HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVE DUPLEX EAST 1988, 1991-1994, 1998t es ulL?r- '(I /e V,".-<*- ign Review Action Form TOWNOFVAIL Projcct Name: Thomson Residence Project Description:Deck cnclosure Owner, Addrcss and Phone: Thom Thomson 12760 West Morth Avenue, Brookfield, WI53005 (4r4) 784-6500 Architect/Contact. Address and Phonc: John Perkins Box 2007. Avon. CO 81620 949-9322 Projcct Street Addrcss: 2fi)5 West Gore Creek Drive Legal Description: Thomson ParceUCasa Del Sol, East Parcel Parcel Numbcr: Building Name: nla Comments: Received PEC approval for additional GRFA,250 ordinance on 6-8-98. Motion by: nla Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Christie Barton Datc: 6110198 Board / Staff Action Action: StaffApproval DRB Fee Pre-Paid: $20.00 Qucstions? aatl l'ii,r:r:ingStaffatt?i-.138 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVALTIwNuFVAIL\Y klq;.o to{ GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any projcct rcquiring Dcsigr Rcviov approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsign review must rcccivc Dcsign Revicw approval prioi to suUrnitting for a buiiding pcrmit. For specific information, see the subnilttal rcquircmcnts for thc partiiular approval that is rcqucsted. Thc application cannot be acccptcd until all thc requircd infornration is submittcd. fnc pio.lcct may also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and./or thc Planning and Environnrental Conrmission. Design Revierv Board approval cxpires onc ycar after final approval unlcss a building pcrmit is issucd and construction is started. DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: B. C. D. E. LOCATTON OF PROPOSAL: LOT:- BLOCK:- FILING: PHYSICAL PARCEL #: F. c. ZoNTNG: l^UtzUgnf NAMEOF OWNER(S): MAILING ADDRESS: NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILING ADDRESS: H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE: tr New Construction '$200 Construction of a new building. tr Addition - $50 Includcs any addition rvhcre square footagc is addcd to any rcsidential or -/ conuncrcial buitding.t--f|flino, Altcration - $20 lncludcs minor changes to buildings and site improvcments. such a1'. rcroofing'painting.windowadditions.landscaping.fencesandrctaining rtralls. ctc. DRBfecsarctobepaidatthetimcofsubnrittal. Latcr.whcnapplyingforabuitdingpennit.pleaseidentif thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. Thc Town of Vailrvill adjust thc fce according to thc projcct valuation' PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIVIMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. TS SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD' vArL, coLoRADO 816s7. (Contact Eaglc Co. Asscssors Officc at 970-328-8640 for parcel #) PHONE: OWNER(S) SIGNATURE(S): PHONE: --<t' 1l' I' ri Iltlliil Eb lL 2 *t P'f I a:-i MEMORANDUM TO: Planning and Environmental Commission FROM: Department of Community Development DATE: June 8. 1998 qsftff3'ilr' pr"ltttlttlo_AND ENv I Ro-Nft iiiei' couMssrltr t -Q'9V_- - DATE:. t)h PLrrNr'lcn' SUBJECT: A requesl for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, lo allow for the expansion of living space, located at 2005 West Gore Creek Drive/Unplatted. Applicant: Tom Thomson, represented by John PerkinsPlanner: Christie Barton I. BACKGROUNDAND DESGRIPTION OF THE REOUEST The applicani is proposing to add an approximately 75 square foot residential addition to the existing residence (north side of the duplex) located at 2005 West Gore Creek Drive. A portion of the second story deck will be enclosed and a new window and door constructed. The master bedroom will be enlarged. No landscaping will be affected by this alteration. The existing house was constructed in 1991 and therefore qualifies for additional GRFA under this ordinance. The existing duplex is nonconforming with respect to GRFA as it is curently over the allowed GRFA by 58 square feel. II. ZONING ANALYSIS Lot Size: 15,115 square feet Zoning: Residential Cluster Allowed/Reouired Existino Prooosed Unlb: 2 (limited by lot size) 2 no change GRFA: 4,229 sq. ft. 4,287 sq. ft. 4,362 sq. ft. North : n/a 2,764 sq. ft 2,839 sq. lL South: nla 1,523 sq. ft. no change Sita Coverage: 8,729 sq. ft. 2,223 eq. ft. no change H€ight: 33' 32' no change Parking: 3 spaces (nodh unit) 3 spaces no change s totttwvmV III. CRITERIA AND FINDINGS Upon review of Chapter 15-5 - Additional GRFA, the Community Development Department recommends approval of the request for additional GRFA based upon the following factors: A. Consideration of Factors: Before acting on an application for additional GRFA, the Planning and Environmental Commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the proposed use: 1. Efrec't upon the existing topography. vegetation. drainage and existing structutes. Staff believes that the proposed addition will have no negative effecis upon the existing struclure or upon ihe existing vegetation in the area. Staff does not believe there will be any noticeable effect upon topography or drainage. Slaff believes the proposed improvements will be in keeping with ihe neighborhood and the community 2. lmpact on aCiacent orooerties. The addition should not adversely affect views, light or air enjoyed by adjacent siructures. Staff believes that the proposed additions will not have a significant impact on adjacent properties. The improvements face Gore Creek and blend in well with the existing structure. 3. Gompliance with the Town's zoning reouirements and aoolicable development standarde. The Town of Vail Municipal Code requires that any dwelling unit for which an addition is proposed shall be required to meet the Town of Vail Design Guidelines as set forth in Chapter 11 of the Vail Municipal Code. Additionally, before any additional GRFA may be permitted in accordance with Chapler 15, the staff shall review the maintenance and upkeep of the existing single family or two family dwelling and site, including landscaping, to determine whether they comply with the Design Review Guidelines. These standards include landscaping, undergrounding of utilities, driveway paving and general maintenance of the property. Upon review of the applicant's requesl, the staff has determined that the proposal is in compliance with the Town's zoning requirements and applicable development standards. No additional site improvements anB necessary. B. Findings: The Planning and Environmental Commission shall make the following findings before granting approval for Additional GRFA: 1. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively effect existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. 2. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would not negatively impact adjacent properties. 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA would comply with all Town zoning requirements and applicable development standards. IV. STAFF RECOMMENDATION The Community Development Department staff recommends approval of the request for an additional 75 square feet GRFA under the 250 Ordinance to allow for a residential addition at 2005 Gore Creek Drive/unplatied. The staff recommends that the PEC make the following findings: 1. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will not negatively effect existing topography, vegetation, drainage and existing structures. 2. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will not negatively impact adjacent properties. 3. That the granting of the requested Additional GRFA will comply with all Town zoning requirements and applicable development standards. F:bvoryonsb6c\memos\9EUhomson.608 Double Ctazed tColored l{ood Wl ]i I. I ;lll,il ftry ;$ ?\/,b, f Ia,[l Ftl]t PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Monday, June 8, 1998 FINAL AGENDA Project Orientation / LUNCH - Community Development Department t}|lPY MEMBERS PRESENT John Schofield Galen Aasland Ann Bishop (left at 5:30 Pm) Brian Doyon Tom Weber Site Visits; MEMBERS ABSENT Greg Moffet Diane Golden Updated 6109 10am 'l1:30p.m. allow for the conslruction of Vail Valley 3rd. Briner 12:30 p.m. '1. Vail Associates - Tract D, Vail Lionshead 1st. 2. Adam - 706 Forest Road 3. Grand Traverse - Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision Filing #1 . 4. Dayco - 1315 SPraddle Creek Road 5. Rad Five L.L.C. - 4469 Timber Falls Court 6. Accardo - 1998 Sunburst Drive 7. Bass - 345 Mill Creek Circle George NOTE: lf the pEC hearing extends until 6:00 p.m., the board will break for dinner from 6:00 - 6:30 p.m Public Hearing - Town Gouncil chambers 2:00 p'm' 1. A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for the expansion of the fiont entry, located at 2005 West Gore Creek DriveiUnplatted' Applicant: , Tom Thomson, represented by John Perkins Planner:Christie Barton MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 5-0 Driver: @ APPROVED 2. A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to a residential addition, located at 1998 Sunburst Drive/Lot 19, Applicant: Nate Accardo, represenied by Fritzlen' Pierce, Planner: George Ruther MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishop APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: VOTE : 5-0 Updated 6109 lOam 1. That the construction signage be brought into compliance with the Town of Vail sign regulations. 