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A12-0073 Speaker 9717 Scan
��Simplex UL, ULC, C�FM Listeo�� FM Apprc�ved; MEA �NYC) Acceptance� Multi-�►pplication Peripherals Audible tVatification Appliances 5peakers, 2� or 7�.i VRMS, Wall ar Ceiling Maunt � Fire alarm speakers with models for eeiEing ar wall mouni: . • P�ur �uicl� coiae (102 z��.tn) prc����dLs �aigh c�ual�t�� toz�e a�ci voice r��r�ducti�n • Ylulti-t���ped design pr�z,id�s ou#put pfl�ve�• of 1/�, 112, l, o�- 2 �%S' �v-ith eith�t- 2� �r 7C1.7 VIZMS input • Ii�/out �viri�g 1ernlii�als fc�r YS AWU to 12 AWU + Mounts tc� �i" st�uare �utl�t ho� 1-112" d�:� with 1-�/2„ dec� hc�x extensioai + Capacitor �€i�ut. for cor�eeti�n to �lpert�i�d notifieation appli�ice eircuits • Ftugged, high nnpact, tlame retardant tiiermo�Ia;tic l7c�usings • UL listed tn Standard I=�8t7 • LTLC. listed tc� Standaii� �5�1, refei-to p�ge 4 fc�r rcquired minimu�n watiage 1<�p ��,�r l�ausing h-pe Rectangulaf housing rnodei� fea#ure: • iippearance that carnplements �l'i�zeAlert�' strc7hes and spe�ker/st��be� • Rcci ur �tFhi[c> hc�usin�s ���iCh "PIRE" leite�7n� for s'u�kace c�r sen�i-flush ti��a[l rr�ount • O�ti�nal n�atchiaxg a�aptei- �kirts far cfli-eri�nn� surface mounted e�ecirical boai>s* • Optic�nal red u•ire guard Round housing madels feature: • Off-�-�hite color {no letterung} far flush mo�nt crn ceilin� or ���all • Cotn��atible e�-ith optit�nal tile. t�rid�e 29�5-99� .. . Sunplex'� 49Q2 SerYes .��e1ke�-s p�•avide t�igh qtaalit�T �unci for ei�ler�znc_y tirc alarn� us� <<s r�'ell as tor backcrc�und inusic. T'he moi5ture-repel��nt speal:er i� de,i�,'n�d for sntc�oth faequenc;� re,poiise ��7th Tiu��im:a1 ditit�i-tion. "1'h� n�ailti-tapped spea�:er tra�isformer ac:c;o��i�nadates eiiher 2� or 70.7 VRMS anei �,rovides an c>utput uf ii-a� 114 E� 2 V�T #o prQ�=ide ilelil�i3ii�• for sati5#y�izlg the rec�ui��en�e�rts of the installzd conditians. Rcetaa��ul��� 11«tpsialg �nodels are for surface; or 5i;mi-flusl� ����11 �no��zc application�. Round hou�ing moc��;ls are t�,�pically fo�� ceiling a}���licatioi�, b�t cati l}e w•al� znounted if desired. Tlie rectangula�� housin� s�ak�rs arc; duyi�ned tc3 coaz���lin�ei�t ih� 1rue,�-ll�rt fanzily ��f strah�.s ��id s�eakea-fstrobes, providing c�nventic�na�, �lt�i�-�dcires�able ,peaker operation. ° Re;er €o page 2 f�r guard and a�apler skirt listing. This prQducP has t�een approved by the Galif4rnia S�ate Fire N�arshal (CSFM} pursuant ro Sec6on 13fi44.1 af th2 Califor�ia Health a�d Safely Code. S� CSFM Listing 7320-0�25:242 fer zJlowabfe vatues andfqr cand�dons cvneernfng rneterlal presented in Ihis documenl. It is sub}ect (o re-examinatien, r�u€sior: a�d posside cancelfauon. Additional tistings tnay be ap�lical�e; contactyour local SimpEex product supplfer far fhe lafest staEus_ �s�ngs and ap�rrn2ls under Siraplex Time Recorder Ca. are Ihe property of Tyco Safefy P�oducts Weslminsler. �� �� � � �—_`� � �� Rectangu[ar Wall Mount Speakers are Available �s Red with 1NF�ite °Fire° Lettering and WP�ite with Red "Fire" Lettering � � � ��~� �r� � 1'tl ��.. ��` �� �; �� , �? � e� � Round 5peakers are Rvai[able in Off-White (na lettering) __ _..