HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 BLOCK 3 LOT 10 LEGALCd'rI.$TTY FIELOPIE T' Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Deye,lopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tari970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com PToJect Name: HINTZ OFFICE/NANNY APT. ADDMON Project Description: RNAL APPROVAL FOR A GARAGE AND APARTMENT ADDMON, RE-APUCATION FOR A NEW DRIVEWAY ADDRESS PILI.ARS Pafticipants: OWNER HINTZ, BERNDJURGEN 0612612006 NOVAR HOUSE 24 QUEENS RD WEYBRIDGE SURREY UNITED KINGDOM KT139UX APPUCANT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCHITE06/26|2006 .Phone : 97 O-47 6-220L PO BOX 3340 VAIL co 81558 License: C000001763 ARCHffiCT SNOWDON AND HOPKINS, ARCI'|ITE06/26I2$5 Phone: 970476-220L PO BOX 33,{O VAIL co 81658 License: C000001763 Project Address: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Location: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR Legal Description: loh 10 Block 3 Subdivision: VAIL WLLAGE FIUNG 11 Parcel Number: 2101-023-0400-2 Comments: SeeConditions DRB Number: DR8060249 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: O7 I 1912O06 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rwiew committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel.prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202a^7 ...- . ' . .'-' , . .. , Approval of this project shall lapse and become vold one (1) year follorying he date of final approval, unless a bullding permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward ompletion. Cond: CON0008255 The applicant shall provide a staging plan In conJunction wlth the plans submltted for a buidling permit. Cond: CON0008257 The applicant shall depict a llmlts of disturbance fence and erosion control fence on the site plan submltted in conJunction with the buildlng permit plans to be put in place prior to the start of constnrtion to protect trees to remain and control run-off. Plannen Wanen Gmpbell DRB Fee Pald: I3OO.OO . .1: i, ., Osncr Architctt Zonc Lot sizc ZONE CHECK oorc, (a 5O-ObGN L"gat<tcscriprion:Lot lO nt*r.Eilg Addrcss Pbonc Phonc Proposcd usc Brdldablc . Allorvcd Existing . hoposcd ,.-.dotarcRFA : +- =J!% Lll55 * l3Ll8 = l:r:t'ea*'aRFA -+(425)(6?5,)=_ Lll$ . 601 = *r^J&triluGnrA +(125)(675+) C * _. '_., = r 675= 425 crcdir plus 250 addition RcmainingTotal 5SosulE 131 J@q = 918 tly tilr/ td+w l22ot ^)#fi:?@B Lanrrscaping @/o rvrinimum I IJST 3't 6' A'tlB-a Rctaining Wall Hcig!rs Prrking Caragc Crcdit Drivovay .__,4, wi((300I(600Xe00).(t200) a rft Pcrmincd Stopc -tr--" Rcquirctt vqr..X- Nq v,, 'X wq 4) Watcr Coursc Sctback 5) Gcologic Hazards a) SnorvA b) Roclfall c) Dcbris Florv lfl Docs tlris rcqucsr involvc a 250 Addirion? A /n , Horv much.of rhc alloivctl 2j0Addirion is uscdwirh *rrc**rL Sitc Covcragc 2O7. Hcigbt Sctbacls Conrplics rvitb TOV Ligbring Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tlan 2:l (50%) Enriron m cn ta Llllaz:rds Prcvious conditions ofapproval (cbcck propcrty filc); ls thc propcrty non-conforming? Dcscribc: 31a1 rro@ Front Sidcs Rcar ',. 20' .J 5' t5' 2) Floodplain 3) Wctlands l.i'. sr!op5F$.tl8ld i'i'.?.'Il^ -lt\. . ,,\ T*J.,:; {|^$'| '..|ll'n .rqAq ' 6(,.1 .i;Gnlftt, lcpeo puu rgooolrfln[rlii] ?wrqHlm' I),tel i.. $+^,'i. cturgldugn4 - stct u i rlparus'sq.u I .]\,; .j cdoJSapugollg l- ..- -l.i*.,r,t scpuy cprqglung uoFsrllpa^.o3 scldum FFEiI?u;ppg uo;lrwoccfunC .- ' t'luoclEgrqcoq CDsqrga,rOpmeg - .t .$ft'r '\ ,t,' c['r!g$[ tt .. 'J ll \'' uuoy uoqecgr;n r ,Q;pt11 (e:nv)p{3qu re,rorUUg,oin\b ;-- ' ,J .,.- .r_.1 , ^sno!0$rrIlcsl}l( ,'.fi'&t h.' t- :\:rt A\-J $.,rrri, B'rn. CFCS 'r:. 'Q . r.r'rradirsiJ' l,*:f,, eternrqJ qls T.;,i \J ; I sPErttcs ElututqaEotrog rCtnHtulpp,e r'a)(- ! t \C\,,t u j[o9t^olJlods -r- ' .ii\ltdtiaei1,f11pi1 ..t 'lilr 'spreqg 1gurruriirn^ug :pEq|cs.s[toc J'IPAI u.reldpoog ilOOt . . t.rl, quratcsS EilVcppilng czls lo,I uogo;rop;etc1 , :lErltpuag Iqdr6odog 3F!|.Fr,rt\roloc oFcs \t!\ sNolJ'v^fliroMotlnttr I t -i"^xrls,et ".i aarforg IsrDrJsUJ At g^.rt{ NCISSC ocapiuftug **.lffi, IOI4{\I New Construction Application for Design Review Departrnent oF Community Development 75 Soutr Frontage Roa4 Vail, Colorado 41657 Tel: 970.479.2128 fax: 970.479.24s2. Web: www,vailgov,com General hfgrmatlon: AIJ projects requiring desbn revlew must r€ceive approval prlor to submlttJng a building permit application, please reter to.the srbmittal requjrements for.the partkulai aoproval that is requeiteo. nn apiication idr oesign neviarvcannot be accepted until all required inl'ortnation is recei\€d by the CommJnity oevetopment D@artment, Thep4ect may also need to be reviewed by the Tolvn Council ani/or the planning and -Envlronmenbt commission,Design review approval lapses unless a buiHing perrnit is issuea anu cirirrucfion ommences withinon€ year of the apptoval. Description of thg Re-qua"c1; Location of the proposat: t-ot: l0 Block: 1 Physical Addr€ssi Parcel No.! Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Sigruture(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Mdress: Type of Review and Fee:tr Signs D Conceptual Rerriew Nelry Conshuction Addi6on Minor Alteration (MulcFFamily/Commercial ) Minor AlErauon (Sin gleFamilyiDuptex) Changes to Approved plairs S€paration Request UN 6)oo o,, IIrc \ tr E tr n E tr Phone: br $50 Slug 91,00 per square foot oFtotal stgn ar€a. i\o Fee $650 Construction of a new building or demo/rebuild,$300 An addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 2S0 additions & inFrior conversions)..$250 Minor changes b buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additjons, landscaping, fences and retaining wallt etc.$20 Mlnor changes to buildings and site improvements, sltdt as, re-roofing, painting. window additions, landscaping, fences ano retainjng walls, etc.$20 Revisions to plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Revi€w Board. i\o Fee h'a.rJu^+For Office Use Onlv: FeePdd fu& --_ Meeting Datei Subdivision: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-9640 for parcel no.) Planner: 7 - lQ-oQ ? 5c) Project No.: RBoG autr.t ueoJnn dcn:cn Ln qz ielAl - firrrf" l\o,tidawA, ' , Lo| lY -Vle* 1 ' vt, ldL lr[r,t , llr Vrntnow; 4F1.- , Buildino Mqterials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sofflts Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior LlghUng Other otAtr qh*t' w004' $f. 1,1v. wlrlc.l na (irr 5"r4e .) . na PROFOSED IIATERHTS Tvoe of Mabrial Color r^i'lA axilfiral lr, /aThnLl lz1' o$a'sh"vlo wrT"h aritf rirt *q*o ' 4pf . tx f*, ' tdtv'qfaih h t^rkh exirttlrg qrrorh h nzloh ul,flh9 'ianl ftqfu +'o ntlnh Ltl nrtoh efisnnq ' wtal ol4. ]x r,rmu4 ' wor4 . #v, rta mcf"l fiVh c*i*inq' @'rb - rfaln to hrrl"h alqifing t$fr.h e,4ttud) Notes:, P|easespeciffthemanufacturer,sname,theco|ornameandnumberandattachaco|orchip. t2/02104 taioh €xritlh) mffiIlft'tt\ttq fiv , ltrnlz Jrori4enoe ,l+l to ,Plo6,p 1 . w rrtl{ilrhg 'lFp pofih uvet! 4nne ' PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Botanlcal Name n? PROPOSED LANDSCAPII{G Common Name OuantlW Size $"'l-+t'aollonwr,l.1 I l$" l+r'\ ,| Mi nimum Requirements for Landscaping :Deciduous Trees - 2" CaliPer Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Squarc Footaqe. Tvpe ll?':GROUND COVER SOD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL lttP ,5 t utw* lla. ertarr4 eYirfirq fffrm' ftvl P|ease speciff other |anilscape features (|.e, retain|ng wa||s, fences, sv,imm|ng Poo|s, etc.) 1202104 s5-S!l$-r3=...^E-{{-3s=<se's _$.€*+, I I ) FF IF .H-F: Ftl. RtrH i{ hs l" il \---I '. lb! -,-/ \.(\-{r$$xq F,t\^\f,\ ,*\aI{.vq \,,1 vts1 NXs; -l \o \ ^rlF ^-<C\ fr..Q$s ai! \dq S*S+tr\ d$\ssl \- RP \Nt\.\s -(*$s \'.. \ \\ ShaudontHoPkins Frohitcca E -f JF:|.+!r c t+ + ? - sI<* Ftrls 'i:S l=tt* l- I taggs+€ts*. €lF iE .s-sa It l.; ll F Eg3€ h ti rtl lolr FI I \\ \\\\'.,\\\ \\-IIUA SSOdI A10H tld Ocs g2 03 12:3AP td c :r -t+ E':.-F a t:t cl t€€ €iiee5-' i:+t'l ;EF -#F e { If -S{IFT F?4 li ffiFl + Effb'ffif . rE F F\ Ze\ \ [.-'';.--ffi \.,'\ .$\cg@ .\\\-. 9.. Oa 03 t2:4'1P Sno'r,donlHoPk i ns Brch i tact' *li fli \*--.--\SEli\----. **[l*lii $ ---)', ---_,J(ji , PfflE,62** T0TfiL PfiGE. A2 *,k iI I I: I ) ;$; ocr 62 'O3 1?:43 s-E+tII I I Iis, IT,3'l-sl$I t,ls t !t'| 'r- l'+t;siFfl ( I I I I I t+ -L€ ? IF }::1It+ ..E' $* s\+ { |'(r 'l \t\ I €mF .l1S >\ \ s=<g<lRla5o+tId.sS'€s*-t\cJ5t,s-eais -s-€$5so I I l_ F I46 6 I \ --/; /,-.i"-€'n-\ \ (--; \i$fo ", $FFGG,\" N.W\\_-\K $mN $*E'E53s -A Oct 10 ()3 0g:91.snoudontHdPt i ?r3 Rr"oh I Gtat, \ \_,'. rtg3sc aa ll.s- CJ-a-rs'€r L.g €5' ={s - g, :f-5' Fta' F I 1 I I I ?r!s+ t| €l 7a\ \ \ \r.-q $ \ts 'F t +t+cr \- --t':r.- $$' Yft-# l/, cl e6z'oN o-lll N0AH T1l htac,o'pAnz'a-i',.nt t*****tf*t't1*************+***++t+tt**it*tta******t*i***+**+**+++*************t+++f++******** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement SeaEement Number: Ro60oO0872 Arnount: S300.00 06/26/200602:!9 Pltl Payment Method: Check Init: ifs Notation! 730/SNOWDON & HOPKINS ARCHTTECTS, P. C. Permit No: DR8060249 114)e: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parcel No: 2LOL-O23-O4OO-2 SiTe AddresE: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR VAII, Location: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR Total Fee6: S300.00 ThiB Payment: $300.00 Total ALL Pmtsr 9300.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOT]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescripEion Current Pmta DR OO1OOOO37T22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 300.00 1llln.' ()vY l$wwall rilo'r t,$1.fttt^6' F4" 1,71t7" +, biro! 7Jfiron w4nbws &ut, XvAt . elurntDu o +\ I BEGA ffi:[) @E 6!D I ,ut'1, I lllw r i.rl l.i( (' rl 4)r ll,l{ ni \l/,lil IIi'II'I It|, "' l)rIvrili'.ttr ( lll(.rr'rli '! l'ilr (rl ilillll 1r()'J r r r)rr['i( l, lV r (,'rr.r ri]il $ rltr',,rtttrl ltr't't ;: v, rv "ll.rll,,v llr{,1,.( lr,rlr rrnf llr\ "'J,lll !r'r l,r'r/ (1 vll rr,j rll,r,i ( ,,1{ ( lll,i, l. , | r'r'11" S;url.lc(, t I r ( ) ! | I 1 | ,: | (' I w.lrr lllr I lrr.t lt wltr, lr lt;tl.t'.r it'rv :l rllr'w pr(,1,.f lror) ltrnll lll(r $'til [)rr,( -]lit;tIrnlLil llrll l(\.lvr)15 wrlll l('r:rl)r:rt'(1 wrlllr- (llJ:ir, r .rrl, 'r lll,r,.;h,tt wlltlt' ,J, ,t 2293P Wall q@ 2294P 'ivalr @D 2295P 'viil €EE I lTWl'r | :'(;,r l{()1) I iIlll) | 7W l'l I 13W nl I talr('t I 4r)() 1ra(J lJ' ll t1 n', .l .i il 2oe3P i'v'rrl llllrlr:rl ill() !lr-){ i ll I ' ,12094P !'/.ili PO Box 3340 o Vail, Colorado 81658. Phone'.970-476-2201 o Fax:970-476-7491 Hrrtlz llcsidonre l,ot lo ploa[ 1 . vv llth lrhng rl l\170 ?\qn//ra(Y 4Yve view ,iroun onl 4a ftt I vlcru ,{ rrJe vzrrl(oM Eat1, ' Po Box 3340 r Vail, colorado 81658 . Phone: 970-476-2201 . Fax: 9zo.4z6-z49j . | .lr .. l| . Hlvtll $t{ilaw<, l-o{ lr' ft[oah 1 o Vv 11{l fitrnt. }l.'rl . Foolltzrxot yrr)n, 'vl(rru [ow, ,.rn vlelv .far+n 1w PO Box 3340 e Vail, -lif lyrlr F o'fl c|q.,4ra loi- lu ' plork J . vv lt+h Trlv,4 Colorado E1658 . Phonc:970-476-2201 . Fax: 970-476-7491 I ll | , '7l'o 0ooI\ crol'r 4Ylvq, . II vlew fon re Vle0v pon tu H Georgian kntem Y---lA oul.uut-fr-1 rengttt:tlF-j=_L.nrem IlJ"ji:_i Lantern Height vs. Overall Length When ordering, please be sure to con- sider the difference between lantern height and overall length. We want to make sure you select the correct lantern size for the space it will occupy If you have questions about lanterns size please call our customer service depart- ment. EX-5406-AI2 Georgian Lantern Curved Arm Wall Mounr (6" roo[ widtF) in Architectural Bronze wirh Clear Seeded glass Aildintnrior)s ln inchas ffi /,''i t,,41'= r i-:::- Curved Arm Wall Mount A ll -a-- sltotnn ,'iT wrth., il suwon a=li bractut|J. EX-5406-4r2 EX-5409-AI2 Er-r4l1,Al2 EX-5413-Al2 6 9 1l I3 IO D-W t5-3t4 t8-3/4 r5-t/4 t9-3t1 27,3t4 32-v4 9-314 l) t4-v4 L9-IN 4-3/4w x7h 1-311w x7h 1-311w xfh 8w x lOh vl50 vr50 1/r50 l/150 u60 3/r00 3/100 - Flush CeilingF MounrIT<-,,.r :t EX.5{06-Al7 EX-5,109-AI7 EX-5411-Al7 6 l1 10 113 rz-r/2 | 17 15-3/4 | 20-r/2 I 5-3/1 dia 5-f/4 di^ 5-1/4 dia l/150 vt50 l/i50 v60 3/r00 : e,4. i-K \-- Chain Mount Stu.lfr ovcrall tiryii r" t' Inaretwnts. EX-5406-A18 EX-5.t09-ArE EX-5, 1-Al8 E (-t4t3-418 EX-5,+15-A18 6 o li I) l5 t0 L2-v2 t5-3/+ t8-3t4 20-3t1 l17I zr )5 :30 5-31+ di^ 5-31+ dR 5-3/4 di^ &-VZ dia 8-r/2 dia 1/150 l/150 1/150 1/L50 r/150 u60 3/100 3/100 vl00 l'i lr 11 t- ri--- 'r Stem Mount Soccifu werall lingrli in t " lrLreme'||s. EX-5,t06-Al9 EX-5409-Al9 EX-5tll.Al9 EX-5.fl3-Al9 EX-54rt.At9 6 9It I3 l) r0' 12-v2 t5-3/1 L8-3/4 20-3/1 l5 l8 22. 28 3I 5-3/1 dia 5-3/1 dia 5-3/4 dia 8-Ltl dia 8-l/2 dia l/150 1/150 l/150 l/r50 vl50 u60 3/100 3/100 3/100 j "'X- ''i- TT! =l Posl Mount Ovrall ler'Bth doas not i^alude post Jitter sleeve. Fits statrdard 3" dia. rcwd post. Post noL included; see Wge 42. EX-5409-A2,2 EX-541t-422 EX-5411-A22 II 13 t2-t/2. L5-3/4 t8-3/4 r8-3/4 zt-?/4 26-r/+ 1/150 r/r50 L/t50 u60 3/I00 l/100 ! ,3 j-K E:_-i:-.=:;t-i c::--aa=a Column Mount Owrall length includes lantem teith h-base. EX-5.106-A23 EX-54$)-423 EX-5411-.A23 EX-54r3-A23 EX-5415-A23 6 9 II l3t) l0 tz-t/2 t5-3/1 t8-3/4 z0-)t+ I6 19-314 23 29 3r-t/z 5-U4 sq 6-314 sq 8-3/'l sq 12 sq 14 sq I/150 l/150 l/I50 vr50 t/r50 u60 3/100 3/100 3/r00 Fax Order Line (24 Hours): l-800'5O5'94O4 CLASSIC EXTERIOPS COLLECTION . 3I .l-l-FlsAI[s*.ls*llFIF9x.! lstlFe'[",lscaa--l-4-,{3t3d.E'5gCl+s.-1,--a:I|>+sA3.i a'g.s+=r+_{_ $€n -.- € F3s€,^ F'*'F €' t ,f- *..3.lF€-- a ssF*ssESr, t-\^S*. +59.l(-5- iEF AaF.^r frri-- J \, ltr r-; trJ QI-2*B -Y. \F E+ €€ -l|r ^/ - Status: I Approved Gonltmurulry DEvELopMENT Rounnc Fonnrt ffi Approved with conditions I Denied Routed To:Georqe Chalberg, PW Date Routed:06/28106 Routed By:Warren Campbell Date Due:06/28/06 Description of work:Proposed addition to an exising single-family structure. Address:3130 Booth Creek Drive Legal:Lot:10 Block:3 Subdivision:Vail Villaqe 11th Comments:Date Reviewed: 6/30/06 Need additional review bv Fire Provide a stamoed survev that has uodated 100 vear flood plan. Jo*rr."T oF coMMUN,r" o"u"ril"*,ga-,rUillr"A. tr L..o{to,r3[\t] TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL. CO 81657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICALPERMIT Permit #: M03-0219 Job Address: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED Location.....: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRIVE Applied . . : 10/23/2003 ParcelNo...: 210102304002 lssued. . : 10/27/2003 ProjectNo: -"1 sO36343 Expires..: 04/24/2004 owNER HrNrZ, BERND ,JI]RGEN L0/23/2003 phone: NOVAR HOUSE 24 QIJEENS RD WEYBRIDGE SIJRREY T'NITED KINGDOM KT139TX License: CONTRACTOR KEI,I,Y'S QUAIJITY PI.'I'MBING SF,RLO/23/2OO3 PhONE: 970-328-5093 P.O. Box 3187 Eag1e, CO 81531 I-,icense: 245-M APPI.,TCA]iTT KEI.,LY'S QUAI,ITY PIJUMBING SF,R]-O/23/2003 PhONC: 97O.328-6093 P.O. Box 3187 Eagle, CO 81631 License : 245-M Desciption: INSTALL SNOWMELT,GAS FIRED BOILERS IN GARAGE Valuation: $7.900.00 Fireplace Information: Restricted: Y # ofGas Appliances: 0 f ofcas Logs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 FEE SUMMARY .larrt:ir:ta:*'rt**t*:*:****1**a*rra*all*at:it**l'i't**:t:ta**rr*.r*'raa+,1 So.0o Total Calculated Fees--> $203.00Mechanical--> $160.00 Reshraranl Plan Review-> Plan Check--> lnvestigation-> Will Call---> S40. 00 DRB Fee----------->$o . oo fudilisnal Fees'---->$0. 00 $3.00 BALANCE DUE._-->s0.0o artt++,t'tl t*a)**rta,t,l't** *'i t:t a*lt*+a t* tl |!ta,l* atla'a+aat* ata tl l:l*:*i l*'l * Iten: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARTI{HflI Lo/27 /2oo3 ,JRNI Action: AP It.em: 05500 FIRE DEPARTl{EnflI CONDITION OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-,DG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAIICE. Condz 22 (BLDG.): COMBUSTIONAIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. ?01 OF TI{E 1997 IIMC, OR SECTION 701 0F THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 23 (BLDG. ) : INSTAL,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTTTRES INSTRUCTIONS AIiID TO CHAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 I'MC, CHAPTER ]-O OF THE 1997 IMC. Cond: 25 $0.00 TOTAL FEES-_-----+ 5203 . 00 Totsl Permit F€e-----> $203 . 00 Pa),rnenls----------> 5203.00 (Br,DG. ) : TERMTNATE Cond: 29 (Br,DG. ) : THE 1997 Cond: 31 (BLDG. ) : BOILERS SIAITL BE MOUNTED OII FI-,OORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. ITNLESS I-,ISTED FOR MOI'NTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FIJOORTNG. Cond: 32 (BLDG.): PERMIT,PLANS AND CODE AIIAIYSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECIIANICAI-, ROOM PRIOR TO AI{ INSPECTION REQI]EST. Cond: 30 GAs APPLTANcEs sgl BE vENTBD AccoRDrNG ro crrAt I AND srrnr-,r., AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O5 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAPTER 8 OF THE 1997 IMC. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST EOMPI-,Y WITH CI{APTER 3 AI.ID SEC.101.7 OF I'MC AI{D CIAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC. (BLJDG. ) : DRAINAGE OF MECHMIICAIJ BOIIJERS SHAIJI.I BE EQUIPPED WITH SECTION 1004.5 0F THE 1997 IMC. ROOMS CONTAINTNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SI'PPLY A FLOOR DRArN PER SEC. 1022 OS THE 1997 UMC, OR 1'rit'|*a ***:l* *I|* a:l:l r:r a | 't a a t,t:l 't 't t:l I ta t:t**:t DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information requ ed, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agee to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADV BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. SICNA OF WNER ORCONTRACTORFOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF **t* + *t** * 't** * **+* * * +* * * * *+***+*** * +l t +****1* * **+ * i ** ** ** * *X + * * +* * * * +* * * * ++ * **** ** ** * * * *!t* ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statement | + *** I * *+* * f** * * t **lr * +++***l f * * ** **** ** * + * *+*l * + ++* * + + ** *** *a * * * ** + + **l+* * ++ + + + ** * + * ** * t *+ + * Statement Number: R030005008 Amoult: $203.00 LO/27/2OO3O3:53 PM Payment Method: Check Init: LC Notation: #1498/kELLY ' S OUALTTY P &H Permit No: M03-0219 Type: MECHANICAI PERMIT Parcel No: 2IOIO23O4OO2 Site Address: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL L,ocation: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRM Totsal Feea: $203.00 This Palment: $203.00 Total ALL Pmts: $203.00 BaLance: $0.00 ***l' * *l ** '}* t :t * f* * **'i * * t ** 'l {' * *{' * t * ** * f** l* * * * ftt t * * *+{' '}* * ** * * * ff * * * ** 't {' * '}t 't r! * t*** *** * * t* ***** ACCOI.JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Descniption Cunrent Pmts MP OO1OOOO311i1OO MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 160.00 PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES 4O.OO hlc OO1OOOO31128OO WIIL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO *'t"'-[BE ACCEPTED " 'N'O""IO* Mechanical Permit #: 97 0-479-2149 (Inspections) T?rI',IOFYAIL 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colorado 81657 Permit will not be accepted without the following: {:r9% include: l' Room layout Di Air Duct Size Gas Line CONTRACTOR VATUATION FOR MECHANICAL PERMIT Labor & Materials drawn to scale to t\ Contad Mecha nical Contractor:Town of Vail Reg. No.:245 - /4 Contact and Phone #'s: E-Mail Address: Assessorc Offie at 970-328-8640 or visit for Parel # Parcel #&/o /oz94ooz- Job Name: t r LrTz- 6pt waJTtv robAddress: grcoBoow oRK. bpue LesalDescription l[Lot: 79 ]lBlock g llritine: ll llsubdivision, t/^/L tz/t/i6& aT" *un1' J qpsav * ilvt-t ll ^HxxMEngineen lfAddressr . _ l[ phone Detailed description of work:/ksVcu sNotukecf, e**7/Dd SoLerzE /Ne/+/z^Ge WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Alteration( ) Repair( ) Other( ) Boiler Location: Interior $.) Exterior ( ) Other ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg: Single.family ( ) Duplex ( ) Multi-family ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) Other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: I No. of Accommodation Units in this building: / Nofiype of Fireplaces Existinq: Gas Appliances (/ ) gas bqs (6 Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq ( Noflype of Fireplaces Proposed: Gas Appliances ( ) Gas Logs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burning (NOT ALLOWED) Is this a conversion from a wood burning fireplace to an EPA Phase II device? Yes ( ) No ( ) Planner Sion-ofr:Acceoted Bv: Date Received: \\Vail\data\cdev\FORMS\PERMITS\MECHPERM.DOC 0't /26t2N2 a. . ', t .'' $Rtt 6osf.r)LSdtt-s5oo U tr.o dq aa ) -. oog$ jNi. \N I * -10N+F og hl" 5 UJg ?o2- v) l-l- \A 8f* qI$ $ +.AonItt-J 100/t00 d olt-l €steg 39vd ttiltr00l0r ---:'l€Av--l{vq $lllw-rlJ rdt0tl0 t00t{0-}t0 9266-S'8-S15 €€:8S EASetgllsr crl,*" r.: . , *.f I' P"sg35 Rect|erbd h|pect Drb:lrcoeddonAnrrglh AddrtEtr AIP,Dhfbrm.lbn Acth,ty: ltfullg TyDf: &mCHconrrtni: occwaihr OrIrieI: HINTZ, BERI\D JURGEN - Tuccd.y, llffiorbcr ()4, 2fiXt JRT 3130 EOOT}ICREEK DR VAIL 3I3O BOOTHCREEKDRTI/E KELLYS CI'ruTY PLU]I|ANG SER\rc T.IC. KELtyS OUAUTY PlLrltBlMl SEFnncE firlc. srDrlH: AsFn Sb[tr: t88tEOln|PAn: ..Rl| yiO€a84xB 97(}3284(m RequertEd TlmG: 0E:00 AJU' Plrone: Cr7&1 Er{.r.it qf DOOLDEN K . DFLORES RequasH lnsFdon(sl lbm: 3e0 ilECll-FlnrlR.qnCo.: KELLTS OUALTY PLUUBIT.IG SER\rcE hE. CofllnenL: wlll cd 9.77-0.121 ryrH: .iloNDR c'oN INSTATL S}.ICruYUELT,CAS FREDSO,S-ERS hI GARAGE ROI'TED TO JR FOR REUNi' Tine Erp h|!ec{on Hlctfiu bm: 2fl) XCCI.$RouIhItrn: 31O lEc}}Hodncl!rm: 315 rui8crffirelirn: &l{l f|Ec}|-Erfi.uif Fbo{blbrn: gI) reC}}sugpty A|r, fm: 34O trEcl.$Mba. "Appfovad* l0r?8r03 ln D..tor: hm'' AG{on: Comm.r|t3: tf,lir uay Sl{ilryHELT AtR TEST 8[tLnr: 3O0 MECI'l.Flnd i _y NEPTl31 Rtrn fd: 1398 \'..,r! = - TOl4ilVfi) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 Jax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci,vail.co.us Proiect Name: HinE Res.Change to Approved DRB Number: DRB0'10307 Project DescripUon: Change to prwiously approved plans (9-26-03): Changes include replacing necessary siding with siding painted to match and clading the additions in siding to match. This change to approved plans added 26.3 square feet of GRFA for a total addition of Pafticipants: OWNER HINIZ, BERND JURGEN 0710712004 Phone: NOVAR HOUSE 24 QUEENS RD WEYBRIDGE SURREY UNITED KINGDOM KT139UX License: APPUCANT HINTZ,BERNDJURGEN 0710712004 Phone: NOVAR HOUSE 24 QUEENS RD WEYBRIDGE SURREY UNTEDKINGDOM KT139UX License: Project Addrcss: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Locataon: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRIVE t€gal Description: Lot: 10 Block: 3 Subdlvlsion: VAIL WLI-AGE FIUNG 11 Parcel Number: 210102304@2 Comments: See Conditions BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovall 0810412004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond: 0 (PI-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced o and is diligently pursud toward completion. Planner: WarrenCampbell DRB Fee Paid: S2O.OO .Re*r^t;on as d N{ ua$ y\isnn1 1-2 0q ZONE CI{ECK .Lcgal dcscription: Lot JO ntock Addrcss Orrncr Arch iicc t Zonc Lot sizc \'tll''tl,T llbfil;,,J Phonc Phonc Proposcd usc - Buildable xr,4,;1t 6AsUr,*tfo Prinrary CRFA _ + (425) (675*) - Sccondary CRFA + (a2g 1675+1 - - + + 6'15= 425 crcdit plus 250 addition Docs this rcqucsr involvc a ?j0 Addition? SitccovcngcQltf 3,1n.1 l,1sos * Ige =7t7l,g JAU x Hcigbt Sctbacks 0odt-3D Front Sidcs Rcar 3',t 6. '.. 20, .t 5' ti, ),?otv 3o'blt @'l5/ lrnl fio ne a -32 na r-$d*aping hCo/,Minimum Utrfrg l3,lAt{ - Rctaining Wall Hcigtrts Parking Camgc Crcdit Drivcrvay Conrptics wirh TOV Ligbring Ordinancc Arc finishcd gradcs lcss tlan 2:l (50%) Enrironmcn tal4lazards 3) \v iqui,.a 3 3+Encloscd /< ProposcdSlopc -J 07" Cr,r,L Prcvious condirions of approval (cbcck propcrty frtd: MA-L IIs Inc propcrty non-conforming? Dacribc: / U0 rl Horv much of rlc allovcd 2j0 Addirjon is uscd with ttrisrcqucstt__lAl0fiO_ 2) Floodplain 4) Watcr Coursc Setback (30 a) SnorvA b) Roctdall ,.;.?3 ii 'i , {"r.J... r ssJSJV ClrJ. ctuolgaroug -.:_...._,: . (cpef pue ssccou) ,(uarcaun-, .nqr+rvr i' ' ; 'ivl'.r.'. ' ">"'cnrp4l gmnm r-..!l - r --;*.,4. -,- J. i. c8uag73uppe4 (puno_6rxpun) ep!l!ln scpuyapuqgung uopPcugc^.O.C scldures Flrleilr irnpg11" .tfJ:sry,sc uuoJ uotjslguJMrlqn (S T y) uod:p:trlt prorddf,.oprio!. . .r,e.,i 14..,",I ';!l'- inoal.ftq.rsesg^{ . i 'rr' " ..' 'r. a- t*t siwlduooTd D , , sPrerH lquruu'omug . :tcrqlcs csmoS rrley'A uJeld poog .r.,(gg1 fqdu,6odol sluctusS?3 ?crv cHEp[ng . rzts lo.I uondpcscp p8jl {rsurqrucg cpis '!" ' r.ftatd:uts D , .r,!I,AUnS D 5u090^clc lods suopucol duprllscc"q Suqing l{vld adYJSOl.ftrI D s1.{ sma pcSodo:J ' q5r14300[ * slE!i.leJ^luoloc sTe3S sNo[v S,]3 CMq.IIng,d ? (J . g,;'.'./fl :1ccfo:g ISITXJSHJ A{Snsu N9ISSq 05/07 'O4 16:57 a7ls4l2gs4 04:35 FAX 01932823330 e?oarx NOVAR PLC BAIJER ED oor PAGE OTlA1 ,rm GEncral InformaUon! fl ',x,iffi HH'H,'S:i1"tr##utr-'E#iffi##'H.fr11ffi ff?H'ff :#s ru*n*nsg...i'tr;lfr :dffi :,,fi -qffi #ffi 'l$**i"*m"::"Bll3fl iI ilfi;';i4ildtro,ll.l.e'Gt unlGss t bulldins 9"r'rt t5 ffi ', /o ato'k'-3-suv*vrsont' l/ v ll 7ll Fttrlt 6 physlcalAddress: -ztilft 'BO?'lt eag7 *''f'2tt/= ' t/''+'r (o El6lz RECEIVETJ ' r, \ onr irar of th. apPrcvrl' pa,rc.lno...,@(ContadEag|eCo.Ass65orat970.3?8.8640forPare|n0.) Zonlng! Namc(r) d Owncr(s)l Name of APPlkantl r,lailing Addrcts: E-mail Addressl ,ft,. Typc of Rerrirw and Fe€: O Signr O corrcptual Revlo{ Cl New contbucton O &Hltlon G Ffinor Alteration (muttl'f! mlv/comm ttdsl) tr Hlrror Altcradon (shglc'hrnltY/duPlex) {oanqal to APPrwed Planr Scplr.don tt quett f5o gct ir'oo per rquae foct d trtal siEn at2a' No Fec 3650 For consuudlon of a new bulldlng or d9mo/fbYill' --. -.i# f tffi9.ffiffil#Jffi,',f",#*"#1J^T*:::1..' s2so Hi iifrl:-+,;t;d-; u-iirartgii'r4:]t€ hpmu,err-ents' such as' rercofrtrg, p.rnone, i;-doil tddtuonr' land5caplng' fcnes and mtaitrlng walh etc' 320 For nlmr charBes to Dulldln$ tnd.dte impro'-ements' such as' rerooling, painting, wii#- addittons' landscaping' fenee and $20 S*t#S'.ti.* alr'adv aPPrcvcd bY Plannlns stafi or tt: DcCAn Rcvlw{ Bo"tt' Nd Fe€ Owner(s) Sig nature(s): *:l*lr***a't***+a**l*****!i{r***{r**'t*'t't:}*****'}************'t ****'*:t*trt't,},tl'1"*:l't***!tir*t,l*******'}*:f'*** TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement **{r*'l'lr'}**'t:t *'l {r * {.* ***** **tt ** ****l * l't't't* *||t *'i**+***'}***t :l{.* * {. *:t'*'} *:l*** * l.'f *:f * '1.,1't** {' '1.*** +**** **** Statement Nunber: RO4OOO5167 Amount: $20.00 07 /O7 /200404:15 PM Palment .Method: Check Init: iIS Nocation: #10?03,/BAIIER ITOME IMPROVEMEMT Permit, l{o: DR8040307 Type: DRB -Chg to Appr Plang Parcel No: 2LOLO23O4OO2 Sit,e Addrees: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Locat,ion: 3130 BoOTH CREEK DRIVE Total Feea: S2O. OO Thia Payment.: $20.00 Total ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: S0.00 *'*****'t******'t'*'t**:t*i.,t**'i*****'i**'t*:t'tr*******{r't***it rt'} 'i * * f 'lr * * * * * *'}'}* {' 't 't '* '} * * * * * i 'i'f *'r'* {. * * * * {r *'}'t ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI^I FEES 20.00 Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIATS Tyoe of Material /docr 247€nNG k*t cfi C.ftsn,{t<Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails FIues Flashing Chimneys . Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: Please specify the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of 12/04128104 .it Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax; 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Project Name: HinE Residence DRB Number: DR8030357 Project Description: 80 SQUARE FOOT ADDMON TO EXISTING SINGLE FAMILY, NEW DECK AND WING WALL, HOT TUB, DOERIOR FINISH CHANGES, AND A HEATED DRIVEWAY. Participants: OWNER HINTZ, BERND JURGEN 08/2512003 Phone: NOVAR HOUSE 24 QUEENS RD WEYBRIDGE SURREY UNITED KINGDOM KT139UX License: APPUCANT HINTZ, BERND JURGEN 08/2512003 Phone: NOVAR HOUSE 24 QUEENS RD WEYBRIDGE SURREY UNNED KINGDOM KT139UX Licensel ProjectAddress: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Location: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRIVE Legal Descraption: lot: 10 Block: 3 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 11 Parcel Number: 210102304002 Comments: SeeConditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval= 0912612003 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail sbaff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006159 The applicant shall provide utility sign-offs approving of the the heated pavers in the utility easement prior to submittal for a building permit, for staff review and approval. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paidr $3O0.OO TOI4'NM a Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co,us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal reguirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informaton is received by the Community Development Deparlment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the apprcval. of the Location of the Prcposal: Lot: Physical Address:10 Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: J0 F,o.*, I suuoivision, l/V ltr tr lContacfEagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) E-mail Address: Phone: Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No fue $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions), $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. trx tr Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review New Construction Addition Minor Alteration (multFfamily/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/du plex) Changes to Approved Plans Mailing Address: (1ffi3-bzs PROPOSED MATERIALS. Tvoe of MqterialBuildinq Materials ' Roof Siding r Other Wall Materials r Fascia r Soffits e Windows e Window Trim , Doors , Door Trim r Hand or Deck Rails Flues 2 Flashing a Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting zOther Notes: Color wnl adat *hiqt lI rd,,td nilr';l/n*4,*-rft ndoh arrhho '| b,Wtt lf![o l/qlo]r n{ hq tttt Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of t2l02l07l0Z r------ ---, ---ffi:;;;;- II ::: NE -- 6{686 I nBcewED FRoM i eooness I I tI I I I I I I I I I I I i Permit I K,i tto* mro-'casrr oooi:;+- PROPOSED l.ANDSCAPING Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED b")II Minimum Requirements for Landscaping : GROUND COVER 50D SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Page 7 of 12102107102 Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6' in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Square Footaqe I a Please specify other landscape features (i.e.retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) 1 2 oLD REpulc NATT.NAIJ TrrLE TN''RAN.EOMPAIIY ALTA COMMI?MENT SCHEDUI,E A Our order * v15550-3 For Infon$ation onIY LOT 10, BLK 3, VAII. VIL,LAGE lljrH FL - Charges ' ALTA otner FoIicY S1,466'00 AIta Lender Policy S50'0o Tax cerEif ' $10 ' oo Rel/Deed of Trust 513.00--TOTAL-- $1'539'oo r*' THIS IS NOT Al'I INVOICE, BlrT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES' WHEN REFERRING TO TTTIS ORDER, PLBASE REFERENCE OUR ORDER NO. VI555O'3 tt' Bffective Dace: TBD ac 5:00 P-M. Policies Eo be issued, and proposed rneured: "ALTA" Owner's Policy LO-L?-92 Proposed Insured: BERIiID JURGEN HINTZ "ALTA' Loan Pglicy 1o-L7-92 Proposed fngured: I'NITED BANK OF DENVER NAIIONAL ASSOCIATION 9627, s00 .00 The est,aEe or interest, in the land described or referred to !n this Coftnitment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple TiEle Eo the estace or intere6t covered herein is at the effeclive date hereof veeted in: TI{FJ LENOX M-P. HODGE TRUST, DATED }IARCH 20, 1990, I.ENOX M.P. HOM}E, TRUSTOR CARROLL M. I{ODGE, PATRICIA M.P. HODGE, ANd SUSAN ANDERSON-ECK, TRUSTEES s627, s00.00 4. PAGE or.,D REprlc NATToNAL TrTLE TNSURANC*MPA}rY ALTA COMMITMENT SCTIEDULE A Our Order S v15550-3 5. The lancl referred Eo in this CornricmenE is described asfollows: LOE ],0. BIOCK 3. VAIIJ VILI'AGE ELEVENII{ FILING, ACCORDING TO THS RECORDED PI,AT THERBOF. COI'NTY OF EAGIJE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE Z ALToO.oMMTTMENT SCHEDUI,E B-2 (Exceptions) Our order fl vI5550-3 Tlre policy or policies Lo be issued will conLaj.n exceptions Lo bhe following uoless the same are disposed of to the saEisfactian of the Company : l. SEanclard gxceptiong 1 bhrough 5 prinied on ehe cover sheer. 6. Taxes and as6es6ments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to Ehe Treasurer's office. 1- Any unpaid taxe6 or asseasmenEs against eaid land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any, 9. 1990 TAXES NOT YST DUE OR PAYABLE AND ASSESSMENTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TR.EASURERS OFFICE. 10. LIENS FOR UNPAID !{ATER AND SEWER CHARGES, IF AI{Y, 11. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREPROM S}IOULD THE SAIVIE BE FOI,JND TO PSNETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMI'SES AS RSSERVED IN UNITED STATES PATEI{T RECORDED MAy 05, 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 273. 12. RIGIfT OF WAY FOR DTTCI{ES OR CANALS CONSTR,UCTBD BY TTIE AIIITIORITY OF' TTIE IINITED STATES AS RESERVED IN I'NITED STATES PAfENT R.ECORDED MAY 06, T905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 273. 13. RESTRICTIVE COVENA}TTS, WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR N.EVERTER CLAUSE, BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF A[IY, BASED ON RACE, COI,OR, RELIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS EONIAINED III INSTRU,IENT RECORDED JUIY 26, I97I, IN BOOK 221 AT PAGE r4O AND AS AITIENDED IN INSTRUT4ENT RECORDED MAY 05, L977. IN BOOK Zs't AT PAGE 865. 14. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VAL VILLAGE ELEVET{TH FILING, 15. UTILITY EASEMENT 20 FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE NORTHERLY LOT LINE OF SUBJECT FROPERTf AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDSD PI,AT OF VAII VILI,AGE, ELEVENTII FILING. 16. DEED OF TRUST DATED Sepcember 04, 1990. FROM BERND JURGEN HINTZ TO TI{E PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGI.,E COUNTY FOR THE USE OF IJNITED BAI{K OF DEWER NATI0NAL ASSOCIATION To SEgtRE Tl{E SUM OF $627,500.00 RECORDED Septenrber fI, T990, IN BOOK 5]7 AT PAGE 293. ITEMS 1 THROUGH { OF SCHEDULE B ARE HEREBY DELETED. PAGE S LAND r roiJ E GUARANTEE }oMpANY DISCIOSURE STATEMEMT Required by Senate Bj.ll 91-14 Required by Senate Bill 92-143 A) The subject, real property may be rocated in a speciar taxi.gdi6rricc,. B) A certiticate of raxes Due risting each taxing juriedictionmay be obtained- frorn the County Treaeurer o. E fri CountyTreasurer. s auEhorized agent, - c) The informati.on regarding special discricts and the boundariesof such districts may be obtained from the Board of CouniyCormnissioners. the County Clerk and Recorder, or Ehe CouniyAaaessor. A) A certif,icaEe of raxes Due liscing each caxing jurisdictionsharl be obcained froft the count,y Treasurer oi irr. counEyTreasurer's auEhorized agenf . .:F 444 ,"8-€37 *49? JOfi\ETTE PI{ILLIPS .at;m-*Hf ,.,, -r< ,.-llr ""3E a ''- ' l '6i,7a-f .,'1 : l"Jc. Fc€ !', ", t, .. { tsst-tl F6 1(lFl cor_oRAoo REC 5. O0 tll. DltD. rd dtr. .Lr o?tltLDc 0a, ltto bri alr Colo"d. cl I,r. fl.tt E.t. ndED.rlnG- '?in wa ru, eum:l, @ a320aJrr.r lqal dt at iad ,!