HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES UNIT 4 LEGALTOWN OF VAII, 75 S. FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8T657 97 0-47 9-2t38 Job Address...:Location......:Parcel No.....:Project Number: APPLICANT CONTRACTOR OWNER 1776 SUNBURST DR GOLFCOURSE TH UNIT 4 2101-0 91-04 -0 04 DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE PermitMECHANICAL PERMIT M97-0054 ISSUED 04 /16 /ree7 o4 /16 /ree7 70 /t3 /Lee7 SMITH MECHANICAL BOX 125, EAGLE, SMITH MECHANICAL BOX 125, EAGLE, BUSSE I,EONARD W 1720 SUNBURST DR 60.00 co 81631 co 816 31 & GRETCHEN G #4, VArL CO Phone i 328-1677 Phone t 328-1677 Description: INSTALL GAS LTNE FOR GAS COOKTOP 2, 300 . 00 fof !,ood/Pa L tet: llechani ca [---) Ptan check---> Invest igat i on> Ii Lt cal,l.----> 15.00 DRB .00 3.00 TOTAL FEES----- Restuarant Pl.an Reviet.,-->-00 Tota[ Calcutated Fees--->.00 Additional, F 78.00 TotaI Permit Fee--------> 78-00 .00 78.00 78.00 Item: .05100_EUII,DING DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDING Division:04 /16 /t99 7 CHARLTE A-Eion: --AFFR cHenr_,rE DAViSIt'em:' 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: CONDITION OF APPROVAII 1. EIELD TNSPECTI9NS ARE REQUTRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE.2. GAg LINE PRESSURE TEST REQ'D, COOKTOP MUST SN -NSiALLED ACCORDING TO MANUFACTURER-SPECS ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS I _ hereby .acknovl..dge that I have read-this apptication, fitted out in fuLt the infofmation required, cornpteted an Ptan, and state that att the information provided as required is corfect. I agnee to compty riith tire iniormationto contPLy with att Tolrn ofdinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure according iothe Town's zoning andcodes, design reviev approved, uniforn Buitding Code and othef ordi accunate ptot and ptot ptan/ subdi vi si on REOUESTS FOR INSPECTIONS SHALL 8E }IADE TIIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN o 'affi;n*n' AT ALL TIMES Status. . .Applied.. Issued... Expires.. 815s7 VaLuation: F i reptace lnformation: Restricted:fof Gas Appt i ances:fOf Gas Logs: *******Jr************************************************** FEE SUI't'lARy **t******************************************************* SIGNATURE OF O!'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIIISELF AND OIINER 0R AT oUR OfFICE FRot4 8:00 At't 5:00 pM **************************************************************** TowN oF vArL, coLoRADo Statemnt **********!****************************************************** statemnt Number: REC-0250 Amount: 78.00 04/L6/97 15:09 Payment Method: CHECK Notation: #1195 Init: M97-0054 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMTT 2101-091-04-004 1776 SUNBURST DR GOLFCOURSE TH UNIT 4Total Fees:78.00 Total ALL Pnts: Balance:**************************************************************** Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4t3t2 01 0000 4L332. 01 0000 41336 Deecription }4ECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEES PIAN CHECK FEES I{ILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 78 .00 78 .00 .00 Anount 60. 