HomeMy WebLinkAboutSUNBURST FILING 3 LOT 1 BUILDING PERMIT 1999-2000 LEGALTOWN OF VArL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2t38 DEPARTMENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOPMENT ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 1730 GOLF TERRACE VAIL [ocation.....: 1730, 1734, 1738 Golf [.ane ParcelNo...: 210109104068 ProjectNo: cq(s2-oOG1 OWNER BI]NCITER, .'AMES E. 45446 REINA CT IIIDIAIiI WEI,I,S CA 922LO Lricense: & MARY A. 06/06/2002 CONTRACTOR EAGI.,E VAI.,I.EY EIJECTRIC P O BOX 1116 VAIL,, CO 81558 L,icense: 155-E APPIJICAIIT EAGIJE VAIJLEY EI,ECTRIC P O BOX 1116 VAIIT, CO 816s8 License: L56-E Desciption: add 2 exterior light fixtures to front of garage and to redo existing electricalm boxes tg accomondate new stone work on l6 units Valuation: $9,000.00 E lectrical-----> DRB Fee-> Invesligation----> Will Call - > TOTAL FEES_> 9152.00 90. 00 $0.00 s3.00 s15s. 00 Total Calculated Fees-> Additional Fees-._> Total Permil Fee---> P&Wnents--------> BALANCE DUE__> )( [.,1'. t)+ DECLARATIONS /ch---h^J? \ /, t. *\ hereby acknowledge thdt I havi read this'application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Dai( Cr.(€ C.ut-t&cn".-nkn NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES Status . . Applied. Issued . Expires . Phone: 06/06/2002 Phone': 970-827-5?72 06/06/2002 Phone z 970-A27-5772 Permit #: E02-0088 eol-o\q\ .: ISSUED.: 06/0612002.: 06/06/2002.: 12/03/2002 ' ^DYtl, V qDY $15s.00 90. 00 $165. 00 $16s.00 90. 00 ara'aaaaa'ratatatt'ttiatttttrlaiarlla Approvals:Iiem: 05000 ELECTRICAL, DEPARTMENT 06/06l2oo2 df Action: AP ITEM: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMEMT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI-'DG.) : FIELD INSPECTI ARE REQUIRSD TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPI-,IAIICE. 'l**.i|t.|||*||lr*t''.|.'t*.'tt...i.|.+..t|tt*.tl.t..t***rflt***lt**tt.lnEesuuuenyl**..ll**i+ti+.* Al}..} ? ;"'o'o*tf"tay, EOR oject #: Electrical Permit #: mwv \FytnlT 75 S. Frontage Rd.Vail, Colorado 81657 Contact Eaole Count 970-479-2149 (r L on5 \IO,Jlz_-J ,T,ffi 'l ')om ror e"o"t * P:rcel# (Required if no btdg. perm@09104068 Job Name: VaiL Golf Course Townhonres - Phase IV {%6foiVli, 173g cotf r.ane,units 61 thru 76 Legal Description Lot:Filing:Block:Subdivision: Q:FJe.hiog Phase w Assoc.Address:Phone: Engineer:Address:Phone: fixtures to front of Garage, Stone Work on 16 llnits. Detailed description redo existing ot worK: To add 2(two) electrical boxes to exterior light acconmodate new and to Work Class: New ( )Addition (1) Remodet ( )Repair ( )Temp Power ( )other (X)Lightir.rg & con fro r Work Type: Interior ( ) Exterior ( y) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No ( ) Type of 8ldg.: single-family ( ) Duptex ( ) Mutti-ramitv (1) Commerciat ( ) Resraurant ( ) other( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this buitding: 3 buildings No. of Acccmmodation Units in this building: 16 gnits Yp< /Nq (x) Does a Fire Alarm Exist: Yes ( t Nol)Does a Fire Sprinkler System Exist; Yes ( ) No ( ) COMPLETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALL OTHERS (Labor & Materials) AMOUNT OF SQ FT IN STRUCTURE:ELECTRICAL vALUATIoN: $ g.OOO.OO CONTRACTOR INFORMATION Electrical Contractor: Eagle Valley Electricfl Inc Town of Vail Reg. No.: 156E /1 Contac! and Phone #'s: Ce1 904-5844 Sam Bishop office 827-5772 Contractor Signature: zll,'.-,_ ., J l\)Nffi t*****************J.****+:t***********"**FOR OFFICE USE ONLY******rr***:r******ri,rr.*-4***i*****:f ****-! >ACs5 %\a* F:/everyonqformVele@erm t ,$$ qr:?--t}\ *; .Qs O2-2slW4 hspecilon Request Reportlng Page 1 7:42 am - VA|L- CO -TOWil bF - Requcsted lnsp€ct Oate: Thursday, Fcbrury 26, 2q)4' tnspedtonArea: JRt Slte Addressr t730 GOLF TERRACE VAIL 1790,17U,1738 Golf Lane Unltt60 A/P,D Infomatlon Acfi,lty: fllz.tX44 Typo: AMF SubType: AfnlF Sffis: lSiStEOCon€t_Typ€: _ Occut{ngy: (Fe: VIF|R b€pAr€: JRilffiror: EUlilCHER. JAIIGS E. & riURYA. - ADDlh.nt PRTAASSOCIATESREATY,LTD. Ptton : 97tl.476-4itrO l,loilce: DRE contlilonr conDbbd. - BC,IBSONttlo0c.: DRB cordilorE,d lltp|or,rl musf b. m€t pdof to lho lssuanca of b|dldlng pomlt ftamng foi Sn l|mpb b brsuunlt $.-BG6SEN COIffiTNT: ROT'TED TO.NM A'{D BR-L FOR REVIEWAPPROVALS . OFLORES Reouerbd lnlo€c{on(il & \ lbm: 90 BLDG-Flnal Rcqu6bc PRIMAASSOCIATES REALTY, LTD.turloiFdTo: .tr ONDRAGON- Ac{onr Tlrr Ero: R€quesGd Tlme: 08:00 Ail- Phom: 9O+m€2 Effir€d Bf DOOTDEN K 6oL 'lotrtr lnsp€cuon Hl3brY 226 FRE DEPT. I.JOTIFICAT|ONt0 BLDC'FodndSb.lil BlDCrFoundltodsteel 3t) BLDC'F.mlnO 50 BLD(}IEUffin €0 BlDesh.etockl-lcll70 ELDG-llbc. 90 BLDOFlnd2't PLAlSLC FounHon Plen 22 PLli+'LC Sllr Phn lbm: lbm: bm: lbtr!: lbtn: lbnr: lbm: lLm: tbm: l!3m: REPT131 Run Id.: L662 7 Participants: OWNER Project Address: 1610 SUNBURST DR VAIL 1610-1630 StJNzuRST DR., UNITS 16-26 ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us LocaUon: IOI,I,NM Design Review Board Project Name: Proiect Description: Legal Description: Parcel Number: 210109104017 21010910,1018 210109104019 210109104020 21010910.1021 2tor09LM022 210109104023 210109104024 210109104025 2101091040402 Comments: PO BOX 1292 VAIL co 81658 License: APPLICANT PRIMAASSOCATESREALTY O3/30/2O0F. Phone: 4764300 1650 VAIL VALLEY DR. SUITE C-3 VAIL co 81657 License: Lot: BIocK: Subdivision: VAIL GOLrcOURSE TOWNHOME 210109104016 $'^t Gotr-(o-*l-'t^- -Vp-nla-r.r-a Vc'l Gol( 6ss. To-nho^"t, PL,.r. f DRB Number: DR8040100 c6'lt'-'n\cr-t\ MINOR ALTEMTION: COMMON ELEMENTS - NEW STONE VENEER. GAMGE UGHT FIXruRES AND NEW UNIT SIGNS VAIL GOLFCOURSETH 03/30/2004 Phone: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Action: STAFFAPR Date of Approval: 04lO9l2OO4 Cond: B (PLAN): llo dranges b these plam may be made without the writbn consent of Torvn of Vail staff and/or the appropriate rwiarr committee(s). C.ondl 0 (PIAN): DRB appronl does not constitute a permit for building. Please onsult with Toryn of Vail Building personnel prior to @nsFuctbn activities. Cord:201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of apprwal. Cond;202 Approval of this project shall lapse and beome roid one (1) year bllodng the date of flnal approral, unless a building permit is issued and construction is comrnenced ard is dili,gently pursued toward completion, Plannen ElillGibson DRB Fee Paid: $2|t0.0O TOl1iN Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 970.179.2t39 tayc 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a building permit applicaUon. Please refer to the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. An application for Design Rwieu cannot be accepted unul all required information is received by the Community Developmert Department. Th€ proiect may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission, Design rwiew approval lapseo unless a building pemlt is issued and construction comnrences wlthin one year of the approval. Description of the Request: C0,,1l4ON ELEI"lENTS: NEttl ST0NE VENEER, GARAGE Ll FIXTURES. AND NEI^/ UNIT STcNs Location of the Proposal: Lot:_Block:_ SuMivision: PhysicalAddress: 1610-1630 SUNBURST DRIV UNIIS L6-26 RECEIVED parcel No.: 210109104016 THRU (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) 210109 LO4026 Name(s) of Owner(s):VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES PHASE II ASSOCIATION Mailing Address: P . 0. BOX 1 29 2 VJf L , C0 81658 Phone: ^?5 t.3ga Owner(s) Signature(s): NameofApplicant' PRIMA ASSOCI4!ES REALTY Mailing Address: 1650 VAIL VALLEY DR. SUITE C-3VAIL. C0 81657 phone: L76_Lloo E-maif AddressJ t_I_E! l-q!! X84!E I A IL . COM Fax: 47 s - s 5 j 4 Type of Review and Fee: tr SignsE Conceptual Review tr New ConstructionD Addition 1S Minor Alteration (multi-fami lylcommercial) tr Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) O Changes to Approved Plans tr Separation Request $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. .No Fee $650 For construction of a new building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any re$dential or commercial building (includes 250 additions & interior conversions), $250 For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc, $20 For minor changes to buildings and slte improvements, srch as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaplng, fences anc retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans Design Review Board. No Fee 6olf C"uo. fi('hv' already approved by Planning Staff or th€ PROPOSED MATERIALS TVoe of MaterialBuildino Materials Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Watls Exterior Lighting Other Color IDAHO BLACK CRAdITE DDl.lIT?EI STONE IDAHO BLACK GRANITE STONE MELISSA OLD IRON NUMBER PT.ATES Notes; Please specify the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of