-__ __-- _ _ _ C.rntr ot trl rt tt.t ct Cctrd, ef rhi Gdslt*tt.tr, lht tt! atld itrl' ot ur| flr.t F.rr, tor rd tn c..rl&-ri, ca di. s.. of srr rFF rlfrt lti rr|l.rD rltc |tnto oo|.rt|' xr oo/torxt ,*, JtHTEts crrriy qr tsl G. ,,*. .,{ &r. brr.lr# F-|!.r. rtdr ri. hrrdltrrtr rin !l!-:11_qy 1-{r tlr:r F rl h'|d Fta t th rla Fty !t rh. ..crt Frt, th. Fc.tFr *..rot t. h..tryg:!fj!!gg:4-'-E.qrt!tS: trtrti. Ftd rd ar',trtd. .d !r dra. F-.tr. rr-i rrm. !.rt.tn, ..]1.co.!.rY fD rrtrr, r.ltc sr. r.ld l't7 ot rh ttrci trt. a hlr. rd -.tirt tcrltr?. .tt rtr lcf tlirg d..;itrC'lct .__^_ -J" ?s1- .t t l, rlbt . rtlQ .t !.trr tD rtF49-!! l-- .l tLlr .l d--. r. drt#r.El,JPa#fff*?!#ilF. FEr D G EED Er 190O.0O r In (-, in t . tQ*a. .d lr- tFd Zeitl ln F/k/A .l.o but -.trt t nrt" l(! lr, rocr !, tanL rEriE ttiu tEdr, qr oF vrirr cD. -- rdlf,l $tlr ral n, titlutal d l|.f|dltntr -d tttrmr rtrrrtr tlo.titrt, or tn .trlrr lFt .trlni,|. ..ili. ..vrrtic6 -d r.!t'tlh. rrlrt" -td t-ltrdtr. arii. lr.r rd Fdtt. *eiroij ru rrr ii otli -rrrt]'rittr t'nrlnnt, ct.r. .i ff $.tnvrr ot-$...1d Frti cr t* rttrr 5rri,'rl*,i in ri L-tclii,.l, ii'li.ti rr_r.lrr|- Frxt. Ilg| Er i||'tctttnlt I! qtt!ttn6-. Ply_5.:! !!l ,tt r.ia,FrlF aorr !..*id .r acrtb.a, rirrr $. sfltnEr.. unc tr. t i(t F.r, cf.rrE Fft, rrr xrrl -d ettt tatrr...t!l rtr ria F.rt !t t'|a tiFt Frt, rc ilE(r. irr t irr, arrq[;,l'!!:.!1 q:: a'trl. ltltt, b.trit rr rr io jg ;t' ur iri giry x rr roict lrt. irr rrrn rl - r., cg sr r.E FrttE Et|r la.latrs rrl llcrtbra, rirtt ti. l|FrtGrEr.. uno $. r.id F.t, cfri. s! frl, ;ir L{'r -d -l-r tatrr...ti d.,ia F.f, gt t'|a tiFt Frt, fa ilr(r; irr t irr, arrclrrr.,rt.dril.rton. -. arlrr. rrn, urrin rr rrr ii.it-rit-u. rrri pic, .t tr. ;:os-!rrt.-iri Lr.r.t-altr. dt.l af i. th rt tia.d..lri i nr* ^r or-- - i- :- .:rr :-r- r *- -l-,-'-- ^--fit q. t rt tra. ra|!, Frtct. Lt.llht, litl F-. d lrart rrrrit' !e 1::=:!: lq"h t ?it-d i'rr_ io ito'*tr'-or'nrliihiir"itl-ilLi-;;.-it:;;;l , r:a.tj:-!l!l:! P rl:"?U .r-6-. t!-*s. r. k a -rrra.r rtrc pirir.. rc|r: !!?,E1F:_tCtar d- lrdt-tbla c.l. ol Ini-tt!l.. In lr, in r.. til,(., ..t rl- rq -.ltt.- l||.l !t n tlr rt ttr ird l|l 'J,rtlv't. t|rca!.1-!. ca r-. tt!, prrct. co{uu .l rnii.-tua.:Ft,. trr Fr ll tlrU rdrlt' !9 ftrt, btlln rlt at cor.7 thr rr In rr!r'-rg tco Jrfcr-Crrq, rrCirt ilr t-. r|t fF- rd cllf tlr.lt tmr r<-ctti, rmtr. lrlirr. rrtr.. $'.. t&rr. iuirrrir Ir|cr.!.-!n tt taaltttr llrj r Dtr|.t t..rc.&l't 4r,it tual 5 mlr tC f! rgl lfi xD rjgatrr rEtt. AF LJlot to ErCCrrr, ia|.fyrrt t.llrrttfitct, dlt|ln tD fl0rrr ot 5r r rro. rts !'t rbvd b.t.lri r-la. in tl wl|t rl t ac..s(. F..ticr ot x|'a Frt' ct tt|. r*qtd F.t, trt. hcira .d-.lt! l.ltrt .tt ri r t Frtct rr rr.lcrr hhtty crrirr--or-;; .i.i. *. ra.r. f _-.lt! l.lrt ttt rn rlty lccr or F..craot i tt.rt Fa.t .lr. rd |.tt( Inifr ta m rrtE i'rllr .rr r! tirlt tlilql o?_D!!q! lxtrtty ctrld'r o. to ctrtr tfri *t6tc a q iiii lriiriot, th. ..td F.ty:lS.::*H gt:"A*ffil,r!l *::tfi*:.nc-.t'rii.i'i*r''oreii-r''ril ii-pi,i.i. ii'ir,,..r ir,.ri |!|qt...:l-f :v r.r-r dlrrt r rntrclei toiti rnd. Fitti'!, lr 9nc!l t||ow' tr. xtd F.tr cl ttr ?tf!t prt rti-r'iffi-.rt ht. hs! H ...1 1r. d' Fd F.r ttr.t -ovr At-vt":.r- fit#susAlr AiloERsofi-EcKr TRJSIEE - i ( / @ "*,rrr Zl4le_ - !_.I r'-- P El $, iE rSE rO. Irro rgIPtiSIt.!"I[Et Ll;"Hg$tEi.Ilt[!ff 'rr;!glgt a xoaee frr"r.r r-r. illrth ?6, 1992 ri. t...|plt lrr!.r-* r .cb-,|{d !.t r. - 6 tilr -, ,, lqtaDc Olr l!!O . rG !B Lt. Arzana C:,:: .,. L.n'.pany 3033 E Fkst Ave. - Suite 5O0 Deover, &fqedo &t206 Frr 9lzr ll= =il LPSPA MET{TCOMPANY Using state-of-the-an equipment, LPS concrete pavers arc manuhctured to meet today's highest quality $andards. It is our goal to offer custom-blended colors in various shapes and sizes to meet your creative needs. The LPS colors shown are available in most shapes, with mono- chromatic and custom col- ors available upon request. 2-E-8388 t-L-7088 t-EF-9988 llmta ffoti*nar,' efit|/'t al ?rntrlt'rl| .. 'Vtzlfi tnrthr thnt' {?h o{or ' r-c-9688 The color samples shown are as accurate as the printing process will allow. LPS Pavement ncom- mends that final color selection be made lrom acural samples. 2-G-8248 1-A-8788 LPSPAVEMENTCOMHNIY West Chicago, lL Patterson, NJ Nashville, TN Distriburors/Contrcors lnterlocJ<ing Concrcrc Pawrs Brick Pa\€rs 33W4E0FabyarParkway TelePhon€ SuiIe l0I Ql2)232-Vm West Chicago, 0linois 60185 (80O) 232'1770 F \<t h: t'l'*i^= 3A=hlJlt\a €lF:l-sl3<t:F.t+ S-l-e- -'/€-{t*S lp'.l3'l.t .{_ rt- I<t :\.) =iil € ao #tt:AvlJL[l- Ve t?? ,t) -t'! sfuno ory '#ttwW"allridar f,$1 {tit r *' r,4^'til1',7 " +' blu,F vl)rc* w4nbws lrI '.l'l" L llvAt ' elcvotton o . $f,ff. f*tldcnoo . T^tinl Of VruU\ t\ ,-\t tO 2u[- au-v/ ) ":l-- ,t t) Zfit['FF' 'A!- o 4{w-utcl/t44wtt iillav , b" = t|-.l" ' tnowpn nd ttefut '"rtbteuls ,?.0.', L2l7 | . lltrle, ' +\ I [rnF f,rer4g.rpg +ttryptl-* lqlf f*rt SuI!a(:c m()rrlllod wall luntitr'rit cs pr{rvr(ltl,trr .-:l!rcltJrt walil ol li(lht lrort\ a oonlpk)lcly coll(loilloo sotJro(l ancl tla,)vo 'l very sllitllow oi$lllon lronr lllo w(rll I crltlx)r(xl wllltc qlass Oolot. IJl;rck or wnno BEGA A 2293P ?294P 2295P ED EE 4D I titn(ll1 400 ooo ru00 u7' 1 I ''1 t5"i Bo 41h 3 ti' 4 il tn A\t' 3 t1i ,0./; r ll [ ;lnl[) I iwl'l 1 13W I'l 1 ?/wlltt 2(i11 ll Srrrlitcc m()un1('(1 wall lunnnairos wlrr(:lt havo ll vL'rV shallow f)tol(:clr(lr I lr([r tl](j w'rll [)ie (:.tsl alurnunt/n] louvurs wlln l(:nrlnllod wtnto qlilss (iok)r lllitck or wnrto I rJmoll A B 4OO /:/" 4'1/t: go0 'l]|1:1/$ a,1t/31 I ilml) t lilw t'l C 3,^ ilvs Ifi\ \./ I, (.. (t ',ffi;jl ffi , ?obl,_ ltor\ . ,tu,*) o" *trte Y,n.o.I :,r:?,"Y kpor+ in n7a/e1 wh;"h rzl""o*lJ *he t'l*Jpl";n Snowdon and Hopkins r Architects alLo*,nq oA ilAttion *o bc ??1,,%"ji"."j::-,?6t? ?n\iz'.1131 *il*,1 to u. lwm., s"" il'"^pLain plon fro- LPK e^1;4a4^1-fhn ltat,) FACSIMILE TRANSMITTAL DATE: 1,0- 30- 1A in fle a,,roh;n) pl*ts, -!/kro: fr, FROM: NUMBER oF pAGEs, ,i",-ro,*o rHrs TRANSMTTTAL " =.-, /0 lw Jilra1n - dlaohd rpwbrr * W{toU vtotn on lofi+ ,ffiffitlvloId 4w rn^ftl ilbk +fu ct!nti"4 vniiluur,i ivr tht bow hrhl. loD qelr flgd yloin - J rnst un 'lu/rllq, r,*'ill'l Wv,a Ynlreu,#a (Ut4 firr, tno.'). zy* grwttz1t4Tprrq'ltltvlwwl ffiu'r' *V^l) to ruut tw 4V* vx1prt .Ifu' h'q*Tn{ y![,!ty',(W 4W W{'Wr{ r^'ill wf ,lkw'4tw WoVsrd 44.rtiwt tnbt burft; hor,ilurrr,r tro luuln *rff (ort nUlhlqd nrill rout*ttr oPtpvtr. ouiilobla h qou Io twvwt'ht ttlial\bvi. Ono BFtrun'w4W Io rWiv +na"tfu ol4U +Wmnhml.*o -n wVait"u bq4q,fzttin" o1 vok\o*eA brr-lUt 1ir4, ,l rrrit forqur fu'rDur hw/..*l'iI t\l wr;',)'*itr;r*o' lhu l[;'irtiin iiiqi(i bW nqq,+lq n,il! li1"o" ll bavw,iuq /birlq u't Bor,lldlrg \ . Onru}hs lld #iin hivr te r',iit's"Tnd t yoqert\',\ r4Llt iy'tutt') r,l{Lr lsvrlA :Pu[sut' I\lt, thililtu, *o thL hvr,ii a,, ll^A iq do ll'inlu,'rn' lstttp Isv qoyiury hq 40uld .i$i r1'r1r'r'v ri6(" rfljn'd t {wntto'i"tirfy th* Iwi$,d qWl' (/w\0Wn5' T an rs*hnflr't+nnt' qo hyul Jx wrolw, brrt lt r'-tF far Mr& rplu?ll,rqfrd t"t4 trr*u ror^Buwiniuq thzu uvhirit'ltq thnnql,( . * qfl t't?u', t4i.,ltryu{ qr,}rlfl,rilt rl*'t* Gtll - Twrtl tfi,t lt l.rhy'qo'4 \ltttnnrd. 5w1'\w1\to InA h$15 . n.-tr I '- lr lry '.9'.:' . tt.,\ _ r. ' t - 'jlr-.$ I ilr-r,1l-l ..J' ,.', .t. .. ,r t .... ; PROJECTNO. 968I ocToBER 31, 1996 REVISED APRrL 2t,t997 PREPARED FOR: MR. CRAIG SNOWDON SNOWDON & IIOPKINS ARCIIITECTS4 201 GoRE CREEKDRIVEilvArL, co 81657 '41 F'LOODPLAINANALYSIS OF' GORECREEK LOT IO, BLOCK3, VAIL VILLAGE ELEVENTHFILING TOWNOFVAIL EAGLE COI]NTY, COLORADO P.O Bo.t1+j2.Avon,Coiorado81620 . (970)827-9088Tel . (970)827-9089Far TABLE OF CONTENTS scoPEoFsruDY ..... I INTRODUCTION . ..... 1 SITECONDITION. .....I FEMASTUDY .........2 coNcLUSroNs... .....2 PROPOSEDRECOMMENDATIONS ..........3 LIMTATION ......,...4 FIGURES FLOODPLAINANALYSIS-ExistingConditions ..,...DRAWINGNO. 1 FLOODPLAINAI{ALYSIS-ProposedConditions .....DRAWINGNO.2 APPENDXA PROFILE - Existing Conditions . .DRAWINGNO. 1 CROSS SECTIONS-ExistingConditions. .....DRAWINGNO.2 PROFTTE - Proposed Conditions .DRAWINGNO. 3 CROSS SECTIONS - Proposed Conditions. . , . .DRAWINGNO. 4 lfr,C-Z CALCULATIONS -ExistingConditions ......PAGES 1-7 HEC-2CALCULATIONS-ProposedConditions ......PAGES l-7 LKP Engineering, Inc. SCOPE OF STI]DY This report presents the results of a floodplain analysis of part of Gore Creek. The studied section starts at about 900 feet upstream from the confluence with Booth Creek to 100 feet north from the northeast corner of Lot 10, Block 3, Vail Village Eleventh Filing in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. This section can also be described as part ofGore Creek from 44900 to 45190 feet from the confluence with Eagle River. The purpose of the study was to determine the extent of the 100 - vear flood water elevation, and its impact onto Lot 10. INTRODUCTION \reC-z Water Surface Profiles Software by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was used.to analyze the flood elevations at the cross sections shown on the Floodplain Analysis Drawing No.l (included with this report). The topographical survey was prepared by Eagle Valley Surveying, Inc. The peak discharge rate and the floodwater depth, were taken from The Flood Insurance Rate Map, Communiry - panel 080054 - 0004, dated May 2, 1983, and the Flood Insurance Study for the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, dated November 2, 1982. SITE CONDITION We visited the site on October 5 nd 26, 1996. The purpose of our site visits, was to observe the channel ofthe creek and its banks, types ofexisting structures and types ofvegetation' Gore Creek is a typical mountain sfeam, with the bottom of the channel covered with gravei, cobbles and some boulders. Willows grow on both sides of the stream, except the area between the stream and the existins residence on lot 10. This area is landscaped. During the first site visit we observed-that LKP Engineering, Inc. L the lawn had short grass. During the second site visit, everything was covered with snow. Few evergreen trees were at the west lot line, near the fence. Also, at the west lot line, between the two houses, there is a small knoll with cottonwood trees and underbrush. On the east side of Gore Creek, between the creek and the mountain, is a low lying wetland with thick willows and few evergreen trees. The stream channel in the observed area is relatively straight with small elevation differences. The total elevation difference ofthe channel from the south to the northeast lot line ofLot 10 is about 3 feet. f,,EMASTUDY The ground profile and the 1Oo-year surface water elevations ofGore Creek, as shown in the FEMA study, were reviewed and compared with the ground profile of Gore Creek, as surveyed by Eagle Valley Surveying, Inc. At the midpoint of the studied portion of Gore Creek, there is a difference in the ground profile. The surveyed profite of the creek is iower than the FEMA profile. It is typical to find the more recent profiles, with a higher elevation than the FEMA profiles, because of sediment deposited by the stream. Here it is possible that at once the creek chanirel ran further east from the present channel location. This area eventually got filled with sediment causing the channel to move to a lower ground, at its present location. East ofthe present channel is a higher ground in the shape ofa peninsula. To the east ofthe peninsula is a smaller channel. This part ofthe channel probably gets inundated by flood waters in spring. CONCLUSIONS The floodplain study of that portion of Gore Creek east of Lot 10, was performed based on cross sections from the revised topographical survey, dated April 19,1997. Nine cross sections in total were analyzed. The peak discharge, used in the study for the 100-year probability offlood occurrence, was I 8 I 0 cubic feet per second, taken from the FEMA Study, Table I , downstream of the confluence with Pitkin Creek. The starting water surface elevation was taken from the FEIvIA profile, 900 feet from the confluence with Booth Creek, also being 44900 feet from the confluence with LKP Engineering, lnc. Eagle River. The starting water surface elevation was 8300.1. The floodplain generated based on the above information was plotted onto the Floodplain Analysis Drawing No. 1 of 2. By plotting the calculated i00 year flood elevations, onto the present topography of the area, we observed that most of Lot l0 is within the 1OO-year floodplain. The 100- yearfloodplain has been changed since the FEMA study was prepared. The changes were probably caused by changes in the topography, vegetation and the deposition ofstream sediments in the main creek channel. This has caused the flood waters to extend further onto the nearby residential properties. Areas that were previously not within the 10O-year floodplain are presently within. The particular property owners might not be aware of this situation and their lives and property could be endangered should a 100-year flood storm occur. The present situation should be corrected as soon as possible, and the affected properfy owners should be made aware of it. We have not analyzed modification of the floodplain based on needed improvements; however, by comparing the 10O-year flood elevations at each ofthe cross sections, it appears that by raising the bank by one to two feet the flood waters can be diverted from the buildings. PROPOSED RECOMMENDATIONS As shown on sheet 2 of 2 of the Floodplain Analysis, we are proposing limited grading Last of Lot 10. With the grading, the existing berm is extended along the river bank of Gore Creek. Small elevation changes ranging from 0.5 to 2 feet are proposed. We also propose revegetation of the new berm. Recommended vegetation should consist of shrubs, willorvs and other plants typical to the vegetation on the river banks in the area. Based on the above described, proposed recommendations, we did a second analysis ofthe 1gg-year floodplain. The results are appended to this report. Extending the existing berm in front of Lot 10, will modifu the 100-year floodplain suffrciently, to protect the existing residence from the floodwaters. The southwest part of the lot is still in the 1O0-year floodplain. However, the change did not increase the floodwater elevation on the downstream residential properties. The extent ofthe 100- year floodplain over the downstream lots is outside our scope of services. LKP Engineering, Inc. LIMITATION This report has been prepared according to locally accepted professional engineering standards for similar oonditions at this time. There is no other warranty either expressed or implied' This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of lvlr. Craig Snowdon, Snowdon & Hopkins Arohitects, for the specific applibilion to Lot 10, Block 3, Vail Village Eleventh Filing Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. cromcawPwtmwPDocsg6slFLRPT $*,'uii9.ft wi,;::€{,* 29526 !.*r- .i"*-: LKP Engineering, Inc. APPENDX A LKP Engineering, Inc. a- ^o --o9n .rd ,1! g ilEsl z I I2 z o/.- / . -t>/ \''{/\ t /"_/\/\ / ., - 1 sf Li:.-/ -/-. HINTZ RESIDENCE \t \/ ' '\ \] aI .\,,/E 7 \-t / )--: H I ;----7\---. a e F Fi I * ? Iq tsi 2 d z a E q sf di H' "'Fg il|t ltlE l-!.dl ll I l-+I ii :-!+. i ;il;iii;ll i ---c+-a=- ri*i l: '-,t1, I,' :t ll 'It tlr lIi u_. ) 6 I 5 ; ctY ./6tonl.lll{rcll Engineering, Inc. t.O tor lall Ava CO lra20 td (s7o) 317-e0rl r.r tcTo) 627-eo!e FLOOD PUIN .,tdr4rl19/S LOI ta sLoct< J, vaL tlLLAet ELE4td nL/' ucLt cou4lf, ca.*/Do PltP^aEo Ft)R: TIR. CEAIC SNOIIDON <@ .i iiE!"I'.j6AE, /\ / \ '!b_/ \e erD = 9 t/\ )\sN i , \\\ \...i^| \ \1,'\ SR ={I- SE:9a4- s$ ?$ IE ?trqt ?HIIVTZ RESIDENCE -ii[i* -t ) q ctvtL/cEoTEcltNrcrtz -\\ {/ _ ___\l -Kl'1rP.)) Eugineering, Ittc. lc (e70) !:t-r0!!l lo' (rro) a:1-trols FLOODPUIN divllf.S/,9 Lat to sLocr I vtL vnL^6E '1ar6Ntu t1u*6 ftttn 6 ratL t^Ert couNrf, ca(oe/oo . PREPfi€A f8 TIR. CRAIG SNOI|DON APPENDD( A LKP Engineering, Inc. f v 8304 8304 c 8300 1l g 8e98 LJ 8e96 e ? c 4 1-----,---,---1-.._f--- 4c,ee 44.9? 44.96 EXISTING CONDITIONS clvlL/cEorEcHNlcAL Eng'ineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1452 Avon, CO 81620 ter (970) 827-90S3 fox (970) 827-9089 PROFILE OF GORE CREEK PRO,Ecr t'to.: 96gl LOI IO. BLOCR 3, VAIL VILLAGE ELEWNIH FILINC |OMU OF VAIL EAGLE COUN|Y. CUORADO PREPARED FOR: T,IR. CRAIG SNOITDON sc'q'e N. r s D^tt: 04-2r -g7 DRAWTNG NA.: I 100-Yed. Flood El€vdtlo6C.o9s section 5+030 - 8330 a3?0 c a3l0 ! eaoo 8e90 8as0 8310 8307 :830. ! e:ot 8298 +-150 lO0-Y€or Flood Elevo-ilon ---goiso'i9s'':r5o _* 8304 s302 8300 8e98 8e9. 8308 4306 c 4304, ! e:oa 4300 8e98 8304 € 8300 ! ae:e 8e9a 430€ 4306 :830r ! s:oz 4300 8304 830t 8300 100-Yeo. Flood Ileva-t'on l0 + -150 + g EXISTING CONDITIONS 100-Yqo. ttood Elevo-tion +030 --r---.:030 -150 100_Yeo. tlood IL€vo-t;on -030 +030 * 100_Yeor Flood Elcvo-tkcn -rso --j-1650 "Sl91a CEOSS SECTIONS clvlL/cEorEcttNlcAL Engineet'ing, Inc. P.O. Box 1452 Avon, CO 81620 tel (970) E?7-9003 rox (970) 327-9089 LOf IO, 6LOCK J, VAIL VILLA€E ELEVEN|H FILING TOIIN OF VAIL EAGLE COUNT)" CALORADO PREPARED FOR: lvlR. C'RAIG S'NOI'I/DON 01-2t-97 t t 8304 8304 c 8300 .9P .< o/ Ba98il 8296 8?94cc,8A +q.ge qq.ge -.45 45,04 4^5^.Q8 45,1a 45.16 45.?Distonce x 1000 PROPOSED CONDITIONS crvrL/cE0TECHNICAL Engineering', Inc. p.O. Box 1452 Avon. CO 91620 rel (970) s27-9038 tox (970) 827-90e9 PROFILE OF GORE CREEK PRoEcT No: 96gl LOf 10, ELOCK 3, VA:L V\LLAE ELEWN'H FILING |OWN OF VAIL EACLE COUNfY. COLORADO PREPAR€D FOR: T[R. CRAIG SNOWDON sclatE N. r s oArE b4-2r -97 9RAWNA NO.: 3 8300 U 100-rto. Floo.l Er?vo-tio^_rso _-..,1{01.0. :g'"460 - PROPOSED C'ONDITIONS 100-Y€-o. Floo.l El.vo^t,oh ...-r:o --jl65o sS.l!!-l-.rsD --- CIVIL,/GEOTECHNICAI. Engineering, Inc. P.0. 8ox 1452 Avon, CO 81620 ter (970) 627-90e3 fox (970) 327-9039 CROSS SECTIONS PROECf NO,'voa I LAf IO, ELOCK 3, VA1L V|LLACT €L€VENIH FILINC rcW! OF VAIL €AGLE COUN|Y, COLORADO PREPAF,'IO FOR: I}'IR. CRAIG SNOWDON SC,4L6: N. f S oAtE: 04-21-gz T{F]-z CALCULATIONS Existine Conditions LKP Engineering, Inc. Run Date: 20APR97 Run Time: 13:45:HMVersion: 6.52 Data File: 9681F1-2.h * + r * r + + * r + r r r r r + * + ' r i ' * + r * + * * + + * { + + t . THls RUN EXECUTED 20APR97 1 3:45:14 HEC.2 WATER SURFACE PROFILES Version 4.6.2; May 1991 + r | + *.f *r+** l+++l.r+l* t + *t +)I * +f t t+ *+ +* Tl FLOOOPLAIN ANALYSIS T2First Profile, 0 = 1810 cfs, WSEL = 8300.1T3 100-Year Flood Elevation T4Gore Creek downstream of the confluence with Pitkin Creek. East Vail, Colotado STRT METRIC HVINS O WSEL FO o c/. NC .015 .015 .030T 1 1810x1 1 15 136x3 10 GR 8298.6 61 8298 GR 8298 136 82978297 185 8238 5 25 1218312 60 8302.2 GR 8301 121 8300 GR 8296 134 8295.99 GR 8293 153 8300 GR 8300 194 8301 NINV IDIR 0 o "t4 Page 'l JI ICHECK INO 2 NC .03xl 2 GR 8299.6 GR 8299 GR 8296 GR 8301 xl 3 26 GR 8300.4 26 GR 8302 65 GR 8299 137 GR 8296 158 GR 8299 200 GR 8304 250 xl 4 28 GR 8301.1 0 GR 8302.2 74 GR 8301 12S GR 8236 139 GR 8293 161 GR 8302 219 .1 5 .03 IU IJO48 8299.8136 8298165 8297253 8302 135 8301 8301 8298 8297 8300 ItJ 8301 8301 . 1 8300 8295.8 8299 8303 .1 183 100 8297.9137 8296189 8299 1S3 42 5172 8293.3138 8297190 8298282 8303 200 3s 4036 830269 8300.4138 8291 177 82975205 8301 161 30 30g 8301 7 4.1 8301131 82S9146 8296171 8299229 8304 155 28 32 60.1 8302.2123 8293137 8296155 83001S6 8302 4041 830383 8300.3139 8296185 8297225 8302 JU71 8301.1124 823813S 8297160 8299207 8303 46 8303 59102 8300 135lU 8235.6 154196 8298 198234 8303 23S ? 8300.1 106 82S8 116 8298.7 127 141 8295.1 158 82S6 177215 8300 247 8301 272 4781 8299.5 105 8299.5 129139 8296 147 8235.4 159193 8299 207 8300 236297 8304 316 3042 8301.1 48 8302.2 48.176 8300.8 102 8301 126133 8298 133.5 8297 134.5 153 8297 158 8298 15S196 8300 1S8 8301 204 235 71.1 8301.3 101125 8297 126151 8238 152177 8239 193218 8304 230 Run Date: 20APRS7 Run Time: 13:45:14 6.52 oaraFilq 9681F1-2.hc2 . o HMVersion:Page 2 .' 6 iR 8312iR 8301 iR 8298iR 8303 tc .15 "1 7 iR 8308iR 8303iR 8302 iR 8299.4iR 8299iR 8304 :1 IiR 8306iR 8301iR 8301iR 8300iR 8305 ll siR 8308 8303i,, 8301iR 8300 16 11357 8301.5 1',t3 8300 143 8299 231 .15 .0326 10235 830755 8302.789 8301108 8299150 8300 233 22 11443 830578 8300108 8300154 8301247 8305 20 n550 830766 8302 1 ',|0 8300159 8301 143 3457.1 8302115 8299166 8300 .1 .3150 4739 830665 830397 8300113 8298163 8301 154 28 2349 830485 8299 1'14 8299177 8302 254 159 54 3654 830668 8301.5 115 8299.2169 8302 3483 8302.5116 8298187 8301 96 8302 105117 8297 128189 8302 202 28 3842 830573 8303.2102 8299 122 8297.8182 8302 2658 83039t 8299 115 8298.3178 8303 4557 830583 8302121 8299170 8303 45 8304 4877 8303 81103 8299 105124 8298 128183 8303 203 65 8302 7198 8300 103124 8299 142179 8304 220 60 8304 62102 8302 105't35 8299 139172 8304 219 vv Run Date: 20APR97 Run Time: 13:45:14 HMVersion: 6.52 Data File: 9681F1'2.hc2 Page 3 :CNt] DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L.BANK ELEV d OLOB OCH OROB ALOB ACH AROB VOt TWA R.BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL It]C ICONT CI)RAR TOPWID ENDST -PROF 1 ccHV= 0.100 CEHV- 0.300 'sEcN0 1.000 3280 CRI)SS SECTION I.()O EXTENDED 1.50 FEET 1.000 5.00 8300.10 0.00 8300.10 8300.39 0.30 0.00 0.00 8298.00 1810.0 675.0 907.6 227.4 139.6 220.0 60.9 0.0 0.0 82s8.00 0.00 4.84 4.13 3.73 0.015 0.030 0.015 0.000 82s5.10 61.00 0.001060 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0.00 188.49 245.45 ccHV= 0.100 cEHV= 0.300 'sEcN0 2.000 3280 CR[)SS SECTION 2.OO EXTENDED O.4O FEET .1 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROEABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 2.000 4.60 8300.00 8300.00 0.00 8300.98 0.98 0.0S 0.21 8299.00 1810.0 96.5 1687.9 25.7 42.6 205.7 35.3 0.4 0.2 8298.00 0.00 2.27 8.21 0.73 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8295.40 48.00 0.005069 42. 47. 51. 20 1 1 0 0.00 187.8s 235.89 'sEcN0 3.000 3.000 4.55 8300.',|5 0.00 0.00 8301.22 1.07 0.22 0.03 8300.00 1810.0 0.8 r807.4 1.8 1.2 217.7 3.5 0.6 0.3 8293.00 0.00 0.67 8.30 0.53 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 82s5.60 118.66 0.005804 3s. 40. 40. 2 0 0 0.00 8s.31 201.91 .sEcN0 4.000 3265 I]IVIDED FLOW 3280 CROSS SECTION 4.O() EXTENI]ED 0.73 FEET 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL o HMV Page 4Run Date: 20APR97 Run Time: l3:45:14 ersion: 6.52 Data File: 9681F1-2.hc2 :CNO OEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L.BANK ELEV O OLOB OCH OROB ALOB ACH AROB V()L TWA R.BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMEO 4.000 6.03 8301.83 8301.83 0.00 8302.81 0.98 0.15 0.01 8301.00 1810.0 260.6 1408.7 140.7 89.4 157.9 116.8 0.8 0.4 8299.00 0.00 2.91 8.S2 1.21 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8295.80 0.00 0.004247 30. 30. 30. 20 1 1 0 0.00 190.45 216.42 .sECN0 5.000 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMEt] 5.000 5.91 8301.S0 8301.90 0.00 8303.16 1.27 0.14 0.08 8301.00 1810.0 r01.0 1572.S 136.1 35.7 163.0 106.1 1.0 0.5 8300.00 0.01 2.83 9.65 1.28 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8295.99 71.03 0.0051sr 28. 30. 32. 4 8 0 0.00 134.82 205.85 .sECN0 6.000 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY :rrl0 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 6.000 5.54 8302.54 8302.54 0.00 8303.78 1.24 0.18 0.00 8301.00 1810.0 102.6 1423.1 284.3 35.1 142.1 178.4 1.3 0.6 8298.00 0.01 2.93 10.01 1.59 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 82s7.00 57.0s 0.005395 34. 34. 33. 20 1l 0 0.00 '160.51 217.60 ccHV= 0.100 0EHV= 0.300 .SECN0 7.000 3265 DIVIDED FLOW 7.000 5.35 8303.1s 1810.0 27.5 1660.5 0.01 0.74 7.58 0.003144 47. 38. .sEcN0 8.000 8.000 4.71 8303.01 1810.0 1S1.5 1537.9 0.01 1.52 9.40 0.005604 28. 26. 0.00 0.00 8304.18 1.17 80.6 125.7 163.5 59.9 1 .35 0.',I 50 0.030 0.1 50 23.2000.00 0.11 0.11 8300.001.8 0.9 8300.00 0.000 8298.30 64.90 114.70 I79.60 0.00 0.00 8303.97 0.82 0.15 0.04 8300.00 122.0 37.4 21S.0 '112.5 1.6 0.8 8293.00 1.08 0.150 0.030 0.150 0.000 8297.80 53.98 28. 3 0 0 0.00 I 51 .20 207 .37 o 2.hc2 Page 5 -v Hun 0ate: 20APR97 Run Time: 13:45:14 HMVersion: 6.52 Data File: 96B1FL' jCNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL (]LI]SS L.BANK ELEV U OL(]B OCH OROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R.BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITBIAL IDC ICONT C[)RAR T(IPWID ENOST .sEcN0 9.000 7I85 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL t)EPTH ASSUMED 9.000 4.04 8303.04 8303.04 0.00 8304.60 1.57 0.30 0.12 8300.00 1810.0 77.5 1683.6 42.9 68.4 162.7 28:0 2.1 1.0 8300.00 0.01 1.13 10.39 1.53 0.150 0.030 0.150 0.000 8299.00 65.85 0.007709 54. 45. 36. 2 15 0 0.00 107.60 173.45 Run Oate: 20APR97 Run Time: 13:45:14 o HMV ersion:6.52 DataFile: 968lFL-2.hc2 Page 6 THIS RUN EXECUTEI) 20APR97 13:45:15 ttt*++tt++*l+*tt*llil++tllt+l*+*l*+ti HEC.2 WATER SURFACE PR(]FILES J-ti: g - f;9'-2i *Y.tx J,9-9J.. *. r l * * r, r,., + \|OTE.ASTERISK (')AT LEFT ()F CROSS.SECTI(]N NUMBER INDICATES MESSAGE IN SUMMAHY t]F ERR()RS LIST I 00-Year Flood Elevation JUMMARY PRINTOUT TABLE 150 SECN() XLCH ELTRD ELLC ELMIN O CWSEL CRIWS EG I t]-KS VCH AREA .()I K 1.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 82s5.10 18r0.00 8300.10 0.00 8300.39 10.60 4.13 420.46 555.93 2.000 47.00 0.00 0.00 8295.40 r810.00 8300.00 8300.00 8300.98 50.6s 8.21 283.57 254.24 3.000 40.00 0.00 0.00 8295.60 ls10.00 8300.15 0.00 8301.22 58.04 8.30 222.38 237.55 4.000 30.00 0.00 0.00 8295.80 1810.00 8301.83 8301.83 8302.81 42.47 8.92 364.08 277.75 5.000 30.00 0.00 0.00 82s5.99 1810.00 8301.90 8301.90 8303,16 51.91 9.65 304.84 251.23 6.000 34.00 0.00 0.00 8297.00 1810.00 8302.54 8302.54 8303.78 53.95 10.01 355.65 246.42 7.000 38.00 0.00 0.00 8297.80 1810.00 8303.15 0.00 8303.97 31.44 7.58 368.88 322.79 8.000 26.00 0.00 0.00 8298.30 1810.00 8303.01 0.00 8304.18 56.04 S.40 349.13 241.78 s.000 45.00 0.00 0.00 8299.00 1810.00 8303.04 8303.04 8304.60 77.09 10.3S 259.07 206.15 ' Run Date: 20APR97 Run Time: 13:45: Year Flood Elevation SUMMARY PRINT(]UT TABLE 150 HMVersion: 6.52 Data File: 9681F1' a 2.hc?Page 7 DIFKWS TOPWID XLCH 0.00 188.43 0.00 0.00 187.89 47.00 0.00 89.31 40.00 0.00 r 90.45 30.00 0.00 134.82 30,00 0.00 160.51 34.00 0.00 1 51.20 38.00 0.00 114,70 26.00 0.00 107.60 45.00 o 14 SECNO O CWSEL DIFWSP DIFWSX 1.000 1810.00 8300.10 0.00 0.00 2.000 1810.00 8300.00 0.00 -0.10 3.000 1810.00 8300.15 0.00 0.15 4.000 1810.00 8301.83 0.00 1.68 5.000 1810.00 8301.s0 0.00 0.07 6.000 1810.00 8302.54 0.00 0.64 7.000 1810.00 8303.15 0.00 0.6i 8.000 1810.00 8303.01 0.00 -0.14 9.000 1810.00 8303.04 0.00 0.03 ITEC-2 CALCULATIONS Proposed Conditions LKP Engineering, Inc. _v Run Date: 21APRS7 Run Time: 16:26:08 HMVersion: 6.52 Data File: 9681M00'h o c1 Page 1 r * r r! * + r * + * + r + r t ' + r + t r + r r * + t + t + l + t * i + * THls RUN EXEOUTED 2lAPR97 1 6:26:08 HEC.2 WATER SURFACE PROFILES Version 4.6.2; May 1991 t + it*l *+t+ * * + *+ +.*a+ **++*+tt +* *+lll*+t+ TlFLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS . WITH A NEW BERM T2First Profile, 0 = 1810 cfs, WSEL - 8300.1T3 10t].Year Flood Elevation T4Gore Creek downstream of the confluence with Pitkin Creek, East Vail, Colorado Jl ICHECK INO NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS O WSEL FO 2 0 8300.1 NC .015 .015 .03 .1 .30T 1 1810xl 1 15 136 189x3 10 GR 8238.6 61 82SB 100 8297.9 106 8298 116 8298-7 127 GR 8298 136 8297 137 8236 141 8295.1 158 8296 171 8297 185 B2S8 189 8299 215 8300 247 8301 272 NC .03 .15 .03 .l .3xr 2 19 136 193 42 51 47 GR 8299.6 48 8299.8 72 8299.3 81 8299.5 ',105 8299.5 129 GR 8299 136 8298 138 8297 139 8296 147 8295.4 159 GR 8296 165 8297 190 8238 193 8293 207 8300 236 GR 8301 253 8302 282 8303 297 8304 316 x1 3 29 135 200 39 40 40 GR 8300.4 26 8301 36 8302 41 8303 46 8303 59 GR 8302 65 8301 6S 8300.4 83 8300.3 112 8301 123 GR 8302 121 8302 131 8301 133 8300 135 8299 137 GR 8298 138 8297 139 8296 144 82S5.6 154 8296 158 GR 8297 171 8297.5 185 8297 196 8298 1S8 829S 200 GR 8300 205 8301 225 8302 234 8303 239 8304 250 xl 4 32 129 161 30 30 30 GR 8301.1 0 8301 S 8301 42 8301.1 48 8302.2 48.1 GR 8302.2 74 8301.1 74.1 8301 76 8300.8 102 8301 108 GR 8302 113 8303 118 8303 122 8302 128 8301 129 GR 8300 r31 8239 133 8298 133.5 8297 '134.5 8296 139 GR 8295.8 146 8296 153 8238 158 8298 159 8299 161 GR 8299 171 82S9 196 8300 198 8301 204 8302 215 GR 8303 225 8304 235 Run Date: 21APR97 Run Time: 16:26:08 ersion: 6.52 Data File:9681M00.hc2 o HMV Page 2 X' 5 GR 8312 GR 8303 GR 8299 bI{ UZUO GR 8300 GR 8302 x1 6 6R 8312 GR 8302 GR 8297 GR 8302 NC .15xl 7 GR 8308 GR 8304 GR 8300 GR 8298 GR 8301 x1 8 GR 8306 8301 r, , 8301 GR 8300 cR 8305 xl I GR 8308 GR 8303 GR 8301 GR 8300 28 12160 8302.2i08 8303124 8298139 8297160 829S207 8303 17 11357 8301.5'111 8301128 8298202 8303 .15 .0324 10235 830755 8304102 8299 122 8297.8't82 8302 22 11443 830578 8300108 8300154 8301247 8305 20 11550 830766 8302110 8300159 8301 155 28 32 60.1 8302.2115 8302125 8257151 8298177 8299218 8304 143 34 3357.1 8302113 8300143 8299 231 .1 .3150 47 2839 830672 8303103 8299124 8298183 8303 154 28 2349 830485 8299114 8299177 8302 254 159 54 3654 830668 8301.5 115 82S9.216S 8302 3071 8301.1120 8301126 8296152 8299193 8300 230 3481 . 8303115 8299166 8300 3842 830581 8302 105 8299.4128 8299203 8304 2658 830391 8299 1 15 8298.3178 8303 4557 830583 8302121 8293r70 8303 8302 1018300 123 8295.9S 1378300 1558301 196 I l.l 121 134 153 194 89 8303 103116 8298 117187 8301 189 45 8304 4889 8301 97108 8299 113150 8300 163 233 65 8302 71s8 8300 103124 8299 142179 8304 220 60 8304 62102 8302 105135 8299 139172 8304 210 v' Run Date: 21APRS7 Run Time: 16:26:08 HMVersion:6.52 Data File: 9681M0D , .CNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL ()L[]SS L-BANK ELEV ., OLOB OCH OROB ALOB ACH AROB VOL TWA R.BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VR[]B XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLI)PE XLOBL XLCH XTOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST -PROF 1 ccHV= 0.100 0EHV= 0.300.sEcN01.000 3280 CROSS SECTION I.OO EXTENDED 1.50 FEET 1.000 5.00 8300.10 0.00 8300.'10 8300.39 0.30 0.00 0.00 8298.00 1 81 0.0 675.0 307.6 227 .4 1 39.6 220.0 60.3 0.0 0.0 8298.00 0.00 4.84 4.13 3.73 0.015 0.030 0.015 0.000 8295.10 61.00 0.001060 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0.00 '188.49 249.49 ccHV= 0.100 cEHV= 0.300.sEcN0 2.000 3280 CR(]SS SECTION 2.OO EXTENDEI] ().4O FEET ^..1 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 36S3 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 2.000 4.60 8300.00 8300.00 0.00 8300.s8 0.98 0.0s 0.21 8299.00 1810.0 96.5 1 687.9 25.7 42.6 205.7 35.3 0.4 0.2 82S8.00 0.00 2.27 8.21 0.73 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 82s5.40 48.00 0.005069 42. 47. 51. 20 11 0 0.00 187.89 235.8S .sEcN0 3.000 3.000 4.55 8300.15 0.00 0.00 8301.22 1.07 0.22 0.03 8300.00 1810.0 0.0 1808.1 1.9 0.0 217.9 3.5 0.6 0.3 8293.00 0.00 0.04 8.30 0.53 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8295.60 134.70 0.005792 39. 40. 40. 2 0 0 0.00 73.33 208.03 .sEcN0 4.000 3265 DIVIDED FLOW 3280 CRt]SS SECTION 4.OO EXTENDED 0.76 FEET 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL o .hc2 Page 3 ro Run Date: 21APR97 Run Time: 16:26:08 HMVersion: 6.52 Data File: 9681M00.hc2 Page 4 ICNO DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L.BANK ELEV ,r 0L0B OCH 0R0B AL0B ACH AB0B VOL TWA R'BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT C(]RAR T()PWID ENDST 3693 PROEABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL OEPTH ASSUMED 4.000 6.06 8301.86 8301.86 0.00 8302.92 1.06 0.15 0.00 830'1.00 1810.0 227.2 1433.8 149.0 75.2 156.0 118.6 0.8 0.4 8299.00 0.00 3.02 9.19 1.26 0.030 0.030 0.150 ' 0.000 8295.80 0.00 0.004s62 30. 30. 30. 20 l1 0 0.00 175.13 216.92 .sEcN0 5.000 3265 DIVIt)ED FLOW 3301 HV CHANGED Mt]RE THAN HVINS 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 5.000 5.54 8301.53 8301.53 0.00 8303.32 1.79 0.17 0.22 8301.00 18r0.0 5.0 1678.2 126.8 3.3 150.7 88.4 1.0 0.5 8300.00 0.00 1.53 11.14 1.43 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8295.99 71.06 -.d07679 28. 30. 32. 3 8 0 0.00 95.84 201.87 .sEcN0 6.000 3265 DIVIDEI] FLOW 3685 2O TRIALS ATTEMPTEt] WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL t]EPTH ASSUMED 6.000 5.42 8302.42 8302.42 0.00 8303.84 1.42 0.23 0.04 8301'00 1810.0 55.4 1487.4 287.3 19.4 138.7 170.0 1.2 0.6 8298.00 0.01 2.86 10.58 1.69 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8297.00 57.09 0.006227 34. 34. 33. 20 8 0 0.00 133.94 214.26 ccHV= 0.100 CEHV- 0.300.sEcN0 7.000 33(]I HV CHANGED Mt]RE THAN HVINS Run Date: 21APR97 Hun Time: 16:2 MVersion: 6.52 Data File: 3681M00. ECN(] DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL OLOSS L.BANK ELEV .r 0L0B OCH 0R0B AL0B ACH AR0B VOL TWA R'BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST 3302 WARNING: C0NVEYANCE CHANGE 0UTSIDE 0F ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO - 1'48 a hc2 7.000 5.49 8303.23 1810.0 28.2 1655.5 0.01 0.81 7.34 0.002827 47. 38. 'sECN0 8.000 8.000 4.88 8303.18'|8t0.0 195.8 1530.4 0.01 1.46 8.S9 0.004853 28. 26. 0.00 0.00 8304.24 1.07 83.8 134.1 170.3 64.7 1.29 0.150 0.030 0.15023.2000.00 0.0s 0.09 8300.001.7 0.8 8300.00 0.000 8298.30 63.12 122.77 186.49 o 6:08 H 0.00 0.00 8304.06 0.77 0.15 0.07 8300.00 126.3 34.9 225.7 ',I20.8 1.5 0.7 8299.00 1.04 0.150 0.030 0.150 0.000 8297.80 78.4328. 3 0 0 0.00 133.12 211.55 Page 5 'sEcN0 9.000 9.000 4.18 8303.18 1810.0 84.6 1681.0 0.01 1.12 9.94 -.006704 54. 45. 8303.03 0.00 8304.61 1.43 0.26 0.1 'l 8300.00 44.4 75.6 169.1 30.5 2.1 0.9 8300.00 1.45 0.150 0.030 0.150 0.000 8299.00 65.2636. 4 15 0 0.00 113.75 179.0',1 Run Date: 21APR97 Run Time: 16:26:08 o HMV ersion: 6.52 Data Fils 9681MOD.hc2 Page 6 THIS RUN EXECUTED 21APR97 16:26:09 * *rt rt +tt ttt .}t+ * *t* * * t *t * tt tta+lttt+r HEC.z WATER SURFACE PR()FILES Version 4.6.2; May 1991 r+t+ttt+atlttlaattaf ll+ltl llrtlatll+t NOTE.ASTERISK (-I AT LEFT (1F CROSS.SECTII)N NUMBER INDICATES MESSAGE IN SUMMARY OF ERR()RS LIST 100-Year Flood Elevation SUMMARY PRINTt]UT TABLE 150 SECN(] XLCH ELTRD ELLC ELMIN O CWSEL CRIWS EG 1t)-KS VCH AREA .(]1K 1.000 0.00 0.00 0.00 8295.10 1810.00 8300.10 0.00 8300.39 10.60 4.13 420.46 555.93 2.000 47.00 0.00 0.00 8295.40 1810.00 8300.00 8300.00 8300.98 50.69 8.21 283.57 254.24 3.000 40.00 0.00 0.00 8295.60 1810.00 8300.15 0.00 8301.22 57.92 8.30 221.40 237.83 4.000 30.00 0.00 0.00 8295.80 1810.00 8301.86 8301.86 8302.92 45.62 9.19 349.75 267.99 5.000 30.00 0.00 0.00 8295.99 1810.00 8301.53 8301.53 8303.32 76.79 11.14 242.35 206.56 6.000 34.00 0.00 0.00 8297.00 1810.00 8302.42 8302.42 8303.84 62.27 10.58 328.09 229.37 7.000 38.00 0.00 0.00 8297.80't810.00 8303.29 0.00 8304.06 28.27 7.34 381.37 340.44 8.000 26.00 0.00 0.00 8298.30 18t0.00 8303.r8 0.00 8304.24 48.53 8.99 369.07 259,83 9.000 45.00 0.00 0.00 s299.00 1810.00 8303.18 8303.03 8304.61 67.04 9.94 275.28 221.07 i Run Date: 21APB97 Run Time: 16:26: ' Year Flood Elevation SUMMARY PRINTOUT TABLE 150 SECN(] O CWSEL DIFWSP DIFWSX 1.000 1810.00 8300.10 0.00 0.00 2.000 1810.00 8300.00 0.00 -0.10 3.000 1810.00 8300.15 0.00 0.15 4.000 1810.00 8301.86 0.00 1.71 5.000 1810.00 8301.53 0.00 .0.33 6.000 1810.00 8302.42 0.00 0.89 7.000 1810.00 8303.29 0.00 0.87 8.000 1810.00 8303.18 0.00 -0.12 9.000 1810.00 8303.18 0.00 0.00 MVersion: 6.52 Data File: 9681M00 DIFKWS TOPWID XLCH 0.00 188.49 0.00 0.00 187.89 47.00 0.00 73.33 40.00 0.00 1 75.13 30.00 0.00 s5.84 30.00 0.00 133.94 34.00 0.00 133.12 38.00 0.00 122.77 26.00 0.00 1 13.75 45.00 o 08H o .hc2 Page 7 o TABLE OF CONTENTS SCOPEOFSTUDY ..... I INTRODUCTION . ..... 