HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 TRACT D LOT 2 LEGALLDI- Yt*.rt .t to"&'b vv i(L- TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Item:05100 o6/oe/tse7 06/16/tee7 Item:05400 o6/oe /rss7 o 6 /tt /ree7ftem:05600 06 /oe /Tee7ftem:05500 o6/oe/tee7 o6 /25 /tee7Item:05550 06/0e/7es7 06/17/ree7 o6/t7 /!ee706/20/lee7 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JoBSITE AT PROJECT TITLE: CREEKSIDE RESIDENCE NEw (sFR,p/s,DUp) pERMrr permit, ALL TIMES *| 897-Or47 Job Address: 2865 ASPEN LNLocation...: 2830 ASPEN COURTParceI No.. : 21{1-034-04-007Project No. I PRJ97-0087 Status. . AppIied. Issued.. Expires. TO Clean-uB approved smount l,rumd*tBt nwe \/1 e-r Factor Sg. Feet I SSUED 06/o6/rse7 06 /2s / |ee7 12 /22 /tee7 Des cript ion : NEW PRIMARY/SECONDARY APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Occupancy DwelIingsPrivate Garages Table Date: 0s/7i/t996 F i rep lace lnfornation: Restricted: Y lnvestigation> Ui Lt cal. t----) SHAEFFER CONSTRUCT]ON P O BOX 373, VArL CO 81658 SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION P,O BOX 373, VAIL CO 81658 HOVERSTEN PHILIP 1183 CABIN CIR, VAIL CO 81657 Type Zone 3 V-N Zone 3 V-N t37.02 36,2t Subtotal : - 002 VaIuati-on 754,432.72 2L,472 .53 775t9O4.65 775,904,65 813,000.000 #0f l.lood/Pa t Let: 5r506 s93 6r 0ggTotaI Valuation: Town of Vail Adjusted Valuation: fOf Gas Apptiances: 1 fOf Gas Logs: 1t*****t*tt*i*********i*****************************)t***lrttt FEE SU|'|HARy Buil.ding-----) 3,592.00 Restuarant pl.an Revi.tr--> Ptan check---> 2,331.AO DRB Fee-------- ************i********t*************************t********** .00 Totat Catcutated Fees---) 7,83O.7O 400.00 Additional Fees---------> .OO 750.90 Totat permit Fee--------> 7,B3O.ZO 7 .A3O .7O . .00 750.00 Paynents 7,830.70 BALANCE DUE----t****it**************t***********r*t***************************************i**t**t**t********************************************* DAN Action: APPR Division .t) , t" Division Division Division N/A Dept: pUB I^IORK PLANS TO PUBWORKS PER LARRY P Dept: ENGINEER Division PLANS TO TERRI SEE NOTICES SEE NOTICEStitle rept ok .00 Recreation tee----------> 3.00 Ctean-Up oepos i t--------> TOTAL FEES----- BUILDING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: NOTE ' Deptt BUILDING PLANS TO DAN Dept: PLANNING PLANS TO LAUREN. PLANNING DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: NOTE LAUREN AcLion: APPR FIRE DEPARTMENT CHARLIE Action: APPR PUBLIC WORKS CHARLIE Action: NOTE CHARLIE AcIion: APP-R ENGINEERING CHARLIE AcLion: NOTETERRI Action: AppRTERRI Action: CANCTERRI Action: APPR Dept: FI.,RE I I, t*****t*****t***************************i******************************i*****t***i*****ff********tr*******************i************ o See ndge 2 of this Document for any conditions t,hat may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fitted out in fuLL the information requ.i red, compteted an accunate ptot P[an, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compLy ]rith the information and ptot pl,an, to compty with aLt Toun ordinances and state taws, and to buitd this structure according to the Tolrn,s zoning and subdivis.ion codes, design review approved, Uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town appl,icabl.e thereto, REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION PAGE 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS OF APPROVALPermit #: 897-0147 as of 06/25/97 status: rssuED******************************************************************************** Pernit Type; NEW (SFR,p/S,DUp) PERMITApplicant: SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTION Job Address: 2865 ASPEN LNLocation: 2830 ASPEN COURT Parcel No: 2101-034-04-OO7 *****r.************************************************************************** CONDITIONS***********d.********************************rr*********************************** 1. THIS PROJECT WILL REQUIRED A SITE IMPROVEMENT SURVEY. SUCH SURVEY SHALL BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVED PRIOR TO REQUEST FORA FRAME TNSPECTION. 2. ATTrc sPAcEs SHALL HAVE A cErLrNG HETGHT oF 5 FEET oR LESS, rAs MEASURED FROM THE Top srDE oF THE srRUcruRAL MEMBERS oF r,+ THE FLOOR TO THE UNDERSIDE oF THE STRUCTURAL MEMEBERS oF THE i ROOF DIRECTLY ABOVE.3. FENCTNG Musr BE ERECTED, PRroR To ANY woRK, ARouND ALL ExrsTING TREES AND WILLOWS THAT ARE TO BE PROTECTED. THIS FENCING MUST BE DURABLE, SNOW FENCING CANNOT BE USED! Applied. 06/06/I9e7 Issued 2 O6/25/1997 \ PER]-IIT /I , APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPIJETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDIIr*************!r**************** PERMIT TNFORMATJON *****************************/l.- {J-Buirdine [ ]-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechanlbal [ ]-other Job Name z k I. >r, f /k-sr'tlrcrca Job Addre "", Z6Xa,0 Legal Descripti onz rotl[Z grocklE - ,iri.s //l ,uuorurrro, or,'ners Name: Ph)l llatUsbn Address: ttgg 46;" L;*{-, /"t p,., 47b -gg4 Architectz fu0,,'4q" + ++n.kt\, Addressz bt GorC ?._,.t.e- )riq' IPh. General Descript,i "", Ng.,.t fl*,i ,"lo*,2 , ,^.,* {, Lo-_ work class: gff-uew [ ]-Atteration 1 l-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nurnber of Dwelling Units:L Nurnber of Accommodation Units: e ***** OTHER: $ TOTAL: $ Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: *************************** Town of vait Reg. No.le?- IPhone Number: aa S6SO Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: Plunbing Contractor: Address:Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Mechanical Contractor: Address:Reg. NO. ********************************FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: BUTLDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLUI'IBING PLAN MECHANICAL PELECTRTCAI-T FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: RECREATTON CLEAN-UP TOTAL PERI'IIT FiEIiS: JUT - O ITg-- BUU,DTNG: ifJV " CUMM. 'i:Y. U[i,PlSIGNATURE: T ZONING: STGNATURE: CLEA}| I'P DEPOSIT REFTIND #ry -v 75 3outh frontege road vail, colorado 81657 (303, 479-2L.38 or 419-2L39 rn sumnary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any-""if,-rJ"i, sand, debrisor materiar, incruding trash humpsters, portabre toilets andwot'kmen vehicres. upon. any streerl =ie;;"i;;;;i;y or pubricplgg" or any portiln theieot. -rie rrgnt-of-way on arr Town ofVaiI streets and_.:3"9= is approxi."[.iy-s-it.*iri pavernenr.This ordinance w1r| be.;a.i;irt--lnforced by the Town of VailPubLic works DeDartment. pers'ons found ,rii,r"[ing this ordinancewirr be given a 24 hour writien--n"€i."-t"-;;;;"'=.id nateriar.rn the event the person so notified^aoe= noi---;;;piy with thenotice within the- 24 hour.tir"-=l""iii;,"i;";;;iic worksDepartment wirl remove said rrate;i;i-;;-irrJ"!"i!i.e of personnotified' The nrovisions or [rri" ordrnance shart not beappricable to c-onstruction, ruirt.rrunce or repair projects ofany street or arley or any utilities i; il.-;iiii_"_*"v. To review ordinance Nb. e in fulr-, prease stop by the Tovrn ofVail Buir'ding Department to obtain a copy. rirani you for yourcooperation on this matter. \ TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJEC1r: oftlce of cornmunlty deyelopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORr(S/COMMINITY DEVELOPMENT !,tARcH L5, 1 988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAI, STORAGE 'tv ositi (i.e. contractor, otner) 75 south tronlsge road vall, colorado 81657 (303') 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ottlce ol communlly devclopmerrl BUILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FMI,IE If this perylt requi.res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval,Ensineer''s (.publ ic t:Ilr) review anJ app"ouui ,'i piiri,iini'b.pu"t "ntreview or.Health Departm6nt.review, anl'a-review uy tne duiiaingDepartment, the estirnated time for-a total ;;;i;n;"i"iu[!'u, rongas three weelis. All commerciar fraroe or smal'l) and all murti-fami.ly permits willhave to fo'llow tte iuove renii6neJ-miiiru, requirements. Residentia.land.small projects shourd take a lesser amount or time.'Hoiever, ifresidential or smarier.projects impact the various-uuoue mlntioneadepartments wi th reqard' to- necessai^y revle",-tf,.i. i""j..ii"ruyalso take the three-weef< periJJ. Every.attempt wil'r be made by this department to expedite thispermi't.as spon as possible. - I, the undersigned, understand the pran check procedure and timeframe. r Conrmuni ty Devel opment Department. TO: FFOM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REOUIRED YES ,r/ Date: Cft /q.7 Please answer the following queslionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way permit': ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires lhe use of the right of way, easemenls or public propefly? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site olher than exisling driveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or fencing? ?t B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, stagingI or fencing plan required by Community. Development? lf You answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit' must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit" applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at C9rymu1ity Development. lf you have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Town ol Vail Conslruction Inspec.tor, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above 1) 2) t/ 3) 4) 5) 6) lr/ t/ tre-d" Job Name Contiacto/s Signature 't /a*- Town of Vail 25 South Froncage Road Vail, Colorado 816 57 (303) 479 -2138 PIan analYsis based on the 1-991 Uniform Buildinqf code NoTE: The code items listed in this repolg are noe intended t'o fi"li"q of all possible code requirements in the 1991 UBc' It selected sections of the code' Project Number: PR,J014 7 Address; 2830 ASPEN COURT Contractor: GEORGE SHAEFFER Architect: SNoWDEN & HoPKINS Engineer: MARK MUELLER SEPARATION DIRECTION BOI'NDARY AREA TNCREASE NORTH Property line 85.0 Feet EAST ProPerty line 25.0 Feet soUTH Property line 35'0 Feet WEST Property l-ine 25.0 Feet EXTSRIOR WALi-, FIRE RATINGS AND Table 17-A & Table 5-A Name: CREEKSIDE RESIDENCE Date: June L3, 1991 OccupancY: R3.Ml- Type of Const: V-N Plans Examiner: DAN STANEK NORTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG WALL WALL PROT Ohr Ohr None ohr Ohr None EAST BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAI,I, WALIJ PROT ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None FIRE PROTECTION 85.0 Feet 25.0 Feet 35.0 Feet 25.0 Feets OPENING PROTECTION SOUTH BRG NON-BRG OPNG WAT,I, WALI, PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None comp l ete guide to WEST BRG NON.BRG OPNG WAI,I., WAI-,L PROT Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None bea is a R3 M1" FI,AREA MIN.LIGHT MIN.VENT NO.EXITS EGRESS 2 Aparbnenb 2 l{as ter bedroom 2 Uaster bahh 2 Sittingr roon 2 Bedroom *2 2 Bedroom S3 2 Bath roorn 2 Ha1ls, closets, etc. TOTAIJ FOR FLOOR 1 Garage 1 Mud roorn I Study 1 Living room 1 Dining roon 1 Kitchen 1 Guest bedroom l- Laundry roon 1 Powder room 1 Mechanical room 1 HaIls, closets. etc. TOTAI, FOR FLOOR BUII,DTNG TOTAI, 597 59 .70 598 59 .80 257 0.00 t57 1"5.70 235 23.50 I44 14.40 43 0.00 359 0.00 2390 593 0.00'76 10.00 228 22.80"19L 79.10 278 27.8033s 33. s0 315 31.5073 0.00 27 0.00 84 0.00408 0.00 3209 559 9 29.85 29 .90 1.2.85 | . o) 11.75 7 .20 2.1.5 0.00 0.00 5.00 11.40 J9.55 l-3 .90 15 .75 15.80 I. f U 0.00 0.00 1 Yes L Yes 1No 1No 1 \/aq 1 Yes 1No 1No 1 1No 1No LNo lNo 1No 1No 1 Yes lNo 1No 1No 1No FOOTNOTES: 1) EGRESS - An operable window or door Lhat is required. from this room' The mininun the following. -- Sec. 1204' 1-) The mininum clear height' ts 24 inches 2) The minimum clear widLh is 20 inches 3) The minimum clear area is 5'7 square feet 4) The maximum sill heiqht is 44 inches 2) The nurnber of exits is based on Table 33-A (Dwellings) 3) A mechanical venLilation system may be used in in lieu of exterior openinqs for ventilation. -- Sec' 1205' (c) ROOM DIMENSIONS: Habitable space shall have a ceilinq heiqht of not less than 7 feeE 6 inches. Kitchens, hafIs, bathrooms and toileL compartments may have a ceilingheightofTfeet'measuredtothelowestprojecbion.Iftheceiling is sloping. then the ninimum height is required in only L/2 of the area' - -Sec- 1207. (a) Every dwelling unj-t shall have at least one room which has not less than 120 square feet of floor area. Other habitable rooms except kitchens shall have an area of not less than 70 square feet"' -- Sec' 1207' (b) Habitable rooms other than a kitchen shall not be less than 7 feet in any d.imension Sec. 1207. (c) fr:1lowing conditions : A. Exposed area of an individual B. Exposed boEtom edge less than C. Exposed. top ed.ge greater ttlan D. One or more walking surfaces pJ-ane of the gl az j.ng - 8) Glazing in railings regardless of height Included are structural baluster panels panel s . See exceptl.ons. opens directlY to the exterior clear openable area must meec pane greater than 9 square feet. 18 inches above the ffoor. 36 inches above the floor. within 35 inches horizontally of the above a walking surface. and nonstructural in-f iIl GI.,AZING REQUIREMENTS : ell qlazinq in hazardous locations is required to be of safety glazing material-- - sec. 5405- (d) 1) ciazing in ingress and egr:ess doors except jalousies' 2l GLazirng i.n fixed and sliding panel s of sliding door assemblies and panels in swinging doors other than wardrobe doors' 3) Glazing in storm doors. 4) Glazing in all unframed swinging doors' 5) Glazing in doors and enclosures for hot tubs' whirlpools' saunas' steam rooms, bathtubs and showers. Glazing in any portion of a building wall enclosing these compartments where che bothom exposed edge of the glazing is less tha; 50 inches above a standing surface and drain inlet. 5) Clazing in fixed or operable panel-s adjacent to a door where the nearest "*po="d edqe of the glazxing is within a 24-inch arc of either vertical edqe of the door in i closeil position and where the bottom exposed edge of the glazing is less than 50 inches above the walking surface' 7) Glazinq j.n an individual fixed or operable panel ' oCher than those locatj-ons described in items 5 and 5 above. than meets all of the SMOKE DETECTOR REQUIREMENTS : A smoke detector is required on the ceiling or wall located in the corridor or area giving accesa to sec. 121,0. (a) 4. A smoke d.etecLor is required on t-he ceilinq or wall STAIR REQUTREMENTS : A stairway in a dwelling must The maximun rise of a step Ls area. - Sec' 1210' (a) 4' A smoke detector is requir:ed on all stories' -- Sec' 1210' (a) 4' rf the upper level contains sleeping room(s) ' a smoke debector is required in the teilinq of the upper 1evel close to the stairway' '- sec. 1210. (a) 4 smoke d.etectors are required to be wired to the building's power source and shall be equipped wiCn a balterv backup' '- Sec' 7210 ' (a) 3' Detectors shall sound an alarm audible in at1 sleepingr area of the di'teLling in which they are located. -- Sec. l'210' (a) 4' OCCUPANCY SEPARATTON: Between the garage and the residence. materials approved for thr fire constructlon are reguired on the garage side onLy and any doors between the garage and the Jesidence are to be a self-closing 13/8 inch solid cored'oorora20minutefiredoor.-.Tab1e5-B&Sec.503.(.t)exc.#3 aC a point central lY each sleePinq area. in each sleeping be at least 35 inches wide. -- sec- 3305' (b) 8 inches and bhe minimum run is 9 inches' -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc. #1provide a handrail on one side a stairway 34 Lo 38 inches above tlre nosing if there is 4 or more risers. -- sec- 3305' (i) provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches. Minimum heiqht = 35 inches, maximum opening size -- 4 inches ' -- sec' I7L2 ' (al exc' #1 The minimum headroom is 5 ft.