HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 11 BLOCK 3 LOT 8 UNIT 210102304004 LEGAL{arohttot1"6t tl lo,. t, olE'b Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of @mmunity Development 75 Sou$ Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 9il.479.2139 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Prciect ilame: REIMERS RES. TANDSCAPING CI-IANGES DRB Number: DRB050458 Prcject DescripUon: REMOVAL OF AN DCTING SPRUCE ADJACENT TOT HE HOME AND THE REPI-ACEMEI.IT WITH 5, 2,5 INCH CAUPER ASPENS. Paftlclpants: owNER REIMERS, ARTHUR J. 0e/2912005 ,T45 ROUND HILL RD GRENNWICH cr 06831 APPUOqNT JAMESR. FtlZ 0812912W5 Phone:476-4562 PO BOX 1315 VAIL co 81658-1315 Prot€ctAddress: 3090 BOOTH CREEK DRVAIL t.ocation: 3O9O BOOTH CREEK DR Legal Descripdon: Lot: 8 Block: 3 Subdivision: VAIL WLLAGE FIUNG 11 Partel Number: 2101-023{400-4 Comments: SEE CONDITIONS BOAR,D/STAFF ACTION Mouon By! Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:08/31/2005 CondiUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constihlte a permit for building. Please consuft with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not beome valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lape and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion, Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: 120.00 ,-ffi Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South FronBge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicaton. please refur to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rs/iew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Toarn Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. locationof theProposalt Lot 4 Block: 3 Subdivision: Physical Address: A b ba304 O& (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcet no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): o tu6)o 8 * "l c\s \ maiting Address: )4f owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Phone: Phone: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction ofa new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For minor changes to buildings and site impro/ements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee ,:tt E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Concepfual Reviev'/ tr New Constructiontr Addition if Minor Alteraton (mu lti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (singlefamily/d uplex) Changes to Approved Plans SepaGtion Request tr tr ) T ql"b<< Fsr?ff*foo4 checkNo.,3&? By: c u*insoaou: ? - L|-d 3- DRB No.: Hug 23 2005 I l:ZSFll HP LFSERJET FBx oet23t28i05 87:55 9704167223 203 552-OS2{ FITZ AND @VLMD p.l PAGE 82 Mlnor Exbrlor Alterathnr AppllerUon for Decign Reulew Dcnrtmrrt of Connuitf Dr|ra'otrl art 25 S.rrh frontr$ Ro!d, vrt, colotrlto 9t657 tC: 9?0.f9.2128 0|: 970..79r{51 t[b: srw.vaflgov.corn Gcncnl lnf!.nr.don: Atl F e(b rrqdrlit ftrlgn nrh,{ rnurt ra6h/a rFrovd prof b $brtrtEbg . buloing pafirt rpCi*bn, p}rrf reftf to th. 3ubmititl tccutwE ti ftt tftc putdjt foprovtl th|t b Gqu€5td, ln r[| lotion fbr Ddgn Rartcwawtot ba .cnfrad t,!tl rl] rtqitcd nfoarr*lo'r l! ttchrad by 6a coflrntntv o.tr19pr136 Dgatmert. Trtprortt iuy .Lso ncad to bc nnfird bi ihc Town Ccncn mdifor tfr PbmbB .rd E'wtronmcntrt Commhston.D.tfr tariau rrpnnrl ||trr urlca I lllldil garrnit b IrB.d aod odt'Uoc{cl| ccrurran rlUrlnur yrrrottl|.ttrttu* tocrdcn Ctfrorrqo..l: roc3eb.k, 3 Plrtrlcd Addr6: Prrr.l t5,: a3,,r, ifrfir) of Orvncr(r)r I mrnrrgeaCr.rr -pot) X on|'(.) $gilrui(r)r llriledAtrllr.|G r|.liltr fddnr: E-|nt|l Ad*lrtl (Co|tlct E.gh Co. Assesor * 970.!2t 86{0 fof puat rE.) cr Phmer )o3 [.)? O51 | ( Pfrcne: - R'lo {?(- 3-l ).} fve.cf ncrlcOrndFm:g Stgns [f, Concc:tual Fen4crr O $lE{Cutsul.6onO Addl0on D lnOr ,, U'ltlorr: ( mdd4dfltltr/cunmctdrl) l,lmr Afeftlon (dn8b-t;.drltrduCcx, Chan -to14gwrd 6|6 Sagrdtldr rtaqEst x tr tSo lnl f1.00 p sqrlrn fb.l ot tot t rlgn.n . llo Fcs 4650 For om$rdm of . nelr bultdng or d!lno/|t!dtd.t300 For an ddltho whlrr s{ura foolrg! i9 tddad b rny r.sdcn$af c dlnntl€ltl hfldho fl0dijdcc 250 Edrtlort C nteinr enrrerrtoas).fl59 For ntru dt nFs tn butdlrs $rt $ts ||nD.gvmc'tB, 6uch tt, nF ooNhg, D.lnurr9, wirdow rdffom, lrdEphg, farcl| rnd Enrhhg unlq, |E,filo For ',||lnfr €nilF b hld,n$ Il|t tiE trryovfirdt!, rudr rs, ra.rtooincL rl ln9, rrirdsw tdildir, t.n&oDhg, t.|xqr !fi(!rltloing w!ll, clEtlo Fa |rlrtsbm ro pbn3 atre$y lpprovrd by FlaifilrE Srrff or thc OfCAn Rcalcrr, toat!. |to FG! Crr.d( llo.: ,u*r*, UU-t',tJ'?FtfF Botanical Name PROPOSED LANDSCAPING Common Name OuanUtv t\ Size z'l -o\:il:""ff'I"' P'd*.'T^'^'.*lor I AsFe DOSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED c_-L (pr^,^ -_26'Fl' Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Souare Footaoe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of L3/06/06/o5 UITLIW APPROVAL & VERIFICATION This form serves to verify that the proposed improvements will not impact any existing or proposed uHlity services, and also to veriff service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparlng your utility plan and scheduling installations. A slte plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevauons, shall be submitted bo the following utilities for approval and verification. Authorized Comments Date Slqnature QWEST 970.a68-0572(tux) Conlacts: Sam Tooley 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262.4076 (tel) 970-468-1,101 (fax) Contact: Richard Sisneros }IOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970-947-543s (tel) 970-9454081 (fax) Contact; Mike Mikolk XCEL ENERGY 970.a68.1401 (fax) Contacts; Kit Bogart 97 0.262.4024 Jim O'neal 970.262.4W3 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.72+80 (rel) 970.,t75.4089 (fax) Contact Marlan Phelps COMCASTCABLE 970.468-2669 x 112 (tel) 970.468-2672 (fax) Contact: Bradley Dorcas NOTES: 1. If the utility approval & verificaUon form has signatures from eadr of the utilify @mpanies, and no commenb are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the dwelopment can proceed. 2. If a utility company has concerns with the proposed @nstruction, the utillty representauve shall note direc{y on the utlllty verification form that there is a problem whhh needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detaited in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifrcaUons do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Deparrnent of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Utilitv locations must be obtained before dioging in any public right- of-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A building permit is not a Public Way permit and must be obtained separatelv. The Developer is requlred and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the uUlities for re-approval & re-verification if the submtted plans are altered in any way after the authorized signature date (unless otherwise specifically noted within the comment area of this form). Page 8 of L3l06l08l05 TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Statement Number: Payment Method: FITZ R050001415 Amount: Check Statement $20.00 08/29/200s02224 PM Init: ,fS NotaCion: 3057/iIAllES R. Permit lto: DRBO5O458 Type: DRB-Minor Alt, SPR/DUP Parcel No: 2101-023 -0400-4 Sitse Addrege: 3090 BOCrTtt CREEK DR vAfL Location: 3090 BOO:IH CREEK DR Total FeeE: This Palment:$20.00 Totaf ALL Pmts : Balance: +********lt**++*+*++ttt*tttt*l***t*tt******+a***+al*x1*f**********tt***a********ti*rl{.*r*+**** $2o. oo $20.00 90.00 Currents PmtE 20.00 ACCOTJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DR 00100003LL2200 DeEcription DBSI@{ RTVIEW FEES ,,-t) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 faxt 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail,co.us Project l{ame: REIMERS RE-PAINT DRB Number: DRB040333 Project Description: CHANGE COLOR OFTRIM ON MNDOWS Participants: OWNER REIMERTARTHURJ. O7lL6l20M Phone: ,I45 ROUND HILL RD GRENNWICH cT 06831 License: APPUCANT INTERIORIMAGES,NC. 0il16120o4 Phone:476-6928 MARLENE KEARNEY 1460 RIDGE I.ANE, UNIT B VAIL co 8r6s7 License: Project Address: 3090 BOOTH CREEK DR VAIL Location: 3O9O BOOTH CREEK DRIVE Legal Descrlption: Lot: I Block 3 Subdivlsion: VAIL WLLAGE RUNG 11 Parelilumber: 210102304004 CommenE: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approval= 0il2612004' Conditions: Cond: 8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: CIARE sloAx DRB Fee Paid: S2O.OO O "rno, Exterior ntt*rut,fs T{]l,\lhl Application for Design FteYi'ew Department of Community Developalent-,- 75 South Ffontage Road' vell, Color'ado 81657 tel: 970,479'2139 far 97O.479'2452 web: www.vailgov.com 5snsr al Information: lripa:"rt ,"qriring design review must receive approval prior to subhlsing a. bullding p-ermit application' Please refer to the submittat ,"wir.rrJnG roi ti." purtr-Li app.ovat that ls requeited. An appllcat'ren fot oesEn Review cannot be accepted until att riuilJ'lJotilti* it reietved bry the Communlty Development Degarttnent' The pLj..t may alsb need to be niterved by thi ro"n Council.and/o; the Planning and Environmental Cornmtssnn' Design review approvtl f"p".- ""L"i " UuitOing pefmit ls issuett and construdiOn commences Within one year o,f the approval. flescriptiorr of the Request: -l !l €_laJj 4.<G.-@ a : f Name(s) of Owner(s)l Mailing Address:IG '/ C€_!rt\d. Phone:?-o ) trlt O3q t - Owner(s) Slgnature(s): Narne of ,\ppllcant: _-, llJrrlrtq Addr€SS: Phone: parcet No.e 'Zt O t O ZR OI OOa_ (coniact EaEie Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) 2orring: @x: .2o3.sSZolacf + $50 Pjls $1.00 pur rqrui" foot ot tobi sqn area. Ne Fee $550 For consBuctlon of a new buildinq or derno/rebuild. fiJo For an dddition where square fooiage is added tr any resldenliai cr commercia, building (lncludes 250 addition.s & interiot conversions), $250 For nrlnor changes to buildings and slte ImprovemenE, such as. reroofina, L.r)ting. wlndow addiUons. tandscaplng, fences and r€ta;nrnq walls, etc. For minor chang€s to buildinqs and site improvernents, such at reroofing, painting, window additjons. landscaping, fences and retd;ninq walis, etc. For revisions to plans already approved by Plannlng Staff or the 0esl9 n riev rerrr_8oard. r n ^t-r':Jrl Addressl -.1;( *e Mie I i t'e Of ReVte{' 3!lrt . Eir - ,:x5 ..-'. (\-ttsdi R:Y ew \.,!r (-.i-:l-iT! iti(). I l-(rl,i cr I t- f,,:la.iiiffr;,'i,r!^r '.r::..,r!{i-:dnliiy/commerclal) k Minor Alte/ation (slngl€-famtlv/dupler) Changes to AF proved Plans Seoarati/ ^ ' o $20 $20 l P i .'r ir!.ir . RECbiq"1 ol rz/Ml2&l0a JUL | 5 200t1 v INTERIC? IYAGEg INC, Yorlene Kearney b6a ?idge Lane, Unit B Ya , Cotorado 81657 (97O) 476-692e Fox: (91a) 476-5347 'rgwra tvtxJ V"oGg 74\,t!6 tLtoOD SzArA/ qDGT ln o \)7 4 GratFEa) p4lEzr19 c-eLorL Ovs-tlc zAucrL= .t*l* , . -t, n*6't* ^r:"t""" ^r:;3 * tS1 | t-V Ceac>rL ! e-wra rq,*J L4 ooea O.,r.'t I c -fA ucr [= FlotJ':f L&t , ^-, POILI 3d Ct{ lpo{)D frlArN D-DqY ,.1 6\)-! 'J G?-t=er-r ,--^-" , tL ,w- ,{j ,t0 c.Av4' .,u (v . t!/ O iv /(t" ,/' 1v a-YY -r4 v F€- o All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.o Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevaUons at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline ofthe driveway to accurately reflect grade.o A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uohill direction.o Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.o Proposed surface drainage on and off-site.o Location of landscaped areas.o Location of limits of disturbance fencingo Location of all required parking spaceso Snow storage areas.o Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4'and 6'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable Landscape Plan: o Scale of 1" = 20'or largero Landscape plan must be drawn at the same s€le as the site plan. D Location of existing trees, 4" diameter or larger. Indicate trees to remain, to be relocated (including new location), and to be removed. Large stands of trees may be shown (as bubble) if the strand is not being affected by the proposed improvements and grading. o Indicate all existing ground cover and shrubs.o Detailed legend, listing the type and size (caliper for deciduous trees, height for conifers, gallon size for shrubs and height for foundation shrubs) ofall the existing and proposed plant material including ground cover.u Delineate critical root zones for existing trees in close proximity to site grading and construction. o Indicate the location of all proposed plantings. o The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.u Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINTPROPOSAIS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemenlal information is required:./f Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) a Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. isiding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 4 of LZl04l28l04 TOWNOFVAIL COLORADO Statement Statement Number: R040005228 Arnount: $20.00 O7/L6/2oo4L0:34 AM Payment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: #3238/TNTERIoR IIqAGES Permit No: DRBO4O333 Type: DRB-Minor A1t, SFR/DUP Parce1 No: 210102304004 Site Addresg: 3090 BOO|rI{ CREEK DR vArIJ IJocation: 3090 BOqfH CREEK DRM Total Feea: $20.00 This Palment: $20.00 Total ALL Pnta: $20.00 Balaace: $0.00 ,|****'t*t,li.*'l{.****'|{.**i't'}{.{.'l{.ttl**|.'},i'}**l'l*{.'t:}*'t*:t*'}il.'titi!**{t******l'f,t'l*{t'itit***f*'}*l|'|'t't**'|***** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20. 00 ,-t)Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departmert of Community Developmert 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.48.2739 faxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Reimers residene DRB Number: DR8030449 Project Description: REMOVE ASPHALT DRIVE AND REPLACE WITH PAVERS AND SNOWMELT SYSTEM Participants: OWNER REIMERS, ARTHURJ. 10/022003 Phone: 445 ROUND HILL RD GRENNWICH CT 06831 License: APPUCANT VAIL VALLEY REAL ESTATE 1O|OZ2OO3 PhONC: 228 BRIDGE ST VAIL, CO 81657 License: ProjectAddress: 3090 BOOTH CREEK DRVAIL Location: 3O9O BOOTH CREEK DR ?. Legal Descripuon: Lot: SBlxkz/(subdivision: VAILuLI-AGE FIuNG 11 Parcel Number: 21010230,1004 Gomments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: S|AFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApproval:10/08/2003 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (Pl-AN)l DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Bill Gibson DRB Fee Paid: 520.00 Apptication for oesigtheview Deparhnent of Community Development 75 Sorith Fontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General lntormatlon: All proiecb requidng design review must re@ive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to.the submittal requir€menb for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot b€ accepted until all required intormation is received by the Community Development Departmlnt. The proiect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Cournil and/or the Phnning ard Erwironmental Commission. Deslgn review approval lapses unlees a building pelmlt is issued and constructlon commences wlthin one year of the approval. of the Requ6t: Locarion of the Proposal: t-ot:8 erock: 3 Subdivision: Physical Address: ParcelNo.: of s t o aSnvo0Y(contactEagreco.AssessorargTo-328-Sgoforparcelno.) Zonlng: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Appllcant: ilailing Address: E-mail Address: $SO Ptus $1.00 per squaE toot of total sign area. No Fee $0SO For corstruction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footag€ is added to any reidential or commercial building (includes 25O additions & interior conversiors).$450 For minor changes to buildings and sile improvemenb, srch as, reroofing, painting, window additions, hndscapirE, fences and retaining walls, etc.$2O For minor changes to buildingE and site improvemenb, srch as, rerooling, painting, window additions, tandscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc.$20 For revisions io plarE Design Review Board. No Fee already approved by Planning Statf or the rtJqrt l{ t\t.\fl ? Type of Review and Fee:. Signs. Conceptual Review . New Comtnrction. Addition . Mhor Alteration (multi-family/com mercial) ..--,-1.7 . I$inor Alteration\-- -'(single-lamily/duptex) . Chang€s to Approved Plans . Separation BeqrEst D NwE-6qLn JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WR ITTEN APPROVAL LETIER l, (print n"r"l ft Rt P e ,.. iY\ a f-a, , a joint owner of property tocated at (address/legal € RQ r0t44\I description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Depailment for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. to,u1 a( *d-rr, -D3 (Date) tttt=fiOerc-,t,tc-^-= Page 2 of 1210F,123103 PROPOSED MATERIAI-S Bulldlng Materlals Type of irlaterlal Oolor Rmf Siiding OtherWall Materials Fecia Soffits Windovvs WindowTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Tnash Enclosures Grcenhouses Retaining Walls E<terior Lighting Plece specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. other Rn r*15n* Page 6 of 1216123109 \AL\ALU& REALESf,NTE 228 BRIDGE STREET. SUITE I OO VAIL, COLORADO 81657 (97O) 476-8250 800-955-VAtL FAX:(970) 476-8263 www,voil- reservofl ons.com =BROKERS INC. September 26, 2003 Town of Vail Dept of Community Development 75 South Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 RE: Work at 3090 Booth Creek Drive, owner Arthur J. Reimers To Whom It May Concern: Approval is requested for the following work on the driveway at the above address: l. Demo and remove asphalt of old driveway 2. Prep for snowmelt system and new concrete pavers. (Pavestone Plazal series in Oaks blend color). 3. Supply and install concrete drainage pan required by Town of Vail' 4. Supply and install pave edge and new concrete pavers' 5. Permits and inspections for above work to be responsibility of contractor, Gallegos Corp. 6. Jerry Sibley Plumbing, tnc to provide mechanical permits and inspections for installation of heat exchanger for driveway snowmelt, circulators, air scoop snowmelt boiler control, snow and ice sensor, 2 zone switching relay, Wirsbo tubing and manifolds. Boilers are already in place. There will be no changes in the driveway size or layout' The owner of the property hopes to start work on this by October I,2003. Thank you for your help. ,.( EllenB. McKibben Agent of Owner Sincerely, d l OL /--+ -V4 d Dd -/+! O U.A'J9 o N" , t\I iII't i\, I tl Plozo Stone' 5lenes t PRoDucT lNFoRMATloN.r-'ffi;is;rxt""' Lg. Reclongle Squore I 38mm x 208mm 1 38mm x 138mm 6-*'.*," f*" ffi t',',,fil 11,.-, t*" w /po er, cz 74_ iil-*o.*.' f,^ ffi, w /P,ece -^1 A.2 Pcs /5q Fr l; 3s. p.s /poll"t lr. *, 2sos tbr. wr./F.ller l" Ze Al) )'1 j l)Ica- q s. >(tot<q{K(/ ^ a oo l)cnvc,' Str,,r?rtrul l)itvcr' ( loloru O ,lj*;f,::rifB .#;S atrGt LiGHT BROWf.l i Il l. I l' r' Il,tl PEWIFR RECEIPT - The Torvn of Vail ?*T9 5{7 43,*" &/ok' 6 .20c;5 RECETVEDFROM Permit Numbers HOW PAJD- bash_Che "yffi*t 7 *++ 't*{t*!t * * *** * + +****++ * ********** * ********* * *** ** *** * ***** * *+*****+** +** * {. * *+{. ********* * t* +* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 10-07-2003 rt 07:13:41 1010712003 Statement * t* + + * * + **'* * 't* * * * f * * * + * * {r * * * + *'* * * {.** * * * *'* ** *{' '* {r'lr* * * **** * {' !t'}** + + + + * + f * * ** ** * * * *'} * 'l' * * 't + {' * * 't'}*+ Statement Nruiber: R030004852 Amount: $20.00 lO/07/2OO3O7:13 All Palment Method: Check Init: DF Notation: CHECK # 27947 Permit No: DR8030449 I)rpe: DRB-Minor A1t, SFR/DI'P Parcel No: 2101023 04 0 04 Site Address: 3090 BOOIH CR.EEK DR \IAIL Location: 3090 BOOTH CREEK DR Total Pees: $20.00 This Payment: $20.00 Tota1 ALL Pmts: $20.00 Balance: 50.00 * * * * '| * * * * * * * ** * * * t:t * * * * f:f* + +*** +**'l * *,lr + *** ** * * ** * lt * *'r* * d' * *** +tt* * * + f * ** * *** * * * *'i +* * **** * * * * * * ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descniotion Curnent Pnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,] FEIS 20.00 Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail. Colorado 81657 970-479-2 138 FAX 970-479-2452 February 11,2000 John Goodeman Via fax 949-6843 RE:Lot 8, Block 3, Vail Village 1l'" Filing DearMr. Goodeman: This letter is in response to your correspondence to Tom Moorhead, Town Attorney, dated February 8, 2000. There are several nonconformities that exist on the site according to the information the Town has in its files. It appears that there is a setback encroachmelt and a 100 year flood plain encroachment. These are considered legal nonconforming conditions. Additionally, the property was granted a variance to allow the site overage to exceed the code allowances. Therefore, this is a conforming condition and the variance runs witl the property until the structure is demolished. The use of the property as a single farnily home is a conforming use. The properfy is entitled only to the site coverage it presently occupies. Ifthe structu.re is demolished the site would be subject to the site coverage limitation of 20% of the lot area. The total GRFA allowed on the property is25% of the lot area plus 425 sq. ft. The property is also eligible for an additional 250 sq. ft. of GRFA subject to limitations on the use of this square footage found in the Town Code. The total garage area allowed is 600 sq. ft. The Town Code does not contain regulations which protect views from private property. The land to the south of this lot is zoned Natural Area Preservation and allows the uses listed in the Zoning Regulations. While this zone district is quite limited in allowable or conditional uses, there is no guarantee as to what may occw there in the future. There is also no guarantee that the zoning cunently on the property will remain forever. I recommend that you review the file and the zoning regulations for a complete understanding of {S r"n uor^ro issues affecting this lot. Our files are available for inspection 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday to Friday. If you have any questions, please call me at479-2146. Director of Cornmunity Development FILE Deparnnent of Comuuniry Developrnent COP,T TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3Oi -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 May3, 1993 Mrs. Rose Gillett 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 r,. RE: A request for a site coverage variance to allow for an addition to the residence located at Lot 8, Block 3, Vail Village 11th Filing\3090 Booth Creek Drive Dear Mrs. Gillett: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of lhe March 8, 1993 Planning and Environmental (PEC) meeting at which your site coverage variance request was approved' The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of this approval. please note that the approval of this site coverage variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and conslruction is not commenced and diligently pursuqQ to*ard-completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within two years from approval the approval date (March 8, 1993). ll approval of this site coverage variance lapies, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questions or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, 6*, Tim Devlin Town Plann Enclosure Jim Curnutte inquired whether there was room for the landscaping that Mr. Riden was 't proposing and still meet the minimum parking space size requirements. Steve Riden responded that if the posls surrounding the parking area were moved there would be space lor a landscape island. Dalton Williams made a motion to approve this request for a west side setback variance per the staff memo with the additional condition that a planter with trees and shrubs be placed between Mr. Galvin's and Mr. Nicholas'property and on the southeast corner of the lot, directly behind the parking area and as close to the building as possible. Kathy Langenwalter seconded the motion and a unanimous 5-0 vote approved this request. Diana Donovan added that all corners of this property snouib have additional landscaping of some torm. Dalton Williams stated that DRB will address the specifics concerning landscaping. As an aside item, Diana Donovan stated that she would like to make a recommendation that flowers be removed from Roger Staub Park, which is located immediately east of the Nicholas building, in order to make room lor a picnic table and a garbage can. This would make the park more inviting to people and would allow it to be used more. Kristan Pritz then inquired of the PEC that if Todd Oppenheimer did not want the flowers removed but still added a picnic table and a garbage can, would that be' agreeable to the PEC. The PEC said that this would be agreeable and unanimously voted (5-0) for this recommendation. 