HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 1 LOT 11 LEGALPlanning and Environmental Commission ACTION FORM Deparfnent of Community Development 75 South Frcntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 telz 97O.479.2L39 fu: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci,vall,co.us Reimers Driveway variance OWNER GRISAFI, REGINA. REIMERS, JO6IOil2OO2 118 WITHERSHINN DR CHARLOTTE NC 28262 APPUCANT John Perklns 0610il2002 Phone: 94-9322 Box 2007 Avon, CO 81620 3275 IGTSOS MNCH RD VAIL PEC Number: PEC020031Profect l{ame: Proiect Descrlption: Participantsi ProJectAddrcssr Legal Description: Parcel Number: @mments: Location: LoE 11 Block 1 Subdlvlslon: VAILULI-AGE FIUNG 12 2101-023{100-5 Mo6on By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: BOARD/SilAFF ACTION Action: WTT}IDRWN Date of Approval: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the approprlate review committee(s). Planner: George Ruther PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 TOI4NI Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Commission Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 fax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail,co.us General Information: All projects requiring Planning and Environmental Commission review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicaton. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requesGd. An application for Planning and Environmental Commission review cannot be accepted until all required information is received by the Community Development Depatment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Review Board. Type of Application and Fee: tr Conditional Use Permittr FloodplainModification tr Minor Exterior Alterationtr Major Exterior AlterationE Development PlanE Amendment to a Development Plantr Zoninq Code Amendment )4+arian-ce'tr Sign Variance E Rezoning $1300B Major Subdivision $1500tr Minor Subdivision 9650tr Exemption Plat $650E MinorAmendmentto an SDD $1000tr New sp€cial Develepment District $6000n MajorAmendmentto an SDD 95000tr Major Amendment to an SDD $1250 (no exterior modifrcations) Physical Address: $5so $400 $6s0 $800 $1500 $2s0 $1300 $s00 $200 Parcef No.: a-IOIW+4&A"ct Eagre co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcet no.) Address; Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: pe,slription of tlie Name(s) of Owner(s): E-mail Address: 'rlJ ilff.* u.nodvo rheck N o. : Applicatiori DaTe:_ Planner: No.: Fage I of6-01/18/02 ffic0.iiii,l - 6 z00z I0i4,Nm \' JOINT PROPERW OWNER WRITTEN APPROVAL LETTER Ir(a joint owner of property located at (address/legal descripUon z orovide this as written approval of the plans dated which have been submitted to own of Vail Community Development Department for the proposed improvements to be at the address noted above. I understand that the proposed improvements include: I further understand that minor modifications may be made to\ plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance vlith the Town's applicable codes and i, (Signature)'(Date) b.*"EZ Page 2 of 6-01/l 8/02 Application for a Variance Submittal Requirements GENERAL INFORMATION Variances may be granted in order to prevent or to lessen such'practical dfficultiqs end unnecessary physical hardships as would result from the strict interpredion and/or ehforcement of the zoning regulations inconsistent wtth the levelopmerit objectives df-theTown.of Vaili A pracucal.ditficulty or unnecessary physical hardship nlby r*ult frorn the sizq shape, or dinrensiors of a site of the location of existing structures thereorr, from topogfapf ic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitbtioni, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting a variance. r. suBMrTrAL REqUTREMENTS o Fee: $500.00 o Stamped, addressed envelopes and a list of the propefi owners adjacent to the subject property, including propefties behind and across streets. The list of property owners shall include the owners' name(s), corresponding mailing address, and the physical address and legal description of the property owned by each. The applicant is responsible for correct names and mailing addresses. This information is available from the Eagle County Assessor's office. a Title Report, including Schedules A & B o Written approval from a condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. o A written description of the nature of the variance requested and the specific regulation(s) involved, including an explanation of why the variance is required and why the strict or literal interpretation of the specific regulation(s) would result in a physical hardship or practical difficulty. o A written statement addressing the followingl a. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. b. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and enforcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain theobjectives of this title without grant of special privilege. c. The effect of the variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation, traffic facilities, utilities, and public safety,d. How the request complies with adopted Town of Vail planning policies and development objectives. o Stamped Topographic Survey (Four complete sets of plans). I Existing and Proposed Site and Grading Plans (Four complete sets of plans). o Existing and Proposed Architectural Elevations (Four complete sets of plans). o Existing and Proposed Architectural Floor Plans (Four complete sets of plans), a All plans must also be submitted in 8.5" x 11" reduced format. These are required for the Planning and Environmental Commission members' information packets. o Additional Material: The Administrator and/or PEC may require the submission of additional plans, drawings, specifications, samples and other materials if deemed necessary to properly evaluate the proposal. Paee 3 of 6-0 li I 8/02 II. pET+ITEpSUBMTTTALREOUIREMENTS Topographic survey:o Wet stamp and signature of a licensed surveyora Date of surveyo Nofth arrow and graphic bar scaleo Scale of 1"=10' or L"=20')o Legal description and physical addresso Lot size and buildable area (buildable area excludes red hazard avalanche, slopes greater than 400/o, and floodplain) o -lles to existing benchmark, either USGS landmark or sewer invert. This information must be clearly stated on the surveyo Property boundaries to the nearest hundredth (.01) of a foot accuracy. Distances and bearings and a basis of bearing must be shown. Show existing pins or monuments found and their relationship to the established corner,o Show right of way and property lines; including bearings, distances and curve information.o Indicate all easements identified on the subdivision plat and recorded against the property as indicated in the title report. List any easement restrictions.o Spot Elevations at the edge of asphalt, along the street frontage of the property at twenty-five foot intervals (25'), and a minimum of one spot elevations on either side of the lot. o Topographic conditions at two foot contour intervalso Existing trees or groups of trees having trunks with diameters of 4" or rnore, as measured from a point one foot above grade. o Rock outcroppings and other significant natural features (large boulders, intermittent streams, etc.).a All existing improvements (including foundation walls, roof overhangs, building overhangs, etc.).o Environmental Hazards (ie. rockfall, debris flow, avalanche, wetlands, floodplain, soils)o Watercourse setbacks, if applicable (show centerline and edge of stream or creek in addition to the required stream or creak setback)D Show all utility meter locations, including any pedestals on site or in the right-of-way adjacent to the site. Exact location of existing utility sources and proposed service lines from their source to the structure. Utilities to include: Cable W Sewer Gas Telephone Water Electrico Size and type of drainage culverts, srwales, etc.o Adjacent roadways labeled and edge of asphalt for both sides of the roadway shown for a minimum of 250'in either direction from property. Site and Grading Plan:o Scale of I"=20'or larger o Property and setback lineso Existing and proposed easementsB Existing and proposed Eradesa Existing and proposed layout of buildings and other sVuctures including deck, patios, fences and walls. Indicate the foundation with a dashed line and the roof edge with a solid line. D All proposed roof ridge lines with proposed ridge elevations. Indicate existing and proposed grades shown underneath all roof lines. This will be used to calculate building height.o Proposed driveways, including percent slope and spot elevations at the property line, garage slab and as necessary along the centerline of the driveway to. accurately reflect grade. a A 4' wide unheated concrete pan at the edge of asphalt for driveways that exit the street in an uphill direction.o Locations of all utilities including existing sources and proposed service lines from sources to the structures.o Proposed surface drainage on and ofF-site.D Location of landscaped areas,o Location of limits of disturbance fencinq Page 4 of 6-01/ l8/02 a Location of all required parking spacesB Snow storage areas.o Proposed dumpster location and detail of dumpster enclosure.o Retaining walls with proposed elevations at top and bottom of walls. A detailed cross-section and elevation drawings shall be provided on the plan or separate sheet. Stamped engineering drawings are required for walls between 4' and 6'feet in height.o Delineate areas to be phased and appropriate timing, if applicable. Architectural Floor Plans:o Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred s Floor plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.a Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building.o Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i.e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.).o One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See lltle 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations.o Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs Architectural Elevations: o Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred o All elevations of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale.o If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also.o Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels.o All exterior materials and colors shall be soecified on the elevations.a The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details.o Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building.u lllustrate all decks, porches and balconies.D Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts).D Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable.B lllustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey.o. Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review . Board meeting. PRE-APPLICATION CONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a planning staff member is strongly encouraged. No application will be accepted unless it is complete. It is the applicanfs responsibility to make an appointment with the staff to determine submittal requirements. TIME REOUIREMENTS The Planning and Environmental Commission meets on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material (as described above) must be accepted by the Community Development Department by the appropriate submittal date, which is a minimum of four (4) weeks prior to the date of the PEC public hearing. Approval of a variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and dilligently pursued toward completion within two (2) years from when the approval becomes final. Page 5 of 6-0 1/ 1 8/02 ADDMONAL REVIEW A. If this application requires separate review by any local, State or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 2104, B. The applicant shall be responsible for paying any publishing fees which are in excess of 50o/o of the application fee. If, at the applicant's reguest, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be re-published, then, the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant. C. Applications deemed by the Community Development Depaftrnent to have design, land use or other issues which may have a significant impact on the community may require review by consultants in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Department may hire the consultant. The Departnrent shall estimate the amount of money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applicant shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be returned to the applicant upon review completion. Please note that only complete applications will be occepted AII of the reqaired information must be submitted in orrler for the application to be deemed complete. Page 6 of6-01/18/02 June 6, 2002 Town of Vail Planning Commission 25 S. Frontage Road. Vail, CO 81657 RE: Written statement addressing attached Variance Application Lot 11, Block 1, Filing 12 John M. Perkins, AA 0047 E. Beover Creek Blvd. Chrisiie Lodge Resort, Suile C l6 P.O. Box 2O07 Avon, Colorodo 81620 970.949.9322 lox 970.9 49 .0629 Dear Commissioners: John Reimers and Gina Grisafi (owners of Lot 1 1 , Block 1 , Filing 12 al3275 Katsos Ranch Road) and I believe that a variance to the regulation that a driveway must run thirty feet at a minimum of 45 degrees is approvable for the following reasons: Lot 11 is over 30 % slope. The subject access diagram forces the driveway 8' to 10' into a very steep slope, requiring unnecessary additional retaining walls and elimination of existing tree cover. We believe that this regulation is not practical for sites of 30% slope. We further believe that Section 14-1-5 variances, which reads thusly: Variances to the development standards may be allowed when practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the purpose and intent of the development standards exist. Variances from the development standards shall be in accordance with title 1 2, chapter 17 of this code. The issuance of a variance shall not compromise the safety of a site or structure. (ord.22 (1999) & 8). This applies very specifically to this access regulation, steep sites in general, and our sile in particular. We sincerely hope that the planning commission will view this application in a positive manner and grant this variance for a project that has been approved by the Design Review Board. you sl Architects. Inc. J_un OS O2 O1:33p John Peten R: i mers ?o+5037835 AM ER IC AN TAN D TITIE ASSOC I AT IO N owNER'S POUCv ( r0-t7-92) CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSTONS FROM COVERAGE, TI{E EXCEPfiONS FROM CO!'ERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE B AND TTIE CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS, CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE COMPANI a Missouri corporation, herein called the Compafly, insures, as of DatE of hlicy shom in Schcdulc A, against loss or damagc, not exceeding tlre Amount of Insuarre sratsd in Schedule A, sustsirEd or incuned by tlrc insurcd by rcason of: l. Tide to the estat€ or interesr d$cribed in Schedule A bcing wsted othcr than as stated rhercin; 2. Any defect in or lien or cncumbrancc or| thc title; 3- Unmarkesbiliry of tho tirlcl 4. l,ack of a right of acccss to and ftom thc lard. Thc Conpany will also pay rlre coets, atlorncys' fccs ond cxpenses itrcun€d in defsnsc of thc titlg, as insurcd, b(It only to the enent fwidcd in the Conditions fid StiF|latkrns. ln lfimess lfheteof, CI{ICA@ TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY has caused tfiis policy to be signed and seale.d as of Darc of Folicy shovn in Schedule A, the policy to become valid when countcnigncd fu an authorized signatory. CHICAGO TITLE INSTJRANCE COMPANY By: p.l IAND TTTLE GUARANTEE COUPAT{Y 1Og S. Frontage Rd. W., Suite 203 P,O. Bol( 357vall, cO 81558 e?al. 416-22sL FAX (9?0) 475-4634 9& fl***", fr e*-*- U sccr€rary By: ALTA Ov,'|lcr's Polky ( l(LI7.92)05 0067 105 3524 Jun 0.6 O? 0t:33p John P€trr Reinens ?o45tt37S35 p.2 land Title Guarantee Company Daf$ October2S, 1999 REGINA GRISAFI AND JOHN REIMERS tI8 WITIIERSI{INN DR. CHARLT}TTE, NC2E262 Enclosed pleas fiad ihe title ins:urance policy for your property locntedat LC|T ll. A RESUBDIVISION OFLOTT, BLK 1, VAILyIILAcE lzTH FI€_ Please rwie* ftis policy in its etirety. ln &e wsfr rh*r you find aay discrepaocy, or if you bave any quesrions regarding your finl tide policy, you may conract Ttle Deparure* Ptnrrc:910475-?l.51 Fax:97047G4534 Plerse rder to our Order No. V267O33 Shodd you decidc to sell the popcrty described in rhi.s policyr or if you are rcquired to purchase a rew title comliEreut for mortgage pqposes, yoo fiay bc entitled to a credit tovard fotwe tftle insnrarce prcmiuurs. Iard Tttle Gueranree Cmprny will reaia a copy of rhis policy so rrre will be ahle to povide fuaue prodro and services to yot quicHy and effieiently. Tlank yog for givirg us thc opporoniry to scrve you. Sinccrely, Land lttle Grarauee Cempary Jun 06 OP O1:33p John PcteF Reim€Fc ?o.15037895 F.3 LTG PolicyNo. CT8H267033 Form AO/CHI OurOrderNo. V2570?3 Sche&rte A Amord $190,000.00 Propcty Addrcss: LOT I l, /q, RESUBDIVISION OF LOT ?, BIJ(' t, VAIL VILLAGE l?TH FLG 1. Folicy llate: October 28, 1999 at 5:00 P.M. 2. Namof lrud: REGINAGRISAFI AND TOHN REIMERS 3. Tbe esirte or ldqest in Urg hrd describfd or rcf€roed to ln tffs Salcdule aad 1v[c.b is wvoreil by tl{s policy is: A Fee Siaple 4. fitlc to the estat! or irdcrtrt cov€rcd by thb policy er the &fe h€cof is vcstcd in: REGINA GRISAFI Al.lD JOI{N REIMERS 5. The land rcfcmed to h Uds polict is dcsaib€d as fotlona: LOT I I, A RESI,JBDIVISION OF LOT 7, BLC}CK I , VAIL VIII.ACB TWELFTT{ FILING ACCORDING TO TIIB PI,.AT THERBOF RECON,DED FEBR.UAR.Y 4, T975 IN BOOK 238 AT PAGE 5$, COUNTY OF EAGLB, STATE OF COLORADO. This Policy valld only lf Schcdub B is aftrheil, knd Ti0e Guarantee Coarylaly Represenling Chicago Title Iccance Coqsny Jun Og OZ Ol:93p John Pet€F R€ineFs 7t,+5037S35 P. rt LTG Policy l{o. CTEH26?O33 FormAO/Cf,I OurOrderNo. VZtl033 &hedule B This policy does Dot iosute ryailst loes or danage (ad the Compaoy will not Fy costs, nttonrp' fees or expelses) which arise by reason ot Creeral Exceptio,s: I . Righrs or ckius of parties in pocscssiou not showu by the public records. 2. Encroschmeotl, overlap$, bouodrry linc disputes, or o{hs sraxers wbich would be disclosed by on accunre srvey ad inspection of the prenises. 3, Eas:ncots, or claims sf easeoflts" rct *awn by th public records. 4. Any lien, or rigtt b a lien" for scrvicc$, labor, c malaial heretofore or hreafter futrishcd, imposed by taw and mt stowl by ttc puhlic reconls. 5. 1999 TAXES NOT YET DUE AI'ID PAYABLE. 6. LIENS FOR UNPAID WATER A}.TD SETgER C}IARGES. IF ANY. 7. ruGlIT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORB THEREFROM SHOIJID THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THB PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATBS PATENT RECORDED MAY 06, 1905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGETTS. 8. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORJTY OF TITE UNTTED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDE,D MAY 06. 1905. IN BOOK4E AT PAGS 273. 9. RESTRJCTTVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CI.AUSE, BUT OMITTING ANy COVENAI.IT ORRESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, REL|GION, SEX. HAI.IDICAP, FAMIUAL STATUS OR NATIONAL OR]GIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT T1{AT SArD COVENAM (A) IS H(EMTT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UMTED STATES CODE OR (B) REI-ATES TO HANDTCAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATI AGAINSTHANDICAP PF,RSONS. AS CONTAINED IN INSTR.UMENTRECORDED AUGUSI 16,INZ,IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 8E AND AS AMENDED IN INSTRI]MENT RECORDED SEPTEII{BER 25, 1972, IN BOOK N,5 AT PAGE 475, IO. EASEMENTS AS SHO\ilN ON TIIE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILI.AGE. TWELFTII FIUNG. ++t*'l****a!+'ll**1rla*{r*'}'}{'**ft+**'tt+:t*aa*tff*taita**ttt+********l'*'}*****{'*+**a**'t'}***{r't**{r+*+*+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO Stabment+t*ft+*at*'i***a**l':3'|.'r*{.***'}++!t*la*+aa****t*1a*'}**++tr}a*aa*t*{ra'*{r**+**f+*t*'}****t*t*******+** Statsmnt lfurdber: R000002538 Amount,.3 9500.00 06/o7/2OO202:40 plrt Pa!'m€nu Method: Check Init: ifAR Notatiorr: 1042 atohn Perkins Permit No: P8C020031 T14re: PBC - VarLanee Parcel lilo: 2101023 01005 Site Addrese: 3275 KATSOS RANCf,I RD IIAIL Iocation: Total F€es: S500. O0 Thia PaymenC: $500.00 ToLal AIrIJ Rnts: $500,00 Balance: $0,00t**{'*'}*+tf++++l*++*tt**t'}*+r**++ftt+llt**f+la****{ltff++'}*:}t*+afa{'{r**tf+t***t**fl'1*'}a**t',ft+*t ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current ffis PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 500.00 COYmffiY o€lrEl,r0Pf€gr Beeilgn Review Soard ACTIOT{ FORM Departrrent of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road. Vail. Color*do 81657 tel:970.479-?t39 fax:97*.479.1452 web: wuuw.vaifgov,com ProJect Namel Proiect Desaiptlon: Particapants: PrcjectAddressr Legal DescripUon: Parcel Number: Comments: DRBilumber: DR8020066 OWNER GRISAFI, REGINA - REIMERS, JO3I25I2OO2 118 WITHERSHINN DR CHARLOTTE NC 28262 APPUCANT Charles Acevedo 03 | 25 12002 Phone : 949-9322 John M. Perkins Box 2007 A\on, CO Jmp-arch@mountainmax.net 81620 3275 KATSOS RANCH RD VAIL New single family Location: Lotr 11 Block 1 Subdivision: VAILULLAGE FIUNG 12 2101-023-0100-5 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEPT Conditions: Cond:200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Revlew Board approval. Planner: Bill Gibson RLJG-14-19@ @t|96 I.l ..iffi P.W 0EtvEn , ',t /'L' .. t ,,f- l)'L' ,l I ., +lrlu' I i.siffi.%'gI Application for Design Ret'ieut"ffiffi* i 't'$Hiv*sor'=*f.ocfortof t|rePtsfd: 'F'E-e-- -----.r ,.^r\ h 1 :--- r FtFrdditri ..--**d97t'3zg{6rofrrpare m'j i *t " Ztato:'g<llqqF,'(comaEasrecoT"*1- I r .r r_ lr lJ ---------- I ai**' -n^tt t=P*tuv i rr*rroconrc,(sy ToHl d 'ern'rn ratttvtEEF i **,erarrr* 'to t^'r"rfryStfg$O it'l"r i'ifi fil'f ' e Elr tt.O oer gr*c ffi d d dqn inr' ffiH#ffis#rffiTE*' #-#'o%* .r,dY sdnof,d bY egur'q silr c fr **rf"AtAeare : i .Orrncr(f)Slfn*|||(rtt IYFGofilldeuettd Fc'3tf&r"o**,, tr Sttrcilgrldlt ct ddricn t ffi.ffi-.*tr ts ib Fec f650 $m tz50 B '. .o ileEr|$snion (drtgbfrnil#&$ltt) clil!6to$e'oJtd *glrdrRGa,t izo f20 T{o F€Clo I iilF*u.tptro'!' '; ",, :;,.1fj1. P. A3 ffi i vrritld aPpil,td cf tte flffis det€c r filtoun:r d PmFtf nd * (a*ffinagd I|gF i ef 3I$r/10O2 I t I:I t: "l .tuly 24, 1995 P.U zl sniif Fnr.itgt xlrd u'd,l c.bt.t.tr'r6i7 9 -2lr tIEAX t0t'179'21 56 h-rnr O13err P-O-. So:. 35?9iiii,-E"r"iaa" 81658 a i*#,isrf ryJltr.-ntst**1"'"'''-'"=+t"rilEaIl hazzard. TIre ' the To{[ of Vai-I' , ror adldllcional guestioaE' please coDtacL Ehe Tosn oi VaiI' at 479- ?158. ffi,. i I ! TATfl- P.04 AUG-14-19m P.AL John M. Perlinr. Al'A trri,t Z t,. n."*,n 1 ,l''r[ l{"rl (.lrrirrin trrlun ll':orl' litril': t F.() llor Z$t'r lfl FAcslNllLF, Avon, C<rltr.rrrln lllrtritJ 97Lt.94q.9'J2',2 |ltx 97o 9Al .t 619 Proi4t Nems f,J44llae------'------- "' "' including cover sheet Transmitting -2Pdt"''JEz- ''--.,:4 :': I ?.5. tf you do nol recpive al pafloearty' please call (970) 949€322 Please call Hard coPY to lollow I i tl I' r'! ;i i: 'l i: t; \ \ I FIL T CIOPY TOWIAFVAIL Deptrtment of Commnity Development 75 Souh Frontage Rod Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 wwwci.vail.co,us April 4,2002 Iohn Perkins and Charlie Acevedo JMP Alchitect PO Box 2007 Avon. CO 81620 Sincerely, Zu/<fu Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Town of Vail RE: ReimerE residence - 32?5 Katsos Ranch Roadllot 11, Block l, Vail Village 126 Filing Dear John and Charlie, As you are aware, the Design Review Boud (DRB) conceptually reviewed the application for the proposed Reimers residence at 3275 Karsos Raoch Road at its April3,AW2, publio hearing, The following is a brrief summary of the comments from that review: t. The DRB was generally supportive ofthe proposed location ofihe new residence- 2. The plms need to be revised to limit the height of all retaining walls within the fiont s€tback to a maxirnum heiglrt ofthree feet, 3, The DRB members had differing opinions and comments concerning the proposed design of the driveway for the new residence: o The DRB recopized that access to this lot is difftcult. r The DRB was generally supportive of oreating an attractive driveway that includes boulder walls and landscaping. . The DRB expressed concerns about the amount of site disturbance associated with the proposed driveway dasign. r The DRB expressed the opinion that the regulations of the Town Code are intended to ' discourage ftis type of driveway design on lots with steeP slopes. r The DRB understood the reasoning for proposed location ofthe new residence; however, other options for accessing the proposed residence should be examined. r Some board members were generally supportiv€ ofthe proposed driveway, while other board members were genorally opposed to the proposed driveway. . . The DRB requested tftat cross-section drawings and elerration drawings ofthe proposed driveway be submitted for review. This proposal has been scheduled for firther revicw by the Design Review Board at its Wednesday April l7 ,2002, publii hearing. Please submit tlree copies of revised plans, cross-section drawings, and elevation drawings for the proposed driveway by no later than 9:00 AM on Wednesday April10,2002. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please feol free to contact me directly at (970) 479-2173. +^,-4L {go"ntot^o* FiL E IOPY Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us May 1,2002 John Perkins and Charlie Acevedo JMP Architect PO Box 2007 Avon. CO 81620 RE: Reimers residence -3275 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot ll,Block l, Vail Village 12h Filing Dear John and Charlie, The Town of Vail Public Works Department has recently reviewed the concephral access plan for the Reimen residence located at 3275 Katsos Ranch Road. The following is a brief summary of the cornments from that review: 1. Need a stamped survey and site plan. 2. Show on site plan 4 ft. concrete pan no heat. Pan to merge with curb and gutter. 3. Show on site plan limits of disturbance fence. 4. Disturbed grade on site plan is not being returned to a 2: I grade - adjust and revise. 5. Must provide single, double and triple stamped approved drawings from a licensed PE for the boulder retaining walls. 6. Minimum width of bench between wall is 4 ft. - adjust and revise. This could affect height of walls. 7 . If driveway exceeds l0% grade when being built the driveway will be required to be heated. 8. Vehicles backing out of east garage cannot turnaround. Tumaround area must be 12 ft. wide and 7 ft. longer - adjust and revise. 9. Revocable right-of-way permit required at the building permit stage. 10. Show location ofsnow storage areas within lot boundaries. I I . Shown on the site plan or provide an erosion control plan. 12. Review by the Fie Department will be required. Ifyou have any questions or cornments, please feel free to cbntact me directly at (970) 479-2173 or Leonard Sandoval with the Public Works Department ar (9'10) 4794158. Sincerely, d.zZ-: h. rl-{- Bill Gibson, AICP Planner I Town of Vail {,2'"n*o'^'o TOI4'N# Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Cornmunity Development 75 SouBr Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: REIMER REVISIONS DRB Number: DRB040089 Project Description: Change to approved plans Participants! OWNER REIMERS, JOHN AND GINA 03/26/2004 Phone: PO BOX 698 VAIL 81658 License: APPLICANT John Perkins 0312612004 Phone:949-9322 JMP Architect Box 2007 Avon, CO Jmp-arch@mountainmax.net 81620 License: ProjectAddress: 3275 ](ATSOS RANCH RD VAIL Locauon: 3275 KATSOS RANCH ROAD Legal Descripton: loB 11 Block 1 Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 12 Parcel Number: 210102301005 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Action: CONCEFI- Conditions: Cond:200 A conceptual review is NOT a Design Rerriew Board approval. Planner: Bill Gibson Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.479.2L39 fax: 97Q.479.2457 web: www,ci.vail.co.us General Information: All pro.lects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application. please refer to the submittal requirements for the paticular approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted until all required informatron is received by the Community Development Depaftment. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. Design review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval. Location ofthe Proposali Lot: Physical Address: Parcel No.: ',7)( , lc;2-1c, Lff"*@r" co. Assessor at e70-328-8640 for parcet no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mail!ng E-mail $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions). $250 For mjnor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Plannlng Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee F.'"'flff* uJg-sDrY: Application Date: Planner: rR L.- n n - D n New Construction Addition N4inor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request Subdivision: '4 ,i 9r sl ql-l $l 9l * r c $l$i "i $iigg [rh$ | HF{3$$[l OI <l uli FI6lr 9t3 |I\ j ii ll ll, !i ; I I I I 1', rl 6l iN ...i,"r <c FI 1i 5Iurl Eio $ll I H ^9ti Er[\:E 9Ud FF4 ( I t n dr o +:-.'