HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 1 LOT 10 LEGALVo,uV;ltof€' lL lof rc; alP I COM;fiTV DEIELIRFfI Deign Review Board ACTIOT{ FOR]II Deprrbrent of Community Development 75 Sflth Frontage Rnad, Vail, Colorado 61657 tsl:970.{79.2139 fax970.479.2.*52 web: wuw.vallg{rv.com ProJectName: BARBOREK RES. CHANGE Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL FOR A CHANGE TO THE APPROVED PLANS FOR A SECOND TIER OF MOSS ROCK BOUI..DERS Participants: OWNER BARBOREKFAMILYTRUST LOIOTIaOOT 3265 B IGTSOS MNCI-I RD VAIL co 816s7 APPUCANT LOGWORKS INC. L0lOrl20O7 Phone:390-9740 2607 CORTINA I-ANE VAIL coLoRADO 81657 License: 423-L PrcfectAddrcss: 3255 KATSOS RANC}I RD VAIL Location: 3265'B'I(ATSOS RANCH RD l-egal Descripuoni l-oh 10 Block 1 SubdMsion: VAIL VILI-AGE RUNG 12 Parcel Number: 2101-023-0103-0 Comments: Seeconditions DRBNumber: DR8070539 Motion By: Seoond By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/Sf,AFF ACTrOrr ACI|ON: STAFFAPR Date of Apptovalz IOI L7 | 2OO7 Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with To,vn of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activiUes. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid br 20 days follo,ving the date of apprwal. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a buildlng permit is issued and construction ls commencd and is diligently purcued to^rard aompletion. Cond: CON0009432 I ! The applhant sha$ rr#h tErgbrp of the new rctatnkB vrnH b dre storre being used in the ornenUy appnoted rctalnlng wall. Warren Campbell DRB E Paid: $20.00 Changes To The Approved Plans Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 Souilr Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tet 970.479.2L28 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.om General fnformation: All projects requiring design rwiew must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application, Please refer to the submittal requiremenb for tre particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Revieu, cannot be accefied until all required information is received by the @mmunity Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commenes widrin one year of the approval. U 6oN u (n C^, -g Locataon of the Proposal: Lot lO eroct: I Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: 'O lConta* Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8540 for parcel no.) Type of Review and Fee: tr Changes to Approved Plans MaifingAddress: 2-bn7 ( r T.DA L..) Phone: 7?O 3{a 77?A E-mail Address: ,A/-\- $20 For.revisions to plans already approved by Design Review Board, Submittal Requirements: 3 Sets of Plans Addressing Project Changes Signature of Homeowner(s) or Association 0iti 0 1 2007 TOWN OF VAIL F:\cdevlFoRMS\Permib\Planning\DRB\drb_change_to_approvedJclans_1jage_o$11-2006.doc JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated ?-6, 02 which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed atthe address noted above, I understand thatthe proposed improvements include: OF !(t'ttr oitrJ4 r, (print nu*.1 il fr(K cftD fr10-1.a jointownerof properry located at Al t a' I/tl Mlt- ( t r[rt(v - (Signature) AddiUonally, please check the statement below which is most applicable to you: P I undercbnd that minor modifiations may be made to the plans over the course of the 'reuiew proess to ensure compliance with the TownS appliable coda and regulations. (nitial here) D I rquest that all modification, minor or otherwise, whidt are made to the plans over the cource of the review proffis, be brought to my attention by the apph:cant for additional approval before undergong further review by the Town. (Date) Qnitial here) ' **+*********ila*f**'|**+**f'|'.'rftfftt+**a!'t'la**a*a+ataatttt+++++++l'f,**********+**+*++***rf***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statenrent:i*'t't**{t'a!*'}***'}'t*aaa*tf lf lf f trt'a*'}'}***'t'}'}*trt**'}*l*t+a**t +******tt't*'t***t**t**+*++*t+++**t+f f fStatenent Nuriber: R0?000203? AmounE: 920.00 LO/O3-/2OO709:32 Arrl Pa)ment Method: Check fnlt: iIS. Notation: 17S7IIOGWORKS INC Permit No: DR8070539 TIE)e: DRB-Chg to Appr plang Parcel Nos 2101-023 -0103 -0 Site Address: 3255 KATSOS RAIICH RD \IArIJ Iocation 3 3265 rBr RATSOS RAIiICII RD Total Fees: $20. O0 Ttris Payment: 920.00 Total ArJJ pmts: g2o.oo BaLance: s0.00 +**t,|lt++ft*'lrlti'i*********r*****'a'a*{r******aaaaaa{r*t*******++*+*ftatfatataatfaataaaa+ftt+ft++f ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Plnts DR OO1OOOO3LL22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 J $1 RS I I { ! c..!]a()llt6 ultr (9z l-g) .,8. EoI (t)a 5,.o 2"o)a l$o 5IL IIJE.; eoz 3 s C'z 6X Lu BJlllql jJ 5ozzs6G E d3 +- t-. I I-L- I I II I J I _\\\ i....-.>- cat[l WIEYELcFTET{I Design Review Boad ACTIOH FO*,]{ Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Rpad, Vail, Coloredo s1657 tel: C70.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2,*52 web: www.vailgov.com Project Namer Project Description: Pallldpants: OWNER BARBOREKFAMILYTRUST 3255 B KATSOS MNCH RD VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT BARBOREK FAMILY TRUST 3265 B KATSOS MNCH RD VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 3255 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL 3265'B'IGTSOS RANCH RD 08124lzoo7 wl24l20o7 Location: Legal Description: Lot: 10 Blodc 1 Snbdivisionl VAIL MtLAGE FIUNG 12 Parcel Number: 2101-023-0103-0 Comments: Seeconditions Barborek Deck DRB l{umber= DR8070447 FINAL APPROVAL TO REPLACE AND EXPAND DECK, REPI-ACE BAY WINDOW WITH FRENCH DOORS, AND ADD HOTTUB. l'lotion By: Seond By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/STAFF ACrION ACtiON: STAFFAPR Date of Approval, O9l05l 2007 Cond: I (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days folloruing the date of approval. Cond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Cond: CON0009257 The applicant shall shain all wood materials used in the construction of the deck to match the existing deck and sbucture color. Planner: Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $2O.OO Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Departn€nt of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81557 tel: 97 0.479.2L28 taxt 970,479.7452 web: www.vailgov.com General Inlormation: All proircts requiring design rwkw must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. Please r€fier to the zubmittat requircments for the particuhr appro\ral that is requested. An apdicafion for Design Revkw cannot be accepted until all r€quired information is r€ceived by the Community Development DepErtment. The pmtsLt may also need b be revierved W the Town Cornct and/or the Plannirg and Envitonmental Commisdon. Deelgn rervla approva! bpees udcss a buiHing Fnnit as isc||Gd and ofEltuen comnElr ul0tln on ycr of tfic approval. $ (nt z o qDeslpdon of th. ltcquest: "3 PhyshalAddrqc: ParreN ifo.: 2\Ol - OZZ Zoning: llame(s) d Ouner(s): Addless: Ownds) Siignatun{s): lla!reof Apdkant: Type of Retriew and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Constructiontr Addifron B Minor Alteratlon (muld-family/commercial) E4.,tinor nbntion (slr€lefam[y/dudex) tr Changes to Approved Phns tr separafion Request Plrme: retaining walls, eb. 120 For minor changes to buiuings and site re.roofing, paintns, wirdow additions, retalning walb, eftc. $20 For rwisions to plans alrcady Design Rei/ierv Board, No Fee $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No F€e $650 For consbuction of a nenv h.rilding or demo/efuiH. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any resldential or commercial buildlng (indudes 250 additiorE & inEior con entions). $250 For minor changes to buiHings and site impro\rements, such as, re-roofing, paintirE, window additirns, landscaping, fenes and such as, ard Eagle Go. Ass€ssor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) -.i"y;alp> 4/i0 0, * rffi5$ry' .***".' t 2?f e', ('' -'-" 6,,8Dil"- ?'i?'6) o*r*o.,f,{ *r'**r'r'**'t***********+++++++***************'t!t*!|!r*'l*f*r.**********++*++++++*+++*****ff*+fftftff* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Starement {.***1.*****:$'Nr***********,f t+**+**+*+'t***********'}'t't*'t'}'t"t*,N({.**+t,*** ****r!*,}********,t*****ir***,t** Statement Nurdber: R0?0001664 ;lmourt 3 $20.00 OBl24/zOO702:01 pM Payment Method: Check Init: JS Notation: 1?99,/FRANK BARBOR.EK Permit No: DRBO7O447 Type 3 DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP Parcel No: 2101-023-0103-0 Site Address: 3255 KATSOS RaNCH RD VAUJ Location: 32.65 'B' KATSOS RAfiICH RD Total FeeE: $20.00 Thi6 Palment: 920.00 Total Ar,r, pmt6: S20.00 Balance: $0.00 ******+{t*ft*'l*****'}+'t**********'}*{.{.{.**{r+**+t****l**ft**'t'}'}'}****!***!****!****'}******lt******'}*** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descri-ption Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO3TT22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20.00 JOII{T PROPERTY OWI{ER WRITTEil APPROVAL LETTER I, (print name)a itnt owrEr of located at \/a'.8tb provide this letter as written approv'al of the plans dahd whidr have been submifted to tlE Town of Vall @nmunity Devebpment Department for the proposed improvemenb to be cornpleted at the address noted abore. I understand that the (Dde) Additionally, please dredr the stabrn€nt b€low whidr is mosil applic.Ue b you: D I mffind ilat mirpr mditlatlons may b made b the plans overthe aute of tlp rcview ptw b ersure cwnpliarce wiil, dE Townb applicable tffi afu rqulat'nns, (lmttialhere) n I rqu& thatalt mdifiations, mlrnr u otherwi*, whidr arc made to the plans owr tlrc oure of the review process, be brought to ny attention by the a@lcant for additlonal aryroval before undergoing further review by the Town, (Im1tul/vre) Jolitl prytl7 ouw lag r€tt*d lAlMM E MIT{OR EIITERIOR ALTERATIONS TO BUILDII{GS AND SITE IIIPROVEiIET|TS suBllrTTAL REQUTREMEilTS G€neral Inbrmation: This application is required for proposals inrolving minor o(Erior alteratlrns and/or site imprs,emetts. Propmls to add landscapirg do not require DRB approral unless they inrolve tfte additim of patios' wate feahrres, grading, or the additbn of retaining walls. X. SUBI.IITTALREOUIREI.IEI{TS** Stamped Topographic Survey* Site and Grading Plan* tandsrape Plan* Architectural Efevations+ ^bw,lnltn ^Exterior color and material samples and specifications. -fo rr.at{oh alr stt n 5 - "- - J a' Architectural Floor Plans* N.,A D Lighting Plan* ard Cut-shee(s) for proposed fixtures o 'title repo(, includirq Schedules A & B to verify ownership and easemenb* d F,hotos of the existing site and adlrcent sELlctur€s, where applicable. . --n Written approral ftom a ondominium association, landlord, and |rint owner, if applicaHe Nle o Site-specific Geological Hazard Report, if applicable*s The Administabr and/or DRB may require ttre submission of additional flans, drawings, specificatiurs, samples and other materiab (lnduding a model) if deerned necssary b ddsnrine whe$rer a project will ornpty wfi De;ign Guildines or if ttp intent of the poposal is mt clearly indk*d. Plcase sabmil thre (3) copies of the merials noted with an ar;terisk (*). **For interior onversbns wiBr no orterior dralBes, the submittal requirenrents indude a cunplefte set of odstirg ad proposed floor plans, a title repo( and wrltEn approral fiom a ondominiurn assciatkrn, landlord, ard lrint orner, if appl'rabb. I hrye rcad and undqstand tte abore listsd submitlal rcquircmqrts: Proietilane: Gontracbr { E NIA A- EIg F:tsd64FoRl4$Pennits\PlamrUpn4db-mlna-e11-292m7.dc Page 3 d 13 fll?3.lm.ts Proposed Materials for Replacement and Expansion Of Deck at 32658 Katsos Ranch Road Supports- Hand-Peeled pine logs Stuctural Piers- Concrete with flagstons venoer Decking-Redwood 2x6 Rails and Piclcsts - Iland-Peled pine Colors - All wood materials of deck, railings and substnrchre to maiche:<isting 32658 building Retaining Wall - Boulders Hot Tub Base and Walkway - Random set flagstone and flagstone pav€rs, steps as required. Lighthg - Doumward focused landscape lighting on deck, light onNW corner New French Doors(replacing bay windows)r Wood interior andmetal clad outside Prcposed lvlaterials For Deck 8,nln007 I SPECIAL WANRAN1YDEEX) TIIIS DEED, beir,een ledc d thic day of Ocjob6r?3- 20(n MARY JO'I'TAMPO.OSKARSSON ofrthe Courty ot BOT LDER srd St.tc of Col.l.rdo , Cr.ntor(6),am FRANK J. EATBOREK AND EVE K, BARBOREK 46.