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NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL T/MES y� 1�WN OF YAII„ ' Town of Vail, Community Development, 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 p. 970.479.2139, f. 970.479.2452, inpsections 970.479.2149 COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Permit #: B12-0589 Project #: PRJ12-0688 Job Address: 4552 MEADOW DR VAIL Applied.....: 10/31/2012 Location......: COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES UNIT 14 Issued. . . : 11/12/2012 Parcel No....: 210112421014 OWNER OLSEN VAIL COURTSIDE LLC 10/31/2012 8011 PARK HILL DR FORT COLLINS, CO 805288848 CONTRACTOR MECHANICAL EXPRESS INC. 11/12/2012 Phone: 970-524-0408 PO BOX 3295 EAGLE CO 81631 _ .,.�,w�,. License: C000003710 - � APPLICANT OLSEN VAIL COURTSIDE LLC 10/31/2012 8011 PARK HILL DR FORT COLLINS, CO 805288848 Description: REPLACE EXISTING BOILER AND SIDE ARM WITH 95% EFFICIENT BOILER. Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction: VB Valuation: $8,000.00 ,.,.....,.x..,.�,......,,.......,,,,.,....,,.,,...................,,.,...,,............ FEE SUMMARY ,......,......,,,,.,.,.......................,,..................,,,.._.,,,....,,.,,.. Building Permit-----------> $153.25 Bldg Plan Check----------> $99.61 Use Tax Fee-----------------------> $0.00 Electrical Permit---------> $0.00 Elec Plan Check-----------> $0.00 Restuarant Plan Review--------> $0.00 Mechanical Permit------> $160.00 Mech Plan Check---------> $40.00 Additional Fees--------------------> Plumbing Permit--------> $0.00 Plmb Plan Check---------> ($252.86) $0.00 Recreation Fee--------------------> $0.00 � Investigation-----------------------> $0.00 Will Call------------------------------> $5.00 TOTAL PERMIT FEES--------------> $205.00 Payments-------------------------------> $205.00 BALANCE DUE------------------------> $0.00 «...................,,.....,...,.......«.....,,......,,,,.,.........,,,.,...........,.....,,,.,._...,........___.......,,....,x.,.=._.......�..........,..,..,....,....................,.. DECLARATIONS I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 970.479.2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM -4:00 PM. ,,.. combination permit_012811 � ' - � ���� T� Y ....... .....................................................................................................................�.,........,<.....,.,.,,......................,,,,:.. CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL TO BE MET PRIOR TO FINAL SIGN OFF Permit#: B12-0589 Address: 4552 MEADOW DR VAIL Owner: OLSEN VAIL COURTSIDE LLC Location: COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES UNIT 14 .......................�,....,..........,......,,....�,,,,,.,�.,........,.......,,.....,............,...,.....,,.......�....,,...........,..........,.,...,...................,...... Cond: 42 (BLDG 2009) CARBON MONOXIDE DETECTORS REQUIRED TO BE INSTALLED PER 2009 IRC R315 � Entry: 11/19/2012 By: sgremmer Action: AP Cond: 44 (BLDG 2009): (SFR) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED PER SECTION R314 OF THE 2009 IRC, IF APPLICABLE UNLESS A MONITORED FIRE ALARM SYSTEM IS REQUIRED. Entry: 11/19/2012 By: sgremmer Action: AP ;. . . ;. combination permit_012811 � t � 1 V�11r Vl I�� � **,.*«,,w**„*.,.,***.,.,***********„*.,«*„*****«*************„***,*******.,**********.,*********.,,,.,«„«******************.,*****************�*********,.