HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES UNIT 9 LEGAL� � - � c�� �-�.. .r" , , � � r r �k � 1 � � � PG�- TOW1V OF VAIL DEPAI�TMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP�'IENT � 75 S . FRQNTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO $165? 970-479-2�38 NOT� : THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES PRIVATE ELEVATpR PERMIT Permit # : B96-036� Job Address : 1776 SUNBURST DR Status . . . : ISSUED Loca�ion. . . : 1670 SUNBUSRST DR #3 Applied. . : 12,/04/1996 Parcel No. . : 210�-091-04-009 Tsstzed. . . : 12/04�1996 Expires . . : Ob/{�2,/1997 APPLICANT CERTIFIED �LEVATOR COMPANY Phor�e : 303�770-9{111 7246 E. FREMONT FLACE, ENGLEWOOD, CO 80112 CONTRACT�R CERTIFIED ELEVATOR COMPANY Phone: 303�770-9fl11 7246 E . FREMONT PLACE, ENGLEWOOD, CO $0112 G►WNER MOUNSEY PETER R & AI�[�E E FOX - FOX JOHN M & MARCELLA F, 955 S RACE, DENVER CO 80209 Description: INSTALL 1 RESII�ENTIAL ELEVATOR Valuation----------�----> 14,f}q0 ir*****:k*ic*****ir**ic****ir***�lric**�lk*******iclr*ik****:k*******ir�t* FEE SUMt1ARY *******ic*ic*ir�k****ic*ir**icir*************it******�t***it***;k***#* Elevator------> 19.00 7otal Calculated Fees---> 22.00 DRB fee------> .00 AdditionaC Fees---------> .00 InvestigatioN ,00 Total Permit Fee--------> 22.00 Will Call----> 3.00 Payments----�------------> 22.00 TOTAL FEES---> 22.00 BALpNCE DUE-------------> .00 ******ic**ic*ir*****1c****ir*****ic****ic*ir*****ir***rF***********1r**ic*#******ic*******************icic*ic*#****ic****ic*1r**ic**ic*iric**#*ir***ic**ic** �tern• 05800 1�WCCOG CQU�ICIL, OF GOVERNME�TTS Dep t : BtJILDING Division : 12�04�1995 CHARLIE Action: APPR FOR RICK PAYNE Ztem• 05100 BUILDII�G DEPARTMEN� Dept: BUILDING Division : 12�04/1996 CHARLr� Actian. APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Item: 05400 PLAI�NING DEPARTM�NT Dept: PLANNING Divisioz� : 12rC14�1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N�A Item: 05b�0 FIRE DEPARTMEI�T D�gt: FIRE Division: 12�04�199b CHARLIE Action: APPR N�A ******�x********����************�***********�r********,�****�**�****�********************��*************�*************�************ S�e Page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this pezmit . DECLARATIOhS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this applicaxion, filled out in full the inforunation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state tha4 all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to com,�ly uith the information and plot plan, to camply uith a U ToNn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdi�ision cades, design revieW appraved, Uniform BuiOding Code and other ordinances of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR FNSPEC7IONS SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOl1R �lOURS IN ADVANC� BY TELERHONE T�N41COGf8i , HULSE 468-0295 FROM $:00 AM 5:00 PM Signature: r � ' � � +kiktN****�4***�cieiriri�ie****�kic**iri��c�r*k9f�k9tyY�lrir�k****�F�t***�JF**�k****9tir�c4ric1r7N'k*ik*�k*�irlrAr�F**�e*�t�lt�lr CONL�ITIONS Permit # : B96-0360 as of 12�04�96 Status : ISSUED ,��*�*�**�**********�***********xx�x�*************************�r***********�*****�,� Permit Type: PRIVATE ELEVATOR PERMIT Applied: 12�04�1996 Applicant: CERTIFIED ELEVATOR COMPANY Issued: 12�04�1996 303,/77Q-9011 To Expire: 06,/02�1997 Job Address : 1776 SUNBURST DR Location: 1670 SUNBUSRST DR #3 Parcel. No: 2101--091-04-009 Description: INSTALL 1 R�SIDEI�TTIAL ELEVATOR Condi�ions : ' � � � � ******�***�****�**********�********��*****************�********* TOWN OF VArL, COLORADD S�atemnt ********��********************�*****************��************** Statemnt �umber: REC-0237 Amount : 22 . 00 12�04�96 11 : 24 Payment Method: CHECK Notatian; #2926 Init: CD Permit �o: B96-0360 Type: B-ELEV PRIVATE ELEVATOR PER Parcel N�: 2101-091-04-009 Site Address : 1776 SUNBURST DR Location: 1670 SUNBUSRST DR #� Total Fees : 22 . Q0 This Paym�nt 22 . 00 Total ALL Pmts : 22 . 00 Balance: . a0 ******��*�************����*��*��*�***************���*��********* Accoun� Cade Descriptian Amount . O1 0000 41310 ELEVATOR PERMIT �EE 19 . 00 01 0000 41336 WTLL CALL INSPECTIO� FEE 3 . 04 -------------------------------------------------------------- TaW� OF .VRIL COM-DEV ID �303-Q7g-2452 DEC 03 '96 1� �37 No .008 P .02 �* Contact F.�g��� County A�ae�s Office � at 97U-328-86G0 £or ParcQ]. TOWN OF VAIL CONSTI�UCZ'ZO� P���T � j FAiiCEL tl:°2 0 - I- -Oc� PERMQATE•PL�CATIoN FORM ,����� ���,� [ , APPLICATION M[IBT HE FILI,L�D OUT C�MPLETELY OR IT MJ�iY NOT BE ACCEPTED ,��r*�*vr�►�*��**,��+�+�}*��*�r�t*�r:*�r� PBR�iI�' Z�IFORMPITION �*�++rr,����r�r►***t**���***r►�r�* . RESr t�,�,nrj'4�- � ,[ �-Buildt�g [ ]'Plumbinq [ �-�lectriaal [ �-Mer•hAr�icsl �)��tber ��V�UK, : Jcrb Name: ��c�S �5(T?�lvC� Job Addres�: �b7c� $util��` (�, P�� C� �lbS � 3 �' i,e.gni ne�aripti�n: Lot ( si•ck P`ilinR vn�ivr.si�x: ownera Name: ,,,�� �1C Address; ��"1c� Sc,�N�3�1(�ST 7�1e-- Ph. �TQ-�l� Z � A�rehitect: �t�d�. Addrae�: r�o d CC.?� 8� dcc3 Ph. `� -'�20�� Gene�al peocription: t'�1,(�f�J1S69 AR}� .,�,Mt1,�'A� 61U�' 1��5! p��T��- �=-Z-�'1/'La7D (Z--. L� wvrk class: [�'=New [ ]-Alterntion [ ]-Addit�.on�al E ]-Rep�►ir ( '-other �� ' i Number of Dwailinq Uttit�: Nt�mbsr oP Acconunodatian Unite: � �; mber a�d Type o� Fir�plac�s: t'ias �►pplianeea�� Gaa Logs Wood/Pe11et ' ��IF 1F rr*�w rr,R*rt rt�rt��,k rlr�k!t 9r dF*dir�It dr�k il►iF*tl��Ir,�ilt� --CU'��.�! �. VALV TIONS **�+�+�******rra******+�rr,t***�r.���r,��#�r �TV. o� BUIL�ING: � ELECTRICAL; � t�'t'�EiER: ; �4 �Gac�, LUMBING: HECI3�MIICAL: i '�4TAL: ��rtr*�t**,��r�*�**��r��**s*#*�*i CO1�I'TRACTOR INFORMATION +�*****���r�*++rrtw*��**+►�rr��r*rr eneral Ca traators ��� Town of Vaii. Reg. NO. Address: � i � L Phone Number: �- 1�+�,�,( �F� - Electrical Contraator= _ Town d� V�il Aeg. N+�. Addras�: Phone Wumbarr � � F].umbing Gantractor: Town nf V&i� Reg. NQ.�„�,,,.. ' Address: � Phon�: Numbexs ' ' �.-�I'� R- . —:s � Ccantrectrara � � �`�1��(t- Taw� af vnf�l eg. N0..�' C� � _ ( �►ddrsas: �2 �� Li., �'�u�'o� Pheati� l�umber:�3) 77v --YO t � � +��#�.�**�����*,t��w���,��f,k��,�*�►,��k �Ul(�-. . FOR OFFIC U8E ����********+��*�rr�*r�w��*��,r�r►�** � BVILDING PE�iHIT FEE: BUILDING PLA1�T CHECIi FEE: PLUMB��1G PERMIT FEE! PLUMBING PLAN CHECK �EEs � MECHANICAL PEFtMI�' FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CIiECK FEE: ; EL�CTRICAL FEE: REGREATION FEE: • OTFiER TYPE OF FEE: CLEAN-UP REP4SIT: ' DRB FE£: TGTAL PERt�IT FEES s TXPE GROUP SQ.I+'T. VALUATI01�1' BU'tLA1Ni�: � � ....,._�.---------..._��.-..r.�,_. ,..r,._ � S IGNAZ'tJRE a ..� .��.. ZON'YNG t � ,..,,�..:r._..._... �.... . � SIGNATVREs Cosaments: - � { CI.Y.AI� LiP bEP.OSIZ B8FiQ1�D ?D: : � , �� �� .,. � � , . , TOWN OF VAIL CDM-DEV ID ��fl3-479�245� pEC 03 '9� 12 �38 Mo .008 P .03 • " i . . • � . I:r � ! ; I ��� I . �� � tow� o �a� � . . - - � . �a .ou�a �.on4g+��o.f, . ' wll, coiondo�ii��� (�os) 479-2136 or 479-2139 oflJo�M oommunit�l o�Y�lopeen�pt . �.; BUIL�IN6 PERhyIT ISSUA�lCE TI1NE FRAf�1E ;� � I ;. i , . If tF��.s perm�t requ3 res a Town of Ya il ��re Department Approv�l , �� r Engineer'•s (�ubli�c Works� reYfew and epproval . a �i�nning f�epertment � review or �ienith Department revi�ew. and a review by the Building k Department, the estimated tim� for a tatal review mny take as lo�g + as tt�ree weeRs. � � aT1 cnmmerc��at (large or small ) and a11 muZti-femlly permits wi11 have ta follow the above mentioned maxfmu� requfr�rr�nts, Residential and Smd1� projects should tal�e a 1es5er �r�ount of time, However, if residenti�al er smaller prp�ects impact the various �aove mentioned . depar#ments witti_ regard to neGessary review, these pre,�ects may a�so take t�ie tMree week �eriod. � � Every� nttempt w�11 be made by this department to expedite Lh1s pe��rn�'t �s� soon as pos5i�ie. � � I, thQ undersigned. understand the plan Checic procedure and tirne . frame, . , �---- , gree to y�, � � Certi ' d��vator�a., Inc: : � �o VS ( D� C� ra�ect Name • I . f �� �{�� � Ddte orc eet was turn�- n�` Comnunity pevelarnne�t Department. , � I% � iY TO�N QF l.1AIL COM-DEV ID �303-4�9-245� DEC 03 '9� 1� �38 No .008 P .04 . . � � � ��, 4 . � � I.. — M,r I�� 1� �. t�w� o Vai . . ' . 75 soulh trenl�A�read . r v�lll.OOlOrado 81��7 � (3Q9y 4T9-2i.38 er 479-Z139 ai11c�e! eamenunity d�wlopn��n! T0: �1LL CONT'�7ACTORS CIJR�ENTLYL REGI6TERED WITH TH£ ° TOWN OF VAIL � �� FROM: T�Wi+I OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/C41�iiJNITY pEVELOPMENT ; DATE: MARCF� 15, 1988 � ': i SUBJECT; CONS�'RZ3'CTION PARICING i� MATERIAL STQRAG� � In sum�nary, Ordinaz�ce No. 6 �tate� tpat it is uniawful for nny persan to litter, track or deposit any �soil, xock, sand, debris oz material, Snc�.uding trash dua�p�t�rs, partable toi�ets an�d wQrla�en vehicies upon sny str�et, sidowalk, �lley or public plece or any portion thereof. �he right-o�-w�y an a�Y Town of i Vail 6treets and ro�d� is approximatel�' S ft. ot! pavament. This ordina�ca Will bt sttict}.y artgorced by the Town of vail Publi� Works Departmant. Perscna fdttnd violating this ordinance . w3�11 ?�e qiven a 24 hour written notics ta remove sai8 material. ; �n the event the p�r�oa so noti��4d Ao�s nQt comply wfth the � nvtic�e Within the 24 hour timQ apeciY�ed, the Puhlic works � � Departiacnt wi11 remov4 �aid matQrial �� th� exp�n�e o�` person notifisd. The provi�ions of thi� ordin�nce shall not ba � applicabie to const�.^uctior, mnint�nance or rapair projacts of any stre�t or al,�ey o= any utilities in the right-a-way. � To rav�ew Ordinanca t�o. 6 in Puli, pl�aae stop by the Town of ° Vail Buildir�q Depa�ctlperi to obtain a Copy. Thank you for your � coopartttion on this mst er. ad atz o edg b : � . � c�ti� e��� d��v���c�., r�. . ositio ,/Relationsh p o Proje�ct (�,.�,. contractor, owner} � �bat—�_y`�� _ . � 70�N OF URIL COM-DEV ID �303-479-2452 DEC 43 '9b 12 -39 �0 .00$ P .05 . . � MEM4RANDU � � �� �. 7p: ALL CONTRAC7ORS �,� �ABM: � TpWN OF Val� PURLIC wORKg DEPARTMENT ; DATE: II�lAY 9� 1994 j . AE: WHEN A "PU�UC WAY PERMIT" IS REQUIRED I` . . �� .�ob Nam�e: �o'�C�S �5� (J�1fvC� � Date: ti�—'�,-- �, � Please answetthe follpwirig qu�stipnnat�e re��dtn�th9 �teed tor a"Publlc Way Permit": I . �� � Y� Nd � �} Is this a new rgSid@nce7 � `� . � 2) �s demo�ttfon w�rk being periormed ' that requires the use �f 1hs r�aht ! o! way, easements or p�blf� property►? i ;, 3� Is any�utllity warlc r�eedad? � �j Is the driv8w6�y b8ing rgpe�ve�d? '� 5) Is di#f�rent access needed 10 slte ✓ other than exlsting d�iveway? � � 6) �s any dralnage work being d�ne ✓� ' af�ectin� the r��ht oi way, easements, � � ; or public pro�erty? �, � � 7� Is �t "Revorable Right Ot Way Permit" I ; req�rlred?