HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 3 BLOCK 4 LOT 4 LEGALSesign Review Board ACTIOI{ FORIII D€partnent of CsmmsGity EevelsprE€nt 75 Sosth Frontage Roid. Vsitn Colorad€ 81657 tel: 979-479.2139 far:970.479.2452 ' - web: www,vailgov.corn PrciectName: BEAVERDAMLLCTREES DRBNumber: DR8070430 ProJect Description: FINAL APPROVAL TO REMOVE 2 DEAD TREES Participanb: OWNER BEAVER DAM LLC 0812u2007 ONE HUNDRED HERITAGE RESERVE MILWAUKEE wI 53201 APPUCANT BEAVER DAM TIC oglzLlzooT ONE HUNDRED HERITAGE RESERVE MILWAUKEE wI s3201 443 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: LoE 4 Block 4 Subdivlsion: VAIL VIII-AGE FIUNG 3 Project Addressr ,T43 BEAVER DAM ROAD l-egal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: 2101-071-1101-2 2 trees Motion By: Second By: Vofte: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: SIAFFAPR Date of Apprcval= O8l23l20o7 Cond: 8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a pennit for building. Please consult wlth Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Planner: Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 OA/20 /2OO1 05:29 PM B.r.boo Growlh, LLC {11453917{ Minor Exterior Alterations t/2 Typc of Rcvicrr rnd Fae: O Slgns tr concephral Review O Nc$, Constsudiootr Mdifon E Minor Alt rauon (rndu'farnib/orrnerdaD tr Minor Alteratixt (slnglehnily/duphx) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr sepafaton Reque$ bn T7 tiYn tltts $t-00 per square tuot of tobl sign area. fur consfudion of a nety buildlng or derno/r€build. For an eddltbn where square fuobge ls added !o any residential or corrrmerdal bulldlng (incbdes 250 additjons & interior convErslons). For minor drange to fuildings and sitl! lmprorcments. slrch as, reroofing, palndng, rvindow additions. landsphg, . fences and retainlng ualls, eB for minor drangres to buUings and dfu impau/emenE, $ch.s, re-rcoflrg, painthg, urhdot{ addfrons, llld9@Pk}t, ftnces tnd ftblning wdls,lgE$20 For relrlCons to plans alreedy approred by Pltnnlng Staff or tfie Despn Rwlal Boad, No f?e $s0 No Fee 1550 1300 12s0 120 ofit(nlg o 6o -ffi Deparfnmt of Conmunlty Dq/elopment 75 Sot tlt Frortage Road, Vall, Colorado 81657' Ef: 970,rf 79.2128 faxt 970.479.2452 \,Yeb: !t $,w.valgwcom Gcncral lnfunnetloni Al pojects Gquirhq de{n review mu* reive approwl ffi b srbmlhhg a hrlkllng pemit appfi@tio.r. Pleas t€Jbr to the subfi{ttal ]€qu'r€mnts for thc pnio.&r rppmvC hrt b requesteO. lrr appllotbn br Desiqn Rodew cannot bc laceptld unH all ruqulrud lnlunatbn is reehrud by the Cornmunlty Developmant Dep.rtsn€nl The Forect may aFo nced tp be rerieilcd by $e Tfnn Councjl lnd/or tfie HtminE ard Environmertal Commisdon. Derlgn reriew aproral laps unlere a building pcrrnlt b l$u€d and coffiSrc on commanccs witti|| onc yaer ofthe approval, Descrlptlon of tttc Requesk Application for Design Review Locauonorrfre prcpo$t: us-i-ar*J/. $0'd,vsan J V -fl LE,1 Phyrfclfl&trcso, +?3 &alu' btz' Ba. Zonlng!' Il.rnG{r) of ourne(s}: Mailing Phyrlcll l&lrcso: (ConEct Eagle Co. Assessor at 9:t0-328-8640 for parcel no.) E-mallAddrc: A6/20/?O0l 0t:t9 Pi{Br..boo Growlh, LLc atla539l7a 2./ 2 JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTENI I, (priflt nam€)a Jolnt owner of property looted at pro{de this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been suhnltred to the Town of Vail Community Qevelopment Departrnent for the propoged lmprovements to be cornpleted at the addr€s$ noted abo'&. I understand that the propoeed lm provements Includer Qfmo.tu 6{ 2 ffiD fry e..0\rkI - (Sjgnaurc)(Dato) Addi6onalll pleas€ dt€i* ttle statement below whidr is most appllcable b youl D I udeEEM that ntnor modifuatbns nay h rrade b fie plans otm the Ourse of the rcupw prffiss b ercurc fitnpllanae wffi the Toyw's awiabh cod6 atd regulatlons' (Inilial here) D I rq,ot ttnt alt fidifk:atbns, mlrw or othemi*, whl* am nzde to tl," plarc over the @ut# of the rcnEw ptw6, h brought b my ettErrfron by the appil@nt for addltional apprcral bfoe undqgoing funher revEw by tle Taun, (nitial hae) FF|X N0. :9744534916 Aug. 15 2m? Ll:W1 Pl Srylalizlng on fr"p Servtce and Fo'f,dry Consunng August 14,2007 ConnioMllo 1370 Sandstonc Dr, #13 Vail, CO 81657 .RE: Trcee at4f Boava Dau Road. Desr Connie, Than you for conacing a c\t Abovc Frnestqr to addrese your bee carr nocdo, At your rtqucct I inspcctodtlre Wo hres inthc ifioer couruad at BBesvetDam Road, Vall, Qolondo, Both tces are Colorado Blrrc spruoc (Picea pungene) ryproxinxcly Z0 inohoe in dianetor and 7J fta tall, Trse #l is dsa4 m uve braclos arc prcsint. Trce #2 gtarted showing tignr of daclim 3 weckr ago, I insp€o&d undor thc ba* and found sigrs of shoemring root nrt (Armillaria mcllea). No curc is available for shocstring rooirot. sinse the gooond ftre is in inevotsible dccline. I recommend removing botb trces lt thc same dme for cost efficioncy and sa&ty, Ploase ooutscl me wilh arSr questions at 970453-9tJ4. Sinceruly, Rick Herurche Cqtified &borist #RM'2 I 95 A Cut Above Foresfry, Inc. P.O. Bor 7133 Breokanrldgc 970,.1153-9lFtl Eagl. County 970-926.92{0 ..'t ll itt I Design Review Board ACTION FORM DeparBnent of Ommunity Dandopment 75 Sorjth Fontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teh 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us PrcJect Name: BEAVER DAM LLC (STRONG RESIDENCE) DRB ilumber: DRBO5O348 Project Descrlption: RETAINING WALL (SAME FOR SAME) Paftlclpants: owNER BEAVER DAM LLC 0ilt512005 ONE HUNDRED HERITAGE RESERVE MILWAUKEE wI 53201 APPUCANT LAND DESIGNS BY EIIISON,INC07i15i200S phone: 970-949-1700 P O BOX 1259 AVON co 81620 License: 130-5 ProjectAddress: z|43BEAVERDAMRDVAIL Location: ZI43 BEAVER DAM RD tcaal Descrlption: [oE 4 Block: 4 Subdivision: VAIL VIUAGE trUNG 3 Parcel l{umber: 2101{71-1101-2 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Conditions: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No dranges to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprlate revlarv commlttee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not consdtute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to onstruction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days follorring the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this ploject shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued torad completion. Condr CON0007352 The applicant shall coordlnate all consUuction staging with the Town of Vall Public ffittt/tY 4+3 web: www.vailgov,com General Information: All p@ects requiring design review must re@ive approval prior to submiEing a building permit applicafrcn. please refer to.the wbmittal requirements for the particuhr approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiarv cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Councll and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design rcview approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Tlln u- K1'w--toWfue --'1-- \LDescription of the Request: locationof theproposat: tot 4 gbck: 4- Subdivision: ;lPhysical Address: {farcel no.: ZiO\ O?lltDlZ (ContactEagleCo.AssessoratgT0-328-8640forparcetno.) Zoning: (Mailing Address: @wner(s) Signature(s): 4ame of Applicant: Gailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Atteration €ttame(s) of Owner(s): (mu[$mily/commercial) \t-,-:< +o.,,- S P''t"-t\"\-t*[l Minor Alteration/ (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 $[ $20 No Fee For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 addiuons & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls. etc, For rerr'isions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board, For Office Use Onlv: Fee Paid: -'-- ' Check No.: - By: meeting Date: 8' 3- O I 'OINT PROPERTYOWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER provide this letter as written approval of the plans d"Ed [)f ff which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Communlg Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed atthe address noted above. I understand thatthe proposed improvements include: LL-c-) I, (print name)T)onoa. L, S a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) I further undersbnd that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review prucess to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable odes and regulations. | / t^ ,.-zt XNLht*zffi +-/3-ff- (Date) :rulrf a-ree^ . Page 2 of t3l}6l}6l}s o ,r*m MINOR EXTERIOR ATTEMTIONS TO BUILDINGSAND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAL REQUTREM EI{TS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor exterior alteraUons and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not reguire DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water feafures, grading, or the addition of retainlng walls. I. SUBMITTALREOUIREMENTS** a Stamped Topographic Survey*a Site and Grading Plan*o Landscape Plan*o Architectural Elevations*o Exterior color and material samples and specifications.o Ardritectural Floor Plans*o Ligh6ng Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtureso Title repoft, induding Schedules A & B to verify o,rrnership and easements* $.- Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.b Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicablea Site-specific Geologlcal Hazard Report, if applicable*o The Administrator and/or DRB may require the submission of addiHonal plans, drawlngs, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a pCIect will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copies of the materials noted with an asterisk (*). **For interior conversions with no exterior chanoes, the submittal requirements include a complete set of o<isting and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. Page 3 of 13/06/06/05 Topographic suryey:. Wet stamp and signafure of a licensed surveyor. Date of survey. North arrow and gnphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or t"=2O). Legal description and physical addresso Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 40olo, and floodplain)r Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the survey. ProperlY boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy, Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and propefi lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.r Indicate all easements identified on the suMivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report, List any easement restrictions.. Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals. Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other significant natuml features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).. All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).. Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils). Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback)r Show all utility meter locations, induding any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Uulities to include:. Cable W Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culverts, swales, etc.. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property, r Site and Grading Plan:. Scale of 1"=20'or largerr Propefi and setback linesr Existing and proposed easements. Existing and proposed grades. Existlng and proposed layout of buildings and other structures induding decks, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines, This will be used to calculate building height.. Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the drivarrray to accurately reflect grade,. A 4' wide unheated @ncrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.. Locations of all utiliUes including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures. Page 4 of L3l06l06los oo ,,-tr Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Do/dopment 75 South Fiontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81G57 tel: 970.479.2L39 tax 970.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail,co.us Project ilame: 443 BEAVER DAM LLC UGHT DRB l{umber: DRB0S032B Prciect Descrlpuon: RNAL APPROVAL TO ADD UGHNNG FOR AN ADDRESS ROCK pan|cipants: OWNER BEAVER DAM LLC O?|O7,2OOS ONE HUNDRED HERITAGE RESERVE MILWAUKEE vvi 53201 APPUCANT KITCHELLDET/ELoPMENT oTloTnoas phone: 970-390-1381 P. O. BOX 2558 VAIL co 81558 License: 101-8 coNTMcroR KITCtELL DEVEL0PMENT oiloilzoas phone: 970-39G1381 P, O. BOX 2558 VAIL co 816s8 Licensel 101_8 ProjectAddress: zt43 BEAVER DAM RDVAIL loca6on;443 BEAVER DAM ROAD tegal Descrlpdon: Lot: 4 Block 4 Subdividon; VAIL VIL|-AGE RUNG 3 Parel Numben 2101-071-U01-2 Comments: SEE CONDmoNS Va^z n/+1"fir,3 /nt +,' brcf' BOARD/Sf,AFF ACTIOTT Motion By: Action: SIAFFAPR S€cond By:Vote: Date of Appruvat: 07lLSl2Ao5 Conditions: Oond: I (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be rrade without the wn'tten consent of Town of Vail sbffand/or the appropriate revlew commit@(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not aonstitute a permlt for buildlng. Please consult with Town of Vail Bullding petsonnel prlor to construction acflvifles. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 dap following the date of approval. C-ard:202 *r#1roeruffi'mffiffand tsdlllg€ntypgncpd65trrd6ffiGri*---- -''- l Phnner: Joe Suther DRBFa.PaH: *2O.@ hT&roe /tq,*T 443,-mq' ffit r lnrweb: www.vailgov.com ! General Information: Ir TOV-COM-DEV. All projectc requiring design review must receive approval prior !o submitting a buildinghterilIrEp-pfEemi;TEeF refer to.the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested, An application ior Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Departmint. Theproject may also need to be re\riewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses untess a building pemit is issued and construction commences within one year of thc approval, (.*orocrtpuon of the Requesh lDb t t offiarc fO e-$nC-lSS f?W Location of the proposat: Lot: ,y' ebcf: I Subdivision:ltrt ruWt g& Fru*4 *rrrysicalAddress: 4qe Erar,{L O/+n RoaI\ l4arcer r*o.t 219 I o-7 | t to t L (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: \drame(s) of Owner(s): ylailins Addressr f.n".t") signature(s): rdame of Applicant: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review fl New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Aheration (multi-fa mily/commercial) \Filinor Alteration/ (singl+family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Phone: Can 'rrglT PUS $1.00 per square foot oftobl sign area. For con*ruction of a new building or demo/ For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For mlnor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee d. 7.f w c|1 o rd tJ AF$s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $zs0 $20 g!.lalling Address: **********++*{.**********+*++*+*{t****************lt********{r****'l*!***************!**,}**1.****** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Starement****'|'l'!t**++++++*+******'t***++ttt****l'f'}a*****+.''*{t++++++++*+**+****+*********++++++t+****+** Statement Nrldber: R050001022 Anount I 920.00 07/O7/2OOSO4:30 pM Paltment Metshod: Check Init: JS Notation: 4510/KITCHEIJIJ DEVELOPMENT Permit No: DR8050328 TIE)e ! DRB-Minor AIt,SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2101-071- 1101-2 SitC AddTESs: 443 BEAVER DA!' RD VAIIJ I.OCAIiON: 443 BEJAVER DA!4 ROAD ToEal FeeE: $20.00This Payment: $2O.OO Total AIrIJ Pnta: $20.00Ba1ances $0.00****itlt'i'!**'i*****++++************'l****fffftf**************f{r{r'i'*'l'!t{.***++++++f++*************{'** ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Deecripeion Current Pfiits DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20. oo ,,-ffi JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER (fx:"ouec li-r..r., LLf}) I, (print name) D-t-no L , Statra , a joint owner of property located at (address/legal description) provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I undentand that the proposed improvements include: a&D Lt6tJntr'6 To stbd ADbdZsS I further understand that minor modifications may be made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations, (Date) .t/ i l" dt4l/''t"t-^4'-ffi 7, Page 2 of 13/06/06/0s Proiect Contractor MINOR EXTERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDINGS AND SITE IMPROVEMENTS SUBMITTAT REQUTREMENTS General Information: This application is required for proposals involving minor e)fierior aherations and/or site improvements. Proposals to add landscaping do not require DRB approval unless they involve the addition of patios, water features, grading, or the addiUon of retaining walls. I. SUBMITIALREOUIREMENTS** o Stamped Topographic Survey*' o Site and Grading Plan*tr Landscape Planx0 Architectural Elevations*o Exterior color and material samples and specifications.o Architectural Floor Plans* Ft-iShtinS Plan* and Cut-sheet(s) for proposed fixtures'o Title report, induding Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easements* !L Photos of the existing site and adjacent structures, where applicable.a Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicableD Site-specific Geological Hazard Repo( if applicable*o The Admlnist"tor and/or DRB may require the submission of addiUonal plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials (including a model) if deemed necessary to determine whether a project will comply with Design Guidelines or if the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated. Please submit three (3) copics of the matcrials notcd with an astcrisk (*). xxFor interior conversions with no exterior chanqes. the submitbal requirements include a complete set of .existing and proposed floor plans, a title report, and written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. I have read and understand the above listed submittal requirements: 64 Page 3 of 13/06/06/05 Topogmphic survey:r Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyoro Date of survey. North arrow and graphic bar scale. Scale of 1"=10'or t"=20). Legal description and phpical addressr Lot size and buibabb area (buildable area o<cludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 4lo/o, ?nd floodplain)o Ties to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly shted on the surveyr Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shorun. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner.. Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.o Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.. Spot ElevaUons at the edge of asphafi along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot.. Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervals. Existing trees or groups of trees having Funks with diameters of 4" or more, as measured from a point one foot above grade.. Rock outcroppings and other signmcant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).r All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).o Environmental Hazads (ie. rocldall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)r Waterourse setback, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addiUon to the required stream or creak setback)r Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sourrces and proposed service lines from their sour@ to the structure. Utilities to include:. Cable W Sewer Gas. Telephone Water Electric. Size and type of drainage culvefts, swales, etc,. Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. . Site and Grading Plan:r Scale of l"=20'or larger. Property and setback llnes. Existing and proposed easementso ExisUng and proposed gradeso Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other structures including deck, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line.. All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.o Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to acurately reflect grade.. A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that erit the street in an uphill direction.. Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the Structures. Page 4 of L3l06l06l05 lq &a l.|itY 20v M,il sta .[stm35 watt maI.watt max.ruatt rxrx. 50 rvattlnilL with F {3 Bras S'take. Ahor€ tA-24 8165 l(XlE! Dt ll|co? Stryed Coppcr Fitture $liwl &accl fttPsuP?utD 1E rvd S{ S.C. #11,11 lAllPOFlKlNi: Sae Crcrrp f{' E C D, N, O Q' i0lttuD[.(F]tt{oP Qun Copper &dlet w/l-eos C4, Sudral Brass IAMP SrrPPUtft 20 wd ALR-12 (Ft) (CBf) D.c. TAIIP OffiOiS: Soe Gmrp l,l, K Itootk Dl.r7.g)? bcuded Copper Micro &rllu1, Swivcl Bros 1AMP SUPPUED: 20 !r"d MR-1 1 (Ft) (FID) lAmP Of'nOi{$ S€e Ctoup 'f' -25F(Sreffimdhtp) mucutrt-z8-@t Spun Coppcr IvUrS Eullet wtonwx Gho tens Ap, swiwl Brfts I.AiIP $UPPIJH): 20 u,ttt MR-1 6 (FU (MB) tAllt (FIX}{$ See Gmrp 'E' iftDtl; Dt-23-€Dt nt-rr{F@P Coppu laser &llet u/Lcnr @, Swivel Brret t lt'tP suPPuffI 20 wrt MFO (FlJ UftfP OnKhB: SEe C,rotIP tr' -25t (Sc. Bofiom -25f (Ssa oo {1)" llro*aLbr-:6n€DcnoD 1,,G rOr4ilv0ty,{It7 Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 SotJth Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel : 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: wwwci.vail,co,us PrcJect Name! Strong tree removal DRB Number: DR8030399 Project DescripUon: Removal of dead spruce tree. in courtyard, per arborist's recommendation; no additional lansdscaping required, though new aspens will replace, per applicant's speciflcations Participants: OWNER BEAVER DAM LLc 09/1212003 Phone: ONE HUNDRED HERTTAGE RESERVE MILWAUKEE WI 53201 License: APPUCANT PEACE OF MIND PROPERTY MANAG09/12|2003 Phone: 970-331{038 P.O. BOX 88 AVON, CO B1620 License: Prcfect Addressl 443 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 443 Beaver Dam Rd. legal Description: lot 4 Block 4 SuMivislon: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 3 Parcel Number: 210107111012 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: APPROVED Second By:Vote: DateofApprovaat lOlO3l2OO3 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s), Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Planner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: i2O.OO Project Name: Strong tree removal Project Description: Participants: Prcject Address: Legal Des€ription: Parcel Number: Gommentsl Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us Locataon: ,143 Beaver Dam Rd. DRB Number: DR8030399 Removal of dead spruce tree in courgrard, per arborisfs reommendation; no additional lansdscaping required, though new aspens will replace, per applicanfs specificatrbns OWNER BEAVERDAM LLC 09/1212003 Phone: ONE HUNDRED HERITAGE RESERVE MILWAUKEE WI s3201 License: APPUCANT PEACE OF MIND PROPERTY MNAG09/12I2003 Phone: 970-331-6038 P.O. BOX 88 AVON, CO 81620 License: .I43 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Lot: 4 Block 4 Subdivision: VAILVILI-AGE FIUNG 3 210107111012 Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACTIOI{ Ac{don: APPROVED Date of Approvalz LO/O3|2N3 Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building perconnel prior to construction activities. Planner: ElisabethEckel DRB Fee Paid: $2o.OO TOI,fN General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular appmval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval.'4hw -7.]'^LLi lLr:( ,*tU'x.i Vl ',, ,' i,;t . :,',i11, l',,.i I il,rlr')l):l 1,1,,'., i'r, Description of lhe Request:d94-& Ltr ( 1'n1,1 Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Fronhge Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97O.479.2139 Jax: 970.479.2452 web: www.d.vail.co, us &r Location ofthe Proposal: Lot:Block: 4 SuMivision: physicalAddress; 4ul3 t?>e*veZ ->ftrn 8D , v'Att., tO Y 1t",57 Parcef No.: J | 0 \ Ottl ll hlA (contact Eagte co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcet no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): lu(E H 14 t ^.'t) p2_4 pg) ress:G{rX Et Rtr.*,qrz.D f h"'t-;u4 >reou 4 e,4 D(t€ (i,v, BT' -k'*1t"a, ,)Name of Applicant: Mailing E-mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs fl Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alteration ( m ulti-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-fa mily/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request already approved by Planning Staff or the 01f T tr n Phone: tjno.th Fax: $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (irrcludes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painung, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans Design Review Board. No Fee I { $ 5EP-18-aBE3 1e315 FRON:LANDDESIGI{S 9769493e88 seP to o3 lo:s?r lr* Fbove FoFerrFv, TOrl e6e 7Be e4e8 P.AA4/6E6 9-49t6 A Cut Aboue hrastr y, fnc. S@nber5,2fll3 Lard Oec[n by Elllson SamanfiaVoeidr P.O. Eox i25e .Arlon, CO 81620 Re: Tree gt SUorB Resilene. Oeer Sillartha, thanr you forcom.crlu A qrADot f For*ryb *Hr€3 yourfiaecereT9S: .A" f"u rcqueebd i" p-a,rdh-iFi epruce rer-rocari ii-nc mr*r "o.rnr* a*ftJffiH|.e dhms'r I hays bor'd "t 'nb hr p,e-t tims h 're pasr year. sdr rarpbr cotecbd in20t'2 tldicr* fiat .ne r"it *r" "ri.,ilL d,-,n'n"t" a,= no sigrificant n,tbntH=f- gqf e"."bry_i;; d,,;6 fr"-siiFhr r hftE bsred ore Eolmo,'&r€ se*rar t[mc' arurtu'nd tr Jor rorJi b,rt rm ,"nfrJ. - - * I yl$it'd tho e'n or seo*nber2, 20fit to inspcct $c t"e for soundrree ardovanail Etrlctllu attteottty. o,"fr-r"i dilit5"d the Ese tbr efrrrctrrafilfrE{{***H*** , an idi:gbr of sbn 'on o,n nn tr[G.J,-i# ti n"o ptdr.d amy fqn o.e ounkgtvi* the t€e a r,ilow,rornd i" ur*Eiilf iarso corboo fdur con sarnpbs#rminor dieooloratkn iltt"'il; r,ar'ry be an indffir * The imm€dhb curcemror-tris-tre ia the roirt oeoine * lng slnown ovlra*E*'3m;#"lF.I3-:I uni;iE t;;,; s'Een tuu*e;il;; sercralmtr* HHr'r"sr*,hs;'Ee;fr-:;E;*-ff Ttroertaged or fta brardree. a|E e,9qfiO to-iShtTn ni" cese I be[sre t|aonancfiing is caused by injurytofre,""ilffi, PI). Box7tt3 ETCGEUIdSF s7D453{t54 SF-16-aa03 11:53RFl E.glc Oosrw nug,?r0'|src Eba- ' lrlZ,| ft-.-. b rEL)9?A 4S 4915 ID)Lff.DO|giIGl.Ei sEP-18-egB3 1a:15 FROH:Ln}.ODESIGh|S 97€9493e88 TO:1e6a 78e e4e8 p.W3/m i Sep ro 03 t0:Szc |Jrn FbovG Foresrnu, iffiffi.ffi ffi ilIfffiqs{iffi"ff sHH*be a shodr rEther rhat a -suar. nrir *[il#E rr"-ct"E]ffi i#i,o*rqllf* a sliotm €n t ca*iru lirttrJdlit'iilT-r," stucture orpocsbre pe*cnal lf th?f€es do not bre{k ;l;S#;iffi ffi :tsFiffi"i'l"T#'Y":H,'i[t'-ffi HH Vlftrdb cabfiq tftetree ame r€sons n**rO #LT- the roof b psshh, I do nd rccuyrmqrd irt for I recommend remodng '|'a te." men the daorege becm6 hbhrra'e. Please c conteat rne wiOr any quesione af g7(L45l0lia- I s/nnejEry' .// /'A-/'/Z /f /ryl-Unr+- '!-l]h nE FtD Cerflied A6odst nM-Ztgs . I SEP-16-ffiJ 11:53Rt ra)eru 453 4916 Io)lli€OESIGttE Pffi:a3 P=rrit SEP*18-eBE3 la:15 Sep lO 03 ,IT;'J*'=fll. 97494932ffi Fbovc FoFest,Fv, TO:1 e6e 7A? eA?A Inc ,rofr-*"r" P.AA6/E/F,6 p.G Spruce Tree bthe branches. =P-Lo-ee,J 11:54ff1 TEL)978 453 .+{t16 ID)IJND€SIGNs mGE:@6 RT-g6z SEP-43-a083 1@:35 FR0l*1: LAM)DESIEI.E 9769493288 lur 1 ebC (& c'zlcu Y.tac/U,vs z@r:d &:bud lorsaoou.rcor ,*.;l Tree and Lavrn Care, Inc. atn rg8o Trec Evetnrtion Addrcss;443 Beaver Dam Rd Vrnt, Co{orudi, Locetion of tree: [n courtyerd Ptoblsn ro 6rdur!!: IgtJrrrueqafc? 4/pe oftr€€: Colorado Btuc Sguce ffirtr itr ffi PSf bs'rttrro .lor,?,g rngy.ios.rrd dccrec rh"r*r*;*j;'ita:;roH.*,*x#:f;,Jr"t1-ffi ;:'P',$"Tt Aner taling *ff:::,yplu, tt'. orrghour rtre trurrq I did dctocr lonEfor . ffiffijfl"JJS&ffim*'g'"Hg,#ffi *-.". comtnrcDoa lite $naller: rU*f, oo.tf"_lm" il;il.*v,torou, troldrtrrecl Stsctcd t "o d oilr.itc Raoclcrdfdou, Bttrus &ele b $mto. wiag irte tbrrre oerr-rtr+bfcq, tl,estructunt inrqeriry is **::"li,,e;ih;;;ffi. Thir trtc ir atro situilea in rm"ffffi ffitr i*#;frft eer".$'*;-"tt rru, Dvrhtrfiu pcrfbruaf:lt: &h B€c&Gf * €rnifedAiboriss Dbgr€cd Fqt$€r. We Speciatize ln yoUR TREES,CaTs Itfvcf ,9r8 r.aoo vvcsT !:! oAyEr{uE. cotoEx. CooLonAOO Aoaor . (3dt) ?79_l9to P61.6-t8t-f,S€zs Fvd L8tga e6AZlZDtBe ***'t't****+*++'t*****'t***+***+***+***+*********+*+++++***+'tr*********t****dr*********{t**+++***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Sratement * **a** * * t+**i! *'t** ** 't *+++ 'l * *l{.'} * * *+ tt**** * * **** ***+ *+****** *****+++t**** '}t ********+******t'*** Statement Number: R030004691 Arnount: 920.00 09/L2/200303 3 09 pM Palment Method: Check Init: LC Notalion: #342 /Peace of Mind Property Mn$nt Permit No3 DRBO30399 qrpe: DRB-Minor AIt, SFR,/DUP Parcel No: 210107111012 Site Address: 443 BEAVER DAM RD VAIIJ Location: 443 Beaver Dam Rd. Tota1 Fees: $20.00This Payrnent.: $20.00 Tota1 AIrIr pmts: g2O.O0 Balance: $0.00***{t:}***la***{r*,lr******++******'}*****t++*t'**flr*********++!t'}***i}****:}********+**'}*********'}*+* ACCOUNT ITEM IJST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pnts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI^J FEES 20.00 OS/30/20O9 14:13 PAX lL4 677 7 SIRONG FINANCIAL .: . .\\, -\\ . Richard S. Strong Sept€mber 30. 2003 Depqtn€nt of Cournrmity Developmcnt Atte,ntioar: Allison Oshs Planning Deparbcrrt 75 South FmntageRoad Vail, CO 81657 DeuAllison: This lettErwill givc approval to fimove the dead sprrce trreen as recommended by the arborisf which is located in the courtyard at 443B_caveDll Road. [f 1ou bave any Erestions, please coatact ConnicMfller at (970) 331.6038. Sinccrcly, seong capibl Manag.ucrf lnc ' orc Hundrcd Berihrc kvo . rdcomouc Falh, maccrsio sg6l @ ooz Fty-- Richad S. Shong /0 ,l Il/,t / {, g/Kf /i//'7E sZ TOI,{N OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8J.657 970-479-2138 DEPARTT{EMT OF COMMTJNITy DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TIIrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED rovrcomm. Dev. ififfffi 31fi"il'lfi"Xfil"?il' AddTESS: 443 BEAVER DAII{ RD ATiON. . .: 443 BEAVER DAM RD cel No. . : 2l-01--07l.-LL-0L2ject No.: PR\T98-0182 ON .]OBSITE AT ALT TIMES LLC Pemit #: 899-0003 Status. -.: fSSUED Applied. .t 0L/07/L99' Issued. - .: OL/08/L991 Ex;rires - . : 07 /0',7 /1-99' Phone: 4l-4-357-8800 53223 Phone: 41-4-357-8800 53223 Clean-up D approved amount date APPLTEAI\TT CONTRAC:IOR OltlNER C!IA, OF MITWAIIAKEE 8355 WEST BRADI-,EY ROAD, MTLWAUKEE, C14A OF MII,WAUAKEE 8355 WEST BRADLEY ROAD, MII,I/ItrAIIKEE, STRONG DICK WI WI Description:ATfrC COIWERTED TO OFFICE Number of Dwellj,ng UniEs: 001 Town of Vail Adjusted Valuat.ion: 30,000 Eireplace Infornagion: Regtsricted: Y *of Gas Appliances:*Of GaE LogB:*of wood/PaLlet: FEE SUI'IMARY * * *t i i * * i * * * *r' * Building-----> Plarr Check- -- > InvestigaEion> wil,] eall---->Cle$-(tt D.posit-- -- ----> 350.00 .00 3,OO TOTAI, FEES----- ILCM: O51OO BUTLDING DEPARTT4ENT or/og/r999 iIRM Action: APPR ITEM: O54OO PI,.ANNING DEPARTT{EMT ot/o1/1-999 JRM Action: APPR ItrEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMENT 01-/07/L999 'JRM Act,iorr: APPR TLCM: O55OO PI]BLIC WORKS ot/07/L999 ,JRM Action: APPR Rc6tsuatane Plan Revi€w--> DRB Fee-------- ToCaI qalculaLed Fees---> 840.50 Addilional Fees---------> .oo Total Pefuit 8e€--------> 880.50 Palm€ht.s------ tArallcB DltE- - - - .00 50 .00 RecreatioD Fee- - -- -- -- - -> .0o 250.00 APPROVED APPR PER N/A N/A Dept,: Dept: GEORGE Dept.: Dept: BUII,DING DiviSiON: PI,ANNING DivisioN: FIRE Division: PIIB WORK Division: jr******t+irr!r* *******r****t***i*****a******* See Page 2 of t.his Document for any condj-tions that may apply to t,his permit. DECI,ARATTONS I hereby aclsrosledge thaE I have read thie application, filled out in full the infonrlion required, conltleted an accurage Plot plan, and etale tshaE all the inforEauion provJ.ded as raquiled ie cor.tqcts- t agree to coEply raith the infordation and PloE pLan, to co[{rly wj.Eh all Totn oldinances and sllaue 1ar€, and to build thi6 sCruciurc accordlnE Eo the Town'E zoninE ajrd su.bdivi-Eiolr codes, design rev-iew approwed, Irnif,orE Building code and other ordinanceg of, bhe Tor.n aPPlicable thcrcCo. REQUBSTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHAI,I, BE MADE TWENTS-FOT'R EOURS IN AD\II.NCE BV Sand Cl€an-{4, DepoFil To3 C'!lA OF I6I],I{AIIAKEE SIGI&TT]R8 OP \ sit Refund Pro OWNER OR CO IRAqTOR POR HIMEEITF AND OWNER CMR o PAGE 2******:l*******************************:l**************************:r************** COIIDITIONS OF APPROVAIJPermit, #: 899-0003 as of Ot/08/99 Sr,atus: TSSIIED *********************:l********************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUrLD PERMIT Applied: 0L/07/L999ApplicanL: CMA OF MILWAUAKEE fssued: Ot/08/L999 Job Address: 443 BEAVER DAIr4 RD IOCATiON: 443 BEAVER DAI4 RDParcel No: 2101-O7L-J-L-OL2 ***************************************************************************:k**** cot{DrTroNs ***************!t****************:l**:l******************************************** 1. FrEtD INSPBCTTONS ARE RSQUTRSD TO CTTECK FOR CODE COIr'IPLIAIiICE.2. SMOI(E DETECTORS ARE RSQUIRED IN AIJL BEDROOIVIS AI{D E\IERY STORY AS PER SEC.121O OF TITE 1991 UBC.3. STAIR WIDTII OF 36 INCHES 1997 I'BC SE TION 1OO3.3.3.24. IAj|D AlrD GUARD RArLS REQ'D SECTIONS 509.1 AtiID 1003-3.3.55. MECTANICAT, VEMTTLATTON IS REQUIRED FROIr{ T!{IS OFFTCE SPACE WII{DOW DOES NOT MEET. MININI]M VENTING REO. ert-i.,r.!rr!*rttr.ri.t.trar*trr**.r.r.tl*t*r-i-.r.rr.r.*!*rri., Iottt oP vtl',, colroRtDo StstaeaE trrrt**rrrftlrrrrrft*rli*ataittiat,t't*ra***rr|rirtrrrta*tt't*tttt*trattt gBrtelat trtrDb€!: REC-O419 lDunt r Pat4lcrrt [eEhod: Cf nocrtior!: 991 88O.S0 01,/04,/99 10 r2l InLB: inf P.rElC tto: S99-0oO3 ..t-icr6. I-!U!&D fDD,/fnT gtR BITItrll) pE Prrcrl fo3 r1O1-071-11-012 8ir. lddr..r: 443 IE.I\,!R Dll| RD l6€rgLon: 443 Ell\t|ll, UI|| RD fotrl LGd r lhi. Pryr.ns !t0.50 ?octl tll hrei hlaDca: 8AO.50 880.50 ,00 l*ti**aati!t!tt*a€t'Era*r,' rttt**!rt+tttaatatt|'ir,lrEatritrtrttrrtaat lccorlal CoaL D.rcliption BP 00100003111100 BUtl.Drt[€ pflrl FRg DR 00100003112200 DEgIOf RErX$f FEEa PP 00100003112300 Ptrllf cHacK FE8t3 IDIIBE 350.00 50.00 227 .SO 250-OO 3.OO AD D2 -DIPO8 CITEII'IIP DBPOAITA tc Do100003112800 lflrJ. cl!t, txgpEctrc[c FBE EX-DATE tt-DAtts lllolDfT ll@ttf,T llloull'T lllot ![-T 1348 499-OOO3 Cm Op IIr'ITAUAXEE D2 DBPOS DBPO TT !OrA! tOR CUS!o$ER TIPB| D2 250.OO 250.00 250.OO- ,OO GR.DID lODL!: 25o'0o 250'00 250'00- .oo DEPOAIT @I,!.IT t ]. 1. oo Ar{oltrflI- 250.00 t O./& Afrcll CREATED r BlTcB-ooess eooo./o4 ItglRlD-''PODlCr tP EELD @Itl'I- I ;:l;:;i,3'i::"i:::i"l .i'J;i, oF vArL "o",,ou.,rJt; -flszt- a'r t- lt-brx -ttUi1"l':rut";;i,f f /'l -Buil-dincr'wl-- Job llane:# l'*r*"oriio"t,,{'oc .97o qj l.,rRcrli\'PEP*\IIT /r }ruST BE FILLTD OUT COHPI,ETELY OR, IT ]IAY }1OT BE ACCEPTED *?r*** ot{ Legal- Description: Lot owners Nane: lllLy_ Arc:ritect: ceneraL Dc scrj.ption: Job'Address: BLock Fi t ir-,- I1'orI: class:- [ ]-New I J*Alteration 6fnaditiona ]{umber of DrreLli-nE' Units: Address:W-Pr !z&aA _: got_Iafj:'F'qaress. ,@!+_J-r _j,n. y{EG _ 1tl-Repair[]-orher Nu-nber of Acco:nrnodation Un11=, * Npmber and Tvoe of f.ibeplaces.l cas Appliances w"........ .. .. ..-vr'*cri-sD' \ lq*******x***j*******x*?rxrr**'f rx*)k** vALUATToNg :r*Jr*J:rr:f * * * * .l * * * * x ,. * x * * * ir * * j<*:rr :, ..BUTLDTNG: $ T)7lT'r.lElT\r.. . t! lvr r u,! t,r \) - t Addres3:5 El.ectrical Contractor: A<.dress: EL.ECTRTcALI $ }IECTTANTeAL: $ OTilEit: $ TOTAL: $--:---._- ***ri>rt tr * * * ** ?li ******* *:( * * ** *:rx*** BUTLDT NG p.ERtIfT FEE r PLrrl'tE Nc PERI.IIT FEE; HE]TAN ICAL PER},IIT FEE:ELiCTi ICAL FEE: OTJIER IYPE OF FEE: NPA FT F. : ** * * ***rt*** *****.** *>t:t * * x i: i ::I;:l""fr"H:Lffis# Town of VaiI Reg. NO.rnone Nunber: Tor+h of Vail Reg- No.Pnone Nunber: Tor,rn of Vail Reg. No.Pnone Nunber:. FOR OFFI CE USE .i .i * * * * * * )r * * * * * * * * * )k x x x * x x x :z * * ;: ::;. BUILDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: 3!!IBTNG PLAN cHEci( -Fnr:IrEcH.ANrcAL pr,AN cHEci( FBn, - - RICR-EATToNFIE:----.-:--.. CI€AN_UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMTT FEES: CTOR INFOR},IATION Plurnbing Address: Contractor: Mecha: ricaL Addre: s: Contractor.: BUILDT}IG: SIGNATUR,X: ZONING: SIGNAIUP€: VALUATION . !. i..r.li t. .-nFpnsT.r Ji F;.'i-rtl'r..| i..r - Ftr11\f . onrE: etIFTE'r'r.n. 75 sotJlh lronlage roaci va Il, colo rtdo B1657 (303) 479-21.3 8 or t,79_2139 o o lllce ol co mm unlly developmc n I ALL CONTRACTORS CURPIEN?LYL REGISTEP.ED HIT;.I Ti{ETOI.TN OF VAIL Totnt oF VAIL puBLIC 1{oRKs/coi.a.ruNlTy DE\rELOpi.tE}rT l'3RcH 16/ L988 coNsTRUcTlol{ P.IRKING rl IL\TERfAL STozu.cE ;1,-::Pii'i i3i:l:'1l.""il";,u":::::: l!1r_ i!- t='llu,,{:1 . fof .any ,::, m.' ;'i Ii i;l: :i " a i n g .ti' =; -5;;i:.: ll, "; : i i"[i3t'r"i i !t: :' ;!ii'pr; ce or irny oor'. Yo"t any strcet,, =raevaik, -;ii;y or public !3 i-=r;e;rd'= 5;5'l3lu!ni5'!f;."I1;"i:ll";;f;:;ir;"r:li;i;f ",Th i ordinance wilt be ;;.i;ii; enforced by the Town of VaiLpuLric'r'lorks nuo^urlm"ntl--oJi"ins founcl .,i,oruling this ordinancerrilI be'givcn a-24 hour ".i;i;;',_,o!i1e to remove saicl naterial .In the event the persgn so notifrecl .does not conply r+ith thenotice r+ithin the 24 nour tine-!pecirie;,.,;;.";"!1ic r.lorksDepartnrent vrill reTnove saia :r',ite:iil-?t the expense of perscn:;;il::ii" I:'":'ovi=ions-"r' [r''i= ordinanci: srrarr nor bLany srre.t oi ;il:;.:;.::;,"liilii::"ff ;;"Ti;ii_:!;];::= ", io revievr--ordinance No-. o in fu]l-, p!_ease =top: uy tt,. lourn.orXl; ;"?Iiili"g,";f;i:.*:*"::""iiiin I copy.--riluir, you ror your Y eaci and acknovrl_edgec1. by: w F-. l-a-qt '. ll (i. e. contractor, oi+ner) IIEIIORANDUI,,l TO: FffOM; DATE: RE: 'ALL CONTRACTORS TOV/N OF VAIL PUBLIC ldAY 9, 1994 VVHEI{ A ''PUBLIC WAY DEPARTfIENT IS REOUIRED WORKS PERNIIT" Job Name:Dale: I -L Please answer th llovring questionnaire regarijing the ls this a nEy/ residence? ls. demoliti,rn v;ork being perlormed lhal requires lhe use ol ihe right ol rvay, easernenls or public prope;ty? - ls rny'utility rvork needed? .ls .he crivervay being repaved? ls diflerent access needed to site otf er than exisling drivervay? ls ;rny clrainage wor'x being done aff,:cling the ritrht of waf, easemenls, or public property? need for a'Public'Way permit': YES .NO v/1\ 2) e\ 4) 5) 6) 7) ,/'/ -/ -i -/' ls a "Revor:able Right required? of Way Permit" 8) A. ls lhe right.of rvay, public properly to be used parP,ing or lencing? B. lf no io EA, is a parking., staging or {encing'plan required by Community j Development? I you answered yes 1o an-'of these questions, a "Public Way permit' muslbe obtainecj. " rublic Way Permii' applicalions may be oblained al the public Work's ofiice or at C:ommuniV Deve.lopment. ..lf you have any questions please.call Charlie Davis, tha Tourn of Vail Conslruciion Inspecior, al475-2155. I have read and ansl rred easemenls or for slaging, allthe ab stions.equ Contracto,-liri.: l.lame nature Date t Ntw l*"' i I lI I I I I r'-.i 1'lrt lJAI \ \ \I\ :'! '?rtl I :A\ ru "'?bum of V; fiFi:iCn GVrEi^t L $qq - oo o, -" I re-o ':gi lrou, SFft*t,_:o{J - --,-9r-n *q)il_r " I tr.r ttfr{-l(_ i.)ftNlbE- lroRMefZ- FlAue,ruG ljruEs. . \h.l lJU-iL 3L'l Ior'l r-U ' i.. , -ffoi" f nttn #; 1oo!'tr'+v ., *'rtt h_l;;l\h% "Jur'n ' f t' TOI,IN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL,, co 81657 970 -479 -2L38 "tLiV/Comm, Dev, DEPART}IEI{T OF COMMT'NITY DEVEIJOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSIED ON,JOBSITE AT A]"rIJ TIMES PROJECT TITLE: STRONG RESIDENCE ADD/ALT SFR BUITD PERMIT Permir #: 898-0306 Cleari-up appr0ved amount date Address:ation. . . :eI No..: 443 BEAVER DA!4 RD 443 BEAVER DAM RD 2101_ - 071-11- 012 Status. . Applied. Issued.. Er<pires.Project No. : PR,J98-0182 APPLICAIiIT CARIBOU BUII,JDING VENTT'RES INC.P. O- BOX 2960, EDWARDS, CO 81532OT'INER DICK STRONG CONTRACTOR CFIA OF MILWAUAKEE 8355 WEST BRADLEY ROAD, MII9ilAUKEE, WI 53223 F]NAL LO/08/L9e8 L0 /Ls /L9e8:0a/L3/L999 Phone: 970-390-6300 Phone: 414-357-8800 F6es- - - > Description:REMODEL AND ADDITION TO EXISTING RNumberCof Dwelling Units: 000 Town of vail Adjusted Valuation: 350,000 rineplace Infortltion: Rest-icted: Y *Of cag Appliahceg I *Of, Oa6 LoEs:*of tlood/Pallce: rri'rr*r******* FBB SIJITMARY *** *lr***rrtrrr Additional Fees---------> Total. Pcfioit Fee--------> Paymenta------- BAI,ANCA DUE- - -- Building- - -- -> Pl,an chrck-- -> Invc6clgatsion> will call----> 1, 74O . OO 1,131,00 .00 3 .00 .00 200.00 50o.oo 3, 609 .70 3 , 609 ,7O ,00 3 , 609 .7O 3,609.?0 Re6tsuarant Plan Rcviee- - > DRB F66-------- Rccreatsion Fee-- --------> Clean-Up Deposit-- - -- -- - > IEem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI{ENT LO/08/!998 CIIARLTE Action: NOTE lo/L2/L998 CHARLTE AcEion: APPR II,EM: O54OO PTANNING DEPARTIIENT aO/08/L998 CI{ARLIE Action: NoTE aO/L3/L998 GEORGE Action: APPR IIEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT LO/08/L998 CIIARLIE AcEion: APPR ITEM: O55OO Pt'BLIC WORKS 1,0/08/L998 CIIARLIE ACEiON: APPR DepE: BUILDING Division: PLANS TO CIARL]E CHARI-,IE DAVIS DepE: PLANNING Division: PLANS TO GEORGE N/A N/A Dept,: FIRE Division: DepE: PtB WORK Dj-vision: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * r * * r * r * * * * * l, * * r , * * * * * t * * r r * * r, ****r***}****a*t******'ar****** See Page 2 of this Docrrrrent. for any conditions that may apply to tshis permit. DECI.,ARATIONS I hereby ackno$ledge Cha! X hawe r€ad t'hi6 application, filled ouB in fulL the infornation required, coopleted an accuraC. ltloB plan, and Etate tshat al1 tshc information provided aB lequired is correc!. f agree t'o comply with the infonBation and plot plan, to conply !.ith all Town ordinances and etate la*e, and to build tshi6 st,ructure according Eo the Town's zoning and subdivigion codes, alesj.g:n review approvcd, Uniform Buj-lding eode alrd otber ordiDances of Ehe Toltn applicable thereEo. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MA.DE T1{ENTy-FOUR HOURS IN ADIIA!'CE BY TEIJEPHoNE AT 479-213e OR AT OtR OFFICB FROM 8:00 AIil 5:00 PM sit Refund send ctean-up D.posl.! Tot *ruou "--rQnt*",sr€*ATnRE a"f* oR co rRAcroR FoR Hru.rEr,F AND ('NER PAGE 2 ********:t****************!r**************************************rl**tl************ COI{DITIONS OF APPROVALPermit #: 898-0305 as of 03/22/OO StaEus: FINAL ********i****tl****************************:t***:r:l:l***tl****!t***************:a:t:t***** PermiC flpe: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMIT Applied: LO/08/L998Applicant: CARIBOU BUILDING VBNTITRES INC. Issued: LO/L5/L998 ilob Address: 443 BEAVER DA},I RD I-TOCAI,iON: 443 BEA\IER DAII! RD Parcel No: 2101-071-11-012 *******r*****rt******************************************************************* COIIDITIONS ************************************!t*****************************************:** 1. FIELD INSPEqTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IANCE.2. SMOKE DETEETORS ARE REQUIRBD IN AI,I, BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS pER SEC-310.5.1 0F TrrE 1997 tBC.3. REFER TO CORREETION ON FIELD DRAWTNGS4. PER TTIE PI,ATiTNING DEPT. ONE KITCHEN MUST BE REMOVED l**i*****rlrtii*****.1*l*ilt*********+ttt!t*****t*****************r*** TOWN OF VAIIT, COTOR.ADO ReprLnted: o3/zz/oo 09ro4 gtatertrnt **t!lt**rt*tlt***ttlaitt*******tat***tl*t*l*Alltt!t*a+******tt******* Staternnts !{umber: REC-O464 Arnounc:3,559.70 LO/A5/95 t4.26 Init: JRPayment Method: CK Notation: 3069 Permit No: Parcel No: gite Addregs: IrocatioB: Thi6 Payment Total Fees: 3,559.?O Total ALL Pmt6: Bal.ance : 998-0306 TIPC: A-BUIITD EDD,/AI,T 8TR BUIIJD PE 2101- O 71 - 11- 012 443 BEAVER DAIti RD 443 BEAVER DAIi{ RI) ilii|l****.1*rl*tttttt******tlt**t********i****ii******t**++t******i Aecount code Describtion 3 , 609 .70 3,509.70 .00 Amount L,74O.0O 150. 00 1, 131 . 00 500.00 35.70 3.O0 BP OO1OOOO31.111OO BUIIJDING PERMIT TEBS DR OO1OOOO31122OO DBSIE{ RBVIE}I FBBS PF 00100003112300 PLAII CIIECK FEES AD D2-DBPO8 CIJBANI'P DEPOSITA RF 11100003112700 RECREATION FEEA wc 00100003112800 tfllJl CALL INSPBCrION EEE PREPIRED 3l22lOO, 9:05:5a PROORII| ln{15utloln of vail DBPOSIT REFI.EID NEPORT-I'PDATB PACE T. cugr-ID cttgro0|ER xArE CTIABGB CbDE DESCRIPTIOIT DEPOSIT DBPOSIT-trDJ II''l'I'IUErl I'IIIR-NEPUIIDTf,-DATE L'-DATB II@IIIT IIIOl,|t A'l|ourt llrclx|T 1271 896-0305 CARTBOU BU!!,DINO VEM! D2 DtsPos DBpOSIT LO/L6/99 3/22/00 s00.OO 500.00 500.00- Iotllr tOR CttltrtMER rYPE: Da OilL B},TCH CRBATED: BATCH-OO77O 2OOOI03 USBRID.JPOPECK TP HEIJD COT'NT-t .00 altooNT- .o0 so0.00 500.00 500,00- GR |t' !Oll!: 500.00 500.00 500,00- DEPOSIT COI'!