-lt|ose lcg6l address is:of th€ BO{TLDER WrINFJS. Ih.t thc GrEntor, for ad in co.rsi dqr.t io.t of th. lr.0 of (t45O,mO.0O ) '+t FuLrr llurxl.td Fifly 'I- r.rnd .nd OO/I0O r.r IX)lIltXS the 'eceipt td 6ufficietrcv of rich is h€reby actrprtedgcd, h.. g..nted. bsrg.in€d. rotd rnd co.wcyed, ard b, th€rc- pr€senti -dacs. gfant. F"gqin, gell. co.tycy a]d con{ i r, ,.ito'-ttrc Cientee(e}, thlir hcl|t.rtd_!r3i9.ta ,o.ev.F, '|ot jnt€narE'' in ccbn but in ioint t.trdrcy, 6ll th9 re.l propcrty, rogethcr riitr iryrovinti, ii-ini. eituate, tying .rdb.i,tg in the vAlL cd'|ty of EAOI.E " id st"t. of cllorado. dlscr ibeit'as roltons: SE EXI'IBIT 'A' A'ITACHED IIERSTO AND MADE A PART HEREOP at6o km|fi as street rr-*er 32558 KATSOS RANCH ROAD, VAIL, CO 8l5j? .locEtHEn rith all ad siogular.and hlr.dit*nts atd apqrtcrrrtci th.reqrto belqging. or in r1yrl6c .ppert.inirEfld. the r4€rsiolr E|ld iiniecsicls. r€Dirder..d r.reihdcrs, "uiiii, ier,ro rrd p.otit6 tharcof; ind rll th. c.t.t., righttitle inte.cst' clair a.d ffi ti:::fl of the Gr€ntofi!), ctiher in r* ol' .q,riiv,'oi, i; il ;; the rbqvc bsrs'in dFcaises. rith the heredi t4.tts and atnlftertafEcs:To HAVE At{D To llolD tha iaid fierises- aawc borgatnci rd desc;ibcd iitt "prrrtcnor*.". r.nto th. r1r€nt..(st.lhelr hei.s' stEcrs3ors drd a6sig.E-fo;.yer. lhc crrotor; lo" ii..li, itr arcearori' iri-ii"ifi, Jo." "or"r,*rt,rd qrec thet it 6hall ad ritl rr mr'l.T ^x, tmEvEr oeriro ttrc oow-rargatneo prc.i!.6 in the qriet {rdFaceabl e Fo6sessidr ol the Graotee(t), th.ir heirs, succeasoni rtd *;ts;; ;i r.t';ii ;-;;"il';;rson or per.ols9!{Inq !q._Sr-! of sry pert the.eof, ty, tt.ough'or rnder thc crqror(s).suBJEcr 10 GENERAL TAxEs FoR THB its!'i, 4q i+o nasavatns.'ieatsdiinom, Rrsrr.tcTtot{s, cDvENA}rrs AND ryS-lT-s-gF y4Y oF RmonD' lF ANYj AND DrsrRrBUnoN rmurY ilisnnpmil lrro fuerrsirs iioi-sirowx sv rHB puBrlcnEcoRDs Bur oF wHIcH GRAMEE HAs ActrJAI. nowr^eooe AI,fD lNcruslofi op rrn pnoreiry wrnirn ANy spEctALTAXIMi DISTRTCT: AI{D TTIE BENEFITS AND BUN.DB}IS OF ANY bECtAiANON EXP PENTV Wrr-'ICNEBIBNIS. rN ANY. fN WII?{ESS WEEREOF the cr.ntor(s, hav€ cxecqtcd thir doed on thr d€te .et lorth above. day of--.-,^,D, tu, ot_..___-_____-:o'c tock l.SECO*DER 371"5'E m,tffiil[ffiwffilfiffij'ffi* STAIE OF Colorado ) +*ft coqrty of *, furdet ltt' The forlgoirg imtr{mnt {ss gcknofitedgGd betorr tE o.r thl, dry of Octob€rzt,2@z tacro|d tl'27n25 lita€s v277T25 for. f|(,. 51t nev 4- . lrren lecorfu Raturn to. SPECIAI IIAXRAXTY DE€D Joint Tendrt3 spEc.fDJfl t | '.- BXIIIBIT A I PART Or Sl'rD I,oT 10, I RESITBDTVISION OF l{tr 7, BLOCX 1, VAII, VILLAGE 12IB 'trT.I}IG ACCORDING To llE RECORDED PIrIT TEERTO', IIOR! PTRTICUI.ARI.Y DESCRIEED Ast POrrI,otgS : EECIIIHINC AI A POI}IT TROX IIEICE TUB A}IGLB POINT ON tltB IIESTEREY PNOPERIT I.I}IE sArD ror 10 BEARS XOnTE 89 DESRBES {5 tirxurEg 05 Stcor|Ds nrsr 63_59 FEBI DISTAI|CE, TIEIICE lfoBll 54 DECRBES 06 xIxulES 28 SEOOIIDS mST 22 . {O lEBf r alExCB IIORTE 25 DBGnEES 53 IIIXIITES 32 SBCOIIDS EASI 2a.OO llEf,r TEEIICT SOIrE 6a DE@EES 06 xnnxrEs 20 SECDIIDS &AST aO.Oo rsrr; TEETICA SOET! 25 DrcREBg 53 ttltntt]Bs 32 SA@NDS I|EST 20.00 IEET| TAENCE SOI,a]| ?0 DICRBB6 5! |{nnXrES 32 SEC{TNDS WEST 2.8f, IBBNCE xOnTH 54 DEGREES 06 ITINUTBS 28 SEconDS rrs" 13.50 PEE!, TsgcCE soum 70 DEGREES 53 trrrntrEs 32 sEcot|Ds trtst 2.83 rEET, TO TFE pOrXT OF BEGTNNIN€; ALSO XNOWN AIID DBSCRTaED AS UNfT B. AND A}I ITIIDIVIDED 1,/2 (ONE.HAIT) XNTERAST IN TND 1to3 LOT 10, I RESLBDTVXSTOI| O? IOT 7, BLOCR 1. VAI' VILIAGE 1l1B ?It I}re, rCeORDr]tc TO 1ts8 nA@nD3D PLIT llSEnEOr, -,G*CBIE' ) l PAnT Or SIID LOt 10, A RSSUEDXVXSION Ot r.OT 7, BLOCr 1, VAIL VIr,rJr,cE, 121r 'TT.IXG ACIORDIXG To THE RECONDTD PLIT TIIEN,EOI, ||ORA PARTICUT,}NLY DESCBIBBD AS FOt LOT|S : BEGINTII{S AT T POIITT. FBOU NSICH TFE }NCLA POIIII OX THT I{ESTBRI.I PROPEPTT I,INBol SAID rroT 10 BEARS l@ntE 89 DEGnAAS 45 XINIITBS 05 STCONDS tftsT 63 .69 rEr DI$llNTr Tf,EXCB SOrraE 25 DEcntEs s3 tINrrTES 32 SB@}IDS rBSf 35,00 rB8rr IESICB SOUIB 6l ITEGRETS 05 XDIIITES 28 SECONDS EfST 2a.00 FEBTr TIWI lfi)rtg 25 DEcsESl 53 l(IltltrtsS 32 SBCONDS a,AST {0,00 trEtr, TtrIr|Cr r(}rtr 6a Dt@ItsS 05 rnnllEg 28 SE@llDS r|EST 5.35 ragr, TSENCB sotllr ?0 DEeRitES 53 XITnXTAS 32 SBCOI|IS rfEST 2.83 rEEl, TllELCE LollE 6{ I,EG*!IS 05 rlDruTES 28 8A@XDS l|tgt 13.60 FEE:r, TSEICB 80un| 70 DECnEES 5r XIrIIIITS 32 SBOXDS r|Egr 2.E3 rEB?, rO llE porrfT Or EECIIXI{IIIC, AT.SO IXOIN AIID DESCRIE@ .lS T'IIIT T. IIfD EICEPT: A PANI OI SAID IOt 10, T nISUEDIVISIOIT O? TNT 7, EI,OCK 1, 9TII| VILLAGE 12TH TILIXC .TCCORDINC T(, TIIE NE@R,DBD PLTT TBEN.AOF, t@RT PAATTCULINLY DESCTIEED IS FOLLOTS. EEGIIITIIIfG AT A POIITT FROTi NSICE fl|r }IIC"I DOIIIT OI{ ET TIESTERLI PROPERTT LIXB SAID LOT 10 BAARS ORTH 89 DECREES 45 ltl}n rES 05 SE@tfDS rA8! 63.59 FEEI DISTANCE, TIIEHCE XORTTI 54 I'BeTAES 05 |IIM'TBS 28 gECSr|Dg t|ESf 22.a0 rEEf, tBE]tCF NORTS 15 DEGREES 53 i(i$rTBS 31 S!@r|DS rASr 2{.00 p8Gr, TAIIfCE gorrrE 6{ DEcBtrlt 06 I{INIIrES 28 SECOIfDS BASI {O.O0 FBEtr IIIENCE SOImt 35 DECIaES 53 r|Ir|ItTEIt 32 SECOIIDS WEST 20-00 FEET' THENCE SOIITB ?0 DacRItS 53 XINI'IIS 32 SE@NDS wlST ?. 83 IEBT xonlts 6,'l DEGTAB$ 05 rillnlrBs 28 StcoltDs LEST 13 . 60 trEETr tIErfCB SOlInI 70 DACnEES 53 IxnTEs 32 SECOUDS 2.81 FEgl, TO IEA FOIN! Ot BBC$tXIltc, AI,SO trl{)tflf lltD DESCRIBEI! t's InaIT B. ffi,tsffiumru WUH-|#*',"|$:"* u2Tm5 ?.^F,SETBAJ H${Cn0lrcrr*iFr{{ p$cpossr) At cd{ArJ* r{eT ruE FIASSISNE STf;PS AS l*fc#$$8RY 1. f^""" ,tr \.* f,i J.r, ttF "fT""\i)f i , \. I 1"f:*lrli*liilr ri ::TT:lq ".^"./r "H" \A \ r'- *\.o* \ t',- \.,r,il****s'rx,T51i*"-* r*".rn:- r"'i **f R,."*1 ,:j ".{ -:; lrt'ftl i ' '% -:'f *n."-f iJJ'fr" f I pL*.;vr** I I t I tIsllX*I**" 1", I 'r _t'* * -. t\ r'D* *\.*,- ...igL*. \ '*" -r,o" *\ +*.o \r ,,. 1!-"\,+t\ I $: i ".n" t!' * *! .. " u** a, s L*** +ti.r ,'!.'"i.l .rla;r',, **to -/-"',.- /t * * "'- - 7'"".. :#k*id# ):: : ,)'.; .t!"f{ooF I Sru*- I \t. i.ir.\ .. t*t. li.1! tr a**- t:F:i -*+i',ti*.$'llr.trr ii{* tI'/,$ T.l** {.,f X r:c F,f'r{T f :r l"g $"{' 4 {;* :r lTS l'g .*. IiS r; If S,-$ -{Ii *:i , .,,- L,-,-"''--'1+8420' tEXrsrNG II I II I II\t \l \l v t t'- .--- - -----^*a+ra,NEW REDWOOD DECK --IIOPOSEDBOUTDEFtRETAINING WALL. BELOW REMOVE EXISTING BAY WINDOW, REPL.ACE WITH SLIDING GLASS DOOR REPLACE EXISTING, TIE INTO PROPOSED DECK vlU ilo.Q: xfi Eis Hr figqEA E9g{ur gb mtr PROJECT: DRAWN BY: WMC DATE: 08.06.07 REVTSI0NS: C}F VA'L N REVIEW F APPROVAI. 5'-O" +8619'-O" T,O. STONE I1f,#d;tLt- IJ__ I PROPOSED DECK PLAN J.41w€r9 8'-0" EXTSTING ""'\ NEW SLIDING GLASS DOOR Sffifine-NEW HAND HEWN LOG POSTS, PICKETS, AND RAILINGS, STAINED AND SEALED TO MATCH EXISTING+8620'-6' T.O. DECK T.O. STONE EXISTING GRADE PROPOSED BOULDEB RETAINING AND FLAGSTONE PAVERS, STEP AS REQ'D. EXP.'ED Loc Posr, a,-: fo h L^AsrRucr pb| 4'STONE CAP, SLOPE TO DRAIN 6" STONE VENEER TD'WN €}F VAIL DESIGN REVIEIA/ STAFF APPROVAI. $,.r8:. 7'.&.?J-- : ,'l:----WQ- PROPOSED DECK WEST ELEVATION al[ de.l.ra;ling aJ, psts p:lf be staiaeA"4o ^oio^ ARCTIC SPAS KLONDIKER HOTTUB AT GRADE 2<'I2 RS RED CEDAR LOWER FASCIA exisfi"J dr"k" t house Col., YHur- ?s EfrgiCM,- Egg.EA gPg(u $qmtr PROJECT: DRAWN BY: WMC OATE: 08.06.07 REVISIONS: cc*frat{{T{ c€lElopr#idr Deeign Reuiew Soard ACTION FOR}N Depertment of Community Develofment 75 so$th Frontage Rcad, Vail. Calsnado 81657 tel: 97t).479.213S fax: 970.479.?.152 web: www.vaitoov.corn Prcject Name: CADMUS STONE Project Description: FINAL APPROVAL TO REPI.ACE STUCCO WITH STONE Pailicipants: OWNER CADMUS, MARK & MARTA O}ITTIZOOT 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81557 APPLICANT CTDMUS, MARK&MARTA O9II7I2OO7 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 Project Address: 3265 KATSOS MNCH RD VAIL Locatlon: 3265 KATSOS RANCH RD Legal Description: Lot: 10 Block l Subdivision: VAILVILLAGE FIUNG 12 Parcel Number: 2101-023-0102-9 Gomments: DRB Number: DRB070490 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Condltlons: Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approvab 09 | 1812007 Cond: CON0009369 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail. Cond:0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for buiHing, Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Planner: Nicole Peterson DRB Fee Paid: $20.00 Minor Exterior Alterations Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2L28 fax: 970'479.2452 web: www,vailgor.om General InformaUon: All projects requiring design re,view must receive apprwal prior to submitting a building permit application. Please refdr t6 Ue sr'bmitft requirements for the partictlar apprcval that ls requested. An application for Design Raniew cannot be accepted untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be rwiaryed W the Torvn Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. ll#ign r.iri"* apprcval lapses unleee a building pennit is iseued and construction commences wlthin one year of the apprcval. 9 Cf,,g o.+ -eo Locadon of the Proposal: tot t o Block: I SuMivision: Physical Addrcss: parce[{o.: Zibl 623 CX\a 1 (contactEagleGo. Assessorat970-328-86210for ;_tntt,?^Find. lr.s Fv. rs,lr. /Vo<rtrArFlo I I{ame(s) of Orner(s)l f ,,,{ n, Hov( t Mo n+o Crr..