__ .... --- ---- Specifiea#ior�s Dimensions, Rectangular WaE! Mount H�ousings Housing ❑imensions 5-1/$' H x 5" UU x'l-112" � (130mmx127mmx38rnrra) Depth inta Bvx 2-3/4" {70 mm) Dimensions, RQUnd Housings Ffausing C7irnerrsions �-1/2'" Diameter, 112" d ('� 9'E rri m x 13 m rn ) Depth into Box 2-3/4" (7t] rnm� General Speci�icatiorss In�ut Voltage � 25 or 70.7 VRMS Pavver 7aps 1I4, 1 f2, 1, and 2 W Input Termfna� F�atfngs �� to 12 AWG 2 (4.82 mm` to 3.31 mm ) frequency Response Fire PJarm � 40Q to 4Q00 Hz General 125 to 12 k�iz Signaling Sound CTukput Temperature Rartge See information on page 4 32° t0 1 �D° F(�° r0 3�° Ci7 Humid�#y Range '�'�% to 95% RH from 32° ta �2z° F {a° ro sa° e} S49�2-0003-6 912d09 1 � � S�eakers Modef* Qescription Dimensians 4902-971& (CA) ���tartgular �tausing, v,+a�l mount Red writh white "FIRE" lettering 5_1B" H x 5" W x 1-1f2" � � 49C12-9717 (CAy �Pea��� VUhi#� with r�d `FIRE" lettering (� 3� mm x 127 mm x 38 mm) 49Q2-9721 (CA) Round ho�sing speaEcer, ceiiing ar wafl Q{�_,��i€e (no lettering) �-�A2" �iameterx 1/2"' D mount {'�9'E mm x 13mrn) ` UL� listed model are designatad wiEh a CA suffix (4902-9716CAj. Refer to Insta{lation Instruetions �74-765 for non-sc��x mode€ numbers and to Installation Instructians 578-324 far CA suffix modei numbers- Mounting Adapters Model � Desc�iption � Dirnensions 4905-9941 Rec! l�se to couer surtace mounted Surf�ce mourtt adapt�r skirt, i-1I2" dee� box wi#h 9-9/2" 49D6-�942 Wh'rte t�Q� ULC flstedj deep ex#ensso� external to walf (see cliagram on page 3) 2905-9946 Tile bridge far 4902-9721 Speaker 4905-8931 Ad�pier �I�t�, red, for ma�nting to 2975-5145 bax {typically #or retrofat, rnay be maun#ed ver#ical ar horizontal) 29i5-3145 � Red mounting box, requires Adapter Plate +�905-9931 Covers and Guard fv�odel Qescriptian 4�05-9988 F�ed speaker cover with white "FIR�° lettering lnterehange:�ble vvith 4905-99$9 White speaker caverw+�th red °�IRE" lei�e�ing TrueAdert horns Red wire guard with mounting plate; campatible witF� sern�-flush or surtace 4�5-9999 mounted boxes; far use with 4" square efectrical box rrtounting hale patterns anty (UL listed by 5pace Age Electranics Inc.) Wall Mount Speakers, Installation Referer�ce Mountfng requSres a 4" (1 �2 Enrn) square bax, 1-112" (38 mm} deep, with a 4" box ex#ension, 1-112" deep. by others Speaker assembiy ���� �� �� �� ������ �f i � �r .� �� r � r� � }���J' � � � � ��;_ �� A�,�- - � � �,�" -' ���o .� �; � � � ,�� � �, �'t� �� �� ,� � � � I,� � ,, 1`��' ,r � ; �� � � a �� O � p �, �..�iIR�� Remova6le cover (tool requirec€) ,I�I -,� � �� C -� t� :�, 5-3I8" �i x 5-1 f4° W x 3-3116" Q (136 mm x 133 mm x 81 mr�) 7'o#al surtace depth with speaker = 4518" (117 mm) Se� diagram on page 3 8-5116" x�-314" x 0.060" Thick (211 mm x�4S rnm x 1.5 mrri) 7-718" x 5-1f8" x 2-3f4" D (200 rram x 130 mm x 7q rr�m) Dimer�sions 5-1/8" H x 5°' W x'4-112" a (130mrr�x127mmx38mm) 6-1/1 6" H x 6-i116° W x 3-1f8" � (154mmx154mmx79mm) Wiring inputterminals and speaker tap selection are accessible from rear af speaker hausing Transparent speaker hous€ng 2 S49Q2-i�L103-6 912009 Round Speaker Ins#�[latian Reference (typically ceiiing rno�nt, can be waii mounted) � Ji� �-, 4" square, 1-112" deep box � ,.� wiih 1-1I2°' extensian (by othersj '�%.-f L` .� �-'r"/ , G, _ \ � )�\� ��t.� `.� � tiNring input ie�rminals and speaker � �-/ �. ,� ,� � taP selectian are accessi6�e from l �. �� �� t�.- "`".�yI! rear of speaker housmg ,` i ., � �� ��� �� ��� �. I 2905-994fi Tile Br�dge ❑imensions ---- —__ 3-314" (95 mm) square cutout, cenFered on pfate 0 1/2" � {i3 mm)� 0 �119" diameter (b mm) o hales, 4 places 23-1 fi16" (6�2 0.024" thick si�eei me#a!, fafded with 1I2" lip each side SurFace Mounfed S�aeaker Ref�rence (Adapter Skirts are Not UL� Iisted} L� ��:� /� �1 ��� �� ��� �� �� `� Vs, ��ont v��, T3-31$" ° (340 mm) 6-11l16" {97Q mm) 4" (1Q2 mm) square box, 1-il2" (3$ mm) deep wiFh conduit shown for reference 4" (102 mm) square box � ex#ension, 1-112" (38 mm) deep � � ! � �-----r----- dptional 4905-9999 Wire Guard ----' ; � , � � � � ' � � � Speaker � � assembfy � � � � L��__-_----- Surface mount adapter skirt, 3-3;16" deep: 4905-9941, R�d; 4805-9942, White Conduit knockouts ar� provided on all four sides Wall surface � � s4so�-aoos-s �i2aas Sp�aker Sound Output S�ecifications Sound Output Ftatings +� 10 ft (-3 m) per UL 148U Reverberant Chamber Testing Madel Type 4902-9716 ����angular Housing 4902-9;17 4902-9721 Raund Nousir�g {nput VoEtage 5e9@cted Tap 'f!4 Vlf 1I2 W 1 UV 25 WRMS 8fl dBA 83 dBA 85 c#BA 70.7 VRMS 79 dBA 82 dBA 85 dBA 2 i or 70 7 VR�/15 79 dBA 82 dBA 85 dBA Sound f��tput Ratings �,d'� 3 m(�1 � ft) per ULC S541 Ar�echoic Chamber Testing 2W $$ d 8A 88 dBA 88 d BA Selected Tap Madel 7ype frrput Vaftage -� yy* 2�* 'El4 W 1!2 W �see nrste) (see nate) 4902-9716CA Rectangular Housing" 25 VRMS or 70.7 Vi�MS fi d8A 8d dBA 83 dBA 86 dBA 49Q2-9717CA 49q2-972'1 CA Round Flausing" 25 VRMS or 70.7 VRi1+IS 79 d8A 82 dBA 85 dBA 89 d�A " NOTE: ULC Fire Alarm applications require use o# 1 W or 2 W tap for Round Haus�ng speakers; and 21Ntap �For Rectang�zlar Housing speakers. Speaker Polar Dispersion Re#erence {per ULC 5541 Anechoic Chamber Testing) Atienuation Angle -3 dB �Cf° ofF-axis -6 dB 55° off-axis I49(�5-9931 Adapter Plate Installation Refer�nce A905-993i Adapter Plate 4905-�999 Qptional Wire Guard (shown here for reFerence ranly, �an be used on other rnounting optians) 2975-9145 Box Speaker assembfy 49p5-9931 Adapter Plate 7}�ea is a. egistared traciernurk ajfti co Irt�rrzanas�al J�rvrc�s Gmbii arid is usec�irirder ficerzse. S�rrapf�, fhe �ampler doga, �rra�f Tt ueA�'e� t¢re trodernarks of�7iArv fa:terrrahorrpl Lfd. aird iJS a�rlfat�s art�a' crra used t�;t�{es licerrae. ■Ti.7�Simp�ex Tyco Safety Products Westminster • Westminsfer, 119A � 01�1-0001 • USA S4'302�0003-6 9/2Q09 www tycosaferypraducts-usa-wm. carrr �j 7U09 Tvca SafetvProrbuis �i'zsUniiuler. :311 ng}�i� resen�ed.4tisyecificnlicnr, �,nuio8nr uaformafaan sl7tsxra �iz�a zsrre�il ns of�c�rmervr��isioat dute am�ar� sr�bject lo cd���gz withorst notica.