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B12-0388 Plans Approved
.�....�.�. � � � o � � ARCH ITECTU RAL �=�= � � � � � � AND INTERf�1R DE�I{�N "'�C � v � �,. � 555 NE 15th �fire�t. Suite 2�t7 ',,, � � Q Miami, Florida 33132 ,, � � T: 78� 507 � 118 F: 305 377 858� ��.1 � N°��' o�cw� ► 1�w�1 x Q a N ���M ralonsaC�museotec.net („� � � � o www.mus�otec.nefi i� `��'� `�F � � � C�i�F,4 a�d �it� Cov�rac,�� �4nal���is .Ja G�E� �aN� I�istrict: �'rimary/5�cvnc�arc� � . e!/�ry ��"` { � ,41 Iawa b 1 e� C�R�,4. �a 911 s f '� ��. �,,���.`� ,;' p.� Existi+�c� C�i�F�4: C�NU u�it h�s b��n r�mov�c�) ��7�1 �f .. �� � � � � � l�l�w ac�diton af C�fi�F,4: 1�'a� af` � E3�5em�ni: 522 s�` � 1„1�i+� L�v�l: 2�42`i sF' � . 2�d L�v�l: 1i�9 sf � � � ••• � M�st�r ��v�l: 1�59 sf � � � `Cc�ta I N�w C.�RF�: � 13�1 5 f �� � I��'.AUJ{NC-� INi��X � � � � ,4i�CNITECTUi�r4L �ot, 5iz�: �.�1�1 ,4Gr�:s/18 1�, �.52 5F 18 1�4.�2 sf � T1.1 CUV�}� i�,d,G�� � 51 TDPC,�-�XlvT11�dC� �IT� �411ou�abl� SitE Gov�rac��: 2i2�4 sf � t— C1.1 �ITE �'�,A1�1 �xistinc� �ite Cav�r�c�-�. 25�49 sf Prc�pos�d 5ite Cov�rdc��: C+1�� ��� 2�fQ�9 af C-1� �f� � 1— � r � R� uir�cl �a+�d5c� � Ar�;a: 1�898 sf` �.� A 1.1 EXfSTfNC�1PROF'05ED �LOOi� �'LAN `� K� �� � . �4 1.3 �X1871t�C�/Pfi�OPOS�D i�C70� �'�.4N Natual �nd F'l�nt�d L�+�c�sca�� �4r�a: 11,�5�1 �� Ct�ca ch��c�-�) �� --� c� Tre�� tc� b� rcamvv�d: 1�4�p�r�, ��pruce �4 2.1 �X15T11�1�/P�O�''05ED E�4�T �l��Y.4TIUN Tr��s to b� r�pla�t�d: 1,4���+�, Q> �pruc� �� � �I� ,4 2.2 �Xi571N�/F'fi�OF'05ED �OUTN �L��IAT(ON �xi5tinc� i�atic7 �4rea: 9�f�i. sf * �l �l�:w �a t i o ,4r�a : � � f � �! ,}.i �43.1 BUI�DINC� S�CTfC71�1S F'ool ,4r�a: � �{� � i-t- � Tfi�,4�N ENCLO�Ui�� DET,4iL .4{Ic�awabl� N��c�ht: 33' , i�ro c�s�d N�i ht: � �' g t'no chang�;� �� �� �='drki+�g }�.�cjuir�d Ma i+� Nau��; 5 c�r� C�o ch�nc��;) � � � � � .4ct,ual �'arkic�: �a cars C+�o ch�t�c��1 u' � `� z w � � ,411ou��bl� Driv�u�ac� �4r�a: 1,82� sf C+�o ch�nc��1 � p ,4ctu�l l�rriv�u��� ,�r�a: 1,7�2 �f Cno chanc�-�� _ .�� Gies Architects, Izac. �:ecjuir�c� 5nc>w 5tc>r�c�e.Cl�ia u�lhe�t�d� i��.2 sf Cnc> �ha�nc�c�,� �;��,x�ss�y�,����„�,�„y ,�G�.Uc� � �Ylc�lil �tC?i"ciC��: ���.� �vf �f'10 C�'lc"�t1G��'i res��ansibilityf�•om any unautharir,ed use of these xi�ti+�� Lie�ht �ixturea: � C+�o Ch�nc�� plarts, drawings, and noies. Any authori�ation must 1�e i N�w P�tior� Lic�ht fixtur��: �(�+�o cha�c��� w,��ta�►�. Tl�� arvner and architect assun�es no responsilailit� fo use of incorrecfi scale. ����` � ��� , ��=� ,�. .�� Drawings a�•e nat ta be ,X � � scaled. ��'"``/�` j�`/��`/''"�/'"��`'�"�`�,/ >� ==' ; 'I'his drawing n��y h�ve bee❑ �✓ � � � � Lr..�` � t✓ �� � �1�'"t ti...s � L,/ � V �� � �� � � �!� ti✓ � � �� �. �+./ � X � � ' � �.�� �� �'� �� reproduced at a size differeu �` than it �vas ari�inatly drawn. C�I��v �RG�IT�C1'�v, Il�lG. H�IZ? CUSTOM �3UILI��RS. INC 51�lOUJ �C�R�ST G�r4��t L�C Ki�M GON5�l�1'A?*�T� �'�,4fG �.�4N1�GC�1`�laU�.7,�hITS, INC ��� r ��r t� �� �u��,����a- �7� i°Q �30X 219� �'O �3C�X �9Q�9 �'C� BOX 5�5� i�0 �JX �4�ai2 iQ)P3� �.I rJ1�15 121�7C�� �.C.�C��' � �'' . � ���; ,� rigl��s reserved. � � , �: ��1��, CC�L.Oi�v4�'?C� S1Fo31 �DU1,4i�7�a, CC?l�Oi�I�O Slfo32 ,4VON, C�JLOiZ4I�0 81�02� 11r41�, COl�ORAIaO Slro�'111 �UIT� lt� ��, ��� ����.,;� <„��������„�t �. ,,�< , 9'1Q>-328-928� 9"i�-39�-2�"i� t9'1�) 9�9-15't�t V,41�, GC7�,Ui"*2.4i�D Sl�a'i _ �r�o��c.�r Nv, t g7Qy� ��Ifo -5��� 1��� I��vU� DATE � ��t"� �3� ��,�� 1�fi�3 13 Au�. 2ID}2 m�etin � a 5e 2 012 ����� ��� ���� �_ ��� � i�'• � ������������' p�rn,rti b 2�4 ,�uc,� 2r2�12 < � � � �m � �` � .> �,� � „ � -�,���,.�., ��� ��.�,.�..�( �� . � w,.z�� � ��� 4-�. ..��.,�,��� ����,�� ��� � �����% �.�.�;�., � � __ _ , a � _� � � _ � �-� � �� ���� � � � ; GENERAL N07ES 1. DATE QF TOPOGRAPHY: AUGUST 10, 2011. 2. PROJECT BENCHMARK: SEWER MANHOLE MH 0$20 �OCA7ED A��NG FOREST ROAD NOR7H OF LOT 9, RIM ELEVATION = 8246.6, INVER7 E�EVATiON = 8239.1. 3. BUlLQING TIES Af�E PERPENDICULAR OR RAQIAL TO PRQPERTY LINES ANO ARE !ND#CATED IN PARENTHESIS {XX.X'). 4. 7HE EASEMENT RECQRpED IN BOOK 321 A7 PAGE 986 IS FOR A RETAINING WALL, THERE WAS NO EViDENG� THAT THE WALL WAS STII.L fN P�ACE. 5. PEAK LAND CONSULTANTS, INC. DIO NOT PERFORM A TITLE SEARGH OF '�"!-IE SUBJECT PROPERTY TO ESTAB�ISH C?WNERSNiP, EASEMEt�TS OR RIGHTS-��-WAY OF RECORD. RECORD DOCUMENTS UT}I.IZEd IN TNIS iMAR4VEMENT I.00ATIf�N CERTiFlCATE �iERE PROVIDEQ BY LAND TITI.E GUARANTEE COMPANY, ORDER No. VS00(330634-5, DA7ED AUGUST S, 2011, AT 5:00 P.M.. 6. I�O110E: ACCORQlNG TO COLQRAQO LAW YOU MUST COM�fENCE ANY IEGAI. ACT10N BASED UF'ON ANY DEFECT fN THIS SUf2VEY WITHIN 7HREE:YEARS AFTER Y4U FIRST DiSCOVER SUCH DEFECT. IN NC7 EVENT, MAY ANY ACTION ;BASED UP�N ANY QEFEC7 fN TMiS SURVEY BE COMMENCED MORE THAN TEN YEARS Fft�M THE DATE OF CERTIFICAr1QN SHOWN HEREON. SURVEYOR'S CERTI�#CATE k, BRENT SIGGS, A PROFESSIONA� �AND SURVEYOR REGlSTERED UNDER THE �AWS OF THE S7ATE OF COLORADO, DO HEREBY CERTI�Y TNAT TNIS TOPOGRAPHIC MAP N�AS MADE BY ME Ai�D UNDER MY SUPERViSi(}N, AND THAT TNE MAP IS ACGURATE ANQ CQRr�ECT TO Ti-i� BEST flF' MY KNOWLEOGE. DATE: BRENT BiGGS C�LORADO P.L.S. No. 27598 F4R 8c C}N BEHA�F QF P�AK LANf7 GONSULTANTS, iNC. L� Cr�1 b' dJ - - - - - - - - - - - EDGE OF ASPHA�T ---------------------- EOGE OF CONCRETE __._.....___._...�__.__ ___ EOGE OF' PAVERS �----�.- . ._. .----------,-�-:---a-.------.--� CONCRETE DECdRATIVE STC7NE WAL� ( } �ARGE BOU�OERJ�WAL� ���� %j��� �""� INDIGATES A pEC€DUOUS TREE WITH THE ;������ TRUNK DIAMETER '"' `�"��� II�DIGATES AN EVERGR£EN TREE WfTH �`�THE 7RUNK DlAMETER � n� -'s �� w�, � -__� ^-F. XY , L`c ?:zx , PEAK LANO CaNSULTANTS, INC. pkl;{$70)478-8844 FAX:(970}47fi-SGf6 100t? LIpN'S RIDCPs 1A4P, SUITE 111 VATL, CO 82657 L�T 25 LOT 2� _____ ._.._..._- -.----._ ._._.._....._ .____y�___ °`' ---- L�JT 29 ---__ �.____ °---__ "------... `� `""°- �OUND No. 5 RESAR �`'""" WITH 1Y2" ALUMINUM C�P � �. S. N o. 26598 `"""".-.... � � -�„",� � .....�.-.-.-�-� "'°.�-o-» _____.-- (�=3�.�') O O N FOREST R�AD (50' R1GHT-OF-WAY) L1� 12°3�' R=�37.1 t�' L=14C1, 2�' CH=139.99' CB-N83'S8'W 825J.2 � � 8248.9 W 8255.9 � $256.2 ��� � 8257.6 "°`..,. szsaa azs2s 8251 6 8246.5 8247 8247.9-� &25t.4-1 SEWER MANHOI.E MH 4820 RIM E�EVATlON = $246.8 INVERT ELEVATION = 8239.1 {PROJEGT BENGNMARK) 0 ���p�tJrQ�l� YY "`" � 7.��� �� � j r � N � , „�,. ° - `; ��,. �� ��;' �y��i' �� k,: �+'�.,'�1'T< ��%t{ dt' ,a:�. ��'��ri?a�rr�'°'S,z: �,� �.,.,, '� ,�'�.., � 8257A �- 8256.3 ""'.,- . �"� $252.6 � 82$1.7 r "' " `..`." szs�.� � ,..--�..�__---- s2ss.3 � �`'�' °��--'�'����'' �� �,��'���3 �� _ '^.`�"" FC}UNd Na. 5 REBAR ��..,.��.,.. �'���� �•�_. ezss.� �, � . ___ � � � -= .,_ r � `�����'_,,.��`�,� � `�..,,_ a J,,.. WITH 1Yz ALUMINUM CAP 8257.3 � {� E� �� C�� C�� (, ss.s azss.a ���.;,f F�"�'.?r� g� 5� 3�, `"tt��it., f,� � .�- �'�\� L.S. 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Dra�vings are �iat to be scaled, This t�rawing zn�y have be�n reproduc�d �t a size differen than it was originally drawn, Not to be puk�lished- ail rights reservecl, � � �',,'�� f�au� r�,��r� G�R� � i3 Au�. 2s2>12 �--- -- meetlr� a 5ep. 2s2�12 p�,�,�� a 2� .4u� 2�12 � � � m ORGr41Vf1 T7 tfGGiLlGlfl H i �i � � � � �� i � � '"" � - � ��� � ` — ""�i—� ""' ♦ . . �� 555 NE 15�h Street. Suifie 20Q Miami, Flo��da 33132 a• � • i � i ii a N r ! • * � � j1_ _ � � . � . . � w . �' � ,� � : ��� �� ��� {'t, ����;����� �� ����� ���� �a �<x g�g� °�w.�������� ,. � .�-` �. � c�, p. _.. a_r t. 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PRG�J�CT NO. � ���� 155UE Z7�1'� t�fi� 13 �4uc,�. 2�12 m�etinc� � Sep. 2P312 p�nrx 4 !-24 Aug 2s2�12 _____� -----� d ���u r EXIvT(NG� TI 8295' t i� �� �� . a o � �ECONU �.�V�� 828�4`-Q>�� M,41N �EV�L 82�f2'—f��� 1�OUJER �Ev�L 825rt'—�, �� ii t . ` ri �i �I���� ��������I�� vC�4L�= Il�" =1'—�" i ^ IfA5 U V,4�UE ' .31sJ exiattng rxL. 5 1 J8"` x S�F" %<���C1�C� � ���CC��� �G�4��: 11�4" =1'—��� � � � � � �� � 1 �� 5C�4l��: 1!�'" =1' _�'� � � i ���Y��� z :��% ��`�g= "�= � k ��.. � � � � � � �, � b.. � �,r. u�a� � �.� � � � : ��� �. � � �:�� �� � �{���� �� y§y§��j3���4i�i�"� � '�,.�:.�T ��� d `"�Y 3 � � � bF f � 3 ��� � J '� N ,�- ` 1 e F � „� ������� ,ti���b �nn ��»�'� an.�.���'°,��..� r -- ��� ��, �� � ��.���.�,w�,� � ��,���� � �. ..u.n.� .�� — � .�..,�.� . . . �,; � �:« � � � � � O � � � �-, � � w � � - M �M� � � � � � �rk '� V b�i Q � � v w �� ��� W ���� N � +'E � r' � CQO�IN ���fa fA � m �G�� .���� � ��� Js ��E� � �� ; �, `�x �� .. ` � lU � � --1 �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � r � � � � : . �� � � � � � � �� � � � � O � � � z � � Q � � � � � l�l � � � � � � Gies Architects, Inc. Expressly disclaim any responsibility from any unauthorized use af these plans, drasvings, and nates, Any anthorization must be i r�vriting. The oivner and architect assumes no r�sponsibitity fo use af incorrect scale. Dra�cvings arc not to be scaled. This dra�ving may have been reproduced at a size d3fferen fhan it was originally drawvn. Nat to be published- al] rights reserved. PROJECT NO. EQ��9 f��U�i D�tE DR� i3 ,4uc,�. 2ID12 meettn : 5 Sep. 2�12 p«n,�r. a� 2�4 Aug 2�12 I ___-- o i r 1 � � 1, � � r . •• ' �� . • �. � � i � i ii i • • • • • •• i � � • / ��rs/�C��� �m/���� � ������ 5C�4�E. 1/�" = I'-�'� ►n�_-t�� : . ., ., � _ , , � � � , . , . . ,. •. � �. � , . . . . , . . . . _ - . .. •„ � . . , � ��_ � � � � l�./ � � Ti � �, � u � ! 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PROJEGT t�0. � ��Q�`3 (�5UE DATE Df�B 13 �4ug. 2Q>12 tnsetin � 5 �vep� 2P�f2 permtt s 2� ,4ug 2s'd12 ✓ a _.---- � r�,.. � ��� ,.,..-�� ..'......- _ ��� '�_-.:=.s`-��--�����-�----,�- ` Q��--�-�-,J "- � ,A�_� �----, �--� 1 - TR.45N CAN 0 •l'-21° I-IICst-1 STON tUALL`-'4- � i}"x i�" 3TEEL FRAME P03T METAL ROOF w! 2l12 SLOPE =RE pATINA CAPPER PAt�lEL3 ✓.IF HE(GNT OF U1AL� ANQ ROOF 3LOp'E GOhiNEGTiQN �"x I �" 9iEEL FRAM� �� OU7pOOR TRABN EI�tGL05URE a�.a,�, vs• • r-o� � 1�"x I��� 9TEEL FRAME F'OST S'-fa" NICsFI METAL CsATES `1ATGH EXISTINLi }-1,�ID RAIL � .4 ( �� �, �IIE tUALL ;,i = f-?� TRASH G�1 ��� �■ `� I 1���x 1 1�° STEE� FRAME � REMOYE EXIST. 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R%° � � I �!wu� � , �_ . � � �' � ` � t � .' � � � r�� � � � � � �� � � � � �„ � � � � � � ��Q � �,--.. --� �--- � � � �..� --� C� � � l� � � � � � �. � � � � �. �� � � � � � � z � � � � Q !, Gies Architects, Inc. Expressly disclaim any respoaasibilzty from any �unauthonized use of these plans, dra�v�ings, and nates. Any auiborization must be i wriiing. The otivner and architect assumes no responsibility fo use of incorrect scale. Drawings are not to be I scaled. This dra1ving r��ay have been � reproduced at a size diffexen 'i than it �vas ariginaIly drawn. Not ta be published- all ', rights reserved. PRC7JECi' NO. _ �Q���_._.... ISSUE t��4TE DRB 13 ,4ug. 2�12 meettn 5 5ep. 2mI2 p�mit s 2� ,�4u� 2012 � �� DESIGN CRITERIA: 186 FOREST RD. ADDITlON JOB #: 1208-14 Roof Live Load (Snow) -------------------------------- 80 psf Roof Dead Load ------------------------------------ 15 psf Floor Live Load ------------------------------------- 40 psf Floor Qead Load ------------------------------------ �5 psf Deck Live Load ------------------------------------- 80 psf Deck Dead Load ------------------------------------ 15 psf Wind (3 Second Gust} -------------------------------- 90 mph (Exp. B) Seismic Design Categary ------------------------------- EXEMPT IBC f IRC Editian ------------------------------------ 2Q09 SPECIAL iNSPECTIONS: a. No special structura( inspectians are required. Periadic observations of construction by the structura! engineer are not considered to be special inspections. FOUNDATION DESIGN: a. Design of individual and continuous foatings is based on an assumed maximurn al(owable bearing pressure of 1500 psf (dead laad plus full live load). b. Foundatian cand retaining walls have been designed using an assumed lateral pressure of 55 pcf. c. Footings sha11 be p{aced on the natural undisturbed soil, ar compacted structurai fill per the recommendations of the �eotechnical engineer, below frost depth. d. Pravide continuous foundation drains around the perimeter of a!I basement walls and at the base of retaining wails. Contact geotechnical engineer for details. e. A representative of the c�eatechnical engineer shaU verify s�ils conditions and types during excavation. Because geotechnic�ai information was not available at the time af preparation of the eonstruction documents, we have used assumed values based on sirnilar sites in the area. Construction of the foundation may not proceed without verifying these vaiues. Report any discrepancies from design ossumptions to structural engineer for re-eualuation of foundation design. f. Backfill around and above structural buttresses and retaining walis shall be compaction-tested per the recammendatians of the geotechnical enginesr. g. Qa nat backfill against retaining walls until supporting elements (such as floor framing} are in (�IdGE and securely anchored, ar adequata shoring is installed. Concurrent backfilling af each side af a free-standing retaining wall ta final grades as indicated on p(an or section is required unless temparary shoring is installed. h. Verify type of fill with sails engineer and structural engineer prior ta backfilling. REINFORCED GONCRETE: a. Concrete design is based an the "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" (ACI 318} as adopted by Chapter 19 af the 2009 IBC. b. Structural concrete shall have a minimum 28-day compressive strength of 300t� psi. c. Cnncrete shall be proportioned using Type I-11 sulfate-resistant cement. Admixtures containing chloride salts shail nat be used. d. Cald weather cancreting procedures shall be provided as recommended in the ACf Manual of Concrete PraGtice. e. Anchor balts for bec�m and column bearing plates shall be placed with setting templates. f. Expansion bolts shalf be iocated at a minimu►-n af 6 bol# diameters from concrete edge and spaced at a minimum af 10 bolt diameters unless noted atherwise. g. Anchc�r bolts for woad sill pCates shall be piaced at 4'-0" maximum spacing with ane anchar bolt at 12" from each end ar corner and a minimum af two anchor bolts per piece. h. Concrete coverage for reinforcing steel: 1. Concrete cast against and perrnanentfy exposed to earth: 3" 2. Concrete expased to earth or wsather: A. #5 bar and smailer 1 1/2" B. #6 through #18 bar 2" 3. �oncrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground: A. Slabs, walis, joists (�11 bar ar�d smaller} 3f4" B, Beams, columns 1 1 j2" REINFORCING STEEL; a. Detailing, fabrication and placement of reinforcing steel shall be in accardance with the AGI Manua! of Concrete Practice. b. Except where otherwise nated on the drawings, reinforcing bars shall co�form to ASTM Specification A6'15 and shall be grade 6Q except ties, field bent bars where perrnitted by note on plan, ar bars ta be welded, which shall be grade 40. c, At splices, lap bars 44 diameters. Da not weld ar use mechanical splicing devices unfess specifically approved by engineer. d. Epoxy adhesive for reinfarcinc� dowels shali be "Hilti" or "Simpson" or approved equivafent adhesive systems. Minimum embedments, if no# specifically indicateti on the drawings, shali be ac�arding ta the manufacturer's specificatians. e. Metric bar size cc�nvarsion table: METRIC #10 #13 #16 #19 #22 �25 �29 #32 #36 INCH-POUND �3 #4 #� #� #7 #� #� #10 �11 STRUCTURAL WOOQ FRAMING: a. Except where nated atherwise, all 2" nominal lumber, except studs, shalf be Douglas Fir-Larch �2 and better, and afl solid timber beams and posts 3" nominal and wider shall be Doug(as Fir-Larch �2 b. Studs shall be Stud grcrde and better pougEas Fir-Larch or Hem Fir. C. BUiIt-Gp POStS shall consist €�f Douglas Fir-�arch or Hem Fir #2 or better 2x4 ar 2x6 studs per plan and shail be nailed tagether with 2 rows of 16d nails @ 6" on center alang each stud. d. Built-up beams consisting of multiple 2x members shall be nailed tagether with two rows of 16d nails spaced at �2" on center, or with two raws of 1 f2" diqmeter thru-balts spaced at 24" on center. e. Tap and battom plates si�all be Dauglas Fir-Larch or Hem Fir #2 and laetter. Piates placed directly on concrete walls or slabs shall be pressure-treated Hem Fir #2. f. Ledgers attc�ched to concrete walls shall be treated Hem Fir #2, or if LVL material is used, shall have a cantinuaus waterproof inembrane batween the concr�te and the wood. g. Beneath solid ar built-up columns noted an plans, blocking of area equivalent to column above shall b� provided within filaor joist spac�s and in wall spaces below. Qoar or window trimmers consisting of a single stud do not require speciai blocking in the jaist space. h. Except as noted otherwise, rninimum nailing shall be provided as specified in the "Fastening Schedule" an the drawings (2409 IBC Table 2304.9.1). i. Bolts used for woad framing connections shall be installed with standard washers and nuts. j. Unless noted atherwise, steel connectors such as thase manufiactured by the Simpsan Company shall t�e used to join rafters, jaists ar beams ta other beams at flush-frarned conditions. Use c�ll specified nails. Gonnector conditians nat otherwise nated shall utilize Type U or Type NU hangers of a size specifically designed for the member supparted, as shown in the manufacturer's published tables. Contact structural engineer for �ietails as required. k. Woad nailer pfates installed on steel beams or concrete walls for tap-flange hangers shall ba ripped ta match the width of the wall ar beam flange. Nailer plates supporting tap flange hangers from one side only shall be installed flush with the face of wall or beam flange at the hanger locations. I. Manufactured joists shall be from �n approved manufacturer and shall be equivafent in load carrying capacity c�nd defl�ction criteria to BCI 6500 series joists in the depths and spacings indicated on plan. Provide blocking, bracing, web stiffeners Qnd other accessories as required by the manufacturer. OSB rims shall conforrn to ANSIfAPA PRR 410-2010 for Engineered Wood Rim Material cand shall be a minimum af 1Ys" wide Grade B. m. Laminated veneer lumber (LV�} shall have the foflowing minimum properties: 1. Flexural stress ---------------------------- 2600 psi 2. Modulus of elasticity ----------------------- 1,900,000 psi 3. Tension parallel to grair� --------------------- 185Q psi 4. Campression parailel ta grain _________________ �310 psi 5. Compression perpendicular to grain (parailel to glue line} 750 psi 6. Horizontal shear ------------------------- 285 psi 7. Cannection of multiple-member be�ms: A. Top-loaded bec�rns i) F'or members 12" deep or less, nail each member to the next with 2 raws of 16d nails c�t 12" a.c, ii) Far members graater than 12" deep, nail each member to the next with 3 rows of 16d naiEs ot 12" o.c, B. Side-laaded beams i) Far two ar three member beams, nail each member to the next with 3 rows af 16d nails at 12" o.c. ii} For faur member bec�ms, bolt thraugh with 2 rows of Y2"� bolts at 12" o.c. iii} For members consi�ting of mare than four members, contact structural engine�r. p. All lumber used in construction shall have a maximum moisture content of 19�. q, Unless rr�ade of treated or naturally d�cay-resistant waod, all deck beams and jaists (including glue-lams) wider than 1��" shal! be sealed and flashed at the top surface per architect. r. Drive pins specified on plt�n shall be powder actuated fasteners by Ramset, Powers, Hiiti, or approved equivalent. Fastener and load size shall be determined according to manufacturers recommendations for materials being attached. s. Framing Notes: 1. Exterior walls: A. Al! exterior walls are 2x6 studs C�? 16" a.c. io a maximum height of 12'-6", 2x6 studs C� 12" o.c. to a maximum height of 14'-6", and {2)-2x6 stucls C� 16" to a maximum height of 17'-4" unless otherwise noted. Wails taller than 17'-4" shai! be framed with manufactured laminated studs. Contact engineer for spacing requirements, if not indicated on plan. Cap with a double top plate ir�stailed to provide overlapping at corners and at intersections with other partitions. !f overlap is not possible, strap top plates with meta! strap ties (Simpson ST292 or equivalent). B. Floor or raof framing members must be aligned to bear within 5 inches af the studs beneath. C. Provide 7f16" thick APA rated sheathing (plywaod or QSB) rated 32/16, exposure 1, at exterior face of exterior walls. Block all horizontal joints c�nd nail panels with 8d nails spaced at 6" along panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. D. Provide (3)-2x10 headers over all door and window openings, with one 2x6 trimmer and ane 2x6 king stud each end, unless atherwise inciicatec�. E. At beam bearing locations in stud wo}Is, provide muitiple-stud posfs :�quaf 'to wi�fh of bearing member unless nated otherwise. 2. Interior Load Bearing Walls: A. Flaor ar roof framing mernbers must be aligned ta bear witt�Ir� 5 inches c�f fh� studs beneath. B. Provide (2}-2x10 headers over a11 openings in wali, with or�e 2x� or 2x� tr�mrr�; and ane 2x4 or 2x6 king stud each end, unless noted atherwise, C. At beam bearing locations in stud walls, provide multir�le-stud pos�s er�ue�l �`o v�idfh � of bearing member unless noted otherwise. 3. Floor Construction: A. Pravide 3/4" thick APA rated Sturdif�oor rated at 24" o.c.> tongue and groave, exposure 1. Glue and nail panels to a!I supports with 8d naifs spaced at 6" �iang panel edges and at 12" along intermediate supports. Instal{ sheathing wi�th lor�g dimension perpendicular to joists and end jaints staggered. B. Provide solid blocking between flaor joists at all bearing {ocations. Blacking mat�ria! shall match the floor joist material. 4. Roof Construction: A. Provide 5/8" thick APA plywaod sheathing rated �O%20, expos�r� 1. instc�il c7 sheathing with long dimension perpendicular ta raftars or trusses and end joints staggered. Nail with 8d nails spacsd at 6" alang pane! edges and c�t 12" arong intermediate supparts. B. Plywood sheathing shail be applied cantinuousiy aver th� prirnary roof inernbers (rafters or trusses) beiow overframed arec�s to provide adequc�te later�i stability. C. Provide wind%seismic anchors at supports for o!i roof joists and trussed rafters, See nailing schedule. D. Provide solid blocking between raof rafters, trusses and iookouts at all bearing locations. Blocking material shall match rafter, truss chard, or lookout material. 5. Wind Bracing: A. Walls over 4 feet long which are sheathed with gypsum wallboard on both faces and are indicated as shear walls on plan have been designed to resist wind farces in aceordance with Table 2306.7 of the 2009 lBC. B. At shear walls, screw 1 f2" gypsum waflboard to all studs tind to top and bottorn plates with #8 x 1 1 f8" drywall screws at 7" maximum spacing. C. Exterior plywood or OS8 wall sheathing is required un{ess specifically deleted by engineer. STRUGTURAL GLUED LAMINATED TIMBER: o. Materials, manufacturer and quaCity control shall be in conformance with AITC Product Standard PS 66-82, "Structural Glued Laminated Timbar". b. Laminated members shall be fabricated using Douglas Fir with the following combinatian syrnbals: 1. 24F-V4 Simple-span beams 2. 24F-V8 Continuous or cantilever beams 3. 3 Columns c. All members shall be Architectural Appearance Grade, unless indicated otherwise by the arch itect. d. Protect members from damage or exposure ta maisture priar to and during canstruction. e. Adhesive shall meet the requirements for wet conditions of service. f. Portions of glued-laminated timbers that ore expased to weather anc! nat protected by � roof or similar cavering shall be pressure treated or be manufactured from r�aturally deccy resistant wood. STRUCTURAL 5TEEL: a. Structural steel shall be detailed, fabricated ond ereeted in accordance �vi �h �he mast curren � editions of AISC Specifications and Code of Standard Pr�ctiee. b. Structural steel W shapes shaN be ASTM A992. Other rolled shapes, incluciing plcrtes ar�c� angles shall be ASTM A36. Round or rectangular HSS shapes sha3f �e ASi�i A500 gr�c�e �. c. All bolts used in steel framing shall conform to ASTM Specification A325. Anchor ��Its and bolts used in timber connections may be ASTM A307. Bolt sizes shal# be �/�"� ur�iess notec3 otherwise. d. Typical framed beam connections shall consist of pairs of Y4" angles us+ng the maxirn�rn number of %."� bolts called for in Tabfe 10-1 or combinatian bolts and weids in Table 1Q-2 af th� AISC Manual (Thirteenti� Edition). e. Expansion balts shall be wedge type "Nilti" or "Rawl" or "Simpson", ar approved equivtilent with the following minimum embedments: 1 Y"� ----- �Y„ 2 ----- z � 5» ------ » 2. /$ b -____ 3 3 >, .� 'J. �4 � ----------- �- f. All welding shall be done by an AWS qualified welder. g. Qelay painting within 3" of field welds untii weicis are campleted. h. Where carrosiue soil conditions exist, steel angles that are used to suppar± exterior stane veneer shall be galvanized and shall be attached to the foundation with galvanized or stainless steel expansion anchars. i. All grout beneath colurnn base plates and steel beams at bearing shal! be nan-shrink, non-metallic type grout. Grout shall have a minimum compressive strength of 2500 psi. GENERA� REQUIREMENTS: a. Structural erection and bracing: The structural drawings illustrate the completed structure with alI elements in their final positions, properly supported and braced. The contractor, in the proper sequence, shall pravide shoring and bracing os may be required during construction to achieve the finai completed structure. Cantact structural engineer for cansuitation (not in contract) as requir�d. b. Dimensions: Check ali dimensions against architectural drawings prior to constructian. Do nat scale drawings. c. Canstruction ractices: General cantractor is res ansible for means meth ds t chni ues P P , o> e q , sequences and procedures for construction of this project. Notify structurai engineer of omissions or conflicts between the working drawings and existing canditions. Coordi�a�e requirements for mechanical/electrical/plumbing penetrations through structuraf elements witt� structural engineer. Jabsite safety is the sale responsibility of the contractor. A11 methods used for constructian shall be in accordance with the latest editions ot the IBCfIRC. d. Details not specifically shown on the drawings shall be constructed in a manner similar ta the details that are shown for like conditions. These items shal! be braught ta the attention of the structural engineer as soon as possible for approval. Approval shall be obtoined priar fio installation. e, All waterproofing and flashing is the responsibility of the architect and contractar. f, 1t is the responsibility of the contractor to contact the structural engineer at the apprapriaie time to perform site abservation visits. Observation visits to the jobsite by the engineer c�re for deterrnination of general confarmance with the construction documents and shall not be construed as inspectian. g. Though every effort is made to prouide a complete and clear set of canstruction docurreents, discrepancies or omissions may occur. Release of these drawings ar�ticipates cooperation and continued communication between the contractor, architect and engineer ta provide the b�st possible structure. Thes� drawings have been prepared far the use of a qualified contractoe experienced in the canstruction techniques and systems depicted. h. Existing structures: Contractor shall be responsible for verifying dim�nsions, el�vations, framing, foundation and anything else thot may a#fect the work shown on the drawings. Underpinning, sharing and bracing of existing structures shall be the r�sponsibility of the contractar. 20�9 {BC FASTENING SCHEDULE* *THIS IS A PARTIAL SCHEDULE. SEE IBC TABLE 2304.9.1 FOR FULL SCHEDULE CONNECTiQN FASTENING °� b 1. Joist to sill or girder 3- 8d cammon toenail 3-3"x0.131"nail 3- 3" 14 gage staple 2. Bridging to joist 2- 8d common toenail each end 2-3"xQ.i31"nail 2- 3" 14 gage staple 6. Sale plate eo joist or biocking 16d ot 16" o.c. typical foce nail 3" x 0.131" nail at 8" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple ot 12" o.c. Sole pia��e to jois� or �iocking at braced ��,a�� P����� 3- 16d per 16" braced waH panels I {4)-3.> x�.131" nail per 16„ i � (�7-3" 14 gag� st4ple per 16" � _________.-- ---_.__. ____ ______ ._._.__.__ ___ � _____.______ � 7. To�� �aia�� tc� ��u�� �3 2-- i6d cammon end nai! j ? 3- 3" x 0.131" na�l 3 - :3" 14 gage stople �£�.`��uc �a soie olvt�, _____.________-----___�__--�-___..._ 4- 8d common taena'rl � � �-3"x0.131"nail j I 3- 3" 14 gage staple � i i 2- 96d common end nail f 3-3"x0.131"nail � � 3_ 3.' 14 gage stapie °. �oubPe Sfuds 16d at 24" o.c. face nail � 3» x Q.131" naii at 8" o.c. , �� 3" 14 gc�ge staple at 8" o.c. i0. t�auble top r�Iaf�s 16d at 16° o.c. typico! face nail 3" x 0.131 ° noil at 12" o. c. 3" 14 gage stapie at 12" o.c. Double fap plotes � 8- 16d �ommon lap splice 12-3"x0.131"nail 12 - 3" 14 gage staple typical face noii 11. E3locking b�tvfeen joist or ra�ters 3- 8d comman toenail to ?:ap plaie 3- 3" x 0.131" nail 3- 3" 14 gage staple 1?_. Rim �ois't to fop pla±e 8d at 6" (152mm) o.c. toenail 3" x 0.131 " n ail ot 6" o. c. 3" 14 gage staple at 6" a.c. i3. Top piotes, Iaps ond intarsections 2- 16d common face nail 3-3°x0.131"nail 3- 3" 14 gage staple 14. Continuous h�ader, two pieces 16d common 16" o.c. olong edge 16. Continuous header to stud 4- 8d comman toenaii 19. Rafter to plate 3- 8d common toenoil {See Section 2308.10.1, ?able 2308.10.1) 3- 3" x Q.131" ntiit 3- 3" 14 goge staple 23. Buii#-up corner studs 16d common 24" a.c. 3" x 0.131" nail 1fi" o.c. 3" 14 gage staple 16" o.c. 29. Joist to band jaist 3- 16d common face nail 5-3"x0.131"nail 5- 3" 14 gage staple �sa�s: For SI: 1 inch = 25.4mm. 2 3f8" x 0.113° naiis and 3" x 0.131" nails are standard $d and 10d Gun nails. o. Common or box nails are permitted to be used except where otherwise stated. b. Stop4es shail have a minimum crown width of 7/16 inch. A.B. A.�.F. A,�.G. AD�;. �aNCi �, �PP�OX. A�2CH. �D. SLDG. ���c. BM. 80i. 8.0. W. BRG. CANi. C.J. CMU cEn�. CLG. � CLR. ca�. CONG. CQNN. CONT. CONST. C.P. C. W. DB�. D£T. DIAG. DVdL. D WG. EA. E.J. ELEV. ���. Et�tJIP. �c�u�v. EXSTG. EXP. EXT. F.D. �`€?TN. FLR. FRMG. F i G. GA. GALV. GEN. G.L. GYP. I-1 DR. r�o�iz. HSS � r. l�1T. iN V. JST. K ABBREUT ATI ON LI ST ANCh-IOR Bt?LT AB�VE ��NlSF-{ED FLL}OR ABOVE FINlSNED GRADE ADJU� i A��,E Ai� C�--€ (�R AP�'RC?X11���Ei�Y ARC�-�I��ECT �Ot�R� �UILDI�lG BLOCKING BE,�M BOTTOM BQTTOM d� WAL� BEARING CANTILEVER CONTROL JOlNT CONCRET� M�SONRY UNiT CEMENT �;�►Lfi��1G �;ENTERL.4NE Cl�E�RAN�E c��_��� C(J�ICREiE CONNECTfON CONTifi�UOUS cor�s�r�uc � ia�; CRiPPL� P�ST CRIPPLE �VVAL� QOUB�E DETAIL DIAGONAL D0�1EL DRAWiNG EACH EXPARiSION JOINT ELEVATION ENGiNEER �QU��t���� �QU�vA��e��r EXISTI�G EXISTiNG EXPANSIOP� EXTERIOR �LOOR DRl�IN FQUNDATION F�OOR F�AMIi�G FOOTI N G GAUGE GALVANIZED GENERRL GLUE-LAM GYPSU�rt JGYPCRETE F�{EADE� NQFZl�C}NTAf� NOl_LaV�` STEEL SECT{0� �ic���-c� I(�TERIOR INV�RTEL� JOiST KiNG 5iUD LAM. LLH Ll�V LONGIT. LTWT. LVL LS� MAX. MECH. MAT'L MANUF. MIN. (N) NOM. N . W. a. c. OPNG. OSB R PLYWD. PKT. �.o. RAD. REF. REINF. REQ'D RET. REV_ R.S. SCNED. SECT. SHT. SIM. S.i.P. SPEC. SQ. sr�. STL. STRUCT. T&B TBcG T. Q. T. 0. C. T. 0. F. T. Q. L. T.O.M. T. 0. W. THRU TRANSV TRTD. TS TYP. U.N.O. VERT. V.I. F. W. F. w. �. W. W. F. WD. W/ W/0 LAMINATED LQNG LEG HORIZONTAL L4NG LEG VERTICA� LONGITUDINAL LIGHTWEIGHT LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER LAMINATED STRAND RIM MATERIAL MAXIMUM MECHANICAL MATERIAL MANUFACTURER MINIMUM NEW NOMINA� NORMA� WElGHT ON CENTER OPENING �RIENTED STRAND BOARD PLATE PLYWDOD POCKE? ROUGH OPENING RADIUS REFERENCE REINFQRCE/REINFORCEMENT REQUIRED RETAI�JING REVISION ROUGH SAWN SGHEDULE SEGTION SHEET SIMILAR STRUCTURAL INSULATED PANE� SPECIFICAT(ON SQUARE STANDARD STEEL STRUCTURAL TOP & B07TOM TONGUE & GROOVE TQP OF TOP OF CONCRETE TOP OF F04TING TOP OF LEDGE TOP OF MASONRY TOP QF WALL THROUGH TRANSVERSE TREATED TUBE STEEL COLUMN 7YP{CAL UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE VERTICAL VERIFY IN FIE�D WIDE FLANGE WATERPROOF WE�DED WIRE FABRIC WOOD WI TH WI TH 4U T X r <t � � � �- � _� m � a � �� F�: *' ��; � �� ��' ' � ., : � , z . , �� ��� �%; ���, . , . , -- I-JOIST OR L.V� HEADER TO MATCH DEPTH 4F FLOOR J ` `' JOI STS � � �.a TYPICAL PLUMBING/MEGHANICAL HEADER PROVIDE A MINIMUM OF ONE KING STUD, OR AS SPECIFIED 0(� PLAN TYPICAL WIND�W/DOOR NEADER � � �������"� �� ���� � � ��°a:���`������.� �"������ ������� � ������������������ ° � � �Y�� � ��� � ,. � � �' �,.��� t" h�f Ti�'J -� .m.�.�.�+�+eA«��.. m�..�csss�,mmmsw - . � , �t . � � , .�. � ��� a �,� ��._,., ...,��� SCALE: 3/4" = 1'-p>, SEE FRAMING PLANS FOR HEADER SIZE POSTS SPECIFIED ON PLAN INDICATE TRIMMERS ONLY AND D4 NOT I�JCLUDE KING STUDS SCALE: 3/4„ = 1,_�,. ��4�����r���� �qo.,`°� �IE.r�i,U»� tr� � '� � o` . � � ��� � � « w Z � f Z � J � Q � � � � � i-��� �! �� ��3� r� rn r` � r� � � °� I • I � N d�- � � � .--. o � Q� � rn� � L„' rn zQ � �� .� N � � .� � � � N � � cc> � �' o� -� � O � m � � J sn n: > � � � �� � � � � " 'J � li �. � .� �* designed by drawn by _ checked by ISSU�C� � f�! � � f s ! �� � � � � •�, � 1, J � 'i�► PERMIT 8/23/12 Sit�@t f�j !i ; •+s � CAP �(': Y�"xBM. WIDTH X��—S Wj �Z�-3/4��� THRU—BOLTS. (1)—EA. SIDE OF WEB, i I I I _-------:___________________J � 0 I 0 � .+ �/ SEE PLAN ,{,� T.O. BEAM �f' STEEL BEAM PER PLAN HSS C�L. PER PLAN SCA�E Jj4„ — 1'—p„ DWL. (N) CONC. WAL�S T4 (�) W/ #� Qw�s. X ��„ EP(JXIED INTO 3%4���1x4„ HQLES {� 12" O.C., TYP. T.O.W. = 96'-03/a B.O.W, = 92'—��la� (V.I.F,) 4'-6" � � � � ' �- � F�QUi�DATION Pl.._AI� SCALE: ���-„ _ �,_o„ PLAN �JaTES 1. ELEVATIONS �F CONCRET`E FOUNDATION ELEMENTS INDICATED ON PLAN TNUS: i".O.W.=TOP OF C4NCRETE WALL T.O.�.=TUP OF LEDGE B.O.W.=BOTTOM OF WALL 2. CONTACT ENGINEER 1F QVEREXCAVATION fS REQUIREQ. 3. POSTS FROM ABOVE ARE (NDICATED:� 4. DO NOT SCALE DRAWINGS. � 1 z � 0 d- 2X� sTUas c� �s" o.c. w/ � Y2" PLYWD. OR OSB SHEATHING �° Y2••Qix10" A.B.'s C� 48" O.C. W C(?N7. TREATED 2x6 � �� �, 98'-3 (V.I.F.) � T. 0. W. SEE DETAIL 1JS2 FOR RElNF. F- _ (2)—#5 DWLS x � � CONC. PIER � �„ #4 TIES C� TOP, BOT., � & MIDD�E 4 � PERIMETER DRAIN PER SOILS ENGINEER �D 4" ° '�`��i��i� a ��������������� o fi��/i��//���� �i�\f�\ A � . i, q ,\-�� %��i�ii� p� �,�� ��i : ii���.. v j�/%i D `�' �„ 4„ � A a p ¢ A q° � ° '? o D . 4 4 EQ. � �,> 4,_6» y�„s�x10" A.B.'s � ��" Q.C. #N CONT. TREAiEQ 2xG � � 96'-3 V.I.F.� -- T.Q. PLYVVD. 11 %$" I—JOISTS PER PLAN �EDGER PER PLAN BaT. OF WA�L BEY�ND (5)—#5`s x 4'-0 � EA. WAY. � � � � EQ. . �� �!� SCALE: �1�." = 1,-0" : ��__a___T� � � �� � �f l ----� ---� . , � i j � �,tN �� __ �-� .�.. � �����X i� _ � � -- =---�- �-�--- �— -- �j� c� Il��� ��� T..�.--fi ��;. 0 -� ��..___ _____ .�.�--�- � ' --.--� ` � � � � .._ ____ � — �_ .-.., �,. s -=3 . �, -- _ _.. ._ � -- .. -- ''� � � � _ r � I i_._ fl ` � _._ _�--- = � — _._ _ 1 { u-� � o ___. � � � � ._._ � �.. � � _ -� --�_ �- �--�- ____. " � �� I� � !I� � ` ___. e _}_1.. �.. � ____ ____ _____ ___. `-' _____�` I � � ` __� - a .r. ..._� � � __._ � ____ ____ ____ � � � �� _ � � _E � �� �� �� �,v � �. � - - __ - -__-�-��=�---� —� (� 0 ERF AM EX TG. FLO t � — — ' -�--- — � ==�=- —_ -- _ -� � -__ ___ R i ;S2 —�—_ _� _ ' � e _ - � M� –=�__ �;-- -{� _ e e_ _ �__� _ �.� { t_ � : _ _�� i � � I � ` � r .._.._ �. _�___ . �.:I �-_-- _ � + �� __ _ � �:..-� _ ��� � �� �_.� — , — -- ; - _ ,. _ � ._._ .� _ � _ � __ _ .� � ��� � �. __ � _ r i�__ _._. � � 11 �l BCI 600-�0 C�? _16"���C � " � i96' 3 (�.4.F. � i �T.{}. � f'LY�VD, � 3 s2 � � ♦ � � I�' �r' 1 �t ♦ p ' �-�� � � 117/�„ LEDGEf� Wl {1)-5i�"�x�" �x�. ar�c�. Q � 6°' O.C., STAGGERED SIMPSC?N kUS2.37f11.88 W/ 10dx1Yz 1NT0 �EDGER, I�YP. S�AI�E: 1 /4„ — 1 ,—�„ PLAN NOTES 1. PQSTS BE�OW (ORIGINATING FROM THlS LEVE� OR ABOVE) ARE INDICATED: � NON-CUNT(NUOUS PQSTS FROM ABOVE OR CRIPPLE POSTS ARE iNDICATED: � 2. AL� POSTS ARE �ABELED AT TNE TQP. 3. FLOOR SNEATHING IS 3/4" TQNGUE AND GRQOVE APA STURDIFLOOR, EXP.1, SPAN RATING 24 O.C. i L Y11 V NORTH SCA�E: 3/�" = 1'-0" 2x6 STUDS PER GEN. NC?TES (SEE S1 } W/ Y2'" PLYWD. �R � OSB SHEATHING Y2"�x10" A.B.'s t� 48" O.G. IN CONT. TREATECI 2x6 �' --� ,� 98'-3 (V.I.F.} T.O. W. �4x4'-0"Q � s" o. c. (4)—�4 4 16„ Q.C. HORIZ. (4)—#5's CONT, HORIZ. T�P 8c BOT. 4" Y2"�x10" A.B.'s C�? 48" �.C. (N CONT. TREATED 2x6 R n HANGER PER PLAN ~�` 96'—Q V�.I.F.� T.O. PLYWD, �" �ii ` a D P 4„ .�„ i 117�8�r I-°°JCiiSTS PEi� P�AN LEDGER PER P�AN 7 I � ! � *; i � M � , , � � � / ■ u SCALE. �/,a„ = 1,_0'> ' '� _L - � � _L � .�-�-�---� i t �.�? �y�� ��L' i T � I � � I 7 r �\ I E I /� I l ���� � � � ( � �l 1�''—.... I� � � � � � ( �\� ( � � �� , , {�� g,� ��� ,��� d.�. I I I �� �� � �� I I I I \' � � �i '` � � I.. ��) I�Y������.�. ,I y ( �`� � I � � I ��� I � ,I f � ' I � C� ��.,> �. C�1. 1 � ( �' � � J ._ I ��) r��)-, ¢��,�v� _._. , � � ( � ��� ��� ( ( �� � � i� � � � ~ ,° � '� � � I I ( � I ��� I I �~��—�1�_ _ -- '' I� i � � � � ' r _ ~ � _ i � a �oa �a�'� .c. � ��`�� � � �-.. � . � ��' ��� I I � ( � � E �� s2 �` EN R. I � � � ( ( I DURIN .` 5Yax24 G.L.(L W) ( ( � �FOR CONN.�I I � 5Ysx48 G.L. H GH) � S{MPSdN f�'/�/, /,%� � 41 YP. � ! I LSS �> SIM�SiN I I � 1 � � I �SSUH�310, T%P. � i I � I � I i I I;;I I I � i ��-- --� �. e-�- ��� -! �� i-� =---�- ! I I I I 1 f I _>.J �J J� . r� I � , � ( cfl ��' _I _ I._ _I_ � _ .� � � r � � -�� � . � �. x X }, x N � �� �I � � _ ,— ,-- ; U.L. ---- —� c°o �; I`: : ���/a'� GI 60 2.C? C�7 16" 0. . �� r� �.= 3�' 8 G.L C�7 m � ,� ( 24 t3. C. `— 4P N TRE �IS h � �� � f".�� <= � /�+ �\ �i � +�+ �L�'1 r'-�- " � s kl,.. ()-13/4 11?/s L L(H!G }�'I �' (3)--2x1 Q (L4W} CONTACT ENGR. DURING DEMO. FOR CONN. $x . . C4NTACT ENGR. DURING DEMt}. FOR GONN, PLAN �JCJRTH R��� ���IYI I�� � ���� SCA�E: 1 4„ __ 1x—�?„� g� ����� � � �� ��� PLAN NOTES FOR NEW FRAMING: �������°������ �� ����� ������ �-� � 1. NEW P4STS BE�C7W (QRIGINATING FROM THlS LEVE� OR ABOVE) ARE INC�ICATED: x4- �( �`� � ',.��.�� m ,�,. � ��. EXIST{NG POSTS BELQW (ORIGINATING FROM THIS LEVEL OR ABOVE) ARE INDICATED: � � � ��H .�..����.�.�.��.��.�.,�w.��� SINGLE STUD TRIMMERS THAT DC? NOT REQUIRE BLOCKING BELOW ARE INDICATED:� ,�.�„ ���� gn.� 2. A�� PQSTS ARE LABE�ED AT THE TI�P. ������� �� 3. NEW RflOF SHEATHING IS 5I" APA RATED SHEATHING, EXP.1, SPAN RATING 40/2Q. 4. NEW ROOF BEAMS, EXCEP7 MEAQERS, ARE FLUSH FRAMED UNLESS NQTEQ AS (QR�PPED). 5. C���!�� INDICATES ROOF OVERFRAME. OVERFRAME WITH RAFTERS TO MATCH SPACING OF ROOF BE�OW, WITH 2x4 GRIPPLE PC7STS TO RAFTER OR TRUSS BEL4W SPACED 48" O.C, MAX A�.ON� EACH C3VERFRAME MEMBER, 10. EXISTING CONSTRUCTION lS INDICATED THUS {------}, NEW CONSTRUCTION IS INDICATED THUS ( }. �•� � � . . , �� U Z � Z 4 1-- J � O � � � � � . ,, ���� � =� r�it' r� r� � �� � a� <�t N d- a, � � ,�. � �o � �� � � � _¢ � a� .y N Qi � .� � N � N � � � cD � � fl� U � � �� �n a: > � � �� � �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � $� � ��� Q � � � � C,� , ,-� � � � � � � � � F� �, � :i� d�signed by JMO drawn by JMQ checked by TDH issued PERMiT 8/23 f 12 ��t �4�,,�' ° �� ��i � �i j ii � �