$t., '$l .,t'1' l'l ',1, I I I ii :'':: ;i t1 Iil rl I i { ia F$g ilffi rjl d; zl Bi kl>\ul url Flo zls li, f,. : ti; ltili ll; ilr ri |: il lri llt: lr [: 1,. t, i. li' I' l;i t. l,-i liir_ o ,,-#Design Review Board ACTION FORM Deparunent of Cornmunity Devdopmert 75 SorJth Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 97 0.479.2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www,ci,vail.co,us Prcject ilame: REIMERS SIGN DRB t{umber: DRB040120 Prciect Description: New single family Pafticipants: OWNER GRISAFI, REGINA - REIMERS, J04/12l2004 Phone: 118 WITHEFSHINN DR CHARLOTTE NC 28262 License: APPUCANT WOODLEY AND ASSOCLATES, INC,04/12i2004 Phone: (970) 328-9663 PO Box 1510 Eagle, Colorado 81631 Ucense: 285-A CONTRACTOR WOODLEY At{D ASSOCLATES, INC.04/12/2004 Phone: (970) 32&9663 PO Box 1510 Eagle, Colorado 81631 License: 285-A Project Addrcss: 3275 KATSOS MNCH RD VAIL Location: 3275 I(ATSOS DRIVE Legnl Descdption: Lot: 11 Block 1 Subdivision: VAILVIH-AGE FIUNG 12 Parcel l{umber: 210102301005 Comments: SEE CONDffiONS BOARD/STAFF ACTIOT{ Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Dat€ of Approvai 44L412004 Conditions: Cond: 8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made wlthout the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Cond: 202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date of final approval, unless a buiEing permit is issued and construction is commenced ano is otrigty pursued toward comptetion. Planner: Joe Suther DRB Fee Paid: $7O.OO l \ffi T0r4/1\r 1lvNLW , RECEIUED 'illit 1 ? :,., Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www,ci.vail.co.us General Information: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit application' Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particul'ar approval that is requested. An application for Design Review cannot be accepted untit atl reqJireo information is deived by the community Development Department' The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council anb/or the Planning and Environmental Commission' Design review approval lapses unhs3 a building permit is Sssued and construction Gommences w'thin one year of the aPProval. Description of the Request: Location of the Proposalt tov f J elock: / Subdivision: Physical Address: Parcel No.: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s); Mailing Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Applicant: Mailing Address: Type of Review and Fee: X sisns'tr Conceptual Review tr New C-onstruction tr Addition D Minor Alteration (m ulti-familY/commercial) n Minor Alteration (sin gle-family/du Plex) Changes to Approved Plans Sepamtion Request (Contact Eagle Co' Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no') tr tr $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area' No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild- [i00 ior in aaaition where square *g:.:t "dl*j: anv residential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions)' $250 For minor chang"t to buildings and site improvements' such as' reroofing' painting, window additions, landscaping' fences ano retaining walls' etc. $20 For minor changes to buildings and.site improi.ements' such as' reroofing, painung, *inAoi taaitions, landscaping' fences and retaining walls, etc. roi ievisions io plans already approved by planning Staff or the Design Review Board. $20 No Fee ^4t ,-m SIGN APPLICATION SUBMITTAL REQUIREM ET{TS General Information This application is for any sign that is located within the Town of Vail. Specific requirements are available from the Department of Communify Development. I. SUBMITTALREQUIREMENTS A, Name of Business: B. Building name and physical addressi C. Written approval from condominium association, landlord, and joint owner, if applicable. D. Type of sign (check all that apply): ./ trFreestanding Sign qf Suilding ldentification trWall Sign tr Mural QHanging i Projecting Sign D Window Sign trDisplay Box [1 Sign Program DDaily Special Board FJoint Directory Sign ISubdivision Entrance Sign Number of signs proposed: tr Gas Filled/Fiber Optic tr Temporary Sign D Other Number of signs exisling: O Length of business frontage: Height of sign(s) from grade: 7 sign mssage: kE &flV(bF,D Sign and lettering dimensions for each proposed sign (attach a colored scaled schematic drawing@1/+"=I)t Sign Location (attach a site plan and an elevation drawing or a photograph clearly indicating the proposed location of sign(s)): Materials and colors of sign atbach samples): Sign lighting plan: D Indicate type, location and number of fixtures.o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area. o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. M. Dmwings showing how and where the sign or awning will attach to the building and how the awning will be constructed. E. F. G. H. I. J. K. L, Pase3 of 4111106101 ,ll, llrtsls Rrnch Rd- lot ll, Bloclr l, [ilint ll Dermit # l;0l-0tll (Ontru(t0r Woodley A.Associates 97013,2'''.9663 lrthitett fMP Architects 97{D19+9.93'22 TOWN OF VRIL oE-stcirt PE'/iEw / ftar. /r i '.':'3vAL aNe'*Lft9( --- '-' " o Date I Friday, March 26, 2004 Io lJanis Conpany lWoodley & Assoc. Angelo Veraldi reimers.residence From Re Janis - Here is the layout and info for the sign to go in Vail: size - mittefiat - cty - colors - aost - 48"w x 60"h 1/2" MDX 1 pc :i single sided burgundy headers & border:: white text black text $ 380,00 + tax Please look this over and let me know when you're ready to proceed. Thanks Angelo ,4,'/ tY !,,r)*' (sign here) Proof and specifcations acceptod: El as submitted Ew/ changes fl new proof In order to ensure the best service for our customers, we ask that you complete this pre-production checklist. Please review your proof for accuracy of spelling, colors, size & content - mark yes if it is correct, no if it is not, Once signed-off on, errors & their correction are the customers responsibility. :: Images shown are representations only. The proportions, colors and clarity may vary on actual product, depending on method of fabrication. lf you are unsure of anything, please call to discuss, YES NOEItrtrtrtrtr YES NOtrtrE] E]trtr Atl conceptt & designs are the prcperty of tGS dtf, cannot be used without vritten G(mfinL rfll (-- s l1p irrxllllti rBrr +**'r:*****+t!*,l.rt*****+t't****:*{r *+**'S***!r* 'ir ++ **!**t**'i.!**********{!rF:r**++****:*1*'i* * * * *+*'t't'il' {.i.* ***** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Stateme,nt+'***1.'t'i*******'*rt********'*,8*****+*:*'*,rr******+**!t**tr*****+****'r*xo*'*******t *'r.'** *{.** * ***r$* *x.'*'f *** statement Nurdber: R040005584 Amount: $70.00 04/12/2oo4L1 :00 Alt Palment Method: Check Init : iIS Nota!ion: Permit No: DR8040120 r)rpe: DRB - Sigm Appl-ication Parcel No: 210102301005 Site Address: 3275 KATSOS RAIiICH RD VAIIJ Location: 3275 KATSOS DRI\IE . Total Fees: $70.00ftris Payment: $?0.00 Total AIJIJ PmtE: $?0.00 Balance: S0.00 *!**,1. **'t:t* {.'l** *{.,r.* * *{. 'l * + *{. * * * * * 'r * * **,t,s*,t**r.rt +* **** t******* *!*!t********** *+**** **,** * *****+rt:t**+ ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code DescniDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI,{ FEES sP 00100003124000 srGN FEES 50.00 20.00 rr COPYIFbh? 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-24s2 September 5, 1996 D ep artme nt of Contmunity Deve lo pment Gary Oleson P.O. Box 451 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: The proposed Oleson/Volinn residence to be located at3275 Katsos Ranch Road./Lot I l, Block l, Vail Village 12th Filing Dear Gary: As you are aware, the Town of Vail Design Review Board conditionally approved your request for a proposed single family residence to be located at3275 Katsos Ranch Road. Your approval is valid for one year from the date of approval. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the conditions placed on the approval by the Design Review Board. Each of the conditions listed below must be resolved prior to application for a building permit: l. In order to determine the proposed building height, please indicate all roofridge and eave elevations on the site plan. Existiug and proposed contours must be illustrated beneath the proposcd strucfure. 2, The applicant must submit revised plans, in accordance with the comments received 913/96,to the Public Works Departnent for review and approval prior to application for a building perrnit. 3. The applicant must submit revised driveway plans to the Town of Vail Fire Deparfrnent, indicating adequate emergency vehicle access. Vehicle access must be provided to tbe site in order to meet the 150' rule. A constuction fence must be insalled along the limit of disturbance line prior to issuance of a building perurit. The applicant must submit tbe proposed exterior building material and color board. 4. f,. {j*n ""*ruo lr lf OLESON CONDITIONS of APPROVAL I . That the applicant submit revised plans, inacc,ordance with conrments received 9l3M' tn the Public works Departnetn for ieview and approval PRIOR to application for building permit. Z. That the applicant submit revised driveway plans to the Fire Deparfrreirt indicating adequate ernergency vehicle acoess. 3. That a mnsbuction fence be installed along the limit of disturbance line prior to iszuance of a building permit. In September 11, 1996 Mr. George Ruther Town Planner Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Your letter of September 5, 1996 reference the proposed Oleson/Volinn residence to be located ^13275 Katsos Ranch Road./Lot 11, Block I, Vail Village 12th Filing George: Per our conversation of September 8, 1996 it is my understanding that you have all required infonnation and documentation and that all conditions have been resolved except for item 2. I have delivered your set of plans to Terri Marfinez in Public Works, on September 9, 1996, for her review before I commence any further revisions of the site, grading and utility plans as, I believe, that her comments were based on an earlier version of the plans than those we had completed for the September 4, 1996 Design Review Board meethg. Per Item 4, a construction fence will be installed at ttre time of commencement of construction. ff you need any further information, please contact me at the above address , or at 476-2886. Also, if you would change your files to reflect the above address for Lisa and me, and if you would forward all future correspondence to us at that address, I would greatly apprecia[e it. Thanks for your help. Oleso P. O. Box 3579, Veil" CO 81658-3579 uuy vrgEgn t 970.475e2686 u8t30t95 016:28 tr2t2 'Idl0 'Al0 '$lifi0l-/\0l .nrty l{. 1995Glty 01ren F.O. lox 35?9Vril. Colorado 81658 Eg $b6!r it Hay Coneeftt: llhe plopErty owned by t[r. Gatv Olrrn, IJot 11, a tesubdlvlelon of Irot ?. Eloet( 1, vail VlllaEe 13th riliag ha3 protecElon lrcm rocltflll hazzard. lhc DroDerty it Fro[ectgd by a befli qonsttuctrd bu LIrr Tan of Vall . Jrd6itlqorl niFigrtlon iC noL ngcntEary, 8ol_aalditlonal quEstion3, Diaarr conbaEt the losn of VaiI, al l?9. u 15E.w llo$rn ol vril $4$t 6e .nv 7l ,frrtl Fnstlrt Eotl YriI, Ctlonlo li6l7 ,0r.47r-z t t u Ftx t0 t.ll 9.2 1 66 ,t ' tlbaa .lr7Da DESXGI{ T RE\,:tEIf BOARD APPLfCATTON . Il0ttt OF Vrrlr, COIrORTDO DATE RECATVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG:rtil}ttrt!l* **rr**t*tiI. A. PnoiIBCrI rlfFOrutlllroN: B.TYPE OF RTVTEW: If Broperty is deecrlbed bydescription, please provideto this application. a neeta asrd bounds on a aeparate sheet Legal and attactt NAME OF MaiLing I. iI. c. D. -{-xo,.construerLon (f200.00} rrinor Atrerarl.on ($20.00)Addition (950.00) ;conceprual Review-i$0) N)DRES9: IJEGAIJ Subdivieion E. F. .f-2ZONINGT t* NN,!E OFMailins APPLICAI{T: Addresg; Phone H. G. NNUE OF OWNER(S): APPIJICAI'|IT I RE Add.ress: Phone l'lai'LinC Address ! Phone APPLIC,,IrIONS NTW NO'r BE PRociESgED YIII'EOur ONNgR'g SIdETZUAA Condoniniun ApprovaL if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shoyrn above, are to be paid at'thetlme of subnittal of the DRB appLication. Llter, whenappJ.ying for a building perarit; please ident.ify tire accuratevaluation of the proposal. The iorm of Vail wiU adJuat, thefee according to the table below, to ensure the correcE feeis paid. FEE SCIIEDUI.,E: VAIJUATION$ o-f 1o,ooo$10,001 -$ 50,000 s50,001 -$ 150,000 s150,001 - $ 500,000 9500,001 - fl,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIqI RSI'IETI BOIRD IPPROI/TIJ EXPXRAS APPNOVAI. I'!TJB8g A EUIIDXITS PBNMIT I8Ig SEAREBD. {!7o Prl FEE s 20,00 $ s0.00 $100.00 s200.00 s,{00.00 $s00.00 trE IEAN, IFIIBR FIfiAIJ IggtrED eltD corgTBucllotr ,/ r NAME .i IIT8T OF IIATBRTALS ron Hh.a1 t? the Design eoroR SUBDIVTSIJEGA! DESCRTPTIoN: I,oT-LL BIJocK .STREET "ADDRES9: lrlre f,ollowlng lnfornation is reguired for aubmittal to Review Board before a flnal approva!. can be given: ,^j --r, , ,ROOf : .,, ,u 9idia9 . " other wall . Fagcla uaterials Soffite Windowe Wlndow TrIm Doorg lrlI l | . ,j.1.,r,Cl?d Ce$^/rrr44t :": . ) ' , Hand or Deck Ralls i. { ili ta-. Door Trim Flashings Chinneye tl ,.f i{.,. r .. ii! ;- Trash Encl.osurea . r,.- !..., ,.;, Grbenbouges Exterlor lrlEhtlng other IJANDSCAPIM!:Desigmer: Phone: l.: i .-ii. rra] : *'',l+ t ' r' " i ' Reratnias wa1ls &* ' ' ,t g.rRtrc"L*4J B.Nane of JUL-26-96 FRI 07:50 FAXNo,f,trun,P, 0g/11 eonunorl ,Neme q,rl+4f { tv S:lze* : (-l l1'1 I I {; "r . , -'-t- 5'': '1"' "; -Qo-Sotgic -q--- ?-12' Brislk rotL A*----S- Ef . Pnp- tvewtq!&< Ouatct\,h,Otu z Z._ /i:.Zyz" r.a.r futut,rlr?., _ "/.luln Qtuf, A-{' B+B cornol egfilq*_fuFy \Duwo"il q rts _ :I3d:::::^.:?lipgl for decidu-oua rrees. r,rintnuln...ealrper fndieate height forErgcs.M{nimurn heigr't for qf,Iriiero$Etreee ig 6 feqt- 'rlndicate giae Ot pfopoged ehrubg. r'infqlh q.i-c oi.;nri*rrhs.ig5 oal1arr- srns gquflfe'FooFBge w;|r0-0lq,xr &rfr>ct ,,- <oo+(. ,, mi{rrl facrelrni+ls , rqo fJ. PLAttT lrllTDRIALg: PROPOSED TREES AID SIIBT]BS - Boqe4j,cal NFtrIe Tica Vtrc<is' ?irc!, arlS;r:zr+r, AJ€C-+ GROTD@ eOI/ERS EOD gEED TYPE OF IRRTGATION rd ^rens TYPE OR METIIOD OF PROSION COr{IROL C.rrAl{DscAPE rrrGHTrNG: rf exterlor liehting is proposed. pleaeeghow the n.nbcr of fixturss a'd ioiatioie o'''" -siparate lishlins plan, Idrnrify eaeh fixrure :Erom the riiuting ptan i1 -tbe spase below and prowide the lreight above giaAe, -u1pe ofriglrt;propoBed, lunen output, lurninous alea gnd i cut ahllt. ofthe llght fixBure. (geccion 19.5{.OSO g) otIrER rff[DgcApE FE'ATURES (reealnlnE wall8, fenceE, 8lrfir!ilningFoo18, egc.) Pleage- specify.,fndiiate height.s ot'retainiaiwal.ls. tdaxiuurn hcight-os wllls wirhin the-tiont reebacx ii3 | . Mexinusr heigrbt of warls ele@vrhere on the nrolerty ts 6, . D. / Ac -r ltoilLr,,., Vll9-Lng I hopa Tolet*it|.u. lruiltos^' ' KtoncLr kc Pocurl /AYr+. An lk'pa Cra':baqPl<' , Ktoyv{rb palent ll4, rt5: .r+ 5 rt5 H5 5 I (- ?o* f},eh'da tFiftoLtr' CoPry. Eo*- , \ oo oo TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-21i9 FAX 970-479-2452 FILEMPY D epartment of C ommunity D evelopment August 29,1996 Gary Oleson P.O. Box 451 Avon, Colorado 81620 RE: The proposed OlesonA'olinn residence to be located at3275 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 11, Block 1, Vail Village 12th Filing Dear Gary: I have completed a preliminary zone check of your proposed single-family residence to be located at3275 Katsos Ranch Road. The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the outstanding issues which must be resolved prior to fiaal review of your request before the Town of Vail Design Review Board. Currently, you are scheduled for final review by the Design Review Board on Wednesday, September 4, 1996. The follor.ing is a list of issues u,hich must be resolved prior to final review of your application by the Design Review Board: )1 ., As you are aware, your property is located within a high severity rockfall area. Please' or' submit a HazwdReport prepared by a licensed Geologic Engineer in accordance with Chapter 18.69 ofthe Town of Vail Municipal Code. 2. A conskuction fence will be required to be installed prior to the issuance of a building 6rr permit, along the line delineated on your proposed site plan indicating the construction limia. According to the Supplemental Regulations of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, no walls over 3' in heigbt are permitted in the front setback. Additionally, all walls over 4' must be reviewed and approved by a Physical Engineer. As proposed, you have walls exceeding 3' in height in the front setback. In order to detemrine proposcd building height, please indicate 3!! roof ridge and eave elevations on the site plan. Existing and proposed contours must be illustrated beneath the proposed structure. {S *or"uoruo oo oo '!s.fi r- I , ..! It".iu yn" propor.a site plan and randscape plans do not match. For example, exterior patio W ;";id;;,,"tii"i"g wal locationi, grading, driveway configuration, etc., do not match. please;;;fi ,it" plao and landscape plan reflecting the appropriate designs' Accordingt,otheTownofVailMunicipalCode'finishedgadesshallnotexceed2:1. There are several locations on you' proposed regrading plan where the 2:l grade has been exceeded. Please amend the plan accordingly' 7 , r\ ltappears that your proposed floor plans do not match the proposed site plan' Please @ ,""i"* each sei of pians'and make s're that accurate information is being illustated' g- While no crawl space areas are shown on the proposed floor plans, it appearl that some ." /"? i""f"*-"i1i" fo'uoaurioo -ay have crawlspaces. If this is the case, please be aware that v il;..