HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES UNIT 8 LEGALProject Application Irl o^," le / tf ?s a|+tJ -Proiect Name: Project Descriplion: Contact Person and ,u-(h I k.s /, c"t owner.Addressancrphone: t6ra /. Jolr--l'(tt8x {t'a l 5,t'-''''- tato l <t ro t Com ments: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot ,1..) .a-u ,+-/'Vtt "'1",- Design Review Board Motion by: Seconded by: D ISAPPFOVAL Su m mary: Town Plan ner { t'u.rrffio,,Approval /h' / *7 lDhTA OF DR8 UAEPTIIE; ;: .TEIT Ifi'TfiglEIOF TTEL TOI! E ICCSTTEuISIlb'tI&- llggl&lD r8toHtaffott t8 aql$E?t]ED' rl*tllttft i' *trer Constrrrct lot ($200.00) Ulaor )tlterati,on ;.,: . A(|dition ($50. O0) _Conseptrr&r Re\.ier il'r.,,.' c- IDDRESS: L7 10 SunbutLtt DtLivo - llni | - ( TTPE tr REVI'I" Aounrcs ($20.ool (90, LEGAT. DEsCRrPrroN! r,riE , ,,1 . X{MX Pha,se 7. Building B subdri;r6r0o :unbu4lt.T!Fn!.. uo .,.,LlJ uniT s If, prrql'aftf is d€scrlbed by € accce aftd bounds lccnl 99!9f_1Pt1Eor .plerse Drssvid€ olr E aE*)rEate street aidAEBecn tO thig ap,Fti cstlon _ tOT l&er: If regulredr appllcant musl p,rovlde ggt'aqpcC Euryg!' sbqelnc lot cEEa- l,f/ Ast aqpcC aurygl' ebowlng loi cEea. NAIC OF tPPttcfitfr,strailtrg tddrese: l{}l{E 0[.otnm$: *ErctNtt,B! tat :ItaitlEg, tddrers: curfeot G. otLA, 7nc., IlfPrts: $FEB.ASEDOI;ET 1. rfltllttrrou0 ro..-s 10.000Il0r001 -t 50,00e$ 50'00r ,- $ 150,090 Sr.50'00I - I s00,000 ss00;001 - slro0orooo$ Ovor. 91r 0001 009 EEEI20.00 0 50.00 orDD - 00 s200,00 0400.00 $500. 00 l7 l 0 Sunbun tt 0tive flilq dr tspr,lc[111: Bnad tlarrbb hAt*asa |-71:T a-7 tlFTgi !P_{St*:,as sbol|D a.b6ve, are ro be patd 6t!+il".i*c.gt auHlrrtat of DnE appucatf oa. Licerr vtren9lfr$f! tol a b$ilding_ parnirT Dfeaee tdenr,tfy rheaagurqtc. y3lu{tlorr of ehe propoail. The t6rrn 6t valrrllL,irrlJu6t the fe€. acco_rdlng t6 the tabl€ belou, tosnsuae ths. corrtqt lee ie pri.d. fQx $outsid< I + lilit<e {r,nis looKt *\*9r -Fin<- wltf'*nt ^ --r- sr4 -iw fu*,L CL]ENT BRA} & SHERYL JNNIS 4lFFy-\ ( cENrnacrsp5 ) \_::..* --/ DATE 5/"8/93 LtrCATIIN UNIT *8 I zzm P FJr^J os \)'t tT -tr g (' "' ..-|', 4'. o* io i. S**" -. t:: r./ :tr $e aa rii=s I o, Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Coitact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL q /",^uApprovar )-0 DKL;' vAW revised 9l4l9t ,, ^ :, i;'3* g$l t,''" DRB APPLICATTON - TO9IN Otr \TAIL, COIoRADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DR3 MEETTNG: rr********* TETS }FPI.ICATION WILI. NOI BE ACCEPIED ITNTIL rI.L REQUTRED INrORttAfrON rS SgBt{rtTED*i******** I.PROJECT INFORMATION: A.Unit # I at the Uail GoL{ Counte Townhonea with new patio doont to be in,stalled in the loeation o{ zxitting window,s to be tLemove The new doont afte to be the tane width a,s the exiat,fuo wind,ow,,s. B.TYPE OF REVTEW: New Construction (5200.00) X Minor Altgration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review (S0) ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTTON: Lot 2 Id4NddX Phaae '1, Building Subdivision Sunbun,st Filina No.3 Unit I D. E. H. ff property is described by a meets and bounds lega1description, please provide on a separate sheet aiaattach to this application. zoNING: N/A applicant must provide a currentlot area. NlA LOT AREA: ff required, stamped survey showing NAME OFMailing en APPLTCANT: Address: NAME OF APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATIVE tRipou Contacto,L'. Inc.Mailing Address: Box qqg . Edtrandd. T1---glZjT-Phone 303-926-3655 ]. NAME OF rsrGNtTuRE (S) :Mailing Address: J. k Condominiun Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe time of subnittal of DRB applicat.ion. Liter, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify tireaccurate valuation of the proposal. The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. FEE !AID: $FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATIONs 0 - $ 10,000I 10,001 - g 50r 0oo$ 50,001 - $ 150, OOO $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,00L - $1,000, 000$ Over $1,000,000 FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 sr-00.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 * DESIGN REivrEn BOARD APPnovN. ExPrREs oNE YEAR Atr'TER rrNAr.tPPRo\raIr uNr.Ess A Buru)rNG PERMTT rs rssItED AlrD coNsTRucTroN rsSITRTED. **NO APPLICATION ITILL BE PROCESSED WITSOI'T OI{NER'S SIGNATI'RE 1 Baad Jonea 21 Ueat Sixt P.0 . Eox tllIn PROPERTY MANAGEMENT August 24, L992 Town of VaiI Community Development 75 S. Frontage Road l{estVail, CO 81557 Dear Sirs: The purpose of thiE letter is to convey approval of the VailGolfcourse Townhomes, Phase I, for the addition of a deck to therear of Building B, Unit 8. The Association has notified and received approval of the irnpactedneighbors. Please call if Association can be of any further assistance. gincerely, Bill Sargent Uanaging AgentVail Golfcourse Townhornes, phase I a?' PO. Box I292, Vail, Colorado 81658 / Crossroads Shopping Centet / 143 E, Meadow Drive - Suite 391A 303-476-4300 / FAX 303-479-9534 TOWN OF vAIIt DEPART}IENT OF COMMT'NITY DEVELOP}IENT SALES ACTION FORM "^*\NN 0l 0000{1540 I,NTFOL\I BI,ILDNG CODE0t 000042415 0l 0000 42415 0l 0000 424r5 0t 000012415 N ATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE0t 0000 42415 0t 0000 42415 0t 0000 41543 0t cr000 42412 XEROX COPIES / STUDIES 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE.D{SPECTIONS 0r 0000 {1332 tt^n xgvlrw RE-cllEcK FEE [s40 PER HR. OFF HOURS INSPECT]ON FEES0t cr000 42323 CONTR3CTOR S UCE\SES FEES0t 0000 jl{ t2 SIGN APPLICATION FEE 0t 000041330 0l 0000 414)3 ADDMONAL STGNAGE FEE ISI.OO PER SQ.FT,0t 00004t413 VTC ART PROJECT DONANON PRE PA]D DESICN REVIE1VBOARD FEE0l 00004r33t 0t 0000.r:130 * j o)':t -..: 7 4J A- )d, \) utq\\, $x\ \ I Ij dI++ i ilil t! u\ -1' r$iN {iJ, D-, 'ur frl nNr I Jrr{ -.ri.tt'i'\ \T ;n ;1r=il MI:l Iq Nilo all ts -$ :- rl _!i I P tti:) ., P? EHtr't tf\ rct\n 1^ ;aiiuJ 4 )p*iu r-r (\ o oJ \- ultrl \r, "Jr I Y ID aa UI 1-4G a. z'- ; :,: - ii l, af! '-l X=\- = .'t, <-pr1-P F-.9fi76 HtSluEx.*9d ; '/in. z 0- E' /riF !.r. c r..' \"- \ &*, ! $*H1 =s $.iI\T€ 3v'l \fl a-troA d$so C}z J, \) \\s I I .-l .l \) !-_ 'r- (l \n '; fd tt \T . "{-_-*- T-i-l i -tl+ LJAY ooiiDJ J2 gx €6 f,o rJ.a LP(lv1 rJ'UO,gl{x9 -dJ \ F tl], d g sh ,,i. ,il ,lr. ,| .... 1ti;i i"" N11\l r:\" |'. -,tv- --\ J ^z\r-Fl-r,O '- wr X3;,$ -.li*16 i,. t- |-JE.!Ti:: i ...--_,1 i3 $slnz q -T tH sl a|- ,ltit' ' .- -: ,.:,rl ... , --t I.1 r- ----l- --L -o -tr tl r{-_\ -t, I I ItJ PI 3If.q F9si ffiu EA IUhls i-l-tl -lttJ vfo5,\0 oL e\a\\ t$- $sQl{otlo-{ , '._-".-.-] a\' ::ti: c-) '1t-1,, H!ti il ,tat r't .:.;iii0o :;.J t ,, ,:i.i$m ,'''}..f ., ijil aa ruIo ,,;,\ U; ctr/,/-\ oli \F /ii"E\ ?loau6 lcC \oi '/ E,\:-/ $, n\r-J St-I6Ad OZ $q A\ o\7y \Lf \) rilq . r,i. 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J,f \) \1l0 iri: it;. ;,, 'r- trJ -<-:I cl.tt \5 ir-$ :-l t, $B $+o_-5 r:1 T'i iI f 0, I;l-5 'l*3;l ,{ xl -: Xx s o9^s2 . di o ltqJr3i3 -o -j tl .J-_\ \ t- s r-$,J ul g sh -lrLJ J ^zF t-,-r,o :-wiX3; ,rl ri: -llJV, F|-iE <i:E liJ 't!LI\) --r AJ\\r:r ; 3 d--l =.JA '.TsisFI 7hJ iJM r- -lrl I P r-l 3Ifq.qu.lp> $i fru Rul Lil DO I I -- -'-i I- - --t_J \ff, oJ \0 cl c\sx\$-. $sQi{btJo-{ ftr \$ iTr.=cLr-,^i s.rr q *-)dur L--f 55l6 -) liilo u.s fi$ HH il$ NB uft NbL $ ffi 0-L n r t Z o \- \) ul \a fs- o = -l lf t 7l <lJ A- \sz =4 aLTL vo \$D .. 1 1+ {i ?s.i i!{: Lll r) -: \- s- Ct u- i- V:-' )-?a p,t )?irY n Uj .z .r-r'-lll = cl !r. -^ ,.,, l- E d i",iR!X t, e r. .l& llt N --r- \) ,N <{|rI . .r F -s: ;R {-l $= -o-tNN$' t.f $L\l)\.,4]i{FI 3s $\-\*:I 9eI'g {r oz t =G, IJJo- 1 (t |.ll uJlJ-t =G, IJJ CL effid LC&ot #n N o\ F zz E F1 fq v (\ro\ l -: !r, -<(F O,--a .A did!]tr *>\,F]o,lztn c)FJn gJ F oF FIz =o (9z 2 ,in IJJ F z z_ 6 .6 o =z th F z A z Fl Fl FI IJJz3 uJT F z Nan c')&\o ::. &(J >o\Fo\ . 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UBC. 2I FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. .{til.:' r't iy t-\,s_ l-\ o- ;. tt {t u] ')-7i! .,: .! 6eto o '(,i: IF ,!) :o;c ,'F la, )o tD)Jn!l!! 6ntr-,'aa 5 9;. cc) -r! ' :.9. :I ctt;E:a 1:tjo .at.E !_?)E- (!t!>:9io AE_t* E'vg dl ts[_E'-ct 1r$at :E! -=q r CL' : -: ;E1C,.: a'ao-t= :Eli8: a5_ra :'=-6E ;qt_cL 5ro o?u4 =r <l F( .l _9( rO :10 :dacl€ o io.E ;o CE 2Fao gE Ee ati E'F!=a tn! OF-6 >= , o[ P.= ; >.lFf ,o( lcrrot )(9: :'; IOr:>rae o 6-:.-:' =oir =>IR s rl ,dtl E iErt= *.4 I,tb5 o.l -3E9:E;f- -EZg(lo*oc .tl c ry-i:o( i '.:ItE' t=.l-'D (\rit.9 l he l- lelot l-lr ttT\l- otc((5! e, !|J 1 o-i G =E ID c (il ril 2 J A+ )4 \) utt -diE= q) CL Er z-€ (.) (tt (Y) <t> ..t a a tcl 8trtr cE r'r rTd' LJ- o'*-= E1+n(-) cSutr c:rct --9 -s E(D ECIo @ (po EEEac(4. aD4a 4x4 E I Il \ t--.d\ LDr -]$1 s Nq -t_ jlr \] t-\ etr --_l (f t,L!- o z )* "'j)' ...F\,i:A5,,*:i &9"$ \.+,o #- T - -l ?;J 3;i f;,x; ^32rg? $E; rg ts d(l tJ U dx ---.1-- 1 r- ---l; r-l'-- --l I---\r ! ilr L:. 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Tnnox pnnm Job Addressz Mil-c- Legal Description: Lot nstu"kyldflLq#, owners Nane: Address: Architectz N/ I Address: General Description: Finidh Ba,szment at pen aIan,s,v Work Class: [ ]-New f1]-Alteration g l-Additlonal [ ]-Repair [ ]-Other Nutnber of DYrellinq Units:Nunber of Accomnodation Units: ^ lpmber and Tlpe of Fireplaces: cas Appliances d cas Logs___4_ Wood/PelletJ_ Fttt*** ********** *** * *************** VALUATfONS ***** **** ** **** ****************** t ! 1L znrt 22s,.>. tEurlortve : 6i# ELEcrRrcALz #fF orHER: PLU{BfNG: 1 nnn MECHANICALz _O_ TOTAL: Zcp na\-- - Il*************************** coNTRAcToR INF9RMATT9N ***************************TEenerat Contractor. Rippl Contnactona. Inc. Town of Vail Reg. NO.124-BAddress: Rox e99, Fr!nand.t,, (0 Rt 658 Phone Number: 926-3655 Electrical Contractor: Eaale VaL.(eu Electtic Town of Vail Reg. No.t56-E Phone Nuruber: 827 -57 7 2Address: Box 1116 VaiL. C0 8t 658 Plunbing Contractorz Snow CountnL Senvicz.s. Ine Address z Box 1 57 Avon, C0 I l 620 Town of Vail Reg. NO. 177-P Phone Number: - 545-TTTT Town of Vail Reg. NO. Phone NurTiber: 21 W. 6th 712-262-Plt._US_S Speneed, Iowa 5t 301 Ph. ******************************** FOR OFFTCE USE ******************************* BUILDING PERMIT FEE!ry?,e) Mechanical Contractor; Address: PLI'MBING PERMIT FEE: af .oO }IECTIANICAIJ PERMIT FEE: BUTLDTNG PIAN CHECK FEE: PLI'MBING PI,AN CHECK FEE: I.IECTIANICAL PI,AN CHECK FEE: RECREATION FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSIT: TOTAIJ PERUIT FEES3 EL,ECTRICAI, FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: AO,oo BUILDTNGs SIGNATUREs ZONINGS SIGNATURS: CLEAN I'P I}EPOSIT REtrI'ND TO: VALUATION -r< I o .\ l-F- .\\J" I I I ..'}. ":1f. Y y i'',. 1;*.J !i, _i:l: .i., a._oC> u-f(J s og =Pi l: , sJoop 6ul+stxa aOu-roO . t66to,t ' l,rn, u,llU o >|o_EOi<>Or-- t-.L t.t--o :o @@ I (,^) cf I ,9 ,9e qgprove{t 0ented Phn n tl Town ot valt CommunttY 0evoloomenl ValiditY ol Permit sec 303 (a)19 u.B.c. Byfd Hoalth W,L il Flro tr il v /l L-, sJoop 0-e lE !r i}onsanlaqs q61q ,8X,8 UOUUTl,{ NEIlVNIS}.I03 "e-,eI Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: IONES RooM REMODEL DATE: 6-17-93 ADDRESS: 1710 SIJNBURST DR CONTRACTOR: RIPPY CONTRACTOR VAIL, COLORADO ARCIIITECT: NONE OCCUPANCY:R.I ENGINEER: NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-IHR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK C0RRECTTONS REQUTRED The itcms listed below are not intended to be a cornplete listing of all possible code requirernents in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections ofthe codes. Tlre following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pnovidons of the adopted cndes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. l. EGRESS REQLJIRED FROM BEDROOM AS pER SEC.1204 OF TIIE 1991 UBC. 2. SMOKE DETECTORS PGQUIRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AS PER SEC. 1210 OF TIIE 1991 IJBC. 3. ONE HOT'R CONST. REQIJIRED BETWEEN GARAGE AND DWELLING AND 20 MINUTE RATED DOOR WITH CI,OSURE. 4. LIGI{T AND MECXTAMCAL VENTILATION REQUTRED AS PER SEC.1205 oF THE 1991 I'BC.