HomeMy WebLinkAboutB12-0398 Plans ApprovedDI�'ISIt�N 1 (�ENERAL DATA DESCftIPTION: The project can�i�f.� af a remadal to f.he condominiuzn tznit� {686, 887%689, 691} � Lodge Tower Candominium, 200 yail Raad, �jail, Colarada 81667. Coaperate with Owner and Building �anagemenf, ta minimize conflietq and facilitate u�age. Contractar �hall �upgly and in�f.all a�ecurity tighi barrier between ne�r con�truciion and exi�ting hall. G�antractor �hall only �e able to acce�� the �uilding during the hour� Building �anagemenf. allaws, Acce�� ia the �ite �hal1 be only f.hraugh the �ervice elevator de�ignated by Building l�anagemenf,. Elevator wail pad� �hall be in�talled during delivery of any item� that may cau�e damage ta Elevaior. Contractar �hall al�o �ecure the unif.� at clo�e of each day. Security barrier may be ramoved once additian i� fu11y enclo�ed and lockable. ALLOWANCES: Lump �um ref.ail allawance� far material� only �hall be included far the fnllowing: 1. Baek to baek �hower door pull ��hower doar #104: �50.OQ 2. FirepIace gla�� door pull�; �10.00/pull Subnnit invoiee� to Crazner Kre�ki De�iga�� to indicate co�t� and quantitie� af material� delivered for u�e in fuifitlmeni af allorrance. Return un��ed materialq for credit to Owner after in�tallation ha� been evmpleted and accepted. ALTERNATES: Alternaf.e Na 1: Provide 3 f/2"T. nan-faeed �ound batt in�ulation abave {2} layer� of GWB ceiling � all ceiling� of all unii�. (Add � to ba�e bid,) Alternate No. 2: Reduce f.hiekz�e�s of pre-engineered woad flooring from 5/S" T. to 1/2" T Pravide �elf leveIing cancrete belorv a� �gscified in Divi�ion 3. (Add �______ to ha�e bid) Alternate No. 3: Painter �halt �tain perimeter Kif.chen cabinetry to mateh Architect'� �ample. -Painting qubbidder� �hall be ap raved by O�rner. Cabinet man�facturer qhaIl �upply �r eabinet� unfini�hed. (Add f Delete � io ba�e bid) ITE�S PURCHASED BY Q�YNER ANll INSTALLED BY G'ONTRACTOR: The following ►temq �hall be pureha�ed or �upplied by the Owner and in�Ealled by the �ontraetor �a that they are fully fune#.ional� 1. Decora�ive Light F'ixture� 2. A�,p pliance� 3. htirror� a� noied 4. �Safeq p Clo�et� (3 toial} 5. Speaker wire� for ceiling �peaker� in great room ITE�,S PROyIDED & INSTALLED BY CONTRACTOR: f . Fire �prinkler/Fire Aiarm�%Smoke Alarm� 2. TQwel warmer at #�a�ter Bath, cabinet putl�, robe hookS, tawel bar�, tailet paper halder�, hardware �et�, and elothe� hook� are �geeified thraugh Grabow Hardware. TTE�S PURCHASED AND INSTALLED BY O�CNEft {OR {�THERS} -N.I.C.: The follawin� item� qhall be pravided and in�talled by the Owner: 1. Carpet 2. Window Treaiment� 3. T.y., T.�. Bracket�, T.v. Equipznenf., �5peaker�, and Surround Sound Equipment. {Wiring ior Great Room ceiiing �peaker� to be provided by Owner & in�taIled by Contractar) BU[LDING PER�ITS: To be obtained by and paid by General Cantracf.or and hi� SubconEractor�. FiNAL PAYME�iT: Applicaf.ion for Final Payment �hall include campletion af project clage a�ut requiremeni�, eomple�ion of Funch Li�t iEem�, and �ubmittal of all appIicable warrantie�. Ai�o, proaf that taxe�, fee�, and qimil�r obligation� have been paid and reiea�e of atl Iien waiver�. BUILDING C(}UES: A11 work �hall conform to appireable code�. If di�crepancie� between the drawing� and �pecification� occur, th� �peeificaEion� �haii govern, RESPONSIHILITIES: Contrae�or �h�il be re�pan�ibte for rteekly ira�h removal and for keeping a1l are�� broam clean durzng con�Eructi�n. Canf.ractor �hall coordinate alI trade�. If ih�re i� a di�cregancy in dimen�iotz� or any ather infarmaiion given on dra�ving�, �"aniracf�or �hall notify Cramer Kre�ki De�ign� prior to �ny ordering and in�tailation of any iiem� aq�oeiated with thai di�erepaney. Otherwi�e, Contractor �hali a��ume all reSpon�ibilif.y fvr correcting non-canforming work at hi� co�t. CONS'TRUCTIdN �EETINGS: Pre-can�f.ructian and progre�� mgeting attendance a� required by Canf,ract,ar� and t�e appropriate Subcantractor�. Time and place �hall be coordinaf.ed beiween Contraetor an:d Architect durit►� cangtruetion. SUB�ITTALS: Submit informa#,�on required below io G�ramer Kre�ki De�ign�. Submittal� �hall be reqaired a� foliaw�; Product data am le Shag drawina� 1. Cabinetry ............................... ................................:..,........,.....,........ .......X 2. Pella �Yindow�/Door� ...........................X 3. Heat Pump/ACJFan Umii� ..................X ' 4. Door Hardware ....................................X 5. Fzre Protection Sy�tem ..................................................:.:....................................X 6. F'ainif Stain G�olor� a� Naied on �Scheduie.� ......................X AIi material� �pecified or called out on the drarving� �hall be in�talled in aceardanee with manufaciurer'� recammendatian�. No �ub�tiiuE,ion� are .allowed unle�� autharized in wriiing by Cramer Kre�ki De�ign� or Qwner dnriz�g the bidding proce��. TUILET FAG�II.ITIES�. �"ontracior �hall eonfirm with Bailding �anagement trhich, if any, bathroom� the G�ontractar may u�e during con�iruef.ion, PR03EC�I' G�L��SEOUT: Contractor �halt be re�pon�ibte for clean-up after con�truetian, inclnding window�, floar�, vacuuming and du��ing in aIl � area� af each condo, ineluding area� directiy adjacent a� reqnired (i.e. hall ou#�ide unit�). D1�I��QN �2 SITE 110AK , DEI�OLITION: All item� removed �hall be �aved and onl� d�i�po�ed of at the Owner'� in�truction�. ttem� f.hat mu t be �aved ar relocated are a� follow�: 1. HaIi�vay door� with keycard lack� & a��aciaied hardware, Prior ta �chednled demolition of exi�ti�ag waIl� or �truct,ure, Cantractnr �hall verify item� which are bearing r�all� and or load carrying �tructure f framing member�. He �hall provide adequate �h€�ring, braeing, azad temparary wall� and he �hall notify Cramer Kre�ki De�ign� imrnediat,ely if r�moval of �uch wall%beam i� �cheduled. , Provide 7,2 hoar� nof�ce to Qwner grior to demalition activitie� whieh will impaet normai Owner aperation�, }�erify all location� of exi��.ing uf.ilitie� priar to excavatian. DI'�ISION 3 G�ONCI�ETE CONCRETE; Conerete �halI be per ACI 318 Bnrlding Code Rsquiremeni� for Reanfarced Concrete, AG�I 302 IR G'uide for Cancrets Floor & Slab C�n�f,raction, A�I 3q5R daring hot� weather conereting, ACt 306R during aald �reather concref.ing, I,ate�#. Editian and �amgly with applicable provi�ian� excepi aq of.herwi�e indicaEed. Praducts: Pariland Cemen�, AST1� C150, type a� required or Ready 1�ix Cancrete - AST1� G'494. �in. Compre��ive Strength: 35Q0 p�i � interior applieatian� �? 28-day compre��ive �trength concrete wi#,h 540 lb�. cement per cubie yard (min), a WfC' ra#.io of ,5Q (max.) and a znaximum aggregate �ize of 3,�` �' . Sand-Gravel (9Q�), Lime�tone (10%) mix at interiar �lab�. �aximum S�lump: 5" maximurn DEFOR�ED RBItVFQRCING BARS: A�ST� A615, Grade �i0. �See .Drawing� for �ize, tacation� &�pacing. �S,ELF-LEYELING UNDEftLAY�ENT � WQOD FLUQRING LO�ATION�: (See Alternate #2} MFR. 1�axxon Product: Dura-Cap PSL• 3,5Q0 PSI (minimum) Thickne��. varie� I f�" T. to feather edge o ri o eo ret °ar f.a in a in underla ment. Primer. �axxan Flo r F mer n nc e gr� �t II g y Sealer; �axxan Over�gray Proteetion: Protect underlayment Prom coneentrated laad� during curing and until wood floar ha� been in�tailed. In�tallatian: STRIG�TLY FOLLOW �Fft'S IN,STALLATION REQUIRE�fENT�, DI�[SIUIV 4 �A�ONRY �tORTAft: AST�i C270 w'r#,h Portland Cernent Type I or Type ti. Naiural color to produce matching mori.ar cator ar�d natural 9and aggregate. Type � or S. �fachine mix �vith no admixf.ure�. Tooted concave join#,�. Color to be Standard Grey. CONCftETE BLa�"K: AST� C9Q Grade N laad bearing, Type t, normal weight hnllow and �alid CI�U'� with COITigrE��1VG �trength not le�� than 1900 p�i. See Urawing� for �ize� and �hapeq. � •� , � STEEL LINTEL �} �I�tEFLACE HEARTH: Follow AISC Specificationq for f.he De�ign, Fabrication and Erectian of �5truetural 5't�eel for Building�, {See drawing� for �ize). �TAiNLESS STEEL PAN BELUW WASHER & DRYER: Fabricator: Hempel, �'aldinger or appraved equal Stainle�� Steel Guage: 22 duage (min) Type: AIS'I 302 f 304 Weld�: Ground �maoih. Fini�h: �#ill raIted No. 2D - Bru�hed Noie: Pan �hall be able to hold 24 gallon� af water & wif.h�tand preddure� exerted by u�e when filled with 280 lb¢ of waEer. STAtNLESS STEEL TUBE�S AND PLATE �OR STACKABLE WA�SHEB & DRYER STAND: �ee drawing� far �ize� & naie�. Welded and a� falior��: -�Steel Tube�: AST�1 A5Q0, Grade B -�teel Flate�: AST� A36 ni r�faN s MOOD & PLASTiCS ROUGH G'ARPENTRY: Product�: �anufactured lumber, S4S, and grade �f.amped ta comgly with PS 20. FIRETREATED LUI�BER: 1�FR: Hoaver (or approved equal) Produet: Pyroguard Struciural Light Framing: Provide �tandard grade tumber �2 x member� (�ize on Drawing�). RO[7GH �'ARPENTRY INSTALLATION: In�tall raugh carpenf.ry to comply with Naf.ianal Fore�t Produet� A��aeiation and A;merican Plywood A��oeiatian. Securely attach earpent,ry wark f,a �ub�trate and �upparting mernber� u�ing fa�tener� of �ize that rvill nat penetraf,e memberS �rhere agpo�ite �ide will be expo�ed ta view or recefva finiqhed material�. In�tall �r fa�tener� withoui �plitting wood. Do noi �plice �trueturai member� between �appart�. ANCHORS: Han�er�, carriage balt,�, lag bolt� & ather acce��orieg, 1�FR: Simp�an or approved equal. FiNISH L�ARPENTRY: Camply with apprapriaie �tandard� of American �'oodwark In�titute (AWI). INTERIOR STANDING & Ri3NNING TRI�: See Ro�m Finiqh schedule andfar Interior� f�r loeation�. A. Interior for opaqae fini�h. f. AWI Quality Grade: Premiurn 2. Salid iYood. Specie�. Paplar �ILLWORK PROFILES: See Int,eriar� and or Room Fini�h Schedule for locatianq af miliwork and relaf.ed detail�. STANDING & RUNNIiVG TR11� INSTALLATiON: in�tatl wiih minimum number of joinf.� po��ible, u�in� full-Iength piece� from maximum length of luznber available. G'ope at ref.urn� & miter af, corner� to produce tight fif.f.ing joint�. U�e mif,ered joint� far end-to-end joint�. ARCKIfiECTURAL 1�QODiYORK: Camply with applicable requiremani� of Architectural Woadrvork InStituie. See Raom Finiqh Schedule and/ar inf.eriar� for locationq and detail�, Provide �hop drawing� and �ample of cabinet door(�) far Owner agprovai. A. CA�SEWORK: PREFiNISHBD �t BATH �1Q3: A�'I Quality Grade: Premium Con�tructian: Flu�h Overlay 2�FIt: Narthern �'ontour�, Therms�foil Prefini�hed Expo�ed Fartq: 941�2 Dark 4ak �etinga Sezni-expo�ed Par#.�. Fully adju�table 3/4" T. particteboard wiih melamine �urfacing and edging. �elamine Colar. Blactc Pravide hale� for �helf �upgart,. Cabinetry Frontq �FR: Northerz� Contour�, Thermafoit Ara�ver Style: Elegante II Drawer Front�. Flu�h Slab Prefinidhed �rith 9012 Dark �elinga {Horizonial Grain) with Blaek melamine back �ide, Thickne��: 3 j4" T Oat�ide Edge Detail; Square edge, ea�ed H. CASE{90RK: PREEINI�HED � BEDR00�1 #101: AiYI Quality Grade: Premium Con�iruetion: FIu�h Overlay �FR: Cane�i,aga Prefini�hed Expo�ed Part�: Specieq: Alder Fini�h: Choca Cherry Pravide hale� fur �helf �upport. Prelini�hed G�abinetry Fror�t�: �FR: Cone�toga Fixed Door FrQnt�: 10751 Specie�; Alder Fini�h: Choco L�herry Thickne��: 3/4" T, Out�ide Edge Detail: Square edge, ea�ed Beneh: Alder veneer x/ Alder hardwood edge Choco Cherry �l lf2" H.), ea�ed. C. CASEIYQRK: PREFIIVISHED @ ENTRY �106: AWI Quality Grade; Premium Con�trnetion: Flu�h Overlay PreCini�hed Expo�ed Part�: specie�: iihi#.e Oak, Rift Cut with "G'alonial" finiqh Sezni-expo�ed Par�: Fully adju�table 3 f 4" T. particleboard with melamine �urfacin� and edging, 1�elamine Calar. Almond Provide hole� for �helf �upporl. Prefini�hed G�abinetry Front,� �FR: Cone�toga Doar Front�: iQ751, "Colonial" Fini�h Drawer FronF.�: 10751, "Colonial" Fini�h Panel Thiekne��: 3 f 8" T. Flat Receqqed Panei �pecie�: White Oak, Rift Cut Out�id� Edge Detaii: Square ouf,�ide edge, ea�ed Crawn�: See dra�wing� far modei ���. Fini�h: "Colonial" $ench. White oak, rifi cui veneer �/ white oak �quare edge (1 1/2" H.), ea�ed, L�alonial fini�h, D. �'ASEI�4RK. PREFINISHED �} RiTCNEN �1Q6. (See Aliernate �3 for cabinet manufacf.nrer �upplying ca�inetry nnfini�hed in lieu af cu�tam COI4T.} AWI Quality G�rade; Premium Gon�tructian: Flu�h 4verlay Prefini�hed Exp��ed Part�: upecie�. i�hite Q�k, Rift �ut with Cu�tom "Grey" Fini�h Semi-expoqed Part�: Fully adju�table 3/4" T. pariicieboard rrith melamine �uriaeing �nd edging. l�elamine Calar: Aimand. Note: Hardroek }�aple interiar� � glaq� front upper cabinet�. Provide hole� for �heli qupporf.. Prefini�hed Cabinetry Frant� �FR. Cone�toga Door Front�: 10751, C'u�tom �'grey" colar Drawer Fronf.q: i0751, Cu�Eom "grey" calor Pane1 Thickne��. 3/8" T. Flat rece�qed panei Speeie�: Kiff. cu#, whif,e Oak t}ut�ide Edge Det,ail; Square edge ea�ed Crown�: See drawing� for model ��. Fini�h: Cu�tam "Grey" Cotor Gla�� Shelve� and Gla�� Panel� � upper Cabinef Doar�: �See Divi�ion 8 E. CASEW4ftK: PREFINISHED �? KITCHEN �146 ISLAND: AWI Quality �rade: Prernium �on�truction: Flu�h 4verlay Frefini�hed Expo�ed Park.�: �pecie�: Whif,e Oak, Rift Cut rrith "Colonial" Fini�h � - ' t 4 T rticl oard with melamine urfacin Semi ex a ed Fart : l�ull ad u a le 3 , a e b b � � � � � � � � 1 p and edging. 1�eIamine Calor: Almand Provide hoie� for �helf �upport. Prefini�hed Cabia�etry Front� �FR� Cone�toga Daor Frant.�: 14751, "Coionial" fini�h Drawer Front�: 10761, "Colonial" fini�h M Panel Thickne : 3 8 T. Flat rece ed anel � � � � I P Specie�: Kift cut white Oak Out�ide Edge Detail: Sqaare edge ea�ed F. CASEWORK: PREFINISHED � GREAT R00� �107; AWI Quali#.y Grade; Premium Can�truction: Flu�h Overlay Prefini�hed Exgo�ed Part.�; Specie�: White Oak, Rift Cut with "Colonial" fini�h Semi-expa�ed Part�: Fully adjuqEable 3/4" T. particleboard with melamine �urfacing and edging. �elamine Calor: Almand • Provide hale� for �helf �upport. Prefini�hed Cabinetry Fronf.� �FR: Cone�tuga Door Frant�. 10751, "Colonial" Fini�h Drawer Fror►f�s 14751, "G'olonial" Fini�h Panel Thiekne��: 3/8" T. Flat rece��ed panel Specie�: Rift cut whiie �ak Oui�ide Edge Detail. Square out�ide edge Canning at Ugper Daar� �} Bar: Yan Dyke� Re�torer� Natural Pre-Woven G�ane �odel #CS- 2Q5B02, Radio Net Crown; See drawing far madel number; Fini�h: Cu�tom "Grey" calor G. CASEWQRK; PREFINISHBD ��ASTER BEDR00�! �1Q$: (Nate: Not inetudin� 1�a�ter CIo�e#, Cabinet in �a�ter Bedroom) AWI Quatity Grade: Pr�mium Can�f�z°uction: Flu�h Overiay �FR: Cone�toga Prefini�hed Expo�ed Part.�: �pecieq: Alder with "Chocalate Pear" Fini�h Semi-expo�ed Pari�: Fully adjuqtable 3/4" T. pariieiebaard with melamine �urfacing and edging. 1�elamine Color: Blaek Provide hole� for �hetf �uppar�. Prefini�hed �'abinetry Frant� �IFB: Cone�toga Door Front�: CRP 10 Drawer Front�: CRP 10 Stiie & ftail Thickneq�: 3/4" Rai�ed Panel Thickne��: 3/4" Specie�: Alder Fini�h: Choaalate Pear 4ut�ide Edge Detail: Syuare out�ide edge, ea�ed H. G'A,�EWORK: PREFINISHED C� 1�ASTER BATH #109: Ai�I Quality Grade: Premiuzn Can�truetian; Flu�h Overlay f�FR: Cone�toga Prefini�hed Expa�ed Part,�: Alder with "'Chacoiate Pear" Fini�h Semi-expo�ed Part.�: Fully adju�table 3�4" T. particieboard with melamine �urfacing and edging, �elamine Calar; Blaek Provide hale� for �helf �uppart. Prefini�hed Cabinetry Front.� 1�FR: Cone�toga i}aor Front�: CRF 10 Drawer Frant�: C'RP 10 Thickne��: 3/4° Rai�ed Panel Thickne��: 3 f 4" Fini�h �olar: Chocolate Pear Out�ide Edge Deiail: Square edge, ea�ed I. G�ASEiYORK: PREFINISHED � T.�. ft0��t #112: Al�i Quality Grade: Premiurn Con�truction: Fiu�h Overiay Expo�ed Par#,�: Spec're�: Walnat �tile & rail� wj rift cut Red Oak rece��ed panei� Semi-expo�ed Part�: Fulty ad,ju�table 3/4" T, particleboard with melamine �urfacing and edging, �elamine Caior: Bla�ek Pravide hole� for �helf �uppor�. Pref�ni�hed Cabineiry Front� �FR: Cone�toga Door Fron#.�: Aurora �tile & Itail Specie�. �Yalnut Stile & ftail Thickne��: 3f4°' Fanel Thickne��; 11%16" Panel Sgecie�: Red dak, rifi eut Finiqh: Expre��a Out�ide Edge Detail: Square edge, ea�ed J, CASEW4RK: PREF(NISHED t� BATH �115: AY�I Quality Grade: Premium Con�tr�ation: Flu�h Overlay �FR; Northern Contour�, Thermafoil Prefini�hed Expo�ed Part�: silver Stream #9018 Sem.i-expo�ed Par�.�: Fully adju�f.able 3%4" T. particleboard with melamine �urfacing and edging. �elamine Calor; White Provide hale� for �helf �uppart. Prefini�hed G�abineiry Froztt,� �FR: Northern Contonr�, Thermafoil Drawer Front�: Frefiniqhed �lab Thickne��: 3/�„ Fini�h: Siiver Stream #9018 (horizontal grain} with Antique White melamine back colar. Out�ide Edge Detail: Square aut�ide edge, eaSed K, CASEWORK; TRANS�ARENT FINISH � BEDRQO� #1i3: Aiii Qaalitp C�rade: Premium �FR: cone�toga Con�truc#.ion: Flu�h Overlay Expo�ed Part�: S'gecie�: Alder Fini�h. Chaco Cherry Provide hole� for �helf �upport. Prefini�hed Cabinetry Front�: �fFR: Cone�toga Fixed Door Front�: 14761 �Specie�: Alder Fini�h. Choco �herry Thickneq�: 3/4" T. Oui�ide Edge Aetail: Square edge, ea�ed Bench: Alder v�neer rr% Alder qyuare edge (1 1/�2" H.), eaged in Choco Cherry L, CASEiY{IRK. PREFINISHED FINISH � MASTER CLOSET ��ASTER BEDROO�C #108: Ai�l ualit rade: Fremiam � Y� Con�fructian: �lu�h Overlay �FR: Cone�taga Prefini�hed Expo�ed Part�: Specie�: Aider with "C'hncaiate P�ar" fini�h ,� emi-ex o�d Par : Full ad"u ta le 3 4 T. ariicle oard with mel�mine urfacin S p d � y �� b / p � d g and edgi�g. �elamine Calor: Antique Whiie Provide hole� for �helf �upport. Prefini hed Ca inetr Front 1�FR: �'ane to a d b y � � g Door Front�: TN-10 Stile & Raii Thiekne��: See drawing� far cu�tom �ize� Rece��ed F1at Panel Thiakne��: 3 f$" T, {TQ aceept mirror front) Specie�: Aider Fini�h Color: Chocolate Pear Qutyide Edge Detail: Squars out�ide edge, ea�ed l�irrar G'laS� Front�: �'ee DiviSion 8 �. CASER�ORK: HARD�'ARE 1. Drawer Slideg for Drawer Front�, taller than 6" H. Heavy duiy full exten�ion �lide�, bottom mounted, tandem �elf-elo�ing track�. h�FR: Blum �otion 2. Drawer Slide� for Drarver Front�, 6" H. or le��: F'uIl exten�ian #3832 EC (Ea�y Clo�e) 1�FR: Accuride Fini�h: Zine 3. Slide� far Puli-out Shelved: Full exk,en�ion iandem wit,h Blu-�otion �Fft: Blum 4. Slide� for all Roll-aut�: Full exten�ion #3832EC �fFR: Aecuride 5. Hinge�: Self-clo�ing European �tyIe clip hinge� { f 20*) �IFR: Blum Fini�h. Chrome 6. Uoor Siiencer�: Neoprene Pad�: #TP1950 7. Haak� & Pull�: See Grabow Hard�vare �wner'� �electian �heet. �. Ctothe� ftod�; Hafele #8Q1.42.200, Chrome plated 9. 3/4 Lazy Su�an Fini�h: �'hite Polymer �FR: Ftev-a-Shelf 1U. Shelf Pin�: (Drill hale� in cabinet� to accept pin�} 1�FR: Hardware Di�tributor� Ltd. 1�adel �: Nickel: HR284 I1. Pla tie Cutler Tra : Trim fit drawer divider. MFR: Cu tam acr lie � � 3' Y 3' 12. Slide� for Bottom 1�auni (1) Bin Rubbermaid 35 qt, Wa�teba¢ket �fFR: Rev-a-Shelf �aft cla�e bottom maunt 13. Slide out Towel Rack: Side mount Towei Halder. �FR: Hafele 14. Panf.ry Hard�rare: Aecuride �3012594 (2) at baiiom &(l� at iop 15. Fanf.ry Sheive�. Acrylic Z�hetve� with melamine interior� C4UNTERTOPS: A. �'ountertop � Baf,h �103: Di�iributar/Fabricator: l�aierial: Quarta �t�it: Cambria Color; Linwaod #2010 Fini�h: Pc�ii�hed Tlaickne�p: 2em Ed�e: Square edge, mitered (2 1 f2"H,) ea�ed lop & bottom Back�pia�h: �ame material a� cauntertop. Thickne��: 2em Edge: Squ�re edge Size: See drswing� B. Bench � Bedroam #1Qf: F'abricatar: C'one�toga #�ater.ial�: Prefini�hed Alder Caior: �haeo G�herry Thickneq�: See Drawing� Prefini�hed Hardwaad Edge: Square edge, ea�ed, Alder wf Choco Cherry F"i�i�h C. Countertap � Kitchen #106 Psrimeter: �iiqtri�ator%�'abricaio�°: �taierial: Quariz �#FB: �ae�ar �"�.one Coior: Buttermilk �4220 Fini�h: i'oli�hed Thickne��: 3 cm Edge: Square ed�e, ea�ed top & bottorn Back�pla�h: Di�tribuior: Suz�derland Brothsr� MFR: {lr�iginal S�.yle Serie�; Mo�aic� - �►9etal Calor: Cha��eur Bru�hed �e�al Fzetd Tile: qRG I�OSA E��CH�BBB Size: 5 7%8"x 2 15/'16"x 3/8"T. (on 12 1/4"x a 15/16" �de�hec� �Sheet) G'rout: �Iydrarnenf. Un�andad Detorean G,rey Sealer: (1) Coat of h�ira�eal 4j11 Porou� Plu� or, jofnf� only. D. Caur�f.ertag � Kiichen I�land �lfl�: I��qiributor/Fabricator: �aterfal: Quartz 1�FR: Cae�ar Siane Calor: Buttermilk �4220 Fini�h: Poti�hed Thickne��: 3 em Edge. Square edge, ea�ed, 1�f4" H. � 3S" counieriop {mitered edge, ea�ed, 2 1/2"H. � 42" cauntertop}. 6aek�pla�h: Same materiai �� cauntertop 'fhickne��: 3cm 5ize: 5'ee drawing� E. G'aunterf.op � Bar � Great itoonn #1Q7: Didtributor/Fabricatar: h4aierial: Cae�ar Stone Colar: Butterm�lk �4220 �ini�h; Poli�hed T�aickzte��: 3 cm Edge: �Square ed�e, ea�ed Back�pla�h; No back�pla�h F. Caun�ert�g � �a�ier Bedroom �1Q$; Fabrieatar: Cor�e�t,o�a �aierial�� Prefini�hed Alder Color: �f�ocolaie Pear Thic%neq�: See Dr�wing� Prefir�i�r�ed Hardwood Edge: Square e�ge, ea��d, Atdsr rriih G�haeoiaie P�ar Fini�h Back�pla�h: No back�pla�h G� C�uz�tertop � 1�a�ter Bath #149: Di�trib�tar/Fabricaiar: �afi.erial: Quart� �FI�: Cae�ar Stone C��at�: �liid Rice �436Q Fini�h: Poii�hed Thickne��: 3em Edge: �5quare edge, ea�ed top & b�tiom Baek�pia�h. Di�Eribuior: Sunderland 8rokher� Fieid Tile: FLT I�S63�a 1�i26/8 �FR. k�arida Tile 5erie�: Stone �o�aic� FL� '�Sfi35 �l25/S Colar: EmpQrador Hiend 5/8 X 5/8 r,no�aic Size: 5/S"x 5j8"x 3f8"3'. (on 12"x12" �e�hPd Sheet). Field eut da�vn Eo �izs �hown on drar�ing�, Liner: �tss �r��� �t�,00eo� i/�zx�zx� t/�� 1�FR: �arble Sy�tem� S�rie�: 1�BS TURK �L406�4 �arfii Poli�hed Pencit �in�r Coior: Turki�h �arfil Poli�hed Sixe: 5/Snxf�"x�1j16"T, Pencil Liner C#rot�t: Hydromenf, Un�anded Linen Sealer: (1) Coat of �ira�eal 511 Porau� Pi�a� H. �'ountertop (� T.�. Ka�m �112: Fabrieaf.ar: G'ane�toga Maf.erial. Pref�ni�hed Walnut Calor: E�gre�do Thickneq�: �5ee Dra�ving� Edge; S�uare edge, ea�ed Prefini�he�l Edge: Watnut w/ E�pre��o Fini�h i. Bench � Bedroom #i 13: Fabricator: �o�e�f.oga �Caterial. Prefi�i�hsd Alder Colar: �'hoco G�herry Thickne��: See I�rawing� Prefini�hed Hardwood �dge: Sqc�are edge, �a�ed, Alder wf Ct�oco Ch�;ry Fini�h 1. �oun#.eriQp � Baih ;�� l�: Di�tribu�.ar/F��ricatar: �#aterial: Quar#,z �FR. 2odiaq Colar: Snc��r iYhite Fini�h. Poli�hed '�hickne��: 2em �dg�: �Squar� e�ge, ea�ed top & bof,tom Back�pla�h: Same material a� couniertag Thickne��. 2cm Edge: Square edge, ea�ed Size: See d�awingq K. Benc�i � Entry �105 Fabrieator: C�one�ta�a �aterial. Prefini�hed Riff, Cut �thiie (�ak C�lor: Colonial Thickne��: See Drawing� Preiini�hed Hardw�od Edge: Squaxe edge, ea�ed, Riit �ut YFhite Oak w f Co�oniai �'ia�i�h CLOSE'i' & STORAGE S�iEL�ING � CLUSET �102: AWI Grade: Cu�tom 3j4" T. �atarial: �felam`rne with melarnine edgin�. �'olar: Aniique �'hite Rod�: Hafeie #801,42.24Q, chrome plated Acceptable h�FR: Ky CLO�ET & ST4RAGE SHELvtI�G �? CLOS�T �i1�: AiVI Grade: Cu�tom 3 f 4" T. h�aterial: �felam ine �ith melarnine e dg ing. G'a ta r t A n i iq u e 1� h i�, e 1Rod�: Hafe�e �801.*€2:200, chrame plat�d Aceepf.ab�e 1�FR: K� i�04D�OFtK INS'�ALi.AfiiON: tn�iali arehitecturai �*oadwark pl�arnb, level, and �traight �ith no di lortion. Shim a re �uire u i concealed 'm . " e � � q d� ng �hA � Scrib and cut �vood�vork �.o fifi, �� adjozning work. Anehar wood�rork to anchor� or blocking u�ing conceated ia�ltenec�. �Yhere ca���vork abut� waIi� ar cefiing�, provrde a 4 i/�" wide �cribe. Scribe �hali rnatch �Y mat,eriai a�d fini�h of adjacent ea�errork. ..... . .. i: . . .. . . ..... ... .... ..._. ..... . ... ... . , i i 1 1 1 iI , '� 1i�' 1'' I 1♦ !� !�i !� .. • , i i, 1 i �� SH[I�:g.'T DESCIIi,�PTItJN SP�1 Sheet I�Lde71c, :lj�ci�aliOII� ,�iP.'�, '�.��11��CA�DIIS ��:+DII�IIII�� ,�i�".3 1�11�C�C�i�OII�t {�:Ori�I1tlCti� pi�II%%S��il �iC�1�II�C �,..i �iCiitQ��Ori �'iAll T+iOtlT ��ltII �i�'� ffi ��5�1 �iC���1I�8 � CCIiCI`�� NU�CB �i.�, ��'.%�1'�U� �iCPBti�►ri�i �11�1`�U�" ��YBf�UIIl� +� ���5 A3.2 �nterior Elevati+nn►s & Details �.� �Tt�+E2`.�Or Li4`Y&�4118 �L �C�8�8 A3.4� Inf:Ci°iOIC" JEI�►at�O�iB i� Ilwei�il8 � ( y; x I �t r.: ' � , t .r t� :� �� t ' � �� �. �►: 1 I I; :! i DIVISIt�1V 7 THERI�AL. FIRE & 1�OISTURE PRUTECTION OPEN CELL SPRA�'-IN INSULATION: �FR, Ieynene, dnc. Produef,: Patyeyrene �gray foam in�ulation, Icynene, LD-C-50 or 8A5F Enerite ar Certainteed G'erta�pray Open G�ell �oam. Thickneq�: 3 5J8" R-�a1ue: 3.7/inch N(?TE: S�,rietly folio�r manufacturer'� in�t,allatian requirementq & etearance�. G'IASED CELL S�'RAY-IN INSULATiON Q EXTERIOR �'AI.C�S; �FR/#�adeI; BA�F Sprayti�e, Certainteed G�exta�pray, or Icyene 1�D-C244 Thickne��: 3 6/S" R-�alae: 6%inch or greater PAl1VTABLE �APOR BARREI� �} Sprayed-in In�alation � exterior �vall location on1y. Paint "vapor barrier" a� reeomnnended by Icynene �pray foam in�ulatian. In�tall at warm �ide of in�uIaiion af, ex�,erior watt� a� �hawn or� drawing�, PainE barrier over in�ulaEion. SOti�ID itVSULATION: 3 1/2" thick non-taced iibergla�� batt in�uiatian R-11. (See Alternate �1 far ceilin� Ioca�Fann} J�iNT SEALAN`TS: Color� to match adjacent �urfaceS. In�iallation to camply with manufaeturer'� in�truciian�. �FR; Sanneb�rne, Pecara, Trerrzeo, �atne�ko, �julkem Buiiding: One-part polyureihane, Type �, tlrade NS, iraific u�e Pavement: One part polyure#.hane, Type S, Grade NS, traffic u�e 3�INT SEALANTS AT FIRE RATED A��EI�BLYS: Ali void� ��ta11 be �eated with approved material in accordance with AS"f1� #E23U7 far time p�riod & e�nal ar greater than f�re re�i�tanee required for a��embly, Ui�IsION 8 DUOR� � if11YDU�S D4If)R FRA�L�'.q. - I�ITERIGR: DOOC �'� �02y i0`�� Z(I6, 1fl8Ai �09Ar �.09H� ��Oy �12A� 112Bt l�� SC �15 A. A�V� Q�xal'zty Gfrade: Cu�tom B. S�olid �'oad: Paint Grade: �apte ox $irch �OOR F�tA�lES - INTERI{}R. Doar �'� 14i, !05 & 113 �'. A�'I Quality Grade: Cu�tom D. Sotid �'�pd: �iatc� exi�ting �pecie� on hall qide ot' doar� �9QOD DOORS�: NOTE: No daord �h�il be predritied by d�ar �upplier unle�d �pe�ifically ap�roved by the Arehiteck. See plan�, elevation� and daar �chedule for wall thickne��, door �rring and �ize. �.. x�r� ���x�: n��x ��oi, ��o� � ��is l. Far Tran�pareni Fini�h. a. Daor�y Relacated exi�ting doorq. Note: See drawing� far where exi�ting doar� get relocated. b. Hall Side Fini�fh: Exiyting to remain. e. In�eriur Side Fini�h; See Divi�ian 9. B. Ir►terior Daor�: (2j Rai�ed Paz►ei Door�. �. �or 1`ran�parent Fini�I�s Door #1U2, �IQ3,�lO8A, �109A, #�U9H, #110, �! 1�2A, �114 & �115 a. h�F'R: Tru�iii� Co. b. ��del �: TS 2200 c. Quality: Premiu� d. Soiid Wood: Specie�: Select Aider e. '�e�esr: SpeciQ�: Seieet Alder f, ���������; i �/e� g. Stickfn�; Bevel {H�j) h. Rai�ed Panel Profil�: "A' Panel Profile (1" T.� 2, �'ar Tran�parent Fini�h: Daor �1Q1A, �10B, �112�, & �113A a. ��R: Tru�#,ite Co. b. �adei �: TS 2200 c. Quality: Prennium d. �olid iYood: Specie�. �.Seleet Alder e. yeneer: Specie�: Select Alder �. T�IGI{i1C�S: � �f'�� g. Siicking: Be�el {��') h. Rai�ed Panet Praiite: 'A' Panei Prafile (1 1/4" T.j � ���9 �� �.