3. A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for the conversion of a garage to GRFA, and for the expansion of the mechanical room, located at 345 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 14, Block 1, Vail Village '1st. Applicant: Lee M. Bass, represented by Snowden and Hopkins Planner: George Ruther MOTION:Ann Bishop SECOND: Tom Weber VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the Town of Vail Public Works Department review and approve the proposed Parking Plan. 4. A worksession to review an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Fa||sDeve|opment,|ocatedat446gTimberFa|IsCourt/unplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L L.C., represented by Greg Amsden Planner: Dominc Mauriello WORKSESSION - NO VOTE 5. A request for an extension of a conditional use permit for the Lionshead Children's Tent, generaly located next to the Lionshead Children's ski school/Tract D, Vail Lionshead 'l st. Applicant: Vail Associates' represented by David Thorpe Pianner: Christie Barton TABLED UNTIL JUNE 22,1998 6. A request for a minor subdivision to amend a building envelope, to allow for the installation of a gazebo, located at 1315 Spraddle creek Road/Lot 12, Spraddle creek Estates. App|icant:DaycoHo|dingCorporalion,representedbyDavidArgoofNoName Architects Planner: Dominic Mauriello MOTION: Brian Doyon SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED 7 . A request for a major amendment to special Development District #22, Grand Traverse, and a request for a ma,lor subdivision for Lots 5, 6, 7' 8' 9 and 10, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision Filing #1. APPlicant: Patrick DauPhinais Planner: George Ruther Updated 6/09 lOam MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 5-0 APPROVAL FOR RECOMMENDATION TO TOWN COUNCIL- MAJOR SUBDIVISION MOTION: Galen Aasland SECOND: Ann Bishop VOTE: 5-0 APPROVAL FOR RECOMMENDATION TO TOWN COUNCIL WITH 3 CONDITIONS - SDD #22 MAJORAMENDMENT 1. That the maximum garage credit for each of the primary units constructed in the development not exleed six hundred (600) square fee! unless and EHU is constructed on the iot, in which case, an additional 600 sg. ft. garage credit be allowed. Z. That the maximum number of outdoor lights permitted on each of the lots in the development not exceed 15 lights total. 8. A request for a froni setback variance, to allow for a proposed residential addition' located at 706 Forest Road/Loi 9, Block 1, Vail Village 6th' Applicant: Nancy Adam, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce' Briner Architects Planner: Christie Barton MOTIoN: Ann Bisnof sECOND: Galen Aasland VOTE: 4-0 (Tom weber recused) APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: l.Thattheapp|icantsha||maintaina|imitofdisturbance|ineasshownonthesite plan. No tirif Olng additions shall be allowed beyond this line in the future' This limit of disturbanie and any associated variances will become obsolete if the duolex is demolished and rebuilt. g. A request for a worksession to discuss a major amendment 1o special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn, to allow for a hotei redevelopment, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block 5D, Vail Village '1st' Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represented by Jay Peterson Planner: George Ruther TABLED UNTIL JUNE 22,1998 10. A request for a side setback variance, to allow for the construction of an additional garaie, located at813 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch' Applicant: Liz & Luc Meyer, represented by William Pierce Planner: Dominic Mauriello TABLED UNTIL JUNE 22,1998 Updated 6/09 lOam 11,. A request for a condilional use permit, to allow for a bed and breakfast oPeration, located al 1779 Sierra Trail/Lot 18, Vail Village West Filing #1 . Applicant: Malin Johnsdotter/ Roberl Zeltman Planner: Christie Barton TABLED UNTIL JULY 27, 1998 12. A request for a final review of a major amendment to SDD #4, to allow for a fractional fee club and a change to the approved Development Plan, located a\ 1325 Westhaven Dr', Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A' Applicant:GeraldL'Wurhmann,representedbyRobbyRobinson Planner: George Ruther WITHDRAWN 13. Informalion UPdate 14. Approval of May 18, 1998 minutes TABLED UNTIL JUNE 22,1998 The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during ;;;;il;ff;;-hours in rhe project planner's 'office located at the Town of Vail Communilv Divelopment Department' 75 South Frontage Road' sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notiflcation Please call479-2356' Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information Community Development Department Published June 5, 1998 in the Vail Trail. qucstiorfCdl thc Planning Staffat 479-2138 APPLICATION FOR PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL coMMISSIoN AppRovAL Date R"eeiVGd ?('jlt-ob( ilAY rr 1se8 CENERAL INFORMATIONu trN-trt(t\L ll\ r (Jr(lvlf\ I lt l\ This application is for any project rcquiring approval by the Planning and Environmcntal Commission- &t qp{g information. see the submittal requirements for thc particular approval that is requcstcd- TTc-Sflft-d6h-miiot bt- acceptcd until all required information is submitted. Thc project may also nccd to be revicwcd by thc Town Council and/or thc Dcsign Rwicw Board -/1"y6, APPLrcArroN: Ef Rdditionat CRFA (250) t] Bcd and Brealdast tr Conditional Use Permit tr Major or E Minor Subdivision tr Rezoning tr Sigrr Variance tr Variancc tr Zoning CodeAmendmcnt DESCRIPTION OF THE REQUEST: Amcndmcnt to an Approved Development PIan Employee Housing Unit (Iypc: Major or tr Minor CCI Extcrior Altention (VailVillage) Major or tr Minor CCII ExtsriorAltcration (Lionshead) Special Dwelopment Dstrict Major or E Minor Amcndncff to an SDD tr tr tr tr tr tr B. TOWNOFVAIL LOCATION OF PROPOSAL:c. D. E. F. G. AD INGNAME: ZONING: NAME OF OWNER(S): MAILINGADDRESS FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL RIQUIREMENTS FOR THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUREMENTS AND THE F'EE TO TIIE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL. COLORADO 81657. For Office Use Only:fLe)ltr 4gaL recpud: ffi,oDc*+. 108+0 nv, H€uJ . Application D^r"' 5'(4( pECMeeting out", 6 44K (z@s tpkg- OWNER(S) SIGNATTJRE(S) : NAME OF REPRESENTATTVE : Rcvircd 6O6 0017 E. Beover Creek BO POI Box 2007 Avon, Colorodo 81620 o /) &(nrrt6t1 Ctmst f0 Ax 4242 &^ frt^, nir.l*r,r,^) Al^/rrua ftry-'V 'hr# t' fuh*** d! lh/'t, l-b'fru D'r' tn& e83 0047 E. Becver Creek Blvd. PO. Box 2007 Aron, Colorodo 81620 Cdl/,,1'6,0'" W B' h'ob t.4bLb fiofr,nrz ft, Mr'rAtA Ut, t"tu'oa'm b4'145 OOZT E. 8"o,". Cruek glp PO. Box 2007 Avon, Colorodo 81620 o Plrt*r*^+dutn ftm SY"r,t"l"L fo" b,N *sz lh-\, b(rru-cln utbfl P.O. Bcx 2Ca7 Avon, Cc crcr.Jo I i520 Avlr !/ \_ur!, lruv uru4v 0042 E. Eeover Creek B vd. P.O. Box 2CA7 Avon, Coicrcdo 81620 r') Knndal,(. d,rt,er* ,,/fsl l,leddn p;rfql PiedL l,/i.-\, 6bra'd/) st usf ko*6ulrh,.wti;,M Gbadn *ry. &furarJn gqoq flr"t^t ,L N., Jtr + /sttt"ot P C' fo bw >q LJ,/TI, Htrt&di 8lb2o oo 0047 E. Beover Creek B'vd' PO. Box2@7 Avon, CokroCo 81620 0047 E. Beoler Creek Btvd. PO. Bo( 2007 Awn. Glorodo 81620 .b. 0d1,'6' b6ug It ! I\ \ w;ffiw h"^ptfu, fA l5ld8 o w PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail will hold a public hearing in accordance with Section 12-3-6 of the Municipal Code of the Town of Vail on June 8, 1998, at 2:00 P.M. in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. In consideration of: A request for a worksession to discuss a major amendment io Special Development District #6, Vail Village Inn, to allow for a hotel redevelopment, located at 100 East Meadow Drive, Lots M and O, Block 5D, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Daymer Corporation, represenled by Jay Peterson Planner:George Rulher A request for a conditional use permit, to allow for a Bed and Breakfast operation, located at 1779 Siena Trail/Lol 18, VailVillage West Filing #1. Applicant: Malin Johnsdotter/ Robert ZellmanPlanner: Christie Barton A request for a major amendment to Special Development Districl #22, Grand Traverse, and a request for a major subdivision for Lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, Dauphinais-Moseley Subdivision Filing #'1. Applicant: Patrick DauphinaisPlanner: George Ruther A request for a side setback variance, to allow for the construction of a garage, located at 813 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 1, Block 1, Vail Potato Patch. Applicant: Liz & Luc Meyer, represented by William PiercePlanner: Dominic Mauriello A requesl for an amendment to a previously approved plan for the Timber Falls Development, localed at 4469 Timber Falls CourVunplatted. Applicant: RAD Five L.L.C., represented by Greg Amsden Planner:Dominc Mauriello A request for an exlension of a conditional use permit for the Lionshead Children's Tenl, located nexl to the Lionshead Childrens ski school/Tract D, Vail Lionshead 1st. Applicant: Vail Associates, represented by David ThorpePlanner: Christie Barton A requesl for a minor subdivision to amend a building envelope, lo allow for the installation of a gazebo, located at 1315 Spraddle Creek Road/Lot 12, Spraddle Creek Estales. Applicant: Dayco Holding Corporation, represented by David Argo of No Name Architecls Planner:Dominic Mauriello A requesl for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for the construction of a residential addition, located at 1998 Sunburst Drive/Lot 19, Vail Valley 3rd. Applicant: Nate Accardo, represented by Fritzlen, Pierce, BrinerPlanner: George Ruther THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPER A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for the conversion of a garage lo GRFA, and for the expansion of the mechanical room, located at 345 Mill Creek Circle/Lot 14, Block 1, Vail Village 1st. Applicant: Lee M. Bass, represented by Snowden and HopkinsPlanner: George Ruther . A request for additional GRFA, utilizing the 250 ordinance, to allow for the expansion of the lJTt.V, located at 2005 West Gore Creek Drive/Unplatted. G TApplicant: Tom Thomson, represented by John Perkins Planner: Christie Barton A request for a final review of a major amendmenl to SDD #4, to allow for a fractional fee club and a change to the approved Development Plan, located at 1325 Westhaven Dr., Westhaven Condominiums/ Cascade Village Area A. Applicant: Gerald L. Wurhmann, represented by Robby RobinsonPlanner: George Rulher The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planner's office located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interprelation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Communily Development Department Published May 22,1998 in the Vail Trail. ZONECFECK Date: Legal description: Lot Address ?a5 Architect Zone Lot size F ,.t ptw-( lus, il tr( Phone Phone Proposcd use Existing rorarcRFA 7?ffi. 4fu Flr*inaty GRFA _ + (4zS) (675,r+ S.ccndryCRFA _+(425\rcjs tatT . Proposed Toal + (425) (675*) =nL'+ + ?5 = _+ (425) (675*)=l5z, * + 675 = 425 credit plus 250 addition Does this rcquest involve a 250 Addition2 t4Z j 1l Howmuchoftheallowcd250Additionisusedwithrtirr.qurrrZ ? 5 F1W ??"e *_@Site Coverage Height Setbacks (30x33) Front 20' Allowed Sides Rear l5' l5' Landscaping Rehining Wall Hcights Parking Garage Crcdit Drivway Minimum 1067 3',t6'. Required Complies wittr TOV Lighting Ordinance Are finished grades less than 2:l (50%) Environmcnal/Ilazards . Enclosed (300) (600) (e00) (1200) Permitted Slope _% proposed Slope _% Yes_ No Yes_ No l) Pcrcent Slope (< >30%) 2) Floodplain 3) Wetlands a) SnowAvalanche c) Dcbris Flow Prcvious conditions ofapproval (chcck property litc): Is the property non-conforming? Describe: 4) Water Coursc Setback (30) (50) 5) Ceologic Hazards b) Rockfall .tr DESIGN REVIEW CHECKLIST Projcct: O SURVEY Scalc Bcnchmark Lcgal dcscriPtion Lot Sizc BuitdablcArca Eascmcnts ToPograPhY 100 Yr. flood Plain Watcr Coulrc Sctback Environmcntal Hazards Trccs Utility locations Spot clcvations O SITEPLA].I Scalc Building Hcight Encroachmcnb Sctback Site Coveragc EavcVOvcrhang;s (4') Dcck/Balconics Garagc conncction O FLOORPLAI.TS Scalc GRFA 250 additional GRFA Crawl\Attic Spacc EHU f,I BUILDING ELEVATIONS Scalc ColorWlatcrials RoofPitch tr LANDSCAPE PLAI.I Existing trecs Proposcd uccs Lcgend MSCELLAI.{EOUS Condo Approval Title report (A & B) Utility vcrifi cation form Photos ofsitc Building matcrial samples C.O. Verification Sun\Shadc Angles Utilitics (undcrground) ViswConidors Variances Memo to Housing Planner if an EHU is proposcd Sitc Gradc\Slopc RcainingWalls Fcnccs Parking/Garagc Turnins Radius Drivcway (acccss and gndc) Snow Storagc Firc Acccss ^rt Gr.-JnL- ,oL *-Pect APPrication //p/q /e .'. t r Il ' ZVelr4rp -Zr.at 4,/ 4)zz Gz /)aProject Name: Proiect Descriptionl ,4urr-/rrt", ,o/ li, r /G,,r*'', /,Tfv.4-,7n^ 'BaY q3 'qZ /y'" (a 8//46 4z/ ?1{a tl? Architect, Address and phone: r f /b&U< y','tt' tA 4/? 7172 (A5/4 ,Dtz ;aL Legal Descriplion I Lol B lock Filing , Zone - Com ments: Design Review Board Moiio; by: n,{l,vr- o^r" F"1'/' 3 Seconded by:B*rr A FRoCF 1- o DISAPPROVAL 'LTD Otunn //zr*,J ...: ,./- t /'y't /,'/l.t ./ 7;r*2 14^ ,4/ .) r*"/4^ r'/n''/ 4r l,n ./*./i 1, /,i , -:.'7 / ,,t tjfl /kE /aa/rr-r',vt Sr,n."ry' * / '/o/-/.,., " /,eFzz ,al4? * 7r'..', ;t7t t" O statt Approval DRB -EPPIJICATI fewlsed 9!4!9L oN - TOI|N'OF VAIL, COIORADO Rilll.'lrr! I 2 1995DATE APPTICATION RECETVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: **t**t***t TETS TPPLICJIIION WILI. NOT BE ACCEPTED T'NEII. .I!I. REQUIRED INI'ORIiIATION IS SUBUIEEED********** I.PROJECT TNFORMATION: A. DESCRTPTI frarQtr frJ* n /+ Euuf; " l on..l >--_ B.TYPE OF REVIEII: New construction ($200.00) 1( Minor Alteration (g2O.OO) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) c. D. F F.must provide a current G.bu,"> ensure the correct fee is paid. FEE SCHEDULE: VAI,UATION0 - $ 10,000 $10,001 -$ 50,000 . $ 501001 - $ 150,000 s150r001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1r 000,000$ . Over S1r 000,000 * DESIGN REX'IIE}T BOTRD .EPPRO\TAIJ EXPIRES EPPRO\TAI.. T'NI.ESS A BUrI.DING PEBIfIT TS STARTED. **NO APPLICATION IIILL BE PROCESSED REpREsENrArrvE , 6oe be-c r-taew w FEE$.@s s0.00 9100.00 $200 .00 $400.00 ss00 .00 ONE YSAR EFIER FINAI,. ISSI'ED NND CONSTRUCTION NA},IE OFMailing APPTICANT' Address: K. NAI4E OF OWNERS: *SIGNAETIRE(S}: MaiJ.ing Address: Phone Condominlum Approval if applicable. DRB FEES DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlne of submittaL of DRB application. later, whenapplylng for a building permit, please ident,ify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of VailaccuraE,e vaJ_uaEr_on ox E'ne proposal . 'Jne 'Jovtn oI vawiJ.t adjust the fee according to the table belovl, t WITSOUT ADDREss z 20f,5 W. @orze CAe 4 IEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoI Block subdivlsion cRSn Tll SoLE If property is described bydesqription, please provide attach to this application. ZONING: LOT AREA: ff reguired, stamped survey showing NA},IE OFMailing APPLICA}IT: Address: applicantlot area. a meets and bounds legal, on a separate sheet and OWNER' S SIG}IAIURE rs e PRE_APPLICATION MEETING : A pre-application neeting with a member ofstaff is strongly encouraged to determineapplication information is needed. ft isresponsibility to nake an appointment withdetermine if there are additional submitta]requirements. streamLine thePlease note that a COMPLETE application willapproval process for your project. fn addition to meeting submiteal reguirements, theapplicant nust stake and tape the pioject site toindicate property lines-, building lines and buildingcorners. AII trees to be removed must be taped. AIIsite tapings and staking must be completed prior to theDRB site visit. Th" appJ.icant must ensure Lhat stakingdone during the winter is not buried by snow. The revievr process for NEW BUTLDTNGS normalfv recruirestwo separate meet.ings of the Design Review S6ard: aconceptual approval and a final approval . Applicantssbould plan on presenting their development !-roposal ata minimum of two meetings before obtaining finaiapproval Applicants who fail to appear before the Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have notasked in advance that discussion on their i-tem bepostponed, will have their items removed fron the DRBdocket until such time as the item has beenrepublished. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administrator, be approved by the ConmunityDevelopment Department staff (i.e. a formaL hearj.nqbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows, skylights and similar exterior changeswhich do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding,' and b. Building addition.proposal_s not visible from anyother lot or public space. At the time such aproposal is submitted, applicants must includeJetters from adjacent property owners and/or fronthe agent for or manager of any adjacent condominium association stating the associationapproves of the addition. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. anow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,retland, etc) r a hazard study must be subrnitted and theowner must sign an affidavit, recognizing the hazard.report prlor. to the issuance of a building permit.Applicants are encouraged to check with a-T-own plannerp!io5 to DRB applicaUion to deternine the relationshipof the property to all napped hazards. For all resldentlal construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insidefaee of the exterior structural walls of thebuilding,' andb. Indicate with a dashed line on the site plan afour foot distance from the exterior face of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. rr. III. the planningif any additionaltbe applicant, sthe 6taff to A. B. c. D. E. F, If DRB approves the application with conditions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must beresolved prior to Town issuance of a building permit. G. I 'l lG(xo, - 440999 8-584 P-A94 JOHNNETTE FHILLIFS o7,,/J6,,/92 13:3J FG J OF t6 FAGLE CALINTY CLERK. COLORAT)O /'{ E C. 80-oo L"JT. o.oo a. v\nq,.u' ',\-D PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECI,ARATION OF covENANTS, CONDTTIONS AND RESERVATTONS FOR 2OO5 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVEA PART OF THE SEL/4 SEL/A SECTTON r-r_, TOWNSHIP 5 SOUTH, RANGE SL WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLORADO t3l F{rl C'. RECITALS .,Thomas q, ttffi;,-' (hereinafter referred to as 'Decrarantr!) isthe owner of the real property situate in the County of Eagle, Stateof Colorado, described ast20b5 West Gore Creeki Drive, A part of the SEL/A SEL/A Section L1-, TownShip 5 South, Range 8t- West of the SixthPrincipal Meridian, Town of Vail, Eagte County, Colorado (as norefu11y described on the Attached Exhibit rrAr, incorporated herein bythis reference). 2. Declarant has constructed on parcel A and parcel_ B abuilding consisting of two units, each designed and intended for useand occupancy as a residential dwelling unit, which are sometimesreferred to herein separately as rtunitrr or collectively as trunitsrr. 