|T: 1 .oo e 500.00 TOhIN OF VAIL /5 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArrJ, co 8L657 974--479-2138 DEPARTI4ENT OF COMMIJNITY DEVELOPMEN| NOTE: TIIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ADD/A],T SFR BUII.,D PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 898-0269 Status. . Applied. fssued. . Expires. TSSUED 09 /LO /]-998 09 /28 / 1998 03/27 /L999 OI^INER CONTRACTOR CARIBOU BUITDING VEIilTURES INC.P. O- BOX 2960, EDWARDS, CO 8L632 APPI-,,ICANT CARIBOU BLDG Phone: 970-390-5300 TOV/Comm.Dev. Clean-up De approved amouf"rt date Job Address: LocaEion. . . :Parcel No..:Project No.: STRONG DICK AIVD POT]R SIJAB 443 BEAVER DAM RD 443 BEAVER DAM RI) ?LOL-07L-r]--0L2 PRJg8 - 0182 Description: EXCAVATE CRAWL SPA,CE Occupancy: R1 Type ConsEruction: V . - i-!n: MulEi-Family Not in table! Add Sq Ft: *of GaE ApplLances: * r * * * * * r a * * r r * * t * a r., r i! i r r * r r * r FaE suuMARy 1-5,000 RestricCcd:*of GaB Log6:#of wood/Pallet:Fireplace Bul.lding-----> r l-:. r checlc- - - > fnveEeigation> l,fi"l1 call----> 195.O0 426 .75 . oo 3.00 .o0 so.o0 .00 100.00 4?4.75 47 4 .75 .00 474.75 ResLurrant PIan R€view- - > DRB Fee-------- Recreacl,on Fee-- -- - -- --- > Clean-Up DepoEit--------> Tobal calcuLated FGee- - - > Additional FGee----- --- -> Total Permit Fee--------> BAI,ANCE DUE---- Pa] nents- ------ 414.75 . o0 IEem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTI,IENT Dept: BUILDING Division:O9/LO/L998 JRM ACt,iON: APPR APPROVED .]RM.ITEM:'O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT DCPT: PLANNING DiViSiON:09/1.0/1.998 JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED PER-GEORGE IEemi'.056q0 FIRE DEPARTIIENT Depr: FIRE Division:Q9/a0/L998-,lBL -. Acglon: APPR N/A]EEM:.O55OO PI'BLIC WORKS DEDT: PUB WORK DiViSiON: 09 /1,0 /1_998 .fRM Action: APPR N* * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions thaL may apply Lo Lhis permit. DECI.ARA'TIONS I hereby acknowledge cnat. I have r:ead rhis applicalion, filLed out in full the information requircd, conpleLea a.rr accurat.e pLoL p1an, and eLate that all lha information provLd€d ae rcquircd ie colrect, I agree to comply wiEh Lh>i+lfotfi9j'Lon and plot plan, lo conElv with all Town ordinancee and etate 1a*8, and t. h'rird r:hl- srlr-F. -- accordi:.- -_ 'ha Tc4fr: -orinq and srrr.,ivision codes, design revies applove<i, Uaifo=m Building code and other ordinances of, the REQUESTS FOR TNSPECTIONS SHAI,L BE MADE I'I'IEMIY. FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY s€lrd dlc.n-qt Dctro.iC lo: cARIBou Bloo oUR OFFICE FRoM 8:00 Al4 5:o0 PM OR COIITR,ACJOR FOR H:MSEI,F AND OHNER Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 898-0269 as of O9/LO/98 St.atus---: AppROVED******************************************************************************** Permit Tlpe: ADD/ALT sFR BUIT,D PERMIT Apptied--: Og/Lo/LgggApplicant--: STRONG DICK Issued---: Og/1,o/LggB To Extrrire:. 03/o9/L999 .fob AddTESS: 443 BEAVER DAM RD LOCAEiON---:. 443 BEAVER DAM RDParcel No-- : 21_01-071-1_1-01_2 Description: EXCAVATE CRAWL SPACE AND POUR SLAB * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FrELD TNSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALIJ BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEe.1210 0F THE l_991_ I]BC. rrratt**t*titi|lttrrtttrtttai|}ttra!rttt !ffi ot vArD. cr't oRADo o tr* a t tt rtitir.a tttt.arrtt I I rtit a a *ttttrt Itt iat ttt t a* *i f i+ tt tr }'tt ttr a 8t.t.EoC lll.[b.r t REC-0{53 lDunE ! Prl rcnC ||lhod, CR Bot Eionr 1015 agrB![tt l7l.7S Otlzslta ,as57 Inlr ! t.c PcrnLE llo: E9e-O259 n?.t l-BItU,D D/llT 8lR BOTLD pE P.rc.l No: 2101-O71-11-Ol2 8lt. lddrcae: aa3 BEAVIR DAl, RD Loc.bl,on: al3 BEIVER DllI nD Ilrla Pe/rltlg ToEal Fa!! I l7a,78 Toerl .UrL Prtr ! Elllnca ! 47 4.15 a7 t.75 .oo Acalount codr - -' '^- o ro t11111o0 DR 0010000311?200 PF O0100003112300 A.t J2 -DAPOI t{c 00100o03112800 D..crlptl.on Btttl,DMo PER[rr Bma DEAIOT RAVIET 'EEAPEllf clllcx( FElg c&lll[ttD DEposrrs r|I',I. CI'J! ItrSDECrIEI IEB l@urt l9g.oo go.oo L24.75 100.oo 3.00 PRBPInED 3/22loo, 9:25t3a PROGRII l|R,at Slt Tor!! of Vail DEPOSIT NEFIJI|D REPORT-UPDATE PI6E 1 cost-tD ct glouEl lllll! CII}RGE @DI D!5'CR,IPTION DBPOAIT DIPOAIT-II).I lDiflrEt ErT A.FIER-RBFIn|IITt-DlTl l,t-DATE ll|Ot[rT Al()lrrr t oum ll|oln|T 1238 898-0259 CIRIBOV BUrlDlllC VEIT D2 DEP08. DBPOgIT 9l3Ol9S 3l22lOO 100.00 100.00 100.00-.00 100,00 100.00 100.00- GR |l) f<El!: l00.oo 1oo.00 1o0.0o- DEPOSIT COO!fT! 1 !C)lll! FOR qtgmUER lYPl: D2 GilL BAICH CREATED 3 BISCB-oO??1 20OO/O3 ITSERID-{IPOPECR lP HEGD COITXT- .00 1. o0 tltooNr-100.00 Sontacat 970 \R9EL x-,\ . iogro councy n""o""ortrr"" -3llz o ll28-8640 for Parcel fl. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO PERMIT APPLI TT FORM DATE: Job Address: _ , _> rJ \f4r._ t/lu,+C€Block*ft_ riling t; " SueorvisioN: V4t.Ph.Yl4-"d{gb 7-8st" g'- I j-Additional [ ]-Repair [ ]-oLher BUTLDING PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLWBING PI,AN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PLA}I CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: PEfu\IIT I! . APPLICATION MUST BE FILLEDI l *** **?k **** ***** * **** ****lt**** b [ ]-Building [ ]-Plunb Legal DescriPtion: f Lrn ers Narn e : i"s.JJ-ErectricaL .'n [ ]-Mechanibar gr.l1.otner @_ OUT PERMIT i * 't 't tt ,! tt * * tl * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATToNs * * ,t * * * ,t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *\ ^--r tZ_ /t ri r,)]UILDING2 $ // L/c'L/ ELECTRICAL: $ -- n"nppp. $ _ ?LUMBING: $ ./ }IECFTANTCA",+-'='-'_-- T;;;;; W (******************'*P1*:*j* coNTRAcron, dllronuAr:JoN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rk * * * * * * * *lenerar .ont,u"tot"? lugforn of Vair Reg.*N-o.fo<Ricrdreiss rut,* rutu:*, +;::"";":il |3-.i=jt:- ;lectricaL contractot, NIA G,.41S.O V- Town of vair negfNF.1;iddress: 9--f-9-ll phone Nunber: )lumbing Contractor: fu/.1rddress, '"'' -_-Jg;l- Town of Vail Reg. NO. --------------- - Phone Number: Iechanical Contractor: lV/* Town of Vait Reg. No.--iddress: % Y.r'- ^- ^ ri..-r- ^ -- -Phone Nunber: ,l >t :k :t rt * * * :tc rt * * * * * * * * * rt * * * * rt * * * * rtr * *FOR OFFfCB USE * * * * * * * * ?t * * * * * * tr * * 't * ?t rt * rt * * 't * * * x }UTLDING PERMIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMTT FEE: IECHANICAL PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRICAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: ]D Ft FE F. lomments: TO*lz--f**-- BUTLDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: trchitect, C4urn eddress: I ;eneral DescriPtion: ,lork class: [ ]-New tfntt"tation Iumber of Dwell-ing Units:Number of Accohhodation Units: ymber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances. ...-Gas Logs --Fiood/perret :],rrr'rErrrrr; j!____:__ XIE;U|IANICALr: +___ --_.-_-.-.- TOTAL: +_E VALUATION cLEAN Up DEposrr REF-nlrD rozwlscd ttvtt'U4l/ v6Ar11/44 , /o 6ax L16", /o 6ay Llt"H)UA/-/)( /n "1L.3 2 TO; FROM: DATE: RE: O MEM'RANpITM ALL CONTRACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLTC WOFKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REQUIRED !.'' Job Name: Date: Please answdr the YES ls this a new residence? ls. demolition work being performed that requires the use ol the right of way, easernents or public propefy? ls any'utility work needed? ls lhe driveway being repaved? ls dilferenl access needed to site other than existing driveway? ls any drainage work being done NO 1) 2) !)/ 4) 5) bl \--"'-'afiecling the right of way, easernenls, or public property? 7) ls a "Flevocable Right Of Way permit" required? B) A. ls the right of way, public property to be used parking or fencing? I have read and answered all o'rL'4a easements or for slaging, \--t" B. lf no to BA, is.a parking, staging -,-.--or fencing plan required by Community : \--.'' Development? . . lf you answered yes 1o any of these questions, a "Public Way permit" musl be obtained, "Public Way Permit" applications may ba obtained at the Public Work's office or at Community Developmenl. lf you have any questions please call Charlie Davis, the Town ol Vail Construction Inspector, at 479-215g. ions. 1 )_ Job Name s Signature + ,r I \ -.--t\ T\ L ,l / /' \ \ ' =j '..,' \ \ ..;il ,\i.,-. _pr,,, ,r. .\,-2u \ 'rirz' \,.---_.-- ..'-. \-_ \ r, Y----" -\-.----., '"N?h,r*ry? \ i ,| \"v \ -lo i''-(it \ \ i'l' i t. l {n @nvet An'"r o o'v'i:L,Il' DEvELoIMENT trrutfi" "wi- .]OBSITE AT AI.,L TIMES Permit #r E98-0295 SEatus...: ISSiIEDApplied..: t1/04/L998 Issued. .. z LL/04/L998 Expires..: 05/03/]-999 Phone: 97094967-6L Phone z 9709496L6t Descriptsion: TNSTALL HEATED FTOOR MAT IN BATH ValuaEion:8, 500 . 00 TOI,IIN OF VAIIJ 75 S. FRO}flTAGE ROAD vArL, CO 8L657 970 -479-2A38 DEPARTMEIfT OF COMMI]N]TY PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON EI.,ECTRICAL PERMIT NOTE: THIS APPLICANT CONTRAETOR OWNER .fob Address: Location. . . :Parcel No..:Project No.: WAGNER EIECTRIC INC P.O BOX 4995, VArt WAGNER ELECTRIC INC P.O BOX 4995, VArt STRONG DICK 443 BEAVER DAM RD 443 BEAVER DAM RD 21,01,-07L-LL-0L2 PR,J98 -0L82 co 816s8 co 81558 Elecblical- - - > DRB Pse InveBtsigation> will call----> TOTAIT FBES- - - > r.52 .00 . oo .00 3 .00 165.00 ToEaL eaLculat.6d Fcca---> 165. O0 Additiohal Fees---------> .00 ToLal Pernit Fcc--------> 155.00 Payeents- - - - - - -- EALANCE DI'E--. - *r***rr****r*t**1*******ti*tt** ****ra*l******** ITEM: O6OOO EI,ECTRICAL DEPARTI4ENT DCPT: BUII,DING DiViSiON:ta/o4/a998 JRM Act,ion: APPR APPRoVED ,tRlvl-iEan;'05660-Finr DSpXRTIIENT -- Dept: FrRE Division:tl/o4/L998 JRM AcEion: APPR N/A - : * * * ** ***** * * ****** tr+ r**t**rr I ***** *r****** *rr**** ******* r***:,**'r t*t *r**rrrt t**r*tt*lr*r** t*ir***** 9t*****ttr:..". --- ------ CONDITION OF APPROVAI.,, 1-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. *i**J***********rrrr*iirr**r*** *r***tt**t**ttt DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge tha! I hav6 read thi6 application, filled out in fuIl the infortnation requircd. completed an accuraCe Plot plan, and etatse Ehat all Che infoltration providcd as lequir€d is correct. I agree to comply with the infornatsion and Flo! P1an, to conply xitsh a1l Torn ordinancas anil s!a!e 1as6, End to build Chis Btruetsure rccording Eo thc Tosn'B zoning ana Bubdivigion coder, design reviev approved, Unifortr Building Code and other ordinanc.s of th€ Town applicable theleto- REQUESTS FOR INSPECSIONS SIIA],T, BE MADE TIiEMTY-FOUR HOI]RS }.D\NNCE BY TELBPHONE AT CE FROU s:00 Al'l s:oo Pt'lIN OR CONTRAeTOR FOR HIMSE'JF AND OWNER TO$N OF VArLr COLOR.aI'O SEaC"ung !r**rrt*t+rl|ttrr.rar**ft'riat*ttttrtt*til*r r'arrr *!r**ittt,rrrtatrrrr!.t gLC.Dnt' I{uub.!: RBC-04?3 lEoutrC 3 Pq||l.nt, cthoil I cK NoLCion. 1039 r5s.00 11/04/98 14.r? Inl,c ! tc{ PerBic No: 898-0295 $,p. r B-ELEC ELECIRICIL PERI,IIf P.rs.l No: 2 1O:. - o ? 1- 11- 012 8l.E€ lddrc6s: {43 BBf,VER Dllil RD locltioa: a43 EEIVBR DAU RD ToEal Far6: thlr Prr,Ditc 155. o0 Torrl tI,I. Ihe6 : l.ccoutrt Cod.Description 165.00 Brhnqe: ,0O tt*tt***rt*t*ri 'rt *t t t t t ta t * ttt9* t* * i I t* ** ** * *ar at BP OO1OOOO3111{OO BLECTRICAI. PERUIT TBB9 wc 00100003112900 wlrJll CAIJL tltg9tsgtloN FBB .e|qounb 162. OO 3.O0 , PEF"I\IIT /, BUILDING: $ Dr TTlraTrr.rr_!u4ru_l.rt\:r. t E.t.ectrical A(idress: , Plunbing Address: ELECTP.TcAL: $D>-OTIIER: $rorAl: +--?3:-:--- rt *** ******* *****.** ***.i * * ** * l;51"",1"H;:1, ti; S'W-. "ww1 Reg. Nc. Contractor: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Tor.rn of \rai1 Phone Number: Town of Vail_ Phone l{urnber: Daa Ll,.'\.\s:, ' J,r \_/ r Mecha:rica1 Contractor.: Addres s: *****t ** **rt * * ******** *** * ** *rt***BUILD]NG PERMI? IEE: PLlr146 NG PERHIT FEE: ME ]HA] ICAL PXR},ITT FEE:EL'CT} ICAL FEE: O?]]ER IYPE OF FEE: NDEI FT T|. ; FOR OFFfCE USX *******)r***x***********x*******' BUTLDTNG PI.,AN CHECK TEE: |lgYPrNG Pr.,AN cHEcK FE;,IIECHANICAL ptAN cHEcK .rrFr.. - REcREATTou rii-: r--' -"-.'._ CIJEAN_UP DEPOSIT:TOIAL PER}ITT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURX: ZONTNG: STGNATURE: Contractor: J APPLT.ATToN I'rusr EE FrLT-,xD our coMprJETELy oR rr ],,Ay lror BE AccEpTED H**t(**' * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ?t )r * * * * * * * pERl,Irr TNFORMATToN **)r****ir*******/$ , *,"'*ttt .tfir uxi'lA'i-IoN tk * )t * * * * x x x * * * * * * * * * * *.* ,r )t * * ,i * )I J-Building I J-pluo'bing tfi-rrectricar [ ]-Mechani-ca1 [ J-otherJob Name: STe-^tr- E+,o^ttt Job.Addre==, .{y3 Legal Description: f-,ot. Brock_ Fil_ing_ srrBnrvrsrn!. nLrqress: | 1 \ Kaa\K/_ (tdl*a Zjt p:I:-yl!_:_UgL 4-tAddress, .(atq drl, A-e _r#r-tfu_GeneraL oescrj.pti"n, Fe..ro&i,l--.,Vp,\ l*_e-p Arclritect -. Vlv,l Num.ber of Dr+e1 linE' Units: 1 ri,__L __ --_-_+_- Nrtlrber of Accornmodation Units: IN.,prnber and Type of Fifeplaces.: Gas Appliances \ r,-^ _-_. W.., .... .....-.---eEr' \: Gas Logs l{ood/Pe13.et=- f$x * * '< * * x * * * * * * * * * * * rl * * 't *:* * * * * * * * * * vALUATToNg *:trr*f;rr*rr***.r**rr********)r*******x* t'eneraJ. oe scrj.pti"n, r{ork crass:- [ ]-New J l-A1-teratior, il(l-Additiona' l r-Repair [ ]-other VALUATION DiP.OSIT DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY LOPMEMT NOTE:TTIIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON I DEVE ELECTRIEAL PERMIT Job Address: 443 BEAVER DAM RDtocation. .. z 443 BEAVER DAM RDParcel No.. : 2LOL-07L-LL-012 Project, No. : PRJ98r0182 Total calculaEeal Fees---> Additsional I'ees- ----- - -- > fogal PerEit Fae--------> ,]OBSITE AT ALt TIMES Permib #r 898-0292 st,atus...: IssIrEDApp1ied..: Lt/03/1998 Issued. . .: LL/O3/t998 E>cpires. . : 05/02/!999 Phone z 970949L403 Phone z 9709497,403 Valuat.ion:30, 000 . 00 TOI'IN OF VAIL 75 S. FROI{TAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -2L38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Descriptrion: WHITE RIVER ELECTRIC P O BOX 11L8, AVON CO WHITE RIVER EIJECTR]C P O BOX 1118, AVON CO STRONG DICK 8r_620 8152 0 ELECTRICAL FOR REMODEIJ *****rr**r*ar*t********tt.t*rr FBE sttuMARy El,€ctrical---> lnweB!igall,on> will call----> TOTAIJ FEES' - -> 540.00 . oo .o0 3.OO s43 .00 543.O0 .o0 543.O0 * * i * * t * * * * 'r * * t * ******:r*t**l|r**rl t***!r*******i****i.rtl*itt**rl**, IICM: OSOOO ELECTRICAL DEPARII'IEMI DEPL: BUILDING DiViSiON:IL/03/L998 .JRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVED .]R}'TrTCM:.O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEMT DEPE: FIRE DiViSiON:tt/03/a998 ,JRM Action: APPR N/A t l* *a * * * ** i t ttt t *. tr r t J rt** i ** CONDITION OF APPROVAL *******rttttt*tt**if********r***r*r****!r*+ttt**ttrttat*tt*J** tt***!r*.}**}**t, BAI,DNCE DUE-. - -.00 accutace plog and plot pLan, 6ubdivi€ion FROM g:00 Atil 5:00 PM DECLARATTONS I hereby acknowledge thrC I hav€ read thi6 application, flll€d ouc in full Che infoluaEion lequired, colrFlrt€d an p1an, aDd state Ehats all the infortnaEion Frovided as required i9 corrccE. I agree to comply with the infornation to coruply nith all Tottn ordinanccs and Btale lairg, and to build chi6 6lr\rctsule according eo Chc Torn'6 zonLng and codeE, deeigrr revier approved, Unlform Building qode and oEhcr ordlnanced of the Tosn alrplicablc thereto, REQUESTS POR INSPB TIONS SHAI,L BE MADE TWENA:'-FOUR HOURS IN ADT/ANCE BY TELEPHONE CONTRA TOR I{IMSEI,F AND OWNER ,,, _,,.,.,.,_,l,it***rl*,*r,. TO!{!{ OF Vtrrr, COT,OR.ADO Seatamn? ar* a * r r * rlt *r rtt r rrrr * rrj ** * * r rrratir * rfi * r *rtttr t taln I * r r,rr I r r a.r StaEcrlnE [uab.r: REC-O471 AEount,: Pay8ents Mrehod: cK Nogatl,gn! 1o3? 5,43. O0 L1103,/98 10:37 Init: DB PcrmlE No: E9E-o292 ?ypr: B-ELEC ELEefRIeET 9BRMIT Parccl lfo: 2101-0?1-11-012 gilc Addr.EE: a{3 BEAVER DAtl RD I.octCion, 443 BEAVER Dl|ll! RD Toe.1 Fe€6: This Pa)'EcnC 543,00 ToCrl LLL Pnt6 j Balanca: 543.Q0 543. O0 .oo loounE 540. 00 3.00 *, * * rj* * I * * *t ttl *r*tt tt I *rr* ta* r * * t * *tr r i * r r rr r i * * * * * tt * ri **a rr t** r Acooutlt Codr D€.criptLon EP OO1OOOO31114OO EIJECTRICATJ PERI{II PEES llc 00100003112900 WILIJ C'ALL D|APEeIIOi.' FBB j*C,,'rrgct Eagle Counly Assessolpff ice ftl at l.l.r,3zt-864' for Psrcel ilU IOWW OF VAfL CONSTRUCTIOI{ fr..run r=W PERMTE Appr,rcarrpN FoRl.ff? oers: tol ?'211b '10/t0l98 14.12 FAI 9?0 848 6?40 WSIII NIVER EI,EC @oor PERHIT il , APPLICAIION }IUST BE FIIJTED oUT @]|PLETELY 0R IT ]tAy HoT EE ACCEPTED !*******r****:l * * **** ** *****r*ir pERltIT rlIFoRl{ATION ********* *****r** r*r* ****r***r! .,[ ]-Building t l-Plrrmbing l|/f-rrectricat ! t-tilechanibal [ ]-Othet Job t{ame: STRoNcd R€6,rbF-Ncp_ .fob AddresE:*tz ;Fee@{a Dr/4n^ Rb. Legal Deecriptionr Iot BIock owhels Naue: Drr-l< STPoAtrr Address: E$I.s3pl fau- c^r -8h.1*-La1LArchiteet: T)A*o il/{'ie Address:Ph. ceneral. DescriptJ.on:{..*-s{a-tU !c'7;( fr'- Tatio!|l.J- orfux- .T+tsJal-,S'.rot^rF4l,*- Nubber of lhrelling Uni*: I Nrruber of Accounodation Units: ^ ryFrber end Tlpe of Fireplaces: Gas Agpliancee_ Gas lags_ lJoodr/pellet_ ]***** **** ***il**il************r**** VAIUATfONS *********!t******!tt!t!t*********t**rtl - co-tiutrolxc: t El.EqrRrcAL t | 4,a)o- orBEnl S ^ BLIIUBTNG, T- t[ECEArrrCAr,,l-:- rOier: $-;--.--...'-'--.--- I*********+** ******** ******'t CONrRACTOR INFORTIATION ***i*******.**:ti*t*ttt****_*f?eneral Contractor: Ca.-iborr- Eti-.'{Ji.J'-Ji t'cwrr of vail Rea- to- liD-REeneral coltractor: e+duou- El/i.-i7ei+#4--- town of vait neg. No.lp-QA.ddress: fuV Zqtp lbone Nuuber: -/"lfork Class: [ ]-New lvt-Alteration [ ]-Additionaf [ ]-Repair I J-otbeq Electrical Centractor: AddresE l Plunblng AddresE: Contractor:5;ar F+H Mechanical Contractor: AddresE: ** * * *** **** *t * ** * * * * :l ****l *,1**** BUILDITG PERMIT FEE; PII'UBIIiIG PERMIT FEE! UEEIIAIIICAL PERMIT FEE: EI,,ECTRICII FEE: OTHER IYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: l[own of VaiI ^'bTr;*"" Reg. o 80R llawn of vail neg. Fhone Nu[ber! Tolrn of Vail Reg. N0. Phone NulnbeE: OFffCE USE *** ** +************* ****** * * ** ** BUTLDI}IG PIJAII CTIECX FEE? PLT'IiTEIilG FI.AI{ CHECK FEE3 UECHA}TICAJJ PI.TIN CIIECK FEE: RECR8.AIION FEE3 CI,E,AN-UF DEPOSITI TOTAL PERMI! FEES: BUIIDING: STGNATUN,E: ZONTNG: SIGNATTIRE: lro. CIJIIY UP IIEPOSrI BEIUITD DEPARTMEICT OF COMMI]NITY PMEMT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,fOBSITE AT ALL, TIMES MECHANICAL PERMIT Permit #: M98-0230 I DE\/ELO Status...: fSSIJED Appl-ied. . z tL/lL/L998 Issued. .. t L]-/L3/L998 E><pires. . : 05/L2/L999 81645 8L645 .o0 .oo 1,003.o0 VaIuaEion: #Of Gas Loga: Dept : BUILDING Divisi-on: iiRIyI-Dept: FIRE Division: Phone:. 3038275736 Phone: 3038275736 40, 000 . 00 #of wood/Pal1et: 1.003 . o0 .oo 1,003.00 1,O03.O0 TOIIIN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VATL, CO 8L657 97 0 -479 -21,38 ,fob Add.ress...:Location,,....: Parcel No.....:Project Numlrer: 443 BEAVER DAM RD 443 BEAVER DAM RD 2tot-o7L-LL-OL2 PR,J98 -01_82 APPLICANT CONTRAC"TOR OI^INER Descri-ption: iIERRY SIBLEY P O BOX 340, iIERRY SIBLEY P O BOX 340, STRONS DICK PIJI'MBING MINTURN CO PLI]MBING MTNTURN CO REMOVE OI_,D BOILER,.ADD NEW ADDITIONA,L SNOWMETT Fileplace Information: Reat.r.icted: Y #Of caB Appliances: *******arrrr* FEE slI,tMARY Mechanical---> Plan check- --> fnvesCiga!ion> will call----> BOO,OO 200,00 . o0 3 .00 ReEtualanE Plan R6vieqr- - > DRB Fee-------- Toeal celculalrd F!€6- - - > Additional Fees---------> Total Peroit 8c.--------> Pawment6- -- - --- IEem: 05100tL/LL/1998Item:.05600tt/LL/L998 BUILDING DEPARTMENTiIRM ACTiON: APPR APPROVEDFIRE DEPART'I\iIEI TJRM ACTiON: APPR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAL f... FIEI,D INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE EOMPLIANCE.2. COMBUSTION ATR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 507 OF THE 1991 t'!IC.3. INSTAII.,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANI'FACTURBS INSTRUCTIONS AIiID TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21- OF TTIE 1991 IJMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VEIffED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 AND SHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE r_991 IlMe.6. BOILERS SHALL, BE MOIllflrED ON FTOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBL,E CONST. UNLESS IJISTED FOR MOIINTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERM]T,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECIANICAT ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOI]EST.8. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS COIflTAINING IIEATING OR IIOT-WATER ST'PPLY BOITERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1-991 I'MC. ******************************************************************************** DECI,ARA?TONS I hereby acknowlcdgs thats I have read bhis applicallon, fitled out in full the information required, conplcted an accura€e plot pl&, qnd stqtr ghat jr, "n" ,'rot"""rlu., re rrquircit Lr corr.cc. , or." *ely riuh rhc infolo.tion ",,d plots pr.an,to coutrtly f,lth .11 Torn ordiEnce! |na strE. Lar., rnd to build cllis .lructsura rccording to the Tg|rrr,t| zonLng and gubdivr.rion codee. dcaign rcvicw rpprovad, Unlforl! aulldlng code end ocher ordlaanc.s of Lh6 folrn rplrllcrble th€leto. REQirEsts PoR MttPtseltoNg grlAlt BE irADB StfEl|II-FOrrn H v IBI,EPIIONE AT 479-2139 OR AT -OI'R OFFICE FROIII g:0O Al.l 5:oo PU SICIGI'I'RE O' Oi$IAR OR, COI]TRACTOR POR HIUSEITP AND O'n!R, '.:-r '". -r-.rr. * *rr,. rl*. **...r...r.....1rte r.r t*"r'r'r',, Tol{ll OF VAITJ' COLOR.IDO glrrrsurts i * i * * r * |t t!, t I * * t t * tt !| tt * t r rt *r r * t t t t t t t * * a Jt * t * * t a * * r 1t t t t t i t * * t * gEatcrnt Nu6b.r.: REe-0475 Aoounr.I 1,003.00 11/13,/9E 11.53 Pal|aent U.thod: CIt [oEaElon 3 25300 Init! DB Psrmlr No: M98-0230 fttr.! B-UACH UECHtIEIee"r. pERMIt Parc.l lgo: 2101- 071-11-012 sLro Addtc..: a{3 BElrtER ll}r'l RD Locrtr.on: 4{3 BEAVER Dtt| RD This P4,!anc 1, 003 . oo 1,003.oo .oo Total Pe.E i 1,003.O0 ToCll ALtr PEg. ! Ealrnca ! Accoune Coda D.rclipEj.on uP 00100003111300 uEcHrlrrcA! PERUIT FEEa PF 00100003112300 PLM CIIECK PEES rc 00100003112900 !|:LL cA.Lr, IlvSPEcrroN FBE trDounc 400.00 2 00. 00 3.00 , '}*Coi,Lact Eagle Co 5dfflt,'#"l;:"1i:;ry TgH*?; x$il,Eiil;I$"F#r - oern: /i/,j/jk Job Name: PE RI\I I T iI J APPLrcArroN Musr BE FTLLED our col{pr,ETEly oR rr MAy Nor BE AccEprED A*tt****************:t********** pERMrr TNFoRMATJoN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rr * * * *,r )r rr * * * * *I i-Building g ,-rlumbing I j-ELectrical [v]-Mechani-ca1 [ J-other Job Address: Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing Owners Name: Architect: General Description: Work Class:- [ ]-New [>7]_Al_teration Ix]-AdditionaL r l-Repair [ ]-other Address: Address: Number of Dwel_ling units: I Number of Acconmodation Units : I f::: ::: *"n" of Firepi.aces: cas Apptiances_ Gas Loss_ wood/pellet_ JS********************************* vALUATToNs ********************rr****:r***,k*** BUfLDING: $ PLUMBfNc: J --- K;eneral Contracbor: ********************** Address: ELECTRTCAL: $ MECIiANTcAL: $ : - FyTf#lTToR INFORMATJON * * * * * * * * * * ?k * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * x ffi rown of l3ri1 nes. No. Brh)j& Electrical Contractor:Address: Phone Nurnber: Town of VailPhone Nurnber: Town of Vail Phone Number:--_ Reg, NO. Reg. NO. l,lechanical Address:actor.: PLUMBING PERMTT FEE: MECIIANICAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Tovrn of Vail Reg. NO. t?/_/Phone Nurnber: . -kJ-^rn?/ FOR OFFICE USE ** * rr :r * * * * * ** *,r2r * * * * * * * * tr rr * * * * * *BUTLDTNG PI,AN CHF(-.K FFE. PLUMBTNG PI"qN ;ffi;i.. ;;;;MEcHANTcAL PLAN-.;;i"?"inn. RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUTLDING: STGNATUR.E: ZONING: SIGNATUR.E: icLEAN UP pEPosIT REflNp m: ,I VALUATION MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: ALL CONTRACTOFS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUELIC WAY PERMIT' DEPARTMENT IS REOUIRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the foilowing qresh-=onna=re regarding rhe need ror a 'pubric wav YES I have read and answere Permit': NO ls this a new residence? 1 ls demolition work being perlormed th-at requires the use of the right of way, easernents or public frope;ty? ls any'utility work needed? I ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed 1o site 1 ' other than existing driveway? I ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, easernents, -./or public property? x ls a "Flevocable Right Of Way permit,required? I v"..'r 1 8) A. ls the righl of way, easements or public property lo be used for slaqino. . parking or fencing? - ( B. lf no to gA, is. a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Communit! ./ Development? lf you answered yes to any of rhese questions, a "pubric way permit' ,rr, be obtained,?ublic Way Permit' applications may be obtained at the public work's office or atc9m1u1ity Development. ..lf you h1v_e any questions prease.cail cn"rti, Davis, ths Townof Vail Conslruction lnspector, at 479-215B. 1) 2) q\ 4) b) 6) 7) VE Job Name Contractois Si stions. Date lr \ b€T lL TO \f Cr. COR.ge* rg .*)Prlce: ,rC,l ai'rltnS.HIL -I ov{ +uPdwt6ltitvrci ': FlAe['/^ /Fill a , Kc.x,F *| | r(-rhJ\ v E l B";lu is 419utolt" )ri.uL -y'o1.| 7n7u{ 2;es,ooo l{x//xl " 1J.,4- L az ly'r9" ReJvcY. tu 4-s \loralr\ Pt'.'..p6--.-,t= ;-, E-.er/Lrr ctrj .S,- s- F-/"*,nj h 1d" etrl,)ql an /t'k1" ,/,,*** 1o k,l* 14"= 1bo €.2E'9-926-OL6 ',,4roo7-r/ 6,,^! /r,"1 /// cr'r"Lcti^ ^ir lnl at.7t qa.fclute) /i/er.lut, . to'd uoaLrf, '(pEJg V?O:60 Et6 - gO -.roN .(r^nJ exi<fra,'1 l,3au ,'H*. i,^.L L,1",, Jh*/,.1 3,ru otlcs tA oro.rnJn u[l .t/to t /,.c i/ L,' /e, ^*.il,1""1,nuog.ft.( Sllo ut^"lL , er,{JL!!4: -/ r lf /u.lx t C'n.I Pl fu lvrcrl I I I-t -t I i -/\-TELEDYNE LAARS aAcK vtEw Hydronic Boilers Submittal Data TOP VIEW FRONT VIEW 5" (381mm) SIDE VIEW Standard Less than 20 p.p.m. NOx ASME 160 lb. w.p. heal exchanger Forceddraft venturi system with woven metal fiber burner Combustion chamber with lightweight alumina-silica insulation board Inclined combustion chamber for front service of bumer assembly 10 fube, mpper finned heat exchanger with bronze headers Redundant automatic gas valves with negative-pressure regulator Hot surface proved ignitor Operating control Manual reset high temperature limit Venturi difierential pressure switch Vent stack pressure switch Low water cutoff Water flow switch Pressure relief valve (75 psi) 1'l 5l24Vac transformer Temperature/Pressure gauge On/Off toggle switch 2 amo fuse EM2 Energy Management Monitor Equipment Dimensional Data INPUT rrrBTU/h (kvn OUTPUT mBTU/h (rw) I8R RANNG METU/H (kwl Ht{0320M HHMOOM HHOS2OM HH0625M HHO775M HHlOOOM 32o (e4) 3e9 (1171 520 (152) 625 (183) 775 (227) 1000 (293) 272 (80) 340 (100) 442 (130) 53r (156) 658 (193) 850 1249) 236.s (69) 294.9 (86) 384.4 (113) 462.0 (135) s72.8 (168) 73sj e1n 7 (178) 7 (1781 10.s (267) 10.5 (267) 10.5 (267) 10.s (267) 17.75 (4511 't7.75 (451) 1e.5 (495) 19.5 (495) 19.5 (495) 19.5 (49s) 20.75 (527' 24 (610) 2s.25 (743) 33.75 (857) 40 (1016) s0 (1270) 335 (152) 355 (161) 400 081) 440 (200) 485 (2201 596 (270) Water Flow Requirementa, /Vote.' Operating the boiler so as fo exceed the maximum heat exchanger tempera- ture rise or 20"F (71"C) may cause damage to the boiler. Model Heat Exch. Water Temperature Rise 10'F / 6'C 15"F / 8"C 20"F t11"C Flow gpm (lps) H/L ft- (m) Flow H/L spm (lps) ft. (m) Flow H/L gpm (lps) ft. (m) 320 4 pass 54 (3.4) 11.2 (3.41 36 (2.3) s.0 (1.5)27 1.7) 2.8 (0.9) 400 4 pass 68 (4.3) 26.2 (8.0)45 (2.8\ 11.s (3.5)34 (2.1\ 6.6 (2.0) 520 2 pass 88 (5.6) 8.9 (2.7\58 (3.7) 4.O (1.2\44 (2.81 2.6 (0.8) 625 2 pass 106 (6.7) 12.2 (3.71 70 (4.4)5.7 1.71 s3 (3.3)3.3 1.0) 2 pass 132 (8.3) 22.5 (6.e)87 (5.5) e.4 (2.s)rr3 (4.1 5.2 1.6) 1000 2 pass 170 (10.7) 37.3 (11.4)113 (7.1) 16.5 (5.0)85 (5.4) e.4 (2.s) Ulinimum Clearances Indoor in. (mm) Outdoor in. (mm) Top Water Conn. Side Opposite Side Rear Front Vent Connector Flooring 18" (4s7) 12" (305) 6" (152) 6" (152) Alcove 6* (152) Combustible Unobstructed 12" (30s) 6" (152) 6" (152) Unobstructed Combustible Servi@ dearance = 24" (6'1omm) at front of boiler. ' 1" (25mm) if double wall vent is useo. Wur -/\.TELEDYNE LAARS 6000 Condor Drive, Moorpark, CA 93021 . 805.529.2000 FAX 805.529.5934 20 Industrial Way, Rochesler, NH 03867 . 603.335.6300 FAX 603.335.3355 480 S. Service Road West, Oakville, Ontario, Canada L6K 2H4 . 905.844.8233 FAX 905.844.2635 Lilho in U.S A. O Tetcdyne Laars Dc.20628 gaos D Pnnbd on Recyded Paper rOWN OF VATL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81557 970 -479 -2L38 Job Address...:Locat.ion......: ParceL No.. - -.:Project Number: 443 BEAVER DAIVI RD 443 Beaver Dam Rd 2:rot-07L-LL-0t2 PRJg8 - 0r.82 status...: IssItEDApplied..: Osl2O/1999Issued...: 07/2L/L999 E>cpires.. : ol/L1/2000 DEPARN4N{T OF COMMUN]TY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: TfiIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTBD MECHANIEAL PERMIT ON .JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permi-t #: M99-0050 APPLICAIiIT CONTRACTOR OWNER ,IERRY SIBLEY P O BOX 340, ,JERRY SIBLEY P O BOX 340, STRONG DICK PLUMBING MINTI]RN CO PLI]MBING MIMTURN CO RestuaranC PIan Review--> 8r545 81545 Phone : 303-827 -5736 Phone: 303 -827-5736 45,000.00 *of wood/P.llet: Descript,ion: Valuation:Install boilers for new heating/sno!'imeLL system Fireplace lnfornat,ion: Resericted: t *of caE Altpliances:#Of C'as lrogs: llechatlical-- -> Plan Check- -- > I nv..t igaE i on > wi11. Call----> Tol-al calculatsed FecB---> AddiEional Fees---------> Total Permit Fee--- - ----> Pal.Ecnts - - -- - - - 900.00 225.OO , o0 1, 128 .00 1,124.OO .00 1. 128 .00 1, 12S . O0 .OO TOTAIJ REES....' 3 .00 BAIANCB DI'E... - *ia*t!}t*****lttt**ttiittrr*i**:r**tttt*lti!r*r* it**t**t**rt****rt*t***rrtt*t** *tttirl*tt O BUILDING DEPARIMEI'IT DEPts: BUTTDING DiViSiON:KATEY Action: NOTE Rout,ed to ,fR:.]RM ACEiON: NOTE ROUTED TO XCHARTIECIIARLIE ACIiON: APPR SEE CONDITONSrtEM: 05600 FIRE DEPART!'IENT06/02/!999 CHARLIE Action: APPR N/A Dept: FIRE Division: CONDTTION OF APPROVAL ]-. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CTIECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. COI,IBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC. 701 OF TI{E 1997 T'MC, ORsEerIoN 701 0F THE 1997 rMC.3. INSTAI,LATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS A}IDTO CIIAPTER 10 OF THE 1997 IJMC. CHAPTER 10 OF TIIE 1997 IME.4. GAS APPLIANEES SIIALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CTIAPTER 8 A}ID STIALL TERMTNATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.8O6 OF TIIE 1997 I]MC, OR CHAHTER B OF THE 1997 IVIC.5. ACCESS TO HEATING EOUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH CIIAPTER 3 AND SEC.1O17 OF TTIE 1997 T]MC AND CHAPTER 3 OF THE 1997 IMC.6. BOILERS SIIALI, BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBI.,E CONST. UNLESS LISTED FOR MOI'NTTNG ON COMBUST]BLE FIJOORING.7. PERMIT, PI,ANS AND CODE ANA,LYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MESIANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AIi[ INSPECTION REOI'EST.8. DRAIIiAGE OF MEEIIANICAL ROOMS CONTAINTNG HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPTY BOTIJERS SIIALI' BE EOUIPPED WITH A FI-'OOR DRAIN PER SEC.L022 0F THE 1997 tMC, OR SECTION r-004.6 0F TIIE 1997 rMC. ******************************************************************************** Item: _05100s/.2o/.L999 05 /24 /L999 05 / 02 /L999 o I h.r.by .cknorlcdgr tsh.t t havc rc.d thlE +Flicaeia. fiLl.d qrt in full tsh. intoErrcion rcquircd, cqEpl.c.d an .ccqr.tr ploc Plrn, lttd tgat. th.E rll th. lnforEatien Plovldld a6 rqqulrBd lr corr.cL. I agrGc to cooply $it'h th€ infomreion and pldt phn.go c(,rPly tilh rl1 aor!! oldilan€ca |nd ,tatc l.rs, aBd to bul,ld thiq dt'tuctuE rcco'lding !o th. TorI, r zqll,ttg and subdlvlslqlcod.t, dcai$l tcviar rpftlovcd, Itnifor[ Suildtlg coda Gd otbar oadLnancc. of th! Toryn TDll.c.bl€ th6reto. RE9IESIS FOR IIISPE TTONS SEAIJJ EE UIDE TNEfiTT-FOUR srmTonE or o||iER on co!*IRecron FoR rlltraEla AtD Oth DECLARATIONS O o& At OI,B OtrIcE rBoll 8:00 .ll| 5!oo ltt r.rrlr,.t,'rir1i *,"..r."r.1rft.arrr.iit!r,..,,r IOIOI OF Vr,IL. COI€RIDO Srac.unt rtattirl{fi itrtttat*ttit:r!rt'' traritrtrt*irrt*rirr**+*lot?..rr..r* llCrcenE flndlr.r ! nEC-Oslt2 ltbunt: rr128.00 O7l2Ll99 tO.Ot Palllcn! tfoEbod: Ct< [oCation: 25929lAIEfrEx InlL: attf Peluit tro: H99-0q50' I!tr3: B-HECE HECSlnlCAn pERt|r? P.tcel no3 2101-071-11-012 8it€ lddrsrr: {43 BEIVER I}Atl RD Locacion: 4{! 'Beavcr DrB Rd lroEat Fa69. 1. f28.0O IhIe PrlrB.nE 1,128.00 Toral ALL EB!r:. X,t:8.00 Bala[cc: .O0 lcclunt Codc DarcripcLon lrcrurt ItP 00100003111300 uEcgrdrcrl ptRBIt talg 900.00 PF. 00100003112300 PL t CXTECR PEEA 225.00 tgc 001000031L2800 t{IIrh ctSIJ ufaPBelId.FsE 3.00 *1*con i"" a Eagle co(* t' #ql',.lii"li::t" " {gx":; xiil,siil#fi ";3$/' DATET $//J/lq Address: Address: Pes18-ot8a PEfu\IIT T l/ APPLTCATToN MUST BE FTLIED ouT COHPLETELy oR rr HAy NOT BE ACCEPTED fi********ttt+***********:t****'+** PERMTT rNFoRI,lATroN :r * * * * * * * * * )r * * * * rr * * ,r ,r ,r * * * * * * *' t l-Building, l{-pl'rnbinv [ ]-Electricai [i-Mechanibal [ ]--other _Job Name;Job Address: 443 Aeo* Legal Description: lot Block_ Filing or.rners Nane: Architect: General Description: J 31a"p"ir t l-*n..Nurober of Dwelling units; .- Nuuber of Accomrnodation units: _ d:::.::l: :"r" of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ cas Loss_ wood/perler_ ls**'t*******tc***********'t't********* VALUA"ToNS * * * * * * * * * * * * rk * * *. * * * * * ,. * * * * * * * * * * * Town of Vail Phone Number:- 2t5q.2t Donr }la.\ Town of Vail Phone Nurnber: - nz6.oown of VaiI R"?.-- No. /At/-/Phone Nunrber: FOR OFFf CE USE ** * rf * * rr :r * * * * * * * * )t * *'t tr * * rr * * rr. rr *,r x Electrical Contractor: Address: .Plunbing contractor:Addresi: Mechanical ^ Contractor.:Address: IL PLUMBING PERMTT FEE:UECHANICAL PERMIT FEE:ELECTRTCAL FEE: O?HER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: Res. No. lTr'-p tt"1-.<.7-?/ BU]LDTNG PI,AN CHECK FEE: 3lYyPrNG Pr.,AN cHEcK !EE:MECHANTCAL PI,A}I CHECK FEE:RXCREATION FEE: ;Hil-H-i?;";iil Date Rffired- BUTLDING: STGNATURE: ZONTNG: SIGNATURE: VALUATION l'lAY Z',, 1$N--- ICLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: \ TO; FROM: DATE: RE: O MEM'BANpiTM ALL CONTRACTOFS rowN oF vAlL pUBLtC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY 9, 1994 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERM|T" IS FIEQUJRED Job Name: Date: Please answer the following queCtionnaire regartling lhe need for a 'public Way permit.: YES NO /(1) 2) ls this a new residence? ls. demolilion work being performed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public prope;ty?. ls any'utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls different access needed lo site other than existing driveway? Is any drainage work being done a{fecting the right of rvay, easements, or public property? 7) ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the righl of way, easements or public property to be used lor staging, parking or {encing? - B. lf no 1o 8A, is a parking, slaging or fencing plan required by Community : Development? / /. L d >1 Y X. a\ 4) A\ o, ( lf you answered yes 1o any of these questions, a "Public Way permit' rnusl be obtained.'Public Way Permit' applicaiions may be obtained at the public Work's otfice or atcglinulity Developmenl. .,lf you have-any questions ptease-catt Charlie Davis,lhe Town oJ Vail Construction Inspeclor, at 47g-2158. stions. ,slr:/E natureJob Nani Conlractor's Date lh"t 'TBLEY PLUMBTNG, tr,il 1O4OA MAIN STHEET P.O. BOX 340, MINTURN. CO 81645 (e70) 827-5736 Fax (970) 827-523/ NOTE: Climate Control Company will be doing the ductworlg air handlers, flue pipe, combustion air, and related items. We have talked with them about the combustion air and flues on the drawings and they will more than likely be changed and done to our local to insure approval ofperrnits and inspections. The engineer is aware that changes w.ill be mad to the plans as necessary to upgrade to the local codes. Jerry Sibley Plbg. & Htg. Will be doing the boiler installations, piping, gas piping, chilled water piping, expansion tanks, storage tanks, compound feeders, etc. to connect the boilers and chillers to the air handlers and the snowmelt areas. We will be changing the snowmelt piping as shown on sheet M501 and going with a heat exchanger system with all the snowmelt zones off of the heat exchanger and one snowmelt sensor. All changes will be done by us and Barry Engeleman of George T. Sanders. Engineer performed the heat loss calculations for this job and as soon as he provides them to me I can get them to you if necessary. Referring to sheet M300 we will install two new gas meters that will be operated at two PSI. The existing pipe and coonections will be disconnected, capped, and tested at 60 PSI for flrirty minutes as per code. 'fhe gas meter and the gas line for the ski room boiler will be changed to two PSI and the pipe size will be l- 1/4" with the necessary pressure regulators and vents at each appliance. This system as well will be tested at 60 PSI for thirty minutes as per the code. This new permit will take the place of the existing, expired permit that was for the snowmelt work only. I am sure you wili have plenty ofquestions for me as I am still working with the engineers drawings. Please contact me with your questions and concems so that they may be immediately addressed and corrected to everyone's satisfaction. 1fully submitted tZ'-t-..->?-:-- David W. LargEE Construction Manager TOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FROI'TTAGE ROADvArIJ, co 8L657 9?0-479-2]-38 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: DEPARI]I,IE}TI OF COMMT]NITY NCr{fE: TIIIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED PIJI'MBING PERMIT JOb AddrESS: 443 BE.A\IER DAI,I RDLocation..-: 443 Beaver Dam Rd Parcef No.. : 2101-071-1L-OL2Project No. : PRJ98-0182 iIERRY SIBLEY PtUI'IBING P O BOX 340, MTIi|:IqURN CO 81545 iIERRY SIBTEY PLI]MBING P O BOX 340, MTNruRN CO 81545 STRONG DICK P!,IENT ON i'OBSTTE AT AIJL TIMES Permit #: P99-0046 St,aEus. . Applied. Issued. . E:qlires. o o DEVEIJO ISSI'ED os/20/Leeg 0s/2t/L999 LL/L7 /t999 Phone: 303-827-5736 Phone:303-827-5736 New heat,ing/snowmelt system for enValuation: e 115, 000 . 00 rrr+ra*i*!rrrar*r*r*r**rr****rrtr**r+*rr**r**rrit***!rat**r,r** FEB s[t[tuARy *!i*ttrt**,tri*rr****r****tt*l}**i!rrririft**rr*i]rrrr***trrrrrrr Plt![bing-----> Plan check- - - > Investigation> tlill crll- -- -> 1,725 .OO 43L.25 3.O0 .00 2,L59 ,25 2,!59.25 2, L59.25 2, L59 ,25 . .oo Rcdbuaran! Plan Rarrigr- -> TOIAI, FEES--- -_ Total calculatcd Fccr---> AddiEionrl Fee6---------> Tobal Petoit F.a- --- -- -- > Pal|Btnla------- BAI'NCE DUE. - -. Item: 0510005/20/L999os/20/L999Item: 05600 BUTI,DING DEPARIMET.ITKATI{Y Actsion: NorEKATITY Act,ion: APPRFrRE DEPARTIT{ENT D_ept, BUILDING Division: AppRouted to ifR-APProved $3nEY FIRE Di-vision: COI{DITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FTETD INSPESTIONS ARE RSQUIRSD TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPI-.IAIICE. DECLARATIONS I h€rBby acknorlodge ghrt l have r.€ad ChiB applicablon, fLlled out in EutI the infoluation r.qulrad, c@E l€bed ln accurecs pLob ttl.!, ana state thrt all ehe inforaation prowidcd aa required is correct, I agEcc to cc,uply cibh thc infomation irtd ploc plan, to conply niLh all to$n ordinanc.lr and rlabo 1ars, and bo build thi6 6lrucLure accordj,nE go the Town,s zoaing rnd gubdiwision coaaB, d.Bign revicw approwad, Uniforu Building code and ochar nEQUESTg BE I'TADB TWEIITY-FOUR HOI'NS IlI AD.I,AIICE IELEPHOIIts FRO$ 8:00 Alt 5:oo P SIGNATI'RE OF COrIA?.ACIOR FOR TII}ISELF TND OflIIER -v rrarir.aa*rraft trri,rrra*atttr*tttti!tiatttttttrt.a 1!t0t OP VlIl., @IORIIO AU.L€Ert ttart'laltrtrtttrt''rtttrtattrrtr.rr t*r*r:rrttarrr.*ri gt c.art' Furb.r r RBC-O522 j|||ounC r 2.L59,2s 05/2!/99 09.26 Prl7[cnc Ucchod; Ctr tfoertioqr: CK f25805 fntt! LC por[ic Bo: p99-oo,t6 T)'pG I B-pIJttB PITIT EING pBRftIT Parc.l No. 4101-O71- 11-012 sico i{ddrcBs: {{3 BEAWR D t RD Loc.tiort: {43 B..v.r DrE nd thir P-yo€nE 2, r.59.2s 2, 159.25 .00 lDqltg 1.725.00 {31.25 3.00 Tocel Fae6: 2,159.25 locrl lJrL IrcE. Br].ancs: tttttt*t*!rttiitttttarattattrrtr.taairtrttrttttt*trarrt*,raatttatattat accou|lc d€D..cripllotr PP OO1OOOO31112OO PIJI BIl|<! PERIIII PEBS pr o010000f112300 pEllf ctGcK rlEa wc oo10000311,2aoo wu.IJ cll! $rBpEeSIow gBE D TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8L657 970-479-2L38 a DEPARTMENT OF COMMI]NITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ,JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Permits #: P98-0141 APPTICANT CONTRACTOR O$INER Plumbing-- --- > Plan check-- - > Re6tuaranl Plan Revi.e --> TOTAL FEES-. -. - CARTBNI] BUITDING VENTI]RES S^b \<-^-r 0U,.,"*rztnc- t \\,:-"+i-{' Cc,3"+ iqL, u'^. ^k^P^ . (o yte 49 STRONG DICK .Iob Address: 443 BEAVER DAM RD LOCaTJ.on. . .: 443 BEAVER DAIiT RD Parcel No. . ; 2101--071-L1,-OLzProject No. : PRiI98-0i-82 SEatus-..: ISSIIED App1ied..: L0/aB/a998 Issued-..: LL/L6/a998 E>qpires. - : 05/L5/1,999 Phone: 9703901897 Total calculatsed Feee- - - >47r.?5 Descriptsion: PLUMBING FOR ADDITION AriID REMODEL Valuat,ion:25, 000 . oo 375 ,00 . o0 47 r .15 Additional FeeE---------> ,00 Inv€€LigaLion> .oO Tocal Pefltrit Fee----_---> 471.75 Will call----> 3,0o Pa) EentB-------- BAIANCE DI'E. -.. **ri*|}t*rrirr*, Item: 05100 BUIL,DING DEPARTtvlElllILO/08/L998 CHARLIE Act.ion: APPRItsem: 05500 FIRE DEPARTI{ENTLO/08/L998 CHARLIE Act,ion: APPR Dept: BUILDING Division:CIARI,IE DAVISDePt: FIRE Division: N/A ***.******t*i,**tt**r,lJ*t*t*t!r**t*,t*t.,'''ri*******t..'*'r.t**' CONDITION OF APPROVAI, 1. FIEI-,D INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPTIANCE. i r. * * rt r ** r ri i * t t t* ir t*, *t t t * * * DECI-,ARATIONS I hereby acknowledge Ehat I havc r.ad thl-B appllcaclon, filled ouf in fu1I the information required, conPleted an accuraEe plob plan, and state chac all t'he infonnation provided ae requireil ia correct. I agree to comply with the inforrdaeion End trtloc plan, to conply nigh all Tor,rn ordLnancca and Btate lawB, and t'o build tshiF stsructure aceording bo tshe Totn'B zoning and subdiwieion eoilee, design rcvier ap;rroved, Uniforu Builaling Code and other ordinanceB of lhe ?ovn aPPlicabLe thcteto. REQUESTS FOR TNSPEeTONS SHALL BE IIADE Tl'lEItTY-FOltR HOURS lN ADVATICE EY I TOl{}{ OF V!,lLr CIoLORADO Eirrcnnc ta tr t * * tt t +tttttat * *lllltr a* *, ll *t * ** r,:l t t *l +ta **** !l.|* * * * a rtat**a J*t gerl€nrrt NuEbcr. REC-0{76 lmoun! r Pry[ent ]l.thod: CK Notation: 1043 Pertsit Nor P98-0141 Type: B-P&MB PLI'MBfNG PARMIT Parccl No: 2101-071-11-012 6it.e .lddTcEa: 443 Bts,AVER DA RD Locationt 443 BEtrVBR DAlt RD Thi€ PayDcnt 471.7s 11/16/t8 10:05 Initt rrc ToErl F...: 47f .75 ToL.l ,.etrlJ Prtrr.a r Salanc€: 47L.7 5 47L.75 -o0 Accounts coae Dlscrl,pEion PP OO1OO003111200 PIrttUEMo paRUtT PBEg PF 00100003112300 PI$l CHBCK FEES wc o0100003112s00 ltttL cl!& I}tsDEcItoN FEE lEoutlt 3?5,0o 3.O0 ' ,t ar 970-328--8640 for.B":cSl 0. ToWN oF VAIL CONSTRUCTToN\RCEL //z 4tolOlI I lO l"- ono*.'- ,\r1h,,,^rh,^\YEL n._#lolo'Jl I tu I-L PERMTT Appr$cATroN ron$\ oxraz-cfoflrtg(- k \ r,(-"u,,/,/)Jr'J-nuiraing 14-nrurnbing M-ntectricar [ ]-Meehanibal [ ]-other PER.\IIT i! - APPLTCATION }ruST BE FILLED OUT COMPI,ETELY OR IT }TAY NOT BE ACCEPTEDI t * * * * 'f rt * * ?t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 'l PERMIT TNFORMATToN * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Fob Name : Legal Description: Lot f wners Narne: trchite.ct.' leneral Description: rddress: Address:Ph. . .l t/wl* pn. plA a) )n of Vail Res...yo./3aA_'one Nunber , 4?f .egAa Town of VaiI Req. NoZL3E Phone Number. ?{e-AE7- Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunrber: Iechanical Contractor: tddress:Town of Vail Reg. No.Phone Nunber: : * :t * rt rl * * * >l * * * * * * * * )t :t * ti * * * * ttr * * * * *FOR OFFICE USE *** ***?t************rt******,tx*= * }UTLDING PEF}IIT FEE: )LUMBING PERMI'I FEE: IECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: ;LECTRTCAL FEE: )THER TYPE OF FEE: )RB FEE: BUILDTNG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PLAN CHECK FEE:MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAT, PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Address: ./ ,/.rork class: h,4-New Ml-elteration [ ]-Additional- t l-Repair [ ]-other lumber of Dwefling unitst I Number of Acconmodation Units, I fmber and Type of Fireplaces: cas Appliances-/ Gas Logs -. wood/pellet-' i * * * * * * * * * * tr * * * tt * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VALUATIONS * * tr * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *) ---iyffflq: i 2?.