�°3� ��� � ��������� ��� � �� �:������� �� � � �� : �a.�� ��._.. ��� �.k' �,�, '�1 ,�.,.�-� �� � ._�,�. n......�,.� $.:� �� �� ������ ���.r�.__�.�w�� __�.p.,��.�� � � ,m � �; �� � �. � � � � �� . � 4 � �� � � ;�� � � � � �` �� 1 x � � � � ���: � , ,��1 � � � � � � SPECIFiCATTONS CONTINUED ON SP.2 ,� ! : ,. r � � . •- .. � .. . � � .. . " i i + � ,�. = i � � � , i � � 04 � �v..�% '�" �' � -.ir..i � � • � C� � �� � "C� � r■� �" ��" �� a � � � ��� � ��i CCS ., .. � ��� � �' � � � � �/` * ,,,,�,y, C �c I �.�.r/ �..^ t� � � � ���i CC� ���I M�'�1 � � C w ��'q°v-�, .� ' � '�n� � Q � � Aa� ��� ° ca0 � �� � � � � � � � a � � � � � � � �����j c� O � N c`�'',, � � � � � o -r.� � � a�a �� � � �. � � �� � ::°,. � � ,� � c+'� � � i �� � � � � � � (� CQP'YRIGHT aA�: 0�/2�/t2 dRA � R 1�! . BJ SHEE7: � dOB �: 12006 DIYISION 8 Dt30RS & WIND�I�� � CQNTINUED FREFABRICATED G�LAD WOQD WINDQWS AP1D D40RS. See Plan� for fixed, inaetive, aetive panel� and wall f.hickne��. Field verify all exi�ting wali thickne��e� griar to ardering door�. �See Elevation� for def,ail� and door �wing� I�FR: Peila Cuqtom color for exteriar clad �vindow� & daor� qhall ma#,ch f,he following color: 1�FR: Benjamin �oore t�odel%G'olor: Bh�-213Q-50 New Hope Grey �loorgard Low Lu�ter Unit �1U, Lacation 685, Bedraom ,�101 Arehitect, 3-Wide Ca�emenf„ 87 X 45, Cu�tam, 4-6/16" l: Non-Standard Size LeiE Ca�ement Frame 5ize: 29 X 46 Raugh Opening: 7'-3 3/4" X 3'-9 3 f 4° Final �iall Depth: 4-5/16" (k'.�.} General Information: Standard, C'iad, Pzne Exteriar �'olor / Fini�h: �tandard EnduraClad, Cu�tom calor. Interiar �ator f Fini�hr Primed Interior Cla��: In�ulated Low E Advanced High Altitude Hardware Optian�: Standard Roto Ogeratar, �atin Niekel Sereen. Full Sereen, Champagne, Inview Grille: No Grille� vertical l�ull 1: Factoryl�ult, Standard (Yertieal Factory� (0°'} 2: Non-Standard Size Fixed Ca�ement Frame Size: 29 X 46 General Infarmation; Standard, �iad, Pine Exterior �olar j Fini�h: �t�andard EnduraClad, Cu�tom calar. Interior Color � Fini�h: Primed Interior Gla��: In�ulated Low E Advanced High Altitude Grille: No Grille� Yertical 1�a11 2; FacEory�ull, Standard (�'ertieai Factory} (0"} 3: Non-Standard Size Righi Ca�ement Frame Size: �9 X 45 GeneraI InformaEion. Skandard, Clad, Pine Exf.erior �oior / F`iniqh: Standard EndaraCiad, Cu�tom colar. Interior G�o1or / Fini�h; F'rimed Interior Gla��: In�utated Lvw E Advanced High Altitude Hard�vare Option�: Standard Rflto Operatar, Saiin Niekel �v Sereen: Full Screen, Champagne, In�iew Grille: No grilled. Wrapping Information; EnduraClad Exterior Trinn, FuII Frame fteplacement, Factary Appiied, 3 1/2" Flat Ca�ing, 1" Sil] No�e, 3 1/2" Flaf. Ca�ing, 3 1,%2" Fl�t Ca�ing, F'aeEary Applied, 4- 5/16" Standard 4-�ided Jamb Exten�ion, Fae#.acy Appiied {D�A}, Perimeter Length - 264", Glazing Pre��ure = 9Q. U Factar: .32 Uni�. �2U. Location 687, C�reat Room Archzteet, C�a�ement Right, 29 X 45, Cu�iam, 4-5/1fi" 1: Non-Siandard Size Right Ca�ement Frame Size: 29 X 45 ftaugt� Opening: 2'-5 3/�" X 3,_9 3/4" Final �4'all Depih. 4-5j16" (F.�`.) General Information: Standard, G'tad, Pine Exterior G'ator J F'ini�h: Standard EnduraClad, Cu�tom cal�r. Interior Color / Fini�h: Prime� Intexior Gia��: In�uIated Tempered Low E Advanced �tigh Altitude Hardware Qption�. Standard Roto Qperator, �atin Nickei screen: Full S�reen, Champagne, 1n�iew GriIte: No grille� Wrapping Information: EnduraClad Ex�.eriar Trim, Full Frame Replacement, Fac�,ory Applied, 3 1�2" Flat Ca�izrg, f" �i�l N��e, 3 i f�2" �tai Ca�ing, 3 1 f�2" Flaf. Ca�ing, Factory Applied, 4-5/16" Siandard 4-�ided damb Ext�n�ion, Faetory Agplied (DvA), Perimeter Length = 1�8", Gltazing Pre��ure = 205.. U Factar: .32 DoQr �107. Location 687. GreaE Room Arehitect, In�win� Doar Right, 31.5 X 81.5, Cuqtom, 5 1 jl6". 1: Nan-Standard Size Right In�wing �oor Frazne Size: 31 f j2 X 8l 1/2 {F.v.) Rough 4pening: 2'-8" X 6'-10" Jamb Depth: 5 1/16" (F.y.) General Informatian: Standard Clad, Fine, Standard �itl ` Sa�h Panel: Cu�t�m Siandard Rectangte Gia��, 8.126, 4.6$76, 4.5876, 6", Clad Panel Exterior C'olor j Fini�h: �Standard Enduraelad, Cu�Eom tnteriar �'olor / Fini�h: Unfini�hed Interior Gla��. In�ulaEed Tempered Low E Advance Hi�tt Alf.itude ' Hardware Optionq. 1�ultigoint Lack, No Handle Set, S�atin Nieket Hinge� Screen: Hinged S�ereen, Oit Rubbed Bronze Handle In Yiew, T�ra Standard Cloqerq Grilte�: ILT, N0, i 1 f 4" Traditional (2W 3H� �'rapping information: EnduraCiad Exterior Trim, Full Frame Reglacement, Factary Applied, 3 1/2" Flai G'a�ing, 3 1 f 2" Flat Ca¢ing, 3 1 f 2" Flat Ca�ing, Fa�f,ory Appized, 6-1/16" Factory Applied, Perimeter Length = 226", Glazing Pre��ure = 205. U Faetor: .32 � Unit �30� Location 687, Great Room Arehitect, 3-Wide Ca�ement, 123 X 53, �'u�tom, 4-fi/16„ 1: �tan-S�andard Size I�ft Ca�emeni Frame Size: 25 X 53 Rough Opening: 10'-4" X 4'-5 3f4" Final �9a11 Depth: 4-5/1&" �F.'�,} General Infarmation: Standard, �"tad, Pine Exteriar G�olor % Fini�h: SEaz�dard EnduraCl�d, Cu�tam calor. Interior G�otor f Fxni�h: Primed Inf.erior Gia��: In�ulaied Low E Advanced Hzgh Altitude Hardware Opf.fon�: Standard Roto 4peraf,ar, �SaE.in Nicket Screen: Fuil Screen, Champagne, In�'iew Grille: Na �xille� Yertical �uli i: �'actory�tull, Standard {yerticaI Faet,oryj {Q"} 2: Non-Standard Size Fixed Ca�ement Frame Size: 73 X 63 General Infarrnation: Standard, �"lad, Fine Exteriar C'alor / Fini�h: �tandard EndnraClad, Cu�tom calar. Interior G�alor / Fini�h: Primed Inieriar Gla��: In�nlated Lnw E Advanced High Altitude GriIIe: No grille� �ertical �ali 2: Factory�ull, Standard (�'eriical Factory} (0") 3: Non-Standard Size Right Ca�ement Frame Size; 25 X 53 General Infarmation: Standard, Ciad, Fine Exteriar �'ator / F'ini�h: �St�nda�rd �'^�araClad, Cuqtom Color Inf.erior G�olor % Finiqh: Frimed int,erior Glaq�: In�ulated Lar� E Advan�ed Hzgi� Altitude Hardware Ogf.ian�: Standard Rata Operatar, �atin iVickel Screen: Full Screen, �Champagne, InYiew GriIle: Na grilie� Wrapping Infarmaf.ion: EnduraClad Exterior Trim, Full Frame Replacement, Faetory Applied, 3 1/2" Flat C�a�ing, 1" Sill No�e, 3 1/2" Fiat Ca�ing, 3 1/2" Flaf. Ca�ing, Faciory Appiied, 4-5/16" Standard 4-�ided Jamb Exten�io�, �actory Applied �DvA), Perimeter Length = 352", G�laxing Pre��ure = 50. U Factar: .32 Door �108, Loeaf,ion 687. �a�ter Bedroom Architect, In�wing Daar Right, 31.5 X 81.5, �u�tom, � i/is" 1. Non-Standard Size Right In�wing D�or Frame Size: 31 1/2 X�1 1/2 (F.�.} Rough Opening: 2,_8„ 7t 6,_10" Jamb Depih: � i/is» �F.�.} General Information: Standard, Ciad, Pine, Standard SiII , �Sa�h Panel: Cu�tam Standard Rectangte Gla��, 8.125, 4.6875, 4.8875, 6", Clad Panel Exterior Color / Fini�h: �tandard Enduraclad, Cn�tom Colar Interiar Color j Fini�h: Ur►fini�hed Interior C�la��: In�ulated Temgered Law E Advanced High Altitade Hardware Option�: �ultipoint Lock, No Handle Set, Satin tViekel Nickel Hingeq Screen: Hinged Screen, 4il Rubbed Branze Handle, In �'iew, 'I`wa Standard Clo�er� Grilleq: ILT, N0, 1 i f 4" Traditionat {2W 3H) Wragping Infarmationr: EnduraClad Exterior Trim, Full Frame Replacement, Faetory Applied, 3 1/2" Flat Ca�ing, 3 1/2" Fiai Ca�ing, 3 1/2" Flai Ca�ing, Factory Applied, 5-1/I6" Faetory Applied, Perime£er Length = 226", Glazing Pre�qure = 2Q5. U Facior: .32 Unii ,�40,� Lacation 887, �a�ter Bedroom Arehitect, 3-Wide Ca�ement, 87 X�3, Cu�tam, 4-5/16" 1: �953 Left Ca�ement Frame �ize: 29 X 53 Rough Qpening: 7'-3 3f4" X 4'-5 3/4" Final Wall Depth: 4-5/16" {F.j�.} Ceneral Informafi.ion: Standacd, �lad, Pine Exterior Calor f�"ini�h: Standard EnduraClad, Cu�tam calor. Interior �'oior / �`iniqh: Primed Interiar Gla��; �n�ulaf.ed Low E Advanced High Altiiude Hardware Optian�: Standard Rofa Operatar, Sati❑ Nickel Screen: Full Screen, Champagne, In�i�w Griile: No gritle� �ertical �ull 1: Factory�uil, Standard ('�ertical Faeiory) {0"} �2: 29a3 FixecE Ca�ement Frame �ize: 29 X 53 General information: Standard, Clad, Pine Exterior �'olor % Fini�h: Standard EnduraClad, Cu�f.om colar. Interior G�olor / Fini�h: Primed interior Gla��: In�utated Low E Advaneed High Aititude Grille: No grille� vertical �t�tl 2: Factory�ull, Standard (vertieal Factory) {0"} 3: 29�3 Right Ca�ement Frame �ize: 29 X 53 General Informatian: Standard, �lad, Pine Exterior G'�Ior / Fini�h: Standard EnduraClad, Cu�#,om cotor. Int,erior Caior % Finiqh: Primed InEerior Gla��: In�ulated Tempered I�ow E Advanced High Attitude Hardware Option�: Standard Roto Operatar, Satin Nickel Screen: Full Screen, Champagne, In�iew Grille: No �rille� Wrapping Informatian: EnduraClad Exterior Trirn, Full Frame Repiaceraent, Faetory Apglaed, 3 1/2" F'lat C�a�ing, 1" �5ill No�e, 3 1 j2" Flat Ca�ing, 3 1/2" Flat Ca�ing, Faetory Applied, 4- 5%16" Standard 4-�ided damb Exf.en�ion, Faetory Applied (DvA), Perimeter Lengih = 280", Glazing Preqqure = 70. U �actor: .32 Clnit �t"i0, Locstion 691, Bedraom i�13 Architect, 3-Wide Ca�ement, 87 X 45, �'u�tom, 4-5f f6" 1: Nan-�5tandard Size Left Ca�ement Frame �'ize: �29 X 45 Rough Opening: 7'-3 3/4" X 3'-9 3f4" ��ri�i ��tt n��tn: 4—�/is» ��.v.} General Informatian: S#.andard, �lad, Pine Exieriar �'aiar / Fini�h: �5tandard EnduraClad, Gu�tam color. Inf,erior Color f�ini�h: Primed Inf,erior Gia��: In�nlated Iaw E Advaneed High Alkitude Hardware Opf:ion�; Standard Rato Operator, Satin Nickel Sereen: FuII Sereen, Champagne, Invie�e Grztle: No gritle� �ertic�t �ull 1: Factory�ull, Standard (yeriical Facf.ory) {0"} �2: Nan-Standard SAZe Fixed Ca�ement �'rame �ize: 29 X 45 General Information: Standard, �"lad, Pine Exterior G'oiar / Fini�h; Standard EnduraCiad, Cu�Eom color. Interior Color / Fini�h. Primed Interior Gia��: In�ulated Low E Advanced High Altitude GrilIe: No grille� j�erF.ical 1�ull �2: Factoryl�ull, Standard �vertical Factory} {Q"} 3: Non-Standard �ize Righf. Ca�emeni F'rame Size: 29 X 46 General Information: Standard, G�lad, Pine Exterior �olor / Fini�h: Standard EndaraClad, Cu�f.om color. inf.erior G'olor / Fini�h: Primed Interior Gla��i: In�lulated Law E Advanced High Altitude H�rd�rare Optian�: Standard ftoto Qperator, Satin tVickel Screens �ull Screen, Ghampagne, Inview Grille: No grill�� a e lacement Factor A lied Wrapping Informaf.ion: Endt�raClad Exf.erior Trim, Full Fr zne R g , y pp , 3 1%2" Fiat Ga�ing, 1" SIZ� No�e, 3 I f 2" Flat Ca�ing, 3 1/�2" Flat Ca�ing, Factory Applied, 4- 5/16" Standard 4-�ided Jamb Exten�ion, Faetory Applied {D�A�, Perimeter Lengih = 264", Glazing Pre��ure = 90. U Faetor: .32 FRA�ELESS �HOWER UOOR 8t SIDELIGHT �? �SHUWER �1Q4: Framele�� clear 3/8"T. tempered gla�� door and �idelight ganeI� ,�tandard Framele�� Hingeq by �Ii�I or equal Fini�h: Pali�hed chrozne Back to Baek Shower Pull: �See Allowanee� FRA�ELESS GLASS SIDELIGHT � SH01YEft �111: Framele�� cl�ar 3j8" T. tempered �idelight panel�. FRA�ELESS GLASS SIDELTG�HT �l SHU%ER �116: Framele�� fra�ted 3/8" T. tempered �idelight panel�. HARD�YARE SETS: �See Gra6ow Hardware Qwner Seiectiun Sheet�. N�TE: All hingeq �hall be �tandard weight ��aare carner hinge�, unle�� noted oiherwi�e. The folla�ring item� �r have been included on Owner'� SelecEian Sheet from {�rabaw Hardware and are hereby li�ted for reference only. Pravide �hop drawing qubmitf.�l far agproval priar to ordering. Set Na. 1 (1) Keycard Lack�et &�trike piate {Exi�ting f.a remain) No�.e: Contracf.or ta confirm if ifl�ide [ini�h of keycard tack can be repiated or ordered through Building �anagement to Satin Nickel. �totify Arehi#.eci if �vailable. (3) Hinge� {exi�ting ta remazn} (1 j Sei of Sannd Jamb i�eather�tripping ( � ) �9alt Stap (1 j Kickplate (1} Turnbali (exi�ting to remain) (1} �iewer {exi�ting ta remain� {1� Set of Room Number� (exi�ting to remain, but relocated to correct daor on Halt �ide� Set Na. 2 (1� Privacy Set {3} Hinge� { i } W�11 Sf.op et .3 (�2) Dummy Lever Set� (fij HingeS (2� Deltana Roller Catche� {na �u��titutian�� (2) Wali S#,op (2) Surface Boit� et No, 4 (1) Pocket Daor Track Set (Note: Provided by General Cnntractor and not Grabow Hardware) (2) Set� of Reee��ed Flu�h Pu(l� (2} Edge Pull� Set No. 6 (2) Pair of Dummy Lever� {3} Hinge� {1) AuiomaEic Daor Bottam: (Daor #106 and Door �112B only) (! } Set af Saund damb Weatherdtripping (1) Wall St�p {4} Deadboti� (1) Set of Ga�ket� Set Na. 8 (1) Pa��age Set {3} Hinge� (ij Wall Stop� Sei No. 7 { 1) Dummy Lever Sef,� {6} Hinge� (2j i�all Stog� (2) Deltana Raller Catcheq Set No. 8 { 1) Loek�et, Trim �`Hinge�, mul�.ipoini tock mechani�m, �trike plate weather�tripping & ihre�hold grovided by Pell� L4CKS�T/PRI'�AG'Y SET LQCATI4N: Height �hall be 3'-0" A.F.F. (unle�� no#.ed otherwi�e) FIXED GLASS PRODUCTS: Comply wiih FG1�A Glazing �anual far In�tallation, IGCC ar AL far iz��uiating gla�� cerEification. {�lazing Sealantq �hall be of the type and manufaeture recomrnended by the giazing manufaeturer for the Eype of gia�� and application. *�irrar Glaq� �? Bath #103, f f4" T. �uality q� clear float gla�� with full �ilver coating. *Framed �irror � Bedroom #101 & Bedroom #113: 1/4" T. Quality q� clear floai gla�� with fuli �ilver coaf.ing. *Gla�� Shelve� � Kitchen iJpper Cabinet�: Heavy, elear ftoafi, gia�� 3/S" T. wiih ground edge� �moath, *Gla�� Front� C� Upger Kitchen Cabinei�: Di�tributar; Interior t�la�� & l�irror� {402) 289-2259 Gia��: 1/8" T. �'ater GIa�� *l�irrar Gla�� Front� ��a�ter Bedroom Cla�et Dc�ar�: �Fft: Naf,ional Praduct,� 1-84Q-228-5276 Serie�: Antique De`car �tirrar� Beveled Gla��: Summer Cloud Antique #31 Thickne��: 1/4" Bevel: 1" wide DI�I�ION 9 FINISHES GYP�U� URY�'ALL NQN-SOUND iYALLS: Gold Bond Gyp�um panel� 6%8" fi. wi£h edge� tagered for taping. Nate: 6%8" T. Type 'X' � f�re rated waii� & ceiling� where noted a� rated a��emblie�. �FR: United State� Gygdum Co. or equal GWB �crewed, patehed and toach �anded, Wall Textare: Smoo#�h Ceiling Texture: �Smooth GYP�U� DRY�ALL � SUUND �ALLS: �FR; Seriau� Energy Product; Quietftoek, 5/8" T. (See wall type� %r placement within wall�} FIRE RATED LIGHT/SPEAKER CUYERS; I�FR: Tenmak �odel: FF149K (�2 hour rated} 1�ETAL STUUS: 2Q-guage galvanized �teel ! 5f8" and 3 5/8" �crew type �tud� & a��ociaied �teel �tud f,rack�. �FR: Phillip� �#anufacturing or approved equal. I�ETAL CEiLING FRAI�ING 1�EI�BERS: 25 Gauge 7/8" furring channel�, 16 gauge 1 1/2" coid rolled channel� and 25 gauge 1 1/�2" x 1 1/2" knuckled angie runner. 1�FR: Phillip�i �anufacturing or apgraved equal. WET AREA BACKER BOARD: lYall Ceilin : FR: United ,5tate� GYP�um Co. Product; l f 2" Durock (unle�� cailed ou� otherwi�e� In�tallatian: CemenE baard underlayment required for aIl wall, countertog and floor area� ta receive iile interior �urfacing. INTERIOR FIREPLACE: Facing: Stane Tile Di�tribuf.or: Sunderland� �FR: Fiorida Tile Serie�: FLT P0444 L7X21 Color: Pica��o 7X21 Size: Cambria �trip �a�aic 7"H. x 21"W. x t 1"T, {,Sheet Size) Siab 1�aterial � Bench & Yertical Slab� C� Fireplace Surround: Di�iributar: American Tile & �arble Traveriine: Duranga Travertine Thickne��: 3 em Fini�ht Iioned Edge: Bui�t, up raek face edge � Bench (qee drawing� far dimen�ion) �ealer: (1) eoai �ira�eal 611 Poraud Flu� inptallation af tile �hall meet requirement.� pubii�t�ed by Tile Cauncit of Ameriea, Late�i Edition. , TII.E: In�f.allatio� vf f�le �hail meet requirexnent� pub�i�hed by Tite Council oi America, Late�i Editio�. Ssaler: {f j coa�. l�ira�eal �11 Porau� Flu�. See drawing� for iile locaiion�, �avout�, and det�ii�, 1. Location: Baih #103 (Flaor & Ba�e). Di�tributor: Sunderland Brother� t�FR: Iri� US Style: Deluxe Color: Perla Honed Field Flaor Tide: IRI DELU IRH0624Q1� 6X24 s�Z�: � a/�." X�� i/z't � s; s�T. �ulino�e Ba�e Tile; IRI DELU IftH312B014 3X12 Size: 3" x 1! 3 f 4" x 3/8"T. Grout C�inr: Trucaior Cla�aic Bone �. I.o�ataoz�: Shcwer �104 (Walt�, eeiling, benc� &�ide� of niche): Di�iribu�.ar. Suz�derland Broth�r� 1�FR: Iri� US Sty�e: Ue�uxe Color: PerIa I�aared Field Ti�e iYaIi/CeilingjBsnch Tiie: IRI DELU IRH1818014 18�18 Size: l7 3/�" x 17 3/4" x 3%B"'P. Niche Tile: IRI DELU IRH12�H114 12X12 ��yle f Colar: Perla Honed 1 x 2 Herrin�bone Q1 �o�aic Size; 7r6" x 1 7/8" x 3/8"T. (12" x 12" Sheei.} Bullno�e Tile Trim: IRI DELU IRH312B414 3X12 Sipi�/Color: F'erla Honed Bullno�e Size: 3" x 11 3 f 4" x 3 j8"T. Graut Color: �'rucolor �la��ic tic�ne Sho�ver ��p4 (��ar�: Di�tributor: Sunderland Broi:�er� hCFR: uunderland� Siyle: Pebble Color: h�ix�� Sa�iad PoIi�hed Pebble PTIQ4 Field �'loar Tite: SBS IB�N �SPF i2X12 Size: i2" x f 2" x f f�"T. (�e�hed Sheet� Grou#. Co�or; Sanded Fr�nch Grey (Dt} I�OT ouer grou� pebble�) 3. I,�caf.ian: �$a�ter Baf.h �109 (Floar�, Toilet �110 (Floor), Shawer #1�1 (Flaor, Ceil`zng, Bench & Niehe}: Di�iri�uior. Sundertand Brather� I�FR; Iri� US Style: J�eluxe C�lor: Betticina� Honed Field Tile Field Tile: IRI DELU IRH181800i 18X18 Size: 17 3/4" x 17 3f4" x 3%�"T, Bullno�e Tile TrimfBaSe: IRI DE�U IRi�312B007 3X1�2 s�x�: �" X i��/�" X s/�"�, G�out Color: Hydromeni �'rucal4r Linen 4. Lacation: �a�ter Silower #i�t {�loar} Di�f.ributor: Sund�rland Brothezi� �iFR: Fiarida Tiie Style: Stone l�a�aze� Color: Emperador Blend 5jS" x 5/8" �o�aic 12 x 12 Sheet Field Floor 'Cile: FI,T �Sfi35 �i�2�%8 Size: 5/8" x 5%�" x�/8"T. (12" x 12" I�e�hed Sheet) Grout Calar: Hydroment, Un�anded Linen 5, Lccati4n: Bath �11� (Flaor} & Shorver �116 (iYali�, Ceiling, Niche�, & Bench): Digt,ribu�or; Sunderla�d Brothe� 1�FR: Siane Peak S�tyte: Sky G'ollection Color. �oon�ky Gla�ed 6 x 24 Fieid Ftaor Tile: STP �KY U�G06241�6 S'ize: 5 3/�" x 23 1/2" x 3 f 8"T. Hullno�e Tile Trim/Ba�e. STI� �KY U�G31�2BTffl6 5'ize: 3" x 11 3/�" x 3 f S�T. Graut Calor: Laticrete Spec�raLoc Hemp S. Locaf.ian: Shower #446 (Ftoar): Di�f.r�butor: Sund�rtand Braiher� �kFR: Sunderland� �tyie: Pebble Calor: ,5antiago Tan Flai �ton� �'ield Flaor Tile: SBS iBAN STFL 12�12 Size: 12" x 12" x 3%8"�. {�e�hed �h�s�.) GrouE, Colar. Hydroment Sanded �obe P'�srl (DO NOT cvex grout, pebbte�} 7. Loeation: Entry �Iq5 (Bela� beneh ��e�t wait) Di�tri�utor: �Sunderland� 1�FR: Stone Peak �'tyle: Siate STF SLAT i7SG' 1�18005 �olors Ear#.h 18 x18 Glazed FieId Til� Size: 18" x 18" x 3f8"T. cut dav�z� a� �1ho�cn {�elow bet�chj Grout: irueolor Airnond PREFINISHED GLiJED U4�'N E�VGINEERED �Vt}t113 F`LOORII�G APID It�iDEl�LAY�#EIVT: In�talled per flooria�g r,�anafac%urer� & NWFA rscom�endaiior��. �la4rin�: k�FR: Owen� Select 9ize: 6"wide x 5/S" T. (1/`2" T. ��.lternaie �2} T & G �quare edged Patf,ern: Randozn {2'-0" L. minimum len�th, 4'°8" maxizn�na lez�gth} Specie�: �Yhite (?ak Cut: Rift & Quar��r Sawn Fini�h: NaturaP �Yarranty: 25 Year� Underlaym�ent: ��°R: Giobai Praduct�, LLC Produet: in�ulayment �Yarranty: 15 Year� T�iekne��: .11 ° Thick Adh��ive: Wood Flo�ri�g adh��ive approved b� flaori�g manufae�.urer belorv & above ihe Iz��ulayment applied per manufactarer'� i��tructi�n�. i9ALL CO��RING � HALL �1�0: �$atch exi�ting. WINDOW C0�'ERIIvGS: Supplied & in�#,alled by nwn�r or oiher�. CARP�T: Supglied and ir��ialled by Own�r%Of,h�r�. PAINTINGjSTAINING: See draw�ng� for paintf�tain �chedule. DI I�S'%ON 1{! SPECtALTI�:� BATHR00�# ACC�SSORIE,S': 5ee Grabow Hardr�are O�ner'� Seieciion Sheet. Iz��tall 2x fire ireated blocking ir� wall� and veriPy lacafi.ion�/�i�e� with 4�n�r. FIREPLACE UNIT: Exi�tin� io remain FIREPLACE GLASS SCREEN DOOIZS: �xi�ting to remain, S+ee silarrance� f�r new p�ull�. SIGNA�GE: Relocated ex�qting an relocai�d daor�. See �lrawing� fa� new �umber pl�cemen#. an relocated doar�. � , y � � RESIDENTIAL EQUIP�ENT: Pravided by O�vner, in�f.alted by General Contraciar (ineludin� mechanical, eleetrical hook-up�, �ervice, wa�te, venting, ga�, poxer, ete. to allaw itezn� to fanc#.ion properly). Appliance �upplier ia in�t�all built-in refrigerator�. Appliance� deleetad from Fergu�en�. Kitchen� Di�hrra�her: �FR; Ba�eh INTEGR 800 + DW 5+ 3 FI �odel; BSHv7Eft53UC Fini�h: To r�ceive full overlay cu�tam woad frant with cu�tam handle Uven• �FR: Walf 3U BI E 5'erie� SGL Oven l�od�l: SP-�'S03t�FSPH Fini�h: Si�inls�� SieeI Width: 30" Option�: F'ramed door �iyle with Fro handie� �ierawave: h�FR: (�E �ONOGRAI� SS 1 CF 800iY �adel: G�ZE�C 2QOSF Sixe; 11 3/t6" H. x 23 25/32" W. x 12 9/32" DP. Fzni�k�: Stainle�� �teel C�aktog - Electrie; #�FR: Walf 30" Framed Inductian Cooktop � EL�I��L�LA �odel: WCT3QIS lYidth: 30" W, �iz�i�h: Black ceramie gi��� �r/ �tafnle�� �teel trim Hood/Liner: �FR; Be�i G�himney hood 3U" wide 800 CF� PR I�odei: B�'T32I302SB F�ni�h: Stainle�� �t,eel Internal Blower: +640 �'F� �'arming Drawer: �kFR; iVolf 30 ELEG' �odelt i�WWD30 Fini�h: Stainleq� �teel Width: 34" Opi,i�n: 1V812339 Framed Stainle�� �teet Panel w/ Pro Handle Refrigerator/Freezer, �FR: �Sabzer� 3B BI FRDO SS �udel. SBI36U�'DSPH wi#,h ice ma:ker in battom drawer. Size: 36" W. Fini�h: Stainle�� Steel OPI.IdA; Pro handle� Laundrv itoom: Staek�bl� Clothe� Y�a�her/Dryer (Electrie): �FR: A�ko l�odel: Ai�6424T AGTIvT� DRU� 10 PR4�' (�Ya�her� & AT753GT ELEC CDR Stackable yentie�� Dryer (Conden�ing Dryer) Approximate 9iz�: 68" H.(iotai} x 23 1 j2" �'. x 23 7%8" DP. Fini�h. Tiianium� Note: Non-vented Bar: Undereounter �everage Refrigerator: i��x: su�Zero �� �c �tv� nR/�NC �� o/��r �t� l�odel: SLiG�C24B�ORH Size: 24° iYid� Fini�h: To r�ceive fuli overlay cuqtom �►ood fran� with ca�torn han8le Option. S7Up5924 Solid door panel averlay F%42� G� f 0 DI}�i�tOt� 1-2 THRUUGH 14 - Nat U�ed 2 1 }���s�i ��i �1����� � �.��� � '��� �`�' ° �'��� � ��°� �_�.�` � � ,�' �- t �'r������� ��,� ������s ra.- ! ,�,.. a�- . � { �� ���.i� � �� � ��i° Y,m �, .�. .... H._ �`'`��:. »�,�.> � �,��"j���; � �_. � ..�.. � e �rill � � �iii� � + `� �" � v !l� ; �: � �� ��' �� `��,.. � SPECIFtCATION�S CUNTINUED DN SP.3 REyISIONS ( BY .. .� � .� � � ` .. � " s .. . � � i i -' ` _ "'.. � .� _ .; � � � . . .. -•r .. ... y .. .. ,... �� � � � �� � � OR� � � � , ��� c�S ,� a � � ', �� �..� � �Ct .. .. ',��s4tt ►�' � . � '� H ''� � O f � � ��� 'I���.I, I � �;� I � G � I�'I I��� ,,��.`�'' ���N'' ��� � � t�0 � �i�'° �, •� � � ,� � � � � � �, a� � � � w�� � � t'� k � Q .� �. ��.a, �w �� � `c�a � rri "'� c � � C� � � � � � c3i '�'� a °'° � � c�n � � � �� � � � � � � �U c�iryRlGa�r DATE: 08 f24/12 DRA�; BJR s���r: . JOB �: 12006 DI IS� ION 16 �ECHANI�AL�' FLU�BIt�G Ali meehanical work including giumbing �hall be dane in accardance with the be�t �tandard of ihe indu�try and in aecordance with the applicable code�. Where f.he applicable building codeq and the drawing� da not agree, the code �hall take grecedence, Natify Cramer Rre�ki De�ign� in Sueh caqe�. The �ontraetor �hall familiarize hizn�elf wiih alI requireznent� a� to all germii�, fee�, etc., and arrange ta cotnply with them. All perrcnit,�, lieenge�, in�pection� and arrangement� required for the work �hall �e abtained by the Cantracior at hi� expen�e. All utilitie� �hall be in�taIled in accordance wi�,h the lacal ruleq and regulation�. �'alve� �hall be provided at each pieee of equipment to 'aIlow far in�tallatian of the individual item f.o the connected �y�tem. �alve� �hall not be placed with �tem� below IIOTIZOI�tflI. The �iechanical/Plumbing Contracfi.or� �hall guarar�tee aIl equipment, apparaiu� partq, and the in�tallation again�t defect� in de�ign, materiai, and warkman�hip, rrher� not atherwi�e �peeified, far a periad of one year from date of final eeriifieation of payrnent. Any portion of the �y�tem found to be defective �vitl�in the abave �#.ated period of tinne �hall be repaired ar r�placed by the �Iechanica�l j Plumbing Contrac�.or� at no additional co�t� to E.he Owner. The wark under thi� �e�ef.ion �hall inciud� furni�hing and in�ialiing ali mater'ral� far the modification of the fallawing: Sanitary Sewer �}omeqtie t�ater Service l�odification af the abave �hall inelude work �S�ociated with a comptete in�taliatian af atl appli�nce� and plumbing fixture requirement�. FIRE PR�TECTI4N SYSTEI�; Furnz�h �nd in�iall s:n suf,omatie wet pipe �prinkIer �y�tem throughoat Unit� �G85, 687f689 & 691. Water �uggly �hall conform to NFPA, late�t editi�n, water �uppIy requirement�. �Sy�f.em �hali be provided �vith three zone�. Submittal�: �Subrnit �hap drawing� af the �grinkler piping layont, including hydraalic calculation�, ta the �State Fire 1�ardhal/�'ity of vail f�r appraval of code eomglianee, #,hen gubmif. ta the ArchiEect. Adhsre �Erictly �.a �gecific reeommendation� required by the State Fire �ar�hal f City of }�ail. Approvai witl be far general loea#ion anly. I#, witl be the Cantractar's re�pan�ihility ta check hi� drawing� far interference and to do �hop fabrication from mea�uremen#.q taken at the ja�b�ite. Route �grinkler and �tandgipe giping ta avoid interference with ductwark, lighting, and drain piping. Piping: Schedule 4U Siandard wei�ht black �teel pige with 175-gound ca�t iran screwed fitf.ing�. �'ictauiie coupling� and fit�ing� znay be u�ed. . Space pipe hanger� in accard with the requiremenf� of NFPA. Hanger�, hanger rod�, in�ertq, and cla�mp� �hall be NFPA approved. Sprinkler Head�: Furni�h �prinkler head� and wrench a� required by NFPA. Fnrni�h ane emergeney rubber batl �hutoff on a long handie to be uqed for temparary clo�ing of �prinkier head after a fire ha� been extingui�hed � each unif.. In�tall �prinkler head� from appraved drawin �. Head� �ha1i be r�ted far the variou� tem erature� eneountered zn each �pecific � P lacatian and a� determined by NFPA. Ceiling �prinkler head� �hall be chrome plated in o- ' ce ece d e cutehean late. S rinkter i`inz hed ace and rovided with a iw ie r e � � � � � � P P P P P ' kl are to e imilar to exi tin deflecior hall e wif.hin 2 1 2 inche of the ceilin . S rm e � b / � � P � � � � � d' e o- i e a e whi h extend elaw the eeilin will not s head or e ual. A u ta t tw ec 1 t c b � � b b d q 7 P P g aceepted, Coniractor �hall be r���,��ibie for determining the actual number of head� and c wit he NFPA re uiremen far head qgacing required to �grinkie the areaq in accordan e h f. q t.� e e� d ave ceilin in fini hed area . th ra riate h�zard cla ifica#.ion . 1''r in hall be onc le ab ea � � � � � � PP P � P � � ta 5 � de ' ned for horizantal or Flaw Alarm: ane t e waterflaw alarm rated 2 Q i � Y YP } P� �} � � verticai in�tallation;; have 2-SPDT cireaii qwitche� to rovide i�olated alarm and. auxiliary P cantact�, 7 ampere 125 voif,� A� and 0.25 azn�pere 24 voi#.� DC, complete with facf.ory-qet, field-adju�table retard element to prevent fal�+e �ignal�, and f.amper-praof caver which �endq a�ignai when caver i� remaved. yalve�. Approved U.�S, az�d Y. a� required by the Underwriierq Laboratorie� and NFPA. v ' va ve e a roved ra Chee valve hal� e a ra e� b NFPA. Te t and dram 1 hali � �� � PP Y � fl� b pg b�� , 1 e i . iacate a i indicator vahe a 1"U�.�Ct.l4fl tem hall have rovi ion far ad o k n � � � � � � � P Y P P � P �hawn an the drawing�. 