HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 3 BLOCK 4 LOT 5 LEGALrE- - Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Fron@e Roa4 Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970,479,213F ta\i 970,479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project l{ame: MNSBURG RES. DRB Number: DR8050472 Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR THE REMOVAL OF 3 DEAD TREES Patticipants! owNER MNSBURG, DAVID p. AAIDGND09/06/2005 509 E HIGH POINT PEORIA IL 61614 APPUCANT LAND DESIGNS BY ELLISON,INC09i05/2005 phorre: 970-94$1700 P O BOX 1259 AVON co 81620 Llcense: 130-5 CONTMCIOR LAND DESIGNS BY ELLISON,INC0g/ffi/2005 Phone: 970-949-1700 P O BOX 1259 AVON co 81620 License: 130-5 ProjectAddrcss: .{63 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: ,163 BEAVER DAM ROAD Legal Descrlptlon: Lot 5 Block: 4 Subdlvlsion: VAIL VILI-AGE RUNG 3 Paral l{umber: 2101-071-1101-3 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS t Vp'zWtta+4iti"a e fY-tl BOARD/STAFF ACIIOI{ MoUon By: Action: SfAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Appruvalt O9lO7l2OO5 CondiUons: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff ard/or the appropriate review ommi$ee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this proJect shall lapse and become void one (1) year follonting the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construdion is commenced and is dilpendy pursued toward completion. I -vPlanner: Waren Campbell DRB Fee paid: $2O.OO " nn'il d*;ou ,{,'/ ,\" //c.9 / rC/ / .. '\\'.2^\y ,r-ffi OUinor Exterior Alteratifs Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel 970.479.2L28 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submifring a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Dwelopment Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town C.oundl and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Descriptionof theRequest. feWe,/A-! 0l 3 +T4-Ls Location of the Propos alz Lot: 5 alock: t Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.: )ltJ I O 1 ll i O l3 . (Contact Eagle Co, Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: s Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address: Type of Review and Feer tr Signs D Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Atteration (multi-family/commercial) g Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request $s0 No Fee $6s0 $300 $2s0 # $20 No Fee n D Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window additiont landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window addifions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, For revisions to plans already approved by Design Re\riew Board, Phone: Phone; F:Jr?ff* u"giltt check No.: / ur. b=.d fl*e \<rrl\to( 'f-c Meetins Date: 4e+' /o'os{f DRBNo.: Scp O1 2OOS 8:51PFl Peacc of l'lind Propents l'la 9?O-4?6-6AGG sEp-sl-effi 13:51 FFnr:Ln m-ftcorrY y, ry, p.3 476 Wm P.?/e I "*:"j':t,il#{; SGPtGstbQr l' 2005 i"ffi iojntdLn uoitY Dev etoPnurt Vail,CO To Whoo It tvlaY Conccrg: ##-ffi'*:H,ffiryffiiHr"T8litr Siffercly' &, P tL*r\ D$ridP.knshry DPR:kmt Sep ol 2OOS 8:5lPl''l Peace of l.l i nd Propertg l'l a fiur I a FF( t€. t9tpilrE 3?O-r176 -6866 TOrtr 4?5 AE}Ea s?o-iFlle-3366 Eb. 6 iil! 3;?1Fr p.2 jP-er-as t4:1s FRo{lLR iELglrE€CUTrr,E I 389 69a ?67 I Srp Or uo05 tr62Pll PJrce ct rtnc PrcPrrt! ll' p,2/e p.l qEn ffi L(F rtolrurCgeHr(ffirF ffi$ *bAI41 v tr"*t$ttt Euhfle.rrrrtdldhFlr! **irrl nt.rffi b h]ilr d U S!rr* H5t DFilsFilr ld nplro b b stll'rU|r|[r. rf rE.. I rffilt||f tb# ||Fil5l 16* t t|ldu rrti- rrt nhr ;ff il If- b fi ttct qf, il dgr ilE IEr b m! cndbtl sr th rqr* ffi ra|r| r{ r||frr- nrcu,rys t VERIFICATIOT{UTILITYAPPROVAT& This form seryes to verify that the proposed improvemenE will not impact any exisdng or proposed utlllty services, and also to veriff service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and'xheduling installations. A slte plan, including grading plan, floor plan, and elevations, shall be submitted to the followlng utilities for approval and verification. Comments Date QWEST 970,a58-0672(fax) ContacG: Sam Tooley 970.468.6860 Jason Sharp 970.384.0238 XCEL HIGH PRESSURE GAS 970.262,4076 (tel) 970468-1401 (fax) ContacH Richard Sisneros HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC 970-947-s43s (El) 970-945-4081 (fax) Conbct: Mike Mikolic XCEL ENERGY 970.468.1lo1 (fax) Contacts: Kit Bogaft 970.262.4024 Jim Oheal 970.262.4003 EAGLE RIVER WATER & SANITATION DISTRICT 970.476.7480 (teD 970.476.,1089 (fax) Contact Marlan Phelps COI,ICAST CABTE 970.468-2669 x 112 (tel) 970.,168-2672 (fax) Contact: Bradley Dorcas NOTES: 1. If the utility appruval & verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problems and the development can proceed. 2. If a utillty company has concerns wlth the proposed construction, the utility representative shall note directly on the utility verlflcation form that there is a problem which needs to be resolved. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. l'lowever, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resolve identified problems. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor of the responsibility to obtain a Public Way Permit from the Departrnent of Public Works at the Town of Vail. Wlity locations must be obtained before diqgino in any public right- of-way or easement within the Town of Vail, A building permit is not a Public Way oermit and must be obtained separatelv. The Developer is required and agrees to submit any revised drawings to the uUlities for re.approval & re-verification if the submitted plans are altered in any way after the authorlzed signature date (unhss othenalse specifically noted within the comment area of thls form). Page 8 of t3l06l08los o Botanical Name PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPING Common Name Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS D(fiNG TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping:Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Souare Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please speciff other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, ryvimming pools, etc.) f.v',, co.fot-? Ls*f{'t"gu"- 3 laTe -{*-{-[ sac Page 7 of 13106106105 bEAVE DAM rcAD. drivara.{ hrnt'th*l.'R Po (- 5 83)--l ?5_, \ T'a ?""a TF: +EI :.-.> rd-t- \- !;i t,ir. #.iltas' {r, -,. t=-[lr 'r. ..j'' {tr,'- | 'rg , i1f#, w1ft2, (-(/Ynrlr{\A}/,l'te^}I Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnert of Communify Devdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co. r.rs Proiect llame: MNSBERG REROOF DRB Number: DR8040138 ProJect D€scription! RE ROOF-SAME FOR SAME Particlpants: OWNER MNSBURG, DAVID P. &ALDGNDO4/2II2OM Phone: 509 E HIGH POINT PEORIA IL 61514 Llcense: APPUCANT KITCHELLDEVELOPMENT 04lZLl?004 Phone: 97tr390-1381 P. O. BOX 2558 vAIt co 816s8 License: 101-8 CONTRACTORKITCHELLDEVELOPMENT 0412U20A4 Phone: 970-390-1381 P. O. BOX 2s58 VAIL, CO 81658 Ucense: 101-8 Project Addrcss: 463 BFAVER DAM RD VAIL location: 463 BFAVER DAM ROAD, UNITS nAn & nBu Legal Description: Lo$ 5 Blodr: 4 Subdlvisim: VAIL VILLAGE RUNG 3 Parcel Number: 210107111013 210107111014 Comments: SEE CONDmONS BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motlon By: Action: SIAFFAPR Second By:Vote; Date of Approvah Ml?lllo0a Conditions: Cond: I (PHN): No dranges to these plans may be made without the wrltten consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprlate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constltute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities, Cond: 201 ona appr#ha[ rd beome ralld for 20 days ftllq,$rte daE of approral. Cond:202 Apprut/al of thb prcjectfull hpoe and become rroH one (1) yesr ftlhruiru the date of final appronl, unles a bdldlng permlt ls ls$ed and oftstn.dion is ommened' and ls diligen$y pursued tovyad oompledon. Planner: Joe Suther DRE Fe€ Pald: i2O.OO ,r-ffi ?pplication for Design *!,"* Departsnent of Community Development 75 SouU Frontage Road, Vail, Colondo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwiew cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences witfiin one year of the approval. REC E IVE D ,ii.2 1, ,, - M,T& Locationof theProposaf: Lot: ) Bloct: Y suoaivision:/htltLLlf4l- h/.&va 3 -4ytr6 Physical Address: !,ffi,",*'":.,W(ContactEag|eCo.Assessorat97o-328-8640forparcelno.) Zonang: Name(s) of Owner(s)! Mailing Addressz (t Owner(s) Signature(s):a6Vi Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Address:lii - tSEl $50 Plus $1,00 per square foot oftotal sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudl as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping. fences and retainino walls. etc. Pg""' ror min-or changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window addiuons, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the De$gn Revieu, Board. No Fee Type of Review and Fee: D Signs E Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addition tr Minor Alterafon ffrulti-family/commercial) d Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request Page 1 of r3lIIlLTlO3 l r t**6ttuff^a>1us W 'M'K€'<1) 1U s Elnv4*Dat"t /4"a\ PROPOSED MATERHLS Buildino Materials Tvoe of Material /1'fq1 hu s )ut Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Sotrits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notesi D,tr spf+rE S c{,,fKfu-4l/?l/<t m@ Please speciff the manufacturer's name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 5 of I3JLUIT|O3 tr Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan:n Indicate type, location and number of fixtures,tr Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areatr Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: tr Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s) s Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim. doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of t3lItlt7l03 o Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Cornmunity Development 75 Sodh Fpntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 fax:. 970.479.2452 web: wwwci,vail.co,us Project Name: Ransburg tree removal DRB Number: DRB030248 Proiect DescripUon: Tree removal Participants: OWNER MNSBURG, DAVID P. & ALBGND0Z0U2003 Phone: 509 E HIGH POINT PEORTA IL 6t6t4 License: APPUCINT MNSBURG, DAVID P. & ALE0ND0Z0I/2003 Phone: 309-692-2273 509 E HIGH POINT PEORIA IL Zransburg@lrnelson.com 61614 License: ProiectAddress: 463 BEAVERDAM RDVAIL Lo€ation: 463 Beaver Dam Road Legal Description: Loh 5 Block 4 Subdivision: VAIL ULLAGE FIUNG 3 Parcel Numben 210107111013 Commentst seeconditions o BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Bill Pierce Actiont APPROVED Second Byi Margaret Rogers Vote: 5{ DateofApprovah 0710212O03 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN); DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0006008 Tree to be removed must be replaced with two (2) twenty foot (20) spruce trees by tolLsl03. Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: 32O.OO I A pplication for Design Review,*ffi a€ 4-_- Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 taxi 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co,us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department, The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design r€view approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Description of the Request: Locationof theProposal: Lot: 5 Bdct(z 4 Subdivision; Physical Address: Parcef No,: A/ o /07// / O t3 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: ,1 It/1eS t rlettfia / Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: iJr,J6 d gr''n fX,7 l-j | 1..;.t L(t tla Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: E-mail Addressl Type of Review and Feel n Signs E Conceptual Review E New ConstructionC Addition n Minor Alterauon (m ulti-fami lylcommercial) y, Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) E Changes to Approved Plans n Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping. fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Use Only: Fee Paid: Check No.:By:- DRBApplication Date: Planner: No.: Jun 30 03 o+: UgP':Hbovc F oFa3Br5, lhc u/u-+iJ-+51.t Root npproxirarc Diancts (in) Tistanc,c (ft)Direction t 6.0 4 No4- 2_3.5 4 N(rrth 3 2.0 4 ffi UutI P.r JuF 30,2003 IodyLindfatl Box 1174 Edvnrds,CO 81632 tE Trcc c4,63 Bcaver Dam Rd" DcaJodY' IlunkyouforconwtkrgACurAboveForernrytoaddressyourteecarerrceds.l'ou .onwt d stoy Jqant wltril cI lb"* t::g^'":1iT*X*Hffi ;il"ffi ".tlHtgf.XroWWffi1"' ;fi;; -d FY'"r,tf3 Bcover IhoRoo4vaiLcofco#Ht-iluo*logrcttt'i'"'-offir"oftdeinve*igationand €rnludioo. SEva Tn$a!fi, on tS-A' Ccrtified Arborisl fr"F { 9"1 Above Fcrcstry visitod the sire on rune2?,2003toinuelt6i't-trec'*r!1$Affit*U$m!""tt'lp soecitic data conccrnrag'root damage and loss' RicJ jlbu* wiu a c* *';Ji#'6 """r.,a.at"'pnoto' an.l dara collectcd by Steve Tanad to prepcrc tl" urzrd wt ciahntion and this lefter' Tbeueeisal4.2inahdiamstcr,sefoot.tsTColoradospruce(Piceapr,ngens).Thetree har a tull crorila tbst it frili"ili t"trr !ry btf t" G tio d & ree' It is locatcd on the soudr ri& of thc d'i* "il*"i-'it-itid-iout not *1" tusc and about tho sanre distance ftom6c ldihbor's bouse- Rcccnteorcavrtionrcmovcdthpeoi|ardryotstgwirbinfourfeetofttrenorthsideftrthc trca. Th€e roots Fr;'6; yr-i*h in diamctcr rt'cre brolcen during excnvation' Tte ucc has a 5zo lean to tha cast etrrtiog st thc base. AccotdiDg to your convsrsauon wilh Stcvc. tbcrn . ,r"" *i-tiliol prioio tlre rworrt oxcavgtiorl A Cut Aboue Forestrl, Inc. Spectertzing on Trse Scl'vloe aod FgrfrEy Cor,l,.uWng P.O. BoxTltt Brccltlrrldec 970-l6lt-01t4 Eagle County c's92€-924e Jun 3O 03 (t4: Ogp T &ttft*"Rick Hcrrche Ccdifud tuborist #RM-2 195 Euc. Harud Trce Fon, Pbotogr4hs fibovc FoFcrtrgr Inc 3-43t 6 Thc amout of root los end &e cl,ose proximity to ftc tree base is a concenr. Allhough a hoal&y Eeo ou wittstaad root loases exccedlng 5070, rvhm all of thie loes is on ooe slde thc tee oau boconrc unstable and wsccptible to root or soil failure in high winds or hocty, lvct$or{Etonnc. Rcscoch and industry orycrience rcconmcnd no rroot lors should occnr within 4 to 6 ftef ofthc ncc b6ss. Bocausc tlc b€c is talt with a nanrow c,lown, rmt lors whhin 6 fut of thc hcc basc will ftc sunctural inlcgrity of drc root soil rultionship. Wbc,n roots alctocr from arcc thc rernaining raots are plled ard shaken which ofon cnckg dtc rcot bclow tlrc soil o,r lmeenhg tbe soil aound th€ nrots, Thi rssult is thc Emskdng rcots do oot provlde as good ofanc.horago ae they did prior 1o thc shaking. A hezud tlcc is a boe thst is within sEiking di$arro of etargd srh es e hou$ or playgroud ad hrr a dcfcst ihrt is s€rious €oough to caus failule, T tleo now has a dof€ct tbaf could cauac frc trcc to fiil and has scv€nl targcts wi&itr rtriling distancc. Usirg thr lrrtcrldioul Smicty of Aftcrioulturc Trtc llaad Evahnlion Fona in conJunction wtlh rA Pho@rophio Cuidcto &c Evaludion of llazard Trccs in Urban ,{rpas" tho tseG rtccivcd a haad rding or 9 oul of a possible 12. Flrrc l: Iilbcn roO rlc rcrord to vi6b 3 tim6 &e tEG d.ncb Itr*ffir.ffi*- In my pcofcrdonal opinh'n, I ftcl this trec, in its premt coodition, Eprcceots a rearonrblc bazard to property aud persons. This tncc $ould be romowd ar ihe earliest posslbl€ €snYeois.€" Cut o g?O--.tS o p.a API:r-'-,.'-* .-)r, DE,. *,-lE DArr Tke 'FlD p.elurven, F- Jun 30 O3 O.+:09p F Cut Abovc Forcstrg, Inc 37 o 0 - 459 -43 l6 i - ' p,3 A ll'horgaplig $ioe-m ru Erarurrion st roo,rdliuEs In uftan AreasFffiE TnEE flfilglp wAlilifwl',Fdhrfr&d 8,,, siuA8rss fllp,lrcrtn: ftme ltt!ft- pri$ X unino*n o!||r, __orc..-- lrg.cm 0tof lthrrOoo: rilcrilmgrilgrlGi rilt- Mtc orn t tl rdtr* | nrqrt sflt _hfiE tr grrrqlU rtnm.lfg Clatroruynrmry trt fl,{or &sJ,mmrfy tr ilrap em{r trorymogt|c* tI dotffi||! E(co.um*rant ,trfrb,r.m trslpn$rdJJil* Grqrrqnrtrr,*rr*cc!d rrver-Irlql*lctGlcld 'nr'ltmbrr fltrffifr*1yY^ E-ry ocrcrinniso trpoffird E'rormrs,.nilrEfl..hGUa ucabhd/r.c$Enc Brmqtopnt0he ilctb Aeptu.drtre:ffit[EErml h[t3r.d[: Vnorid :$rlcrltic Cl..ctotc gnmlH v ||,OiltcffilF lffl.'||r,[bca Fsil|[rtilfit? q|p'fi|l Ernnr lrtrt|s tr,Frrntl Ornrrbldrl$illE OGllEr ,$mnn Epor l'UtDlEff y tl$f|dnfi{ilhg|t 6Htt trnmea Efor trrrr:vh.crc t{trcum trllnrrer :ilr Gooor O!nh. tr*rtt| trqFg.tralltllnrmsr ilor*oc Od||r tralb tsnlEil[on { ilfto _3_Fft|!P$iltdq, 8mffiils tirer*r I?F#na. tcomnmf trkutftl tro.dr Eop.nsFc! trngretlke.!ilG trFfinil nd$dld trcomnar Onuno {errr tr$rutborrtrhll|l|ht fltrorc trU11r trFEdlqg trucsCr* tr6r*6dmnt*frr @ I Ecmuo tfuerhcr D'lfioDrttraduh[s xo|g 0a5qt aeon ,o-E!r ??ioor trc'rodt rdk tr*ntbrEf trelc|rrtq Et*ctztrg hltrt it y iltfl[n gllrsl llflilh|silrlfirld |(0'| ee5% 23{o!t €stlr TFtfl|nOtt l!s.8$ ti.Strf !Gr!!a 75.110t6l0flr*lG eft'|'ot tr3i.|oi trcfitffid Bdtnttehty o.dr' cld€tu trr*rb Eynatvobmc Etd!$s$conhr cnicfi,-vof 16$trq Orrclrtr Cl&r_. rrDlrt--0[slhc OF!! trJornsr tr[rrt{r trr&ur'troryicdhr trurddlroultdb Btgrb ilrcpcrmwg tr_bmt*G tr*rorn ?o"tt-ry trotuitoryrnr trrsfitFqo*il D$dnrocrno[r*lg! clnagon.Ewrndhmwfnglfrffi aitJy'|& _0oenwdtffitlElaru Cllrllr Etrlefi, En6ulr! nn8l? llntlr*Brr: Xurrl^qrrtrm trfiil' troro,.r Encnoon troneser "ffiCr!.Fhff? rO C..l|.l||lffiffi y ileqm OocsmCrs! Blrunnkrc trirqurmuse {corroacr Ilrtna'lrorsodruollrtoftfrrt Gima||o.|a9ant:bwhtcftrrBiolrrE Elad&]rddtil:t fiu|raradttlr romt. P'rlo -453 - te 16 ,r-, i - ) Jun 30 03 04: lOp ! Flb ovc Forrsgrur Inc g?Cu o INEE OEFE6T$ ffiAIDEFffiT& Suedrrotllt' Y lil:ti"i ilt|[tom/cln|,tffllttnsnt v ti llx E llrilt moF Q coven ! mdsrdtt Cllow Undtftlod trsoen {crolrrc trla"t ffi;;lfl o**ri,ott.r B.otarcsafl,ow Vi 'h Erdlrlsro'rndad: Y l'--i lrrhgar fistcbi rlot u$l E levsre E mo&rd! tl tow Fotg|Ibl ld t!'t hrrrr: gtar|a - A raoA?'au E bt'/ HAZABD RANilG Tlo pad mot Uelto Ell:Rtilur8 DobtrtFlr 1 . bw; 2 'nraflum;3 'iidt; +' s€v?t! sEi ol part i - <ff (15 cm)i z' ts18" {15'45 c'n)i 3 - 1F3tr (4S75 cm);4 - )30r Fg cml Trrger efing. i - ocEasioc'J t s€:2 l'ttE|nltBfi l6s: 3 . tt€quent usa 4 ' con$td|t uss tnspscdoo prdod:..,.-- anfi8eJ - bblltftEi - qdlor '' kllwr Potsntfl i $n of P$t + Erpd Rr''rg r Harrdl FafiE HAZARD ABATENffiNT Prum: !J .rrnoln dtfiailvr !$l trrdue. Fd 3!i0ht tl ltsn datl Ejftin -tr aler canopy O rrcrvm nduce Callr/Er!Ea inslsct fuibst' o tcotcpwn E ruEftsirrs [f sbEPo O uecrry E cedrl F monltot Fa0tacrt Y N Uostslltt E odd€ I galuab trrrnmgs trgotunarurearcft yr 8[tsRsItEilI|Gf Y I HfSoiltalffiltltllli t$t[ht0.3 oottnsr c0MmBlTS Jun 3O Og 04:llP B Cuc Abovc Forrstryi Inc 9? Ploto lr hDr3dTna 0-/+5 o 3-r+sI6 i I p.5 -kiil$s Ptolo!: Notlcc btrlm |tol.$.!di!t frc! lrbw Dlg mcla **!3**+**+*****+**'F*****,1**********f+{.*i*****:********+*'t ** ** t**** ** ** | * ** * ** !***,* | * ** ** *** t* ** TOWN OF VAIL, COLOP,ADOCopy Reprinted on 07-21-2003 tt09;22t26 0712112003 Stat€metrt ****'***++********+*************t+***!t********'t*+'****{t**'}**t **'}+*tt******'t**{.***+************* Staternent Nu ber: R030004348 Amount: $20.00 07/21-/200309.22 Avl Palment Metbod: Check IniE: DF Notation: CIIECK # 1-13 5 RANSBURG RESIDENCE Permit No: DR8030248 I]4>e: DRB-Minor ALt, SE'R/DI'P Parcel No: 2l-0107111013 Sitse Address: 463 BEJAVER DAM RD VAIL Location: 453 Beaver Dam Road TotsaI Fees: S2O. OO This Payment: $20.00 Total ALt PmCs3 $20.00 Balance: S0,00 * * *l' ****+ ** + ** * * ******* * * **+** * * *+ +** *** * * **il +:*:t* ** * * ** t * * * *'t* **** * * * * * + + * * *** * {.*** !N.{.**+ *** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descriotion Cument Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVITW FEES 20.00 TOWN.OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD vArL. co 81657 9'10-479-2138 oil*rru*r oF coMMUNrry DEvELor?^,'';) l.lFr= NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Permit #: E02-0203 Job Address: 463 BEAVER DAM RD VAIL Status . . . : ISSUED [,ocation.....: 463 BEAVER DAM RD Applied . . : 09/2712002 Parcel No...: 210107111014 lssued . . : 09130/2002 ProjectNo : Expires. .: 10/01/2002 owNER RANSBURG, DAVrD p. & ArExAtirDog/27/2oD2 phone: 509 E HIGH POII\|:T PEORIA II, 57-6L4 License: coNTRAeTOR EAGLE VAII_,EY EIJECTRIC 09/27/2002 phone: 970-827-5772 P O BOX 11L6 VAIIT, CO 81558 I-,icense: 155-E APPLICANT EAGLE VAIJIJEY ELECTRIC 09/27/2002 phone: 970-A27-5772 P O BOX 11_15 vArrJ, co 8L658 License: 156-E Desciption: TO REPAIR AND/OR REPLACE UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL SERVICE WIRE AND METER STACK DUE TO EXCAVATION DAMAGE Valuation: $2,300.00 f leso'ical--.-.> DRB Fee--*--> Investigation--> Will Call----> Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees------> $54 .00 $0.00 $0. 00 $3 .00 *:t'l:l:i,t+t+r++r*a:r* FEE SUMMARY +{lr*:t:}**'N**r:|.l.+++t*tr*ali***,}**:}*,r:}*,r'}***a***:*t*:t****:r*'}*t,r s57.00 s0. 00 Total Pcrmit Fee-> S57 . OO Payments-------> $57.00 TOTAL FEES-> $s7 .00 BALANICE DUE-> So. 00 Approvals:Item: 05000 EITECTRICAIJ DEPARTMENT 09/27/2OO2 DF Action: AP :-:-T:--:-:-::-:--::-T-::-:f#H********.*,,+l+ltltl.+'i***|*:t**,*.}t|++|*.'i.'l*'l'}**:t:l'|'+.+++l'i**'}*'**,||i+|||*|i****+* CONDITIONS OF APPROVALCond: 12 -l?lii;]-;--lL*?-.:T::-"::--."-X,.ff-:-::Y::"""-:-.:--:-1"*:-1"i:l--:::-:--:,:-I:,.:]fl:i;.--,---",.***,,**,,:$+,++,,,,,***,.*,,* DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and subdivision codes, design review 'approved, Uniforrr Building Code *a otilorOinances of tho Town applicabf" rh"J REQT,'ESTS FOR INSPECUON SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR HOI.JRS ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 T OUR OFFICE FROM 8:(X) AM - 4 Plv{" FORHMSELF AND OWNEF t ** * * * * * * * * * * * 'f * * * * + * * * * * ** t * * * * * * *** **** * + + * +** * * * ** * * t *** * * * * * * * * * * * 't * * * 't+* * +** * * {. * 't * * *,r * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOCopy Reprinted on 01-06-2003 at 12:03107 0110612003 Statement *f + * * * ** * * * * * ** * * * * * ***+ +* ** + + * * * * ****'i ***** f +**** * ** * * * *'| + + * + * +* ** * * * t**** ** +**+ * rl* ** *,r *i..t * Statement Number: R000003128 tunount: 957.00 09/3O/20O2O8:57 AlI Pa)ment Method: Check Init: DF Notabion: check# 15737 Permit. No: 802-0203 llr5le: ELECTRICAIJ PERMIT Parcel No: 210107111014 Site Address: 463 BEAVER DAM RD VAIIJ I,ocaIion: 453 BEAVER DAM FJD TotaL Fee6: $57.00This Payment: $5?,00 Total ALIr pmt6r $57,00 Balance: $0.00 * * * * * {. * * * * * * * * *** t * * * * * * * * * + * * * * ** *** * * * * * + * **** * + * * * * * * * '} * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * {' **'** +* * 'F * * * * * * ** * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Cur^rent Pmts EP OO1OOOO31114OO TEMPOMRY POI,IER PERMITS l^ic 00100003112800 WILL CALL INSPTCTION FEE 54.00 3.00 APPucATroCL T!