- 8 inches' sec' 3305' (o) Enclosed usable space under Lhe stairs is required to be proLected as required for thr fire-resistive constructlon.Sec. 3305 . (1) SHAFT ENCL,OSURES : 1) Chutes and dumbwaiter shafts with a cross- secEional area of not more than 9 square feet may lined on Lhe inside with not less than 26 gage galvanizedsheetmetalwiLhalljoinbslocklapped.Theoutsidemustbe t hr construction. All openings int-o any such enclosure shall be protected by not less than a self-closing solid wood d.oor 1 3/8 inches thick or equivalent. - - sec. 1705. (f) 2) Gas vents and noncombusbible piping installed in walls passing through 3 floors or less do not need to be in t hour shaftss '' sec. 1706. (c) 3) Shafts for gas vents. facLory-builb chinneys, piping, or ducts that do notextendthroughnotmorethan2floorsneednotbeinlhourshafts. - - sec. 1-705 . (c) 4) A11 oEher shaf t-s are required to be encfosed in a t hour assembly. -- sec. 1705. (a) ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS : For R3 occupancy- -tfti. proj-ect witt require a sile improvement survey ' such survey shal1 be submibted aid approved prior to requesL for frame inspection. All crawl spaces within the Town Of VaiI are limited to a earth to structural floor ceiling height of 5" be earth floor only' be ventilaled as per UBc 2516 (c) 5 t^rith minimun access as per uBc 2515(c)2 and maximum access of 9 aq' ft' Any building site wibh a slope of 30 degrees or more shall require an engineer design. Such design shal1 address drainage' soil retainage and structural design. Excavationbelowslabsongradeshallnotbeperrnittedwibhoutprior approval. Address nurnbers sha11 be posted plainly visible and legible from the street'. For MI occupancY Slope garlqe iloo. to a1low for drainage to oulsicle to provide a ftotr drain with sand and oil interceptor to dry well or to sewer' Any garage floor drain connected to sewer must be approved by Eaqle River slater & sanitation District' In garages wiLh tiving area above, the walls of the garage wiich are bearing the area above shall be protected with one hour fire resistive construction- UBc 503 (B) ' Town of Vail 25 South Frontage Road VaiI. Colorado 81557 (303) 479-2138 Plan review based on the 1"991 Unif onn Buil-ding Code Pro j ect Number: PRJ0147 Address: 2830 ASPEN COURT contractor: GEORGE SHAEFFER ATChiTECT: SNOWDEN & HOPKINS Enoineer: MARK MUEIJLER Name: CREEKSIDE RESIDENCE Date: June L3, L997 occupancy3 R3, M1 Type of Const: V-N Plans Exaniner: DAN STANEK # SHEET IDENTIFICATTON CORRECTION REQUIRED 1 Exterior surfaces with sbucco shall be provided with exterior metal lath as per UBC 4705 wibh 2 layers of paper, Windows and doors are required to be aaequacety flashed(not with just screed mebal) ' A lath inspection is required prior stucco applicabion. A bathroom is required to have an openable window or a mechanical ventilation sysEem. -- Sec' l-205 ' (c) A room musL have light and venbilalion directfy to the exterior, or share liqht and venLilation with another room. To share, I/2 of the area of the conmon wall musL be open and unobsbructed'' -- sec' 1205. (a) Tn bathrooms wiLh a tub or shower and in laundry rooms a mechanical ventilaLion system connecLed direcLly to bhe outside shall be provided' Bathrms which contain only a $rater closet or lav' may be venbilated with a recirculating fan- UBC 1205(c)' Domestic clothes dryer exhaust duccs shall be installed as per UMc 1104 and 1903' Flexible duct connectors may not exceed 6' in length and shall not be concealed within construction. Ducts shall terminate outside the building and not exceed 14' l ength . Healing and cooling equipment located in the garage shall be instalLed with the pilots and burners or heating elemenEs and swiLches at Least 18" above the floor level of the garage' UMc 508' Furnaces not listed for closet or alcove installation shall be installed in a room or space havinq a volume at least 12 times the volume of the furnaie. A boil-er unit will require a space 16 times l-arger than the boiler. UMc 504(b) r-0 1l- supply a mechanical drawing indicating design of "yri... size (BTU and vol-ume) of equiprnent' vent iocation and termination, and combustion air to be supplied prior to any installation' Gas piping shal1 not be installed in or on the qt"";ta- 11116". "ny building or structure and exposed ias pipinq shali be kept at }eas! 5r' above qrade' rJMc 2213 (b) The garage must be separaLed from t-he dwelting by thr iirelresistive consurucEion on the garage side' -- Table 5-B & 503. (d) exc.#3 The door between the garage and the dwelling j-s ieeuirea to be a 1 3/8 inch thick solid core or 20 minute self closing door. -- sec' 503' (d) exc'*3 At eaves and valleys an adequate underlayments shall be provided to protect a structure from ice buildup and water darnage. Two layers of felt solid mopped to sheathing and between layers or a cornmercial water & ice shield rnay be used as per Table 3281' Any building site with a slope greater than 30 degrees shall require engineer designed drawings ' Avilanche areas shall require such engineered drawings also. Drainage and atruchural integrity shall be addressed by such drawings. Include a copy of the soils report for bhe site to be buitt on' -- Sec. 2905- LZ r-3 PO Box 373 Vail. CO tf658 fire e1 FAX GEORGE SHAET'FER, CONSTRUCTION CO. Dsc: 'IIO ^ 78 Nunberofpgcs irchding corrcr rh"ar 3 f,mn: Mirch Srtr{. Phone Ylffl?g-%ll Faxfup: nil+7Fg6ll REI||AIK|: u Urgcrc E Foryorurwiglu E R4lyASAp l_l plcasecooncot a7:rx fu-,3 isPo#.^ * '+ c,.tle rc2""rf=! rd.;r it* t"Ey l.Id urez -la 6- k,p",Q fiy tte T*.,^ 'F &,/ Er;il3 DePrfn {I 282t Aspen Court Vail, CO 81657 8-; the mj muelter co.. anc.rJAi.i I ts,m /'e+ t'4 7 Janua4/ 1998 Itr, C?alg snordon Sf,ONDON & EOPf,INA IRCEI|BCT8 ?o1 @ro Creot DlvcVail, Colorado 8LG57 subject: Structural Inspectlon CREATAIDE REEIDENCEIot 15' flct Er llth FfllngVaIl, @Iorado Ibar Craig: At tbc requc8t of tbe Torn of vail Building DopartDent, thl.s off,ioehar condluctsal a vl,eual Lnrpcctlon of tbe conpleted rough frarnilgfor thg abovg referenccd proJect. s€€ sttuctural plana andslr€ciflcatlons dat€d 3 irune 1997 and revfuod 30 Junr L997. lltrefollowl,ng tt.erE are to be noted: a) TIEIL SooRDINAIED PRIilIltG CHAllcEs 1) Itsllgg XilBERS-Seo fugs K/S3 Revieed El€vatlonE aEprspat€d by SIOnDON-EOPKII|S ARCHIIItsSTS dated Z-3o-97 andra apptsyed by tbl* otftca. 2, VE'REAIAIT D_EA}i-2-VIJ | 3/4 r a4 beaE in ceiling of garag€uas repoaltloned beneath 4-2x6 roof qolrrnn- aboie analncroarcd to 3-VL 1, 3/4 x 14. Nortb bearlng poilt lssupgnrted W l./4" nlate Bactrll€ relded to steel -lcan nerplar. See fradng change betos for south bearlng poiirt. 3l SErIIFoncED coLUuN-The 3-2x6 corunn at the south bearlngpolnt for tlre beau above raa penetrated sitb - tfidiarctcr !€r.r rine- rtl" penetrf,tron ilsilired that thesolutn be increaaed to 7-2i6- bl INSPECTEIOT nEouESTS lddrcee aD ltens refer€nced on .rxnapection Reque€ta, asprcpared b!, tho Tosr of val,l Eulld,lng *lnrtoent. ft chould De understood th€t thls offlce yaa not present at theslta contlnuously durlng the constnrciron jiJ"il-s-, -;a clvil arEhit€ctt ral and sructrral errgineerirg o p.o. box zl+l vefl, coforado gl6sg 476-2627 4rpz637 lFgxl IL /,t ftrz^ tt Tl/<,,' /t o Erg. 2t|r. GraLg anqrdon7 Janury 1998 conaequentialllr, rgraDle to verlfy tbat every single congtructlon ptoooga wae co4rlatad aorrectly. Houever, dus to the frequency otthc gite inspcctlonc, and conatant coordlaatlon tittt tlre gensral'sontfrctor, uag gJDle to verify corr.ct plac.nent of the fra,tlngfnerberB and coqrllance ulth tlre structural plane andcpccltlcatLona. csultlgtlon of tbo lteua u€ntioned above wlll conpfet€ th3 rtlnrcture ln accordance rlth tbe intont ot tbeatnrctural planr and apacLfLcatlona. ff you hava any qu€ationa regarding thie inepection and report, or tha balanc. of tbs project, pleaee contact thls office at tha phone nunb€r ahorn on the clover eheet- cc3 Ur. BarE ,!boraa-cBoRcE SEAEPFER CONSIRUCIIIOIf coltpAtfy $incorely lrourE' llark it. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vAIL, CO 81657 97 0-4'1 9-2I38 P Lumbi n9-----) PLan check---> lnvestigation> t,i Lt ca L t----> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED PLUMBING PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: P97-0093 APPI,ICANT R&RHBATING P O BOX 667, GYPSUM, CO 81637 CONTRACTOR R&RHEATING P O BOX 667, GYPSUM, CO 8163? OWNER HOVERSTEN PHILIP 1183 CABIN CIR, VAIL CO 81657 Description: PLUMBING FOR NEW SFR ***************************************i**ti*************** F€E SUl,ll.lARy Phone: 3035249458 Valuation:35,000.00 ************l**i****************************************ri .00 Totat catcutated Fees---> 659.25659.25 Additionat Fees* -------> .OO 525.00 Restuarant Ptan Rev i ew--> 131 .25 ToTAL FEES----- .00 5. 00 Job Address Location. . . Parcel No. . Project No. 2865 ASPEN LN 2B3O ASPEN COURT 2101-034*04-007 PRJ97_OOB7 Status . . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone: 30352 TotaI Permi t Fee--------> Payment s------- I SSUED 07 /23 / reel 07 /23 / reel or/Le/LeeB 49 458 659 .25 659 .25 ^ **,r******************* ********,t,t** ***********)k*r *** ***r * * *rr**** ****** ir****** * **** *** * illll ll - ?li;;;;;;;;* i iiii** ***, ******i??** * Itelni .05100 BUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:97/23/\992 CHARLTE Acrion: APFR CHARLTE DAViS--Itbm:'05600 FrRE DEPARI'MENT - --- ---oe[t: FIRE Division: )t*********************************************************************r(***********ir*************************************t********* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ********************************i*****************i********************************tt***********************t(********************* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl'ication, fiLted out in fuLL the information required, compLeted an accurate ptotplan, and state that atI the information provided as requined.is correct. I agree to compty w.ith the infornat.ion and ptot ptan,to compl'y with aLl' Town ordinances and state [aws, and to buiLd this structufe according io'trru io"n;".oning una subdivisioncodes, design review approved, uniform Bui(ding code and other ordinances oJ the Town appticabte thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY Af 479-2138 CONTRACTOR FOR HII1SELF AND OI,INER VATL CONSTRU APPLICATTON PERlrrr tt?' f ,) O CTION FORMotrnzf_2H-tfr , APPLICATIoN MUST BE FIL,,LED OUT COI'IPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE AccEpTEDITx***************************** PEIU{IT TNFORI{ATroN *****************************n)[ ]-Buirding [/J-plurnring [ ]-Electrical 1 ;-trechanibal [ ]-other Job Narne: f,;Job Address: Legal Description t otp_fit)* r 61i,Ur< //FL:-'ins)a// SUBDIVISION: P}J,.-L7Z -220 / General Description: ,awork crass: l,fl-New [ ]-Arteration [ ]-Additionar [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling Units, I Nurnber of Accommodation Units: Nlmber and Tvpe of Firepraces: Gas Appliances- / cas Logs_ I{ood/pellet_vtr************************rt********* VALUATIONS *********************************,l BUILDTNG: $EI,ECTRICAL: $OTHER: $ Address: Electrical- Contractor : Address: Plunbing co Rr,QtJr,-t fl./Address: Mechanical Address: of VaiI Reg. NO. Phone Number: <4<' -iZZ{Z- Town of VaiL Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. '..:3Z Contractor:Reg.NO. ********************************FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERI"IIT FEE: MECTIANICAL PERMIT FEE: BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: PLI'MBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: No. /./6-P VALUATION CLEAII I'P I}EPOSIT REFIIND TO: ;ili 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (3o3't 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Read and acknowledged ont/R oftlce of communlty deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED T{TTH THETOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VAIL pUBLIc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any ""if,-rJ"i, sand, debrisor materiar, including trash lurnpst.ers, portabre toirets andworkrnen vehicres. upon any srreetl =id;;"i;;;ii;y or pubricPI?:" or any portion theieof. ftre rrgnt_of_way on aII Town ofVail streets and.59ads is approximateiy s it.-ltt pu*r"ment.This ordinance wirr be strilliy -enforced by the Town of VairPubi-ic works Department. persins found "ilr"[i"g this ordinancewill be siven a 24 hour written ""ii."-t"-;;;;;t=aid rnareriar.rn the event the person so notified_aoe= noi-"""rprv with thenotice within the 24 hour.tirne =l"ci;i;;,"ii""i"ilric worksDepartrnenr wilr. remove said mate;r.i-ii-itJ'^!"pli=e of personnotified. The provisions "r [iti= ordrnance shall not beapplicabre to cinstruction, rniini"..nce or repair projects ofany street or alley or any urilities il a;"-;ilii_._r"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in furr, prease stop by the Tovrn ofvail Building Department to obtain a copy. ttranx you for yourcooperation on this matter. to Pro f EK;Z'7'q? (i.e. contractor, owner) BUILDING PERIiIT ISSUANCE TIl"|E FMME If this permit regui,res a Town of Vail fiire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (publ ic r'ror ks) reyiew and app"ouar ,'a FiJnnrni-b.pu"t "ntreview or Health Department review, un['u-".uiu" fv-iii."ErTioingDepartment, the estimated time tor'a totat ;;;;;*-;,"i"iui!'u, tongas three weeks. f]] cgmmgrgiar (rarge or smat) and a't murti-famirv permits wi'have to follow the above rnentioned maximum requirements. Res.identiarand.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smarler.projects impaci the var.ious-;b;;" rlntion"o !g11rfmgnt1, with regard to necessary review,-ul.ru ;;;j;.;;' r.yalso take the three week period. Every attempt wilr be nrade by this departnent to expedite thispermit as s.qon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the p'lan check procedure and t.imeframe. 75 3outh lronlage roed Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 olllce ol communlty developmorrl Communi ty Develooment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: FE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT" tS REQUIRED Job Name: Date: 7.23 ?7 Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a "Public Way permit": YES ,t' NO ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent access needed to site olher than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right ol way, easemenls, or public property? 7) ls a "Flevocable Right Of Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easemenls or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B, lf no to gA, is a parking, staging or lencing plan required by Community Development? lf you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be oblained. "Public Way Permit" applications may be oblained at the Public Work's otfice or at C9ryryryity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction lnspector, at 479-P1SB. I have read and answered allthe above questions. 1) 2) {3) 4) s) 6) Job Name ignalure 7E?- TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON .]OBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: 897-0138 APPLICANT SABO ELECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, cypSUM CO 8163? CONTRACTOR SABO ELECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, cypSUM CO 81637OWNER HOVERSTEN PHILIP 11.83 CABIN CrR, VAIL CO 81657 DCSCTiPIiON: TEMPORARY POWER Etectri cat---> 42.OO DRB Fee Investigation> .0O Uil.L caLL----> 3.00 TOTAL FEES---> 45.00 Job Address Locati-on. . .Parcel No..Project No. 2865 ASPEN LN 2830 ASPEN COURT 2101-034-0 4-007 PRJ97_OOB7 Status. . .Applied..Issued... Expires. . ISSUED o7 /tt /ree7 200.00 Phone t 970-524-79?0 Phonet 9?0-524-7970 *****************************************************t***** FEE SUl.lltARy ***********************************t***********i**i******* Valuation: Total Catcutated Fees---> 45. O0 Additional. Fces---------> -00 Total Permit Fee--------> /.5. O0 Payments-------- BALANCE DUE---- ************t***i*******************************************************************t*****t*************************t************* Item: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT07/II/I997 DAN Action: APPRItem:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENTO7/Il/1997 DAN Action: AppR Dept: BUILDING Division: Deptl FIRE Division: ******i****************************************************************i*******i******t**************************i**************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *****t**************************************************************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS l-hereby acknowtedge that r have read this aPptication, f il.l.ed out in futl. the information required, completed an accurate ptotptan, and state that aLl the information provided as required.is correct. t agree to compty with tire information and ptot ptan,to comPly lrith al'l' Tot{n ofdinances and state [aws, and {o buitd this stfucture according iittr" rown;"'ionin! "no subdivisioncodes, design review approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town a[pticabte thepeto. REQUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI'ENTY-TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE f ROI.! E:q) A 5:OO PI.t SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HI}ISELF AND OI,IIIER vv ***********************************:l**************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0297 Amount: 45.00 07/L4/97 12t24Payment Method: CHECK Notationt *2879 Init: CD Permit No: E97-0138 Type: B-EIJEC ELECTRICAL PERMITParcel No: 2101-034-04-007Site Address: 2865 ASPEN LN Total Fees: 45.00This Payment 45.00 Total ALL pmts: 45.00Bal-ance: . 00 r* * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *** * * * * * * * * * * * Account Code Description Amount01 OOOO 41313 EIJECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 42.00O]. OOOO 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO . IUIJN Ut Vt{lL LUI'|-ULV lu :505-479-2452 ocT 29'95 tl t26 .002 P.0l I tP?lrcllqlil uta E lrrtrD m our&lsrtr on ![ [l lor! !rU f, ..r.. t.... r*t|r.aar.ii.r r.r.i tll!|l:tt lftlNullol r...t...r.t, t l-adrilne I t-Drrd&ry p(-rrrctrrcar t t'urcrrnrcrr t :loD far; _C TesuleSc'ilob Hdrrur ?A3o As pen (4zl< pt - - ,#,f7 -atq1 --t- Onltrr .t *atttata. to. na.A16-E t g.t D.rortptlolrr Lt_|f ffCol__ ' .-rgunor3 tfrm: ceh.r|l omcrlptlonl norr clr..r 9"{-6r t r-ertr.ttcn i t-orar*., , i*.** t r-oIturb.r ot DurutDg onltrr J.- nD.r or rcouodrdlor }l,t lddat rt ldrlrrllllfehi.tCgtt $ptor.-' ol e-.. ttt lataftttata araa,f,r?rir."_ Jttf*aata.aa*a tttlllnF flDItF pRrr! ttE!firrrunwr niiiii iE; -q-lle8rrrcrl, ggH|t!! rrr: T-lIrEcIrRfCA& tErsnn' t!D! o! ru83Hl tEr - -l cl-l t) !o, ---oltlct uEl arffral..r.rrir .-t r ffiffi,GlIlt-9P iltFOStrlrlllltL DlltrI ttlsl ItlIffit Alctrl|lUtfr EO[tlErttoil!|ntl t-' rtJ lrr*.r rnd rlpr ot ttFqrlrcrrr crr ,tE,.lrns.._ c' L,ogE_ tfoo ,trtr'r'r'tt*trt.."t'trtt*.ii.a*r yrungrcms iaafr..*r***r...rrr s*fr+-- raacrercr&t|z.oo* rrr.$!!r.rrl*i- ffiE[:- .gffi:l ,u;T;.H;;: .rff r r'fft r..r GorBlcsn ryqu8* r...|r.. r ir, lftlrcr!3 P*o.l$f ,--f-t ot rirtl'nvt 4tL> ,/tTr'tt,ry*9 lbona l|stfftl.€trl€rl contrrstoat Sabo glra--1,,.rddnrr: i-n;--d:-'..o# tbua ot vrtl tluutng cqrtr.ctog f 1 7*o r ) V Ston firrDrrr .udreei forrt ot VrllPhom nsrat tlcAqtrlcrl coatrrrstort -, . gorrn o, trttldd!3ta: __.