3. Parcel A contains Unit A and parcel B contains Unit B. 4. This document supercedes and replaces in its entirety theprior Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Reservations, recordedApril 23, L992, in Book 578 at page 302, as Reception No. 4744L3. DECLARATTON Declarant does hereby publish and declare that the followingterms, covenants, conditions, easements, restrictions, use,reservations, linitations and obligations shall be deemed to run withthe ]and described herein, shall be a burden and a benefit toDecrarant, Lris personal representatives, heirs, successors and assignsand any person acguiring or owning an interest in the reaL propeitywhich is described herein and improvements built thereon, - hisgrantees, personal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns. 1. DEFfNfTIONS. Unless the context shall expressly provide otherwise, the following terrns shall have the following meanings: A. rrThe Propertiesrr means all of the real estate legally described as 2005 West Gore Creek Drive, A Part of the SEL/4 SE1./4Section L1, Township 5 South, Range 8l- West of the Sixth PrincipalMeridian, Town of Vail, Eagle County, Colorado. B. rrl-,otrr or rrBuilding Sitert neans Parcel A or Parcel B as shown on the Map together with all appurtenances. c. oDuplexil or trBuildingil means the two contiguous dwellingunits constructed upon the parcels. D. rrunitn means any one of the two dwellings comprising therrDuplexrr, including the appurtenant undivided one-half interest inParcel C. E. rrConnon Arearr means Parcel C as shown on the Map which shalLbe owned equally by both of the owners of the Parcel A and Parcel B each having an egual undivided one-half interest as Tenants in Commonin and to the Common Areas. F. xOwnerrt means a person, persons, firrn, corporation,partnership or association, or other tegal entity, or any cornbinationthereof, owing an interest in the parcels. G. tMapt' means the engineering survey of the Properties by Y4 r.1 Stan_ Hogfeldt, Colorado P.L.S. 2659g depicting and locatingspeci.fici.ty.$[e:eon the Parce]s and impro-vBments thereon, recorded on}rtl+t- /h,/LlL/Z, in Booktt+ at page 816 and, is hereby subnitted toffiitTFc-]#ation. --1-- H. rrAssessmentrt means any periodic or one tirne charge to coverthe cost of any expense or charge that becomes due and owing by virtueof this Declaration. 2. DESCRIPTION AND RESERVATfON. Every Contract ofDeed, Lease, Mortgage, Trust Deed, Will or other instrumentlegally describe a unit or real property interest as folLows: Parcel A or parcel B (as theundivided one-half (L/2) interest inentitled 2005 West core Creek Drive, case may be), together with anParcel C, according to the plat 1l-, Township 5 South, Range BL West .lof Part of the SEL/4 SEJ-/4 Section Sa1e, shall qidian,Ll, 'I'ownshl-p 5 South, Range BL West of the Sixth principal Town of lail, Eagle ^C_ounty, Colorado recorded (\rt.,,,Lt-t- //)zook \ftf at Page 87J , county of Easle, stateTr EpFo-Ffi5l z 4AlJ999 8*5A4 F-A94 O7.,/J6t/92 J3:3J pG 2 OF J6 1n Every such description shalL be good and sufficient for aIIpurposes to sell, convey, transfer, encumber or othenrise affect theParcel and all appurtenant rights, benefits, and burdens thereto ascreated by the provisions of this Declaration, and each suchdescription shalL be so construed. This provision shatl apply to theproperties as said tenn (the properties) is defined in this Declaration. 3. PROPERTY DIVISION. A. Declarant hereby establishes this plan for the subdivisionof the Properties into Three (3) Parcels for ownership in fee simpleby the individual and separate owners of parcel A, and Parce1 B, asundivided co-tenants of Parcel C which cornmonly owned property isdefined and referenced as Common Area. B. The Cornnon Area, Parcel A and parcel B shall be subject tothe easements noted on the nap and those set forth herein. C. Parcel A, and Parcel B shall have appurtenant thereto anundivided one-half (L/2) interest in Parcel C, which shall beinseparable from Parcel A, and Parcel B and may be conveyed, leased,devised or encumbered only as such undivided and appurtenant interest. D. No owner shall bring any action for partition or division ofParcel A and Parcel B or of said parcels fron their appurtenantundivided interests in Parcel c or from the easements as set forth inparagraph 4 below. E. In the event Parcel A and parceL B are owned by the sameentities, the doctrine of merger shalI not appty. F. The parties, if rnore than one, having the ownership of eachsuch unit shall agree among themselves how to share the rights andobligations of such ownership; provided., however, that if acorporation, partnership, association or other legal entity shall become an owner or the parties, if nore than one, have the concurrentownership of a unit, then such entity or concurrent owners shall fromtime to tirne designate one individual who shalt represent such entityor concurrent owners in all matters concerning all rights andobligations pursuant to this Declaration. G. Any such entity or concurrent owners shall give writtennotice to the other owner designating the individuar -to ait on its ortheir behalf and such notice shall be effective untir revoked inwriting by such entity or owners. Any act or omission by suchdesignated individual shal} be binding on the entity or owners havingdesignated hirn in favor of the other owner or any other person who rnayrely thereon. 480999 8-584 F-A94 07,/16,/s2 J3:3J 3 FGSAF16 T"4 Y.16 H. Each Unit shalL be considered a separate parcel of realproperty and shall be separately addressed and taxed 4. ENCROACI{I,IENTS. If any portion of Parcel A, or Parcel B now encroaches upon the other parcel or on Parcel C as a result of theconstruction of any building, or if any such encroachment shall occurtrereafter as a result of settling or shifting of any building, a valid easement for the encroachment and for the rnaintenance of the sane soIong as the building stands, shall exist. In the event any buildingshall be partially or totally destroyed as a result of fire or othercasualty or as a resul-t of condemnation or eminent donain proceedings and then rebuilt, encroachments of parts of the building on the otherparcel , due to such rebuilding, shall be permitted, so long as such encroachments are of no greater extent than ttrose previously existing, and valid easements for such encroachnents and the maintenance thereofshall exist so long as the building shatl stand. 5. PARTY-WALL. A. The conmon wall placed equally divided on the conmon boundary separating Unit A and Unit B, the footings underlying and theportion of roof over such walL are collectively referred to herein asthe rrParty Wal1tr. B. To the extent not inconsistent with this Declaration, thegeneral rules of l-aw regarding party walls and liability for damage due to negligence, willful acts or omissions shalL appty to the PartyWaIl. C. The owners of either unit sha1l have a perpetual easement inand to that part of the other unit on which the Party Wall is located,for party wall purposes, including mutual support, maintenance, repairand inspection. rn the event of damage to oi the destruction of theParty WaIl fron any cause, then the owners shall at joint expense inegual shares, repair or rebuild said party wall, and each owner, shallhave.the right to the full use of said party wall so repaired andrebuilt. Notwithstanding anything contained above to the contrary, ifthe negligence, wiltful act or omission of any owner, his farnily,agent or invitee, shall cause darnage to or destruction of, the eartyWall, such owner shall bear the entire cost of repair orreconstruction (to the extent that such damage is not covered byinsurance), and an owner who by his negligent or willful act causesthe Party Wall to be exposed to the elements shall bear the full costof furnishing the necessary protection against such elernents. 6. I,ANDSCAPTNG, SERVICE FACILITIES AND PARKTNG. A. The owners frorn time to time shall undertake suchlandscaping and general outdoor improvements including but not linited. 