/trn0FVtn 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact r"trl.r$n uNsTGNED Project #:. Building Permit #: Electrical Permit #l 97 O-47 9-2149 (Inspections) for Parcel # COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materiats) Parcet # (Required if no brdg. permit *@1 071 1 1 01 4 Job Name: David Ransburq JobAddress: 463 Beaver Dam Road l4eter Stack due to b<cavatiqr damge. WorkClass: New() {9i!onf I Remodet( ) RepairS) Temppower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior 1x; Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of Bldg.: single.family ( ) Duptex (x1 uutti-ramity ( ) commerciat ( ) Restaurant ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this buildinq: ior a hot tub: Yes ( ) No (x Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes Does a Fire Sprinkler Systern Exist: Yes ( ) No ( ) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL VALUATION: 5 2,300.00 CONTRACTOR IN FORMATION Electrical Contrdctor:Eagle Valley Elgptric, Inc I] Town of Vail Req. No.: 156-E- n C-ontact and Phone #'s: Sam Blshop 827-5772 Ce1 904-5844 C""trrd"r Sig""t, rt*******************************rr:t*tr"**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY****************rr****+**r!************ F :/everyon{ferms/elecperm dopartmont of community dwelopment 10 B€ FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT .CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION lilf tr En BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL LOT Fr BL JOB NAME: MNSBURG RESIDENCE NAME DAVID RAUS_BUBC__ MAIL ADDRESS PH 6-8550 MAIL ADDRESS CITY PH. ARCHITECT TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu SIIAW ELECTRIC TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. 109-ELECTRICAL FIRM -TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO.PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL HEG, NO. TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO, TELE. OTHER CONTRACTO NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE DATF ocroBER 27, 1993 64 r3PERMIT NO. DATE l. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I ll lll lV V 2 OCCUPANCYGROUP AB EH IR M DfVISION 122a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : WIRE NEW PUMPS PERMIT FEESTYPE GROUP G,R.F.A. VALUATION BUILOING PERMIT NEW O ALTERATION (X) YAODITIONAT ( ) owrrrrrc urutts - 0 HEIGHI IN FT ACCOMMODATION UNITS -NO, F!FEPLACES THICKNESS R-VALLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED TOTAL PERMIT FEES -EBSSJ -CiLATZLE 10=2G93 JILDTNG OFFICIAL DATE & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, cornpleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as reguirdd is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordina icable thereto. OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND THE OWNER. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTTON "t%Ir*lPLr e**xnxr Tfi g9l , /'\ ''-) fltl'12 ^ APPI,TCAIrION MUST BE FILI.,ED OUT COMPI.,ETELY OR IT I,IAY NOT BE ACCEPTED I******************it*********** pERMIT TNF9RIIATJ9N *****************************tl \z11 1-auirding [ ]-plumblng X:-"r""aricat [ ]-Mechanicar [ ]-other Job Name: Ran bu.rli*es,Aenee ' ' ,rob Address: 463 ?,eo*urlo^ PA. Legal Description: Lot Block_ Filing owners Nane: Architect: Address z i&n-p*ph.47b -tssO Ph. MECIiANICAL:TOTAI: CONTRACTOR INFORMATTON * ******* * * ***************** Town of Vall Reg. NO._ Phone Nurnber: Town of vail Reg. na.€-t)"t Phone Number:d12b.772( Town of VaiJ. Reg. NO, Phone Number: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone Nunber: oFFrcE USE ****** * * ****** * ** ************** BUILDTNG PIJIN CHECK FAE: PLWBING PI,AN CIIECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI.AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERMIT BUTLDING: STGNAIT'RE ZONINGs Address: General Descrlptionz lJJt(Q- ntus ?un^tts I{ork cla6s: [ ]-New [ ]-Alteration [ ]-Additional [ ]-RepaLr -other Number of AcsonnodatLon UnLts:Nurnber of Dwelllng Units: I ^ $rnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances_ Gas Logs_ Woodr/Pellet_ E********************************* VALUATIONS ***************** ****************tl EL!:crRrcA "futdffi 'd- orHER:BUILDING: ELEC PLTIMBING:)tD***************************Illeneral contractor: Address; Electrical Contractor :5ha,:echic Dtc- Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: Mechanical Contractor: Address: ****************** ** ********** * * FOR BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: MEC}TANTCAIJ PERMIT FEE: EIECTRICAII FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: GLEAI{ UP DEPOSIT REFIINI) TO: SIGNATURE: f I INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOB INSPECTION: LOCATION: * i. JOB NAME MON THUR FRIESTU '..i/.,/ rt\RPPRovEo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REOUIRED Uf\LLE11 BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBlNG: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER E FOUNDATION / STEEL N FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULAT]ONt.E POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr E FINAL n tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP- POWER MECHANIGAL: T] HEATING C ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D tr tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL FINAL INSPECTOBDATE Frun : 5tr41,1 H-ECTR IC PH[${E l.lo. : 926 3358 Jan.26 1994 16:45RM PSI . $HAW EIEGTRIG, lIlE. P.O, 80r( lilEl A\fgft, Go 8|040 nH. 8{ti}01}€360 frz {o-n of ly'a,l Conr'unily Ernsr GlaIaJ - Elec#tu! {on*5 zat nqq fld trnrpcar.ars on #tc bewloPncaF Xt+aeclorI frl'ta,oi,.a Psrrnitr'Re: .A f,,rrdi:r * LLl7:, -. Rarcba\ Vn1,4!rce 1b3 BJa,'crDc Ed'-' dnatrXrcund"conptthd'-*insry.lad't^J'Jl U,,d,;Flitlry'ty to cw..1ltL tl* t'ft\uird€r s+ tl'a cx&- {ao f4raeen in rte'LL"Jo- t, W;ll cctr' il^ irq'c*iil r*Jrsrr @X' ,,,,, Psrrnif # (froq * lob {ank6 Nainr 11 A[t^ frmit was {;tel-, u*st',mer d,ee;aa nor Jra X I ' {i* * usak' dal" 'Na wd'+- han b'een done'' ,,f-\\(/ j l\ &^ figS,ao fdl"riF fie'c h asal'ux baa' {t t 5ittr*, f,lecwd ' ( *l"t ant !o* , 4r sl**, rNsilcroN REouEsi TOWN OF VAIL I t ,,II PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION: NAME MON WED CALLER TUES THUR ,FRI 479-2138 READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D HOUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL C] FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o tr tr FINAL tr F]NAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT o ,rrrw o,a FINAL D FINAL tr REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr DISAPPROVED CORRECTIONS: ruru /r :, . DATE .,/ INSPECTOR ^ Prfiect Name; tuDgy'//,^',7fvf7/cNt tt- le FllEz Owner, Address and Phone:/ 507 € Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot e,rins lhL y'/u'a6/' ?FD' ,..n. Comments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPROVAL DISAPPROVAL summary: J* { fto'oa n*^ fra P' * /t,rprrprr7 71 a<.rtb r . /lrura*r 3 y'eorttr* UE$T COPT k,",, Approval NNI.ABLE CTION REQ TOWN OF VAIL ,479fl138 rtti'o Pu ( :: 1l D,rtt READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: THUR PERMIT NUMB OFPROJECT // JOB EUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PI-UMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL ::::::JI,TI^:tr FRAMING ,-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAT tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIF h tr FINAL }/appnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr FEINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS:7* oeDRB APPTTCAIION - TOWN'OF \AIL, revis€d COLORADO 9/4/eL + I. B. Subdivision Vail Village Third filing and Lot l, Block 2, Val1 ff property is de5cribed by a" meets and bounds legaldesgription, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot.Block ZONING: Two Family Primary / Se c ondary Resldenrial J. K. provide a currenu-- 0. 506 acre; Lot I -ADDT OX''0.5 acre Phone T. burg FEE $ 20.00I s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $500.00 DATE Appr,rcATroN.REcErvED: RF[': .':-'L. i 9 199t DATE OE DRB MEETING: . **********,' TEIS A?PI.ICAIION I{II.L NOT BE ACCEPTED ttNEIL, AJLI". REQUIRED INrOR!,i!ATION IS SUBMITTED********** PROJECT INFORMATTON: A. DESCRIpTION,: Landscaplng alteratlons involvlng lntroduction of water feature, walkwav, rocks, and recontourlng to allevlate erosion and' related problems TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)x Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) c. D. ADDRESS i 463-467-483 Beaver Dam Road LOT AREA: If requi-red, applicant UusL stamped survey Jnowing lot area. L$] NAI'1E OF AppLICANT. David P. Ransburg and Alexandra L. Ransburg Mailing Address: Peoria IL 616f4 NAMB OF MailingVail C0 APPLICANT's REPRESENTATIVE. ATthUT A. AbPIANA1P . Ransburs/Alexandra L. Ransburg, Lot onn JorXN*^-*SIGNAT Mailing Address:,Lt?K-m '8sna;,fr l frrtl,i-iltf;'i"tdtt app r i cab I e . DRB FEEI DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the t.lme of subrniLtal of nnn app1icat,lon. Later, when applytng f,or a buildlng permit, please identify t'he alcuiate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vaj-I will adjusu tbe fee according to the table beloi, to ensure the correct fee is paid. ,n.^ o3- rtb]?AFEE PAID: $ IVO,-, , FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ o - $ lorooo $ 10r ooL - $ 50, ooo)$ s0,001 - $ 15o, o0o $150,001 - $ Soorooo $500,001 - $1,000, 000 $ . over $1' 000,000 * DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPRO\IAI EXPIRES ONE YE:AR AT'TER IIII{AL AIPROVzII. I'NI,ESS A EUTLDING PERMIT TS ISSUED AT{D CONSTRUCETON IS SIARTED. **NO APPIJIqATION WII"I' 8E PROCESSED WITIIOUT OWNER' S SIGNATURE t" ') revissd 9/A/gL on.e *r,rcArroN - rowN'oF vArrtcor.oRADo DATE APPLICATION .RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: _ *** * * ***** ISIS APPI.,ICATION WTLL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTII. A1L REQUIRED INE'ORMAIIION IS SUBUIETED****tr***** PROJECT INFORMATION: A.DESCRI'TION.: Landscaplng alEerations lnvolvlng introduction feaEure, walkway, roc[<s, and recontorlllng to alleviate eroslon and' related problems I. of r4rater a TYPE OF REVIE9I: New Conslruction ($200.00)x Minor AlteraEion ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) c. D. Addit,ion ($50.00) ADDRESS: 463-467-483 Beaver Dam Road LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ].Ot 5 B1OCK E. ZONING; F. I,OT AREA: If reguired, aPPlicant stamped survey showing lot area. 81658 Pbo Subdivisiep Y111 villag.e, Third filing and Lot 1, Block 2a Vail vl.lraqe btxEn f lranqIf property is deSciibea-bt-tr meets and bounds legal desgription, please provide on a separate sheet and attach to this application. mustLoE 5 provlde a currenh-- 0.506 acre; LoE I -approx--0.5 acre G. H. NAI'JE OF AppLICANT' David p: lq""U"tg ""a Af""""d Mailing Address: 509 East Hleh Polnt Boad Peorla IL 61614 P NAME OF MailingVail CO APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVE Arthur A. Abplanalp Address; suite 3oQ 1!9_!pC!! burg c/o Mr. Ray FlEzserald, Potter, Pht !,,lEzgera lq q_roFEcE; J!) {arK Avenue DouEn,'rnone: /Lz--.+tJ-Lluu - Jord4n_coriilominlum Approval if applicable. tpi\-effi J. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at the tlme of submittal of DRB applicatlon. Later, when applylng for a building permit,, please identify the._ accuiate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the table belovt, Lo ensure t,he correct fee is Paid FEE PATD: S FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION$ 'o - $ l.or ooo $ 1or oo1 - $ 50, ooo . $ 50,001 - $ 15o,ooo $150,001 - $ 5oo,0oo $500,001 - $1,000r 000 $ . over $1r000,000 * DESIGN REVIEII BOARD APPROIZAI-, EXPIRES ONE YE-AR ATTER FINAI, APPRO\ru-, UNLESS A BUII,DING PERMIT IS ISSI'ED AITD CONSTRUCTTON IS STARTED. **NO APPT,ICATION WILI. BE PROCESSED WITIIOUT OWNER'S SXGNATURE -l_" t I I1I1 $ 20.00 $ s0.00 s100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 Seconda Resldent Fr:ontaqe Road Westr* GOz) +t6-tssz NAME OF'PROJECT: LIST OF MATERIALS Ransburg Property LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LOT BLOCK STREET ADDRESS i 463 Beaver Dam Road SUBDIVISION DESCRfpTION OF pROJECT. Repalrlng creek channell to stop eroslon uear buildine foundatl"on and re-landscaplnq creek channel and surroundinq area with recirculaCing pump and plantings The following information is Review Board before a final A. BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other WalI Materials Fascia Soffits WLndows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues FJ.ashings Chirnneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other required for submittal to the DesJ-gn approval can be given: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR B.LANDSCAPING:Name of Designer: rrlran4 'r rlvl 19 ' PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name Common Name Popu lus l:erne!-1o d :le s---QIakiJrS- 0uercus eambelll GambLes Oak Ables concoLor White F{r Picea punge4g- Blue SPruce OuanLiLv Size* Asoen 40 1-6" --2.f..- -A:-5'8 --L-J6'10 8-16' EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED none I PLANT I4ATERIALS: PROPOSED SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size 5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL Eotanical Name Acer glnnala Common Name ginnala maple Arnelanchlor canadensi"s servlceberry l0 Caryopterls incanna-!^lgi.Uf ca 20 Cornus sericea yellow dogwood t0 Ouantitv Size't 25 -10 c1 5gl 5e1 5g1 of proposed shrubs. Tvpe Minimum size of shrubs is Square Footaqe n/a Wild f lower s none Wildflower auto C. LAIIDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proPosed'. please showthenumberoffixturesandfocationsonaSeparateLighting p1;;- Ident'ify "uch fi*ture from the lighting plan on t,he fist,-Uefow-anA piovide the wattage, heighL above grade and tYPe of lighL ProPosed' OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wal}s, fences' swimming poors, etc.) Pr;;;;-s;ecify'-tndi6ate heights of retainins walIs. Maximu* nuignl' oe "rirr" within the front setback is i-i;;i. Maximu* fr.ight of walls elsewhere on the proPerty is 5 feet. Flagstone (rose) stepplng s Eone s boulder s less fhan -24{ Iow vo1-tage Iandscape llghtlng less than 24 suttle and attractlve down 1lghts D. I ilLt c0PT TOWN OFVAIL 75 Soatb Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 816J7 t 01 -47 9 -2 1 t I / 47 9 -21 ) 9 D epartment of Commanity Detelopment May 21, 1992 Mr. Bichard McGhee P. O. Box 4882 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Lot 5, Block 4, Vall Vlllage Thlrd Flllng Dear Richard: As we discussed on the telephone, I am sending you all of the application material you recentty submitted for the Rinsberg landscaping proposat. Please note..that I also included the $100 application fee receipt. ei t unOeritanO, you will be revising the drawings, including area on th6 neighbo/s property, and resubmitting the application later this summer. P.l.ease be sure to inclule tne gtob reieipt dated April21, 1gg2 with the revised application. lf your . client does not plan to continue with the prolect, please let me know and the Town can refund rhe $100. Please call me if you have any questions, I can be reached at 479-2138. Sincerely, ,('r{,-.{rt--r Andy KnUdtsen t Town PlanneJ \ -:J wo Nlv out Y-LLi-- -* i- -.- -MAXIMUM COMFORT POOL & SPA 40928 U.S. HWY.6 & 24 EAG LE -VAI L BUS/NESS CE NT E R p. O. SOX 2666 t VAIL, COLORADA 81658 . (303) 949-6339 November 1, 1991 Gussie lQight Your Vail Connection P.o. Boxr2953 Vail, C0 81650 Dear Gussie, Upon inspection of a leak at the pool following deficiencies were found. 1. The heater being used to heat the heating spas or pools. heater located at 0tr83 Beaver Dan Road, the swim/spa is not designecl for the application of Z. There is funproper clearance from the top of the heater to combustible materials as called for by the heater manufacturer. 3. There is no unaltered draft hood installed on the heater as cal}ed for by tbe heater manufacturer.tL. The size of the openings fron the outsicle into the equipment room for combustion ventilation air is noninal . After meeting with the Town of Vail Builcline department at the site, the following items were reconrnended by the Mechanical Inspector: f. ilodify the heater to be suitable for use as a pool heater as specified by the heater nanufacturer.2. Remove wooden joists from above the heater and replace with a steel plate sinilar to the one above the adiacent snormelt boiler. 3. Obtain drawings and specifications from a certified nechanical engineer as a means to properly vent the heater without the required unaltered draft hood for which there is no room at the present. L, Replace existing heater with an "energy efficient" boiter with integral draft iniuction, which can be side-wall vented with a 3" plastic pipe. SeLect a boiler such as the Bumham power vented XC2006A Model or i.ts eguivalent which reguires relatively small clearance from the top to combustible materials so modification to the structure above the heatet would not be needed. This style of unit does not require a draft hood so venting is greatly sirnpLified. Heating of the swim/spa could bo accomplished through L or 2 corrosion resistant stainless steel heat exchangols approxinately the size of an egg carton. ( Continued next Page ) Page 2 Gussie lhight 5. Install backflow prevention on the domestic water feed to the boiler if it does not already exist, The lnspector also stated that the abova mentioned deficiencies were not a life safety problem. UCPS strongly recormends the installation of a new boiler. The cost of installation of a new unit, in all probability, would be }ess than the reguired modifications and repair to the old heater. There are also nunerous changes and i-mprovernents which can be made to the swin/spa control ancl filtration systems for ease of operatlon. I will be happy to discuss these options with you which wilt best satisfy the owner'g neecls. Sincerely, Forsyth llanager JPI/tkg Copies to:Town of Vail Building DgparUnant' llountain Hieh Pludbing' P.O. Box f$ S. frontagc Rd. ' Vail 81657 5f?, Avon CO 81620 ohn P. oz tr =oa uJL st aJ)tu uJ F = UJ $$s *\r\$ Ol 01 o\c\ z N E-lcta !.u 6 J tru-o z oJ IJJF F FIz =o (,z z U'ltl o2 z =f !o z_ z Jul(t =Eot! Fz o Iro E. uJz3 LL U F ^ il)€ q, -o6 = E o c) s E o o E (o o) oo == d] E o =cf -io 3 .g o .9 att(D E at; o '6 Eo5q a5 or .E N -,r1, 3 I o o o) = o 16 g o , .D ,o = g;;ct o1i (! '=q)(a*IsE8F 5eEE? O E:F e6Ec-o'- ct .E; ;ieed'5 =c9d EE; E EF,roO €eetqi c.=- (E o-$ cr sEs(/J-o. EfieE;(u EE; o oE idE -Fc(uO- y-E s..9:r-rr (E +E r- -=-s:3 =6>9,!E.)z;E3i; ehtB9EoEEE!oct) -o(! \a\? .il.n t = UJ z J Y uJ z. J J EF u.l llJ oz6 =l) Iz o UJ LU l].l z tr uJ oluE E);I UJuz 6 uJ o- UJ z ul x F llJo o UJui lJ- F =t UJo- J FoF z oJ fg) J 9e ouJ uJ az = z TIJ NOllvnlvA z F F 4 F F v. - 3zZLo ootr ^ 62q 5 :erP oE atoEzt-OR!2 fr r!<oq d$t-c;6 g iofiiN(, =>(r -I! u.r z tr ) E o t!o- F e{ LIJt z Eo Rxz tr TT UJF 3 z tl .t) Lz:zQatru,<()6< =PRil6d<z =z,rIAz --l rdoEtrOI ul t! z iF UJ o- F z F Jlaz I a 7 I =3 F d: Irlll"l lslsi'--r---r ri lql: l;:ilog zaF (r ul o- J z Eoo z F @ cr) I z I r (o\{ O IJJF U) d) -: z FIL llJY llJ dt oF L ?r "83- c''lh''I > coH**q ">llol'zl HuJtbk\ z o z,-o zQ coo>z O- lJ- ,.i3\J\J= =83dd= F IJ(L o uJoz oI (r E(L JFLU;h= d|.l.j>o- lroquJ6rt:> ;FJJ IL tu ID o co Eooo otl .ts Ct E EI o ts =Elrl o-zIl-() E.F(nzo() trutr ol =.1olutl rEl fl<l>I tLlol zlBq H I I I I .lolzl ol uJl 5l q u-lol 7lvol urFI F MI I>l<lalll\o&lfd | --i>t *<lErlFal I(') |\Olol vi 5Ad><lj> Eo I JAFIcq(nl EI<lq H rl =4 aHH Fl CA tJ)E ui =z '-) AIfrl('r I I 14 lol<lHIFllHI>l I H z = (D I I*{ I 6 I Il-l" I I ")u1luldcldn:J Elo I I ,l ol uJl Ccl JI al>l rI-tol 2l;l el ro c.l |.