HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120472��� ��. �;cMidM�w�u���pr� �u������r��.a�a'r Project Name: CRAZY SHIRTS SIGN Project Description: Participants: C� �� i r�i ir� IF��:�li �� IE� �� r� ��'1�'��'� �M I� �'� 1�1�1 IC��p�u�tum�rr�t �f ��mmmmu�irriit� IC����Ic�pmm�ir�t 7'� '���ukh Fu��n�t���� ���d� "�''�iil, ���Il��rr����l�� '�1��7' t�dl: �7�.47"�.�1�� ���, ��V�,4�!�a��1�2 ����r�;� ���r�+�.w��iil��c��r,�����n� SIGN FOR CRAZY SHIRTS RETAIL SPACE OWNER 286 BRIDGE ST INC 50 E SAMPLE RD STE 400 POMPANO BEACH, FL 33064 APPLICANT 286 BRIDGE ST INC 50 E SAMPLE RD STE 400 POMPANO BEACH, FL 33064 10/02/2012 10/02/2012 Project Address: 286 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: DRB Number: DRB120472 Legal Description: Lot: A Block: 5A Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 Parcel Number: 2101-082-4100-1 Comments: SEE CONDITIONS Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: STAFFAPP Date of Approval: 10/02/2012 Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond:202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0012840 The applicant shall repair any damage, including holes and/or marks on the facade from the old signage. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: $56.00 . . �-����. . �: rQ�r� o� ���t ��� p ���o�� , ;ocT o � 20�2 � !� ��v TOWN OF VAfL Depa�tment of Gornmunity Development 75 S�uth Frontage Road Va9l, Cfl 8#657 Tel: 570-479-212& www.�ailgov.com , Developmeni Review Coordinator Appfication for Qesign Revi�w Sign Appticatian Generai Information: Tt�ss application is requirec4 for any sign that is iocated witt�in the Tawn of Vaii. A11 signs rec�uire Design Review approvai. Appiicable Vail Town Gode sections can be rev+ewed on-line at w�vw.vailgov:cum under Vai! information-7own Code t7n-line (7it(e 31 Signs}. An appiicatian for Design Rev'sew cannot be accepted until all re- quired infarmatian is received by #he Community Deve{opment Dapariment. Design fieview approval IapseS unfess sign is insta►led within one year of the approval. $54 P�.US $1.00 par square fvot of totat sign area SusirtessBuilding Name: G�q,�y ;�� Number of proposed signs [�nv,�( ��„ �. Nusnber.af existing s'tgns:,'� �.(�e,.,�lt�c_ i►�sign� Length af busin+ess frontage: ��,x. Iq � _ Height af sign(s) from grade: �jp,���„g' Square Footage of Sign: �.9 5�, Free Standing Sign ✓ HangingjProjecting Sign Window Sign Wall Sign � . . . ✓ Busir�ess Sign � �3uifding-Ideritificaei�n � ` Subdivisio� Entrarice ' ;3oint airectory;Sign :.` ; Menu/Dispfay 8r�x Business Operatian Sign openJClosed 5ig� Safe S�gn ,.. ,,-. �-. . Sign program ��as Filted/Fiber Optic .... Temporary,. Site, Develapment. Sign ; . - Other Physical Address: �ESfn $ri�ne S �� �a.�, ...�"O y PatCel Number: o� 1 f�11 $a�}j �1 _ (Contack Eagfe Ca. Assessor af 97Q-328-864� for parcel no.} Property Owner: � �� �.7-r � c�,��,c:� �-C`�:�..�-�:' `��i,ti-�' �: s� Mai[ing Address: Owrter's Prirnary Contact! Ovy�ter Representat�ve: �11ra.c-1� 1�011��-. Mailing Address: ~f� ��'� cc��-�.s,c7� ('�.�1�2V3�._.. Phone: �GIZOi Gto��s- (�{OQ� ErQr►ail: �arl�h � Ct'az.vshiric�.C,Cm Fa�c: t�.�lta ___ � ' For Office Use Oniy: f Cash� CC: Visa / MC Last 4 CC #� Exp. Date: .�� A th #�����1 heck # Fee Paid: _�(Q � ____� Rec�eived From: ��- 1� `� r, �'¢'� Meeting Date: __�—_ �__ �3RB No.: __�,_�Q !vZ-�.