4AO999 8'584 P-a94 07,/J6//q2 J3:3J I\ F{rt FG4OFJ6 to driveway and parking areas as they may mutually and unanirnously deen proper for the hannonious irnprovement of both units in a cornmon theme, and, except for any expense or liability caused through the negligence or willfu1 act of any owner, his fanily, agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such owner, each owner shall share all expenses, liabilities and general upkeep responsibitities with respectto such landscaping and outdoor improveurents according to the ratiosset forth in paragraph 8 below. The owner of one unit shall not unreasonably daroage the value of the other unit such as by shoddy upkeep outside, but both owners shall nake a1l reasonable efforts topreserve a harnonious conmon appearance of the units. B. Comnon utility or service connections or lines, connonfacilities or other eguiprnent and property located in or on either ofthe units but used in conmon with the other unit, if any, shall be ohrned as tenants in conmon of egual undivided one-haLf interests bythe owners of each unit and, except for any expense or }iabitity caused through the negligence or willful act of any ordner, his fanily, agent or invitee, which shall be borne solely by such owner, all expenses and liabilities concerned with such property shatl be sharedin the proportions set forth in paragraph 8 below. The olrner of theunit on which such property is not located shall have a perpetual easement in and to that part of such other unit containing suchproperty as is reasonably necessary for purposes of maintenance,repair, and inspection. C. Common access and parking is presently provided on Easement B and a portion of Parcel C. There is hereby created a reciprocal easement and right-of-way for each owner over, across and through thatpart of Easement B upon which the parking area is located. The ownersshall have egual right to the use of such parking area and no orvnershall hinder or pernit his invitees to hinder reasonable use by theother owner and his invitees of the parking area. It is presuned that snowplowing will be required from time to tirne, the cost of which wiltbe shared by the owners. Other maintenance, repair or improvement ofsuch parking facilities rnay be reguired from tine to time, and the same shall be undertaken upon the unanimous agreement of the owners who shall share all expenses. AII such expenses, as set forth herein,shal1 be allocated as set forth in paragraph B. 7. ALTERATTON. MAINTENANCE AND REPATRS. A. In addition, to maintenance provided for in paragraph 6.A.,the owners shall pay their proportionate share as alrocated inparagraph I of the total cost all-ocated to each parcel , in order toprovide exterior maintenance and exterior repair upon the units anda1l portions of Parcel c and of the parcel upon which each unj_t islocated including, but not lirnited to, the exterior and the roof r1r{ 440999 8-5A4 F-894 tJ7.,/l6t/92 t3:3J FASAFJ6 housing the units; provided, however that if the condition requiringrepair only affects one of the Units, the owner of that Unit shall bear the entire cost thereof. Repair, replacement or cleanl,ng ofexterior window glass shall be considered interior rnaintenance. Ifthe need for repair is caused through the negligence or willful act of any owner, his famiJ.y, agent or invitee, such owner shall bear theentire costs of such repair or reconstruction (to the extent that such damage is not covered by insurance). Both units must be painted atthe same tine and with the same naterials and no exteriornodifications shall be nade with the character of the buitding without unanimous approval of both parties. B. Each owner shall be solely responsible for maintenance andrepair of the inside of his unit including fixtures and improvements and alL utility lines and equipment located therein and serrring suchunit on1y. Window glass shall be deemed interior maintenance. Inperforming such maintenance and repair, or in inproving or alteringhis unit, no olitner shall do any act or work which irnpairs thestructural soundness of either unit or the Party WalI or whichinterferes with any easement granted or reserved herein. c. Utitity or service connections or lines, facilities or otherutility equipnent and property located in, on or upon either of theunits, which are used solely to supply a service or utility to oneunit shall be owned by the owner of the unit using such utility orservice and all expenses and liabilities for repair and naintenanceshall be borne solely by the owner of such unit, who shall have aperpetual easenent in and to that part of such other parcel or unitcontaining such property as is reasonabJ.y necessary for purposes of rnaintenance, repair and inspection. D. No owner shall make or suffer any structural or designchange (including a color scheme change), either permanent ortenporary and of any type or nature whatsoever to the exterior of hisunit or construct any additional building structure of any tlpe ornature whatsoever upon any part of his parcel without first obtainingthe prior written consent thereto from the other owner, such consentshall not be unreasonably withheld. In case of damage or destructionof any unit or any part thereof by any cause whatsoever, the owner of such unit shall cause with due diligence the unit to be repaired andrestored, applying the proceeds of insurance, if dDy, for thatpurpose. Such unit shall be restored to a condition comparabJ.e tothat prior to the darnage and in a harmonious manner to promote the conmon thene of both units. 8. ALIOCATION OF EXPENSES. Costs and expenses of landscaping.service facilities, parking, snow removal , maintenance and repairs, toParcel C, and all other conmon expenses as set forth herein to be 6 FG6OFJ6 ,-.1rt 480999 8-584 F-894 07,/J6,/92 J3:31 shared by both owners, except as caused by negligence of willful actof an owner, shall be all-ocated in the following proportions: Parcel AParcel B 608 40t f',\ ra J9. IIECHANICTS LIENS: INDEMNfFICATION: A. Except for items incurred as a conmon expense as provided for herein, if any owner shall cause any material to be furnished tohis parcel or unit (including Parcel c) thereon or any labor to be performed therein or thereon, the other owner shall not under any circumstances be liable for the palment of any expense incurred or forthe value of the work done or material furnished; all such work shallbe at the expense of the owner causing it to be done, and such oh,nershall be solely responsible to contractors, laborers, materialmen andother persons furnishing labor or uraterials to his parcel or any improvements therein or thereoni nothing herein contained shallauthorize either owner or any person dealing through, with or undereither owner to charge the unit of the other ohrner with any mechanicrslien or other lien or encumbrance whatever; and, on the contrary (andnotice is hereby given) the right and power to charge any lien or encumbrance of any kind against one owner or against one ownerrsparcel for work done or materials furnished to the other ownerrsparcel is hereby expressly denied. B. Except as provided for below, if, because of any act or omission of any owner, any mechanicts or other lien or order for the payment of money shall be filed against the other ownerts parcel or any improvements therein or thereon or against any other owner(whether or not such lien or order is valid or enforceable as such),the owner whose act or omission forrns the basis for such lien or ordershall at his own cost and expense cause the same to be cancelled anddischarged of record or bonded by a surety company reasonablyacceptable to such other owner, within 3O days after the date offiling thereof, and further sha1l indernnify and save the other owner harmless from and against any and all costs, expenses, clairns, lossesor damages, including reasonable attorneyts fees resulting therefrom. 10. INSURANCE. A. Each owner shall keep his unit and all fixtures thereininsured against loss or damage by fire and extended coverage perils(including vandalism and malicious mischief) for the maximumreplacement value thereof. Any owner may on 30 days, written notice,but not more frequently than once every two years, obtain a writtenestirnate of the replacement cost of the Units by a licensedcontractor, and the amount. such contractor shalt be a disinterested 4AO999 A*584 F-894 07./ t5/92 J3:3J PGTOFJ6 and independent third party who is unrelated in any manner to otrner whether through joint business adventures or otherwise. either B. Each owner shall provide and keep in force, for theprotection of himself, general public liabifity and property damage insurance against clains for bodily injury or death or property damageoccurring in, on or upon, his parcel owned in fee sirnple and the improvenents thereon, in a linit of not less than g3oo,ooo.oo inrespect of bodily injury or death to any nunber of persons arising outof one accident or disaster, or for danage to property, and if higherlinits shall at any tirne be customary to protect against possible tortliability, such higher linits shall be carried and each ohrner shall nane ttre other owner as an additional insured party under such policy. C. Each owner shall deliver to the other owner certificatesevidencing all insurance required to be carried under this paragraph, each containing agreements by the insurers not to cancel or rnodify thepolicies without giving the other orirner written notice of at teast 30days. Bach owner shall have the right to inspect and copy all suchinsurance policies of the other owner and require evidence of thepalanent of preniums thereon. D. Nothing provided in this paragraph shall prevent the ownersfron jointly acquiiing a single policy fo bover any one or more of the hazards reguired in this paragraph to be separately insured against byeach owner. E. AII insurance policies obtained by either olrner shallexpressly waive all rights of subrogation as against all other otrnersand their respective farnilies and invitees. 