\ I "ilN Ir'l Irlel-l-l I I .lol =.1(rl ull 1l al>l l,Llol zl 3lolFI q) H H fiEl a Il-{&H =IE tl" (.'ozt- ;# 4ZrJ-o =- UJ = lrJ - b= <F uJ<ZE I.IJ F(tZo() F EFz F() UJF T E .J LU r--r Ffi r--lL l D+i r*l rN toN REeuEsr PROJECT TOWN OF VAIL 1c JoB NAME t *t ,t-,''t a CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON PM d\ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERD FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS UIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL E neenoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: /') ./ ) iDATE /." /1 .'i. INSPECTOR FILE COPY olflce of communlty develoPment Inwn 75 south ftonl,.ge road vail' colorado E1657 (303) 4792138 (3lxl) 47S213S November 26, 1991 Mr. Don BYers 352 Beaver Dam Circle Vail, CO 81657 Fe: Exterlor Llghtlng Dear Don: Thank you for your |etter of october 26, 1991 , commenting on exterior lighting in the Town o| vail. As I am sure you recall, this issue concerned the To:wn council as well as the Design Review Board. On u"n"rr or-in" Community Development Department, I want to respond to the two different rinos oi'iighi"g y"" dit"uis in voui letter' The first being general site tighting, and the second b;;; rioiio"y decorations. we also have included a stiatus report on the lbarra lighting issue' First, regarding your concern about requiring Design Review Board approval for permanent exterior lighting, r want to crarity tn"t t'e town.req-uires DRB approval-for all proposals' Where the exterior figntiniptopoiaf is not ot signiiicant scale, the,stiaff approves this application in accordance-ufitn-section 18.54.0d0(CX2) ol the.zoning code' The Town's electricat inspector orr= orr'"tt.ntion to anv ouiroln6'Ermits that miy provide for exterior site tighting. Once a pr"nn., i. *iiii"d ot "n eiterioi tig-niing proqogfl, tre or she reviews he site ptan very carefuly. Td i;; n", recently given lindsiape iignting.approvals we believe are proper based on the DRB g;iO"ii*". rlorie-ot ttrese invoive tne nign power lights located at the tops of trees, .u.n ". fre lbana situation. inJigtf attempts to minimize the impact ol lighting on adiacent.uJ"i. ""0 pt"perties in all of these situations in accordance with the DRB guidelines- you have pointed out a tighting situation in the.golf course area whictt' evidently' has been in existence fo, approrir"ieii t*-o V""o. There.is-one situation on VailValley Drive where severat lighb have o"# pi"l.i lt gt" mt".ot aspen trees in the back yard of the west side of a duptex. To our XritJi"Ol", tour of the live oittrese lphts are on..Forest Service land' outside the boundarie, oit-nJfbn n of Vail. As a result, ti'e Town wilt not be able to request that these four lights be-removed. t nave attached conespondence from the Forest service regarding these lights to Jno* that this situation nas conc'erned the Town' and that the Town has tried to correct tnr.itration, even belore any compainls had been made' The Town can look into requiring the one light wilhin the municipal boundary to be removed, but must wait until he qrrrent law suit over the Town's lighting standards is resolved -- and upheld. I am sure you are interested in the progress ol the lbana appeal to the court. At this time, he court is considering a motion for summary judgement filed by Mr. lbarra. The Town is making every effort to have itrs decision relating to lhe lbarra lights upheld by the court. I think the point in your last paragraph is an excellent one. Many people wihin the Town of Vail believe there is too much govemment in their lives. The Town stiatf, and Community Development Department in particular, always walk a fine line-everyone within lhe community desires to have very high standards, yet our community also bslieves that any public revlew should be expedient and should involve reasonable requirements. The Town stiaff always striv€s to strike a balance between these two desires of the community. We acknowledge that, in some cases, we will not always succeed; but we try to be sensitive to these points of view with each requesl. When applying this approach to Chdstmas tree lighting, staff believes thal this is one area where we can best serve the public by not requiring everv holiday decoration proposal to get approval from the Town. In the case of larger proposals of a more permanent nature, especially commercial displays, the property owner may desire to have an assurance lrom the Town that the lighting is acceptable. In these situations, applicants may ahrays request DRB approval and the staff or the DRB will review the proposal and approve or disapprove it depending on its characteristics. In general, we believe that stafi approval of holiday decoration proposals is reasonable. Based on this rationale, staff approved the Christmas tree lighting on the Ransburg property. ln closing, we will continue to work on the lighting situation adjacent to your property. Again, thank you for your input. Please give me a call if you have any further'questions. Sincerely, /tt-/ffirla{'*'Jft.,/,/\J l' | - I Andy Knudtsen \ Town Planner AlVab cc: Vail Town Council Ron Phillips Larry Eskwith Kristan Pritr cDdyldiqt\bt tt.n25 BON C. BYERS 352 BEAVER.DAH CIN.CLE VAII., col,onaDo t1657 303476-5534 FAX 303476-8950 ffiB0cT 2I legt w vf ub OOT0BER 25. t99t MR. RAN PHIT.LFS, T+\.'N IVIAI.IAGEN TOWNOF VAIL ?5 FOINHFRANTAGE ROAD vaIL,coLoRADS 81n5? DEAR RO}t' TIITI.IH YOU FOE OE€A}IEI}I€ TIIE }EETI}T€f, f,UCII AS THE O}{E I ATTE!{DED OH C'EDI{BSDAY, q'E AI..t AGEEED THE ALAT OF POSIfIIIE I}IFOEMATIO}I4}ID IDEAF CTENE TAESE}ETED. I ldE!'lTIOlrEg AtlEB lHE !4EETIlf4t Ttrfit rwAfr SO$[€ To IIFIIE TIIXS LETTEF ?f ADDFEf,f, I+IY co$rIlTIrED coHcEEN A9OI'T E:(IEEIO&A| OUE HEIGIIEORIIOOD ,tlfD THE T+WIT OS VAIL. l^r'atr'to LEr [rIE STABT E?CA?IHG TIIAT {/E DE#IG!{ED, OBIEITTED, A}lD BUtrT OT]R lIOldE AlfD THE IIOUBE iT 34? AEA9I.E D*I{ AOAXI AfTER STUDYII{G THE EIiIHTI}|G T+lfu'l{ OEDIHAI,|CES EE€ABDI{S hLLO! THE EEQITIREME$TC r}tCLttDIN€ Ei$EprOR Lr6rIIt. lHE TO1THOEDIIIA!{CE FATTF TIIAT "E:STEFI*E 1ISIIIIHG SHJ,IL 8E DECI6$ED AHD LOCATED IT{APIAHITEB TO MIHIMEE I!,TPACI OF LIGIIID{gl'?O}TLIVIHG ABEAS N'EHIHAPBOPO#ED PEOJECT A}ID I,POI{ ADJACEIIT S?BUC?SEES SHD PEO?SATIEfl,' TEA}IKLY, WE IEEI THE TOS}THAf, A}IOBLIGATIOH TO I'F 4T WEIL 4F EVEF"X ffT''EE CIIEEI{DIV4IL TO E}TFOECE TITS E:ilF?E{G +EDEIA}ICE AI,ID TIIAT, AT THE PEE#EHT TIldE, TIIE ToIrtH B lfOl DOD{G A GOOD fiB EAE THE FEOPIE OE qtfi.. -O}G, A}ID PE+AABLYTEE EEf,T E:<AMPLE OE TIIF IF TIE PBOPEBTYOHTHE GAW COIJRSE \ TIIAT IT{FT*I.LED EifiEEIOft LIGIfIS O1TEB TT'O YEARf, AGO IHTHE AfiPEgl*ES8 BEHIHD TIE \ HOTYTE, IKHO'IIEFOV'CT}XI'EESATIDT# WIrIIg?AFF, IIIEMSEBF Og T'IE DEFIGHBEVTPWBOAND } AI,ID CIIT COTJI{CE, ?ITAT TITI# XF#I'E IIAfl EEEH DtsCIIFflED AT t8H€Tg A}ID, Afl OF L*f,T }TI6trI, IEE LIGITXS *EE STtr.T OH. A6AIH, THE TOWHITA# AI,IOBLI€ATIOITTO lHE }EO?LEWIfiLII'F- HESE 10 E}IFOECE TI|E EXXFTI}IG ORDIHA}TCEF. ADDNIOHAI.LY,IF TFE9ETE+TLE I'EE ALIO TED TO'{TOLAIE THE #EDI}IA}ICE,I:IOW W VOIJ TELL THE IG}CT PES#OH H+ WHO WAFTS TO DO THE SA}JE THBI6 ? iTHIIfi{ THE FISET f,Ilr N TO DIAKE ALL THS VWL4,TAEfl EEIHG IHE PAOPEETIES Eil+ C+MPLIAHCE $oql, llOT f,Dtl+I0lnHg OE AYTAS FEOMHOW. A FEW DATB AGo gt? frnol4 BT TIIE HONIE ft #e lEAltEB DAIlrt RO*.D AllD l'rOfFED Ar.l ETECTEICI*}T I}T8I4TLI}T6 I.IGHIfi IlI A TRES. THE ELECTBICIAH IT'ISICATED THEY HAD A PENMTI ATIDICATIIETOTIEET+WNOEEItrES TO BEVIES'THE FILE. DEflIG}TFEVIEWBOA'ID APPSOTiED CHRETT{AS TEEE tI{iIfI6 OHOCTODEB 15, LqqL. THE ME}'{SSE$ 6F DEdI€HREVIEV oEVIOITBLYSTETJGGLED AIIIHTHIB DSUE AlrD ATTEI\ATED ToDEAL $IITIIAIL f,IDEf, oF TIIE QUESIIO}I 3Y EESTEICTII{G TIE TII{E# TIHEN TIIE tSIIfI# CAT{ EE LIT A}iD I.IMTfI!I€ TiE IIgIfIf, IO OHE TEEE, IIOVE1'E8, TIIE?ANE HOT COHFIDEEII{G THE E}4STIH6 OEDIHJ$CE SECAUFE E XE IMPO6SIELS TO $TfTALL ZZW LW'{Tfr Af ITI6II 4F 8II1TY FEET OFF THE GBOSHD II{ A IEEE Al{D MIHIMEE TllE I1'PACT OH ADJACE}f? STEUCII'BES AilD pAOpEnTtrE. ADDilIOt{AtLZ,TfiE PEO9LE I{OST IMFAC?ED, THE !{EI6ITDOftS, IIAVI IIAD $O SAY EI TIG }i[6TTEE. tEfT YOUTHI!'IH TI{AT ALLID,OtsCA}.|PLAII{rtl0tn THIH xffffltE, CO}{FIDEB THE FOIIOVIH€ FOSTIT/E CEANGES I$ THE ORDI}IAIICE; .ALLOWCIIRu''IITIAE TNEE LIGITTS IHTITO TREES PEB EEBIDEIfT T ilIE TEAT AAE D{HTALLED r:Io III€HEE rHA$fIFTEEHTEET OFF lllE €ROIt]fD ftlAT CAI{BE ILLU!'IITATSD EETS/EEH THA}'ISSGIVING A}ID EAFTER, YOU CSIILD AI.f,O }ILOW PEOPLE TO EI(CEED THE HI'MBEE OF TREEf, OT TIE HEI€I'I B"6ETTI}T€ THE APPNOVAL OF Af,L }|EI6EBOAINCi 9BOPSETYOVHEE# WHO WOUTD EE AFFSCTED DYT',{! LEIITIF. .PTN AtII,tr OI.{THE TOTAL A1lPEBA6E TEA1 APEEB+1{CA1'ItrIHTALt DIIIE FOA}TOF EATEETOR lI€HlItlG AlrD PEOHIEI! IHE XIFIALLATIOHOF Al{?tI6lIT OTIIEB ffIA}TCIInIffTI+'IAfi TBEE LIGITTS .{}ID THOSE OH TIIE SIDS OF ETNUCTT'REE lI'ONI THA}T IIINEE FEET OFF THS GBOIIND. -RSQUIEE A'?ROVAL OF ALf EETEETOE Llfffrn*l EYDSS!C'HEEi,IIE!/!OAED. I trllO1t YOU FEEL CIIRBEIITLY IH!,E MAHY BESIDEIITS lHIlrK TIGEE 1l TAA FIIJCIIQQVEEN- IIEH? trf THEII Llggg tL]tD, t]t('gHEntL,tr6iaEE. troEEvEn, TIE low]tflIpr$rlypEqlmst APPBOVAL Or DE*r64 COLOR, AltD TJISE OF !{AIEBTALF BTTITE DEEIG!|nEVIST' BOAED. E CEEIr{r TO I+E TIIAT EEIEEIOB Lt6l[II}{G E iLWtCliJ, trStJE IEAT FIIOUID 8E DEALT TIITH AT lltE sAI?tE tErfiE. ADDgIoHALty, fitr QIIESTIOI{ OF EXIERIOB LICIITS IF EECOMI}IG EVEE Iv!OEE IMP+ETA}TI BECAI,BE VE AEE Et'trDII{€ I.AECEE A!{D I4B6EE IIOTXBE# IHIIEEYCTOBE ?AOXIMIT'f,TO Ol{g A}lOlItrB ITHICEldAI(Eg }dIHIlrtEI$6 OF IMFICTE ErtEl{ tdoEE EdPontfi.r. YOIJE FFOI!'IPT RESPOHSE TO TIiXS LSTTEF qrOIttD BE 4APRECIATED SECArfiE T/tE rEEL THE TOTT}T$ g9TTI}{6 PEECEDEIrTS A}ID ALLOTTDfr' SITUATIOI{il TO EXIfiT TTIAT AFjE MAKIHS THE EHFORCEMEHT OE I''E E:IXSTD,'€ OEDIHAI.ICE !!EN? DIFFICI'LT. SIHCERELY, NAIICYR. SER* 75 soulh lrontage road Yail. colorado 81657 (303) tlTll-21i18 (303) 479-2139 office ol oommunity development Novenber 5, 1990 Ur. Rlch Phelps U.S. Forest Servicb 401 Matn Street llintutn, Colorado 81545 Dear Rich, The Tosn of Vall has recently recelved a varlance applicatLon for 1448 Vall Va11ey Drlve. tle oould appreciate your cotments on the ProPosal aa it abuts the Natlonal Foreet. I have enclosed a slte plan and a landscape plan for your revlew. Please call me lf you have any questlons. Slncerely, /,,/*4"n(* Andy Knudtsen Town Planner AK:JJ.t Department of ! Service Eglt C;r'oaatrliP.O. Bor 19OultureMinturn. Colorado Reply to: 5450 Date3 Novenber 8, 1990 Town of Vail Office of Cornmunity Developnent 75 South Frontage Roail Vai1, C0 81657 ATII{: Andy Knudtseo Deaf Andy: Tbarik you for the opportunity to review a variance application for 1448 Vail Va11ey Drive. Our tand Line Locatioo Progran identified the presence of outdoor lighting on National Forest lancls i-onediately south of the subject parcel during field surveys eonducted thie sunmer. The boundary was clearJ-y narked at that tine. I visited the site on Novenb er 8th aod verified tbe presence of the lighting aystem on National Forest. Five butdoor lights have been attached to Aspe! treee with duct tape, four of these lights are on National Forest. The lights appeared to have been in6tal-Led by the owaers./resident s of Unit A. No other unauthorized inprovenents \{ere found on National Forest lands adjacent to the subjeet property. Unautborized inprovenents of this nature are classified by the Forest Se:rrice as encroachments, The Land Lioe tocation Progran has identified several inciilents of encroachrneots nitbia the Vail Valley. We are currently invest igating and docunenting aL1 suspected encroachments. Once this tagk is conpleted, we will personally contact all unauthorized occupants to resolve the encroachment. In the meant itre, any assistance you could provide in resolving this encroachment through the variaace application process would be greatly appreeiated. Caring torlhe Land and Serving People FS-62&28 (7-8'r) Please contact Rich phelps, District Recreation audas6 i6tance. Since re1y, and Fov llr,,trAl'r A. ,oooDDistrict Ranger cc: !li.k e Speneer, Forest Lands Minerals Officer Officer, for further Caring for the Land and Serving peopt€ FS{20G28 (7-S2} FrfT 0cL1rcs,l Law OFF|cEs CoscntrE Dur.tN & ABPLANALP A PARTNERSHIP INCLUOING A FROFESSIONAL CORPORATION VAtL NAT|oNAL BANK Bu ILD rNG SurrE 30O lo8 SourH FRoNTAGE RoaD WEST VArL, CoLoRADo 81657 TELEPHoN E: (3O3) 476-755? TELEcoPTER: l3o3t 476-4765 30 September 1991 lN LEADvtLLE: CoSGRTFE OUNN 6 BERRY P. O, rOX tl LEA9VtLLE. COLORAOO €O.l€l (7t9) 495-r€l€5 PETER COSG RIFF JOHN W. DUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALR JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CH RISTENSEN LAWRENCE P. HARTLAUB Mr. Andy Knudtsen Department of Community Development Town of VaiI 75 South Frontage westVail, Colorado 81557 RE:Christmas Tree Lighttng Lot 5, BlockVail vlllage Third Filing Dear Mr. Knudtsen: As you are aware, this office representg and Alexandra L. Ransburg, the owners of the property. In accordance with your recent request,'cover of this Letter an application for Town the installation of Christmas tree lights on Ransburg residence. 4, Davld P. Ransburg above described I am enclosing underof Vail approval ofa tree south of the Also enclosed is our check, in the amount of $20.00, to cover the application fee, lf you believe that a fee Is applicable to thls proposal. Please advise whether you requirethis proposal . me hrhether this application any further information in is approved, or assoclation with Arthur A. David P. Ransburg lanaIp, AAAJT: Jxc: Mr. TOVPLNGK and Mrs ry tru COSGRI THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS DUNN & ABPLANALP. P.C. IN VAIL. .:. ,- -lrFl, .,r-. Proiect Application ,^. /tls/f/ Proiect Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Phone /; Owner, Address and Phone: Legal Description: r-or .5t , gtocr Commenls: Design Review Board ,^,. /l/tfftl Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVALAPPROVAL DRB IPPLICATTON . TOIIIT OF VtrIL,COIORADO a revised slLls| S[t ";i.0itggf I. DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: tl*rtratt* TAIS .IPPLICATIOTT TII.L NOj[ BE ACCEPTEDItNtIL ll.rr REOUIRID rnroilttrTloN IS SItBurryrED****tt***r PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTION: Iirstallation of Chrj-stmas tree ltghting on one (1) evergreen tree.See Exhibit A for further R TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (s200.00)x Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS: 463 Beaver Dam,tRoad, VaiI LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot Block Subdivision Vail Villace Third Filinq If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. ZONING: Two-Familv Primarv Secondary Zone District LOT AREA: If required, applicant must provide a current stamped survey showing Lot are a. Not applicable David P. Ransburg and NAME OF APPLICAIiIT: Alexandra L. RansburqMailing Address: 208 East Hanover &r*t PuRc-e: Peori-a, Illinois 61614 Arthur A. Abplanalp, Jr. NAME OF APPLICANT' S REPRESENTATIVEC@1pMailing Address: Suite 300: 108 South Frontaqe Road West __r/ai r o_-ee_S.15-57 Phone (3031476-7552 NAME OF OWNERS: David P. Ransburq & Alexandra L. Rgnsburg *stcNAroRE (s) :Mailing Address: c. D. E. F. G. H. Peori a - Tl] i nois 6161-4 Phone Condominium Approval if applicable. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 +zuV . vv $400.00 $s00 .00 (3091 692-2200 J. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of submittal of DRB application. Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VailwiII adjust the fee according to the table below, to ensure the correct fee is paid.ffg PAIO: $ FEE SCHEDULE; VAIUATION$ o - $ 1o,ooo$ 10,001 - $ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over 51r 000,000 * DESTGN RE\TIEW EOARD APPBO\TAL EXPIRES ONE IEAR .AFTER TINAI. APPRO\IAIJ UNI..ESS A BSII'DING PEBI{IT TS ISST'ED TND COI{SIRUCTION IS STARTED. **NO APPI.ICATION WII,I. BE PROCESSED TTITEOUT OI|NER'S SIGNATT'RE EXHIBIT A 1. Slze of tree - 60 feet 2. Number of llghts - 2200 3. Wattage of lights - 30 watts each 4. Color of llghts - whlte 5. Type of wlring - outdoor wlring professionally lnstalled 5. Nasre and addresE of installatl.on ccntractor: Shaw ElectrLc Telephone - 949-8711 trhank You Masked Man Service Telephone - 476-4478 For locatl.on of tree see attached plat. bt ;Aer0x le tec0ptgr TUZl ; 9-25-91 i tl30Pl'i i f ExHrBrr A Block 4r Vail Vtllage _ 3rd Ftling ,: . 3U3 4?0 USbUi# 3 -----_- R r 379,4?l L .IOO.0O' u"ou" t Lot 5r r .;.:-'T',4. , ?t :Y/F'uNPr.ArrED /o$,r,ii.'/ -r-\e\r 'l " \otr.(S F.n\.\* VjK;' \.rro ),o.** o,no'r,./ .€ "}..,"- .""o**' /i,:t, \ { ,,Lo(rya: \rfu}^[;;:(€60' - r^\ \'\ ,/ I le'ro' rt',"b\Yll \ .r' / |.i , \ -..._ ,/ r -. \{, -t' \ I \(' \.. " BEAVER €\rri Lor e \ \'.. ,/-\ -"---._" \\2"\ \ I I' ;Ft$tot|eD c'ri E 'Jqfv 6t! -?4*'1.: | 't t\,, l,r} l9co 9. FRoNTAGSvlrr-. €oLoRAco tr'E*7r *UrTE, 197(JO$l -f Tri."lD7;] fiOADalb37 l1\t \\, ; -\.. I ltgiv xou ttllrt CL.tt.a ALa||t Pttr Et. r trll.o EAGLE VALLEY EN&INEER|NG i Sunyrl,tf"Jq tFc. :-1. r-.,.. . ;ut!?,E!g.r!.-.:_-__ a _._....... &:.L3 e.-- ._ I - ,--TUr A lrtl_ Itirmll*no.ls Cdr lg-82-91 l4:89r50 Eeceipt * 67S206Fccount* CK*l.fgB fft'56RIFF, DUHH, ffiH_f,tslp\c0ltn. DEu. Fpp frrount t€n&red > 2A.AA Itee paid tuirnr paid 61809641330A86 28.6A Ehange reiurned > E.0E THIIHI< 1fOrJ lL.f, €*ricr STEFISIIIE I R$r sEF 1r1eel LAw OFFrcEs CosCRIrr, DUNI{ & ABpLANALP A PARINERSHIP IiICLUOING A PROFEsisIONAL CORPORATION VArL NAT|oNAL BANK BUTLDTNG SU ITE 30O IO8 SoUTH FRoNTAGE RoAo WEST VArL, CoLoRADo 8t657 TELEFHoNE: (3o3, 476- 755? TELEcoPTERT (3O31 47 6- 47 6a 13 September 1991 Us. BetEy RosolackVail Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado II.AIID DELIVERED RE! Christmas tree llghting Dear Betsy: The purpose of thls Letter is to follow up on my telephonecall of earller thls week, durlng whlch I asked that you lnquireregarding the lnEtallation of ChrlstmaE tree lights on a treelocated at 463 Beaver Dam Road. In responEe to ny inquiry, you were kind enough to reviewthis question wlth the Department of Comnunity Development andyou advlsed me that Christmas tree llghts may be installed and operated wlthout town review, provlded that they were operatedonly durlng skl season. tfhen I requested gome evidence of the Town of Vail's position ln thts tnatter, we decided that lt was most appropriate that I dlrect a Letter to you which you mlghtthen have signed as an acknowledgement of the fown's posltlon by eLther.you or another repreEentative of the Department of Connunity Development. Accordingly, I am directtng thls letterto you with the request that you anange for an acknowledgement on the enclosed copy of the letter and that the copy be returnedto me at your earllest convenience. Thank you for your cooperatlon and aEsistance in this matter. IN LEADVILLE: cosGRrFF, DUNN & BERRY P O. BOX rl LEAOVTLLE, COLORADO gO{€l (7t9) 4e6-rAA9 PETER COSG RIFF JOH N W DUN N ARTH UR A. ABPLANALq JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CH RISTENSEN LAWRENCE P. HARTLAUB AAA:J THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS DUNN & ABPLANALP. P.C. IN VAIL. The Tonn of Vail Department of Conmunity Development acknowledges that ChrLstmas tree Lightlng nay be lnstalled and operated at 463 Beaver Dam Road wlthout town revl.ew, provldlng that such llghtlng is only operated durl-ng ski seasone. Dated the day of septernber, 1991. TOWN OF VAII, DEPARTMENT OF CO!{MT'NITY DEVEIPPUENT By:Title i{ ^oB\)r t,Pt\ \()' Lt" " ,kG \ A /^ ^ n#t'" ,( I''u n'ounl I t/'1 44' ,r t",L 't)-I),ll' W'u -'rO'I' ,l- l^-r-' ,,4 f.1 1. David P. Ransburg and Alexandra L' Ransburqt (,,Dec l;rr-anl-s,,) arc the owners and FirstBank of Vail is the nrort(Jaqe holdt:r <.lf the real property sit-uate -in the To$/n of Vail' tiorrrtt y ol' l':.1(t l(-', SLate ol. Colot:ado, tt<':s<:rib"9 t: Lot 5' Rlock 4 ' Vail Vi]laqc, Thir<1 riIing. AII are hereinafter collectively descr ibecl as the "Declarants. " .l . | ) r ' r : I i t t .' . I t t I s ll;tvt: t:otlsl rttr:tc<'l on Parccl A and Parce l ll as described on a nirP of the 1:roperties executed by -Declarants'- a Builrlirrq consi,sti"b of two uni€s, each designed and intended for use anci occupancy as a residential drvelling unit' designated her:ein as ,, l.tnit- A" and "Unit R", respectively, -v_rhi9h.. are sonetimes referred to herein separatel'y as the "unit" or co1 lcct i vely as the "units" - .}.Parr-.clAc:ontajnsttrritAantlParcel.BcontainslrnitB. 4. Declarants <lesire to and do hereby estatrlish a plan for tlre orvnr:rship of l)arce.l. A ancl Parcel B as well aS a commonly ovrned Parcel (l as esl-ates in fee simple. PAR'TY WALL AGREEMENT AND DECI.,ARATION OT CO\IENANTS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATTONS FOR T,or 5, RT,ocK 4 VATL VILLAGE TTIIF.D FILING TOWN oF vAfT.,, T',:AGT,li: coIIllTY, coT',oRADo RECITALS DECLARAT]ON I. Declaranl:s do herebl' pul>Iish and declare that the fol J orvinq terms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions t lses, rcservations, timitations and obl.igations shall be deemed L() )-llp vli l'lr tltc I..rntl <1t:st:ri-[r:fl ht-:rein, shall be a burden and a l-rerreli L t<l Declarants, bfieir personal rePresentatives, heirS, successors and aSsigns and any person acguiring or owning an jnterest in tlre real property which is described herein and i nt1-r-rrrr,urr:p{ :; hrtil t: I lt<'rttott, tltei r qrantecs. per:sonal I r ' I ) | r ' : ; ' ' t t | . r I i rr r ' : ; , lt,'il:;, I ; I I ( ' ( : ( ' : i : ; r r I t; .ttttl .tl;Siqns;. l I . Illr l t.ls!i hltc (--ontc:xt sha l l express ly prorride otherwise t t.lrrr IUIIowtttt; ttrl'lllli l;ltal. I Itavc tlte fOlloWing meanings; A."ThePr:operties"meansalloftherealestatelegally <1.sc"t.ilr,rtl (r:; l,ot- lr, Illot-'li 4, Vai.l Vil1age, Thir:rl Fjlinq' also lirror^rri .rs { b -l rleavrir Danl Roarcl , Vail , u'rqle . County ' Colorado ' ;rccortli-ng to Lhe map thereof to be recorded in Book ---t Page , o f. tlre r"cor,li o f t-he Clerk and Recorder of Eagle County ' C. o I rl r,.,r ,1rt . B, "Lot" or "Building Site" means Parcel A and Parcel B as slror,.ln in tlre l4ap toqether t'rith a1. 1 appurtenances ' C. "DrtPle::" or "Buildingt' r1ve1, Iing r-: n j.ts constructecl upon l-he D. rr1111i1rr n1(.)ans t: it:ltr:t: oi- the " I)rr1,> I c.:r. " . I'l . "Coutmon Al:ea" means Parcel C as shown on the Map' which l;lr.r.l I lr'': ''rwl).'tl t:tlttit I l)' by l-loLh ol Llrc o\'vners of the P'lrcel s A and ).1 e.r<:h hav.iri<.1 an'cqua1 unciiv j.ded one-haIf interest as Tenants l-n Conmon in ancl to tl-re Common Area. I'. "owuer" Ineans a person, persons, f irm, corporation' partnership or association, or other legal entity, or any lorrrtrinatiot thereof , owning an interest in the Parcels' (;, "MitJt" ltl(-1ilns t.lrc cngi.nc()rl'nq survey of the Properties by Colorac.lo L. S. , clep j.cting anil locating with specif icity thereon the Parcels ancl improvernents thereon, the common Area, such land an6 im1:rovements teing Sereby submitted to this Declaration. such rtrap shall be recorde<l j-n the office of the Eagle County Clerh and Recorder prior to the recordation of this Declaration' TrT. f,I,:qBf:1I91!-llt!l-BEIIBYqTIgI. Every contract of sale, [)or:rl , I,,:.rs<:-,'- Ititrt,]I.f;;-tr-il.-st--iiix:il , t^lif t or othcr j-nstrument shaf 1 legal. ly describe a Unit or real property interest as follows: DEFINTTIONS means the two contiguous ParceIs. trvo dwe.l J i.nqs compri-sing the P;l r-t:rr I A or P; r<--cl R (as tlrcl case may be) r t'oqether: with an urrclivi.<ir.:cl otrt-'-hal.I: (I/21 interest in Parcel C, a resubtiivision of Lot 5, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing' according to the recorded map thereof and according to the Pa l:t-y l,ia11 Aqr:eement ancl Declarat j.on of Covenants, ' ('orrtlil i,rrt:; irtrrl I?gl;c l-v.tl-i <tt1.; llrlr Lclt lr. nlock 4t Va j- -'1. Vi J I i.ar1e '.1'hircl ni I irrg, recorded in Book , Page of therecorrlsoftheClerkandRecorclerofEagleCounty,State c;f Co I orado . l:lvr)I:y :;ut;ll descri.ption shall be goocl- and sufficient for all- purposes t-o selr, convey, transfer ' eicumber or otherwise affect t'r.r parcels ancr arl appurtenant rights, benefits and burdens t-lrcr:eto as crt:.rted by the ptot'i1ions of this Declaration' and each such ,ro""l:if tioi.I si-rali be so construe<l . This provision shaIl apply to Jf," etop"rties as -said term (the Properties) is di:f i necl i.r-r tiris Declaration' IV. PROPERTY DIVISTON. ^: Y establish this Pl-an fo-r :h" srrlr,l ir,i:;iorr ,-,i---tl.'