HomeMy WebLinkAboutA12-0073 Smoke 9714 scan���implEx True�4larm Analog Sensing UL, ULC, CSFM Lrs�ed,� FN1 Approvec�; TrueAlarm Analog Sensors — Phatoe�ectr�c, MEA (NYG) Acc�ptance* Eanization, and Heat; 5tandard Bases and Accessories � 7rueAlarrri analog sens[ng provides: • Digitai tran��nissic�n oF aiialt�g sez�,or value� s�a IDNet or 1VI�1.PN]3T II tu-o-wire cc7nun�aniU�lio��s For use witf� the fa�lowing Simplex�' products: • =�1C7�ES, �lOt?U, 4{�1()ES, and4Q10 Series control panels; and 400$ Series control panels iE�ith reducr;ti f�atu3�e �# (ref�r to d�ta she�t S�10�J3-UO�71 for details} 402i), 4100, a�d 4lZ[) Sc;�-izs con�ol panels, Universa� Trans�ondezs and 212(� `I'rueAl��n CDTs �quiPped fo�- N1t1PNET II c�peration Fire alarm control panel provides: • 1'ea�: val��e lag�ing �llo�,vuig �ccurate �aly�sis ��£ each sei7sor for individ�zal sensiTiviry sel�ctian • Sensitivi[�r n7onitc�rfng satislying N�PA 72 sensitivity lesting requireinents; au4o�a�atic indi�idua] se37sor caIi�ration check c��.rif ies sen:�or inte�ri#y • 1Lutomatie envuonmental com�ensation, multi-s�tag� alain� operation, anc� display c�f :�:n;itivity di��cctly in ��r�entperfoat • �bilit�� to �li;�lay �nd print ��t{iiled 5�n�r inf�rzrzatiar� n1 plait� Er�gl�sh langua�e Photoe�ectric sm�ke �ensars prov�de: • Seven le��els of sensiti�7t�= #`rcrm 0.2°�o to 3_7% Heat sensors prt�vide: • 1�i1�d t�nnperature scnsing • Ra.te-oY-rise tempt�a-aLuri �cntiin� • Utilit� t�mperature se�5inb lonizatian stnoke ser�sors pro�ide: • I'hree levels of sensiti��ity; C).�°fo, 0.9%, and 1.3% Genera[ features: • LTL fi�-ted tc� �kanr�ard 26� • L<iuti�erec� smok� sensor desig�i enha�ices �noAe aapture tiy directing t1o�; iQ cIlam�er; entrance areas a�-� minimall_y visi�le Gvhen ceilin� mc�ittsted • Desi�ni�ei forElVi[ t;c�mpatebilitg • M���ietic tesi fzature is provided • Q}�ticanal �c;cessorie� inciude re�note I.TF} aEarrn ii�dicator aiid outp�it relays Additional base refere�ce: • Fc�r isolato�� ��ases, refer ta c��ta sheet 54098-0Q2� • 1� or s�und�r bases, r�fer t� aiat� ;l�eet 54�98-0�2R • Por �hotc��eai sensors, refer tc� data .hcel S�()��3-C�U2� (single addre��) anci S�(33i�-t)();; (du�] address) ' TheseptoductshavebeenapprovedbyiheCaiifiomia5taieFireP�arsh�(CSFhA)pursuantlo SecSon f3i44_� of fhe Califomia �lealth and Safely Code. See CSFM Lis�ngs 7272-0026:218, 7271-0026',237, i27�-0028:216, and 730a-(#Q2�2t7 forallowa6le vaiues andlnr cQndi�ons concerning malerial prasented in this da:umenf. Ik is su6jeci to re �xamfnahon rewsion, and possi�'e canedlation F,ccepfed f� use —Giiy oi Ne�v Yuk pepartment of 8uildings— PAEA35-93E Ad�lio-nal li$:ings may E�eapplica�Ee. coniactyour ioca Simplex Qraduct suppEies for the latesf slatus. Listii�gs and approvals under Sim�ax 7ime ReCorcfer Co_ ar� the prop�aty of Tpco Firs Arolection Products_ � 4f798-9714 TrueAlarm Photoelectric Sensor ft�ounted In Base Descriptian �igital Cornmunic�tior� af Analtsg Sensing. True/11aPn3 analog �n�ors pro�°id4 an atialc�g measurzment di�ita�l� ac�mmuniaate� to the l7o�t �oaltrol �SUie� using Sim���ex �dc�es�able cc��ntuui�icatiqns. Ac tl�e cc�nttol �a�el, t�1e da#a is analvz4cl and eui �veea�;e v�ltte is deterrnti�ed ar�d storec�. An alairn or other at�nc�zx�zal eE�nditi<�n is delera�ineci €�}f cc�rnparing d�e ;ensc���'s pz�esezzt Gralue aga�nst its avcrage �alue and Cime. lntelligent C}ata EW�luation. Mnnitoi-ing �ach ser�scri�'s a�rera�e vatuz �iovides � e�ntvluously shifting referen�e pc�int_ T11is u�f�t«are �Ttcring proccss com�ieiisat�s fnr environmentaf factors (dust, di�-t, eic_) and cotnponer�t aging, presvidiiag an accurate referealce toz' e�,��luating i�z�� acti�rity. Wat�t this fiitering, fllere is a�ignificant reciuclicn7 iu the prohd�iilit�° nf'talse or nuis�nce alain�s causcd b�� s�iTts irt �enstti�ritv, eittler up or doivn_ Control Panet Selec�kion. Peak activit� per :;ensc�r is slar�r3 It� as.�ist in �� aluating ,pecitic lacations. The a1�nn ;et poini T�r e�icl� ]'rueAlann �z;nsnr is deterniined at the Iios€ ccr��ta�c�l p�ei, 3i:lectai,le as rrar�re or less sen5iti�re as the indi��idual a�plication rcc�uires. TimedlMuiti-Stage Selec#ior�. Si:nsor ala�Zn set points can i�e pr��ratnn�r� fs�r timcd �uton7aLic sensitivii�� sa;lectioi3 (such as nriot-� sensi£i�re at night, I�,ss s�nsitiv� dtuing da� }. Cc�ntrol �anci prc��.n �iuning c�n also provide �nulti-s#3ge o��erati�� per s�isor- �'c�r exa�nple, a 02°io leeel tnnv cause a�raming �tc� prompt invead�;atic�n �vhiie a 2.�% level mav initiat� an alatTn. Se�sor Alarm and� Trouble LED Indicatian. Eacil sensc�r base's LED pulses to indicale conuniulications ti�-ith the ��azl. If the �ntr��l par�el detr;z-m��zes a tiensc�r i5 in alat�n, cn� is dirty c�r �as some c�il�c.r �y��� of h-o�ible, t1�e deiails are aiu°iuneiated at thc co�7tro1 �ai�el ai7c� th�t sar�sor hase's L�,D ��ill Lie turned on �teadilyr. During a�E�ste�n alat�ra, the control paucl «�11 comtrcrl thc LEDs such that an L�D ind�cating a�ro�bI� tivi1P r-eturn to pulsing ta 11z1p identify the alam�cc� sensors. 54L198-D019-13 1 D12011 TrueAiarm Sensor Bases and Accessories . Base mounted adc�ress selection: . Address r�inain:� ���iih it� prc�gran�rned locatinn • 1� ccessil�l� From �ro�t �llIP sti�; rtch under tiei�sori Generai fea#ures: • Auton�,�tic ide��ti#icatio�� prc�vic�c�.s cl�t�ult sensitivity ��l�en substitEiting sensar Types • Inte�=ral rea L�L7 fc}r pa�ver-an (pulsin�), or alann or tro�ible (stc�ciy c�n) • Lor;kialg a�iti-ta�nper di;si�i inounts Un sta�idard outl�t t�o�: • Ma�,neticailv c��rated functi�izal test . 4098-9792, Standard s�nsor base 4098-9789, 5e�sor basewith wired cannections far: • 20�}8-4808 Renacate LED alarrn iii�icator or �iJ98-9�22 relay (unsupe�vised) 4U98-9791, Sensor base witt� super�ise� relay driver autput (not campatible with 2120 CDT}: * I�elav c�peration i� proQrammable ailci car� be manuatly operated fr-om cvntr�l pat�e3 Use tivtt4l r�n�ote n-�ount 2�9�-�737 reiay . Also inc3u�es i��ire.� connectic�ns iar rein�te LED alazz� i�idic;ator esr �C19�-9�22 eelaV - . i • • 2098-9737, R+ernote or local maunt superv�sed reEay: + D�'I]T cr�rafiacts for resistivelsuppr�ssed la�ads, poE�er limited rating oi 3 A fi�� 28 VDC; i�c�ii-��o��.�er lixx�ited r��►ng of > A(aJ 120 V{�C {req��s e�%�ai 2� UI3(' C�i� �iQb'v`�1"� 4098-9822, LED Annunciation Relay: . lLctivate� ��.�hen base L�D is on �teady, inc�icatin� Icrcai alai7n ur tr�uble • DPDT con�acts For resistive/�tppres�d lc�ads, potver liinited raling of 2 A(iis 28 VDC; izc�n-poti��er lututed ratiug oi ]12 A� 120 �AC', {�quires ��temal 2� VDC COI� �(?�L`�1'� 4098-$832, Adapter plate: • Required fc�r surface or se.mi-tlush rnout7tin� tc3 �" sc�u�re electncal hc�� and l�» �urfac� �iountiar�� ta 4" octagonal b�� • Caz� k�e usc,d fc�r ce�sm�tic retrc�fittaz�� tc3 e�isiin� 6-3/$" diame€er hase �r�duct 2098-9808, Remote red LED AEarm �, fndieator_ • IV�ounts crn sing�e g�g bo� ��� (sho��7� in illustratzon to n�ht} � S Snmpfex � �- . . TrueAlarm ��nsor bases eontain intea -al ac�dres�at�ie electronres that �;ozsstantly inonitor the statu, c�f the det�c11a1�1e phc�tc�electric, ic�ruzatiota, or Lieat sensors. Each �er�5or's ouiput is di�itized �d tr�ns�rutted tes Lhe sy�tem �ire �latin eonlrol �anel every four seconds. Since Tn�eAlam� sensors u5e ihe same tiase, dif�ereni sensor tupea can bc e�sily inlerchanged to meet specific loc�tion rec�uu�ement�. �'his fe�tuz-e alsc� allo�r�-s inle��tivnal sen�z- sub�it�rtic�n �3u�ing b�ilda��a constructian. WY��.n canditic�n� arc: tem�rar�iv dusty, instead of co�'ering the snic��e sens�r5 (causing: il�cit� tc� be disahled), l�ea€ sensoss ma�r be in�alle� zvithout repa�oga�ammu�� the cc�ntz-ol paneI. Altbough the eontrcj3 p�ul�l `�ill indicate an incon-ect sensQr t�•g�e, tke laeat s�n�ar ��-ill oper�te �lt � default �nsitivii� �arc�s�idin� heat detection for buiidin� pratectian at thai lc7catioz�. • • - - Eleetric�l Box Requirements: (hoxes are by others} Wifhnut rela}(_ 4" octagonal or 4" square, 1-112" deep; siRgfe ga�g, 2" deep With rel : 4'" octagonai or4" sguare, 1-t12" deep, wifh 1-1l2" extension ring 4" {102 mmg Square Box 4'" (902 mm) Oc#agonal Box i-112" {3$ mm) minimum box depih Flush maunt reference, mount ever� wiih final surFace, or w�ih up ta 1!4" {6,4 mm} rt�aximum recess ; 2098-9737 R�tay {moEEnts in 4098-9822 Re6ay (mounts � ; k�ase electrical box or remately) in base �lectriql box) � � ; � � , � , � � ; � ; � ; ' r � ; � Ralay Size: 2 112" X 1-1f2" X 1" {3.75 cubic inch�s) � � (fi4 mm X 38 mm X 25.4 mm) � � ; NOTE: Fteviev�r totai wire cnunt, wire size, and accessories � being �red to determine required box vnlume. � , �;� 6-318" (162 mm) �-- -_� � d098-9832 Adapter P1ate, reauired Sor 1f4" mouniing to surface mounted boxes (6.4 mm} and 4" square filush box �� 4-718" (124 mm) -�.j 15i16" � (24 rtam) p irueAlarm 8ases 4D98-9789, -9791, 8� -9792 54Q�8-0019-13 10/2011 TrueAlarm Sensvrs � Sealed against rear air flow entry interchsngeabEe m�unting EMIIRFI shielderi electronics Heat sensors: • S�lectab�e rate cazn�ensated, tix�d tezn��raturz S�en�i1�� wifh c�r �vithar�t rAte-a�t-rise c��eration + Rated spacuig distance �.�zt��een sensors: Fixed Temp. UL 8 ULG FM Spacin�, Either Fixed Setting Spaeing Temperature Setting 135° F 64 ft x 64 ft 20 R x 20 ft (6.9 m} #or fn�ed (57.2° C) (1&.3 m) temperafure only; RTI = Quick 50 ft x�0 ft(i 5.2 m) for fnced 155° F 40 ft x 40 ft temperature wri�h either rat�-of-rise (68° C) {122 m) selectior�; RTI = llltra Fast Smoke Sensors: . Ph€�t�electric or ionization tec]�alc3�}> s�nsing .;(�0° sm�ke ent�v fc�r nptur�um resp�ntie • Built�in insect scree�ts EI' - r Tiu�.hlanli h�at �ensors are self-restorin� and provide rate co�n��ensated; 1'�?�ed temperahu-e scn��, s�lectaUl� �ith oz� �uitl�out rate-of-ri� ��m�e�-ature �ensin�, T�u�. to ii5 snlall t�ermal ma5s, tl�e sen�r accur3t�ly anei yuack[� rneasu��s tlie locai teinp�rat�re �or analvsis at ihe fire alarnra cnntrc�l panzl. Iz�at�-af-r-ise teiuperatur� d�t�ctie�� is selectat�l�: at the �ontr��l pai�el for eithei- 1�° �' (8. �° C) or 20° F(11.1 ° C) per niinute. Pieed tem��erature sensing i, in�epetideixt �f r�te�of°-rise sensii�g and pro�-ammahle to operate at 13�° F' (57.2° C) or 1>j° F(68° C). �n a slod�� det��lopiz�g tire, the t�ilper�tur� ni�y i�ot incre� rapid�y eno�gh to c��,er�te t[se rate-oi-ris� feature. I�«�r�ev�r, aa� alaml t�,�ill �ie initiated «�hen tl�e iemp�ratur� reaclaes its rate� fixed 1�II]iJ�I'�hll'� SGltl]1Q. Tr��eAlann heat sensors iazi �re pro��s�uned as a u[itity cizvice to rne�nitor for lcni�eratt��-e e�trcines iiz tl�e r�n�e iroin 3�° F to I��° F(0° C l0 6�° C)_ This I'�eatu�� can �rc>vide freez,e �vanungs �r ale�# t€� H VAC �� skem pr�hle�xzs. Re fer to speci frc �a�t�ls f��' ras�ai]tabilit��. tIS- t� 4_7i8" (724 mm) _ I ��� LED status in�kicator 2-318" (60 mm) - 409$�9733 Heat S�nsor with Base WARI�iNG: In most �res, hazarcious ievels of smake and toxic gas can Eauild up before a heat deteci�t�n dev�ce would initiate an alarm. En eases where Life Safety is a factor, the use ofi smake detection is highly recommended. 3 � : . . - • •— TnteAlarm pY�otoelectz-i�; ��ns�rs use a skable, puised i�trared l.EL3li�ht source �i�i � silic�i� photndi�c�e r�ceiver t� p�nvide consistent and acc�rate 1�«, ��cr�t er ti-mc��:e �ensing. Se�,e� leuel� Qf sensiti�-it�� �re availabie foi� e;�c;h it�1�i�-•idual sensor, a-anging frnrn C�.2`%o tc� 3.7`% per foot of sm��e c�l�scitratic�n. SeusitivitV is seli:cted anr�i n�anitQred at the fire alam� control pancl. Tt�e setiaor he�d design pro�'ides 3fiQ° srn�ke e;itiy for c��?ti�lum resp�nae tQ sn�c��:e frotrt a��s' directic�n. L��ie to its plic?toel�c€nc �peratic�t�,, air vel��city is not �lortnally a factc�r, e�eept for iani�act �on area �mmokc: t1o�v. I� 4-i!$" (124 mm}�–� � � �---�Ep status inesicator 2-1/8,. {54 mm) 4Q98-8714 Photoelectric Sensor with Base . 1•; • a • a T�eAl�um Ionizalioa s�ltsors us� a single raciioactive st�urce ��sritlt at� t�utcf satnpling aorrizat��n charnhei� �nd at7 inaier r�ierence io�iizatioia chanl�+er tn �rol'id� stable aperation unc�er fluctuati��s in en�� ironri�eirtal condi�ions suc�i a.> tern�eraiiu-e and 13umidit�-. Sm�ke and ii��risible conibustion gases cara freely penetr�te tlie c�uter ciiamt�er. With both cl�aFnbea-s ionized b}� a small radioactive �urce [tlm 241 {ILrnericiiun}�, a ve�r srr�all cu�rent 11c��w s ii1 the eircuit. Tk�e presence c�i �+articles of combustican o��i114ause a cllange u1 t17e r'olta�;e ratio �ietwee�i chamlie�-s. This ciiff�renc� is mea5ureci bv tlle clectr��iic� in Che se�isor l�a�e anrl e�igitall�- trantiznitted �ack to the ct�ntrnl pane} for �roces,u�g. Thz-ee levels c�f scnsitzti-i�v are a��ailable ('or �ach ioniratian aensor_ 0.�, �.9, and 1.3% per tac�t ai�,�noke t�lTSeuration. r. 47l8" (124 mm)—�Ti � ��LED status indicatnr � 2°1!$" (54 YSIm) 4Q98-9717 Iflnizatffln Sensor with Base � .. . - - S�ns�r foc�tions shauld �e detetln�ec� o�1y atier careftiil �:��nsicieration uf dte ph_ysical lay=out and cc�ntents of l�e area t� he protectec�. Ref�r tc� NF'I�A �2, the .'�'�tiorral I�'it�e _�Iat�tt ntrr�Si�rulitrg Cflde. �Jn smnoth ceiliat�s, sn2c�ke sensor s-��a�ing c�f �� ft {�.1 m) rnay-1�e us�d as a�uide. r For dettil�d a���lication infc�nnati�n, re�er to -�098 .F�etecrors, Sensors, nnc�' 13a.�es �p�llcattnrz :llcxn�rnrl (574-7f�9). S 4D9�-0D 19-13 1012011 - 1 i • s a � • • � • � TrueAlarm SensorBases (Refer to Application fV�anual 574-709 and lnsta{lation Instructions 574-7d7 for �dditianal information} ►ylpdQ� pescr�ption Gompat�biYity Maunting Requirements 4" octagonal or 4'° square box, 1-112" min_ 4098-9792 � Star�dard Sensor Base, no optior�s Sensors 4098-9714, -9733, 8-9797 �epth; oe single gang box, 2" €nin. depth 4�98-9789 4�98-9791�' Sensor Base �uith conneciior�s for Remote LEQ Alarm Ir�dica#or or Unsupervised Relay 5errsor Sase wifh co+anections for Supervised R@mote Rela}t and cannectior�s ior Remote Atarm Indica#or ar Unsuper�ised Refay T'rueAlarm Sensoes �Madel Descriptian 4CS�38-97i4 Photoelectric Smake Sensor 4098-9717 Ianszatian Smoke Sensor 4098-8733 HeatSensar TrueA�arm SensorlBase Accessories Madel Descri�tion 2ds8 9i 37 Supenrised Relay, ma€rnts remote or in base electncal box Zq9��808 12emofe Red LED R[arr� lndicator an singke gang stainiess steei piate Reiay, tracks base L�D status 4�98-9822 (unsuperuised, rrsounts only in base electrieal box) 4098-9832 Adaptec �'lat� Specifications �eneral Operating Specificatians Communicakicsns and 5ensor 5upervisory Power Communications Gonnections Rernate LE�]:�lasm IndicatorCurrent Rerrsote LEfl Alarm Indicator and Re€ay Cos�nections UL Listed Temperature Range C3psrating Temperature Range Humidity Range 5rnoke 5ensor Ambient Rating$ 5ensors 4Q39-9714, -9733, & -9717 2Q98-8808 remote LED alarm indicator 4r 4�8-9822 relay 5ensars 4098-9714, -9733, & -9717 2098-973i remote relay (supervised) 2098-9808 rerrtote �larm indicator or 4498-98�2 relay (unsupervised) GompatibiEity 8ases 4098-9�92,4098-9788, and 4R5$-9791 Gompat�hility For use Hrith 4098-9791 base 6ases 4C)98-9789 and 4098-9791 Bases 4Q98-3792,-3789,& -9791 4" octagonal or 4" square 6ox Note: Box depth requirements depend on total wir�e coun# and wire size, eefer ka acsessories list below for reference. "` NOTE: 4�98-9791 is RiOT compatible with the 2120 CDT Maunting Requirements Refer to base requirements Mounf�ng Requirements Remote Mounting requires 4° octagonal or 4" sqz�are box, 1-312" m�nimum depth �ase t4�aunting requires 4° octagonal box, 2-9C8" deep with 1-112" extension €ing Single gang box, 'l-112° minimum depth 4" Qetagonal box, 2-118" deep with '1-1l2" extension ring �'tequired for surface or sami-flush mounted 4°' square bax and for surfaca mour�ted 4" octaganal box MAPNET II o3' iC1Net, auto-select, 24-Ad7 V�C wldata, 40� µA typical, 't address per base Screw terminals for inlout vsriring, 1 S to 14 AWG (Q.82 rnm2 to 2.Q8 m 1 mA typical, no impac# to aiarm current Calor coded wire leads, 18 AWG {0.82 mm' ) 32° to �DO° F(0° to 3$° C) with 4D98-9717 or 4098 -9733 32° ta 122° F(Q° to 5D° C) with 4Q98-971A � 15° to 122° F(-9° to �0° C) 1� to 9�% R H 4�98-9714, PhoioelecYric Sensor ,4ir ve�ac€ty = 0-4�00 ftfmin {0-1220 mlmsn} 4D3E3-9717, lonizetian Sensor Air velocity = Q-200 ftimin {0�1 mlmin}; Altitude is up to 8d40 fr(2.4 km) Hnusing Color I Frost Whife 4098�781 Base V41ith 5upervFSed Recnc�te Relay 2Q98-9737 (see page 2 for cont�ct ratings} Extemaily Supplied Relay Coil Voltage � 18-32 V�C (nom€nal 24 V�C} Supervisory Current 270 uA, from 24 VDC s�PPiY Alarm CurrenY wsth 2098 9737 Ralay f 2S mA, from 24 VDC supply 4098-9822 Unsupervised Relay, Requirements for BasES A096-9789 and 4498-9791 (see page 2 for conEact ratingsj Extemally Suppiied Relay Cail Iloltage I 18-32 VDC (nominal 24 VDC} Supervisory Gurrent A€arm Gurrent Supplied from communica#9ons 73 mA from separate 24 VC]G supply T7 CC7, S1tl�fn7_E.i; and ti:e producl nanaes �fsted f�t fltfs material u�ra mcrrks urrd-br registzPa.i n�ur'ks. L'r�aufHorizer� ¢�sz is strictTy prn3z�bileci h�FT'�1 ;'3 crstd iVa6i�oraaP Fire_�f!�cm2 and Sa�itniing C'oc?a crr? lradamat is ofth� �'ati��Tal Fr e ProFectinn.�.rs�ciotion (VFP 3j. ���� ��I �� Tyco Fire Praiecfron Praduets • fNestminster, Af7R • 0J�149-DDP9 • L15A 54098-d019-13 1Q/2011 wnvvv.simpfexgrinnell corn C7:O! I 7j�co Fera FroteCliun Prodrecls ,�fl rig1�'rzsan�d All s�eifecaf�o�ss'rvid otiura2�nrn:atiotr s7t�xra ��r�e crtn-�°:u as of��aezent rei!ia7nn datz aru�arz sarf�ract Po cFaange tiw�iiixui notice.