11-. DESTRUCTTON OF IMPROVEMENTS ON PARCEL. Tn the event of darnage or destruction to a unit by fire or other disaster, theinsurance proceeds shall be deposited int.o a bank account whichrequires, for withdrawals, the signatures of both the owners, ordisbursed directly by the insurance carrier. The orrners shall thenpronptly authorize the necessary repair and reconstruction work andthe insurance proceeds will be applied by the owners to defray thecost thereof. rrRepair and reconstructiontt of units, as used herein, means restoring the improvements to substantially the same conditionin which they existed prior to the damage with each unit having the same boundaries as before. L2. DAMAGE TO COMMON AREA. The owners shall naintain adeguatecasualty and public ]iability insurance on parcel c, and shall pay trrepremiums therefore in the proportions set forth in paragraph 8 - above.rn the event of damage or destruction to arr or a portion of the common Area due to fire or other disaster, the insurance proceeds 44lJ999 B-SA4 F-Bg4 07,/Jd,,/gp tS:SJ -"{ Tt FGAOFJs sharr be applied by the owners to such reconstruction and repair. rfthe insurance proceeds with respect to such common Area damage ordestruction are insufficient to repair and reconstruct the damaged ordestroyed Comrron Area, the owners sha1l consider a special assessment.rf such assessment is approved by both owners, the orrners shalr make such assessment and proceed to nake such repairs or reconstrrrction.If such assessnent is not approved, the insurance proceeds shall beapplied to restore the Comnon Area to a condition as like to itscondition prior to the danage or the available insurance proceedspermit. The assessnent as to each owner and parceJ. shall be in theproportions set forth in paragraph 8 above. such assessment sharr bedue and payable not sooner than thirty (30) days after written noticethereof. The assessment provided for herein sharl be a debt of eachowner and a lien on his parcet and the inprovements thereon and may beenforced and collected by foreclosure proceedings in the Courts. 13. RIGHT TO LIEN. A. If an olrner, at any tirne, shall negJ.ect or refuse to perfornor pay his share of any obligation required hereunder, the othei ownermay, but shall not be obligated to, after 3.0 days written noticeunless the circumstances require irnrnediate action, rnake such palmentor, on behalf of such other owner, expend such sun as may be necessaryto perforn such obligation including, but not linited to, the payrnentof any insurance prerniuns required hereunder or the undertaking- oi anywork required hereunder for repair, restoration or maintenanie, andsuch other owner shall have an easement in and to that part of suchdefaulting ownerrs unit as is reasonably necessary for luch repair,restoration or maintenance. B. AII sums so paid or expended by an owner, with interestthereon at the rate of 18 percent per year from the date of suchpayment or expenditure, shalr be payable by the owner so fairing toperfonn (the rrdefaulting ownerrt) upon demand of the other ovrner. c. Arl sums so demanded but unpaid by the defauJ-ting ownershall constitute a rien on the par-el of the defaul_tin! owner(including the appurtenant undivided interest in parcel C) in iavor ofthe other owner prior to alr other riens and encumbrances, except:(i) Iiens for taxes and special assessmentsi and., (ii) the lien of anyfirst-nortgage_ or first deed of trust of record encurnbering suchparcel. The lj-en shatl attach fron the date when the unpaia sui shal1become due and may be forecrosed in like manner as a mortgage on realproperty upon the recording of a notice or claim thereof executed bythe nondefaurting owner sett,ing forth the amount of the unpai&indebted.ness, the narne of the defaurting owner, and a description ofthe unit. rn any such forecrosure the d.efaulting owner -snarr bereguired to pay the-costs and expenses of such proceedings, includingreasonabl-e attorneyrs fees. (.'t r'i 4AO999 B*5A4 F-A94 07,/J6,/92 J3:31 FG I t3F 16 D. The lien provided for herein shall be subordinate to thelien of any first mortgage or deed of trust, including aII additional advances thereon. Sale or transfer of either parcel as the restlt ofcourt foreclosure of a mortgage, foreclosure through the publictrustee, or any proceeding in lieu of foreclosure, shall extingiuishthe lien of such assessments as to payments thereof which become dueprior to such sale or transfer, but shall not relieve any former ordnerof personal liability therefor. The mortgagee of such parcel who acquires title by way of foreclosure or the taking of a deed in lieuthereof, shall not however, be liable for any past due assessment andshall only becorne liable for future assessments on the date j,t becomesthe owner or is entitled to become the owner of such parcel . No saleor transfer shall relieve such parcel from liabitity for any assessments thereafter beconing due or from the lien thereof. In theevent of the sale or transfer of a parcel with respect to which sumsshalL be unpaid by a defaulting owner, except transfers to a first mortgagee in connection with a foreclosure of its lien or a deed inlieu ttrereof, the purchaser or other transferee of an interest in suchparcel shall be jointly and severally tiable with the seller ortransferor thereof for any such unpaid surns. E. Upon written request of any owner, mortgagee, prospective mortgagee, purchaser or other prospective transferee of a parcel , the owner of the other parcel shall issue a written statement settingforth the amount he is owed under this paragraph, if any, with respectto such unit. Such staternent is binding upon the executing owner infavor of any person who may rely thereon in good faith. Unless arequest for such statement shall be conplied with within fifteen daysafter receipt thereof, all unpaid sums which became due prior to thedate of making such request shall be subordinated to the Lien or otherinterest of the person requesting such statement. L4. USE RESTRICTIONS. A. Each unit shall be restricted to a residential dwelling as apernitted use, and conditional and accessory uses as defined by the Town of Vail Zoning Ordinances. B. No exterior mounted radio, shortwave, terevision or othertype of antenna whatsoever or tank of any kin, either elevated orburied, or clothesline or incinerator of any kind whatsoever oroutside storage of any personar property shalr be permitted ormaintained on either unit without ttre prioi written approval of bothowners. C. No animals shall be kept or maintained in, on or upon eitherunit, except that each owner may keep and naintain within his unit atotar of two domesticated animals either: two donesticated dogs r'{ €'c) 480999 8-584 p-894 07,/J6./s2 t3:31 t0 rL1 J \.t Ur ]O and/or two domesticated catsi provided, however, that such domesticated aninal-s are kept under control at all tirnes, do notpresent a nuisance to the other owner and are kept controlled instrict conpliance with aII Town of Vail ordinances that uray apply to such animals. D. In addition to the parking restrictions set forth in subparagraph IANDSCAPING, SERVICE FACILITIES AND PARKfNG above, each owner rnay keep no vehLcles per:manentlv on Parcel C. Parking of boats,trailers, campers, motor homes, ATVs or recreational vehicles is e:rpressly prohibited, unless located within an ownerrs garage. E. No rrtime sharingtr, rrinterval ownershiprt or sirailar interest, whereby ownership of a unit is shared by owners on a time basis, shall be established on either unit without the prior written approval ofboth owners and all lienors holding a first mortgage or first deed oftrust of record on any portion of Parcel A or Parcel B, which approvalshall be reflected in a document of record. F. The owners understand and agree that potential developnentrights rnay exist under present or future Town of Vail regulations that may permit expansion of the dwelling units, which developnent rights have not been utilized to date. The owner of Parcel A shall be deenedto have exclusive ownership of and rights to sixty percent (60*) ofthose development rights. The owner of Parcel B shall be deerned to have exclusive right to forty percent (40?) of those developmentrights. No exercise of those development rights shall be urade by one ohtner without first obtaining the written consent of the other owner,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. The other owner,before giving written consent, shall be entitled to review thedevelopnent plans and any blueprints or surveys prepared in connectionwith the developrnent plans. Under current Town of Vait regnrlations there exists certaindevelopment rights because a structure is more than five (5) yearsold. Any rights obtained under such regulation or any futureI'like-typelr of regulation shall belong solely to the ownei of thestructure on that owners parcel . L5. NOTICE. Each owner shall register its nailing address withthe other owner and all notices or demands intended to be served uponowners shall be sent by certified mail, postage prepaid, addressed inthe narne of the owner at such registered rnailing address. In thealternative, notices may be delivered if in writing, personally to owners. l-6. DURATION OF DECLARATfON. Each provision contained in thisDeclaration which is subject to the laws or rules sonetimes referred (f r.