{,..tr.r/, Of.,l F:/ 6t, ( h Eve R.. #"re k Malling Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): 1,vlotl,u(n " v Name of Applicant: Phone:-rq to i qtt-toq E-mailAddress: FXO NTI p 6.0l 'CouA Fax; Type of Revieut and Fee: Signs Conceptual Revievv Nevr Construction AdtliUon Minor Alterauon (multi-fami lylcom mercia l) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Appro/ed Plans Separauon Request $s0 No Fee $5s0 $300 $250 /t20\ $20 No Fee Plus $1.00 per squarc foot of total sign area. For consbuction of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (indudes 250 addifions & interior conversions). For mlnor changes to buildings and site imprwements, such as, re-roofing, painting, window addltions, landscaping,. fences and retaining walls, etc. For minor changes to buildings and site impro/ements, sudl as, re-roofing, palntng, window additions, landscaping, funces and retaining walls, etc, For revisions to plans already approved ry Pbnning Staff or the Design Re\riew Board. parcel no.) Urr,tA j zar.S l<.Mailing Addrcss: tr tr tr tr D tr tr ]OINT PROPERTYOWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LE1TER I, (print name)a jolnt owner of property located at t)T\ provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community.Development Depaftment for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: q- t,t- o 7 Additionally, please che|k the statement below which is most applicable to you: F, I undenbnd that minor modificattions may be made b the plans over the aurse of the review process to ensure ompliance with the TownT applicable ades and reEu[ations' l4a [nitial here) D I rquest that all mdifications, minor or otherwise, which are made fu the plans over the course of fhe rewEw prorcs, fu brought to my at@ntion by the appllant for addibbnal approual before undergoing further review by the Town. (Date) Lot (o (Signature) (nitial here) JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER r, (prinrnur.) Frc"*[. t Fun lo-tor.L, ajointownerof properrry locatedat 'T'rl < B, k^+so. \*,^.r. Rd, uo{ to Btkt V;'{V'lLlp ltJj provide this letter as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to the Town of Vail Community.Development Department for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed imProvements include : ileelnce l"t^rev Sf'.,'-o t^'r*h Nos( il.'c( Additionally, please cheGk the sbtement X I undercbnd that minor modt:futions ieview pocess to ensure ampliane with the below whlch is most applicable to you: may be made b the plans over the awse of the TownS appliable des and rcgulailbns. D I rquest that atl modiftcations, mlnor or otherwise, which ate made to the plans over the aurse of the rcview prffess, be brought to my attentton by the appliant for additlonal approval fuforc undergolng further rewEw by the Town, (nitial here) f BEFoRtl +t****tfft+++*'i*'+****it*!****+'i'i*****'tar****tltlfaaltllll++**++'t************++trt**l ************ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO statement***'t{'****tfflff**'}*'}'}'}*****'}tf*i:t***+t{'*{'{'a't*{r*****t**+aa++ta+++++****'}'}f,**i.************t,},t* Statement Nunber: R0Z00O1BZ9 Arnount: 920.00 09/L7/2OO702:59 pM Payment Method: Check Init: r.IS Notation: 7506/MARK CADMUS Permit No: DRB0?0490 1'1pe: DRB-Minor Alt, SFR/DUP ParceL No3 2101- 023 - 0102 - 9 Site Mdress: 3265 KATSOS RANCH RD \TAIIJ Location: 3255 KATSOS RAIICH RD Total Fees: 520.00 Thie Payment: $20.00 Total AIrIr Pnta: g20.OO Balance: 50.00 +*****{'{.*1i{"t{'*1.****a+f*'t*****ttttaa++++**********'}*'t*'t*********f+t"t{'{'t'{'trtr{.li{.'t*{r*{r***{'****** ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Abcount Code Description Curient Pmts DR OO1OOOO3LI22OO DESIGN REVIEW FEES 20. 00 Department of Community D euelopmeat 75 Sotth Frontage Road Vail, Cohrado 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwu.uailgov.com Frank and Eve Barborek 3265 Katsos Ranch Road Unit B Vail, CO 81657 Ilune 12,2007 Mr. and Mrs. Frank and Eve Barborek. On behalf of George and I, we would like to.gr{ess our sincere gratitude for attending the meeting on rune t t,tooH(lffDt{Katsos Ranch Road. We believe all the issues were brought forward and addressed. Your openness and efforts to resolve these issues were noticed and appreciated. It is our hope that the Town of Vail will continue to observe a working relationship regarding this location and to recognize the importance for such a relationship. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Departrnent of Community Development at 97 0-479-2139. Enforcernent Officer Departrnent of Community Development srh Sincerely, Town ofV t, oc"cuo r*o Department of Comnani4t Druehpment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colarada 81657 970-479-2r38 FAX 970-479-2452 wwu.uailgoa.com Mark and Marta Cadmus 281 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Jlulrre 12,2007 Mr. and Mrs. Mark and Marta Cadmus. J On Uen@Brge and I, we would like to express our sincere gatitude for attending the ffif on June I 1,2007 in regards ro 3265 Katsos Ranch Road. tt We beliwe all the issues were brought forward and addressed. Your openness and efforts to resolve these issues were notic€d and appreciated. It is our hope that the Town of Vail will continue to observe a working relationship regarding this location and to recognize the importance for such a relationship. If we can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact the Deparbnent of Community Development at 97 0-479-2139. Susie Town ofV Enforcement Officer Deparknent of Community Development srh Sincerely, {7 u"or*nur I i"-r 'c.l*t'l '*{--r I--rlrrl+l t'tle- ---r L ..7t '..:" - : I I i"-r 'c.l*t'l '*{--r I--rlrrl+l t'tle- ---r L ..7t '..:" - : I From: To: Date: Subject: Susie, Warren Campbell Susie Huxford 09/05/20061:09:59 PM Code Enforcement Necessaryat 3265 Katsos Ranch Road When you return could you please pay a visit to 3265 Katsos Ranch Road. Prior to going to the site please call Frank Baborek at 479-1044. He will meet you on the site and explain the long history of this issue that I about to explain. He will also provide you with photographs. In brief the issue is that two duplex owners are not getting along. Mr. Baborek is a full time resident of his half of the duplex which is attached to a half wtrich is owned by Mark Cadmus, which he rents. Earlier this summer Mr. Cadmus started replacing a set of existing stairs without DRB approvals and was caught. In July he submitted a DRB application to get approvals of his new replacement stairs. This application was withdrawn by staff as Mr. Baborek did not sign-off on ths application as a joint property owner, which is required per our applications. Please see the attached letter detailing this. At this point Mr. Cadmus apparently decided to rip out lhe improvements he conslructed illegally, because he and Mr. Baborek can not agree. Apparently Mr. Cadmus did not return to the stairs to a state/appearance as existed previously, which my letter instructed him to do if he was unable to get sign- off from Mr. Baborek. So in short if 1ou could contact Mr. Baborek, very nice fellow, to get the full unabridged story. Then contact Mr. Cadmus to find out what he intends to do. Finish th6 stairs, etc..... lf a complete DRB application is not submitted for a change to the stairs, then the stairs need to be finished to very closely res€mble the previously existing stairs. lf Mr. Cadmus is not helpful in resolving the issue he created please begin the code enforcement process. Let me knowwhatyou needfrom me. Thanks Wanen CC:George Ruther T\i,til-,'f fi,rio, Nooo' I July 12, 2006 Mark Cadmus 281 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Re: Incomplete application for 3265 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 10, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 12 Mr. Cadmus, This letter is being sent to inform you that your application has been found to be incomplete and therefore is being withdrawn and retumed to you until such time as it can be made to be complete. The item which you are missing is the joint property ownership signature from the owner of the other unit in this duplex. Your application can be re- opened and continue forward if you submit the complete application by July 28, 2006. Upon conducting a site visit I noticed that some work has been done on the steps which you are proposing to replace. lf a complete application including a signature from the other half of the duplex is not received by July 28, 2006, you must return the steps back to their initialstyle, design, and materials as it previously existed. The Town will come to the site and inspect the construction !illegally to see that it has been ff on August 21,2006, the stairsretumed to its previous condition o are not returned to their previous Enforcement action may be taken to bring 1ou into compliance with the Code. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this lefter pfease contract me at970-479-214€. With regards, Warren Campbell Senior Planner Cc: File +'lo Btt'' I t)o'tU J6ryf^,1,^rr> July 13,2006 Mark & Marta Cadmus 281 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mark & Marta, We received your letter of July I requesting our approval, as joint proper[y owners, of yonr new walkway/stairs at 3265A Katsos Ranch Road in Vail of which construction was begun without our knowledge orapproval. The partially completed walkway/stairs are 36 inches wide, elevated above ground more than 2 feet in some areas, end constructed of imported hardwood and treated boards. The preexisting steps were 28 inches wida grormd level, and constructed of % peeled logs with concrete block supports. Comments by Town Development penonnel indicated thet steps as now constructed do not meet town code. We had prepared aproposal forminor changeswhich wouldhave allowedyouto continue withyour partially completedwalkway/stain pending approval from the Town of Vail. However, at our meeting in your office we were prcvented from any discussion of this as you cut offall ftrther conversations with us after refusing to approve our deck plans which had been redrawn to conform basically to yorr recommendations. Our attempts to obtain your approval over the past two + years by numerous redesigns, as you have suggested, have bem met with continued rejection. We deny approval of your walkway/stairs and are noti$ing the Town of Vail of our decision. ffib"/-. cttl-toLttl #ffi/d-{- CC: Warren Campbell, Bill Gibson Msrk Cadmus 281 Bridge Street, Vail, CO 81657 Phone: (970) 476-1450. Fax: (970) 476-3f88 July l,2006 Hand-Delivered Eve and Frank Barborek 32658 KatsosRanchRoad Vail. CO. 81657 Dear Eve and Frank: Bill Gibson of thc Town of Vail Desigr Review Board has requested from us to obtain your acceptancs of the enclosed "Joint Property Owner Written Ap'proval Letter" for our replacement ofthe landscape walkway beginning just north of our entrance stairway and continuing south to the lower patio area It is our understanding from Mr. Gibson that you ae not in favor of viewing the improved landscape walkway from your residence window. As your home faces east and the landscape walkway is out of yow view, except perhaps for a small aea at its begirming by our entrance stairs, we ar€ wilting at our expense to plant two bushes just north of its beginning, which most likely would shield your view. If there is a foliage type you would prefer, please let us know. If you are in agreemen! or if you have any questions regarding the landscape / walkway replacement, please let us know. Your prompt reply would be most appreciated. Very tnrly yours, 'fufu*L 6't^"^- Mark Cadmus Cc: Bill Gibson, Desip ReviewBoard Sop 14 m fi:4+ Fr** & Eta Bafbrd(SI0d.IE1'0/6 p1 To: Sueiellu&rd Co&Enbrccnrcnt Flp<: Vlg.{19.Zl52 From: Frank & Ew Bertoreh Fax & Phonc: 970.479. 