- : � 8) A. Is the righi oi way, gasements or � ' publiC property to be used tor 8t�tging� part�np or tencln�? • _ 8. I! no to SA, is a parklnfl� staQing or fanc�ng plan �equf�ed by Community � ', �evslopment? If you answered yes to Any of these q�estions,�a "PubliC Wsy Permlt" musi be oblained. "Pub�ic Way Permlt" appl��atlons m�y bo abialned at ihe P�bllc Work�S oNiC9 �r at Community Develapment. If yau ha�e aRy�uestlons please It CharJle Devis�the Town � of Vaii CBnstrvcti�n l�spector, at 479-2158. I have cead and answered a9! !he e � s ���-�� �-4Z'� Jc�b tVama �orttra�tor's S�gnat�re aie I , ; : { � . . � � TOWN OF VA�L , DEPARTMENT OF C�MMUNITY DEVELOPMEIdT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 8�,657 970-479-21.38 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUSZ° BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES MECHANICAL FERMIT Permit # : M9b-0198 Job Address . . . : �776 SU�iBURST DR Status . . . : ISSUED Lcscatio�. . . . . . : I670 F'ALLRIDGE RD UNI'� #9 Applied. . : 12,/02�1996 Parcel No. . . . . : 2101-OJ1-04-049 Issued. . . : 1.2�02�1996 Project Number: PRJ96-4184 Expires . . : 05�3].�1997 APPLICANT WEATHER WORKS HEATII�G Phone : 303-752-9947 1682 SOUTH CATT�AY STREET, AURORA, CO 80017 CONTRACTOR WEATHER WORKS HEATIL�G Phone : 303-752-9947 16B2 SOUT�i CATHAY STREET, AURORA, CO 80017 OWNER MOUNSEY PETER R & AI�I�IE E FOX - F�X JOHN M & MARCELLA F', 955 S RACE, DEI�VER CO 60209 Deseription: Valua�ion: 5, 000 . 00 INSTALL FORCED AIR SYSTEM FiTeplace Information: Restricted: fi0f Gas Appliances: qOf Gas Logs: qOf Wood/Pallet: **ir*****ir**�Ar**iric**:4**r4**�t*i:**7k�lt**k*�kk**ic*ir**ic***iric***ir***** FEE SUMMARY ****�intinF*iF#*ir**#icir*ic*ir****itic****ic***ir*�ria*****�k�kk**ic****ir* Mechanical---> 1Q0.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> .00 7otal CalcuLated Fees---> 128.00 Plan Check---> 25.00 DRB Fee------------------> _QO Additional Fees---------> ,00 Investigatian> .QO TO7AL FEES--------------> 'i28.00 Total Permit Fee--------> 128.00 Will Call----> 3.00 Payments----------------> 128.0� BALANCE DUE-------------> .40 �k************1c**********#**i¢****;k******ic***:k***�4************ir**:k***********************ic***ir************ik*�Ic**it*******iric*****ic***ic* Ztem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTNIENT Dept: BUILDING Division. 12�a2/1996 CHARLI� Actian: APPR CHARLIE I7AVI5 Item: U560d FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FTRE Division: 12�'02�1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR N�A CONDITION OF' APPROVAL 1 . FIELD INSPECT�ONS AR� REQUIRED TO CHECE{ FQR CODE COMPLIANCE . 2 . COMB�ISTION AIR �S REQLlIRED P,�R S�C. 607 OF THE 199� UMC . 3 . IIVSTALLATION MUST COI�FDRM TO I'�ANUFAC'�'�R�S II�TSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDIX CHAPTER 21 OF TH� 1991 UMC. 4 . GAS APpIsIANCES SHALL BE 'VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTEf� 9 AND SI�ALL TERMINAT� AS SPECIFIED r1�I SEC. 906 OF THE 199� UMC . 5 , ACC�SS TO HEATING EQUI�MENT MUST COMPLX WITH SEC. 505 AND 703 OF THE 1991 UMC. b , PERMIT PLANS AND CC7DE AI�TALYS IS MIUST �E POSTED I1�I MECHANICAL ROOM F�IOR �'O AN INSPE�TIdIrT RE�IUEST. 7 . MECH CONT�ACTOR MUST BE ON SITE DURING FINAL INSPECTIOP+1 TO DO A FAIL�SAFE TEST OI� POWER VEIVTII�� SYSTEM *********************�***,r**,�**********�:********��***,�********�*******�****��*** DECLA�.ATIOhtS I hereby acknowLedge that I have read this application, filled out in full #he infarmation required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided es required is correct. 1 agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply M7CI1 all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Toun's zvning and subdivision r , . . � � codes, design revieN approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordinances of the Town applicabl� thereto. REDUESTS F4R INSPECTIONS SHALL BE MADE TUEN7Y-FpUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELERHONE AT,47A-2138 OR AT OUR OFFICE FROM 8:60 AM 5:00 PM / SIGNATURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FDR HIMSELF AND OUNEH ��� ���tf� f . . � � *******,�*****�******��*�*****�*********�**********�***,r**+**,�,�*� TOWN OF VAIL, COL4RAD0 Statemnt ******,�,�********************************************�r*�x�*,r****** Statemnt Number: REC-0236 A�ount : 128 . 00 �2�03�96 11 : 26 Payment M�thod: CHECK Notation : #2045 Init : CD Permit No: M96-0198 Type: B-MECH MEC�-3ANICAL PERMZT Parcel No : 2101-09�.-04-009 Site Address : 1776 SUNBURST DR Location: 1670 F'ALLRIDGE RD UNIT #9 Tota1 �'ees : 128 . d0 This Payment 128 . 00 Total ALL Pmts : 128 . Q0 aalance: . 00 ��********��***�**�***********�r**************��x***�*****�r****** Account Code �escriptian Amount O1 4000 41312 I+IECHA�IICAL PERMIT FE�S 100 . 00 O1 dOQO 41332 PLA1� CHECK FEES 25 . 00 O1 �000 4�336 WILL CALL Ih1SPECTIOI�I FEE 3 . 00 ----------------------------------------------------------------- **Conta�t �agle County Assesso ffice at 970-328-8640 for Parce� ��TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTIO� PERh1IT �6 PARCEL ��:2�d( - D�/.- �' -- G� _, PERl�lIT AP�LI C TIO FORM DA�'E: / y G �K��Gr j6 /�� APPLICATIO�T MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLETELY OR IT MAY NOT BE ACCEPTED �******�******.***�*********** PERMIT 1NFORMATIDN ***�t**********�t�********�t***� [ ]-Building [ �-plumba.ng [ ]-Electrical [�DJ-Mechanical � / _ [ ]-Other Job Name: �� . Job Address: (� -�4� .f� p��] , Lega2 Description: Lot Block Filing SUBDIVISION• Owners Name: Address: ph. Architect; Addr�ss: Ph, General Description: N �� _�-� �. s i Work Class: [ ]�-New [ ]-AZteration [�-Additiflnal [ ]-Repair [ ]-Other Number of �wellin Units: `�' � g —,L�. Number of Accon^unodation Units: N mber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pellet ******************�************** VALUATIONS �**********�r**�*****�r�**�*�**�t*** BUILDING: ; rnq�T � �y� EI�ECTRICAL: � OTHER: � PLUMBING: $ MECHANICAL: � �S' . � TOTAL: � ****��**�t�***********�****,t CONTRACTOR IN�6RMA7'ION *****�**********�*�***�**** eneraY Contractor: JJ/� �c�1�-�-Q�G;�Z�y � Town of Vail Reg. N0. Address: � Phone Number: Electrical Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Address: Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Add�ess: Phone Number: Mechanical Contractor: � P�fl•ult9fiG�S f-f-;� 'Foti,,,n of Vail Reg. N0. t3�O ,►'VJ, Address: S d- S . C r7 Phone Number; 30�� Sa- � ' � ******�*�****�***************,r** FQR OFFICE USE �***�***�**,�******�***�******** BU.ILDING PERMTT FEE: BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERMIT FEE: PLUMBING PLAN CHECK ,�EE: MECHAN'ICAL PERM�T FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: ELECTRICAI, FEE: RECREATION FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: CLEAN-UP DEPOSITt Dd�B FEE: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYFE GR�UP SQ.FT. VALUATION BUYLDING: SIGNATURE: ---- .�._ Z�N I NG: SIGNATURE: Comments; CLEAN iJP DE�.OSIT REF[JND TO: r` 4� � � � � � � � � � � - ���� � � '� � � 1l8J1�' ��Rl � r� � r�b ► � � � � � � 3 � � � � � � �, _ � � � � � � � � � _ � o 3 v � f � _ , � � � . �� � � � — - -- � , � � � �� � � � f � � �� � � � _� � � � � � � � � __ � � � � �� � � � �� �o s a +� � � �" i . . . � . . . � � � � � � � C.� � Q N 1-- '"' .� � � Lt! ~� -i � C7 .� w V W � p � o � w � �-� � � � c� tiw � � � �� � � ��Z 0 - , H � � � �, � � r � � o ��r � . . � � �� � ,,' � � �� � � � j �� � � � � v �.$ � - �nn�ann�, rcauv�xm Rs��Q naa rnrv. r_��t_ nRrrairr - ��-r� '���,-rf- 3;� TOWN�F VATL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUIVITY DEVELOPMEI�TT 75 S. FRfJNTAGE ROAD � /L'��,�,,,rS� VAIL, CO 81b57 � �y� � �� 970-479-2138 p G {"GLS NQTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POS'�ED OI\T JOBSI'TE.4T ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BUILD PEI�MIT Permit #: B9�i-0285 Jab Address.: 1776 SUNBURST DR VAIL Status.....: FINAL Location.....,: #9 FAL�.RTDGE RD Applied...: 09/20/1996 Parcel 1'�0....: 2101Q91040�9 Issued ...: 09/20/1996 Project Na...: Expires...: 03/19/1997 APPLICANT HEID CONSTRUCTIQN 09/2Q/1996 Phone: 3038455054 PO B�X 4474 VAIL, CQ 81f58 License: 443-B Alsa is CONTRACTOR OWNER FO� ANNE p9/20/1996 Phone: License: C�NTRACTOR HEID CONSTRUCTION 09/20/1996 Phone: 3038455054 PO BC7X 4474 V�I I,,, CO 8�658 License: 443-B Also is Applicant TQ`/�COCYICC'�ll. Q@V. Clean�up. [�ep4�Ref�nd Desciption: a I'OV�C� �` WINI}OW WELL AND 250 ADDITIOIV ADD ELEVATOR �p �O � amount Oeeupancy: Rl Multi-Famzly ��te �c� � Type ConstrucHon: V 1-HR Type V 1-Hour Type�ccupancy: ?? Valuation: $39,500.00 Add Sq Ft: 249 F'veplace Infor�ation: Restricted: #ot Gas Appliances: 0 #of Gas Logs: 0 #of Woad Pellet: 0.....t#�.,..,F,��,t.,,,�,t»..,.�,..,t.,�„„t�...<.........,#���„"...,#.,�*..+* FEE SUMMARY «*..�..<.,k..�..,`..�..w..,,-..x.,,�.+,�..,K...,.,..,�-<.,..,M.,�,.,t,,.,� Building—> $42D.DD RestuarantPlanl2eview-> $0.00 TotalCalculatedFe�es--> $1,083.15 Pl.an Check--> $2�3.0 0 DRB Fee------> $5 0.0 0 Additional Fees---> $0.0 0 Investigation-> $D.DD RecreationFee-- > $87.15 TotalPemutFee > $1,083.15 W ill Cal1--> $3.0 o Clean-up Depasit > $2 5 0.o o Payments-- > $i,0 8 3.15 TOTAL FEF,r--> $1,0e3.15 BALA[�TCE DUE > $D.Do tY+k*IF*�Y k*Ye*#k*fY'k*�t##t**4####'k4't+f**t*t*#i'�'*�r+i***:Frtt*k+ii'*!F#**#*#�F1'.M'k'k***k*'4#*�F**t#k*#*'�F'k*k*k**k***#+f kik#t#-kk*i#tFi+rk*�k+t�4A+YkiR�.F�i�k:Fklhf'kA'fk*********rfk Approvals: Item: 05100 BUILD�NG DEPARTMENT 09f20/1g96 CHARLIE Action: APPR 10/2�./1g96 CHARLIE Action: NOT� PL�ANS T� CHARLIE 10/21/1996 CHARLIE Action: CANC NEw PLANS RECEIVED 10/31/1996 CHARLIE Action: AFPR CHARLIE DAVIS Item: 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT 09f20/1996 CHARLIE Action. APPR LAUFtEN APPROVED 10/21/1996 CHARLIE Action: NOTE PLANS TO LAUREN 10/21/199& CHARLIE Action: CANC NEW PLANS REGEIVEA 10/31/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR PER LAUREN �tem: 05600 FTRE DEPARTM�NT �9,/2(D/1996 CHARLI� Action: APPR N/A Item: 05500 PUBLZC WORKS 09/20/1996 CHARLI� Action: APPR N/A f%+t+FkRfkRrtwftRRRYrtYnFRlYr?R4RYrtsR*k+t+kex4H*R4Hr4M�FYF4kYrf WFkf#!*H!k#i�ltkk###H#}#f�y�kk****�FiFRlfF**k*frRwR*R*f!