{ 48tJ999 8*584 F*Ag4 07,|J6,/92 13:3t 1L FG I1 DF 16 to as the rule against perpetuities or the rule prohibiting unreasonable restraints on alienation shall continue and rernain infull force and effect for the period of 2L years following the+ deathof Thomas J. Thornson and his living issue, or until this Declarationis terninated as hereinafter provided, whichever first occurs. Allother provisions contained in this Declaration shall continue andremain in full force and effect until January L, 2oZ3 A.D., andthereafter for successive periods of Lo years eachi unress at reast 1year prior to January 1, 2023 A.D., or at least 1 year prior to theextrliration of any such 10 year period of extended duiation, thisDeclaration is terminated by recorded instrument, directingtermination, signed by a1l owners and aII lienors holding a firstmortgage or first deed of trust of record on any portj.on of parcel Aor Parcel B. L7. AITIENDMENT OR REVOCATION. This Declaratj-on may be arnended orrevoked only upon unanimous written approval in recordable forrn of atlowners and all lienors holding a fj-rst mortgage or first deed of trustof record on any portion of parcel A or parcel B. l-8. EFFECT oF PRovrsroNs oF DEcr,ARATroN. Each provision of thisDecraration, and agreernent, promise, covenant and undertaking tocomply-with each provision of this Decraration, and any necessaryexception or reservation or grant of title, estate, right or interestto effectuate any provision of this Decl.aration: (i) shalr be deenedincorporated in -eich deed or other instrument by 'which any iignt,title or interest in any portion of parcel A or plrcer B is -grantea, devised or conveyed, whether or not set forth or referred to in suchdeed or other instrunent; (ii) shall, by virtue of acceptance of anyright, titre or interest in any portion of parcer A or plrcel B by anowner, be deemed accepted, ratified, adopted and declared as apersonar covenant of such owner and, as a personar covenant, shall bebinding on such owner and his heirs, personal representatives,successors and assignsi and shall be deemed a personal covenant to,with and for the benefit of each oi.rner of any p6rtion of parcer A orParcel B; and (iii) shart be deemed a real covenant by Declarant, fortrinserf, his heirs-r,personal representatives, successors and assigns,aTd- also an equitable servitude, running, in each case, as a burdenwith and upon the titre to each and everi portion of parcel A, parcelB and Parcel C. 19. ENFORCEMENT AND REMEDTES. A. Each provision of this Dectaration shall be enforceable byany owner by a proceeding for a prohibitive or mand.atory injunction orby a suit or action to recover d.arnages. rf court pioc"6oing- areinstituted in connection with the riqfrts of enforcement and. remediesprovided in this Declaration, the prevailing party shaLl be entitledto recover its costs and expenses in connectiln tilerewith, includingreasonable attorney fees. L24B,ggg A-584 p-Bg4 tJ7,/J6,,/gp lJ:Jl FG tp OF J6 +l B. Each owner hereby agrees that any and all actions in eguityor at law which are instituted to enforce any provision hereundershall be brought in and only in the District Court of Eagle eounty, State of Colorado. C. Failure to enforce any provision of this Declaration shallnot operate as a waiver of any such provision, the right to enforcesuch provision thereafter, or of any other provision of this Declaration. 20. EXERCISE OF RIGHTS. Any exercise of any right granted hereunder by one owner with respect to the other ownerrs unitincluding but not liroited to the use of any easement granted hereinshall be exercised in a manner which shall not unreasonably hinder,inpede or impose upon such other olrnerrs use of his unit. 2l . SUCCESSORS AND ASSfGNS. Except as otherwise providedherein, this Declaration shall be binding upon and shall inure to thebenefit of each owner and the heirs, personal representatives,successors and assigns of each. 22. SEVERABfLITY. Invalidity or unenforceability of anyprovisions of this Declaration in whole or in part shall not effectthe validity or enforceabre part of a provision of this Declaration. 23. CAPTfONS. The captions and headings in this instrument arefor convenience only and shall not be considered in construing anyprovisions of this Declaration. 24. CONSTRUCTfON. When necessary for proper construction, themascurine of any word used in this Dectaration shal} include theferninine or neuter gender, and the singular the plural and vice versa. 25. EASEMENT FOR ENCROACHMENT. ThC PIAt dCSCribCS ANd SCISforth in llote 1s; an trEasement Ail for the first floor mechanical roomfrom Parcel B onto Parcel A. The upper lirnit of Easement A is anelevation of 7938,3 based on upper eagre vatley sanitation Districtas-built invert elevation for nlnhore AL32.1 being -I9Ls.4r, and is forthe purpose of perrnitting and describing that portion of themechanical room that encroaches into Parcel A. This Easements shallbe subject to all terms and provisions of the Declaration relating toEncroachrnents, Easernents and the party walr, and specificarly, in- theevent of destruction and reconstruction of the Building unil e shallbe reconstructed in the same dirnensions and sha1l retain the benefitof the Easement. 26- RrcHT oF FIRST REFUSAL. rf any owner wishes to serl hisparcel, such owner shall notify the other owner in writing to that 13 rci .( l) Uf l6 *l 480999 8*584 F-894 07,,/J6,,/92 J3:3J effect, prior to listing his parcel for sale or entering into any salecontract. The other ouner shall have 15 days after receipt of suchnotice in which to subnit an offer to purctrase the parcel to be* sold.If the other oltner fails to submit such an offer with the ti-me period,or if the selling owner elects not to accept the offer subnitted, theselling owner shall be free to offer his parcel for sale to otherparties. , ,/TN WITNESS/K^auy of - F Declarant has exe this Decl- , L99. - THOMAS Ntl c} /dtsCaatsi,y' STATE OF €€IfRAEO a444ts/,1 COUNTY OF -EaGI'B ) ) ) ss. subscribed and sworn to before ne this /tt auy ", A /-t Lee2 by Thomas J. Thomson. / i T- Witness my hand and official- seal expires on 6 -/t K 4AO999 8-584 P-894 07/16/92 J3:31 FA J4 OF J6 L4 EXHIBJT |lArl TO PARTYWALL AGREEIi{ENT AND DECI,ARATION OF COVENA}TTS, CONDITTONS AI'ID RESERVATIONS FOR 2OO5 WEST GORE CREEK DRIVEA PART OF THE SEL/A SEL/4 SECTTON l_L, TOWNSHTP 5 SOUTH, RANGE 81 WEST OF TIIE SIXTH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN TOWN OF VAIL, EAGLE COUNTY, COIpRADO A portion of the Southeast L/4 of the Southeast L/4 of Section 11, Township 5 south, Range 81 west of the sixth principal Meridian, Townof VaiI , County of Eagle, State of Colorado, descrited as follows: Beginning at. a point on the southeasterly right-of-way line ofInterstate Highway No. 70 which is on the east line of said- SoutheastL/4 of the Southeast L/4 and from hrhence the southeast corner there ofbears s01 24r31rrw 1055.58 feett thence s44 29.2g',w 289.5o feet alongsaid southeasterry rine to a point of curvei thence LG2.o2 feet arongthe arc of 5780 foot radius curve to the right whose central angre is0L 36f22tr and whose long chord bears s45 12r4o.w LG2.o2 feet; thencesoutheasterly u5.57 feet along the arc of a 242.06 foot radius curveto the left lvhose central angle is 4l- 33r24n and whose long chordbears S50 49 r20rrE L7L.74 feet to a point of tangent; thences8L 36r05rrE 32.56 feet to the southwest corner of Lot 40, Vail virlagewest Filing No. 2; thence along the boundary rine of said subdivisionon the following four courses: (l) NO9 06r14rW 92.SO feet; (2)N03 34 '55rrE 93.0o feet; (3) N34 osr55rE lot .50 feet; (4) N64 02 r5snE 94.95 feet to the east Line of said southeast L/4 of Et,e southeastL/4i thence Nol- 24r3LnE 99.25 feet along said east line to the pointof Beginning. 480999 8-584 F-A94 07,/15nr92 J3:31 FG 15 0F t6 N r"! L5 EXHIETT rBrt TO PARTYWALL AGREEMENT AND DECI,ARATION OF COVENAI{TS, CONDITIONS AND RESERVATIONS FOR 2OO5 WEST GORE CREEK DRTVE A PART OF THE SEL/A SF.L/A SECTTON 11, TOWNSIITP 5 SOtItH, RANGE 81 WEST OF THE SIXTH PRINCIPAL I,IERIDIAN TOWN OF VArL, EAGLE COUNTY, COLOR'ADO 1. Right of proprietor of a vein or lode to extract and remove hisore therefrom should the sarne be found to penetrate or intersectthe prenises as reserved in United States Patent recorded Septenber 13, L9O2, in Book 48 at Page 491. 2. Right of way for ditches or canals constructed by the auttrorityof the United States as reserved in United States Patent recorded ; September L3, L9O2, in Book 48 at Page 491-. 3. Restrictive covenants which do not contain a forfeiture or ( reverter clause, but onitting restrictions, if any, based onrace, color, religion, or national origin, as contained ininstrument recorded Novenber 25, 1966, in Book 175 at Page 445. 4. Utility Easement five feet in width along all interior lot linesas reserved on the recorded plat of Bighorn Subdivision FifthAddition. ' 4gog9g B-sB4 P-ag4 o7/t6/'92 ts:si PG t6 aF l5 r''! l_6 ffir u e+ o +; il $* I +$iI $ i ! ; tl.?t Irl I t 0v f -l T 0 $ {+st IjlJ \ln I s 0I \Tt- I t\1- ,ll. +llt $ll . rl[ $rH d *tEl, d! {rr 1t l$ brl IN ls Itltu i +$q+ + i+$$+$$ 1.il ;$ tlit ili!l I t tl .llfilIil rI l oo Aspbalt $ri-ngles (3@1b./sq. rain.) Stqcco Ad2 R.S. Cedar :fba,nd boerd" +laU ,# z."E4a ,#LWW t4'-^ *tuz-lp* |.#r 1g4rct1F{- eaElil Z*fttstl*'P'ttlbu: w',L jav HaV*l ?)?l?* h+Vfl4l dsa 59,sff t I r€J I I I c'l 8I.p(n E so 8 g o $s utA ;i 7. s r-) IJ xlo 7- t)-t t-a- * ill { tr JIn \ J \ I + I * I ttI I $ $+l $$i I' {t rt $ J } $t t { $ {.sl $ 1: J-I _L $ \ IL d $lslltt $r + $1 1k -'' lsfli \ _l: h-od.PO()r{ A,g'gs €Hdtt€ca.a €- $s CF AO +,se sEot {F EE TE ilI : ; z F F z LIJ ) oz t =&. uJo- J t"'t i+,L-t,;f)tto'I!',.F)<ad ts =E \+ (n UJ UJ LL ==EuJ r / @tu/6't lor +Lt/ il^ rtrl ll.',',rg ri:k rocnlo c.},?r ?ljr it-!-lrl I,l- r elEv,i tErdtc) =|:.i flg FE'z t,^ztA Eil> Eri Hi IJt 2 c 0 ( tltltrltzI a-ltqtlt<III f-, IHIHI iltF1t> tqtvrcl JH; ..1 :< ]Hi'1J tl )14dA dFlrI1d:14 I J Fl I4 '1 F.a q >lI g H FfH (r UJz3 uJ.r Foz FlH FT FH ch z o E 0)E g (t .9 (! 'oF 0), o oo Ep o (D 6 o)o o Ot =dl E o =cf o Q) o o. (! ''t E rs{SE8F; EE EE EBPEc-o> ef:E Egi;c96F -*io)B 5;.5 E E-s: Et gE g-; E^g SEieoiE-ors*e€€6ri :E€ H i;E$ - o.Y o --C?6 0'-.:E7,Ood-E-- tlr O - .::3Ei=gElE 9 6E5 .ftE=9 iE;:9E-o .c5g* - o (ll: L.r.tt) ca _r 6l c d F = IJ,J z l Y UJ z J &. F llJJ UJ z6 =J tu tr.t z F lrl uJ o 3 LU 5gJ(! z 6 uJ F6 IL uJ o-fi uJ o X F uJo F tn uJ uJu- L = IJJc J FoF z J ql I F tuJgJ oz : d Iz UJ :E NOTMIVA - =Zu-oo ^ 6z = =o; " o-.Aaz:- OCO S2 F.rz=?s:<5<g-r dFr6sq;u< N N = UJ co z tr f) IL c( o o-l (r t! E UJG J z 9 E xXXz Ee. UJF ; UJz I I I I bzl 2Oa <()o< :a\ 2a(Rado<z I F 2 AzZ:- ;o3uJOI : .E !) z 9rF UJo, zl tr :) lozl I II _l I -l cltrl II I -t I --tqi :l bl .l Jl<t zl zl .