.r n,'.,p,riti.us jlrt-o three (3) Parcels for orvrre r:;lt ip i It l ee sirnple consis;t-i'ng of Parcel. A and Parcel B and t-he co-ownership ty ih" individual and separate.owners of Parcels A anrl R as untl j-vided co-tenants of Parcel C' which cOmmOnl-y owned p.oir..tt.V is ae f ined and referenced as the "Common Area" ' B. Parcels A and B and the t-lt() (ra)..;r)nl<:ttl r; Ittlt tl<l ot't f lttl tnap and Common Area sha1l he subject to tlrot;e set forth herein ' (i.l)ctL(;dl.sAtrtrdBshall-r:'rchhaveappurt-enantther:etoan und j.vi.ded one-hal f (I/ 2) interest in Parcel c which shall be irrr;cPar:itblt: from t)arce.l s A ancl R an<l may be conveyed ' leaSed' clr:rr i sr:tl or enctrnrberecl only as such undivided and appurtenant interest. Anlr conveyance of Parcel A or Parcet R shall convey the apprlrtenant l'cli-viAid interest in Parcel C, whether or not Parcel c i-s speci'f i'cal l'y menti-oned' D.Noownerslrallbringanyactionforpartitionor dirrj.sion of Parcel.s A ancl B by tohich said Parcels would be sever-L](l tr:onr l-heil-'apptlrtenant undividerl inter:ests in Parcel C' Fl . In the event Parcels A and B are or'sned by the same entities, Lhe doctrine of merger shall not apply' 1... ,l,ll() l).tr.t i (]:;, .i t urc>lj r.) Llr.ln ()nc, lrrtrr i trtj Lltt: Ownerslri lr of eai:lr tJlit l;lral I aqree atnlotrg t[etnselrres how to share the rightS a;tl 6lrli<yations o1' such ownersI j.p; prorz.ided, however, that if a C() l l)( ) t..l t iorr, l).rl I rr(rl::;ll il), (t lrsclc i al-i on or other leqal entity shall lrr:t:ourr] ctn o\{llcr or the parti es, of more bhan one r have the c.)ncllrt-clrl- ovrncrs;li i1r of a trni.t, then sUCh entity Or COnCUt.fent owpe.rs sSarl I f rom time to time clesignate one individual vrho shall rrrl)l:csetlt: :jllch entitv clt: concurret'lt owners in a Il. matterS (t();t(r()1. llilt(I ;rII r-iqlri s an<1 oltI icJations ptlrsuant to this [)r:r: l,r-r,rl irrtt. t G. Any such entity or co.ncurrent owners -shall give written notice bo ttre oif,ut otnlt designating the individual to act on i I r,; ()r- t.ht:i r- r'.'tt" t f atr<l sttch ttl*ti<:" shall be ef fective until l-('\,'( )1..{)(l itt rvt it jll(l lly s;tlch errt-ity tli owncr-s '-. Any a<:t- or omission b./ slrclt (lcs.i.t,-,ut;it incl ivi<lual sliall be bin<]ing on the entity or .,rn,,r'. har'iricl ,r"" iq"it"a hjm in favor of the other owner or any l)(f l :i()l) rllt() ttt't1' t-rl I )' i-ltr:t-t:c>n ' ll . Iilacl) unit sha1l l'r e considered a separate parcel of real pron(rrLy aticl trru.i i-'t" t"putat-e1.y assessed and taxed ' V.l.;N(lljoAcllMfiNTs.rfanl,portionorappurtenanceofUnitA on parcel o or. Tinii- -r, "" par-csl u now encroaches upon another parccl as a result of the construction of any building' or if any s;rt<--lr ettc ro.l c ltnten t shal l occur hereaf ter as a result of settling or movenlelrt of any buifding' a valid easement for the r,:nr:roar;litttetrl- and the lnaintenatrce of the same shal-l exist so long ar; the brr i 1c1 i rlg statrtls. f n the event any building shal1 - be Pirr-t'i ;r 1 I 1' ()1 1 otal i 1r tlcr;troyed as it resul t of f ire or other casue.l t.1/ ol' d s a result of conclemnation or eminent domain pr-oceecl i nqs ancl then rehuil t, encroachments of parts of the lrrr i l t.l i rr.1 () t lrt: ot'hc:r part:t:'! . cltte to such rebtri l cli nq. Shall he Iir,l t]t i I | .:rl, ii() l()ll(l (ts; Sttt:lt {.)ll(:1-().lL:lllnelltl; .rl'e OI' nO qf:t:'rtef eXtent tlr.rrt llto:itr Jrr,-cv i()tt:;ly cxi st'i'tttl , itlr<l v'rlicl <lasemertts for slrch errcroacl]me nts anrl the maintenance thereof shall- exist so 1ong as the bri i. l.<'l j nq sha l. 1 statrd . vr . I4BII- ll4!!. (A) The conrmon wall placed. egually cl ivided on the common boundary separating unit A and unit B, the tooti n<'1s untlerlyit-rg and the portion of roof over such wa}1 is col.lect' jvely re f'cr:r:.:d to ]rerej'rl as the "P:rrty Wal1" ' (Bl To the extent not inconsistent with this Decl arat-i on , the general rrr-l es of law regardlnq partlz walls . and lial>jlit,y ior cl.rnr:iqe due to .egl igence, wilI.fu1 acts or omj-ssj-ons shall ar1>p1y to the ParLY WalI. (c) Tlte o\,,rners of ejther rrnit sha1l. have a perpetual (lit:j()ulcut. i tr .rtrrl I tr t:ltit L [).'l]:1, o f t- l'rc-' Otl]Cr ttn-i't On wh-i Ch t'-he L)'rrty Wa l. I is I octrtecl , for party wall Purposes, including mutual support, ntaj.ntenance, repair and inipe-tion' In the event of ,1;1n111,y., i-o ot.' tlc:;l r lt<:t j on of l-t're Party Wa1 I f rom any callse t then tlre owrrer.s; shaII at joi-nt expense, repair or rebuild said party wall, and each owner lfr.ff have the riifrt to the full use of said party wall so repaired and rebuilt. Notwithstanding anything corrtaj-rre<l above to the contrary, if the negli,gence, willful act or onrissiott of anl, owner, lris f ami l.y ' aqent or inviLee, shall c:altse ciamarl<.: to or destruCtion of the Party WalI, such Owner slrir I l. bcar t:l'rc entire cost of repair or reconstructiOn, and an oviner \,vlio by his negligent or rvillful act causes io l:e expo-sert to [tt" e lements shall bear the {.rrIrr i:;hi ti.I llt.r n.''<:<-'l;1;;11-rr p1c,1-et--1- jOn aqai nst l;tlch el VII . I,ANDSCAPING, SBRVICE FACII.'TTI.ES AND- PARKING' (A) ThE .,u^r.tl'?t"*=.i^i=. aPing "": ;:ii:;: I ';i'i,1;;;" improvernents ( inc turl ins buL not Limited to rlriveway an<i parki,-,q .r"a=) .as they mav mulua-f.tY-:lf ::??t-*.,t'it: .ll)l)()ill:.llt('r,' rr l- tlte rtni l::;. (l])Commolltrti'J.i.t.yorserviceconnect-ionsorlines, (,()I n() l;r,.i I il i(}l; ()t. <.)l lrr:r- I'r1rr i lrttttltrt atrtl prOPcrl:y locat<:d .in or ()n (:itlt()l ol tlt(r rlt)itl; lrtr[: ttl;t:tl itl r-:Olntttott Wit'lt Llttl tlLllt:r: unil:, if ()nl/, r;lr.r I I lrt: owl'l(lcl lly t-h.: ownersi of etrch unit as t€lnants j-n .o^,i,on of equal uncl j vicfud one-half interests and , except for any .*1-,"no. or,. i j abil j t-lr causecl through the. neglig.efce or willful act 31- ;r;r1z owlet:, ltis tami 11', aqent or invitee, which shall be borne :;olely 1t.,, sucl.r owner, .11. expensesi and liabilities concerned with such propertT .'shaiI be shared proportionately with. such owr.rcr:slii.P. .rtie owner of the unit on which such property is. not Irrt:,r I r'tl :;ltlt I I lt.tvc il J){}l-l)c1:llal I (,'as()lnclll- j n ancl tO th;rt part of sr-rclr ot-lrt.:r utrj. l- <;<;tttainj,ltg such property as is reasonably neces- sary f ot.- ptlrposes o f maintenallce, repair and inspection ' (C)]tisexpecte<ltlratcommonaccesstofacilities wj, l.,l l:e provided on a poition of Parcel C and across the driveway e:tsemr:nt located on Parcel A and Parcel B. There iS hereby (--r'(lirl ed a rcci;rt:oca I e:ascme:nt- artd ri-qht-of -way for each o\^/ner ()\r('r , .tr:l (): ; .rrrtl t ltt'ott<;lt l).rl (.'(: I (1. 'l'ltt: Owll(j.L s Slrar.l l. lr;tvc-' e<1tta1 right Lo L|e trse of such Lot and no o\,rner shall hinder or permit hi i irrvi tees to hincler reasonable access to the other owner I s ruri t, or. Ir;rr li or pt:r-nri. t l-ri s .i nvi.1-ees to parli any vehicle on Parcel (1 . .l 1- i r; 1>resttrne cl t,ltat stror.rpl owi.ng , heati.ng , and o ther necessary ma j-nl-r:n;rnc<r of Parcel C ruil1 be required from t j-me to time, the cost-s of which tri l l be strared egually by the owners. other nr.r i n{.t-.trilrrt:t,' , t:()l)ilri r- or i mpt:orr.:ntenl-s of Parcel C may l:e required Ilolrr t.irrrr, lo t inrt:, ru)d l'lrc siul(, slr.,r l l lte untlcrt-allen llPon the urtrnr irr()ll:; ir(lrt:<:nrr:Ir1 of' t-hc ()rvnerlj who shal I share a:l. l exp()Ilses. the PartY Wa1l ful1 cost of ements. :::;';1""n:;'r"#'';;'; 1,"t,o"i''rl"s iniprov-ement or both units in a cornnolt tlreme ' and, except for any expense or Iiability caused t lrlorttllt Lltr: trt:<1 | i (j()nce or wil I ful act 'o f any owner ' lr-is f ami l-y ' agcnt or jnvi.te",'thi"h shalt be borne solely by such owner' each o\fner sha1l share a1I expenses, J.iabilities and general upkeep r t::;pons;i.bi l j Li e:s w i-t-h reipect to such I andscaping and outdoor :i nr1>r:ovr:ntt-'tt{ r;. 't'hr-: owll(lr of orlc un'it shall llot unreasr>nab1-y Jn*rq" tlre lralue of the other unit by.the -former owners act or omission, such as by shocldy upkeep outiide, but.both owners shall nr:rkt: atl rcasonab.l.e efforts to preserve a harmonious common I 'TTJ. 4-LIITi4I].9I, MWATRS' (A) TN adc]iticlrrt-omaintena1lceprov:.cre.'r@1ll^3..ll3iIiiill':ll#,,lll''i,'Iji,',':ff .i;':;;i"; ;1ri1l"-11'? "?t ^"";:?:',?:.';:ii:l;i.i:l' , i.l"i,il;'i,J i;'"i,"';';1';,'i,;;-;;..' *s::i;..1:..*"-:::::l:'.T"li:Il]li""ii".J";';"JJ;,i;'";*j ",.,i]" '";; ;;; u1i1nro.ve1.."""^'_::'J'",^,?.tol*i i'::l.,:l':,'",L'ou'#:-';.pi;";;; ?:.:l:iii"s,*"t*,.,-""ii.l.i"L.-::::Y:l:i:T'i'i,i ,jl"-J,'i.,."'',,,i"t1,,1.11j'.Li'n,,' j nt,-'nor'"" . r'r the neerl for: repair -.c --., hi.:,'ll"ll,,"!n'lil;"ii;i,".""",,Ini;;";;;; or wirLfur acr of anv owner, his !t-^ ^-r-.i e^ /",,\ cl.F;;-;;;::'.lq;:;;";; i'.,.,-itou', Juch owner shal-1 bear the entire cost o f stri;lr reparir or reconstruction ' (Bl 1n the event an o\'/ner, at- his own expense ' fails to rn.rintain, preserve, ancl tepf ace as needed ' the trees ' shrubs arrrl qrest:; (t:he piu"aittqs; ) witir j n the property boundaries of his I);r l.'c- rj I r--ollllhelr*ltrr:attt rv j t-h 1:ltt: standards set by the Other rc-:s j-rlt.rltt:e s itr the subtlivisi'otr j.n which the property is l'ocated t .theotlreroviner-r,t.yrafterJ'5days;r'rrittennoticetotheformer trvrrrer, i f s.c. f;ri iur" c.nt j.nuel and if wi thin said time the owll()l- lt.tt; l:ri lt:d l-.o tnakc a clotld faith ef fort to bring his plurnt-irrgs tllto :;ul:stantial c:onformity wilh his neighbors plantinqs, contract rvitl-r responsible parfies to bring to standard l lrtr o f f(rlt(1 i llq owner's Plant-i.nt;s anrl charqe the o\^/ner therefore ,rrr,l ;ilr('lr r'rtl;[ :;lr,r I I i'..' 'rtl'l.'rl ltl illl(l lrt:t:oltttl 't lrirrl' c>.f l-l'rc crssus:irrre lr [-s Lo r,rl'rich sttch siLe is subject' The owner ]rereby grants to the other otlrner, its agents and assigns, an irrevocable 6ascmcnt to perform the aforesaid work' (C) Each o\^/ner sha1l be solely responsible -Iot mai-ntenance ancl repair of ttre inside of his unit including i.i x1-ttr:es ;rtt<1 ilnpl:orientt-'trts an<1 al I r'rtili.ty lines and equipment Iot:.rLcti l*lrt:roi n atrtl scr.ving sucl't utrit only; vrindow glass and f ranre s sl'ra 11 be cleemed inteii-or maintenance. In per f orming such maintenance and repair, or in improving or altering his unit' no own(:i: sh.r.l I do any act or utoti which impai'rs the structural :;<:unrlllr:..;l; tl f t: j- t-lrer. un j L <.>r Llrc' Party wal I or which int'erferes rvith any easement granted or reserved herein. (n) tlti litl' or ser:vice connections or l ines 't-a<:j I i ties or r>ther util.ity equiJrment ancl property located in-, on or upon either of the unitsrvrhich are used solely to supply a se r., i.r., or uti 1 i. t1r to one uni t , sha 11 be orvned by the ovrner of t lt,' tttr i I tt:; ittt; lir.:lr rrt i 1 i ty ()l- :;t:t vi ctl ;rtrtl al I expenscs ;rrtd L j.rb j. I i1-ies .tor rep.rir apcl maitrtenance sllaIl be borne solely by ther owner of such unit, who shalI have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other parcel or unit containing such l)]'()l)()rLlr trs -is rcasonably nerccssary for: purposes of maintenance, i,:1,,,ir' ',ttr,l i ttr;1tt--r:l iotr- []ttc:lt trt i. liLy ()11 :lL:rv i c-e ccrnr)t:(i t:i'ons or l- j.rr<,r; , 1'ttt:i I i ty or: cither utili.ty equipment which serve both units on t.lrr.l c<-.rrnrnoti arca slral. l ltc tltc rcsporrsibil-ity Of the ovlners Of both L)a rce I A sl-ral- I tre borlle ancl ParceI R and expenses as provided uncler ALLOCATION :;0:l 50!:, associated OIT EXPENSES therewith be low. (l': ) N6 owner shal1 matr:e or suf fer any' structural or designchatrge(incluc|ingacolorschemechange),eitherPermanent ortenlporaryandofanytypeornaturervhatsoever'uponanyPart of h j s un j- t- rvit-hout first obtaining . the -p':ior l^tritten consent thereto f-rom the other o\^rner. ,Ih; ,ri]it" shall be painted in the sarne color scheme erncl at the same time' and both units shall be maint-,ai rrecl i n the same manner ' In the case of damage or (l(,:; I I u('l ioll o [ .itty rrtr i t ol al)y p'tr:t thereof brr anY caus6] \^rll.r t.:joL)\i ('l , t lt,-l .wltt.,r .l' :;'c5 u.il sli;rl l- cause witl cl ue-' <iilige.ce te urr.i L Lo lrr.-. reJrai red ancl restorecl , applying the proceeds of i.nsrrrarlr:e , i f arn', for that pur:pose. 3n"i.- ut-t j-t Sh.ll tre restored Io .l (:()n(l i t i()ll .1,rr,'y,ir.r.r,lr1.-' Lb Lirilt. '::i or: - to th: da:naq: =a:9 i ^ a ,-'i" -pt"ntote the ..rt,irnott theme of boLh units IX. ALLOCATION OF EXPENSES ' Costs and expenses or lan6s;caping, =.tt iet, parking, drivevray heating expenser, alteration, maintenal'Ice- and iepairs,- e-xcept a9- caused by the trcc;l iqence or: r,rill-fu1 act of at' owier, shall be allocated ' in I lrr: l'o I I orv i tr.l l',t.'olt<'lt-t i olts: llrrit n tlrri. t- ll X. I\'IIICIIANTC'S I,TIINS: TNDEMI'IITICATIO\I . (A) EXCEPI fOT i,Lcuy; i,r,r,ir.;-,.,-,ttt,l .l; ""*rt-n-ex1x:ri-se os provi-Ae<l for herein, if anv own{ir l;1a I I "ur"u a'y materiil to be furnished to his parcel or rrnjt thereon ()r anv fabor to be performed therein or thereon, the ot:lrer ot/ner shal.l. not under any circumstances be liable for tlre I)l)/rn(,rl l <i l' trttl, exp()n$() i ncrtrrccl or for the va l.rte of anv 1'/ork done ()r ntilt.r:r.j.<r.l Lrrrnislrt:d; al. l such work shu-1. 1, be at the expense of the ovrner caus j.ng it t-o be done, and such owner shalI be sol-e1y respolsi Irle 1-o tontract-ors, laborers, materialmen and other pel-sorrs frrrrrishing lzrllor: or materials to his unit or any inrprovements therein or thereon; nothing herein contained shaIl aulhc,r j ze eitlrer ordner or dnlr person deal.i.ng thrOugh, with or rrlrr'lr:t ci t lrttr' ()trVtt()r t() cIJ1-qc I ltt-' rtlri t- ol. l-he Other OVJner Wi th any nl(i(:lt,tll i(i I s I i.trtt ()l: tlt:ltr-'r I i-t:tt oI ctrcuntbratrce whateverl and, on tlle c()1 trarry (a1d noti ce is hrereby given) , the right and power to (-h.lrrJ{r a11\, I it:tr or encrtmbrance of any liind against- one owner or atlir irr:;1. oi'rr: crlJner's rrniL for tvork <louc or materjals furnished t-o th,.: ol.lrcr olner's rttrit i s lterel>y expressly denied. (R) Except as provided for bel.ow, if, because of any act or onti ss i <:tt o F arly owller- ' .lnl/ mechanic's or othcr lien or or:der for t.lrt: l)itynl()nt o[' ntolr,ay s;[aI L lrcr f iled agai.nst tl're other Owner's unil: rir: zrnlz i nprc)veuients therei n or thereon r or against any other owll(.1 r (t.rl rt,:Ilt,tr ot- lt()t- l;trt--lt I i.ett Or Order i.S Val.id Or enfOrceabfe I .r rj stlch ) , tltc o$/ner whose act or omission forms the basis for suclr 1j cn or otaei sha l I at hi u oo"t cost and expense ca rqe the silllr() t-o irt,r ccrr-r(:cr r ed an<l <1 i.schargecl of record or bonded by a l;rrrr)1:v collll)illlv reasotlabJ lr oattptoi'l-'o t" such other ohtner ' rvi'thin 20 clays .r1:te:r: tr-to--J"i"- "r iiii"g the-reof'- and further shall inile.r. j f ' arrcl sar-re tlte other o'ontt- harmless f rom and against any illlrl .r l I (:()r;l s, exl)t)lls;es, clai"tst' Iosses ,or clamaqes ' irrcluding r.{ r.t s;()lr(ll) | t: ,i t- Lorlrey I s l t:t:s resrrl.titlg theref rom ' ll . IN:I]IIAUCE. (A) Flach oruner shall keep his unit and aIl l..i xtrrr r.l; llrr:rt:rrl--- i nsrrr,-'<1 aq.ri n:;t: l.oss or clamage by f j-re .and ext.crrricri .,.,tr,,r'^.j" perils iinc'I uding vandalism ancl mal icious mischief) Ior Lh; *iximrrn replacemeut value thereof' Any owner mal/ on l0 rlarys' writtcn not j.ce ' ai- any time one ye.ar ?:-l:l?:t af r c-r- tli* r (rs1_ appraisal of tlre rrn j.ts, bbt.ir-r a written appraisal of sucS units titm a competent appraiser-, _c-harging both owners with the costs ttrereof. suclr uppiii".r sha11-be a disinterested and itrcl<"penclent thi rd party rvho' is rrnrelated in any manner to t:i t. lrcl' ()\vtlr)l- wht't'lit:t. tlrrotlqli joi'nt brtsiness adventures or otlr.:rtv j se. The tnaximum repl-acement values of the respecti ve units shall then be established as the rralue pl'aced on the Units l-rv l:nr:lt ,rl )l rt-ir i ser: . (l|) l'1,r.'lt ()wllcr slr.i I l. 1;rov i tlt: antl keep in f orce ' f c>t tlle protect.jon of hinrseff, general public - liabitity and property clarna<.;r.: j.nsurance ;rqainst claims ior bodily injury or dea.th -or 1:rop6rt1, <lalnage occurring in, on or upon, h-t." parcel owned in fee liriri. IrO thl improv"^"-r,t" thereon, in a limit of not less than $500,000.00 t-t-t t"Jp."t of bodily injury or death to any number of p"r,n.,,',r aris:i.trct oui of one acciclent or disaster, or for damage to f ropertlr, atttl i. f t,igh"t I-imiLs shall at any time be customary to protect aqatnst po=JiUt" tort liability, such higher limits sha1l b" carrie<i ancl each owner shalt name the other ovlner as an arld j t i cru.r I i ttsrtred part-y under srrch po1 icy. (c) Each owner shall deliver to the other ovtner certifj cates evidencing all insurance reguired to be carried un<1er l:h i s ltarzrqr:aph, each conta j.ning agreements by the insurers lt()l t 9 \:(lll(:(: I <lr' 'uro.ii l-y Lltt: 1>r>li<;i<-:s WiLl-rortt-- qi v-i.nr1 thC other o$/ner wl'.iLLetr Irotice of at Ieast'. 30 days. Each owner shall have the riqht to itrspect anrl copy all such insurance policies of.the otilter ()rrrncl- irr(l r-()cJlli. r() ,-v.i,1etrcat of the paymenl- Of pr:r-'miums Llrc reotr . (D) I'tothing provided in this paragraph shal1 prevent the o\vlr()l"r; f r-<'rut jointly acqrri r:i.nq a sinqle policy to cover any one ol: l ()r (. {)l llr| lr.r:,:.rr tll; l(,(luitt:(l itl tlris lrar.rr;ra1>lt l-tr lrt: l;cJr;t t:it [:t:l y .i nsrrr:t:rl ar(t(r in:jt- l>v ear:lr owller. I !$tac@ ):rr - DRsrRtICrroN orjry!lllgyl!"1lNl-E-q!!--g4B::t" (A) rn the c\,()rt, ot .l,,u,,,.Jo"t.i;t'a;;ttt-tt"tit;;- io a unit uy- rire or ?tl:t ciisaster, the rnsurance proceeds ' if sufficient to reconstruct' the unit, shall be deposited into a bank account rvhich required ' f or tvi tltrlr:arva1s, the sicJnature of both the owners ' The owners s;lra I I Lltrrlr 1:r'om1ltl v alttllori'ze the necessarY repair and r( j(jo.s r-rrri:i_i.' wori ,n.r trre j rr.,rrur',a" proceetls w j I 1 be apyrl.ied by t'.hc owners co def ray the cost thereof ' "Repair and r(l(:()nst r.rrr:t ion" of the urlil:s, as use<1 herein, means resto::inq the intprorlemet]tstosubstanti'alllrtlreSamecondit'ioninwhichthey e.'<isted prior to the clamage vrith such unit having the same l)()uri(l,r t-i es a s lle f ore . (B)Ifl-hejnsuranceproceedsareinsufficienttorepair anci re(jonstruct any damaged- unit and sufficient funds are not suppl i r:cl by the *uno. " f the damaged unit ' such damage or rlcstr:rrt:ti ot-t sha I 1 lre Promptly rt:pairecl an<l reconstr:ucted by the owller risi ng tlie insurance proceeds ancl the proceeds of a special asscssrnont rr-ri."n *uy be levie<1 by the non -de f arr 1- ting owners aq;rin:;l: tlrr.: ()idnr:r:r .ri tl-,,, <1 ;rmaqc:rl aird i.na<1e<1rtatc1y j.nsurcd -unif ' n lr), :ill(:ll .l:;:;(':j:.;lll(:ll t l; l;ll.r I I lr() t'<ltttr'l to t-ltt: ilttlolltll: lly wlri<:lr tlf e e:;tinzrted c()sL <-)f reconstruction or repair of the Unit exceeds tlrc s.m of tle ins'rance proceeds altoCable to such Unit. Such assetssntcnts shal..l [e clue anci payab.l e not sooner than thirty (30) tlrys .rl t-t:r rvl'i l-t crt ttotict: tltc-rcof ' The special assessment prc-,rri.clecl for herein shall be a clebt of each owner and a 1j.en on i.r: u parcel an<l the improvements ltereon and may be enforced and <:ol.l ecl-ed by foreclosure proceed j-nqs in the Courts ' (C) Notuithstanding tlle above, the owners and first mortr;aqees o f any or aIl. of ttre clestroyed or damaged units may nr,1 ,-,,,., t ha l, l-he clestroyed or damaqercl units shal l. fOrthwith be denrol islrecl atrcl a I 1. clebris atrd rubble caused by such demolition be removed and the parcel(s) regraded and landscaped. The cost of srrc:h l andscapi.nq and demolit-i on work sha11 be paid for by any and zr.l I j nsttr--:,t.ti---e pro<:t-.crls arra i I ;rlr.l e. Any excess .i nsurance proceeds slr.rl.l t.lien I:o <l j sl>rrrsecl to such orvners and their f irst mortgagees joinl:J-y 60? to the olners ancl first mortgagee of tinit A, and 408 to the or,rners antl f irsL mortgagee of Unit B. X I T I . DAlli\GIr TO COMIqON AI?BA. In the event - of .damage or destructiol) l:o al. 1 or a portion Of the Common Area due tO llre Or otlrer dis.rster, 't|e insurance prOceeds , if. suf f icient tO r:c(-'()ns1: rll(-'l ()l' rcpil i..t: t:h<: clittn;rc;t:, shal. I be appl ied by the owners f o r;u(tlr lt()(-.()nS t: r'rtr:t:iotr anrl r-()l).lir. If, tlrc j.nSUfanCe prOCeedS wi. t-,h r(--spect to srtclt Common Areat damage Or destrrrction are insrrf f jt:i.errt, to retr)a j.L at1d reconstruct the damaged or destrOyed Corrrnt() It Arca , i:he orvtters shall consicler a special assessment ' If such assessmellt is approved by n"iil ott'tt= ' the owners shal. l- make srrt'll dsst-'s:;lllcrlt atlcl proct:r:d to make sttclt repairs or l (r()()t)!j t rrrt;Ljt>lt. Tf s;uclr a:iscssment-' is not approved t - tl' insurattce proceeds shal l be divided in the percentages set forth in '.rr.rqra.h rX anri appl ied i'' acc"raance \^7ith the wishes of the ()\\fn(rt"1;, lrn l(r:;s nlaldc joi nt:11' payable to the owners anrl t-he f irst mc-:r t-cracJees of ttttrir i'eoptt<:itite parcels ' i f ?ty.' The assessment as to each otn.t-.r-ta $ut"tI shall be egual to the assessment agai n:;t every other .,tn*t anc1 parcel ' Sutfr assessment shall be drrc .rrt<l pay,rblt-' Itot s;oollr:r thtttt thirty (30) tloyt after -wri.tten rrot-i t.:,.: [,ltcrt:of . 'l'lie dssdssnlellL pr:ovicl,'<] for herei'n shal'l be a (lcl).t of ea<;lt rLwner anrl a I ien on 'hiS parcel and the improvements t-hci:eort an<'l mat be en f orcecl and col' lected by f orec losure [)roc!]e (l i r-r c1s iu the Courts. XIV, RIGHT TO LIEN. (A) If an owner, at any time' shall noqI.,cri.""t T?itt"" t-- p.tfor:m or pay his share. of any obligation r'()(llri r-()(l ltct r:rttttltlt: , i lt,, ol-'hr:r t'*]"r $a! I l)ut shal I not be obIig.rLc--cl to, af ter 20 days written notice unless the circrrmstances reguired j.mnecliate action' make such payment or' on lltrlrir I l' o [' sttch otltct: ohrller , e><pr:ttd such stlm as may be necessary Lr) l)(,r l()rllt :;tt(:ll <;lrl iqirl-i()tr ilrt':.1 tttlitr<;, btrt not- Iinrjl:cd l-o' the ;:,:vrnt:nt ol- atly itlsuranc-e premi ums required hereunder or the i-rniertaliing of any work required hereunder for repair 'restoration or maint-enance, and such other owner shall have an t] ds(jln€ltt irr attd to that part of such cief aulting owner ' s unit as is reasonallly neces"atlt for such repair ' restoration or ma i-ntenance . ( ll) A I I *;lrrns s() P.r i <1 or t.)xlrernclecl by ;rn owner, w j.l-lt i.nterest thereorr at l-he rdte of 18 percent per year from the date of such pal/ment or expenditures, slia1. I be payable by _the owner so failing'to p.:r'1'or nr (t-tre "11c-'fatrl.ti nq oitner" ) upon demand of. the other ()wnc-t:. (c) A11 sums so demandccl but unpaid by the defaulting owner sha I I consl,i t.ute a I itrn orl the unit of the def aul.t j.ng owner in l.tv()l- ol. l lrt: othcr owncjr- prior to al. l. Other other liens and encrrml)rances , except: ( i ) l.icns for taxes and special assessments; and (jj) the lien of any first mortgage or first tleed of trrtsl-- of reco::d encrtmber:ing such uni-t- - The l-ien shaIl a Ltacl.r from the dlate when the unpaid sum shall become due and may be foreclosed irr like manner as a mortgage on real property upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof executed by the ll()n(l() l';rrr I I irrrt ()wn(r\r sr:l-f ittq fortlt the amortnt clf the ltnPa j.d r r r r Ir ,I r I , ,r I r r, , L; , , llr,.. n.nnr. (rl llrt, rlr:l,rttll i11r; owttt'l , (llt(l (l (|t!:;(:I i;I|.itItt ol l:lrt: trn'i l:. .ln .rny s;l!clt l oreclosure or any other coll.ection l)t (,(:(r(:(lir)(J l.lrc tlc.l att I L j.rr<y ()wn(.)r sha.ll, be reqtlired to pay the 10 costs; and attorttelrrs e)<penses of such prc'ceedings' inctuding reasonable f ees. (l)) 'l'ltc .l jen pr:<>rr i dcrl for hcrei'n shal l' lre r;ttborrl inate to t-helienotanyfirstmort'gageordeedoftrust'inc-l-udingafl ;rrltlit i.ona l. aclvauces thereon ' sule or transfer of any unit as the l (':;ul t rl f. <:<lttt:l {'t>t tl<:'l L)sllr() ol' a-rnortqage fol:ecl os;ttrt: t-hrouqh the prrblr<: 1-t.tt:;Lcc, ot: .itry procecaintj in'ti"tt of. forecl-osure' shall extinguislr tht: lien of -suctr assessments as to payments thereof rvhich 'e<--ome .rn"- prio. Lo sttch sale or transfer, but sha1l l9t rr)l jtj\re ally rr>rrll.:r: o\{ner of personal liabili.ty therefor'- The mortg.rgee of such unit who acquires title by wav of foreclosure or the tal<i'g ot u dee. in fi;;-i't"i."t sniff iot, however, be li airle l.or tuLrlre assessments on the clate i- t- becomes the owner of rill(:ll trrr i l. . tJ() -5;l I e or tlatts fr:r sha'l I rr:l'ieve such rrnit f rom Ii;rbil.iLyforuny'-.t=""tsrtrentsthereafterbecomingdgtotit-ot-l:!I" Iien thereof. in the event of the sale or transfer of a unit with resl-rect to vrhicl'r sums shall be rrnpaid by a defaulti-ng owner, cxL:r)l)l 1 t',rl)s l'("rs; Lo a i.irst- mc>rtqaqee i n connection with a rort:c_. 1c)sur:c ol. it-s Iien or a dcc]cl jn lieu thereof, the purchaser or otlie r transfer of an j nl--erest in such unit shall be jolntly irrrrl 1;1.1r1,1.,11l1' I i;tlrlc r'ri th Lllrl t;al lt:r ol: tr:tins ftrror ther:eof for .lll\/ r;ll(rll lllllt,l itl :;ttttll;. (E) tlpon written reqtrest of any owner' mortgageet pr:ospecti ve ntortgaqee , prrrchaser: or other prospective trans feree of a ut)it, Lltt: btr',,rt of tlle otler uni't sfratt issue a written statcmt--tti- setting forth the amount he is owed under this paragraph, if any, with respect to such unit' Such statement is irln.linq'upotr the- execul-i.nq br'vner in favor of any Person who may rely t-5eri:9rr i. qo.d faitir. llnless a request for such statement shail be cornpliecl rvith rvithin fifteen days after receipt thereof' a1. 1 unpaid sums whicl'r became due prior to the date of making such r"q,r.rn t, slra l. I lte srt[or<l itrater] to the lien or other interest Of Llle l)ers()n rcqu<:st j rtg suclr statement - 4Q!! l I'l _riil B A!Ml--41!D--liA!! 49 FIENI xv. Al,l, ()t.,1{!:lls lil:lllPONS llll,li - IlLl'I-MATlt CONTROL, RltSOLtITroN- Borh put.Ji''-iir"'.-i=-'in;l f -=6-"-t*,t,toff7 responsfFle for--TE a<lrn j.n j.str;rtit:rt and management of the obli-gat lons created llcl'(run(l()r'. ltowcv(-r r, i rr t hc ()vcnt l><>tl-t own()rs cannot mutually crc1r-eu r,ilte rr a rlci: j s j on is rt:qgire<l by 't-[-is Declaration, the i rnpassr: slr.rll he resolved as fol.Lovls: (A) Deci.sion rerqrti,recl i n year 1991 ancl every second year l.lrt,.r t-.1| l t't:: llrri l: A ()\'/llr)r t s <1eci:;ion i.s bindinq. 11 (B) Deci sion requi-red in. year l-990 1ld everl' second year thereaf t-er: ilnlJ h otn"t's decision is binding' li>icL-.1)t I lr ('ln(l l: (l (-' ll ( j j..:s , tro act i otr sha I l' l>c 1-alicn 'l>ased upon the rnetl:ocl .t ,.*oor,rtion -estabtishecl by tl-ris. paragraph unt-iL f ifteen <1aVs alter r.rotjii"ulion of the aecisio" ii aiiected to the other own(ll', l)\' <'r'rL t t-i r'<1 ntai' 1 , rct:ttr:n recei pl: requested to the Iast adrlress srpl;l iecl t.o l-he cieci.dincj &n". uncler paragraph xvrrr of this Declaratrort. X\/ I I . ovnRRTI)n - Tn t-.lle evetrt any owner bel i'eves ' based on t t," ,i.,u.turatt--lttiri.,.,-r-".uo,'roble nrarr, (ii tlral- an irnpasse decision ]ras l;eerr made j.ncorrectly or contrary to the Declaration or ( ii) Lhe owltcr j.n ultjmate control is guilty of mis-' maI-' or no'-fr:.rsanco wl.tiii"op""t to t-his Dectiratibn, then the aggrieved o\,rner ma1, pertition ttrL Bagle County District court fo:: a judicial 6et-ermination of the corrtroversy, ioni"ft decision shall be binding upon l>oth o\rllcrs. The Ctlttrt may assess costs and any reasonable ,r [. l ot'ttt:y I (]()r; cl 1i tllal)' ltitvc J'rt.rc:tt itrc:urrecl by tlre llarl-ies i n f avor "i tit. i,rev;rili.rlq 1-,otty bascd upon the merits of the case' x\/t T . Usl;l RI.ll;'tRTCTTONS. (A) Ilaeh IInit sha'l 'l be restricted l() .t ('n(, l,rrrril-t, ii':'i.1,'rrt i,rl tlwr'llitt<J 'r:; il l)(:l'lllit ltlrl ttl;tl' ;tttrl l;tt<:lt us() .rs wel-[ .rs corrdiLioned and accessory uses sl-rall be defined b1' the Town of Vail. zoning Regulations and covenants for vail viiro.r. 1.5ircl Filing. For purposes of calculation of use rights' inc l .cli.g l)ul- not limitecl to gross residential f loor area ' Unit A slrall be errtit].ed to 60? of the use permitted to the entire Prope,:rtiesandtJ|)j.tBshallbeentitledto40softheuse pr:r:uri 1'-ted to the t:tttire Properties. (B) No exterior mounted radio, shortwave, televisio-n - or other tlzpe of antenna whatsoever or tank of any kind ' either (t I r)\/it1:1(l or [1ri1<l , or c.l otlres Ii.ne Or incj IreratOr Or any kind rvlra t,sot.:ve t c>r ouLsicle storage of any personal property shall be 1r"rn'itt.,A or maintainecl on either unit without the prior written approva 1. of both ov/ners. (C) No anima].s sha1l be kept or maintained inr orlr or upon either unit, except that each or-r,". may keep and maintain within his trni t one riornesticated dog and/or one domesticated cat; pyorr j.4e6, ltolvevet:, that such dornesticated animals are kept under control. at a-tl. times, do not present a nuisance to the other ov/Der and are kept controlled in strict compliance r^rith all ordinances that may apply to such animal. (tr1 lrr .rrltlit iorr to tlrc 1r.rr-kirtrl t rlt;t:t'i<:t'i ottl; l;r:l l-or: l:h in srrbpar.a<,yral.rlr t,ANI){i(IAPTN(l, St:lRVICll f'ACII.,ITIITS AND PAIIKING (c) ;rl,oirr:, .,a,rlr otvllct: ntay keep no more than tWO aUtomOti-ve vehiCleS [ | ( ' l ' r l r . I r l ( \ r ) I 11, op lti:; 1r;rr()(r'l , I)at-ll irrq of boal-s, l:t:a j. lclrs, campers, I2 motor homes, ervs or recreational vehicles on either unit is e:rpress ly prohinitect . Parking of more than two automot j've 'elr j<--les l)\' .i Lhei clwner or hi s fami 1y., "S"1!--o-r invitee j n such ov.nlcr- 's rrni 1: F<:l more tltatl a 4B hour period is expressly proliibi.te<l . (n: I No "tjme shari nq", "interval ownership" or sirnilar intere r;t-, rvhereby ownership' of a ulrit is shared l;y owners on a time basis, snal-i be estabiished on either unit without the prior written approval. of both owners ancl all lienors holding a first lul() l- l-(l(l(le or f j t:l;t <lee<l of trttsl: of record ()n any portion of tlnit A or llrr j,t ll , t"'l'ti ch approval shall' be ref lected in a document of record . X\/l I T . ll!11]1:!l - Ilach owrler sha 1. 1 rcqi ster its; mailing ailclrt:ss rvi l.lt tlre otl-rer owner. ancl al-1 notices or demands intended to be servecl upon owners shall be sent by certified mail, postage prepaj.cl , ar1<lressec1 it'l the name of the owner at such registered miri I i rtrt .t<lrlt..:r;s. f n the al l--<-.rtrative, notice may l>e del'ivered ' if j rr r"rr j [.i tttl , lrcrsotlal]l/ to owtlers. xTx. DilRA't'TON OF DIICI,ARATTON. Each provi,si on cont'ai'ned in rl'i,, i ; . , ; , i . , ' . , r . i ; , , i riiiJLi i-s -sirtr-i',r<:t:--t.> t-lrc laws or rttlct; s<>ntetimes reterred Lo as t-he rule against perpetuities or tlre rule prolribiting unreasonable restrlints on alienation shall continue ana remain j.n full force and effect for the period of 27 years foJ. l.orvi.n<_; the cleath of the last survivor of David P. Ransburg and Alei>lanrlra L. Ransburg, or until this Declaration is terminated as he-,reinaf ter provi<lJ, vJh-ichever f irst occurs ' A11 other prorri.:; j rrtrs contai ned i n th j.s Decl.aration sha1l continue and rc rcl i n j. l:tl1..1, forcc attcl ef fect utrt j. 1 January 7, 2020 A'D', and l-hereafter for successi,re periods of 10 years eachi Unless at least 1l,e.t prior to Januiry 1, 2030 A.D', or at least l year prior Lo the e:<piration of any'such 10 Year period of extended hur..r t-i.c>1, tIi s Decl.rration is terminated by recordecl instrument t dirr:r:t.ing te:rmination, siqned by alf owners and all lienors l.ro1c1 i1q i fj.rst mortqage or first deed of trust- of record on any u<.rrtion of t)11 it A or llni t- t]. AMENDMENT oR REVOCATTON. This Declarat-ion may be amencle<l or levoilealnli--t "l-lllr- frecfarant so lonq as Declarants o\rr) lrotlr lln j t A ancl iln j. 1- B, or (b) upon unanimous writt-en approval i1 recordable form of all owners and aLl l-ienors holding a' first nortgage or first deerl of trust of record on any portion of. (lnit A or tlrrit B. Xx I . l':1,'1,'l'i(:'l' ()F Ill()\/ I !.; I ()NlS; Ol" l) l';(-- LARA'l'TON . L,-i.tt:lt lrr:ovi s:i on o l t'lri r; tli:r; I arrai j on ,- ' ,in?'- aqf ccmfirr[l'-'- piomise ' covenant and nrrrlt:l { .rl;, i rrrl l-o <:onrlrl y r^r j. Llr caclt provir;ion of this l)eclaration, ancl any necessary exception or reservation or ctrant of titl-e ' estate, right or interest to effectuate any prJvision of this Dc(--1irt'n t jotr: (i ) shall be t'leeme<1 incorporated in each deed or ()t r)(:l: i. r r s L r.r r nrt, . L rry wlricrr any ri,ght, ti-tl "- ot, i nt-erest in any portion of tltrrt A'or unit s it -grantecl'. devised or conveyed' whether or noc set forth or r"ierita to in such deed or other irr:;tlttmettt-; (jj) sha1.-l , lry vjrtue of acceptance of any right' i:lLle or intere=t i" ""y p"ttion of Urrit A or Unit B by an owner' bedeemedaccepted,ratifiedra<loptedanddeclaredasapersonal coven.rnt of strch ot\tner anci, u" 't personal covenant ' shalI be lli rr,l i rrtl orl sll()ll o\vll{ll- anrl his l-reiri , persona 1 representatives ' slrcc:oss;()rs allct 35;5lqns; ancl , shaJ l be dlemed a personal covenant Lo, wi-tlr ancl for t-lre Lrenef it of each owner of anv oortion of Unit A or Iltri t R; arrcl (iii) shaIl be deemed u i"uf covenant by I)ec1.arants, for thenselves, tl'reir heirs, personal represen- tatives,successorsandassignsrandalsoanequitableservitude' rr.rr-,r,inq, i., each case, as J burden r'lith and upon the title to cacl.t ;t tr r'l everY 1>ort'i on of tlni t A and IInit B ' xxrr. L:NFoRCEMENT AND REIIEqJnq.(A) Each Provision of tnis "neci^.utiffinf" by aly owner by .? procet:<1inq for a pr:ohibitive or mandatory iniun"ti-"1^::.?I-i t::: ()l il(:li()n Lrl l'cL:ovcI d;lnl;rqes.I f iudicial. Proceeclings areJu instituted in connection ruith the rights of enforcement and iemedies provicled in this Declaration, the prevailing party sha1l be entitleci to recover j.ts costs and expenses in connection thc'rt:rvi t.'lr, i r-rc luclintT rcasonal.l1e attorney fees. (R) Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions in equitl, or at law whiclr are i.nstituted to enforce any provisions hercuncler shall be hrought in an<l only in the District Court of Eagle County, State of Colorado. (c) F.aj.1ure to enforce any provision of this Declaration shalI not operate as a waiver of any sucl-r provision, the right to enforce su"l] provision thereafter, or of any other provision of this Declaration. xXl II. IIXERCIS[; OF RIGIITS. Any exercise of any rights granteci hereunT6i by one owner l'tith respect to the other owner's r]nit j.nclurli ng but not Limited to the use of any easement g'ranted Ircr:t:i rr sh;r I I be e:xercised in a manner vrhich shall not urlreasonably tri.nder, impede or impose upon such other ownert s use of his unit. XXTV. SIICCIISSORS AND ASSTCNS. Except as otherwi.se provided h,,'r'cirr, tlrir;-iii:i:l.,j.ii ic,ri ,rtiitt'tiii-trlntlittq u1><.rtt.rtttl:;hirll i.trrtre t-o t,lrr.: br:nc- f i L o1. Decl.arant and each owner and the heirs, personal r('lrr'(rlicnt,irl- i vr:li, slrcces!iors and assigns of each. t4 xxv. SEVERABTLTTY. Invalidity or unenforceability of any oto,riliJr,= ffi=-nt"iuttiio'' ln-wrrore or in part shall not affr_-ct t'e var.idi.ty or errforceable part of any provision of this I)c:c: Lat ra l-i.rltt ' XXVI . CAPTTONS. The captions uld- - heariings in this i rrs l-rtrtrt:ttt .lr:o rtil-i-t<:a',t t' " n i t-'nce t"tt y an6- shall not be considered in corts Lruil'lq .rny provisions of this D<:claration ' xxvII. CONSTRUCTION. when necessary for proper con- strrrctio', the uf#tffi"f any word u_secl in-this Decl'aration slra I I inc lu<1e the f eminiue or .,.,rt"t gender , and the singular the plural, and vice versa. rN WITNESS I^/HEREOF Declarants harre executed this Declaration as of the lst daY of tlebruarY, 1990 ' r() rri-,f) r I,. _'.1 . * -. \|_ I __F.-.-' t.rf David P. RaIlsburg va1 and the 'l'lrc: documenl- is llereby rati f i.ed l- as lencler and holder of Deed of recorded in Book , at Page Eaql.e county ClerifEiti-Recorder and aPProved bY FirstBank of Trust affecting the ProPertY , of the records of Address: STATR OT.'ILLINOIS ) COUIITY C)F i, /.-,/,( <r- FIRSTRANK OF VAIL (Name) { Title) SS 'flre foregsillg <locument was .acknowledqed by David P. Ransburg anrl Al-exanclra L. Ransburg the -(; aay of February, 1990' \{i Lness my lrund and of f ic j.al sea1. t"l y cornnr j- s s j on exp i rg; s : Ar lr lt r,l;t;: /3 r.n^- ' l^ r-/,.c u I'l't-t , .(),.' Z, /.q ?.? E-l ev.andra r,. Ransburg : Li/(./1.t l:toiauu l;L vlN 1y1 t' il c ,lt A t O r L't t t- tt:E>.t'.)t^tl "oFflcl^l sE^l ' ulGailo glxElt utunY Prr8l rC. br^l€ ot rl, LiNcr' lly Comntision Erprtos 8-J0-J-| 15 I STATE OF COLORADO coUN'l'Y oF nAfiT,ll as e tGnv P il.brr*lfre-@ day of ss The foregoingrrdocument In'as acknowledged -by' --g o ril; . '(reS. of FirstBank of vai Is e. .virce !!-=J'ret>rTarY, l0So. ttj.it't"ss mY hand and off t4y commission exPires: Notary Address: cot!tlo1 15 tt APPLICATION FOR REVOCABI,E A STRUCTURE ON A (Please type or print) DATE PERMIT TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY Fence WaIl Landscaping other DAVID P. RANSBURG and ALEXANDRA I,. RANSBURGOWNER OF PROPERTY NAME OF APPLICANI ADDRESS DAVID P. RANSBURG and ALEXANDRA L. RANSBURG 208 EAST HANOVER PLACE, PEORIA, TLLINOIS 67674 LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY EO BE SERVED: I,oT 5 BI.,,OCK SUBDIVISION VAIL VIILAGE THIRD FIIING -(If necessary, attach description on separate sheet) Corner lot Inside lot 3 DESCRTPTTON OF STRUCTURE OR rrEM(S) rNTO monument approximately 4 feet wide and RIGHT-oF-WAY : _E!_try_ 8 feet lono Attach ptans showing encroachment, property line, sidewalks, curbs, intakes, hydrants, meters, manholes, any other affected appurtenance inthe project area (to scale or dimensioned) and section(s) as well as elevations (if applicable) . Does structure presently exist? vcs Proposed date for conmencement of construction N/A In consideration of the issuance of a revocable permit for thestructure above indicated, applicant agrees as follows: 1. That the structure herein authorized on a revocable pernit basisis restricted exclusively to the land above described.2. That the permit is liruited specifically to the type of structure described in this application.3. That the applicant shall notify the Town Manager, or his duly authorized agent, twenty-four hours in advance of the time for conmencement of construction, in order that proper inspection rnay be made by the Tonn.4. The applicant agrees to indennify and hold harmless the Town ofVail, its officers, employees and agents from and against allliability, claims and demands on account of injury, loss or damage, inctuding without linitation claims arising frorn bodilyinjury, personal injury, sickness, disease, death, property lossor darnage, or any other loss of any kind whatsoever, which ariseout of or are irr any manner connectect with appJ.icant's activrties pursuant to this permit, l-f suctr injury, loss, or damage is caused in whole or in part by, or is clained to be caused in wholeor in part by, the act, omission, error, professional error, mistake, negligence or other fault of the applicant, his contractor or subcontractor or any officer, employee or representative of the applicant, his contractor or his subcontractor. The applicant agrees to investigate, handle, respond to, and to provide defense for and defend againstr any such liability, claims, or demands at the sole expense of theapplicant. The applicant also agrees to bear all other expensesrelating thereto, including court costs and attorneyts fees, whetber or not any such liability, claims, or dernands alleged are groundless, false, or fraudulent. applicant agrees to procure and maintain, at its own cost, apolicy or policies of insurance sufficient to ensure against allliability claims, dernands and other obligations assumed by the applicant pursuant to this Paragraph 4. Applicants further agree to release the Town of Vail, itsofficers, agents and employees from any and all liability, claims, demands, or actions or causes of actions whatsoever arising out of any danage, Ioss or injury to the applicant or to the applicant's o property caused by the Town of Vail, its officers, agents and enptoye-s while engaged in maintenance or snow removal activities or any other activitles whatsoever on Town of Vail property, streets, sidewalks, or rights-of-way.5. That the permit may be revoked lrhenever it is determined that the encroachment, obstruction, or other structure constitutes a nuisance, destroys or impairs the use of the right-of-way by thepublic, constitutes a traffic hazard, or the property upon which the encroachment, obstruction, or structure exists is required for use by the publici or it may be revoked at any time for any reason deened sufficient by the Town of Vail .6. That the applicant wiII remove, at his extrlense, the encroachment,' obstruction'" or structure within ten days after rece-tving noticeof any revocation of said pernit. 7 " That the applicant agrees to maintain any landscaping associatedwith the encroachment on the riEht-of-way.8. That in the event said removal of the encroachment, obstruction,or structure is not accomplistred within ten days, the Town is hereby authorized to remove same and have the right to make an assessment against the property and collect the costs of renovalin the same manner as general taxes are collected.9. That the permit so issued is not assignable, and j-s issued solelyto the undersigned appticant. l-0. 11. That the applicant has read and understandsconditions set forth in this application. Special conditions: all of the terms and Signature(If joint of Property ownership, Owner both signatures) ilffi;sEMENr'--o'-'*2j=-----u- ro.9'Gr o \ I ?, f- I;o r{ o/ J 7o o(4 @ f- /@ (t AY lt +o %rn I rff lall It,-,:.7'.=---..--. H€Ar€-D COTCRETE DF,YEWAY \=.i -)! --J, ----/ : I I ( I \ \ \ ';g)o 'T1c &o, fr" .'*a o "i;:?,, "4""$,r% s.s' bro U)+$ o cn f\)_ $ @= m s38" I t'437 sz.tsi --f <fnrt:-,Yt-t+r I-aI (tr's:{ E$ *o,^Q 9ttu/o o olN \ (Jr "::,^,[?*.o^ " 'c"^ i 3.o A'.n di:r)qH{ d^1 $,vr"{ '' Ur \", ^-JU'- 'Qr DAM ROAD ( 5 o') -----=EF]-T Ey: cf,SGE I FF[]l-rr $.laEFLtrNAL*. E-a3-ga 3: 5?Ff'1 ; F' ' '4 ZL ?e rr ' -'*, '',.- ,f' ---CC]TT E3;H E Fsbilaly l3r 19to 1!O r FEOt'ls Et|l l$ollil ol vrrrJ vtll tEgoclrEtB, lxc. ?h FUr?or. ot tlrlr ooeunleatlon. lr to Frovldr thr llom of Vitl h'itfi r-gruraiicEBt-vsfi- iirocfatir, InL. hr1 ng- obJrctlon to i,hr aDFrovtl of mr tltrbdlvlrlen plat cf Lot-!' Blook {r tr;iii--vff-iier infrA flttng, whlch tr olned by Drvtd Rrnfburg eed Alexandrr Fenrburg. lltlrouEh ln rnclotohDlnt .xhtr onto DuroDrrty.to t'bl notEh-srst 6f thlr iot a. r Ertult of landroaplnE 1[ltrE{t.ncntr, tncludlng trrlr anC r drclnegt rr'tlr_!tl6.ttlmloYlsrnF.') '-t!'rqBievsuinti Co no{ ifrrot itir relrldivlrlon of th. rbott. lot' rni tn tqilrilrrtt, ti undrr nrgothtlsn by rhlch vrll .rlroEi:rtiii-canirrnr riEircttg thr rncrscclhrntr vlll br Iaiiiii*a. 1'n tttl ivrn€ lfnai agrtrnrnt 1r not rriohrd, vall h,eescletla $lI1 ilqulrr thr rrnovcl of th. tnprovrsrntr eouprlrlng thr rnaroichmntt. t STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE OFFICE OF THE TREASURER CERTIFICATE OF TAXES DUE ORDERNO.: VENDORNO.: ISSUEDTO: ART ABPLANALP 80x 4299 VAIL, CO 81658 PARCEL NO.: OOOTSIO ASSESSED TO: RANSBURC, DAVID P. & ALEXANDRA L- AO8 E. HANOVER PLACE PETIRIA, IL 61614 AMOUNTS REFLECTED ARE VALID ONLY UNTIL - oel24/so PROPERW DESCRIPTION VAIL VILLAGE FIL. 3 BLOCK 4 LOT 5 TAX LIEN SALE AT,IOUNT IS SUEJECT TO CHANOE DUE TO ENDORSEI.IENT OF THE CURRENT TAX BY CERT OF PURCHASE HOLDER. AFTER SEPT 1, PERSONAL PROP.S I,IOEILE HOI,IE AI'IOUNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANCE. AFTER OCT. 1 REAL PROP. TAX AI'IT]UNT IS SUBJECT TO CHANOE. PLEASE CtrNTACT THE TREASURERS OFFICE FI]R CORRECT A'.IOUNT PRITIR TO REHITTINC. \r\\.. \:\\\\Q;\r11 '\$. NOTICE I, THE UNDEBSIGNED, DO HEREBY CEBTIFY THAT THE ENTIRE AMOUNT OF REAL ESTATE TAXES DUE UPON PARCELS OF THE SAME FOR UNPAID REAL ESTATE PROPERW DESCRIBED.NIEHEIN. AND ALL SALES OF THE SAME OFFICE, FROM WHICH THE SAME MAY STILL BE REDEEMED WITH THE AMOUNT BEOUIRED FOR REDEMPTION, ARE AS NOTED HEREIN. rN wrTNESs vlHEFEoF, I HAVE HEREU^rTo sET My HAND AND SEAL rHrs l6DAYoF FFH&udRx..ff.lt"*n* laanv E. wALKEF lt fl o . ^ av l\ CURRENTTAX 12, lgB. oo TAX DUE: TAX LIEN SATES OR DELINQUENT TAX ;I$ru# SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS STATUS: PAID 0. oo 0. oo o. oo 0. oo 0. oo o. oo o. oo o. 00 0. o0 THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT INCLUDE LANO OR IMPROVEMENTS A9 SESSED UNDER A SEPARATE SCHEDULE NUMBER, PERSOT{AL PROPERTY TAXES. OR SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ASSESSMENTS, MOBILE HOMES, UNLESS SPECIFICALLY MEI.ITIONED. FEE FOF TSSUTNG TH|S CERTTFTCATE $ 10. OO DATE A. APPLICATION FOR DUPLEX SUBDIVISION REVIEt,I NAME OF APPLICANT David P. Ransburq and AlexandraL. MAILING ADDRESS 208 E. Hanover P1ace Peoria, Illinois 61_6L4 p1191r16 309- 692-227L B.NAME OF AppLICANT,S REpRESENT1TIyE Arthur A. Abplanalp, ilr. cosqriff . Dunn & Aboranatp PH0NE-4J-e-+tse- c. D. NAME OF OI.,NER' S MAI LING LOCATION LOT 5 PROPERTY SIGNATUR AODRESS (print or type) David P. Ransbur and Alexand::a L. sDur9 309-692-2271 OF PROPOSAL BLOCK 4 SUBDIVISIoN VaiI Villase rhird FILING E.FEE $100.00 PAID ( date ) F.MATERIAL TO BE SUBMITTED 1.Two mylar copies of the duplex subdivision plat following the requirements of Section .