LZllzl!iloz n The location and type of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring for plant material following its installation.o Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Architectural Floor Plans:o Scale of 1i8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred tr Floor plans of the proposed development drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. Floor plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. o Clearly indicate on the floor plans the inside face of the exterior structural walls of the building.s Label floor plans to indicate the proposed floor area use (i,e. bedroom, kitchen, etc.).o One set of floor plans must be "red-lined" indicating how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calculated. See Title 12, Chapter 15 - Gross Residential Floor Area for regulations. D Provide dimensions of all roof eaves and overhangs. Architectural Elevations:D Scale of 1/8" = 1'or larger; 1/4" is preferred o All elevations of the proposed develbpment drawn to scale and fully dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing and finished grades. Floor. plans and building elevations must be drawn at the same scale. o If building faces are proposed at angles not represented well on the normal building elevations, show these faces also.o Elevations shall show proposed finished elevation of floors and roofs on all levels. o All exterior materials and colors shall be specified on the elevations. B The following shall be shown graphically and fully dimensioned: fascia, trim, railings, chimney caps, meter locations, and window details, D Show all proposed exterior lighting fixtures on the building. u Illustrate all decks, porches and balconies. a Indicate the roof and building drainage system (i.e. gutters and downspouts). a Indicate all rooftop mechanical systems and all other roof structures, if applicable. o Illustrate proposed building height elevation on roof lines and ridges. These elevations should coordinate with the finished floor elevations and the datum used for the survey. D Exterior color and material samples shall be submitted to staff and presented at the Design Review Board meeting. Lighting Plan:u Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. tr Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous area o Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. rr. TMPRoVEMENT LOCATTON CERTTFTCATE (rLC) Once a building permit has been issued, and construction is undenaray, and before the Building Department will schedule a framing inspection, two copies of an Improvement Location Certificate survey (ILC) stamped by a registered professional engineer must be submitted. The following information must be provided on the ILC:o Basis of bearing and tie to section corner o All property pins found or set o Building location(s) with ties to property corners (ie. distances and angles) o Building dimensions, including decks and balconies, to the nearest tenth of a foot a Building and garage floor elevations and all roof ridge and eave line elevations o All drainage and utility service line as-builts, showing type of material, size and exact location D All easements Page 5 of LZl02lO7l02 REAL ESTATE SALES & MANAGEMENT March 30, 2004 Community Development Department Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 Dear Sirs. The purpose of this letter is to convey authorization from The Vail Golf Course Townhomes Phase II Association to: l) Apply Idaho Black Granite stone veneer to the exterior of buildings as per drawings; 2) Install two Melissa light fixtures (model # 157063) at sides of garages; 3) Install new bronze entry numbers to be set in masonary. Please feel free to contact me ifyou have any questions. Sincerely, / . -i* *oor.*u Crossroads Realty, Ltd Managing Agents Vail Golf Course Townhomes Phase II PO. Box 1292, Yail, Colorado 81658 . 1650 Vail Valley Drive - Fallridge, Suite C-3 (970) 476-4300. FAX (970) 479-9534 home@crossroadsvail.com . www.crossroadsvail.com o Vail Golfcourse Townhomes phase II lighring plan' Each unit owns 5,899 square feet ofland per Eagle County Assessors. Thrre are I I units; therefore ttre total hnd is e+,-ggS square feet. The current lighting is as follows; f) One 25 watt (300 lumens) porch light;2) One 65 watt (930lumens) enrry flood; ]) lgur tamn posrs with two 25 watr (300 lumens) bulbs each;4) Five units have rear decks with one 25 watt (300 lumens) each; The total cunent lumens for the project are 17,400. The total fixture count is 31.. $: tu:g"i4on proposes to add two Melissa #15063 fixtures per'nit to all I l units.This will a&d,22 fixtures to the complex; the new fixture will 6tal 53. The Association will install 25 watt candle bulbs in each new fixture with an output of 300 lunens each- This will add 6,600 lumens to the project total. This win bring thenew total for the project to 24,000 lumens. Land Detail o Page 1 of2 trlhomrll site indexll countv contactsll SEARCH County seruices t Visitors v Community't I uant tElected officirls.: Eagle County Assessor Land Detail Information Assessor/Treasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Parcel Detail I Sales Detail I Value Detail I Residential/Commercial Improvement Detail AccountNumber R012228 Land O€currance I Characteristics LAND S:5899 ABSTRACT CODE:CONDO-LAND LANDSIZE:5899 I-AND-CODE:VAIL GOLF COURSE TH NEIGHAORHOOD:YAIL GOLF COURSE UNIT_WPEr usE_coDE:RESIDENTIAL ZONIilG:MH SUPER NBHD: I LAND-IND: I VAIL CORE CONDO S Top of Page Assessor Database Search Options I Treasurer Database Search Options Contact us by phone: (970)328-8640, in Colorado (800)225-6136 !y mail: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, pO BOX 449, Eagle, CO 81531 Or by email The Eagle County Assessor's Office makes every effort to collect and maintain accurate data. However, Good Turns Soft Eagle County Assessor's Offlce are unable to warrant any of the information herein contained. http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/Land.asp?AccountNumber-R012228 313012004 v, I 4At .q1L Ctf - ll.J :/U'{IEqJUI o 'o2 o --.4m N I V oa/lDtatttl a r-P:i FA6E U "AtatgTu(re Tf,fNE6LET ?l NREAT g^lo9rotf CAP @ DETAIL AT TOP OF 9TONE SCALE' l-lt2' = l'-O' EXI STI NG Ir 0!s0dOtd a*ll+tll*'tta*ltt*ll*lala*tll*t*l*ll*:ll*a'aal*'313**t**'.*ll***'.1*ra*'|l*|3*'3***'3*tlr*:3*'|****l+:t't*t*** TOSTNOFVAII. @LORADO Statmerd ***lt*'tl*'i'a'.lr***l*t'tta**:]t*t**t***tt+lt*t*tt{r**a********'}****tt*******'}*******+****+r}*t***a Statement llumber3 R040005532 AmounE: $250.00 O3/3O/2OO4O3:1.4 PM Palmrent ltlethod: Check Init : iIS Notauion: Permit No: DR8040100 Tlpe: DRB-Minor A].t,Com/Uulti ParceL No: 210109104016gite "Address: 161.0 stt{BItRsT DR VAIL, Lrocation: 1610-1530 SITIIBURST DR., ITNITS 16-26 Tota1 Feee: $250.00 Thie Palrnent: $250.00 ToEaI AIJL PmUB: $250.00Balance: $0.00 *t*{tf *ra** lt|t+t**:t't* *'}'llf **f |l l**'l|} lr**:l'|* *'}'}'}* +'l'l'l* * **'l** **'l'l'}* *'t'}'t'} {rt't{r* *,r*'}'l{.'}** **'tlr'} *'}*** *ti|| ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code DescriDtion Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122O() DESIGN REVIEW FEES 250.00 ,,-t) Design Review Board ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 teli 97O.479.2L39 fax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: Stone veneer, Golf CourseTerraces DRB Number: DRB030067 Project Description: Common Element - Stone veneer, garage light fixtures, and new bronze entry numbers Participants: OWNER MCDONALD, JAMES J., lR 03/19/2003 Phone: 1281 MERIWEATHER DR BOGART GA 30622 License: APPLICANT Prima Associates Dba CrossroO3/ L9/2003 Phone: 476-4300 1650 Vail Valley Drive C-3 Vail, CO 81657 Ucense: Project Address: 1620 SUNBURST DR VAIL Location: 1598 - 1645 Golf Terrace Legal Description: Loe Bbck Subdivision: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOME Parcel Number: 21010910i1027 Comments: Seeconditions BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: DateofApprovaF O4lO4l2OO3 Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (P|-AN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities. Cond: CON0005773 Entry: 0410512003 By: Matt Gen Action: AP Planner: Matt Gennett DRB Fee Paid: $25O.OO o ,*ffi Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.179.2L39 tax: 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail'co'us General InformaUon: All projects requiring design review must receive approval prior to submitting a. building permit application. ^Please refer to the submittll requirements for the particular approval that is requested' An application for Design Ra/iew cannot be accqptg:d untii all required information is received by the Community Development Department' The pioj.a rry ifilteeO io be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Planning and Environmental Commission. beiign review approval lapses unless a building permit is issued and construction commences within one year of the approval, Description of the Request: ,..t$s, . Ne ; \..'