3. A request for a site coverage variance to allow an addition to the residence located at Lol8, Block 3, Vail Village 11th Filing/3090 Booth Creek Drive. Applicant: Rose Foster GilletlPlanner: Tim Devlin Tim Devlin made a presentation per the staff memo and summarized the applicants proposed mitigation for the 1 foot overhang. He said that the staff was recommending denial of this request for a site coverage variance on the basis of the strict interpretation of the regulations pertaining to this situation. Diana Donovan summarized the PEC's feelings on this proposal by saying that a unique situation exists in that the overhang was shown on the DBB and building permit plans, and they feel that they can lind that a hardship exists. Therefore, they can P||nolng lnd Envlronmrntrl Corflnirtbn arch 8, 1093 approve the request for a site coverage variance upon this basis. She further stated that one 10 foot evergreen tree needs to be planted on the site nearthetransformer. Dalton Williams motioned to approve this request for a site variance with Jeff Bowen seconding the motion, with a unanimous 5-0 vote to approve this item. A condition was added that one 10 foot tree was to be planted in front of the transformer in the front yard. 4. A request for a wall height variance to allow the construction of hazard mitigation located at Lot 16, Vail Valley Third Filing/2039 Sunburst Drive. Applicant: Mike Grisanti Planner: Jim Curnutte TABLED TO MARCH 22,1993 Dalton Williams motioned to table this request with Kathy Langenwalter seconding the motion. A unanimous vote of 5-0 tabled this request until March 22, 1993. 5. A request for a wall height variance for a property located at 3130 Booth Falls CourVLot 6, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing Applicant: Johann Mueller Planner: Shelly Mello TABLED TO MAY 10, 1993 Dalton Williams motioned to table this request with Kathy Langenwaller seconding the motion. A unanimous vote of 5-0 tabled this request until May 10, 1993. 6. A request for a proposed SDD and minor subdivision to allow for the development of single family homes located on Tracts A and B, The Valley, Phase ll/1480 Buffer Creek .Rd. Applicant: Steve Gensler/Parkwood RealtyPlanner: Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO MARCH 22,1993 Dalton Williams motioned to table this request with Kathy Langenwalter seconding the motion. A unanimous vote of 5-0 tabled this request until March 22, 1993. 7. Appoint a PEC Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson for one year duration. Appoint a PEC representative to the Parking and Transportation advisory committee. Appoint a PEC representative to the Arts in Public Places Board. Kristan Pritz stated that the Town is still trying to fill the vacant position on the PEC board and the Town Council will have to approve the appointment. Jeff Bowen made a motion to table the appointment of a Chairperson and a Vice- Chairperson until such time as the vacant position on the PEC is filled with Diana Donovan seconding the motion. A unanimous 5-0 vote tabled these appointments until such time as the vacant PEC position is filled. Planning and Envlronmrnl.l Commbdon M.rch 8, 1993 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Depanment February 22,1993 A request for a work session for a site variance to allow an a{dition to the residence located at lrt 8, Block 3, Vail Village llth Filing\3090 Booth Creek Drive. Applicant: Planner: Rose Foster Gillett Tim Devlin I. DESCRIPTION OF THE VARIANCE REOUESTED The applicant is requesting a work session for a variance from the maximum allowable site coverage to allow for the expansion of the existing two car garage and to allow for a second floor addition to canrilever out 1 foot over the existing footprint below. The latter addition has already been constructed, and is explained in further detail in Section II of this memo. The residence is located at 3090 Booth Creek Drive, and the property is zoned Two-Family Residential District (duplex). r The maximum allowable site coverage for the Two-Family Residential zone district is 20Vo. For this particular lot,2OVo of the lot area would consist of 2,856 square feet. Before the second floor addition was constructed, the property had 3,353 square feet, oi Z3.5qo, of building located upon the site. The proposed garage addition would add 160 square feet of site coverage, and the second floor addition adds 62 square feet of site coverage for a proposed total of 3,575 square feet or 25.03Vo. The existing garage is 515 square feet, and the 146 addition would bring the total garage area to 661 square feet. Since 600 square feet is the allowed garage credit for the two spaces, 61 square feet is attributed to GRFA. The existing GRFA for the structure is 3,917 square feet, including the second floor addition already constructed; 3,995 square feet of GRFA is allowed on this site. The additional 6l square feet from the garage added to the existing would bring the total GRFA for the site to 3,978 square feet, or 17 square feet under the allowable. ..II. BACKGROUND It should first be noted that when the house was constructed, the Town's site coverage definition did not count cantilevered spaces. In 1991, the Town's site coverage definition was changed to include cantilevered areas, and as a result, the existing residence had a site coverage of 3,353 square feet (23.48Vo),497 square feet ovcr the allowable 2,856 square feet (20Vo). Approximately 706 square feet of GRFA was added to the residence in December 1992 in a second story addition that was supposed to have been built completely over, but not to extend past, the existing building footprint below. However, it came to the attention of the Community Development staff during final inspections for the remodel on February 12, 1993, that the addition was built cantilevered out 1 foot over the existing structure below, thereby incrcasing thc site coverage by approximately 62 square feet. A variance has not been obtained for this increase in site coverage, and the applicant has agreed to explore options to remove 62 square feet of site coverage from somewhere else on the house if a variance can not be obtained. It should be noted that the second floor addition was approved by the DRB on December 2, 1992. At the time the application anddrawings were submitted by the applicant's arbhitect, issues concerning site coverage were discussed, and the architect submitted a letter to Community Development staff stating that site coverage would not be increased by the addition. This letter to staff from Mr. Ned Gwathmey dated October 30, 1992, is attached for review. The cantilevered space was indicated on the DRB and Building Permit plans by the architect. During the review of the floor plans for the project, the increased site coverage area of the addition was not detected by the staff. During the final inspection for the addition on February 12, 1993, the cantilevered space became an issue because it was realized that an unauthorized increase in site coverage had occurred. Mr. Gwathmey will provide more background information on this issue at the PEC meeting. M. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following summarizes the zoning statistics for this request: A. Zone District: B. Lot area: C. Density: D. GRFA: Two-Family Residential (duplex) 14,280 square feet No change proposed Allowable GRFA Existing GRFA Additional GRFA proposed Total GRFA: Remaining GRFA after garage addition = 3,995 square feet = 3,917 square feet * = 61 square feet ** = 3,978 square feet = 17 square feet 8.. Site coverage: Allowable site coverage = 2,856 square feet (207o) Site coverage before any additions = 3,353 square feet (23.48Vo) Existing site coverage with 2nd floor addition = 3,415 square feet (23.91Vo) Additional site coverage proposed (garage) = 160 square feet Total site coverage proposed: = 3,575 square feet (25.03%) F. Parking: No additional parking is required for this prgposed expansion. * Includes already constructed second floor addition. ** 61 square foot is for the amount of garage area exceeding 600 square foot credit. IV. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS The criteria and findings used to evaluate this proposal are set forth in Section 18.62.060 of thc Vail Municipal Code. The criteria and findings are as follows: A. Variance Criteria: l. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibitity and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. B. Variance Findinssl l. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same disrict. 2. That the $anting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or mor€ of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this titlc. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. V. ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION - On the issue of the garage addition, the staff does not support the 160'square foot site coverage addition proposed by the applicant because a two car garage presently exists and presumably functions rcasonably well. The existing garage is 515 square feet in area, and the proposed addition is 146 square feet, bringing the proposed total for the garage to 661 square feet. Since the garage credit is 6(X) square feet, 6l square feet would be added to GRFA. - The staff does not support the additional site coverage of 62 square fee.,t for the second floor addition which has already been constructed. If the PEC does not support this site covexage addition, the staff would recommcnd that the applicant explore possible ways to remove 62 square feet of site coverage frrom somewhere on thc property. - The architect for the applicant has asked thc staff to look at the possibility of removing the rellis covered walkway, which currently exists on the north side of the house, to decrease the site coverage on the property. The staffs interpretation of tnellis coverings is that they do not count as site coverage, an interpretation of the site coverage definition that has been appJied to various properties in the past. The definition of site coverage is as follows: "Site Coverage" means the ratio of the total building area on a site to the total area of a site, expressed as a percentage. For the purpose of calculating site coverage, "building area" shall mean the total horizontal area of any building, carport, porte cochere, atcade, and covered or roofed walkway as measured from the exterior face of perimeter walls or support columns above grade or at ground level, whichever ls the greater area. For the purposes of this definition, a balcony or deck projecting from a higher elevation may extend over a lower balcony, - .7fr.,,t1 4 t1',*4r 6//':),".. f ,n-/z ' fuA'' ,n*-( o'*11 /Y ,:,'l'/',+ . - 77ase Z z- 1r,/5 frq- o-/ * ./,,'4d 7(^ 4nn(.a /-ael ,a/ /J/u / {/*- .";-<^ fu'-,<,a - ,,.,/ ; oi,,Vtr^,'/# *?t o/4y',r^ /n^ - ?,< */na . / tus y'o 1 , Zl -.,^-2"-'- / /frflt- zn",l ."-'-o.v/r..-/:{ ;n-;*pa . ?-fr/r/. /rr"-/ry s,l-/..n. D/*-- /o-tr ?+,4 7.1','1,*, .l-ti' P,,?, fu*,', - /.JA .t,,/ /'7 4 . L - ,o, y', fI / / /rt,/ .L-V l/'/ - fta, - f^i - /G/[ - ),"i, " D, /llr- - y'*-'L,,1 t*t,tr+ce L Az/ o.,/"f/"/k *,'/,'2' /c 6 z d ^//^/*--r.,7; -" frr,/r r-? j " u.$i ffrV V-, ,/ .-/,,,-u 7 t,,, KP- &t;ll tEt+1er1;(.' fOt"/l t/bt/*1|.L4 .\- //. / )l// //)ilz*'l- //+ti t, .+.- /' a b/rtanl .rrt t,"k t1 ,^ -^r r-, deck or walkway, and in such case the higher balcony or deck shall noi be deemed a roof or covering for the lower balcony, deck, or walkway. In addition to the above, building area shall also include any portion of roof overhang, eave, or covered stair, covcred deck, covered porch, coverrd terrace or covercd patio that extends more than four feet from the exterior facc of the perimeter walls or supporting columns. 7' I ,t"l t lt t /t-a,/ . an kuVll-' (:r/1,"k) ,/ lfu s7iL-ou . - F-w lL/ //"u-r .t, /,^o l''<1 f" kkr ,t "'^.f,t l*, hVfi*t- */f^J*.,7,:, .t 1yt7_ October 30, 1992 Mr. Tin Devlin Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West VaJ.l, co 8l 557 Re: 3090 Booth Creek Drive Proposed Modifications in Excess of Allowed GRFA DRB Submittal Dear Tim: After our pre-application conference, we have rnodlfied the plans and completed documentation for the trvo reguired submittals. We understand that the hearing date is 2 December and that we couldhear both 250 and DRB issues. We are not increasing site coverage or exceeding GRFA plus 250. The other known aspects of the ordinance are met. Please don't hesitate to call if you have any guest,ions. Si.ncerely, ARCHTTECTS, P.C. ward M. Gwathmey rA EMG/ad Enclosures copy to: Rose and George GilIett t ,,tc'o rAN a a p$ \ \ txrsTl u000 \ rJp' T b-x :eutLotH4, l6tsxd<' .ut{''' T?A?EFI'(LIIJ E -\ .' \./ BfuIH CRAEV- PRIVtr/flEvtsfl$q -a )F)EL. TF^F.|6. - rARf I AL 5ffe YLAN dm\\J | | | t// N,R11{ DATE: l't3-13 S]{EET NO. A-l -alLLAll SsaDaNde ADD lflaNl 3o 10 Saat\ o?€6K DRIYa vA lL, 4ol-oP- AD o .?.,-rY.s:{.'l!.<f ,if /51 ivy t, psi ( ,i Pa-i I \i- da \ rl !.\t t\a I a{ tL aa \ UJ\n .{ L Cl )' a "rnti*^ ,?ii"&?il: Vr'Zl it-l'11{:L 4990do ttg'rsz T 9-F ---*--tl= n /toig 4 rr.) $64 r .c,F.ol$t\-JL $ Flsa $) s rO {..-:-si-\ lf | -rN--i.- * I'lr-.. 1S ul t : J I t 1 AT\\r -\z3t- _ta nr)'..-.-.:; A 4,3 A it) $ p ;i , 'ilg -i.Fl i .,s o$ $tG= EE r I I u_\tr c.l I TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Kristan Pritz Tim Devlin February 17,1993 Telephone convcrsations with Mr. Ned Gwathmey regarding the Gillett residence site coverage issue A 706 square foot second floor bedroom addition was approved for the Gillett residence at 3090 Booth Creek Drive by the DRB on December 2,1992. Based on the letter from Mr. Gwathmey to me dated October 30, 1992, as well as the several conversations that he and I had regarding site coverage for the property, I am very confidant that IvIr. Gwathmey was completely aware that the allowable site coverage for the property had been fully maximized and was in fact over by some 497 square feet due to the change in the zoning code's definition of site coverage (18.04.360). As you know, cantilevercd spaces did not count as site coverage under the "old" definition but do count now. Since this rcsidence has extensive cantilevered areas which now count as site coverage, the only way an addition could be built on to the house (without a site coverage variance) was to build over areas where structure already existed. This was the basis of many of the conversations that I had with Mr. Gwathmey conceming this ploject before it was ever approved by DRB. I was assured by Mr. Gwathmey that the addition would be completely on top of the existing building footprint. The Upper Level Floor Plan for the addition does show the walls of the upper floor to indeed be cantilevered out one foot on three sides above the floor below, an oversight on my part that came to our attention on Friday February 12 when the final inspection was being completcd by Chuck Feldman. Therefore, the purpose of this memorandum is to inform you and to document the conversations that I had with Mr. Gwathmey on Friday, February 12, and Wednesday, February I7,1993, concerning the Gillett residence site coverage issue. On February 12, I telephoned Mr. Gwathmey early in the afternoon to let him know that a final inspection for the addition could not be approved by Community Development because the additional site coverage was not allowed per the zoning code (18.13.090). Mr. Gwathmey responded by telling me that that was ridiculous because the additional site coverage had been shown on the drawings and was approved that way. I reminded Mr. Gwathmey of his October 30, 1992letter to me, as well as his many verbal assurances, that the upper level addition would not increase site coverage over what alrready existed on the property. After some discussion, Mr. Gwathmey became upsct and told me that he had indeed been intentionally deceptive and that he "had pulled a fast one" in hope that the extra site coverage would not be noticed. Further, he stated that he didn't care if I was recording this conversation or otherwiie documenting it. I responded by telling Mr. Gwathmey that I certainly was not recording our conversation but that I was indeed documenting it. I continued by telling Mr. Gwathmey that I did not appreciate bcing intentionally deceived by him regarding this issue, and told him that the reason the extra site coverage area was not detocted by me on the floor plans was because of the many assurances that I had been given by him that the addition would not increase the site coverage. He responded by telling me that that was alright because he would not work with me on any projects in the future. We continued to discuss the issue for a few more minutes, and Mr. Gwathmey agreed to como over to Community Development later that aftemoon to discuss the issue further with myself and Gary Murrain. The conversation then ended. Mr. Gwathmey called me back about 10 minutes later to let me know that he would be unavailable to moet until about 5:00 or 5:30, at which time he could "come over to be berated by the Planning and Building Deparunents." I told him that we wanted to meet with him not to berate him but to discuss possible solutions to resolving this issue. After this conversation, I spoke with you Kristan and it was decided that it was not a good idea for Community Development to meet with Mr. Gwathmey until we developed our position through a meeting with Ron Phillips and l-arry Eskwith. I telephoned Mr. Gwathmey and let him know that we would in fact not be ready to meet with him until after this meeting took place. Mr. Gwathmey then asked me if Community Development would look at removing site coverage from somewhere else on the property, specifically in the area where a trellis covered walkway now existed. I rcsponded by telling him that we would be willing to looj< at his proposed solution but that I needed to discuss the matter further with other staff members. A short time later we received a facsimile from Mr. Gwathmey containing a written request for Community Development to look at removing the trellis as a solution to this issue. Mr. Gwathmey also stated in the facsimile that they "did not intend to hoodwink anybody" with their application. From your office I phoned him back and indicated to him that the staff at first glance had concems with the trellis being considered as site coverage. I also let him know that I wanted to talk with all the planners to find out how they have handled trellises in the past with respect to site coverage, and that I would let him know of our interpretation of the trellis as soon as we had an answer for him. Since February 12, the planning staff has discussed the trellis issue, and it was specifically noted that in the instance of the Rothbart rcsidence at 2349 Chamonix Lane, a covered walkway was modified to a trellis walkway to rcduce the amount of site coverage for the project because a trellis type covering did not count as site coverage. This information was passed on to Mr. Gwathmey on February 17, at which time he indicated that he needed to meet with the Gillett's to discuss other options for removing some site coverage to get to where they were before the addition was built (approximately 62 square feet). I hope this documentation is useful in helping you understand the conversations that Mr. Gwathmey and I had regarding this matter. Please let me know if I can answer any questions that you may have. cc: R. Phillips L. Eskwith G. Murrain C. Feldman O1 FtL r c0Py Jim Curnutte inquired whether there was room for the landscaping that Mr. Riden was proposing and still meet the minimum parking space size requirements. Steve Riden responded that if the posls surrounding the parking area were moved there would be space for a landscape island. Dalton Williams made a motion to approve this request for a west side setback variance per lhe staff memo with the additional condition that a planter with trees and shrubs be placed between Mr. Galvin's and Mr. Nicholas' property and on the southeast corner of the lot, directly behind the parking area and as close to the building as possible. Kathy Langenwalter seconded the motion and a unanimous 5-0 vote approved this request. Diana Donovan added that all corners of this property should have additional landscaping of some form. Dalton Williams stated that DRB will address the specifics concerning landscaping. As an aside item, Diana Donovan stated that she would like to make a recommendation that flowers be removed from Roger Staub Park, which is located immediately east of the Nicholas building, in order to make room for a picnic table and a garbage can. This would make the park more inviting to people and would allow it lo be used more. Kristan Pritz then inquired of the PEC that if Todd Oppenheimer did not want the flowers removed but still added a picnic table and a garbage can, would that be agreeable to the PEC. The PEC said that this would be agreeable and unanimously voted (5-0) for this recommendation. 3. A request for a site coverage variance to allow an addition to the residence located at Lot 8, Block 3, Vail Village 11th Filing/3090 Booth Creek Drive. Applicant: Rose Foster GillettPlanner: Tim Devlin Tim Devlin made a presentation per the staff memo and summarized the applicant's proposed mitigation for the 1 foot overhang. He said that the staff was recommending denial of this request for a site coverage variance on the basis of the strict inlerpretation ot the regulations pertaining to this situation. Diana Donovan summarized the PEC'S feelings on this proposal by saying that a unique situation exists in that the overhang was shown on the DRB and building permit plans, and they feel that they can find that a hardship exists. Therefore, they can Pbnning rnd Envlrcnmadrl cornnbrloo ibrch I, t0e3 4. 01 approve the request for a site coverage variance upon this basis. She further stated that one 10 foot evergreen tree needs to be planted on the site near the lransformer. Dalton Williams molioned to approve this request for a site variance with Jeff Bowen seconding the motion, with a unanimous 5-0 vote to approve this item. A condition was added that one 10 foot tree was to be planted in front of lhe transformer in the front yard. A request for a wall height variance to allow the construction of hazard mitigation located at Lot 16, Vail Valley Third Filingl2039 Sunbursl Drive. Applicant: Planner:TABLED TO MARCH 22, 1993 Dalton Williams motioned to table this request with Kathy Langenwalter seconding the motion. A unanimous vote of 5-0 tabled this request until March 22, 1993. A request for a wall height variance for a property located at 3130 Booth Falls CourULot 6, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing Applicant: Planner:TABLED TO MAY 10,1993 Dalton Williams motioned to table this request with Kathy Langenwalter seconding the motion. A unanimous vole of 5-0 tabled this request until May 10, 1993. A request for a proposed SDD and minor subdivision to allow for the development of single family homes located on Tracts A and B, The Valley, Phase ll/1480 Buffer Creek Rd. Applicant: Planner: Steve Gensler/Parkwood Realty Andy Knudtsen TABLED TO MARCH 22, 1993 Dalton Williams motioned to table this request with Kathy Langenwalter seconding the motion. A unanimous vote of 5-0 tabled lhis request until March 22, 1993. Appoint a PEC Chairperson and a Vice-Chairperson for one year duration. Appoint a PEC representative to the Parking and Transportation advisory committee. Appoint a PEC representative to lhe Arts in Public Places Board. Kristan Pritz stated that the Town is still trying to fill the vacant position on the PEC board and the Town Council will have to approve the appointment. Jeff Bowen made a molion to table the appointment of a Chairperson and a Vice- Chairperson until such time as the vacant position on the PEC is filled wilh Diana Donovan seconding the motion. A unanimous 5-0 vote tabled these appointments unlil such time as the vacant PEC position is filled. 5. Mike Grisanti Jim Curnutte Johann Mueller Shelly Mello 6. 