|7.16.130 (C) , 1,2,3,4,6,7,8,9,'l 0,11'13 and l4 of the Subdivision Regulations. The plat must contain the following statement: "For zoning purposes, the two lots created by this subdivision are to be treated as one entity with no more than one two-family residence allowed on the combined areas of the two lots'" The statement must be modified according to the number of lots created. A copy of the declarations and,/or covenants proposed to assure the majntenance of any common areas. The declaration and/or covenants shal 1 specifically address the palnting of the exteriors of the unjts so that the units will be painted the same color and maintained in the same manner. APPROVAL PROCESS, REVIEl.l CRITERIA These can be found in Chapter 17.24 of the Subdivision Regu'lations. H. FILING AND RECORDING The Department of Community Development will be responsible for promptly recording the plat and accompanying documents with the Eagle County Clerk and Recorder upon Town of Vai'l approval . BY 2. 3. G. 208 E. Hanover P1ace, Peoria fllinois 61614 r ; .{;HI'l ;3q'lr=Jg3@=FrA. t"toT"XY"LtS,' zf-.iliF.",@.Tffiltt, 30341e11!5r! i 30F69e584?rH 3.jff iI J"J;K Jf,i.l,f,fJ#;''h!)','--Jf:JJ',,u,',0#},' POT{ER OI ATIORNDT XNOI| ALL l|TN By TUESE EnESFNtrA? that t, DAVID p.ffiB?YI9l havr madtr eonrltltuted anrl by thirr prcrcntr dlo mak-1conrtlttlta and qppqrnt As_thus t. Abplinrlp, ,fr. r roy trur andlawfur AttorncyllhlFcct, for nap and' ln nj'namo'and rlrla, -lo Ferf,orn any of th. followlng actr, conrmltrnontt or rngegrnrntri Eo Gxleutr eny and tll dosurarntg nr€orrlry arapproprlatc for rntering -lnto cont!aot f,or thr allninletfatlvrprocarilng brforr goveinmental authorltlae ln the Btatr atColorcdo rrlatlng to the followlnE rtrl proptrtyr Lrot 5, tloek 5, Vrll vlilaEr lhlrd Flllng, Torn ol Vrlll $agle Countyi Colorado:nd I hrtrby glve end graut unto -ury erltl lttornly-{n-Fact rllPoylr to. do any act whloh t nlght db tf parronally prearnt Endsutlng ln oonnrotLon wlth any of th6 faregolng uattarrl rndcovanrnt rnd agrea to hold harnlaet any pcrron rho nake act inrdllsnce upon thr ruthotlty grlntrd to ny aaltl trgtornry-ln-trothrrrby, !hi.r Porar oI Attornefot a Fstlodl o! ona nonth tron ehall drhr rrmrlnr ln lorcr and rtfrot 3 gfAT! O! IIIIJINOIS /,coullfY of Vt'1'tt'' nP"mfft#H NoIAnYPUBLIC. El fA OF rrUNOr.q Conrmi#on Errfi roe I.J0.9J Ft-Lut'/€J 3l rulqD It ';stDtrFMRTMtrNT @tr-tr@MMUNITV DtrVtrL@FMENT XXXXXXX ro.., AcroN FoRM XXXXXXX AccouNT # 01 0000 41330 COM. DEV. APPUCA]'ION FEES 01 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 01 0000 42+1s 1988 UNIFORI.I EUILDINC CODE 01 0000 42+15 1988 UNIFORI,I PLU\IBING CODE 1 0000 42115 1988 UNIFOR}I MECHANICAL CODE 1 0000 42415 1S88 UNIFORII FIRE CODE I 0000 42+15 01 0000 41548 1987 NATIONAL EISCIRICAL CODE ljltNTs (M\1-,ARS) 01.0000 +2412 XER0X COplES ,/ SruOreS r 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INsPEcT.IoN 1 0000 41322 OFF HOURS INSPECT'ION FE= 1 00oo 41412 CoNTRACToRS ucElrsEs rEES 01 0000 41330 0l 0000 414t3 .SICN APPLICATION a ,Lr =:=:=:-;=-;=;==z'=--- . Hiscelleneo.tg Cdt It;4?"62 62-15-98 RccelPt * 641S44 HHr';ffi. Ircr Peid Fffi-" 19.'# funt Ptid t@'66 st0gos413S80m 6'69 Ch{tge reurrned } THf,l'${ 1fctJ \tr.rr crdrt|r 5t } o YE N Q;llrtifirutr uf (Drrufsnru (Df liluil Drpurtnpnt @umn fruililing THI.9 CERTIFTCATE TSSUED PURSUANT 'IO THE REQUTREMENTS OF THE UNIFORM BTJII.DING CODE CERTIFYING THAT AT THE TIME OF /SSUANCE TIITS STRUCTURE WAS IN COMPLIANCE WITH THE YARIOUS ORDINANCES OF 'IHE TOWN REGULAT]NG BU'LDING CONSTRUCTION, AND OR USE. 7c) THE BEST OF OUR KNOWLEDCE. Name RAIISBURG DUPLEX [Jsc Classif icat ion RESIDENTIAL Group R-3 d M-l Building Permit No.3256 Typc Construction V Owner of Building MR. DAVID RANSBURG Building Address 463 BEAVER LOT VAIL VILLACE 3RD -l hc building officirl nra1., in s riring, suspcnd or re',okc a Cerri" ficarc ()f Occupilno' issucd undcr thcprovisir)ns ofthiscodewhcn- cver the certificatc is issued in (rror, ()r on the basis of incorrcct information supplicd. or rvhcn ir is dcrcrnrincd rhar rhc buildins or stnrctur! or porrion rhcrcof is il violarion of:rnr'ordinerr<c or rcgularion of rhc Iown of Veil or cnr: <rf rhc provirions of rhis codc. & POST IN A CONSPICUOUS PLACE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT N NOTE DATE - COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE 4/14/BB .Ign department of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL PLUMBING FOUNDATION n MECHANTCAL \,.,:.'i.,tri.. ... *\\. LEGAL fesc. LOT J eLK !l p11-;x6 Vai 1 Vi I I age 3rd Toa t{RftiE,RANSBURG DUPLEX OWNER Hnrrre Dav i d Ransburo ""'flEHFiE;'?? '{SrE"tcfrY ?naPH.6q2-??oa ARCHITECT ,,ru David_Haase----TiTr crardllew ur MAIL ADDRESS crrv Peoria I. 309pH.688-4466 GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnr',r DuddJ V i el e TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. ArrA' ]r.r*,.o,- CONTRACTOR p1pi, Eag'l e Val I ey El ectri c TOWN OF VAIL REG, Nq ,= 9t7-q772 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR rrnu Col orado Pl umhiru,.Senlic TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. rELE 945-9809 MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOIUN OF VAI!- REG-I!O. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. E E trtr 1. rypE oF coNSrRUcloN trr trlv1Q >.' 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEH r(yM DrvrsroN rzzlsA GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : ----:- new construct'ion. wooi frame. stucco PERMIT NO. zo e BUILOING 71 7 .000 ELECTRICAL 26,000 PLUMBING 95,000 MECHANICALstone. hot water heat, p/s home DUPLEX 838,000 TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES V K-3 6592 838,UoU BUILDING PERMIT )ed{ 3_05V $s \o-s e( + $ V M-1 1103 PLAN CHECK L,527 total 7695 ELECTRICAL 363 NEW O(t' ALTERATION O AODITIONAL REPAIRI PLUMBING 950 DWELLTNG UNITS 2 nCCOVr',rOOerrox urutrs 0 HEf cHT rN FT. - No. FTBEPLAcES -1- MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE 1-154 INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: N INITIAL ST. CUT Ni FLOOR batt 6"R- i9 EXT. WALLS batt 6rl ROOF batt t2"R-30 TYPE OF ELEC. I GAS so.*--l -"* OESIGN REVIEW BOARD 200 CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT 750 USE TAX n TOTAL PERMIT FEES 7 ^997.00 Gary Murrain !/!a/88 Irt_OlruC OrrrCt,lt_ - - OATE INING ADMINISTRATOR OATE )NING & BUILOING NOTES: All nlanc and ladsnanino ncr ennrnvpd DRB drawinos- 1 wood burnino fi rpolace per unit. All others gas I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in tull the intormation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inlormation provided as required is correcl. I agree to comply with the inlormation and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state review approved, Uniforp Building Codg and \*\\..-\i+\ * t (:sr$thereto. AND THE OWNER. the T FOR HIMSELF ^-a. Town of Vail f 75 S. Fronrage EoaciVail, Colorado 81657 PIan analysis based onthe 1985 Uniform Building Code Project Id: RANSBIJRG RES. Address: LOT,5 BLK,4 V.Y.3 Occupancy: R3,Ml Type of Const: V-N,V-N Date: June 1, 1988Contractor: DUDDY VIELE CONST.Arehitect: ?Engineer: THOMAS HARTMANN Plans Examiner: GARY MURRAIN NOTE:The code items listed in this report are not intended to be a completelisting of all possible code requirements in the 1985 UBC. It is a guide toselected secti.ons of the code. SECTION * I TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V-N SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTION NORTH Property line 17.0 Feet 17.0 FeetEAST Property line 16.0 Feet 16.0 Feet SOUTH Separation WalL 0.0 Feet 0.0 FeetWEST Property line 55.0 Feet 55.0 Feet FL NAME OCC AREA ALLOWED A/A OCC LOAD REQ'D EXITS EXIT WIDTH 2 Dwelline R3 923 Unlimited 3 1 0.06TOTAL 923 Untimited 3( 3) 1 0.06( 0.06)l Parking Garage M1 600 3000 0.20 3 1 0-061 Dwelling R3 1548 Unlimited 5 1 0.10TOTAT 2748 10658 0.20 8( 10) 1 0.16( 0.19)B Dwelling R3 1285 Unlimited 4 1 0.09TOTAL 1285 Unlimited 4( 10) 2 0.09( 0.19)BUILDING TOTAL 3071 30335 O.1O 11x NOTE: Indicates that this occupancy is not allowed on this floor-Table 5-D* NOTE: Indicates that this occupancy is an accessory area-Sec. 3302.(a) exc.The alLowed M area is 3000 sq.ft. for a mixed occupancy.-- Sec. 1102. REQUIRED OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONSM1-R3 t hr Material"s approved for thr construetion are required on thegarage side only and 1 3/8 inch solid core, self-closingdoor. -- Sec. 503. (d) ex S3 A11 grazing in hazardor"rs locations (see section 5406.(d)) is required tobe of safety glazing material . -- Sec. 5406. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V-N SEPARATION DIRECTION BOUNDARY AREA INCREASE FIRE PROTECTIONNORTH Separation WalI 0.0 Feet 0-0 FeetEAST Building 25.0 Feer 12.b Feer SOUTH Property line 74.0 Feet 74.0 F,eetWEST Property line 16,0 Feet 16.0 F,eetArea increased 6-25 % for open ar€a on 2 sides. F'L NAME OCC AREA ATLOWED A/A OCC LOAD REQ'D EXITS EXIT WIDTH 2 Dwelling R3 1038 Untimited 3 1 0.02TOTAL 1038 Untimited 3( 11) 1 0.07( A-22)1 Parking Garage M1 503 3000 O.1T 3 1 0.0S1 Dwelling R3 739 Untimited 2 I 0.05TOTAL L242 7377 0.r7 5( 11) 1 0.10( o.22)B Dwelling R3 491 Unlimited Z I 0.03TOTAL 491 Unlirnited Z( 11) Z 0.03( O.ZZ)BUILDING TOTAL 2280 26928 O.O8 8x NOTE: Indicates that this occupancy is not allowed on this floor-Tab1e 5-Df NOTE: Indicates that this occupancy is an accessory area-Sec. 3302. (a) exc.The alrowed M area is 3000 sq.ft. for a mixed occupancy.-- sec. 1102. REQUIRED OCCUPANCY SEPARATIONSM1-R3 t hr Materials approved for thr construction are required on thegarage side only and 1 3/8 inch solid core, self-closingdoor. -- Sec. 503.(d) ex f3 Alr glaaing ln hazardous locations (see section b406.(d)) is required tobe of safety glazing material . -- Sec. b408. FoR sEcrroN r 1 rrERroR t}, ,.r", RArrNGs AND op'Nrilf*orrrrro*ExrERroR t}r, r.r", RArrNGs AND opuNril}norrrrro* NORTH EAST SOUTH IIEST ':occ BRc NoN-BRc oPNc BRc NoN-BRG opNG BRG NoN-BRG opNG gne NoN-ene opbieWALI WALL PROT WALL WAtt PROT WALL IIALL PROT WALL !{ALL PROT,l'11 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None s - I{. s. I{. g . I{. Ohr Ohr None R3 Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None s.w. s-!{. s.w. Ohr Ohr None The exterior walls may be of COMBUSTIBLE material . None *- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4-hr fire assemblies. 50% of the area of the wall maximum. Sec S04. (b) NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this waII.* -- These warls may be required to have a parapet wart 30 inchesabove the roofing. The parapet waLL is required to have the samefire rating as the wall. See seqtion 1709. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ETEMENTS Table 17-AETEMENT MATERIAL FIRE RATING NOTES AND EXCEPTIONSInterior Bearing wa1l ANY NONEInterior nonbrg wall ANY NONEStructural Frame ANY NONEExterior Struct Frame See footnote S1Shaft Enclosure ANY I hrFloor,/Ceiling Assembly ANY NONERoof,/Celllng Assembly ANY NONEStairs ANY NONE FOOTNOTES:1) Minimum on exterior side aLso based on exterior brg. wa1l requirements.Provide a thr ceiling in the basement. -- Sec. 1?03- Based on section 3202. (b) The roofing on this building is not required to be fire retardant. EXIT NOTES: A stairway in a dwelling must be at least 36 inches wide- -- sec.3306. (b)-- Sec. 3306. (c) exc.f1 The maximum rise of a step is 8 inches and the mininum run is g inches. Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches.Minimurn height=36 inches, maximum opening siae:6 inches. -- Sec.!7It. exc 2 The minimum headroom is 6 ft.- 6 inches. -- Sec. 3306.(p)Provide a self-closing, L S/+ inch thick, solid core ornoncombustible door between basement and 1st story. -- Sec. 1?03.The maximum travel distance in this building is 150 feet. -- sec"3303. (d) fnio"iffn';iff":::l{i'- i:-;ffii":: HJ, i*"t"::":ioll" sos r.;s.See exceptions for alternate proteetion at roof. ADDITIONAT REQUIREMENTS BASED ON OCCUPANCY For M1 occupancy For R3 occupancy Provide a window or door to thesleeping. -- Sec. lZO4. exterior from every room used for A-window must provide_a clear open area of s.T sq.ft., a clear heightg!_2! inches, and a clear width of 20 inches(ninimum). -- sec. tzo4.A11 habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings'equal to 10% ormore of the floor area. (min 10 sq.ft:) -- Sei. faOS.tjlAll habitable rooms require an openable exterior openings equal to E%or more of the floor area. (min 5 sq.ft.) -- See. 1ZOS.ia)The minimum ceiling in a habitable ipa*"'is ? feet 6 inches exceptkitchens, halls, and baths may have i ceiring height of T feet. l-Sec. -- 1207. (a) FoR s'crro" o '"*rERroR tl,., 'r*, RArrNcs AND opENrFoorrrrro, NOBTH EAST SOUTH WEST OCC BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNG BRG NON-BRG OPNGWAIL WALL PROT WALL WALL PROT WALL IfAtL PROT WALt WALL PROT.M1 s-I{- s.w. s-I{. Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None R3 s.}l. s.I{. s.w. Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None Ohr Ohr None The exterion walls may be of COIIBUSTIBIE material- None -- No fire protection requirements for openings.Prot -- openings are to be protected with 3/4-hr fire assernbries. 50% of the area of the vral1 maximum. Sec S04. (b)NOP -- Openings are not permitted in this vrall.* -- These warrs may be required to have a parapet warl B0 inchesabo're the roofing. The parapet wa1l is required to have the samefire rating as the waLl. See section 1709. for details and exceptions. OTHER BUILDING ELEMENTS Table 17-AELEMENT MATERIAL FIRE RATING NOTES AND EXCEPTIONSInterior Bearing wal.] ANY NONEInterior nonbrg wall ANy NONEStructural Frame ANY NONEExterLor Struct Erame See footnote *1Shaft Enclosure ANY t hrFloor,/Ceillng Assembly ANY NONERoof,/Ceiling Assembly ANY NONEStairs ANY NONE FOOTNOTES:1) Mtnimum on exterior side also based on exterior brg. wa11 requirements.Provide a thr ceiling in the basement. -- Sec. 1203. - Based on sectlon 3202. (b) The roofing on this buildlng is not required to be fire retardant. EXIT NOTES: A stairway in a dwelring must be at least 35 inches wide. -- sec.3306. (b) -- Sec. 3305. (c) exc.f1 The maximun rise of a step is 8 inches and the minimum run is g inches. Provide a guard rail where drop off is greater than 30 inches.Mlnimum heieht=36 inches, maximum opening size=6 inches. -- sec.1711. exc 2 The minimum headroom is B ft.- 6 inches. -- $ec. 3306.(p)Provide a self-closing, t 3/4 inch thick, solid cors or-'noncombustible door between basement and 1st story. -- sec. 1?03.The maximum travel distance in this buirding is 1F0 feet. -- sec.3303. (d) "td:":lo*L. sob. (e)3.A 30 inch high pa See exceptions for alternate protection at roof. ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS BASED ON OCCUPANCY For M1 occupanqy For R3 occupancyProvide a window or door to the exterior from every room used forsleeping. -- Sec. t204.A window must provide a clear open area of 5.T sq.ft., a clear heightof 24 inches, and a crear width of zo inches(minfunum). -- sec. lzo4.All habitable rooms require exterior glazed openings equal to 10% ormore of the floor area. (min 10 sq.ft.) -- Sec. l2OS.(;)A11 habitable rooms require an opJnable exterior openings equal to 5%or mor€ of the floor area. (min S sq.ft.) -- Sec. 120b.(a)The nrinimum ceiling in a habitabre spac6 is ? feet 6 inches exc€ptki-tchens, halls, and baths may have a ceiling height of 7 feet. --Sec. -- 1207. (a) Project Application 10 October 1989Date RANSBURG DUPLEXName:Project Project Contact Lot 5, Block 4, Vail Villaqe Third FilinqDescription: Person and Phone Arthur A. Abplanalp, .fr.47 6-7 552 owner Artdress anrj phone: David P. Ransburq & Alexandra L. Ransburg 208 East Hanover Place Peoria , IL 61614 Architect, Address and Phone:David Haase 47L7 Grandvi-ew Drive Lega|Description:Lo15,B|ock4,Fi|ing@'Zone- Comments: The nr^rncrs regucs+ aFFrOval of a mOdifiea€ien ef the previeusly approved design, by which a Jacttzzi which is constructed atg-.'und level may be aFpreved- The eriginal leeatsien waswithin the building area exclusive of the set-backs, but when constru€eed the faeility waE leea€ed w+th+n tshe sets bael< onthe north side of the property. This may be considered areeree€ienal fae*l*ty net geverne* blr the seb baeh limibabions. Proposed and a=-buinIf, Rltl6*"6e "ageilable. Date Motion by: Seconded by: APPBOVAL D ISAPPROVAL Summary: o {- ?ri\. Date: Town Planner E Statt Approval JOHN W. DUN N PETER COSGRIFF ARTH U R A.ABPLANALB JR. ALLEN C. CHFIISTENSEN TIMOTHY H. BERRY LAw OFFTCES CoscnrrE Dut*tN & ABpLANALp A PARTNERSHIP INCLUDING A FROFESSIONAL CORPORATION VarL NartoNAL BANK ButLDtNG SurrE 3oo P O. Box 2299 VArL, CoLoRADo 8t658 TELEPHoN E: (3O3) 476-7552 TE LEcoPIER: /.3O3t 476-4765 10 October 1989 lN LEADVTLLET CoscRrFF. DUNN & BERRY t o- Eox ll LE OVTLLE, COLOFAOO gO46r (2t91 4e€-t€45 Ms. Kristen Pritz Department of Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road W. Vail, Colorado 81557 Re: Ransburg Project. Dear Kristen: In accordance with our recent discussionsr you will find enctosed an application for design review approval by which I hope the Vail Design Review Board may consider the change in design of the Ransburg residence, Lot 5, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing. As you are aware, during the course of construction a decision was made to relocate the lacluzzL located on the north side of the property, at ground level, several feet north of its original proposed location. Although there is some dispute among the contractor, owner, and contract regarding the manner in which the decision was made, the fact remains that the Tacuzzi now lies within the Town of Vail setback. It is our understanding that' as a recreatj.onal facility, the setback requirement may be waived, and that is the purpose of this request. we have obtained an agreement from the Upper Eagle Valley Water and Sanitation District, which maintains the only utility within the dedicated utility easement by which the jacuzzi- may remain at its present location. On the basis of this request, we hope that the Design Review Board will find it appropriate to approve the modification of the Ransburgs' earlier approved plan for construction on t.his property. A. Abplanalp, AAAJr: s1f THE PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION IS DUNN P.C. lN VAIL. UNPLAT TED LOT 2 \\\'tri S /rr% %7 BEAVER DAM CO(LOT 4) tro\ v o\ * r,1\y c R = 379.47' L = lOO.00' b$0' *o*o u?+ ctro Ff,,\16 lONe : u.P-4!: !e.-:UJF.lt€: ?',,* T."E ,/cnY / n- a.\' ,/ ,- df ' 4'*,7'^^ "!:;"" 1o ..r/orit-.- ---'r'f-/':::_--_\ 5 STORY HOUSE SLAB EL:81.16.O MAIN PEAK EL.:8lBl.O 'sP ul$q :" 5r-d fLR DECI( DE9IGNED DRPndlJ 6Y:VALLEY ERING f sunV9Yfivq lhE. ArJ .l c.l*?fg*j5_L_gf-:i:- fD€- c?C frsil 4 I NTER-OEPARTIIENTAL REVI EW DATE OF IC HEARING ,,oh*/ d", *6*"a 16rr1 Eg*t, Ws. *u^J 8A 4a'V /t ,l --r I4h+ q//a ", r'flz / 6,-t-1 lu fr 1A;, ctoslvJ /;n, PAOJECTs DATE SU3I.IITTSI: CCMENTS NTEI}EO BY: PUsLIC P.eviarr d Comen FI RE DEPARTI,TENT *dqh ar do (5 ru*- $dnnr'nury s ITtoqt 5ry"d1 *e#r,n?0 Eo4 eJ { Reviewed by; Cora,lents: Date POLICE DEPARTI4ENT Rev'ieved by: Connerrts: Reviewed by: Cr.-;,ents: RECiiATiOI{ DEPARTI,IENT Date 'f:"i. ..:j; Date II{TER- OEPARTHENTAL REVI El., DATE OF PUELICDATE..SUS|{ITTED: C0Fut/tENTS NEEDE0 BY: SRIEF DESCRIPTION OF FIRE DEPARTI,IENT Revlewed by: Cosrinents: POLICE DEPARTI.IENT Revlewed by: Comlerrts: Date a ','t t, ..r j; Revle'.red.by: Co;aents: Date /2,ut ENCROACIIMENT ACREBTIENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and encered lnto Ehls &e-day of-t asLsBA, by Davtd..P. Ra,,sb"-'g, -:"i .1]:.319::-L;^l:l::::*"h:i:lliii;; ;;ffii;$to aiiiOtri*ii ;;,G;'''and the uFpsn neclE 'ALLEY c'NsoLrDATED sANrrArr0N DrsrRrcr' r--^.n^r^dl! quasl-munlcfpar corpotuifon, heretnafcer referred ro aa rrDrSTRICT"' I{I|EREAS'ProPertyownerlsPresenElytheownerofthatproPertydescrlbedas Lot 5, Block 4 Vail Vitlage 3rd Flllng, Vail' Eagle County' Colorado; and wllEREAS, thc Dlstrlct ls presently ln possesslon of an easement, l0- ln wldEh, runnlng t'hrough Ehe aforementloned p,op"'ty, whlch easenent le descrlbed ln Exhlbit A, a coPy of whlch ls atCached hereEo and lncorporated hereln by thts reference; and I,II{EREAS'thePropertyownerhasconstructedastructureEhacencroacheguPon the descrlbed ea'ement, ""ld Lncroa.hment belng descrlbed tn Exhtbit A; and Nol|,THEREFORE,lnconslderatlonoftheconvenanEsandpromlseshereln,the partlen undersigned hereby agree as follows: t fsl )0 l. 2. 3. 4. 5. The DlstrlcE shall permlt the permanent strtlcEure Eo encroach uPor the af oremencloned easement. The Property onner ;;;ii lndemnlfy the Dlstrlct from Ehe costs of any i;;.;ii;ai;n and/or repairs to the Dlstrlct's uttlltv 1lnes, whlch nav occur'ormayhaveoccurred,asaresultoftheconstructlonofthe 6cructure over and upon such easement' The property grrner si,all hold harnless the DlsCrlct from the cost of repalring any damage to the scructure, whlch damage may-be caused by the lnscallatton od new utlllty lines ln the vlclnlty of thts easemenC' or by a break ln present and/or future uttltty llnes of- the Dlstrict' or caused by rhe iepatring by the Distrlct of such break or other malntenance of the lines. The Property owner shall lndemnlfy the Dlstrlct from any lncrease ln the cost of any lnsiallatlon and/Lr repalra Eo the Dlstrlct-s uttltty lLnes, such lncrease, lf any, due to the proxlmlry of the structure to the utllltY 1lnes. The foregolngr not wlthsEandlng, ln the event l-t Le necessary' ln the Dlstrlct;s oplnlon, co remove all or part of Che structure encroachl-ng upon the Otsirfct-s easement for repalr or replacement of the Dletrlct-s uttllty lLnes, the Property owner ehal1 permanently relocate sald sErucrure to a locaElon out of the Dlstrlct-s easement. The cost for renoval and replacenent of che structure shall be the ProPerty Owner-e responslbllltY. This Agreemlnt shall btnd the successors and assigns of the Property owner, and shall be appurtenanr to and deemed to run with and for the benefit of the aforementloned properry in Eagle County, Colorado untll c 6. 4la93e7 B*513 Ir-15i1 A9/AA/Bg 1.3aJE JOHNNETTE F'I-TILLIF'S EAGLE COUNTY CLERH REC l S, tZilZr DOC sr. ara F",Gi 1 0F 3 Lot 5, Block 4' { EXHIBIT A v"il viQe - 3rd Flling /.. ""//:-,9,/ 1 /Yf' ,/^.' ,/ \, k, 6J 'o BEAVEF DI ,l , 4,oq7 't',Yoa* \w P,* ll.6 .co +( $' rq u-o J.l o LI ------.. OJ r.) r.l rl gt E o tr u') I LL F] !'t IE F. (-rlft O's\ LOT 2 R = 379.47' L . roo,00' oo$ e,e.-\,P. oo,l I ;ETG,LE \IILLEY ENSTNEERINe i sunvrYtNq lNc. tooo 5. FRONTAGE Rc'AP-rtEbr, bq,rq -rq-iir-t-.-Loitoqloo ol6bT tlos, 476'4o7J I STORY HOUS€ SlAg Et. .8 r46 O MA|ll PEAK E L.:8l8l.O ;' 'tc. Y /Lor s / o.soe rc. I I \r\- cESrGNED A\4-- gn.rltN 0ri_.L--:':.- \ .. ", 2u,, 2'rr fiC\ !Ol.'N6:.- ! l il'-l !. t<. at-l t':-/f ? . .lin c roa chmt: rr L All rcemc n E ^;:;:;; B-sl3 L,-rE't"ru, rr:rE trothis Prrbl ic d4y of t.. sTATri oF coI.oRADO COUIITY OF NAGLE ) ) ) ss Tlre foregoing instrumenE nas acknowlerlged before rne thls Jt*l.laaV ot and my hand and officlal seaI. o,= u or t) such tltne that che DlstricE abandons said shall be recorded against said properEy in the State of Colorado. ) )ss ) instrunent $tas ackno,wl edged bef oretn" (. fZn*A*nC, a- and DisEricE, easemenE , and Ehls Agreentenc accordance vlith the laws of %,a quasi-mufiicipal stcNED AllD DnLTVERED this ?'{, dav of lt\ , 1984' By: VAIL VALLNY COi'ISOLIDATIID ITATNR DlSTRTCT By: Tirle: ATTNST: sTATli OF CoI.oRArro COI'NTY OF EAGLE The foregol ngt)*, l9B Q, by Ititness my hand and offlc tly Commlssion exp i res : Propcrt.y l{o t a ry Publ i c c.7 tfy commisslon expires , 4*t' / -4.t, /ga / ,/ j ,. L2'A ,)o4'/s'){a ENCROACHMENT AGREEMENT TIIIS ACREEMENT, made and entered lnto thls 2-Ll day of t o NA=!-, herelnafter referred to as DISTRICTT a quasi-munlclPal ,'S'\r\,, /.f 0 l SBq - bv Davld P. RansburS, and Alexandra L' Ransbergt ;PNO-PNNTI OT.INERII ANd thc VAIL VALLEY CONSOLIDATED WATER corporatlon, herelnafter referred to as ITDISTRICT"' w||EREAs'ProPertyownerlspresentlytheownerofEhatpropertydescrlbedae Lot 5, Block 4 Vaff Village 3rd Fl1lng, Vall, Eagle CounEy' Colorado; and mIEREAS, the Dlstrlct ls pregently ln possesslon of an eaeementt l0- in !'ldth'runnlngthroughtheaforementloned,p"op"..y,whlcheasemenElsdescrlbedln Exhlblt A, a copy of whlch ls attached hereco and lncorporated hereln by thts t"t"""n"";r;:r, rhe proper.y owner has consrructed a srrucrure ll"..encroachee upon the descrlb"d "as"r"it, ,"ta encroachment belng descrlbed ln Exhibit A; and NOW, TI{EREFORE, ln conslderatlon of the convenants and prornisee hereln, the partles underslgned hereby agree as follows: l. The Dlstrlct shall pernlt the permanent structure to encroach upon the af orementloned eaaement. 2. The Properry or"e" ehall lndemnlfy the Dlstrlct from the coste of any lnsrallation and/or repalrs to the Dlstrlct-s uttlity llnee, whlch nay occur' or may have occurred, as a result of the constructLon of the structure over and upon such easenenE' 3. The property Owner sirall hold harrnless the Dlstrlct from the cost of repairinganydamagetothegtructure,whlchdarnagenaybecausedby the lnstallatlon of new utlllty Linee ln the viclnlty of thle easementt or by a Ureat ii pre'ent and/or future uttllty llnes of the Dlstrlct, orcausedbytherepalrlngbytheDlstrlcEofsuchbreakorother malnEenance of the llnes. 4. The Property owner shal1 lndemnify the Dlscrlct from any lncrease ln the cosl of any lnsEallaElon and/or repalrs Eo the Dlstrlct'e uCtltfy lines, such lncrease, 1f any, due to the proxlmlty of the structure to the utlllty lines. 5. The foregoing, not wlthstandlng, ln the event lt Is necessaryr fn the District;s oflnton, to remove all or part of the stfucture encroachlng upon the Dlstrlct-s easement for repalr or replacenent of the Dierrtct's utlllty 1lnee, the Property Owner shall perrnanently relocate said structure to a locatlon out of the Dlstrlct-s easeoent. The cost for removsl and replacenent of the structure shall be the Property Owner-s respons lbll ltY. 6. This Agreement shall bind the successors and asslgns of the Property Owner, and shall be appurtenant to and deerned to run with and for the beneflt of the aforementloned property ln EagIe Countyr Colorado unCil I c 4893e6 Ll*Sl3 tr-l:ra a7/AA/Ag lgr;$aJI]HNNETTE F,HILLIF.S EA6LE COUNTY CLERI{ REC r5. aa D0c rzr. uilzl F,GINFS r.ncroachllrent Af! recmant Page 2 i such tlme that the DisErlcE abandons sald shatl be recorded agalnst said ProPerty in Ehe State of ColoraCo. casenent r and this Agreement accordance with t.he larvs of f.l |! (c L ) )ss ) ngl , rs r'l r]J oo oF oE s u'l I |a r.) lt'l I ulf'l r') olg (rr^ daywas acknor"ledqed Qmn P //r',4, before me hls t l'lo E a ubllc Pro Irlitness my hand and offic .:f'J tfi'::) 'l c STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE lly commlssion expires:arMtt tfrz ) ) ) ss was acknowledge,l before me thls .!4iltUy ot and respectlvely, of the Upper Eagle Valley Consolidaccd Sanication Dis rri cE , a corporat I on. rny hand and offlctal seal. e,&; Lo T 5- , Bf ock-r| r U r.',-l Urf-Ld{e - 3J.d The foregolng lns t rttmenc , 198:2, bv I and Fj-L."i{ SIGNED AND DELIVERED Ehis Z{ dav of f{.^1 , 1989 ' Ry: UPPER EACLE VALLEY COIISOLTDATED SA}IITATIOI{ DISTRICT By: Tirle: ATTEST: Ass STATE COUNTY OF OF Property r) s 1 Thegwr ns E ry{ren cr9sf, by c.7 . EXHIBIT A ,"; 5, Block 4r Vall utr" - 3rd Flllng t_. _j -4 a-- /.' o\b' LOT 2 ""., " lf*,I":*!ii/i1;rr;u \ encroachmen'." ffi4q::,"", """,. -{ . f l;( i'rii;ii"i;r:i:","," /rl tt'r.\ tr'*$r/ '#\* \j '"\-. Po. \.---- |'9,. 4. uoouu* BEAVER t (5 \"2'/Rl R = 379.47' L = IOO.OO' oo$ cori .l Lf t Ii /,1\.I (.d"tr'i5 \.t /)Y ! ILOT st lo.5o5 ac. i \\__..- rI,\ xc \ :Ji') ]J fl oI g s [-) Itt FI tt'l I ul itlti cng.t I , ETIGLE UALLEY ENg'NEERING t 9uflVrilNq lNC. l0OO 5. FRONTAGE ROAD \\/EET' buffe E- vAtL, COLORAg9 0165T /303'll 476.1673 /,\r .\., ( x \".. Cn\\tl Or: -I--':: a r, ,t ,, ll '".' nZ\ rt|'Jr€f .!.1i4( r<^ '.'!t?-,3? .\ r.. ,r.. k.,r t.r( | k. -l_-_:j::*r:::_ "ri- -. a:..!5-l'.. '.-rr[:-:--{i!-:i'.;.. *-'-:1 .' -,: .- . rl " -:-Jr-.i !.-- ,',LirUj0 CONSENT TO ENCROACHMENT ON EXISTING EASEMENT THIS fNSTRUMENT is made this - day of -, 1989, by and between DAVID P. RANSBURG and ALEXANDRA L. RANSBURG, ("owners"), and HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION' MoUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE AND TEL,,EGRAPH COMPANY' dlbla U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS, PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY OF COLORADO, and HERITAGE COMMUNICATTONS, INc. d/b/a HERITAGE CABLEVISION' and any other signatories hereto (collectively'rEasement Users") i WHEREAS, certain portions of an easement of record affected by improvements is described as portions of a utility easement 10 feet in width along the northwest lot line of LOT 5, BI,OCK 4, VAIL VILLAGE, THIRD FILING, ACCORDING TO THE RECORDED PLAT THEREOF, COUNTY OF EAGLE, STATE OF COLORADO' (thc "Easement"), allowing the Easement Users the use of such Easement for a utility easement, more specifically identified on Exhibit A hereto, and WHEREAS, the Easement is not presently used for the construction, maj-ntenance and reconstruction of utilities by theparties; and, WHEREAS, no future use of the Easement for the construction, maintenance, and reconstruction of a road or utilities is contemplated by the parties; and WHEREAS, there is presently constructed within the Easement certain encroachments in the nature of recreational facilities, including a jacuzzl and a deck at least eight feet above grade (the "Encroaehmentst'), at points identified on Exhibit A heretoi NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises contained herein and the mutual benefits to be derived and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereby covenant and agree as follows: 1. Easement Users on behal-f of themselves, their successors and assigns, by this instrument hereby forever consent to having the Encroachments upon a portion of the above-described Easement for use by owners of certain recreational facility, morespecifically described as a jacuzzi patio and deck above gtrade, upon the express condition, however, that in the event any of the Easment Users reguire the use of the easement for theinstallation of'utilities in the future, and such utilities cannot be instalLed without the use of that portion of the Easement affected by the Encroachnent, then Owners will removethe Encroachments or or permit the Encroachments to be removed,at their expense. 2. the benefit of 3. when executed binding amonlJ This Consent shalL be binding uPon and inure to the successors and assigns of the parties hereto' Consent may be executed in counterpartsr,,an9t the Owners and any other parties, shal-l be respective executing Parties. This by those COLORADO EAGLE ss. Consent before ) ) ) to me Encroac t s n d 0.-r P tU^^rtr DAVID P. RANSURG OWNER STATE OF COT]NTY OF Easement' L989, by STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF Th foregoing Easement was 1"9 69 , lry of llo1y Cross Elect The foregoing Consent r^ras acknowledged before David P. Ransburg and Ale My commission exPires Witness my hand and {-,/-lt witness my hand and ofTfEtEI iGa1. ers. ary HOLY CROSS ELECTRIC ASSOCIATION a Colorado NonProfit CorPoration Existing Octcber, ackgorg,Iedged MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE TELEGRAPH COMPANY, dlb/ A U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS, Colorado corporation 1989, by BSnn F , HAr,tEe^lof Mountain States Telephone Mountain Bell. STATE OF COTORADO COI]NTY OE lNESft The foregoing Easement was aeknowledged SIATE OF COLORADO cotNTY or Easement1989, byof Public The foregoing $/as acknowledged By .t -/,4. /4'^a.-' to Encroachment on Existing ne this $lrdav of OCT ,as,and Teleqrdph Company, dlb/a SS Consent before My commission expires .F 8-BE Witness my hand and official sea1. PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY As successor to and/or GAS FACILITIES, INC., Corporation OF COLORADO Assignee of a Colorado By ss ) Consent before Encroachment on Existing this day of Service Company of Colorado. My commission expireswitness my hand ind offfi to me as , Notary Public MOUNTAIN STATES TELEPHONE TEIEGRAPH COMPANY, d/b/A U.S. WEST COMMUNICATIONS, Colorado corporation By STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF The foregoing Easement was acknowledged Encroachment on Existing ,this day of and -Telegraph Company' d/b/a OF COLORADO Assignee of a Colorado ss Consent before to me as1989, by of Mountain States Telephone Mountain Bell. STATE OF COUNTY OF My commission expires witness my hand ind offfi NoFaly Public PUBLIC SERVICE COMPANY As Successor to and/or GAS FACILITIES, INC., Corporation COLORADO ,p" The foregoing Consent to Encro4chment oI Existing''----" r-^E. --. ^-- --fu^^.. ^. fh -"f 0 -. My commission expires Witness my hand and of{Z.cia ss STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF EAGLE The foregoing Easement was acknowlg$ged 1989, by Witness mY hand and o RP? /Consent CoMMUNTCATTONS, rNc. lau age C ))ss ) Consent be fore of HeritagE-Communications, Inc. My conmission exPires 'IERITAGEd/h/a II4 . r. . llxltlut.ilt f r Vall Vlllage - 3rd lrilitlg )r UNPLATTED /^rr,"E Lu \ encroachmrp{ffi);-f{-, roN' ..s/ K *rX \{ encroachmenr -wr,,*r-*r.,* \r / i \o *) LOT 2 ot nt"o \___ ,,' tr,(\ ffi,.,1i) \^1 o // 5 ac. \ '(t t',i/rt ry* 3 STORY ]IOUSE SLnU El r 8l4fr. O MAIN PEAI( EL.:8l8l.O t./ I /t-or / otou I I t i I I Proiect Name: Project Description: Project Application Contact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architecl. Address and Phone: '.i \l Legal Description: Lot J , Block \ , Filing Com ments: Design Review Board Molion by: Seconded by: APPROVAT DISAPPROVAL Su mmary: {""u Approval I I G oProject Application Date Proie4l Nsme: l Flrojeet Description: Contaat Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: j,*'r't u5ff L[tt6 <^ Legal Description: Lot J , Block ,',,"n Vr/ 3rti -,."* i'.,* lk.. Comments: Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: Date DISAPPFOVAL E Statt Approval Eili'" '())_ = i3 6cOp >9 E lrJ TJJ(D uli :5 t i iIt I-, !: (/ r^'v \-o m= o FF zl ",iK 1z o9Jo I -xr- /'a -+-le ; ,-<) --->a fF)u-/P X 2 c.*---e^\(s\ t"< K , l,rced" - J (!" ll\!t cdoA flP e$ffi ; I I ]t I I-r I I Er x>ic '/t rJ) X.'@.Y .",/7/ ,/p 1+- lc- -+ -r, -d. t% *?/"'.,, c) @ ,, no ^ t @ 9 ,.,'. ---r"Q :\ -^.9 (i; (" .\- /t' _q 6 ;u:x 1-;>N I PETER COSGRI FF -JOHN W. OUNN ARTHUR A. ABPLANALP .JR. TIMOTHY H. BERRY ALLEN C. CHRISTENSEN TERRI S. DI AM LAw O FFtcEs CoscRrrr. DUNN & AepleruRlp A PARTN'FSHIF OF PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS 2AII N. FRoNTAGE RoAD SUITE 2O4 P. O. Box 2299 VAIL,CoLoRADo EI65E TELEPHoNE: (3O 3't 476-7552 TELEcoPI ERt l3O 3) 47 6 - 47 65 23 September 1988 IN LEADVILLE: CoSGRTFE DUNN 6 BERRY P O. BOX tl LEADVTLLE, COLOR.ADO A046l (303) 4e6-rAA5 Kristin Pritz Planning Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road W.VaiI, CO 81657 Re: Lot 4, Block 4, vail village 3rd Filing Dear Kristin: The purpose of this letter is to confirm our recent conversation, during which I conveyed to you the desire of l4r. and Mrs. lavj-d Ransburg, the owners of Lot 5, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing, that they be advised of developments related to the above-described property, which adjoins their 1ot. As you are aware, Mr. and Mrs. Ransburg have been concerned regarding the nature and location of any structure which might replace that presently located on the above property. It is their understanding that a proposal has come before the Town of Vail involving the construction of two detached homes on that property, at locations which might impact the Ransburgproperty more than necessary. While it is our understanding that the request for detached homes has been disapproved, Mr. and Mrs. Ransburg remain concerned that any improvements located on thatproperty not interfere, to the extent avoidable, with the improve- ments upon the Ransburg property. In order to safeguard Mr. andMrs. Ransburg's concerns, we request that we be informed of any pending applicat,ions for improvements, subdivision, or design review relating to Lot 4, Block 4, Vail Village Third Filing. While we recognize there is no requirement $rithin the townregulations that adjoining property owners be notified on someapplications which might come before the town, nevertheless we reguest that you place this letter in the file relating to Lot 4, Block 4, in order that we may be informed of applications when and if thev are submitted to the town of Vail. PROFESSIONAL CORPORATIONS ARE PETER COSGRIFF. P. C.ANO TIMOTHY H. BERRY, P.C. IN LEADVILLE, OUNN A ABPLANALE P. C. IN VAIL. Kristin Pritz 23 Septernber 1988 Fage 2 and your Thank you very much for your cooperation in meeting Mr. and attention to thi.s matter ltlrs. Ransburgrs concerns. eAAiIr: d j xc! Mr. and Mrs,David Ransburg Abplanalp, t 75 soulh fronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 I.[arch Z, 19gg Ur. David Haase4717 crand View DrivePeoria, Illinois Re: Ransburg, Lot S, Blk 4VaiI Viltage 3rd Filing Dear Davld, I would. appreciate it if you would provide the fo1lowJ.nginfornation concerning yoirr uuriarni p"rruit-ar.rirrg, for thisproj ect: 1) The roof- ridge is .5 ft. over the allowabte of 33feet. -The roof ridge rnust add up to . nixirnuln rt"ig'tof 33 feet. 2'l Paint colors for the project need to be suburitted.please list the nane of fhe paint cornliny anAspecific color or paint nunbEr. 3) why is.the crawr space heated on the rower froor ofthe prinary unit? f also need to know what type oiaccess wiII be nade available to this space. rf you have any guestions prease feer- free to contact me. Sincerely,t | -'A,t/.1 \/ t- fltttlqn (''f, Kristan pritz, Town Planner KP/veb lli 75 louth tronl,.gc ro.d u!ll, color.do 81657 (303) {76-7000 Lot 5, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd ERMIT ZONE CHECK otflcc ol comnrnlty dcuclopmcnt GRFA Prinary GRFA Secondary LotlE R MAIN rHIRD STORAGE GARAGE MECHAI,I I CAL -}d ?)? Jrt t,tt .Oeq 6o*f J-73t jtd s.r. lzoo s.t.\ 590 s. f. \ 50 s.f. ja ItI -ra'f f,ro d4_Eslt rfi6 s.r. /f,aj -ztD:€s s.f. 5t{ti35-s.f . 50 s.f. Bt' 1t)- 3) -- TOTAL ALL0WED GRFA = 4454 TOTAL PROPOSED GRFA = # {VfT REI{AINIIiG GRFA -- ' r: FD Kristan eritr(nuffiHFg€'r lndJ s,l1t8. 'l lnttn LOT 5, BLOCK 4, VAIL VILLAGE 3RI) Buildlng Pernit Zone Check March 8, 1988 75 south f lonl,rgc rord vail, coloredo 81657 (303) 476-7000 GRFA FOR-T}IE RA}ISBERG RESIDEICE LOWER MAIN i - i STORAGE,. .' GAMGE. I,TECHANICAL 2,931 's. F. - 20u s.F - 590 s.F. 50 s.F. GRFA Secondary 419 550 554 1,523 S.F. 200 s.F 541 s.F. 50 s.F. GRFA Primary 979 1r348 604 T0TAL ALL0WED GRFA = 4454 TOfAf, PROP0SID GRFA = 4454 R3$AINING GRI'A - 0 KP:JLT - UARCH 5, 1988 j) 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 July 7 , L98'l Mr. David Haase 4717 Grandview DrivePeoria, fllinois Reference: Ransberg residence, Lot 5,Third olflce ol communlty development Block 4, Vail Village the Town Engineer, Billdriveway as long as the Dear David, On June 3, L}BT I the Design Review Board gave finalapproval to the Ransberg residence with the foiiowingconditions: 1' The windor^rs on the east elevation of the prinary unitsgarage will be removed. 2. Specific paint colors and reference numbers will beprovided. 3. A stucco sample will be submitted to the staff to show tothe Design Review Board at the next available meeting. 4. The chirnney will be increased in height by two feet. 5. An existing topographj-c survey must be subnitted to thestaff in order to check the haiqhts of ttte ioot ridqes. Thesurvey should be stamped by a certified tand survevor. f also showed your proposal toAndrews, and he has approved the L2?driveway is heated. II If you have any further questions about these requirements, . please feel free to call me. Congratulations on a weII designed project. you made a verythorough suburittal! Good luck during construstion. Sincerely, Kh,?*\ ' Kristan Pritz fown Planner 75 soulh ,ronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 476-7000 oltlce of communlty devetopment YIay 27 | L9g7 Mr. David Haase 4717 Grand View DrivePeoria , Illinois RE: Ransburg Residence, Lot 5, Block 4, Vail Village 3rd Dear David, f have reviewed !hg- n_11:purg primary/Secondary developrnent on::-!..:-,. B1^":I 4, Vair vi11as5 sid-iiii";:-";-;i. Ili"a'ri's therevr-ew of the project for ihe Design n6"i"w ;;";;'neeting onJune 3 ' L987. rt- is irnportant-itrat you attend the rneeting torepresent the applicant. These rneetings-odi; uI'l,oo p.n. andare heLd in the Town Council Chanbers. Bel-ow is a ]ist ofcomnents related to the zoning check for ttre piopl"uf, 1. A rnaterials list for the landscaping should besubmitted. Th".landscape plan sirouia inai.ute whichtrees are existing, proposLd, and renoved. Mininumstandards for the-tanasiapi"i "r" t-i;;; caliper fordeciduous trees, 6 feet 161 6veig."""-'ir."s, and 5gallons for any shrubs. 2. Our To!,rn Engineer prefers the 10? driveway site plan. 3. A site plan indicating where the roof ridges arerocated shour.d be subrnitted. rrevation, ro, both theprinary and_ secondary unit= or-irr"-roor-r:.ages shour.dbe shown. At this tirne, I only frave on" roof ridgeindicated for tl.re prinary uniti My-";;; check showedthar rhe roof ridse is over the 33 foor riiiii'ri"l;1".7 feet. 4. Retaj_ning wall heights should be indicated on thelandscape pIan. 5.This site should be staked for the meeting June 3,L987. 6. I have enclosed the zoning statistics that I cane upwith for the project. f show that you have 2898square feet of GRFA for the primary unit and 1,539sguare feet of GRFA for the secondary unit. please see the attached Eheet. If y"g have any further questions about these comment,s pleasefeel free to caII me at 476-7000 ext. 11L. Looks like I verywelL designed project. Good luck with ttre Design Revier,r soaidon June 3rd. Sincerely, {fitlon ?,LKristarl Pritb Town PLanner jlt .. I oltlce ot communlly development 75 south fronlage road vail, colorado 81557 (303) 476-7000 RA'ISBE RG PRI MARY/ SE CONDARY Lot 5, Block 4, Vail Vi'llage 3rd UNIT A ll oor Lower Mai n (North) Primary GRFA 987 1305 606 2898 Total GRFA CREDITS: Storage A'irlock Ga ra ge Mech. Date Typed ltay 27, I9B7 UNIT B (South) Secondary F'loor GR FA Lower Main lJpper 1539 Total 6RFA CREDITS: Storage L72 Ai rlock 25 Garage 540Mech. 50 402 594 543Upper 200 75 596 50 i APPLICATION DATE I DATE OF DRB I4EETING: DRB APPLICATION *****THIS APPLICATION t^lILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI4ITTED***** I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine if any additional informat'ion is needed. No app'lication will be accepted unless it is coirplete (must include al1 items requ'ired by the zoning administrator).It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointnent w'ith the staff to find out about additiona'l submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE appfica- tion wi'll streamline the approval process for your project by decreasing the number of conditions of approval that the DRB may st'ipulate. ALL conditions of approval must be resolved before a building permit is issued. A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: Address Legal Description Lot {Bl ock 4 Filing 3@. Zonins -Dn c, lg- ,',arfi C. NAME OF APPLICANT: . . t94,/ &a-2,?6Address A)B €,HAlJs\rR ?L. ?clftrA , t(_ teleph6r{e D. NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: E.NAME OF OI,IN S i gnature ffi/ 6%?-Address ^ag t. l+A]r}c'JEtZ- ?L, T)Az,A , t., .te'lephone 22cr1 F. DRB FEE: The fee will be paid at the time a building permit'is requested. VALUATION FEE $ o-$ lo,ooo $10,001 -$ 50,000 $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,5oo,o0o $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS $ to.oo $ 2s.00 $ so.oo $100.00 $200 . oo $300.00 TO THE DRB: 1. In additjon to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the s'ite to indicate property l'ines and building corners. Trees that will be removed should also be marked. This work must be completed before the DRB vjsits the si te. 2. The revjew process for NEW BUILDINGS wj'l I normally involve two separate meetings of the Design Review Board, so p1 an on at least two meetings for their approval . 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review Board at their scheduled meeting and who have not asked for a postponement will be required to be republished. Ib' I NTER.DEPARTMENTAL REVI EI^I DATE OF PUBLIC HEARING Comnenis: Reviewed by: Corments: Date POLICE DEPARTNENT Reviewed by: Connents: Date RECiSATiOI,I DEPARTHTNT kt7ry^/ Reviewed,by: Co;;,ents: PUBLIC I.IORKS Reviewed ay, Er/ o^/A/y 1o % 22, uc'?'r,?T fr,*- o l<* FIRE DEPARTMENT Uja / Z % furyreo Date I MME 0F pRSJECT: Ransberg Resi LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: LIST OF MATERIALS The following information is_required for submittal by the applicant to the Oesign Review Board before a final approval can be fiven: A. BUILDING I'IATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR 8. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: pnone: Roof S'ld'lng 0ther tlall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts l,li ndows tlindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chlmneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0the'r PLANT MTERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Dennis Anderson Assoc. Inc. 4 /O-b4U5 Botanical NameF-oTfFs- tremuloides P-fnus - contorta Common Name Size* Aspen To@epoC Pine 6-8 r Ita- iz g/+ t'/t r\-2" 2" ptuu.i 1. )l il a'\a,r?-4 .5P4DC6 EXISTING TREESlBFntmruEp< TRANSPLANTED ON SITE 'lree5 {o he \etnnnue4 T0 tremuloides Aspen I IF' Quani ty 23 -<_-- CI 25 7) height for conifers. (over) *lndicate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate NilTMG RESIDE}ICE ERI'ENIOR COIOR LISI Ransburg ResidenceIot 5, Block 4, Vail Village lst Filing Architect: David HaaEe Exterior colors for the Ransburg Residence shaU be tlpicalof Bishop Park Colors. A sanple of the colors have beenpresented. The coLore shall be Ollmpic Deep penetrating Stain. Facia: EbonyTrin: V3 Oxford Brown, Z/3 Navaho lfhitel{indows: To be Pella GreenStucco: To be Lahabra x23 AEpenStone: To be Rainbow liix PLANT I'IATERIALS: Botanical Name { con't) SHRUES EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Juniperus Sabina 'Broadmoor'Juni-perus Horz. tamerisifoliaPotentj-lla verna---..--cerascrum tomentosum Cormon Name Broadmoor Juiriper wl-l.ton carDeE Juniper@'rPotenti 11aSnl6'ftn- Summer Si ze ls 5 Ga1 . {s L2 22 5" pots tlSedum Sp TYPe ANNUALS, PERENNIALS and GROUNDCOVERS 20 Square Footage 100 Colunbine Shasta Daisy W Lupine Iceland Poppy xsFp(Silvermound Snow in Summer ffif;f;f;nil Petuni-as TYPT OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retainlng wa11s, fences, swinning pools, etc.) please specify. 250 linear feet of Stone wall with plant material mixed in. I ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS DATE: L EGAL DESERTP-T-TO-III-IO- ADDRESS: OI.INER ARCHITE ZONE DIS PROPOSED USE LOT SIZE Hei ght Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks: Front Sides Rear l,later Course Site Coverage La ndscapi ng Fence/Retaini.ng l,lal I Parki ng Credits: Garage He j.ghts Mechani cal Ai rl ock Storage Solar Heat - t,- ' Drive: Slope Permitted Envi ronmental /Hazards : ok' r/r{rf,43. -ar:('lqor) (300) (600) (eoo) (1200) (s0) ( 100) ( 2s) (50) (2oo)(4oo) -s lock tt Proposed 2 ado s by AK bL ])9o DK tX,lITS ,&-qFg 5o es uaff9${o .ro au.l {fio &7-Slope Actua'l Aval anche Flood Plain Sl ope l,'letl ands Geologic Hazards Corments: riring_wld:_ ne Phone AI I owed (30) (33) qrlsl )r7 t llf? arr,x, 20, 15' 1.5' (30)(50) Zoning: Approved/Disapproved Date: )raTr Srgnature L. +. 6, r- -l r D'n fttrehl # +a.r- n*l a )I 'l | '' t A h/fuA!-,r ,'t' lt tf (6s\1lodf' {'1"J' 6M* ., r ttt , t * UUqhIOttU rIq,S { tot L3.s Y' Lll {0,{,}5 r{tr r lrt 1 )t,5w lo t4+ 6J,t - e0{. F tP rt3 , ..lt tr1L- t ?.firrala *amgt fr 9. S;:_ ,sy l{ r |il,f,' r{,5 {,9rt.t f z 17r?it ,f\Ll f,t tI /o L , LbL ID K 31b tYl't llt LI l( f3)o 6Ttr- Z) lL L( ltff F.fr ),f x $+dA bi76 (ryeoo ftw. lJo lt-L a l)xlb $l v* re fLYIL Itr{ t_xl-l '{ rl+ f,)rf 10lrrll JDlf,tftr] alxlrJ 'DIao tlvL '1 , )rTF tttflfr( t tne Lqtr rlD IL fi1 tA tK t3t ?-D fsT lD l5D 17 5YD JD )DD ]y V sltt+rt :sTt oIt a .tvff g. -- H,f,t+.f, -tL - ,f>t- tL -)_Cf 3a.5 - lL'- $r.L ''F xL '8_L,t_ tDg- \Li A, - - lr_11 att VxB o SCHEDULE A Order l{umber: 3O'S-V 1. Ettecdw (bts:Harch, 20, r*9B7 At 8:00 A.U,2. Folicy or Policies to b€ issued: A. ALTA Olvnofs Folicy Proposed Insured; DAVIB P. RA}ISBURG AI{D ATE(A!{DRA L. RAIUSBTJRG B. ALTA Loan Policy Propo€ed Insured: NILLTAH J. HOKIII c. EAGLE COUNTT 81558 Commilment Number: Arnount of lnsuranca s 825,000.00 Tar Cert" $ 412,soo. oo iD l,tARcH 30, 1987cc; W. HoklnD. RansburgC, PodholaJ. rlacobsonB, KendaLID, Cole Prenl.un $1 ,937 . 00 5,00 50.00 3. The estate or interesl in lhe land described or refansd to in this commitment and coverod h€reln is fee simple and title thereto is at tho efisc-tive data hereot wst€d in: IIILIIAI{ J. HOKI}I 4. The land relsrr€d to in this mmmitnont is described as tollofls: STAIE OF COLO ING TIIIS COHHITT,IEICI PLEASE CAT.f, CTT'IDy HUGHEF;AT 303-949-1011.FOR 9UESTIONS REGARDING TIIE CtOSIrfc OF rtrls PROPERTY PLEASE CAI.I CIIIDY PODfIOLA AT 303-476.8180. STEP{ART TITLE OFP.O, BoX 1248vart, coLoRADo STE.W'ARTTITLE GUABAIf IY COI'ANY LOTs \ BI_,OCK 4 \ VATL VILLAGE T}IIRD FILIN 1652 (25M 6/851 Plgr 2 SCHEDULEB-Sectlonl Order Number: 30r5-v Requirements The following are the requirements to be complied with: Item (a) Payment to or for lhe account of lhe granlors or mortgagors of the full consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item (b) Proper instrument(s) creating the estate or interest lo be insured must be executed and duly tiled for record, lo wit: Commitment Number: l. Execrrtion of affidavlt aE to Debts and LLena and tts reuurnStewart Tltle Guaranty Conpany. to z. 3. 4. 5. Executlon of certiflcation - Ertlby Transferorlrndivld.ualTransferor and its return to thls office. \\Evidence satlsfactory to stesrart ritle Guaranty co$pny ttratthe real. estate transfer bax aEsesoed by the Tocrr ofultl rrasbeen pald or that the transactLon fs e11nt fron aai\ax,lEl;rr pdrrr Lrr' r,tlal, Ene EransacEl.on rs e\\E lron aald\t,a Deed fron vested o!, ter, vestlngf fee strnp\e\title 1npurctraser(s)- N0TE: NoTATIoN 0F THE LEclu)GDDREss op THE GRANTEE MUST APPEAR ON TIIE DEED AS PER 197\ AUN|DilEI{T TO STATIITE ON RECORDIHG OF DEEDS.}S CRS 3835IOb (2). STE.\d.AR.T TTTI-E OUABANIY COIIANY1653 l?sM 3/06l Pag€ 3 SCHEDULE B_ Section Z .' Exceptions order NuntDgls_v commilment Number:' The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to lhe iollowing unless tne same are disposed of to thesalisfaction of the Company: 1. Rights or claims of parties in possession not shown by the public records.2. Easements, or claims oj easements, not shown by the public records.3' Discrepancies' conflicts in boundary lines, shortage in area, encroachments, and any facts which a correctsurvey and inspection of the premises would disclose and which are not shown by the public records.4' Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or material heretoJore or hereafter furnished, imposed by tawand not shown by the public records. S Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other matters, if any, created, first appearing in the publicrecords or attaching subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposed insured acquires; of record for value the estate or interesl or mortgage thereon covered by this Commitment.5' Any and all unpald taxes and assessnents and any unredeenedtax sales 7. 8. The effect of tncrus{ons in any greneral o" unu*ic waterconservancl flre protectlon, soil "orr"ervaii;\ other iff:;*:*":[ il:l:"ron in any.mrei (\"i;;-;;-;rry-.'--improvene;l ;;;;:"r\Jrr r' a'.v wacer tYlce or strry \\ Rlght- of Proprietor of a veln or roae\$ extract and renove h1sore therefrou should the F{rne be founa\o-p""E[r*tu ""lntersect the preui=es as(\seivea rn ui,itla si;;;. paranr 9' Rrght of wev,fondltches or \\rr".constructg<t ny the aubhorltyof the unlted s\aLes, "r ru".Hea rn-iiniiuo-i["t"s pat,ent,recorded Sentemb\ 4, I9z3 tn Book 93 ;t p"gE-ge 10' Restrtctions wrrrcr\Q) nog confaln a forfeiture or reverter crause,::t-:fl::1Tn^:::::rd€rons,. i{ att.ba;;a-;;-;;ie, coror, rerision J-rrr,Er -rs{;r, Lfie preDlseg as\r\served ln urltited States patentrecorded Septearber 4, I9?3\i\ Book 93 at eage-gg-- or natlonal origln, as contalned ln instrum;;-;";;;;; il;#t#,1953 1n Book 174 at pagre 575 as Receptlon t{o, 97198. 1l- utltity Easement r0 feet ln nldth arong tlre Northwesterry rotline and 5 feet in wtdth aronq a porti6n or trre Hortheasterlylot llne of subject_property is shorrn on ttre iecorded plat ofValI Vlllage Third ffffng. - Exceptions numbered 16s4 (t5M 3/86) are hereby omitted. STE\ry.AR.T TITT-E GUANANTT COMIANY Pag6 4 165 25M S,a6 o JOB NAME ai INSPECTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL DATE READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER INSPECTIoN: -lrOl,i l'iuis ;t._...-. -': j' 'tt.-*.4 , ,.t,f WED THUR FRI .' , , .t'.t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT '/ t' ,'t i BUILDING:, /.-PLUMBING: FFoolNGS/srEEL ' !;,'tr UNDERGROUND FOUNDATION / STEEL ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr u tr tr tr tr FRAMING tr tr o ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr/,FlNAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ii :uAlE --i-r/'46 INSPECTOR-.l: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT :.- : DATE '- -, INSPECTION REQITTEST TOWN OF VAIL tJt WED THUR FRI JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON CALLER TUES AM PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: B,TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr E tr FINAL tr FINAL ttr APPROVED ,' CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR : .- ',"'{ PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECTi. , 'y'gA-7g -,//' 1tt JOB NAME INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL '{ READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER TUES wED {n;\g'AM (, PMFRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER MrourloaroN / srEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/ H. TUB NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr ROUGH tr HEATING tr CONDUIT tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FJ|AL tr FINAL IFPROVED RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE 1, I r,. i;:. r' |NSPECTOR I SPEIN CTION TOWN OF s REQTJEST VAIL INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES WED THURREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING:I --.- Q FooINGs/srEEL;[{-r'','... z-'.1 !, ', i1# PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND T] ROUGH / D.W-V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL tr tr tr tr ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMB. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS C] CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trNAL tr FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED g REINSPECTION REQUIRED ( I CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOI e INSPECTION TOWN OF REOULST VAIL DATE 5 READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: JOB NAME MON ruEs CP) rHUR PMFRI PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT CALLER BUILDING: C] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E}'FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK O POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr tr D trtr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR t SPE CTION REOIJEST TOWN OF VAIL a rr,r PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE IN I NAME MON CALLER TUESREADY FOB INSPECTION: LOCATION: \; WED TfIUR PMFRI l.) I /'.I BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: EI, FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEEH- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR PROVED RRECTIONS: T] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECT a INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I {ri NAME READY FOR LOCATION: a?u'fi-r weo rHUR FRI purLDrNG: ' 'tt'F,FOOTTNGS / STEEL, r*.. i b rouruoRrroN / srEE,- PLUMBING: tr FBAMING tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING E GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETBOCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr ryrNAL _tr FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE rNslcrroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL . NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: MON . ,"-.i.r TUES .: VYED.. BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL .tr FINAL rq'APPRoVED'tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE ) ' ,t <,r' INSPECTOR l.: \ .. PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,**"rroN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL .. D / THUR FRI DATE READY FOR LOCATION:l JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON CALLER - 'ut*t; l'4:-?1" - l'rt.tt'i BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND D FOUNDATION / STEEL .,:+-ROUGH / D.W.V. FRAMING _.-;$ffouGH / wArER n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED 'qrr'1.1't t'' ] PERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT ITTsIcTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL r * DATE READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS O FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILIN O GAS PIPING 9.YWOOD NArLr\9 INSULATTON r"-r{---tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR E FINAL PROVED RECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR.': ,*Sb"toN REouEsr TOWN OF VAIL r * READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER D FOUNDATION / STEEL T] FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEB " PLYWooD NAILING tr tr u tr tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATIQN POOL / H. TUB O SHEETHOCK, NAIL E tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS -ET CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL tr FINAL 'tr.APPROVED COHRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTORDATE ,r*u ] PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT f^**, ,*rl"noN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL * { .ALLER 5rv"r-r $ uj ?tr "* rEOY MoN ruES wED /fnun ) FRI- r\- ., \---z' DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: NAME PM I t r -.r '',.F t\*t r.,:' l:'f-p*rrEifl t\*nn klb- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. T] ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB (r"r.trocK NA,L tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o F}tAL tr tr FINAL ,/pnoveo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION BEQUIRED I-CORRECTIONS: -f ;:-r; I rr.rTcTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT s o '/ { JoB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:AM@ TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING:PLUMBING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL - tr UNDERGROUND -tr FOUNDATION / STEEL -tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH/WATERtr FRAMING ,--I ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING - tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr trtr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS _ tr tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR u_ tr FINAL tr FINAL E lppnoveo 'coRBEcttotts: tr DISAPPROVED E REINSPECTION REQUIRED zz=ur ] PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME INSPECTION:MON rNtcnoNTOWN OF REQUESTVAIL d,,,f, DATE CALLER TUES WED AM@€DREADY FOR LOCATION:a3 tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: EPDI$APPROVED .''-€ HEINSPECTION REOUIRED BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr E FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING INSULATION SHEETROCK NAIL tr v tr tr tr tr FINAL FINAL tr UNDERGROUND ilyuca/DWV ' flaouen / wArER I GAS PIPING - I D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - tr FINAL i N FINAL DATE INSPECTOR 'll-t.--1.: t PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: -]NSPECT|ON:MON rruslcrroN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL wED ,t'lffi) FRr PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND paoucx / D.w.v. i-p-noucn / wArER tr ry/rtr tr D tr o FO FR RC PL INI SH NDAT N/ING IF&S /VOOE JLATI( ETROr ION / STEELOUN RAM ooF LYW .ISUL HEE' SH )D fto oc E N N K ER AILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: O TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS -tr CONDUIT tr-- O FINAL tr FINAL fl tnPenoveo N: S:,\'.*t D DISAPPR6yED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT ,*,t"toNTOWN OF REQUESTVAIL 5 n o,ne I t/ L JoB NAME irt J CALLER {PROVED EI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr E n tr tr tr UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHE_ETROCK. NA|L .;; i tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FbIAL tr FINAL INSPECTOR ,"rt"roN REeuEsr oor. \--\' JOB PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT TOWN VAILOF NAME READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES THUR AM ,'til i--, ..: a BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION E SHEETROCK tr tr tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr E FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: \tr,DlSAPPROVED O.'REINSPECTION REQUI RED \',. .',..'\\ -. , '. '.? 'i,, DATE INSPECTOR r*t.toN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBEB OF PROJECT \\ - ',-DATE \\ - r -. JOB NAME READY FOB LOCATION: CALLER TUESMON 'it.. lf BUILDING: E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W,V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING T] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCKVrF\-:"*-ls tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL ' ..i tr tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: g HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr trFINALt FINAL W*ppaovto tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED z cdnnEcttotts: INSPECTOR ,*sf"noN REouESr TOWN OF VAIL f,t LOCATION: PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DArE \O/ l-.1> JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON {FRt )o' 6li " -FARPROVED .'cohREcloNS: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING |- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING XI INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS D CONDUIT U SUPPLY AIR n tr rll,riL tr FINAL d#novEo tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOB ,*st"noNTOWN OF MoN ruES *-o ('6-i) t*, REQUESTVAIL . {I READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH I WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PROVED RRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR rNsi READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CATLER TUESMOI),1, il't _.il CTION REQUEST. TOWN OF VA|L e,* ?-":> !' 1-- r|Y,' Bt tr tr q E' tr tr tr ILDING:PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. FOOTINGS / STEFL FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING *o. PTPTNG INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr trtr FINAL FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr E ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr tr tr SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL FINAL 5[ennoveo CORRECTIONS: N DISAPPROVED E] REINSPECTION REQUIBED 7J ZJb ,**"'oNr TOWN OF0 REQUESTVAIL j* DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME @ CALLER TUES WED THUR FRI @ ,/n.(..t:..'-&-.z'-* BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr tr tr tr tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING {oo. PTPTNG tr POOL / H. TUB ELE uT trF tr( tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL r9APpnOveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR 3zs -/,*rtg;*o5, $Fgr,-sr THUR FRI PERMIT NUMBER DATE READY FOR LOCATION: F PRPJECT >r /,ff JoB NAME INSPECTION:TUES CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING n ROOF & SHEEF" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr E FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL neeaovea..;{1;tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: oor/'z-3/- f/ rNSpEcroR , ;- -.-j t.t t SPE fFRI J CTION REQIJEST TOWN OF VAIL rl'PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: NAME THUR ,a ,., - . ,7ll BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr B tr tr tr tr n UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V- ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D- tr FINAL tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr TEMP- POWER tr HEATING O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR n H'r,*ou D FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: * JOB NAME MON IN CTION REQIEST TOWN OF VAIL t SPE CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:rues(Gd) rHUR FRI UMBER OF PROJECT BUILDING: fl FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGBOUND T] ROUGH / D.W.V.O FOUNDATION / STEEL N FBAMING tr ROUGH / WATER -n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL ELEGTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING tr ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR APPROVED do**="r,o"r' E DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR l'' r ''!' lrEFr.oi 7+ci READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTI CALLER tr DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIREDtr APPROVED COHRECTIONS: INSPECTOR {L32-INSPECTION REQUEST PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 7z- JoB NAMEDATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALTER IUIJ AM PM TOWN OF BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE. tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEF" PTYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION D tr tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL e-0 tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr D tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D tr FINAL tr FINAL (neenoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED oo* z-r/srl? z- rNSpEcroR B Bs n(-