4.5. ,� Y. valve� and po�E indicakor valve �hall be �amplete �rith t.am er wikeh. P � v e com te e wit nece ar drain Alarm Cl�eck al e H'et Pi e tem : In t.aii alarm che k t h S , t' ( � ) � �� y valve�, retard ehamber , cheek vatve�, ete., a� re uired b NFPA, �here �hown on ihe � � Y v v exi f.in alarrn vaIve . alve hall drawin . Alarm al e ha11 e imiIac and e ual to � � b � � � v � g � � 9 g eIl ` the uitdin . Pravide al�rrn ell o that aund have caniae iur �irin to iire alarm �n b � b � t� b � � � � level �hall be a minimum of 75 decibel� af. pillow of bed�. xyAc: All r�ork qhall be performed in accordanee wiih the S�ACNA �te�idenf.ial Comfort Sy�tem In�f.allatian Standardd �lanual. Contractor �hall provide �nd irt�tall all material�, piping, and te t al o�v Oxner to in tall ev' n ce a ar a future com lete sir conditianin m o 1 d ice a e r f �� � � � �� � Y Y F r a acated an tan a li f.ed ce" i c ette unit and an outdoar heaf. um corr� re o I fuiure �l n a � � � � � � � � P P P P � t 'al ll e allo�red w o' e' Iled at a fufi,ure date. No u f.it�Eion af ma er� ha belo to p��ibly b xn�ta q b� � �� b unle ubmitted in writin and a r�ved b Architect durin biddin . Provide and in�tall �� � � PP Y � � a��ocia�ed in�ulated pipzng, conden�ate line�, and hard �riring for t-qtat� to allow for future unit.� a� required to caal ihe remadeied area� af Unit� 686, 687 f 689, & 691. ee meehanical drawin for ro o�ed chematic i in lacation . Prn o ed unit & t-�t,a are S � P P � PF � # F� � � I af.' n er thi contraet. Ii f.ed herein for reference onl N.I,C. ia allow for i iiri & wirin in�ta t�o � � Y � ) PP � g P Requirement�: 1�FR: �if,�ubi�hi ' v o re or• �X24B38NA 18 SEER Non-ducted Qutdoar muttizone �n erter heat pumg c mp �� . , , ftece��ed Ceiling Electric Uniiq: Great Room �1fl7. SLZKAl5NA 15,400 BTU t o Bedrao tdl & Bedraom 113. LZKAQ9NA 9 000 BTU �aq er Bedro m, m � S , # Standard Filter 3y�iem� & 7 Year Com re ar 1;arrant iParranf.y: 5 Year Part� P�� Y er wi 1� C-399IF canirol �r w au te remote ea�ntroll th A Therma ta : PAR-2t�AA ired a]l m n d � t� o er thi contract. emaie coniral re uired 4 toial N.I.C. Not�: wirin n:l adaptor {no r q }( )( } g y p � Note: Hard i ed PvC re uired � conden�'ate 2ine aff of indoor electric unit�. PP 9 � HYDRUNIC' RADIANT HEAT BASEBOARD t�EATING FER tJNiT: Exi�tin� to reanain. o � d Ioca cade. E PIPTNG: Sch dule 40 P C with hu fif,tin a alI we b 1 DRAINAGE & v NT e V b g� � y ve roand a itar draina e hall e PsIYT P PiIV : Ali interior a a t� ABO E GRQUND DRAINAG'E & I G b � b V Y � � y � 'ra raina e fiitin` . Sehedule 4Q P C rriih hub fittin f.andard wei ht black ca t� n i e and d d � � Y � ( � � PP � � t: f C i in in talled i e �ali i a a ed locai code and uildin mana eznent. No e i P f lt w b , b � � v Y � � ) PF � PP be wrapped wiih �ound in�ulation. ENTS. Tie into exi tin . Y � � T R FIFINGI. T e�f hard dra�rn co er tubin t icai. WA E YP PP �} YP T ON• �lec anical Contractor hall fnrni h and in iall all WATER PIP[Nt� INSTALLA I. h � � � water i e Iine hammer arre tor� and ri er nec e ar to u I all fixture and e ui ment. P P �, � � � �� Y � AP Y � � P RADIANT WATER PIPING INSULATION: All hat wat�er piping �hal! be in�ulated. �re e e ect,ed at Fe u en . Coniaci Name: Tazni PLU�SBING FIXTURES: AlI fixture� h� be n� I xg �� e e ect'a' hee . Notif Arehitect durin Contraetor io confirm that �pecificatian� nnat h� 1 t n� iq y g biddin with an di cre ancie . � Y � F � Kif,chen �106 Fixf.ure� Sink: �FR: Elkay �odel �s EELUK3118 31 X 18 2B UG� Sink �ounf.ing Type: Undermount Fini�h: Stainle�� SteeI Strainer: 1�OUNTAIN 1�1�T 3Q0 BRS 3 1/2 BSK STftT W/ C'NTR PIN BRST iYa�te Di�po�al Flange: �tOtiNTAIN ��T240 E� BftS DISP TR11� iY/STRN CO�BQ BRST Fitting�. " �FR: Grahe l�odel #: G32999SD0 2.2 GP� 1HDL LE�' KITC FCT E�C PO SS Finiqh: �Stainle�� �f,eel Point of U�e Favicet: 1�OUNTAIN �f�#TSOOtVLBB�S (Bru�hed SEainle��) Reverqe O�mo�i� Sy�tem: 1�FR; Cuno Inc. �odel: Aqua Pure CAPR066QQ {�arba�e Di�pogal; �FR: IBADGER �adet �� IBADGERSXP 3 f 4 HF GARBAGE DISP * BADGER Srritch: �[OUNTAIN ��T 951BRS WST DISF AIR SfiCH BRST Entry �46 F_ ixtured Ftoor Drain � Wa�her: �FR�: �ade or equal �odel #: 4" diameier Fini�h: Satin Chrome �a�ter Bath �109/�a�ter S�hoNer �111 Fixtured Sink I�FR: Kohier ��del �: K2210-HWi C'LAXTON 17 X 14 UC LAv Wf G�I,�P �aunting Type. Undermount �'ini�h; Honed l�hite Fitt'rng�: �FR: Han�grohe �odel #: HQ4196000 LF 2HIiL LE� 4 LA'y FCT CF 1.5 GP� F'ini�h: Chrome Waterelo�ef.: I�FR: Duravit �odel �: D0170p90000 yARIO OUT CL�ST Bt?WL *HAPPYD i�FiIT DU914140005 �C TANK *HAPPYD WFiIT Fini�h: White Seat: EB CLST SEAT *HAPPYD WFIjCF Trip Button�: Chrome Shower Fiftin �: � �FR: Han rohe � 6 l�adel : � Therm j�alve & Trim: HQ185Q181 RQU(� i-BOX 3j4 U,SA W/ SERv STOP T T I� W OL CNTL CP H042260QU H E AT R G TS l V v 9841$i ROU H TRIO DI L Diverter al e& Trim: H15 G Y 1' Y � i1ATT 0 LE HDL TRII� C�P HQ422700U HG E TRIO R / � v Rain Head: H274130Q1 �H�RARI� 15 INCH H274740q1 D0191VPQUft AIR ySHWRHD 10 Handheld; H2754800f Hj�'H�'R HLDR W/0l1T *PQRTER �P H 28518QOI RAINDANCE E 150 AiR 33ET H SH 0 3 C�[NI B 63 H SHWft HQSE fi28276 0 TE 1 Fini�h: Chrome Sha�rer Drain: 1�FR: Jone Ste hen � P � C S WR DRN W S TRN l�odel : JD5QQ01 2X3 P H SS # V 1 S STRN & SPUD JD60942 4 CP � Fini�h: Stainleq� SteeI aEh t03 ho er 1Q4 Rixture�: B S � � % �' Sink: �FR: Kohier l�odei : K4819-H�'1 RE E ES LA # vv v 1�ountin T e: e el g yP V �� �ini�h: �Ioned �'hite Drain: K7I24-A-CP 1 1 4 CLiCKER DRAIN 1 Fitting�; I�FR: Delta �odel #: D585 LFv LF 1,5 GP� SGL HDL j�ES W/0 DRN Fini h: Chrome � Watercla�et: �FB: �#irabelle 1�odel : �iIRBD�50WH � 1�IRBD200WH Fini�h: l�hif,e Seaf.; 1�IRTSSC2UOWH Tri Lever: Chrome P 1.28 12 ADA BUWL �BBA.D WHIT 1.25 12 TANK 3 IN yLv *BRAD �HIT EB CI�ST SEAT PLAS SL(}�' �'HIT Shawer Fittin : B� �1FR: D�lta �odel �: QO 'VB 1HDL P HAI. UNI L 4NLY Rou h-in alve Shower Iiead Handie ett DR140 U, X S 1� Y / v V / / g DT14285 GP�I #l�ONITO �fiHWR QNLY UNI� ve• D 110Q0 3 6 SETTING DI RI L Diverter alve Trim Tran fer al . R � Y' V �' v v 1 1 DT11885 3 SETTING DIv *GRAIL CP F'ini�h: Chrome I�and �horver/Slide Bar f Ha�e/Elborr f Trim: K9059-GP CONTEI�P H j�SHWR KIT Fini�h: Pali�hed G'hrorne ShoweY' D1'aiI'r' h�FR: ACO l�odel �: SP-A938�4 31.5" SH�FFt CHANNEL SP- 3 338 SS� TILE �'H�R G�HANNEL TOP 31.6 � A7 - 1� D N PE �fE1�BRAt�E COUPLINGI SP A93871 SHO Ett RAI G� SP-A37381 SHOWER ,STRAINER Fini h: Stainte f,eel � S �� Nate: G,eneral Cantractor to in�tall gebbie tile in�ide top channel. Hath �116/ShoKer ,�116 Fixture�: Sink: �FR: Kohler �adel #: K2214-HW1 LADENA 18 X 12 UC LAy �ounting Type: Undermount Finiqh: �ioned �'hite Fitting�: �Fft: Kahler l�odel �: R5317-4-CP LF 2HDL �'%SPRD LAv FG�T G'P l.5 GP� Fini�h: Pali�hed- G�hrome 1Yaterelo�et: �Fft: �irabelle �odel �: �IKBU250iYH �IR$D200i�H Fini�h. �'hite Seat; �IRTSSG'2�OWH Trip Lever: C'hrame 1.28 12 ADA BOiYL #BRAD �'H[T 1.28 12 TAi�K 3 IN '�Lj� �BRAD WHIT EE CLST SEAT PLAS SLOW WHIT Shower FiEtin��: �FR; KohIer �odel �: Raugh-in �alve/Sho�ver Head f Handle Set: K304-K-NA Wl� F/BAL yLv *RITTE2� KT5320-4-CP SHWR TRI� OtVLY �REFINI CP Diverter vatv� Trf m f Tran�fer yalve: K728-K-NA 2W OR3W T/}�L�j '��A,STER KT�a326-4-CP 1HDL T/�Lv �ftEFINI CP Hand �hower/Slide �ar/Ho�e/Elbow/Trim; K9059-CP C4NTEI�P HjSHWR KIT Fini�h: Poli�hed Chrome Shower Drain: �FR: ACO �odel �: SP-A93861 93861 27,55" �SIiC►WER C�HANNEL 9F-A37335 SS TILE SHOWER G'HANNEL 27.55" SP-A9387i SH4WER DRAIN G�PE �E�BRANE COUPLi�IG SP-A3738S SHOWER DRAIN S�'RAINER Finiqh: �Stainled� gteel Nate: General Gontraetor to in�tail pebble tile in�ide tap channel. DI�iI5�I0N �6 ELECTRiG�AL All electrica► wark �hal! bQ done in accorda�ce �ith the be��. ��andard� of �.he indu�i�ry �nd in accordance with appiicabie codP�. iV�.ere the ap�3icable buitdin;g code� and drawing� da not agree, the code �halt take precedenee. Coni.z�ac#,ar �hsll famiiiari�e himqelf with alI requiremer�t� a� to alt permif.�, fee�, etc. and arrange to coznply with Ehem. Att permif,�, licen�e�, inygection�, and arran�emenf.�i required �'or the work �hall be obtained by Contractor at hi� expen�e. All utilitie� �hall be in�talled in accardance rvith taca2 rule� and regulaiian�. Furni�h and/ar in�f.all ail �uch mater�at and%or labor a� may be required. The Elee�.rieaI G'ontraeior �hall guarantee all equfpment, apparaiu� gart„�, and the in�taiiatian again�t defect� in de�ygn, znater�al, and wor�man�hip, �vhere not atherwi�e �pe�ified, [ar a 3v pei•ifld of one yea� frozn date of finat eerEificaEe of payment, Any purtian of the �y�tezn found ta be defactive wiihin ihe abave �tated period of time qhall be repaired ar replaced by the EIeetrieal Contrac�or, Electrieal Contraeior �halt pr�vide ne�v 200 l�n�p panel capable af i�andiing additionat laad�. Electrical G�anirae�.or �hail make all cor►nect4oz�� for applianee�, m�eehanieai equipm�ent, exhan�� ian�, lighf�, etc. Coaxdinate �iereo �y�iem �ar� with �t�reo �upglier, �ugpI9ed and in�talled �y other�. Eiectrieai Contractor phail coordinate any work relateri t� any �moke/fire%�eeuriiy �y�temq proeided by fiwner. Elecirical �ontraef.or �halt in�tall all Cabte and Te�ephons outle�.� a� �hown on plan and coardinate work v�ith Telephone Company and Cable Coznpany. �FR: Leviton or Hubbell SWITCHES: Levitan Decara AC Quiei Paddle on/off ��siteh. T11�Eft SWITCH FaR ENER�Y I�AiVA�E�fENT: �FR: Leviian Serie� f 1�odel: Decora LT�3Q-1L Color; Ta be �elec#.ed by i�nterior De�igner, D11��ERS: S1Ade dimmer con#.rol wiih �witeh. 1�FR: I.utran �lara paddle gwzteh wj �td. �erew pisie. DiJPLEX OUTLET�: Decora Peceptacie� {C#FI� at wet locativn�}. Electrical conf,ractor dhaii in�tall ali duplex outlet� a� required by code rega�rdta�� oi wh�ther ar not ih�y are �harrn Q�n t��e elec�.racal g;an�. C'oordinate �.h��s ouf,Iet� rvi�h Arc�iteel. grior #.o drywailing. El�ctrical contractor �hall pay atl co�f,� a��ociated �vith repairing dry�vali if outlet� ar� mi��ing & required by code. WALL PLATES: Levitan Decora Serie� piate with gainied �crew�. FINISH QF i9A1.t, PLATES 8c S�'ITCHBS. Colar to be determined by Owner/Interiar De�igner, Eleetrician ta provide �ample� during rough-in. �Si�ITCH �OUNTING HEIGHTS: 3'-6" A,�F.F. or match exi�ting, anle�� noted atherwi�e. CONDUIT RACEi9AYS: A:ti work �hail be in canformance wiih NEC and all Ioca! governing code�. Alt wiring �6 or �maller ta b� eopper non-cnetallie �heath cable (Romex}. All expo�ed wiring to be in�taIled in conduit. Conduii may be E�kT, except canduit� below grade and embedded in concreEe �hall be rigid q#.eel or PvC eonduit. �inimum conduif, �ize �hali be i/�2". All ontlet boxe� �hall be galvanixed ar nan-metallie boxe�. GROUNDING: All metallic conduit�, �upport�, electricai cabinet�, and equipment �hall be grounded in aeeordanee with the requirsment.� af NEG�. All ground eable �hall be in��rlaled Type TiY or TH�. Service ground cable �hall be in�talled in rigid conduit. CIRCUiT BK�AKER PANEL: �FR: Square D, Levitan or Eaton Amperage. 20Q Annp (1�aunt 6'-0" A.F.F. to top of patael} $raneh circuit proteetiv� dev9ce� for all lighting paneI� �hall be giug-in f.ype, thermal mag�etic circuit breaker� Por ailernating curren#,. All breaker� �hall be �ingle handle camman tyge.. 'iandem ar half-�ized made af zinc-eoated qheet �teel and �hall conform f�o the require�en#.� of Underwrater'� Laboratorieg, Inc., and bear their zn�lpecfaon label. Cabinet� �hall be re�iden#.ial load cent,er type. A legible direet,ary, pr4perly ident�ifying each cireuit, �haI! be maunted under clear pla�tic eover. �SECURITY �SYSTE�: Provide wiringf power a� required to retocated keycard lock� � hall�ay door�. EXHAUST FANS: See Light �'ixture Sehedule. PLT3C �STRIP RACE'WAY � KITCHSIV & BATt PERI�tETER UPPER CABIN�fiS: 1�FR: �Tiremo�:� Serie�: 24R Tampar re�i�f.an#. �laek �rith outlet� at 12" o.c. ELECTRIC RADZANT BASED HEAT FLOOR � I�ASTER BATH: Amp�erage and vottage a� required. Di�tributar: United Electric or equal Heat �at: �Z Floor Heat (Warm� Tile�j Cable Kit Thermo�taf.: NuHeat �tatG'omfart Reguiatc�r �. Tennpn ELECTRI�' T0�'EL WAitI��R: See Gr�bow Haxdware �wner S�leciion Sheet. in�talted by Generat L�antracior, .._....._.....,..... _� ............................... ......._,._......._._.......... .__. ._............._ ......... ._..... _...... .._ ...... .... ._._ .. ._ .. .... ..... _.....,..........._..._...____..__.�_�._..�..�...�_�.�.__...�.___.___...�...... �.__m._.___.._ _._...m..�.......,�...._.�...._ .�..._...�...._.__.....�..._......_...,,..�._..�......._._�.. _._. _..�_.��._._�....�.._�...,____._.___ __�....�. ..�,.._T....___.. �n�r���o� ��tr�3��v�./s�ratn�tnt� .�. _ .... _ _.. __ .. _ _ .:.,. . ....__ .,.... . _. . . __, ,_ ,._ ,.. ,,.,__ . _. _ ,,,.._ _. .._ .. __. ,., _ _ __ _ _ ....... . ..... ,. ,, _ Roor�t Locatic�n WaI#s DoarCasin�s/ Baseboardl Cabinetr� ; Ceilir�� CroS.vns ; Radiar�t €{�oor s Window &: Rerrrarks _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _.. . .. _ _ .. __ _ __ _ . _. _ _ _ _ _..___.. . __ , __ . . Jambs C�€�irRa;1_ __ _ _ _ _ . �aseb��rd ; ; Cas�n s _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . ___ _ _ _.. .. . ... ._ . _.. . . . _ . .. ... . ...... .... . _ _ _ _ __ . ; ����� ������ ° __ ___ . ___ _ _ _ � _ _. . _... _ . . .... __ _ _ _ ._ . _ _._ __.. _... .... .... _.. _. _ ._. . . ... . __..._ .. .. .... .. _ .... ..... .... . .. ... .. _. _._ _.. . . ._. _..... _ <. . _ , , _ �C1£3 Haii ST-1 - S�F-1 I�/A �d/A ; N%A N/A ; ST-1 ! #V/A Pair�t n�w wa€i ar�as wail below chair raii to match exisiirsg w�fl co(orar�d instaii _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ __ _ _._., ........ .. ....._ . _� : ... .. ... ... ,...._ . . ._.. . _... . _. _ ._ _ .. . . .. ........ . . ,. . ,..., _. ,. ... �. _. ..._. . . . _ . .. wa11 paper above cha�r raii to rr►at�h exis�ir�g. _.. _ _ _ : __ ;,__ _._. .. .__... .. _. ,,....._ _,. __....,. : _....: ........ ... ..._. ........ . ....... ,... .. , _.,_ . . . _ _.. _.. 3.01 Bedra�m ' P-S�`* P-5 P-5 �IJA* P-4 �fi/A'� P-5 S�T-� P-5 *Cabinetry is prefir�ished "`Ci�oca Cherr�r". M'srror frames P-5. _. . _.... _..... _____.. :.__ . ..._;_. _. _.; _ _...._. _._...._. _...._. _ ........ __....._. ;..._ . .. ................. _......... _...............:.__.... ......... ,.._....................,................. ..... _....... _. ... ...... ........ _................................;........ .. . ..................... ;'�*�Icate: P-6 Ac��nt @ hea�iboard wfali (floor to scrffEt, insicle vuall to insicfe wali.) _. . __.._ __ . _. .. .._. .. _.. _. . . __.. __ _ _ _.. __ . ..,..__.. __._ _. _ ._... _.... .. . _ _.._ .. ... ........... __ .... _........... .. __ ....... �. 3.02 closet P-� P-5 ?-� iV/A P-4 t�/�S N/a sT 2 tV/A s_ _ _...... . _ ......... ......_.. _ _ .. _ ___ ........ _ _. _._... _. _ _. _ _ _.. ._ ___ ..._. _..__ >..... _ ....... ... ...... . ... ...... .... _.. .. .. _...... _. .. _._ ......... . .. .. ............... ........... .... . .. . ....... ... .. . . _ ,._ 203 ! Ba�h P-7 P-7 �i/A �i/A'� P-4 t�J{� N/A ST-2 i�%A *Cabtnetry is pr�fanished'ihertnafc�tl _ . . _ ... .. .. .. . . _... ... _ . . ; . . _. .. .. _. _. _ zo� _ _ sn�wer _ �tA , �/a , �/� __ _� f� _ _ _ _._ _ . _. _ _ . . . . , . r��� ; �/R _ �/a _ _ __ _ _ r�/�_ _ � �!A ; _ ._ _ . _. _ _ _ _ __ . :__ _ _ _ _ _ , _ . . _.. . _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _. ..__ _. . . __._. ... . . _ _. ......._........_.. ._.. _. . . . ... __ . _ ... ... . . .. . ........ .. . . .. , >.. � � YC tS ' t3 P 2 P-1 P-1 N P-1 i�J A i� A ST-2 I� • C�bi et Es ref}nishecl Cc�dontai . 1tlS Er�tr A A n / � / / Y �"Y K� _ _ , _ _ _ _ __ _.. . . _ ,, : ._ _ .< . . _ __ _. _ _ __ _ .. _ _ __ .. . . __.. 1a6 : Kitci�en P-2** ; P-1 P-1 ; N/A* P-3. ` �ijA* NjA ST-2 ; �tJA =*�abinetry is �refinis#�ed: "Coioniat" @ island & °'Software stain" @ �erim�t�r : _._ __..... _ ....__ . __... _ __ . _._>... _ _:.. ___ _.. _. _ . _ _.._... ,..._ . ..:... ....... . .... __.. ......... ............... ., ........ ..... _. .... ; *�`Note. P-3 Accer�t tc� be paintec� abr�v� ka�cksplash tile adjacent __ _. ___ __ .. . _ _. . . ;__ __ ; _ _ . . _ . _ ___ _ _ . _ . . : ... . ... . ..... ... ...... . .. . ....... . ... ..... .. ..... ..._ . . .. .... .. . ... _ ._..... ... ... :...... _.. .... _ _. ... ..... ..... . __ ....... _. .. .. . _ . . ... .... ......... ..................... .. .. . . . ; .... .... ........;..... ....._...... . ... to k�r�th sid�s af exhaust �rooci ��nrest wall. _ __ _ __ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ __ . __ _ ._ . _. . , ,. . _ . . . . _ _. _ . _ _ _ . _ _ ___ . _ , ,_. 1�7 ; Great Rc��rn P-2 i P-1 ' P-2 Nj�* P-1 �J4* ; P-�. ; ST-2 P-1 *�aJ�inetry is prefinisl�ed "Cal€�nial"'. Existingfirepface glass frarn� grill and .. . . . . . . . . .... . . . . . ; . . ... .. . . � . _ . ... .. . ... . . .. _ .. . .. . . .. .. , ... ...._... . .. _ . ..._. . _.... :, >..._ ..._, . . ........ ....., .. . ...,.. ..... ,..... ., ........ . ..:._... .._.... . ,_.... ..,._. ._._.. .. _... .,... .._ . ...__... �xpose� �.P, unit to be paintect P-11 eggshell. �Rated for hot temperaturesj __ _ ._.... __ _. __. . __. _ _ . . . . _ __ . _ __ .. _....__. . _.. . . _ .... ...._ _..._ __...... ....._ .. .......... ...... . . _... _. .. . .. ,.... .. _ ... __.__..... ..... .._........ _.... ._ .. �� „ �� � � � �� - - - - - i ..s e C ocolate f�ear Note: P-2t� Accent headbaard uva3i 1(38 MasterBedro�t� P 5 P 5 P 5 N�'A P 4 �!/A P 5 ST-2 P 5 Cabin�try spr�f�nt h d h � ___..._.... .._ __ . _ __ _. __ _ _ . _ _... ._ __.... __ ..... ..� ...... ._....... ,..... ... _.__.. _.... .... ..._......._. _....... _... ;.. '. ; ; ; iffc�arto s�ffit, 9nside �,va�{ ta inside w�ll.j _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _.. _ _ .... _ . . . ,___ . . _ _ ___ �._.__ _ ___ .. _. ,. _ _ _. _._ _ ._ _ _.,. 1�9 ; Master Bath P-S F-5 ' �3/A NJA�` P-4�`�` NJA �J/A ST-2 ; NJA ;*CabineCry 'ss prefinishecl "Choco#ate Pear'°. *'�Note: Saffit ak�ove sinks ��all be _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _.. _... _ _ ,.. _.... __. ......__ _ ... ........... .... _ pa�nted P-5{t�orizonCai &ve�tical surf�ce} ' __ _ . _ _ . _.. _ _ _. _ _ __ _ _ __.. _. . _ _ _ ._ . _ _ . __ .. .._ _._... _ .. ; ___. .. .. _ ..... ... .... ... . ..... _ . ...._.. .. . . . ......... ..... .... .... .. .... . _ . ... .. __ _..... _. ... ... . _ ��.� �ro���t �-� _ �-s _ _�/a €�/� _ _ �-� _r�/� _ _. ; . �/A s�r-� ; �v1a _ _ > _ _ _ ___ __. _ _ __ . __. ____. �.�.�. s�,ow�r n�/� nt/a r�/a �/a �/A �/a _ �/� _ �a�� sv/a � _ __ _ _ _ ___. ____ _ __ __ __ _ _ _ . _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ .... . . . .. . _ _... .... _ _. ... . ..... _. _ _. .. . _ .. . .. _ _ _. _ . __ __ __... ...... . _ _......_.._..,. __ _... ._. __. ,. �. 112 T.V. Rc�o��n P-2 P-1 P-i iVJA* P-1 ' i�jR (�JR ST-2 �JA ;*Cabinetr� is prefinish�ci "Ex�Zressr�". ; _ . _ _._ _. . _ __ �.13 Bedroom ' P-8�`* ; P-8 P-8 �S/A* P-8 i�IfA P-8 �T-2 P-8 *�abinetry is �ar�finished "Choco Cherry,`. Mirresrfr�mes P-�. i�ote: P-�Accent ,_ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ ;_ __ _ _ ____ _ ___ . _. _ _ __ _ _ �_._ _ _.. ,__ _ . . @ heacfl�oard vsral! (f6oc�rt4 soffit, inside v�+aEl ta insicie waitj ___ ___.. . _. .... ..... _ ............_...... _._ _ _. . __ ..._ . . _ __ _ _ __ __ __ __ _ _ _ ... .__. _ _ . ... . _ _. ._. _.. ... __ _ _ .......... ... �.�� cco$�t p-� �-� r�-a sv/a �-� r�/� r�}� s�-� �v/a _.__ ___ . _. _.._ __ _ _ _ ._..... _ ___ __.__ , _ _ ___ .... _ __ ...__.__ __ __...... _ . .___. ._..._.. _.... .... _... __._._ _.. _....._. ....... _.__. _ ...... . ......... .......... . ..... ... _.. _......... 115 Bath _ P-8 P-8 (VJA 1V%A�` P-8 �iJk �lJA ST-2 N/� *Cabinetry is prefinis�ed Therrr�afcaif ��.s sn�w�� rv{a �/A _ �/�, _ �/� _ �/a �/� _ �/� __ _ �/�. . _ �/a __ _ _ __ __ _ ___. _ _ _ , . _ _ _.._. __ ._ . ,. . _ _. . _ . _ ... _ _ . . ._ _, . __ __ _ 1�lTER�(?R PRIi��'IN�/S�'A1�i1N� _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _ _ . _ __ . __ __ . _.. _ . _ . _ . _ __ _. .. . . ... � _ _ . . . 1. Aii paint r�ust be Sherw�s� UViliams, na ex�eptiflns. __ _. .. ....... . __.. ... _ _ _. _ _ ._._. _ _..__.. __.. _ _ _._ _. . _ . _ . ___ . ._ .. ._. _. _. _. ...... ... _ .. _ . . _......_ ................_ _..... . . . . ....... _ _ .. .... ._.. .... .. _..... ... _.... _ .. ._ . . _ ...... r 2. II ne�r Pelia �nrindows are rim�t� whit� int�rior� f�-orn t#�e facto . i�3c� ri€nt� re €��red on interit�r sicie.l�ti�dc�ws shali be a�nted �tr�th 2 coats o#f�n�sh A � �? P � � P { } ` _ __ _ _ ___._. . . __ . ___ . __._ _._ __. _.__ _ _ _ .. _ .. _..._.. ...__ ... ___ , _ _. _ .. ...... ._ .. . ...... ......... .. . .. . ...... _ _ _ __ ._..... .. ..... . _ ... . _.. .. 3. Ai1 r�ew Pe11a doors have bare 'tt-�teri+�rs tcs be stair� on interior side & door �dges with ST-2. ; __ __ _ _ _ ._ _. _ . ..... : .. .. _. __ __ _. ..... . . __ _ 4. The ft�liawing paint sk��ens s�all occur as foliows: _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ : _ _ _ _ Ceilings: CH8 {C€�icago High 8ui(c#� �lat Latex _. __ _ _ . __ _._. _ _._ . . _ __..... _. _._. _ _.. ; Trim, Wir-�dc�ws, Base, Casir�gs: Prc� Ciassic -lnteri€�rAcry#ic Latex Semi-Glr�ss ' ° _._ _. . .. . __ .._. .... _ _ ... _ . _ _ . .. . .__ . _ . _ . __. . . __ _ _ _ .._ _.. _ _.... . _ __.. . . . .._ .. _.. _. .. .. .._. _ . .......... ....._ . .. . .... ._ ._.... .. . . . _ . _.._ . _ .. . . Walls: Prorr�ar 2t�41nfi�ri�r Latex Low Sheen ; , _ _ __ _ __ . ___. .. ..... _._. _.:.. . ... . : _. . . .._ : _ . ., ._ . _ 5. Prep afl surfaces to be �ainted and caulk. ; ' _ __ _ __ . __, _. _. _ . . __. _ __ . ___ _: _.._. _ _. . ___._. _ . _ _ . _ _._ _ _.._. 6. Afl dryv,rall ar�d ail trim shail be painted vvit{� (2} coats offinish paint. Latex c�n ciry�nrall, acrylic#at�x base�l paint�d on wsa�r�iwork. _ .. . . .. _._ . _.. _..... . . _ __ .._ . . _._. __ .._ . ..... . _ . .....__ .. ...__. _ _. _ .. _ _. ._._..,_. .__.... . .__ _....... _ . _. _ ... _. ...._ . ......... _. . _ _ ........ ..... . ... .. . _..._.. _ ......... .. ... .. .. . ......... _ _.._. . ... _ . _. .. _.. ... .. ... :... 7. Ail �ainte�i r-�ew woodwork shal! have (1j c�at of fatex prir�ner f� ��} coats of ai( ba�e�i fir��s;�. _. _._ .. . _ . ._ _ _ _ . _ _ _ .. _ _.. __. _ __ _ _ .._. _ . .... . : . _ : _ _.. ... . ....._.... _ .... .... _.. . _.. ..... .. . .... . . .. . ........ _..... _... _ 8. Stainin shail be 1 coatof stasn and 3 coats a# 01 varnish orla u�r . � {) �� I� Y � �f � __ __ ___ _ _ __ _ __. . _.... .. _ .._ .,... , ,. _,... ... ,. .,..,. __,... .._.._... ..... .. _.. _ . .......... _.. _,... f .� � k � ;9. A I inierior daors shal( be stainecf on all sides & ec! es c+fi daor. Door side & ed e s#�aii be stain�ci sat�� ccs�ar as tr m on ex os�d butt hin e s�tle wl�er� cic�sed. � � � __�.. ....... �. �. _ _ _. _ _. , . ......., .. . ...,.. .... ..... ... . . . .. _ .... _......... ... . ... .. .._ ...,.. .... . ,..,. ,... ,.................�. ...,..,... ,, ,,... ..�.....� .... ..... . ..... .. ,, �. .,...,. .. , ....._ . ,,....., �....... ... ..... ..._ , � ��� ��� .. 4��� ������� � � � r t f v r' i : � 10. tnterior Fair�ts a e as foflows Su�rr�� colr�rs �an draw d�wns �r a rr ai �or �� instai att�n , �� � � __... _ __.... . _. _... . _. _ . __ . _ . . _ ._.._ _ . ...... ... _ ...... _..... _ _ _ ........ .. . ... ._ . _ ... .... ........ .. _... ........... .. _ _ . ._ ... .: . .. ........ _.... .. : _..... . .. .. ... .... _.... ... _ . ..._..... � � � ... .. ,��.... _ . ................ _. P-1: Sherwin Wi!liams 51fU6126 �iAVAJQ VUHITE ��� „9�� � � �� > �� __ _ !_ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _; _.... _.._ __.. . . . ,_ .. _ __ , . . __. , � �' � �.��� ��. q�?� _ f P-2: Sherwin 1NiE{iams ;SW7696 TC1�l5TED PI�E IVi.ii "`��"`� y, (,�''r 1.,,�`���� __ _ . : _ _ . __ _ > ___ ___ _ _._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ... . _ _. _ _ _ _. . _. _ .p.���. , .... _ . _ __. . , ��..�_� : . _ P-3: Sh�rwin'�Nill�arns SW7598 SIERA REi?trV�iJD ������� =� -� __..._ _: ...__... ... _.__.._. .._ .... _ _.. _ . . .. . . .. ....... . _ ... . . ........ . _ _ _. . ...... __... ... _...... _....... ..... _ __ .. ... . ._.. ... ......,.... ........ .. _. . _ , . _ ���. .. ... : .. � ; P-4: Sherwin W�fizams SW614� MU�E�ATE VUHiiE � �, �/ � _. . ..... _... ..._. _ . .. .. . . .. . .... .... _.. _ .. ... . . . _ .. _ . __.. _. _...... . . . _.._.. . __ .. .... . . .. . . _... ... . . . .... . _.. . . .,, , . ... .. .. , .. . ,� .._... _ _ . _ r . !" �."�----- ,4. � �.. - i' 4 Q � v. . tt F�: Sherwin iRl !€�ams SW�1 1 S �iER TAN '. � �� __ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ . .._..... < .. .. ___ . _ .� ��.cvff .__.�. .. . ., . _. . __. . _ _ .. .. P-6: Sherv,rin lNailiarr�s SW773� NE�SAL�IASH ; ; : , __ _ _ _ _ . . ___ __ _ _ . .. _.. ,___ _ _.. _... __... . , __ . _. . . _ . ._. _ . _ _ P-7: Sl�e�nr�n Wil!€ams ;SW6142 M�CA#?AT�lI� . _... __...... _ ..._ . . > _ _ ..... .. .......... ;.__ ___ _.... . _ _.. ..._ .. . ._ .. .... _... .. . . ... _.. . .... ._... .. . .. .... .. . . ... .. _ _._ .. ... ... _ .... _._ . _ ..... ..... ... ..._.. . ..... . _. _.... _ ....... .._.. ..._._ . .. . _ � �i � � � � P-8 She€�win 1fi�till€arns SW3f135 AEST�lET1C 1NHiTE *� _...._. _ _..___ _.. __ .. ._ _ ._ _ _ _..... __ _.. _ _ .._ ._. _.. . _ . . . _... __ ._ _....... _ .... .__. _ ..__ .. _... ... ...._.. _. . ... ._._. _ ._ ..... ... _. . __ __.. _ .. . . ... .. ..... . ._ __ . ._. ... _. . ... _ . _ _ .... � � P-9: Tc� iae cieterrrtiz�ed � interior d�si ner. �.. __ _ ._ ___ _ y __ � _ __ _ _. _... _.. �..... __, i , . ____ _. _ ._ . ... .... .. . .. '� P-1t7: T+� be determined by Int�riordesigner. ; _� _ ___ __ ___ _, ____ _ _ . _ _ . __ . . _.. _ . _ _ .:. � .�- P-11 S�erv,rin W€Iliarns ;SV`J 702€l BiA�K ��X(Lcrw Sh�en} ; ; � _ __..... _... _..._. _ _...... __ ......... ... ..._.. ............ ...... __.... _. _. _ _. _ _ ... _..._. _ .. ......._ .... ... ..... ..... _.. _......... . . _.... .. ......... _...._..... �.. . 11. ir�tericsr Stains: Subrrrit sam I�� for a rova( riorto �nstallatsflr�. P PP P _..._.. _ . .___. _ .. .... _. .. _ _._...._ .. _.__ _. _..._. .__..... _.. .___._._. _.._.. _i ._... ......__ .. ..._... . .._...... _ . _.._.._.. . _ .._ _ . .. ... . .... ...___.. . . . ....._._..... ...__. _. ..... _ ..._....... ... ' , . ... �, � ST-1: Ntatch existing stain c�n hail side of do�r. Exist�rzg stair� frorr; Building t�w�er is Eisted as Pratt & Lat�E�ert �ta�n Tonetic Clearl4Y+K4Y+L2Y�ui 28j32, ` ; C� _ __ . ___ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ , _ _ . _. _.. . _._. . . _.. .. . . ... ... ._, . ..., . .. . . .__. . _, .._ _,. __.. . . _ _ _ ... _ .. t�r, ; ST-2: Stain to s�at�1� Arct�itect`s sarr►pie af "Chocca C��rry". € ' `�� __ _ ___. __ . . _. _ _ _ . _... .. . _.._ _.._ .. . ..... . ......_.... .. ... . ,..., .. . __ .. . ___.... .._ ,.., __ __ __ _..... . .. . . _...... _. . . �` ,. _.,..... . . °e,,. 3.2. Paint tvt�e for metaf radiar�t baseboard �rill covers shaii �ae {3.� c�at metai nrie�er &{2� coafs f"snisi�. ia�th sr�eci�rca(Iv f�r hi�h temt�erature a��licati+�rss, � F`t1 t�:'t���� � ' � �l ,. � - .. � �� ; .. � i a . � i -� , .. • • ! . r r . , � _. � ... � r --', a . . . i� p�p � � � �� ,-� \Q �`�' �� � � O�G � � � aa � V �', � � � � aoU � �o � � � ��y� � �+V � 4 .. � � . � . � � � � Y�' � . � �_ . � . �G '�. � �o I ,�, . ',� I � . v'r' , N I: {�+, O � N � 'd' �" � � � �O � � � �.. . � . � � (� ,-r �t . ai � � � �",� t? � � ,�w� � ir••�l a� �� � �� ��� � �� �" � � �E�' �� � � a> � �r � � cc.� � C � #■��I� c� �..� t"�? A; .� � v o � � U� � • ,�c cy ��► "� +� �■�1 O �'`�-' � � � � � '�' a� � *� � � ac � � � � C a �'r '� �" �'r �� � � � � � � C� COP'YRIGHT ATE- 08 412 D . %2 f RA � R D BJ �� sH�er: � dOB �; f2006 v � � � REMOVE DOQR, JAMBS, REI�OVE DOOR, JA�iBS, & TNRESHOLQ & THRESHOLD . ..... ..... _. _.. . ._,. ... .. _. .. .._.... .._... _,._ _.... .. .�..�. , _.-. ...... .._ , .... . . .. � , ,.� ,.A. . , . . , , . . � � , . ,� .. . � . .... . ... _. ... � �� . ,, ., � � . .. _. .. , ..- , ; � -�t __... REMOVE WIND4I�S REI�OVE 1MNDflWS EXIST. RADIANI� HEAT PIPES EXIST, RADIANT HEAI PIFES RE�10VE C#�U RE�10VE STUD ; ' SUBS7RATE AS �, ti, . � , �yALL FR01� REMOVE V�1NDfl}� REQ D. fQR f,� � '' COLU�iN TO ' ____ � ,� _. i __ ._ __ _ _ . _ __ ; H ARTH / � _ Ne E , ,::.�,, . ..,. , __ M� i � ,, , , FIR PLACE _.,:.... � , �,- �� „ ,�,t,,� � E � _.._ ,. � :::: . , � . �...._. :,. ., , , , ; ; _.. ._......__.._ ._ ._....._.... ...__. ........... ....._..,.._. . . . { , , . ,. _._ . ,., , .. .__._ . ,,._...... ._._... .._ � : ` `� , .. , ; ....... . i� ! i �.` .,... � , ; r � ; �.._. `, �E�IoVE 'MNDO�s RE�loVE 1MNDOj�s / ' i i, : . _ RE�iOVE STQNE FaGING, STONE ,� :',� , � i EXIST, RADIAH't HEARTH, & C�IU SUBSTRATE /' /�,� EXlST, RADlANT HEAT PIPE HEAT PIPES FOR STONE HEARTH �- � � ' , ,� � � � %V` '��` . R£1�QyE CI�U SUHSTRATE AS REQ'D FOR __ ___ __ _ ___ __ _ _... ._.._. _ _ . _ _ ____ _ _ __ __ __; 1B EXIST. C4NCRETE BALCONY '' ` A3.t PORTABLE ` ^t' " 5B ! GRiLL � ' ��`� 4� � A .t `�� VERIFY LOCATION OF ���,1��, i `� �XIST. BQILER PlPE � FUtURE CtJND�NSQR tJN�T ' r_ 7B 7A� � �� ' ,"' �� ` :y - � � „ � , � i 78 7A & SCREEN BY O�NER ,' 30 �� ,.' f� 5TU05 �� _� A3.4 3, 4fl A t ` � 5A A34 A3,4 _ _ _ A1.1 � -. � , _ _ �.. �x k y,,� > _. , , ;� � . _. .f. . ._, � f? ,�;<i . . , ..�:�. � -;�, ..� `�r ���, ( � , .::.ti �` � . _ .._; �<•, ..�-. .. ...: � ' �� '., � . . . . . . . _ . . . � � � e � 2 � �Z f . ;. __.... ...._... _.... . ... . .7- _..._.. _ ..... .... .... .._ _.. . . .... (.. I ; � , f n _. _. _ ._. . .. _. _ _ �- i �$ _ ctr . �_._ 0 " . I: � a - -_ - .: ; �.� _, :_: �: _- _.�_ __�__ .._ _--_w--------______.__ t A88REVIAt�oNS. tA �; _.. � . D , `._ .. �BASE BOARD a � �BASE BOARJ r Q� � .. � ---- x : ; _ - - --�� �y� --' 10 A3.! , ; _ i ----- r_ _ � $A = � NEAT (RADIANT) � � x --� � T.B. = T04�EL BAR k � NEAT (RADIANT} $`�` _ _. � -� � ;� � � i �� � � � T.�. = TOyyEL WARI�ER _ : _ _ ,_7A_._STONE:.__�_�, i �--> � ��' � „� � , � _ ���. �� . � � :; � � ' - -=� "� 3,2, -FACIt�G 000 �- i CP . � �- -- _ ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._ _� i i i ��Y � i , �p , ,x , �_;!�` � i� �> � . - � �'r - ' _ � � `_ '�' _ � SHELYES � _ _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ � _ = -� _ _ -� � ; � 7C _ _.. _. A3,4 f _. _ � �= F .��� �'�=-� _ �' � i , i �� .� L J i , , _ _ _. cy r? _ <k a _I �� I ..., � t � i iE 3 � . ° — �� .,_ _ a ;l �� � '� � ,` F _ _ _.. _. �� a.,' � l � 1 � i �. �� � r _ ___ _ _,, ' .._ + ; ` 48"N. BUlLT � ; � �,��� � : .. . . .. •. : ; � A? R �_ t i _0° � v�>, ; . GRE 001� _._Er._ � � QRESSE � �, ,. . , . .. <_ _ � , � /; � � , , ; IN � � t , � �� � u ,,,, � ,. �� � : , _. _ A.�; _ , t Z �� ' �"' . . .. .. .. . ...... . . .. .. . .. ' Y�. . .... . � ... A. . _ ...... _.. ... ....,. ... _.._..__.. _...._. .. .. _.__�.__. __.... �--_ �...� J � ;'. . . -...... j { � . .... .. ...... .. .. . . � . .. . ........ .. . . : i. i i a% , I , � f i` 1 1I I Y r,;= .._ �l .. .... -:> cf> :>;;'. � . . _ ._. . _ . . ... . . ._.. � . _ , _ _ _ , . _ _. � _ _ � �- ;: < . ,� A 7 R �eo�oo#� . _�._ _.. , 1,1 s E , � : . , _ _;_ _ ,� o ; - : ��. ..: �� r � �i � j �ry F, � , ,, � u., �- r,. i � i G - . ., , ':.. , ; ; ' ; � � � : ,. .. . .�. ' 4J � F � 'i; so w. .. ._ _ ___._ __ __,.______�._ � a� , , r� � 148 �' � �r a . x,�'j , > SASE BOARD .d. - -- �, �, � ... .. ' � . ; :, � � . _....,,, . ��! .. ''; ! E , 1 ' ; � � , !7, : (i ,- �. `�ry`�. . _ �:; , - _ BASE BOARD � ._ . _ A32 �t _.F _ .¢w ' ; NEAT (RADlA�T `~� HEAT RADIANt ` _ _ �; , i � = i i ,. _ . w t ... i , , . , fE � � , � , ) � t> -- _____ { ) ,._ . , _ _ t � i� r � i � r Q � _ � i �� � i ; KING 8E0 i ,; � � � �- __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -r{ ___ _ � 53 :�_ e ,_ _.__�4 __.�_-t � :�, ; "� ', � r ~' i � 4� f ����4 � _._ � _. .,____ __.__ ^�� ' , , � ' �� � ;'. _ f - �__ _ _ _t ' � ' % � 'r , . , . a- .._. � I — � } i. , I --' � � !i � . QUIETRGCK ON , �._ , `, , _ ; _, - � :' ;_..s _; � ,; ; � a ' . `,t,.. , � �Q � � � � s a i � � � ;1 ! � � TNlS SIDE 4F ALL - .._ � . � _:_ _ w. . ,.. _ ; . � . _ `° ;: ._ _ .�__ t ; � . ..__, `'- i �...., ' i E� ± T �� .3 f' t �, ° �' \�i � ri E � � , !N EXIS7. �+E7AL �. ; ._ ;� ; � i E FULl.�18x1$ TILES �t�i �f i ,� A , 1s � i ! . _ _ _ . ,. . . _ �_. : _ ,_ ; GLASS DbOR5 '' . i �.: o ' _, » ! � 7HIS DOOR ' �i �� E ; ; t ' QUEEN BEQ r � k WERT � , ' _ �/ERT. � . � �.__� -- �' ; ; � �._.... � _ 1'-� � �. _ _ ;,_ _.. _ _ _ _ _ _ � -� __ _ _ �u � � � � o i RECW5S �flR .. � . r � � i ', t�'a SiUDS , ,� � , ,� -��RT. � , �f � , � � � � ftEV, F _� . _� 5p" T.V. � � !� , „ .,> �,.:, , i _; ;�i 3» �_�._._.�,_�7�„ _ � „____47 „- i � �, € F .� ,`�-QUI ' � i � � _ ._._... � � � � .� ,_ . _ r _ _ w ._ �. . _,.__ .. _ _. ___ . _ ._ .... __�._ a�!' � _ _�_ 1 4 ; _� .. ... , / �_ �, / $ 4 9� %$ 2 6� .�;: ; � i THiS 5 D a OF �/ALL � i , A' � REV, A . : _ ',_. ° ;; _ t. .� _ _ `; �;;, tit. , t. a',r r. ,..;: %i` _2_. !�__ �'- i_ ,�` _ __ __ ___.�__ _w.__ �__2�=2._�+. , � � � i � ; � E � . _ � � ` � _ . r � _ � : �� �. f �� t � � g� - � 5„ �' tr�.),� � is. . R � s� � � � � ;t; ��� x � � � _ ' ��_ _ �� ' . � KING BED � ���� �. � < . � _ � , . �.r M � ` , 2 ` °- ,SHA�1P00 L0� '�ALL ; , �,, �- _ _ � �` ; �d � i � - i r -- � � � � _ . . , , � � .F �,, t _ �' a � ___ �, , B v ! � _. � :� ��� _�� _ _ --�__ _ ,� VERT. � �, �? _i _ . _. �.. \�; i.___. �. ._. �-r-- �._.�..__ a����<__._._.__ _____ E ;__-� L_, �.� . j�t.t+c 1 1t3 s � �,�'ii E 3 � x � � _ , � , _� � � � ;- "� .; . STEREO EQUlP. _ ,�,1 �.6 y m -� - _- .� CLOSE'f �t ; � � r, , `v � 3.4 _ _ _�E� SOFFIT � J � . -¢ �, � '�� _,, _,_ ; �.. - ., � i IN UPPERS_._._. U C. RE�R �� o _, r,, -- --- �:.< r � ;, _ _ �=' ; _ _ _r_�_ _�_� : A3 rr �n .. . , � � � . _ _ s_o�_.� --r� A . � , . ' , R STk1D ; , R 2 Y- � ,-- . _ � �s� . __ .::__ .'�_'-2."__ � i_ __ ._��' �'<vl � SAFE �E ° BENCN, , fB.N. . ; °� � �v �E, �; ; QUE N BED �, � i ' i NEIk HEARTH , � _ , El�QVE , �ED OQI� E " i01 _ _ A3.2 . :'_u_ _,,�« =:.:w �._<< a � w *�'h� �"� CUT `��',' �'�.;>:;t${,,�i : r �.�___ _ _ 1'ILE,�`,a�r iL? 4"'= � `., � , i ; � ,--R�#�OVE RORTION 1NALlS � �__ , � ti , , , ,�, ,� �:��>` � r , , , . � � � � � r t. � � � : - E:: �: , .-�� v� , REMOVE/CAR �+ATER I.II�ES BEl.O�N FLOOR RE�IOVE REt�OVE PC}CKET caNC. AS REQ"D. FOR D04R, JA�IBS, &� TdiLET ! TRACK WASTE RELOCATE EI.EC. GO D U!T N i S AS L E , N � � ;� ;-� ` SHOV� oN `�.. - = ` � 3/A4,1 EXIST. �'ASTE REk�OVE Si'ACKS TQ STUD WAI.L5 RE1�A1N CAP EX1ST. DRAfN LIi�ES gE�ow F�anR .--� 1j i � � RE�IOVE REl�OVE DQ4R, JAMBS, & CONC. AS HARDI�ARE -SAVE �OR FtEQ'Q. FQR RELOCATION -SEE 2jA1,1 SHOYyER & DOOR SCHEQULE FQR V�ASTE NE�1 �ocaT�oN 4F WALI AS REQ'D, FOR NE� DaQR LOGATION -RE�OVE DOOR JAMBS AOJUST UTiUTY LOCATIONS AS sHO�4N oN z/Aa�.� .�.. .._____..� •�4TE: UNDER BASE Bip, GRIt�D OFF HIGH� SPOTS OF EXISTING CQNCRETE FLOOR TO aEAn iEVe� coNa�raN �N oROE� To INSTAL� PREfiNiSHED Et�GIKEERED Vy00D FLOdR11�G � THESE ROO�IS: GREAT ROOIvI �iQ7, KITCHEI� �106, & EI�TRY �i05 � A T itLITY � DJUS U T A R R RELOCA E TE EO � VE W / LOCAT14 S AS N F R A5 � 1 ES BELO �00 XIST AI N iN E .M N H 2 A4.i SQ 0 N � I SUPPLY LINE� REQ`D, FOR NE�' SINK ra �El�AiN RE�14VE STUD }NAILS REMOVE ' -UTILIiIES TO REMAIf� DOOR JAI�BS � (SEE l�E1.1 fQR ; ADJUST�D LOCA710NS} R-,.�,,, �\. __ _ _ _ _. ,����,,, _ . _ RE}�OV� PORTION OF RE�i4VE DOQR, JAk�BS, & �ALL �AS REQ'R FdR NARp�'ARE -SAVE FOR RELOCATED �QOR REIOCATipt� -SEE 2/A1.1 & DQOR SCHEDULE FOR NEiN �oCAr�oN iJ i.:.� lYt V �� � � � � � � V �.l 1 dr � L1.C3. � s����: __i j4„��� _ �; ��,� ______�_- v_____ _________ AP XfST, C E Ai I S OR L E N N 8EL0�{ FL00 _. __ ADJUST UTILITY : : C C. � '. . :a, 2 -$ 4 : 5 -10 ,- *� i: � ,., , �7 ,:. A i � ;� < , . ..- �� _ � r;�a .� ,^ �� „ ��,� y' _-- �=rs'; „ 3 � � ; � i REMOVE O�i RE1�4VE FRA�41t�G , ; __ . _ . _._, _.- -_ � _�_a '__.__ _ � _x �_ --�� __ _ � _ �� , . , .. 3 i �ocarioNs As ; ; � F R . , 4 � , . -. : , ; _ x : __ ___ _,._ � » « 109A - ATH o�j 110 � �' a � . �r�z �14 � : ^t 54 N. L0� �ALL �/ GLASS t ; AS REQ D. fl UP TQ EXIST. �, ` �. �- , � �.. 1 R.N� � i �' :�`��. t� � � ,: , � , , � 2-1� 2 ,' 1�_1 „ , zs ��� .;, ( ' ABOVE (SEE INT€RIORS FOR 'i� � j E SHO�yN ON 2/A4.1 SHOYy'ER }�ASTE STEEL BEAM „ , . A3.1 , � ; CPT. _ O�D , _ _ , :_ ; _ � _ 6 ___ _ }�,,-:_. ___ ,���r __ _4?_.-.� 1091 �vI ( i 110 N i SHO R ,. � � x ; � 3 i � ' f ; � _ _ . ; 738 . : �'', -��-- ; , :1 c.,�. A3.2--_ ����____ OOD-�. '{i TILE � � ' 3 1 r. �,�.,�i ; � � i VALVE EOCATION) ` < < _�__ � __ __.._ �.. . -- . ----o ��. -�"�} :� I ' � » , . _. , _ _�_ ��� ..,ffu' .v � tit f , .. ... . ..._.. . _ `, .t' "..._ a . ._ . __. � ...i, _— 3 - k.t ,. . � � REMOVE/CAP �ATER r _ ; ; REMQVE �VASTE VENT BACK VERIfY 106 . ,� �� p s- � `� �. �, o; � �, r , , , » ._ _ � � , i, . � -_ - � G 3,3 � ��� _ ''`r : };��: �� t; � , r47 " �� ' � � I B LO FLOOR 4 -4 '_ " ,,.. . . _ , . ca _ _ _ __,_• --�.,.�F�.. .._ -3�.,: r ' ' ' F 3 < oa, :�.��. -�3 ;; r€,���.� � �s r . , „ � �t`' � � L NES E W F , � ; TO STACK (OASNED) t 10 ; ,,.. � �- s. _ _� _. � _ __ _ . _, _ _ .�. __ � _C \t . ,r . � ,�,,� .�; �' �cT , . � E. _ _ 7 -, -; - - , „ - -.- -f-- - -- - � i „ Q � �',, �NI exis�... : . , . _ _ -� i /s � � � r ', : ._. . , .. ,. �_., : 4 .. .. F � � My;, _. ! . .... '. � .� � �. .� �� � ... _._ _.j ..._. _..__� -....._._. ,. ,y: i 1 ;��.�:�:. . . � \ .;: I'Pl f Y ... � �1 N t ��+ ,. � . � � � i M f 5 � � U , � „ � - - - -- - � ;,<, . ,E'� , � ,� � , t.� _ . � _ _.; 9 _ 1 -8� . ,�; .t CO�U >: � _ �, . 7 ,� ! �, , ~Q ,... <. . � , �1N�_. : 3 rt. 4 ,,, 2 _1� .,-. _ ._. ;�_. ; _, ..___ --t << SIiEI.VES = t ,.. .. ,<; �? F ;�. � _+ � S',:.g � �'dY , � ( � _--__ ___ ; REM�OVE STUD WALIS x , _ ..,, ' -- . � , � ; b- o �-, _ d _ __ � . , , _ __ _ __ ;:: ;:: :� � � ;;; ° �� � . T�� f '� _ ;� __ �. ______ � � ",. ' `°- _ ! :u ..� . __ � � _ .. � ;,,, r. t ,_.. : � � _ :� >; � . ��. < � RE 0 CO G.; ! ,...,, _. ,� OVEN ___ . � .. :i { - ____. z..::.: ,. 3� ..-! . ,.'! "' '"' *�z '�i=`'�`..�. �' � i x ; � E � �i RE�4VE DOQR � VE N ;: : � EQ. ' ,:: , , .. ,.,:; I r_. _. r a . ;. . ; � � �; ,. � �� < ; � 1 ., :,E�%{i� �i„ s. `�3` .� -�r , , ADJUST UTILITY T > , i , � 4., ,: , ;. ,,m m .�a: . .. , a ?_ _�.: , r�, k I g ; � €t ! ` 5D ��- AR I G �, � _ _____ i» , i � �� �'.. � AS REQ D. FOR � � «. �( �i N _ . . _ , :� , � o o c'7I"o- �� <,:. ._,:� , «�� � . •. ` I �r -e. ,f<, ; JA�B �' k , � ;..,,�; ,,; ,., � � , ( ` LOCATIO S AS r._ 1 �.. , � > .� . f:>: , >:, . . _ � � j �. I E � ;:�<. N 02 _ z ; ;. _. _ . - _. _ _. . _ ____. ;: . , , ..,, . , . ; ,'� � � - . , . ,,�- � . . . . .. . <.. , -� .. !� � Ai� �� :... -1 i .� s W: Oi�A R , . _ , ? ,�4z.. t:: t.te..�:. �:>''.. �... .:��, t ,� ��:;,_ ...t,>.: .'sr, . ..;` i i .s,:... i,� ..,_.�� . ..1irn . : \ 1 � r, �TOILET Y�' S E _ - - _ , l � . �-'� ----- -- .. . _ .„ ... , �.. ti . .< . r , t' ,. __ „ n� ! � s °: v in �j � �, . _ � � 4 _, �_ _ � ;: �:.: � - r _ _ -. � a ,_... , ,�` ' i _ _ t ,�,�� SHOV1'N ON 2/A4,1 5 <' -- .: t -2_ ; oo. ;zo ; 14 � `� ' , .�� i 36 ' a::..� SUPPLY n� ,„ � , � [_ _- __ -- _ r� x ; -�> ka's . .�#` h.^. Cvw �; ' _ `,� ____ __. _._ �_ s ; �� sNS .r'i� \ � I l �. �' ,,:< T °.> rn+ [r 0� ��! i �, i 1126 __ d v m u; �' 11» _� c7 � (+42") ' UPPERS �m !<..> T.V. � j �� --' J �� � � i= `o a� � �CI.Q�.. _._. REMOVE ELEC, PANEL LINES A3.1 � SAFE ° _ . _ ,, �, _ (�r38 j . __� � � �; x ,- � ;z - LKR. . � , � � � x I = _" ; o� . ;:� _ 114 �� t .:c,�,�. ,,. .� � CTR. :� _. L SNAPED -.. :r;--' '�l _ :w �' �� I `''�--a �i � ��.- m �. _ 3 A4.i FQR .�_.:' t ��:r. �t�. ;<«,�,.. tx.'o �: ,, ,�::,. � , cr .;; _ TR r, , , . - --� m � �a i r < 3, � - -SEE f TO RE}�A1N „ y ,�, i 3 p __ _ _ _ _ _ C . ., AR ,, �,.,..n» �-.,....al. ._ � � ( rn ,_ � 3 P " � _ „ _ � o ,� , . � _ _ __. sree� a s . _ ____ _ _ _ ti , � ` n�. ,_.. _ . , x. , T.P ; ` , ,; , ; � � � � , » I ' _ � � �;: `;:.�� `-� ;�: �S%a�E'� � NE �oca�iQN t r s _ _ _ .�� � � ,,� �xisT. � - : __ _ - - - _ _ _ -_ _ _ , .._ , , _ , � � : � ,:. _ . ______ ___ . _ : __� �,._ ___.___ _ . � , , ! , . _.. ,� � � : ,;,, i r 'N � 5 UD i w _.__ � � � �.._ T UPP RT _ � � c� € , Q S 0 ___.2-F _w y.. _ ,� _ ,� �, � , ;: 1Q3 . « � R STUD ALLS -, E�{OVE IN > . � .: ' z w TRASH .,,_ _.g'-$ ____.___�-: 18xt8 TILES _ �, I ! � :;; r > x� �•�;;,; < � � SQAP & ` . � _. , ' �� \, � <; , „ NA7Eft : 3 -8" . _ _ .1 r10 _ ', C`TOP, SHQ4%N ___- Yg ..� , I ' �' ._ � ;; � � < -U7iLITIES TO RE1�AIh�� REMOYE DQOR-� � ;: _ r r - x�:; •- �,; � � � o0 2 ;. _ __._�_____ _ __-___---r_,=, i "� _ �._ - � LINES . __ _. _ , �__�__.__ ___ __ .r . _._ 1 1 FQR 1 SEE ME . �� � { AQ3USTED LQCATIONS} � REM�OVE--�'� DOOR JAMSS RE�fOVE PQRTION OF ' F R �+ALL AS REQ D. t} AT DO(?R RE�OC ED .. . .... . ... ...._ .. . . .. .. ... . .. . . . .... .... ..� „ _ _. rf _ �_______ RE�IOVE POC2TION OF RE�iOVE Dt,,,.., .,...,.,,,,, u �yAIL AS REQ'D. FOR HARDy�ARE -SAVE FOR RElOCA7Eq (}OOR RELQCATION -SEE 2 f dt.i OEi�OLITiON NOTE: SAVE ALL FlRE ALARMS & FIRE � d�QR SCHEDULE FOR ALdR1� SPEAKERS FOR RELOCATION �N EACH UNIT NE� i toCAtioN -SEE ELECTRICAL PLAN FOR RELOCAl10N PLACE�IENT �µ 1. �� �'e"T, QUIETR4CK 3�" STEEL STUDS {?�ATCH EXIST.) � 24" O,C. �'s"T. Gy�B (fXlST, it� SO�IE L4CATi0t�S} Fl�l y01D 1�f SPRAY IN lNSUl.ATION (A} DE�I�ING WALLS � � 1 �A.LI� TY��E Y6pi. V� 3�" STEEL STURS s 24" O.C. �§"T, GVt'B 3�z"T, souNo BATT INSUL, VpNERE oecu�RiN� (SEE PLAN} (B} TYPICAL INTERIUR �ALL R___1_ i��„-__�---�;��;, NA�(` � _.� ��"7. G�yB �--�"T, QUIETROCK ',i-EXIS7. 3�" STEEL STUDS -NE�+STUDS � �N��LL AREAS � 24" O.C. rEXIST, ih"T, G�'B ,-�-FILL YOID �{J aPEN GELL SPRAY it� INSU�. I TRI R �� ( C } WALL � INTERIQR HALL 0 , -_ .� . � ,�_ H CPT. . 8EL0 BE C \ n i T P N r i A H F R MY ( � Ii.E • Q. . � , D 5 ED 0 ,� H P ICHE � � ti i�" . � REMOVE/CAP S A� 00 N �, .< » 'N .�'� 7 , � .� __.._ -: .. € :=43 " _.. � ; , r _ `v =- ; � � . 30 iN. : _ _ _ _-� °. , : _ _-°_ REF. TYP. i-, ___ __ �.1�y _-__�. : � '4i$ & f F ` `� � ; ��'RA ED � � �m T.B. � �+A7ER llNES EXISi. � ; BENCH /4 ? � i__�__ 06D -k CPT. CPT. T1LE � , . _,� � ; ; , ' ._ '-: � �� ' �ELEC. _.� _ __ _._� { _-._.�Q5.-___.v�� °s� \ A3,3 � �x �1iRRORtr! �115 BELOW F100R � ASTE ° � ___ __ � , ! � � �° � � ' _ . : ' : u _ �, ' `` �;�' � �QQK TOP __ KlTCHE , ---� � w___ ___.__� ��_ __ _ 7 _ _ ._______ _� ,�� w,.�" !sY�.��j °' , y �;' . � 1 � � t ' � Vi' , r., _ . � � _ � � �� � , 115 . , � „ �- j � „ __ .: ��> �� B,N. TILE � � � � �,� _ ' . , ' .; % , _ __ iQ6 c, , -- _ 1 _ ____ _____-��.�. .....A3.1_ __ _8� � 1i2 «, � i� x 3� S?ACKS , _'� ATH ;< �WI S.S. _ a-- -____ __ _ _- " ,Q _ - ; , . i �---- � ,. �: � � __. . _ _ _ . � ,.. __ _ _ � „ _- _ c� 1 ` " °� � � � � __ �-�' � � r � - , _r_ , ro REMAiN a � , __ . _. . `.; q � ��oaa _ . _ .. _. M., ;__ _ _a3.z. __ .. __��a�' __ _ ____ _a�, -� �_ __ _ __ _ _ ._ _ _ _ -, r � .s; �,. x��_. y i : � T � � ; 6 .., ... . :.. :_ , , � ' ' � -- - ; � c� . iO3 � -- � . '_� --_ ____ _� __ __ ____ ry =� � , \ � �t, ::� v CAP EXIST. �ri = :.. ao � m 'y ,} r.�.,.� . ___ _ . . ; , ----- �� __--�__ , �'-1" _ _.I� ' � ; � .i , �„ �_ DRAIN LlHES �; A3.t N R ' _ 104 � _; ,_ , m ; � � � _ _ . _ -. � ; r___ _\__.._._ __-� __ ----- .� � , � s H _. � F R REMQVE CONC. . � i „ ��1� ; M y. C�... ..., : _ � -' ; � 1'�?�� � _ �' . BELO}�j L00 >.104 ,<: . � � t F �� F j____ ^-:; c, o �� �� , < ze� '; i� 3 �:' c i i� 3�: ,�r ; s a '� � i 1 �.., � ; � 116 � A - "� ' AS ftEQ`D. FOR 41"H. L0� ` . ; ; ms :�; ! : � t �lx i � � PAHTRY v{ --- � ; -- - �, �c, _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ i _ ___ �-- , a � � � � � � n- � .- < ; . ;� . ` I f i o �< � L_ _1°' _ � REFR. �� �` T !�r�� � .� �" C � a �:.- 3 °- � , . ; � r - J CI.OSE � � � � i � r� � � � � TOILEi ASTE ALL .� ��% f� ii � �, ,=- b H� c .a W ', 1N 4NI , ., : > . �{ : � PP R - � _ � C : C -�.. _ ' o �n -;; < _ ti � t _�� �..-,.-.v.K-,.- ..�_:��.- � -,� . � �. a cy I � i , .:;; �., a�: -- ;.>,v U E 5 �lCRO, � ,, , _ , � r, � � t F -.v ;_. � . _' i ;::; ( w a. ; -1� -$._. , ,po. C , ,; o �, � �,i � FREEZER t� cv, w o c� o -, �'. _ `.GLASS ABO s V: � VE - � z c.� , . ,, , � _ , ..-. . -__ __ _ _.... .� . ; ;r- ; z ,A , :, _ - , - - .� r - - - - ' _, . ° � _ , ;:; � _ .z -�' �.i . ;>> , ., _______ ._ �._ _ ,- r< _ _ 1 J � � � ; � __ � _ _ _ _ _ , . , . __ _ _ __._ . �. __ __ ._ , , ,- , , , . . ; . , � , __ ,(� � } ti � �' r x� ,. _ � ����;� ; ,.; ,: : > � �. , . . > , ___ _. � . . �. . . . .. , �,. x� . >h':. _ ___ _____-- ., ,, �: . .;� x ,;c . � , ��..C? . . . :� , .� r .,. � F . .,� i �. . . . . . . ... _ ... . .. .. .. .�.. . .. .. , C.7 F, F , . . .�. u_:.: .i u�..7 .. _. . ,.. � ... . . .. ... r%` ..''\" ", r S , ., . _':. ,. .. ...._ . .._....__._ .� . .:�:. . , .....�.. .. ..,'. . _ . :: . _ .. ,. . .. ..,,. � �r�. �_.._ . �. . . ' J , .'N....,./.. _.�i`.i. .....,... _._.. _.._.._.. . . _ .._. .... � Z � . . . :, , ._ .. ✓ � � � . � I � °- AZY X UT I� �� T. , CAB T. `s. i r «, � L BO 0 'V V � � P ' '- '1 � i � i � SOA & s �. E � � IL E N s. . T E a.. � � � , : I N � a RE�IOVE CONC. 'd' � LI�EAR DRAII� ' u� -�� SUSAi� E PANTRY AS REQ 0. �� i n,_ � � I � � I� AS REQ'D. FOR �. i E a- �` 4 CIRCU►T i STACKED y�ASNEftJ � � �� SHA�IPOQ '� "� BENCH X U s� RT. FOR VENT STACK 2 100 A1.S ° x n. ' I 1 � RT. �`- "°- NICNES �� � SNOWER �ASTE NOTE: START 6x24 „`�'4%4�' : 3 � 3 a- , „ w v �;� BR�AKE ' DRYER �"/ S.S. PAN crr „ w c� 3 � T � „ x A3J � ; n � � s i � '_ 7 " �c x �� '� � � �%4* 5'-7 " _ ,, � ; �a 15 -4 , �(` E i � " , & DRAIN BElO'� 0 3��_��__ 41_ .,_ � __ .� -2 ____��__2'-Q" ��i_____._ 3' 0 �,.3 � ____ _�'- ?C_____ __2_-�3 � ___ ______..__ _ ; - ATT R ' ' " TI P E � � 4- t '- 1., __--__.__.__ _.._______._4______.______.___.�__��_ N 64Nf LE N E 4._____. . ,__,_ �__ 0_--__._ �. .__ __ _. , -, ,�'��/ �t- NORTH IN S� CORNER � 5H01NER ��'� -��� YANITY � "'� ` � �� » � INSTALL VALVE FOR �N�T ���5 4%"'" '- 5�^ (� N��' #�j�7 1��� \_� f��- 5� U�iT �691 SHQN'ER oN Tt�lS , �� , �yALL SEE INTERIOR5 � � j(1 j"1 j.� j] j A�T �' ,��� IVOR7H L 4.l U 1 i� 1.1._1C"i l�I ti� '� �._ __ __._.___ .____ .__ _-.- --__. __ ------- ..._____. _ .._ _.________ _____ �,_ A1.1. �CALE. 1/4" — 1'—�D 1. T�imen�ion� are ta face af GWB, face of �heathing or face of doar jamb�. 2, Provide header �uppor#. a� required at all wali apenings. 3. �moke/�ecurity �y�tem� f�terea �y�tem� �hall be by Owner (N.I.C. ). General f Eiectric �'on#.rack.or �hail coordinate �vork wiih i.mdependent Contractor. 4. Fire Treated Wood Blocking �hall �e norninal 2 inch thick and �ecured to Structural member� for the anchc�rage of all �urface mounted item�. Bloeking �hall be provided and inStailed aS recommended by the manufacturer of the pro�iuct to be znaur�ted on th� �*aII. Blockzng �hall be included for all the electrieal item� {ie, recegtacleS, �witche�) and bathroom acce��aries, zncluding t,owei �arzner at A�m��er Baf,h. 5. See 3 f A1.1 far wall type� & typical can�truction. 6. Install 31/,�" T, �aur�d in�ulation in wall� �hown a� ��>zkz� '<< In�tall open. cell spray-in in�ulation {� interior wall� qh:own �� �.°'�'�"! In�tall elo�ed cell �pray-in inSulation +� exterior wall� �hown a� ;�������,. Extend r�vallS & inSulatian between unit� to under�ide oi meial deeking (See 3EfA1.1}. 8. Contractar �hali be re�pon�ible for paiching and repairing area� damaged by construetian. 9. Exteriar �tucco rnodification� �hall mateh exi�ting. 10. Grind any high �pot� off exi�iing conerete floor in order to in�tall new 5/a"t. prefini��ed engineersd �v€aod f�c�c�ring level �where c�ceurring (�s�e v Bid}. S'ee Alternate #2 for �/�"T. prefinished engineered wood floor on Seif-leveling concrete. 11. Unles� otherwi�e not�d, all new interior wall� �hall be 361�" :metal �tud� t� 24" o.c. with (1 } layer af 6/$" GWB �n both side� (l�beled as 4�7j�" or� glan�). 12. '���.��iT, wall;� (� �hower� �hall be 36!$" metal �tud� C� �4" o.c. with { 1) layer of 5/s"T, GWB C� nc�n-�howex- �ide anc� (1) layer a� �`2"T. Dur�ck � �hawer side (behind tile). Shower ceiling shall be s/�"T. type 'X' drywall with �z"T. durock & tile below. 13. The fallowing wall� phaii be 1 i�our fire raied: -Sauth wall af Hali #100 -En�ire Ea�t wall of Unit #685 between thi� unit & adjacent condominium unit -Entire West watl af Unii #S91 'between thi� unit & adjacent condozninaum uni#. 14. Ali �eilings af unit #'s 685, 687j6$9, & 691 �hali be fire rated 2 hour� with (2} layers of �/�"T, type "X" GWB. 15, Patch conerete floor� a� required to match exi�ting concrete th.ickne�� and reinforcing at ail �iole� betw�en unzt� at removed pipe�, EXIST. GyVB T4 �e��A�r� -Moo�FY �'RA�fING AS REQ�i?. FOR G1NB AROUI�D COLU�N EXIST, STEE! BEA#� NOTE: DETAIL IS SI�IILAR � SPRAY !N OPEN CELL N4TE: (2) t,AYER5 OF Gy�'B ►�UST �(}Di�'Y EXISi. FP,A�91NG HAII �ALI.S -INSiALL �ESH It�SUI, BETy�EEN CORRUGATED � AS REQD. r0� (3) I.AYERS & 5TEEL STUDS AROUND DECK{NG 8e TQP OF CHANNEL BE ��hpNUOUS �QR FIftEPROQFiNG qF �r�g � rp����{}�g (BAR J015TS AS RE4"D. Tb JOG AS REQ'D � SOFFITS) EXiST. S7EcL " EXIST. CONC, FLOOR ; D�}�ENSION5 CQLUMN 1 SPRAY lNSUL ONTO__ �.__ � � � � � ���� �, & STEEt DECKII�G �_ - - -- ; � SNOWN (7N PLAN _ � � � � = i �'a T. � i � _ � _ __ �.�� I�ESH AS REQ'D. 7q -_ _ �___ �,i EXIS�ING EXTEkIflR � '' �- NEV� KD-354o t 5E A1.! � � z ~ STUDS «, � n ,,:� \^i Q �' ` c3 �._ _ .____. ti �� -� 2 �,, �.� 4 � \�' �v � Nt, GLASS � 4O 51DELITE � ,� ,�- I AR DRAI LE N N �NSTALL VALVE FOR SHO�yER QN THIS �yALL -SEE 11�TERIORS SiART 6x24 �uNN�NG BoNo PATTERN � NE GORNER �_._____ _.� �� . .�,� _ .._.__-r_ _. _ �� B� t�� �# ���o����to�r �- Ap�licable C�de�: 20U9 Internatcional Buildin� �ode, Fir� �'ode, �echanicai �"ode, Flumbing �ode, 8c Energy G'ode, 2006 National Electr'rc Cc�de, - Tyge of G'c���struction: T,ype 1B -- Thi� projeet �a�a���i� of a rernoder of Condo unit� 586, 687, 689, & 69�. (a�rProxima�tely 1,6�}0 �q, ft.} on #.he 6th floor of a 7 flaor building. - Occupancy G�l�:��ificaiion: R-2 ° Thi� buiidin� i� equ.ipped wzth a�priankler �yptem. �°T. QUiETROCK �'a"T. Q�}IETRQCK cWB �"r. ci� f•--NE�{ POPLAR 1�" STEEL CASING gTUD �RAI�ING� t � � (3) LAYERS pF � 4�"T. G�B AI�OUND ALL STEEL CdL4J�{NS (3) IAYERS OF EXIST.� �"z. GY4� s�rEEt AROUN4 �LL BEA�I StEEL COLUMNS �XIS7. FRAl�ING• TO RE�AIN {�) c ������� ����. EXISTlNG EXTERIOR STUGCO V�j 1�OISTtIRE EXIST. SiEE� PAPER TO RE�IAIi� �pL��(� � _ ... .. . ..... ... V.._ h .. ...._;. . _ .. � • ._, n... . , ,»�� �IODlFY EXIST, FRAl�ING AS REQ'Q. F{?R 3� LAYERS o� c1N� � ca�u Ns _._. . . ., .. _ . . . � �.r, r� 1 3�" STEEL STUDS f �� a �; � SRRAY Ii�5UL. ONTQ . `. �"T. QUIETROCK 1 T RI R CASING (POPLAR) �'�U��� �f� ' � � � � , ,� f i � �� � � �/`�' �. , * � � I�� (�IATCH EXIST.) r--�-- � �. - t �--���� - � i - +j---� � i� , � �'_._f � �10lSTURE PAPEft '� � � i ! � i ,; ,�. � ` � � � � 24" O.G. � `� / - , � EXIST. STEEL BAR � , � i 34� STEEL 5TUD5 R�I.00ATED D(14R TO REl�AIN � ! ; � € j � � ,, � �' � Ej� CLAD DOOR �� T. �� ( � : ; � �= JOISTS TO RE�IAIN E i STUB 1NALL F4R {�fATCH EX1ST, � ' ' � � : ' � � � 50FFli & CLG. » } ; � �"'s � ��.,�z � � ��� ( �i ,� ,:� :, � � � � 24 0 C. FlLL Vfl{DS �/ E � Y,.�, - , ; �m, ;--- ,. ,� :�:; f,. NE+� POPLAR 3�%" STEEL STUDS ' � EXTEND GV'1� & , CLOSEQ CEI�L ----------�-! CASlNG � �. %`�. �' ,. I i 3 i FRAfv�ING {7YP,) FIRf f (i�ATCH EXIST.) ! i � � �: .� ! � - :� { QUIETROCK UP TO � ; -BRAGE AS REQ�D. � 16 O.C. � I � � ; SPRAYED-IN �` t � ;A -` TREATED SPRAY !N � . , ; , _ �_ �_._ . ,.k�.._._ ` '� �� 41��� ,� t �� BOTTO� OF DECKING � I s SOUND IE�SUL r 2i ,, BLKG. INSUL, {iYP.} r�'' (3 IA�RS QF �J (3) LAYERS OF--� r EXISTING EXTERIQR � � ;' ' �" " STUCCO YY � � I' � , r,' _!__u_`y %� � - � STE�EL�COLUM�NS f f � X >:'�. �� ' 3�"7. SPRAY IN � ' ��r- G � ALL EX{Si. VB / � E � .: :: i , t ; ' ` , STEEL COLU�INS �IaISTURE PAPER � � y, �*:r � � j OPEN CEIL INSUL. � f ; ��r� _. __ ' � T4 RE�iAIN ' � �� � w �:; � � ; CHAt�NEL HUNG FR01� 1 ` [ � � i � � �� � �' � � � ( � ,�'� �'� 3 i � ;%—�aR �o�sTS � ; . � , i ���T. c� � ����. t��� �A��s a� (A) +C� �.W: GIE��A�' gZQ{J� {B} B�T�EEN �RE.�.�" R�QQ11+� & ���TE� FILL VQIp W/ �CLOSED CELL � SPRAY IN - �NSU�Ar�oN I RI R Z � - � cs �_ x � � (D) TYPICAL EXTERIOR WALL (E) VERTICAL � DE�TSiNG WALLS 8A. FINISHEa CLG. h_ � ..��__�--------___,. _.---____ ____,, EL = VARIES F 3' ' (SEE 1/A4.1) � '�: -�URRIt�G CHA�NEL � '� � fOFt��'a"T�G�+B `Ci.G. �` i s (2) LAYERS � L �a ? OF G�MB � -KNUR�ED ANGLE �``� _._ ___ ALL CEILICyGS & SOFFITS {F) VERTICAL � INTERI4R 'VY�LL,� HALL SIDE (FIELd VERIFY} CASING � HALL TO- �ATCH EXIST, PROFILf & SPEClES (REUSE EXiST, iF POSSIBl.E) STOPS TO �IATCH ���� dJ���.L,3..t �� �����. ��.L:�L 1✓V�V �l�i H� EXIST, PROFlLE & � SPECIES__ __._�_____.__� _ _ _.�_ __ -------_____._..__�.� _ ______.. _ ______________ �__.��__._��. �1.� ���.�,�. � i f�;' � �°_�" ' , : i �: � � •� � � � � � �f� i ' �" � t exisT, c� ra REMAIh� -�ODIFY FRA�IING AS REG!'D. FOR G�E3 �ROUNo co�u�fN EXIST. S1EEl CoLU�iN ex�sr�Nc �x���o� S7UCC0 �(i �1C7lSFURE PAPER TO REI�AIN FII.L VO►DS y�j CLOSED �ELI S�'RAY IN IKSUL, {TYR,) (C) C�? �.W, 11�A�'T�R ; � ������ �� ���� ���„'�� � '��,�..� � s ����,�� '�.����iP��� ����� �. � � � - i �.� �.�����e . ���.w��.� �'���� ¢ _� � � ; ��..�..��� .� � . �� �.,�.�.�..� , � ��.� ����§ ...m� • ! : i :� ��M� ��� � i1 i .. � j -� , �. .... � i � � i ` � � "� . i � � • . . . .� . � � � � �� ' rrr � . - ,. _ _ , �, . .. � ..� - � ... . � . " � ." .... � . . .. •,. � .. .r. ��� � � AC � �� � �� � � '� � a � � ,� � � �� � O � � � � ,�r� '"fr �yj o �1/ .�.,i � � C/"1 � . � "'e}� 'e� t*s � O `� � � c� ' � � G.� � A �' � � m � d � �� �'.�"Mi s � � � � � ������ DATE: 48J2d/12 DRA�; BJR Sh�EET. # ,� �: �zo�s . . � ' �' S CaLE :__ i j�„ ` -� , _ �„ �6"T• �ULI CflVERS (POPLAR) TO (�ATCH TIP QF KD-3540 CASItyG N N � rn i iV �,. CLAQ k SILL TO I EXIST. � NEW V�NoaV�s IN fXI�T. QPN'G. KD-3540 CASING (P4P�ARj . A�c�i tlel.�nnil,rc NEjN CLAD a40R y�/ SCREEN nnnR iti �YicT npN'r, wf ri en FUTURE EXTERIQR UNI7 FOR NEVR' A.C. & SCREEN SHOVIN DASNED FOR REF. . � . 4'-3 3J4" _ __.. .._,._. _ .. . '71. ;;- .. � -_. -::. .. _. .: _.__ ._ _ _- � ; 42" 1�A�1 �1D. F.V. �'/ POPL RG � � `'i i ,; � .__ ! � � , , ; ,, , , ; S �f � �� ________ � j 1 AR HO DASHEQ OU OB S N !HN , �� ,, ', --- �� � ' �E! RIFY OU TI G HT. � - -- _ _ _ . ,' '� {VE �I N �t ) � ; �! . ; '; � � ` '� ,� -- \ }--- ' i �: i i 3 ! � ; �; '' � �' �, � PO�ER & CABLE E ; ( � �._� i '�; i AS REQ'D. FOR T.Y, � �-1,�� '�,; I i oo; �' ia _�_ ,I _._. ,, i ;, y 1 �, . k -- �+ �ml�. `��G r. ,ii �; � (VERlfY HT.) � E` 4 3F, ` a.._____.___, i �+ �, , �ni W !--_..__ __.:�� F�t �t i � � � � �;� DRESSER i? ;_ ______�-----,.._�`��'i;° � I �i°' , ,:,. _. _ ..r ; (BY OyyNER)� __� __� .._- __-r- ____r;� t , ,__ � _� __�. _ _, __ _ __k_�, _._ _ _�_ �, il � _ _ _ _ _ ,__ O — � _ _ � ; 41 ! � ;�� ��� i i � _� ;�, _____..______�—._.x�______�; ijs ,� . REINSTAL� EXISi. : E � ' Ni ; ; ,ii ; I ,' J; � � RADIANT BASE BOARD � ' � � ' � � ��` ' � FEXIST. BASE , ;� _ _ ._ _ - __ __ _ ._ ._;-- -- -- _�r� _ _ _ ,� � �� � ; , ' , � � ' NEATER �+f COVER BOARD NEAT ' � , � t � �i� � a ; I � ! �s t � t ,�� � j i !'` -__�_.__'___� _ �� � ,' _ _� l�i � r _ _ __ r �� _ i , _. _ __ _� __ . ____ _ . _ ,, , -� _ _ _ �__ _ _ i- ___.�_ __ ,________�_._-----_________ �__ - _�._�� .!� , �, ___ _ _. ___-- � KD-4QB2 BASE � DOQR TO {POp�.A�) uNir �ss�/sss �A} s���� (Bj WE�T , BiEDRC}�}� ��. Q�. (FREFINIS:KED CHC}�'0 �HERRY STATNED ALDER G�ABINETRY, 1C1"751 FI�ED DQQR P _ ����E:_ � f�;, _��___�,��;, ___�________________ _---___ ____ _�____________ ______ ___�______________ ___. _ KD-3540 CASING �, �'�"T. ADd. (POPLAR) � � SHELVES : , _ a _. � - m � �. ; Y�� . _ _ , _ �,- ' ° � � ' � � 1 � �n ' RECESSED � } F ! : .; � ' �' �" .. , j SAFE SHOWN � , :: ; ___. ___ ; : , . . . � A �' "T �', ', �_ �"` i; ': : : � i RODS sHeL�s d SHED (VERIFY 512E 3 r ; ' � � � � �Nf ��MNER) j � ,i� ` � � � • �i : � � � ,l � � ! . ity � i (1� � €! . • � �4 E . i� i i i i ; : � , f ' ; i � . �1 • � � a ��) ' �, � i '��� ; � : . . . . � � s- �, . . , , . ., . { . .. ,, .,.__ _. I . .. � ` �''' _ --_ _. J �-. (POPLAR) �_1 4"__�; •� L {A) �QUTH �B} WE�`� (C'} NOFTH �Lt� E'T 1 C}� 11�ELA�[INE �HEL�ING, �oFZa� m��� _ _..__..� ��_�_----; - ;,� _.____ ___ _ _ ______ _____.�___..________�______�____ �CALE: 3�8 = 1 --4 $�. ,;;; T1LES iN HERRING- ;_ EQ, �'E�lLL_TILE. E��__ _. : PATIERN (�ESFI �I � � �� 'i �f ALIGIQ ,)QMPfTS VTED} ; i i ; �' CIG. �{I � + � � r � �(ALL JOIh{75 v � � iE�SPE�ttu GLASS PANELS {FRA�iELESS) i ' �' BACK T -- - ��? BACK PULL ` ; � FRAl�ELES i GLAS , ;SHOyVER DQO SACK 70 BAGK si►�. �g si►�. r�tes � sHOV� ! A3 -CUT AS REQ'C . � � ' ; ��. __�CALE:-� f8�� -i_ i���-;� �s� �EsT � '� w �18x18 f1El 11LES (TYP �HAt�DHElO sF+41'�� �tf SUPPI.Y ELBO�, HOSE --=�; & 51DE BAR � �� o� ` � �� f _.� ¢ cv � 'v BACK TO SACK BULlN4SE TILES � SHO�{ER JA}�BS -CUT A5 REQ'D. (TYP,) �. ,y„ C�� � C� � `; i'fJ i�r.�. n� !n nnnn �1.1 nnnrr\� �,!� �- ; -4p62 BASE (POPLAR} P4PLAR TRI� � � i � � � � � � ,.�,�. ,�.,.n,,,an- SLAB MIRROR W% KO-3800 POPIAR CASING (DIRECTLY OPPOSiTE BATH #iO3 QOOR) -$ACK OUT CASING Wf POP�AR BLKG. AS RE4'D. DUE TO THCGKNESS OF �IIRROR �'� �., _ M't— �% � � i�. ° PELLA CLAD TRi�{ & SILL TO �{ATCH EXIST. �IA7CH EXSST. �ALLPdPER AS REQ'0. ABOVE CHAIR RAIL ; �-- — �' . � ! ' �. , � ' � a I' . (' i 1 ' I" " I � i .. • . ' �. ; � i� .'. � RELOCATEO � ' OUTLET DUE � �70 NE�( d40R i .' LOCATiON i i . . � .... .. '�.�, . . . REL�GATED �QOR PATCH �+ALL, BASE & CASING TO & DRY�ALL AS REQ'D. �1H�T #gga � OLD �OQR LOCATION �1ATCH EXIST. Y�ALLPAPER AS REQ�D. ABdVE CHAlR RAIL � _ _ , ::., _ �.._ _ ,.., _:�. _:.� ,_� _ ... . _. _. .. . _ . __ . i � �__A____ - -, $ _ _ �-� ` SI�TGH R00) � �'.. . . � ' ' �� � i� �� �� :�:. ; � E� i # PI.AQUES � ' . ' . '� � ' [ I � i3'.. � , . . � (I � ; i . „ • , . . �� ` ( i3 I j• . . ���� � � �. � . .. � � . _ , . . • . � ' � � �: ��i '„ !�, j. ' . - � � � : � ' I)j; a� i ' ' • ' i ., � � � tl � i � .. � � ' ' ` •� I � I ` ��(�, E � � � '.: �::: ..� ��.__.:�.�.�m�._�_. ;, f ' ;:� f.`�� ��� � � �;� C � f; __. � � � i � . .' 1 � I t ' .' • � ',�E ; ! j�i ��'• ` ' , ' : �(I; �� �; 3�„ � � � .. . . i� 1 � i ' i�Ii i ... . �� �. . . ; � . . . �c, a �� � i � .. . . : � , . � E . �. .,. 1 � 1 . . ' '�� i� � 1`r ; -. .. •: 1� , � . ��3 ,_..._. �... i �.::' .:.: .'.�: _.� _. .n___._.,.::. _ :..'.�`�.`. i : ' ' � ' ; � tl r .__ __; I�: ( RELOCATED d00R ' PATCH '�JALL, BASE (FRQl� UNI? 691) & DRY"�All AS REQ�D. & CASIi�G 70 � o�o �oa� �oca�oN uNir �sa3/sa� �A} �t}UT�C . - , � :� . * ; •. , . • i KD-354D RELOCAFED FiRE KD-3540 CASING ALAR�i & SPEAKER CA5(NG 1'-2'" .; (POPLAR) (+g4"} (POPLAR) UPPER ' RELOCATED �— , �_p° T- TAT FOR S RADIATOR (+��") , � � im !v ' � _ r NEA7 PU�P : - ; .__ " o�', @� `�"�_ € w T-STAT � t ! +� {+BO"} � � ��F � ; B ; i '� �-- � a Ms: m 'r';� ?¢ O � ( t ` F�NISHEp - - ; ,' SIDES & _ :� .. BACK ; � _ :.v: .. .. __ , �.._ : ' ; _-�_� RELOCATED DOOR DOORS ?0 GLflSET gHq�LO�( BOX j KD-4062 BASE TO HALL {STRIPPEQ pUTLETS FOR i i'-7 1(2 ;, (FOPLAR) & STAINED} BOOT yyAR�{ERS '� � $E�C�# � �;� DEPTH (�} �voRTx (D} �vo�Tx t� �ENC�i KD-3544 $ SCONCE LIGH7S 3x12 BUILNOSE CASIHG SQFFlT ABOVE (POPLAR} �IfRROR A�.� (SNO�'N DASHED) TILE SURROUND �_ � _ -_ � �_ � SLAB � ,� �iXED TEi�PERED ` �I{RROR ,= GLASS PANELS � � {FRA�iE�ESS) �� E` 18"L. T,B. ; � � z � i: ri ' {{�`�") ___.. .._ ..___ _ '' 18"L. �.9. � i � ' ' 24"L. T.B, � ; � i} 4 ) ' . . �: � ^ FIXE � � � _ ` . � ��5¢�� . <:: .:. ::, z TOP D�R. ! .; �` ` 2cm QURRTZ � ,,,, �. �, .__. � _ ' . . v��'i; �IDDIFY D�R. SLAB S.S. � 2cm QUARTZ '�' � __ r , ti,f : x �,' 5LA6 S.S, a FOR P�fRAP . .. __ _ . , �1 _, _ u, � , - .� � = � �: ; �n = ? ; = � �. cm QUARTZ � � `� � _ � • i! SLAB B.S. { � � � • � , � ���._�,, ..._ r ; , � � �' � . . _' . . 2cm QUARTZ � � � �--. i , . _ _ _ . . C'T4P �"% � 3x12 B.N, <o= `"'4 a� ' ' �ITERED EDG� _ _� ' .! ; TILE BASE ' ' �, i -! (EA.SEO) �; � ; ; ,._ . . _�` '� ,. DOOR TQ 3xt2 B.N. ` ��°� ., 5�� 3x12 B.h. BEDR00� T(LE BASE � �'-� � r,i-.1��" >-- 1'-1Ci�" � 11�" ;, 4B TILE BASE VANITY A�. #j rt ; , , . _ 4�-0" __ . � _ .� (�} Sot�Tx (B} �'EST {�} �a�Tx 3ATH 1 C�� P�EFI�VI�HED DARK OAK �ELIIVGA THER�A�`OIL C�ABINETRY, �LAB I�RAWER,�, PC}PLAR '�RI� A��� �'CALE: 3/8„ = 1,--0„ h10TE; PROVIDE FAlSE BACK � GAB'7. TO AlLO�( FOR �IAit� �+ASTE STACK TO i2EM�AIN 8 CONESTQGA COV� �11 51}�. KD S NG (CNGCO CHERRY S7AIN) A3.3 � (POPLAR}� ` I�ATCN EXIST. wALLPAPER AS REQ'D. ABQVE CNA1R RAII. _ _ �� � ;�� �� _ '� ,� �. , � .. . � � �� .'� ��..; �f .. ; . i � .� i , � { � �� ' � l i i �� � ,: . . � � ��i � � • , ', ,j � . � 4� i� ... • • ' I I - ;j r � ! �� ___=___• � � � i _. � , ______ „ , ___ __ { � � , i i1�' �: � � . � • � � � ,i ` � � . � � i � s 4 � �_ � ��� ' ' . � � i '� ,I�� � � , i � � >: ��s ,�• . �`•. I j , � , , -. � ... .,.. . �:;, . € . . � � � . � : ' ::. � , : 4 ., 1��=�. . . � � ' -.': ...... . ., .W_�...........' ��...... ... �� i; _ ___ _ _ ,l , RELC}CATED DOOR (FROM UN�T �685%687} PATCH �'ALL, BASE & GAS]t�G T4 UNIT �691 & DRY4YALL AS REQ'D. � OLD QpOR LOCA710N ii � � . ____ -j; � �_. F. �'*'`''�'�w � r M I, ; --- �' a � ,,, � � _ .__ -� ({� ����� 1 I �; � _ .,. __ -�.:��. EQ. J i ; l � ! �' � n � �, � . � . � , �r� � � i I � '`_' ' _� ; H i ��6 � �� i � r � �Q, Q. l' i � i � . l Q S i� - , � � --:�__ - � � - , I =i�;ISHEQ : �.___ . ,_, ;____._-.-----_._._.______.____---._._---__3 S�t�C 3 �" .___ �', � , I � � �z � � S�Vi�J � i f ' � ;� M , �i� � 3 BACK ;(; i I,� ,`li ;-� 1�2 .q.�� � KING SIZE BED SHt�}Mh! �,� c> 3 ( i� �; �: 5CRIBE 1 x DASHED FOR REF. � � 5 ( � � � , n i , ,, ; r 1 -g , � ; , _. ___ ._ ______ � ! , � �; �� , �� �____r_____-.---_______.___.._._-----_.___; ; i ' � ; ' ��=___ =�_�� ; �,-___ ._� ,�� i I i E : �i - _ �i ; . __. _. � � i f ' 3 ( _.. �' � t � ��-���--_ 3 ! � � ,� ,�_____�-� , � r -� `� � � ! , : 3 [oj (�?, 1 ; f i �i `�� I' %p'; '� ��' I' ' I E �a�l l=i � 1 i�; ��w _.__.� � �____� F i _� r ;�; � DOqR TO �{` _r! �� ____.�,r 3���� �a i I �� � ' � _._ ,. �.�__ _____� _ ____ _�. __� ____ _____ . __ - --,I: �� BATN ! _ - - - _ zT ;P_, ��.;____._� ___� ____.________ _____� ___ �_� � �__ __ ___�__n__ SHALL0�1 BOX � � i1�z"T. HARO�(OOD EDGE ON OUTLETS FOR 2. 4*v I,, i �'4"i. HARD�OOD YENEER EXIST. BASE �aa� ���t�e�s �E�cw �iprtN�'`�i i�" SCRIBE BOAR[} HEAT `_4 7/8" �yALi (E} EA�T OPEN � ] � � ;.: /�� J � ! / f� I � �` � � �, _ 'i .:�:� t , ,i - �i/ ' j ,; .. sia�. {�� ���T t�y ty r--coh�s�o�A 9a}�2'�, CONESTQGA ��M�?: � .n�� _ __._..,.__4'"�" ._..2 ._ .,_m t a�.:r ��µ . ;_ 1__4"-. : KD-354fl . 2'-2° ; � ;�� , 2'_-4" ,�„ CQVE �11 K�-35d0 �DEPiH� GOVE �1624 �i (4) EQ. �QORS �, �'4 T. ADJ. UFPER � CASING UPPER � ' -r� s ; (CQLONIAL STAIN)� � � ; ; SHELF {TYP.} ; �o ; {2) EQ. DOOP.S;', iC4S.ONiA.I STAi±�} GASING ;4 {POPLAR) �ASH/DRY . " .��E 0�� (PqPtARj; ' -iNFI1TE OAK' „ �,�,, _ .� � w �,�� - � � 3x12 B.N. � , ' � � � . � � . _ , , G is „\ �J s �.- � _� �� � � ; � �� -� !�. � s CIRCUIT . � o ��. � . : __ _ ,., � � TILES DBL, HOOKS � �n ' ; BREAKER _.___ ° , ' i ` CLG. OF' CAB�f. � _ ._ _ _ _ : . . i. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ � � "' ,r„ � ; PANEL _ ' " -__{.. , � , � ;�' ,.M a __�1",_: Ii00KS � BACK, ' SEE iBJA3.2 jw ' c.a�r� �, � dt SIpES ! , LOCATlQ�V i 1 F4R CA� �RY a � � i � ��� GEILIf�G, i � DBL. H40KS--�,� �, � ..�� � .. � � � , � _�_DBI. HOOKS ' ` r � , _- *---. ' @ BACK OF � — .< A BACK QF � , I a , ? ; � � t =. CAB'T. � � � ! _� '�' z �NSFALl. j�ASHER t �i' , � «, '�,� r�, : ,4 ; CAB'T. ; �;:. � _ . ? i� o i „� � � � ALIG?� � -° � �, � 4 � � � , ; � EQX AS REQ'0. 8Y # SNALLO�( °.,,, - ,}p►Nq ss, �' ` y�« � �i . � it. ..; SLAB _ i � �.`�., � �iFR. -INSTAII . .f ,� BOX � �� , � , i REVEAL I � � � � ; � SIDE , ; x w SHUT-Off VALVES `' � ( . r g�+ITCH£S OBL. MOOKS � � ;' E i `'iz ` i+�? � ,,- s ^ � � : _ ._ _ �� a `� IN BACK OF URPER _ � I � ` �� � e ` GUT 51dES QF CAB"T. i 1 � �� a � , '•. � :¢ W ^M o « : , <:,, , N' -� � CAB'T. FflR '�A�HER � '" � " � -- _. ��� t - � � : � t f �. : _ , � �..Z ; t �__,. ; , � ;� � W � << ' -- 18x18 . �, i�c � _ . 711ES � FINISHED i� i IXED � � � a �,=�'' nd. ALL CAB T: ;� � ACSE BACK � ! xn': c".,r � P0�'ER AS REQ'D. �OR , `� 'r �""� SIDES, SIDES & 1 ; PANELS 1 �°' , ALIGN � _ � �'��.__, � ( �� I CkB'T. TQ ALIOW. � �n; � �, ; Q(ASNER & DRYER ; � ?j! � SIDE OF CLCI5ET , "�� , T� & BACKS � ' i i � � 2'-6 1 2" ` AP EDGE OF � j ' � ; �i' `cq PANEL � � $ENCH ' ; , ; fOR �t'ASTE: STACK �� ; , � __ _ ___._�_.____ _ ;',` � ;; � ;i i � KlTCNEi� BOT. OF KD-4062 ` _ �" N� ;;I I�; (, o� VERIFY NT. V{j p�FR. f S,g. PAN 6 � (PAI�ELS TO � BENCH NICHES BASE & I ` 'x �, �� 7� x;� � ! OOORS FO T �. ROQh4 z a ^��. ,,,� �� s AROUNO FRONT ,i, �+LlGN 1� FRpNi �II ��U s � OPEN �.IUti ','� � KITCHEN ,.. x „ ` � � ; t . __.. ; � ,,�.., '�y.' �x _ i' EDGE OF CURB ,�, I ) � - KI}-2140 t � x CRA�ER � � � . >i a � f , i, ,z , � SUBSTRATE ShiOE � _ --�_ .-= OPEN � "i°� _u.�s . , � �� � ;, .,,�SUDE SUDE� ` . _ _ _ _--� ; o � _ � -_ � - _ �.� �,� �; {F�#2�! A C'TCP.) � ,I, � 3 -_ .i �___� m _ , .__. . ______._ _____ _. __; _ ��_�.- .-'; __ ._ _ _�_, � � � � � __ __: {POPIAR) , ; i { �: � C � ; � � � P ; „ ! �I-IITE OAK VENE£RED @ENCH ; _ _._ _ ---- REI.00ATED DOOR TO ' ! ( ' SI�{. SNALLO�( BQX � 3 ii 3 t' 3 � 3�; C�IESTpGA 381 ;(�� T{}P �'j 1�'i"H. +hi-IITE dAK KS?-4462 BASE �� NALL (STRIPPED & CONESt4GA �381 ? � OUTLETS FOR �.t� 0%4"���x t'-9� I� 1'-5�'" 1 0� ' � ,�; FAISE � EASEO SWARE EDGE $ � APPLIED BASE ,� ��'�� ��4�__ i� 900T y�AR�{ERS '' ��� � EQt1�1+L� '"� � APPLIEQ BASE & ? gACK ! & KD-2f40 �, STA.�ED '�J APPUER ' / �583 BASE SHOE 1 SNALLQw BOX OUTI.Efi fOR SHOE {POPLAR} I�OULDi1�GS) {GRAY STAlN} CIOSET{t�EF"R.J ��^__1 `-t�" .LEGS� --__�_--� �1�" (C410N4AL STA1N) �.� --1��$_"-� BOQT �ARl�ERS (*i2"} -�HITE OAK PA�TRY GA6�7, �IXED TEl�PERED GIASS PANEL (eRA��Less) �-. _- � � ; � 4 � :� � r P� r -- r >i ; �c��� sASt V�/ Ti�� su��ouNa � SHQ'�ER D04R -�iiTE OAK "LEG" DEPTN -B47H SIDES OF BENCH {�} so�T� (�} WEsT � �oo�S (B} w�S� t� (�) �r��T� {�) ��,5� GYI1��' �+IALL ���'�� �. Q� PREFI�VISHED CQL4IVIAL STAINEB RIFT C�..TT �VHIT� �A� �'���1�ETRY�, T�6Y��375� D(�t�R�', r�1PLA� '����I : r.lfV�� � �e_�5f v4°T. SLAB 6"N, SipE SPLASN/ BACK SPLASN (2cm SLAB) 2cm CTOP. {1�fTERED & EASED � FR4NT ED�E} �__.____. zo � ° � �� _ ...__�_._.���....�....____ . .�4. � ��_. � _._..�.�� . ` {�.. � � �� I°'� � S ��xa f � �" � � i � ��___ __ _ _ __ f , " ' �� �I£k.A�IN� � � � ' pRA�(ER � i � !� �a ( � �,� `�— ------_ � 0 _� � . � _u. �, 8%" 4l " _ __.____ _. � __� � �lEi.A�#!NE ORA}�ER �'.�°t. SU�1't�P �IOOIFY DRA1jyER gax As� R�Q'�. DUE T6 SIKK DRAIt� �-(1) IAYER OF �"T. G�B & {t} LAYER Of �"T. QUIETROCK �-EXCST. �1ETAL STUD y�ALL rSFRAY-li� aP�N c��� �Nsu�. (s�e SPECS.} r-EXIST. GµjB & TR1�1 BOARDS � HALL �„ � � , � � ��� , �XIST. CP7. �`,���j��� � _-- � - --- � -- � _. _._. �_ �I�`_'1� t %`�< . � � . �, � � . �. .��M�� .....����... .:� �.....��..._..��- _ _. ,..,,. i 5 �i�nN { :� -,��--VANITY DEPTH_�. � � .n � �1.� :�����i� �� . � � (������ ��� ���i� �, � � "" � �°' � ;.� ` � � � ��' � �� ��� ������� �} W � ������"�.�.�������``; , ��r'r�. ��, �t� . .�.��..�����,�.�� �����a��.�.����..,.� � • �F '� �.�.���_-<.�-�x�,-�� n, °k � .:«Fl..,,�.k._�_ �.m��.��:��.�. � ���' '� ° �� �w �v. ti��,-�,. ��...��� r �.��,�.n�.,�, ��,...�. �, ������ � �� ���� ���� ��� � � ��� � ��, � � � �� �C,S ` �' �°�'"�""� �� ��� REViS101VS � �_ � � � � � � � � � � �ir /h� h Ew �,� = y^�,�. i/.� � � � i"��1 ►� �► � r� � �J � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � °� � � �� � 4.1 � ao'" � � �� � �■� � � U �5...� r� o �., � ��� 1��1 CCt .... � ti �I *� i . yr '#� r���,� �3 � �y � � t � ,� � h� � �� " �'°' `� •...q 'f „ � tiL' I � � � � � � o� c"'" `.�► :;� � � C3 � Aa� � � � � OU � �� �° �' .� � � � � � � �� Ca � �� � C �% N �,�j � � � �{y', C .�.a � M . � � � � o� � � � � 9� t+z � M � OK> � � M � � � i �"�! � �'i.2r �� � � � � ������ oA�. aa/za/t2 DRA�: 8JR SHEET: � ,� �: i2o� ty" SCRIBE GLASS SHELVES ��� �t52� yERIfY SIZE & SPACING 2°�(, FACE FRA�IE FOR ,� DUCT BEYpND �� 2 p� ' � , x -TYP. � GLASS UPPERS GLASS PANELS GRAY STA1N) OF STEEL BARS �/ CONESTOGA CONESTQGA � SHAtLOV� BOX S�IITCHE5 i�` i SCRIBE",,�' �-Y�- �`- -? �y`�� � t" j-� ' VENT HOOD +�J PUCK tIGHTS » � ' REIaCATEO FIRE CQVE #1524 CQVE #1524 � �� j�.� �'� T. AOJ. C TOP, SUPPUER `�� 3 �`�"T. ADJ. �((2) EQ. DOORS �(2) EQ. DOQRS >> SH0�1V DASHED ��NESTOGA -SEE SPEC. FOR VERT. TftAY t�4TE: C�NCEAL STEEL BARS ALAR�I & SPEAKER (CO�ONIAL S7AIH) .(GRAY STAiN) ���1PPERS�� �� ROD it� CLOSET � ; j; '� (� FpR REF. COVE �1524 �LASS TYPE SHELVES {+84") -�HITE OAK -�kl17E OAK ; 4 �t ca SH4jkt� DASHED � s SHELVE$ {TYP.} � ; �; �+ (GRAY STAIN) tTyF, � DIVlDERS ON II� STRUCIURE I�F CABI?yETl�Y ____ _ � �r __�; ._ , 4 �._ ; , _.- _ �, , . __ ._ , __. _ -y ` � __ , . . ,. �, , - •: .. . , ., ..: � . ? .__.� , _. ;- , ; , � � ---- ,'�`� .- ___ _ � FIXED PANEL . GV�B . '�.. . . I ; .: _ ;:. .: � � � ,_ x �. � _ . - � � . �+� , _ ., � � - - \ /J --__\ �--� - - GIASS � `+= 3 .. , . . .., .. . . . . . . , � � .. � � __ , # G � .�t. f . �. . �: �.�,'.: .,: 00'H �0!.T. ; �, ,� \ . I .• , ���. w__.......�._i�^'' " (y_e..�_. �_ �.... -'" . _:_. ...._,'. __'' ._ _ � .. '.. � 11/ _...... .. . �� ,..... . � • ,. . �.x �..: . .. ' RELOCATED __ ; � �,.j � \; ! . - _ _ ', , . _ _ _ ,. . __ _ _'� ----_ `'., ___;__-_ � � , t , 'a' SIDE OF UPPER 3 � ' ; , � ., •.� x \ , _ C f I ; r.� o i tr � : _ _ _ _ , � , ,. • :°k �%4 ' EQ. •: � 2 -9 ,.,. EQ. . , ; �r . cr _ ; i s �. 1'-9 7 $" � 1 T-STAF FOR , � i i a ;,. .. ,: ` ; i � " ��-9 7��� f ; , _ ,; � ,.,, . o � , � , , , , , � � __r � :� � '. ; SI�. C�D BOTH � . .. ___ _. ; _t !o , t ! ,y3��_�. ____,�'.�_.._.�_---�' „ n _______ _ RADIATOR ° � ; ; � ! �__ _ ao � , r, , °o � � 3 +, I 2 �y.x� T. � •- � cv I � t � ; � !. ,: , , � � �. � ` \ -_ . � � . � � ; . - - _-.; ,- SIDES OF HOOD _ ... __ . _. w I ; � � „ __� �_. _, . _ _, ; j ... _ , -�.. ._ _ : � _�---� _ r " �,; ) : � � E i - Ha� : _a; {+64 ) _._ ; : ' ; ; ; . : N � , -----� - . _ _,.. ,�, ! �� � . ,r,�. I � � i C� COQKTOP.: .. ( ; I L S ED � -*� t ,_. - � _ _. _ ___, PANTRY � �;, /�, � ,li = 3x6 �IETAL ,; . , ,. 5 �" i ; i 5 , �~ ' ' ' _ ._ _. _ __ ._ _ _. . , f � � _ , , Q � ST�EI. BARS TQ , . , � . _ , � OD ,. _._ . _ f _._: ; I � _ � _ __ _- _ __ __ ., ;i; PULi.-Q�T � �u �,.` y . �� --� ; � . ' , , , � �! � `T ,� � `' �,,,, ' ,; itLES _ _, .:� ._ H4 _ . +..' " �, _:_ ___ _., , A3�2 _.. . , ! _, ; , , , ,' a . t ,.� � _ __.. _. --k f , . . . �_ . ; �, ; , � `': � a; m ! � > ! = i I SUPP4RT C TOP. � , � , : �: � SHEIVES � ` ' ' ; ' -- --- =-� '_. _. _: _ '_._ _ [ , _., _ ._ _.. .r �. 3cm SOLID r., 3c SOL D J ,; � , ; , � � ,_ _ _ t' _ _ � , u. �. _�. __t_ �_�.��,,_L� � � ; �,,J r ,_ ..� _... .._ ,_ � CUTLERY. . , ,. � �o ' 'NO I = �{., � ! � J HEAT PU1t�P , + � � ;s � i w � ; I L__ _t_ - I .� � . � .._._. � _. . _,__: - , , _.�_ �.._. . _._ . � F cv N �- c FIXEO � � SHO'{VN DASHED �, _ _ � , . � .�.a , � x r {TYP.} .�. � � � � �+, : o„ , . .�,, SURFACE S.S. ,�UftFACE B.S, �,, _ k `� � `� ��,, , � ,� -, _ _�.-{-__7_ __r_. .- . '~.. . � ( � � �� , __. c� - , ; . , 7-STAT , : SLAB *�,cn � - � � ; � �,� ,. _�.__i_. _lOUVERS � 4A �T._� ,�! � w �,..._a_ ..._.__ TRAY� . . :.., \ ;z N ; � PANEL , t> cy ( ; f 2 -6 N.xi-7 L. _., » ; , �� . � � F t �,a , r- � ; � � _y .. �_$_._;FIXEd_�_ ;. ; . .. _. -,_. _._. __l_`" �. ""�_l___.:____ { ) ' . +60 > I i . � m ; i � r _. _�,-� FOR yE�1T. �Z- A3,2 - -_ _i __ �o .,..� .._, . . . _ .,. __�. . � _.:_ .__ OIV�DER . � . ; , ' ", ' NOTE. ; _ --,: ; I � � Y� � � � �,-� I � � ,, e, � � SIDE .-� I � �. ; � ,� o ,, ,- -r r -r i �, � � , , , � `�' , _ _ .. __---- i , � . , ; �.. �_�___�, _ �.w_� NE -� _.__. . ,_. . � _, � G r- � .r --� --- A64VE �ICR4.1_ _-{ � ,_,, , �, __. PA L _ o w �l � 1 � `�._� - ; _ � ; : � W_ _-,: - - -,'! � � �- r-`- � � --. 3 �, VERIFY =. � v_ , _�._. F _. , , `'7 - �"i , . ..... : : :I , _ ._. _'.,� �' Z � , � � i . .� _ � _ � : � � i . , . ___... 4 , ,: > , : � . , . . . ,.._.. _ . .._..__ . � 4.� �`=._'�:J _ _ 4_�... 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I , ;� r �_-,.�_ 4 � G _i o ��� c��; ,�"� � � o �. _. _ _ ; , SPACING , m , :, ; er _ ..___ � , PU4�-OUT , -_-_"._ -d-c�'�'i� �s 1 � w � � , __.. __ __ _ ,_. _ ., _.__ , , , -a , __._ � �`�'._ , FIXED `� � _. ca � . � , , , r cfl : � . aocKe� ooa�s -� i ( � _ _ __ 1 _ _ _-- -- susar� _ . �� � , � � , c, , � -- - _ ', - _. o, � i x -'�' t-`-"�.."F ! = y T AR - ; � ; s r , � � ;� , , ..; . , " , ' ' R � : � p1�r'EL B KNEE .:: s ; , r : , � 1 , F = \ � ' �' �1F . ' _ _ . R F rn , � cv . ;.,.., , + r .:,; . ;`�' ' ; �`' id � � '-� z`3' PANEL ii i , 1 :. BEYOND SHOVt'N ! , , . : . ` <._._> �..__., , S,S. F ON � _ ' .r. ! � '; � � � » i E : �*, � � a PACE ��- � � r i cs � M rn I CAB T. �% i c.� 1�I r*� -- __ t�____ S F \ � Gl ��. M -=-�-�. -�y . � :. F � ( 'd� iLt � °( _I ; _ _, ; . . i . i � ;. � , ' � �". . . _ . ,' L... _.. .._ _ ._. ._ �' •-; . .- � '; O', , ; �.-� y �..; � ' : 1 . ; -.: ' . ,. � . t�- .� __ �_: ._ _. ..._. .. ._ ._ e R�..�..�.�.+�. �� . � .. � \ �i �. 3 � ! ,, . _ i �. .. N ri i FQR REFERENGE : ,�; x ( , � , , i , , t , � , o; . _... _ _ _,_ _ , ` _ , „ �• ,,.r». � � t � 1 I ;. f ,. 3 � , ; _ ._ _ ; , . i ; . _ �, i , , l REVEAt o , _ •� CENTER �{ALI. _ : : �, . � � f � , ; �____ '----- .' � K 4 AS i__ _.F_ t._t_ __ , , k „ �, � � � � , D Ofi2 B E . � i; ._.. . ,�: �� � i � .� . . 1� M, . ;_. ...... _ , , r�, c�,; '. :� . --'- ,... . J; ! 1 f «I '� cy� q � , '; , : ; � , , � � ,; , # tr; , x` _ ,: r , � � .�. ._ �,, , . T`.,, , � � � � , �. t f c� = i I o I x i,,,� i, �'1 T. ADJ. w �' 1N CAB T. TO I . c�t KD G�4O l_._. ... �a� . IU �,� i i . / �:. '. , . , : i �:� � }�. �. � , , . , _. , . _� ... cyL� O ; � '�. 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't_ ,�,�. �..I\___ 4 � � . ..�.. . �`7.._.......,_ `t , - - , � FIXED ; �� I � � i iy"- � � ; j , � CONESTOGA �J381 � SIQE OF �/�+HITE OAK � � i ; � ____1 t f2" �.F.-` _ ; � RQLLOUTS i ! ; E � �� ! t CQNESTOGA #381 ; ' CONESTQGA #381 ; !,-2" _ -�--,r�._- i `� ; ; i ; ; � 2 �i » N ' � �y , � , � `�( � i AQJUST CAB T. BOXES AS REQ D. APPIIEa BASE & A "T. � E TRY , „ � , � ;� , » � » , � » , M ; , « ; , » '. �_ 3 ; T�_ 1 ^ ' � » �' PANELS �'; 1'-11 1 2" ' " ` � ' , M CONESTOGA �381 Ai'PLIED � _ �, tr i �`[ „ , « ce N t a a , » i - �. � F.F. '- � i. ' 7 4" F R T E UPPORTS � 2 3 f ° 4 . / t -7 1 - $ _-Q _ _ ._..2 -QM _._ 4 S E l S APP I BAS ; APP I ASE & 1 4" _ . _ , _ � , - ! - - - i � -6 ' 8 2 � �L �2� _ ._ ___---- � _ __ __ A HO L ED E& _ L ED B 3 1 � � 2 � ._..__. . , � 583 B SE S E - , , � , % ____. __..�_�_6_r_.__.,.________��Q__--...._.____ �_.__ ..__�_.____ 1_ Q ..____�__Q_.._._ �_____2_4 �_._�.1_ 0__;,_. .__2 �. __. , ___4_,� _. $ ..,,, ,,, CO ESTOGA 3$1 APPLIED , . , . ,r ,� -� � 1 I{ .-1 # 583 BASE SHOE � t._9.. , , (CQLONIAL STACN} r__._�__4__�._.� �,�----�________. ,� �;�- :�� �- -r -r 3 , N # BASE & �583 BASE SHOE -�� �' � , � » t Y # TALE. �AB T. BASE CAB 7.' ���� BASE SHOE '` CLOSET PANTRY ` S.S. REFR./FREEZER (2) EQ. DOORS `�pRNER CABINET CABIt�ET GpRNER' DRA�ERS TRASH " V�AR}� O�+R.�OVEN':` BASE &#583 BASE SHOE FIXED PANEI DRA�RS KNEE ' „ (2) E(}. DOORS d.�+, (COLONIAL S7AIN) pEpT�{ (GRAY STAIN} (IEfT SIDE IS SHALLOyV OOOR DEPTH dEPTH DQOR �-f'/ �- S�ACE (CGLONIA� STAIN} -WN1TE (7AK F.F, �'------------ .--��-_--�---------- f,' F.F. (��►-QNrA�. SfAiN? -�'I-117E OAK -�'Ii1TE OAK DUE TO EXIST. DUCT) FAKE REVEALS �2 {GRAY STAIi�� -�yti1TE OAK RECESS D��T.K. (3} £0. PAHELS -y�HiTE OAK (A} WE,�T (B) NQRTH {�') EA�T (A} ,�aUTI� �B} WEST (G} EA�T �IT�HE� .� (��7 PREFTNISHED GRAY STAIIVED RIFT CUT WHITE OAK CABINETR�, TW10751 DOOR� DRAWERS, POPLAR TRI�vC � KITC��� I L.�i1�T�..J P�E�`INI�HE� C(}LQ�TiAL �TA��VED RIFT �UT i+l'HiT� t3AK CABINETRY, TW10`751 DQ�R� DRAWER�' � __�.__Y.�____.____._._.._�.__._.._w_.�_,._.w�_._.__.__-__'_._.__..__�..�._u_,�.._..._...__.w_..___.�.�._....._._...__.� _____.__, ..._.._..___�....�.._ _._._ _ ..______ _..__ . _ .._..... . .._._. ..__._.,.... . ____.. . .._ . _..._. _ , .._._ __. .. .___ _ ._..,. ...._._ .". ,_..._ , . ��__„ .,. 3'.. _... ...._.__ _..._.._,...__..._._._________.�...._...._._._.__....�.___�.�..._.._._. ______.__.�.__��v ____,__.e..�_____.._..__...__v.._._�__.....__ _____._.___..__.._.__._._�_u_____.._._.�......��._.,._.___..,___�.._..r___.____ � _._....�.�v_ � _ __- - --_ .___.� _ _---__ � __ _ _ ___ ___ A3.2 � � -� .2 �CALE. _3f8" � 1'_0" _______.__-------- __._�____ SCALE: 3/8 :D-3540 CASi�(G PO}�yER & CABLE AS REQ�D. F6ft fi•V. & gRACKET 2" CONDUfT IN V�ALL TO CONNECI � RECESSED 50" �/ALL �ITD. T.V. & $Y ��E� T,y. TO C01�PQNENZS ily CAB'T � UpPER ��'''� SflUNDBAR (SNOy�N DASHED) li� � � _�Q _ �, � --- 4�-_4 � (�`'_� __ _ i ncaru ? NICHE ABOVE F.P. -vERIFY HT. I VERIFY �+f T.V SELECTION �A���� � SiORAGE FOR �pNESTOGA UPPER A.V. EQUTA. COVE #5524 PANELS �(pASHED�tCOL4NlAL ST , . __.. __ , �_ ___ �_ _� _ _,--� a __: _ _� _. , - _,_ . -- . _. ._._. x _...a ., , . ..__ . . __::- _....w:::��r.._._.�.::�- _ _w��.:�:. _�,-_-_._.._._ ..._.,.� __ �.:._:>��..._ ��::_.,w___._..�.�::-..�_. �--:�� � __.... .c_ ' t- r.._. ____._..r:�_w . _a`,.�.� .-r �--�- - _x-___ � .- . _:r �-r..,.__-,�'._. -� .. - ._.:..._ _.. <--, _:- . .. , ._. . _.. _. . . .__.._.... ,_ _.._._._ --._.._ _ . .._...___._, ,_ - - - - - - - - ,,. . ........ . __.__ ,. ...._._ _. �_.�...._. ,.�,_. . z.�.,.-� Cq4 . �. F�._s..�.,_,...._'r� ».,,.iz...... �'vrc.,�r,� ` it_ ..._. . . . . ,._ . ., _ . i j '�_-r"r .,,, � S t �, . ,. . _7_` r` Z? � __-r t 'r � - � � �. �,,,. i �-�-s: �''i �' iI ` ` "",�.""'t'�"J.i �, F". �T � ��zi 1- i- � S Z'" r--" � � ,i � `-�_��- �; w >; i� t � ti --x-,�,� __� _ �I�E � � tt. �� _ ;, r ; ' ,! �: � 17ER �_�?��-�a i � o- !! 't�f i �` i � �i_ �_ � ' - , . .. � � l�ELA � �t � � �, : L ;, 1:, �, ' m _���_l._ a ;r3i= _' I �� �i I��" ;�1jo1__ Ll'_ ,. _.L. "1 �' ri' i u.M- d - ITER COR ERS '-_,-- '/, ; N � _ E, - �I �---- _,.._ - 6R ERS � � % ' E � N �-�� � - ' �'---�� -�� _ s _ -�-� �'` '� � � 1 FIELD �N FIELD TYP. �-a - t--=�- ,-� r �'! � ; i ' ; _ . _ ;, , : , „ lj �. _ , �', � , i °. =-.�� .._'�: ; a w. , . y..�.. : . �==r'z.�--�,_ 7.{_:r-.._r-- y.�.x ; _ ..._�. _ :..'x ._ 7: � �:.`- �,�x � ;+ i _ . N ��� ( ; t ) � . ,, ? �- � � '; �i �'T. ULL I � {TYF.} � _ � , � � ,f � �: L.�J i , - _� ,-_,_ ,,R� o }� . ' _� - -_ ` � - „_ _ _ _ ,. ,.__..� --�-- -_ _ �; , �is � �.1 i 1 ' � - ___ ____� �: � _ �� __ _i'�`"��"_�""T. �,�; � ' � r COVERS (POPLAR) ; - , , _ _.�-. � - I � ,--;- �c- =z _ SQ. EDGE "� ru� ___ , ,I', -r'--- -r---�- � i, � `� - �°. � �' �T _.1_ "` r ," i. ,. i -�----�--'-.:__� x � vi iI , � F � � -� _��.'�� i . _z;-�:_�_L.m�:.__ ___�:.� . _-_'�- �-=', ._= � ; PUCK , _. . r ?0 i�ATCH T1R �f � �> { , � --.�-�- x`�z._ (EASED °' cc; �' �; ', ; `, � � - � . _ ,; ; - � _..�.���; �I ,_ ;� r y,� , '.SLAB SURROUND._ x � 4g �° , ' �__, � K - 4 A i G __ _-�_ __z ,', E , � , ; , � � _ �. _ ; - T v,� _ r._:x, � � UGHTS , QUARTZ '�. ; : r a . 0 35 Q � S N ? �w s � z_�-z .�- -- TOP & :-; ;; ; : : � ; ; � �. . �_T. _! , � _ u _. �r_m ,::m. A3.1 = � . �, � , , �_, __-, _ � _.r � , ' BO`i?0�1 , . _. ,, __,_� , - �,--�- � , . , 4 � _ _ �aP r� _z.` '-,i- � ; - ) } _ � f_ � � � � �. : _ _ .. , , 3 , � _. � v °t, _._ _u �w_ , r,� ; f � t: i.. - _ ��, , , _ r � �: ; 7A z-- �--�=z- � ,, � ; � � _ _ ,�, ..�. LL ' � ` �3.2 -'-�- � -�=� ! �' E T�z� �' co _ _ _..--. _ __ « ..._ _._ . ._.. _.__ _, s' _ , ` SIAB �___ � �: ° . .. , �: ��__ , , �� , 1 __ _._._ � __. _.____ __.__, � � � � � z-- - _ . _ _ .. 7A' �.r: _._. _ _ . _ ._- , . ; , HEAR7H �= �i.. $ I � �' �� . 32 =a� ��:_ � ;, , � _� �, � �_ , -�- ,- , , �» �___�.7_ m� o, x ; �; �,-` ,-- ; � � � - 4. � VYl T� az: - � - __, � _ , � -�t-- ° , � �. _ _ < _ _.. � , ; ,� - . , �;_„ _ < 1� ._, rx.7 ; � � IlER CdRHERS ! � �x , . � _. _ _ , �:;.: i�,� �ROCK�ACE ��; �� , _�-g '� � � �,. ; � � i = , , , , �' "� � \ e S r� C5 EDGE � - � �� �� _: , , = k �� �5..�� � r�i � , i � z : ; c� �' , N ELD ( •) � , ��' r� .. .. ._ _ -- - __ � ; � � _ ._ __ ___ _ _. �-� ! � _ �' ;- `--�-'�-�Ls � � ��_ - SOLID � _ � � _ _ �.. , - - -�_ �; ; , t , , � i �.