1044 Susie, Tbaok for ffitirg wie ur thb mornilng. We are fuirgfmr tho copics thd llou reqrcsted. Frank Barborck Sep 14 ffi 01:43p Fra* & Ew Babrek 97M7UW fir|srtlt. lr.O, ..!lr,rrr,,r \ ut ltur p.2 T-!rH llt,rtrttlrrrtrtu. l\i.inshir.nh & ,i J0 Siv.rntr:(ndr Strcut llrr.r.rblit Pl.rrr . .l8th Floor l)Gt'.rtr - ().lrrr:rJo htll0r-56q8 lL.lclhonc: IUJ/iif r-Olllr0 f,r<:dnrilc! ]0I/619-7610 l{, lticheryl l{illcr Dircrr lJ,rt 10.1/i,4.tilll) Ii-jLl..ril: hnrrrrill :dthl.r -l!.tll.c\lrl September 10.2004 Tor,rn of Vail Design Rcvicw Board 75 S. Frontagc Road Vail, CO 81657 Re: 3265 Katsos Ranch Road Vail, CO 81657 Ladics and Gcntlcmcn: I rcprcsurt Mr. and Mrs. Itdark Cadmus, l'hcy own a duplcx locsted on Lot 10. Block I, Vail Villagc FilingNo. 12. tr?rtsos Ranch Road. Wc undcr-smndttratthe ownett of the othcr half ofthe duplex, Mr'. and Mrs, Barborsk, hf,vc or intend to shortly apply for approval from thc Dcsign Rcvierv Board of an cxpansion to the cxtcrior dcck of their portion of thc duplox. I rrrnnl ts advise you on bchalf of Mr. and Mrs. Cadmus that thc plan which bas been prescnted to ther\ prepsred by Lakc Craek De$gn Studio, bearing numbcr 92625121u,.d contair:ing tluce sheots. is unacccptirble for a nurnbcr of roadoDs, ' Thc paramount rca.son is dre massivc $<tcnsion of the patio, w'hich is inconsistcnt with ths dcsign of thc duplcx and will result in my client's vicw of only tlre deck and thc activity on rhc dcsk (w'hich rrill now include a hot hrb) r&$cr than the mountain vicws u.hich now cxist. In addition, it appears that the matertals orrd dcsign arc inconsistent wrth rhe logs and materials incorporated in thr: existing structurcs. It is my undentanding that ths Vail ordinances and codcs rcquirc prior written approval of an adjoining ncighbor of u duplex lbr an application sush a.r this (aod the application includes eilher a staternent or a ploc€mcff of a sigrurtuns by the adjoining owncr). In addition; you should be aware that tho townhouse dcclararion for lhis lot, which was recordcd in Augusr, 1979 specificolly providcs in poragraph 5, page 2: No owner shall makc or suffsr any stnrcrural or design changc (i) including a color schcrne changc, ehhcr pcrmancnr or impcnnanent and of any rype or narurs whatever to the extsrior of any improvcorcnt on thc proptrty w'ithout obtaining the prior written Sep 14 06 01:43p Frank & Eve Bafbrek wM7e1W Boronbourn. Wcin*hionk & $luson. P.C. Townof VaiI September 10.2004 Paga 2 consclrl thcreto from thc other owoer. which sonscnt shall not uuc&sonably be withhcld or dclayed. In order to avoid uny misundcrstanding and to adcquately proteot the intqrsts of my elicnt, I would appreciate being notificd sufficiently in advancc cithcr of any hearing which would be held on an applicatioo for approval ofthe dcok. or priorto thc Board taking arry astion with regard to the applicatiou. Tlrar* you for your consideration IIMM:sld cc: Mr. and Mrs. Mark Cadmus Vcry truly yours" BERENBAUM, WSINSHIENK & EASON, P.C. """;172/p' I-I.Ir{ichael Miller t hlDoc$CllEltnRlAlt^t{DEs$trrllr|*$$Torrr{V.l|t0l.d.! p.3 Sq 14 ffi 01:43p Fnank & Ew Barbrak 97v7s1w pA rE 170 Srrr,rr trurrh Srrcr:r ]ft,:truhlic Ph'r,n . {8ttr l'lrxrr l)sovrr ' (;r rkr'&kr 80:0:-5.'lrti t ,. , 'l'clcplxnu:.r0.i/tt?i-0H00' lfcrenllrrum. \!'eirrsltirrrrle & lilttxr, ll(1. '.{rrrrr,,.rxut l;tt1. rrrr.rirnitr.r.r0.t/rr},.r-76ro lI- Midrer'l ,t'litlsr f)rn,rr l)ul lllj/.ruj-rl Jll li-i\{rril: h nr nril lr:r0{ huJt'gr l.cor rr Ssptcmbsr 10,2004 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barborek ii265 Katsos Rrrnch Road Voil. CO 81657 Ro: 3265 Kasos Rnnch Road Vail, C'O 81657 f)s.u Mf. and Mrs. B:tlxrrek: Our olfice trpressnLs Mr. and Vrs, Mark Cadmus, lhs own€( of thc othcr half of thc duplex locstcd on Katsos Ranch Road, Our clicnts hav$ nrvic.wcd with us thc plan which you submirtcd ftrr a ncw cxtcrior dcck, which plan was preparcd by Lake Crrrk l)esign litudio, Llpon c'uclirl rcvi€w, Mr. and Mrs, Cadmus have asked us to inform you thsl thc plan as submittcd is not acceptable. As ),gu may bs aw?ils,theordinanccs and podcs of thc Town of Vail (including the application fornr), as well as thc folvnhousc Declaratiorr govcrning this lot. requirc thc adjaccnt ovr'ner's prior approval beforc any cxtcrior chaago is madc on dri proPcrty. Thcru ruc numerous objecdons to tho proposed du.sign, but I would spccificall-v notc thc physical change fiorn thc log supponing membcrs. rhc ovcywhclming siz.c of thc dcck whish wotld basically climinat& the adjoining owrxtr's wclttr:rn view which woulil now be linritcri to u vicrv of ttu ricck und thu acriviiy tccun'irtg on rirr: tluck, arrcl thu wr.:siorn .stuir* whicir Crcalo a privacy issrre , In an cffort to be rcasonable and to acconrmodato yotu desirc to rcdo tha deck. m.v olienti would agrcc to a deck projea consistcot wirh thc following crihria: l. Der:k mcrnbranc.s will rncd to hc logs as now cxisting.2. Thc dcck strpporting would not cxtcnd bcyond tlre udsting supporting deck post and rnay bc qgled in such a wtsy as a 45o angle and procccd thc lcngth of rtrc \\cstcrrr wall with a consistont width of I fcct, Sep 14 Otl 01:43p Frar{< & Eve Badrrek s7M7S1W Sorenbaum. Wblruhlenk & llarrorr. lt(]. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Barhorek September | 0. 2004 Page 2 3. Suirs would bc limitql to thosc prcscntsd in tho suggesred dcsign at thc trcrth cnd of lhc dr:ck. or other srairs whiclr rvould be totally out ol'sight liom the neighbor's wcstcm view. ff you would likc to obtrrin rppmvat for e rcvi$]d dr:sign, plea.sc prcscnt it to Mr, and Mrs. Cadmu.s and they will rcspond promptly, Vcry truly yorus, Bntenseum, wErNsHrENr & Eeso:r, P.C. HMM:sld Gc: Mr. and Mrs. M:nk Cadrnus Vail Dosign Revicw Board -ffi l{. Michael Millcr +1.\llOC's\C'Um{Illl,ASl(At{ D$ir$xr.rr.rrn.1h{h di,.ruu{tl,{lr!. col|l.n|w[PlEr.rlEtr Decign ReYiew Board ACTIO]I FORiI Departmsnt of f,ommunlt], Oevelopment 75 South Frontage Road. Vail, f,olorado 81657 tsl: 970.479.2I"39 fax: 970.,t79.2452 web: rruw.vailgo%com Project llane C.ADMUS SrAIRSA/VAL$\,AY Project Description: DRBNumber: DR8060284 FINAL APPROVAL FOR REPI-ACING ROTTED LANDSCAPE WALO,I/AY AND STAIRS Wnll NEW WATKWAYAND STAIRS Participants: owNER CADMUS, MARK & MARTA 0710712006 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL @ 81657 APPUCANT CADMUS, MARK & MARTA oiloil?:006, 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 ProJect Addr€ss: 3265 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL l-oc$on! 3265 A IGTSOS RANCH ROAD Legal Description: Loti 10 Bloclc 1Subdivision: VAILVILLAGE FIUNG 12 Parcel ]{umber: 2101-023-0102-9 Comments: No Joint Property Signature Motion8y: Seor{_ly: Vote: Gonditions: BOARD/STAFF ACrIOil AcIIon: WTMDRWN Date of Approval: Cond:8 (P|-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:0 (PLAN): DRB apprwal does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construdion activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and b€come void one (1) year following the date of final apprcnral, unless a building permit is issued and onstruction is ommenced and is diligenUy pursued toward ompletion. Warren Campbell DRB Fee Paidr S20.O0Planner: Department of Community Developnent 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgav.com July 12, 2006 Mark Cadmus 281 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Re: lncomplete application for 3265 lGtsos Ranch Road/Lot 10, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 12 Mr. Cadmus, This letter is being sent to inform you that your application has been found to be incomplete and therefore is being withdrawn and returned to you until such time as it can be made to be complete. The item which you are missing is the joint property ownership signature from the owner of the other unit in this duplex. Your application can be re' opened and continue forward if you submit the complete application by July 26' 2006. Upon conducting a site visit t noticed that some work has been done on the steps which you are proposing to replace. lf a complete application including a signature from the other half of the duplex is not received by July 28, 2006, you must retum the steps back to their initial style, design, and materials as it previously existed. The Town will come to the site and inspect the construction that was begun illegally to see that it has been retumed to its previous condition on August 21, 2006. lf on August 21,20M, the stairs are not returned to their previous design, Code Enforcement action may be taken to bring you into compliance with the Code. Please reviaw these comments and if pu have any questions regarding this letter pfease contact me at 970-479-2148. Cc: File f,p Wit\ regards, t bJa^^*,( IECICIED PIPER l-+ io rJo,[ U J6ry F1*^, t> July 13,2006 Mark & Marta Cadmus 281 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mark & Marta We received your letter of July I requesting our approval, as joint property ownerg of your new walkway/stairs at3265A Katsos Ranch Road in Vail of which constnrction was begrm without ow knowledge or approval. The partially completed walkway/stairs are 36 inches wide, elevated above ground more than 2 feet in some aleas, and conshucted of imported hardwood and tr,eated boards. The preexisting steps werc 28 inches wide, ground level, and conshucted of % peeled logs witl concrete block supports. Comments by Town Development personnel indicated that steps as now constructed do not mest town code. We had pepared a proposal for minor chsnges uihich would have allowed you to continue with you partially completed walkway/stairs pending ap'proval from the Torm of Vail. However, at our meeting in your office yesterrday, we were prevented from any discussion of this as you cut offall further conversations with us after refirsing to approve our deck plans which had been redrawn to conform basically to your recommdations. Our attempts to obtain your approval over the past two + years by numerous redesigns, as you have suggestd havs bem met with continued rejection. We deny approval of your walkway/stairs and are notiSing the Town of Vail of oru decision. tt-lci- lo t"lLl fJta CC: Warren Campbell, Bill Gibson t'. ^(*(/b7' lF Design Review Board /'f t o't/t'| ACTIOil FOR}I Department of Community Deyelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vall, Cololedo 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fa:(: 970.479.U452 web: www.vailgov.romoltmfirYtEllEtmfiat Prcject Name: CADMUS SrAIRS/WALIOVAY Project Desaiption: Participants: OWNER CADMUS,MARK&MARTA 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 APPUCANT CADMUS, MARK & MARTA Project Address: Legal Description: Paroel l{umber: Comments: DRBilumbers DR8060284 FINAL APPROVAL FOR REPI.ACNG ROTTED UNDSCAPE WAI.IOV'AY AND STAIRS WITH NEW WALI(WAY AND STAIRS 07107/2006 oiloil2006 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 81657 3265 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Location: 3265 A KATSOS MNCH ROAD Loh 10 Bloch: 1 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 12 2101-023-0102-9 No loint Property Signature Motion By: Second By: Vote: Gonditions: BOARD/STAFF ACnOil Action: MT}IDRWN Date ofApproval: Cond:8 (PI-AN): No changes to these plans may be made without tlrc written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (Pl-AN)l DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Tovrtn