-ooo xr,EcrRrcAl,,l_fu?__ orHER:?LUI'IBING: $ Z-{aea 1 * :t rt * rtr! * * rt * * * * * * * * *' ** leneral contractor: / rt**** CON94gg16n FORMAL'ION -* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * rtot tk * * * * * * )Iuhbingf rddress: Contractor: GROUP VALUATION CLEAN UP DEP,OSIT REFTIND TO:0,4< tku /uclrutyAryzq Z" I77ja/u s/6sz_ 0,d0*rO Hks(: .. lltt $nH ssl to \/.) {tt -c-4 rlzi * Rr |'/s {- CJ3 ( I Y-$,-5 'lK s*+VEe 'i +i {- Kr' a')3{'5a rF 4W $ X"HE-(rgru s \ G B 6 c-:l tt{s J'-- 3 \J ^o i3i <J(- trign Review n.to Form TOWN OF'VAIL Project Name: Strong Residence ProjectDescription: Enclosure/screeningofmechanicalequipment Owner, Address and Phone: Dick Strong Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: CMA of Mitwaukee,8355 W. Bradley Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53223,414-357-8800 Project Street Address: 443 BeaverDam Road Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3d X'iling Building Name: gq1 o o D 5 Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: 5126199 Board / Staff Action Action: approved The "enclosed" portion will remain at least 25o/o open to the outside with louver/vents for exhaust as detailed on the plans. F:\E!'ERYONE\DRB\4PPROVAL\99\sTRONG. WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid:s20.00 {o(y To Whom it may concern: Please be advised that cribou Building vaftnesi lnc. has neitha been wcking ntr been responsible for -V *.rf, completed ar the Strong Giience at 443 beaver Dam Road in Vail since Friday Decernber l8' 1998. The projrxt has been takor owr by The Jansen grorp (cMA) whq we believe has ffained fte goper Town of Vail licensing. We hereby request and aufhorize the Town of Vail to tum over all current building permits that are in the **" of iatiUo,r Building Vornnes, Inc on lhis project to The Jansm Group (CMA)' If you have any questisrs, please call us at 90-92&7588. Yqtr assi*ance widr this mater is gratly appreciated- So tf,at o,n records may be complete, confirmatim of the exdrange of the permits would be greatly appreciated via fax at 96-6873. CARIBOU BTJILDING YEITITTJRES' INC. P.O. BOX 2960 EDWARDS, CO 81632 Phone 970-926'7588 Fax970-926-6873 TO: Date: Re: The Tom ofVail Conmunity Dewlqment February26, 1999 Srcng Residence, 443 Beaver Dam Road, Vail. Principal Caribor Building Ventures, Inc. { I rl{ }i uraA l*Laa .f€ rLu,'i glv,^^^ /=fi/' / Ge',( t $$,g ;tr A0[ .2L ('""fi2,. &14\r, ^ gr,.6J tl frqo1 e tt.;;,,nI{^^ .t.-ll oL* Gr^Jc- ca*,o(,nn6zlou \)o-'.ir',toa s)al Q-oo,^ STeONa fresq{3 $eo'r', D+lr 1 4o _ S*r""2 ge-s, RI - t;,!"* I I I I /eu ci".se. oo?cf' Sto;. '..,-"1\$lqq *{:-(F z*eV* Zf ta )"is+-r 9:t" G>aeear.r"rgrr __+-- , : I g leu", \i.,^,,..-'"--=-'-.- w ./^it ot "C# 'Y'sl'-, '-- ll // -C'' c L.se /t/"r'fl"ri 2 lg u a -it onr. >-p t-' gV'eoo**r,.\. , '-n'1 -{L\' c -o 0at v _-9t+ L q rf,' t' :)ll td : ; tt P \-' \,/ I to o \._{ (,1 t .: tr 1lllili\i.ic1 i -,1iat\ .N g v t') I c{ \f\ d$\ $1jT'*; ,/t u1 -*/' o" \' 4+' d" u" -9 G* srBLEy pLuMBrNG,,*f A* lo4oAMAlNsTFEEr g/ P.o. Box 340, MrNruRx' co 81645 blF Fax (970) 827-5234 %*l"s;J-ro l, t- ,9l,rk ilHY-lU-1:':f tb;5.rRu'l .i 5lllEl rJcJ4 P.tal/uJ.a HECt "#.'Ftexibte water ,"0? *""i"";':1?hi $eries Water Boilersr_ ",750rO00 to S,OO0,0OO BTUH tForced drafr s-as nred --- da4^,tryt '.-!'r'-Xrr Construction Features 1 . Heevy steel boiler frame, built and stamoed inaccerdance with the A.S.M.E. Boiler Coie_Constructed as standard tor not watei Jplratng Pressures to 60 osi. 2. Water leg downcomerc lo insure rapid intemalcrrculation and temperature equ3liiE1i6n. - '- 3- tsryan flexible water tubes, easity reptaceable.requiring ne welding o. roliing. 4. Access panels, intarior of boiler easrly accessiblefor seryice end inspeCtiOn 5. Boiler tuhe access panel botted tighfly and seatedto boiler frame. Canstructed ot trig:h timjeriGinsulaticn In sleet framework. fubl, i"stlieJiio_one side. 6. Boiter t/ame insulated with 11r', thick insulatrngrefractory. 7. E6iiE;" j66iei, heavy gauge, zinc-coate cj, rustre.srstant prtmer a-nd aflractive enarrel. 8. Flange mounted. flame retention, forcecJ draft typeburner. O ilejrlwelgf'rt, i'iigir rernfrerature insutatrr)g fire bricr.omoustton chafilber I 0. Ail contrOls instalted and y/ired. Guaranteed 85% efficiency . With HECL Series Boiters.you get a guaranteed gS y/, combrrstaon efficiency resuit_ ing from a uniquety designedIntegrated extended suriace heat extractor. . What's more, HECL Boilers offer high operatingef{iciency-at alt normal operation temperatures* without the complications of condensation concerns. Specifications ETBRYAN BOILERS rECL.t2." : i.2oo,o!! L530,C00 | ro t t,rSOnOo 61 1.774.000 T ir]- ,IT:,onginators of the "Flexibte water Tube" design flnY-2a-1999 16:s3 FRON Bryan HECL S*r# Efficient lffater Tube Design The Bryan Flexible Water Tube. provrdes for extremetyfast internal circulation for maximum heat transfer andoperaung et{iciency. No 'rfherrral Shock" The fle. xibility of the bent watertube design etiminates allpossible damage from "Thermat Sh6ck,, ;il-i;.stresses caused.by poor or unequal internal a;rcuf"tion. .r nrs ts panrcularly irnpodant with forced hot water hear- :19 s]:tef s dgsigned for highertemperatures and greatertempetature drops- Gas Flexible Tube 19?EAJ?5!J4 P -t!2,'4/ , Boilers ?{atural lnternal Circutat;on Il.:._y3lr,r ,ube.desisn and. the targe wate/ tegoorvncomers provide adequate intemat ciicr.rlation with_out concern ever exterior pumping conditions. Lowpressure drop through boiler. Compact-Miniqrum Floor Space Flequirss tess. floor space than most boilers_mrnimumoo er room stze. Shipped completety assembled and wired. Tuhes are easily removabfe and replaceable, requiringlittle ser./ice space. ) PI.AN VIEVV FIGHT END VIEW €5:i , t; t tt, p-;g-i-*;-j :.al re I- ra , s , 301,. i .r.tr HECL-240ial*r3+'+ 55vi ; 1; I iv. i r f,6Yr :17 l5y;i x 'GeS tan *C cohrrt-t lrctt,aA Ctmcr.rtlrt 4,t v.t\ clprr:.j -e c.. iro .r..r,orr,?".,.1,d:.ffi-Din ohlt;ohr st ?tenictrio^. eh |qEic.( r? c.;,atj. win7r. ,t t c. aah:|:!! tttft!.y tJr a.1itt.,. r j?:1n..i.tj! Standard Equiptnent Forced draft conslructioll, combination therrrromererand altilude gauge, A.S.M.E rated reiief vatve, ccmbus. !oL1t9tV cgntlgl, high timit conrrot. tovr water cut_off,Duttt-tn combustion chamber, llange-mounted burner,electronic combustion safety contict. water temoera-ture control (240c max. std.), heavy gauge lactef*itfi1Jle" insulation. Alt controls mounted inc wiieO. l=D- BRYAN STEAME' CORPORATTON f.O. Bo1 27, ?eru. indiana 46920 ;-elephc..,s ;r.t l-a?3.6651Fax: 31 7-473-3O74 ...nr Optianal Equipment 1 . Combrnation water feeder and iow water cui-off. 2. Higher pressures through 1 OC psi avaitable. When ordering, please specify (f ) Electric power voltage and fr.equency. (2) Relief valve setiing. (3) Clptronat equipment or special features. TOTFIL F. &2 Simple Installation MIGHTY MAX is designed for faster and easier installation - iust about anywhere. . Compact size and low lacket temperature permit installation in smaller spaces, closer to walls. . 45" water connections allow vertical or horizontal piping without adiustments or special adapters. o Quick conversion from top to rear exhaust. . Venting Options - direct, indoor, outdoor, and side wall. Superior Gonrfort and Economical Operation in One Reliablet Easy-To-Service Unit MIGHTY MAX's advanced technology provides on-demand hot water in domestic hot water applications and fast temperature pull-up when used for hydronic heating. Precise temperature control means greater comfort for occupants. MIGHTY MAX is economical to operate, too. The reliable, easy-to-service design keeps maintenance costs low And the wide access door plus easier parts change-out make service a snao. Venturi pre-mixing system delivers 8596 efficiency - at any inDut rate. Direct venting option. Can duct and o<haust up to 50 equirralent feet without assistance. No extra fans or venters reouired . 45' angle orientation of water connections enables easy vertical or horizontal hookups without extra piping or special adapters. Converts quickly from toP to rear exhaust -no draft diverter necessary. Low jacket temPerature resulting from minimal heat loss of less than 196. Fast, Easy lnstallation Compact size, low iacket temperature, 45" water connections - vertical or horizontal piping. Accessories Vent terminal for outdoor installations Through-wall (horizontal) vent terminal Side panel combustion air connection Through-wall (horizontal) combustion air intake terminal Vertical combustion air intake terminal Venturi Provides precise input control, self adjusts to rarying conditions, simplified construction for ease of inspection. Burner Woven metal fiber burner, namely FeCrAlY, an alloy of iron, chromium, aluminum and yttrium, Venturi system automatically compensates for changes in combustion air or vent restriction. lgniter Shock resistant constuctioh. Gombustion Chamber Small volume, utilizing lightweight alumina-silica insulation board, Chamber is inclined to allow front service of burner assembly. Gas Controls Redundant automatic gas valves with negative- pressure regulator. Smaller models utilize combination control with redundant operator. Larger models utilize redundant valves with separate negative- Pressure regulator. Operating and Safety Controls Single st€e operating control, manual reset high limit, water flow switch, manual reset low water cutoff with test button, venturi Dressure switch and stack pressure switch are all standard components. Venting (Veftical and Non-Vefticat) Vertical - Category l, B-Vent Non-Vertical - Stainless Steel Direct Vent - Venical or Horizontal No extra power vent required for horizontal venting up to 50 equivalent feet.i-) Recommended Minimum Clearance From Indoor Outdoor inches (m-) inches (mm) Top Water Conn. Side Opposite Side Rear Front Vent Connector Flooring f 8 (457) Unobstructedt2 (30s) t2 (30s)5 (rs2) 6 (ts2)6 (rs2) 6 (ts2) Alcove Unobstructedx6 (r52) Combustible Combustible lWe're Ready To Help You The hot water and hydronic heating specialists at Teledyne Laars are ready to put their over 40 years of experience to work for you. For assistance in choosing the right unit for your application - or if you'd simply like to know more about our products, services, and extensive warranty - iust call the Teledyne Laars office near you, * | in. (25mm) if double wall vent is used. -) Low Water Cut-Off Dimensions shown are inches lmm). Gas Conneclion W Left Side View Front View Right Side View MODEL INPUT MBTU/h (k\r4 OUTPUT MBTU/h (kW) WATER NPT in. GAS NPT in. .A. in. (mm) '8" in. (mm) WIDTH in, (mm) VENT in. (mm) SHIPPING WEIGHT lbs. (ke) YwO320ll Vworl(xlM vw0520t'l vw0625M \rw0t75trl vwr000M 320 (94) 3e9 (il4 520 (rs2) 625 (r83) 77s Qz4r000 (2e3) (80) ( r00) (!30) (rs6) (re3) (z4e\ 772 340 442 53 | 658 850 rln t-v2 2 2 2 2-v2 311 }t4 I I t-v4 t-l14 7 ,. {t78),7 (t78) t0.5.i (z6D f 0.5 Q6n 10.5i_: (264 f 0.5 Q6n 17.75 (45t) 17.7s (4s r) le.s (4es) r9.s (4es) r9.5 (,rgs) t9.s (4es) 2O.7s (s27) 24 (6 t0) 29.2s (t43]. 33.7s (8s4 40 (r0 16) 50 (t270) 6 (r s2)7 (t78) 8 (203) 8 (203) e (279) r0 (2s4) 335 (r52) 35s (r6 r) ,rco (r8 r) 440 (200) 485 (220) s96 (270) PERFORMANCE AND D]MENSIONAL DATA PERFORMANCE AND DIMENSIONAL DATA Volume lYater Heaters Hydronic Boilers 6@0 Condor Drive, Moorpark, CA 93021 20 Industrial Way, Rochesler, NH 03867 48O S. Service Rd. W.. Oakville. Ont.. Canada L6K 2H4 TFTELEDYNE LAARS . 805.529.2000 FAX 805.529.5934 . 603.335.6300 FAX 603.335.3355. 905.844.8233 FAX 905.844.2635 Liho in U.S.A.@Tel€dyn€ Laars Ooc 1O73E 97OB RECOVERY TABI"ES - GPH (mVs) DELIVERED - REQUIRED WATER TEMPERATURE R|SE Ti t MODEL 40t / 22'c 50T / 28t 60T / 33t 70$ / 39t 8oT / 44't 90T / soqc t00s / 56t r20T / 67t r40T / 78t YWO320M vwo400M vw0520M wv0625M Y'rv077 sM vwt000M 421 (86s) 1028 (r079) r339 (r406) r6 r0 (r69t) 1996 (2096) 7s76 (2705\ 6se (692) 822 (863) r072 (t t26) r288 ( r3s2) ts97 (t674 206t (2 r64) 54e (575) 685 (7 re) 8e3 (e38) 1073 (r27) E3r (r 3e8) t7 r7 (r803) 17t (/+es) s87 (6t6) 76s (803) e20 (966) I r4r (r | 98) r472 (ts46) {r2 (433) sr4 (s4o) 670 (70,{.). 80s (84s) ee8 (rs8) r288 (r352) 366 (184) 4s7 (480) se5 (625) 7 r5 (7s r) 887 (e3 r) I t44 ( t20 t) 330 (344 4|l (432) s36 (s63) 644 (676) 798 (838) r030 (r082) 775 (289) 343 (360) 446 (1@) 537 (564) 66s (698) 8se (902) zts Q17) 294 (309) 383 (,r02) 460 (483) 570 (s99) 736 (773\ MODEL !NPUT MBTU/h (kW) OUTPUT MBTU/h (kW) IBR RATING MBTU/h (kw) WATER NPT in. GAS NPT in. "A' in. (mm) 'a" in. (mm) "w' wlDTH in. (mm) VENT in. (mm) SHIPFING WEIGHT lbs. (ke) HH0320t'l HHO4OOM HH0520lrl HHO625M HHO775M HH I OOOM 320 (e4) 39e (il4 s20 (rs2) 62s (r83) 77s (224 r000 (293) 272 (80) 340 ( r00) 442 ( r30)s3r (rs6) 6s8 (r93) 850 (249\ 236.s (69) 294.9 (86) 384.4 (r r3) 462.0 ( r3s) 572.8 (r68) 73e.t (2t71 t- t-ln 2 7 z Ltn 3 l t- t- l4 l4 tll tl4 7 (ttB)7 (t78) r0.s (267) r0.s (264 r0.s (264 t0.5 (267) r7.7s (4s r) t7.75 (45t) 19.5 (,t9s) re.s (49s) r9.s ({e5) l9.s (4es) zo.ls (s27)24 (610) 2e.25 (743) 33.75 (8s7) 40 (1016)s0 (r270) 6 ( rsz)7 (178) 8 (203)8 (203) e (22e) r0 (2s4) 335 355 400 440 485 596 ( rs2) (r6r) (r8 r) (200) (220) (270) RATE OF FLOW AND PRESSURE DROP _ DESIGN TEMPERATURE RISE ACROSS BOILER r0T / 6t rs? / 8t 20T / t 2s? / t4t MODEL GPM (LPS)H/L ft. H/L (m)GPM (LPS)H/L ft. H/L (m)GPM (LPS)H/L ft. H/L (m)GPM (LPS)H/L ft. H/L (m) HHO3zOM HHO4OOM HHO'2OM HH0625M t{H0775M HHI(XDM (3.4 t) (4.2e) (s.5s) (6.6e) (8.33) ( r0.73) (4 68 88 r06 132 t70 | | .2 (3.4) 26.2 (8.0)8.e Q.nt2.2 (3.4 22.5 (6.e) 37 .3 (r | .4) 36 Q.zn4s (2.84) s8 (3.66)70 (4.42) 87 (5.49) I r3 (7. r3) 5.0 (r.5) I r.s (3.5) 4.0 (r.2) 5.7 ( | .7)e.4 (2.e) r6.s (s.0) 27 (r.70)34 (2. rs) 44 ' <2.75\sr (3.34)65 (4. r0)8s (5.36) z.a (0.e)6.6 (2.0) 2.6 (0.8)3.3 (r.0)s.z (r,6) 9.4 (2.9) 22 (r.le)27 (r.70) 3s (2.2 r)42 (2.6s) s2 (3.28)68 (4.29\ r.e (0.6)4.2 ( r.3) r.e (0.6)2.6 (0.8) 3.4 (r.0)6.0 ( r.8) An Allegheny Teledyne Compony -/I.TELEOYNE BACKVIEW 16" (406mm) Hydronic Boilers Submittal Data --'l v l-- FRONT VIEW 3" (76mm) I I --'l (1 ?, !-w 78mm) 5" (381mm) I 11" (279mm) TOP VIEW - Skndard Equipment Less than 20 p.p.m. NOx ASME 160 lb. w.p. heat exchanger Forced-drafr venturi system with woven metal fiber burner Combustion chamber with lightweight alumina-silica insulation board Inclined combustion chamber for front service of bumer assembly 10 tube, copper finned heat exchanger with bronze headers Redundant automatic gas valves with negative-pressure regulator Hot surface proved ignitor Operating control Manual reset high temperature limit Venturi difierential pressure switch Vent stack pressure switch Low water cutoff Water flow switch Pressure relief valve (75 psi) 115l24Yac transformer Temperafu relPressure gauge On/Off toggle switch 2 amp fuse EM2 Energy Management Monitor Dimensional Data MODEL INPUT MErU/h (kw) OUTPUT MBTUIh (kW) IBR RATING MBrU/H (kW) WATER NPT in. GAS NPT in.ln. (mm)in. (mm) WIDTHin. (mm) VENT in. (mm) SHIPPING WEIGHT lbs. (ks) HHO32OM HHO4OOM HH0520tl HHO625M HH0775M HHlOOOM 320 (e4) 399 (117') 52O (152\ 62s (183) 775 (227) 1000 (293) 272 (80) 340 (100) 442 (130) 531 (156) 6s8 (1e3) 850 (249) 236.5 (69) 294.e (86) 384.4 (113) 462.0 (135) 572.8 (168) 739.1 (217) 1-1t2 t112 2-1t2 u4 3t4 'I 'l 1-1t4 1-1t4 7 (178) 7 (178) 1O.5 (267) 10.s (267) 10.s (267) 10.5 (2671 17 .75 (4511 17.75 (451) 1e.5 (4e5) 19.5 (49s) 19.5 (495) 19.5 (495) 20.75 (527) 24 (610) 29.25 (743) 33.7s (857) 40 (1016) 50 (1270) 6 (1s2) 7 ('t78' 8 (203) I (203) e (2291 10 (254) 33s (152) 355 (161) 400 (181) 440 (2O0) 485 (2201 5e6 (270) Water FIow Requirements /Vofe.' Operating the boiler so as to exceed the maximum heat exchangertempera- ture rise or 20oF (11'C) may cause damagetothe boiler. Model Heat Exch. Water Temperature Rise lo'F / 6'c t5'F / 8.C 20"F 111'C Flow H/L gpm (lps) ft. (m) Flow HIL gpm (lps) ft. (m) Flow H/L gpm (lps) ft. (m) 320 4 pass 54 (3.4) 11.2 $.41 36 (2.3) 5.0 (1.5)27 (1.7\ 2.8 (0.9) 400 4 pass 68 (4.3) 26.2 (8.0)45 (2.8) 11.s (3.5)34 (2.11 6.6 (2.0) 520 2 pass 88 (5.6) 8.9 (2.7)58 (3.7) 4.O (1.21 44 (2.8) 2.6 (0.8) 625 2 pass 106 (6.7) 12.2 (3.71 70 (4.4) s.7 (1.7\53 (3 3) 3.3 (1.0) 775 2 pass 132 (8.3) 22.5 (6.s1 87 (5.5) 9.4 (2.9)65 (4.1\ 5.2 (1.6) 1000 2 pass 170 (1o.7) 37.3 (11.4)113 (7.1) 16.s (5.0)85 (5.4) s.4 (2.s) Minimum Clearances lndoor in. (mm) Outdoor in. (mm) Top Water Conn. Side Opposite Side Rear Front Vent Connector Flooring 18" (457) 12" (305) 6' (152) 6" (152) Alcove 6* (152) Combustible Unobstructed 12" (305) 6" (1s2) 6" (152) Unobstructed Combustible SeMce clearance = 24" (61omm) at tront of boiler. " 1" (25mm) if double wall vent is used. 6000 Condor Drive, Moorpark, CA 93021 20 Industrial Way, Rochester, NH 03867 480 S. Service Road West, Oakville, Ontario, Canada LGK 2H4 7\^TELEDYNE LAARS . 805.529.2000 FAX 805.529.5934. 603.33s.6300 FAX 603.335.3355. 905.844.8233 FAX 905.844.2635 Lilho in U.S.A. O Terrdyne Laars Doc.20628 9805 I cri,eo * *..ra"a e"*, THE ctrpncr MINr-TrlRM' FOR SUPNRB HOME HEATING COMFORT Reliable, Efficient and Quiet Compact, Efficient, Dependable Thc Teledyne Laars MINI-TIIERMo gas-fired rcsidential hydronic boiler featrrres energy officiency [o ntini- mize utilily bills, compact con- struction, quiet operation aud above all, thc ability to dcliver consistent warfilth when outsidc temperaturcs plummet. Ideal for both new homes and replarcmenls, the N'llNt-THEHlvl t:ombines advanced technology with comrnon-sense lbatures iu an cxceptionallv compact unit designed to keep heating costs lou'. 'l'he lorv-mass heat exchangel and last-acting (:ontrols dcsigncd into every i\'llNI-l'l tERIVI boiler assurc instantan(rous availabilin' of hot \\'at{rr lo rapidlr, ar:hicve occLtpanl crtmlirrt. 'l'irc \ ll\l-'l'l IItt\{ is iLr,ailabkr {il'rtatural !{as or pfr)piurc in lu'o modr:ls - thc .JV and JVi -t'ithorrt cspcnsivc adrl-on acr:cs- sorios. Iloth liratrrre: . Srrrall lirotplin t. Si: sizr,s iiorn J(1.(X)11 2?J.()l{, li'l'l ;r'hr to lll artl ltornt ' it '; t ,t;: ,: . :ii,,ri \. ,i r- . Sin'lli'-l)iri0t l){)\t,cr ( 0ll (\.li(} .IV Model Valut:d ful if.s rxronom.r' as lvoll as {iratrrr0s. thc.iV (x)ntinu(}s t0 b(r popula l rvith honroon'ncrs. Thc built-in drirfi divortcr, automauc vcnt tlampcr and two oast-ifon rvrd lvalls provide perftrrnratrcc as wr:ll as depcndability and ciLsr: of iustallation. lt is srnall r;nrrugh to lit through narron, doorways and intn small utility areas with case. 'l'hc built-in draft divertcr alkll's oasy hook-up tn existing svstonrs. No sr:parate installation in the vent system is required. The easy-in dcsign saves timc, effort and expense. . Standing pilot (J\T) or electro- nic intermittcnt ignition (.lVS) . Up to B5.4%Af,U[. Combination outlet-water t0mp- erature and pressur() gar-lgc New JVi Model All the fbatures of the ,lV and more . Thc JVi features induced draft rvhich allows eithel horizontal or verlical venting. Thc JVi boiler pror,ides installation tlexibility. casy lep la ccment fol olecn'ic hcating, and the solution to detcfiorating t:hinr ncr-s. llofizonlal fscakrd) rrr' rorti(ial [t.vpo l]) r'cnting - \ f)u t' {'llo lc0. . ilcdur:cd arrd lcft . t,jp tr_r 84.()% AFL l: . Slidc-out bulrtor trar . liasl'lrigh-aititu(1. cr r rl r, tfsio ll . lrront-ntrrtrrtti'tl gr,t:;1,. ,. 1',rf {'il5\' llirriirr'{ . Iiirtii irt Jr-rLi ii\ ,rir,';lili1 r rrrr: dantpcr' Itcliable'frouble-l;roe 0peration l'rovc rt itt rosidcrttiaI ap1llit:ations u,orldwide, tho l\'l I\ I -'l'l l li lt ivl's iLd- vanccd [rrhnology u ls dt:vclopod lbr long Iife and dcpr'ndability.'['lr{) hcat cxchangcr's finned coppcr tubcs providc unbcatabkr hoat translcr with consistt:nt ollit;iency throughout its long opcrating lili:. 0ptimize your hoating systenr invostnrenl rvhilo mirrinrizing your fucl bills with a 'lbkrdi,nc Laars I\,{INI-THIiITI\,{. ,IIINI.'NIIIMI JViA \l l t\ l- l I I l :) l l.\l .l l Integral induced draft Jhn allouts horizontal Dent runs up lo 50.fect in length (model ,Ni only). I{eal exchanger has inLeglrul finned copper ntbes that u ou'I scale or nttode . I irtit!ut' burner rktsign o.lktts quiet.. elJicictrl operation os uell os tasq srrrit'iut1 or lurl-stturct , rtrtt r'r.sion. Accessories l)orver Vcnt Kit (.fV onlr') l:or t h rouglt -thc-uta ll r'(rnl ing on i{).000 lti 22i,0t)0 ll'l't.llrr sizls ',,,'litttittrll r r'1'llr';1i lIiir,;; ' ..' (-lrl inu()Llsh r'0guiiri(](i {it irii todu( 0s {'n0rg_v- fi)sts l)\' ntitilr- r a ining ollir:icnt con itustior). \on-(bnrbustible llasc (.1\' onl.1') \ltNI-'f lliiRM must bo instalkrd on a 'lbl0dyllc l,aars non-r'or]1- birstiblc hase asscmblv of othcr Pproved n0n-combustiblo surface. Ilasc adds 'l " lo lrrrikrr lroigltts listod in tahlc. Non-Combustible Stand For easy maintcnance a(iflissibil- ity, a 19.5" high non-combustiblc floor stand is also availablc. Cosl lron Integrol Induced Droft Fon Droin Hose Bibb Connection Copper -Finired Tubes til\l- l lIl:lltl ./l'i Itldftrcd l)ru-li 'l'hc I1t\l-'l'lll:ll\1 is ir rvort'r - free inlostnrcnt irr r;rirnfort that thc hotloou'nrlr u,ort't havc [r.r contenlpl to gain Iilr at l0ast irnother tlv0 d0r;;rcl0s. l'hat's becaus0 ovcrv ulliL (:omos witlr a zo-yoar limit(:d,"varranty* to assurc depondabl0 hr:ating. llow can wo olli)r suclr as a pro- tcctive warranty? li-v subjocting every N,'llNI.l'l llilll\.,1 t0 completo pressuro klsting in accordancO with n SME spor:ilir:ations - as ' Scc u'fftunt! lit. tl dls $'cll iis t0 lirll oporational pr;rlrrr- utan{:c tosl.int{ to ottr own stfin- g()nt standards - righl. at our l;rctr,r'i. .\rrrl tlrlouglr r:crtifir';rrir'rr b1' [lrr,,\nrcrican and (:anadiitn (ias,\ssor:iatiorrs, along with ASMI: ratirrg, lor safety of op(jra- l.ion. -l'his attontion to qualit)" aflords honreowncrs unparallol(id cOrnft)rt - in bolh tho purOhaso ()f tho MINl-'l'llERM and thc phasant homo onvironmcnt it holps rnaintain. sTAI{r}AAn HQUrpnfiENr AIUD SPECTFIC"{TIONS Inches (mm) ModelJVi ModelJV Front View Top View 7\'TELEDYNE I AARS 6000 Condor Drive, Moorpark, C.,{ 93021 . TeI (805) 529-2000 . Fax: (805) 529-5934 Z0 Industrial Way, Rochesler, NIt 03667 . (603) 335"6300 . Fax: (603) 335-3355 480 S. Service Road Wcsr,oakvi c, Otrlado, Canada L6K 2ll4 . Te[ {905} 844-8233 . !ax: (905)844-2635 IemFrdtua Gr46 G.r ifow 8ume.l€y Right Side View ' l2 for Propant r60 165 1!0 185 210 ?25 13.36(3!!) I 11/4F08) 2s.5f t6sr) I !0 (2s1) tn tft 1n 1n 1t2 3t4' !2.0 02.3) 63.0 (r8.41 83.5 (21.1) 103.0130.11 132 8l38.Sl 187.2(5r.8) 36.s00.71 s4.706.0) 72.6 {21.31 89.6(26.7' '1r5.5{33.8) r62.8(17.7) 36.100.5) 54.211t.81 72.6{21.3) 89.6{26.7) 11{.1(33.{} 160.4 (16 9l 50(r4.6) | 1r.51r2.1) 7s (21.9) | 62.308.2) r00(291t I 82.0C1.01 160 {16.0) 131.2 {3€ 4) ., l,--.ll-_- u Healilq Crp. ol 188 sruin.r 1000 (l(wl | 8IU,,lr r 1000lru) 42 {12.3) Gr{11.{l 03 (2r.11 1fi{30.r1 133(33.S) 18f(s4.8) 84.4 81.0 8{.0 83.0 83,0 t3.2 l3.3i8li40l 1g&l (3ot 1F7,s ll21)) 1C76 (.Zll flI3A F18) 2S5/8 {661} n-i,l (600) 2{.r8(61r) 2{-r,6(613} ?3.5i8 oml zli€ (6001 2ll/1(sot) 11/4 1-t1 1-114 11t1 t-l/4 2&12 (673l 27r2 t6!Sl 2r-12 (699) n-r?(i{,l u,rn$8) 27-tn\w) 27-311(7!6) 2.3/4 (?rb) 2&3/1(rJ0) 2S3/1(7301 283{ {1301 3r12 (&0) 50 100 125 160 225 E5.4 85.0 81.5 848 65.0 '12Fr?mp.ne Litho in U.S,A. @Teledvne Laars'1996 Docllmenl 10868 9805 -i- tottrf oF vAIIr td. terPlas K.yrcrd, uaF ltEer: ,INOI Ett PcniE No! B9E - 03 oE gtrEue: fggUED 09 | 07 /e9 trctiviclcd }ldociri.d ro pROtECf r pRitgB-Otg2 ADD/AET SFR BUII.D PERT'I Ipplicenr: CARIBOU BUILDINO VENTURES INC, lddr€sa | ,[43 BEAVER DAll RD !coBic.: CHltr{cED @ltnleloRg FRO ClRtaOU TO c A LBt:ffR Rrf,D 2/28199 Lin. actsivity :t'p. geq Esetu6 LocllLon 4 Pre-0141 B-P! E s 898-0292 B-F.EC 5 E9g-02t5 B-EJEC 7 '99-0230 B-uEClf II'I'UAD {43 BBAVER Dlll RD IASI'ED 443 BEAVEB OIII RO ISAI'ED 443 BEAVER DAu RD ISslrED {43 BAwTB Dt}r RD 10 199-0050 B-HACrl tEglrED 443 Bervar Dan Rd EnLgr lrlnc Nulnbar r Fl-guDrrl llcre.n, l2oN.xt' 15, P3'FirrL 15, EAc.Br(it tJisr o REPTl31 TOUII OF VAIL, COL(IBADO sslOLlzAOQ O7t45 REOUESTS - filSPECTll HOR|( SHEETS FO*.t 3/ Lt2O DeecrJ.ptLon: ller heatl.ng/ano\reJ.t = = ==; ===== 3==== =====E=_=€ = = = = == = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = ===g=== == = = == = = = == = = = = = == - === = ====J..-. \ActlvatyfPgg-O046 ,) 3l LlzO Type: B-PLltB Statusr ISSUED Conetr: ASFRAddrnsH*e_gErft'EFrpAll RD LocatLon: 443_-Beave" Bbn naPsrnel: 2LOL-67I-11-O1> t]ccr Uee: PAGE 6 AREA: .trRll Contrector: JERRY SIBLEY PLUtBI Appllcantr JERRY SIELEY Ornerr STROilG DfCK Eyste[ for entLre regi-dence Phone: 3o,3-A27-5736 Phone: Phone: 39'3-427-5736 Phoner 8'27-5736 IItG Inf,ornst*on.... SIBLEY Conoente: IIILL be Inspected... Lnspectl'oa Requeat Requeatorr JERRY Beq Tire: O8:OOIteus requested to UDz% PLIB-Fl-nal AFTER 9 Ail 1on Cornents TLre Exp InepectLon Hl.story Iter: O62LO PlIiB-Underground tm220 PLltB-Rough/D. H. V. OO23O PLIIB-Rough/Uater OA21O PLIIB-Gee Ptpl,ng 97lL2/99 Inapector: GRG 67 l28l99 Inapectorr JRll Olbzs0 PLIB-Pool/Hot Tub fl/D26l0 PLIIB-lllgc. A1f2r,l99 Inepector: GRG 05127 199 fnspectorn JRllllotee: anorf,elt 6O I air 67tL2199 fnepector: 6RtiW/2L/99 Inspector: CD OO2% PLIIB-FLnaI fterlIterrItenrIterr Iter:Itenl -7- REPT131 TOUN OF YAIL, COLORADO 63lttLl2g$tD O7a43 REOUESTS - IilSPECTn IORK SHEETS FAR; 3/ 1,/2O ,av ActJ.vJ.ty: Pgg-O141 3/ I/2O Type; B-PLltB Statue: ISSUED Conetr: ASFR Addreee: 443 BEAVER DAll RDLocatloni t[43 BEAVER DAll RD Parcel z 2IO|-O7 L- II-OL2 Occ;Uee: DeecrJ-ptl"on: PLUIIBIIIG FOR ADDITIOil AnD RE}IODEL App.lLcant: CARIBOU BUILDIRG VEIITURES Phone:Ornerl STROI{6 DICK Phone:Contrector: SIBLEY PLUllEIilG & HEATfilG 134-P Phone: 97O-e27-3736 PAGE I AREA: CD lnepectJ.on Request Requestor; JERBY Req TJ.re: OBI6Oftens requested to OO29O PLtB-Final fnfornation.... SIBLEY Conmentg: UILL be Inspected... Phone: 827- CALL AFTER 9 AIt Action Connente Tlne Exp InspectLon History Iter: lmzl0 PlItB-UndergroundIten: O022O PLIIB-Rough/D.t.V.IllA3l9A Inepectorr CDO3/2llg9 Inepector: 6BGIten: 0@225 FIRE-SPBIIIKLER ROUGHItenr OO23O PLIIB-Rough,/Iater OSl2ll99 Inapectorl tiRGlter: OO24O PLIIB-Gae Piping LA|22/9A Inepector: ARTften: OA25O PLIIB-PooI./Hot TubItens Wr26;O PLIIB-lll.ec.lter: 06?90 PLIIB-FlnalIten: OO53A FrRE.-FII|AL C/0 Action: PA Actlon: rIPPR Actl-onl APPR Astl.onr APPB 2'VEI|T LII{E OXLY HC & LAV ABOVETAT GARAGE TC & LAV ABOVE TAIEARAGE REPTI3I TOrn oF VAIL, COLORAD()PA6E 2 AREA: CDOgt0t-l26AO Q7:43 RECIUESTS - IHSPECTI| HORK SHEETS FORI 3/ I/26 ActLvltyr il99-O236 3/ L/ZQ Typer B-ttECIt Statug: ISSUED Constr: ASFRAddreeg: 443 BEAVER DAll RD LocatLonr 443 BEAVER DAtt RD Pgrcel r 2LOI-67 L-LL-OI? DeecrJ.ptLon: REIIOYE OLD BOILER,ADD ilEUAppllcant: JERRY SIBLEY PLUllBIllG0rnerr STROHG DICXContractor: JERRY SIBLEY PLUIIBIIIG Oc;c : Use : ADDTTIOIIAL SilOTilELT Phone: 3o3A?75736 Phone: Phone: 3A3A275736 Inepectl.on Requeet Requeatorl JERRY Req Tiner o,flzo,o.ftene requested to OO39O IIEGH-Final Infornstion.... SIBLEY Conmente: HILL be Inapected. . , Phone: 827- CALL AFTEB 9 AII AetLon Connents Tine Exp Inepectl.on Hletory ften: OO2OO IIECH-Rough O4f26199 Inspector: GRG fter: O$24O PLIIB-Gae Plp1ng Iter: OO31O IIECH-Heating O6IOL/99 fnepector: JRll llotee: SIDE AfR TEST 60* ften: OO32O IIECH-Exhaugt Hoode Itenl f|,0330 ItECH-Suppl.y Air fter: 0O34O IIECH-lll"ec. O6/OL/99 Inepector: JRll llotegl SECTIOII UF SfDEf,ALI( l.ten: OO39A ilECH-Final Actlon; APPR Actl.on: PA 55}, TATER FEATURE SNTilLT APPB HYDROITICS FOR TBT Actl.on: APPR APPROVED IIIDDLE o REPTl3l TOHn OF YArL, CULORADO o2/29l2OOO O8124 REQUESTS - If,SPECTII UORK SHEETS tsOR. 2/29t2O Oc,ct O9O7 ==========g=ai=================================-========::========================Actl-vlty: 899-OOO3 2/29l2ti Type: A-BUILD Status: ISSUED Conetr: ASFRAddreee: 443 BEAVER DAU RD Locatl-on: 443 BEAVER DAll RD Parcel ; ZLOL-O7L- LL-AI? DescrJ"ptlon: ATTIC CONVERTED TO OFFICEAppllcant: CltA UF IIILI|AUAKEE Orner; STROilE DfCKContractor: CllA OF IILIIAUAKEE Phone: 414-357-AAOO Phone: Phone: 414-357-ABOO PA6E I AREA: CD Uee: V ll lnspectLon Request Information., Requestor: barbara Req Tinel OBI0,O Connente:Iters requeeted to be Inspected, 0,OO9O BLDG-Ft.nal Phone: 47t-t223 Actl.on Tine Exp IllsuL/PoLY, 0FFICE C'nVRT s/STTYPE X OFFICE COITVRT Inepectlon Hi.atory OOOTO BLDG-Footinga^/SteeI OO$2O BLDG-Foundatl on./Steel OOOSO BLDG-Franing OOt 56 BLD6-Ineulatlon O3lOAl99 Inspector: GRG o,9o,60 Bl-DG-Sheetrock llall O3/O9/99 Inepector: 6RG OOOAO . r llot On File r * OOATO BLDG-lllec. OO09O BLDG-FinaI fter:Iter:Iter:Itel: Iten: ItenlIterlItenl Actionl Act1on: APPB APPR Conrentg REPT13T TAN'ITFi YNIL; CTIII'RADU*- "PIGE I AREA: CDO2l29l2UND 98e24 RESUESTS - IlrSPECTil IORX SHEETS FORI 2/29/2O Aetl.vlty: B9e-O269 2l79l2g Typer A-BUfLD Status: ISSUED Conetr: ASFB Address; 443 BEAVGR DAll nD LocstLonr 443 BEAVER DAll RD Paroel : 2tOL-07 L- l1-Ol2 Descr1ptil.on: EXCAVATE CRAUL SPACE AllD POURAppll.dant: CABIBOU BLDG Orner: STROI|6 DICKContractor: CllA OF ilfLfAUAXEE Oec: SLAB Uee: Y ll Phonel Phone: Phonec 414-357-ASO0 Locke, Holda, ACTIYtrTY llotlcea and llotLces. ... CTITTRACTOR CHAIIGED FROII CARIBOU TO CIIA LETTER REC'D 2/26199 Inepeotton Requeet Infornation..... Requeetor: bqrbara duncan Req Tlret 66:00 Conme'nts:Itera requeeted to be Inapected... Actlon o,o,09'0 BLDG-Fl.nal Phone: 4'lL-L223 Inapectl-on HlatoryIterr OOOTO BlDG-Footlnge./Steelt0l29/99 Inspector: GRGItenr OIDO?O BLDti-Foundatlon/Stee1 Actlon: APPR GOOD LAPS & lll$4/95 Inepector: JRll Act[onr APPR APPR IITU CORRECTfOilSllotee: IIEED TO DBL ltAT u|| ilE IALL,ALL SPLICES Oil REBAR IIEED TO EXTEND A ilIHIIfU}' OF 18 TIICHES. IIO PLAIS OII JOB STTEIter: WBO3O BLDG-FranLngIterl @O5O BI.DG-IneuJ'ationIterr @o16,0 Bl,DG-Sheetrock tladlIterr |UMTO BLDG-lliec.fter: QOA96 BLDG-FlnelLterr 60530 BLDG-Tenp. CIO September 10, 1999 Mr. Leonard Sandoval TOWN OF VAIL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 1309 Elkhorn Drive Vail. Colorado 81657 Dear Leonard: Thakyou for stopping byyesterday. As we discusse4 the landscape architect that has been ernployed by Mr, and Mrs. Strong has unintentionally crossed onto Mrs. Schmidt's property. Upon realizing that this occurred" we irrunadately ceased all activity on her property and re awaiting Mrs. Schmidt's direction as to what she would like us to do to recti8/ the situation. The previous owners of 443 Beaver Darn Road, Mr. and Mrs. Lun{ had landscaped this same a.ea with bluegrass sod. I am unclear as to whether or not Mrs. Schmidt had a problem witn Ae Lunds landscaping her property. Whsn the construction tralfrc ruined the sod, Mr. and Mrs. Stong's landscape architect requested that indigenous plants natural to the area and perennial flowers replace what was previously sod to keep it a more natural look and to blend in with other plant life surounding the property. I wrote to the neighbor directly east of 443 Beaver Dan Roa{ Mr. Devere, regarding this plan. I mistakenly trought that any prop€rty lines we might crsss belonged to the Devere's at 421Beaver Dam Circle North Residence. I also sent Mr. Dwere the master landscape plan for 443 Beaver Dmr Road for his review. ln a phone call, Mr. Devere replied that natural anO perenniat flowers were much to his liking and that we could go forward with them. He added that new aoy fiees should not block his view of the gondola At this poinl w€ went forward with the master landscape plan. On Septe'mber 3'd, Mrs. Schmidt came over tl tl€ project md pointed out that we were on her property. As I pieviously statd we immediaely ceased all work on her property and have not been on it again. The landscape architect and,I take full responsibility for writing the wrong neighbor requesting approval. I have relayed this to Mrs. Schmidt and have continuously told her that wJUU ao whafever slie..q"est" ln regads to this area of her property. We have uninte,ntionally crossed onto her prop€rty in a simple atteNnpt to beautify an area that needed attention. Our intentions were honorable attrogh our actions proved to be quite upsetting. We await he,r decision on how to proceed. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to page me (345-3606). BARBARA G. DI]NCAN Post Office Box 3301 I Vail Colorado 816SE phonc 970-92G2932 I Jax 97 U92G49S? t V v:rJnlvilla 4d of+p\k- ^*}{ f\" ,'ttcr\ Sincerely, -)q., Barbara G. Duncan Property Mnnager, 443 Beaver Dam Road ,-s"fo"*?t * r"Jr o *ro*v^'-* *o'!a;4./" ;*^,:. Jeir'rs^ "S"Jt a Design Review Action Form TOWI\ OF VAIL Project Name: Strong Residence ProjectDescription: Enclosure/screeningofmechanicalequipment Owner, Address and Phone: Dick Strong Architect/Contact, Address and Phone. 443 Beaver Dam Road Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3d F'iling Buildins Name: CMA of Milwaukee,8355 W. Bradley Rd, Milwaukee, WI 53223,4l,l-357-EE00 Project Street Address: Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner; Brent Wilson Date: 5126199 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL99\SI'RONG.WPD Board / Staff Action Action: approved The "enclosed" portion will remain at least 257o open to the outside with louver/vents for exhaust as dirtailed on the plans. DRB Fee Pre-Paid: S20.00 a /1Tr'/'/'\ .\ .li-&v.i-^nn'}r. la,rr* $ec-V*on * 5*1o"2 gnJ , - fe-t^) flf*c C\.c€e) ,(I G*r.2- *"5:,, &-l \r", a e.6f tl .-+--+- /<w rl €ttfo.,,nL-1,r. I r ],=,, =L,n4-_.llvrol(X- 7 I I I a'0" St..-c *"1\ ,O(utl 6<lou q{:"{F ^.6 \ \ 5)a, Qoo,^ //eu ol".se. o f):"tF -la n,*.4 e,+/s*^^5 n*V* t&' ; /)ev ,9"&{ )sL" c"- ll lt fo. c Ls. H v+c-t cl^as e *u;6" I I I ?/'' ll I I ll //or{L 4l.u..*' on PP (3-* 6V^goot'ro,r. *".5r .it \| _-9t+ L t- J ,(1J d v f\ $/ ( o\ o \.-{ tl \ {i'r?t""rt (,\ --r --' il \ ,f, altr$ g v tt) I c{ $1j T''* ; j I 3 3 { oo .t to Design Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Beaver Dam, LLC Residence ProjectDescription: OfficeAddition Owner, Address, and Phone: Beaver Dam LLC 443 Beaver Dam Road Vail, CO 81657 ArchitecVContact, Address, and Phone: Jay Peterson 108 S. Frontage Rd. West, Suite 2{f4 VeiI, CO 81657 Project Street Addless: 443 Beaver Dam Legal Description: Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3"d Parcel Number: 2101071-11-012 Comments: Building Name: Na Board/Staff Action Action:StaffApprovedMotion by: Seconded by: Vote: Na Conditions: Town Planner: Allison Ochs Date: 114199 Project Name: Beaver [am, LLC residence VAILDATA\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVALS\1 DRBAPPR DRB Fee Paid: $20 ,OO N+i q"*Otfl thc l'lannin-s Staff si 479--128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL A.DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:See atLached Exhibit uA" B. c. D. E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: 4 BLOCK: 4 rrr-rN0.._ ieil tr!4ag.g__tl PHYSICALADDRESS: 443 Beaver nam Road PARCEL #: 2I0t,07 I-1 I-012 (Contact Eagtc Co. Asscssors Offrcc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) TOWNOFVNL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsign Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring design rwiew must rcccivc Dcsign Rcview approval prior to submitting for a building pcrmil For specific information, sce the subnrittal rcquircntcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucsted- Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all the requircd information is subntittcd. Thc projcct may atso nccd to bc rcvicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc plaming and Environrncntal Contrrrission. Dcsign Revicrv Board approvat cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final.approval unlcis a building permit is issucd and construction is startcd. "' . F. c. ZONING: Pri NAMEOFOWNER(S): Beaver Dam, L.L.C. MAILINCADDRESS: 44LBeaver Dam Road Vail, Colorado 81657 PHONE: 4I =7 82-2922 o\M\ER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT: Jav i MAILINCADDRESS: I08 S. Frontaoe Road West, Suite 204 pHONE: 476-0092 ryPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: E New Construction - $200 Conshuction ofa new buildine. H. fr Addition - tr l\{inor Altcration - $50 Includcs any addition whcre square fooiagc is addcd to any rcsidential or conuncrcial building. $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvcments. such as, rcroofing. painting. window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walls, ctc. DRB fces are to be paid at the timc of submittal. Latcr. rvhcn applying for a building pcrmit. pleasc identif thc accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Torvn ofVail rvill adjust the fce according to thc projcct valuation PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLICATION., ALL SUBMITTAL RJQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF CO]VIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vAIL, COLORADO 81657. VaiI, Colorado 81657 oo ol EXHIRIT "A' This application is for one minor exterior alteration which is a dormer. (See attached elevation). The application is also for the use ofinterior squire footage in an existing attic area pursuant to Section 12-15-4 of the Town Zoning Code. All exterior materials will match existing exterior materials. urd ry oa .../i. LIl.' , i?c-,<".,' Soutttclrt \ \ rleu.l q-- oa . 9'lo {ls ooQt + I I I * lP-s rjl.l pe.i- * -rt - R(.}fl\ ot I IEE af L* ar : ?(-\ii-!t- -bRA', fl.-.rr-t--C}{JT P.. flz iurr€9-/ Fl'>. o Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Project Name: Beaver Dam LLC ProjectNumber: PRJ00-0103 Project Description: Stone/wood gate to conceal meters at driveway entrance Owner, Address, and Phone: Beaver Dam LLC One Hundred Heritage Reserve, Milwaukeeo WI 53201 414-782-2922 Architect/Contact, Address, and Phone: Jay K. Peterson 108 S. Frontage Rd W., Suite 204, Vail, CO 81657 476-0092 Project Street Address: 443 Beaver Dam Road Legal Description: Lot 4n Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing Parcel Number: 2l0l0Tlll0|'2 Comments: Building Name: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Ann Kjerulf Date: 05/02/00 Project Name: Beaver Dam LLC Board/Staff Action Action: Staff approved with 2 conditions 1. Sign may not exceed .5 square feet 2. Gate may not exceed 3 ft in height DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 encsrion$t,,n. r,*'*nr3,flfl ',?*l r?; APPLICATION FOR DESICN REVIEW APPROVAL CENERAL INFORMATION This aJrplication is for any projcc rcquiring llcrign Rcvicnr approvol. fury projccr rcquiring dcsitn rsvico trust rcccivc Dcsign Rcviov approval prior to rubmitting for a building pcrmit For rpocific information, scr thc aubmifiil requircmcrts for thc prticular apJnoval that is rcqucstcd. Thc apJrlication crrrnot bc aoccptcd until ett the rcquircd infornration is submittcd- Thc projcc{ nray alco nccd to bc eicued by thc To,n Council rnd/or thc Ptaning and Environmcntal Conrnrission. Derlgn Rcvlew Boerd rpprovd crplrcr onc ycr eftcr frnet epprovrl nnlerc r building permlt is iscucd end conrtructlon ll rtrrtcd, A. DESCRIPTIONOTTHEREQUEST:See attached Exhibit "A" LOCATIONOFpROpOSAL: LOT: 4 BLOCK:' 4 flLINC: vail Viflase {t3 PI{YSICALADDRESS: 443 Beaver Darn Road TVWNOFUAIL B. c. D. E. PARCEL #: 210lO7l-l 1-012 (Conarct Eeglc C,o. Asroirorr Officc * 9nL32E{dl{, for parccl #) F. c. ZONING: NAMEOF OWNER(S):aver Dam, L.L.C. MAILINCADDRESS: {{3 Beaver lram Road V pgglgg 41tk782-2922 orvNER(s) STGNATURE(S) : NAME OF APPLICANT: 0 Addition - B tllinor Altcntion - Vail' Colorado 81657 pggpg; 4?5-0092 H, TYPEOFREVTEWANDFEE E Ncw Conrtructlon - 1200 Consmrction ofa nar building 350 lrrcludcs any oddition whcre sqrnre fooagp is eddcd to any rcsidortial r commcrcial building t20 Includcs minor changes to buildingp and sitc improvoncnts. arh as, rcoofing. painting window additions,lmdscaping fcnccs ud rariniag walls, clc. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at tlrc timc of s,rbmittal. I-atcr. who apllng for a building pcrmit plca idcnti& thcaccuratcyaluaionofthcprcjcc{. ThcTownofVailwilladjulthcfccsccodingtothcprcjoctvdudiott PLEASE SUBMIT THTS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUTREMENTS ANI' THE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO u6tt MAILINGADDRESIi: 108 S. Frontage Road lilestr Suite 2od I P.A2FEB-?1-aAAA t4.25 STRONG 262-78,2-2422 AI.-U)WRI\' ? I xtlrt 0) v,frl dE lvnD ?F0l r I I I l5 lg i< lg ',I V-r fE fin ;) /. Rl- V\rt- LJAy ?erers Ftl rri P9 PQ7 #kfr {'q; Hn d ''[eYo. T \-cg oo "1 67 :8- *Et; Ih IE FE T n v e(v t0 flu ? U 't ,1 6 n H!;r€r- L fTr Ttf; f;F -91 7=E L.. I g 6l d C. v lll I tr r, + g L d K nb tu fI' D' noI(', n v'( rfr,4 fl fi I r=_ F l-1 A $ -s ,,-- \'-e-st-os fn -!v:<ttvU- 'J6Lut tl oz E En tfr P. A3FEB-2L-2AW t4t25 STR0NG 262-742-?422o 6t .r \^ y$gF ;fiFil+E. Y,' E-.5 \ .b$+ l) s*+i-o o' tiF $s$ F^.r$H$fi $ $E- vcn' r ? I ott r bl 7 F fr fi \/1 tt I h a n Frr rll\J rdr\ fHo A n"r sFN gF o\ r\,/ 1t1 f Iotn\ .S TOTAL P.A3 of Design Review TOWNO Project Name: Strong Residence Project Description: Addition of Landscape Lighting Owner, Address and Phone: Dick Strong Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: l?tf.?"Sfltby Ellison, attn: Kathy Alto, PO Box 1259, Project Street Address: 443 Beaver Dam Road Legal Description: Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3d Filing Parcel Number: BuildingName: Comments: Lot area = 32,000 sf. A total of 32 lights are proposed (25 existing, 7 new). lr Action Form F VAIL Board / Staff Action Motion by: Action: approved Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Tree-mounted lights may not exceed 8' in height. Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: t0lt&l99 F :\EVERYONE\iDRB\A PPROVAL\99\STRONC2.WPD DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 'PARCEL#: EI Additios -Includcs auy addition whse squarc footagc is addcrl to ary rcsidential or cosuncrcial building. Includcs minor clnngcs to buildings and sitc imp(ovcmer6. such as, rcroofing paintiag window.a<iditions. Iaodscaping. ferccs and rEaining .fu\,D TI{E FEE TO THE ' VAIL. COLORADO 816s7. PHoNE: 14'l- l?r? - Date Receive, oit 1n 1999 StFong Capital Managemea.t I 1s70 476 O922t 15:09; i:i Hourhg Durable die'ca.d. ahmhqm 'QUIC DlSCfnt csblE connsctor tixture. or 1z-VOLT nol su MR16 not 4i4 iortiaffi as you wieh,'jAdjrig$ffi1fr thl?€ fini8t€€ b cttoo€s tplTli'jjF,jj:il t ", Locktw l^l to- t1>' GKKDE TT#?' ,L AB6J€ L trtfi1Jets :f I{ 'Y' I r.t' ffi:R4Pltl TD)LAND DESTGNS Sent By: Stnong Capital ilanagement;1970 47ts O922t ss1o E.na. LOWVOLTAGE (12-VOLT) ' SPECIFICATIONS :, :1''"i Houdrf Durable alumlnutn construction. W6*L LI&HTS t K.r!0a8 BLACH SPECIFICATIONS ACCENT/WELL A versatile n'ell light design with multlple usags oplion5. The support slee\€ ls reveGibls h aocornmo- date efth€r uplighting whsn fru*r fidJnted or $ofi|recosssd br sngled lighting efbcls. Kifi le/s unlgue,' rtainffi:st€sllol i;""ilt';iltsg steer,rcre. .-TfIHS i -f;ktfiFHea\ty duty polyothylene sleeva, 'l!l V l*' a.-,'lilf [lq ] lfi Sockct 1z-VOLT isocket not -kj-t==r "''[ v l'1' ; rdpii6il,t'5,,f'pFtvr1rytiif'fie" - L__-Y ' altach directly to PAR.36 lamp screw termlnals. Lamo eecur€d In ptace wilh spnng clips, $/irlng 12-VOLT lixture supplied with 42" 01 r06"C fI8-2, SPT"I;WA l6ed6. 'QUIC OlgO"'F cebto conr'|€ctor qqpptied LAMP GUIDE ::r..' i''ir:: : : Syst€$ L,emp Typo , .. Max. Waflage 12 VOLT PAhS s0(Larnpnorsupdi€d) 'r: t Pat€nl PenoinE LrcH-r=FF,: LIqC,TJN6 r{''j1i: :4r'i4iPriritc 203 ' Page 2i4 Flnlsh Baked th€rmosst powder coat. (nne-' OCT-13-1999 Ee:E3Pl"1 TEL)19?E 416 Age" IDILffND DESIGNS PAGETEEE R=972 75 .ou0r tronl{e ]o.d udl, qolor.do 8l6li7 (3{B) '07$2138(34).7+2139 ofllce ol cornmunlty d€vslopmenl July 24, 1991 Mr. Glen Ellison Land Designs P.O. Box 2677 Vail, CO 81658 Re: Lund Residence, Lot 4, Block 4, Vall Vlllage Third Fillng Dear Glen: As we discussed on the telephone, the revised landscaping plan which Doug Hane is preparing at this time, has not been approved by the Town of Vail. As I understand it, he will be sending it via Federal Express to the Town today. As a Design Review Board application submitled on July 24, we would normally schedule it for the August 21 Design Review Board meeting. We will consider staft approving the proposal, but at this time I cannot guarantee a staff approval. Before the revised landscaping plan is approved, you do have the right to complete the landscaping shown on the landscaping plan of the building permit. Please keep in mind that Dave Randsberg has requested that large trees be planted between the Lund residence and his residence to butfer the two. The building permit shows I large pine and spruce trees in this area which must be planted. Please call me at 479-2138 if you have any questions about the approval process. t Des ign Review Action Form TOWN OFVAIL Project Name: Strong Residence Project Description: addition of ski room and dormer utilizing 240 square feet of GRFA Owner, Address and Phone: Dick Strongf Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Jay Petersono 108 South X'rontage Roag, Suite 204, Vail, Co. 476-0092 Proiect Street Address: 443 Beaver Dam Road Legal Description: Parcel Number: Comments: Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd BuildingName: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: George Ruther Date: 8/14/98 approved per plens dated 8i14l98 (no ehu approved) Board / Staff Action Action: approved DRB Fee Pre-Paid:$20.00 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department August 10, 1998 A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit and a request for additional GRFA utilizing the 250 ordinance to allow for a ski room and dormer addition, located at 443 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing. Applicant: Dick and Donna Strong, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther I. DESCRIPTION OF THE REOUESTS The applicants, Dick and Donna Strong, represented by Jay Peterson, are requesting a condiiional use permit pursuant to Seciion 12-13-5 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code to allow for the construction of a Type ll employee housing unit and up to 240 square feet of additional GRFA to allow for the construction of a ski room and dormer at 443 Beaver Dam Road. The applicants are proposing to construct the Type ll, employee housing unit in an attic area over the garage. The attic area has already been converted to GRFA uiilizing the interior conversion provision outlined in the Zoning Regulations. The employee unit will be approximetely 681 square feet in size and will contain complele kitchen and bathroom facilities. One parking space will be provided for the unit in the existing garage. The applicants are also proposing to add approximately 240 sq. ft. of additional GRFA to the existing residence. The additional square footage will be added on the main level and upper level of the house. On the main level, a 209 square foot new ski room is to be added to the north side of an existing two-car garage. On the upper level, an exisling dormer in the master suite will be enlarged by approximately 31 square feet. The dormer is located on the south side of the house. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Zoning: Lot Size; Standard Site Coverage: GRFA Primary/Secondary Residenfi al 31,799 sq. ft. /0.73 acres Allowed 6,360 (20%) 5,510 sq. ft. APPROVED BY THE TOWN OF VAIL PLANNING AND ENVI RONMEI.ITAL COMMISSION DATE: sl tolq& Proposed 6,265 sq. ft. (19.7%) 5,750 sq. ft. PI.ANNER:_ae,. Setbecks:Front: 20' N/CSides: 15'115' N/CRear: 15' N/C Parking: 7 required 7 (1 required enclosed space for the EHU) III. CRITERIAAND FINDINGS FORACONDITIONAL USE PERMIT Upon review of Section 12-16-6, the Communig Development Department recommends approval of the conditional use permit based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on a conditional use permit application, the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) shall consider the factors with respect to the proposed use: 1 . Relationship and impact of the use on development objec'tives of the Town. When the Town Council adopted the Town of Vail Affordable Housing sludy on November 20, 1990, it recognized the need io increase the supply of housing. The Town encourages EHUs as a means of providing quality living condilions and expanding the supply of employee housing for both year-round and seasonal local residents. Staff believes the proposed EHU will have a positive impact on the Town's housing needs by potentially providing housing for up to two adults and one child. 2. The effect of the use on light and ai1 distribution of population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recr€ation facilities, and other public facilities needs. Staff believes that there will be little impact from the proposed Type ll EHU on light, air, population, transportation, utilities, schools or parks. 3. Effect upon traffic with pafticular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and conveniance, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of gnow from the street and parking areas. It is likely that there would be one or two additional vehicles driving to the residence, and a slightly larger parking area. Staff feels that this would be an insignificant impact on the above-referenced crileria. 4. Effect upon the character ofthe area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk ofthe proposed use in rclation to surrounding uses. o 5. The scale and bulk of the proposed structure is similar to that of other structures in existence in the sunounding neighborhood. The addition of the EHU will noi significantly effect the mass and bulk of the existing residence since the EHU will occupy the existing attic space over the garage. Employee Housing Unils may be allowed as a conditional use in those zone districts as specified by Title 12 of the Vail Municipal Code for Ordinance No. 27, Series of 1992, Employee Housing and shall be subject to the following conditions: a. lt shall be a conditional use in the Single-Family Residential, Two-Family Residential and Primary/Secondary Residential zone districts. The subject property is zoned Primary/Secondary Residential. b. lt shall be permitted only on lots which comply with the minimum lot size requirements of the zone district in which the lot is located. The minimum lot size for a Type ll EHU in the Two-Family Residential zone district is 15,000 square feet of buildable site area. The applicani's property has 31,799 square feet of buildable site area. It shall be located within, or attached to, a single-family dwelling or be located within, or attached to, a two{amily dwelling pursuant to the Zoning. lt may also be located in, or attached to, an existing garage provided the garage is not located within any setback, and further provided that no existing parking requircd by the Town of Vail Municipal Gode is reduced or eliminated. The proposed Type ll Employee Housing Unil would be located within the building above the garage. It shall not be counted as a dwelling unit for the purposes of calculating density. However, it shall contain kitchen facilities and a bathroom, as defined in Chapter 12-2 - Definitions of the Zoning Regulations. lt shall be permitted to be a third dwelling unit in addition to the two dwelling units which may already exist on the lot. Only one Type ll EHU shall be allowed per lot. The proposed employee housing unit would be lhe third dwelling unit on the site. lt would contain a full kitchen and full bathroom facilities. d. It shall have a GRFA of not less than three hundred (300) square feet, nor more than nine hundrcd (900) square feet. An applicant, however, shall be permitted to apply to the Community Development Department of the Town of Vail for additional GRFA not to exceed five hundred (500) square feet to be used in the construc'tion of the EHU. The applicant is proposing a 681 square foot employee housing unit. It shall have no more than two bedrooms. The proposed employee housing unit complies with this crileria. No morc than two (2) adults and one (1) child not older than sixteen (16) years of age shall rcside in a one (1) bedroom Type ll EHU. No morc than two (2) adults and two (2) children not older than sixteen (16) years of age shall reside in a two (2) bedroom Type ll EHU. Since this unit will function as a one-bedroom, Type ll Employee Housing Unit, the firsl part of the above-listed regulation will be complied with. Each Type ll EHU shall be required to have no less than one (l) parking space for each bedroom located therein. However, if a one (1) bedroom Type ll EHU exceeds six hundred (500) square feet, it shall have two (2) parking spaces. All parking spaces rcquired by this Code shall be located on the same lot or site as the EHU. lf no dwelling exists upon the property which is proposed for a Type ll EHU at the time a building permit is issued, or if an existing dwelling is to be demolished and replaced by a new dwelling, not less than one (1) of the parking spaees required bythis paragraph shall be enclosed. A 300 squane feet GRFA crcdit shall be allowed for the construc'tion of one enclosed parking space for the Type ll EHU. The proposed employee unit would have one (1) enclosed parking space in the three-car garage. Consideration of Factors Regarding Gnnting GRFA Under the 250 Ordinance: Before acting on an application for additional GRFA, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use; e. s. h. B. Effect upon the existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. The proposal will not negatively impact the existing topography and vegelation on the site. The area of construction for the new exterior addition was regraded when the residence was originally built and is relatively flat. Staff believes that the proposed addition will not significantly affect the existing site topography, vegetation, drainage, and existing structures. lmpact on adjacent properties. The addition should not adversely affect views, light, or air enjoyed by adjacent structures. Staff believeE that the proposed additions will not have a significant impact on adjacent properlies. Compliance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. Staff believes ihat an approval of the additional 240 sq. fl. of GRFA will not have any negative impacts on the applicable development standards of the Town. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends approval of bolh the conditional use permit request for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit and the additional GRFA. Staffs recommendation for approval is based upon the review of the criteria outlined in Seclion lll of this memorandum. Should the Planning and Environmenlal Commission choose to grant an approval of the applicant's requests, staff would recommend the following findings be made: 1. That the requests complywith the review criteria oultined in Section lll (A) and Section lll (B) of the staff memorandum dated August 10, 1998, and that there will be no negative impacts of the proposal on the goals and objectives of the Town. Should the Planning and Environmental Commission grant an approval of the applicant's request, staff would ree,ommend the following conditions; 1. That prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall record a Type ll, Employee Housing Unit deed-restriction with at the Office of the Eagle Counly Clerk and Recorder. 2. That the applicant submit a revised site plan to the Town of Vail for review and approval illustrating the location of the seven required parking spaces on-site. The one required parking space for the employee unit shall be enclosed and located within the existing gerage. 1. 2. 3. vt. J .:t rb 'ir rrrlr coPY Updared 7/28 I pm PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, August 10, 1998 FINAL AGENDA Prolect orlentation / LUNcI'l - communitv Development Department 12:00 p.m. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERSABSENT Greg Molfet Diane Golden John Schofield Galen Aasland Ann Bishop (left at 4:30) Brian Doyon Tom Weber Site Visits : 12:45 p.m. 1. Glen Lyon - 1000 S. Fronlage Rd. West2. Spad International - 1337 Vail Valley Drive3. Mountain Haus - 292 East Meadow Drive Driver: George NOTE: lf the PEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board u/ill break for dinner from 6:00 - G:sg p.m. Public Hearinq - Town CounGilChambers 2:00 p.m. 1' A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for a bedroom and bathroom addition to_a two{amily residence, located at 1337 Vail Valley Drive/ Lot4, Block 3, Vail Valley First Fiting. Applicant: Spad International (Zevada), represented by Railton-McEvoy ArchitectsPlanner: Ghristie Barton MOTION: John Schofield SECOND:Gaten Aastand VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 1. That the plywood siding be removed and the siding upgraded to meet the minimum requirements in the Design Guidelines(Title fZ, Chapter 11.5.C). 2' That the chimney be brought into compliance with the Design Guidelines. o 2. Udated 728 lpm A request for a setback variance and additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for a living room addition, located at 1241 Westhaven Circle/ Lot 44, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Howard & Cathy Stone, represented by Michael HazardPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for an addition and a request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of a Type ll EHU (Employee Housing Unit), located at 443 Beaver Dam Roacl/ Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing. Applicant: Beaver Dam, LLC, represented by Jay PetersonPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Ann Bishop SECOND: John Scholield VOTE: 5-1 (Galen recused) APPROVED WITH 2 GONDITIONS: 'l . That prior to the issuance of a building permit, the applicant shall record a Type ll, Employee Housing Unit deed-restriction with at the Office of the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder. 2. That the applicant submit a revised site plan to the Town of Vail for review and approval illustrating the location of the seven reguired parking spaces on-site. The one required parking space for the employee unit shall be enclosed and located within the existing garage. A request for a sile coverage variance and a setback variance, to allow for a revised west entry addition at the Mountain Haus, located at 292 East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract B, VailVillage 1st. Applicant: The Mountain Haus, represented by John RailtonPlanner: George Ruther MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishoo VOTE: 6-0 APPROVED WITH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. That an easement agreement be executed with the Town of Vail. 2. That there be a defined ADA access and in the future, if greater ADA access is required, it come out of the applicant's space and not encumber on the Town's space. 3. 4. .t Updated 7/28 lpm 5. A worksession to discuss an amendment to Special Development District No. 4 (Glen Lyon), revising the Glen Lyon Office Building site (Area D), located at 1000 S. Frontage Road West/Lot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello/George Ruther WORKSESSION-NO VOTE 6. A final review of a conditional use permit for a proposed addition to the Vail Interfaith Chapel, located at 19 Vail Road/ Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Vail Interfaith Chapel, represented by Gwathmey/Pratt ArchitectsPlanner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 24, 1998 7. A request for an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, located at 4469 Timber Falls CourVunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg AmsdenPlanner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL AUGUST 24, 1998 8, Information Update 9. Approval ot July 27,1998 minutes. The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign languag€ interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479-2356, Tel€phone for tho Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department APPLICATION FOR PI.,ANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL. coMMISsIoN APPRgfdte ReCgiVed '4 - ''luL t'u'}? u' o q"0., call thc Planning sta{rat479-2138 187- tr Amcndmcnt to an Approved Dwelopmcnt Plan tf EmployeeHousingUnit(Iyps: rr ) tr Major or E Minor CCI Exterior Alteration (Vail Village) tr Major or tr Minor CCII Extcrior Altcration (Lionshead) tr Special Dcvelopmcnt Disbict tr Major or El Minor Amcndmcnt to an SDD . See attached Exhibit rrArr. GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by thc Planning and Enviro information, see thc submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requestcd. Thc application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted- The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or thc Dcsign Rcview Boiud. A. TYPEOFAPPLICATION: Et Addirional GRFA (250) tr Bcd and Brealdast tr Conditional Use Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tl Rezoning tr Sign Variance tr Variancc tr Zoning CodeAmendment B. DESCRIPTION OF TTIE REQUEST TOWN0'FVAIT c. D. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT 1-BLOCK 'T FILING Vail Village 3 ADDRESS: 443 8""""' D* RO"d BUILDING NAME: ZONING: Pr imary/ Secondary F. G. E,NAME oF owNER(sr. Beaver Dam LLC MAILING EOORESS: 443 BIAVET DAM ROAd Vai1, CO PH oNs: 8lffi OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S): NAME OFREPRESENTA y K. Peterson Suite 204, 108 S. Frontage Road WesE Vai1, CO PnONe: 97(]-476-0092 FEE . SEE THE SI.JBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SIJBMTT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SIJBMITTAL REQI'IREMENTS AND THE F'EE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMwTUNITY DEVELOPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vArL.coLoRADO 81657. For Office Use Only: Application Date:_ PEC Meeting Datc:_ H. Rcvircd 6y'96 EXIIIBIT rAll llh.e altplication is for a request for an Additional 250 square feet, of GRFA for a gki room attached to the exletLng garage and anexpanded dorner for increaaed closet epace in the nastei bedroon. In addltion, the request ie for at Tlpe II enployee housing unlt tobe Located ln existing slnce over the garage pursuaht to lZ-13-5 oftlr€ Tosn Zonlng Code. "h AUTACSNT PROPERTY OWNERS OF I,oT 4. BLOCK 4, VAIL VILI,AGE 3RD FILING 1. Tract Land Vail Associates Unplatted Box 7vail, co 81658 2. Lot 5, Block 2 Adrienne and Burton Glazoy vail viLlage 3'd 555 L'ongwood Drive Glencoe, IL 60022 3. Lot 6, Block 2 David Pease vaiL viuage 3'd 71oo Dixie Hlghway Fairfield, oH 450L4 4. I-,ot 2, Block 4 Carol Woods Schnidt vail village 3'd 3901 so. GilPin Englewood, CO 80110 5. I-,ot 3a, Block 4 Mary L. & Robert DeVeer Vail Village 3rd 8 Eastwind Hitton Head, South Carolina 29928'5227 6. Lot 3b, Block 4. Elaine and Steve Schwartzreich VaiL VilLage 3'o 1o CLocktower Lane OId Westbury, NY 1L568 7. Lot 5a, Block 4 David P. and Alexander L. Ransberg Vail Village 3'd 509 East High Point Peoria, IL 5L6L4 --. 8. Lot 5b, Block 4 David P. and Alexander L. Ransberg vail village 3'd 509 East High Point Peoria, IL 6161'4 rb THIS Applicant: Planner: ITEM MAYAFFECTYOUR PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning end Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on August 10, 1998, at 2;00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for addilional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for an addition lo a two- family residence, located at 1337 Vail Valley Drive/ Lot4, Block 3, Vail Valley First Filing. Applicant: Spad International, represented byRailton-McEvoyArchitectsPlanner: Christie Barton A request for a setback variance and additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, lo allow for a living room addition, located al'124'l Westhaven Circle/ Lot 44, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Howard & Cathy Stone, represented by Michael Hazard George Ruther I PROPERTY A request for additional GRFA, uiilizing the 250 ordinance, lo allow for an addition and a request for a conditional use permit to allow for the construction of a Type ll EHU (Employee Housing Unit), located at 443 Beaver Dam Road/ Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Mllage Third Filing. Applicant: Beaver Dam, LLC, represented by Jay PelersonPlanner: George Ruther A request for a site coverage variance and a setback variance, to allow for a revised west entry addition ai lhe Mountain Haus, located at 292 East Meadow Drive/Part of Tracl B, Vail Mllage 1st. , Applicant: The Mountain Haus, represenied by John Railton' Planner: George Ruther A request for an amendment to Special Development District No. 4 (Glen Lyon), revising the Glen Lyon Office Building site, locaied at 1000 S. Frontage Road WesULot 54, Glen Lyon Subdivision. Applicant: Glen Lyon Office Building Partnership, represented by Kurt SegerbergPlanner: Dominic Mauriello/George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular oflice hours in the project planneis office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpreiation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Community Development Department Published July 24, 1998 in lhe VailTrail. qucstionsf thc Planniug Stailri 479-?128 APPLIcATIoN FoR DEsIcN RrvIEw offiHR3tfilVad GENEMLTNFORMATTON ?LTqg- ot tL This application is for any projcct rcquiring Design Revierr approval. Any project rcqulririg dcsigr review must rcccivcbesign ncview apjroval prior to zutmitting for a buiid]ng pomit. For specific informatiou, sce thesoblfiitdl rcquircnrcnLs for thc particular approval that is rcquested. Thc application cannot be acceptcd until all the requircd information,is submittcd. Thc project may also nccd'to bc rcviervcd by thc Town Council and/or the Plarming and Environmental Commission. Dcsign Rcview Board approval cxpircs one yeat after final approval unlcss a building permit is issued and construction is startcd. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST:See atEached ExhibiE rrArlA. T0wN0Fvul, B. c. D. E. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT: 4 BLOCK-.1__flltlrf$: Vail villaee /13 pFIySICALADDRESS: 443 Beaver Dam Road PARCEL#: ZONING: (Contact Fagtc Co. Assessors Office at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) Se condar F. c. NAME OF OWNER(S;' Beaver Dam, L'L.C. 'a Wisconsin Limited Liabilit MAILTNG 4pppggg, 443 Beavjr Dam Road, Vail co 81657 owNER(S) STGNATURE(S): NAME OF APPLICANT:, L.L.C./ care of .la{ f. Peterson MAILINCADDRESS:V443 Beaver Dan Road, Vai1, CO 81657 .. _pHONE' 970-476-0092 H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr New Construction - $200 ql.loaitioo - $so Construction ofa new building. Includcs any addition whcre square footagc is added to any rcsidential or commcrcial bdilding. E Minor Alteration - $20 Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements. zuch as, rcroofing. painting. window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fces are to be paid at the time of submital. Latcr,'whur applying for a building permit. please identiry thc accurate valuation of the projefi. The Town of Vail will adjust the fce according to the project valuation. PLEASE SUBMITTHTS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTSAND THE FEE TOTIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO 81657. ' EXHIBIT ||AN 1 ThG apptlcation ig for four mlnor exterior altsrations incl'uding an- "rterlbr patio and staimay, g dormer, I :kf room and a roof altaratlori to raise the head height for a staimay. (See attached plans for elevation). 2. 1n addltion the application is for the use of interior square footage over ttre qiiage of ttre secondary unLt pursuant to Section 12-15-4 of the Town Zoning code. Printed by George Ruther 8/03/e8 9: 43am F.rom: 1Fexfi Partch To: George Ruther, ?erri PartctrSubject! Strong Addition :--NOTE--: ::7 /3r l9A::3 :2 8p,m--ceorge, I coul-dn't find a form in thecomputer and I frave just a fer^tconcerns. P1ease show rewised grading around ttreski room addi.tion - P]-eaEe provj-de a p].an alrowing aa1exl-stinq parking and proposed parkinq for ttre care taker unit. Spaces insidea garage must be 9rx18r. sbaces outsi-demust be 9'x19r. A11 spaces mustfunctj.on independentf-y. Thanks. Page: .t"" rrrlE TNSTTRAN.E coMpAp ALTA COMMITMENT ?-t -r.rr {6 SCHEDULE A 6. q. Our Order # V260812-3 For InformaEion Only LOT 4, BLK 4, VAIL VILLAGE FLG 3 - Charges -AIta Owner Policy 914,059-00 EXTRA CHAIN S15O. OOTax Report 940.00 END 130 330.00Endorse*""l 1oioio"- - $il;i33:33 *** THJS IS NOT AN INVOICE, BUT AN ESTIMATE OF FEES. WHEN REFERRING , TO THIS ORDER, PLEASE REFERENCE OUR ORDER NO. V25081-2-3 MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO LAND TITIJE GUARAIfTEE COMPA]TY *** L. Effective Date: March 09, 1998 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed Insured: 'IALTA'| Owner' s Policy LO-L7 -92 $9, 350, 000 . 00 . t,. I .a-)KO(|c\ ReSOec(€,. -J Proposed Insured: BEAVER DAM, L.iJ.C., A WISCONSIN LIMITED LIABTLITY COMPANy 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis Cornmitment and covered herein is: A FEE SIMPI.,E AS TO PARCEL 1 AN EASEMENT ESTATE AS TO PARCEL 2 4. Title to the estat.e or interesE covered herein is at the effective datehereof vested in: THOMAS C. LI'ND and CAROL A. IJJND 5. The land referred to in this Commitment is described as follows: PARCEL ].: LOT 4, BLOCK 4, VAIL VILLAGE 3RD FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PIJAT TTIEREOF, COUI\ffY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 a; I .ilo." rrrrJE rNsIrRAr{cE coMPA? AIJTA COMMITMENT SCHEDUIJE A Our Order # V260812-3 FARCEL 2: RIGHT OP I{AY AI{D EASEMENT FOR I}IGRESS AIID EGRESS AS CREATED IN INSTRT'I,IEIIT RECORDED MAy 14, 1,987 IN BOOK 462 NE pAeE 531, COITNTC OF tAcrJE, STATE OF COLOR,ADO. PAGE 2 **o rrrl' rNsnRANcE .o#o ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTIONl- (Reguirements) Our Order # V260812-3 The following are the requirements Eo be complied with: Item (a) Palment, to or for t.he account of t,he granEors or morEgagors of Ehe fulI consideration for the estate or interest Eo be insured. Itsem (b) Proper instrument. (s) creating the estate or inE.erestto be insured must be execuEed and duly filed for record, t,o- wit,: Item (c) Payment of all taxes, charges or assessments levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due andpayable. Item (d) Additional requirements, if any disclosed below: 1.. RELEASE OF MORTGAGE FROM THOMAS C. LUND AIiID CAROL A. LI]ITD FOR TIIE USE OF cusToMER DEVELOPMEMT CORPORATION, AN ILLINOIS CORPORATTON TO SECITRE THE PAY'IVIE}CT OF' A CERTAIN PROMISSORY NOTE RECORDED JTILY 31-, ]-992 IN BOOK 586 AT PAGE 48. 2. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY THAT :rHE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 3. WARRA}ilTY DEED FROM THOMAS C. LUND and CAROL A. LI'ND TO BEAVER DAI\4, I.,.L.C.,A hIISCONSIN LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY CONYEYING SUBJECT PROPERTY. NOTE: ITEMS 1--3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS ARE HEREBY DEI-.,ETED. NOTE: ITEM 4 OF TT{E GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED UPON RECEIPT OF A NOTARIZED FINAL LIEN AFFIDAVIT. NOTE: ITEM 5 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WTLL BE DELETED IF I,AITD TITLE RECORDS THE DOCIIMENTS REQUIRED ITNDER SCHEDITLE B-1. NOTE: UPON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TA)(ES, ITEM 6 WILL BE AMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 1998, AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS, NOT YET DUE OR PAYABIE. ITEM 7 I'NDER SCHEDUI,E B-2 WILL BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT THE WATER AND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID UP TO DATE. SENATE BILL 98-045 STATES T1IAT EFFECTIVE .]T'NE ]-, 1.998 THE FEE FOR REQUESTS FOR RELEASES OF DEEDS OF TRUST WTIJIJ BE $16 .00 . PAGE 3 tr.o"o rrr,,' rNsnRANcE "orf*ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDITLE B-SECTION1- (RequiremenE,s) Our Order # V250812-3 NOTE: EFFECTIVE ,IANUARY 1, Lgg3, CORPORATIONS THAT DO NOT MAINTAIN A PERI"IANEM| PLACE OF BUSINESS IN COLORADO, AND NONRESIDEMT INDTVIDUALS, ESTATES AIiID TRUSTS WILIJ BE SUBJECT TO A COLORADO WITHHOLDING TA]C FROM THE SALES OF' COLORADO REAL ESTATE IN EXCESS OF $100,000.00. THE WITIIIIOLDING TAX WILL BE THE SMALLER OF TWO PERCEI\F OF THE SALES PRICE OR THE NET PROCEEDS FROM THE SAI,ES OF THE REAI-, ESTATE. THE TAX WILL BE WITHHELD BY THE TITLE INSI'RANCE COMPANY OR ITS AGENT A}ID ST'BMITTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE, WHEREIT WILL BE CREDITED TO THE SELLER'S INCOME TAX ACCOUN'T AS AI{ ESTTMATED TA]C PAYMENT. THE SELLER CAI{ CI..AIM CREDIT FOR THE ESTIMATED PAYME}I| AGAINST THE TNCOME TAX LIABILTTY WHEN HE OR SHE FII,ES A COLORADO RETI'RN FOR THE YEAR OF THE SALE. PAGE 4 l*"o rrrlE rNsrrRANcE "o*t"ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTION2 (Exceptions)Our Order # V250812-3 The policy or policies E,o be issued will contain exceptions to thefollowing mat,t,ers unless the same are disposed of to thesatisfaction of the Company: L. Right,s or claims of parties in possession not shown by thepublic records. 2. EasemenUs, or claims of easements, not, shown by Uhe public records. 3. Discrepancies, conflicE,s in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facEs which a correct survey inspecEionof the premises would disclose and which are not shown by ehepublic records. 4- Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, Iabor or materialheretofore or hereafter furnished, imposed by law and noE shownby the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or oEher matters,if any, created, first. appearing in the public records or aEEaching subseguent to Ehe effective date hereof but prior Eothe dat.e Ehe proposed insured acguires of record for value E.he esEaEe or interest or morEgage thereon covered by this CommitmenE.. 6 - Taxes or special assessments hrhich are noE shown as existingliens by the public records. 7. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 8. fn addit.ion, the owner's policy will be subject to the mortgage, if any, noted under it,em one of Section L of Schedule B hereof. g. 1998 TA)(ES NOT YET DUE OR PAYABLE A}ID ASSESSMEMTS NOT YET CERTIFIED TO THE TREASI'RERS OFFICE, 10. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR L,ODE TO EXTRACT Al{D REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOULD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN ITNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED September 04, t923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. 11- RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE IJNITED STATES AS RESERVED IN IJNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED Septerdber 04, L923, IN BOOK 93 AT PAGE 98. PAGE 5 drceeo rrrlE TNsuRANCE ALTA COMMITM SCHEDIILE B - SECTION (Except.ions)Our Order # V25081-2-3 12. RESTRICTIVE COVENAMIS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFETTURE OR REVERTER CLAUSE,BUT oMITTTNG REsrRIcTroNs, IF ANY, BASED oN RACE, coloR, RELIGToN, oRNATIONAL ORTGIN, AS COMIAINED IN INSTRIIMENT RECORDED Utarch 25, Lg63, INBOOK ].74 AT PAGE 575. ]-3. EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS, AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THERECORDED PLAT OF VAII., VTLLAGE 3RD FILING. 14. UTILITY EASEMENT TEN FEET IN WIDTH ALONG THE NORTHWESTERLY LOT I,INE ANDFIVE FEET IN WIDTH ALONG A PORTION OF THE NORTHEASTERLY LOT IJINE OF SI'BJECTPROPERTY AS SHOhIN ON THE RECORDED PI,AT OF VAIL VILLAGE THIRD FILING. 1s' TERMS, CONDTTIONS AIID PROVISIONS OF CONVEYANCE OF EASEMENT RECORDED May 14,1987 IN BOOK 462 AT PAGE 631. 16' TERMS, CONDfTIONS AND PROVISIONS OF EASEMEI,ff DEED RECORDED Septernber 19,]-99]- IN BOOK 562 AT PAGE 554. 17' TERMS, COIIDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMEMI RECORDED SepueTriber i-9, 1991IN BOOK 562 AT PAGE 555. 18' TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF NOTICE RECORDED Sept,ember 19, 1991 INBOOK 562 AT PAGE 556. 19. THE EFFECT ON SI'BJECT PROPERTY OF PORCHES ENCROACHING ONTO UTIIJITY EASEMENTAS SHOWN ON IMPROVEMEI T LOCATION CERTIFICATE PREPARED BY EAGLE VAI-ILEYENGTNEERTNG, rNc. MARCH 9, 1990 AND UPDATED MARCH l-6, 1998. (ITEMS 6 THROUGH ]-5 AFFECT PARCEL 1) ****EIiJDORSEMENT 130 . OO**** PROVIDED THERE IS SITUATED ON THE LAND DESCRIBED IJNDER SCHEDULE A OF THEPOIJICY A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE, THE POLTCY IS HEREBY AMENDED AS FoLLoWS: NOTWTTTISTANDTNG ANYTHTNG THERETN TO THE COMTRARY, THE pOLrCy rNsitREsAGAINST LOSS OR DArvtAcE By REASON OF THE FOLLOWING: L ' "ANY IINFILED LIEN FOR IJABOR OR MATERIAL FTTRNISHED FOR IMPROVEMEI\ITS ON THEIJAIID (EXCEPT FOR ANY SUCH LIEN ARISING OUT OF CoNsTRUcTIoN coNTRAcTED FoROR ASSI]MED BY THE INSURED), PROVIDED CONSTRUCTION OF ALL IMPROVEMENTS ISCOMPLETED AT DATE OF POLICY,. 2. RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OF PARTIES IN POSSESSION OF THE PRINCIP.AL DWELLTNG; 3. THE ENFORCED REMOVAL OF THE PRINCIPAL DWEIJIJING ON ACCOI]NT OF, AT DATE OFPOLICY: o COMPANY ENT 2 PAGE t*"" rrrlE rNsrrRANcE coMt ALTA COMMITMENT SCHEDULE B-SECTION2 (Exceptions) Our Order # V25081-2-3 (A) ANY ENEROACHMENT OF SAID PRINCTPAL DWELLING OI\TTO ADJOINING LANDS OR ONTO ANT EASEMENT SHOWN AS AN EXCEPTION IN SCHEDI'LE B OR OIiITO ANY I'NRECORDED SUBSIJRFACE EASEMENT. (B) A}fY VIOLATION OF BUILDING SETBACK LINES OR COVENANTS, CONDITIONS OR RESTRICTIONS REF'ERRED TO IN SCHEDULE B OF THE POLICY. ANY VIOLATION OF ANY ZONING ORDINANCE IF THE I,AND IS USED ONLY FOR A SINGLE FA}4ILY RESIDENCE. THE TERM TTPRINCfPAL DWELLING" MEANS ANy SINGLE FAMILY RESIDEI'TTIAL STRUCTTTRE ON THE LAND WHETHER DETACHED OR NOT. IF THE PRINCIPAIJ DWELLING IS A CONDOMINIIJM I'NIT IT REFERS TO THE SPACE WITHIN THE BOI'NDARIES OF THEI]NIT. ADDITIONAL IMPROVEMENTS AND AREAS SUCH AS OUT-BUII-,,DINGS, DETACHED GARAGES, FENCES, DRIVEWA.YS, RETAINTNG WALLS, PLANTS AIVD COMMON AREAS ARE NOT INCLUDED WITHIN THIS DEFINITION. THE TERM ''ZONING ORDINANCE'I DOES NOT INCLT]DE BUILDING CODES, OCCUPANCY REGULATIONS AND SUBDIVISION LAWS. ITEM NOS. 1 THROUGH 3 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPT]ONS ARE HEREBY DELETED. ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS TS DELETED AS TO AIiTY L]ENS RESULTING FROM WORK OR MATERTAT-,, CONTRACTED FOR OR FURNTSHED AT THE REQUEST OF THOMASC. LI'ND and CAROL A. I.,,TJND. CHTCAGO TITLE INSI'RANCE COMPA.\IY SHALL HAVE NO LI.A.BIIITY FOR ANY LIENS AR]SING FROM WORK OR MATERIAI-,, FURNISHED AT THE REQUEST OF BEAVER DAM,L.L.C., A WISCONSIN I-,IMITED LIABILITY COMPANY. PAGE 7 ^- IGUARANTEEV COMPANY DISCLOSI]RE STATEME}flI Reguired by Senat,e Bill 91-14 A) The subject real property may be located in a special t,axingdistrict. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each Eaxing jurisdiction may be obEained from Ehe Count,y Treasurer or t,he CounEyTreasurer's authorized agent.. C) The information regarding special districEs and the boundariesof such disErict.s may be obtained from Ehe Board of County Commissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the County Asgessor. Required by SenaLe BiIl 92-143 A) A Certifieat.e of Taxes Due listing each Eaxing jurisd.ict.ion shall be obt.ained from the County Treasurer or the CountvTreasurer's aut,horized agent. o WESTSTAR BANK BLDG. 108 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST SUITE 204 VAIL, COLORADO 81657 TELEFHONE (970\ 476.0092 FACSIMILE (970) 476-0099 Please respond to Vail Office B,unv, Hennruc & Psrrnsou A PnorrssroNaL Conponllrorl AToRNEYS AT LAw LINCOLN CENTER 1660 LINCOLN STREET, SUITE 3175 DEN!'ER. COLORADO 80264 TELEPHONE (303t 837 -1660 FACSTMILE (303) &17-0097 P.O. BOX 449 429 EDWARDS ACCESS ROAD, SUITE 203 EDWARDS, COLORADO 81632 TELEPHONE 97 0l 926-92s5 FACSTMILE 10701 926-e2e8 TO3 FROlis DATE: NE: GEORGE RUTHER, .fAY K. PETERSON AUGUST 13, 1998 LOT 4, BLOCK RESIDENCE) UEI.TORANDUI.T TOWN PLANNER (FAX No. e7O-476-Ooe9) 4, VAIL VILLAGE THIRD FILING (STRONG Dear George: Attached to this Memorandurn please find a site plan showing threeadditional parking places in addition to the four spaces tocatedwithin the existing garages. I have also modified the interior over the garage to reflect the deletion of a stove, so we only havea refrigerator and a sink, which I believe constitutes a wet bar.For nohr this will not be an empl-oyee housing unit, because it wasimportant to the Strongs for the ernployee to have access to the remainder of the house for security and maintenance purposes. Thekitchen has been deleted, so at the present tirne it will be farnily room. When the Strongs return fron their trip, I will- contact then andhopefully I can convince then that even without access to the house, an employee housing unit will be a benefit not only to the Town of Vai1. but also to thern. I assume fron our past conversations that this will not be aproblem. If you have any questions please contact me at my office. a. Design Review Action Form TOWI\ OF VAIL Project Name: Lund - Interior Conversion Project Description: Finishing space including floor over both garages per intcrior converion ord. Owner. Address and Phone: Thomas Lund, 8600 Industrlal I)r., Peroria, IL Architect/Contact, Address and Phonc: Neil Wurmlinger,2S5 Bridge St., VaiI 81657 Project Street Address: 443 Beaver Dam Road, Vatl, CO 81657 Legal Description: Lot 4, Blk. 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing Parcel Number: 2101071111012 Building Name: Comments: Board / StaffAction Motion by: Action: Staffapproved Seconded by: Vote: Condifions: Project has no exterior modifications Town Planner: Kathleen Dorram Date: 12-10-92 DRB Fee pre_paid: $s0.00 F:\EVERYONE\DRB\APPROVAL9TI1JND.D I 0 I eucstions? t planning staff at 479-zlz. APPLICATTON FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL PHYSICAL ADDRESS: (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Off'icc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) TO|flNOFVAIL CENERAL INFORMAl'ION fttis ag,ptication is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcvicw approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign t"ulslv mttst rcceiv; Dcsign Rcview approval prioi to submitting for a building pcnnit. For spccific information, seo the submittal rcquircmcnls for the particular approval that is rcquastcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc requircd infornration is submittcd. 'I'hc piojcct may also necd to bc rcvicwed by thc Town Courcil anrVor the Planning and Environmcntal Commission. Dcsign Review Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcss a building permit is issucd and construction is startcd. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B. C. D. E. ZONING: F, c. NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: E Ncw Construction - $200 Constnrction of a ncw building.-A looitton - E Minor Altcration - H. PHoNE: 474'/7 8ry $50 Includcs any addition whcrc squarc footagc is added to any rasidential or commcrcial building. $20 Includcs minor changcs to buildings and sitc intprovcnlcnts, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fcnces and retaining walls. ctc. DRB fces are to bc paid at thc time of submittal. Latcr, when applying for a building permit, please identify the accuratc valuation of thc projcct. Thc Town of Vail will adjust thc fce according to thc projcct valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 soUTH FR0NTAGE ROAD' VAIL. COLORADO EI657, PHONE: owNER(S) SICNATURE(S) IA-laB-l997 1?:49Pl'4 LUND CDC 389 6A9 Qrcrdonr? Gr$ rho Fl*rct$g Ed?n l?$,312t APPLICATION TOR DEISTCI{ REYIEW APIBOYAL Ttfo rpdicdsrief*rry frhC leqr*ftU Drrign Bwiw16mvd, Any pqied ngrfuil6.1'iln Fniil'lFdt*;6 nr*g'r tuoiaw @vC prir brahnna*tl tue hJEhgp.nillt. Fr podfc tdlstin*FEGfibffil rqrirsrrsa fu ru fr*Ur rpord rba ir rquctld. fir qfticilict aflrFot bc tootld sfrl dl ec t!$ittd. htur{isr B rfirind. tu goir nay d$$!d lo bc rtririlrcd ty lh Tmn Cqndl#fie Flnitgttt l hvlrrqfr| Aornnriricr. Dcdgr Firvi$ arrd lDFlsI ||IftTr crc yc|r rftr lirt .illsill rdt|r r trfd|* Fdt irinml .|o qrbrttift bra|rilL .+ DEECT|PT|(TNOFTHERE(BIEST: or.u ': ., tuffi E. poNF{6: c. D. a f. G. lt NArrEOf OrVItERrlSl: owilttr{E}frcilr xAlrEof^Pt|,fc Jlm MAtLltto P}fiD|F; El illrcililrlr{sq"flill Cmedic||cfrmwbdldbr; lrctuk any ddillur vl*c ryse fgofigs lr dsl h ryrsidd r cmuUUitrtirylno& n*rs drrrlcr tp hdldbrer Hd dn irnuftl*' rd S rtrocaA n-Sne li4bv ddliHt$ ndr{iC, ffi # ldtriE Jlgrlmu-t5l s20 rdac- DnB fq Tc tE tc !.ll t sc i(B d lHtsl. t ilF, slfi fplldng hr r hdlilng ;d, P|rf, ilildfr tlcranrcvJrdirn dtuF-F.t Th Ton ofYdl wis didttsttt lcodbgFtle S# fl# FfrlrE srrbrtlr rHE^pFr.rgrrrot|'' au,$gHrfr L EEourFEuwm,ltotlll tlG TolllE DEPANTMETTT T'F @T'lfT'lilTY EAEI.OTTET{T, 7' EOUTH 9NOTITAGT TOiD. vfir.icfi-an^Doll6fi?. ClrllorAlUndr. il ILTTS Present Diana Donovan Ludwig Kurz Jim Shearer Gena Whinen Absent Chuck Crist Connie Knight Kathy Langenwalter FILE COPY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL MMMISSION May 13, 1991 Staff Kristan Pritz Mike Mollica Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Amber Blecker The worksession was called to order at 11:45AM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. l. Undate bv Holv Cross Electric Association regardine an amendment to 1990 Master Plan to undersround electrical lines. Applicant Holv Cross Electric Winston Chapham from Holy Cross Electric presented the tentative plan for undergrounding elecrical lines in the Bighorn ar€a to the PEC. He indicated the rcason for the change from the 1990 plan was the Bighorn circuit was completely overloaded, necessitating a change from using existing conduits in the area to a new plan. He explained the options for the new conduit to tie the area together, emphasizing the landscaping and road cut options. He stated Holy Cross would need to dig from Vail View Drive to the west side of Sandstone under the new proposal. They would dig ditches where applicable, and bore under new roads, to eliminate cutting pavement in those areas. He also stated he hoped to bring in a landscape contractor to help ensure the landscaping was preserved. Town Engineer Greg Hall clarified that the Town Council had passed an ordinance which prohibited cutting new roads. He also recommended ttrat Holy Cross Electric inspect their underground lines before the Town rcsurfaced any roads in the future. Mr. Chapham said Holy Goss began inspecting their lines via the use of television last year, and hoped to expand that use. Greg Hall stated he was concemed with easements in the proposed plan. Mr. Chapham acknowledged easements might have to be obtained from Simba and the Potato Patch Club, among othen. i f f_! ". ar i.r 'i Diana Donovan said she believed Todd Oppenheimer and Greg Hall could work out any difficulties in the plan. If thcre was a problem which remained, Holy Cross could come back to the Commission. Mr. Chapham stated that, since there were environmental aspects to the plan, Holy Cross would need to file with the Commission when the plan was completed. In conclusion, Diana stated she would strongly suggest placing the "grren boxes" on corners of sites, rather than in the middle. A planner or Todd will accompany Holy Cross to help determine such placements and appropriate landscape screening. 2. Uodate on Municioal Complex. Phase I Ken HushevA{ike Mollica Ken Hughey began the staff presentation by giving a brief background of the project. In 1989, the Town began looking for more qpace, specifically to house the vail potice Department. Originally, they looked at the old Post Office, but it became apparenr it would be too expensive to renovate that qpace for the needs of the police department. The decision was to find a long term solution, rather than just a "band-aid" for thc problem. A design/consulting team of Roth & Shepherd/Snowdon & Hopkins was chosen, The Town Council authorized approval of the consultant team and suggested a phased approach to the construction of a municipal complex, with the highest priority given to a new police facility. Ken Hughey went on to note ttrat the next step in the process was to give the Town Council an engineering and technical plan, along with the alternative costs of not providing a new building. This data is due to the Council in June or July, when sites were examined by the Municipal complex Task Force, the Lionshead Transportation Center was identifred as the top choice due to its location, access, and ease of consrruction. The primary site analysis consisted of four sites. Phase I would consist of a new level above the existing upper level for the Police Department, as well as a new level on the Lionshead Circle (south) side for additional parking. Phase tr would move the remainder of the municipal functions to a new founh level on the Lionshead circle side. Hughey stated that the current site decisions, such as when moves would take place, had not yet been determined. Mike Mollica clarified the planning process and stated that the proposal would go to the Town Council in June or fuly for authorization to proceed with the Lionshead location. The staff would come back to the Planning and Environmental Commission and the Town Council with a rezoning requesr so the site could be used for a municipal complex/police department, and in addition, a conditional use permit would also be necessary. Mike further indicated there would be no net loss of parking on the site. Pam Hopkins stated there would actually be a bit of an increase, including provisions for the additional parking generated by the municipal complex. I use if the land werc to be rezoned was that a park or bicycle path being built. All other uses would require a conditional use permit. Andy stated the proposed snow dump would provide for growth and better snow removal services by the Town. He explained that both the map and text of the code would need to be changed to indicate this was a good location for Public Works to expand. The request met the land use and rezoning criteria, and staff rccommended approval of the rezoning. Kristan Pritz elaborated that the snow dump would be a conditional use, not a by-right use, and the Town would have to retum to the PEC for approval on the snow dump. Mike Dungan of Muller Engineering, the consultant working on the snow dump, explained the proposal. He showed alternate views of the proposed dump, from different locations, both before and after. Ludwig Kurz asked what the elevation of the access road behind the dump would be. Mike indicated it would be approximately 5-8 feet above the height of the berm. The new berm would extend to the ridge line, and the area of the dump would be revegetated, with an attempt to revegetate using sage. The planting height and type along the berm itself would be varied. Sherry Dorward, design consultant, said that there were two assumptions being made in the plan. The fint was the u€es on the berm shown in the illustrations were 15 feet tall, and that the cut slope revegetation was good, but not perfect. The intent was to fuzz and. "finger" the cut line to make it less apparent. They would replace the dead sage until the new hopefully grew in below it. Mike Dungan stated there would be moderate view effects due to the existing location of the Public Works shops. The berm in front of the snow dump would be more natural, and at a lower slope. The maximum slope of anything exposed to view would be 2:1. Greg Hall, Town Engineer, added that the inside of the berm would be grassed. Jim Shearer wondered if thcre would be gravel accumulation inside the dump. Mike Dungan indicated the gravel would be cleaned out periodically, and it would look much better than the current dump. Sherry pointed out that, from the ski slopes, cinden would be able to be seen. Jim thought a positive aspect of the plan was there would be more vegetation along I-70, and asked if drip irrigation would be used. Grcg said it would be drip. When Jim asked about the drainage system for the dump, Mike Dungan indicated the salt from the snow could not be filtered out, but that they would sample the water to determine what the salt content was. A culvert to the site is existing, and the system would consist of a water quality and sediment pond. Pete Burnett added that, since only Town of Vail snow would be permitted in the dump, the content of the snow would be easily determined. Mike Dungan stated that there would be both a regular, sediment drain and an emergency drain. During the process of developing the dump, the culverts along I-70 would be improved. He stated this was an excellent location for a dump. Jim asked if a filter could be installed later if a need were presented. Mike Dungan said it could be packaged with a pump after construction if necessary. He explained that the intent was to ground filter as much of the water as possible, and that was why no impervious barrier was being placed beneath the dump. With the system being designed, Vail would be in the forefront of monitoring the content of their meltwater. Regarding the lease terms, Jim questioned if the length had been determined, and if any automatic renewals had been negotiated. Kristan said Ron Phillips was requesting a7 year lease period. Jim also stated he would like to see conditions in the lease avoiding tiability if the ground were contaminated. Greg stated those conditions were in the leasc. Jim Shearer moved to approve the request to change thc Land Use Plan designation of a propeny generally located west of the Town of Vail Public Works shops from Open Space to Semi-Public Use and a rcquest to rezone the property from Agriculture and Open Space to Public Use District per the staff memo. Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. The Commission unanimously voted, 4-0, to approvc the request. 8. Appeal of a staff decision reeardine Lund Residence walkwav. I,ot 4. Block 4, Vail Villaee 3rd Filins/443 Beaver Dam Road. Appellant Jav Peterson Andy Knudtsen explained that staff reviewed the request to enclose the walkway and turret of the Lund residence, and determined that a GRFA or density variance would be necessary for the request. Because the request was made in 1990, the 1990 site coverage and GRFA policies applied. The basis for staffs decision in this matter was that they interpreted the code to mean that semi-enclosed spaces were not GRFA, but that the current structures were already semi-enclosed. Any further enclosure would generate squarc footage under the GRFA policies. They determined that glass walls, in this case, would constitute enclosing walls of a shlrcture. In the building permit plans, staff had specifically "redlined" the plans to indicate the openings must remain "open air." Andy noted that there would be 2 windows and one door left open in the walkway to the garage under the proposal. Kristan Pritz clarified the distinction between the Chester spa and some previous deck enclosures. Staff reviewed this proposal with the question of when space is no longer unenclosed. Their judgment was that their past interpretations had been very generous, and in this case, they had been generous to determine the turet was not neated as GRFA in the original building. Jay Peterson, representing the Lunds, stated that staff accurately porrayed what had occurred during the planning and construction of the residence. Galen Aasland, the architect for the project, was aware at all times that the spaces were to remain open. The owner did not mind. He wanted the areas to be open, and non-habitable arpas. Since the completion, however, it was found that the wind swirled through the area, and it was extremely difficult to keep the debris from collecting. The main doors to the home would remain the main doors. 10 When the Lunds came to Mr. Peterson, he reviewed past staff decisions, i.e., t}te Chester house and the Kravis pool area, and he believed that as long as some area remained open, it would not be considered GRFA. The intent behind other approvals of similar semi-enclosed spaces had been the same, to keep wind and deb'ris out. At this point, Ludwig Kurz disqualified himself due o his association with the builder of the residence. Gena Whinen commented that this was a massive structue, and the plans specifically called for these spaces to be "open air." She believed enclosing the bridge area would go against the intent of the GRFA ordinance. Jim Shearer agreed that the bridge should not be enclosed, but indicated he had no problems with the turret windows being glass-enclosed. Jay asked for clarification regarding the entry gate to the turret. In the original plans, it showed an open air iron gate. Jay rciterated this request was a result of serious debris problems. Two days after the Lunds received the Certificate of Occupancy, thc area was filthy. Jim stated that it goes with the terrain - a bridge area has wind problems. Kristan stated she had been the planner on the project. Therc had been a great deal of changes made to the plans to meet the GRFA allowances. The trouble she had with the request was that a lot of effort was made to ensure that the house exactly met the GRFA allowed. Jay responded that it had been originally acceptable because the owners did not know the effect of the wind. Kristan said the Lunds had received the benefit of all the GRFA available on the site. To enclose the walkway was beyond the allowable. Diana Donovan asked if the house, since it was a demo/rebuild, had taken advantage of the 250 ordinance. Jay said that no, 500 sq. ft. had been available, but since it was not used at the time of construction, it was now not available for five years. Jim stated he could support glass windows and ll2 glass front grating, but no glass on the bridge. If the plans had not been redlined early on, he might feel differently. Kristan felt that staff had been generous with the turet area alrready. Diana said that it seemed clear the front grate and bridge should remain open, but the turret windows were no problem. Larry Eskwith, Town Attorney, clarified that the PEC could modify staff's decision. Gena Whitten moved to modify staff's decision regarding the Lund Residence walkway, Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing/443 Beaver Dam Road to allow glass windows in the turret and hallway to the garage only, but no windows in the bridge/walkway and the front gate must remain open air. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. The vote was 3-0-1 in favor, with Ludwig Kurz abstaining. 11 9. Appeal of a staff decision concemine a home occuoation permit. 4594 East Meadow Drive/Sunwood Condominiums. Appellant Ned Richard Harlev. M.D. Betsy Rosolack stated that home occupation applications were rcviewed by the Community Development Deparrnent Staff had denied this application for the practice of psychiatry, based on code languagc which indicated clinics were not an allowable use. However, there had been no definition of clinic in thc code. Based on Webstef,'s definition of "clinic," staff had concluded the use rcquested could fall under that definition. Diana Donovan asked if there was any language regarding this concem in the purpose section of the home occupation section. Betsy replied that the home occupation regulations were contained in the supplemental regulations of the zoning code. Kristan indicated the concern with home occupations was that those allowed did not generate a large number of trips. Betsy agreed, and stated that Dr. Harley had agreed to allow only 4 patients per day in his practice. Diana Donovan was sympathetic to the rcqucst for a home occupation permit, but wanted reassurances regarding the impacts of a psychiatry practice in this location. She also was concemed that the patients' appointments be spaced out so there would not be overlapping parking. Dr. Harley indicated he would be only practicing psychiatry on a part-time basis. There would be no employees, no fuels or debris additional to the normal, family trash. Diana asked for an agreement that the numbers of patients would be limited, the clients would not be scheduled with overlapping appointments, and he would be the only doctor on the premises. Dr. Harley indicated that, for confidentiality, hc would have to schedule the appointments so they would not overlap. Jim Shearer asked if he dispensed medications or used needles at this location. Dr. Harley stated he might give a prescription, but there was no dispensing of any drugs in his office. Jim asked if any patients would be delivered in restraints, or if he used any type of scream therapy in his practice. Dr. Harley said he did not use primal scream therapy. Gena Whitten felt that the impacts of the traffic would be less than if this were a short term rental. Jim Shearer moved to overturn staff s decision and grant the appeal to allow a home occupation permit at 4594 East Meadow Drive/Sunwood Condominiums with the conditions that the practice be limited to 4 hours per day, 20 hours per week, there would be no overlapping patients, no dispensing ofprescriptions, and only one doctor would be allowed. Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. The motion was approved,4-0. 12 47b-/qfr lo"n',,"n, "l#ffll"'J ;"..r,"" J 75 S. Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 Receipt No Please make checks payable to the TOWN OF VAIL Account No.llem No.Code #Cost Each Total 001 0000 3141110 Zoning and Address Maps ZA $5.00 001 0000 314'11't2 lnifqq Building Code CB $54.00 001 0000 3't4 1 1 12 Uniform Plumbing Code CB $39.00 001 0000 3141112 Uniform Mechanical Code CB $37.00 001 0000 314 i'i i2 urriiurri, i-;iE Cude CB $36.00 001 0000 3141112 National Electrical Code CB $37.00 001 0000 3141112 Other Code Books CB 001 0000 314't211 Blue Prints/Mylar Copy Fees BF $7.00 - '-/ u) 00100003141111 Xerox Copies XC $0.25 001 00003141't't1 Studies, Master Plans. etc.MS 001 0000 315 3000 Penalty Fees/Re-lnspeclions PN 001 0000 311 2300 Plan Review Re-check Fee (940/per hour)PF 001000031s2000 Olf Hours Inspection Fees OH 001 0000 312 3000 Conlraclors License Fees rrl 00100003124000 Sign Application Fee SP $20.00 00100003124000 Additional Sign Application Fee SP 001 0000 311 2200 Design Review Board Fee (Pre-paid)DR co. u' 00100003153000 Building lnvesligation Fee PN 00'r 0000 240 3300 Developer lmprovement Agreement Deposit D2 00 l 0000 312 1000 Reslaurant License fee (TOV)RL 00r00002302000 Spec. Assess.-Restauranl Fee to Co.Dept.Rev.SA '0r )'t 0000 201 1000 Taxable @_4.s% (State) . f4llqyqble TP '0 11 0000 310 1 100 Taxable @ 4.Oo/o (Town) - Retall Sales Tax 17 Other/Misc. -MS 0c 1 0000 311 2500 PEC APPLICATION FEES 0c | 0000 311 2500 Additional GRFA - "250"PV $200.00 0( | 0000 311 2500 Conditional Use Permil PV $200.00 0( | 0000 311 2s00 Exterior Alteralion - Less than 100 sq. ft.PV $200.00 0( 1 0000 311 2500 Exlerior Alteralion - More lhan 100 so. ft.PV $s00.00 0( 1 0000 311 2500 Special Developmenl District - NEW PV $1,500.00 001 0000 311 2500 Special Development Dislricl - Maior Amend PV $1,000.00 00't 0000 311 2500 Special Development Dislricl - Minor Amend PV $200.00 0010000311 2500 Subdivision Fees PV 0010000311 2500 Variance PV $250.00 00100003112500 Zoning Gode Amendments PV $250.00 Re-Zoning PV $200.00 Olher -MS TOTALT 31. oo Commenls: Cash_ Money Order#Check # I 0perat Ihte: O#TI( flrourt . ti t orr R!fftIDT Brecl: 866WftN 0t Retript: mt7l5 Tmdered r5/tt't.m FEY T(1 ru MEN tr FIRSBSI( tF UOIL UAJL, C0 81657 :lCPlel5l9r FM EFGII {ILYilttt {r UAIL s|e 0:t37 Torn of Uai t|rr OSmEn ffiCEIFT rrr trER: RSOilIDT FB llffifi: IIleE: l2/lSl97 8l REIEIPT: St7tS IESIflIFIIil OTY HUW IP il DESIST REUIES FE I fg/.s t)f, g( FEfl( ffipCRTIEST M. Ilru FEE tllEt l0ltllll l5:3,!t:41 r0lfl_ ofIX fs7,sffrrfi lt}{ttRu} f',.ts I}flT( YIU F|lf, Y{TIR PRYE{T! NOTE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE PLAN5 IN SLOT \ gATg AUGUST 18, 1989 nnt,ngl - 6E6lrt? Nrr W\J.+\,r(- | 16) CONSTRUCTION PERMITr"mf/ l,-"", , d.p{tment of community dcvslopmont To BE FTLLED our coMpLETELy paroR To rssuANcE or peauti TYPE OF PERMIT E| eutottro E[ ptumatnc E elecrRrclr- E[ rouxolrroN El MEOHANICAL Q+s u*ur* DAM RoAD LEGAL I DESC. ror 4 BLK-l-- VAIL VILLAGE 3RDFILING [JoeNff,re, LUND RESTD. NEw pRrM/sEc. OWNER rmrE HOOVER INVESTMENTS "IP{,,BHReooo N TNDUsTRTAL slry PEOR.[A, ILL px.309 686-. ARCHITECT FIRM GALEN ASSLATTD P0 BOX 3255 IIAIL ADDRESS crw VAIL PH. \e-Y*,\nt GENERAL CONTRACTOTI FtRri DUDDY-VTELE CoNSTRUCTTOI TOWN OFVATL RECI. NO. lgg-A :'sc 476-3082 kff-'^:i3r FIRII TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO MECHANICAL FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NOUUNIKAUIUX OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOU'N OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. l. TYPE OF COI{STRUCTTON I ll lll lV V 2. OCCUPANCYGROUP A8E H IRU DtvtstoN GENERAL DESCRIPIION OF WORK r NEW PRIMARY/SEC0NDARY R ES TDENCE PERIIITNO.- zo F =J BUtLOtl{G r .250.00 ETECTRICAL 35 .000 PLU[IBII{G 40, ooo UECHAflICAL 40.000 TOTAL 1 ,365 . 000 TYPE GROUP G.R,F.A. VALUATIOI{PERMIT FEES It R-3 7344 I ,365,00 EUILDII{G PERMIT 4,270 c# */n? e{# Wo vr6 Wr PLAH CHECK 2,135 ELECTRICAL 345 NEI\4fiX ALTERATION ADOITIONAL REPAIR (PLUUBING 400 owELLtNG uNrrs 2 eccouuooATroN uNrrs - t|ECHANtCAT-500 HEtcHT rN FT. - No. FtREPLAcEs )RECREATTON FEE .15 x 7344= L,102 INSULATION: YYPE THICKNESS F-VALLUE ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr. cur lxl J FLOOR BATT L2'30 EXT. WALLS tl 6tt 19 ROOF tl Lzt' TYPE OF ELEC. SOLAR GAS xx wooD OESIGN REVIEW EOARD 300 CLEAN.UP DEFOSIT 1 ,000 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 10,152.00 JOE NORRIS AUGUST, 18, 1989 UILDING OFFICIAL KRISTAN PRITZ ;;*e;:^E; )NING ADiIINISTRATOR ./DATE oNrNc e eurlo|l.tc N€TES: NO ENCROACHMENTS ON TOWN OF VTI,L PROP. OR RIGHT OF WAY. ALL CONSTRUCTION PER DRB APPROVAL. I hereby acknowledge that I havg read this application, filled out in lull the information required, compl€ted an accurate plot plan, and stiate that all th6 information provlded as requirod is correct. I aor€e to comDlv with the information and olot plan. to comolv with all Town ordinances and stateagr€e to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ord and state laws, and to build this structure according to the To\4{'s zoning end subbivis-ion codes, design revi€w approv€d, Uniform Building Code and other g CLEAN uP To:' DV!= .e\C. AND THE OWNER. L-- - I $,wttftrutr uf (Drrufsnru @srun (Df liluil iluililing iBrpurtnpnt THIS CERTIFICATE ISSUED PURSUANT TO THE RESUIREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BUILDING CODE CERTIFYINC THAT AT THE TIME OF ISSUANCE THIS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPI.IANCE WITH THE VARTOUS ORDINANCES OF THE TOWN REGUI-ATING BUILDING CONSTRUCT/ON, ,,AND OR USE, TO THE BEST OF OUR KNOWI.EDGE. Name LUND RESIDENCE Use Classification RESIDENTlAL Croup R-3 Buildins Permit No.4027 Type Construction v Owner of Building TOM LTIND Building Address 443 BEAVER DAM ROAD LoT 4, BLoCK 4 VAIL VILLACE 3RD N0VEMBER 8, 1991 The building official nrry, in wriring. suspend or revokc a Certi- ficate of Occuprncv issued under thc provisions of this code when- ever the c.ertificatc is issued in error. or tln thc basis of incorrcct informarion supplied, or r,vhen ir is dcrermincd that thr building or struct!re or portion thercof is in violation of any ordinance or regulation of thc Tou'n of Vail or anr of rhe provisions of this codc,GarY MurraloBuilding official POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATTOT* DEMOLITION NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATE _qgl. 17, 1988 '00359I lnr . department ol community dwelopment TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT *443 fidf;Bf, BEAVER DAM !n EF TTT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LoT 4 rtLtttc vArL VTLLAGE 3RD JOBNAME: LUND RESID. (DEMO) 8600 INDUSTRIAL DR MAIL ADDRESS crfJiAREA, rLL 3PW 686-19 61pr{ DAVID HAASE 4717 GMNDVIEW DRIVE ",flF*rA HErcHrs, rlltsslg?oo GENERAL CONTRACTOR LECTRICAL TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 9l oll TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. MECHANI CONTRACTOR OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB EH IRM OfVfSION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : PERMIT NO, z tr BUILDING 10 , 000 ELECTRICAL PLUMBING ...-.-l?- DE}IOLITIOI{ IO EXISTING IIOME INORDER IIECHANICAL TO BUILD NEW HOUSE.TOTAL 10 ,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES v R-3 10,000 BUILOING PERMIT IT7 /frtr /058v oftl 7frt,rfu PLAN CHECK 59 ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATION O ADDITIONAL () REPAIR(PTUMBING SufPtff,gil,rt - AccoMMoDAroN uNrrs-MECHANICAL HEIGHTINFT. - NO. FIREPLACES RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 EXT wALLS | - INUNU - |USE TAX-"* I FI TYPE OF HEAT ELEC. SOLAR GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT.FEES 4 276.0O JOE NORRIS oCT. 17, 1988 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL sr cur I lx I BUILOING OFFICIAL OATE RICK PY],MAN ZONING AOMINISTRATOR DATE SLASTING ZONING & BUILOING NOTES: ** NEW STRUCTURE },IUST MBET ZONING REQU]REMENTS. I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the intormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state review approved, Uniform Building Code and other gHlri own applicable thereto. DIIDDY VIELE CONST. PO BOX 331 vArL. c0 81658 v<-, SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. CLEAN UP TO: s I IE I F- nn rD 4t Fil n 0r UItg' q"l FJ -r 4S 4S,S DF{C7 I'n = F i,.- 3 -tEn lD iu F 'Ir trt O (f,n nf /S 'sir 'S ': 'S q'] C' i!,.o Er '! 'S f {9{C F' 't (i'srE F{ q+ L'I I f,E+I|rJ rir LflC?. F.r F r- Frr D FrI]Hr0 fJua - o -.,| matlir. tstl'! : !'-C r5r h] N E A m 6l.t {stgE 0| '!f SES F. 't (.} Fo {lr '! tl| o {r Ei r_rln- cL fr*g.{'v \/ Pitfr -.1{ L.tH i.,lgl{ ! =Houe {'lf t"rF 'Jl {t .. 1 /'Il -.J ,.l] rs ar rt..-.E.Clr5l 'S '5, {n 0, 'S Z. '5.r E} '$ r:l F. rE r.no. --r -o m.a | +.,'til=t5tE| .E,FEI c'i F -irf .=: ,| 9rF =: '| -cE =E! s';E -o! s;H =-F 5.8 E =!:I -olE.=I o-| =eT EE.fl s=:I c=1! =-9'rl=5: i ;E*(!== - a_: G 0-:=e er Cr! gs= 3Uro e= =-=.r::= "? -. \JA CrC3t. - o si I I I t* l<ro I I fu tct ;:.si- gE::lffi " tso'lYnw^ i_ l, = $ll t z =EI g$ F- =S !!() :-i == €=34 :i = ggF =?9 ;;5 iiig !=Ei =r oxr I @ii5irii5 I ;k;-ii o==l ; I I lll{,fr, l!U' o o =oJfEa ozzo rct< l=to t, t(t it 6lu,roItrI ltllzr!! =ag4 zI c}o ll/',I ll,luJll r-l=J= fsl rFl l.rl oat otl3 L I -l B=fi -ij , I (, u,A -rO =()r-r € o(, /s/il+j/ ffi d#,-,H ffi Isl; 5l : L'I:LJI:dl d tl l;=l.<i||3l ' i]= |[-l ll=l liEIl;;l lrl HI li=f, ii 'fl ltJriSll !ui !t e-f - I I I l= lgIJt5 IO I I I fo =r9 >l q, L'l Fc f= 5g f " :lC' =otJ 0 rl, =c oU' o l,It I C'I Ct |.l.; ul 0$..|.t- \9 1i_J.s- AI ',8 \j"' ::rLI { C'I \J $ ; s s.rl{l J: *iI g li, >< tT(nU{ OF VAIL 75 S. FRONDAGE ROAD !aIL, OTTRAD 81657 ADDRBSS: 443 Beaver Daro Road OCCUPAIICY: Re sldent ia1 TYFE OF @{ST: P/S @NIRACAOR: Drtd,iy-rrtoto e.'o=t-rro*l-o*trtr". eRO TECr: Galen A: Aasland B[G.n[ffi: , Nl c o l-Ilu t ch I ns on PTSN ETAMINR,: QlNffi. liBllE i Iloover Investments statenerrts have been filed oc[rpf witb all perEiJtert rcquirments of ttre code- llhe holdeR of such permit stnll p:pceed at t or aFprc\ral stnrctur€ APFT,ICATTCN DMETTFE CITffi ffiIN tI}IfIL AI;L OF SG E6TT?J I.S (1)Pfanrftq , Ilohrnffil-ard Design Revisd Board atrprc\ials as risk be cl l{o LJ_ U_ /J /J /f /J /J l{o /J /J /J- /J lf /J /f REO. /J /J- D D lJ D /J- E fi e site plan? 't 7[ rordation pLarr? 7p e soil tcstZ ZV staneea stuucblal? g- ftcrlr Plans? E xt ererraticns? 7J a, uectranical plan? ]!ES p x erectrical plarr? fl rire proofirg? 1Z sprintoer strcPs? /J ro. alarm stroPs? Fini$ sdredule? /- g>ecifications? 21 o:drler'Z /J 8/3/89 PERI.III ISSNTG Sec.3O3. (a) ltre lxrildirq official uay issue a pemii, fon tlre constnrc+iqr of-prt of hrif-dfug or =ir.t"t:re before the enEi:e plans ard specifications for ttre whole trrildirg or strucn:ure trave been srjtrnitteat or apprrved, ptrrrided adequate inforrnation ard detailed requircd. (2) pfarxrirq,/Zonfuq final apprval frun Acrmurity Darelrynent St f{. ifi Uf reords, agreffirftsr-tit1e l€potts, Ietters of redit, bords, etc. nurst a€csrFan'.1 1zo:r agplication. IIc Yt['R PLNT6 STUT Efi FDLTOWN€ fm,S rnXUO X lFn @, cmms rlng rrc'I EE RtUIIreD. @. lJ D /J D /J lJ /J a{sE[rTrcN strllL twf PRmEED EEI|CND SIE prrtr oF 4ro4r,1 t!6rst include al=DUcnffu I' frIE IINDERSIGIIED, In\,E REN) END Ttr{TERSXN{D. ST@iIZ ['U *** ADDITIONAT PLAN REVIEW REQUTRED BY CHANGES, ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO APPROVED PLANS, A FEE OF $3O.OO PER. HOUR WITH A MINIMI'M CHARCE OF ONE HALF HOUR. tICPIN OF VATIJ 75 S. FROIIAGE R0AD vhIL, GIrRAm 81657 BASED cll SIE 1985 InTIITFU E IIDTIG CDIT ffiTS IS A EEST IRRCK DERTiIT I\FPT;ICNETCT{ pROIKT ID! LIJND ADf,RESS: 443 Beaver Dan Road TY?E OF ONST: P/S OWNER MME| Iloover Investment s @MRACaEIR! ftrd,ln-rrrot o n^o"a-r..aioorJtt" aRSiITECIr: Galen A: Aasland BGn{ER: Nicol-Ilutchinson , PT,AN EODIINR,: rsf,E: 8/3/89 EEG0lIr G$nlr Sec.3O3. (a) fhe hifdiry official nay issle a pelait for the constructi@ of part of fxrildirq or sirip1rr€ before tfre entirce plans ard specificatiors ftr the vhole trritdirg or stJ.usb.lrre have been subnitted or alplp\ted, provided adequate inforlratiqr ad cbtailed statserrts trave beerr fileil ccurplyiif witb aff per+,ircrt rcguir€lertts of tbe code- lDre ho]de( at their c*rr withcut assul'arEe TPPTJETT€TT KrcETI'FG EIE , $txrt PLAN CITffi ITIIL (1) @. lpE /f E A site plan? * lJ E Etnrrdation plan? /J EAsoiltest? /J E stanped structural? /J A/- Eloor plans? lJ E Alr elevations? lJ /J A rrectranical plan? atrpromls as rcquir.ed.- (Z) plannirq/Zonfuq finaf alprornl fim Oom:ni$r Darelcprcnt Stuf{- igi Hf reofiras, agreeuetlt+-title reports, Ietters of ctedit, bod.s, €tc. llnlst aoocnmrrtt 1'o:r atrplication. ID }rctlR PI;ANS SIUY:ME TDETJOWITG? rrrus rauumr x ruu: nmqunmn cn'rnn qans, cmgci uey rwr rg nmrnmo. REQ. lrf, YES /J lJ 7g- Nt electrical PIan? /J /J tJ sjc.'" purofirs? /J lJ 7] sprintoer strqs? /J /J tl- sira alann strcps? /J /J 7J rin:* sdre.Mle? D /J 77- qeciricatiorsa /J /J 1J owerz U /J /J- D lJ D /J altsEErrcN $nfL luf PmcEED EgmD EE Fntr QE IFPR[fieL1 ,qdJst irctude a PUcnffu I, IE IIIIEER TGIIED, NVE EEAD NM} UNIESIAIID. STGfn ,d)4 *** ADDIIIONAL PLAN REVTEW REQUIRED BY CITANGES, ADDITIONS OR REVISIONS TO APPROVED PLANS, A FEE OF $30.00 PER. HoUR WITE A UINI}II'M CHARGE OF ONE nALF llouR. -V*rvnrn(g Lo{r L."s,*\io,,l {o*\\.. d- tu' E$Fb\ q- \S' Ssol'\ .U*"gt d tr*g{ S- 3\: .. :. {}: 3<con-d*s6g. Lo\ \-o<-.r-Lrofu t{"g.U", "H.r tl{s F!4sts 'U^:^ g5 -qH^ d* .+s' ur+q{ *^ rt ,f I-o {. tr' *l-nt -uJ (5lfc'b- t 1rt t6\o d 1r:{ .{33 d IBt's.^*h toSad Goa*g* €q7 fr' pi}ln k #-rffit---1a+ Lea1*yt"bloD LTI 6.:*>?19 1* ?-h4 "f€frl *l* aa rr i*j r1-) oA)< r 333d u,t? il 7 (rt o Town o{ Vai I?5 $. Frontage Rcad Vai I , trol orado 81657(30s) 476*7QO$ FIan review based on the 1988 Uni{orm Br-ri tding Code / SECONDARY RNAD Date: Autqust 18 n 1?89Eontractor: DUDDY - VIELE CUNST.Architect: GALEN ASSLAND Engineer: NICOL HUT0HEN$ON,INC Plans Hxaminer: NORRIS Froject Id: LUND F'RIPIARY Address: 44.1 BEAVER DAFI Occupancy: R3 nl,ll ; R3, l'lt Type of Eonst: V*N,V*N SHEET IDENT]FICATlON I NOTE: NOTE: '*NOTE! NOTE: NOTE: CI]RRECTION REEUIRED Provide attis ventilation t,hat comulic-rs witfr secti.on 3?O5. (c) .l The area separation wall does not comply with 3 hrconstructicrn. -- Section !5O5. (e) 1. "1nd TabIe 4.5-8. This is required to be a t hour agsembly eince itig an occupancy separation. -- Table 5*B & fiec. 5O3. (c ) Frovide a complete {ournclation design for this bt-ti lding basecJ on the soi lE report f or this Eite. Include a tropy o{ the soils report {or the site tc) be butilt on. Fage # I Cade review f or:Project Id.: LUND PRI1"1ARY ./ SECONDARYAddresn! 44'3 HEAVER DAM R0AD Area separati on walL ( party walI ) between Lrni ts is requri red to havetwo l-hr wal I s p*r U. B. C. sec, S(rF. l"loiEture exhautst dr-rctg {rom dryers shal 1 terrninate on the exteriorand slral I br* i*quri pped wi th a bacl,; draf t damper. Per U. M. C" Eec, 1903 Only one tiolicJ {:r.rs.rl hrurninqJ fir.eplacc-, per dwe'lling urnit is allowedper Town of VaiI'mr-rnicipal code Eection 8.28.O30. AII mechanical equipment and or appliances to be installed per.itsU.L, approval Frovi de a window clr door to the exterior from every room uEecJ {orsleeping. -- Sec. 1204. A window must provide a clear crpen area of 5.7 sq.ft. n a clear heightof ?4 irrcheei, ernd a clear width of ?() inchee(minimutm). "-- 6ec. t;04. AlI habitable rooms requtire e>tterior gl.azed openings equal to 107. or more of the floor area. (min ltl sq,ft.) -- Sec. l?OE. {a) All habitable roolnE require an operable exterior opening:; equr:rl fo 57,or rnore of the floor aFea. (min 5 sq.ft.) *- $ec. 1?O5. (a) The minimnm ceilinq in a habitable space ig 7'{eet 5 inches exceptkitchens, hai. ls, and baths may have a ceiling height a{ 7 feet. --Sec. -- 1?O7, (a) Provide a smofrs detector in al 1 areag having access to sleeping' r'oom$. ** 5*c , 131t). ( a ) 4. Frovide a timc:[,:e detector in basement that ig sonnected to an alarmaudible in al. 1 sleeping areas. -- Sec. l?1O,(a)4. Frovide a smoke detsctor on alI {loors that iE conngcted to an alarmaudible in all --'leeping areas, -- Soc. 1210. (a)4, For Pll occLrpancy Faqe # $Esde review {c:r-: F,T{]J ect I d . : LUND FFI I MARY ./ SEtr0NDARYAddressr 44: BEAVEF{ DAM ROAD AREA SEFARATION hJAL.L RE[!UiRE|"IENT$r1) The arcla repar;r'hion wall ie reqr.rired to he a r hr fire asserrnbly,. -- Eiec. srls.(e)1. ?) If the burilding has a projectisn with concealed space at the areaseparati on wal1, thr protection is required on the projection andthe exterior werL L erach side of the area separation walI equal tothe depth o+ the projection.** Sec. EC,F(e)i.3) I{ the aFea sr*paration walL ternrinates at an insicle corner ! see ICLIOarti cL e i n 'Burl I di ng Standards' Sep/Oct 19Bl {or requi remente.4, A 3Ct inch high parapet wa1 I is required above the roo{ing. -.- $ec.5O5. (e).1 .See excepti on,: f or altern.a.L.e protection at roo.f .5) See gection 505. (e) for requirements when an area separati cln wal 1separates buri lclings of di{ferent heights. AUTOI'IATIC SFRINI-ILER SYSTEIYI$I . I STANDPIPE REG:IUIRHMENT$: WALL AND CEILING FINISH: 1) WalL and ceiling finish nraterials are requrired tcr comply withSec. 4?O4. (a) and Table 43-8.?) Carpeting on walls and ceilinq are required to have a Class I {1arne spread raLing. -- Sec. 4tO4. (b) INSULATIT]N hIOTES: 1) AII insutLation matat-ial inclurding {acings arei required to hava a {larme*spread ratirrg o{ t$j or leEE and a ma>limutm smolle density of 45t] urrl esg it is in a concealed space and the {acinq is in contact with a wall nrceiling. -* Sec. 171.5. (c) exc.*?3) Foam plastic ingulations are requrired to be protected. --.Sec. 1713, 6LAZINE RH€IUIRE|"|ENTSr 1) Al 1 glaring in harardours Locationg is reqtrired to be o{ sa-felyglaring materi"rl . -- Sec. 54O6. (d) ADDITIT]NAL RECIUI FIF:MENTSI For R3 occLtpancy fombusti on air {or gas {iread mechanical equi pment is reqnirad per U.l"l. C. sec. 60: & 605. .r Provide mechanical exhaust in lalrndry rooms and any bath ,l toilet rooms which donot provide opelnings to exterior. Access doorg to crawl sFaceg rnay not sxceed 3()" x 3O". Fireplace chase is r-erqurired to have 1-hr {ire rating to terrninati on t cap. Chimney cap tr: bel constrL.rcted with non-c omb Lrstab 1e material , Stairs, Eurardrai ls, "tncl handrails to be per U.B.C.. Garage area M-l: $trurctlrral elementg of garage to have l-'hr congtrurct i on " Fage * 7Code revi"ew f or:Froject Id. r LUND FFINARY / SECONDARYAddrcggI 443 EIEAVER DAM ROAD For Ml occupancyFor Section * ? EX IT FEGIUIREI"IEN]'$:FL NAI,IE OCCUPANT NUMBER EXIT F.ANIC RATED DOOR NOTESLOAD REAUIRED hJIDTH Tft. ] HDWR CORRIDOR ShIING 3 Dwel l ing TOTAL1 DweIlingI Farking Garage TOTALB Dwelling TOTAL No No N/RO I( 1) 0.0( O.?) No No N/F{ 01 5t q.:t .l 0.0 o. I (1. I Cr, I No No N/R No No N,/R6 1( t) ().1( ().?) No No N/R 4l No No N/R 4 I ( 1) 0. I ( C).1) No No N/Ft Door swing is bagsd on fiec. f,304. (b) except as nclted.Bccupant loacJ is based on Table 33-A. Number of exits ig b"rsed on lable 33-.A excerpt as noted.Exit width is basud on Sec. f*{r5. (b), The nurnbers in ( ) are include occupant loading f rorn {loors above this{loor. -- $ec. 33()5. (b) FOOTNOTE$: STAIR NOTE$; A gtairway in a dwelling must bre at least 36 inches wide. *- Sec. 53C,6. (b) The rnaxirnutm ri::e of a step is I incheg and thel minirnum rLrn is ? inches, -- Sec. 3$tl6. (c) exc.*ilProvide a handrail on one gi rJe a stairway 34 to 38 inches above tfre nosing i-fthere ig more than 4 risers. -- Sec. 9906. (j) Frovi de a gr-tard rai L where drop of { i s greater than 3(:, i nches. l'1i ni. rnurn hei ght = '16 inches, mau irnum operri ng sire = 6 inches. -- Sec. 1711". exc ? The minimurm headroom is 6 {t.* B inches. -.- Sec. 33Cr6. tp) Enclosed ltsable Epace under the stairs is requri red to be protec'Led as requri red{or thr fire*registive congtruction. -- Sec. li305. (n) ROOFIN6 RESUIREI"IENTS:1) The roofing on this bttilding is not required to be {ine retarrJarrt. t -- T*rble 3?-A Fage # 6f,sde revi ew {or:Froject Id.: LUND pttlt"tAFrv / SECONDARYAddresg: 445 BEAVEF DAM ROAD ADDITIT]NAL REOUIREI'IENTS: For R3 occLtpancy trombursti on ai r {or gars f i red mechani cal equi pment i s requri rrEd perU.l"l.C. sec. 6O? tr 60. Provide mechanical exhaugt in Laundry roolrs ancl any bath / toilet rocr,ns which dnrrot provide openirrEs t.o exterior. AcceEg clc:ors to crawl Epacersi rnay not excsrsrJ l$(),' ll $fr,,. Fireplace cha*i€ is requtired to have l-hr fire rating to terrnination caP. Chi mney cap to be construrcted with non-combugtabl e material. Stairs, rgr-rardrailsn and handrails to be per U.8.tr.. Earage area M*l: $trurctural elementg o{ garage to have l-hrconstruct i on. Area separati on w;rl L ( p:rrty wal L ) betweesn uni ts i s requi red to havetwo l-hr wa1lg per U.8.tr. sec. SOg. Moi Eturre enhautst riltct:l from dryers shall terrninate on the e;.tteri or and ghaLl be equipped with a back draft damper:. Fer U.l"l.C. r;ec. 1903 Only one solid fuel burning {ireplace per dwelling urnit ir; allowedper Town of Vail mr-rnicipal code section 8.?8.(:r5(-ri Al 1 mechanical oquriprnent and or appliances to be installed per its U. L. appr-aval Providp a window or doolh,o the extarior from every room uged {or sleeping. -- Sec. 12Q4. A window murr;t provide a cl. aar open area o{ 5,7 sq.f t., a clerar heigfrt of ?4 inches, and a clear width of ?0 incheg(minimurm). -- Sec. 1?C,4. All habitable rooffis requir-e exterior glar€d openings equal to l{tZ or L more o{ the {loor area. (nrin lCr sq.{t. ) -- Sec. t3tl5. (a) Al I habitable roorns require an operable exterior openings equral to frY. or more o{ the {loor area, (lnin 5 sq.{t.) -- Sec, 1?O5. (a) The minimum ceiling in a habitable spece is 7 {eat 6 i ncha'si except I kitchens, halls, and batlrs may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. Sec. -- 1?O7. (a) Provide a smol::e detector in alI areag having accErs5 to sleepingrooms. -- Serc. l?10. (a)4. Frovide a smoke detector in basement that is cunnected to an alarm audible in all sleeping are6s. -- Sec. 1210. (a)4. Page # 5 Code rev i eel { or ! Project Id.: LUND FRIMAFTY / SECONDARY AddrCES: 448 ETEAVER DAN ROAD STAiR NOTES; A stairway in a dwelling rnurst be at leargt $6 inches wide. *-- $ec. 3f,06. (b) The naximum rise of a step is I inches and the minimum rLrn is g inches. -- Sec. 3.:fi6, (c) errc"*!1Frovide a handral I on one si cle a gtai rway l!4 to 38 inches above the noeing i{there ig more than 4 rigers. -- Sec. EIO6. (j) Frovide a guard r".ri I where drop off is greater than Sr-r inches. l"li rri mum height = 56 inchesr rnaximurm opening siee = 6 inches. -- Sec. 171f. exc 2The minimLrm headroom is 6 {t.- B inches" --. Sec. 33O&. (p) Encl osed ugabl e $pace under the s{:ai rg i s requi red to ber protected as requri r"erl f or thr { i re*regi sti ve congtrurcti on. -- Sec. $3Cr6. (n } ROEFING REOUIREI'IENTS: 1) The roo{inq orr this burilding is not requri red to be fire retardant, ' t*- Tablea 3?*A AREA 9EPARATION h'ALL RHOUIREMENTS;1) The area separati r:n wall is reqlri red to be a S hr fire assembly. -- Sec. 5t)5. (e) I .l) If the building has a projection with concealed space at thp.rrera *eparation wal1, thr protection is required on the projection and the exterior wall each side of the area separation wall equal to thel depth o{ the pro jecti orr. -* Sec, 5r)5 (e) l. 3) I{ the area separati on w:,rl I termi nales at ari i nsi de corner , see ICBO article in'fiLrilcling Stand.rrds' Sep/Ost 198? for requiremernts.4) A 3l} inch l^righ parape"t walI is required above the roo{ing. --. Sec,5(:,5. (e)5. See exceptiong for al ternate protection at roof3) See gection 5t15, (e) 'f or requi rernentg when an area separati on wall separates buildinge of di{{erent heights. AUTOI"IATiE SFRINI{:LEN SYSTEI"I$: STANDPIFE RIiOUIREI'IENTS: WALL AND CEILINE FINI$H: 1) WaIL and ceiling {inish rnaterials are required to comply with Sec. 4lt)4. (a) and Table 43-8. 3i trarpeting on walls and ceiling are required to have a Cl arss I flame spreacl r'a'L,ing. -- $ec. 4l{14. (b) INSULATION NOTE$r 1) AlI i ngr-rl ati on rnateri aI inclr-tding {acings are requi rsrd tc: have a {I ame-' spread rating of 25 or lesg and a maxirnurrn smollil density of 45O unless it is in a concealed space and the {acing is in contact with a waIl or ceiling. -- Sec. 1713. (c) e>lc.S2 , ?) Foam plastic insurlations are required to be protected. -- Sec. 171?. 6LAZINE REOUIREMENTS: 1) AII glaBing in lrarardours locations is required to be o{ saf taty gl.azing material . -- Sa"c. 54()6. (d) Faqe .l{ 4Code review {or:Project Id.: LUND FRII'|ARy / $ECUNDARYAddressr 443 BEAVER DAM RUAD OTHER ETUILDINE ELET"IENTS Table 17_AELEMENT MATERIAL RATING NOTESInterior Bearing wall Any O hrInterior nonbrg wall Any O hrStructural Frame Any O hrExterior Struct Frame Any 0 hr See {ootnote *11thaft Enclosure Any I hr FI oor /Cei I i ng Asaernh I y Any (l hr See Footnote #9Roof/treiling Assembly Any (, hrStairs Any None NOTEr See Sec. 17A6. (a) {or Shaft Enclosure exceptions. FOOTNOTSS:l) Minimum on exterior side also basecJ on exterior brg. walI requri rements.S, In areag with vehicleg or airplaneli, the floor sutrf ace ghall be o'f ' t noncombustible, nonabsorbent rnaterials. -- Sec. ZO?. (b) l,{ 90?. (b) OCCUFANCY SEFARAI'IOhIsR3-M1 lhr MateriaLs approved for thr congtrltctictn are reqrrired on thegarage side only and 13/8 inch solid core, gel{-closing door. -- Sec. 5O3. (d) ex #5 ADDITICINAL SEPARATIONS FOR R3 OCCUFANCY: FOR Ml OCCUPANCY: For Section S I EXIT RE0UIFHI4ENTS:FL NAI"IE OCCIJPANT NUMBER EXIT PANIC RATED DOOR NPTESLOAD RSGUIRED WIDTH Tft. ] HDWR CORRIDI]R SWING 1 Dwel 1i ngI Farking Earage TOTALE Dwel I ing TgTAL 7 I O.1 No No N/R3 I O.1 No No N/R11 2( 2, O.?( 0.?) No Ns N/R 4 I C). I No No N/R4 t( 1) Cr,t( t).?) No No N/R Door EwinE is baged on $ec. ,l$O4. (b) errcept ag noted. Occupant load is based on Table 3S-A. Number of exits ig baged on Table 33-A except as noted.Exit width is baged on Sec. 3303. (b). FOT]TNOTES: F'age * 3Code review f or I FTOJECt Id.: LUND PRII'IARY / SECONDARYAddress: 44$ BEAVIIR DAPI ROAD 5ECTION +} 3 SEPARATIONDIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE FRfiTECTION NORTH Bt.ri lding EA$T Buildint3 t). (t Feet Cr. rlr Feret 14. fJ [:eet 12, r] FeetSOUTH Pub I i c way 1?3. tl Feet l CrF. 0 Feet[{EST Property L i ne 18.0 Feet 18. (:l FeetArea increased 5.O{r7. {or otren area on ! sides. OCC MAX FLR AREA ALLOWED RA IO STATUSNAI"IEFL 2 Dwelling TOTAL FOR FLOORI DweL l ing RS olr 3$ Unl i mi ttsd ok .33 Un I i mi ted okRS ok ltl40 Unl i rni ted ok I &37 Un I i mi ted ol.r R3 ofr 1t)83 Un I i mi ted ol: l(t8? Unlimited ok 167Cr Unl imited ok I Parki ng Garage f,ll ok 597 Unl i mi ted ok TT]TAL FOR FLEORB DweI I ing TOTAL FOR FLOOR BUILDING TOTAL FOR SECTION # ? EXTERIOF( hJALL FIRE RATINGS AND T]FENIN6 PRT]TECTION Table 17-.4 tu Tabltil 5*A N0RTH EAST S0UTH I^IEST OCC BR6 NON*BRG CIPNCJ FR6 NON_ERG OPNG FRG N{]N-FRG OFNG BRG NON*BR6 OPNE NALL WALL PROT WALL WALL FROT tdALL UJALL PROT NALL h'ALL FROT R3 thr* thr* NOP Ohr Ohr None Ohr {thr None Ohr ()hr None Pll lhr* lhr* NOF' Ohr Ohr None C)hr Cthr None C)frr Ohr None The exterior walls nrny be o{ I:OMBUSTIBLE material. Sec.?2(t1" None -* No {ire protection reqlri rements {or openings. Frot -- Openingr; are t-o be protected with 3./4 hr {ire assermblies. 5Ct7. of the area mf the wal1 maxirnum. Sec,32(t3. (b) & Table 5-A l'larrtmum singl.e wi ndc]w riire is 84 sq.{t with no dimensiongreater than 13 {eet. ** Sec. 45ff6. (h) I NOP -- Opening$ ;xre not permitted in this wall.* -- These wallg may be required to have a parapet wall Stl incheg above the roofing. The parapet wal1 is requrired to have the sarme {ire rating as the wal1. $ee section 17t)?. {or detailg and e}iceptions' []age S ?Code revi e.w f or:Froject Id.: LUND FRIHARY ,/ SECONDARYAddregg: 443 EIEAVER DA},I ROAT) FOR SEtrTION * 1 EXTERIOR !,IALL FIRE RATINGS AND OPENING FROTECTION TabJ.e l7--h N"r, Table 5*A hIORTH EASiT SOUTH hJEEi-rOCC BR6 NON*BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OFNG BRG NON_BRG OFN6 FRG NON_BR6 OFNII WALL hJALL F'ROT WALL WALL FROT NALL t^tALL PRUT tAiALL t^iAt_L. FROTR3 t)hr (lhr lrlone {tfrr C}hr None thr'* lftp* NOF (rhr (:}hr Nonel'11 t)hr Ohr None (lhr ()hr None thr* Ihr{.NBF Ohr Ohr None The exterinr walls may be of COI"IBUSTIBLE rnaterial , $ec.Zl01. None -.- No {ire protection requi rementg {or operrings.Frot -- Epenings are to be protected with 3/4 hr fire asserrrblis3s. 3()7. al the area o{ the wall maxlrnlrm. Sec.ll0.l. (b) fu Tahrle E*A . I Maximltn single rarindow gire ie 84 sq.{t wtth no dinren$iongreater than 13 {eet. -- Sec. 4SC,6. (h) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this walI.* -- These w"rlls may be requrired to have a parapet wall 3(r lnches above the roo{ing. T'he parapet walI is requrired to have the same{ire rating as the w"el 1. $ee section 1709. {or details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING EI-EMENTS Table t7-AELEMENT MATERIAL ftATING NOTESInterior Bearing waIl Any rll hrInterior nonbrg wa1l Any O hrStrutcturral Frame Any O hrExterior Struct Frarne Any rl hr See {oo'Lnote *}1 Floor./Cei I ing Assu"mbly Any Cr hr $ee Footnmte t|9 Roo{./Ceiling Assernbly Any 0 hrStairs Any None FtrSTNOTES:1) Minimltm on exterior gide al:io baged on extprior brg. wall r€.lquirementg.?) In areag with vehiclesi or airplanesl the {loor sur{ace shalI be of noncombutstible, nonabsorbent materials. --- $ec. 7C!2. (b) & 9O?, (b) OCCUPANCY SEF.ARATIONSRS*MI thr l"laterials approved {or thr congtruction are requi red on the I garage Eide crnly and L i/A inch solid corer sel+-cloainE door" -- Sec. 503. (rJ) ex *|3 ADDITIONAI- SEFARATIONS FtrR RS OCCUFANtrY: FOR Ml OCCUFAI.ICY: i DiRHCTION BOUNDARY NBRTH Property lineEAST Frnperty Iine SBUTH Eui lding WHST Froper.ty Iine FL NAME Town o{ Vai I ?5 S, Frontage Road Vailn Colorado 81637(3Cr5) 476-7A0A Pl an analysis based onthe 1988 Uni f or-m Buri I ding Cade NOTE:The cmde itclma Iish.ed in this report are noL. intended to be a completelisting o{ aII possible code requirements in the 1988 UBC. It is a gr-ride totFl ectEd sectione of the code. *-----r&5::}:::!:**==E::==5i:==*i3:==::i=!!*:*====s*:3=iF=g:F====g*!!*=sri=r-i::t=;i3i==g==:ts:! .t SECTION * I Froject ldl LUND FRIlvlAftY ./ SECONDARYAddresg: 443 BEAVEFT DAM ROAD 0ccupancy: F*rl"l1 I RIrlvlI Type o{ Const: V-N'V*N Dater Augurrt 18, 1989Contractor: DUDDY - VIELE CONST.Architect: GALEN ASSI"AND Engineer! NICEL HUTCHENSONT INC FIans Examiner"r N0RRIS FIRE PROTEETION 16. (:) Feet 15 . t) Feet O.0 Feet 53.0 Feet AREA ALLOhIED RAIIO STATUS SEF.ARATIT]N , /.\REA INCREASE 16.0 Feet 15.O Feet 0. rl Feet S5. Ct Feet T]CE I'IAX FLR I Dwel l ing1 Far k i n_q f;iarage TOTAL FOR FLDORB Dwelling TT]TAL FT]R FLOOR BUILDIN6 TtrTAL. RE okMl oi: ?11? Unlimited 64.7 Un I i mi ted 285? Unlimited 133.3 Unl i mi ted 133$ Unl i mi ted 1859 Un I i rni ted okR5 ok ok olr CIH olr oh 'b t -Project Application | ..-^ o^* -,Lrt f Jfl, tf 7f Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and owner, Address and phone: 7l /A,rA,n Lr, , ,l 3 O n - 68q- I @' Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Descriplion: t-ot f , etocx 4 Filing Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: o^t" 7 - ?)--1L- D ISAPPR OVAL Seconded by: -r< Summary:t74 Plt nJn, n.{ , ,[u/, ' nok -l,oAhnn - Slaff Approval TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMI.JNITY DEVELOPMENT SALESACNONFORM 0r 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPLICATION FEES 0l 000G +ix...!jCi"i,i.,. - .atii., ;.ttiiii5S ivl,rl5 0l 0000 424 15 I,'NIFORM PLI,JMBING CODE01000042415 0r 000042415 0l 0000 42415 0l 0000 42415 01000042415 0t 000041548 )GROX COPIES /STI'DIES0r 0m042412 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS01000042371 0t 000041412 01000041330 0r 000041413 I :..*.'+ :-_,e i ,.-? i li I r,l)" !!.'lii,.L r. -l ' i.ii:ii::.":. 1,! i! -i .r:j..-: -,E* rl! i.r-t *-l i:! F t---tr:{ r t._ i{::;,:* I .1 .lnec,t_r:= l_].=::tr r:: ' :t :.- ii ilrri*r-rn i p.riil T' l-E tA l-{ }ri rJ {. r U ,r,-:r l;_ ,_- :::,.:--..-, i ,:r :. i'i..ir:;:,;{i \*u. 1'tr l:-,.= sfufrLFs Hi]EFis- j 'ruFJEE9lEE?'ti'o' rtvlt3d 1*rJ&vrsLv iE3 633 Et'/-3 F'U3 4/?6tet i:.;;l i.; .r' i,,- J:il i ilti - fill^it{ Of' TAi L, tAti; .qF?LICA?:'J:l Ii.ECLl'rif,l : DATF_. SF DIIB HEE.TITiG: rr*r*t*llt - :r"-:- :;!:.t,i ii.aT-L--H iiELL H*g BA ISCSPTS: ..ii* ; :-'''--.-,.'r'..L',iUIF--EF itiF't',iil{F-t-i+F :3 5!jg"s'':?!e}a****ititt ,.'j-i;.-..-,-,"- o.".r..;; :.--1".,-1,' Ljl1-itj€,L.4p,:,+i5 &d; E- !..^.a 11 *,'ii:i,!t' _EEl: it':Li-; n' frr lul2 61991 'fl-|t .'Lt t, . . . .' , i r i.'"T ;t' 4D t, ' : ltl.t ''+'t"'="o-",-_*i- .J %P"l ,rn rEE 1l?*t't,r 'g $ 20,0c ( (A frA E r l,rA n..I r v J . ut i ,rr, /!.'\- .. ',r-!, - , Ll t . . t-l 'ar HI--.,. ;NER'S -cLGNATU$... ' i:l!n',1VV r: \. -r L i;! . r.atil : r : : '.' rt ft, !, a!| -.f rrV!, ,rV rJ ].1 n a ,-r fr !.r t: !i*;1.==1..6tr-;.', { .-:r.,v&+-t&!, 8EST COPY AVA]I.ABLE ,, \1 r:. tf" ti lo.{ r *..r- tl t :i!l tl. design guidetines. The DRB does nor vote onconcept.ual reviews. The property oerner or hisrepresentative shaIl Ue presbnt it tne pne hearing. LIST OF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIP?ION: LOT BLocK {_ suBDrvrsroN 3,u2 t/t/iltb STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT I The following Review Board information lsbefore a final required for submittalapproval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Design COLOR A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffit s Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trirn Hand er Deck RaiIs Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash EncLosures Greenhouses Other B.LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: phone: PLANT I"IATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Ouantitv Size*Us@heslailb h?u'lLb /,t,-2tb'A; Oltokttlt*ru I -t: /0'-/2, 6'-Q, b-u EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees.Indicate height for coniferous Botanical Narne Ouantitv Size* of proposed shrubs.Minimum size of shrubs is trees. PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qalLon. 3#4 -€#L 7-b GROUND COVERS Q.ri) SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL ?vpe Square Footaqe ualr c. - ,,/'ott,W OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimmingpools, etc.) prease. specify. rnoi6at" r,"ig[';-Ji'retainingwalre. Maximum height or wirrs- witnin the front setback is3 feet. Maximum height or warrs-'etsewtreie o"-lir.-propertyis 6 feet. Oo+ to ,( \\b\ t UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION I JoB NAI'{E btrll . kea/,&fla.Q, . rct * BLocK FTLTNG 41*1- ADDRESS The rocation and availability of utiliti.es, whether they be malntrunk 11ne9 or proposed lines, nust be approved and verified bythe following utilities for the acconpanying site plan. ".&.h,frldLfi#,,.ql@aEio\fi)>-- h I -z/ 458-6860 or 949-4530 qbxl\ , public service companv !"+/t{ ' 94 9-5? 81 ,,^h*A 7ps1* *.t,';"[{f' g.a_.y ,l19li :^; WM0{; tloatr -t*... |/w rg-.r*.r'ht'' .; HoIy Cross Eleclric Assoc. rvj;* i:3-;::i, ,"N*;!, Laverry tllu , . .*Heritage Cablevision T.V. r .r...f) 949-5530 Mr. p't pttyy \:ld' ' steffiLaLt sltpsw.yvlw { Upper ea9'1e Valley Water & Sanitation DisLrict '* 47 6-7 480 tcqta4.A/lttuFred HasIeE-', .l l'ro'tE: uryr - il+.4 * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations whenobtaining Upper Eagle Va11ey Water e Sanitation signatures. FirefLow needs must be addressed. . tltoza tilqht*..,b 6'"/-?/ 6-Jr'71 U.S. West/ Communic 1-800-922-198? r"Izolqr These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a streel cut permit fromthe Town of Vail, Department of public Works and toohtain utilitv locations before dioqinq in any publicright-of-way or easement in the fown ot Vail. Abuildinq peimit. is not a street cut permit. a s-treetcut permit must be obtained separatEiy. Thj,s forn is to verify service availabillty andlocation. This should be used in conjunction withpreparing your utility plan and schedutlnginstallations. /1r0 rE \€re ftfta#a ftX Alq Faz Yktt- rt+ea fualr+tvrzG- e I'q td, n t'v+t ttftt '14o1 Eloolu v Jiill*. rI* iq :,e{L|lil+ L"TEr 383 ela =68i7/z SUBDIVISION JOE Nil'{E /r0r .+-------------_-aBLOCK + -- TILINC ,**LADDRESS ?he l0eeeie:r 3S39 FE? tnd ava:rabltiry o:..I:fllri€sr wha!h6r theji be="Fiii.:i:l l::"Fl,rnust be ipploi;Ji and verirre trunk rine .- .'it.Jlil'iil:;r';"il;'iltl;;i.;:lt#I ll:the forJ.o* , j-uli;itiee io"-ifr*.,,i,:complnying stre plan. the f,otr.ou -g uiiif;i;; ii'J=fri.l*'ll!1"ff|;Flll"Ei.l"$rv*iisr6o Eat! {56-6$60 rr iqi}_{:Jf maln by *l:\ "n''rn- ,1Do IlrrF'., l llAi rq. - " tlf I I i ll^ / g4 9*553S + F, -- ,. .- ,- 'l*t, ltt " : . i ','-*p+!*1.-* :: - = -L *1--;. r.lrY ;r. F=:f 1q'* fr*6dg mUS!'* -., o{f,{#r#lrn" ".^r, r/JJ({ / f '\. , -.r't, ' {t 'tf -. 3U-Lh orl a ed -E, eparliJre €,-4-g/ Q-tt'1r ,- t- a -.+-.t - q r ,. r-$1rr FrrrE^r$ 5gn1-'-=-r-i*ir si,,Jf:{t,ur€9. FiEG . tltolh il,qhv4, w{r.t$q f tla*e ''.l*+t ufi1afulBt& u t. "-* tL. I MEMORANDIJM / rt,, r\, L,r/u 1_l Planning and Envimnmental Commission Community Devclopment Departnent May 13, l99l Appeal of a staff interprcuNrion regarding *i* *""og'"1tf,;Le I-una rcsidence, 443 Beaver Dam Roadl.ot 4, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing. Appellant Jay Fetenon TO: FROM: DATE: SIJBIECT: Mr. Lund, the owner of the residence at 443 Beaver Dam Road, has requested to enclose the t5[nO illffirf which lead to the front door of his home. @lease see attached site plan.) At this time, both plltb of the structur€ ar€ Gfed,ffi:ryffit The bridge has approximately 3 foot high walls running along ttre sides, with the rest of the area being open air. The $ret is cunently semi-enclosed with several window openings, approximately 2'x 3', in the watls and an open doonray. The applicant submitted a DRB application to enclose these spaces on December 28,1o9A, therefore thflgru* rpdy.'.A Temporary. Certificate of Occupancy for the structure was issued.tllF*ECflB ryfflJlHq 61 gff*s*ti{tu 6 Staff has made the determination that the proposal to enclose these areas Jffi,G€BEA,"ggp."nfi, ft.rtt,ffi .dl dF:qthF4tH##.,rF. ffirin.o,Ffrr"3t*-r{il ffi {Fffit35'fl'illf'lrkf*.lHlE. All other openings in the turret and the two sides of the bridge would be sealed off. If the prcposed construction is counted as GRFA, as staff has determined, the application cannot be approved wittput a CRFA (density) variance since the existing house has used all the allowable GRFA on the site. The basis for the staff determination is that tlre existing urnet and bridgerlffi liffiEnffidrlt ffi aodcrlifi*. Sfan individuals believes that the current structure dnrutffiilffi0ffiil (the turret and hallway to the garage) andfl,r*Cdjhffi $alnf;llp.''edored."sectionl8.g.l30oftheprcviouscodestatedthat'W rl|i*t+Gtrif dtfr0rfirc$*;r" Even if two of the windows ih the side hall and ihe fiont door to the turet are to be left open, staff believes that enclosing the urrrct and the bridge would create i!S[i6g rdaff l,mp." In addition to the code standards, stamfltfthllllniFrnit drawings to reinforce tfre fact that these spaces nul.ffillFffi. Before the building permit was issued, staff gft wl}frH|af| the locd architect worting on the prcject, and told him these areas must rcmain open. When staff " were written over the openings. .*#$ of the building permit plans with the notes are attached to this memo. Staffbelieves the code language and the notes on the building permit plans ctearly state that these areas must remain open to keep fiom counting as GRFA. We also believe the applicant has alrcady rcceived the same benefits as other prcperty owneru conceming ttre interpretation of enclosed space, as the turret and hallway to fie garage rverc not counted as GRFA. Ttrcy were not counted because the doonrays and windows remained unenclosed or "open air." To now Equest o completely enclose the bridge, and enclose aI but three of the openings in the nmet and hall, is in direct conflict with the previous definition of GRFA and previous staff inerpretations. For these rcasons, staff has denied the applicant's request. them counting as GRFA. Staff ) r B^uEe. DAft4 EoAO F" V t'.. s, \ \z t\ \ \\ \t\'lrN.t\\ lt/ 9-1, '..f . "., .,..-ry' (c- 'ai I t, /*, t. c*li s I r,,l/- )-/,-z..-{4z'-/ /' / ftF!16 F ,"! .n!.a lr'-l \..-+\ l\' I.'. FILT COPT 75 soulh lronl,age roed Yail, colorado 81657 {303) 47}.2138 (303) 47$2139 ofllce of community dwelopment April23, 1991 Mr. Jay Peterson Vail National Bank Building 108 S. Frontage Road West Suite 307 Vail, CO 81657 Re: The Lund Resldence, Lot 4, Block 4, Vall vlllage 3rd Fillng Dear Jay: The planning staff made a site visit to the Lund residence on April 16, 1991 to consider your proposal to enclose the turret and the wallcray leading to the front door. Staff understands that you made the application to enclose this area in 1990 and are using the 1990 (versus 1931) GRFA and site coverage regulations. We understand you believe the former regulations were not as restrictive regarding spaces such as lhese, and that it could be construed that they could be enclosed yet not count as site coverage. We understand this position, however, Section 18.04.130 (in the 1990 regulations) stated that: 'GRFA is defined as he total area within the enclosing walls of a structure . . .' Staff believes that sealing otf all fre open spaces in the turret and walkway constitutes an enclosure, even if you leave two windows and the front door open. Before he buiHng permit was lssued, staff $ras concerned that this issue would arise, and statect specifically to Galen Aasland, the local architect working on the project, that these areas could not be enclosed. The spaces are noted as being 'open air* on the building permit plans. Because statf addressed the situation prior to construction and made it clear that the space musl remaln unenclosed, we cannot support your request to enclose the space. I I' li [&. Jay Pelenson Arlt 23. 1991 Paop 2 I am sura you understand the proceee tor apggdlng shlf InFrpf€tatlons. lf you would like lhe PEC b rsvisw thls decision, plea8€ rfilte a letter eEtlng yanr desire to Sped lhe stafi dedslon. We will schedule thls ltsm br a PEG hearlng es soon as possble after we recelve your htter. Slnerely, oo t dump, the culverts along I-70 would be improved- He stated this was an excellent location for a dump. Jim asked if a filter could be installed later if a need were presented. Muller said it could be packaged with a pump after construction if necessary. He explained that the intent was to ground filter as much of the water as possible, and that was why no impervious barrier was being placed beneath the dump. With the system being designed, Vail would be in the forefront of monitoring the content of their meltwater. Regarding the lease terms, Jim questioned if the length had been determined, and if any automatic renewals had been negotiated. Kristan said Ron Phillips was r€questing a 7 year lease period. Jim also stated he would like to see conditions in the lease avoiding liability if the ground were contaminated. Greg stated those conditions were in the lease. Jim Shearer moved to approve the request to change the Land Use Plan designation of a property generally located west of the Town of Vail Public Works shops from Open Space to Semi-Public Use and a rcquest to rezone the property from Agriculture and Open Space to Public Use District per the staff memo. Ludwig Kurz seconded the motion. The Commission unanimously voted, 4-0, to approve the request. 8. Appeal of a staff decision rcsardine Lund Residence walkway. Lot 4. Block 4. Vail Villaee 3rd Filins/443 Beaver Dam Road. 18 Appellant: Jay Peterson Andy Knudtsen explained that staff reviewed the request to enclose the walkway and turret of the Lund residence, and determined that a GRFA or density variance would be necessary for the request. Because the request was made in 1990, the 1990 site coverage and GRFA policies applied. The basis for staff's decision in this matter was that they interpreted the code to mean that semi-enclosed spaces were not GRFA, but that the current structur€s were already semi-enclosed. Any further enclosure would generate squarc footage under the GRFA policies. They determined that glass walls, in this case, would constitute enclosing walls of a structure, In the building permit plans, staff had specifically "redlined" the plans to indicate the openings must remain "open air." Andy noted that there would be 2 windows and one door left open in the walkway to the garage under the proposal. Kristan Pritz clarified the distinction between the Chester spa and some previous deck enclosures. Staff reviewed this proposal with the question of when space is no longer unenclosed. Theirjudgment was that their past interpretations had been very generous, and in this case, they had been generous to determine the turret was not treated as GRFA in the original building. Jay Peterson, representing the Lunds, stated that staff accurately portrayed what had occurred during the planning and consfruction of the residence. Calen Aasland, the architect for the project, was aware at all times that the spaces were to remain open. The owner did not mind. t9 t He wanted the areas to be open, and non-habitable areas. Since the completion, however, it was found that the wind swirled through the alea, and it was extremely difficult to keep the debris from collecting. The main doors to the home would remain the main doors. When the Lunds came to Mr. Peterson, he reviewed past staff decisions, i.e., the Chester house and the Kravis pool area, and he believed that as long as some area remained open, it would not be considered GRFA. The intent behind other approvals of similar semi-enclosed spaces had been the same, to keep wind and debris out. At this point, Ludwig Kurz disqualified himself due to his association with the builder of the residence. Gena Whitten commented that this was a massive sructure, and the plans specifically called for these spaces to be "open air." She believed enclosing the bridge area would go against the intent of the GRFA ordinance. Jim Shearer agreed that the bridge should not be enclosed, but indicated he had no problems with the turret windows being glass-enclosed. Jay asked for clarification regarding the entry gate to the turret. In the original plans, it showed an iron gate with glass. Jim asked if the top areas would be open above the grate. Jay replied they were not open, to which Jim stated he would feel better if the top were open. 20 Jay reiterated this request was a result of serious debris problems. Two days after the Lunds received the Certificate of Occupancy, the area was filthy. Jim stated that it goes with the terrain - a bridge area has wind problems. Kristan stated she had been the planner on the project. There had been a great deal of changes made to the plans to meet the GRFA allowances. The trouble she had with the request was a lot of effort was made to ensure that the house exactly met the GRFA allowed, Jay responded that it had been originally acceptable because the owners did not know the effect of the wind. Kristan said the Lunds had received the benefit of all the GRFA available on the site. To enclose the walkway was beyond the allowable. Diana Donovan asked if the house, since it was a demo/rebuild, had taken advantags of the 250 ordinance. Jay said that no, 500 sq. ft. had been available, but since it was not used at the time of construction, it was now not available for five years. Jim stated he could support glass windows and l/2 glass front grating, but no glass on the bridge. If the plans had not been redlined early on, he might feel differently. Kristan felt that staff had been generous with the turret arca already. Diana said that it seemed clear the front grate and bridge should remain open, but the turret windows were no problem. l,arry Eskwith, Town Attorney, clarified that the PEC could modify staff's decision. Gena Whitten moved to modify staff's decision regarding the Lund Residence walkway, Lot 2T 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing/443 Beaver Dam Road to allow glass windows in the turet and bridge to the garage only, but no windows in the bridge/walkway and the front grate must remain open. Jim Shearer seconded the motion. The vote was 3-0-1 in favor, with Ludwig Kurz abstaining. 9. Appeal of a staff decision concerning a home occupation pemit. 4594 East Meadow Drive/Sunwood _Condominiums. Appellant: Ned Richard Harlev. M.D. Betsy Rosolack stated that home occupation applications were reviewed by the Community Development Deparrnent. Staff had denied this application for the practice of psychiary, based on code language which indicated clinics were not an allowable use. However, there had been no definition of clinic in the code. Based on Webster's definition of "clinic," staff had concluded the use requested could fall under that definition. Diana Donovan asked if there was any language regarding this concem in the purpose section of the home occupation section. Betsy replied that the home occupation regulations were contained in the supplemental regulations of the zoning code. Kristan indicated the concem with home occupations was that those allowed did not generate a large number of trips. Betsy agreed, and stated that Dr. Harley had agreed to allow only 4 patients per day in his practice. 22 I m.rn Apit .r t:l?ql JAY K. PETERSON TELEPHONE r303) 476{O92 FA,X LI N E r3O3) 479o457 Jey K. PnrnnsoN .trTon EYlr r-Aw SUITE 3O7 VAIL NATIONAL BANK BUILDING IOA gOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST VAIL @I.OBAID 6[657 April 24, l-991 Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town Planner 75 South Frontage Road VaiI , CO 81_657 RE: Lund Residence I-,ot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing Dear Andy: Pursuant to your letter of April 23, 199L regarding the above entitledmatter, I desire to appeal the Staffts decision regarding our proposed nodification to the walk rtray area. Please let me know the date of the Planning Conmission hearing for this matter. Sincerely, FILE COPY hwn 75 south Ironlage road Yail. cdorado 81657 (303) 47$2138 (303) 479'2139 olfice ol community development January L4, l-991 Mr. Jay PetersonVail National Bank BuildingSuite 307 108 S. Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 8l-657 RE: Lot 4, Block 4, Vail village Third Filing Dear Jay: As you and I discussed on the telephone today, staff has determined that the Design Review Application you made to enclosethe turret and bridge at the Lund residence sould constitutegross residential floor area (GRFA). Staff is basing thisdecision on the definition of GRFA in the Zoning Code. Section 18.04.130 states that 'reRFA is defined as the total area withinthe enclosing walls of a structure....,r . Iiie understand that theproposal was to enclose the two sides of the bridge as well asthe windows and the doors in the turret. The only spaces to beIeft open were two windows facing north located on a side hallwayleading to the garage. We believe sealing off atl the open spaces in the turret and walkway eonstitutes an enclosure, I am sure you are aware that you nay appeal this decision to thePlanning and Environmental Conmission. Before doing this, Ithink it would be beneficial to corne in and discuss the issuewith Kristan Pritz and nyself. Please call ne or Kristan withany questions. Sincerely, *&tk-&'o+,Andy lftudtsen Town Planner .,ilt,r.; ',.60m/s N rr'rrrttrs APPr,rcATroN l{rlrJ NoE EE ACCEPIED UNTrL AIJJ rNFoRl.tATroNIS SUBUITTED*|rrr r. PRE-APPI,ICATION ilEETING: A- pre-appllcatlon neeting nlth a plannlng staff uerqher Lsstrongly-suggested to def,ermtne lt any aaaltlonalInfonnatlon Ls needed. No appllcatlo-n wlll be acceoted DA'E lppLrcArroN REcErvEDs D=!4oa*/u"_^)9- t ? ? o DAIE OF DRl.. ?IEETINGS - I approval. without ownerre Sl.gnature. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION ttre zoning qdmlntstfitort. lt the appll.cantrsent wlth the ste staff to flndresponsl.biftty to uake anresponslbltlty to uake an appotntnent wout about addltl.onal aubnltlll recml.rernout about addltlonal aubnlttal requl.renente. please notethat a COUPLETE appll.catl.on nlll streaml.lne the approval Proggs? for your proJect by decreaslng the number- ofcondl.tl.ons of approvit ttraL the DRB roiy stlpulate. ALL,condltlons.of approval rnuet be resolved before a bulldlngpernlt Ls Leaued. Appftcatlon ulll not be proceesed DnB lPDIrIgATtOll B.IDCATION OF Address Legal DeacrLption Lot(QSubdlvlslon C. NA}IE OF APPIJICANT! llaillng Address: D.NAUE OT APPTJICANTIS Halllpg 'l!Block Lf Zonl4g ENTATIVE: ( E.NAME OF OWNERST EIONA'IURE(81r ltalllng Addrees: Phone F. G. Condonlnlurn Approval lf appllcable. Phone 4> L- 00?J IIAITJAf,;tgtr $ o- $ 1orool -$ 5O,OO1 - $15O,O01 - $soorool -S oner $ toroooI 5o,oooI l5orOOOI 50or0oo $1r 000r 000 sl, 0oo r 0o0 TEE $ to.oo $ 25.00 $ 5O.OO $1OO.OO 9200.00 s300.00 II. II,TPORTNIT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBUISSIONS TO THE DRBS A. fn addltlon to neet{ng eubnlttal regulrenenter theappllcant uust stake the slte to lndlcate propertyIlnes and bulldl.ng corners. Treeg that vllI be rernoved must alao be uarked. Thle uork nuEt be conpleted before the DRB vlelts the slte. B. The revlew proceEB for NEW BUILDINGS wltl normally .. lnvol.ve tvo- separate rneettngB of the Deslgn Revlew .:Boardr eo tlra appllcant should plan on at least tt o ueetlnge for a flnal approval. c. Appllcants who fall to appear before the Dealgn Revlew Eoird at thelr gcheduled-neetlns and who have not askedfor a postponeuant ttlll be requlred to be republlshed. D. At tbe dl.ecretlon of the zoning adnl.nlstrator' the followlng lteme nay not have to be preeented to the Deslgn Revlew Board. They, honever, have to be presented to the Plannlng-Departnent for aPprovals !. l{lndows, akyllghte and stnllar extert'or changeB that do not alter the exlstlng Plane of, the bulldlngl and b. Bulldlng addltlons that are not vlewed from any other lot or publlc apace, whlch have had letters eubrnltted froin adjotn-tng property ownera approvtng the addltlonl and/or approval fron the agent for, or Danager of'a condonlnlun assoctatlon. E. you may be regulred to conduct Natural llazard Studles on your propeity (i.e. anow avalanche, rockfall, debrle flow, wetlandsr-etc). You should check nlth a Tonn Planner before proceedlng. \it It Pt, W( FrBkn Prrtg ry fi*pf ttyr,"el a,rdtrynoal-. fr.5.frdnry?4L. tmnw*q Wtrprr,nt Ap. Vri,(. , cD' oltaSV. fynlh krtdca ' P{rr4(. $cw fi" hwWfutarfii+ tnn } Wt dIL frv Wdi"c WnnM bnt tbrtk n ttu tnalh4t yL- hililI.n fo aq,Wr*I h&.Ifrlo n t/10rt *Au;nrrr'4 tD yurfhw+rrtW ufuh I p(ti*fuoufuyra- fk tttt* ttqfrrttt4 1a4-rn"tfut. Thwa^.ry + I+ ufffipt*r,hnntu^7'<t/ l+ drtt/hh*r"t, ' t nnc"b dnnld,+'rc plti,td{r, tL f'xnt{) lW pvlwl4 t^tWl, e^e vW adfrh! b fr" ntfrrdl4 lrful,vfil;fr pu" . Th+x. tu*y fD'b ntwvtq( 40 W'44 at* thi6{}fh utftrrrthttto ltu dtiltrurvi4.'' h Illt't^t h q,r,ifl-a'd,t+1o 0h fTr "& 4fi* daut aa rfr enWn Wq di,n, 0t b ufr?nYtv^f ITw( W let tht . All $lftu& dltw6ihAs (at untlea furn*\ aru tuirvnfq4<duhIW fl^t t4ht"Pna W4 Ix nnizwttl-Lurfhir, fh,/ti4, n 6frt w4 h^iil"f ID htfl^t a? W UlVrrr*1 yzwTx*tria .t cd,u,t. iO /tn" h2 rf nva ttvtOtvftnt lb ntbw fi^tn ID wr,;fi,A ftv Wtltt"Urt+- nA fttfu,r+ w;il I'r( nnuw'ta( tut fin.'" Utafusfu"t'tSlvu tt^re- t wi// lu,n a AShnrp ry,ryn,rril4L. Tlv iltart-pr- ftvan{l flu W q/irhrde tutD lnur*tfu1 /t/rt"t*) . n qWt kqhtry f{h r'h tt444 furL A anr ul u/h,,{A N ./v;& Wuf bc eu.n. di nlv frd fb u,rdt*ti),ht tlq,l4- $ilui| tin,t ir*na*fu a plm o"*p-'f fhiif 'h mr\ lw f0 bL h ru;':r,4l,ulthl t urnq,tat ry tvn lhu4a/N. lorr\e- peab u04ir% ry U,,t^ttU*fL tlt)hrtvrt4 alt,fi eourt Aoh /2r7v1r . t Ao nt ntoWtt ctpq lnru artnf'4 | Thnrrrtn fw qmr hd4, 1q(LnL Waw. Eh u,{A i4'0q{.ha,uLa4trl tuuyntzdn . iJalril tfuae ThL uli4h ahilrtua|lnil Ffnw,ltta, ,ry lhltnln fw rnrur hd4a 1q@L?L hdfiouw. U^/,h urn iL'try,rthatLarrrl turyntzrin . iCa"A tfuax,,' Itr- uli4h Ahilrfuat|wi,lrL h- trw.*t,ttnu flr4" ryM3^T^w": futufiZuL unil h- fyrryruttq l74e 'tt PwFaa ilt'al/ra ran4'hhry al$ru^ Pv p.?tzoy/-'ttt ttaaa ailflvw(wfh ftruAT: Dt'bri)Lta fpon, A.6,LA . u, . /lrl,r. nInI44 b^aL w. h,uat tp!tu O ..:f lnutn ?5 .outh trontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) '179-2100 May ?, 1990 Mr. Richard McGee Duddy-Viele Construction, Inc. 1O0O S. Frontage Road Westvail, co 81657 R8: Lund Residence, I-,ot 4, Vail VillaEe 3rd filing. Dear Richard: On Uay 3, L99O, you and f met to discuss several issues on the Lund residence. Below is a surnmary of the agreenents on each ofthe items: 1. frnprovement Location Certificate: You clarified thatthe mason block wall on the survey nas .7 feet as opposed to 7 feet. 2. Cantilevers on Prirnary Unit: These cantilevers rrere included in the original GRFA calculations. Honever,the architect did not indicate the cantilevers on thesite pJ.an. There is no problem with the cantilevers encroaching into the setbacl<s. 3. GRFA: The change in the Primary unitrs GRFA in the area of the naster bathroorn has been cl-arified. Thecloset was renoved from the naster bath. The bathroonin the hallway adJacent to the master bath has been removed. This space wlll now be used for exercise eguipnent storage. Ehe revised plans are on fite inour office with the building permit plans. t Secondly, you agreed to frane in or fill the crawl space area under the stairs so that the floor toceiling height'does not exceed 5 feet. This work nust be inspected by Dan stanek and nyeelf by June 14, 1990. Please call in to our office for the inspection by ,fune7, 1990. ttris approach rill give me time to schedulethe inspection. Thanlc you for so promptly addresslng these issues. Thanks foryour cooperation. Sincerely, {trh',?,h Kristan PritzDirector Connunity Development Departnent KPlpp cc: Galen Aasland Dan Stanek W May a ' llr?0 Krlstan Pfltz fown of Vailgf,f,lce of comnunltY DeveloPnent 75 $outh Frontage Rd. vall, CO 81657 nE: Lutrd ltesld€nce - r.rot 4, Block 4, Vall village 3rcl flrtng Dear KrlsLirtr: Tlrank you for taking tlnre ouh of },'ouli trusy sclrtrrlrrle to talk wltlt ne yester<lay about ycrul' Collcu*ns ,it t5e above feferellced prOJeCt' A brlef sulnnafy of l-tre lssueg ancl thelr resolutlons ls as follows: l. Cantllevr.r:-s f,t rrArr Llnlt * thtt$e are showtt on the bultdlng perrnit plane, albeit not very cIeaIlI. The bay willdow on the east elde iriJt6"t* int'.o the sefback abtSut 2 feeb, wlrlstt is wlthln Eonltlg code. l, ll.rarlroour aL rrArt Crawl Epace - iflre dirt ln the a{ea in -gUestlonvras ratrtpecl to proJeet framing trternbers' pVC wlLl cornplete fianine-to fc'w|i-tiearlroorn t.-l.ess than 5 feet ln helght. 3. Si.be walls - slta wall hel,glrte wlLl nob exceed 6r per our ql.iscuslslons. 4, GI?.FA -.lJhe changes In frarrrlng ab the melsl'er batlt area of tlte I'Afl u11t <IlrJ rroL cliange the GRFA ca.tculatlone for the house' 5. Galen or Davlcl will upttaLe ther appropr:laLe ex-berlor elevations to ref lecL the acldttlon of, s|one votieer at the chlmtreys ' DVC wllL senct coPlee of samo t:o You. ,l,hank$ asa:ln for your co-operaLlon througlrout thls proJeot'. I look forward Lo worXtnq with you ag:rln ln the futuue' Slncerely, -/) ^ t z.r, -/,'ft"1^4 ( /nVJ/'z- Rlchard C. Mcchee ProJect Manager Rctrt/clg ; 75 soulh tronlage rord Yall. colorado 81657 (3{ts) 4?}2138 (303) 47$2139 offlce of communlty d€velopment April 20, 1990 Mr. Richard [cAee Duddy Viele Construction 1000 S. Frontage RoadVail , CO 81557 RE: Lund Residence, I.ot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Fillng. Dear Richard: As you know, I recently completed a GRFA check for the secondaryunit of the Lund residence. This GRFA check came out exactly asyou had proposed on your building pennit p1ans. I want to thankyou for naking such an effort to follow all the conditions of the GRFA nunbers approved on the building pernit. After reviewing the improvement location certificate froro EagleValley Engineering, it appears that there are several 7r masonry block walls. I nant to emphasis that when you conplete your finished grading work, the wal-l height must not exceed 6!. Ifthe wall heights do exceed 5r then you wilL need to get a variance for this situation. The inprovement certificate also indicates two cantilevered areas on the prinary unit. Please let me know what these cantileveredportions of the building are as the building pernit plans do notindicate these areas. + Thanks again for your eooperation on the GRFA check. I sill also take your advice ln that when the planners need to go out and do GRFA checlcs we will try to respond as soon as possible. If you can give me at least a seven day notice of when you will need the GRFA check on the primary unit I would appreciate it. Sincerely,t) I n \{*"*.r" M:h l\U/ tu\r I llr I lfKristan PritbDirector of Conmunity oevelopnent KPlpp cc: Dan Stanek Joe Norris 75 south frontage rcad vail, colorado 81657 {3{B) 47F2r38 (3cl) 47S2139 January 3/ 1990 Mr. Richard Mccee Duddy-Viele construction P.O. Box 331 Va iI , Colorado 8l-65I olllce ol community development Re: Lund Residence - LoE* Block 4, Vail Village lst Filing ho.ar Pi nhrrd I am requesting that when you ask for a franing inspection from the Town of VaiI that you let me know so tlrat I may review the residence to check the GRFA. As you know, during the perrnitting process, we went through many detail-ed studies on GRFA. fn order to insure that we do not have any problems with GRFA, I would like to review the house during the franing inspection. Please give me at least a week's notice before the inspection so that I can al1ow time to do a walk through of the house. Thanks for your cooperation on this rnatter. I am not trying to create concern however, I do not wish to have any unnecessary GRFA problems with this house. If you have any questions about this recruest please feel free to call me at 479-2138. Sincerely, rr \ n'l Kirfan Yrft Kristan Pritz Senior Pfanner cc/Dan Stanek Gary Murrai-n Galen Aasland Joe Norris Peter Patten Torn Lund T,.- tnwn 75 soulh ftoniage road Yall, colorado 81657 (3rB) 47S2138 (303) 47$.2139 septenber 19, 1989 otlice ol communlty dev€lopment Mr. Richard Uccee Duddy/viele Construction P.O. Box 331Vail, Colorado 8l-658 Re: Lund permit, Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village First Filing Dear Richard, I am asking that you submit the agreernent on the relocation of the server easement for the Lund resident as soon as possible. I would appreciate it if you would respond to my reguest by September 25, L989.If you do not have the agreement at ttris time, I would appreciate awritten letter explaining the status of this issue. ff you have any further guestions, please give me a ring. Good luckwith your construction. Sincerely, r) I n,l1l' I l/ +.t nrffnn f{rff Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP:1r rilt coPY 75 south frontage road oflice ol community development Yeil, colorado 81657 (303) 479,2138 (303) 47S,2139 January 2, L99l- Mr. David williarn Haase 47L7 Grand View DrivePeoria Heights, IL. 61614 RE: Lund Residence 443 Beaver Dan RoadLot 4, Block 4, Vail Vitlage 3rd Filing Sincerely, &,.4 Andy KnudUs Town Planne cc: Don Byers AKl1rd Dear David, Frorn our conversation on December 3L, l-990, r understand that youwill bring the Lund landscape lighting plan back to the Design-Review Board (DRB) in late January or-e-rly February. after 6neprototypical light is installed in a tree. The DRB voted 3-0 onDecember 19, 1990 to table the item until an example of thelighting you described can be viewed and analyzed. Attached to this letter is a DRB application and a schedule ofthe DRB meetings. Pl-ease subrnit a cornplete application. oncesubmitted, I will put the proposal on the agenaa for theappropriate meeting date (see schedule). Ii you have anyquestions about this process, please call me at 1:O:) 47g-2L38. t-- Lot 4,_Block 4, Vail Village 3rd filingSewer Easenent Description Due to construction of the Lund residence on r.ot 4, Brock 4, vailVillage 3rd filingr.it J_s n"c""=ar1, to relocate the existing sewermain. This exiiting nain curreitly ls rocatJd $ t;p;ai;ieasement created in 1967 which cuts aiross the above properiy. The proposed new location of ttre sewer wourd be in a more tylpicaleasement on the above property vhich is 10r nide and forloiri tneNorthern property line. Ypper Fagle valrey sanitation district has requested to' of widthin addition to the above ".="r"nt. This has n"i"==itit"a "-i"q,r"r[to the Town of vail for the creation of an eisenent on theirproperty r-O'! in width forroving the Northern propertt tiG: -ihi; easement on Tov property cornblned vith the -easinenl on privaieproperty would give the required 20' width. q ./\lr\v\\u \ r\ (\ ,/;\\ E"ASEUENT AGREE!{ENT THIS AGREEMENT, nade thls _ day of .Tuly, 19g9, by andbetween TIIE TowN oP vArL (hereGlGr riterrla-f" "" cianior),and vArL WATER AND sANrrATroN DrsrRrcr, a governmentalsubdivlsion of the state of colorado, iher6tnattei referred toas Grantee): WITI{ESSETE: FoR AND rN eoNsrDERATroN of the sum of one Dorlar and othergood and valuabre.consrderatlon paid to Grantor by Grantee, therecelpt of whlch is hereby acknoiledged, Grantor-irereby sei.ls,conveysr and grants unto Grantee an easement and rignt'-or-wiy'oYer, across' through' and under the forrowlng descilbed lan&ssituated Ln Eagle county, cororado, for the ules-ina purposesand upon the terms herel_nafter set forth: An easement for constructlon and rnaintenance of asanitary sener line. sald easement belng 10 feet ln width and.located withln the North one-half of sec[lo. ir-to*nship 5 -s-or1!hr Range 80 west of the sitth prlncipal Merldian, Town ofvqitr Eagle county, colorado as recorded-tn Book 191 at page 421of the Eagle county clerk and Recorderrs offi.e. sald eas6mentls more particularly described as fol1owE: _ Bgginnlng at the Northwesterly Corner of Lot 4, Block4, fai] vilrage Third Filrng, berng ario a poini on the south- :l:t:.11: boundary ll_ne of the above mentlonid recorded p""-"i;thence N. 51 deqrees 4gr1z' w. 10.00 feet; thence N. 3-g degries11'43'r E. 163.53 feet; thence s. 51 d;t;;s-ne;-iZ" e. 10,00feet to the Northeasterly corner of sai6 Lot 4i thence along theNorthwesterly boundary rlne of said Lot 4 and arong theSoutheasterly loundary llne of sald recorded parc-i, S. 3gdegrees 11' d3n w. 163.93 feet to the point 6i hginnfng. Thls easement. and rlght-of-way is for the purpose forgrantlng crantee the right to conitruct, inspelt, naJ.ntain,operate and use and repalr underground pipelines or nalns ofsuch size as requlrgd-by the Graitee, aid-surtab]e service prpesand connections used in conjunctlon Lherewith, for thetransportatl-on of water and sewage under the above descrlbedLands. - Grantor grants to Grantee the right to enter upon the abovedescribed lands for- the purpose of listalfaiio", rilpatr,replacement, rernoval, or- othervrlse. Grantor further grants to Grantee the rrght to use so muchof the adjolning rand of Grantor as sharl be-reas-nabrynecessary to enable workmen and equl-prnent to properly indconveniently construct, repair, or remove said facilLties. Grantee shaLl restore the subJect lands to orlginalconditlons and shall-repalr any dimage to adjoinf.ng land orstructures as a resurt of sald-constiuctronr-marn-enance orrenovaL. Grantee hereby agrees to hold and save Grantor harnress fronany and.all damage.arising from Granteers use of the right,easementr and rlght-of-way herein granted and agrees to-pay anydamages or. damage which nay arise fo the prop.rly, premlses, orrights of the crantor_ lhrough Granteer" oi"r'occipatron andpossession of the rights herein granted. Grantee hereby agrees that ln the event crantee shourd atany time abandon the use of the rlght, ."."..ri] -ind rlght ofway herein- granted that the properf,y herein aeiirrtea shallrevert back to the Grantor. The provLsions hereof shall inure to the benefit of and bindthe successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. rN wrrNEss WHEREOF' the gnrties have executed this agreementon the day and year first above wrl.tten. THE TOWN OF VATIJ By: VAIL WATER AND SANITATTON DTSTRICT By: ATTEST: STATE OF'@LORADO COUN:rY OF EAGLE ) ) ss. I The foregoing was acknowledged before ne thlsiluly, 1989, by IIITNESS ny hand and officl.al sea1. My Comrnlsslon Expiresl STATE OF CICLORAI)o @I'NTY OF EAGIJE The foregolng was acknowledged before me thisJuly, 1989, by ) ) ss. ) day of day of I{ITNESS ny hand and officlal seal. My Commlssion Explres: ease il :'. jS:r.:,;i:';;i ;,'r:;;,,r:',:-i;;.,,,,.il "'-, .,';;;;',';:''li : ,1..,' I ;r 1i1i'"1, excepc for .:ll:::."1. of graes, rrera, sh: li::ilil:i."t such 1e ""cissarv r".-..i"ii"itiii, *r"l ll ii .-^- _ 9r1n.:g hereby asreea to rrora "nj'""ui i..,ii trotrt any and all damage arlslns f?^h ^r--;^^r^ii easemenr, and right -oi-"at-;::;I';;.ii!I'lio""li!"lt.".ni ii o:mpges or damage whlch. nay arise io ttr"-piop.rty, p."rf,ri rlghts of the crantor ttrrough . cian a.";" -"5i l, occupar ion aii possesslon of the rights tuiei' graitud.*--' ll ;f . The provislon: l:":"f shall inure to rhe benefi!i, Dlnd rhe successors and assigns ,i-an.',-"ipllrive partles of and hereto. l1 ir'ti ll t: a ii t' l,l. II{ !fIT:,IESSment crt ihe cjay and ',qiRl9f , the parries have ex€cured rhisyear firs r above written, vi i.L AND DISTRICT STATE OF COLORAUO }couNry oF CIr_,.-,_/ 5 "". The forgt.6t $as aclinowledged before me, 196_, by Colin SteHart this / ,day WfflfSS n,y-E?_na anA-o-ific iat seat. and Joan C. McKenna. My commission expires STATE OF COLORADO )couNTY OF EAGLE ) "'. and of davof (,r fNC VAIL WATER ANID SANITATIbN P TSiFJEiInd 8nd o ffic ia L seal.expLtes !0 aztj( j / /? 7O VAIL j t. y1; . acklowl e-dgqd, be f.oreTme r h ist96a, tty &-cI I l^,-,_- WITNESS my lly corunlssiun -2- ^tnlvtT-E)\' *e.$l ( x--'t /-.-- 1-\4es1/-'; \LEA' ***,/t/ rr atltaatta.l ,tr :)r--t/ 6' comrilhg engineers september 19, 1989 tlr. Richard Mcchee Duddy-Viele Construction, fnc. L000 S. Frontage Road west, Suite 202vai1, Co'lorado 81057 Re: Lund Residence Dear Richard: This is to confirm our telephone conversaEion on Friday, Septenber 15, 1989 regarding foundation construction of the above referenced project. Concrete grade beams at the lowerlevel of the Primary Unit were forned and reinforced accordingto section 7/54 of the structural drawings. To reduce reinforcingsteel congestion at walI corners, it is acceptable to onit cornerbars at four of t,he eight *G bottorn bars in the grade beam. If you have any questions or if weplease do not hesitate to ca11. Very truly yours, NICOL HUTCHINSON, INC.Consulting Engineers can be of further service, r{lccL F{t nrc!-{[Nsotr{, ilNe.# member V,^laP.W:'^",,.- Kimberly /. ,ua"ntnson, p.E. dk 2lt r f189014 '1539 Deorlsfeet boulder, colorodo 8O3O2 (303) 443-1677 ' t':FrUC;- e-€9 TUE 11 392 P-A2>'o o VACATIOT| Ai{D ABAI.IDsNUENI OF EAS'EI{ENT This vacatlon and abandorunent of a utlllty easenent ls nade ztrils //t dzy ot tM eusr -' -EJL bY uPPer lagle vallrY sanltatlon Distrlct, (tbe rrEasenent Usettt) and Hoover Investnenis' Ltd.. a Colorado Llnlted partnershlp (the rfot'nerrr). l{IlEREAs, a certaln easenent agreeuent betneen Colln Stewart, Joan c. ltct(enna and Vall Water and Sanitatlon Dlstrict, nore fully dmcrlbed on Exhlblt nAx attacbed hereto and Lncolporated hereln by reference (the rrEascmenttr), is currently encumberlng a certaLn parcel of, real estate (the ttPropertyr) lore futly deserlbed as followl: Lt il, Bloclc.{, vail Vlltage 3rd f,lling lo'trrn of VaLl, county of EaEIer. Colorado and t{tlERBAg, the easernent alloss tha Easeneht.User the use thereof for the ccnstructlon, nalntenance and reconstnrction of underEround plpcllnes or nalns to provldE setf,ices by the utlllti and' WIIEREA9, the Easenent !.s not presently used lor sucb Cgngtructlon, Uaintenltlc€r end reCOnstlarctlOn of actUal ec:irlCeS and systems, and TIHEREAS, nelttrer the Ot'ner nor the Easenent User realiee any benefl,elal, use 1n allonln9 tlrc easenent to renain; NOtf, THEREFORE, IN CONSIDERITTON OF TE:l{ DOLLARS, the uutual covsnants and pronlses contalned herein and other Eood and valuable conslderatlon the reeclpt and tufflclency of nhlch is hereby aclmowledgecl by the partles heteto.. the Easement user and the owtler covenant and agree as tollovs: ALIG- €'-€9 TUE 1 '5=F - 93 page ttto 1. llhe Easeaent User, on behalf of ltself, l,ts successor and asslgns, by thls Lnstrurnent hereby f,orever abandons' vacates, treleases and termlnates the easecnent and he=ebf Cgnveys all the rlght, tltle, lnterest ln and to the casenent to the ounet. 2.. The Otlner hereby accepts and ratlfles'the vacatl,cn, abandcnuent' releaser tenrinatlon and grant of the eassrent. 3. Ttrls vacatlon shalt be blnding upon and lnure to the. ben€flt of the Easenent Ueer and of the Owner and thelr respectlva auc€easors and gsslEns. EXESIXIED ON IIIIE DATE }}TD TEAR IIRST ASOVE SRITEEN. ,L-,"reugr / | ., tQ 8? , - ' i$oveL g-tleSTaotrs, l:TD 6tt-: {is*^uc- Dev etaiaat- e"hfo'aPtt"r t A-g furu ec^t- l*arxd- , , (A[thorlzad S AUG- a-A9 C13UNTY TIJE 1 'f=P- €4 OF EIGI,E ) ss, ) lhe foregolng lns*nunent nag bef ore ne this by governnental eubdlvlslon of the acknowledged ,- oI day of 6tata ol cclorado. lfltness uy hand and of,flcial, seal. Ity cournlsslon explresl STATE OF COLOP"IDO COUNTY OF TtrGI.E The foregoing /ry A|, ::LLlFlOtt €ot1o.iil*., ) ) ) lnstnunent ras acknovl:dEed da bef,ore ne thLs I te53-, by (,tsrarrra- beg*opmvtt l,;c10can*tffi l{itness by hand and offlcj.al seal. Ity connlssion expires: of . OFFICIAL SEAL V]CKI .L. VANDERHEI I{OTARY PUBUq STATE OF ILLII{OIS w coililsslofi ExPlREs Tllusz.NYtEou* z<- 6rnrr .-99,7 r\' ATTACHUENT l|AN EISE}G:; AGRII!€NT ra-Is ,6REE:.;INT, r$d- rhts Lday of, frc+'l?67, b.1 lnd bci.uecrr COL:$ S?ELI{R1 snd JoAll C, UcIt:fIA (hereln- lflrr refcrled io os G:.ncor), rnd VAIL l{AtER AtD S.{lfi:AlloN DIS?RICT. E tcvern:!.nta1 subdlr'laton rt ihe srare of Coloredo,(hetrlnafttr lcfsrred ia as Gr:rn:ee ); },ITNE5SETii: ICI r'.!it' li: sf:.:r:: r' :;f;i rtt :nC sun 0f QF6 Dollsr a.'rd.:het gcld a:.ti \. ,'i.'.!( (t3'.ti:, peld Bu Grtrugr by C.ro!:rer,ijlt tc(eipi cj r.:.ir;, :.s r.r.r 1 g* ...:or^ i rCged, Grsntot hereby se1:,e , convcys, -rnC t!..nc5 ,Jn!g csrntce e0 eaec!firn! snd llsht.of-flatgv.!r .cr lt, thro$g,hr end under thc fgllgrrlnB dcscrlbcd lradrrl 1616 l:. Erglr County, Colorrdo, fo? tbe E3er rid pu"pote! lnd upon tha tcrt her?l:rrtte! scr forth: A i0 toot Grts.aen! lyln3 ! fce! on .llhcs 31de ofth. llnc descrlbcd ag: Eeglnnlng lt a polnr on lhg' ErstGly llnc of '.ot 4t tloclt 4, vrtl vlll.g. ThtrdItllng, ehlch lt 30.32 lcot Souch?r5t.sly cf th. llgrlheEtc cornrr lhcrco*i thcncc SouthurEt6rly 152.78 frct oo!! or lasr to r polnt lt: the h'cst.rly llnc of rrtd Lot 4, rhlch tE t fsrt Soulhcrrtcrlyof lhc Nsrgh$.st colns! thoreof, rlEuat"d ln lhe Tr:ru sf Vrll, Counry of Eosle and Siltc of GoloHdo; ' And .lrc an aaseaatt l0 fect trl uidth dc6crl5ld rs theE$trriy 10 loar ot Los 4r llock a, Vrll yllt.ao . Thtrc FlllnS. Thlr casenent tnd rlght.of.ua;r ls for thc purp+sc of. 8rantlng 6ranlre t\e llght to conglruct, lnrpec!r m!lnlei,,,opa!r!. tnd ule rid rapslr qndcrground pl?€ltncs or ortni of tsch ttto rs requtrcd blt fhe Crrn!E?, |nd fulBrble rcrvtce glper rnd connccel,ono uEad ln conjunctlon rhcreirlth, for thc rrrn3pgr-trtlo$ cf iragsr :'ns 3c.r6gc unde! che abovg descrlbed lrnds. 6rcnt.'r rtants ..:. G;glllf a tr;. tlch! ro 0itcr upor. !hc r:,..rr dL: Lrilrsi, l".;:cl t.r:. 3hc t..:rr.,. | ..f J:rrgullgt jon, rcD&tf ,rcpirasaen!, lir,rvalt or gthe&rlrc. crtngor lurLirEa Brtrllrr ill Gi;frl 3'r,. thc rlphr ti us€ io nuch of ;lrr rdjotntng lan€ of 6ra:rEos .r sholl 96 lgi5enrbi!I ioccts.ly tE ecsLla $3al(f,cn and cquipn€nt !o plEperlt rni ccn-. vcntcngly ccnaltirc!, "3lrl!, o! rc:rovc tfld f6ctlft:rr. ' GrantBc shrll lerlorc the rubjac! lrndr to orlstrrl '' condtt'oni aod ihrll letrlr any d6t g,. !o rdJclnlng lrnd or lj t: t; I t: il F t. l3:ucSurai a3 s rcsulc of rrld conSBrucclon, mlntenanga cr l,'p1'--;:''zn*F-='F,#xfu"'o*f r8crss..:tscqili6rrilffi r,rf.Tr$rFrs ;t*,itr" il tl tl t. ii ::"fu.i, .:rcegr lor s:il:::r.r of graar, er..r, ctrubr. tf.rtc i[:#:i." t.ch 1r nrcirs*v ior-"oi]t-.uiti;;;-fu$e.il;i li], , ll ' o,,r1"i....,' '\" .. ",,1' fr._-_ ---- gln::? hcrcby rgrcar :o hotd .nit."*.crinroi lreralccr.rron lny rad rl1 drr.rgc rilrlng troa crlii.ri;.";;;-;b.--ffiil; . I j-.llTl.l end rlght-oi-rry-i-:iii ii"r,;;-;r; .B!rc, ro pr, .n,fl qr|r{gct or droa8o rhlch. dy strr Ec ghc arot"rry, preEtlcr; or il lilll: ?f tbe G'rnlrr Bhroith.crrot.ati-oii,-o"cup.eron rndii Poltcetlou cf th. ri,ghtr hcitln ganicd._--'ri-I Th. Dlovlrion. hereo! rlrall touro co Bh€ bcneflt of ridf; b'nd rb: rucctrrorr ana iiiiii:-oi-irriii,,il.lve parlt* brrcro. !: Ix l{lT:{EiS !$EiEOF, !he. pssttcs hevr cxecr:lad Cbls ag=ct-iaent on rhp dsy and yes:. flirr abbve *ritiii. - , ' fhC fcrcaOlng r.,! actlno$lldgcd before !tF'th1, ./ /err actlno$lldgcd bctot? ne'th1r ./ / drv ' , lt6-r'by Coltn Slorjali rnd Jcii-d citonr. C And offlclal rerl - srATt oF C0L0RAD0) couhTr 0F EActE ) ^'' TIturSE]-Tar:d red of f lct r\ .r!.1 . fflclal 3!r 1. ffi rt:r A! cey It |: , (- 1- .r'. i!. ( I Joct C. tr{cl(cnDr VAIT '||/IITR AJ{D SAI{ITATISII DIST?IGr *lit{^inr,,,,^1 AIlEStr L -l',t c I f; fl srAlr or corohruo rji gumt or IL8LJ 1 ts ' Hy coaol,rrt un crqlras Lund ResidenceBuilding Pernit Zone ClreckI.ot 4, Block 4, VaiI Village 3rd lst Floor 1222 GRFA 50 mech. 68.75 storaEe IOTAL GRFA 3300Storage 2OOMech. 50Garage 600 909 GRFA 50 mech. 87.5 storage 18 laundry storage 2nd I'loor 2078 GRFA 833 GRFA 99.57 etoraEe 527 garage 5OO garage 70 garage storage 31.68 garage storage 25 airLock 3rd Floor 295 GRFA 1.3.75 storage GRFA 2037Storage 189Garage 527 /2'574P ' AW z-4+r /t fF oF G4FA ,4eacxnaat frR-- 77€ u-Do P6rMkE 15 -kry'trc6@ /d) Tl-Ja 4&>ts: aZ Mep ueL ,r &&ns /5o;/5( tJ tl/Z X /?-6" = g.?/ €F I @ 5 @ 4@n (NHtr gfuEt*t€IL .tr 4s 7714p t'-o rfuazaq ts o {rl*r #*u /o? fr*r S 6" x 7!6" -? 7?5 /2.67 tertt fZ'nJr;?w lnltn August 7, 75 south lrontage rord ndl, colorado 8165t (30:t) 47$,2138 (303) 479'2139 r-989 offlce ol community development Mr. Richard McGee Duddy Viele ConstructionP. O. Box 331Vail , Colorado 8L658 Re: Lund permit, Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village First Filing Dear Richard, I have revj-ewed the additional inforrnation you submitted on August 3, 1989, concerning the Lund residence. I would like to go over theridge elevations with you and Galen as soon as possible. Some of theridges are already over the 33 foot height limit given the ridgeelevations indicated on the plans. I would also appreciate it if you would indicate the height of the pine trees that will be relocated. Inrespect to the GRFA deductions, I show that you still need to take out l-1 square feet of GRFA storage. At this time, I do not have the landscape plan from David Haase. Thanl< you for addressing all of theother concerns in ny letter. Sincerely, | ).,1 n'l Kfr\*nn YrE-I rr r, \vw I | . , I LKrlstan Pritz Senior Planner KP:1r cc! Galen Aaslund August 3, 1989 Krlstan Pritz Town of vail - office of75 South Frontage RoadVail , CO 8L657 RE: Lund pernit - Lot 4, Dear Kristan: CUDDY-V|ELE COi6TRUCT|OT'1, l.rc. ^t Pl'{rA Ar^0 ;, lqsl Connunity Development Block 4, Vail Vi}lage 3rd filing Thank you for your letter of 7/3L/99. Tlre status of each of theitems is as folLows: 1". GRFA has been reduced by 129.75 SF and pernit plans have beennarked-up and initialed by Galen Aasland to reflec€ these changes. 2. _Enclosed please find two copies of a detaiL showing the sizesand new locations of the relocated trees at the rrest erevation. 3. Wall heights have been narked on the permit plans by GalenAasrand and initialed. rn no case will warl heights exceed e reet. 4. Enclosed please find two copies of North side prinary garageelevation and the east side elevation showing the lcreenlnq lrarrat the snow melt boilers. As the drawings indicate, the wall wlllbg,!t6rr high covered with stucco and will have a stone cap. Therewill be a wood sided gate for access. All uateriats will matchttrose used on ttre rest of the project. 9. -Alf ridge elevations have been marked on the two pernit sets andinitialed by Galen Aasland. 6. Decks that have habitabre space beneath them have been indicatedon the plans and initialed by Galen Aasland. 7. David Haase is marking-up a landscape plan to show the locationof shrubs. 8. See iten 3. 9. Two more surveys for enclosure with the pernit plans were givento you on 8/2/8.9. Per discussions between you, Galen, Gary Morrain and myself, on8/2/89, I have re-applied for a building pernit, using the fasttrac! application. This should allow for naxirnum speed inobtaining an excavation and foundation pernit. General Contractors, Engineers . 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 202 . Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 476-3082 tr)age twoI(ristan Pritz Augiust 3, 1989 ltrank you for your patience and cooperation during thls pernlt pro€ese. I know that this project hae been out-of-the-ordinarlt In nany ways and has demanded epecLal attention fron you and otherE on tbe torn staff. If you have any guestions or ne€d any nore infornation, Blease do not heEitate to call ne. Richard C. llcGhee Proj ect Su5rerintendent Rclr/cIg Ge: Galen Aasland lfony BerryJin Viele luwn 75 south lrontage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) 479'2138 (3rxtl 47$2139 July 31, 1989 otfice of communlty developmenl I'lr. Richard McGeeDuddy-Viele ConstructionP.O. Box 331_Vail, Colorado 81658 RE: Lund Permit Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village l"st Filing Dear Richard, I have reviewed the building permit plans subnitted on JuIy 2gf1989. Below is a list of the additional information that isnecessary in order to release the permit: 1. The project is 127 square feet over G.R.F.A. The t27square feet will need to be deducted from the project. 2. A landscape detail that indicates where the relocated treeswill be planted along the west elevation must besubnitted 3. All wal} heights shal1 be indicated on the plans. 4. The snow nelt/boiler area should be shown on yourelevations. a 5. AII ridge elevations with lowest existing grade and lowestfinished grade rnust be indicated on the site ptan. 6. Decks that have habitable space beneath thern should beindicated on the site plan. 7. The landscape plan shoul.d clearly indicate where shrubs arelocated. t 8. lfall heights for deck areas shall not exceed 6 feet. This6 foot rule also applies to any other walls for theproject. 9. Please subnit two more suriveya for the proJect to encloselllth the building permit plans. As soon as this infomation is subnitted, I wLll finish thereview on your project. Sincerely, .r\ Arv-.1 ,l l.\-h\Ffffr\KR Kristan Pritz Senior Planner cclcalen Aaslund,fay Peterson Q,Z.ed- Gfr* aez-z:p* - "\@ r'totq eH6T "/4?-/- oF l" d&€ /d S' -t /5-?? o @ e+ L&)*EY F3' /rE i&44€ @ Eaavc1d? tsrftrpS t1*4tz Kt *T 4 4t'tr7-+ *.34rrsa*<cc) . .*@ 4eo Ms ,r'b'ster fl(,6 ro ffi(heuK 25.oo _ DV,@ lfoo{ "8" 444 2@( u6f d&/- t{ /' pr "D-5.J ;4,@ ftee F?wut @( ur'+Lt.(tu) u/zxe /o*eil2 * tL -- 6.? ,.., 7ffiz- -+Hq{&al. ?? ''' 6+aJtu( 4r/re ,'! t n,rYr.:::;,6ffif-LLtr.rL t,.-''" t *t'ffi$f\h*?0",r ,.os sn,i\ '*ilR*"*o#d+Fcp .t..1 frrfuflSFR, R, R P/S ZONE,,..* FSItrF ry dta}ADORESs: 0r,,lNER ARCHITECT ZONE DI PROPOSED LOT SIZE USE Hei ght TOtAl GRFA Primary GRFA SecondarY GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear l,later Course Site Coverage LandscaPi ng Fence/Retaining'dall Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage Mechani ca i Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat Drive: SloPe Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Al'lowed (30)(33) Pro oo s ed GA6o,tq fl,y- 5Q/-. F,h.'-- J4( . f,r, Szc- Ptr^-[.2( o-o Slope Actual Aval arrche Flood P'lain Slope Wetl ands Geo'logi c Phone pL.Jl3l^ 20' 1qr 15' (30)(so) L360 (300)(600) (eoo)(lzoo) (s0) (100 ) (2s)(so) (2oo)(4oo) Hazards Comments: Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: - )Eatt 5lqnature o $ru'9-^q I *'ffi .'4?F J*.1 ffir tx,S? : 60D 6 F 8ls -S9 6wqO stuKtl+ (n')##)o 6d^ew_et a^ft4 g#a 6ffn l3,ls *ad6t- flarw,p WJw aoD 'D Hfi+-ffie8? |n{egltt'6,r,Mcp W-rr+il . zt g*,ytr^ {sore fh}Nto$- Kecr*,rt^ ee4 oF 7W 7h)s &tt/e.q{ SeT frofo*;o Ldto 4aroe,are.frfoua1 +/ze/n fre n€ Co^.h4/^/: / €6f * eflto H4*.6 €?EU44%4S / ,6T oF 4rfu*;z;e*- Moi.+\S(n*r- r+<tentxd) / 1er or Dt4UrO mr6 Penaet caruu)g fc*il5 / 46T Gaau 44?Ho ,4&cnraznle*uoP*tl.ihs - @ - p,+r€D 6/r/r? # Peau-- (n'z o*tED t/rr/o) ,Iu1y 12, 1989 Ms. Kristan Pritz Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVai1, Colorado 81657 Dear Kristan: This is to confirm our concurrence with the latestset of plans on the Lund residence adjacent to our property. We have discussed our only two concerns as in-dicated in the attached letter and received Mr. Lund's assurance that these concerns will be addressed. If you need any additional information from us,please feel free to contact us. P.David $. nansburg L,. Ransburg DRR: kem cc: T. LundA. Abplanalp, Jr. @ o IIJSTOMER DEVI;LOPMENT IOFIFORATION :14(tt !r, dltr,rtut tra.Ti1. lL 6rEti 309/6tj6. !!jtlf) Ilnrrnss C, l.rrrd P.qFi.ltrrL . July 11, 1989 David Raneburg ?08 E, Hanover PlacePeoria, Il,, 6f61,4 Dear David I Thls not-e is to document gur convergatlon this morning. Ite agre6to do the following two things. ' (1) tJe will make gure that the stucco on our home wLll notbe the same color ag the atucco an yours. (2) we wLll larrdscape ao as to provide adequate prJ.vaey b€tw€en our homeg. Sincerely youtrs, Hoover Investfients, Ltd.Byr Cuetomer Development Corporatlon, General Partner 4h**J' Thomas C.Irund/ Prosident TCL{ arc Prolect Application Date - project N!me: ltN0 i,t;l i i,t t t "t ( t:i ,i,ti't Project Descript,on, ;i i , ;: ; , contact Person and pnon" F'i \"t/fti \\\t ({! Owner, Address and Phone: Architocl, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot arocr Ll , ritins Commenls: Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL E statt Approval DAVID WILLIAM HAASE ASSOCIATES 47'tTGRANDV|EW DR|VE pEOBtA HEtcHTS, tLLtNO|S61614 (300)68&4466 ---@,,JUl" -.\ Yr S,r4*3*,,.4"gV,ta \lil, Gh-"d. drcotY llil-*i;h.-QS- '-R*-; €,"Ot?o;,6-"-- h /-^ o'71'J' / ry$. G'-\G;v6-L-- -E*,r i /* G4, o,on." (\v)nrJ; J' ,-*, - AffiJ . 5,n- r""#a^.r51 L,ouo*;,-9^ L,1-. fi4 rup. *n*J-!' Ce+ "il-TLe:'"^,-Pnn^$-t^ 44M rffi#@LL W?p/J r, , *4 9*:fo;-'il-J,; ;e^U, ; M"t - \4,A ",Di"- ),y#eyW^ '/^7*7 & June 15, 1989 .,"b, Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road !ilestVail, Colorado 81657 Re: Lot 4, ts1ock 4r Beaver Dam Road Gentlemen: First National Bank of Vail Irrevocable Letter of Credit Number 126, dated October 1.4, 1988 and issued in yourfavor for the account of Duddy-Viele Construction, Inc.,is hereby ammencled to expire on August 15, 1989 or uponthe issuance of a Foundation Permit by the Town of Vail. AII other terms and conditi-ons of Fi-rst National Bank ofVail lrrevocable Letter #126 remain unchanged. Sincerely, --rrur*Qv4,' -/ ""'.r"" 4r'. President FIRST NATIONALBANK OFVAIL 21 11 Nonh Frontage Road, IV. Vail, Colorado 81657 303 / 4767500 Letter of Credit # 126 Anount: $3,000.00Expiration: August 1-5, 1989 (as ammended ) Membcr F.D.t.C. June 2, 1989 Kristin Pritz Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Roadvail, co 8L657 RE: Lund residenceLot 4, Block 4, third filing Vail Village Dear Kristin: Per our phone conversation today, this letter will serve to confirnthat the roofing rnaterial on the above referenced project will be #1 heavy cedar shakes, end-dipped in paint. The finished product will be sirnilar in every respect to the Ransburg house located next door. Thank you, U{L-lCraig Bruntz l/Chief Estimator CB/cLg General Contractors, Engineers o 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 202 . Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 476-3082 75 3outh lrontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-2138 (3G!) 479213e April 11, L989 otfice of community development Mr. David Haase 47L7 Grand View DrivePeoria, IL 616L4 RE: Lund Residence, Lot 4, Block 4, VaiI Village 3rd Design Review Board Approval of Minor Change to Approved Plans, March 29, 1989 Dear David: on March 29, L989, the Design Review Board approved a minor change to your elevations for the Lund Residence. The prinary change was to substitute stucco for iock on many of the exteriorelevations. A condition of the Design Review Board approval wasthat you talk to the Ransbergs about the change and rnake surethey have no problen with the stucco. I an asking that you subnit a letter documenting your discussion with the Ransbergsbefore a building pennit is released. In additlon. the Design Review Board asked that you return to then to allow for review of your final roof materiaL. Pleaselet rne know at least ten days in advance of the Design Review Board neeting date, so that I nay publish the request jn theVail Trail. If you have any other questions, please feel free to give me acall. Thank you for your attention to this matterl Sincerely, \/. I n.\.Y --a:Lr ^ l, #l l\1\l ut\ Yn +Kristan Pritz Senior Planner KP: kccc: CraLg Bruntz Duddy-Viele Construction Project Application Proiect Name: : Proiect Description: Contact Person and owner, Address and phone: "1tlhi 4 C \f"U^X Li i lt lD Architect, Address and Phone: I-Yzt.rt lt ztt,..1{-r-a_..t i tA tt /^t/. t+- Design Review Board APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Planner E statt Approval luttn 75 south trontagc road Y.ll. colorrdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 February 3, L989 l{r. David Haase 371-7 Grand View DrivePeoria Heights, Illinois 61614 Reference: otflce of communlly deYclopmenl Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing,'Lundprimary-secondary residence. Dear David, On February l-st, l-989 the Design Review Board approved the Lundproject with the following conditions: 1) . Public Works must approve the project. 2, All existing trees within the excavation area shall berelocated to the western property line in the area ofconcern as indicated on the site plan. The treesshall be relocated prior to the release of thetemporary certificate of occupancy. 3) You need to subrnit information on your roof materialto the Design Review Board for their final approval.At this time, the roof material is not approved, tneDesign Revi-ew Board had no problem with tle color ofthe slate roof material , but was concerned about thestrength of the product. 4) PLease subnit a cross-section for the crawl_ space onthe second floor of the prinrary and secondary units.This area is located generally over the prinlry unitrsrnain living room. f would like to ensure that thehead height in this area meets our standards for crawlspace and is not accessed by a full height door. If you have any furthercall at (303) 479-2t3a.sprlng. Sincerely, r)l nl {r,th\W*?- Kristan'Pritz' Senior Planner l.lr. David Hasse 213/89 - Page 2 guestions please feel free to gLve me a Good luck with your constnrction this KP: srn Project Application Proiect Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: I Legal Description: Lot \ , Block i\ Zone Com ments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Summary: Date: Town Planner E statt Approval t lown l 75 soulh frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 ofllce ol communlty deYelopment January 24, 1989 Mr. David Haase 37L? crand View Drive Peoria Heights, Illinois 6161-4 RE: Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Filing, Lund Prinary/ Secondary Residence Dear David, I have reviewed the plans for the Lund project and am requesting that you subrnit the iollowing information by JanuarY 30, l-989: L. Indicate on the floor plans which fireplaces are gas and which are wood burning. 2.onthePrirnaryunit,secondfloorplan,indicatethe area that is open to the first floor. 3. Provide infornation on the easement across the Ransberg property. 4. Subrnit catalog sheets on the lighting, pavers, and wrought iron work for the Project. 5. Draw in the chirnney on the front south elevation' 6. Submit a revised west el-evation to show the primary unit. 7. on the east elevation for the secondary unit, indicate the north end (east side) of the unit. 8. Provide an elevation of the south front lower portion of the PrimarY unit. llfll :\ UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SUBDIVISION V"il V111"e" JOB Nffi L".d R"sid"oc" LOT 4 BLOCK 4 FILING 3rd SDRESS 443 B"*.t n* Ro"d . The location of utlllties, whether they be maLn truok lines or proposed 1lnes,uust be approved and verlfied by the followlng ut{litfes for the accompanyLngrite plan, Date Mountaln Bell 468-6500et q{sss rn SLope s Co. Publlc Servlce Company 949-5781 Gary Hall Holy Cross Electlrc Aesqc . 949-s892 Ted llusky/Mlchael Laverty llerltage Cablevlelon T.V. 949-5530 +:f.lc&gn Upper Eagle Valley l{ater & Sanltatlon Distrlct 47 6-7 480 Fred HasLee /.-2/7 - a/ cn*L Authorized Slgnature r80 /'4-#% r2hb7 NOIE !' These verlficaclons do not relleve the contractor of hls responslblllEyto obcaln a street cut permlt frou the Town of Vall, Departnint of pubtlc I,Iorks and to obtaln utlLlty locatlons before dlgging in any public right-of-way or easement ln the Town of Vall. A bull-dlng permit Is not a sireetcut permit. A street cut permit nust be obta@ Th{s forn Ls t. verlfy eervice avallability and locatlon. This ehould bc used Ln conJunctlon with preparing your utlltty plan and schcdullng Lnstallatlons. *(Please brlng a slte plan when obtaintng Upper Eagle Valley WaEer& Sanitatlon stgnatures) a ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: LEGAL D ADDRESS: Ot,JNER ARCHITECT ZONE DI PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Tota] GRFA Primary GRFA tb1+___{__ Bl ock__1_ Fl i ns Al I owed (30)(33) .J Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear l.later Course Mechani ca'l Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat -t"'' Drive: SIope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : Corments: h4Lel36 201 15' L5' (30)(50) Site coverar.GO)43rn Landscapi ng Fence/Retai ni.ng hlal I Heights Parki ng Credi ts: Garage ,Fr{*rt (3oo) (600) (eoo) ( 12oo) (s0) ( 100) (25) (50) (2oo) (4oo) 5E(. c00 Jb o "ldD 6u) ,ln__ o 400_ Slope Actual Aval anche Flood PIain Sl ope l,letl ands U. Geologic Hazards Zoning; Approved/Disapproved fo: Larry Askwith From: Kristan Pritz Subject: Lund Primary/Secondary Residences on Lot 4, Block 4,Vail Village 3rd Date:January l-9, 1-989 Peter told ne that you would like to be informed of any projectsthat are involving attorneys. This property (previously calledthe Raspberry House) is being redeveloped as a prinary/secondaryproject. The owners reguested to separate the prinary unit'sgarage fron the unit due to site constraints. The request was reviel'red by the DRB on a conceptual basis at their January 18, 1989 neeting. Art Apblanalp represented the adjacent property ohrners, the Ransbergs. Art stated that the Ransbergs did not likethe site plan and felt that the Lunds couLd move the structuresfurther to the south to lessen the inpacts on their views. The DRB told Art that it was not their riqht to dictate the locationof a house due to view impacts on adjacent properties. The DRB approved conceptually the garage separation due to the existingtrees and slope on the site. Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot l,|-l Block rl Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL Town Planner I E statt Approval o APPLICATION,DATE:r/16/8e DATE OF DRB MEETII,IG: DRB APPLICATION 2/r l8e *****THIS APPLICATION r,lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBMITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-applicatjon meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional information js needed. No application will be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the appl'icant's responsibi'lity to make an appointrnent with the staff to find out about addjtional submittal requirements. Please note that a CoMPLETE app]ica- tion will streamljne the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may st'ipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is jssued. A. PR0JECT DESCRIPTION: New Prlmary - Secondary Residence for Mr. & Mrs. Tom Lund. B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address 443 Beaver Dam Road. Vail . Colorado 81657 D. Legal Description Lot Bl ock Filing 3 Zoni ng Primary Secondary Residential C. NAME 0F APPLICANT: Mr. rom Lund 8600 N. Indusrrial Dr. Address c/o Hoover Investnent T.rd Peoria. ILL 51515 NAME 0F APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: David Haase te1 ephone 309-6q6- 1900 Address 4717 Grandview Dr., Peorla Heighrs, ILL 6L614 telephone 309-6g8-4466 E. NAME Si gna Address See Above tei ephone F.be paid at the tjme a building permit is requested. FEE IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In addition to meetjng submittal requirements, the appjicant must stake the site to indicate property lines and bu'i lding corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The revjew process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. Peop'le who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republ i shed. DRB FEE: The fee will VALUATION $ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $300.00 $ 0-$ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,5oo,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1'000,000 ,. 4. The following items no longer have to be presented to the Design_Review Board. fniy, howevei, have to be [resented to the Zoning Administrator for approval: a. llindows, skylights'and simi'lar exterior changes that do not alter the existing p'lane of the buildjng; and b. Bui'lding addjtions that are not viewed tlory lny other lot or public space' which hive had letters submitted frorn adJoinlng property owners approving the addjtion; and/or approval from the agent for, or manager of a condominium association. 5. You may be required to conduct Natural Hazard Studies on your property. You should check with a Town Planner before proceeding. t PLANT I'IATERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS SOD Botanical Name Conunon Name Pot ent illa Red Doswood Spirea Mughop ine De rewals None TvPe Si ze 75 5 Gal. 50 50 5 Ga1. 5 Gal. 80 500 5 Gal. 5 car. UU,( Square Footage I00 Yds. 6,000 sF SEED Native Seed Mix 12,000 sF 18,ooo sFTYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSiON CONTROL Natural boulder stream bed with liner C. OTHERILANDSCAPE FEATURES erfal (retaining walls,fences, swimming poo1s, etc.) please specify. s and stream bed wanderlng down grade ,with numerous outcroppings of rock for rraterfalls. ''t LIST OF MATERIALS STREET ADDRESS. 443 Beaver Dan Road DESCRIPTION OF PR i New Primarv - Secondary Resl,dence NAME 0F PROJECT: Lund Residence LEGAL DESCRIPTI0N :--[0 The fol'lowing information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR Roof Si di ng Other l,lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts t,Ji ndows l,lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rai'ls Fl ues Fl ash'ings Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther Supra Slate Vermont Croen cedar olvngic 9od Stucco CM]F,23 Cream /Rurf S tone Col oradn l Rrr ff cedar olynpi c eod Cedar Olympic aO6 Clad - Custom Color petlF llc2?l Leoar O1 rrnl i c QO6 Clad - Custom Color Pe'l ]e llG2?l cedar oly.fi. 9o6 Wrot Iron & Stone verdi T?.'n Clay Tile SE one N/A N/A B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Spruce Aspen Wilton Juniper Koster Spruce EXISTING TREES BE REMOVED T0 None Common Name Quani ty Si ze* )q Rt - l5t David l{aase 309-688-4466 50 20 5 j4l' - 4" clump -^L@-4 a-n-tAe site--t' - n&tDd<ts+'I*,L+T r\L:c.d] -|o M for conifers. (over) 12l *Indicate caliper for deciducious trees. Indicate height & 8F'aiY"NALBANK Zl11 North Frontage Road, W. Vail, Colorado 81657 303 i 47G7504 October 14, 1988 Town of Vail Building Department 75 South Frontage Road West Va.i-l, Colorado 81657 Attention: Kristin PritzRe: Lot 4, Block 4, Beaver Dam Road Gentlemen: Vle hereby issue our Irrevocable Letter of Credit, in your favor, for the account of Duddy-Viele Construction, Inc. 'l-000 South Frontage Road lfest, Vai1, Colorado to an aggre- tate amount of Three Thousand Dollars ($3r000.00), avail- able by your draft, at sight, drawn on First National Bank of VaiI , 2II7 North Frontage Road West, Vail, Colorado, 81557, and accompanied by the following documentation. 1. A statement signed by an official of the Town of Vail Building Department to the effect that Tom Lundr owner, and Duddy- Viele Construction Company have failed to grade soils to original contours, seed and mulch Lot 4, Block 4, Beaver Dam Road in the Town of Vail in accordance with the permit issued for the subject sight' cit- ing the specific deviation from Town of Vail Building Department requirements. This Letter of Credit will expire on June L5' 1989. We hereby agree with drawersl endorsers and bonafide holders of drafts drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Letter of Credit that such drafts will be duly honored upon presenLation to First National Bank of Vail prior to the expiration date. Sincerely, Letter of Credit # 726 Amount: $3r000.00Expiration: June 15, 1989 J. Barclay President 'JBB/1s \,1emb,e. FD.I.C 1ue fusroME- Gil DEVEL''MENT foRpoRATlDN aaoor,vartorre: peoria,rL6161s sos/686-1eoo October 13, 1988 Kristin PritzBuilding Depantment Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Rd.vail, co 81657 Dear l{s. Pritz I Hoover rnvestments, Ltd. has acguired property identified in theattached title policy as condominiun ltnils 1 and 2 Beaver Damcondominiuns. rt is our intention to demolish the exisitng unitsand construct a_priT.ry and secondary residence on the piopertyshich wilr comply with the primary and secondary zoning coael roithis area. Sincerely, By: Customer Development Corpor ion General Thomas C. Lund, cc: Craig Bruntz, Duddy-Viele Construction a I West Iloover Investments, clJoDv-vr€LE conFTRUcTrol. hlc. October 5, 1988 Mr. Gary Murrain Toun of VaiI Building Department 70 S. Frontage RoadVail, Colorado 81657 Dear Gary: Duddy-Viele has been contracted by the new owner of lot 4, Block4, vail Village Third Filing on Beaver Dam Road to denolistr ttreexisting structure and construct the foundation this falI . Construction is to resume in April of 1989. DVC, Inc. will repair any site damage and replace with vegetationif the project is delayed beyond July 4, L989. Sincerely, -VIELE CONSTRUSTTON, INC. James L. Viele President JLvldi cc: Ton Lund David Haase Mike Witlis Craig Bruntz General Contractors, Engineers . 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 202 . Vail, Colorado 81657 . (303) 476-3082 Form tOl92-22-3758 T\I'+I\O ?5'tfi$ PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF GOTOFADO GAS AITD ETECTRIC LOCATION SKETCH RTL NO. DATE Of RTL- OF LOCATIONADDRESS LOCATION AREA OR REOUESTED BY COMMITMENT DIVISION TIME TIME DISPATCHED TIME COMPLETED .' / '' ; , PROTECTION OF UNDERGROUND FACILITIES FROM DAMAGE BEFORE YOU DIG REOUIRES 48 HOUR NOTICE STATE LAW CBS 1973,9-1.5-101 (SENATE BILL NO. 172-1981) requires EVERYONE planning to dig in or near a PUBLIC ROAD, STREET, ALLEY, RIGHT-OF-WAY, or UTILITY EASEMENT to notify the utility owners of your intent 48 HOURS BEFORE YOU DIG - TWO (2) WORKING DAYS. CALL: 1 -W -922- 1*7. This sketch is approximate. The stakes, or paint marks denote the Locator's best estimated location of underground utility facilities. DIG VERY CAREFULLY . PROTECT UNDERGROUND UTILITY, CABLES, PIPES, WIRES, AND OTHER EOUIPMENT. HowMarked: fl Stakes E Paint LOCATOR INDICATE NORTH 18 ITTICHES EITHER SIDE OF THE STAKE OR PAINT MARK IS CONSIDERED A GORREGT TOCATION COMMENTS ;\ilI a/tt > !i.,/{i\ .r -. . :' t t ,tHtTF _ Fr Ealnaq htqTatat tTtnr\r Et\tn nEDy vEr I arl/t, ar rcY.llrrcc PINK I N(]ATOR LOCATOR'S SIGNATURE DATE Signature of person contacted .- 3,ll Heritage Cablevision P.O. Box 439 0140 Metcalf Road Avon, Colorado 81620 (303) e49-ss3j LINE LOCATION REQUEST HERITAGE CABLEVISION REQUESTED BY' DATE: TIME:LOCATION SCIIEDULED hIHO IS DIGGING:DATE: {\TIME: /o:q S ASSIGNED TO: LOCATlON NOTES OR DIAGRAM COMPLETED BY:DATE: :.TTMF. )^'tr\ Ic is Heritage Cablevisionts responsibility to locate its cable television underground facilities within eighteen inches horlzontally from the exterior sides of the facilitj.es upon request accourding to SECTIoN I Title 9, Colorado Revised Statues 1973' as amended. Heritage Cablevision does not guarantee the depth of its undergound facilities. If a cable is danaged or cut the contractor rnay be responsible for a pedesEal to pedestal rep lacement. ALL EXCAVATION WITI{IN 18" of UTILITIS$ SHALL BE DONE BY HAND. A1l locates are va_lid ^for (8 hours only after locaEion.1,.. i) nli/*J.'W4 io '\ ;' NAME DATE t.lt. r39 DIS-T if88 tt.l'gt MOUNTAIN BELL CABLE LOCATION AGREEiIENT EXCHANGE LOG NO. D^re/Q - / 5 - *Za I coMMrrMENTrfME //'c ,l rMEDrspArslaps /o . 3a TIME coMPLerco L-,--?'/'/", /3-.,"f D^r{\ADDRESS V ,7 ) LocArfNGFoR:NAMEoFcoMpANy fl"d/t . / i ( /u PHoNE no. Q€-r?o /ADDRESS Locatlon to be sketched or described in space below. Indicale paint or stakes and number thereof. INDICATE NORTH {'rr;":: ^ ,/; 1' jt INPORTANT 18' ellher rlde ot lho stake, palnl madr or llag le conrldersd l9o rL/<r Pa *a K ,t t'.r' l'-l ctwt <, = X2 ttw y\ r cor!.ct locallon. Dlg to your yedlcal dopth 18' elthcr slde ot lhe It\ st ftc, p.lnl meil or flag and expoae the cable by hand beforc crotelng lhc cable or digglng beclde ll. Party Requestlng Locate Refuses To Slgn tr I Party Requestlng Locate Not Avaitable I agree that the skotch or descriptlon above tr underground facilities as requested. /o-'= 39 SIONATURE PEFSON REOUESTING LOCATION UTILITY LOCr\TION VERIF ICATION SUBDIVISION JOB NAME LOT BLOCK FILING ADDRESS Ttre location of utilities, whether t,hey be main trunklines, rnust be approved and verified by ttre following accompanying site plan. Authorized Signature lines or proposedutilities for the Date Mountain Bell I -634-3778 l.lestern Slope Gas Hamy Moyes Public Service Company Gary Hall Holy Cross El ectri c Assoc . Ted Husky/Michael Laverty Vail Cab'le T.V. Gary Johnson Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation Discrict David Krenek l)n !f elt</o-/3'"{ //- /JSt, 5li"'iT, i"iiI attached sheet. lo -L74" N0TE: These verifications do not relieve the contractor of his responsibility to obtain a street cut pernit frorn the Town of Vail, Department, of public Works and to obtain utility locations before digging in any public right- of-way or easement in the Tom of Vail. 4 building pernit is not a street cut pernit. A street cut permit lnrst be obtained separately. This form is to verify service availablity and location, This should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. / Profect Application Proiect Name: Proioct Description: Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: LI U Legal Description: Lot ---1,--. Block I , Filing Comments: Design Review Board ,^," llrlg( DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL Date: Town Planner E statt Approval 75 south tronlage road yall, colorado 01652 (303) 476-7000 August 3, 1988 Us. Sandy CapellStewart TitleP.O. Box L248vail, co 81658 Re: Lot 4, Block 4, /'. cJ<- olflce of communlty deyolopment Vail Village 3rd Filing, Rezoning Status '-.*=-_+-- Dear Sandy: You.requested that I write you a letter stating the staffrsposition on the zoning status for this properti. I lraveattached a letter for you dated ,ranuary- t6l tgEz fron Tom Braunto Ron Phillips and peter patten. Thi; letter basicallyexplains that the staff's position is that the four exiStingunits are legal non-conforrning uses. our position is that ieare unabre to substantiate that the units were constructedafter zoning was in place. r would also like to address two guestions that the new orirnersmay have about the property. ff the nev owners wish tocompletely tear down the exlsting four units and rebuild a nelystructure, they would be allowed to build two units Ln order to 99np1y-with-the prinary/secondary zoning. Another section ofthe code which relates to restoritlon oi ttre four uni-ts issection 18.64.090 Restoration, of the Town of vair zoning code.This section states: rrWhenever a nonconforrning usewhich does not conform with theregulations for the district inwhich it is located or anonconforming structure or site irnprovenent which does not conforrnwith the requirements forsetbacks, height, density control ,building bulk control , oi sitecoverage is destroyed by fire orother calanity, by act of God orby the public enemy, its use ruay be resumed or the structure nay berestored, provided the restorationis conmenced withln one year anddiligentJ.y pursued to cornpletion.AII new construction must conformto the appllcable Uniform Building Code, Uniforar Fire Code, andrelevant codes regarding safetyand constructl.on whlch are ineffect at the tirne rebuilding isproposed. !l I-f.yon have any further questions about the zoning statusthis property, please feel free to give ne a call] Sincerely, r) | -.v^l t),1\nflrrn Kra'Kristan Piitil Senior Planner Attachment KP:Kc of L6,4{\/Y 3'rt?r TO: FROI,l: DATE: RE: Ron PhiI1ips, peter patten Tom Braun January .l6, 1987 Complaints on the number of units at the.;!'ff,35pberry'Houie" As you recall from the counci'l .meeting of January 6, lgg7, a number ofcomplaints were made.rerative to the number of unrti at the Raspberry House.It was also stated that the rown tria fip"oura a 4-p)ex condominiumization onthis lot. The following are the resulLs of my resLirlr,-on-it,rre complajnts: l' Research on the.decrarations and plat indicate that thecondominiumization approved by thb rown wai ior-lwo units onry. 2' Eagle County Assessor's records indicate that taxes folimprovements tothe lot were first paid in r967. This woura-r.in-ionstruction wasprobably initiated in 1966. The Town of vair wai iicorporated jn .1967 and zoning was not enacted untjl .l969 3. Site inspection reveared 4 units ol lh9_property. It is my impress.i onthat the structure was designed and buirl n:ir,-i'rniis as existingtodav. This is due to the iact that, 1) ait -iour-rnit, r,.u. s.imi.rarkitchen appriances, ail of which appiar'quite oia;-lj tne common eiirvdesign into each unit appeared to bb original ionitrrlct:0n,3) thefireplaces in the units are buiii into ttr iorron-iait ana, as with theentry, appear to be original construct.i on, If one can assume that the structure was buirt as presently existing, the 4units wou] d be lega1, non-conformlng b;iiuse they were built prior to the Town,szon'ins ordinance. r^thile this mav 5e aiiricult io iuuri"niiute, .it would beequallv difficult for us to provi thai the units weie-irr,islructea after zoningwas in p1ace. It is my recommendation to not pursue 1egal action against theproperty ov{ner' as it appears the unjts arffiost lit<ety-;granafathered,'in. EXHlBTT fiAI' Attached to warranty Deed dated August 5, 19gg, between Ben Roseand Martha Rose' Grantors, and Hoover rnvestments Ltd., a coloradlo L im i tetl Partnership. Grantee. 2. 3. ReaI property taxes for the year i9gg, not yet due or payable, Easements, terns, conditions, provisions and ot,ligationscontained in Easernent Agreenent and Decl.aration-oi Rightsrecorded August 25, 19EE in Book r97 at page a95 as alsignnentof righ.ts and inberest in connection with iaid easenerrtagreement was recorded l{overntrer 16 , Lg76 in Book 250 at page58. utirity Easenent 10 feet in width along the Norttrwesterly 1otliine and 5 feet in width arong a portion of the Northealterly ]."i- f_t-t:_ of sub jecL property a! thor,.,n orr the record.ed plat ofVail Village Ttrird Filing. Easements' restrictions anc rights-of-ways as strown on thecondorninium Hap of Beaver Dan condonini.u-rns recorded Decenber13, 1985 in Book 432 aL page 280 as Reception No. 3zg53z. Terns' eonditions, restrictions and stlpurations as containedin condominiurn Declaration for.Beaver Din condoniniuns recorciedDecember 13' 1985 in Book 432 aL page 279 as Reception No.328535. 6.Terms, conditions and.Colin Stewart, Joan C.District, in instrunentat Page 75?. provisions of EAsernent Agreement betweenMcKenna and Vail iilater ind Sanitationrecorded Decerrber LS, 1967 in Eook 21I (fi & 35e8qb , ...:!LL b-|t e^iii;, tl'it .,n^.t* rr. l.! 3 r^ lH'?'! erll|wYA!{CE 0F E4SEHtrtr $lD I,ELEiSE ThiE Coflvcvrrrcc of Erg:ac:rt end lll'rr f yjy. tSg?, by rnd btrvtcr. Ht-llter J'dev of F+v. 1987. bt lnd Dc rrcsr. rll+rlE ir',ic"p,.. titrioli rid len RGfc rnd l{rrthr "T.oseil l of Yrll , Colotldo. !-!_citlLg .' Eokl,rr lr thc ouurr.sf 3 vlcro? I ll:sh r.. Viif vritrge tllrd lrlr"s'. r9.c$9pfii'ctrir."i, Be3lr-Couttt. coloErdo ('1't B. Rola lg rhe omer cf IrE l, Blsck Flltr.g, rcccldlnE to tht,r.cotd€d Plr!_!l:I CJiorlio (ths "?ioPG!tt") Yttb { DProvatutt tl3 Besvrr Dn hord, Yrl,l. culorrdot md C, ihe ProPcrtY gnd LoE 5 rrG rdJ s + D. tlthl5l snd !o!. d€thc to cttrbll| ..lero*nt rlrvfng both thr ?loPcrrt rdd Lot los, therefore, lo rorrslderetlgn of th earo..ici trcilin coitrlncd. lt tt !t*t€d !r ARTISLE I ErsE{Elfl I . O t cranE of EdLEGtr!. Ilokllr "orrs -,i rt.cic,i-of-Sffi-#Tlf30 -rad ottr "o"Iii"t"iion' the rccelpi rad rufflclcncy i"L-.."r.ee*a, docr herr'el rell Td lgry:L:nou-excluilYc, ptrpebral ca.co nt 'ao,:lqn5;;;";;-;;;-ihioisrr' th: rcal Frolrrst (rh'. dcrcribed tn Bhlbil A rctrchcd h€rcto rEg lcr EhG PufPqtc ol conotfucErlSl-41"!1Tlili ";;id-lii-icconrtnrcctng a-Prvcd*o1.u proutilinl !lGd.'trtrn. :1.#::.1"$J"il:i:bcEvecn thc ProPerlt I;;;;;;t ;i"i;ii;e 6Y thr rorn of Yerl' a corFo!st lon . TO SAvx A!{D tO HOLD ratd crr(lt*nt rrid rnd Eheir riuccsacorr rnd aer133'' Tbc 'r' iu'J E'tJ zt95 5 H55UC.4L/4b,.VA Ib:44 tlrY t ltll *,lr \3fJ! la t tHattat )E ( eol lcctturlt ' loc!?Gd rt lpt t,io the rieordrd)r rad , Tall ?tlltgr lhlrd f , ZlEI, Gorratfrlocrt6d rt to cacb or:!rr, r r!8bt-of-}|t Fd rnrturl colttr laEl rad olloYa: +fi'{ eld ln rood pd grlrrrbit-uhtcl rrr bcrcbt l6!rc rurt drrl r qFollr rt Lf 5rt')i-a prst- hcrroftg,rprlrlag, d oerlrry En.tr|lPs(rd perlrrrY Cb.Frt nrrcr r md cgrrrr.irsrt.d Prrblic orado trnlclprl hB of Hry rrrEo lo!. r |gd tliht ot lfry ffiffi bc rppurtcarntItlr to rll orttaarfrt et of flry. d fot thc end mll;rr r eod thrlr Eot ob.tt ct, thc rcrtsarbl: nd GElGla to rf|dhrll durg: ot o durt? or - _D, lcro*r ctd/oroi thr bcnrftt ofI rLtb Chc F|st I brYC Frcp.lr rnt Eh. tl.tbB ol : b€ c(rartnrcC. to sttlLrG tte dctrrloq fcr thc cby rbadoo rll itou of Lt t- Ef Er..-nt l[}d thrJ-rurlgnr. trd heteby r"entad rhrtl rus r-lh thc lrnd lnd lhr i"-tLi Frog.tty...uc'h thrt I tralufct ot-]cq1| itiy potri"ir of ihG tropstty rhelt aucoorElerllptipiitlonerr lntct.tt ln !htg ...eEcnt end ll l.OZ Uec' thc R1r,hl-6f -uaY orY bc purporcr atated EiiTc ln by toic. lhelr-rucctrr iubi.1uent ornca. of ruy- gortlon of thr Ptopc rctgrCr.lve CaErnt.r 3uc-ti .nd LErlt.ca. l.0t 'Obrtnrctlc-r. ttc prrtlcr tbr lngedr, or ftrtlrilFc -EiiI'.;F utth ttc-othcr, I uri of -;'.igbc of ury for thr purPo3c of lnlrrrs ;.oj :h: ielprctlv- FtoPrr!lcr_. lleltbCr Prttt-rrrroy not itrnt to rni tltird -Prstt chr rltbt dartri,i rny Iuproveocatr plre-ad utrdat. ovaf' udtttr:,= Ittt lE?ro'VeiEEt. plte"al UnECr. ov3rr u Bhrouair thl rlihE of tfey by thc othtr Prrtt.orth.t ;tbrr Prl;t th.t ric io pleccd tD cdPlt' rrdr undcr thlt Cofivcy$ca. I.0a lhlntanrncc. xrltbar grrtt o b I lt. r I qD gtre t r5iFEfiFotr I t rt c t . !r ln trln frttliey undcr, on:r. uPG. rctors rnd/ot tlr 9rt . t .01 Be!trlctloD. tothln8, hcrc ln ro rrant xoltn oiEH?-iffiEia of Lor J. rny t Drofcrty for lhclr bencflt. Af,TICI,T II rEIEr$g e,rnt or .i;ol" "*f"#s*th*5#*f*i;.irher clrtor th.t crt hrv. to oltrltrhlp In ccltlorc bof rny AXttct.l lll xrScsu^ArEous ].0r llndlnf, eff-G-c!, tllf Cona' Brleire Bh;ri bc-EGtl;;:'r|fr-thr parrrrr hBrleire ahrll bc Elnrlln6 upon thr PalBl" ct icsp€c ilv€ haltr, GrccuCorl. e&lnlatfltortr I 02 Lrss. Thtr A8rrcrcnB 'hrllrcccrdln8 to rhc-Tii e of the S!rt' of Calrt ln vlttic! a rhcrcofccelr er of ttre dry rnd yeat thc p.rtlar hrvc act C1r.t rbova utltteq. \.rr.1Et-r.a.tt{9ilrfir-ff Colorado srATE of fii.{It*f )) .r. COUItY Ol eatrrc )a"fr6Bbt , tltc forrgolng lnr tf{rt trE vra -tcknorrl.cttr Ilrd.y.oc +ry=---. 1967-. byf,l a;cc , :r' r.t"T1+J'l.r'# f.it il* fttrEr.fbttr. /'f'!',t .tfy cotrttau rxplrcrr "Erfid sralE 0r colon^lo GOOfttT OF EAGLE ) ) ) tn l!. thL. fux]:vtc rcbroryllE7, bt !:o lolc. rhcrf Et bind .nd offietrl tclil'. *l crEl-tlon txplrtt: 0 1r brndr rad . rAo{r*\5 . Eb -rrs €lc.sT. brfotc ra bcf,o,rc rrI rnd llerlbr .:jo 'E\nitrli /t' tl.t prrt of L. 5, lloct l. gafl ttu.tc-tttrd iltlnl .rcordlnt th.r.of rrrordcd l! thr olr lcr o! ttrr bli! gornttr Golor|do. Cla bcordrr datcrloec g lcllda i Df!t-an!.E3 rr tbr anrt arrttrlt rorn+r of artal lrt t; thatcr i?9'..Y t!. J0 o lhr rP rnd t.rt. rloot lh. e)rth.frtcrlt ltn. 6t .rld l.cl 9r ltr.ca rlrprrthl eoGthcrrt.rlt ltnr tl?'l0r0ot tt.OO t..t: tbcff. 520rt0'ooil tl' th. routh.rttrrly lllc ot ||lC lrt ti tb.ocr alfitt rrtCal.lt fucc .Ire? the |'c .C . csr". ?o th. rllhc ri.tllt r t.dlu. ?.:!. a G.strrl |!tlc ct 06t22'51' .rd . Ghord cl.t t.rr. lt''011 frct ro tl.r potlc l! So3{u.raj co$tr{llrl lll r$[rr lr.t |fra c? tcl.rt co t llD. 3rt- at tt.z5 rnt.Jfr,?t!Z-* +. d.t j tol Cclocrdo l.L.t. f l$t 9(: \'' s. +e ffi+ ,ft a JO ror il tgrt.3 t'. aO' Golo 44 0lrt(ll' ti,lliiigr'.. t"""f $Stir a3$o6 r 11.ro'fi-r. ?r.a: | to.rc'oo'r. tan'l 0D*\Jll ' srr.rlL. X,0,0r lortn 75 louth f?onlagc rord vail, coloEdo 81657 (303) 476-7000 July 5, 1988 Re: Lot 4, Block 4, Vall VilLage Ftling 3 To whom lt nay concern: The above property ls zoned prfunary/ secondary. S inc ere ly , ,a2.//eA /:i',-("-,LBetey SosolackPlanring TechnLcian BR:kc offlcr ol communlly dcvetopmcnl x ;* Jfirrn"r rlolt:.Ifrt6 \ rurubbt. ir6 i" rhY'r,r*u4p l^ 5,Uu*in".6.,^11 o Prl\ uL* Drau) / u,rs\ drudiqn e^^J ]D flrs r ft,ru,,.tb,+ . "-- Ei,t lidL loqr\fuI_qw C-$e N *d of " 9r\1.. {r^\ Lo^rqt &*irn- I 7t u\i\. u^d. \i\d, €*la c^,fuA.lflr ,r*L U*o,$^, d,rlf nJns, e{ ^rfu^^bwo,J[ [tp 'tocc ir.(r**h^d tA {rh ,t,N!^u dr^,,t*t"t * a.J,&* i'^tl cl*.-L- *,xf^ril" ,4 tt e^ourt.q vndt^ia0u I 0o^ cnr,tq,r+",bt[ R^1, h,t'h^t U^, \r\rt t I Lrr^er+(@ Sttz rlnLJ .. r : lltai+-r sFi -,ffit +t- fid - ..;OD_ ;_ ; _ .ri'- ) .t?ruGltu* r$. . m rr ]-tffi*sttxr- :n' j. Doc Fee $r4s.00 ,1r+.\i,\\t Dr F{ F.€e&ded at THIS DEED, Madc rhis betw€en BEN ROSE County of EagIe IN WITNESS WHEREOF, rhe grantor (s) have BEN ROSE o'cloc WARRANTY DEEI) 5th day of August , t9 I I , AND MARTHA ROSE , husband and wife of thc 'N , State of Colorado, grantor(s) and 385248 '.oor,.-$"8-1- eea, QX -.- r0r :llHI ITE Pt,llLLtPs '1,"i.I CTY. BEC0ilDlR No. l/n 12 I oq ilH ltl$ HOOVER INVESTMENTS,LTD., A COLORADO LIMITED PARTNERSHIP whose legal addrBss is 2400 West Altorfer Drive, Peoria, IL 61615 Illinois . State of 8 lllfd6, grantee(s): Eagle County State Drc. fee of the County of Peoria WITNESSETH, That the granto(s), for and in consideration of the sum of ITEN DOLLARS AND OTHER GOOD AND VALUABLE CONSIDERATION--------- T]O'IA8S, i *ffi:111'.'J:ff::l::,*,':::*:;,::ilH:'*""*-gp'3*e;;':,"'*llTTlJl;:llJ;::#T1ifi.,.".