� �-��_ �-�-� � �', ' � ' E r _ ; ., = ; P NEt � . , _-t _ : _. , � �. r - ��- � � € DOORS TO �� � NE�/ PUILS ON U.C. i2EFR. „ D40R TO R 1 STA EXI T. f DQOR TQ E N LL S i EXTEND 1N��D ,��� 1� M. BATH $ALC4NY RADIANT BASE B�ARD SLAB RECESSED TOE KICK �+j � , � EXIST. BASE �. BEDROO�I ' � �� EXIST, F.P, GLASS ��_ », , HEATER �y� COYER #583 BASE SHOE (COLQNIAL ,�=-_2_-_2" _� � BUARD HEAT ; ; FLOOR 8EL0� A3.2 DOORS -SEE <��_._�� .� __ 2 -0" __ ,,_; SCRIBE BASE CAB'T. 3cm SLAB HEARTH �J j i HEARiH ALLOWANCES 1�^ �I{TER CORNERS STAEH) -NMITE OAK 5"T. ROCKFQCE EDGE , s� 1' 6" �_ 4-6 t%2 �-- _+ _1 � 6"_ .. ; IN FfE�D {�`YP,) 3 � �� �BASE ' -� (JPEN BELOW � BASE ' 3 CRIBE (A} so�rTx {B) Sau�rx � F��EP�cE �� __` �� RE��T' F�(�(�� 1 C}7 PREFINI,�HED C4L4NIAL STAINED RT�'T �UT �+j'�HITE OAK G�ABII�IETRY, T�1C1751 D�QRS DRAWERS} PQPLAR TRI� {C�} WE,�T --�' _______w_._.________________________�_ ____.__,_.____________________�_____ __________.___..____e_. _ �___ __. ___.� _ __ _ _____________ _ ,_ ____ __ ___ ___ . ___ ._ __ _ __ __ ____ __ _ . SCALE: 3 f 8" = 1'_(}" sr�uaR� EacES -EasEo TOP & BOTT0�1 (TYP.) SLAB 8.5. � {5LA�D 3cm 4UARTZ � � �'� v - (VERIFY THICKNESS} M�TERED � EDGES � - � v U KD-354(7 CASING (POPLAR} �; z �, � �i w ^, ° coNESTOCA COVE �152d {CQLON�aL STAIi�) YERIFY SIZE de SPAGIt�G OF STEEL BARS �+/ C'TOP, SUPPLIER , FULL HT. SiRIP � - I NT E RCP LG S SE ABI TRY BEYO Q ° � � 1V0T SNQ�+{N N � i �"T, AQJ. 5NELVES ;� _�'�4" i '�j 2�h"H. EdGE � � CORNER 'L�-SHAPED ; {+48K) i 6B STEEL 5AR {ANGLED) � A3,2 , � ._ � � r , � (+30»} i SNAU.C1�4 BOX `� � M. _ _ i i; �._. RECES..Eq � i r � i; � QUTl.ET5 =�� ; � � �, i K�-4�sz BASE �,� � i i i„ w i & KD-2t�0 ;� � r i � SHOE (POaLAR} ;� i � � _ ,_ - _ i � _r_ �_� �____ ___�� �� , �� � � � ; CQNESTQGA �38i ( � � � » ?�`��� I � 1 °2_ 4 -3______ APP�.lE� BASE & #583 ,�___- �---_ ___ �F �i�r� ` BASE s�oE (co�aNia�. �N�E � {2) ��. ��N��s STREN} -1y�iiTE OAK SPACE �'�1�" F.F. 1y' {�} �r���rx �` � ` ., � ._ __. � �,,. . } ...... .__. ...:�..__.__._.. .,. . .__._ . ._._._� � ... ' l� ,�, .....,�... �.i _. _ j ': �� ° L• . ; .... .. .. , ... .� a E � * � E � ` 1�2„ { : � r_ __ __ _ _._� _ __.. � .. 1'-4 3/4" 2'_p^ + ,,^, , ' -- . _.�. _� . .. � k % .. � yyry : s . _. . � . , . . ,. _ _.. _. � , ITE OAK w . __ , ____ _ _ . _ __m __ � '�' � . � A ( ,. .._ ... .._...�_». . �_. f .. 11" ` � .. � � t... � � : .__ _ - �, �: � i : � I 1 � � d ii , \ / 1 �1 � x � .�, ; , � ��, i. __�____ _ _----- � _ , ��,--� ;-- ;----- . : . ---� <� � � , , ti,, �, �., M � � ��"r. ou�ac� � � = "SGRIBE KQ-354Q _� __ K „� � �� �'� t,r�� � � , > �;, _� ____. . \ a _ _ _. � �__�� _ r ___ ___________ � _ , ; u_. _�____ ____ __. _ _,_ � _ � N i: � �, , � ; .. _ __. _ J [irHii�D SiONE - -� _ ___.___.. ___ _r _ �'r-- � ": _'' CASI G �; ,'�f 1 4 octi � � j � �` � �� _ t -2 _ } > T9lES � , , � I � `;: {POPLAft) '� f! I = � tX� ' E �i KNEE SPACE� „ �o- _ __ 4 � __ - ;�; , � � , ,', (� ,� �. I �W� _ __ . __ � ._ ..., ..M.� � j � ' % h ; ��� E� 1 �'4"T. SUBTOP � � -- � o �� �- �� ' � �� � � �� ---------- � , � ' - ° ._ , �'; , i ��_ ,. � � i �� 0 N. r- ;� jf� .. -_ �� • i , € k { �� (TYP.) cv , r .,,, . . ..., � . i � . ' ' i � . ��. . .., . � : ' �' � i ♦ ' ., .. . ... .... . ..... �_ �;; ,, f, , �, � j ; : ; i i i � �� � BLKG. AS REQ'�, x + �' i�iTER STQNE _ � __ _ i�� , �_. _, , ; , �i `� � i � �r____ ` � �i w 3 ° C� CORNERS � ' VALANGE (� � � � , ° i j ; r�; �, � I, � � � ; ; , i � � '" � t �f I • �'4"T. ADJ. �� , x �- � , � � j ' ` , L_' �, �' � j � I ` SINK CAB T. V �, � � SHELF �� :� f co � � YP.) �. . _ _ _ _ _.. t, , I ` ' . ,. , , _..._ . -r- --. _ -- _. _. _. _ . _ .- _- --- - _. __ _ ._ .. .�__ .._- _ , s ( i • , t_.. r. 7 , _J IS �� ' \�_� ! j 1 1 i �r c�`o ;� rn! ta I �, _-. --. _ : . . , , � ,_ N__ __.__-._�_�_.�_� ; � 3; . i ( f ; O W s �Z, ; . i �. I � . ' ._._,_ _ t i°o i � , � �; � i. i i : : a ; { i i { i �.3' „� i , � { � � f N , , �. �- �a, �1 Q, i � s i . , ; � � � f �__ k, o � i t [ ' i '° . - - �� i � � � __- -�' 'o �(a �f � '� � � j _ _ _ _ -- _. _ -- .E_ � t.� � IQ i � � � � 1� �� � � '� � � , , ; � , � , � __ :� �� , ; , , ; a -�_ ._ _. _.. _ ._ __ = - - _ _ __ _ _• _ _ _ _-� i � � c� �; ; i ��; � � „ � � ��, � FRA�ING , i. , cw i�(ASTE �IHE FOR � � 1� � i � `, x�tn � , . i� . ' % � , AS RE�J D. ` ti 3 ; ;; ; , � � K[�-4062 BASE & E ; � ; ' ' � CENTER �yALI ' ,� < i , ; , ; ; �� � , ;___ . _ _ __ __ ._ ._ � :;, _ __ _ _ { j �� , ' ' ' SINK -T1E lNTO 1 , ; , � "`� ; I ; I __ _ _ - �. ', ; � >-; KD-2i 4Q SHQE � � ��� ; ; � i � i } � BEY4N� TO SUPPORT i 4 L' SHAPED STEEI� BAR { ` _ ' _ x ' :___ _, ,, EXIST, PLBG, I � t c SHELVES & CONCEAL SHQV�N DASHED FOR , � r� ;m RETURN STQ(yE TILE , ' • ' {PQPLAR) � ' � � � + � ,Ii ; � ' ' ; BElO� FL�OR SLAB � � � ; 57EEL SUPPORTS ` REF. -CONCEAL I� I j ; i y � & BUTT I�jiO SLA� ; t � u = _-^ _ --_ __ __ --_ __ _. _ ___ _ _ __._. _ . __ _._ _ _______ _ __ , � , ; � � � , ; , , =- '�, ' € -,-,-.._ _._..._.. .._.�..___..�"`__ __.j._"____�W�.::��.._..___._.�...._._...._.___.....�......�_._..._ ._._ '�.�.... __� .�.._.______._._..______..� _._. i . . � � , � � f. STRUCTURE OF CAB T. : I I � � ' ; ; ! FACE OF BASE ;� ; 3cm S10NE SUftROUt�D i DOOR TO __ � 4 uN�T �685 I � ___.1____________��____ , � _ _ ._ , � i � � �__ _ ___ ,_-___._-___,-,- _ _ _ -- , _ _ -- - -__ ._ _. _..... ._ _ ,; i T �- - i ; _. , s oNE BEto}N ; � � 1� �� �; i i � �, � � � � SH01kt� DASHED ; � ' �� �L, 3 ��� ; � � �. <; , � � _ 4 �, rv � � 2`-0 3/4" . � = i i ; CONESTQGA BkSE 381 & .-. _ __ , _ w . __ . . s�Ae RECESSEO raE ���K Wf �,�n ; ; ! # m _ �x�sT. �, ; � r APPROX D£PTH � i ^ j � �� � ; E w � � w � ` i f� x ;,.,,, s�° a � t-r � t �� � � �,1 , ,-- :� ,,,� , � � I � ,r i� � , � � � � ! �� � � � i � G_ ��� EAST #583 BASE SHOE (COLONfAL �, z�_p^ � 4 2�� #583 BASE SHOE (COLON�At- J , � � � ' � � FRO�! FACE QF ' ' SCREEN & � � ; STAIN) -jNHITE QAK ,�- _�_._,� _- ___ �__ _. _ --___ ..___� �___ _ -_ i STAIN) ~i�iTE OAK ,i } � � ' cr FIREPLACE UNIT ����A�! „ ., Q � � (��EA'T I��lt�� i 4'� CC��TI�TCJED► �a�r�AR TR��t r ;� ; G�ASS ,,� ,�_ w � EGTIUN 1HRU I LAND Q �i y DOORS , _ i ( �._::: . .__. _ ______._.__._._._...._ _..,_.__ .___. _ .. ---,-___._ ._..__..._....__. _ --_..-----_....�_.,_.�__...._ _ .._.a_- ._.__. _. .._._.__..._.-.___._._____.._.___�._� _,_._..--._._._.4 ; �� 4 F . " : € ; . . ... .___-. _.___�_.,___......_.._ . t`" J :.�'''... �' ; ! � ( � . 3.2 �GALE: 3 f 8,> � 13_�a, ___ .. : � _____________._ _______ .___ _-- ---_ ________--___________�_ _ ___ ___--___ . A3.2 ---.___ __._ ____.__.__.____ _ __.___ _ ,a SCALE: 1„ � �,_Q„ ;� �W ' � , � � m ' � � � EXiST FLUES �� � ' ' �� � N, . --.__ _ _,^ � __-__ _.�._ ..� __�en__ :< L. - � sTaca CO E N � ,� ; ,� COVE #i624 (COLOMAL STAIN) ! � �. j • • CC�NESTOGA #97051 ! ! �i"T. 6ACK E)t7pR PANEL ' '.I . w ., `� , . ; � �.., . NarcH€s �t� �ACx . � � OF ShiELF TO ALLQV� ' �' FQR AIR �IOVE�{ENT • �'�"T. ADJ. i 4 � ' ' _ � �4E�A�SI�E :.� f' (� ..�_..._ �..._._ � ___ _-._.__..�:_ _a._.-M�.._,r__. . ; ,, ; � � � _ sHe�F � �� ,, .� , _E.�{ .__.__ _ _---.__ __._tti__ .__ ___________.__ .:___ i SEE �LOOR PLAN FOR ` --- i SULATIO i ALLS iv N NNt � __..__._ ,. ._ �,,, ______.__ __---_.___ ___.�1,_____�___ .------ - � � . __ .. _ __ �_. � _, E . CANI{�� � PANEL TO � : � • � � �a T. ADJ. � f : � . • � I.: ' ;�fEIAMiNE '? t:� A1�0� FOR S4UND ,� i .r �n _--- __ W--___ _ �_ , & AIR �{OVE�lENT , , � ; ; SHELVES ;I �:' � a i k� �, j j; + :�' � HQl.ES AS REQ'D. � � � I • • FIXED SHELF =, � • F1XED SHELF , �.,, �� �oR v�N'n�A�naN � � . � �'' € OF A/V EQUIP. � ,';: �tRE CNASE :_; s'' �RE CNASE ; � `s'� � B�KG. ; :.� �', � �i � : �; { _ ------� . � ____ - ; ,� x � z � j , - . - : -__--_ � , _ - ::j �. � I r N � �a . � ' � �. 1 � , , , a-- --- . - r,.r =� -�,¢ ' E �. a , __._ --- - _��_____ _ _ __--�._ __ � `� .__..__ -- --- } ,{ .__.�____ � - i,.; ,� , i-� � �, � �� �;.�� � :'� ��: F�us� �pN'c. FaR '�._. _ # .� ,,., u.e. �.ic�r -s�� �r. u.e. �icHr sE� � Q ��^�:; Fl.USH {?PN'G. FOR L1GHT FIXTURE ;j :: PLUG I�OUID LIGNT FIXTURE a � � �� > h }:. PLUG �fOULD SCHEDULE � SCHEDULE _...�.___L -. _.�.. _-_.... . ;�y _...___ ...._------- -------__._._..__�.. _ ... 1.�._.._.___� ...._�..-.. _.�_______._�! r•_�� r n ��,�..^.---__. __._.__,_.__...� I�ETAL i10E BACKSPLASN y�_ ---- --- �-6 _.__ _.-__�, M_ UPPER DEPTH �S"T. G'�}B �A) C�? I�IT�IHEI�i UPFE�;� �s} (� �'REA�C RQ4� �JPPERS 4 LTPPER �AB'�'. DETAIL _____ � ____� �____ _ �_�_� .__�_� _ __.____ ._s______�________.______----______ 3.� �CALE. 1 1 f�„ = 1'_0" _ __�_____ � �,.� �j� �N J Q ��. �:" �f1 �i O�Z.ZD i .: r cV • �c { \ T \'�` ``�"{y� o '¢ � � �;, _�____.�......_�.._._....._..�.._._.._,_. � Z }. U7 fl U s �. . Q � �__�- _ � ay S�E ELEC, PLAN FOR ,--4. v�, .... i � � RECESSED 4UTLETS � � " `''' � T z 00 � s �; -(2) LOCATIONS i i `� � � ; � � .i� __ _.________.t� ___ �___LL�__ �___. I ; � fi t 1---- �-- _�„_ _ i � I ; N j Y , �.;� � - i �� � ' �. �� �� ii ;_ €. �: � • � �__mi• t i € {cn i� xi I •. `� .:-__m_ �__�_ .. �yu � i -7 z � �. � � �� . ' � � i �°¢ � � �- �`� E � y, � ic, �� � W � '_' � + � � � o � � o .: � � � ° �: � C i `z ; i � W ��i • • ti Eo i . � , E � � � � � i. ADJ. „i I� GONIINUQUS � i SHELVES y�j � E � STRIP LIGHT � I; � » I i i I x21� H, EDGES , c dASHED � � i { S EDGE , � Q, �:. MV / �x � -SE£ RCP i � xN (r�}.IITE OAK} j � � �'` � -NOTCH OUT � i u - - H A S El S S �_ .. -�-� VE _�._«..�� _ r � � , E,. �.� � '�� _ . _ `; , REQO. � LED, I E . � � f TRIP I HT _ � r. S LG � � � t �`` j �� r I' � i i � ` �wr � �. � f, � �, ; � �Q= � �, ,.� f � � a' � 11l , � � �_____�__.. --�- � . „ GONESTQGA BASE #381 � __�_ 1 -� ___�,�% & �583 BASE SN4E '�� � SHELF DEPTH � '� (COL.QN►AL STAIN) -�f-IITE 4AK (A) VERTICAL s DETAIL._ _ � DI _ PLAY A3.2 �C'ALE. 1 1 f 2�, _-� ���,y ��„ � 1�" SCRIBE _ ��________.____ WALL� �- I ( ; /' �� 1'-10 " 3y" SCRIBE��, Ys ; 2" �_�_ _. � -�-s=- FOR ADJ. SHEI.VES �g�',? �'�"T. ADJ. �; _ SNEI.VES ;v, � i � `-N�TCH OUT SHELVES AS REQ'D.--''� � � CONTINUOUS $TRIP LlGtiT & ; � CHANNEL �N% FROSTED LENS � � o w � �-R T T ECESSEO (}U lE S O �� {y�HERE OCCllRRING) jz h"T, BACK ! & SIDES � �; �� � . STEEL CdLU�N 0o i ci `` '�' M 1� ' TO 12E�AIN � ; ; a r' � a ; o -� � , i�.!O i ia � ;� � � , W� CD i "',� �y ( 1+.. . - � ( �� i0 ;� ,: '. . � t. � i ,�....� - ._._- � -- ; � ° � - sTON� A�av� i ! � w w �Q ,w SH4WN DASHED _ ; i 1 ;� i� ' ` + ! i , � � i ' EKIST. �IETAL � 1 I ��a ; F.P, UNIT TO i '' ( ', w ; REl�IAlN ; j I �z � � „ ,. _ • BLKG. � s ,/ � { f f_... , jU_.. i ` I : •..:: .. .:.; ! € , s i � ; � FACE 4F BASE ;.� ..E � ; ; ; � i f 5TQNE 8EL0� ; f i � � ` SHOy�N DASHEd ' t 4 - �� �� � FiRE � - - --- � � � , TREATED� r -- -- - '' � ; CU�iBER � 1'-4 3j4" � ' � f C� DQOR ; t ?_. . $ �;; ; 3 _ .__._ . , . .___ $ H FR R K TO fl DU OC JA�iBS : ;3/4- ,� fA OF S AB i j ; ! {TYP.) iTYP. .i t CE L I O.H, ,i 1 ; { � 1 -� � � `, - i ; , i ` j k , ; i r � j � __ __ _ _ __..,. __ ,_ � � x �{ITER STONE ' ' � ; j c� ��_.� ,j 4 ! # 'i � `"' ` � CORNEt2S 1 � _- - - -- �-- . _ __._._-j I i�� � 1_. _._____.____�_-_ EkIST, SCREEN & � �E7AL/GLASS DOORS� iEX45T. FIREPLACE � TO RE�lAiW � CQNTIN�IOUS 2"X2"X�'e"T. STEEL ANGLE -BEAR ON � t�ETAL SIUDS BEYOND �'.�'T. PI.Yy�00D i�" STEEt. STUQS __ __ _ � � 12" �Q �, EXIS7 CQNC & 2"�.x�"T. '�.'-s�Apeo STEEL BARS T4 SUPPORfi C"1'CtP, SHQy�N dASHEQ {2'-6"H, x1-7"�.} t i � �tiV��LJIlJVI1 �JV 1 ' 4 » __ � APRLIED BASE & ,�= �-=1 3�� �- � #5$3 BASE SHD� � w.DfOVEN F.�. -yyHITE OAK �AB'T, DEPTH -S71S8 4�ALLS F4R� SOFF(T �'RAi�ih�� T I f 0 U QERS i3E 0 N DEChiNG ABOVE {BRACE AS REQ`D. � \F � ` Y '��RUN STQNE LENGTN�jiSE � � _ � �E�o � si�� aF r.v. Nic�E � �� RETURN STONE , � - l; TILE & BUT7 INTO a Exisr. c�iu � � � � -� _:��i INSTALL Y2"T. BLACK � � "' �fEtA�i1NE � T.V. � o �'-. ^- � BRACK�i LOGATI4N � .'�- ,,, i � Tr 50" F�AT PANEL � j�� ;_ T.V., SGUNDBAR & �u � �--�� }�4UNTIN�r BRACK�T �v �, � (sY oy�N��} �� � �_m�j ; u- �� METAL S�TtlOS � - � � S 6" n,C. I ° l�ITER STONE IN I a, FIELD � SILL & x � NEAD GONDMTIOi�S ° � (Tt�.) =- i � .__..__.______.__......_...�.________.�w. � � •RUN St'qNE I.ENGM�IfSE }.-, � HEAD QF F,P, QP� G. ,> RETURH ST4NE TICE & ; '" BUTT IN7Q S7dNE E -��-c N�x � Ta F.�, o�N'c. �� 1 �-�4" � ' c� FINISHED H� RTH DERTH'� " I� ���IiN�r�r� �oc� i -" i � OF NEAR7H �I i � o RQCK FACE i ?� i � ?G [ i W x � (/) 1-= �i�� �s� � � � �� � �� � F � `a '' {TYP.) ' _.._ . , _ .__.. i ' � r ; ; STEEL [3ECKING ( � I I`$� I 3�" METAf.�! _ ___� � -�- � �_---------__ ; i �; , j � n_� I. i_SiUDS (TYP.)� Z , ___e__ � _ __ , , z , � �_,. � � __. _. _.�-_ <r ___ c, �� j .. i , � , a , _ � , , . , , �-� ___ _ � ._._._. . ._ , ., , . f - � � .__...__...„:. .s F �,. . , . s' F, / _ / ,. . � .% .1 . . _ ._,_ ____. ___ 4_ . __ _____..__-----��_ �___�. � .c _ �1L__.,.li.__� .� .,� � ' . !( i �� � . ; .� , . .' f S ^ x ..., ..�,.. `i. .� .: , s r-i+: �. � � . . , -�„3.� �x�.�a��;. �, BASE CAB T. ; �. .-. �..,F aa .�,�_���. ���n:.z 3 �"T� DUROCK . -`"„ <.=K...__ _______ �_______� SHO�YN FOR , . .� , ___ _ -- --- __ F , ,.. � _ � �,.� _.�_ BEHIND STONE RE�ERtNCE -� ..-----•�....-., �{ 4� EXTENi7 �fqOD FL�QR►MG ' G� ; ; � ae�oW H�ARrN � I � ___ _. _ __. , ,. , ,_ ____ �:r n__ _. _ ___ �,.__ 1 !" 1 � i � � r � � �. _. _ SCALE; �1" .� ��_����___.� _. ALIGN FfXED PANELS �j PANEt5 � REFR, fCLOSEt �¢ � �"' _ .-��� r� i__ __ �i _ "� '''� � **�.. 4 � ,�,.. I ..a;�.� ,. ' * FALSE� a BACK �" i �� �; � ", � ;:- � �:: ,� �2i ` � �% �� � �, : i /���, _` i 11» �• � � � + � LAYERS OF �'s"T. G�B % � �' ., _t�/� --�--- __ ___ �_�� � ,^� - � �:�' � , „ k `c�:° o 1 -4 � *� w.,� � , 'ER DEPTH .u�__• N 4 � -- �,- c' �� I r.� „ Q �I '�s � ! � l-.__ __._._____. � � .__-,� (,, �� , A6J. SHELF �� a �"T. G�+B �3 • a� �QN�STOGA #17051 FfXED �� PANEL {GOL4NIAL 5TAIN) r;� ��-$ � 1 � 2 � � T______ __-BENCH DEPTH _� ��,_ i' t x2 j+�HITE OAK EDGE (EASED) � � % BENCN � OP VENEER ( _ � .. � °. I� s a i� z �� � 0 X � � � li AK R ._._. �: E 0 EE W i � � � VEN � E � •: � ID S & BACK �. i SE r°- i .i; i � ;i � ' � ( i ' � `I NQTE; 1�A5TE '�HERE _ � •: i � QCCURRING 5HOV�N DASHED � ` ;,. � i a. i ' _� _ �� �� � � P{?WER FOR BOQT�� � m f i r I.; I � w� �� VyAR�{ERS (+12") .. � » , i i �� �� S�EL�5U S �'a�T. 1�IOOp � � i ��' �' LOOR NG � i �� � 18x18 TILES BELQ�+ BENCH � ��� i , ' � ��, � �. -7HIN SET A5 REQ'D. TO � � t .� � t. � , BE FLU5M �(/ �QOD FLOC}R } ti. � _�,� � � '.,w 2 i � i FALSE -t-,�,, � i BACK i� , , ! �.-- t -� � \_ ,Ir _��,, r ' � ��V��"LEG" DEPTN W� a E�TRY� BE�1CH DTL. A.�.2 ��G�ALE: 1 .�f2�' � ��_�„ -- �� � �� � "�� '�"y�' �� � _ _ _ - --- --_ , � ������ ; �` f'-11 t��" ; �t "`�`�¢ � ��.�� '���� , _.__ � ___�____._�__-- _ _� .� H�ARTH DEPTN PAST C�iIU ���� �,����,����� �°�°.�� ������ �' � ��� �T��i'IC�A.L S�G�TIt�� `���..����'�_ ,��?���`�`��� �°°� � ��` r� `� � � �,� �,�� �� ._��� �_ �.� � � � � ��, � �� � � ��_��w °��� ���� a.�w � �.��.._.$�.�. � � � . ��aM�.�.m� .��� �.� � e�� �� . � c:`�`? • 1 : � � � � !_�_, ���j ^ * rV 4��?r � tiC M" �/ R` W � � �"'� •� � � � � V.1 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � r.I.� � oo � � �� �� � �� �� � � �. � �� �, Z..� ��a � � � .�=, ��M.. � �. �•i .. , . � � � � 1�� � � � � � � � � � � � � '" � ,� ,�;' � ��� � � ,-� �;' F� � � 'U� ---,-..._ '� 4 � ��� �:::rMi .� • G3 � � � �y A a E� � � � � �� �� � s �� � !c �/..iR � � � � cu � � � � � � � � O � !N��i� � �',�,� M � �qj O .w.� � � . � r"��► c"�'i "'� � �d c � � a� � O� � � �'� � c� � a�o � � �,=� '', �3 ,� � ' � � N� , ����� ' � s � � ' ' � � � j � COP'YRIG�,T � , aar�: oa/2�/t2 � DRAy�t+�: BdR � SHEET: i , • .: � � �: �zaos KD-3540 cAS�Nc (POPLAR) �/i�"�. MULL COVERS (PQPLAR) TQ l�ATCH TIP OF KD-3540 CASING CQNESTOGA COVE ANTIQUED BEVELED ftEIOCATED FIRE #11 {CHOCOLATE l�1RRORED PANELS Al.ARM & SPEAKER PEAR STA1N) � CLOSET DOORS �+�$„} KQ-3540 �� � � < . CASING A P P R , - OL „_ �.: _ ;� � : . . ;- , . _.. _� -r , ; _ , � ,_. , _:v_ _ _ _; _ . : � s _ «�, s ; „ NlCHE „ _ ; '`^-; 1 ?; �,___.-- ----.___4'-8 _._..._____._ � ____ ___.__.____4__..8_._ __._.___v .___ � ; ; , _ ' REtOCATED ^ R , f ECESSf D ;; , T-STAT FOR �! _` ' - OUTlET5 ! ' ` RADiATOR t � < ' �! +�' s ' i ' SEE ELEC. PLAN ? � 's i + " � �! - - . FOR OUTLETS 4 � +56 ; ` ( 64 } , ;. _ _ _, ;' � , � r - __.__...-- --._ ..._._... _ ' ;' � OPPOSITE �Att� � , } , � i a � , r ; ! : ,e F►XED .� ; '� ! , ; ; , ' , {SHO�'N FOR REF.) __, PAI�ELS -' � � ` ;3 ;. „, � � _ .__ . . . 3 � ,. , � . a a_�� ; , � c:r >�, i �� x t _ . .``"' ..� .._. { U i � '. � : 'F '� r�{) ; , . i_.._ ' ; ; " � � � , ? ' ` ' , H AT PU P , ,' <c , KING SIZE BED SHO�t'N t } ti._. E M Y.. �" ---i » , ii W ' M i � �. A H F R R F �'.t T. A. T- TAT i i D S ED 0 E. i DJ sr S ; � :� h , n r , , , 4 . �. � , � � , 'O i � , , ; C ;` ; , � SHEIVES , u _ ... ; i fo' ; (+fi0") i I I — z f� I ! C' . €'� - `�t i0 4' i �" i i F �:. D`,' � ���<„ (ALDER) �// !i �, ; � ;> rv ; � -� , -._: � ;. �... r : REC V DJ. ADJ. � RODS , _, ._. ._ ;, x , � ; ; E-. �. , _ __ _ � _ _ _. .._ . _. __ ._. __ _ ... _ _ _ � r : _ 11/4 T. EDGE , SAFE SN01NN . ,� _. _ . � _ _ ��. _,.. `-' - � __ ._. .._ __ ._ ... _ — . � .._ . ;_� � � � ' ' � � �. '. : _ -..- . �.— _. i REINSTAL� fX15T. �; i � ; � i � _ - ,� i i �, � ; s (CHOCOLATE ; o ; , ' DASHED F � 1 I € I RA IA T A AR i 0 B SE BO 0 i- � � N I i !r - PEAR STAI s K 40 N f D 62 RIFY I � _ --- � ' ) t' ' SZE ! f _.________ _._. _ cV � i - - � � t -- � HEAT R C4 R � � � - � , � �f � i i �; � � i� i i � BAS �_ � � J ayV�ER) _. , � � ! �._____�; ? � ' �- � ' � P PLAR ` ' ' ' � , , 4� o � , � , , �! , _ _. _..., �. � ,, _ ___. � —__—____ i .__. � - -- � __ io cv s , � � ' i � _ _ __ ___ ____ _ ._._.._... ._,-.-T. ..---. . ._ �_..._.__......M�.�..�___ _:��w.-.__� _'_.:r;___.�..._ ��-= —. �=c. �.LL...-c=.__ -:::_. _ ,��, : :,�.. , __. ;, - - �__ � , -� ,- t r , DOQR TO KD-4062 ' � \ � DOQR 70 BATNROQ�i BALCON� BASE ; I C4NEST4GA BASE EXIST. BASE � 7 N'' CONESTOGA ` „ 1"T. CRP-1Q DOORS �f/ FIAT PANEL � q�_9 ���^ 1"_8° ; �89$ {GH4COLATE BQARQ HEAT 1�j8,', 8 1'-11" _ a 4-6 1/4 CLOSET �% RA�LS & STIIES AS SHOWN . _ , (POFLAR) �� � PEAR STAIN) BASE #898 ' ' '� DRESSER ' SHELF 5 SHELVES ` (2) EQ. DOORS Td CLOSfT -INSTALL AODITiONAL SUPPORT AS �3} EQ. SECTIONS Q�P� �E�,� (CHOCO(.A7E �„ NEEDEO TO AVQId WARPAGE &�'a"T.x3" PEAR STAIhV) s���B� - ty" SCR{BE _ ASTRAGAL ATTACHED TO THE BACK A QUTH B SC�UTH C� DRES�ER C EST 4�„ D NORTI� S(DE OF TNE VVEST DOOR PANEL ( � ,� { ) � ) w � { } {E} NO�TH _ IN GLC} ET W T I �VT ]LA�INE HEL ING � G'LO ET � INETR� C�P 1 a DQ►OR DI�A ER POPLAR R� E S COL TE PEAR TAIIVED ALDER CAB � PREFINI HED G�HQ A S S S TE� �E��oo� i o� s S , , , _ __ _ _ _______ _--- ---- Sc�.L�: 3/a" = i'—o _ --- ---- --_ - - - -____ -----___ _ _ DOOR TO �iASTER BEOROO�i (A} �oUTH �A�'��R BATH ,�GALE._ 3 f g°' -�---1'-C� BACK TO BACK 3xt2 B.N. T1LEs � JAMBS -CUT AS REQ'D. {TYP.) ELECTRIC TO L �VAR ER 12"x3" TiLES {�UT FROM 1$"x18" TILES) V�MERE SURRQUND BUTTS � IHFO �ALLSfCE1l11�G � .� S11�. SHELF i�Ey� VENT FOR EX-FAt� NE�j VENT FOR EX-FAN t� TOiLEl'/SHOiri�� - �--� =-=�r= � TQILET/SHOV�R REROU7ED �yASTE STACK ! FRAMEO �IIRROR 8Y EXIST, STEEL �^� REROU7ED }�ASTE STACK -SEE k�IECH. PLAN � �C O�yh(ER SN01�N DASHE€7 BEAI� ;i � -SEE �iEGli. PLAN � � � � �� � r- ' -�� KD-3540 CASING 4 = '<_--'`� '` KD-3544 - --�� _ � (POPLAR� � � _ _ � � � � � ,� , {POP�LA � �.�»�____ ,__ __ � - �� � `` - R) � i�� �� !; � { �_. . � , � _ � � ` -� � � " € f{ € i� � �_ i s, _� � _ _ � � ��___�__ __ �i6�° i ,i f�.i � � ; s � i t � � ;j `s r��� , ; ;[ � j � ( i t'� i;� �` i �� 3cm 18"L. T.B. � 3 i i8 L T.B. ,.,, G i`� � L.l � � _. _ � ;,-� _� E� 54" E � � �� E � QtiARTZ +54 , __ ._ . � ; - �__t� }i� (z ,,� , �; ;� t� i CTOP. » � � ,�, r � � � � x12 PENCIL « ��. _ �� � � �E '�.�.� t� t � ;� � � °; � ` A3. � � LINER ON TOP OF ! � E � r � � � � �, , I F I� r � , � �1 ; o - �asAlc TILES �, I j � ' �ai � ,� , � t- � i s � � �•,,. � ; � � � r �� :f � � �- _ ,, --- -��"�. rar,a� -- u� � G -.�- --- n i t ; a � -, �:.:: ..' : , � \ � ....., sE ..... � �n' : '. � 3 C. � �_"' .. ._.. __ , : . . , .,.,: ' � . .. ..,, 3 _ ... ` W x _.�.�.. . . .. ' ' � :. : ; , , � �ii z ,ri � :+�� _ti.� �� �. � �: _�._ �-;-- ;,.�.,;' RECESSED T.K. f to ; ' ; ; i ; ,f _.��' E � �c, .__ � (CHOCOLATE �U_.._._. � �ITER IiNER t j,. � ; " , i , ! `, ; %� F � I � �i i :� � .�� � � � : i �; � �`; PEAR STAIt�j , � � _� ,__�, & BUTT INTO ; � i �! `�i ; i ''��- x -�� - ' " 3"H. CUT FILE i CTOR, ' , _ � .... w_--7 I I � } 'i.,; �" � ,_- � m_ � �, l � � xa f . � . I � . . I � � BELOV� 1�'4"H. � � � � �� } ___.__ � � _____ _._i ;M-..-t; BUI�LNQSE TI�� � _ � ___. " 1_ . __ .. ' � � <i j �'� �___ _ _� , :z, _. � � � ,� _ w __.�-�-�_ TO FORM BASE _ _ �; � �_ u,_�_____ (TYP, � MASTER - ` { � � BA�'H & TOILEF} DOOR TO D4QR�Tf� � � CONESTQGA BASE C � � � ' ,},1'-0"'�w__._ � �1, 0" °� C�NESTQGA BASE GREAT R00�1 '�, 1 -1Q: _ _,� #89$ PEAR � AINj '�� Dy�R > {2) Q D AWERS � � 0�(R �1 « #89$ {CHOCQLATE �.�_��� � 2�E PEAR STAI►V) (B) WE�T SGRIBE {,�� ��RTH (D) EAST PREFIIVISHEU C�HOCC}LATE PEAR r�TAINE� ALDER CABINETRY, CRP-1Q DRA'4'YERS, POPLAR TRI�} � � : � � � i � � � � • � • ' • � + i 1 NOTE: I�STALL CONDUIT 36" �yALL �ITD, T.V. }N/ FRO�! T.V. IOCATiON TO 50UNDBAR SHO�y'N DASHED A.V. CAB'T. (VERIFY �4t1NTING HT.} �._ _ _ . Pa�� & ca��E ; G AS REQ�D. FOR T.V. ' {VERIFY HT.} , ,�; ; � � I � ! � _:= . _, I� ---___ _ _. .. __s . � '�f ; ,. s �CALE: 3 f 8" - 1' _�„ { �' ) NQRTH 3 � EQ, u, (2) FUII TILE5 ;,� �Q, r- AUGN JOINTS � CLG. �/ � 1'°3�- yVALL JOINTS � N w J ! � J _._ . � �� , .-.. ; <t� ...., , � , t �iwi ...._.,. �., � � � ; 3'�H. Gl1T TILE- BELO� 1�'4"H. �, BULLNOSE TILE TO FOR�J BASE {TYP. � �IASTER BATH & TOiLET} WASTE LINE FOR TOILET DQOR T4 M. BATH � l � � (E} y�EsT (� SHt7WEl� CQNESTOGA COVE �r41�fl '� #1524 {CHOCQi.ATE 3'�"T. ADJ. SHELVES � RECESSED CAN LIGHTS PEAR STAIt�) V�S-►Ef2E OCCURR1I�G IN� 42 �ALL V�TD. T,V. �'/ �{D-3640 CASING �;`� CAB�T. CEILlNG ! SOUt�QBAR SHOy�N DASHED ---f (ppp�,p�� � __ I � I - .- � - '� i i r ;ru �' � �3 y � I ___� � � � �. i i, i �� i� i 1. tU j ,� ; 4 � 1 �` i i � I X � s� i ;� _; ; � KD-d 6 (� 2 ;; �� �, � 3� BASE ` �� `-!� (POPLAft} � � ��� � GONESTO�A if "- I ' _ 1�" BASE #898 F.F. �� 7 !;._ 7" ; i° SCRI6E (CNQCOLATE � PEAR STAi�(} � f�� ,,',, ��^ SCRIBE F,F, {F`} ��iRTI� � c�.����� � s 1 j2" � �ALL 7HICKNESS � G2EAT R _ _. _ DL�OR S70P & Q�OR ST4P & R JA}�B �EYCND JA�SB BEYON� �� ��4�r, ooaR Ty, Rc� (SEE SPEC.} PEk�KQ 4i 1 FcL QO�R 80TT0� 1��"T. 1700R (FOLLOW MFR. INSTALLATION (SEE SPEC.} �NSTRUCTIflNS) pEI�Ka 414 I�BL DOOR fl �h T. OCQ FL40R s W & SELF LEVELI►�G BOTTOM (FOLlO�' ��R. ; �? ; , UNdERLAYIwIENT �NSTAi�LAT10N INSTRUCTIONS) ` , r � , , � _ . NNDER ALF, �2� r-�~-�-� CARPET & PAD ;,_ (BY 01�'NER} . _ . 3�"T. PR€FIN{SHED ENGINEERED ,._. _____ . 1 1J2"= EXIST, CONC. WaflD FLOUR �j UNDERLAY�ENT TO �'LOORING (SEE SPEC. -BA5E B@) �RANsirioN � f#!" : � � i • i � � � � , ; � � (F) EAST C� SHtJyYER KD-3544 KD-35� CASING /�CASING _ _ , , � _ E� t � X ri � ; ' ' � ' '' Ii IF�STALL GROM�ET � ' � ' # ' IH G'TOP. F4R � � �-r� �' ��, � AIR �10VE�1E�tT __ _ ; [� �"T. �ALNUT VENEER C'T4P �yf ' � i, ���� _ � i �__ ; tY"T. MARD�OOD EDGE (SQ. � , � � � �; i ;� o j; � �` EOGE EASED � TOP & BOTTOM} _ ' I � ` __.______ _..__..--- .-- ,: � t� �; ; ------ �- � �, ; �4i �f r - ' � ; _ , �� � !�" REVEAL �'� ' ��' __ ____ _ `'��� --�� ° ' - `�' _� _-_ o i� i ; � (; r - - -t-; � ��- -; ; ,� � � , , _ , ' �, 1 ,. � � .. � ; i � i ��;�; �-- ; ` � ' � KD-4062 ` '_ _ _ ._ _ __ � - - -- -- __ _ ._. �; -- _ _ ._ _ _ _� ' � � I� ; �:�, K�-4Q62 � _ _ __ _ _. ___ __ __ _ ._ _ > �_ ; i , a �, � f � � 1 i BAS£ i i i ;:�; ' `°j °` ; � . __ , ;� ; �-__ ._�� €�!t_____�_,�}____ ___�__-----.�, � __�_ ' ;t,3 `�( FIXED z. _ , BASE ,.: f [i � {PQPLAR) � , _ _ ._ _ _ � _ � _ _ _ _ _ 1 � � , i c.� PANEI _ _ "-�.. i (PO R) . t-� r PLA .1--,____.___ _ ��,' ' ' � ' _ ___ i, ` �� S � ' ,: � , .__ __ ____ __ �__ _ __ _ _ ___. ____ ,_ _ .�_- _ . ____ _ __._ � __._ ; ;_�. , �._ ; - „ -Es�a�� ��- �..__ r. _ , . , - _ _ ��_____ _�______--- -r------�------_ __ __� ___ __ ��� � � -- �\�,._.. -y— CUT �NT HOLES ai �' ° ! , DOORS T4 ENTRY UNi�TR�691 TO�ARD BACK OF i' � � j �-- �--ii---- � � � , � » , „ i I�ODIf1ED BASE� ( � } �"VE,�T 0 �TAINED WALNUT UNDERSIDE OF CAS T. �, t-1p_ �� t" SQ. TUBE STL. �_- 2_-4 -.� 80AR0 BEYOND SEE 3fA4.i FOR �lODIFIED BASE �EQ. Li00RS � FRAME BASE/LEG� A•V. CAB T. " LQCATION OF CONDUIT BOARD BEY4ND �` - 1�"---'' -�+ELDED & GROUND FR0�1 AJV CAB'T. TO T,Y. SCRIBE SI�OQTH {C� �t4RTH (D) EAST G�tJT fJAK �ABINETRY, AURflRA I�40RS, PC►PLAR TRI1V�} I) ,------ �-' (VEftIFY M6UN�TlIyG HT,j _ -� - - --- -� � �, ( a� �- �-=,; PO}tVER & GABLE ; _� �i _J_`. � AS REQ'D. FOR T.V. � r '' �, i.__. ,� i\_. 3 i(, F_.. RIFY H7, � �[�i i I -�- - (VE } E F �; �_� ,f �O I � ___.1 __ i; �� .� . + ! � i k - �I � � o� 3 '�,___ � i. AIDER VENEER � � r �_ � � ,$ { � �� �'_-_0_ f; �i � w `; _� � _ �'�i � , ;��: G TOP. iV�l 1�14 T. � _ _ _ _ - : _ ,, . �____�. I; .. . _ , ._ _ _ . _ r _. ., _ _, _ ' " EASEa ALDER EDGE ' � � � � �_ _ ,_ _ _ _ .. _. __ ._ __ .._ _ _� �! � ; I • •` - - . . : �. � � i -+ i �4 � i �=��� � _ -(� I `1- � 3: _—_` � � ' ; o � � �- .----�-z""=""'"� �.:_ ---W,__ ----t ` E � � r( i � ' i lt i f; I �.. C'�°" � :� � i . � "� — �s- i I � i ; i; � � i � i E � i � ��. I � ; (' F . _.. i i • -� � 1 � \ l O �- � s � � ,a ni : : . _ � _..� - i cr' i i . . { � ��...,, � �-- ------�' ��:� � i� ;, � , � E I i � �; . �--- �; �! iC� S x � i 1` i! � . � . . �, � ; , . .. _ _ . , � 1 . . : \ —�_ � `� m_v.___ . � ��: E 7 k � � �j i i , i . � ��+s f � € � � � "I�N c.� i % � TM�, 4 � «� i } � f4t `- {.t.i i �` I i I � i .. I i v'a � I �_ i�{ 4 �— � . . �_��, ____._ ; ,,; � [ i �: - --... . _.__-.__......._ _ __... _ i , .. ��.��.w� �����_��� � • .r u� ....� � i \ i � ! . �._ i , . . � , � ,� � �. ; - „ ���; _____ _ _,__ I = ;,: � � ; .. j ______. � __ i i � � il .. cr i' � i I j \I '! �. i r f' � � �' a �_-� � �i ; � -- I � .. � � � ij 1 ^' \ � . , �. _ . . . ,__ . , � ______� _.__._._____� �_______ f.._.__, ._ __� � . . i � �� �i � : � ^��______ _. ___ .___---- -- -- -____ �� �t � 1='� —_ � ,, r � __._ - —���:= .- � 4i; i i: `� ``�^^ � �' � \ � ° �oaRS ro N k7 �_� ��..._ � � i � y ,�`ny �I ,j� T.K. �`! � I GREAT ROU}� CONESiOGA BASE �-____----__ . 4`-5" �___ __ %;.s___!-6"_ . �� » ,i� >� �'a T. ADJ. SHELF #898 {CHOCOLATE \ » (2} EQ. DRA4Y�RS „ � �t „ ���� » ReA� sT��N} �y �� ° � iz F.�. F.F'. SCRIBE F.F. ( G ) EA�'T _ � 1/a , �- ._ �_ >r � `�AL�. TNICK�ESS �m� l � _ �� _. � ___ _ _ � � _ _ _,_ _ . t� .»-. _----, ��� � � , A _�._ �� � � � ` �______ 1�. __..____.� CAftPET & PAD V" {8Y Oy�NER) Ex�sr. caNc. . ti1' : ! f * ♦ � �. �- �� --� -- _' "' � � <�� 2�- ;,,, ;1 �� _ ..___ _ - ---,-- ----____._�_ �_ _.�,, �y�� _. _ � _._ r� s� _ g �2�7. �l�{���K �� i ; ; ����. P�xt�a�o ---i f .�,�€_ E z i c' ; o `,rb"T. G'�3 �� �,. � YFi �, � i a TILES � �'�; c�iy �.: �a � �� FIRE 7REATED ' S. BLOCKiNG AS REQ`E3. • �er�eEN N�cH�s ` �;� =� , __- _ _-- � -- � - � — -- --- ,, . 