1 SITECONDITION. .....I FEMASTUDY .........2 coNcLUsroNS... .....2 PROPOSEDRECOMMENDATIONS ..........3 LIMITATION .. ...4 FIGURES FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS - Existing Conditions FLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS - Proposed Conditions APPENDD(A PROFILE - Existing Conditions CROSS SECTIONS - Existing Conditions. PROFILE - Proposed Conditions CROSS SECTIONS - Proposed Conditions. I{EC-2CAICULATIONS-ExistingConditions ......PAGES 1-7 IIEC-2CAICULATIONS-ProposedConditions ......PAGES l-7 .DRAWINGNO. I .DRAWINGNO.2 .DRAWINGNO. 1 .DRAWING NO. 2 .DRAWINGNO.3 .DRAWING NO. 4 LKP Engineering, Inc. [, -,', ll = l-,_: nw,fv 014t'htata'i- - --*-- | I I J I li \."^--..tr*t . 4 tart;\/ h -t-,vrTYaq. .i TOWN OF VAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 ParcelNo...: 210102304002 ProjectNo : -pRSO3_o3A3 O$INER HINTZ, BERND .JI'RGEN NOVAR HOUSE 24 QUEENS RD WEYBRIDGE SURREY I]NITED KINGDOM KT139IIX I-ricense: CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY BLECTRIC P O BOX 1L15 VAIL, CO 81658 License: 156-E APPIJICANT EAGIJE VAIJLEY ELECTRIC f-of ro,-B\Ks / C;t U'Ob (d4 ou?*rr"*r oF coMMUNrrY DEVELott NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTzuCAL PERMIT Job Address: 3 130 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRIVE E03-0230 .: ISSUED.: 10/3012003 . i ll/1412003.: 05/12/2004 P O BOX r_116 VAII-,, CO 81558 I-,icense: 156-E Desciption: add power wiring to new driveway snowmelt boiler system Valuation: $800.00 Lo/3o/2oo3 Permit #: Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . Phone: Lo/30/2003 Phone: 97o-827-s772 Lo/30/2003 Pbone: 970-827-5772 FEE SUMMARY t:t*+*ratria*'t+t**.*tr*r***:l*'r'ta*r:at,r++a,t+*aa***:*:r*:i:|:**,i:l***'3 Total Calculaled Fees-> Additional Fe€s----> Total Permit Fee-----> Payments-----------> BALANCE DUE.--..-> El€ctrical----> DRB Fee----> Investigation--> Will Call----> TOTAL FEES-> $s0.00 $0.00 $0.00 $3.00 $s3.00 ss3.00 $0.00 ss3.00 $s3.00 $0. 00 Approvals:ftem: 05000 EIJECTRICAI' DEPARTMENI to/30/2oo3 df Action: AP I*.-:l;--:-'"-::-:--T-:'--:"-:-TTI'*,T.**."***"*,,*t*'|'t|***.t|:tt***t'*.+'lt'l*{*.*|*|'*tt*.,||l+|*.***.||+4**|***i**|**i* CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 .l?-T.*?;].;--T-"1?--:J-:::::'-,".X-..T-:--:::-":1"-:.-T:":,T,".T.-:::.:."-?:i:H:.lT:-:-*.*.*****,*****,*.,..+,,*,*:i**,,* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQUESTSIOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE -FOUR HOURS IN o TWENry BY TELEPHONE A TURE OF OWNER FROM 8:00 AM - 4 PM. ANDOWNEF AppLrcArroN],- r,ror BE AccEprED rr r*co"offf yiW '*Wt,::::::::::HJ f,:l h=n"r FcrRrca' oo# r\.\.r.7rr l N,'ttJ, -- ding Permit #:_ trical Permit #: _ 479-2749 (Inspectionr FGDrr*fr""W t/a r\ \) .tr r tLela-t / u- J z d - cto+u or YIs'Gwwl -OUnt-/ Parcef # (Require-l-if n 1oz3o44o2 Job Name: Hintz Residence - Driveway srurruert JobAddress: 31 30 B@th creek [lr. Legal Description Lot:Block:Fiiing:Subdivision: Owners Name:Arldre<<'Ilnited Kinod Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: Detaiied description of work: =,.4Fd pq*er wlring to nerw Driveryay Sngqmelt Boiler systen workclass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel (x) Repair( ) Temppower( ) other( ) Work Type: Interior (y ) Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single-family (1) Duptex ( ) i'tulti-famity ( ) Commercial ( ) Restaurant ( ) fther( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: 1 No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: Yes( ) No(x) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( X) No ( )Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist: Yes ( ) No ( X ) COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: $ 8OO.OO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: Eagle VaIIey ElecbX'ic, fnc Town of Vail Reg. No.: 156 E Contact and Phone #'s: Cel 904-5844 sam Bisbop 827-5772 tr****:!*******************:t****:t********FOR OFFICE USE ONLY*******+************r*********'rr****-4 Date Received: Accepted Byi F:/e'reryone/forms/elecperm TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2r38 PLan Check---> Invest igat i on> l.l i L l. Ca L t----> Job Address Location. . ,Parcel No,.Project No, 3].30 BOOTH CREEK 3130 BOOTH CREEK 2 101-02 3 -0 4-OO2 PRJ96-0168 I SSUED oe /23 /ree605/02/|ee7 r0 /2e / reeT (.6{'16 Gt\, t yai\ vit l\ DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT permir #: 896-0290 DR DR Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . APPLICANT BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT PO BOX 2894, VArL CO 81658 CONTRACTOR BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT PO BOX 2894, VArL CO 81658OWNER HINTZ BERND JURGEN Deecriotion: Phone:. 3039494244 Phone: 3039494244 4 ONSLOW MEWS, LONDON SW7 3AA ENGLAND TOV/Comm. Dev. -_ ._ Clean-up Deposit RefundADDOF GARAGE,BEDROOMS, BATHROOM AND ENTRY ADDITIONapproved Occupancy R3 Single Family Residencegmggnt Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated date Valuation:215,600 Add Sq Ft: 1843 Fi reotace lnformation: Restfi cted:fof Gas Appt i ances:fof Gas Logs:#of Uood/Pat Let: *************************t*)t********************i********** FEE SUttl.|ARy **r*******************************************************Buitding-----) '1,2O4.0O Restuarant p[an Review-->7E2.60 DRB Fee--------.00 Recreation Fee---------->3.0o cl,..n{rF oeposi t--------> ,00 Total Catcutated Fees---) 2,966.Os200.00 Add i t ional tees---------> 50.00 276.45 ../.-JotatPermittee--------> 3,016.05 5W.OO b*) Payments------- Ileqi.g51q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG DivisionQ2/,?3_/,\99A CHARLIE Action: NoTE PLANS ro cHAF.iin-09'/26'/\996 CHARLIE Acrion: Appn eHanr,rE-oefit----- iE"i,2i t,i?t2o.fikftilYfr""oBEl3*TtfiBfiu n"o"s ro D?fiRt : 'LANNTNG Division 04'/29'/7997 DIRR Action: Appn - 6ln72it?78|o.fiiftf,rButt3gY3ilT AppR N/A Dept: FrRE Division I!e$i"q55q0 puBl,rc woRKs -t.-- Depr: puB woRK Division 8?fiALi\AE 8$tftt+E t8i+Sf,: 8RRS HdB.'o**, o,u=-,-onn*ou,05'/o2'/1997 CHARLTE Acrion: eFpn pnn rnnnr -Fent-Clr- lr*********rr*ff***************t******************ffr|'r**************t*tr******ff*t***************t******t***********ff************ff see Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that may apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge ah* I -h?Y:- !:?d- thi s apptication, fil,ted out in fuLt the information requined, comp(eted an accurate ptotplan, and state that att the information provided as required.is correct. t agree to compl.y riith the iniornation "na ptoi ti"",to compty Yith al't rown ordinances -and state.talrs, and to buitd this structure according to the Torrn's zoning and subdivjsioncodes, design review approved, Uniform Bu'i tding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabt.e thereto. REOI'ESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I1ADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS II{ ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI.I E:OO A 5:OO Pr a riPnovEltElrT Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONS as of 07 /),s /97******************************************************************************** send c Lcdn-up ,oeplosi t 'To: BAU8 llolt€ Permit #: 896-0290 Permit TypeApplicant-- Job AddressLocation--- ParceI No-- Description AND OI.INER Status---: ISSUED ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT 303949 4244 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR 3].30 BOOTH CREEK DR 2101-02 3-0 4 -0 0 2 Applied-- | 09 /23/L996Issued---: 05/02/1997 To Expire: Io/29/1997 ADDOF GARAGE,BEDROOMS,BATHROOM AND ENTRY ADDITION * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditionS * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC . 12 ].0 OF THE ].9 9 1 UBC .3. GLAZING LOCATED IN ALL HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH THE 1991 UBC SEC 5406 4. A COPY OF THE SOILS REPORT IS REQ'D PRIOR TO FOOTING INSPECT5. ATTIC ACCESS AND VENTILATION MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC SECTION 3205(a), (c) 6. A revised landscape plan with the proposed riparian vegetation must be submitted prior to TCO.7. NO WORK IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY (INCLUDING STAGING) WITHOUT PUBLIC WAY PERMIT AND P.W. APPROVAL , ********d******************************************************* TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0298 Amount: Paynent Method: CHECK Notation: #304 10s.60 o7 /L5/97 08:48Init: cD Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address I Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 4L332 Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES 896-0290 Type: A-BUTLD ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD pE 2101-02 3-04-002 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR 3].30 BOOTH CREEK DR 105. 60 **************************************************************** Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 3,016.05 3 r 016.05 .00 Amount 64.00 41.60 oo CdcrdatedFe*l $2J-56!-51 Addi:nalFees:l $50-iil Tdd Fees: f-l5l15Il l"i. :P di ci;:d ;,"*' ' ' , i :: . ''.1,. I Indu& Tu$ trmudiorn h Frymenl Detdb: l- *jptnUf S' pfro | .l Isrn d Vail . Mi*elaeo...list!.E r,xPu Adess 13130 800TH IFEEK DF vAlL BAUEF HOME I|'4PFOVEMENT iilSlatli I HEtoupwise. Heor ,. TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-4'19-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Job Address: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRLocation...: 3130 BOTH CREEK DR ParceL No.. : 2101-023-04-002Project No. : PRJ96-0168 APPI,ICANT BAUER HOME ]MPROVEMENT PO BOX 2894, VArL CO 8l_658 CONTRACTOR BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT PO BOX 2894, VAIL CO 81658OWNER HINTZ BERND JURGEN4 oNslow MEws, LoNDoN sW7 3AA ENGLAND Description: ADDITION OF GARAGE,BEDROOMS AND BATHROOM Occupancy: R3 Single Family Residence Type Construction: V N Type V Non-Rated JOBS]TE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 896-0290 Status. . AppIied. Iesued.. Expires. ISSUED oe /23/ree6 os /02 /tee7 L0 /2e /tee7 Phone: 3Q39494244 Phonez 3039494244 Valuation:200,000 Add Sq Ft:1843 Fi reotace lnformation: Restri cted:fof cas Appl. iances:fof Gas Logs:fof uood/PaL l.et: ff**t******ff********************************************** t EE SUI'IllARY ***********ir****rr*ft******t********t*ff**ff*****i********* 8ui Ldjng-----> Pl.an check---> Investigation> tliLt cat L----> 1,14O.@ Restuarant Ptan Revi ew-->71'1.@ oRB tee--------.0O Recreation Fee---------->3.00 Ctean-Up Deposi t--------> .00 Total catcutated Fees--->200.00 Addi t'i ona L Fees--------->?76.45 Total Permi t tee-------->500.00 Payments------- ?,860.45 .00 ?,860.45 2,860.45 *******i******************r************ll]l*t*liii;;;;;;;;;;i**i********iiiil;1i**-*lllilll-3li;;;;;;;i*****i***********ill*** IteU! .051q0_BUILDING DEpARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:Q9/.23/.t9e6 CHARLTE AaEiona- Noie pr_,ANs ro cHAF.iin09726'/t996 CHARLTE Action: AppR eHenr,rs-DAIS-----Item:'.05400-Pi,ANNING DEpARTMENT Dept: PLANNING Division:09/.23/.r996 CHARLTE AaEion:- Nore pr,aNs ro DrRR-o4'/29'/I9s7 DIP.K Actiona AFp[Item:'05600_EIBE_DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division:921?1/\zpl-CEABIIE Acaion: AppR N/Artem:' 05500_pqEI,I WORK$ -___ -_,,_ Dept: puB woRK Divieion:9e^/,?1/,122q qEABIIE Adtion: AppR N,/Aoe'/.267L996 qEABI,rE Acrion: CANC PIJBWORKS MUST AppROvE05702'/L997 CHARLTE Aaaloii: AppR Fnn ib-linr--FAnrcH--'-'- **********ff**t*fi*t************i*lt***i't**|t,t*i***ff****ff***rrti******t*******lrt*ft****tf,t******************t*******t"i*ff********** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions t.hat nay apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that r have read.this appl,ication, f il,l,ed out in ful,t the information requi red, conpteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the information provided as requined. i.s correct. I agree to compty vith thc information .na pioi ii"n,to comPty tJith al'[ Toun ordinances -and state tavs, and {o buiLd this structure according iithe tor.n's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved, unifor|| Buitding Code and other ordinances of the To.rn aipticabLe thereto. REQUESTS IOR TNSPECTIONS SHALL BE I.IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2'138 OR AT OUR OFTTCE TROI,I 6:00 AI,I 5:OO PI.I Send Ctean-Up Deposit To: BAUR tlol,lE Page 2***** * * ** * * * * * ** t(* *t * * * * ****** * * **** *** * ********** * ********* * ** ** * ** **** rk* * * * * * * o IIIPROVEI.IENT Permit #: 896-0290 Permit Type: ADD/AIT SFR BUILD PERMITApplicant--r BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT 3039 49 4244 Job Address: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRLocation---: 3130 BOTH CREEK DRParcel No--: 2LOL-O23-04-002 Description: ADDITION OF GARAGE,BEDROOMS AND BATHROOM ***** ** ** ** ** * * ** ** * ** ** ****** *** ** * ** COnditiOng * rt rt * * * *:t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE ].991 UBC.3. GLAZING LOCATED IN ALL HAZARDOUS LOCATIONS MUST COMPLY WITH THE 1991 UBC SEC 5406 4. A COpy OF THE SOILS REPORT IS REQ'D PRIOR TO FOOTING INSPECT5. ATTIC ACCESS AND VENTILATION MUST COMPLY WITH 1991 UBC SECTION 3205(a), (c)6. A revised randscape plan with the proposed riparian vegetat.ion must be submitt.ed prior to TCO.7. NO WORK IS ALLOWED WITHIN THE RIGHT OF WAY (INCLUDING STAGING) WITHOUT PUBLIC WAy PERMIT AND p.W. APPROVAL CONDITIONS as of 05/05/97 Status---: ISSUED ******************J.************************************************************* Applied-- ; a9 /23/1,9s6rssued---. 05/02/7997 To Expirel. !0/29/7997 **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt******************************************************r.********* Statemnt Nunber: REC-0268 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation. #259 2,8r0.4s Os/05/97 10:r'1Init: DS Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01.0000 4r.331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 Total Fees:2.BIO.45 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERM]T FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 896-0290 Type: A-BUILD ADD/AIT SFR BUILD pE 2rot-023-o4-oo2 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR 3].30 BOTH CREEK DR **************************************************************** 2 t 860 .45 2 t 860 .45 .00 Amount 1, 140.00 L50.00 741.00 s00.00 27 6 .45 3.00 I ii.:!:fi :;il2ii,,i"i::',::::i",il"'J#;oFvArL"o"",*u",,ol PERI,IIT APPLICATfON FORMoernz ?/zq96 - t APPLfCATTON MUST BE FIIJLED oUT col.tPLETELY oR IT l.tAY NoT BE AccEpTFpU l$":7-r********************** PEIU{IT fNFORI,|ATJON ***************************** -(/{/-PER.I'IIT # Job Narne:Job Address: Legal Description: Lot_/Q Blo"r J PitLnsJl? /M sirtBprvrsroN, lhL Ohrners Name: Work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Atteration p(-Add,itional I Number of Dwelling Units: J- Nurober o ^ )pnber and Type of Fireplaces: G_as Appliar f,* * * * * * *Hid T ssb6. * * * * * * * * * .f* 'Lff^f;BUILDING: Address; Address: Ph. Architect: ceneral Description: Address: Electrical Contractor: Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address 3 . ********************************FORBUTLDING PERMIT FEE! PLI'MBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Gas Logs ,L Wood/Pellet MEcHANrcAul@_TOTAL: I Town of Vail Res. yo.//&:E Phone Number: ?fr.fuT= Req. No. e-/E€3a7-gT Town of Vail Reg. no./22- PPhone Nurnber: €Zf-cW-'- Town of Vail Reg. No.4?-P Phone Number: €Z{- -ffi- Nurober of Accommodation Units: Town of VaiI Phone Number: Pt..4'6'2o,1 oFFrcE usE ** *** **** ************ * ** ** ***** BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PI,T'MBTNG I,IECHANTCAL RECREATION CI.E.AN-UP TOTAL ZONfNG:,--7- SIGNATITRE: te*.Dr!s: lsil"c{jitiiri, ublffi- STGNATURE: TL l-Repair [ ]-other Snua? rftr+e //?F, / IIEPOSIT REFIIND !O:8or kqzl1frtt-' 'ee e/{E? D.EL l: lnwn TO: FROM: DATE: SU&TECT: 75 toulh l?ontage rcld vaal, colorsclo 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 rn sun:narry, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit i"v-r"irl-"J"i, sand, debrisor nateriar, incr.uding trash iunpsters, portabre toilets andnorkmen vehicres.|pon any streetl siaewaik;-;ii;y or publicplace or any portiin tt"i""il- iire rigtrt-of-way on arr. Town ofvail streets ind_.Ig"gs is approxiraatety 5 ft. off pavenent.This ordinance rlll b".;iti;irt-'inforced by the Town of vailPubric 'ilorks DeDartment. persSns found .ri.irrari'g this ord,inancewilt be given a-24 hour rriit"""i"ti".-ti-;;;;"'=.id nateriar.In the event the person so notified.aoes noi- coipfy with thenotice within the-24 hour tir.-.p""iilJi,"Ei""i"f,ric worksDepartment wirr remove said nateii.r "t irr"-'"*iIise of personnotified. The provi=ions-or-'trril orainance snirr not beapplicable to cinstruction, ,"irrt"rr.rrge or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utiii[ies in the ,ijnt_"_r"y. To review Ordinance No. 6 in full., please stop by the Tordn ofvail Buir'ding Department to ouiiin a copy. rirani you for yourcooperation on this matter. olllce ol communlty deyclopmcnt ALL CONTRACTORS CI'RRENTLYL REGISTERED WITII THETOWN OF VArL TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMITNTTY DEVELOPI,TENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCIION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE a/rr2z.//€>A2_ contractor, owner) luwn 75 aoulh trontlge road Ytll, colorudo 81657 (3031 479-2L38 or 479-2139 offlce of communlly dcvclopmcrrl UILDING PERI.|IT ISSUANCE TIME FRAIIE . If this permrlt requires a Town of Vail Fire Departnent Approval ,Engineer''s (pubrii !g*tt review .nJ -ipp"ouur,' a prann.in!'b"p."t "ntreview. or Heat th Departniint ieview, :an!:;-;;i; fy'iii""drir ai ngliri[H!'j;"lll .'.i'uted time rJ"'a-tstur reuiii"-iluv"Lll'"s r6ne All cornmerciar ("rarge or smail) and ail mu'rti-famiry permits wi.rlhave to follow ttre Sbve r"nii6n"i-ri*ir* requirenents. Residentiarand sma] I projects shourd tar<e i-iesier'amound of time. However, ifresidenti'al or sma'gr,projects impJii the various above mentioneddepartments with regard' to-necessiiy-review, these projects mayalso take the three-weet peri'oC. -..snt r,''sJs Pr vJEsL> Every.attempt wrlll be T99e bv this department to expedite thispermr:t as soon as possible. - Yv v^i'ev ' r's L' I:-Il. unders.igned, understand the plan check procedure and timeTrame. /. Pro jEET-Xanre Date XoiR heet,*a s turned-r-i6-TE Communi ty Oevel ooment Departmenr. I O MEMoRANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A ''PUBLIC WAY PERMIT'IS REQUIRED TO: FROM: DATE: BE: Job Name: Date: Please ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public.proTfryZ ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? fs ditferent access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done atfecting the right ol way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permil, required? I have read and answered allthe 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or fencing? B. lf no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !f_V9u_ algwered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Way permit' must be obtained.?ublic Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's otficg or atCommutrity Development. Ityou have any questions please callCharlie Davis, the Townof Vaif Construction lnspector, at 479-215f. NO Y K K Y 1) 2) YES 3) 4') s) 6) 7l Job Name s Signature TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 8165? 97 0-47 9-2L38 Description: PLUMBING FOR ADDITION ********************************ri****t****************** FEE P Lumbi ng----->?25 .O0 Phone: 3039263859 Val-uation:15,000.00 sUl.lfi ARy **********************i****t*******************i*******t** .00 Total Catculated Fees---) DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON PLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRLocation...: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRParcel No. . : 2101-023-04-002Project No. : PRJ96-01.68 OWNER HINTZ BERND JURGEN4 ONSLOW MEWS, LONDON SW7 3AA ENGLAND CoNTRACTOR ROBINSON PLUMB/HEATTNG SQUAW CRK P O BOX 64, EDWARDS CO 87632 APPLICANT ROBINSON PLUMB/HEATING SQUAW JOBSITE Permit ALL TIMES P9 6-015 3 AT #: Ptan Check---> 56.25Investigation> .00 l, i l, L Ca( t----> 3.00 Restuanant Ptan Revi ew--> TOTAL FEES--.--Addi t iona L Fees---------> Totat Permit fee--------> 281.25 Status. . . Applied..Issued... Expires. . I S SUED 0e /23/res6 09 /26/7se603/25/ree7 284 .25 .00 241.25 241.25 BALANCE DUE----*****************************i*******************************t***********t******1************************************************* IIem: ,O51OO BUILDING DBPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/26/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: *******t't**********************t*t****************************ff*****i******************t*************************ff************ CONDITION OF'APPROVAL 1. F]ELD INSPECTIONS ARE REO'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ********************t******************************t*****t*******1*************i*i*****************t*****t****************fi****** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, f il.l.ed out in ful,l, the infornation required, compteted anp[an, and state that att the infor;ation provided as required is conrect. I agree to comp(y vith the iniormationto compty vith atl' Toun ordinances and state taus, and to buil,d this structure according Town's zoning andcodes, design revieu approved, Uniform Bui[ding code and other ordinances of the Town jfflicabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE gY TELEPHONE OFFICE F TURE OF OI.INER CONTRACTOR FOR H F AND OI]NER accurate ptot and ptot ptan, subdivision **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLOR"ADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0298 Amountt 93.75 07/15/97 O8t47 Paynent Method: CHECK Notation: #304 lnit: CD Permit NoParcel No Sit.e Address Location This Payment Account Code 01- 0000 41311 01 0000 4L332 Description PLUMBING PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES P96-0153 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT 2101-023-04-002 3].30 BOOTH CREEK DR 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRTotal Fees:93.75 Total ALL Pmts: Bal-ance:**************************************************************** 284.25 284.2s .00 Amount 75.00 18.75 TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitPLUMBING PERMIT Job AddressLocation... Parcel No..Project No. 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR 2101-02 3-0 4-002 PRJ9 6-0 l- 6 8 AT ALL TIMES P9 6-0153 Phone: 3039263859 Status...: ISSUEDApplied..: oe/23/1ee6 rssued. . .: 09/26/7996 Expires. . : 03/25/7997 190.50 .00 190. 50 190.50 OWNER HINTZ BERND JURGEN 4 ONSLOW MEWS, LONDON SW? 3AA ENGLAND CoNTRACTOR ROBTNSON PLUMB/HEATTNG SQUAW CRK P O BOX 64, EDWARDS CO 81632 APPLTCANT ROBTNSON PLI]MB/HEATTNG SQUAW Description: PLLIMBING FOR ADDITION Valuation: 10,000.00 **ffi**ffitr*tffi FEE SUt'tltARyPtunbing--> 150.00 Rastuarant Pl.an Reviey--> ToTALFEES-__-_-_-> .00 190.50 Tota[ CaLcutatcd F.cs---> Additional Fees----> Tota L Perri t FeF----> Paynents---- Ptan Check-->57.50 Invastigation> .00 tliLL catl---> 5.m * Itqm: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/26/\996 CHARLIE Act,ion: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTI,IENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ffi ***ffi l.}***ffirkfffi ffi*ff ffi *ffi ffiffi *t#**ffiffi #****ffi**ffiffi *ffit***ff * DECLARATIONS I hereby acknovtrdg. th.t I have rcad this apptication, fitl,cd out in fuLl. the information requi red, conplctcd an accuratc ptot Ptan, and state that atl the infopnation provided as required is correct. I agfee to compl,y uith the informtion and pLot pl,an,to conPly vith att Tosn ordinances and state (avs, and to buitd this structure according to the Toun's:oning and subdivisioncodes, design fcvicH appfoved, unifom Buitding code and other ordinances of the Town Ie REOUESTS FOR INSPECTTONS SHALL BE I.IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TELEPHOiIE 00 A 5: CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** statemnt Number: REc-0283 Amount: 190.50 06/06/97 L2:53palment Method: cHEcK Notationt #267 firit: co --U**************************************************************** Permit No: P96-0153 Type: B-PLMB pLItMBINc PERMITParcel No: 2101-023-04-002Site Address: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRLocation: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRTotal Fees: 190.50This Payment 190.50 Tota1 ALL pmts: 190.50Balance: .00***********************************************:r**************** Account Code Description Amount,01 OOOO 41311 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 15O.OO01 0000 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 37.5001 OOOO 41336 WIIJL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3.OO GEORGE T. SAI{DERS COMPANY PO BOX 169 r9T WEST 9TH STREET SILVERTIIORI\E, COLORAIX) m49E (e70) 45&E2s4 OR r-E{Xt-33}2s47 lrrnnrrorr. 6af "rr*n.-'. 4 rrt* 4r fi7ox) MT'-SSAGE: (1) rkx-fz*atfzto 8u " ert a;pc f au,* d rTlr^tnune a A / ,-A E-U+ T rlEorrrz 7ile i 6T .t ,O. O 6 f-f rtrl<paac ' /qS- RtTh - fuo t.tttc :1 o @ ,q**t= ..1 -,r^5 Azt* e<* al,ar;'T ** T ,4ao z' Ta €kt l^,u,, TEANKS BARRY Town of Vall OFFICE COPY GEORGE T. SAI\DERS CO. 19I WEST 9TH ST PO BOX SILVERTHORNE, CO. 80498 nATE: 5/9/97 CUSTOMER: ROBINSON P&I{ OX'SQUAW CREnK JOB NAME: HINTZ RESIDENCE ADDITION T.XPIRATION DATT': 8/1D7 QUOTATTON QTY CODE I BUP2O6AEID I AN{j0 | 4N1444 I WAFV-4 I AMWHIO I WAl00ru8 I WAlt56F I WA9DG 2 AV6E5 I AV6EC I AV6EF I AV6ESC 2 HATl40Al000 l [Iv8043El06l 6" HY496A1025 97 ASRTsOBB 15 ASRAECLO3 15 ASRAECRO3 I BEACONK42 97U46&.82s4 E00-333-2547 FAX 303-893-0836 NETEA TOTAL 1481.00 1481.00 27.47 27.47 t2.95 12.95 6.40 6.40 927.00 927.00 9.72 9.72 27.86 27.86 32.21 32.21 t7.t3 34.26 8.61 8.61 7.90 7.90 2.37 2.37 9.20 18.40 57.00 57.00 70.00 420.oo 4.18 405.46 2.80 42.00 2.80 42.W 120.00 120.00 TOTAL 36t2;61 169 DESCRIPTION I64MBHNAT GAS ELEC . IGN. BOILER MODEL 30 E)GANSION TANK l-l/4" ArR scooP AIRVENT 80 GAL SINGLE WALLHOTWATERMAKER 314'T&P VALVEw/8" PROBE I/2" BOILERFILL VALVE I/2' BACKFLOW PREVENTER 6"X5'B-VENT PIPE 6" B.VENT CAP 6" B-VENT FLASHING 6" B-VENT STORM COLLAR 4OVA TRAhISFORMER 3/4" ECV ZONE VALVE WEND SWITCH 314' ZONE VALVE/THERMOSTAT PKG HEATTRIM 3/4" BASEBOARD PERFT IIEATTRIM LEFT HAND END CAP TIEATTRM RIGI{T HAND END CAP BEACON MORRIS KICKSPACE }IEATER ItrMBHNAT GAS ELEC . IGN. BOILER 6UX5'B-VENT PIPE 6" B-VENT CAP 6" B-VENT FLASHING 6" B-VENT STORM COLLAR MODEL 30 E)GAIISION TATIK l-1/4" AIR SCOOP 299MBHNAT GAS ELEC. IGN. BOILER 8'X5'B-VENT PIPE 8'B.VENT CAP 8" B.VENT FLASHING 8'B-VENT STORM COLLAR l-ll2'AIR SCOOP MODEL 60 E)0,{I{SION TA}',IK CAST IRON I2OV CIRCULATOR I. I/2' CAST IRON FLA}.{GE SET ADD IX'BOILT.R NEEDS TO BF'. SI7.F',D F'OR F',XTSTNG RNSIDENCE AI SO -I BUP2O6AEID -2 AV6E5 -l AV6EC -I AV6EF 1481.00 -1481.00 17.13 -34.26 8.61 -8.61 7.90 -7.90 2.37 -2.37 27.47 -27.47 1295 -12.95 2178.00 2178,00 30.15 60.30 16.10 16.10ro5z to.52 2.96 296 29.7E 29.78 55.73 55.73 136.44 136,44 5.16 5.16 TOTALN)D 920.43 -l -t -l I 2 1 I I I I I I AV6ESC AM3O AM444 BUP2lOAEID AV8R5 AVsRC AV8RJ AV8RSC AM445 AM6O TAOOIOF TAILA}IGENW THANK YOU FOR TrrE OPPORTUNTTY TO QUOTE HHH*F*tdots EER aTstcary!ie&x782 FeaFa<orQls> >,1 tri OCFOFt>FtFAI NozrtFoo3 O* - ffi;{E-E^E-.-:tiik} '- ;FgEEEEFFFFEE'EH =Z=EOESEEE= Bre;_1 (.})l'dl ='gfrEHEn 5da-t x ta== (rl\e .o (,.rr)F..rr *F Hoots=5FE(rl € { NJ € c' ..l \O \t O\ @ l'J O\ u { { f, i> j H S h I d SG H I t 3 S H G 5 8z'';.*' U S E -,3 H t" G B \ S o E E B;H E E,fFe i.)i, tJ Fd r-. rr r.. p N) tJ O\ Jilt Q(^ bJ a NJ 5 '- oo tJ tJ (r 5 O\ *-l (Jr *J 5 loe € € € (, { o\ oo o o\ \o 5 i.J 5 NJ (, 5-*oE-u)(,reoSo*EsB E gU Fi EEO z ri FIo Nl z l.J 7l5N) Pton(t> c)frj t+(tlj P -1 I r'l STANDARD EQUIPMENT AND SPECIFICATIONS Inches (mm) ModelJVi Riohl Side View FruntVieur TFTELEDYNE L/MRS 6000 Condor Drive, Moorpark, CA 93021 o Telr (805) 529-2000 r Fax: (805) 529-5934 20 Industrial way, Rochester, NH 03867 . (603) 335-6300 o Fa:t. (603) 335-3355 480 S. Service Road West, Oakville, 0ntario, Canada L6K 2H4 . Tel: (905) 844-8233 . Fax: (905) 844.2635 IenFerafrt Gauga JVi Ei.E InF SIt It x 1000(xs) H..llno Crp. EIUnr r 10{0 (1(w} XdIER 8TUtu r t00l {n ) AfU€ %0lDaniiora lnch.r lnn) Vrrtt Conn. (ii.) GarCi, lli, &tnr. uryr (tb.lIrl- Glr Pro. Gas l{al. Grc Pro. 0rr il,1. G,r Pro. Grs I I 50 ?5 1|tr 125 t6t) r0 {fl.r} ?t (2t.9 1m(n.rl r26(i.61 ro({4.61 225(i6,91 fi.5n2.r) 62J (1t.2) r2.0 (2..01 1e5(Sa.0l r3r.2 ($.rl r84.s(54.01 ll,a {r?.3} ar.9l|l.0 0.5|?r.a) l.t.0lra.1) 1U.r(3r.S) llt.2(54,r) x.l110.5) 5r.2(r5.r) 72.6(21.3) rs.612!.r) fla.t (33.a) rm,r({e,g) ra.5 (10.7) !|.i(16.01 z.l(2r.3) tg.6 (26.4 fii.5(33.0 r6?.8(.7.7) tt.a tt.? t?.1 @.4 @.3 @,.2 u,0 Ea.0 L.0 t2.t 62.4 83.2 13. lL{) 13.1t (tt) 1&7il {Ol) 1&7t (.2e) 2ond(510) 25-r[ (6i1) &l,l lil) r-1/|(r0) 5.gr (1161 E-r2(r{) ?-rl4011)r0 (2i1) 2.7tm)? (5r) 2-16 (?3)2 l5r)2 lir)2 (5r) 1;lta 1-1ll 1.1/a '1.1/a 1-1la t.t/l ln 1n 1n 1n 1n sl|' ri t66ti t66 2rct6 '12 Flr hlor|a tl el6i-lT'l,ri tefl Sids Viss TopView JV Sh. Intd 8IU/hr x 1000lxwl ilo.li4Cr!. EIUtu r 100! (lw) rd tin lluftrl0olxt{l T'UE %0inrnslona Inch.t lmm) 0s Do|n (h.l SFI llrltior St dii0 Pllol (in.l ihi6i (tb.)llrl. Gaa G.t Nal. Gri Pm. Gaa {.t. Gra Prd. Gaa il,1. Gaa Pro. Gai I I c 0 E T 75 tl t25 ti0 26 50 (rr.6) i5 (?|.9) lfl)la.ll r25 (t6.6) 'ro1{5'rl 225166.t) 12 (r2.3) 63 (rE.r) E3 {21..} lrx {30.r) r$ Fr.9 1S (5r.t) 13lr2.6) 511r8.7) E512r.9) lrFl3r.0) 13s 139.5) rc) l$5.6) 36.5 {r0.1 ia.t(16.0) n2@.11 9.r 126.i) fls.7(33.9 16r.r r?.4 nr0r.0) 56.6 (lij) 73.9 (?r.6) 9.2 (?.0) 1r?r (31.a) 16n2 ($.r) u.a u.e tr.t ti.! 8C.! 8.2 85.1 t5.2 85.0 [4.5 8a.E 85.0 80.2 fl}.7 80-7 81.0 61.5 82.0 E2.5 E2.l 82.1 83.0 E3.5 r93t(3r0) llil(3{0) ie70 F29) rF?li ra) a3[618) 2$io 16511 2?-1r (16l 27.1f, (rGl 2& frJl 28-31ft3ol a-3[{7301 x.12 (a0l a$Go) 2+rt 1613) 2r-rt 1613) 23-ir lffi) 2eir6ln) 2&l/a {sgl) aiu (564 h-3{ (5521 2{A6'E1 z.3ir 6?tl a{.6781 zr-s[ Gagl 2s|26n) n.tnlaela. {teo) a-rn@81 n rnlql a.!2(s) .0ml 3(127) 5{124 5 {1s2) 6 {152} ? {1t8} l-'/a t-r/a t-1t1 t-1ta t.1/l t-Itl flnfi tn rp 3fl' t2tt6 't3a fi0 rta It! ' '12 t.. PnFi Litho in U.SA. OTeledvne laars 1996 D"'"''lent 1085A 9509 Fr r v 5 I, ? f. ) l\ il c0 fr:IL TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 E Iectri ca l---> DRB Fee lnvestigation> uli l, L ca l, L----> TOTAL f€ES---> Job Address Location. . .Parcel No. . Project No. 288.00 .00 .00 3.00 291 .00 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON Valuation:15, 600. oo *********************************************************** FEE SU1414ARy **********************t**********ff**********************f, APPI-,ICANT EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN CO CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX tII6, MTNTURN CO OWNER HINTZ BERND JURGEN 4 ONSLOW MEWS, LONDON SW7 Description: ELEC WORK FOR ADDITION ELECTRICAL PERMIT 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR 2101-02 3-0 4-002 PRJ96-0168 8L645 81645 3AA ENGLAND JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: E9 6-0232 Status...: ISSUEDAppIied..: 09/23/I9e6Issued... : 09/23/1,996 Expires. . : o3/22/L997 Phone:' 3O38275772 Phone l 3038275'172 Tota[ Catcutated Fees---> 291 .OO AdditionaL Fees---------> Totat Pefnit Fee--------> Payment BALANCE DUE-------------> .00 291 .00 291 .OO .o0 ***:********lt***t***fft*ffff***ff******Jr****lr*****'H(********t***ir***********#*****************tt**************t****************** Item: .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUTLDING Division:09/23/L996 CHARLIE Action: AppR CHARLIE DAVISItbn:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ***************t********t*lr*|tt******ff******ff****r*ti*************************i*****************t********ff********************* CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ******************************************************i*************ffr***J.*************************t****************************** DECLARATIONS r hereby acknoutedge that I havr read.this apptication, f il,l.ed out in futt the information required, compteted an accufate ptotpLan, and state that att the intormation provided as fequired is correct. I agree to compty rrith tire iniormation and pLot i:l.an,to compty lrith att Town ordinances and statc [avs, and to buil.d this structure according io- the Tovn,s zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, Uniform SuiLding Code and other ordinances of the Town appticabl.e thereto. REOUESTS FOR INSP€CTIONS SHALL BE IIADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-OR AT OUR OFFICE FROI{ TURE OF OI.INER OR CONTRACTOR FOR AND OIINER .-. vv **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statennt Number: REC-0297 Amount: 18.00 07/I5/SZ Oe:+l Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #304 Init: CD Permit No: E96-0232 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMITParcel No: 2101-023-04-002Site Address: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRLocaLion: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRTotal FeeE: 291.00This Payment 18.00 Total ALL Pmts z 29 1.00Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 18.00 *-nCorrao { at97 i PARCEL ) I cC Eagle County Assessors 0-328-8640 for Parcel /l . #: lr.. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTION PERMIT APPLICATTON FORM DATE: ,r*rrifffun r APPLICATION MUST BE FILLEDtf I** **************** * ********* * * tr) [ ]-BuiLding [ ]-Plumbing I OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED PERMIT INFORMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * l-ElectricaL [ ]-Mechanibal [ ]-other Job Addressz 3/eo $oA7r/ eK . U/2/tFJob Narne: Legal Descriptionz LoL_.,[Q_.Block--5!_ Filing owners Name: f "D, 'Z.Jztffid Address: f rezoal fiz<pC, zazlfr#J..Y7 f ,U, Architect;, 4),Addressz lrj,f/L Ph. fr6*220/ General- Description: work class: [ ]-New [ ]-Arteration r(-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-other4\Nurnber of Dwelling Units: I Number of Accornmodation Units: Nlrnber and Tvpe of Firep]-aces: Gas Appliances- 2- Gas Logs / wood/per).et_t,|l* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNs *****************************r+***I BUTLDING: 7/r OOf ELECTRTCAL: $ 600 ,''PLUMBTNG: $ 50fr MEC}IANICAI., $-.-___- TOiAL; $W *****************,r********** CONTRACTOR INFORMAT,ION :+***.*********\Tr********,r**EeneraL contracto:: -t41{/€:?Z ,{afr_E./,gZA __ Town of Vai). Reg. No."//g BAddress : Or 2&74 rttz Ca E77-@--- phone Number: i+?=:aaVq-,41- 726TElectrica] Contractor:rfrc(JLrrscrr. r_(JrrLroT:2t, .+4K2.c =r4z!ft? z.,t-!2/< Town of Vail Reg. NO. e._/5LAddressz €tf tr/6 lffi- z;-ffi:- phone Number: e7-s772 Plurnbing Contractot 7AB Town of Vail Reg. NO.Addresst -'--Phon" Numrei: ?ia:sFg-/Mechanical Contractor: Address: ******************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ELECTRTCAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Town of VaiL Reg. NO. Phone Number: FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUTI.,DING PI,AN CHECK FE8: PLUMBTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDTNG: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: ITTFE-t-GROUP SQ. FT. Comments: DEPOSIT REFIIID VALUATION 75 soulh |ronlage road vail, colo.ado 81657 (s03) 479-2L.