**Rfk***!t#***�F#*k******4R*Hdri-#+*Rk+}iF#! See page 2 of this Document for any c�onditions that may appiy to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge#hat I have read this applicaHon,fillec€out in full the info�ation required,campl�ted an accurate plot plan, and state �hat all the inforrnation as required is correct. I agree�o comply with the information and plot plan, to co�nply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and ta build t�►is str�cture according to the towns zonin€ and subdivision codes, design review approved, UniEorm Building Code and other ordinances a#the Town applicable thereto. REQUFSTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOURS II�1 ADVAI�TCE�Y TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR OFFICE FR�M 8:04 A,M-4 PM. SIGNATURE OF�WNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEI PA�E 2 *�*������***�*�:��*,�*,�***�***�,��*���,��,�*:���****�*,�*�*�**,��****,�***,�*�*,�***,�*,�*�*******�*,� C�NDITIONS(�F APPROVAL Permit#: B9b-0285 as of 06-18-20fl3 Status: FINAL *�,�:,����*�*�*,�**���,��,���****���*��*��*,���**�*,�*�****��*���****�:���*,�****��* Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Applied: Q9/20/1996 Applicant: HEID C�NSTRUCT��N Issued: 09/20/1996 3038455054 To Expire: 03/19/1997 Job Address: 1"77b SUNBURST D�t VAIL Loca�ion: #9 FALLRIDGE RD Parcel No: 210109104009 Description: 'GVINDOW V'V�LL AND 250 ADDITION ADD ELEVATOR Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED T"O CHECK F(�R CODE CC�M�'L�A,NCE. Cond: 16 (BLDG.):SMQKE DETECTQRS ARE REQUIRED IN AL,L�EDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.310.9.1 OF TH�1997 UBC. Cond: CON00014�9 AN ELEVATOR PERMIT IS REQ'D PRIOR TO INSTALLATION OF AN ELEVATOR,CONTACT NWCOG�OR REQ�IREMENTS AT 970-468-0295 . . • ********��***�****s*******************��r*********�*****:�*****#***v�********x�*�***********w*s* TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADOC�py Reprinbed on 06-1&2Q03 at 15:43:0(1 06/18/2043 Statement �********�x�********�***�*********�*****��**********�+**�******�**�******�****�****�***�***�� Statement Nu�nber: REC-0225 Amount: $1,027.15 10/31/199612:26 PM Payment MetY�od: CK Init: CD I�iotatian; #2�08 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Permit No: 896-0285 Type: ADDfALT MF BUILD PERMIT Parcel �Io: 210109104009 Site Address: 1776 SUNBURST DR VAIZ Loca�ion: #9 FAI,I,RIDGE RD Total Fees: $�,083.15 �'his Payment: $1, 027.15 Total ALL Pmts: $1,083.15 Balance: $0.00 ***************�*��x�****�**********+***************��****��***+**********�***�************�+�x ACCOUNT ITENI LIST: Account Code Description Current Pmts AD D2-DEPO$ CLEANUP dEPOSITS 250.0� BP 00100003111100 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 40D.00 DR 00100003112200 DESIGN RE�IEW F�ES 3D.0� RF 001000031123D0 PLAN CHECK FE�S 26D.00 RF 111D00031127DD RECREATIQN FEES 87.15 ----------------------------------—-—-------------------------------------- N i I i1 I 1 O �y] ; 1 O [� I • fj 1 O a � � � i n i �F � i i i � o � o iio o i o i � o � p j i � p�g � i i a R i i i a � OC i i � i W i i � F W i i i i � � i i i i � i i i i r i i i i F � � � a o � o z � i oio io b � �0 i . i . i p $ i oio io VJ IL' �l) N N � i J i N i fV i N Y) 1 I i I I � 1 1 9 � I I I I I O 1 I I I I I N I I I I i � I i I r I O I O 1 O I � I O I Q I A O I Q I I 1 1 H S � o o i � o I M I� I 1,f1 I {n i i IA Vl fV i ry 1 1 N � d i � e a � � � w � � A � W � i i H i i � a 4 � Ga W. � F E � � i F p i t+z o � o � � o z m 7 � o i o � i o p F i O D � � O Oi W� � �R i voi � i u�i V F4 L] N � lY � i (Y � i i i a ca � i i � i a � � � w � � � � x w � � W W � m W (z i E o ,� a � � � � p � �, H � � � u� � h � o � a � �o � w � � W � M [� 1 I � 1 W I Op [�I I V1 Q a � s� a � « s � � k � A F � t� w x a + rv m N G v� H ,7 i ; i � � cn 0 i � \ � 4i O � i O o i � �� ro � r i � U � � 7 co F+ c i x � a� p� rn O � m � cv � i H � �,. fV � W 1 U N ❑ O x � � � � u � � m a � b� �. rvi � g V � ..� 47 .i N � 2 �11W T m � P4 � q � q a � W m 1a; o i O r,�p7 i o a � W �u�i i 5 �U i m O ap's F W �r+.-1 � U U � fA U ti' � V �D d��H 1 I � � 1 I £> � o � m a F u z bQ7 w � ii � umi W � F N �� O F � �} �i W C7 � � C.1 ' 0." N aW O W Pai N � � H C� q C�.'1 "'�` � I D�ign Review Action Fo� y � TOWN OF VA��L Category Number Date : �.�}� ���� �� � � ���� � 1� r� � Project I�ame: ��' ,v!. d"��£�� _ ��� ' �(=�."�4° � '�—'� � Buifding Name: � Praject Description: �,i �s, g 1i,y� 1' 3,�,� .�� ! L„1 i {i '-y i �(i� y �,- '_`�..i t�(�' �r—���-�4 1"�i �— � � ., p --- ' �wner, Address and Phor�e: � ',3 • ��;:1� d -'��"v-- �;� �, t,�: , , � UV�zh_� �`'�.�,�t � ii�i �r''�`�( r � Architect/Contact, Address and Phone:�'��(`s!-! �� s.i,`=,; �"a� ' � -��-<�- �F��� �=x -`� ���`�� , ,`�;4 � i , � " ,� ___1 --� � ��/�`i-- �� �•.�_ -4~,r .. t ` Legal Description: �ot Bldck Subdi�si ��,���(� (�-�,��u �'L�e:I��.�� �����i:�� i �,s=����one Distriet Project Street Address ` � �� � i�..�'�� ����� ���� Comments: "%�. - � r' � "`' �;.. � (� � ' _r_Board /�Staff Action. Motion by: Vote: Secvnded by: ' ❑ Approvai ❑ Disapprovaf 'p Staff Approval Conditions: � , _ ��' �3 � �.-C�(�r � - � ` Town Planner Date: , , . °, . ; . '.,: DRB Fee Fre-paid ` ,y ' ; : _ ; � � (luestia�Call the Planning Stat�'at 479-21 APPLICATIpN FOR PI.ANNiI'�G AND ENVIRONM�NTAL „ COMMISSION APPROVAL �� 1��'N�F YAI� "C;RN�:RAL, INFORMAT�Ol�I' T'his application is far any project reqniring appraval by the Planning and Environmental Cocnmission.For specific inforn�ation,see the submittal requirements for the particular approval that is requested. The appl'ication can not be 'accepted until all requir�ed inforn�ation is submitted. The project may also need to be reviewed by the Town Council and/or the Design Rev�ew Board � A. T E OF APPL�CATIt�I�: �Additional GRF'A(250) 0 Amendment to an Approved Develogment Plan ❑ Bed and Breakfast U Ernployee Hausing Unit(Type: ) ❑ Conditional Use Permit � Major or'Ll Minor CCI Exterior Alteration ❑ Majror or ❑ Monor Subdivision (Vail Vitlage) l� Rezoning � Major or C7 Minor CCII Exterior At�eration ❑ Sign Variar►ce (Lionshead) ❑ Variance ❑ Sp�cial Devel�opment District ❑ Zoning Code Amendment ❑ Major or❑ Minar Amendment to ari SDD .. B. DESCRIPT[{?N OF THE REQUES'7': I-��p�l�o�fll�f}L I��DIZoa r►� 1 U� �f�f �I�.! � Il G��Il7 .��1/�L �1—�' 1��OK� 'C. LOCATI�N OF PROFOSAL: LOT � BLOCK FILING s v�"� �3� 2`7 ( �f 1.�W1� ADDRESS: '7 S�N��u 25 r" D �Z. U�t� �l BUILDrNG NAME:�I� I 1._ G��C^v ll�'c-�,� i]. ZONING:�I`�Sr Q �N !/� L _ �E. NAME OF QWNER(S): rU � :r 2 • " K`� rv .� �fl �1 4 /y'r'1-2C . f , MAILII�G ADDR�SS. ��� S,%�Tt-! �rC' � - �¢n�J f���-,��rc�"v 2�'� � PHONE: � F. OW NER{S)S[GNATURE(S): �>'�' ��r� ��'C��- �� G. NAME OF REPRESENTATIVE: ,� /.r� C �•�-�S i n. �� �U2( �'��C - MAILII�IG A3�DRESS: f•v� ��K �f`l� . - V �F i� C. o � I S� PHONE: �5`�- Se Sy� �7b - 'H. FEE - SEE THE SUBMITTAL REQUIREMENTS F�R THE APPROPRIATE FEE. SUBMIT THIS APPLICATION,ALL SUBMITTAL REQUiREl1�NTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT,75 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD, VAIL,COLORADO 81b57. For Office Use Onlv: Fee Paid:�D Ck#: �- B :�P��I W �'l--�i,�-��� Y Application Date: d � � � V I �° P�C Meeting Date: �d � � �r� � Revined 6/9b ` � � • �=ep. 5 '��r, ��: �� �'Fi�=-F'(I°1 DErJIaEF TEL ^e��,��_'-,:�'� F'. i , , Sep- DS - y6 1O : A�iP .]ofin � c.Y 3�3 7Z1 - 7.:iB2 � + P . :.i : '�.r• ` ' :+:, 9. i� �C-R1M :7E'w•+�' c,. 7�`'?2B�?� �: .-=c .. �17 3Q3a7tia,. . H�J� ti.+`'�R.�:, _�, f..x -- Q�q�yO�fT Ci11 1�'��1i11;Sii}�it 4��-�1�� APrLfC�j'libl� i�� rt.+�1�Cl�G Al�LNi�"IR�DNMSNTAI, � CONtMt�iiO;�i A��� �IY1Y 01�VACL �'kii�pi��tloe�is!'or any►to�"ct r'o9+�e�l�rv�l by th�e Wpnnuy�wl�ri�sroa�slnW Co�t�ie��Fo��peC�tk infbr�tiv�.�ae t�o�ubmi�od rp►nrcarena tar!he�sul�r rpprvral dyt tf*+4++e�4� T���an 0�l�rwf b� aoecptee nnpl�tl rea�u�red n�l�r�ertia+��+bmite�d 'TMc proM��W'Mso�to!+�wvlewrorl by d��Ta�vn Coqnoil r�+er�e�s+��e.r+rw 9or►d h �!°$�F A!'�L1CATl4N� �►dd�ao�J QAFA f��by O �►sti�ond�na�c oc rt+r.�ppeava4 L'�i�mvelvpur�t Pl�t+ o e�a�+a e+�.�r� a �,ean►e�res Hw.�vrM c'rr�- --...J p c�atla�.� uK� a M�•or c�r;�ccj��a�on o M�ar a C3 Miaar 9vb�dEir+i�6ais cv�it v31r�.) p R�o�nin� o rw�or or O Ms+es OCrt Exmda Aba.aon Q 9�/n V��te (Lie�M�B) Q V�c�e d 1lppo�sl[al�+!lOpnte�t DI�biCt D Z+oeiry Code�,MSw�dnraHt C� 1�lyor o�G 1�Mo.A�+m�d�w�t w vr SDD � eESC�tmo�of ntc R�ocrgsr ��.7.�o.�L.--�-F��,m—r �f��,-��L.� 1����1x ,�v��c._� 6�. �fr--, ,,�Q,,,7',_�,�,� P�'l�CF �v" �/� �����f�t�..--� ..�LL��a N � C. LOCATIOW I�PROFOSAL: L07 j -�LOCI�„r,._.� FYLlNG . ��!�1 ��S u Q� '�.� ,��AJ��� kO�A6S9'���5�y E4 u R�T D_R +�N�o�s�nocrv�H�r�: ��F�����ww ri. ZONTNC3:..ii.�.-S!�l�---_---.--...- � }--- �E NAME C7P OW'N�R(S). P "" � �,d�0�J�„r �,ij �O�C M�rLC�wo��as:_.._ -- �.,�.,... _ .� _ �..�x � i �o�, � ,�'(�*�=' -�- � F- OWNtR(�I SItflNAT�7RZt�l: l � ) �,�__..._�, -X G NAM�dfi REPA�i�NTATIV$: � 11t�, t++�t?e� � �':" �(�_ �'�!c. � .___ i�lAtt,1NG�►DDitE�S: •o� R�►� `��7 - � V• r� C � Q, � ►S� �p�j; AS��'' S'� S� �7i► •5��bs =�.. - - H. FEE• l�i��TFIE S1JSMtlTAL REQUQTiMBNT�iDR THB Ai►PRCS}�tATL PLE �tJ�MrT�is�rrttC.��nU�,r►L�.BtJ�MM�rr�[,�t�tlt�re�73�rrp�"it��c to� D��/►�T11�!l�f7 OI�CQ�Yd1'�IMiTY O�Vl�i.O�l14��NT,,s tovrti rr�ows�ag xo��. ��ut.,C p0 si�sa, ���� ��h.d: _c�- ak, .�__. --- — A�plec.eon ta.o.� ,� p�e Mo�a.a: Ib•i.a tw� � � APPLICATION F�UR ADDITIONAL GROSS RESI�ENTLAL FLUOR AREA(GRFA)(254) GENERAL INF(3RMAFION All Additianal GRFA{250)rc,quests,except far interior 2S0 requests, must be apprnved by the Planning and Environmental Commission(PEC). Any interior 250 Chat involves no extcrior modificariorrs may be approved by the Department nf Cornrnunity Developmcnt. A pre-application conference with a member af the pianning staff is strongly encouraged tn disc�ss thc provisions under which additiona( GRFA can 6e added to a site. It should be understood that k�is ardinance docs not assure each property an additional 250 squarc feet of GRFA. Rather,the ardinar�ee allows for�p to 250 squar'e fect if the conditions set forth in Chapter 18.71 of the 7'own of Vail code are met. After PEC approval,the proposal must be reviewed and appraved by tbe Design Review Board(DRB). L PRE-APPLICATION,�ONFERENCE A pre-application conference with a planning staff inernber is strongly encouraged. No a�plicaiion can be accepted unless it is complete. It is the applicant's responsibility to make an appointment ��ith the staff to determine additional submittal requirements. II. SITBMITTAL REOUIREMENTS � FBE: �200.00. The fec mu t be paid at the time of submittal. � Stamped,addressed en��elapes n�a list of the namcs and mailing addresses o�'ail adjacent property owners and owncrs of units on the same lot. Be surc to include properties behind and across streets. The applicant will be responsible for correct names and mailing addresses. 7"his infarmation is available from the Eagle Caunty Assessor's office. � Condnminium Association approval (if applicable). .�j't�� Verification that the dwelling is at lcast five ycars old. O `'j��-• 1'hatos of the existing structure. `�,� il,��� l G) 'f C.'�r`0.�l� � ❑ � �r`F•�- Specifications of a11 mater�als and colors. � �, . �y� A preliminary tide report,including schedwles A and$,to verify �wnership and easemcnts. 