__ Dt=rr F$r=: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9 -2138 Job Address. . . Location Parcel No.....Project Number DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST MECHANICAL BE POSTED ON PERMIT JOBS ITE Permit ALL TIMES M97 -0I29 AT {. 2865 ASPEN LN 2B3O ASPEN COURT 2 10 1-0 3 4 -0 4-007 PRJg7_OOB7 Status . . . AppIied. . Issued. . , Expires. . I SSUED o1 /24 /ree7 07 /25/re97o7/21/Lee8 APPLICANT R&RHEATING P O BOX 845, GYPSUM, CO CONTRACTOR R&RHEATING P O BOX 845, GYPSUM/ CO OWNER HOVERSTEN PHILIP 1183 CABIN CIR, VAIL CO Description: MECH FOR NEW SFR 81637 81637 81657 Phone: 3035249458 Phone:, 3035249458 15,000.00 ,rof Uood/Pa L tet :f i reptace Information: Restricted:fof Gas App t r ances: Valuation: li0f Gas Logs: ** f******************************************************** FEE SUI'lflARy ********************************ti************************ 178. 00 .00 378.00 378.00 ***t*i**********************t*********i********************i*****************r*********?llllli-lli;;;;;;;*iiiiii************ill*** rLem: 05100_FUTLDTNG DEPARTMENT pgpt, BUTLDTNG Division:Q7/24/1997 CHARLTE Acrion: AFFR cHnnlrB DAVrsrtem: 05600 FrRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FrRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONq ARE REQUIREP Tq-CHEqK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.?. coMBUSrroN 4rR Iq BEQ!'IRED pER SEc. 607 br,-'rnu-isei--uMe-.'- --'3. INSTALLATION_MUST CONEORM TO MANUFACTURES- III-SiNOCTiOII'S--ENNTO APPEND]X CHAPTER 21 OF rHE 1991-UM'-.__ -'- 4. GAS APPLIANCEq SIALI, BE VENTED ACEOR-DiNG TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE 4S SPECIFIED ]N SEC. 906 ON-ITIN 1S5T OU'C^.'-s. 4,EqESS TO HEATINE EQUTPMENT MUST COr,lpr,i wrrH--sec.sos-[uo703 OF THE 1991 UMC:6. EqILERS SIJALL EE MOqNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTFTD FOR I4OUNTING ON CoMBUSTTBLE-FilOOIiNG:- --"--' 7 . PEB!4 IT' B!ANq.ANP qqqE ANALYS I q -MJUSi _ SE_FO'STED- ri.i -IICCTTEN ICAL_ ROOM pRrOR TQ 4N TNSPECTTON REQUESi.B. DRAINAGE OF TIEC4AT{ICAL ROOMS QQITAiI.ITNG HEATING OR HOT-WATERgUPPLY BOILEBF $HALI, BE EQUIPPEb_WIIH'A iIi,iJOR' DNAiN..FCN'''SEd.'2119 OF THE 1991 UMC ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl'ication, fitLed out in ful.l, the intormatron required, compteted an accurate ptot llechan i ca [---> Ptan Check---> I nvest i gat i on> i l. L Ca L t----> 30O.00 Restuarant Ptan Review-->75.00 DRB Fee--------.OO TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 .OO Total Catcu[ated Fees--->.00 Addi t iona L tees--- ----->l7E-00 Total permi t fee--------> Payments----- ptan, and state that att the infofnatton provided as required is corrcct, I agrc! to conpty uith the inforration rnd ptot pl,an,to conpty vith atl Tovn ordinancca and state tavs, and to buitd this structurr .ccording to the Town's zoning and subdivtsibn codes, dcsign r:view approved, uniforn Buitding code and othar ordinanccs of thc Tovn appticabl.e thereto. REOUESTS fOR INSPECTIO}IS SHALL BE I'IADE TTIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN E BY TELE SIGNATURE OF OIINER OR CONTRACTON FOR HI}ISELF AND OI.INER AT 479-2138 0R AT oUR oFFICE FRolt 8:00 Al4 5:00 pt4 a Permit No: M97-0I?9. Type: B-MECH MECHANfCAL PERMITParcel No: 2L0t-034-04-00?Site Addrees: 2865 ASPEN LNLoeation: 2830 ASPEN COURT This Payment Total Fees:378.00 Total ALL pmts:378.00 378. 00Balance: . OO**************************************************************** Account Code Deecription Amount01 0000 47372 MECHANICAT. pERt,tIT FEES 300. OO01 0000 41332 PLAN CHECK FEES 75.00__91_lg3g_1T:__ wrLL CALL rNspEcrroN FEE 3.00 *,*Con E ac t I at 970-3I PARCEL /I:t Eagle Councy Assessors ]r."28-8640 for Parcel /l . TOWN OF VAfL CONSTRUCTION PERr'rrr t?7oHZ PERMIT APPLICATTON FORMDATE:/a?4-lJ , APPLfCATIoN MUST BE FILL!*D OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE AccEpTED l* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * PERMIT TNFORMATION **********************rr******tt)[ ]-Building I i-Plumbing [ ]-Electricar fil-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Name: 4'D;r:).,\'rDt Job A<ldresst ,H_fu /J.sD;1-/ (rA Lesal Descripti onz Lotj;l JT:Sii_E_ Filins or{ners Name: C€er?: f Slfl;fee Address: Architect t S'rtlc u ., /l rf-t t /b n/<t w gAddress : ceneral Descriptionz LLVpq-t i?el,c/€.,,tC, work cl-ass: [trl-Hew [ ]-ALteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Number of Dwetlinq Units: /Number of Accornrnodation Units: Nlmber and rvne of Firepraces: Gas Appliances-_ Gas Logs_ wood/pelret_vrt********************************* VALUATIONS ******'***************************,t BUILDING: EI,ECTRICAL: $ oTHER: $ , PLUMBING: $ MEcHANrcAt, W roieri l-Y fi******it**************r****** CqNTRACTOR INFORMA.I ToN * * * * * * * * ir * * * * * * * * :k * * * rr * * * * *'Y:::::l.contractorz (-i€r;/?€tr SHAr-trE,4 &zrvs-f rown of Vail Res. No.--AOqfgSS! nrr^*^ r'..-,r- -- - Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: I'{ECHANICAI, PERMIT FEE: ELECTRICAI., FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: rown of vail Res. No.1!6-p Phone Number: €A-qEE* Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFICE USE ******************************* BUILDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PI,AN CHECK fEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONINGs SIGNATURE: Contractor: CLEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFTIND TO: 75 south fronlage road Y.il, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce ot communlty developmenl ALL CONTR,ACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOI^IN OF VAIL ToI,rN oF VAIL PUBLIC WoRr(S/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH l-6, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKTNG & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunmary, ordinance No. G states that it is unrawful for anyperson to l_itter: !T."k.or deposit.any ="if,-.""i., sand, debrisor rnateriar, inctuding trash lurnpsters, portable toilets andworkmen vehictes.upon any srreerl =i;;;.ik;;i;y or pubticpJ?:" or any portion theieof- rtre rignt-"i-r"y ln arr Town ofVaiI streets and.fg-g= is approximately 5 ft. Lff pavernent.This ordinance wilr be striliiy -enforced by the Town of Vair-Publ-ic works Der:artme't. pers6ns found vi;lalin; this ordinancewilr be qiven a 24 hour wrirten n"ti""-t"^;;;;;:'="id nateriar.rn the event the person so notified.aoes not--"oipry with thenotice within the 24 hour.tir"-=p""i;i;;,"ii""i"fric worksDepartrnent wirl remove said mare;i;i-;;-inJ'^!"p]i=e or personnotified. The provisions or ini= ordrnance sharl not beapplicable to cbnstruction, ntui.i".r..rce or repair projects ofany street or all-ey or any utilities in ttre-rlgili._"_r_y. To review ordinance No. e in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Buirding Department to obtain a copy. tir.r,i< you for yourcooperation on this rnatter. 7-E4'tz (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 soulh tronlsge rosd eail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 oftlco of "orrnunity deyclopmcltt BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TI|vlE FRANE If this perylt lequi.res a Town of Vail fiire Departrnent Approval,Engi neer''s. (.pub'l ic w91fs ) revi ew and approvai,' a pi jnnr ni'bepartmentreview or Heat th Departmiint review, unii'.-ruuiu; ;i"t;i;"driiai nsDepartment, the estimated time for a totar ."ui.*-"ruv"iui.'i, rongas three weeks. fl] c9mm9r9ial (rarge or smail) and ail mu1ti-familv permits wirlhave to follow the above rnentioned maximum requiremenli." iesioentiatand.small projects shourd take a resser amount of time. However, irresidential or smarler.projects impact the various-;;;;" *lntioneadepartments with reqard'to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every.attempt will be Tggu bV this departnent to exped.ite thjspermit.as sgon as possible. -- -"r** I' the undersigned, understand the pian check procedure and timeframe. 9iCrtr;, Projedt Name Communi ty Develonment Department. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED Job Name:_iDate: 7 -24- h Please answer the following questionnaire regarding the need for a 'Public Way permit": ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easemenls or public property? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to site other than existing dnveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easemenls, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right CI Way Permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or lencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? llYou answered yes to any of ihese questions, a 'Public Way Permii" must be obtained. "Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otfice or at Cgmmulity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construclion Inspector, at.479-21F8. I have read and answered allthe above questions. c'R,r;-,Dtr /?eq,J YES NO 1) 2) 3) 4) s) 6) 7) Job Name Contradofs Sig 7 -e<-z> Ia't !R & R Enterprises P.O. Box667 . Gypsum,CO81637 . (303)s24-9458 Con ba*on, A,Q 2^ /A.r kt eguRtE pt'{ ou/huoegg /a/ ua/€('cfr /b'/rK n1+?KEK 3/6,oco Pp,/eR /49# /hAt'L/ f '' flae t+- e'-/" - |t/t--71 I oaS',trtyZ? st//4 I A{'e.€'tb"tl'6"\q' F?o Town of Vaif OFFICE COPY PO Box 373 Vail. CO Ef658 t GEOR,GE SIIAEFFER CONSTRUCTION CO. FAX O The Creekside Residence 2828 Aspen Court Veil, C0 81657 7O,Oo Bt|') Iron: Milch Stuntc 970/.179-961I Fax phonc: 97il479-%ll tEMAf,tr(S: O Urspd O/Forlonrrwicrr E nrpryesaf E Plcascmmment ^Cuku f.d -f /rlrfwil(av*t, . is 4SsQaf , /Su o BrO ,o-/ ' t-,/G t Cr 1tr3 S-Oe/ /ooo."a BTt', d"^L//H# NuilDGr oflagFs incluting cwBr Mt l__ aIlAT/L998 L72gO 3438279222o D(CI{AMEI 4 77-J y's-s-- PAGE B1 FA)( MEMORA}IDT'M 4*'-V. dSsf;fiffi** DATE:/-r q/ A ,/lTo:_ k /( FAX #: - tt -- TOTAL PAGES INCLUDING CO\TER:&-r ///LL/'/4-2- ' ./ 't- a.rrf rf | | +r* * r, * *lr r+++i + r*rrrf r+ra*,*ra*ra{tr,*iF*arat.,*.*.r+f ,r If you did not receive all pages, please calt 920-82?-9623 imnediaely. THE HEAIITH 616PryY(E. INC. Meado,v Mountarn Eusiness Park, Suite D2 .21698 N. Highway 24 . P.O. Ilrclx67O rvtln[rfrn. co,orado 816{5 . 19701 8779623 , Fax p70l g2r-E222 JAN-O5-94 03:39 Ptl SUTTON I HSULAT I ON }IEST:K.9?6 945 66Aa P.9l frrl N , 4 A CASPREsSUNE llllntg.Fla-gg ruppty prrrru,! for puryao ot Inputaqlrrmonl lr i,0 Inoher w. c. natunl ofo jnC tt'fof,iu. c. pfDprne. Urrlmum lnlct gar prrriure lc to.s ilhc;w.c. ndurit gra and 10.0 inaher *.o prop*.. ueniiJJpltetn rhould be lot !t 3.s indrer d.". iitunlgi, uJ10.0 Ino{cr w,c. ptopmr. l!/l-T+ @ mm! N.p.T. ptuggsd tapptng tr proddod onltf ouuol !i(h d.th. gat Contol for a tcrl gouge COnnoc_!fi to mclruf! lhe mrnfiold pr.3u,r. piollbnr murtbr m.dolo rileoh r rert gsug. to r tl!-rncn (r mmiN.Ei. qTqT-Ee.eqg tmm0dhr6ty updroen of rhe $r $ppty oonnccuon lo lhe appllanae lo mrrtuo Inlet p-neeun. ' Il0. Cppil.nac ud lb indlvldual rhutoil velvc murt b!.lroonn.otrd lrom thc gaa oupply ptptng .y3tam dffiarny PIo3!!! tolUng ot lho rptem rt t*r pneeurer tilroero ol tlz pclg (3.r kng. Thb lpplliloc nu.t bc taohird frofi th! gsr ruppty ptp. hg ryrtem by c{o6tng lt! Indtyldual mrnuel rhut.oit -vitrit .lJrlng tny prarrurr bc0ng of ths gl3 suppty ptphg ry]brn.al trtl prlrrurcr lqurt to or lisr then in pdi tg.slfa). E. }IIOH ALTTruOE IIISTALLANON A.O.A, Dorlgn Ccr{lled unlts lle tedrd end spprorrcrttot clwatlonr lrcm G2O00 ,oot CGA crntfted unitiin tttrd |nrl ryp?oved tot ol€yrilonr fron (,.lfE00, Vyhcn Ingtrlliog thh unll at an elevrton Nbove ir(no tfot (ln lhe United Strtcrl lt may be necremry to dOc[sr.lhr Inprrl rsllng by cfienglng the .rFting bumrr odfloc tor rmdhr tlze.. 9lntrOty, Input .horrld b. rrduccd 4 pcr- onl bi rroh 1000 lcol rbovr rra lcvcl, l"lorrrvcr, ti fieh.dng vdu| of tho gat har bccn 6duced. thb genrd n . mry not apply.. Chcck wlttr locat gu ulllhy for-prcprr orlflcc cEc ldrntl0oaUon. tlltrn Inrldllng 0rb unlt lt !n olora on brtrrscn 2000.ilt(l0 fcct (ln Crnrdr) the InFI ratlng mud be rgducld bt t0 perc.nt lurn Indalling thlc un[ sl an rlwrilon abovo 4500 fset (h Oanrda), drooh wlth local authorltirr. Cfirull you? locd g.r ullllty for ulittanco In Celcmln- fre lhc propor odllco io? tgoauon. C. CLEARANGEE Ilnlnum dcanme irom th. fl'rptca tro €mburtibloc at0; orrtStrru lloor eAcK lxlEl rpr EE[.fcfaf O lr', lE t |n. tt. -||0*tntt lllmml (ltmnt (lfmml Ftrmrnt lht top, brd(, rnd rklec are dollnld by lEndofh. Tho !t4_qt*t!, unlt rrretf be ?oc....d ei rra.(E{omm) .!fitoDwFl e d 2tt ttl . lalr nn) .Mod.t SitooDwFL *rR-rorrrcsznorrlczs,N,;a htc comDudlbb conttnrcson. Clornncc to I nmn-doirr wrlt odondtng prrt trc tacr oittrr unfr d r Tnii(?t mm). Mlnlnum doaranosr lo oombufdblaa tb, vtnl DfDc ,roulr.3.Indtc. O6 mm) rl thr top and t.h('| tzs-nimr ai uridtloa rnd bo|lom lor horlzonlrl roctlon Ol thc vint tvr. !n. (llO?E: At rratl llndopr. dnrrmcr rn 2 trz triirr !99,7 fln) rop, I Inch (26 mm) ddo!. rnd trz hch(13 mml bonom. Veillcal or:flonl of wnt rrquln a | -hch (25 rml dernrrcr rll eround tho wnt plpr-. 4 F|REPLACE D|nEilgtot{s, LocAnoilg, AND gPACE REOUIFETIETTE Flgnro g rhowr armgh. of bcailng fh. filtptacl uthlnI rcom md dmrnrtont lor ryacr Equlrrmrntr rnd c-lcgr-l|tcfl e MELA!CDEmwrF|' .t0 ttlll .totra 6ttr Oi,| ro]fL $ 2, S $r c, ,rrtz@UTL IFIE DMEilOC'Nt II{il]{ IN IJ'ICIGB aauaat 1 FRAIIIIO Flnpbce lnmlng crrr bc bullt bcfors or aftor [r findrcc b rl In plece. Fnmlm ahould b, porltloncd to rcom., modate mll cowdng rnd frnpLcf trdlg rmtuil. Thr frrphcolrurlng $ould b enrtructcd of ? X 4lun$crorlrvler, Ttp ftudno hterhrl rt|ly r..t on rhc ltnDhcc anndofh. Rcler b Flgun 4 tor frunlng ratoDnco cmG rlonr. GAUTION: r|EABUFE FIBEPI-AOI DltEilt|Oilg AiID YliIFY 'iAMilO XET}fOD!, A'{D WALL OOYERING DETXLE SEFOFE FRAiIING COI{. SIRUCnOI{ EEStilS. L ,r,oGli: woYtFL WW7L Irl :.t JaH-95-9A 6g.aa Pll N I I:K.SUTToH tNSULfiTIoH l.tEaT 976 945o ,EAt+*il.o n u"go*a*) 666e P.O1 { a c/lsPhttguRt fiilg##if':;'.ii3t'-lffjtrJ,Tgtrilf# u._c. p,Dprnr. Mrrlnum Intct gar pnriua tc ioi ffi;;11:llyqtrp. rnd ts,o incr,ir i.c. p-roiinJ. ffiffi;prrrsn $ouH br rer !r o.! inctor wa--nrtuir i'iliiru.u |rEfttl nc. Pflprna. I tru{{"h (g nrl l{p,f phtEEd tlpptng b p,bvrrhd ontr ourlot ctdr ef.nrr gur ionirfu or i'rddfg; ;;; 31p"111q119 0re.manttold pcr3un. p-rnlfitoni iluir mlol to rilrch I bd Caue. t! r tn_hcnr F mill i.ii,!llg, t$FT tmmcc[tafi upa*r .t ril sr'fi;ilsnnao0on lo lhe appllanoe b mleruru Ha p'necrr-il, Ltr eppuucr rnd |h indMdud rhutof nbr mult b!dl.ocnn.atrd fpm thr grr l/ppty plpl,u ivaim or'niirny pnyE tcrtng or rnc rpirm it ds enmml iirrol$ ol l2 pclg (9.e kpr). Il_94!l? f,ullb: trorrrcd fonr illc sar ruppty Fttrr|l.r}lrom Dy dcdrq lb hdtvtrlud mrnurl rhut oitGtjr3lT :nV pnrerr. b.Ung ot rholsr lrrppty ptptng ry+qn.at ttrt prrrlunr lqurt to or tirr rtrin iE'erti iiltPd. T. IIIOH ALTTruDE IISTAttANOil A.O,A, Dcrlgn Crdflcd unltr tre tsrled lnd crD,ovfrl fo,tlwrllonr trum rl2Oil, flet CGecerrnlerlunifi-.. fiet Jard rpprovrd tot.Lyrllom trotn 0.f6oo, l{hon Inrtrlling trlt unlt rt rn dtvtfon $de Zttro tfot 0n lhe Unltad 8trt.r) lt msy br n.casmry to drcnrccna [Dul rallng by dungrng th. .rhting bunrr odf,o tor.ftrrLr ttzg, Grn.n[y, lryiu| .houkt b. iaduood 4 ocr.a|ll.(rr a&h to00 laol rbov! sr tOvol Howwcr, I helnrllq vdut of tho ear har brcn rod'/ood. 0raii"*iq; tnry not!p{. Chrot wh'lr tocd s!! ufl[ty foiproprrodflo. drc ldrnUlloallon. t{hm-lnlrilng thl. snll rl rn ol.ya on bttwrrn EOOG.lto- t .l (ln Canrda) the lnF4 ntlng mwt be nducrdby l0 D|IornL Whxr hddling thlr unfl ll ln tlcvallon abovo ft00 lesl(h Omrdr), cfisdr wlth local authorlthc. Conrult yow locd e|t uUlfty for rjttgnce In ddrrnln.[t th. propcr odfhr tor looiilon, c, ctEARAt{Cts llntilum deetancr from lhr flr.plror b co,y{urtlrl.. $u outtrylII !LOO! lACf, tlDrl rnP crt.Uaf. 0 1tr ,ut !-lrf tfOtlnnnl tllrttnl tttrnnrf Olnrnrt i[tlrnrl Fr.t0pl !aot, rnC illoo lro doflnrd by gtandoffa Tlrsbrdr of thr unll rn tr bc rocaard !i trz.(lllmrnr . OIntTfL rr,trl 2A i1 . (cal irnt .ffoarr airOOOln'f:r_ Itlolo|lrDsrtDb ondruoUm. C[rtnncc lo I nrDcn-ffiit *tondl'rs pmt rhc d;irfr; u-nrrlfi'ffii Mlnlmum deeirncr lo oomburdblrr br wnt Cp. multes.lnch..(tE mm| rr rhr top rnd i.hh'(6;fii;i-d;ddrl _1ndff tom tor rrortroirrer. rrcrd; ilb;;f# !9. (lfO[E: At rvrlt llnrmpr, onmctt rn Z t2 hch.' !?!'z ttl top, I lnch pa mml ioCr. inc lE'rnrTOi, mn _!ottom, Vcrllcrl raolloru ol vcnt nquhc al-hoh (21 runf clnnrrr rlleroundnrrwmpt;:-"- - 4 Rfi_EPLAC! DttEtrStoNS, LOCAIIONSI Ar{D9P CEREOUnilEing fgltne r1g.nmd.r of bcailntrh. ltoptra w,lttnr mqn rncl Cnrnrlonr lor r6ot raqutrrmrnir rna *nr.Irtla!, mun3t t FR ||NO Fnphor fnnlng ou.bo bult bdop or aftcrht llnphcc h lrl In plrcr. Fnmhg.houlrt br porilonrd to rdoom. 4odar wall oovcrlng r;d finphc. frdt ndnhl. Thc frlphor tnndng dpukt ba a|l|fu.bd ol A X a lurilor ortq"tg E-ti"mng hteder my rd on dro irqplror nrn(h|h. Rrlorb Hgun 't l0rtrrmlng ll fitnc Chtf} ahna. GAUTION: UEAaUhE FtRtFtAoE Dt1r|!'t{ftgNa AilD WiFy tiArtfro rETlfoBf, AilD WALL COYEiIiIC DEru|.s IEFONE FNAililO @I{.grnuclrcilEEOtltt. e \' IOoIL A0orytlt .tl ICDEtta,. ,|ot. Stt Ol,t !ry .! a, ! Jf c, '|tamyTlL t€rE DilEr{lpilt txotytl m $tcHEB JAH-65-9A O3:A0 Pl'l N I:K.SUTTOH TNSULATION I{EST 945 66Sg F- 91 { ,t OTSPhEBSUFE ffi ii['!',#3'.'{"TTJf.l[trffi i,'li,,lilJl I._aqop$te. ulr|rnum Inlot srt pruiun lr io.i ilil;I!:!dyqte* fnd ts,0 lnchir *." p,upii.'.-iirirdii ?f i i*:lly! be__ro rr 3r inohci,t". ;tiift [il;;rrr.s .no|llt w.c. ProF[na. I l/E-T.tr (3 mmy p.p.1 ptr4ged tepptng b provu.d onf.:9:1.rd. cf.pr eu conifu iodi#difgiffi; mn t0 m.lrun tre mrnllsld pn.3un. pi*[tolri ,iuirtr m!