*l r;;;; ;;" shall exceed 5'inheight as measured fromthe ground below to the bottom of the structural floor members above' 'Iuat'u' As discussed following the conceptual review of your item, the Town of vail Fire Deparfnent will needL review and approve your proposed plans' Please meet with Fire Insiector JetrAttencio, to resolve any access issues *hich you may have, as we discussed' q\ Again, each of the issues listed above must be resolved prior to f*d ryuitY of your application by th! Design Review Board. If you are unable to resolve the issues by Tuesday, September 3, 1996, I ;[ have no choice but to table your item on the September 4, 1996, Design Review Board meeting agenda. Should you have auy questions or concems with regard to the information addressed in this letter' as always, please donot hesitate in giving me a call. You can reach me most easily during regular offi ce hours at 479 -2145. Sincerely, fl^*ry-?--**-'t George Ruther Town Planner GR/jr t Single Family ZONE CHEEK FOR Residence, Duplex, ZONE DISTRTCTS Primary/Secondary DATE: . IJEGAIT DESCRIPTION: LoE ADDRESS I OlrlNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE - Qa)6ot uor7r6l I Brock ___a subdivision PHONE PHONE _€,8V+ _@ Secondary GRFA 20, 15' Z+ @ ln" ffi* L1,zogq 43.:'16 ok- Haighhs 3, 19, A.l t ;t f,Fadrber*l-5 neqra 4S .3nncr (30olliT56'1'ksoo) (1200) g{s d (r e'r:) Permitted Slope Bt proposed Slope % 72. €*r= /t-l *13 Site Coverage Landscaping neEaining wsll . Parking Garage Credit. Drive: Complies wit,h T.o.V. LiqhEing ordinance Yes No Water Course Setback (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:L (50%) Environmen Lal /Hazards :1) Flood Plain 2l Percenr. Slope (< > 3O%\ 41/t 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche '{}4 s Aern b"e*f L.L, m. L. U. L. 4 ) weetanas l{,[ View Corridor EncroachmenL; yes No oU- poes this reqije;L irrvuive a 250 Aqdif,ion? alDHow much of the alrowed 250 Addition is useffiEis request? Previous condit,ions of approval (check properry file) I 31€ 6 t,63 4 3,ta1 + 1,39c^ & Stgz q Lor srzE l.cql " f 4s,=,tt.. d BUTTDABLE Lor AREA Height +8S ror.al GRFA375D+ lffir Primary GRFA -4 Setbacks Front, Sides Rear lg" 161 z +425= Allowed (30)@ ExisLincr ProDosed Total From tbc dcsk 0f,,.Gcorge Rutbcr OLtu.J Cobes sw2080 5f1-+cta lI Wx;4nt 6ts;n Cop*g \rtir-toav-l DcoU Wagon Wheel sw Il7 \:t.t.-r'ri \ r;'.j-i.r oo STONE JOINT - 'a oo EXTERIOR RAIL RNI.S EOUALLY SPrcED REFER TA DETNL z/NT FOR N)ULINFORMATION 118 ' = 1'-O' OO DRAINAGE PLAN FOR THE OLESON-VOLINN RESIDENCE VAIL, COLORADO HCE JOB NO. 96056.01 July 15, 1996 923 CooperAvenue. Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Telephone: (970) 945-8676. FAX: (970) 945-2555 Deric J. Walter, C.E.T. s$for,ffi -iF 20630x!.* %'t*t'rtt.$,.*^t$ Principal Engineer TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION OFF-SITE BASIN HYDROLOGY DRAINAGE PLAN ST'MMARY DRAWIiIGS: Vicinity Map (8-l/2" x t l") Existing Drainage Map (l l " x 17") Proposed Drainage MaP (l l" x 17") Floodplain Map (8-l/2" x ll") Off-Site Drainage Basin Map (8-l/2" x I l") Drywell Detail (8-l/2" x ll") APPENDIX: Calculations Bureau of Public Roads NomograPh INTRODUCTION The proposed Oleson-Volinn Residence is located in the Town of Vail, Colorado, on Lot I I of the Vail Village Subdivision, just north of Interstate 70. The lot for the proposed single family residence is approximately one acre. Please see the enclosed Vicinity Map for site location. OFF-SITE BASIN The only off-site basin that affects ihe project is shown on the Off-Site Drainage Basin Map. Storm runoff from this basin is rather evenly dispersed across the property. Calculations showing the estimated peak stormwater discharges are included in the Appendix. According to the Flood Insurance Rate Map published by the Federal Emergenry Management Agency, (Community Number 080054, Panel Number 00048, May 2,1983), this site is in Zone C, which includes areas of minimal flooding. A copy of the pertinent portion of that map is included in this report. HYDROLOGY The hydrologic methods for this study are as outlined in the Soil Conservation Service publication "Procedures for Determining Peak Flows in Colorado" (1980) and the Soil Conservation Service's TRS5. Peak flows for this site may include combined rainfall and snow melt derived flows since the site is somewhat above 8000 feet in elevation. However, the increase in flows due to snowmelt will be minor compared to the runoff from rainfnll. The storm drainage system has been designed to handle both rainfall and spring snowmelt runoff. DRAINAGE PLAN The storm runoff flows from this site will, in general, be quite diffuse and should not particularly affect any part of the project. The storm runoff flow rate for the site has been calculated for the 25 and 100 year, 24 hour storms. Using these flow values, along with a Bureau of Public Roads nomograph, a cross pan has been sized to accommodate flow across the proposed driveway. Stormwater detention will be accomplished by means of a drywell placed just east of the driveway. Please see the calculations and nomograph provided in the Appendix. SUMMARY The drainage improvements proposed for the Oleson-Volinn Residence are designed to work together to mitigate the expected impacts on the site and downstream properties. N(iLg lbcrazry llnr HIGH COUI{TRY EHGINEERING, INC., 9"3 COOPER AVENUE GLENWOOD SPRINGS, CO E16O1 (970) 9'05-8676 . Fax (970) 94$2555 Otaou'Vouu^t fteszoettc€ ^,HC6 dQ6ost- , l't= 4b' 7, ;"\{\i .-J{ ''' \/ tf . lH*' Fzllj LoItuozI 5o ,a := = .. ,..*,.{. x{L.jS - ic .4 < ..i tc ':4 tt E (\ ''' al- ry {t,.., a :t-fo?('16.itr '- .^ a- <; .x- .)v'6 Z:: *i - DIRECTION OF FLOW *L='-------TSl"'.:;-.;t !. ,s! .. !., 1- . " -iN....$ \ s TIR[I ft00tl tl|sunlilct RATt llAP Towf{ 0P VAIL, COLORADO E^0m c0uNTt Plilfl. | 0f 5 l.tr., doar ro..^i.!. iol t..trt.ol c0tilt{unr .lr|[[ ilut{8tfl 010051 000{ I Itftcllvt DlIt: fl 2, 1983 f.d.6l El|.tt.|lcy lltnt8. .n] A|.EY iitY to ilAt tottaffi . . l0lr: I _5r, -v_ APPROXIMATE SCALE 4OO o 4OO FEET LIMIT OF )ETAILE O STU OY Srre-; N ZONE C AbendotEd Btidge 5OO vEAB FLOOD CONTAINEO tN CULVERT arr c rconoirr. rr--r 6R ,rr..!.rn tlti r(. d t(i(.Lrr rrro, ndJt. ri.i .drh! ;';l;1;i."."*.-'ol!,,J|1,.|/6 rrr d t)or.i {kI .dNan riir d d. r('0|.r 't .J rra !co.r.r, rd: q..rrri r,.tubflrr! tot..!,k !, l..ls!i'J.|' r(4 or ,'r4{., .osrr irr'a rr 3334 o.t I I! reck -./?t \orri ro (rt r nr.r,r nat kaih A r.r' !l r*r dtr: tt dd io.4(etu|'.o.i.'ln!tmn!.|l''d dlrd.r{ tn!q'.!trr( e*kl rkl'Pd..|4|.o||9 )NE B 432 83r9-. 8317 it303 3NE 830/1 YEAS F LOOD TAIN ED IN CULV ERT ZONE >/6-*@'*829 lONE B ONE jr ZONE B 7f% ZONE B ZONE C HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC., 923 COOPER AVENUE GLENWOOO SPRINGS, CO 81601 (970) 94s-8676 . Fax (970) 94s'2s5s Ctesoru Resz>e Hc[ # 1t-osu* 7lil l1 '/atoo- t a ,, '-'---a'',! .*--.\ il ,-1.-? M ?r87, 2gzE Orr Srrr F,nstrt HIGH COUNTRY ENGINEERING, INC. 923 COOPEB AVENUE GLENWOOD SPFINSS, CO 81601 (970) 945-E676. Fax (970) 945-2555 Oaasorr Resr>e$(tr Hce * 1uo5-L'1 l',in"o-' 1';= ioa>t, t lnlqu t---.--.:-_--=- INLET FRAME &GRATEi TYPICAL AREA 1' TOPSOILh l'- z+' GRASSED MIN. GRADE RINGS OF EQUAL HEIGHT NO1E: I. PRECAST MANHOLE SECTIONS TO MEET ASTM C-47E 2. BACKFILL EXCAVATION AROUNO STRUCruRE IVITH COUPACTEDl-r,/2' CRUSHEO STONE, T0 TOP OF PERFORATED SECTIONS. J. OVERALL DEPTH, MINIMUM OF IO'. PERFORATED SIANDPIPE,3 FEET MIN. PERFERATED sEcTluNs. IA'ADS EXTEND BELOV I.{ANHOLE 4, PERFORATED MANHOLE SECIIONS. 6 FT. MINIMUM INTO PERVIOUS ALLUVIUM. PRECAST CONCRETE DRY WTLL N.T.S. ILf StlN_VDLINN RESiDTNTIAL DIVILOPMINT HCE #96056,01 NDT TO SCALE 7 /I?/96 i APPENDIX Subject Cooper Afenue . Glenwood Springs, Page _- of dL= ?,72a b,oo-O'"34/ i- L x f<;;i;' ,L )^/ry%h ) *. l: at!/t 4 ;;l. <.a4 I/[ki rr +/5s t:i,, tb +i a B,^ l, Sozt- erhh NL)(V lr I 1..i,l&€fi ';:: {- /1 {.1 A 5F,4Al D|lo 282q1. u4 'tL 5 7 u,71 &N o )a),I )^/7 ?62 t j I X ::: :....\1. .. I58)/)z182 4 G 3{iz )l se)+(7z JLI 3.1 t A "7 =()t/5 3 /5,'("t t2 7:to,//, ?tt't 7 7<cs&, a,'cr1 ,ZSv,Z ,/4A Pa P* E€{f, :€/!rt ft 7 "7 /Q0t,ut :1 t/(.r!..,Z 5 l, itl A',1 /.)LJ o8 a tQo l /5" t (7 7c \ ):/ "/ ,1. ".J 1 ta :{ 3? 1//,5, LflO. i 't?c tql,47r7iil ,* il. \ 24':(a rQ8 I )- ,Ztl : i ---1- ...:....,. -. -.,:. -. -= e'LA 'l.la l. :d ftno,=t(l"/5',) ,L 77Q ,,).L +.4 &l)toi.i L c+s I {ttaa I Wa tr ;A 'u^rf,ry A t):.iil u l i r'.i| :,-l :', .\' i r.' > )7aDy,.Dtil6 n I\+ NN tr ft :1ft N s', fffat V,e Affirt{l 7l;,;:loi :Vi,Ass, '-Ah V6,T. oC. € )( ,,8, id t: E:'. c2r4 6ceHu etr f/& Z tt 5 a \ew f'pu (A FF*iO )6:ic!sl 1l- oFF, x l),t 8.4 ;z I e{:i /,Ci ', t, flzb', u,^ 1 :ft,o{l O4l a ,a< ic il:q :,0t 6t ?,N (t.67 :/ fr ! 5?;D9 923 Coooer a("nu". Glenwood Sprinos, co 81601 A'l Sttz Torat- Telephone: (970) 945-8676. Fax: (970) 945-2555 Project Job No.?Losue! ev 'DJV)Ib cx'a by -- Dare subted ?RAaNAGE Page-of 4 rttt /DTV L (()rt \:r-Jl flE -J c>rAL /fkEA ; ' n Ssz, '' ':t-: o//4cte ts -p tl a3q5 ?t til1- /vP{Z T,t cNl 'lqth a V: z I?FPVTdU i5t4,-l7 Ji 4 A =/a /Ea!5 'Ll1E5,: Zr t8 {az 4 n)ttL 5e lss i;t'l\(rA *:/t 80 re z .t\,(at \,2t785 .ga)/g al 45.7 t/5 . ?(e (i i ,LA 7b g -7) b,t TXi ft !v- ,":ti u/&/, lr\ : €2-4/a e n ?eca o Z 2", vtlti e {ctl Z r: lt: Q;;7 CD;;0,2 v' Is+tlitu X ,& it 3r/5"9{o -.......-.-...'|-?&'.fr',lh# 7gOL, ir& ,lt ,,/ | ?\ )( / '0 I \ )8e/'"a ti ,O ,2 7 4e-{tq,^^('78b t (,u', v tt'rz \,)alat )-:',M'wr (Jo 'tfl ,)E} '8-- t=D c )-]c+\l u - (l,^(t.oil c+ ]t ,c,l 0*' /?i.>tt e G j rA I I ,,fii: a2,6""o 3:)+s /7 f,b (),,7 (fS 923 CooperAvenue. Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Telephone: (970) 945-8676. Fax: (970) 945-2555 Project By b(d oare-l suo;ectDRArrufi6E Pase - of C )F F 5r;.,r,tu ts iL A R zk tu /0s5,D +t ?v 3 (CFS ,,8 5;;, r rtse.ustliC t}:;l-)^); 30 ?t | ::tot :I AI,n ea), :t I= :O'l tfilL | =.4 >i :..i vi u \ l',,'t z -ttLl21trru Z1 I f.I )ar"cP (&: : l& z'{*e {t:)-,,(Ec:Z 5i' (t/"t ?..io )Or- g optAtJ.J&' e5 ..n !}(l 'nl ) /,tQsri 5z /4 7:t>< -t4 a\ (i),Vn &1r.t4 /lt 2^,r/': .J.\.'l L-' J:=-- z);ls")4 +(77 2 <z&a,<t '1" '4(:l',r", 5uo,:fl4s u , E.t:=t(z::7 ut ,,a$4 )()ts c#0" ql ,3-,hAL0 ,Dl ,4 )-)z1>cR0l^ iFt s-5fl,a7 :A ift;u g;^O,, t7 )c+5il- 923 CooperAvenue. Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Telephone: (970) 945-8676. Fax: (970) 945-2555 ,ilI" voLWE FoR DErEN*ron illo"vergion 2,oo ProJect : OLESON-VOLINN RESIDENCE User: DJW Date: 07-12-95 Couity : EAGLE State: Co Checked: Date: Subtitle: Draj.nage Area; 1.04 Acres Rainfall-Type: II Runoff: o.3 inches Peak Inflow: .35 cfs Peak Outflow: .2 cfs Rainfall Frequency; 25 Years Detention Basin Storage Volume: O.O7 lnches or 0.0 acre feet ?t,Xt*"L ev AiM D^t" 1//*tck'dby-Date subject ? ''qlMcri Pase - or 7. t CT\ /) D, ?vh/ElL .1.T :f :Feel:e "?t5/r Lo o tt 4 P 3Y5,q,ult ) ^c .A L4 \ I 4 l re(;-)A;i {(..a.ue -C V rTf ,ti t t-2-) ?-zrr Ir dt I 1qr\.Z t:Lli 4,i3n-h)(q)+L 3l ,/1 l,I I ;'2, ' 9 tLJ NI ,r)a V 7 rz/fi I 7 (z)-(b )1 5,:Ll +r){ t I'';t: .rry';z u ?,STILD (rQN e m ?A &i tv,,L 'lrl tE VetPt ,t ;l"zXil, .11 3 TO (t =\o,1D /T.)\t't k ,l€s(6 =z!:r*=7-ttzi \'l 'n l;t;_e 'n I t.J:r tT( 'z' /'; ,(l :)I I +*j,i.{r ) L-+, : L I 7 l',-) L<- |1 +v /(t .\?l ?:) ( ") I rD 40irc\[fl,{: /t 'e7 ,rt {xs h ?EI !6 ;/) ,/tr,ttL 1lv,nft.a"E1 /a l,t +74 i,4 t I ,t lr1 tl.t,& :'...it- -aP' 923 CooperAvenue. Glenwood Springs, CO 81601 Telephone: (970) 945-8676 ' Fax: (970) 945-2555 , cHrir z 9 s Nti,m m ltirl w ?4 ,9 U '? I , rooootooo ..ur or, c.4r.(l) !h alt n rt rculrllta ooat'|arlrr rl n.rrrla aoalll|'^ Attictil^la to ratlrlrl l'| acTTcl cf orr.rrtt a rt rlottrcol! cr arcll !I,aa itlataratr n. a. a liccltorraa rt.la,aooo 0000 .tooo 3000 aooo iraS rto. aeuancx oa| .ol .97 .o€ .o5 .O.l It F =o o- 6lrl o.lrlLIo Eo CoGfo F !t-o-lrlo J UJ =2 to l!o lrlo.o th roo zo co t- .7 .5 .t .t .oa ,ol .ol a lrJgt E Iooo too 90 so 70 ao 60 40 30 t-|! FE Flr. 2alt!.C.a.CCat s o E G too0 900 000 700 600 000 .rOO roo 2@ ":::";:'"'::..-.. -:iff ^. .iorr,rr.. ,otoo"^r, Jh _ |.rir't z= :f 7 otlcx^lal er ll toiftot @ ctr|rcr t^ura wrorlt rl tl{STiucTro s L Coiraaar r/o raalc rlttr arctl lal .ro ccrract orrsr^aaa lcl rrl|l ctrti {al- rHaaa rrc r|raa ruat rtttttact Ar trraxrra lrrt tor cortlata aot|lllol, ., lo !tlarrlit ortotlAaal l{ OOITOllll tactlol '- to!!or raarrsotrci L TO Ottlrt cralnlioa ta tlcttor c ll altlttac .ooE .oo7 .oo0 .oo6 .004 .oo3 .o0e .to .ot .ol oart ria oatYn a aoa tol^l ollcn^ial rr artlta aaCllol c. lrla Ual lCraaalflr tO Dttalrrit o. tr laclrot a to^ oaatrr c.o- ({) .o6 .o6 .o! .oe Ctrti { r Oat||l C. fol llcra i^trc tr at! ct?lrl d, l'i.r er ' c. rcr to Itr3 2-\_ _ T. Kzd'o f,.e fr,* = 0,8o cls ,llnrttQL(t "w" = /,ZBc'15 e0,0/7 { ^*F*@ tr='f,',' stoP€ - jo/o NOMOGRAPH FOR FLOW IN TRIANGULAR CHANNELS Ot-zbN Resryr.rs Vrara P,+.N 3zzru^ t4cg ++ 11"6157-ot ! t?/LL./t% 12!3? 3 Koechletn consulttng Engr To },tg?wan*e.at Koechleln Consultlng Engineers Consulting Geotechnical Englneers 12364 W. Amdf Pltwy. 9u1" 135 o lrfr;oo4 @ EOZF MAIN OFFIGE Ayory sLvERrrulflNF (303) 9S$122S (970) e4$€0@ (erc)46Effi (3o3) 989-0204 FAX (970) e49-9?2r] FN( (970) 468{e6e FAX IRANSMTTTAI .1 -r ro, {lClL tEill6 _ ,o**' 17Q47v @lQqb Item(r):No. .f Putposc: as you rcqucstcd twicw .nd Ftunl -+/aryour infomudon - trply to scndcr for your lpprovrl Ofrr(seenma*r) Rcmsrkl Copies: w/12/!% 12:3/ll Koechtein consulting Ergr To ]rarrr*2626ga P.{2 Koechlein Consulting Engineers Consulting Geotechnlcal Engineers 12354 W- Alamcda Plary . Sullr l4i.ldcnoo4 @ *Zn MAIN OFFICE (303) 9891223 (30s) 9s$0204 FA)( AVQN (970) g4e$oS (970) 9,19€2i!3 FAX July 12. 1996 Gar,v C)lcson P.O. 8ox i579 Vail. CO 8165t Subject; Dcsign Recommend*ions Pmposed Resldencc [,ot I I, Block l. Filing t2 Vail Village SuMivieion Vail. Colorado Job No.9Gl74 As rcquestcd, rle prcparcd this letter describing our rssumgtions and orr derigr rccommendalions for Lot ll, Block l, Filing t2, in thc Vail Village Subdivision. otr recommendations are basod on our sito visit on July 10. 1996, ard our cxpericocc in tfe arca. tVc assums that a two-stor-v residenoe of wood frame md cast in.place concrete coffilTstim lvlll bc buih on thc lot. The lot is vcay iteep: ther.forc, we anticiprle that the foundation will bc sleppcd to fit the contour of the lol We anticipatc that rhel€ will be rcmo bclow gradc sonstruction, Bascd rrn our experiencc and qbscrvations, we anticipate thc matffials sxposed in the bchom of thc excavation for thc rcsidencc will oonsist of a silty or claycy sand qnd gravcl with cobbles and boulders. It is possible that thcrc may be some fill encorotered ar this she dqc to thc constructiort of a rockfall rnitigation ditch that was construcd rryhill of thc residence. ln our opinion. thc sand and gravel soils, bclow possible cxisting fill, will safcly suppwt a *rcad f'o,uting lirundation system and slabon-gnde floors. Thc spcad footing foundation gcteur should bc designed for a maximum allowable soil bcaring Festrurc of 3.000 psf. n[ cr<triq t-ootings :huul'J be construct€d at lc$t 4 fact bsneath the final gnde m rcdwe lhc risk of froct heave, Since the lot is stcep, r*€ recommend that the foundation be srcpped to fit the contour of thc land sush that the depth of the cxcavation is a maxinum of E frst deep. To rcducc thc risk of damp basernont floor slabs. we recommend a layer of 4-irrch ficc draining grvel bensa& thc slab to nct {s d moisturg breaft. Warcr ftofi surface irrigation ard snowmelt thqucntly flowr drough the relativcly prrmcablc backfill irrljoccnt to the foundation walls and collccts on tlr surfacc of tbc nldivcb inpermeable materials occurring at the bottom of the foundation crcuntion, This cat causc wct sll-,y_EFTHoRNE (9701468€903 (970)]le8€39FAX t?/tz/Lg% 12t3? |l Koechtetn consulttns Ensr To }5attr*"2698 P,s3 Mr. Gary Olcson July 12. 1996 Prgc 2 or rnoist boscment conditions after construction' To rcduce thc rl* of accumuladon of rv&r adiaccnr to bas€mcnr walk. ;;;;;;nd pro'ision of a foundgtion dntut' A tl2icd dctail of a diin is shown in thc anachcd figrre' The risk of wctting the foun&tiolr soils can be reduccd by carsfully ptanned ard mainaincd surfaco drainagc. w" *or'r-JUr. g;a surface suroutrding the- cxterior of thc residcnce bc rlopcd swsy from fi,";;il;;;r; iit dirsctione. wc rccomircod a minimum rlopc of 12 inclrcs in thc firsr f O fret. lucinil ".unC the foundation rrclls sl*dd also be moistcned rnd compacted. Bosemcnt and rdaining walls may bc planncd for the.rtsidence thd witl lEquit! l|taal desiElt pressures, W" ...omn'oniilffi; iiJ. *.t! bc designed uring an equivalort fluid weight of 50 pcf A coeffrcient or rricti* ofo.e r.y bt us€d ti rcslst rliding The equivalart fluid weight of 50 pcf is hased "" o io.l"o*.1 backfill condition 6''d docs nst includc allorranccr for ,rr.iarg" loads duc to hydrostatic pressures qr live loads' Thc proposed residencc is in a tpckfall hsTard afca. A rocltralt miligaiOn dhch hes tccn constructcd uphill of rhc *rioin". to ,"aucc rhe ri3k, How?ver, tlle 9rrcr should bo twsre $?rc is rtill some risk of rockfall' we apprer:iate thc opportunity !o providc this service. If ws co be of firnbsr rewi'cc' plcasc ConlSCt us. Sincercly. KOECHLEIN CONSULTINC ENGTNEERS I)ffi%**,- , Scott D' Warnor, Engineer r \ a^t t l.li . RcviewcrlUy !j'i'&'w Will,am H. Koechlein, P.E'. President sDw/jr ( I copy scrtt) cc; Rick Hefines Kim McGhca By w/L2/L% 1233s31 Kocchletn consulrins Engr To ]*rttoao* ,.* cLAYEY !AorF['L\ | F_-__--_=_-:-_j4,--E= - ,\- conprcttD gAcrFLL (tEE a\ nEpcBt FgB gAcrFaL a\ fiecorrerD^ttotEl ^ Z V THAI EOUn IIt { 140tr oB 'ALEIIT ORAYEL ) , It 12' Ei?' ;"ji9 .o i:i .]i.i9 Pr.AgTlc NOTES; ,'DultLeJ&t""1=.3I jf til^:i,tfi *i:sFllH-I8lfiEffi f lH5ffi *lH Gli rE FErovEo lv PullPisq' T.TuEDBA|||gHoulggE4Dol|ASLoPEF^t|ot|oElTwEEriltficHAlo|,'tllc}| DiOP PER FOST OF ORA'I' !.cF^vELgPEcF|cA?to'€:?A3||GDlt,2il|ct|Toro..€iAvB'r|||.Et[lTt|Al|iipesgne THE no- 2oo scYE' t IELOW ERADS 'ALL tHtgfilg ffiBtffi?*Iot"'^t""t FERFORATED PIP€tl' TYPICAL WALL DRAIN DETAIL TOTFL P,@4 Community Development Plan Routing Form Greg Hall, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Neu Rg;i*ttcs. ject Description: Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Approved with conditions 7 I\r (f, ? fr a 6 u 1'r,l & €a4 t\t Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) Cnmmrrnifv T)evelnnm ent Plan Routing I'orm.:<- -- Routed To:Gres Hall. Public Works \ffis Mike McGee, Fire Return To:George Ruther, Community Deveto'pment Date Routed:Slzz ReturnBy: J el?R ProjectName:6faer.-r LllF,,'L! fu,i,,,l,t'p.t ?*.iaa-nc Project Address: Project Legal: .tLar tl A^,lt U.V. l?t?l Project Description: tlG", Rest*'ae lo R ting F Approved with conditions ofi pldlS {,AWCDr \rattn- jv\htrrun {,aw A)+ wdfh 6 4'- &E#- -|tp eacqao{ \rE,pan rhDst- ,rAt h Ir tes \iva 'lco L*It\ k\o$e ryr v'-n' rcLainv\q t^)q4 lllf'g_-bd!4 or h.le vx'115 brCt-cel tdedonk uxr|\to dr.l *r:g\1fl.Jvr\\<d.,"uroKef n€dlqtt> qey tnro \tst\,n*4 thol p .l*asl.l#lL + tt?xYB ls crd(or6qe.€31un@nl' WOr€f Cof\bs ro\Xd to frot} Ja\lo hou€ .'i tor e,{\brn {\a fronf 5ef lcfiF - s€plo,n . ?Vn e O"6.v ide -a btble rtuft Plea&,sho(A conroors on fhe <lnw 5o T <-andes,qm)rw tlednvev,tN qrcd'a 'amB"ine&esso€ b"lo we Aflorred r$ te dnw.sy tshard. No qrode* oJd,26/0 al]?n?9!:_____ turnara,rrd/ F1grfi qn6rd b@deblqy4l,ltrh6 ?O @natrtirsrodrus ^^/'rh 1*aa^to^q.r:ort de}&l rred\ to Fr ttcro*6b'l Hcg' E 1ne @nnot-ro r^:irtned. WqF* €oul oermrr kr frc,srote oddress narwn Srwrqroder, ouoAZ:i teo Suttl' .r4qb rotevvA &'orqv re..lq:fid oc'o4' Date: t:\everyoneuosr\rcutrofm @r MAX turvlE;f =25 Style Ht. wd. Bulbs Styl" Ht. wd. Bulbs Style IIt. wd. Ext. Bulbs *85-202 16" 8-3/4" 2C # 85-215 t7.r/2" l0-t/2. 3C ,t 85-324 16" 6-t/2" 5-l t2" 2C tyle # 85-325IIt. zt"wd. 8-r/4" Dxt. 6-l/2" lfulbs lC Style IIt. Dia. @bt.Q&ae<t # 85-5 2-t/4" 6" t'Er y wrEllJn CFtr T .I 'tQE - Y /t,.4/o.duoo TITLE '/AIL quurt uo $1r:rre t.t\J. JJ(' l,)4tP,t/6 STE\ffAX.T TIILE GUARANW c(lMPAl.l'lf, A Ttr$ Oorporntio+ berein celted tbc eoryr+y, for vqluablc considaretiotr, tcrcby conmin to issuc in po[cy or piHclcl of title insurlrcc, u i&iltineO io Sche4ule A, in favor of tbc propored IDsuGd rrn d-ia Scnc&rte A, gc oqmm o nortgoge of tbc ertoteor bterest ryygd herobyin r[elad dcecribedff rcfeffodo insshcdut' l,upoi ]alrncot of rhe nft-ti1ry rod chrrger tlereforl *ll rubJcet to tba provieionr of Scbduleo A nsd I ;dA to ftc C@ditiog! ald Stipuldioru hereof, Thts Coeqib€otthell bseftctive only whcothcirtEdityofrhoFroposcd Iusurcdard &eemour'ofihc}olicy ct- policier comuittcd for htve bss[ ilseate.d in-Soboduft A ho6cof by iho Company, oithu at th6 tinc of thc issuanpo of mir CmniEenr or by nrbreErcot cndorsmmt. T[il-.Cmnituclt is preliniuary lotheissuanceofeuc,h policyor potbics oftitle insuunce rudrlllbbllity ood obligatiouc bffcqldcr thall caacc auU enuioalc ilr uurqtts dler r.hc cff!fiive darc Dffiof or.when,tFPolic"y or .Policies cosnifieal for ohnll issuc, sfrichcver flrst occuru, provirled ftattho frilute ro icfirc ruc,h policy or potkiuu ir ul Oe fuult of ttc Coupasy. sitnEd ur.ta' rc*l fo| rLe curupgoy, bur rhlB coBsttncil gteu ml be va[d 0t bhdhrg uildl it b€aru q[ autlorized Coumsipature, IN WffNESS WIIERFOF,SrwartTitlcGu.umryCompauybrs carmditscdDcde Daucanlsealto De lt'ululrir cllixql by itr duly au&orlrcd officen on rbc itrtd sbocm iD gotrcdntai, COMMITT,TBITI'I FOR tIrT,E NSUR./LNCE IssUED BY STEWART TITLEGUARANTY COMPANY S TEWART TITLE ou^n/\r{tT colf{ll{I. or.!tn4 Et tb€ vsl Caloil5 ll6lt8 (90)9{+ro1t SIEVAST TfiIA OF EAOI,E COLIITY, INC, F.O. Frs Zd00 Glry Olc60n sEP. 5.199€i 4:37Pr'1 !9n}47F2685 ugrugb oo ut l:uz ll|I/ N0, 33S P .2../6 ffit 'r'IrLE vRrL COII{DNIONS AI\[D FTINILAITOhF 1. Iletcrn mtrtgago, whequ.rcd hlrciD" Eldl include dccdof rut,rnrst dccd, or stlcr gocutity i$truEcot. l. Iflte proposed lnsured bffor acqufucr rrnul Inowledgc of auy defeor, licn, ef,cuubttnse, adverrc claiu or ofler Drttr $ccti4g rtrE EEEtc tr iffi€rtor nffigage tlereoa covcrcd by tlir Coumiffit otter 0ral tosc chsu,! in $chclule B bereof, rna ebail fsll to disclo$ nrch lrmwledge b thc Cowaty in witiog, tbc Conpary rhall be relievod fton liabiliry for auy losr or damage rcsultiag fmm uy rct of rclhncc hcr€@ b ths Gf,Edt tb Co-wnany ir preiurlicad by faihlro to ro dirclore $ch lqo$ledgs. If tbe propoeeq Innrred full ilisclose sur,h tnowledge to tlc Cospuy, or if thc Conprry othorwbe amuires rctusl howlcdgp of any zuch dcfcol, lien. eu$rh,r&cc, sdvcrsc chin or otler nstter, the ComDany d ib oDtior may aumd Sshrdulc B of thig Cmnirmcnt accordingly, but Fuch ucqtlfiffi rbrll nor rcliow tle Collpsuy ftoo liability prwiotuly inotrrcd ptu$rut f pareergh 3 of rhere Couditimr ud Sti,puletinnn. 3. U$ility of lbc Compary undcr'rhis Counimcor $all bc only tothenrmed ProPosod IDBtrEd md srrch panili inchrbd rd€r&r definidolof Inflrcd h&e foru of poltry or Dolieiea conmited for and nnly for ncnrll loss ilcrtfiEd ir reliamc leteon in undcrhking in good faltb (a) to oopply whh r.h requlrcdcr.s bereof, or O) m ellninrfn r.rrrplirrro Etroqtt h Sdcdule B, or (e) to rcquirr or c,rE|b ttrc cstatr of irtEIest or nortgrgc llorcon corracd by this Cmnfumeor, kr no qvent shau ruch lirbility erceed 6c. r,Bsurt stotod il Schoduls A for tbe policy or polieies conniltd for lod such lilbility h uhjoct to tbs itrsttriqg provfutoqs, tbe Cordi{oor rnd $tipulrrior, ord tb. Exolurioos fruo Covcclgc of Oc frn of poliuy ot policier cmifed for il frvor of tbe pruporcd fuurcd wtrith rre hcrcby hsotpontsd by rewn*e oqd $E ffCc i pn bf r!fu Co'rnniumt cxcqrr a! cxpresely uodified bcrcb. 4, Aay acdon or acdons or rigbb of actiou ttrr Oc proposd Insru€d ury trave or mry bring fsoitrtt thcComp+y artrng our oftbe atchuof tbstidc tothaertalrtrr ItrhE$ or tbe sbn$ of fre f,oilgega thcroon coverrd by rhis Comitucnt uu$ be bascd m and arc s$jcct to thc prwisiots of thh Couruifurrut, ETEWAIT ITIiI.E GUABAT{TY COMPANS Nl ooticps re4lired to b€ given 6c Cdrmpgny eld flry BtrtomEu h writing required to bc fitlnlsDod frF CoDEany ptuU bs adlllsc!{l !o it u I|O. Bs, 2029, ttoucbn l'exs| 77252, qna ideodfy ttis conoimcui by itr primd COMMITMEIIIT ORDER NuM. BER $bicb Nppear8 otr 6e boEoE of tbF ftotrt of tbe fusl pflge of tEis connftfieil. litty ulcron | . cFP. s.19e6 4"E7Pn t- , OrfurMtrte: tsotl,eaa I 1. $cf/tive daCe: Eapb@)Gr Lrt, ,tgt tg sr47 E.I. ' 2. P&ty or Folicict n bt hwcdr | (a)A,LTrl. Owtwr'g fi5""* u.Il-,,,"n oo E B7F476.2EEE ug/orsb (srt /:giJ Eq INo.3S P.3/6 fiwurrt oIIrEwEtcB$ lEa,ooo.oo hoposdhtr*d: ' (r) ^,L.T,A,\ffi,Ii Propwd lwured: (c) InsduW hqosed hwurd: : J, \he ettg/ra or haetut in the totfr desqibed or rcfurcd to tn thit @twninnm and uverd hzrein i-t fae rd4ptr 1. llilstotJ?/ rea rdatr.l,o esmtcdrfi#uatinsaidlmdlsatrhe#eaivcilatchenofvestcdin: tlgt r. votlMt 5, Ilre land r$crrd to in this Conuninnat it dcsrrlh*I as faltws: 8EE Altr&llD atdlE aE3cEr9tlr.ant ftlr?o8tcd Mdresrr STAWMENTOFCEiRGET ss?s r.,'a, irs*h Bord Wrffit;fm.etuutpuvblab$orcaurltr c€ ]ztr? cilyur$n' gEP.5.r.9S 4:37Pr'1 i, l. I ., OtfuIfuthar: tloflril r 97II.47FU EEo EU'UCO U' I /:UTT iJ U /ls.3ss ?.4/6fft ttttt ff.oo*"n or I,EG/ILDEffiRtriNON bc lt. .l 8t ArE g:rEEAr 04 ItE 7, et,4i' l, 9'.5E- v';t&xE lzfr ''E'F,, .sqo$Cral| gc tbc flsar{.C plrt tlbr8tof. trmr at ar&,!ffiI[, O' Cr&al|Do giyolcton ? 871>47F26E5 rEE n u0 $I r:u4 llo,, oo N0,338 P.5/6I StrP. s.lqqtr 4:37PI1 AIEHNRT TITLE VRIL: fO uEEDaIEBI Sedim I I Ordcr l,lattber: s.sott gsd NEQI]IREWNNI ' Iheldlwing are lhe ruqrirenun* n be conplteil wltlz: ', Itam (a) P8ltttlllf to or. for tle account of he grwttors or mofttagors ol thefutl conslderutlo* for thc $n$ or , Urrtltwl lu bc irwurrd,, Itan@) fiopertwtwrew(t) Errrrirythc e$awori,nteresl' tobclwutcdmnt bes,egrdand Al4yfilsfor. recvtd, to vit: 1. nrucuttaa of EttttttaaEe . Eatjtlf rEtE.jrletor/z*llvldlu',li *.ltteFot rad Jle .Fdtr.rE ta Elr offiar. 2. Fldracr .rt!'tt.etory !o ggcr.rt lltrr osrrraty EamSttzy llat gse sarl rctrtc EE.arloE t.* atr€r!.d ltl, t,Jla t?lB ot yait Ail .Ea.Etrld or tbet tba leurfictloE lr c*cdpt lrcn ilId ta+. 3. lrltrec of lfua tot wacer rart fatfF rBnDout Gailart flrlgrz by tAc rtoCaf tclolutlon rad .uot.{aa of &aulbrelae offrrr |I.gl| trlltry coarolldrtrd lat{irGtoa Dlrgrict r8d ?rJI 'lllty CaerotlCrtrd trlCff D:tres:lct, I,r tb€ tpDrord8ste ernountot lttlr.llr FCoarCGd PrcanDcl tot t997 la toat 869 tE P.gE 626rr locqptloa fra. 168716, l. C|trt,jl.ft,crt f,ta f,,c trsflUrslr of gErt. ar. ar,her rlgnagrl e eeoftlecr o, AC.EC of tracorlroslglos, rforfug, t[.8 Cror! dors, ll?c, r ta lnrltllra cort orrtloa Jt t daly argrn,l rad ead t*ir lIagrco$rof|f.{aa undrs tlc lr*r af ggrcc of ttFoflroar tlor. 5, Dd trry 6to*rr g6'r? tac., t! Lodfugr oorpoariJoa, t aLlag laactlE,lt tJtle fu El'r l. vcllnn, Sttttr I9IIcl4 OF lf eEdE tmnttt AF If gfitEtfE NqED tEgg*al' rlrl DIED Ag gn 7916 tttrEEtr' rE ETABIT$Z 4r alcoaDIIE! OtalEf EEE 1E-95-7O9 (2), ltuay vrtEtln sEP, 5.1996 4138Pt1 Orfur Nun/rcr: ggoTttal E Y /I}47FZ5EE tr&PnoMs u9rE/96 $ t 7:09 t)7t7l'fo,33E P.6/6ff5 ""'u#fuDuwn Oo L 2, 3. 5, 6, 7. 4. rttc pohc| or politles tQ be ismed wltl cotttr/ltr a;capttotrs to the |oltffiilg rorl.ess the sa.me are dispotad of to thesa#gadion d the Cornpany : Ngltt or ckdw ol parties in pwsnsion, npt sfuun by the public reandr. fusananfi, ot clairrrs of earctnatt, not slrown by ilw pfrlic rtcotg, DbuEarciu, corfricts ln bofia lina., .{wpse tn d?e4 encrmcrnufis, wd ary faas which a conectsurvg' s,td uLtFefiton of the pftniras wuta*doie andvhidt ar;not itwwri W ,t" irainii*5iii.'- *" fitt.lta\ -or riEY to a lra',. lor sewicat, rilor or nawhl herilolorc or hcrefier funified, bnpos.d by lawatd not shwn by the publli rccords. Drtcnfr, llan, qtafiibrurcrl, dv*uglafnsat oilwrnnm, if W,gqtcd, lrst qpunWinthepuhilcrecords or.nrching_snbse$ffi ry tln $utive Me hercol, dit ii;iil. *e aate m, prowsed iwwed rcaairaof rcnd for valae thc ertdte or inercs{ar ilortgagc thai;,n iiria uy tN iomriiffit. u w z4'F YF --aE' rly(ffi-ntnhg cldnu; rcsuvf4iaw or arcpdow inpstarts, ot Nt Et anlnrizhtg the tssrillnea thcte.tf;watcr rlgnti, chims or tfrh to w&€r, I!'t alfecg of daclusJoor ln rqlr gracnl cF .rqcltta,atrr colrGsvrr dyt flrclttetoeEtoE,, aotl cgE,t'.ty',tloa os ot}cr dlrtrlgG a.? lll'lurC.on j, tEy t !re.rclrwtot 6t E|,r...t Lngroncnant ucr. Errl''rtiolr or ar.cfpEl'oaa cmtrdsod rn u.g- preo,tt, ot lE Acts au(Eorrr,ragADI irruragc Ehttcot. fadord.d by 27. Lsz6 ln AaaI gJ .e ?rg. !i,/., tattlavlag7) ntahtu of tla aroprictor of I vr,ir er lodr to a*tfllt *ad '.opve hda orcgherefrom rad lJ r.lglt. of *ry tat dihehst trrd aaglzlt solf !firca.d rradrr: !!eruthoritJr ot c,!c Ebjt.d FtrE.r. Itttrlctdosr rfrt o[ do aot aoatrJa l for.feJturr ot r;avlrlaar ctr.ssc, .buE Ei FIIg9actcrlctl,arz, tl ,lay. hr',d aa raoe, aaTott nJ.!g!*, o: galloac! asd!.aet aaasatrlacd ls lgrcnrnrat rcoo$drd Augsrt 16. lgZl lu gaat 228 tE p.!rr 8g, rsdeulrrdrd,ble laetr:.ua:at rroosdtd t.ptrDsF ,t, ,t|g ;b Dadc g.g5 .t Dtgs {li, Utitity rld &rlargr .iraEla€ rz l#,arra ag 6he EZaa of crld ru$C4rrjiries rtd ertct.,rra.d la rartrrnrng a.cofdec .trrtfflrt 26, 7t7p Ja goo* IES tt p.jE gg. .adffi.lC.d Csrt}1 fat rcddrCcd B.nbr,i8'.t ZSt '.gl, tB rsrrt 21, rt, ,.g. t7r- Erra|Er, ' ffitt|'l€ll-rrr rad gjgr&! t-cE-r.tt .t ,Lcr4 oE l$c pta| ct .tcrr$4trlrloa ot rfit 7t Eloct 7, tnlr rrirrgi Tzbh Fl,trtag riaosded dn Eoo.E 238ft Fff. g3O ,t &ocoplJ,oa Ea. tgltt|. e. 9, 70. tz. I t-tqrrr.t'ti-qFt-::E.: l'liEcel lanesus Eagh r-r i -'.j,u-_ :'i, liYisiF,t S i:il4f,tlr:t H,:,:':,'Ji ! l- + t:l-l ,B 15 i :1 F: I r:i{'r{rr'1'11.:.'.PF;EF,3 I ir trFjEr FIE grir'.-1r-!!-!1 tSr'der*'j .: :tlit. fin I ?ern paid rJ I IJEftL:1"lL:f, 1rfifi ffmaunt paid :Eit:t " r:1t3 i.li.irt-rg* r* t.u rris'j l: ll " i:1! -rHFti-{}": -t-.ot_l rii'ur c-:shi e r HEIIiI I (, T0WN OFTUN ' 75 South Front4e Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-213q$9-2139 Departrnent of Community Develapment Janur5r 17,1996 Mr. Md<Donaldson Victor Mark Donaldson. P.C. P.O. 86 5300 Avo'n, Colorado 81620 Re:Oleson/Volina duplex separation request appe DearMark, Thank you for appearing before the Vail Tou'n Council with your Design Review Board separation request appeal on January 16, 1996. As you are aware, the Town Council voted 4-2 Q.{avas, Johnston) to uphold the Design Review Board's decision of December 20, 1995, to deny the Oleson/Volinn duplex separation request. Like the Design Revierv Board, tle Town Council was unable to find evidence of siguificant site constraints on the lot. As we discussed after tle Council meeting, please do not hesitate in giving me a call should you have arr;r questions as you continue to explore desigu altematives for the duplex. I would be happy to meet with you to discuss possible alternatives. If you would like to schedule a meeting, I can be reached most easily during regular offtce hours at 479-2138. Sincere$1, L-*-?ut-l George Ruther Town Planner $'""'"*o'*"* VAILTOWN COUNCIL 2, Series of 1996 on second readin-!'. TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1996 7:30 P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAilBERS AGENDA CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Consent Agenda:A. Ordinance No. 1 , Series of 1996, second reading of an ordinance,First Amendment to the Town of Vail police and Fire empf"Veei, Pension plan. B. Resolution No,2, Series of 1996, a Resolution designating GoloradoNational Bank, as a depository for the runds of tne Toirrn of VailPension Plan as pennitted by the Chaner of the town, Gordinances, and the statutes of the State of Colorado.c. Resolution No.3, series of 1996, a Resorution designating Golorado National Bank, as a depository for the funds of the iown -ot V.n +SZPension Plan as permitted by the Charter of the Town, Gordinances, and the statutes of the State of Colorado. ordihanoe No. 2, series o!J996, semld reading of an ordinance amendingSpecial Development District No. S0, The VailAhtetic Glub, and '------'- amending the development plan in accordance with chapter .ig.40 0f the VailMunicipal Gode and setting forth details in regard thereto. 7:30 P.M. 1. 7:35 P.M. 2. 7:40 P.M. 3. Mike Mollica MichaelBarclay Approve/modify/deny Ordinance No. IUQIQFOLIND RATIONALE: please see the attached memorandum from lh.e g!{ to the Planning and Environmental commission dated December 1 1, 1995 and Exhibits A-F attached to that memorandum. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON; Approve Ordinance No.2, Series of 1996 aspresented. Acr..lpN.. REQUESTED oF couNcrL: Uphord/overturn/overrum withmodrfrcations the Design Review Board's decision to deny the olesonAy'olinnduplex separaiion request. W: on December 20, 1995, the applicant metwan rhe Design Review Boald to request a determination of siilnificant siteconsbaints,an9 t" gpp..oty$ty to separate the duptex sructure [rofLseoErLor |r, Erock 1, Vail Village 12th Filing in accor.dance rlitn section18-54.050(l) of the Municipar code (see attaihment 1). Upon revlewoyitreDRB, a motion was made to denythe applicant's requeit since the bRBcould not find evidence of significbnt siti ionstraints. The motion p".""0 unanimously (4-0), A letter from the applicant dated December 29, 1995, appealing the DRBdecision, has been athched (see attachment 2). In me aifticant'i tettei, nerefers to the intent of rhe Design Review Guiderines tsedtion ia.i+.tiirii "ia possible basis for overturning the DRB decision. A copy or seciion18.54'010 from the Municiparcode has bee attached ror riierence tseeattachment 3). TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA FEOUEST (Request lorm mlslbe given to ths Sacrelary to the Town Manag€r by 8:00 a.m. Thursdays.) MEETING DATE:Januarv 16. 1996 (Preparo a separato A0enda Requsst lor sach agenda ilsm. ll the agonda ' Item w be dlscussgd at bolh a wod( Session and an Evenlng M€stlng, be certaln to ch6ck both boxes In this section and indicats ti|Jlo neecled durlng each meelno.) Work Session TIME NEEDED: xx xx . Sils Visit Evenlng Meoling TIME NEEDED: 30 mln TIME NEEDED: 20 inln WILL THERE BE A PRESENTANON ON THIS AGENDA rrEM BY NON.TOV STAFF? NO. XX YES. Specifics:Andrelv Abraham, Prolect Archilect WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL EOUIPMENT?xx No. YES. Specilics: . WILL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCTL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? xx NO. YES.tt yes, is the maleriat atso lor llbliqligldbulloo? Yes. NO. ITEMiTOPIC: An appeal lo the Town Council, pursuant 10 Soclion 18.54.090 ol tha Municipal Code, of the Deslgn Rsvlaw board docision to deny th6 Ol6sorvvolinn duplsx saparation request for a proposgd rssiclsnco to bE conslructed on Lol 11, Resubdivision ol Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Vlllage 12lh Flling/3275 KaFos Ranch Road. ACTION REOUESTEO OF COUNCIL: Uphold, overtum, or ovehurn wlth modilicalions lhe Deslgn Revlew Board's doclslon to deny ths Olesorwolinn duplex separation request. BACKGFOUND RATIONALE: On December 20, 1995, ths applicant metwith the Ossign Rgview Board to requost a delsrmination ol signilicant site constrainls and tha opportunity to separate the duplex slructure proposed for Lot 11, Block t, Vail Village 12th Filing in accordance wilh Section 18.54.050(D ol the Municipal Code (see atlachment 1). Upon r.evisw by the DRB, a motion was made to deny the applicant's tequest since lhe DRB could not find evidence ol signilcant sile constraints. The motion passed unanimously (4-0). A letter kom the applicant dated D€cember 29, 1995, appealing ths ORB decision, has b€en attached (see attaehment 2). In the applicant's letter, he refers to the intent ol the Design Ravisw Guidolinos (Soction 18.54.010) as a possibls basis lor overluming the oRB declslon. A copy ol Soctlon 1 8.54.010 lrom the Municipal Codo has been atlached tor relerencs (ses attachment 3) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Upon review ol the applicant's seraralion requssl, slalt r€commends lhal the Town Council uphold lhe DhB docision of Docamber 20, 1995, ol denial. In slatl's opinion, the appllcanl has not demonslrated lhe exlstonce of slgnllicant slte conslialnts on the lol as requllod In Secllon 18.54.050(l) 0t ths Munlcioal Cods. Employee Slgnatur€/06 Itoy..Fm\courcil\raque3llbL.on.l I I 3m/e40-5200 FNV949-s205 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITEOS, P.C. ARCHITECIIJRE . PI-ANNING . INTERIORS ru29195 The Vail Town Council via George Ruther, Planner Community Development I I I South Frontage Road West Vail Colorado Re: Oleson / Volinn Residence 3275 Katsos Ranch Road Lot ll Resubdivision oflot 7, Block I Vail Village, l2th Filing Box 5300 . Avon. Colorodo 81620 qi rol/.c0[{l$. DEIJ. Dtp; Dear Council Members: With the encouragement of the Design Rwiew Board, we are making an appeal to the town council in accordance with section 18.54.090 ofthe Vail h[unicipal Code. On December l, 1995 I met whh George Ruther and reviewed the process of sub{ividing the site in accordance with section 18.12.050. This site complies with rwo ofthe three requiremetrts to subdivide by ha\tmg 202.72linear feet of tontage and by easily holding two 80 foot q/ide squares within its boundaries. Although the site has over 45,000 square feet, preliminary calculations show the buildable area at less than the 30,000 square feet required to zubdivide. On December 20, 1995 we met with the Design Review Board to request a determination for site constraints and the oppornrnity to separate the two family residences zoned for lot 11 at 3275 Katsos Ranch Road in accordance with section 18.54.050 (!. Our request was denied noting that the slope was not extreme e'nough nor the edsting grove oftrees significant enough. Relativity asidg we understand the kind of precedent an approval would provide. We do not agree with the results based on the Iotents established in the Vail l\dunicipal Code under section 18.54.010. The objectives ofdesign rwiew shall be (paraphrased) as follows: A. Recognition of interdependence ofwelfare and aesthctics to benefit citizens and visitors.B. Dwelopmeat of property in harmony with desied character of town.C. Preventionofunnecessarydestructionofnaturallaadscape. D. Provision for a harmonious relationship between the residence with the immediate eavironment including natural landforms, native vegetation and existing and proposed developments.E. Protection ofthe neighboring property owners and provision ofreasonable trafic, drainagg sound and sight buffers, and other similar effects. We can assume that the proposed residences will be designed and constructd in pursuit of the well-being of both citizens and visitors and with the appropriate apped to fit within the imrnediate contoc of the Katsos Ranch Road as well as within the larger context of Vail (A). We can also assume through the desigrr review process that the neighbors will not be adversely atrected by the product @). Our appeal is based in the rernaining three objectives which were significant factors in the development ofthe design concept. According to the records available from the community development office, the lot is significantly larger than all other lots on Katsos Ranch Road. (A list of the lot sizes are included in the attached inforrnation.) ATTACHMENT /f2 1E51.010 Intent. Vail is a town with a unique natural setting, internationally knerrr:r for its natural bcauty, alpinc environment, and the comparibility of man-madc stnrctures with the environmcnt. . Tbcsc charactcristics havc caused a significant number ofvisitors to @omc to Vail with many visitors cvcntually becoming pcrma- n..'"r rcsidenis panicipating in community lifc. These factors constitutc an important economic base for the town, both for thosc who carn thcir living here and for thosc who vicw the town as a precious physical possession. The town council linds that ncw dcvclopment and rcdcvelopmcnt can havc a substaorial impact on thc character of an arca in which it is locatcd- Somc harmful cffects of onc land usc upon another can. beprcwnted rhrough zoning, subdivision controls, and building codcs- Othcr aspects of dcvclopment arc morc subtlc and.less aracnabte to exact-rulcs put into operation withou.t rcgard to spcific dcvclopment proposals- Among thesc are the gencral fm of thc land before and aftcr dcvclopment, thc spatial rclatioaships ofstructures and opcn spaces to land uses within the viiniqy and thc town, and thc appcarance of buildings and opcn spaccs as rhey contribute to the area as it is being developed and redcvdopcd. In order to providc for the timely excrcisc of jtrdgrncnt in rhc public intcrest in thc cvaluation ofthe dcsign of ncw d.velopment and redevclopment, the town council has crEated a design revierv board (DRB) and design critcria. Tberefore, in order to preservc thc natural beauty ofthe town aad its setting, to protect the rrelfare of tbe community, to maintain rhe values creatcd in the community, to prorcct and enhancc land and properry, for the promotion of healrh, safety, ald g.-'cral rr'elfare in thc community, and to attain the objectives sct ouf, in this section; thc improvcment or alteration of opcn space, rxterior design of all new devclopmcnt, and atl modifi- caiio',,< to existing devclopment shall be subject to dcsign revicw as speeificd in this chaptcr. It ls rhc intent of these guidelines to leavc as much design frccdoq as possible to $e individual designer while at the same timc naintaining the remarkable natural beauty of thc area by crcatiBg structures *,hich arc designed ro complemcnt both their iudividual sites and surroundings. Tbe objcctivcs of design revicrv shall bc as follows: To recognizc thc interdependence of thc pubiic welfarc and acsrhetics, and to provide a mcthod by which this inrcr- dqlendcncc may continuc.to bcncfit its citizcns and visitors; To allow for rhe dcvelopment of public and private Property rl{€ch is in harmony with the desired character of thc town as ddncd by thc guidelincs herein provided; C. To prcvent thc unnccessary destruction or blighting of the n-ural landscape;Io ensure that lhe architectural design, location, configura-tio materials, colors, and ovcrall treatmcnt of builr-up and otEn spaces havc been designed sc that thcy relate harmo- niersly to the natural landforms and nativc vegctation, lbc torrr's overall appearance, with surrounding dcvelopmcnt ard wirh officially approvcd plans or guidelines, if any, for thc areas in which the slructures arc proposed to be locatcd. To;rrotect neighboring property owncrs and users by making sr:€ that reasonable provision has becn madc for such rustters a.s pedestrian -and vchicular traffic, surface water . dr-sin2gg, sound and sight buffers, the preservation of light ard air, and rhose aspccts ofdesign not adequarely covered by otkcr regulations which may have substantial effects on n.igbboring land uses. (ord-39 (1983) S I.) A. B. D. E. Attachurent /13 2:00 P.M. 1. Ross Boyle 3:00 P.M. 2. Andy Knudtsen Steve Thompson Tom Moorhead 4:00 P.M. 3. Mike Mollica Peter Dann I request by East West Hospitality, developer of the Covered Bridge Building, to proceed throudh the planning process to allowIor tne expansion of a private brick paver walkway onto Town of Vail Land.Loca on: Southwest comer of the Covered Bridge pocket park in VailVillage. VAILTOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1996 2:00 P.M. tN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA Vail Valley Marketing Board Overview. Housing Background and Update of Status. : Approve/deny the applicant's p_qy9st to proceed through the ptanning process. tf approvdd, theapplicant wourd be authorized to proceJd to the Design Review Board, toobtain design approval for a.mini:plaza" adjacent to the residential go1loqinlym entrance, located at the northwest comer of the CoveredBridge Building, (see attached site plan). PACK9ROt,|Nq RATIONALE: The proposed "mini-plaza" woutd encroachapproximately 5'onto Town owned property. This property is one of the Igyl 9pgl:.pace parcets, and is currenttyionect Outitooi Recreation - DistricJ. Although staff does not believe $iat the "mini-plaza" *ortJ - ' negativery impact the covered Bridge pocket park, staif berieves that theuse would be inconsistent with the pu'ilose sdcfion of the outdoorRecreation Zone District. Section ie.iS.Ot O_purpos€ states: The Outdoor Recreation District is intended to preserve undeveloped or open-space lands from intensive development while permitting outdoor recreational activities that provitie opportunities for active and passive recreation areas, facilities anduses." $TAFF.FEq9MMENDATION: The statf recommendation is for denial ofrne-apprtcant's request to proceed through the planning process. Thestraff does not berieve that the.request,toi a miniptaza,-cieoicaieo *oi"ty toqriv{e residentiar use, wourd be consistent with ine purpose section ofthe Outdoor Recreation Zone District. Information Update. Council Reports. Other, 4:20 P.M. 4:30 P.M. 4:40 P.M. 4. 5. 6, -Visit site. VAILTOWN COUNCIL 2, Series of 1996 on second readin-!'. TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1996 7:30 P.M. lN TOV COUNCTL CHAilBERS AGENDA CITIZEN PARTICIPATION. Consent Agenda:A. Ordinance No. 1 , Series of 1996, second reading of an ordinance,First Amendment to the Town of Vail police and Fire empf"Veei, Pension plan. B. Resolution No,2, Series of 1996, a Resolution designating GoloradoNational Bank, as a depository for the runds of tne Toirrn of VailPension Plan as pennitted by the Chaner of the town, Gordinances, and the statutes of the State of Colorado.c. Resolution No.3, series of 1996, a Resorution designating Golorado National Bank, as a depository for the funds of the iown -ot V.n +SZPension Plan as permitted by the Charter of the Town, Gordinances, and the statutes of the State of Colorado. ordihanoe No. 2, series o!J996, semld reading of an ordinance amendingSpecial Development District No. S0, The VailAhtetic Glub, and '------'- amending the development plan in accordance with chapter .ig.40 0f the VailMunicipal Gode and setting forth details in regard thereto. 7:30 P.M. 1. 7:35 P.M. 2. 7:40 P.M. 3. Mike Mollica MichaelBarclay Approve/modify/deny Ordinance No. IUQIQFOLIND RATIONALE: please see the attached memorandum from lh.e g!{ to the Planning and Environmental commission dated December 1 1, 1995 and Exhibits A-F attached to that memorandum. STAFF RECOMMENDATTON; Approve Ordinance No.2, Series of 1996 aspresented. Acr..lpN.. REQUESTED oF couNcrL: Uphord/overturn/overrum withmodrfrcations the Design Review Board's decision to deny the olesonAy'olinnduplex separaiion request. W: on December 20, 1995, the applicant metwan rhe Design Review Boald to request a determination of siilnificant siteconsbaints,an9 t" gpp..oty$ty to separate the duptex sructure [rofLseoErLor |r, Erock 1, Vail Village 12th Filing in accor.dance rlitn section18-54.050(l) of the Municipar code (see attaihment 1). Upon revlewoyitreDRB, a motion was made to denythe applicant's requeit since the bRBcould not find evidence of significbnt siti ionstraints. The motion p".""0 unanimously (4-0), A letter from the applicant dated December 29, 1995, appealing the DRBdecision, has been athched (see attachment 2). In me aifticant'i tettei, nerefers to the intent of rhe Design Review Guiderines tsedtion ia.i+.tiirii "ia possible basis for overturning the DRB decision. A copy or seciion18.54'010 from the Municiparcode has bee attached ror riierence tseeattachment 3). TOWN COUNCIL AGENDA FEOUEST (Request lorm mlslbe given to ths Sacrelary to the Town Manag€r by 8:00 a.m. Thursdays.) MEETING DATE:Januarv 16. 1996 (Preparo a separato A0enda Requsst lor sach agenda ilsm. ll the agonda ' Item w be dlscussgd at bolh a wod( Session and an Evenlng M€stlng, be certaln to ch6ck both boxes In this section and indicats ti|Jlo neecled durlng each meelno.) Work Session TIME NEEDED: xx xx . Sils Visit Evenlng Meoling TIME NEEDED: 30 mln TIME NEEDED: 20 inln WILL THERE BE A PRESENTANON ON THIS AGENDA rrEM BY NON.TOV STAFF? NO. XX YES. Specifics:Andrelv Abraham, Prolect Archilect WILL THE PRESENTATION OF THIS AGENDA ITEM REQUIRE ANY SPECIAL EOUIPMENT?xx No. YES. Specilics: . WILL THERE BE MATERIAL TO BE INCLUDED IN COUNCTL PACKET FOR THIS ITEM? xx NO. YES.tt yes, is the maleriat atso lor llbliqligldbulloo? Yes. NO. ITEMiTOPIC: An appeal lo the Town Council, pursuant 10 Soclion 18.54.090 ol tha Municipal Code, of the Deslgn Rsvlaw board docision to deny th6 Ol6sorvvolinn duplsx saparation request for a proposgd rssiclsnco to bE conslructed on Lol 11, Resubdivision ol Lot 7, Block 1, Vail Vlllage 12lh Flling/3275 KaFos Ranch Road. ACTION REOUESTEO OF COUNCIL: Uphold, overtum, or ovehurn wlth modilicalions lhe Deslgn Revlew Board's doclslon to deny ths Olesorwolinn duplex separation request. BACKGFOUND RATIONALE: On December 20, 1995, ths applicant metwith the Ossign Rgview Board to requost a delsrmination ol signilicant site constrainls and tha opportunity to separate the duplex slructure proposed for Lot 11, Block t, Vail Village 12th Filing in accordance wilh Section 18.54.050(D ol the Municipal Code (see atlachment 1). Upon r.evisw by the DRB, a motion was made to deny the applicant's tequest since lhe DRB could not find evidence ol signilcant sile constraints. The motion passed unanimously (4-0). A letter kom the applicant dated D€cember 29, 1995, appealing ths ORB decision, has b€en attached (see attaehment 2). In the applicant's letter, he refers to the intent ol the Design Ravisw Guidolinos (Soction 18.54.010) as a possibls basis lor overluming the oRB declslon. A copy ol Soctlon 1 8.54.010 lrom the Municipal Codo has been atlached tor relerencs (ses attachment 3) STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Upon review ol the applicant's seraralion requssl, slalt r€commends lhal the Town Council uphold lhe DhB docision of Docamber 20, 1995, ol denial. In slatl's opinion, the appllcanl has not demonslrated lhe exlstonce of slgnllicant slte conslialnts on the lol as requllod In Secllon 18.54.050(l) 0t ths Munlcioal Cods. Employee Slgnatur€/06 Itoy..Fm\courcil\raque3llbL.on.l I I 3m/e40-5200 FNV949-s205 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITEOS, P.C. ARCHITECIIJRE . PI-ANNING . INTERIORS ru29195 The Vail Town Council via George Ruther, Planner Community Development I I I South Frontage Road West Vail Colorado Re: Oleson / Volinn Residence 3275 Katsos Ranch Road Lot ll Resubdivision oflot 7, Block I Vail Village, l2th Filing Box 5300 . Avon. Colorodo 81620 qi rol/.c0[{l$. DEIJ. Dtp; Dear Council Members: With the encouragement of the Design Rwiew Board, we are making an appeal to the town council in accordance with section 18.54.090 ofthe Vail h[unicipal Code. On December l, 1995 I met whh George Ruther and reviewed the process of sub{ividing the site in accordance with section 18.12.050. This site complies with rwo ofthe three requiremetrts to subdivide by ha\tmg 202.72linear feet of tontage and by easily holding two 80 foot q/ide squares within its boundaries. Although the site has over 45,000 square feet, preliminary calculations show the buildable area at less than the 30,000 square feet required to zubdivide. On December 20, 1995 we met with the Design Review Board to request a determination for site constraints and the oppornrnity to separate the two family residences zoned for lot 11 at 3275 Katsos Ranch Road in accordance with section 18.54.050 (!. Our request was denied noting that the slope was not extreme e'nough nor the edsting grove oftrees significant enough. Relativity asidg we understand the kind of precedent an approval would provide. We do not agree with the results based on the Iotents established in the Vail l\dunicipal Code under section 18.54.010. The objectives ofdesign rwiew shall be (paraphrased) as follows: A. Recognition of interdependence ofwelfare and aesthctics to benefit citizens and visitors.B. Dwelopmeat of property in harmony with desied character of town.C. Preventionofunnecessarydestructionofnaturallaadscape. D. Provision for a harmonious relationship between the residence with the immediate eavironment including natural landforms, native vegetation and existing and proposed developments.E. Protection ofthe neighboring property owners and provision ofreasonable trafic, drainagg sound and sight buffers, and other similar effects. We can assume that the proposed residences will be designed and constructd in pursuit of the well-being of both citizens and visitors and with the appropriate apped to fit within the imrnediate contoc of the Katsos Ranch Road as well as within the larger context of Vail (A). We can also assume through the desigrr review process that the neighbors will not be adversely atrected by the product @). Our appeal is based in the rernaining three objectives which were significant factors in the development ofthe design concept. According to the records available from the community development office, the lot is significantly larger than all other lots on Katsos Ranch Road. (A list of the lot sizes are included in the attached inforrnation.) ATTACHMENT /f2 1E51.010 Intent. Vail is a town with a unique natural setting, internationally knerrr:r for its natural bcauty, alpinc environment, and the comparibility of man-madc stnrctures with the environmcnt. . Tbcsc charactcristics havc caused a significant number ofvisitors to @omc to Vail with many visitors cvcntually becoming pcrma- n..'"r rcsidenis panicipating in community lifc. These factors constitutc an important economic base for the town, both for thosc who carn thcir living here and for thosc who vicw the town as a precious physical possession. The town council linds that ncw dcvclopment and rcdcvelopmcnt can havc a substaorial impact on thc character of an arca in which it is locatcd- Somc harmful cffects of onc land usc upon another can. beprcwnted rhrough zoning, subdivision controls, and building codcs- Othcr aspects of dcvclopment arc morc subtlc and.less aracnabte to exact-rulcs put into operation withou.t rcgard to spcific dcvclopment proposals- Among thesc are the gencral fm of thc land before and aftcr dcvclopment, thc spatial rclatioaships ofstructures and opcn spaces to land uses within the viiniqy and thc town, and thc appcarance of buildings and opcn spaccs as rhey contribute to the area as it is being developed and redcvdopcd. In order to providc for the timely excrcisc of jtrdgrncnt in rhc public intcrest in thc cvaluation ofthe dcsign of ncw d.velopment and redevclopment, the town council has crEated a design revierv board (DRB) and design critcria. Tberefore, in order to preservc thc natural beauty ofthe town aad its setting, to protect the rrelfare of tbe community, to maintain rhe values creatcd in the community, to prorcct and enhancc land and properry, for the promotion of healrh, safety, ald g.-'cral rr'elfare in thc community, and to attain the objectives sct ouf, in this section; thc improvcment or alteration of opcn space, rxterior design of all new devclopmcnt, and atl modifi- caiio',,< to existing devclopment shall be subject to dcsign revicw as speeificd in this chaptcr. It ls rhc intent of these guidelines to leavc as much design frccdoq as possible to $e individual designer while at the same timc naintaining the remarkable natural beauty of thc area by crcatiBg structures *,hich arc designed ro complemcnt both their iudividual sites and surroundings. Tbe objcctivcs of design revicrv shall bc as follows: To recognizc thc interdependence of thc pubiic welfarc and acsrhetics, and to provide a mcthod by which this inrcr- dqlendcncc may continuc.to bcncfit its citizcns and visitors; To allow for rhe dcvelopment of public and private Property rl{€ch is in harmony with the desired character of thc town as ddncd by thc guidelincs herein provided; C. To prcvent thc unnccessary destruction or blighting of the n-ural landscape;Io ensure that lhe architectural design, location, configura-tio materials, colors, and ovcrall treatmcnt of builr-up and otEn spaces havc been designed sc that thcy relate harmo- niersly to the natural landforms and nativc vegctation, lbc torrr's overall appearance, with surrounding dcvelopmcnt ard wirh officially approvcd plans or guidelines, if any, for thc areas in which the slructures arc proposed to be locatcd. To;rrotect neighboring property owncrs and users by making sr:€ that reasonable provision has becn madc for such rustters a.s pedestrian -and vchicular traffic, surface water . dr-sin2gg, sound and sight buffers, the preservation of light ard air, and rhose aspccts ofdesign not adequarely covered by otkcr regulations which may have substantial effects on n.igbboring land uses. (ord-39 (1983) S I.) A. B. D. E. Attachurent /13 2:00 P.M. 1. Ross Boyle 3:00 P.M. 2. Andy Knudtsen Steve Thompson Tom Moorhead 4:00 P.M. 3. Mike Mollica Peter Dann I request by East West Hospitality, developer of the Covered Bridge Building, to proceed throudh the planning process to allowIor tne expansion of a private brick paver walkway onto Town of Vail Land.Loca on: Southwest comer of the Covered Bridge pocket park in VailVillage. VAILTOWN COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1996 2:00 P.M. tN TOV COUNCTL CHAMBERS EXPANDED AGENDA Vail Valley Marketing Board Overview. Housing Background and Update of Status. : Approve/deny the applicant's p_qy9st to proceed through the ptanning process. tf approvdd, theapplicant wourd be authorized to proceJd to the Design Review Board, toobtain design approval for a.mini:plaza" adjacent to the residential go1loqinlym entrance, located at the northwest comer of the CoveredBridge Building, (see attached site plan). PACK9ROt,|Nq RATIONALE: The proposed "mini-plaza" woutd encroachapproximately 5'onto Town owned property. This property is one of the Igyl 9pgl:.pace parcets, and is currenttyionect Outitooi Recreation - DistricJ. Although staff does not believe $iat the "mini-plaza" *ortJ - ' negativery impact the covered Bridge pocket park, staif berieves that theuse would be inconsistent with the pu'ilose sdcfion of the outdoorRecreation Zone District. Section ie.iS.Ot O_purpos€ states: The Outdoor Recreation District is intended to preserve undeveloped or open-space lands from intensive development while permitting outdoor recreational activities that provitie opportunities for active and passive recreation areas, facilities anduses." $TAFF.FEq9MMENDATION: The statf recommendation is for denial ofrne-apprtcant's request to proceed through the planning process. Thestraff does not berieve that the.request,toi a miniptaza,-cieoicaieo *oi"ty toqriv{e residentiar use, wourd be consistent with ine purpose section ofthe Outdoor Recreation Zone District. Information Update. Council Reports. Other, 4:20 P.M. 4:30 P.M. 4:40 P.M. 4. 5. 6, -Visit site. *nn Review Action t* TOWN OF VAIL Category Number a Projec't Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: ".''-\ nrcnitegfifontalAddress and Phone: --i'/ /M 7'"",+/./--'. / 7.O fu,v STfr ,/' Legal DescriptioniLol // Block - Subdivision Zone District buJq Proiect Street Address: ,ffi;"r} Motionby: ffitute U Seconded by: *hr t taff Action vota: 4'D fl Approval fl Statf Approval Conditions: Town Planner oate: / / / 7/?1 DRB Fee Pre-paid// OCgn Fievrew Acuon Ftt TOWN OF VAIL Category Number o"t l7/zo/ rs ' Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner. Address and Phone: Architect/Gontact,AddressandPhone: 4-tl ^J-,-r-, ' .(,J,,>n-l',-*--n t, V-r L* | LegalDescription:Lor // Block / suoaiusion rh.lVitlke lZtj'Gl,.,ci zoneDistrict "/5Project Street Address: Comments: Seconded by: -A-./- ' t ! Approval !f Disapproval a StaffApproval Conditions: Town Planner oae: /Zf Z..o/o< DRB Fee Pre-paid 7 () . o" - , ../ . DESIGN RSVIEW BOARD APPITICATION - TOWN OF VAIL, COIJORADO rrvltaa 8l!7 /94 DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING: **!r******* TNCOMPI.'ETE APPT'ICAIPTONS MAY NOT BE SCHEDWED FOR REVIEW.********** PROiIECT TNFORMATION: DESCRIPTIoN: Arr4rJ|Eritr FctR t-rE 'fi*C- <4=tt*EA'.'st T€ .Ti J{2 V FIES\Efr.sa.G3r EErrtErr-t rlrl G,rT|E\r\tirf . I. A. B. TYPE OF REVIEW: Addibion ($50.00) ADDRESS: Lctrt\-New consbrucLton ($200.00) -$inor AlLerabion ($20.00) )( ConeepLual Review ($0) 7 \4{A.dGs=, teAFscJ$- e.crs.> D. E. !. I. .f I,EGAI, DESCRIPTION: Subdivision rtrf property ii aesci'itea UydescripLion, pLease' provide Lo this applicacion. a meets and bounds on a separate sheet 1ega1 and attach ZONING: NAME OF APPLICAI{T: \rt ..:rrEF- l'tA+s.- tshaAr.bGcH) AjE!AS|(t3SS F.<. MaiLinq Address: PG' E tt g;g€jlt.d=', co--- Arbz-o G. NAI'48 OF APPI'ICA!{T'S REPRESENTATIVE:Mailing Addr.ess: H.NAME OF OWNER(S): Mailing Ad.dress: Phone BE PROCESSED }IITHOUT OWNER'S SICNAIEVRE Condominium Approval if appLicable, DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown alove, are to be paid aE the Eime of subnitual of the DRB appLication. r,at.er, when applying for a building permit, please identify the aceurate valuation of Ehe proposaL. The Town of Vail witl adjust thefee according t,o the table below, to engure Ehe correct feeis paid. FEE PAID: $CHECK S: D.B.lFEr BY: Phone NOIT Block I FEE SCHEDI]IIE: VAIJUATION$ 0-$ 10,000 $ 10, 001 - $ 50, ooo $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EI(PIRES APPROVAI IJNI,ESS A BUII,DING PERI{IT ISIS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ 50.00 $100 .00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AT'EER FINAI ISSUED Ar{D CONSTRUCTION rO\/" 0Ec I O()[lJl[Vl, 303/949-5200 FAV949-5205 VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS, P.C. ARCHITECIURE . PLANNING . INTERIORS 12/8t95 Box 53OO o Avon, Colorodo 81620 George Ruther, Planner Community Development I I I South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado Re: Oleson / Volinn Residence Lot 1l Katsos Ranch Road Resubdivision of lot I l. Block 1 Vail Village, l2th Filing Dear George: Due to significant natural site features and in pursuit of design compatibility with the neighborhood, we are requesting a determination from the design review board for site constraints and the oppornrnity to separate the two fumily residences zoned for lot 11 on Katsos Ranch Road as addressed in 18.54-050 (I). Please accept our request and application for a conceptual design review. 