of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. C.ond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a building permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligently pursued toward completion. Wanen Campbell DRB Fee Paid: $2O,0OPlanner: i' Department of Comnunity DeveWment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 Fttx 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com July 12, 2006 Mark Cadmus 281 Bridge Street Vail, CO 81657 Re: Incomplete application for 3265 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 10, Block 1, Vail Village Filing 12 Mr. Cadmus, This letter is being sent to inform you that your application has been found to be incomplete and therefore is beingwithdrawn and retumed to pu until such time as it can be made to be complete. The item which you are missing is the joint property ownership signature from the owner of the other unit in this duplex. Your application can be re- opened and continuo fonrvard if you submit the complet€ application by July 28' 20A6' Upon conducting a site visit I noticed that some work has been done on the steps which you aro proposing to replace. lf a complete application including a signature from the other half of the duplex is not received by July 28, 2006, you must return the steps back to their initial style, design, and materials as it previously existed. The Town will come to the site and inspect the construction that was begun illegally to see that it has been returned to its previous condition on August 21,2006. lf on August 21,2006' the stairs are not returned to their previous design, Code Enforcement action may be taken to bring pu into compliance with the Code. Please review these comments and if you have any questions regarding this pfease contact me at 970-479-2148. wi\regards, ^ A nll.\" l\ t)-lll'$Jtlw1mlArwd"w Warren Campbell I Senior Planner Cc: File {g r""t uoo"o letter *',yT,":;f'f Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departnent of Community Development 75 Sotth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telz 970.479.2L39 tax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail.co.us Proiect Name: CADMUS/BARBOREK REROOF DRB ilumber: DR8040570 Prcject Description: REROOF PROPANEL TO TREATED CI.ASS A SHAKE SYSTEM Pafticipants: OWNER CADMUS, MARK & MARTA 10/2612004 Phone: 281 BRIDGE ST VAIL co 816s7 License: APPUCANT MASTERSEALERS 1012612004 Phone:970-476-3975 P. O. BOX 2t473 VAIL, CO 81658 License: CONTMCTOR MASTER SEALERS t012612004 Phone: P. O. BOX,f473 VAIL, CO 81658 License: 577-8 Prcject Addrcss: 3265 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL location: 3265 KATSOS MNCH ROAD legal Description: Lot: 10 Blodc 1 Subdivision: VAILVILLAGE FIUNG 12 ParcelNumber: 210102301029 Comments! SEECONDITIONS BOARD/STAFF ACTTOT{ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By: Vote: Date of Approval= IQ/2612004 C;onditions: Condr 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). C.ond:0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Approval of ihis proJect shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final appwal, unless a br-lildlng permlt is issued and consfLction is commenced and is dlllgendy pursued tdr€rd compleffon. I DRB Fee Paid: $2O.0OPlanner: Joe Suther .r^,,^,ffiH runryoFffirffi o?o tfi ons- Residentia t o, ailn rercia I Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicauon. Please refer to the submitbal requirements for the pafticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Department. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. LocationoftheProposali Loti /(' Block: / Subdivision' /-t.a',z t'tz1'z' 1 iL Physical Address:7 761 z1-at/ r y'lzrct/ &t4A Parcef No.: ?,,. / . :\ 7 a/ alq(Contact EagleCo. AssessoratgT0-328-8640 for parcel no') Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s)l ,tzzt zra 'r< a' ztetez> / Mailing Address: Name of Applicant:./-4.,,,2a7/e/t ,6a' Mailing Address:4-4o*1.,zVZ 7 z- et! _<_!_____24ff Owner(s) Signature(s): phone: *? aa.- 6 >a2 E-mail Address:Fax: 82>-tf tf, Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs E Concepfual Review tr New Construction tr Addition E Minor Alteration (mqlti-fami lylcommercial) W4qino, Alteration (single-family/duplex) tr Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild' $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sucn as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as' reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Sbff or the Design Review Board. No Fee I Buildino Materials PROPOSED MATERIALS Tvoe of Material Color Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterior Lighting Other Notes: c,/zrr A Vrrt+ Please specifu the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. a /f 'a?4 Page 6 of t1l04l?.8l04 PROPOSED TANDSCAPING Botanical Name Gommon Name Ouantitv Size PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS DCSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Minimum Requirements for Landscaping: Deciduous Trees - 2" Caliper Coniferous Trees - 6'in height Shrubs - 5 Gal. Tvpe Square Footaqe GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL Please specifo other landscape features (i.e. retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc.) Page 7 of L2/04/28104 '.r,.-ir-=--E -t!1-*-ti ^/'< +lt$: ''q -l - {.1 t hn' departnrent of community development TO BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PERMTT TYPE OF PERMIT CONSTRUCTION PERMIT PLUMBING FOUNDATION ntrn Dxn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL FILING B NAME: Baker/Cadmus Residence MATL ADDRES. Katsos Rd ' ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu Hiland Construction TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. LECTRICAL F1RM Ross Electric TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO, OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL REG, NO. TELE. NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE June .|7, i 983 uvl*Z -;PERMIT NO. 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION I II III IV 2. occuPANcY GRouP l a e x r@u DtvtStON tZZaQt GENERAL DESCRIPTION oF WORK: - Kepalr exf,erlor l'iail & lnrerl 0r TYPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION NEWO ALTERATION INSULATION: OTAL PERMIT.FEES NG & BUILDING NOTES: I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot ptan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and sub review approved, Unitorm Buildinq Code and other ordinanced of the Town and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unitorm Building Code and other ord AND THE OWNEH. ,{c CADMUS BAKER DUPLEX KATSOS ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 8'I657 R. L. HILAND 3024 BOOTH FALLS ROAD VAIL, COLORADO 81657 REPORT ON MAY ON 8, DAMAGE BY FALLING BOULDER 1983 MAY 14, 1983 DAMAGE: l. The north concrete foundation wall was broken and cracked. Some inside woodpaneling was removed and the wall was cracked to the footing. Further investi-gation will be required after all wood paneling is removed and the exteriorwal'l has been excavated. Approximately twenty foot of foundation wall was damaged. 2. The bottom 1.og at the north wall where the boulder hit was badly damaged. The 2nd, 3rd, and 4th logs were moved inward at the point of im-pact andtwisted out at opposite ends. 3. The'l otler floor closet under the sta'irs was moved south so that the door willnot open. There was damage to some wood paneling and the ceiling. 4. The first floor base cabinets on the north wall were pushed out, frame broken,counter top tile dannged, sink seurer p'ipe broken, dishwasher pushed out ontothe floor, water piping and heat piping moved. 5. No apparent damage was done to the second floor. REPA IR Itilajor clean-up required. Remove north wall base k'itchen cabinets and repair. cabinet doors can bereused. Ceramic ti'le counter top and backsplash to be replaced if tile cannotbe matched. 3. Lower 1eve1 north wall paneling and closet to be removed. Remove five bou'lders to the west property line. Excavate exterior north wallto the top of the footings from the northwest corner to twenty-five feet east. Two sections to be cut out of the fifth log above the top of the foundation,8 inch steel I beams inserted and jacked to raise the abbve structure one-hilfinch to support the log wall above. Replace where required and align the bottom four logs from the door frame to thenorthvlest corner. 7. The north concrete wall to be scored inside and out at the east and west ends ofthe damage and iack harmered out to the footing leaving the reinforcing in p'lace. 8. Reinforcing observed was 2-#5,s at top, #4,s at l0,,horizontal, #3,s at 10,,vertica'l . Reinforcing was not dannged. 't. 2. 4. 5. 6. . r' 7 CADMTJS BAKER DUPLEX IOTSOS ROAD VAIL, C0{_0RAD0 81657 R. L. HILAND 3024 BOOTH FALLS ROAD vAIL, C0L0MD0 81657 9. A new concrete unll to be formed and poured. '10. A new 2 x 6 plate to be installed on top of-of'the wall and shimmed and grouted tight to the bottom log. ll. Backfll'l the exterior of the wal'l in'12 inch maximum lifts and compactwith a vibrating mechanical tamper. 12, Install lepaired kitchen cabinets, counter, sink, repair sey{er piping, connect d'ishuasher, check mter piping, heat piping and electrit wiring. '13. Replace wood paneling and closet on the north wall of the louer leve] andrepair dryunll ceil ing. '14. Repair or replace kitchen flooring and carpet where required. .|5. Appliance repair if required by oumer. See drawing attached. -?- Town of Yail IIT,FTCTRICAL PERMIT ,,,*^*," /J//.fu )/^f/r* .fad 6,/r*- Date or epdiotion.\fu- ( ...,.-..-.-....-..-..re g Erectricar co,t u"to,....,M{f).ntU .ilZC {.KJr*, APPROVALS Ng Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 4LL er\ \|\. \ i/ klw1 Orl.f Eutldht Offlcla! THIS FORM T3 TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURII{G CONSTRUCTTON 24 H(X]RSI ADVANCE NOIICE REQI,'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS Received By rHr r. r. *oaaxal so.,0rr{!ri 3roa51 Town of Vail F:T,ECIBICAL PERMIT Job Date of Electrical Contractor ,J!- N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Permit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee Date Paid-...-. 4t0 r..... *).0d APPROVALS FORM 13 TO BE POSTED OT{ SITE DURII{G GONSTRUCTIOI{ 24 H(XJRSI ADVANCE NOTICE REQT'IRED FOR INSPECTIONS Received By $.........-.........--...-... SlInaturr rrr a. r. xo€rrEr a!.r o Permit No. 000261+ IJAIt WATER Al{D SAIIITATIOII DISTRICT WATER AI{D SEWER TAP PERMIT TAP PERMTT Wt LL NOT BE TSSUED UNTI L TAp FEES HAVE BEEN pAtD tN FULL. NAME OF JOB PLUMBING OR MECH,ANICAL CONTRACTOR EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR SIZE OF TAP: Water NUMBER OF UNITS___<f_ x $300.@ = Amount Dare Billed D6te Paid hn TION AND LEGA,L DESCRIPTION Meer Size Bldo. Dept.'White; - Water and Sanitotlo. - Grsen; - Publlc Work! - C6nrry; - Contractor - Pink; - Accounting - Goldanrod JOB NAME rN$groN REouEsr... TOWN OF VAIL .