& to rrhch rrr:r sausj ro. lll_r*r,ii rinii.iii] C"fg.d- te4hg trnmcCErcly rprr*r r, ril sd'fi;ilsuocuon to lhc rpplhncc lo mluu]t lnla p-rrurrif , ft. tpplti'|c rd [r Indrddual rhutrfl vrbr murt b!ygfrd !'T rh..gl. ,uppry pphc lilil'il;; Ty p,!ry! tsrtng ot th. ryrtrm rt drt'pn$urcr lirroerr ol t/e pclg (!.! lpr), H#,11"H"ili,?lTJ'il$f,'f *#.qTli:ffi Tlf; :|3T rily prurrrn b.Ut|g of rho$r r,rppry ppng qiltn at bd prlrrum rqual ro or tin nin in'e.6 ai;rPd. r. HtoH ALTTruD! nsTA[Anot{ A-O.4" Dctlgn Cadllcd unhr rr: lcahd lnd apgrorr.d fo,rhvdlonr tom Gao00 rler CCeccruneC unt';6;ilmd rpprovcd lor rlil.flonr trom 0.fE0O. tl|hon Indrllloe thh untt.t rn C.ulfon.bov€ zot o'|d ||n lm unitad strt.!) lt msy bf n.catury to drcnunt npd .rllng by dUnglng thc rrirting bumrr orlfio toI tmdef dze. G€nc|3 y, hput $ot ld 5. ,aduord I ocr.sril.bf atch 1000 fool rbovr na lovcl, Honrrcr. lf ltohrrfing vdur ol ttro gar fur brcn rrdud. ha,#.ri* rny no! lpply. Chrot wth toc.l 9!! uil[ty toipronr orllloc dil ldcrdlloaflon, Whrn-lndrlllng $1. unlt rt.n olftrtton bctwrn i00O{t00^bct (tn Crnrdr) rh. hFJr ndq mwibo nC-uaritry t0 prro.nt. $ttwr In tdlin! thlo untl tl il olcvallon abovc {500 lecl In gin!fil. ohgolr tyltft lood authorfli.r, Oontuh your locd glr utlllty for rrJatsfrc. In datfmln. |ng ln. piopcr o.lfiof b? tooaflon, c, crEAnANCls iilnlnum dwrncc trom lhc flr.phoa lo oonrbnrtiblcr lo; outf F!9llI lXEl lacl t!Et! ro! E1LilA!f- o tfli lE r-trr rf-lr0||nnl tltilnl (ltnrnf tltmnt irfrnn, Fr-to] brol, rnc rEcc ilr dcllnrd by rEndofh. Thobrdr ol thr unll ,nry bc raoaar.d !i lra,(ec--r .!firoDwfL 'ftdz16 lla. (r.r |nm, .rrod.t lboo,D\,TFL tf4,t{/".ilo tr/EFL/'CS ffiu4'tl rE a hhlombsdlbla oondruofloo. Glarnnac lo I Dr]D.n. mi* '{ondlns Pmt tht hor ottli; r-nlirii'ffiii Mbtlnum 9!?rnmo lc oomburdbld tbr wnt dp. ,aeutros.lnohorOt mm) d rhr rop end r.hotr (iiffit;-d; rldr_r-nd_bonom tor trolzoirrrt rad; ;, ilr.'vJni# &.''TT,'"SI',1ffi ;'ffi U::::,T',;ffi(ll mn)-bottom, vrndet narinr oivanr ,jqirliill-hch (26 mm) clcrnncr rll emund the venr pld '- - B niEPL/rc! ut!il3to]{s, LOCmON8, At{D3P C!REOU|RltEfia ltry!!.!$" urmd.. of loortfng rhc flroflaor rvlilrtnt room rnd Clmrndonr lor rpror raq-lmmrnjr rni anrt ttat, aaun,, 1 Filtno Flnplroo lnnlng om.ba bult brlolo or rflor ha firrCrcr b rd In pl*e. Fnmho $outd b podtlonrd to rd:om-mdll! rrdl oondng rilt llnphc. hEhg nutuhl. Itr lbrphor lnmlng $ould ba €ndruabd of 4 X 4 lutrlbrr or havlOr: lttlnmln! h'tr|||l nry trtt on tho irrpfrorimdbth. R.t rb Flgur| 4 to?tnfuhg rrlrrfnsr C:m*thna. o u?loN; uE^gui! Fti3pLAo! Dtxt!Nttoil3 Al{D Ylitty tiAmnc rET}foDC, AilD rtALLcovEitNc DfruL8 rtFroRE ;FAiltNc COt{. 'lnuciltoNEEOtNr. e I' I ra$;.:.. I F*t 'l' II-.--- IODCT ^OSWTFL 4T ICDEtlUf ,lolrr D7tr mil nqF_ .l a, r *r c, ,rraruYTFL lFrE o0tEil!|q{t et|oNlil n ncrGB JAN-95-98 03:EO P l'l _sUTToH INSULATION |IESTnt- TltvtYl-- \J_[\. o 945 6688 P.At { A OASPREiSURE fi [il#r,'J.":il3f f f fJ#.,l1g,ffi i,'1,,5i.:u._0. prlpmc. Mrrtnum Inlot crs pruriure tc ro.i ild;;r,c._ftrtunt lra. lnd tg.o indrsr w.c. prupalr.. di;i;prrarn rhoutd bo rer aro,5 incfloirft.;ilftiil;;; 10.0 Inoft* w.c. prqgsna. I lft.ryt (3 mm) N,P,T FtugBod tspptng b prov(rd o,ur odt_ot rtdc of.hr gur conir6l nr i i"jgt,tg; co,lil:rm h nfiruurr trs mrnltold plrrruri. p6ri[brr;;t!l nrrh to ltbah r reC garrga to. t/!_t drEffii i;;plurgcd-tepptng lmmccEr{ rprrem or ril dliltoonnacdon to lhc rppllrncrb mguun hH p-rors,u;;'. Ltr rfilorcr. uC th hdMdud rhutotl vrhr mu|t b!o$onn.drd frcm thr 9!r cuppty prp|m rnfm ai'rriirny pteryI bctng ot the ep'tem * tirr'pnmuroi iinor!. ol lrt plte (t.6 fpg). Ill_q.4!.ltor pult br hohrcd tron thc gar oupptyptp.n_g-.y.tom by olortng ltr IndtvtduNl mrnual rhut'ofr irrifccrrne |ny pr1lrruE b.Ung of thr!trr ruppty gptng ry*brn.cl |rrt pruilr!! rqua u or lrrr flrin iE'p.,i ai;rPd. t flloHALflrUoE trfsTA[Anoil A.O.A Oallgn Crdlled unltr rru terlrd lnd sppmvrd to,rhwilonr tom G2o0O fret Cceonmec rnil';t ailand lpprou.d for llwrilonr from O.fEO0, ttJlrn Indrlling thlr untt lt rn slcvlfon $ov. zmotaat 0n lh| unlt d ght.r) lt may bc nro|tt|y ro c|crr||.na npu idlne _by dUnglng lhr rrLting bunrr odflor tor rnt|br !tzg, Ben|'dlyr ltput rhordrl br rcduord rl oer-anl.lbr oloh t000 tcol abova Hr tovol, Horurvcr. lititohilllng yrluc ol fio gnr har bccn roduccd. fri dn nr|lIr mry not apDly. Chmk wtth tocsf grr uilflt, foiprppuorlflc. ilrc ldrndlloaiton. l{hrn.lnrtrltlng Url. unll rt rn otc}Ltton brtrwrn 2000.{5qr^ |!rl (ln Candr) thc hpu ritlng murt be roducld by t0 plrrnl Uthen In.trllin$ thlr untl rl ln rhvallon tbovc 4!00 loot(h Omt(L), droolr wlth locd Euthorlth!. Conru[ tour tocll g|t utlllty br $ri.t ncc In (hlfmln. ng th. propoi odlh. br horthn, C. CLEfFAitC:rE llntnum dcmmr from thc ltr.ptr0a !o ornourlbh. .lt;qr|| fl ;ttt #9" #ts #- #'r!0latnrt|l ltt'l||'ll flrnmf tttmnl iffrmmt F..top, brdr, end ilhi rro dollnrd by rbndofie Thcbrdr ol thr unll rney bc ncaar.d li tra,(era--r .lmoDlfr|L rnd * ttl .1clr mrnt .iloor rinobinFl tf,,lt*gg' atr2p,Jc|r '1',o',gf,'ril Nca Ittlo.aonhndbh oonltn oflon, Clrtnncc to r oamn. mi"n dttondlns pctt thc h;iitiil r-nrilf iiiii Mhlnum druulcil lc oombultbb. tb, v.nt ptp. ,reulr!r.l.notte..qE mm) il rhr bp rrrd r.h!ft (z5;;t;i-d;ldl_md_uonom tor hortroirrrt rcrtcrl ;iG'ffiir# il''ffii'#:i',ffi *nm; :"T if il:;(lt mm)_bottom, vcildet rcatin-a "oii;ilffil-hch (25 runf cfcrnncr rU rround tho wm pfpi"- - D, FIREPt/rClDlIExgtONB.t.oCAnOilB. At{DSP CEFEOU|nluEth8 Flpn g Cro*r rnmdaa ol hcatfng ha i,tptao. w4filnIroofn and dinrndonr lor rpca ruqulnmcnir mO otesr.mct!, ffi,n?, 1 fn l||ltl0 Fltrpln fntnlng cm br bult bCorp or aflsr ht finohca h d In dm. lnmhg ilould b. rdilon d to ed:orn nroddr rdl qofllm rnd ftt|pho. t|.hg rfrfi|. Tl,cItrplroa fnmlq rhould br oruuuotrd ol a X I brDl ortryF. tl*lt*tn! htEr'|n my ilt on rhr ltrrplu Arn&fh. Rehr b Flguil I foi |nfilhg olg|tnc Cin* aloir. OAllllONr UEAOUnE F|FEF|"AO! Dt|tlNttgt{! AT{D YIiIFY FiATfi{O TIT}IODI, AIID WALL OOVERIIIG DETAIIT TEFOFE FRAiIING OOI{.tnugnoilEEOH!. (t L . r.r*i... I IIr.tE TOOEL ^AmEYTFL .|e TCDEttllt .otr. !!7/! 0!,! !Qe$_ .3 a tJ,t & ?|lamwtt ffirE DUtEr{8pl{8 t}€u$t m titct{EB TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT -I. Permit #-: ,,Egii *iD|79 Job Addressl 2865 ASPEN LNLocation...: 2830 ASPEN COURTParcel No.. i 2101-034-04-002 Pro ject No. : PR,J97-008? APPLICANT SABO ELECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, cypsuM co 81637 CONTRACTOR SABO ELECTRIC 0799 COTTONWOOD PASS RD, cypsuM co 81637 .00Investigation> .00 l.l i l. L Cat t----> 3.0O TOTAL FEES---> 256.00 Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . Phone:970-5 r ssur i o7 /.r1 / ior/o).,,07/0ti' 24-7 97 0 OWNER HOVERSTEN PHILIP 1183 CABrN CIR, VAIL CO 81657 Description: ELEC FoR NEW sFR AND TEMP powER Valuation: 41.,2\i;.. **************************i*i***********************t*t**** FEE SUl,ll'IARY t***********************************************ir*i1,rr+.- , Etectricat---> 253.00 Total. Catcutated Fees---> 256.00 AdditionaL Fees---------> .0O Total. Peroit Fee--------> 256- 0O Payment s-------- BALANCE OUE----- DRB Fee Phone: 97O-524-79 Dept: BUILDING Division: Dept: FIRE Division: *****************************************************t******t********t***t*************************t**t*************************** Item: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT07/LI/7997 DAN Action: AppRItem:'.05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT07/11/1997 DAN Action: AppR **************************t************************************************************i*t******************t*****r*************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *******************tr*********************i***********i**************************************************************************** DECIJARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that r have read.this appLication, fiLl,ed out in ful.l, the information required, conpleted an accurate pt,otpl'an, and state that att the informati-on provided as required.is.cornect, I agree to compl,y vith the informat.ion and pl,ot ptan/to compty !,ith aLt Town ordinances and state [aws, and io buil.d this structure eccord.ing to'tne rouni" .oning "no subdiv.is.ioncodes, design reviev approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabt.e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFTICE FROII 6:00 AH 5:OO PI.I SIGIIATURE OF O$NER 0R CONTRACTOR rOn trrseur n.Ho olrNen --v*l************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Reprinted: 0L/02/95 11:18 Staremnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0370 Amount: Payment Method: CL Notation:1106 211.00 0L/02/eB l-1 :06Init: MAW Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code EP 00100003111400 E97-0L38 Tlpe: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2101-034-04-007 2865 ASPEN LN 2830 ASPEN COURT 211 . 00 **************************************************************** Total Fees: TotaL ALL PmtB: Balance: 256.00 256.00 .00 Amount 211.00 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 'ndacl Eagle County Asgeseors , 970-328-8640 for Parcel il. CEL ltaot -e3.1 . !29: oo1 . l-BuildlnE [ ]-Plunbtng tb Nane: C-zntdz S.tr rlc^<r- lgal Description: Lot :chitect: Of ftce TOI{N OF VAIIJ CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLTCATTON FORMDATE:Jz:39!:!_ PER}IIT I APPLICATfoN !flrsf BE FIIJL,ED OUT COHPLETELY OR IT l.tAY NOT BE ACCEPTED i***rr************************ PERIIIT TNFORI.IATIoN **************ir************** p(-nlectrical [ ]-Mechanibal t l-other itob Addr€eez !-865 r7spc.,n La,a'- Block__ FLllng sunolyrsron: - - _._ Address:Ph. Addrees; ph.3?a.L'_! lneral DescrJ.ption: par^r Rc-srdz,,.hz.. l _ rrk Clasg! t>{-Nerr [ ]-Alteration t l*Aaldltional [ ]-Repalr I J-Other rrnber of Duelllng Unlts:I a Number rmber and Type of FlrepLaces: Gas Appllances * * rt * * ** * * *** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * ** * VALUATI ONS 'ILDING: T I'MBING: I * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * * * ** * * * * * t * CONTRACTOR INFORMAI'IONrllg!€11 Contractar: Ge,",quS &t ae-Kr- 1.,,r,6't-,dress: 7,,.>.B.. 3-?3.-----r ulaii-c-a- ectrLcal Contractor: Sa-b." €-le</..c dress: olqq c unbing contractor: drees: ,chanical Contractor: .dress: 'II,DTNG PERMIT FEE: UMBINC PERMIT FEE: ]CHANICAL PERMIT FEE: EI.ECTRICAL: I MECHANICAL: I of Accontnodation Unlts: cas Logs_ tfoodr/Pel,let *********i*********************** OTHER: I TOTAL: I ** ** ** ** ** * *** * *** ** **** tr** lown of Vail Reg. No. Phone Number: Reg. NO. ******************************FOR OFFICE USE *** ************ ******** **rr **r* rl* To$rn of Vail Phone Nunber: Town of VaLl Phone Nunber: Tolrn of vail Phone Number: Reg. No.a?6:11 fG3-=g-3D-- Reg. NO. ,ECTRTCAL FEE:,HER TYPE OF FEE: ,B }'EE: BUIIJDING PIAN CHECK FEE: PLIn{BINC PrAN CHECK FEE3 ITIECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUrI,DTNC! SIGNATURE! ZONING: gIGNATURE! .EAf, ltP DtPOSrr tttonp t{l: LEarEi9ra( o F XUE orr ,.. EE6D o F F T|JlrIE ;DH I 6 Ea! 'to oc,c oct F o d F o o c FF F 3B.o.,lJ F EE A( Hi5fi8 F!.Hooe86E H!t2I frL s40.!it ol't q EOClHB? 6E8 iAF'FI. E:E g ora !0!qB ocoo E alr BE&oEII aFII{ Hlia3 F9 D FJts6r2{5 11 I o EA F. F'HA oofr:A EIc| !oli e HE H 2o ? HErl-(tEX EEI E"H 40ct 4C)B 6' llatp IJ ET FI l.!Eo FIc 3 ETE FI oo Eo F Fo Irp - ETE4 4(,-ETOF'EEEAArI 'REpTl3t O3/a3/94 tDg:€tO REGUESTS FOR Aetivity: tr97-00t93 Address: 3865 AStrEN LNLocation: P83O AStrEN COL,RT Paree I : 8101-t034-(t4-QO7Description: PLUMBING FOR NEtl SFR Applicant:R&RHEATING Owner: HUVERSTEN trHILItr Eontraetor'! R & R HEATING TONN 0F UAIL! COLORADU F.ftGE INSFECTION WORK SHEETS,.FOR: 5/ Sfl$ AREA: CD_______ ''it -__:_____5/ 3/98 Typer B*F,LF1B Statusr ISSUED Constrr NSFR I Occ: Use: trhoner 3O35249458 Fhone: F,hone: 3t035E49454 Inspect i on Req tre st ReqrlEsl or: MITCH Req Time: t?llOO Itens request ed to o0eqft trLME-Final Infornration..._ SCHAFFER Comnentsr PBEB be Inspected.. ASPEN COURT F,hone: 479-96 11 Act ion Com nent s Time exf Inspection History..,.,It em : CtOglO trLMB-Undergr.onnd 07/e4/97 Inspeetor: LFV' Notes: NO SflND TRAF'Item: OAaeA PLFIB-Rough,/D. t^1. V. At/@e/94 InEpector: ART ItCM: AOE*5 FIRE_SF.RINKLER ROU6H Item : 0Ag3Al trLMB-Rough/l^later AI /AE/94 Inspect ot': ARTItem: OIAPAO FLMB-Gihs Fipinq AI/Q?/98 Inspector: ARTItem; OrAi:50 FLMB-Foo1,/Hot Tub Iten : etete60 PLMB-ltlisc. Item I tZuAPgO F,LtrlB*FinalItem: 0ra53B FIRE-FINAL C/0 Act i on.: J ,jlf ,.t!Action: Act i on: AtrRR '(l t AF,PR I t AtrF'R Act i on: AFrtrR i bnvlrexr oARAGE DRnrN. air teEt 5*/15nin OK air test lOO#./13nin Ol{ air test l5#/15nin OK' It l t REPT 131 T0HN OF VAIL, COLoRAD0 pAGE lA3/A5/9A Qtg:OO REQUESTS FOR INSpECTION WORK SHEETS,FURT 3/ .ygg AREA: CD I' ,*===========J= == ==== ===* === = === = + ===== = === =Activity: M97-E1E9 3/ 3/9A Type: B-MECH Status: ISSUED Constr: NSFR I Address: e865 ASPEN L"N Locat i on : ts830 ASF,EN CUUhT Fat'cel : PlO1-O34*?t4-nA7 Descniption: MECH FOR NEh, SFR Rpplicant:R&RHEATING Ownen: HOUERSTEN trHILIF Contnaetor': R & R HEATING 0L-c! Use: Phone: 3O35E49458 Fhone: F,hone: 3O35E:49458 l I Inspect i on Reque st ReqrrsElor.: MITCH Req Time: lZtl:€lO Items r.eqr-rested to tzroSgra MECH-Final Inf or'mat i on. . ._ SCHAFFER Comment s: 3618 be Inspected.. F,honer 479-9611 ASF.EN COURT flct i on Domment s Time It*{ _-:] _vi*rh?, _Jffi-ffi*etr__ - - - -rrZF- ril s :fierao64: ::-_- - - - - * -- I nspeet i on HistoFy...., Item: tZtO?rZtO MECH*Rouqh Vt/VE:/9A Inspector: ART Item: OIZIEEF FIRE-SFRINKLER ROUGH Item: tD{tE4O FLMB-6as F,ipinq fr7/e&/97 Inspector': ffRT I.tem: tZtta3 1O ltlECH-Heating It/'eg/97 I nsoect or:' CD Notes: IOO F'SI ZONE 1rlOA Item: IZIOSEO MECH*Exhar.rst Hoods Item: OO33tl MECH-'Sr-tpply Air' Item: EUr34tZt MECH-Mi sc. A7/ES/97 Inspectolr LFV V7/34/97 Inspector': LFV Item: OO39O MECH-Final ItEM: OIZIS3g FIRE_FINAt. C/O _-__-:------------t Action: AFfR I ftlEcx-Ror-tghrl i,lr. ,1.d i Action:'NR Not r'eady for insp. Action: AF1FR IN FLOOR HEAT LINES F,SI ZONE e, 1ct0r F,SI ZnNE 3. lrAA FsI ZON Act i on r Af-'[-'R CAL.L I N FOR ELECTR I CAL. ACt i ON : AF.F.R APF'ROVED i -{|l*,. b F 5 e.e e:6b:B ti li; 'bOg.= O E l, €teE i€iii$sE glss;B € *i€gHp{a;;€ ETP5Els,€ {.E r F EE"i;iE' ; e *.E€ Eif;EE2 v,z E 4.8 w HHs aDY.o) z E*. 3 lr at) .t) F CD F lr P (J X I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I qrl UIg 'dl ol ?l -fr1 a El trt FIF,ll I I I ti li b .E CJ E (iI (gz b., a)3: T't xtr EE. .:l u6.E bo $5E!ji9.Y tr=v g{sgeF iE =:ih^*5*7e4FP rlE=v €E:tgE e, 19,qe90H;E tr ': ! fl9P rn ijg9.8 f"E: flrd--aH:l'E sag 9 ;rbii -'(a'i i6 {r.98H, aJ ra o! .9'tpFE 6 EE3 o: .Y EF F FOz A F=qp C)Ue Eo rd (,-lr- U EF+ F*tH O :3. ;lsr-l SSE N F"+ES .P r{ E co s$sfi !.r s-F ^*€EEs.S*AgSs q BSR^tEqs 9ps sE'S k =sF tt)ct, t{ (- I{ 3 Qrar$0€EcoG REt T 131 TOt^lN 0F UAIL, COLORADO F,A6E 16 fi7/e4/9E O7:O3 RE0UESTS FOR INSF'ECTIFN I'IORH SHEETS FtlRt 7/u4/98 AREA: DS --.*---*;Activity: 897-O147 7/lE4/9A Type: B-BUILD Statr-rsr I$SUED Constn: NDUF Flddress: P865 ASF'EN LN Locat i on: P83{t ASF,EN COURT F'ar.eel : ElOl-O34-.O4-OO7 Descri pt i on: NEIJ F,RIMARY,/SECONDARY AppI icant : SHAEFFER CON$TRUCTION Owner': HOVERSTEN Fl-lILIF, Eontr"actorr SHAEFFER CONSTRUCTICIN 0ce: 0rrZr{r7 Use: V N F'horre: 30tJ84556'55 F,hone: F h on e : 3OJ8455656 Inspeet i on Reque st Requestorr lrlITCH Req Time: tltl:OO Items r"equested to qr069cr BLDG-Final 04f54fi BLDG-FinaL C/A Inspeet i on Hi st ory. . . . .Item: AtZrSO0 F,W-Backfill Inspection Item : Aqt5qrl F,iJ-Temp. accese/dra'inaqe It em : rZtASOg PW-Rough grade Item: AA5AJ FLI-Final driveway grade It em ; 6c'glltzl BLD6-Foot ings,/St ee I A7/Q9/97 Inspector: DSIt em : Ctralag0 BLDG-Foundat i.on/€t ee I td7 / I4/97 InsDector: DS It em : fi0serl FLAN* I LC 5i t e F Fhone ! 744-9AeJ CALL NITCH - 748-9883 Act i on Comments Infor"mation.... Comnentsr WILL be lnspected,,.Time Exp Al/Ve/SA Inspeetor : AL/Ae/94 Inspector.:Iten : A0e'34 BLDG*Fr.aminq Al /Vte/98 Inspect or": FIRT O1l19/9S Inssecton: CD Item : tztorzriel BLDG-Ins'-rlat i on At/@9/98 Inspector: CD -F,ROVTDE FORE[r,nOreCrrON RROUND ELECTRICAL FflNELS IN OtrCUPANCY SEflC€ATION WATI3. BETI,JEEN GARAGE AND DI^IELLIN6 - ENGINEER IS TO F.ROVIDE STAMF.ED F.LNNS FOR REVISIONS TB: an MIN IC Action: AFFR Ftction: AFF,R Act i on: NO Actionl AFFR Action: AF,FR AF.F.NOVED AF,F ROUED r ILC ROUTEN TO DOMINIC AF.F'ROVED per' notat i ons : OF ILC AND THENotes: OFFROVED CONDTfIONAL UFON AtrCEtrTANCE FOLLOWING CORGCTIONS: -F.ROVIDE FIRE IBLOCRING IN ALL HORIZ. & VERT. SPACEb _F'ROVIDE SOLIS FRAMING IN AREA ADJACENT TO ENTRY DOI]R -REVISIONS OF THE ROOF TRUSS 5YsTEM -REVISIONS FOR METAI- BEAM IN 6AR':IGE_FREHIN6 COLUMN F.ENETRNTED BY 3" CAST DWV F'ItrE -VERIFICATION REOUIRED OF LISTING PERMITTING INSTNLLATION OF NON DIRECT VENT FIREF'LACE IN MNSTER BEDROOM Notes: FRAMING C0RREtrTIONS MRDE EN6. LETTER AND PLANS TO FOLLONIt em; 'ZO|A6er BLDG-Sheetrock Nai I QI/16/94 Inspector.: CD Action: AFPR AF,pROVED Itern : AA?rTQ BLD6-Miscr;..-P:.*----!t-e+-- EBr?9& PLS6-Ei n* I - I t em : ra0530 BLDG-Ten.pr..- q"1'.B Item: ArZrSSa F'W-TEMF. C/A REF,Tt3l TOt^tN OF VAIL, CoL0RADO $7/?4/94 O7:tZt3 REOUESTS FOR INSF,ECTION hJORK SHEETS FOR: 7/P,4/9A Action: NO ENE REPORT RECEIUED Act ionl AF'FR APF'R0UED f----J:---t F.A6E L7 AREA: D5 Item: 40533' Item: OO337 Item: Oqt539 Item: OOS4tZl PLRN-TEMF,. C,/O F.LAN-FINAL C/O F'W-FINPL C/O BLDG-Final tr,/O rl$ P.- B. ?\h;L f$tct\?. br{fuca DF\o IeDeL\tr\\n lpDe rc r\6orrR> v br:rm.,r 5t c{.D :DEV 6o.)e,D CGeu\ef 0€B'oe ./ uJ Jc anfof Eo2o z Fo =i!55:i i ! ! y=J 3 ? = a=er E: =:.i:;r?. ii.ti"-:: i ; 1=c c:i 'c- 2 e4;- 2,zi=iii7a=a.'.i a'. iI E :Ei il l:i i i.= .i= = =;.E::izi7i= = t - --= t .!r.:!