>l uJo ll.lt!zoF (r ul z Eo 4F dt z Y(l $$e HF 'tdeE v/J= EET i u L t u2z ( rn Y Q '<:l @o) =ztaF. I (!t! L TII-I r Flu -t,ElJEIJ! tl "5J bI =E: r l -;\] ;-I -J;? ll =fi Fl co ur I f-ft IJ D) 2 I O uJ = tJ ul\ t\5(os ls F I t!tzF-9tr I rd z 14 H t! 2 .t) E Er il =z (D u)r EIol Hl EIolFl uJl =l4 3lEId s--l = I\' F I.$ \?i E(J =tr u{ qq31aE I F FlF =e.tr 'll@l\olNl I .lol =.1ol trJl :l <l>lttlol zl FI r\ N I uiJgI F H H Fl I cn l! t5(\l z oul(r J ? u-o 23I r\\0tnN I N qi J uJF c tr ! C u IJ F tr / I I Ilc;t=loluJl5l3tttlolzt=toIts IJJJulF =tr : z o IJJI t!oz39 tu,JulF [!z3 F uJF I t -rO<FE()r!<ZEUJF.qZ <o()F l-< XF 6o t 2?;C) =<>E)F)zo-O (J dx :IF =2+c YZ =g t;1t! b= J<Oa\ (n!H UJ tro @oazo F(L LlJY IJJo oF F E UJ o- t.l- o-oo UJFoz / l- b*r PERr'rrr o_(ffi_ ^ APPLICATTON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED X****************************rt PERMIT fNFORMATfON ***************************** tl .'/''1r/-nuifaing I J-Plurobing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mec]ranical [ ]-other .lob 'Name: TUomgs].J RtS,rob Addressz 2ooS N. Goet CWd< Legal Description: Lot Block Filing olrners Nane: TDrn -t-hcm3otJ Address: fil pn. Address: AVOru CO ptr. Work Class: [ ]-New Ed-etteration [ ]-Additional 1 1-nepair [ ]-other Number of Dwelling UnLts:Number of Accommodation Units: Electrical Contractor: Town of VaiI Reg. NO._Address: Phone Number: TOWN OP VArL CONSTRUCTTON PERMIT APPLICATION FORM oernz T ltzl9a 4t4184-LSe %q-%22 IIt .ljpnber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances- cas Logsl Woodr/Pellet- D********************************* VALUATfONS *********************************rL iurr,orHc, i I c/CVd ELEcrRrcAtt $J-eozZ orHER: $- , ELUMBTNG: T- MEcflANrcAr,r $-- TorAL: @ - x***************il******* qoNTRAcro* ,"t"***oN ***************************flJeneral contractor: Ch?Y 6druUrA< tNC Town of Vail Reg. llo.-Address: fuX +7an Phone Number: irl/a- @T Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Number: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. FOR OFFICE USE ******* * * *********** * *** **** ** * BUTLDING PI.AN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: MECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: /47.- RECREATTON FEE:E?&dcLEAN-up DEposrr: i-Ao rorAL PERMTT FEEs: Architect: :JsHxr f€p.y1tN g ceneral Description: -llPlurnbing Contractor: f NIAAddress: t -t IMechanical Contractor: N/AAddress: - *************************** BUTLDING PERMIT FEEs PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: I'{ECHANTCAIJ PERMIT FEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE3 DRB FEE: + &-h.* **** BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONTNG: J.LuLrt\Llltt , CfiPY bqtLDE"-SCLEAN I'P DEPOSIT RENIND %y, +382 Vev-ca 6lbs8 75 soulh fronlage road Yail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: olflce of communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED I{ITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLIC WORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & MATERTAL STORAGE fn summaryr.Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for anyperson to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debrisor rnaterial , includj.ng trash durnpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicles upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public _p_t?ge or any portion theieof. The right-oi-way on ali Town ofVail streets and roads is approxinateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavernent.This ordinance will be stri-Lty enforced by the Toin of vailPYPlig works Department. persons found violating this ordinancewilr be given a 24 hour written notice to remove-said material .In the event the person so notified does not cornply with thenotice within the 24 hour time specified, the puUfic WorksDepartment wilJ- remove said materiaL at the expense of personnotified. The provisions of this ordinance sUaft not bLapplicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street. or alley or any utilities in the rlght-a-way. To review Ordinance No. 5 in full, please stop by the Town ofVail Building Department, to obtain I copy. tirank you for yourcooperation on this natter. /)frtsPnn(i.e. contractor, owner) F 75 soulh lrontage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 479-2L38 or 479-2L39 ottlce of communlty developmerrt BUILDING PERI'IIT ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If this permi.t requ'lres a Town of Vail Fire Department Approval, Engineer''s (.P!b] ic l.lorks) reyiew and approva'l ,'a planning'Department review or Health Department review, and a review by the euilding Department, the estimated time for a total review may take as 'long as three weeks. All commercial ('large or small) and all mu1ti-family permits will have te follow the above mentioned maximum requirements. Residential and small projects should take a lesser amount of time. However, if fesi.dentia'l or smaller projects impact the various above mentjoned departments with regard to necessary rev'iew, these projects mayalso take the three week period. Every attempt wi.ll be made by this department to expedite thispermi't as. s.qon as possi.ble. I', the undersigned, understand the p1 an check procedure and time frame.. rk Slieet was turned into the Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: THOMSON REMODEL DATE: lO-4-93 ADDRESS: 2005W. GOPa CREEK CONTRACTOR: CARYBLDERS VAIL, COIJORADO ARCHITECTT PERKINS OCCUPANCY: R.3 ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQT.ITRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of atl po*rible code requirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the codes. The fotlowing is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted codes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS REQIJTRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC. 1212 oF TI{E 1991 UBC. 2. A ENGINEER MAY BE REQUTRED TO SrGN OFF AlilY STRUCTT.IRAL WORK AT FRAMINC INSPECTION. {+ * \ y $lJ \:l _N f_ $ 0r \r 1- I $ >(f,-o(-> tJ-.lC) t-l-t-r-o g og =€.: c'.{:f\R', ';!r ,, .i .: i:) q :.i' jA- >11i_=*'cj .1-: ri::1 |1l l,i gn lt- s EN:E \+$f4t +; {} -Ie -- TFt= riE ,i g I + fi it t fi (- _! {,. L$ s +{ql+ ifi$$$$ l*rl i*il t--!, il'Jtl oilfilIl r[ oT TI f\q \i$'iii N F- Jfn EIfl L;;.;,, -Y @ Stqcco Ari2 R.S. Cedar "lcand board" F t - - -:--2{. ,1 | ----ar1 --- +a iv Note: Wa"Il Viefl€d G 45o lA F*letrtt{e #\. hlIn.i ;!qtiJlei||! # b*fzlw w4-e :''----1-t! 1E*''gd-1l.*., C'a&llrl >'r-elr*b U&ztrt; W,lL fra*bE*7c*ez rl4lfaWtHaVelr r tlrlV Ltr l-V1a ?ll-l lulo IJ o$t 1rgr 1,0iltz ,4 J tL i:,) f,.i,g i I i i s =ti {f JIn \ ..t s s \ rlI * t t J$ \I+ **ii +ii$ $* I{ titi\iu.lF$ li {t\r ,$ lo I I I IL a lilF lii t$N:[+ + +i$ ** i+ jOoo + $t 4flltflr $ Esed AQ .d8 \_l h-od Hf,cU *ef,5- ls .qPgo 3.se il6d5Fgo5 {F a'-l 8$ ES =v REQUEST VAILPERMIT NUMBER OF- PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALTER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: .\ ruES? INEP) tnuT I ,' '.i ('()-/:,- ,/ ,'@;FR YW) tr FOOTINGS / STEEL ry'-iY:-/ D UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr'rnnrurr.ro - BOOF & SHEEB" PLYWOOD NAILING tr tr tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: !Heot'*c tr ROUGH tr tr tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr HINAL D FINAL IryPPBOVED tr DISAPPROVED tr BEINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR pffi*co PERMIT NUM F PROJECT IN ; SPE CTION TOWN OF REQUEST VAIL FEADY FOR L,QCATION: INSPECTION:THUR /( FRI tJ-) ______\ay_/ P ft-neenoveo CORRECTIONS: EI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME &t,/"n uo"..- CALLER TUES.READY FOR INSPECTION: ubcnrroru:,il, BUILDING: T] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,." ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MEGHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED O DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR ./ , '-L,(-"\- ' /'//,rO! r', t-l't/ 4l// / u L.' PEi-[r I r N uM BER orTnol ecr ECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 j-4nr-,,.'DATE JOB NAME i.1 /ttr*', CALLER TUES WED THUR /FRI /A(Pi4l ;r'l{c n") READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION:o BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR -rLu/ Jtttt"4tnT u*' , o F'NAL C] APPROVED CORRECTIONS: VED B REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR ' ' i.t/i,?' .. . \ '|\ PERMIT NUMBER OF PFOJECT ECTION REQUEST DATE READY FOR IlOCATION: JOB NAME TOWN OF VAIL BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: E UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL MECHAN!CAL: tr u tr tr tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL '.E RppRoveo i,^,t/'!' CORRECTIONS: - tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED A- .-i DATE INSPECTOR ,"*"roN REeuESr. - ./ / ' rsb c/(_.I PERMIT NUMBER O PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: oT WNOFV {::: AIL JOB NAME CALLER . TUES LOCATION: MON ')', ,:, WE9 ( autl.ol9f,: )PLUMBING: D UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. OOTINGS i STEEL tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEEB" PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PPHOVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED