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A12-0073 Lodge tower 685-691 permit Scan0022
� � ��`'����. �� �, : `� ����: Department af �c�mmun�ty Qevelapmeni 75 So�ath Frontage Road �� a�� "'� Vail, Colarada 81657 h ` � � ' �d 3'�_ � '�'-� . - ��, °� � �,� � Tel: 9T0-479-2� 28, ..��fr"�^ � ;� � �,: �, �.� ' �'� ;- F�x; 970-4�79-2452 �� , � � �_ � s �a�� � � � . Web: wwv�.►raitc�ov.ec�rn � -� � _ �- �;_ . r �� LL - Development l��evi�w Cocs�-dir�ator � , �js� �y�, �,,�" ,. . � 4 , ,�* ��* ' �E�j � ��� f:�,� 'au- � . .. �`°� ,,.. 1 - <. �a°II� � . � � . � � , - ` , ✓u..�.__._�.�.e�__ ..... . ' _' .;� .. .. ' `� . . . . ... .. ._ . . . FI R� ALARM PERMI T C,ommercial and Resid€�nt�al Fre PJarrr� shap drawings are raquired at the time of application submittaF �nci must includer! inforrnation Hsted on the Znd page of this fo�m. Application wE11 not be accepted without this infvrma#ion. Pro�ect Street A dress: _ �+��, �`�� �� �_ � I"V•�; � ��°`� � - —r (�[umber) (5tre+etj (Suite #) �.,. BuEldinglGamplex Name: �� tw� €" C�:a z:�.x �"�c�,-..: Office UsQ: Project #. Aiarrn Permii #� Cantractar Infar�nation: I Lot #: Blnck # Subdivisiora_ I �-- <: � c_ . . _ - Carr�pany �>..� ,�' . ; .� � - �> v . ...u°t`e��:- . Company Address: 7> t`� ,����,%.�,."r� ,�rr��;x i�_�� � I"�' =.1 iJetailecf �cop� and Lacatian af Work: ,��rc ,���°<'t" �..�E %�d'r 4,�,u� : . . ,r'� -y �.* � -1 B . . City: � ...�1 � .,..�i State 5. �, Zip� _r �.{ �` �f! . ,�f ���� � "�� . t��'�'.,�r. e_, ,:..g. �} f r�r .t� �f " .��'• �`, �, �'' - �,.',��+A% �- :r"`�d ; . „-^"""` d r"�-. _ , �..-.a. Gontact Name: �r ,�' � f .; �' � � ' „ ' ' �°'��3C.: ��y� �/l�if t# �lar�rer• �."�f ,-. �,1=•`...����°,�� �/'�� �'^ r ,r� � �-^ ` ' � ; Contact Phone: !',�' C�� '" .�i � �, ' ..i�� '�.;< � � ,� �. . ���. a � y._ .. .. �� .. '� ... .:>� ., ..3�'Z.. ' .�i` _ .. )�) �',� �, {use additianal sheet if necessary) E-AAB16 �b'4�'r .i,�Ff`'J gi' .��,.x;y� � . Does a Monitored Fire Afarm ExisC? Yes i.�] �o [} Town of Vaii �ontractor Registration'No.: ' �; . � � X � �� � Contractor 5ignature (reyui►edj Property Informatio� RarceB #: (For parce{ #, contact Eagle Cou�ty Assessars Office at 970-328-864[3 flr �isit wv�rw.eagEecouniy.us!patie) � �-`� z� Tenar�t Name: 1' �� s ��� �.. °_ a� L���.���,���,`r���,.` ''� r �.., Owner Narne: ":�' s• ;"� , �f �� Complete Val�xation for Fire Alarm Perrnit: �^�_ �.'��— Fire Alarrn $: '� ;�.��''e - Does a Sprinklee 5ystem Exist? Yes (�) No () Work class: New ( ) Addition ( } Remodel �) Repair ( ) Retro-Fit ( ) dther ( ) 7ype of Building: Single-Family ( } Duplex ( ) Multi-Family (3�) CQmmerciaE { ) Restaurant ( ) Other (� ) � �:M���s '., [?at� Recei�ed: ��-Feb-10 l '�; ,,; Fire Department Rrocess � ��'�; For Cc�mrr�erci�l � Residential Fire Alarm Systems � - �� ,��, �-�� Cor�mercia! and Residential Fire Alarm shop cirawing requirements at the tim� of submittal rr�ust include the following: < �`��'�� A Colorado Register�d Er�ginee�s stam�O `i :� � DeU�ce 9ocations c�n refiectet� ��iling plans �' � ' , Reflected Ceiling PEans (RC�'j �;. - �'yp+cal device wiring diagrams r�-�� �� E�attery calculatEOr�s ��:� � �� 6attery calculaiions � - A list of specific device model numbers Equipment cut sheets af eac� type of deWice � The number af each type of deuice r�,�d�� Information indicating the specific zones _ `i' { ` CErcuit diagrams ���� :�; PQint to po�nt wiring diagr�rr� i�`� 111lirin� type, size and number of con�ueiors r��a'��� The source of AC power cireuits t�' Fire alarrr� p�nei Iocations .�� �t'' Knox Box Ia�ation �" �'� Information indicating monitoring me#hod and monitoring agency This check Iist has been �rovided ta e�sure ti�at our revie�sr process may be handled in a timely manner. { hav� r�ad and unders#anc! the abov�e list�d submittal requiremer�t�: F'roject/Street Address: f �;�=° �� �e�.fi � '�� � �`� �.� . ,�' �; . , , ._ ,_ , , � ,,. ContEactor Signature: _�' ,=�' _ � `"�.` ° � . �r � � � �_ Qafe Signed: �� .� .-. ' ����.�... D1-feb-10 Fire Department Guidelines �or Preven#i�g Non-E�mergency Fire Alarms in order to prevent a non-e�nergency r�sponse from the Vaii Fire Department Suppression crews to the con- struction locatia�n you may be wo��cing on, we ask that you perform the fo(lowir�g tasks: Determir�e �srttat kind af fire afarm system exists withi� the str�c#�r� you are � working in wiih the owner or the manager af t�e proper�y involved r�r by contact- ing ihe Vail Fire Depart�ent. � �� ��--�' � ., �, £�eiermine with tf�e owner ar rnanager of the properky, whicl� alarrn cor�pany services the system fflr thern Bec�m� famiE�ar with the ciifFerent components that are associated with the fire al�rrn system and �ow they o�era#e �efore the DEI��] begins. Never paint a smoke detector, th�rma� d�tectar, or any ather component of fh� fire a�arm systern and never paint a sprinkler head/cover piate. For lar�er �rojects, please contact the Vaif Fire Qep�rtrr�ent so that we can work with yoe� 9n determining what needs ta be dor�� to alter or ``Zone Qut� spe- cific areas of the alarrn system for #he stru�ture. Please con#act the Vail Fire Department at 479-2252. I hav� read and understand the abave listed subrr�ittal r�quirements: Project/Stree# Address_ Contractor Signature: Date Signed: � Y� - �a, � � ' 01-R3g-14 �ire Departmeni Guidelines Pre-Plan InfQrmatian Sheet BUILDING INFt}RMATION: � BuiPding �lame: �' �"� �„� z,.. : � Stree# Address & Phone #: `'�" �'"'� �'� , Knox Box Lacatian� � � �!e�' Alarm Panel Lacafion: ' .` r�� _.sr� � �,�. ._ ` r'.� �":�:�.�� Vail Fire & Emergency Serrrices P,larm Silenee 8� F2est Cac�es: � r� RPS': Nairres �& Phone NumEaers (Work 8� Home) Owner: �' �� Property Manager; � p � � . � Property Maintenance Mgr: �< �..�: Alarr� Service Company: ``° .: �= �� <° l BIiILDING UTILITIES: Gas: Main Location: Ott�er Lc��atians: Electric: Main Loeation: �ther Locaiions: Wate r: Main Valve Lacation: Main Fire Valve Loca#ion: Secondary fire Valve Loc: 01-Feb-1p