=: € a i _r i+ --. i=; c-- -ii E 5 : :iiz=z? =! !:;?; EZQ4.:i_rr 0&l c) zli H Fl H H FT z l-{ CN l-{ H rJ) c! ts Ff z Fl z \o @N g fi Jz 4-t € E = a\ .; l) t- I I I\ol r'.)l ^l\Ol z == (rl I& d I I I I I I I I I I I I I I -rlrdAoi =l4Ir-{l<lHI F-{z Fi(/)i ElIfrl I I 'i € o f zz fq vz z kl rrJ (1 laLqrrH rr l- 5x;x\kr- R_€= =dia\av)/,^i\z"v-z= rl.l l- F3?q.-P rl l{J \J-<,.r-.26tE ..<F<=oz ao or z -'.J F- F*lll<F:i-sEo;<lszEx>Qv9BSI:r5trEX\ ,.'' l.t',l E*o> dt€3 r-F:X\JFNV l\ rr ( =F>oy SEFF ,r'tFY: i53F- *fFrXr. P -f-t{-ff.6 *a. FR ttfts(E aiFaEtrrt.4,H -F -lr:faF it{ {F\sv r-a{FI(F? -trl|e tF\aaLIiF-tad *F{Fl{Hf\EY fHtl g. *rf Ef-|.Pif{ flJtlrthA. € ro oz ==t UJo- \o q U' uJ Lul! E =Eul @quklte o c \f c -+ba \f cn ct) I Irn Jio p u) 6 Iu,l F\F? -oJ6t4 ot >.v4= =< llJ EoF e.FI =o (,zz ulFoz oz 6J dl .! =z tr IIJz!o ul1. oz tl' r!o:I E t! GoFo EF4oo tr TE uJz B tt ut F E Q) -94t(g\ .9 (E enoFl o€ o t,(yo E o oE o E (E ooo o) .gI dl CD al,o uiotto(, .9 .9 .=E.o5q, E (! o) .E oN6?\]oF 0) o o) E oooq, E =o =o .9 =Jo o Ec6 g; '6 E6g'=g)(,, g8E co[,.9; It{)c;.= (!!fc e 6Ptr-o e:5:€f< >= c96'- o, -c 3E; EE-seOO --= o eos;q: c.Y- d c\(! cL $EEg)- o =€:E6:EE Eo6= EEF - o.; --C6 0'-s -o€ gE+ 3E>9cEr=E ;E;9E qr eEg -(r(! rarr \c vo{o\ \o F\ N $'.r' c{ln N c. F =E uJo-oz6J ao Yorlj z E J Ie.F(J uJ ll, z @ =J oz uJ = ul uJt!z9 ellJ G,ouJ G, o G, oo =g UJez 9. UJo Fo o. uJ z IIJ) x l- UJol al,uluIII tr =0a UJo- J FoF z !F tu) UJ ozo E J oz o UJ- NOTMlVA x: ;:Z z t! :\o o o:F - an z-I5 =e-E E - Eha 0 e.;z ! O':ip: 8ioqcrP ii E^Eg H*.:c.i6d N N =.t C.t Fl oa otr.r{ lgrro o o0(! trFI o {J o o(! b0 d z tr J { u- tr rri f UJ F - o- UJ J z Eo {i9z tr uJF 3 z tltttitl LzlzOa <oo< =s>(E vl!E ci'<z F 2.. 9= tro3tr l-Ttl l-t tl t"TtoltoltJl tlt 3 oa uJz!zo 2o F f, U)z .J - F ul o B o Jl f-l zl zl .. >l Iu UJ UJz F UJ(L -,1 z E z tr(t 6 I (o c)c)(o uJFodlo-) zo F(L utY uJgl oF F =-cc UJ(Li; lJ_ olo-1 O- -lo-1o>[rdrEgu,bkzo z =J LL F ) F{ o tlj z cl ll lq)lFr It: le IlEtc, l. (! HItr l-l.F{ lOtq l-.r lor&la t{l ; ,l<==z= rno\(i Irnlncn c\,lrrrnF\ XH oB.t@ ,l UF Eo =ttr q ut ooI =o o.rl tr lr o,IJ 14 OJ ..{ .J) >l,uo =Etr 1c!qrI ol z1 ol rl al>lttlol zl 3lolFI {Jo q,r Fl : I c\ oz oulG J ? ttoz3oFI .d I\tF .d dJ uJF a4 fr[r cS 0) b0tr q) =tr Ic.le oi =.1(9l uJl :l <i>l q z3oFI \? (f] Ior-f II u. F tr oz ti ul J lt z3I tr ol ql <lilol zl 3l FI ltJ luF UJz3 I F uJF E E -rO<FG() IJJ <zEUJF(iZo <oOFi#;,i F-,2rl E, 2? =#)z\ qO lo ix YF7(Jz<+(I fr= =E Got-*t) =*(ro2 O Iu tr J<oo?.33 \A \,Nzeo n.t a'l czz '! d9 5___ot\biL_l* NiH (,Qz-e -':z\ -r -i cl lu F E u,lclt 59E<ctl6U):-oB9!; '9Ed => =uli-E h=E :gE =FE 669 iutE XO_t x>t q- o-iti IJJ E =E,lrl o-zoFc)fEFazoo flE 75 3oulh fronlrg. ?o.d r!ll, colo?rdo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2\39 ofllcc of communlty dcvolopmcnl BUILDING PER]'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAI\IE lf thi.s pemi.t requires a Town of Vail F.ire Department Approval, Engineel's (.Pgblic tlorks) reyiew and approval, a planning'Oepariment review or llealth Department review, and a review by the 6ui'l iing Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as longas thfee weells. All commercial (large or small) and all mu1ti-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residentia'l and smal'l projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if fesidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso taRe the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. y t,,na- ,- Project Name 21 7s Comnuni ty Devel opment Department. 75 soulh fronlage ?ord vall, colorado 81657 (3031 479-2L.38 or 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SU&IECT: ofllcc ol communlly dcvclopmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CURP€MTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT !,IARCH 15, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn sunnaryr-ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawfur for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash dunpster-, portable toileti andworkmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public _q1?9e or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way on ali Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinately 5 ft. 6ff pavement.This ordinance wilr be stri-Lry enforcld. by the Town of vailPyP-li-c litorks Department. persons found vi6tating this ordlnancewlrr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material .rn the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the puLtic worksDepartment will remove said nateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities j.n the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town of Yaif Building Department to obtain - copy. tirank you for yourcooperation on this natter. (i.e. contractor, owner) oz E =E UJ.L F- q, LlJ uJ LL ts =E uJ '&ulqltq4+ i +'f rf] c7)(r) .i!' t cr)o\ \T \o (d r{ r l_ lH 13ol t- qlE (tt <J +red 9a+ d.=x M=: toYh<oczn 1= r o IJJF z oz J dt .6 =z EIuz3 l!) llJo =T olr oFo tr zoo ^o o, -g G .9q o toF o o1o() (5 ts\. 0, co q)o o) I E o =l 0) o CLo. a! 3c) lD '6 o)E gioEoo co at)'t .oJo E (u o) '= N -o 'F o O) € oo(E ID (J !, .2c = .ct o E (rt ui '(! oi(E '=Oq)*iuxocio6 3:fr EgE o x!c"o'-oe:5-i50 =?rF- .:'; >= c9G 3E; E EF -i= o eoeJq: c.:- a5 o-o cL sEg .h- O-E*: E E.Eoqt= EE E eeC(50- € --c.r!O+ eE=-9i;;E>,o (!; *;FER U .i6 B9E or e5g C4 tl .ir !n F\ E =t trJ o-oz oJ f Y(J oz 9(r uJ uJ z6 =f o- Iz ollJ = ut IUltzIF uJE(J uJ oE (D 3IIJt UJezod UJo F6 o lz x j- ul at,f U) LuI!u- F =E UJ J o F oz o f6 C) () UJ t! z = a J z I u,l: NOrM]VA Jre; =;Z v-r ahz;oo Et oF g. ltt!.z,:ula (\l >E fut z9F^ prY667x QZr.r"< to -ic.i z tr Lr- E l llJ Ea Lllc z Eoo x '<zotr UJF 3 z =z zOa <Oo< =pP 'J-X.i<z F 2 Ozz--.1 r;o3trOI UJf ci UJz i F z F 5oz ooo3 Jl<ltrl zl zl ,. >| UJ t! UJzoF tru IL J zI !oo I_l I _1 I q tr 3 F uJ ll iil tl IilotlotlEtl F uJI I I Il.ol< r/Jl(, IJJo. l!>oF z J co -l I I ,l xj d F_ c\.l co ul =aoo-)z F(L ulY lljo oF trEcn(I o\llJ o\(L '-.ih"l".+l o :lo 3lr -lrl llJt- !rbEz6 z o=ze coo =z =V E.'i -lT lf-l ,qd='o c-r =! =F3X--r -i ul6d= F UJ(L ILot!oz oIoF E(! .JFUJ-t-= duJ>o-(J LL9o5 u.r :> ujJ Jtr utoo co E cLo tD o ': E EoIJ :lo :-l I IC IDl-EIrt'r!,f :t =€ ts =Elrlo-zIFo3EFazoO z_)tr J tr qJ ..{ .'l ui =z "l (s tr uJ =z U. \c (\ uJ o Ja = rn.$ I\()r\.+ if-o- .Fl (s tr()= lllccc Io F = tr o utE J a (!o z =v E tr z ci UJ CT J o z3 F = t! o UJ 5 a t!q z3I ..{ {J6o 4 trtr(o 2 I("I z o uJ ar u-o z 3 F .+(alr|\o Io\.ir o\ ui uJF =E tr oz o uJ J a o z 3 F u,l J uJF E I.IJz =o F [! =T <F IJ,J <zur!F.nZ <o()F -< ;F-,2fro ),4 zt- >d JZ(!O c) i5:IFz2 AFY,z =R e. ii _ul+Eo2.8 J<Oa9.:6!rm PERurr nblalTOT{N OF VATL CONSTRUCTION PERI.IIT APPLICATTON FORIT! oernzlfo- 1Q!!3'Rl....; )) APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPI.,ETBI.,Y OR IT I'fAY NOT BE ACCEPTED . I}**************l************** PERI.IIT fNFORI{ATfON ***************************** tt [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunbing I J-Electrlcal P,*-Mechanlcal [ ]-other Job Name: F Aa n ntLe,f Job Address: Iegal Description: Iot_ Block_ Fillng ownersName: , , '' ' Address: 2QGS-an. ^/ een./!J/afr Architect. / Address: Ph. General Description: work class: | )-Nevft$-Altera tlon [ ]-Additlonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-other Nunber of, Dlelling Units:Number of Accourmodatl.on Units: ^ {pnber and Type of Sireplaces: cas Apptiances- eas f,ogs-f, Wood/Pellet- I******************** ************* VAWATIONS ************* ****** ***** ** ******* !Eutlotue : Er,EerRrcAL: l_ orHER: l_prttuBrNc: T- uEcHANrcAu S@ TorALs ^*** * * * r**** ************t * ** coN1R1g1oR rNFoRuATroN ************J******** ** ****I Eeneral Contractor: Town of Vail Recl. NO. Address:Phone Number3 Town of vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nu:nber: oFFrcE usE ** ************** *************** BUTLDTNG PIAI{ CHECK FEE! PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: UECHANTCAL PI,AN CHECK TEEs 35- RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT FEES: BUTIDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATTIRE: q Electrical Contractor: Address: PLunbing Address: Contractor: llechanical Address: ******* * ***a************* ******* FoR BUILDING PERI.IIT FEE: PDT'I.IBING PERMIT FEE: UECHANTCAL PERT{IT FEE: EIJCTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: GI.EAI UP DEPOSIT IEFI'NI' TO: VALUATION (t luwn u lltl 75 soulh tronlrgc rold u.il, colorado El657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: EROM: DATE: su&rBqt: ofllcc of communlly deYclopm.nl ALL CONTRACIORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OT VAIL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVEI,OPMENT MARCtt 16, 1988 CONSTRUEIION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE fn sunmaryr -Ordinance No. 5 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil , rock, sand, debrisor material, lncluding trash durnpsters, portabLe toilets anaworknen vehicl.es upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public P1?9e or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on all Town ofVail streets and roads is approxiroately 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance wil} be striLlfy enforcld by the roin of Vailng!]ic works Department. Persons found viotating this ordinancewill be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-sald nateriaL.In the event the person so notifLed does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour tine specified, the puUtic WorksDepartment will remove said naterial at tbe expense of personnotifi.ed. The provisions of this ordinance sfrlft not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. G ln full, please stop by the Town ofVaiI Building Department to obtaLn i copy. fhanlc you for yourcooperation on this natter. acknowledged f6k -rq ^ "-? (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 roulh frontrgc rord u.11, colorldo 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 otflc. of oommlnlly dcvolopmo|rt BUILDING PERI.IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thi.s Pen!,!.t requl:res a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineeq Ls (.Pyb,1ic llorks) reyiew and approva'l ,'a plannin!' Deparlnent review or Health Department revi'ew, and a review by the Auiliing Department, the esti.mated time for a tsta'l review may take as longas three weeRs. A'll conmercial ('large or sma'll) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects shou'l d take a 'l esser amount of t'ime. However, if !esidential or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments wl:th. regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this departrnent to expedite this permi.t as sgon as possible. I, the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time frame. -?_7 Communi ty Development Department. PIaa Revier Baged ontbe 1992 Unifon Codeg NAME:FINN BOILER ADDRESS 22855 ASPEN LANE vArL, coLoRADO OCCUPAT..ICY: R3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V DATE: 6/L4/ 93 CONTRACTOR : CARR PLUMBING ARCHITECT:NA ENGINEER:NA PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED Ebe itens listcd belou are not intended to be a conplcte listingof al.l possible code rcquireuentc in tbe adoptcd cod€s. It i3 a gruide to aelectcd sections of, tbe codeg. Tbe folJ'oving ig not to b. construed to be an allproval of any violation of any of the pro- visions of, tbe edopted codes or any ordinance of the forn of Vail . 4]." OF CO!{BUSTION AIR TOP AND BOTTOM IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLTANCE PER SEC.6O? OF THE 1993 UMC. 2) APPLIANCE MUST BE RATED FOR COMBUSTIBLE FLOORS OR HAVE CONCRETE rO EARTH AND BE INSTAILED TO MANUFACTURES SPECIFICATIONS. 3) ROUGH GAS PIPE AND A FINAL INSPECTION IS REOUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 1) Oo Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: FINN REMODEL DATE: 5-10-93 ADDRESS:2138 ASPEN LANE CONTRACTOR: RUSTY SPIKE VAIL. COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. l. sMoKE DETECTORS REQUIRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991 UBC. 2. EGRESS WINDOWS REQUIRED FROM ALL BEDROOMS REQUIRED AS PER SEC.I2O4 OF THE 1991 UBC. 3. I HOUR CONST. REQUIRED BETWEEN GARAGE AND DWELLING WITH A SOLID CORE DOOR WITH CLOSURE. 4. MECHANICAL DRAWINGS REQUIRED TO BE APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL BEFORE ANY MECHANICAL WORK CAN BE STARTED. 5. FIELD INSPECTIONS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. ta.- _J eoo i' \A L-(.\r rr rtSFi $r $>rrc \cr I. N $ ls T [x,* Tof tf .-L l: iitltl tl tl ii i I I I I N \\it \, \ \E __r' I I I I I I I I I .-,$ :,,."- ,":]'' 1, I..-+L oo oo II,I 'j ( ;,; i:ifN1@1 I 1s:-t--: l--i\/i - i) ) t , a ,.!..l '-r'/i/ tll. r+{ | ' l{.attA al- I ll tlt ,.7r ILI iE'| '4) t(::!l r : I I,t i' N l\[ {.i ll , oooo i i,-i,--.;:l-- ',f' .i t.'rt.r,'l r1llt; t!ri I I.(a ;i.f, r.l.r'1 i'fu. I BEST IMAGE POSSIBLE + 'ilsit; i! ,i [i ';i ::i t:.'.; ,.- .' ,:. ;t F -*J il il\ r+ .T ittr il\> ,t_( -Fit\Ko N$ + I I I .l I $ I I I I I I I I I I I lr I I ' +-+-r'+ F.--tt I l1 I!l I I I l I I : I l I i lij.rl ir '.,,/, /'-i,Ji,i l . \ 1t"7 l. t 4J .{ -ri t: IIr I t I :'r :2 It I I t\t\t! \.-1 \ t\t\*N* F {-J I .., ;l ,'l d 'I J I }\ 'i \, J nlt oo Contact Person and Phone /ft;/* / rr, I f,. fa 6zx trrz t .'/ c--t F,tz 5- Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ftr,@ Block Zone - Comments: Design Review Board o"r" r/y'q_> Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Sum mary: Il y",,Approval %aatg Spihe €ntecpziaea P.O. BOX l5t7 VAIL. COLORADO 81658 IVIAY 5 1992 JOB IGI,IE FRANK FINN ASPST IfiNE 2865 NORIII HALF'OF DULPH(ad/8 IO MAKE IT{E APPROW\L EASIER,IIE l'rILL NOT Do ITE SIqrI,IGTII, OR l{INMhI CHANGE EAST SIDE OF BWIDING. ONLY A FUI,L IJGII PAilIEI, 10 lI{E LffiT OF TIIE ET{IRT MOR. NORITI ENID OF IT]E BI,IILDI]iG VilLL STILL VOA}IT 10 INSTAI,L TI]E IARM IOWM, VTINDCI{ AND TIIE GNSS ABC'\re. EAST SIDE OF TIIE BTIII,D]NG INSIATL T'!^IC VERTICAL TYPE I{INDOIVS TIAT OPB{. TO REPI.ACE TIIE TXD ROTJ}ID I{INDoWS. 1I{IS IS DARKER TRIM CoIOR FOR TT{E OUISTOE OF BUILD]I{G. P.0. Box l5l7 vArL, CoLoRADO 81658 PH. (303) 476-4374 :d s)ot Uzsl wrryoa ws ,4h/- 0rtt k A/aote,' %Zuatg Sp,;ht €ntetpziaet P.O. 80X l5l7 VA|L, C0L0RA00 81658 .7 8 6 f {z-2r:',- A4= -''E*,-/ 77n^7' /nZ'/,e". P.O. BOX l5l7 VA|L, COLORADO 81658 PH. (303) 476-4374 ,--{ 1Zuatg Spitt €nteepzitet P.O. BoX l5l7 VA|L, COLORADo 81658 /trt wi/L atol,+a{*.o M,sl jsr / P.O. BOX r.517 VA|L, COLORADO 81658 PH. (303) 476-4374 tA=l ot rot uf-sf Wtuloi'tg Paatg Spdb, €ntezpcitet P.0. Box 1517 VA|L. COLORAOO 81658 4l U"'L ffr 6'^'k^' T;'-' ASP* 8,*l\., fi'u 9t0'*--'t //eat /^;* M^= P.O. BoX l5l7 VA|L, COLoRADO 81658 pH. (303) 476-4374 rii,;ti FI .- il,_- .5-: DnB APPLIC fION - fOHil Otr vrllr, DATE APPI,IEATION NECEIVED I DATE OF DRB MEETING: iAtrr**atrr* IEIS lpptICATION ?fIt:L NOt BE tccfPSED UlMt ll.l, ruQUIRED THfORD{ATIoN tS SgE!{ItrlDD O o|rr 11,'ll 1l:i5 F.fl rowired 9/4/rt coroR.[Do REL'L) i;;'l.;2b1995 ($eo . 1:i5 i 115 A{[)i ly'Mtpa* " 4 n'l 'a"-,k-//MJ.4 !:1YFII OF REVIEWT New construetion ($200,00)Mlnor Alteret: fr Addttlon ($50.00i .Conceptual ReJlew .(90)(*,r"r', -&eE 4fy,4w At+ry= t p LEGAL DESCRIPTION: IOI --L U.O"'* 4!* 4. ;r.bdrvisinn -'-. fu-/Z rf, property ls dBsc"tb€d bY dcscrtpelonr please ProvldeaLtsch to thls aPPItcatlon. s rneet S and boundr lcgai gtr a seperate ohecg and a.!'Jf ejt&^; II a'lqUr.itg, tFlt..rrltt et_amped gurvOy ghowrng lot erea. NA}4E OF APPLICANT:*--*" ttnl I r nq Aaldr.rrr: ilh,Ji:, liltgv Fa t t -ult g vg.au.tr E,rAPP!ICANT'REPRESENTATIVE i AddresE: X r . NAI',|E oF 0!{NER6:F rank D. [ lnn *sroNAhfns(e): Matllnq Addregs:oad'#10 -_ _H.s,uF.rou.- r'x zz04o ,--. .- Phone JAi-igL.ZllLl- H.NAHE OE l'lalllng J. Condomlnlum Approval 1f applicabLe. K. DRB FEEr DRB feeer aF Ehotln lbov€r fifr€ f,o t" :;5 ct thc tlrne 6t gubmittal of DRB appltcaglon, "aLsr, tdnln applytng lor s bulldlnq ;e:'nlt, please. :'dent'lfy-EIle. -ati:uiat6 valuation of the propo€e1. The f6nn ol vall wllt adju8t ghe fee accordlng to th6 table beloi" to ongure ihc correct fcc is Paid.**' trr.-r-trto, 6' 2a"ou FEE SCHEPUL_E i, VAI,UATTONg 0-$,101000$10,00r-g\s0r000. $ 50,001 - $ :150,000 $1501001. - $ 500,000 $500, ool - $1r 000,000I Ovqr $l | 000, 000 9100,00 $?00 .00 ${00.00 s500.00 'ff;h i DE,8rOH RE\rItt{ EotrnD IPpRotIAL E)(8riIs 9NE rErR rtElE rrHll' fi;Roini-nu.iisil r BurtDrNo PERHTT rs rsstrrD $tD cox8'rngc*rgll lg STNRTED. rrNo tpplrqf,Trolr ttrll, Br DRoeEBsED [rr$OUE OrfNE:',: graxlE{tru "," .__--_..: BEST IMAGE POSSIBLEto'd -. *ttrt*t*tt F Et. :.EiIlNf.Qjguarjr.aN : l i, g ,-'(. r) rboTl'!'.J. aEt+6t6tFE o I cn.tF tsH I S9H I HUOt'l II. III. A pfe-?pplication meeting with a member of the planningstaff is. strongly encouraged to determine if any additLonatapplication infornation is needed. It is the aiplicant, sresponsibility to make an appointment with the itaff todeternine if there are additional submittal reguirements.Prease note that a coMpLETE application wilt sCreamrine theapproval process for your project. A.In addition to meeting subnittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the pfoject site toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. Al.l. trees to be removed must be taped. AIIs_ite tapings and staking must be completed piio. to theDRB site visit. The applicant must ensure Lhat stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUILDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantsshould plan on presenting their dLvelopment fioposal ata minimum of two neetings before obtaining finaiapproval. Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled neeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following itens may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the ComnunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. i fornal heariirgbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Vilindows, skytights and simitar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building addition proposals not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includefetters from adjacent property owners and/or fromthe agent for or manager of any adjacentcondoninium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. lf a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and Lheovrner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard fepgft prlor. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a-T-own plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. For all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. B. E. F. If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, aII conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance ot I Uuitding permit. G. LICATTON - TOIIN.OE V]\TL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: **t******* EETS APPLTCS,UON I|ILL NOE BE .N,CCEPTED I'NEII, AI.L REQSIRED INFOR!{AAION IS SI'BTIITTED********** PROJECT TNFORMATTON. A. DESCRIPTION-: o IPP O revised COIORADO 9l419L r. B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)Minor Alteration (s20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPITON: Subdivision Lot BIock c. D. If property is described bydescription, please provide attach Co this application. ZONING: a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and E. F. G. LOT AREA: If required, stamped survey showing applicanL must provide a currentlot area. NAI,IE OFMailing APPLICA}IT: Address: NAME OF Mailing Phone APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATI\TE : Address: Phone r. NA},IE OF OWNERS: *STGNATORE(S): Mailing Address: Phone J. Condominlum Approval if applicable. K. DRB FEE; DRB fees, as shovrn above, are t,o be paid atthe tlme of submittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplylng for a building permit., please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VailwiII adjust the fee according to the table beLow, t,oensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONI 0 - s 10,000 $ 10r 001 - $ 5or ooo . $ 501001 - s 150,000 $150,00L - $ 500,000 $500r 001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 FEE PAID: $ FEE $ 20.00I s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 * DESTGN RE\ITE}I BOARD APPRO\IA! EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFTER FII{AI.I APPRO\IA]:, T'NI.ESS A BUII.DING PER!,'IT rS ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCIION IS STARTED. **NO APPI,ICATION WILI.I BE PBOCESSED T|ITAOI'T OifNER' S SIGNATSRE -.-.. .l I rv. NEw coNsrRulloN A. Three copies of a recent topoqraphic survev, stamped bva Li.cqnged survevor, at a scaon which the following infornation is provided: 1. I,ot area. 2. Two foot contour intervals unless the parcelconsists of 5 acres or more, in wtrich case, 5,contour intervals may be accepted. 3. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4" or nore, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 4. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (Iarge boulders, intermittent screams,etc. ) . 5. Hazard areas (avalanche, rockfall, etc.),centerLine of stream or creek, required creek orstream seLback, 100-year flood plain and slopes of40t or more, if applicabte. 5. Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmarkor sewer invert. This information should beclearly stated on the survey so that all measurements are based on the same starting point.This is particularly inportant for heightmeasurements. See policy On Survey Information,for more information regarding surveys. 7. Locations of the following:a. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales,etc. must be shown. b. Exact location of existing utitity sourcesand proposed service lines from their sourceto the structure. Utilities to include: Cable TV Telephone Sewer Water Gas ELectric B. 9. 1. c. Show all utility meter locations, includingany pedestals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent to the site. Revocablepermits from the Town of Vail are reguiredfor improvements in the right-of-way. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing must be shown. e. AlL easernents (Title report rnust also includeexisting easement locations) Exist.ing and finished grades. Provj.de spot elevations of the street, and aminimum of one spot eLevation on either side ofthe lot, 25 feet out frorn the side property lines. Locations of the following: a. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. b. Proposed driveways. Percent slope and spotelevations must be shown. A]L existing improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas, storage areas,walks, driveways, off-street parking, loadingareas, retaining walls (with top and bottom ofwal1 spot elevations), and other existing siteimprovements. 3.. Theseelevations and grades must be provided in orderfor the staff to determine building height. Allridge lines should be indicated on the site plan. Elevations for roof ridges shall also be indicated on the site plan with corresponding finished andexisting grade elevations. 4. Driveway grades may not exceed 88 unless approvedby the Town Engineer. Landscape Plan (1' = 20, or larger) - 3 copies required 1. The following information must be provided on the landscape plan. The location of existing 4rldiameter or larger trees, the location, size,spacing and type (common and latin name) of allexisting and proposed plant material . AII treesto be saved and to be renoved must also beindicated. The plan must also differentiate between existj.ng and proposed vegetation. 2. Complete the attached l-andscape materials list. 3. The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be ernployed in caring forplant material following its installation. 4. Existing and proposed contour lines. In order to clarify the inter-relation of the various development proposal components, please incorporate as much of the above information as possible onto the siteplan. Siqn off from each utilitv companv verifying thelocation of utility service and availability (see attached) . A preliminary titl.e report must accompany allsubmittals, to insure property ownership and locationof .aLl .rylg on property. Architectural Plans (1/8" = 1, or larger, 1/4', ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies required. 1. Scaled floor plans and al.1 elevations of theproposed development. Elevations must show bothexisting and finished grades. 2. One set of fLoor plans must be "red-Lined" to show hov, the gross residential floor area (GRFA) wascalculated. 3. Reductj.ons of all elevations and the site plan (8-L/2" x ].t"l for inclusion in PEC and/or TolrnCouncif memos nay be reguested. 4. Exterior surfacing materials and material colorsshall be specified on the attached materials list. Thls materiaLs list nust be completed and eubmitted as a part of DF1B application. Colorchlps, siding samples etc., should be presented tothe Design Review Board neeting. Zone check list (attached) must be completed if projectis located within the Single-Family, Primary/Secondaryor DupJ.ex zone districts. Photos of the existing site and where applicable, ofadjacent structures. a I NOTE: D. E. F. G. H I. The zor} agrilt:ttator and,/or onfray require the submisslon of additional plans, draEings,specifications, sanples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether aroject will comply with Design Guidelines. V. MINOR ALTERAT]ONS TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUITDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the redevelopmentproposal and the Location (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be submit.ted in lieu of the more formalrequirements set forth above, provided all inportantspecifications for the proposal including colors andmaterials to be used are submitted. VI. ADDITIONS - RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL A. Original floor plans with all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans t/8" = 1t or larger(L/4', = Lt is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construction. Indicate roof ridge efevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing structure. F. Specifications for all materials and color samples onmaterials list (attached). At the request of the Zoning Administrator you may also berequired to subnit: G. A statement fron each utility verifying location ofservice and availability. See attached utilityIocation verification form. H. A site improvement survey, stanped by registeredprofessional surveyor. I. A preliminary title report, to verify ownership ofproperty, which lists all easements. VII. FINAL SITE PLAN Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is underway, and before the Building Department will schedule aframing inspection, tno copies of an Improvement LocationCertifj.cate survey (ILC) stamped by a registeredprofessional engineer must be submitted. The followinginformation must be provided on the ILC: A. Building Location(s) with ties to properLy corners,i.e. distances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. C. AIl utllity service line as-builts, showing type ofmaterial used, and size and exact location of lines. D. Dralnage as-buj.]ts . E. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. F. A11 property pins are to be either found or set andstated on improvement survey. G. A11 easements, H. Building floor elevations and all roof ridge elevationswith existlng and proposed grades shovrn under the ridgeIines. vIII.@ Submittal requirements: The owner or authorized agentof any project requiring desiqn approval as prescribed ' by this chapter may submit plans for conceptual reviewby the Design Review Board to the Department of Conmunity Development. The conceptual review isintended to give t.he applicant a basic understanding ofthe compatibility of their proposal with the Town, s Design Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprinarily for applications more complex than single-family and two-family residences. However, developersof single-family and two-family projects shal} not be excluded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign review. Complete applications must be submitted10 days prior to a scfreduled DRB meeting. The following information shall be subnitted for aconceptual review: 1. A conceptual site and landscape plan at a minimumscale of one inch equals twenty feet; 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior materials and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structuresi 3. Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to beIocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculat,ions, number of parking spaces, etc.)t 4. Completed DRB application form. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Departnent of Comrnunity Development shall review the submitted naterials forgeneral compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the proposal is in basic compliance with the zoning code requirements, theproject shall be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not generally in compliance with zoning code reguirements, theapplication and submittal materials shall be returnedto the applicant with a written explanation as to whythe Community Development Department staff has foundthe project not to be in compliance with zoning codereguirements. Once a complete application has beenrecelved, the DRB shall review the submitted conceptualreview application and supporting material in order to determine whether or not the project general.Iy complieswith the design guidelines. The DRB does not vote onconceptual reviews. The property owner or hisrepresentative shall be present at the DRB hearing. A. B. I NA}48 OF PROJECT: ,LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED LIST OF MATERIALS reguired approval c TYPE OF Lq tt-e t/ai SUBDIVISION l..a n-t M-{E the Design COLOR LOT } DESCRIPTION OF PA*; &^ka The folLowing information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascia soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand or Deck Rails FLues / -cAa-A& oOwFlashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses other SW$tt " for submittal t an be given: MATERIAL rzet(s )0, {t <ft* Baz(, R LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: Botanical Nane Conmon Name Ouantitv Size* PROPOSED TREES *Indicat.e caliper for deciduous trees. Minimum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicate height for coniferoustrees. Mininun heicht for coniferous trees is 6 feet. PLA}TT *'"*l,', PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Name Cor*f"an" Quantitv Sizei EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon.of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Mlnimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe GROUND COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LAIiIDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please shohr the nunber of fixtures and locat,ions on a separatelighting p1an. Identify each fixture from the lighting ptan on the list below and provide the wattage, height abovegrade and type of light proposed. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATUP€S (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is3 feet. Maximurn height of wa1ls elsewhere on the propertyis 5 feet. D. lrr"r* LocATroN **rrr.orl!a . SUBDIVISION .,JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities' whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Siqnature EE U.S. West Conmunications 1-8 0 0- 922-19 8 ? 468-6850 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-5781 Gary Ha}I Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-5892 Ted Husky/Michaef taverty Heritage Cablevision T.v. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt Upper Eagle Va11ey water & sanitation District * 47 5-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: 1. This form is to verify service availability andlocation. This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and schedulinginstallations. 2. For any new construction proposal, the applicant must provide a compleLed utility verification form. 3. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed constructionr the utility representative should not directly on the utility verification form that there is a problem which needs to beresolved. The issue should then be spelled out indet,ail in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. Hordever, please keep in mind that it is theresponsibility of the utility company to resolveidentified problems. 4. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility conpanies, and no comnents are made directly on the form, the Town will presune that there are no problems and that the development can proceed. 5. These verifications do not relieve the contractorof his responsibility to obtain a street cutpermit from the Town of Vai1, DePartment of Public Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqqinq in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town of Vai1. A buildinq permit is not a street cut. permit. A street cut permit must be obtained separately. * PLease bring a site plan, ffoor p1an, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagte VaIIey water & Sanitation signatures. Fire flow needs must be addressed. tlI-sFR, DATE: LEGAT DESCRIPTION: LOt ZONE CHECK *, *T5:*" orsrRr#, 2 Block 4 ,irrnn /z // ft ' ]res 4 /-4*e /t)lLADDRESS: OWNER D,^,1< P f rr"rv PHoNE -fJs^ 37s - PHoNE ZYf -f / 4 /55 ARCHITECT **LOT SIZE ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE Allowed (30) (33) Existinq Proposed Total Height TOIAI GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks +w + 425 Front Sides Rear View Corridor Encroachment: Environmental /Hazards : 20' 15' 15' (30) (s0)Water Course Setback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wal1 Helghts Parking Garage Credit Drive: 3' /6' g.eqrd (300) (500) (900) (1200)_ Permitted Slope -..']ql Actual Slope Date approved by Town Engineer: Yes No ') ') ', Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow4) Wetlands Prevloue conditions of approval (check property file) Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? **Note: Under Sections L8.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are Less than 15r000 sg. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Conmunity Development Department may grant an exception to thisrestriction provided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.L2.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code including permanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley. 1) 2't 3) 10 --,Oo Oo TOWN OF VAIL |-"*'" $!fl ' '"ERMrrNo' ct2502 PUBLIC WAY PERMIT rOWudrulnlY contractor'scopytobekeptoniobsite. ttt>12865 ASPEN LANE't. PUBLUC SERVICE Work is for (circle one) perm*Fee +so.do $TLL AT END oF YFAR / - -..\ WATER SEWER(T9AS )ELECTRIC TELEPHONE CABLETV OTHER LANDSCAPING TEMPORARYSITEACCESS Addr6ss, Phone, and Lic€nse No.) E .o I E ()o I i!- o iI I 3 - I a (Job Name or Locaijon of Wo ) Bill lo: Paid:Receipt #:'!\:OliE ,'--" ''.'""