.\"\ f Location of the Proposal: Lot:-Block:- Subdivision: lAddress; I t",,,nrAddress: P 0,. 8..'- l)q) \l^, \/ C, =.tl{^5?=| -- -- Phone: -t 7(' -:-13cc L-.> 6*,ro.re) Sionarura(e,\t /ln.+ /c/kr ol'',lrurr'/"] \lbLk!.(u no.: ? I O tgi tO,1ftl-,t c (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Name(s) of Owner(s): Name of Applicantr Phone: Fax: prus 91.00 per square root ortotgiT0rwN' oF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW For construction of a new uuiro$ilAEFt4BftnOVAL '\ For an addition where square footagg ig aqF-lL-tV?nV residentibl or commercialbuirdine1iff l$les2;oWf$a^/.@tQVersons),$250 For minor changes For minor changes to buildings and site improvements' sucn as, reroofing, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans already approved by Planning Staff or the Design Review Board. No Fee For Office Use Only: t t €t- 4 Fee Paid: 2 <D chec* No.: Y J) / By: Date: Planner: REC +A w#; Mailinq Address: Type of Review and Fee: tr Signs tr Conceptual Review tr New Construction D Addition , Jl Ft Minor Alteration| (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request illfJlfu.liJilff'sfAFH $s0 No Fee $650 $300 $20 tr E ,fl r,, I ol 'xrf/ PROPERTY MANAGEMENT March 19, 2003 Community Development Department, Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail. CO 81657 Dear Sirs, The purpose of this letter is to convey authorization from The Vail Golf course Townhomes Phase III association to: l) Apply Idaho Black Granite stone veneer to building to match existing netaining walls: 2) Install two Melissa light fixrures (model #247063) at sides of garages ro match existing balcony fixtures; 3) New bronze entry numbers to be set in masonry. Please call ifyou have any questions. Sincerelv. Bill Sargent Ctossroads Realty, Ltd. Managing Agent Vail Golf Course Townhomes Phase III PO. Box 1292,Ya11, Colorado 81658 / 1650 Vail Valley Drive - Fallridge, Suite C-3 97U 47 G 4300 / F AX 97 0 - 47 9 -9534 email: home@crossroadsrealtyvail.com website: www.crossroadsrealtyvail.com Buildlno Materials , PR,OPOSED MATERHIS Tvpe of Mdterial ./ ,. cl Siding Other Wall Materlals Fascia SotriB Windours WindorTrim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Ralls Flues Flashing Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Retainlng Walls Erterior LighUng Other Notes! Color St"<-K Fc^n LlfoflZa" Please specify the manuFacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a color chip. Page 6 of L402l0lo2 D Existing and proposed contour lines. Retaining walls shall be included with the top of wall and the bottom of wall elevations noted. Lighting Plan:o Indicate type, location and number of fixtures. o Include height above grade, lumens output, luminous areao Attach a cut sheet for each proposed fixture. II. REPAINT PROPOSALS For all proposals to repaint existing buildings, the following supplemental information is required: o Color chip or color sample including the manufacturer name and color number(s)o Architectural elevation drawings which clearly indicate the location of proposed colors (ie. siding, stucco, window trim, doors, fascia, soffits, etc.) The following is an example: Page 5 of Lzl02l07l02 Exis{in3 II t ""+* Ja ' i l' , F-t 'bt I ftt 6.,.,"r'r Fro?^d Stoner*IorK TOWN OF VAIL DESIGN REVIEW STAFF APPROVAL ,. oott IetrPr"pJ FixtuK- t r! ULD lk-ot w.p&rlrt Utz,./,- \/ &.ll hr r ti' \\.' v,lid 714" Erlend 9l/2" Top Io olllet 12' 2430,| Ht 19' wid.7 1!2 Exlend l0" Top 10 oullel 4' ,\ Jtrd\,i/ l\\ (t\ rn\i'tltt) \r ,i[i D- ' kt 4*B tit 15' Wrd 7r,2" Frlend 12" IoD lo oullet 7" 4Di'lll 18r,'2 wid 7r,?. Exlend 9' Iop l0 oullet 14rl?" 4BB Ht r6" Wtd 7 t,'2" trlend I1" ToD lo oullel 5" 2a:3rr6at l'll r I6" Wid:71/2" E\lend 12v2" Iop to oullelt 11" 2'EA Hl 271.,?" wd 10" Exlend 1 11/2" Top to oulret 1 7 !,,:,, 2245e Hl 21V2" wid. 10" Extend 1 I 72' Top to oullel 17 Vz" aa50:t fll: 21" Wid: 10' Extend 13" Top lo oullel: l3r,/2"?rc. Ht 211/2" wid. 10' Exlend: 11Y2" Top lo oull€t: 3 1/2" I24:bt6 I Hl. 16" I Wtd 7 t/z' \ Extend 121'2' Ir00 lo I outlel 8' I I MEDIUM fl 2|461e |t zo" 1$ wtd: to' .r,t/\ \\l /f u 24506 Hl. 23tiz" Wid: l0' €nend.'12" Iop lo oullel 1512' 497 Hl.24', wid. r0' Eriend l2' Top lo oullet 21' 24gl}a Hl:241/?" Wid: 10" Exlend 11V2" Top lo outlet: 1914" 2.|€,o.E Ht.221,/2" Wid: '10' Exlend: 13 Top to outlel 16' ?a.'.ta l1l:20t/2' Wrd 10' txlend 13" 4& Hl: 23" Wid: 10' Exlend 12" 2at|oca Hl:211/2' wid'10' Exlend: l3Y?" Top to outlet: 812'Top lo oullel 7"Top to outlet: 872" LARGE 4Vt' dl 29t/2' Wid 13 t2' 474 Ht 43r/?' Wd: 131,?" [xlend. l3]/2 Top lo oull€l 25' ?/|V9 Hl 291n' Wid:131/2' Exlerfi 121/1' Top 10 ouller 25' 42,@ Hl291/a' Wid: 13Yt' E(end:171/2" ?A'E Hl: 3l L/2' wid. 13t4' Exlend: l672' Top lo oullet: 23Y?' fl 2471,f\ Ht 26r.4' X w'd | 372-+t\. //\\\ .4 - fF\ h lo outlet 221/2" 4?t8 Hl. 28" Wtd 131/2" Exlend 13q,4" Top lo outlet 4' 4VC4 Ht; 29" Wid l3Y2' txlend: 14' 47@ Hl 25r'2" Wirl l3V/ E(end 161/2" 247('23 Hl 321/2" Wid:13l(1. Extend: 22" lop lo oullet: 18" Exlend 22' Hl: 31' Wid: 13 u?& Ht.3l' WiJ:13W Exlend 2? Top lo ou!6t 14" Baclplatc: V[td 6 xfl26 W 7 /I i,. u Hl. 32' Wi{t: l: Erlend: Top lC Top lo ourl€t 28'To0 lo outleti 872" Top lo outlet v..{ l l- 5 I r-rl\r (_:(-)H|:,. llI r'-\ .A .u\r_U I ,y i.,.C. : fulaieriaJs' r,a-',Nt-€ R-.e.Aur\.Sj;=/c\''rvi.is\rf, grg',, grlL,, ttt=-E-l . nC l€S; I po ;, .1€t ! ^,^ l^ ..^, !\J!J l{_, I :. / )icte-.; / WGRK I'--r-\DirC a i/ r r\-rt v \.1,-t _:- PO1 o\ *sl Lljoo 3rl GRDTR -1 ill cit-oss JAl ): Y'?L - +11 ' 1s 6 't' I tl I I ,i- :: ( ;F ral lt I )t; ct I It I i lc. : il --, r J J \J \-,r:_ rl_. ,rWh L+-tf'fi- cr J- i .-> E,' 61 tl'!6t -7b I xdlt* @ @$rc1 c,.. 4l e/ 38 t4. g" I-73o , T/,38 @ n -l o o r"l o OOUBLE ELOCK CNAFFOW FlTFTPLE - DOUBLE SCRIPT A SINGLE ScFIPir fI INTER LOC KING IVIONo GFAT/I BRUSHED BFASS POL!SHED BFAsS BqUSHED ALUMINUM POL'SHED ALUMINUM OXIDIZE l6 'r Oo t" yt'/6rtn ?e tlun^be c oo 1 #r'aui,t .9.sfl*,lfr *F n t'' Vail Golf Course Townhomes Phase III lighting plan Each unit owns 5810 square feet ofland per Eagle County Assessor. There are 34 units, therefore the total Land is 197,540 square feet. There are currently two lights on each unit: l) One 25watt(300 lumens) porch light; 2) One 65watt(930lumens) entry flood; 3) Eight lamp posts with two 25watt(300 lumens) bulbs each; 4) Six units have rear decks with one 25watt(300 lumens) porch light. The total current lumens for the project are 44,220. The total current Fixtwe count is 82. The association proposes to add two Melissa #245063 fixtures per unit to 30 units and 4 fixtures on the P building. (units 5l -54) This will add an additional 64 fixtures to the complex. The total number of fixtures will increase to 146. The association will install 25watt candle bulbs in each of these fixtures with an output of 300 lumens each. This will add 19,200 lumens to the project, bringing the total lumens to 63.420. Land Detail Page I of2 NTY '"."|*srtcildlx|tr.o,n.,.on....,|ilsrnRcn Ebctrd off|dth v County All ,' (/'A^eat I t Assessor/Treasurer SYtq \. RarcetDetair I sates)F\-?rr \ ta 't G0 ? fi Sl '{n*'o,! -t'P <=: targicar.t Eagle Land Property Search Detail I Value VlJitort.P I rrnt i County Assessor Detail Information I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Detail I Residentia l/Com mercia I Improvement Detail AccountNumber R033791 J r-, v7 ,JL lop Assessor Database Search Ootlons of Page I Treasurer Database Search Options Contact us by phone: (970)328-8540, in Cotorado (B0O)22S-G136 By mail: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, pO BOX 449, Eagle, CO gt63t Or by e-mail: ntarkc@eagle-county. co m The Eagle county Assessor's office makes every effort to collect and maintain accurate data. However, cood rurns softEagle County Assessor's Office are unable to warrant any of the information herein containecl. Copyright Gr 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved. Land Occurrance 1 Cha LANDSIZE: LAND CODE:AIL GOLF COURSE TH N EIGHBORHOOD:AIL GOLF COURSE ZONING: AIL CORE CONDO LAND lND: http://www.eagle-county.com,/Goodturns/assessor/Land.asp?AccountNumber:Ro33791 3/19/2003 'i'} *la'| ***** i fff t i+a* *l*l* f*a'** t*r*+ f a t|t** ***** * *'|'lrtl * | **** ta* +* * * *'*** ***** **'|l* *a'*t* t**t *a** TOWNOFVAIL, COI,ORADO Statco€nt *a* + *a+ a*** +aafl lt** *a**l ***** * a**+f ++*+t * a ** *t +at ta* +*t*t* a**** t**a* t*t** t+aa* taa+a +aaa* +** gtaten€nC Nurnber: R030003723 Amotrlrt: S250.00 03/t9/2OO3O4:32 pM Palzn€nt MeEhod: Check Init: iIAR NoEation: 455? Vall G,olf Courae TH Aaaoc P€rmlt No: DR803006? 814re: DRB-Minor Alt,Com/rtultt Parcel No: 210L09L04027 Site Addrese: 1G20 SrrNBuRgT DR \IAIL IlocatLon: 1598 - 1645 ctolf Terrace Tota1 Feea: 9250.00Ihis Palment: 9250.00 Tota1 ALL PmEE: $250.00BaLance3 $0.00 ffllt*lfatl*lllltaar****t*ffal**aa***+***ltf*rft*lr*ft**+'r*******ar'i'a*****l*at*tltaallaaa+lta ACCOIJNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES 250 .00 DEPARTMENT oF coMMrrNrTy DEVEL *ry/Lw.V U NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAI.I PERMIT 1550 SI'NBI'RST DR 1-650 SI'NBURST (GOLF TERRACE 2101- 091- 04 -045 r-592 GO[.F TERRACE #57, VAIL CO 81557 Description: Valuation: wooD To GAs F/P CONVERSTON Fireplaee InforDation: Re6ericted: Y #of oaa AppliaDces:*of cas Loga: Status...: APPROVED 5TApplied . . : L0 /La/L998rssued. .. t Lo/L4/L998 E>cpires. . : 04/L2/L999 Phone: 3O346642O6 co 80020 Phone t 3034664206 co 80020 I TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FROMTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 9L657 970-479-2L38 ilob Address...:I-,ocation......:Parcel No.....: Project Number: APPLICAI T CONTRACTOR OWNER GAS CONNECTION, ]-1975 WADSWORTH GAS CONNE TION, LL975 WADSWORTH SPRIGGS MARY BROOMFIELD, BROOMFIELD, 79.o0 TlIE BLVD., THE BLVD., AT ALL TIMES M98 - 02 03 2,300.00 #of wood/Pal.let: Mechanical- --> Plan ch€ck- - - > Investigation> will call -- -- > Totaf calculated Feea- - - > Additi.onaf Fecs- -- --- --- > ?otal Pernit Fee-- --- --- > Payment€------- 50. o0 15.O0 . o0 3.O0 Restuarant Plan Review- - > .OO DRB Fe6----- --- .oo 7S.OO -79,oo . oo .00 Dept: FIRE Division: 1.2.3. 4. 5. 6. 8. t J.-.-^\ G,.\( Qr,-.*--a---R\ S<.^4J-t-, ^-a.t s ^4 iIOBSITE Permit FEE SWMARY BAIANCE DUE---- .OO IEem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTIIEIiIT DeDt: BUILDING Division:LO/T4/I998 'JRM AcLion: APPR APPROVED JRIfIEEM: O55OO FIRE DEPARTMEI..TTL0/L4/1,998 .'IRM AcLion: AppR N/A CONDTTION OF APPROVAL FIELD INSPEETIONS ARB REOUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIAI.ICE. COMBUSTION AIR IS REOUIRED PER SEC. 607 OF THE ]-991 I'ME.INSTALLATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFA,CTURES INSTRUETIONS AI.IDTO APPENDIX CIIAPTBR 2]- OF THB 1991 T'MC.GAS APPLIAT.TCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 ANDSHALL TERMINATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC.9O6 OF THE 1991 UME.ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.5O5 AND703 0F THE 1991 uMC.BOILERS SHALL BE MOI'NTED ON FTOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONST. T]NI.,ESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FI,OORING.PERMIT,PI,ANS AND CODE ANALYSIS MIUST BE POSTED IN MECHANICAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REO{'EST.DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAT ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER SUPPLY BOILERS SHAI-,L BE EOUIPPED WITH A FLOOR DRAIN PER SEC.21L9 0F THE 1-991- I,MC. ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t I hereby acknowledge that I hawe read thie application, filled out in fuII the infornation required, completed an accutate plot p1an, and state that all the information ptovided as required is correcc - I agtee to compty eith lhe information and plot plan, to cooply eith all Town ordinancee and state lalra, and to build this structure according to the Tosn,s zoning and subdivision codes, design revie!, approved, uniform Building code and oLher oldinanc€s of tshe Tolrn applicable th€reto. REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SIIALL BB MADB TwENrv-FoUR HoltRS IN ADVANCB BY TELEPHoNE AT 479-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM g:00 AM 5:00 PM SIGNATURE OF OWNBR OR CONTRACTOR POR HIMSELF AND OWNER I Oct-13-94 03:slP fgeatacs EaSls Couttrf Atac.ror. officc crftI at 970-328-054Q lot Puccl l- lWtr Of VIIL eOMtmUCEIOtr i p^Irn j.Jldl- O?/-ou 'o(5 ftfiyrD lEEr-yFr.rrrrrr rt rer \' .J P-Osrrrt G L€ PE8ltrI ''ftinrrl-tienl- o?/- :'t'o+d ir't AEpLreil",o[ lo.r DAtrE,J # r . AFPtACrrroI xtg! Ec Ef,rJlD G.! @UprrFrE[t On -(r Ury xor tE to@:r@vIba#*r..rr...t.*l*ttt...1lo|lt*. l,lE[lilll lrFoElo|flrgil l.trlrtr-lr.r*i.*.rtt*r.r]rrtrirl' 6 1-Bttrdtrt9 [ j-Pfr|lbing t l-Electrical tXl-ter&rmnbrl roD tr *: 01ell Sp.g,S . - ircu radrese; J533-{iltl<?L(n\tc Teeee? # .f7- t l-gtber Ipllrf Dcacrlptica ldt_ Bloctr_ l|utlg svlprvrsrotr: _ waire NaDe: flk .frjg* tttdrcas; t<?Z &lF leae atlqt m,|ryfu? lrcb.ltect:lddness:EL. GcncraL oescrLpttcrr; worlr crffi8r @q1-rcu I l-ttrterattorr toql-MnittoDir t l-n Daft t I lturbeB of lrclaltg gBitr: I ._x|Ibcr of lccqodrtion Ua:ltS; I EUIIOING3 EI&GmICIIL! |rccsrxtcrr., $--ffi{orf,E8: IEo.[ll,sW 1"4..+*tttti!i...rt*ttaatta aol|.|t!;lgloR liltonxlEIoDt lrrrrar'trri.*a.*.r*rttrrar ContractoEs l€rn of Vail neg. t3o.ldltrrr=;Dbonc Xrn&er: lrm of vatlDne l|Eob€rs{ loryn of vail Ehone lfulbCfr: cortra,ctor3 Rag. Nlo. nogr. xo uechanlcrl Conetactol?ffi."*slLw&ffi_^lddregr: laat lt tt tttttlatatta*+*a*l*t crarl tt,n OFPICE USE rt..*.tr..i*a,*r...r*itr||a...r** HTrI.DITE Prllt CESX PEBI PEI'IDTIC PI.Jllr cEEcIt TEE:lGca{rcu. slilf cEq EBE8.llSClEllIO[r EEEr Er.BrrI-IIP DEDrOrSIl! : $OII}II PffiI[ ?EES: UIIf,D:TfiiI STGI{ATSNES zwttrc: srctrlllUlgr It Electrical lddrces: .Pluobfng @ntractor:.lddr.rs: xrrrDnrc PEttitT DEE: 'IIrDItrc PEmTrr FEE3IIECENITCII.. PE8ilrT IIE: ETr;ECIRICIL llE:qTBER fIPE OF .EBBI DNB FEE: {Efrcr Oct-13-9El 03 : 31P :r TOr FBO[I: DAIE: RE: P -O4 uElroB Npuil ALL COI{TRACTORS TOWI{ OF VAIL ruBUC WOBKS DEFARTilETT tf,AY O, lggf WHEN A ?UBUC WAY PERMT. ls BEOUIRED e) 1, s) 6) ltg \ \ ^{ { x, X. x r) 2l Job Name: - _ Dde:pteas ing tha n€ed lor|'Publowry Pormif: lEt ls this a new redderre? ls demonlon wul( belng p.dom6d that rcqulns tha ule of the dght Ot way. se,Egmerfs orgDlic property? le ary ufntny soft rcedcd ls th. drlwurey bdng npawd? ls dlflerent aooesrs medrd to sln othsr than exlsflng drh,eway? ls any dralmge rufr beiq done e&cfirq the dgtrt of wny. ceserrsnts, orpublic popcrty? ls a'F€\rocabL R'gtrt tXWay Permit rs$Jired?. A- l3 the dgit slvai, easoments or pub[c propcrty to bc rrscd for Sqing. paffng orfendrq? E. It no lo 84. is a paddng. stagtng or lencing plan rquired by Gommuntty Development? I han read erd ansnnred e[ the ebore f_yorr answered y€i to any oilhrsc qusstiorE, a ?ublh way permlf must bg ob]Nimd.'PrrHb wey Perrnir appllcatbns may bc obla'ncd at th3-pub[o wodcr officr or aluqltTultry Development |tyar heve any grestions pbase cail charxg Ehrds, tha Tonnof VallConsrruc$on Inspeabr, et 471-2t5S. 7l E) ?Ptttclq S Jo'b Narftd Oct-13-9t| 03:31P '.r TO: FROII: DAIE: RE: P. 05 ,uEuonAupltu AtL @ITRACTORS TOTVI{ OF VNL PUBLIC WORKg DEPARIUENT ifAY 9, 1f9f IflTIEN A..PUBUC WAY PERIilT' l5; REOUIBED uannc:Jfu\'k Pprrto r) 2l 3) .) 5) 6) n E) Pleasg ansrver lha bflouine $esfoohmire cgadng fte rrcd for a ?ublC Wry Penrdt': JEg ls $is e new Gsidrtrcs? ls (lermftlon sott be[ng pc formed th$ re$d73s the u|a otfie fhhl of way, easemenc or rublb Proporty? ts ary'trttlry wofi needed? lsthe ddr'€rvry behg npavad? ls dflerent aoc6iB necded to site otlrar than adsilrlg rtlveunya ls ary dralnags $orl( Dehg done afleciirB the dghlof nqf, gasemenE, ot ilrb[c propeily? ls a'Rarccable Sglrt Of Way Permil' tequited?. A ls the rftrl of wry, sasemgnts or pubfic proparty to be ussd lor gaging, parkirp orbncfng? E, tf no to 8A. is a pcrldng. stagtng or bndng pbn resrircd !y Gommunlry Devebpmcnt? l{o \ ^{ { x, \ \ \ !Lv:q "ryet"_a F! to an1 of these (srestions, a'pr.bfic wry permif musr be obtrined.'t,|Jblic wey Pcrmir applcafions mqy be obteinrtl d rha-puuic worrs oflbe or atcornmunnr Developmenl llyur lnve any questions plcare aall charle oavia rhe Townot Vail @nstrucil'on Inspeclor, at 479-2f SS. I lnve nad and answrrsd a[ the above'l)sto i)'tq,t J& nadrd Oct-13-98 O3:3OP P-Ol. | ? ta? ta hun rtr|'risrlll3r!.4 -t cr|lrrf .|att(sl /t79-2138 or at9-2119 oile olOirudlt .hnLFrr t{l: fBon: rilE: $UIITEET: l T. Ooltl Tc.iluFs COTNB!!1T.T:L NDGISITED 'TTE IIEItgr|I oP vlu, lUHr Or VIIL rUErJC EqnB/e[[rumTr D[VErpUErr nnca 16, 1988 a$g[tstgg:llolr plEKrf,c e ulrESElL glrrnacE (I-6. cgntractor, srasrl In nroaryr -OlAiltlse Xo. 6 statec that it is unlrrrnrl tot rt|ypcrlcrn to litter, trlaclc or deposit any aoll, !ecl(. $ud, dabtrisor letsial, includl-nE trash du4lrtsrrr, t)ortdrl-e toLlata .rdrorhrn v.Dictes uDOn |lry street, sid€rr.lx, alley or public Irlace or rnf portior tbrrcot. Sr right-of*ry on alj_ lornr ofvail st8Bots rrd Erds tc rprod-Ert Lt' 5 ft. off pavcnmt-llts eriffuancr vlll be strictry cntorda by tba gotrrr e! vaillPlig Forlcr DrtrEb€lrt. F.Fom fourr.l viotatirrg tl'i+ ot{LrratcrvrI.L DG Elr,!fi r'24 hour rrltta! notice to -recovq said lateftd.fD ur. €q9qF tlc perron to notificrt aroes noc cqrly rith f;hcnol?tcf lfrtbr$ tL Za Dotrr tjrc rtncltl'rd, tDe hrblic rortcsDtFaf=EBr|t yiII !a[gl/r saiil raterirl at tb.c gD€Dlc of PrrtoanotLltcal- te D3svir{on3 ot thir ondlnance sbltt not lirPDlt'cable tO eostnrct'i6sl, rrlntom.rcC of ScXnir Df6lects ofany streeG s d"loy oc aBy ntilitJ.rs in thc rlgilrt-r.rEy. lc^rerries Or'Ai$[OCa lo. 6 !'l tcll, pleasc stoD hry tbe lorrr o!vail &rrJ.arllg pi parrlent ro obtai; I copg- i,[il& yJu tor youreooDera,Elon on thl.s l:ttBar. taad rnaf rcknonf oct-13-gl8l 03 ! 3lP P -O2 luun 15 rdr ltil||.dl,*r||5t; 679-2138 ot allt-213F CilC orriltlthbfrrt 8I'ILDII{C PERHIT ISSI'AI{CE II|€ FNilg It tlrls perrft l!qt{r3| | Torn of Uril Frrc Dryrtnent tpproral,Engineerb (Pgbtir ror*sl revte-r end rpproiai,-i ptinniiii-oeiifunt rryiw or Herltlr DeFrbint rlvian, ani'a rwier lv ttp SuiiiinoDeparb3nt, tlc estintrd tir for a tott'l rwis Ey tltc as l6ngas Uirc€ rcclr. AII comerctll'0"rS" or sn'll) ad nll nrlti-fulty Denrits uillmve t0 follff tfte abovc nentioned mxlnrn requirenentr. Rrrldentialend.sull prujects should bRe a lesscr rmunt of tinc. no,w6, ;i-nsldentirl or snltcr prcjccts trgrct ttre iirtous rtiir nintioiriOggt!"F$q_rtur. rcgrrd. to nrcrsri? rlvtcn, U,.si proiecG ry ' also tlke tDe Utree mel perfod. qYry.-a!!n?!-"!Jl Dt qlge bv thls deprrtnent to axpedlte thls .pBmi:t .s sgon es possible, l-. the uldersigncd, undsrstatd tjrc plan Ciact pfocedure Ind timfrrre. I*ra,* '' ttngt - Connni ty Oevelomrelt Departrot, t.- J-C,+*S.-,^\,*t+ \^O-i \ Uc*\Go\{ Co..'^-*T++ 03-t1-200?tn$pe.cti$ri i*equest Reportlng - VllJL. Cii-'j"OljVJ{ S}: .t:49 anr {ovav-, $b'fo Requesb.C irspe,rt 031i" i'rrrirrjoy. Si";tt ?1, tut: Ingpe{.iti0t: Aie..i : Ji"M Sibe ndrire;r,, i{) Ili lStrt-r-i:;Lrwi:ir- l)ii {.AlLlig,'; BFi-L l: LliwER []R O!flner: BRIAN S. E tlAl.lCY N l-EE r'?E'Vr-\CArJ!.ii TRUST Conhactof Nstt Doslon ConCftlclon !rl.:,n<'. 1l?' -4?6-5551 Ooccdrflon. STUCCCr.$JD PA,INT LowEP i-E v;i. nFt'ii-)i.:r. i-l,'Jri]'t Comin€nt FLOOR FLANS REi:,iEVFf) aiiOwlri,'i iiiir: .],xFASE r.iit.ir'i.R-llif,t; TO A BEDRI)OM - CDAVIS €"* 4ryC€ -FaneE- O A.rPJDll!tsnnatbn Acttvltv. 8t2-0O18 lvor' i.8l.rlt.!-' Cons! Tvpft' ,jtrr:r.airj:!: Paiisl: ?1O314310009 Lllb'i"rtq *iiFit Uia Ststus: ISSUED insp tu€a' ..lRi, 08i00 Ail 97k76.6661 4|- 970'3.9G 6543 cell Rcau€ed |nspecllon{; I Item; 90 BLDG-Flnal Reguedof : l{et Design Con$rrur.tlori Co{trnrcfib: \rE 39f.LGS3 Asslorrcd Ta. CDAVIS- Action:I inne )i xi: !nso€ction Hisbrv ilern: l0 ElDG-FrcilnosSie{i ttem: 20 BLDG-Frernd6tiorr Steei Itenr: 3$ BlDfrFtcmlnclLm: 50 BLDC- lnsuhd6n Itern: 50 BLEG"gfHlrodi Nall nsm: 70 BLDG-illbc. " ,(sprovsd " 091402 lnsg€ctcr. JR?d COM? gDts: LAIHE APF'F'CV'E D k )':lb ,D f')t'ro\u',\D \u 1Y't It^nV ,\t F'RCVEI) item: ll6fn' llem: |l€m: ihm: \ W REPTi3l Run Id:rl1419, Design Review Board ACTION FORM Depatment of Cornmunlty Det/dopment 75 Soutfl Fhontage Road, vall, Colorado 81657 t€l: 970.479.2139 taxz 970.479.2452 web: www.ci.vall.co.us DRB l{umber: DR8010046Prorcct ilamc: GolfcouneTownhornes stonework PrcJect De*ription: Exterior stone facing on ganues & entrhs Partlcipentr: ProlcctAddtuc: Lcgel Dcecriptlon: Parcel Number: Comm€nta: OWNER I'-FCOURSE TOwNHOUSE ASSOC 03/13/2001 Phone: 970476-Bn C/O TEONARD BUSSE 1720 SUNBURST DR vArLco 816s7 Lbense: APPLICANT VAIL MANAGEMENTCOMPANY 03/13/2001 Phone: 476-4252lGnt 143 E Meadow Dr. Vail, Co 81657 License: 1610 SUNBURST DR VAIL Lot Block SubdlYlrlon: 2101091fi000 Locatbn: BOARD/S|TAFFACnOil Mollon By: Sond By: Vob: Condldont: Andy Blumetti Charlie Acevedo +0 Acllon: APPROVED Dab of Apgroval: 04/06/2001. Cond:8 (pl-AN): No changes to these plans may be made witltout the written corsent of Town of Vail staff and/or the Desbn Review Board. Envyz O410612001 By: jar Action: AP Cond: CONffi04633 That d1e stone supporB be attached as close as poesible to the asphalt and be filled in with asphalt. Enttyt 0410612001 By: jar Action: APPR Cond: CON00fi534 That the stone r€turn aroundthe corners be proportionate to the stone r€fi.lrn at the garage doors- Entry: 04/06/2001 By: jar Action: APPR Cond: CONffi04635 That the cap color mabh the stone being used and rerriewed by statr Envyt Ml06l2fi)1 By: jar Action: APPR Pbnner: Judy Rodriguez DRB Fce Pald: 120'00 t -Qa4 2D-D'-<) Qr@u 11:30 pm 1:30 pm DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA Wednesday, April 4, 2001 3:00 P.M. PUBLIC MEETING RESULTS PUBLIC WELCOME PROJECT ORIENTATION , LUNCH - Community Development Department MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT Clark Briitain BillPierce Hans Woldrich Andy Blumetti Charlie Acevedo stTE vtstTs 1. Hilb residence - 1552 Matlerhom Circle 2. Mentlik residence -2437 Garmisch Drive 3. Petrus residence - 84 Beaver Dam Road 4. Edelweiss - 103 Willolr Place 5. Vail Mountain Lodge - 352 Easi Meadolr Drive 6. Deming/Parker residence - 483 Gore Creek Drive 7. Ford Park Amphitheater - 540 S. Frontage Rd. E 8. Rutherford/Ferry residence - 1001 Vail Valley Drive 9. Vail Golf Course Townhomes - 1660 Sunburst Drive, Units 1-15 10. Vail Mountain School - 3160 Katsos Ranch Road PUBLIC HEARING . TOWN COUNCIL CHAMBERS 3:00 pm 1. Swearing in of re-appointed DRB member Bill Pierce and appoinied DRB member Charlie Acevedo. Lorelei Donaldson, Town Clerk. 2. Election of 2001 Chair - Clark Brittain (4-0) 2001 Vic+'Chair- Bill Pierce (4-0) 3. Deming residence - Final review of proposed remodel. Allison 483 Gore Creek Drive, Unit 2a&2blTexas Townhomes. Applicant David & Jamie Deming, represented by Eric Johnson MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND; Charlie Acevedo CONSENT APPROVED W|TH I CONDITION: 1. That Public Works approve the landscaping. VOTE 4.0 o 4. Parker residence - Final review of proposed window addition & repaint. Allison 483 Gore Creek Drive, Unit 1a & 1b/Texas Townhomes. Applicant David & Jamie Deming, represented by Eric Johnson MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 4-0 CONSENT APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That Public Works approve the landscaping. 5. Vail Golfcourse Townhomes - Review of exterior stonework. Judy 1660 Sunburst Drive, Units 1-1S/Lot 1, Sunburst Filing #3. Applicant VailGolfcourseTownhomesAssociation MOTION: Andy Blumelti SECOND: Charlie Acevedo VOTE: 4-0 APPROVED WITH 3 CONDITIONS: 1. That the slone supports be attached as close as possible to the asphalt and be filled in with asPhalt.2. That the stone return around the corners be proportionate to the slone retum at the garage doors.3. That the cap color match the stone being used and reviewed by staff. 6. Edelweiss Condos - Final review of proposed roofing material. Brent 103 Willow Place, Edelweiss Condominiums/Lot 4, Block 6, Vail Village 1o Filing. Applicant: Edefweiss Condo Association, represented by Nedbo Construction MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Charles Acevedo VOTE: 5-0 TABLED TO APRIL 18, 2OO1 7. Donovan Pa* - Construction of Phase 1 improvements. George generally located southeast of the intersection of Matterhom Circle and the South Frontage Road/UnplattedApplicant Town of Vail MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Andy Blumetti VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 3 GONDITIONS: 1. That the applicant retum to the DRB for approval of the stone wall at the back service area.2. That the applicant retum to the DRB for approval of the roof drainage system. 3. That the applicant retum to the DRB for approval of the wood siding and foundation detail. Tang residence - Final review of new single family residence and EHU. 185 Forest Road / Lot 26, Block 7, Vail Village 1" Filing Applicant: Oscar Tang, represenled by Ray Nielson MOTION: SECOND: VOTE TABLED UNTIL APRIL 18, 2OO1 9. Mentlik residence - Conceptual review of a new single-family residence. Ann 2437 Garmisch Drive/Lot 12, Block H, Vail das Schone Filing 2. Applicant William L. Mentlik, represenled by John G. Martin I 8. I CONCEPTUAL. NO VOTE 10. Petrus residence - Conceptual review of new single family residence with EHU. Bill 84 Beaver Dam Road/Lot 28, Block 7, Vail Viltage 1r Filing. Applicant: Petrus Management, represented by Wanen Lawrence CONCEPTUAL - NO VOTE 1'|.. Hilb residence - Final review of single.family & Type ll Employee Housing Unit. Bill 1552 Matterhom Circle/Lol 1. TimberVail Subdivision.Applicant Dave Hilb MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Andy Blumetti VOTE: 4-0 (Acevedo not present) APPROVED WITH 5 GONDITIONS: 1. All dormer tail designs must be consistenl.2. Additional stone is to be added to the primary garage and house on the south elevation.3. The false dormer above the great room on the front elevation must be revised with one of lhe following oplions: a) make the false dormer a real dormer, or b) add a dummy window, or c) remove the false dormer and add a small shed roof above the EHU entrance.4. Add windows to the master bath and closet area on the south elevalion. 5. All conditions of the Public Works Dept. and Fire Dept. must be met prior to the issuance of building permits. 12. Rutherford residence - Final review of addition to a primary/secondary residence. Brent 1001 Vail Valley Drive/Lot 1, Block 6, Vail Village 7th Filing. Applicant Susan Rutherford, represented by Larry Deckard MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: $0 TABLED TO APRIL 1E, 2OO1 13, Ferry residence - Final review of addition to a primary.secondary residence. Brent 1001 Eagle's Nest Circle/Lot 1, Block 6, VailVillage 7.n Filing. Applicant: Kathleen Ferry, represented by RKD MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Hans Woldrich VOTE: 5-0 TABLED TO APRIL lE, 2OO1 14. Vail Mountain Lodge - A review of exterior chgnges io previously approved plans. Allison 352 East Meadow Drive/Part of Tract B, Vail Mllage 1"'. Applicant Ron Byme CONCEPTUAL- NO VOTE 15. Vail Mountain School - Final review of the installation of modular dassroom unils Brent 3160 Katsos Ranch Road I Lol.12, Block 2, Vait Village 12h Filing. Applicani: VailMountainSchool MOTION: Bill Pierce SECOND: Clart Brittain voTE:3-1-1 (Woldrich opposed, Blumefti recused) o APPROVED WTH 2 CONDITIONS: 1. The school's exisling mechanical equipment will be screened with the horizontal patlem as submitied. The equipment enclosure (and protruding pipes/stacks) will be painted to match the roof. Pursuant to the Planning and Environmental Commission's previous condition, this will occur as soon as possible. 2. The siding of the new modular unit will be painted to match the stucco on the main school structure. The trim around the doors, windows and fascia of the new modular unit will be painled to match the trim on the main school structure. 16. Ford Park - Final review of the "Alpine Plaza", proposed improvements to the Ann Amphitheater entranceway 540 S. Frontage Rd. E / Vail Village 7'n Filing Applicant: Vail Alpine Garden Foundation, represented by EDAW MOTION: Andy Blumetti SECOND: Bill Pierce VOTE: 5-0 APPROVED WITH 1 CONDITION: 1. That the outdoor lighting be approved by the Design Review Board. Staff Approvals Gramm residence - Remove bay window and convert space to deck; infil kitchen&dining. Bill 950 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 5, Potato Patch Club Condominiums. Applicant: Walter Patrick Gramm Elenial NV residence - Replace skylight with roofing. Judy 1451 Lions Ridge Loop, Unit SA/Ridge at Vail Townhomes. Applicant: ElenialNV Sikorski residence - Combine 2 condo units into 1. Allison 625 N. Frontage Rd. WesUSun Vail Condominium. Applicant: Richard E. & Karen Sikorski Lubin residence - Addition. Allison 3236 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 4, Vail Village Filing 12. Applicant: Kenneth A. Lubin Tezla residence - Re'roof. Change from metal to asphalt shingle. Judy 2613 Cortina Lane/Lot 2, Vail Ridge. Applicani: Anthony V. & Nancy J. Tezla John A. Dobson Arena - Temporary sile developmeni sign. Judy 321 W. Meadow Drive/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 2. Applicant: R.A. Nelson & Assoc. NorthTrail Townhomes - Planlers on walls between driveways. Allison 2477 Garmisch Drive/Lols 2 & 4, Block H, Vail das Schone Filing 2. Applicant: Town of Vail The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspeciion during regular office hours in the project plannefs office, located at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. I / Sign language intarprutation available upon rcquest with 24 hour notificalion. Please call479- 2356,Telephone for tha Hearing lmpaired, for informallon. Kenton M. Krohtow, pCAIvI Director of Maintenace l43.Easa Meadow Drive Vail, Colorado gl6EZ email: krohlow@rail.net 970/476-4262 Fax: 970/479_9621 800/ 944-8245 www.vai lmanagemen t. com mopwu@ aO 15. Vail Mountain School - Final review of the installation of modular classroom units Brent 3160 Katsos Ranch Road I Lol 12., Block 2, Vail Village 12rh Filing.Applicant: Vail Mountain SchoolMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: 16. Ford Park - Final review of the "Alpine Plaza", proposed improvements to the Ann Amphitheater entranceway 540 S. Frontage Rd. E / Vail Village 7th Filing Applicanl: Vail Alpine Garden Foundation, represented by EDAWMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Staff Aporovals Gramm residence - Remove bay window and convert space lo deck; infil kitchen&dining. Bill 950 Potato Patch Drive/Lot 5. Potato Palch Club Condominiums. Applicant: Walter Patrick Gramm Elenial NV residence - Replace skylight with roofing. Judy 1451 Lions Ridge Loop, Unit StuRidge at Vail Townhomes. Applicant: Elenial NV Sikorski residence - Combine 2 condo units into ',, Allison 625 N. Frontage Rd. WesUSun Vail Condominium. Applicant: Richard E. & Karen Sikorski Lubin residence - Addition. Allison 3236 Katsos Ranch Road/Lot 4, Vail Village Filing 12. Applicant: Kenneth A. Lubin Tezla residence - Re-roof. Change from melel to asphalt shingle. Judy 2613 Cortina Lane/Lot 2, Vail Ridge. Applicanl: Anthony V. & Nancy J. Tezla John A. Dobson Arena - Temporary site development sign. Judy 321 W. Meadow Drive/Lot 5, Block 1, Vail Lionshead Filing 2. Applicant: R.A. Nelson & Assoc. NorthTrail Townhomes - Planters on walls between driveways. Allison 2477 Garmisch Drive/Lots 2 & 4, Block H, Vail das Schone Filing 2- Applicant: Town of Vail The applications and information about the proposals'are available for public inspection during regular office hours in the project planne/s office, located at the Town of Vail Community Developmenl Department, 75 South Frontage Road. Please call 479-2138 for information. Sign language interpretation available upon request with 24 hour notification. Please call 479- 2356,Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. ry &,ltuL fr"; /rfd . o.\ fr,rfurrr- ta-^--tnttl-" pzaa- t/4L-zL h- g'tui4a/'4- 4^ atraut *'u4r- N aZz A*caat ta*_,:^ +" a,Qti7 t*.i n"' --'-d--/r*:"* a,*&z- lra"fti A//r"' kl4od kLa-U 7g,, Ztt / a T. //4. a_ 7r*.u_ Dnn &./J- ra-<_ J'r-"/- # Y*-*, d y qu*"4/g.t--ta^a" *)k-lu / ' " / (dt"a+ttydet;.t --/ ftu af /h4,{r4_ . /".n frazz"7-.h/ $/h nn {^ V. STAFF APPROVAL The Administrator may review and approve Design Review applications, approve with certain modifications, deny the application, or may refer the application to the Design Review Board for decision. All staff approvals are subject to final approval by the DRB. The following types d Design Review applications may be staff approved: A. Any application for an addition to an existing building that b consistent with the architectural design, materials and colors of the building, and approval has been received by an authorized member of a condominium association, if applicable; B. Any application to rnodiry an ocisting building that does not signif,rcantly change the o<isting planes of the building and is generally consistent with the architectural design, nmterials and colors of the building, including, but not limited to ocerior building finish materiab (e.9. s,tonework, siding, roof materials, paint or stain,), elterior lighting, canopies or awnings, fences, antennas, satellite dbhes, windows, skylighB, siding, minor commercial facade impovemenb, and other similar modifications; C. Any application for site improvements or modifications including, but not limited to, driveway modifications, site gnding, site walb, removal or modifications to odsting landscaping, instalhtion of accessory structures or recreational facilities, ADDMONAL REVIEW AND FEES A. If this application requires a separate rsyiew by any lool, state or Federal agency other than the Town of Vail, the application fee shall be increased by $200.00. Examples of such review, may include, but are not limited to: Colorado Department of Highway Access Permits, Army Corps of Engineers 404, etc. B. The applbant shall be responsible for paying any publbhing fees whhh are in excess of 500/o ofthe application fee. If, at the applicant's request, any matter is postponed for hearing, causing the matter to be republbhed, then the entire fee for such re-publication shall be paid by the applicant, C. Applications deened by the Cornmunity Development Deparfnent to have design, land use or otier issues which may have a signmcant impact on the community may require review by consultanb in addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an outside consultant is needed, the Community Development Departrnent may hire the consuftant. The Depaftrnent shall estimate the amount of money necessary b pay the consuftant and thb amount shall be forwarded to the Town by the applicant at the time of filing an application. Expenses incurred by the Town in o(cess of the amount foryvarded by the application shall be paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification bV the Town. Any o(cess funds will be retumed to the applicant upon review completion. u. V4565 07-03A. t*ltr.r l2-1 1-5: DESIGN GUIDELINES: Actions of the Desigrr Review Board shall be guided by the objectives prescribed in Section l2-l l-l of this Chapter, the Vail Village and Vail Lionshead Urban Desigr Considerations and Guide Plans, by all of the applicable ordinances of the Town and by the following design guidelines: A. General: l. Structures shall be compatible with existing structures, their surroundings, and with Vail's environment. It is not to be inferred that buildings must look alike to be compatible. Compatibility can be achieved through the proper consideration of scale, proportions, site planning, landscaping, materials and colors, and compliance with the guidelines herein contained. 2. Any building site in Vail is likely to have its own unique land forsrs and features. Whenever possible, these existing featqes should be preserved and reinforced by new construction. The objective is to fit the buildings to their sites in a way that leaves the nahral land forms and features intact treating the buildings as an integral part of the site, rather than as isolated objecs at odds with their surroundings. B. Site Planning: 1. The location and configuration ofstructures and access ways shall be responsive to the existing topography of the site upon which they are to be located. Grading requirements resulting &om development shall be designed to blend into the existing or nahral landscape. Any cuts or fills shall be sculptural in form and contoured to bl€nd with the existing nafiral undisturbed terrain within the properfy boundary. 2. Building siting and access thereto shall be responsive to existing features ofterrainrock outcroppings, drainage pattems, and vegetation. 3. Rernoval of trees, shrubs, and other native vegetation shall be limited to removal of those essential for.development of the site or those identified as diseased. 4. All areas disturbed during construction shall be revegetated. If necessary, the Design Review Board may designate allowable limits of construction activity and require physical barriers in order to preserve significant natural features and vegetation upon a site and adjacent sites during construction. 5. All projects shall be desigrred so as to provide adequate snow storage areas for snow cleared from the parking areas and roadways within the project. C. Building Materials And Design: l. Building materials shail be predominantly natural zuch as wood siding, wood shake-s, and native stone. Brick is acceptable. Where stucco is utilized, gross textures and surface features that appear to imitate other materials shall be avoided. Concrete surfaces shall be treated with texture and color if used, however, exposed aggre'gate is more acceptable than raw concrete. Neither aluminum steel, nor plastic siding, nor simulated stone or brick shall be perrnitted. Plywood siding shall not be permitted. 2. The same or similar building materials and colors shall be used on main structures and any accessory structures upon the site. 3. Exterior wall colors should be compatible with the site and surrounding buildings. Natural colors (earth tones found within the Vail area) should be utilized. Primary colors or other bright colors should be used only as accents and then sparingly suclr ag upon trim or railings. Alfexterior wall materials must be continued down to finished grade thereby eliminating unfinished foundation walls. Al1 exposed metal flashing, trim, flues, and roof top mechanical V4565 or-oro.ll',r, equipment shall be anodized, painted or capable of weathering so as to be nonreflective. 4. The majority of roof forms within Vail are gable roofs with a pitch of at least fbur feet (4') in fwelve feet (12'). However, other roof forms are allowed. Consideration of environmental and climatic determinants such as snow shedding, drainage, and solar exposure should be integral to the roofdesign. 5. Roof lines should be desigrred so as not to deposit snow on parking areas, trash storage areas, stairways, decks and balconies, or €ntryways. Secondary roofs, snow clips, and snow guards should be utilized to protect these areas from roof snow shedding if necessary. 6. Roof surfacing materials shall be compatible with the side and surrounding buildings. The predominant roof materials utilized shall be wood shakes and their use is strongly encouraged. The use of metal roofs is acceptable, however in no instance will metal roofs which reflect direct sunlight onto an adjacent property be permitted. If metal roofs are used they shall be surfaced with a low-gloss finish or capable of weathering to a dull finish. Metal roofs shall generally have a standing seam in order to provide some reliefto the roofsurface and be ofa heavy gauge. Asphalt and fiberglass shingles shail be permitted provided that they weigh no less than three hundred (300) pounds per roofing square foot and are ofa design and color to be compdtible with the requirernents of this Section. 7. Rooftop heating and air conditioning equipment, large vent stacks, elevator penthouses and similar features should be avoided; however, if necessary, shall be designed to be compatible with the overall design of the stucture or screened fuom view. Rooftop antennas shall not be permitted unless as allowed under a conditional use review as specifie-d within the Zoning Code. 8. Solar collectors shall lie flat on pitched roofs; however, when retrofitting an existing building with active solar, the collectors should be desigrred and placed in a manner compatible with the overall desigrr of the building. 9. Deep eaves, overhangs, canopies, and other building features that provide shelter from the elements are encouraged. 10. Fenestration should be suitable for the climate and for the orientation of the particular building elevation in which the fenestration occurs. The use ofboth passive and active solar energy systems is sfrongly encouraged. I l. In no instance shall a duplex structure be so comtnlcted as to result in each half of the stucture appearing substantially similar or mirror image in design. D. Landscaping; Drainage; Erosion Control: l. Various natural vegetation zones exist within the Gore Valley as a result of the form and aspects of the land itself. The north facing slopes within the valley are typically heavily wooded with spruce, pine and aspen and generally receive less direct sunlight than the drier south facing slopes which typically consist ofsage, aspen and other vegetation tolerant of drier conditions. The valley floor which is adjacent to Gore Creek consists ofa wide variety of trees and shrubs adapted to the rclativety tlrUte soil and natural availability of water. The goal ofany landscape plan should be to preserve and enhance the natural landscape character ofthe area in which it is to be located. The landscape scale and overall landscape design shall be developed so that new vegetation is integral with the natural landscape and the inherent form line, color and texture of the local plant communities. Since the major objective ofthe landscaping is to help reduce the scale ofnew structures and to assist in the screening of structures, the planting oflarge sized plant materials is encouraged. Special care should be taken in selecting the types of plants to use when designing a landscape plan. Final selection should be based upon the soils and climate, ease of establishment suitability for the specific use desired, and the level of maintenance that can be provided. New planting shall use plants that are indigenous to the Rocky Mountain alpine and sub-alpine zones or as Questions? CaU tphnning Staff at 479-2t38 T0tr.\i APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPR.OVAL GENERAL INFORMATION This application is for any project requiring Design Review approval. Any project requiring design review must receive Design Re'/iew aDproval prior to submitting for a building permit. For specific information, see the submitlal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The application cannot be accepted until all the required information is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the planning and Envtronmental Commission. Design Review Board approval expires one year after final approval unless a building permit is issued and construction is started. BLocK:- FttNG: 4ckeal2rB. c. D. E. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: PARCEL #:[Contact Eagle Co. Assessons Office at 970i324-8640 for parcel #) ta, ZONING: DESCRIPTTON OF THE REQUEST: tr NAME OF OWNER(S): X owNER(s)srGNAruRE(s): NAME OF APPLICANT: H. TYPE OF REVIEW AND FEE:tr New Construction - 9200 Construction of a new buildinq.n , Addition- $50 X MinorAlteraUon - $20 Includes any addition where square footage is added to any residential or commercial building. Includes minor changes to buildings and site improvements, such as, rerooflng, painting, window additions, landscaping, fences and retaining walls, etc. DRB fees are to be paid at the time of subrnittal. Later, when applying for a building permit, please identfy the accumte valuation of the project. The Town of Vail will adjust the fee according to the project valuatbn. PLEASE SUBMTT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMETSTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COIIIMUNITY DEVELoPMENT, 75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL COLORADO 81657. Department of Commuity Development 75 South Frcntage Road Yail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.ci.vail.co.us JOINT PROPERTY OWNER WRITTEN A}PROVAL LETTER otSe (addresMegal description) /€provide this letter as wrinen approval of tbe pw, aut"A Z f f Zf I which are submined ro rhe Town [ (t of Vail Community Develbpment for the proposed improvements to be completed at the address above. Iunderstandthattheproposedimprovements ArnA" ?o{lUQ fudc*?il{ I further understand that minor modifications maybe made to the plans over the course of the review process to ensure compliance with the Town's applicable codes and regulations. /t ,.,1,1 / (oate) ,4 €5 {,7 *n"oru* Questions? Caff tt$ranning Staff at ++79-2t3e GENEML INFORMATION This application applies to changes made to a site or exterior alterations of a building. Any alteration in which additional building sguare footage is added will require an "additions" application. I. SUBMTTTAL REOUIREMENTS Photos or sketches which clearly convey the existing conditions. Photos or sketches which clearly convey the proposed building or site alteration(s). All relevant specifications for the proposal including colors and materials to be useo. Condominium Association approval (if applicable). If the intent of the proposal is not clearly indicated, the Administrator may determine that additional materials are necessary for the review of the application. +T- $ 4 I o-o TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:BUILDING MATERIALS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues i Flashing Chimneys Tnsh Enclosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Ederior Lighting Other ll r(rcf qlevtf * Please specifo the manufacturer=s color, number and atbch a small cobr chip ** All e:<terior lighting must rneet the Town=s Lighting Ordinance 12-11-51. ff oterior lighung b prcpced, please indicate the number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identify each futture type and provirle the height above gmde, lumens output, luminous area, and atbch a cut sheet of the lighting fxtures. Botanical Name: PROPOSED I.ANDSCAPII{G Common Name:Size*: PROPOSED TREES AND SHRUBS: DGSTING TREES TO BE REMOVED: *Minimum req u irements for landscaping:deciduous trees - 2 inch caliper, coniferous trees - 6 feet in height shrubs - 5 gallons Tvoe:Souare Footaoe: GROUND COVER soD SEED IRRIGATION TYPE OF EROSION CONTROL OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming pools, etc,) Please speciry. Indicate top and bottom elevations of retaining walls. Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the property is 6 feet. UTILITY LOCATIOI{ VERIFICATIOI{ This form is to verify service availability and location for new construction and should be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan and scheduling installations. The location and avaihbility of utilities, whether they be main trunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by the following utilities for the accompanying site plan. Authorized Sionature Date U.S. West Communications 1-800-922-1987 468-6850 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 949-578r (@ry Hall) Holy Cross Electric Assoc. 9,19-5892 (Ied Husky;John Boyd) T.CJ. 949-5530 (Floyd Salzar) Eagle River Water & Sanitauod District * 476-7480 (Fred Haslee) * Please bring a site ffoor plan, and elevations when obtaining Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanitation Fire flow needs must be addressed. NOTES: 1. If 2. 3. utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments made directly on the form, the Town will presume that there are no problerns and the can proceed. If a uUlity company has concems with the proposed construction, the utilfy represenbtive shall noE directly on the utility verification furm fiat there b a poblem whidt needs b be resohted. The issue should then be detailed in an attached letter to the Town of Vail. However, please keep in mind that it is the responsibility of the utility company and the applicant to resoke identified problems. These verifications do not relFve the contractor cf the resporsibility to obtain a Public Way Pennlt from the Departrnent of Public Works at the Town of Vail. tftilitv locatbns must be obtained before diooino in any public rightof-way or easement within the Town of Vail. A buibino oermit b not a Public Wav oermit and must be obtained seoaratelv. u. PRE-APPUCATION CON FERENCE A pre-application conference with Town of Vail staff is required. No application can be accepted unless the mandatory pre-application meeting has been completed. It is the applicant=s responsibility to schedule this meeting by calling 970-479-2128. TIME REOUIREMENIS The Design Review Board meets on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of each month. A complete application form and all accompanying material must be accepted by the Community Development Department a minimum of three and a haf (3 V2) weeks prior to the date of tie DRB public hearing. REVIEW CRITERIA Your proposal will be reviewed for compliance with the Design Guidelines as set forh in Section 12- 11 of the Municipal Code. NIE-ISWPIIEANIS: A. ff a property b located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfall, floodplain, debris flow, wetland, etc), a hazard study must be submitted and the owner must sign an affidavit recognizing the hazard report prior to the issuance of a buihing permit. Applicants are encouraged to check with the planning staff prior to submittal of a DRB application to determine the relationship of the property to all mapped hazards. B. Basic Plan Sheet Format, For all surveys, site plans, landscape plans and other site improvements plans, all of the following must be shown. Plan sheet size must be 24'x 36". For large projects, larger plan size may be allowed. Scale. The minimum scale is 1"=20'. All plans must be at the same scale. Graphic bar scale. North arrow. Title bloclt project name, p0ect address and legal description. Indication of plan preparer, address and phone number. Dates of original plan preparation and all revision dates. Vicinity map or location map at a scale of 1"=1,000' or larger. Sheet labels and numbers. A border with a minimum left side margin of 1.5". Names of all adjacent roadways. Plan legend. For new construction and additions, the applicant must stake and tape the pmject site to indicate property lines, proposed buildings and building corners. All trees to be removed must be taped. The applicant must ensure that staking done during the winter is not buried by snow. All site tapings and staking must be completed prior to the day of the DRB meeting. Applicants who fail to appear befure the Design Review Board on their scheduled meeting date and who have not asked in advance that discussion on their item be postponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such time as the item has been republished. If the DRB approves the application with conditions or modifications, all conditions of approval must be resolved prior to the issuance of a building permit. ry. 1. 2. 3. 4. t A 7. 8. q 10. 11. L2. c. D, E. I I t I t t I I I I I I t I I I I o UNPLATTED NTERSTATE 70 (NOT N T.O.V ) Pub liclllorlt Euzard part TR,ACT A TRACT A VAIL VALEY FILING 4 . VILLAGE FIUNG 8 f-t,11 ..t.1 '.1lilo r-'l\p r-l _J I,VARR=iI PULIS SUBDIVISICN 1274 PINCEL E GOLF COURAE NA}ITEMNCE A 1369 Jfii" employe" x"u.,ng f/ tszs .., '. , 'irr'H*ry9f" \rrsey'. 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