********� REQUIRED INSPECTIONS AND STATUSES Permit#: 612-0589 Address: 4552 MEADOW DR VAIL Owner: OLSEN VAIL COURTSIDE LLC Location: COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES UNIT 14 ****«**.**..*...**,.*.,«*««*********,.x****„«***«*******.,.**,.**************,,,,.,*«*„****,.,,�,,,,.,***«*****«*«.,***********«**,.,,,,«„**„***,,,,***«******„****«„««* Item: 00200 MECH-Rough 11/19/2012 By: sgremmer Action: AP Item: 00390 MECH-Final 11/19/2012 By: sgremmer Action: AP . ,..:, �;. combination permit_012811 �1 *********+++********************************************************************�*********** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 02-14-2014 at 15:36:51 02/14/2014 Statement ******++*******�*************+*********�*�********+*+*****��**************+*+*+************* Statement Number: R120001859 Amount: $165.00 11/12/201210: 54 AM Payment Method: Check Init: DR Notation: CK# 2970 MECHANICAL EXPRESS INC ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: B12-0589 Type: COMBINATION BLDG PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-124-2101-4 Site Address: 4552 MEADOW DR VAIL Location: COORTSIDE TOWNHOMES UNIT 14 Total Fees: $205. 00 This Payment: $165.00 Total ALL Pmts: $205. 00 Balance: $0.00 ******************************************************************************************** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts -------------------- ------------------------------ ------------ MP 00100003111100 MECHANICAL PERMIT FEES 160.00 WC 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 5.00 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- � Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road T01N1� 0� UAIt va�i, CO 81657 � Tel: 970-479-2128 www.vailgov.com Development Review Coordinator . BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION (Separate applications are required for alarm &sprinkler) . ___ _ __ __ _. __ __ p Project Street Address: Project#: 1`.� � o�.���R� ` �S�S 2 /+�e ao�aw Ar►"v{� ° � DRB#: ��' E(Number) (Street) (Suite#) ,� BuildinglComplex Name: Cou,("�S 1� � �""��a Building Permit#:����- ��n-1 �r Contractor Information Lot#: Block# Subdivision: ���PL14T'7`ED �Business Name: rn J2 �ar: ea � �%r��' ----.�__�__..________--- --_.__.`.____�__�__ _ Business Address: R�� 3a 9� �Work Class: New(✓) Addition( ) Alteration( ) �.,..__�__��a� City A� � � State: C� � Zip: ����� j Type of Building; _�_a..�.._._.�.��._.v.,�. _�..__ _ o�.;. � !Single-Family( �plex( ) Multi-Family( ) ` ;Contact Name: �'�� �Q� � � � ; — �Commercial( ) Other( ) � ' 2 g� - Sv�4'c'S� -._. -- -- _-- --- --- -- ----- � !Contact Phone: _ _ _._ ____ _.._ _.. _ _._. - --- ---. --_ ;Work Type: Interior( Vj Exterior(° ) Both O � ContactE-Mail: -�4,� � r �- '��'1� � � �• wrr, I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application,filled out 7 Valuation of ; ; in full the information required,completed an accurate plot plan, ' Work Included Plans Included Work ; and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to �Electrical ( )Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No � i comply with the information and plot plan,to comply with all Town , ; ; ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to `Mechanical (�es ( )No ( )Yes ( )No � ,�•� the town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review ap- k � � proved,Intemational Building and Residential Codes and other �Plumbing OYes ONo OYes ONo ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. _ g Bui�ding ( )Yes ( )No ( )Yes ( )No `/� ��� ��V` alue of all work being performed: �� $����'�°�' � I `Owner/Owners Representative Signature(Required) '(value based on IBC Section 109.3&IRC Section 108.3� I Electrical Square Footage _.