18.12.050: Lot Area and Site Dimensions. This site complies to two of the three requirements to subdivide by having 2o2.72linar fa of frontage and easily holds two 80 foot square shapes within its boundaries. Although the site has over 45,000 square feet, preliminary calculations show the buildable area as less than the 30,000 square feet required to subdivide. 18.12.090: Density Control The allowed GRFA for two dwellings on this site is 6867 square feet. Being larger than any other residence on Katsos Ranch Road, the massing of a duplex of this size would not be harmonious with the existing developments unless the dwellings are separated. 18.54.010: Design Rwiew lntent We would like to prevent unnecessary destnrction of the natural lurdscape by building to the east and west of the most mature trees located in the center ofthe site. The central portion of the site also has the steepest change ofgrade between the road and both the property line and the setback line. This slope encourages the street access locations to be at the €ast and west ends ofthe site for economy and ease of construction. 18.54.050 (I): Duplex and Primary / Secondary Dwelopment The integrity ofboth dwellings and their relationship to the site and neighborhood shall be defined through the unified architectural and landscape design as described in this section. The dwellings will be designed concurrently using the same architectural vocabulary with development tbrough the DRB approval process. Thank you for considering our reguest. We are cr.rrently gathering information from the neighborhood and have been contacting the neighbors for their comments and to request their presence at the review. We look forward to working with you on this project. Please contact me ifyou have any questions or concerns. Sincerely. ,/ ,4,%42-_ Andrew James Abraham, Projedt Architect Victor Mark Donaldson Architects. P.C. - chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECH NICAL ENGI NEERS 96 SOUTX ZUNI STREEY . 0Er{v€R, COT OFAOO rO22! . 3ot,7...?1OS February 17, 1983 Subject: Preliminary Analysis of a Rockfall Hazard, Iot 11r Block l, Vail Village, Filing 12, Vail , Colorado Job llc. 25,474 Mr. Joseph PeIIar Box 1750 Highland IN 46322 Dear ltr. Pellar: ltris letter presents tfre information discussed w'ith your architect, f,lr. William Pierce, bV ptpne on Febnrary 10, 1983. He reqr.rested that r.'e nnke prreliminary calculations of potential fallirg rock characteristics ard evaluate possible rodcfall mitigation techniques for the subject lot. Vb reported our findirgs of a geolcgic hazards reconnaissance of the subject site in a letter dated January 26, 1983 and crcncluded the site has a relatively high rockfall hazard. Flears and Trown of Vail (1977) indicate lot 11 is in Level 1 rockfall ard debris flcr* hazard zones. Ieve1 1 is categorized as beirg a npderate hazard level. lheir Level 2 is a hi$r hazard level witb estimated annuaL p'robabilities of events being between 1/2t ard l0t. It is inferred that Ievel I events have estirnated annual 5robabilitiesof less than those of tevel 2. Ttre nrappirrg is gnalL scale ard regional ard therefore nuy not accurately describe the site specific hazard at fot ll. Ttris infornation, if orrect, ;rrorrides the best guantification of a rockfall takirq place at the property. Rockfall Model Used in Analvsis: Calculations uere rnade to estinate the theoretical veLocity of a rolling rod< at tte point of irnpact, on the uphill si.de of ttre proposed trcuse. 1\r do thisr r'e solved for a friction or drag crcefficient wtridr dynanically satisfies the crcnditions of zero velocity at the surce cliff ard at the downslope nrnout lirnit (Piteau, 1977'). the drag coefficient wtridr acts to slcry the rock inherently includes ttre ground rorrghness, vegetation. rocl< size and shape and it is based on the historic rockfall conditions. Mter obtainirg an ar/erage drag coefficient, the velocity of a rollirg rock can be estimated for arqr Foint on the sIope. ltre slope profile used in the nodel is shown on Fig, t alorg with tie calculated theoreticaL velocity cunre. As can be seen frqn these OFFICES: CASPEn . COIORAOO SPRINGS o GL€NWOOD SPRINGS . SALI LAKE CITY l4r. Joseph Pe}lar February 'l 7, '1983 P4e 2 di4rams, tl.e rocks accelerate until the first slope break just upslope of the norttr property line. Negligible deceleration occurs across the lot. At the house, the cal.culated velocity is about 88 fps or 50 mph. Reduci Rockfall Hazard: A.s discussed in our January 26 letter' mlEigation nEasures are lirnited. A partially buried scruccure is probably the mosc technically feasible reans of cpnstruction r,vhj.ch rould reduce the risk of darnaging rockfa}I. the roof of the structure r'ould have to be capable of supportirg a rocl< at least as large:!-the IarrEest block of roct< rtrictr can Ue seen to have fallen frcrn the cliff in the pa.st. I'tre approxirnate rreight of a large blodt of sandstone obsewed downslope of Iot 'l 1 is 500 tons. There is not enough spac-,e to construct an effective earthfill catchment berm on the lot. A vertical impact vratl just upelope or as part of the buildirg is another possible nethod of reducirg risk of Itructural damage or personal injury. Hohiever, it is not likely that an impact wall can be designed vfridr sculd stoP a 500-ton boulder nwing aE a sgeed of 50 mPh. If the or^ner is anare there is a risk of damage ard personal injury if'reasures are not taken to stop or deflect the maximun size rockr- ttre risk can be reduced by prorridirg Srrotection frcm gnaller rocks. By reducirg the nunber of potentiauy danagirg rocks reaching or dvers6ly affecling the structure, the frequenry and therefore the risk of damage-causirg events can be reduced. A statistical analysis of the existing rocftitl debris could be used to evaluate the o<istirg ard ncdified fiequencies or annual probabilities of damage-causirg events. Tfre potential for a gnall or nediun size rock damagirg the structure can be reduced bv canstructirg a wall to withstard the irnpacts of the gnall. to nedir-un size rccks. For a preliminary feisi.Uitity estimate of an imtrnct-catchnent wa1l, ve suggest a rock r,reight of lt least 20 tons and a vaII height of at least 15 feet be a==it*d. Ite wall should be calnble of stopgrirg a rod< of this r+eight travelling at 60 nrph. Because the dynamics of the impactirg rock can only be roughly estimated, a cansentative safeQr factor is recsmerded. TLre rock should be assr-rned to be boundirg and that it nlay hit high on the r.rall. I'!ne wal.l shoui.d exterd at least the full width of the structures anywhere dor*nslope of the wall or about 150 feet according l,lr. Joseph Pell.ar February 17, 1983 P4e 3 to ttre schernatic "d" plan given to us. If tJre wa1l is not designed to stop the rocks, but only to deflect them. or if a buried scructure is used, there tnay be potential liability toward others' pro'Perty in the event a rock cTossirry nndified natural. conditions on the site damages othersr property. T|re tegal ranifications of these factors may require evaluation. Prior to final design of the inpact r,ralJ., re recsruend additional field tork be cpndueted to refine data on rockfall sizes, runout limits and cliff joint spacirg. ltre field r€rk must be ocnducted after all the sncnr ii gone frcrn tfrd vicinity. This nel'' data should be used for analysis for final design parareters incluCirg rock rcights, velocity, Uorrding heights, debrii flcn sedinrentation rgtpval ard t}le lirnitations of t.l.e analyies. If desired *e ould also estimate the site specific annual probabil.ities of rockfall. If there firther questions, please let us lmorv- Sincerely' CHEN AI{D AgSffrATES, Il,lC. MP:ES Rev: R[1, DJ cc: l{r. BiIl REF'ER$rcES lbrnn of YaiL, 1977 , Geologic Rapid !4ass Wasting Proc€ss, ttap and legend Source: Arthur I. llears piLeau, D.R., 1977, Slope stability analysis for rockfall pnoblems: The cEfirtrxrter rockfall lncdel for sfunutatirg rockfall distributions, Penrose Conference, Vail , Colorado #:-m \kH-;'$P &q s J. Par{}2, P. DRAG COEFFIC IENT = 0.42 | 00rF BoJ 60-{E ,,0-j3 2oldsJ 9000 - 8800- oo =I F f^lJlr, 8600 -o od, 8400 - t! a3 *z.oElt- Bzoo J V=0 fps v=88 fps V=81 V=85 V=73fps fps fps V=0 fPs HORIZ0NTAL AND VERTICAL SCALES: l"=200' NORTH LOVER SOURC E CL IFF trJ = J h&rrlo-oEo- Fd.oz. lr,o-oJrrl z lJ., at =6J f6 alr, anoIoEo- ct oc, (J =c, v,o F Y .l€: SOUTH <2a ,9" <l 25,474 chen rnd assochtcl, lnc.SLOPE PROFILE AND VELOCITY CURVE rLl .--: 3 chen and associates CONSULTING GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEERS 96 SOUlrl ZUNI STREET . OENVER, COLORADO 80223 . !{r!/Za4 Tios January 26, 1.983 Subject: Geologic tbzards Reconnaissance, Lot U, Block l, Vail Village I2ttr FiIing, Vail, C.olorado. Job t'll. 25,474 !4r. Joseph PeIIar Bol< 1750 Highland, lrdiana 46322 Dear !{r. Pell_ar: .Ls reguesbe.r, r.re visited ttre subject site on Januarlz 25, 1983 toperform a reconnaissance of the general geologic conditions prirnarily wi-th respect Lo potentiar rock fall hazards. This letter presents olrrobsenrations, opinions and reccrwrendations based on the reconnaissance and our operience. Site Conditions: I.ot Il is sibrated on the north side of Block )_, VaiIVITEe-IZEh--FIling, on the north side of the Core Creek ralley. Ihelot is directly upslope of the crrl-de*ac at the end of Katsc RanchRod. There is about a lO-foot high rodcut along the easternbp-thirds of ttre scuthern edge of the property. Ftcrn the top of thiscut slope, the natural grcund sr:rface slopes up to the north at abouL 308 for an approxirnate horizontal distance of 100 feet. Beyqrd that,the slope steepens to approxfunately 40t for a distance of abort 500feet, horizontally. At about elevation 8820 feet, 400 verLical feet above the southern edge of Iot 11, is the h-se of a cliff which has anearrrertical face, about 50 feet high.fhis cliff is corprised of well-cenented sandstone of the MinturnFormatiqr. It is underlain by sandy silty shale and linestones which crop ort at the base of the cliff ard irr-several areas on the slopejust below the base of t}re cliff. Another sequence of shale and sandstone overlie the cliff and the r4per sarristone creates anotier near-{erti.cal cliff of approxinrately ttre sare thickness as the lower one. the bedding attitude of the sandstqres and shales strikes about N10*v{ and dip 5' to the nort}reast. Proninent joints trerrd enst*'est(trnrallel to the cliff face) and north*orth, both sets being near-vertical. A third najor set is rorghly pa.ralJ_el to the bedding, near I OFFICES: CASPEI . COLORAOO SPRINGS o GLENWOOO SPRINGS o SAIT LAKE CITY January 26, l9B3 I'tr. Joseph pellar Page 2 horizontal. 40 feet. Joint spacing varies frcrn a few feet to as nn:ch as about cts: The joints in the rock nnss seDarateintaffireks. As the criffs "r"a. o,r"r-Gij size and enE o and frost wedging. Eventually,-as underlying support is ren6ved byn?!g!.l erosive processes, bLeks of rock-beccne-detaehed frcrn thecliff faces- This is an intermittent process but continuo's over longperiods (hundreds to thorsands of yearl) of tine. Intenseprecipitation or sno^r nerting probably accelerates the rock fal1activitv. Due to orientation- and spa.cing of ]rints, much of the separatedpieces of rek are brocky (angurar-and ielativery eguidinensional).Itbny of the pieces are also tabular, due to'"eakness along beddingpranes. sone pieces detaching as bleks tend to split inio tabrrarshapes upon i:rqract while nrcving downslope. . Considering the shapes of the reks on the s1ope, the steepness of lJt" .19p" and_the position of rock fall debris dor,nilope, it appearsthat the tab-rrar pieces predoninantly slide downslope.' itrey onty nc*reshort distances dor'nsrope under theii or,vn inertia..fter detachnent.Secondarlz movefiEnt due to debris flo^rage ard,/or soil creep transportsthsn further downslope. The other rock pieces being bloclql. and in scrre cases, subangular,consti.tute a higher rock farl hizard. These reks are nrcre lijcelv toroll and bound doun 9g 19nS, steep slope betcrp the cliff . fhe lLgerblocks, less affected by drag due Lo ttre rer brushy vegetation, cor-Ideosily reach the building site, the rod. anil beyona. The rock fal1 nrnout is eviderrced by rccks strewn on the slopesfrcrn the toes of both criffs to r.,elr dowislope of rot 11. Bculdersburied in the colluvial soils e4losed in the rodcuts indicate theprogess has been ongoing for rong pericds of tire. observed rek fallbcr:lders varlr fron ress than one- to severar tnmdred cubic feet. perids of tine, tiese joints oper due to relief of confiaing sl."ss , Conclus ions and Recsrrendations: co4Elruqledlegldg1ce on this lotfa1l hazard Rock have oco:rreil at the siteareture possprec]-se lity of future rock faII everts, holvever,we judge Based on pr$s!i-l!ty significant for res idential construction. rock;flallgz s:Lalilar future rocktLial structure on-theIot'l-c . Judging frcrn the site conditions, it appears that feasibleInitigation rreasures are lindted. Gre possible nethod which warrants : the the January 25, 1983 Ur. Joseph Pellar Page 3 further consideration is a beloc-graite stmcture designedl such ttratrock falls rro.rld pass over the hrilding without causing rnajor damage. Other rethods, such as eliminating ttre hazard by scaling or cliffstabilization, do not appear feasible because of the size arrlinaccessibirity of the sanrce ane and ttre nearby o<isting stnrctures.Deflection or catchrEnt bernrs also do not aplEar feacible because ofthe hill slope steepness, size of the rock falls and ttre nearbyexisting stnrctures. If ttrere are any questians or if rre rnay b of further senrice,please do not hesitate to call. . Sincerely, CHEI{ AIID ASSCCIa$ES, INC. By Rev. By: ItflP,/ran cc: l,tr. Bill Pierce, Rrchitet \ - tzl 77?-,., i-., ii/i-) iYjl tt4iiittt.'... ;1 _ ), .,,' ; : .: ;{iT t t rtHU: MLl( rcEi1nil nux6 : llll7Vl : i: I : : : : :-.'-l r "..- \'- \ '--' \ tA<:ttit,a,,:,,:aa,.a'.r.,,a:a'.,.'.,.a.a,.,.,.,-'-,.,'r.,)',',)', / //./ /././ r}.s -/,. -(..t./,/.t-r,r,r-a!!-r.r-r-a-/,a.//t.//.//,,t,//././t,/..,,,t/////,//./l//,/,. 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Block 2:Bosth Falls Court 1 62818 6890 2970512125 2 70896 5494 3944 4 17483 4E48 2431 12402 5 14504 ?3648 6 ??2 7 16291 4729 304EI1979842294110I1528940532433 t1622 10 ??? VICTOR MARK DONALDSON ARCHITECTS. P.C. 5*i;,:-t---l\ff "-...: N=--.-"''.\ tt-\ 'l.'N't'-,'.t tFRTI{o -*.. TRA6T A iEiltl,t tag.! c \r.d--) ...'..'.'-...'') NNN $$rN /istrr Plnu@ rlEUTC trrt lllf. r.araor6orr/vwlrfr nlgraErcr LOT II g8t5 .r!.rlsos Ra ca RoAD uttL @Inatm rRAcrA Jt Aog --..-.= .--.t {'.-.. .'..'.'.:'... ..'..-. \ .-s=-.'..'"-. TRA6T A l*.S /istrE plnhl @ I€Rn{o lqr$, $ VICTOR MARK DoNA$SoN ARCHTTECTS , p.C.oaltr ana sftft ro. -DRBI - OLESOTI/JaI&W ruAmtrtrCE LOT 1I 9275 rlTSOS F.IiNCII R(UD uNL COU)RIDO l|crirEc'u|[, ttlt| t(l. !fiEFtt llYEmr c--s- N.-t.-.'t':\*'N.'\. -1\. 1.. I \r..-''-,,.. '-i'';": - .'..'.....::rtr \N \-r\> . ,,s} -.."---..'--.'\-.....-=.. ,. \$\q...)* ....-'..,1\.r .' ..''-.. ffi.1--'...' TRACT A EC l.yltdl c S-.,-i %ao -\^.]\- rb) /N5ITE PLAN@ lp|tnto .[ llc ttt 3t?f ro.orffiarrfiarfr{r{ trarm!f,ul LOT IT 4876 &f t|sos ntj'cE RUD rarL coloEloo-DREA