7. PLaolng rnd Ervlrqrm.nld Cormbabn llgn 0, 19e3 t FlLr copy 8. A request for a work session for a site coverage variance to allow additions to the ' residence located at Lot 8, Block 3, Vail Village 11th Filing8O90 Booth Creek Drive. Applicant: Rose Foster Gillett Planner: Tim Devlin It should be noted that Chuck Crist and Jeff Bowen abstained from this item due to a conflict of interest. Tim Devlin made a presentation per the staff memo for this work session item. Ned Gwathmey stated that the applicant is aware of the site coverage problem with this site and that they wanted to discuss the potential for adding the garage and additional storage space. He also said that traffic and snow buib up was a real problem with this site and visitors are continuously ticketed for parking on the road. He further stated that he has an alternative proposal if this one will not work. Kristan Pritz stated that the driveway was a DRB issue and an issue that the Public Works Department needed to review. Greg Amsden stated that this proposal was a tough one because of all the mistakes that have occurred. He said lhat the second floor overhang encroachment did not present much of a problem but he does not see where the site coverage can be removed. Kristan Pritz suggested that the storage/closet area on the east portion of the first level was a possible area where site coverage could be removed. Greg Amsden stated that he could not go for the garage addition request. He also said that the driveway proposed by Ned is worth pursuing and he does not wish lo see it taken out. Gena Whitten agreed with Greg and stated that she likes the parking solution that Ned came up with as well as the proposed landscaping. Kathy Langenwalter stated that she can not see hardship warranting additional site coverage and can not see a feasible reason to allow for additional site coverage. She said that she sympalhizes with the applicant about the parking situation but she does not like the double driveway cut. Dalton Williams agreed with Kathy Langenwalter regarding the parking situation and stated that he does not mind the double driveway cut but the Town does not seem to like that concept. He further stated to the applicant that he would hate to see the addition torn down but that they were "between a rock and a hard place". Diana Donovan stated that she agreed with Dalton and Kathy. PLnnlng rnd Envltonn nld Cormhtbn F.brury 22, 1993 17 Kathy Langenwalter stated that there was adequate length that could be taken from ttte garage and added to the width to give a wider garage area. Ned Gwathmey stated that lhis would not work. Diana Donovan stated that site coverage was fairly sacred and that there had to be line where the PEC had to say no. Ned Gwathmey inquired whether there was a way to mitigate lhe 1 foot overhang. Diana Donovan stated that mitigation was perhaps possible with additional landscaping but nothing more could be added to the garage. She also stated that the 2 curb cuts addressed the parking problem but not the variance that the applicant was asking for. Kristan Pritz explained that the Town of Vail owns lhe land along the stream tract and the land further down called Katsos. She said that the PEC could think about whether landscaping can mitigate this situation. Dalton Williams, Kathy Langenwalter and Greg Amsden stated that they had a tough time with this idea. Dalton Williams added that he has a tough time setting a precedent with this proposal. Kristan Pritz stated that she feels that the staff is partially at fault and that they should have caught the note that was on the plans. She said that miscommunication occured on both ends and that the honesty and directness of the applicant has been appreciated. Kathy Langenwalter stated that had the applicant come in for a variance to allow the garage to be widened lo 24 feet from 22 teet she would have gone tor it because she befieves lhat22 feet is too narrow. Greg Amsden inquired whether there was a way to handle this proposal in such a way as to avoid setting a precedent. Kristan Pritz stated it was difficult to determine malicious intent but that at the present time staff could not think of a way to avoid setting a precedent. She said that the staff would need to think about this request some more. Kristan also added that there have been situations in the past when variances have been approved where there were extenuating circumstances. Greg Amsden inquired whether the applicant's neighbors had any problems with this request for a site coverage variance. Ned Gwathmey stated that he did not know but that the applicant is friendly with his neighbors. He stated that the drawings for the DRB and the building permit are the PLmln! lnd Envl.onm.nt l Cormbrbn Frbrurt ZI, 1993 :\ , 18 same and that he saw it after it was built. He added that every building project has . modifications between the start and finish and he hopes lhat the PEC can use Diana Donovan's suggestion concerning mitigation. Greg Amsden stated that the house might be unreasonably disrupted if square footage was taken away from the lower part of the unit. He also voiced his concern with the law and how future projects may be effected. Ned Gwathmey stated that it was his desire to mitigate the sile coverage problem through landscaping. Diana Donovan stated that it was this board's feeling that this might be allowable. lt was also recommended that the applicant look closely at lhe floor plans lo see if site coverage could be removed. Ned Gwathmey agreed to submit a specific landscape proposal to mitigate the overhang encroachment as it effects site coverage. This item will be reviewed again by the PEC on March 8, 1993. 9. A request for a work session for a wall height variance for a property located at 3130 Booth Falls CourVlot 6, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing Applicant: Johanne MuellerPlanner: Shelly Mello Shelly Mello made a presentation per the statf memo regarding the boulder retaining wall. Bill Pierce, representing the applicant, stated that the applicant came across these rocks when digging on the site and these boulders were consequently made into the existing wall. He stated that in his opinion, they are more attractive than concrete walls. He also said that other houses in the neighborhood have large retaining walls. He stated that the only other option available on this site was to build a house close to the road. Diana Donovan stated that this wall was an environmentally sound idea as well as being attractive. Diana Donovan read Chuck Crist's comments concerning this project into the record. He feels that the upper wall needs to be more stepped and additional landscaping for the site was needed. Gena Whitten inquired at what point is it considered a wall. Bill Pierce responded 1.5:1 which is pretty flat. PLnnlng rnd Enyltqrm.ntrl Cormbrlon Fobru.ry 22, l0t3 19 J TO: FROM: DATE: SI,JBJECT: MEMORANDT.'M Planning and Environmental C-ommission Community Devclopment Dcparunent February 22,1993 (rcviseil memo for March E,1993) A rcqucst for a sitc coverage variance to allow fu an addition to the rcsidcnce located at Lot 8, Block 3, Vail Village I lth Filing\3090 Booth Geck Drive. Applicant: Planner: Rosc Fostcr Gillett Tim Devlin I. DESCRIPTTON OF THE VARIANCE REOI.]ESTED The applicant is requcsting a variance from the maximum allowablc sitc oovcrage to allow for a second floor addition to-cqrtiiEvrclffifiTrf(il?oot over tfri cxilqr!@ {ddiion fias alriady been Constructed, "na ir cxplainbd iii furthCr aitail in-SCcfi.onT of Uis memo. The single family residence is located at 3090 Booth Geek Drive, and the property is zoned Two-Family Residential District (duplex). The maximum allowable site coverage for thc Two'Family Rcsidcntial zone district is 2O%. For this 14,280 square foot lot,20% of the lot arca would consist of 2,t56 square feet. Before the second floor addition was constructed, the propcrty had 3,353 square fcet, or 23.48Vo, of site coverage. The already built second floor addition adds 62 square fcet of sie coverage for a proposcd total of 3,415 squarc fcct or 23.91%, A variance is required for thc additional .439o of sitc coverage. The existing GRFA for the structurc is 3917 squarc feet, including thc sccond floor addition already constructed; 3,995 square feet of CRFA is allowed on this sitc. Thercfore, with the second floor addition, the housc is 78 square fcct undcr tlrc allowablc GRFA. r. ucKGRoUND'., When thc t oor" *"ruio{i#;,"4, the Town's sitc coveragc dcfinition did not count cantilevered spaces. In 1991, the Town's sirc covcragc &finition was changed to include cantilevcrcd arcas, and as a result, the existing rcsidcnce had a sia covcrage of 3,353 rquare fcct (23.48Vo), 497 square fect over thc allowable 2,t56 squarc ferlt (20%). I 'Ail*df 7()5 cq!*tuf GRFi was addcd o thc rcsidcncc in Dcccmbcr 1992 in a sofl4{mtndCi{ion that was supposed toryutr, h'dd frsq'fnffiff&gfffi bobw. Itrowcvcr, itcrmc !o thc atendon of the. C.ommunity Devclopmcnt snfr druing final inspcctions fa thc rcmodcl or Febnrary 12, 1993,thatlc'#.C* tbcrcby L A vsriancc has not bccn obtained fq this incrcasc in sirc covcragc, and thc rpplicant has agrccd o cxplorc options to llmove 62 square fcet of sitc coverage firorn cmcwh€rc clsc on thc house if a variancc can not bc obtdncd. , tn, and the applicant rnd Mr. Gwathmcy agrccd o cxplur rcmoving sib oovcrage frrom somewhsrp clsc on thc sitc. Sincc thcn, Mr. Gwathmey has submied to thc ltaff r lcucr (datcd March 2, 1993 -scc sttachcd)thr Therefore, planting thrcc evcrgrccn tr€cs -Tbc arachcd sia plan shows the prcposcd location of thesc uees. Plcasc notc drat sincc the last PEC mccting, thc applicant has withdrawn thc rcqucst for a site covcragc variance for a garage addition. Also, the proposcd "loop" drivcway with nvo curb cuts has bccn withdrawn. At the February 22, 1993 PEC mccting, the PEC rskcd thc staff to rcvicw and rcporr on spccific vrrianccs that have rcn- In responsc, thc staff has rcscarched and summrizcs the rccommcndations and the PEC's findings for the following projccts. This list is not cxhaustivc but docs include projects thc staff could remembcr during thc rccent past: l.) Lot 3. Block 2 Vail Potato PatcM54 Potato Patch Drive: A rcqucst for an appcal of a staff decision conceming GRFA in cxccss of drc allowablc for thc sirc. The applicant was Michacl Lautcrbach. During March of 1990, fie DRB grantcd final appnoval fu a primary/sccondary residcncc to bc locatcd on the abovc-rcfcrcnccd lot The drawings submittcd to tlrc DRB indicatcd that thc projcct had approximately 300 square fect of cxccss GRFA available. Approximarcly one wcck afrcr the DRB's approval, the Town issued a building pcrmit fc thc construction of thc projccr Modifications wcrc madc to thc approvcd DRB drawings; howcver, a building pcrrnit was issued The modifications includcd the addition of approximarcly 500 squarc fcct of additional GRFA. This additional GRFA put thc structurc approximatcly 2fi) square fcct gl&l thc allowable GnfA for thc sirc. It should bc noted that at thc timc thc building pcrmit was issuc4 thc Town was not' abarc that modifications had bccn madc to thc drawings. On August 3, 1990 a sop wort order was issued by the Oommunity Dcvclopmcnt Dcparrnent. Thc reason for this sop work ordcr was that thc projcct cxcccdcd tlrc allowable GRFA fq thc ProPcrty. During thc following nro wccls aficr ths issuancc of thc stop wor& ordcr, the rpplicant attempted to rcsolvc thc GRFA exoccdanoc with thc Town staff. Although thc applicant was willing to "compromisc" on a solution rcgarding the exccss GRFA, thc staffs position was tlut it was not within thcir administrativc powcr to negotiatc ruch a solution. Thc staff position was that thc projcct must confurn o thc allowablc GRFA on the lot, and additionalln thc staff fclt that thc zoning codc docs not providc thc staff any discrction to approvc any GRFA ovcragc. On August 27,1990, thc PEC rcvicwcd an appcal of a staff dccision rcgarding thc exceedance of GRFA for Lot 3. Afar hcaring the applicant's rpquest, thc PEC votcd 6l to uphold the staffs dccision. The Town subsequently rclcascd thc stop wo,rt ordcr and the applicant modificd the structur€ to conform with the GRFA ordinance. Once this was complercd and the project was inspected by thc Town, the entirc stop work order was rclcascd and the project continued. 2., Lot 6. Block 7. Vail Villaee First Filins/146 Forcst Road: A request for a wall height variance was made by the applicant, Ron Byrnc. During August of 1989, the Design Review Boad granted final approval for the design of a ncw primary/secondary residcnce on the abovc-mentioncd property. At thc timc of this approval, the applicant's drawings indicated ttrat the projcct could bc completed without any variances. During the constnrction of the projcct, it becamc apparcnt to the project architect that the retaining walls which were designed to support the driveway and thc parking area could not be constructed without cxcceding the maximum 3 foot wall height within the front s€tback. The applicurt then applied for a wall height variance. In Scptember of 1989, the PEC (and subscqucntly thc Town Council) approvcd thc applicant's rcquest for a maximum wall hcight of 9-feet Ginches within the ftront sctback. During June of 1990, thc Dcpanrncnt of Community Dcvclopmcnt rcalizcd that the reaining walls were not bcing constructcd acco'rding to thc approvcd PEC variance, and a stop work ordcr was issucd by the Town. The applicant subscqucndy applied for a wall height variancc to thc PEC Prior to thc PEC's rcview of this variance rrquest, the staff infmmcd thc applicant that the Planning Dcpartncnt would be unable to support thc rcqucst fsr an additional wall height variancc and suggcstcd 3.) that thc applicant proposc to modify thc walls so that ury negative imprcrs on drc ncighbctrood would bc minimizcd. Al0rough thc najority of the walls had bccn constructed, the applicurt did proposc b ttmovc putions of thc nuining walts and.o heavily landscape thc bascs of thc reaining walls. Thc Planning and Envirronmcntal Commission ultimarcly approvcd thc applicant's modifiod rcqucsr, and the stop work qder was liftcd Thc applicant thcn pooccdcd !o Emovc portions of ilrc rctaining walls, Es app,rovcd by thc PEC, rnd cvcntually tandsclpcd tlrc projcct Dning July of 1991, a Final Ccrtificatc of Oocupancy was irsued on thc profrrr Sonncnalo Hotcl: A roqrrcst for a setback v&riane fc an akcady construcEd portion of thc hotcl. Whcn this prcjcct was pvicwod by thc rnfr urd thc PEG vuianccs werc rcquestcd and grantcd for hcight, prrking, urd omrmon arpa ln rdditbn, sipifrant portions of thc existing building were already locatcd in thc sids sclback, and whcn ilrc building was dcmolishcd the bascmcnt arca that cncroachcd ino tlrc sctback rcmaincd intact. Although none of this basement arca was rcrnovod during rcdcvclopment, its area was cxpandcd, resulting in a larger amount ofarea bcing locacd in the sctback. Plcasc notc that the new area of cncroachmcnt did not incrcase dre distance of cncroachmcnt into the sctback. It is important to notc that the additional cncroachmcnt was indicated on the approved building pcrmit plans. Thc encroachment was shown on rhc floor plan but not thc sitc plan, similar to Gillett situation that is now bcing rcvicwed by the PEC. At the time the Improvemcnt lrcation Ccrtificate (ILC) was complered fu the projcct, thc staff dctccted the incrcascd arca of thc sctback cncroachmcnt and rcquircd the applicant o apply for a variancc to thc PEC. The staff rccommcndcd approval of thc variancc based partially on thc fact that thc amount of thc cncroachment into thc setback was not being increascd. The PEC approved thc variance per the staff rccommcndation. Ilt 6. Block 9. Vail Inrcrmountain/ 2855 Snowberrv Drive (Cahill Residcnce): A r€quest for a hcight variance for an already constructcd house that excccded the allowablc 33 fcet hcight. The applicant rcccivcd DRB approval for a single family rcsidencc to bc built on thc propeny. However, during constnrction of the housc, the location was shiftcd (without DRB or saff approval) approximarcly ll fcet by the applicant to avoid a 40 foot tall cvergrocn ucc. Subscquently, whcn an ILC was complctcd for thc projcct, it was discovcred that the housc was four (4) fcct ovcr thc allowed hcrght. Sincc hcight is mcasurcd to thc mqe restrictive of cxisting or proposed grades, and the ridge of thc suucturc was moved ovcr an cxisting drainagc swalc, thc height of the ridgc was 37 fcct frrom cxisting gradc, but below 33 fcct from final gndc. 4.) 4 Thc staff recommendcd dcnial of thc hcight vsriancc, but did note that ccrtain uniquc . hardships (i.c. a swalc) did cxist on thc site. Thc PEC approvcd the requcst for a hcight vrriancc by a 7{ vorc, citing that thc inrcntions of thc applicant wcrc good utd' that circumstanccs relatcd to this projcct were uniquc. Thc PEC spccifically notcd that the hcight was below 33 fcct from final gradc and that ttris was important in their dccision to grant the variance. 5.) Chestcr Residencc: The issuc of GRFA was dccidcd through thc court systcm and was ncver addrcssed by thc PEC. Howcvcr, the owncr, E.B. Chester, did submit a variance rcquest conccrning walls and ftnces which had not bccn constructed pcr the approvcd building pcrmit ptans. Somc of thc walls wcre allowcd to rcmain whilc othcrs *tre rcduccd in hcighr ladscaping was uscd o mitigatc thc visual impact of thc walls. Changing gradcs, drc necd to crcatc a parking sca, and minimal visual impacts werc citcd by thc stafr as bcing lcasons b support the variances. Staff did ask the applicant to bring thc front yard garc columns into morc conformancc with thc 6 fmt hcight limit. The tEquest was approvcd by ttrc PEC pcr the staff mcmo by a 5- I votc. It should be noted that the second floor adrlition for the Gillctt residcnce was approvcd by the DRB on December 2, 1992. At the timc thc application and drawings wcrc submittcd by the applicant's architect, issues conccrning sirc covcragc wcrc discusscd, and thc architcct submitted a lctter to Community Dcvclopment staff stating that site coverage would 4gg bc incrcased by the addition. This lcner rc saff from Mr. Ncd Gwathmey dated Ocober 3O 1992, is attached for review. The cantilevered spaoe was indicated on the DRB and Building Permit plans by the architect. During the review of the floor plans for the project, the increased site coverage arca of the addition was not dctccted by the suff. During the final inspcction for thc addition on February 12. 1993, thc cantilevcrcd space bccame an issue bccause it was rcalized that an unauthorizcd increase in site coverage had occurrpd. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS The following summarizes the zoning sutistics for this rcquest: A. Zone District: B. Lot area: C. Density: D. GRFA: Allowable GnfA Existing (and total) GRFA Rcmaining GRFA TwoFamily Residcntial (duplex) 14,280 square fcet No changc proposcd = 3,995 square fcct = 3,917 square fcct * = 7t square feet l sirc covcrage:7 Allowablc sirc corrcragc $ic covcragc bcfoc any additions E:risting (and proposcd) sitc covcragc with 2nd floo addition F. Parking: = 2,t56 squue feo (20%) -3,353 squrre ftct Q3.48%') = 3Jl5 squarc fcct Q391%, No additional pa*ing is requircd fc this pmeosd cxpansion. . Indudee drcedy constructed *qrd floor rddition. ry. CRITERIA AIi{D FIIIDINGS Upon rcview of the critcria and frndings sct forth in Scction 18.62.060 of thc Vail Municipal Codc, the Community Development Dcpartrncnt rccommcnds denial of 0rc rcqucstcd variance. This reconmendation is bascd on thc critcria and findings as follows: A. Variancc Gitcria: The rdetionship of thc rcquested rnrlsnce to other eristing or potential us6 end Cruclurts in the vicinity. . It is important o allowablc sitc coveragc by 497 square fect, a rcsult of the cantilcvcrcd spaccs that did not oount as site covcrage whcn the housc was oonstrucEd but do count under thc reviscd dcfinition of "site covc,rage" and fccls [hl The degree 30 which rclief from the strict rnd literal interpretrtion end enforcernent of a spccified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility end uniformity of treatment emong sites in the vicinity or to sttain the objectives of this title withurt grant of special privilege. f=l#*{NcdGwuhmcyffi assured thc staff that th , not notc that bcfolc thc addition was built, thc cxisting house cxcccdcd the that thc B. overhang until final inspcctions wcre bcing made on the addition. Thc staff docs bclicvc that thcrc is a sclf imposcd hadship on the part of the applicant (or representative), and that sitc eovcragc could probably be removcd from somewherc to providc a solution. Thc staff could not dctcrrninc a uniquc sie constraint warranting flexibility or a rpcommcndation of approval. . t. The effect of the requested vgriance m light end eir, distribution of population, transportation md trrflic facilitkx, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The staff does not fcel that thc proposcd variancc would have a substantial advene effect on any of thesc itcms. Variance Findines: l. That the granting of the variance will not constitutc a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other pmpcnies classificd in the same district. That the granting of thc variance will not be dctrimental to the public health, safety or wclfarc, or marcrially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following r€asons: l. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would rcsult in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectivcs of this tide. b. Therc arp cxccptions or cxtraordinary circumstances or \c. conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in lhe same zone. The strict interpreution or cnforcement of the specified regulation would dcprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. Thc applicant has askcd thc staff to rcmind the PEC ftat only g!!g of 3 a, b, & c abovc has to be mct, not 4ll. I| ,'l ",,1 lllv t I'v t. \ v.STAFF RECOMMENDATION Thestaffry of thc requcst for a sirc oovcrage ir . irlhat Thc staff docs bclievc $at 62 squarc fcct, or somc pctiolr 6ereof, could bc rcmovcd ftom rornewhcrc within the stnirntc, fu cxamplc fturt thc GEsErn portion of thc frrst floc in dp rrca of thc masrr bodrcom cloccr lhis rca will bc pointcd out on floor plan !o thc PEC u thc Much t, 1993 mccting. The rchircct for the applicurt hrs arkcd drc stafito look at drc poosibility of rcmoving thc rcllis covqpd walkway, which cunrntly cxists on thc north sidc of thc housc, to docrcasc thc sitc eoversge on thc propcrty. Thc staffs inrcrprcndon of tcllis covcrings is that tlpy do not oount as sitc covcragc, ur intcrprctation of thc rirc coveragc &finition that has bccn appliod to various pmpcrtics in the past. Tbc dcfinition of sitc coveragc is as follows: "Sitc Coverage" mcans thc ratio of the otal building srua on a sitc to drc total area of a site, cxprrsscd as a pcrccntage. For thc purpose of calculating sia sovcnge, "building arca" shall mean thc otal horizontal area of any building, carport, porte cochere, arrade, and covcrpd c roofcd walkway as mcasurcd from the exterior facc of pcrimcar walls q support columns abovc gradc or at ground levcl, whichevcr is thc grcatcr arca- For thc purposcs of this dcfinition, a balcony or deck projccring frorn a highcr clcvation may cxtcnd over a lower balcony, deck or walkway, and in such casc the highcr balcony c dock shall not be dccmed a roof o covering for thc lourcr balcony, dcch or walkway. In addition to the above, building arca shall dso furclu& any portion of rmf ovcrhang, eave, or covcrcd stair, covcrcd dock, covcrcd porch, covercd Errrcc u covercd patio that extcnds mort than forn fcct ftom the extcric facc of thc perimeter walls or supporting columns. Thc staff fcels that the tncllis as it cxists docs not count as sitc covcrage, and thcrcforc would not dc€a€ase site covcrage if it wcre rpmoved. Thc applicant would like thc PEC to rcvicw the staff policy rcgading this intcrpretation. Plcase note that un&r Scction 18.62.080 of thc Town of Vail Municipal Oodc, the approval of a variance shall lapr and become void if a building pcrmit is not obtained urd constnrction nd commenccd and diligently punued oward completion within nro ycars Arorn when thc apFoval bccomes frnal. t aI sY.r \I l)I+ Ou, .=-z?dATl dSiodo -+Q ic2t'1Qli ) ..,'rrE j| r.; I, c. ( ul il :t --af '-Nl iil l tI I + I I t. I I : I I Lg.!:a {.,rf> ..r3\{ n\sr a \ _l c.tN ts \) 3 r)u,,) :g> Sl.o -._-\! f tl -.. 1 EIzl ''-*li s-l-il I J*Qi-is $ ,tl \ !0( -ir i -\l Iti t{tr) -\z].cttr o I fl N { ..l lL'rt.\rl u--tf N - -\s'tl 1 t-iqF ;. a{ $ ss .Rs October 30, 1992 Mr. Tim Devlin Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West VaiI, CO 81657 Re: 3090 Booth Creek Drlve Proposed Modifications ln Excess of Allowed GRFA DRB Submittal Dear Tin: After our pre-application conference, sre have modlfled the plans and completed documentation for the trvo reguired submittals. Weunderstand that the hearing date is 2 December and that we couldhear both 250 and DRB issues. We are not increasing site coverage or exceeding GRFA plus 250. The other known aspects of the ordlnance are met. Pl.ease don't hesitate to calL if you have any questions. Slncerely, ARCHTTECTS, P.C. ard M. Gwathme EMG/ad Enclosures copy to: Rose and George Gillett WftNC ffinvn pte l$artlt ot-6 __l Jlt 1( $,i -"'i',. *l+.RrIc1E, +o ft mr/l,. ers /urtcssr PrE Purt U RrcD riLR 21993 llarch 2, 1993 Mr. Tin DevlJ.n, Planner f,l Town of Vall Comnunlty Development 75 South Frontage Road l{estValI, CO 81557 Re: Gll1ett Resldence - Certlflcate of Occupancy Dear Tlm: Followlng the PEC tlork Sesston 22 February, Rose Glllett and Istudied the plans to see if any elte coverage could be removedto offset the addltion of the 62 square feet of the overhang.Short of the trellls and the area of the stone pllasters which seemed lmportant to the Commlssl.onera present, nothlng pops outas expendabl.e. t{e would llke to propose that the reguest for addltlonal sLte coverage for the garage Lncrease be dropped and that a variancef,or the 52 feet of slte coverage for the cantllever be granted. propose to mltlgate thlE by addlng three evergreen treesyard per the enclosed plan. A whole dlfferent approach to thls dllenma could be taken: AsKristan polnted out tn the hearlngr, the Glllette' addltlong werebullt ln accordance wlth the plans subnltted to the DRB and theBulldlng Departnent. Per 18.54.100 Enforcemen!, "It ahall bethe duty of the property owner or hls authorlzed agent to notlfy the department of conmunlty developnent that such work ls readyfor inapectlon ln order to ascertaln compliance rith approvedplans. ff the project Ls found upon lnspectlon to be fully conpleted and ln conpliance wlth the approved deslgn revl.ewappllcatlon and plans, tha conmunlty developnent departnentshall lgsue a ftnal certlflcate of occupancy." l{e wlll ln the (r*) tlr. llm Dev1ln 2 'llarch 1993 Page 2 fn elther caser please advlae on the us take. ff necessary, we wltl nake varltnce. Thank you for your conalderatlon. Slncerely, G?IATHMEY/PRABT/SCHULTZ ARCHITECTS, P.E. Edward !1. Gwathney, Af EMG/ad Enclosures copy to: Rose Gillett dLrectlon Staff would have a fornal appllcitlon for a February 12, 1993 Mr. Ti-m Devlin Town of Vail Community 75 South Frontage Road VaiI, CO 81657 Re: GilLet.t ResidenceSite Coverage Dear Ti.m: copy to: Rose GiIIettLarry Eskwith J I,995 Developnent West - 3090 Booth Creek Drive Per our discussion, we understand that the GiLletts can occupy those parts of the residence which are not included in the DRB application for an addition. We understand that we have a site coverage problem of approximately 62 square feet caused by the one foot cantilever of the addition. We did not intend to hoodwink anybody in this application. ft has been this way from day one and we want to do what is necessary to get the Gilletts settled into their new home. If we were to propose building the trellis todayr you would count it as site coverage, as it certainly impacts the site coverage. If the powers would rule that this is site coveragte, then we would suggest that removing 60 sguare feet of the trellis would alleviate the site coverage problem. We look forward to your interpretation of this most critical issue and appreciate your time and good intentions. Sincerely, GW THMEY/PRATT/SCHULTZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. Edward M. Gwathrney, AIA EMG/ad Krlstan Prltz Gary Murrain PROJECT: DATE SUBMITIEDz I fr: /oE Mk'//o"/r/,atr +J rfzz/rz 0n) COMMENTS NEEDED BY: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: eo..pz-<-*g *7 TNrER-pEpARTMENTAL REvrEw f(u^, DUtul/ DATE OF PUBLIC IIBARING Date rf ^L , t Mt/Au1{ ArtnrrltN PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: ',, IRe<_ dla)rst ^. ^t. I rr. -r/cttL L Jk* .tE/ *s"t."