0 � 1> `-� A topographic sucvey,indicating existing improvemcnts, stamped by a Colvrado licensed survcyor. ! 1 l, �" r � ,��o L���_ Three 3l coFies of the fo�lawine: �� Existing and proposed floor plans of the structure, at a scale of 1/8"= 1'flr larger. 0 r��;/:,_ Site plan showing existing and praposed construction. lndicate all roof ridge elevations with existing and proposed grades shown underneath. ❑ ': `���,. Existing and proposed building elevati4ns. Pagc ] of 2 � � PLEASE NOTE THAT ONLY CaMP�LETE APPI.,ICATIONS CAN BE ACCEPTED. ALL OF Ti I-IE REQUIRED INFORMATiON MUST SE SUBMITTED IN ORDE�t FOR THIS APPLICATION TO BE DEEMED COMI'LETE. I1I. R�VIEW CRTTERIA Your proposal will be reviewed using the foliowing critcria: �,. Effect upnn the existing topography,vegetation,drainage and existing structures. B, Im�act on adjacent propezties. C. Compliance with the Towr►'s zoning requirernents and applicable development standia,rds. IV. TIM�kt�OUIREMENTS A. The Plarining and Environrnental Commission meeks on the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month. A complete application fa�n and all accompanying matcria� (as described abovc) must bc accepted by the Communiry Develapment Department by the appropriate submittal date,which is a minimum of four(4)weeks prior to the ciate af the PEC publi�hearing. Incompl�te applications(as de#erniined by the planning staf�will not be accepted. B. Approval shall lapse and become void if a buiIding permit is not issued and constrvction is not comrrienced w�thin vne year from the date of approval and diligently purse�ed to complerion. V. ADDITI NAL REVIEW AIv`D FEES A. tf thes application requires a separate review by any lacal, State or Federal agency oiher than the Toum of Vail,che applicac�on fce shall be increased by�20QA�. Examples of such review,may include,but are not limited tn: Colorado Departmcnt of Highway Access Pemvts,Army Corps of Engineers 404,etc. B. The applicant shaIl be responsible for paying any publishing fces which are in ex�cess of 50%of the arplication fee. If,at thc applicant's request,any matter is postpaned for hearing,causi�g the matter to be re-published, then,the entirc fee for such re-publicatian shall be paid by t�c applicant C. Applications deemed by the Community Dcvcloprnent Department to have design, land use or otber issues which may have a si�►ificant impact on the comrnunity may require review by consultants i❑ addition to Town staff. Should a determination be made by the Town staff that an ou#side consultarit is needcd,the Community Development Departmcnt may hire the consultant. The Departrnent shall estimate the amount af money necessary to pay the consultant and this amount shall be forEVazded to the Town by the applicant at che dme of filing an applicarion. Expenses incurred by the Town in excess of the amount forwarded by the applic�t shall bc paid to the Town by the applicant within 30 days of notification by the Town. Any excess funds will be rcturned to the applicant upon review cflmpletion. Page 2 of 2 � i • :i� a,i�, Ma�emaen�t Com�a�� September 6 , 1996 Rick Heid Heid Construction Box 4474 Vail, CO 81658 Dear Rick: Pursuant to the Blue Prints presented to Bob Boyce, President of �he Vail Golf Course Townhomes, Bob and I have reviewed the plans to finish the downstairs basement of unit #9 . Flease let this letter represent dur complete appraval of t�is praject . We laok forward to the impravem�nts . Please call with az�.y question.s you might have regarding this matter. � x�ely, S e Mc adde� Operations Mana�er cc : Bob Boyce 201 Gore Creek Drive • Vail, Colorado$1657 (970)476-4262 • 1-$p0-944-VAII, • Renver�93-3853 • Facsimile (970)479-9624 � r , � J r � Pro erties�d'acent to Vail GolFcourse Town ome #9 1547 Sprin� Hill Lane - Unit 1 Marlene A. Rembert 822 Flint River Houston, TX 77424 l54'� Snrin� Hill LaQe - Unit 2 Charles S. Nichols 1721 Old Orchard RQad Rockford, IL 61107 1548 Spring Hill Lane Frank W�lliaul Jones, Jr. � Pa�ne�a N. Jones � 2 S Martin Lane Englewood, CO 8U 110 1_5_5$ Vail Valley Drive - Unit A Richard 3. Hawkins = ° I558 Vait Vai�ey Drive, U`nit A Va��, C4 816�7 155$ Vail Valtev Drive - Unit B Mary Ja Joluison 5161 Redwoad Drive Littletan, CO 80123 1626 Vail Vallev Drive - Unit A Frances Diones ' S741 S. Jasmin�e Street Englewood, CO 80 i 11 1.626 Vail Vallev Drive - Unit B Jahn P. Squires � 833Q Larkspur Rc�ad . Boulder, CO 80302 _ .. `: 1628 Vail Vallev Drive � y ' House qf Brigo Ltd, .d. �•� �� �.. � � ,�',c���i�-�—�� Gy� . � 7�1 Brickell Avenue • �� � �, �� � �2 Miami, �'L 33131 `< • � y ��� ;- ��-� �-� �'r� �� ���: � r I e ,• � . THIS fTEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PR4PERTlf �'UB�IC NOTICE NOTICE �S HEREBY GIVEN that the Plar��ing and Environmental Commission of the Town o# Vail�rill hold a public �earing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the Municipal �ade of the Town af Va�l on October 14, 1996, af 2:00 P,M. in the Town of Vail Municipa� Buildit�g. In consideration of: A request ior an exterior addition to a s�naster bedroom and bathroom and adding a 3rd floar, utilizing tt�e 250 Ordinance, iocated at 8026 Potato Patch/Lot 4, Block 1, VaN Potato Patch Applicants: Padraic �eighar� and Birgit 7oome Planner: Dominic Mauriel9a A request for an int�rior remodel to add a bedraom and a bathroom of appraximately 250 square feet, utilizing the 250 �rdinance, �ocated at 1776 5unburst Drive #9/Vail G�ff Course Townhomes Applicant: Anne � Peter Maunsey and Joan & Marcella Fox lanner: Lauren Waterton A request for a major subdivision of Lot P-2, located at Lot P-2, Vai� Village 1 st Filing Applicant: P-2 Association, represented by Art Abplanalp Planner: George Ruther A request for a majar SDD amendment to allow#or a rnodification to building 5 of SDD#5, Iocated at 1230 Lionsridge �oop/Sawoy Villas, Phase II and III Applicant: Woodstane Homes Planner: Dominic Mauriello A request ior two 250's in order to contruct a Type II �HU, located a� 1225 Westhaven Lane/Lot 43, Glen Lyon Subdivision Appiicant: Sentry Construction, represented by Parn Ho�kins Planner: G�orge Ruther llllllllll The applications and information about the proposals are available in the pr49ect planner's affFCe during regular office hours far public inspectio�, located at the Tawn of Vail Cornmunity Developme�t Departrnent, 75 South Frontage Road. Sign language interpretation available upon request with�4 hour natif�ca*,ion. Please call 479-2114 vo'�ce or 479-2356 TDD for information. Community Development Department Publis�ted September 27, 199fi in the Vail Trail. ✓ I a 71 r � l � � _ :�;e��. 5 "�+r '�: "� F'H��F�'lhl CiEhlL,iEF' FEL =�t�+_�,`�-�,_;1�', �'. � ,.. � . . J �1� `,�'� 56227$ B--�i86 P-�55 05/C1I /95 U3 : ] 3P PG i OH' � Rk;� DOC;^'^^_� Sara J , Firher Eagle t;c,u.tttv f_'��rk & Recurd�r 20 . 0� 5Q . OfJ ' ..,.... -- � 7 T$I$ D�ED , Mede en thzs day esf ApY`].1 �1, i.995 , F'ILII�G �^-�AMP ," '= b�tween .r PLA'JDC R.E$OU[2CES, IItiTC. , p. CL�UJ� C'�RL'GRATZON �'i 1 � � a corporatien duly orgenized ansi existing und�r and by virtue oi th� laws �f ' � the 5t�te of CYJIIJR�DC) nf che firse pert, and �:'� '� � � PE�1"�R R, I++Y.7t)I�tSEY F►N� ANi�T� E. F17X M7UNSEY � '"1 � J�?I� ��INIS AS `I'J Ai�l '..}T�b'IVTbID 5'J PERC�E`7I' , r i CZt� r"" � ':"i � nvt�sr, ,�►r� To�r r�. Nrox � r�� F. ��x, v a t N. �.� , TEP�ANTS AS ' '��JG�,U�dED 5J �'ERC�NT IfJTFR£S', �+Li. �� $ -�"'�'�' , ':�� -�!^A1,7S I Pd r � .r._— _.�,.r��.-�. �; I J 'C �yT� 7�7,,/-� C�Gi :i �F� .d IP�B: 3f�Q' S 7:3� JiJ�11F3 [V'i1...ir , ..�.. "�r "' i�� ;.:i �F�^�VY� C� BG��J9 :•i ��� of :he Ccunty ef alct Sta*.e o� �LJQ�i�JI-��, ct the seccntl pe�t: �'� WITNESSETM, ihat thp said parry of th� �irsc parr, for and �i: cvnsiaeretion o� !hc sum of (***�r�QQ',��Q�'�Q�' > '��� � �orty �5t�(1,000` (l0 '�.� � fIVf HUkDRE�niilOt33AND �OLIARS ANO OO/1Q171MS �:� � '�� to the setd periy vf ��e ltret part +n hand peid by the sald part;ies) of *�e second pa-t, the recei�t �hereoT is he�ebV �+j °� confe9aed and acknoutedged, has grr,nte�, bergair,ed, sold nrxi conveyed ar+G by tnese p�esents �oc�s graHt, barga�n, seil, �'i ?� convrY and conflr�ti unto the said part(ies5 of the secc+ncl parr, ihcir he�irs snd essigns #ore�pr, all of the follouing i �:� descrihed lot(S� o� parctl(s) o; Esnd, zituste, ly4nq and being in the COU�SY ot " 'i�,'' ard State af :� r.� Colorado, to uit: �:3 :f '''' CL7NL�CMIN�JM Uhr_TT 9 VASL c�i�il}Z.SE �C�'�,'.�; �H4.SE I, AC'CC�RrJII� 'IC� 'I�' MAP i �� REL�7FsDEU �v�ER �0�, i 9"'9 ]�T BC�K �9A AT PA�� 9�3 A�ID STJB�7�C"T' 7C} "f'F-�E CC71+��1IN1�lM � DECL,ARATION FCJR 'Ii� +1'AIL GO�tJR�.�E �OI�S, RECi�Rb�b I�'�7Y�ER 23 197� I�J :�bC�� .; :� 2 9� AT PAG� 996 AI�I FTRST AMII�IIDhh'�f�" 'IC) CC�itiIDQIti1IN�[A�1 DE�C'f�?ATIC7N F2E�RD� ,IUNF �G. , ':� 19�3 �T �K 3�'1 AT F�,A�E 9 8 y, C'1�TNI'�' :7F FAGLE, S'T'A"I'E OF Ct0L�7Rl�C�. �� ;i �=. 'i� �: ,, ;� .., �: ``� a l so krawn n. �.t rcet ana nunber:7NIT 9, LAIL C�L�7tJR«7E Tl�✓JNFi�t'�S� �FT".t+SE I, 1��L, CJ:1�1�.'�0 �:: I:, ��� TOGETHEA w�Ch a11 And sin9ul�r the hereditaments and eppur:enences thereurto eelonginA, or in qr,yw�se a�ertsi�7ing, �•�' and the reve�s�an or reversions, remainders, re�ts, issues ar�d pr�f�t: thereof; ana ell the estate, riqPt, t��le, �r.te�esr, r clairn and aema•r• .hateo�ver of �he said p,�rty of the +�rst oa � either in taM or equ�ty,of, �n anci tc thE ebove oargerned I; j:� premfses, aitr+ � , heredrtements end appurtenances. � �:; TO NAVE AH. HO�p Cne �gid prpmises abov� b�rg0ined and doaerib2tl, w�th tHp appu�tenances, Unto khe sald psrt(�eB) of �:� E; the eecond arc �reir) heirs and 9es3gna forpver. Rnd the sa9d ' �� PLAVEC �R(�S, IlVC. , F� C!�LQFthDO C�OR,PORATION �' E: � i3 pariy of the first pe��t, tor itaelf, and Its suct265ers, does covenanc, gran:, bd�Bair and sgree tc and uirh the said �` !'� p:,rtiies� of the sec�nd part, {their) l+eirs q�d assigns, that �k the ;ime of *hz e��seatin� r�nd delivery at these presents �' i' ��'�' i4 is wel� selxe� oj thp �reRi16P.6 abave cativCyeC�, AE 04 a y0ad, sure, per4�ct, absolute ahd �ndefeBSible esfpte af inheri• i"� ;,•� tence, in lau, in #ee s4mple, and has geed r�ighh, �ull �ouo+• �nd ldwft,[I authcr�ty Yo grant, bargafn, eel! and convey the seme in manner of torm PfOrel�j�, snd thet cne seme are free end clear from all farmer and ather grants, ��rgains, sa�rs, � �' liens taKes asseasmenta and iticumbrences o� whetever Iei�d -^ nat�are soever• �; ;I'i EXC�FT G�., '1'�#XE.� AN�D A.SSESST�lII�TL'S Fc7R T��E YEAFt 199� AIdL; SUPS 7T YP'�,RS A1'� SLl�7EC'T" �I ;.