___ __ __._ _ ___ _..___ ;Applicant Information � Detailed Scope and Location of Work: !Applicant Name: !� ��" � �r��� ' � ����e-C -Q1r��'�v� �` ��/ �- �Applicant Phone: 3 gO- �G Y� S �'o�{ a� ,,� w � -f'�. `�S ` (Applicant E-Mail: .� ���� c.�N.� ��` 1,e,. � � E Project Information �L � =Owner Name: 1CS�a�R/ � S@.� � L{ E � Parcel#: � � � ( « � � � ( ` �,(For Parcel#,contact Eagle County Assessors Office at(970-328-8640 or visit ;www.eaglecounty.uslpatie) � �.. _.___ . _.____.___..__ ._. .. �_..___.. . .___._ .___...__ _ ___ . _. _ ___ _�'(use additional sheet if necessary) __ __ _ _ __ ... _ _ _ For Office Use Only: Date Received• 2 /p � � �n � Fee Paid: ,��'�� � L, � V Received From: ��t���d� T��'�CS• D Cash Check# ��� 3 �, ���z CC: Visa/ MC Last 4 CC# �I ��exp date: Auth # D � 3��� CC� �0�-y�p� TOWN OF Vi�IL I - ar- :, � �'� �. ��0' a�. � x ., P '� i 1� f�.�� f' l' S � � � rt: ���. 4 ��� '� 1 } _ k '� .' r e P .-�} �+ ��g� 7 � �a3 �, w a • �' �k',�4 j} T 4R ��' .� 4� ,�V'� ) { R Y t� g` � � ro., �°^ P .� fiF 5 ��F ��� , F _ � ,� � � c�:� '� ;� ��°•�°� � �n r ' X"-_ ..�' ,� . � s � �rL ^ p ti�.,� � p 2��k '��"� �.�' 1 JJ^'�S . •_ �,. .� ���� # n � �.Yr at" � � � 1`r � l � s � � � #_� �, �i" '..�i�,r � � �f L a�.�. �,��>�'�� `� �''; ���-„. � .�� : � ��.. i��i�' ",�,� `��:`"�K�r�; �g,�,+j ' .:,�' �,� '^- ,,��{� L� R`"���,�`'� x ,G�.,R E �r,F '���1��, �� ;*,� �� �,3'a'1�f�;f � ,� � z +`�% "�' ;� '� �i � 9 :' � F @a ti .r+, � �� ��4 '< �.. � ���""��'t_��'� ��,�,�-�{r ���+� d �i'`�..�.�' '��.�,�� r ��. •e� ��, ,�,��,� �:� r �.a � ",�. *� � �� a� '�A'� �I��.�� k5:r _ -^.3'� t P�=~�'�.���� �' �v2 ig��j�e1�¢�:� _ y�M ,�� � r t i.At iyp ��� 41t;$' / ;C€ x`� � � � `.,a4., t ��f(��kit�� i x i��' ` �'. 4�7� � 3 �f�.! 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This modulating/condensing residential heating boiler offers fuel cost savings and o'utstanding quality at lower cost than other high-efficiency designs. With gas inputs trom 40,000 to 120,000 Btu/hr, these wall-mount boilers can handle the ° �._� ����� � � . � heating toad for almost any home. '"� � �� � $� •� � fi {� ���4��3���-� . ��� . �j €��*�� t� .� �3^� +S1 g }'`G ��*"��=� M�'k°��'����� 95% AFUE EFFICIENCY � �-��`z ' � � � �°a�,�A�, �� �<z - 'f ' ��- ''� �, ' 'E.`"P '; � ' ��� ,a� , ,� � . � �� �� ,� � ,_ �``� COMPACT ' � '� � �`� ` �. % ` =' �```�' cr�DCr � ;�'� � , ����� _ -�-� �,r:.� WALL-MOUNT DESIGN � � ,,. ,. , •� . ' � �, � ,'�� f�= i,�: .�,, f, MODULATING BURNER � `�s�;� f�.- y 3 'Y `t': ������ .'� �c =�- ,„_����` � � �� OUTD40R RESET � ��. � ,� .. �-' . WITH SENSOR ": �� .�'�� �.��.. , ` ';. ` '� � ��� �� � �`� �� COM�(NATION HYDR4NIC � � SPACE HEATING/DOMESTIC ;.�-----. p= � �_ ���� �v �,' � WATER HEATING MODEL �� � �ii F � � � ' � � AVAILABLE ,, - � Y:� ;��� . . � ;..�� O t.. • g� ;'�"�C'.Yi. t �� �� � t t��� �ay�F�1 4� � � I� � `: � t 1 � � �;.�^-��_}y ���p ���� _:f' � -3'.� � . ,�_ ,. ..� !� 5tl -$�.� . " . �" !'�"'`s�� i I�� �fi�a '.�`!�t'-�t�Pr j � t ty.� . � � ' � � ���� `� . 95% AFUE Efficienc Reduces Heatin Bills. ��3 �� � ��� �� Y J _� ���a ��:i � � ���,��� � �����4� � a� � � ��, — ��t �, -�.