*rA, 6r$2g, r'''*< o k- FIRE DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Conments: POLICE DBPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RECREATION DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: Date DaLe DALe ,I .\ I\t\,\l \\ \ ext5flda YO T'' ./ -/6, -/'(.,\ eXllltra V.DRN€ ilAY gut.Lotrl4 <€1tsA6.R.LtHe 4 ./ ?FaPEFl'( LlltE -\ .' \./ EbU ;REEA PRtvtr FARTI AL gTE trLAN @ N,Rfll'1tt =lO,O-l DATE: l-t3-13 SI{EET NO. A-l .^ILLEI1 SEAWANCE ADO tftaNl 3a 10 ?ao(H o3€6K DBlvgvA [L , 4ol-OP. xD o ) 12\F'lH4- / PRIVEIJAY .TARTI AL - ZY,IbTIHA AN? EgQT%E> TLOOR FLATI */i rr ;;r_9rl P'fc? JAN 2 zlg/lrt .EIZVD. YEFTFY DATE: .l:J3:-13 SI{EET NO. 'htz - &l LLTTT RE6lDsN'.a ADDI-[laN-3a1a Paofl cF6#' Pvtv€ vAlL / 'eLePhDe :|- TTTxK \7 5\ ITTP.N+ FIt- fn \> I 6T *f's iir oc EE ;R €sq I sF ,'',1[ t|En Fr$fi{*-.*l(t('r3 zSY 5*s-+r /]'rliJdf$ e2wg DATE: l-43-n3 S1{EET NO. A-3 atLLEtf RE+tVet{^V APDlf-laN 301o FaotH CPeeK Ve'tv{- r/AtL r ULeP,hDo \ \ o Fo \* \\\ \ \ \ \ \\ogi ol E --6--0 o to o \*\ \ \\ \\ \, I f-*--ttt\ , ',^{. I \.. E I '\. ol\ -l \"ot l-PQs -r o' )t tlrlJ lrJ -tt) Ueo- &, ,'r' tt!)--o 3eo- ..E "(t o. J lrlI>t_-s 85E ov; ourL orrl|o3 9535 A}P E;,g a6b lr,EFan tr/ii/ UA ,/ ?"t E'oI ut 7^*o 1", tt"" t:61rt3 F Fo :o(\I ia' Ycox(.{ (t) ;' 8eR It ll ll(EJ< .-: d F o-_= .:3oo N(/) \ \ \\ \'lliF-EFlarF?4FtEqll-qrE " i \*\ \ \ \ \ \ \togi atc to t o ,o. \E '\ / 'ilFT \/ \,, o\\ \ \\ \\ \\ \ K ato \ \a I I I o(,cot! a,oat ' lrJJa?, Ueo- aE" I i I I IJ lr,I>s E55 ox. ouJl! ('tl!o3 35oc ,': 'E E\3p a'A b HFU' , ,,/q. ./d: ./ rt- ,/orla/ o 5tr,J.td'rrr ,/tse ,/c!- &. , ,' <Lo ,o$ o . ,o,i, i+ oo d F s o oco tn '-/ I I F FoJ lrjz.oN oooJL / J / €t U INTER-DEPARTMENTAL REVTIiW ]t VtD ttt'(offlrtnao PROJECT: DATB SUBMITTED:DATB OF PUBLIC IIEARING .,-L,*e a.f44?"r"-f DALe DaLe Dat,e Date POLICB DEPARTMENT Reviewed by: Comments: RBCREATION DEPARTMBNT Reviewed by: Comments: fgooo, Dwtut/ ilzz/rz 0n) 2. zo'23 coMMENrs NEBDtrD axt ?/fl-l7g BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROPOSAL: , ;ffWtlfurAtt ArtnrntN PUBLIC WORKS Reviewed by: Comments: FIRE DBPARTMENT Reviewed byz ',4. e.-4- Comments: GILLETT RESIDENCE LOT 8, BLOCK 3, FILING 11 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS LoL 7 Lot 9 Lot 9 David and Nancy NYStron 3070 Booth Creek Drive P.O. Box 941 Vail, co 81658 David and Diane Hughes 3110 Booth Creek Drive Vai1, CO 81657 Tom and Carrie Scrima 3110 Booth Creek Drive Vail, co 8'1 657 al+l q3 uapcuts SLrt oir Rrc'D JAN 2 2199t " Yrls NoTLe MAvAwecr Cue Pryery1 I PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on February 22,1993, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Consideration of: 1. A request lor a wall height variance for a property located at 3130 Booth Falls CourULot 6, Block 2, Vail Village 12th Filing Applicant: Johann MuellerPlanner: Shelly Mello 2. A request for a proposed SDD and minor subdivision to allow for the development of single family homes located on Tracts A and B, The Valley, Phase ll/1480 Buffer Creek Rd. Applicant: Steve Gensler/Parkwood Realty Planner:Andy Knudtsen 3. A request for a setback variance and site coverage variance to allow an addition and garage for the residence located at 1886 West Gore Creek Drive/Lot 50, Vail Village West, Filing #2. Applicant: Christopher Bartlett and Donna Mumma Bartlelt Planner:Andy Knudtsen A request for a work session for a site coverage variance to allow an addition to the residence located at Lot 8, Block 3, Vail Village 11th Filing/3090 Booth Creek Drive. Applicant: Rose Foster Gillett Planner:Tim Devlin 5. A request for a wall height variance to allow the construction of hazard mitigation located at Lot 16, Vail Valley Third Filing/2039 Sunburst Drive. Applicant: Mike GrisantiPlanner: Jim Curnutte 6. A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, for the May residence,located at Lot 6 and the east 1/2 of Lot 5, VailVillage 7th Filing/l 1 19 Ptarmigan Road. Applicant: Paula May Planner: Tim Devlin *. i.A request for a conditional use permit for an addilion to the Municipal Building to house the Vail Police Department, located at 75 South Frontage Road West (at the east end of the existing Municipal Building), and as legally described below: A pan of fts Southgasl 1t4 ol Sbdion 6. Township 5 Soulh, Range 80 Wesl ol tho Sixlh PrtncipEl Meridlan. Counly ot Eaole, Slato ot Colorado, mor€ panicutarly dGcribsd as follows: Comm€ncing gl lh€ Soutloasl coh€r ol said $clion 6, lhgnc€ l'lo.lh 0O dogrogs 28 mlnut€s 16 seconds Wesl and along the Easl lins of said Southeasl lA ol said S€ction 6 72.75 lh€ Easl lin€ ol sald Sou$gasl tA ot said S€ctlon 6 72.75 lsel to a point, sald point bein! 110.00 feet mnhe6l6rly lrom the soulherly right{f.way llno of U.S, Highwsy !,1o. 6 as measured at right anglss horolo; lh€n€ Nonh 79 degroes ,16 minules 11 ssconds W€sI and slong a line panllsl to said sourh€rly right-of-way line 145.50 feot lo The True Point ol Bgginnin!; lhenca North 16 dsgre6 08 mlnul6 !a7 ssconds Easl 78.00le€t; lhenca North 68 degrees 08 minules 35 ssconds Wesl a28.7ll fo€t; $€nco No|h 66 deOro€s 0l mlnulos 29 ssconds W€st 152,57 fest thgnca South 27 d€grges 42 mlnulG 40 sgclndE W€sl 192.66 fq€l; thgnca South 52 d€0.9€3 ,18 minulG fO ssconds East S.32 l€€t to a polnt, sakl point b€ing I t 0,m te€t nonh€ssl lrom sairl Soulh righl{f-way lln€ ol U.S. Hlghway l.lo, 6 as measurcd al tighl arEl€s th€r€b: lhenca Soulh 79 dggregs 46 minul€s 11 aeco.ds East and along a line Frall€l lo 6aid Souh righl ofway llne 585.56 f€€t lo Tho Tru9 Poinl ol Boginnlng. Exc€pt fiat ponlon conv€y€d lo th€ Board of County Commbdone.s ol Eaglo Cosnty, and tho thpanmont ot HighrvaF, State ol Colo.ado by .ul€ and ordef recofded Janua.y 5, 1 971 in Book 21 I 6t Page zl41 . 8.A request for a minor subdivision and a zone district change lrom Primary/Secondary Residential to Low Density Multiple Family, and a request for a wall height variance for the Schmetzko property, generally located at2239 Chamonix Lane, more parlicularly described as: Pqr@!l\: A t.aci ol land conlaining qne Ecro, moro or le6s, localod in ths Soulh 1/2 ol lh€ South Easl 1/4 ot Socllon 11, Ttr{nshlp 5 Soulh, Rang€ 8l W€st ol lh€ gixlh Principaj M€ridian, more paniculady dsscribed as tollows: geginnln0 ar the NE corn€r ol rh€ SW 1/,1 ol lhe SE la ot said Section 1l: rh€nca wqslerly along fi€ nonhedy line ot Eaid SW 1/4 ol lhs SE l/4 bearing sourh 86 20'w a dislanco ol167.80 tl, lo a poinl: Thence soufiedy along a lihe 167.80 tl. distant trcm and pqrallel lo lhe east lin€ of said SW 1/4 ot lh€ SE 'tl4, a dlstranca ot ?00.00 fi. to a poinl: Thsncs €asr€rly a disrance of 167.80 fi. alono a line 200.00 lL disranl lrom and pfiallel ro lh€ nonh lino ot said SW 1/4 ol ho SE 1/4 to a polnl on iE g45l ling: Thonc€ easbrly on a lin€ parall€l to the nonh line ol lh€ SW 1/4 ol fie SE 1/4 of S€ctioo 11, a dislanc€ ol50.95 fl, lo a polnl: Thonce nodh€dy and parall€l wirh $e $/ost lins ol lhe €ast 1/2 ol the SE lA ol said Section 11, a distan€ ol 200.m lL b fie poinl ot Inb6ection wlth th€ err€nsion of th€ nonh line ol he SW l/4 ol lhe SE 1/4 ol Eajd Seclion 1t: Th€nce wsstsrly on a d€fleclivs argls lett ol 95 2l'00' along lhg ort€nsion ot th€ nonh line ot hs SW t/4 of lhe SE 1/4 ot said Soc0on 11, a dlstanos of 50.95 fL lo th€ NE corn€r ol lho SW 1/4 ot fle SE l/4 of S€clion l l, b€lng lho poinl ol b€ginnlng. Perc€l B: Trad A Vail H€ights Filing llo, 1 acc!.ding b $€ recofd€d plal lhereof. Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Applicant: Planner: Town of Vail Mike Mollica Erich Schmetzko Andy Knudtsen Blanche Hill Shelly Mello o A request for a major exterior alteration, site coverage variance, and landscape variance to allow exterior modifications to the Hill Building located at 254 Bridge streeva part of Lot L, Vail village First Filing. 1 revlred 9l4l9L Iv AppI i cat ion Date-?lJ34ge.g!.2J 3 pEC MEETING DATn 22 Februarv 1993 l. A. NAME OF APPLICT\NT Mrs. Rose Gillett ADDRESS 1000 South Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 PHoNE-@-- R c. E. FEE $25O. OO PAID APPLICANT, S REPRESENTATIVE@NAI'{E OF ADDRESS th Fro West, Vai PHONE 476-1147 NA},TE OF owNER (S) OWNER(s) (typg.-o< print)-E SIGNATURE (S) ADDRESS 1000 South Frontage PHoNE-@l!9.3.9-- D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT;! BLOCKJ FILING 11 ADDRESS 3090 Booth THEFEE@!BEPAIDBEFoRETHECoMMUNITYDE\IELoPMENT DEPARTMENT WILL ACCEPT YOUR PROPOSAL. F. A list of the names of owners of all proPerty adjacent to tne subject ProPerty TNcLUDTNG PRoPERTY BEHTND AND AcROSs STREETS, ani tneir mailing addresses'- THE APPLICANT WILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRECT MAILING ADDRXSSES. II. A pre-application conference with a planning.staff member is stiongfy- suggested to determine if any additional inrorfrat.i.on-is needed. No application will be accePted unless it is compJ.ete (must include alf items reguired by the zoning administrator). rt is the applicant's i""po"iiulrity to rnake an.appointment with the staff to find out about additionaf subnittal requirements' Reguested by letter 1-18-93 III.PLEASENoTETHATACoMPI.EIEAPPLICATIoNWILLSTREAMLINETHE APPROVAL PROCESS TOF-6TF PNOJECT BY DECREASING THE NUMBER OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL THAT THE PLANNING AND ENVTRONMENTAi coMMrssroN (PEC) MAY SrrPU!ITE' A1+ CONDITIONSOTEPPNOVALMUSTBECO}'TPLIEDWITHBEFOREA BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOWING MUST BE SUBMITTED: A. A WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARIANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLI/ED' THE STATEMENT MUST ALSO ADDRESS: L. The relationship of the reguested variance to other existing-ir-fotentiaf uses and structures in the vicinitY. Ric'D JAN 2 21993 .IPPLICf, TON EOR A VIN,IA}ICE I. This procedure is required for any project requesti?g a- .variance. The appliCation will not be accepted until all information is subnitted. 2. ,lo.nr"e to which relief f[ the strict erliteral interpretation and enforcement of aspecified regulation is necessary to achieveconpatibility and uniformity of treatnent amongsites in the vicinity or to attain the objectivesof this title without grant of special privilege. 3. The effect of the variance on light and air,distribution of population, transportation,traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety. 4. How your reguest complies with Vail's Comprehensive Plan. A topographic and/or improvement survey at a scale ofat feast L" = 20' stamped by a Colorado ficensed surveyor including locations of all existing improvements, including grades and elevations. Other el.ements which musL be shown are parking and loading areas, ingress and egress, landscaped areas and utility and drainage features. A site plan at a scale of at least ln = 20' showingexisting and proposed buildings, A11 preliminary building elevations and floor plans sufficient to indicate the dimensions, general- appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and proposed on the site. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements. If the proposal is located in a multi-family developnent which has a homeowners' association, thenwritten approval from the association in supPort of theproject must abe received by a duly authorized agentfor said association. Any additional material necessary for the review of the application as determined by the zoning administrator. For interior modifications, an improvement survey and site plan may be waived by the zoning administrator. t a'f B. c. D. F. IV. TIME A. B. A.V. REQUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Contnission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all. acconPanying material (as described above) must be subnitted a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. No j.ncomplete applications (as determined by the zoning administrator) will be accepted by the planning staff before or after the designated submittal date. All PEC approved variances shall lapse if construction is not commenced within one year of the date of approval and diligently pursued to conpletion. If this application requires a separate review by any loca], State or Federal agency oLher than the Town of VaiI, the application fee shaLl be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50t of the lpptication fee. If, at the applicant's requestr 3nY matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re- publication shalt be paid by the applicant. B. , c.i:|: ilfi:i:?';:r:0"?u"l?: "::rH :l ;*l;li'*!!l "..;i-h;r issues which nai ha.te a significant impact on the--mmunity may reguire review by consultants other that town staif. -Shotild a determination be made by the town staff tbat an outside consultant is needed to review inv apprication, Corununity Development nay hire. an oulsi-al consultant, it shall estimate the anount of 'o""vnecessarytopayhimorherandthisamountshallbe f6rwarded to the-T6wn by ttre applicant at the,tine he fites his applicatlon with the community qevelopment Department. upbn completion of the review of the apification by- the consultant, any of the funds fbrwarded by Lne applicant for payment of the consultant "nictr hlve not been paid to the consultant shall be returned to the appliclnt. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the aiplicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant witnin 30 days of notification by the Town. Gillett ResidenceApplication for a Variance A. WRITTEN STATEMENT OF THE PRECISE NATURE OF THE VARTANCE REQUESTED AND THE REGULATION INVOLVED. 18.13.090 Site Coverage. Not more than twenty percent of the total site area shall be covered by buildings. When the building was last rernodelled in 1987, 690 sguare feet were designated as "cantilevered areas" which by theinterpretation at that time would have made the site coverage 163 feet under the allowable. We are proposing to add 146 inthis application. By today's interpretation, sj.te coverage is over by 527 sguare feet. Adding 146 square feet would take the percentage to:Site area = 14,280 s.f. By today's standard Site coverage = 3383 Proposed addition 146Total site coverage 3528 which brings the total percentage to 24.7t under the worstinterpretation. 1. THE RETATIONSHIP OF THE REQUESTED VARIANCE TO OTHER EXISTING OR POTENTIAL USES AND STRUCTURES TN THE VTCTNTTY. The reguired setbacks will be maintained to adjacent properties; the height will be only approximately 12 feet. 2. THE DEGREE TO WHICH RELIEF FROM THE STRTCT INTERPRETATION AND ENFORCEMENT OF A SPECIFIED REGULATION IS NECESSARY TO ACHIEVE COMPATIBTLITY AND UNIFORMITY OF TREATMENT AMONG SITES TN THE VICTNITY OR TO ATTAIN THE OBJECTTVES OF THIS TITLE WITHOUT GRANT OF SPECIAL PRIVILEGE. The effect 1s minuscuLe. 3. THE EFFECT OF THE VARIANCE ON LIGHT AND AIR, DISTRTBUTION OF POPULATION, TRANSPORTATION, TRAFFIC FACILITIES, UTILITIES, AND PUBLIC SAFETY. Negligible. Having properly sized garages will a1low theapplicants to park in the garages rather than store toys. 4. HOW THE REQUEST COMPLIES WITH VAIL'S COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. No effect. The hardship is that the residence was built prior to the Ordinance, is horizontal in organization, and there i.s no storage of the type that should be rel-ated to theground/garage/entrance: trash holding, yard maintenance eguipment, bicycles and skis. REC'D JAN 2 2199,, I ttc'D,tAN e e Wl \ \ ,/ t ,t,b a -"r,.n*o )/pnrueurY @ NOR11I w,a a\ :eutvOt!,4 lEl6AaR.LlrJ't o Bbf1l CRE6V- PRIVtr FARTI AL 5tT6 FLAN 1{ zlo.o' EJrt5lt{4 EYtSTlUh H0Utft 73a?EF1f S11r1P DATE: l-t3-13 sI{EET NO. A-l AILLETI REWZNCE hDD tftaN 3o 10 Baaf\ o3€€3 DBIYEvA lL , L2WR. hD o L E ld AJ blI _FARTI AL - ZY..,lbTli-la AN? reQ?%AD 7LOO7 FLAN :+lltt - 1t-@tl Rfs0 Jd,v 2 |lw DATE: l-*l3:13 SIJEET NO. 'h-z &l LLTTT RESlDsNc"e APDffIAN - 3e1o EaaTl a?6W-. DsrvEvAlL / eeLo?.hDe rTr ><K \v 5\ rnD :N -{ Frr fn v --t sT fiiE Fit nd It t$ lsl$ lq lu II ls l= !:-q \ I k* l (!t €gq I sF ' t t'if 'nEn EEB $$ I$s :Eg{!':l S*g DATE: l-13-n3 SHEET NO. A-3 &,tvL?rf RE+tVe\loV APDIfIAN sa no Taofq O"eeK P?tvE rzAlL I ALaE,hDo il "{l',t $ ;t'r(t ,. a \. l. 7 -=-=----TETTEiloF TRANSM[TrrAt WE ARE SENDING YOU M ! Shop drawings E Copy of letter Attached n Via I Prints/sepias E Change order /#J4#"4,,UE,t"., Samples I Specificationstr ! ! n Plans Originals DATE 1 -21 -g3 | ,oe ro. g23z To: Tim Devlon ' TOV Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vai1, Co 81657 RE: Gillett Residence coPrEs DATE NO.DESCRIPTION 1 1 -18-93 Letter to T )m Neo U 1 1-13-93 8-1 /2 x 11 sheets - A-1 A-2. A-3 1 Application for a Variance 1 Adiacent Prooertv ohrners T,i st 1 Written Statement for the Variance 1 1-4-93 fmprovement Location Certif icate 1 1 -21-93 $250.00 check THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: n E ! tr ! ! tr tr ! n ! D For approval For your use As requested Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections For your records Revise and resubmit For review and comment PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US FOR BIDS DUE 19 REMARKS SIGNED Ned GwathmevCOPY TO Rose Gillett ll anclosu@s ate nol as noted, kindly notiry us at once. ffco r^il e e; " January 18, 1993 Mr. Tim Devlon, Planner #1 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Re:Gillett Residence, Booth Falls Road Lot 8, Block 3, Vail Vi11a9e 11th Filing Dear Tim: As you have been the designated planner on the Gillett Residence Remodel, we would like to arrange a Pre-Application Conferenceto discuss an addition to the existing two-car garage, which ispresently very tight and has no storage. I think that a variance is necessary for site coverage as weplan to fit the addition into the setbacks. Please note that ifthis is indeed an addition to the garage up to 300 square feetper car, we still have not and do not need the "250." The hardship here is that the house preceded zoning and was spread out horizontally. There is no storage for trashcontainers, bicycles, skis, etc. - those things which need to beat ground 1evel. We hope that you, the Staff, and the PEC will give considerationto granting the necessary approvals. Sincerely, THMEY/PRATT/TZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. Edward M. Gwathney, AI EMG/ad Enclosures copy to: Rose and George Gillett / GILLETT RESIDENCE LOT 8, BLOCK 3, FILING 11 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Lot 7 Lot 9 Lot 9 David and NancY Nystrom 3070 Booth Creek Drive P.O. Box 941 Vail, Co 81658 David and Diane Hughes 3110 Booth Creek Drive Vai1, CO 81557 Ton and Carrie Scrima 3'l'l 0 Booth Creek Drive Vail, CO 81657 REc',o JAN 2 zlggt E2!i:.a t ..j z=-! z: -: j: ii =+ =-..i;24.2za'Zaza,"r - = - '.-i iz-1=-z 9.1 5 :.i =Tata--> . \ - != =.{L. i:: .= 2 i-' =i z'--= j= .= a:::_a::aiii:a i.. ..: t '.t i z:.4 . = a.Y = : =-u l,Y 7 '-.t:iza:'rJ v ?: . : ==_z;==- 2 - "- i'= !iJz=ti=, Fl aa o H E b0 il "ll '-.':Irrll :l::i :l I rui 6q qi -"Iil>l .lFll 'rl1 >l .l(nl :j qi -t *l ,ul :l-l C'I ?lTiFI -1 6lol $rl(Jl /lnlal ol -i o\l (o I I I I e .E =e +.ttr C) r-{ 'rt qJ !E S:! --; civ 5t^ z I F \o an I r-l .Fi rJ o o c) U r-lo o o q, 'o o 6J +J!oi-l F{ z r-L'x- ,.ivtr;r^ t- 5\./ :__ -a)1 LJ ..r v =zzas< a:*t 11 <\./Yn- 2aQ>z= E=5 q-P ^kl\J- c4 .-r-=zzuX !.! -'a -tF= €9.a oi r z3F-F-r!{kl (l -.jF>rr--<Yo;<f=zE*>Q"9 iEu.r^q!<-'F\J-'_r l- !\ A{;.,Fil ^';*'*tto>-;!4Or>i.i z*--Y\<l'!>?c.eieR\JF "l{. r-' AC i FZU.-ff;<;USXH.^F-Y- i: ESF +rtsrH O. a-t -trFlh etrtr. FI ENts -r|Ja .l-ia H -lrF)aF tH €v r-atF{F? -11te :rF\-at{ f- -a *Fl Lrt*thtrll\/ lFf 11 a.rFl Et-l rlJfHfPrFlf*A.r-\ II\t UJ J l l q)z 2 Foo ti x oz ts =G,uto-N (n uJ LIJu- L = IJJ(L @l.€hltr *r cf) cn 4 rilutr cno\ F M z H an 2 I I I I I IH lo i I I I I IJ rc) rtrlt!iot('tzro r* Ll.lF EoF FIz =o zz o |rJ oz z f @ .6 o =zo l!J llJo =I ot! $-+ RBt F--.ts\. B-$ s1\\*\ B- o Eo ooo .9 CLo fil 'oF o b\Lq scto| oE o (o c)Eoo ! :ldl E. o = l Eq, (E 3 .9 o trq, o Q'€ sioooo cp :E 0 {.I $ .E s -.tf 3o F o o o) E oo()(! o o .2 =o Ec(! g; '(E ol 6.:oi !1c(U( miE( EI PIo.l a'l =.1,oiF1Ei t.:>iolEroio: Olaf Sl ars,l oi ol 6r E: .=iolE..''t: o,l E] O1 o ID Eo)G. -@6gsr(/,iEoco6 tt, o'- 0)E(J9c fP *.oi €) .lJEF'l=o(! o.,E 5;E>(E= -EooEo 0t r.Ei -(!€o 6= -.oo- GCt;(! P5 G-E qE o'- o!Eia;(r>(EE (g: PEfBEoEgoaOG Eo o o (u E ;.c .: fo Eg .9 (U =o.o(! .9 E6o o) (E E (! oo)og =o I(, (5 q) 0)E ln\++ I @ r4 C\ N = IIJ z ) f co I UJ o2 u,l uJ z6 J ) 2 I llJ = UJ UJ z tr uJ () uJ oE oo =g ul z 6 UJ F6 o- u,l o-fz I!J x rql an at u.l UJt! F =(r uJo- J FoF oz d J_ 1 IEFo UJJ UJ oz (o =-) J - IJJ :E NOtrvn"lv^ h x 3 l! z F G uJo Eutz t!,t =>G -rctf,tn3 =ooJ zz99F^qt95r9 0./, o1>9()r) izt!<oo- E!2IE.i ni z tr .-) t! uJg. z E6 z tr E UJ =z Fzfz9.a <oo< =Hxr!6o<z Fz, 9z ;o3trOI lulJ (! ll,lzY iF 2IF 5oz I -1 II __l,?l <l-l 8l t! a o 3 l Fu) JI<li-l zl zl .. >l UJ uJ IJJzot (r ujo J zI = I 6 @ LO ut tr @(o o-) zo Fo- uJY ul @ oF F E u.t o- ttlol > c4l(L o,lo --{o\| | -..l'I H$,OEzo z. "R=ze(Do>z aL u- rx-IEL I (t c)zE = Ltl 6l! F t uJ o- ILo.F llJ59E=oa6E9ttir EE => =ul-F h=E ;ffE =*E 66 !9 \ tuE XLt x>E=FcL *io-itt* IJJ F --- E =E.lrl o-zo F(J3EFazo(J Irtl -k\l t-TYld+ r--+ [J -T -l Il(,tzF-.i --J lJ- z E Ff I tsF FrlFi F1H ui =z .Do-) HH F-] F-lH uJ =z }a F att LL cc o- FlH F = uJ o t Io- Fo ; F = z rri ur J r! z3 F c a I uJ uJF =t tr z |lt J a l!oz3 F F{ 4 zH E Fl H =tr ,'].qlq . o1 utl .El Ja ttoz3IF d z ultr ? u-oz3oF =G oz o uJE J t! z3 F ui uJF. rl t UJz = FO lLlF IOE -.r O<F l,! <zE!UF(rl z Je<oOF trs vt- =2 -o z = J i5 tQd<:rv Y,Z =g G i;g r- 1-o2<()a9.Lqx-ann luttn 75 routh lfontrgc ,o!d r.ll, colorudo 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2[39 olflce of communlty d.Yclopmcnt If this p"ryrit regurires a Town of Vail fire Department Approval ,Engineer''s (Pubt ic Works) reyiew and approval,' a planning' Oeparimentreview or Health Department review, ani'a review by the 6uilbingDepartment, the estimated time for a total review may take as 16ngas three weeks. All comrnercial (large or smal'l) and all multi-family permits will have to follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, ifresidential or smal'l er projects inpact the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary review, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite thispermit as sgon as possible. BUILDING PERMIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time /aznt'r #eg6q I, the frame, Date llork Sheet was turned into the Corrnuni ty Devel opment Department. \ \ 75 ioulh frontege aold tril. color!do E1657 l3o3l 479-2L.38 or 479-2139 TO: FROM: DATE: SUB.TECT: offlcc ol communlty devclopmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CT'RREMTLYL REGISTERED WITH TITE TOWN OF VAIL EOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMTJNITY DEVELOPMENT I.IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCIION PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE rn surnmaryr.ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor naterial , including trash durnpsters, portable toileti andworkrnen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public -qf?ge or any portion theieof. rhe right-oi-way -on aff Town ofVair streets and.roads is approxinatety 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will be strillry enforcld by the To*n of vairPYlli: l{orks Department. persons found vi-lating this ordinancewrrr be glven a 24 hour written notice to renove said naterial .fn the event the person so notified does not conply with thenotice within the 24 hour tirne specified, the pulric worksDepartment will remove said urateiiat at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sniff not beapplicable to construction, naintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 6 in fu1l, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Departnent to obtain i copy. rnank you for yourcooperation on this natter. Read and acknowledged by: E-..,(i.e. contractor, owner) I oz ts =E uJo- c'l 4 !nN @ IJJ uJIL E = UJo- lgzL/ t hr ccs4rt aA luJ c..t :< (\q lo 6'\cnc-r | ...{ CN ol<: AIA V r3ZFl lo F{? rEdH io r'1ca l(,otzz laz<,fFra r-ts UJ EFIz 2z o uJ F z oz J @ .tt o z_zo tul23o t!IF z H zcoOrn rrl @Fl '"'r l-{(f)o D<FO . AFoFlotu> F z Fl t!Juto i olt o o EoE -gt!G .(, CL CL fit 3oF T' o oE o E 6 oEoo ct) =c0 E o =f E 0, o o.(g 3 .g E c .9o rl) !,oooo c .9 .2 D.o o o o oN o ; F o o o) Po()()o E f o an o I .o o E 6 a;](E E:E@i(d '=g)(') g8E cotlt.e; IEgtc -.= 6!JC;g= c-oef::€8j'l =c9c'- o. -c EsE EEE,FOO iEo€cg Ei F o.(E o. sEE (,)! o.E€e E6: E E.EOto: !EE *: C6 0'- 5 E.P $t€*El9 (!E E;E .3.€e96.o eEg -o6 .v \trn F C\ ln CN \T s LN lo @ N =tut z x uJ ()z o- ) (J F qJ) UJ z ao = Jo- =-o uJ = gl utu-z tr Et ouJE <.o< tOIr =IutluJt E<zl trJcoc rE .uJ ;o- '2 i9 x ulof at UJ uJlJ- tr = UJ o- FoF z o = .J EFo uJ) uJ i ,z \,o\E i( az o'qJ,- Fl ts ts NOtrvntv^ tr F EEo<B.z z|!l9 - 92E: d =FEvrotr-6d frzQZX:-rL<oq i*Eg EEiNO E >E --(Y) = r.u .i =.(lal I t.l(,tzt< ld IBlo IH t;IrlrIA li li l-i3p l- z tr ) {l! 4 UJc F oO Ln e.l ao- (r 4 >q4 -)z E o zo F tu J 3 2 tltltltt tzlz9.a <oo< =FRr!6ci<z tr2.. 9z --1 'rdo3EOI -l t!l) E UJzYq IF 3 F ul o -a Fa, Jl<l trtzl zl .. >loul ul UJz ct E gJ o- J zI tr F\* z o J -l -T I I I I "lzlYI <l a7) I o-(o @ tr) & 54 o ts Fq o\ L-J E gJ o- l!o,F llJ59E<af€frB9rra Ea => =l!-E r=8 HfrE =o-E 3b9 5uiEX(Lt x>6=Fo. "i€= IJJ d! F C\o\ Ol \T o'l z z aH ujF o tnz Fl ul Eooo-zo Fo- IJJY UJ co oF F E UJ o- ]l.o o-oo IJJFoz z,"9z\d)o =z=f,dP)4,4 llllP{t ts =Elrlez'.:IF C)fEFazo C) "39 =ri=t!Xdd= F Fft.l F.] H oz tl- Jc) @ F J Fl E H IIJ& Hts Fl Fl ui =z (Il rl -lF-.{ | ttl F: i-r l6lrl <A n1 ql >l ru =4 q, aI = d E{z .A o d1 .s I t\.if J FfH E = t! FTz U) (ta UJ = = F\.+ I\o F\\fi '-JH E I oz aull ) rL z =9/ N (.) I\o F\' = tr oz u, J tt z =oF = It oz ctu, lroz3oF q 6I D sIE trl s I\ss 'oz olrj =ISllrlo'z 3IF +ct aI I tf,l:ts l IIJF tr o2 d uJt t!oz3I UJ utF lljz3 F ul E E -rO<F(l()uJ<z.u I.lJ F(iZoo JE<o()F F#;iF.l (,c)z,F =#]F)z () <; ):F7(J =<+c ilv =u .E E i. =Ft-o2<()srfl=l rXrffirtXltxj tx. D<t .', oo oo PIan Review Bas€d ontbe 1991 Uniform Codes NAME:GILLETT ADD DATE:L2-3-92 ADDRESS:3090 BOOTH CREEK CONTRACTOR:DUDDY VIELE VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: GWATHMEY OCCUPANCY: R ENGINEER: MONROE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DEN STANEK CORRECTTONS REQUIRED Tbe itens listed belor ar€ not intended to be a conplete listingof aII possible code requirenents in tbe adopted codes. It is aguide to selected sectiong of tbe codeg. Tbe followi.ng ig not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro- vigions of tbe adopted codes or any ordinance of tbe lown of Vail . 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIP€D IN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.121O OF THE 1991 UBC.2. GARAGE TO BE 5/8 DRYWALLED COMPLETELY AND SOLID CORE DOOR WITH CLOSURE INSTALL BETWEEN HOUSE AND GARAGE.3. MECHANICAL SYSTEM TO BE INSTALLED PER MANUFACTURES SPECS AND FIELD INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPL]ANCE.4. BARRIER TO PROTECT BOILER AND WATER HEATERS REQUIRED.5. ENGINEER TO APPROVE FRAMING.6. EGRESS REQUIRED FROM ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC.].204 OF THE 1991 UBC. lurrff - f,x '#tdtr '22Pro ject Name: Contacl Person and Phone Architect. Address and Phone: Project Application y',ltZ projecr Descriplion, ryrrv Kmpa.a - //' /lootz, /"a.t&e/'z fa/a2/2 7 /7/ .l owner, Address and phone: &l 6r"t Tf zt< fur<z Ep /tln r'- g/6< z ,,/ 7Mt fl i!. Design Review Board ,^," t*/qz FaS 6dyut Seconded or, /trt/rtn /tYtff D ISAPPR OVAL Lesal Descriprio n: tor fi . ancx 3 , ,u,nn t/,1r, l/t"lri /f # , zon. (/t/z//' Com ments:/// zfut /s ,4c tz //u7. qfSp '4r'tUlD 53d /X/fr' 32 tt r,r4 a).,EC /7t;< il', /p 'Pr/7o6 "./'\-,.-\-'.':- y ,/azt/t nttrz irt;12v&aG- Motion by: hFra"rt> /,42s*rzrrrr>.Sum mary: t Z4o /tt. lz . 6 ^ - " f -rrzrpcr - 2/B Er< z/zzf 74t 95a.o. €tz 2,4/ z'71,' // {tu/7 Town ptanner E Statt Approval /*a f"/ "Z€z 7/zztzt,tt" ,/o,', y'Sa k 2zg. oo O1 D e par nne nt of Cornnun iry Deve lopme nt75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 June 23, 199.3 Charles E. Crist Crist & ComPonY P.O. Box 1482 Voit, CO 81658 Re; Certificate of Occuponcy for Building Permit #5{369 This letter is in response to your tetter, doted June 15, 19q:3 @opY enclosed) iig"iding the ob6ve referenced building permif' The Town of voit Buitding Deportmenf hos issued a cerfificote of occuponcy on 'a;Hing p.r^it #ff6,;,' in. {,igii"t certificote was moiled to the owners, q copY is enclosed ror yoii fii;;. -ri; nope tirc-itt iai ctorirv onv unceiointies or completion. tf you hove any questions, pteose don,t hesitote to call (303) 479-2138. Building Secretory xc: /tronouFile Munain TOWN OFVAIL ;, REco**?l'?" 01 Cnrsr & CoMPANY P.O. BOX 1482 vAtL. coLoRADO 81658 30s476-1833 FAX 479-9s34 Planning Department Town of Vail June 15, L993 RE: Certificate of Occupancy for 3090 Booth Creek Drive This letter is in reference to the final C of O for theresidence of Rose and George Gillett at the above address. They und.erstood that a final C of O would be issuedfollowing the final inspection of their remodel. Thefinal inspection was on March L9 but no C of O was issued. On June,15, I called the planning d.epartment and spoketo Tr$nqs and she said that C of O's were not issued forremodSls, that the final inspection was passed,that everything hras approved, and that there were nofurther requirements. If there areplease 1et us any requirements that have not been met, know immed.iatelv. cc: Rose Gillett 63lr9ln4" | /'- V /l UV o REC'D MAR March 2, 1993 Mr. Tim Devlin, Planner Town of VaiI Community 75 South Frontage RoadVail, CO 81657 Re: Gi.llett Residence Dear Tim: 2 t993 #1 Development West - Certificate of Occupancy Following the PEC Work Session 22 February, Rose Gillett and I studied the plans to see if any site coverage could be removed to offset the addition of the 62 sguare feet of the overhang. Short of the trellis and the area of the stone pilasters which seemed important to the commissioners present, nothing pops out as expendable. We would like to propose that the request for additional si-te coverage for the garage increase be dropped and that a variance for the 62 feet of site coverage for the cantilever be granted. We will propose to mitigate thls by adding three evergreen trees in the yard per the enclosed p1an. A whole different approach to this dilemma could be taken: As Kristan pointed out in the hearing, the Gilletts' additions were built 1n accordance with the plans submitted to the DRB and the Building Department. Per 18.54.100 Enforcement, "It shall be the duty of the property owner or his authorized agent to notify the department of community development that such work is ready for inspection in order to ascertain compliance with approvedplans. If the project is found upon inspection to be fully completed and in compliance with the approved design review application and plans, the community development department shall issue a final certificate of occupancy. rl ("*) Mr. Tin Devlln 2 *larch 1993 Page 2 In either case, please advlse on the dlrection Staff would have us take. ff necessaryr ete wIlI make a fornral appllcation for a varlance. Thank you for your consideratlon. Slncerely, GWAIHMEY/PRATT/SCHULTZ ARCHITECTS, P.C. Enclosures copy to; Rose GIIIett Edward M. Gwathmey, AIA November 24, 1992 Mr. Tim Devlin, Planner #1 Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Re: 3090 Booth Creek Drive Proposed Modifications - DRB Submittal Dear Tim: Per our discussions with Rose Gillett who now owns 3090 Booth Creek Drive, we wish to amend the Application for DRB. They nolonger need the "Excess of allowed GRFAtt as the basement underthe garage has been elj-minated. The new second floor bedrooms remain as the original appllcation. I an enclosing a new application and new plans for yourconsideration. I hope that the schedule can be maintained,i.e., that DRB can hear the application 2 December 1992. PLease 1et me know if you need additional inforrnation. Slncerely, THMEY/PRATT CHITECTS, P.C. Edward M. Gwathmey, EMG,/ad Enclosure copy to: Rose cillett oo sEgsNo\l z n 19fl November 24, 1992 Mr. cary Murraj.n, Building Official Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road WestVaiI, CO 81657 Re: Gillett Residence Modifications 3090 Booth Creek Drive Dear Gary: Per our di"scussions, Duddy-Vie1e Construction is proceeding withinterior demolition of the above residence. I think we are scheduled for DRB 2 Decernber. The scope has been reduced: wedo not plan to do the under-the-garage portion. Rather that phase the building permit, I am enclosing newdrawings which reflect the current scope in anticipation of DRBapproval and proceeding with the whole project just after2 December. Thank you for your consj.deration and cooperation in thisprocess. Sincerely, .a I GW THMEY,/PRATT CHITECTS, Edward M. Gwathmey, EMG/ad Enclosure copy to: Rose Gillett Jim Viele PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN thal the Design Fleview Board of the Town of Vailwill hold a public hearing on December 2,1992 at 3:00 p.m. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. Applicant: A request for a conceptual revievrr for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Gillett residence located at 3090 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 8, Block 3, Vail Village 11th Filing. Rose Gillett NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning Staff will be reviewing a Design Review Board application on December 7, 1992 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. ' A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Gillett residence located at 3090 Booth Creek Drive/Lot 8, Block 3, Vail Village 11th Filing. Applicant: Rose Gillett The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the Vail Trail on November 20, 1992. .,ir\N \ rN,, $\ Nuu" --..\--.\ '\'\\-{ . \.r\-\\ 1. 13IhFT.ING , tr ar u a z r z / a ? a t a a u t. t.if / taa.aa, aaIa aa a aa t Ii a a a Ur ara a a a a a a t t t atraaataaaataaaaaaaa,iiiti/aaaaaataaaaatataaaaaaratait{4tf{6tj ':Tftfn7,7,l77'Li77Ti77:;:ilt.s$x:,vtwAffitMtj\a t, -.>i t a t a a t t a a a a a. a t, a t t':l).'.i7 t r t t t t t t. t a t a a..r. /1s, t. . t t ta a a, t a a ta a at a. t t / a a..a ata aaa at aa rt aa a t, tt, t a att a t a t a a ata aa t a t t t'.\ t a ata aa. a a a r at ta t a a t, 3o?a Eaolh INTERSfiETE --ff$nffi*S*.-.iffi{i^tl3i:-aQF.ilJf ;t:l-.t {;.;-;;^i iqar;'itI 1:.:44;;ffi.Si{#ffif...iIiiffi:T:i$r-.-;lir:f#fr..;,:il.*l:{4*tstr&:S:;i:+ffi:trf*.*;**iid,:r,i ,- -l -a-,* A.q.. A'4.-.\r.".l::.:-;.f*{r$:$'-ilr-.' Tor'a I Az'i 3cl2''F4 A€rr1H PP t t! =J t,zI auv, lrjlrlo 4yff;.r-t^4S,i,tiia&[i it'+liilii:;&it'friiiiirrrir,i.tt% iraararaaaa,ataaaafrata Yt'rxt',) ,attraar,ta,taaataattu,tatruaaaarra ffiititrtttxit 22 t a at a a a aaa a ata a a a aa2a t a, t aa a a a t a atr,tta,taaata.tataa4 a raa at a a aa aa a a t rtaara ffi:tt;:iiiuei,iiiiit.iiiiT a a, t a t a ta.. a a a. a.. t a a aa !!!! aaaataaaaarttatlaurtartaataata t t t?at raa at / t a itjt:iYiti i n*t i i i i fiWfr f, i liD T,itiiii(i&K&i{aii4ffi U-:.r.iit?i7 a ta a t r a a a a-titf ia a/ a a, t a t t , a a f a a a a a a aa aaa aaa a/a a a a,, t taa a t a l-tatrtauaara/aaa 5*1 ^':l^;fi--,. :ii..?l {+Y53 -^.::l^/i,;:H ":l*f 3$iixSHTFH$iHn.c+i:^f *:=i;i-rir^tTs^inii*-3.t,l:$-|a5]::trii:iliiit^^1 4'[-fj- :ila- t ^i 1 t';-;' -; ^Iti$-f r,-agr$t-:^:!$-fi f ;f ^:r.1*-^kdl1"$i.f ; -Siias i::j -ia: ::'ri? ; :i-i-.j. i::i :ii ti {i.-^i5 J::'rF Fjrr* .* .* .-i'"..i.^-+i-:il l:l L'"*]Jl:ti;^ $:i-iLTt'f; {}:c-gii3:i;-F;if,a$'$; gBleou TDM U5FJ TOWN OF VAIL- DEPARTi\,IENT OF COMIVIUNITY DEVELOP}lENT SALES ACTION FORM 0l 0000 4r540 ZCNA\C AND ADDRESS MA.PS 0l 0cr00 42415 UNIFOL\,I BUILDNG CODE 0l 0000 42415 UMFOfuV PLU}ANG CODE 0t 000042415 0l 0000 {24t5 UNTFOR,\{ FIRE CODE 0t 0ool42ir5 | N,rnoNelEEcrRIcALcoDE . s-10.00 0t 0000424t5 OTI.IER CODE IOOKS 0t 00004!543 0t 000042412 XEROX COPIES / STUDIE5 0l 0000 4237 |PENAI.TY FEES / RE.[\ISPECT]ONS OI OOCO{I332 I PLA.}'I REVIEW RE.CHECK FF-E [S1O PER HR.I 0l 0000 4232?OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEEs 0l 000041412 CONTIIACTO RS LICE\S ES FEES 0l 00004r330 SION APPLICATION FEE0t 0000 4t4r3 ADDMONAL SIGNACE FEE ISI,OO PER SO.I.T,0l 00004t413 0l 0000 42,fr0 VTC ART PROIECT DONATION 0l 0cr00 4 t331 PRE PAJD DESICN REVISW IOARD FEE * ot 0000 41010 TAX ALTERATION IIIORE THAN IOO 1000041330 0l 0000 4l:f30 | sPEc[AL .r 1330 , vA 0l 0000 4r 330 ZONINC COD E I"VE\DI{ETITS * * * * * * * * -r0l'JH GF tJF I t- 14iscel I ane'fu= CaEh :j t -F-1:-1r'.:1Et: 16:59 F ;,r ,: i n t. * I F-tt'Elf i ur.-l,,, 1,, 4 i-lt + .+['1] 'lt-i,' i,,,IurHr4E!'' t:'E5 I rjt l FlEtI i ELI 80ff Fltr t;;,',-,:;r 'terrd*r*'l : ?FB' tJLl I tem Pai'J fff,oun ? Paid ,;11 [1t-1t:1!:1r!i.f,;:1Elr:tE1 'rSFJ' Et8 i-:h.ijrr,-l* iEt-r-rrrrP'l .:' ;:1" 'liri -r-H1al''ll{ \|GU ri',:r-rr r.:=:h i e r 5TEFHF|hIIE \ ucrrilloF TRANSMTTTAL DAIE fo-3o-.12 | Loano TC: TO.V.pLANFrrf\rq pepf. ne; !of o 6cofH cK. DarUE LlSTol.r PESlOg11SCe WE ARE SENDING YOU g( nuacneo dvi. Hrrpo' D' n ! Prints /sepias Change order ! D Plans Originals D l'-r Samples the following items: ! Specif ications! Shop drawings E Copy of letter COPIES OATE NO.DESCBIPTION +?l-z-12 A-o 5rf€ P\"rrr-',9?ll-2-1"-n-EHTR-"{ LEVEL PLATS 4,l-L-12-t\'z u ?Pe? LevEL ANY2 'of&AGE tgv EL PLAr*r #?l-z-€lL A-1 E-XttflN6 AND PPoPoftrD 6z'tEY Attoi\''9 I DEbIGH PEVIEi^J FOAF-S> APPLICSTIOf.S to-zq-IL APPLIcI4TIoP FO//. ADDIfI O'"JT+L 4,R F, A' I TA'}T OF ADJ*CET\.'T PPOPEPT!{ A'JNETZ9 trrfl+ l.oaaTro n: u14A ? I I o-77-nz AP({-ict{Tr ov-r ree CVe(+ YotL $ zso.oo (cr. eo. 4o4l THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: J)or a?proval fl For your use REMARKS ! As requested n Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted ! Returned for corrections d' Fdz- ptSl;rs PE0l eue aPPE^U t?C- N FOR BIDS DUE 19 r D T n For your records Revise and resubmit For review and comment PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ll enclosurcs arc nol as notad, kindly notity us at tm'00u 3.il,1yr2, October 30, 1992 Mr. Tin Devlin Town of VaiI Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, CO 81657 Re: 3090 Booth Creek Drive Proposed Modifications in Excess of Allowed GRFA DRB Submittal Dear Tim: After our pre-application conference, $/e have modified the plans and completed documentation for the two reguired subnittals. We understand that the hearing date j.s 2 December and that we coul-d hear both 250 and DRB issues. We are not increasing site coverage or exceeding GRFA plus 250. The other known aspects of the ordinance are met. Please don't hesitate to call if you have any guestions. Sincerely, THMEY/PRA ARCHTTECTS, P.C. ard M. Gwathme EMG/ad Enclosures copy to: Rose and George Gillett October 27, 1992 Ms. Kristan Prltz, Director Town of VaiL Community Development 75 South Frontage Road West Vai1, CO 81657 Reguest for Pre-ApplicationListon Residence 3090 Booth Creek Drive Conference for DRB 11th Filing Re: Lot 8, Block 3, Vail ViJ-1age Dear Kri stan: The GiLlett family is interested in purchasing the above residence which almost meets their needs. They would like to add off-season storage for bikes and skis at grade and a bedroomfor each of the twins. fn attempting to satisfyguestions of you, as you 1984 remodel . Setbacks their requirements, I have several seem to have been the planner 1n the The existing residence is 20 feet from both Booth Creek Drive and the cul-de-sac property lines. The current access is on Booth Creek Dri.ve rnaking that the "front". If the entry were changed to the cu]-de-sac, could Booth Creek Drive become theside yard with a 15 foot setback. Site Coverage By today's interpretation, site coverage is over by 527 sguarefeet. Ms. Kristan Pritz October 27r'1 992 Page 2 The last remodel designated 690 sguare feet as t'cantilevered areasrr whlch by the interpretation at that time would have made the site coverage 163 sguare feet under the aLLowable. r :::::*8;:{iii?.;";J:il:":":::"":":::":":::^:""",7WQuestion9 Could the garage have additional space? GRTA ffi\ The f ile shows that 470 square feet of GRFA remains and that the ,{^Y}y /ZSO tras not been used. By today's calculations the remaining 1", ,/ / cnre is 460 square feet.\v /\--" The addltional GRFA and 250, if needed, can 90 into the existing -,.{6t'ffootprint and within the allowed height. \ffiY Ansvters to these questions would allow us to make the Monday ,' 2 November subrnittal deadline for the early December meeting. We would appreciate your time. Sincerely, s, P.c. copy to:Rose Gillett ward lvl. Gwathme t rPPLI f revlaed 914/9L I. caEroN - BmN ot vtrrl., corpRADo DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: tt*t**tltt EEIS TPPLICAIION TILI, NOE BE ICCEPTED uurrl. ar.,r. REoUIRED INFORIIf,TION rS SUBT{TIIBD***t**"-t.si @: A.DESCRIPTION: Proposed modifications to 309 Drive for 706 sq. ft. addi-tional GRFA on the existinq footprint per encLosed p1an. B.TYPE OF REVIEI{: Nelr Construction (S200. 00)Minor Alteration ($20.00) x Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: 3090 Booth Creek e, Vail, CO 81657c. D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOt 8 Subdivision Filinq 'll If property is described by description, please provide attach to this application. a meets and bounds legal- on a separate sheet and E. F. ZONING:2 familv currentLOT AREA: If required, applicant stamped survey showing lot area. G. NAI.IE OF APPLICAIIT:Mailing Address: 57 H. Phone 476-4030 NAME OF APPLICAI{T,S REPRESENTATIVE: @Mailing Address: 81657 Phone 476-1147 I. NAl,lE OF *srclrAruRE (s) :Mailing Address: 81 657 Condoninium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the time of submittal of onn application. Laterr when applying for a buitding permit, please identify the accurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VaiI wiJ.l adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE PAID: S EE-S@9,9@;- VAIUATION$ o - $ 10,000 $ 10r 001 - $ 5or ooo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 5oorooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000' 000 J. K. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200 .00 s400.00 $500.00 * DESIGN REVIEI| BOtrND IPPROUAI, EXPIRES ONE YEAR AFEER TTNAI. APPRO\IAL UNI.ESS A BSILDING PERIIIT IS ISSUED AnD CONSTRUCIfON IS STIRTED. iTNO IPPLICtrIION I|II.L BE PROCESSED WITBOUB OIfNER' S SIGNATI'RE must provide a14,210 sq. ft. / 'ftt'.r pA Y Ln)r6v13ed gltlgl I. ons lrctrrrou - ronN oB vrrr., ]nloo DATE APPLICATION RECEI\TED : DATE OF DRB I.IEETING: rltttattt* TEIS IPPI,TCtrTION IIILL NOT BE ACCEPIEDuurM& nEQUInED TNTOnUAITON I8 SnEUrrTEDttt***i*tt PROJECT INFORI{ATION: A.DESCRIpTION: Proposed modificatlons to 3090 Booth Creek Drive ln excess of allowed GRFA for two additlonal bedr and storage for the single family residence. B.TYPE OF REVIET| : New ConstructLon ($200.00)Ml.nor Alteration Additlon (S50.00)Conceptual Review ADDRESS: 3090 Booth Creek Drlve, Vai1, CO 8tG5Z LEGAL DESCRIPTION: I.oT Subdlvlsl6n Flling 1t Block 3 If property ls descrlbed bydescript,ion, please provideattach to thls appllcation. ZONING: 2 fa411y (s20.00) ($0) c. D. a meets and bounds legal on a separate sheet and F. LOT AREA: If regulred, appllcant must provlde a current stamped survey showing lot, area. 14,2X0 sq. ft. DG. NAME OF APPLICAI.IT3 Rose and George Gillett E. H. Mailing Address: r. NAME OF OWNERS TSIGNAII'RE (SI :Malltng Phone 476-6946 Condominlum Approval lf appllcable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be pald atthe time of subnlttal of DRB appltcation. tater, whenapplylng for a bulldlng permlt, please identify theaccurate valuatl-on of the proposal . The Town of ValIwiII adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee ts paid. NAUE OF AppLICANTTS REpRESENTATM; Ned Gwathmey Mailing Address'-1 000 South Fto.t"@ co sl6'57 ,t. K. FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ o-$ 1o,oo0$ 10,001 - $ 50,000$ 50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1r 000,000 FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 $s00 .00 r DESIGN RIf,TIETI BOIND .IPPROVII. EXPTRES ONI TENR .IrIER rilAl. APPROVAL TTNLESS t BUILDTNC PEn$IT I8 ISSUED AND CONSIRI'CTfON IS SIIRTED. *iNO IPPLICAIION TIIIjI. BE PROCISSED WITEOUI OIfNER' S SIGNAIURB PKUPEo nilES lfrxdgss or ArLol.tABLE GRFAo Date of App Oate of DRB lfcatlon 10-29-92u""unffi PRE-APPT ICATION CONFERENCE A pre-apprrcaHon conference wrth a member of the prannrng staff rs stronqlyencourased to discuss Il,. proriJions-'ino.r.-r,riii-.iliiidiiir enrn can be aidldto a slte' lt should ue-uiii"iliilj'tillt_*'i; ;;di;;;;-lles not-assure each properryilr.lfllll.ilriu?,'l:lli,jt:j,,ii,illl'."lli*::'Iil.iiirfill,ce arIows ror gs t6 Appllca'ons for addrilons under thrs sec*on wtr not be iB::,;l'fi1;il; ,llli liiii*i,;ii,jllglliif","!,i,ti."ti.ot.,ii!.F::fl ll';:i,,1!' A. PROJECT In excess DESCRIPTION, " storage forthe sinqle !39!rV resldence. c. B. LOCATIOII OF PROPOSAL: Address fOgO g""th c.."k p, Legal Descrlptlon: Lot 8 Block;1__1,11ing 11 Zon€ Dlstrlct 2 farnllv NAI'IE OF APPLICANT. Address hone 475j:421o D. E. ** NAME 0F APPLTCANT,S REPRESENTATTVE: Ned Gwathme | 476-1147 Address t oo NAl.tE 0F 0i.|NER( Slgnature Address Booth Creek Drlve, Vail co 81657 t 476-6946 F. Flling Fee of g2oo.0o ls requlred at 6me of submlttal The followlng Information, In addrtron to DRB submfttar requrrements, shail berequlred wlth thts submtt[a]t ---'-'-" l. verlflcaHon that the unrt has recerved a frnar cerfifrcate of occupancy.2. l{ames and mailrng addresses of adJacent property owners and of owners of H::::,11,:Tr?i5.tT;"rlTjuinioimation,ii.iviirii,ii'r..oii-tli iiiil"ciuntr 3' condomlnlum associa'on approvar (ff appilcabre). Not apprlcable.4. Exlstlng f'roor pran of structure. Enclosed - given to Trm Devr\n. G' Your proposal wlll be revlewed for compllance wlth vall,s comprehenslve plan. LISTON RESIDENCE LOT 8, BLOCK 3, FTLING 1'l ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Lot 7 Lot 9 Lot 9 Davld and Nancy Nystrom 3070 Booth Creek Drlve P.O. Box 941 Vall, CO 81558 Davld and Diane Hughes 3110 Booth Creek DriveVail, co 81557 Tom and Carrle Scrima 3110 Booth Creek DriveVail, CO 81657 'altt 9 tuvrry. a a tttrrt tt a aatr autaaaa... -.rirt7 t t aaa a ta aaa a. u t...Q:.tibt6&Mllttwn ' a. .ia ttaaata a t a aatat t a'-at...at a t a t t aaa t a aaa tt at. . ta at a a aaa a a a t aa a. a a..t at r aa a t a a a aa a a a a t tata a a, ta t rt t a a a t'.aa rta ta a aa t a at aa a. NTERSTAT -. 3o9" fEDDTt{ 13rhFluNG ffi * if FS CS:"+*ji.dXT{:{ :. :-1 : mlfllF OF.m$r -FRT. It{flA-RI t tt a a r a r aa auaa taa a ta t a t a t, t a t a f t a a a at a a a tt a t a ta t a aa t a a a a, t a t,aaaataaataaaaaaaaa., a a a a a t t rt a t a a a t a aaaa/aaaaarara \/tl TDM Tor'a i .t\r--l 1-.(.r2' ') 1uv lrl2 a() kI U5T'.-** th6-tgo P' k€kl r'R PRff:ll':il :il,l:';;'llfiJlil *l Date of Appl icatlonl0-29-92 Date of DRB Meeting /2.2.,?z DESCRIPTI0N3 Proposed modifications to 3090 Booth Creek Drive of allowed GRFA for two additional A pre-application conference with a member of the planning staff ls stronglyencouraged to discuss the provisions under wtrich aiditionit cnrn can Ue-iiOtOto a slte. It should be uhderstood that ttris oiaini;;;-ails not-assure each propertyan additional 250 square feet of GRFA. Rather, ttre-oiainin.. iiro*i-i;r. !p !i'250 square feet if certain conditions are met. Applicat'ions for additlons under this section will not be accepted unless theyare.complete. This includes all inrormaiion rtduirlu-on-t[is-?orm is' weif-iiDesign Review Board submittal requirenents. A. PROJECT in excess bedrooms and storaqe for the single famil residence. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: AddresS gOgO Booth Creek Drive c. D. Legal Description: Lot Block 3 Zon€ 0istrict 2 family APPLICANT: -Rose and Georse Gi1 45 Forest Road, Vail co 81657 NAME OF Address APPLICANTI S REPRESENTAT I VE: 1000 rir ing r r 4.rl y;ll,qJ\ NAME OF Address 47 6-421 0 ne_-L7_5_!L!.1_ NAr.rE 0F OI.JNER(S):Tom ListonE. **Signature(s ) Address 3090 Booth Creek Drive Vai I co 81657 ne 476-6946 F. Flling Fee of $200.00 is required at tine of submlttal The foll.o*!!.g lnformation, in addition to DRB submlttal requirements, shall berequlred wlth thls submlttal: l. Veriflcation that the unit has recelved a final certlflcate of occupancy.2. Names and mailing addresses of adJacent property owners and of owners ofunits on the sami lot. This infoimation is'availaute irom-ttri eiiiii-countyAssessor's office. Enclosed. 