� 'IO 'd�S� 7TfMMS ,�S �ET FC7RTH II�I �lIBIT '�A�� A^:'I�,C� HII�ErC7 RI�ID �RP�RA'� HF.FtEIN. �3 ` �. C�1 :� �`, ;:; i�. �::, ' � h::� ;:i �nd the above bargeined prem�aes fn the qu'.et and pe�4ceable pnssession ot the seid par`(ies: nf Che Se�ond port thC�t � '"• heirs and acsigns, agsinst ai! end cve�y person ar persons '.aufu•,ly cla�ming o� to ciasn, *.he .,hote �r any part khefeof, the ji `'' aeid perty cf �hp f�r6t pert shsll and will f�ARRANT AND fORFVER �EFE►IG. !{ i� Ilt WfTuESS LIMEREOF, The sa�d pa�rty of che firs; part hes caused its torporate naro fo be heiet�nto subsrribed by It6 j PI'esident er� its cnrporete sPal to be hereunder affzxcd, attestea by iYe '�' C:� Secretary, ti�e dey and year firsY rbove written, �: �;:.{ Atteat: � I.� �.' ' � , '' ';' F `�' PLr�,ll� RFSOT]RC'ES, LNC. , I�, Cf�L�RAi� k 9 �; ; �� �L�� C�R.PORATIG�: �:: �_ ;; . . . 'S � G�.4.�1� ����.i i sa. gy '��"' i '�ti�'f. --�`• STATf Of CAEOR#B9, � . , ' `� :{ > �s. ' � s t ---Lounty of �i.j,yZ;'�1�� � � i f } S f The fare oin !nstrumerrt wes acknouled ed brfore me thxs day af �'2' � ' -• �Ray��l�GU7IE�RQ , i'; �� �� o�°�r�a� ��a�c�S nvcr,°���o cn��T Or��s sE � / � niora�iv p�uc i�� �';. 1 �nr��sro�couKnr � My notar i a l carrmi ss i on expi res �-'�-1 . � �1 E� �C�►m.E�►st 1AN a f.7049 ; „� 1Jitr�oss My hand a� �clal se _ 'i i f � ,:+ � r; �; 'i �a _ ' '+' � Note�•y pwb�ic :i I'i �: �.w..,,w . � �.s,.. � ... �.,., , _—�..� ....... .. . ...�...... -- -——__—'---'--. —... .. . _ , .�.. ,� Fo�m No. WpCDRP - Corp oretion �``'. �FA22y.252�9 VT25249 �= � — � ' • • ����. � '��� ��:7a F���_—F�i�� r�Er a�.��� rE� ���,,�;.`�_,1_, F, ,.. �xHi�zT ��A�� 1 . THEREFRFM�SH�liI�DjTHE�SAME l��r�E��JD�TO �'ENFTRr;TE��JK V�IIJKERSECT�TH��P�tEr^.ISE� �'►S RESERVEC ;N �NT'F��7 STT�TF:S r��TENT �ECGFJ�U Junc? 29 , 1903 TIJ B�C7�C 48 AT PAGE 495 AND Ir' S1�:TED STI�TES PATENT R�CORDE�� Augusk �2 , 1�56 , IN �OQK 157 AT PAGE 304 �. RTGFt'r" oF wAY F�R �ITC.NE� CR CAN7�LS C�raSTRUC`I'EL �s` Tf�E �U'1'H��IT� �F THE CINITED STATFS AS fi�SERVED IN UN'T"�'�D �TATES !�A'?'�NT R�C�JRP�Eb ,7ur.� �� 1.9p3 TN BOOK 4$ , AT PAvE 495 z1I�1D RECOR�E�i August 22 , 19�6 , IN BQC�k. 157 }�,T P�,�� 304 . �, R�STRICTIriTF GC�VRIVANTS WHICH DC tVOT CpNTF_��V A �'ORFEITURE JI� ftEVER'�°$R GI.rAU�E, �CJ�' OMZTTING R�S:F�ICTIOIVS IF ANY BASEG 01�1 RAC� �OLC7R., RE',IGTJN, OR NATIONAL CRSGIN �`7 CONTA�NCD �N �NS'I'�tUMF"�IT RECO�DED September 19 , 1�77 , I!V �aox 25� �T �A��; 7�a , �. SUBJE�T T�O :HE TERMS AND CONDITrOt•3S SET F:�RTti It1 THE DECLARATIC�N OF PR�TEC"I'I'VE CO'STENANTS CONDI'I'rOr�S AND R�STR�C'7'IdNS F�"OF� FALT.� I?IDGE RECREATION�IL F'ACir�YTfES RECC�RDEC� DECEMBER 9 1977 IP1 BOOK 2�3 AT FAGE ��� , AiVD AS AME�.�DEU �iY UOCY3M�"NT REC"OR�:F.D 4�W�NAR� �5 19 7 H IIV BQO�{ 2 h 5 NT PA�� 98G AND AS AMEIVU�,'U BY DUCUMENT RECOFtD�D OCTOB�R 5 , �t�78 �N BOOK 27b AT PAG� 283 . 5. UTrLrTY �AS�M�N'?' AS GRp.NTED Tb HC7T,y` CRQSS ELECTttiC ASSiJCiATI�N, YNC . IN TNSTRUMENT RECO�DED J�ai�e 05 , 19�9 , �N B4�J�C 286 A'S' PA�E 320 . G, EASEMENTS , FtESERVATYONS AND RESTRIC'FIaPdS A� SHOWI�i t)1�T TH� �LAT OF SUN$URST FILING NU . � RECCRDEL� SEFT�MHER 14 1�?7 T?�T BCqK :t;59 r'lT pA4iE 744 r�Nb �UAIBUR�T C'IL,ING fd0. 3 RF.CORUED DEC�MB�:R 20, 1977 TN BO�K 253 AT �AGE 739 . 7 • UTILTTY EASEI�ENT AS GRAIJTF,D TO HULY C"ROSS �I.�CTRIC ASSaC'�ATION IN�� . IF+i zr�STRUMENT REC�JRG�D NOVEi�IBER 1 , 197 S , 7N B[fUx z�� AT PAuE S�8 f�� JULY 2 3 ,. 19 81 T_N E3��7K 3:?� �'�T PAGE �5 3 3 . II. EASEMEf�TTS A5 GRANT�D T� VATL W�T'�"� T-�NL SA�drTa';'„�?lti �ISTRIC"T 2N �NSTRJ';�7Ei`?T RECORDED SE�TEMB�R Zs , 19�3i iPI 9(�OK 329 AT P,�',�ES :9� , i93 ATJI� �94 . g� MUTUAL E�S�MEI`IT AS DESCR I BED TN I1+ISTRUMENT RECOI�I7ED MAY �'' , 1982 IN BOOK 341 AT PAGE 006 . 1�• EAS�MENTS AS SHOWN ANl? RESERVE:7 �N THE CONDOMINILTM N1AP kOR VA�U GOLFCOUi2SE ASSOCIATIOtvi, PHASE I . 11 . THOSE F'ROVTS�'ONS C(7V�NAiJTS ANA C`fll�`?'."T�NS, EAS���IENTS �'1b RESTR�CTSONS, WHICH RRE A BURD�T�1 TC� THE COr7DOMTNrUM UNIT DESCRTL�EL� ft�I SCHE�Ui�E A, AS C'C)NTAINEI7 IN :.NSTRUMENT I�ECORDFb �lpv�nlber -'� 15"� IN FsOC�K �94 AT PA;E 9�6 ANID RS AM�ryb�'D T N I NSTRUMF.NT R�CC7RpEL� JtznP���i , ] G P`� , i N P.O�JK 3�1 AT PAGE 989 . 562278 B-65+� �-255 o��c}1�95 U:i : i .j� i7G 2 oF ? t • r. , � :�. � � � � . TOWN OF VAIL • nECEQr rw DFlARiME�1T OF CO)iMM'IiY D6.�'F1,OfMEAT r,,��-4-�p C'�V�Tea �-n� �� � DA '� ��„� ►AQIECI' . . ' CI�CKS MADE�AYADId TO TOWN OP VAp, - ACC�O�T:VO. ' .___._. _._ .. . . _.__. . . � . _. . . fffiK_.�..._...-__.---..,.._�...__.:TAX"^ COS'itA:-�._ TO[S►L-. O1 00 4(54 ZONING AND ADD SS PS 5. • 01 0000 42415 FORM BUILDING CODE S .00 ' 01 42415 IFORM PLUMB G CO S . ' O1 0000 4241 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE 537.00 ' 1 4241 O I CO + . ��1 0000 4241 A NA L CT A O � O1 0000 4241 D BOOKS + 01 0000 41 4 S(M A S • 1 0000 42412 O PIES • I 0000 42412 S D S • Ol 0000 42412 S COMPUT R � Ol 0000 42371 P A EES/RE- SP ONS _. O1 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK F S40 P R R = O1 0000 42332 F HOURS INSPECTION S - �1 0000 41412 T RS IC NS S S -' O 1 0000 41413 S N APPLICATION EE � 01 0000 41413 IO AL S1G A S 1. S . ' 01 0000 42440 ART PROJECT DONA O10000.41331 PR AID ESIG _VI BOA _ O1 0000 423 I I ESTIGA ION FE ( IL ING) 31 0000 451 1 T PA NG UND = O1 0�00 2202 WSPAPER DISP S R UN " O1 0000 21112 ABL m 4. STATE � * 01 0000 41010 BLE 4.OZ TOWN = O1 00 423 1 Ih'G VES IGATION • - — _ .. . ,. . . - -_ . . _ __... - . I 41 �0 A A A "2 �:,G�, 7 8000 4 30 CO DI O AL US P s 01 0000 41330 EXTERIOR A RAT ON SS HA 100 S .FT. 200. � O1 0000 41330 EXTERIOR AL RATION MORE 1 100 S .FT. SS00.00 1 4] P� I 1 � . - 1 0000 41330 SPE A D PM N IS RI R AME 1, I 00 41330 P C AL PM N IS RI R S2 . y l 41» ' 01 QO00 41330 VARIANCE �2 p.pp Ol 0000 41330 ZO ING CODE AMENDM NTS 5250.00 • O] 0000 41330 -Z IN 2 ,pp OTH R 07'H R ' _ p � co�uagrrs: � ( CASH t � cx.. � M.0 L-] aec.sr• '� ! • � . . ; � , • p 6 .s`� �i --- --_ .__.�—.—�--_—� I, _ ._v— T�7'�l.t-1 QF �,J�I I t_ ht i sce 1 l�s��u� C�h ��t�:���: 1� ��—t�°r-�� _.._...___.__�-- —--__ R�eei�st # 2Q''T�Y # iSA�� f��Lc�ur�t # ' H�It� Gt�hISTR.'���FA ���.►�t� �m�,ur�t. t-��der-ed :, �n�, paid I�.+� �eid C_�1�c��rE��1�,'���i�� �"���.�� �,� ,=tt� k_Y���r�R�' f f'-'Gl�li`�4�� • THAM1� '�"[7►4.l► �,�,�,Y G�cr,i�r- ���iT4��_��------- ' _ _ _ __._ __�-- , - � � � ��� . , TOWI�1 OF VAIL DE1?ARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEV�LOPMELVT 7 5 S . FROI�ITAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2135 N(�TE : THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL FERMIT Permit # : E96-0265 �7ob Address : 1776 SUNBURST DR Status . . . : ISSUED Location. . . : VAIL GOI,F COURSE TH IINIT Applied. . : �10,/21�1996 Parcel No. . : 21d1-091-04-009 Issued. . . : 10/31/1996 Project No . : PRJ96-a184 Expires . . : 04�29�'1997 APPLICANT DA'UID BUNZEL ELECTRIC Phone: 3039494619 P .O BOX 15 4, AVOl�l CO 816 2 p CONTRACTOR DAVID BUNZEL ELECTRIC Phone : 3�39444619 F.O �OX 154, AVON CO 8162p OWNER MOUNSEY PETER R & ANNE E FOX - FOX J�HN M & MARCELLA F, 95� S RACE, DEI��IEF� CO 8Q209 Description, ELEC FOR BASEMENT �'INISH AND ELEVATOR Valuation: 2 , 000 . 00 ir*******ir*#*ic*,kir****ic*iric*#*ir**�t*iricir*it****�t*ic*******ic*Ar**icic* F�� SUMMARY *****************ic**ic**iciric*1r**ic**ic**:t****it*it***it**irir*irir*** Electrical---> 50.00 7atal Caleulated Fees---> 53.OQ DRB Fee ---> _QO Additional Fees-----°---> .00 Invest9gatioN .QO Total Permit Fee--------> 53.00 Will Call-----> 3.00 Payments----------------> 53.00 TOTAL FEES---> 53.00 BALANCE OUE-------------> ,pp **ic*t*******ic*******ic*******1r**ic*#**it**ic******1c*#*******ic****ic*1r**ic****ic*1r**k***ic******ic*iric*#**************ir***********ic*****ic**ic ic Ttem: 06�00 ELECTRICAL DEPARTMENT Dept: BUILDII�G Division : 10�31�1996 CHARLI� Actidn : APPR CHARLIEDAVIS Ztem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FTRE Division : ******************************************�*********�****�*a�*,�************,t*,r*******************�r**�******t��********,t************ CONDITI�N OF AFPR�VAL 1 . FIELD INSFECTIONS AR� REQUIRED fi0 CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE . ******************************�*******�****�******************�r�****�**********,r**�*****�******************,�**********�x���******** DECLARATIONS � I hereby acknowledge that i have read this application, filled aut in full the infoTmation required, completed an acw rate plot plan, and state that all the infiormation providecf as required is correct. I agree to comply uith the information and plot plan, t� comply uith atl Toun ordinances and state laus, and to build this structure according to the Toun's zoning arad subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Buildirrg Code and other ord7nances af the Town appLicable thereto. REC�UESTS fOR SNSPECTIQNS SHAIL BE MADE T�IENTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVAiVCE 8Y TELEPHONE AT 479-2138 OR pT OUR OfFiCE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM ����� ��� SIGNpTURE OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AWD OWNER ! i *******��**��******�**�******************�***********�********** TOWN DF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ******�**�***�****�***�***************************************�* Statemnt Number: REC-�225 Amount : 53 . 00 1(��31�96 12 : 27 Payment Method: CK Notation : #20b6 Irrit : CD ----------------------------------------------------------�------_--- Permit No : E96-0265 Type: B-ELEC ELECTRICAL PERMIT Parcel No : 21C11-491-04-�09 Site Address : 1776 SU1�BU�tST DR Location : VAIL GOLF COURSE TH UNIT #g Total Fees : 53 . 00 This Payment 53 . 00 Total ALL Fmts : 53 . OQ Balance: . 0� *****�***�*�******�******�************************************�* Account Code Description Amount O1 b000 41313 ELEC`TRICAL FERMIT FEES 50 . 00 Ol 0000 4�335 WILL CALL INSP�CTION FEE 3 . OQ ----------------------------�----------------------------------_-- � '' ' i � � �OW� OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S . FRONTAGE ROAD VAI�, CO 81�57 97Q-479-2138 NOTE : THIS P�RMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOSSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING pERMI� Permit # : P96-018a Job Address : 1776 SUNBURST DR Status . . . : ISSUED L�cation. . . : VAIL GOLF COURSE TH UN�T Appl�ed. . : 10�21�1996 Parcel No. . : 21a1-091-04-009 Issued. . . : 10/31�1996 Project No. : PR�96-0184 Expires . . : 04�29�1997 APPLICAN� �AGLE RIVER PLUMBING & H�A�ING Phone: 3033901897 PO BOX 4981, �AIL, CO $1658 CONTRACTOR EAGL� RIVER PLUMBI�G & HEATZNG Phones 3033901$97 PO �OX 4981, VAIL, CO 81658 OWNER MOUNSEY PETER R & ANNE E FOX - FOX JQHN M & MARCELLA F, 955 S RAC�, DENVER CO B0209 Description; BASEME�T FINISH 25d ADDITTON,GAS LValuation: 4, 000 . 