intention that the general architectural vocabulary of the house will be continued. April._2Q, 1995 an Application for Additional GRFA (250) to pursue the proposed addition was filed, essentially as shown in the present application. Upon review, the staff of Community Development Department (the "Department") concluded that the Wimers actually had access to sufficient unused GRFA from the l99l zoning regulation changes in order tb . accomplish the addition sought, without resorting to the 250 GRFA. The application was then modified agc-or{ingfy- qnd prgc-qsse{ in the normal course (as distinguished fiom the procedure involved with the Additional 250 GRFA). In response to the Department's staff, th-e Wimers obtained an amendment to the Townhouse Declaration entered inlo with their neighbors when the-house was purctrased ten years ago (the Townhouse Declaration, signed in September 1985, had allocated the then remaining GRFA). The amendment obtained July 3, 1995 allowed the Wimers to have the necessary square feet from the unused GRFA allocited to what had been o_riginally treated as a duplex. As part of the process, the adjoining neighbors, Mark and Marta Cadmus, thoroughly reviewed the plans for the addition, inspected both ttre interior and the exterior space involved, then agreed with the plan submitted and entered into the amendment to the Townhouse Declaration. They confirmed this understanding of support for the plan in a letter addressed to George Ruthgr tq JutV 1995. On July 10, 1995 th; Wimiis received ipproval from the Department to proceed with the addition as designed. However, when final plans for a building permit were submitted in early October (after over a month of working.with acontractor and an engineer) the Department in reviewing the plans noticed a technical issue which they had not detected on the earlier review. On thJrear side of the house, the de-sign-calls for the addition to be constructed flushwith the existing overhang, which is three feet closer to the boundary than the set-back line (i.e. the same distancE from the set-back as the existing overhang). It is clear that the space at issue will be virtually unnoticeable since it is within an alcove in the existing structurt. The proposed addition is specifically intended to fill the area in question flush with the overhang lwhicti is flush with the existing bedroom adjacent to the proposed addition) in order to redress a flaw in the current appearanc€ _o-f the-hou_se. For this reason, the Wimers are now applying for this Variance to allow the infill of this 3 ft, x 13 A.-space u-nder the overhang as origiiraliy flanned. In describing the.proposed addition below, this- 3 ft. I li ft. space is critiCal to the desigir and proper use of th6addition. Furthermore, the only neighbors lffected by the addition- (the eadmuses) have physically inspected both the space in question and the plahs, and have approved the addiiion as presented. Because the 3 ft. x 13 ft. area in question under the present overhang is to be part of the studio, it is critical that the addition extend to the edge of the overhangio that thi proposed sliding glass doors.can allo.w full outdgol light to eiter the room. Nitural light is irudial to proper use of an artist's studio space, and there is no suitable location to achieve lhis same studio space by an addition to any other area of house. Also, as the design evolved, the architect introduced a novel P-ivoting wall, so that the entire first floor foyer/studio could function as a unified space. The foyer could be closed off by pivoting the will when the Wimers entertain guests, and when so configured the enclosed studio space could also be used as an extra bedroom when their children and-grandchildren are visiting. As is indicated on the plans, the location of the pivoting wall is fixed by the space required to access the stairs. Therefore, without the 3 ft. x 1.3 ft. area,^the placement.of the- pivot wall (or for that matter, a stationary wall) would severelylimit use of the studio/auxiliary bedroom as a separate enclosed room. . . Finally, since it is.within an e^xisting alcove, the infill of the 3 ft. x 13 ft. space will not impinge on.the light-and air, etc., of the surrounding area, and to the best of our kirowledge the design is believed to be in compliance with Vail's Comprehensive plan. mlcopr l. A requesl for AdditionalGRFA to allow for additions to be added to both sides ol the dupldx located at 3110 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 9, Block 3, Vail Village 11th Filing. Applicants: East side-Debra & Ken Tuchman West side-Diane Hughes, Kendall Burney and King Hughes Planner: Jim Curnutte Jim Curnutte summarized the request and said that staff recommended approval with one. minor condition. He said that staff feeld bomfortable with the requesl since it is a straightforward application. William Pierce had nothing to add. Rick Rosen, the legal council to the Hughes, said both parties have reached an agreement' Greg Moffet asked the Commission for comments and they had none. Jeff Bowen made a motion that the request for additional GRFA for additions be approved per the staff memo. Dalton Williams seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 2. A request for a side yard setback variance to allow for an addition to the Wimer Residence, located it ZeeOW Aspen Lane/Lot 17, a Resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Village 1 'lth Filing. Applicant: ffffit Planner: IFFf George Ruther gave an overview and mentioned that staff recommended approval with one condition as mentioned in the staff memo. Frank Wimer and Joyce Wimer, the applicants, stated that the remodel would bring the wall out flush with the existinb cantilever. The addition was lo have an artist's studio in the house' Henry Pran thought there would be no impact with this request, however, just because there is an eiisting oVerhang does not mean you have to use the space underneath. Dalton Williams asked staff why the 8'tree was a condition for the request. He did not think it was necessary. George Ruther indicated that the two trees were intended to mitigate the visual impact' Jeff Bowen said he thought the addition was an excellent improvement to the house. lt would be nice to have a large tree, but no one will see the tree and he is ambivalent on the trees being a condition of approval. Plarming and Environmental Commission Minutes Deceirber 1l , 1995 Greg Amsden and Kevin Deighan agree that no trees should be a condition of approval. Jeff Bowen made a motion for approval of the request with the exception of adding the trees at the applicant's discretion. Henry Pratt seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0. 3. A request for a Minor Exterior Alteration and a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a new outd6or dining area for the Meal Ticket Cafe, located along the east side of One Vail Place at 244Wall StreeUA resubdivision of Lot C, Block 5C, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Kiendra Hoover and Julie lverson Planner: Randy Stouder Randy Stouder went over the memo and stated that the proposal for the outdoor dining area - . involved a Conditional Use Permit and minor exterior alteration. Because the plaza in front of the cafe is such a constricted space, the applicant's decided to propose a standing rail instead of tables. The dining area will enhance the guest's experience without negatively impacting pedestrian accesi and adjacent businesses. Staff is recommending approval, with five bonditions. The main con-cerns of staff relate to the ability of the applicants to keep trash under control, given the limited staffing level of the small cafe. Julie lverson. co-owner, said Mrs. Hill leases the space to VA and in the summer has given them permission for tables, but said it is ok for a railing now. Kevin Deighan approved of the plans, but cautioned the applicant regarding trash build-up. He also advis-ed the applicant that some paint is chipping above the planter boxes. He suggested pine branches in the empty boxes to discourage trash from being thrown in them. Greg Amsden is in favor of the use, but said the applicant needs to work with VA regarding policing the trash. He agrees that tables in the summertime are appropriate, but would require separate approval by the PEC at a later date. Jeff Bowen is strongly against the proposal for several reasons. The proposed area is too small to service anyone oi io set anything down. This area is narrow and too heavily used and would create furthei congestion. He is worried about the trash. The mini-bank already has a trash problem. His vote would be against the request. Dalton Williams expressed the same concerns as Jeff Bowen, He feels that there will be a pr:oblem with the take-out window and people trying to get into the VA offices. A line forming at the take-out window would interfere with people lrying to use the vA office' Henry Pratt said he has concerns, but it is a good use of the area. Condition No. 5, along with constant scrutiny by staff and PEC, will hold it in check. Greg Moffet agrees with Henry Pratt. Greg suggested that the applicant may want to put trash receptacle cutouts under the counter. planning and Environmenlal Commtsslon Minutes December 11, 1995 oo Pat Funk P.O. Box 1407 Vail, CO 81658 Robert and Sue O'Connell 28 Saginaw St., Suite 1410 Pontiac, MI 48058 Ilarry E. ToPe Irrevocable Trust Isabeila Bank & Trust, Trustee 200 east BroadwaY Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858 Analese Freeman 2800 Aspen Court Vail, CO E1657 S' oo Byron and Sally Rose 2895 Bootb Crdek DriveVail, CO 81657 rrlttl lr ttttlt rt.l4t t- lJi|lt|tlru! 2_E60 Aspen Lane - East SideYail, CO 81657 Frank D. Finn 1101 Jameel Road, Number lfi)Ifouston, TX 77OiO !., pdgar and Judith A. Johnson18 Polo Club Drive Denver, CO 30209 o THIS ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a ptrblic hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on December 11, 1995, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town ol Vail Municipal Buibing. In consideration of: 1. A request for a major sDD amendment, located at the vail Athletic club/ 352 East Meadow Drive and more specifically described as follows: A Fercel ot land in Tract B, Vail Village First Filing, Town of Vait, Eagte Counly, Colorado, oommencing-al ths . Ng;theag comer of said Tract B; fie;c€ N 7S 46m" W along the Northerly line of Vail V lage, Fird Finng, and abrg ffie Norfrerv fme ot seid Trad B 622.86 feel; lhenca S 06"265? W a distance of 348.&l teel lo lhe Sqriftwest sner6f tut parcet of land described in Book 191 al Page 139 as reootded Jatluaty 10, 1966 and filed in ReceFirn No. 1029781n tre Eagle Cou y Records, said comer also being the True Point of Beginning; lhence S Zgr.OaOif g ana aong the Southedy line of said parcel 200.00 teet lo fie Soulheast cornerlheEof; $Ence N 62.52IXf EandatongttretttorteAynneoflhalparcdoflanddescdbedinBookcr.dPagas13esracordedin. I grlt in ihe Eagle Colnty ReoorAs, a d'lstance of 6€.78 feel lo lhe Norlheaslerly comer ol saiJ parce! of hnd; sai! corner Uelng d rhe Weserly dghtof-way line of Gore Creek Road, as Phned in VailVil|agE FiJh Filing; lhenc6_N. ?Ft3 3/ Wa distancn ol77.iz letaloirg said Westedy right-of-way lhe ol Gore Creek Road; thence N 89'29'22' W a dlslance o, 1 Z8O te€f lo he Northeasterly comer of rhat parcel of land described in Book 1 91 , Pega 1 39 as. recorded Jarruary 1q 1956 end fled in Reception No. 102978 in lhe Eagle Counry_Rec,9rds;fience.Norfiweslerly 2G-51 feat ahrg the arc of a 37.50 feef radiu; curve to lhe lett having a cenlral angle o1a0"30'00'whose chord teari N SS"IO!O' W a dislance ot 25.96 teet to . point of langency; lhenc€ N 73"5500' W and along said langenl 'f€i6.44 fe€t thence N 85"1021' W a distance ot 50.40 feel 1o lhe Norltnv6letly comer ot lho Mountain Haus Pa|cd: thence S O?18'OO'W and along lhe easlerly linE of said Mountain Haus Patceladblanc€ of 1m.00 fs€t lo lhe Soriheasterly oomer thereof; lhend S qS"t g Si' g a dislance ol 38.70 feet to the Tnre Poinl of Beginning, nmg 3t 486 sqrare fe€|, more or less. Appticant JWT 1987 Vail Limited Partnership, (d/b/a Vail Athletic Club), represented bY Slan CoPe and Michael BarclaYPlanner: Mike Mollica 2. A request for a an additional 250 square feet to allow for an addition to the Tuchman . residbnce tocated at 3110 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 9, Block 3, Vail Village 11th Filing. Applicant Mr. TuchmanPlanner: Jim Curnutte 3. A request for an additional 250 square feet of GRFA for an addition io a resiOence' located at 3110 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 9, Block 3, Vail Village 1lth Filing. Diane Hughes, King Hughes and Kendall Burney, represented by Bill Pierce Jim Curnutle A request for a sirJe yard setback variance to allow for an addition to the Wimer residence tocatbd at 2860W Adpen LaneAot 17, a Resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Village 11th Filing. Applicant Frank WimerPlanner: George Ruther I Applicant: Planner: o 5. A request for a Minor Exterior Alteration in CCI and a Conditional Use Permit to allow for a new outdoor dining deck located along the east side of One Vail Place located at244Wall StreeUA part of Block 5C, Vail Village 1st Filing. Appticant Kiendra Hoover and Julie lverson Planner: Randy Stouder Sign language interpr€tation available upon rEquest with 24 hour notification. Please ca[ 47$2114 voice or 47$2356 TDD for informatbn. 4r/' oo B. updated 4ll7l95 Application t GENERALINFORMATION BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSAL: Request variance to infill 3 ft. wide space under existing overhang as described in detail on the attachment. NAME OF APPLICANT: Franklin S. and Jovce D. Wimer ADDRESS 2860W Aspen Lane CITY, STATE, ZP Vail, CO 81657 C. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Ross B. Wimer, Sage Wimer Coombe Architects ADDRESS 55 Vandam Street CITY. STATE. ZIP New York. NY 10013 PHONE (970)476-2969 PHONE (2r2)309-97t3 D.NAME OF OWNERS: Franklin S. OWNERS SIGNATTIRES: ADDRESS 2860W Aspen PHONE (970)476-2969 CITY, STATE,ZP Yail, CO 81657 LOCATION OFPROPOSAL: LOT: 17 (a Resubdivision of Tract E) FILING 11 STREET ADDRESS 2860W Aspen Lane CITY, STATE,ZIP Yail, CO 81657 tr' I.EE \l /n 1.. ' / $2s0.00 PAID cK# 6518 attached " { -l l,1 < @, V t (,'-. rr L'ipu -'- "1T -lfl s .3s5 YE, Appl,rcArroN FoR A vARrANCFiilv; c0fvtryi, #$t jm oFFrcE PHONE (303)623-4500 u*t." MaNecruE*r conpo*otot' ., , ": 1228 FIFTEENTH STRIET at LARIMER SUITE 201 DENVER, COLOMDO 80202 e8) 623-1500 F,{X (303) 62J-9006 - , t, iiqr6.,.t.jf t{ JUI/November 7.1995 Mr. George Ruther Town Planner, Dept. of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear George: As you and I discussed recently, we would like to proceed with the application for a variance to allow us to build out the first floor ofthe addition (as originally approved July 7, 1995) to fill in to the edge of the existing overhang at the rear of the house. The variance requested is for only 3 ft. x l3 ft., but, as is described in the attached application, thissmall areaiscriticaltotheproposeduseof theadditionasanartist'sstudio. If we build to the edge of the overhang, daylight will pass through the proposed sliding glass doors at the rear of the house (otherwise the existing overhang would shade the glass doors and insufficient daylight would enter the studio). From our most recent discussion, I believe you have received the amended plans from my son, Ross. In addition, enclosed herewith are: ' My check for $250.0O. The completed application (including the detailed statement required). Title report. Stamped envelopes for submission to neighbors. I would appreciate it if you would check the documentation to make sure it is sufficiently complete for formal submission to the Planning Commission by November 13, 1995 for the hearing on December ll, 1995. Please let me know if anything is missing. I will attempt to call you later in the week. Thank you. Franklin S. Wimer lck Enclosure ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNBRS : (Per Eagle County Assessor's Office) Across the Street and Facing (to the North): (2855 Aspen Lane) R. Edgar and Judith A. Johnson 18 Polo Club Drive Denver, CO 80209 (2865 Aspen Lane) Frank D. Finn 9l0l Jameel Road, Number 100 Houston, TX77O4O Next Door (to the East): Adjoining Duplex: Mark and Marta Cadmus 286OE Aspen Lane Vail, CO 81657 Byron and Sally Rose 2895 Booth Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 Across the Street (to the West): (280OA Aspen Lane) Analese Freeman 2800 Aspen Court Vail, CO 81657 (28008 Aspen Lane) Harry E. Tope Inevocable Trust Isabella Bank & Trust, Trustee 200 East Broadway Mt. Pleasant, Michigan 48858 Adjacent Prope4v Owners to the Rear (to the South): (28404 Aspen Ct) Robert and Sue O'Connell 28 Saginaw St., Suite l4l0 Pontiac, Michigan 48058 (2840B Aspen Ct) Pat Funk P.O. Box 1407 Vail. CO 81658 'xd30' 10'!rll1l03-/1ol June 16, 1995 $hd-krul @-,ftle< Our neighbors, the Wimers, have discussed their plans to remodel their unit of our duplef They have informed us that you have reviewed and approved their plans, whlch call foi adding 378 square feet. Their project is satisfactory with us. Sincerely, 'n4^r7;T/=, * Mark and Marta Cadmus Mr. George Ruther Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 DearGeorge: {ign Review Action FQn TOWN OF VAIL Category Number 7 t/ |oate ///s /QF Proiect Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Rrcnitegtffigdressand phone: E, .e r t,// v 1 )., " r,..4, ?, . .,.,-,.t.,.- .-l -i-v'.t tcl{--_-Y ' I Legal Description:tot /'7 Block -Subdivision ZoneDisrricj.ctr-- Project Street Address: Comments: 4t14 d A.e Motion by: Seconded by: I Approval 1 Disapproval {s'.r ,/1.- i ____ n,\,-,2) |Date: 6/15 / 4\ DRB Fee Pre-paid 3i ). - ' rn nl/ | ,'/ F IL E COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 De partment of Conrnunity Deve loptnent 3,976.9 sq.ft. 425 sq.ft./unit X 2 units :- S5q sq.ft. Re: June 2. 1995 Mr. Frank Wimer. President UniRock Management Corporation 1228 l5th Street, Suite 201 Denver. Colorado 80202 2860 W/E Aspen Lane/Lot 17, a resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Village I lth Dear Frank: Thank you for your telephone call on Thursday, June I. 1995 with regard to the Wimer/Cadmus duplex located at 2860 Aspen Lane. As discussed, I have completed a Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) analysis of the duplex. As vou are aware, the Town of Vail redefined the way GRFA is calculated in l99l . The redefining of the rvay in u,hich GRFA is calculated results in an increase of allowable GRFA for your duplex. The purpose of this letter is to inform you and the Cadmus' of the results of the GRFA analysis. Based upon the information proviCed to the Town of Vail, and information contained in Town of Vail files, 813 square feet of GRFA remain available to the property. The table below illustrates the renaining development potential for the duplex. * Lot size:17,269 sq.ft. * Total allowable GRFA based on lot size: 15,000 X .25 : 3,750 sq.ft. 2,269X.10 = 226.9 sq.ft. * Available credits: TOTAL = 4826.9 sq.ft. ' Vfqfl' : -r t i i* ' ' TothlexistingGMAas of 612195: West unit: 2394 sq.ft. East unit: 1652 sq.ft. TOTAL 4013 sq.ft. Agaiq the figrrres above reflect the results of the GRFA analysis completed by the Town of Vail. The figures are based upon infornation provided to the Town by the property owners and from Town of Vail files. I hope the information provided in this letter is ofhelp as you proceed with designing a residential addition to your duplex unit. If I can be of any further assistance to you please let me know. I can be reached most easily during regular office hours at970.479.2138. Good luck with your project. Sincerely, fJ^*ry- ?'**-a--t George Ruther Town Planner xc: Mr. & Mrs. Mark Cadmus permanent file shall be defined as ccncinuous parking of the same vehi-cLe ior a period of two rveeks g. No "time sharing", "interval ownership", or similar interest, whereby Ownership of a Townhouse is shared by Owners on a time basis, shall be established on either Townhcuse without the prior written approval of 'the Town of Vail, -:rboth owners and aII liencrs holding a first mortgage or first deed of trust of recora on any po-rtion of Parcel A or Parcel B, which approval shall be reflected in a docurnent of record. 12 - Notices - The approval or Cisapproval of any request or submission as,-^^,,i raA l.ttr :-.' provisions of this Arnended ancl R.estated Townhousevu vl Declaration or any notice required or permitted to be given to the Owners, shaLI be in writing, shall be delivered personally to the Owners, or mailed to an Or.Jner by certified maiI, return receipt requested, at such addresses specified in the first paragraph of this Amended and Restated Townhouse Declaration provided that any Owner may specify a different adCress by notice d--Iivered to the other Owner in accordance with this paragraph, in which event all notices shall be sent to that address. Any not j.ce shall be deeneddelivered when personally delivered or when deposited in the U.S. mail, in accordance with the provisions of this paragraph. In the event an Owner fails to disapprove a subnitted written request for his consent or approval within 30 days after the delivery of such request (unless a different tine is specifically provided herein), he wi-ll be deened to have approved the request. I3. Gross Rbsidenti.al Floor Area Expansion. a. With regard to gross residential floor area ("GRFA"): expansion, ttre Cadrnus Unit shall have the right to use all remaining GRFA expansion alLocated to Lot L7 pursuant to the original zone districts established by the Town of Vail in theoriginal zoning of the Property. It is understood by the partiep that the remaining expansion available under such ordinances for Lot 17 is approximately 142 square feet. b. With regard to the GRI'A expansion allowed by Ordinance 4 of 1985 of the .Town of Vail which allows additional expansion of 250 square feet per unit, the l{imer Unit shall retain its right to 25O square feet of additional GRFA expansion under this ordinance and the Cadmus Unit shall retain its right to 25O square feet of additional GRFA expansion under Ordinance 4 of 1985. L4 DuraLion of Declarat i on Each provision contained in this AmenCeC and Restated Town- house Decl-aration which is subject to the laws or rules sonetines referred to as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibi- tinq unreasonable restraints on alienation shal1 continue and a F I[-E NOTTCE tS HEREBY GTVEN that the Design Review Board of the Town of vail will hold a public irearing onrlllld,lgglat gOO p.m. in th! town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an aditional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for A Residentiai Addition at thelMnnelResidence located at Address/Legal. Applicant: , .n *?' & / l?i;r'::i c0P \/,-ry/ft4 PUBLIC NOTICE The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administratofs office ciuring regular otfice hours for public inspection' TOWN OFVAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trailon May 19th' 1995. F:\€voryoneurb€soehu\wimar.s1 6 a o amil sls /is IJEGAL DEscRTPTToIj:.lof 4a Block 4 subdivision ',,*'l t/.il*rr- /lh ,_ADDRESS: Z8b€/vt d--..-,,= | ,/..2:;t- Single F ZONE CHECK FORy Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRTCTS nrimary/ Secondary DATE: ARCHITECT PHONE PHONE ZONE DISTRTCT PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE -1, LbT t Al lowed (30)ET BUILDABLE Exi s E. inct rJL- e{- Height TOLAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Se Ebacks Si t,e Coverage Landscaping Ret.aining WaIl . Parking Garage Credit. Drive: 3111 *J?-i?\ +425= 481:7,f qot5,rt LOT AREA Proposed Total ,..,V -s7 trl 1Zg1 ,tr -51t-ftT /L'52'f+425 = - 20' L5, 15' 3qst L 3,/6' 5 neqra (300) (600) (900) FronL Sides Rear yll L:r+i;- Heighcs ,:i{l OL *qq4 t f-tZtlt+;"t5 -....-- L gncl I.t-t I f /o,561 i.r lc 3 NO ,/ Envi ronmen t a1,/Hazards : -:HiNNtrld @;;-vs 3) Geologic I{azards a ) Snow Avalanche <:tc_b) Rockfall - c) Debrisplffi h**'--- b:(=t A-,-,_<:tci,4r,ir> L lhe i;ztaaoz-:> 7n-r-:1 V-i['-* t4*,a4a'"tr=" - 6f-t4 t=Z- Permirted Slope &ru proposed Slope43_ YES 1) Flood Plain otL 2) Percent Slope (< > 30t) : \] 4) wecrands . tlVlew Corridor EncroachnenE: yes No--{Z-- Does lhis ::equeDL iuvuive a Z5Ct Aqoition? r..r() How much of Ehe arlowed 250 Addition is useFiffi-Eis reguesr? Previous condiEions of approval (check property file) : ov 4r-.- 7.?rtt'4t,-.t tu7 Ahr .