HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 12 BLOCK 1 LOT 5 LEGAL1,.,{ 5, -R\k\ lU..^, VrL\<.1r.-o COMMT'NIIY DBIIEIJOPMEMfTOhIN OF VA,IL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 8t-657 970-479-2L39 APPL]EEIiIT CONTRACTOR OWNER Elect'rical---> DRB Fee InveFtigation> will call----> TOTAI, I'BES- -. > t,(+( DEPARTI'{ENI OF NOTE: THrS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ELECTRICAL PERMIT ilob Address: 3235 KATSOS RANCHLocation...: 3235 I(ATSOS RANCHParcel No. .: 2101-023-01-010Project No. : tl.J A FRENCH EIJECTRIC, INC. P.O BOX 2OL7, EAGLE, CO 81531 FRENEH ELESIRIC, INC. P.O Bo)( 20L7, EAGLE, CO gl_531 CT'NN3TIT W]LLIAM C & NANCY N 904 N OAICDON, MUNTCE rN 47304 RD RD JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permit #; 898-0281 SLatus...: ISSIIED Applied..: L0/28/L9981ssued...: l0/2e/L99eExpires.. ! 04/26/L999 Phonez 970-328-62L6 Phone -. 97O-328-62L6 Valuat.ion:1, 000 . 00Description: SET NEW METER AT TRANSFORMER rrrrr***rj****r FEE A{TURARY * +!, *t t t r *. t tt t *J t it i * * t ti r r 50 .0o .00 .00 3 .00 53 .00 5t.o0 .00 53.O0 5r.o0 .00 . TocaL calculated Fees- -- > Additlonal Fee6---------> Tocll PcrEit Pra--------> PayBentB-------- EAI"ANCE DUB---_- rrrr*itt*tftrl* **********r**t****r*trtttrrtt,rtttrrrttttrl*rrrrt*tt**rttt**rrr******rr*r*i*****rt*t**Jt*t.*.]*rt*tr{** Ileqri .QqQQo IECTRICAL DBPARTMETiE Depr: BUILDING Division:LO/28/1-998 irRM Action: AppR AppRovEDrlqmi .05600 PIRE DEPARTS'IENT Dept: FrRE Division:Lo/28/L999 JRM Aciton: AppR N/A CONDITION OF APPROVAI DECI,AR;ATIONS I halcby acknowledge that I havc r€ad hhis appli.cation, filled ouL in fulI the informahion requir€d, corq)leced an accutat.€ p1ot. plan, qnd 5Cats. thac all Ehe inforBablon provl,ded aE rcqulrsd 16 correct. I agrec Co conpLy trith the infontration and ploE plan, to coriPly $ich all Tosn ordinance6 and ecat6 1air6, and t.o build thi€ 6tluceur6 accordLng to ghe Town's zoning and gubdivieion codeF, deaign revieh apptoved. Uniforn Building Code and ogher ordinances of Lhe Torn applicable thereto- REQUEStS FOR INSPECIIONS sHArL SE MADB IWENIT-FOIJR HOt Rlt IN ADVAIICE BY fETEPHONE AT 4?9-2138 OR AT OttR OFFIC8 FROU g:00 AM 5:OO Ptt ) **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO StatemnL *************!r*:l***********!ttl****************:r****************** sEaEemnE Number: RBC-0469 Amount:53.00 Lo/28/98 LOz22 Init,: JRMPayment Method: CK NoEatsion: 7719 Permit, No: E9g-0291 Tlpe: B-EIJECParcel No: 2L0L-023-01-010 SiLe Address: 3235 KATSOS RANCII RD Locatsion: 3235 KATSOS RAIICII RD EI,ECTRICAL PERMTT Total Fees:53.00 Total ALt Prnts: Balance: ****************************************!r*********************** Account Code Descriptsion Amount s0 .00 3 .00 This Paymentr 53 .00 53 .00 .00 EP OO1OOOO3].]-1400 ELBqTRICAIJ PBRI'IT FEES WC OO1OOOO31128OO WIIJIJ CELt INSPESTION FEE Cou0fiot gre -864 -o\T:"r^! .JTowN oF vArL coNsTRucrro oatL3 -at-at6 pER].rii ai;pirEXii;il";;i;, DATE: ArclritecL PEP-\IIT /] J APPLT.ATT.N 'rusr BE FrLr,rD our coMpr,ETErJy oR rT I,IA' Nor BE AccEprED Hf ****t * * * * rt * * x * * * * * * * * * * * * * ,t * * PERHTT INFoRIIATIoN *,r * * * * * * *,r * * * )r *rv [ ]-BuiJ'ding [ ]-pJ'umbing tt'-rJ-ectricat I l-Mechanibal I i-otherJob Nane: CeAretnT - Job Address: .6>\3j_,r,Legal Description: Lot. B1ock_ Fi3.ing_ owners Nane: Fl I I Ccrrfre e,_-z Ad,d.ress I ph Address: _. General De scrj.ption: tizy po,- -.--_^. *---- Number of D,rel f iiE'Units:Nulber of Accomrnodation Uni-ts: {pnrber and Type of Fiteplacest cas Appliances ------:-- Hf-, . . . ..url/4rcrnqes_ Gas l.,ogs--_ I,rood/pellet uxxx'.rr:r**1r***x******************** VALUATTONS :t*rt*J;*** * **.1*,.********** ** _.;vBUTLD]NG: $Dr.rr}{rlr\r.. ELECTP.ICAL: $-^!vrrrr-r.r\r. t . iaF^r,r r.___ - I.;f-""-.." r_-__-__-- MECHANfCAL: $.--.---r---- t - S:;:::i":#i:::i::********** coNrRAcroR rNFoRMArro: TOTAL: $ Phone, Numbe,r:E.t.ectrical_ ContriAridress ccor: 7^rc4 El?< te . Town of vail Reg. Ho.;#gryr____-_____ fF.t_rone Nunber: flynbils contractor: W6f """" .!'tu-'Er.. 32t-!2t'- AddresS ' Town of \rr i i r'^,Town of VaJ.l Reg- No Address: _ b r- v'=--].orr, of Vail Reg. No.phond Nu:nber:.r qrruJgl. ;Mecha:rica1 contractor-: Addres r: "_- ---:' Town of Vail Reg, No. *?c)r**J **f,******- Phone l'iunber: ' ' BUTLDT NG pERMr" ";; : * * * * * ** **'t * :r ron orJrcg-gf r jr * * * * *,r * * *** * * ***llll]lrJll Flrrss uc prrutir rrii ----- BUILDING PLAN CHECK r.EE:,rErHAl rcAL pxRHrT FrE: __+__ p.LWBrNc pl,AN cucci Fil; -__ t1,:crrrcA1, FiE; _______. l,rEcHANTcAL pr_,AN c6sci_iar: __ )T,{ER rypE oF FEE: RXcREATfoN FEE: -*-=___:__-_-)FB FrE: : *-------: , Fffiiil.HI_fif;"Fi*, :-Tvpl-Tcnoul -r rffir ----,.lL,^\,ur | .u..,,,.1 VALUATIoN I BUTLDING: I l srcNAT0RX. _I I fzoNrNG: _ :;n*ntl;.-r--.-l var,uartoll .:i_'t,f.]i i:P DEP.oSIT llilI$D TC: t"rl5-.,-B\t<t b*.^t t).Lt*r--h\ ta DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Clean-up Depo AND REc RooM apprOved R3 Sinsle Family nesiderftfsountv N Type V Non-Rated date Phone: 303A275924 Phone: 3038275924 TOV/Comm.Dev. it Refund BUILDING Division PLANNING Division FIRE Division PUB WORK Divi-sion JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Permit #: 897-0063 Status. . AppIied. Issued. . Expires. I S SUEI) o4/17 /res7 o4 /24 /ree't 70 /2r /ree7 TOWN OF VAIL ?5 S. F'RONTAGE ROAD VAIL/ CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER Description: ADDITTON OF GARAGE Occupancy: Type Constructj-on: NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED aoo/alr sFR BUILD pERMrr Job Address Location. . .Parcel No. .Project No. 3235 KATSOS RANCH 3235 KATSOS RANCH 2101-0 2 3 -01-010 PRJ97-0039 RD RD MINICK CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 4018, VAIL CO 81658 MINICK CONSTRUCTION P O BOX 4018, VArL CO 81658 CURBENf VIII.&IAM C & NANCY N 904''N oAKDoN, MUNTCE rN 47304 Valuation:200,500 Add Sq Ft:620 Fireptace Information: Restri cted: N fOf Gas Appt iances: 1 #of Gas Logs:fof llood/Pa t tet: *****************tr**i********t**********t******i*********** F EE SUtlt4ARy ***************ff****t****t*******************************Buitding-----) 1,144,00 Restuanant Ptan Revie*--) .OO Totat catcutated Fees-,-> 2,ffi3-6oPf.an Check---> 743,60 DRB Fee--------Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----------> 93.00 Totat permit fee--------> 2,6E3-6Ol,iLl, catt----> 1.00 Ctean-Up Deposi t--------> 5OO.OO paynents----------------> Z,OAI.AO TOTAL FEES-----*************ft************t**t*ffi****************************************i**********************t*********i*********************** Ilelni ,q51Q0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept Q4/.L7 /.1997 CHARLTE Acrion: lrofe PLANS To DLN--04'/27'/1997 CHARLIE Action: AFFR - I!qq'i',914Q0 _PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT DeprQ+/,\1/.1997 CHARLTE Acrion: NOfE PLANS TO Drnk-04'/24'/199 7 DIRK Action: AppRIleBi',qlqQo FIRE DEPARTMENT DeptO4/L7 /I99 7 CHARLIE Action: AppR N./A - -.- - IqSq'!' ,gl5q0 PUBLIC woRKs '. Depr04/17/1997 CHARLTE Acrion: AppR N/A --r- **************ff***********************t*t*************ff************i**********************ffi**********************ff******* See Page 2 of this Docunent for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I.hereby ecknowtedge that r have read.this apptication, fil.ted out in fuLt the information requ.ined, compl.eted an accurate ptotptan, and state that atl the information provided as required is correct. I agfee to compLy rrith the informat.ion and pLot irtan,to compty l,ith a(L Tol,n ordinances_and state.taws, and to buil,d this structupe according io-the Town's zoning and subdivisioncodes, design review approved, unifonm Eujtding Code and other ordinances of the Town afpticabl,e thereto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE TIADE TTIENTY.TOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE Af 479-2135 OR AT OUR OFFICE FRO}1 8:OO AI,I 5:OO PM HIIISELT AND OT'NERsend clean-up Deposit To: l,tINIcK coNsTRucTIoN Page 2******************************************************************************** CONDITIONSPermit +: 89?-0063 as of 04/28/97 status---: ISSUED******************************************************************************** Permit Type: ADD/AIT sFR BUILD PERMIT Applied--: O4/17/t997Applicant--: MINICK CONSTRUCTION Issued---z Oa/24/L9973038275924 To Expire: LO/2L/L99? ilob Address: 3235 KATSOS RANCH RD Location---: 3235 KATSOS RANCH RDParcel No--: 2101-023-01-010 Description r ADDITION OF GARAGE AND REC ROOM * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * COnditiOns * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN AI.,L BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.1210 OF THE 1991. UBC.3. ONE HOUR CONSTRUCTtrON IS REOUIRED BETWEEN GARAGE AND HOUSE WITH 20 MTNUTE RATED DOOR/CLOSURE.4. A STRUCTUAL ENGINEER WILL BE REQUIRED TO APPROVE FRAMING BEFORE TOWN OF VAIL WILL OK FRAMING INSPECTION.5. NO MECHANICAL WORK CAN BE STARTED UNTIL MECHANICAL PERM]T 13 OBTAINED FROM TOWN OF VAIIJ *********************************************************L****** TOWN Or VATIJ, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statennt Nunber: REC-0266 Amount: 2,633.60 O4/ZB/9? 15:03 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #688e fnit: CD Permit No:Parcel No: Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 41310 01 0000 41331 01 0000 4L332 01 0000 22002 30 0000 45032 01 0000 41336 TotaL Fees:2t633.60 Total ALL Pmts: Balance: Description BUILDING PERMIT FEES DESIGN REVIEW FEES PLAN CHECK FEES CLEANUP DEPOSITS RECREATION FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 897-0063 Type: A-BUILD ADD/ALT SFR BUILD pE 2101-02 3-01-010 3235 KATSOS RANCH RD 3235 KATSOS RANCH RD **************************************************************** 2 t 683 .60 2, 683. 60 .00 Amount 1, I44.00 150.00 7 43 .60 500. 00 93.00 3. 00 H19Vo FaaoEtovovnrn<H c,<=[,ts q-l a i; :l B o '.1 6 z t q l' d!a oci tAIit Htt ooa1 :l dolr ioo70 }ltto o!tl EI Ell|ato3FE ,.| z itxI},!t l, it !d !El*! ZH E I'HIltqt 3Z !Iq}|o 5dctr 33 tr Hb,et !tt-!l8e 3e rl rl 3SEo 8"or uroH bl -tI 3:E 60 H BrrE 'or-E rtt u 8.,l, goEEo |.1 o N o o o HI' SE H'rB8FcEr3' ooo'clo1o ]loo.clo!loIil I o El !tq o IE d!lE' utt,rio EFHIt- 6 3HI tE o (, o TOWN OF VAII75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 8165't 97 0-47 9-2t38 E Lectfi ca [---> DRB Fee lnvestigation> t i Lt Ca L l.----> TOTAL FEES---> DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED oN JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAI_, PERMIT permit #: 897_0056 Job Address: 3235 KATSOS RANCH RDLocation...: 3235 KATSOS RANCH RDParcel No.. : 2101--023-01-01_0Project No. : PRJ97-0039 APPLICANT OIJD ELECTRIC P O BOX 490, MINTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR OLD ETECTRIC Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . I S SUED 04/77 /rss704/t7 /ree7 ro /14 /7se7 Phone: 3038275918 Phone: 3038275918 OWNER P O BOX 490, MINTURN CO 81645 CURRENT WILL]A}4 C & NANCY N904 N OAKDONT MUNICE IN 4?304 Descriptioni: ELECTRTCAL FoR NEW GARAGE AND ADDrrroN Varuation:9 r 700.00 ********t*rr*********************t**t*********************** FEE SU[,lllARy **i*********ff***ft**t******i*************ff*ff*********** 181.00 .00 183.00 163.00 .00 ************i****************************ft********t********t*t**rt***ltt*i*******Jr**************************f******.***t************ rtem: 06000_ELECTRTCAL DEPARTM_EI[r_- Dept: BUTLDTN6 Division: 9+ /r't /L997 _CHARLTE -Acrion: - AirFii-ron ERNSTIIbM:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMEN'i DEPI: FrRE DiViSiON: ***************t**********************ff******************************************t*********r*********t**********ff*************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FrELD lNsPEcrroNs ARE REQUTRED To cHEcK FoR coDE coMpI-.,rANcE. ********ir****************************************************************ft***ff************************t******************lc****** DECLARATIONS l-hereby acknoutedge that r have read-this appl.ication, fitted out in ful,t the information requi red, compteted an accufate ptotptan/ and state that at[ the information provided as required.is correct. r agree to compty riitn tire iniormation and pl.ot ptan,to compty vith atl' Town ordinances _and state taws, and io buitd this structure according io'ttt" io"n;" ioning una subdivisioncodes, design reviev approved/ unifortr Buil'ding Code and other ordinances of the town afpticabl,e thereto. REAUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE THENTY-TOUR HOUR5 IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFIICE TROI{ E:OO AI,I 5:OO PII 180.00 .00 .00 3.00 185 .00 Total Catcutated Fees---> Addit'ionaL Fees---------> TotaI Permit Fee--------> BALANCE DUE---. **************************************************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0266 Amount: 183.00 04/ZB/97 15:04 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #6888 Init: CD Permit No: 897-0056 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMITParcel No: 2L01"-023-01-010Site Address: 3235 KATSOS RANCH RD Locati-on z 3235 KATSOS RANCH RD TotaL Fees: 183.00Thie Payment 183.00 Total AtL pmte: 183.00Balance: .00**************************************************************** Account Code Description Amount01 OOOO 41313 ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES 18O.OO __91_9999_11111________11_"_:i1_T::I::19I_iT___________t:99__ TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADVAIL, CO 81657 97 0-47 9-2138 Job Addres6...:Location......: Parcel No.....: Pro j ect Nurnber : 3235 KATSOS RANCH 3235 KATSOS RANCH 2IOL-023-0l. -010 PRJ97-0039 ISSUED 04/t7 /Lee7 oe /2e /ree703/28/ree8 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE! THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED MECHANTCAL PERMIT ON JOBSITE AT ALL TTMES Permit f: M97-0056 RD RD Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires. . APPLICANT CONCEPT MECHANTCAL, INC 4L348 u.s. HwY 6 & 24 wEsT, BLDG CoNTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC 41"348 U.S. HWY 6 & 24 WEST, BLDGOWNER CURRENT WILLIAM C & NANCY N 904 N OAKDON, MUNICE IN 47304 Description: MECHANTCAL FOR NEW ADDITION E, UNIT E, UNIT Phonez 9?0949020O4, AVON, CO 81620 Phsne: 97094902004, AVON, CO 81620 fireptace Infornation: Restr i cted:fof Gas Apptiences: 1 Valuation: fof Gas Logs: *********lri**********'***********tct**tr************#*ff#*** FE€ SUllfilARY *******fiH******ffi****tr*********#***ffi***t**ffi*** 9 r 500 .00 {0f tfood/Pal. tet: llechani ca t---) Ptan check---> Invest igati on> !l'i l. L Ca L t----) 200.00 Restuarant Ptan Revi ew-->50,00 DRB Fee--------.OO TOTAL FEES----- 3.00 .00 Total catcutated Fees---> 255.00.00 Additional. rees---------> .0O253.N Total Pernit Fee--------> 253.00 253.00 *n****************ff*******r*rr********r**************************r*******************illlXii"l$;;;;;;;i*********dS*** Item: .05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:09/29/L997 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVISIls{ri"gtFgo FrRE DEPARTUENT Depr: FrRE Division:09/29/799'1 CHARLIE Action: AppR N/A CONDTTION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI.JIANCE.2. COMBUSTION AIR ]S REQUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE 1991 UMC.3. INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES TNSTRUCTIONS ANDTO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC.4. GAS APPLIANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UMC.5. ACCESS TO HEAT]NG EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 OF THE 1991 UMC;6. BOILERS SHALL BE MOUNTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST.UNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING.7. PERM]T,PLANS AND.CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REOUEST.B. DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAL ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-VIATERSUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. ******************************J,************************************************'i' DECLARATIONS I hcrrby ecknowLedg6 that I have rcad thi3 lpptication, {itl,ad out ln ful,l, the information rcquired, conpLctcd an a;cunatc PLotptan, and state that atl thc information providcd as rcqui rcd is corr.ct. t agfee to compl,y vith the inforirtion and ptot P[an,to corpty vith .tl, Tovn ordin nccs 8nd state larrs, and to build thlg struoture according to thc Torrn I s zoning rnd rubdivision codes, design rcvi*r approvcd. tniform Buitding Code and other ordin.nc.s of the thcrrto. REST'ESTS FOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE IIADE TTIEIITY-fOUR slGl,lATURE OF ol,tlER 0R CONTRACTOR FoR HIIISELF AND ollNER olJR oFFtcE rRo|l t:m Afi 5:0O PtluF/*, ****************************!t*********************************** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number: REC-0335 Amount: Payment Method: CHECK Notation: €.3657 2s3.00 09/2e/97 15:36IniT! LRD Permit No: Parcel No:site AddreEE: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3t2 01 0000 41332 0r.0000 41336 Deecription MECHANICAL PERMI? FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE M97-0056 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAI-, PERMIT 2101-02 3-01-010 3235 KATSOS RANCH RD 3235 KATSOS RANCH RD 253. 00 TotaL Fees: Total ALL Pmts: Balance: 253.00 2s3 .00 .00**************************************************************** Amount 200.00 50.00 3.00 sEP-18-1997 AA.A!c[I.{cEPT l€ClnucA-, INC.974 949 gW P.AL CONCEPT IIIECIIANICAI, rNC. PLUMEING. HEATING. SYSTEM DESIGN P.O. Box lI55 AVoN, COLORADO 81620 o rYq? ' oo5b PHONE: (970) 949.0200 FA)C €zO) !}4!f-O:tOO Scpternber 18, 1997 TO: Mr.CherlieDavi$To*rofVeilBuildingDepffiililrEROM: TimRos€nRE: Currcril Rcoodel 3235 Katsos Ranch Rord; In 5, Btock I, Vail Village t2o Filfurg Building permit #897-0063; phrmbing parnit #pyt-0034 BoilrPlaEt Sizing rnd Hccing Concerns Y" h"* completed outrct loss al@lrtionc forthc above projcct bued or projcct drfiwirts, R valueq and standard ASHRAE prrocedurcs br aeternrining hec foss. Ths totsl hcat loes for thc addition to the homc is npproximdely 43, g20 Bnrh. The sea lerct inpt ofth boiler is 75,000 Btuh- Tte edocred boiler will be a Tdodyne raus modol #JVI-75. This boilcr can b€ inshltcd with ?' clerrance to ombuctible colrtruclioft A art shcet on this boilr is encloscd. ltis boiler will serve thoc rcw lrydronic ancs ftr tlp eddition. ThG Gffi/sdr anrc wil have 15 to I 7 ftEi ofbascboard. The g:rags will have a | 6,000 Btnh unit bcarlr. rn additioq the family room will havc 20 feet of bascbosrd. Bassoard ro be shd Fin Itfulti-Pak E0 wirh H-r d€ment with rn onpil of 790 Btuh/ft. rt 180 ew-t. Thc Towa of Vtil Moohanical Permit follorrn this shEEL Ploasc call ifyou hevc anry questiorrs. Also, pleasc call me whcn the permit is p'roccssed co that I may core and pick it up- Thankr much.ry {n PERITTE APPLICATTOil FOR}Intrnz ? -fF-?Z APPLIC,ATTOil UUST BE FIIJET' OUT CSIIPLBTELY OR IT UAY I{(IT BE ACCEPTED **'*t:***i**li'r+'t***t+*a***** PEruIT IXFoTATfoN r*ti**r***t****r*a***!r*r****+ SEP-18-19!I7 2AzAt ltctfNIcfl_, Itc. or vAIr. cpNslRuqrlol| v?a 949 AW P.@tW*-c0307CSICEPTo rcrn|f I l-Buitding cJ,-pruilbing [ ]-Elecrricat I J-Electrical irob rrane: &trrc.nt A4&'h'onrob ^ddress: gzgg /ta u4-orher ilkcf.- .?n-e?8 Legal Description: I.,ot Bloclr-/_ ril Ouner6 lfaric:Address: oulr,: TOtlAt: Adtlress: Electrical Contractor: Addr€Bs! Plurbing Contractor: Address: tl**ttta!:* * ***+t* t +*ttlr t **itaa** fOR BUILI'IIIG PENXIII FEE! PLIllAIlfG PERilIT FEE! IIECEANICAL PSRHXT FEE: RECREilrIOIT FEE: OII|N, TrPE OF FEE: Towrr of Vail Rrs. Io. Phone t{ruberl n7-g fwn of Vall Reg. tfo Phone lfuuber: OFFICE USE rtrt* **ttt****t** l a**** t*****+a BUXLDNrc PI,AT CHECK TEEI PilIITBIIIG PTAil CHI'CK FEE: HECIIAIIICAL PLITII CHECK FBE: CLEAI{-UP DEFosfTs TOIIE PERIIIT FEES: BI'II"DING: Architecrs 5 r I ,- Addreee; P-..&'* esq 7i/a&.?zb-fK, General Description: lfork class: [ ]-rew [ ]-Alteratton lfif-Additlonal t l-Repair I l_orher Nurbet of Drelllng Units:Ittnber of Acconnoalation Units: -<.) -- lfirnber and Typ€ of Fireprac€s: caa eppllances:(- cas r€gg- nood/p€uet_ **rrlr****+*****l*t***i**t*'rt***t** vALtIArIots *r*r**r**t****+r**r**a***+******* BUII..DIITG: PLI'UBTilG: I ryPE t- ELEGIRICIL:-.7HECHAITTCAI,@ *rr*ri**rt****+r+i**ir*r**** colfrRAe1loR. r[FoRIlATrOil r***r**ri*r**r**r*r****+r** ceneral VALUATIOII zoxnfc:. SLgmature: TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGE ROADvArL, co 81657 97 0-47 9-2I38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBS ITE PermitPLUMBING PERMIT Job Address: 3235 KATSOS RANCH RDLocation...: 3235 KATSOS RANCH RDParcel No..: 2101-023-01-010Project No. : PRJ97-0039 AT ALt TIMES P97-0034 Status...: ISSUEDApp1ied..: 04/I7/Ie97Issued,..: O4/17/1997 Expires. . : 70/I4/799i 3,700.00 ***************t**************Jct*************************** FEE SUt'lIARy ****************i*it**********************ff**********r(*** APPI,ICANT CONCEPT MECHANICAL, INC 41348 u.s. HWY 6 & 24 WEST, BLDG E, CONTRACTOR CONCEPT MECHANTCAL, rNC 41348 u.s. HWY 6 & 24 WEST, BLDG E,OWNER CURRENT WILLIAM C & NANCY N 904 N OAKDON, MUNTCE IN 47304 Description: PLUMBING FOR ADDITION Phonei 9709490200 uNrT 4, AVON, CO 9L620 Phone: 9709490200 uNrT 4, AVON, CO 81620 Valuation: TotaI Catcutated Fees---) Additi onaL f ees---------> TotaI Permi t Fee--------> Payments------- Ptumbing-----) PLan Check---> lnvestigation> Restuarant Ptan Revi ew--> TOTAL FEES----- 60.00 15 .00 .00 .00 78.00 ZE. OO .00 78 .00 78.00tiLl cal.l.----) 3.00 *****************************************r*********************************************llii*i-llfi;;;;;;**iiiii************ill*** rtqm: .05100-BUTLDTNG DEpARTMENT Dept: BUTLDTNG Division:04/17/!se7 CHARLTE acEionj Appn cHanLrE DAViSItbm:'05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept.: FIRE Division: ****t******************************************t********************************************************************************** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1. FIELD INSPEqTIqNS ARE REQU]RED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE.2. ALL WORK MUST COMPLY WITf, 1994 UPC -_ ********************lck*******ff*************rr**************ff*************************************t t****J.r*********************Jrrt DECLARATIONS I. hereby .acknowtedge that I have read_this apptication/ f il.l^ed out in ful,l, the infornation required, completed an accurate ptotpl'an, and state that a[l the information provided as required is correct. I agree to compty dith the in?ornation and ptot itan,to comp[y uith aLL To]rn ordinances,and state_ta]rs, and to buil,d this structure according 'to'the Townis ioning ano subdivisioncodes, design revieu approved, uniform Buitding code and other ordinances of the Toxn appticabte thefeto. REQUESTS TOR INSPECTIONS SHALL BE I'IADE TI.IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 479-2138 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * * * * * ** * ** * ** * * * ** *'* * * * *, * * * * * * * * * * * TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO St^at.emnt************************:l***********************,t*************** Statemnt Number: REC-0266 Amount: 28.00 O4/ZB/97 15:04Payment Method: CHECK Notat.ion: *68SS lhit: CD Permit No: P97-0034 Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMITParcel No: 2101-023-01-010Site Address: 3235 KATSOS RANCH RDLocation: 3235 KATSOS RANCH RDTotal Feea: 78.00This Payment 78.00 Total ALL pmt6: ?8.00Balanse: .00**************************************************************** Account Code Deecription Amount01 OOOO 41311 PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 60.0001 0000 4L332 PLAN CHECK FEES 15.0001 OOOO 41336 WILL CALIJ INSPECTION FEE 3.OO rl ot Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL hoicct Namc: Current Residence Project Description: 6 Foot Cedar Fence Dog Enclosure Owner, Address and Phonc: Bill & Nancv Current Architect/Contact, Addrcss and Phone:Saundra Spaeh, PO Box 45, Vail81658 Proicct Strect Address: 3235 Katsos Ranch Road Lcgal Description: Lot 5, Block l, Vail Village l2th Parcel Number: 210l-023-01-010 BuildingName: Comments: Motion by: N/A Seconded by: N/A Votc: N/A Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Datc: June 26, 1998 Board / Staff Action Action: STAFFAPPROVED Ir :\llvIiRY( )N ll\DRB\APPROVAL\98Vlt I RRLiNT.62s DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 TOI'//N OF VAIL B. ao Qucstions? filetonnlng Staff at 479-2 I 2li APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GENERAL INFORMATION f 6q8 '' ot 68 This application is for any project requiring Dcsign Review approval. Any projcct requiring design review mttst rcccive Design Revierv approval prior to subrnitting for a building pernit. For specific ir-rformation, see thc submittal rcquircnrcnts for the particular approval tlrat is rcqucsted. 'l'hc application cannot be acccpted until all thc rcquircd inlbrmation is submitted. The project may also need to bc rcvicwed by thc Torvn Council and/or the Planning and Environrncntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rer.icrv Board approval cxpires onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issued and construction is started. A.DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQUEST: Qt tltaU <-r-r rt? El..LcC Oor- gt\tC,LOS( 1 PE PHYSICAL ADDRESS: I'AI{CEL p. Lrot - 6LZ - ot - A {Coontact Eagle Co. Assessors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parccl #) ZONING: P dB LFN NAME oF owNER(S): Fr t-L 4 t !.4A14'-Y . I 'E eFNT MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: OIYNER(S) SIGNATURE(S) : NAME oF AppLrCANr: 3,ADNp€.A L-sF =-f44+ A(y'r MArLrNc ADDRES* ?Aj3 4<-+ './At c- r C, I lr..<8 pHoNE: 4al'8q7G Construction of a ncw building. Includcs any addition where square lbotage is added to any rcsidcntial or commcrcial building. Inch"rdes minor changcs to bu'ildings and sitc improve tlrenls, such as' rcrooting, painting. window additions, landscaping, fbnccs and retaining rvalls. ctc. DRB fces ari; to bc paid at thc tinre of submittal. Later, whcn applying {br a building pcmit, plcasc idcntity the accrratc valuafion ofthc projcct. ThcTown of Vail will adjust thc lbc accolding to thc projcct valuatiou. PLEASE SUBiITIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREI\IENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPART]VTENT OF COMMUNTTY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vArL. coLoRADo 81657. (1. E. F. G, LI TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: D Ncrv Construction - $200 E Addition - $50 ,{ ntinn. Alteration - $20 Ot LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS BUILDINC MATER]ALS:TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Materials Fascia Sof'fits Windows Windorv Trinr Doors Door Trim I{and or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chin-urcys J'rash Enclosurcs Grcenhouscs Rctaining Walls Exterior Lighting** Other * Please spccify the nranufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting nrust rncet the Town's Lighting Ordinancc 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate the nurnbcr of fixftrres and locations on a separatc lighting plan. ldentify each fixture type and provide the height abovc grade, hrmens outpnt, luminous arca, and attach a cut sheet ofthe lighting fixtures. Oo Updated 6i97 FRO1 :BILL & T.IFT.EY CLRRENT Ju{-29-199e EB:@ P}{}\E t-fl. | 76s n4 s725 E Lgffi Al.iALm P.@ QucstionS? (hll thc pluonlng StitTar 479-?t2g APPLICATIoN FOR DESICN RUVTEW APPROVAL $flqF4r6$NFoRMArroN llis rpglkuion i$ fr sry projctr rcquting Dc*ign Rnvi crrr rppro,wl. Any pojcct roquidlg dcrign rcvisur rrrsit rcco'vc Dcsig'n R.ariav apglwal pior to ruUmittilg tbr a bUildirg F€rnrlt. Iror spccific infimution. ece tbc F|bmlrt3t rcquirtrncr*r for thc particuiar epproval rlu is rnqucstcd Thc applic*ion cruros b! rccqrled unril rtl rhc rcqniro{ inforn:tim ir ruhmittcd. 'I'irc pujcrt rnay also ncrd u bc rcvicwod by rhc forrr Curnsil rnrVar ttc Planning ald lhvironmcnrl Cunrnisnion. Dtdgr Revlcw Bornl rpprcvrl oxpirus ono yrrr rftor fiant rpprowt trnte$ g building pcrrnft b hsucd and courtruclion ir :tnrhd. A DESCRTPTTONOFTHEqgCUEST, at Uq** eSie*Z E€el(CEi' .J}€E-ENCt_oSuE B, c- D, E LOC$TIONOFIROFCJSAL: LCTT:E-ELOCK: I I:(.;N{G. VflL -VI,LL_ iz-T PHYSIOTLADDNF.SS:*-. tritl% Hnt4r F.p ., PARCELT:lcontr:t Erglc Co, ArDc$srs Ofit:E $ 9nL!2ll-t6.10 forpa'cct #) .LAAn{{G: 2d4ET NAMEOFOWNER(S); MAILING at#tr ) r. owNER(s) srcNATrrEE(s): - c. NAMEoFAPPLIC'ANI:. 5 H. MArLrNcADDREsst l?7!1 +€4 Aft.. ,4.P ,trbii't PHONe: +7L idr?+ TYPE OFREVIEWAND FEE: O Ncrv Ct'rDtrlltfion - fz00 tr Addlfion - $S0 ConFtruc ffi ofs nrrr buildinE. lncludes my rdrlitioo whcrt $$rrre foo[ga ls rddod lo y r.rid{fii.| or commercirl ullrbg fMhoralteredon-310 llcludm B&ror ch.rqm to buildhgr rntt du: inFuvqncnc. suclt s$ rcroofinE puiming windour rdditrrsrs. ltdrcaping, fcrtes ard rctBioir€ wslls. rtc- DRB fr:cs rre to be Firirl ut thc tiruc of subnlBsl. l^llrr, whcn apply ing fbr a builtling prmit, ploes idcnniti ths smutet€ valurtion of tbe pmjcct Tfto Twn of Vail will adjurt tha fcc rccording o thc fir0J@tnrludion. pltAsE sutMrr rHm appl..lo\TroN' At t SuBartTfAL aDQUInEI'ENTS AI{D THE PEE TO THE DEPARTMET{T OF COMMUNII'Y DWELOPMENT. ?5 SOUTII FRONTAGE ROAD. vAtL, coLoRADO 8I6!t?. tAx fO:Toa)N oF VAluni*',7fltr{* PARCEL F INTERSTAT€ 70 EMERG€IJCY VEHTCL€ TURNAROUNO t VAIL VILLAGE IzIh. FILING EOOTH FALLS CONOO\ I vat vrfLffiElfiE. LVISION Jtr.F26-1998 A?zt6 oo ::=\L J r-' *: t./ zr :rrfr t t I I \ I\l ,s 6\ I it Il\ \r\\\ l ( t t TgtA_ P.6\ \^ ol,nn Review Action Fnr TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: /ilru"-. ./.1., '/7-<a4 =t f - rc4- {?z{ ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: ( ",,.,1^ 5*n/ P a. Zo- /fu L/a,' r c' ?. ' s'3 {7/* tzTd / Legal Description: Lot f Block ,/ subdivision U;i A //g. ,/t *4 zone District R Project StreetAaaress: '!,r2'35 .'{o /r,< 7o.,-/ H. €@starf Action vote: {- o Seconded ov: l/.,fr/ '! Approval /-o- }fn'T flfrrzou;b! Disapproval ! Staff Approval Conditions: DRB Fee Pre-paid fo o \ .;\ tt'- {i ;l :'1 f,i::lt'( 14,,,,,,,J \ .rrt.d allllla DESI@{ RE\,ltEll BOARD APP&fCA!fON - BOtfN OF VAIIT, CO!C,nADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: itttttt**!r TrIeolIPI/ElIF A9PLIC;A,EIONS_UilK-N0'',aP- seEEDtrLED. FOR RSVIftr-. PROTTECT INFORMATTOiI:I. A.DESCRIPTTON: B.TYPE OF RTVIEVI: New construction ($200.00) Addition ($s0.00)tdinor Alteration ($20.00) JeonceptuaL Review (90) a meets and bounds on a separat,e sheet 1egaJ. and attach E. F.APPI.TICAITTT: G.APPIJICATiIT' S REPRE ATIVE: Address ! Phone H. NAIIIE OF OWNER(S): OIINER ( SI SIGilTA"IIRE : Phone VAIJUATTON $ 0-$ 10,000$ru,uur-$ 5u,0uus50,001 -g 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - 91,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 DESI@{ RE\'ITEIT BOARD APPRO\TAII EAPINBS APPROIIAI, UNLESS A BTIIIIDII{GIS STARTBD. I. J. APPr'rCArrons Wrir Nor BE PRocEssED Firrilow onilt8,s srcmtru88 Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at thetime of submittal of the DRB appLication. Llter, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify the accurateval-uation of the proposal . The Town of Vail witt adjuEt thefee according to the table below, to ensure the correct feeis paJ.d. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 GfB YEAR AFITBN, FIIIAIJIS ISSUED END COIISTRUCTISI c. D. ADDRESS, 8A3{ h+'r<--,-- Pt+lfftf --r- , ,(- IJEGAI, DESCRIPTION: Subdivision ZoNING: ft oP(4 NAME OF MaiLing Address: Phone I{AME OF Irtailing If property is described bydescription, please provideto this application. MailinS Addrese: FEE SCHEDUI,E: \ntta 1 Q^Q-Lzg II. A pT?-+pplication meeting with a nember of the ptanningstaff is encouraged to deter:nine if any additionalapplicat,ion information is needed. It is the applicantrsresponsibility to nake an appointment with rhe llaff todetermine if there are additional subnittar requirenents.PLease note that a coMprJETe application wiLl st-reanline thereview procesa for your proje-l . A. B. c. D. E. F. ITT. IMPORETNT NOIICE REGARDII{G AI,L STIBIdISSIdIS lIO IIEE DRB: In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicant must stake and tape the piojecc site toindicate property lines, building fines and buildingcorners. Al-L trees to be renoved must be taped. ALL€ite tapings.and staking must be completed piior to theDRB site visit. The applicant must -ensure Lhat stakingdone duringr the rdint,er is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUIIJDTNGS nomal.ly requirestwo separate meetings of the Design Review Boardr aconceptual- review and a final review. Applicants who fail to appear before the Desigm ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have noE,asked in advance that discussion on their iten bepostponed, will have their items renoved from the DnBagenda until such time as the iten has beenrepublished. The foll-owing itens nay, at the discretion of thezoning administrator. be approved by the CorurunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a for:nal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. windows, skyLights and simlLar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding,. and b. BuiLding additions not visibl_e from any other 1otor public space. At the tine such a proposal issubmitted, applicants must include letteis fromadjacent property oamers and,/or fron the agent foror manager of any adjacent condominium aesociationstating the association approves of Che addition. If a property is Located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, fLood p1ain, debris fl_ow,wetlalrd, etc.), a hazard study rnust be submitted andthe oluner must sigm an affidavit recognlzLng the hazardreport. prior to the issuance of a building permit.epplicants are encouraged to check with a-Town plannerplio_r to DBB application to determine the relationshipof the property to alL mapped hazards. For aLl reEidential consLruction: a. Clearl.y indicate on the fl.oor pJ.ans the insideface of the exterior structuraL walls of thebuiLd:.ng; arC b. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. If DRB approves the applicaLion with conditions ornodifications, atf conaitions of approval. must beaddressed prior to the appLication-ior a buildingpermit. G. I-.TST OF UI'I|BRIAI,S NenrE oF ,*o*cr, c,unne-m* AJ J i L,om IJEGAIJ DESCRIPTTON: LOT-f,_ BT,OCK I SttBDrvrSiON rf V t2r{ Ftrnq QmDFEftn rFfr.rEra ct c! - V -.L- -- r>-.^^[- -- I ^ I r JSTREET ADDRESS: A. The following informacion is Review Board before a final BUIIJDING MAEERIAtrS: Roof Siding \ Other $talL Mat,erials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Triur Doors Door Trim Hand, or Deck Rails FLues Flashingrs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Wall.s ExLeri.nr Light,S.rrq Other required for submittal to Lhe Design approval can be given: SYPB OF ITATBRI',AIJ COI,oR l-r4T1+r FX/57lN." flNr(A rwtnrtG, _,tlA NA Designer: Phone: B. LANDSCAPING;Name of PIrAlilT MATERT! Botanical Name ".'r..'fl"r" ouanrirv. Size* PROPOSED TREES AIID SHRI'BS v-€L-DCATE; EUFFALO otJFFALOritbtryLtb 5.JUNiPAR rp F GAL- cff *Indicate caliper' for deciduous trees. tiininrum calioerfor.deciduous trees is 2 inches. fnaicate tteightTo;-coniferous trees. uinimum height for coniieroustrees is 6 feet.**Indicate size of proposed, ehrubs. Minimr:m size of ehrubs is5 qaLLon. IIVI)e Scmare F'oota(te GROI'ND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROIJ c.LAI{DSCAPE L,IGHTING: If exterior 1ighting is proposed, pleaseshow bhe nunber of fixtures and loiations on-a leparate |ighting plan. Ident,ify each fixture from the liahting plan 1g lhe space below and provide the height above giade,-t1pe oflight.proposed, lunen output, luminous area and i cut sneet orthe tight f ixture. (Section 19.54.050 .t) orHER T,ANDSCAPE FEATITRES (retaining warrs, fences, swimringpool-s, etc.) please specify. tndiiaue heights of retaininiwall-s. Maximr:n height ot riitts within ttre-troni setback il3'. Maximusr height of walls elgewhere on the property ie 6r. D. PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Greg Moffet Greg Amsden Henry Pratt Galen Aasland John Schofield Gene Uselton Diane Golden November 11,1996 Minutes MEMBERS ABSENT: Public Hearing The meeting was called to order by Greg Moffet at 2:10 p.m. STAFF PRESENT: Susan Connelly Mike Mollica George Ruther Dominic Mauriello Dirk Mason Tammie Williamson Tom Moorhead Judy Rodriguez 2:00 p.m. 1.A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll Employee Housing Unit, lQcated at 4193 Spruce Way/Lot 12, Btock g, Bighorn 3rd Addition. Steven Peters Dirk Mason Dirk Mason gave an of the request and stated that statf mended approvalwith the 3 conditions listed staff memo. Greg Moffet asked if the had anything to add. Larry Benway, with lsom &applicant, had nothing to add. for the 2nd condition.John Schofield questioned the staff as to Dirk Mason said the EHU was required enclosed space, if it were to be constructed new. Larry Benway wanted to deed the carport, not Dirk Mason stated frlat the agreeing to deed carport was on page 1 of the staff memo. Gene Uselton had same concerns as John Schofield. Greg Amsden no comments. saw no reason to deed restrict for parking. Planning and Environme al Commission Minutes Novenber 11, 1996 Galen FILE Ut Henry Pratt would like to see the parking structur€ restriped and no parking in the front' He rinr6O to encourage me OnA to ioot a[tne skylights and fiat they be kept more in line w1h the slope of the existing greenhouse over the pool' Greg Amsden had no commenls. Greg Moffet commended the applicant, stating that he liked the solution of the skylight Reflecting lhe consensus, tre atio wanied no-parking in lront. Greg was in agreement with Galen' tnit ne tol *anteO very prohibitive language 'i1tn regarO to the slorage space not being converted back into Parking. Galen Aasland made a motion for approval in accordance with the staff memo including the three conditions. He added to the first reidmmendation that in addition to returning stglage back to pirgng ip""es, the applicant file a letter with the Town that theywould not be able to convert inose ipices back to siorage without written authorization from'the Town. Galen also included in the motion to encourageihe DRB to look at the skylights, the restriping and not to allow any parking in the front. Henry Pratt seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. 4. A requesi for a front setback variance to allow lor a garage_addition and a wall height variance to allow lor an approximate 8'tall wall, localed at 3235 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 5, Block 1, VailVillage 13th Filing. Applicant: Nancy and William Gurrenl, represented by Saundra Spaeh Planner: Dirk Mason Dirk Mason gave an overview of the request and stated that staff was recommending approval with two conditions. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant or the public had any comments. Saundra Spaeh, representing the applicant, had nothing to add There was no public comment. Galen Aasland had no comment. Diane Golden had no comment. Henry Pratt asked what the color of the stucco finish was. Saundra Spaeh explained the same color as the existing color on the house, or the color of dead aspen trees. Planning and Environnental Comrnission Minutes November I l, 1996 -,er i John Scholield had no comment. Gene Uselton asked if the agreement had to be signed or was not necessary? Tom Moorhead stated that the PEC would act independently of any agreements reached. Greg Moffet had no additional comments. Gene Uselton made a motion in accordance with the staff memo. John Schofield seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 6-0-1. 3. A request for a minor amendment to SDD # 5 and a conditional use permit to allow for the addition of conference space, located at 1 100 N. Frontage Road/SDD #5, Simba Run Building. Applicant: Simba Run Condominium Assoc., represented by Lynn FritzlenPlanner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the request. He mentioned that this item was tabled at the last meeting, in order lor the applicant to redesign the skylights. Dominic mentioned that the skylights were redesigned and reduced in size. Greg Motfet asked if lhe applicant had anything to add. Mike Schult, with Fritzlen, Pierce & Briner representing the applicant, had nothing to add. There was no public comment. John Schofield asked staff if they were confideni with the restriping plan and also if there were any guidelines for this restriping? Dominic Mauriello said that staff was confident with the applicant's ability to oblain the parking space. He stated that the Code allows 25"/" ol parking spaces to be compact space. Gene Uselton asked the applicant since there were two options, which one would the applicant prefer. Mike Schult wanted the ability to keep both options. Dominic Mauriello stated that the front drive is a dedicated lire lane and parking spaces couldn't remain out front. Galen Aasland would like not to see parking in front and wanted the wording stronger regarding the storage space being converted back to parking. Diane Golden had no comments. Plaoning and tsnviromnehtal Commissron Minutes November I I, 1996 - Henry Pratt said he didn't want such a light color stucco, because it would. stand out more than a darker color. ne encouraged the DRB iir loof at this color and material closely' because stucco [lr.oi " fong-term materiaiand within 4-5 years the stucco would deteriorate' He encouraged the applicanl to look at alternatives. John Schofield agreed with Henry's commenls' Gene Uselton had no problem with the application' Greg Amsden had no comments. Greg Moffet stated that this was not a grant of special privilege and he had no problems with this request. Henry pratt made a motion in accordance with the staff memo, with the addition ol a third condition that the DRB look closely at the color and material' John Schofield seconded the motion. It passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. S. A request for a major SDD amendment to allow for a modification to Savoy Villas, of SDD #5, tdcated at 1230 Lionsridge LoopiSavoy Villas, Phase ll and lll. The site is generally located east of Timber Ridg6 Apariments, west of Simba Run, norlh of the North Frontage Road and south ;f Lidnsridge Loop. A full legal description is available in the Community Development Department. Applicant: BWAB, lnc., represented by Chris Klein Planner: Dominic Mauriello Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of the statf memo and explained the^changes from the last time the pEC saw ihis proposal. He noted the 7 previous conditions (ol Ordinance No. 7, Series ol 1995), with the addition of 3 additional proposed conditions. Greg Moffet asked if the applicant had anything to add. Chris Klein, representing the applicant, had nothing to add. Galen Aasland had a problem with the layout of the living room and dining room, stating they were marginat at best. He said that the riorth elevation needed lite. He liked the condition for targe treei on that side, but thought the elevations on that side needing improveme-nt. ..He stated thit the layout of the units neede-d a Federal Fair Housing Guidelines review, specifically regarding access to the units. Diane Golden would like to see more landscaping, but stated that it was great to have employee housing. Planning and Environmental Commission Minutes November I l, 1996 - Henry pratt agreed with Galen's comments and said that it didnt meet Code with the amount of windows, He also wantedio see a better layout for the three-bedroom EHU. Henry mentioned iniiJinCe we were giving tnl lppticant addiiional GRFA, he would like to see another shot at the layout. Greg Moffet asked if we could refer the layout to staff. Henry Pratt said, yes or to the DRB. Henry saw no family spaces in the EHU unit. John Schofield had no comments. Gene Uselton deferred to Henry's and Galen's expertise. Greg Amsden agreed with Henry and Galen. Greg Moffet agreed with Henry and suggested moving the walls for a better layout. Galen Aasland made a motion in accordance with the staff memo incorporating an additional . condition that we instruct the applicant to meet with the Town staff to revise the floor plan ancl to improve the north elevation of Building #5. Henry Praft seconded the motion. Greg Moffet asked if the Type lll was a for-sale unit? Dominic Mauriello said, yes. Chris Klein stated that the whole building was for rent. Greg Moflet stated that if sold, it would be pursuant to deed restrictions. Dominic Mauriello said there would be restrictions on the rentals as well- The motion passed unanimously by a vote of 7-0. 6. A request for a worksession to discuss a conditional use permit for a proposed addition ro rhd Vait Chapet, located at 19 Vail Road/Tract J, Block 7, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: Vail Religious Foundation, represented by Ned Gwathmey Planner: Dominic Mauriello Henry Pratt recused himself from review of this item. Dominic Mauriello gave an overview of this request. He stated there were two parking schemes' with a net increase-of 15 parking spaces in one case and 20 spaces in the other. Dominic.went over the discussion issueb. He-also clarified the issue of the survey inlormation being outdated and needed to be made current with the 50' stream centerline delineated. He explained that parking Scheme B added 15 spaces to the site and Scheme A added 20 spaces to. the site. .He.'said th-at the stream and weflahd vegetation would need to be mitigated, as it would be disturbed Planning and Environnrcntal Commission Minuiss November ll, 1996 6 MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Departnent November I I, 1996 A requcst for a front setback variance to allow for agarage addition and a wall height variancc to allow for an approximate 8'tall wall. located at3235 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 5, Block l, Vail Village l2th Filing. Applicanf Nancy and William Currenl represcnted by Saundra Spaeh Planner: Dirk Mason FILE COP'J TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: I. BACKGROUND AI\D DESCRIPTION OT THE REOUEST The site in question is bound on thrce sides by Katsos Ranch Road. The site is currently improved with a single family stnrcture without a garage, The existing driveway slopes down from the north offof Katsos Ranch Road. The drivcway is currently supported by a timber retaining wall approximatcly 7'6" to 8'6" in height. Adjaccnt to the cxisting retaining wall is a large stand of Aspen which effectively screen the retaining wall. The applicants, Nancy and William Current, are requesting a front setback variance of approximately 4' to construct an attached 519 sq. ft., two-car garage. In conjunction, the applicant seeks a 2' wall height variance (6' maximum height allowed) to construct a rctaining wall of approximately 8' in height. The high point of the existing wall will only be reduced by 6", howcver, the avcrage height of the wall will be reduced by this proposal. The wall height variance will also include a 1.75'variancc (3'maximum height allowed in thc front setback) to construct a wall 4.75' in height within the front sctback. This site is currently improved with a single family structure without a garage. The existing paved driveway on the sitc is in thc same general arca that the garage is proposed for. The applicants are proposing to modifu the existing wall to provide acccss to the proposed garage. The applicant is proposing a singlc wall, rather than two tiers of 6' tall walls, or less, to preserve the existing structure and a signif,rcant amount of the Aspens to the south. The site constraints include many large evergreens to.the north of the proposed addition and existing drivcway. South of the proposed addition and ,retaining wall is the existing structure and the large stand of Aspen. II. ZONING AI\IALYSIS Zoning: Use: Lot Size: Standard Site Cwerage: Landscape area: Setbacks: Front: SiJes: Rear: Wall Helght: Front setback: 3'tall Remalnder of lot: 6' tall Parking: 3 spaces required III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Existino 1,507 sq. ft. (7ol') 17,877 q. ft. (8se") 22'. 27' (west) 1 50' (east) 43' 5'6" and less 7'6'- 8'6' 4 spaces (none enclosed) Two-family Residential Single family residence 21,039 sq. ft. Allowed 4,208 sq. ft. (207c) 12,623 sq. ft. (60%) 20' 1s', 15' Prooosed 2,213 sq. ft. (1 1%) 17,476 sq. ft. (83o/") 16' n/c (west) 140' (east) n/c 4'9" and lessI' and less 4 spaces (2 enclosed) Upon rcview of Section 18.62.060, Criteria and Findings, of the Town of Vail Municipal Code, the Community Development Deparhnent recommends approval of the requested front setback variancc and both wall height variancos. The recommendation for approval is based on the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: l. The relationship ofthe requested variance to other existing or potentiat uses and structures in the vicinity. Many single family and two farnily homes in this area were constucted with garages. Staffbclieves that providing gaxages is a bencfit to the ncighborhood by removing cars and other itcms from public view. The proposal is compatible with thc neighborhood and adjacent structurcs. Such variances (for garagcs), where a physical hardship exists and there are no negative impacts to adjacent properties, havc been historically approved by the PEC. Staffbelieves that thc proposed wall height variance will have minimal impact, if any, on adjacent properties in the vicinity. Thc proposed retaining wall will only be visible from below the lot and is effectively screened by the existing stand ofAspen. The applicant has proposed to reduce the average height of the retaining wall with this proposal, B. therefore, reducing the amount of nonconformity on the site' 2. The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement ofa sp€cilied regutation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special privilege. Staffbelieves that the layout and orientation of tbe existing structure and vegetation make this site unique. The existing vegetation and trees located to the north, and the existing structure and trees to the south ofthe proposed addition constitute a physical hardship warranting protection and thereforc preventthe addition from bcingrelocated to the south' The existing slope of this site rcquires thc driveway to be supported by a retaining wall. In conjunction with the existing vegetation and stuotwe, staff believes a single retaining wall is warranted to protect these featurcs by minimizing the overall site disturbance. The applicant has proposcd a two-car garage of 5 I 9 sq. ft., which staff believcs to be adequate for access and use of the garage. Staff believes the proposal is not a grant of special privilege due to the site constainls. 3. The effect ofthe requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. Staff bclieves that the requested variances will not negatively affect these issucs. The Planning and Environmcntal Commission shall make the following findings bcfore granting a variancc: l. That the granting ofthc variance will not constitute a grant ofspecial privitege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives ofthis title. IV. I b. There are exceptions or exhaordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply gencrally to other propertics in the same zone. c. The stict interprctation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges e4foyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Thc Community DevelopmcntDepartnent staffrecommends approval of the applicant's front setback variance and both wall height varianccs subject to the following findings: l. That the granting of thcse variances will not constitute a grunt of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to this sitc that do not apply gcnerally to otherproperties inthe Primary/Secondary Residential zone. 3. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement ofthe specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objcctives of this title. The recommendation for approval is also subject to the following conditions: l. Prior to the Design Review Board (DRB) mecting, the applicant shall provide. and have approved by the Public Works Dcpartment, a grading plan which fully details the proposed grading of the site (including retaining walls). Additionally, the proposed retaining walls must be designed and stamped by a registered professional cngineer in the State ofColorado' 2. The applicant shall limit the removal of existing trees to three Aspens and one Spruce (as indicated on the site plan). Due to the significant amouut of trces on the sitc, staffbelieves mitigation is not necessary' f :\everyone\pec\memos\current\n 1 1 i\dFll = i-r I at :-:lr -: .,^ lia6 l- rril ->Zr9 fF rr- 6)m B(x.= -n-z ,- rv! i <ttD I ,[6]i Hio i -iz tl '| l--nl-l ri '-l> lilzo tla-+ llr*- -ll gEi"fil:;: Hli ill "'lilrJ i il' ,T ' . \s6 =!{ -l . =t_,C)fl l<i-it- m >; iioz -.T|'nF Zlr\l ioa-lolc) r\) Er- r- m N t!rz ti! llt Vail, Clolorado I)enver, Colorado Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. November 18, 1996 Saundra Lee Spaeh A.I.A. Architect PO Box 454 Vail. CO 81658 Re: Current Residence Driveway Retaining Wall, Vail, Colorado (M&N#3445) Dear Saundrq Monroe & Newell Engineers, [nc. is currently designing a retaining wall for the Current residence addition, Lot 5, Block l, Vail Village l2m Filing, Vail, Colorado. The wall height will vary from thee to six feet as shown on Sheet I of the architectural documents. The wall is being designed to support driveway loading per U.B.C. 1991 as well as all applicable snow and backfill loads. We will supply to your office a set of structural construction documents of tle retaining wall. Ifyou have any questions or comments, please call. Very truly yours, MONROE & NEWELL ENGINEERS. INC. Hannes Spaeh, P.E. Principal P.E., Principal oO48 E. Beaver Creek BIvd. + Suite 3ol . P. O. Box 1597 r Avon, Colorado 8162,J t (3o3) 949-7768 r F'Ax (303) 949-4054 -t T I AP Oo"stii Catl the Planning Staff at 479-2138U PLICATION FOR PLAI{NING AND ENVIROI{MENTAL COMMISSION APPROVAL TOWNOF GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring approval by the Planning and Environmental Commission- For specific information, see the submittal requirements for the prticular approval that is roquested- The application can not be accepted until all required information is submitted The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Rwiew Boad- tr Amendment to an Approved Dwelopmelrt Plan tr Employee Housing Unit (Iy'Pe: tr Major or tr Minor CCI Exterior Altention (Vail Village) B Major or tr MinorCCII ExteriorAlteration (Lionshead) tr SpecialDwelopmentDisticttr Major or E Minor Amendment to an SDD B. DESCRIPTIONOFTHEREQIIEST: 4''a1t Feorw +a?<E t,tfurzr+.*Lc-€ tuz c. D. LOCATIONOFPROPOSAL: LOT-'L -BLOCK---I--FILING vAtL V tLL-Aa€ l4 ADDRESS:32-1(K.A1-4a3 E"AAt<Jt laD, BUILDINGNAMT' 4,,ZEgxff fz€3 ZONING:DOP(EY A. TYPE OF APPLICATION: tr Additional GRFA (250) tr Bcd and Brealdast El Conditional Use Pennit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr SigrrVaiance H variancc tr Zoning CodeAmendment NAMEOFOWNER(S): NAKIr1Y NL 4 er.'lLrl 4fl c, 4()e-E-€xrf- MATLING ADDEESSi qO4 N. a,4,Ep6,l EP, ryUNclE lN 473o4 pHoNE st1 28+ 5725 F. G. OWYER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S): H. NAMEOFREPRESENTATTVE: 6AUNDP.A 6PAAF AIA Pc- PHONE: FEE - SEE THE SI.]BMITTAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SIJBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL STJBMITTAL REQIIIREMENTS ANDTHE FEE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OT COMMIJMTY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL, COLORADO E1657. For Office Use Only: reeradZfr '(D c'r*, f UE "r,@ ApplicationDate, 10' l+-qL PECMeetingDate,ll- //- ?1- RovirEd 6196 SAUNDRA LEE SPAEH AIA A R CI^IIT ECT PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION CURRENT ADDITION VARIANCE APPLICATION LOT 5, BLOCK }. VV I2TH FILING Oclobe.I | 4, 199 5 Noture of .Vqrionces: '| . A 4'-6" f ront selbock vorionce is being requested f rom zoning reguloiion I8.12.060 Selbocks, f or lhe purpose of odding o goroge to on existing residence. Presenlly, lhe only ploce lo pork cors is in the open. wll hin lhe fronl selbock of lhe properiy. 2. A 2' -6" woll height vorionce is being requested f rom zoning regulotlon l8.64 S ite lmprovemenls. Currenlly, lhe properly's drivewoy reloinlng woll c onsisls of 9' io l0' roilrood lie wolls with no guordroil. The proposed vorionce would ollow o new concrete retoining woll/guordroil thol would meel building codes ond reduce the size of the exlsii n g woll in mony locollon3. Relotionship of Vorionces to Uses ond Sf ruclures: L Allowing the gorog€ in lhe tfonl selbcck impocls no use or odjocentproperlles. The properly lo the Norlh is steep open spoce ond belongs lo the Town of Voil. Even if lhe open spoc e properly we re to be developed, the goroge encroochmeni is complelely screened by e xis tin g irees. 2. Allowin g o 9' woll impocts no use or odiocenl properti es. The woll is on exlsling condition ond con nol be v iewe d f rom ony direclion becouse of f he dense existing lrees on lhis portion of lhe propsrly. The Degree of Relief from Sf rict Enf orcement of Regulolion: l. A 4'-6" vorionce f rom the 20' f ront seibock regulotion is being requesled 1o o llow lwo cors lo be porked inside in lie u of in the open in the sefbock. 