3. condominium association approval (if applicable). Not applicable. 4. Existing floor plan of structurg. Enclosed - given to Tirn Devlon. G. Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance wlth Vai'l's Comprehensive plan. I 'ul'lotr, ar.ll r(q uo11ec1rTlou Jo sr(pp 0E uTqlTl,l 1uec11dde aql Iq uliol aqlo1 pled aq TTeqs 1uec11dde aql ,(q paprenroJ lunoue aql to ssacxa uT ul.roJ,aql Iq parr_ncuT sasuadxg . tuecTTdde aq1 o? pau:nlar oq Tteqs ?uelTnsuocaqx oJ pled uaaq 1ou a^eq qcTqn luE?Tnsuoc oql Jo luaurled ro3: 1ue511ddeaqf, r(q peprer{rot spunf aql Jo fue ,JueXTnsuoc aq1 Aq uo11ecliaaeaqx to AaTAar aql 19 uollalduoc uodq '1ueru1:edag luaurdolaaag r{11ununuo3aqt qXTn uolleclldde sTq saTTf aq eurT? aq1 1e 1uecl1dde aq1 .{q ualog, ?r{1 ox papreA:oJ aq TTEqs ?unourE sTr{1 pue raq ro u1q r{ed o1 A:essacau{auour Jo xun_oure aql alpuT?sa TTeqs 1T ,aue?Tnsuoc 6p1s1no ue arlq ,(eurluaudolaaag IllununIo3 aql ,uoT?e_cgldde r{ue nalaar o?, papoau sT ?uelTnsuocapTslno ue 1eq? Jfefs unol eq? dq apeu aq uoTleuTurralap e pTnoqs .Ite?s ur,rof uer{l ror{Xo slupf,Tnsuoc {q nalnar arlnba: Aeu fillunruuoc aql uo lcedur;1uecl;1u61s e al€,r{ fieu qc-t_qn sanssT reqlo ro asn puel ,u61sap 1uecl;1u61ia^eq 01 1uaur1:edag luarudolaaaq r{llununuoC eql Aq peuaap suofti5itddv pled eq rret{s uorrecllqnd-ar qcns ror aal errxua "*1 ,u"ll"?;:i3i.e$-5: aq ox ratlpru eqx 6uTsnpc ,6uTrEaq ro3: pauodlsod sT ralf,'eur iud ;is-anbar s,1uec11dde-aq1 Xp '!\ .aaJ-uoTXeclldde aql to tog lo ssacxa uT areqcTqA saagr 6ulqsTtqnd r{ue 6u1ded roI aTqTsuodsar aq-f1eqs 1uectr1ddl aqg ;o sd:o3 ,(urrv ,s?Tru:ad-ssaccv ,{enq61g to luarut:ed"o ";?1:I:5t:";TSllil?alou are lnq ,apnTcul .A_eur ,AaTnar r{cns to seldurexg .0O.OOZS r(q paseaicu!oq TTpqs aa] uoTleclldde aql ,TT€A Jo uAoJr aq1 ueq? :aqlo Acua6e lerapairo afefs ,Iecol r(ue .r(q AaTAar eleredas e sa:1nbar uo11ec11dde sTqf- tf LISTON RESIDENCE LOT 8, BLOCK 3. FTLING 11 ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS Lot 7 Lot 9 Lot 9 Davld and Nancy Nystrom 3070 Booth Creek Drive P.O. Box 941VaiI, CO 81658 David and Diane Hughes 3110 Booth Creek Drive VaiL, CO 81657 Tom and Carrie Scrima 3110 Booth Creek Drlve Vall, CO 81657 tl* r'sPEcrror's couPLErED tf The ltcue belor need to be cooplete before gtvlng a per:uLt a flnal C of 0. Pleaec chgck off 10 the box provlded. FINAL PLU}IBINC DATE: n n FIIIAL MECEANICAI. DATE: IUPROVE}IENT SI'RVEY RESID. NAilE: DATE: FINAI. BUILDING EAST SIDE3 UEST SIDE: DATEs tl'1 || | ceRrrrrcetE oF occtPAlsr DATEs I"AT{DSCAPINC DI'E DATE: \\se\s\ {o @ m r--E tlie IIm: 519q a-t;: g t|n!IritrPt=n!Yt:<{rl=e =i5 o<1o.d3n3SEfii +m !-{ fifl8 1n2 FF"r !trtr ntE ooz 97cc) =o2 !mn ={ 'T|'IlOr- z=(]CD>- z rV .7 9z10;-{mlrI'Lur ol.:' oNI lE9 !m], { -lo I!mxm!-{ oz Lo @ U' -.1 m oO N)oq)(, 4o -{a+Ifi(, d :D x32\ 3t 9X 9p 3=< ct) da,t 67otr1i!q -too>!|- C)9"-lmfrz>mo--.t >o|-v a =moi o€z mv !(-o @z =m - --{ 2 -{ = rn = rnt-- 7 Ftr r_! Ao>'t- IF L-{zl'l# ,a? lsl l+FIt tdpl-F Ftr .mr m -{ tz o IIl>l-l!tm lo lz 3 E l€ lzo l1lt<t>- fl lzlo I o€z -n -!m F) zo e F .l ! n to FrO l\) 1\)o -.1o€z 'n r m F) zo m-m F\-l o) Cr)o@f\) l-rto l€ lz let< l= lmlo IF3 c g I rrlt-ril C) -.1 a rrt t-r zt- umo t>l< tol-l=t> o -.{ -E rn |_r 3 t- oo,m <lt F tn ; 9J 6 q LC ldt z n {o t- q c+ ! 3,\l EFHe$ i3e$E g*EHE j (,' o:1 t-=-.oqr EI*Ei gsit; lae4€ A*EiF iigi; 3Ei:i dB e.91 gFi[5 q*;*+ *;*;e >o o2-l>I -.1 a!:tm 20nll*o €z m o ooz { 'r'l ! T =a mr.ll ,I 2 a fz eim (/)tm9lFr to El,{ t$ loz t- m =-1ozmmom l<' lz lz ItIr- q :r oq I t- F I o -rl = N) m - € t--a =o .tt t- E z(t, 5 =z -t m - -zm at,v, f) t- c m I tro -t 2 J + T z I m f' om(t {mt-cz cz{(, oo = -l zc =a zm€ -tm7I 6z o =z - .-t,-t Em _9 n -cl 2 -<t orl -1 orl a, xll =Io ql rya= 6 1 U', <fq -U> cf ^6)NF;E EiXF Eo 3E ae =Fc).4*Xo 62f=AEi^lo o oHi= z rlt'-*{P- @ =-1=N m = ffia=olool-n al I ^) c'l \) { \)f)ro um\ C'F(D.5 -5 =zo F I-Iz zo-{mo gE EIfl i;E IiF 'Nf ol rriF r .I\) l(^, l@'(.'l I I I I ie-N l(t I {o{ t-Tmu3 =-n mm at com -{ x |-m z !0tn!o <n om o2 msm€ @o,0 tmovmI 62nmm 3m z |- ! =z mt-moi = t- !t- z m x @ z m 3 !mu =-t.tl mnt u1 .., I VALUATION !mF = =zo 3mo z t- !t-c - mrmoI,o |- @ F9zo F\ t\) t V,- ! (.oO I G) @OIOO zl (, (.'ill (tl\ A 3)tr \) 2r. f\)(t Poo l\)(tl ly I\)3O 7l F A o ,< s ;- L qJI !(tr N)\(^) /() 'Y-:-t ry ffil063.{5, lI I O O' Projecr apprcau? OO Legal Description: Lot 5 , Blocr 3 Proiect Name: Proj€ct Description: Comments: flsfiqnl APPBOVAL W .8dg;Design Review B6rai nfi^it l1 Motion by: t'littt"{-tl-f ,\ ll, secondedov, \hU\\t Date DISAPPROVAL Contact Person and Phone Architect,Addr€ssandPhone: -l 4VlA llaB+: tt'712 ";04'!,it-' \tt,:q'-l-)^"1 r -sE-r5rl ;}fir:C*tlF{R {--tr tlr'n,,n Pr,f+ Town Planner ""," fi ts /[I, E Statt Approval 3 LIST OF MATERIALP NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The following information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be6[iven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other !'lal I Materi al s Fasci a Soffi ts l,li ndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ash'ings Ch'imneys Trash Encl osures Greenhouses 0ther B. LANDSCAPING: Name PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES of Designer: phone: Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty S'i ze* illOil c' EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees.for coni fers . (over) oo -fC nlrttftJ EVlr-Z- '6 rlatr-tl g0ST A )-'f? #AAF Indicate heiqht oo Botanical Name Cormon Name Quani ty S'i zePLANT MATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS @€,','W *,k 8e(s -p4-ucga--" r i :I :Ii I Tvpe Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD EROSION CONTROL InF 1, //J-, 1", OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa1ls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please spec'ify. oro Description: i_qli'_(j:_r._ilo oo for SFR, R, R P/S 7OI1E DJSTRICTS Lega'l Ovrnef Zone District Lot Size Archi tect Pr-oposed Use He i 9ht Tota'l GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: . Front ) l 0es Rea r !'la ter Cou rs e s;Or.f . ?Dl.f ad&*'o^.,.tllDrtA,vnauw\q ^- 6Rr-{, A{*,t tr0r.\ O$dt-tto--,. iln0. rtlttr 6grfi ,d,lo.b{^t frEttath|\D^d. -, ba-v.r nAY drr. ts tfil-(d b ffi:n,s ffir -ry'6rl 20, l5' 15' (30) (s0) Site Coverage Landscaping Parhing Credi ts: Garage l'lechan'ical Ai rl ock (3oo) (600) ( eoo) ( 1200) (50)(1oo) (2s) (s0) Or a- Sdt 5 ^uora ge Solar Heat Stora ge _ (2oo) (400) Drjve: 51ope perinitteO <(r/u Slope Actual Envi ronmenta'1,/Ha za rds :Ava'l anche F'lood Plaf n Sl ope Co:;=nts: Zonin9: Approved,rDisepproyed Da te: oo .o PROJECT: . DATE SUBMIfiED: COl'lltlENTS NEEDEO By: BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PUBLIC I.'ORKS Reviewed by: Comments: FIRE DEPARTMENT INTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVI ElI Date C HEARING Reviewed by: Comments: Date POLICE DEPARTI4ENT . Reviewed by: Corunents: Date Date d @ml*r-,h Eld; elm: 619s :E= s14f, Il<{ll=[ 7;i.6€1o.d3al8€>l =eH= Tm!3{ frgE fifl8 fYo4nzgP"r oozq 7F () -{6z !mF3 { dP z=9(D226oz !trEl E6mltl= I .!9 c) i.ftT Ro-- -tt !m! -{ -{o @ mx rT!-{ oz Lo @I-{m c..l c_,l-,(.i : a 2^ aJ+lfi ooz-{ -1o o 9p'-{ c, -8E'd6v <-qr:m-o -\\ z =IT -lo t- ul c+o5 v(D =oo-o o-t t I @t- .11 trzo (l.) (oo l3l.rlrt; l(Dlo IY|-|.t<l(D Hl: ITt> lF lil le,lz le I I I t-Jbl{ lzlo t; lFlft lm le,lz .lt u = a) e9 U1 r{(f F\,1 Or I OlA n = a-t(D n (D.: rrl (Do ll ld lz let<t> lFl! lfl 12 I = oo, o oo,at (D -o5 =|- mv, F\| ! C).' o,5o (D = a-{ -ooo.5 cr t-|- !5t@@ IF5Or Or o (O t; t; lr til t: b s\.1 Ol I(^)o N)(D o a ;.ige* f,cPr E 5;ifl.F: o o ==r =-.o o) Fiii; sE i *E !5gt;lagE€ TrE iF 3g; 31i(n3l= F ueEs s = !.9 Pl@3ol dB s.D 1 :HgF;5=o:=' P. e:a E o" I*fi9g fl^l3Qe9U9g=.;oxo -octE-' =o (D o, =cE c+o (fcGo- t (D (D c)o5vlai ooo (.f,occf= 'Tl-Jo5ct9)(O .D Fo @0, ort-l(rr' !c)o >u) =aez-{>I-{mC YM 20m'nPo €zm o z t oi 'n =(1, mt-'r1 o l z r m I U)zmm tn l<' lz l2 l>lr- g,J oc-l -lo<'i -D m m-m T m> ll' tl lt, Oil5 ll" ll tl l!O O ll"tf il_- F tl ll "? iltrllr ll- lgl:{t=t>IFlo l-:ll_i t-ttl T-ltllor I t-ltl T--] l? l 16lll .n t- ETocic+- .-r( I o) F I ro { 6Iz mIt rt a-t- m I E I 2I I z l m l- m <,, o€mt- =z z:(,, o I 62 z d I zm{ t- m I 6z t< :oz t- R m a -.1 !m ! o, - I 6z o =o- .D.' ;o 6l<loi ovrl cilol- 0lgri cl= I l lsltt-5 |tc t. 13t: 5t;o! 3[ 3l 3li ili 3t: ;I I ii E; iEIB ;;; e H,'o o o-nzz gi tffit=;'ld- 6 e'rF =rls I F IG) o)oo 5 to.- l> ^ t(/,-l l-r- lot-lol=IJ.lo (trF oOo zo F @ FIz zo{ m ct) -ht, l(!5llf CL l-lLN KUo lvto, ltDol ''lo: t-'-la lolo ls t; F I I I z =z i P m qF 3rl-l \i) l)= rF Nf ,ll 3r -.1 rF i$ I -lo rTmI = =1tmm(t, (n m-' x r.m z ! mt L-t omI ztmsm€ @o !m m -l z-lt ll|tn =m z c) t'- t- 3 @2 m m -lFo t- t- zo-m x t- 2 m = 'o mn =-t'Tl mmU' VALUATION mo 26 |- !-c =@zo rnt-m{!o - @ F =o !m7 = z9 ! !o c> oo Or o oc) F ooo cc) l\) Fr.o Ol Oo !\to O (troo oo o oO r.oo oo oo oO 5 o N)@5 o Ct'l @ u<td&3c/q/NBs \-/tLt) 75 south frontage r6ad vail, colorado 81657 (303) 47&7000 August 5, 19{i3 Jim Vi.ele - Bill Duddy Duddy Viele Construction Inc. P0 Box 331 Vail, C0 8'1657 Re: Thomas Liston Resjdence Remodeling Lot 8, Block 3, V V llth Dear Jim: 0n August 3, 1983, the Design Review Board approved the Ljston Residence with the stipulation that all landscape materia'ls disturbed by tie additon be replanted or replaced. Si ncerely, JS/bb Project Application f, Project Name: contaci Person and Phone .. )^,ry\('i'-' '.J i ti i '-: - ,-iiL{ I 'LJiJ|1i Owner, Address and Phone: t'f '.''t'A , tttt,,|.-\t: i:.1(rl'/ ? ') ,a.'*:. '''.a8? Architect, Address and phone: J:\x.i !)) .ar t'l.A' ,:' t.: ,' t i (-t,.;'';.i . ,i r'i :,.,' t ,T"f i',! Legal Description: Lot .)Block -i , Filing lt 7:, .zone_ Comments: l] ':'i)( j"; ..i ,, .,( ; , ilu Design Review Board , APPROVAL )DISAPPROVAL)'- \, E Statt Approval 70iir t llt-CK for SFR, R, R P/S TONE DISTRICTS Legal Description: Lot g Block J F'i1ing t/1/ l)h- Archi tect Zone District Lot Size Al I ot^led (30)(33) Proposed ub- .J-3 L-=' ol'\ ? ---t-=-- ProPosed Use Hei 9ht Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Si des Rear l,later Course Si te Coverage Landscapi ng Parki ng Credi ts : Garage Mechan i cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Storage Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : 20, 15' L5' t\tsol LSfv 3 ol--r 3S11ooo) e00) (v00) r2-r * @2ff41 '-,^.J -14 &, (50)(\o) (2s)(h) 3q$ (2oo) (4\) o <l Slope Actual Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope O'e-. Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: tme*lncrlglr tlsr Subdivision Lot Bl ock Filing l.Submittal Items (Acceptablel t,,", AccePtable) (A) Topo MaP ' '" [3] illi'i]'i,.' -E IP] $l]i-i!l3l'0n,""'ent (i r appricabr d -: 2. (0qineeriqg Requirements fal culvert size "?"' *(A) Culvert S;'o (B) oriver:ry iiiA.-Jg'm-*)-fA€6il - E< t < rz"t c-' ' 3. Source of Utilities tAt Electric B) Gas C) Set'rer D) htater E) TelePl:orie F) T.V. Approved: Di sa pproved : Bill Arrdrc:'rs Authori.zcd Signatul c Datc NOIE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut perrnit fron the Town of Vail, Department of Public ltlorks and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the lbwn of Vai1. A building permit . is not a street cut permit. A street cut pernit must be obtained separately. to verify servicc avail.ablity and Iocatron. be used in conjunction with preparing your and schcduling insta I latioDs. st I I i I ) I v I :; I oN_ _V_Aly__V I L t-. 2a6g_. "__ -f ll I fr,-r ruf+_ J 0 | r N^M E -llt.afl As-rLSn2-U-- --trFsl D€$-e=:-- Tas1-n0D<,1 ur,=--(?^^#it r,o1'- I BLOCK 3 tj tL tNc ila_--__ AlJLlrllss _v5__ The location of utiliti.cs, Iincs, nrust be apploved and acconrpanying site pltrn. Mountain Bell Western Slope Gas Public Service Company Iloly Cross Electric Assoc. Vail Cable T.V. Upper Eagle Val ley Flater and Sanitation District This forn is This should utility plan whcther thcy bc nxrin tlnnk verificd by tlicr following l irrcs or ;rloposedutilit.icr; l'or the ODe-L/06;-. -. ll"lt):i: l,,Il' F--. ii!,ri, ri.=9-- lti t:t(; II.tL . ()r; I'rr().r|;r. r. .GeMetUL . _re'/]OD17-.tN_6_. t JJlLl-_ ADD|T,OAJS_-AI lt.t;ttirr:tl for' :;rrlrr;,itLlrl hy lltc appl it:;rrrt to llru Dc:ijllrr ll,.vjr..l: clrlr ltu lliVCll : flg:t_._l!,.tc:f ,ij,l t:ttJ-,U ilolYmpn 4 W Uaro.(^u cw-fsw € 6w OgX-Et6E )fE)6€ ttFt&€ trEt Et6€B. LANDSCAPING Name of Designer: Phone : PLANT MATERIALS TREES Botanical Name Corunon Name Quanti ty Si ze t\[) T1?6 A- ${ROBS trtLL BG {|6/vlcilS) ADD Uo ArDrTloUAL /XAJ0-,a__WT,J6S__Ae6 - KIT-9Fl.6\l -:-Dl lt-!!)-G:- .- . fl A SI€-R-EED Roo/A -- -Baf, f.l 'lirr' l'rrl lrrrr, inii informlrt irrrr i.:i lloa rd bclol'r: a i:in:rl :r|lProva I A. - lllrll,!rliir; l.l^'l'liRtAt.S lloo f Siding Othcr l'iall l"latcrials Fascia Soffits Windorzs llindow 'l'rirn . Doors Door 'l'rin Hand <lr Deck Raits F lues Flashi ngs Ch.inneys Trash Dnc.l osures Gtccrrhorrses Otirer SllRUBS J ,,.,r,i,0 c0V L RS s0D o SQUARI r00 [A(il. SQUARE FOOTAGE .rs t_,lEcssAzl,Vpp 'rz 'p cytgT, r#'re? coru srrzrr-not.) TYPESEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION SQUARE F0oTAGE [)6 ctlap^a -o t*tsT erunes asrueq. -t+tl4.tt ACFA laF,4OOLbgR QTT-AIO'T\A AJALL TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Lu(tr ?5 US65 33c<- /-?o\foru cg^ft faOL. C. Other Landscape Features (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Please specify. FORril NO. C.5000 Colorado R€Oion Form 342 ALTA Owne.s Poltcy- Form B - t97OAm6nded 1O-'l7-70 POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ISSUED BY TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS CON- TAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND THE PROVISIONS OF THE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS HEREOE TRANSAMERICA TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, a Calitornia corporation, herein called the Company, insures, as of Date ol Policy shown in Schedule A, against loss or damage, not exceeding ,the amount of insurance stated in Schedule A, and costs, attorneys'fees and expenses which the Company may become obligated to pay hereunder, sustained or incurred by the insured by reason of: 1. Title to the estate or interest described in Schedule A being vested otherwise than as stated therein; 2. Any defect in or lien or encumbrance on such title; 3. Lack of a right of access to and from the land; or 4. Unmarketability of such title. lN VVITNESS WHEREOF, Transamerica Title Insurance Company has caused this policy to be signed and sealed by its duly authorized officers as of Date of Policy shown in Schedule A. Transamerica Title Insurance Company cb**) e e,fu- pr.idcnt " fr-.L;0,fr*l,A- ,."f, oF EX.LUST.NS FR'M d*oo, The following matters are expressly excluded from the coverage of this policy: l Any law, ordinance or governmental regulation (includrng r..t not limited to building and zoning ordinances) re- s-tricting or regulating or prohibiting thi occupancy, use or enjoyment of the land, or regulating the characte.r, dimensions or location of any improvement now or hereafter erected on the land, or prohibiting a separation in ownership or a reduction in the dimensions or area of the land, or the effect of any violation of any such law, ordi- nance or governmental regulation. 2. Rights of eminent domain or governmental rights of police power unless notice of the exercise of such rights appears in the public records at Date of Policy. 3. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims, or other matters (a) created, suffered, assumed or agreed. to by the insured claimant; (b) not known to the Company and not showri by the public records but known to the insured claimant either at Date of Policy or at the daie such ctaimant acquiied an estate or interest insured by this policy and not disclosed in writing by the insured claimant to the Complny prior to the date such insured claimant became an insured hereunder; (c) resulting in no loss or damage to the in3uled claimant; (d) attaching- or created subse' quent to Date of Policy; or (e) resu-lting in loss or damage which would not have been sustained if the insured claim- ant had paid value for the estate or int-erest insured by this policy. CONDITIONS AND I. DEFINITION OF TER'IAS The following terms when used in this policy mean: (a) "insured": the insured named in Schedule A, and,subject to any rights or defenses the Company may have against the named insured, those who succeed to the interestof such insured by operation of law as distinguished frompurchase including, but not limited to, heirs, distributees, devisees. surv-iv-oT, personal representatives, next of kin, or corporat€ or Ilduclary successors. (b) "insured claimant": an insured claiming age hereunder. (c) "knou'ledge": actual knowledge, not knowledge or notice which may be imputed to reason of any public records. . _ (d) "land": the land described, specifically or by referencein Schedule A, and improvements afflxed theieto which by lawconstitute real property: provided. however, the term "land" does not include any property beyond the lines of the areaspecifically described or referred to in Schedule A, nor anyright, title. interest, estate or easement in abutting streets, roads, avenues, alleys, lanes, r,r'ays or waterways, but nothing herein shall modify or limit the extent to which a right of access to and from the land is insured by this policy. (e) "mortgage": mongage, deed of trust, trust deed, orother security instrument. (f) "public records": those records which by law impart constructive notice of matters relatine to said land. 2. CONTINUATION OF INSURANCE AFTER CONVEYANCI Of TITII The coverage ol this policy shall continue in force as of Date of Policy in favor of'an iirsured so long as such insured retains an estate or interest in the land, or holds an indebted- ness secured bv a purchase mone!' mortgage given by a pur- chaser from such insured. or so long as such insured shallhave liabilitv by reason of covenants of warranty made bysuch insured in-anv transfer or convevance of suc-h estate orintercst: provided, -however, this policy shall not continue inforce in favor .of any purc_haser from such insured of eithersaid estate or interest or the indebtedness s€cured bv a our" chasc moncy mortgage given to such insured. 3. DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION O' ACTIONS - NOTICE OF CTAIM TO BE GIVEN 8Y AN INSURED CTAIMANT (a) The Company, at its own cost and without undue delay, shall provide for the defensc of an insured in all litiga-tion consisting of actions or proceedings commenced against such insured. or a defense interposed against an insured in an action to enforce a contract for a sale of the estate or interest in said land. to the extent that such litigation is founded upon an alleged defect. lien, encumbrance, or other matter insured against by this policy. loss or dam- constructive an insured by STIPULATIONS (b) The insured shall notify the Company -promptly in writilre (i) in case anv action o1 proceeding is begun -or de- fense is interposed as let forth in (a) above,-(ii) in case knowl- edge shall cohre to an insured hereunder of any claim. of title or interest which is adverse to the title to the estate or interest' as insured, and which might cause loss or damage for which the ComDanv mav be liable bv virtue of this policy, or (iii) if titte to ihe -estate or interest. as insured, is reiected as un- marketable. If such prompt notice shall not be given to the Company, then as to such insurcd all liability of the Company shall cease and terminate in reqard to the matter or matters for which such prompt notice is required; provided, however, that failure to notifv shall in no case preiudice the rights of any such insured undei this policy unless the Company shall be preiudiced bv such failuie aid then only to the extent of such prejudice. (c) The Company shall have the right at its own cost to institute and without undue delay prosecute any action or proce€'ding or to do any other act which in its opinion may be necessary or desirable to establish the title to the estate or interest as insured. and the Company may take any appro- priate action under the terms of this policy, whether or not it shall be liable thereunder, and shall not thereby concede !iabilitv or waive any provision of this policy. (d) Whenever the Company shall have brought any action or interposed a defense as required or permitted by the pro- visions bf this policy. the Company may pursue any such litigation to final determination by a court of competent iuris- diciion and expressly reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to appeal from anv adverse judgment or order. (e) In all cases rvhere this policy pernrits or requires the Companv to prosecute or provide for the defense of any actionor procleding, the insured hereunder shall secure to the Companv the right to so prosecute or provide defense in such action or proceeding. and all appeals therein, and permit the Company to use, at its option. the name of such insured for such purpose. Whenever requested by the Company, such insured shall give the Company all reasonable aid in any such action or proceeding, in effecting settlement. securing evidence, obtaining witnesses, or prosecuting or defending such action or proceeding, and the Company shall reimburse such insured for any expense so incurred. 4. NOI|CE OF IOSS - l.lMlTATlON OF ACTION ln addition to the notices required under paragraph 3(b)of these Conditions and Stipuiations, a statement in writing of any loss or damage for which it is claimed the Company is liable under this policy shall be furnished to the Companywithin 90 davs after such loss or damase shall have been de- termined and no right of action shall accrue to an insured claimant until 30 days after such statement shall have been furnished. Failure to furnish such statement of loss or damage shall terminate any liability of the Company under this policy as to such loss or damage. I I Continued on Front of Back Cover DIVISION OF INSURANCE OEPARTM ENT OF REGULATORY AGENCIES STATE OFFICE AUILOING . 2Ol E. COLFAX AVE. oENVER. COLORAOO SO203 5TATE OF COLOFADO NICHARO O LA|.