HomeMy WebLinkAboutDRB120435 site coverage analysis G ✓9 y � �t� r B � � o � � � � � � . `�� ��.;,,.^ ,-' � .�.i. ,,,..,..u,r .,.., . _.. ._. . . � 770 F'otat� f����h �s�r�d�rr�ir� i �ar� ��s�a�i ��ic�r� c/o � rc�ssro�d� ��aE�y — �lia €�breg�, �ar�aging Agent P . CJ . �o� � 292 �l� il , �olc�radc� 8 �1658 26 p,prsl 2�t16 Dear i�alia , In res�Qn�� �a the �o��d' s r�c� ���t to ���la���e �h� �r�ser�t zon� ng cs�ndifiior�s �c�r �� e combined Po�ato Pat�h Tcs�r�hc��ae� ar�d �7� Pe��a�c� €'�t�h E�r��� ��€�dc�r��r���m� proper�i��, � h�ve been abie to make the fo66c��i�g e��� �at�€�r�. �er ��r ����p�€��� c�ra�er���€c�r�� �r�c� er��� is las� mor�th , i felt the follo�ing c�tegc�ries �rc��ld r�ee� tc� �e re�ie��d �� establi�h �rhefher either assaciatian wo� ld ha�� develc�pr�en� p�bi � ��ies ��€der �h�or ��€rrer�� � E7� F {f�l�di � �n C3ensity � � Itiple Family} zoning . Those c��egories �ere: 1 . GF��A (gr€�ss residen�9al fioor ar�a } , 2 . Gensity, 3 . Si�e Cov�rage , �. �'ar�cirag , � . L�rad� p��g , �r�� �. ����a�ks. As par� of my r�vie�, � wr�r�t irr�c� cs€�r of�ic� arch€�es �� revie� �h� c�r�g6nal T��r� of 9lail submittais for �he property ir� 19€�1 /1 ��� �he� the csr�gi�� 4 dev�lop�� �r�r�t �hrau�h the Town o� �fail pla�ni �g process. Af fha� �ime the prop�rty was appr�ved based �r� c�rdin�nce #3Q of 1977 �nd ord�r�ar�ce #3�3 c�� 298 �4 (see attac��c� �c�rr��spc�r���r�ce) _ T"h��e s�r�d��r�c�s esta�dss�ed fimits to the d��sity ar�� � �F� �c�r �h� prc�perty. t h��e b��ec� �� I��I���c�r�s �r� �f��t ir�f�rm�tic�� . 1 . GF�FA Po�a�o P ��ch �o�r�hc�mes t�ni�s A, �, �, C�, 1-� � J — r�e� C�� FA — 6 � 2, �i5� 7 7, 9 48. 0 t� ld C� RF� p�r �rig �r��� ��bra�i���[� — 2 , 4076�arti� Ur� it� � , � , � � I — r�e� ��2F� — � � 2 , 870 11 . 4�0 . 0 Old GR�A — Total — 24 , 072 Tfltal 2� , 62S . C? 77� �otato �atch � rive lJnits 1 -4 7 , 930 . 5 lJr� i�s � & � 4, 179 . 0 Units 7 , 8 � 9 6 , 317 . 0 Units '10 , 11 & 12 � , 0�9 . 0 Units 13 , 14 � 15 6 , 317 . 0 Units � � & � 7 2 , 97� . t7 Tt�ta� 33 , 776 . 5 f� ld GRF� p�r archi�� i �fa . = 31 , ��5 . 0 GRFA existing ( r�e�r) -62 , 404 . 5 GR �1� alJo�ed �C. 410. 0 C� F�FR (�x�essj -5 , 994 . 5 PO Box 3340 • Vail , Colorado 81658 • 970 - 476 - 2201 • 970 - 476 - 7491 ( F ) • Snowdonflopkins . com �ased ora �hi� inforrn�ti�ra , the c�ri - �c� t� t�F� �� E�� ��tiar�s €�f �-�- 5�, 537 le�t 873 sq�are feet �vail�b �� , b�t �aer �h� r�e�r � �F� c�l�� latior�s �h� pr�>p�rty i � 5, �94 . 5 �q�ar� ��e� o�rer. This �akes intc� cc�r�sideratic�r� a � [ lc�wer f�vel {b�s�r�er��) cr�di�� b�t does r�at ir��lude expar�ded entry areas takerr by several �r� i� €��nrr��rs or �t�used cr��v� sp�c� �re�s ih�� r�a� exist. �s yc�u might guess , 6 �vas surprised �o cziscc�ver �his di�fer�r�ce b�t �nri�h �he r�e� C� � �A c� lcufa�ions cc►untir� g outside of vtratfs (instea€� af �ns �c�e} , s��irs at a� � ��;veds ( d€�stead c�f c��ace) , �r�d c�t�er miseeilaneous credits , the r���r c� [c� fa�i�r�� dc� r�c�� a6 ���p �he g�i �s �r� �h� ���er le�el t� come close ta balancing ouf. 2 . Density — afla�red 31 1 existit�g 27 3. Site coverage — alJc��red 7�, �4Q sq_ ft_ 1 exi �ting +{- 37 , 125 4 . F' arking — r�q � ired �-/- 3�i-�� f exis�Er�g �-�- 4�� 5 . Landscaping — reqaaired 3� , 1 � 1 sq . ft. f existing ir� setbacks -�J- 37 , 900 sq . �t. Based on �he above criteri �, �h� m�i � limit�tic�n, �s exp�cted, is �RFA. 1 h �ve not reviewed thes� calc�a (atic�ras w€th Tc��� �a� !/as � pers�r���l , b�� ���� ��s���rt�bf� �¢t�a rs�y �ppro�ch . I am sure the square foot�ge m��r u�r�, but �ri�h al ��s� 6, 0�0 se} . �. ���r th� all�s�ak� l � , locating enaugh ta caunter th�t ��a� 1� r�quire over 200 sq . ft. per unig discrepancy. The ather categories do al9ovv �ae� its to e�e�and be�rc�r� d their envelopes if needed as part of any 250 sq . ft. additions , �nrhich �as o�e €�f r�ty c�reg€ r�a6 cc�r�cers�s . I d� have �nit by unit and building calculatior�s i� yQU r�e�d �her� . Ag�in , based on this ing�rm��ic�n I �hi � k the options tha� th� assa�iations have ta w�ork v�ith are the 250 �ddifior�s �nd interic�r cc�t�versie�r�s. � ht�p� �his geves the �c�ard af Direc�ors enough informatian to �ar�C �ith ir� arder �� mov� f�r�ard c�n �anit owr��r �x�a�r�siar� s. Please let me know if I car� b� of f� rfh�r �s� �s��� ��t �his r��t��r. Sincerely , Craig N . Sno�don , AIR Snav�don ar�d Hopkins � �rchitects , P . C .