-�. �� ._. i'lanner. Project No: ��5�_��� Zoning: ' ` �and Use; __ Lacation of the Proposal: Lot:�_ Block:�_ Subdivision:�l�/� /�6 Fl� ti t TOIN� �� UA�L � J41NT PROPERTY 4WI�[E•R VItRiTTEN APPR()VAL LETTER 7he app{icant must submi# writt�ar� �ofnt properiy owner approval �or applications �ffec�ng shared awnership properties such as duplex, condaminium, and multi-tenant buildings, 7his fo�m, or similar written corresponcience, must be com- pieted by the adjoining duplex unit owner or the autharized agent vf the home Qwner s association in ihe case of a con- dominiurn or mulli-tenant building. Ati completed foRns must be submitted with the applicants completed applicatian. !, {�arint name) ��� ���`��>�" ..� ,.�t"�`�� c�.- , a:joi�t:aw. �;:or authority af the association, of proPec#Y;I.oca�ed at. :. =, - {j� ,��S�t1e��r- , provide this istter as uv�itlen approvai of the plans dated __ �(.�p(�P2 1 SF�abl� which have be�n submifted to the. 7awn of Vail Gommunify Develapment Department for the proposed irrrprovements to be co►'npleted .at the address not- ed above. 1 understand that tt�e proposed improvements inctude: : i�}�� l G_�n'c� f1 C9 � 0. R2ii� bt ��j{1P SS G i� ..�"jn �,P �„�1C7�' �� Additionalty, please check ihe statement beiow wirich is mast applicable to you: ! Understand fhat mincx modi�rcafions may be made to the plans over the caurse of the review �roc.ess io enst�re compli- ane r(� f e Town's ap{�l1ca6Je codes and regulations. t�7�- {Jrtitiat f�ere) t understand thaf atl fnodi�cations, minar or otherwise, which are made fo fhe ptans over fhe course of fhe review pro- , s, �broy,�c ht to my attenfion hy fhe applieanf for additional approvat before undergoing furfher review by the %wn. `� ` � (lnitia! here) � 0 �IDE VIEW �---� 2,� ,�-- ---._.. ___ _ _ -- - __ __ _ _ 39�, _ _ . ,� DOUBLE SIDED HANGING WOOD SIGN 1. CUSTOM MADE HANGING SIGN BRACKET, PAINTED SATIN BLACK . 2. 2" THICK CARVED CEDAR, PRIMED AND PAINTED , WHITE BACKGROUND WITH PMS REFLEX BLUE C BOARDER. 3. PMS REFLEX C LETTERS AND GRAPHICS ROUTED FROM .25" ALUMINUM 4. PMS ORANGE 151 C LETTERS AND GRAPHICS ROUTED FROM .125" ALUMINUM 5. PMS YELLOW 123 C LETTERS AND GRAPHICS FIRST SURFACE OF SIGN FACE. 6. 5.95 SQUARE FEET OF TOTAL SIGN AREA. Cli�m: CRAZY SHIRTS �;.�,: VAIL VILLAGE r.oi.N add,.u: Acco�nt RapresentWiva: JEFF CROSS �.:�g�..: JAYAR FLORES om.: NOVEMBER O1, 2012 sroi.: 1 Y:"=1'-0" Fila name: Graphics/A/Client Name/ File Name.cdrXS Revisions: Cliant Approval: �ES1'�IGNS INCORPORATEO 1550 5. Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92264 TEL: (760� 320-3042 FAX:760-320-2090 �� - ,�� _ � ,q.: _ _ . --� CONtRACTORS LIC. NO. 524483 (OIORS RfPRESQRED M 1lp5ORAWING ARE FOR r�s��r�now ru�rosFS ohu �xn w�u aor �uTa rou FlNISMED PRODUR PfRFfC1IT CIXDR GLLd1fS ANE FO[ A �unxuaosEUrosve�. UL IDFAS, DESIGNS, ARWiNGF1AFXR AXD PlANS IMDIGIED OR REPff5EN1F0 8Y TNIS MGIYIMG AAE OWMEO BY AMD PR�ERtt OF t6lSIfd15, INC �UID WERE (RFAIFD, EVOLYEO AND DFYElOPEO FOR USE OM ANO IN CONNE(TION WI1N TME SPEOFlFD PROIFR. NONE Of SWI ious, ocska�s wuxc�EMrs ox ruxs sx�u e� usco eroeasaos�o roun e�RSat Fiwozcoxrownon FOR �NY PURPOSE WNAISOEYfR WIfNW� IH E 17RITfEN r�ewisswwa ems�s, i�rc Drawing No. 1 � 0 � # � �.0 ! � � & , ,� 1 r* � -: � �� � t A ��� � �,+�-. I/ . - ., ,..,,. :. <�sa;, ^.. � . .,. �- �: � � n� � � �, � � �' . � �'.��.'�.... � � �'� • h:� �` �;,-�� � �`��"� ' �k'' .�'°'�' �s� � , � �, - � � a� � � � _ . , , �. x- ..x.�� �, . � S: , ����}(}S�� St�Ty �t�►C��lt}ft. CIi�rM: CRAZY SHIRTS �i�� VAIL VILLAGE Projact Addrosz: Acmunt Repros�ntatiw: JEFF CROSS Dasigner: JAYAR FLORES om•: NOVEMBER Ol, 2012 s�oi.: 3/4"=1'-0" Fils nome: Graphics/A/Client Name/ File Name.cdrX5 Ravisions: Cli�nt Approval: zESTSIGNS INCORPORATED 1550 5. Gene Autry Trail Palm Springs, CA 92264 TEL: (760) 320-3042 FAX:760-320-2090 � � ��` � YN'.aA �a,. . . _ , � CONTRACTORS LIC. NO. 524483 caorts �rrt�s�rmo ix rxn aur�+wc � we PRESEMGIION PURPOSES ONLT TI�Y WILL NOf YAT011W FINISNED PROOU(T PFiFECtIY CqDR CAU.WIS IJ� fOR A w�rcx�snusEarossi�. ALL IDFAS, DFSIGNS, ARRANGFMENfS AND PIANS INDIGTED OR REPRESENIFO BY TNIS DRA'MtNG IUIE OWNED BY AND PROPERiY OF B6T AGNS, IML AND M'ERE UG1ED, EYOIVED 11NDOEVfLOPfOFOR115E ONANDIM CONNECiION WITN iNE SPFCIFlEU MIOIER NOME Of SUCN IDEAS, DESIGNS ARRANGEMENTS Oi PlANS SN1LL BE USEO BI OR DIS(lOSED TO ANY PERSOM, fIRM OR (ORPoRATION FOR 41T %IRPOSf WNAISOEYEA WITMOUT iN E WRITIEN PENMRSpN Of 161 SIWIS, IN( Drawing No. � C.t"OZ 1 ir�z Si�n Li�htin� Plan Our intention is to use the existing lighting fixtures to illuminate the sign. The existing fixtures are incandescent goose neck fixtures. The existing fixtures are located at approximately 97" (8'1") above existing street level. Specifications, including cut sheets, regarding light output etc. are not available for the existing hardware. Si�n Attachment Plan The sign will be attached to the building exterior with a custom fabricated bracket installed roughly in the same location as the sign that was removed. The bracket will be painted matte black. See attached drawings for bracket design. *********************************************+************************+********************* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 12-31-2012 at 14:27:51 12/31/2012 Statement ****************************************************+**************+***********:************ Statement Number: R120001508 Amount: $56.00 10/02/201207:22 AM Payment Method:Credit Crd Init: DR Notation: VISA MARK HOLLANDER ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: DRB120472 Type: DRB - Sign Application Parcel No: 2101-082-4100-1 Site Address: 286 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: Total Fees: $56.00 This Payment: $56.00 Total ALL Pmts: $56.00 Balance: $0.00 ***�************************************************************************�*************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ DR 00100003112200 DESIGN REVIEW FEES 50.00 SP 00100003124000 SIGN FEES 6.00 Project Name:CRAZY SHIRTS SIGN DRB Number: DRB120472 Project Description: SIGN FOR CRAZY SHIRTS RETAIL SPACE Participants: OWNER 286 BRIDGE ST INC 10/02/2012 50 E SAMPLE RD STE 400 POMPANO BEACH, FL 33064 APPLICANT 286 BRIDGE ST INC 10/02/2012 50 E SAMPLE RD STE 400 POMPANO BEACH, FL 33064 Project Address:286 BRIDGE ST VAIL Location: Legal Description:Lot: A Block: 5A Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FILING 1 Parcel Number:2101-082-4100-1 Comments:SEE CONDITIONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPP Second By: Vote: Date of Approval: 10/02/2012 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 (PLAN): DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval, pursuant to the Vail Town Code, Chapter 12-3-3: APPEALS. Cond: 202 (PLAN): Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0012840 The applicant shall repair any damage, including holes and/or marks on the facade from the old signage. Planner: DRB Fee Paid: $56.00