2. A 2' -6" vorionce f rom the 6' woll height limif oiion is being r€quesled lo improve o condition lhot currenlly exists. The Eff ect of Vorionce on Surroundings: I. Allowin g lhe goroge in the selbock will not efiecf lighi ond oir, distribution of populolion, lronsporiotion , lroffic f o c ilil ie s, ulililies orpublic sotety. 2. Allowing lhe drive relolning woll to be rebullt will not ef f ecl lighl ond oir, d is'lrib u t io n of populolion, f ronsportoiion, troffic f qciliiies, or utilif ies. lf will imp rov e public sof ely os we ore proposing to build on inlegrol guordroil os porl of f he new reloining woll ond regrode lhe odiocenl eorth lo dim in is h lhe height. Light is not impo c le d os lhis oreo is complelely screened. Complionce wilh Voil's Comprehensive Plon: l. Gronling ihis vorionce will enclose lwo more cors f rom view. 2. Gronling this vorionce will hove no eff ecl wilh respecl lo Voil's Comorehonsive Plon. POST OFFICE BOX 454 VA|L COLORADO 81658 970 176 8996 Frint€d by Dirk Irlason 10/2519 12:40p. FroB: rtef f AbaErelo lDo t Dlrk ldasongubj.ct: curr€rlt #;-; b;;-i-urt buor' wl-ctr rtuff artdl l-t goe cwer].ooked- trro €i*c:ugc ' ===!t!dtrtE======='E-:::= ==LO / 2 5 / 9 6=1 1' : 3 9 am= ftrsie are laro fl-re deftts oibj actlo-r:t co clra .ubtitta]- - llorrtlt for^ tla6 9?41{r . - Page: 1 ZONE CHECK noro. lr:/a.t/q/ ,-+'a It.I Legal description: Lot 5 Block / rl|lng 0;9 O; ll^v, /Z'^ [).'l:^, Ad&ess 32 31 ,(xr< o s 72.d,n/c r/ ?"^aD ' - Owner 1\z-q -J Nancy (<xepaxT Phone 3tj - 7"4 - {7zS Architect 34.',^' raa 5 p,", au Phone //7/ - "?"{Zonedistrict 7 Proposed use Lot size Buildable 425 GRFA 13.54. + 4 Allowed =__'/J22_ Existing Proposed 1{Z3%. Total ZEL' r?"64!2 Remaining t-?! t.-<c.!Qr ,{H" GRFA 4zs4 +6zJilors*) =-!2-Ii- zl7h * 7 fz = Setbacks , tG6\( - rt|o i'5 ./r& n"--'"o , -, * 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this request involve a 250 Addition? A) o How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this request? SiteCoverage (?o% ^,\ Heigbt Setbacks L*orcaoinc (o'/Mini^u /2./z\ + 7rZ = ZLt3 - -;- /7?5 20' l5' l5' U 2.1 f E@tS,a- _ /'- 7t.t /7 fie ?E<) r--.!ornpli es'lm-tnf-ov-r-ightingGmarce"- 161, n rirtro grades less tn*il Oo';'D ---- Parking Garage Credit Driveway EnvironmentaUHazards 3'@a#F Roquirert 3 t S Enclosed (3oo) @'{eoo) (l2oo)St7 Pennitted Slope 8 olo Proposed Slqe 7 y' Yes- No Yes_ No 2)Floodplain 4'" 3)W*Jands t:/ A 4) Water Course Setback (30)(s0)/.,r,/n 5) Geologic Hazards a) Snow Avalanche nt,/n b) Rocldall tt /z c) Debris rrcw N/4 a-'' e^' i sJ'^<o^ a;,woJ", hwious conditions of approval (check property file) 1241 Is thc property non-conforming? Describe: -,/l :,, /7,s IS DEED, Made this qlA day of September, tggl, between MARA wrrNEssETH, That t.he grantor for and i-n consideration of Lhe sunr of ;)-v..rv-IY9'yrugg..uPr{ bargain, se]1, convey and conf :-rm unEo t.i're granEeec, theji heirs and ]1/I-.assl'gns forever, rrct in t-enancy in cc:mnron but in joir:'- f.enancy, all- .l ,th@e?I properE.y, r-cgeLher wiEh improvement$, if any, sj_cuace, lying and hL+"l .being in t.he counLy of Eagle and st.ate of colorado deseribed as' I tt follows: IJOT 5, BITOCK 1_, VAIL VTLI,,AGE, TWELF'TI] FILING,According to t.he Plat recorded AugusL l_6, 'L9'/2 in Book 225at Page 89 as Reception No. 120855. as known by st,reet and number as:Colorado 81557 3235 Katsos Ranch Road, Vaj-1, GRASIS BOSSOW of the Countv and WILLIAM C. CURRENT ANDN. Oakdon, Munice I In 47304Indiana, grantees: WARRANTY DEEI) of Eagle and StaE.e of Colorado, grantor, NANCY N. CURRENT whose leqaL address is 904 nf Fha (-nrrnFrz nf and State of .b n \r.$. TEN DCIIJLARS AND orHER cooD AND vALUAtsLE coNsrDERATroN t.he receipr.and sufficiency of rvhich is hereby acknowledged, has granted,bargained, sold and conveyed, and by t_hese presents does grant, TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditamenLs and appurtenances i-haral-.\ l.ro lnnari -' -.1 -.:---v+v,!,,rrrg, or in an!'wise appertaining, and i.lre r.eversion andreversiong, remainder and remainders, rents, issues and profitsthereof, and all the esEate, right, title, interest, claim and demandwhaEsoever of the grant,or, either in ]aw or eguity, of in and to theabove bargained prernj-ses, wit,h the hereditaments anrl appurtenances, To HAVE AND To Hor,D clie said pr,:nrises above bargained and descrihred,with t.he appurtenances, rrnto tlie granLee, his heirs arrd assi_gnsforever. And the granEor, for himself, his heirs, and persoi,alrepresenEatives, does covenant, granc, bargai-u, and agree t.o and withthe grantee, his hej.rs and assigns, that aE the tinre of tneensealing and delivery of these presents, he is well seized of thepremises above conveyed, hirs qood, sure, perfecc, absolute andindefeasible est,ate of inheritance, in 1aw, in f ee si-mpl-e, and hasgood right, fuJ-l power and LawfuL auchority rrc grarrc, bargain, serland convey the same in manner and form as ifc,r.esaid, and Lhac the i{ same are free and clear from all- former and other granLs, bargains, ;'lsaLes, 1j-ens, taxes, assessments, encumbrances and restrictiois of ).:.whatever kind or nature soever, exceptr ,',{ Those maLters set fcrth rn Exhibi-t. A attached heret.o ..nd made apart. hereof. The grantor shall and wil1 WARRANT AIID F.OREVER DEFE!:D t.heabove-bargained premises irr r.Iie guiet and peaceable possession of thegrantee, his heirs and arssigns, against all and every Irerson orpersons lawfully claim.j-ng t.he whole or any parr t.trereof . Thesingurar number siral. l- :ricrude t ne plura-, - rh:: prur:r* r-rre singurar,and t.he use of any gender shal1 be applicable L.o all gendersl IN WITNESS WHEREOE flra zrr:ni-n- has executed Lhis deed <.:n t.he dat.e setforth above. 'ilill{rb:#;il SCHEDU r ORDER NO.: 94010847C-2 DATE OF POL,,ICY: SepEember 20, 1994 at AMOUNT. OF INSURANCE: $ 495,000.00.f 1. NAME OF INSURED: WILLIAM C. CURRENT AND NANCY N. CURRENT THE ESTATE OR INTEREST Fee Simple TTTLE TO THE ESTATE OR WILLIAM C. CURRENT AI\TD POLICY NO. : O-9993-3281-03 l-:33 P.M. ' IN TI{E I,AND WI{ICH ]S COVERED BY THIS POLICY INTEREST IN THE LA}JD IS VESTED IN: AND NA}iICY N. CURRENT THE LAND REFERRED TO TN THIS POLICY COIJNTY OF EAGLE, AND IS DESCRIBED AS LOT 5, BLOCK 1, VAIL VII,I,AGE, TWEI.,FTH FILING,According Eo the Plat recorded August.at. Page 89 as RecepLion Na. 1-20855. IS IN THE STATE OF COLORADO, FOLLOWS: !6, 1972 Ln Book 225 STEWART TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY COUNTERS IGNATURE POLICy NO. : O_9993_329103 TIIIS POLICY DOES NOT INSURE AGAINST LOSS OR DAMAGE (AND THEcoMpANy wrLL NOT.pAy--cosTs, eiioiillnvs, FEES oR EX'ENSES)WHICH ARISE BY REASON OI':-' +. RIGHTS OR CLAIMS OFTHE PUBLIC RECOR.DS.2. EASEMENTS, OR CLATMSPUBLIC RECORDS. SCHEDULE PARTIES IN POSSESSION NOT SHOWN BY OF EASEMENTS, NOT SHOWN BY THE3' DTS.REPAN-.IES, coNFlrcrs rN BouNDARy LTNES, 'H.RTAGE rNAREA, ENglol-qryyENTS, AND ANy FACrs wHrcH A coRRECrSURVEY AND. INSPECTION OF THE PNS}4iSEb--WOU'.,O N'SC'OSPAND wHrqH ARE Nor suowN By rHE ptreii- niconns.4. ANy LrEN, oR RrGHT To A LIEN, r,on-srnvidns, LABoR oRMATERIAL--HERETOFORE OR HERqEiTSR-'ruRiiiiiiO, IMPOSED BYLAW AND Nor sgowN By rHE puBr,rc nsco;iDs. -5. LINPATENTED MINING C"orr'tS; RESERVATTONS OR giCrPtrOMSrN PATENTS OR AN ACT AUTHORIZING TTTU- iSSiiAXCE THEREOF;wATER RrcHTs cLArMs oR TrrLE ro watenl--- 5. *I.3:U all unpaid raxes and assessments and unredeemed tax 7. The effect of -inclusions in any gen.e::al or specif'c waterconservancv. _f ire protection, sorl conservation or ocher 3i:l:rrr ol'incrusion in any'warer service oi sLreet improvemenr Reservations or exceptions contained in U.S. patenEs, or in Actsaut.horiz:-nq r.he i_ssr,riSce t',ui.Jf ,'ot ie.roia, .JJJrrrrr.,g rrRights of Ehe oroprietor of i .rei-n or ]ode to extract and removehis ore Ehereflom'anO i) iig[r"-8i way for dirches and canalsconsrrucr'ed under rhe aurhoi'rv oi it 6 uniuJe";'i;;"". 9' Restrictions, -which do not contain a forfeiture or reverterctause, recorded^Aygus. 16, igzz_in e""k-2i5"it eug. gB asReception No' tv9es4, ana am6nded-bv-i""-ti"ileir recordedi;i;;f:"' ,u, teTz i; e";k-.)2s at eise--aii-"J.,n".eprion No. 10. Easements, restrictions and rights-of-ways as sr,owrr on the platof vail village rwelfch Firi"g; recorded'aulust re, 1972 in-Book225 at page 89 as Recept_i;;-i.i6: rzoeEi. - J-1. A Deed of Tr.usc-Caced-_Se1:t.ember g,.i-gg4., executed by William C.current and Nancy N. curientl to the p"uri.i-iiusEee of EaqreCounty, to securi: an 'naeULi6rr""" of g345, 000 . 00, in f avoi ofFirst Merchan.s Bank, N.A:-;;;"rded Sepr.ember 20, 1994 in Book550 at page 385 as RecepCj.o;-No. 546424. EXCEPTIONS NI]IVIBERED ARE HEREBY OMITTED 7 ""-nr;t , Developrnent Plan Rouffig Form t0\\r\c\, Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Teni Martinez, Public Works Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Retum To:Dirk Mason, Community Development Date Routed:l0n6/96 Return Bv:10/23t96 Project Name:Current - Setback and Wdl Height Variance Project Address:3235 Katsos Ranch Road Project Legal:Lot 5 Block 1 Vail Village l2th Project Description:A request for a front setback and wall height variance to locate a gamge addition in the front setback. Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons) X Approved with conditions cqn €qrod€, ond otArc alr\otrEr $lo|l da$\ belcr$ tt{s prc?o5sd r,oort ond win.iln trE (j'. hoqht resfv16fio1 - bot, l[ the r,.ent icrn't h6ve an vtrYh if. ltrg,w itln <rnoicr.enrg, .,,ar \ rh a sfa Iteqod'nq Fdorv t[6yr6\l a6 6hD$n rr ]s f rqht- n fhe rrue*6de. (evteo/d ro.22.qr. CURRENT RESIDENCE ADDITION VARIANCE APPIICAIION ADJACENT PROPERTY OIvNERS LOT I BLK l: Micho el ond Cynlhlo Ste im le John ond R uth Stelmle POB 2024Voil, co 8l 658 LoT 2 BLK l: Roberl S. corpenf er Edword ond Kiily Gwolhmey 2170 lecum3eh Fork Lono l0O0 S. Frontoge Rd, W. Wesl Lofoyefte, lN 47906 Voll, cO 8l 658 LOT 3 BLK l: Roy ond Pom Sf ory 3230 Kotsos Ronch Rd.Voll, CO 81657 LOT 4 BtK l: Ke nnlt h Lubi n 3236 K ols os Ronch Rd.Voll, CO 81 657-4635 LOT 6 BtK l: Douglos McLoughlln Fronclo ond Morvin Porllmenl Rondy Woll 3241 Koisos Ranch Rd.POBll2 Voll. CO 81657Voil. Co 81658 TRACT A: Town of Voil 75 S, Fronloge Rd. W.Voil, CO 81657 Applicant:Steven Peters Dirk MasonPlanner: A request lor a front setback variance to allow for a garage addition q$ g wqt! height variance to ailow for a 8'-6" tall wall, located at 3235 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Villagg- 13th r Eilizrer l ^ ]ppticant: Nancy and William Current, represented by Saundra Spaeh7 Tlanner: Dirk Mason A request for a minor subdivision to relocate the common property line between Lots 7 and 8, located at 666 and 696 Forest RoadiLots 7 and 8, Block 1 , Vail Village 6th Filing. Applicant: Neil and Nancy AustrianPlanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a conditional use permit to allow for a Type ll employee housing unit, located at 2642 Kinnickinnick CourVLot 5, Block 2, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: Sue DuganPlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to discuss the rezoning, from Public Accommodation to Commercial Core 2, of a part of Tract C, Block 5D, Vail Village First Filing. Applicantr Sonnenalp Properties, Inc., represented by Gordon PiercePlanner: George Ruther A request for a worksession to review the existing Gross Residential Floor Area (GRFA) policy and to discuss alternatives. Applicant: Town of VailPlanner: Russell Forrest llllllllll The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular'office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour nolificat'on. Please call 479-2114 voice or 479'2356 TDD for information. o THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal Code ol the Town of Vait oi November il, 1996, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. ln consideration of: A reguest for a conditional use permit to allow for aType ll Employee l.l_oq!!nS. U_nit.utilizing an additional 500 square feet of GhFA, located at 41 93 Spruce Way/Lot 12, Block 9, Bighorn 3rd Addition. Communhy Development DePartmenl Published October 25, 1996 in the Vail Trail. o0t TOWNOFVAIL DEPARTjTIL\-r oF co:\tittut\tTl' DElELottitE,\T ADDRESS PROJECT CIIECIIS MADE '^YABLE 'O TO\IN* OF VAIL 0I000041540 ZONINGAND DDffi 55.00 0 l 0000 4241 5 UNIF'Offi-s54.000r oo00 424t5 UNIFORMPffi 539.000l 0000 424 t 5 UNIFOfuVN4I]CIIAffi 537.000l 000042415 UNIFORI{TIRETODE 5J6.00 r I (X'00 .124 I 5 NATIONALELECTRiffi s37.000l 0000 42415 OTIIER CODE I]OORS 0t oo00 4 t 518 BLUE PRJNTSIMYIARSJ s7.00 0 | 0000 424 It XI.ROX C()PIES s0.250l 0000 424 | 2 STUDIES 0t 0000 42412 TOVFEI:SCOffi--s5.000l 000042i71 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS.'01 oo00 4 t33t ItAN l(l:VIliW RIa-Clli:CK l:l:li IS40 PliR llR.l0l 0000 42_r32 oFF l{OURS INSPIaCTION F'I:DS0l oo00 4 CONTRACTORSLICEffi =' 0l 0000 lT4lI SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.000r 0000 4 4t3 ADDITIONALSICNAGEFEE ISIMTERTOTTT- L J!I.O{)ffi110_v I C ART PROJI:CT DONATION I 0l 0000 4 rSi l l\L Pn ID Dl:SIGN RllVlEw IIOARD F-ljF:p.& lq+-eeoffi5rl INVESTIGATION FF-IJ (tsUI LDING'i r oo00 45ll0 IOV PN RXINC FUND 0l 00002:0?r IOV NE\\'SPAPER DISPF:NSER FUND* 0t 00t)0 2lTtt lFrBm-@Tffi* 0l o000 4t0I0 [,L\ABLE@{.02{fowN) h-1 0r 0000 423tT-BUI LDING lNVl:STIcnTION Ul Iil:R t't s s r'.F-U r\f f LIUA f IUN ! DIIS 0r 00004133il ADDITION.^L GRFA s200.000l 0000 4 330 CONDITIONALUSETENIT-s200.00 =0t oooo 4 330 EXTERTOR ALTERATTON lttrSSTIr N-TooSOTTI s200.000l oo00 4 -1i0 IjxrER IoR n LrERn rr oN I MOTE-TI^NT0OSOFT:I 5500.000l 0000 4 JJU sPl:CIn L DEV Ij LOPI4 I-:NT DISTRICT--|NEWI-5l,100.0u0l 0000 4 330 SPECIAL D s I,000.000l oo00 4 330 SPF-CIALDEVELOPF,Iffi s200.00 SUtsDIVlSION ol oo004 3i0 VN FJ,\NCE-s250.00=offiooffifyJu ZONING CODIi AMI:NDMENTS s250.000l 0000 4r33il l(E - ZONln"C 5200.0!loTliuRIOTI]ER @ A( ,tA,t no,yy__.. WfAfn:oMMSn' CASE I t cr.r1 M.OlJ .t -FLrr.rf i + l:iF: r-.f r-1 f L. |1:, rcs i 1-*n*':'u= f -i-rh ti.,,j I*- i:.r,:. i'il ii ;; 'il i: j:r:-.; i r: i. 1l :::i::i::; i11'ri |]r:-,:.-ilrl ri, i ii; r-.lr: -q' I L.{ir'l: '- r r; r1.. . 'i, i :_ i i,r-: | ..i.l.tl-l l:::/ !lt,r, r-,i r i !; riL:!i;"r-',,-i : lit:1!' - 'i'r'i i t,lr; p-ri d fimr'ut;! Pei I t1i -! -::r I il il':';'t; 't-' i!;:' ii r.r:iii:ri:lri1-i,ii:lijltiij ;r;!4,1:iii ;ii::,1;' r-+ i:''t f r':'j '' li' +;-i l-I-: r::1 '!'.'..: lrt-fll-l I r a t I Routed To:Greg Hall, Public Works Terri Martinez, Public Works $: ', Todd Oppenheimer, Public Works Mike McGee, Fire Return To:Dirk Mason. Communify Developmcnt Date Routed:10/16196 1tf t/a{ cturn By:10123196t'/ 6/ e( ,,"otrilr/n Project Name:Current - Setback and Wall Hcight Variadsp Project Address:3235 Katsos Ranch Road Lot 5 Block I VailVillage l2th A request for a fror-rt setback and wall height variancc to locatc a garage addition in the front setback. Approved Denied (cite detailed reasons)X Approved with conditions tte*,ottnrrsr,r"#8o.d starnped bl o liceftecl ernirrccc. * YclJ edf prplcclbll can ceqF4alq ond plote onotfEr \,JAtl dcI.,,J:\ be\dn thi5 eogced c,qi\ ad sttll bswirhln trtr ql.t1<iqhi resfttcliqn - bor, if th€ p\annino\depor+h€ \ dcon'ld have (^n Aollh1alc, 0@Vieql5tilh lf., rtrS sp wit\ qng{c€€nnq *\rh 4 sfarnp. Ihpqcodinq tzdorr the vrO\\ ,^s Sho$n rr fco ttqhl- o. ihe weJry61118. Qe4rcAs -S?apton. &r qeOb/(l lO.rUqO revlq(d ro.22.qr. cetrr-c',ed lD L3q@. /o ("..-..-.\, - ') / rt,,'' i 1!rr r,, , c. ,.( i.. ,-.L -^--P., , '-' nl .9c" - -b6^!6)c I u .,rc^e( &. - L @ \A\cr l(t .iar 4' n.:rr l i-,., tx ., 7:.:',t t.^r.,gl ,.r.rl ixr,.-.i.J-,i ;,.1, t\ (?.:1,,i {.4,) a', -,,.,. flvllr,ft,rz.-- Date received: Rcvicrved by:Date reviewed: t 3n=^ = li,{ \Elfir 1 | \___>- oozU'{7co{6z ! -tm..lnil3trt Iel -{ -t EmE*l-..h El-<: ft'o )r tlm: 619s 1lri g lId sf.? ?r3 o<4o.d8ngFE16fri3 q m!3 IFTRIFHHX fiiE -il.+n=gp" t- NDE (,.TltN Or (J| >= ts >tE;6u;z Pzc) 7o zuT qii o 9pic f;Ed6v o 2G)-lmaz>mon-{>or-d Ez 3 ; vt U) € Ft4tot' tr,r HF Hrr 11DE N) Fl =tt- m N tJl tJl Ut = DHl-l IF. \J o'\ Is oo ldHt€Ftzlls lPli lF |!T Hl"" la lhl18llHI fe l>IHIHt@tEdlll(/rl"lrl *lg t3 ln l, I li l*lo l=lo i €z n z-!moz $. I l{ tglzS.l.\o,lY *l: 3|fi lzlo I I I zo{ m I oo! o'n !m 3 -{{o @ mxm!-{ oz(-o @ CT' + m *t N) \o\o N) 0 m O(lcIF.O r{Fzv, z o oq 0t - o{ o (oo ql Jo o 6!)o. to 0ttto= o'* ; =o o =:to o 3D-. o -o ='oo. oo 39(D (D o' Dooc d oo o- p. ot ; o. o qt o 0l _P_ o 5' o 3!tf.of E o =.oo. 0to 6 g al(o do .o E.:' o =' 3 A),=. o) o. E.o g o ;o oo 5g !. =g -l { o .o s =o. <, 0t o 0){ :tt D o. o oc=o. a .4 o d !,oo ='(o o to { o s.o € EEE o o -o =o @ s. ir--' ooo.o 0t cl o c)F Pz Ftt F{ F t{E FBP'HT!EF. O':x. OurC' u!F@(/r(ntsa Ltl C) @ o.rl o{zmt o z-{, oi 'rr =o mr- 11 zo IIm o€zm t- (t -.t 2o loz T m fazmm m l<' lz 12lq t>tt- F I -.to<'rl -o m tmtxt: IP l6 t-]llz lzl' I' t- I I lpo I I I t- zq, l- =o? -{ ! rn -.1I xzm(t,(t, - Irl Itr a-l 2 -.1 I z 9I m ma €Itf- =z c =-.t(h o -Jozcz I zm{ |---tm P =z 3 z xXX rnt m fl - =oz ON-2 ers 0HF ioE>'nY.zoiitqoo'azvc)., lo 62.5= E bzuto6 6'nzz = x NB= Sm=qr!- 5-t< 3 z F-l Eqt H F E trlF l:{ frlXH4 Hz ts N Iu) t+5o\ N) € o { }N !--! H Et:tIii K g rrd F F HHHozFF. c) nF FIH =U'azezo -F3oHqFtr <z F{o-^Z XOkileit',t-l' 'alal ol HIzl olFdl hdlvil Ial Frlrql I I z 2 =z <lr-{ -.{ l m ri;-.E"=l xol>olEil td >'E'l I I I FIrt|Fl NJr6\l *>. \o ml\ol.r I I I I I z vrEP'ztr, 7{ Prd N)N \o\o N) {o-lr !mn = ='Tl mmat a m x c)t-ft zt .o om!o.a -l mL z msm€ 7 m m znmm ttl :E z - !- 3gzo mt-m{ ^t- |- z -mot @ f- z m =-t -It mn3 -4 'Tl mmU' VALUATION !-nl I =J 2o |+oFlPr 3 7no- z l. |. 3Iz. mfmo 3o - t- z \l l.Jo o o\.F. @ + @\oto N lJr vl N' + iJl 5 !^J {.a) (, 4!(, s. U) s. @ .F-oo c lJl T+9,moYte- 4ln lqs a a PIan Rnvier Based ontbe 1992 Unifon Codeg NAME:BOSSOW REMODEL DATE: 4-24-92 ADDRESS: 3235 KATSOS RANCH RD CONTRACTOR: GMA & ASSOC. VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY: R-3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQUTRED TIre itens listed belor are not intended to be a co@plete tisting of, all possible code requirenentc in the adopted cod€s. ft is aguide to selected sections of tbe codas. Tbe folloring is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of, the pro- visions of the adopted codeg or any ordinance of tbe fown of Vail . 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLS AS PER sEc. 1_21_0 1_991 UBC.2. GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC.I7I2 1991 UBC.3. CRAWL SPACE TO BE A MAX]MUM OF 5' FROM GROUND TO STRUCTUAL FRAUING. ,l'1HR 1E 'Ef t1E:35 !t:l]L Frt Irlja HO f.,'iA{ i : liil IIIITITY LOCATION VERIFICATION# SUBDIVISION r4Ai JoB NAIIE 4/rfrg Aossou, \ .- . _ . rsr j*sl_BrocK AoDREss 3,lif Ka]srs 2+"r L&, - The locstion of utlllttes, whether they lines, nust bp approved Nnd vcrifled by rccompanying slte plan. . l,lountal n Bel l 1-634-3778 l{estern $1ope Sar Harry l'4oyes . Publfc Servlce ComPanY Gary Hal1 * Holy Cross Electric Assoc.' Ted Husky/Mtchael Laverty '/"':l#fcabre T.v. -6*fFotrtsoft,rfazr' Gz,*l Upper Eagle Valley liater and Sanltatlon Dlscrict . [)avld Krenek be nain trunk linss or ProPosod the folloHing utiliti€s for the Date iln: F,' ''"z- 5,t 1 J- ^ .* For nevl const {'t'-7/+1ease fl1I out ai,tacheci sheet. t/ /,2. -l -qz- NoTE: Thess vcrifleetlons do not relisve the eontl.Ector of his retponrtbtltty to obtain a street cut permlt frolq the Ta,^'n qf VaIL, Depertnent of Fublic Workg and to obtain utllity locations befora diggins ln any public riSht' of-nay or sasament in thc Tot*n oi VeiI. A buildirrg permit ig not I strest cut permit. A gtreet cut pernlt nust be obtaincd separetelY. Thlg forn ls to verify service avaLlablity and location' This ahould be used in conJunotlon with properlng your uttlity plen and schodullng lnstallations. I ;'Project Application Project Name: Proiect Description: Contact Person and Phone 6, (tisA Owner, Address and Phone: Archilect. Address and Phone: q Com menls: I Legal Description: Lot J Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: (Wwn-u^t o^r" /ttft' DISAPPBOVALAPPROVAL Summary: ( *t1( lhw*\arcrtf E Start Approvat SITE VISITS1:00 p.m. DESIGI REN,IIEII BOARD AGENDAtPRrr. 15, Lgg2 3:00 P.M- '^v {/nf+:,\r4\?$'t{il'l I" u JKlKP 1 2 3 { 5 6 7I 9 Mindlin Residence - 800 potato patch Drive.Lionsbead MalI - Sundial plaza. Bailey R'esid€nee - 193 Beaver Da! Road.Ski Museua pocket park - Located at tbe nortbwEgtintersecti.on of Vail Road asd tt€st Meador Drive.va+l G?g9way plaza - 12 Soutb rrontag€ Road. Yail Village xnn Plaza - 100 Soutb I'iontage Road.Soitb Rsgidence - 950 }airray Drive.Bosgor/Acuff Residenc€ - 323S Xatsos ttanch Road.Kaiser/8all ttesideac. - {916 iluniper Lane. 2. Lionshead MalI - Sundial plaza. Located west of the Lifthouse Lodge.MOTfON: George Lanb SECOND: Diana DonovanVOTE: 3-0 Approved. Applicant agreed to investigate groutingflagstone. 3. The Club - New front entry door. MM304 Bridge Street/Red Lion BuildingMOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. 4. Mindlin Residence - Addition to primary unit. of JKIAKexisting primary,/secondary residence. 900 potato Patch Drive,/Lot 7A, Block 1, Vail potato patch. L. Ski Museum pocket park - Conceptual revier; located MMat the northwest intersection of Va1l Road and WestMeadow Drive-MOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Conceptual - no vote taken. MOTION: George LambVOTE: 3-1 SECOND: Ned Gwathmev AGENDA Approved with conditions. Diana Donovan Opposed. I 5. Grubbs Residence - 250 Addition and exterior JKIAKmodifications to existing single family residence. 1031 Eagle,s Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail villageLst. MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: JK/AK 193 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 38, Block 3, Vail Village3rd Filing. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 4-0 Approved with conditions. 7. Smith Residence - New DupJ.ex. AK 950 Fairway Drive,/Lot 6, Vaj.1 village 1Oth Fiting MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Conceptual Revier - no vote taken. 8. Hutchinson - Nevr primary with restricLed 2nd unit. SM 2995 Basingdale Road/Lot 15, Block 5, Vail Intermountain. MOTION: George Lamlc SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 4-0 Approved with conditions. 9. Bossow/Acuff Residence - Bedroom,/Bathroom JKISMAdditi-on. 3235 Katsos Ranch Road,/Lot 5, Block 1,vail village 12th. MOTION: George Lanb SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 4-0 Consent approved. 10. Kaiser/Ha11 Residence - Carport addition to existing SMprimary/secondary residence. 4916 Juniper Lane,/Lot 5,Block B, Bighorn 5th Filing. MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: TEBLED TO lAY 6TB IIEEEING. 11. Frein Residence - Revision to driveway configuratj.on, SMIandscaping and elevation changes. 798 potato patch Drive/l,ot 8, Vail potato patch. MOTION: George Lamb SECOND: Sherry DorwardVOTE: 4-0 Approved as submitted. TEBI.ED EO IIAY 6IE }IEEIING. 6. Bailey Residence - New Single Family. 40869fr $f5a /&bE a' fusl efl &{) ?43 /eq * Aor /4n fnVaxdelq4 Wrt 4/orr2,;44 ,44,f3: p,//J t&tis ffi" 71P .(l/C/l/Urel H hn/t ran4r*fi -ueEt;a 3/, a*urtd (us,*u) naLdef4 ,*fr@'/r&/72&t GEFA fryatutYG, 59&-3/ /2 ,tu ? A GKr4 Rtm aa(1 q'A adt #a,) F/A4/Z/4: U/zt . DEPARTMEI. :1 IIF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT : .... ...TONFORM Z:#^ /jossatJ fyf,' /a* f 6,/oc,4" /- /a,/ h//aa) /2457,. TOWN OF VAIL 0r 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE 0l 0000 42415 UMFORM PLUMBINO CODE 0l 0000 42415 UMFORM MECHANICAL CODE 01 0000 42415 01 0000 42415 NA1IONAL ELECTRICAL CODE OTHER CODE BOOKS01 0000 42415 0l 0000 41548 01 0000 424i2 XEROX COPIES / STUDIES 0t 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECT]ONS 0t 00c0 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE.CHECK FEE IS4O PER HR.I 0t 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS UCENSES FEES 0r 0000 4i330 01 0000 41413 01 0000 41413 ADDMONAL SIGNAGE FEE 01 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJECI _._,r:; ._i.)ir PRE PAID DESIGN REvlr i:, i;j--'.. . i: .'i;'i:0l 0000 4133r 01 0000 41330 01 0000 41330 0l 0000 41330 0t 0000 41?: +rjiO v 41330 tzoNINccoDE 4777 4 t / &ur/- Are (laz. ,Ua /538 -r(}htl.| oF lJFlIl- tliscel lamqrc Csh Er4-13-92 89: B?: $8 Eatreipt * 69527F 0cccunts fH*15389 GI4F RHII L I'EUELCIFI'IEI.IT".FRE r.rlEtrr BtrFRtr FEE Fnraunt tendered > FffID IIESIEH 54.66 Item paid firdrnt Ptid F1EEE841331E0B sB. 86 th.:n,;e returned l E' EIE .THJf,FI*< 1/(]IJ gour crshier STEFHBIIIE t,,.€, , ..rJ il:**E I a!,, r.. . v,,::,-- l,,r <,'u -,,r! 1 -, ,' !.i tu(** A*Y revised DRB APPI.ICETION - TOWN OF \TAIL, DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: *r(******** TEIS APPLICATION WII,I. NOI BE ACCEPTED UNTIL AI"]., REQUIRED INTORI.IATION IS SUBMTTTED **/r******* - PROJECT INFORMATTON: A. DESCRIPTION: '1/1,'-,i" . .||-t t-/- B. TYPE OF REVIEW: j-*"* construction ($200.00) \ Addirion ($5o.oo) D. 47505 Minor Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) & Block _----'-/ meeLs and bounds fegala separaLe sheet and ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRLPTION: LoT .? ,n#hrl,i##FE,u"ta /7 If property is described by hdescription, please provj-de onat,t.ach to this application. P#E{^i#f,+ZONING: LOT AREA: ff required, applicanL must provide a current stamped survey showing lot area. G. , NAME oF AppLrcANr , MMLA ngs*qlba a tz ffi.ru^.J i,.rrrU^ rrr i47c -7633 I NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE: SrC T,IA*C;YI*''/,'S/4AhY€ IItairing adaress: _ -7 I ,/\ - ^'- |NAME OF OWNERS, I f'r-sreHaruRE (s) , A >. Itutttrn ooor." l i ICondominium Approval- if applicable. i DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid at ithe time of submittal of DRB applicat.ion. f,iter, when Iapplying for a building permit, please identify t.he Iaccurat.e vaLuation of lnb proposal. The town of vail - |will adjust the fee according to the tabLe below, to Iensure the correcL fee. is paid. f _,t ^,\ Irns parp, s jb.do IFEE SCHEDULE: &MALZ Due/op,, z / furp/# /ite'- il)4fr:./ 3'/b '?Z t//u/n/:, Sla s-: .+, VALUATION FEE ''-'-),..*. - i$ o - $ 1o,ooo $ 2o.oo 'f"'*"'o') Is 10,001 - $ 50, o0o $ 50.00 i$ 50, 001 - $ 150, 000 $100.00 I$150, 00L - $ 500, 000 $200.00 |$500,00L - $1, 000/ 000 $400.00 i$ Over $1r 000,000 $500.00 i H J. 't DESIGN RE\IIEW BOARD .a'PPROI/AI, EXPIRES ONE YE.AR EI'TER FINAI. APPROYAI UNIJESS A BUIIDING PERMIT IS ISSUED Al{D CONSTRUCIION rS STARTED, 't*NO APPLICATION WTLL BE PROCESSED WTTEOUT OHNER'S SIGNATURE Phone NAME OF OWNERS:J Phone ZONE CHECK FOR SFR, R, R P/S ZONE DISTRICTS tl , ll DATE: I-,EGAL DESCRTPTTON: Lot 5 BLock I tiri-ng ADDRESS: OWNER J t+ kcla kCilrc ZtlleL,\\ 4+ssocpnoNsARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE *tl,OT SIZE Height Total GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Water Course SeLback Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining Wa1I Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment; EnvironmentaL/Hazards : PHONE Existinq ProPosed TotalAllowed (30) (33) 4 q{s tga3 87( t891 + 425 +425= 201 L5t 15' (30) (s0) IrEngineer: _:-_ uoX a1')YeS 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent SIoPe 3) Geologic Hazards \\ a) Snovt AvaLarl' - -) b) Rockfall j! 0/tI c) Debris Flo 4) wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this resuest involve a 250 Addition?ND How much or che alfowed 250 Addition is used with this request? ,t*NoLe: Under Sections LB .1-2.090 (B) and 18.13.080 (B) of the Municipal Code, l"ots zoned Two Family and Primary/Secondary which are less Lhan f5r0b0 sq. ft. in ar6a may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community DevelopmenL Depirtment may grant an eTception to_thi: restrict-ion pro',tided the applicant meets the criteria set forth under Sections L8.t2.090 (B) ana i'g . 1-3.080 (B) of the Municipal Code -includingpermanently restricting the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time employees of the Upper Eagle Valley- 10 rx,6ry 3'/6' _Reqrd (30o) (600) (9oo) Permitted Slope ;Q! Date approved bY Town utl /J buf tLV -z rrqorrrgi (1200 PLANT MATERIAT PROPOSED SHRUBS co*ro'Qrn.Ouantitv Size* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size of proposed shrubs. Minimum size of shrubs is 5 qallon. GROUND COVERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixt,ures and locations on a separatelightinq plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan on the lisL below and provide the wattage, heiqht abovegrade and type of light pf,oposed. oTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wallsl f,ences, swimmingpools, eLc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining 3 feet.Maximum height of walls efsewhere on the A D. walIs. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is is 6 feet. /{k properry .9 tt LlsT oF MATERIALS NAME OF PROJECT, 3 35 4rso LEGAT DESCRIPTION: LOT slocx . /suBDrvrsroll H V !& STREET ADDRESS:/4rs(e+l DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: The following information isReview Board before a final A. BUILDING MAIERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other required for submittal to the Designapproval can be given: TYPE OF MA?ERIAL COLOR 14 A,-t-c1+ €X r s r/ ^l cr B.IANDSCAPING; Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERTALS: Botanical Name common Name ouantitv size* PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED )tlndicate 7 trees. caliper for deciduous trees. Minirnum c.al:tper.-for,trees is.2 inches. rndicate nffis LAND &a t rQr,n cuARANTEE CoupANY \-.| Representing Title Insurance Company of Minnesota TII,ANK YOU FOR YOUR ORDER March L9, L992 Our Order No.: V18525 BUYERi/OWNER: }IARA GRASIS BOSSOW SELLER: JACK P. ASUFF AND CAROL A. ACUFF ADDRESS: FTLTNG 12, BIOCK L, IOT 5 VAIL VIII.AGE CI,,OSER 1 Attn; tEs GORE RANGE PROPERTIES 511 LIONSIIEAD MALL. VAIL, CO 81557 " 1 Attn: JACKIE NORTHROP COPIES L Attn: PICIGD UP FOR DELIVERY AI.T PM COVENANTS ASIACHED YES NO i ron rrrr; euESTroNs cALL KAREN HoRTH 3o3 476-22sL' FOR CIOSTNG QUESTIONS CALL r.,ES KEYS 476-2482 MINNESOTA .','''1N HOME OFFICE 3033 East First Ave..Suite 500 Denvel CO 80206 P. O. Box 5440 Denver. CO 80217 321-1880 I FAX 322-7603 ADAMS 9101 Harlan, #100 Westminster, CO 80030 427-9353 I FAX 430-1572 ARAPAHOE 7700 E. Arapahoe Rd.. #150 Englewood, CO 80112 770-9596 / FAX 290-9040 ARVADA 52140 Ward Road, #200 Arvada. CO 80002 420-0241 / FAX 423-1365 BETHANY 11059 E. Eethany Drive Aurora. CO 80014 750-1717 tFN<750-5412 EAST 3300 5. Parker Rd., #105 Aurora, CO 80014 751-4336 I FAX 745-2669 GommitmentTo Insure lssued throuoh the jffice of: FIDDLEiS GREEN 5400 5. Fiddlers Green Englewood, CO 80111 7714s39 1FAX7714526 HAMPDEN 8821 E. Hampden, #100 Denver, CO 80231 7504223 1FAX7504267 JEFFERSON 710 Kipling, #202 Lakewood. CO 80215 232-3111 / FAX 238-2956 SOUTHWEST 3609 5. Wadsworth, #l t 5 Lakewood. CO 80235 988-8550 / FAX 980-8324 YOSEMITE 3600 S. Yosemite, #255 Denver, CO 80237 694-2837 / FAX 843-0402 BOULDER 2425 Canyon Blvd., #230 Boulder, CO 80301 4'144101 / FAX 786-8423 LAIID TITLE GIIARANTEE @iMANY P. O. Box 357 108 5. Frontage Rd. W. Vait, CO 81658 47 5-225 1 I Dire<i. 595-951 3 FAX 4764534 BRECKENRIDGE P O. Box 2280 200 North Ridge Breckenridge, CO 80424 453-2255 / FAX 453-6014 CASTTE ROCK 512 Wilcox Castle Rock, CO 80104 688-5353 / FAX 688-0143 COLORADO SPRINGS 102 5. Tejon, #100 Colorado Springs, CO 80903 5344821 /Direct 595-41 1 3 FAX 634-3190 PARKER 19590 E. Main 5t., #105 Parker, CO 80134 841-4900 VAIL P. O. Box 357 108 S. Frontage Rd. W. Vail. CO 81658 47 6-2251 I Direcr 595-961 3 FAX 476-4534 AGENTS DURANGO 1201 Main Avenue Durango, CO 81303 247-s860 / FAX 247-9089 ALrP "oMMrrr{ENr SCHEDUI,E A Our Order No. V18525 For Information onJ.y FTLTNG 12, Br.,,OCK 1, rST 5 VAIL VILI,AGE - charges - ALTA Owner Policy 5768.00 Ei33:33 ****TdITH YOI}R RSMITTA}TCE PI-,EASE REFER TO OUR ORDER NO. V18525.**** 1. Effective Date: March Ogt L992 at 8:00 A.l,t. 2. Policy to be issued, and proposed fnsured: trALTAI Owner's Policy 12L2,000.00 1987 Revision (Anended 1990) ' Droposed Insured: MARA GRASTS BOSSOW 3. The estate or interest in the land described or referred to inthis Coururitment and covered hereln is: A Fee Simple 4. Title to the estate or interest covered herein is at theeffective date hereof vested in: .'ACK P. ACUFF AND CAROL A. ACUFF 5. The land referred to in this Conmitnent is described as follows: IOT 5, BI.,,OCK 1, VATL VIIJ,AGE, TWELFTH FILING, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT RECORDED AUGUST 16, 1972 IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 99, COI'NTY OF EAGT.E, STATE OF COLORADO. PAGE 1 ALrP"oMMrrr{ENr SCHEDULE 8.1 (Requirenents) Our Order No. vL8525 The following are the reguirembnts to be cornplied with: L. Payment to or for the acc.ount of the grantors or mortgagors ofthe fuIl consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. 2. Proper instrunent(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured rnust be executed and duly filed for record, to-wit: 3. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED Septenber 0L, 1,978, FROM JACK P. ACITFF AND CAROL A. ACUFF TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COUNTY FOR THE USE OI' FIRSTBANK OF VAIL TO SECURE THE SrtM OF $80,000.00 RECORDED Septenber 06, L978, rN BOOK 274 Nr PAGE 723. SAID DEED OF TRUST WAS FURTHER SECURED IN ASSIGNI,fENT OF RENTS RECORDED Septenber 06, L9'78, IN BOOK 274 AT PAGE 724. 4. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED april 24, L986, FROI4 JACK P. ACUFF AND CAROL A. ACUFF TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGI,E COUNTY FOR THE USE OF FIRSTBANK OF 1VON TO SECURE THE SIIM OF $8O,O0O.OO RECORDED April 30, 1986, IN BOOK 440 AT PAGE 802. SAID DEED OF TRUST I{AS TURTHER SECURED IN ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS RECORDEDApril 30, 1986, IN BOOK 440 AT PAGE 803.' 5. EVIDENCE SATISFACTORY TO THE COMPANY TIrAT THE TERliS, CONDITIONS AND PROVTSIONS OF THE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 5. WARRANTY DEED FROM JACK P. ACUFF AND CAROL A. ACUFF TO IiIARA GRASIS BOSSOW CONVEYING SU&TECT PROPERTY. THE COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDERS OFFICE REQUIRES RETURN ADDRESSES ON DOCUI4ENTS SENT FOR RECORDING! ! PAGE 2 Arrl coMMrrMENr I SCHEDULE B-2 (Exceptions) Our order No. Vl-8525 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to thefollowing unless the same are disposed of to the satisfaction ofthe Conpany: 1. Standard Exceptions L through 5 printed on the cover sheet. 6. Taxes and assessments not yet due or payable and special assessments not yet certified to the Treasurer's office. 7. Any unpaid taxes or assessments against saj.d land. 8. Liens for unpaid water and sewer charges, if any. 9. RIGHT OF PROPRIETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REII{O\rE HIS ORE ?HEREFROM SHOULD THE SA.I,TE BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMISES AS RESERVED IN UNTTED STATES PATENT RECORDED May 06, L905, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 273. 10. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANAI.,S CONSTRUCTED BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE-'NITED STATES AS RESERVED IN UNITED STATES PATENT RECORDED t!!ay 05, 1905, IN tsOOK 48 AT PAGE 273 1].. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS, I{HICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITURE OR REVERTER CIAUSE, AS CONTAINED IN INSTRWENI RECORDED August 1.6, L972, fN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 88 AND AS AMENDED rN INSTRIII{ENT RECORDED Septenber 25, 1972, IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 475. ].2. THE EFFECT OF A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT AFTECTING VATL VILI,AGE 12TH FILING AND THE POTENTIAL LIEN CREATED BY A SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRTCT FOR THE PURPOSE OF COMPLETING A ROCKFALL BERM. 13. TERMS, CONDITIoNS AND PROVISIONS OF PL,,AT RECORDED Augrust l-6, L972 IN BOOK 225 AT PAGE 89. PAGE 3 LAND ,1",cuARANr"d| co!,rPANv I DISCLOSURE STATEMENT Required by Senate Bill 9L-14 : A) The subject real property nay be located in a special taxlngdistrict. B) A Certificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction may be obtained fron the County Treasurer or the County Treasurer's authorized agent. c) fhe infornation regarding special districts and the boundariesof such districts may be obtained from the Board of County Connissioners, the County Clerk and Recorder, or the CountyAssessor. ,, ; I The lt erns belov need togivLngapermitaflnal Please check off Ln the FINAL PLUI,TBING G** r*sP'crro*'s coupLErED I be complete before Cof0. box provlded. DATE! T n FINAI }IECHANICAL DATE: DArE: 7- 7 ez FINAL ELECTRICAI. T [i l--i DATE: FINAI. BUILDING EAST SIDE:$EST SIDE: DATE: ?SMPORARY DATE:I I CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY DATE: t-i LANDscA?rNc DUE DATE: FILE NAME: box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-56r3 office of the town manager $eptember 22, 1977 Jay Peterson Box 1582Vall, Colorado 81657 Re:. Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Village . I?tll. I'i1ing Dear Sir: As a representative of the Town of Vai1, Department of Community Development, I would like to express my eongratulationsto you for the fine buiLding you recently. constructed on the above named property. I feel that your home is a welcomeaddition to Vail and on behalf of the Department of Community Developrnent, would like to express my appreciation for yourefforts. In orider to reeei.ve a Certificate of Occupancy or an approved final inspection, i.t is necessary that your driveway and parking area be paved in accordance with the Zoning Ordinance of the Town of Vail. It is also necessary that exposed metal flashing pieces, flues, and the llke, be paintedthe trim color of your house. If it proves impossible to have this work done in the nearfuture, the Town of Vail can issue you a Temporary Certificateof Oecupancy upon agreeing to have this work done prior to amutually agreed date in the future. Bill PierceBuilding Official BP/dl lUVu. + PUBLIC NOTICE PTEASE TAKE NOTICE TIIAT Mr, Jay peterson has appU.ed lor a setback varlance from the provlsions of section 3.s02 of the Zoning Ordiuance, Ordlnance No, g, Series of lg?B in order to construct a garage on Lot 5, Broek x, vail village ]f,rh Fi}lng. A Public Hearing wlrl beheld in accordance wlth section 21'500 of the zoning ordlnance, ordinance lilo. g, series of LgrB, on september 9, 19?6 before tbe Town of vair pranuing com'qlssion whose deci-sion wirl bertransmltted to the Town councll for final declsion, sai.d hearing wlr.l be held in tbe va1l Municipar Building. TOIYN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMIIUNITY DEVEIOPIIENT \,2Oq2J/ooo&Diana S. Toughill Zoning Admlnistrator Published in the Va1l Trail August ZO, ir916 I i q \loaEI13ts O rtl rqo |; b3 Fd vev oEl r.r o Fl z r I I I I I I I I t** tfil+lv I lA-lo lK I II I I o q d B D o I TT* E€EiilEFi5 6 Pl i'ro.P-o 5' * * i Ee"suB.Fii+ F' { s [e;ar:a;;P E * sAlar:-85.e * e I^iBeeEE.".,F i r Fser6e;43i * : gEiEil;ls*r E' : ir3-?5*934:: E X a5';9Ae)- a 6 a 3E*qiFgaE E € e F€-q*aa€;r-'d 5 ="-9n-r4*g, ; I 3Hs;:EP.3=: E ; sr*eiFirI s E *[g€rE;g; F F i;ErestgF E 3 f€eliEEs* H ; E€istl;s,: s :, q I:s[i cl,*,-= | E I'F!.9:rs? $ f g sfrssil* H I i F,5r.;F[9e" o IDI ID E|. o.c l4 l-rlvto i-r ; N F F' s 6' .ttI o !t E !t o I I E l6'lc Itn l^1 I I I I F ;(C,tJ l$ .? o E f p. € {D 'lID It o 9)q a D'a o.o Ia\N.ti,\ t\ lax 6\.E o 6 N €pb ETtaltol0 E?G5o 6.+&rl(' (Dl',i*'iiiiliiiiiiii Es at .DxE H F; tr{ Fl r .D (0 D{ F (9 =g P box 100 vail, colorado 81657 (3031 476-5613 office of the town manager 0ctober 20, 1976 free to contact this Si ncerely, DEPARII4ENT OF hlilliam F. Pierce Building 0fficial Mr, Jay Peterson c/o Mclaughlin & PetersonVail, Colorado 81657 RE: Lot 5, Btock l, Vait Village l2th Filing Dear Jay: As you know, all residences built after the adoption of0rdinance No. 8, Series of 1973n (the Zoning 0rdinance),are subject to the provisions of Section 14, which in - essence state that all on-site parking areas must be paved. A visual inspection was conducted by our office thjs week.At that time we noticed that you have not paved your driveway. Your cooperation in completing this task bbfore ihe winter season is upon us would be greatly appreciated. jir{::.have any questions, p'tease feet q0{MUNJTY D EV ELOPME[T---\.h. p.7/.=< -/z---,. , ,.? JK a t a zo {et - - e).ril =|- E 5l-I z o U m! 3 -{ ( (l I i -iDr 1tro t I m -l -tD-t-o-l D m 'i-oo.t mDtDIo n ttn =mz-{a 2 Dzo|n c2oo n m fiF :sr-{ oz {'> F FEF- <ErldlF"6g-RrcgFgE zoo>Q>o9:EEE3i: EHEH-Eitr EeEi ocil'rE;E 'iFl<lE<Fr{ l{ €rt Ft{ >F z r z n za l] o€ z c'{m 6rt| *\ N 3\ $ N \ T|- 2o mo7 nlio-to<cl'CcInPO =('io;at -,192Ed fo2 9DSo 6ozo= Jm N 'tl, "h! I \-.l \/trL! c' D-{n olt !! tro -t oz oaz D ; *\ Ut , U,! m.o I mo D--ltntD{ oz I Ioz ttn! Pt ot!toJ o Izo o1ln v,:r! ! T2o fix{v,t mo FLUMETTNGi/MECHANTCAL PEFTM|T TOWN OF VAI L USE OF BUILDING: LASS oF woRK: ,E "r* E loornoru D nemooel n Rere,n SCRIPTION OF WORK: PLUMBfNG: NUMBER 1192 -P MECHANICAL: NuMBER I7.JZ -It I vALuArfoN s 4*m, }4 VALUATfON $ 1 ,/ na /*? REMARKS:REMARKS: pERMrr FEE Z 2. 5o PERMIT FEE ..- Z -5 ,> // Elteppnoveo TOTAL FEES: $ '/ ---+ DATE lc| t)€ir 7+ I -lLuq//,1"f I orsnppRovro Town of Vail nI.4CIRICAL PMIVNT N9 Building Valuation Electrical Valuation Pemrit Fee Inspection Fee Total Fee 37 $......-,.............-...... $ ?{?-o: s .. ZeR Electrical Contractor Applicant....-..1......en=..... APPROVALS -..P**,**='-',,-,=:o:.-.5..+, z* Ottleld THIS FORIS Ig TO BE POSTED ON JOB SITE DURING COI{gTRUGTION 24 HOURII ADVANCE N(yNCE REQUINED FOR INSPECTTONS Received By DESIGII DATE OF I4EETII.IG: MEI4BERS PRESENT: REVIEI.I BOARD September L9, t974 Ruoff, Bill Abbott, DudleY Hanlon, Bill Parker, Lou Sage, Dave JAY PETERSON residence - design SUBJECT: ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: of greenhouse - Booth Creek l SECoNDED ,rQh- VOTE:FOR:AGAINST: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY; o DE Itt SIGN NEVIIIW BOAND o DATE OT MEIIBENS II}iETING: PBESENT: SUBJECT: ACTION TAKBN BY BOARD: Ii{OTION:SECONDED BY: AGAINST: ABSTENTION: APPROVED : t/- DISAPPROVIiD: SUIITIAIlY: DES IGN DATE OF MEETII'IG: MII4BERS PRESEI'IT: REVIEI,I BOARD Auqust 22, 1974 n ott, g;'l'l t/ Abbott, Oualey € Hanlon' Bill v'F--' Parker, Lou Sage, Dave SUBJECT: JAY PETERSON - residence -wjndow O/-<,--t4- -__--.-^---.7_ ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: l't0TI0N VOTE: ;sECoNDEDeyfuU AGAI NST: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUtrrl4A,?Y: Da te Submltted for Review TOWN OF VAIL ENVIRON[IENTAL REV IEW CI]EC KL IST Project 0wner , Lega I Descr ipt ion en "r(, ron^{t al inpact reporf must be maie fornontrl vial efiecJ on the environrnent. Effects ces ol both primary and secondary nature. The fclloli ing questions shall bc used as guidel negative declaration or an environmental lmpaciwrite rrunknown in yes/no column), l. Could the project significantly changr presen+ area? Does the project significantly conllict with applicable generalplans and the Vail Master Plan? Could the project afiecf the use of a rocreational area, or area i mportant visual value or p re-empt a s!te with potent i a I recreati a I or open space va lue? l'{ill any natural or man-made features in the project area whichare unique, that is, not found in other parts of ihe Tohi n, County,or State be affected? Wi ll the p roject involve constructionl0 percent or greater? gt?1*l ,O 7c Wi ll the project involve construction geo lo9 j c hazards? lVi ll the project involve construc'lion of faci lities in an area s ubject to ava lanche? Could ihe project change existing features or iin any I lood plain, natural drainage course, or ls the project, as part ot a larger pro jec'l', one cumulative actions, which although individual ly whole have significanl environmenfal impact? Do-e s tle,projec+ .involve extensive gxcava.Li-on or f i ttz. d**/*e &-Ce--ffi?@.4# re3.Hl4 c Does the tiroject arca or the pfojec+ si+e serve 5s a habi+a+, food sourcs, nesting place, crossing, vJinfering area, source of vrater, etc, for ii ildlife species? /h^2 4*t-. )+_, *t**-, 12, Could ihe project signif ican'ily affeci rearing areas or habitatof f ish soecies? 15, Are there any rare or endangered plant species in the project area? Could the project change existing features of any of ihe regionrs s+ream frontage or greenbelt areas? Wi ll the proiect remove subsiantial a4ounts of veqetaiion incl{ring ground covert A1t-qgu-.{ /-ru 2g,z A i,r, f .r-- ) 4 6A.i:.-z.t <<+q tresutl In srgnrrl a/,,,,,,,,,,,,,,t/H4,' / o v tn14u.7.4,111^44*4144.*fu*""': /^-*il Cou I d the p roj6ct res u lt i residents? Cou I d 1'he p roject se rve to deve loped areas or intensl areas? ls there appreciable opposition to the project or is be controversial? f/r/V , Type ot Pro.ject ines to any acti vity which inc lude envi ronmenta I COnSeqUen- of on- dec ide whe+her to ma ke a(lf answe r is unknown, YE5 NO 2. a uses of the project of f aci lities on a s lope of of facilities in an area of nvo lve construct i on / ,z I / 9. 10. ll. l4. t5, 16, t8, t9, / r' Iwafe rcou rse? of a seri es of srna I l, may as a can t change In the hy d ro logy n the d i sp lacement of commun ity encourage development of presenfly un- fy deve lopmenJ of a I ready deve loped _4r' z Ut4..,tt a;.Cou ld the Projectof the area?.4 it likely to YES NO 20, V{ill I projecl creare new or aggravatelr*lng heatth hazards? 71. |{lll the proJect involv€ the appllcation, use or disposal ofpo+enti a I ly hazardous materi a ls? 22. Could the project generate significant amounts of dust or odor? 23, Could the po rj €ct ge ne ra te significant. nolse? 24, Xj:l"li" proiect dlscharg€ sisnificanf volumes of solld or liguid _ 25. Could the rpoJec+ result in danage to soil capability or loss ofagri cu ltura I land? ?6, Could the projec-i significanily affect fhe potential use, exfrac-tlon, or conservafion of a natural resource? 27. Could project alier local traffic patterns or cause a signifi-cant increase in traffic volume or fransit service needs? ?8. Add it iona I rsmarks: I 4 *{ J/ I /r' .1 Review fl''.lr st comptet6d by o"t. /- /r-2/ Check I i si Reviewed by Based on the aboveis required. Title F revicw, it is lound thar an IlG {_L]!_9!!.L-{_84J]! N ew, (and the statemeni below, Envi ronmenta I lmpact Repori Date ) ii is found thaf this impact. Based on th p roje ct (r above rev inot ca use y s ign i-f i cant environmental STATEMENT OF ENV I RONMENTAL EFFECTS ::i | ;;l i\ ii .-.-i ):r;.1 io.r i c-i -. J e:!--- o '^:l! tr- ,'-:l''1r' 5 u I'il lA i? '/ ; ARCH I :CAL DI SCir. i P )T S iZ- /o *.<.f,? ,Rear Ao I 1,f,7 sq. ft. , Actua I L0AD I I'lG: No.Requi No .; Cove re d e ., No. Actua l t , Cove re c le- Actua I ON ING APPROVAL IES IGN REV IEhI BOARD APPROVAL ITILITIES APFROVAL :NV I RONi.]ENTAL I I.lPACT APPROVAL uat t aJ lula yo r Date l ECT ;E zoir: 4 ; ?ROPoSED USE(S) 4.l,4,oaa ; FROiITAGE : iie'irired - Frcnt o1 a Actua I - Front 3o lSTAl,lCE tiEiiJ:Ei',i BUILDItJGS: Reouired .tsua | * :IGHT: Avrrage Grade -_-_- Height Allowed - - , Actua | .4a'7f,- .R.F.A.: ,a.f, Ratio, Allowable sq. f+. q,&ft , Actual sq' tt'/'t</''fo-) 3l.tl.lERClAL FLCCR AREA: Percenl'age altovrable-;-, Allowable sq ' lt' - ' Aciual sq. f-i. - ; UlLD|NGBULKCoi.lTRoL:Allorvab|emaximum|en9th equired 0{f sets TTECOVERAGE: Aliowabte .?{ *, Allowable Sq. ft. f"r,fO , Actual 4 i '' Actual sq. ft, -6-fO ; , SEABLE OPEN SPACE: .Required dOO ' sq. ft., Actual.A,.nfla-sq'f+" AN DSC,i F ARK I I.IG ui red l ilG: AND Ground Le ve I Required 6o red t /At 6oo- S i des /a *"(f'7 Sides Sa /4o Rea r gz :-1, conimon ?z %qirgz-'.c.]t. /4a%lrrL Chairman, 0es ign Rev iew Boa rd Town Engineer )ate S ubmi )ate Subni )ate Subni ixtens i on ry Sect ion l0t"ll'1[NTS: Zon ing Review Des ign Review Env i ronrnenia I ++^.1 tted -!+^.4 of for for for 0ead I ine Dead line 0a te Date lmpact ewXEV I to Dead I ine as oer;iitiei of 0rci inance i'lo. da"fe E (Series of 1973) item Cjre- /-*r^/4 "1qxe,r : 6oo.#4< l,n,r x {rtf, 4'ra'2f ?,rx ?,f, ?r.tr /b21. to o@ 4Lf, /6- 4,/ </.f, \ft'no -ftry t- \l DATE OF MEI4BERS DESIGN I'iEET I IiG : RIVIEI.I BOARD August 15, 1974 pRESENT: Ruoff, Bi I I Abbott, Dudley Hanlon, Bi I I Parker, Lou Sage, Dave SUBJICT: JAY PETERS0N - residence - fjnal - Booth Creek ACTION TAKEN BY BOARD: MOTIO VOTE: ,/ N to =qplry" !y_4rye"__-.._,_; SEC0NDED ev A//ett FOR r AGAI NST: *4t APPROVED; DISAPPIIOVED: SUI'1I'1ARY: Atr4ar/44- \I nA ^t | \f/Q{-.r-- l\s--- uharrntail of the Board an I t, '/' DESIGN RE\II[I{ SOARD IJXSIGN CIIECKLIST INTITODUCTION: This checklist is intcnded as a guidel.ine forcvaluating a $idc spectrun of structures. Con-sequently sonre parts of these guidclines donot apply to a11 structures and a negatiyc re- sponse to a specific guidcline does not neces-sarily suggest a rejection of the entire design. ]. GENEML: A. Does the sca1e, location, and architectural design of the building harmolize rrith the surrounding environncnt both existing and future? B. Are opcn spaces left in a natural stateot relanclscaped to blend the stNcture toits surroundings ? C. fs the topography of the site used ina beneficial Nay? D. If cut and fill slopes are requireil,are they, sculpturcd (uith the use of re-taining na11s, etc.) and relandscaped toblend r.rith the surround ings ? E. Is the visual irxpact of off-streetparking nininized through applications oflandscaping and berning? F. In general, is landscapirg used to thebenefit of the or,rner and the public? G. If the building is residential, doesits location antl configuration naxinizc thcprivacy of surrou:rding drveLlings and intrudeinto their viel{s to the nininum extent teasLbJ.e r II. I{ATERIALS AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN: A. Does the roof hal'e a pitch 4/J,2 orgreater? If not, is there a gooil reasonfor this and is the ilesign conpatible siththe surrounding area? B. CLinaticall.y, does the building designtake advantage of sun, r"'ind, precipitation,etc., through l-ocation of fenestration overhangs, shutters, etc., anil generalorientation on the site? C. Do the desisn and nraterial-s used on thebuilding reflecf the ::rajestic mountain set-ting and Alpine village scale of the Tonn? D. Are the building Daterials useil in anirnaginativc and creative rray so as to lessen the monoton.r. of buildilg planc surfaces andcoordilate fenestration l oc ations ? I lf YES NO OTlll:ll E. Atc the pavcnent natcrials on pat ios ,publ j.c spaces , drivctr'a1's , and conpatj ble with the intcnded parking areas usc and o ther ke1 arrda:@ l&.'?. t. Is thc design of accessory structures,fcnces, rtalls, and other sttuctural land-scape featurirs co:lpatible j.n location, re-lation and naterial \'ith thc nain sirucrlrreand the rest of thc surrou[ding cnvironncnt? ' G. Are the finish colors colnpatible $iththc surrounding environment? ' (Natural,earth colors are favored. acccnt colorsshould be used r,'ith cliscietion and only onobjects of visual inrportance; netal trin and. flashing sliculd bc anodized or paintedto be uon-reflective. ) III. SCALX, OPEN SPACE, STOR/\GE +. .If the Project is connercial in character,is _it rel atii'e;)- tight-knit, intinate, andpealestrian in scale? Does it har-c an ovcr-all sign prograTn that wilI liarmonize siqnsof conrnercial interest with each other indthe surrounding enrrironnent ? B. Are-parking arcas screencd fron publicvien and broken up r.jith landscaping?- surround areas . ) 9. -If the building is residential in characterris there a looser, lor,'er density character?If fencing is planned, is it harnonious $ithoth-er-fencing and building nateriais. (So1id,high fences are discouraged in resideniial. D. _ Are service areas, outdoor storage\garbage cans, and t.rash storage areas screenedfron adiaccnt DroDerties. str6ets - and otherfron adjaccnt properties, streets, and otherpublic areas by planting, fences, or othersuitable naterials ?t74-*h c;r'E. Are storage areas for boats, trailers,carnpers, rnotorcycles, off-road vehicles, etc.,conpl.eteLy enclosed or screened fl.on ad.i acentproperties, streets, and other public areasby planting, fences, or other sir jtable na-teri a1s ? PROJ ECT DATE RE CE I V€D PROCESS ING OATE OEADL IIII COI4PLETEIJ S IGiIATURE RE'.,IARKSENTITIfS PRELII.IINARY STAFF REV IEW MASTER PLAN L AN DSCA P ING RECRE AT ION At|E N lT I ES 0|lrl ER /DE v t LOP€ li suBrf lrT rtt oert_lla!ftlll eT ENGR . CHECK DE5 IGN CHEC K ENV I RONI4EIIT A L II,IPACT REV IEW , ENV I RONMINTA L I I'iPACT RE PORT ,fon tHo cngcr PLANN. CO!11'r. *rue;--*-U@ 3vAR I ANCE - COND lT I ONAL USE . TotJN couNc L T REV t EIJ .{ES IGN REVIEI? rzF r NIL zoH r r.r o REV IEW F6 LDrN6 DEPT. 't{ip cHecx|.\-- /t: I ( {iECHlPLBc. 5oo,t"-. t ,t^'' a"-- (r€fECT R tcA L rtd6u tc wonxs. F IRE DEPT. t<^.e t/ I f -6.24 f -r'zq 'jF- ?,/z' PUAL ICAT I Oi{ DATE HEAR I NG DAI € FEES I "DATE PAID RIMARKSTYPE AIIOU|{T YAR IANCE '-------:-. COND. USE TNVIR. IMPACT pLAN cHEcK '75,5o REcREAT rori /ff,2* PERMrl, aLDG. l5l-oo- P LUT.lB ING TIEC}IAN ICAL tt2l'a-o G. tf,- ELECTRICALdesta/^J trv.co o.i1f,R ' to, ao DATE OF MEMBERS DESIGN MEETING: PRESENT: dt /- AGAINST: SUBJEC VOTE: APPROVED: DISAPPROVED: SUMMARY: JAr"rEs c- cRArc-coN_srnucrroN-co. - L'/ +'- 9 ? MoterioIs.. Lobor :i Contracts Estinoted, ;<ccvction a Bockfitl ii'inish grcd.ing-porking it l lilt --., -.i:'tii;<csvctionEBockfilt i; i i ir_ , . I tit':,,_ I .,_, ., i . ,'inish grcd.ing-porking ir i j !l , i " "irJ---'i---' t--;- --' :- '----.- - --:; " :n-. . . : -.,i .. -r.-. :. : ..:. . ... .._, :__ JOB COST.E R THE-USE OF .-_-\-- l-- -_, v!I.jLrrllg-rvtllr1,!r.lg ; , i crncrete footing jo t-/-< +2.4<:. : ,-.->. --*; tt 4: indoss €' Potio doors iliir:- 1, - -i -1-- ----, ixed _G.Lo s s, -E__$_trr ors ry__Wo1I ___ lco -\i+aiiointitt'+{c I I :i vvr -r.)J_ ___. cncrete Flqr*+ork ... J- 1l]l1:' IilCt lectricol wirino :'lec- Fixture ollowqnce lv<r' f--l .'1 %,i v5 1,O t 1 .- - It-ia__^:!r-r o___ ?r*t , - vlrL:=- yr J(rrl!._AVC. 4 eqting_E* sheet_metql ioroic a ---Li I e-,-€,:_F 1o or s .-])v"1 E5 LiL_.-I lo,:2 ., I--i t 7ra L I frc 1 | i-:L opl-ilortce s 7st'I 1 j 3tp ea I al a'Frr I r r-ra 4>?)u dg c ?rrrr n.!- ir t r rrti 1i +i a | ({' '1 l .riIdins.- Pernit iiiii'l,liil ; ----; - i--'T - |;lliii-i-ii-i-=i_-iil C'kzi:l :'i,-^ - ol.7 ;,;:':<=1'':---? -- -4-1J- | .-- !, TOT-AL---- - i --.,.-,.,.J :i F, -r I i I r..-,--llil:,t I :1 i I --f i i 'J r- iri- lr rNsPEeloru HEBUEsT VAILqWN I T onre .1. : " ., , , .1" JoB NAME TIME RECEIVED . . ,*IVi, pru CALLER I orsen , MON COMMENTS: TUE WED I pnnrrnu LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION FRI AMiPM Fepp RovE D E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNs: E orsnpp Rov E D ! nerNSPEcr CORRECTIONS DATE INSPECTQR rNsPEcloru HEBTJE=ir DATE ?r,-r4 JOB NAME TfME RECEIVED lu',,,,r>CALLER E-r j-ll .,o...r l(6'r,Pg x,cJ E orxen MON COMMENTS: TUE E penrrnl LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION ,-nG.i THUR E nppRovED Worsepp RovED X*.rNsPEcr ! uponr rHE FoLLowrNG coRREcnoNs: CORRECTIONS rNsPEcloru rtEtruEsiT VA I JOB NAME PM CALLER E orxen I pnnrrnl.LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION WED THURMON i TUE ,-,-..\FRI ( AM JPM COMMENTS: hat:RovED E orsnppRovED fl nerNsPEcr ltrAJ UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS fu9fri L- rNs'Ecforu mryig&t:Et$t flME RECETVED i AMCg CALLER f]ornen ( ryr-glj ruE COMMENTS: n pannau LocArroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED FRr r lrvr ,ptfi-j ,SaneRovE D flotseppRovED I uporrr THE FoLLowtNG coRRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS E nerNsPEcr 0,.(l +,- !-c)* t't-tE""* .i'rr! j { o €74RrL gEc 5 F|EEUEST onre 3 i ..),.- ;'ri Joe T;ME RECETVED .:ii- i c:, nrvtif$) fl orxen MON COMMENTS: E penrrnl LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION THUR A*FRt f\ T- AM@\ I orsneeRovED I nerNSPEcrD nppRovED E uporu THE FoLLowrNG coRREcroNS: COBRECTIONS lNsPEcroR DATE t rNsiPEctoru nEeuEsr ,orr l'a :-t'' TIME RECEIVED ,o"""ot= TO!,!,N O AM PM CALLER A Eouen E panrau LOCATION READY FOR INSPECTION FRI ,, .rAM PU- D eppRovED f]otsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr f,l.uronr rHE FoLLowrNG ceRRECTToNS: CoRRECTIONS -' n,. ; flLt ocT a I =rlot1974lNs FlEElJEsiT OF VAIL onrg &l '3h'r z+ Joe TIME REcEtvEo id -'., (4O' rrvr E orsen n pnnrrnu LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION WED ITHURFR , \7,,Al uPoN THE FOLLOWTNG CORRECTTONS: APP ROVE D ! orsereRovED fl nrrNsPEcr lCORRECTIONS I ... DATE TIME -- INSEECfiONT FTEBIJEEiT 1,,,t6*N oF vArL i I-/.. JOB NAME AM PM CALLER LI OTHER MON COMMENTS: TUE E pnRrral. LocATloN READY FOR INSPECTION WED THUR FRI AM PM APPROVED E uporu rHE FoLLowlNG coRREcnoNs: CORRECTIONS E orseppRovED E nerNsPEcr rNsfEcroR 'nxr sEP 01974 spectoru FIEBUEST olrie /'':i"'- 7t/' ,o, TIME RECEIVED AM PM PARTIAL. I { 't READY FOR INSPECTION El-rpphov e o CORRECTIONS florsnppRovED E nerNsPEcr fr,:IIJ.UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: ) firt AU0 3T €R rNstrEc|bru FrEGluEsr DATE TlME RECEIVED E ornen E pnnrteu LocArloN READY FOR INSPECTION MON COMMENTS: WED THUR FN '/' a., adi.DM El'npp RovE D rVIIg UPON THE FOLLOWING CORRECTIONS: E orsappRovED ! nerNsPEcr rNsiFEr##t'i:hEsr 4) ,a9a6 Z4 i.*\.>:7* JoBNAME ( TrvrE REcElveo " AM pM cALLER I ornen E pnnner-. LocATroN READY FOR INSPECTION AM@ APP ROV E D U orsnpp RovED LJ UPON THE FOLLOWING. CORRECTIONS: CORRECTIONS D ner NsPEcr