|. Gov..noi J iICH RO AARNIs. C L U o.roir cor{'3.ron.. Itay 1, | 977 Dear Rea I Estate Purchaser: Fol lowing this letter you wl ll find a brief explanation of your tltle Insurance commi tment and policy, Title insurance companles are regulated by this 0ivision, as are other types of insurance companles, This Division makes certaln that corn- panies issuing title insurance conrnitrpnts and title In5urance pol icies arefinancially sound, and that they operate in accordance with statutes and regu la t ions, We also have a great lnterest in naking certaln that you, as the consuner, understand the'purpose of title insurance and that you understand your rights under your insurance pol icy. In the event you are dissatlsfied with responses given to your ques- tions or problems by your title lnsurance company, you are encouraged to send your qucstlons concerning title insurance or any complaints that you may have against your title Insurer to this office. Ve are on hand to nakc certain that all your rights and renedies, both under your pol icy and under law, are available to you at all times. JR8:bl Sincerely, -y{cHARD BARNES, C. L. U. Coimlss ioner of In s ur ance As a purchaser ol a home or other real estate you may receive a Commitment lor Title Insurance and a 'Policy ol Title Insurance:'Both of these documents. like many others in connection with your purchase, are conlracts creatjng legal rights which you should read carefully and which you may wish to have examined and explarned by a lawyer or other adviser. While the following description of these documents cannot change the precise terms of lhese documents, it is hoped that this will help you to understand their purpose and effect and answer some of your questions about lhem. QUESTION: "WHAT lS TITLE INSUFANCE?" ANSWEF: Basically. it is a contract with the title insurance company in which the company agrees to defend and indemnify you against losses which you may suffer because ol unreported defects in the title to your property as of the date of the contracl. lt is not casualty insurance and, therelore. does not protect you against acts ot theft or damage to your home by lire, storm and lhe like. E66€ntially, lhe insurance insures thal you have title to the property subject only to certain exceptions and exclusrons listed in the Policy of Tille Insurance. Title insurance recognizes the possability ol loss. but transfers the risk of loss from you as property owner to the company issuing lhe policy. For this reason title insurance comoanies are reouired to mainlain reserves to cover losses. lf you are tinancing your purchase. your lender will ordinarily require thai you obtain a separate Lender's Policy to insure that your property will in fact serve as security for its loan. QUESTION: "WHAT DOES THE PREMIUM PAY FO8?" ANSWEF: The one time, non-recurring premium pays for several things. ll helps to pay for the cost of collecting, maintaining, searching and examining real estate records and certain other public records which relate to your property so that the tille insurance company can determine the insurability ol your title. For example, the lille insurance company will determine whether the public records show that your seller really owns the property. what morlgages or liens (a recorded legal claim) may exist, whether there are restrictive covenants on your CONTINUED ON REVERSE property or easemenls which "rror p"f "ross your property or to otacc utitrt ,." ^.ro*prop€rty. The premium also serves to linance cerlain legal cosls which may arise il Ffitle rs challenged. Addilionally, payment of th#mium requires the tille insurance company to indemnify you tor any losses you suffer as a result of the title company s fallure to fulfill its contractual obligations under your title policy. QUESTION: "WHAT lS A COMMITMENT FOn TITLE TNSUR!.tcE?" ANSWER: A Commitment lor Title Insurance is a slandardazed preliminary document aulhorized by the Commissioner ol tnsurance andicalang that a title insurance company will issue a title insurance poticy to you after certain steps have been taken, such as the payment ot an outstanding mortgage or lien and the issuance of a deed to you. These steps are set oui in the commitment as requirements in Schedule B-Seclion 1. In Schedule B-Section 2 Exceptions: the commitment also summarizes certain existing limitations on the use of your property. the defecls in your title and liens against your property. Your policy will not protect you against these matters. You will note that some of these limitations and delects may still exist even atter all ol the reauirements of the commitment have been met. These other matters are usually such lhings as restriclive covenants or easements for utilities and the like. You should carefully read both the requirements" and the exceptions to title stated in the commitment so that you may raise objections if there are matlers alfecting the title to whach you did not agree when you signed the contract to purchase your property. Some of lhe 'exceptions are standard and will not normally be covered by your titte policy. The first standard exception is any claim by parties in possession ot the property which is not shown by the public records. This means, for example, thal someone may have been living on the property for a long period of time and may claim that they own the property, even though they do not have a recorded deed: or may claim that they are somehow otherwise enlitled to be on the property. The title insurance company could not learn of such a claim by examining the public real estate records. You should inspect the property to make sure that anyone living there will respect your ownership. Exception 2 of Schedule B similarly may mean that someone has used a portion of the property long enough to claim an easement, even though there is no instrument of record giving lhat person the authority to do so. Exception 3 of the standard commitment in essence says that the title insurance policy will not insure against problems concerning the exact boundary lines ol the property you are purchasing, which means that you should make certain that there are no fences or other encroachments on your property, particularly if you do not have a survey. Again, a title insurance company cannot delermine whether suchproblems exisl on your property because employees of the title insurance company will not inspecl the property unless they are specially requested and paid to do so. Exception 4 excludes liens which may be fited against your property by someone who may have done work on the property and who has not been paid. The tille insurance company does not have any way of determining whether such claims may exist in the absence of some recorded documenl. You may wish to verity that no such unsatisfied claims exisl. The fitth standard exception is for matlers which may arise following the issuance of the commitment and before you complete your purchase. Many companies also exclude laxes and special assessments which may be imposed against your property which are not recorded in the public records, or the amount of which has not yet b'een delermined. lf you are purchasing a single family residence, you may wish to check to see if you are entitled to obtain endorsemenl Form No. 130 which removes several ol the standard exceplions and will give you insurance for some of those matters. You will see that lhe commitment shows lhe amount of title insurance to be issued, together with the amount of the premium charge. Your seller should check with his broker and with the title insurance company issuing the commitment to make cerlain that he has paid the lowest premium to which he is entitled. For instance, it there has been a title insurance policy issued to your seller within the last two years, he may be entitled to receive some credit lor the prior premium against the amount of premium which he will now pay. OUESTION: "WHAT lS THE POLICY OF TITIE TNSURANCE?" ANSWER: The Policy of Title lnsurance is a document which will be issued to you atter your purchase transaction is concluded. lt, too, is a slandardized document, the printed portions ol which have been approved by the Commissioner of Insurance. Schedule A of your policy will set forth, among other matters, the amount of insurance coverage, your name as the insured, your interesl in the property, such as actual ownership or a leasehold interest, and the legal description of the properly. Your title insurance policy, as any other insurance policy, has exceplions from coverage. These will be set forth in Schedule B of your policy and in the Schedule ot Exclusions lrom Coverage. Matters which may limit coverage will besetforth inthe Conditions and Stipulations" section of the policy. In Schedule B of the policy, you will find those items against which the title insurance company does nol, or cannol, insure. Many of these will be the same as the exceptions set out in Schedule B of the Title Commitment. The Schedule ol Exclusions from Coverage excludes matters such as zoning ordinances which regulate how the property may be used, rights which may be possessed by a governmental body and which might be exercised against the property, and any defects of which you may be aware but have not informed the title insurance company. You may desire to investigate the status of these matters belore you completeyour purchase. Also excluded are detects or encumbrances which may be placed upon the property subseguent to the date of the policy. You should remember that a title policy is not a promise of indemnity against some defect or claim against your title which may be created in the future. lt does protect you against loss or damage existing from defects in the title to real property existing prior to and as of the date of the policy even though they may not be discovered until some future date. The language concerning Conditions and Stipulations under which the litle insurance company issues its policy contains an explanation of the terms of the policy, and also deals with how yop should notity the title insurance company in the event you may believe that you may have a claim under the policy. lf someone should assert that they have a right to use your property or that they own part ol it, and you cannot find that right set forth in your policy as an exception or an exclusion, you must notify the title insurance company in writing of the situation. The address for this notilication will normally appear in your policy. Prompt notification will enable you and the company to deal with the matler or problem that you raise, il it is covered by the policy, so that the dispute may be resolved in as limely a manner as possible. You should know that il the problem is covered by your title insurance policy, a title insurance company must usually bear the costs ol litigation, either to defend your tille in the event of an adverse claim against it, or sometimes to bring aflirmative legal action to clear up the problem. In so doing, the title insurance company retains the right ot settling the claim or pursuing the matter through the courts, if it beli€ves that the rights asserted by a third party against your property are not tegally justified. It the title insurance company takes the position that the matter which you raise is not covered by the terms of the title insurance policy, it must so notify you as soon as reasonably possible after you present your claim. QUE$TION: "WHAT IF I STILL HAVE FURTHEF OUESTIONS ABOUT THE COMMTTMENT FOR TTTLE INSURANCE OR POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE?" ANSWER: You should certainly ask them of your attorney, the seller, the lender or the title insurance company. lf you do not receve a saiisfactory answer to your queslions, you may contact the oflice of the Colorado Commissioner of Insurance,J. Richard Barnes, Commissioner, Department of Regulatory Agencies, 106 State Off ice Buitding, Denver, Colorado BOZO3. Form No. C-1.12.13 i' ' FoRMNo.c-sooo-r O l : Foi usEwrTli coLoaAoo REGIoN AMER|GAN LANo rtTLE Assocr^TtoN owNER o's FoLlcY-FoRrr B- t07(' (A$ENDEO rO.r7.7(,) SCHEDULE A A,notrrr.t o{ Insurance S 4 33, 500.00 PolicyNo. 4106735 Date of Policy June 2 , 1913 Sheet I of --J4:i i P.M. l, Name of Insured: THOMAS P. LISTON 2. The estate or interert in the land described herein and which is covered by thie policy ie: IN FEE STMPLE 3. The estate or interest referred to herein ie at Date of Policv vested in: TIIOMAS P. LISTON FOiM NO. C.COOO-a FOr Ull wt?H co|.oiADlo oRlotol{ AIlitcAN uno rrr"" ^L,^J,on "" " JrTo (a EroED ro'r7-7o) rcrt uat wttt{ coLoiaDo RtotoN A tttcA LAND TttLE Aaaocr^Tror{ owNER'3 toLlcY-FoRM 8-1070 (AMENDID to'l'7'tol SCHEDULE A-Continued Thc lrnd rcfcrred to in thir poUcy ie rituated in tho State of Colorado, County of Eagle Ict, 8, Elock 3r , and is deacribed ae follows: VAII. Y9136, ac@mdiJg to ET,EVE[{II| FILIIiG, the reonled Plat ttrereof o AIIERICAN 'I dIl , FORM NO, C-6000.38 FOR U3E WITH COLORAOO REGION 6. Rl.ght of the proprietor of hl,e ore therefrom, ahouldtersect the prenlsest andstruated by the authorltyIn Unl,ted gtates Patent of ,i LANO TITLE AAAOCIATION OWNER'A B-t97O (AMENOED lO. t7.7O) t 3. 7. Eagenents as ahorrn on the recorded plat of Vall Vtllage, llthFl,llng. 8. Restrlctlons, which do not contain a forfeiture or reverter clauee,but onlttlng restrlotlone, lf any, baaed on rac6, color, religlon,or natlonal orlgLn, as contained Ln instrument recorded July 26,I97l tn Aook 22I at Page 140, and aa amended by inatrument re- corded !{ay 5, L977 ln Book 254 at Page 865. o POLICY-FORM SCHEDULE B Thio Policy doea not ineure againet lose or damage by reason of the following: l. Righto o. .,l.i-.rs of partiea in poeeeeeion not shown by the public records. Eaeemente, or claims of eaeements, not shown by the public records. Diecrepancies, conflicts in boundary lines, ehortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a cor- rect Eurvey and inspection of the premieee would digcloee and which are not shown by the public recorde. Any lien, or right to a lien, for aervices, labor, or material heretofore or hereafter furnished, irnposed by law and not ehown by the public recordg. 5. Taree due and payable; and any tax, special asaesamenta, charge or lien imposed for water or sewet service, or for any other epecial taxing dietrict. Any and all unpaid taxes and assessments. a v€ln or lode to exttact and r€move ttre aame be found to p€n€trate or in-rlgbt of way for dltcheB or canala con-of the Unlted States, all as reservgd recorda. Continued from Back of Front Cover 5. OPTION! TO PAY OR OTHERWISE SETTIE CLAIMS The Company shall have the option to pav or otheruise settle for or in the name of an insured claimant anv claim in- sured against or to terminate all liability and obligations ofthe Compan) hereunder by paying or tendering payment ofthe amount of insurance under this policy together with any costs, attorne!'s' fees and expenses incurred up to the timeof such palment or tender of payment, by the insured claim-ant and authorized by the Company. 6. DETERMINATION AND PAYIAENI OF IOSS (a) The Iiabilitv of the Company undcr this policy shallin no case E\cecd lhe least of (i) the actual loss of the insured claimant: or(ii) the amount of insurance in Schedule A. (bj The Company will pay, in addition to any loss insured a8ainst by this policy. all costs imposed upon an insured in liti-gation carried on by the Company for such insured, and all costs, attorne!'s' fees and expenses in litigation carried on bysuch insured $'ilh the written authorization of the Company. (c) When liability has been definitely fixed in accordance \,{'ith the conditions of this policy, the loas or damage shall bepayable $ ithin 30 days thereafter. 7. UM|TAT|ON OF UAB|l|lY No claim shall arise or be maintained under this policy (a) if the Company. after having received notice of an allegeddefect, lien or encumbrance insured against hereunder, by litigation or otherwise, removes such defect, lien or encum- brance or establishes the title, as insured. within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice: (b) in the event of litigation until there has been a final determination by a court of com- petent jurisdiction, and disposition of all appeals therefrom, adverse to the title. as insured, as provided in paragraph 3 hereof; or (c) for liability voluntarily assumed by an insured in settling any claim or suit tt'ithout prior u,ritten consent of the Company. 8. nEDUCTTON Or lrAB[rrY All payments under this policy, except payments made for costs, attorneys' fees and expenses, shall reduce the amount of the insurance pro tanlo. No payment shall be made without producing this policy for endorsement of such payment unless the policv be lost or destroyed, in which case proof of such loss or destruction shall be furnished to the satisfaction of the Company. 9. UASTUTY NONCUMUIAI|V: It is expressl:/ understood that the amount of insurance under this policy shall be reduced by any amount the Com-pany may pay under policy insuring either (a) a mortgage shown or referred to in Schedule B her€'of which is a lien on the estate or interest covered by this policy, or (b) a mortgage hereafter executed by an insured which is a charge or lien on the estate or interest described or referred to in Schedule A, and the amount so Daid shall be deemed a Davment under this policy. The Company shall have the option io apply to the pay- ment of anl' such mortgages anv amount that otherwise would be payable hereunder to the insured owner of the estate or interest covered by this policy and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under this policy to said insured owner. IO. APPORTIONIIIINT If the land described in Schedule A consists ot two or more parcels which are not used as a single site, and a loss is estab- iished affectine one or more of said parcels but not all, the loss shall be ibmputed and settled on a pro rata basis as if the amount of insurance under this policy was divided pro rata as to ihe value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole. exclusive of any improvements made subsequent to Date of Policy. unless a liability or value has otherwise been agreed upon as to each such parcel by the Company and the insured at the time of the issuance of this policy and sho$n by an express statement herein or by an endorsement attached hereto. I I . SUETOGAIION UPON PAYIAENT OI SENIEMENT Whenever the Company shall have settled a claim under this policy, all right of subrogation shall vest in the Company unaffected by any act of the insured claimant. The Companv shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all rights and reme- dies which such insured claimanl would have had against any person or property in respect to such claim had this policy not been issued. and if requested by the Company, such insured claimant shall transfer to the Company all ri8hts and remedies against any person or property necessary in order to perfect such right of subrogation and shall permit th€ Company to use the name of such insured claimant in any transaction or litigation involving such rights or remdies. lf the payment does not. cover the loss of such insured claimant, the Company shall be subrogated to such rights and remedies in the pro- portion which said payment bears to the amount of said loss.If loss should result from any act of such insured claimant, such act shall not void this policy, but tie Company, in that event, shall be required to pay only that part of any losses insured against hereunder which shall exceed the amount, if any, lost to the Company by reason of the impairment of the right of subrogation. 12. uABtuw I|MTTED ro rHrS POUCY This instrument together with all endorsements and other instruments, if any, attached hereto by the Company is the entire policy and contract between the insured and the Company. Any claim of loss or damage, whether or not based on negligence, and lr'hich arises out of the status of the title to the eitate or interest covered hereby or any action asserting such claim, shall be restricted to the provisions and conditions and stipulations of this policy. No amendment of or endorsement to this policy can be made except by writing endorsed hereon or attached hereto signed bv either the President, a vice President, the Secretary, an Assistant Secretary, or validating officer or authorized signatory of the Company. I3. NOTICES, WHERE SENT All notices required to be given the Company and any statement in rvritirig required to be furnished the Company shall be addressed to Transamerica Title Insurance Company' P. O. Box 605. Denver. Colorado 80201. o aoJoo F3oI(, Dotr F oFz uJ(, FC' -b!fEs8; FTFF o- =(5t- O- >h gR L- rrj'g 9oy2 tro= (Eco(UcL(6f L@Fc G)U €Fj- FrFe (-ts{t-{ (.F{o U - . 9a :P E 5 Z >; cco t;t6 .68E-6 !6-9 !' o4:6 tE =c F ?6 @ds 63 l'.o c o:! tE=*,v:r; .; .:- :*,ii E! Et 3Eti.8:.,5i.6e iE !: :i E;t6-9;t=:.e-N5c)@ 0)zZo!-9 "i_: !E - !,-I ?.,,: EE 5 f io_-ax d -9, i; se I F ! u5t t! ! .;-ai >9 x ,5 :is: .ai .d E3 :I3: :6 i6 Eo iEE.Hi.{'9.5F.,1- d; iE 'iE'!!'Ei'ti '!r E= !i 3,4 ': Ei !qE; a- N ri 5 S3g tg E E € E xo6o , co CL tr (J o)(tc(tr oc o F TE() o E(itotro F ri:: :iEn ,iin :iEl ite: ;iit :i!l s;e; siin i,igs Hg!; ifIB Ei!g iEIi EiiE ii!; !:ii 8E!i 3?€i EIEiE"; i=! ;*; -ea - i: t: =i tt E ;t (! ct E ooc(o =otr o F (E(, q) E TE Qc(! r= ff;;, n\ au t) 1o^'rl A)', llecorderl at -- --- - o't lr'r. }i No. a----Reception Turs Drru, M ade this 1^r-day of JUfe lggl ,betn'een RICHARD H. BAILEY and DORIS A. BAILEY, as joint tenants of tlre CountY of Eagle and State of ('olorado, ofthe first pal't, and a- . -.tAs: - la.ii cr nl - ,. Jiri 7-4 r: Pii'03 i 1l ll I I il ll il THOMAS P. LISTON g P.A. Bergrner. & Co. 200 S.W. Adams St. Peoria, I11. 61626 rrh ose leeal address is ofthe county of and state ofcolorado, ofthe second part: $ ITIiESSETH, Th at the said pa rty of th e fi rst par t, for an d in con sid e rati on of th e su m of Four Hundred Thirty Three Thousand Five Hundred and No/100 TIOLLARS' ru1n" *ia party of the firsffaiiin hand paid by the said party of the second part, the receipt whereofis hert'by t.gnfessed and acknowledged, has granted, bargained, sol<! and conveyed, and by these presents does Frant' ['argain, sell, convey and confirm, unto the said party of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever' all the folloutrrg rlescri bed lot ('oun ty of or pa rcel Eagle of la nd, situ ate, lying and being in the and State of Colorad o, to-wit: Lot 8, Block 3, VAIL VTLLAGE, ELEVENTH FILING, accordinq to the recorded Plat thereof llso knorvn as street and nunrber TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging' or in anl u'isl appel- taining, an4 the reversion and reversions, renrainder and remainders. rents, issues and profits thereof; and all the csta te, right. title, intercst, clainr ancl de mand rvhatsocver of the sa id pa rty of the first part, either in lau' r'r eq u ity, of. in and to the above bargained premises, with the hereditaments and appurtenances' TO HA\,E ANI)T() llOI-D the said prenrises above bargained and described, with the appurtenances. unto the said par.t!' of the second part, his heirs and assigns forever. And the said party of the first part, for himself, hls heirs, €xecutors, and ar.l m inistrators, does covenant, grant, bargain, and agree to and u'ith the said party ofthe second part' his he irs a nd assigns, th at at the ti me of th e ensealin g an d deli very of these presents, he is well sei zed of the premises above conveyed, as of good. su re, perfect, tlbsolu te and i n rlefc asi ble estate of in heritance' in law, in fee.sirnple, and has good right, full power antl larvful authority to g|.ant, bargain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as af0resaid, and that the same are free and clear fronr all former and other grants, bargains, sales' liens, taxes. assessn]ents and encunrbrances of whatever kind or nature soever. Except for easements, restrictions, covenants, and rights of way of recorC, U.S. Patent reservations ' and real property taxes for I983 and subseguent years. and the aboved balgained premises in the quiet and peaceable po n of the said heils and assigns against a)l :rnd evet y person or pet'sons lalvfull or to claim the said partt of the first part shall and will \YARRANT AN ER DEFEN e sineular number sh all inclurlr.the pl u ral. the ptural the singular, and the use of any be applic a ble all gen ders. lN \\'lTliUSS NIIERE()f'. the said Darty of the first palt h a[)ovc w Iitte n. to set his han nd se itlthe dal and 1'car first STAT E OF COLORADO Cou nty of Thr: foregoitrg i u stru me nt *'as acknowledgcd before mc this party of the seconrl part, his the whole or anl part thereof, I SEA Ll ISEAI,I ,- -- lsEALl day of June1st tl/r. 1r 7 1< f .nl tl ?"-t-uLrL-Ltl- : ao,'^,o-s?. (-1=-c,6rr Y'J5.S?t*r .?l = : - =,. = - 2 I I I t I I i a7 I = =.7 ?- ,. 'a I .l: .,, 't I 14t' '?\) Hav zFl lflL^J l-L.iH z '1 B-oc,*-rr,.-.,TL U ,tlJ Q ooza{Fl-o _{ozTmF3 { .1 --I o @ml*lrii El*E e 13c eli* sr-! 3- 33o<1o.d89,3EEngI!m -t fifl89a-tn= FF"t- n!! 3PcCz= 226oz \ !Enz,o '-1 -{:fr t 8=z\-{yIt e! o 9p-,t c EE d6 C ' c irt;mr9 r())>tl- o 2A-lmvz>mOI'-{>or-n uoT imo-{ o =z mv (-o tDz =1T oj o Fo ogo mqla9ao>'r -.1 b I I I I I @rrt 'Tl r_z c) -lmrm l-{to l€ lzlo lalt< t> lF -lo{z "n P l- mozo I = H|o l€Flot-n l<t> t;tm Plz "i = -t m-m l{|o t€ lzlo Fl|< l>[- lil.IQ; tz lo -.1! tbF(o (tl (tl 1\) l-rto t€lz let<t> ||-lr lm l9) lzlo !! = = vl It\ o a ! = n !v 9-l ! (tt\.|(tt(o tD =D|qp EDfntt, a',lof.o loErtlololct P |c) F rDt z m ( I €- 2. 9zlo;-{mHlFoROlTr !N<lot'n !m! ={ -lo (D mxmTI oz go @L-{ m c Crtsf\)Pctl FO- H3dop-d 6Rg g ii =D o:8=. iF** ilp. =-.o D ='+*6'p. - i: Hi 3ai eBaB= E +(,)sds ! oE 5=il a9.to f.POO.r. 3iE =.9 g ordr =< =iJA=5ilq o-J 4-8 d ;*$ 3q$(oo=.d9dd-9 DI{!, DI o. E.d 6' o co c o Dooo 4 ro o o { os.o{ o o o -oc f o 3 (D =g 5(o ooo.o o o o I- C"mt-.tl zo -{rm o€zmt It - €ooo mt-m o Im P PiPH;g 6 z(t, t- =oz z-oo03I;IE E i I sEsza l|ll EEHgx= ae" =-{lllt" zm€ t- -.tm >;2 oo1o2 t- vm! F l-l t-{m att9I t-c 6z €fG Oweta E; iE Ed i* E c 6 -- ar 2 Z<{6gx -t I N) -.1 'om -l o zma o =zo F @c-I2ozoimq, olz' 3l gl zql 3l,l I I I I ql -l I I FN gN Fi$ riltl N I olt,\mrl \ NIP {o-{rTm7 ={'n fTlmu, c at,m -{ x |-m z om!o 12.+ omU'o2!m m- o ,motm i6z.tl mm =mo zd l- t-c =7o mrmo vo t- ! zo m it o 7 26, m! = !mn ='Tlmm <t, VALUATION !mF =. 29 3mo- zo !- =@ =o rnt-mo-{,o .- @ Foz 6) N)(tlo \) 33fr.oq, ro(tl o oo ltl F N)(tl C) N (.{'t\) (tl cLl32a6sqq-DJt tA-u-A o rr rst'tP \l' tYl :1 ItLr .a -r t $ I j $*fr[ *3 $$\ ;I \fi I Profect Application . Date- . Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and enon" F-t1'tOE rlctr , r4 af t'rt tN o tz Owner, Address and Phone: Archirecr, Address and phone: Atcrlaa0 4t " t Lf g - fid - -r ?-s-? Legal Description: Lot Block 3 Filing t// tl , Zone - Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Xt,"u Approval 'J 72- ztxizt4Pas, { ,mrzE-a&D'xYLre. MAJNT .1, nttl^trelvt.aJ-1 1 tw ltryYL'Elvt. r<rv - \.l i ffiI TFu* ua- ti,Vot &rcRE G_J I' J. Klr t|x=r-\i<e c-'t<- 1 | IEERINa. EJ<I,1,,.TALL*}rc+=;.-- --F,JgAA/e rcRTICN =tpWN EXET5, rcUlE 4-2><lZ mB-E Inn-,fzraua= ONuuer=. rcae -l-p!ffite,tnNrArEf'4t Ehtt=i; '- t; I r i {,i . . .:lf'i INB^/ F.(rmcV F en*6a /-Hffi'tuA l -.:;q ttr;p.--.-tEr> a/rR/ t-frR. @\tFttul a,EravcE oF' EEAtvl Ar 1Hl9 l-&DiT1AV.lF tD{E t/4t;1tzPa *u& $FlJ' FtxruKe. LtsT' A- IALA HZ#3F E- r@otrlE'EN, IJNE" 3W. q'2 SUCH ) 70 drEFtS -A,RM'E t_lGHr ,.,r..,i;l -{o - -, et -l |- E Er o I z o u m! 3 I { 6 B2 =,s fit n !c @ €x? I I I irlt: -{o D|-n-oo, m -{o-{ |--o ln 1t|-oo, , m t J m v,m3 an2-{at !tzo|n czoo |nan !! o D- F€>I;P;E: F>'- BFA F-'3giF 6=Buo 4 :g >8433ieaiilUda;Ee>:>tz ^oo o :EE714l > 0& .}tl N C'moo T!Io2o'tt =o x 1., i81o!cmi3io;a!<97E5: z 9>3oo-6o2o= dlI N.lt::B 11 -vt i|ll on !! ?_ o Dj o2 tl ! m v,!2zx|- mto z 9 o.ll Is2o C =-{v, m o'll Es?o z -t mu -.1 oz E' -{ o2 n! I o'lt't!0:r !D az F' 'q o z €t. E EI € D€ i< * F E' NI (^ ts F d z zuoI dtlt I € F' q z H F E Ftr Arlg fl 1974 Town of YaiI fr.J.ncfRIcAL PmMIT Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuetion Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 33 $...:-:. s..|...€-o*:..?-. .o- E.-Z.o-S Date Paid........ . .fr:.{:.ry . Received 8y................... ..a,#pJ.' .. THIS JOB R-.....ag**=^-f,r, AT z*...... FORilI IS TO BE POSTED OlI SITE DURING COilSTRUCTION 2'l HOURII ADVANCE NOIICE REQUIRED fOR INSPECfIONS .rou Narne?re t<-8.