-r-,*- ? Complies wit,h T.O.V. LiqhLing Ordinance Yes WaEer Course SeLback (30)(s0) Do Finish crades Exceed 2:1 (50%) 10 TO:MII(E McGEE GREG HALL O Eotui toltl$ TODD OPPENHEIMER Rclurn lo Gcorge. RuLher 'fown Planncr v BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: i Enginccring: INTER:DEPARTMENTAL REVIEW Datc: Commcnts: Qetxog' are ttel. sedaXwcr'6 154rr Arrvc Ct\w'dsq4e ?. \{- ,-rot, rt.r lne urttn Pobtio urxYs ' Ravicwed Ay: Iqn lft*r.,t-Oatc: tr rna.i tqqs- Lanclscaping: Rcvicwed by:Dalc: Commcnls: Firo Dcpt.: Revicwcd by: Commcnls: Bl?J1'# Dislributcd ro [rc Firo Dcparrmenr, pubric works, and Landscaping on Frank & Joyce Wimer 2860W Aspen Lane Vail. Colorad o 81657 -4622 (e70) 476-2969 May 5, 1995 Mr. Jim Curnutte Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 DearJim: Via Federal Express Thank you for spending the time meeting with my wife, Joyce, and me last Friday to discuss our application for the 250 GRFA, and the earlier time you spent on the phone with our son, Ross, who is our architect, We have developed the additional information you requested, and Ross has made the modification of the drawings to reflect the formerly exterior walls, which will become interior ones. Therefore, enclosed in triplicate are the signed application and architectural drawings (showing the site plan, existing conditions, and the proposed renovation), along with a list of adjoining property owners and envelopes with their addresses and the two photos we showed you of the house. Please let me know if there is anv other information vou require. If vou need to reach meknow if there is any other information you require. If you need to reach me weekdays, please and the fax n tny call ,r is my office in Denver. The phone number is 3O31623-45N 303t623-9006. Sin ,/L-" Franklin S. Wimer lck Enclosure 75 soulh tront.g€ road Ylll, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 TO I.JHOM IT MAY CONCERN: olllce of communlty d.rclopmcnt April 20, 1984 Lot 17, Resub Tract E, Vail Village 1'lth The above property is zoned duplex, and according to our records the lot i's 17,269 square feet. A'llowable GRFA would be 3976, and 38.|4 GRFA is on the property to date, leaving 162 square feet GRFA remaining. - in t188 LJ€ ^JJ"J 3l X Secretary LAND TITLE GUARANTEE CO!{PANY Dated August 30, 1993 case V07402END Policy A2382974 Property Address PARCEI-, A' A RESITBDMSION OF RESUBDIVISTON OF TRACT E, VAII., VILI,AGE EI,EVENTH Buyer/Seller FRANKLIN S. WruER AND JOYCE Tenants ENDORSEI,IENT 110.3 LOT 17, A FILING (AMENDED) D. WIMER , as Joint TTEM NO. 5 OF SCHEDUI-,E A IS HEREBY AIIIENDED BO READ AS FOLTJOWS: THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS POLICY IS SITUATED IN EAGLE COT'NTY, cor,,oRADo, AND IS DESCRTBED AS FOLIOWS: PARCEL A, A RESUBDMSTON OF LOT t7 | A RESITBDMSION OF TRACT E, VAIL VILLAGE ELEVENTH FTLTNG (A]'IENDED), ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED OCTOBER 11, 1985 IN BOOK 427 AT PAGE 315, COI'NTY OF EAGLE, STATE OT COLORADO. THIS ENDORSEMENT TS MADE A PART OF THE POLICY OR COMMITI'IENT AND IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS AND PROVISIONS THEREOF AND OF ANY PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS THERETO. EXCEPT TO THE EXTENT EXPRESSLY STATED, IT NEITHER MODIFIES ANY OF THE TERMS AND PROVISTONS OF THE POLICY OR COMMITMENT AND PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS, IF ANY, NOR DOES 1T EXTEND THE EFFECTIVE DATE OF THE POLICY OR COMMITMENT AND PRIOR ENDORSEMENTS OR INCREASE THE FACE AMOUNT THEREOF. Agent Representing o1d Republic National Title Insurance conpany LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY Dated August 30, 1993 Case vo7402END Policy A2382974 ENDORSEMENT ].07.12P Property Address RESUBDIVISION OF Buyer/Seller Tenants PARCEL A, A RESUBDTVTSToN oF TRACT E, VAfIJ VILLAGE EI-,EVENTH FRANKLIN S. WII,IER AND JOYCE LOT 17, A FILING (AT.TENDED) D. WII*{ER , as Joint THE EFFECTM DATE OF THE POLICY IS HEREBY CHANGED FROI'I SePtenber 20, 1985, AT 8:00 A.l.{. To July 30' 1993 AT 5:00 P.M. THE COMPANY HEREBY INSURES: FRANKLIN S. WIMER AND JOYCE D. I{TMER (1) THAT, EXCEPT AS OTHERWISE EXPRESSLY PROVIDED HEREIN, THERE ARE NO LIENS, ENCTJMBRANCES OR OTHER MATTERS SHOVIN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS, AFFECTING SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST, OTHER THAN THOSE SHOWN IN SAID POLTCY, EXCEPT: AMENDED AND RESTATED TOWNHOUSE DECI,ARATION RECORDED NOVEMBER 2]-, 1985 IN BOOK 430 AT PAGE 602. PLAT RECORDED OCTOBER L1, 1985 IN BOOK 427 AT PAGE 315. (2) THAT, AS SHOWN BY THE PUBLIC RECORDS, THE TrTLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST IS VESTED IN THE VESTEES SHO$IN IN SCHEDULE A: FRANKLIN S. WIMER AND JOYCE D. WIIIER THE TOTAL LIABILITY OF THE COMPANY t'NDER SATD POLICY AND ANY ENDORSEMENTS THEREIN SHALL NOT EXCEED, IN THE AGGREGATE, THE FACE AMOUNT OF SAID POLICY AND COSTS WHICH THE COI'TPANY IS OBLIGATED T'NDER THE CONDITTONS AND STIPULATIONS THEREOF TO PAY. THIS ENDORSEMENT IS MADE A PART OF SAID POLICY AND IS SUBJECT TO THE SCT{EDUI.,ES, CONDITIONS AND STIPUI..ATIONS THEREIN, EXCEPT AS },IODIFIED BY THE PROVISIONS HEREOF. THIS ENDORSEMENT IS NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS INSURING THE TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AS OF ANY DATE I,ATER THAN THE DATE OT' SATD POLICY, EXCEPT AS HEREIN EXPRESSLY PROVIDED AS TO THE SUBJECT MATTER HEREOF. tersigned Represent ng Repub c National Titl-e Insurance Conpany ENDORSEMENT 107.12PLAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY Dated August 30, 1993 Case V074o2END Policy A2382974 Authorized Officer or Agent ,//'. TIl"f Orrrners For'm ??l?*1." *o. Az3e2?74 Fite Nc. V74O2 Amount tt3lO'OOO.OO SCHENULE A Addres s 1. Policy Date: September ZO' 19S3 at SIOO A.H. 2. Name of Irrsured: FRANKLIN S, t"lIHER arrd JOYf,E Er. HIt'lER r as .k'int Terrarrts 3. The estate r-,r interest in the land descritred in this 9chedule arrd urhich is cc'vered h'r this pol icY iE! A Fee 4, Title to the estate on inter'est covened bv this rolicv at the date heneof is vested in: FRANKLIN S. l",iMER and r-IOYCE tr. t IHER r a5 Joint Tenants 5. The land referred to in this pol icv is situated irr EAGLE Ec'trntr" Col crado' and iE described as f ol I otrlst PARCEL F: A PART AF L6T 17' A RE€|LIBEIIVI.$INN OF TRACT E, VAIL VILLAGE ELEVENTH FILING' TOT.IN OF VAIL' EAGLE COUNTY' COLORATIO HORE PARTICULARLY NESCRIBED AS FOLLOIIS: COMI,IENCING AT THE I4OST EASTERLY CORNER OF SAIN LOT 17' THENCE S. 84 DEGREES IO HINUTES 2? SEGI]NDS I^I 74.96 FEET; THENCE S 46 DEGREES 02 HINUTES 16 SEI:CINEIS W 32.2 FEET TO THE FOINT OF BEGINNINC{' THENCE tT 46 DEIJREES 02 I4INUTES 16 SECflNN'S W 2O.5 FEETi THENCE N 43 DEGREES 57 HINUTEG 44 SECC'NNs H 11.13 FEET' THENCE N 46. DEGREE.g O? MINUTES 16 SECC'NT|5 E 4.? FEET| THENCE N 43 NESFEE-S 57 HINUTES 44 SEC$NTIS I^J 11'B FEETI THENCE N 46 TIETIREES CIz MINUTES 16 SECCINI'S E 4.O FEETT THENCE N 43 NEGREES 57 I'IINUTES 44 GECONTIS I.I 2S.7 FEET| THENCE N 46 EEGREES 02 T,IINUTES T6 SECONBS E 24.4 FEETi THENCE S 43 EECiREES 57 f',IINLITES 44 SECCINT'S E 4O.5 FEETI THENCE S 46 NEGREES CI: MINUTES T6 $ECONTIS I,' 1?,1 FEETI THENCE S 43 DEGREES 97 HINUTES 44 SECEINNS E 11.8 FEET TCt THE POINT C'F BEGINNING. TOGETHER I^IITH AN UNDIVIDEN ONE/HALF (L/2' INTEREST IN ANN TN PARCEL C, |.IORE PARTICULARY DESCRIBED AS FOLLSWS: ALL CIF LCIT 17' A RESLIBDIVISICIN OF TRAI:T E' VAIL VILLAGE ELEVENTH FILING' TOWN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY' CCILORAIIO' EXCEPT THAT PORTION NESCRIBED A:{ PARCEL "8" ABOVE AND PARCEL IIAII BELOI,I. PARCEL A! A PART CIF LCIT 17' A RESUBNIVI$ION OF TRACT E' VAIL Pase 1 Tfris Polict'vatid onlY if Schedule B is attached, >'/. TIH Ctuners Form 2312 e.r, No. A23€J2e74 File No. V74Oz SCHEDULE A Amcunt t331O' OOO. OO Addres s VILLAGE ELEVENTH FILING' TOI"JN OF VAIL' EAGLE CCIUNTY' COLORANO' HORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIFEE AS FOLLOWS! COMHENCING AT THE I.IOST EASTERLY CCTRNER OF SAID LOT 17I THENCE S. 84 TIEGREES TO HINUTES ?9 SECONNS }I' 74'86 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE G. 46 EEGREES 02 I'IINUTES 16 SECONBS W, 44.5 FEET' THENCE S. 43 DEGREES 57 HINUTES 44 SECONTIS E. 28.5 FEETT THENCE N. 44. OEGREES 02 MINUTES 16 SEEONES E. 12,4 FEET; THENCE N. 43 T'ECREES 57 i{INLITEB 44 SECONtrS I,I. 12,22 FEETI THENCE N. 46 T}EGREE6 02 I'IINUTES 16 SECONNS E. 32.1 FEET; THENCE N 43 BECREES 57 T'IINUTE$ 44 SECSNNS H. 16.3 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING' COUNTY OF EAGLE' STATE If,F COLORAEO. >7. Pase ? 'fhis Pc'licv valid c,rrly if Schedule F is attached. ,} Tll'd'l tlunen Form 2313 e No. V74Oz bl icv No. A2382974 ' SCHEBLILE E This pollcy does not insure eeaingt logg ar demaee hY reasorr of the fol l(,urins: 1. Rishts aF claims of Farti€s in possession not shoun hv the publ ic ce c ord s. 2.. Easenentsr oF claims of ea$€m€ntg' not shqurn bv the rublic records. 3. Discrepancieg' conflicts in boundarv lines' shortase in aFea' encroachments, and anv facts urhich a correct survev and insrection of thc rrerris€s trr(.uld disclose and uhich arc rrot shoutn bv the eubl ic records. 4. Arry I ierr, or risht to a I ierr' f or services' labort on material theretofoF€ on her'eafter funnished' lmposed ttv lau and rrot shouJrr t,v the pu!,1ic r€cords. 5. 19S5 TAXES NOT VET DUE AND PAYABLE. &. LIENS FOR UNPAIN WATER AND SEWER CHARGES' IF ANY. 7. RIGHT GF FRffPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT ANTI REHAVE HIS ORE THEREFRSH SHOULD THE SAFIE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR TNTERSECT THE PREI"IISEL] AS RESERVED IN LINITEII STATES PATENT RECCTRFEE Hav O6, l9O5' IN BOFK 4A AT PAGE 273. B. RIGHT OF [.IAY FOR OITCHES TIR CANALS CONSTRUCTEN BY THE AUTHORITY C'F THE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITEII STATES PATENT RECORDEE Hav O6' 19OS IN BOBK 48 AT PA6'E ?73. 9. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, WHI*H DCI NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OT"IITTING RESTRICTICINS' IF ANY' BA$ED ON RACE' COLOR' RELIGION' OR NATIONAL ORIBIN' AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUHENT RECTSRFED Julv 16' !971'- IN BOOK 221 AT PAGE 14O AND AS Ai1ENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDEE Hav O5r 1977t IN BOOK 254 AT PAGE S65. 1C'. DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASE}'IENT 20 FEET IN WIDTH ALC'NG THE EASTERLY LOT LINE CrF SUB-IECT PROPERTY AS SHOtfN AND RESERVED ON THE RECORIIED PLAT' A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT E' VAIL VILLAGE ELEVENTH FILING. 11. TERI'IS, CONEITIONS AND PROVISION.9 OF TOWNHOUSE DECLARATION RECORT'ED JUNE 2O' 1979 IN BggR 2A7 AT PA6E gO. Page 3 N? ar)c)O IIJFodlo-zo Fo uJY uJo oF F afrrr coFO*o\u- -{lol ! r.- |0 -rlolotll-{ |lpl' Frl HuJbkzo 'AY '-J,oz''1"o ZE(no =z dP F Eul o- IL 59E<oloy2Ee9al i! 5E9-J =ulEFo14('i =;9EYcqE6tqo-tt;'ul (o -I ts =E, lrJ o-zIF() E,Fazoo trtr (Jc)zaot: JJ(I) uj E = UJ o- u. uJ F oz E =E uJo- .t 6- (t) ulultL E = uJ $'\-*N coootl q FFlPFJ U) H z t4 F O' H"<o\ >{ FJ F? v F-] .J) J& 6> Eca lr-F-.,1orlj OFz ) uJF z =o ozz in uJFo2 oz oJ o ru zz !t:9ox6'=Or(,*Io;ioc-o(!c.2.0 €e sF'= E e6Pc-og.!s =€ic96 EEE EEE*oO i?(J sostq! c.Y- 6 CL6 CL sEs(,'- o. =*eD;(!6-'-EE E E 0-6 ,EF.E ueC.6 O'--c; or' --c E'tEe;; '6>9 6a J:Es;8 .3.tB9E-cre5g -o(! FFI lrt .v ln 4c\ 4 ts =ttu z J Y uJ z aF r.u) uJ z =J J oz uJ X r\ e.l ttl u.lu-zI E uJ C) uJ G o co; arJ UJEz(9 UJo uJ z uJJ C) x F llJo U' UJult!t =tulc J oF ozo = J o EF. C) uJJul (9z6 E d z llJ FJ ts H NOrM'lV =l>El ltI NI=6.1 ; =Z z!-o ootr^-.rrzq 5 =9E P oE aocc,z>o89 frl!<oq ir!-!l- X uJax2 dN(, E zH H Ff z HtsH F a F c.l z.o F J lt-n rri c, ttlo- F t LgJ J z Eo6 Xxt<z tr uJFJ =UJz (t)FzlzOatrurkoo< =F8c;<z Fz. 9= --l 'r;o}EOI utf (l <t,tt, rl'JzY9- zI Jl <nz -l] 4 II :- :I o IL Irtlll" lslsE@W 1l_-ol<ttdl" lo.'.il>og llltt lI Fltztll-'-.1| ,/-)a"l|-n &nfaril=4|ur Ilo- |tJ It< |tz Ito I lo ollo ;ll< ol fr.1 ? (.1 7d, z F 6 I -.1j 'l,l vl ,l I >llrJ Iol F- e.l IM EI:l ;l TItrrl 3lFllt{l>l FlH oz = JJ(D ( z t-ltsHAe .J) E di =z a tu o .J = tt) rrl F N Ln$ I\o i FfH tso tr IJJ = Io- tso E X =tr z (, ul(r J ?l >J u- ol zl 3lolFI rn.f, I F i c lr- .i ut =>l t!l zl 3l F : tr =tr z r.i uJ J ILoz =oH =tr oz og,l J lt z3 F l!JulF # El I J oz 't- UJ =D E uJz =o Fo UJ r E -.r O<FE() IJJ <zEIII F(42o C) )E<o(JF H#42 ^-, o -o t 2? =c)=<z.t d6o <= !:Fi3 3g t-t.\ =!tY o2<()ant lnwn 75 south frontage road vai!, colorado 81657 {303) 476-7000 department ot publlc works/transportatlon TO: FROM: DATE: RE: In sunmary, ordinance No. 6 states that it ls urllawful for any person tolltter, track or deposit any soll, rock, sand, debrls or material, lncluding trash dumpsters, portable toilets and worknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, al1ey or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Tor+rn of Vail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. off pavenent. This ordl-nance wl-ll be strictly enforced by the Town of Va1l Public Works Departuren!. Persons found violating thls ordLnance w111 be glven 24-hour written nocice to remove said material. In the event the person so notified does not comply with the notlce uithin the 24-hour tirne specified, the Publlc Works Department !1111 remove said material at the expense of personnotified. The provLsions of thls ordinance shall not be applicable to constructlon, maintenance or repair proJects of any street or alley or anyutlllties ln the right-of-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu1L, please stop by the Town of Vail Building Department Eo obtain a copy. Thank you for your cooperation ln this matter. Read and Acknowledged by: VAIL1989 MEMORANDlJM ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MARCH 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 6 5/L7/88 RE: Cadmus property, Lot l-7, Block 1, Vail Village llth The com Dev Staff approved a 3l- square foot addition to the above property today. In August, L985, this half of tbe duplex had been approved for an addition and garage which was never buitt. GRFA before 3l- sf addition: Lot size; L7,269 sf GRFA allowed: 3976 strauch Lolver level 5L0 Main level 1403 Upper level 42o Cadmus 477 730 299 Total 2333 L50bgt courbined total: - 1:"1z:Ii*:ln ,fr-' 1-37 rernaining if add 31 sf - 3r- renaining l-05 Credits Used Garage 495 garage 290 <14o KIl,6wrrd n1"b QotpS 4 uem krsaukoLl+ru wi*'vT ?{ +oo tpD +b 14(wVtAAv 2,-c1D Project Application Date 5/17 /88 CAOMUS ADDITIONProject Project Contact 31 sq foot addjtion to living roomDescription: Person and Tim 6oy1e 476-?r /0 Owner. Address and Phone: l4ark and Marta Cadmus Architect, Address and Phone: 11th Zone - Legal Description: Lot Block Filing Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: V.*u Approval Date: APPLICATION DATE:6'lb'Ab DATE OF DRB MEETIIJG: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION t,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIITTED**** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with_a p1 anning staff member is strongly suggested to a"l.irini if any additional information is needed. No application will. be-accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator). it is ttre appiicint's responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to find out about additjonal submittal requirements. Please note that a C0MPLETE applica- tion will streamljne the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may st'ipu1ate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is'issued A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Lega l Zoni ng Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION Descri pt'i on lot-l'7- al oct<Firins ll Ttl telephone 41a- l46o eF -fKT € C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Addres s D. E. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : Addres s NAME OF S i gnature $ 50,001 $150,001 $500 ,00 I$ 0ver $ 150,000$ .500,000 $1,000,000 $l,ooo,ooo $ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the site. 2. The review process for NEr,,l BUILDINGS rvill normally involve t\.Jo separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be reoubl i shed. teiephone 47u-?-17a The fee wjll be paid at the time a building permit is requested. FEE 4. The following items no longer have.to be presented-to.the Design Review Board''r' iii:y:"ffi;';;i, h;;; Io o" p"lt"nt"a to thb Zonins Administrator for approvar: a. t,lindows, skylights and similar exterior changes that do not alter the existing Pllne of the building; and b. Bu.ilding additions that are not viewed from any other lot or public-space' wh1ch have nii itite"t submitted from adioining property owners approvlng the addit'ion; and/or approval trom-ine-iitni f6"'' oi manuger of a condominium association. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard studies on your property' You should cnecf ivith a Town Planner before proceeding' J S:l Q PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oo* E/ta/tf JoB NAME -nl Ltd" n READY FOR INSP LOCATION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 'ur*'""^FRI '-_--l__($a-z eur CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER4*o"'"n - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr E] INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR F TNAL FINAL l. fPPROVED t 30RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUTRED INSPECTOR e4A7 PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE 1)o-',J CALLER . INSPECTION/ .t TOWN OFl(t (lttltr ot REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION:^G,'"1 \ n Ll TUES , WED THUR -./ /^' (t,/'LL-,INS FRI ft; tr\'neeaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING fr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr E tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ofrun^tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR rNstTroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ILOING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER tr GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILIN NSULATION tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING r] ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT -n D SUPPLY AIR o pfrrunr-O FINAL m F" co ,PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BECTIONS: INSPECTOR rl Wo ONNOF REQUESTVAIL I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: r\__-2 INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJ JOB NAME THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooo NAIL|NG tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr PROVED RECTIONS: PROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNs{hJ*oN. rn;:3 REQUESTVAIL I DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES K,-, , l |}t4>\ -.''-<wED rHUR /FFr--) (,,_AiD Pll\__._- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FBAMING ON / STEEL - PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND E ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO oz F =E IJJo- c') st (n uJ uJ lJ- E =Ettio- {\-Se -\- I I I (q (\lc{-#\<lo I I t ,.1 \l 3 fl_,4< =9lu->"O $: lJ gJ F o e.oF tF == zz o llJ oz z o m .6 =z E UJz3o r.ljIF z lJ- uJo ='t- o o E E llJz3 E ur(r F z 6 ct c)e\;N ANo.\(tNF\\o\ ;N 0)()c -\.E \\F-\N =\uo\ (! o o =6 E o =l oo o (5 3 .9 o alf: .*; eE -.= (5 - 9 6P:Ec-o>ef:i:s3:E >=:c96EI05o,35t= E EE**.9 o c 5;;F $!seo- (! 0_fsE; s oiEors€e€ 9fi66x- c og E.9 H E;Eg - o.!l o -* c P(o o'- .! E=, Q) @ E TEf * 81€ 9 6EE t* E: -a6eE9E q: -eEgg -o6s rON o LN F\ E = r.u IL z = co x uJI z J aF UJ !r,l z =Jo- J = uJ t! uJt!z tr luE uJ @ 3g IJJ z 6 uJ F6oo-ulo o- z uJ o x ulo U' u,J TU lJ-t =E IJJ FoF z fo oe FoulJ uJ oz =J L J z llj = NO[Vn']VA =F F( F LJ ; E Ll F LJ = c x ; IL z tro- Eo UJo uJz uJo =>E -rdti tr.t S =oN zzooF^U'q5 r9otn (t5dozt!<oq L- 92iEj<ri zotr - slt 4 = uJ F o oocr) <f E (L uj E, J z Eo6 * z - t UJ =uJz tltltltl FzfzOatrU<oo< =FXrL6o<z g, tr2.. vz =iIu (,3EOI zo F 5oz lrq \:i,-1I I-il =I :1 8l lr G ll ffi n:ol{L!ld l;,; U)t (r llJ J z Eo )t.l _.1 ---1:-t ? '1. z F(t, 6 (f) I n,l{-/1/l Ln,/ c.J4o2 c:) '/ z .rP =-<.clo =z=r= o-- I t^E-l =o*;Hg nn! IJJF o ro (\t C\I r\. ,)t-/.)u,/ j- dlo-zo Fo-ulY IJJ d! oF F E1!(L l.l-o o.oo I ul Foz = s b?!{E>E<cLl€8B9ELae'EE l> =uJ:-E FE: >o-J.-.8E !P |tuE XO-E ;-E \u{ €= HoF E =El! o-zoF(Jf E,Fazo CJ OIullEl JI <l>l bl 3l sgH uJ =z d) .1 oLOsr I\o =o E() .lol =.1olutl cEl JI al>l t!lol zl3lolFl I I I I dl z.l OI rJll :l <l>l t!lol zl FI I(.1 1q ? 1(u !+oq3g '1 =|tr ogt) =+EFt-o2 E -rO<FG()ur<ZE,UJFo6 () ) trF uJ 9P =Ed5o F ct Fz ot nnE 75 south tlontage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ottlce of communlty deYelopmenl August 26, 1986 Mr . John lvl. Perki ns P.0. Box 266 Vai1, Colorado 81658 RE: Cadmus Garage and Guest Room Addition Dear John, 0n August 20, 1986 The Design Review Board gave final approval to the Cadmus garage and guest room. It was decided at the Design Revjew Board meeting that the west e1 evatjon roof would be cut back to create anasyunetrical roof line. It was also stated that the willows wil'l remainon the site. A final f'l oor plan still needs to be submitted for thisproposal so that it can be verified that the square footage is not overthe allowable. If you have any further questions please feel free to call me. Si ncerely, ,lnl(.^L^ U.At\l t) \Lu\ \{t u1- Kristan Pritz Town Planner KP:jlt 'l Project Name: Proiect Applicalion t Date ( , -, i'--1.1l,Project Description: Contact Person and Phone '\r....! ' i'.'', 1..r. 1,. ;l',r', {a r f'\ \ owner. Address and phone: lir r. i';\r(f i til i\\',,i-i Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot \erol\\s*= riring \\ \\\, Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by:lr(- .l; seconded oy' )S,lt,\-t= APPROVAL (+ DISAPPROVAL Summary: -/Y'i :i\ "' fr" : ' i I B statt Approval JNTIR-D!PARTii:iiTAL R[VI EI.I PROJECT: DATE SUBMITTED:DATE OF PUBL]C HEARING COI'IMENTS NEEDEO BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTiON OF THE}NOPOSNI tltvltu Date O litlA?,*l , a s-a., PPtv€ ,^'q1 Gercg- (Cu, o.- Dpt ctt^rc, _ tz,s ()zr< rt l/.x,o,r,t', o-, ? Poorrou oE €/€t/,g?e- p€cE €7t <Ro4 cll6 S O*Zo P,e"ca6a7 6217) U'r-/./tY t:7t(>newzo @ FiRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: h:io POLICE DEPARTI,{ENT Revier,red by: Comrnents: - Daie RicailTlCii t:Pii,itl:lii RevieNed by: Cc;nents: t 75 soulh frontage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 476-70q) July 29, 1986 ofllce ol communlty develoPment To All Property 0wners Adjacent to Lot 17, Resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Village 1lth Fjling,2860 Aspen Lane, East unit. Please be advised that an applicatjon has been made to the Department of Corrnunity Development to add a garage with a guest room above to the referenced property. Additional information and plans of thjs proposed addition are on file with the Department of Cormunity Development and may be reviewed duri ng regular business hours. If you have any questions, please contact Kristan Pritz at the Conmunity Development Department at 476-7000 before August 10, 1986. tI , €,A-Orn u: FOR PRE-APPL ICATION CONFERENCE A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: FOR ADDITIONAL GRFA EXCESS OF ALLONABLE GRFA APPLIcA+ION PROPERTIES IN , Oate of Application JZbr_)ULy! &,^ Date of DRB Meeti nS %tg_ tu/ b?o A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff js strongly encouraged to discuss the provisions under which additionit gRfR can be aidldto a site' It should be understood that this ordinance does not assure each propertyan-additionlt 25Q_square feet of GRFA. Rather, the ordinance a'llows for gg tb250 square feet if certain conditjons are met. Applicat_ions for additions under this section will not be accepted unless theyare complete. This includes all informat'ion required on this iorm is u,"it ii"Design Review Board submittal requirements. <*o)rttt) LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Lega'l Description: Lot /7 Filing t/r281ock"E" Zone District ,A++# pzPZA< C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: ,rypeb Address ?9/ &tt--v* ga t-tptz, zzt . ,hon" D. NAME OF APPLICANT.S REPRESENTATIVE: .-272,-z 2 PaeT2,u' Addres s hone 94Q-Za=7 E. NAME 0F OWNER(S): ** Signature(s) Addr"tt 4/ &1re -sf phone4Ta-/4so F. Filing Fee of $100.00 is required at tine The following'information, in addjtion to DRBrequired with this submittal: l. Verification that the unit has received 2. Names and mailing addresses of adjacentunits on the same lot. This information Assessor's office. Condominium association approval (.if appl jcable). Existing floor plan of structure. of submittal l/z?/f ( #=',-t//w submjttal requirements, shall be a final cert'i ficate of occupancy. property owriers and of owners ofis available from the Eagle County 3. 4. LIsT OF MATERIALS It[il'5,!i3iF?10,,, ;lIEFL+?3ft'3?',o The fol I orvi ng Board before A. EUILDIIIG information is required for submitta'l a final aPproval can be fiven: MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL by the applicant to . ft$47 atsf4/m zr- d2 CC, e{F; 2L . ---.<1214 l<) ,ryJ-.a-. e, ,F41LryL ' ,?az<f- la /Vpz4 u/ac42 ll,"Aqt:r/ Zl* o.4 ?*ol ,* ; Meae 2z//-/t r,)ob %, f tt/a"/" the Deiigir Review COLOR Roof Siding. . 0ther l^lal'l Material s Fasci a . Soffits bli ndolvs l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim 'Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl as hi ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: Botanical Name Common Name Si ze* Z// ra z'/. " /- Gt/ - F-/ ,Wr.^-/ &,-YZ-*z EXISTING TREES TO BE REi4OVED *lndicate cal i oer for deciducious trees.for coni fers - ' /'.,,o.\ fl're ni lrr r ---9-? Indicate hejght I i' -t.r -.- f .1 J i' .:. *****THIS APPLICATI0N tllILL DRB APPLICATION NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL APPLICATIOI{ DATE: DATE OF DRB }IEETII'IG: INFORMATION IS SUBI.IITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: .'A pre-application meeting with-a p'lanning staff member is strongly suggested to a'eiermiir! ii any additional informatjon is needed.. No application will be.accepted unless it is compiete (must ir.rc'!gde all items required by the zoning administra-tor). ii ts ttre applicint's iesponsibi'lity to make an appointrnent with the staff to find ': out about additional submittal requirements. Please note that a COIIIPLETE applic:- tion will streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval ihat the'DRB may stipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued- B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Addres s Legal Description Lot /7 ,.rorp ,Bte arL'iiting // /h. Zoning Otz4U-- C. NAI"IE OF APPLICANT: tei ephone 47+/ztso permit is requested. $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 -'$ .500,000 $5oo,oo1 - $1,ooo,0oo$ Over $1,000,000 $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ so.oo $1oo.oo $200.00 $300 .00 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBI4ISSIONS.TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meeting submjttal requirements, the applicant must stake the site to indicate property l'i nes and bui'l ding corners. lrges that will be removed should a'l so be markbd. This work must be compieted before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The revier,, process for NEI'l BUILDIIIGS r.rill normally involve tt'to separate nieciings of the Des'i gn Review Board, so plan on at least tt'ro meetings for their approval . 3. People who fajl to appear before the Design Review Board at thejr scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement vlill be required to be republished. Address Zbt 'o. .: ..<r- telephone 4Za*Z4Se D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: Address f.o. ery- zqa U&L a- 6/Asb teiephone qaZ^=^ E.NAI'IE OF OI.JNERS:ru r2/9/% S i gnature F. Address DRB FEE: The fee wi.ll VALUATION be paid at the tjme a building FEE .t .--' ,.r, 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design-Revi9! l-::td'iii"y, tonuu.i, riiui i; i;";;t;niia-io th! Zonins naministriioi for approval: a. llindows, skyiights anci siriiiar exterior changes that do not alter the exist'ing plane of the buj'lding; and ' - i' b. Building additions that are not viewed lloq 1*y other lot or publlg-l*::' ""- which tive nua letteii suUmittea from adjoin'ing property owners appro'']ng _. the addition; unJlJ"-;pp;;;;i from the agent f6r' oi'manager of a condominrum 5. .You may be required to conduct Natura'l Hazard check with a Town Planner before proceeding. Studies on your property. You shou'ld a trtI L tr?"-b, {.nC E, U*0 d,\\aqe tt frt, l1&1r,{ ' ., u .'^ | --z A-,, r \ cfl bnpaftr.I t/D |\a*v, q7fnuJ 17V ilD e?1 lf,o6 /v0f vrD wfrtT5^6€0: 4iffiqw'W Alo 't!,udi,#hqa|, il}' f0 wJ'' rtndrt'^ Twat ji 6rfa ll ii'i )7J3 Qfrrr\ti6Eo B+er',"/rt*f eln '.{e.A /l.l tlt- t r l---'(.payr\f, v nourl*olr- ftma.r-'0t'+) *q( $,ry$?., {"1 ";n;ld 'r r} -Jo tilts"*\ .\"f{ wffi1q-ta - I , 6e&u*t' ,*f 'it}+ Gr Fn Tt\ {1" tu,&(in tl*u *t^v 10 ot)P^6fffi ' l^ t t,' U-Y-aLd /"rr f|.,\ 71P ueltt-f0 t4..J', rzl ttmf 't83 tsiiF5€ Vf3 ,,th / ')O tt'rqu, uwf No. ,f -,t w-a, i "*{e.' *-dta $ 'i( r \gn lrlr{. ry t".L fL rloi -!*ra ffiw 4h /' tan) <nt# .-.t. COMMITMENT ?b.2uS'.,728Pe.r TO INSURE This commitment was produced and issued through the office of LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY 108 South Frontage Road P.O. Box 357 Vail. CO 81658 (3o3}. 476-2251 Representing: Jrr-e lrusunnruce fiorvrenruv or [flrr.rr.rESorA TIM Form 2582 2/7a AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION COMMITMENT - 1970 Rar. J rn-r I r.r su RA N c E [o rvr ea r.ry oF [fl r r.r r.r ESorA a Stock Company of Minneapolis, Minnercta TTTLE INSURANCE COMPANY OF MINNESOTA, a Minnesota corporation, herein called the Company, for a valuable consideration, hereby commits to issue its policy or policies of title insurance, as identified in Schedule A, in favor of the proposed Insured named in Schedule A, as owner or mortgagee of the estate or interest covered hereby in the land described or iefeired to in Schedule A, upon payment of the premiums and charges therefor; all subject to the provisions of Schedules A and B and to the Conditions and Stipulations hereof, This Commitment shall be effective only when the identity of the proposed Insured and the amount of the policy or policies committed for have been inserted in Schedule A hereof by the Company, either at the time of the issuance of this Commitment or by subsequent endoresement. This Commitment is preliminary to the issuance of such policy or policies of title insurance and all liability and obliga- tions hereunder shall cease and terminate six months after the effective date hereof or when the policy or policies committed for shall issue, whichever first occurs, provided that the failure to issue such policy or policies is not the fault of the Company. CONDITIONS AND STIPU LATIONS l The term "mortgage", when used herein, shall include deed of trust, trust deed, or other security instrument. 2. If the proposed Insured has or acquires actual knowledge of any defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter affecting the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment other than those shown in Schedule B hereof, and shall fail to disclose such knowledge to the Company in writing, the Company shall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from any act of retance hereon to the extent the Company is prejudiced by failure of the proposed Insured to so disclose such knowledge. If the proposed Insured shall disclose such knowledge to the Company, or if the Company other- wise acquires actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbrance, adverse claim or other matter, the Company at its option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingly, but such amendment strall not relieve the Company from liability previously incurred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company under this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed Insured and such parties in- cluded under the definition of Insured in the form of policy or policies committed for and only for actual loss incurred in re- liance hereon in undertaking in good faith (a) to comply with the requirements hereof or (b) to eliminate exceptions shown in Schedule B, or (c) to acquire or create the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. In no event shall such liability exceed the amount stated in Schedule A for the policy or policies committed for and such liability is subject to the insuring provisions and the Conditions and Stipulations and the exclusions from Coverage of the form of policy or policies com- mitted for in favor of the proposed Insured which are hereby incorporated by reference and made a part of this Commitment except as expressly modified herein. 4. Any action or actions or rights of action that the proposed lnsured may have or may bring against the Company arising out of the status of the title to the estate or interest or the status of the mortgaSe thereon covered by this Commitment must be based on and are subject to the provisions of this Commitment. STANDARD EXCEPTIONS In addition to the matters contained in the Conditions and Stipulations and Exclusions from Coverage above referred to, this Commitment is also subject to the following: I . Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not shown by the public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correct survey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records. 4. Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material theretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and not shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the public records or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires of record for value the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment. IN WTTNESS WHEREOF, Title lnsurance Company of Minnesota has caused its corporate name and seal to be hereunto affixed by its duly authorized officers on the date shown in Schedule A, to be valid when countersigned by a validating officer fiorrr enruv or [fl r ru N esorn or other authorized signatory. frrr-e lr.rsunar.rcr 7E-,=- t, ALTA CI]f'IHITHENT SCHEELILE A AppI ication No. V945S For Informatiorr t]nlY - Cha|.g€E -Surrer Pol icy Lender Pal icy 94O.OO - - TATT|L - - tt4(t.O0 tlith r.our remittarrce please refer ta V9458. I . Ef f ect ive Date ! Ju I v 31 , 1996 at 8! Ct(, A. l'1. l. Falicies t* be issued, and proposed Insured: 'ALTA" Ctuners"s Pol icv Form B-197O (Amended 1O-17-70) Pr.oeosed I nsured: 1-BE "ALTA" L.aa.n Pal icy(19'1fi Revision) Prrrposed I ns rlred: TBfI 3. The estate or interest in the land described ar refer'ped to in this f,omrritment and covered hecein is: A Fee 4. Title to the estate Er inter'est cavered herein is at theeffective date heneof veeted in! f"lARK CASHU$ and I'IARTA CADI"IUS S, fhe land referred to in this f,ommitment is described as f r-, I I ous: PARI:EL B, A RESUI{NIVISION CIF LOT 17, A RESUENIVI$IDN OF TRAf,T E, VAIL VILLAGE ELEVENTH FILING (AHENDEII), ACCORNING Til IHE PLAT RECORNED OCTCIBER 11, 1?A5 IN BOAK 427 AT PA6E 31S, COUNTY PA6E 1 A 1. T A I: O I'I }'I I T I"I E N T 5C:HEIIULE A APel icatir-rn Nr-,. V?4SB |fF EAL:iLE" STATE fiF CfiLCrRAIrtr. PAI:;E i:: ALTA f,ffHHITHENT SCHETIULE 8,.? (Exceptions ) Appl ication No. V'.745t3 The palic'r nr pc.l icies to he issued uil I cantain exceetiorrs to the tallaurine unless th€ sam€ are disposed c,f to the satisfactiorr of the Campan,-: t. .itandard E:.:cepti sns I thraueh 5 printed on the cov€r sheet. b. faxes and assessmentE not yet due nn pavabl e a.rrd special assessnrents rrot vet centified to the Treasurer"s office. 7. An'v unpaid taxes or ass€ssments against said land. B. Liens far unpaid ulater and seurer changes' if anv. 9. RTSI.IT LIF PROPRIETCTR I:IF A VEiN OR LOTIE TC' EXTRACT ANTI REMSVE HIs.I]RE THEREFRII"I SHI]LILN THE SAHE FE FI]UNN TO PENETRATE 'fR INTER$ECT THE PREHISEG AS RESERVEN IN LINITEN STATES PATENT REC:ORNEII Ha.r OA' 190.5' IN BOOK 4fi AT PAtiE ?73. lCI. RIL-iHT |fF I^'AY FffR EIITCHFS OR CANALS CDNSTRLICTEN BY THE ALITH'fRTTY OF THE UNITEN sTATEs AS RESERVED IN I.INITEII STATE$ PATENT RECORTIET' HA.* CI6, 19CI5' IN FNI]H 48 AT FA6E ?73. J. 1. RESTRIETIVE CDVENANT$" WHICH N'] NI]T I:ON] AIN A FORFEII.URE fiR REVERTER CLAU$E, BUT LII"III.TING RESTRICTICINii, IF ANY, EASEN CIN RA{:E' C:CILfiR' RELITiI']N' trR NAI'II]NAL ORIISIN, AS f,I:INTAINEN IN INSTRUI"IENT RETJ|fRL'EfI ..IUIV 16, L97L, IN FCIOH ?21 AT PAGE 14C) ANN A5 AI"IENNEN IN INE:TRUHENT RECORTIED MAr O5, LP77, IN FE|]I.I :54 AT PAi:iE 865. 1?. NRAINASE ANT' UTILITY EASEHFNT TEN FEET IN I,.,INTH ALI]NIJ THE EA:S]-ERLY LtrI LINE trF SIJF.IECT PRNPERTY AS RESERVEN IIN THE REf:OfTfIEf' PLA.T, 13. TERI"IS' f,I:INIITIDNS ANF FROVISIflNS fiF AHENNEN ANN REsTATE TBI"INHI'U5E NECLARATICIN FffR LtrT 17, A RE$UBNIVISITIN TIF TRAI:I E, VAIL VTLLAfiE IITH F'ILINLi REffiEnEn Nc,vember. !1, 19*5 IN Br:rfl,: 430 AT PASS 6il?. 14. FOR ZfiNINS PURFCISES, THE I'I^IO LOTE; C:REATEN BY THIS SUBI'IVISION ARE TT' BE TREATEF AS !]NE ENTITY I.IITH ND HORE THAN fiNE TI.'O FAHILY RESINEN|:E ALLOWEN ']NTHE COHFINEA AREA CIF THE TbIO LOTS. ALLCIIdABLE GROSS RESITIENTIAL FLOBR AREA F']R THE TW'f FAHILY RESINENCE WILL BE CALCULATEII BA:iEN ON THE f,I]HBINEN AREA CIF THE TI^IE LOTs. Ausust 14' l98lt Bu r. l-tr' d e r. : V945:3 BLIYER: THN f;l:LLErt: MARI{; r:AIll"lU$ arrd l',lAR] A L:Afil"lU5 AIrlrR[!t!l: BRANNE..3..:/':AL.IPIU:3 REAL ESTAE FI_]X I I Cl:; VAIL." r:fiLnRAtrtl :3165!3 I Attn: t'lARl: LANN TTTI-E 'JUARANTEE CI]HPANY Repr'eserrtins Title Irrsur'arrce Cr-,rrparry c,f I'lirrrresc.ta THANI"; YOU FTIR YFUR flRDF-R TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL-, DATE READY FOB INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES WED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT LOCATION: './ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION T] POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr rtt.lI(vr,i trt( L{$02cY,iin FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS EI CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr / r'*ot tr FINAL APPROVEO )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I I oz F =t UJo- ro ii o c)to c |.r)€ (n uJ uJ l! F =e UJo .dz,u__ qtr.g zAo<bl T/-) lo (f) /, z, == (5 (o (\I C\t lo ,2,<=0&tco 9Cl oJ l9J u,F eoF Ftaz =o zz o uJ oz z o = d! cd o =z o (u o (s ooo (E ; o 'F (5 o- E tr a! CL o CL @ F6 E o o3 .= '.>o Eoo o o E o)o EE'=Eu: EU 5: =6=LE-:6;oc!'-ooo€o =€;>c9-- cl -rCoo'EE(6Oc 3ttEt.=- cL@ d6-- -c =e-.!E6OELC OO (Ecsg -o.(60 io, or9 3EofE8o(! :E(sE >g.clo9a EEr-o -() rf)sf NN (c ca O tr)sr +.' o o 'Fo = =tl!c zo = Y C)lll (Jz J EF {r,l llJ (,z =J J 9z C) uJ = uJt!ltz tr gJEo lr,lE ;g llJ z 6 uJ F oo-ujo z qlJ x F ul U'l ! 0J ao +) o .u =lz!o = aD uJ UJl! E =t uJ o-J FoF 2 J ao J IJJ ul oz ao =J& oz t! NOtwntv^ I ; ozo Fo-a C)o uJo J uJz uJ =>E __arl Iut,$ =l0(\l zz9oF^at95E9 0 ato1>9()\JZlL<oq ^-()t9 rN I Lr cF { :rLtr z E l! 4o uJc F crc(c ao- u,l z E z tr g ulF ; uJ2 tltltl tl Fzf2O,u, koo< =PX IJ.X.i<z <t trz,. 9z il63trOI utf J IE llJzYot z tr J oz ( = \ a = =Illl | ..r (lt <lilElIzlll-'_l:'lL-. =1.'-l-?^ WZt?-,'l> q IEIl|l l1t<tztol:- F lar O f < a r1 | nI k,7 ,2, t14 z tra 6 ru r,+l H' El9l<trr.Jl(Ltol %l4'l t-ol<!tduj|o) o-t.k>og I d E & ,r (n2"K(/'/ lr)r/ i\.l)a4c)4 ]uF o ll 4uvj-")o.4. c0lyo zo Fo- UJY uJo oF tr E IJJ o- uj?q a a\l6:>6- I IJJFoz z ,,a 9zz.coo>z dP ts =Elrl o-zo F(J :)EFa,z o ,() = .E UI o-t! 1P uJ59E3olQE2e9!ir =a=>=ut:-5 b=o JliE :FE U69 ltuE XO-t x>t q- o-j!tr gJo F n!! ifi(Jo= =83_': ar + = u.l ;dd= I .E =-)ll- Jo -l FoJ an Ec ii =z o-l UI5 (J )zr- .o = uJ =z tu Ja = |.r) =l I .tt IAg :< (l,I o E EIg =tr v1 IJJ o N (f,(o I clr c q) (Dtt) ao tJJ F6 z H(4 td (.5z. cq H rA.1wz q EE] trl Ic!(t,(\l .iz oul J l!oz3 F N C\I I l-.\r =c z ci uJE J l! z3 F = z (t ut IE tt z3oF e. tr z r.i u,l J a tt z3 01ts =tr z.) ol Hl 3| ttl zl =l9I uJ JulF t E IJJz =o FOultr (r E -rO<F(l()!u<zF(rzo()l JE 6P fiEfE E('Oz* =f=JZrro Iz. 7o UJ = Y r 2 E. E ir =b2<o Li rafltn Project Name: Project Appllcation ( // i t'l t r\*_ t't ,"t //. / I' -, Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: /1 Legal Description: Lot / Block Commenls: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Town Planner /i Date: e /' *! / ./ /-- ; 4' st"tt Approval rNs#?toNTOWN OF neouest VAIL i PERMIT NUM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER 't_ _li ,,i INSPECTION:MON 6r--*-:) *=ol' ,"'r*l\.FRI \ -r. r--'' .t*. , : 't--rr, '.. ,.'-/a.lAeenoveo , COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: fI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEBFrlFo; trtl trs D- trF tr GAS PIPING FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL D tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: E HEATING F ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr,f,rNAL tr FINAL I!.f l':'l'. FC-\i) C> *' PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CTION REOUE9I TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME rNs ----:.SsUS BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYwooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING s.l' tr tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL "touao ,,_,, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR AMENDED AND RESTATED TOIiINHOUSE DECLARATION FOR LOT 17, A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT E. VAIL VILLAGE I1TH FILING, TOWN OF VAII. EAqLE COUNTY. COLORADO THIS AMENDED AND RESTATED TOWNHOUSE DECLARATION iS NAdE thiSJ_E-.';;-';;, 1985. by Uark Cadmus and Marta Cadnus, rrrhose address is Unit A, 2860 (aka 2865) Aspen tane. VaiI. Colorado 81657 (hereinafter referred to as I'Cadnus'r ), and Franklin S. lliner and Joyce D. Winer, whose adalress is 4305 S. Franklin Street, Englewood, Colorado SOIIO (hereinafter referredto as ltf ime!rr) . I{HEREAS. Cadnus and lfiner are owners of certain real property Located in the Torrn of Vail and nore particularLy described as follows: Parcels A and B, aresubdivision of Trace (Anended), Town of VaiI, (hereinafter referred to as "the Property"): WHEREAS. Winer is the olrner of tfre f ollowing Parcel A, a resubdivision of Lot L7,Tract E, VaiI Village Eleventh FitingVail, Eagle County, Colorado resubdivision of Lot L7, a E. VaiI Village Eleventh FiIing Eagle CounEy, Colorado property: a resubdivision of (Amended). Town of (hereinafter referred to as ,'the Winer property"): VIHEREAS. Cadmus is the olrner of che following property: Parcel B. a resubdivision of Lot L7, a resubdivision ofTract E, Vail Viltage Eleventh Filing (Anended). Town ofVail. EagIe County, Colorado (hereinafter referred as "the Cadnus property"): IIHEREAS, there is currently a buiLding situated on the Propert.y which is designated for use as Lwo separate dwellingunits; WHBREAS, on 1985, Wimer and Cadtnus(hereinafter collectively referred to as "Declarants"). and aIl of the persons then having an interest in the ProPerty, caused a plat of the Property to be filed in the records of the Clerk and Recorder of the county of EagIe. Stat.e of Coloraalo. in Book at Page _, Reception No.of said records ("the Plat" ). which plat shows the division of Ehe Property into tr,ro separate parcels, being Parcel A and Parcel B, a resubdivision of Lot L7, a resubdivision of Tract E. vail Vil.1age Eleventh FiIing(Anended). Tohrn of Vail, Eagle county. Colorado (hereinafter sonetirnes referred to as "Parcel A" and "Parcel B" respectively); WHEREAS. Declarants trish to provide for separate ownership ofeach of the townhouse units lqqaled on the subject property and tocreate certain separately owned property and comnon ownership of acertain portion of the subject property consisting of a party walIseparating such units, the footings underlying such party wall andthe roof over such party wall: IIHEREAS, the Property rrras previousl!r subject to those certain Tohrnhouse -Declarations filed in Book ZB7, page BO of the recordsof the County of EagIe, State of Colorado and Wimer ancl Cadnusdesire go revoke and supercede such Declaration, WHEREAS, Declarants deem it desirable for the efficient use ofthe Property to impose the following amended and restatec.covenants. conditions, restEictions, and easements on the pf,operty. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the prernises. DecLarantsdo hereby declare that the following terns, conditions, easements,restrictions. uses, reservations, limitations. and obligationsshaIl be deemed to run with the land described herein, shall be aburden and benefit to Deelarants, their successors, anal assigns,and any persons acquiring or owning an interest. in the property ancl improvements built thereon, their grantees. personal represen-tat.ives. heirs. successors, and assigns, forever: I. Detinitions. For the purpose ot these covenants, conditions, restrictions,and easenents, the following terns shall have the followingmeanings: a. The term xLotrr shalI rnean and ref er to the tot asshown on the plat of Lot L7, a resubdivision of Tract E, VailVillage Eleventh Filing, Vail, Eagte County, Colorado. b. improvenents garage. The tern "Tovrnhouser, shaII mean the residentialconstructed on each tot. including the enclosed c. The tern ',Ordnef ,' shall mean and f ef ero\rner. whether one or more persons or entities. oftitle to each ParceI. d. ',Zoning Ordinance" shaII mean and refertitle for the To\,rn of Vail. e. The recorded in Book County CIerk and term I'Plat{ sha1lat Page Recorder to the recorda fee sinple t.o the zoning the plat of the Lot 17 asthe records of the Eagle mean in f "ParceI A"resubdivision of Lot 17, Eleventh Filing (Anended) shall nean and refer to Parcel A, aa resubdivision of Tract U, VaiI VilIage, Town of VaiI. Eagle County, CoIorado. -z- S. ,,Parcel B'N' 3ha11 ihbin t ana ref er to parcel B. aresubclivision of Lot 17, a resubclivision of Tract E. Vail VillageEleventh filing (Anended), Tolrn of Vail, Eagle County. Colorado. 2- Restatement of Declarations, This Amended and Restated Tolvnhouse Declarationsupercede, arnend and restate those certain Townhousein Book 287, Page 80 of the records of the County ofof Colorado shall revoke. Dec lara tions Ea.gIe. State 3. Title and eonveyance a. Any contra_ct for sale, tleed, lease. nortgage. trustdeed. wi11, or other in'strunenL nay legally describe a parcet orlot by the parcel or lot number or other designation shown on theP1at. by reterence to the Plat filed for record and by referenceto this Anended and Restated Townhouse Declaration. Any i suchdescription shall be good and sufficient for all purposes to sell,convey, transfer, encumber. or otherwise affect not onty thedesignated parcel or lot but also the rights and interestsappurtenant to it that conprise the Townhouse. No right orint.erest comprising a To\^rnhouse may be conveyed. leasecl , devised,encumbered, or other\rise t.ransf erred apart from the parcel or Iotto which it is appurtenant. b. Title to a parcel or 1ot may be held by anyindivictual or entity.or in any form of co-ournership recogniied inthe state of colorado and permitted by the protect.ive covenants ofVail Village Eleventh Filing, Eagle County, Colorado as amended.In case of co-ownership. each co-o\rrner shall be jointly andseverally riabLe for the perfornance and observation of alt dutiesand responsibilities of an ordner rrrith respect to the To\dnhouse inwhich he owns an interest. rf there are co-obrners of a Torirnhouse.they shall agree anong themselves how to share the rights andobligations of such Owner. c. Each Parcel shall be considered a separate parcel ofreal property and shall be separately assessed and taxed. 4. Encroachments, If any portion of a Torrrnhouse now encroaches upon the adjoiningParcel as a result of the original construction, or if any suchencroachnent shall occur hereafter as a result of settling orshifting of the building. a varid easement for the encroachmentand for the maintenance of the sane so long as the buirding stands.shall exist. In the event a Townhouse shall be partially ortotally destroyed as a result of fire or other casualty or as aresult of condemnation or eninent donain proceedings and thenrebuirt, encroachnents of parts of the Tolrnhouse on Lhe otherParcer. due to such rebuilding, shal1 be perrnitted so long as suchencroachnents are of no greater excent than those previousry -3- existing or are within reasonable construction tolerances. andvalid easetnents for such encroachmenLs and the maintenance theEeoisball exist so long as the building shall stand. Partv Wa11. a. "Party Wa11" sha1l refer to the entire wall fronfront to rear. aII or a portion of which is used for support orfire wa11 ?rotection between each Townhouse, situated or intendedto be situat.ed on the boundary line bethreen the Parcels, togetherwith the footings and foundations underlying such lraIl and theport.ion of the roof over such waII. b. To the extent not inconsistent with this Anended ancl Restated Tonnhouse Deelaration, the general rules of law regardingparty walIs and liability for clanage due to negligence or willfulacts or onissions shall appty to the Party Wall. c. The Ordner of each Parcel shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of the other Parcel on which t.he PartylJalI is located, for Party WalI purposes, including mutual support, maintenanee. repair. and inspection. In the event of danage to ordestruction of the Party WaIl from any cause, then the Ownerssha11. at joint expense, repair oE rebuilct said Party rilalI. and each Owner shall have the right to the full use of said Party Wal1so repaired and rebuilt. Notlrit.hstanding anything contained aboveto the contrary. if the negligence or willful act or omission ofany Owner, his family, agent, or inviLees shaII cause damage to,or destruction of. the Party WaIl, such Owner 6hall bear theentire cost of repair or reconstruction, and an Owner who. by hisfanily's, agent's. or invitee,s negligent or willfut act causesthe Party t{a11 to be expo6ed to the elements shall bear the fu11cost of furnishing the necessary protection against such elements. Alterations. llaintenance. Damage and Destruction. a. Each Owner sha11 be responsible for the cost ofreoiling, restaining, or repainting the exterior portions of his Townhouse. to be done as the need is determinetl by the Ordners sriththe sane color paint or with the sane type oil or stain as exisledat the time this Anended and Restated Tohrnhouse Declaration wasfirst recorded except as otherririse provided in this Sect.ion 6.The reoiling. rest.aining or repainting of the exterior of the Townhouses nust be acconplished at the same time and it isexpressly forbidden for the Owners to cause the exterior of onlyone of the Townhouses to be reoiled, restai.ned oE repaintedwithout the reoiling. restaining or repainLing of t.he exterior ofthe other Townhouse. b. Each Owner shall be responsiblerepair. and replacement of bot.h the interiorof his Tordnhouse and his Parcel. except as Each orrner shall maintain f or the naintenance, and exterior por tionsotherwise provided inthe exterior of histhis Section 6 -4- Townhouse and Parcel in a first class condition consistent with aharmonious connon. appearartc-e..o( tlre..Parcels,anct so.. that neitherParceI detracts from the appearance of the other parcel. EachOwner's obligations hereunder shall inelude. but not be ii;i,lted to.the following: (i) naintenance of landscaping and ground cover;(ii) removal of weeds, debris, animal excretion, trash, garbage,etc. from the exterior portions of his parcel: (iii) replacernentof broken windows; and (iv) maintenance. repair, and replacementof steps, f enc.es. .ancl baleonies. c. Utility or service connections or Iines, facilities,or other utility eguipnent and property locaLed in, or upon eitherof the Parcels, which are used solely to suppty a service orutility to one Parcel shall be owned by the O\rner of the parcel using such utility or service and alI expenses and liabilities forrepair and naintenance specifically including the cost of repairingany surface danage caused by such repair and naintenance shall beborne solely by the Owner ot such parcel, rrho shall have a perpe-tual easement in and to that part of such other Parcel or Townhousecontaining such property as is reasonably necessary for purposesof naintenance, repair, and inspection. d. Comnon utility or service connections or 1ines. comnon facilities or other equiprnent and property located in or oneither of the Parcels but used in conmon lrith the otber parcel, ifany. shall be owned as tenants in conmon of equal undivided one-half interests by the Oqrners of each parcel and, except for anyexpense or Iiability caused through the negligence or willful act'of any Oqrner, his family, agent, or invitee, which shall be bornesolely by such Owner, alI expenses and Iiabilities concerned rdithsuch property shall be shared equally by the Owners. The Owner ofthe Parcel on which such property is not located shatl have aperpetual easetnent in and to Chat part of such other parcel containing such propert.y as is reasonably necessary for purposesof maintenance, repair, and inspection. e, No Osrner shaIl make or suffer any structural orclesign change ( incluiling a color scheme change) either permanentor temporary anil of any type or nature whatsoever to the exteriorof his Parcel or Townhouse or construct. any additional builcling,fences. gral1, or structure of any type or nature whatsoever uponany part of his Parcel brithout obtaining the prior written consentthereto, not unreasonably rdithheld. f rorn the other Orrner. f. In case of danage or destruction of any Townhouse orother improvements located on a Parcel or any part thereof by anycause rdhatsoever, the Owner of such ParceI shalt. with duediligence. cause the Townhouse or other improvenents to be repairedor restored, applying the proceeds of insurance, if any, for thatpurpose unless otherwise agreed by the other Ordner and the firstmortgagees. if any. of each Parcel. Such Townhouse or inprovernentsshaIl be restored to a condition conparable to t,hat prior to the damage and in a harnonious manner to promote the conmon thene of -5- both Parcels. If insurance proceeds are insufficient to cover the costs of the repair or restorat.ion. the Or^tner of the danaged Tohrnhouse shaIl be solely responsible for any deficit. provided that if the damage "di": heEttuctl.on- " hras caused : 'tttidugh the negligence or willful act or ornission of the other Ordner. hisfanily, agent. or invitee. the other Orrrner 6haII be responsiblefor the deficit. Decisions Regardinq MainLenance. Repair. or Replacement Any Orrner ilesiring to arrange for maintenance. repair'.' orreplacenent of any itens for which both Ordners are responsibleunder the provisions of this Amended and Restated TownhouseDeclaration shall first give the other Owner at least 30 days prior written notice specifying the iterns requiring maintenance, repair,or replacement and a goocl faith estimate of the costs thereof.UnIess the ot,her Oerner objects in writing within such 3o-dayperiod, the maintenance, repair, ancl replacement rnay be undertakenas specified in the notice. No Olrner shall be liable to the other Ordner for failure to uodertake any naintenance, repair. or replacement r.rith respect to such other Oltner's unit, which is theresponsibility of both Ordners under the provisions of this Amentled and Restated To\dnhouse Declaration. 8. Mechanic's Lien: Indennification. a. Except for iterns for which both owners are jointly responsible under the provisions hereof, if any Ovrner shall causeany naterial to be furnished to his ParceI or Torrnhouse or anylabor to be perforned therein or thereon. the other Olrner shall notunder any circumst,ances be liable for the paynent of any expenseincurred or for the value of the work done or naterial furnished.AlI such work shall be at the expense of the Owner causing it to be done, and such Owner shaIl be solety responsible to contractors,Iaborers. materialroen and other persons furnishing labor ormater-ials to his Parcel or any improvenents therein or thereon. Nothing herein cont.ained shaII autnoiize either Owner or any person dealing through, with, or under either owner to charge the Parcelof the other Owner lrrith any mechanic,s tien or other Iien or encumbrance hrhatever; and the right and po\rer to charge any lienor encunbrance of any kind against one Olrner or against one O\dner's ParceI for Lrork done or naterials furnishecl at the instance of theother Owner or Co the other Olrner's Parcel is hereby expressly denied. b. Except as proviclecl for in Paragraph 9 beIow. if, because of any act or onission of any Ourner (or his farnily, agents,or invitees), any rnechanic's or other lien or order for the payment of money sha1l be filed against the other Owner's Parcel or any inprovements therein or thereon. or against the other Owner(whether or not such Iien or order is valid or enforceable assuch), the O$rner whose act or onission forms the basis for suchlien or order sha11, at his own cost and expense. cause the same -6- to be cancell.ed and discharged of record or bondecl by a surety company reasonably acceptable to''Buch other.Owner, within 2O daysafter the date of filing thereof, and further sha1l indemnify and save the other owner harnless fron and against any and all costs.expenses, clains, Iiabilities, losses, or danages, including reasonable attorneys' fees resulting therefron. 9 . I_r_lsurance. Each Ownef,, rdhether or not such Obtner's ParceI is encumbered by a deed. of trust or other.. lien, shall at his cost and expense maintain in force at^'aI1 .times a fire and extendecl coverage insurance policy and a personal Iiability insurance policy $rith respect to the inprovenents on such Owner's Parcel. Such policies sha1l be issued by responsible insurance cornpanies authorized to do business in the State of Colorado. The minirnum coverage limitsof the fire and extended coveraqe insurance policy shall be the naxinum replacement value of the Ohrnerrs Townhouse and all fixturesand contents thereof sufficient to rebuild such Torrnhouse wit.hsinilar building materials and fixtures. The Townhouse shall be reconstructed as close to the sane specifications as the Tohrnhousewhich existed inrnediately prior to damage or destruction as is reasonably possible. The rnininum coverage linits for the personal Iiability policy shall be $3O0,O0o r,rith respect to bodily inluryor death to any number of persons arising out of one accident ordisaster or for danage to property, provided that if higher linitsshal1 at any tine be customary to protect agaiinst possible tortliability, such higher Iimits sha1l be carried. Each Owner shallcleliver to the other Owner certificates evidencing all insurancerequired to be carried under this paragraph. Each Owner shaII have a right to inspect and copy aIl such insurance policies ofthe other Owner and require evidence of payment of the preniums thereon. If any Ol^tne r does not deliver evidence of the requiredinsurance coverage to the other Ohrner within 15 days after avrritten request for such evidence. the other Ordner nay obtain theinsurance required hereunder on behalf of and at the expense ofthe non-complying Owner and the anount expended therefor shalI be secured by a lien on the non-cornplying O\dner's Parcel as provided under Paragraph 9. Riqht to T"ien. a. If an Owner at any tine shall neglect or refuse toperform or pay any of his obligations required hereunder, theother Owner nay, but shaII not be obligated to, after 20 days'written notice unless the circunstances require innectiate action, nake such paynent or, on behalf of such other Ohrner, expend such sum as rnay be necessary to perform such obligation including, butnot Iimited to, the payment of any insurance premiums required hereunder or the undertaking of any work reguired hereunder forrepair, restoration. or maintenance. and such other Owner shall have an easement in and to that part of such defaulting Ordner'sParceI and Townhouse as is reasonably necessary for such repair. 10 -7- restoration. or maintenance. For the purposes of this paragrapir., "cireumstances which require inmediate action,,shatl be defined ascircunstances in the nature of an energency affecting thestructural integrity of a Tovrnhouse or endangering the heatth orsafety of Townhouse occupants or the general public. b. All sums so paid or expended by an Owner, \rithinterest thereon at the rate of eighteen percent (181) per yearfron the dace of such payment of expenditure, shall be payable bythe O\rner so f ailing to perf orn (the ,'def ault.ing Owner.t,)- upon demand of the other Owner. c. Atl sums so demanded but unpaid by the defaulting Olrner shall constitute a lien on the parcel of the defaulting Ordnerin favor of t.he other Oerner prior to aII other liens and encum-brances except: (i) liens for taxes and special assessment; and(ii) the lien of any first nortgage or first deed of trust recordencunbering such Townhouse. The lien sha11 attach fron the date$rhen the unpaid sun shaII become due and nay be evidencecl by astatement of lien recorded in the records of the Eagle Count,yCIerk and Recorder, execut.ed by the non-defaulting Owner settingforth the amount of the unpaid indebtedness, the nane of thedefaulting Ovrner, and a description of the parcel. The lien nraybe foreclosed in the same nanner as a tnortgage on real propertyand. in any such foreclosure, the defaulting Ouner shall bereguired to pay the costs and expenses of such proceedings,including reasonable attorneys, fees. d. The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate tothe lien of any first. rnortgage or first deed of trust of record,including all additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer ofany Parcel as the result of court foreclosure of a first mortgage,foreclosure t.hrough the public trustee of a first deed of trust.or any proceedi.ng in Iieu of foreclosure with respect to a firstmortgage or first deed of trust. including a transfer in lieu offoreclosure of a first mortgage or first deed of trust, shatlextinguish the lien of such assessments as to payments thereofwhich become due prior to such sale or transfer, but shall notrelieve any forner Owner ot personal liability therefor. Themortgagee or purchaser of such Parcel r,rho acquires title by rrra y offoreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieu thereof shalt not,however, be Iiable for any past due assessment and shall onlybecome riable for future assessments on the date it becomes the Ohrne r of such ParceI. In the event of the sale or transfer of aParcel \,rith respect to which sums sha11 be unpaid by a clefaultingOwner, except transfers to a f irst. mort.gagee in connection with aforeclosure of its lien or a deed in Iieu thereof. the purchaseror other transferee of an interest in such Townhouse shaIl bejointly and severally liable erith the seller or transferor thereoffor any such unpaid sums. e. Upon written request of any Owner. nortgagee,prospective mortgagee, purchaser, or other prospective transferee -8- of a Parcel, ttre Owner of the other Parcel shall issue a writtenstatement setting forth the amount he is owed under this paragraphif dolr with respect to such Parcel. Such statement is- bindingupon the executing Owner in favor of any person who may relytlrefgon j.n good faith. Unl-ess a request for such statement shall'be complied with within fifteen days after the other Owner hasactually received the request, all unpaid sums whi.ch became dueprior to the date of naking such request shall be subord.inated tothe lien ?,!- other"i*t"-C.".t.!,.of the pers.on requesting suctr statement. 11. Use Re s tr i- ct i. ons a. Each Parcel shall be restricted to a residential dwel-ling as a perrnitted use, and such use as well as conditional andaccessory uses shall be as d.ef ined by the appricable zoning crdi-nances. Parcer A and Parcel B together presentry constitute a singrelot for zoning purposes and shall conlinue to constitute one io.after the filing of this Amended and Restated Townhouse Declaration. b. No exterior mounted radio, shortwave, television, orother type of antenna whatsoever or tank of any kind, eitherelevated. or buried, or clothesline or incinerator of any kindwhatsoever or outside storage of any equipment, furniture, tools,or other personal property which creates an unsightly cond.ition oraffects the visual harmony of the parcels shall be perrnitted ormaintained on either Parcel without the prior written approval ofthe other Owner. c. No anirnals shalI be kept or maintained in, oo, orupon either Townhouse or Parcel, except that each Owner may keepand maintain within his Townhouse two domesticated dogs and twodornesticated cats; provided, however, that suctr dornesticatedanimals are kept under control at alr times and do not present anuisance to the owner and are kept and controlled in strictcompriance with all applicable ordinances that may apply to suchanirnals. d. No house trailer, tent, shack, detached garage, barn,or outbuildi"ng of any kind shall be permitted on the property without the prior written consent of both Owners. e. Without the prior written consent of both Owners, nosigns of any ki.nd shall be displayed on any parcel except one signof not more than six square feet advertising a parcel for sale orrent. f. Each Owner may keep no more than three automotivevehicles permanently on the exterior of his parcel. permanentparking of boats, trailers, campers (not i.ncluding VW buses orother similar type vehicles), motor homes, ATV's or recreationalvehicles on the exterior of the Lot i.s expressly prohibited.There shall be no Iimitation on the type of vehicle kept in anOwner's garage or temporari ly parked on the exterior of theParcel. For the purposes of this paragraph the tern "permanent', -9- shall be defined as ccntinuous parking of the same vehicle for.iperiod of two weeks g. No "time sharing", "interval Ownership", or sinilarinterest, whereby Ownership of a Towntrouse is shared by Owners ona time basis, sha1l be established on either Townhouse without theprior written aooroval of the Town of VaiI, j both Owners and aIIlienors holding a fi.rst nortgage or first deed of trust of recordon any po_rtion of Parcel A or Parcel B, which approval shall bereflected in a document of record. ]-2. Notices. The approval or Cisapproval of any request or submission asrequired by any provisions of this Arnended and Restated TownhouseDeclaration or any notice required or permitted to be given to theOwners, shaLl be in writing, shatl be delivered personally to the Owners, or mailed to an Owner by certified mail, return receiptrequested, at such addresses specified in the first paragraph ofthis Anended and Restated Townhouse Declaration provided that any Owner may specify a different address by notice delivered to theottrer Owner in accordance with this paragraph, in which event allnotices shall be sent to that address. Any notice shall be deemeddelivered when personally delivered or when deposited in the U.S.nail, in accordance with the provisions of thi.s paragraph. In theevent an Owner fails to disapprove a submitted written request fortris consent or approval within 30 days after the delivery of suchrequest (unless a different time is specifieally provided trerein),he will be deemed to have approved. ttre request. 13. Gross Residential Floor Area Expansion. a. With regard to gross residential floor area ( "GRFA" )expansion, the Cad.mus Unit shall have the right to use allremaining GRFA expansion allocated to Lot I7 pursuant to theoriginal zone districts established by the Town of Vail in theoriginal zoning of the Property. It is understood by the partiesthat the renaining expansion available under such ordinances forLot 17 is approximately 142 square feet. b. With regard to the GRI'A expansion allowed byOrdinance 4 of 1985 of the Town of Vail which allows additional expansion of 25O square feet per unit, the l,liner Unit shall retainits right to 25O square feet of ailditional GRFA expansion underthis ordinance and the Cadrnus Unit shall retain j_ts right to 25Osquare feet of additional GRFA expansion unCer Ordinance 4 of 1985. L4. Duration of Declarat ion Each provision contai.ned in this AmenCed and Restated Town- house Declaration which is subject to the laws or rules sometimesreferred to as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibi-ting unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continue and -r0_ renain in full force and eftect for the period of 2l years followingthe death of the survivor of the noer living persons eomprising theDeclarant. or until this Anended and Restated Toritnhouse Declaration is terminated as hereinafter provided, whichever first, occurs. AIlother provisions contained in this Arnended and Restated TownhouseDeclaration sha11 continue and remain in fu11 force and effectuntil January 1. 2011, and thereafter for successive perioals of 10years eac[; unless terninat.ed by recor<1ed instrunent. clirectingternination, signecl by all Owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed of tEust of record on any port.ion of Parcel A or Parce,I_F: . 15. Amendment or Revocation. This Arnended and Restated Townhouse Declaration nay be amendedor revoked only upon unaninous written approval in recordable formof all Onners and all Iienors holding r a- first- mortgage or first deed of urust of record on any portion of Parcel A and Parcel B. 15. Enforcement and Remedies. a. Any disagreenent bet\^reen the olirners with respect tothe interpretation of or application of or any controversy under the tertns of this Amencled and Restated Tolrnhouse Declaration or the obligations of the parties hereunder shal l be deternined byarbitration. Such arbitration shall be conducted upon request ofeiLher of the Ovtners before three arbitrators (unless the ownersaqree to one arbitrator) 'designated by the American ArbitrationAssociation and in accordance with the rules of such Associat.ion. The arbitrators designated and acting under the terms of this Amended and Restated Tor;ihouse Decta'ration s-ha11 make their aritards in strict confornity witn such rules and sha11 have no por^ter to depart fron or change any of the provisions thereof. The expense of arbitration proceedings conducted hereunder shalI be borneequally by the Owners. All arbitration proceedings hereunder shaIl be conducted in the county in which the Property is located. Judgment upon the award of the arbierators nay be entered in anycourt having jur isdiction thereof . The arbitrator or arbitrators may grant injunctions or other relief in such controversies or clairns. The decision of the arbitrator or arbitrators shaII be final. conclusive. and binding upon the Owners. b. Failure to enforce any provision of this Anenctett and Restated Townhouse Declaration shall not operate as a waiver of anysuch provision, or of the right to enforce such provision thereafter. or of any other provision of this Amencled and Restated Toernhouse Dec Ia ra tion. 17. Exercise of Riqhts Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one Owner with respect !o the other Ohrner's PaIceI including. but not lirnited to, the use of any easenent granted herein shaII be exercised in a -I1- manner which sha11 not unreasonably hincler. inpede. or inpose upon such other Owner's use of his Parcel. 18. Successors and Ass isns . Except as otherwise provided herein, this Arnended and Restated Townhouse Declaration shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benef it of Declarant and each Owner and the heirs, personal representatives. successors, and assigns of each. 19. Severabilitv. the invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Amended and Restated Townhouse Declaration in whole or in part shaII not affect the validity or enforceability of any other provision hereof or of any valid and enforceabLe part of the provision in question. zo. Captions - The captions and headings in this instrument are for convenience only and shaIl not be considered in construing anyprovisions of this Anended and Restated Tol^tnhouse Declaration. 2L. Construction. When necessary for proper construction, the rnasculine of any qrord used in this Anended and Restated Toernhouse Declaration shall include the feminine or neuter gender, and the singular the pluraI, and vice versa. The phrase "fanily, agent, or invitee'r of an Owner when used herein shall include all menbers of the Owner's family, his tenants. guests, visitors. employees. representatives, agents, and any others who are on the Property at the request of the Owner or with his perrnission. IN WITNESS WHEREOI', Declarants hav_e executed Restated To$rnhouse Declaration this lE day of' IS Ame CZr"-4 \./'Joyce D, Winerlr"( rq/-4 -^- STATE OF COLORADO FnAr-LgTTI-fiIED COUNTY OF DENVER and ) )SS ) The foregoing instrunent Lras acknowlealged before me this j4 ded 1985 adnus -L2- day of \. 198s, by fact Ma L€'Cadmus and by Marta WITNESS MY HAND STATE OF COLORADO CITY AND COUNTY OF DENVER My commission expires: ss. nstrunent was acknolrledgeil before tne NarR U€r++ Cailmus , Cadnus. by his Attorney-in- ) ) ) The . foregoing this lScJ day of Joyce D. Wimer.&,cS fta1 btt , 1985, by Franklin S. Wimer and 7. tt[urn*I, y'r) cr.t/ tcvu*1 - uc -'[ac-t WITNESS MY }IAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. 't/L qhgYfiser UoRTGAGEE'S CONSENT The undersigned, being the holders of aIl first and prior nortgages or deeds of trust encumber ing toe 17 do hereby consent to this Anended and Restated Townhouse Declaration and do hereby subordinate their mortgages to the terms of thiS Amended and Restated To\^tnhouse Declaration. EMPIRE SAVINGS BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION: B Tir t Addres AND OF}-ICIAL rst Ave.- Suite Colora 5 q2 -d'677Phone: -13- A. NAMES OF APPLICANTS: Franklin S. Wimer and Joyce D. Wimer 4305 S. Frankli.n Street Englewood, Colorad.o 80110 -- DATE: APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEW REPRESENTATIVES: Mark Cadnus and Marta CadmusUnit A, 2860 Aspen Lane Vail, Colorado 81657 Jin Kurtz-phelan, Esq.Michael Miller, Esq. Berenbaum & Wienshank 3773 Cherry Creek Dr. N, #880Denver, Colorado 80209 ( 303) 388-0800 I a t1Lt | ,1 Y,.<1"-- I/ vu I''1 (_ B.NAMES OF APPLICANT'S Randall G. Alt, Esq.Paul F. Hultin, Esq. Hultin, Driver & Spaanstra 16lO Emerson Street Denver, Colorado 80218 (3O3') 832-2372 NAMES OF PROPERTY Franklin S. Wirner OWTiTER'S SIGNATURES OWNERS: and oyce ) ^eL /fr- 3g- 'Zt:sz-t'2--- dv ^r'^( ,".,Mark Cadmus and Marfa Cadmus OWNER'S SIGNATURES: Empire Savings: PHONETitle:Ad.dress: MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED: 1. Two nylar copies of the duplex subdivision plat requirements of Section 17.16130(C) L, 2, 3, 4,Il, 13 and 14 of the Subdivision. D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT 17, a resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Village, Eleventh Filing FEE: $TOO.OO PAIDF PHoNE ?76-.Zym &ry'L&/ sqz -6 L7 7+E-ZAa: 4&-gQe&L following the 6, 7,8, g, LO, F. 2. The plat must contain the following statenent: "For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence allowed on the combined areas of the two lots." The statenent nust be modified aceording to the number of lots created. 3. A copy of the declarations and/or covenanLs proposect to assure the nraintenance of any conmon areas. G. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEW CRITERIA: These can be found in Chapter L7.24 of the Subdivision Regulations. H. FILING AND RECORDING: The Department of Community Developnent will be responsible forpronptly recording the plat and acconpanying documents with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder upon Town of Vail approval. A. NN{ES OF APPLICANTS: Franklin S. Wirner and Joyce D. Wimer 43O5 S. Franklin Street Englewood, Colorado 80I10 APPLICATION FOR DUPI.,EX SUBDIVISION REVIEW REPRESENTATIVES : lllark Cadmus and Marta CadmusUnit A, 2850 Aspen LaneVaiI, Coloraalo 8I657 Jim Kurtz-phelan. Esq. Michael Miller. Esq. Berenbaum & Wienshank 3773 Cherry Creek Dr. N, *880 Denver, Colorado 80209(303) 388-080O B.NAI,IES OF APPLICANT'S Randall G. Alt, Esg. Paul F. Hultin, Esq. c. HuILin, Driver & Spaanstra I61O Enerson Street Denver, Colorado BOZIS(303) 832-2372 NAUES OF PROPERTY OI{NERS: Franklin S. lfiner and oyce 303-- zDa-z__ O9INER I S SIGNATURES Mark Cadnus and Marta OWNER'S SIGNATURES: Tit Address: D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT 17, a resubdivision ot Tract E, Vail Village. Eleventh Filing FEE: $rOO.OO PAID MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED: 1. Two nylar copies of the duplex subdivision plat following therequirenents of Section 17.16130(C) 1,2. 3,4,6,7,8,9, IO,1I, L3 and 14 of the Subdivision. {;w;ry pHoNE ?_ - /u.SO 4*S azbt7,-r;t' t' D. L-,_ E. F. Empire Savings: tt e, 2. The plat must eontain the following statement: IFor zoning purposes. the t\ro lots created by this subdivisionare to be treated as one entity nith no nore than one two-familyresidence allosed on the conbined areas of the t!,ro lots.,' Thest.atement must be nodified according to the number of lotscreated. 3. A copy of the declarations and/or covenants proposed to assurethe maintenance of any comrnon areas. G. APPROVAL PROCESS, RSVIET{ ERITERIA: These can be found in Chapter L"l .24 of the Subdivision Regu1ationg. H. FILING AND RECORDING: The Departrnent of Connunity Developnent will be responsible forpronptly recording the plat and accornpanying documents vrith Lhe EagleCounty Clerk and Recorder upon Town of Vail approval. /aolu,o.,.""",rn"....-.........u^{....:.t.rs...,rt...............oc.ock.......rt \' 3 2l 7 4 5 Ilecepiron No........-... B!'' .' .. .... t[ 'l -1'e\> il*-%roo ftnob all #len by tbege lpredentd, rhar-....r0ycE..0- brrMEr-- ',rc'iE iiy. irc,i[orh Sir l9 4 so Pl{'85 The said attorney-in-fact is hereby empowered to grant' bargain, sell' conveY: en- cumber or to contract for the purc-hase, sal e, conveyance or encumbrance or all of the above described real estate, and in mylour name to collect such monies as may become due me,/us from the sa1e, conveyance, encumbrance or purchase thereof and to make, execute, acknowledge and del'i ver contracts of sale and assignments there- of, good and sufficient deeds of conveyance, promissory notes, deeds of trust' roitdug"r and other instruments in wrii'i ng of every k'i nd and nature, includjng but not liiitea to, sale and loan closing statements, and the endorsement of checks and/or drafts, containing such terms and conditions and such warranties and coven- ants as my/oui sajd attoiney-'i n-fact may deem necessary and convenient in connect- ion with i'he sale, conveyante, purchase or encumbrance of above real estate. giving and granting unto-. . my .... ......,.-said Attorney full porver and authority to do and per'1ou:r it ottla ".,'."y act and thing wh-atsoever, requisite and necessary to be done in and about the premises' as fully to all intents and pur?oses as------l-.----------.--------.---rnight or coui<i do if personaiiy present' wi'bh full power of substitution and revocation, hereby ratifying and confirming all that-----"tY:'--"-:-'..--'--: ,uia'.q.tto-.v or------.-h-is.----,-----------substitute shall larvfully do or cause to be done by virtue hereof. In Witness lYhereof,----......--,I...---.--.---have hereunto set---------rny-.----,--....-,----l.rand------a.nd seal----.-the have made, constituted and appointed, and By These Presents do make, constitute and appoint true and lawful Attorney for-...--------.. -.and in..--.-------.--.---.---.--..--name-.----, place and stead to grant, bargain, sell, convey, encumber, purchase or contract for sale' convey- anc6, purchase or encumbrance of the fo'l lowing descri bed real property: ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF AS EXHIBIT "A''. .-17-ih - ...-.- ...,--.day of--Sep-temb-er------------------one thousand nine hundred ande-i'ghty---f ive"' Sisned, Sealed and Delivcred in Presence of @ Joyc I .-..---.----,,__-.-.__:.----i--..,.- \I I a Notaur Pgblic in and for said County, in the State TJOYCe U. Wlmer aforesaid, do hereby ceftify that---- Address: $Ii':i 9, a FFtrtl [?i'ii';r. Et,EVFr'{Tt{ F r,r.ii*E f'Pt -t 1r- r-r'-ARi-Y t:':rr.1Y!:i'1'::Il''jr-i AT TilF- fi',:!::T EAr:;j-F-l;iLY r::r-ii':liL:F r:ii:::'eJfi Lr-rl-1-i' Tli[:h:r-'F l:. 1:r4 lirr:iFr;E::: 1{.}--ri il'li-lTE':' i"]' ::;rr'-:r:11\rlt!: vt 74'i:l': r'-EF-ri lHrl'lr::E 'r: 41' IiEr:riE=',:: (:i: I'lIl'Jl-llF:1:' 14-' ::;Fi!:r't''lir::; i'i '-:::li ";l FF-E T Ti-r THF- F'i-rli''lr ltF PEiilf.lf'ltf.lli;'IHEI'ii-:F-::'4it!s'fF:':-:::r'l:'t'i!t'll'11-i:'::t{":::r:'itl;Lr':ihli:r'i':-' F FE.'l- ; Tl-lEN!::r I'l 4:] rrEt:ir:rEFi; 57 !'r I l',ir-rrE ',:: 4n r: Et::r:!irlir::; ['' ] l ' ''-: FEi:.Ti 1HFjr'll::F- ti 4l:, I.iE6FiF-E5 (-i'-:: f11ril-l]-t-::: J/ !::'-'fri\:ir': t- 4';" FEFT:lHFf.,:r::Elr4:!trEr-jr';EH:-':'7lnIr'r!-rT[::::4r:lr:f:i:r'rt'ii'i::il^r1i'r:r FEETiT|18.1'jl--:f::fi4i'f'E'iH;E:::''j':jt'iI!l:-rTH':11--5Er::r:ri':Ir':[:4-i-tf:a[:T; 1t..lta.r..:,:E '.t .i':, i,r':rFlF-r:'-:: ='-i FiI l"!r-i]-f'; 44 :i!--!::r:ri'il1'::: l-'! :-:iJ' 7 FEE'!'; THEI'j!:- [. l.] -i a fit:'lF:Ef',lr {'): }.1 T i.'r_rTf ::r 3 /. tl:t- '-r!.t'!-i':: f: ::4. 4 FEEI- i 'f Fi;:i'l:::t- ';; 4 .: Ij5[iFirE:: =7 F] I l.l!-iT f:-:; 4 4 rt'ii f!.il'.: f: 41-) . "-r FEET; Tl.lEl\j'::E ::: 4 {-, LrEr:q[F! (.t--i l.i] i..j'_rT[-::; 1 ?_1. .: [:: !:]i...rir,:: i,j j .::. l FES]-i 'l HF:lrli:H i: 4:r !:r:-l:rq:F::,:-j liif,:.-r-]ir: 4.r i:riii:riii-r': g: 1j.i:: F:[: i::T't-j-, Tf ij-j F r:' I i'.1'l- flrj FEa. I r.Jrl I iti:lt, Lri' Lr_rr 17 , E': i L. I ii,-. - l tltF'i r l r!-,::'- F,'t F{;f i i\': F-( r: ':;. li'il lI V r I i rlt!! l'.r';: J i:i A j: T r-r!' \.JC I1.., F-Ar-.;!.-E l: r::i-li'l-i!,'' ' F: t-lr.- t.- t-r'ii.:: : \]AIL ''l.iAi:!-i T!_.',:.!:T!-lgR l,,Jjl-u A'.1 Lri.:fii,,'IIil-t-: i:!ii:.,/f-,ii'_.F {i,1 .., .! If.jTl:Fi;::;r F'AF:|EL- ':, i.'liil.iE F'Ai'f Il.i-;r.-4'"" I:F:':.':F: IljEIi A:j i:r-,r r_:-'t,t.:.: AL_l. ';!: Ll:r-l- 1 ;1, F) FiF:l;LiErL' 1t. i';:.1 i--!r,r l-.t= T Fj*::'T E: V+ i !._ \.,1i._!_ A:ji:: FL-E',ri:i'.lTli Fll-. Ii'.lr-;= TLliiiij r-,i:: Lr'i\IL LF,':''!-.E t::i:rl-!i'j-t-Y- i:r:ri-i.-rj;:jiii:-ri g_ {r-r:;:::'-r Tt]p'TF.'F:lJn\!l.ir':::l::F:iFjrlA:;F.(i'cii]Fi.',P''eij':|!,;e.1:'.:i'F'A,ii::[1 Ff r- ':'U. FAFir:'EL aj: F: F]A.E:-: 1rr- l:lr't' Li: 4r F,i-:::_tijlrl !.rl:l:l r-;;,r t:!i- TFrA:::'i f:, \.,Ail \.,I1_Lrir-jF: .L-l_F-i,/i::'JT!-i F j:_ lLi.r. Ti:ri.jl..i '-'i- !..'a!i ? E.Aa,:!_E ,,-.!::i-r\j-l ", r:.i:rt._l_1':iiii--r:r, ! iirEI F'AFi.r I i:i..!LtrF]i. t' Li=51- i !i-ir ii.:r f:r:i' .L r_-!rl':: : i:t:il'ii.i[a..ji]i.i,..i AT THF -il,'-:.T F+,:jTF:F-iLy l:i:!F{i.;!.ri Lri.- ::;Ajii i_,:rT i7r -i-i_;t:lir_-[. ;,, r::4 rt[i.;i.i!:i::: 1(:! l'! Jr..jr_tT!:!; ::,,;:. !i: i::,:ri.j:.i,:: i..'" :i4. r:r/:. irr- E.r 1-,:i Ti_li- ra. i.l.lr. r:tt:- i:Ef;Ii..ir'lji!rji Tl-i=i,.ll:L ll- 44. irFr--l;Ftr': i-itt I-i I i.i:-!.r-Er_:: I4. :j,l:. r_.lri.j i,:::I'.l, 44.:'; FEFT; f i{::l..li:f :., 4'_: f!:'lriif.::: :,-/ r.ilf..j!-!Tija-j: 44 ,_::;!::r:!i,i:i,:: !:. ,;:i:j. 5 FF:ET ; Tl'j: iii::E l'.1 , 4 i, i:Eij,r-r[r,i r-r'J r.: I i!i-r-if ,:, i ,:, ::if i: r:!l..ii:'':; E. l.:, 4 I- [f T ; Tl_l: !.ii--[ f,: _ {:]: f i;r-;i-:f F:: =-7 f{ j },:i_iT: t: a.\ ,:ji:i-:!:!::.jli,:: i,j. l.-":: - "1:' FEET: Ti-:fl,li_:l: ti. 4i: Irrfi;;1;;i1q;,:i i:r:f l'.iI:'l!.r-ir-:..:..; l,/:, ::;Ei:!:jl..ii!::. F_. :::-.-:. 1 . trEET: ]'Hri jl:a h: 4:: l-!=i-.ii-i-L-':i :;7 .F,i i !ll-!Tr::: /i 4 i:i- ;-:rri;ir:a; l.: - j. !_., 1l Fi:FT iLl TiiF F,:iIil.l- ':i!: FIr_i]i'ti.j:i.:i:: . i.;lir.:1.1.-r-'7 r-.r IA,].,_i-, f:r,f,TE i"!f: i:lii 1-tP"q5.1i1. ss e POWER OF ATTORI\TEY I, MARK CADMUS, an individual, resiCing at 2850 (a/U/a 2865) ASPEN LANE UNIT A, VaiI, Colorado 81657, do hereby designate MARTA CADMUS of 2860 (a/f/a 28651 Aspen tane, Unit A, VaiI, Colorado, 81657, as ny attorney-in-fact and agent (hereinafter referred to as "Agent") in ny narne and for ny benefit: I. Grant of Power. A. To exercise and perform any actr pow€E, duty, right or obligation whatsoever that I rnight personally exercise or per- form relating to any part or all of the real proPerty situated in the Town of Vail, County of Eagle, and state of coLorado, noreparticularly described on Exhibit A attached hereto and incorpo- rated herein by this reference as if fully set forth. B. To conduct or participate in any lawful business of whatever nature for ne and in ny name specifically includingbut not linited to the execution of an Application for Duplex Sub-division Review and Amended Townhouse Declaration affectingthe property described in Exhibit A. This Power of Attorney shall include, without linitation, the power of ny Agent to exe-cute any other documents, instruments, agreements or amendmentsttrereto, which ny Agent, in her sole discretion, shall deemappropriate, necessary or advisable to complete the resubdivision of the property described in Exhibit A. 2. Ggneral_Autherill . I grant to ny Agent, without limitation, full power and authority to do any and all acts and things which ny Agent shall deem useful, necessaryr proper, required or appropriate in orderto do any of the acts described above or to carry out or exercise any of the powers herein granteil as fully as I night or could doif personally present, wi.th full power of substitution or revoca- tion, hereby ratifying and confirming all that my Agent shal1 lawfully do or cause to be done by virture of this Power ofAttorney and the powers herein granted. 3. Thigl_Earty Relrgneg. Third parties nay rely upon the representations of ny Agentas to all natters relating to any power granted to my Agent, andno person who may act in reliance upon the representations of ny Agent or the authority granted to my Agent shall incur any lia-bility to me or my estate as a result of permi.tting ny Agent to exercise any power . 4. Disability of Princlpal . This Power of Attorney shall not be affected by ny disa- bi l ity. 5. _nxgil+!1o". fhe authority granted under this Power of Attorney shall expire at 5:00 p.rn. Denver, Colorado time on Septenber 25, 1985, but any action tine shall be expiration. taken by ury Agent Pursuant hereto prior to auch valid and binding on D€r notwithstanding euch Dared trris 3 /_ day of My commission expires (SEAL) ,1985. ,ff coItNTY OF r-/L.t/u )--T- ) ss STATE OF COLORADO The foreqoing instrument day - of y'q?d--, 1e85, nand ano sffir. was acknowledged by Mark Cadnus. before me *i"3J-- Witness my official --lbbx Notary Public rtz V6il Rd., Vail, Co 81657,, EXHIBIT A PARCEL A: A PART OF LOT L7, A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT E, VAIL VILLAGE ELEVENTH FILING, TOIIN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT L7t THENCE S.84 DEGREES IO MINUTES 29 SECONDS W. 74.A6 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNINGT THENCE S. 46 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 16 SECONDS W. 44.5 FEET; THENCE S. 43 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 44 SECoNDS E. 2A.5 FEET; THENCE N. 46 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 16 SECONDS E. 12.4 FEET; THENCE N.43 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 44 SECoNDS W. L2.22 FEET; THENCE N. 46 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 16 SECONDS E. 32.1 FEET; THENCE N. 43 DEGREES57 MINUTES 44 SECONDS W. T6.3 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. TOGETHER WITH AIiI UNDIVIDED ONE/HALF (T/2) INTEREST IN AND TO PARCEL C, MORE PARTICULAR].Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ALL OF LOT 17, A RESUBDIVISION OF TRACT E, VAIIJ VILLAGE ELEVENTH FILING, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, EXCEPT THAT PORTION DESCRIBED AS PARCEL "A" ABOVE AND PARCEL ITBII BELOW. PARCEL B: A PART OF LOT 17, A RESUBDMSION OF TRACT E, VAIL VILLAGE ELEVENTH FIIING, TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO, I{ORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE MOST EASTERLY CORNER OF SAID LOT L7, THENCE S. 84 DEGREES l0 MINUTES 29 SECONDS W 74.A6 FEET; THENCE S 46 DEGREES02 MINUTES 16 SECONDS W 32.2 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE S 46 DEGREES 02 I,{INUTES 16 SECONDS w 20.5 FEET; THENCE N 43 DEGREES 57 I4INUTES 44 SECoNDS W 11.8 FEET; THENCE N 45 DEGREES 02 I4INUTES 16 SECONDS E 4.2 FEET; THENCE N 43 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 44 SECONDS W 11.8 FEET; THENCE N 46 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 16 SECONDS E4.0 FEET; THENCE N 43 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 44 SECONDS W 28.7 FEET; THENCE N 46 DEGREES 02 MINUTES 16 SECONDS E 24.4 FEET; TIIENCE S 43 DEGREES 57 MINUTES 44 SECONDS E 40.5 FEET; THENCE S 46 DEGREES 02 II{I}IUTES 16 SECONDS W l2.l FEET; THENCE S 43 DEGREES 57 I{INUTES 44 SECONDS E 1I.8 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. /uruGlu INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVIfl^l )- DATE OF I PROJECT: DATE SUEMITTED: COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date POLICE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date _.-.....-.-. - ---- -:r::- Reviewed by: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Corments: Date oz ts =E UJo- oo oo O o H 5) 5 MF. a IJJul]L ts = IIJ.-o- rYo';Yffi"I I ,ol co' t!;l=..\- 9 Sl\lFl ls fll* =iFil5 a={lo -E:.2 'ia ,^..:lo .: >t^rJ tr =-'l= -r = I I I I a'\ul SE l I o uJFoz o z_ o! @€ o z_z o E 0)-c Oloo .tio o() o) (tl o E C' oo ooo l!Jl! U' =I tol! c.o Fo tcFzoo .\ N\ \ "\\)r(|' {$ o o 0, (! 0) o g)\cs6l'=\ dl\ eNe) :)\\ ilY\o,\ $\or^'l ,$E F,\ -E-l) P6 -1J6E :tc 'oF oE o ol .g EoooG o a 1t IE I fo o E (! <t 3(5 at(! Eo 3F'E> ;: cL .EooEo'-o0r+5i -6(uo- EEPo 9p$tr6(o EEF-6 FE o_.t: o'-ag o# EEa;o>.!a CC iiefeEorEEOo)o(t oo qo .9 6 E o ; ; ao= ; o 6 .9 o-o.6 n, 6 E o G.c 6E oo)E,o =cxod .oo c' orr) o @ lr)(\J v c cc rnF\ o(\ CN r oc! M rA tr =qJ 02o =l.o xollJI() z. Jo- ) a IJJJ uJ (,z d! =l A z () uJ = UJu/u-z F Iu IJ,J o @ 3uJ uJ z 6ttt F uJoc z uJ o x F ul l U' uJ IJJt! L =E uJo- J ho z J (o 9e u,lJlu z @ =.J (,z -ol! = t( F fqf- NO|lVnlVA tlt,1tq-t l3l -. = l'lft*. loSEI < lF:;gl8 =;ll*'.J YadE,- x(,E ; eg;; ;FT'a o Ex 6 e fi: H $ ;aig ZeHN(J (J ao+, g ctL a) c) +)5P o- ao lo, l-:zl(rJ l'l- ItFloloI' 29F l! cco o-foeo uJL F E, Cul(r J zItroo 2 9 E UIF =uJz an trzlzI o: =o I tzloz =J llJ3 <D uJo J lll IE oz Ft! =FI EI I.tJ .)J <t) UJz :<o I 2 F Jl.t)z a o o 3 l-Jl sl 2l zl .- >loul ululzo =2 lrl(L J z 9 =olH =F J d) oz Y o., I o)r-o c\.lO c> uJt u,dloazo Fo-l!Y ut c0 oF E cc1!o Itlol: tf)l6 COI = .\t uqlrolt. IUur 9:E z zn )Zzed)0 =z (L t! EE=dd= ts uJ o-lt :!{E>E<ctl6AEU)e9vd cd F'Jl- =tu:-E b=c, dtr: >c E d6'9 5tuEX'Lt x>6]iiFo. 'io=eI ut @oF --1-' E =E lrJo-z9F CJfEFazo(J tr!tr j fl, ol =.1olutl :l =lttlol zl =lolFI I IJI z.l IH Jd I I I I ol =,|('l ull 1l <l>l t!lol zl d lool (o cl N(5l c!Jl (olr\sl <r(l)l <l * I Lol(ol colc{l Ia-LU TF d> CIcj =o = .{- tf. IIJ =z =l JFl ocl 3t fd.l IFl .l.nl Ol =t zl8l c;lI ull -l El kt ilJl >lo-l Elloltzl =31trPl fl :l i{ il.E (,z lo I I '-lIFoJ o- Lde. t!ood. -r(J FUI ui =z lD -) 2?g3 =Fd6o z. o UJ = ot-t ir =+EFFo2 c) tr -rO<FEOur<zE I.lJ F(qZo C) ) E uJ) LU F uJL E uJz = t! A I En! a 'q| ,f. cl os ^l +,*,I DATE .^/// /i(f JoB NAME INSPECTION:MON INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL {" '.-ny'zr r,, ,! ,/, CATLER TUES WED /./ri__@,* PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR LOCATION: 4,\4/.'?.C/ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION - D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER _ O HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR PEBMIT NUMB R OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr BOUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n HOOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n M r,"o,-C FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: fI HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT t-t tr SUPPLY AIR n trtNAl N FINAI., D APPROVED DISAPPROVED INSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: ome 2*t*'-,. u tNSPEcroR MBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL C2JOB NAME MON CALLER BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED ______6),* BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr E D tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE. UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n { tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n O SUPPLY AIR D- tr FINAL tr FINAL \PPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ?5 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7mO oftlce of comrnunlty develoPment April 20, 1984 TO }IHOM IT I'iAY CONCERN: RE: Lot 17, Resub Tract E' Vai1 ViIlage 1'lth , The above proPerty is zoped duplex, and according to our-records- ii;; ili is'17',269"rqrui"tfeet.' Aliowable GRFA would-be 3976' and 3gl4 GRFA is ;-til property to date, leaving 162 square feet GRFA remaining. Betsyy'osol ack I I h 1: E ElE hr PE 96 (t+, 7og= =J62.rE I I l_ t<ro I I I I I, IEe. IFl9z IE lotz t-lH I .$ Ji Ql Ni= NiE c&-e t-l\ sblc 1+ .9 .2 oo fo Ec6 o) '= oN -o. ]oF ()c o o .sE o (, C' E of o .9 I' o E (tt si3(5 () G o at,oo (E E o !oF 6 Ez 3 E Eo o i(! o. oo Ec G co 6 E o .g o.c .c =; ->o. Eo() o (D Eot6 EE6'5E Rb-ct c^.2;e E: EFcL'- a,o6i!t'0, =oG>c9'- o, -iCo.9 E6otr iro cC €e E: cL6 itd-- -can t' EE-6E6IDELC or6 (!c.c6 -E(!0 !clqr9 l?, 6ELofEEOGc,-tF(sE >g.c)(l)slEOE!o -(, lr)F\ F\ (n ITJult! F =G uJo J FoF -Go =tt z tr E a UJ uJzul 99o =ulci =!ON \&zooFt^ u,q.5 F9066zt-o(Ja)2r!<oquJ :<gU FO 'i^i z o z2=*F-teiogEH 5fl32aD()l ?3,?3 l EU2 ?=d =<E iEHE5H5oo()rz z EJ U>z v) zY9 F z tr uJ J 3 UJz @.' c\.1 -l,) ) trF'Etrtur,/|O- c0oa oz zo Fo- uJY ut @ oF E tr lrJ(L lJ-o UJF o I lrJFoz z.,^o Z*.60 =z t-,P "dg =Feot::E ;H= ts Gqtctl'o luoz oIoF d. JFLU-h=5co. I.lJ>oO|!9o{urxo.:>EF f lr- uJ @o co Eo .9o o \?'b.E Ei E 8 o Eo E to! tir -€ E =E lrJo.zoF(J :) &,Fozoo nrD I I I I ol =.1ollul 5l al>l H A fl lJ.j II+rlc)l.El FII -ol =l(,l(ul !l -c.P (, =t! I FoJ J LrJ 3 L,J&. :z(J IJ.J ui =z dt Ia SI<|Ft -{ ol 46acL-t4 0- 1r(l<lql "f Iq\ fl oaldo{J><= =o c =G + V, CJ o? .: llJ z ?lol rJll ccl ililol zl 3lolFI 0.c e,tr I I Iol =.1olull 5l <l>l Ir-|ol zl =lolFI ol =.1ol uJl 5l <l>l ttlol zl 3lolFI I I I I I =.1olullil sl Elol p|e F(J LIJF T E E, --.r O<FE<)r!<ZEr!Fo6 C) z d Eli uJ+8,o2 O END t/ l'{""'t ,1 January 24, 1983 PRESENT STAFF PRESENT Peter Patten Peter Jarnr Larry Eskwith Jim Sayre Betsy Rosolack COUNCIL REP Jim Morgan Ron Todd l. Apploval of minutes of meeting of January 10, 1983. Donovan moved and Piper seconded to approve the minutes. The vote was 6-0 in favor. 2. Rgqugst for reconsideratjon of the general circulation and access plan for the Arlq1ial Busl_!e$ !j!!lict, Applicants: Property owners in tleict. Peter Patten described meetings with the State Highway Department and the report frcrn JHK in regard to p1 anning the circulation and access p1an. Concerning the funding for the pl an, Peter suggested perhaps assessing each property owner accordingto a formula, or attaching some figure to each building permit. He asked for recommendations on fund'ing. Larry Eskwith, Tourn Attorney, asked if the commission would meet with him in executive session to discuss possible means of funding for the circulation and access plqn. A1 Williams, one of the owners of the Texaco site, encouraged the board to find a solution to the funding, stating that he and Morgan needed guidelines so that they could go ahead and apply to DRB with their building plans for the M and l.l building. Trout moved and Donovan seconded that the board go into executive session. After executive session, Trout stated that he did not feel the developer shou'l dpay for the rimprovements, as the developers wou'ld then be paying doub'l e. Donovan supported hhving the developers pay for part of the bike paths, for the new businesses would be creating some traffic, plus the fact that the bike paths were adjacent to the businesses. Perhaps have each developer qrade and havb ready for pavjng the bike path. Viele asked how the bike path was comnected to the Lionshead area. and was toldthat it would tie into the roads in Lionshead, accord'ing to the master bike planit would eventually t'ie into a bike path south of the Mark. Discussion followed regard'ing widening the road from the intersection at West Lionshead Circle to the H01y Cross access point. PLANNING ANO ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION c t/(/| / -/ \-_- !'|ill Trout Diana Donovan Dan Corcoran Jim Viele Duane Piper Gordon Pierce AESENT .^ -,tt- Pjper moved and Donovan seconded to approve the,geleral,circuiation and accr:ss'planffiDistrictwiththecondit.ionthatfundingtoi'ilplement PEC 1/24/83 -2- rloqe an estrian crosswa lks out within a period of r that da not be narrowed down ween e ntersectlon w st L ronsnea rc le an e ross access Doint, and t tno nq permits be issued prior to the regolution of the funding p1 an. Jim Sayre asked if a building permit could be issued after the 60 days if no funding plan had been worked out, and Piper said, "No." Al tlillfams asked if DRB could process his application in the meantime, and was told that he cou'ld continue up to the bui'lding permit. Andy Norris asked about the location of the bike path near the Glen Lyon Office building. The vote was 5-0-l in favor of the plan with Pierce abstaining. 3. A reouest for two amendments to Specia] Development District No. 4 in which ront se eet to eet.second reouest is to amend e square ppl icant: G ng Pa Peter Jamar explained the memo, adding that the berm should be higher than shown on the site plan, that ithe DRB should review the ability of the benn to screen the parking as required, and that there were two conditions of approval , one that the bike Path, right turn and left turn lanes shall be provided in accordance withthe Circulation and Access Plan for the Arterial Business Zone District, and the second condition was that the applicant shall agree to sharing in the costof provid'ing an additional fire hydrant within the vicin'ity as required by theVail Fire Department. Jamar added that the financing wou'ld have to be woikedout on the second condition, since Voliter and the M&l.l office building wouldalso benefit from the hydrant. Gordon Pierce, architect for the applicant, showed a mode'l and exp'l ained thetoofs, setbacks and masses. Patten explained that this uns an amendnent to an SD0, that the SDD a]lowed 60% of the building to have 15 foot setbacks, but thisbuilding would only have l5 foot setbacks across 7% of the building. One concern was .that the DRB require 'large sized trees between the building andthe road. Trout asked about the Glen Lyon 0ffice Building applying to be inthe Arterial Busjness District. Patten said there was no real urgency, but thatthis would be worked out with Andy Norris. Trout moved to approve the ueits for K-gn d_S_qU,a f e_ f o o ta ge jel__the wou'ld be worked out within a oeriod of 60 days. Andy_Norris, one owner of the Glen Lyon 0ffice Building, said thatproblem with fund'ing of the bike path, but was concerned about ther,ight turn'lanes, and felt that un] ess the funding were worked out,part may'never get done. he had noleft and that this Norris sole'ly would not have whole district. I r /24/83 -3- to pay for the bike path becausePattenit was There stated that part of the was no second to the motion Donovan moved and Pi r seconded to a rove the amendments r the taff woul d unt was wo The vote was 3-0 in favor with 3 abstentions--Corca'|an' Viele and Pierce. 4. Appeal of an a Peter Jamar explained the happenings up to this date. Jan Strauch said he agreed with the sequence of events, but stated thatthedeck was under 6 feet of snow, and couldnrt correct the error practically. He added that it wasnrt until 0ctober that he had obtained the correct size of metal chimney, and then it was too cold to paint it. He then mentioned scrne problems he was having converting his fire- place to a gas burning fireplace. Trout'pointed out that there was no spark arrestor in ttr" flue of the wood burning stove. Strauch asked what that was, and Trout exp] ained, adding that this should be instal'led inmediately. Donovan stated that Strauch had intentionally built the deck into the setbackarea. She felt that one chimney shou'l d be made inoperab'l e now, and the deck should be norrected to be in compliance with the code at this time. .Pierce's feelings were to instal'l the spark arrestor innediately, wait 6 months to paint the chimney, but that the deck could be done now. He said a couple of hours of shoveling wou'ld c'lear the deck. Piper asked if there was a foundation, and more discussion revea'l ed that the foundation was inadequate, and that concrete piers would have to be poured. Steve Patterson, building official , said that he had marked the two sets of plans that had been submitted for a building permit with the statement that a proper foundation would have to be constructed. He added that the deck could be cut and pilings put in at a'later date without tearing the whole deck apart. Viele moved and Pierce seconded to modify the administrative decision as follows: 2. That the painting of the chimney and assorted sheet meta'l be done by June '1, 3. And that June I, 1983 also was the date set to have the deck correction completed _ The vote was 3-3 (Corcoran, Donovan and Trout against) The motion failed. .q 1/24/83 After more discussion' Trout moved to approve the staff recommendation with the. exception of painting the flue and installation of the concrete foundation, and' these cou]d be done June 15. There was no second. .More discussion followed, and Corcoran moved and Viele seconded to reconsider the origina'l motion. The vote was 4-2 to reconsider with Donovan and Trout aga inst. Viele moved and P ierce econded that the administrative deci sion mod fiedre con ormance ct to ace t -4- Corcoran stated that the only reason he felt it was more practical for the The meeting was adjourned at 5:45. he was willing appearance of to change his vote was because the neighborhood. arrestor P|J!)G AND ENvIRoNMENTAL col'lMlsilO r Fr,,r January 24, 1983 2:00 pm Site inspections 2:30 pm Discussion of variances by Larry Eskwith 3:00 pm PubIic Hearing ' 'l . Approval of minutes of meeting of January 10, 'l 983. 2. Request for reconsideration of the general circulation and access p'l an for the Arterial Business District. Applicants: Property omers in the proposed Arterial Business District. 3. A request for two arBndments to Special Development District llo. 4 in rdrich the Glen Lyon 0ffice buj'iding js'located. The first request is to change the front setback from 20 feet to l5 feet. The second request is to amend the allowable square footage of the G'len Lyon office building. Application is in accordance w'ith Section 18.46.030 (E) of the Vail Municipal Code. 4. Appeal of an administrative decjsjon regarding'lot .l7, Tract E, Vail Village 11th Filing. Apellant: Jan Strauch MEMORANDUM T0: Planning and Environmenta'l Commission FROM: Peter Jamar/Department of Community Development DATE: January 19' .1983 SUBJECT: Appeal of an adminjstrative decision jn accordance wjth Section .|8.66.030 by Jan Strauch for lot 17, Tract E' Vail Village llth Fil ing Mr. Strauch is appea'ling an administrative dec'ision requiring him to remedy the i'l'tegal situiiions iontained in the attached letter by January 24. Ilt^ Strauch iequests that these v'iolations be alIowed to renain until June''l983. He was f irdt notif ied of these viol ations in June, '1982. His appea] wi1l be heard at the January 24 PEC meeting. 0n January 'l 8, Mr. Strauch appeared before Coucil during citiz-en participation and requested an extension for the deck correction unti'l June'l , .|983. He stated he wou'l d cunply with the other items by the January 24. .l983 deadline. Town Councjl's recommendation to the Planning and Environmental Ccnunission is to extend the date of completion on a'l I items unti'l June 'l ' 'l 983. 'l /24/83, PEC meeting. strauch has '10 days in which to put in spark amestor, and finish conversion of firep'l ace to gas burriing. He has until June l, .|983 to correct deck and paint netal chimney. 75 soulh tronlag€ rd. vail, colorado 81657 (303) 4?6-70q) department of community development January 10, 1983 Jan Strauch Overland & Express Company 188 E. Gore Creek Dr.Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Strauch: 0n December 1, 1982 the Vail Des'ign Review Board voted to approve your deck redesign which consisted of modifying the exist'ing deck which was constructed partially within a setback. It is my understanding that Steve Patterson contacted you on December ?, t982 and informed you of the drawings and information needed in order to apply for a building permit. As you and I discussed on several occasions,the existence of the deck and the setback encroachment are in violation of Town of Vail ordinances. I believe that the Town has been more than fair by allowing the situation to exist for more than 6 months while you have sought a solution to the probl em. However, now that all the necessary approvals and decisions have been made and a building permit has been issued for the deck modification we expect you to expedite the work needed to comply with the law. This does not oniy include the deck modification but also the elimination (or conversion to gas as you have ment'ioned)of your fireplace now that you have illegally installed a second wood burning device and also the painting of the flue which was installed in conjunction with the wood burning stove. Both of these items have also been pending since June and we had hoped that you would act in good faith to remedy both situations. Gary Murrain of our office spoke to you several months ago and explained what steps were needed in order to modify/elirninate the fireplace. Each one of the above mentioned violations of the Town of Vail Municipa'l Code are subject to possible fine and/or penalty of not more than $499.00or not more than 90 days jail sentence, or both, for each and every day that such violation continues and each day of violation constitutes a separateviolation. Each one of these violations has existed more than 180 days. Page 2 Our staff chose not to fi'l e any complaint in the town municipal court because we assumed that the problems could be solved in a cooperative spiri t. In surrnary, I feel that we have been more than cooperative in work'i ng with you on these problems. Pursuant to section 18.66.0208 of the Town bf Vail Municipal Code (copy enclosed) this letter serves as notice requiring you to remedy all illegal s'ituations (the deck, fireplace, and flue) by January 24, L983. Failure to comply with this notice will result in the appropriate action being taken in accordance with the laws of the Town of Vail. If you have any questions, p1 ease contact me. PJ:df Enc'l . P Town Planner tr a D,*l,Ur -'-4'c P-:Iyjt ra.F t prol"iipptication t :\:i,'t'El.{BER 9 . t982 Proiect Name: proiect Descripl;on. iiiiDLjul'Ii.'li Ili !iIi:^'ii rlY llr'! tt: i;roat- s.'f -:-,:,r . :-r'r{rri r'.roonr Contact Person and Phone .j:in i.r-c Sriar!nl: li* :7f1*??(]f il- ;;'i -"'1 ''7 Jan & ..lail SErarrch.2tl{i5 Aspen Lane, Vail, C0 81657Owner, Address and Phone: ( 3030 :+7 o-5L97 ir OI) €Architect. Address and Phone: 7l i.csubdl,,'is1<;n of Filing Traee u; vait vittaglona --.-t1th i'i1.i-ng,I Block 1'i: Comments: r*, *Tf,;-egat Description: *j Design ReYiew Board Date ov, fr4akFrL-s. 1?, ' iS;l.i:..' .".: 1 DISAPPROVAL1-t 4*-.r'' :tf E statt Approval ,frn i,i i:ti'1 ,i,l; VAl l, 'l Oi'ir.'i t'Uii,iCl I 'l'tlUSJr/rY, ilOvl;l.lBIilt Itage 2 t'tlil,;'I'1N$ 5,. J 9tjz 'f frc ncxt j 1 crrr on 1.he :rgcnd;t was thr-' r'r:atli ng of Res.'l ut j ()n #22, Scri os of 7.982, a rcsolution iiuthorizi ng an applicati()n to :rl;sign Bulcau of Lar:d Iianagcluent right-of-rvay from Carpentry Unliniited, fnc. to the Town of Vail. There !,'as some- djscussion. Ilelmann Staufer thcn rnade a motion to approve Resolution #22 and Ron Todd seconded it. Al1 voted in favor and the motion passed unaninrr.)us1Y- There \yas no Citizerr Participation. The next item on the agenda \vas the discussj,on of t:he Bald lJountain speed <lip. l'layor Slifer stated that the c-ouncil bad received nurnberous lettlers from residents opposing the dip, He also stated tl:at Council nrembe:'s had driven over the dip prior to the meeting. Several citizcns in the audienc:e spol(e in faor a,nd against the dip. Each Council nrcmber stated their feelings on the dip. After a lengthy discussion, Ron Todd tirade a rnotj-on to Leave the speed dip on Bald ltfountaj.n Road in with sone nrinor modilications by the PubLlc I?o::ks Departmerrt . Chuck Auderson setonded thc rnot ion . A vote rvas taken and the motion 1>assed unamiously. Ilayor Slifer asked the Public \l'orks Department to report back to the Council on rvbat was done to the dip. Paul Jclhnston also stated it was necessary to get ^ cousensus of the neigliborhood and to set sonte time ccrntlol on the "appeal of these dip deeisions. ?he next item on the agenda Nas the East Vail trlarket sign val'iance request. PeterJirma-rexp1aineCltbet.ec1uesttdtheDesign Revierv Board bad voted in favor of the request 7 - O, and that the staff recommended approval, After some discussion, Herrnann Staufer made a motion to approve the rerluest and Ron Todd seconcled it. A11 voted iir favor and the rnot ion passed unzin in:ous1y. Tbe next item on the agenda \1'as the Gorsuch.Ltd. sjsn varian<:e request. Peter Jamar again explained this request'to the Council and statEd-That the staf f recornnended apploval of the r-equest. Cliuck Anderson rnade a motion to a.pprovc the Gorsuch sign valiance request and Gail \1'ahrlich seconded - it . Al I Toted in favor and the motion passed uuanimously,/'/i The next item on the agenda \ras the .?t1p_gg]_j1_Uru_tnC_dccisi_on regarcling the / setbach vari.ance request on Lot 17, Block 1, Resubdj.vision of Tract E, VaiJ ViIlage 11th f i1ing, -{_?n__Sjr-agqh applicant. PeLer Jarnar explained the history of the subject to the Council. Jan Strauch, o\rner of the propelty, gatre his vierys on tbe matter. Tirere lfirs sone input from tbe citizens. After a lengthy discussion, Paul Johnston made a rnotion to overturn the Planning Contrrissiqn 'sdecision and ilppeal . Chucl', rinderson seconded tl're rnotion- A vote u'as taketr on the motion and it f ailed 3 - 3 - Slif er, .f odd atid Il'ahrlich opposi ng. It rvas d j scu*ssed by the Council to table tbe nratter f ol trvo rveelrs unti I tbe Council had bad an opportunity to revierv the zoni.ug ordinarrc.es to see if tlrere \','ele soile othcr a1.i-ernati,ves they corrld. tal{e. Gail lf alrr'lich nrade a notion to l'econsider the r'€'(jur-jst, trut later rvithdrciv it, as Tolrn Attornel' Eskr'.'itb infolmed thern t.h3t this \r.'as not a 1ega1 rule of pr<.rcedure accordiug Fobelt.s Ru'les of Older'. It \';as agreed by lire Councjl:rnd rncrrtrers of tbe PllC in at1.cr:ilrr.nc€ irt the Incel ing that it r','as r)ecessaly f ol the zon i.ng ordinancer; to be r-cr,i el'eci r-elating to r::ttters such as this. 'I'ire nc:xt itein on -r-he:rgerrr!:l \',as the.appgal of the l'llC decision t'cg:rrding a lreight variancc reouest f ot' Lot 72, Bl,ocli 2, .Gore Crr:ek Sribdivjsion. Jol:n Pcr'1.:ins, r'clrl'cs,;lr t in;j riie api;lic.arit, :'tsl.: r:tl 1l;e Coulrc'.i1 to ]rlive ttrj s n)?rtter 1.alr1c,ri urrtil. 1.1)e n('.\1 r'of ii!::r' rrrr:et jrrg on Iir,r'r-'r:5e r 16. Plrul Joltttsl.ott t:recjc a nrot i i,n to ,'l)p1'(l\'e t)r<: l''-.jli('s:i ltrrd liet'r.lern 3i eirf cI s('c()lrded j t . A1l vo1.cd jn f :\-(rt i:it(l lite tn()ti,,.n t::,.j::,'d unl,rt j t,tr.rtisl t'. T|e r,.,st i terii 6n tlrC agc.r,ti:l \i.ir s tl'rC li1>1r:-<.r'..e) of vactrt jon <tf (rasCmcnt for Si.nrlr:i Iir.:n. l-:rll']' llsllr'; i t lr r:x!', I ai ned t hc dr'ta j ls to thc. Counci I . llt't'tti;in:t--Sl"t,'uT6.-ii':rdC a InOti()rt r_r> :-.i;i-rr.ovC tlto t.t,qrrcst :rrrd Iirirr '1'rrrl<! sur:r,nCierl i t . Al l vol cd i n f :tvctr litrd t ltc trt.t1 i tii: p:ir:sed rttt:rtt intrrll5ly. luwn 75 south frontage rd. vall, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oo department of community development November 3, .|982 Jan Strauch 2865 Aspen Lane Vai'l , Colorado 8]657 Re: b:l.,tii,?13!*,]in*Fii?f;'i'ion or rract Dmr Mr. Strauch: This letter is to confirm that at their November 2, 1982 meeting the Vail Town Counci'l upheld the Planning and Environmenta'l Carmission's decision to deny your application for a setback varjance on Lot 17, B'lock'l , Resub- division of Tract E, Vail Village llth Filing. This decision means that the portion of the deck within the required 7.5 foot setback must be removed inmediately in order to avoid possible fine and/or penalty. Shou'ld you wish to apply for Design Revjew Board approval of the rennin'ing portion of the deck, you would need to submit an app'l ication to our departnent for that purpose. The next app'l ication deadline is November 15, and unless_ an applicatibn is submitted by this date, we would expect that the deck will be removed by that time. Fai'l ure to do so would a'l so be subiect to fine and/or penalty. If you have any questions regarding this nntter, p1 ease contact me. PETER JAMAR Torn P'lanner PJ : bpr J.oo ffiororrur* Trout moved and Viele seconded to a nove a variance that wou'ld allow the rid e notridoe ooint.ter more scussIon, lrou added an amendment to rea the staff would still granting this height, the original intent of Il9 !9lg was 3(Mqrgan, Vie]e, Trout) to 2 (Piper, Donovan) with Corcoran abstain'ing. Ine mollon Dassecl . 2.uest for a setback variance in order to construct two es for 2 autos each cn woulo encroac nto va't I uas scnone l- i | 'inq ca n[s :son an oge it would eliminate the possibility of using fitl, which was the appl jcant's request. Peter Jamar reviewed the memo, adding that conditions should be that no vehicles couldpark behind the garage doors because they wou1 d be encroach'ing onto the road, andthat the garages should be constructed at the same time. Vogel.aar sfgwe{ photos, elevations and f'loor plans. He added that they would put YP "No Parking"_s'igns. It was discovered that one parking space wou'l a Ue tost, makingthe spaces total 9 when the garage was in place. Discussion fo'llowed concerning egress from the bedrooms, and Piper fe'lt he would liket0 see more homework done on the design. 3. Trout move{ and Donovan seconded to tab'l e the item until until November g.The vote t for a setba for a round level deck on lot 17 b'lock'l tra \ Peter Jamar exoiiiiii that the deck was constructed without a variance and withouta.building permit. Strauch stated that the deck was a continuation of a project forwhich he did havewhich he d'id have a building pennit. Jamar explained that this was not the case,that there was no bujlding permit issued for the deck or anv nlans ever reviewed'bui)ding permit issued for the deck or any plans ever rev.iewed-bythe staff prior to the deck's construction,.and that it was- iir violation of setbackr€quirements. Strauch showed a site p'lan and explained that there was no.way to complete the stairsuithout the deck, and that the deck was the on'ly place from which one'could get intothe sun. Trout felt that the board was dealing-wittr a structure, not merely"the deck. He added that if Strauch were given the varianie, the neighbor would also hive tobe given a setback variance. ldorgan noved to approve the variance, but there was no second. Strauch asked for consideration of an economic hardship, but Corcoran expla'ined thattfte board could not consider economic hardship per the'iown code. 'Trout suggestedgetting a deed restriction from the neighbor, and Jamar explained that if Sliauch Hene granted tie varjance, the neighbor could argue that he would be deprived of privi- leges enjoyed by the smers of oth6r properties in the same district, ai could any oEner property ormer in ttle sare distrjct. voEe was 4- oo odTTLTEB -3- 10/2s/82 Donovan moved and Pi r seconded to d the variance uest as the staff memoth Corcoran a 5 LCI moti on Corcoran reminded the app'licant that he had l0 days in which to appeal to Council 4.uest to amend Section 18.04.'130 of the Vail Munici I Code in order to redefineross Resident 2 oor rea " an f,oa a new sect")Iorage Area. " App can oT va Jannr explained that the part of the public notice dealing with "storage area" hadnot be published, and so only the GRFA definition could be dealt with it this time.After much discussion, it was decided to wait until the meeting of tll8 and discussboth parts of the requested change. .liPel ltoved ar,rd Vig]e_segsnded to table this item.unti'l lt18/82. The vote to table was o-u, unanlmously tn tavor. 5. Request to amend Sectio! 18.04.360 of the Vai'l Municipa'l Code in order to revjse Jamar explained that wjthout this definition, there were abuses such as cantileverswhich resulted in the structures actually occupying more of the site than the regu-lations intended. He showed photos of one homb-which demonstrated the abuse. Pipel moved and Viele seconded to apDrove the definition of site covera as fo] I ows: 18.04.360 Site. Coverage Site corierage sha11 be deemed to be any port'ion of a site covered by buildings,including portions of a site located below enclosed space and/or cairtitevereienclosed space; site coverage shail also'include any portion bf a site coveredby balconies, stairs, decks, wa'l kways, driveways, oi bther structures covered bya roof. 6. Request to re*oue Section=J8;Q4,9 ,u*u" "****,registration currently was-required, but that since most buildingsin Vai'l were non-conforming.in some way, ii would probabiy require one full timeemployee to monitor the registralig1s.--He added that siti plins, construction pluns,and assessor's records were availab] e so it would not be tob aifiicu'l t to calcuiatethe destroyed building. llorgan moved and Donovan seconded to ap . 7.st to amend the view plane section of the vail villaqe urtan Desiqn Guideesrgnate only severa or vrew corrldors t0 be protected. Ioh/n o The staff requested to table this item to 1'l /9. Viele moved and Donovan seconded The vote was 6-0, unanimousl.y in favor of the approval . The meeting was adjourned at 7:00 pm. ail I PLANN ING AND ENVIRONI{ENTAL COMMISSION 0ctober 25, 19Bz l2:45 pm Sfte Inspections 2:00 pm Review Subdivisjon Regulations--Des.ign Standards (Bring your copy) 3:00 pm Public Hearing l. Request for height variance in order to build a single fami'ly dwelling on lot .|2, block 2, Gore Creek Subdivision. Applicant: Bernard Gott1 ieb. 2. Request for a setback variance in order to construct two garages which would encroach'16 feet into the north (front) setback at lot 3, Block G, Vail Das Schone Filing No. 2.. Applicants: Pat Dodson and Ld'onard Vogelaar. 3. Request for a setback variance for a ground level deck on 1ot 17, 81 ock l, Resubdivjsion of Tract E,'Vail Village llth Fi'l ing,.2865 Aspen Lane.Applicant: Jan Erjc Strauch 4. Request to amend Section .|8.04.360 of the Vai'l Municipal Code in order to redefine "Gross Residential Floor Area" and to add a new section,.l 8.04.368 defining "Storage Area," Applicant: Town of Vail 5. Request to amend Section .|8,04.360 of the Mun'icipal Code to revjse the defjnjtionof site coverage to include a'l I areas under enc'l osed space. Applicant: Townof Vai] . 6. Request to rernove Section'l 8.64.090 (B) of the Municipal Code requiring regis-tration of non-conforming uses. Appf icant: Town of Vail 7. Request to amend the view pl ane section of the Vail Village Urban Design GuidePlan: Design Considerations to designate only several major view corridorsto be protected. Applicant: Town of Vail Publ ished in the Vai] Trail october 22, 19Bz TO: FROII: DATE: RE: MEMORANI]UM PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COI.iI,iISSI()N Department of Community Developnent 0ctober 18, 1982 Request for a setback varjance to aliow a deck to extend 2 feet further than the allowable'ciccl< setback on lot 17' block i, resubdjvision of tract E, Va'il Village 1lth Filing. App'l icant: Jan and Gail Strauch lqscRIPrI0N 0f vARuIcE The applicants request a vari ance to a'l Iol't a deck which has been consti^Lcted on the south side of their duplex to encroach 9.5 feet into the required 15 foot rear setback. The zoning code allovrs decks withjn five'feet of ground level to project a distance 7.5 feet'i nto the rear setback and therefore the request is for a 2 foot. encroachment. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS U pon' rev j ew of Cr i te.ila and F i nd: rg5-'J-egtfo-!- ! 8-. q2-. 060 of thg:lt!q1-l e lpq l- y_ogygpirl'",t!IecqnrglCr_!e!-1-c-l_cl_!rq req u eaTeA-V a r i a n cb b_a s e ci upg!__Lhg-I9.!-qq4g-f 3-q.!gE : Consideration of Factors The relat'ionshtp of tne requestq potenfi-alGes and structures in tlte Lic-i!!y. The encroachntent of the deck into the setback impacts basically only one adjacent property. The cleck encrclaches upon the setback adiacent to the commcn prbperty iine of the Strauch/Cadnrus ciuplex and..the ilodge/Byrne ay.p]Fl which is lbcat-ed to the south of the deck. Pairjcja Hodge' the ct'rner of ffte north half of the adjacent duplex, has rvritten a letter in support of the Varjance request. The deck sits 5.5 feet from the conmon property line. Ihe--d-eSlggjo--Which reltqf from tlre striqt o retallgn an<l e.ia*dma;mr- ;- paiira!-UCiOr:g-E i-il-i-t'e@:fv-,e-to:!!eu-:lre- obibcti ves of thi s title wi thout -gratrt c{-;pcc il L-PI-].Jj r-99. The granting of the variance js not necessary to.achieve compatibility. and unitormity 6f treatrnent aniong sjtes in t.fic vicjnity, does not attain the JUjectivei of the zonilg code, and woulcj constituie the grant'i ng of a. sp6cial privilege. One of the primary objectjves of the zoning code jl to prevent the 6vercrowding of ihe lanri with structures. Setback reqtrirements are one oi the basic developnrent standards designed to prevent overcrovrding bv snecifyinq a distance between the property line and a structure in vrhjch ni,tt inq ii t6 Ue built. The zonjng code provicles that structures sucli as s..fi /zo/sz Page 2' decks may encroach a certajn amount into the required setback, in this case 7.5 feet. In thjs case the crant'ing of the variance would be contrary to the objectjves of the setback requirenrents anci vtould not be the result of any practical difficul ty, unnecessary physical.ltardsh'i p, or extra- ordiniry circuntstances or conditions. The setback regulations shoulci be adhered to unless any of these conditions exist. In this case they do not. The effect of t[e re,gugslgg*lg-l]3.[q-S!-_U9h.|-C-!d--e-]f,--qj-:!ributjon offfiuutilities, and_public saletY. The requested variance would result in the overcrolvdjng of the site with the structure. Such other factors and crite11!-qs the commiss i0n@ F I NDI NGS The Planninq and Envjronmental Commission shall make the fo]!ow1n9-J[g!-i-1gs =-:---:-,:*,-:--:-=-j1---_.-_*.--betore grantlng a varlaltce: That the granting of the variance tlill not be detrimental to the public health, safety, or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinitY. That the vari ance is warranted for one or more of the fo'l lowing reasons: The strjct or litera'l interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation t';ould result'i n praciical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent wjth the obiectives of this title. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances of condjt'i ons appficable to the site of the variance that do not apply generally' to other properties in the same zone. The strict or literal interpretation and enforcentent of the specified regulat'i on would deprive the appl icant of privileges enjoyed by the otirners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATIONS The Department of Community Development Staff recomnends denial of the requested vari ance. fhere'are no factors tt'hjch urarrant the granting of the variance and the result of grarrtitlg the variance tvould be contrary to the stated obiectives of the zoning code. There are no positive results in allowing the encroachntent, there js no hardship, and the applicant would be granted a special privilege that other owners in the djstrjct would not enjoy.n..\r0A/ rt VN\\hl '/ r \\ Yl /l\"-/ I \-\\AV' rAl\ I \,/' "\ PUBL IC Ii(]TICE I N0TItE IS HEREBY GIVIN that the Planning and Environmenta] Conrnrjssjon of the Town cif Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance wjth Section .l8.66.060 of the municipal . code of the Town of Vail on 0ctober 25,1982 at 3:00 pm in the council chambers in tfie Vai't municipal building. Pub'l ic hearing and consideration of: 1. Request for a setback variance in accordance with Section'18.62 of the Vail Municipa] Code in order to construct two garages wh'ich would encroach'l 6 feet into the north (front) setback at 2458 Garmisch Road, Lot 3, Block G, Vail Das Schone, Filing No. 2. Appl'icants: Pat Dodson and Leonard Vogelaar 2. Request for a setback variance in accordance with Sections 18.62 and '18.58.050 of the Vail Municipal'Code for a ground'level deck that extends 1.75 feet past r/' the a'llowable deck setback on lot .|7, Block l, Resubdivision of Tract E, Vail Village 'llth Filing, 2865 Aspen Lane. Applicant: Jan Eric Strauch 3. Request to amend Section .|8.04..l30 of the Vail Municipal Code in order to redefine "Gross Residential F'l oor Area" and to add a new section, .l8.04.368 defining "storage Area." Appfication is in accordance with procedures in Sections I8.66.100-18.66..