/ INSPECTION REMARKS: SKETCH PLAN OF WORK ATTACHED efrblrro* ron TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WAY PERMIT 19 ].,-- Y' I , ri)tl 1.Job Name Legal Description Street Address Excavating Contractor Name Address Phone #TOV Contractor's Licanse Number Start Date 4. Work is for lcircte one;Waler Completion Date Sewer Gas Electric Telephone cAw (Permit Expiration Date) Other Landscaping Temporary Site Access 5. Trench-width (min. a') Length Depth Bond Amount $Permit Fee $Total Permit Fee S ALL MATERIAL, EQUIPMENT, AND TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES MUST BE ON THE JOBSITE BEFORE THE JOB IS STARTED, Rubber oulriggers are required on excavating equipment when working on asphalt. Asphalt surfaces underneath the bucket shall be protected at all times. A signature below indicates a review of the area and utility locations and approvals. Once all utility company signatures are obtained, permittee has option of routing application through the Public Works office to obtain the necessary Town of Vail signatures. Please allow one wee[to process. 52, ., i -. /_t o > Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation (476-7480) -<-T-2,+{ Ul-i1./-41'"- r-.- L} | / * / ) Public Service Company (1 -800-922-1 987) PSCO-Natural Gas Group (468-2528) Holy Cross Electric Company (949-5p92) U.S. West (1-8OO-922-1987) o- t'r;zz .-y' ,./i,P TCI Cablevision of the Rockles (949-5530) Town ol Vailr lrrigation (479-2161)Electricians (479-21 7 1) Public Works (479-21 58)-.rli THEHE WILL BE NO TOTAL STREET CLOSURES! A construction tratfic control plan must be approved by the Public Works Department prior to issuance of the permit. All excavation must be done by hand within 18" of utilities - (Senate Bil 172). Permittee must contact Public Works Department at 479-2158 24 hours prior to commencing backfill operations. Failure to notify the Town will result in forfeiture of bond money. Scheduled inspections which are not ready may result in the Town charging the contractor a reinspection fee. I certity that I have read all chapters of Title 12 - Streets and Sidewalks, of the Vail Municipal Code and all utility company agreemenls, signed by me, and will abide by the same, and that all utilities have been notilied as required. Contractor's Signalur€ ol Agreement Date of Signature ATTACH PLAN OF WORK, INCLUDING CONTRUCTION TRAFFIC CONTROL PLAN Show streets with names, buildings, and location of cuts. USE DASH LINES FOR CUT. THIS IS NOT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT! White - Public Works Yellow - Finance Pink - Communitv Develooment Gold - Contractor b. 7. o 10. .t .i 12. rr Kmt R. Rose 4, 1985 Mr, T. J. Cacchione Fetch InvesEors 5509 Jackson Creek Rd. Sedalia, CO 80135 September Mr. Tom GraYP. O. Box 79458 Houston, TX 77079 t\ Re:Landscaplng op Lot 2 .'desubdivis lon Tract D, Vail fe llth Filing of Dear Slrs As propertv ol^tner of Lot L./vatt Village Filing No' 11 and'yoirr nLxt-doorieiffior, I would like to brlng to "o"r'attention the actlons of the landscaPers worklng on your properEy. Some of their cleanup and seedlng has encroached on our lot to which I dir not object. What I do obJect to i" tt" fact that all of the iocks, clods, trash and debris has been raked, thrown and piled onto my lot' I know you are probably unaware of this and am asking it "t yoit direct'your lindscapers to remove all of this material prior tb their completion and final Payment' EncLosed are polarold pietures showing the debrls and rock piles. Thank you for your irnnediate attention. Very truly yours, J(%rK-"^- Kent R. Rose 2905 Booth Creek Drive Vai1, Co 81657 KRR: rj r Enclog.ures cc' y'To'rm of VailAttn: Peter Patten Conurunity Development DePt. o oz E =Ellto- oorat o(\l oo|r) FI ooo (\l t,tu IJJ LL F =E UJo- sw 6f,[7+h I I I $ tc N $ I I l., .Ft<ro I I I I I, te IFlaz IE t2,zlo o .tJovlo (, c)'('5 oc +,o tnoo! +) ! o-- ll| +J59 Onza60 J!f- 06F .t!,ct =o-o (IJ ! z. tr UJz3o ul Foz ci\ hN o €o- 'e/ se\66\-c{\ ' -\ Px: OI5\Ef g'-1' (,qsF\No$t L O. s-.._.\ Ec G oEoooc =5o E €cl do I CIo. a6 3 .g E go al,oo 4;oooo .9 U' tIl o Ecqt o, EoN -ah 'oF oE o o) .= Po(, C,6 E ot o .ahE I o o E 6 a; '6 :96gog, E:o(o at, o;89tr.= as SE ;oGC =.:l6.oEF-l= g6ot 5'tE>,EETEooEo'-ooi,5i =-Eoo. Ex -.o9o!EC6(! EEt-E FEo.;+,Co'-EP (D+,'li .cg= d3o>(oa CC;8tedcrEEOo)()6 1t '= q o (l E o ,E oG .g o Itg io 6 .9 CLo,6 .2E E6o (, (6 -c (! E q) ctttt -93oC.Yo6 o @ rfl t\ lrt(\l rr)rJ) (v) oIoN |r! t.r Flr-{ oq ro(\ oq oo Fl oo o c\l o "?t\orr.o4 ts =E llJcoz o! @ go uJ oz c 9tFC' au uJ (,z6 =Jo- 9z o uJ qJ UJt!zo uJg,oujE CE o CO =uJ UJ z -u, uJ It t!6I z utJo x F uJU' an uJs E tllJo- soF oz J IEF(J luJ uJ (9z (o Jc J () z o uJ- NOtlVn"tVA l; ;E YcIc =e=.FF-FE.r -!E:oJt {e t.FllJ -z; o ol zz99F^UIg5 F9 0 .nO1>E9r!<o*H6-8 ;Ai z9 F J Flt c,o (5 uJ - ooo |<:(\l IJJE x zo F 6 z tr UJF - IIJ2 ||tl,^t | | | F = .-26, =Xief e =sg E8Ba !<roofl*lllll*llll ?g,a = I EH2 P =dlsE iEg;3H3ooorz zIF J f U)z UItJ F UJI o IJJJg,l 3 E v, UJzv iF I d, UJ J F5bdiE UJ tr)J,o F{o{:l uJ Eoloo.? zo FoutY IJJo oF E =El! o-ulo$l tL (Ol u '.'lo F-lrl HFJoEzo EDtr F Gul bEE2ZE<Cll€8e9t,L EE => =lrj-E 5E = >o-E 85E iHE ;T6. rr{o-i!tr lu @ F 6mV€ --'l- z o9z4dro =zl=d9 *fi =H=A;H E =E lrJo-zoF() DE 6zo(J I I I I I dI =.1olurl 1I <l>l bl zl aH z.l olull rEl 3l ruol zl 3lolFI=J lJ- lo I I I IFo o +, !! (uI(9 oF ii =z dlo-} I ol uJl .El olFI +Jtngoc) o atl! oco =c g. I I I .l =.1ol Hl sl :l =lolFI I I I I I dllUl 5l al>lttlol il sOl mFIF 2P =Ed6() F() Fz z. C) uJ = =Fl-o2Rxn )6"= 7am 19 65 t' 6a+v----------; Aseeu kApE ,#n . i*'tJ.l,, / ,go'Feo' !rM 'i l*-- tt'- c i;l;i;,71"' _rn' v\ .r \ ''-{.$\X : \r '{- {\v)\ Qtri= =+\\--\.t e \-- 'ti \ ^SS {- rFII!7U- fi rv- s._ &\ M'/"' rrl Iv -i- -l $ t(! {'n ?rr" ,*e ,liiiii'' I/ 7o' ,,no:r;; \,Ztr:I/[!i:t"j- oi||"',rl =s--?-\ \.\. t. F\.-.-\ s,\Q- .1..,- .=\\$r \\ \t )q)'{)br drF . '+= '.+- -lxfzlJ-___:d .Pr V dv I ,4,'t''v+"t,,{ n' {n" ,r,r[n! r"1F '' , ;: i' ri I I. :.il f;.i, i rl i' 5 F- .-J- t\ -t -IIri il' t\i\ \!t\ (l^ \{ t\ Sao F. cll bzLttt .i' [;' Ei; -7 I tl lltl ll ll!l;l i!rl l:\rl .; ,j t''i t. ti tl .t i I nc> t-- S u, -J QJ ffi2 e t\LI \ IsI[:t i\ tI\q. h \$ icssN t \) :! ) J ) D 'r ( l -: , .> ..; .t; ,t ]-i t'*a. I ':- .-- _-, '-:l {i-! - r'r''/ l' ' ./ ,." O F lJ)Jt! w,,*"t-* L .1, ?.\\. ,t\ riq.S\ lrS\r \\{ oooo o FROM THE DEBK OF Steve Bo fl^ *aT 7+[f rfeVo,^( /on,< 9/,-J llooP EtutA E, oc'/ -n lqvo/toir f4- J ,oo.( Alur l/' s t/'e oFVoro1n 4a'atl t^ll't5 1' Fhon^ 6. l" hyo"'l' llosl Focln oF 7orcY Wo LL yd f-o cti 1'yn /rr+ot", t^.. [)youg o TTou\.1 Io 4ataLL ' 1'1 s AJnblt"-l c *lporls l, 1,rour,,,J L,pusL 6 La.l oLn u ro'r PP l80 The Drdh'ng Aoard. In. . Bor 5O5. DaJa' Ter.s JON F. I(IONEIGH. RICHARO O. }iUGH€S HANLAN P. PEI.Z LARRY M- LEACX JOHN M. CLIK€MAI{ JOXr{ M. MARCUCCT GAY NIEAMANN STEPHEN C. KAOFMAN wtLUAM 8A8rCH KIDNEIGH. HUGHES. PELZ, LEACH & CLIKEMAN A PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION ATTORNEYS AT LAW 3OO COLORAOO CLUB BUILDING 4155 E. JEWELL AVENUE DENVER. COLORAOO 40222 TCLEPHONE l!31 75846fl) ilune 28, 1982 Ii Mr. lom Gray c,/o Tom Gray Management, Inc. . Post Office Box 79458 Houston, Texas 77279 Re: Party Wall Agreement For Lot 2, A Resubdivison Of Tract D, Vail Village Eleventh Filing, Eagle County, Colorado ' Dear Mr. Gray: On behalf of Thomas J. Cacchione, Linda B. Cacchione and Robert E. Cacchione and pursuant to Paragraph 5 of the above-referenced party wal-l agreement, you are hereby advised that consent is given to you to make certain exterior changes to your unit as depicted on the sketchplan you have-previously delivered lo t"tr. Thomas Cacchione,the understanding being that you intend to extend the front of your garage out to the front door stoop on your unit and to extend the deck on your unit accordingly. The Cacchiones also wish to advise you that, should any damage be done to any portion of their property or the conrmon driveway during this construction, you will obviously be liable for the repair of any such damage as is also set forth in the pargy wall agreement. Kindly acknowledge your receipt of this consent by signing the encl-osed copy of this letter and returning same to me at your earliest convenience. I thank you for your assistance in this matter. Very truly yours, O+^ nr. cm,, ' {^h. cLTKEMAN, Ese. TOM GRAY Prcsrdent Mr. Steve BoYd Boyd & Son Construction Co. 2537 11 . Arosa Drive Vai1-, CoLorado 81657 Dear Mr. Boyd: Enclosed is a copy of the proposed addition that we would like to build at our 2865 Aspen Lane B duplex. As we discussed, the plans have been submitted to the Architectual ioard lnd will be considered in their June 2 meeting. WiIl you please represent us at this meeting. ai. tne time we- submitted the proposal we had not been able to reach you regarding bidding the job so I am sending them a revLsed copy of the application Loday showing yoo is the proposed contractor for the job' we are anxious to complete the work and would like to have your quotation as soon as possible so that \te can proceed. We will want to use the same type fixtures that we have in the existing bathrooms and all of the outside materials should be the same as existing. oo oo TOM GRAY MANAGEMENT COMPANY INC. Nlay 26, L982 Very truly Yourst TOM GRAY MANAGEMENT COMPANY' INC. 7?v'Q,---- tte Parker' Secretary Encls. cc: Town of Vail Department of Community Development lo8looldK8tyRo.d/Suitg200/P.o.Box79458/Hounon,Texas77079l|713',467.1317 lr Project Application i.1.,-, ,7 'It l.9rj 2Date 1'ainl :'L a'Name: :d65 ;..^st erl -.n'ii€, i,',ei ] Project Project Contact Description: Peison and Phone ?l.j 4\:7-i31.,1 10 tl10 Ol,d Ilatr' , S ur te l0 C Owner, Address and phone: P. (1 . lltrx iq4 !,i:, iiouston, l'exas 7???! Archile6t, Address and Phgne: i,r,c' .T- i.oal r ''ilq '',!i tc'rlp-l lC.:lt" 5r . i'nrrCtnn r Tevan 7?{}92 TMSHET Legal Description: Lot 2 , Block Motion by: Seconded APPROVAL Filing Design Review Board , Zone - ; resubdivision of Tract. D, rrai-i vii ll 3.Je I'iesenth Filing' COmmentS: A qlrhrl{'.;i qi or} r'er.'rrrlr-.r! itr the f)f iC(3 nf ;::rqla Cn:rIttY, f'r.rln. i,ve wor.r'l r"j 'l'i kp t.r ..rrtend the 'i r-:tgth nf thp grtallp fnrr.rarri i n ordpr tn iJ.qt;r'l f a crmill brtlrrnorn in i-hr. h;rr.k r,f {.he :-wi q+'i nr;j rtrarelJa- itla rs''ul ,j *lsc ] :n tc bcil3 ^ rilk i- clcec+ 'r 'he rc'rtS 'i^o "nja- |h'' exi stlnq rt->( f..\ ,i aDate ' U ll 't.t-" -: - '! oy: DISAPPROVAL t.{1,42: als t Su m mary: a. l./ ) ,,^ -l , tt l. ry I Statf Approval 'ltffu:',);,1 , l:,,,,tnl l d/lt/r /:' "[ [:r;77,,2)/2":r' i'1 th,:,';%;' ''ill1r,",/,.2iM,VIffiN : \ ',-".-,. \- 1 -.i. \\\ .t\ts. \\\ 5.S NR, 6id- rli lr l.'I,Irt-l)<l'.>IIt--I':F - i,| .''-r q. V;Z' '\: ' l-!) : '\ '-ii. J '\- r ,, LUa;. i'=-' *t f-'z .'i . <14 .C''''-- \_<'\ -t '. i t -' ' 'i.. -i J , r-.' . , . .. f '| \ ..1 I'1:.': r .L.i,, : v\ . j \ | i \\' I ri t ? 11 .r{'\.-: - --Jt_ _ -\'. ' I\..:'.1\\l.\\-. i *'. .'\\-.t : \) $L E:\.\ Is\[:r .6'i\ ) K \ F.S l1.1 Jo \-- r.D o !!r. Tom GrayR€: Party l{all atune 28 , L9B2 Page T"wo JMC:rae cc: . Mr. Thomas J. Agreement - Cacchiones Cacchione s!!:u"o AND AcKNowTEDGED rms 3 O / DAy oF ,0* , ti t:i ; l: t' ri \\-1I J) 7 .qtl-.! tf) tu .1] I I ']c) Fs rI -J QJ i\\ lt\ {,t^s( \n\..s RR /.- n^' ,/ .r' ,r"tt,.//, '.t)'./' JlvIKJrt'f IK-N\ riru, ts, fl,19 K7! * ( \! ',. ,\ Xg65 AsPtu kt+'sa 'o!;;r'' {in:. :$, .g---7F-- I -r., Iv_I -l $ ';ih ulin'i''' I / \1' 1ri::,i r.!',ii. \trrif{i:::"'lL fip"rr"' f\t :f /,t/il.l iiill{T I I I,:y' cL'r** l(n' __&_ e -r,$,'{' ll'- 6" ,)y'", t, 7aa 6a ,rf'b Y M't| - at \.v r- l'-e Dt'oll "^ \otn Ft-ocC:T"u:'n;^,:;;,.(_ov1* -'--_-I "@t4'tl 4'-a" ,,-_- _ a ,t ,4'i, / ,I ,''t' f t.l'1 fr I t-.I !\-,-€. I't /! En /, !s- 4Zl ?r f^ Aftm = l#\tZ1*l t/4t'"AI._ at, At t:t:, ;tR r$ :! J,ii-?rj*u .o{t -'l | .tri!0 'sl I.t. ;. :l f;.i rl lr ;l il < c.> t:s tlj -J Jt F =t { -o $./ ( oG o- i\\ rn r{, .\n.\S \CD tt .7 t t I : -t- : t' I t-'-- I- -__ I II I:tltl ,t' ,/' .i1 ,"'t' ,'' ll' '/ .t ,/, J' t\ I il !: il .\\ tiil l$ rtr - *nr ,$J-l !g tu ? c> Fs IJ, J ar 6-\ 5 {-- .9xLt F st I'*[.l ! il i'z l' rzt * ffi.;u I to lo ]5ionot, Lt,cu/-J oq ftol fLo u FPo ruT P"ro 4i ,!. tlg'l - \ 5 IDE 1. I h"*t)' ,'r\t )r4,/' , ,*l*, ^. , C/\t'1/J /"-- *vJl ztY' ,',J.r'*!. 1" )v4^4- (y* '1'7 n!4:) ,1'LN LJll-J^1,J. t 8f"L J< >or.3/-t I*t"'- ry@ R.l^f Jtd* rr-il* lr'".jL "u W W\ M /44+ /y r ,* - *t^,^,/.,^< ya ,MlJ rh,rrl t %. ;fr* o\..1 as i - j,.n .a ol 1 t f ,^,*!J rh'rrl t 6 J4h- fr t ^l^*t* t" 4 t Jra.a . A. -1'.f J,nA r+ z- hi,p ;A IN hL "t*u t* tv\ LJ 9^-hr- "{ fr;r ,*l ). ,l'x ? "arJnnn-!- .J ^r.'L '/g' o- 7z' oz l/y u s. 6e ffA t ,i*,, ; 1""{ - 4*- .t",vJc *'lA- ,-/^+ * /^/-: * l'**L. (l tt1t H, t J+d- ,l*Ll n"X k a,LJ 4t a )-,# lr*fff *4,J),b ,*J;" ,rJ4. *r.z &ra. /l.Je , ^^!"f/ N r;r* ,^r! k *t, Ut o ; I bAa,k *^W t o,E-ar l',L*/"W ?--+ t!,ta*:;-.,.i ?vr( ^t Lt-"r-J, t-? f..t \,4ufl \. '., '.."'}'-.ot ..\'. t'L E \ -.l €\[z a.\ li I t-; t,I.t: t. lr ) .l j- \Fs IJJ J tb t- l.D a./ n o a= \.. t't..,'tr* \-.- l .\) : F ) ) ) t', J I I \ U \_NLIT\ -I \\\[z .r\\\\ \. '. \. '... \ "\ .\..,t'...'\ I nl[ i / ,1.--z--=- .:t' ... ,/ ..' ,u1 , ;,t r/ .l'' ,;t/'ffi '', l' 1:' r,',,',t,/i' li i"' llfi>fillzi4'no, t,'' i" :' .',"' ; ' "r'.ll|" llll. "' r/7 .,, 7 7. l' tt'' .;' ,t'' ,/ .' .1/.7.-l' / / ./ .r' .,/.:" ../ ;;t:ii;7'ft:,f/i;;'; ';"'llll'lilW."i'r4rnr/i",:h;-', 4w)11,4 " )/,/z7, ", r2 /', "\-7' r".../,r//',/. t'..'n' ..r/1r ",o/ ,',,","")''', /tt'" -/t'',,,''' ,u' .fr'.,;ffi'?1),.,"'1 ;/ i4 :K,,,/ / lrt ,/' ,r' i.'j .y' ' .,/ ,/. ."' y''' / .tr' ,/ .'/ ,/ ./ ./'. ,/.,' t ,/' ./ ,/ ,z .') --o t-s U)J ttJ a z\\F ,J\ls. \\ -rS \:. rr 5> /' ./ ,,. I F .\ lJ)J Lb =r c> = :l , -i*... \ I \' '/' f\ +- .9x \ '.''.. I .rl '. J ,.-* ff"$":'#.-eK*:i''"";l"d boy,le engineertng. irc. 143 e. rn€o6./ d. rufie n-10 c(6srod sfrcpirB cmta rcit. cdoodo 8'1657 n3/a76217O 4( bY F7QN pAfia N rLAN (vs1AY,N&- l&ov brrL\ 1- l4-0/ LANE v{ tel t$q ,at" 7l b \${. qt-ol It-,sL-r IQ I + 4ku1 4-+2 ..-1 ?0A916 {of 1 '. -p^( ?xtsfrN4 BOe'$ p14 '1" AT wIz oo ---T':[r- - oo +_ -tlr0ltil---l I ffi$ Xt^r r, ta n! @/e rphang irc. 143 e. rneodor d suile rr10 crcs|od shoppn€ Gnfer roil. colcrodo 81667 n3/476-2170 i 6y,t+ft ilq n lJtl e a4 g/o t t?r 4rugLts ----- Irb @ 4+&. W.q to /. ?p/AwiavtaervT -i'o, 4VPW +r'V?ere5, 94ftv (u60v(b v?Oqtu4 - -f:-ittrFt! -?'4*td o( qlgr 1y+ op Zfux tA /+s - l'-O 4KFY rc4v^l6? 48bh prvil rlNpOO 1-n-sz OO Koof (gf,f{ tN4 rLAN ffii'.','.:i t/+965 :'t/L ^, t t)#! bqiertghcttilg irc lA]e. nreoord sulteft10 crccoocb shoPprrp. snEr voil. colqodo 81657 3o3/4762170 4t b V?.,gAq tl L r O o 4.tr o(. d}p Nlt,U lo-lrQ o44no.a. \(fu'rr| +V(h or e*ftIJ1) 't) "r* tuf*bl atnu rlflWFI.j4614*r inf:|f;fl^*)/4' FvvuooP 'Lr. to Qrocqr+4 Hr.tp tAlo a.xD "/ 4-- lO l 4.'4tb (Vrf e ?h u V 4LL[VLA|4 6vcf toV 6\ 47fY ?V+lPLllcL l-bbb A5F?N I-FNE 1- 14-92 oo AbF?6.7 oo ru*.s$?$t+r;'6.q:torr"G;d'.jf-a 'o1.q I fe66 I lE+rc.c+A 7b rcvasF- W)4rJ t*l 6AvW llLrb &?,1 t!.trtlv Hnt Ug Wrefrltntlr-r4lr,tv TYncrL t\r,sba e-x6 Na saf.l2 KP.+tvvA6v 1- 14- bL 'tugesruro;r*p 5.o& 1'a-El*'|, (d- Pr,"ctw atrlrvg'l 'dc. Lbbh h3,reN IANA4srY ol oo tr!..1#.sSii;'ttritiC.j(.- .oi i- r4869*-l t'-3t*u ufac.|'t4 I tubt1"t0 1dv*tttaag. gH/Hry *a171ft5fr ;aaq.fac. *+c,,+;.tac. fll" &|*c (pt tt. 44wesoc^@we rerfineg PrAl |N &A\rE- 4#f SELTtON AlNa UFL, \._/(v+t??$ce Lb?? h6rv-N 1' l+ 'tn oo LAN P oo rl ,l 'lI I ,l 'l oz tr =tu, o- o 6t r-l cl @ , E |- E s a uJ Lll lJ- ts = IJJ o- 6)l o,f'-, D- |->lNr Rl.-\'..\.uJ 'lt- 'tEl'lI' l_ IYtk rF-laz l=to t2 ,z t., \iE -{Ji uJF 2 zz i5FF 3,.S3: N 3 En'$ ; JI d3 \lltr;z38, '. ;.tssiEN = 9V\ 'l-] rC ((l c\ q c\l I q q E I e x oi I (f) .j ==t! z. o = Y uJI z ) F UJ uJ z Jo- J 2 .r t! uJtul!z tr LU E. LU oE o.o =g UJ z 6 IIJo F <,, IJJo d z uJJ CN uJ IJJ TL tr =E UJ(L J F F z o) 5 ) 9 r! tr z = d oz Io ITJ NO[Vn']VA Y Bz:ztL tr ^ 6zq 5 :er I o f,.. = ; =6f 0 ild r!<oqH 6 s*-9 29 <6J(' \ \-?F. -.< <ti -9 z E .J F A l E uJ YUJ oi @ a6j r-{ rOel c.i o- uJ E. J z Eoo z tr LUF a 4 3 UJz ||tt|l -l rl lrl rl I F =22i E: F5-iTy,P,33E iEE gf;EEEg lel I | | | ..1 $l | | cql Nl ? 9- ,3.7 =rE"3F ir= EEsooo-2.) z tr 5u)z t! J @ d F{ ,l I k LU-f a UJJ uJ o 3 ; J U o uJ uJ LL o- F F o z ln F 3 Ja IJJ F z g UJ o-o Luz :< = q i-l c n nF-si rO F. |o <l Io6l\tr "': == LU F.tE{F{t: 3q<t!x=o JF= LU rr)lO I,l C' (i' olz. I Ilr),l9l'il zl oz Fo u.l-)ot o- ^lHI\-l r-l I.c\: I\.1(ol UJre o +,Fl B z u- "l o Fo X CJr-l o.Fl o R ii =zt o q !l a) )ax 3H UJ z al> a.t UJ oo = - E t tr aau] c = L F o +J +l I Iro I E tr I XI aa IJJEoo .)a = s E cr Ec G luEoo 1 o F G a UJ oo J = v Ltltoo J = tr <n L!Eoo o- F O Eult 'l- F C) LUF - t _.,5 g<F.,tc() xiur< =z. d. o6 O <oOF FSt() toozl =#=F)zaO <^ Yt- 13 Y,z =g t i. t-o2 )<c)eg,t tlJ =o Jz z ze coo>z zil -a\! =i'i(Jdd= tro Eoo o o Ec5FE=on(J; ol!.POE l,9dE>tF€ILo!t EtrN E ls = IiE l,lrl r- o-zoF(J DEFazoo /Q.}\I -n-'frE \ v/Its\zr= = EtrA Oz.-szom c)'n= rn = --l =t-mt><cc)-9-g t-prm mE'-IJ O -?l(t', = -{m--l n -2!O@ rnC, 1'1cz.cf Llt PROJDCT # OW.NDR'S PIIONE INT Z , BLOCK .FILING .Vv IF IsHn box 1O0 vail. colorido 81657 {303) 476-5613 The follorving are required to comPlete Department for review: department of community development additional i-nformation or corrections the PIan Check which is now in the Building ili ,l( I have read and understand tlre atrrve -.o1 thq l. EAsEI'ENTlsr noo,q tm rlocr JRD FLCCR vAtL }01rB I sNtlrlTlcrl DISIRICT uo,.l Uf;f sroY O-/ PLM O€CK / .5IREET A9DRE5S :T,, ncst&rnlet- tntn t sa/a TAP !rr,l€ oF lg€ o'.?ff FEE G1ISJISTIOI tl PHiSICAI- , e/ x 1.50 ?x .E 2 ,(, 3.n z x l.fr) Zx .50 x'.6= LX,E= x 3.S x'l.CI ,JA Ir*.roU BAsItt & TolLET.(otE rnrf PATH) ////ocrnn srtt*s FTI.L BAIH(srs,.,rn oR TtB, BlsIH, TOttrr) Rccrs (Lt./txc ffirs, EEDR$^F, OF?rcrs, /1 X STUDIOS.l : KITCI€NS L X 3"Oo z l,062, MsEl=lrr lsr rlme ao FLmR JRD FLOOR 3i BAsgerT Isr rrcon ho rlma .)RD FL@t? z- ?- q. 5. 6. 7. 