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DA?E: SUBJECT: ofllce ol communlty deyelopment ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WITH THETOWN OF VAIL TowN OF VAIL PUBLIC WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH l-6, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawful for anyperson to Litter, track or deposit any "oir,-r..i., sand, debrisor naterj_ar, including trash bunpsteri, p;;i.;i; toilets andworkmen vehictes. upon any streetl sia"waixl -;li;y or pubJ.icP1?:" or any portion theieof. the right_of_way on al' Town ofVail streets and roads is approxi^.l"iv-s-it.-lti pavenent.This ordinance will be. =triliiv.--enforced by the Town of vai'Public works Departrnent. p"r!6h= found "ii,ruling this ordinancewill- be given a 24 hour writien n"ti""-t"*;:;;;:'r.id rnateriar.rn the event the person so notified a""s-r,lt"'""iprv with thenotice within the 24 hour.time speci;i;;,"ii""i"tric worksDepartment wilr. remove said mareii"i-"i-[nJ"!"ili"e of personnotified- The provisions or itri= ord.inance shaLr not beappricable to c-onstruction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or a1ley or any urilities il t;"-;i;;;_"_r"y. To review ordinance No. 6 in fur', prease stop by the Town ofYlil B"ilding Departmenr to obrain a copy. riani you for yourcooperation on this matter. (i.e. contractor, owner) 75 loulh lronlage road vrll, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2L39 otflco of community devotopmonl BUILDING PERI,iIT ISSUANCE TIl'lE FMNE If this permi.t. requires a Town of Vail Fire Departrnent Approval ,Engineer ''s (Pub) ic l'rorks) reyiew and approvar ,'a piannini"b.purtr.ntreview or Heat th Departmint.review, unb'.-r"uid Li-;i.,;"E"TioingDepartment, the estimated time for a total r.ui"n-iluy"iuil'as tongas three weeks. All commercial (rarge or sma'il) and ail mu'rti-family permits wiilhave to fo] low the above rnentioned maximum requiremlnii.-"'nesidentialand.small projects shourd take a resser amount of-liil:' However, ifresidential or smarler.projects impaii the various;'bJ;. m!ntioneodepartments with regard.to necessaiy qeview, tiui" p.oj..li'ruya'lso take the three-weet< periJJ. Every.attempt will be Tgge bV this departnrent to exped.ite th.ispermit as. sqon as possible. - lr the undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and timeframe. - /lrqz '-st'-._ ' rroJecl Name q Commun'i ty Development Department. TO: FROM: DATE: FE: MEMORANDUM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC MAY 9, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY WORKS DEPARTMENT PERMIT'IS REQUIHED Job Name: Dale: Please answerlhe // ng questionnaire regarding the need for a "public Way permit.: YES 1) 2) ls lhis a new residence? ls demolilion work being performed thal requires the use o{ the right of way, easements or public proper;ty? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls diflerenl access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done aflecting the right of way, easements, or public property? ls a "Revocable Righl Of Way Permit" required? A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parking or fencing? B. ll no to 8A, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? NO { ,/ d x X { X { 3) 4) F\ 6) 7) 8) lf you answered yes to any oi these questions, a "Public Way Permit" must be obtained. 'Public Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the Public Work's office or at C9.1mu1ity Development. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Construction Inspec,tor, at 479-2158. I have read and answered allthe above questions. Contraclor's Signalure ..r Job Name TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2L38 Investigation> lli t I, Catt----> TOTAL tEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit *z 896-O232 StaLus...: ISSUEDAppIied..: 09/23/1996Issued...: 09/23/1996 Expires. . : 03/22/1997 Phonet 3038275772 Phone : 30382?5772 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRLocation...: 3L30 BOOTH CREEK DRParcel No.. : 2101-023-04-002Project No. : PRJ96-0168 81645 8164s 3AA ENGLAND Valuation:15, 000.00 **t**************************************tt**************** FEE SUt' .lARy *t***********i**********t****************ff*********r***** E Iectri cat--->?70.00 APPLICANT EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MINTURN CO CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN COOWNER HINTZ BERND JURGEN 4 ONSLOW MEWS, LONDON SW7 Description: ELEC WORK FOR ADDITION DRB Fee .00 3.00 273.@ TotaI Catcutated Fees---) Add'itionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> Paynents------- BALANCE DUE---- 273.OO .00 273.OO 273 . OO .oo ******fi*******************************i*t***ff********H**********t**t*****************ff**********ff*************************** Itern! .06000 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT DepI: BUILDING Division:09/23/L996 CHARLTE ACtionI AFFn-cslnlrE DAVrSItem:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: ***********ff*lr**********************ff**t******ff************ff****i****f******ff*********************iti*****tr************** CONDITION OF'APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQ'D TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE ***t**t****h*****t*************tt*t*fi***f,Jnt*******f,t*t***lrrt**ffi****i************f,i***H*rHrt**rt*t**rrt*itr*ff**Hff**t***ffi*** DECLARATIONS I.hereby acknowtedge that I have read this apptication, fil,l,ed out in futL the information required, compteted an accurate ptotptan, and state that att the infornation provided as required is correct. t agree to compty riith tire infornation and ptot j:tan,to comp[y uith al'l' Torrn ordinances and state [avs, and io buiLd this structure according io'the Tovn,s zoning and sugivisibncodes, design reviel, approved, uniforn Building code and other ordinances of the Town afpt,icabte thepeto. REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE ITADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**** ***** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * t ************************************* Stqtemnt NUmber: REC-0269 Amount: Payment Method: CK Notation: *259 273.00 05/05/97 10:18Init: DS 896-0232 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT 2101-02 3-04-002 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRTotal Fees !273,00 Total ALL Pmts! Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41313 01 0000 41336 Description ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 273,00 273.OO .00 Amount 27 0 .00 3.00 I J TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8L657 9't 0-47 9-2138 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitMECHANICAL PERMIT Status. . . Applied.. Issued. . . Expires. . AT ALL TIMES M96-0152 Job Address...: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRLocation.... . . : 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRParcel No..... : 2101-023-04-002 Pro'iect Number: PRJ96-0168 OVINER HINTZ BERND JURGEN 4 ONSLOW MEWS, LONDON CoNTRACTOR ROBTNSON PLTJMB/HEATTNG P O BOX 64, EDWARDS CO APPLICANT ROBINSON PLUMB/HEATING Description: MECH WORK FOR ADDITION Fi reptace InforrEtion: Rest ri ctcd:fOf Gas Apptiances: Ptan Check---> 5O-OO 3.00 ISSUED oe /23 /ree6 o6 /06/tee7 L2/03 /Lee7 SW7 3AA ENGLAND SQUAW CRK 81632 Phone: 3039263859 10,000.00 #0f trood/Pat let: Valuation: #0f Gas Logs: *****t****fi FEE SUI$iARY llechani ca [--->2@.m Restuarant Ptan Revi ev-> DRB Fee-------.0O Totat Catcutat.d Fe"s--->253. m Invest i gat ion> t'li l. L cat L--->TOTAL TEES-----TotaI Permit Fee------->253.00 Payments------ -0O ^dditionat Fees-------> -OO **,**fffi'r*'t.:ffi ffi **lr*t*ffi **rffi ffi **ffi ***ffi ---*-*--*ff*TIi[1.1fi ;;;;;i*-*----*-#*- Ile4i .q51q0^EqII,DING DEPARTMENT Depr: BUTLDTNG Division:06/06/1997 CHARTJIE Acrion: ApFn CirenLIE DAViSIT.em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT DepT: FIRE Division: CONDITTON OF APPROVAL 1. qIE-LD-IN9PECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.?. CoMBUSTTON ArR rS REQUTRED-pER seC.--607 br--rne-lggi- uMe;'--'3. INSTALTATroN MUST coNFoml ro-l,laNuFAciunes- rlrsinuciiolrS--AloTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UME-.-4. E4 AppLrANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACeORDTNG TO CHAPTER 9 AND_ 9U41,!_TEBMTNATE AS SPECTFTED rN SEC.906 Or-rnn--1991 uMc. -5. AqqEqg Tg HEATING EQUTPMENT MUST eOlnpr.,y Wrrn--snc.5os-eNo703 OF THE 1991 IIMCI6. EqI_LEBS_SEAL EE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTTBLE CONST._ qrylEqE lrsTED FOR MOUNTTNG ON COMBUSTTBLE FLOORTNG.- ------ 7 . pEBUr!,.p!4N9_AND qoDE ANALysrs -MrTSi-BE-FosfeD- iN-MEcHANTcAL- Bqgu pBroR rq_A!! NgpEcrroN REouESt: -- - -----8. pBA_TNAGE OF ryECEAN_rgAl, nO6l.rs- c6lliAillruc HEATTNG oR HoT-WATERqq9pll BorLEB.g gHAr,rr BE EeUipFED-wrtH- A Fl.,iton- nRAiu--Fen iiEel2119 0F THE 1991 nMC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I. hcreby .acknov tedge that I have read.this app[ication, f iLl,ed out in ful,t the infornation rcquired, corpleted an accuratePl'an/ and state that a[[ the infornation Provided as required is correct. t agree to conpty iittr tire infonnation and pl.ot pLot ptan, to.colPl'y vith al't ToHr oldin nc.s -and .t.t.-t.t., ,srd to bultd thi3 structurc accordlng to thG Tounr r rcrirlg and gtsdivirlon codce, derlgn radan approtcd, uniforr Bultding codc ard othlr ordinlrgls of th! Tqrn -igticaUtc thcrrto. NEUESTS ;fi IIISPECTICIS SlnLI BE iADE flA{TY-F(I|R IIO'RS rT SIGI{AIURE OF OTIIIER OR CO TNACTOR FOR HTIISELF II{D OI{I{ER 0R lT qrf, oFrIcE Fno|l E:ltr lil l:00 pi lo *****************************************************:t********** TOWN OF VArt, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0283 Amount: Paynent Method: CHECK Notation z *267 2s3.00 06/06/97 L2253Init: CD Permit No: Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment M96-0152 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMIT 2L0L-023-04-002 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR 253. 00 253 .00 253. 00 .00 Total Fees:Total ALL Pmts! Balance:,.*************************************************************** Account Code 01 0000 4L372 01 0000 41332. 01 0000 41336 Description MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CAI.',I INSPECTION FEE Anount 200.00 50.00 3.00 SOILS AND F'OTJNDATION IIWI STIGATION FOR PROPOSED ADDITION LOT 10, BLOCK3, VAIL VILLAGE IITII FILING TOWNOFVAIL EAGLE COI]NTY, COLORADO PROJECTNO. 9733 MAY 16,1997 PREPARED F'OR: MRZDENAKBAIJER BAIIER HOME IMPROVEMENT P.O. BOX 2894 VAIL, CO E1658 ta -6ffi9 P.O. Box l4J2,Avon,Colorado 81620 . (970) 827-9088 Tel . (970) 821-9089Fu TABIJOFCONTENTS E}GCTITTVE SUMIIARY SCOPE OF STUDY SNEDESCRIPTION PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION FIELD INVESTIGATION ST'BSURTACE SOIL A}ID GROT'NDWATER CONDMONS FOTJNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS SI.ABCONSTRUCTION REf,AININGWALLS UNDERDRAINSYSTEM SrIE GRADING A}.TD DRAINAGE LAWNIRRIGATION LIMITATION FIGT,RDS LOCATIONSKETCH PERIMETERDMIN DRAINLOCATIONSKETCH DRAWINGNO.I FIGTJRENO. I FIGURENO.2 LKP Engineering, Inc. EXECUTIVE SI]MMARY The proposed addition should be supported on the undisturbed clayey-sandy GRAVEL, and on the gravel fill, with conventional type spread footings, designed for an allowable soil bearing pressure of2, 000 psf. See Foundation Recommendations. SCOPE OF'STT]DY This report presents the results of a subsurface Soils and Foundation Investigation for the proposed addition to be constructed on Lot 10, Block 3, Vail Village l lth Filing, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The purpose ofthe subsurface soil and foundation investigation was to determine the engineering characteristics of the foundation soil and to provide recommendations from a geotechnical point of view for the foundation design, grading, and drainage. SITEDESCRIPTION Lot l0 is east ofthe cul-de-sac on Booth Creek Drive, in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. The proposed building site is on the east side of the existing residence at 3130 Booth Creek Drive.The topography of the site is relatively flat to moderate, sloping to the southeast, toward Gore Creek. The vegetation consisted of grass. At the time of our site visit, the foundation excavation LKP Engineering, Inc. was in progress and water was filling the footing trenches. We also observed that the east foundation wall ofthe existing residence had signs offluctuating ground water. PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION It is understood that the proposed addition will consist of a two-story wood frame construction with garages underneath. The foundation will be with cast-in-place concrete footings and concrete block, foundation walls. Loads are anticipated to be light, typical ofresidential construction. If the finalized plans differ significantly from the above understanding, we should be notified to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. X'IELD INVESTIGATION The fietd investigation conducted from May l2to 16,1997, consisted of observing and consulting during the excavation process. SUBSURFACE SOIL AND GROUNDWATER CONDITION The purpose of our site visits was to observe the soil and water, exposed in the foundation excavation. Excavated cuts, ranged from 4 feet near the southernmost trench comer to 6.5 feet at the northernmost corner. Soil exposed in the walls of the trenches consisted of topsoil and fiIl over sandy gravel, on the southern portion and clayey-gravelly sand on the northem portion. Water was filling the trenches quicHy. The first recommendation was to bring a sump pump and drain the trenches. Once this was accomplished, the bottom of the trenches was stabilized. First 3-inctU subround cobbles were laid in the trenches, than covered with minus 314-nch crushed rock. In the north trench the soil was too soft and pumping. We recommended, they overexcavate down until the gravelly layer is reached. At two to three feet depth below the proposed footings elevatioq the gravel layer was found. The trenches were backfilled with cobbles and crushed rock" the same as the other trenches. A ternporary sump pump, in a perforated bucket, sunk near the southernmost corner LKP Engineering, Inc. of the excavation was working constantly. The water was being pumped back into Gore Creek. Near the southwest corner ofthe new construction, a soft pumping area was encountered. We recommended they treat this area in the same manner, by overexcavating and replacing the soil with cobbles and crushed rock. The trench along the east foundation wall of the existing residence was left in natural state. FOUNDATION RECOMMENDATIONS The proposed addition should be supported with conventional type spread footings, debigned for a ma:rimum allowable soil bearing pressure of 2,000 psf The footings should be placed on the undisturbed clayey-sandy Gravel and gravel fill. Minimum width of 16 inches is recommended for the continuous footings and 2 feet for the isolated footing pads. Continuous foundation walls should be well reinforced, top and bottom, to span an unsupported length ofat least l0 feet. A minimum of 48 inches of bacldll cover is recommended for frost protection of the footing subsoils. SLAB CONSTRUCTION The natural on-site soils, exclusive of topsoil, organics, and fill, are suitable to support lightly loaded slab-on-grade construction. In the interior of the perimeter trenches about four feet high, undisturbed soils remained. This soil is to support the slab-on-grade. The top two feet ofthis soil are topsoil and fill, and would have to be removed. Below the topsoil was sandy gravel wiih cobbles. The subgrade for the slab-on-grade construction should be proofcompacted to detect and remove soft spots. Soft spots that have to be overexcavated and bacldlled with structural material, and other underslab filI should be constructed with the on-site soil or other suitable material, compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of the maximum standard Proctor density (ASTM D-698). Suitable material should be free from topsoil, organics and rock fragments greater than 3 inches. The concrete slab should be constructed over a 4-inch layer ofclean gravel consisting of -314 inch gravel with at least 50% retained on the No. 4 sieve and less than 3 percent passing the No. 200 sieve. LKP Engineering, Inc. The concrete slab-on-grade should be reinforced and controljoints scored according to the American Concrete Institute requirements and per the recommendations of the designer to reduce damage due to shrinkage. The concrete slab should be separated from the foundation walls and columns with expansion joints to allow for independent movement without causing damage. RETAININGWALLS Foundation walls retaining earth and retaining structures that are laterally supported should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of50 pcffor an "at-rest" condition. Laterally unrestrained structures retaining the on-site earth should be designed to resist an equivalent fluid density of30 pcf for the "active" case. The above design recommendations assume drained backfill conditions and a horizontal bacldll surface. Surcharge loading due to adjacent structures, weight of temporary stored construction materials and equipment, inclined backfill and hydrostatic pressure due to undrained bacldll should be incorporated in the design. Every attempt should be made to prevent the buildup ofhydrostatic pressure behind the retaining wal[. UNDERDRAIN SYSTEM To reduce the risk of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoil, installation of a foundation perimeter drain is recomrnended. Due to the high ground water table on the site we recommend a combination of an exterior and an interior perimeter drain. The layout of the drain should be as shown on Figure No. 2. The foundation perimeter drain should consist of a 4-inch diameter perforated pipe sloped to a sump pump location , at a ll4 inch per foot if flexible or at a l/8 of an inch if rigid pipe is used. The drain pipe should be placed over, and covered with, a minimum of 24 inches of -3/4 inches free-draining granular material. Geotextile (Mirafi l40N or equivalent) should be used to cover the free-draining gravel to prevent siltation and clogging ofthe drain. The bacldll above the drain should be granular material to within 2 feet of the ground surface to prevent a buildup of hydrostatic pressure. The top one foot of the backfill material should consist of a ' relatively impervious fill. The backfill should be sloping away from the building. LKP Engineering, Inc. o The sump pump should have its own housing, protected from freezing. The pump must have controls and an alarm inside the residence. SITE GRADING AND DRAINAGE The site surrounding the building structure should slope away from the building in all directions. A minimum of 12 inches in the first l0 feet is recommended in unpaved argas, and three inches in the first 10 feet in paved areas. The top of the granular foundation bacldll should be covered with a minimum of I foot of relatively impervious fill to reduce the potential of surface water infiltrating the foundation subsoils. Surface water naturally draining toward the proposed building site should be diverted around and away from it by means of drainage swales or other approved methods. The roofdrains and downspouts should extend and discharge beyond the limits of the bacldll. Exterior bacldll should be compacted at or near the optimum moisture content to at leastglYo of the maximum standard Proctor density under pavement, sidewalk and patio areas and to at least 90% of the maximum standard Proctor density under landscaped areas. Mechanical methods of compaction should be used. Do not puddle the foundation excavation. LAWN IRRIGATION It is not recommended to introduce excess water to the foundation soils by installing sprinkler systems adjacent to the building. The installation ofthe sprinkler heads should insure that the spray from the heads witl not fall within 5.feet of foundation walls, porches or patio slabs. Lawn irrigation must be controlled. LIMITATION This report has been prepared according to locally accepted professional Geotechnical engineering standards for similar methods of testing and soil conditions at this time. There is no other wananty either expressed or implied. If soil or water conditions seem different from those described in this report we should be LKP Engineering, Inc. 7 contacted immediately to reevaluate the recommendations of this report. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Zdenek Bauer, from Bauer Home Improvement, for the specific application to the proposed addition at 3130 Booth Creek Drivg in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. LKP ENGINEERING, cFmcE\wPwlMwlD@s9a3.R.PT LKPEngineering, Inc. r-t'- PROPOSED ADDITION LOT IO -_-- EXISTiNG ..RESIDEN ()-.- "4a Cre^'(l-. O\ \_) =\v S-r- () t l-',J .\t-\ ra i:i! - LOT CUL_DE_SAL BOOTH CREEK DRIVE CIVIL/GEOTECHNICAL Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1452 Avon. CO 81620 tel (970) 827-9088 fox (970) 827-90E9 LOCATIOTV SKETCH PRa.tEcr No.: TTJJ LOf 10, BLOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE 71TH FILIN' \OW\I OF VAIL EA6LE CAUNTY. COLORADO PREPARED FOR: MR. ZDENEK BAUER 5C,C(!l NI=+U DA,E: 05- | 6- 97 ORAVNG NO: I CONCRETE SLAB ON GRADE BERRIER GLUED TO rHE FOUNDA TION WALL GRAVEL TH|CKNESS SHOULD BE AT LEAST 2 FEET ABOW THE DRA|N ;;':-,"LBH^RFtffigil( sREwSw' ,HRfrry.* / i ' -'\ " \- ,rr*ru GRAVEL, SLOPE AWAY FROM BU|LD|NG COVER BACKFILL WTH FOOT OF RELANWLY IMPERWOUS SO|L t lL lEr r ADntv (MtRAFt t4ON EOU|VALENT) J/4 \NCH D|AM. 5Z F/NES 4-/NCH DlAMETER PERFORA TED PIPE SLOPED TO A SUlTABLE OUTL.T AT 1/4" PER FOOT FOR FLEXIBLE AND AT 1/8'' PfR FOOT FOR RIG|D PIPE /MP1RVIOUS UOISTUNT J / \ WTH LESS THAN ct\1LlcEoTECHNICAL Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1452 Avon. CO 81620 ter (970) 827-9088 fox (970) 827-9089 PERIIIIETER DRAIN ,rorr, ,o., g 73J LOf IO. BLOCK 3. VAIL VILLAGE I'fH FILING TOM\! OF VAIL EACLE COUNTY COLORAOO PREPARED FOR: T[8. ZDENEK BAUER scALE: NfS ono'os-r6-g7 FTGURE NO.: / EXTERIOR PERIMETER DRAIN (4-\NCH DTAMETER PERFORATED PIPE, IMBEDDED IN A MINIMUM OF 2 FEET OF GRAVEL)( I I I I I I I I lrrlrlrl llrl ilrlrltlrl ltI lltllI ll I lllI tlI tlr tlt( PERMANENT SUMP PUMP rO DAYLIGHT AT CREEK BERM 6-INCH DIAMETER SOLID PVC CASING UNDER FOOTING (TYPICAL AT CROSSINGS) ) (( EXISTING RESIDENCE PR OF OSED ADDITIOIU CIVIL/CEOTECHNICAL Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1452 Avon, CO 81620 rer (970) E27-9088 ror (970) 827-9089 DRAIN LOCATION SKETCH PRoEcr No.: gfiJ LOf IO, BLOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE IIfII FILINC TOWI\J OF VAIL EAGLE COUNTY. COLORADO PREPARED FOR: MR. ZDENEK BAUER scALe N. rs D^tE: os- r 6- 97 FTGURE NO: 2 oo Re$Jostod lnGp€cl Dde: Wednosday, January 31, 20fi- Asiigued To: CDAMS lncpectlcn Typs: BLDG lnspectlon ALa: CD Slte Addross: 3t30 BOOTH CREEK DR vAlL 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR A/P/D hrforndbn Item Cqnrr rerrts: Insoocllon llls{orv Item: 510Item: 10 Item: 520 Itcm: '30 Item:.. 5O Item: 60 ftem: 9o Tvre: A-BUILD Occupa-nry: t"ollB:; Otnf* Phono: 30394942'14 Status: Insp Area' ISSUED CD L ENT DATION STEM WALL * Approved * Action:NO NOTIFIED APPR APPROVEO APPR APPROVED APPR APPROVED ENT Phone: 3039494244 MS.BATHROOM AND ENTRY AODITION ReCuestedrffi: 08:lXlAI Er cred By: JMONDRA@N K Adion: Adion: Action: utt2tNt Inspedor: u$ Corrrr-rrenls: AFPROVEDOenln7 lmoector: CD Action: APPR APPROVEO BLDGlrrruhtion (ODtion l) * Ap'ffoved * 101'13197 Inspcc{or: . CD Action: APPR APPROVED Commentr: APPROVED BLDcshectrock Nall (ODtional) * ADorovcd "$n487 Inspoctor: ART Ariion: APPR APPROVED Commerds: Danial. nic oaraoc llrrh''_- t "70 Inspoctor: ART Arlion: APPR APPROVED DAntal. nrc oaruoc hspcclor: - AdT Adim: APPR APPROVED gqrage sheetrock(ODtional) " AlDroved * lnsDector: ART '' Action: APPR APPROVED lJtsp6c'tor: ART Aclion: APPR APPROVED slab dhvd heatlor: CO Aciion: APPR APPROVED E INSPECTIONlor: CD Action: CO CERTIFICATE OF oCCUPANCY'L COMMS. PROTECT FROM FREEZING I . -- (Regulred) ..=,.,,=L Activltv: 8S0290 Const Tvpi: Paiacl: 210102304002 Applicant: SAUER HOME \JW C|. nfit I Z- EtEttl\tL\JW C|. nfit I Z- E|EFI Contractcr: SAUER HO DetcnFtlon: ADDOF GA FgPTl31 I I .i, -t 01-31- Itdm: 533 Itom: 540 Insoection c6optlonal) Run Idt 364 cd* Ac-tion: APPRAPPROVED Action: ArcR APPROVED/CORRECTION REQD Au-tb.* o Run Id: 364I?FD'N1 ?1 I I i I pec!ion Page 12 Raqrosted lnsp6c{ Date: Wednesday, January 31, zo01' As*krned Ts: CDAVIS lrspgc$n Tmg: MECH lnioeetlon Arba: CD SfreAddress: 3130 BOOTH CREEK DRVAT 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR Ac,tivltv: MBS0152 Const TvrE: Paiccl: 21010230, olJnrr Cor*rador: Applicanl: Des,:riFtlon: Egsu6st.4bgp$gglgl hsooctlon Hlstorv Itcm: 200 MECH-Rouoh 09t1'v97 A/P/D hrlunalfrrn Itfii: 310 Itcm: 320 Item: 330 Item: 340liem: 390 Sub TUpc: A.SFR Phmc: 3039263859 Rodrr6s{od Thns:' Phone: Entcrcd By: S:tatr.rs: lnsp Arc!' 08:filAt JMONDRAGON K rc: &MECH cy: SQUAWCRK ISSUED CD ' ' Aclion: APPR APPROVED (ODtlonal) - Aontrovcd 'DS' Ac{ion: APPRAPPROVED rF' -r=l- DF 131 I Run Id: 364 il 01-31-2001 Requostad Inspect Dalc:' Asiigrnil To: lnsDoctlon Tvoe: lnipectlon lirba: Slto Addross: A/P/D hfurrration Aetivity: P9&0153 T\De: SPLME Const TVDC: Occuoancv:Paitel: 210102304002 Owner: HTNTZ EERNO JURGEN Contractoi. ROBI l lsol.l PLU MB/H EATll.lG SOUAW CR K Applicant: ROelflSOl'l PLUM gA|EnTING SOUAWDeilriotlon: PLUMBING FOR ADDITION Roouostod lnsooctlmlsl [sm: 290 PLtIB-Fhd Wodlesday, January 31, AI}1 CDAMS PLiIIBco 3130 BOOTH CREEK DR VAL 3{30 BOOTH CREEK DR Sub Tgne: ASFR PhcnE: 3039263859 AeCuesred'ffi: Eriered By: Status: I.S.SUED Insp Arca' CD 08:00 All JMONDRAGON Insoectlon Hlstorv Item: 210 Itcm: 230 .. ADorovrd r' ' ' Action:APPR APPROVED APPR APPROVED APPR APPROVED Item: 22O PLMFRo'rstruD.W.V. (Optional) " ApFroved ** 09/11/97 Insocctor: CD Actlon: Comrnenls: 5PSFSPSI-6PSI vot I ttJt CornrYlents:TER 1OOPSI PLM+Rorloh/Waicr 09/11/97 lrrsoer (Optional) " Approvqd.:' Agn1n7 lrrspector: CD 'rnrnents: 60 PSICorrnents: 60PSl PLMB-Gas Pipino PLM&POOI/HOI TUb PLM&Misc. (Optional) (ODtional)(OptionaPLM&Misc. (Ootiohal)pLMB_Finai . (Riquircdi Itern: 2/10 Item: 250 Item: 260 ttem: 290 I ,d nin )r lr 1 : lril I li t: ' !;i r ".).1 i i,:lr.:; fi i.tr fi: '$iil t;: i \- FILECfiY August 28, 1998 Zdenek Bauer Bauer Home lmprovements P.O. Box 2894 Vail, Colorado 81658 Re: Hintz residence, Lot 10, Block 3, Vail Village 11rh Filing, Dear Mr. Bauer: On Thursday, August 27, 1998, I inspected the Hintz residence for completion of the landscaping and revegetation in the flood plain and the paving of the driveway. Upon completion of my inspection, I have approved the landscape work. Therefore, I am retuming to you the original copy of the Developer lmprovement Agreement for insuring the completion of said work. Should you have any questions or concems, please do not hesitate to call. You can reach me most easily at 479-2145. Sincerely, TOWN OFVAIL Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Roa^d Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 rUR"u,-^ George Ruther, AICP Senior Planner {p r""r"urr rrr LETTER OF CREOIT FORMAT Leg€l Descriptlonr toun. Bbcl-A subdivrsio Lbil-lMloE-tl!!Add,6Es__5lEo_-Bd6ld-__e4. zltsq DEVELOPER IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and eniered into this 3/ day ot .{nt"t/-1 .199r ,, by and dmong 7 M-p/ .8,^)4 (hereinaft'er callbd the "Developer"), and lhe TOWN OF VAIL (hereinatter called the "Town") and called the 'Bank"). (hereinatter C'ef/l\ WHEREAS, the Developer, as a condition of approval ot lne l-li, '14 QB plans, dated '19- wishes to enter into a Developer lmprovement Agreement; and WHEREAS, the Developer is obligated to provide security or collateral sufficient in lhe judgment of the Town to make reasonable provisions for completion of certain improvemenls set forth below; and WHEREAS, the Developer wishes to provide collateral to guarantee performance of this Agreement, including construction of the above-referenced improvements by means of the following: Developer agrees to establish a lener of credit with a Bank in Eagle County in a dollar amount of $ I 41<. oq (125% of the total cost of the work shown below) to provide security for the following: IMPROVEMENT l.'uAveu*y phl\ Z. Lr-ucr;t-,+piu1 €, Floody' *;,JlRaF4etho'l' +{rt+fbb' NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the following mutual covenants and agreements, the Developer and the Town agree as follows: 1. The Developer agrees, at the sole cost and expenses, to furnish all equipment and material necessary to perform and complete all improvemgnts, on or belore Z I Blqq . The.Developer shall complete, in a good workmanlike manner, all improvements as listed above, in accordance with alt plans and specifications tiled in the office oJ lhe Community Development Deparlment, the Town ol Vail, and to do all work incidental thereto according lo and in compliance with the following: a. Such other designs, drawings, maps, specifications, sketches, and other matter submitted by the Developer to be approved by any of the above-referenced governmental entities. All said work shall be done under the inspection of, and to the satisfaction of, the Town Engioeer, the Town Building Otficial, or other official from the Town ot Vail, as affected by special districts or service districts, as their respective interest may appear, and shall not be deemed complete until approvec and accepted as completed by the Town ol Vail Community Development Department and Public Works Department. 2. To secure and guarantee perlormance of its obligations as set forth herein, the ow 3. The Developer may at any time substitute lhe collateral originally set forth above for another form ot collateral acceptable to the Town to guarantee the faithful completion ol those improvemenls rererred to herein and the performance of the terms of this Agreement, Such acceptance by the Town of alternative collateral shall be at the Town's sole discretion. 4. The Town shall not, nor shall any otficer or employee thereof, be liable 0r responsible for any accident, Ioss or damage happening or occurring to the work specified in this Agreement prior to the completion and acceptance of the same, nor shall the Town, nor any ofticer or employee thereof, be liable lor any persons or property injured by reason of the nature of said work, but all of said liabilities shall and are hereby assumed by the Developer. The Developer hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Town, and nay ol its officers, agents and employees against any losses, claims, damages, or liabilities to which the Town or any ot its officers, agents or employees may become subject to, insolar as any such losses, claims, damages or liabilities (or actions in respect thereot) that arise out of or are based upon any performance by the Developer hereunder; and the Developer shall reimburse lhe Town for any and all legal or other expenses reasonably incurred by the Town in connection with investigating or delending any such loss, claim, damage, liability or action. This indernnity provision shall be in additlon to any other liability which the Developer may have. 5. lt is mutually agreed lhat the Oeveloper may apply to the Town and the Town shall aulhorize for partial release of the collateral deposited with the Town for each category ol improvement at such time as such improvements are conslructed in compliance with all plans and specitications as relerenced hereunder and accepted by the Town. Under no condition will lhe amount of the collateral that is being held be reduced below the amount necessary to complete such improvemenls. 6. lf the Town determines, at its sole discretion, that any ol the improvements contemplated hereunder are not conslructed in compliance wilh the plans and specifications set lorth in this Agreement on or belore the date set torth in Paragraph 2, the Town may, but shall not be required to, redeem the letter of credit as necessary lo complete the unfinished improvements. The Bank shall release such tunds upon wrinen request lrom the Town stating that the improvements have not been completed as required by this agreement. The Bank shall not tequire the concurrence ot the developer prior to release ol the tunds to the Town nor'shall the Bank be required to verify independently that such improvements have not been completed as required bythis agreement, but shall release such funds solely upon the Town's wrinen request. lf lhe costs of completing the work exceed the amount of the deposit, the excess, together with interest at twelve percent per annum, shall be a lien against the property and may be collected by civil suit or may be certified to the treasurer of Eagle County to be collected in the same manner as delinquent ad valorem taxes levied against such property. lf the permit holder lails or refuses to complete the cleanup and landscaping, ad defined in this chapter, such failure or refusal shall be considered a violation of the Zoning Code. 7. The Developer warrants all work and material lor a period of one year atter acceplance of all work referred to in this Agreement by the Town if such work is located on Town of Vail property or within Town of Vail right-of-way pursuant lo Section 17.1 6.250. 8. The parties hereto mutually agree that this Agreement may be amended from time to time, provided lhal such amendments be in writing and executed by all parties hereto. Dated the day and year first above written. STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss. couNwoF EAGLE ) Cr--&Xl9"tK*AU+""'""""1TJflii}-9'ElgKl'gRttH'AB'dE. t^fL. 't1,.-Llz..