00 ************�****************************�***************** FEE SUMMARY ****�**********************************�**�-h************** Plumbing���--> 60.OD Restuarant Plan Review--> .0� Total Calculated Fees---> 78,00 Plan Check---> 15.00 TOTAL FEES--------------> 78.40 AdditionaL Fees---------> .40 Investigation> .00 Total Permit Fee-°------> �8.00 will Call----> 3.00 Payments----------------> 78.40 BALANCE DUE-------------> .00 ********#*****************************************************�k*****************�********#*************************************** Item: 051a0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT De t: BUILDING Divisian; �0�21�1996 CHARLIE Act�on: APPR CHARLI� DAVI� Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Division: *************�************�*************�***********�*�****�*�******************�**********�**********#**********************�* CO�DITION OF A�PROVAL 1 . FIELb TNSPECTI�NS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK F0� CODE C�MPLIANCE. ********************�,r*********�*****�****************�*************�***************�***************�********�***************,�* DECLARAT IOi,TS I hereby acknovledge that I have read this application, fitled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the informatinn provided as required is correct. I agree to comply uith the information ar�d pLot pLan, to comply with a1l Toun ordinances and s�ate laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review epproved, Uniform Building tode and other ordinanees of the Toun applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR iNSPECTiONS SHA�L BE MADE 7VIENTY-FOUR HOURS IN pDVANCE BY TELEP E AT 47�� OR Fy,7 OUfp FIC��M $:00 AM 5:00 PM O �� �iL t S GNATURE OF OtJNER 4R COiVTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNER � ' � - • � ****�x*************�,�******�***************************�***,r***** TOWN �F VAIL, COLORADO 5tatemnt *****��x�********�***��***�r,��***********,�*********�x*��*********** � Statemnt Number : R�C-0235 ,Ampunt: 18 . 75 11�/27�96 10 : 03 Payment Method: CK No�atian: #2042 In�t: DS -----------------------------------------------�-_-_------------- Permit No: P96-0180 Type: B-PLMB PL[3MBING PERMIT Parcel No . 2�.01°091-04-009 Site Address : 1776 SUN6IIRST DR Location: VAIL GOLF COURSE TH UNIT #9 Total Fees : 78 . 00 Th�.s Payment �18 . 75 Total ALL Fmts : 78 . 00 Balance: . 00 ****,�*�*************�*,�*,��*�*******************�*�******�x******* Account Code Description Amount O1 0000 41311 PLUMBING PERI�IIT FEES 15 . 00 Ol 0000 41332 P�.,AN CHECK FEES 3 . 75 � � TOWN dF VAIL DEPAR'FMEI�T 0�' COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S . �'RONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 61657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE FOSTED ON JOSSITE AT ALL TIMES PLUMBING PERMIT Pezmit # : P96-418� Job Address : i776 SUNBURST DR Status . . , : ISSUED Location. . . : VAIL GOLF COURSE TH UNIT Applied. . : �0�21/1996 Parcel No . . : 2i01-091-04-009 Issued. . . : 1Of31flg9b Project No . : PRJ96-0184 Expires . . : 04�29�1947 ApPLICAI�T EAGLE RIVEI� PLUMBI�IG & HEATING Phane : 3033901$9? PO BO� 4981 , VAIL, CO $�656 CONTRACTOFt EAGLE RIVER PLUMBING b� H�ATING Phone : 3033901$97 PO BOX 4981 , VAZL, CO 81658 OWNER MOUNSEY P�TER R & ANNE E FOX - FOX JOHiV M & MARC�LLA F, 955 S RACE, DENVER CO 8020� Description: BASEMEI�T FI3VZSH 250 ADDITION Valuation: 2� 500 . 00 iricir**ir**it***iric*****ic*ic*ir**ic*******ir*it****tt*ir***********ir*ic* FEE SUhiMARY *#****************ic*****************:t**�Y**�1'**�r********#*** Plumbing------> 45.00 Restuarant Plan Review--> .0� Total Calculated Fees---> 59.25 Plan Check---> 11.25 7oTAL FEES-------------> 59.25 Additionat Fees---------> .00 InvestigatioN .00 Total Pec�mit Fee--------? 59.25 Will Call----> 3.OD Payments------------------> 54.25 BALANC� DUE-----------> .Ofl *1r********1r******rk********ir******ic***ic*k*****ir****ic***********************ic�k****ic**;k*ir********ir**ir******************************* Item: 05100 BUILDI�TG b�PARTMENT Dept. BUILDING Division: �0�21�1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR CHARLIE DAVIS Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept : FIRE Division: **,r***�**,t*************�****************,�***************************�*,r***********�**************************�c**�********�t******** CONDITION OF APPROVAL 1 . FIELD IhISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TD CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANC� . ,r********�**�**************************************,�**�t***,��t******,r****,�********,r****************t�**********�,t******************** D�CLARATIONS I hereby acknaWledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot p4an, and state that all the information provided as required is correci. 1 agree to comply uith the information anci plot plan, to comply uith all To�rn ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Toun's zoning and subdiWision codes, design review approved, Uniform euilding Cosie and other ordinances of the �own ap�licable thereto_ REQUESTS FOR INSPECTIDNS SHALL BE MADE TiJENTY-FOUR HOURS IN AOVANCE BY TEIE NE AT 479-21��� 4UR FFICE FROM 8:00 AM 5:00 PM c��^�G�/� � 2 c� SIGNATUR�E OF OWNER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWN�R • � � ,�**********************�**��****,�*****************�************* TdWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt ,�*************************,�,�,�,�,�,�,�***,r*************�*��********** Stat�mnt Number: REC-0225 Amount : 59 . 25 10/31/9b 12 : 26 Payment Method: CK I�otation: #2008 Init: CD Permit No: P96-018d Type: B-PLMB PLUMBING PERMIT Parcel No: 2101-091-04-009 Site Address : 1776 SUNBURST DR Location: VAIL GOLF COURSE TH UI�IT #9 Total Fees : 59 . 25 This Payment 59 . 25 Total ALL Pmts : 59 . 25 Balance: . 00 *************��**���*����**�******�***�*********��**�x��*�******* Accoun� Code D�scrip�ion Amount 01 00�0 4131�. PLUMBING PERMIT FEES 45 . 00 O1 0000 41332 PLRN CHECK FEES 11 . 25 Q1 0000 41336 WILL CALL INSPECTION FEE 3 . 00 ------_�____----------------------------------------------------- **Contaet Eagle County Assess Of�ice \ � � at 970-3 8-8fi40 for Parcel � TOWN OF VAIL CONSTRUCTI� PE�IIT �i F_�RCEL• 9�: ��GO (--• 4 q 1-` o�! —�,PERMIT APPLICATION FORM � DATE• X«��"� � � � 85�G, –d�.� APPLICATION MUST BE FILLED �UT COMFLETELY OR IT MAY N�T BE ACCEPTED *�***�*********�***�********* PERMIT YNFORMATIO�J **************�r�**�*******��* [�j-Building [J']-P�uiqbing [✓]-Electrical [ ]-Mechan'iaal [ ]-Other Jo� Name: 6x !Z� l�� ~ � �.�E Y��I��cJob Address: �1!��� � � Vp'r L �oc.r- �oK��s,� io�,r.�t��,,y / Sw1�f�3 u�S ,�j���� __._. Legal Deseription: Lat ! Block Filing DIVISION: f'�• . - �.. r7`Tc-F7��/ �. 8 0!2/ Owners Name:� �k"'�I� �� Address: a�(��r ,+��LL ��,� � CT �.�� -���o Architect: VI�lo�-- MsHi2I� ,�a�q-L„�S`o,,� Address• ���1+'� ph.� �5 Z�� • ��l�J I L�--PP Genera]. Descrip�ior�: ���,M E^�T 1 I��S!f- �-�J�11-T`c��-- �1 �' l S t ;�c- o o,� Work Class: [ ]-New [�]-Alteration � [ ]-Ad�iitional [ ]-Repair [ ]-Other Number of DweZling Units: Number of Accommodation Units: N mber and Type of Fireplaces: �as pYianc�:s Gas Logs Wood/Pellet f (� O � *******�t*�t********� ��******,t �* VAI, ATIt7�",�******�t�r*******�����************ BUILDING: �� UoU.u� � ��� � a��� � �I�ECTRI�AL:�, '�� OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $ Z;ro o .o v ME�HANICAL: $ TOTAL: o•vv *��,��.�;�" ,�*�**,k`�********* CON�RACTOR INFORMAT�ON ********�**�**************� e era Can� — ra�or: �£rD Co�ST�-k c„aK, /nt� Town of Vail R�g. NO.� Address: �' o �c �'� y� i� �U /,�S Phone Number: �vN f�, �or2s yTi( T� — ll� - Electrical Contractor: c Town of Vai1 Reg. �'0��.��:,� Address: � ���-G-�� C v_ o � � Phane Number: �Z g -(02_l b /�I�lzlLy' (,t/. !�L�f-G�Y Plumbing Contractors �^�� ��� ��I v��t �'L u�4.;,��� �o�n af Vail Re . NO. � l�i ° Address: �-�- �' � � � ��. � L s Phone Nu�ber: � -- $ i'4echanical Contractor: Town ot Vail Reg. NO. Address: _ Phone Number: � *�******�********�**�*********** FOR OFFICE U3E *��*******�******��*****�*�*�r*� BUILD�PI�G PERMIT FEE: BUILI?TNG PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING PERM�T FEE: PLUMBTI�G PLAN CHECIi ,�EE: ' �' MECHANICAL PERMYT FEE: MECHANICAL PLAN CHE�K;-:���o � ELECTRICAL FEE; RECREATYON �F£�.` ': � 4THER TYPE OF FEE: CI,EAN-UP DEP��fi;;., .`_ � '"`�� DRB FEE: TOTAL PERMIT.i�'��8'�: � � , . f���,t'w' n� ,� enn� TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VALUATION BUILt7ING: ` �` SIGNATURE: � < . �. ; � ZONING: � ' SIGNATURE: ��mments: +� ' _ CLF.i�.0 UP DEPASIT REF[TND TO: f{ � ,C) �nl s ��:�1 C�7�a,� ('� u,�- '-f�l�� v �� ���� C'a �!���d 1 � . � _ . +�y, . �!'1 �ow� o� ua� �� _ TS south frontage road vail. coiprado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 or 479-Z139 ofiice of contmunity devclopment T0: ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGIST£RED WI�H THE TOWN 0� VAIL ��M= TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WQRKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DATE: MARCH 16, I988 SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTION PARKIN� & Y�lp.TERTAL STORAGE In summary, Ordinance No. 6 states that it is unlawful for any person to litter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debris or material, including trash dumpsters, portable toi2ets ancl workmen vehicl,es upon any street, sidewalk, alley or public pZace or any portion thereof. The right-af-way on all Town af t�ail streets and roads is approximately 5 ft. aff pavement. This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Tawn af Vail Public Works Department. Persons fo�nd violating this ordinanc� wili b� given a 24 hour written notice to remove said material. In th� euent the persan so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specified, the Pub�.ic Works Department wi31 remove said material at the expense of person notified, The provisions of this ordinance sha11 not be applicable to construction, maintenance or repair projects caf any street or alley or any utilities in the r3ght-a-way. . To review Ordinance Na. 6 in full, please stop by the Town of �ail Building Department to obtain a copy. Thank you for you� cooperation on this matter. Read and acknawledged by: �C � r �� � ��� ����T�� osit�an/Re3.atior�shig ta Proj e�t (i.e. contractar, owner) � � �� � Dat i • �,� ,�, �ow� o ua� _ 75 south frontege road vall, colorado 61657 ' (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 ofTlee of community devalopmeitt BU�LDING PER��I7 ISSUANCE TIME FRAME If thi.s permi.t requi res a Town af Vai l Fi re Department Approval , Engi rreer'�s (Publ ic Works) reyi ew and a�prova� , a Pianni ng Depar�ent review or Health Qepartment review, and a review by the Buiiding Department, the estimated time far a tcatal review may take as long as ttiree weeks, , All Gommerc��al (:large or small ) and al� r�ulti-family perwnits will have to follaw the above mentioned maximur� requ�rements . Residentiai and small projects should take a lesser amount af time. Hawever, if residentiai or smaller projects impact the various above mentioned departments witti regard to necessary rewiew, these projects may also take ttie ttlree week p�eriod, Every attempt will be made by this depart�ment to �xpedite this permit as. soon ds possible. � I, th� undersigned, understand the pian check pracedure and time f rame.. ���--�`�i�u,�:? � A � gr_e to y�. � f`"<(� l�-fz..�//�F.y�•.�� J�� r`�'�QG c- _ Pro ject Na�ne � .� �� Date o k Sheet w�s turned into t e Community Develoome*�t Department. . � � MEMORANDUM + � TO: ALL CONTRACTORS FROM: TOWN 4F VAIL PUBLlC WORKS DEPARTMENT DATE: MAY 9, '1594 RE: WF{EN A "PUB�[C WAY' PERMIT' fS REQUIRED Jab Name: .��'K- ��,��E�vG,� ��,� � �d�� Date: 3 4 � Pl�ase a swer tl�e foPl�wing qusstionnaire regardir�g the need for a "Public Way P'ermit": YES NO 1� Is this a new res:dence? �'' � ' 2) Is demolition work being perfarmed / that rsQuires the us�e af the righ# �`� of way, easements or public property? 3) ls any utility warfc r�eeded? � 4) Is the driveway being repaved? v� 5} fs different access nee�ed to site �� other than existing driveway? 6) fs any drainage work be�ng don�e �, affecting the rig�t of way, easements, � or pubfic property? 7} Is a "Revocable Right Of Way Permit" � required? � � 8) A. Is fhe r�ght of way, easements or � public property to be used for staging, par�cing or fencing? . B. li no tv 8A, is a parking, staging � ar tencing ptan requtred by Community Deve�opment? li you answered yes to any of these questions, a "Public Vllay Permit" must be obtained. "Pubfic Way Permit" appiications may be obtair�ed at the Public Work's office or at Comm�rnity Developmenf. If you have any q�restions please call Charlie Davis,the Town � of Vail Construction Inspec�or, at 479-2158. I have read and answered all the abave questions. . �°X � �,�/A�!�rc� ��✓l r a�� /�...,.� ��t.��� . Job Name Contractor's Signature Date • � �. R�:I: , _; '� _ _ _ ��/ftdt�ft3 i' �G�ti: 1 1 V��G?Uf�;� 9 :-i �°i.-i�+. .11w�_�i—'E:l; l �.UIV LJu�<F'. ,_HI__L I S i tJi^�: � '�✓ f�i '':i ! �°ii-�s:_l�-1„ ��.:� ____�____.___.�___________________________�—___----=c_�_....�-.�__....-a_...._...__�c___�__.__.__-c A�_tivity : E9&—��-'£�� �/ $/9! rype : P—�L,�'C St�t�as : ISSU�.D Constr-�: F�APT Ad�iress : 4`77fi� S�N�LJF�ST DR ; Loc�a� ion: VAI� �C]�.� CQURSE tH UhfTT #9 F°areel : `1�1—�9�.-414—tZ►4?►�3 Qcc; Use: Descw�ip�� ion: EL�G ��3R BAi�h1E�'1` �INT�H A1+1D ELEVATOf� Applicante DAVID F�ll�lZ�L F'!_�CTRIC ��hane: .?,03�4�4�19 Owner,: �I[JUtrIS�Y f'ET�R R & A�VNE E F=OX -- F�hone : C:on�rac�or: I7�UAD �i�NZEL ELEC�''RIC F'hone : 3�;�949�+E19 Insper_t i�n Req�_d���i: :tnfi'or�mat �on. . . o . Req+.aes�or�s Gey^�r�:� 1-iycip �=�hane ; 8�+5-44A� kac� Time; ��t:4��� i�c,R�mEnts : #9 k�y ory top of L�r�i.ck mald doar �hr�im Items r��q�.ie�ted ta be Ins�ected. . . Ac� ion Commcants �� Time Ex�► �Q 1 t)� ��.�C:—!=1 Tlc11 �1•�G" r_.__..�f�� � - _.,..�.r.�_ � a —���--^�._...��u_��_�_��_...,...........r...._._.._....._,w._....�__._..._......__ __....�.._ _..�_s�J.�:�T..�. � _...._w�...�...__......__.__� ��j�� � � Tnsp�r_t i c�n Ni st��ry. . . , . _� `� r.� � f�• ^_-!"' �'�:..�� , Item � �+�lv�+ E:L�C;�Rcr�_� h � ; 9 :i�ri�►4/'?� T.ns�ector•; E�7 Action ; AGPR AF°PR[7VEL} ;: Ite�n : ��1�� �LEG—Fin�}. �4lc:�/97 In��ectora EG Action : DN DEI�ITED :, - __ � � {� ��e r� ���y `� �� �-- ` r .; a ��1�,,�, :� t �� �� � : +� .�'r� � �� �p� ' � �i�-�t F�*� � e:.� ..a�� . µA1 ��A3..- b e � �i�' '" I .�'� 9�9.�.:`�n '��� -d'` �s � :1. 0 �: � a� � 'r :.�, � ,.-.�. � � i� �� r r�; Wn ti � �� ��� � ��t � ti�e C� a� - � � * R �.� •�� r � �} � � � _� � ��.,,'�T�jk f�. 4� ¢ — �'': �.y N f :_� 6l !p �' 7 � ,�q �". .ol k+1 ,��� � ,.F� �b i yb � � ;�' .",�� � ,�° i .- '°a 7� � i-. a t!�y �� �!����, �r _�, �� `�c,�� ;r - ; �� ��'�w +�� �x -�' . � � i . �`���� ���� �`� .r �� � '� - "�!'�a ;�r" .s r .u �PU �_i� �' Y�� d'' �° � Kp �G � �� �� 1����^"�� �0� �,�, e� �=Y � `�u �"` „ F �a �s �. � �- �. �z y � � r� � . �R� m � i � � J� � � �- � n ��r�+ � _ �' :.�F 3�` d 4 }�° �,;: ; "� y ���76 ��.� ��� ���h ��� -!�P� �p� "� _ .y ` t ��..,- . "9' ^9�':;.s,g s.�� '�''"1+-:�,!f �g ..�:�{���a...':` i��, ..�. ���'� �.,� �.��'� t '���A' �,�y�� Y✓., x - . �+o-h �y o��r'� fi�� `��t .�A �r� � � �;� ��� �A � � j li�i �t1 16 �.P �� '�,t'%'�., � � � � �� f�� , ~ � C' � � a� �, V � *�r,� r �..r���•• �•' _�3.. � � ' _ 1 a.. l;_- �:4 � ._+� 4�y�'�,�� ' 7'�. ��'y��i.�.�y�� �.m f I�F� R� Mr� t a` �: �q f �S'�+1,, � f�'-�jlG�.-�i?�'s�.'�' ��ry,�6ry�; , .�-��q�.t�� q� 4 ��g., Y°.�f-� � ,Nf� 4 �t y4,"`� t . � J� ��1 .T�. y�z. � �. i � � � . ' � `�,�r ��'�a•�.�f�°� �.�i , v,� �e��'a' 'N;,a� �� ii � 4 ` +� I r��i, ,� ¢.:�,;'� o ��C r�' � 4._" �,i�_ �: - .�`� , �_ �F H�-4'i,.. ' � �� ,� { �rt.l ' � _ 1F� ��1� �#.� �. �. � ' � � . ,h.���� '�' � �,� �.. �h m� - i . .. .�. .. . -=' ..-� . -. . . . .. _ ,�. ... . ., ,.......,., �.._ _ , , .. _ . _ ..... v _�y�s ,'.. . . ., .. .. . . .;^ j_ ;,, � . . . . .�, I:.�_. ..._p. . .:. .... ... ...� � . . � . . .,_. ....�. ._......�....-_..�..___ . _-__.__ . . _ . . (lG� � I �� 1 c�-�.�r� �� t�''`r�- � , . � � � �i TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF CONI�'IUNITY DE'VELOPMENT �5 S. �'RONTAGE ROAD VAIL, CO 61657 970-479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD�ALT MF BUILD PERMIT Permit # : B96-�285 Job Address : 1776 SUNBURST DR Status . . . : ISSUED Location. . . : #9 FALLRII�GE RD Applied. . : 09,/20�1996 Farcel No. . : 2101-091-04-009 Issued. . . : 09,/20,/1996 Project Na. : �xpires . . : 03/19/1997 ApgLTCANT HEID CONSTRUCTTON Phane: 3038455054 PO Bq,Y 4474, VAIL, CD 81658 CONTRACTOR HEID CONSTRUCTION Phone: 303$455054 PO BOX 4474, VAIL, CO 81658 OW�iER �`�X ,ANNE Description: WTNDOW WELL Occup�ncy. R1 Nlulti-Family Type Construction: V 1-HR Type V 1-Hour Type �ccupancy: Valuation: 500 Add Sq Ft: Fireplace Information: Restricted: tfof Gas Appliances: qOf Gas Logs: #Of Wood/Pallet: *ic*iricir#�tic�-k***'kir***irk*i�k^kirir*ir:t*�tk:kir***�kk�1-k�t***ic*****ic*i;�t� FEE SUMMARY *irrtirir***ink***ir***irk*ir*�F*irlrirtc******kJcir*•Ir** BuiLding-----> 20.00 Restuarant Pfan Revieu--> .OD Total Calculated Fees--�> 56.Q0 Plan Check---> 'i3.W 088 Fee-----°-----°---> 20.dD Additional FeeS--------> •D� Investigation> .00 Recreation Fee----°---_-> .00 Total Permit Fee--------> 56.00 Will CaIL---> 3.00 Clean-Up Deposit--------> .00 Payments----------------> 56.00 � TOTAL FEES-----------__-> 56.DQ BALAh$CE pUE-------------> .00 �Y*�ir******7c***ic*********�*�t*************ir*Yr********�k*ic****icy;*x*ic*******#***ic***1c k'k*�r*****int********#*******iiir*****'k***�k****�t****** Item: 0510Q BUILDING D��'ARTMENT Dept: BUILDTNG Dzvision: 49/�20/1996 CHARLIE Action• APPR Item• 05400 PLANI�ING DEPARTMENT Dept : PLANNII�G Division: 49f20/1996 CHARLIE Action: APPR �AUREN APPROVED �tem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Dept: FIRE Divisian: 09/20�1996 CHARLIE Actian: APPR N,/A Item: 055Q0 FUBLIC WORKS Dept: PUB WORK Division: 49/2{��1996 CHARLIE Actifln: APPR N�A ***�����t* �r�*��*****�x�;���x�*�r�*,r��*�******�r**�*��***** See Page 2 of this Document for �ny conditions that may apply �o this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknoWlecige that I have read this application, filled out in futl the information required, compleied an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply uith all Toun ordinances and state laws, and to build tf�is structure according to the Toun's zonzng and subdivision codes, ciesign review approved, Uniform Building {ode and other oedinances of the Toun applicable thereto. REQUESTS FOR 1NSPEC�'IONS SHALL BE MADE TUEHTY-FOUR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TEIEPkQ AT 479-213,� 0& AT UR OFFICE FROM S:OQ AM 5:D0 PM Send Clesn-Up Qeposit To: SIGNATURE OF 0 TRAGTOR FOR HIMSELF AND ONNER � � ********�*��**��r�******��**,�****��****�x��x*******�******�*******�*�*********�**** CONDIT�[ONS Permit #: B96-0285 as of 09�20�96 Status : ISSUED �,�*�x�,�,r**�**�*******,��****,�*�*�************���******�****�,�******�***�********** Fermit Type: ADD�ALT MF BUILD PEkZMI� Applied: 09�20�1996 Applicant: HEID CONSTRUCTIaN Issued: 09�20�1996 3038455054 To Expire: 03/lg/1997 Job Address: Location: #9 F,�LLRIDGE RD Parcel Nv : 2101-091-04-009 Description: WINDOW WELL Conditions : 1 . FIELD INSPECmIUNS ARE REQUIRED T� CH�CK FOR CODE COM�LIANCE. 2 . SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PEEt SEC. 121�D OF THE 19 91 UBC. � � i i *****�****���****�*�******�***********�***�****�*�*******��*���* T4WN OF VAIL, COLORADO Statemnt *,�**��*******,�,�****���*****,��x******�***�*****��*�r************,�*,� Statemnt N'umber: REC-0203 Amount: 56 . 00 09,/20/'96 12 . 48 Payment Method: CK Nota�ion: #2943 Init : DS ���perr�it Np: 896-0285 Type: A-MF A1�D�ALT NSF BUILD PER Farcel No: 2101-fl91-04-Q09 Site Address: 1776 SUNBUR�T DR Location; #9 FALLRIDGE RD Tatal �"ees: 56 . 00 This Payment 56 . 0� Total ALL Pmts : 55 . 00 Balance: . 00 *,���*x********�****,�*�,��****��*�***�***��****+*******�********** Account Code Descrip�ian Amount O1 0000 41310 BUILDING PERMIT FEES 20 . 00 O1 0000 41331 �ES�Gi� REVIEW FEES 20 . 0� O1 0000 41332 PLAN CH�CK FEES 13 • 4Q O1 OOQO 41336 WILL CAT.�L INSPECTION FEE � • �� **Gontact Eagle Caunty Assess Office ���$ at 970-328—$b40 for Parcel � TOWN OF �TAIL CONSTRUCTI� PERr1IT f� PA�CEL �l: PERMIT APPLICATION FORM . DATE• APPL�CATYON MUST BE FILLED OUT COMPLE'�ELY 4R IT MAY NOT BE p.CCEPTED **�t*�*�*����**��**�*********** PERMIT INFORMATIOII �**a�******�*�*,t**�******�***� [ •��-Building [ �-Plumbing [ ]-Electrical [ ]-Mechan'ical [ ]-Other Job Name: ���5,�� ,v�� ���s,°�Jab Address: �^��7 '� � t�� a� ��L-�-►�fbL� �p �c.� .t� �'2-S% r[�.ni v -FI 3 �� Legal Description: Lot � BZock Fi�ing SUSDIVISION: � � L 17 `! .-� f'o � Owners Name: ���-� . �D Address• .� ,�� S�,L ,,�� C- i . � • Ph��3-.-�r�-��va Architect: �"�f�2r o�l LG75v� Address: /fi-f!/0,� ph, `�`r`5�5�,�, General Descra.ption: � 'r���r� � �ti' �� L �-- C>�uL.�-' ---( ,.,. i Wark Class: [ ] -New [k]-Alteration [ �-Additional [ ]-Repa�r [ ]-Other l�umber of Dwelling Units: Nwaber of Accommodation Units: N mber and Type of Fireplaces: Gas Appliances Gas Logs Wood/Pel�et � **�**********�r����*******�r**�*��r* VALUATIONS �t************�********,��***�t***** BUILDING: � S�� ��� EI.ECTRICAL: $ OTHER: � PLUMBING: $ MECHANICAL: � � TOTAL: � ��***�**�***�***�*******��t* CONTRACTOR IN�'()R.I+IAZ'ION *��*�***�*****�*,�********** eneral Contractor: r t� �, N ��fC.