8. z_ ..;z- DI$flAST€RS t}ll$IDRIES ben w.rsra) ICE !4AC?IINES SATNAS mreq cmlns & TIATER FOI,I{TAIIE S1{lt'tll t\C POIL.S JArllz'l FIII E1T|s MIS KTTf,T€N DI$T.AS}€R i-nr.loares CR,'TSIDE I{ATER T TAL FOINTS 10.fi1porrns = 1.ffi g. 10. x ,l) x 5.0 rlffigUrSlDE HATER .u{Nlvlt4 0F c\E tl APARN€NTS l. 2, 5, 4. 5. rtt x' .51 x 1.00 = -SO.{ 'tl.' 6 //4 /7E DAIE .rorAr- r*rrt'e5 r nllf -, Y aCD{g\ffi =c 3o@,oe ---I;'- ...4 rCU.6{tllG n€ co\?LETtc.| oF culSTRLgrloI oF ALL sTRtrn-RES, T}G DIsTR|cr SMLL ffiiln'; iiilsiiii-iri;,,Ecrrct oF ^LL FRa.usss ro DErEFi.rlr{e Tl€ IuLrfR 0F Polr,rrs rb"ili Irs'se'slo-ncco'ut;:'j id.n'': r'r'iiir r:D-la:::l-.Ip FEE' ;:D P,\TE sct:''rltE' '\s iirioeii-n-1un,e-orsiNrcr siru! r.,1e A'rY ^nrusr;'iirTs 1,i€!ESS,\'lY. lN_n€^c'elclir'L i#'iii'pnio. " ixii ursacoior siur ALed DEIr'f ltilE nE DUtLDll.G qilrER's r{,\TER A'{D SB{ER SERVTCE OWi6E' t.m = /'/r00' 2.fl .€, OD = -ZtQ!-:- ._, \ TltsPECIOR DO,\q0 0F nlnraTor6 t Oal/oNE QPr€/,/.-, z nZ9'- Taa,--P FtesrToor- 2-s = /o33, b3Z,S x 3Z n x tz'{ t3,S x Zt.g zo K zz.9 --beCOv''a f Lb&- 8?. E qzs,z€ q so, zot/od 3y'y', o o / g?,za .f3/ t zo 5-3/ oZO z6s"ba /oa @ /.8 OZ,s '. j "_ t/O33, 6 G.ur.*? G.C*uru) \( 12,5 c 36 y rJ : z1 v 2z lO y t/,8 : IL/,FT - t4 x 3z = 8), { €o./,o L/ (DZ O zo7 '/q8,oq?sg.s- @10 < Qzcaa=. //,SxtD = zorT 27,{y //,9= zs8,,7f 'lb€,ig ezs = 2eco: 87,9 nv /oo 30e4*) q@- Mea+ z FFe .4, ,v @ 1i>- 30 \f=-zlzg / I ZstO // a./? - Fr-* /z-@ ?" /2 Od at 4_ 74 0a ) 17x 3xox ?x l7r ll,s lZ, { e /B t"'g , 8?,9 tz L? z 'tZ, Y .l,o t /^qzs e 2*e e -rOO c) -EtEc, L),139 @.,,nf = ge? /. -l$oo /Z-- 3?.o o za@,h{ /o'zD frt+t> lL, Oo 6ZozO zos po 9 )" 6, tsts Thoqas J. ..1!35g[ig11 5509 Jackson Creek Road Sedalia, Colorado 80135 -40-tfu /ga^',/- i'" nadb Vrtt& Town of Vall Design Revlew Board P.0. Box 100 Vail, Colorado 81657 Dear Design Review Board Members: lty brother Bob and nyself own Lot 2, Vail Village, llth Fillng, Town of Vail , Colorado. Mr. Jirn Abbte of Abbie Designs has been working on our duplex plans for several months now. Mr. Abble has visited the site ln question several tlmes and has drawn a sit.e plan to place the duplex in such a position as not to destroy any existing trees. It seems to be that two extentlons frorn the duplex on the north side run sllghtly over oD the north sLde utllity easement of the lot since these extensions are attached to the main structure mainly for design appeal, lt would not effect the structure itsel-f . However, I do accept full responsibility for any overlapping parts of the structure on the easement. A1so, I w111 have the outside of the house stalned during the spring or sunmer of 1980 since it would be difficult to do so during the rllnter when the siding will be finlshed. Plus I would like to have the cedar on the outslde weather sone before I stain it. Should you have any questions, do not helstate to contact Jim Abbie Ln Vail or nyself . TJC/dr Yours Thomas J. Cacchione 7.-" fr P,opot.d Conrl'uclion ! Undcr Conrfruclion. O,qL_4. paW;rve; W Z, * Feztsg oF fWl O P r o p e r t y o J J r e s s -VAIL-..v rLLAG#i. -tllt---F-ll'lFl 9.. -. - -. - gote6:M--- Morlgogor ot Sponsor Co nl r o c I o r o r B u i I J e r -.fu. l@. A-d,. { Adrlrcerl p g b_?x tus_,.)/ t t !<.. t _Q., _ a I _b_s_7. _ ( A dd'...t tor r..er.l. Fll.l.t .t ...1-D ..tln, ttr- |brt t'?.'r'.,.t.a.}o^t tbor. told Fr.!,1. c.E!l.t d .''..it tot.U,.t Itt otiarh.l ord.t. DEScRlPTlot{ oF lvEftTEIjlALS ciry.Y-A-l.la Thc rpccificolionr ircludc lhir Dcrcriplioo of Molcriolr, lht oppl'coblr FHA Miaimum Conrlruclioa Rcquircmcnlr, ond ony opplicoblc FHA Enginccriag Sullclia l. Drrcribc motrriolr ond rquipmcnf lo bt r,rrcd by cnltrin3 molion ond morling on X in coch pcrlintnl clccl-bor. 2. Do ncf includc oltrrnottr or "or tquol" ilcmr. Acccploncc of rubrlilulc molcriolr or rquipmtnl con bc rtqucrlcd of FHA, lhro"gh lhc morrg:9.., bclorc or oflcr 6e6s1,u.1ion hor bcAun. Spccial foundrti^ns lNsTnucTlollS lhc clcntiol inlor. 3. Unlrrr olhcryirc docribcd or rl,o-n. rcquircd -orl -;ll bc orru'ntd lo I'e lhc minirnum occcploblc lo FH,lu 4. Conclruclion rhich crcccJr FHA minimum rcquircrncnlr -ill bt rccognircd in lhc FHA corl crlimoJc only if odcquolcly dcrcribcd hcrcia. 5, Sigrolurr of morlgogor ot lFonro. ir rcquirtd o1 pogc ,1. 2. FO UI.IDATIONS: Foorir,gs: corrcrcte ^ir -.hlh-.*ct/-. /.aLtr^--?-.i:-?"ffi"rorcing.-.--.-.!-*- e ...$ogfi#L[AL... Foundatic,n rr.all; lttareriat A.?*.t]€..... gI#,.!rl.6.YLs )*e- Rcinforcing --.--:------.--.---.- Intc'ior foundation *'all: Ittaterial .eel#, llt#-.NlftVLsttOp- tarty fouridatio n vall -d: eLg.-....q...9.h.StCg.- -.-. Columns: Jttalerial and size Piers: I\Iaterial arrd reinforcirrg -5)'6-S-4Gk ..-. -Hhl€ . -..------ cirdcrs: Irlrlcrial and sizcs ---f:lOilE.-.----- --.--.--. Silts: Irtaterial :f9;eA1,€('.-?-llnt.-Carlm''4ll llll,lmto-tLstff4nl B:rs< mcnt cntrance &re3rray -----t{Of{6--,- ---.---. \\'indow sreawayg .--Hcldg--.--.--\{ar.erpror'6ng Footing arains -!t!--@3ba'dia',--,*rtJf4Afsa--:fqFJNf- Basrmr.nrress s;,ace: Grounrr "o''",...r{erff.- . ....:.";;l;;;;;'..i-|tllrlotit6l."t). ;;;;;;;':;;;" .i{a,E....--....--. ....-- l. ct+t H x EYs: Vents (znalcnat ond si;r): Gas or oil heater -- -t-.ldd .------.-. \Tatcr hcater _L&Tf,-lC-fi*.nL/E>- ,;;;;r;;;;;;tf Ty1,e: ! Solid fucl; ! gas-burning; ! circulrtor (mokc and ";'e l.llEAfilr{|E --&'l.g- Ash dump and clcan-out }l$l€----.,.------- Fireplace: Fating l-lkl6.- k(,*--- -; lining -16-{allEnilM;r"^ra -Al)A!--flLE-.----; nrantel .Af,--lp.:!+AI{|$AW' l. EfiERIOR trYAlL9: Wood f rame: Gradc and specics Shcathing A'3Any.ndSiding4EBt-.rc'. Shrnl':es. Stucco..fl4nlP . . - ilo. -Sar Ruirding paper or t"h ld--ft|-T...--.--. Erl,crjor;rairrtilrg:}tett'ria||auttrnrc.l.'TA|.'-.-.. Grnblc u all cons',rrrct jr,n: D Slmc as main u alls; l-1 otlrer 6.FIOOR FT.AHING: Joists: \\'ood, grarfc and slnc;ns lril0.QF...(A8,4.,.; (,1h(.r..-...,,.......,....-.-.---; l,r'i,lglng fiP-Cr?.W!ffinarorJ6-?l!!-{.@-lbr(..ivdo-ql Concrctc slab: fJ R::sr.rn, nt fl.ror; f) first f,r'or; J( 11round ^r, gVZ,Stg.y/aL.qp ; rhic\ncss _4--,' t nrt'rnt,rane - ?olr@HYl€il6 . .,.--.- 8. FINISH FLOOE.ING:(lVocd only. Docri6t otltr 5ni'.h Fc,ori"g u:Ja ilcn 21.) llo.xs r:11 | -.'"i'" l':::::::'l| _r,,,1,,,,, :lFi rst flt'or.---- S, cL'nd ilc,cr-- .Allic flt,i'r .. so. ft. 1.ru) nxrrr! DESCRIPTION OF AI.AIERIALS 7, 2AJS'DESCRIPTION OF MATERIALS t,- ? ^ r.TlTtox Flar{txG: Studs: \for,d, gradc arrd sy,"cit,s .!-V-C_P?*--llsizc and ^raci " s - -1L X.A. _,j- _ - -'; 4e.-1 - __ ol.Ler _-Z.x.G _r -_,. - Hlo -. ___---_-___; gage or *'eight --___-___-; size -_-_-_-_-___.--.1 shaJre _---_--_--- ; numl,erto: fl Storm sewer; ! sanitary seu'er; fl dry well, O Splash blocks: I\Iatcrial and size t0. r t. Gutters: Ilatcrial Dou nslrouts : Iltatrriat Dou'nspouts connecttd I'. LATH AND PI.ASTER: Lath ! *'alls, f) ceilings: trIaterial -----------r-----------; r.eight or thickness,-.------------- plaster: coatr _.._....; finish "?;-lrlE-,J,lfl:l;ngs: Materiat _.G{ff:.Jm_-._-..;thickness _1.;!gI_;ani"n le{y,tfb._.;;;;;.,;;;;A-i;; t5.DECOt.ATf NG: (Point, wollpopcr, ctc.) n LL Fti..rstt M^tEsllL IND Appuc^rrox CETLJn..o Ftrrr!rl M^rL^JAr ^ srr Arrr,tc^rtox Xitchcn-------.-----.-d- Bath..-- -----. -----. ----)-\ aeYfl ,lQ.$)_-:.,_r'.--,'htl-_E_D.__t,y_titt-.ace_<-.i-Y-A-?----.ixr:"--)-v-!sen-:e-peerNs:..._1rer*t Xe^llt$-..-s-fXA .As-_.--A-EL-D?'1,u,!-l -lT3lN---.=-y.Tlr{&@---.t1,J*ED--.W-Frt-_ t rli4x _. ri*{: . A+_-v-pxg.?c-J._e6__ __ . ty! _. size lL*-- I8. EN'TAI,IC[5 AHD EXTERIOT DETATL: llain cntrance door: Matcrial --.e.?--. - ------.; r.idth . a,::A.-, thickncss.f14,,. Frame: I\Iatcrial --f,i€-------; Othcr cntrancc doors: luaterial -.---:-"_-------------; u'idth.-----:---; th ick ness ---*..,,. Fr:rmc: Ileteri al -. - -:----------. : thicLness -.1--?L,. th icliness --_._,,Hcad fiashing .tr-si.t',.-Vlj\llt- --.- .--..- -.--. \l'cerhc rstripping: Type --f*€;._*sC_e.---.____-_---; saddtes -_-_-_. Scrcen d<r<,rs: Thickncss ---------" i nurnbtr ------- ; screcn cloth matrrial Storrn doors: ThicLncss ---- " 1 numbcr ..- Cornlrjnation storm and scrccn doors: Thicliness ---...._"i lunrber_.,..; scrccn cloth nral.crial Sbutters: ! Ilingcd; D fixcd. licilirrgs /t-I..'.i-,. -- .--- Louvcrs Extrr.ior millrvork: Gradc and sp.ci.s _-. . _'!-..1.:..-.--.- paint .--:nsAblg{tg*-{f._,lFiAlN-_; numbcr coats -_1.__.. I9. CA6INET' AI{D IIiTEIIOR DETAIL: Ilack and cnC sl');rsh Fjnish ofcabincts llr..cr1.1r. cebin<ts: Irlal;e ----------.-- ._-.-.._-_-----.--.-.-_-_---; .--.---------; numlrcr coats __ model Otl,(r cal'in€ts and built-in furnilure 20,5T/.lti5: UA!l stln! .U nt (rirl L.F._..."_. . il. .... ....1!..... ..1X..1.-o--- ...u . ..,._ ri JUN. o s i9?9 'Permlt No.i.r 1057 VAIL WATER AND SANITATION DISTRICT WATER AND SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMIT wtLL No,iigE NAME oF ,oWC LOCATION AND LEGAL ) tlesua oc Tea-e.t t) lmn c*/4 9or$ qENERAL coNrRAcroB Poyd"o^t !" Cousr Lrc. No. PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR Lrc. No. Lrc. No.EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP:Wat€r MeterSize NUMBER OF UNITS 5,og (x$600.0o) = Amount 3o oo,oo oate Billod Oate Paid '# yoo Bldg. Dopt. -\ryhhe;- Watcr rnd Slnltation - Gta€n: - Publlc Works- Canary; - Contractor - Pink;-Accounling - Goldonrod 7, tr. SrtctAt Ftoo1.3 aHD iffAlt{3coT: lf}{^lrox Xitchen- Bgth M^itrr^t- Cru'r. BotJ,Er, SllL!, G^..t. Ett'Tlrrr!rBol8 llNr,r r,trrr,t E: F lrc^trox ll^rEtr^L, Cotlt, Boit)Et, C^r, Sttl!, C^cl, ttc' Bathroom accessc,ries: ! Reccsscd; material .---1number ------; D attachtd; rna(crial !ru,prm ,lElctrl lt St|os El numl,tr ------ 22. ?LU M?IHG: Fr rt L'rt lllrcl'! Ft:rtunE tr,rlirrrrcatrox No.C.rr! Sink. --- - ----------- -- Lavatory------- - ---- Water closet--, ----, Bath tub--.-----.---. Shorler oler tub'- SL:ll slrotner"----. Laundry traye-, --. r3F,rdfp9'1'__ ---__-___l!___-.---- -_--_---u-_--__--_ ll '$ Curtain rod "S Door 0 Curtain rod 'Water supply: fl Public; ! community s1'stem; fl individual (privatc) system. Strvage disposal: pPublic; ! community s)'stcm; fl indilidual (Jrrivale) s1'stcm. IIouse drain (inside):! Cast iron; E tile; D other ---------------- If ouse sewer (outside) : D Cast iron; El tile; I olhcr -We --.-- l{ater piping: ! Ga}vanizct steel; El coJ,pcr tubing; ! other Sill coc}:s, nunrltr -..-.------- recoy€ry gph. tO0" rise. Storage tank: I\tstcrial -.-.- -'"-i;t:--.di.f,!:.rLJL''.1{l)--.---,; caJracity --tb-----. rzllons. Gas service: E Utility company; [ !iq. pet. gas;!.other --A&Ha - Gas pil,ing: D Cooking; ! housc hcating. Footing drains connectcd to: @ Storm serlerl ! aanitary *u'er1 ! dry u'ell. Sump 1'e6p 23. HEATIXG: I Hot xater. ! Sleam. ! Vapor. f) One-piyre s]-stcm. O Tu'o-pipe system. 1.,. D Badiators. D Conscctors. p Bascboard radiation. Iltake and m<,del Radiant panel: [f Floor; ! r*'all; O cciling. Pancl coil: I\lalerial ! Circulator. f) Return purnp. Ittakc and rnodel --,-.--.; calrrrcity .-...---..-.. KI,m. Boilcr: I\la]:e and nrodel ---J:{Cl-.:------.,- Output ----------------.- Btuh.; nct raling --------"-.--,--.. Iltuh. Tlarm air: ! Gravity. f] Frlrced. Type of systcm Duct material; Supply -------------.-------; rclurn -----.-----,--------- Insulation -----------------, thickncss --------- tr Outside air intale. Furnacc: Ilakc and model ----.------- ------ Input Btuh.; oulput --.-- ntuh, D SI'ace healer; [ floor furnacel ! wall lrr.atcr. lnput --.-.----..----------- Btuh.; outJ,ut -.----------------- Btuh.; numlrcr unils Fucl: f) Coal; I oili E gas; ! liq. lg1. gas;Feltctric; D other , - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - - ; storage capacity Firing r.quiprrrent furnishcd scparatcly: ! Gas burntr, conlcrsion t)'ne. Stokcr: ! lloJ';'cr fccd; D bin fccd. Othr r lcatir'1', rlntilating, or ct'c,ling t'qui;,mcnt Vcr,tilating <.quil,nrcnt: Attic fan, nra\c arrd m<,del K itchcn r>ihaust fan, make 24.tLtcrilc $'rLlll G: Srn jce: {-J O',rr}:r.:rd; p undcrground. laricl: fl Fuse l-'"x; \\'irirrg: (-l Condrrit; 1l r'rnrorcd cable; D n<-,nrrr.lrllic cal,lc; D Sl,r'cial r.utl,.ts: !( tr-rnge; R rrrtcr hcr,ttr; [] otlt"r .Q/1fl T<,t:,1 nurnl,r r of firturcs ..--.. :--.--,i--- Nr'r,t1 l,icel .ir.rl:.lletion Llg{ IAU Tt,l:rl all.,rr.,r,ce f<,r firturr's, l1l,icel inst:r al'on, $..1.?4Q--------.12 a:61sttfr- .Wt{3r.. .6WAF\:AL... . 75. .:uN. O 5 1979 DESCRIFTICN OF,.1/.1 TRIAI-S f\7t'2N3 ' t _ o pEscR,tPfloN oF MATERtArs -:_1-::=-:::_:::l,t<^nLx I Tnrch^rsa I X^rt,r^!. Tt.rt ^ri, ltlr.rot, .,, txsr^t L.^rloi I v^n," n^^^,:.r r*a.-..-...1..F.:e?.:t | -:llttrt.d'.:t!wu.!+}t1..lntu? ! t-:fxPceft].8_t.v10-tr-!/,.--.-r."*tl .{a1. r\glr-_.....IK:1V|?yd-taN..weu,,e,6ff __l_N_s._u._L- Froor------ I3:lO. .l@tJvW._..:.Lt-tz'l.l'L4utiaflan:.{a.BrBD. rsisul--: Ap*iF.:2\vE ..1..-....}de---.------.----- 27. |a lsC E t LA li i O U3r (Dcsc-riLc any nain du'clling n'o,tciols, cqwipncnl, or conslruclion ilcins no! slrou'n ckcuherc): -.-------------- SPECIAL tQUIPfIENT: lSlolc noletiol ot molc oad nodcll Venctian blinds -fJdi:l€- .------- Number --lll---- Autornatic nasher Xiichcn range ---- Cl<ltlres drier __----_ Refrigeralor ----- Other Dishrl'asher Garbage disposal unit ?orcHEt: w,Qz..h=.-?-/-k--w.l**:.2)!agx.ults--.-Hz.-p-FA4lrbl c+-_#.-.sIFg=q1lPE- rERlA CT3: 6AEAGEtT thicknesc Z" thicl,nesg -----" OTHER O}{SITE IT{f IOYEHINTS: (Specify all crtcior on-itz' improrctncnts nol dc.tcnbcd eL"nthetc, includ.ing ilctrc ruch ot unuauol groding, drtinagc etruslyTss, retoining utolls, lence, roilingc, ond. azccssory stntclurc-t,l LAI{DSCAIIHG, PLANTING. AND FTNISH Gf,ADtNG: C/?C. 61ft T<,psoit .-..2 ---." thick: !! Fr<,nt tard;E side )ards;81 rc.ar yard I-rrvns: (.sci,lcd, so7"lcd, or sp'iggtdl S Front 1'ard - - - - - - - - - - - . - - - - - - i P);.rlir.g: !(rrs sy,,.cificd and shr.,u'n <,n drasings; fl as fo!)o*'s: --. Shadc lr,.es, dcciduous, ----------,-" celipcr. Ixrrt flcs..ring trccs, dcciduour; ----,---.--.'to-----------' Iligh-grosirrg shrub:, dcci.luour, to ---------.-.' ll,.dium-grcu'ing shrubs, dcciduou!, ----.----,--' to ------------' larr'-grou'ing shrubs, dcc;duouS, lo ---.----.-,-' fLjr{ to -------.------- feet brhind main building. ts sidc I'ards -.--------,--...--;g rcar 5'ard Eve'rgrten lrc.cs, to --..--------', B & B. Etcrtrccn shrubs, - . - , - - - . - , , . ' t o . - - - - - - - - - - - ' . B & B. Itincs, 2- ycar ll)ENl lFlC.{'l'lON: Ilis e zhiLit ond oll oth<rs sul'rnilltd uilh lhc tonc api'litoli<'n nvsl l,c idcnlifcd by the sigtvrturc of ll.c oTpIL corr! nrortgrgor il f.nn conmitmcnt is o74,lid ltt, <tr ol ll,c r1'snsel il con'liliontl conmilltrcnl is ov1'Itcd lot Q lI ort gogor t Signature J!N. O f; 19]e ! Spor-."or 0^+^* / n-az? t Prolect Name: Project Description: Owner Address and Phone: 1 71 it':),. Project Application l','4-j\ f j o^r" 3*//-72 . " Architect Address and Phone: t Legal Description: Lot ./ , Block fi ritino Zoning Approved: Design Review Boa DISAPPROVAL Su m mary: Administrator Chief Building Olf icial ftff'E'f? DISTRICTS / l"', €.rs-a t<rt..T> o Zone District Kr proposed Use ?<.tpl.* Lot Area gt/r4Zg ,eisht Altowed 30' proposed 3O''.-ln-o,-. GRFA: Ar I oned i 4- t 84 . proposed 4fu 6f - - t Primary Proposed //* Secondary Al'lor,red Secondary Proposed ,//4 -Site coverase: A]lorved ao% x l#ZA = 4??f proposed O( Landscaping: Required fu /o r 4770 = /1U66' Proposcd Ol<-')-Parking: Required , t Propcsed .:C Drive: Slope Permitted -&-"Iope Actu"t 3%n8, Environmental /Hazards: Av.-.'l anche ' 6 - ' Flood Plain - (l a Slope -'O - Corrments: Z0t'lE Clii:CK . for SFR, R, R P/S ZONI -:G:r.:.j =:.,::. Legal Description: Lot Z Block J). Filing .n O,,ner L?cctl't-aE Architect b;a Setbac k s : Front-Require a- 2O i --Pro pbse d Sides-Requ'ired l5' Proposed Rear -Required '15' Proposcd lJaterccurse-required O Proposed fz' GRFA: Prirnary A'l I ovred 'i zltt9tf,gqtB &fr: n Zon i n g 7''Appr ov efl,/D i sa pproved i 775+> 'Zon i ; tor 1f dae 3.zt tztzg' = ll ^'-.. -.r,.J x / !s- x 2-c 9>x ll,{ /".- *( : {l Ft*on Lz--x /,V,2f, /6 )$t - 7t /t. z,f /'--- 3x /o "( = .'-_.-li,; /3f.'7\ = ?l.l{u eo -- tl'i Y /7.?( - w ?za- rT>lz,z{ a aOo 2svffi ._7 tqr t ttv ?fiv w, - 3L>ln "/ f 1/,gl - tLI /o0?, Q 391r.9) / l.- '- '-** .- r ? | 0,52 {t2.6>{ (?f - ,4* 3 fi'rJ1.?f x totf .- 32,{ /o( f 's-z br-(r1l zG 4t 4 obu ,) | t;'\,,'-'+Lt .4 \ ,'t/",1 I '-l . -1-:'.i /- -- / I i.,- ,' ;, { ;. ,'. :,:,-'t Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legat Description: t-ot / , gtocr Zone: Zoning Approved: Motion by: Design Review Board #qa,l,a,+L our" @- u<ra tsots-ea-7?- DISAPPBOVAL Seconded by: APPROVAL T-o-V SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL AND RESIDENTIAT _ZOIf-TG-CHECKLIST vr/ / tL f:/,^Legal DescriPtion: owner: fa,6sh',one Arcbitect: Zone Dlstrict: R, Projrosed v"21 D'^ Fle V Lot Area: e!ffi. Uinus Eazard Area: I Equals Buildable Area:EY 1)8 Eeight: Actual 7l Setbacks.: Required - Front 20' , Sides 10' + 3 ,Rear2o' +3 'I t ,Actual - Front 'q 6 , sides ?), b ,Rear a S Distance Between Buildings: Required .- ActuaL Ok c-R.F.A. Allowed: Buildabre Area x . % rYlZ.& Actual-LiQl8 Site Coverage: Alloned - Lot Area -:r -X = .1 k Landscaping: Required-LotArea x %- Ok Parking: Required q Actual' t1 Drive:' Slope Permitted Parking and Drives Must Environme nt aL I Hazar d. : I "/o Slope Actual 6 k ok Slope cK creek OK )L Comments: Be Paved Avalancbe /UK Flood Plain Distance From Trees Removed Zoning Approval; ". . ,-- {t I Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Owner Address and Phone: Architect Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot , Block - (es...5 -rl..rr E An t t ,/At- V#;Q, O rQ dF tL f 7 2-,Firins VV llb Zone: Zoning Approved: Design Review Board Motion by: T o "l d seconded or, Pan Ksn DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL Uttl4q/) Sum mary: Zoning Administrator