|60 of the Vail Municipa'l Code. Applicant: Town of Vail 4. Request to amend Section 18.04.360 of the Vail Municipal Code to revise the definition of site coverage to include all a-reas under encl.osed space. Application rvill follow . procedures out'lined in Sections .|8.66..|00-]8,66.160 of the Vail Munjcipal Code. ' Applicant: Town of Vajl. 5. Request to remove Section 18.64.090 (B) of the Vaj'l Municipal Code requiring registra- tjon of non-conforming uses. Application js in accordance vrith procedures in Sections lS.66.lO0'18.66..t60 of the Vail Municipal Code. Applicant: Town of Vai'l 6. Request to amend the view plane section of the Vail Village Urban Design Guide Plan: Design Consideratjons to designate only several major view comidors to be protected. App'licatjon js in accordance with Sections 18166..l00-.|8.66.160 of the Vail l'lunicipai Code. Applicant: Town of Vail The applications and infornntion re1ating to the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular business hours for review or inspection by the publ ic. TOI,II,I OF VAIL COMI-IUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT A. PETER PATTEN, JR, Zoning Adminjstrator I o, Pub'lished in the Vail Trail 0ctober 8, .l982. I. APPLICITION This procedure is requj_red The application will not be /tpplication Date FOru'I fOR A V/TRIANCE for any project requesting a Variance. accepted until all information is su,bmitted.. A. NAME OF APPLICAN!JAN & GAIL STRAUCH ADDRESS 2865 Aspen Lane Vai ilONe 47 6-5t97 c. B. AUTHORIZATI I.IAME OF APPI.,ICANT I S REPRESENTATIVE PIIONEADDRBSS SIGNATUREl ADDRESS 2865 Aspen Lane Vail,PHONE 476-2266 D. LOCATION OF PROPOSA], F. ADDRESS 2865 Aspen Lane Vail 8L657 WEST SIDE DUPLEX LEGAL DESCRIPTIoN lot 77 bloc]::1 Fil:ngTesgb tract E . ttth.t'iling F'EE' $100-00 plus an anount equal to the then currcnt first-cra"ss postagerate for each property orrner to be notified herer:nder. A list of the names of owners of arl property arljacent to thesubject property and their addresses. \,r;J-l ,'/rf rz' JAN ERIC STRAUCH 2465 ASPEN I..ANE VA|L, CoLORADo 8t 657 Mr Peter Jamar Town Planner TOWN OF VAIL 75 So Frontage RdVail, CO 81657 26 Ausust L982 DATE On reviewing Ordinance 41 , Series of 1978, L see thatrestriction on gas burning fireplaces. FIREPLACE their is no If it would meet the town of Vail approval , I r,rould like to have ouroriginal fireplace converted to gas. Can you 1et me know if there are any specific building ordinances thatI should comply with in planning this work, and if it is feasible. (v ,{*l'o '*V\ ^0oitA ("^uu - 1/ ,e\ d t\' ric Strauch fdn ltt 5 ia2 t||. D|Bingl@,d, h.., Bo. 5O5, Oolld l€loi JAN ERIC STRAUCH 2855 ASPEN LANE vArL, GOLORADO 81657 Peter Jamar Town Planner TOIdN OF VAIL 75 South Frontage RdVail, C0 81657 DArE 26 August 1982 sUBJECT VARIANCE CC: l{r Mark Cadmus Peter: This is to let you know the status of our "deck" variance papers. As you know Mr Cadmus has provided verbal approval to_our_application. And-his formal signature oir the application- is the only element preventing us from procedding to the Planning Cormnission hearing. Mr Cadmus has been out of town this week but is expected back in his office on Monday August 30th. I have dropped off the form at-his Bridge Street office with a-copy of this letter i:-equesting that 4e signs it and either bring it back to-me or preferably direct to your office. His signature, €B you know, is co-ntingent upon our-aPproving and."igttllq-.,-- a similar variancb application for his or'n: remodeling ploj-ect plus securrng the approval of our ir'ext door neighbor Ms P. Hodge. Both these documents ar. .irtlosed with this letter thaf you can give io Mark or keep on file. Itm sorry that this Paper work has gone on so long! WflKA{" ford L 5-M2 $. D'ninq edd, l&- &r l0l, odlq t6 tuun 75 3outh lrontage rd. Yalt, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 def artment of community development August 20, 1982 Jan Strauch 2865 AsPen Lane Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 17, Blk I Resub Traci E Vai'l Village 11th Filing Dear Jan: This]etteristoconfirmthefactthatyou.have-beennotifiedthat you are in violatiin oi ifr" iown of Vail'Municipal. Code,,specifically .. 6ili";.""+i;-i;;;;; of 1978. The number of solid fuel burners' accordine to the ordinance, is limited to one-per-dwelling' . IoYl.residence currentiy has two wood burnin; d;;i;;;,-Jne or'wnich was aoaeo itlegallv-w1thout a building permit. "you huu"'ug""ed that you wi'l I rerrrove one uf these' iiif,ii-itri iii"pia"e or wooa birner, ana iritt rneet with the Build'irrs oiiiiiui io see'in which manner this shou'ld be done' We expect this to be done within the next 30 days' If you have any questions, p.lease contact rrle' SincerelY24.-t /-/AQfu't79c. PETER ,JAI,IAR To,vn {lanner PJ:br Applicati"" APPLICA?IO}{ FORM TOR A VARIANCE I. This procedure is required for any project requesLing a Variance. The application will not be accepted until all information is submitted. NAyIE oF AppLrcANT Jan-j5.1c and Gail El1en strauch ADDruSS 2865 aspen r,ane val HONE_4-6-5-L9Z_ B. NAME OF ADDRESS APPLTCANT' S REPRESENTATTVE Same PHONE C. AUTHORIZATIO}J A. SIGNATURE ADDRESS D.LOCATTON OF PROPOSA], PHoNE ate-5L97_ ADDRESS n Lan I.EGAI DESCRIPTION lot 17 block 1 Resub Tract E Filing llth filins E' FEE. $100.00 plus an amount equal to the then current first-class Dostaserate for each property ohner to be notified hereunder. F. A list of the names of owners of all property adjacent to thesubject property and their addresses. (/ t'1 -(i | (^1.tro' HarryR&SrsanWarters 2880 East Cedar AveDenver, CO 80205 Patricia Hodge 2830 AsPen Cer*rt L/zt.'<- Vail, CO 81657 ---Letter on file Albert & Elsie MacSata 10710 l{heatridge Dr Sun City, Arj-zona 85373 Thomas J & Robert E Cacchione C/O: FITCH INVESTORS SERVICE INC 5509 Jackson Creek Rd , (.u TOm GrayL^' 29.65 Asp€n Lane|'\Ie*T, C0 81657 p-' L^.f r c trIilliam H Wall Jr , 2600 So Parker Rd Suite 300Aurora, CO 80014 v NLLI'*,B't tt ' 1lt, rt,c/'-,- *\ i.", ', ,.,) tl t (*ur' Sedalia, O 80135 r.^ "*/.- " ./ r 'lol'"X f a-U,J, l_ -) -b-+-t-ua l .1 / t , ,/' /-r L( ') 6,111- r"J ' / L\r/l ,1 .)' A[*u*/tas, /7-, /e'o*,.'.: ""o l30" rr ('.. Uri JuLy 29, L982 Town of Vail Planning Commission 75 S. Frontage Rd.vail , co 81657 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: We, Jan and GaiI Strauch as neighbors of Mark and Marta Cadmus, and owners of the west side of the duplex locatedin the Vail Village llth filing, Block 1, Lot 17, fuIlysupport the proposed greenhouse addition of approximately8 feet by 20 feet to be located on the south waIl ofthe Cadmus portion of the duplex, second floor. l,lr & l4rs Jan Eric Strarrch 2865 Aspen Lane Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Jan ard C'ail: I urderstard that the new deck you have hdlt betrr?een our dtplex r:nits is appro<irnately Ewo feet closer to our property line than generally approved by Lhe Town of Vail zoning . Wlren you apply to the Planning Conmission for a variance for this overage, please advise thern that I personally as the rnost effected neigfibor have rro objections to the deck size or location. Orerall I thift you did a good good plarrrirg the deck ard that it is a positive addition to your house. If I can prowide arry firrEher inforrnation to Ehe Plarrri.ng Ccnmission ard/or the Design Rewiew Board, please leE ne lcrow, =---Sirrcerely, , I H,$-o-r..-c:, (r f f*t(qe- Patricia tl.P. Robbins-Hodge' JlLy L2, 1982 JAN ERIC STRAUCH 2865 ASPEN LANE VArL. CoLoRADo 8t657 VAIL PLANNING COMMISSION DArE July 12, L982 SUBJECT VARIANCE REQUEST This is to request a zoning variance FROM Ordinance 18.58.050concerning the set back requirement for a ground leve1 deck. After constructing a deck on the South side of our house, we di-scovered in an exact site strrvey that our deck is 5t feetfrom our side property line rather than the required 74 feet. To meet the existing setback requirement and redueing the deckwidth by two feet, we would not provide sufficient space for a walkwayfrom the existing stairs to the deck proper. We respectively therefore request a 2 f deck. setback variancg for our rl,ra^-b Fo,m Mt I NZ2 lhe O,owiiq Bdo.d, t.(, 8ox 505, Oo tcs, T.ros box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47G5613 department of community development June 17, 1982 Jan Strauch 188 E. Gore Creek Dr. Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Strauch: It has come to my attention that you have i'l 1ega1ly constructed a deck at ground level on the south side of your half of the duplex located on Lot 17, Resub. of Tract E, Vail Village lith Filing. This construction is in violation of both zoning and building codes of the Town of Vail and must be removed immediately to avoid a possible penalty. This type of violation is a misdemeanor punishable either by fine of not'less than twenty dollars and not more than 499.00 do'l1ars and not more than n'inety days jail sentence, or both, for each and every day the violation continues. I am certain that you do not wish to face such penalty. However, if the deck is not removed within the next ten days, the Town will proceed with legal action. Please contact me if you have any questions regarding this matter. PJ:df Jamar Pl anner tfw'Fr*s,*--..-- LOIVER LEVEL oor. -l y'-" 1..' '! l', ;,uv READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ', .,.--.\-./t"t\- AM (,-Py.) BUILOING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FBAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING B INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL F(ppnoveo -CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DArE /J- 3- €3 | rNSPEcroR I# INSPECTIONTOWN OF -4'a REQUESTVAIL q DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES ST.c;.r-./r' /..< 24* -_1 /' ' ' _) ..---- \ / V ..J ()t_ .- I ,_ WED ITHURI FRI\__'_,. / z-. ( a { y t AM ,tY; t'(' s'r,r.r,,:.!.- J1--*- BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FFAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL n tr n (r,*o, (..l. ={ ,', " -') tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING dtRoucH tr EXHAUST HOODS .!{tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIB n tr F)t@l tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor, ftl- 7 (g ] rNSPEcroR i,\z =(r uJ oo@ FI a r.u uJ LL E =e. UJ o- Y//tflfn N I I $ $s F* o c F E Iz =o z z ).J z ozz rll \ F ; .l ) t" I F >z) :cfi s:z - 7;2z= - a. ;, t ;)9-. lr) ol<\l Lf)r--Oo ro (f, (\l N oo rf,1 a4 i (! z o!f co O I(-)z J o- &F(-) rlJ z6 l o- =I = uJlr-z tr L!E E d) 3 t IJJEz 6 o F (L UJo lz uJ o a LU LIJu- L >( L.lt J F z o =f @ a F IJJ UJ 26 f -) z I = NOrrvntvA I I I 0Jl.nl =lol =l +rl(/,l'il 'lol "I.l 'l'ol €l I I :<E = z tr E L!o E uJz uJ >t -T.o =IDN zz Fo- A:f,2FP O 6az>-OOOZ o(L'., ]o-Y z tr = F o-l LIJ(L t-- o@ t a E zo boo zo F E Llt =z aFzze tt=< ^SEG=H=S<tFaaz6lrH9=i;IE:O==JLU =9eEo-xxf;Ii:6SEnikoz< coG(D2)rllllllcol | | | |t+t I I | |titttl 'arhZtdthzz J;iiErgL<i(50()zl^ J<=+sE9tE 9ts3ooo-z<) z tr J faz t!l ?E UJ'r >< o UJ l! o = c J FiIo z E UJf- 3 a z (J o- UJzY(,) IF O) IE Ol r an UI ao @sr (t I& (L F P.rJ(! cct +.'+, rd @ !-o [, la$ cr' ;ccl.[_I r---r ', i 7., r z z ze(D0>z O- Lr .J{xr''\a\= =Fi6d> at E -9o o z E= o;iox. otl o;iE>TF|!clq,tt z F uJ (L I oqrl =rl(\{ rl 1 UJ Eo E =E.lrl o-zo F(J E,Fazooi t_tUtr -et 2 goo gl ^t;l =l=t >l<l >t 3tEI ^lx :t =l<l>l I IL l. I ,',l HI RI <l <l =>(J lltltltl.tl.pt I.nl Icl Iot I"l I9l I>t I.!l Irl I =l u'l'-l llGl atoltoll<l =l rlEl -lGAz J- d 6 (UEo @e x(u c] U' EEa u; z cc) d t-Eir =b2 o(/ E F. Q zo 9z I LIJ zl >d :F)z <o :-< <F Lll <ztL!F LIJz = F(.) uJF T OE J LU J Ern Project Application Project Name: <''i crtl'rrlc'&fuert ..4zy'ei/r/-r,r,'t .3 ,.,lur& ./fi2 t)t'r .C,.a,.{al' .t!t,.t.r',tnt, rsrtd,; )'a,slProject Description: Contact Person and ,-Ja,4 , -.,,4?.V2e* "& t,.'.1 76-:iS r5Phone /7,)a tt rilv/.+"t, <&...-.t.'., g-t:t/m-z .,&.., "6:,1l.Owner, Address and Phone: ''t" 6 /,/j, /1 4': - gnt6;o: P,)b -"/ {./5 <-) Architect, Address and Phone:'dr*.fr':t '?*.i',-.k ","/ dcJ 476? -33t 5 Legal Description: Lgt '7 Comments:Re/ qt tE tr.lr^ t;& Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: Town Plan .r,h3"" Approval a department of community developmentbox 1O0 vail, colorado 81657 {3031 47Gs613 February 5, 1982 Mark Cadmus Box 1105 Vail, Co]orado 8i657 RE : DRB Submi tta'l of 2-5-82 Dear Mark: At the February 3 meet'ing of the Design Review Board, your submittal for a greenhouse addition of 48 sq.ft. was approved as presented with the following stipulation: all reasonabJe precautions shou'ld be taken to protect the tree adjacent to the remode'| , and proper pruning of damaged areas shou'ld take p1 ace. PJ:df \IProject Application Project Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Lesal Descripti on,ro, fI ,r,o"r Comments: Design Review Board Motion by:AEnr.L seconded av, t)fitt+EWJ r;iilomr\:- 6 DISAPPROVAL - O / 4rZcCt++rq..-\ f-+Lkt44EQ nPPrzA,.ttO &7 4<. ,?'LE <{ Summary: 4u t&.AcoV AAL€- P.L€cAvTt n43 s\out-4 4- ,4at*5. El statt Approvat ^/.A.\ r\-li \.., l-.:\\ rh.tirlartlvail _ ,- , Cadmus Home - Greenhouse Flashlng - Ace Roo f ing Three sl-des of greenhouse to have f lashi.ng 1. Top South 2. Front North 3. East Side 1. Top South - CRM product by Grace Co. a self- adhering product - Take off two rows of shakes, CRM adheres to P of sheeting and adheres to approximate 6" of g1ass. New shakes to replace o1d. CRM is a ruberized asphalt material with a Class A Rating. Z. Front North - Counter flashing over bottom course of shingles. 3. East Side - Step flashing laced lnto shakes. Over step flashing will be counter flashing to counter flash the step flashing thatrs golng up. Glass Top: Tvo, one i.nch tempered units, each one consisting of 22.67 square f ee|. Two, t inch pieces of glass with L inch air space, able to r"Tithstand 300 lbs. per square f eet. Normal failure rate possibil-ity. Si.de Pieces: Annealed one light grey units, 50 lbs. lnttn box 1fl) Yail, colorado 81657 (3031 47G5613 STRAUCH/CADMUS DUPLEX 10-29-81 Lot 17, Resub. Tract E, Vai'l Vi'l1age llth Lot Size: 17,269 Allowabde GRFA: 3976 sq.ft. department of community dwelopment Cadmus (t,Jest) 471 sq.ft. 685 sq.ft. 301 sq.ft. 3766 sq.ft. 1457 sq.ft. TOTAL l9 s '1 5-0 Exi sti ng Strauch (East) Lower Level 480 Main Level 1409 Llpper Level 420 sq . ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. 2309 so.ft. lqi&_ 3976- 3766 !.+d sq.f t. REMAINING \l)ql sit/, + ,,/7 t/r,/ \^,/\'\) / I ,*r?"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE 2 -zv- ft*JOB NAME lh2*rug CALLER READY FOR INSpECTION: MON TUES @ t*r* @ @ LOCATION: AdP*, t t*t ,;,.- E .H,EINSPECT| ON R EQU I RED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRIGAL: O TEMP. POWER D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D APPROVED CORRECTIONS: PPROVED ome 2*zr-k- rNSPEcro-R Az E =E uJ oOO o oOo (\l uJ LIJ L|. = = LIJ -'/ry t6f ,elt 4h8h/ # J; tr o E F E Iz Eo ozz I , n JI 5z z 2 $3lt =-7 i_:a" <-..: 2- r;!F;o9i1z - <:<a7- =zz7a?"v riii3;5't!aa :i."<o> *<3 i c<ir olrt rt)a: osf OO rJ) (f, IJ oo o c)o c>c) o sc\\ F = LIJ z o! Y ul C.)z o_ E ollJJ uJ z =l o- z I = z F U] 3g L! z IIJ F o- IJJ z 4J o b, E UJ ) F z 2 l () e.F() l!J uJ z =lJ Iz UJ = NO[Vn]VA lolo lol'(] l= YE 3 z tro- E. o t z UJ )@*>-,i--l:Y =(DGl zz Fo- oxfEP o @oz>- QzrL<oo-.,fo- !? iN z tr l lr-o (L l g(J U F & o- uJ(r * z Eoo z F- E ; UJz ||tIl) lllll ?zg =t-iilg f;3 56-iEpP9= [;E*BEB iPA8fit'|"oZ<dlcaoz=Illltttrttl ,^aztr r1 >- a?3RirHF2 3 =de=<= =EE9r=gEEooorz<) z tr)laz llJ ? Eulr u uJ oo = E t! o- F o z Eul > ./, u.JF z g IU uJzx() Ff\Oc\l cf)I o- F :t<lalo rF= UJ> a:} 6 c) z. z zz coo>z (I L! )..i5\J!J= =F36il> tfn!t = uJ LL uJc F o E o o €, o C) o oz Fo UJ-)otc Ir{l TIr-{l(7'lrl*l I uJF o t =E,lrlo-zo F(JftFozo() ro E(J UJEoo -)a rltltltltttltll-llnlIrl|toltoll<l =t rlEl <l>l IItltll-l| <hlI U.rlI O.lt8ll<l>t Jlal altrl=l .t' uJEoo .J '11 {l(-,ql q t4 atadr EI trl I Il- l" I Ifl cI oa<l{gE lltltl,)lgll-l Ioll =l!t Iot Iot I=l Illqtl Et I,-tl,'l v)l.'-t Pl =l ^ltot<t>l JlEl <lE-l >l 6 F -)+{ H dqIIa.q:t z- LL (u.E oEad an ao-t- -c =.uu {JU' ui =z a (tJ E(u <n l.r)(o @(\l Lr,lEoo = :a!I+r.A U I Ltl a6 L.o z n.\ =FFOz E. F(J t z 2 I LIJ t zl =<z.E --J Zo-O O F Fz ) = Ol,! tlJ E. <F r,.u <zEUJF.nZo J<(Ja9.:H '6 D I tr8tr box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 June 19, 1981 Jan Strauch 2865 Aspen Lane Vail, Colorado 81657 Peter Jamar Town Planner PJ:df department of community development DRB Submittal ot 6/17/81 Lot 17, Resub. Tract E, Vail Vi'l'lage 11th Dear Jan: At the June 17 meeting of the Design Review Board, your submittal for an addition to your resjdence was approved as submitted with the following stipulations: materials to match exist'ing and a'll disturbed areas to be re-'landscaped. t Proiecr Name: +T?A . 'l Q€gt fq v F Project Application Date Project Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Descriptio ^, r, 11 Commentsl Design Review Board Date APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Proj cct DRB SUBMITTAL CIIECK LIST NEI{ CONSTRUCTION Date l. 2. 3.. 4. ., 5. 6. Stamped toPograPhic maP (2 coPies Site plan showing utilities (2copies) Utility location verification Prelirninary title rcport (1 copy) 'Landscape 'PIan (2 coPies) Architectural PIans (2 coPies) _(al1 floors and all elevations) Materials list (l set) Color Sarnples (1 set) Subdivision agrecments appl icable)(if 7. 8. 9. I'IINOR ALTERATIONS TO TI{E EXTERIOR OF BUILDINGS 1. Photo or sketch shorr'ing alterations (2 coPics) 2. Site Plan (2 coPies) 3. 'llaterial specifications (2 sets) 4. Color sanPles (2 sets) 5. Lett er of approval fron condo assoc' . ttt aPPlicable) ADDITIONS - RESIU)EI'{TIAL 0R Col'li'IERCIAL 1. StanPed toPographic survey 2. Original floor Plan (2 coPics) 3. Ncw floor Plan (2 coPies) 4. Sitc Plan (2 coPics) 5. Dlcvations (2 coPies) 6. t)lrotos of cxistillg structurc (l 7. llrtcrial spccifj.c:ltions (l sct) 8. Col or sanrplcs (l sct) 7- _>< -r' 2 sct)>< .rtt t, I I I i 7 -1 - f-. NAME .',IST OIT T4ATIJRIALS OT PROJECT STR.A.UCH I]AUS REi{ODE],ING s LEcAr, DESCRIPTIoN: Lor 17 BLOCKTR,T( li FILING l lth Vail Village DESCRIpTION OF pROJECT 1 . Extension of Sgqth I'Ia11 by 4 f_t to rgplace current -g1;;; -gieenhouse r,r ind e. to orovide covered garbage englosure ! 'fhe following information is required for subrnittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approva I can be given: A11 r,raterial-s- u111 conf irm to current i.nterior and exterior materials : A. BUILDING MATERIALS Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Color cedar siding interior/stucco Fasc ia Soffits l{indows Window Trin Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails F lues Flashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhous es Other PLAN'| i\4ATEItIAi,S (Vegetative, Landscaping Botar. i ca L N a:n'o idat erial s .i licluJing Conncn ]Jane Ti-ears, Sirrubs, and qrr:urt j.ty Sr:ct-::rr.l Cover) Size -rr.o.o4- wood natural rEhite darl', brown/ natural vrir it e / br or.rn metal tr'lo o d darlc b r or,rn cedar natural metaL- .. darlt hrol^rn - .- rnelal- -- --slart. broran - c_ed.ar s_iding dqors - .--npjural -. ( r ern o v e )* -. ,''tr o landscaping ui11 be removed or added i-n this area ! e of lrlaterial shake shingles glass c. o|IHER L4l.r.pscAPF FEATURES (Retaining Walls, Fences, Swinning Pools, etc.) Please specify. The house is alreadlr fully landscdped. Any grass disturbed during conatructlon will be re-soddeal Jan Eric S trauch rN#CTION REQUEST '' .--/,.,'/ TOWNOFVAIL ,., ,, u i? /ol;re' / / / 7 /a t JoB NAME - .--',? v D'-'' r t'!- , ' CALLER READY FOR |NSpECION: Mp,N cct wED THUR FRt pM LocATloN: 2f (.s 1,.,i -- / d t-, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UND.ERGRQUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER O HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED I l INSPE CTION TOWN OF 4\ REQUEST* VAIL it JOB NAME CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: .;) .{ '.j tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEr tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H, TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: .INSPECTOB .. r JOB NAME CTION TOWN OF REQUE VAIL /i sl't'" G DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON CALLER ''t' "--" L ,/ '..TUES WED,) THUR FRI\-.-- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUIiIBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION F\SHEETROCK n tr GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n D FINAL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH D D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n SUPPLY AIR a#t N FINAL - /,OVED O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:7" INSPECTO INSPECTION; TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:M?\r' cnr-r-En TUES 1.Ft r rt. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr POOL / H. TUB D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS ,tr tr D CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED ROUGH APPROVED CORRECTIONS: f, oo-,= {'z'frl rNSpEcroR 'q -4:--.-.WED THUR (FRI ,) CTION TOWN OF '/4. REQUEST - VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING d rrusullrroN D GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL PPROVED COHRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .y€ -Co//e llACK ouEZ /EF/.i INSPECTOR il JOB NAME 'l t REQUEST " VAIL a rnsilctoN TOWN OF DATE CALLER @ WED THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: N TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL VED CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR CTION REQUEgT' d DATE JOB NAME BEADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTIO TOWN I I PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND D BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB o O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -tr_ o;;$t tr FINAL V'{appaoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO t INSPE CTIONTOWN OF a REOUEgT' VAIL JOB NAME l.- a READY FOR LOCATION: crlr BUILD!NG: {roorrrucs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr B tr GAS PIPING d tr SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIH u EI FINAL /4 N FINAL tr APPROVED [/orseppnoveo ---tu,CTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTO (\I C', t- I6t r-{ oz Fo uJ-,oE o F.- c\l (0 tuF o Jz z 'n :uz-< c)o =z cL|r J z& =c)- lrl-\-cl uJ ==t uJ lJ-o UJ o- F c nt Ectoo oa, Ecf E Eo3' ts =Elrlo-z9F(JftFazo() nn ciz F =E lJ.l o- zt @ t= | H<l z z F p F 4- I z ;s6o =ozLk 96SoiFex OP o-/ la t9 l'olsl= lq)l1*l*- r ,') lX = ... l!' lrYN lro =6<rl =e-=<FooDzOs =-E =F?666o r,u uJ<.coE F ii> ZJ3S zE =jH;45 dl ,ol aloltrl {Jl ;l>l z =t! I I -.l1 lJJ d) .1 FoJ .Ft +J.rt 15 at t{ Pa ui zt UJ z. Uj oo = - F6 tr a.4uj <lJ = i o- F- F q)u d +)oo ts tr lf)o(o Xo :.Aul <l-t <l = ol @ rl .Fl F = tr uJ E aa LU oo 1 = =t IL </>U) LIJ o = =lr tr uJ oo )a2 -(L =o uJ Eb F LLJ tsT E E -rO m<F Tfr? szc \ [,F FIo6 JE<o(JF U-.--J UJV E 2? =<zE d6 C) dxOtr 43 E6 E E'i =bi J<(Ja?.:E ET Proiect Name:[-.a.4, Project Application 9l rq^.u^ Date -A olol ,Jio ra Proiect Description:.+:t^ o( S*o,,o (6orvr qln 'J an S^fnqu.LOwner Address and Phon€: L/o.', I 1,,\./h ca-l e ?Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot l-il/. I n 'l '1---.tE U^:lN;'"|tf.Block ' .Fiting na>'^b l/ --U^: I li',':t, Zonei Zoning Approved:A JAi f iat GKra B^i lA;^A I Vv1 .l l/4 ); Design Review Board Date Motion by: ' Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL 4iun a{rF'. 4. V-!;- Zpning Administrator Chief Building Ofiicial \rl SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND RBSIDENTIAL ZONING CI{ECKLIST Lot Area ,|1,trt'1d *rnrr" Legal Owner: Zone District: Height: Setbacks: ' A t*€'(r'*' 'F fRl,f e.{ 17 l &,Lg.l , ttft-Fn tr4(/ Architect: Proposed Use: Hazard Area: Eouals Buildable Area: LOt +'/,Reat2O' + ? , Rear 20', Sides , Sides y" = 11?+ d Actual fiza{ 70- _x Actual 4 Description: Actual 4/1 Required - Front Actual - Front Di-stance Between Builo.ings: Required Actual G.R.f'.A. Allowed: Buildable Area x Site Coverage: Allovred - Lot Area Landscaping: Required - Lot Area Parking:Requirecl + Driver Slope Permitted ,3'Slope Actual Envirorrmental /'rIazard,: Avalanche Flood Plain Slope Distance From Creek Trees Removed Comments: Zoning Approval; Date - r. /oaie q /zs l+g JoB NAME 'ri.' {'i; READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ?€6 MON TUES THUR FRI .-2A ffi pM -it'*tir -:dt-!FF *r TOWN OF VAIL OOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING INSULATION tr GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB .........- tr FINAL ELE trT trF trc tr_ MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR Q ,Jh"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNOATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION C] SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING NAIL O POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELE trT uF trc tr_ CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR Gc Yout z oF Q Fz o Irl2 = I NO tJ.Vn'lVA /\ttt\)"Q rUF = -az- T{G- 6"t z 9 9qn6Flclto;> :z:< o- (J>oFO ;.i __I z , IIJ 9L 6'3 '..<< ul llt z utoz s N k) {- { t-zlll =u, UJ L a: =tr = ollllreO =,2 =ql-- l E , . -t , rr ' I Brandess Duplo< ff'#l'3'. O Resub of WI - II Brilding Permit #il-578 box 1 00 vail. colorado 81657 (303) 1476-5613 department of community development Jrme 15. 1979 To ltlhcm It lvlay Concern: this Oonditional Certifieate of Occupancy will be issued on the Brandess Duple><, East Unit, with the under- standing that all landscaping and paving be canpleted by the 31st of Atrgust, 1979. Your cooperation ln this rntter vri11 be greatly appreciated. If there axe any further questions, please contact nre. 9*"/,- 9,--.o , ru'" Dick Evans, Brilding Inspector I have read and understand the above conditions for a Conditional Oertificate of Occtrpancy. SEAL subscribed and srorn to before re this AL day of U *- ,np . handess Duple< Date lly Comnrsion ?rrlrres *il' 5' 1!80 Brondess-Codmus Reol - Es tote, Inc. P.O. BOX 1105 . VAIL, COLOMDO81657 . (303)47S1450 Aug'ust 3L' L979 l',1r. & l,lrs. Jan E. Strauch Box 1768 Vail, Colorado 81557 Dear !lr. & Mrs. Strauch: yo:r letter of August 28th is very muclr a @rcern to ne. Sqne of the iterns ren- tioned are a ne$t issue; Let re take ycur list ard 9o ttrro:gh each item in sequence. Section I 1. paint touch ups; both lbdd LeRoy ard Len \lcaelaar have stated to re that yol mentioned in cohversation to tlrern that you.l'\tere going to do yotrr ottn toqch ups; ho\dever, if you have changed yorr nind, we will do ttre touctt ups for you. 2. Cleaning of the inside of the hor:sei letter of June 29th of uhictr a copry is attachedr shows your satisfaction wior the cleaning of ttre house. 3. Clean glass inside and otrt; ttre above refererced letter certifies satisfactory cleaning of all glass inside ard out. Section II l. Bar sink; a bar sink had been delivered to your horlse by John V0heeler ard had been refused by yan. we will be'very happy to give yor: credit for the ost of the bar sink wtr:.ctr you.decided not to accept. A crcFy of ttre bill is attached and the credit would be $47,94. 2. Tile in main floor bath,/greenhousei tiis tile has been delivered to ycr.rr Lrctrse and was there at tlre tim of closing. As a matter of fact, Ilodd I€Rq/r vttto was doing t}e clean-up saw the tile in your closet a crctrple of days after closing.- We have no responsibility for items renirved frcrn your house after closing. EVen though ttre tile was delivered arxl paid for alreadlz, we are wilJ-ing to give you a credit of $300.00. 3. Linoler-un replacanent in oven roon; the mexirum allowance ttrat wg wquld be willing to give sirce only a very sna1l area is ihvolved, is $150.00. 4. Formica in kitchen; at closing there was no nention abcut tlle ccunter tcp being scratched and it was not a pait of the escrcrv list. Please keep in nird ttrat your gp,n workrer-r did extenslve changes in the Lpuqe after closirg and we canrFt lssune responsibiliQr for any itens not rentioned before. Mr. & Ws. Jan Strauch August 3L, L979 Page 2 Section III l. Kqls; we are sorry that the house was delivered to you withcut keys ard we will as-k prairie l6gk & Key to supply you witJr keys to your house. ltris item was not mentioned to ne before. 2. Trellis above greerihousei this item has been installed. 3. Chimney fluei the chinrrey flue has been repaired satisfactory and there is no n eed for rePlacement. 4. Snoke alarm qr second floori per attached Conditional Certificate of OccuparEY, a snoke alarm had to be installed on the rnain floor. We will have this snoke alarrn checked and/or replaced if faulQr. 5. Windcn turners; these wirdcru turners slrould have been there for you ard will be delivered verY shortlY. 6. Vent covers for fireplace; vent @vers will be installed. 7. D96r handles; the door handles that are givilg you problerns will be repa.ired by our rnaintenance man. g. pneumatic door cpener; the damage from tlre pneunatic door opener will be repaired. PAVIT\:G B & B D<cavating has a very hectic schedule, hcryever, thq/ have promised us paving foi Septenbe. .ia tn. Tor,vn-of VaiI Building Deparbnent has been notified aborrt it- fn sumrary, the anor:nts agreed to be rejrnbursed by us are: 1. Bar sink $ 47.94 2. Tile in greenhouse 300.00 3. Linoleum 150.00 IoTAL CREDIT oFTBED: Sg9Z.4 Ttre itgns thah we have agreed to repair will be cory*eted during the npnth of Sq>tenber. Ycr.r have a beautiful hcnre and I wish you a lot of happiness in it. Sincerely, .// -t ,4_-./,t ,/./ .q44)e[(rc /L2-2-4. [.eo Brardess cc: E*nurd H. Drager, Attorney tJdil EmIe Title V6t.tt. pittersonAuilding of f icialAcrrpn of Vail Jarres M. llr:lligan, AttorneY oo department of community developmentbox 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 August 7, l..979 l,{s. Marta Cadrrus Brandess-Cadnn:s Real Estate Box 1105 Vail, O 81657 Dear Ms. Cadrnls, Enclosed is a copy of the ConditionaJ. Certificate of Occupancy that was issued on the West Unit of the Bnandess Duple><, LDt 77, Blod! 1, Resub VVI - II, along w"ith a copy of the letter sent to you on July 10, 1979 aslcing for yor:r inrediate attention to this problsn. fnsofar as you have neglected to respond to the corple- tion date of any of the IrEnDs we have sent you we will be forced to take appropriate legal action as is outlined in the Uniforrn Building Code utrich is adopted by Ordinance #36. If we do not hear frcrn you by August 13 or the project is not ccrnpleted by Augrrst 17, we will proceed as outlined above. Thalk you.z4_ Steve Fatterson Chief Building Officj,al Ercl. cci Jan Strauch Box 1768 Vail, @ 81657 oo department of communaty development' July 10, 1979 Ils. I{arta Caftns Brandess-Cadrnrs Real Estate Box 1105Vail, @ 81657 Dear l4s. Cadmrs, Erclosed i.s a copy of the Conditional @rtificate of Occtpancy ttrat was issued on the l{est Unit of the Brandess D4rlex, Irt 17, Blodr 1, Resub WI - II. Our records in- dicate that the conditions stipulated in the Oonditional Certificate of Occr.pancy harire not been corplied with, a.s ttrey should have been by June 30, 1979. These itsrs must be conpleted irnrediately or the Toln of Vail wilL take the necessar5r action to insure that all i.tqrs are colrpleted. Your inrrediate attention to these itqrs is required. Sincerely, box lfl) vail. colorado 81657 l3o3) 47e5613 Encl. cc: Jan Strauctr Box 1768 Vail, @ 81657 tIJ.. \'G).Uo{hc-P- SonJa Justice hrilding Departrrent SLIBJECI: tot 17, VaiI Vi11a9e llth Filing SELI,R: Leo Brardess PURCIiASRs Jan & Gail Strauch REFEREITICE: Escrcrv,red Funds for "Iten6 to be ccrnpleted for or before July 16, L979.)l DATE: June 29, 1979 West Half of tot 17, on Itre following escrowed items have been conpleted to our satisfactiqr: No. 3 - Clean all glass in and or:t.$2s0.00 lio. 4 - Clean inside of ho:se, ircl-uding pa.int on radiators. $.e - \ac-l d"b.'s pJ.k - rlr' i g.,"J'i^1 Fr{rO. +gso#aoo.""r Tt ct it/ rtror, Zprrr4.=- /.r/,u.. 2.1 &/..A-. 7.--. azL 6-2z Izg 72o."- .zolu y'-yt,u."2 y d-/> otv .itr.-.-. c^Ze-u) -----+ORIGINAL INVOICESRANCH Orf lcts AND wHsE.s. 623 E. MURDOCK 316'26?-1177 wlcHllA', KAN' 67?01 (t) 32lO S. KANSAS 913'?67'04'lrl IOPEKA' KAN 6660l (2) WEST tulroN x16'27 6'g223 GAROEN clTY. KAN 67816 (31 28 WEST AVENUE D. 3t6'663'll l8 HUICHINSON, KAN 6750l (') 228 BRYAN PTACE 105'67?'3301 DEt clTY, OK[A' 73115 (5) i' llI tc rRADE 79 o e5O t'Idf I lliGH.rl't RL AVUN COLdRADU:L dl62c 5.u0 J :r, hl'tLtLEkr I973 l"l0 VAIL CL :L_ to orDt13 urJtnt t PIPLR FT'UIJTAGE RT) a 1657 J 3^ratt olota cll^tct, A cli^lct NOT txcttDrNc I l\ { o. t, 2o 2o If YOUR ACC'T. IS CURRENT I rxrs tNvorce ts PAID 8Y DEDUCT YOUR BAIANCE AS OF THIS DATE IS I,ISIED BEt.OW tS AN AGEO STATEMENT Of YOUR ACCOUNT CASH DISCOUNT out D^!t ^l'lo C S* or5COur..',l rl A}'rlc^tll 5lrvrct ci^acl aDotD orJ t^ltt. ) 0,6 out r-ou*rs , BO4 OB 46.540r65to 5IP}-LL5L5-L 15 JAYTOT': SK h/FT tftli'ltl',Ttli'I$',flk Hr. & Mrs. Jan E. Strauch Box L768 Va11, Colorado 81657 Mr. Leo Br andes s Brandess Houe Buil-ders Inc . Va11, Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Brandess: August 28, L979 Much to our surprLse today I discovered that the escrort account for the West Half of Lot 17 lterns 1-8 had been removed. We are certaln you do not realize what actually has occured, es- peclally after receiving f rorn you the wonderful ivy as a ltelcome to our nelt home. For which I would like to thank you. But we are concerned as I am certain you will be after an outline of what has actually not been acconplished. We are also conceraed about the lack of personaL attentlon to conpleting agreements orr a house whlch lre spent Ll4 ot a nLlllon dollars of our investment Potential. Vail eagle Tltle stated today that you would not remove the sums escrowed until the Jobs were completed Ln a workmanshlp 11ke manner and a letter of certlficatlon signed by you was received to that effect. They recelved the letter; but the Jobs are not comPlete. Mr. Brandess, I think the ttwool has been pulled" over your eyes and I hope you have not pald yourttworkuen" (whoo I have rarely seen) for said t'certlfiedrcompletedtt 3obs. To this date we are requestlng the following: l-. Paint touch ups: escrowed amount 9200.00. No paint touch ups at all. I{e are requesting $200.00 to com- plete thl-s J ob . 2. Clean lnslde of house: escrowed amount $350.00 The lnside construction clean up rtas negltgible other than mlnor sweeplng and debris removal prior to carpet lnstallation and soue "cLeaning" of radlator paint splatter. A few of oy friends can attest to the constructlon clean uP lte had to personally Put our hands to before one dlsh could be put a\tay or even to see the color of the kltchen floor! We are requestlng $250.00 of the escrowed amount for our labors. 3. Clean glass lnside and out: escrowed amount $250.00 The skylights are at thls point in a vlrgin state of constructlon crud. How could you certify that glass had been cLeaned if you had even glanced momentarlly skyward. We are requesting $l'50.00 to conplete cleanlng of glass. -1- Out of the next flve items I am requestlng ln advance the followlng: 1. $150.00 for the bar sink whlch we purchased ourselves. Z. $600.00 for tlle Ln rnain floor bath/greenhouse area vhlch I have located from a suppller ln CalifornLa even though all 1oca1 suppli.ers st at ed a shlp date of November. 3. $300.00 for the linoleun replacement in oven room. Ordered by us and recelved and to be installed at a later date at our exP ens e. 4. $1000.00 for formica ln kltchen. Since I plan to put in ceramic tile, please give this allowance. If this is not acceptable please replace all scratched f orrnica surfaces and I w111 forgoe the tiLe idea. In addition there are a few ltems as yet unattended to yet pro- nised by bullder to complele ans we feel are not unreasonabLe and long overdue for a $250r000.00 home. 1. Keys for all locks QI TtelLts above greenhouse (bui1t to our approval as construc- tion to date is unacceptable) or replace all glass to Town of Vail safety code. Requirement for C.O. -<(3.) Replace t not repair, chinney f lue. Requirement f or C. O. Install smoke aLarm on 2nd f1oor. Requirement for C.O. And repalr smoke alrm on naLn floor whlch reacts when Jennair is used for cooking. 5. Metal turners for all wl,ndows. I at least would llke to open the wlndows in our new hone before winter sets 1n. 6. Install vent covers for fireplace. The open holes are not very pretty. 7. Door handles in 2nd floor guest bath, maln floor bath and guest room fall off when placed in hand. Eubarrassing and dangeroua wlth snal"l chtldren who accidentally get locked 1n. 8. Pneuuatic door opener on door between Zatage and Daln floor re- moved but unsightly holes left in door and wall. llust be re- palred or r eplaced. -2- The above repalra I presume total eecrorted amount due us $200.00 paLnt touch ups $250.00 lnstde conatructlon $150.00 glass clean up $150.00 bar slnk $$000.00 ttle ln naln floor bath/greenhouse $300.00 lLnoleun/ oven room $1000.00 fornlca/kitchen/ rePlacement and lnstallatlon $2650.00 Total amouut due us The amount left ln escrow ls $1500.00 excludlog the paving (whlch I presume you have scheduled to be coDpleted by LolL6 179) Therefore $1f50.00 |s due us by check from you and no more esclolt aEounts are to be released unless by our approval. We are extremely concerDed that we do not have a PerDanent C.O.i that you have not taken any personal concern in conpletlng to our approval a home of this value; that no one ln your ernploy or aa- yonr repr"sentatlve has 'concerned themselves to complete the Job to atryoDers satlsfactioD; that rre are requesting Personal atten- tion by [one other than Leo Brandess to the satisfactory and worktDaa llke coupletioa of all agreements on our hone; that ete are questioning how a letter of certlflcatlon vas sent to Vall Eagle Title of Jobs cornpleted rrith out actual certlficatlon by atryone that the Jobs were actually completed and that actlou be takeu immedl.ately on all of the above recommendations. I,l e also hereby request that aL1 eacrowed funds be held per above aod/or uotLl such fuads be approved for certtflcatlon of release by Mr. or Mrs. Jan E. Strauch. I{e slncerely trust that the lists included hereln w111 bring to your attention and concern the state of West half, 2855 Aspeo Lane aad of our dlscontent. Sincerely Youra, CC: Ednund Il . Drager, Attorney Va11 Eagle Tltle Uark and Uarta Cadnus/Brandes Cadnus Real Estate Steve Pattersoa/nuildlng Offtcial/ Town of VaLl wl11 be coropleted by 9/L5179. is: clean up The ( ,it't^ J*-aV.'and Ga11'' S trauch oo Brandes-s Dupler< ,';.,-i.-",-. P "Resr:b of WI - II Building Permit #il-578 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47&5613 department of community development June 15, 1979 To lflrqn It lrtlay Concern: Ttris Conditional Certificate of Occr.pancy will be issued on the Brandess Duple><, Wast Unit, with the rmder- standing that all landscaping and paving be ccnpleted by the 3lst of August, 1979. In addition, the follorr'fug conditions m-rst be ccnr-pleted and re-inspected within 15 days of the date ofthis letter: r $rpke alatm be installed by main floor bedrocrn ha11 . Greenlpuse wal-l lid in greenhouse roqn mlst be type that holds 70 lbs. snorry load and safety type glass. -/ Tqporary plWood cover allovable for energency. No occupancy of this rocrn; rnrst be blocked off and pre perly labeled "keep out". " R"pl".. f1u on upper piece. Your cooperation in this natter will be greatly appr+ciated. ff there are any further questions, please contact ItE. I have read and understand the above conditions Inspector for a Con-ditional Oertificate of Occupancv.,/orZ. &'*. Brandess Drplex -/'- ; fl- 74?a- _ /,< - /,a'\i s\:bscribed and $/orrr to before rne this g- d^y "r/^il.Jl6-. lly Commlsslon lrpires Hry. 5,1980 Date |ltl YAL mTB t sANlnTlol DlslRlcr"- "'.Fb-nox Im ^..,-VAIL, @t-ORAm UIof/ FEE CA-CL[.ATlslRESIDE}TIAL I{ATER 8 Oo SE.IER TAP *rrtl NIIG OF IfI,lE OI?IER lrr PI,II C}ECK - ttrl. BASIN & TOILET. (oNe HetJ gATHI /x xEfiRA SINI€ Ft|-L BATH(so'ten oR TtEr BASIN, TOIIST., $i.[)losJ 1.fl ,75 f<- = f "--t 5 2q, 5. 6. 7, 8. 9. 10. z- =.a- .? +- ) ? APAFTI\€NTS dx 2,fl := 2-x 1.00 = rrlltDRtEs ?- x '50 = (peR w.rsriai),E= .6= x,E= x 3.0 x l.tr) rtt x' .11 x1.()= KITC€NS DTSTIdASHERS ICE !{AGIINES SAfiAS mrg oourns & I{ATER rcU$TAT}6 sil{Itt4ltG P@Ls JAc'iIAI CII'TSIDE WATER . 0qtH!.u{ oF oNU RtI BAITS R0os'ls KITCTEN DTSI#ASTER lxllDRtES (I,ISIE WATER T'TAL POINTS x x x5.fr} =x 5.Fzx L,w 1.1 , z q. I I .r 1 I t l ! ffi}t mtt'RitRt m rrA'oit Dt sTRIcr *llil' Yhtr =rae-L t?) ,Gx 3,$ = -@ Lm = _./2, o tNStCflON REOUE$J TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME fl:fiSo INSPECTION: #&Y5=* /'r:err. .2.'n' CALLER MON TUES WED THUH FRI AM PM SrJrLD|]lG:Pt D tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: tr tr tr tr tr D FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRlCAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED )RRECTIONS: . E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED or;:e 5- /4 -'fo rNSPEcroR DATE READY FOB INSPECTION: CALLER TUES WED THU v INSICTION REqUEST TOWN OF VAI tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED JOB NAME LocATroN: L6t-t-\ tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH /WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL EI FRAM|NG D INSULATION.tr GAS PIPING:'' tr SHEETROCK;NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB tr o tr _ ---=_ /\.- \'< ^ ^_t_ t-/k U-O? OE!-F|NAL " .w^f r: FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr u o TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH,n tr tr EXHAUST HOODS {-CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL tr FINAL TNSnECTOR box 100 vail, colorado 81657 {303} 476.5613 l_iltrntit::iS I-tr4t1 ex lr1^^! I t-.: .a-IIE:' L UIIIL *=*tor=*rf n Building Permit #e-57{ ftO - /i6i-.' -d4 \. t\.tl department of community development Jrne 15, 1979 To lYlrqn It lr{ay Concern: This Conditional Certificate of Occupancy will. bej-ssued on the Brandess Duple><, IVest Unit, with the under- standing that all landscapjrrg and paving be corpleted by the 31st of Augr:st, 1979. In addition, the folloring conditions rnust be ccm-pleted and re-inspected within 15 days of the date ofthis letter: $rpke alarm be jnstalled by main floor bedrocrn haIl. fGreentrouse.wa[ f-id in greenhor:se rocrn rmrst be type \ that holdslTO lbsi snow load and safety type glass. )Te4orary $lyvdd'cover allowa.ble for ernergency. l{o /occuparcy of this rocn; nn:st be blocked off and pro- fperly labeled "keep out". Beplace flu on upper piece. Your cooperation in this natter will be greatly appre-ciated. If there are ary fr:rther questions, please contact IIE. f have read and understand the above conditions for a Con-ditional Oertificate of b,anpancY r./4a.2 &".-t 'EAL ...L Subscribed and svorn to before me this /Su'' arv '/G//1 (r.z*7.- Notar5'Public }ly Conn:::ion 1;res ll:v. 5. Ig30 -.k DATE READY FOB LOCATION: ' til]lcnoN REoufsr VAIL -P*2'-- ..4 weo -+ffi-)psl 7a ffijteu OF tr JOB NAME INSPECTION: MON CALLER TUES BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDtr D tr o tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEEL D tr tr tr tr o ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFBAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK GAS PIPING NAIL POOL / H. TUB FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FINAL O APPBOVED CORBECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR JOB NAME MON CALLEB TUES rNs:cnoN REeuEs.T ,-Jo,+ (-1. ru.,t- \-:L U..,\" .',/.-*\/.F\wED inu^ @ aiil) PM DATE READY FOR LOCATION: TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER 'ltr FOUNDATION / STEEL o tr FRAMING INSULATION O GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr POOL i H. TUB O FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING T] ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr_ tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR rNs TOWN REQUEST DATE JOB NAME /. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:------:y BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr INSULATION D GAS PIPING O SHEETROCK NAIL D POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr BOUGH tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL D FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPBOVED REINSPECTION REQUIBED DATE INSPECTOR rnilcrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL DATE JOB NAME _ CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: ^ MON TUES WED THUR FRI tr DISAPPROVED AM PM OCATION:<-)(\ /') Le pr S;flJ\e.^+- 'U,,4, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING o tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL EL tr tr tr o ECTRICAL: TEMP. POWER M c tr tr tr ECHANICAL: HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: E REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE , INSPECTOR tN*crroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL t., t',,.'l- ! n DATE INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: WED AM PM BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D ROUGH / D.W.V. _ tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATEB . D INSULATION - tr GAS PIPING -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB -T'1 -- tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHAN]CAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR -r't T1 - tr FINAL tr FINAL ,EI APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ' DATE INSPECTOR DATE REAOY FOB INSPECTION: LOCATION: ITTTICTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED THUR FBI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr tr tr tr FRAMING INSULATION GAS PIPING SHEETROCK NAIL POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL - tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH n D tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR :!r:-WF"'fFt''rFry? - rrrrlHlcrroN neouEsr TOWN OFf VAIL CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL .jl, ELECTRICAL: n rEup. PowER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED ..1 lh. ,rlrf./vril OO rNsr=Crlb* TOWN OF FIEOt'E€T VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHen n panrrqL LOCATION R EADY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE FRI AM PMMON COMM E NTS: flnppRovED n uporu ruE CORRECTIONS ! orsnpPRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: I nerNSPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rNseecfGru | :: TOWN OF FIEOI.'EST tVAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME . ,t-- | RECEIVED ." , AM PM CALLER ! orxen MON COMMENTS: E panrrnl LOCATION. TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ! appRovED fl upoN THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS .E orsnppRovED El"nErNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR rrusre.ib* /11. t--y.1.- t",, ]-'t t,,nr FIEEL,EET vArL ' DATE TIME necerveo .X,., j,.: Ar,l prvr ! orHen JOB NAME CALLER E panrral READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON COMMENTS: TUE FRI AM PM ffi nee RovE D E orsepPRovED fl nerNSPEcr El uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECT| ONS ..',).. -,.,,./'/', ---121- INSPECTOR DATE rNsrefib* TOWN r\E FIEBUEsiT VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAIVIE RECEIVED- AM PM CALLE R florHen n penrral LOCATION READY FOB INSPECTI ON WED THURTUE FRI AM PMMON COMM E NTS: ! appRovED ! uporu rne CORRECTIONS ! orsnppRovED FOLLOWI NG CORRECTIONS: U REINSPECT DATE INSPECTOR rNspE6|llrv TOWN FIEGlUEEiT ':"..:) '' -r "F OF VAIL r-/J oarc ?,/ t // 7 I JoB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CA n ornen MON COMMENTS: ! pnnrral LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ;"i:,a' i/ ;r /:. ur L, t__ AppRovED : ii..,,.,:,..., n DlsAppRovED i1 ,, ".rt l.{'. LI UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS fl nerNSPEcr I ( .'. - t',. "<,r'4"e a t2DATE INSPECTOR -..--4b'imitNo.0101411 VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT WILL NOT BE TAP FEES HAVE D IN FULL. NAME OF JOB LOCATION AND LEGAL OESCRIPTION GENERAL CONTFACTOR lnrn E PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR Lrc. No. Lrc. No. Lrc. No. MeterSizeSIZE OF TAP:Wat6r NUMBER OF UNITS ', / g (x$6oo.0o1=p,meu.1 s616sit1atr-2-7f * 2Ag3 DarePaid &" e*'dr* Finance Dir€ctor 8l.tg. D6pl.-Whito; - Watar and Sanilation - Gr6€n: - PublicWorks - Canary; - Contractor- Pink;- Accounling - @ldonrod -u DATE {:.' TIME RE n orxen t;rNseehru FIEEUES..T TOWN F VAILo "'---J8P.NAMt EAq""lgi CALLER - n pnnrrnl READY FOR INSPECTION WED Loclrtol - t-l THUR Saee Rov E D florsneeRovED fl nerNsPEcr n uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS DArE i l/' .i,l ,i' -7{---7- ---7 INSPECTOR aju;.- . ,.,!.1 ,. FIEGIIJEEiT VAIL LJ oTHER cfi\lrO pARTtAL. READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: WED Qi D-xfi Rov E D ! orseppRovED ! nErNsPEcr El-r:ioru rHE FoLLowrNG coRR ECnoNS: CORRECTIONS DArE ,1,:; -*)2 ''-.,> t' r\rseetoru TOWN OF FIEOUEsiT VAIL DATE TIM E JOB NAIV]E RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orHrn O-MoN n pnnrtal.LOCATION R EADY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE AM PM rF.> f \corvrvierurs, , fl\.i-L r+\\ --.- \) \-\\ L_l APPRovED q \^^^^!:'^")"' t---lnraaL-I DISAPP ROV E D FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E neTNSPECT t; WoRREcrloNS ) q N DAT E INSPECTOR .oo rNseltroN i i4?.t. ...s' : ! .!! r .'. _ 1-r. a.t-"?qttY, 2-FIEEUE€T .ta TOWN OF VAIL I.I OTHER MON COMMENTS: :- JOB NAME PM CALLER n pnnrtau READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR DATE t'rr*E*o-F-j"3--d FRI /AMiPM \t fJnppRovED 9qsnPPRovED fl uron rHE FoLLowrNG coRBECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS EInerNsPEcr t ,/--",-0 rNsPEdloru TOWN OF ')FIE(lUE VA.TL . -fo , 2,-, ra;'g1glg ii ,t: , i;' | ,/ 't' JOB NAME l'le { 'f"li ll,i*; ' .l JttTIME RECEIVED r1 t-lo AM PM ":.F ! ornen READY FOR INSPECTION - *\ tA' CALLER t? E pnnrtnl. LocATtoN -'14 ..i.. ,'.i - ", t., WED 1 THUR l'-. }/ "-.-* ....ii.-",.'\. FRI .' ./AM,,'PMTUEMON COMMENTS: \E APPROVED flotsAPPRovED E nerNsPEcr ! uporrr rHE FoLLowlNG coRRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS ,- .:-,:- ..:: .' INSPECTOR