2 ;� 'a: (, : � � '`J ; it. , , �,: � - �.. < ___. ..._. .__. .. _._ ,....._ ,. __. . ,. Yli .._._ . �R.. � � W 3�" ° i�,. r., _ .¢ x _ � , r. ; c' z (�3CHE °'��. "' DEPTfi i �!a•i. a........ _..._ . . . .. ..... . ...... . ......... . . ............. ......___.._ � ..a' ? �y'k 2 >,� kF{' ; ,� s�oc►ceN� as ,�: REQ'D. 6ET�ykEN � N�CHES �� �` - 3�"T. sOUND " .�- ��`° FiRE- BATT I�SUL. � _ �',E � TREATED � ' ! �� '<�,. iK00D � ` � ` --<.�(: BLQCKIf�G h i k. � r _ �,.�;. � � — �:: 1,_0" __....... __ SEAT DEFtN � BA7H r �'-�- / , ��i��': a C�dU SASE ' r % � � � `,��` x � �, & THINSE7 � ���:' � , ,� �,,. ; % F �; � r.., � �S REQ D. ' � }r'= ~-_ �'' ; s �� � � f � '�--_ �: i . TILE 4� FACE =�`... .- ; z F y ' % % �'' ,.,�s: , �, c e��c , � , , , !� _ --- ��.. , m � ,�' / ���--;=�:� / �' �' �-.-;��, ;� / ����.�,�'. ; j � /`� --- j � � ��"�"- � % � ;..- i �.__ _... _ _ ._ _ . ._ __ __ - �_�a��'� ---- � � =- + � � � �. _ .__..___.�� ��Y - �, ,.__ m, _._. -� r _ _ �_�� _ _ _ _ _ _.___ --__._ _._._.___ _ ______.__�____�� GR4UT CELLS FULL EXfST. CONG. FL�OR & BET�EEN CECLS & 57EEi. DECKlh�G ���. ����.��� �� ������ s F�E��'�� ����I�� A3.3 � �CA�,�: _ � a �� �� . �� �-; �-� ��.____________�____ DOQR STOP &- JA�iB BEYOND ,�,�R ,AT,,R�,QI�I ,� +� T. Q00 F1.40R Vf F i & SEL LE � G YE N � uNoE��A�E�t , {UNDER ALT, �/�) � � �_ �b"T. FREf It�ISHED ENGINEEREQ �fOQD fLQ6R �J UNQERLAYIVIENT (SEE SPEC. -BASE BID) EXTEND 3�" STUDS UP TO UtyDERSIDE OF EXIST, STEEI DECKI�JG ,.—t�" F�AMiNG � 24" O.C. � °'7. G�Jf'3 i'-2" `'` =R DEPTH �a" ; �,.---�'s"T, G4�+6 4 7/8" ,� _____ � y�ALL THICKNE�S �" r, �-1�"T, p00R (SEE SPEC.} �IA�R BATH �TILE FLpOR UDSET AS RE 'D. FOR �i Q �?! F OR TO $ F SH LE l0 E LU 4 F ft 0 D l00 � �Y / ELEC. NEAT CONC, E F1i C ' • s � � � a E i -- ANGLE �_�y ��.� 3� HAT = cr�A � --� 00 � ° � ''� FURI � � w� � ; o° I i V � i ; w � �� � � ��� w Q f Q A4[}ER VEh1EER � � SIDES, TOP5 & �ACKS tx2 AL�ER EDGE i ;.!-_ _________ � �, l, , �_.�_.�..._._.�_ F ��. �� `--CLG. NOOK � � � ----SIDE V�ALL � ___NQ4K �� � _ ___� ° _ �"_e�N��fQG�i ��%a�Ji � �v� �a N �rr op;r- FIxEd PANEL (CNOCa t Y x�, ;`.�� e,�� CHERRY STAIN} ' �?� ��� o� u'�-. u7 i�-�` n � � � �' �� j {Q, { i� _,`� � �� 'w iv � i`. I _ �. _ ___ BENCH DEPTN _ � __ ___ __� � � jcs I � `'- ! i tx2 AIDER E�GE i� 3 i � ALDER VENEER ? BEMCH TOP : � � i r �� � �� �:__ __=..� , _ �� _�: � � , � --- .. �� � � �_ ' - - -- _ �� � �� , -„'.s�*i{s � ��,��� �°���' - � af � .g� �� �� -.,.,��� `; J � � � 1 i `� �� � � � �`� � �� � .k,� �� ��.��� w� ( `� ; ����F � �° � � ALDER vENEER ( �� � �� ' ,:P � s �� �` � �, � �; � � :�s,ti, � SIDES & BACK I� __, ( ;� � � ���/� � i .� � � � � � -��,,�r� � > �,���,w����y � ""� �4' ' .'� F poV�a FoR eo�r ,! .a � �a���, ���..����v.u�,��� �� �, �AR�IERS (+12"} �"T, G}� & ����'���r�' , ,.. �. �.�w,.���.,�.._� =�..m����.���.�».x�,. 5TEEL STUDS j GP7. BELO�+ j $ENCN j � � � f 4 ���'� �%2„ i. s '� ,c , � � � � 'i � � � ���' �� �� • � � �,� � � : �; f' � ��?�' ./ � � �� . ►,���' ��'� J�, • 1 : Q� LQ � �i�, �Y�✓ `��.. � � � • � � � h � Q � I�M � *}-+ � CC3 � !�, � I ,j�.,� •� � � � � � � � a � E�+ � A � � � � 1�1 � �!^� M� � �/� !'�1 � � �r.�� F� � � /r 1 N � ,, � � V � �c' � -ri� � � • ~ � •� �D'� �� � �� S � ►� � � � � � � � �� �.? � 4r.1 '�i '� '�t r�y v` �.1 � � � � � � .�' �G *��,X? � � � ��� Gc'3 � ,.� �t C� � � � ��°�; �"� '� .. ' .� . � �-� A � E� i �� � �� o � � ��M�+�V � n�n • �..3 � � � � � �:� � � � � � ���� � � C � � � � 4� � �° ' � � � . � �� "d r"�* � � � � � � � "L� e�s � c�ea � � � i �� ; � ��ti � �� G"�•�1 t I � � � � o +�ci��c��ai OATE; (18 j24/12 DRA�; BJR SHEET: !�, �e �; �zons �s"T. l�ULL COVERS (PQPLAR} TO 1�ATCN TIP OF KQ-3540 CASING f-REINSTAtI EXIST. RADIANT BASE BOARD NEATER �'J COVER CASING BASE ; {POPLAR) i r EXIST. BASE 64AR0 HEAT QUEEN SIZE BEDS SHO�yiV DASHED FOR REF. __ _._._-----E(�,. _.___--_______ , _._ __._�_w__ __,_- -��__._.__._______----- , _' _. . ----- { ; �_ __ . __ -_ � - _ _ - _�� - _ � _ �- _ _ _ _ _ - �- �; - -. _ - - , � , , ` ; Y ; ; , __ , , a i �a3 � �w�yz � ' �-- - '" ___ _._ ,-----___.__ .. ___ ___ ,� i_ � Vt7]�._�w.—�—�--- _`.� , jt �'7( � O`.'�(�Lil I t ' �;��� ; `G _ i b'I-�v� i �� �'� '�-�° jt�wc� ` ( -a-`J E i � � W i i�a�t� E � W Z .. i �€ � �� � ._� __ ._ _, , i � (A} �'�UTH (B) WE�T 1 B E I,,i �(} C} � �. i. �i F�R�FINISHED G'HC}C4 �'HERRY STAiIVED ALDER �ABINETRY, FOFLAR TRI1V� _ __ _ ___---- ------__ -- _ _ __.._,__ _ ___ _ _.__ .______ _______� __ -----------____ _ __,_..________ A3.4 ��+ALE: 3 f$„ � 1, _ a,� aAeK To aACK I�IRROR FRAME B.N. TILES � SNQWN DASNED ,IA�IBS {7YI'.j �- � � � � t_..._._._ _ ____ . ; _ - „ � ( � ;,_ _ � , i ; 4"H. Si.AB o s �.5. (2cm 1$wL. T.B. W i 2cm QUARTZ) 24"l. T.B. (+56"} � +q g^ n! QUARTZ ' 5 i ) 4"H. SLAB �J _- __=�' __-: �� C'TOP. A3.4 , S.S. (2cm , _ : �-�, �=; �� �' QUARTZ) _ ", `- - - - - fIXE� TOP DRA�ER � � _ . _ __ --- v� �;K � _._ .� ; x� _ �# 7 = *- Moai�Y aV,�s. __ __._ . __ __ � Q; � c�D-< ._..__ ' ' '" �1CJ �I�QyL, r � ��.-�fl„ �X ? j � ; �, ; ��' AROUND � 4 i � , - • w � - oi � P-TRAP ` ai k+jy � ( �'J ♦ e '-�."' 'z� � � � � �� � ; _ ; _ _ 3xi2 a.N. � i F �'" � �'; � 711E BASE ' . �� , �. �. i t � s ; ,�� - !� 1 i F � � � �;. � ,> ` i; (2� RAI�ELS TO � i �r� REVEAL QP�RATE AS (1} � ' ' » 2 -tQ 3�4 ; �; 1_-1.0 _ �} `� {2) EQ. PANELS '� 0'�R. {TYP.) ; , '� `�- i t f2" SCRfBE--�'� i _ � rv . . �`�` _. � , ��7 �' �'�. l (A) S(IUTH � Tf�IL�T (B} WEST 2 �i�Z'� ,� �. �J H{���� �. �. �'} PREFINISHED �"ILVER A3.4 ------- -----_______------ ---_._�_______.__----____________�___.________.______----__.__._______�__ �CALE. 3 f 8" = 1, _ tJ" BACK TO BACK BUL� OSE TILES � SHO�'ER JA BS (VERIFY yyj TILE SELEC710N) FdR1�ED CONC. CURB� �.. ��� , � .. r M qUS i � ___ � ___ SEE 3/A4,1 FOR HEATEQ TILE FL04R AREAS 4 3/4" CURB _ _� 1MDTN ° � ._ .. � �' �� ' f--CURB �{IDTH TO �iATCH yVALL yYIQTH BEY4ND SEE SPECIFICATION5 FQR TII.E � TI H RS SELEC 4NS � S OWE j--y�Ai'ERPROQFING , /'�' Pi T A R D. SL� G �Ud�E S EQ J N / v�°/�z" �fiiN. (7YPi-- CA�) �- EXIST. CflNC.%STEE� DECKING & STEEL BAR • ! JQISTS � 24" Q.C.-VERIFY �OCATIC�N OF ! EXIST, BAR JQISTS & CONTACT ARCHITECT IF ! CON�`LICTS y�/ DRAIH LIt�ES OCCUR (TYP. � � 1 SH01i+ER & TOILET pRAIi�S) ` ,t -� _..� z _ _._ _ _-- . ___._ ,. �.___�_ _ __ (A) G� QPENINGS � HtJWER �URB DR�I� L�ETAI �.� �a_sC�L�: � � j�„-�— � ; ��;, _______�__ �________ �"7. G'NB � _, �t,� Nar�: {2) �,AYE�s oF , ___ �'�__. _. T TI S — - j` cyVs i�us �E coN Nuau �--- i� FOR FlREPROOFING {JOG AS REQ�D. � SOFFITS) �°�- =• , ::�-:_�::,.,:�:� STUB �ALL UP TO UNDERSIDE ! OF QECKING -BRACE AS REQb. _ {2} LAYERS OF �"T. G'Ne FIXEd FRA ELESS � _ � �_ _ GI.ASS RANEL � i �.A,TH -SQUARE Zltf F100R & DRAIN � { �uQ�ET A5 REQ'Q. , �ASTER ; � . ' ,�� __ _______� _ nl ��'. �� ° START �'/ FULL TII.ES � CLG. {6"x24" FIELD TILES) -RUNMNG Bt7ND PATTERN �\` o� � �J�FftA�1ELESS GLASS PANEL �(FROSTED} - � NANDHELD , SHOWER �/ i� SUPPLY �'� ELBO�, N4SE & SIDE BmR -���; t `�' � � ��` !l <"> ___� � ' �_�_..._.._ -CUT TILES AS RE4'D. CONESTOGA COVE� �t i (CHOCO CHERRY STAIt�) F � � �.��� a w� _ � .�. '' O t� � �`?� ;�� �;� � ° �� »� � � , � ,; = ���. � } � ; ��` r, _� ,� _ '� Et2,�,1' 0 _>�Qz._ $ s; �-- ; ;� i,. ; =; � � �� n�. � � i .. ; } - _ 2:__. � # � i{. _-5CRBE �i -�+' o UPPER" � � � - DEP7H i , 2�-3 �,/8" � � � li.1�h"T. ; ;, � , . , �, __ � yyoao j t i , TOP ` � ' �� _ � � 5HALLa�} Bfl}E �; F OUTLETS FaR f` ` �! � B00T y�ARI�ERS { DQ0�2 TO �' A� a� :. ; SHAILOVy BOX ! „ RELOCATED OQOR Ta OUTLETS FOR ' , 4�1x fINISHEQ HALL {STRIRPED & BqOT �/ARI�ERS � 2'-6 5%8"_ r SCRIBE SIDES &; 1'-7y" STAINED W% APPLIED 6ACK � � BENCH y�IDTH � � � �OULDIt�GS) (C� N4RTH G BEN�H f2"x3" TILES (CUT FR01� 6"x24" T1LES} �(�iERE SURROUND BUTTS IN74 �'AILSfCEILIMG OPEN TO SHO�'Eft �Q, , EULL_ TILE EQ; � w � �1�. .. ._ _ ���' �; ^' �i� c 1`-�" TII F SOAP & � - -- SHA�1P40 �, NicHES �y/ � 6"x24" TiLE �•. t� BACK '� �_�_ \../ �; .. . ..__. ``� _ _ � ____ N�'" J �! B.N. TILE r,, su�ROUNa �_____ __ (I�ITER iN70 �I�X i BASE) ''` ! � _ `��n�.Z � (Q W ".,°+--tO- _ 3x12 BULLNOSE CUT TILES � TILE BASE BOTTO� AS RE(�b. i' t. .�_ __ : .0 j . �, . . ; • . ; ' • . �`--1�i"T. DUROCK ``-�E7AL HEADER AS REQ'D. �SEALANf H R �-BULLNOSE TILES fr-"NATERPROOFI�G �SLOPEQ TILE FLOOR ;s --- � Ex�sr. coNc./ �STEEL DECK i � � ' � 4"H. SIDE SPLASH j BACK fRA�iEO �11RROR ��,' '�"H, 1�4SAIC TILE B.S. i-=_ . PE CiL OUL01 6 t SPLASH (2cm SLAB) BY 0{NhlER i, , �. N � N � '�._'"� � _._w � , ,,. - , �' - - �. P A m T SED TP A 3c C Q E . SEO 2cm C 4 E ,r { t ` ,- _, ;� TOP & BOTTOf�) ° -' ` ' c ' __�' , TQP & B4TTOM) _ — . �'� � � ____. -.--_ _ ___n F —_,_.�. _.. I ��_....__,__. _�. .i`[� � \ . x C� � � ,__ .�.__ " ..._"_.__ _.._. ....- F ' � � � � k� ,� � � 7 �.; ! �"v __ 4 �-� "�. •r ' j �'ts � � ! ` �y iw �' '� � � 1; c�`'a ,-".,.. � ! �'e"T. SUBTOP ct _ �� ; , , � a � �� � , w: , Fs ,���. ; _.. --- . _ _ � , � r � ��: ; � �-� , � ____.__ ____ �__�_ _� , -. � a t �EtAi��N� � � _ __._ . t° ;o � DRA�y+ER i i ��__ v-���, ^-> `� ` � � I t r ��__ '.� ���..� , __ a .s ' _..__ __ _�_ � � ._ ._ i! �t � -' � �. �� }t '1 M;� ,� � ; MELA�INE C�=t j; ``-' °o :� ; QRAVyER t�- fi t: � F �°- t �.� � � � � ��. ____ ____. _ � j ' - - - — - _____ _ . __ _ � i �� ,� ,�Q''' i �iElA�11NE � �� � k � � �� ; a���R ,,�� . � � � ��-��r �• � � ____._._`._.__,�_._�.�_�_�r_._ '� ?�; , _.___._ _.___ �t-zi �`i � . r 3H r 1 ,�t<f "9: `•`r � �' � �, . . �+ : < __�_� �� _ __ �, � ; , � .�� �IODlFY QRA�yER = � �, , _. BOXES AS REQ'D. �,,� .� � n.�; i i ��� DUf T4 SINK ORAIN �___ ,.,�.,�� . �. �_. ��_ a. .,�` '�_..,_�r `�,tx,�� ��:t. ,� �: _ ; � i � .. , , , 1'-1Q° �, , . � _, ___ _ � _ _.. � , YANITY DEP TH � , _ __ . - � . _ _ �,_ _ .. .,_ -_ __._ DE�'AIL C► BATH �___�_� � � ��iV ��� �CALE:_._�„___^_ ��r�;; .3�..��.__ ._.�J�.. .� � �.�. ......_.._ ��VX� � , ; i � i�� (�' �'a"T. G1�'B-� FRA�4ED k�iRROR BY OV�NER � �t'-. LJ � f�� (�ELAi�INE i i � o % � �� ,� DRAyyER � l i i� � o jz � r, V.. 1 �_-_,R_____ _ ._ j ' � �� I __ _._ __. _ _� _ _ _ _____ � x I� p� I�ELAMINE ~,-� ? o fL'�' 3 DRAyj�ER ��� � ; � �� � ���. � I r - �(�a_ ; ��_________ __ _ x E �� `�t ' `k:..(. � t �,I ; , 'l} "'�., fX �^ �i �/ �y��� � � ;� s-._ � ,� f� ��� �: � i i , l ;�=���. ! __�.m_._ __ � , _,.. �OQIFY DRA}�ER � _ ._;_�__ _ ; BOXES AS REQ'D. u� � '� � f �.a. � _ � �.� ` X°.�. I , � � �� i DUE T4 SINK ORAIN � �"� 's�.. _ � f�� �� .� �._�� �`�;i ��� '� .�r. _ .._ � __ ,_ _ _. _. � ,, ... _. , , � � �� � � �#� �' �yANi7Y DEPTH �� I n ,. � � • � • • � � . . � t i � EXIST. STEE(. 6EAi� TO RE�iAiN RIFY LOCATIO VE N i ) EXIST. STUCC(} SEALAHT AS REQ'D. FLA7 CLAD CASiNG (BY PELLAj CLAD CASEl�ENT V�NQO� FRA�4E CLAD SILL (BY PELLA) SEALANT AS REQ'0. EXiST. STUCC4 XI T A E S . LL FRAl�ING TO RE�IAIN � EXTfRiQR ALLS � ,�. , . . -SACK TO BACK 3"x12" B.N. TILES � JAMSS (TYP.) -CUF AS REQ'D. � DOOR T4 BEDR00l� {D} EA,�T 3"xt2" B.N T1LE5 C� BdT. SIDES, & TOF QF N�CHE`. (rYP, i$"L. T,$. (+5s"} 4"H, SLAB B.S. (2cm QUARTZ) 3xt2 B.N. TILE BASE KD-3540 CASIyG (POPLAR) RELOCAiEO FIRE ALARl� & SREAKER (+88") DOOR TO CLOSET �D} N�RiH (3E) S(}UTH C ��iCi�YE�t SLAB h�iRROR �/ K�-3800 Pt3FLAR CASlt�G (DIRECTLY OPFOSI7E BATH #f 15 D002} -BAC'+C OUT CkS11�G ;�/ POPLAR BLKG. AS REQ'D, DU€ TO THICKNESS OF �61RRdR � BASE , {�aP�aR� r . _EQ, .. F�1�LL F1LES_ _ ,__�5�� ; fi"x24" 1iLE5 IN � __ _ RUNNiNG BOND _ ._ PAT7ERN (TYP. -- ' _ c� rH�s sHa�eR) ' , , � _� _ EXIST. Ii�SUL. ABOVE ..� , EXIST INSUL. ABflVE � ___ �_ BEA}� TO REIiAIN.._. _.__ _ _ _ _--- ---- ____? L...=..� _. . . __BEAI� TO REMA��_. __ . _ . , ._ � . _. __ _ i � \ � . _, ,: , . Ys>c.n�_.. t .4....r ��.. �� ' ' � � - _ , . ._ . .. ... .. .. ... . , . . . _ �, � _ , . . � �-.�.,_._._. . _� a� ��..y � . t , � z �, ,i`� � n `�' i i _ _. , _ , �.__.__._.___�_� , _ P.f' .-rx__-r,.� ��._. _.._.._ .-«.�. : ' CY '.. r !. :.; : , i _ _ ` .. �; `, � , : i , .. � i � .� .. �. .. � � �� �NRAP STEEL BEAI�S � � � �� � ` � � ,; � H „� �: �' '� ;� ; ;'� ; ' � , 4VRAP 5TEEt BEA�iS i � YV/ {2) LAYERS OF j 4V1 f2} LAYER$ OF ;���'}' E l ... � i 1...._r �: kL� � �'� �. TYPE X' G�B � I _ ° � '� TYPE 'X' G��+B � ' ��, ,`�� �� �> >' � i ' ,%� ' ' � '�� '' COLD ROLLED � `; ��• \, � � l, , � i � ���= GHANNEL HUNG �' f 4 3/8" M _. �"$.�. _ �.__k'_Y �r� ," 42" 1�ALl MTQ. Lv. �(1 ---=--= ;,j KD-354Q SOUNDBAR SNOyVN DASHEd t�' GA'��� (VERlFY �IflUN11NG NT,} �= , (P(7PLAR} ;_ _ _ _. _ .._ _.. __ _ ._ _ _ _ _i �, � ;� � i, I I� PO�yER & CASLE ; ,' i, ;�; t�'� AS REQ'D. FOR 7.V. ; i �---� `�; Ei! i'�} (VERfFY HT,} � - {_"§iC' � i' _ — _ � � „ - t .� _ _ � � _ -- - �� RELflCATEO T-STAT s °���,� .—___ �__ ____ _ r'` _ i' �i F4R RADIATOR (+64"} ' " , � ____� i j�� L��_-_: v>_-��- �, ��r �-� � I � ' � I � �, ��� �j HEAT PU}�P T-STAT (+60") �- - - - ; e°- � � � i s�� c-r�.- , ��- .. �.- _i —.--�.� sl #1 ' 3E , � I � �„ ORESSER � - � -- _ _ _. i� __ _ _. _ �_ ._ _ __ a ; � � E', (BY Oy�NER) � , s ; � u !'\ 1 �; , 3 i; � _ ,�_ .� . � , _ :q � � r , ; s _ _ _ ._ _ __ _ __ r � � � � 3! #i `� � ;�___.__,._ ' - _�� � � � � �� � _��_ ;i I �'` ;I` � Gf E 1 } i ,�'"� � I , y � __ __ _ . �� �}__ ___ _ �,� �._._ �_.__ __.— � ''_ __ � } ^ ' � ,, _� _._ . __ __ _ _ ____ � � �__� � - _ _ _ �-� ._ ____ ._ _ - - -- DOOR TO UNIT �687/6$9 Kn-3540 eAS�Nc (Pt7PLAR) ( E } EA�T SAFE SNOyVN DASHED ___�_ 'VERIFY SIZE - � � '� �' EXIST. BASE BOARD HEAT (�� x . �s. � k; h .<<_ : :r.� V�f aV�NE�) ; : : � , ` ��^; �>, i' { -'-� � �; .� �+`� � _ ' AD,t. � � � 1 ;;� . , SHEi.F : � �`,- -�` 4;i : ; ADJ. : � �_ , ,i i ROpS j s � � � , 'i �, : '`j i : I� i ( � i;; ; ini : I !; ? ,, _ � , , i; . �, �� t, �� . ��; � � � . � . 'j,s' ;�, . i j� 3 �J S ��' ' ( . � !�� ti, 'i ' { • ;; ,' ; €: � . -- � � i f : �� m=:�; °z`E�'''\: DQOR TO �'' BEDR00� t,_4" ,h----- ; , {A) �C?UTH (B) WE�T {�') Nt�RTH (D) EAST � CLC� �' �T �. �. � �iELA�(T1VE �HELVI�tG, POPLAR TRIIV� A3.4 ��ALE: 3/8„� �;,��„____._��___m__ �_____._______ _________ _�� (NSUL. ABOVE _-- '��,--�----- EXIST, INSUL. ABOVE t0 RE�IAzt�___ __ _�._-_._._.___._ _�____ _ � �, L. � .I._____ ___�EA�f 70 RE�1A�Iy _ ---____.____._.__ � ti' � �-, . _ � � � � . �� _ , �________. _j � � --� ., � �a �� � -�,.���..�� � � ,� � � :�wn �� � `�.,�.�?__���Y��_- _ _ �_.__�����_ �.,�_ ��,,�N , - � ( , �; �r� - ________------��T �T`�"�� m---_ ___-4 i I3 ' � '' :�: - __ � _ �___ _ __ r � _�___ _ ,.-1hRAP STEEL EEA►�S� i j �� �,X :. �� VrRAP STEEL BEAt�S � V�/ (2i IAY��E.e.R5 OF � i f L� {, � �,�� �. 'Nl i2l LAYERS OF � (/ � ��, TYPE `X` GW� ` 1 � // / i ` ��,:� \ TYPE 'X� GV{F�' { %� \ il*+ i i tI / { � Y .. iw. � .. f . .1 . , , � s l �� � ,,��,�'��:` 1�" STU05 �;`, / ` " EXIST. STEEL � , ,�, ; � ' ; l ' ' s �.� �n � I � � i GpLQ R4LLED � ; � .� � `; , ! � ��� _''i`_ ___ __i , � , �.,-. _.V --- , _ _. ___.__; FROM BAR J41STS ': , r� � � � .�_ � 24 O.C. �� _ -1� -_�� �� �._� _ _� BEAI� TO REMAIN ; < . 1�5 STUDS _ _ I :; 5 _ _ - ._. _ _ _. _ _ . � �� HA7 FURRlNG 1 � �,`,�y ,�____._ _ _.�--� r—_ _---��-���CHANNEL HUNG , , ; ��24"O.0 € , . � :--._ __. ______� _ ___ ; , i >� � » -._ � _ _ ' �'RG�) BAR JOISTS s ,. . � (YERIFY IOCATION) .:.----__ _ ,__ �_... _. .__. _. _ : `-- _ _ CHANNEL BEL01H , .; 1�'a STUDS � ._. ._ �y . _..._�..�..._... ���.___._.._..,..._...._... .7;`v^' '.., x�H'..-�-, . . :+a.H: � sS.iTt.^..Y�x : R . H .?i?��n'F": :� �G�� t� T [� o . .__ , .. . . � = $ � 24 0 C h� . �. � �,1 . :� ^ . . i �rr r-°.r'r i �'s..'�•.?r?, . . RA t f' Uf'�i� i . .__.. .. " ,X , , . ._.: , .. :w�,±:� ��=.9 ;, �-� Ex�sr. sTUeco ��� N � #< , < .K...�.. .��-..-�..�.,x, �. � ` � .. � .:. ,- � , .fi-:: xt�.._ _� - �-. ��..;.. ..��,.• _ _ C EL BEL . � . .. <Yr.'k . ^r:-c'v.t?'xi': �: r,1. ...-.s,+:'i. `N.�t...e'-,,-n'. �.�""a i .�. r'.r � ,'.�ir.:'' 4 �'1i'S i �o'�e <. s} x x.s.�t`, :'��-.}'v-ex ^t- ��Y � h . .. "" � x,n . ,,,x � -_ __ __ _._ ____-__ _"' _' ..__�.... .} �, ! ., 7 ' .. �' � � . i { �� . ..-. 4:` 1 ._.�,�z-�- � � A Q I ` Q - . .. . . . ,t...--- � . I�- � ; k; ,� ' ; � ! ,..,, ,x_';� � ; 1�; ;!� 3ih"T. CLOSED CELL = _ � � ��-3�h°T. CIOSED CELL SPRAY IN `- ! �!� %' '��� '� ' �w s �� F X F r . �� � ! � �qp . �/ ��., �,.. � � n � .� . .. �,. . EX S . STEEL - k^ - r: 'Ya3".';° .'*'Y°�Y . / � a ��.�� \ � ':yr . 'l:A .. . �i .4x. .. . . §a . �� � ' �{ SPRAY IN INSUL. (TYP. rn ,� I i '' INSUL. TYP. � EXTERIqR rn � t EXIST. S7EEI� �� � :!�"' �', . `�'' }"� `.. `.':�'". `�' "�`:�." , ' ; ..•.•"` . �` : _ , l K���� f �- j COLD ROLIEQ SEALANT ? I � � �� i ;2) LAYERS � ��, �_� BEA� TO RE�IAIN , , � EXTERlOR y�ALLS) ;.,, o ��' `' � � � (yERIFY LQCA710N) ;��' f�: � i CH A N NEL HU NG A S R E Q'R � Vl'ALIS) i.,. 0 4 F G V V B � BEA�iI �"0 REMAIN i E<� i 3� ° i'. C L O S E D C E L L = r I :,,� - �" 2`-6" � GREAT ROOi� �, FROM BAR JOISTS � � `n '; ALl CEILI�GS (VERIFY IOCATiON) , '�.�, `� r �,pRAY IN INSUL. TYP. � � � , �- - _ __ ______.__,,.____ __ _ � I ; � ;�� - - --- - - T F�AT c�a,a ; . � , � ; ;, �,, y w �� � _ � � 1 2 �a��s .� � HAT F RRI �. .� n &�ASTER BEDROOi� W/ �1 NG CASi G � 2-& i� GREAT ROQM _._ EXIST. STUCCO ;. ,.,; � � EXTERIOR V�ALLS) r. �- i {� EXIST. STUCCO- � � ,;��'� CHANNEL BELOW {BY PELLA} ,, � _ .__ & MASTER BEDR00�{ ` �< ,�' �'�6" a � 4F G� � - ALL CEILIt�GS ;��� ?�__ �� (2) LAYERS - SEALANT � �� �,,_._.___.�._____.`_�__�______�_,,� SEALANT- �` �'� � �� OF G�+B � AS R�Q'�. ,," �'"` AS REQ�D, �FAT RO(�I�IA�T�R BEDRdOV� ALL CEILIt�GS GREAT RCfl�i ASTER BEOROOR� �,�`�. �R�� ���3 �ypTE; {2} LA'1`ERS QF �j�+B �IUST �\ 4� F�.AT CtAD ¢ E"-' BE C4NTIMUOU5 FOR FIREPROOFi}�G �LAT CLAD- � l ; ci CASIt�G ' j <? _�. �w �� _._ � i� NOiE; �+ERIfY EXIST, SUBSTRATE NOTE: VERIFY EXIST, SU�STRATE - (JOG AS R�Q'J, �R SOFFIiS} CASlNG (6Y PEltA) � ��� (BY P�LLA) �t CAS11�G PRIqR TO ORDERI%G � CASING PRIOR T4 ORDERI�G ? � � a ' �` � ° i _,_ �yINQO�jS & DQQRS {TYP.) - �. - - !> 1�NDO�jS & OOORS (TYP,) CLAD CASE�EN i , _ ;� 1 °� CLAD CASEMENT- , � � :� � '� VY�NDOW FRA�IE �y ° ;� NOTE: V�RIFY EXIST. SUBSiRAiE '�INDOy� fRAI�E � _ � � � CA � PRlOR TO ORpE#2iP�� t` s !• N01E; (2} LAYERS OP G�+B UST ' ~ �II�t70 �C 004RS iTYF',j ��' 8E CONTINUt�JS FOR fIREPROQFiNG ' _. _ __._ ° `� CLAD 5lLL � � , ':� CLAD SILL- � �� rs PELLA CLAD �' , � s --�1!y' (JUG AS REQ'D, � SQFFITS� � ' i ;� � (8Y PEILA) � __ �``` {BY PELLA) ,, � ,� DOOR �/ PELLA � .a � T. PREFiNiSNED �' � ,�,� ' SCREEN DOOR °� ENGINEERED �JOOp � �' � �� � ' K�-3540 CAS1h�G �"T. PREFiN�SHED � � �--KR-35�r� CASi�G ��� k � i� r F10�3R C4� GREAT R00� �,,,, (POPLAR) EHGII�EEREO WOOD FLCOR cn SEALANI " ' {POPLI�R} SEALANT- i:�%1. �� � ' % � GREAT ROOM� (CARPET & `w AS REQ'D. ; : AS REQ'D. _ Y `� - � I KD-4662 BASE SEE ALFERNATE �2 .�...` _ � ' � ; (POPLAR) �'AD � M�ASTER BEDR001�) FflR FLOORING OPT10N EXISi. STUCCO �:� GdRPE7 & FAD EXIS?. STUCCO- K -4 A D 062 B SE ;� ��� __ � �D-2140 SHOE EXIST. CONC./STEEL EXIST. CONC./STEEL EXIST. �+Alt ' " - �� � � � (POPLAR) EX15T. CONC./STEEI EXISL �+ALL- ' �= ' (POPLAR} � DEGK & STRUCTURE DECt� & STRtlCTURE ` ` ' ��� FRA�IING TO � �; DECK & S7RUCiURE FRA�IING TO ,�:,���,, ; � V�OOD �LOOR BELOV� TO REI�AIN , BELt}�+ T� REMAIN Rth�Aly 4 ,' ,, ; � BEI.OV� TO REl�AlN t �EMAiN � h . . . . � .� � y...,. \ . ,,,-�.. ,. ,�, .w ,�, . . ,�.,. . .. ... �, �. �.' , .. . , > �. _.. ,_._ .__._.._m......_..a.._.._.._.� ._ .. � _ .>>:�.. _ ,..; ,. .. � ,,_�� ��� �_ -_ ._,. �.�:w._ . _ _ . . ..a_ _.' _ . _ .,__ , �..; � r �_a_ .,_� s . .._.__. . __.._ ., _._ ___ _ _ _ �, �� ..�� > s.� _ _ �_�. . � 3, = �� EXTERIOR ; .,' ' , _ __ _. _ _ -_ _ ..__ _ _ _� EXTERIOR _ , � ALLS A(.!S a +� Y� E� .e, �.:, ,... , ; ��:nr ��a �._... �,.. a..�._ _..�..� � � �, i sr, y t � 4 I < ( 1 � k 1 � r � ., r. : ., .. . . , � �.. `" . ... . p _. . . . . _.: e.d , ::! e..._._ 1 ..� .. � � E �., .,f __..� .��.� � . .._'S. � _.�.._ _.' ., _.. . ..,w: _ , ... �.:.p ,. - , _,� _ .. _ . ,. ,. .. .. , . _ �. �.... ., , , . . .. . _ . . . .. . i# _ ..._ . _-_ . ; .. " , _ .. . .. .. . _ .... . ... -� -- --- ._ . _ _- _ . _ ___-__.. _-__ _ � .._. ' _ _ _._ � __ �. __ _ _ _ _ -- - _ r�- �� j I _.,, `� ��� - --; � i � � ; � - ' �r� '\� �j' ; ,, , ;; , __ _ F ,, � �, . ';� ;,. , , ; , � � :..._.- -- ---_'1__ __\1.______._____r!1__...3 _l_��==.__tl-�..._.____T__ ,,_---_ ,.___ _ _�,_:__.__ a�_ :,__ ! _.._ _ __ ...., ..., ., . . , �...r.y ... ..... . . ... .... . :., 1.4... (A� C WI�VDt�W HEAD G GREAT {B) � DOQR HEAD C� GRE.�T �C�} ��I����JW .�Ti�A.I� RU�� f 1�tASTER BEDRf�Ql1� ROQ�%�ASTER BEDR40Iv� ����Rt�U� � 1 f 3 EXTERIOR WALL SE�TItJ� sc�LE: 1 y° = �'-o (1) LAYER OF �"T. G1'�'B & (1) LAYER OF �"T. QUiE7ROCK � SEALANT � _._,..__ h. __....._..__._ .._.... ._.,___....._._.___.._.. Y...___. _._ ._._. _.__.,j -- , TRY 1 1 J4 �` ;,r �yALIS AS REQ D. �'t"T. PLYy�OC1D �A� ��i;{' S.S. PLATE ON (4} 2"x2" S.S. TUBE ` BACKING tT� �; I "LEGS" (�+EIDED T4 PAty} -THICKNESS AS ` WRAP S.S. AROUND � E5� ��; REQ'D. TO SUPPORT FULLY LOADED �� � �� f ASHER & DRYER APPRtJX. 604 LBS LEDGf TO FOR� I CTR. � Vr� � i „, HA�,j� � j _ _ ._ _ _ _ __ __ � � �`_.__._._� ..�_�,� � 4 � ,.� __:__ __._ � _.. . e ��,_ � , � H�_a � : '� \ `�' � �' �,'���� 1'-ii"xt'-11" PLATE t ' ^ � rn cn � �/„ ` `,� K., 3 � ; � ` 3 I � � 4� �` ' 2'-3"�+.x2�-2�"L.x7"D. 1 t.;' ' ?� ,� '; � � ° �1 I �F.V.) S.S. PAN TO HOLD _,� TYP -� .,. `�----- j,,r`, �l� �'�� r---� gTACKED yVASHERJdRYER ��•��'. _ 1�'a" STEEL STUDS � ��� �� � �� (�" . , ; �� � _____ � -� � _u � __.. � � ��___ ✓� �. 1� � ._� � r � � �� � , � �� SHUT OFF �'ATER ' EXIST, CQNC/STEEL DEGKI�G �v ,.�� NOiE: INSTALL y�ASHER ON �ASON ' SENSOR -SEE INDUSTRIES (714-535-2727) NEOPRENE �ECH, PLAN 7" pRAIN (TIED GUP �IOUF{T RAaS -(4) TOTAL. SIZE �NTO EXIST. SE�IER) AS REQ'D. FOR ASKO �yASHER s DETAIL C� WA HER P�� A3.4 ��ALE. 1 1/2„ _---�;-_p,= _____________.____ ____________`__-____. 1�" S7UDS � 24" O.C. r i '4 f � S � S COL4 ROLLEQ `� �°�� ��,� g q� �-„-,;, M.. � CHA NEl HUNG _ -��. -� s s .� E. _ ;,.. .:�.� _ _ ..W:,�. t . . x t .. ,. .;��:�*,� . w .�..:�..x ��-� � -G ��"r` �* � � F AR I T RO B JO S S �.� � ... .,...._..i.,� lY ..��L�l.u,., � � + 3�i"1', CLOSER CE�L =_ # 1M% HAT FURRIkG SPRAY IN I�SUt. {TYR. �� � CHANNEL BELOy� � exr��aoR Wn��s} ;.� Q -�_ _ -- ��-�� �- �----- —�' � > {2) GAY�RS f� �O�t?�rl �Y101 OF G�+B � { �; AL[, CEILII�GS _ ._ � E ce �i 1� NOTE; YERIFY �XI5T. SUBSTRATE ^. "' €� 0! CASING PRIOR TO ORaERIt�G �►No��ys a� �oo�s (trn,) u �w '�-KD-354p GASING � (Rf}PLAR) °� s � � cARPeT a� �aa �'i KD-4062 BASE �' i� POPL,AR) EXIST. CONC. jSTEEL � pECK & STRUCTURE ' _._� B£L��1 TO RE►�AIN , � � , f i'_ . � � • � V . �.�# .`� � �,�# �� � � �� ���3� �'� N,�,�;�,.����,� ��� �y������ ����� ���� � ��..� ��.�.����� �� �r � �` a , r> �^ ,� �., -� �:.����;, �..��t� _��.,.�, _ .�.��.,� a< ,�} - .:�.-�.:�..��^.�,° � �",_} � ���� %f e� � ,. "�,� �..�,._.....w.,, a...,.�-� ....�.-.*..� „-v..�._ . .. .�"' ..,.�. ! --� � � -a a L-�.���.� ��� ���.� ,. �� ����.� .z�. �_�.��.xn�m �_`�. � � �� V1 � �' ��Il�ir . , � , t; "� � �� '' ! : C?1 � C:1'\ � � � �•1 ,. �: �� � � � � � � � � � �` rn � � 0 t�� � c��1 F-� �► � � � W � � V1 � � � � � W � a � � � � � � � H ��� ct� C� � �� � GZ.I � � � ~ � "G � �� � � � � ��+v � a� � ,��/� r�'a Q C� � "�^� � � rs.�.�i � � �+ � �y .� •� � � � � ��`� � • j��i � � H � � � C� � � � �,,,� t;' � � � � �``� t:" � �..i dr � � � ��y /1��°y�I ar`, � V� � a• Ci ��i A Qi E� � �"''� � o � tid *+� �n� �' a��o .�, V2 W � � � � � � � � cs� � �.y � � � � � �� � o � � �� ��; � � � � � � "� cn 1�� O �' �� � � � ,�' � � c*� �� � � c� �.�.i o� ^ e*i �. �.- �� � � � � r,. � .� � i �} �4��.�� _:_',, I I n��: oe/z�/t� 5HEET: i ,r� �r. t2oas EXlST, EXTER10� FUTURE RECE5SED CASSETTE EX►ST. EXTERIOR FUTURE RECES5ED CASSETTE SCONCE LiGHT SCONCE LIGHT HVAC UNIT � CENTER HVAC UN�T � CENjER TO REf�AIN TO REMAIN ` l�NDO�+ SH4N�`i DASHED 1HINq0� SHO�yt� DASHED (VERIFY j�/ PLOOR JOISTS) '. (VERIFY �'j FtdQR JQISTS} ; , ` _ , __ __ . _ -..._ .... , , _. _ �. _ _ _ , , _ ; . , . ;i;. „ , _ ___ _-- , ___ �_ __ _....._ _...__._ ............._ ,.. �..�_� `t ,, _..... ...._ ._ ..r .�.,_�,-�. .... ..._ . ...... _ ; GA G S ICHES FOR SCO CE LIGHTS N N , � 1 3,�I. SQFFiT HT, " 1 r--�� � -:: ..... ;, ;` � r--� � �; _... , _ .. T T A TA n n �� n n 1�j QU lE S BOVE END BLES ; , ,;� � � .. _ _7�-9� " � i ...! ,^- �1 _2_ , " `;� ' ��i � i i�� `° ' -0+ ; `.,; � ,� u� , , ' �u � � ut � _ - FUTURE RECESSEO CASSETTE . � � � .. � ��� L^—' ' � L__J { 9 �. TE: S I i RI R i-' 0 EE E 0 - � N N C�'� 1 .,. _._ I C � � . � � � H I , FUTURE RECESSED CASSETTE tSP> � ,� j � _� L _ _ _ _ J _ �, _�„ , "� L _ _ _ _ J ' � VAC UN T (� CENTER _ � __ � ---*-._. , , -Q" ; � ' ��� � ELEVATiONS FOR �(INDO�N SHO�+N DASHED ______ ___�___,__._�______ � � � ._ ,� � � � �� , � HVAC UNIT � GENTER _ _, ;_ .. _ .. . ._ _ . . . _ . , _ . �_ � PLACE}�ENT OF #4 ` I�NDOW SH�V�N DASHED " r^� � � -: � � (VERIFY W/ FLQOR JOISTS} FFIT HT.= {` ' ; ; $CQNCE LIGHT FlXFURES rt . � � , � ,,. SO . ' VERIFY �'/ FLQOR JOISTS} , .2`-0 _ " � '_p" , � - ; __ .; 7YPICAL LIGNT fiXTURE SYIwiBOLS. t - , "'�``"'_-5__ =_ __.. _ �_.__ ,` , _,, ; ,� , :`. . . � : � _ � n n ; , `L ; , ___ ; , _____._ � [ ; , , __ _.__ _ __. _. .._. ; : _ , �i ; . , ,. , 3 .... .............. . .._._. . . _ __.__. _.. _..._ _ _ ,.....;. , �. ; Ji$ 1 . .: ............... . ............ . . ............ .......................�. . . ..... , . . , .. .. . ,.. .. . . .. . . . i : � i . � �: ,_ ,...... -:. _.___. _. _. _ ___ ,_ » _ _, � ; ____ ` ,, � ' ' - � ; , ; ` ; _.._..__ , _---.._.. .. - SCONCE ALL �OUNT _ W , .;_. --- „ o. . __ ___ / .:. , -- --- � --� _ ___ - , _... � , . , . _ _ __ _ _ � , , _ , _ . _ ____ _ ._�_�__ _ _ _ __ _ : _. � _ r _ � _ ;-. �.�� -� _..,�,. � i , 9 � i � : � <,. ; � i _ __'....._.. _ z i ' -- �G : � i r-- i ° M " _,.__.. . _ _ .. .. � ,: ..... / ,_ _' ` i r � ! ! F = n , n �„I , , __, : I � ; ;. ,.., ; CLG. MT. ; v, ��_ � ( E ,: N� ' ' n n , ; � � � � , 1; � ;:..._. , ». . o �. � � � �. i = RECESSED DOINN LIGHT , u �i .� I � _ 8 s 7-51 5r �., • n �i �; i� � z � i ; r .: � �, '; : c� •--; ' - , _. �� I f �3 cv� i � � i ; ; f _: . }�,tn � i� 1 I �I 1 �--J I i = , , �" _ _ . . � , �,i W i i : i ! Q v -i _.I_ L._��. I �-♦ _ I: � � ; ; � L = ___.� ,�-- ' �� K ; � j , « � V ' ... � � � L ___=___ � f � = SURFACE �OUNT LIGHT 8 s � � �CLG. HT.=7-tt�b _ .i -' — -- ---- � oo; t j � i b c� °i �.. a_ ' 1 i� � � RAISED i �� , � i � � ; � _ i � � ' f 4 — t .. �"` ' �� ; _ ..; . _ ". ' � ; � � ! ` CLG. ' -. _ _ . _ _ _ ._ � i � r � `` ' = DlRECTION L IiGHT i r s �__ ' } M: f M �� � M A i . . � t )� ) % . . � i , 7- i-10 � .. � , ; � _.��_.� __ ___ _ � _ ___-_ _ _ �.i'� ,;, : i `—' ' j r`( ' � :.... i ;; � ;..: ? � ' ; - _ , _�,_._ �, ; ;, , _, _ _ _ , ,. 4Q ; - '_ "� i � _ g , , ; ; , , � ` CLG, HT.-7 it� ; i � 4 � 3 . ...,.. . , .: �. ...,.. .- � � : ' '; : ' ' ' t���� _ � , t �, _ .. _ TRIP LIGHTI G ; , L __� __ ---- - .__ v _._� , ; ; A41 _ , 8 S N � s � s :, _ . . _ ,I _ __._. ..; . , , . , � „ � » � x ; ., ,; , ; 1_-6. w. , ,1__-6__ : ,w, , ; , .,, _ _ ; , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . , , � . . ,:_. . . . , � SHEL S ' , K t _ _ i � , 5 F VE , � 7 -6 3 4 ± , » _ EXHAUST FAN ! ' ' G. HT.-7' 11�'e" . i . ; ..: __: . __ _ 1 - F / ' ;'1 - CL _ , � S4F�'IT Hi. n_� _,,.--- _ _.- - - -- -- ; _ --- ----� ' � � ; � � ... ., j �� ,. .. �: . ; �..,.. " . f M : .� � . . . . � I � �� ' 7" �^ _ _ SdFFiT H7. _ 6 -10�fz +� { r` ; ; ! a � , ' -0"�: _ , , g - , _ . . _ ._ ._ ._ _ ._ , r - � „ � x�i ; _ _ � - SUSPENDED LIGHT 4A � � i ,;;; 3 =6'-tOYz 8.. _.°� S�FFIT HT. N i "' � Qi , , ; ,� �� �., .� t� �f � s G i- x � SP � � A41 � r. . t , rT. ; • ' 7'- "H 2�'0 , � ' > I _ __ . _. ti ` .; � m �, _ i ,_ PROP4SED SPEAKER � c� 4 i H7 : i` -s CLG. P f S ' t I : " - ; . .. ,� ; ' � . , _ _ :: CLG. C� . i . 8 � ,_ .. 11 ___ _ _ ,. _ _ . � � _ : .. _ _ _ _ : ;a � , » , F , � _ �ocA�noNs , __ _. , _ _ ,_�: -7 it ' Bf CH ` -- ! E. : , � ;, t : ! < : ,, �' , _ , N , ' - . , >., , ,�tt�, _a�:�4_:: �Q.� r� � - 2 . TH B. . �4 S C � � 4C .,� �3, N i T � ' TILE ' , d`. ' ti= FFI HT E ; S .g 0 <` , d ; : ,. :, ,. _ . ; T H TI R , , » ' ; -�.. ; A4. , ;, -' _?--� _ , __ .. .: ; �4 S1M C WI �E < _ _ � i , _ _ �1 _ ._ , _ __, w.._- BED 6 � l , » ; A4.i' �-. %� �' = S41�TCH �// DI�iM�ER _ __ _ _ �� :EQ � �,� 4'-�H - - _-� E4-___ ; p FR :; ; . ; 1 � _d��, ``� -' ;. � � c�c. �r. � _''-��M 7'-47�" CLG. HT. BACK TO` SACK B.N. �R TILES � JA�IBS` �� 18x18 T1LE CLG. -AUCN �a�NTs �(f WALL JOINTS SNALL BE INSTAILED IN FIRERATED HRTS -SEE SPEC. � • � � ,�CALE: 1 f 4" �__ � ��4�, �� SOFFIT HT, =6'-14 �" S�dTCH �CLG, HT, _ 7'-5��� � � BACK TO BACK B.N. � � TILES � � � I � JA4�BS ��^�7�» CE�G. HT, � CUT 6"x24" TILES � CLG. -RUNN�NG BOND PATTERI� �IGHT FIXTURE SCHEDULE Li hi T e MFR Cat Lom Finish emorks _ _ _ _ . ._ �_ ____ _ _ _ � _ _ _ _1 Str�p Light Diode LED DI-0001 _ _ �ED Suibs: 3528 S�{O LED Fras#ed Lens (�f-1060� _ _*_ Size__�nd locate_dimmoble___ ______ 12V Fiuid �eW Strip Light _ 2700k Cofor Temp drivers �s_reguired__ ___ ..______.__r__ _ _ _ _ (Cut to fength) ��.. _ _.._ , .. . ._ _._ -_-- .. -- -- -------- _._ _______,_ Naok channei �D1-1052} . _ . __ _____ _______..___�___.___._�.____.___�___-_-------- 2 Puck �i ht , D,iode LcQ, Di-4332 _ LED Bulbs: Edison LED, . Brushed__Aluminum__ __ *$ize and lac�te dimmable_ � . -- ---, _ _____ _____ � __ �� __ __,__ _ 414- K rm i Tr n n I ' ' _ 9 33 3050 a te a sluce t G�ss Caver dr�vers as re uired _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ YV � _ _ { } _. -- - � � - --- , ___ __ _� ._ �_ _ ��_ _ _-___ _.___ ____ _ ___ _ _ _._ _, _____.. _ ._.____- --- __._----_____.__.___._________ :.: ______ __ _ ___ 3 Recessed_ ShaWer Li ht_ Juno IC1LEDG3-27K-1* 2700K L.ED _ 5atin Ghrome Tnm ith *Verif valta e& fm�sh _ . _.. 9 _ _ _ __ _ ____ __ _ _ __ _ ____. ._ _______ !h'__ _____ _______Y______9�_----- ---. 12W-SC Trim Frosted_Lens*..__ _____----__,_..__.________.__�__i________._____:____ _� _ . _ _. _ _. _ - --- __ _ _ _ _ _ ___ __ _ _-.�_ » � -- __� �afl Sconce Lighk _ _ . . _ * - -- --- - * - - --- *-_. _ , �___ _ *RrQVided by �ner__� __.__ In 1{ n r I nr r _ __ _ _ sta ed � Ge e a Ca t acto._-- __ _ __ _ . -- _ .--- _ __ __. _._.______________ _______.____ * .* * * . _ 6 Surface Mounted L�qht _ _ _ __ _.__ . . ___._______�__.�___._Rr�v�ded bv O�ner ��4 _ ___ _ _ _ _._ _ _ -- Instull.ed � G�nerai Contr�ctar _ _ _ _ _ . _ __ ,__ _ _ __. _ _. . � _ ________ _.____� _____�__ _^__ 6 Recessed Exhoust Fan Panosonic FV-10VS1 __ NfA__ , �+hite _. _ alf oun . _. _ _ ___ ____ __.�_____ ����___ t�M M t�d� . ��_�_� _ _,, ___ _ _ _ _ , , _ _ __ --- - _ _ _ _________ __ _ __ �_�____. ______ _ ----- 7 4 d�a. Recessed Can L� ht _ Juno_ICI�EDG3-27K-1* __ 2740K lED__ _ __. Wh�te Tr�m, Dro Oval Lens *Verif valta e 9 _ _ _ .___ ___. __ _ ______ �___.__ __a____ ____ ___Y �9___ ____ ___ ______ ______. (Insuiated) 11--WH Trim _ .�i. .. .._._._ ___.__ . _ __._.. . ._�.__ , _._..w� . _.._....__ , _,_._._. T_.�__..�.__,...���_—�_.__�______.________.�.___.___._..._._—�.___..`.__.._.._._..._ 8 4 dio. Recessed Vf+all 1ti!asher Juno TC1 10W-�VN 50W Par 24 White Trim n-Insul t d _ __ _ _ __�_._ __.___��� _._._�____._,_.__._�� _. _�N� ._ ___ � e__� _. . _ __. ____ __ ____ _ _ _ � _ _____ _________ .� �� ____� �_ _��._.��______� �_.__ . 9 4 dia. Recessed Can Li ht Juno IC1LEDG3-27K-1* 2700K LED_ . I�Ihite Trim, �ite Baffie *Verif volta e _. _ . _ _ __ _�.. _ .9 ___. _ _ ___ _ _ -- - _. ___ _ - ------_—. --_._ .___ . _-_.__ _._____.�_ _____ 9�_ �____ ____ Insulated - 14 Trim __ _ __� __ �. . .__. _ . ._. __. � __�. _�___ .______ _ _-- ----. . __---- ________________ ______��------ -__�______�_�___ _____ __. _� _._., _ __ _ ._ ___ ___. ____. _ ___ __._____________..._�______._______�_�_________._�_____ ___ 10 6 dio._ Recessed Con Light.__. �1u.na_.IC22LEDG3 27K 9* 2700K LED__ 1Nhite Trim, yyhite Baffle �Verify__v_ol�e _ _ __ _ _ .._ . _ __ _. _ _ __ _ _ ____ _ _ __ _ �� _ ___ _T - -- -__ ---- _(Insulated� 24�-�yH Tnm __ .__,� _ ._ _. . _.___ _ ... _ _ _ . .. ._. _ __ . ___ .__ _. ...__.___--- ___._ _.___.____-------_ __.__ __�_ ;-----_� -- - .. -- -- - - - * * 11 4 daa Recessed Can L� ht ite Trim r I n n 1 1R 7K 1 7 K D o 0 a �e s erif olta Ju o C LEDG3 2 2 00 LED v v e _---- -_ _•_---- ___ _. ___- ---_ _. _ _._--_ ----_ _----- --_ _..____ ----._ _ _-- -VV_�''-- ---} - _ - V _ _ 9 _ _ _ _ __� _._ _ _ _____ )! ._�_____ _________ __ � ___ __ _ __ (Insulated Remodeler Housing� 11-V�H Trim �", ,�eiREpRO4FiNG 3�" STUDS � 24" O.C. seA�aNT EXTEND EXIST. FRAMED EXTEND �ETAL STUDS WALL UP TO UNDERSIDE ! UP T4 UNqERSIDE OF OF DEGKING EXIST. DECKlNG /r' SPRAY IN SOUND EXIST. �L4QR � �Nsui.AT��N �� �o�srs � , i ; f�" �IETA.L � CONC, D�CKING; -- ; ' STUD FRAMENG [� ?. �C�k SOfFiTS .a.r�-�_�.u' ; .. . .. S KNURLED--� f . � � � .. .,,....�., �� � r� � , LE � E • ANCLE r- --, ----- , i , ; . _ a� r- - ,_ , "' �"_ r^��}� , .�i:J -Yt l � - ._ a' � ., � . `r . _ .._ .__... ..., �._. ..�. 3.... .. _ c. � � y,�, � ` _ 'U°� � _ ; s , """' ° �ci' ~- ��� � ;.. �- � .. _ o � � �;�� aeaROO io� �' „ . __>. � __ _ , , ___. _ , �� M , CQlD ROLLED CHANNEL° 1�'6M HtJNG FROM BAR JOISTS � VERiF'Y �yI �� __ _ � LAYER OF �'NB & _ _� `t�� NAT Ftl€2RI�G EXIST, COLUMN �1� LAYER 0�' QUIETROCK CHANNEL BEI.O'� {A} � BE���}Q11� � 1(� � C SOFFIT OVER BED � EXTEND �lETAL STUDS UP 70 UNDERSIDE QF y Exisr, oecK�Nc �, -Ex�sT. Ftoaa 3QISTS, BEA�f, &� CQNC. DECKING ! � �i� ? ;� ;_� + 1�i�" �iETAL- Y STUD FRA�ING ;�� � sa�F�rs � .., � 24" 0, C. V XIST F 0 f� E , L p JOISTS & coNc. aECK�Nc COLD ROLLED cHANNE� nuNG FRO}� BAR JOISTS WJ HA7 FURRING CHANNEL BELOV� I�SUL. � x -EXTEND 3�§" METAL SiUD- FRAi�It�G F�R SOFFI7S TO UNOERSI[?E OF DECKiNG -7YP EXTEND EXIST. FRAI�ED �yAl.L UP 7Q UNDERSIDE o� DECxiNc h T � 3� s vas 1 � I � 24 O.C. � � � t�" STUDS ; a � soe�ir � ; FRA I l 3 �1 G 1 � � i � � » v i n , 7 8 _ 3 � l s , ,�___ ---___ ._ ___.___ ----�-_____.. � RIFY y EXIST, GOLuMry COLD RO(.LED E (� BEDR00� f 13 CHANNE� t�uN� { ) # FRO�! BAR JOISTS C� SOFFTT UVER BED y�/ HA7 FURR1I�G CHAt�NE� BELOy� __ - - - -- -�--- 3�" STUOS ` 1- E___ � 24" C � a..� �/ SEALANT SPRAY I� SOUND INSUL. � T A ` T ?A S UB LL EX E D E � STUD V� N i� S A P T R I BO CLG. U 0 U Df S DE VE � N OF XIST. DECKI G E N �.,_.______�l_, . _______.___ =�Tk� rai�__£� _��r�RS oF c� __ �- � CLG. FOR FIRE RATIt�G ----------- �'` t�" I�ErA� srua- ;.� � FRA�IING � SOFFITS A T R ��~ �AN �iGHT i , � {1�tiERE� �.N �` OCCURRIhJG} i- - j _ � _ �-r - � Nore; (z) �A�fts oF c+Ne �lus� BE CONTIF�UQUS FOR FIREFROt�FIh�G {JOG AS REQ�D. � SOFFiTS) � .—.� -, . ,— � � G-=i , ANGLE `' (2) LAYERS RF���OLD ROLLEQ GHANNEL ��DROfl�I �jf01 � r GV1�B AROUND �UNG FRbI� BAR JOlSTS � W STEEL 8EA1� (TYP,) N'/ NAT FURRI�G "`' ° CHANNEL BELO� : : *ii 1 • A �. ~�. �.�-�',` 4 ��r�ri���� ���1�.��� � � A4.1 - _ � ;a- � --�- __ _ __ ---- - ---_ _ _r-----------___ ___ SCALE 1 = 1'-t�" _ _ __. . _... . _.. .... _._.. ....._ _.. .. _ . _ . ... ... ... . . . _ __ _ . S _.. __ FUTtiRE RECE�SED CASSETTE FUTURE RECESSED CASSETTE i � �_ o� � A R �'( �o � ,� , vs �.� �_ __ ��_ia ��_.� ��TRM �_� ' �f��q _�- _ _ ___� __ - ---- - y ---___ _____.__ (D) �► 1�A�TER BEDRO�� CLC}�ET �tJFFIT EXTEND METAL STUQS UP TQ UNDERSIpE � OF EXIST, DECKING i�" �4ETAI. =5TUD ��AMiNc�' � SOFFITS ( � '°~ � �R�AT R 1� ,. �- ; ' � � �" (2) LAYERS 0�-� � 2`-6" j`�' � G�NB AROUND K1T'H �_��_�, __ __ _�_ __ _______ �� i-, � STEEL BEA�I (TYP.} (�') C� GREAT R�f3�ifi/ I�ITCHEN ,�OF�'IT � -�r JOIST�, BEAM, & � 3�" STUDS � za� o.c. � C� � � � � __ H A IT R ` , HVAC UNIT � CENTER ��. Y C U � CE TE , EXIST, RADIAHT , V�NDO'N SHO�yN DASHEO ` ' 1N�ND0�" SHO� DASHED ' > VERIFY LOCATI€}N V�/ FLQQR EXIST. RADIANT {�ERiFY LOCATIdN Wf FLt�dR ` ' � BASE 80ARD HEAi' '� BASE BQARD HEAT PO�ER AS REQ"D. �` PO�ER AS REQb. - -_ ; r __. JOISTS ABOVE) I T. FO f . FO F EX S R U7URE HEAT R UTURE HEAT TO RE�1Ai1� JOISTS ABt}VE) y�.P. ;; PU�IP AEi4VE CIG. PU�IP ABOVE CLG. ,.: r: TQ REi�A11� ; ; , : , _ . , _ _. . . . _... __.. .. . ...._.. ....__ F , _. __ _. _ __ _______ _ ______ _ ... _. ..... . ... , .... _ _ . ... . . ... .. . .... _ .. _ _. _ _ _ _ _ _ _._... .. _ _ .... . _._. _... , _,. , . ...._ . .. ..... . .. , . _. _.._ . . __. _. _ _ ,: .. .................... _. . ,..._.._ _. __ _ _ . _ . _ _.... _ :,.: _..,:. , ., rt _ _ ._. _. _. ....,._,. ...._.... _...... : _.... _...._ . ... . _..._... _ _ , , , . ... ; , _ , _ __ __ _ __. _ . : - �::: : �. .., . ... . _ , _... _ .. . . _. .. . .... ... _ _ . . . � _ . . . _ .._ __ _ . _. . __ _ .._ ...____ . _. . . _._ .. _.__ . ,..... _. _ . .... .. .. .... ... . .... .. . . ... . .. , . ... _.. _. , . .;... _____-�-_- ---u�_.�_—__ __________ ��.w____-_-,• � � ,..,, .......... ........:...�______ —�_�� _._ _._ _ . . ,, , _ _ ; _ � ,.,.::t.� _;., . � ... 7 _. _ ,:: � � � _ �; ; � � __ _ ._ __.__. ___________ _, _ _____ _r._�, .� :° ; , , i � ______ _ _----__ _ = _ � � � F T P P Y s; ° :: ; , � , ____..___ ____ __..____-�-...�,-_ -y ; _ : „ ; � �_� -t --- ...._. : UTURE OU DOOR HEAT U� & SCREEN 8 _ _ ,��, _ .. . . ..__ . . _ _. . _. _ _ � � _ ..._ _ .__ _ �ll _. . _ � � , , .`;. � i r__� � s i; 1 r--� i ...._... f , ,, �n.r_ E j i ;. J,` �° i t�� ,. __ ,���",� O�yNER (SHO�kN DASHED) -ROUGH-IN EXIS3. �+1�") EXIST, l�'� EXIST: i: 7EI.E ' ' � � r REFRIGERANT & CONDENSATE l.INES AS REQ'D. � � � FUTUR E R ECESSED C ASS ET T E ' �u � � ll� �u � � u� FOR FUTURE HVAC SYSTE�I t� ALL UNITS , , E � �--�,� t -� �;� . � �--a i i r i ELECTRICAL S Y I � IBOLS: HVAC UNiT t� CENTER ` ; .- , L � _�. ��. � L, _ _= I � � i : �`t , " PROVIDE P0�(ER ! .- „, . _ _ :. _ _. . . _ : . _. . _ . .. __ .. . _ . _ .. . .. ... .. ... ' �SP _ ;_ _ _. ', _ _ . ,,. , _ _ . _. ._ ... _ . _ I` ; � ' 1MND0�/ SH�44t� DASHEQ _ , . : ; �,, _ � � � FUTURE RECESSED CASSETTE op,j�� = PLUG �10ULD `'�. _ _ _ _ ._ _. ' AS REQ R. �'OR 3 ` _.. i i� _. � _ . _ .. ., _ , ., _ .. „ ., ; � NVAC UNIT � GENTER lMNDO�+ PQ R AS REQ'D. � '� ` ' ; . �� ' _. .. . _.. _. .. . _ ' OUTDOOR HEAT PO�ER A5 REQ'D. EXIST. RADIANT (�ERIFY i.+�t���iON V�/ FtOUR � _ _��- , � PUi� - - - - - - - - � � i SHOy�h( DASHEQ VERIFY LOCATlON � `� PO R & CABLE � ..� . . ........... ..... P uNIT €4R FUTURE HEA'T � ` ,,,.. � r .. ,,... .. .. ;, * ,. _. ; � ROUGH-IN � L _ _ J i �. ... . BASE BOARD HEAT ,141STS ABOVE) `': ; ` t �} = GABLE T.Y. FQR FUTURE HEAT 7Q RE�iAIN ; :_ .` � � : { . . _ :<� �: '.,. .. ..:.. , ':.; WI FLOOR JOISTS ABOVE) PU�IP ABQVE CLG. � _ � AS REQ D, FOR ; ,� , j t , f'UI�P ABOVE CLG ; CONDENSATE IIN� --....d .,1....../.. ; : : ' :;' , , : � ; . . .. .. , : - �... .... � - ' . � �. . : . . . .. .... .. .. t � :..... .... _ ...... . ................ . ........... ...... ..... .. .. .............. .. .............. ....... . . . . ... _ . .,.. ..:..:.... ..... .............. .......... ................ . .........,.. . . ... ......... ......... . ....: .. . , ..... ....... . � ...... ..... . :; .. . .... , . �� ' � . ......_ . ....__.. .....:... ................� — :. ...>.. :a . . . ; ; : . . . . . .. . .. . , .. . . .. . . .._. . . .. . ....... . ROUGH ! CO DE SATE LI E ^ ___ _:, ___. N N N N ` , ; +�2 _ 1'.V. (VERiFY HT.) : . � , ? , � � ': .. . , : ,:: - ,:,; = TELEPHO E � r. , , . ; i ,� , , 1 CLG. Ft�R � . --___ __.__. _.___. . ___i N _ . _ . _ __ i ) ;,, , � _.... --._ ..., __. .i. ..._... r : , � H-i N � _- - __ ------ _--- , : , _ .,. . . auc N - = - t; . . ; ► :, � � _.. �.__ __. _:_ _._ _ � --W _ . _ - - ----_ - � . .. � i GLG FOR fUTllRE HEAT ; : . , r _ .----- -__.__� . ,, ,.. N . . -..., , _____ ____ _ � t=-e-�-�--}- ' __.._. . . _... . 5� : : :, , � ; ` ; t _ _. _._.__ . _. �-_ �_�_.-�.__ . __ _ _ __ : .. ` _ _ ..;_ _ ,:. . . ! F FUTURE HEAT _ K ,, . ___ �, ,._.. PU P -TIE 1 TO ASTE A�a ..,<, ` _,. _..REFRIGERANT ; � r--� � ! ,, " , � _. . _.._.. ... __ .. ;.. _ ... PO R & CABLE EXIST.� � r--� t �{ N 1�V ,.... , _ _" :�`; �, -' ;' t �;. n n, �.� , � . ..., PU�P -TIE INTO ;.- �° t � �� , S.D. � S�iOKE �ETECTOR EX15T. , �; ' � ;! � � � � - , , , �.: �:._r .... i , ; AS REQ D. FOR � ; ; hi � � �r ~ : REQD. � MASTER BATH ' _ `. LINES IN CLG. , , , , - ---ii� � i n� ; , .. � SPEAKER �IRES INSTAL�.Ea BY , . :...: � , i� i t�� �:: :.: ~.- �, FRQ�I FUTURE , YVASTE AS REQ D. � _ _ � ' . . _ _ , _: : ' .... - " i� � -- � � ! EXIST. . ' CO TRACT4R FRO SPEAKER ? . � T RIFY HT , ; _ _ _ _ _ . ` ' � _ � _:. : ,, _.., , , � MASTER BATH ; , _ _ _ � _ = OUTLET , TELE _ . N M� . ' . � EXIST. �, _ ___ , , �,, � : , . ; ; EXTERIOR UNIT ,, � _ ___ EXIST. RADIANT: :, � „ , ' s - ; ` r � :: i' / ; �' ; : .V. (VE ,) ' , __ _ _ . . . , _. ...�� ! , , . _ _ T i: � ; , ., . , . , ... ,.. . , _. ... _ .. ... . _ _ „ _ _ ! t LOCATIONS 0 AJV CABINET �lRE ;� :.: , ; > ... . .. .. .. . . . ._ , ,, . _ . _ _ _ 70 FU7URE - R pT ` "� + ' - ; ; � M . � ;. , : ' `', ,�: ` '" :: , `. ' , - BASE BOA Q HE ( 12 ) '„ , ` , ,, �,.._ .., . � , : ,: ;; ; . _ _ , PaQV�DED BY 4V�NER/OTHERS ; � `_ � � , � : ; ._. . : ; 1 DOOR U ITS ; ;; , HALF Sy�ITCHED OUTLET :' �` ! _..._, N N = ; , ,.. TO REI�AIN � � - : ._ ; ; ; � ' _ _ _ _ , , ' � : :.. . ,..._. : : : : , . ROUGH-IN C4NDENSATE ;: , _ ' , �•. <... ..._ _, :._.. ..... ..... � _... ' ` � ., � ; � , ' i ; _< , , -.. : , � :,-� i, . � : ABOVE CEILING ' . .. G ,, ; ROUGH-IN CONOENSATE _ ; ; � : ' `# : ,., i , _ ' ' 1 : : LINE IN CLG. FOR : ; " .. : ,p, = pUTLE7 ATER PROOF ..... , , ; � _ ...: r i� :..: T-StAT FOR 6EDROO�I; ,. � W �1N ) , _ .._ .. _._. . _. ... j ,,� i :.,,,: �� : «Ne aN c�c. Fa� _ , _ . _ _ . . . . ;.. � ; ; ; � �: ! ; ; ' '` + " .,,,,, ..._ .,..,. ._, �: .. �l r .. \ ; ± , ' 1 . ,. ` � ``, ` ' __ - ..� :; , �,.... - COOLING UNIT (+fi0 } , FUTURE HEAT PU1�P ; � '�d 7 ;! ..- - -- -.. r .._.. ; � _ 5_. _. ' ,, : ' FUTURE HEAT PUi�P : ; : , _ . ._ ... _. _ ... ... _ .. _. .._ .. • :_ , ,: ; , ..-- -., = r�:; � _ ,� ; ". . ,;�`, _. _..:. , ;, ,; _ _. _ -TIE INTQ �yASTE AS • = F R T T _ �_xEXIST. .- --, ° : �.. . _ , . i ' -TIE INTO WASTE AS ,., ; � _ _.. _ _ , .. REL4CATED RADIATOR .._. , , - . Q L00 OU LE ; � ;,.�_, ; "w : .t , ,. ,�' I ; _ . __.. _. . _ . ._ _. _. . . _ _.. .. . ;; ' ' ' ... A � _ < ,, ".......�......... : » REQD. � B TH 1 5 ! ,,. "`� 4. � ; � ; ' ,' : , ; ' r � _ :: :-. .: .. __ ..... _ ..... ... . ��, i � ___ .___ .__ _ _ � _ � , °�::�. .,.. , ; , � .� _ ._... . RE .� BATii 103 T T T 4 4D 5 A 6 PRQ DE C� pUIT t _.._ i ) VI ,. s � # N �,. ,� r; G . , , � .. ..,.. � , _ � I : ; -STACKED QN HEAT , :_ ;; ? ; i /- - FIRE ALARI� �1 t+$$"� � ;. (+d4 ) i �- �.._ .�,: ' . . _ ; _. . ,. ; ; � FRO�i T.V. TO A/V ''ti ^�. , -STAT FOR INFLQOR , ' PUt�P 1'-STAT v ; , , , POyi'ER & CABLE / ,. _. _. T T :.. .. ... ... . . : : _ ... ._ .. .. _ _ _. . ... _ _. .. ,_ .. . . , ; ' ! , ; ' ; ' �! ' ' CO�1PO�iE TS I CA�'T, `". ';""' ,-,- ; i i + " ��.�g�� i� 1 AS REQ Q. �OR N N T = FIRE SPEAKER -, :. ; : --- ..... ,- ELEC. HEA7 ( 60 A.F.F ) ; ; ; ' ` , ,. , , ' � ` i � PO R& CABLE ' ,' � ;. , *' ° ! VYE ' •: ,. ,.....,_ ,.. . N �� As x. i.; ;! , _ :.:. :.: : .:::.::.. .: :. _ . . :: . : 7 V H 1� ; ; ; _ _. :; ,; ` ; NE�' REAR OUTLET T41LEt ' , . {VERIFY T.) S'� , ; A SHO'� _ 71 X-FA ` ; �SF� , ; ' � E NEW E N . �, ; ;; : ,, : `; , ' i _ _ _ AS R ' F R f _ . _ ; -TIE I TQ EXIST. ASTE ; : ; ECNANICAL ABBRE A7{UNS & SY�IBOL5 ' ` > s , _ _ _.. _�.. ' � �� �. Q , T ��� ; N �V � � _ _ . . _ _ ; � � , I T4 E7(iST. T : � ! : ;, , : .. � ` . ._.... {� N VEN ,. . ; , ; ; �` _ _ !. _ _ !. _ _ __ :. . PO R & AB A , : _ _ � ° T.V� RIFY HT, , , ._ ... _. . ,; _. _.__._._. . .: : : _ _ , , :, _ , T . . VE ; ; _. __ . _,. _. _ __: , .. , _. _ .._....._._... . „ . i F R PP Y INNE C LE S � , , .: � ) ,;, , L NE BEL01N LOQ SU L ' _ _� 1 , , : _ , DUCT ABOVE CLG. : , , - , ; : �", _ , , t 7 STAT FOR BEQROOM ; , : :: ;: <i __.... . , -F H 0 = ATER LiNE ' ; _ , , • ' ;� : « , , , , : , ; COLD ATER AS REQ D. , z W ; ; REQ t}. FOR A%Y � :�'�; i' � ! : ;'. ` CQOUNG UNIT {+60 } i i i[ ,': s a : ; ti ' � _ ;.: ,a : RELOCATE EXIST.._. , . _. __ _. , : .: .... ,,. <.: __ . . w ; . ' ' EQUlP. IN UPPERS , _._._ _ _.. . r � , , _ SHO'hER VALVE5 , _ ` i s ' ' ! ` ` ; i . _ , AST STACK .- ,..._. .. ...- ,.. .._ ,; ; , . t7� - ASTE STACK CLEA OUT ' __... . . ' 'N E _ x: - , IN N , _ .... .... .... . . . ...... ;._.;� ..... ... ........ .. . ' : . � . . : :: �.. ., � '. .. -- .., . . .� il : !;.._ ..., _ -. L__ :. � , _ . � : : __. . ._._ __ ._ .. _ .., r ..: ... .. .... .. . _. ,.._ , , _ _ _ _ ... _ . .._ .. ... _. t .�,�,:.� �. �. _ J , _ ...__. a . � RELOCATED RADIATOR , , . _. _ _. ., _ . .. _ . _ . _. _.. INTO 1NALL NEXT ` _ , ,,, ,� ; _ �` ; � ... ,. �---�` , ', ; „ .. r- �.------_ =`=-�._----, � NE�' SHOiMER SUPPLY H&G 1NATER & ' I PO+�VER AS REQ Q. ; ., �OR U.C. REFR, ; (2} 4UTLETS �X ST. �! ; , < ; `, T-STAT {+g4 ) ` TO VENT STACK - THER�I0STA7 � INSTALL R,O. SYSTE�{ ; ;.__REL{�CAiE EX15T. �'A7ER i ;� RELOCATf EXIST. � ; , ; �'ASTE Llf�ES AS REQ'D, -TIE �ASTE INTO I ' � y , POWER AS REQ'0. .. t - + �� � 5EE IN7ERIORS ��; ; _STACKED ON HEAT , ` BELO� FLQI�R & � ; � , ,, ; , _ _ � .' ( 43'�Z" `, , POVyER AS F R ATI ° '.; : ASTE STACK I TO _ ° N FR � 'N 0 0 & SUPPLY & ASTE �I ES XIST LO F 0 R E I TERI R VEN N , E . BE L 0 SE 0 _ �V . N AR A F F R T _ � � 0 ElE S _ i K i f A �Y E 0 L00 4 BE V tNV BELQ S SL 0 1� N N N _ � XHA ST FA r P P T TAT , E U _ __. __ .. ._. I Ui� S N G.F..C. _.. , _. ..._ A 0 CLG. . , . ` - AS SHO�'t� BELO�( $� �' 1VAtL AS 5HO�yN BELOy� _._ ,. , -.; : ELEVATiONS FOR SHO�ER VALVE LOCATION . , I �) � VyAR}�ING DVyR. � 7 �,; RE4 a. F4R , ; , :: i ; , , ... _. , , HEATEd SHOI�%N DASHED - ` �. � .� � > TQINEL .` ?' : � . � a F A ; � « +37" __ ... _ ._ _ :.., �.:...._ -(4) PLEx �-;- L , , , , _ _ _ ; _ _ - Fk.00R & ABOVE CLG. _ _ _ _ ; : LOOR & B4VE G�G. , _ _ + „ n { ! �. .. ..-------.. : , ;. T STAT fpR BEQRQQ� t2 _ ._....._''..... . � ? ' !: , _ ..r . 4; - H R H A � ) `, _ , __, �__:� __ . �-t.r::: : S OYVE E D !' + + , , ........ ... .. . �.. _ _ AR ER „ _ _ _ . _ . _ . _ . _. _ _ a; : ._ . __... ._. . _... ... _.. . .�--... -.------..-.. ,., > _ 12 84 _ _.. ... - �l I� �- � ���s ... � :..... ... ..... .. . : . :�... _... ..... ..: � r! .✓^ :� • ' ' � » ,''. . N . , ; _ .. ... _. _. .., _ �:: .::. ,,. ; : � I IT + � , ; � ) { ) : G.F.I,C.) . . ! .. . � ; ; . ... , ,�i-� . . .:. ,F. . ; ` COOL NG UN � 6d ) _ _ • ' ' . , , + , .... . .. ,. . ., ?:� : _ ' s (+12 ) _. _. . _ . ... .. __.. ._ _ . ,.. .._. T T < ,� _ , ■ ; � -H�RZ, , ,,, ( 84 } ; f � ;,� ,� , ; i r; OVEN -.--,�.''-- ; ; / , , , �'" _._ . . .. ._. ; ,: : .. ., ; ,_....... _. _ . .. REIOCATED RADIATOR ; ' i.. �_ � T ; : , , ,: r..... : : r > . . � .... > : �, : A RA IAT R . : (, , _ . - ELOC TED D 0 ,. .. ! _. _„ , A!R S TCH ; » ; , _..._ .. _ . , : : .. ' , �. . ..; , TiE E ASTE i TO EXIST, _:::. .:;....� =,w ,. „ F' �_ _ ; i' ` !! � _ y�AR�. 1"� , T- TAr + 4 . __. : � N 1N 1M N =: ; : � 2 OUTLETS � ; S ( 6 ) , , , E.. > , s: ;.... _ « _ : ; { ) _.:. ;__ _.ri..� `; : �........_s +84" _ _. , ,;_ . . ,; , . RELQCATE _ , : _ _ .. . . .. .. . . , ,, , , < ( ) : FQR GARBAGE i , ,......:�, � ..:: .o o : , ,: : T T STAT (+64 } STACKED _ : _ . <� �� t.- <:� ,, �, N RRA�yER � , _ c. _ _. ... .. _. _ .f BE�O F1.00R SLAB TIE NE _ ,. . ::. � �r �r ' _ , .. . � . :. _ __;, , I Ri R _ . ... -:. _.. _.. ,'.. .....�° ,. ._._ :, : _ _ . : �_ , . ; . _ . � 5EE NTE Q S _ ; _... .._. _ ._ _...._ ., ... . ...... . .. .. . .. .. . . .... . .._._ .: .... ., . .. .. . .. . _ . .. .. ...... ___._... ; :. . . . _. _. .1�E NE�+ EX FAN ;' EXIST. WA5TE DISPOSAL ; fA T F R ._., ._, -, _ _ _ T ON HEA7 PU1�P T-STAT , , ' , : ` ; , � __.. _ _.... , . (+12 ) , _. UCE 0 �-{ ;� t 1 T XI T A EI I __, ... ._ . _ ... ._ _.. .._ ..... _ , _. .. ..___ . c:... . _._.._.. .,_ . __.. _.._..._ .... _ ._.... _... ._.... ._: , VE 0 E S . SOVE C LNG , . �._.... _ . . ...... .. . ..:. _.,. ,..... _. :._ ,,.. i'..:. . ... , :::.. ; _ , ti Y ... _ . . . _. _ _ . ... _ .. _._ ___ _. ..,. ;. _. N N , ; �oR e��uar�oNs _. _._._ .._ _ ; i i r . . . _._.. I TO EkIST. T � ES 0 _ .. � , .._....�...... _ _. ._ ,._._ N V�N N N _ . _ _ � _ _ . � , a � � .. G. DRI KI G AT R. c 1 � , __ ___ N N VY E 1 I: .<.. :: ,.. ,1: . �: �¢ �r „• `a p! �_.4 , . � , t . ? _... . ,: .. _ _ _ � ..........._.... �..._ >, _. . . , . . . T. : �'1 : : :: : :y� : :: :: : ,� :.... . .! . ..... ' �. , . . - . . . � .f. 1. _ �. . : :� : r�lr:���.i� � : : : : tY . .: . `�-t :. ... :' . y ... ; ... .._.., . ..._, . .. ... � :�: � j i DUCT ABOVE C�G. ,.:.: : 1�ALL BEHIND , , �: i i: . , , ! i ;€ ; ;; , ; � .. � �:: , , , , ,o c„ ,; _ TIE NE�+ EX-FAN i _ __ i; � v,.� . _ .. _ .... .. _. . -: . : � „ ., <. , �. ;y� t .; .� ' ': _. _ , , � . :� , ,, _ � � , ; •� a � � �i , �. � _ „ , � _ o a _ .. , _ . ., , . . I RO F T _ . , _ . . . _ � t , r � 0 C, T TAT OR GREA _ VEtV ' I K & S _. _ _. . . _ _, E S i T XI T T � � _._ _ _ 1� N N . o E s. 1M � � N VEN „ � . ,;. F, _.... ,. .... .. . � ._ ! . ......... . .: NE'M LAVS & FAUCETS \ 1 . ,.. . _ _ UTLETS + 2 P01�{ER AS ` :..... ... � s . ., :- ,. :: . . i GLG. - RQQ COOLI G U IT � � ; ; :. ; ( } , _. . €: F P � N FAUCET TIE �i N N - j. DUCT ABOVE CLG. ;. _ , �, - � O�ER & CABLE �', ; , .. ., ;; : , _ x .� - n: SUPPLY HOT & C�LO TIE ALL . : , , _ .: < _ REQ D, FOR �,€, . � ' :.- . _ � ! :� � i �: V'I ; t _ ...._. , fOR BOQT , __ _.:,� NE� T41�ET -TIE A64VE & ; ' ; INTQ EXIST. {+60 ) -STACKEO 8EI.0� � � �. YYA7ER & 4VASTE AS � ' : �' GARBAGE ; ' ,,, jt AS REQ D. FOR ` „ � , < ._., ' ' INTO EXIST. FLOOR ' SUPPLY & - AP QRAI � I�A1 ASTE � �OUNTED ,.:, ' ' ;._ ' ....__. '- WAR�IERS ' ;�n. � ,.. (+42Y�t '- RADIATOR T STAT C N , ' ' ' N 1 i � REQ4. -TIE ASTE LINES F I T A T.. .. .: NEW LAY &; �:;: NE�t TOILET -TIE INTQ __. DISPOSAL & ,� SHALLdW BOX PROVIDE CpNDUiT T.y. (VERIFY HT.) ;,a. ;. ; , ;= iN 0LE S E M 14" � G.F I.C. _. _ , } i » A T i BE 0 � TACK TO ; S E I. E 1. , ,: S , , <; N ASTE LI S OLQ TUB BELO �t YV NE ., � . 14 VI FAUCET �� IHTGt EXI5T. BELO�/ F140R INTO EX[ST. ° EXi5T. �+ASTE LINE BELOW ! R.4. SYSTEM `- - ;; - OUiLETS (+12 ) FR01� T.V. TO A/V J HORZ, ' _ BE104� FLOOR _.,., , : __, BElO� FL.00R . _ .. . .._.._ .. . _ . FLOOR SLAB , RE�lAIN ' -SUPPLY NOT & - ,,,, P�1NER AS i . +37 � j POVY�R AS REQ`D. -�� � t�'*. t� SOUTN SIDE OF SEAl� AS SHOVVN ; FLOOR SUPPLY COID ( (� FOR 844T COI�PONENTS IN CAB T. � ' ' �` ' 5UPPLY �ATER & COLD �(ATER & �: REQ`D. �OR PO�ER RS G.F.LC. � FOR A V EQUIP. �, , �: ,,. : -SUPPLY COIQ { EXIST. �yATER t , � ` _; . " � ' NE�/ C6QKT4P & EX-HQ4D ' N ; ; � 3 ATER AS >?` . INASTE AS REQD. ON NORTH �+ATER AS REQ'D. _ , _ } WAR�{ERS TNRU �(ALL & FLOOR , f , ,; + ,, , : ,,. , `', ; - ti� NE� STACKED WASHER & WASTE AS ' Ct}OKTOP ! REQ�D. FOR HORZ. JOISTS AS SHO'�! -{4} PLEX (IN CAB 7.) ( 1� �!: ; , � _ _. _. ... _. _ ; ; : IN SUPPLY LINES � AB4VE -TIE INTO EXIST. . FOR QISH�ASHER RELOCATE SIDE QF �1A1N ' _ __ ;:, _.. i ,'~ � � _ ' , __ . .'. x REQ D. _; TO RE�IAIH i �NT � BAGK OF PANIRY ' i i VEN�LESS QRYER SUPPi.Y . ,; REQ D. -TIE - - E SHO R-SUPPLY H&C / „ I& EX-HOOQ ; DISH!�ASHER PA . t , ; ; + ,; , BEIQ+N FI,OOR EX►ST, VlATER ,: r:.. , S1EEL BEA�i , _ __ __ _ . _ _ N V� 4NE +39 NEYV ECEC. NEL - _ ... ... . ,. _ �;.; t f , r` .... ::�: � �- :,. . ; , .. ... - : r..,. , , r � ; ; „ ,.. , i i �.. �VATER & WASTE AS REQ d. _ ° . .,. : ; ':; - :' T F _ ABOVE CE[LING , , . _ . .. , ASTE IINES ;.. _.., _ _ . ..._.., __ _ ATER & ASTE LI ES AS ATI P RA _ .._.. ...._.. .., r GRO}�!r!E OR , ; : , ,.:... , ,. , BELOVy �LOOR , . �' _ W IN N , i.OG pN (U G DE . , , SHQ�ER ; ! i � ) . SUPPLY L11VE , , .� t, .. ,. . __: ... G.F,l.C. .. � , __ , ! .: �� i . :. y� ......a.r.w.. :. :: >; . . : . � .. . . . .. .. , , : ;; .: .. �. !: . ......... � . .... _.. . .._. . _ ............ .. . . .. ..... . . . .___._... ....... , . . . . . : -: . . :.._.: .......... . � . � . . . . . . _._... _.... _.. . . : _.... E F100R DRAI -ilE INTO EXIST.:; _ ; . _. , _. i0 2{?0 AMP SER CE , ` ° ;'. ... ! . . ; TELE & PO�+ER �, VA�VES _ ' J _..___,.. . . .. ..; , , A5 SHOWN ; !r�; , , :; N W N : . REQD. TIE WAS7E INT4 s ._ .. � s : :,� f , t t':;; ? � �,: ` _ .,.�.: ! ' � , ; � ,: ; , .. �. , �N COUN7ERT4P ' '" ,<. INTO EXIST, ASTE LINE _. .. .. ._ ... .. .. ... __ ; BELO�y FLOOR EXIST BE F OOR AS REQ'D. DUE i0 �, _ -.- , ;: !N, . (.OY� L . � : . .. .. . ... ..... . ; i _ ; ; ;C �.::: „ : l :; r _ ...: E H AC SYSTE ; � y: . +12" �" , 0 4 � j ELO F1.00R , ! N V M� %( ) � � 3. , r , .._: �I . � J . � , J ;: � , ICRO ? ; , , n. � , . , . . . _ _ , , ... . __ _ _ _. • ; _.. . �. . •« ; L.�— ---- ----_ ' _______ �--__.: , I. 1. . ,; , . , . i J`.. 1:' '� ; , P.E . , . ,. r� ,.. _.__... , .. ,, _ a : ; : , + " ' .,, . > ;: , ,; L .�. _ ; _..::.; . � „ ` .. . ._.._. .. ...��. ...p;� ��: ( 60 ) ' €-, � . �� .� _. ...... . , - _ _ .:: . .. .... .. . ,. . . . _ _ _ _ _ __ .... .�.. _ . ...... .. . . . . .. _: _ . __ ._ . .: . ... .,, ,. , _ .. _ . . . . . .. ._ . _ ..,. . .. ; . . . ._..._ _ _ . .. . . _. _.... _ . . . _ . _ _ _. _ � _. �.. ; . .. . . . _. ; ' _ ,;.:_ .....,. __ ; _ , �::. ,. ;: , . :.`......... ..__. . . .....__ ... . ....... . ......__. . .._......_..... . __....,... . . ......_... .._...; . � . __ ._.. . .__.. . . ....i... _._...._.... .,..... � ,�...... ... ...... . ........ ... .._ .. . .........._. _.. ...... ..... ... .__._ . . _...._. ...;. .:.._ ... . ._._....:. ...... . ....._..... . ...___._ �_-.a � ....r. . . _.. . ....__._ ..,.ii .__..__... .._..... ._.._.. .._._......._ , . ..._.... ._._... ...... ._._..... .i._._......._..._.,...._..,.,i .. _._._ .__......... ._._....._.. ...__....._ ._..__. . -.. ._. __..... ..._.... _ ..._ _ . _ ._.._.. .. .... _. . . , w .. __ _. , INSTALL S.S. 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