00 1s.00 3.00 T, ,,,rConEact EaBIe Councy Assessors tlr"" ac 970-328-8640Jor P-a;cel.{. TowN oF vArrJ coNsTRUcrroN PER}rrr f.ARcEL # :atot- t-oe - a1 *to#rliryly!+)r* r APPLICATfON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPL,ETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE AccEpTED.,f i***************************** pERrtrrr TNF9RMATTSN ***************************** $[ ]-Butldins 1 :-nru2$inv 1 l-Etectrical t]-uecndlj(ar t l-oF >b Name: 1E944f2]4 ( Drss C rob Addre "sz l l Zo 5;" Ru e sffeo^ronp u)(6,gs5 rob Addre ""i rtrz-S.,ryg""*l l) * 9- y,. r,egal Description: Lot B1o architect: filing sunorvrsioll, ry hPh. General Description: r, l-i,tork class: [ ]-New [ ]-AJ.teration f)4-Additional I epair [ ]-othbr Number of Dwel-ling UnJ-ts:Number of Accornmodation Units: l$lrnber and Type of Firepraces: Gas Appliances. Gas Logs_ wood/perlet r'********************************* VALUATTONS ********************************rr ) .,JTLDING: $OTHER: $PLUMBING: $TOTAL: f,*************************** CoNTRACTOR INFORMAIIION ***************************jeneral ContractoE! ,,r, Town of VaiL Reg. NO._r.ddress rllectrical Contractor:Town of VaiI Phone Number: Town of VaiI Phone Nurnber: Town of VaLl Phone Nurnber: Reg. NO. Reg. NO. ',ddress : ---r - crurnbins contracto r, {Wq 7- OO?tl Address: ELEcTRfCA f,z i4 MECHANTCAU $7_36-_ ANtc ne .r: *rt**rtlr:t *rt*** ***** ** ************ ,UII,DTNG PERMIT FEE: I'LUMBING PERMIT FEE!..ECHANICAL PERMTT FEE: TLECTRICAL FEE: THER TYPE OF FEE: RB FEE: FOR OFFTCE USE BUII,DING ******************************* PI,AN CHECK FEE: PLUMBTNG PIAN CHECK FEE:I''ECHANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: .RECREATTON FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: BUILDING: STGNATURE: ZONING: STGNATURE: VALUATION ;LEAN I'P DEPOSIT REFIIND TO: o rn summary' ordinance No. 6 st.ates that it is unrawful for anyperson to ritter, track or deposit.any ""ir,-t""k, sand, debrisor rnaterial, including trash burnpsteri, pori"ui. toirets andworkrnen vehicles. lpon any srreetl sidewaik; -;ii;y or publicp1?:" or any porrion theieof . TI," risht_ol_;;-;. arr rown ofvaiL streets and.fg".d, is approxi.ui"iv-s-it.-6ri pavenent.This ordinance will be. striltiy enforcld ry tn.-iown of vairPublic works Deoartnent. perslns found .,ri6riti"q this ordinanceyill. be given a 24 hour written no€i""-to-;;;;;==aid naterial.rn the event ttre person so notified.ao"s noi-"Ioipry with thenorice within the 24 hour.time--pe-iai;;,"in"-iiiiric worksDepartment wirt remove said rnateiiai ;a-[r,""!"pIi"e of personnotified. The provisions or ttris-oiai".""! ;fr5ii nor beapplicabte to c-onstruction, rnaintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities i" in.-rlgii_u_r.y. To review ordinance No- 6 in fur', prease stop by the Town ofVail Building Department to obtain a copy. rrranx you for yourcooperation on this matter. .7 75 soulh trontage road vall. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-2L39 of f lce of communlly development To: ALL coNTRAcroRs cuRRENTLyL REGTSTERED wrrH THETOWN OF VAIL FROM: DATE: . SUBJECT: R Y ead and acknowledged by: TOWN OF VAIL puBLIc WoRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT I,IARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTTON PARKING & MATERIAL STORAGE :li F*. ormDesign Review Action Fo TOWN OF VAIL Parccl Nurnbcr: Projcct Namc: Building Name: Projcct Dcscription: Owner. Addrcss and Phonc: /7 7o Architect/Applicant, Address and nT Lt,,.9. <o 9/65? V" z I Lcgal Description; Lot Block- Subdivision 6 ll -^ TpJ..'-" ZoneDistrict Sn lp Projcct Strcct Addrcss: Commcnts: Board / Staff Action Motion by: Sccondcd by: tr V Condi Approval Disapproval Staff Approval tions: Votc: lzo DRB Fee Pre-Paid 'A 4^Dflemnt|errrcnl, Conaperrql 201 Gore Creek Drive Vail, Colorado 81657 foi f (rr o l9 Couzse'TooD homrS Nhase a Fr'oto 6taphs o BUILDING MATERIALS: o LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:+ Roof Siding Other Wall Matcrials Fascia Soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Tri m Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flashings Chirnncys Trash Enclosures Creenhouses Retaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Othcr (anor { . ! &9 "q troceg 3}o nt * Please specify the manufacturer's color, number and attach a small color chip ** All exterior lighting must meet the Town's Lighting Ordinance 18.54.050(J). If exterior lighting is proposed, please indicate thi number of fixtures and locations on a separate lighting plan. Identiff each fixtue type and provide ih" h"ight uboue grade, lumens output, luminous area. and attach a cut sheet of the lighting fixtures. UTII,ITY I,OCATION VEIII FICATION This forttt is to vcrity scrvicc availability and location for ncrv corrstnrc(iorr arrrl slrould bc 'scd i' co'iurrctiorr rvitlr prcparirrg yorrr trtility plart and schcdulirrg irtstrllutiorrs. Thc Iocation nntl avnilability ol'utilitics. rvhcthcr lhcy bc trtain tntttk lincs or proposcd lirrcs, nrust trc applovcd arrtl vcriflcrl by thc lbllorvirrg utilitics for.tlc acconrpnuying sitc plan. Autlrolizcd SiLrrrlrhrrc Datc tJ.S. Wcst Cournurrrica(ions I -tt00-922- | 9{t7 46tl-6[J60 or 949-4530 Publ ic Scrvicc Cgnrpany 949-5781 Cary l'lall l'loly Clross Elcc{r'ic Assoc. 949-5892 Tcd I'lusky/Jolrn Boyd T.C:.I. 94 9-5.510 Floytl Slluzar liaglc llivcr Watcr' & Sarritatiorr District * 476-7480 Frcrl llaslcc I %:NZ =1 ,,r- ! 6- 4,- + Plcasc bling a sitc plarr, lloor plan, antl clcvatiorrs rvhcn obtaining Uppcr Eaglc Vlllcy Watcr & Sanitatiol signaturcs. Firc llow nccds nrust bc adtlr.cssctl. NOTES: 2. If a utility conlpany hits conccnrs with thc ploposctl constnrction. thc utility r.cprcscntativc shall notc dircctly on the rrtility verification lbnu that thcrc is a problcnr whiclr riccds to bc rcsolvcd. The issuc should then bc dctailcd in an attachcd lcttcr to thc Town of Vail. Horvcvcr, plcasc kccp in mind that it is the rcsponsibility ofthc utility conrpany and the applicant to rcsolve idcntiticd problcnrs. Thcsc vcrilicatiotrs do not relicvc the coutractor of the responsibility to obtain a public Way Pcrnrit from thc Dcpartnrent of Public Works at thc Torvn of Vail. Utility locations must bc lfthc utility vcrification fornr has signaturcs lionr cach coluurcrrts arc nradc dircctly on thc fbrnr, thc Torvn will thc dcvelopnrcnt can procccd. of thc utility cornpanics, and rro prcsunrc that thcrc arc no problcrns and gblLaincd bcforc digging in any public right-of-way or eascnrcnt rvitr,in trre ror,rn orvair. a LOCATINC INC LIoGAITOX tKt?CH Ugl{l{l3 OOOr3 UNCG 06116/t97 Olr t6 Pl,l Ozt r3o9 NOR| tAL GRID Apgolnto.nt D.t.t 06/19/97 Timc: 11lOO A}lTickrt Nbr r O2l l3O9 Upd.te ot! O2f 1259Or iginrl Crl I Dttcs 06/ 16/27 Tinr=: 12r O.r pl.| O9r nttRR.:q\raat ad For Dat.r 06/ 19/97 Tin|er 1t r rf,O Atl Hrr Nat t Err O7c)Non-3ch-dul ing .ntrtrbrcr s pl G:ase ,ncet qt reaLtcgtcd d:rte rnd t inrr aEl24/L997 AfJz g4 9-7A-262-2386 State: CO Cor.r^t y: EAELE Adctr !1720 gtr.ctr suNBUFtsT DRor tctr: os60c|ouoar* : :Typr of }IorKr REPL RETAININB T",ALLLoert ionr \,A!L gOLF IOHN HOnEsi * I UPDATE DUE TO NEED A I.rTCornF.hy I VAIL itANAGEttENT cOltPANyGEI 16T r VERA 1'I I LLERDorre t6r r VAIL OOLF TOttN HOHEE] Ro|'raT k t , PAGE AL 38A8-C Citvr VAIL lleet ! Yor call €LrstGrnarr. Lecrrl: C NEx|'- r : LOC 4 FT ON EITHER SIDE OF EXI9TING R/R TIE I{ALLS| **aCCEgfS FEN+* I.IT IN FRONT OF ADDF{ Phon.: C97('J476-4262 l.lcfib.r. r PSAVGT rPSN6O2 rTClAVl : USr.rHl3 c^r-L .o.-37oo ltt rrrno Dli.vEr xtloL YOU DIO tCoultL aa l|cui rontcl GILL r.aoo-aat-rtc7 ou?rpG sGTao Drir'rtRSYAYE L,{/v CRS 1973. 9-t.5-1or (SENATE EILL No. r72-1eal) requiEc EVEAVONE ot!n;i.! 6-* i.t or ^ea' E pt EUC RoaD. STREET. ALEY, R|6HT-OF-vlraY or U1UTY EASEMENT ro nority rhe ut iry own€G or your i'|rcor 4A HOUnSI 'eerOne VOU OrC _ iWO- tfj lidCxir.r6- O-eirS-tlLL SCr-CZOO. cras PO\A'EF covMrrMEyr nME t-//1 //:a NM€ AFTFIVED /2/ 3a IIME C;OT'PLEIED /1.,bCATVIELE I.|D TEl!. Thk skotch |3 aporoxtrnoto. The strker. or paint marks clonot6 the [o""6r,J Ui"t ".ti-"r"oI rrc' sr.|(er. or P.rnr marxs oonole me Localtr'g beal estimeled loc6tion ot underground utllity tacilitlog.DIG VERY CAREFULLY - PROTECT UNDERGROUND UTILITY, CABLES, PIPES, WIRES, AND OTHER EQUIPMENT.How Mart€d: f] stakes EFl, f,l wncrcrs Vlbatherr: F orv a vrAt n Snow o dnowing D Rainrnstlraora ilclrL|f|ro tflr utt 4 tL ot ^totct rrrraxtrr ful tr rrftnirr ror ttct mnrual tDror coratttror or llc.ryltrro./\mryrII (D ' -il [ rorrfl it-:i i*H, $ ii':i; ;NSi ',{iI Corrn ENIS LOCA'|OR'S t{AfrE Siln.lu]| ot D€7ton co tEtrd COI{TRACT AD INISTRATOR oarc 6y'?-?7 6E/24/1997 68=64 979-262-l-oc^'rnollct. LOCATING ITrc L0caTtoil SKrtcH TELE CATV PAGE 62 l'het: N Leoal: e N 2386o 3469-C UAHH13 OoOOC! UNCC 06/ 16/97 !2224 ptl TickCt hlbt I Oztt260or i.9ln.1 'c.l I D.tGr Q]6/ t6,/97 TingrRequc.t -ct For Dtte: <t6/ lf3/97 Ti,nr:St.t.r CO Countyr EAOLEAddr: tTlO Strsct r g;UNBURST DRGr icrsr OSSOEOIIO4+' t .Ty9. oi Uorkr REPL RETATNJNG [{ALLLocrt lonr VAfL OOLF TOUN HO Esi +r LOC 4 FT ('N EITHER SIDE OF ' ++ACCEBB OPENI*Conprny, r VAIL TI,)NaGET|ENT corlpANyCrl lrr r VERA HTLLERDon. forr VAIL €OLF TOI|N HOITESRrmar ksr llGrnb.r 3 TPSAVO! rpSNGO2 ,TCIAVT s USI{1J13 rhrs skerch t" .pp'"'ii"t . iii;-;;;i;r. ";;;;,*;.r"r"lh.-rfl?1ff1"{Ti!*:- ;lTlii$$!ffiil",G.",?i.,;T1'"LE13HES:,1ffi:"J ",1ff"3ff:H:,31j;fr,.,f;H:#'ffi ,_F""*lli:..,D;a'^F.a1g:__*."f r:_"_s:-eltr't=;J'EL:Ilio"li^=j"il'riror' ir{rr't trh D.r u.t ot ,L/.ro. eroror nxirr ii r-li-irr-#.r"rilinJrffi.r",*1iF-X#i"SF.". r "-.(D tof,Ttl O?T126Cr NOR'!|AL |:|RID 1?r O8 P|tt oDr css12:t3 Ptl Hrr Not 11--er O4E|Gityr vAfL I Exg. r EXISTINGI R/R TIE I{ALLS Pf-r6rrt: <97er+26-426? UTIUTY SYIIitsOL KEY;) o> POVI/ER+cAS $ --> INO. TELE glgnaturt ot garton Ooartaciact CONTRAICT ADMTN|g[hAtt,R T.oCATOFI'S NAME 66/24/L997 ABig4 37gJ-262-23A8-^ Loaqm ot-lLl- x-- \=/ LOCATING II.€PAGE A3 I.OCAIIOI 'TITCH U3utfl3 OOoIO UilCC 06l16/97 t2224 ptr O2l1262 N(IRHAL ARID Tickrt lS? r O21t262 Or i 9 t,r.l C.l I D.t. z Oe/ t6/97 Ti me:R.qtr.at.d For D.t.! 06/Lf,/92 Tlnr:l,|tct r Nst.t.r ccl COrr'.|tyr EAaL EAddr r 1660 9tr..tr SUNBURST DRE|r id.r OE€OaO|.O.]I* 3 ,Typ- of l.lor kr FIEPL RETAININ(I taALLLoc.t lonr VaIL EOLF TOI{trt HCltrtES t: LCIC 4 FT CtN E I T'.t€R SiIDE oF: *TACCESS OPEit**Co'rp.ny r VAIL nAXA|oE;IENT COitf|ANyCal lcr r VERA rttLLERDonc torr VAIL GTOLF TOUN HOlt€SRrrnrr krr Fhirbcr t r PSAVG1 rps GtO2 r TCTAr,I r UStJtJt3 This lketch ia epprorlmara. Tha ataksa. or palnt maikrE.rore rne estimetsd location ot undo?grouGd ufttity taclltrt€s. c\.{rJrr-n gt\ tHow Marltcd: D statos.Eell --fl-whiakers raeatnerf,or;-;-u6i 'o srr|]., tl snowtng D Raihnstr'rc urrrrrta urrl r. tffi[dd-;;-;ln rtroy^L rror corr'rnor or rlolylnro. Pl\a *r., \ c^r-|- tt''"oo lf' flltto Drxwt----Frp-rr v-ol, Dlo reuira rra rour xct|ol c^LL r..oo-.tt-r..r orrrlclf r.Gnro oa,.vri9TjLE_.!A, CRS te73.9-1.5-tor (SENA.TE B|LL wo. r za.ieeii."i =.FIHHSBlI3p.'"593,9-1F,i"'i,Y',Hs"lffi ,XBd'.1*:giiig: l2r OB Pl'l OOr CSS12t15 PFI H?a Notice! OrlBCitys vAf L r Lcorl: EExo-: N EXISTTNGI R./R ?IE I'ALLS; Phan.r C97Or47E-426? IELE I 7 UTIUTY SYMBOL KEY:€e o_o_o_TELE CATV +POU,ER $615 IOITf, Slign.lur. ot pe?..n conectcl clcftlTR CT ADUtNTgtRAtOF _ -> IND. TELE COMMENTS LOCATOR'S trlAME 66/24/L997 fjBr g4 976-262-LOCATING INCrsrTn(ll- lllt. r-ocATrot| SKfrcH USl.flJl3 OOOO? UNtrtr A6lt6/97 t?z24 ''Fr O?t1?61 NORI|AL BRID Ttckrt Nbrr O211261Originrl Crl I Drtrt Q6/16/97 Tinc:R.qq.st.d For Date: A6/fe/97 TirnerStatGr CO GoLrnt y r EAGLEAddr r leTO s'tr..t r €iUNEUFrSy DFt Or iElrr O:i€lOEtOl{O.1ff rTyg. of HorK. REPL RETATNTNG }IALLLoc.ti6"rt \,AIL €OLF TCI|N HOiteS *r LOC 4 FT ON EITHER srDE oF| rreCCESS OftENrtCOfiP''1Y I VAIL IiIANAGIEFIENT GOITPANYCal lrr r VERA FIILLERDon. for! VAIL GOLF TO[{N HOf.tESRcrnrr k r r tlcrnbrr3 :PSAVet : PSN6O2 iTClAVl , UgltrWlg 12r O€l Pl' Opr 655 1:2: 15 Pil Hr3 Not i<.: O4€lCitwr VAf L PAGE g4 FIGII r N PO\ /eR 2346I o 3CaO-c I L.)oal ! C;Exo-: N EXISYING R./e TIE iIALLS Phoner 4970> 476-4762 r b.!l r.tim.t d locetion ot undorground utlltty laclllrias c^L|- tt.'atoo laa rl.tto olr.v!. - llloll Yol, Dlo LcurtL aa Horrt l€tt|Gr c.!L .t.!oo.llr.t.r7 ourtto! yrrio ol|{wiSTATE l.-Arv CF|S rs73. e-1.6-tot (gENA.rr !LL..NO. rZz-reeir r.qrerrr !,\G.{lg!E Eqldqo ro dte 'n o, lrrr i rusL€ ROAD. gTREET' ALLEY, F GHy-oF-uAY, o. uTlLtTY EASEMENT 16 .|otllv th;ultllt-;;;;iiL7',nrc.rr 4a HouRs BEFoRE you DtGi - T\,r/o (2) \,noFt(|N6 oays c^Lf .3...r.r.r olcl VERY CAREFULLY - nflg!€cTlIoERGRouNo unLrry!cABLEs, prpEs. wrRES, AND orHeR EourpMENT.How Markod: - Srakcs ,_Sil, _ E whiekere raaatnrr fOr;---Gi b srro* o Snowing O Rainrngtl'o[ cl,.tltm rrr u/or lleao ltorot t trtatrra wtrl rr ttftorairr ra rrri rlroru u;or Gflr;1anct cr lxoly nro.As., 'I r- ;1 \ | .--o TONTT PfflK'e 4 UTIUTY SYM$Q1 11gY' o> €+TELE CATV t6 ow|lar! of t'oq7 ' 9.r1 4B Drc - ir,r/o r:j woaxwo oeva. EiLt ;Ca:i;iii.a^a lrcr,vtn coMMnif,Frrr€ A-//*/i3t TIME CG)MPLT?CO 2:.:x>CATV IELE IN{D' 'ELE.rn|l skrteh b epDttrlmrtc. Thc !taka6. or palni.nark! d€nore th. /bza SlonaturB ot pclr3on contctid o coa{Tn^cT AD tnIgTRAtOR (rooo.)cAS COMMENTS LOCATOF,S N t\tE Qucstions? Call thc Planning Staff at 479-2128 APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIEW APPROVAL GI]NERAL INFORMATION This application is for arry projcct rcquiring Dc.sigrt Rcvicrv approval. Any projcct rcquiring dcsigt rcvicrv tttust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvicw approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnrit. F'or spccific infonlation, scc thc subrnittal rccluircmcnts for thc particuliu approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc application cannot bc acccptcd until all thc rcquircd inforrnation is subnrittcd. 1'hc projcct rnay also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council anrVor thc Planning aud Environnrcntal Conrnrission. Dcsign Rcvicrv Board approval cxpircs onc ycar aftcr final approval unloss a building pcrntit is issucd nnd constrttction is startcd. A. DESCRIPTION OF TI-IE REQUEST: 13. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: LOT:- IILOCK:- FILINCi: PHYSICAL ADDRESS: c. E. F. c. I I. PARcEL#:-(ContactEag|cCo.Asscssorsottccat970-328-8640forparccl#)/\')..^ZoNtNG: (PtstdcAt'c.Q tr Addition - &rnorAltcration - NAMI] OF OWNI]R(S): MN II-ING ADD owN BR(S) Sr GNA'rURD(S): NN ME OF API'I-ICANT:Cq tfNe-, MAILING ADDRESS: PIJONE: l'YPE OF REVIEW AND FTE: D Ncw Constrrrction - $200 Construction of a ncw building. $50 lucludcs any addition rvhcrc squarc footagc is addctl to arry rcsidcntial or conrnrcrcial building. $20 lncludcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc irnprovcnrcnts, suoh as, rcroofing. painting. window additions, lzurdscaping, fcnocs and rctaining El Conccptual Rcvicw - $0 walls, ctc. For any application whcrc the applicant wishcs to nrcct with Dcsigr Rcvicw Iloard to dctcnninc whcthcr or not thc projcct gcncrally conrplics with thc dcsign guidclines. Thc DRB docs not votc on conccptual rcvicws. DRB fccs arc to bc paid at thc tinrc of subrnittal. Latcr, whcn applying for a building pcrmit, pleasc idcntify thc accuratc valuation ofthc projcct. ThcTown ofVail will adjust thc fce according to thc project valuation. PLEASE SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPI\IENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, vAtL, coLoRADO 81657. Faes14" ,QZd I)I-IONE: