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B12-0282 Plans Approved
■ CONTINUC}US ICE & WATERSHIELD UNDER FLASHING COVERING ENTIRE E`EVATQR Rt�QF ME7AL. FLASHiNG - MATCH �XISTING VERIfY CC7LaR WITH ARCHiTEGT 2X6 BLfJCKING. PRQVIDE �tJNTINUQUS 2.5" AIR WENT SEE STRUCTLlRAL. �()� WALL CAP TO ALLQW VENTILATI4N. CAVITY N�ULATIQN. 2X8 ROQF FRAMING - VERIFY FRAMING SIZE WITH STRUCTURAL. DRAWINGS 2" RIGID TNSl1lATIC}N �l�" R00� SHEATHTI�G 2X12 RUQF RAFTERS WiTH BATTJPAPER INSULATIQI� 1fERTFY FRAMING SIZE WITH STRUCTURAL t�RAWiNG5 PRt}VIQE BLCJCKING �C,1R FRAMING PER STRUCTI;RAI. 6 MIL P4L.Y�'iMYLENE VAPOR BARRTER SEE ELEVATQR DRAiNINGS FC}R AI.L ELEVATQR CC3NSTRUCTIt7N VERIFY 9' CLEARANCE ABQVE T4P FLC?OR SEE - EL�VATOR DRAWINGS CAVITY INSUTATIUN. 2Xf FRAMING GAVITY INSULAT.tONx 2X4 FRAMING VERI�Y WITH ELEVATQR DRAWINGS TYPE X GYPSUM BOARD EACN SIDE t)F Ff�AMING � � � � �t, • EXiERIQFt WALL PACKAGE #2: SiDING: SEE ELEVATIONS WATERPRQQF MEMBRANE �/a" WAi.L SHEATNING 2X$ W�t�[? FRAME WAL� - ��E STREICTURA� RaTT YNSUtA"f�ON 6 MIL Pt7LYETHYLENE VAPQR �ARRIER sl" TYPE X GYPSUM BQARD AER SPACE - TBD EC.EVATOR CCtNSTRt7C:TIC}N. - SEE ELEVATC3R DRAWINGS C►INING.T.4.FIN.F�,R. �L. � 1l""f'1��lM ..__.......���. Ff�t7VIDE METAL FLASHING . .. �.. •• s "i t i i • i ! • # l' ! * M ► ` � � � • �'� M` :t�`M • s �• :•��r � i M� t � r r � � ,�. �.. �, . . � . . ., �. s �� • � •� • � �: • • •• �• • �:• ••• s • .i � . �. �, . . . �., . .�y v a � 'A �r d � :6 � • . .� '° o . . v, . , � f � � � � � I -----------_—._� .�..__—.._..�___________�_--t � I 1 SILI. GASKEi AND I PFtQT. MEM�RANE STfiIP � � - - __._ _ � �- - SEAtANTJGASKET � � a . ' � a Ll. . ' a �.. . Q . . . ��. . . , �,a . ' d ' . . , • � • �. . .. ' • ' d , d • ' • .d . d � . • • ' • Q ' : ° � .. , . • ., d, , . � M � ' � � � ! i � ` i . . � r . . � . � � _ J �� �� �—�� � i � � � � ( 4 �.£i ( � � ( 4. Cl � ��` ��� � , �. i � � � � r �. r ♦ a-.. �.�.. n � � ,�'`"v"v"v"v""v^v"`v"'v�"v^�r"�. ,. .. �� P�AN �IAta RAM : SCALE: 2A�x36: 1 1� ; PERMIT SET REVI�IC�NS: } � i: Windows: All reEacated or new windaws to comply with � Gurrent energy cade requirements �a inciude NFRC iabie � indicating a maximurrt 0.35 U value. See 1103.4.3 IECC. I In case of conflict wath other window notes in drawings, � this note ta be fal(owed without exception. � 2: l,iqhtin�: Fifty percent {50%� of new lighting shail be } high efficacy fighting. See 404.i I�CC, Clwner to review } and approve all new tlghting priar to insta#lation. j� 3: detectors: Provtde Carban Monoxide Detectors on ail flaors. Verif�r with code and Governing Authc�ri�y height � and locatians at stairweit landing J hali on each floor. �,,,, /�•,,,,•�_.�.,..n,,,,,,,,,�,r,•�•�.�.,�,�_�n.�.,n_.�_.^•,.,n_� � � ... ABBREVIATi4N�: �� floardrain E.VR touver REQD required Ff7C fire dept. connectian l.M meier(s) RES resi{ient A8V above FE fire e�inqu3sher MAT �aterial REV revisianJrevised AC acousticai FEC fire e�ctinguisher cabinet MAX maxlmum RFG roofing ADD addendum FF finished f(oar elevation MC medicirre cabinet RH rigl�t hand AD] adjacent FHC fire hose conneckion MECH mechanic(a!j RM room AFF abave finished fioar FL�G ffashing MEM rnembrarte RC3 rough opening AL aluminunn FLR floor(ing} MFR mancafacture RjS rough sawn At,T al�ernate FND foundation manufacturer (S} sealant AF access panel FC}C face of concrete MH manhole SAT sateilite ARCM Architect{ural) FO� fece of �nish MIR mirrorlmirrored SHT sheet BIT bituminous FOM face of masc�nry MISC miscellaneous SHTG sheathing BLDG building FOS face of studs MIN minimum �M sheet metai �LK �lack FTN finish{ed) MM millim�ter{s� SIM similar BLKG bloeking FF fireplace Ma masonry opening �C salid cors BQT battom FPR flreproaflng, sprayed MTL metal S south BRG bearing �fG foating MULi. mullian SPEC specification(s} BSMT basement �UR furredJing N north SQ square SVL bevaled GA gage, gauge NAT natural SF square foot CJT ccantro! joint GC generat contract(or) NIC not in contract STD standard CLG ceiling GL g(ass, glazin9 NQM nominal STpG standing GLK caulking GV galvanized NFt noise reduct�on ST stain CLEt clear(ance} GYPBD 9YPsum baard NTS noC to scafie STt, steei CLST closet HDW hardware t7H overhead SD storrn drain CQL column HDR header pPG opening STR structurejsiruciurai CaNC concrete MVAC heating/vantilatingJair ppH opposite hand TEL telephone CC?NST construction conditianing C?PP oppaslte Ti/ televiston CC1NT cantin�aous HT height P paint THR threshold CMU concrate masanry unit HC hollow core PK peak T8cG �angue and groave CT ceramic tile HM hollow rnetai PL property Hne TS tap of slab CPR copper MC1R horizontai PtA p}astic laminate TSTL top of steel CPT carpet(ed} HWH hot water heater PLT piat{s} TW kop of wai! CSMT casement INCL inciude(d)/ficlusion PLW ptywood T8 towe( bar CUST custom ID inside dlameter PR pair TP toilet paper haider DF drinking fauntain IBC installed by cantractor PRK park/parking TR transom DiM dimension TBt� instaile� by owner PSF paunds per square foot T tempered I�� DTL detai! INS insulate(d)/insuiatian PSI pounds per square inch TD tread ', DR d�ar iNT lnterior PT point TYP typical ', DWG drawing ]C janitor's closet PTS points UON unless otherwise noted E east KiT kitchen PVMT pavement VB vapor barrier EL elevatic�n(s) LAB laboratory QT quarry tile VIF verify in field ELEC electric(a!) LAM lam�nate{d} R riser VERT r�erticai ELEV elevator LAV lavat�ry R&S rod and shelf VGT vinyl composition EQ equai �H left hand RD roof drafn WC watar ciaset EXH exhaust �T light REF reference W wesfi EXT exteri�r LTG lighting REFR refrigerator W width%wide FBC? furnished by athers TL lintei RETNF reinfarce(d),reinfarcin9 WDW windaw GRApHI+� SYMBC}L�: .�� �� Sectlr�n Cut Reference Detail Area Reference � �.�.� Elevation Reference Revlslon Cloud i i detail Cut Reference Lar � Area I�etail R�ference 1 4 -2.Q CPi p Interior Elevation RefereMCe Ffx�d Finishes ReferenGe o�.�A 1 12J31J2400 Eievation �ymbal Revision Symbol INTERIC)R FIi�I�H��: See Owner For Ail Inter€or Flnishes. EXTERIt�R FINISHE�: See Architect for ali E��riar Finish�s. �(�'1XVI�V 11Vi..lGf1.. AO Cov�r Sheet; l/8'"-1', Detai�s: Founda�ion/Floar/Ro�f: �/2°-1` A1.Q Site Flan &. Roaf Plan: 1"=1t1" A2.� GFtFA CalcUlatlons: 1i8'"=1' A2,1 Gara�e Floor Ptans, Exisfiing + Proposed: 1/4"=1` A�2.2 Entry FtooC Plans, Existing + Rroposed: 1(4"'=1" A2.3 Upper Floor Plans, Existing + Propo�e�: ij4"=1' A2.4 L.�ft Flaor Plans, Existinr� + Praposed X3.o Existing Ext�ric�r Elevations: 118"=1' A3.4 Proposed ��erior Elevations: 1/8"-1' A4.0 Proposed Bullding Sectians. 1/8"-1' S Structural Drawings by Manro+e & lVewell E,M,P Etectrical, Mechanicai, & P#um�ing [��signs to be ,���signJBulld" by Contractor's Team. �UMMARY TA�I�E: CURt��NT ZONIN�: Duplex NUMB�R OF t?WEl.LIN� UNITS: 1 BUILaiNG HEIGMT ALE.C7WED; 33' with �loping Roof ADdITION HEIGHT PRUPC3SEQ: 31'-11.5' GARAGE SPACES. 1 � DFtIVEWAY PARKING 2 HYDRANT: ��aring Hill Lane N4T�: Scales abav� apply to �4x�6" printing format. Adjusfi proporkionately if printed in a different f�rmat. �P"i�G�1t"'�� �������. � 1 ��� Wood-Rough � � -- Eat�h Piywoo�i Bia�cking �inish Wood C�__�_� �ypsum Board Stone Quarry Tiis ��_`� Tile J P�uers ����/?� Cultured Stgne � porous Fill J Drainege ',, . i. Q I � Structurai Concrete , I ���L�G�!� Concrete Masonry Unit ', Steel / Metal as nated ' Glass ' �%��,i //� Stone Masonry Batt Tn�ulation Rigid Insulation i� �ll,�+l�+� ���� carp�t ARCHITECT N�3TES : iD. The Contractor shaN be respansible for sa�isfying a{! 1: Do not scale draw'rngs. applicable codes and obtainir►g a�ll permlts and requlred appmvals after the p+ermit has been released excluding 2: Verify a(! dimens�ons, conditions and utility icacations an r�Cated D�stgn iteview for changes io architecture which the j�b site prior to beginntng any wark ar ordering must be apprt�ved by Architect in writing prior t�r change. materials. Notify Architect of any conflicts or discrepancies Thls project is governed t�y appli+cable Codes. Cc�de in the dacuments Immediatefy, compliance is mandat�ry. The construction docurrt�nts shall nat permit work �khat doe� not confarm ta all relevant cades 3: Plan dimensPons are to face of stud or face of concre�e local, regiona( and federal codes� uniess oth�rwise noted. Section and e(euation dimensions are fi� top of �oncrete, top of plywaod, top of wali plates, or �,1. The Contractor shatf fieid coordM�t� and ob�ain appr�rval beams unless otherwise noted. from the Archltect ar�d Engln�er before any cutt(nc�, no�ching or drii(�ng oF any c�st-in-place cancrete, steel framing, r�r any 4: Areas of canf4ict or discrepancy must be fully resolved other structurai elements whlch mey aff�ct the structur�l with written approval fram the Architect prior to fntegrity af the butlding. construction continuing in tha�se areas. 12. zt is the intent and meaning af these documents that ttte S: Provide al1 nec�ssary blocking fn sfiud walis and ceilings, Contractor �nd each subcontracior pravide aif labor, incfuding but n�t limited ta ceiling and wall-rnounted m�►terials, transportatic�n, suppli�s, equlpmen�, etc, to obiain I fisctures, tailets, t�ilet acc�ssarles, cabinetry, eountertops, a campete job within the recognized standards of the I� shelves, claset rods and fake beams. lndustry. ',; 6. Rafer to Floar Plans for all tloor sizes. Con�act Architect 13. The Confiractor is respansible far aii Cans�rucfii�n ', for any clarif�cation. Admints�ratCon. If errc�rs or omissions are identified ln fihis se ' af docurnents, the C�ntr�ctor shall natify the Architect for , 7: Refer t� Elevations for ail exterior window designations. tmmediate review and correction as n�cessary. Refer ta Window Schedule for ati window and extericrr door �YPes. �4, Any changes or deviatt4ns frorn these drawings witl�aut ' written appraval by the Architect release the Architect from 8: Coordinate ali electrical and mechanical fixtures to fit any iiability for the changes, deviations ar related effe�ts on within ceiltr�g, floor or wa11 spaces. Verffy with Architect for thls projeck. aiternatives, 15. A]A 5tudio, p.c. and Andrew James Abrah�m reserve the 9: In the event thafi additional detaiis or guidance is needed copyrlght and property rights to ihese drawings, which may by th� Cc+ntraetor for construction af any aspects of thls noi be reproduced wfthout permission from the Architect. project, the Contractor shali immed�ately not�fy the The design and drawings attached here hav� been registered Architect, FaiOure ta glve suff�cEent nc�tice shal! relieve wiih the U. S. Copyright C►f�ice and shali nc�t be but(t In part Architect of responsibilitY� or in wh�le on any site o�her than single site contracted between Client and AlA �tudlo, pc. .. � T D I Q � Andr�w ]ames Abraharn, Architect t7�N�fER. + EC}WARDS 970.376.2575 2456 Race�Qenver.Ct�.80205 P48.4326 � Edwa rds. CA. S 1632 w'ww.aja-studlo,com andrew@aja-studio.cam Q copyright �UA Studio PC 2fli2 «, �, , ��. ���.� � ���i������� �°��� ���� � ������������� �, ������ . �. "�/'� iL � �� 4 �v���� � � � .'r.. ����a ��.,�..�. � � � � � � � � � �t ,� (� ,� � � � � � � � � C� � � C� � � � y � � � .0 �� � � � "'" � � � t7 �. � � ";� J�°V c _.,, ",,;;s �.,�} a � `v', M��""1 � _... . � .va �— ;.�.�. � � t� °' � �' > � � ���� `i� ` "y-- C} � � �� � � 3 �� ci'} � ,c cu o � '� � QQ C? S � ��� � � � �� �' � � � �` � ti � � "fp7 ��M� G � .� � �' '—'I o ��.++ l �a � � .� '� i� .. . � • . : , � � . � . .� . , : . r�az��� � . ��� � .r . :� e': ':sr _' A � - i , �� , �,. � � �• , � . � � ��� ��t Set � � � �� ��� � � � ,� � a . A Set L � Architec�'� Pertritt 5et Ys valid for {1) year from Permit �et Release Date or until Gaverning Codes require changes, whic �uer comes rst. This s�t is on#y valtd for 1498 S, Spring Hi11 �.ane, Vail, Colorado & Eac�le C�unty, �olorado. �`�li � �II'� I! • � • . : • � Cover Sheet . . I « � _�; � � i{, ��; : � } `, f'` �6atic�: �q io G�tes�do la�r� y� mua� c�rnmen�e �ny legal a�bn ba�red �p� ae�y ir� iht� �rr�,� w�thir� #hr� years aRaar ,y�au flra# d[a�ov�r �ch �ef+ec#. !n na �nfi may c�ny actlan ba�ed upcan any dbteci !n tht� 8a�t�y b� t�omtrt�'It�d erlore� tPttsn teri y�atr'� from #hs date� of t�eetiitcatid� �aw� h�er�r►. . s -� � r :,.: .:. r�• 1 «� �'. � �t.: 1;,1� � �' „�`� � • , � �• � 4 : : i • 1 I' 1 1 �" � �i � � 4•�i! 1' •, �: ► �: 1 ` 1 �1 ! l • f t/: �' i i: SURVEY i�C�TES: See Town of Vaif for site calcuiations submitted by and stamped by �urveyor. Attached Site Pfan is based on 2008 Survey provided as a courtesy by Sfiarbuck Surveyors and is NOT to be used for construction but is only for reference. Field uerify ALL informatian. L.�N QS�ARE RI tJTE� : N� TREES �R SHRUBS ARE TQ BE REMQVED; preserve all trees and shrubs in current lacatians, Relocate or repiace QNLY if in canflict with Renovation AND IF APPRQVED IN WRITING BY OWNER AND Tt�WN OF VATL. Phatographs of property ta be taken prior ta demolitian for C?wner. Replaced Trees or Shrubs are to be equa! ar greaier in catiper with the following minimum: All deciduaus trees to be >2° caliper, Ail evergreen trees ta be > 6' ht, All shrubs ta be minimum 5-gallon size. All disturbed areas to be completely revegetated with native grasses and flara. Proposed landscaping to match exisfiing with �he addition of re-seeding for afl disturbed areas. Verify aH utility locatians and systems prior to constructian. LIGHTIRI� NCJTES: See floor p{ans for locations of fixtures. If provided, see Elevations for generai lacations of Fixtures. Same fixtures may be behind structural pasts. See cut-sheets for new light fixtures. All fixtures to obscure light bulbs, Na exterior up-iights are proposed in this project. CC�NSTRU�TTCJN MANAGEMENT: Construction Staging informatian prov'rded on Site Plan. Pravide adequate construction debris and drainage control on siie according to governing requirements. ERC}�aIG1N CONTRt�L 8c DRAINAGE: • P r o p o s e d g r a d i n g rn a t c h e s e x i s t i n g g r a d i n g w i t h t h e e x c e p t i a n o f d r a i n a g e, whieh is to be less then 12" from existing grading. All grading to slope away from house for >6'. • Erosion control must protect existing culverts and storm sewer inlets fram sedimentatian. Provide silt fence & straw bafe fence according to gouerning autharities' requirements. • Sound straw bales must be pravided an drainage paths from faundation. Straw bales to be loc�ted in 6" recess in grade and adequately staked ta prevent mauement of bales. • Silt fence must be pravided between house location and waterways as necessary. Silt fence to be constructed of 14 gage woven wire fence with filter clath at least 24° above grade and 16" below undisturbed grade. SITE PLAN NC�TE� : • 100'-0" = Entry Level Fini�hed Floor. Verify all grading on site. • Single Family Residenee to conform to 2009 IRG Building Cade, • Ver'rfy Staking within Setbacks & Building Enuelap� priar ta Construction. Notify Architect af any discrepancy priar to Excavatian. • Cantractor responsible far a(1 utilities and systems an site. Modify existing irrigation system as necessary with Owner's Approval. Grade site so that ponding does not accur. I• As apprapriate, pr9or to re-grading, roll, pratect, water and preserve all ' grass far installation on site at completian of grading. ,• If necessary, retocate existing outdoor faucets, outlets, hose brbs, fiower ' box�s, and fixtures - confirm loeations with awner prior to relocation. • Notify Owner priar to maving any meters. + Verify Landscaping with tJwner prior to purchase j instaflation. • A11 grade at exterior walls to have positive drainage away fram structures. • All drives & walks to have positive drainage away from Structures. • All drainage to be directed av+ray from house and taward yard or to edge of drive at street unless nated otherwise. Notify Architect ofi any discrepancy. • See Structura( Drawin� for a11 Structural information. �tructura! details to rule f�r Fram�ng sizes, concrete and connections. If canflict between Architectural and Structural details are identi�ed, notify Architect far clarification, • See Mechanical, Electrica! 8c Plumbinq arawinc�s for all related informatian prior to construction in related areas. Verify equipment sizes with appropriate access sizes. • Coordinate all new Mechanical ancE Eleckrica! Sysfiems with existing including Doorbells, Audio, Intercom, Vacuum, Alarms, and Security systems. See Raof Plan far snaw clip and gutter locations. • Cantact Archikect for an-site coordinatian a� necessary. ���@ V ����V� ��.�1�� ■ i� a n�tnr irriaation system �s included ir� scape af wc�rk, a Rain Sersor must be instail�d by contractor �n arder �t� interrupt irrigati�n in the event of �igni�cant rainfall. R�in sensor to be inspected and reuiewed by gaverning autharity. � Y�1.�._d Y.C�..�.._i.�J�..�_�.i 1 L�� V�� � �o' �.�.��� � . GRAPHIC SCALE �o o s �o zo { IN �EET } 1 inch = 10 ft. . • # . +► 1 f . . :� . . �r � � � s � a � � 2. � � � = ���� �p� �» t\ •° � ��. ��j T = 31. 4�' L = �1.81' �.,r� �" .J�� a�..J'��?'� CH = 61.27' FOUND #5 REBAR _ _ ______ _ � �- 22.6' `'- �-.,.. _ ! ^ 1 �'�'"~�.. 17.1' � I � � �� i c`�v � 1 ui ( i� � � !� 17,1' ! � I �"�" I � �) NI o, �' r�� � �� I �� �� � � �, $.�� `� STA1 RS u? � ��� ��\ �K - �� � t � �� J ��� �� � � * � �%' � • �!'� ) �� / � , �''`. .� �, '`�.. � `��.. � ,,,,h' h t5' .� ,'�. `,� `�� L� = 12°53'4�„ R = 3Q3.88' T = 34. 34' � = ��.4a' CB = S�4°58'17"E CN = 68.25' rn rn ...,,, �, •y2ND FLOOR DECK �``�. 5urre�l°�� � by �N89'48'49"W . N00'��E ~��� "' bY �nd 5�'a�'���t,es`� �Y �pC � �� N ,= � M o� v� i `� � 5.3' 2�.9' _,� rt�t ��� �a��O�'� SUbme�l p�OV���d U� on b��, is �n�Y ��� -- __-- __� Existi�g '�,� ,�t�,e ca�cu o,� 5�r� �Qnstr lN89'48'49"W ---2i,4' � PARCEL ONE Concrete r'.�' � 4ai1 f��'" eci �'� �"Q be used �Dr ;.� I PERIMETER DrivewaY 5�,e�a`�� 5�te p��'� is �� ,;,�p"C �O���o�. � GRt}UND FLOQR � p,tta�hed SU�e`la�s � P�� i�fo� . WAL� LINE 5�� �ck �,� ��ri FOUND i � ra �d � N Cp(1C�• �`',-.`` #5 REBAR 2ND FLOOR Cef� WA�L LINE � r � �yJ �.`"` ,.,�` � � � Rt �:— / � r L ( �� PARCEL C}NE � �Q ,,,. -- / � ! ; { tTNTT A} ; Z .- °" � � � �� /� � . , „ � S89`48'49"E_11 _3' � Material � � � t � N431��1 E / �--_.�_.�� � ( �taging � � � � � I . 3 STORY 1 i . ( soo'� �'i � "w � �„ � �p J ' FRAME DWELLING Q ( i � �'—�s.�'— — — -- ._.,�. � °' ..J I 1 j2 DUPLEX � gui�arNc � I 1498 � � � OVERHANG S$9'48'49"E 6.2' -- � � I o��'° ( 45.5' � � o I � a�i��ra ( ��n � 1 � j`� � � ao GROUND FLOOR � � GROUND FL.00R @� I ( � WA�� �INE I I ; WALL LIIVE � � � PA��CEL TWC� � � ; ; , Q _ � 2g�6' � ' {�UNIT B} ' �- 17.0' i � � _.._ �. � � .�-�°. — -- � o � L. .�i._ S89'48'49"E -------29.6' -----------� N45'11'11 "E � , I ( 3,22' ( � N8 ' ' � � I PARCE� QNE j �` I 3 STC?RY ( r— � o PERIMETER l! N FR�AME DWELLING I �; ' � � � 2 DUPLEX I �, �s.2' I °—' � % N� �� � --�-- � �, � ---------- _ � ( ; N� � 1498 � ��,�, � o f �: � � � � CV � L � j � ! � et ( ' .__.��_..__ 1' �' � �� Ti � i� ' �' = � GRQUND FLQQR � � 1 Z� WAL� LINE �� (_l..� " ; I G.ca_ _ � — .� r � i 30.0' l '-m DECK � � �� � � T o � � ,� �---- --' N89'4$'49"W --_-----34.2' --------) --� `V ( c�v ^ ` � i � � �' PARCEL TWO � ( v U i ,,, PERIMETER ; f � C� , 1 I � C� � f I 1 � � , Ay� /r i � Q ' �p`` /� ♦.,_ _..1 � ,�,,` L�� 1� -_______ i °�`�/ I^, �*• ; �%`�� � �� �� �'� �� I �j` � � � I � , � , � F� � ' ( ;f CaMMt�N PAR�EL � / I j , � f (� � ' � j I J , � ._._ L �.. � .` .._ _ �. _.. ,_ .._.. ._._ � � � � .�.. .� ._ .._ ..._ _._. � � � � ._._ -- __._ _.._ ._ �., _.._ ` � _.._ _.._ ..._ ..� .� ._... _ ._._ .� _.,... � _ ( � � _.. i f�` °0 10' QRAINAGE 8c UTI�f TY EASEMENT Ci sso�ao'ao�w � • i , , . i r • • • a r � .: i 2a.oa _ _ _f ��o°oo'oo"VU -{A�SUMED) -- - - - -� 2C}.00 BASIS �F BEARINGS �SEE NQTE 2) ! � � � :� ��- , R * l • � . �� � i i • *t � 2.28' � • � 0 FOUNQ 3-1 f 4" AL. CAP M(�NUMENT atv �" a�. ��pE N1%16 S9 1984 BLM � � T � � a Andrew James Abraham, Ar�hitect DENVER + EDWARpS 970.376.2575 2456 Race.Denver.00.80205 P�B,4326. Edwards.CQ.81632 www.aja-studio.com andrew@aja-studio.com Q copyright A7A Siudia PC 201� : s- i 'r�"' � � � , � a a �r„ L../ '- ` C7'1 y n � •� c l �ir� � �.. 7 �t � ; �" � � Q � � � � ��� �� �v��� ; � � � � � > �"--j � Q _.,. ""'� �%„�} --� (Q, /C7� � y � � � V � � _ ` �;, F"� �fC3 —' ,� .� j �'j� f� � � �" � i `✓�/`tiJ �� `+� �1� `` t�'° (� ; �� t2 M p � � � � � V = fU � � a � � ; r � � � � �,(.� � (�S-�� .�, �, � 3 1,./ ..t • � 3 �.� > ' (� t� � � J � � 5 � �. a� at �_ €�3'� �� 9: ' � } � � � ��������� ��� ����� � -a ; y-w���;�����.�������� ; " ���� � " � ��.� �w r „� �r �. ; � ;� � ,�_��..�,..w._.,�m,�.��' � ; '� ����a ,,�.�..�.P_�..��.���.,.:�..d. �� . : � � � ' Architect's Permit Set is valid for {1) ' year from Permit Set Release Date � or until Gaverning Codes require ; changes, whichever comes first. ' This set is anfy valid far 1498 B, � Spring Hil1 Lane, Vail, Colarado & ` Eagle County, Colarado. •: • r"� i i � �: _ r � 1112 AJA � � I .� . . New Elevatc� 47 SF New Elevatot 45 SF �-,. � c� Q� �,,o N � `� ¢o .� N � X t!5 � 0 � ❑.!� X� v C � --\� � —J I � —_=�=__� � -,,� . �� Upper�Qeck � �� above�, I ��,� �'ti I '� `,, .` I �'�, �'�4'x$' 1 �� cv I `\ �� �\ I � �'`�,, X E�� � � 4'x8'-32� yst Garage 13mited wark � � �r �t' _� � x d- �, � � �-------------_.____ �----------� � r � Bedroom 1 (no workj West Garage limited wark �� � � � . . . Bedroom 2 {no work} Closet Hall 1 (no work} Mech {see Contractor) UP Laundr� (no work} SCALE:24x36: 1"=8' j ���--- SCALE: 1.1x17: �."=16' 15 $ 4 {� � Bath 1 (no work} una work} � v- � t,� Q rn� ►� � b- o X�. X �� c � Unexposed Area __ZC x��'1�''1-7i"T cf ' UNIT A • Neighbor's Hause NO WdRK � � t"d M N � � X tt� �-•1 i< � 4— t13 t� d' � � � X O N X �t- i � . . i �•: . . . : , • • 4 i � ' • • • � . � + .. �. � * i • � , ♦ 1 � � • .� •. i '. • • ' -. • � �•� r • . • :• �- . • s .• - f : � • - r . * ,� _ ' •�• •• • . •' •• .� . . . .1� K�c�#i � Site Coverage: Allowable: ,2�% of Ic�t �ize = 35�8.fi SF Existing: 275fl SF Additian: 3fi �F TOTA�: 278�i SF � 1 � � � '�.• � i � � -• • 1 il� � •1� :' � • • � -. • i11 `11 � • � � � � • � � • * i � j � � � f � � � � r ♦ � • � M M � � � ` � • � � � • • • • , � � ` � � � � � • � � � i • � ! . • • • � � • • � • ' • . . i f � � � • � i � �s M M a + � � � • � • �• 1 1 •� ��• .s- s Lower Levei: 655 sf Main Level. �.3fi7 s� Upper Level: 1479 sf 16" Vaulted Ceiling: 275 sf TC3TAL EXISTING UNIT A: 3376 SF ! ��Fa: uNZ-r � I Lower Level Existing 1412 s� ' L�wer Level Addition: Elev�ator 45 sf Garage Existing -6C10 sf Subtotal. 1458xQ.Q7 -102 sf Abave Grade, 756 sf Lawer Level with Addition: 755 sf Main L.eve) Existing: 11.5(i sf Main Level Addition: Elevator 47 sf Upper Level Existing: 1213 sf Upper Leve! Ad�iti�n: Eleva�ar 47 sf Existing/converted 16' vault 265 sf Remaining i6' Vaulfied Ceiling: 21 sf EXI�TTNG GRFA UNIT B: 3509 SF NEW GRFA TOTALS: Unit A 33?6 SF Unit B 3509 SF T4TA�: 68�5 SF � . • , , . .• • . '- . � • . � . � � i i I �rJ � �r ,► ; , � , • , . + � . . • s i � � .. � ��.�.^----- --� � ( � I � � � � � I C � I � I � � I � f I I L_._�^� � I � � /,��, ./� . �� � � � � � � � � � Andrew 7ames Abraham, Architect ' I�ENVER + EDWARDS I 970.376.25?5 ' 2456 Race.Denver.Ca.80205 POB.4326. Edwards.00.82632 I, www.aja-studio.com andrew@aja-studia.com (�c copyright AJA Studio PC 2012 'I y_ ��r► yy i► � � � O C � �y � � `• � � � `� � N �,j � kL C T� ,j.,7 .� � � � � � � 't7 � %� ` "� � � � s � � o2f � � � � � . � (� Q � � i-� � "� ttT C7 t3 .� * - � � � �' � — o = ., '^ .�°' -- ti�.,* -a � j� — .�.a L � '' > � � ��� 's:. "` 4-- t� � � � � � � � � • .--� � t�p p � C3� � � � d' �0 �— W '� � • r`� �--� ,-� • 8 C%� • �o � � � � (� � ,O � � � v � ����� ��� �p�.�� �' �--f ,����� ���� ��� ���,�� � `F���,����.��;�����' Q�� ��� � ��,�.a��o-.� � �'� � ,� c.. � ���' �.� �_�� ro ��� � ^ �����n .,�.�.,,� � � i Ii�% � � 4.w.+! � � I� Permit Set�� ��� &� � . : Architect's Permifi Set is ualid for {1) year fram Permi� Set Release 17ate or until Governing Codes require changes, whichever comes first. This set is only valid for i498 B, Spring HiCI l.ane, Vail, Cobrado & Eagle County, Colara�ia. ' ��r � ���� r�A : : • � � " � • : s. . .. �;� -^�-.-'-� . ---�-� � i�___,� �` � �''"'--See Structural � _.. _.,_ .` ? � � drawJngs for Steps. �� � � ___-j j � �� _________ _ ; ��_____-.-_=�=��=_ ��► � I�� � i a �� � ��' � �� � � � � � � ( � S�e �tructura[ � �� 51 � C I I � I i?rav�rings for � � � (� �;'�� I i I � � Hat �'�ab �upport �� I IC Hat Tub Above � j� �ot� I� � ��� Confirm Strueture � I i � � �' �� i� 1� 1 I I � � i� � � � � II � � f i�-- _ -- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .J I i C�Rt�r D�+�1c I I I I� I 1 above { I � ._ ._._ � �. .� _._ _._ _ �. __._. _... � u � �.I I .��� � � � � B�t�t'Ot)i11 � I 1 �� (no wt�rk) I i Veri�y �exist�ng p�st r�vide rlgtd insula�ton on ail I I ic�atic�n. �ee Structural new eacterior fount�at�on walis. t� I i �rawings for Deck �uppc�rt �t��� I 1 during demolltia� and E�/ATQR: Loeate Ete�t�ator I n�w deck and steps. %,-3�„t� �pn�. edg� a�ccarding t� �levatar �Irawings s�arting �n ihTs corner. �lerlf�r ALL i"�� � 6�-7�" i�tside Cprt . d�rr�n�lor�sw�ih Elev�tor�irawtngs �---� prio� to locafii�g fa�ancCa��ar� walls, I ( 1 � ��>' �,–'7°' ��" � Notify Archite� �f d�scr�epan�cies. � I I � °�°� ... . : , � , � 1� - erify boa� Stxe C► � 1� � o"`'a��- A' � with �twner. Frepar� � I � c �' '� � ' ���,- f�r 36" Qaor. ...r � � I I ° -� ��� ' � �' 9 `3" � � f � �E � `�' `� ' _ ____ _ � _ _(� �u 1 ! o;�,� �' � :�- � :-a s• . . � . _ _.._._ ��OS�� � - �no work� . � f , ; � . � , . , ,� • - . �• . -. . • - ►`�: ."!i �;.v ��4.w�r ...c,�,v s•...•.,v.:. � - . . t;�� � �,��� _ � ..;��i��'�rr�� et � i .� °,1np� �nrith fln�shed interior , ` , wali c�f elev�tor.sh�i�. "� 5ee S�ruckuraf for iJ�� Concret� C�pening. � �-ovide 1-HR rated insulatert wali bet eer� Garag� �nd �levat�r. Verafy cu�ting t rougl �oncr�te wa([ with S�rucfiural Engine r, - � � .. � . �.. t �rovid� Automatic �Ciose on �ta�ed Daor betrrvveen Garage and El�v�tc�r. ceilings fior Gara�es & Mech. TYP West Garage Concrete 1'c"lWICI�S fOt' this a . :itcl�C1IG�1 � f�er�ovation vu�t f7wner. �' � rated-�IIF X \.�.:.�' �,,' ^ ..� �x st ng�,.. �r� ._.._ .� _. .� ,_ ._ � B�t�t �. (r�a �vork} � � ����� � m � . . , � `. i�ii . . �� � . � �� � �• : »' f : : � UP � .„ : � � � cz 1 � � � � `s�i�ar0ara4�i�a'���— — �!� � � `�:. r � .. . , : ,. M ( • .. � ... , . . � !s s • � . .. .- . - - ,:+• " �s�_ ( I � ex s r�g rne er��►.l� � r�' � I 1 �' `� t �fi �-" I --��-- i I � ��'l � E��J�L �C�kJAL I � i�___.�i �' � !- _ _ � I � �___.� E .�.��_.��o.�� �—����__ � �' � li ! II I! I I( fl I 11 1 I I Regraae �o slope I( I I H�� Tub �#bo�t� { and house. TY'P� I I !i ! II �a � �� rl I II !( 1 II 1 1—______�_.._._._1 I 1 �f II � If ({ I i UPP�r Deck I I Abowe �i If 11 }� II tl I � _ ._._ _ _._._. _ ..._.. _ .�.. _ .._,_ _ � _ ____ _ _.._. _ _. _ ,_._ _ �~ li � I llerify area of Deck Demo#itian I ( f �rith �c�ntr�ctc,r. See Structural i I Draw�ngs f�r Deck� support I 1 durirrg d�motltton. Provtr�e � j Safety measures on site. TYP fI n I I 1�-I 1 hour :ed wati`: I! il t!—J-- —.--.�-- — �^Y �� =� _`�._..."'.� --�-�-..� ______ _ ____� 1 � I I _^___..__._._____.._._____ ___,..____...----- � ___.____-�--.�- I �---------------------� _�._�______-_ � .�= -._.___ �- =�= _�--�-.�. Prov�de 1 f�our fre-rati of �P >� ��� 5�t�1C�qi"E t)f �iI�TT"�/ S�lCS. TY`P "/ iC �cralfs �a be prepared fc�r ren�vation. F���ar P��n: �a�ac�e l.evel �������� Q ►� � , , � -.�. ..�. �„ �, � � ��U{�r ��c�f�. �c��`�+��' ��'V�� ���s���� �!CALE: ��x�6: 1"=�' ' �rea c�f Structural 1Nork ,�,� � �„� �%' / " ' °�` �CA�,E; 2�x3�i. 1"=4' n_ F Drawtngs f�r S+CAL.E. �.1X�.?: 1 —8 $ �4 � Q t�Is area. Z "��+�r ��"' ��r�/"" Il{ �.r "��/ `� ��_ � d %� � s� ^;� '� ��!"4i..1..• �.i.�i.�✓ � � '�"$. � '"i'� � V ,...+*� �.. .���`�� ��� � � �� �C ��"�� 11�I� l il c'� C� �,I C�'�t1 il t�� i���� : �5. Ali new receptacles, phona, d�ta and Itghting swlkches shali hav� . �� . coarc!'rnated switch piates to r�atcF� existing. UC#N. ��}T��J . Verify extent c�f elect�-ica1 �+vork p r to �' [..j �'itl i�t-t �XtU i� �..� �CIC� : 1. All� low-voltage transfarmers, i� incl�ded In work, sha{! i�e remote and loeat�ed start� �f v�rork. —�-� � �� r -�- CEYLI�VG MNTb PLUSH fiIX`3'�lRE no �urhter �h�n 2t}'_t�" from power feed. Alf tow-voitage firansfarmers shali be S�ee Own�r to confirm ai! NEW Switches and Fi�ctures. [�V A/ACUUMf ��CEiLL�fG MNTD P�NdANT GEiLING-MTD FAN j LtGHT C�-tran and sized by �electrical contra�tor. It is �he responsEbil��y of the Ekectricaf 7. Ali exist�r�g �r�ctur�s that are t�em�ved shall b� cl�aned and r�turned to S�rrr�e �cisting F�xiures will be r�ma�red or relocated. � iNALL SCCINCE s� ��� SMOKE ACAi�M J S�itNC?ER Contractar ka locate �n�l i�stat! a!I' low-volt�ge t�ansf�ormers per N�C an� tocal C?wner. A(i existing �xtu�re� that remain ir� area of work after construction shaf! Save al1 rst�noved i�ghtin� ,�ixtures, fans, app(iances, � jz�rlsd�ct#ar�al requare�ent�s, Verify transforrner �acati�n� with Ard�tbect prior �o �e c[eaned and relampe� prior ba �ob completion, Verify warmth of bulb REC�S��{� DC�WNLTGHT tYpes and switches for Owner (tyP�, -(�-► � � �AfALI. SINITCH I�sfiallatior�. vvith �7w�er, Qufilets, "�'VV� Cdbt�r A18C1Ttr CATB wiring ta be located �n RECES�ED Lt�W-V�t?LTAGE DNLT �� WAtl S�fVITCH DIMMER site with Owner. -�- �ECE���i3 V�ALL LIGHT �o �{t�;LL SINITGH DIMMER 2. The �lectri�ca� Gon�ractor shall c+aordinat� #�e installation �P �x�ure type �L 8� Existing b�thrc�ara� fans should be �sed if applicable� Electrical corttractor � UNDERCAB. PUGK LIGHT {PL} M 3-WAY SWi1'C�J-MASTER {�uck Lighfi}, if Inclucfed in wark, wi�h th�e interior archi��cturat and iightiny 5t1�11 uttittstdlfr CIe►i� and t"eiiist�tll ex[5ti�tg f�t1s i� Ct�tlstt'uCtit�tl ��`e2�. If fans are � . . � ]�, . 'v�U}" INCAB�NET PUCK LIGF�T �Pl.} � � 3-WAY SWITCh#-F�E�IC7TE elevati�ns if pravided. �1 false bottom to be designed for the instail�tion of th� ��t usabfe, Contr�actor to rrtake �ar� recc�mme�dation to Archftect t�r Ow�er. ��l't� ��� r�..� {`� �t� �i y■.'Q�`�� �, Q WELL ESGHT � «: DOt�R 3AM SWITCFf undercabinet PL fi�c�res. See Plans for �enera! locatic�ns for n�w Fi�ctures, See �� GROUND FAUL'�" I�lTERRt1PTER � RECESS�ED VANITY Ct)�/E FIX. Elevafii ons for F'� � ure Ir� catlons. �.0, Etectrlca� Cor�tractnr to verif� llghting �lutures ar►d tocatians �rith owner an Some fixi ures may c� CEILi3�G MTD f'X�' Fl.U4R. �X. �fttAl.i. QUTLEi' be behind structural posts. Ali ��ures to obscure � 3. AIi dir�rtmers and face plate finishes t�► be appreued by Architect or Int�t�c�r ;sibe. Aii fixkures to be Ilocat+ed per drawi�gs. When not designafied ern drav�ings � WALL-MTC�. C1.45�T Fl.C1UEt.FIX. S1�til'Ch�ED WAiL OUTLET �� tlght !�u}bs = C�ark Sky. No ext+eriar upiights are � F�C�C?R dUTi.ET esigner p�r(or tv purch�se. �Eiectr�cal Contractor ta stze al! dirnm�rs for thetr a!t fi�ures to be r�entered and syn�m�iricai. Notifiy �rchitec:� of any � UNDERCAB. INCAND. FIX. � correct toa�i tYP�r tpt8! W�tfi�g� 2t11t1 dUi'e3�(ttit �5 t�+qtAil�d. �iiscrepancles. propr��ed in this projec�. See G1�uner fc�r cutsheets for � LINEAR INCANR. Ci.tCKSTR'IR � (ight fi�cfiures. SWITCHEt3 ��.t�4R C?UT�E1` aQ �u��o�souruQrsc��a�c�RS � �r�u.. -r���HO�v� c�u-r��r 4. `1'he El�ctricat Con�rac�or �hati locate outiets and provide r�equired pawer tc� �.1. A!1 sconces ta be moun�e� at �i'_C�" UC?N. All s�+rifiches to be mounte� 4�" --� TYPE {?F EXTERI!QR �XTUR�:s: CM CAR�Ot� MO�1{,�XIL7E D�TECTfJR �LC?t3R T�LEPHCINE C?l1TLEt ail appliance �eceptacles. .at�ov�e finish�d flcaor tlC1N. Atl mounting heights must tae atiawed by cade. �Votify DB dOt�RSELL. /�'HIM� � Ar'chite� of any discrepancfes. A-(� �XT. A: SC4SVGE � QUADRliPl�EK C7UT1.Et` � �XHAUST FAN � �XT. Bc RE�ES�ED !CAN � � 1NA`iERRROQF pUPt.EEX t?LI'Tt,.Ei` 5. A11:3-way switch�s to be d�mmers as shown with c�esignation M# & (� X Hi �E�lT tAMP e+arrespc�ndir�g �,#� indicating mu�ti�locatlon dfmmers. The M indlcates a�reset i2. E►ectrica� Cor��racC�r shall r�view all Itghtin� ptans and lnteri+ar C-� �XT. C: FLUSH MC?UNT � �� CAT6 �AB�.E i(�tTER�lEi" (}tlTLET H }�k1MiQIS�'AT smart dtmmer an+� the R indicates a smart r�ote dfimm�r. Not for use witt��tt �pecifcations prior ta commenc:�ment c�f work. Veri�'jr �rli t'r�hting and switch � � �XT. a: STEP E.IGHT � 3-way rt�echanlcaf dimmers. �oeatians with �xisting locations and make recom�menda�ions Far redundartt or E-�- �XT. Es i,AiVDSCAPE Q I�VTERCt3M F �XT. B. REi�RANT [�K K�'PAD �cQnd{ticans In •cantiic� v�+ith oCherr �ei�m�enks. � T� TF{ERM4S7"AT East Gara�e rena�at�on � �r�room z (no work) �-- � �r , �. : �i . f �• � 8edraom �, ��o work) �� � �: ���SP� _ � -(no vvorkj � _ N�il 1 �no work) MG'C�1 �see Contractor) � � � 1Nest G�r�age renavation L,�' �--t � � . � � � �ic��►r Plar� 8c Ex��rior > j ��eva�ic�r� N�o��s: � � Resid�nce to Con�orm tp �2t109 If�.0 bu[iding c:od�. �c i Provide 1-hour ra`ted wa#Is and ceit3ngs o� �Garage, � � � + Mechanical Room, and habi�able spaces under �, � St.alrweli(S). USe � E�yers �" TyPe X�Gypsurn Baard. � � � [?oor� Separating tt�ese roc�ms from residence ta b� '��' ; rat�� by code. Ali grade at ��erior walls to slo�e u� � away fror� hiouse. A!! new interior wood-fr�amed walls � � to be 2�c4 ct�sfiructic,n Ut7N. Ail �ew e�cterior � � v+�ac�d-framed wa11s to t�e 2x6 �cc�nstructi�on Ut}N� � j � � {�SF� STRi1C:i'l1�EtAl. dr��rings for alt �raming det�i�s. �Strr.�c:turat detai}s to rule for framing sizes and �' � connectians. If con#iict between Anchiteckura� and = � 3 � € Structural detaiis ar�e ident��ied, �Contact A�-chitect far "' clarifica�lon. � i � Bath�. � s�� t����rv�c�L ��c�r�c�c.��va ��.ur���n�� � �no work) t drawings for �11 rela�ed lnforrr�a#�ar�. 1lerify dt�ct, � ; ou�let, �xture loc�tit�ns with {�wner. Verify equipm�nt � ! with appropriate donr access. Contac� Architect far � {� � site coorrJinatton as ne�essary. � � � � �Ali �aunters �a be �6" =aboY� flnlshed floor (I#FF} "' � a I untess �Cherwise notecl (IJGI#+1). Ki�chen r.abinet � °� f I r G�nsultant tc� provide cabin�et tirawings. AI1 kitchen � .{. j I-. �C7.�R.�. �t'�����4.� W s��. �J�f��i.IC�� G�� tilV�a �IE t�t�{.���i ?Vi a �� � upper cabinets to be stand�rd 12" �cabinei� U(}N. All � bathct�om base c�bin�ts to �e 2i" ��4" max U�N. � � a I � �x �iit reslder�tia! �uardrails:,�t 3?" AFF. Ali st�lr raiing� �••. � at �4-��" abov� tread nosings. �ee st,air drawir�gs � � .___ � fo�r a!1 new �irs af included. �i � �� � �` �� � � � � L.�t2ditlg I f � WINDO�NS & Df�C�RS: Exls�ing v�indaws and doors to � . Ci1 �� !'''"� �.itnited W�rk � rer�ain �l�N. Cle�n and repair if necessar}� tc� ach�eve � � '�!'�"+ � ! �' ga�d work(ng condition. Ncitify Qwner if any doors, �""� �" tl. � ._ ^ ._ � wC�dows, �n+dJor l�ardwar� need �c� b� r�placeda �h(i � � �`�, ` � � ` f I18W W�I�t�OWS�t�+UbCS �O i'i1�1C�t �XIS�1t1K,� It'# kj/�.l�r � ��'�"� �,�I� � � (� „� �WH�t' � construction, material, & color UQ�i. Se� t�wner for ��.,,,,,,,.,. � tU "` �� (�° �kj � ee Site Plan re-u�e of exis�ing hardware, Sa� belaw l.e�gends � �� ��"` �– s.+ .�" i'. `–. .` ' r�garding BuiCdtn� € � �) J � � � � ._. r ._._ Uutline ��A 1� Nevu windcrwsfd�ors. See �elevarkion� and � #��,� '"�"' � � � � ��� , f�oor plans. � � ,� UP �' j R �R Exfsting windc�wsJdoors tc� be Reloc�ted. �` �'�'� �... ..•. �, .,,.. ,�„�, � a ,� � X � r� � � L.l �.^1 � i i � � � '�' � ��n�� renovatton meter �■ � � I ��� �;�� fl�€Ii � �� A �t � i�� x st ng vvind�urs/doors ter remain. � ��1 ���✓ 'i. `` � Ca a � c�, I I � 1 S� S�' Ex[sting wlndows/doars ts� b� s�ved. 3 �.� � ��..� �,/� "== � , � � ~ � * � � � � I ��°� ; -r������r� w�r���a�r: vz� �r .� � � — �,�, I � �����s wT�at�w. � � � F-�- . � '�,,�� i � ��ta�c� a � � ' ,.�.,, � w � ! �� � � �,a�n�. � �' •� #� ,� j � � � �ARBC�N MO�V4XTC5E AiARl�: � �CN� � C++� .,l ' � � a�na �� .� �-'' � � , � � � r no�ration � �' � ; �t'� � � �...� C� �" �1 � . �, �"'''';�� � —.�I � $;, �✓ � � E � � Rlgld Tnsulation: � C � '�` � ° ��rior W�11 insul�tiot�: ��, � ''�"` �":; � �, �� ���� � ,� �� � ° � ...� � .` .s � ' � � � Sour�d I�tsulatt�n: � ,,�.,,� �"` � �" � � � c�' � ��;������ �� ��. ��� ' � � �t?t1Cif'�+� FCitCt7 WQt'�C. ,.�.�'.:.�:� :� �� �y� � ��� � s� � �", ��` � � �r��� v�����. � � �,�� � �� �� ! � ����:. �.��� __. f a i � � � � ��� � ���� I 1 f � �� � � � � ���� I I f� �� � i � ���� 4.� r �, � � � �� � � � } � i � � � , � ,.r � � � ��� � ' ' � � � �:.�r � � �:.� � �� r z f�I{��. FINI���S. � � �- �,,, � j Se� Owner A{I �nteric�r Fixed Fln�sh�s� � � � � � � � �� ��. "�"`� "� z j E�CTE�.IC�R F��I�N��. � �� .�; , ��e Archltect for all E�erior Ftn[sl�es� �, � r � �� �� �� C'3 t+�! � � � � � ____ � • , � ♦ r , f�� . . � �� � �: � � ���il{)Vc��l�"?�"1 % ll��►►tiiC�l�if�l'l �Q��S: ____�__ {" � ;�,�k: f�ew �lev��ar, N�w �eck, New Stairs w see � �stru�ct�ural drawings an� ��rr��or dr�awings, ��. �: Reinforce� stru�iure for s�air a�ld�tirsn abov� - See structural drawinc�s fc>r this area. Notify 1�rchitec� ; nf any necessary changes ta 4�es�gn. ��.�: Reinforced structure for Ic�i� addi�lon above - See structur�! dra�rfngs for thls area. Notlfiy Archikect `` of �ny ne��ssaty chanc��s ta Des�gr�. F�. D: Et�lnforc�d s#�ucture far Hat Tub ar�d ct�nGr�te ; pad for ste�s. Se� struciural drawings for thls �rea. !�. �: OA'�it7N: If Approued by (�wner, Converk ,'�auna intc� t..au�dry �toom. Re�ain existir�g plumbing ; vuai� k�etw�en W�st Gar�ge and Sauna, prc>vide new door, v�rify inter�or f�nishes wi�h t�wn�t. ,��; ' ���. ��� ` . m I � � � Hot Tub Ar�a i See structurat �irawinr�s � �����. �?�Ck � Eacisilr�g C Drip-thru Decking � VERIFY COI�#?�"fItJN _. _.. _ .� _ _ ._._ _. _ .._..i M e a .� with sourad bat� insutatto if allowed by manufa�tare � � � � � 7'-3�"to on edge j � � ' —. • • �` * i� !, �', �Ii1 � 1������� ' ��,•ree�����erfr����s�'�`t�ti�r'i��w:>r � I .Ji.11Nl�Nt�1«�l�ii�.�4i1�0�♦ 11 � r • �� ��.►� F• �d9'� * r S''P1}: - 2 ! :, ::U� Pu'��iA'!! � •, '. ����� ' � �� • ;: � i � • i��, __ � :•' � � �,iT' �i � ,r . .. � �� • ' w • q�;: " . - � - � : :. .sl . : • • , ;r: .� „'+ ' ' w • .� t��; •4 ��� i ♦ � : . .• : t !� I :; ..�•�ca .,•.c . . o..s�.. �•. . ....:� ��� f .YIT����i�i�����1����f1�t�����Q��i�1��'��i��'Q1����*1�������������1 ���� R i • � � � ' ` ;� '�� t -� r� � �. •�, � � -� � .`� � + • �iP�'.�.� �, � — -- - • . .�- :- s - . .. . - , •'+ ♦ i i : . �' i . , .- ! i f ' i . ' . i • . f • t \ � Dinir�g Rc�orn l.imlited Work '--�` See Elevator Drawings. iYP rovtde Elevator Keypad/Hall station. �%�i"��j( tCiC��lOfl Otl SIt� tntith t?wner. TYP �„��xisting itg .," Verify Door swin� Wi4h Qwrie.i� t�iilel � Ei@Vt"��CiC Ct}Ci7Eic'�[l�. i"YP T.C►.FIN.FLR. ° EL;104'-6" Relocate existing sirrgle Ilght �€xture from n�arE�y locatic�n. Provide Mot'ran Detector on fixture for sfiair�, � i�ltC�'1+�1'1 (no work� ��i.i � Pantry � I (no wk} �:. � � � , i � � * • '�� � r. �� ��� �� ��� C� {� � ll � � I '� � a��� . ' -. � _ � 2B I � � - � � - �� z.r') c { I � � Hc�t Tub � Existing I � � _________.� ��Cii {�`atlBC'CiT"s"�1� - �42" itlttl. { � � � pravide storag� wtth gate � 4� 1! beiaw landin� under stairs. ' j `---' I I �.�awer (�eck Lfving RraQr�n � �ntry betow I I (nc� work) (na w�rk) � � f ,r 7"tS:F�ttt:�ti;, -...... � erify 1 hcaur ! EL:1{30:-0 fire-rated wal{. � ____.. _,____ .e._.,. � � �.._._ _.__.. ___.__._ .._....._. .._._. ._._.. _.�.. ___._ ______ .__... _.._._ ,__. � ,�. ,�.„.�::,�,,..�.,. � � .�._ ..�. _._._ � ._._. ._.,._... _,_..._ ..____._ ____._ � ____._ ._.._ _____. �.... ._�.._ ______ �.�... "'"'.. �% r �» Y t � XI . R. � �� XI . �' S � i S�S�cu.�t�ai � i� in Ri e �� � drawings for xis in Tr act this area. 2C 1 F�a�r P�an. En�ry ���el �������� �. � A�� �� ��������� �k ..�. � sca�,�: 2�x��: �.��=�� � "`� � �c,�i.�: �.xx�.�. �.����� � � z o ������� � ��u o �— a flre-rating of `�' t-'� � all structure �, '�s--" p af Entry stairs. ir� � � �i"�� I1i"i 1 C1c'� �% �...If� ��I1"��C�� f3t�.'� : f. AH new receptacles, phone, data and lighting swiiches shali hav� �(,}T� "�',,y` ; Verify extent of electrical work prior ta 1, Ai! Iow-vqttage transformers, if in�lud�d in work, sha(1 be remote artd i�ocat�d coordinated sw�tch plates ta match existing. UQN. start af wark. no furhtar than 20'_�" Pram power feed. Ai! iaw-voltage tr�nsformers �hail be See C�wner to con�irm atf N�W Sw�tches ar►d Fi7etures. Q-tran �nd sized Dy efectraca[ contra�tar. It is the responsibility of the Electrical 7. �Atl existing fi�ures tttat are r�moved shall k�� �leaned and refiurned to 5ome Exisfiing Fi�ures w11i be removed or reloca�ed. Gc�ntractc�r to locate and Instait a11 low-volta�e transformers per NEC and loca! C3wner. AI! existing �xtares that remain in area of work a�ter construction shall Save al! rernoved lightir�g fi�ures� fans, appliances� jurisdictlonal requfrements. Werify transformer latattons with Architect prior tt� be cleaned and relamped priar to job �omptetian. Verify warmth of bulb types and switct�es for Owner {tYPi� Installatian, with C�wner. t?ut�ets, `N, Cab1e,1�1arrr�, CA"C6 wiring to be loc�ted on site with C?wner. 2. Th� Eiectrica! Contractar shall coordirtate the instailatian of fixture typ� PL 8. Exi$ting bathroom fans shauld be used if applic�bte. �tectrica! contractar c (Puck Light}, �€ included in work, wtth the inter[or architecturat and light�ng shall uninstaEl� clena and reinstail exisfiing fans in cc�nstructian are�. Tf fans are �xterior Li� h�i n 1 V���� : elev�tions if provided. A false bottom to be designed for the instaliatian of th� not usable, �ontractar ta make f�n recommendation �o ArchCtect c�r t?wner. • � underc�birtet PL. fi�ctur�s. See Plans for general tocations for new Fixtures= See i0. Electrical CQntr�cte�r ta verify light(ng fixtures and tocatic�ns with awner on �levat[ons for Fi�tture iocations, Sprne fi�ctures may 3. Atl d�mm�rs and f�ee plate finishes ta be appraved by Architect or interior site. AtI ��ctures to be tocated per drawtngs, When nat designated c�rt dravuings be behittd structurat posts, Aii F�xtures to obscure Designer �rlor i� purchase. Et�ctricai Coniractar ia size ai1 dlmmet� fc►r iheir all fi�ures to be c�ntered and symmetrical. Notifjr Architect c�f any light bulbs =[3�rk Sky. Na exterior up6i�hts are correc� ioac� type, tot�l watta�e and durat�on �s required. discrepancies. pro�osed in this project, See Owner for cutsheets for [Ight fi�ctures. 4. The El�ctrica) Cantractor sh�1l focate autlets and provide requir�d powet� Ca �.2. ail sconces ta be maunted at 6,_fl„ tiC}N. AI# switches to t�e mounted 48" T'1'PE C}F EXTERIG►R FIXTURES: all appiiance receptacies. abave finished fl�or UQN. All mauntin+� heights must be allowed by cc�de. f�otify �� EXT. A: SCONCE Architect of any discrepancies. g (� �XT. B: RECESSED CAN 5, All 3-way switche� to be dimrrters as �hown with designaiion M# 8c �.�. EXT. C: �LUSH MCtUNT corresponding R#, irtdE�ating multi-laeattcrn d(mmers, "i'he M�ndicates a preset I2. E(�cfiricat Cantractor �halt review alt Ifghting pians and inter3t�r p � EXT. D. STEP LIGHT smart dimmer and ihe R ind(�cates a smart remote dimrner. Nat for use with speciflcations prior to commencement of work. uerify= ail lighting and switch �.�. EXT. E� LAI�tGSC:APE 3-way m�echanical dimmers, iocations with exls�ing locat�ons and make recommendations f�r redundant or � ��XT. 8. FENDANT cor�ditt�ns #n con�iic� with other etem�nts. � �•a i:�� ._ . ; m 1.ower Deck Renovation i `�:.:� �--.. � I UP I� { . i Dining RoQr�1 prep for elevator '�%%%�%%%%////i • s :- • -•. -s � - s . � �� ' . . . . , • • � A � : Living Roam (no wark) Existf ng ��� � � � �igh�inc� Fl��ure Le�end: � CEILiNC MNT� FLUSH FIXTURE D'ilACUUM ��- CEiLiNG MNTD P�NDANT CEILiNG-MTD FAN j LIGt�T V1/ALL 5CC3NCE s� SME)KE AIARM j SQi1f�iJER � (� RECESSED DOW�ILIGHT � � WALL. 6WITCH RECESS�[7 LC)W-VOLTAGE Dt�L.T � WAl.l. SWITCH D�MMER -�- RECESSED WALI. l.IGHT �o WA1..i.. SWITCH DIMMER � UtVDERCAB. FUCK LIGHT (Pi.) M 3-WAY SWITGN-MA5TER �'p} �NCABINET PUCK l�IGHT (PLj � �� 3-WAY SWITCH-REM{}TE � WELL LIGHT �o� L?OOR .7AM SWITCN � RECESSEL7 VANITY C�VE FTX. � GRt3UND FAi�LT ItVTERRU�TER r� ��iLING MTD i`X�` FLUOR. FIX. � W�4t_t. C}UTLEf' � WALL-MTa. CL4SET FLC3UR.FIX. � SWiiCNED WAL�. {3tJT1.ET � tiNC�ERCAB. INC;AIVi}. FIK. FLC3t�R aUl'LET �' LINEAR INCAND. CLiCKSTRIP �� SW�TCHEa FLQC3R Ql1TLET A[� AUC?IC}JSUUND%5FEAKERS � WAl.t_ TE�.EPHQN� CiUTLEf CM CARBCiN MONQXIRE E7EiECTQR � FLOC}R iELEPHQN� 011Tl.�1' D8 DOORBEL� / CH�ME � QtJAE}RUPLEX C?iJTL.Ef' L [F] EXHAUS3 FAN � WATERPEt{7C1F �UPLEX C?U7LET HT HEAT LAh1P �� CAT6 CABlE INTERNET C}Uif,E"F H� HUMIDISTAT ❑I INTER�£}M � ����a T[� THERMC3STAT , �'�} Pant. '�:..;JI I {no wk} �It"liClt,� �.QOI"i'1 (rto work} �""� � , � � `'1-� � .. f • ' ,—� � . � 4 �, � r � . � a . . � ���i_ __ - _ �) �� �� �--- - I� I is iewwww� . . . � � • �I. i r �rt t' • •� i.r�' �: ��� � _J � � � 11 �� �� � I 1 � �. � � ._� �_.__ . �, �, , , ��� �. . .. ��� ::.,,:;, �� � � /� �, + 1 � Fioc�r Pi��n �C �x�eri�r iWr�'�4M�AM11�� A/ � � \I�'�I� f Residence to conform ta 20Q9 TCZC butlding cocie. Provlde i-ht�ur rated walls �nd ceilin�s of Garage, Mechanical Roam, and habitabls sp�ces under �tairwell(s�. Use � Cayers �„ -i-Y�� X Gypsum Board. aoors Separating these rnalms �rom r�sldence to be ��r�a �y �oae. a�� ���a� �� ����;�� wa��� t� S�op� away fmrn house. Af! ne�v interior woc�d-framed walis fio be 2x4 canstru�tlan U4N. Al! new exterior wood-framed wal(s to be 2x6 canstructian UGN. 5EE STRUC1i1RAl� drawinys far a(( framing details. �tructural detalts ta rule for framing stzes �►nd conneckt�ns. Ifi confllt;t betw�ert Architeckurai and Structural det�als are identi�ed, Cantact ArchtfiecC for clarification, SEE MECHAlVICA� ELEGTF�.iCA� AN�7 Pl.UMBING �fraw➢ngs for alE r�lated 1nf+�rmation, Ver{fy du�t, outls�, fixture lac�tlans with l7wner. Verify �quiprr��nt with appropriate dc�or �ccess. Ccantact Architect far site cc�ardination as necessary, All caunters to be 36" abave flnis#�ed floor (AF� unless t�therwise noted (IJCtN�. K�tchen cabinet consult�nt to provtde cabinet drawings. Ail kitch�n base cabin�t� tc� #ae skandard ��"' Ut�1V, A!i kitchen upper cab�ir�ets to be standard �2" cab}neCs 1JC?N. Ait �d'�hf('Jq!'YI �#�S£' Cii�iil8k� kQ �� '�tl ° f�4" iTi�X l.i{.��i. A!I resideritial guardraiis at 37'" AFF. Alf stalr ralings at 34-�8" above tread r�asings. See stair drawings for ail new :�ttairs if included. a WiNGf�WS 8c Dt�QRS� �x[sting windows and doors to rernain UOt�l. �l�an and rep�lr if necessary to �chieve gaQd wi±rk�ng cc�i�dit�Qn. Ni�t�fy �v�rrier if �ny doors, windows, andlor hardware r�eed ta be r�pla�ed, All new windc�ws/doors tc� match ex�sting in tYp�, construction, material, & color UON. See t7wner f�r re-�use of �xlsttng hardware. See beiaw Leg�nd: \,�`/ �1 New windowsjdoors. See elevaiiorrs and �otti" j�i�11S. V��xlsting wtr�daws/doors ta be Reio�at�d. �^1 �.^J Existing windawsJdoars to remalr�. .�.� � �X��t�►,� �w��,ao�s��c��r� to t�� �a�e�. TEMPEREt7 WINC��W: VI� �T EGRESS WxlVD{7W: � 111f SM�KE ALARM: � CARBON M!�Nt�XIDE AtARM: CM Wa�l �.e�Cld : Rigid InsulaCion: Exterir�r wat� ins�lati�n. $iA1.ICii� �CiSIl����Oil: � Goncrefe Formw�rk: :� Brict� Veneer; INT�RIt�R FI�I�HE�: ! ��� ;�,���� ��,� z�,����� ����� ���,���,�$. E3�TERIC�R �'�NI�HE�: ' 5ee Arcf�i�ect for all Exter3or Finishes. R.erii�'i%C"a�tciii �ldC�l�ICiC1 Ni���S: '�!"'�. N@aN EI@VatOt', NeW DeCk, NeW Sta�CS - See ' structural drawtngs and elevator drawtngs. i�� � Reinfc�r�ed structure for stair addltion abvv� - �ee struc:tural dr�w(€�gs for thls are�. iVotify Architect t of any necessary char�ges �o D�sigr►, ��: R�Ir�Porced stru�ure far tQft addltion above - Se� structurat dravuings ft�r khis ar�a. N+�ti�}r ArchiCect of any ne�essary c�tang�s to D+esign. � � � � � Andr�w James Abraham, Architee� RENVER + �C�WAF�DS 97t}.376.2575 �456 Race.Clenuer.CC1.80205 PU B. �326. Eaw�arr�is. Cf3.8 � s3 z wwuv.aj�a-stud ia.cam andrew(g�aja-studio.�am �'c} capyright A7A Studio PC 2012 : �' ` ,rr` ' � � r � t �� �t �"' ; , ,� � � � � M�M � ..,�«, .. �« > �� � ..�. ; �`+�`"' , � �'" CQ t�1'} �, Q i �� � 'M '�"� �i ~ � t�Ei � � � F � tU C'� � � ` *�*� � � �,� ._.. � x . � (� � ' "�" i' .. � �'� � --- .� '� .... ,�, � � �� � � i �"�� Rx.» "'" 4-" {.i � �� �y ,� C� {,,,� ; �� �3 .� C Q,} ; �► �.—i �� ,� � S � F � � �� � � � � • i��r*� w!'""" � � � �/ .1 * •� F � � � > ' �Q � � � � :� � � r � " � � ���+k�� �}�� �$�.� d � �������������� ����`� ���� j y�.���3��� .�� ��� � �� � * �Y��� � ���� �� f ���� ���,.���� � ���������� ��.� � � � � M ��, . � . . � Anchitect"s P�rmit 5et is valid for year frorr� P�rmit 5et Releas� Q; � or unti{ Gav�rntnr► Cc�des reaui� f r�a��a.�aa�+vtiK� crv�iw,i.a rt�wa�. is only vafid far 2498 B, ll l..ane, Vai#. Calarado & �� . • � : � . .. • 1112 AJA �; � { � � � I I �Pp�r D�ck � beiow _ .._. _ ..._ ...._ _ _ ._ .�. _._i with ba�k insuia�ian i �iMowed by rr»nufacturer. P 7}°-��»�t7 C 11C. �{�C�� �}—��}� IClSICi� COI1C. sr �� i..��a��. �,���, q.a=i /'�cu �� r� � z-� �; ��� �� � � c o a> ��aa U � � � i 1 ° «� �- � � � p ��r- � � 1 N w� S � � ��: ���C1K�7�\ � � Ailgn fr�lllC(_.1t1tt� outside edge of garage concrete wail b�low. � � elevator v+�all. � � � e- ♦ � �' �� .� :-� •4 � . -a • � r + � 4 • i i M ' • �M II ,i + • s � I � � -. . • � C� � . . • , ,- �,nn,�,�.c, . , . . . - .�..�:� •••••��� s • • i • s .�.. �u . : w � `iii+' � - � . = i � - .- „ . - i � � � , .w • �► , - � islr � n ......... .........................,..� .. I s`eneniriiiiisiii�������i�ir��un����*rn��fa���ru�r��«' w i�►�a i . ; :: l � ;%` . - � .:� . - ` ;�t� t . � '� :: . /.. � r� � � ,, ., i .� n ..- . '� .- .. - � #�� � - • /' ; .�...,� � .- ..� ;II i.. l a �' :-• s� '• js ►:/i�� _a��� � ! M X :. � . . ���, ��� - � � -�■..... . � i � �. �.► � �t � �. -_ �„�m ' � ! M . i � � � I i , , � r �� � � . �. . �� �I���� �\/� �► �. • _ ��� � �� . �� ��� .. � �� �� � • � � . t '. � � - �li ( � . • r -. . � �.. ����.�� � �. � �� O �1 ' r •- • - � . C�fF'ICe Renovation �,+�1, h I �� � � �lerify hour �re-ra ed wa#t � I I i 1 1 t 1 _____---_� verify rn�� r. � l I Egress rt�ted �II � � 1 Windaw �� � � � ���{�i� ���� � ���t,�r ���f�� Pro�os�d �. ,� Are� af Work �� .,� � � � SCAI.E: 24x3fi: 1"=4` ° � "��' o --�,�* " �CA�E: �.1x17. 1"=8' 8 4 2 Q �'-' �� i'� is`) n Prel i m i n a ry Li q h�i n c� N��es : 6� A(I new recept�c{es, phone, data and lighting switches shali have ���E�J : Veriiy extent ofi etectrieal work prior tcr �.> A�11r�w-uolta�e transfarmers, if Inciuded �n v�rark, shall b� remoCe and lacated coarc#inated swf�ch pfates ta match existtng. tJC3N. start of work. no furh�er than 20'_C�" from power feed. All low-voltage transformers shall be See C}wner to canfirm atl NEW Switches �nd Pi�ctures. Q-tran and sized by electrical contractar. It is �he respansibi3ity of the El�ctrical 7. A11 existing fi�ures that ar� re�av�d sha1C be cleaned and returned t� Some Ex�siing Fixtures wilf be removed or relocated. �antract�r ia iocate and install all low-vrrltage transformers per NEC and iocal Ctwner. All ex#stEng fixtures that remaln in area oF work after cor�structton shal! Save a!1 remt�ve�i tighting ��ures, €ans, appliances, jurisdict�onal requirennents. Verify transformer iocations wfith ArchCtect pr�or to �e cleaned an,d relamped priar to job c�m�tetion. Verify warmfih t�f bulb types and switches for �v,rner �tYp�. Instai{�tion. with O�wner. Outle�s, N, Cable, A#arm, CAT6 wir�ng to be located nn sit� with t7wner. 2. The �lectrical Contractcar shall coard'rnate the instaitatior� af fixture type PL g. �xlsting bathraom fans shauld be rased if applicabte. Electrlca! contrac%r . . . �1 (Puck L.ig�at), tf inclu�led in wr�rk, with ihe int�rior arc�itecfiural and lighttng sh�l! uninstall, c(ena and reinstai[ existing fans in canstruetion a�ea. if fans are �x��r�Q� ��{�����i� tV�it�$. el�vations if provided. A false bottam to be design�d fc►r the instaElation of the �at usable, Contr�ctor to make fan recammendation ta Architect or Qwner. See P#ans fc►r g+�nerat locations for new Fixtures. Sea undercabinet PL fi�ctures. Etevations for Fixture locations. Some fiutures may 3. A!i dimmers and face piate finisMes �o be approv�d �y Ar�hitect or Interior 1(I. Electrical Gantr�ctQr ta veriFy iighting fixture� and locaiions w�th tawner on be behind structurat posts. Ali �xkures to c�b�eure E3�s�gner prlar to purchase. Electricai Contractor ta sixe ali dimmers for their siie. A�1 �i�cfiures to be located per drawings. When noi designated on tirawings Ilght bulbs = Dark Sky. No e�cterior uplights are correct ioad �ype, totat w�ttage and duration �s required. ali €#�ctures to be centered and symmetri�ai. Nottfy Architect of any propased in this project. See Owner for cutsheets fur tiiSC1'�(��i1Ct@S. �1}�'i� �JC�t1i@S. 4, TF�e �lectrical Cantractor shail I+acate outfets ar�d pravide required power to 11. All sconces to be rnaunted at 6'-0" E1{7N. Ali swttches io be maunted 48" i"YPE QF EXT�#�IOR FIXTt1RES: atl appflance receptaci�s. above finished floor Ut�iV. Atl mounting helghts must be allowed by code, Nott#y q-{� EXT. A: �CONCE 5. Al! 3-wap switch�s to be dimm�rs as shown with designatian M# & A r c h i t e c t o f a n y d i s c r e p a r� c i e s, g (� E? f T. B: R E C E S S E D C A N carresponding R#, in�lt+cating rn�lti-lacation dirnmers. 7he M indicates a pre�efi C�- EXT. C: F�.USH MQUNT smart dimmer and the F� indic.at�s a smart remote dimm�r. Nat f4r use w#th �Z, �lectrical Contractc�r shat{ rev�ew all 1igF�ting plans and interior D �j EXT. D: STEP LTGHT 3-way mechan�eat dimmers. specificatians prior to cc�rnmencement of work. Verify all {ightin� and switch E-�- EXT, E: LANDS�APE iocations wlth existing �pcations and make recommendatians for redund�nt or F � EXT. B: PEiVDANT conditlons in con�iick vuitF� other elements� �E?C��"OQi11 � {no work� : •ss -.,. �if'i�l"4C?til � Lim9ted worl� '%/////////�%%%O/%/ s � - . - • . • a • - • . • � � � i • • . ` . i SC1��E:24x3f.1"=4` �, SCA�.E: �.1x1?: 1"=8' 8 X )� � � � � � o � � o f ! � � � Y r . . ■ � �� � � . ���� . � ���Y��� ( �/<�M��/ ���\I��i -�- CEI[.�NG MNTC} FLU5H FIX`TURE [V� VACtltlM �;�. CEILiNG MNTD pENC}ANT �EIL.tNG-MTD FAN J LIGHT WALi. SCtJNCE s� SMC7KE ALARM / 50Ui�D�R � � REC�SSED Dt�WNLTGNT � WAE.1. SWITCH RECESSE#� LOW-Vt�l.�'AGE DNLT �p WALL SWiTCH f�IMMER -�- R�CESSED WALL LIGNT o 1NALL SNiI'TCH DIMMER � IiNDERCAB. PUCK LiGHT (PL) �►� � 3-WAY SWiTCFi-MASTER p{� INCABINE'T PUCK LIGHT (PL) e 3-11VAY SWiiCH-R�MC3TE � WELL LIGHT �o� � I7C?t�R 3AM �WITCH � RECESSEi} VANITY C�VE FIX. � GR�UNf� FAUL.T INTERRUPTER c� CEILINC MTD �.`X4' FLUQR. FIX. WALL (�UTLET � WAL�-MTd. GLt)SEC FLC}UR.�IX. �� SWI�'CHED WALL C?UTLEi' � 11iVDEftC1�1B. INCAND. E�IX. FLt�Dft ()l1T!_�"T' �' LItVEAR INCAND. CLiCKSTRIP �� SWI'iCHEC� FLG10R C}UTLET a[� aua�a�sou�vu�s��+c��s � WALL TE�EPMONE OUT�,.Ei' CM CAE2BCIN MQNOXiDE DEi�CTt7R � fiLt�t7R T�LEPHONE C7U7LEi' f�B CtOORBELL / CHIME � t�UADRUp�.EX OUTI,E? [�F �XHI#UST FAN � W�iTERPRQC?F DUPL.EX 4UTLEi' HT HEAT LAMP �� CAT6 CABL� iNTERNEi' C}UTLET H� iiUMI�ISTAT T[� INTERCOM �K KEYPAQ T� THERM{�STAT � I� L� .� � (�� r • e • �� . � ��� � sca�.�: za�x� � Bath4� {no work) � �a �a +� ►� �� +� . � . � -r s 1 ��lC ,� ��� i � . . . 'f • �! �� Bedrt�onn ( Renovation f � . • • � �� � t �`lo�r Pl�n �CC. �xfi�ric�r �leva�ion I�ot�s: Resid�nce to c+�nform to 2{�09 iRC buildinc� code. Prcavide 1-hour rat�d walls a�nd ceilings of Garage, Mechan�cai E�oorn, and habitable spaces under stairwell(s�. use z layers �" Type x Gy�sum Board. D�ors ��paratln+� thes� rooms from resldence to be rat�d by cod�. Alt grade at �xteri�r walfs ta s{ape away fram hause. AI! r�ew #nfierl�r wc�od-framed wails tCt b� �X4 G3115Ci'llCtl4Ct i1QN. A11 C1�W @Xt�l'IDt" woo�-fram�d w�lis to be �x6 consiruction tiCt�U, SEE STRUCTUftAL drawin�s fc�r ap framing detai}�. S�ruciurai details to rule for framing slzes and carinectt�ns. ifi �onflic;t be�utireen Architecturaf �nd Structurai details ar� identi��d, Contac� Architect for clart�cati�n. SEE MECHAIViCAL EI.EGTRICAl, AIVE3 Pi.UMBING drawir�gs fc�r alt refated tnformatlan. V�rify duct, �utlet, fijcture io�ations with C}wner. Veri�'y equiprr�ent with �rpprapriate dac�r access, !Contact Architec� for ec sYte coc�rt�lnatlon as necessary. Ati counters �a be �6" above �inishe� floar �A�F} ut�less otherv�ris� noted (UCtNj. Kitchen cabinet cansu1tant to provlde cabtnet dr�wings. A11 kitchen base cabPnets to �e standard 24" Ut��J. A11 k�t�hen upp�er cabtn�ts to be standard 12"' �abinets I�C�N. Atl bathrc�om base c�binets % b� 21" J 2A�"' max UC�N. A1! res{dentlal guardrails at 37" AFF. Ali stair raiings at 34-38" above tread nosings. �See �fiair drawings for �ll rtew stairs if included. WIIVat�WS & DOt�RS; Existing windows an�! daors to remaln Ut�N. Cl�an and r��air 1f ne�ess�r'y to achfev� goad working condition. Notify Qwner if any doc�rs, wln�aws, and/or hardware need to be replaced. All new windows/daors to match existing irt tYpe, conskructiun, material, & color UON. See Uwner f�r re-us� of ex#sting hardware, �ee balow i��gend: ��I New windows/do�rs. See elevations and floar pl�ns. l:1 � �scisting windc�wsfdat�rs �o be Reloca�ed. �:! �:;� �xisting windowsJdaors to remain, S� �' �x�sting w�r��ows/�oors to be saved. TEM�EREU WINC?(JW: VIF (�T EGREa� WIND4W: �` SMC�KE ALARM: �s CARBtJN MC'tNC�XIQE ALARM: CM YV C��� ���. ��I� « r Rigid Insula�i�n: � � E�cterior Wall Insulation; �, souna insutation; Concrete Formw�rk: . f, , � .••�� � �. Bri�k Veneer: TNTERI�� �'�N��HE�: S�e Qwner A(1 interior �ixed Finishes, ������{�� ���Z��E�: See �?wner ar Architect for all �xCerior Fin�shes. �enovat�c�n Additic�n N��es: ,�1�: New �{�vator - see structural draw`tngs and elevatar drawings. ��: �teinforced structe�re for st�ir addition abr�ve - See struc�ura[ draw�ngs fc►r this �r�ea. N+atify Archiiect of any necessary changes ta Design, �� :,Addition of fioor al�ove with reinforced struciure - See structural drawings for this are�. Notify Ar�hitec� �f any necessary changes to �esign. F.i1 ■ � 1 � � � Ar�drew .i�mes Abraham, Archlt�ci I�ENVER + EOWARDS 970.376.2575 2456 Race.#�enuer.C�7.80�05 P4B.4326. Edwa rds. CQ.81632 wv�w. aja-stc�dia,cam �i'�C�#`4'W(�3��"S�l.IdiO.GQCTt �c} copyNght A7A 5tudi+a PC 20i2 �� � � e � � s •� �, • � � • i +► • � • * . i � • '� � s s � • , � � �� , • * � i• � � � • �' • � ,� • w • � � �� � � ,,� •r , i .1,��„ � � � � � .„ �� � � � Architect's Permit �et i$ vaiid for (1. ' �year from Permit Set Retease C7ate r or until Gc�verning Codes require i c anqes, w lchever cames rst. Hill �s : s . . . .. • # 11i2 A1�A �� �� �._�:� �� iy"t+� ����.� � : , � �� �� � 1"' I t� � t.;�t. ��a t�.�` r� i� � � Q � EI��%t�tior� #Vo��s, . � � � Res�dence to conform to 2049 IRC butldirtg code.. � Pr�vide 1-haur rated wails and c�ilings o�` Garage, °u ( . � Mechani Ro � � 'r,�! am, and habitabie spaces under a i"�Cs� Tl.6� ��°�� _ � _��- � Stairweii(s}. Use 2 layers �„ TYPe X Gypsurn Baard. o b�lqw � . : .w ��� i�� �,��� , : Daors Separating these ro�ms from resider�ce tc� be �' I, be��w � ' � � . ' ,` rat�d by cade. AI{ grade aC �xt�rior waiis ta slope, ¢ � � , :` away f'rom hause. AI! new ir�terior wcio�-framed walls 2 � _ . � to be 2x4 canstruckion UC7N. A!! new exierior � .__.. ____ �-- .___ �.... _.__ _..� �., .__. � , ( , w�c�d-framed walls ta be 2x6 �anstruction UC1N. � —.-... ..._.__....__.�J � � `, SEE STRUCTURAL drawr`ngs Far ail framir�g details. �: _ �.�_ _____ _..�.. .� _____. _____ ___..._ ______ .._____ ____.. _�,__. ____. �.�. ____.. _____. .._.._ _____. : � � � Siructura! etails t4 rule for ramin� sizes and � o -_____ ______ ______ -�---� ---� __-._._ � � : x � � r �-- ____. .�. ._.�. .�.._. ___e_ .-- ____ ._.�. � _.__:. �.. conn�ct�ons. If conflict between Architecturai and . ' ' Structural dekails are identified, Contact Architect for � � � � '� � E , ` ; C{�C'f�C3�lOti. �'= ' ��'%�1��"' ���� _ � � . �y �� b�dc�t� _ . � -.�.�,...,. } � _ � . � ����1" ���$� I '. �E� i�E�NANIGAL ELECT�tICAL ANC� PLUMBTNG �, � � ��tS�lt1� �C�i�'� , . . , belo�r . , . � belcaw i ��t����9 ���� � drawrngs for alf retated infarmafiort. Verify duct, � _ � ' ' la�fc�w _ � . � auti�t, �xtur-e locations rnrith Ctwner. Ver�fy equipmerat �. i � wtth �pprc�priate d�or ac�ess, Contac� Architect for � { ; � E sifi� �oord3r�atian �s necessary. �n - � �R j � � ` ,-r �cs. �: ! u°s A31 c�unters to be 36" above �nished floor NFF " � �� �p 1t�ait �€�ti� � � cz, � �nless �therwise nated UON . Kit { ) c � � ( ) chen cabinet � � � _ �'� ��t�i ��� m�tat fl��i��a�q � , . � consu{tanfi fio pravide cabinet drawings. Afl kitchen �. � � �'".�"' �� rrta�eh e�cistin� S.�e..h, �, � bas� c�binets to b� �tandard �4" UON. A!) ki�chen � �� � _ �' � �V� ci�#� � n�tal fC�sh'sr�9� E3rawin�� ferr � � ,� �o f B�6avv , tF�6s area, u�per cabinets" to be standard 12"' cabinets UC7N. A!! � , 0 � �� � � ..�,.. I � �iathroc�m ba�e cabinets ta be 2,1"` J 24° max UQIV. �` . i : � � .�..�..��,,,.�.�,�,. � ` � _ � ...�..__.�....o_.__a..._a_�_..._..., - � ._ ... A11 residential guar�ra�ls at 37" AF�'. AII S��It° i�llCt�5 �"'"" i � � � . : _ � : _ _ n o ' 4.,,� � �,� C6i�1� at 3� 3� above tread nosings, See s�air drawmgs .� P"'i � � ,� � � �4� �'" b�i�w i for all new sfiairs if included. a� � ��ww� � � '_�."'° � � �� t� ff� I i� C,� .L ,a,.. • ' , _ �o ,,,�. ��'��W �-- ___. ___. .� �... �.. .�.� _.._ � WIN[7C3tlUS & DC7(7RS: �ac'rstin windows � � � � � ,.��°� g ant� doc�rs ta � � � i .,� ..� � ._....... - � � ._ .._. �. .� .�... .� _.,_ � _.. �. . remain UpN. Clean and r�pair iF necessary to achieve � � "�"'.�1 � ' � , _ _.._.., _ ___�.. _ _ � ; � -- °.� �. g�od warlting condit�orr. Natify Owner if any doors, .� � U-' I .�. „ ,,,� � � � u., � �, : � _ � � � °' � .� �, wtndojnr�, and/or hardware need i: � �,�.�► _ .�-a � � � s,, �, ,� � � j�. .�: � cn c� be r�placed. AI! � . " � _ . , , � � , � � � F � � � � � � � � new windows/doars to m�tch existing in type, � B�►� 1� � �p � ; � �j� � � � �. � � l� ..�a �„ -� c� x t- construction, materiai, & color UON. See Ouvner f�r � `*�' � � � tti ; L_.. '�' � �r, ,_ �, � �-. � � � � � re-use oF existing hardware. See beiow Le e . � }�„ � s`.,., ,� � u�a x x '�+ � � ` : � �° � � 9 rtd. t� I — — , � � € • v � �' � �n ,�n �" �=' � (ti U � � � � � � � � � � f... '° � . , '� �=- j s� '� w�., w w ��A � New w�ndows/doors� See elevations and �« � � � � � � � � � �'" "� � floor plans. ° � _,°�" ;� , S � � ` �1vi f � �w� .� . �'' �"'� � ��c�sti� Wa!!�: ver► 1hr �i�� � ( _ � ..,. �,. j �� �t R Existing w�ndowsJdoors to be l�e1acated. � I r�at��i vva�i tQ �t �e�st S' frorr� :� _ -�`�.'�i cs�,,-�" I I � �� } :� ' � � � �� �" 1 _ cc�rr��r - �o f�p�nin�s ��low�d. I �� �� C �' L.�ndi�7 , . � ( � r , a � l , i �' beiow � ` � � Exrst�ng windows/�ioors �o rernain. . � �� '> �" � � � � � ! x,,,, c�.." Q � �� �� _----� =-�'._ � S� � Exisfiing windowsJdaors ta be saved. � � ��i��i�g �.c���' �-�- . �• � � . b�l�w � " �� � � � . � �' * tll y.� A � _ �, ' t,�°'�I i �' � : � ` � I ��' � w�" to af wail he#ow � � � � "•`�' t� � # « � �- � � � � � I � . n � -r������� wrrvr�c�w: vz� (.�r � �--I _ (� c�', c� � �� � . EGRESS WIN170W: � .r, � ,� •c�' Li� �-- � �" � '� �I I �i� � i l �a� � c� . s�Q�� a��.n�; � � �..� . � I �., � ��tt���ng �c��f Q �'� t,p - � � Ac� � n�w �n���,�a w��� ��i x�a �� :��s+n � , , ����� ` c,��so�v r�v�oxr�� a�a�r�� cM Q �%� • .,..� = u � �mr�ry � � � �,.C�1�i�t' �7�C� Wkttt �."Xtsfi(itg �iiiSh�d l+vali. � � . , �„ � ' -_ ; _ � _ 1� � �� � �� � _ � � '�"� j� �'y � � , � 7� _ ���i L. '�- � ��f�c� �(��1 �iG'�C}W 1 & i�����"' ���d'a _ _,._.� 1 1 � e .� �"�""� �.'` � �. "�"� �� � OEfi�W , � {✓ j �..� ; , Prc�vici� f��t �e�l�� � ' � - b�Pc�v� Rigid Insuiation: � � � tt�is �ntr�r �r�� a� ��"AF�. r.�°s _ � � � � � 1- _ : ��_ i _ _____...._ � Ver�� � h� t�r Exterior Waf! Insulafiion; : `����, � � � � � � ° � � �` ,� �re-rat�d wali. , � � Soc�nd Insulation: . � � ...e.. ..._.. .� .y .._ ,. ...a_ — v '�.""'..� "ti�ri �ea� as �uitabl� . _ �. — __,_ .__.. ,.� -. ___'�=i..� _ � �oncrete �ormwarkc ���� I��atian f�r �ceif�ng f�njii�ht. j � ��-�, _ � _ �rick Ver�esr. ���� ��,=�r�e� � � ; � . � - � . . �, � ���� t�penrng �n exisfi�n vv�ll c �: i - , 9 � �� ��,��` �` � - � �-� ; . ' �lEt�tt � res� t�lrrdc�va: k��tch �xis�irr � � � _ . � ' � �� �Y��� ,. � � � � �� � _ . � � j� � � �°�� ��� � v�t��c�vu siz�.b�lr�w. �0'" �#�ader Ht. � , ��� � 4�, v� � ��� . �' : � t . i � � ,o � I _ a�� ��t°t3G�Efic�� �C'�it17lT1C,�S �Ot° ���i��.'i. t , �� � � � j � � f � _ f _.�.._ ._..._.a �--- ._.._.__. .�__o.. _..____. �1 ���rc��ar'rl '� " j�� � , �� ���; �_���� . � � �_,,� ;��., I � --��- ---��r���— �: ,�:, ; ---�- --�-. .�...._ .� ____:_ ____.- t7ffiC .� . ��;��.�.��� � �. ' +� --- ---- --�----- _._...,. � ! - � ��� m....�r����� : " � j!�j �.� ; bei€�w -c� ,� ,:; �� - [� �"�y "� /�/�j� p� �y�g`'�"'}'�}r+� ' �: �+ �q � � �"'��qy�- gp�qg�.}�+�{#gy^yT/^��p�p�g��y,�5p��n{. � r� � . �� � � � "i�i�/��e a1�4..3�/'t'7el.i �V� Vie�1,+��1'4�.{.,4di4� �i'1,f1dF [ ti�111 t���s,.dXX1t fS:��4r1w�a±.��ia�fL�[1� � � .� � _ . . .. , . . . . . . . . . , . . -. . .. . � � .. � . �.� ,�.,,„�. . - � � , Ll . � ; � �. � ;� � ^ � � . � . . . . . . . . . � � � � � � - � . . . . . ." � . . .. , . . . � . . . �°^W�.:,.x.�„�.,�...:�,�.< .>,m-....a.-�-4 �»�.� * � . . . . . . .A.w�TM�;� .�.� � . . . .. . � . . ' �'.. •� . � � �. .. , . . . , _ . " . . . .. - . . , � � . ... . . . . . . . . . I�f� rrvi�d��v �nd ��qc�ir�� �.-hr �ep�€���i�r v�r��� ca� itl�rr�i� ������ic��. � �i , : � I i �x�sti�� w�na�w f � _ ���I� �� �� �r������ f�r ������fii��. a., I .� _ � . ` � , j �� �� �xisting wir�dow . � { �r������ ����r� ����� ��� ����� _ .. , � �� . � �_ , . „�.. , .- .__. _ --..� ..d:.� — � — .� . � � �� ��� �� � � _ �y �.��.� � � . ���� ����� � T��r��.�o� Fzn�z � � � � ' �,.I � � � � r . . . d1 * Ls; � ti } �� s,� A�.�. 2�X3�� �. .--� Y--: � , � r� Q �y q � _ - _ � . .. 4 Perrx�►� �j �- See iJwner Ail inter�or F�xed Frn�shes. . : ���i..�: �����: ���--v=�� ` Q . , ��I��..�. J.�.�.L�: �.s =G7i � � � � . ' r at '� "�LZ � - ` , �.,,,,, - f . �' � � j 1 � -8 VlF � �- � � : . . �� � . - �,���� � � �+ ; � . . ���I... � r 'C �✓� � - - _ � � �, � ����.�� � ����: �, �� � � � � _ � IC3R FII��SHE�. _ �.� , � �� � � �� : it� t�=- ' �y � j �� See Archatect far al) Exfierior Finishes: � *. � = A � . _ � vp ��yr� [ . �g�_'°� ./� ("� p��+ ,_..- " :. , v +� /�� ���1��1 [�.i�� #,..��E #��i 7� �4ri�h:a+�a �� tf . ` i • �� . .. R . � � k..,.�.,. � t f. Ai€ new r�cep���l��, phone, data and �ighfii�g switch�� �i��lQ hav� � ,.,���,.�, . . ■ • , � ,. . � {���� . l��rtfy, ����r�� �f �i�cfir���P v� ° t�rk p� i�r �� ' ` �� �.. All �ow-voftage transform�rs, i�' �ncludeci irt wc�rk; sFaait b� remo�e arzd locat� °�°°r�i,na��� ��►�c� p����� to mateh exist�n�. UON. � _ � �.1 ���� ���G���`� �.� �i�� � , � � � ` i"t �' S ��Y� C3� MIO!'k. , ' _ Q �.9t'�'i�#.'. r th�� 2�3 -{l from power feed. .,4ii 1��-vcal�ag� �rans��rmers ��iall �� " , ! ����ii�C� �€��C� F�t��3-� �I3C��d�R� � � c� � Q-�ran and s'saed b}� electr►cal c��tra�tcrr. I� i� �e� Clw�r�r tcs �ca�t�rra� �3[ PJ�i� �uvi���e� a�s �' ����.t��R � � � �he respon�ibiiii:y �af th� �f��kric�i i, �,fE exi��ing �xt�ares tl�a� �re remQV�d sh d�►xtur�s. _t� aii ti@ C1Ec-�iiet� aitCl I"ei�lCll�C,f tf? �E��.I�iC"3 �3rii7't� F��4���} � ���i..� c� �c�rrte Exist�ng �i��ures v+li!( b� remc�ved c��° r�i���t�d. �� i��-M`C't� F�I� J LIG�fi' ��ntractar �0 1��aie and ins�all ali low-v�[�age �rar���ormers p�r i��C ar�d iocal C�wn�r. All �xrst�n �ix�s�r�� t • � 9 hat rem�tr� i� area c�f w�rk a�er ecnstr�ctlon shaEl ,av� ai� reir�r�ved it h�ira �x�a�r�s �1�°�� ������ �s 9 9 , %r��, appfi�r����, �,,Q} �N�C��C� ,AI�R9�! / �Q�I�t��Ft jurisdict�onai requsrern�nks. Verify ��ansforrr��r loc�c6r�ns w�t� ���hd��cc� prP�zr ��a b� c���n�d a€�d reEarn�+ed p�ior te� ,��k� corn letian. Veri warrrrth P fY af bu(b typ�s and swi�ch�s f�r �lwn�r RE�����D i�Cs'�i€�LI�#��" I {�YR}• �-! � � 1t��LL �t�/i�i'�#� In�tail�a�iort. ' vtir€tf� t: vun�r, � C3Utl���, `�'tf� �ai�i�.', �4#�rrii�� CAi�'7 Wiitr�g t{� be 3U�a��Ci t�C'6 RE�����[3 t»t���i°�£�l.T�,�� �af�C�°C ��' i��R.1. �t��"'�H � _ t�T�ME�t -----� — , �i�� �ri�F� C3�n r � -�'1�. R�C�S� a�C� '��i..L LIC��IT �. �'he �i���ric�( C�arr�r�c�c�r �h�4E co�rdir�ate �f�� in���lla�ia� t�f �i�tur� � c P � . g V�ALi. � S�JTI'CH L}IN1t���2 � � Yp i- �. ��i�tir�c� bathro�m ��ns sh�u4c1 b� u�ec� if appl3���ie. Electrica6 cantractc�r � �f�9t��i��"A�e P�JCf� LTC��ii �P�.} � (Puck Light}, if inciuded in wark, wi�h t�te int�r�t�r �rchifieclur�l and Ci�htis� sh�fi uninstafl c � �-�VAY ��IiCH-�i � ���"��. � , ier�a anci reir�st�li exi�ting fans in ��nstruetic�r� area. If fans �re ". " ` 4 p i9��'��I�l�i' �U�#� �.I�t��`° P� ' �i�V�t�o�,� �� �rou���d, � ��i�� ��t��m �� �� a����ne� �o� t�� Ens�a���t�or� �� t�,� ���+E� �`� � C �.t t� ��� �1 � ���� � � , t L3 � �-��� �v��-r�ta-�����r� � �--- � � nt�t u�abl�, C�arstract�r to make fian re��mrnendation t� Ar�E�itec� ar awner. , � i,�t��L l.I�i°i�' , c�r�d�rcabinet P�. �ix��res. Se� �Oans f�r er�ra� I ' • � i�C�C�f� .iAi� 54NIi`� _ � i7G�tEQi�S �CiF l��V1� F13t�13#"�S� �£� � � � 3�E�����i� '�'��I'T�` ��0lE F�X< ,. . : ( : iC�, �l���ric�� Ccantr�cts�r tc� veriFy i�gh��r�g �ixt�res �nd tccatP�ns wi�h c�wner c�n �i�uat►ons �'�ar Fcxture ioca�ion�n �t�m� ���t�,res rrray , g C�Rt�U�C3 �,�{�C,i' Z�dT�RC�L1P`F'ER � 3, ltiil dirrtrt�ers ar�c! ���� �d�te �ni�Ft�� t� h� a�prav�d b A�c€°tit�et t�r ir�� -' � � ���LIIV� 4�'�G� �, �4� FL�1C3�.o �I�C. � i� �r�c�r si��. �IC �x�ur�s �t� b� Icrc��ed per cir�vu`sr�gs. When n�t de�ignafi�d s�n drawin � be be�rind s�ructur�I po�ts. Ai! ��tur�� �o e�bseur� �����- ��i�-�` ` �. � � li h � . : . . , � ��P,�.Lm�iT€�. �L�i��"i° �€..C3t}R.FIX. _ • � ��SI�i`�EaI�C3 V�AL.l.. � � i�esigner prtor to pt�t-chas�. �lectri��1 Contra�or fit� �i�e a(1 dimr��rs fear �heir , aii fix�ur�s tc� be�e��t���et3 as�d �yrrtm�frical. t�t��i Archat�ct of ar� 9� bulbs - t�ar�C �ky, iVo extertor upt� h�s ar� C��lTLET correct load �"Y y , . . � . � �1�31��6i�A�+. I�C�€��. f°`A�. =� �YP�, �C3t3� Wc��C�t�E? �C1d dttl'c��lOE� ciS i'4 Uii�'Cf. _ �•� � ciiscr�p�nci��. , propased in thrs pro�ect. See Qwner far �ufi�h��ts fc�r FL.�iC1�t qU`�L�Y �, , � LI��A�t IiV���fG. C�.I��f�'°F�IP � . ' � ��r� i'�N�� ��.� ` � � � � I�ght fixfiures. � � � � � � �� � � � � � � � � � "i' C�R C3�"i"L�i" � � � �� � � � � ... � � �� , � �. Th� El�cirical Gontra��or �i�a3i locat� t�t�ilet� ,�rtd �c�vide re � _ . ' � ° � �� ��� ��w�� �� ,� ,� � a�,���e�����o�������� ���� ���.��� � �dE ap�i�ance receptacies, - �.�.. �ii s�on��s �cr b� rr�c�ur�ted afi 5� t�C�iV. Aii ��vi�ch�s to b� m�urtted ��3" �S�E �UT�.�i �M ��,R�i�f� �1E3i�C33�.��� ��i��i�#� �L�C� `� �t�.� � � ab�v� �r�'s�hed �loor l�t�itil. �ii maur��i�g h�igt�ts rt�ust be all��veci by code. �to�if�r ' TYP� �F ��'i'�Rit}�Z �iX"�'t�l2E�: ��L�Phi�3i�� C�t1TLE`i' A4.�1 ; _ �� �3t�t�RBEL� °°� Architect c�f any ciiscr���n�i�s. A-�a E>Ci'. A: �COh�C� � f�I�Ihi� t�tJ�i�s�i��I.E� ��1�'LET 5. �tl �-way switches ta b� dirr�rrt�rs as �€�ow� with desigr��fi��r� �l# &, �; , �X'#'. B: €��� F�?�HAUS"C' � � I � � ESSE[� l��i C� �� VJAcTER�'�C�Ci� �UPLE% Ctt,jTLEi" "°" �c�rrespQnding R#, indica��ng r,auit(-l�cati�n dit�mers; Th� �€ ir�d�cafi�� a r��se� :� . • w , . � � ---. i� � �i£'C�i"tC�� ��i1�ic"t��t�Y ��'t��� i"E:ltl�xr�t ��� �Qi��"?tiiii� pi��'1� c31�6� Iti��3"Efii � � . ��. �, < �.i.���i N�����{' i'�i ��i� ��i� ��eT6 ��'s�L� �P�i�i�i��1i "" , �. �� �'I �i%� i �.� Siiic�C'� ditYit't't�t' �Cid ��t� � itldlC���S � Slilc�i"� i�:CTlt?�� �It"3'itYl�i. i�t3� fOt" 115� Wl�i S�JJ��l�G��iAt?S j?t'1�it' �Q CQtt'iCt'i�iiG�iit�.' � . � ' . � . ' �%�'T• �3: �iEi� L1�"'aFi1' � 1°fUi�Ii?I�7�i��f` ____ _ .. �� ' rt of w�r€�. V�r��y �I: ligi��Fng and switch��� � � � � � � 3-wa� ��chanical dimmers. i�eat4�ns wi�h existing Iacaki�r�s ar�d rr�ak� c��cc�mmend�fiions for redundant �r E-� �X'�". E: t�1i�i� a��,�� �I' INTER,�C�i�i 1 iv . , 2 � � �x�'. �. ��r�t�,��� � �t����� , , ecr�tsii�iza�� in cr�r��ii�� with oit;er el�m�n�. �� ��.� �� ' . � . �� � �� � TFI��MCi��"s�T" (� �CAI�E: 24x36; l�rql�s� ; '"� � $. $ � + ". , , 4 4„ . . . ' .. . . . - '. . . .. . ,. . . . . . . . . � � . . � . � . . . � . - . '. . . . . � , � . . . � � � _ . .. . . . . . ., . . . . � .' � . . � . � . . . . . ' . . � . '" ..� �►�i�Y y ;�.. • �+rru� * �����. � � F r, �±�,f�. ,ii � ,� � ������' �� +x �$} �� • � �► t `,, : � �I,!I . . t �E'��� .�' � � {,,,,, i� ,.�,�, , /a7'i�.t • , `!i: '..` � t (' Wy � r � ���� . { � ' ��� .r. �� �.r � , . . .. . • . � '- • �. � • , . ..- -. •` • w� � �'• . ' • � . « . «. : � •• - + • • r ,rs .. . . s . : � s � � � � � � � i � € � ;! �: � E �' � �' . . . . .. - . � . . . � . . . � . . � . . " . . i . . . . � . . . . . . . . . . � � � � '�'. . � . . . . . . � . . ' . , . ' . . . . . . . . . � � _� � . . .. . , � . . . . � . . . . . 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' . . - � .. �. . . . . . . � . . - � . . .. . . . . . . `{ . . . . . . . . . . �� . . . . . . i'�. , � , � � � . � " �� . . � � � � � -------�<.. �...�..v.-__'_'_. . � . . , . ._ __-____ _._.__ .._._..._._. �_�___—___—_. � . . . � � � � � . . . . . . . , . . , . � . . ' . . . , . .. . � � '. . ' . ` , . . _ . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . _._�..__ __.___...._._'__._.... . . t' @ • • . � " •r• -� . . . : , � � + , , � � �''",�"``� ���l�. E�t�`�Ir���� Propas�d . , � � � . � � � , ! EXTERICJR FINISH NQTES: �A EXISTTNG V1lOOD SIDING; EXISTING VER7ICAL SIDING � NEW WQC7D SIDING: MATCH EXISTING VERTICAL ��C EXISTING WOdD SIDTNG: ANGLED TC3 MATCH ROOF SLQPE. �Q NEW WQ4D SIDTNG; FLOATING HQRIZC}NTAL SIDiNG - MATCH COLOR �E N�W SLQPED Rt)OFING: METAL (3VER Rt1BBER - NQT VISIB�E ��F EXISTING SOFFITS: PAINT - NO WORK �G WINDOWS: MATCH EXISTTNG - VERIFY FINISHES WiTH ARCHITECT. � FLASHING: MATCH EXISTiNG �j GUTfERS & DC}WN�RQUT5: MATCH EXISTING � ALL NEW TRIM: MATCH EXISTING Exterior Lighting Notes: NO NEW EXTERIOR LIGNITNG PRCIPOSED: REL�CATE f�.) EXTERIOR LIGH7 FIXTURE TO LIGHT NEW STAIRS See Plans far general IocatiQns for new Fixtures. See Elevations for Fixture loca�ions. Some fixtures may be behind structurai pasts. Alf fixtures ta abscure light bulbs = Dark Sky. No exterior uplights are proposed in this praject. See t�wner for cutsheets far light �xtures. LI a �1 al m) � ¢) � i � � I ( � ----------------------� . "1 �u� Eleva��an Propased Exteriar Wali Packages. EXTERIQR WALL PACKAGE #1: HC3RIZONTAL SIDING - BOARD OR} BOARD: lx6 Reclaimed Wyoming Snow Fence - natural finish WATERPRQOF MEMBRANE �" WALL SHEATHING 2X8 WdC}D FRAME WALL - SEE STRUCTURAL HIGH DENSITY BATT INSULATION 6MIL P��YETHYLENE VAPQR BARRIER BL�CKING - VEaIFY SIZE ELEVATOR: SEE ELEVATOR SPECS & DRAWINGS � � . � i � � � ----� 0 0 . , � , ., � I � i • ��� �-----___ ( L��._�._ � 0 �� � I .__, � � � � i �� 1 �R��� ��L..� Vf"1, 1 1�IV ���i�� P TENIPERED GIAZING. R30$.4: Pravide tempered glazing in the follavving applicable hazardaus glazing locations: Swinging doors, siiding doors, storm doars, glaxing wifihin 24'" arc of door and bottom �dge is fess than 60" is less than 6Q°, glazing adjacent stairways and landings within 60'" horizontaHy of battom tread of stairway in any dir�ction when the exposed surf�ce af the gtass is less than 60" above the nase af the tread. Window manufacturer to con�rrr► all tempered giass locatians. TEMPEi�ED WIND{7W: VTF � EGRESS WINDC)W: Single Family Residence ta conform ta 2009 IRC BUILDIN� CODES. Notify Architect of any discrepancies including those from gaverning authc�rity. See A2.0-4 for proposed floar pians. New pians ara based off' af existing drawings provided by Tawn. Not'rfy ArchiCect of any discrepancies. Patchr�d and Repaired ma�eriats ta match existing materials UON. S�e color board for Exterior Finish Materials and calors - TYP. Structural details rule for framing sizes and connections,.If canflict between Archite�tural and Structural drawing� are identified, contact Architeci for clarification. INSULATION R-VALUES: Verify with Governinq buildinq cades. - .__� FLC7t}RS: R-�9 WA��S: R-21 CEILING. R-49 RATED WALL� CONSTRUCi'IC}N: Prauide 1-haur rated walls and ceilings of Garage, Mechanica! Roam, and under stairs. U�e 2 layers �" Type X Gypsum Board. WINDC�tN NC)TES: 1. All rrew window sizes are general and provided far window proposais, Provide Architect v,t�ttr window package for review priar �o ord�ring, 2. Consult Architect far recammended changes to review design intent and options. Notify Architec� of missing windaws and discrepancies. See floor and exterior eievatic�ns plans for egress windows. 3. See exteri�r elevations for all oper�ble window locations and header heights. Confirm totai number of window types with pians and efevations. 4. Egress window in ea�h new and renovated sleeping room per plan�. 5. Verify all tempered giass locations with local codes. Window manufacturer and Contractor to confirm al! tempered glass locatians. 6. Pravide tempered glazing in the faila�ving appiicable hazardaus lo�ations: Swinging doars, sliding daors, storm doors, g{azing within 24" arc aP daor and bot�om edge is less than 60", giazin� adjacent sfiairways and landings within 60" horizantally of bottom tr�ad af stairway in any directinn wher► the exposed surface of �he glass is less than 6Q" above the nose of the tread. Exposed area af giass greater than 9 SF, with bot�om edge less than 18", with top edge great�r than 36", or ane or more walking areas within 36" harizontally of glazing. 5EE 2009 IRC. � � �:: S T d I U Andrew James Abraham, Architeet D�NVER + EDWARDS 970.376,2575 2456 Race.Denver.C4.802Q5 P08,4326. Edwards.00.81632 www.aja-studia.com andrew�a aja-studio.com c�}` capyright A7A Studia PC 2012 •i � � 1 ♦ s .• � � � * � � . * . � * • t � * • � . . , +! •� . �r • � rs � * � � � ;i • s . • r � � r► � � � �"'� ��������� �� `����� ���������� ���`� � � ��� � ��������� ����3. �'` °t,,� _��. `� ° c`� �;;�, � t -:t; . : � � ��� _ _- Architect"s Permit Set is v�lid for (1) - ye�r from Permit Set Release Date or until Governing Codes require changes, whichever comes first. This set is anly valid for 149� B, �pring Hill Lane, Vail, Colorado & Eagle County, Colorado. I � : �I �r � � : � r �� 4 ! 1112 .. �� � � SCALE: 24x3fi: 1"=$' SCALE: iix17: 1"=15' �'` — ,... ,� Area of War "- —.. / �` `` � _i _'"'„� • � M � SCA�E: 11X17: l°=1.Ei' i6 $ 4 Q . � . �, �A EXISTING W40D SiDING: EXISTING VERTICAL, 5IDING �B IVEW WOOD STDING: MATCH EXISTING VERTICAL �C EXISTING WOOD SIDING: ANGLED TQ MATCH ROOF SLC?PE. �d NEW WiJC7D SIDING: FLtJATING HfJRIZONTAL SIDING - MATCH COLOR �E NEW SLl"7PED RQOFING: METAL OVER RUBBER - NOT VI�IBLE � EXISTTNG StJFFITS: PAINT - NQ WORK � WINDOWS: MATCH EXISTING - VERIFY FINISHES WITH ARCHSTECT. � FLASHING: MATCH EXISTING �j GuTt`ER5 $r DtaWNSPQUTS: MATCH EXTSTING � ALL NEW TRIM: MATCH EXISTING Exterior Lightinc,�Notes: NO NEW EXTERIOR LIGHITNG PRQPOSED: RELOCATE (1) EXTERIOR L.IGHT FIXTURE TO �IGHT NEW STAIRS. See Plans for general locatians for new Fixtures. See Elevations for Fixture locations. Same fixtures may be behind structural posts. Alf �xtures to obscure light bulbs = Dark Sky. No exteriar uplights are prapased in this project. See Owner for cutsheets f�r light fixtures. ! 1 i : i � SC:ALC: �4X:ib: 1"-�i' SCALE: 11x1?: 1"=16` �i Exterior W�II Pack�ges: EXTERIOR WALL PACKAGE #l: HC}RIZQNTAL SIDING - BOARD ON BOARD: lx6 Reclaimed Wyoming Snow Fence - naturaf finish WATERPROCIF MEMBRANE 4" WALL SNEATHING 2X8 WC7QD FRAME WALL - SEE STRUCTURAL. HIGH DENSI?Y BA�'T INSUtATIC7N 6MIL Pp�YETHYLENE VAPQR BARRIER BLQCKING - VERIFY SIZE ELEVATC?R: SEE ELEVATOR SPECS & DRAWINGS l� a � i i i i -----� � R' � � ,� MF j �r j � �� - is s _ ��'�ir,� � _ � _ _ _ � � �_... � v —° �.� {� �1 C,,/pj� '*+. � � � � ._._I 0 n \ � i � � � � ( � �� �` 0 �� �° ra 1� � � � � ( � � / � �� �XTEF�.It�� E��VAi�CJi� N�iES: TEMPEREi� GLAZING R308.4: Pravide fiempered giazing in the foilawing applicable hazardo�s glazing locat�+�ns: �winging doors, sliding doors, storm doors, glazing within 24" arc of ciaor �nd bottom edge is less than, 6(}" is less than 64'", g�azing adjacent stairways and landings within 60" horizonta(ly af bat�om tread af stairway in any direc�i�n when the ex�osed surface of the glass is less than 60" above the nase of the tre�d. Window manufacturer to confrrm al! tempered glass locakions. TEMPERED WINDt�W: VIF � EGRESS WINpC1W: Single Family Residence to confc�rm ta 2009 IRC BiJILdING CQDES. Notify Arctri#eet of any discrepancies inciuding those from governing aufihority. See A2.C►-4 far proposed fioor plans, New plans are bas�d off of existing drawings provided by Town. Notify Arcfiitect af any discrepancies. Patched �nd Repaired materials ta match existing materiais llC7N. See cobr baard for Exterior Finist� Materials �nd caiars - TYP. �tructural details rule for framing sizes and connections. If conflict between Architectural and Structura{ drawings are identified, contact Archi�ect for clarificati�on. INSULA"TI4N R-VA�UES; Verify with Governinq building codes. FLC}�RS: R-49 WAL�S: R-21 CETI_ING: R-49 RATED W�IL� CONSTRUCTION: Provide 1-heaur rated walls and �eifings af Garage, Mechanical Rr�4rn, and under stairs. Use 2 layers %$" Typ� 3C Gypsum Baard. WxNL�t�W IVtJTE�. f.. All new window siz�s are genera{ and provided far windaw proposals. Provide Architect witt� window package for review priar to ordering. 2. Consult Architect for recommended changes ta r�view �iesign intenk and aptions. Notify Architect ofi missing r�indows and discrepancies. See floor and exterior elevations plans for egress windows. 3. See exterior elevations for af( aperable window locations and header heights. Confirm total number of window types with plans and elevatians. 4. Egress window in eaeh new and renovated sleeping roam per plans. S. V�rify all tempered glass iocatic�ns with local codes. Window rnanufacturer and Contractor to confirm all tempered glass lac�tions, 6. Pravide tempered glazing in the fallovuing applicable hazardous lacations: Swinging daors, sliding doars, storm doors, glazing within 24" arc of CJOQt" r`�ilCi I7C?�Of'!l BCIt,�E IS I�SS �}"ldll �0��� glazing adjacent stairways and landings within 60" horizantally of bottom tread oP stairway in any direction wh�en the exposed surface of the gEass ►s less than 60" above the nose af the tread. Exposed area af glass greater than 9 SP, with battom edg� less than 18°, with tap edg� greater than 36", or one or more walking areas wifihin 36"` harizantally of glazing. SEE 2009 IRC. � 1 V 1 V Andrew Jarnes Abraham, Architect C�ENVER + EDWARC7� 970.376.2575 2456 Race,Denver.CfJ.8C?205 P�B.4326. Edwa rds.Ca, 81632 www.a�a-studio.com andrew@aja-studia.cam Q cppyright A7A Studio PC 2412 .► ... � � .► �•. � C� * �' � � �,' LL � � � � p C�' � � M � N ~ rci � �� �,, � s_ tCi � �% � � � � � � � �'� `� � � . � � � C� �„ .,�� C � � � � '�. �; � t°a .�� �—i �}��cv .�""� �-i � � AS' C3'� � �"'� . � ,�. Li� f"' � � � � � �J J + CD (� � � """' � ..�.1 � � � 'C"""� � ��:��� �`� ���i >`���'�� � �� � �� � ������ ��g���. ����°���� : ��,f�.� �� ��� c � °'' � �` � �{{�� : �,� z� �°& ��. �. � � � � . _ �� . ��,a � �' . : �'� � Ar�chitect"s Permi� Set is ualfd for (1} year firom Permit Set Release L7ate or until Governing Cades require changes, whichever comes first. This set is nnly valid far 1498 B, Spring Hili Lane, Vail, Colorado & Eagle Count}r, Co(orado, � w � i � " i � • �':. L.X4�C{C%C� ���VC'�IIC:}�IrJ iL1aL I'\.)t`l :�:�: ' �;� %� � �`��t �� �. � �� �� � �.'�°s� SIDING G1N BUILDING PAPER j 3J.�� in►n� � CGl�AT4.ITN!^_ ����.�: �.i.��.�: �.�� =+�� $ 4 ,� Q � � � � � a � ' � � i • ! ' • z '-- aa. —„-._ —�.... ,-�... �--__ --..... far this area. _ _ r �I1, SCALE: 24x36; 1"=8' sca�E: �.���7: i��=�.�� i� s 4 0 c�evator 5nart: � See Elevator specs � and drawings. o�- ��--- -��- .:: � � o, E25m" ' 1 �� o� ° � � d � � I Of d N � ------- - � I 1 from house / elevator. See Elevatar specs far pit depth. See structural for all foundation wark. Verify existing garage slab and foater. - -----��� —r.., `� � � --''"�_----- �� II � 5 l�l •- � � . . . --_ . . .. ���. . . - �.,� . �> � --••,.. r.� - • . i """" r- • . � ■ ' ..- . �, � See structura! �lrawinc for cut thraugh concre rade behind cut at r`'� /� east garage elevation. �--,__ i ' � --,.., o � Align with) �xisting �xtu re. ,� M ! � � '" M# • t�• 'f SCALE : �4)i� V . 1 �� = O� l�.�.,�_�..�� � � SCALE: 11x�.7: 1"'=16` 16 8 4 Q � , � i j � , . �� � � E�CTE�IC�R ELEU'AT'ICDI� I��TES: TEMPERED GI.AZING R308.4: Provide tempered glazing in fihe following appiicabie hazardous glazing locatians: Swinging doars, sliding dovrs, I storm doors, glazing within 24" arc vf daor and bottom edge is less than 60" is less than 60", glazir�g adjacent stairways and landings within 60" horizr�ntaNy of battom tread of stairway in any direction when the exposed surtace of the glass is less than 60" abave the nose of the � tread. Window manufacturerta confirm all tempered glass locaCions. ; � TEMPERED WIND(?W. UIF � � �, EGRESS WiNDOW: ' Single Family Residence to conform to 20f}9 IRC BUIL.DING CQDES. i NotiFy Architect of any discrepancies inciuding those fram governing � authority. i See A2.0-4 far proposed finor pians, New plans are based off of existing � drawings pravided by Town. Notify Architect of any discrepancies. Patched and Repaired materials ta match existing mat�rials t1(JN. S�e color board for Exterior Finish Materials and colors - TYF. � Structural details rule far framing sizes an�i cannections. If canflict I, between Architectural and Structurai drawings are identifed, contaet ! Architec� far clarification. ' INSULATION R-VALUES: Veri with Governin9 buiidinq codes. FLOQRS: R-49 WA��S: R-21 . CEILING; R-49 µ ' RATEf7 WALL C(�NSTRUCTIflN: Provide 1-hour rated walls and ceilings of �arage, Mechanical Room, and ' under sfiairs. Use 2 layers !s" TYpe X Gypsum Board. ' WTNaC�W NflT��: 1. All new window sizes are general and pravided for window praposafs. Provide Architect with windaw package for review prior to arder'rng. 2. Cansult Architect for rec�mmended changes to review design intent ' and options. Notify Architect of m�ssing windows and discrepancies. See flaor an�l exterior elevatians plans for egress windows. 3. 5ee exfierior elevafiions for all operable windaw loca�ians and hea+der heights, Confir►n totai number af windaw types w�th pfans and elevations. 4. Egress window in each new and renouated sieeping room per plarrs. 5. Verify all tempered glass lacatians wi�h local codes. Windaw manufacturer and CantractQr to confirm all tempered glass locations. 6. Pravide tempered glazing in the foll�wing applicable hazardous locatians: Swinging doors, sliding daors, storm daors, glazing w�thin 24" arc of doar and bottam edge is less than 6p", giazing adjacent stairways and landings within 60° horizontally of battom tread of stairway in any directian when the exposed surface of the glass is fess than 60" above the nose af the tread. Exposed area af glass greater than 9 SF, wi�h battam edge less than 18", with tap edge greater than 36", or one ar more walking areas within 36" horiz�ntally of glaaing. SEE 2�D09 IRC. Exterior Wall Packa�es: EXTERTOR WALL PACKAGE #1: HC7RIZ0(�1"AL SIDING - BOARD ON BOARD: ix6 Reclaimed Wyoming Snow Fence, naturai finish WATERPROOF MEMBRANE �" WA�I. SHEATHING 2X8 WC7C3D FRAME WALL - SEE STRUCTURAL MIGH DENSITY BATi' INSULA7ICIN 6MIL P�ILYETHYLEN� VAP4R BARRIER BLt7CKING - VERIFY SIZE ELEVATOk�: SEE ELEVATCJR 5�ECS $c DRAWINGS Ex�eriar Lighting Na�es: NO NEW EXTERIOR LIGHITN� PRUPCISER: RELQCATE (1��,EX7ERIOft LIGHT FI)C'f`URE TO L.IGH7 NEW �TAIRS. See Plans for general Cocati�ns for new Fixtures. See Elevations for Fixture locations. Some flxtures may be behind structural posts. AN fixtures to obscure light bulbs = Dark Sky. No exteriar uplights are proposed in this project. See C3wner Por cutsheets for I�ght fixtures. EXTERIQi� �IR1T�H �f�JTE�: �A EXISTING WtJQD SiDIlVG: �XISTING VERTICAL SIDING �B NEW WOQD SIDING� MATCH EXISTING VERTICAL. �C EXISTING WOOD SIDING: ANGLED TiJ MATCH RC}C?F SLORE. �D NEW WOOD SiDING: HC1RIZfJNTAL STDING - MATCFi COL(�R �E NEW SLOPED R0C7fiING: METAL QVER RUBBE}� - N�T VISIBLE �F EXISTING St?FFITS. PAINT - NO WC7RK � WINDUWS: MATCN EXISTINC - VERIFY FINISHES WITH ARCHITECT. � �lASHING: MATCH EXISTTNG �j GUTT'EFtS & DCIWNSPC7UT�. MATGH EXISTING � ALL NEW TRIM: MATCH EXISi`ING � i i� � � Andrew .�am�s Abraham, Architect DENVER + EDWARDS 9?0.376.2575 2456 Race.[7enver.00.80205 POB.�326. Edwards.Cfl.81632 www.aja-studia.com andrew@aja-studio.com Q copyright AJA Studio PC �012 I �i � * i . ♦ �• * • � � s � � � � � �► ♦ 1 i �► • � • • � +� � �+1 . * i f •• • �r � � 4i � ! � ` � � � �� • � •� ' � �������� ����i��`� � � � ��� s � ,°+��� � ';������ � ��� .��.� �� �. �� ; .x.���.w.K. x. . � �� ..� _, �l 1� .� �Y� � t� �� _� � . ����� �,��, � „� � � r �� . : � � � Architect"s Permit Set is va[�d for {1) ' �ear from P�ermi� Set (�elease Date > or unkil GQVerning Codes require ; chang�s, whichever comes first. ' Thts set �s only valid far i498 B, � Spring Hil! i�ane, 1/ail, Colorado & ' Eagle Caunty, Calorado. ��ii�iilr��� � � � i � r �;, �.i 1112 AJA • � • ,� �. �# � n. h. 0 �ci a � 0 N N h�- W �s � N N t!) C7 � c0 m d d U � C @ J i17 C .� � CQ � ti � � w � a �� �� � �� � 3/4" = I,_C.?�� EXI�'aTINC,-z 2X-4 BEAR,IN� STUQ WAL.1_ NEW 1 3J4" X q 1/2" - L�/� E-�L.OGKINC {NtTH .2X4 X 2'-C%" EAGH END NA►LED TCi EAGH �"fUp WfTH (6)-Sd X 2 1/2" NAtL� �� �� � �I'�l � 314" = I'-c�„ INTERIOR �TUD WALL WITFi GYF'. SHEATHINC� Eic?TH ra1C?E5� NEW 31-4�� ��.aoR �"aHE.4THIiJ ,C".,-� tJEW Ft�G7CiR JC71�T RE� F'LAN WITH �IMPSON IUT HANC"`,-�ER, N�W (2)-1,4" LVL BEAM hIEW FLOC.�R �HEA7HIN� NEW FLOOt� ..lOIS7 RE: PLAN WI7H SIMP�71V IUS HANCyER hIEW E 31�4" X G I1.2"' L�/L l.EC7CER WITH 3/4" cP X �4" LAC-7- BC�LT .4T i'_G7" � ��� ��� � � r � ����� ���� � ��� I �� �� �� ir�" - i,_a„ 2) 2X6 �IN 31 2XCa �IN UJG�C�C> Ff�,4MINC� NC7T��� i. AL.L Wt�Of? FRI�MING .JC>I5T5 5H/hLL B� BGI 50C7G�If,-r -rr�� .�ar�r� �.� MANUFAGTUR�D BY BOISE GOi2PC7RATION. AI�TERNf�TE� SHALL HP�VE EQUAL c�R .C.-�RE�4TER GAt'�AG17Y f*�NQ �HR�.�. BE REVIEWED BY 'iHE EN.C`,-�IN��R, OF F2E�C7RD. .2. 3. �4. 5. 6. °L.VL" INI�IGf�TE� VER�.�-LAM BEAM�, A� MANUPAGTURED BY BQISE GC7RP�iRf�TIC7N. AL.iERNATE� SHAL.L HAVE THE SAME C>R C�REATER G�'.PAG17Y P�� LiS'fEC7 IN THE aTRUGTURf�L C",-�ENERR�, NG77��. � INDIGATE� GGFLUMN Dt?Whl OhtLY. MULTII�LE .21C FRAMINC-� NC>TED G>N PL.,4N�. � INQIGATE� C.C7LUMN UP Ahlp Qc7Wh1 UNLE�S IT B�AR� C7N GC7hIGRETE WALL C?R FC?C?TIN�a BELC�W, DR IT IS LABE�.ED UP C?hJLY. < > ItJDIG?�TE'S TOF' OF BEP�M EL�V�TI<_�N OR PLA.TE MEIGHT �LE�/ATIt�N `�"-'- INPIGATES l"UP OF '�T12UGTUFZ,4L FLG7QI2 �aHEl�.THIN.C"`.-y ELEVATIG7N. '7. HEADER� �H?,LL BE �3� 2X8 UNLESS NC>TEP C77HEE2WI�E. .a.LL HEfi�DER-''✓' SHf�rLL BE B111l.T OUT TC? 5 1/„�" {3 1/,2") WIpTH BY ADDiNC PLYWf�OD SPRGEF25 A� REQUIi2ED. 8. P+l,L GOL.l1MN� 5F1,4LL BE (3)-2XC� UNLE�S NG7'iED G7THERWI�E. G#. WQCJR GDLUMNS SHfaLL E3E GONTiNUOU� PROt�t �LG��7R TO FLOOR r�R PLG7C7R TG7 R44F. TRIMMER�`a SHP�LL BE ADDED TC NQTED GOLUMN SIZE� A� FZ�QUII2EC?. IC7. �j��IhIDlGP.TE�"a INTERIOR BEARINC WAL,L�. F!_4C7R JOI-'"a'T� BEARIh1C-y LC7GA7'IdN� �NH.LL LINE UP WI7H 5TUP5 BELG�W. 11. f�+L.L EXTERI4R WAtrL� SHAL.L BE GG>N�TRUGTE[7 USIN� ,2XG'r �TUC?'�. REFER TG7 EXTERIOR W�L.L DETRIL� FOR f�.Di?ITIC>Nf�L. INFORMATIDN. EXTERIOR STUC?� G,�N BE SPRGEC7 .2'-O" �C�R WAL,!_5 5HG7RTER THAN t0'-C+•'. 57UR�a �H,hLL. E3E �P�G�C� 1'-�4" FOR WALL SHDRTER TFiAN 1,4'_C7" ANC7 T�L.L.ER ?H?tN IG?'_C?'". 12. f�LL BEAM/B�AM AND BEP�M/�,OLUMN GG�NNEGTfC1N� SH�LL BE MAQE WITH ra1MP5C71*! �T�EL PL.ATE GC>NNEGTC?R5 UNL.E�S NOTEC� orHE�wis�, 13. RE: /�RGHITEGTURP�L C�R,4WINC�S FC>R, LG7GATIpN AND 51ZE OF RC.�U,C".�H OP�taItJGS IJ*t WOOC? �TUD Wf�LL�. 1-4, F�.Ea AKZGHITEGTUC�AL. DR?+V,IING�a FC�I�'. HANC+R,AIL P.ND STAIR FRPtMIN..I'� t?ETAILS. -•�:.'"e,t.tS.��Y� �� �=�ro:$3§ ��������1���� ���� ����,�� ������`� .������, �����# ���.�,x�..�Y_,���� -� � z� : ���3.� �� � 4�����.�����k��� ���4 �����: �� �� ,� � � �� ��� � � �1�C}�l�C�t� C� ��'�V��i �c��g������, z�z�. a���1 i'.C7, �3ox i5'�i 7C7 F��nchznark �o�d, Suiee Z�4 �van, Caic�rackr� �3��0 (�7Q) 94<7-77f�f's T'AX (97t3) �)4�?-�dC?5�? EMAIL a�oncr7mt�nro�-neweli,cc�n7 Denver 1"T{}1 �v�'v�lcoc�� Street. Suite ?f)t) ���xiver, �c�ic�radc� °(}2(72 (3E1�) 623-�927 ��AA. (30?} 6?�_F��f�2 �;Sv1AI�, c�enver a mr�s1�•s�e-nesvc ILcam i� � � � ....w � � � �� � � � f� � � � � � �+4 � � � •! "° �_��„�� � � �! � . � � _..J � fl'�°! Q�'7r-� �-,�l.iy � � : _• : r • 4 i i • �.e���it�r�s Pemriit �`' � , �' . �. � • R 7 GENERAI NOTES 1. LIVE �OADS USED IN DESIGN: F7 A. ROOF slope 5:12 B. TYPICAL F�OOR C. EX7ERIOR DECK 6. TPIPORTANCE FACTORS CATEGORY SEISMIC FACTOR TE SNOW FACTOR IS WIND FACTOR TW 80 PSF 4@ PSF 100 PSF I I I I E. WINQ 3 SECOND GUST 90 MPH FASTE57 MILE 8S MPH EXPOSURE B F. LIVE LOADS ARE REDUCED PER CODE TF APPLICABIE. G. CODE USED IN DESIGN. INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE, 2069 EDTTTON. TESTING, TNSpECTIONS AND OB5ERVATIONS: A. TNE STRUCTURAL ENGINEER DpES NOT PROVIDE INSPECTTONS OF CONSTRUCTION. STRUCTURA� ENGINEER MAY MAICE FERIOQIC QBSERVATICINS QF THE CONSTRUCTION, SUCH OBSERVR7ION5 SNALL NOT REPLACE REQUIRED IRiSRECTI0N5 8Y THE GOVERNING AUTHORITIES Qft SERVE AS °SPECTAL TNSPECTIONS" A5 MAY BE REQUIRED BY CHAPiER 17 OF TNE IN7ERNATZ4NAL BUILDING CODE. B. THE FO�LOWTNG WORK SHAL� BE INSAECTED BY THE SPECTAL INSPECTQR UNLESS 5PECIFICALLY WAIVED BY TME BUILQING OFFiCIAL. 1. 50I1 PREPARATION a. EARTHWORK EXCAVATTON, PLACEMENT AND COMPACTION OF FTLL AND iN- PIACE DRY DENSTTY bF 7HE COMPACTED FILL FQR CONFORMANCE WITH TNE APPRQVEd REPORT. 2. CONCRETE CONSTRUCTIQN a. PERiODZC INSPECTION 4F REINFQRCING STEEL. b. PERIODIC UERIFICATION OF USE OF REQUIftEd QESIGN MIX. c. CONTINUOUS INSPECTTON AT THE TIME FRE5H CONCRETE IS SAMPLED TO FABRICATE SPECIMENS FOR STRENGTH TESTS, PERFORM SLUMP AND AIR CONTENT TESTS AND 6ETERMINE THE TEMPERATURE OF 7NE CONCRETE. d. CONTINUOUS INSPECTION OF CONCRETE PI.ACEMENT FOR PROPER APRL.ICATION TECHNIQUES. e. PERIODIC TNSPECTION FOR MAINTENANCE OF SPECIFTEd CURING TEMPERA7URE AND TECHNIQUES. 3. STEEL CONSTRUCTiON a. A�t WE�DING SNALL RECEIVE CONTINUOUS SPECIAL INSPECTIQN EXCEPT THE ��L�OWINC: 1. WELQING DQNE IN AN APPROVED FABRICATOR'S SHOP IN AGCORDANCE W2TN SECTION �.704.3. b. THE SPECIAL INSPECTQR NEED NOT SE CONTINUQUSLY PRESENT DURING WELDING OF THE F011.OWxNG ITEMS, PRQVIDED THE MATERIALS, WELOING PROCEDURES AND QUALiFICATIQNS 4F WELDERS ARE VERIFIEb PRIOR TO TNE START C�F WORK; PERIODTC TNSPECTION5 ARE MADE bF WpRK IN PROGRESS; AND A VISUAL INSPECTTQN OF ALL WELDS IS MADE PRIOR TO COMPL.ETION Oft PRIOR T4 SHIPMENT OF SHOP WELDING. 1. 5IN6LE pASS FILLET WE�DS NOT EXCEEDING 5/16" IN SIZE, 2. WE�DING RAI�ING SYSTEMS. c. VERIFY WELQ FILLER MATERiALS CON�ORM Tp AWS SPECIFICATION5 AND MANUFAGTllRER'S CERTIFICATE OF CONiPLIANCE I5 REQUIRED, d. PERIODIC INSPECTYQN OF THE STEE� FRAME TO VERIFY COMPLIANCE WITH ?HE DETAILS SHOWN ON THE APPRpVED CQNSTRUC7ION D4CUMENTS SUCH AS BRACING, STTFFENIN6, MEMBER I.t?CATIONS AND PROPER APPLICA7ION OF 702NT DETATLS AT EACN CONNEC7ION. e. VERIFY STRUCTURA� STEEL MATERIAL C�NFORMS 70 ASTM STANDARDS SPECIFIED IN THE APPROVED Cdhl5TRUCTION DOCUMENTS AND MANUFACTURER'S CERTXF2EQ MILL TE5T REPORTS, f, PERIQDTC VEftTFICA7I0N OF HIGH STRENGTH BOLTS, NUTS AND WASNEftS FOR CONFOftMANCE TO ASTM STANDARQ5 SPECIFIED TN THE APPROVED CONSTRUCTIQN DOCUMENTS AND MANUFACTURER'S CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. g. PERTODIC INSPECTION OF BEARIN6 TYPE CQlVNECTORS WITN HTGN STRENG7N BQLT5. 1. WHILE 7NE WORK TS IN PROGRESS, THE 5PECIAL TNSPECTOR SHALL DE7ERMiNE THAT THE REQUIREMENTS F4R BQLTS, NUTS, WASHERS AND PATNT, BOLTED PARTS AND INSTALLATTON AND TIGHTENTNG IN SUCH STANDARD5 ARE MET. FOR JOINTS REQUIREQ TO BE TIGHTENED ONLY 70 THE SNU6-TTGHT CONDS?TON, THE SPECTAL INSPECTOR NEED ONLY VERIFY THAT THE CpNNECTED MATERIALS NAVE BEEN QRAWN TOGETHEft AND PROPERIY SNU�GED. 3. FQUNDATIdNS A. THE ALLOWABLE SOII BEARING PRESSURE ASSUMEp IN DESIGN IS 2�00 PSF, THE CONTRACTbR SHALL RETAIN A LICENSED SOIIS ENGINEER TO INSPECT THE FQUNDATIQN EXCAVATTON. SOILS ENGINEER SHAL� VERIFY IN WRSTING THE ACTUAL 5C7I�5 CAPACITY IS EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN ASSUMED. B. ALL �40TING BEAaIN6 ELEVATIONS SHQWN ARE ASSUMED. EXACT BEARING Ek,EVATIONS SNAI.L BE VERIFIED IN THE FTELD WITH ACTUAI. CONDITTONS BY CONTRACTOR WTTN APPROVAL OF SOILS ENGINEER AND ALL BdTTQMS OF FOOTTNGS SHALL SE A MINIMUM QF 48" BELQW EXTERIOR GRAdE, C. A�L FOt}'fINGS ARE TO BE ALACED ON EIRM, UNDT5TURBED, NATUftAL SQIL OR PR4PERLY COMPACTED BACKFILL, APPROVED BY THE S4IL5 ENGINEER> BACKFILL SHALL BE COMFACTED TQ 95% (MINIMUM) MODTFIEt7 PROCTOR dENSITY RER ASTM D1557 UN�ESS OTHERWISE RECOMMENDED IN TNE SQILS REPOR7. IF SOFT SPQ75 ARE ENCOUNTERED REMOVE SOIL AND RECOMPACT WTTH APPROUED FTLL (RE: SOIL REPORT FOR DESCRZPTION OF BEARING SQTL). D. CEN7ER ALL FOOTINGS UNDER WALLS, CQLUMNS QR GRID LTNES UNl.ESS NOTED QTHERWISE ON PLANS. E. CONTRACTOR TQ PI20UIDE, AT HIS EXPENSE, FIELD DEN5TTY ?ESTS ON CQMPACTED FILL UNDER FOOTTNGS ANQ INTERI(}R SLABS-ON-GRADE. F. NOTiFY SOILS ENGTNEEft WHEN EXCAVATION i5 COMPLETED 50 THAT CONDITIdNS MAY BE TNS�'ECTED nRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF ANY FIL� OR CONCRETE. G. FOR SOIt� DRAINAGE REQUIREMENTS REFEft TO SOT�S REPORT AND CIVIL DRAWINGS. 4. SLA6 QN GRADE A. 7HE PRfPARATION dF THE SUBGRADE FOft THE S�AB 4N GRADE SNALL BE IN STR2�T ACCORDANCE WTTH TNE PROJECT SOTLS REPORT REFERENCED ABOVE. THE CONTRACTQft SHALt DIRECT QUESTIONS REGARDING THE SUBGRADE RftEPARATSON REQUTREMENTS TO 7HE GE07ECHNICAL ENGINEER. B. MOVEMENT OF TNE SlA6 ON GRADE MAY CAUSE DAMAGE TO ANYTHTNG CONNECTED TO QOTN THE S�AB AND OTNER PQRTIi7NS OF THE SUPEftSTRUCTURE. TSOLATIQN DETAILS FOR PARiI7IdN WALLS, BASEBOARDS, PIPING AND OTHER ITEMS MAY BE REQUTRED. REFER TQ 7HE APRROPRIATE DRAWINGS 0!2 CON5ULT WITN THE RESpQNSIBLE MEMBER OF 7HE DESIC�N TEAM PRIOR TO CONNECTING ITEM5 T� BOTH TME SLAB ON GRADE ANb QTHER PORTIONS 4F THE SUPER5TRUCTURE. 5. CONCRE7E A. A�l CAST-IN-PLACE Cl�NCRETE SNALL BE MADE WITH TYPE I P(JRTLANd CEMEN7, STONE AGGREGATE AND SHAIL SA7ISfY THE FOLLOWING REQUTREMENTS: CONCRETE ITEM F'C MIX TYPE MAX WJC RATTQ % ASft REQ. F(70TINGS 3009 psi S7D --- --- FOUNDA7TON WALLS 3000 psi STD --_ ___ INTERIOR SLABS 4N GRADE 3000 psi STD 6.50 --- EXTERIOR CONCRETE (++) 4500 psi 5TD 0.45 6%-8% ++ MAXIMUM S[.UMR SHALL NQT EXCEED 4". B. IF CONCRETE SUPPLTER PROPOSES U5E OF FLYASH HE SHALL PROVIDE OWNER WITH LETTER INDICATING COST REDUCTTON AT TIME dF BID. THE MODULUS OF ELASTICITY OF ALL CONCRETE 5HAL� EXCEED WC1.5 33 F'C (pR 57,000 F'C NORMAL WEIGHT CONCftETE). C. CONTRACTOR SHALL SAWCUT OR TRdWELCUT 70INTS IN SLABS ON GRADE. JOINTS SNALL BE SPACED 10 FEET AND SAWCUT OR TRQWELCUT 1J4 C?F 5LAB [?EPTH X 3J16" WIDE WITHIN 12 HDURS AFTER POURING. CARRY pLL SLAB REINFORCEMENT THROUGH 7QINT. 6 p. SLABS AND FOOTINGS, 5HALL NOT HAVE 30INT5 IN A HORIZONTAL PLANE. ANY STOP IN CQNCRETE WORK MUST BE MAdE AT THIRD POINT dF SPAN WITH VERTICA� BULKHEADS ANQ HdRTZONTAL SHEAR KEYS UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN. ALL CONSTRUCTION 70INT5 SHALL BE AS DETAT�ED OR AS REVIEWED SY TNE ENGINEER. E. ALL CONCRETE WORK AND REINFORCEMENT DETAILING SHAt� BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH ACT BUI�DTNG CpDE 318 LATEST EDITION, UNLESS N07ED OTHERWISE. USE STANDARD HOOKS FOR DOWELS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWTSE. ALL EXPOSED EDGES OF CQNCRETE WORK SHALL HAVE 3/4 INCH CHAMFER. REINFORCEMENT A. ALL RETNFORCING SHAI� BE HIGH-STRENGTH DEFORMED BARS CONFORMING TO ASTM A615, GRADE 60 EXCEPT TTES, STIRRUPS AND PIATE ANCHORS WHICH SHALL 8E DEFORMED BARS, A5TM DESIGNATIQN A615, GRAQE 40 QR ASTM A706 GRADE 60. B, WELbED W1RE FABRIC SHALL CONFORM TO ASTM A185 GRADE 65 AND SHALL BE �APPED ONE FULL MESH AT SIDE AND fND SPLICES AND WIRED TOGE7HER. C. REINFORCEMENT PftOTECTION UNLESS NOTED f�THERWISE: 1. CONCRETE POURED AGAINST EARTH 3" 2. CQNCRE?E POURED IN FORMS (EXPOSED TO WEATHER OR EARTH) 2"' 3. C(7LUMiNS AND BEAh1S (TIE BARS) 1-1/2" 4. SLABS AND WALLS (N07 EXPOSED TO WEATHER) 3/4" D. REINFOftCEMENT PLACEMENT AND TQLERANCES SHALL BE IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTIONS 7.5, 7.fi AND 7.7 OF ACI 318, LATEST EDITION. E. NO SPLItES OF RE3NFORCEMENT SHAI� BE MADE EXCEPT AS pETASLED QR AUTNORI2ED BY THE STRUCTUaAL ENGINEER. LAP SPIICES, WHERE PERMITTED, SHALL BE A MINIMUM OF 48 BAR DIAMETERS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWTSE. MAKE ALL BARS CON7INUOUS AROUND CORNER5. F. PLACE TWO #5 (PER 8'" THICKNESS) WITH 2'-0" PROJECTIQN AROUND ALL 4PENIN6S IN CONCRETE WAL�S, SCABS, AND BEAMS. AL54 PROVIDE TWp #5 X 4'-0" DTAGONALLY AT EACM CORNER. G, CONTINUOUS 70P AND BOTTOM BARS IN WALLS AND BEAMS SHA�L BE SPLICED AS FOLLOWS: TOF BARS AT MiDSPAN, BOTTOM BARS 4VER SUPPQRTS. 7. STRUCTURAI. 5TEEL A, A�L STftUCTURAL STEEL SNALC CON�ORM TO ASTM A36 EXCEP7 WIDE FLANGE BEAM5 WHTCH SHALI CONFORM 70 A57M 952, (50 KSI) AND EXCEPT PIPE COLUMNS WHICH SHA�L CONFQRM TQ A�TM A53 AND 7UBE COLUMNS TO ASTM A500, GRADE B, LATEST EDITIONS. STEEL SUPP(.IER MAY PROVIDE ASTM A572, GRAQE 50 AT HIS OPiION, MISCE�LANEOUS EMBEDDED ITEMS SHAI.L gE A36 S7EEL. &. 'A�L STRUC7URAL BOLTS 5HALL BE A325N INSTALLED TO A MTNTMUM SNUG TIGNT CONDIT20N. ALL ANCNOR BOLTS SHALL CQNFORM TO ASTM A307 UNLESS NOTED OTHERWT5E. C. STRUCTURAL STEEL SHA�L BE DETAILED AND FABRICATED IN A�CORDANCE WITH THE LATEST PRpVISIQNS OF ATSC "NIANUAL OF STEEL CQNSTRUCTION." �. EXCEP7 WHERE DETAILED OTHERISE, FABRiCATOR SHAL.L SELECT STEEL CONNECTTONS PER AISC "MANUAL �F STEEL CONSTRUCTION'" (ASD}, TABLE 11-A ANDJQR AISC "SIMPLE SHEAR CONNECTION MANUAL" W2TH A325 N BQLTS {OR WELDED EQUTVALENT) TQ SUPPdRT GOADS INDICATED ON THE STRUCTURAL DftAWINGS. WHEN LOADS ARE NdT SHOWN, SELECT CONNECTION TQ SUPRQRT 60l THE TOTAL UNIFORM LOAD CAPACITY PER AISC "MANUAL OF STEEL CONSTRUCTION" FOR EACH GIVEN BEAM AND SPAN. E. AL� WELDERS SHAIL HAVE EVIDENCE OF PASSING THE AMERICAN WE�DING SOCIETY STANDARD QUALIFICATIONS TESTS AS QUTLINED TN AWS-D1.1. F, MINIMUM WELDS TO BE PER AISC TABI.E 72.4 BUT NQT LESS THAN 3J16" CONTINUOUS FI�LET UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE. G. PROVIDE TEMPORAftY BRACING AND PRECAUTIONS NEGESSARY TO COMPLY WITH AL� STEEL ERECTION STANDARDS AND TO WITHSTAND ALL CONSTRUCTION AND/OR LATERAL LOADS UNTIL ALL FIELd CONNECTIONS ARE COMPLETED ANQ PERMANENT LATERAL SYSTEMS AND DECKS ARE IN P�ACE, H. STEEL FABftICATOR SHAIL N07 RECE3Vf ADDITIONAL COMPENSATTON FOR SHOP DRAWING TIME FOR ANY REVISIONS TO ERECTION DRAWiNGS NOR FOR ANY REVISIONS TO PIECE ORAWINGS PRSOR Tp EN6TNEER'S APPROVAL OF ERECTION dRAWIh1G5. 8. NON-SHRINK GROU7 A. NON-SHRINK GROUT SHA�L BE PROVIDED: 1. BETWEEN COLUMN BASES AND CpNCRETE SUPPORTS. 2. BETWEEN BEAM BEARING PlA7E5 AND CONCRETE SUPPORTS. 3. GROUT SHALL BE CQMPLETE AND HAVE A MINTMUM CpMPRESSIVE STRENGTH OF 6600 PSI PRIOR TQ ADDING BUILDING LOADS ABOVE. 9. WOOD A. AL� FRAMING AND TRUSS LUMBER 5HALL BE DRY DQU6LA5 FIR, LARCH, GRADED BY WESTERN WOOQ PRODUCTS ASS4CIATION AND CdNFORMING TO INTERNATTONA� BUILDING CQpE AS FOLLOWS: 2" THICK - 4° TO 6" WIDE (WALL STUD ONLY} STUD Fb = 760 PSI 2" Tp 4° TNICK -&" AND WTDER N0. 2 Fb = 900 PSI S° TNICK - 5" ANQ 4#IDER N0. 1 Fb = 1350 PSI NQ7ED AL�pWABLE STRESSES AftE MINTMUMS AND �OR NONREPET2TVE U5ES PRIOR TQ AILOWABLE STRESS INCREA�ES, B. WHEN PRESERVATIVE TREATEQ I.UMBER IS REQUIftED BY CpDE ALL CQNNECTIONS AND NAILING SHALL BE ADEQUAiE�Y GALVANIZED (DOUB�E QIPPED QR BETTER}. C. TREATED SItI PLATE LUMBER MAY BE HEM-FIR, STRUCTURAL #1 GRADE, d. PROVIDE METAL CROSS BRIDGING NQT OVER 8' OM1! CENTER FOR ALL 2X WOOD 70ISTS. SOLIp BLOCKING BETWEEN ALL 7QIST5 A7 AlL SUPPORTS AND END5 OF CANTILEVERS I5 REQUIREb. E. FASTEN A�L WOOD MEMBERS WITH COMMON NAILS ACCORDING TO THE IBC SCHEDU�E TABLE 2304-9.1 UNLESS NOTER OTHERWISE. F. PLYWOQD DECK ANQ/OR QRIENTED STRAND BOARD. 1. PANEL THTCKNESS SHA�L BE AS SHOWN ON THE DRAWING. APPL2CATION SNAI.L BE IN ACCOftDANCE WITH REC4MMENDATIONS OF THE AMERICAN P�YWOQD AS5QCiA7I0N. 2. EACH PANEL 5HALL BE IDENTIFIED WITH TH£ GRADE-TRADEMRRK OF THE AMERICAN PL,YW�dD ASSOCIATION AND SHALL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF U.S. PRODUCTS STAt�DARD PSI, LATEST EDI7IQN FOR PLYWOOD. ALL PANELS WHICH HAVE ANY EDGE OR SURFACE PERMANENTLY EXPOSED T4 THE WEATHER SHALI BE OF THE EXTERIOR TYPE. 3» FQR FLOORING USE 3/4" T&G STURD-I-FLOOR SHEA`fNING GLUED AND NAILED WITN 3.0D NAILS AT 6" ON CENTER AE.ONG PANEL EDGES ANp AT 12" ALONG TNTERMEDTATE SUPPORTS. 4. FOR RQOF USE 5J8" (40j20 SPAN RATING) EXPOSURE I SHEA7HING NAILED WITH 10D NAIlS AT 4" ON CEhlTER A�ONG PANE� EDGES AND AT 12" ALONG INTERMEQTATE SUPPORTS. 5. EXTERxOR WAL�S SHAL� HAVE ONE LAYER OF 1J2" EXPOSURE I PLYWOOD QR O56 SMEATHTNG NAILED WITH 8d (dR 10d} NATLS AT 6" ON CENTER ALONG PANEL EDGES AND 12" ON CENTER AT IN?ERMEDIATE SUPPORTS, ALL PANEL EDGES SHALL BE BLOCKED. 6. FLOORS AND ROOF SNEATHING SHAL� BE INSTALLED WITH THE FACE GRAIN PERFENpICULAR 7Q SUPPORTS WITN END 70TNT5 STAGGERED, 7. INSTALL SUITABLE ERGE SUPPQRT BY USE OF PLYCLTPS, TONGUE AND GROOVE PANELS OR SOLID WOOD BLOCKING SUPPORTS. G. PREFABRZCATED WOOD MEMBERS SNALL BE THE TYPE NOTED ON THE DRAWINGS AND SNALL BE "BCT-�O3ST" AS MANUFACTURED BY BOISE CORPORATIQN. ALTERNATES SHALL BE REVTEWED BY THE ENGINEER. TO BE CONSTDERED, ALTERNATES SHALI HAVE A lOAp CAPACITY IN BENDIN�, SHEAft ANd DEFLECTION EQUAL TQ Oft GREATER 7HAN THE SIZE SHOWN ON THE DRAWTNGS. WEB BLOCKIN� AND BRIDGING TO BE AS REQUTRED BY THE JOIST MANUFACTURER. H. LAMINATED VENEER LUMBER MEMBERS SHALL HAVE 'tHE FOLLOWTNG STRESS CAPACZTIES: FB = 2800 PSI, E= 2,000,000 PSI, FC = 756 PSI, FV = 285 PSI. BUIL7 UP MEMBERS SHALL BE CONNECTEd IN ACCORDANCE WITH MANUFACTURERS' RECOMMENDATIONS. CONTRACTQR SHA�� HAVE THE OPTIQN OF USING 3 1/2° OR 5 1j4" WIDE MEMBERS. 10. NON-STRUCTURAL ELEMENTS A. ELEMENTS SUCH AS NON-BEARING PARTITIONS, ETC. AT7ACHEQ 70 ANDJOR SUPPORTED BY THE STRUCTURE SHALL TAKE INTO ACCOUNT DEFLECTIONS AND OTHER STftuCTURAL MOVEMENTS. B. FIRE PROTECTION FOR ALL STRUCTURAL PARTS SHALL BE PROVIDED AND SHALL MEET A�L CODE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION SPECIFIED BY 7HE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWIN6S. STRUCTURAL STEEL MEMBERS SHALL BE CONSIDERED UNRESTRAINED UNLESS NQTED OTHERWISE. 11. GENERAL A. EN�iINEER'S ACCEP7ANCE MUST BE SECURED Fpft ALL STRUCTURAI SUBSTITUTIONS. B. VERIFY ALL OPENING5 THft0U6H FLOORS, ROOF AND WALLS WITH MECNANTCA� AND ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS. VERIFICATION OF LOCATIQNS, SIZES, LINTELS AND REQUIftED CONNECTTONS ARE CONTRACTOR'S COMPLETE RESPONSIBI�ITY. C. PRIOR TO IN5TALLATION QF MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT QR OTHER ITEMS TO BE ATTACHED TO THE STRUCTURE, ENGINEER'S APPROVAL OF CONNECT20N5 AND SUPPORTS SHALL BE OBTAINED. UNLESS SPECIFICALLY pETAILED ON ARCHITECTURAL AND STRUCTIiRAL DRAWINGS, RESPECTIVE SUBCONTRACTOR SHAIL FURNISN ALL HANGERS, CONNECTIONS, ETC., REQt7IRED FOR INSTALLATION dF HTS ITEMS. D. PROVIDE ALL EMBEDDED ITEMS IN STRUCTURE AS NOTED ON ARCHITECTURAL, MECHANICAL, ELECTRICAL AND STRUCTURAI DRAWTNGS, MISCELLANEOUS EMBEDDED ITEMS AND ANCHOR BOLTS SHAL� BE FURNISHED BY STEEL SUPPLIER ANd INSTALLED BY CONCRE7E CQNTRACTOR. S7EEL 5HAL� FULFILL ASTM A36. E. PftQV2DE ASPHALTIC MASTIC-tOATING ON ALL STEEL AND W04p EXPOSED TO EARTH. F. SUBMIT SHOP AND ERECTION DRAWIN6S TO ENGINEER FOR REVTEW OF ALL STRUCTURAL STEEL. THE MANUFACTURING dR FABRICATION QF ANY ITEMS PRIOR TO WRITTEN REVIEW QF SHOP DRAWINGS WI�� BE ENTIRELY AT THE RISK OF THE CONTRACTOR, G. WATERPROOFING, VAPOR BAftRIERS, ETC., SHAL� BE AS SHOWN ON THE ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS AND AS INDICATED IN THE SPECIFTCATIONS. H. ALL MASONRY AND STONE VENEERS SHA�L BE ATTACHED TO INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR WALLS AS SPECIFIED IN SECTION 1405 OF THE INTERNATIONAL BUILDING CODE. I. ALL DIMENSIONS ON STRUCTURAI DRAWINGS SHALL BE CHECKED AGAINST FIELD CONDITIONS AND ARCHITECTURAL DRAWIN6S. 7. CON7RACTOR SHALL VERIFY ALL ASSUMED EXISTING CONDITIONS. IF CONDITIONS ARE DIFFERENT THAN ASSUMED, NOTIFY EN6INEER. � ° � _`� ���, � 4 € � � .. ��� � �.'����� � �,� ��� �������;� .,.���������`��..8������.��� ., a. ������ _.v.�� ,.,��.,� m,�-.������"` ��: � ���� � „ � ,��.� �' _v,�. �-� �- � � � ���°���� ,�. ..,..�.���.���, �" � � �', �� il�;,�� � �` �. : � ' � >; �. �1�Url.�'�� c� ��W��.� Engii�eers, Inc. I�VOI1 T'.t�. �3r�x 159i 70 I3ei�chtrraxk F�aad, �uite 2{�4 Flvc��a, Cc�ias-a<ic i37�2f� (�?�} �)�9m77<>ii F�f (97f7j ��9-4C�5�� E�IAT:L <�vc�n�;n3csnrc�e-r7ewc(1.c<>m ZlE;II.VC.i' 17tJt 1�,'�nkc�c�p Str�e�t, �i=_aitc ?C7(} I3��-sor��•, C�loratic� 8Ci2()? (�3C13} ti2:�-��):� i F'�� (3(}3) 6? i ��(3� E:tuTfi�IL c9eaves r.a tr�c>z�rr�c:-rte�.�� 31 c<>€n � ��;. i� i� ° � �! � � � � � � a � � � � � � � :� � � � � � � :,� N- - �• ' ! ! : -• : ' • • ::. : • N � �; v � �. # • • !