��xy ��f ,�;;� *�; For example, over'6 years, CADET could save over$1,400 in fuel costs* " 1 �1 1'ryp �'f �,.. ., .' . . . . � .. . , �fi:��d ' ��� �'�; ��c� A f Depending on where it is installed, CADET may qualify for Energy Tax Credits. �,`•' ;�• 'S""UqE�.�i i��j'`��r��, k ,�, . � �� � � �.�y �;��.. � � �-�• , � � �� .�, �`R�; � � ��� z ( �•��t`K.:` � '' 's,:eoo '�'.�. ,.. � � � � '�„�}, � i f '� ��h 'x� *�l, ...� `������� '' .s?,k Y l t��` .-�. , �$� R,. ti S, � §4 e$� �"� . r t . il'y .5��00 � �'� \ �F�.9 iM�,�„�$,�, - s�f .a�,..m."i` �."� . ����, x.f, .r, �".. . � M � � ;�. �sa�OO�� � � : -� � � �,- � . � :-.. � �.�. � �-�s. . _ �.s-•�1.��'..r . 54���:�. �. � .. ;� .. ., ' �... ._,. ±'f '. «-w.�.��,'. .. .. .aNfaT"?�:fi; . .,:�� � '°" �r�� 1 YR 2 YR 3 YR 4 YR 5 YR 6 YR ����:���� ��� ' � �. "' a�� 'Fuel savings are compared to an 8096 AFUE boiler and based on a 70,000 Btu heating �;,�,z� y=,,� load with 2,000 hours of operation with a fuel cost of$1.13 per therm. ,t c ._ �; ,�. . . '=TM�.'�: .. . Stainless Steel Heat Push-Buttan ���� o--�� ,�— � ,��F��... �� i �u � Exchanger with (��s� E � Digitai � � � ,���5_,.�_ ��� � �f � ASME 'H' Stamp. � Control. �$�`� � ■ � 1. A commerciat-grade ASME certified heat 4. Constant display of actual � � , � exchanger exemplifies the highest standards for output temperature,and , design, materials and manufacturing. easy adjustment of setpoint. ' Fully Madulating Burner. Venting Versatility. 2. Modutation adjusts the firing rate of the boiler to 5.CADET can be instatled with a variety of venting match the heat loss of the home, reducing burner configurations,including vertical or sidewall direct cycting and increasing overall system efficiency, venting.Air intake and exhaust vent runs up to 100 ;i����,� n� ,� ,�� �? feet can be utilized to meet the most challenging , r��kk w�, �:�'°� ��t� ��.,���1°`����,� : installation requirements.3"polypropylene, PVC, �; �' � `� � � ,�� �LItC�00P RCS@t CPVC or sfainless steel i e can be used. This'vent- r �, g _�� rr � i; � P�P w�, wi�h Sensor. � ,` '� � ing flexibility is ideal for projects that witl require new ����``�f�x < � �� '� .�j 3. Monitors outdoor temperature to help CADET� vent material when a non-condensing boiler is being r• , a. �`.� � �• � '~ ' �% ` maintain a steady,consistent indoor comfort�evel replaced. �J �- ��: � � �.;;w ,} : ^: year-round.Allows boiler control to"reset"indoor "�`= ,` 33' ' ti ,� ' � water temperature as needed when outdoor EX anded Pol PO lene �-,s > � ' � �= temperatures fluctuate. p �p py ��`� ' � � � � � �EPP} Jacket. . ,,. *�h � ° 4� _ - � ,� , , ;w.. `� �' � �: � 6. Lightweight for easier handling.Deadens sound for {�'�' � ~ `'-���� quieter operation.Highly dentand scratch-resistant. ,. r 4 � " � �� � �, ;¢� ��,� �� ��� � � �� °� � '� , _. _. � 'akc .�. r.,� `,� �. , � � � �" � - � � " �- "�.. � . ��' . �. - : .E ;: .,e . . . , . x- � '�.F'.s�:' t �, .M , � _.. .y. - . . , . ._�.. ,.- '; - -� .,� ., . , �`�'�'- �x=-."` -."'.� .°- -< �. - . ' . ' !. �;`�,, . _ . _ .... �, <,�- � ��'� -_.t.. . � i. �"_ �r,. �/�'�,; �, - � l, _ � �� �� � , �� _. fi t��,'� ' � 4r � � �1 ° ` . F E w.�''�j �,.°; �� ' a � z+' �.: /��i.-;--�; � x , ,. i;1,� • ,,, �,: � =�;� � -•``�.