HomeMy WebLinkAboutA12-0073 Lodge Tower 685-691 signed scope of work letter Scan0022i. � e �-..-� �� °�;.5::'�'.� f�3...;. � �� ��� ��� Mr�e Vaughan Town of Vail Fire Ma�-shal Vail �ire & Emer�ency Services 42 '��cst Meadar�v Drive Vail, Col�rada S 1657 Re: Lodge Tower Units b86,687/689, 691 McClennan Cando �✓Iike, �+_� .a �i 6244 Smrt� Road Denver, Co 8�218 TeL (303) 3�5-0500 Fax; (303) 355-06�5 Th� �roposal is for Simp�exGrinnel! (SG) ta provide CAD, Design, cc�uiprr�ent, 2102 and 41pOti tern�inaiioiis plus progra�nmi�1�; �vith �ZOC testin� for the Lodge Ta«�er at 2d� Vail Rd VaiI CO. S 1�i57 for tl�e McClLllan Condo Unit 68�, 687/68g, 691 in conj�nc�ion with AK �lectric_ Attached is thc deti�ice iayout in a 1'pF format. This ivas provided in order to get t�e ro�zgh-in complete as soon as you lei us lsn�w �l�e roughin can be compteted. S� �vili pro��ide SG engineered CAD and Desi�zi to the as be�ore s�ith the Pe��thouse at the Lodge Tower. SG �s goin� to �dd � sino}ce detectors with sQ�nder bases to the nc«� 4100u svstem and S s�eakcrs to tlie e�cistin� 2120 Voiee EVAC sti�siean in CST tr�nsponder in the garage. x$/2 TSP (IDNET+) and 1�/2 (Potiver) ��,rzre �r>ill ileed to be run fro�n the transponder to the 410�u FACP. At the 41 QOu FACP t1�cy r�=i11 nee�i to l�e ]anded on the 24vdc and the IDTVET`-� card. �'he prograa�ra will ��ecd to be adj�sted to reflect the conrect device locatio�l in the descriptioz� field and equations `�rill necd to be ���ntten to }�rovide the correct sequence of operatio��s on the 4100u and the 2120. Tl�e 2120 r��iIl �Zec;d a tape back perforn�ed in arder ta provide customer inlFormation ui case af a total power o��tage. Thc; ta�e back-up disc «rill need to be placed in the 2120 termina( cabrnet w�th a list af the cha��es io the � 120 prograin. The 2120 program m�st matcli the 410(}u pro�ram where �ecessary for bi e�mmuz�icatioi� bet�veen the FACF's. At the transponder, the wire 4�i1� need Ec� be taken from thc zone term�nals and used far the riser for the IDNET+ and 2�vdc from thc 4100u. There should be 4 pair used to accornplish this. �,3k EL.OR's ���ill �eec� to he placcd on the eliminated iransponder zone terRninals. In flxe unit, tl�e e�isting smoke detectors ���ill be removed and a ju��ction box wiIl be added in ardcr to link the eaisti��g transpander �} pair t�ire #o the n�E�� devices in the �znit. Please note �he existin� free-�.�,-ire junctions for �e unit E��l� be le$ alone unless tl�e 1oca1 AI-�J ret�uires tiaem to b� placcd in a junction box. All e�zsting 24vdc fro�n t�e 2I2a pawerzng t�e rernote piezo's will need tp capp�d and cleared of alI graunds. Wire runs «�ill ��eed ta be per P�IEC, NFPA 72 stat�dards and Town of Vail Codes. 1. Reacc�ptance testing wilI be performed before the final is requested. 2. Th� sinokes will be programmed to be Iocal smok€s only. The three spaces wi ll be consiciered as one. 3. Deviees shall ot�ly be 'rnstal�ed upan com�leti8n of atl painting and finish work. 4. The FAGP pro�r�rn will be u�adated, backed up, and archived. 5. Please let us know if w� can furnish any other informatioi� to aid in your review process. If you should have any c�uestions please contact me at 970-�55-7796. Sincerely, _ -� ,;� t.�.- �✓� ,,ar�...�F,� ;�.� �Y-�'��/� ��'.--''"t'' G--�'� Glcn Willia��-�sa�� NICET III 121 t79d - 1 11�lI2Ul3 MotYntain Area Sales Rep 910 Notti�iglaam Rd. Ste � Avon. CO. 8 � 620 Direct: 970 ��6 7796 Avon Office: 97f1 �5i 4�86 Denver Offrce: 3C13 ��i E150() Fa�: 3(t3 3_5i U615