|' i | '1 "''" :' ' DATE READY FOR INSPECTION:MON WED THUR FRI CALLER 'TUES. *.,{,. AM PM E?2'")' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUifBfNG: U d lz-t-' tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND I] ROUGH / D.W.V. t] ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr_ POOL / H. TUB NAIL T] FINAL I] FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr tr SUPPLY AIR trfrNAL tr FINAL ,':-E APPROVED ' GORRECTIONS: B DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ,'/i TEMPORARY CERTIFICATE OF Lot 10, Block I, Vai'l OCCUPANCY , Vi I I age l2th F'll ing box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-s613 The property is approved (based upon the occupancy of Group I Occupancy in Flre Zone 3 Uniform Building Code, 1973 Ed'ition unti'l June the above conditions are met and a Certi The Town of Vail hereby grants a Temporary Certificate of 0ccupancyfor Lot '10, B'lock '1, Vai'l Vl1'lage 'lzth F'lling, Eagle County, Colorado under the fo1 lowing conditions: l. The textured "stucco" areas of the structure wil'l be finished to match the color of the structure cormonly known as Sunburst Build'lng "A" prior to June 1, '1978. 2. The area des'ignated as parking (consisting of a minimumof four spaces g'X'l 9') be paved prior to June 'l , 'l 978. P:lans showing the exact 'l ocat'ion of the parking area are on file with the Building Official of the Town of Vail. The Owner will verify the adjacent property lines ifit becorps necessary to verify the location of thjs line. 3. The Owner wil'l install landscaping material and revegetate areas disturbed during the construction process prior to June '1, 1978. A plan showlng approved 'landscaping featuresis on fi'le with the Building Officia'l of the Town of Vail. office of the town manager above conditions) for as described in the 'l , ]978, orf Occ Off i ci a'l As 0wner condi tions. (or authorized am P1e Chief Build Town of Vail I hereby agree to comply wi : a box 100 vail, colorado 81657 1303) 476-5613 8L657 off ice of the town manager September 20, L977 John lftrite Box 3148Vai1, Colorado Be: Lot 10, Block l, Vail Village 12th Filing Dear Mr. Ifhite : As a representative of the Town of Vail , Department of Community Development, f would like to express my congratulationsto you for the fine building you recently constructed on theabove named property. f feel that your home is d welcomeaddition to Vail and on behalf of the Department of CorrmunityDevelopment, would like to express my appreciation for yourefforts. In order to receive a Certificate of Occupancy (which isthe official document that would permit you to occupy yourpremises) you must comply with Design Review Board requirementsregarding the exterior fi.nish of your building. It is alsonecessary that the extent of your parking areas are determinedand that the parking areas be paved j-n accordance wj-th the ZoningOrdinance of the Town of Vai1. f'urthermore, you must submita landscaped plan for your property, receive approvaL of the planfrom the Design Review Board, and install plant material in accordance with the approved plan. f'urthermore, your building must' comply with all ippropri;te Bullding Codes. - If it proves impossible to have this work donefuture, the Town of Vail can issue you a Temporary Occupancy upon you agreeing to have this work donemutually agreed date in the future. in the nearCertificate ofprior to a Mr. John Wbite P.O. Box 3148 Vail , Colorado 81657 Dear John: On July 22, 19?6 the Desi.gn Review Board reviewed your plans io" " iroposed duplex to ue located in the Booth ureek a.Tea. At that time, the Design Beview Board gave you conceptual approval for your residence. They also requested uore infornation on the following: 1. They would like to see a sample of the "beetle bark" logs that you propose to use' 2, They would like more specific details on how you plan to finisb youi roof, i'"' are you going io ,tle a facia board, if so they need specific the plcture You mentloned with the beetle bark 4. They also would like to study the proposed access to Your site. The Town of Vail staff and the Design Revlev Board wiII be out to look at your building site sometime during the next week uefore the .fufy zg, Igi6 Design Review Board meeting' t n".re scheduled yot ott the July 29, 1976 agenda, if you vail, colorado 81657 (3031 47Cs613 details. 3. They would like to see of the 1og eabin built office of the town mana(Pr July 23, L976 llill Mr. John WhiteJuly 23, 1976 Page Two cannot nake lt please call- me. I to that neetl.ng trlth the I requested Lnformatlou, SlncerelY, DESIGN RgYIEtr BOAED Ia,q'J".1'1 I , 'T0lYl{ 0F l,A l[ EIIJILEIINGi PEFIMIT TOTAL FLOOR AREA TOTAL LOT AREA FLOOR ABEA FATIO UNCOVERED VARIANCE DAT€ APPLICATION ATION AND STATE THAT THE ABOVE IS CORRECT AND AGREE TO COMPLY wlTH ALL TOWN ORDINANCES AND STATE N r,""#e/b LAWS BEGARDING BUILDINGt',. .- /^\ r srcNar:uns on owNER oR coNTRAcroR o FLUMEilNG/MECHANTCAL TOWN OF VAIL I PEFIMIT .23-7 ADDREss ta/n / 8// /Zw O ,t€HEn paont4Tb'573 OF BUILDING: LASS oF woRK: .E[ *.* E noornoru D neuooel ! nep.qln rPrf oN oF woaxz F/t{/9//4G 4 MECHANICAL: NUMBERUMBING: NUMBER VALUATION $ALUATION $dro REMARKS:REMARKS: PERMIT FEERMIT FEE /'ao rOrAL FEES: $ /\) '- R,n { PLUMBING!/MEGHANICAL PEFTMIT TOWN OF VAIL 4,2l tc DATE roeNAMe r/ fuhr/n 6t,o/t,*r^ --'-r--- -'-- owNER \- . n4 n bn *ADDRESS coNrBLcte'tdilr ,,-X / /rt' //tt* Jrn n ,^o*r4f,--t7sl OF BUILDING: E aoornon E neruooel D neparn IPTION OF WORK: NG: NUMBER MECHANICAL: NUMBER ALUATION $VALUATION $ E eppnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ DATEI orseeenovro P. 0. Box J14BVail-, Col-orad o 8L657 October 9, L97B James A, Rubin Zoning Administrator Town of Vail- Box l-00Vail, Col-orado Bf6 57 Re: Reply to l-etter of September fB, I9Z8 concerning "Vj-olation of Zonirig 0rdinance on lot 10, Block 1, VailYiflaee 12th Fil ing ji Dear Mr. Rubi-n, Upon receiving your letter of September 18 I lmmediatelycontacted your office to make an appointment. I was informedthat your were to be away for approximately two weeks, so Ital-ked with Mr. J. Flagg of your office and told him I was inthe process of complying wlth each issue you made reference toin your letter. I then made an appointment to see you at thefirst available time after your return. The purpose of this l_etter is to bring you up to date onthe work that has been.accomplished on this property and toassure you that it is (and has been since my takeover of theproperty in the Sprir:g of this year) my intention to complywith the regulations of the Town of vail . There have been numerousdelays and set-backs, but progress has been made. The followingis a l-ist of the improvements which have been made. 1. Re: Section 18.LZ.O90 of the Town of vaif MunicipalCode - Two-Famil-y ResidentioJ Zone District. The two "kitchen-facilities" have been removed from the lower levels of eaeh side 9! the duplex. 0n the day I received your letter T phoned NewElectric and Benno scheidigger to disconnect the units. The unitsare now disconnected and removed. fhe duplex is occupied on oneside by myself , my wi-fe, and my wife's eight year o1d son; on theother^side Fy ttlr. and Mrs. M. Zakarian and their two daughters,ages B and 4. The downstairs areas are being used as famifyroom. Since f arrived in the Spring the kitchen units you referto have never been used. 2. A11 grading of the property has been compl_eted ,Izzy Quintana did, in my opinion, a superb job, but it hastaken him three and one-hal-f months to compl_ete the work.That has been one of the maior delays, but that work is nowfinished. 3, The north bank of the property has been completelyseeded. The seeding procedure used is the same as for Vail_ pass. Tt is reinforced by jute purchased fron the Highway Departrnent. Page 2 4. The entire lawn has been seeded. I have obtained.a per:nit from the Forest Service to transplant trees which Ishall do when the optimurn ti:ne is here. 5, The front lot survey has been completed byRichard's Engineering. 6. The parking areas have been graded. and prepedfor final paving. t have been on B&B's l-j-st since May and was assured. that the paving was to be done l-ast Saturday, however Saturday morning Tom Burke called to say that at thelast minute he could not get a crew together. I do have acontract from Mr. Burke that B&B will do the paving as soon as. possible. The area to be paved is for four parking spaces and the residential dumpster I have obtained from Eagle County Trash Removal Co. I am attachirrg a sketch of the parking areas. 7. The Smoke A1arm units throughout the complex arefunctional- and working and are ready to be inspected by youroffice. U. My son, John White, is no fonger in Vail-. I amresponsibfe for the completion of the project. At this time I would like to request of the Town of Vail-. that:the street in front of our property be repaired. Also, frequest that the Iown of YaiI Sewer and Water Survey be adjustedto reflect the removal- of the kitchen units on the Lower levels. If you have any further requests or questions please contact me. Paul B. White, Jr. La\F.6\ - r oG'b .! 1 ) \- ll ,N I I It fi*trsos Ra;tc tl t?P. .l '$ <{t tE,(€ext( irr ilx\iv >)rit >\l\rlIF \ --\ l:*tlt'l sd;;r/:8A r,r tq /{ortf rY st €.nrpsY- utDEr.- s6o<-:do TR; ,--ii'g a- {--' \ \f 9" --lt;-**-', 'q; lflrupurul Page No. of Pages t PROPOSAL SUBMITTED TO PHONE DATE JOB NAM€ CITY, STATE AND ZIP CODE JOB LOCATION ARCHITECT DATE OF PLANS JOA PHONE We herebry submit specifications and estimates for: ilp HfnSUSf hereby to furnish material and labor - complete in accordance with above specifications, for the sum of: ent rote--miAE;;J6llows: dollars ($). All material is guarsnteed to be as specili€d- All work to br completed in a workmanlike manner according to standard practices. Any alteration or deviation trom above specilica. tionr involving extra costs yrill be executed only upon lYritlen oders, and will become an ert.a charge ovor €nd above the estimate. All agreements contingent upon strikes, accidents or delat's bryond our control. Owner to carry fire, tornado and other necessary insuranc€ Our $/o*ers ale tully covofed by Workmen's Compensation Insurance. Authorized Signature vYithdrawn Note: fhis proposal.may be by us if not accepted within oays. fuffpt.8ftff Uf flfngUf$f -tt" "bou" prices, specilications and conditions are satistactory and are hereby accepted. You are authorized to do the work as specified. Payment will be made as outlined above. Signalure SignatureDate ol AcceDtance: o lnun box l0(l uail, colorado 8l6EZ (a 3) 47ffi613 John White Box 3148Vai1, Colorado 81657 department of community development 18 Septernber 1976 Re: Violation of Zoning Ordinance onLot 10, Block 1,Vai1 Vlllage 12th Filing Dear John: It has been brought to my attention by the BuildingDepartment that the structure on the site listed above is invi-olation of Section 18.12.090 of the Town of Vail Municipal Code which permits the maximum of two dwelling units in a singlestructure on each site in a Two-Farnily Residential Zone District.A dwelling unit is defined by the Zoning Ordinance as being, "any room or group of rooms j-n a two-family or multiple familybuilding with kitchen facilities desi-gned for or used by onefamily as an independent housekeeping unit.rr The Building Department has informed me that thereare.presently four kitchen facilities in your duplex and thatthe configuration of your house would permit its oceupancy byfour separate groups of people