`^� .;u r. i;I , . �. ' .. ._, . . .: , ,; �:.' ., "-�. .. ;: .. . , . ,�__ . _ ; �., � � Combination Unit for Space Heating and Domestic Water Heating. The CADET�"CCN120 eliminates the need for separate hydronic heating and domestic water heating equipment.It is equipped with a separate heat exchanger that delivers up to 3.0 GPM of domestic hot water at a 70°F temperature rise.An integrated flow switch,water temperature sen- sor and timer ensures that both the space heating and water heating demands are always met, without the need for a separate costly and space-consuming storage tank. ��,;�.� � g � ���`���'��.43' ''v;.3 �t ` - ` � �f � s ` � ,,, ,7 r .i ^ , _ �.�._ ; �.. �k,��� .��{�� „ f � , t . _�. �y� tk +F�. t i�¢ .��'.r { `4 � ,i� �."�,-_._..�.r_.,--'— »{ �s.1 4 � 1 � �'�j�3� 'fy�c . I � � .� . �# � .. � _ #�� � :�� ��: ` � '. - � �.'" � _ � � !� �' , , ' ., •. t< -..�. � . � �. ,. �� _.. � , . �r:, ;��.� ,�"c�... ,: ` ����'a � Standard Features Vertical&Horizontal Direct-Vent Additional Information on 95%AFUE Efficiency PVC,CPVC,Polypropylene or 55 Venting CCN120 Combination Boiler Modulating Burner up to 100 feet 3.0 GPM Flow Rate at 70°F Temp.Rise Direct-Spark Ignition Push-Button Digital Control 3/4"Hot and Cold Water Connections Low-NOx Operation Outdoor Temperature Reset Domestic Hot Water Pump and Domestic (sensor included) Hot Water Pump Control Field Convertible from Naturat to LP Gas goiler Pump Control ASME Heat Exchanger DHW Pump Control 30 psi ASME Relief Valve Expanded Potypropylene Jacket Freeze Protection Specifications � , � , � � �CDN040�40 I 9 ; 95 37 32 j 26' I 4 1/G' ;5 1/4' i 4' i 2 1/2' �2' i 2' i 3/b' 94 � CDN070 70 I 14 I 95 i 66 56 i 26 -I 41/2' i 53/4 ~3' � 11/2" I 2" i 2' I t" j 98 , ; ,__.. . ..,......_..... j..... _..... �_._...__. 1 ..._._.._...1_.. — CDN100 , 100 i 20 �95 �92 80 26' 6' 'S 3/4 ;3' ; 1 1/2' f 2' I 2- 1• ipp i CDN120 � 120 �24 95 � 110 95 T6' 71/G 7" 3' I 1/2' 3' �3' 1' 108 r _ � _.. �..... _. i �._ _._. _. _,... .,...__.......... _ . 'CCN120 � 120 '24 95 110 95 �3S I 83/4' f 7" �J' 41/2' 3' 3' 1' 131 , 'CCN120 is Combinalion Hydronic Spate Heating/Domestic Water Heating Boiler.Cambirotion Unit Oomestit Water Connections are 3/6' Top View Bottom View Side View A �A FRONT GAS 1/2"NPT I 2��Z.. OUTLET 5 1/4- 'DHW � OUTLET I O 13 3/4" � 'DHW �NLET AIR g C d I 9 3/8' -.� �. VENT E - D 2 7/8" 73/4"-� FRONT 153/4" INLET 31/2' 11/8" 19 1/2" 9��4� CONDENSATE 11" DRAIN � 13 5/8" 'CCN120 Combination Unit Only C 1�D C T M CadetBoiler.com phone:bl5-889-8900 fax:615-547-1000 H E A T I N G Q O 1 L E R 300 Maddox Simpson Parkway, Lebanon,TN 37090 OS/12 CDN-Ol Printed in U.S.A L 7- � �3 � � ( J ;: � � 11-15-2012 Inspection Request Reporting � Page 30 � 4:20 pm Vail,s:� Of \IJQ'5��2-b�J�� " Requested Inspect Date: Friday, November 16, 2012 Site Address: 4552 MEADOW DR VAIL COURTSIDE TOWNHOMES UNIT 14 � � A/P/D Information Activity: B12-0589 Type: COMBO Sub Type: AMF Status: ISSUED ; Const Type: Occupancy: Use: R-3 Insp Area: ` Owner: OLSEN VAIL COURTSIDE LLC �' Contractor: MECHANICAL EXPRESS INC. Phone: 970-524-0408 Description: REPLACE EXISTING BOILER AND SIDE ARM WITH 95% EFFICIENT BOILER. Requested Inspection(s) Item: 200 MECH-Rough Requested Time: 02:30 PM " Requestor: MECHANICAL ERPRESS INC. Phone: 970-524-0408 � Comments: 688-069 � Assigned To: J N Entered By: JMONDRAGON K �: Action: Time Exp: � � Item: 39 MEC -Final Requested Time: 03:00 PM `,- Requestor: MECH CAL EXPRESS INC. Phone: 970-524-0408 � Comments: 688-0 0 s Assigned To: J ON Entered By: JMONDRAGON K Action: Time Exp: f S l � Insqection Historv � Item: 200 MECH-Rough Item: 390 MECH-Finai ` � @ � � � � , f: Y � � REPT131 Run Id: 14622 � �; �: t �