-t . . Planner, Cbmmunity Development STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss' COUNTYOFEAGLE ) ?.!g0t1,""1"*?i[nfaEfP""'0""""' -*"8i*"€n3toffi.g( . Witness my hand and official seal. My commission 5e A++A4L,"fi Bank STATEOFCOLORADO ) ) ss'COUNTYOFEAGLE ) The foregoing Develop€r lmprovement Agreement was acknowledged before me this day of 19-by Witness my hand and otficial seal. Witness my hand and ollicial seal. Bond No.96 cg 5962 2 CENSE AND PERMIT BOND STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY BLOOMINGTON, ILLII,IOIS KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS, That we, ZDENEK BAUER of po Box 2894 vArL, co 81658 as Principal, anO ate of lllinois, having its principal office in the city of Bloomington, lllinois, as Surety, are held and firmly bound unto TOWN OF VAIL inthetull and aggregate sum of ErGHT TitousANp rriREE BUNpRep & SEVENTY-ErVE Oollars($8,3?5.00 ) la$rful money of the United States, for which payment well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents. THE CONDITION OF THE ABOVE OBLIGAION lS SUCH that whereas the said Principal has been granted a TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY LTCENSE NOW THEREFORE, if the above Principal shall indemnify and save harmless the Obligee, against loss by reason of said Principal's breach of any ordinance, rule or regulatioh relating to the above desqibed license or permit, then this obligatlon shall be null and void, otherwise to remain in full.force and effect. Provided, that if the surety shall so elect, this bond may be cancelled by glving thirty (30) days notice in writing to the said Obligee and this bond shall be deemed cancelled at the expiration of said thirty (30) days; but sald Surety so filing said notice shall not be discharged from any liability already incurred under this bond or which shall accrue hereunder betore the expiralion of said thirty (30) day period. This bond may be continued from year to year by means of a continuation certificate. Signed, sealed and dated this 16rH day of FEBRUARY ,1998. o LI By STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALry COMPANY /'ltt 1/ I/ I t' \ay Uk'u- )U:"^-J&A AtfrtEy-in"let 1676 06 'KNOW ALL PERSONS BYTHESE PRESENTS: That STATE FARM FIREAND CASUALry COMPANY):an lllinois corporation, with its princjpal oltice in Bloomington. lllinois. does hercby constihjte and appoint: John C. Anderson, SheriAndersAd\Meg Botto(f, Drana L. Boyd. Teri Blady. Tammy Brown, Ceoia Campbell, Pamdla Chancellor. Wilter D. Clark, Leon Cook, Ruth DavKs.lllie Freed, Bobby L. Gale, John Gibson, Chrisline M. Goben, Vvilliam L. Gordon, Suzanne M. Greit, John R. Horlon. Kim Jimenezlcimthia Johnson, Mary Johnson. Susan K. kHOW nU pensols BYTHESE PRESENTS: That STATE FARM FIREAND CASUALry COMPANY):an lllinois corporation, with its princjpal oltice in Bloomington. lllinois. does hercby constihjte and appoint: John C. Anderson, SheriAndersAd\Meg Botto(f, Drana L. Boyd. Teri Blady. Tammy Brown, Ceoia Campbell, Pamdla Chancellor. Wilter D. Clark, Leon Cook, Ruth DavKs.lllie Freed, Bobby L. Gale, John Gibson, Chrisline M. Goben, Vvilliam L. Gordon, Suzanne M. Greit, John R. Horlon. Kim Jimenezlcimthia Johnson, Mary Johnson. Susan K. Johnson, Julia Klinzing. G.F. Krawcyk, Janet R. Leake, Sharran Manns. Donna K. O'Crolvli I'richael D. O'Donnell, Debra Praler, Lyln Rakowski, Alice Schuler, Kim Shirie, Trudy Spence, Heidi Stevens, Wlma L. Weinziciit of Bloomington, lllinois its true and laMul Altomey(s)-in-Facl, to make. execute. seal and deliver for. and on its behalt as surety, any adil--a[ bonds, undertakings or other writings obligatory in lhe nalure of a bond as follows: Power of Attorney KNOW ALL PERSONS BYTHESE PRESENTS: ThaI STATE FARM FIREAND CASUALry COMP ofiice in Bloominoton. lllinois. does herebv constitute and aDDoint John C. Anderson. SheriAnders, Resolved, thal the Execulive Vice-President or a Vice-President of representative ofthe Company or other person or persons as policies, contracls of indemnity or other writings obligatory in the nalure otficers. and affix lhe seal of the Company therelo. Any said execution ( Company as if they had been duly executed and acknowledged bylh appointed, may be removed lor good cause and the authority so graltqF rhis appointment.s made under and by the "",n"+U""t"S33liqfltl"lii"iXlf"T3$1. r'J;; Executive comminee or the Board or oirecrors of Slate Farh Fire and Casualty Company 6n the 24th day of July, '1974, as is duli.authqril-ed by lhe Board of Oirectors in Article ll, Section 6 of lhe By-Laws of the Company, which resolulion is: a. ; \i-/ IrFEn/ is hereby authorized to appoint and empower any (dclle on behalf of the Company any bonds, undertakings, wfflch the Company might execute through its duly elected rments by an Attorney-in-Fact shall be as binding upon the elected ofllcers of the Company. Any Attorney-in-Fact, so STATE OF ILLINOIS c----v couNTY oF MCLEAN /< Yt On this lst dav olJGd\997- betore meOn lhis lst day ol/|rJld 1997, before me personally came W. Donald Sullivan to me known, who being duly sworn, d'd depose and say that he rs Vic€-PresidenEot STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY. lhe @rporalion descdbed in and which executed the above insfument: thal he knowslhe seal ofsaid corporation: that lhe sealaffixed to said instrument is such Corporate Seal: and thal he executed said insfument on behalf of the corporation by aulhority ofhis office under the By-Laws o, said corporation. Resolved,thaithe signature olthe ExecutiveVice-President / power of atlorney granted, and the signature of lhe Secrqon any power of atlorney granted, and the signature of lhe be atflxed by facsimile to any certificale of any such powerbe atflxed by facsimile to any valid and bindina on the Convalid and binding on the Company. Any such power so e) bond or underlaking to which it is attached, continue to be IN WITNESS THEREOF, STATE FARM FIRE and ils Corporate Seal to be affixed this 1st day of J This APPOINTI/ENT SHALL CEASE AND AS PROVIDED. as specilled in the Power ofAttorney. esident and lhe seal ofthe Company may be affixed by faqsimile ident or Assistant Secretary, and the seal of Ihe Company may or certificale beadng such facsimile signalure and seal shall be and cerlilicate so execuled and sealed shall, wilh respect to any on the Company. C0MPANY has caused this instrumentto be signed by its Vice-President, OMATICALLYASOF DECEMBER 3l, 1998, UNLESS SOONER REVOKED STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALTY COMPANY //t)"-zzAz: Vics.Presidenl .&-4.4.- Prinred in u.5^- "OFFICIAL SEAL' Shaffan Kaye Manns Notary Public, State of lllinois My Commission Expires 211l99 Notary Public My commission expires February 11, 1999 CERTIFICATE I. the undersigned Vice-President of STATE FARM FIRE AND CASUALW COMPANY, do hereby cediry that the original Power ofAttorney ot nhich lhe Ioregoing is a lrue and conecl copy, is in full torce and effect and has not be€n revoked and the resolutions as set lorth are now inforce , tr" a- | |. .'-, Signed and sealed at Bloomington. lllinois. Dated this lQ day ot fLb( v.^tf la1V. $*oJ, tr A*l-t VicePresidenl It you have a question concerning the validity of this Power ofAttorney, call (309) 760'1161. F86-9qtq.t0 (en7) MEMORANDUM To: Lot 10, Block 3, Vail Village llth Filing From: George Ruther, Town Planner Date: 9/30/97 Re: LL.C. approval On September 30, 1997,the staffapproved the Hintz addition I.L.C. According to the I.L.C., the southeast corner of the addition encroaches 0.1 foot into the required sideyard. A visit to the site confirmed that a second floor cantilever was inadvertently approved in the setback by the staff during the DRB and building permit review processes, The second floor cantilever approval resulted n a2 ll2 foot encroachment of the addition into the setback. In light of the fact that the addition was already approved by staff, and that contractor relied on staffs approval and substantially completed the frarning, staff is not acknowledging the building corner encroachment as an illegal situation. Instead, the staffhas considered the second floor encroachment and the building comer encroachment as legal, non-conforming situations. Any changes to these areas of the addition shall be treated in accordance with the non-conforming section of the Code. For tle record, I did not make this blunder!!! oo li.__.._---.'r0wN Ol; \rAll,lr[( ].tI I No. lrl:tAlr I l\l1,.:\.-f 0}: (i().\t rt t,)it t.r. f )l:t.l:t.OI.\t EI-f tnt)Jt:ct -0T-I'a-(rotr?Il l--Ilx ) / | txr(,(, 4.i.1 ll'TiTtitd0 4til.-(ti-0[0() .1 i3-,rs- tl -Oi-Tnm0iT.r'/l-(,ilxli'o-4 i.tit-0llt0tj0 ,i?.rj) '- --iii- (iixilj-,i r .fr i-iii'0oo(i4ili.i 0 itii'iiri,i'i .Ii :i - irl' ilr rirlia :[iliri'iti'0aii'(til.iil--(ii-itiiii[,iT:7'r .r i'0iiiid;iii ir'- or ri(rrxi:i;iri:il -- rii-ixiOlf I i f i zriiT o0uir ,iiiii'ri ' (Ii "oi r ir-rr :i] .I i-l - --'-TIi .() d'idn^riiij,tiiift|'(i+#f 's._----_- qNlru-rEtTU'[4tTN-6-Teirr]l- ;---- - jii:iidri'\:tl#ni'i#.'#,?#,!i.r- -1,1,'^ }rl l ili#$r,,{i'+;ffii* -t,trruui-('0Ni-ti Ic r'(tt( s Ir CiiNStis-i:i;iiS--- .{ | (iN ^lii'l.l(,ITii)t f i jt,l:- - {itli'[i1'']liiilc!i-ffiF[t{ iirl-[inii)-i ri;S rt ; llfniVir:iV'titX ]N\rlis-'i-i(;I'i.iatN'i:iir-:af u-[-iitiai||\ \'1.) | t( rn I l( rN l l:l: {-'i ii\r |;It(iaiil<; r,iii.lil-' f a iV i.,l ii $i.ti trf,trtid casn t_--l cK.r t_t !1. o Ll ' T(Jrt{ -''ff' {,6lu HiscelltrFdls Cadl g1-?t-g7 1--':43:69 ReceiPrt * 331Fll ntio"nt{ cK*?419 in'uen'HC,lre II'IPROUEt'|gNT\UFR1ANCEililt'i"na"t"o ) 258'Fs Iiern Paid hunt Peid 6lE6BE4l3386B6 Ehange ret'urned l THFrF'lr< \/or.' Votrr ceshicr REf,Tlf ---': ?54. BB 6, Hr:] it*r rPf .$.,$' q*in Qucstrons? Catlltannrng Stiff at 479-2118 A PPI.ICATI ON FOR PI,ANNI NC A ND E N \/I RONIVT F]N'I'A I- COMMISSION APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring approval by thc Planning and Environmcntal Commission. For spccific information, scc thc submittal rcquircmcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application can not bc acccptcd until all rcquircd infornration is submittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Dcsigrr Rcvicw Board. A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional CRFA (250) tr Bcd and Brcaldast D Conditional Use Pcrmit Cl Major or O Minor Subdivisiontr Rczoning tr Sign Variancc }( Variancc tr Zoning Codc Amcndmcnt ) TOWN OFVAIL n tr D o tr o Anrcndmcnt to an Approvcd Dcvclopment Plan Employcc Housinc Unit (Tvoc: ) Major or D Minor CCI Extcrior Altcration (VailVillagc) Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshead) Spccial Dcvclopmcnt Disb'ict Major or E Minor Anrcndmcnt to an SDD DESCRIPTION OF LOCATION ADDRESS: OF PROPOSA L: LOT -IIO-.ELOCKI3- FILING UILDING NAME: n ZONING: -ilrrt+z NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: F. OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): G.NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE: MAILING ADDRESS: PHONE: '"49 -4744 - FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. STJBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, For Office Use Onl],: Fec Paid:- Ck#:- By: Application Date:PEC Mecting Datc:_ H. PHONE: vAIL, COLORADO 81657. Rcvi.rd &96 kzs. brrrttr sqGnq #os ///G/d/{+lA A,2ilF bncLa s , Tl Z6 zo6: kR .a hE , TzrOfre4ry 43+9*9. L*Fk?e7re qn EMaLEWTa>,fu €o//o ffi THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and EnvironmentalCommission ot the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code ot the Town of Vail on October 13, 1997, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of : A request to appeal the following staff interpretations: 1 ) Section 18.52.100 C5, Parking Requirements Schedule (Eating & Drinking Establishments) and Section 18.52.'l60, Exemptions (parking pay-in-lieu) - appellant disputes the calculation of the number of parking spaces required; 2) The staff's classification of the 3rd and 4th lloors as "eating and drinking establishments"; and 3) The requirement that the applicant sign the pay-in-lieu promissory note personally and that a Deed of Trust be filed on the property; located at The Vail Village Club, 333 Bridge Street, Lot C, Block 2, Vail Village lst Filing. Appellant: Riva Ridge Partners LLC; Glen M. Heelan;Margretta B. ParksStaff: Mike Mollica/Tom Moorheac A request for an interior remodel, to allow for a new bedroom and bathroom in the basement area, utilizing the additional GRFA (250), located at Vail Golfcourse Townhomes, 1660 Sunburst Drivei Lot 1, Vail Valley 3rd Filing. Applicant: G.H.J. SuverkropePlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a variance from Section 18.28.070 (Setbacks) and a conditional use permit lor an outdoor dining deck at Crossroads, located at 143 East Meadow Drive/Lot P, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Mountain Top lce Cream (Haagen Daz), represenled by Bill PiercePlanner: Dominic Mauriello A request for a recommendation on the Lionshead Redevelopment Master Plan - Alternative Master Plan concepts. Planner: Susan Connelly A request lor a variance from Section 18.13.060 (Setbacks), to allow for a residential addition to encroach 3 1/2 " into the sideyard setback at the Hintz residence, located at 3130 Booth Creek 1 Drive/Lot 10, Block 3, Vail Village 11th Filing.v4. ./ffi - Applicant: Zenic Bauer- \ Planner: George Ruther A request to review a draft ol the proposed Vail Strategic Housing Plan, which is intended to set the direction of the Town in its effort to address locals housing. Applicant: Town ot Vail, represented by Andy Knudtsen The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular olfice hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification, Please call 479-2114 voice or 479-2356 TDD for information, Community Development Department Published September 26, 1997 in the Vail Trail. esign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Hintz - Changes to approved plans ProjectDescription: Windowadditions,roofmodification,columnchanges Owner, Address and Phone: Jurgen Hintz ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Slfll1tLlilf6,frto#oon and Hopkins,20l Gore Creek Project Street Address: 3130 Booth Creek Drive Legal Description: Lot 10, Block 3, Vail Village 1lth Filing o D Parcel Number: Comments: BuildingNamc: Motion by: Secondcd by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Lauren Waterton Date: Sept,16,1997 Board / StaffAction Action: Staff Approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid: o ns. WE ARE SENDING YOU & Attached D Under separate cover via A "o* of letter ! Shop drawings ! For review and comment tr ! FOR BIDS DUE THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: . D As requested fl Fo, your us" ! For approval ! Change order I erints Snowdon and Hopkl 201 Gore Crcek Drlve Vall, Colorado 81657 Architects En47&2,201 FA)(47&7491 LETTT o ER OF TRANSNNITTAL S Plans tr Samples I Sp€cifications Retu rn - correct€d prints Submit -copies tor distribution Resubmit-copies for appror€l TO E Returned for corrections E Approved as noted E Approved as submitted tr ! ! 19- N PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US coPtEs DATq NO.OESCRIPTIONrtlil/n 1 hfrtzl alatril'rns lr4 maliltbhfo I q\nTqi ,I | lrrP E ntliho*nrtu'fu cthtttt,T I I lt ancro.u.aa aaa nol .. nol.d, lindl, ^ollrt u, .t onc.. :ll[[a* f*Fullilfi-{?#l*"1',fil.,',l;,. mA hfll1 F#rW" i ,r$----f $t =l I$t \ 2rl41r4. )pllt4i arr?Z a &\ff,1?' -$ s I\ F?r '?c +"7o? 1a 2rttt'ar,iAtH 7 I ee | -ar\ ++'+- \ ,. r lll'\-' \ .' | | |\' [l |+]-- -+ I SOUTH ELEVNTION . l/4 * l) -ptl o |\ NI \ _l_\ { |- ^$L --r I $a.z\ a \-.= -Y-\-c-S T t .s .rD l5F r) s'=+ -tF ss\) :ru rA u- t\F.=5 z(*)\ e-a Ttro- ll).t .llIE\F +s; >"t'*N-: a-f,, I:? rt,=Js- iGJ-sl irlFI's -J.€ . Fil S;5rSrf ---rs i I'o$i*] {F!.\ itn "f.-l'?l =:. I 5+l.=l .s.l'-.1 +Fl s+t) a-lESI E:1 *q -f Vlt v N It- ${--L $$ +)-ntl l} '\\1.,r_\Tfh .t.sg ct.-s + F ISr+ $F o t1?-,a A q tru i+Engineering, Inc.otu# FLOODPLNNANALYSIS or' GORECR"EEK LOT 10, BLOCK3, VAIL VILLAGE ELEYINTH FILING TOWN OF'VAIL EAGLE COI]NTY. COLORN)O PROJECT NO. 96sT ocToBER31.1996 REVISED APRIL 2I.I997 PREPAREDFOR: MR. CRAIG SNOWDON SNOWDON & HOPKINS ARCHITECTS 2Ol GORE CREEKDRIVf, vArL, co 81657 ws,Hsffi'fl-i-r{".ori{!8 -i 29s26 ie P.O Box14i2,Ar.on,Colorado81620 . (970)827-9088Tel . (970\827-9089Fax o TABLE OF CONTENTS ISCOPE OF STUDY IINTRODUCTION . ISITE CONDITION . aFEMA STI.JDY acoNclusroNs. . . .. PROPOSEDRECOMMENDATIONS ..........3 ALIMITATION FIGIIRES FLOODPLAINANALYSIS-ExistingConditions ......DRAWINGNO. I FLOODPLAINANALYSIS-ProposedConditions .....DRAWINGNO.2 APPENDD(A PROFILE - Existing Conditions . .DRAWING'NO. I CROSS SECTIONS-ExistingConditions. .....DRAWINGNO.2 PROFILE - Proposed Conditions .DRAWINGNO. 3 CROSS SECTIONS - Proposed Conditions. . . . .DRAWINGNO. 4 lfiC-2 CALCULATIONS -ExistingConditions ......PAGES l-7 IIEC-2CALCULATIONS-ProposedConditions ......PAGES l-7 LKP Engineering, Ino. SCOPE OF'STT]DY This report presents the results of a floodplain analysis of part of Gore Creek. The studied section starts at about 900 feet upstream from the confluence with Booth Creek to 100 feet north from the northeast corner of Lot 10, Block 3, Vail Village Eleventh Filing in the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. This section can also be described as part ofGore Creek from 44900 to 45190 feet from the confluence with Eagle River. The purpose of the study was to determine the extent of the 100 - year flood water elevation, and its impact onto Lot 1 0. INTRODUCTION IEC-zWater Surface Profiles Software by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers was used.to analyze the flood elevations at the cross sections shown on the Floodplain Analysis Drawing No.l (included with this report). The topographical suwey was prepared by Eagle Valley Surveying, Inc' The peak discharge rate and the floodwater depth, were taken from The Flood Insurance Rate Map, Community - panel 080054 - 0004, dated May 2, 1983,and the Flood Insurance Study for the Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado, dated Novembet 2,1982. SITE CONDITION We visited the site on October 5 and26,1996. The purpose of our site visits, was to observe the channel ofthe creek and its banks, types ofexisting structures and types ofvegetation' Gore Creek is a typical mountain sfeam, with the bottom of the channel covered with gravel, cobbles and some boulders. Willows grow on both sides of the stream, except the area between the stream and the existing residence on lot 10. This area is landscaped. During the first site visit we observed.that LKP Engineering, Inc. 2 the lawn had short grass. During the second site visit, everything was covered with snow. Few evergreen trees were at the v/est lot line, near the fence. Also, at the west lot line, between the two houses, there is a small knoll with cottonwood trees and underbrush. On the east side of Gore Creeh between the creek and the mountain, is a low lying wetland with thick willows and few evergreen trees. The stream channel in the observed area is relatively straight with small elevation differences. The total elevation difference ofthe channel from the south to the northeast lot line oflot 10 is about 3 feet. F'EMASTUDY The ground profile and the 100-year surface water elevations of Gore Creek, as shown in the FEMA study, were reviewed and compared with the ground profile of Gore Creek, as surveyed by Eagle Valtey Surveying, Inc. At the midpoint of the studied portion of Gore Creek, there is a difference in the ground profile. The surveyed profile of the creek is lower than tlre FEMA profile' It is typical to find the more recent profiles, with a higher elevation than the FEMA profiles, because of sediment deposited by the stream. Here it is possible that at once the creek channel ran further east from the present channel location. This area eventually got filled with sediment causing the channel to move to a lower ground, at its present location. East ofthe present channel is a higher ground in the shape ofa peninsula. To the east ofthe peninsula is a smaller channel. This part ofthe channel probably gets inundated by flood waters in spring. CONCLUSIONS The floodplain study of that portion of Gore Creek east of Lot 10, was perforrned basedon cross sections from the revised topographical survey, dated April 19,1997. Nine cross sections in total were analyzed. The peak discharge, used in the study for the 100-year probability offlood occurrence, was I 8 I 0 cubic feet per second, taken from the FEMA Study, Table l, downstream of the confluence with Pitkin Creek. The starting water surface elevation was taken from the FEMA profile, 900 feet from the confluence with Booth Creeh also being 44900 feet from the confluence with LKP Engineering, Inc. o Eagle River. The starting water surface elevation was 8300.1. The floodplain generated based on the above information was plotted onto the Floodplain Analysis Drawing No. I of 2. By plotting the calculated 100 year flood elevations, onto the present topography of the area, we observed that most of Lot l0 is within the 100-year floodplain. The 100- year floodplain has been changed since the FEMA study was prepared. The changes were probably caused by changes in the topography, vegetation and the deposition of stream sediments in the main creek channel. This has caused the flood waters to extend further onto the nearby residential properties. Areas that were previously not within the 1O0-year floodplain are presently within. The particular property owners might not be aware of this situation and their lives and property could be endangered should a 1OO-year flood storm occur. The present situation should be corrected as soon as possible, and the affected property owners should be made aware of it. We have not analyzed modification of the floodplain based on needed improvements; however, by comparing the 100-year flood elevations at each ofthe cross sections, it appears that by raising the bank by one to two feetthe flood waters can be diverted from the buildings. PROPOSED RECOMMENDATIONS As shown on sheet 2 of 2 of the Floodplain Analysis, we are proposing limited grading last of Lot 10. With the grading, the existing berm is extended along the river bank of Gore Creek. Small elevation changes ranging from 0.5 to 2 feet are proposed. We also propose revegetation ofthe new berm. Recommended vegetation should consist of shrubs, willows and other plants typical to the vegetation on the river banks in the area. Based on the above described, proposed recommendations, we did a second analysis of the 100-year floodplain. The results are appended to this report. Extending the existing berm in front of Lot 10, will modify the 100-year floodplain suffrciently, to protect the existing residence from the floodwaters. The southwest part of the lot is still in the 10O-year floodplain. However, the change did not increase the floodwater elevation on the downstream residential properties. The extent ofthe 100- year floodplain over the downstream lots is outside our scope of services. LKP Engineering, Inc. LIMITATION This report has been prepared aocording to locally accepted professional engineering standards for similar conditions at this time. There is no other warranty either expressed or implied. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Mr. Craig Snowdon, Snowdon & Hopkins Architects, for the specific applibation to Lot 10, Block 3, Vail Village Eleventh Filing, Town ofVail, Eagle County, Colorado. Sincerely, LKPENGINEERING LKP Engineering Inc. APPENDD( A LKP Engineering, Inc. oo ) 7--" x I ;vv F. t -c5 ='<.. lrrRi ESsx z -r, o)F ? \Ei / )' ,/..b- z 4 € z t-,dllle b36. .:- :!* [ iiil;!1'p l* 'itt HINTZ RESIDENCE ;t----;\-=\) $ \./z\i Yr " i*q: o a I ir\ ?.\ 1il ,11\ qt\ { i I ; a crvu-r/cadrEflx|cd Engineering, Inc. P.O Bor 1.52 A$.. C0 316?0 rd (r7o) 3r7-!oa8 ro' (oto) 3r7-eo3s FLOODPUIN ANALYSIS LOI to BLoct< J, v lL wu6t ELEGNIII llLtNC foft 6 vatL E/CL€ COUrtt COLOFAAO PR'PARED 'OR'MR. Cfl4IC SNOVDON o o o o o o o o ) bogt F. i; 3: Sri <F -'< 2F.14iz =o^q -o j -,dll"le 33q !i\ HINTZ RESIDEI'{CE o \% [" c"^\' .'q \ I c]I = L, \ \.,'7 __,7--'- i{ I ilrlliIi* ,/\\\.-\\it / 3: ^e ,' U I"J /E { I II I cllrvctdtlclil{cAL Engineering, Inc. PO. 8or l,r!2 As, CO 31C20lJ (e7o) 327-eo33 ro' (tro) 8z?-eole FLOODPUIN ANALYS/S LAI IO, ELAO( J, VAII ULL'CE ELEENfu N!N6 ront 0F vxL EAAa CAJNI, CLA.^AO PftIP^FID FOA: MR. CRAIC SNOJTDON APPENDX A LKP Engineering, Inc. o o o !t c ,o o 0., LJ 8304 B30a 8300 B29B 8e96 a?94 45,1? 45.1644,88 45,08 10 00 EXISTING CONDITIONS CIVIL/GEOTECHNICAL Engineering, Inc. P-0. Box 1452 Avon, CO 81620 tel (970) 827-9088 fox (970) 827-9089 PROFILE OF GORE CREEK PROJECI NO:vo6 | LOT IO, ELOCK 3, VAIL WLLAGE ELEWNTH FILING TOW OF VAIL EAGL€ COUNfY COLORADO PREPARED FOR: MR. CRAIG SNOIfDON scALE: N. I S DA,E: 04- 2r - 97 DRAI,NG NO: l o o O -100-l€o. Flood Elevotion --o3o -j-5 5-gjj9: r9o _* E 5 83lo ! esoo Ba90 8280 8304 830e € 8300 ! 8e9e 8496 8494 8310 8307 € 8304 ! e:o: ae98 8304 430? 5 e300 8304 c 8300 ! eage 4296 se94 s3l2 8308 c 8304 ! e:oo 8308 8306 E 4304 ! s:oa 8300 100-Yed. Flood El( EXISTING CONDITIONS 100-Yeor Flood Elevo^tioh 100-Yeo. rlood Elevqtion -rso --jLl65o si5l91-i=r so CTVIL/GEOTECHNICAL Engineering, Inc. P-o. Box 1452 Avon. CO 81620 (970) 827-90E8 fox (970) 827-9089 CROSS SECTIONS PROJECT NA:vb6 t LOT IO, BLOCK 3, VAIL VILLAGE ELEWNTH FILINC |OMU OF VAIL EAGLE COUN|Y. COLORADO PREPARED FOR: MR. CRAIG SNOVDON scaLE: A/. t s DA.E: 04-2r -97 DRA||tNG NO-: 2 o o o t t c F OJ 8304 8304 8300 8498 8?95 B?9444,88 45 45, Distonce A< 100 PROPOSED CONDITIONS CU ctvtl,/GEorEcHNlcAL Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1452 Avon. CO 81620 ier (970) 827-9088 fox (970) 827-9089 PROFILE OF GORE CREEK PRoEcr M).: 96gl LOf IO. BLOCK 3, VAIL VILLACE ELEWN|H FILING fowl\l oF vAlL EAGLE COUN|Y, COLORADO PREPAREO FOR: MR. CRAIG SNOWDON SCALE:tv. t. J oAtE: b4- 2t - g7 'RAtuNC NA: J o o o o 4304 a30a .5 8300 ! ezse 8330 c 5310 3 43008496 a?94 8?90 8?80 8304 3304 5 8300 ! ease 8310 .8307 € 8304 i e:or 8e9a 4304 c 8300 4308 83C5 5 8301 ! e:oa 8300 t?0 - t50 6304 830e 5 8300 g 8a9B 8296 8e94 9308 8306 5 e304 ! s:oa 8300 r50 r80 PROPOSED COI,,IDITIONS 83r2 s308 4304 8300 a?96 crvlL/GEoTEcHNTcAL Engineering, Inc. P.O. Box 1452 Avon, C0 81620te (970) E27-9088 fox (970) 827-9039 CROSS SECTIONS PROJTCI NO,:voa I LOf IO, BLACK J, VAIL VILLA1E ELEWNIH FILING fowl\l aF vAtL €AGLE CAUNIY, COLORADO PREPARED FOR: MR. CRAIG SNOWDON scaLE: N. r s oArE: 04- 2r - g7 DRAU|NG NO,: HEC-? CALCULATIONS Existing Conditions LKP Engineering, Inc. oo Run Date: 20APR97 Run Time: 13:45:14 HMVersion: 6.52 Data File: 9681F1'2'hc2 Page 1 r + r * r r * * r * * * + r * * r * + * r + * * .r i * + + * * + i t t t . THIS RUN EXEOUTEO 20APR97 l3:45:14 HEC.2 WATER SURFACE PRt)FILES Version 4.6.2; May 1991 * a *.t *t * *+.* t+ t i + *.1.1 I l t ** * ** * * * * + * Il + t * T'I FL()()DPLAIN ANALYSIS T2First Profile, 0 - 1810 cfs, WSEL = 8300.1T3 100-Year Flood Elevation T4Gore Creek downslteam of the confluence with Pitkin Creek, East Vail, Colorado Jl ICHECK INO NINV IDIR STRT METRIC HVINS O WSEL FO 2 g 8300.1 NC .015 .015 .03 .1 .30T 1 1810xl 1 15 136 189x3 r0 GR 8298.6 61 8298 100 8297.9 106 8298 116 8258.7 127 GB 8298 136 8297 137 8296 141 S295.1 158 8296 177 |l gzsz 18s g2s8 189 8299 21s 8300 247 8301 212 -NC .03 .15 .03 .1 .3xt 2 19 136 193 42 51 47 GR 8299.6 48 8299.8 72 8299.3 81 8299.5 105 8299.5 125 GR 8293 136 8298 138 8257 139 8296 147 8235.4 159 GR 8296 165 8297 190 8298 193 8299 207 8300 236 GR 8301 253 8302 282 8303 297 8304 316 xl 3 26 135 200 39 40 40 GR 8300.4 26 8301 36 8302 41 8303 46 8303 59 GR 8302 65 8301 69 8300.4 83 8300.3 182 8300 135 GR 829S 137 8298 138 8297 139 8296 lM 8295.6 154 GR 8296 158 8297 177 8297.5 185 8297 196 8298 198 GR 8299 200 8300 205 8301 225 8302 234 8303 239 GR 8304 250 xl 4 28 129 16'1 30 30 30 GR 830'1,1 0 8301 I 8301 42 8301.1 48 8302.2 48.1 GR 8302.2 74 8301.1 74.1 8301 76 8300.8 102 8301 126 GB 8301 129 8300 131 8299 133 8298 133.5 8297 134.5 GR 8296 r39 82S5.8 146 8236 153 8297 158 8298 159 GR 8299 161 8299 171 8299 196 8300 198 8301 204 GR 8302 219 8303 225 8304 235 - s zs 121 155 28 32 30V ggtz 60 Bg02.z 00.1 8302.2 71 8301.1 71.1 8301,3 101 GR 8301 121 8300 123 8299 124 8298 125 8297 126 GR 8296 134 8295.99 137 8296 139 8297 151 8298 152 GR 8239 153 8300 155 8300 160 8299 177 8299 193 GR 8300 194 8301 196 8302 207 8303 218 8304 230 Run Date: 20APR97 Run Time: 13;45:1 o4H MVersion:6.52 DataFile: 9681F1.2.hc2 Page 2 a GR GR GR GR NC .15xl 7 GR 8308 GR 8303 GR 8302 GR 8299.4 GR 829S GR 8304 xl 8 GR 8306 GR 8301 GR 8301 GR 8300 GR 8305 xrI GR 8308I ssosF 8301 GR 8300 16 r1357 8301.5113 8300143 8299 231 .15 .0326 10235 830755 8302.789 8301108 8299150 8300 233 22 11443 830578 8300108 8300154 8301247 8305 1r5 8307 8302 8300 8301 143 3457.1 8302115 8299166 8300 .1 .3150 473S 830665 830397 8300113 8298't63 8301 154 28 2349 830485 8299114 8239177 8302 254 159 54 3654 830668 8301.5 115 8299.2169 8302 33 3483 8302.5116 8298187 8301 28 3842 830573 8303.2102 8299 122 8297.8182 8302 6 8312 8301 8298 8303 96 8302 105117 8297 128189 8302 202 20 50 66 110 159 2658 8303sl 8299 115 8238.3178 8303 4557 830583 8302121 8299170 8303 45 8304 4877 8303 81103 8299 '.105 124 8298 128'r83 8303 203 65 8302 7198 8300 '103 124 8299 142179 8304 220 60 8304 62102 8302 105135 8299 139172 8304 210 -v, Run Date: 20APR97 Run Time: 13145:14 HMVersion: 6.52 Data File: 9681F1-2.hc2 Page 3 lcruO DEpTH cWSEL cRtws WSELK EG Hv HL 0L0SS L-BANK ELEVV 0L0B ocH 0R0B ALoB AcH ARoB vol TWA R'BANK ELEv TIME VLOB VCH VR(]B XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL It]C ICONT CORAR T()PWID ENDST *PR()F 1 ccHV= 0.100 cEHv- 0.300 *sEcN0 '1.000 32BO CR()SS SECTION 1.OO EXTENDED 1.50 FEET 't.000 5.00 8300.10 0.00 8300.10 8300.39 0.30 0.00 0.00 8298.00 1810.0 675.0 907.6 227.4 139.6 220.0 60.9 0.0 0.0 8298.00 0.00 4.84 4.13 3.73 0.015 0.030 0.015 0.000 8295.10 61.00 0.001 060 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0.00 188.49 249.49 ccHV= 0.100 CEHV- 0.300 'sEcN0 2.000 3280 CR()SS SECTI()N 2.OO EXTENDED O.4O FEET O ru cHANGEo MoRETHAN HVtNs 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PR()BABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 2.000 4.60 8300.00 8300.00 0.00 8300.98 0.98 0.09 0.21 8239.00 1810.0 96.5 168i.9 25.7 42.6 205.7 35.3 0.4 0.2 8298.00 0.00 2.27 8.21 0.73 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8295.40 48.00 0.00506s 42. 47. 51. 20 11 0 0,00 187,89 235.89 .sEcN0 3.000 3.000 4.55 8300.15 0.00 0.00 8301.22 1.07 0.22 0.03 8300.00 1810.0 0.8 1807.4 1.8 1.2 217.7 3.5 0.6 0.3 8299.00 0.00 0.67 8.30 0.53 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8295.60 118.66 0.005804 39. 40. 40. 2 0 0 0.00 89.31 207.57 .sEcN0 4.000 3265 DIVIDED FL[)W 3280 CRI]SS SECTION 4.OO EXTENDED 0.73 FEET 3685o 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL Run Date: 20APR97 Run Time: 13:45:1 MVersion: 6.52 Data File: 9681F1-2.hc2 DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL (]L(]SS L.BANK ELEV OLOB OCH OROB AL()B ACH AROB VOL TWA R.BANK ELEV VLOB VCH VR()B XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA XLOBT XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICI)NT C()RAR TOPWID ENDST o4H Page 4 Qcr'ro TIME SLOPE 3693 PR()BABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENEBGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 4.000 6.03 8301.83 8301.83 0.00 8302.81 0,98 0.15 0.01 830'.|.00 1810.0 260.6 1408.7 140.7 89.4 157.9 1 16.8 0.8 0.4 8299.00 0.00 2.91 8.S2 1.21 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8295.80 0.00 0.004247 30. 30. 30. 20 11 0 0.00 190.45 216.42 -sEcN0 5.000 7I85 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 5.000 5.91 8301.s0 8301.90 0.00 8303.16 1.27 0.14 0.08 8301.00 1810.0 101.0 1572.9 136.1 35.7 163.0 106.1 1.0 0.5 8300.00 0.01 2.83 9.65 1.28 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8295.99 71.03 0.005191 28, 30. 32. 4 I 0 0.00 134.82 205.85 .sEcN0 6.000 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSELI pRosReLE MTNTMUM spEctFtc ENERGY VO CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 6.000 5.54 8302.54 8302.54 0.00 8303.78 1.24 0.18 0.00 8301.00 1810.0 102.6 1423.1 284.3 35.1 142.1 178.4 1.3 0.6 8298.00 0,01 2.93 10.01 1.59 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8297.00 5i.09 0.0053s5 34. 34. 33. 20 11 0 0.00 160.51 217.60 ccHv- 0.100 cEHv- 0.300.sEcN0 7.000 3265 DIVIDED FLOW 7.000 5.35 8303.15 1 810,0 27 .5 1 660.5 0.01 0.74 7.58 0.003144 47. 38. .sEcN0 8.000 8.000 4.71 8303.01 1810.0 191.5 1537.9 0.01 1.52 9.40 0.005604 28. 26. 0.00 0.00 8304.18 1.17 80.6 125.7 163.5 5s.9 1.35 0.150 0.030 0.15023. 2 0 00.00 0.11 0.11 8300.001.8 0.9 8300.00 0.000 8298.30 64.90 114.70 r79.60 0.00 0.00 8303.97 0.82 0.15 0.04 8300.00 122.0 37 .4 21S.0 112.5 1.6 0.8 8299.00 1.08 0.150 0.030 0.150 0.000 8297.80 53.S828. 3 0 0 0.00 151.20 207 .37 ,2O Pase s lcruo DEpTH cWSEL cRlws WSELK EG HV HL 0L0sS L-BANK ELEv Y 0L0B ocH 0R0B ALoB AcH ARoB vol TWA R-BANK ELEV TIME VL(IB VCH VR(]B XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST "sEcN0 9.000 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CBITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED s.000 4.04 8303.04 8303.04 0.00 8304.60 1.57 0,30 0.12 8300.00 1810.0 77.5 1689.6 42.9 68.4 162.7 28:0 2.1 1.0 8300.00 0.01 1.13 10.39 1.53 0.150 0.030 0.150 0.000 8299.00 85.85 0.007709 54. 45. 36. 2 15 0 0.00 107.60 173.45 o Run Date: 20APR97 Run Tims l3:45:1 MVersion:6.52 DataFile: 9681F1-2.hc2 Page 6 THIS RUN EXECUTED 20APR97 13:45:15 .i,t.* i I + l a * *.* | t l} * * * t * * 1.1 I *.1 * * +'l l l a * + l l I HEC.2 WATER SURFACE PROFILES Version 4.6.2; May 199'l**+*r+***r**t+*+t***++***+t+******t+t NOTE-ASTERISK (-}AT LEFT OF CR()SS.SECTI(]N NUMBER INDICATES MESSAGE IN SUMMARY OF ERRORS LIST 1 0O.Year Flood Elevation SUMMARY PRINTOUT TABLE 150 o4H SECNO 1.000 . 2.000 3.000 v 4.000 - 5.000 . 6.000 7.000 8.000 - 9.000 XLCH ELTRD ELLC ELMIN O CWSEL 0.00 0.00 0.00 82s5.10 1810.00 8300.10 47.00 0.00 0.00 8295.40 1810.00 8300.00 40.00 0.00 0.00 8295.60 1810.00 8300.15 30.00 0.00 0.00 8295.80 1810.00 8301.83 30.00 0.00 0.00 82s5.99 1810.00 8301.S0 34.00 0.00 0.00 82s7.00'1810.00 8302.54 38.00 0.00 0.00 8297.80 1810.00 8303.15 26.00 0.00 0.00 82s8.30 1810.00 8303.01 45.00 0.00 0.00 8299.00 1810.00 8303.04 CRIWS EG IO-KS VCH AREA .OlK 0.00 8300.39 10.60 4.13 420.46 555.93 8300.00 8300.98 50.69 8.21 283.57 254.24 0.00 8301.22 58.04 8.30 222.38 237.55 8301.83 8302.81 42.47 8.92 364.08 277.75 8301.90 8303.16 51.91 9.65 304.84 251.23 8302.54 8303.78 53.35 10.01 355.65 246.42 0.00 8303.97 31.44 7.58 368.88 322.79 0.00 8304.18 56.04 9.40 349.13 241.78 8303.04 8304.60 77.09 10.39 259.07 206.15 nun O.tr, 20APR97 Run Time: tS'+S:taqvlVersion: 6.52 Data File: 9681F1'2.hc2 O fVear Flood Elevation SUMMARY PRINT(]UT TABLE 150 SECNO O CWSEL DIFWSP DIFWSX 1.000 1810.00 8300.10 0.00 0.00 2.000 1810.00 8300.00 0.00 .0.10 3.000 1810.00 8300.15 0.00 0.15 4.000 1810.00 8301.83 0.00 1.68 5.000 1810.00 8301.90 0.00 0.07 6.000 1810.00 8302.54 0.00 0.64 7.000 1810.00 8303.15 0.00 0.61 8.000 1810.00 8303.01 0.00 -0.14 9.000 r810.00 8303.04 0.00 0.03 DIFKWS TOPWID XLCH 0.00 188.49 0.00 0.00 187.89 47.00 0.00 89.31 40.00 0.00 190.45 30.00 0.00 134.82 30.00 0.00 160.51 34.00 0.00 r 51 .20 38.00 0.00 114.70 26.00 0.00 107.60 45.00 Page 7 HEC-2 CALCULATIONS Proposed Conditions LKP Engineering Inc. Run Date: 21APR97 Run Time: I MVersion:6.52 DataFile: 9681M00.hc2 * * * + * r { * } * * t + r * * * * * + + * t } * * * * + * t I * * I * - THIS RUN EXECUTED 21APR97 16:26:08 HEC.2 WATER SURFACE PROFILES Version 4.6.2; May 1991 +*+t.t*+*t.l*l+t*+it*lttr*+i all**a+*i*r TlFLOODPLAIN ANALYSIS .WITH A NEW BEHM T2First Profile, 0 = 1810 cfs, WSEL = 8300.1 T3 100.Year Flood Elevation T4Gore Creek downstream of the confluence with Pitkin Creek, East Vail' Colorado o 6:26:08 H Page I Jl ICHECK INO NINV IDIR STBT METRIC HVINS O 2 0 8300.1 WSEL FO NC .015 .015 .030T 1 1810xl 1 15 '136 x3 10 GR 8298.6 61 8298 GR 8298 136 8297 o 82s7 185 82s8 116 8298.7 127158 8296 177247 8301 272 105 8299.5 129 147 8295.4 159207 8300 236 316 46 8303 5S112 8301 123135 8299 137154 8296 158198 8299 200239 8304 250 48 8302.2 48.1102 8301 108128 8301 129 134.5 8236 139159 8299 161204 8302 219 8297.9 8236 82S9 .1 .3't93 42 5172 8299.3 8',1138 8297 139190 8298 193282 8303 257 .1 .3 189 100 137 189 106 8298 141 8295.1215 8300 NC .03xl 2 GR 8239.6 GR 8299 GR 8296 GR 8301 x1 3 GR 8300.4 GR 8302 GR 8302 cR 8298 GR 8257 GR 8300 xl 4 GR 8301.1 GR 8302.2 GR 8302 GR 8300 GR 8295.8 GR 8299 GR 8303 .15 .0319 13648 8299.8136 8298165 8297253 8302 29 13526 830165 8301127 8302r38 8297 177 8297.5205 8301 32 1290 830174 8301.1113 8303131 8299146 8296171 8299229 8304 47 8299.5 82S6 8299 8304 200 39 40 4036 8302 41 830369 8300.4 83 8300.3131 8301 133 8300139 8296 144 8295.6185 8297 1S6 8298225 8302 234 8303 161 30 30 30I 8301 42 8301.174.1 8301 76 8300.81r8 8303 122 8302133 8298 133.5 8297't53 82S8 158 8298196 8300 198 8301 235 Run Date: 2IAPR97 Run Time: 16: o 26:08 H MVersion: 6.52 Data File: 9681M00.hc2 Page 2 GR 8312 GR 8303 GR 8299 GR 8296 GR 8300 GR 8302 xl 6 GR 8312 GR 8302 GR 8297 GR 8302 NC .15xl 7 GR 8308 GR 8304 GH 8300 GR 8298 GR 8301 xl I GR 8306 - 8301w 8301 GR 8300 GR 8305 xl I GR 8308 GR 8303 GR 8301 GR 8300 28 32 8302.2 8302 8297 8298 8299 8304 34 33 8302 8300 82SS 3071 8301.1120 8301126 8296152 8299193 8300 230 348't 8303115 8299166 8300 3842 830581 8302 105 8299.4128 8299203 8304 2658 830391 8299 1 15 8298.3178 8303 4557 830583 8302121 82991i0 8303 28 121 155 60 8302.2 60.1108 8303 115124 8298 125139 8297 151160 82S9 177207 8303 218 17 113 14357 8301.5 57.1111 8301 113128 8298 143202 8303 231 .15 .03 .124 102 15035 8307 3955 8304 72102 8299 103 122 8297,8 124182 8302 183 22 114 15443 8305 4978 8300 85108 8300 114154 8301 177247 8305 254 2D 115 15950 830i 5466 8302 68110 8300 115 15S 8301 169 71.1 8302 101121 8300 123 134 8295.99 137153 8300 155194 8301 196 89 8303 103116 8298 117187 8301 189 .347 28 8306 8303 8299 8298 8303 28 23 8304 8299 8239 8302 54 36 8306 8301.5 8299.2 8302 45 8304 4889 8301 97108 8299 113150 8300 163 233 65 8302 7198 8300 103124 82S9 142 'f 79 8304 220 60 8304 62102 8302 105135 8299 139172 8304 210 nun O.trr Zf npn'Z Run Time: 16:26:08 ?tUVroion, e.SZ Dara File: 9681M00'hc2 O .CN(] OEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL ()L()SS L.BANK ELEVlt 0L0B ocH 0R0B ALoB AcH AB0B voL TWA R'BANK ELEV TIME VLOB VCH VR()B XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA slopr XLOBL XICH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST -PH()F 1 ccHv- 0.100 CEHV- 0.300 'sEcNol.000 3280 CROSS SECTION 'I,t]t) EXTENDED 1.50 FEET 1.000 5.00 8300.10 0.00 8300.10 8300.39 0.30 0.00 0.00 8298.00 1810.0 675.0 307.6 227.4 139.6 220.0 60.9 0.0 0.0 8298'00 0.00 4.84 4.13 3.73 0.015 0.030 0.015 0.000 8295.10 61.00 0.001060 0. 0. 0. 0 0 0 0.00 188.49 249.49 ccHV- 0.100 0EHV- 0.300.sEcN0 2.000 3280 CROSS SECTII)N 2.OO EXTENDED t).4() FEET I HV CHANGED M()RE THAN HVINS 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PR()BABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 2.000 4.60 8300.00 8300.00 0.00 8300.98 0.s8 0.09 0.21 8299.00 1810.0 96.5 1687.9 25.7 42.6 205.7 35.3 0.4 0.2 8298.00 0.00 2.27 8.21 0.73 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8295.40 48.00 0.005069 42. 47. 51. 20 11 0 0.00 187.89 235.89 .sEcN0 3.000 3.000 4.55 8300.15 0.00 0.00 8301.22 1.07 0.22 0.03 8300.00 1810.0 0.0 1808.1 1.9 0.0 217.9 3.5 0.6 0.3 8299.00 0.00 0.04 8.30 0.53 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8295.60 134.70 0.005792 39. 40. 40. 2 0 0 0.00 73.33 208.03 .sEcN0 4.000 3265 DIVIDED FLOW 3280 CROSS SECTION 4.t)() EXTENDED 0.76 FEET Page 3 3685 o 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL nun Ort* Zf lpngZ Run Time: te:ZO'Os?t'lversion: 6.52 Data File: 9681M00.hc2 O Page 4 I}CHO DEpTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL 0L0sS L-BANK ELEv V 0L0B ocH 0R0B ALoB AcH ARoB vol TWA R'BANK ELEv TIME VL[)B VCH VR[)B XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA SLOPE XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST 3633 PRt)BABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED- 4.000 6.06 8301.86 8301.86 0.00 8302.92 1.06 0.15 0.00 8301.00 1810.0 227.2 1433.8 149.0 75.2 156.0 118.6 0.8 0.4 8299.00 0.00 3.02 9.19 1.26 0.030 0.030 0.150. 0.000 8295.80 0.00 0.004562 30. 30. 30. 20 1l 0 0.00 175.13 216.92 .sEcN0 5.000 3265 DIVIDED FL[)W 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS 7185 MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMED 5.000 5.54 8301.53 8301.53 0.00 8303.32 1.79 0.17 0.22 8301.00 1810.0 5.0 1678.2 126.8 3.3 150.7 88.4 1.0 0.5 8300'00 -0.00 1.53 11.14 1.43 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8295.99 71.06 Uozozs zg. 30. 32. 3 8 0 0.00 95.84 201.87 .sEcN0 6.000 3265 DIVIDED FLOW 3685 20 TRIALS ATTEMPTED WSEL,CWSEL 3693 PROBABLE MINIMUM SPECIFIC ENERGY 3720 CRITICAL DEPTH ASSUMEt) 6.000 5.42 8302.42 8302.42 0.00 8303.84 1.42 0.23 0.04 8301.00 1810.0 55.4 1467.4 287.3 19.4 138.7 170.0 1.2 0.6 8238.00 0.01 2.86 10.58 1.69 0.030 0.030 0.150 0.000 8297.00 57.09 0.006227 34. 34. 33. 20 I 0 0.00 '133.94 214.28 ccHV- 0.100 CEHV- 0.300.sEcN0 7.000 3301 HV CHANGED MORE THAN HVINS n* O.t.' Zf npngZ Run Time: tO,ZS,OeQIUVersion:6.52 'ata File: 96SlM'D'hc2O Page 5 Qct'to TIME SLt)PE DEPTH CWSEL CRIWS WSELK EG HV HL (]T()SS L.BANK ELEV OLOB OCH OROB ALOB ACH AR()B VOL TWA R-BANK ELEV VL(]B VCH VROB XNL XNCH XNR WTN ELMIN SSTA XLOBL XLCH XLOBR ITRIAL IDC ICONT CORAR TOPWID ENDST 3302 WARNING: CONVEYANCE CHANGE ()UTSIDE (}F ACCEPTABLE RANGE, KRATIO = 1.48 7.000 5.49 s303.29 0.00 0.00 8304.06 9.77 0.15 0.07 8300.00 1810.0 28.2 1655.5 126.3 34.9 225.7 120.8 1.5 0.7 8299.00 0.01 0.81 7 .34 1.04 0.150 0.030 0.150 0.000 8297.80 78'43 0.002827 47. 38. 28. 3 0 0 0.00 133.12 211.55 .sEcN0 8.000 8.000 4.88 1810.0 195.8 0.01 1.46 0.004853 28. .sEcN0 9.000 9.000 4.18 18r 0.0 84.6 -0.01 1.12 v1t06704 54. 8303.18 0.00 0.00 8304.24 '1.07 0.09 0.09 8300.00 1530.4 83.8 134.1 170.3 64.7 1.7 0.8 8300.00 s.99 1.29 0.150 0.030 0.150 0.000 8298.30 63.72 26. 23. 2 0 0 0.00 122.77 186.49 8303.18 8303.03 0.00 8304.61 1.43 0.26 0.11 8300.00 1681.0 44.4 75.6 16S.1 30.5 2.1 0.9 8300.00 9.94 1.45 0.150 0.030 0.150 0.000 8299.00 65.26 45. 36. 4 15 0 0.00 1 13.75 179.01 o Run 'ate: Zf npn'Z Run Time: 16:26:08 ?fr'Veoio* e.SZ Data File: 9681 M'D.hc2 -Page 6 THIS RUN EXECUTED 21APR97 16:26:09 t*t*a**t*+**i+****tt*t*i**lt*****+*+* HEC.2 WATER SURFACE PRt)FILES Version 4.6.2; MaY 1991 r**t**************+**l*it****+****+** Nt]TE.ASTERISK (-) AT LEFT OF CROSS.SECTION NUMBER INDICATES MESSAGE IN SUMMARY OF ERRORS LIST 100-Year Flood Elevation SUMMARY PRINTOUT TABLE 150 SECNO 1,000 * 2.000 3.000 !t4.000 . 5.000 . 6.000 . 7.000 8.000 9.000 XLCH ELTRD ELLC ELMIN O CWSEL 0.00 0.00 0,00 8295.10 1810.00 8300.10 47.00 0.00 0.00 8295.40 1810.00 8300.00 40.00 0.00 0.00 8295.60 1810.00 8300.15 30.00 0.00 0.00 8295.80 1810.00 8301.86 30.00 0.00 0.00 8295.99 1810.00 8301.53 34.00 0.00 0.00 82s7.00 1810.00 8302.42 38.00 0.00 0.00 8297.80 1810.00 8303.29 26.00 0.00 0.00 8298.30 1810.00 8303.18 45.00 0.00 0.00 8299.00'1810.00 8303.18 CRIWS EG 1()*KS VCH AREA .O1K 0.00 8300.39 10.60 4.13 420.46 555.93 8300.00 8300.98 50.69 8.21 283.57 254.24 0.00 8301.22 57.92 8.30 221.40 237.83 8301.86 8302.92 45.62 9.19 349.75 267.99 8301.53 8303.32 76.79 11.14 242,35 206.56 8302.42 8303.84 62.27 10.58 328.09 229.37 0.00 8304.06 28.27 7 .34 381.37 340.44 0.00 8304.24 48.53 8.99 369.07 259.83 8303.03 8304.61 67.04 9.S4 275.28 221.07 o Run Date: Zf npn'Z Run Time: te:z',Oe?laversion: 6.52 Data File: 9681M0D.hc2 - Or" Flood Elevation SUMMABY PRINTOUT TABLE 150 SECNO O CWSEL DIFWSP DIFWSX 1.000 1810.00 8300.10 0.00 0.00 2.000 1810.00 8300.00 0.00 .0.10 3.000 1810.00 8300.15 0.00 0.15 4.000 1810.00 8301.86 0.00 1.71 5.000 1810.00 830'1.53 0.00 -0.33 6.000 1810.00 8302.42 0.00 0.89 7.000 1810.00 8303.29 0.00 0.87 8.000 ,|810.00 8303.18 0.00 -0.12 9.000 1810.00 8303.18 0.00 0.00 DIFKWS TOPWID XLCH 0.00 188.49 0.00 0.00 187.89 47.00 0.00 73.33 40.00 0.00 175.13 30.00 0.00 95.84 30.00 0.00 133.94 34.00 0.00 133,12 38.00 0.00 122.77 26.00 0.00 1 13.75 45.00 Page 7 n*tf,n Review Action Form O TOWN OF Parccl Numbcr: VAIL Projcct Namc: BuildingName: Project Description: %o"tz.< L o'f>rl,.z,.leoL Plaa'\ and a 'llo ' : Owncr.Addrcssandphonc.B. \ueaaru /rarla 3/3O Rooz/ (prlrr bi?' Architect/Contact, Addrcss and Phone: LcgalDcscription:llot /O Block 3 Subdivision Zone District 2 Projcct Street Addrcst' 3 / Commcnts: Board / Staff Action Votc:Motion by: n Approval LI IIK Condi Disapproval Staff Approval Scconded by: tions: nut"t..,7-3 -2? tl DRB Fee ,r"-Puif {O * - Qucstions? a"'5 Planning Staff at 479-21 2tt APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL ,l: A. It tesued end construction is started. OF TIIE REQUEST: WNER(S)SI .' MAILINGADDRESS: ILING: . PHONE: PHONE: OFREVIEWANDFEE: Conetructlon - $200 $s0 -,$20 Revicw - Construction of a new building. Includcs any addition where square footagc is added to any residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvcments, such as' reroofing, painting, ftndow additions, landscaping, fences and reaining waus, etc. $0 For any application where the applicant wishcs to meet with Desigt Review walls, etc. Boardio ditermine whether or not the project generally complies with the desigrr guidelines. The DRB does not vote on conceptual reviews' iils,ue to bo paid at the time of submittal. Iater, wheo applying for a building pemrit, please identi$ pruatp vauaion of the projoct. The Town of Vail wi[ adfistthe fee according to the project valuation' VAIL, COLORADO 81657. Updated l/97 o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:i Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chintncys Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhottses Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting*r Other n{v il/rr tla - Uq * P|ease specify the manufacturer's co|or, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet thc Town's Lighting ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior liglrting is proposed' plcase indicatc thc number offixh*es and locations on u1.pur.t. lighting plan' Idc.ntify cach fixture type and provide the height above gradc, lumens output, luminous area. and ittach a cut shcct of thc lighting fixturcs' ZONE CHECK o^t", /'.2? - 7? Lcgal dcscription:Lot /O Biock 3 p;1;ng &; ( s l/ Owncr 3. \.^rgl^ ,4,hfz Ptronc Addrcss Architcct Zonc district Lot sizc Pnonc 476 - 23ot Proposcd usc <F Buildable arca Allowcd Existine Proooscd Total Rcmainine Sitc Covcrage Hcight Sctbacks Landscaping RcAining Wall Hcights Parking 2df 20' l5' t5' |60 * atfif__\*t1O t6 3',t 6', d3 ?Enclosed g/ 4) Watcr Course Setback (30) (50)s:a 5) Ccologic Flazards a) Snorv Avalanchc b) Rockfall c) Debris Flow Previous conditions ofapproval (check property filc): t / 3)Wctlands r7.( sF rotar GRFA fut + gSo =-g0-6-g- 3, A o | + /27 = 3? Zg // ?-' F ' _+ (425)(675*) Scconr':.VLE FiA.- + (425) (675*) =_ + 675 = 425 credit olus 250 addition Docs this rcqucst involvc a 250 Addition? ^t O How much of the allowed 250 Addition is uscd with this reoucst? 3-?29 2,628 + //6 = 27',/c/ /t8d 2rt Front Sides Rear (3oK$l Minimum /1, ,98 874 - //6 5 (300)(600)(e0o4D Permitted Slopc -% Proposed Slope % Ycs No Yes_ No 2) Floodplain Requirc Carage Crcdit Drivcway Complics with TOV Lighting Ordinancc Are finished grades lcss than 2:l (50%) En vi ronm ental,/Hazards Is thc prope4y non-conforming? Describc:/tt0 ^ro o\ DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Project: B sunwv Scale Q EoonpLlr.Is Scalc GRFA 250 additional GRFA EIIU B BUTLDING ELEI/ATIoNS Scale Bcnchmark Lcgal dcscription Lot Size BuildableArea Easernents Topography 100 yr. flood plain Colodl\daterials Water Coursc S*back Environmartal l{azards Trces Utility locations Spot elorations tr SITEPLAN Scale BuildingHeight Encroachmeris Setbacks Sitc Coverage EaveVOverhangs (4) Decls/Balconies Garage connection Site Grade\Slopc ReainingWalls Fcnccs Parking/Garage Tuming Radius Driveway (access and grade) ;l Snow Storage Fire Access Roof Pitch tr t lNuscepepuu.r Existingrecs Prqroscdfiecs Legrnd MISCELIANEOUS CondoApporral Titlercport(A & B) Utility vuifi cation form Building material samples C.O. Vcrification Sun\Shade Argles Utiliti c (underground) Vicw Conidors Variances Plat rcseictiqrs It o --F- ffffflailunot,'lol \0, r4F i, trui lton wfi . ttGruFI-,IWF$w,A:l,,htn. Plkg ,vt/ lFrl ultw lrton qourf\lnt tsign Revidw Actionlt TOWN OF VAIL Category Number o"r" /tr/rs Project Name: Building Name: Projec{ Description: Owner, Address and Phonei //V', I ArchitecilGontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description Lot /O Block ? Subdivision , Projec't Street Address: 3 4/'Zone Dislricl Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by:Vote:f-o Seconded by: fl(,ARRrovat n Disapproval 1-l Staff Approval Conditions: Town Planner o^n /ry'el DRB Fee Pre-paid fsau Singl oo e Fami ZONE CHECK .FOR ly Residence, Duplex, ZONE DTSTRICTS ry/Secondary O Prima I,EGAI, ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT PROPOSED LOT SIZE USE subdivisi on ();Q u'll^fo ,)/r\ PHONE. PHONE qrr . 2?or zoNE DisrRrcr f.->? /--. 4 1)a,,.</" t../6/o ao / /Z f,/dt Allowed r'Heighc 4otat cnra ,/Primary GRFA tlzt { Front Sides Rear ,zf,and,scaping (n,\ 60 ZJ --i Retaining WaL). Heights -Irarking 4arage Credit -+'!6rive: RTITr.ffi ExisLino Proposed TotaL (30)(55h / 7. S ?5.5 z{.{ , 46ro t?rg /zo"/ \g(z.#=-totL , "sR ;,ry 3<ez /seubacks ,-Sice eoverage (t..* aeZ)3 ?" /6s1 71'/ 2ez? I Jq? /'1 <tL - l3 \Zt'/ 3'.l6' A neqra _lencL (3oo)/GTTf!eoo) (1200 | 6€ / Permitled slope f< * Proposed Slope t Yes (30@ 2{oP1 -i (s0t) 1) 2',) 3) ----) complies with T.o.v. Lighting ordinance 4) wetLands 4riew Corridor Encroachnent: yes 20, 15' 15' ,t3Ho -/,4:- /3 32q :i? No 4at.er Course Secback "Ao Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 .-Environmen tal /Ita zards :Flood PLain Percent SLope (< > 30t) Geologic flazardsa) Snow Avalanche lreb) Roekfall p6 c) Debris Flow rro a/< No. lo < 3o/ ,-Does this requesL invoive a 250 ridriiLiou? No-How much of Lhe allowed 2S0 Addition is used with this /Previous conditions of approvaL (check properuy file): reguest?.....- A,< ,- 10 lt rt'Lt.. UlTlrl DESTGN |I RTI,|l[EI{ BOARD v" APPIJfCAUON . TOI{N OF VAIIJ, COLORN)O atttttittt I. A. PROJECIT INFOR}IATION : DESCRXPTTON: A. IT:TPE OF REVIEW: c. D. E. F. G. H. legal. and at,tach NAIIE OF APPIJICAI{T Y I{AI.TE OF OWNER(S}: Phbne hone APPLICATIONS WILL NOI BE PROEESSED IIIT{OU;T'J#".'?ItrNATURE I. :J. Condoninium Approval if applicable DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at theLisre of submitral of rhe DRB applicat,ion. tiiei, wfrenapprying for a building permit,-please ideneify the accurat,evaluaLion of the proposal. The bown of vaiL wirl. aajust tnefee according to the table bbLow, Eo ensure Lhe corrLc! feeis paid. --lfer Construction ($200.00) Minor Alteration (920.00)X Addirion ($50.00) ]conceprual neview i$0) . ADDRESS: IJEGAI/ DESCRI Subdivision If propercy description,to Lhis appl is described byplease provide icaEion. Block a meets and bounds on a separat,e sheeE -ConcepLual Review (90) ZONING: APPIJICANI ' FEE SCHEDULE: VAI,UATXON$ o'$ 1o,ooo$ i0,00i ' $ .5U.000$50,001 -s 150,000 $150,001 - s 5OO.0O0 $500,001 - $1,OOO,OO0$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN RS1rIET{ BOARD APPROVAIJ E:GTRES APPROVA! UNIJESS A BUII,DING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ 3U. UU $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONB TEAR ASIER FINAIJ ISSUED AI{D CONSTRUCTION IJfST OF IIIATERfAIJS Ml'lE OF PROiIECT: ITEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: L,OTJ0.- STREET ADDRESS: The foLlowing informaLion is Review Board before a final A. BUIIJDING IATERTAI,TS: Roof, Siding Other l{aLl MaLerials Faecia soffi rs Windows window Trin Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Plashings Cblnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retalning trlalls Exterior lJight,ing Other I,AIIDSCAPING: Nane of required for submiCt,al t,o lhe Design approval. can be given: TYPE OF }'AtrBRIAIJ COLOR nd nf4r aifri0 ilod ' nd4 alrttig Designer: Phone: B. Botanicai Name cn|lvo"" ouantitv size* ?ir'- (tynfx nh ItWo h J:tt *Xndicate caliper for deciduous trees.for. deciduous rrees is 2. inches. tnaicaEEiFtorconiferoustrees. Minimum heioht ror coniieroustrees is 5 feet.**Indicate size of, proposed shnrbs.5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED rTPE OF IRRTGATTON TYPE OR METHOD EROSTON COMROIJ PrrArE ulf,s: PROPOSED TREES Al{D SIIRT'BS Scmare Footaoe nll,l lrri$h) avqc, c. o, I{t IJN{DSCAPE LIGHTING: If excerior lighting is prbposed, pleaseshor the nurnber of fixr.ures and ro6atiois-on-i-iEiaratelighting p1an. Identify e"ct, iiit,rre.from the lighring planin the space below and irovid" ifr" height above grade, tlpe ofrleh!.proposed, rumen ouLpuL, ruminous area and a cut sheeL ofthe lighr f ixLure. (secuibn ie. ia.0S0 ,l) D.OTHER LN.IDSCAPE FEATURES (reLaining walls, fences, swimmingpoots, ecc.) please- specity. inai6are h;igh;;-;I'r"uuining T?1r";_-_Tl{*:T,heishr or wirrs--*itr,in ih;';;;"; serback iss; . --r,t""iiiii"i'Jrlii"ii il.I3':i":il:l: :1".i:T:d::ti"l,t: , . oo oo Comrnunity Development Plan Routing Form Approved Denied (cite dctailed reasons)Approved with conditions \ Routcd To:Greg Hall, Public Works Teni Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Retum To:Dirk Mason, Community Dcvclopmcnt Datc Routcd:8t30/96 Return By:9/tt/96 Project Name:Hintz - addition Project Addrcss:3 130 Booth Crcck Drivc Project Lcgal:Lot l0 Block 3 Vail Villagc I lth Project Description:New residential addition ccrSfi n /-=trc €o (€e'e htk ' 1t"4 -qfd//r O.QL Drtuile €ea rrirwd - €yt\ D 'Oa-rrnurrt " 4-/z tlt.,</y 3''t'z-ac-223- .4,,'r aa4z-/ y'('-@d:i u'r+ Zraa/pz4lz4 ' 1i&zzt>' q2*-'t y'a Sll'4 ,t Zurr""n4 , Z/?//{",/-/27. 27V.n-.?.,/S; fp,ta.4:: ./ryczt' t /-D/ra</t'/',4/ "/L'a,42r'2 - ./+z .7242,/ /',2/ i Rcvicwcd by: b- rn[C?srpo5t996 .",fritty Development pr"r, n#?g Form Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee. Fire Retum To:Dirk Mason, Community Development Date Routed:8/30t96 Rehrm By:9/rr/96 Project Name:Hintz - addition Project Address:3130 Booth Creek Drive Project Legal:Lot l0 Block 3 Vail Villase I lth Project Description:New residential addition Approved .,( Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions ide at(bEc@(xb & Z'i c.rng:l sJrw-{ ',hc\i.'n\\te <rQPGr\N'$oJig CtTitL.r ri Pler-\g'y\o,.: Cr.r.,hrc,b- ororf,g) c":n\aw'.'- .rco--r-rj ne.r c.c\d] Fror '*il ( U"rqa,t lyf,tln!-a*r*tA [.lar,€r,t,U treS 5r4| <4 dn r-;{.\! ft-)lrt \QrY)S Ctipl r 6 t ttetf ea pS.9k rev€wed oq.to.qb renscner| Oq tt c1t. krr u Mr;rn oi,^- .p oo TOWNOFVAIL DE /|n'l Eh'l oF GOr[r'tNtTy ErELrrtr{INr I.DDRESS- ?noracT ctGctas MattE taYAltJ m nt\r,N oF van 0l 00004t540 ZONINGANDA s5.fi)0l m0042415 UNIFORMBUILDINGEODE s54.q)a 0t fi)00 42415 UNIFORM PLI.JMBING CODF J39.q)0l m0042415 I.JNIFORM MEC}I.AMCALCODE $37.000t fino42415 I.JNIFORM FIRE CODE s36.00frl fl)fi)42415 NATIONALEL s37.00 a 0t fino424t5 OTIIERCODE BOOKS 0l (xx)o 4154t BLUEPRINTS (MYIAFSI s7.000r fimo42412 XEROXCOPTES s0.25ot (xrco 424t2 SI UDILS 0t q)00 424t2 TOVFEESCOMPUW s5.000l fl}00 4237t PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECNONS 0l m00 4t332 PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE IS'trPEFHTT-0r fino 42332 OFF HOURS IN SPEETIOIFEES 0l fino414t2 CONTRACTORSTW 0t (Xno41413 SIGN APPLICANONTEE s20.00ol qno41413 Af,'DITIONAL SIGNAGE FEE ISI.OO PER SO;FTI C ART PROJECTI'OMTTON ot fino.4t33l ]BBXPAIDDESIGNREVIEW q).Dr-{rm(IriFItTl I}WESTIGATIONW 3l fino 451to TOV PARKINOroFID 0l 0000 22027 I'OV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUNDr 0t 0000 2l I 12 TArCBf,F@rT.sffir 0l e00041010 @4.o2 (TowN) 0l m00 423711 BUILDINGIWESTIGATION OTHER P'ECAPPIJSTTIONFEE ot flno4t330 Arrur I rgNAL uKfA -25oF s200.000l (x)004t330 L L'NUI I I9NAL USE PER.MIT s200.000r fino4t330 |EXTERIORALW s200.00ot (xno 4t330 EXTERIORALTERAW s5mm01000041330SPECIALDEVELOPMEWs1.500.000l flno 41330 SIECIALDEVELOPMENTDffi I sTfxxxxrl0l m00 41330_l 1tm:trIor m00 41330 I sutsutvtstoN gl gg00 41330 I VARTANCE s250.00 0 r oo00 41330 ZONINGCOD s250.000l 0000 4t330 RE. ZONING $200.00ultt!,K OTH CISEI r(r-rr rlf.OLJ t8c gY: O1 Snowdon and Hopkins o Architects 201 Gore Creek Drlve 970.476..2201 Valf, Coforado 81657 FAX4767491 oo LETTER @F TRANSNNITT'AL the following items: ! Samples I Specifications D Return -corrected prints n Submit -cooies for distribution n Resubmit-copies for approval cover vta ! Returned E Approved tr Approved ! Plans for corrections as noted as submitted 19- ! PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US *--Ti7tn, Y" "" 1b/4 AYr€N.oN' ' hirk Mry,n /hifa lJJ,f mtTt'fi: /v/k t itr //n-f I > wE ARE sENDTNG tTfiUt D n Copy of letter Shop drawings THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked . .If Ar requested O For your use E For a Pproval fr For review and comment o tr FOR BIDS DUE ,-.r. ' j r.l';. ;'r ! tlhqllr" [$LVde[#m'.'" n Change order ! Prints coPrEs OATE NO.OESCRIPTION /7///lrt / /Pl til,ll '4 fiHa fudttn/-' ' //'L/hJihlt hou otl /w'h,J /a ,?/"adrze-- I ,, '/// t, Gncloaur.a rn not aa notaat, kindly nolity u. rl oncc. 0!i i 7/ 1996 io: dE 4384a4' D-5ri7 Flge P}IILL I PIE l-.$;E al "":gJO 0r lI -5dr-..J: ,mtaffi,.,EB..i,EIo r", .al q.-' /REC 5.00 tlll ED. ra litt trr r?ttrllDG 0a, ltto )r5t ,*, JSiTEES c.nir rt EIf rr rr.r. ot 5#l'sF,- t'(l' nlr D, cEm:l, @ alaof,ir. tirl *ar lrd i!____ - _ _ Oourtt ot ,trf rl n t ot C.t...61cn[Ittr ltrr nir .|ld fl' ot tr tt?|t Frt. ior rr.-ti ciiOr.rtf. ri 3u tm tStt l||r rE| lt trf, tl|ro ooul| tt oorlorit 7r-:iQ.9t et $r |..ca lrta ra of ,t00.00 I .lr bri r.ir!. ir-" lc lcr rrltr rr rrrn urt rrtiE, !n c tLE, cD. rulrl r|dt rll rd llnlar rl ir.tdltrfi rd.Frtrrni tlrr.*a ttlerrr. o. In rtralr. grttalnrrr. ard$' 'r'DiG d |trtttl.!. t-lr-'.rt i-fir-'r. ,!ti;; i-;-;;titr thc..ri r! .u ri..rr.t!, ,rth., rrtt.r'tTir, !r.r. rs .lr firr-i? or,.rr lia prrii cr iii ir.*-i.r"'.rt.i ra r_ lr-ririii.iil in'li'ti rr,".h bltalt- ,rd!6, rlfi H|. lirfittrr a tt! E tm--rc uUl 5 t0 H'! ti' tata slaxr oovr rrtiitri-i-;Ft!.d. -eith ttr. Frtrrrrr., lnto rr. r.i(t F.!y cttir re! Ft. lrlr Ltra .{ sl;a rGtrr..ir!-u. lia rrW ii'il'firrr-p.t, tcr it_r(r, it. h.trr. a{trrc.,11d"!.ltt9tr., rb !ort!n. tq1, r.n1n, -rl '- ii &-,i iiir,t ttid FFry., rh. rtld F.t, hr. t|!tr..rlrattf,. lrral tt d|. lh d lt..ritrt tf ^il,af a tfo $rr,- t. tc |.lt ..tt.a.f ltt. ,r..rrr. .i.t!c6v'Fc. r rt -. '.' r"*!. -0(.^. rr rricrririifit .i-irrtr.ri'ii, i; il.--1;'.i;i:. ri * ,o-.lait, tttl Fr rl tr,ut rlriv p rlt, rrrri, .cii iii-.",-r'irr. rr In -nEr -d ,cr... .re.!i.rd, ,!6rrr rt r- .rt tFr d ctrr r.- . ;o.r; a;ui" iiimo. iipiini. -ro, rrlr, urr.. rrllrr.rrr .ilrlartli at $ate" tlti r ,r!\|"t r..E ,flcat? ECl|a lql 5 |rrrrrr tc r|: nn tro tE raaraltr rExr, rF ltJtct to G tgtrrrr, t8rlfvrrtqr,I'llrgtl(!. oOu/ftt F rt.nr c ur Ot reCrro. rt llr rh lrtfil '-a- lo rr| *ld r! FrD|. F-trtG ' rtr- F.t, e, ti. |!csl ta.t. hta t!r.a r!rrt'l l.r'|| dt rl n'r ''ti l-._p:!q! lt$4ariaifiili'iJ iirii. trri *iri c ;-;; 6;:o;;;;..,d rrr,tt tlr tltrt F t tt tt rl rtit raurr rt n:ryrr ori:i. riJ.ini.i'i*.. lll. Lrrrd rh. Dtur.r, rrr. e((rrt rht.t'"r!:..,..3'-a_9r.- !. trt t1 ltdlt en{ I br rptriroi- t iti"ili;.-' ' -t..ll.sw c|fs. h ..td rw ei or- il6i-pri-lii'friii'.rt lrtr hr{ n ...t rh. dry tra F.. flrtr -'r Ilr. trlatrt lrtrn-rt I. -trlrtra h'.|| r ti drlr rl, ,,lTt-- Ct, lttoryA!U P e*Jnr,r/rtbr. E:.! iIF tut ro, lrro rclltlSIr.E"Im' l,!;nHl*ffii,J[:EtEi'rp.iltl8l' tfiG||r ,.r. llarch 26, 1992 Arzana ,: ! :r,itony 3033 E. fi.st Ave. - Suite 600 Xodgc Zeitl ln F/K/A -t Drover, Coloorb Eoffi "l nscrl tr.r tta rL\: . tc ti$fifillc r*crd sEP-17-96 lO lO FROII ,LANDlll , LI\ND rliLr. Uur.R. oLD OOc NAuoNAIJ rril,e rxsuufQuenwr trur.l(/qi\ 1L!ru JoJ 478 453.r A L T A C O M M.I T M E N T SCHEDUIJE A Our order S v15550-3 For InlormaEion OnIY TOT 10, BI,K 3, VAII, VILIAGE llTH - Charges - ALTA otfner FoIicY 51,466'00 aiua tenaer Porily S5o'oo iax certie $10'oo nir/oeca o! Trugt $13'00-TCrrAl'- s1,539'00 'TT T'IIIS IS NOT AI'I INVOICE, BU! Al{ ESTIIIATE OF FEBS' WHEN REFSRRING TO TIIIS ORDER, PLEASE REPERENCE OUR ORDER NO' V15590-3 tT' 1. 2. Eflect,ive Dace: fBD at 5:00 P.M' Policios to be issued, and proposed hsured: '.ALTA" Owner's PoIlcY ro-17-92 s627, 500 . oo 3. tl . Dropoeed Insured: BERIID .IURGEN HMTZ nALTArr lroan PolicY 10-17-92 Proposed rnsured: T'NI?BD BANK OF DE}WBR NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 9627, 500 .00 the estate or inrerest in tbe land described or referred co in t.his Corwtticment and covered herein is: A Fe€ Simple Title to lhe estat'e or interest covered hereln is at the eltective ctate hereof vesEed in: Tl{E LtsNOX U.P. HODCE TRUST, DATED MARCH 20, :'990, I'ENOX M.P. IIODG}E, TRUSTOR CARROLL M. HODGE, PATRICIA M'P. HODGE, ANd SUSAN AI{DERSON-ECK, TRUSTEES PAGB SEP- I ?-S16 lO,l I FROM. LAND TllLt CuAr<hr', tr' "-'' ir- JbJ q?6 4534 oLD Oarc NATToNAL ritr,E TNsuRUIMPAI'{Y AIrTA COMM. ITtt{ENT SCHEDULE A Our Order fl v15550-3 5. The lanal referred Eo in lhls Cownitment is deEcribed as follovs: LoE LO, Block 3, VAIL VILLAGE ELEVEIITII FILfNG, ACCORDIM; TO TllE RECIRD@ PIAT TI{ERBOF, COI'NTY OF EAGI..E, STATB OF COLORADO. PECE 2 SEP-1"-96 lO,ll FROM LAND rtlLL Uua|<Ar\1eL va.' !U JOr '{ /6 4534 A LOO c o M M r r M E N r oo SCHEDULE B-Z (ExcePtions) Our Order # vI5550-3 The policy or policles to be l,ssued wil.l conlain excepEiona t'o t'he follbwing-unleis the 6ame are disposed of, to the satisfactiqn of the ComPanY: 1. Standard Exceptions 1 through 5 print€d on che cover sheet' 6. Taxes and assessmenta not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treagurer'6 offiee' 7. Jlny unpaid taxe6 or asaessmenls againsE Eaid land. 8. Liens for unpaid vtater and serter charges, if any' 9. 1990 TAJGS NOT YET DUB OR PAYABI.,E AI{D ASSESST'IBNTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TR,EASURERS OFFICE. 10. LIENS FOR T'NPAID 9IATER AIID SBWBR CI{ARGES, IF Al{Y, 11. RIGHT OP PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR I,ODE TO BXTRACT AI{D REMOVE IIIS ORE TTTBREFROM SI{OULD TttB SAI''IE BE FOU}ID TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISF.S AS RESERVED IN mIITBD S?ATES PATENT RECORDED May 06, 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 273. .12. RIGtff OF TIAY FOR DIICHES OR CANALS CONST?UCTBD BY TTIE AUTIIORITY OF TIIE T'NITED STATNS AS RESERVED IN T,NITED STATES PATBN"T RECORDED MAY 06, 1905, IN BOOK 49 AT PAGE 273, 13. RESTRICTIVE COVENAITIS, WHICIT DO NOT COMAIN A FoRFEITURE 0R REVERTER CLAUSE. BUT OMITTING RESTRICTIONS, IF AlilY, BASED ON RACE' COLOR, REIJIGION, OR NATIONAL ORIGIN, AS EOIf,TAINED IN INSTRUMEN'T REEORDED JuIY 26, I97I, IN BOOK 22T AT PAGE 140 AND AS AI4ENDED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED MAY 05, 1977, IN BOOK 254 AT PAGE 855. 14. EASEMEI\TTS, RESERVATIONS At{D RESTRICTIONS AS SIIOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAL VILLAGE ELSVBMI{ FILING, 15. UTITJITY EASEI{ENT 20 FEET IN 9IIDTT{ ALONG TI{E NORTT{ERLY LOT LINB OF SUBJECT PROPERTY AS SHOWN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VAIL VILIAGE, EI,EVENTH FILING. 16, DEED OF TRUST DATED SepEember 0{, 1990, FROM SERIID JURGETI HrNTZ !O THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI,'NTY FOR THE USE OF I'NITED BANK OF DElwER NATTONAL ASSOCTATTON ?O SECURE THE St,.!y| OF $527,500.00 RECoRDED september 11, 1990, IN BOOK 537 AT PAGE 29]. ITEMS 1 THROUGH 11 OF SCHEDI'IJE B ARE HEREBY DEIJBTED. PAGE 5 SEP-l?-98 rO'11 FRCJI4 LAND Il l!t L{.JA^^rriEi: vAt! rD 3t,J 'l 7E 4S34 PAGE 5 A) The subject' rea] property may be locat€d in a special taxlngdi€Ericc. B, A certiticate of raxes Due risring each Laxing juriedlct,ionmay be obtalnad_ frorn the County Tieaeurer or [tri CountyTreasurer, s auEhorized agent, - c) The informrt,ion regarding epecial discricE,s and Ehe boundariesot such dietricts may be oblained from the Board of CouniyCoftnissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the CouniyAEaessor. r,,AND OJor cuA,RANrEOOCoMpANy DI SCLOST'RB STATE|I|IEIIT Rcquired by Senate Bilf 9l-14 Reguired by Senare Bill 92-1{3 A) A certi'flcete of raxes Due listing each taxing jurisdictionsh.ll be obtalned lrom the County Treasurer oi lfre CountyTreasurer,s aulhorized agent. t.flt d alLT lra OO itoB t{Ar.tE ST'BDIVISI IJOT ADDRESS 'll'be forur is used to verify service availabillEy and location. This should be used in conjuncLion with preparing your uEiLity plan and scheduting installations. For any new consLrucEion proposal , Ehe applicanu must provide a compleLed utility verificaEion forn. Tbe locacion and availability of utilities, whetlrer Ehey be nain trunk lines or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified by the foll,owing utiLit,ies for Ehe accompanying site plan. AIl autborizing signatures need to be originals. Authorized Sionature D4!g . U.S. weBE conmunlcaEions {68-6860 or 949-4s30 . nrbiic service company 9{9 - 613s Gary Halt/Ricb Cooley , HoIy Cross ElecEric Assoc. 949-5892 nngineering DepE. Ted Husky/Michael lJaverty rrTcl cablevirion of Ehe Rockies, 949-L224,r lr Mark Graveg lpi,irfl64 , r.ulDper Eagle va1ley water & Sanltation District * 476-7480 Fred Baslee M 7re ?- /7- 2f r t'l' ,.t.rk rtA gige plan la requireil. pbysical location of knono utllltles must be gbowa oa the site plan. UtiliEy locatioas may or may notoffer seririce to tbe property line. Any utility extensioa reguiredshall be tbe responsibility of the DroDerty onaer. NOTE: 1.If a utilicy company has concerna with the proposedconstruction, the utitity represent,at,ive should notdirect,ly on the utility verification fom that, tbere . is a problem which needs to be resolved. The igsue: should then be spelled oue in detail in an attachedletter to the Town of vaiL. However, please keep inmind Ehat, ic is tbe responsibiliry of the urtfiti company to resolve ident.ified problems. If lhe utility verification forrr has signatures fromeach of the uti]ity courpanies, and no comlenLs are made directly on the folm, Lhe Town will presrrme thaL there are no problenrs and that, ghe development can proceed. These verificat,ions do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a sEreeE cue pernit,fron the Town of Vail, Department of public worksand Lo obtain utilitv locations before diooino inany pubLic right-of -way or easement, in tlre Tovrn ofVail. A buildino oermit is not a street cut oermit.A street cut permit must be obt,ained separaEely. Inscallation of serrice Lineg are at tbe er(I)ense andresponsibility of the property owner. 2. 3. 4, r.vlr.d a/l?/tl DESIGI{ o REVIEW BOARD DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********at INCOMPLETE APPLTCATIONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDTMBD FOR REVIEW.********** A. I.PROiIECT TNFOR}TATION: DESCRIPTION: APPITICATION ' TOI{N OF VAIIT, COLORADO B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New ConstructionAddition ($50.00) ,/' ($200. OOI --(-uinor AlLeration Conceptual Review ($20.00) ($0) C. ADDRESS: D. I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION: Subdivision If property is described bydescription, please provide Lo this appLication. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet 1ega1 and attach E. It NAME OF APPLI Mailing G. H. NAME OFMailing ./. APPIJICANT I S REPRE Address: Phone NAI'{E OF OhINER(S): OWNER(5, SIGITATTIRE: MaiIi.ng Address: APPLICATIONS WIIJI, NO! BE PROCESSED IIITHOW OWNER'S SIC'f|'ATORE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees. as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submit,tal of the DRB application. r,ater, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accuratevaluaLion of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjusts Lhefee according to the table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. . Ju. I. J. VALUATION 0 - $ 10,000 $10,001 -g 50,000 $ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $150, 001 - $ 500, 000 $500, 001 - $1, 000, 000g Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGI{ REVIEI| BOAND APPROVAIJ EXPTRES APPROVAL I'NLBSS A BUIIJDING PERUIT ISIS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AFTAR FINAIJ ISSUED END CONSTRUCTION LoE T$U"{301lli1ll. toPRB.APPIJICITTON UEETTNG :II. A pre-applicat,ion meeting with a mernber of tbe planningstaff is encouraqed to determine if any addit,ionalapplicaEion information is needed. IL is Ehe applicantrsresponsibility t,o make an appoinLmenL with che ltaff todetermine if Lhere are additional submiLLar requirements.Please note that a coMpr,ETE application wil.r sireamrine thereview process for your project.. III. IMPORTAI T NOTICE REGIARDING AI,I, SUBMISSIONS TO ITHE DRB: A. In addit.ion to meeting submittal requirenenLs, theapplicant must stake and tape the project siLe toindicate property lines, building lines and buildingcorners. A11 trees t,o be removed must be taped. Allsite tapings and staking must be completed piior t,o the DFiB sire-visit. The applicant must ensure thac stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. B. The review process for NEW BUIIJDINGS normally requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Board: aconceptual review and a final review. C. epplicanEs who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their sched.uled. meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their item beposLponed, will have their items removed from the DRBagenda unt,il such time as Ehe it.em has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administ,rator, be approved by the Community DeveLopment, Department 6taff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore Ehe DRB may not be required): a. windows, skylights and similar exLerior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuildinq; aid b. Building additions not, visible from any other lotor public space. At the t,ime such a proposal issubmitted, applicants must, include Letters fromadjacent property owners and,/or from the agent, foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationstating the association approves of the addit,ion. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, flood pl.ain, debris f1ow, r,vetland, etc.), a hazard study must be submitt,ed andthe owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazardreport prior to the isguance of a building permit. applicant.s are encouraged to check with a Tovrn plannerprior to DRB application to determine Lhe rel_ationshipof the property Lo all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site pLan afour foot, dist.ance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. c. If DRB approves the application with condiLions ormodifications, alL conditions of approval must, beaddressed prior Eo the application for a buildingpermit.. ttgn Revierai Action F0n TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Prolec|Name: #, ntr z ' A)e ,^t Ftt <-e Building Name: -,/ |oate 'd/3o / 't 5 Project Description: owner,Addresr"notnon"' R . f,"ro,^ 4,','f- 317.0 -Rt,.,atl |pFnk '1\i2 t-)A,tL (e./ Q/a,<n ?2/'a77/ ArchitecUOontact, Address and Phone:-Po 1.,, ? 8? 7Yf .7n Legaf Description:Lot /O Bbck 3 suouivision lh,J (l'l|.*" //a zon oi"ti{Vt''1 Proiect street Address: I , : o ?. .,., fl f 2{ . l. T}. Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: fl Disapproval filStaff Ancroval ,L,; Town Planner .--z / /oa", €/zor/ ?( .t DRB Fee P,"-prif 2C 7 oo inlrl 6z z = dl ca z I I l_ t<to I I I I ,oIFt< E,IFtaz l=to l2 I orl |') tuJ>:k:ro I I I I I I I I t() IE tzr6 oo oIn ln (n U' uJluu- == UJ(L $sShro \s cr uJz 3 II ulElF Ee!E $€ eH : B,l (')lI nd;3oF FE s6 R$ -:\E Eg 90)tEoo PF e€ 3o6cD O,E E;6Foo El -E'.9 sg c(!t3 g, .9 .!E o (6 o E G o o) $ =o 'oF (g oF o(J o 6 -9o. Dc G (q ; E.; >o. ts o o) €, o)6 E6'-E E8 c -.2 EEF'5 EScL'- al,o(E ex =!,=>c9'- o, d.0 !6oc 5O CC F= .Y- o(! i(tr'-E EE-6 E(/)ruELC O(!ie_c(! -d(!0 n! 6,66 0rfE8o6 tE(('E >9.ct(l)E4 EE_C' r\ .nulL! LL ts = EJo- J FoF z =) NOtJ.VntVA z tr 5az H dHz q + a HHI Hg I It. E Et-;x ;H ",.HH ffi hy4 U zz Fo_ 4x>a9.o aO6b<)zr!<oqHdto -;ai LL o o- E o-L! z Eo zotr uJF =uJz ol =,|ol ql =l>l t!lol zl 3l 0tFI I I ^lilolurlcl JI <l>l u-lol 3t :Ol uJFI F C.l F F\!n IF. N -lnl TI-l ?l El Jl <l>l ttlol zl =lolFI lrl Ff ts FJFl Fl = tr Il* lo I I Jad[l o4IqI =l() I el ol :l 6l zl3l PI FztrlErd trrE l-a E & lr1 = tr Ig HHH zzHc)zH E & IA Fl B F-\' l--c{ Fzoo z - ul o t*o =!tvb2 f- Fz tE2? s3]F -a zo () E -.r O<FEC)uJ<ztrLll F(^Zoo oz E =t uJ o- uJ t! o-zoF C) E.Fozo() F UJJ UJ (,z o cl F E o- JFlll -h= d trt>cOIoo\rrxo-x>EFJJ rL rlldl F .: E Eo() o Eo E IoIt--- t. {l EEEl 7a Lr<o,'at^l-J2o'w L)(/t.A l-/,2y',.. uJFo d) ?zo Fo- uJY UJdl oF tr cr llJ o. tL^ \,, 6\i;o>.o=xlqHr :de= | * " , at{- L.L___ , I Project Appllcation Proiect Name: $ i^TZ- ,^," lo L 1l> n'a Proiect Description' lk-t^vt-ti'ALl Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: Motion by: fi t,r* uo r-11,-o ej-n,lo Design Review Board Date Seconded by: APPBOVAL DISAPPROVAL D statt Approval otr LtE--- , ,f:-- | . .3'ltt l U boyde en€frF€rr€, Fc. l4t e. rneodorcf. sdie 390 cros*oo(t shopptng c€nl€r voil. colorodo E1657 nu47&2170 2xtt1ttl.q HbbJ 1.8 - HAttgxltl fie fa Ftr't3-lbl 1t- tod >{sa*rr\ ns F-ltt4 NEhI 4r b Or6T V+''-l'-on $ti FaPlaoD ?ecYt*4 1a 96 I il <1A vLv?, rftcY- bpafilrN Y 717o VA It oAIo hool l L?ZLV , 60soFhDO bLF b , 1170 D?IVA /frtnz ftc*obrl 6-$ll:lB 6t;;""""o:;o:,--ir. t+seR i V&r-rtf'lf 46/9 o, Drg lPPr.rcArrolt DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB UEETING: *****THIS APPLICATION WII,L NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION rs SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLIEATION ITEETING: i,-r''! rW,'"/, rl,, A pre-application neeting with a planning staff nenber is st-ongly suggested to deternine if any additional infornation is needed. No applicatlon will be accepted unless it ie conplete (nust lnclude aII itens recnrired by thd zonl.na adninistrator). It is the applicantrs -sponsibiftty to nake an appointnent with the staff to find out about additlonal subnittal requirernentE. Please note that a Col'tPLETE applicatlon will Etreamline the approval process for your proJect by decreasing the nunber of conditlons of approval that the DRB nay stipulate. ALL condLtions of approval rnust be resolved before a building per:nit is iEsued. Application will not be processed without ownerrs Sj.gnature. A. PROJEEI DESCRIPTION: B.IOCATION Address OF PROPOSAL: J Legal DescrJ-ption Irt /C Block subdivisi on t/flL-!Z,LJ/6 F//,. zoning c. NAr.!E OF APPLTCANTT \7raeF /t//te /Hhadu€*afz-- Mailing Address: t/A/L eo 6/65L Phone /4a _a.24</ D.NA}IE OF APPIJICANTIS REPRESENIATIVE: ltailing Address: Phone E. NAI{E OF OWNERS: srcNATrrRE (8) 3 Uailing Address: Phone F. G. Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE:permLt is paid for. YAUJASIgN I o- $ 10,001 - $ 50,001 - $150, Col - s50o,oo1 -$ Over I 10,000$ 50, ooos 150,000I 500,000 $1, 000, 000 91, 000, 000 FEE $ 10.00 $ 2s.oo $ s0.00 $100. OO $20O. OO $300. 00 3 s73 - 3z/- 3477 II. T!{PORTANT NOTICE REGARDTNG ALL SUBUISSIONS TO THE DRB: A. In addition to rneeting subnittal requirenents, theapplicant nust stake the site to Lndicate propertylines and building corners. Trees that will be removed rnust also be narked. This work must be conpleted before the DRB visits the site. B. The revierr process for NEW BUILDINGS will norrnallyinvolve two separate neetings of the Design Review Board, so the applicant should plan on at least two neetings for a final approval. c. ApplicantE who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meetlng and who have not askedfor a postponeroent wLll be reguired to be republished. D. At the discretLon of the zoning adninistrator, thefollowing items may not have to be presented to the Design Review Board. They, however, have to be presented to the Planning Department for approval: a. l{indows, skylights and similar exterior changesthat do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Building additions that are not vlewed fron anyother lot or publlc space, whLch have had letterssubnitted fron adjoining property owners approvingthe addition; and/or approval from the agent for,or manager of a condorniniurn association. E. You rnay be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, debrisflow, wetlands, etc). You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. tt' .I'IIST Of UATERIAIJS NAI.IE OF PRO.'ECTS requlred for eubml.ttal to the Deslgn approval can be gLven3 TYPE OF UATERIAL COIOR B.IANDSCAPING:i Nane of Deslgner: il/A- Phone: Pr,AlrT I'IATdRIALS: Dgf.ltdCaLNSDe common Nane ouantltv Size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING ITREES TO BE REIIOVED *Indlcate callper for declduoug trees. lllnlnum calltc?! for decLduous tree! Ls 2 Lnches. Indlcate hetght for conlferouE - r.EGAr, DESCRrprrOn: l{rr:o BrOCK "3 suBDrvrsro[l,wLJ/1, //ryuLI€) STREET N)DRESS! DESCRIPTION OF PRO.'ECT:8.,+tegat The following {nfornatlon Le Review Board before a final A. BUII,DING }TATERIAI..S: Roof Siding other Wall llaterlals Fascia Soffits tfl.ndowE Window Trln Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other 'TO hrt ,r- .: '\, PIn$l ITATERIALS: Botanical Name Conrnon Name OuantLtv Slze* PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SIIRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indlcate slze of proposed shrubs. MLnl-nun sLze-Cf-EhgbE-.b5 qallon. T]Pe Scuare Footaoe GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR IfETHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, C. OTHER IAIfDSCAPE fBAIttRES (retaining walls, fences, ewinnlng poola, etc.) Pleage speclfy. Indlcate helghts of retalnLng wafle. Uaxlnun helght of wallE wl'thln the front setback is 3 feet. Maxinum helght of walle eleewhere on tlre property ie 6 feet. IAL INSPECTION'S CO}IPLEIED Ulhe ltens below aeed to be eouplete before glvlng a pernlt a flnal C of 0. Please check off lu the box provlded. FINAL PLWBING DATE: n n PII{AL }'ECEANICAL DATEs IilPROVEMENT SURVEY RESID. NAI.TE: DATE: s FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE: UEST SIDE: DATE: TEMPORARY DA'E: / ^J3 -? / LITNDSCAPING DI'E DATE: \\r.^\ \\\\\ F*ErAl{E, NN-2- "\\\r\X - ':l' rr.rsilcrtoNTOWN QF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES WED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT THUR BUILD!NG: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUNDr-.\'. UJfiG *tr FOUNDATION / STEEL . XBOUGH i D.W.V.tr FouNDATIoN / srEEL -Vnoucx i D.w.v. U-r fiG *kil; T'tr&,;;,*^*. /z-- --nl99.l^&^si-EFn...^ ,Qcos pretri-c l,-- o A ' 6o/EZ-" PLYWOOD NAILING "/\- , T FBAMTNG d tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL E FINAL O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS o co*odh tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL lQreenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED Aoerc /U - Zt'n )zrl tNsPEcroR ffi*rop ". I rMrr! "i../&, - ---.-\ra tttL t _ | rr l|!\rrEt I lvll t REQUEST VAILTOWN OFPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR C.uilc DATE \\\\ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER N cl c^---..- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr tr tr UMBING: B FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERC] FRAMING r-.r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER- ';-" Bdoucx (?&'tr.c tr CONDUIT MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL \PPROVED ..f' RRECTIONS: - tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR n'Fis'op PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR tNs TION TOWN OF -AM PM I I I REQUESTVAIL I DATE BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND - tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n 19.95^&^sI.qFR...^ tr cAS PTPTNG" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATIO tr POOL / H. TUB ,aE(sueernocK NAIL LLfq(A\" s tr/\ I r'1 r'l tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR - nn tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO ffisxop ' 4r"- ),*rt"toN *Jlu="t I PERMIT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: NUM B PROJECT JOB NAME CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES W zTOWN OF VAIL tHUR ti L/ FRI ) BU!LDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING ,__ ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION D POOI / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL FLAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo* ll-?- fo rNSPEcroR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CTION TOWN OF I REQUEST VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED .Aro.. oare \\t\1 JoB NAME f\t nc\r WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- N FRAMING tr tr tr tr tr tr ROUGH / WATER r_r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB 4 tr trlFINAL FINAL SHEETROCK ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONOUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTO nfri$c,P q6/f -i rNs CTION TOWN OF a REQUEST VAIL NAME 'el r) I '.1 READY FOB INSPECTION: toce-,oN,S/-3-0 f;qleeaoveos:7 E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMB ROJECT oor, / J BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr o tr tr tr n UMBING: E FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING '-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB E] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH o tr tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB t'rrruRl D FINAL CORRECTIONS: DATE :trr rNs;ctoNTOWN OF REQ VAIL I UEST JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: @,*,eN^ NUMBER OF PROJECT tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUN.D tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " pLYwooo NAtLtNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED COBRECTIONS: INSPECTOR 4brs t fu^'u nMr#:J*c rNs PERMIT NU BER OF PROJECT TOWN OF AIL oora I I ltu., JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES PM?READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: B tr tr tr tr tr tr UILDING: FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr o tr D UMBING: FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL lrr*or-tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL ( aeenoveo COBBECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oarc /-Jl- 7/ rNSPEcroR rtFoz ozI d) .5 z tllF F ==o I I IPJ lo I I I I I I l- t5 l5l('tzro tJ co co ol Fl F) U'Hq z l-J an UJull!t =0a UJI NN \ t\r\. \\\ uJz3 UJT (D oE oE Ec ao 0)I) o .s = dl E o =l E(D 6 3o o o - (s .Y''=o.,,);i*iui ESEa F.CR€ *EE8 =.= (! - ==..=6E 6PEc-o> ET:E = gi; .96G -*ior3 5;.5 EEARE!Eoe O O-Eg;;E .EiSe cL (! cL-$EigoiEo :€:€ E6:nEE E Tg:E Tcs=: - o.lJ o .c=o(,) $r; f e B 3e E HA; tEEe ;E:E :5 gg - o aEl tdo $\o U' utt! tr =t LlJo- J F F tr Gt!o-oz ,) FFTd F1lr|<HDpFa FFT FN|< FEllHL1 M|<tsHr) FF xe. =l! z tr E()o UJ J UJzluo E >c Eu.t =aON zz tr^aq5&oo-E.noz>.oa)o2lr< v= 9U ..;<rj (uE J zo Fo z tr tuF 'IJJz .. >l UJo UJulzoF IJJ .J z E 2 F laz aFz, OZ ..iF do3dor \o ca I\oNo\ rlF-l9l I ?lol uJl :l <l>l 5l zl;l 9lFI ats & H 3 z Fl FH Fl ot =.1olull cEl JI <t>l t!lol zl;lolFI I ,ilYI ol Hl JI <lilol flr ilol zl3lolFI N r\(n IF e.l @ qFrlHtlp4\olHLnl(l-{lr'l Iql tlXAIr'l :lI .;l flEldJlHSI 6t lllcoltzl =31qol ILI FI ,.l :l tsll(,l 3t dl ;l z lJ- H uJ =z d)o c{ro rn I\o i(L F-lH = &trl Ho co (r'| E 2 (9 =(D ) o FO Fz z r() llJ = l--C irL! b2 o -rO<F(rC)uJ<zELUF(qZ EoF() z ) a () IJJ) oz E =t UJo- (Jz lrY H.-< odro FA =z --r O JaL lJ- co "3q =83=uJ;6il= nEn !Dtr tr = uJ LLo IJJoz f o oF(roco- JFh>1cduJ>aLOL9o iUJ6aL:> l!' J tr uJdl o E-- .")+ ':/').c) IJJF U)dlofzo F TLulY UJo oFt ffi3o-q t!lol>:lo-l 8El | 'rl'I EuJbkzo E =E, lrJo-zIF C)f E.Fazo(J luwn 75 soulh lronlage road Yall. colo.ado 81657 (303) 476-7000 depanment of publlc works/transportatlon TO: FROM: DATE: RE: In sunnary, 0rdinance No. 6 states that lt is unlawful for any person toIitter, track or deposit any so1l, rock, sand, debrls or material, includlng trash dumpsEers, portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, al1ey or public place or any portlon thereof. The right-of-way on all Town of Vall streets and roads ls approxinately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance wL11 be strictly enforced by the Town of Val.1 Public Works Department. Persons found violating this ordinance will be given 24-hour written notlce to renove sal-d naterial. In the event the person so notified does not corrply rdith Ehe notlce wlthln the 24-hour time specifl-ed, the Public Works Deparcment w111 remove saLd mate.rlal at the expense of personnotifled. The provlslons of thLs ordinance shall not be applicable to constructlon, naintenance or repalr projects of any street or alley or anyutilltles in the rlght-of-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 ln full, please stop by the Town of Vail Suildlng Department to obtaln a copy. Thank you for your cooperatj.on ln thls matter. Read and Acknowledped bv: VAIL1989 MEMORANDIJM ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH TIiE TOI,IN OF VAIL TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARI}IENT MARCH 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 5 Acknowledged by: o r! { ea l\ U {J U) \$ I\l,r\) .l r\_ $$ioh,{ $ tq d t\{r\$^{ + $ $$ rqsl{ tle 2ID4 c _9g c,U *g i$'n +o 2. *{loc\i 4 { \,F \4\ l*{ $$ i$s', >l)tt ty,\ 6 I tr, 5':-'.:E5l '''5"="o-E crjr'-6ii== t r;:e e€ I E i: ,,) cjF <> :: =3ll:s+e*Eif, _- P .v (o ifj :=- -ii aE = g 3 *.c=E--' FE:5,sep aE =g E-* ca c cu = Hr'6 = 3::; --E Plc I i E'3 -.!ocr(oCt) E 9.q F:E'-(g - o -= >.-= rr?a;1! $; E ;=5*e:; g* eFE g€, tr FE'ts;e g€ too A( ,,t iiJ. x ry t[ L' \.'t q U \l-ci 6:8ai.. cD ErI-F<rf >l'\ .s..r CI * UJ ql J { >>p .i-v G./ .A -v- Tx\t ull e$.rl H, u a { il FooI $!Ds $o IN o SPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:T]JES WEDMON THUR PMFRI PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB !€HEETHOCK NAIL ,*l;-tr -tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trNAL tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: b ''l'3^.', PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL , i,. liNAME [ . i t it k\, .t] r'::r |:. SALLER r. )- 1.-t r i. TUES WED 6Hun\ FRI AM fSVl.tREADY FOB LOCATION: MON " )(-. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL iPPROVED ,CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR 1( 'hH An (O J-T ''|U PERMIT NUMBER OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: IbcNAME T JOB PROJEC 6tr ttt) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FBAMING |-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr o [Qnr-tr FINAL APPRoVED 7 tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: F,co oor= X* / c^ ^r{f rNspEcroR FINAL INSPECTION'S COMPLETED The belor items need to be complete before giving a permit a final C of 0. Please check off in the box provjded. FINAL PLUTIBING FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: ELECT RI CAL FINAL BUILDING TEMP0RARY C of 0 CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY TO: To Whom It May FROIi: Patricia ltl. P. RE: Lot 10, Block Conce rn Hodge 3, Vail Village Uth Filing Transfer of a portion of above mentioned lot is in process. The current owner is Lenox M. P. godge and the estate ot Jeanette M. Itodge as per the attached copy of the narranty deed. Following is the name of the attorney representing the parties in this transact ion: Ur. Donatd H. Burkharalt 300 Kittredge Builcling 511 Sixteenth Street Denver, Colorado u02O2 (623-2Lt2l ur. Burkhardt may be contacted if necessary for additional infortnation. the final paperwork shoulo be completed by August I, 1983. ;[,{tQ fl-oB"- P. Hodge UPatr icia It{ . cc: Snowden,/Hopk ins Architects Tonn of VaiI Mr. Donald Bur khar dt ... -! 4 5-.a.{/.;.'r& 75 south lronlage road vall, colorado 81652 (303) 476-7000 August 5, .|983 Pam Hopkins Snowdon & Hopkins 201 E. Gore RangeVail, C0 81657 Dean Pam: 0n August 3, 1983, the Design Reviewas submitted. Public Worfs-approviiis issued. $i'ncerely,/*fu--// ,linf Sayre Town Planner JS/bb Hodge ResidenceLot 10, Block 3, V.V. llth eg3ld. approved the Hodge Residencewill be required betore a permit Re: TO SNOWDON AND HOPK ARCHITECTS 2Ol Gore Creek Drive vAtL, coLoRADO 81657 wE ARE SENDTNG YOU I$ Attached D Under separate cover via LtrTTil@F TRANSNflOTTAL fl Plans D Samples the following items: E Specificationstr Shop drawings D Copy ol letter g[ erints D Change order (303) 476.220r coPt Es OATE NO.DESCRIPTIONn,1 7/lti'2 5 trnk** F/"tzl t)nntt'/' I /I 2 )frn'{aa/"/t DtP-///h,,/,'/, /,/an hru*r*, htf /'//,|/rniz4.fn 2/zri / THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval fr Fo,' yor, ,.. fr As requested E For review and commcnt ! FOR BIDS DUE Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections ! Resubmit-copies for approval tr Submit-copies for distribution D Return -corrected prints tr tr tr tr 19- tr PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS Prqf,rxo2 l@b" en , b. or.7l t arrcloavraa arr oot aa notad, hlndlrt notit ua at onca' SFR, L0jrr qr,-r._qK for R, R P/S ZONE D I STR ICTS Descri pti on:Lot lO arock 3 Filins l/ l4LL-aM ll Archi tect Zone District Proposed Use t Legal 0wner uNt) Lot size /q*q g Hei ght Total GRFA Prjmary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear l,later Course Site Coverage Landscapi ng Parki ng Credi ts : Garage Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Storage Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Al I owed 20' 15', 1.5' ( 3q) (so) Proposed -r+@ l'{,"3 "lIttT oF hytt']l4) Cd?s'a'*n1)f' tpEE oP a^4.11- olr ,-9o n) 392 o -,.(---:,-- 1!6qy 1aoo) ( eod) ( 12oo ) \oltiool \sltsot t\tt+ool conrment5 - 6f-= - NEP rttL 4dP1- - fot?- E, ) (f H.6*ltr - Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope Toni ng z / Approv edlDi s a pproved O^rf o^t", v/ z\l ss Project Application Darc \ji.)l>( | ,5'.j, l'1,.d,\' proiecr Name: Fr-:Dr^tr *i=t''trt f >i':'l-\Cl' ' proiect Descrip ,,.^, A'{- ; ta tri t.\ 1'> €,i I'JfAUf. : tr A*4lt.s( -f ,; '"17'.Jo T*/''tlD{ conract person and pno^" ? K;:-"f *eY=aE CtL "\-i: C'+l (W I 1 ,/'' 'f4: r',a+J;f fT-'ar-n{// FS Owner, Address and Phone: Phone i-Lr' ' t .. ^...yd tLJ V,V. / I Zone - 3 +r^ Legal Description Block Comments: Design Review Board 1,, '- | ":'. Date Motion by: Seconded by:T,a r :r-)a DISAPPROVAL /j4 !) t ) f: "qS 4&sa;*y; f ' ' .tc ,rt crz<! F Rf4 . E statt Approval Niili.i .Ul; l't{(t.il:C'|.IlrgLlence AddibioL -O-- - 10 ul,ocK l;t l,lNG Vail Village 11thl,l:cAl, l)li!;cl( I Pl'lOi\i : l,o'l' t)li.SCl{ I l'1'l 0;i 0F l'll0Jl;(l'j'Addition of unlb to existing single family hou-se. The follorving informatjon is Board bcfore a finat apProval A. BUlLD'iifi I.TA'TERIALS Roof Siding other I'ja11 l"laterials Fascia Soffits lVindor,ts Itiindow Trin Doors Door Triin Hand or Deck Rails F lues Flash j.nds Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PI.ANT MATERIALS Botani ca'l ltame TREES Picea Brslemanml rcqrrircd for submi.ttat by thc applicant 1o lhc Design licvicw can be Eiven: Type of I'llrtct'ial Cedar shakes C.l I t, Cedar T &'G Cabot's semi-sol1d 0145 Stucco Oomoo settet lt2001 zx tz Cabot's 0145 F.S. Cedar plywood Cabot's 0145 CIad Grey (Pe]la) Wood Wood 2x6 I4etal Cabot's 0145 stucco |bta1 Paint out Stucco Compo settef lt2o01 in garage & Associates Populus ll.emuloides Aspen Corrnon Name 0uanti ty Spruee 4 Juniperus Chimemsis Syringa Vulgarus Potent,illa Fluticosa Sea Green Juniper Oonrnon Lilac ,l---------:- ,l Si ze 4,-6' 1-1 1/ztl 5 Gal. 5__q4. 5-qe1. SHRUBS Cold Dop Potentilla 7 GROUND COVERS t' ARE FOOTA,i. 5 flats 12 flats 3 flats SQUARE F00T|'"l Disturbed areas Icelandic Poppy Varigated Ajuga Shasta Daisv s0D To match existing SEED TYPE TYPE 0F Underground system SQUARE FOOTAGE IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. Other Landscape Features (retaining tva'|1s, fences, swimmjng pools, etc.) P'lease specifl tJJ i1,1'l'Y l,O{lri'l loi',i VIil(ll;iCA'f lON stjllt)tvisIOri Vail .JOr) NAMn Hodge Residence t,OT 10 BLOCK Al)DIltlSS 3130 Booth Creek Drive The location of utiliti.es, whether they 1ines, nust be approved :rnd vcrified by accompanying site plan. Mountain Bell Western Slope Gas Public Service Company i{o1y Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Valley }Vater and Sanitation District FILINC__ Vaj-1 .Village 11th Filing be main trunk the following I j.ne s or propos ed utilities for the Authorized &x-ts7-r*/5 Ll{-.!> ,/41si 7- /5-83ffi: N0TE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vai1, Departnent of Public Works and to obtain utility locations before ctigging in any public right- of-way 01- easenent in the Torvn of Vail. A, building permit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut pernit nust be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location. This should be used in conjunction with preparJ"ng your utility plan and scheduling jnstallations. ', 'i:,- , ilrl t. t"l ' }',r-.l. !h{ttrl. aflr{t irt t..1't ' I i*trrtrtrtL" tr" a.lril!}t C'rt 'rri iar., r J " t.d3tL t' 1.'r1, ' lav!ttt , " rr'tr , !h rit, "! ldi I'ifr "r**'rtt". "'" ' "' iy. .,tblft lrr ' lrtl r-- ,:r4rt"lt "' **tr'rl'ur'"'*' ' "' ''' '' lfffr *. ll'tu(ltl i':i'tJ\\, \ | 1'r|rrf ! BEST INIAGE-S POSSIBLE u,o J G anlolo Gltlzoo =FooG /rAt;"^=vi= =G=t I I I I I I I I I I I Il{l(ul 14 lt{l(tlAl tlolFll I I I Io! € b Q) ' n () i) I I I I Iio f-F. F-I tlLnpoc{ rl(\ lll z q) 'o I sl ca a;\Fr\{ IrI ==p Fr ra FFr o (/l t-i ..a; x03E{_={so!a& OH\;\(FrS( a( t\F,r r-i.* 9iHblq< trlGZ>oit\ SY P>vezo\U ?os< S t'r HS t\ F--os sRs b.rcn ca e !,: \J .x:\ i\ts'r l'r Htr3X 3Sltr!4 c'5t\ \r E3isa\\\a(,svr'i Ol rrl" uH -t{ t"NFT[.- a{---d N F- r*e;<=5>ca ristr +r l-i ^ \,, H rrl|\'/\\)\aOQUt\ TRsaXSIPF.r -\ X=uxvt/l \*>RS tFfFf tiflJ A.EEtgrRP1r{ *efr 95,F{ }. - rf- -r9-trt=f:l:r'--H f+\.d{f-tF..*a * -- trLIt{ s? t't{a-l{ AIr|-ldi-|r!4rF. fPtlrlhA| € {, N a) o l'- Or.{ o .-l Flalf o .,{ t{o j1 (, t{U {Joo !a o c/).{(') 4' N .|) l& I I I'l I g, olot{(,o 6 oo ro oo& >rr-l 'Ati fi.t I Fl ulc _Fl (h 'd o rt 3 (, () E...1 o & Ho .qt{(t A{ (u z o $s F t"z z > e F 2 E (J F Irla z Fotil {ll zo lul llr ozl ll, z sc oFz IJJ- ulo lll o F G ulE !lo Jt! u,E FoJ Fo ul JIt J oF v s \ *- R L Er lrl o oz -oJ -l'o =J Lr-G' =,-etts i Ittt NOtrvn'lvA Y G 3tto 2o FE a uJo t!F 2o9t 2 trq*d,6Fltt4!J ?>:< ur) >o - a,i ll-:9" Fz<:FFu, l)p za< z (J,. tzza :t trl<c o9 -c!= z F(t ll5lco q0 ^>-z*< A(J>o ;.i o ul IJ2l IJJ z -<c !J ll J uJ G Fo F zul E uJ uJ t Er lrl o o z -0 Jl o = ILo =-e')- a !Itt Pormit No. 000265 T UI tm Ltc. No. Llc. No. Ltc. No. YAIL u{ATER Al{D SAI{ITATIOI{ DISTRICT WATER AI{ll SEWER TAP PERMIT NAME OF JOB TION AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION GENERAL PLUMBING OR MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NuMBER oF uNrrs /. LzS x $300.00 = Amount Date Billed 8ldg. D.pt. - Whlto; - Wator 6nd Sanitstion - Gre6n; TAPPERMITWILL NOTBE ISSUED UNTIL TAP FEES HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. Mster Sizs Date Paid - Public Work.. Candry; - Contr.ctor - Pink; - Accounting - Gold.nrgd Town of Yail rx.ncIItIcAL PmI{IT Job Name. Date of Electrical Contractor309 /t"&,hffi,J,* APPROVALS ?/"/' N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid-..-.- $...-.......-..........-..-.- s. ...Ja..1a. Chl.d Butldllt Oflctal THIS FORilI 13 TO BE POSTED (,1{ .,OB SITE DURING CONSTRUCTTON 211 HOttRS ADVANCT' N()IICE REQIJIRED FOR INSPECTIONS Received By PLUMETTNC/MECHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL oor, lD ltllab' T'BNAME Q,,exrle p6a172=-6p owNER Lou %*-o ooo".., lh)r, coNrRAcroR fhv P, ,--rt?/r?.2 enon4)Q7-4n4: ffiu,,E orseppnoveq OF BUILDING: oF woRK: {rr* n noolrroru ! neuooel ! n=po,* RIPTION OF WORK: MECHANICAL: NUMBERUMBING: NUMBER ALUATION $ aa PERMIT FEE rorAL FEES: $ ZZg ,*, ra/y'za DESIGN REVIEW BOARD o .& DATE OT .IdEMBERS MEETING: PRESEI'iT: November 17 t977 - BILL RUOFF LOU PAiKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO SUBJECT. Lou Parker - garage ACfION TAKEN MOTION VOTE: BOABD: LOT , BLOCK__, FTIING SECONDED BY: AGAINST: BY FOR: ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: IGN REVIB1V BOARD IIEETING: PRESENT: November 10, L977 BILL RUOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO SUBJECT:Parker Residence - sarase o DES .-, - ! I 'l I I : DATE OF .mMsrns ACIION LOT , BLOCK_; FILING SECONDED BY: AGAINST: TAKXN MOTION VOTE:troR: BoARD: ffiz trNSAffi2CrVEf) ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: APPLICANT O .//MEETING: lO/ e7 /?+ PRESENT: . BILL RUOFF LOU PARKER BILL BISHOP RON TODD ABE SHAPIRO DESIGN REVIEW BOARD .r I I DATE OT I{EMBERS COF+CEPfl-At- LOT , BLOCK , FILING ACTION TAKEN MOTION BY BOARD: SECONDED BY: AGAINST:VOTE: FOR: ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPBOVED: .Lo DES RiTTTGTT_ Lou Parker Bill BishoP -nofiTo-ftt--' Abe ShaPiro a DATE ON IIEETI}IG: IIEITBERS PRESEI|T.: IGN REVIEIV BOARq AgTION TAKEN BY UCIION: VOTE: APPROVID: ' DISAPPROVIiD: BOARD: '-Ohnrca : .f2 ' '' -- sEcoNDxD zu:4fu2ttroP ' AGAINST: ABSTDNTION: I 4 --2ronW ,6 SUhllrlARY: F o DESICII Rlivlnl'l noARI) DATE OII [I[[TING: I'lDtlBltRS PRDSENT: ACTION TAIiEN BY BOARD: rrorroN , l-uiA , SEiONDED BY: AGAINST: AI}ST11N1'ION: / ApPnovlir) t fZ-- DISAI)PIIOYIiD: SUlrlllAIlY: 'l .Spe1t(ot+Qt+) Ptl lor n,81413 l/^r. ftL.^.. lh FL..!a 5.a!., ,9 . Lcao' .1$. a. - t',b'Ee REtoEttcE ftr- fA | *t<'1 lurcL r#,# ui,{ /* t"l, / "/ru, - /a, o/t cry" y/a^' 6 - E' arat4aJt e Pr>ts*etld) trrgll,lfr v, r.da. ,;,M',pruw Gl$s Lzi !! ' ., Subdivi sion Lot Bl ock Filing l.Submittal Item! " Qb,nrr*t*E !!Ecr rIsI ! I ,- l/r.' t'-/ (Acceptable) (ltot AccePtable) ,'' :7 *)rz ( oxt,tz. Zz?-b -- (A) Topo HaP (B) sitc P'lan (c) uti'litv Plan ( D) Ti tle ltePort(ri srualvis'ion Agreement 2. tlqi neeri n9 8sggilgliren'll (if apP'licatrle) 3. (A) cu'lvert Size -i it i D ; i verray c ra dE-TBFmax)-f^ffi;TJ Source of Utilities (A) E'lec (g) eas (C) Ser're (D) lt'a'"e (E) Te]e (F) r.v. Con-r'nents tri c r r pl;ori 4. i*pS{ Approved: Di sapproved: tAt,arffi'ffi Ei I I Artdrc:*s Q"rr." REvrE,u BoAnD o DAIE or MEErlNc, /I{V;[ lg,gr1 ITIEMBERS PBESENT: SUBuECT, Yt'i[ctihc,i't TAKI|N BY BOARD: /J(c\l I: t,. /c-r d4 z ACTIOi'f MOTION: VOTE: n SECoNDED BY: PTTKXT AGAINST: -hdsr ABSTENTION: APPROVIjD: DISAPPROVED:I crISUIrtr\IARY: l r.l, N.,. \ vwl\,+-" I -- AppI rcrrtlt Des ign licv iotr. Ie€ Dato Pa, O --Q ZON ING CIIECKL IST S UMMA RY ; ARCH ITECTPROJ ECT LEGAL DE SCR I PT I ON ,.1//USE ZONE A _; PR0P0SED USE(S) t COMMERCIAL FL00R AREA: Percentage all Actual sq. f+. , D iagona I , D iagona I ING: Requ i red 1, AND LOADlt'l G: No. Required ft. , Actua I %, C ommo n sq. ft., Actua I , No. Actual >9 ++ q. fr sq . f t. , Covered Re- quired ZON ING APPROVAL DES IGN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL UT I L IT IES APPROVAL Chairman, Des i gn Rev iew Boa rd Lor s zE JgJf(-; FRor'lrAGE ,'^ ' 4j- U , | , sErBAcKs: Requ r red - Front JO , s id;', dZf /0t ' ' f7 *"., JC 2.2 51 Allowable sq.++ Actual -Front 3^dO ,sra"t\LJ'(n) "(O,aeu, 4D i D|STANcEBETt^JEENBUlLD|NGS:Required-,Actual=i HEIGHT: Averagre Grad" _-.'- Height Allowed 11 A- , Actua | 1q.{ , c.R.F.o., J(4OO Ratio, Arowabre sq , tr. 49lL()D-, Actual sq. tt. /A// ' BU I LD ING BULK CONTROL: A I lowab le max imum I ength Reguired 0ffsets S ITE COVERAGE: , Actua l length Actuar sq. t+. 4q/7= , Pan rr i ro rl Ground Leve I No.; Cove red Actua I owab I e_, n"/ ,*^ lln751, actuarAIfowable -/J %, Al lowable Sq. ',. t,J---t--=.---t---:-, USEABLE OPEN SPACE: LAN DSCA P PARKII'IG sTraTor Tow n E n g i nee r Da te ENV lR0Nl'lENTAL IMPACT APPR0VAL Mayo r Date Date Submitted Date S ubm i tte d Date Submi tted Extens ion of f or Zon i for De s.i for Envi n g Re v i ew gn Revi ew ronmenta I Dead I ine Dead I i ne Date Date lmpact Rev iew to Dead I ine date 8 (Seri es of 1973)by Sect i COMT,IENTS item of Ordinance No. as pe rrlr i tte d oot Gcorgc D. llorrlr. P.E.2510 Glro Avonrr Glcn*ooJ 3prtter. Coloodo 81601 9tt6020 Soil Mcchonics F oundol lon Evo luotion Moleriols Tests C oncrele Mix De sign Aspholt Mix Design Geologic Intcrpretotion Gr ound wo le r Hy d ro logy Dy Re glstered Prol.rss ionq I Eng incers & Geolog i5l3 Co lorodo 5prings, C olorod o Pue b lo. Colorodo Glenwood Springs, Colorodo Gunn is on, Colorodo 1106l. ora Colorodo Rock 5Pringr. Wyoming So11 elasslftca4ont coarse to nedlun SAND up to 2r tn dlanretert Sol]-s on thls slt., wero fourd to eonsist of brown n'ftir-"oi" c-f gravel erd ocaaslonal cobbles ard boulders (sp/cp). Man-made flllt None - 8o11s ere netlv€ to t*re slte. Molsture condltlons at tlne gf.lnspcetlonr l|lgh - 1n-a test treneh excavetcd nte;ed at 6'0 feet in dePtb' Fourdatlon tyDe recornmerdedr A stardeld 18tt spread footer wlth ths stcn iffi rooi"r r{11 take i}rc on-slte solls lnto dlrect conslderatlon. Volds benoath fourdatlon welLsl Not rcqulred. Relrrforclnar Relnfor€lng should.consist of flve #5f rebars' PU94 contl'nr- ;Cly: the bulldirg wrthog! enl'glps or brcaki' lko should be placed wltllln lllrt of ttre top of thc w811 ard ttrieo-should be placed wlthln 5 to 8tl of the bottorn or *re'wlir.""dJi}ii[rl!*o-""u"ighou]i be. placed eL 45o at eny steps ln tne founaetfon we1l, crd-;l: rslnforclng should have a nlnl- nnrn :[ep of 15rr. . ' !i THE LIN"O,N.?"VORE TESTINE LABO'FATORY lilEMBERt A.S.T.M. A.s.c.E. cEc ACI l,[r. Iou Parker c/o Ttre Prlntery bx ?30Vall, CO U65? Rsr GS-319 Parker Resldcncc Val1 Vll1agc Subdlvlslon ltth Flllner Lot #101 Block #3 Ve1lr C0 Gcntleoenl Personnel of thls taboratory havc lnspected the fourdation g,ceeratlon et the ebovc tcfercnced slto to ditennlne subsutfacc sotl cordltlons' Recom- nardatlons for thls slte are aa sholtn bclow t ilr. Iou Parker Pege 2 trfloor slabs on grade should be posltlvely separated fron all stmc- tural portlons of ttre hr11d1ng and allowed to float freely. Non bearlng pertitlons restlng on slabs on grade should be constnrcted wlth e vold spacer at the bottom preforably, to al1ow for freedom of movenent wlthout affeettng the noof ot floo! above. Bearlng partltlons shouLd have their own fourdatlons. If basenrent type constnrction, or neultl-1eve1 stmcture, stelrway between lf"oors should not be constmcted as a rlgid connectlon, but should aflow for vertical novenent ln the floor slab. DreLnaqe ard gradlngt Surface gradlng should be constnrcted tn such e ffif noisture ls rornoved fron the vlclnlty of the stnrcture as qulekly as possible. Roof dralns, if any, shouLd be carried across back- fllted arees ard aLLowed to dlscharge welL away frotn the Lullding. hleter Ehould not bs al,lowed to stand or pord ln areas of bacldtll. To ald ln keeplng water frnom roaching the soil beneath the bnrlldlngt all bacldllL should be treated. 1. Bacldlll arourd the bmlldtng or in utlltty tronches leedlng to the hrlldlng shouLd be nechanically compacted at the- optlnun moistuie content of the so1l to a density of 9M ot naxfunun Pr^octor denslty, ASTI1 D-698. With this netbod' no bacldllL rnay be Jetted, ponded or prddled. 2, The slte erd fl1l- naterlal nay be presoaked for a rninimunr of ttrree weeks prtor to constmctlon unt1l water has entered the soLl for a depth of at least I feet. ). ff a perlrneter drain ls used, thls constmctton would removo the neeessity for compaatlon except ln utllity tnenehes leadlng to the bulldlng. Rospeetfully sutnitted' TIIE LI}'ICOLN DEVORE 1ESTING I.,ABORATORI $"-,rl- R,W,IL Joieph R. fnfescellf Professlonal Geologlst State of CoLorado .lRf /kne I l .,r , Itl,-5 V/i-r.t Ij.r;;:li /lil!) J:'rlt).'j'.ii'l ('li iril;TliLil'. P, 0. i:O;i 'i':.-rI V/rLl,, C0L(tji"'; l 0.r.t'5'/ tl,rmc oi !ir::;-i.rLr:;r; c,r !:()ic ci..n rr, -QU EC*6 fu_Zee,_6+rep.-.!,ii"3a -rn,n1.ErJ.ifr:__-:: X. li;:ri.lct ...2ncl' 3r<l '2. . tr 4ri _-r__-'i'oilct, tJr i,r:il. l{csiCcl;ti.aI Co;;;,c r-c i.;] S)ro,,;cr: o: Tut> , or llarlr5c'"1.1 >:0.75 v. L 'c0x L .5(r fcc llechilies lita lcl Ccrrl r:::s alrC !.:a'lielr foultai;s ./ ,.t ^ .!; .. lt r. \t ..t, '- >: 0 ,25 = I I ;. I I 3r.<illtil i] :r s 1sl: 2lci il nrj' 'r+th ----'-' l:th 2nd Sauri:r:;): c "2i :.: Zrrti ----- 3rd --- Fiisi.ir :u:<1 l'sili:tJrd Fiisi.ir:u:<1 1's i] i:ttt-iii "-" --- Orle-ii.:If !.1th ): l"SC .\l -.L il/r /.ra^,.- .r.:.-:tiii;;*_____ --- il:;::'";;"!i;;i""' .4 * r.0c : 4.oo 8. Da:; ..., - Lst 7-7-- .. .3l.d_--l-qth *-::::--:-- Xitchens .\csiccni.ial | '>: 2.So = Z',)@. Dis:lrr.ashcr / t 'l t,tft = -,.. | ?. L.vu = _ep_e_ Q DI^ i ]-tIatIZnd __' Xitchr:i:s Co;:r.,:re r.i.ia 1 :. r: 2. S0 :...J),.o _--.--. - _ Di:;lrr.:i:ircr >: l. OO ; - . r9r-lr _ - - _-_..- Scati:rg j. tr i Z. SO = ----- fl . llat ' il ncl ' '----- . lrr.'d l"'runr)r,y Ii<: l: jdcn.tilJ. )rrl, Il;r l:hr:r. .\ r.,0.50 * -*:_€_-, ;t:--' J rrl; :1tr( I 3:'rllltlr hr I'r .,'C<lt;,';,cr.ciaI a 5 hc:. (t: . :j.llc. tlil t c:.(::, :ri;r'.:r;r oi c:rc) (tu'.:iir.!c Si>:.: nl:J.c:.s Iir.r. llose Cabine'c s Ser.r'ice Sta'ci.on Sv:i;:;r5.r', t Ooat ):2.00 = Za: t.oo " .1( 0.3? : ?lclsi: 2:ri 3r.iiIrth ): 1.00 = tl . 5. x30.00 = x b.oo = 16 ljirs ' Is't'' 2i,:i' 3r.tiIttlr Conve:rt:ion Cc:rtc:: Pet' j'er:'sor':1s 0.L0 :: . 'Pl\'i | 1 . l\oTlr':'q /c,a€ I rSi) L .l:<r1)-o:ling ';lrc: coi:i)1. el::i.o:'; <it' c(-rit st.j:ilc'! ic):T oJl .-r-1- lr- r:c l; j.c'i cc,r:,:.'sr'c ia:l- o-L-r:uct'.::-ars. Lire Dis'i:.i,c:'! siia:!.1 nc:ioi';r'. ;. li\(:ic.-rl' Srp(:irt.i(::r O: c.:tl. pi.c:tj.r:it:i 'io dctCf!::j.ltC tl)c !tl.lr;l':ci'Of Pa i !.t-L S i:clrc ds,:it:S:;e i ::.cco:-ri:i;:g 'ao thc !Jerct' a;:<i S.:-.lrcr J'..o letr. a:rcl iiir Sci:.rr!.r1,.:, is a;:is,l(;ed, e-r:C ';)i,: D.i-:;:, ric:t sli:l-r_ ;rl j.le e:)t). aC jur';:::,_.. jtt:; tleccsJ.i:.:r in tl:i: or.igi;r::J- i i,.i) ,i.3c j)njd. '1.'jrj.: rrr::rec.;ir.r;r- s. i-,.::f -r-a).E,o (:eto:.:::inc t):e bui.l-ci.i.ng ei,':rr:t:rs ti.ttc:. 6nd soi,tit scr.vi.i,<, Doe.):cl of !): l.c: c t or. U\rail ll;t'uen anc] Sani';ation iistr.::-ct chal.ge. o DESTGN REy-lEu-BoARD /l DA'E or MBErrNc ' fL e-/l /t UEDTBERS PRESENT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: ,a1 uorroN. 4nhn-, ' SECoNDED BY: voTE: ,o*, Qrra*AGAINST: sUBJEcT.& ABSTENTION: /"n-' '.r'%-/z APPROVED: DISAPPROVUD: 4-</aa L |.. t SUITII!ARY: -::--r-----:--t].i-r. . I J:- ii;=;.l ffi DESIGN REVIE1V BOAE! DATtr OT IIEETING: MEMBERS PBESENT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTIOI;: VOTE: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: . SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: SUlrlltlARY: "%>% Q<,r, \i \ \i\ -? u $ <a A J 5\E srt!F Ris: > s l.lj {A s st .,i R t\F-st- w t\- = I It:\r <f v #b* \ \ t\P :a<}-___ \ $i2a $: \5 3 rL T lJ J) J F fq JIq o J ]ltrl il L: li I I a + !,*-9 CT zat_ {)J Lil a Lil fil oq oq- a <co,l.lv *Sv \9 rt\ s\'zc o *Fu)\) o\)$.e.n =cL q/ 6 f J cso &x S{ !- -i!af s I .-l f, *, ClA 0o x. ${ \a 5\t2 T \n a, 0\J \ t-- J4 rO 11-{ Zg !r- )ial -lul l--Zr\utL 0 rtgvt I a L a3-s3SY q \t?5 ^tE 6\)$ rf) t,{..1 g G\,f dA o{N ()t (. 1 I E\T ft"" fl;p t* ec.r3 ', ca- LU ,. frc H f,-lt? Lel e,fJ t-r.!ffi fj CJffi P,',." t!).!-., 8-rl 6'AJ € =, =t 3g {1) SJ.'?t ese MESEAR hI nEP0aT Ng. 7?-48 '. ." [-! [snA[- CED.AR t-{OiytFs, !i\tc. Steelarn Evaluation Service BUILDIIIG OFFtCIAtS & CODE AOMti\IISTNATOIIS til'rE RiIA'il 0 llA[. tN 0. l3l3 €sr1 60th 5r.r'r . Chico0o, lllinoir 60F31 . g1Z | 324-3400 [-'.''.fi i.,,;iili o Building Officlals & Cocle Administrators lnternational, lnc, Executive Office: 1313 East 60th Street o Chica!,o, lllinois 60637 (. APPLICATIOTJ FOR BOCA APPBO VA L B ECOI'XI,iIEIJOATIO N ftccomrnendation 72-49 Report < 1tNumber "-- Date Application Eeceived (above for BOCA JuI t972 mo. Date Ju1'r ), Lgi 2 A. Applicanr Lindal Ceder I-Io:nes, Inc. B. Address P.o. itox 883 Telephone -oc:cc City Seattle State iiashi:-rctcn zip code 9 I 17 I pro,ir"1 Conpo.site ,3teel ar:d Hood Lar,tj-n.eted Be alr, Tru,1" 11o",,. S tee l-an c.Properties of pro<.luct Jor rvhich Approval Recommend t{l Structural Uni fo rti- Load ationtltltl tl t1 is recluested: F irelFlame resistance $/eather resistarrcetl I1 ll tl Affidavit: - I hereby depose and say that all of the ahove statenents and the statements in the submitted material herevvith are true; that I Lrnderstand and agree that the Approvcl Re comm,.ndation, if granted, is lirnited to products conforning to sptcifications submitted here',vith and the specimen product tcstcd in support hereof. and th.rt.tpon failure to so compiy th+ Approval Rscommendation tttitl be void. ancl I further ttrulerstand that failure to certify annually vtitl regtlt in automatic suspension of the Approval Recommenrlation (see reverse side for the litnitations of Approval Recornrnendations). .-] SVy'ONN TO BEFONE I.TE, THIS I-indal Cedar llomes (Firm Name) Ilobe rt W. Linclal, Iingineer D. oxv or --{Te-"/ . - .1s ? 7-./- (Signature of off icrr of firrn) LIMITATIONS OF APPROVAL RECOI/MENDATIONS Approval Becommendations issued uncier the BOCA Reseaich ancl Approvals Procedure are limited to the products of the applicants, or approved licensees named in the Structural Bureau Report, conforming to the product specif ica- tions and comparable to the specimen product tested, as described in the data submitted with the Applicationfor BOCA Approval Recommendation. ln order to verif y continued compliance with these conditions, applicants are required to file a certif ication annually, on forms supplied for that pur- pose, ceriifying that there has been no change in the product or its recom- mended use since the Approval Becommendation became ef fective. lf there has been a change in the product. the applicant must submit details of the change for review. lf the product has been changed since the Approval Recommendation was granted, the applicant has the option of requesting a. revision, resulting in a new report, or an addendum to the previous report. Failure to file the annual Certificate of Compliance or advise of changes in the product rvill result in auiomatic suspension on the expiration date shown on the Certificate of Compliance. Unless action to reinstate an Approval Recommendation has been initiated pi.ior to fifteen calendar clays after the date of expiration of the Certificaie of Comptiance, the Approval Recom- mendation u,,ill automatically lapse and further use of the BOCA identif ica- tion label will no longer be auihorized. Any information from a local building official regarding cleviation frorn Fi..|,-,|.rl-...^biiuA stiijciijfai ijuiedLi ;'iepoir's in any prociucr bearing the BOCH icientiii- cation label will be investiglated to determine lvheiher or not the Approval Recommendation should be suspendsd. lf it is found that any product does not conform to the data submitted, the Approval Recommenclation rvill be automatically suspended. ( ( BOC 1313 East 60th A tuOuartoNAL Street . Chicago. lllinois 60637 R ESEAR CH R EPORT RESEARCH AND APPROVALS CO|I|MITTEE F. R. IVEST, Chairman Sourh Bend. Indiana G. J. INUELLER Ealtimore County, l/ia.yland Fecommenclation fJo,72*48 Rcsearch Report I,Jo.52r 9o," JurY 31' r?72 G. D. RO||/A Ketrcring, Ohio I'J. !V. SEIDEL Mnrple Torrnship. Pennsylvinia c. lr. cAaLsoN Xane County, lllinois D. E. GELD8ACH Claytoo, lvlissouri TO: FROM: SUBJECT: Mr. Forrest R. Ifest, Chairman, Research ancl Approvals Cominittee John J, Uicker, BOCA Engineering Consultant Composite Steel- and h'ood Laminated Beam THIS REPOBT IT1AY NOT BE REPFODUCED IN VVHOLE OR lN PART I^/ITHOUT IVRITTEN PERMISSION I,Appl-ica'tion and Supporting Data A. Applicant: Linclal Cedar lJomes, P.O. Box 8839 Seattle, lVashington B. Product: Composj.te Steel and Tna 98178 Vlood Laminated Beam /\ c. D. L. Trade Name: Steelam Perforrnanee of Product for lrihrich Evaluation is Requested 1. Structural Supporting Data Submitted l. Repor't of Steelam Beam Design Formu-lae Developme.rnt anclVerification. This report, No. IZ/IS-4I, clated April, )-972, tvas prepared by the CoLlege of lingineering ResearchDivision, Washing'ton Qtate University, pullman, I,IashingLon. 2. Report of Testing of Steelam Beams. Tiris report, No-72/L5-59, dated June, 1972. \.ras ptsepclr:ecl by the Co.llegeof Engineering Rc-:searclr Division, I{.rsltington StateUnivcrsity, PulIman, f,i.rsl'rington.( -4- RR 72-44 ReporL on Steel }lail Connectors. January 27, L972, lras prepared by Com.oany, Eugene, Oregon . Load-Span Tables for Steetam Beams This reirort, derLed Timber Engineer-ing ( 4. II.Description and Use of prociuct A. General Characteristics l-- The s'teelarn beam is a composite r.rood and sLeer bean. rtconsists of trvo or more conventional rqood jo:'.sts withtoothr:cl steel prates sanclwictred betrveen the-'ir w-ic1e facesin the fastrion shown i.n Figure I j_n the Appendj_x of thisreporL Thele are two plates per point locatecl near the ouLeredges of the wide faces of the beams. These plates arecontinuous for the full rength of the beam. The resuLt-ing product is a raminatecl beam r.rhich is set in positionryith the 1aminations in a vertical plane. Figure 2 is a short section of one or' these toothed steelplates. The steelam l:eam differs from th.e simple nailed laminateclbeam and from ordinarir ft itch ptate beams. The simplenaired raminated. beam is designed. as a murti,ore of theraminations rv-ith a possibre roacl-sharing increase forallowabre stress. The flitch plate beam has a s.ingleplate rather than tl.,/o p-latcs as cloes the Steelam beam. The st-celam bean does not have a steer-t-o-steer connectionbetrueen the uppor ancl rorver plates Lo frrnciion as a shearconnection. This sh.ear must be transmitted thror_rgh l_he woorlmembers. Ttre bearn may be visualized as a box bear,r r.iith steertrarrsformocl to 1voe6l ;15 is shown in Fiqure 3, rvhiclr is .ipclucle<lin the Append.ix of this r:eport. The bchavior of this beam <lepend,s upon the frcxibility or. rigidity of thc sheiri' co.rrecLion cleveropecl bet-ween the rvood.and h-ire sLee.l b-1, ilre teeth of the sLce-l p.lilLc. ( ( (. -5- RR 72-48 This behavior is ske'Lched in SecLion III Al of I'tre resul-ts of tests on actual. Steel-arm beams .bo relialrility of the conclusions drerr^rn in SecLionrcported in Section III A2 of this reporL. Lhis rcport- Prove the III Al are B.Principal Uses and Stock Dimensions of Specific llroducts Principal uses As floor and roof strucEural members r.rhere conposiie or laminated beams are required.. 2. Stock dimend.ions The Steelam. t>eams are eiLher nominal 2 x 'IO ii-nch or2 x 12 inch lumber, trvo rrrood. menbers per beam, rvith l-rvo toothed steel plates sand..rrichecl betrveen the wide' faces of the vrocd members. The St-eelam beams are avail-able up to 32 feet in length in trvo feet increments. T?re clear span is limited as 'shor'rn in the load span tablesin Section IIf,B of this repor-u. The tooLtred steel plates are O.106 inch thick by 3 inctres\lride, gcrl-vanizecl steel pliltes (ASTI'1 A446-69) ryhich rr.nfull-length of the beam t-o \rithin one foot from each encl . One st.eel plate is l.ocated near the conrpression ec1_qe anclthe othor is near the tension edge (see Figure 1 in the Appendix of this report). These steel plates are contin- uous arrong the entire active rength o.f the composite meinber. rt is intended. that the steeram beams shou,ld be used asfl,oor and roof bearns iii iviiich fr-airrii:rg-. Lirey are spaced.64 inches on center. C. Details of Installation of pro<luct The steelam beams are insLalled -i-n convent.ionar m.rnnerexcept for the 64 inch centcr trr center spacinq. They arefastened .in positi_on j.n convenbional manner. III. Test Results and physical prope.rties A. St-ructural Ltesiqn l. I Ileport- of SLeelarn Bcilm Dei.sign }-orrnulae Deve.loltinent anc-lVcrificat-:Lon. This reporb No. 72./15-41 , dart-ci April I912, -6- r{R 72-44 was prepared by the College of lingineering Research D.ivisj-on, W;rshington State University, l\llrrr.rn, i.larshington- The S'beeLam beam cloes not have steel-to-stcel connection betr.reenthe upper and loi./er toothecl plaLes to function zrs .r shear colrnection. Thj-s shear r|rust bc transrnitted through Lhe r.roo<1 meirlf,ers. The beam may hre visua-lized as a box bearn with ihe sLeel transforrned to rvood equivalent (as shoi.rn in Figure 3 in the Appendix of this reporu). The behavior of this composite bearn clepends upon bhe flexibility or rigidity of the shear connection developecl betr.reen the l.roo cl and the steel by the teettr of ttre steel plates. As this is a case of sorne intermediate r.igidity of the shear connec'tion, the performance of the composite Steelam boam lies some',.zhere bet,,.reen com,orete rig-idity and negriglblerigidity. So a knoi.rl-edge of the load-sIip charact-eristics of thg teeth is needed to calcurlate the performance of the Steelarn beam. This reporL described horv the comput-.rtionsfor: a rational- approach to d.esigning Stee-lam beams wasdeveloped. Ttte mathenratical development of design eqrlaiionsfor this -internrediat-e conditi.on ryas clescribed in deLail inthe report. T'hey are noL detai-led. her-e. White ttrere rvere several \./ays to approcach the p.r:oblem, they aII l_ecl to the Same results. In ttrese beanr applications, tl-re total loacl r.ras 50 psf . WiLlr treams. set on 64 inch centers this loacl ryas 2.o6 psf of beam. This report shows that the wood takes aboul 8C percent ofthe total load. or 2I3 p1f, aborlt 4 percent of rnrhi.ch qoesto t}. e vertlcal tooih load. Since lh.r. are eight r6rvsof teeth per fooi: of beam at 2.325 irrch spacing (41 teethper fbot) the verlj.cal Looth toacl is about 0-2 poun<ls pertooth, so the ver:t-ical slip r.ras iqnored. Ry t,rrj.ting equations for Lhe s;Iip between the rsood anclthe tecth at.each tooth stntion, expressi-ons for aLl i:ooLh Ioacls wcrje obtained in terns of tooth load. r'rr. the so,lut-ion rvas teclious ancl r,ras hanclled mosL convenientry by a compllLerso.lution. 'fhe program used. hacl valucs substitut.ed for theplr-ysic.rl properh-ics of t-he rqoocl arnil st-e<:r and thc roacl-slipcc>nst.rirt from Locl-)r plerte tesL.i-ng. Val,rrcs \./cre ccrmprrtealof t,ooLh load froin the.leasL.lo:rclecl toolh t-.o thc mcsl hearv.LryIoaclcd t<-ro'tlr. Va.Ltrcs rvcrc prirr'{:ed out for F1 , tooL)r loaclat- sLations a.long t-he beam in Lcrrns of w1 , ro;rcl Lo l>enc1 Llrc ( -7- RR 72_48 wood about the neutral axis. An equation \{as then set up to com,cuLe the rnoment onthe beam at any station in terms of r.r1 , Lhe Fortion of the l-oad. imposed. rvhich rvould be requirecl to bend ttre r,rocd alone, Then using Ltre computer, momenLs for eactr ]:oct-h station were obiainecl in terms of r*1 . Frorn these l:csults the ratio of the loacL the composite SLeeIam beam vlo,-rlcl carry was labeled the ratio R. It \./as found reasonably unj-form along the beam length. Its average value R represented the ratio of total load rvg to v;ood. member r.l1for the bearn as a whole. Ttre value oi F auponds on the bearn span, relative proportions of ryood "co sLeel, theel-astic mocl'-rl-es of the r,rooC used, ancl the tooth load-slip constanL, K. lhis value of F. is the key to the deveiopmenl:of Ioad-span tables for Steelarn beams. Tlro beams l./ere consLructed., one of 2 x lo,s, .16 feet long, and the other of 2 x LZ's, 20 feet long.. The lumber anclsteel properties lrere cletermined very carefully in advance.Their perforrnance lras prediclcd from the tentatively developed eguarti-ons. Then each beanr l./as testecl ttrirty t"i.rnesthrough the full range of loacls. This rcpetition w-aspr-lnr.rrily to determine rshether any progressive creep of tjretooth connections or any progressive increase in residualde:flection occurred. In aIl cases the be.un deflectioncurves r,lei'e elastic and recovery vras cornplete rrrithi-tr aminute ei.fter the toacl \yas removed.. As a by-product_, it r.ras discovered that the slip between ryoocl ancl s.Leel rvasless than O.005 inches. This reveal_ecl that the _to;rd-sJ.ipbehavior of plates in fult lenqth beams is superi.or- to Lha.t: obLained. b). Iaboratory tes.Ls on shorter specimens - RaL.ios of the measure<l values for bcam rnaLerial beforeassembly into steeram beams r,ri Lh steelarn bearn asseF.b.Liesenables the designer t-o predict thc st.if Fness gain of thc-: coinposite beams. Tirese preclict-ions complrecl. to th.: actrra-lsLiffness gains are presentecl here .for thc tr,;o Stce-I.;rm beams tested.. o -B- RR 72-48 16 ft. beam 20 fL. bearn Elastic Modulus Before Fabrication l4ember No. I Member No. 2 L,945,000 psi !,79O, O0O psi t. 960, 000 1 . 780, 000 Average L,952,5OO '.1,785, OOO After fabrication 2,2BO,OOO 2,200,000 Predictecl by cornputation 2,360,000 2,2OO,OOO o Percent Increase By test By conrputation This information shorvs how r.rell the computer solution preclictecl the actual gain in performance clu e to the steel. The most difficult guantity to determi-ne,and necessary asinput to the cornputer solution,\.ras the value of the loacl- slip constant, K. By trial of v"rrious values it r,ras foundthat ttLe load-sJ-ip constanL. ranging from 5,O0O to 25,OOO described ar fairly narrow range of performance varia'cion' in the -interval betvreen rigidly connecb-ecl r.rood and steel . and unconnectecl ryood and steel . T}us the choice of the Ioacl-s.tip constant was found not exacting but it hacl to berealistic. A load.-s1ip value of K = L2,2OO lbs. per inch ryas used. to estimaLe d.eflections for the verification of Steelam bearns. Whil-e itr t:lre l--al'Ie al:c-.'e the res'.llts dif.fcr- about 4 percant from the 16 ft. beam te5t result-s, they ergreecl very r.;ellfor the 20 ft. beam. The clroice of K could account fo.r the16 ft. beam discrepancv. Ttrese trro verificaLion tests sugqest that the clesignproceclure is reasonably accuraic. Tests of a larger number of beams make iL p>ssiblc to dranr the resul-ts inLoIine nore closely. Thus it became poss-ible {_o rvrite desi.gn ec1ual-ions for Stcelam beams for computing loacl-spantabl-es, olrce the dimens-;ions and properties of the ruoocl anclsteel are defined. r7 .e/" 2r% 23.O% 23% Iror a uniformly vrere def ined: cleflectiorr,4 = c-rb- I.v- o -F Ir-(r+k)Rj 8aA" -9- RR 72-48 5 aa A rvl,2 distributed lorrd tire folLorqinq ccluations tr/l,4 R !.\/flvr BSr.r 3 . tft. t 2Aw R f- = rv1,2 la--- (rosu tI { where: E1,7 = Svl = It't = Aw=K= elastic modu-lus of r.roocl section moduLus of r.rcocl (b6th pieces) mornent of inertia of r.rood (both pieces) area of woocl (both pieces) Er stee] about their respective neutrar axesEI vrood Ss = section modulus of steel (one piece) As = area of steel (one piece) a = clistance between neutral axes of steel plates R = rat,io of load carrie<l by wood to total load carriecl (tabJ.es can be generated for this constant) Por a concentrated load .r.L midspan the follorving equations rvere defined: For deflection l/360 p=Ev I\!,/7.51h For deflect-i-on I//24O p=q, truTSt2i- For all-.orverble bendi.ng stress fp in rv'ood p= 4 fufb,/lF Tho eombined direct stress in bcncling of the beam, fU E-.r-b-PI a.l.For:[)= I.333 fv\ -ra RR 72-4A where: I = gpanr inches ( P : concentrated. Ioad aL nridspan, Ibs. Es= elastic rnodulus of stcel, psi Afp= monent of inertia of steel pla.Les, in.'r(botlr picccs) - R = ratio of .l.oad carrrie<l by rvood to LoLa] l-o.rd carri.ccl .(Tables can be generatecl for this constarrL. ) AII other elements are as noted for uniforrnly distributed-Ioad above. By replacing the expression for noment due to a'uniformly distributed load by the rnonent cfue to one or more concen- trated loads, suiLable equations for that kincl of loaCingare obtained, The values of R are attained sirnilarly. 2. Repor:t of Testing of Steelan Bearns. This reporL, No. 72/L5-59,dated. June I972, v/as prepared by the corlege of Engineering, Researrch Division, I,lashinqton State University, pullman, l'Iashington.' This report describes a test program to evaluatethe performance of steer arn beams having tvro rvoccl merrrbers.The pu.rposes of these tests vrere to: a. Detcrmine the degree of partic.il:alion of the reinforcingsLeel in the beams for a larger number of beams thatwere t"ested prcviously. b. Exatnine the ability of Lhis type of tooth-connected. bearn to maj.nt.rin its performance behavioi. unclerrepeated cycles of stress. c. Determine t)-re effect of seasoning stresses anddistor'tion on the perfox-mance of beams fabr-icatecl from unseasoned lumber and steel, after they season. d. Determine r-rltimate strength and elastie characLcri.sLicsof the members, for design use. The results may be summarize<l in brief terms. CycIic Loading Ten 16 ft. 4 x I0 inch (nominal) Hem-fir Steeleim bearns,each of rvlrich r'rere ro.rclecl to dead l.oarcl prus rive lo.r<lten tinres and <loacl road pltrs trvice rive road an:rdclit-ionalten times, repeirt-edly follorvingJ the same clirsLic l.oacl- deflection curves. Irl;-rxi mum one_horrr creep at d.eacl IoaclpJ-us live loa<1 r.ras 0.125 inch€s ( .L r l_., derrecrion arter removar or roaclt;5roi."ii,,:.:;::;1.,lrour was 0.06 inches ( L ) or 1ess. 3B6C) There \ras no noliceable clifference infive beams macle v/ith lumber r,rhich r..,,a.sthan L9% maxinum moisbure content rvtrenfive beams made from unseasonecl lumberaf ter fabricai,ion. Residual Defleclion -t 1- r{R 72-48 Ni,ne beams carried deadthree hours rvith creep deflections one hour or dead load vras less than o performance bettyeen seasoned to I ess fabricaied ar-rd rrhich seasoned Ioerd plus tr,rice Iive load forof L or less. .Resirlual r200l-ess after reductlon of load to L for the 2O ft. beams and L461 469for 16 ft- beams- Res.icluar defrection after compreteremcval of app-lied load was L or less for 20 ft. beams and l, 830or less for ].6 ft. beams 1, 0oo Ul-uimate Strength Ni'e beams vrere tested to crestruci-ion. The 16 ft. noninal4 x 1O -inctr beams carriecl lbads Lo or l:eyond dead. Loadplus Lhree tiroes live road,. The bearns rvhich it'ere made fromunsreasonecl lurnber, ancl which sufferec some clistortion andcupping a.s they seasoned, carr-ied the preseribed roacl(detrd -LoarJ p-lus three t.ines rirre roa-d) but \rit-,h snari-errnargins al:ove that. f igu::e. These vrere all f loor sf/sLeinsLoads: thaL is,de.ecl load of I0 psf ancl Livc load of 40 psfryith beams at 64 .inch on cenLeri spacj.ng. T"ne l-hree, 2A ft., nomina_l 4 x 12 .inch beams all carr.ierldead loird p-lus trvice rivc road for roofs (rive road. for theroof vr.ls 30 psf ). One of thcse t-hrce cal:riecl three timesroof l.ive load a.cl , in anot-her Lest, tr.rice froor rive l-oa<l . Fa-i-.l.rc:r in any of tl-r..: be.rns \rero rloL catLas Lroph_ic. Nortr t'.-i-rnui-e sLec:1 f;ril-'res occ:r.rrrccr. sor.e bealns ryortr.cr rr:rvcl>eetr rrb.Le to carry morc Loacl -if ttrey hacl not_ br.coml=lat-cr-a.1. 11' uns l_trblc. o_rr_ RR 72-48 An evaluation of the effecLiveness of thc steeL reinforce- ment shor..reC thal it r'ras performing as predictcd b.y tlre design forrnulere cleveloped for SLceIan beanls (see the con- clus-ion of IIf AI above for these). l'igJuros 4 and 5 in the Appenclix of Lhis report are loac1-span curvcs resulting from the investigation of Lhe beam perform.rnce under stucly. They arre suitable for designing Steelirm br:ams. Figure 6 in the Appendix of this reporL is a load-span table resu.lting from this .investigation. 3, ReporL on Steel Nait Connectors. This reporLrd.;rted January 27, I972, was prepared by fimber Engineering Company, Eugene, Oregon. These tests vrere conclucted. using tr'ro species of lumlrer, llem-fir and Dcuglas f-ir to establish a design value for tl-re steel connecLor strip. 'Ihese tests r.rere conducted in accor:dance r.rith the reguirements of partrgraphs 400 to. 4O4 of the Truss Plert-e Ins'uitute Specification TPI-70, Desiqn Specifications for Liglrt ltetal Plale Connecled !trood Trusses. The resultant test data vrere evalualecl in accorCance rvith Paragraph 405 of TPI-70. From these tes-us ancl evaluation by 'IPI proceclures it vra s es'Lablished that the tnaxirnum desi.gn values shor-r.ld be: Douglas fir 71.6 lbs. per tooLh Hern-f ir 69.3 lbs. per Looth In Section III A1 of this report it \yas noted that the loerd-slip betravior of plates in fr-rll- length beanrs is superior to that obtainecl by labcrator:y tests on shorter sper:i-menq. Henee the va-l r.r.es given a.l-:eve -i,n lbs. per toottr are to be looked Llpon as a nrin irn'.rm or starting poi-nt in thc cornputer scarch .for more realisLic va-lues usabie . in the desi.gn of Steelarn beans. B, Physical Properties I. Loacl-Span Tables for SLeelarn Rcanrs, Trvo Labl-es are prescnLed vdrich rverc: dcrivecl fron the datar d.eterminecl in the tesls of fiftcen beanrs noted in Section III A2 above rvii:h clue considcrartion of the c:<3-ratj-ons in ttre conclus.ions of Scct.:Lon III AI of th-is report. The-y arc as f ol- loivs : a i. SPAI{ lT,TI ,9 1C L2 l4 '16 18 20 FLOCR tiftid- G-tr) 412 372 310 .213' 144. '101 .70 305 216 t52' 105 t' t.. lL.q.r(s inCicated aborre ihe so'lid linc are lir:litecl by a horizontal shearof tOO PSI for floor and '1.15 iines that valic.fof rooi. a'aLoads indicated betn'cen the sc'lid'line and the dotted linc are for a fibcr stress of 1400 PSI for floor. a,rcl 1.'15 time thht value for roofs. 3Loacls be'lor,r tlre Coite.l iine arc linrited by cteflection values of l-12.4,C . for roofs anC 11350 fcr f'loors. 4Table derived frorl Tab'le 7 of Report 72lli-59 by Robert J. Hoy1e. ( O -r3- RR 72-48 g9-!!4!L-q!4$l 2(2xl-0) STEELTEI ROOF Io7if,.,--.i---i tptrJ 474 427 356 o a'-t4- RR 72-48 LOAN SPAN C}IART 3(2x12) sTEEU$l o SPITNrrt FLOOR IO-A-D- TF'N 503 45? 378 . 32s . ROOF fo[i) fpTf) 576 519 433 371 326 ( 9 10 12 14 1'6 1B 20 .246 174 l1-9 t 'Loads indicated above the solid line are limt'teC by a PSI for floor anC '1.15 timcs that value for roof. 6?a. 401 17(l horizontal shear of 100 2loads indicatec! hetrrieen the solid line ancl the clotted line.r.re for a fiber .stress of i400 PSi for floor and l.l5 tinres that value for roof. 3loads be'lort the dotted line are lirnited by deflection values of L1240for roofs and L/360 for flocrs. 4tnUle derivecl fron Table 7 of Report 72115-59 by Robert J. lloyle. ( t -r5- RR 72_48 IV. BOCA Building Cocle Requirements a A. Basic Building Code 1970 as amended 197I I. Mandatory requirements Section 7O2.O Design Safe'Load Section 703.0 Test Safe Load Section 7O4.O Design Live Lo;rcl Section 7O7.O Unit Live Loads Section 7ll.O Roof Loads Section 803.0 TesLs Section BO4.O Conclition of Acceptance Section 828.0 formed Steel Constrr-rction . Section 853.0 Luncer ancl Timber Construction Section 1907.0 Approvals Based. on Desj-gn Sectj-on 1908.0 Approvals Based on Tests Append.ix B Accepted Engineerj-ng Practice Appenclix C llaterial Sta.ndards Appendix D Structural Uni'b Test Stanclards Appenclix E Structura-l Asscmbly Test Standards Appendix J Unit Design Dead Loads Appendix K-4 Steel Rej-nforcement Stresses Appendix K-5 StrucLural Stee1 SLresses Ap.oendix K-9 Formed Steel Consl-ruction Stresses Append.ix K-lO Lumber Stresses 2. Advj-sory reguiremenlus--sections having allied or arnplifying bearing on the material or conditions. Section 108.0 Dr,rbies and Porvers of Building Of f.icial Section 109.0 Rules atrd Regulatj_ons Sect-ion 705.0 Design Deacl Load Section BO3.O Tests Section 853.0 Lurnber and .Iinrlcer Construction Section 1900.0 Scope B. Recon',nend.rtion to the Br-rilclii:g Of f icial . Qualifying Conclitions: I'he foll-orving proci.trcLs are rccomm+:ncleclfor accept.rnce by the cocle ardminj"stral,or or: oh.lre:r aqt|or.i.t:y htrw-i-nq juriscliction plsyidccl t-lre condit.ion:; set fort-l"r i.n -Liris rcpor't. ar.ncl in the BocA B.rsic codes (1970 as ;rrn--ncl.:d r97.r) irrc <)llserved arncl t}.e protluct is j.nsLalled -in conpli;rnce \.rittr t-lle - 16- RR 72-48 reguircrnents herein ancl in accorclance vr.ittr the manufclcturer'sspeci.fications noted herein. Linclal Cedarr }Iomes, Inc. Stcelam composite ryoocl and.steel larninarted beams are recornmencled for use in floor ancl roof frar"Ting of tight. frame builclings r:nder thefollowing limitations : Steelam beams are l_imitecl 1-o tiqo noninal .2 x IO,sor tv.fo norninal 2 x I2's each fittecl rvi.th twc fuIIlengths of bean tootlr.ed. steel pfat.es each. b. The design of Steelam beams must be for uniformlydistri.butecl loads or concentratecl loads ancl in con- formance \./ith the equations set forth at the encl of' Section III.A,1 of this report. For other J-oacling , conditions the normal equations for benciing, shear,. and deflection can be useil by.mcclifying the valuesof R 'from those qiven for uniforrrrly distributecl }oacls. c. Tlpical Loacl-Span tables for uniform loading ancl64 inch center-to-cenLer s.oacing are set forth in. tal:les l and 2 in Section ITf BI of this report, Identification ( I. a. c. A11 Steela;n bearns prod.uce d unclernust be labelecl, at the place ofidentifying characteristic,'BOCA ohn RECO},IMF,NDED tsY A,\ this Research Report manufacture, r*ith the 72-49". Prepared BOCA Engineei:ing Consultant E\TALUATI ON CO}ii\II l'TtrE : FO est R. Wos , Charirmirn Datc \tr .. 1 ayr R. Cl.ir j.bol:ne, P.li., Cocle Corre.lauLor - LTOCA Cocles n-+^ h ''-.4'> - 72-" RR -L7- 72-44 EXPI.OOEDvtew FI6 UKE I TTPICAL TWO 3l;' o,l06 PLAT€ _N,A. ASSF-M-dLgD Vlew PIECE STEELAM BEAI'{ tl : 3i; 3/i' FIGURE Z. -r--Vz.',zs" TYPICAL TOOTHE D p.r,s;1p z.os"-,.1["r.s-,,1 o. B A B *7Y'l* z'zzs | ill\ -Ff 7 I -A -{- a PLATE tourLliJt. = t.os l,s x to" ?{ -i rl .l ?- v I J : _l J Fr- I l*.z,o5 o*, Lu"o %ro igcl) l::l '\ 8: i I oi""i. i Zc:3. ) i*'T --'-1*.:rri l\ Fi | '', l|,Li | \, J;Soat gi I to*,F\t1-t | \-r\-:l I .- rYlll I Y/i . -i$,)*";-:.,11*= -TuJo Yuro - - 1B- RR 72-48o t:tll, STEELAF'I, R€r\I'T I- z }( r o\'r Hf f4' F le , "ir:Lrrir' 5T'i,uc.T, o , I OG I' X 11 ,o't A 3"4G^ 69 S T€eL p-f A'r€ t ;FoLL LEt:6ih('ircq1'iL, Ii -..: ,lOO i I I I I I I I-I .. lrt-. ..-t' .--.- I '- r.,ar nr:t:-) t-'J ( 5f'','rl-t - FT. Irl l(" r'--i-- beltq z* tzrs +(€,,,i-t:{(t 3€L,SaO]r.t. o,tocrtx rj,g,,l,6'l y'-l1r;6-69 bTQe L PLff,f\\Ej Ft-lLL Le(vc'Trl sTgGL Sr F EU\}4 twC). Juro F o3Ir -\ [, ?) rl .:. l ) I ) L I t \ +, <Q \- \ \!- i\- -\\ \ |'\ \t \\'nl-r. t\ :l's -.- '\c \ oo-:. \ Q.r \ Ski\\iSoc t . ; il),nn :lbc I l i I I I I '.:" fiaurczS- I '',i' h' , ' ,-.., r.... l_ r i)i; l, Iii:.',lii !., rG 't ,:i ,1. r.r ( J'.(!}.u P lt\ t!3 tJ- t1tiI 'l/,-r) c U-to .li5 ts. <n -Ll --, t- L-,\ 5 "-U'g f F -1 u:*"'d;,(,.1 Y?_i \-/J \/L -) o 6-: 2. 5 :'r-i Fr$ 3,' rt tl ll b{ kf IJ ooo.3, )-jD*3;3 grl EO't1 dsI',lz Xu\-/,OOr- dYto 6.-:t al tt?z Lu t-1 ,'t: 3:oiri2la o: I go! J: J.3 D o.<i ^i oi t<v rOvi ,t'. I .t ':c:rFa';5au^zt -!-o<t.rU\-,srU-{f Itt "izt.tO ( $3 S.{ ." ,tcl 'x \ I'V 7 >'rl.-i.?Yt-f ta 3 <r l-t- I ,l Ii :av) tJ) -:. :ll )ilj ( is N1 Tr t-!I \n \) v- \\ 3-\tJ- Lt- -L2T O.\\g r|.}"\- |\''r ' *i t .j..oti 5 ::. I ' -20-RR 72.-48o o!t:sit rr l.z d't 9 Orel . >1 i ,.rtt I !r ;l*,-,i:l oi . {] tl:r'.]it;ilf LI] J a. 'S l; iZ itr(,l>-: r"1; ic) t ,Jt'l+t t I I !tfl l* tO crr ;o 6 tO S\nrNolbNrQ \X i\.) ii) N ^..J r..! $o'.ro-.oojfF GG$SSRiT r- r 0f - ..t Ft rrn grr CO'cJ (_n O .9rLrrSroN^l.. oJr-ro'o oli! ifuO\1 CNnrujoJ S to fO r'r f{ -' Ha,grn$e n$$ffr#i. ti-t L,1 C' tlt '9 f- c'- ' ,$ --1q -\.j' \9 :f ;- * Ndt'vrn) N- - O ffl Lr t:l C -o-roqLrSt-rl;- t'- d-'{'J bi n N - J- c'J - o c- l.rl ts (r] al o-r t': q f c.-oocoooo F.rNOtn MrLa -t-- $ rlOrnl3rr0ron{ NN: il F;3 $ltt 5' 1q. nD nA r,,) rV l{ * X g S F;9v)*J-tON.-:.- .tb,\DN\0srr0Ot$r.nS Ogr0 ..9-..i "o N N -- * d l-Orno\:f rt, i -l.t\1 $ O\9..,.) :..9 iJ- ^) FJ r.r .- - )-. . u.fa \obii L0 g6'!r s.ic--s - o Jol(/)f-'J)\ fr? N .-- N ; al NS._coT -O"4 \n t\1 *:-.q- n Fln.$ntllr v 3 I|-or.:\\0O-\3NLnr(lr+ O -- -- t-n O =q t co N -- - Otrf-{tt.ot I-(:ri:Iqqtr: ot\OCOOO tj II t .L tit .T ltn ; t'I -, 2 l- o l'..eli;1is . rl i l^4 f', ?jlt:i J .i3r+j! -l>:: s.'i is " ili-ci-JLt-' .''l - ii!F +iJ.' olr. {iF-{ i-., ,"j ,>, O J j.;l :1.,, ti Crl Cl-r,), rv*lI) .; :i ..' i'll J n "l ,'*-0 ci. - --t-- :: -- ..- -- ': nr : l:-- =:- l-{'-r1 -:. (I V. fi";o&e. 6 o; Oi TLi I!;;i (JJ.-); J,\ ''i!a,ri I,l I rAi J-t 41 Lit ro'l I5 4tI Ct. iIJ, I -"; : I -) ., r l'Jl-i'f.a r. t'. l.i;. nlr\; ril "r L-t*- r, r! f.!lJi , JlY: \j(r: t-1 I 2, <i (ot ri (-) J I I <'it-t-l: n,L{!r Iternational Con€rence of BuildinlOfficials ;O SOUTH WORKNI,\N -'llll ROAD ( WHITTIER, CALIFORNI,{ 90601 TELEPHONE p13) 699-0s41 tt '""'l) \E/ RECOMMENDATION OF THE RESEARCH STEELAM LAMINATED BEAMS LINDAL CEDAR HOMES TNCORPORATED COMMITTEE SUBJECT COMPANY NAME ADDRESS REr'ORT NO. 277I DATE November, 1-972 P. 0. Box 8839' Seattle, fiashington 98178 INTRODUCTION: At the request of Lindal Cedar Homes, Iuconporated, Seattle, Washington, the Reseanch Corunittee of the fnte::nationai Conference of Building Officials has made an exatnination of the data submitted in connection rn'ith the Steeiam Laminated Beams. II . DESCRIPTION: . The Steelam Bearns are of a composite construc'tion, incor'- ponating toothed light gauge continuous steel plates 'l'rith wood joists. The punched steel plates ane cold rol-fed steel conplying r,rith ASTII /\446' Grade rrBrt, ha*zing a nominal width of 3 inches and a thickness of 0.106 inches. The plates are galvanized in accondance with ASTH Designation A-525' (I .25 oz. class). The plates are punched in a continuous :repetitive pattern with 3/4-inch long tapered teeth along each edge, a'ltennately bent at lright angles to each side of the plate The teeth fr".re a 2.325-inch module with a 1/2-ineh long section between the alternating teeth. The teeth have a width of 3/L6 inches at the face of the plate and taper I. ( ( Report No. 2779 o { Page 2 I uniformly to a point. The laninated beans are cornposed of eithen two 2 by l0-inch on two 2 by l2-inch Select Stnuctural , or No. Hem-fir membens. The wood membens are pnessed onto both sides of a pain of continuous steel plates desc::ibed above, forming a section approximately 4 by 10 inches or 4 by 12 inches. Additional wood laminations may be added to the initial bean section by successively pressing wood membens onto additional pai::s of the toothed steel plates. The pains of'plates are designed to be centered 2 inches in from the top and bottom edges of the wood el-ements. The plates may be stopped at not more than 12 inehes in fnom each end of the beams to permit field tnirnrning to length. Thene is no intenconnection between the upper and lorver steel plates and the shear in the laminated beams is required to be nesisted by the wood elements alone. The beha.rior of the Iaminated beams depends upon the rigidity of the shean connection that is developed between the wood and steel through the teeth. The beams are nequired to be assembled with all bearing areas at supports or points of concentnated J.oad application hel-d in close alignment to avoid unequal loading or stress concentrations The structural characteristics of the l-aminated beam are dependent upon three methods of l"oad resistance. The finst method is the rnornent r:eoui:red to bend the two or moue { ( o' Re-oort No. 2779 page 3 wood members about thein neutnal axis. The second method.of t-1 resistance is the moment nequired to bend the steel plates themselves about their individual honizontal axes. The thind portion of the applied moment is nesisted by the eccen- tnicity of the steer- plates about the neutnar axis of the wood members, which produces axial compression in the uPper steeL pJ.ate and axial tension in the lower steel plate The design of the laminated beams is dependent upon the load tr"ansfen between the wood ind the steer thnough the plate teeth. The load slip factor curve fo:r the toothed plates has been deveroped fon Hem-fir mateniar on the basis of riboratony tests. This road slip factor is a { *easure of the individual tooth slip under var:ious 1oadings A theoretical analysis ve:rified by test results is the basis of the ar-}or^rab1e load in Table No. r of this nepont. Tabre No. r sets forth the allowabre loading in pounds per foot for beams of vanioua spans The fol'lowing items r"egarding the fabnication and use of the beams a:re to be observed: r. The laminated beams are to be fabnicated in a prant having the necessary equipment to press the r,rood rnembers onto the steel_ plates, . 2. The wood is required to average not more than 15 to 19 percent moisture du:ring the fabnication. i € ' d\. Repont No. 2779 . 3. The laminated beams ane designed for. use , structures where they are p:rotected from Dosure to the weather. Page 4 in covened direct ex- 4. The beams are not recommended fon installation whene they would be subject to vibnatory loadings fnom air- condj-tioning, ventilation, meehanieal equipment, etc. 5. The compnession edge of the beams ane nequired to be supported laterally by a positive means such as con- tinuous sheathing connected to each lamination by - mechanical fasteners, or stayed latenally not to exceed 5 feet 6 inches on centen with soLid blocking, inter- secting beams, etc. The beams are to be stayed late::alIy at all points of vertical suppont. 6. The use of fingen-jointed mate:rial in the beams is subject to the quality control and testing set fonth unden U.B.C. Standard No. 25-23 7, The plant fabrication of the beams is to be conducted unden a quality control pnogram appnoved by the Research Cornmittee, under the inspection of curnent Research Recomrnendation No. AA-507. The method of fieLd identification of the laminated beams is by a starnp indicating the company name, lumber species, lumber^ gnade, the product name and fCBO Research Report No.2779. I]T. EVIDENCE SUBMITTED: (Tests, analyses and descniptive data ar:e subrnitted. Repont No. 2779 Page 5 ( IV. RECOMMENDATTON: That the Steelarn taminated Beams are a satisfactory . alternate method of construction to that set forth in the Uniform Building Code, pnovided: 1. The fabrication and use of the beanns eonfonm to Part II of this report. 2. fne falrication of the beams is unden a guality control inspeetion program complying with the policies of the Resea:rch Counittee in conjunction rvith Approved Inspection Agency AA-507 . 3. The allowable beam loads do not exceed the values set fonth in Table No. I of this :report 4. The remaining portions of the structu::es are designed and constructed in accordance with the :requirements of the Unifonm BuitOing Code.. This recommendation is subject to annual re-examination. €(z/z7 @- lrtou-/4/tl? /.a flns Fap 57*r 4/'./ Smus Tnd te /Ja,J ( 7p't! 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