HomeMy WebLinkAboutA12-0073 Smoke Base 9794 Scan��5impl�x TrueAlarm Analag Sensing UL, U�c, CSFM Lrsted,- FM Rpproved; Sounder Base 4��8-9794 for use with TrueA�arm MEA (NYC) Acceptance� Photoelectric, lonizatian, and Heat Sensors Modular TrueAl�rm sensor l�ase �nrith b€�;�t_in eiectror�ic alam� saunci�r: •�'iez�clectric sounder provid�s liigh out�ttt (S$ dB 4) with 3znu eu�rent requirenients (20 mA) • Foz� use G�ith intercilancea�i� 'I'rueA lann s�nsors; �he�toelectne, keat, or iuniz�tion (;orderect separai�ly) Sounder operatio�t details: • Po�.�=ered frc��n 24 VI�� r�r frc��t�, a eonipatihl4 Notifcati�n Applianu; CircLiit {1`��C.) • Syncltro�liz�d via coinn�univati�i�s or t�y t�1e NAC, if NAC �rn�-ered�'� • Sc�tinder can be rnanual]y ac[ivatecl #ron� th� �;onfr�l pan�l •�ensor a�i�i sound��- operatic�n is listec� t� U�. Stanaard 26�3 • Sc�ur�der- ope�ation is a1�o l�sted to CJL Star�dard �iE� as a�i audible nz�ti�catic��� a��lianc� TrueAlarm analag sensing operation: • Aual�g s�nsor infat�naiic��n zs dig;at�ll}� comn�u�aicated i�� th� cc�ntrol �anel via LDN�t or ivit�PNET II tEVO-tvire cntnn�tutications • SensUt- inl�nnatiozl is processed �v the cantrol panel ta d�temiine: sensor �t�tu� For use with the following S�mpfex�' praducts: • 41t�E.S, 41(�U, 4C1IClES, ��ci 4010 Senes cc�nirc�� p�nels; and 4008 Sunes cc�i�irol }�aneIs r�-iTfl re�ticcs� featur� set (r�fer tt7 eiata shc,�t S�i�(�8-0041 fi�r details� • 4(}20, �1 Q0, anc� 4120 Se�7�s ccantroi gai�els, and Universal `1'r�ni�ponders ec�tipped fc�r MA.1'1V�'I' II operatic3n Generat fieatures: • Louver+: d srnc�ke s�nsor desi�k enl�ance, s�noke ca�ittre hy c�irecti��g f�nw to cl�an�ber; entraz3ce areas are minznia]Iy ��i5ii�le t��l�ei� ceiliug n�ountec� • i7esigneci far rMI eorr�p�lfbilih- • Ma�etic tesk feattree is pt-ovided • Optional access�ries incluiie reinote LED alarni indicator and oulput relays Additional base refierence: • F'c�r sta�adarci E�ase,, reier ta data she�.t �1t)98-0(119 • Por isc�laEor has�s, reie� ta data siaeet 54��8-0(�25 � Far �hotc�/heat r;en�c+rs, r�fer tc+ dafa sh�et S��1�3�-�l(�2� tsingle address) anci �409H-fl033 (dual acldress} " This pr�d�c! has been approv� by Ihe Calffornie S@aIs Fre Ma�sh� (CSFM} pursuani ta SecSon 13144.i o#fhe Calitqmia Healfh andSefetyC€>de. SeeCSfM L€s5ngs 730D-002E21Tand 7271�02fi 231 for �'lowahla vaduss and+orcond�f�o� concernir� materral �sesentedin thfs �acumenf. It rs su6jecl to re�xarrunation, reu�sfon, and {�ssitVe canceliaGOn. Accepted for use — Clly of Iveur York D�artmer�t a8 evddngs —�AEA3�93E Addftionaf listin� may be ap�licai�e, coniacfyour[oeal5implexproducts+�p'ierfalhelaiesls[atus LfsBngsanda�rwaisuntler Slmplex Tfine R�ader Co. are theproperty ot 7yco Fre Proteciion Praduets_ '" Tof�l quantrly af sot�ndee bases avaiade fa �pdtng on [he same communacaBons channe! may vary with panel applicatian end availabiity of N.4C power Refer to specific con�oi pan�J rzq�nrements i � \'` _ ��', � a ' 4 � i � ��� ' f B - '� E ���w�_ � 7rueAlarm Phafo�lectric Sensor Mounted in Saunder Base 4D98-9794 _ r • ., , �. . . Sounder b�ses cc�Fnbin� an audi}�le natificaiian appliance and a`FrttehIarrrs az3alog u;nsc,i- t� pr���ide: Digital Corr�rn�nication of Ana�og Sensing. 5�sc�rs �rr�vide �rz 4u�alog tneasurc;irtent []Zat is digitaIly cnrnniunicated fo Ih� iantr-o] paned «herc it is analyzet� and an averagz ti�alue is �etenninec� ai�ci sto�-ed. An alat7n or c�th�r abnoz�nal conc�itic�t� is determined 6v cr�inp�t-i��g 11ti> senstrr's pr�sc;rtt vali�e a�ainst its a� erage a��Iue. intelligent l7ata E�afuatior�. Monit�ring each sGn�r's ati�erage value provides a st�thw°are filCering av�ragin g �z-crce�4 �ha# �c�mpei�sat�s for �n��iromn�nta] factors (dusL, di��l, etc_) and corn�onen! a�ing, pi-c�viding R� acceirate re�-erence i��r e��aluating nes� ��ctivity_ Tlie result is a signiiica��t ���uct�on in [he prcrbabzlity of 1'aIse o�� nuisa�ice �l��ns caused by� slaifts �n �n,itivitti , eitiier up c�r doty n. Ccsntrol Panei Seiectron. Pe�� activity per sensor is stored ta assist in evaluatin�; spi:ciiic locaf[o�is. �I'he alaran set �c�int fa�° eacl� 'T�ru.��lam1 sc:nsc�r is dete�Znuzed at the cc�nuoi panel, selr�ctable as fnore c�r less scnsiti��c as the indiwic�u�l a��plicatit�n requzt��s. TimedlMufti,Stage Selecfion. Al�um set points can he prc��-�n�med for Eimed a�€ornatic sensiti��ih° seiz�tian (�a�ch �s m�re sen,it[ve at ni�ht, less s�i�sitis�e durin� das'). Cc�nirc�I panel progr�l�.n7r�.7� c�zn alu� provi�e ° znulti-3�age c��ralion per 5ezr�or. Fc�r e�am�le, a(l.2°,0 le4•el r�x�v iaus� ��vanZing to pr�mpt investigatic��� while a 2.i°lo le�el naa�� initi�€e an alarm. S��rsorRlarm and Trouble L�D lndication. Fach ,en,or ��se's LED puls�s [o inc#icate i:omn�uzucatic�ns �i�tl� the paaiel. I� the wntrol �anel eiatesznit�es that a �enaur is ir� aiat�n, or thai it i; dirt�- ��-11a� some other t�-�e c�f �-onble, the details are ann�uiciat�d at lhe control p�el and ihat set�x�r hase'� �,ED t��ill t�e huned on steadil<<. I]urit�g a syTtitenl alaz�n, Rl�e cund-oi �anel v�-r11 c.ozitrcal the LEllS s�ch that an LED in�icating a trotihle wil� rettGni tc� pulsin� to hetp identifi� the ala�ned sens�rs. S4Q9$-D0�8-6 1 Q/2C�11 � • � � • .•' w . �ase mounted address setect�on ailoivs tt�e addrass to rezn�in ��itlt tts pi-ragran-Am�c1 locatiat� whet� ifie s�r�a�r is rzmoved for ss�ti�cc. c�r ty�e cllat�ge. Ai:c;tss is #raial th�; fi-�nt under the rem�raliie sen5or. Autom�tic sensor type identi�icatjvn pr�vides defauEt sensitivit� u�hen substituti�l� yzn�r �ypc�. Different aensc�i• t�lpes can be eas�l� interchanged to meet sp�a_fic Io�z�Cion rec�uirements, Tlus i'eatuee alse� aE[o�vs ii�tet�ttonal sei�s€�r 5ubstrtution durin� huildir�� c�n5trucfic�n. Whe�t� cc�nc�itic�ns :�re tem�«raril_y dusty�, u�sleac� of coverin� il�e stnoke s�i�x71s (cau�ing them to b� di5abled), heat sensors �nay be insta�lcd �3�itlac�ut re�rogranlming the cc�ntrol �anc:l. Integr�l red �ED indicatcs pc��rer-c�n b�• pul;ing, t�r alai7n or Cr�uble l�-hen st�ady �n. The eY�et status is aiYntt�l�iated at the Pire alarna uc�i�tro� panel. Fire alar�r� control par��l provides: • Peak valrae l�gging aPlc���-i��g aacurate analVSis of eaclt sensc�r for rn�ividua] ,e��iti��ity° selectio�7 • 5ensitit�it�r inc�nitorii�g satisi��in� N�'PA 72 ��;�ISitivit�r t�SLl.C1�, I'�CiLI]I"�ITlei]tS; aLltOlTF,c�[l� 1II�1ViC{llil�. Sei1SOi c��lihz-ation checck cerife, yer�,or intzgrity • Au.tonaalic envirc�nmcntal ccamj�nsatiozz, multi-�k�ge alaaxn operaticnl, and displ�p af sen�iti�ni�r direc€��� ir� percent p�r I':o�t • A�ility to displa�� and print detai�ed sensar inf�rm�tic�n in �l�in Eng[ish lan�u3ge � " i 4098-3822, LED Anr�unc9atior� Ftelay ac[i�-ates ���hen base LED is c�n �1e�dy_ indicatin6 a�ocal alarn� ar troul-rIe. _ arn. Cor�tacts are U�'�T, r�ted 2�� 3Q VllC� 112 A�a? 1?(J Vt�C far t�-azrsient Suppre�sed lc�acis (requiz-es e��temal ?� ��C C011 �7t�1h'dT�. 2098-9808, Remote red LE� Qlarm Indicator mounts c�n a�ingl� �atx� b��; to provide status utdic�tic�n� where the s�nsc�r locaiio� i�iaV nr�t be readil�� �,isil�l�. � au«m � fi5'snplex � ��98-9808 F�ernote LED Alarrr3 Indicator Maunting Ref�rence �lectricai Box Reqairements: (boxes are by athers) ��hout relav: 4" ae#agonal or 4" square, i- €!2" desp; single gang, 2" deep ith reiav : 4" octagonai ar 4" square, 7-1i2" cYeep, with 1-1I2° extension ring 4" (1(32 mm) Square Box 4°' {102 mrnj Octagana� Box Surface mauni referer�ce ��_�1-]J2" (38 mm) � � ���, ,�'� `-minimum box depth �' � ' ` ' 1 _ . Flush mount referenea, maunt even wi#h final surface, orwith up to 114" (6.4 mmJ maximum recess Note_ Single gang adapter plate {RACO hEo. 7$7 ar equal) is required when using 4" square box (byothersj 0 ----------------------------- ' t o al 4498-�822 Relav � ; (Mounts in base electrical box i ; and requires additional ; volume, see notes below) � ; � � + � Relay size: ' � 2-7I2" X 1-1f2"' X 1" � ;(64mmX38m�rrX � , 25,4 mm), 3.75 cu6ic rnches � s-�rs° ���. x 114" thick 4038-5832 Adapter Plate, reauired for mounting � �fo surfacs mounted boxes (mounts inveRed) �+ 6-7I16° (1fi4 mm)—�� T 1-118" (29 mm r _ � LE� status Sound outpu# louvers indicaior extend from fran# to side �i {Photoelectric sensor shown far refer�nce) NDTE$: 1. Revkew actuat wsre ssze, yv"sre count, box type, and whether 4Q98-9822 rel�y is used before tleterrnining box size. 2. Mourrkirrc� to ffush mourrted box also fits single gang handy box, 2-11$" (51 snm) deep if wiring allows. {Not applicab4e if 409�9822 relay is used.} 3. For surFace mounted boxes, use 4" square box with single gang adapter pfate (RACC7 No. 787 or equad, by others} or 4" oGtagonal box, both ee uire 4098-3832 Adapter Plate. 4_ Wiien d�9$-9822 relay is used, rnount relay in electrical box �nd use 1-1/2" extensian ring �lhy others} on 4" s�{uare or actagonal box of 1-'f /2" or 2-118" deptti as required. S. Re#erto Instaliation Instrudions 574-707for additional fnformation. 5409$-4428-6 7 Q,�2011 TrueAlarm Analog Sensor Features Sealed against rear air flow entry Electronics are EMIiRFI shieldad Heat sensors: • Selec:ta��e rate ccam�ei�sated, lli�t;d te�npet��tur� s�nsiug with or �4ilhc�ut rate-o1'-ri� o�er-ation • Rated spa�ing distauce �et���een senso�: Fixed Temp. UL 8 ULC , FM Spacing, Either Fixec! Setting 5pacing Temp�rature Setting 135° � 6Ei ft x 60 fi 2d f# x�0 #{fi.1 m} fve frxed (572° C) (1$.3 m} t�mperature only; RTI = G�uick 50 ft x 50 ft{152 m) for faed 15S° F AQ ft x Ap ft temperature w�th eather rate-of-rise �S&° C) (12_2 m) selection; R7! = llftra Fast Smoke Sensors: • Photc�el�ctric or ianizatic�n iechnc�ingy sen�ing • 360° s�i�c�ke; enhy 1'or opti�ntun respons�: • Buiit-in insec# scre�ns t• - . T'ilieAl�rm h�at sensors are ,elf-restc,ring ai�d �r-ovide �-ate cornp4nsated, fi�ed ke�i��c,�•ature sc;nsin�, �elcctable Evit�t or withoUl rate-of-nse tem�erahire sen�iug;. l�ue 1� its sn�all tIlzz-�nal mass, the s�nsc�r accurat�ly a�c1 quicicly incasures the local �emperature for analysi5 ad the fue ala�rr� controi panel. Rate-�1-rise telnFcraiure �etection i� selectable at t11e c�ntmi �anel for �ither l�° F(8_�° �;) ar?0° F(11.1° C) ��r ininute. �'i�:ed ten��crariire sensing is independ�nt c�f ratv-of-rise sensiz�� and prograffunaL�le to operate �t 13a� F(�7.2° C) or 1�5° F(68° C). In a slo��-devclopi�g tirc:, the tein�erature may z�ot ii�cre� rapici��� euou�h to o��-ate fhe rate-ol-iisc feaiw-e. H�r��er-er_ an alarm �t�ill be initi�tec� Evhcn th� temperature reaches its rated fixed tcn.lperaturc; su#tuig. TnteAltirm heat sensc�rs calx be �n-��t-amYnc� as a«tiiity device Lo mt�nitor f�r teniperat�tre etiremes in t(�e f-�u�g� ii`oin 32° F to ]�S° F(0° (" t� 68° C;)_ Th�� f�ai�r�. can ��rovide ireeze �.vanungs �r alert to HV!'1C sy 5tein ��roblen�a. Refer tn s�ecifrc�ar�els fo�� m%�ilr�hllatk�. (164 4098-9733 Heat Sensor with 4Q98-9794 Sounder Base WARNING: In most �ires, hazardo�s leveis of smoke and taxic gas can buifd up before a heat detection de�ice wouid initiaie an atarm. In cases rr�ere Life Safet� is a factor, the use ofsmoke d�tectian is highly recom�mended. 3 ,�. � � �� � T�ueAla�7n ��hotc��leetric �en,or-� use a statile, �i�lsed infrared LED li�ht so�irce and� a silicc��� ��hotc�diac�e rec;�iver to �rot�ide conMisient and accurate lotv power a�oke �nsing. Seve� Ie��els <il' �ensitivity �-e �va�l��l� f�r each indi��idual se��sor, ranging fr-o�n U.2% tc� �.7`io per ioot c�f ��noke oL�scu�ation_ S�nsiti�rity is sclected and ;nc?z�itar�ed at t�ie frre alan� cont�c�l panei. 'I'he sensor h�ad design �zrc3s�ides 3[i0° stnoke e�liz� for c�ptitnum snloke re�pons�_ D�ie to its photoe]ecti�ic e��erahon, air tirel��citV as �1�t nor7na11}� a£act�r, eticept for impact on area �noke; flot��, s-�ns" {t6a 4�98-9714 Phfltoelectric Sensar w�i� Sou�der Base '1': ` r r a T��tt�Alarm ior��tac�n sen�rs use a 5ing1� radioactiv� sc�urce ��ritll a�i outer sampling io�lizai.ion cltannber and an ieu��r r�ference it��izaiic�n clz�nl�Lr to provide stah�e ��c�'�tic}n i�der fluctuatio�i� irj ens�ircmaxzent�] cr�ndiiio�ls suc� as t�t�peratu�e an�i humidit��. 5mc�ke and in� isilile cc3rnbu�tic�n �ase� can fr�ely penetrate: the ouict� chatnl�cr. WitYa both �hantbers ioniz�d t�y� a sz��tl r�dioacti��� �uz-ce [f1m 24l (Am�riciuni)], a very �mall c:uirciit flows in tl�e c;ircurt. The �7resenc� oi'p�rticles cif cc�mhustic�n �r�ill cause a chan�a i�i ihc �-i�lt�ge ratio l�ettveen cham�ers. '.Ct�i, dit�erence is n�east�red bv the elcc;tronics in tlle sei�sor l�ase u�d c�i ;itall�° tr�€ns-�nitted ��ack to !he coi�irc�l. panel for ��rcjces�ing. T'�Zrec levels of sensitiS�ity� a��L a��aila��le f��r �ach ;ense�r� (7.5, 0.9, and t.3'% per #c?ot al sn��ke o��scuration. - � s-rr�s° �tsa 4098-9717 lon�zation 5ensar with Sounder Sase '.. • *- - Sens�r lc�eations sho�fd be �ietetmined aft�r c�-eiu1 c�msidzration oi tlt�; physical lay�ut anc� c<»�tent5 of t��e area to be protected. Refz� to NFFA 72, tt�� h��atior�aJ Fir•e .�l�rt7rr �rzc1 �Sigraaltiig �'ncle. On ;t��c>oth ieilings> sn�ole� sensoi� �pacing c�f 30 ft (9_ 1 m} ma�° be uwed ati a�iide. Tar d�tailed aj�plic�iic�u infaztn�tion, refer t� �109R Detec�ors, ��erzsc�rs, and Bc�ses,ipplrc�tion �Icr�n�a1, Part Number 574-7(39. S4D9&-002�-6 1 Q/2Q11 TrueAlarm Analog S�nsing Pratluc� Selection Chart Trt�eAlarm 8ounder Base* ModeP � E3escrrpf�on Gumpatibility Saunder Base with cflnnectior�s 5ensors: 4Q98-9i14, -g717, ar -9733 � 4098-979d for Remote LED Alarm Indicator or Unsupervisetf Relay Options: 2C198-g8Q8 remate LEC3 alama indReator or 4C198-9822 rela TrlleAlam7 Se115ors (ordered separately) �Model DescrSption 4098-971Q � Photoelect�ic Srr�oke 5ensor dQ98-9717 doniaation Stnake Sensor 4098-9133 Heat Sensor Sounder Base Accessaries (orciered separately if required) Model Description d09$-9832 AdapEer Plate, required for suriace mounted 4'° efectrica! boxes ���$_�08 Remote red LED Alarm Indtcator on single gang Che,ose Qne if ��ainiess steel pdate Mounting Re�uieements Referto page 2, mounting reference lWounting Requirements Refer to page 2, rr�o�snting reference Mpunting Requiretaents Refer to page 2, mounting re€erertce Single gang box, 1-if2° mini�num depth required Reiay, tracks base � ED status {unsupervised, to be !Vlounts ir� base electr�cal box (requires 1-1/2" 4D�8-9822 mounted ortly in base elecfr�ca� box) extension on 4" square or ockagonal box) * Refer to �iata sheet S4[}98-0019 forvther compaEibie bases. Refer ta Installatian Instructians 574-707 and Rpplication i4�anual 574-7Q9 for additional information. �' a Ger�er�l C3pe�ating S�cifications Communieetions anci Sensor Supervisory Power Cornmunicatians and Sounder Power Conneetions Remote LED Alarm Indicator UL Listed Yemperai�re Range Operating Ter�pera#ure Range Humidity Range 5moke 5ensor Ambient Ratings MAPNET II or l�Net, auto-select, 24-40 VDC wlda#a, 400 µA #ypical, 1 adcires� per base, supplied 6y controi panel SC�ew tPrrr�in�lc fnr inJn� rf wirinr. 1R tr, �.f istin�n �n Q� .-.,....2�.n � no ��Z� Current 1 mA typical supplied from cosnrnunicatians, na itnpact to alarm current LED Connectians Col�r coded wire leads, 18 AWG (0.82 mm2 ) �th 409$-9 r'17 or 409$-9733 32° F to 1 d0° �{(7° G to 3$° 32° F io 122° F{0° C to 5D° C) Wath 409&9714 � 15° F to T 22° F(-9° C Eo 50° C} 10fog5°%RH 4098-971a, Photoelectric 5ensar Air velocsty is 0-4flQQ ft/min (p-�22� m/min) 409$-9717, lonization Sensor � Airvefocity is d-200 ft/rnin (0-67 m/minj; Altitucie is up to 8Oafl ft (2.4 km Housfng Color I �rostYVhite So�Rder Operation Sounder Vo�tage � 38 to 32 V�G from steady extemaf source or from NAC A�arrn Current {Sounder On) 2D mA � 2A VQC. 24 mp maximum r[Y'� 32 VDC 88 dBA minimum @ t0 3t (3 rn) per UL Star�dard 464, Audibfe Signaling Sounder Output App{iances and UL Standard 26$, Smoke Detectors for Fire �rotecffve Signafrng 5ystems Sounder Power Superoision (Selectable) NRG Pawered C?peration Supervissd SelecE for continuous 24 V�G power, loss of power is communicated tta panel Unsupervised � Sefeet when connected ta NAC for sounder pawer, NAC p�-owides s�pervisfa�n 4098-9822 Unsuperc�ised Relay Optior� �xtemaily Supplied Relay Voitage A�arm Gurrent Contact Ratings, �PDT contec#s for resfstivelsuppr�ssed loads Whera in aiarm, tivill sound when NAC is in alarrrt, allowirzg synchronized pattern (Temporal car iNarch Time, etc.) con#rolled by the NAC 18-32 VDC, steady source recommended (wires to remote LE� leads) 13 mA from separate 24 VQC suppiy Pawer #imited rating: 2 R@ 30 W�G Nnn-nnwarFimi?crl r-�+inn- it� a ���ni�nr Kelay C3�eration I Tracks base LED status, relay is pn with trouble or alarm at the base T1( �), S1:lIPLF:Y, at�d rhe pr oduct npm�s IFsteci ira this matat'ial ar� marks� cr.�d�n, registerecz rrtar'ks. F�rorrFlaotiz2ci �ise fs stricd!}' p1x�I�7Gited i4�'P: P'� and hahdnQL F`ire .�flarrr! attcl 5'r�t2,��zrtR c�odz arz t,-a�denrcr;��s oj't3re Nairo�arxI Fi;a Prateci�'oia.<tssooiat�ni7 (.'�=FP,=11. ��,5 i m pl�x Tyco Frre Arotection Produets • Westminster, MA • 01�41-1?4fl1 • USA 5409$-L1Q2$-6 9R/2011 t�vww. srmplexgrinnelL carn c�J ?011 Tvct� Fire Prareclion Predfuis _9f1 riQitls rasenad AIP sp�r.?fic�kos�s and oi��er ir�jorm�i°n�T shan,3 ia�er� cuner�i ns o/`c&xYmoerr# rei�isirim drrfe mrd ar z subF�c1 ro clwrrge �i�rdiorrt rxntirz=.