or families. f have also been informed by the Buildlng Department thatyour landscaping and parking requirenents have not been completed and that October 1, 1978 has been agreed upon as a completiondate. At thls time, it wilt also be necessary to have two ofyour kitchen facilities removed. If these items are not compLetedas required it will be necessary to cancel your use of the Temporary Certificate of Occupancy that allows tbe structureto be used for babitation, and to start 1egal proceedi-ngs to haveyour premises vacated. If you have further questions please coutact me. Sincerely, fur"rqn"P'j*/James A. Rubin JAR/gew Zoning Admi-nistrator lnwn box lfl! vail, colorado 81657 €031 47S5613 department of community development 24 July 1978 John White Box 3148 Vaj-l , Colorado 81657 Dear Mr. Whlte: This letter constitutes notifieation to you that you are required to comply with the landscaping and parking requirements as set forth in the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinance. Your Temporary Certificate of Occupancy as issued states that the landscaping and parking requirements be complete by June 1, L978. To date these have not been completed. It has come to our attention that no final inspection has been made and this must be done before a permanent Certificate of Occupancy can be issued. Please sontact this offiee within ien (10) days of your recelpt of this letter or we will be forced to take appropriate actj-on. ana S. Toughill ning Administrat 6*fr Dtn= t //*l7f f IGN REVIEW BOARD DATE OF MEETING: , November lO. 19??' ilEMBERS PRESEIflT ] ETGISEEIETEI= LOU PARKER / BILL BISHOP BON TODD f@qlqlFffiFr SUBJECT:IVhite Residence - color '!. o DES r' LOT 10 , BIOCK 1 , FILING Va11 Villaee 12th g SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ACTION TAKEN BY MOTION. BOARD: VOTE: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: ABSTENTION: FOB: SUITIMARY: APPLICANT DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPLICATION ADDRESS (MAILING)- NAME OF PROJECT: DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Lor_li..ll_, BLoc a, IKl ll tt 11Uuv vl /-/ n./ |U /t'-/,.,- -DATE OF MEETINGI t//. / / / FILING- PII\N #: DATE OT UEIIBERS a UEETING: PRESE}IT:Bill Ruoff o DESI;GN nEVI ltlV-BOARD. . o' September 8, 1977 Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe Shapiro SIBJECT:John t'lhite Residence - exterior materials ACIION TAKEN BY BOARD: DISAPPROVID: SECONDED BY: . AGAINST:I'OR: ABSTtrNTION: APPNOV D t -DES I ICN o RTVIEIlr BOART' Lou Parker Bill BishoP Ron Todd Abe Shapiro DArE oF uuarrxc , ?' /,( 77 - }IE}IBENS PRESEIIT:rri 11 Flrrnff STIBJECT: AC1TION TAKEN BY BOABD: rl sEcoNDrD nu, /ar^lMOTION: ,9A'4 r ^ ^ ittomAGAINST: APPROV.ED:F DISAPPROVII]:--T,f;, z SUIlilAllY:I /.rr r/- ABSTNNTION: ..\i ;1r'1,.:::,,.y,",*"1+i;jf.ff#1t. -. , " i: j,F.;1$:r t' , ,.i.i,i',::,'"" ,,,;.'1;::f-li:fY..'-'ll.f1,': : ,,:, -i:,=,r;'5;'itqffiiffig,*{i"''' l:it..,i' ""' ;.' ,,'i *=,'.:..;,.'. ,r, =. i -.: ?,,, r,;...,'.f, a-;.. *1.-';1 - -:.' . : .. :::::i ;t :'-: .. - :. '.. ;r:jJ...-i;.t".-..t,'.r;'l,..: .zi 1,.! ,.J ir t':.t::i-i:-i. ,' '... ..,: n','. ' '.'-' .^......j.ffi,.ffit*ffi-.---:..-...jn;iffi ' I i-l.J,..r,f i' t'bi"Aiico ngvEt0pMENTS ' : " .','-ili;.'; i;i\s shirer- ralt. tt :wtta-;1eo ,,.-:1.9**#i.",*:> 117.U, l'',.,i;. :, .:'' r :i: :' -:,:.'i i.:.-f.,lr,:r; '...=;-::.l.l]:-1.:.1;j..ij"ij5.t$i,;'...';'i:;.;. _., L.) "1d..,4r 9'"19'qaEj" a, {1 u" T_":-=*^::::t:1,:1":":1"15 "',-,;;:'11.i.i ffillH:H*rjriii#;#ii;H:ti=ll:"li="1"=ii"'"i-;*; ;' ':: '. ' tso b atbs renair: unflnishe'l' (gsq wvv c'iird.er to-fasten the cb'umbde's flttings ' '-:'::' . '...:-YLLlj;.4ruI i-i€tYs - v\J 'ius+ ,,.;+ffi;[it;!;=ft;!.6$"qF**"gF*i::Jarr lnsteaa or th9 staldard cor]e or 15"' , ,',:.,,.,.;.:',,1'., ,, ;ll #.#";u',1ni:: rae rloor *u1';' '. :..':,:r. .:'.- , : ,,,: r:i .,,:,.i.,;.,.;'.- . ': i :rlir :J l _ .1...:' -.. ,'1 .] j]:.""..]r''r',i.., .:.rli-,l-i,_,': :- ' :' -il;ii-"i - i ";tl"a: "rtalr,{-s ail:}i :.;::., . ': !1.'r. ;;,1:; ..'- -'. -:-l plpeJ for a.dlshvasher 22" iniide a ted.tn tbe'l[ri-; +ii"i in tue plars- Tnese cabinets vere 'tn;ae''aqa. lt"lal led accord'irg +'o filans' The lish- i - - ii-in.Tu""ig"u.a pr-ce and he has noi repaired . '.' . : t:ii'the'flolr, totany".but'Siq6',oi tbe eabinetl Thirs+ 'ri11 ha're to be mov-'4 '. :j' ' --r ;J;;i""ciiitg.r,archiitectural , en,i code"specificatlons ,, .,,,,.,,, ,, ld.jIce.ce].!.,.i:'.].}l*1i]!':.:-1,..r^^_-r{.{.: " .t i;;fil;i-iti,'*iit#H;iii;=k?ir"t" *r"'* 65 tano" hot water heater , r""1''"r ''' .u-l'r1""-.il1""i".-:o srrion h'ater '; l' : ' ihree olumbers have sail .: moclel is reeded. to a,!.equate1)t heat a rs. I a piPe througb a speciallY vait nronths ordere,]. for 1'- ffr \f have- been I have, been itens rith no Of 'uhese T have _-,l ord.er eaother ancl his negligerce. On separate monthlY agor_rnt s Of the s 9Jn3 vas cnargec for 4 -gerra zo I have been charged for 3/1"vvylvv r have never recei'red an;r. I]e \ / [303J476-€+5t--&r3I48 / Vu,l,&imado31657 oo , -/- 2Q8 s - ?zfU*-+ra f*Yryl_- tr ;r;t*?f-'ift )4/1 " =/ '9E. Eotg"-4+9,{A/U - rdrtA*@ t It fTlf'D?r, ryJ-d€d o /r. \-'J' 1zg -btlb t""t5 " -rr- ??S f - ?// -/a r/xAD/A?ry=?/? - 2qE - qlv ,,r.V/' q' b 'il'tl\^)* 1!7\q,D, o DES ICN REVIE11' DOARD MEIIBERS PRESENT: ktr -r><-r ACTION SUBJECT TAKEN BY }IoTIoN , €.,L,. .. SECONDED BY: AGAINST: VOTE:FOR: --=fi-t!yrlv/I 9'rtG()rvt'"b/ ,' ABSTENTTON: / APPROVED I L,/ DISAPPROVED:-- SUlilIlAIl'Y: ffi !1 o BOAIID o DESIGN BEy-I-EI1I DATE OIJ MSETING: MEIIBERS PRESEM: SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY €6A IIOTION: VOTE: FOR: APPRO\I]iD: DIS;\PPROVIiD: SUtrITIAiiY: ABST]INTION: ' SECONDED BY: AGAINST: =;i.:-,-:::::::--;,-T--Tiiiil1iliir l "-/ \z:2 Q i(-t -I)Jffi orcN nl:vIlilv InAP.D DATN OII }IETIBENS PRESENT: lvlUtrTING: SUBJECT: ACTION TAKE."{ BY EOARD: I{OTION: VOTE: APPIIOVI]D: DISAPl)ROVIiD: \o \ 6llz,\?+h in r^rrofuioja SECONDED BY: AGAINST:IOR: ABSTENTION: ftt'"fSUtrIIIATIY : o Bok s(VY )es ign fiev )aie Pa I d IROJ ECT iew I oe zor'il NG cfrEcKL I sT S UMMA RY ARCH ITECT o -, -EGAL DE SCR I PT I ON imum length u Diagonal D iagona I .4 /'.V/,SE ZONE ; PROP0SED USE(S) _or s I ze .rl 4/? ; FRoNTAGE ; ;ETBAcKs: Required-Front JO ,sides /0/ /0t ,Reard,-, Actual - Front , Sldes _, Rear _i ) I STANCE BETWEEN BU I LD lfl GS l Req u i red -, Acf ua | ; lElcHT: Average Grade Height Allowed , Actual _;l- i.R.F.t., J{/IO Ratio, Attowabte sq . t+, ,f/7?,V(, Actual sq. tt.3/-0-l-,-_- )0MMERclALFL00RAREA:.Percentagea||owab|e-rA||owab|esq.ft.-, Actua I sq. f t. --; }U I LD ING BULK CONTROL : Allowable rnax lequired 0ffsets An*rra llTE GoVERAGET A|lowab t. JS- %, At towabre sq. rt. €J?3-?-i.aActual I sq. ft. Qon rr i rad 1+ Ground Le ve I ING: Reqi:ired _%, AND LOADING: No. Required luired .ON ING APPROVAL. )ES IGN REV IEW BOARD APPROVAL I length Act ua JSEABLE OPEN SPACE: .AN DSCA P ,ARKING sq fi. , Actua I _ %, Common sq. ft., Actual f,</r l+ , Cove re d Re- 4. , No. Actual No. ; Covered Actua | _r. % Zon i ng Administrator Da te Chairman, Des ign Rev iew Board Da te JTILITIES APPRO VA L IRONMENTAL IMPACT APPROVAL Da te Mayo r Date late S ubm i )ate S ubm i )ate Submi lxtens i on f or Zon i f o r Des.i for Envi n g Re v i ew gn Review ronmen ta I tted tted tte d of Dead I Dead I tne tne h-+^ Date lmpact Rev iew to Dead I ine date 8 (Series of 1913)ry Sect i ]OMMENTS item of 0rd lnance No as permitted -qq' o o,r' /./ fu6)r=r't''\ \ ' ( rlr 1/ - ,r,l ';]) hhyJTo^* {orJ " 3LQ /f A Jz,- 3( 7 28q tr J7a 1/'- l4Z---+f0] -1o,7/* //t^ 34a .6- 2tu- Jo I /L -- 'z4D / f ,( 22 . e3J.--/4{ frr,/ 3L 11 /z -s D l/n/,/7 - fr-, ') {,"^ 'l 7/r'-- /fr34. Ctz-. 3cn il s'. 4/+ J4A ( , Jo4 '>., lI,:tltC Of i I o V4llL lii.'ijjlr /r:il) {ji:11^'t'.''ii'.1 r'j; irIlii'ji.r-Ci', l', 0. ir(t:.: '' ".r; \triI.l,, C();,.(tj:.",; ') t).t,5't Arj<!r'ci;!.i l,Ct or"-iicr:;1.-! {)'.;nc:t' 5376.-{At{rr2g* , rr l OCil 3.,)i,'r t; , it s'r ..2.ncl 3::cl ,i'ci: :tf*- 'i'oilct, [.lri;:;r-'?., l{e s i cl: t; t:- r. L Co:::;ic;:c i.:..1 fjlrot,,'r:r o;: Tilb 7., la 11 -a. .t s'i: ?ncj llth li:rs .'L ct: 2.:rci 2trcl i;:,:d. fcc l'ilchi::'rs /,>: tr.?.i -..82-. iincl "'-'""*l'li: 'l e i. Cc r,I r: ::s anri r.:a'Ler fou:i:rli.iis' 'rl.i:h >: 0.2$ : Siru:i itl;:: c.2i :i 2ntl 3r'cltl'iir iia:: 2ncl l:;'O ll.th lac-i.i'! :rircl i.'ci.'t_.:.:-i.- 0r'r':-iia:.1f ihtli >l .1- . i, {t :: JL i'rrLL llath ( Sno'.;c:. g:. Tn5,R;rs-in, To:]ct) Llil r .1. r i '1.: 2;:.,i ii::;i. Q tir Ila:;lst 2:r cl 3r.dIrth ll.i s . .1s t 2 t'r tl ilr.cllltlr ll '. ^ llrl: 'iflrtl i.l.<l 2. 50 J..00 2 ,50 , Kitchcns iic s iclcrrt.i.el Di::l:'.;i.r.qhr: r- Xi tclrcrns Co;r.'rcr. iiirl Di ilrr:r sirc r. Sc;rti:rg i. r1 ): >: :.: l,lrtrrtrlt..y lir: llitlcp I rr.';, 1y'.1 1i t' il y." ll I ir 'ir-'l ...r..... I o | ';t Irr ...,' C(rli,';lrjl.Ci.;rl , aslrc l.>:2.00 = -____--- irire. Iiose Cabincts >l L.00 = _- . t). .: lrtlr Ser.vice Sta'c:'.on St.ri;:u''j.pg P9s't Conrrc:rt --lon Ce:rte::]tc* i)er'sort x30.00 ; x 5.00 = ?r 0.1.0 :' . T()ii.ril, fO]itltfi 4a*-- i;;,.1. Uri'L:, _4,q__,>r $torr. OO = !J7p.a ---*--'-Iit;l;ect'0 I)ecT():1 .!'c,l:.1-c'*'i:rg.*;iie cc:::i>Le'r::i.ori (1r' c(:,:rst:r,.rc'i:io:r of .ll-1.-::cl;i.rien,;--.,i.:.1- a;r,:l c(-.r;:::-.r'-:r'c.iaL st::ui:'i'.;:-i:s . 'lire Dj,s'ir:!.c't sIa.l..l pt::li:or..;r.l e pir1,,5;--i.;r.1. -i n-' sp(:i.:t;i-oir of a:t l. pi'e:rr:.se$ 'co ceter-i.ij.nc i::,. i,.ri.:--.or. of poin.ls . toJie trsr.;r:s!;,:i .lcco:"d:'-i:g to'tirc uarcr, iri:ci S.:.,.;c.::l l,::i.> l-ec,,r(.: <l:,..),.::,:rgo it.C i)(-)---Q.!i: g IO 'rJ)e i,,eTe1., itilcl s a,:.)(:,rl f...,i> i-ec, :;td ?;; t;, -(cr:*tirrJ-': r i:s .:riicnde<.1 ] en<l ';lir.' Di:;r'r.ic't- s;lii i,l.1..,-.,"i'-..Ji". i-tlc:ce3lii:y in ihe oligi;rarJ. iap fac lrajcl . Tltj.s rn:;ec1:icr;r-sial.r_els'cr <i':-ie;njnc tl:e builcirr)[1 oir.:-re].'"i rt.rtep a;rci sci.ter. scr.vic:crc)riir.gc .*.' ... ..:- 8o...:."c1 of Dirs:cior.:i ta:il I'lar'cer. ancl Sairii:ation Dtstr':Lct tplz* i.. a, -. ":8 -l 'l \z \: a1 ': '-t,v.i.J i .i.\ \-/ -i J Aicii;:c;iiFA;- AN) S kL;ivliNUM sU;;-DiJiG ?AOiiiCTS DiViS;9)i I::fo::;;aclon co:i,ta:-i:ed, i:e::eir^ or :;eia-ted, herei:o .: <- .!.-i-,.-.--.i.rJ ^i.ti, .:^.- ^r---..*-.! ^.- -.^.- _! __., n- --:, ;r. r-\r.:!.'iu o;.Ly rox evaiuaEio:1 by techiJ-ca1lygltillei pe:rso:.:s/ wlth atiy uss t'aEreo: ta be attic:: :::ee_:el:ce:lt d.:sc:e's:-ol ai1,i :::_s;i. Suca irifo:r.'.a'i::.on is 'beiieved .to lre reLiabi,e, butRelraolcs :v;ecaLs'Co;.1;ia:l1z (Re)r;oic,s) i;:a:i haveno ;es_cotls:al.Lli,y o; iiar,ill'L1/ t-Or res'.ii'ss Obts:,;e,a,oI G.ir,"rages resulring :-ro:i'i sUch iise. lie}t:,o!,,i,;; gri:l:c; '-.^' 1 i..\, -i!! sr...i'r- r*.i(irsi, 3r^9 >rrqj_* iiivg fr() f|es:Jir;niirrt:-1LEy .-,.. . i:'-.-i - i Lar 3,^.-- .;.^-=--.: .^,-.^-- --,, t- ^=. \.. * *-5.r;-*e-l rtrr .i..i&!r..9ti.$\tjru 9t, ai;,V itaECi-.c O;ot.i.e! prb_c=ie'ca::y ;:-g.at. Sal"es of i,Eynolcl,s, lrro-s.uc';s sie;i be ;:ce1ce11'd,e::L ai.G su:j-,ect exc-us1ve11,':o warrei.'g;es se'c, for'i,h in Reyno:.d,s, ord,er aelincrr-lecEe:.e::,i. the forego:--::g ;lay-be v/a:-ved, or :;.tocifj.ed,on:.y i; wrj.tj.r.g by a aeyaol,cls sfficer. TIM WILLTAMS aa!tt rariaaat|"attva autlDr||a tiaDt c?t Da"aitlt a, REYIIOLDS TETA6 COXPANY 4rll A toilaT SrR!E'otxv:t. cot.oaaDo !o2rr OFT|CE! t!or) lrt.azrt a:l'NOiis METAi.S COMpAtsV 4i55.A FOAESi.STi:;;9E;\VE;, COi.OaADO a02i6 EEiV;C; CEtTiS. 50s/32'i.470i .,- t1 ii:: rii ) 9F 'iry 'l't'- ' ;.1 .t,lr-l:r ; i.-_) '...-t't'i-ii> i), €TATE--93dH;n:g:i| ; ts:gX*F*|-":-rIh iPEEi illr.rl Irli i iiu)I !i ,lit-riiiltt-Jnii:l': ,\. i,,.i: ir'r i; 'r: i; iY {ri:> ia,i1 | .l l,Tl''iq i .^,, i,-. 1'- 1'" t.',ifi i,]'i';..0 t'iq 7AP Pf"N F t-- gsii=ttilo i=--:.::::::*:-= l)( DLcC:c:lis ; o-..5;;sI ] 1 \'-)f-,,+,,1 i\/ i\/ i \i ii J,? iLA-lr .g jt\i "/\ -i-; >..*.1t i - ') il ,-: F'*- --; /,\: I..'i- .' :.--.' ;i ii tr.--., , | .. -.- i ., .i\. l;j q.:rr1r5,r :-, q. \r:-.-i: c .. 1 li .:{f--) ; ; L :<...r.E---rErlt',."r;jvi-.;,fir.;, .'iQ;JC;5 i.SUPPLY t:V;S:C)i ; /A:\;! 9.5,? D 2. C: r/r.rt-. J.-rr<- J z1- \ sze v/;5; ?oui;y AvENUE , ii .l -' --' ?A,lK.r;ic;.:Llilie;s 6osno iCAp e :-,f^.22.:) ,i,-a.'e^.t i'.2 -Oi5.oo1t ii .-e,,tn, :. 57 A t,t U /,- :!.2 D j= 7,I -.-. -, ] ;i4'lrr a ; l- L'-:', , ic^;"; li/ l: ^i-r _/ ,i! -:ji::i) Fc;-.,,rJ] -::--_--= NZ - \'il:;/j')i,l:-.'. c:\'.'c:, c- ^ -- . -\ \' ' ;..',; js ;L:. ?A,-.r;)(rl'r4 Y Uqi i-l'-lj:) ;i ' j: ; - ie,i- i: E L-: -,--i li.ii ,r\i N. '.: ? i--i '.1 I p:rr 1r a i 1a.iv!.r./\r,'\rlr!-'rt.t.f,;. .'\L) , ;,;jli .r^.,ES:' TOUi-iT AVEN UC PAn;i ii;CCE. ;LL;n'AiS ijgooo ')"\- l*j.' l\ Ail ., ,i, ? ) ('f i. ;l !) /. Q rt r, r--:Jl t.;.J"'t-J t/;: !t Thenir iia. Jat.ooi i : i';h|tt) .:._' :.-:...:-_ ::L:;,...: \\\ 5N s .\.t..,- ".-5f.jlir!Ji#. l't n.'-:./A.sct-Gfi (s,l tioT Tri iic:uLE ;;,\(,[liic\ DA;2 Cii'P : \..2'r5 1 / vr/,-" ^: ',j!1,t".:iL.i:'jLt ivr;,/.;\. ^. /N"N./i ^li:r*R3%-t \tt \\\<, i j n'*")ii;ar sr,*.r".;4iilr?.eiii v,rsr;,i,.-i.;;.,;c'q (,\Sii>/ l;.'',-"d!' r' nAi' //\.. X(.--*i=L i :'" cr-,oeu'?-i''uit" i - i,/,- i/i' ll i i.\' \ /.r--' - :.\ / i / ..,b,,1"i(it.?iir..I . 5'<l'\' :a" D!,,.,.-\.r\ ^:,1| / /. 'wt \ A iL l,\,i\ i L'J fOlL.r'.'iL'i ;O'J,,7.:l:\ ..\.. ./ \?. -. \f ---:--:-----:It/! /a- -...-!.,r r- 'Cv :, ! | L- ,,. ,f /,+-,/ ! l. 'l:. -.nu -/ n--./- ,, / -ri {\,t ./ ./ i \-r- /.,.. R4l'.'. lr,rl ' ;N 'i- f' ',' \ i \t* \-' , .. \_/ i\ /'- C" 't_!4.1! c:a,rl D t: ft I - '^.i ^,-r- r\ar/\-J. L n ' ,*n ; '. ' -ur tr, r_ /1 -t,r'I l\J \J r b 'ill'.\, \, l eF= J L -l-i.,1 o, .i J;iAt'/ri f, f .;;u';d ;Di.,^t\) /'a ..a /(j/ i5 r-i i--". """.-"K i :{ ''....'.-.\t^,.vr.r.rwr.'irr .'iivi-L.5 a SUP.'r-Y i; ,-\/R \in: -.c v:5:o.\ 5as \Yi:gT TOU-i..' ,\vE\ue . TA^K i;trt€. ;i.l.;nig;S cgg6O lng^Er f ie. O::, . ooi I i4\a "\4nf-o5' t1 , v. l.j'--.2/rAt-c!;:NC. FLAT plt}iT3D ColL _ FoRi :N. :::.IELD -,5il^: Ldn e. i? gTui{.rt ta$f,'e . 'l:tAvE/icFFiT '- !- -,n r It/.;' | .*t t '* REYi{OLDS i,'iET.a.LS ARC:-]:TEC;URAL A EU:L'I}{G . P.1oDUCTS DiV:SiOri 935 \'/EgT :-Oui{ii AvENUe il PiRK FiiOcC. iLLiNOis 60060 ?tox€r 5?l . tia. CGI: '' .'. '.'- C-J.,;;; :1,_:.,-,,:_,,_.. 0,t,|i'-u,;Jii -Cv', n.r ,.,1 .,r, *.', . I ! ,"\. \\ \. -\ -'- . . \- .....- - :' \..'..-n . "r ., -''\'r.. -\Js' ',' -at ,., -,.L ._ -_)_.r. , i ._ r ,-_..,. -.;r -.. \ .lc -;- .\ :u' .' ,i :. .\. .:_ '\\ .!, rr bt / ii v ia .:.: i., -.L- , \-, rl' "/4.,. !,:rr 1, ^.' .- :..-. .i\,rrJr, ,ISCI;;T:CTU.iA: ;U;L;;NG P.ioiuc';s i;\,;s;ori t,....-.--...- r1l, \,\i ' - -.._r: t t\u\J!-/ t;:A';.{ i ;i c /a1f'utT i c' .1 \..r F ' ,, ^. _i-n.i r+ r.\r\ tr.. rL D zi? c&'.) . L?.(- ." l-\, qr 'J AL(/\.1;A:e:: /AiK.'.i:" i;9\\\ r:-.-,i--.r !t1- \l g/A,. go;:F..-f c)'\' --\L ?69aidt aiL ' a3l. iigl t !l - 'i , T.{. lJ C ;:, f! i D i'-il, o '. ; tl . :: j, :, .l ,.1"r--.' ^,\, .1-$.-'- i -r\\.r. rre <.r rJ .\\J\r,i-?ANEL.-. tlc!'\'l.:'|: \ :o ii i : ciil'Li -iE:/A -.oiel'(r"/A.T-i-..;..,i,*.--=- i .;L;rT 2Il;rl:ii COiL -Fo.lrrI .'i :S.'.::eL\>ir 'r.' i i \--'i.-ur4. ;;gs i'i.rlt- - 1.1 ./ t -.,p ':''.'- " _/n__ i-:-\-/\ o ':"4'; :.. l; ;, : 1,, \ti il';\,' ? ii! i,t \i;, ;l ti,, -'. C,il..-i ll?, O:: i.n. (ir:'.Ull .ll",ll l.; ;*Ki"Vii.iyL clcsu?a 2lPj'Reci= ir.:ii ii€ r \,1 \E;\ ,.\r ers ci i.u/;,. 'j ; :, L r. ,1 . -'iDvi. jL vA?:i.t , ]*j,*r.' ' $/t l^ -;.'* - - -"'';:::--'{'-' €,':i:":i' a 5' * -' = *7 : r" "'-1: *>''"-::.-.-rr-. f-..-.!- _ J .., _._r - -..(_ -,.... -'. 9.- :J__ :t:Y}jOIDS i,{ITirLS CO. i: EU;L9:^-C PiCDUCTS I sUlp:-y !;V|S;ON g:.J WI'l' TgUHY AVENUE PARK R;;gE, ii.'..irioi!r ogooi ?agtr.r iii r &iii.i9li Ja.^. t. r!-, A a^ , \-.-l<.L-l: i i, C :"-' . .: oI \ill..\.,i,: itS viic ?-Llli EAC.|+ R;A "rnorril,{) -- "iAv t l-e:i.. -,r,,i' i 't, I: J,ltivh,rrq F!'\ ., i j'dii.if ,...? cu;., | -.1rr rr' ! .rVpr'. ,rr i- '.;;i,! L -!- ALU/^, FAii ji;.i.L l:\.\oct F;,5.i,i - g;-- .;; li"\TC*1,\:; r:-,'r'.' i)A. ). Tc'ca$'run;j.ii;:;o)j i",i Li./i'i/;i iF.{i; .i .rr.t.i\ t V-'rr-| *r..l,, 'nr'.J 'i:-!J1. \ L. :'t tJ DESIGN REVIEW BOARD ACTION DATE OT }IEETING: MEIIBERS PBESENT: SUBJECT TAKEN BY . MOTION: VOTE: SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ['2r nt tnlort ABSTENTION: APPROVED: DISAPPROVIiD: SUIIIMARY: XL----' 4-/ J t-1...' :l,e l: r,t"" - ?.-:..a,' .- irk..;qa "':1r,.t:--:-.l' r!-L.t( ; ," 4i.: '- ,,..1: . i ,t:l t, .:, ," :1 3rd ',.TL ASSOCIATES, r. r iE]'J? 7, tyl5b.GIr l. BaF! al .:. t-: ',t,u\<'- ,r., .r June . r!76 INC. a .,.rdhrr1 d:tt .lt*i!'d :. ,t L: ,.:s,l rrd bt t6. s,J F . - dir :tra tu:d !&! tf,, Rrrr -heft,f L h.n,., , dhJ.Jr.it ldd _kr6ir!\L.drr. Fa rd. \.|'ri..d. !i.t dd 6.rFd {d b' tbrx D!,{.rr &xr FFet. ba.ed: ill, .r,.r., EJ ..:a:R _.,++ s.l r.-i.:r .: .l'" rsoli! rd, rt rn r.nj.r i! <q6s td i! j.,.r i..$.r, t\. sus.:rir cf i&6. rn-u x t,s:.r &_d 11" h"i^ ri{ r$,stu oa *l $FiEr f.Fr.r, rI _eJf:tf:,ltf_ag:"s"l lor or rrr"t o: l{c. ir r!:.. ,q_a r'rd \:. r th. .c.dfd Eatfe ^ - &rt s5:. c. c.:.r:rdJ. rJ {! I ,,r jr !t,, r..i:r! Fd:\\'T\I..1ll lnrrte.!di{i -: ihe.r.st F-. iar rd,. ,DF.' r"rr": r'.r'f!:io II$ETEEN rHousAl{D THo I{JI|DRED Frrrr AND io/ loo- !r,r L \:r i -- -t :'.'9.- i3 .ind an€nded S;epteaber 25, 197: in 1..-,k !-'_r , : , .:. , - : re rer,):ds ct Ehe EaiLc aountv Cletk an,l ,t_e(i:-,, ::1\f ,rr: I I i- L. :. -;r-- .l::. .. .. ' - r1J \. . .h.r- ri . ,t } rtlaJ . r., a:r - r' 'l: : .' . ' .:,!. r..r pAUt, 3, rHIl! and El,fiLy L. }JltITE.I \)- 3ox 9998, Aspen, Coloiado 91611 f*tt tl . ., r..r- r:.iJ .t -...r ')..r,r Jrdl-rr-d'Peierscn r r!.:r'.lck S Ca':(,Y::'I Assc.i r',r.i :,1-r. r: ra- .1 . : .\i rr t, C!-,- ,a.- , '*.bi/- 1' ., ',i . )4, I e l: t r.rll\r; llrI?9, a< l.cl 10, a Resubdivision of l,ot 7. BlockIAI'I- VI:IAGE TIIEL|TH FILING(Toin of Vail) I rNseecfrru TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED- AIVI PM CALLER I orHrn n panrrnl LOCA TION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE FRI AM PMMON COMM EN TS: n nppRovED tr uporu rHe CORRECTIONS E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr FOLLOWING COR RECTI DATE INSPECTOR \ rNSeectoru TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAIL DATE TIM E JOB NAME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ! orHen I paarrar READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURTUE LOCATION FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: ! appRovED f uporu rHe CORRECTIONS ! orsneeRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ! nrrNsPEcr DATE INSPECTOR t , I ':l' i :: :'i*'rr 'r::::: : rt\tsiPEeforu l: ' :: ' ..r- . FIEEUEsiT VAILF nme nrCttveD- AM pM CALTER E orsen MON COMMENTS: f]pnnnnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR w APPROyED I OTSnppROVED WjponrHE FoLLowr NG coR REcroNs: D nrrNsPEcr 'qoRRECTTONS , ' -"1 .*tl... l' DATE -,., ...,,i-,,r,:.1..r,.,;':i...,.:;-i-;.Ji:,L,:,-. -,1-. r:.... r:j. ,,, r, INSFECftN HEEL'EST VAIL DA,TE JOB NAME TOWN OF TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER D ornrn TUE n penrrel LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PMMON COMMENTS: ,fl app RovE D E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr E uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG coRRECTToNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECTOR rNsPEcforu / TOWN OF i ..t-* t /',. ,/it h-t \ / ./-/,,:'z HEEUEsiT VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orxen . :l MON I penrreu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED THUR FRI AM PM PPROVED n orsnppRovED D nerNsPEcr D upom THE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: CORRECTIONS \' DATE rNseecloN rotfrN oF FIEEUEST VAIL TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER ,,r JOB NAME I ornEn MON COMMENTS: READY FOR INSPECTION -; j--- \wED F{uB ,t.''-*..-. fl paRrrnu LocAroN TUE FRI AM PM il nppRovED Qolsner RovE D fl nrrNsPEcr tr uPoN THE FoLLowrNG coRFECTToNS: DATE t INSPECIGIN OWN OF FIEEUEST VAIL DATE JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CAL D ornrn MON COMMENTS: TUE I panrrnl. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED @' I nerNSPEcrperenoveo D otsnppRovED €l-ilporu THE FoLLowt NG con REcrtoNS: rNsieecloru TOWN OF FIEOUEST VAI L DATE JOB NAME ( TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER E orr,e n MON COMMENTS: '''^' I TuuR .lt---',fffr)ptvr D panrreu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION TUE WED FRI PPROVED I uporrr rHE FoLLowrNG conRECTIoNS: CORRECTIONS E orsnppRovED I nerNsPEcr :i t'.';-','-,,r'/1"' C zz.'- - -'^ ' ,-:- lNsPEcroR nEFht!'vlva'|l DATE ,t,t - t't) --7',) I iruseeefrru FIEOL'EsiT VAIL JOB NAME TIME RECEIVED- AM PM CALLER TOWN OF E orHen n pannnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR ffJ-appRovED florsnppRovED fI UPOT.T THE FOLLOWING CORFECTIONS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr INSPECTOR INSFECfrN FTEEUEST TOW.N OF VAIL roB NAME i"r'i-l .,.7* * '.--'- ./ f:' \' /--' ,t,..',!., E orxen MON COMMENTS: ," TUE' AM PM CALLER- I pnnrrel.LOGATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM ! orseeeRovED C netNsPEcr E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREcnoNS: CORRECTIONS INSPECfOR DATE N FIEIirUESTINSPEC TOYvN OF VAIL JOB NAME \.;.' .-\'.. ,-' r'!: i.:' . T]ME RECEIVED- AM CALLER i? t ,'1" ;l , , .r.: r.;..' D pnRnnl LOCATION TUE READY FOR ]NSPECTION WED THUR I omen MON COMMENTS: -?. Wpp RovED IJ UPON THE CORRECTIONS D orsappRovED FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: D nerNsPEcr DATE O rNsirrEcGru FIEEUEsiT F VAILTOWN ',t ,',{ .t CALLER E pnnneu.LOCATIONE ornrn MON COMMENTS: TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR []'app RovE D CORRECTIONS florsnneRovED E nerNsPEcr UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: "f .," D,ATE -..'',. rNsiF EcrGru HEGruEsir TOWN OF VAIL DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED . AM PM CAILER D orxen flpanrrnr LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FHI-AM PMMON COMMENTS: TUE ElappRovED I or saee RovE D E nerNsPEcr UPON THE FOLLOWING GORFECTIONS: DATE rNspecrGru -' .' .lTOWN OF FtEEL'EST V n l.f_ !.-\r\' ,{\.\. i DATE TIME JOB NAME RECEIVED AM CALLER fl orxen flpnnrrnl LOCATION TUE READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUH PMMON COMM€NTS: E nppRovED tJ UPON THE FOLLOWING DISAPPROVED I nerNsPEcr CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS t\y' i.l i.'l,: ) t"J il ,.\iirt''4';,''i"(-L: ,.;,:Z"r' ,..': ...-, , .- .Stxn.r: i h (!t^.]1r,tr't.. *.,tt,..; ii;*.,;*'i.t; ,.f i *- .,i.i";rt: i _ DATE