* 14. 62.'iJu^" *,.C.*tlr^ Cr rf Applicant.. APPROVALS SlSnature 2L* tra a, a. torotat !o.. ,llYll tolall 3or sEp 4 tsz4 PEFIMIT]'LUMBINGi/MECHANICAL TOWN OF VAIL USE OF BUILDING: oF woRK: M*r* E eoorrroru D nemooel E nepaln RIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBfNG: NUMBER 5 /Zw-f MEGHANTGAL: N,MBER /7 Ee_y'4 t< cB- VALUATIoN $ JgDa vALuATroN , (g o*F REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMTT FEE ,3r1. a PERMf T FEE P,?rte {orrrouro /DArE 3 aerc 71 ? /y/, t 467yfTOTAL F PLIJMEilNGi., MEGHANICAL PEFIMIT TOWN OF VAIL USE OF BUILDING: oF woRK: fl ruew E aoortroru ! nennooel E nepnrn RIPTION OF WORK: I menoveo TOTAL FEES: $ PLUMBING: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER VALUATION $VALUATION $ REMARKS:REMABKS: PERMIT FEE PERMIT FEE E orsnppnoveo DATE to EVELOPER un I c KIUE ! I LY PROCESS ING DEADL INE DAT E COI,lPLETED I]EVILOP|,:IIT ROUTI;iG SLIP suBurrr tr,, oot, /-Z y'-7 / BY' y'la-/l'1--' ENT IT IES PRE L I II I NARY STAF F REV IEI.l I'!ASTER P LAN LANDSCAP Ii'IG RECRE AT I ON AMENITIES ,u1(GR. cHEcK DES ICN CHECK ENV IRONI.lENTAL IMPACT REV IEW ENV IRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT ZON ING CHECK PLANN . COI'lM. PitoJ EC T OI{NER/D S IGNATURE REI'1ARKS /r/-- @- e Te- COND I'i IONAL USE TOWN COUNC I L REV IEI.l r'd€s teil REV tEW Afrat zoN rNG il/t-_.--.7- /-2y. 7 qREV IEW K*r NG DEPr o .xt. lr.f as* *'rrfst) tl PLAN CHECK MECH/PLBG. ELECTRICAL PUBL IC V/ORKS. z:*r.lc-:r^. ^x-* de^ F IRE DEPT PUBL ICAT I ON DATE TYPE HEAR ING DATE 1 at .. l i t AMOUNT DATE PA ID REMARKS 6d,oo PLAN CHECK VAR IANCE RECREAT ION PE RI'1 IT , BLDC PLUiqB ING MECHAN ICAL ELECTRICAI- ,l.?g,bt v'r : ,OTHER :t, ' oo DATE OF MEMBERS SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTION VOTE: DES IGN MEETING: PR ES ENT : Ot SECONDED ',r 1-- AGAI NST: '1,'..; APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: REVIEH BOARD /.1 e5,i,i ^,)v,ei ." ia,!:- .,*,;;;-, ,-,t /rr-_.2)-( /Z*4/ ' are P;io ll o- -- sur'tl'ilnr e ' ,'/, ,,.c ,- r ARCHrrrcf---Mi::t----.----- -;R0J|-CT r )(l't-{.;< <t ,-r< - ' '' ''-" ''z/- y', 1, :/" iEGAI DESCFTIPI |All ,Ad/ Oi Pq/ J 7r // 7'', 2: sE zorE R , ?ROPOSED usttst '4 t-''l/'/f t'-'' (r" - t or srzE /4,1'd ; FROTTTAGE //V - . / -' ETBACKS: Rsquired - Front -?o , sides /'-c -#Jrcr+*,Actuar - Front 3.4 , sides l4-=---- Jf -' atui-1L6'-; ")'u, Actual l{t, /}t* t !t IEIGHT: Average Grade - Height Allo*ed a -=--, Actual kz4Ll !-; ;.R.F.A .', ."1J- Ratio, Allowable sq' {t ' !, ftf t-o ' Actual sq' f+ ' /l':'?'/}' :of"rliERcrAL FLooR AREA: Percentase a llowabl + Al.lowable sq' rt t!r;3fi: Actual sq. ft ]UlLD|NGBULKcoNTRoL:A||owab|enaximum|en9ih lequ i red O f isets if TE C9VERAGE: At to,,/ab t. ---4-{ f, Al lowabte Sq. f f . f-,-eZ] t :, actuat /7 ---X Actual sq. tt. 2L/f)''t/J i {+ JSEA;LE OPEN SPACE: Requ irea :{L 9_ sq. f 1., Actua t /orQ 7.3 sq' ENV I RONi.IENTAL II.IPACT APPROVAL Mayo r Date Submi tted Date S ubn i tte d Date Submitted Exlen s-i on o f Ground Leve | ---3- , - $, Conimon LANDSCAPING: iequi red ,6 o f ,sq. {1., Actuat '/C fi 292-l--sq'i+' )ARKING ANo LoADtrre : t'lo. Requi ,ea - 4 , No' Act ual -/--' CoVi:red F':- quired -, I '- No'; ZON I NG APPROVA L DES IGN REV lEl:l B0ARD APPR0VA|. UTIL IT IES APPRCVAL Date Covered '- J7' 0aie for Zon i ng Review for Des i gn Revi ew f or Envi ronrnenta I lmpact ew Dead I Dead I i ne Daie i ne Daie KEVI io Dead I i ne as per::ii +l3c date (Series of l97J)by Sect i on c0l'litlEl{'IS: item No. 8 Alrrt e2.J5- X ,llf -r,Qp aQe- a"*. 6's' K .f,d t/'l, /f /t x. tQf ^t.t \ /7 tc y tlt- a{ c < Jl,s- tr tfx, Q,5- e.'-t"? JJ I /\' A 6(, oc 2< ' j '/ "'/ :' a.' ^ a. t/ 7c,t t^ /o 6, ta tft-'/.,tJ U, f.*,Xc, o(,/xts - .fe| a y 75-, /t -/., ' "Z'zz-n|a' "- "/ r*-tt.a-/*/O St. /Vt c-t'--' t#>r. ,/,/7 36tr 7/L, -6ral Q-*-t-t . *2t -: I 3 o t, Ma/l,^' tlx l7 / l. XAt do DESIGN RtrVIII\' BOARD DISI INTRODUCl'I ON : This checklist is intcnded as a guidelinc .for evaluating a r"idc spcctrum of str.ucttlrcs. Con- sequently some part.s of thcse guidcli.nes do not apply to all structurcs and a negatl\'e re- sDonse to a spccific guideljnc does not neces- sirify suggesi a rcjeition of thc cntirc design' I. GSNEML: A. Does the sca1c, location, and architectural design of the building harmoni ze sith the surr6unding cnvironnent both existing and future? B. Are open spaces left in a natural state or l'elan<lscaped to blend the stl'tlcture to its surroundings ? C. Is the topography of the site used in a beneficial tvay ? D. If cut and fill slopes are reqtrircd, are they, sculptuTed (\''ith the use of re- taining-k'a11s, etc.) and rclandscaped to blend with the surroundings? E. Is the visual impact of off-stTeet parking nininized through applications of landscaping and berming ? F. In gencral, is landscaping used-to the benefit-of the or'rner and the publicl G. If the building is residcntial, does its location ancl c6nfiguration maxinize the privacy of surroutlding-dr"ellings and intrude into their vietts to the rnininun extent feasiblc? I I . IITATERIALS AND ARCT]ITECTUML DESI GN : A. Does the roof havc a Pitch 4/72 or greater? If not, is therc a good Teason ior this and is the design conpatible nith the surrounding area ? B. Clinatically, does the buildittg design take advantage of sun, r"ind, p:'ecipitation' etc., through location of fencstration, overhangs, shutters, etc., and gencral orientation on the sitc? C. Do the design and naterials used on the ' building reflect the riajcstic nountain set- ting and Alpine vilLage scale of the Tonn? D. Are the building naterials used in an imatinatiTe and creative h'ay so as to lessen the-tnonoton)' crf building planc surfaces and coordinate fenestration l ocat ioDs ? CIIE C KL Date Submil.ted tor Revicv Project 0wner ,tr- or vAtta Et'tv tRor.luENTAL RIv lE\l cl.]ECKL rST , Type of Project lanr I nacarin*ia nn eny'i ronmenta I irr:pacl r".por(r.\usi be maie f or inc I ude ines to rePorT. nontrivial ef tect on the environmenl, Ef fects ces of bol h prinary .rnd seconda.y naiure. The follovring questions shall be used as guidel negative declaration or an environnenial impact envi ronmental consecuen- dec ide wheiher to rnake a(lf answer is un known, YES ll0wrife ttunknovrnrr in yes/no co lumn ) . l. Cou ld the p rojecl signlf icant ly change p resenf Lrses area? 2, Does the project signif icdnl ly con{ lict with applicable gene ra I p lans and the Vail Master Plan? of the project 3. Could the project affect the use of a recreational area, or area of important visual value or pre-empi a gite v/ith Potential recreation- a I or open space va lue? 4. Will any natural or man-made {eatures in the proiect area which are unique, that is, not iound in o-f her paris of lhe Totrn, County or Siate be af fected? ta 5. WilI the project involve construcfion of facililies on a slope of -/30 percent or greater? / 6, Will the projecl involve consfruction of {aci lities in an area of .,/geologic hazards? r 7. l'{ill the projecl involve construction of f acilif ies in an area -/.subject lo a.ralanche? _Z B, Could lhe proiect change existing featu-es or ,i.nvolve cg4struction -/ ' " *w"flz* 2)2:"i;fr,#";l,LyrD' %fr),J r 9. f s ih-e pro{6c f , as pdrt ol a I ar'ger proQict /rote ol a serles o{ cumuiative aclions, which although individually small' may as a _/h\ole have significant environmenl.al inpact? E lO. Does the project involve extensive excavation or fi ll? JZ ll. Does the projecf area or the project site serve as a habitat, food source, nestlns place, crossing, vrintering area, source of water, ,/etc. for wildlile species? la r't, I t') 15, 14. t5. Cnrr lrl tl'e n-niolt c i rn i{ i ^+ +ich cha.ia<7 Are ihere any rare or tz Could ilre p-ojec* change exisling {ea-tr.'es -o{ any of the, Iegion'-sstrean {roltase or-gIj;nbe i t arpis:./ Z, /44 - cJ t //, eZl -zA.r4/L--+1 r44Ut* i-<-4.?1F+t-|,lill tlfe oroiect renove subsi{(ntial arouni'/s o{ veqctalion includ- i ng ground cove r? lA Cnrrld ihe nr.'ia.+ res u lt i of the area? 17. Could the project result i res idents? 18. Could the project serve fo deve loped areas or in tens i areas? n signif icanf change in the hydrology n the d isp lacement of commun i ty enc.urage developmeni of p!-eseiltly un- fy development o1 already deveicped t-/ E 19. ls +here appreciable opposilion io ihe projeci cr be conlroversiaI? I t/ ra//vity wh ich spcc res hab i'iatAa,+<+tfu--tE"W-- ts it likelv to i t{i I tO pro ject creals new or unn.uuu*"ltting hea lth hazards? I I,J Will -ihe project invo lve ihe application, use or dlsposal of potent ia I ly hazardous materials? Could the projecl generale signlficant amounls of dusl or odor? Cou ld the po rj ect ge ne ra te slgnif icanf noise? 'a' !till the project dlscharge significanl volumes of solid or liquld wastes? NO z. _z _ar'r'z I / 20, ?l lr, 23, 25. Could the rpoject result ln damage agri cu ltura I land? to .soi1 capab i I ify or loss of 26. Could the project significanl ly affect the po+ential use, exfrac-tion, or conserva+ion of a na'tural resource? 27. Could project alter local 'l raffic patterns or cause cant increase in tra{ f ic vo I ume or irans i i service 28. Additional remarks: a s lgn i f i - needs? chl s'i comD teted 6 -zr-z{Review Date Checkli by st Rev iewed by Title Based on the above revi ew, ls requi red. S igned Based on pro-iect it ts (and the stalernenl below, ) signif icant environmenla I i found that an Envi ronrnenta I Dale NEGAT I VE DEC I ARAT ION Title lmpact Report it is found that this ac+. Signed STATT!1EI.IT OF ENV IRONI.IENTAL EFFECTS For any poinls answered yes or Itunknown", the reasons are as follot/s: Tne bc ve review, ooes J5, it'ttlt 3te Pa tO J ECT :GAL DESCR IPT ICN -arl I i lrr!r.l: ; / a. r\^r r rY -^<r; ^i(Li] | | Lv I lTBACKS: ISTANCE E I GHT: DtrA 0r4t'iERC I UILD equi ITE SEABLE OPEN ANDSCAF ,ARK I NG t Re a r Rear 3o -./t Reo u i red Hei ght AL '|f FLOCR Ai?EA: ING BULK COIITROL: red 0f fsets COVERAGE:A I lowab le o, Allowabl Parron*>r'p Actua I sq. sq. low f+ bl Allowabl Actua I sq. ft SPACE: Requ i red length Di agona I D i agona I A I lowab le Sq . f t. t{Lt.{a ., Actua I eZ X sq. ft.r Actua! sq. tt', Ground Leve I $, corimon ---i-, li.lG: Requi red - 4o tr, ffL,l sq. fi', Actual 7/f ,/o//27 sq.it. AND LOADIIIG: No. Riqui red 1 , No. Actual L , Covered Re- .---- $No. ; Covered Actua I ,fa o gui red e :ON ING APPROVAL )ES IGN REV IEI,I BOARD APPROVAq ,TILITIES APPROVAL :NV lRONl.lENTAt lllPACT APPR0VAL Zon ing Adm i nistrator '2r _ Review Boa rd Da teTown Engineer Ma yo r lt. Jo , sides 6 , sides tE zol{E / ; ?RoPOSED uSE(s) )T s lzE 4,e7y'- *; FRoNTAGI Req r.r i Actua aCTvl!C\l Ave rage red - Front I - Fronf BUILDIIIGS: Grade Rat i , Acrua I Ito'J*tg'' gfi'/tn:_, Actuat sq. it.4r/q8..47 1+5q. m length A I lowab leal I ri^nan, )ate Submi Date Submi Date Submi Extens i on by Sect i or COMI"iEI,ITS: Zon i ng ,Review Des i gn Review Envi ronme n ta I tte d tte d tted of *ar for Dead I ine Dead I ine Date Da te lmpact ewRev i to Dead I i ne item as perr'i'ttei of 0rdinance No. . date 8 (Series ot 1973) elrt /t/ t5'?s' /8 )< /7af, rG x 17.'2{ ol7'zr t< " 'a'- e,r{ ^ lv 17.t.A 2V..4 450, 'o ??.o7 lS8oo 1, /?f,,o? I2.2*. ?xa ty'oo tlsx ? t*'tz Afl ,4 iltte' o o Z*rX /'?t- cfofitl tx4 Qy.." LA. 't 5O'// *,2;,-. ?ac' oo t 2/X -{7 C{Vta olS-trl a/ 4n co .fulc fz /a1 /7/.r > /;*%t ,? 1l = A-aa.2j DEVELOPiii:IT RCtiT I;l(j SLIP PROJ ECT O!1lNER,/t]EJELOPER suBillrr t^L DAIE 4- /E- 79/ BY riluLtrJJ tr\\> ENT IT I ES PRE L II.1 INARY STAFF EEV IEW I"IASTER PLAN LANDSCAP ING RECREAT ION A t4E l.i tr tES ENGR. CHECK DES IGN CHECK ENV IRONI.iENTAL IMPACT REV IE,'i ENV IRONIIENTAL IMPACT REPORT .ZON ING CHECK PLANN . COMM. DAT E RECE IVED EADLII]E S IGNATURE REIlARK.S TE f,'1P ED I / -/t-7v VAR IANCE l-tr-21 t/s+4/ ,... 3)ot{ "' - a'r'-T- 'tt t z*t-oa/a*fu-z:-ltut % ./l 4 //Z4zl4-P4- ^*%COND IT IONAL USE TOWN COUNC I L REV IEW DES IGN REV IEW F INAL ZON ING REV IEv.l PLAN CHECK MECH/PLBG. ELECTRICAL PUBL IC VIORKS. orrr I rrlit/: nFpT l; -eo.7./f -1"-z'1 NaT- 5.: Ar'.-'r: re1) It la PUBLICATION DATE HEAR ING DATE TYPE AMOUNT DATE PA ID REI"IARKS F IRE DE PT FFFq. VAR IAN COND. ENV IR. PLAN C KEUKLA PE RI'l I T PLU[1P I. MECHAN LLLI, IX 0aqd OTHER USE il4PAC-!' HECK TION , B LDG. NG ICAL ICAL f ev teo) .?g. f,D --.fo,::- Building Official CERTTFTCATE oF occuPANcY AND coM?LTY, " Vail. colora do : :-!:"--'' 1 9j' j- . Ue, i-U*t. Pic*rR.D F,ttueY Permit is hercby granted' - -'-:' - - --' --- - --' - " - - - -- - to occupy.+e-blildins-.as...-.-.-. "=-t tj.-T:* F' o,, l-oo '..i t -'ktt 5, Blo"L-.'-- ?t z' j- Fl:rrgtddition' Located in -------.-----.-.'---.---.K.F5.-i-9-E+---f--i+!--'--, zoning district' The address knorvln .,'-"'-'"fTA3!f* 9 1'Y- Applicant shall maintain sai'l building in accordance 'with all ill*;-;t funrre o"diit"""' wit! t*pect Yf^::''u" a /; e/' It INGBUILDI ITA PL Juridiction numbered spaces only. of B n u-€|L &e=.o ELsa-6- flsee errrcr eo sxzer) OWNEi MAIL AOORESS ZIP PHONE2 Rich.rd H. Baj.ley Slifer & Co. Vaj.l. Colorado 8165? 475- CONTiACTOF MAI|- AOOiES3 FXONE LICETgE IIO.3 Hoyt Construction Box 596 Vaj-l, Colorado 8165? 4?6- AhCHITECI OR OE3IGNER MAI! ADDRE53 PHONE LICEN3E NO.a Richard H. Baj-ley 51 fer & Conpany Vail, Colorado 815 !NGINEER 5 MAI L AODNESS PHONE L IC ENSE NO. u3E OF !Ulr.Dtr C7 Residence 8 Ctas of work: R NEW D ADDITION tr ALTERATT0N D REPAIR tr MoVE D REM0VE Construction of new dwelllng 10 Change of use lrom ll Vatuarion of wotk' $ G1.OOO.ILAN cHEcK FEE 7 /.Za- sPEcf AL coNDf rtoNg <l la o. o No. of -,storles L-(s+'."t;i?id'g;t 3t95 APPROVED FOR ISSUANCE BY: oFFSTREET PARKING SPACES: ZNo. ot .- t Dwelllng units J - NOTICE SEPARATE PERMITS ARE REQUIRED FOR ELECTFICAL, PLUMB- ING, HEATING, VENTILATING OR AIR CONDITIONING. THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS. OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK IS SUSPENDED OR ABANDONEO FOR A PERIOO OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM. MENCED. I HAVE READ AND EXAMINED THISIE SAME TO BE TRUE ANO CORRECT.ANO ORDINANCES GOVERNING THIS)MPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDLL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEDTHE GRANTING OF A PERMIT DOES NOTTO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THET€ OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGORMANCE OF- CONSTRUCTION. SOIL REPORT WHEN PBOPERLY VALIDATED IN THIS SPACEI THIS IS YOUR PCRMIT PLAN CHECK VALIDATION PERMIT VALIDATION cK. dl's-4' 45" l' '5o 'oo' '' /d, {- tq p; INSPECTOR FEOROER FROM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILDING OFFICIALS l| !O SO. !O5 RO'LE! |' P IAOENA, CALIFORNIA 9I!OIForm lOO.1 9-69 "a INSPECTION RECORD DATE REMARKS INSPECTOR FOUNDATIONS: SET BACK TRENCH I REINFORCING FOUNDATION WALL & WEATHER PROOFING CONCRETE SLAB FRAMING INT. LATHING OR DRYWALL EXT. LATHING MASONRY FINAL USE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW-UP, ETC. ' . --.\|l|.' ' ' |,}a0,4 MECHANTAL PERYIT APPLICATIoN ;n Applicant to complete numbered spaces only. ,. (-'d l-l ,R... l..'^')& /- /, ^ ., :r@sez,e(s. /- EO SHEEII (ew n R,. h -rd. r/i,''^""18 o, (. MAIL AODiES9 Llctt{9E No. aicH I racr oR oEstcNEi - MAI L ADORESST-A It--)atlcq IICENSE NO. EIICINEER 5 MAI L AODRESS PHON E LICENSE NO. MAI L ADDiE S S BFANCII UsE O? !UILDI{C 8 Classof woIK: dEW D AODITION tr ALTERATION N REPAIR 9 Describe work:X LJ 11 c rwl' <-- Typeof Fuel: Oit D Nat. Gas D t-PC. E PERMIT F€ES SPECIAL CONDITIONS:TyP3 of Equipmont Air Cond. Units-H.P. Ea. ion Units-H,P. Ea. Gas Fired A.C. Units-Tonnaqe Ea. Forced Air Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. Svstems-B.T.U. M Ea. Floor Furnaces-B.T.U. M Wall Hesters-B.T.U.- NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL ANO VOID IF WORK OR CONSTFUC- TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS, OR IF CONSTRUCTION OR WORK ISSUSPENOED OR ABANOONED FOR A PERIOD OF 12O DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WORK IS COM- MENCED. IUFZ O' CONTTACTOi Oi AU'HOiIZED AGEIIY Unit Heaters-B.T.U, M TOTAL FEE 3 WHEN PFOPEELY VALIOATED IIN THIS SPACE THIS IS YOUR PERMIT PERMIT VALIDATIONPLAN CHECK VALIDATION 0\ . INSPE CTO R iEOiDEi FiOM: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF BUILOINg OFFICIALS ' !O 90, LOS FOALES ' PASADENA. CALIFOiNTA OIIOIForm lOO.4 969 USE SPACE EELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. I I : l ('. r PLUMfiG PERMTT APPL,.lt,o *"'u'3, II ^t l/ -. IJurisdiction Applicant to complate numbered spaces only. ,c6.n4 -/{, )."^"'7 !-L { l,^--!l--ls q,e 'atra c x eo stieer)(E/+ (ec,rs(-- ZI P PHONEf?. tn -,J A"(. VAIL ADORESS ] PHOI{ E l- tc ENs E No. f)'la( d AiCXITECT OR OE5IGNEi LtcENsE fiO. L. ENCTXEER 5 MAIL AODF ES S PHONE LICENSE NO. L AODRE5S giANCH I',SE OF BUILDING 8 crass of work: )dn€* D AoDrrtoN tl ALTERATToN tr REPATR Typo ol Fixtnra or ltarn WATER CLOSET (TOILETISPECIAL CONDITIONS: LAVATORY (WASH BASIN} KrrcHEN srNK & orsP. ) g-4 LAUNORY TRAY cLorHEs WASHER 13-4 WATER HEATER t {a NOTICE THIS PERMIT BECOMES NULL AND VOIO I F WORK OR CONSTRUC. TION AUTHORIZED IS NOT COMMENCED WITHIN 60 DAYS- OR IF CONSTRUCTION Ofl WORK IS SUSPENDED OF ABANDONED FOR A PERIOD OF 120 DAYS AT ANY TIME AFTER WOHK IS COM. MENCE D. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT I HAVE REAO AND EXAMINED THISAPPLICATION ANO KNOW THE SAME TO BE TRUE AND CORRECT.ALL PROVISIONS OF LAWS AND ORDINANCES GOVERNING THISTYPE OF WORK WILL BE COMPLIED WITH WHETHER SPECIFIEOHEREIN OR NOT, THE GRANTING OF A PERMIT OOES NOTPRESUME TO GIVE AUTHORITY TO VIOLATE OR CANCEL THEPROVISIONS OF ANY OTHER STATE OR LOCAL LAW REGULATINGCONSTRUCTION OR THE PERFORMANCE OF CONSTRUCTION. 9ICNATURE OF CONIiAC'OT OI AUTHORIZED URINAL ORINKING FOUNTAIN FLOOR--SINK OR ORAIN SLOP SIN K GAs SYSTEMS: NO. OUTLETS WATER PIPING & TREATING EQUIP. WASTE INTERCEPTOR VACUUM BREAKERS LAWN SPRINKLER SVSTEM SEPTIC TANK & PIT TOTAL FEE WHEN PNOPEFLY VALIDATED (IN THIS SPACE) THIS IS YOUR PERMIT el ,tO PLAN CHECK VALIDATION M.O. INSPECTOR CONFERENCE OF BUILOING OFFICIALS ' 5O PERMIT VALIDATION M.O. f* ,o'''" Form lOO,2 9-69 REOiDEi FROM: IN TEFNATIONAL SO. LOs ROALES ' PASADENA. CALIFOiNIA 91 I OI IJSE SPACE BELOW FOR NOTES, FOLLOW.UP, ETC. PHONE 303 4'16-2221 REALTOR Sllfer and Company 7""1 [n"b Propcrty -llaroq"ment VAIL HOME AND APARTMENT RENTALS DRAWER NO, 277 vAtL, coLoRADO A1557 June 24, L97L Mr. Ed Struble Town of VailVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Bailev Residence Dear Ed: Your tetter dated June 8, L97L is being made a part of the working drawings and specifications for our residence. The general contractor, J. Mitehell Hoyt, has a copy of same and will consider it an addendum to the original contract documents. Very truly SLIFER AND Richard H. Bailey RHBgb cc: J. Mitchell Hoyt f. t""^it No lZ PLAN CHECK LIST nuiraing BA\ LEV RG5, 6"" <.a t oat Use Zone R-r0ccupancy G:roup Average Gnade Height of Building No. of Stonies 1 Floon Ar"ea ?tes 1. z. .'. r+. 6. 1 8. 9. 10. 11 Lt. L3. 't lr Type of Constnuction y Lot Ar^ea I . A kJ, ) c, \-., Floor Area Ratio Setbacks Required: Occupant Load Fnont lo'siae /O'Rea::lo' Panking Required l-' Loading Benths Requined Compliance With: a) Occupancy Sec. 5 t/ b) Occupancy Gnoup .r c) Type Const. Sec. 17 1." \,r., rJ ys \,\JrrD L r lr L-e/ t,x].'Es 5eC. JJ f) Genenal Engng. Sec. 23 L-' g) Masonny Sec. 24 l-/h) Wood Sec. 25 L''j) Conenete Sec. 26 k) Steel Sec. 27 // .a a I -/'Ex., Fdtns., Ret. !{a11s Sec. 29 tL) rn) n) o) p) z,) s) v) w) x) y) z) clq. ) d,w ) Veneen Sec. 30 t .'t' Roof Const. Sec.. 32 t--'.-, Skylights Sec. 34 L.'Penthouses Sec. 35 Fi::eplaces Sec. 37 l/- t/' Stages Sec. 39 Fire P::otection Sec. 42 L.-- Fir"e Standards Sec . 4 3 Publ"ic Protections Sec. 44 Occ. of Pub. Prop. Sec 45 Dnywall 6 Plasten Sec. 47 /' Pne-Fabnicated Const. Sec. 50 Plastics Sec. 52 b Glass t Glazing Sec. 54 Fi::e Svstems Sec .u. " TOVIN OF VAIL Building Pennit Supplernentf Al Pnoject Richard H. BaiLey Residence Date t4 ltat tq?t I, J. lttt.chel] Hoyl .r Cont,fectgf . _ _ of the abo ve men t ioned p:oTerc-EE-"o-Tene Uv@ve read and understand in fulL the following excerpts fnom the Unifonn Buil-ding Code and that a copy of this supplementehall be posted with the inspection cand at the job site: Sec. 107 Sec.202 (e) Sec. 302 (a) Sec.302 (c) Sec. 304 (a) Sec. 30r+ ( b) oRD. 15-1967 HOYT COI{STRUCTION P. O. BOX 596 yAII, COLORADO 8165? Wheneven thene is insufficient evidence of compliance with the pnovisions of this eode, the Building Official- may requir-e tests as proof of compliance to be made at the expense of the owner or his agent, bY an appnoved agency. Wheneven any !"ork is contnany to this code, the Building Official nay orden the wor"k stopped until he author:izes the work to proceed. Approved pLans ehall not be changed, modified, or alte::ed without written author:izationfrom the Building Official . No penmit gives authority to violate anyprovisions of this Code, or any othen ordin- ance. The issuance of a permit shall not prevent the BuiLding Official f:rom theneaften nequining the conrection of non-confonmities. At the nequest of the Building Official , al-etten shaI1 be submitted to him fnom aregistered land surveyor or engineen centify-ing the l-ocation of the building in relationto pr"openty lines, prion to the instal- Iation of the foundation walls. Inspection eand shall be r:ead, filled out in ful1 , and posted conspicuously at the job site. Do not covelr up any work not signedoff by Building Inspecton. Before any sign may be used on posted, itshall be approved by the Sign Review Committee. 1l1A cense STATE Or. COLORADO COI'NTY OF EAGLE as follow3: (Deecription may be ctiption. ) DEC LARATION CF UAND. ALI,OCATION)I ss. ) I, @, DEtrrg flrat duly lrworn upon oath' depoee and aay that th.6 fouowing atatemcnta are true and correct eccorClng to my bect knowledge, informatlon and belief' to wit: l. That thig statement ls made ln conjunction with the filing of an application for a bulldtng pertnit to the Town of lVall and to comply with the reguiremente of Article VII, Sectlon 3, Otdinance Number ? (Seriee of 1969) Zoniog Ordinance for the Town of Vall. z. The descriptlon of the building aite for the propoaed building le 3. The propoaed building eite containa lO.5@ sgua-re fect, aad the proposed butlding containe 4tTt equare feet of area ae defined in the aforegaid Z.oning Ordinance. 4. The propoeed building, ae it a to the compliea to the Floor Area Rptio for building aite, ar deflned in the aforcg The foregoing affidavlt and dcclaratlon wae duly eubacrlbed and sworn to bqfor_e --": ".1?bty erubllc, bV @' thie u,y ot J!a-L, rg|.V My CommissiOn expil.c: !,,lcv. l2r lg72 'attached or aurveyorr- maP maY be uaed ehow deg- eite atea, ning a the OWNER June 8, 1971 !tn. Richad H. BalleyP. 0. Box 56I Vail , CoLorado Subjeet: BaiJ-ey Resl.dence, Permit #I23q Dear Diek; I have ahecked the plans for the above-aubject job in accondancewlth the pnovl.eiona sct fonth in the 1970 Uniform Building Codeas annended and adopt€d by the Town of \h,il , and find the following: Use zone is ReeLdential; occupancy glloup ie I; type of conetnuctionie V. The following iteme ehall be eonreeted by revlsed plans on addendun pnio:r to iasuance of pennit: .;r", t, + L. I 3/8tt solid core door with door cl'oaFr rrequired bstween garage and neeidence. ii '':! 2 'One houn finc nesiEtive wall betw€€n garage and nesidencewhich shal-I camy thnough to noof on ceiling of garage. tinen chutc ehall bc in acoondance wi.th eection 1706 (a) 3. Bal.cony naillng shall be t+2r' in height. A11 foundation platea on gills on concrete foundatlong shallbe fonndat{on csdar or #2 foundation nedwood or pn€ssure treated wood. .1 .'i'\'16, Pine otopplng shall be pnovided to iliSaI] concealeddnaft ogenings; specLfically, in aLl stud walle and partitionseo pl,accd that the maximurn dlnension l-e not oven 8 f. BetweenotaLr et:ni.ngrns at top and bottom and between studs alongand in llac with run of atair adjoining atud walle o:r partitLone. <\, ';7. Whene rood fnarne walls and partitions are oovered on the interiorwith plaatcr, tlle, on sinilan matenial and are subject toetatetr eplash, the fnaming shall be pnoteeted !,rith an appnoved htltGnpnoof paper.. 3. fltn, $. ,-,i,',' ,t5' ,l' l,'l\ 'f-i4/Dz "'j.\i)ii ''t ; '11 jto+4\ to. 3l o+ (o) tr . . 2i4\' tr2. 13. 8. 9. I a- Rclnfonoing of 5rr conerctc walls ehall bcaection 23 (acc rnclcrcd detr sh.ot). L{ntc1 'angle at f,ineplaac oprnLng ehouldleg thiokncrg. in aacordanoc rith bc a nLnl-rnurn of 3/8nw Fireplaoc hacrth,rhall pnoJeot at lcaet 18'r fnorn finishcdfecs of, flncplaoe. Fincglacc rhall be rupponted onthick, extondtng not less thanand be ncinfonacd ln eeeondancc foundlt0on not lass then 12ll6" out:lde thc fl:replacc w*11with ecction 23. A11 lunber EhalL be grade rnar:ked by an apprnoved Lnapcotiona8ancy. Anchon bolta ahall be inbcdcd Ln consnetc a ml.nLnun of 7n.Thenc chatl be a nlnlmum of two anchon bolte pcr'plata, nl,thont bolt lseated rlthin 1?" of eaeh rnd of eaih giatc. lheg the above ltene havc bcrn conrcated by ncviaed pLanr on addandum,r wtll bo nerdy to ieaus a bul,ldlng pernrit- fon the ruulcct iou. - - You:ra vcry tnuJ.y, TOWI{ OF VAIL Ed StrublcBulldl,ng Offloial dn Encloaure , 't /( c : 4/J/P-/-