#1li: il if any, situatc, lying and being in the County of Egle , State of Colorado, l dcacribed as follo\rs: jl CONDOMINIU}4 UNITS 1 AND 2 I BEAVER DAM CONDOMINIIJMS II Accordlng to the Condominium Map thereof recorded December 13, 1985, in Book 432at Page 280 as Reception No. 328537 and according to the Condominium Declarationfor Beaver Dam Condominiums recorded Decernber 13, 1985, in Book 432 at page 2?9 ]ias Reception No. 328535, togetber with a Conveyance of Easement and Rel-ease record$d May 14, 1987, in Book 462 at Page 631 as Reception No. 358858, subject to the terqs,conditions and provisions contained therein. llf.IpwN oF vArL ii COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COTORADO Ii af so kno*n by street and number ast 443 Beaver Dam Road, Vail , Colorado . i I TOGETHER with all and singular the hercditaments and appuflenances thereto belonging, or in anywise app€rtaining, and the reversion and jl revcrsions, remainder and rcmainders, r€nts, issues and profits theEof, and all the estate, right, title, intercst, claim and demand whatsoever of rhe lj Sialto(s), cither in law or equia'', cf, i! and to thc abo.ie bargained premises. with the hereditaments and appurtenancer. ll T(} HAVE AND TO HOLD the said prcmises abolr bargained and described wirh thc appurrenances, unto the granlee(g, ita tffiF i I assiSns forctcr. And the gratllor(s), for __!!qqr_*-tWs tlei.r heirs and personal representariyes, do covenanr, grant, bargain, ana i I sgrce to and wilh the grantee!6), its stmffiHigns, rhatattherimcof rheensealing and detivery of rhese prcsents, they are *ell I scizcd of the premises above conveycd, ha yg good, surc, perfect, absolute and indefeasible estare of inheritance, in law, in fee simple, and I ha ve good ri8ht, full power and authorily to grant, batgain, sell and convey the same in manner and form as aforesaid, and that the same are free j and clear from all former and other grants, bargains, sales, liens, taxes, assessments, encumbrances, and resrictions of wharever kind or naturc soever,cxcept for t]ree itsrs as set forth an E*ribit ,W, attad her€to. il'I l : The Srsnlo(s)jha[ and will wARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above-bargained premises in rhe quier and pe aceable possession of the Sranteefr), its gffindu.rigns, againsiall and every person or persons lawfully claiming the whole or any part thercof. this deed on th€ date sel forth above. )"1 I \-t ..t 1." - 'l*, , I,IARTHA ROSE STATE OF CO1ORADO County of Eagle Thc foregoing instrumcnt was acknowledged bcfore me lhis by Ben Rose anil Martha Rose. My commission expires May l?, 1991 I l ss' I5th day of August Witness my hand and ollicial seal. ( ;';. ' ,''li ,, / ''i i.' .' ; 1,.,1:' , .. - . 1988 l"' tlf in Dcnver, inscrt "Ciry ond" No.932. Rev.3-85, WARRAMY DEED (For Phoaogr.phl. R.cord) Bndford hbtishing, 5825 w, 6rh Ave., t,ake+ond, co E02t; - (30j) 2li-('xxl 41 31-v s-m (',, z { tdF zH F{ UH FJ U Fl (, H rlgt oral eF tstl I I I I Ic) a o e l) 7. t 5 o t sq 6 (!cl oo B.q lr 5 !. Io cIto {EL no D fF IE og d U dg w I I I I I I ILEl .3El ' z" sl. tno "g I I I !o i -it{AI INSPECTION'S COMPLETSD -The lteros below ]eed to be conplete before givlng a pernit a flnal C of O. Please check off in the box provided. t ]__l FINAI, PLI'}EING DATE:tl FINAL MECHANICAL DATE: IMPROVE}TENT SURVEY RESID. NA}18: DATE: EAST SIDE:WEST SIDE!FINAL BUII.DING E rv*-r L__l Nf;,F FINAL ELECTRICA]. TE.IPORARY C OF O CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAT'ICT LAI'IDSCAPING DUE DATEI {f1 A? oKi4rtd,*t4V'*6 'tw,, dml-\t ,J-t-rk-(ry / / lt, fcfiu^l;l r*,LW_ r{# I*r*o$, $^59rt:t_ etNs z( READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: a duvgCe{a,^{ tr FOUNDATION / STEE. ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB ELE BT EF tr( tr- tr HEATINGTEMP. POWER tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROV tr REINSPECTION RE DATE INSPECTOR ndiFsnce INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THURWED FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL E trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELE trl trF tr( n_ GTRIGAL:MEGHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR D FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED .',:'DATE INSPECTOR Pffissop INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMI DATE T NUMBER OF PROJECT .- JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON rires THUR FRIWED AM BUILDING: d roortNcs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL tr FTNAL .E."APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVEO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR pnffisto t lS.7,1l\- t-2 t U INSPECTION I r' NoF , ItLlvt& { i:ryal 4.-1,.( ,:t- REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER QF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING:PLUMBING: E] UNDEHGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH/WATER tr FOOTINGS / STEEL - ETFOUNDATION / STEE- tr D tr tr o tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr u E]FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr tr tr CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL |elppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAFPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED :,- '411-1" oerc // i7 tr,i: rNSPEcroR ffigrre I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL AM PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR FRIREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND d rouNoRloN / srEEL tr RoucH / D.w.v. - tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER - ar\r)tr .e. aHtrtraF|i'1Y: tr GAS PtPtNG _" PLYWOOD NAILING O INSULATION - O POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL D --- nTr_ tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: MECHANICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING lcr noucH tr EXHAUST HooDS ig corlourr tr SUPPLY AtR - I lr'l n -- IO FINAL tr FINAL E APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR nffis'ce ili. INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAILPEBMIT NU OF PROJECT DATE CALLER TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: L\ L\."4 BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL gt'ouruonroN / srEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING E INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL D 6 FINAL tr o FINAL CTFIGAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL }p.eernoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF P OJECT TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL '. JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION::,J\SP THUR FRI FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL n ROOF & SHEEF- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING N INSULATION A.. SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB MECHANICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING N ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Anppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O BEINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR. -LIrv\ PERMIT NUMBER.OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME &v qr,,.- 1o\"- INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL I t T READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ul't a. t /<- tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR r MON JoB NAME lLst INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER READY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: THUR FRI \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT \tlr BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FRAMING tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL T] FINAL tr FINAT MECHANICAL: tr tr o tr D HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS - CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL ,,,8T APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED N REINSPECTION REOUIRED -, /jr - I- -'DATE //''- 'L/ 6 )/ INSPECTOR/ L_. ._t)fn4vt\-/tz I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT REQUEST VAIL PECTION TOWN OF NS r (cV tDATEJOB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES WED LOCATION:V ) THUR '(-,r\ BUILDING: PLUMBING: tr FO,STTNGS / STEEL c UNDERGROUND,/ |,..--EI'FOUNDATION / STEEL rl. V n r-r -i- tr ROUGH / D.W.V. trFRAMING V trROUGH/WATER tr 1995^&^si5Fl . ^ o cAS prprNc -- PLYWOOD NAILING E] INSULATION - tr POOL / H- TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL - tr trD tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL . SO APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D BEINSPECTION REQUIRED .a_. DATE INSPECTOR I PEtNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL JoB NAME )*u,L--t/ "-n,,e*^^, .--DATE READY FOR INSPECTI LOCA1oN: tltr i PERMIT NUMBER OF CALLER BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V.B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PI-YWOOD NAILING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr tr E tr HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR E FINAL tr FINAL Er TEMP. t ROUGH N F.Appnoveo N DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oarc /21 ,-,it /- .r2 lNSPEcroR {i( t ;'I PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT a\')\.; \'.. )Jontts4=--,,----i-:----i- JoB NAME , ," ;t '"' SALLER 'a Cv'.'/) /ii nt|'/'r':'' " , . -, ,rt READY FOR INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR G*=N T1',.'} -' RU .'.'M'-. LoCATIoN: 4'..i.1 ,Etq, 't ',rb'*, ,3e/ ' INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL --zl iz-,.r,/ fX,--a.+,o ('"-' ;' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr E] tr tr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH T] EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR pffigr* I INSPECTI TOW REQUEST VAIL ONNOF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDiTION / STEEL FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H- TUB HEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL Ffuppnoveo CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED O BEINSPECTION REQUIRED t I t'l ^ lQDAIE ll-t2 Q INSPECTORI Fdftsrlop INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF READY FOR LOCATION: €"D THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS i STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ROOF & SiHEEFI tr GAS PIPING" pLYVfooD NAtLtNG tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB -tr SHEETROCK NAIL trr\\\. {t{\$ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL fi4eenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR INS CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: S{ ,r '.:' CALLER WED . THUR FRI .1^ t' /to"'f y'nu.r),Flo..*-,bh t"4. NAME TUES AM 6) r/eppnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEI FRAMING ROOF & SHEEB tr GAS PIPINGAILING tr POOL / H. TUB FINAL FINAL MECHANICALT tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR ome J-22- 7C rNsPEcroR t-\\ ,\ \ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oor. T--.\t*- \[ JoB NAME i\ CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL G-)READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTION:MON TUES WED THUR tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED fE APPROVED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTII{GS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEu tr FRAMING D ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING o iti'$usnfloN tr POOL / H, TUB r] SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL EI FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR ,,"H--,-< I r'L''<t'/a 6't-t---.,af^ a--- a/ /u--" 0. '4ei ,f-:s- ?c INSPECTOR rSGsno" ,,.r, :r ili;i;'.,.:Yrf .i . ,," ",iil . ' INS READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED RRECTIONS: INSPECTOR L"rlt ] PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ONNOF REQUEST VAIL CALLER WED Ptrrtt BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEE_tr ROUGH / D.W.V tr FBAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING LATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trFINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL:.MECHANICAL: tr TEMP., POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUS{ HOODS tr GONDUIT r-1 F SUPPLY AIR 81\ tr FTNAL B FINAL \16.4ppnoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR nnhs'*,o il\-\\\ \ t\ \ \_ \ PERMTT NUMBER br pRolecr INS CTIONTOWN OF 'ReeuestVAIL lstr 'r) I DATE JOB NAME MON CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: TU WED J THUR FRI \M)PM 'L BUILDING: D FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL r_r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK D D tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELE trT EF trc tr CTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT B SUPPLY AIR tr T] FINAL D FINAL f.aeenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED r- .roplt 4- 5-7 u rNSPEcroR INS CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME \,: CALLER MON TUESREADY FOB LOCATION: INSPECTION: \\) '\KU PM PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT oore \- \\x-\ .,oa BUILDING: B FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEr- tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEERu PLYwooo NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL r-l tr n D FINAL _N FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr l .:/ li:tr CONDUIT'r- Ttr FINAL D FINAL {rc tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR pdFs'on au\\__,r PERMIT UMBER \..- DATE BEADY,FOR LOCATION: rn#crroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL'\. BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE_fl^ouoH / D.w.v. ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB - tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr tr n tr D tr HEATING noucH 1 EXHAUST HOODS coNourt -:SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr FINAL Innenoveo CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED nor, .<l --*z -J'c-' rNSpEcroR ''-rl' I ' 'l ;l -1 "+1's ! ir' rjr I i -INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL READY FOR LOCATION: ii':f PLUMBING: ' ,,;^O FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING _ n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION _D POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETNOCK NAIL E trtr tr FTNAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: FINAL APPROVED--/.tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION HEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: I INSPE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE\ \:- t'h.,o"NAME V\.\ CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: '*\K MON AM ,,, PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.B FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr n POOL / H. TUB NAIL \FROUGH/WATER pcns PTPTNG a" tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: fuienrrr.rc tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n I sueelv Rrn tr B FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED .CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR Pnffisxot t DArE 4 - ": -<' !"{' JoB NAME PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL CALLER THURREADY FOR INSPECTION:MON (uEa"WED C--"LOCATION: APPROVED J t.'tr DISAPPROVED -tr BEINSPECTION REQUIRED ti RRECTIONS: '\al , r BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER o tr tr D tr tr tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL FOUNDATION / STEET FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr r'1 tr tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL:MECHANICAL: O HEATING D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr TEMP. PQITYEP '.f, na- ---'nftaoven ./4 tr CONDUIT D^re "'t^ !6- jt'i rNSPEcroR PERMI DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: T JOB OF PROJEC f ER 7 B I At UM-t5l TN NAME INSPECTION REQUEST AM@ LOGATION: Ll(\ R .r.., MoN ruES @@ FBI \ ,ctfr-.,Ct,. \)*r^r TOWN OF VAIL oALLER \)''l Lp D,!\-e ,, o ,orl BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE_ tr FBAMING - ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING NSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL N FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR niffisno" INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMB R OF PROJECT q0 JOB NAME INSPECTIO :U /c READY FOR LOCATION: ,I,roNoll)o"@ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. B ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING - tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELE trT ,I fl'tr( tr tr HEATINGI O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr FINAL /'El. RpPRovED CORBECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR ,)o>r l .rrr'fir; ! l.,_.ar r r,r- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READYFoR|NSPECTloN:-MoNTUEsWED^THUR6D-AM@ LocAtoN: $t\ t, i; o,', ,,," \..,..t ki'. - )dneenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING , tr GAS PIPING SULATION POOL / H. TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr FINAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR L-{t } 1 -li,... l- INSPECTION REQUEST THUR FRI / n -tr {-LF\ .tr 1 nv (r") PERMIT NUMBER oF PRoJECT TOWN oF VAIL "{ >1.. I i (,' \ ORre -\ \ JOB NAME ----uf \ l:'*.es(-\r'..-,. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES 4!aeeaove\-i.il,.(tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB A SHEETROCK NAIL n tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING X*oro*tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n tr SUPPLY AIR tr D FINAL tr FINAL CORRECTIONS: ri. .-t INSPECTORDATE'.<'.- u}aT PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION REOUEST tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED rrv s I tr DISAPPROVED TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTI THUR BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDEBGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr n GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB o tr FRAMING - Ro# & SHEEF" pr-W{odpStLrNo try'NSULAT|O#'- tr FTNAL ..--tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr cor-\ourr _tr SUPPLY AIR n__n tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR pffisn"e tNs CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMTT NUMBI:R OF PROJECTc"=-- \\ \ \|r DArE :- \= '1\) JoB NAME t\ CATLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPEQT(oN;.\'*\u-,ON WED \[ugr AM PM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL D FBAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL EI trtr u FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER IN ROUGH tr CONDUIT MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL D o FINAL F APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED /l\ j/. ./)J lit-'/,/'INSPECTOR t INSPECTION REOUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT INSPECTION: ,*. slfl lq} JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: utro{ CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUNDD FOOTINGS / STEEL tr FOUNQATION / STEEL I O rnnUtt{O E] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n 1995^LSLEFI...^- PLYWOOD NAILING D TNSULATTON - O POOL./ H. TUB -$".rr*o"K NA,L PHih ru.0 tr -trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr BOUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLYAlR-..- tr FINAL D FINAL TKAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED DATE INSPECTOR rNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR I LOCATTON: CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER "ROOF & SHEER -'4-tr GAS PIPING f 'LYWOOD NAILING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL EETRoCK NAIL >-r tr E- 0 tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGI{tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SU,PPLY AIR Xorrtouro CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE O- /€-fa tNSPEcroR rns#ctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUM OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: BE LT JOB NAME MON </ /.L J €' CALLER TUES WED e __6),"L1 ,, -f , '\- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEI UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: N TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL '.. l. r'.r. * f"*npf,oved i '' tr DrsAppRovED tr REtNSpEcloN REQUTRED ORRECTIONS.. INSPECTOR v\oz'1 PERMIT NUMBER PROJECT DAIE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON lr,rsilcrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL wr^ A, L,\ UY IUR .0 CALLER tr DISAPPROVED REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING O ROUGH / WATER - i. ROOF & SHEER D GAS PIPING: PLYWOOD NAILING tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL N FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS PPLY AIR REINSPECTION 'qohnecrrgr.rs, INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT rns#ctoN neouEsr REINSPECTION BEOUIRED oor= 1l t \ JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: pQleenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED BUILDING: tr FOOTING tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. OUGH / WATER GAS PIPING /F tr POOL/ H 0 tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CON.DUIT lJ- SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL INSPECTOR tNs CTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: MBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME t/N \ CALLER INSPECTION: MON TUES WED THUR )t\PPRovED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ..\ !) D^rE ./o -5- 7C tNSPEcroR ; llrs#cnoNTOWN OF REOUEST VAILPERMI DATE l'\ t -i JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr tr D ,& FOUNDATION /STEEL a. FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILI NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trFINAL FINAL ELE tr1 trF trC tr_ GTRICAL:MECHANICAL: TEMP. PO\E HEATING _...-*POWER ROUGH CONDUIT EI SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL KAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIBED INSPECTOR rNs#ctoN REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL INSP CALLER TUES FRREADY FOR LOCATION: NQNl \\\\,\\.\: N :l) WED I THUR \\- ., \\ \\\-+ -..-- \\\,r\\\*'.\ h! I BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMB!NG: D UNDERGROUND O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERN FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NATLTNG tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL n tr n tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. FOWER MECHANIGAL: tr tr o tr o HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR -7r Itrrunr- \'\\\W FINAL //APPROVED .;,. 1.tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTO , r*l , rNs RE.QUEST VAIL #"r,o*TOWN OFPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT C ,o" *o* READY FOR INSPECTION: MON PMAM PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR fo>1 ,*r#;'oNTOWN OF REOUEST VAILPROJECT INSPECTION: qo-JoB NAME Luruo READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI L,g''< tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED l? - t.'t- CzDATE IL 'v / \-) INSPECTOR \\\",, t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE ,*r#;.oNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL JOB NAME READY FOR INSPECJ LOCATION: TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATER 1 ROOF & SHEER :E GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING .'------ INSULATION N POOL i H. TUB D FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR FINAL PROVED -.:.; CORRECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED B REINSPECTION REOUIRED )i(-,. "--... \. TNSPECTORDATE,''2 - /"'' I f ::'1. 'l 'T:iI, i4 'PERMIT DATE BEADY FOR LOCATION: R OF PROJECT INSPECTION: JOB NAME CALLER TUES THUR z{ o-,( -$ +s a\\F\$ FRI t _____;__ AM tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPRO tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr tr ,tr tr tr FRAMING ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr POOL i H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr tr O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR -tr FINAL tr FINAL yl'"L6 !) DATE INSPECTOR t DATE OF PUELIC HEARING / hl ?n'ry'ft *i-wJlu*-= aru?iL?AA,T'ury! I NT E P.. OE P.qRTIIENTAL REV I EI,I P?.OJECT: OATE SUSI4ITTED: CCI".!4ENTS TIIEDED BY: '*"' ft'$'q;"frffA {, v, v ; llSrtl PUBLIC h'ORKS P.evie,+ed'at, &tfrllJl ort" 3/tS.LtL_ Ccnnents: V FI RE DEPI,RTI,iENT Reviewed by: Corments: Date POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Revievred by: Con'ilents: Rev i ewed .by: Co;;ents: REC I:EAT i 0ll DEPARTI'1:NT Da te Da te TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Planning and Envitonrnental Cornmission Cornmunity Developntent Department ;Ianuary 25, 1988 A request, for a milnor subdivision to create two Primary/Secondary ilots on Lot 4, Block 4, VailVillage 3rd Filing, 443 Beaver Dam RoadApplicants: Ben arrd Martha Rose This proposal involves the subdivision of an existingPrirnary/Secondary lot into two primary/Secondary parcels.fn Septernber of L997, a1 work session was held with thePlanning Commission andt applicants to discuss thisproposal. The appticatli.on was scheduled for formal reviewlater that nonth, but whs tabled to allow the applicantstirne to reconsider-theif request. Since that time. thestaff has worked with'tlre applicant in trying to resolve anumber of issues staff had identified relative to lastfallrs proposaL. This rhernorandurn wiLl outline the issuesrelative to the request before the planning Commission. It is inportant that ththat this request involrequest for zoning. .*s I. tltlillt of case ).aw, the basicis that if minirnum stansubdivision is essentiastandards typically deaas minimurn lot size, frstandards establish the this type involve the gesubdivision regulations. considered with this reproposed Parcel A incluand Parcel B contains LBoth lots satisfy the mbuildable area, ls wetl The other set of criteri enclosing an 80 foot byfeet of frontage alonglots meet the rninimum stPrirnary/Secondary zone d Planning Commission understandes a subdivision, and not aestablished by numerous exarnplesremise of subdivision regulationsards are rnet, the requestedly to be approved. Mininurnwith zoning considerations suchntage, etc. As a result, .thesefirst set of review criteria to beest. Relative to this request,s 15rO2O square feet of site area ,010 square feet, of site area. iruum L5,000 square feet ofs providing: lots capable of0 foot box and a mininun of 30 Town right-of-way. clearly, thendards established in thestrict. to be considered ln a request oferal purpose section of theThis section includes sevento ensure that a subdivision isety and welfare of the community.a that the planning staff hadous proposal . While noreifiable standards expressed in factors that, are intendeprornoting the health, saIt was with these criterdifficulty with the prev subj ect,ive than the quan | .t -. the zoning reguirements, these considerations addressother issues reLative to the appropriateness of areguested subdivision. The staffrs previous recommendation of denial was based on these seven / f considerations. Hov,rever, through redesign and /fnegotiation, staff feels that the proposal is now in / fcompliance with the basic purpose and intent of the Townrs I / subdivision regulations. II. BACKGROUND ON PROPOSALS OF THIS TYPE There have been questions raised concerning sirnilarproposals that have been made in the past, as vell as thepotential for additional requests of this type. Therehave been three comparable proposals submitted to thePlanning Commission over the past four or five years. These. incLude the following: 1. Resubdivision of Lot 1, Block l, Bighorn Filing.This subdivision approval divided one prinary/ Secondarlr lot into two Single Farnily lots. Thenet result was no i.ncrease in the total numberof units on the-Eite, Because GRFA wasrestricted on each Single Family parcel , there' lras only a nominal increase in floor areaperrnitted on each new Iot. Because of the sizeand nature of this parcel, it was fairly unemcumbered in terms of accessibility and othersite plannlhg. considerations. 2. Resubdivision of pitkin Creek l{eadows. Thisparcel had a long history in terms of previousatternpts to subdivide the property. About thetime East Vail was annexed to-VaiI, applicationswere made to creat,e three primary/Secondary lotson thj.s property. At the tir,re, minimunr lolstandards required l_7,500 sguare feet ofbuiLdable area per lot. BeCause of thisreguirement, only two lots were approved. on theparcel . Following the reduction of the minirnunrLot size to 15r000 square feet, a ner,irapplication was submitted to the planning Cornrnission last year. Approval by the pianning Comrnission at that time resulted in the creati6nof three Primary/Secondary lots. Whi1e theparcel contains significant amounts of area over4O? slope, J_t was the finding of the planning Commission that the lots were both accessibl6.and buildable. fn addition, the newly created.Iot, was bordered by residential developrnent ononly one side with Forest Service propLrty ontwo sides of the parcel and I-7O boraering onthe other. I 3. Resubdivision of Lots j-4 and. 17, Block 7, Vailvillage lst Filing. Referred to as the Tennen- baum subdivision, this approval created twoSingle Family lots and one primary/Secondary lots on what, were two primary/Secondary parlels.This subdivision resulted, in no increasel intotal nutnber of units nor in.GRFA, asrestrictions were placed on.,these parcels so asto not increase either types of density throughthe subdivision. ;, The staff has been asked to research the lot sizes withinthe neighborhood of this proposal./ we have researched lotsizes in Block 7 of Vail Viflage lst and, Blocks 1r2r3 and.4 of Vail village :rd. This encolnpasses what is comrnonlyknown as the Village side of the Forest Road. area. Theresults of this research found. that the averase lot size*irr*this--neighbarilo€tL!g_-2!.,^l_11-sElef em --*tror.*s.i ze_o.t_?-L.,_gz-5_e-+rarJELJt.*tn -Ia-cii*Ctafi-tir-eee--ard a -'to t a.}-.o-f f ive.-lg t*= fn-T Fd-ne-ilhb o rh o o d g r e a t e r*ThEFTdpO o s qua re f e et . ( rh i s in'cniadg--ffie--appl I'cant 5'*F-a?t6rrl--TE66elots range in size from 301945 square feet i.o 37,769square feet. A11 of these lots are zonedPrinrary/Secondary. ?y IaI of comparison, t4 of the 42 prinary/Secondary lotsin Potato Patch are over 3O,O0O square feet. Nine 6f the52 Primary/Secondary lots in the Clen Lyon subdivisionexceed 30'00o square feet. Because of the various factorsinvol-ved in determining buiLdable area of a si.te, staff isunable to speci fy exactly how many of these lots couldme-e!.the.guantitative standards for potentialsubdivision. III . STAFF RESPONSE TO THE PROPOSAL Planning commission review criteria are outlined. insection L7-r-6. 110 of the subdivision Regurations. Thisreads as follows: The burden of proof shatl rest with the applicant toshow that the application is in cornpliancl-with theintent and purposes of this chapter-, the zoningordinance and other pertinent rEgulations that thePEC deems applicable. Due consideration shall begiyen to the recommendations by public agencies,utility cornpanies and other aglniies con5ulted underL7.L6.09O. The PEC shall review the application andconsider its appropriateness in regard-to Town ofVail-policies relating to subdivision control ,densities proposed, regulations, ordinances andresolutions and other ippricable documents, environ-mental integrity and cornpatibility with surroundingland uses. One of the key aspects of this staternent refers tottcornpliance with the intent and purposes of this chapter.rl Seven specific purposes are outlined in L7.04.O1O (purposesection) of the subdivision regulations. within these seven specific purposes, reference is made to othercriteria that nay be applicable to subdivision reguests. The issues and concerns of the staff, many of whichinvolve other policies and planning related tools the Townhas adopted, will be identified within the pararnetersestablished by the seven specific purposes of thesubdivision regulations. These purposes are thefollowing: l_.To inform each subdivider of the standards andcriteria by which developrnent and proposals will beeval-uated, and to provide information as to the typeand extent of irnprovements required. one of the underLying purposes of subdivisionregulatibns, as weLl as any developrnentcontrols, are to estabtish basic ground ruLeswith which the staff, the planning Cornrnission,applicants, and the community know will befollowed in public review processes. To provide for the subdivision of property in thefuture without conflict of development on adjacentland. While the reguired 80 foot square within a newlycreated lot is intended to provide for anadeguate building envelope, the previousproposal raised questions relative to the lotrsability to accommodate development within thisbuilding area. This prioposal provides forbuilding areas in excess of the reguired 80 footsquare. This should ninirnize the need forsubsequent setback variances when this propertyis developed. while originaLly subdivided prior to theincorporation of the Town of VaiI, Town zoninghas guided developrnent in this area for over l_5years. This proposalts cornpliance with minirnumstandards inplies consistency with the ?ownrsoverall development objectives. While previoussubdj.vision proposals for this site creltedpotential inriacts on adjoining parcels(particularly Lot 2 to the east), the proposedlot line creates buffers which will limitirnpacts on views, privacy, and the changingcharacter of this area. 2. EJ*JT 3.To protect, and conserve the value of land. throuqhoutt!:_llLl"ipality and, rhe v"rue-"i l"iiaiis=';;"Lmprovements on the 1and. The val-ue of a lot, and to a greater extent thevalue, of a nei-ghborhood, is ii 1;t; ;;;t"-dependent on the level and type "i"J.i"iop*."twithin it. Staff opposition to previousproposals were, to a degree, bas6d on this. consideration. ft is the rt?f-f 's position that this proposalrscornpliance with lol stand,ards, along. ;iaf,---efforts to address other issues raiiea-fy tn"staff, demonstrate that this proposal is notdetrinental to the value of fana'iiri""qht"th"Tolrn . To ensure that subdivision of property is incornpliance with the Town'" """I"g-orainancrf toachieve an harrnonious, """"""i""i,, rvorkablerelationship among land uses,-consistent witfrnunicipal development objecti.r"=.' fn order to rernain consistent with siririlarreguests_ (the Sunmers and Tennenbaumapplications) ' the staff iniai;l;; aiatogue witnthe_ applicants on what t6;; of restrictionswould be amenable to botfr'partie-.--ey-riil"" "rthis subdivision,_tfre propirty stand;-to-;;inapproxirnately_ z.Lso =qir.rl feet of aaaiti6niiGRFA than would be perlnitted. und.er ."i=ti"g-'conditions. rn additior, -it" property wouLd bepermitted four units (as'offo=ea to two und.erexisting zoning). The efui,.,ing c"*rir.i"n*-^shouLd keep_in_ruina__t_let ih;rr"ilJ.9;;dio","onroi'"Tffi ";ri3€*a_gotff #I."a r r h i s r i nr et- rhE* srdf Fr su g q "= iL d ;ta*tfr ;.;--_ :_'_ eppriEdtts tnat ttre cnra on'6otn parcels A and. Bbe timited ro a toral of approxim;a;it-;,Jsi''square feet of GRFA. prioi-to this iir",-Iir"applicant had offered. to resirict tfr"-relonJiryunits on both parcels to restri"i.a--""pi;;;;-housing units. As a result, d.iscu==ioir t6oxplace concerning restrictions on both the arnountof square footage and. the n"il-,r" of theresidential units that coula-U" fuitt on theselots. Staff considers. these types of rdecentralized.,lenpl.oyee units to be vei| Ueneficial to thecornrnunity. This feeling-is substanii"t"j Uy theresults of the Eagle cointy fiousinj -"r""y-i,f,i.t 4. \ tl JJJ ') 1 5. identified stand-alone ernployee housing units asthe most desirable. As an incentive for these,units to be built, the staff and applicant haveagreed to what is essentially a 5OO square footItcredit,rr to allow for the construction of the employee housing units. Simply stated, both Parce1 A and Parcel B would be pernittedapproximately 2,667 square feet of GRFA ifsingle farnily residences are developed on eachparcel . If the right to build the secondaryunit is exercised, -an additional 500 square feetof GRFA will be allocated to that parcel for thesecondary unit. To guide public and private policy and act,ion inorder to provide adeguate and efficienttransportation, water, sewage, schooJ_s, parks,playgrounds, recreational_ and other publicreguirenents and facilities and. geneially to providethat public facilities will have sufficient clpacityto serve the irroposed subdivision This purpose of the subdivision regulations isintended to address large scale subdivisions asopposed to this proposal under consideration. To provide for accurate 1egal descriptions of neuLysubdivided land and to estibtish reasonable anddesirable constrl.rction design standard.s andprocedures. This is another inherent goal of subdivisionregulations that has little specific referenceto this application. To prevent the pollution of air, streams, and ponds,to-assure adeguacy of drainage iacilities, to - safeguard the water table and to encourag:e the wiseuse and.nanagement of natural resources f.hroughouttlt". Tyli.ipality in order to preserve the int5grity,stability and beauty of the c6rnmunity and the ialueof the land. There is the potential that the development ofproposed parcel B nay irnpact the naturilfeatures of the lot, that nay otherwise not beimpacted if this Iot were diveloped as existing.Specificatly, staff concerns center around thenature stand of pine trees at the northerly endof the lot and the transition this Lot rnak-es in. leading to the Gore Creek stream tract. As isthe case with other issues previously cited bythe staff, the proposed, Iot- line series to 6. rnj.tigate staff concern. It is the feeling ofthe staff that the building envelope proposedfor parcel B wilt allow foi the siting oi a homewhile rernaining sensitive to the naturalfeatures found at the northerly portion of thisIot. IV. STAFF RECOMI,IENDATION It is no secret that the staff has looked very critically 1!=!|i=.proposat. While ar one tine ojpo=ing'thi=apprrcation, the applicant and staff nlve woixed togetherto resolve issues pieviously identifiea ny iir"-.tuff. Asa result, the staff is recorirrnending approval of thissubdivision as reguested.. condi.ti6ns';i-";;r;;ai inctudethe following: L. The existing structure on Lot 4 be d.enoLished,re:noved frorn the si.te, and the sjte revegetated. priorto the,signingi of the minor subdivision frfui ly LfreConnunity Development Department. The staff wou1d allow the opportunity for the cost ofrevegetation to be bonded. in- ttre event that the lots were t" bg.rleveloped shortly after the existi"g =iiu.!ur" isdemolished. The details of tbis cou1d. be worked outbetween the owners and the staff. The staffrs intent isto ensure that the tot is either redeveloped or restored.to previous naturar. conditiot. "n"tt the eiisting structureis removed. 2. The second condition of approval invoLvesrestrictions^inposed upon the leve1 and. type ofdevelopment for propds6d parcels A and B. Thefollowing table lnaft be tne development regutationsrelating to density and employee, units: 1,.*'!r- /-tZ ,tft' Proposed Parcel ItAtl Developrnent Summaries ( 2667 bq ft.r-ir onlf aresidence of GRFA perrnittedsingle familyts constructed Proposed Parcel ttBrt ,.--,.*'\q_!!Zis ft of GRFA perrnittedr_t only a single famityresidence is constructed i, 3L67--bq ft of GRFA pernitted-*if'{ secondary unit- isconstructed. This unitwill be rest,ricted toernployees housing asoutlined in L8.13.OgO 8.10. '._.3167-sg ft of GRFA pernittedff-d.qecondary unit isconstructed. This unitwill be restricted toemployee housing asoutlined in L8.i:.oeo B.Lo. Staff recognizes that this is somewhat cumbersome, butfeels the value of the enrployee housing units outweighsany difficulties in establishing this iondition ofapproval . To ensure these conditions are met, staff wouldrecommend that the following language be recorded with theIand records of Eagle County: 1. Gross Residential Floor Area (as defined by Section1B.O4.13O of the Vail Municipal Code) of parcel Ashall be linited to a rnaximun of 2,667 square feetand Parcel B shal1 be limited to a rnaxirnurn of 2,667square feet. 2. A Gross Residential Floor Area credit of 5OO squarefeet is permitted on both parcel A and parcel g forthe exclusive purgjose of constructing a secondaryunit. Secondary units constructed on either parcel A orParcel B shaI.l be restricted to use as lonq ternernployee housing units as permitted. under SectionL8.L3.08O 8.10 of the Vail Municipal Code. Theserestrictions prohibit the secondaiy unit from beingsold, transferred, or conveyed separately frorn theprirnary unit, require renLal only to tenants that areemployees in the Upper Eagle Valley for periods notIess than thirty days, and prohibil any iorrn of tineshare. interval .ownership oi fractional fee. These covenant restrictions cannot be repealed oramended without approval of the Town Council of theTown of Vail. a .t ' f-' Project Appllcation Project Name: Project Description /ls-t D."P.Qtx contact Person and pnone frczn- 2 < s t- Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: V; /l ?:.;'-<-- h - t >u Z- Lesaloescriptio n,tor '/ , awcx / , rr^n tH ALL/,V Z4 , zon" y'ft Comments: Design Review Board o^," 'tflf a' DISAPPROVAL Motion by: Seconded bv: APPROVAL Su m mary: Date: Town Planner E statt Approval 7 a ),/ /^. Iv APPLIcATI0N D^IEI f// r(/ DATE 0F DRB MEETING, {/ / DRB APPLICATION BE ACCTPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI{ITTED**********THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT I . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any addjtjonal information is needed. No applicatjon wjli be accepted unless it is complete (must include all items required by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment wjth the staff to find out about additional submittal requ'irements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- tion rv'ill streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the numberof cond'i tjons of approval that the DRB may stipulate. ALL condjtjons of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECI DESCRIPTION: B.LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: )-<-f-,- r^r, .-l ..o ,., o 4 S, /.- C r.a^ " /rn, ^ z' Addres s Legal Description Lot I alock +Filins I V e'ra Zonins f/a .-=---7- n C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address NAME OF Address NAME OF F. E.OWNERS: Si gnature Address APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : 57 a-"- (//,t,- DRB FEE: The fee wi I I VALUAT iON be paid at the tjme a building FEE ':'ii'.$ 0-$ 10,000 'i g 10 ,001 - g 50 ,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ .500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 $ to.oo $ 2s.00 $ so.oo $ 100 .00 $200.00 $3oo. o0 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDiNG ALL SUBMISSIONS TO THE DRB: 1. In,artrditioh t0 meeting submittal requirements, the appl.i cant mustto iirdicdtg property lines and bujlding corners. Trees that will should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB si td, The revlew proeess fon NEtl BUILDINGS wiil normally'i nvolve tlo separate meetingsof the Design Review Board, so plan on at least two meetings for their approvai. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduledmeeting and who have not asked for a postfonement will be required to be republ i shed. 2. / telephone4AlLg7pS televhone{i(/r7ffi1 te1ephoneful5d& permit is requested. stake the site be removedvisits the .^t t*{- ^r;I ,44- s,h t*{-.,Jt. ?.^{r[^^) "\J{ w*!4> i^ it*r[rg,,"^* &\*L JA / -i-- ,^,L A f rr ,.,A a l; *,-^o e,Joi*+, (*l"n+U <.!- lry *--,"7L .lr" ?-r<Glr h- 'j f.y.*'g"* / ,nilt rRB <h I't p- 4-4*_ 4*U +, /'-^rQt^^^r Af.-*- ,r\ QAd t4"-ah /T+'r*- a @.^-*,1L Lttu-- r^\ 1 -4a- -rL | *\ !i" ^l t +*Jll-- I 1'-u y*,t, rr.\ 1ry G:tt> lt-ldqt"\-( t]a- 1\-f tfr\r,n"{- z ! t*r. q- I I \lf.- \}* ..^J\t^- -I *{^r ^\ -,) / u-tJ*"l