�� /o��r �/�„� �. fiown of Vail Reg. NO. Address: f5��C �j�`]� l��o ;�� � �� Phane Number: Electrical Cantractor: Town of Vail Reg. I�O. Address: ' Phone Number: Plumbing Contractor: Town of Vail Reg. NO. Address: Phone Number: Mechanical C�,ntractor; Town of V�zl Reg. NO. Address: _ Phone Number: �**�********,�**********�*�t****** FOR OFFIC£ 'U5� ******�**�**��*��************** BUILDING PERMIT FEE: BUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: P�,UMBING PERMIT FEE: PI,UMBING PLAN GHECK FEE: MECHANICAL FERMI�' FEE: MECHANICAL FLAN CHECK F£E: ELECTRICAL FEE: RECREATION FEE: C7THER TYPE OF FE�: CLEAN—UP DEPO�IT: DRB F�E: TOTAL PERMIT FEES: TYPE GROUP SQ.FT. VA�,UATiON BUILDING: SIGNATURE: ZONING: SIGNATURE: Comments: CL.EAN IIP bEP.OSIT REF[TI�D TO• N� f1� Cd r� �I 2�LTr lJ�..J '�"}� �f�7`{ N�,� l� � (�,� ��'�� � � � - - ���� 7� �OW� Of V�I _ 75 south frontage road vail, colorado 81657 (3Q3) 479-21.38 or 479-2139 ottice at �omrrsurtlty develoPment �Q� ALL CONTRACTflRS CURRENTLY�, REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL FROM; TOW'N OF VAIL PUBLTC WORKSIC�DMM[1NITY DEVEL�PMENT DATE: MARCH I.6, 1988 SU&TECT: CONSTRLTCTION PARIrING & MATERiAL STaRAGE In s�ummary, Ordinance Na. 6 states that it is un3awful for any person to 3itter, track or deposit any soil, rock, sand, debri� �r material, including trash dumpsters, portable toilets and workmen vehic�.es ugon any street, sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-way on al3 Town of Vai� streets and roads is approximately 5 ft. off pavement. This ordinance wi3.1 be strictly enforced by the Town of Vail Public Works Department. Persons tound violating this ordinance wiZl be given a 24 hour written notice to remove said n�aterial. In the �vent the person so notified does not comply with the notice within the 24 hour time specifi�d, the Publie Works Department will remove said material at the expense of person notified, The provisions af this ordinance shall not be applicable to cQnstruction, maint�nance or repair projects of any street or alley or any utilities in the right-a-way. Ta review ordir�ance No. F in fu11 , please stap by the Tawn of Vail BuiYding Department to obtain a capy. Thank you for your cooperatian on this matter. Read a d acknowledged by: � � _ �'v �'"S 5 i � ��}��� �`� . ositiorr/Relationship to Project (i.e, contractor, owner) n � �Da te � � `e i�;� �aw� ot uai � _ 75 aauth frontage road vaii, colorado 81fiS7 ' (303) 479=2138 or 479-2139 office of community developmei�t BUILDING PFRr7IT ISSUAN'CE TIME FRA�1E If� t�i.s permi,t requires a Fowr� of Vail Fire Department Approval , Engineer'•s (.Public Works) review and approval , a Planning �epartment revzew or }fealth Department review, and a reuiew by the Building Department, �he estimated time for a tata7 review may take as long as t�iree weeks:. A1l commercial (�large or small ) and a1i multi-family permits wiil have to fo]7ow the abov�e menti4ned max�mum requirements . Residentia7 and sr�a1� pro�ects should ta�Ce a lesser amount of time. Hawever, �f residenti�al or small�r prajects impact the various above mentioned departmet�ts with regard to necessary review, these prajects may a7sa take the tfiree week period. Every attempt wi'il be made by this department to expedite thas permit as soon as possible. I , the undersigned, understand the plan che�ck procedure and t�me frame. � . ,� � �� �� �� � AgrAe� �o y. ' � �a ��� � a � � r�'�,���� �- prt�.�ec Name G�'� � � � Date Work Sheet was turned 7ftt4 the Community Devel��m�,;� pepartment. . ! MEMORANDUM , T4: ALL CONTRACTOAS FRQM: TOWN OF VAlL PUBLlC WORKS DEPARTMENT DA7E: MAY 9, 1994 EiE: WNEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMIT' !S f�EQUIRED � � , Job Name: �o �,� ,��,�,�c� ,�. ,�,�,r�,f��� Date: r - z� - � - Piease answer the following questionnaire regarding t�e need for a "Pubiic Way Permit": YES NO 1� Is t�is a new residence? �-'( ✓� 2} Is demolition work befng perfo�rned fhat requires the use oi the rigt�t of way, easemer�ts or public property? 3) !s any utility work needQd? � 4) Is the driveway being repaved? �i 5} f� different ac:cess needed to site / other than existing drivev�ay? �-� 6} Is any drainage work beir,g dor�e / affecting the right of way, easernents, ✓ or pu�lic property? 7) Is a "Revocable Right Crf 1Nay Permit" � rec�Uired? 8� A. Is the right of way, easemen#s or public p�operty to be used for staging, J/ parking or fencing? . 8. If no io SA, is a parking, staging � or fencing plan required by Community Development? If you arasw�red yes to any of tFtese questions, a "Publac Way Permit" must �be obtaine�. "P�ublic Way P+�rmit" applications may be obtained at the P�blic Worlc's affice or at Cammunity Development. Jf you have any questians please call Charlie Davis, the Town of Vail Constructior� Inspector, at 479-2�58. f have read and answered a11 the above q,uestions, "� lJ� .��,�, �(� �n;c ,� �, � ; �� �',v -_ ��� � Job Name Contractor's Signature Date 1 • _ � • ;;I s��'Ta�'�,$�,2 �r; /�`�J',�. 1���� 4 i� �� _ �;� �v �0.� . i�'a _ ,:. !,; �E t(.� �p N S��U G�f'�o n1 f 5 (./�(7 l� �tf�� ;i: �'� ��-S i�-�r o� � � 7t-t�-7 ��o . R v�.�. �-�p���o,� ��� �-�-s .��� � ����` ���'o,I�� �� ���s ���, � . ; . ��� �n/.o �2� �o �GD Sa T 0 r�� 0�,u� /2 �5�� . ,9_" ;,� � a p;; �ik : . �2r� ���� , P��ery�2 � � . �;' �� �� � � �� , _ , _ � _. i , . �"- _ ___ .,a � � D�gn Review Action Fa� TOWN QF VAIL � Category Number � � Date�� G � I ��` -' Project Narne: i_ '� � : � �'�� , ' � ,� ' _ � , 'Jj Y"�l (i� Building Name: _ Pro�ect Description: ' ' � Owner, Address and Phone: '�, ; � + ,�, � architectlCor�tact, Address and Phone; _t`�' 1 , ����'{(° � � �.�' i i �- �,����.��,� � 1 �ti._- ! ���- �� � - �.�� �� �l`e�ti��� 4�' -- - � i� Legal Description: Lot �' Block Subdivision i �� ; ' � � '` • e Dis��trict__„_. Project Street Address: � � '� � ��;" �` � _ i - -------_._.._._�...__.. __� ---- ----_ _�__l Commenks: � , , , , ,� ��` SI .� t ; r � � ;'� � t�� � � ,� '� , ' 4 , ,a Board / Staff Action � � Motion by: Vote: Secanded by: � Approval � Disapproval , �[] Staff Approval Conditions: .�^'�.4� �_ �`! �4 �.�i I �'�k � �j��� � ± ',1 � i �l��.��� ; `1 ^ � I } y i,; � � '� � ; 4 _ ' r j''. � ��l�` ��'. ,F-�1 f� ; � ' !f Town Pfanner Date: DRB Fee Pre-paid � From : PLAUEC RESOURCES, ' C�19) 321-1694 �a ?4. 199� 0�:15 PM P02 �•i r,�R -r�� �4 'r-+5 C�;,:i3PM RoN �r�JE & A��OC,. . B a M hl E R A� t-, ,, � � �.: � �.s r- . � . i �� ' r c.vls�d '►J1�1l� , w• DESxQN AEY'YEW 80� AI�PLICAT�ON ■ TOWN OF Vl���, CdLORA➢O DA'�L }�ECEYV�D: � DAZ`E Qg T�R9 MEETING� tkt���*,rt�►�r ' .�NC4?��p�L1"CA'�".�ONS 1�R�I,.Y��N.Q�,�,'�D[ll'L,�A- 1'rOR RL V,�'�. , � e�IrtRfFtlFtw� , z . PAO�S , �: , ItMA Y 4�I'd: A. �'ESCR�pTION: v ''C ,. .,�'�-r����]Sr_L"I� , —�--r'�'et'�+ ���Q f�-_s F � � 8. TYPE OF RLVT�W� . `�tEw Con�truction (�200 .a0) �ti,nor Alterdr��on ��20. Q�� ' ,_��ditian (�5o. D0) Canceptua]. Aev�.�w (#01 u���* 9 17Z� sv�1 r�v -,� -��i� g�los? C. ADDRE 5 S : ��'uA A T' �,I (� ` � n. L�G�L DESCRTPTI4N: Lbt � �lock subaf.vi s i vn _5V�.1����t' �l.r���,c -�s � . � r� prop�rty �� d�$�rf�bo� by a me�t� arid boun8s Ze�q�i desc�cip!��,on, g�I,ea�� pxovid� on a 8�pa�ate sheet and atta.ch t� chis appl5�ca C.xpn , E� ZQNI1�Td: _-..�.�,_.� � F. N�iM� OF ABPLTCANT c �l� . Mai],ir►g Add�e�BBo i a� wt �,4 2z o _...__ Phoae� �� - , G�� G;_ N�M£ OF A�PLTCANT' REPRESENTATIV£: ��}��'r_�[_.��j���.� �;_.s,�., Mailin.q �ddea�8 : d � _ _.,..._. �:_n�} , ,,, — - ._.,: P Ot�a . � � 1{� N�� aF ow�t��i c s) ; �. L_v� '��' Q�,YaVe. �,c�.� � � "--�i'��'—•-�-�-� � . � � OWN�ER t S) SIA��4,�',�1 e.�.--. � � �`� z � Ma i 1 ing Addre$� � So �� � -�.� c�,� �, . �►,� s r� � __ Phon• 2 -- '�.. � ApPLTCA?'z4NS WIL� NOT 8S PROC�'SSED At�IT�I'OpT Qf�'NBR'S Sr�N'ATUR$ I . Con,dvminium Approval if epplicabl�. , . J• RAe FE�� bR8 ���p1 as shown above,�are Ca be pa�3�d at the Cim� a►f submitca�, of tho DR8 app1S� dri,on. Latar, wh�n app],yisg far a bufldsn� p�rmi�t, p��a�8� �fl�ntify the aCCUr�t@ _ va�.uation o� Gho pro�asai , The Taw�► o� vaf i wi11 adju�t th• ��� accord�.nq �o the table below► to �t��ure the coxrec� fo� is pa�.d. , . f� �,? O� ,�,,, � FE F ��' CH K �'�� ��Gt'����� - � , ,�,�.`�SCHI:pULE,� • � � - • , ' ' ` ' ' � , ' � VALUAT�ON ' FE� �+ Q ,,� �0� OOG � 2,7. a0 � 10, (}O1 - � 50, 000 ! SQ.Od $ S4, DOI - � 15Q, 0�0 �1Db.D0 $�.5o, oa� - � 5op, 000 �2ob.0o $5oa, aa� - a�, aaa, 00a . �4aa.00. . , . , � o�►�r �x, aoo, aac� �5oa. o0 ��CS IGN R$VZ�W BOARD ApFRbVAY� �XPIR$5 01STR YEAR AFTER FxN14L ApPAOVAL UNLESS A eCJrLbIN'� pSRMIT IS 3SSUsh A1+ZD COi�BTRUCTIQN =S STAATEp. � , � . .! ` " � � • LIST OF MAT$RIALS � NAME OF PRQJECT• LEGAL DESCRIg'TYON: LOT�„� BLOCK SUBDIVISION �J�yT '�I.�IS�o I�a."3 STREET ADDRESS : ���j'� �/A1 c. �,+t� -rr�..>►.�}.b,v�R--S , V 1�1 rt' 9 � 'Fv�vL C ' � . . The following information is required for submittal to the Design Review Board before a final approval can be given: A. BUILDING. MATERIALS: TYP$ 4F MATERIAL COLOR ROOf Siding Other Wall Materials Fc3SCld Soffits windows �LZ�� 'W�-� i ,��G� ��C t�' � FJ� window Trim Doors Door Trim ti Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys _ Trash Enclosures Greenhouses ttetdini�iy ;��;lls Exterior Lighting Other B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: �hone: 7 1 ' 4 J PLANT MAT� LS: Botanica3 Name Comm� Name Quantitv Size* . PROPOSED TREES � A1VD SHRUBS � *Indica:�e caliper far deciduous trees . Minimum caliper far deciduous trees is 2 inches . Indicate height for coniferous trees . �Minimum heiQht ft�r eoniferous tz��s is 6 feet **Indicate size af proposed shrubs . Minimum size of shrubs is ��llon. TVUe Square Foatacre GROUND, COVERS SOD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL . C . � LANDSCAPE LIGHTING: Tf exterior lighting is p�oposed, please show the number of fixtures and lacations on a separate �ighting plan. Identify each fixture from the lighting plan in the space below and provide the height above grade, type o£ l.ight proposed, l�men autput, luminous area dnd a Cut sheet of t�he light fixture. {Secti�n 18 . 54 . 050 J) D. OTHER LANDSCA�E FEATURES (retaining walls, fences, swimming _ pools , etc . ) Please specify. Indicate heights of retaining wa�ls . Maximum height of walls within the front setback is 3 ' . Maximum height of walls elsewhere on the praperty is 6' . . 8 ..;. �I' _� ;a,� —. . . �4� '� . [_' ' � ��.?��, 1;' ' . . av ; .q�,� { � ��r ..;,� 1 '��t;.. � ,. � �.? f ' i . i Y.;jt" . ���+., �'-.w, ,��� ���_ -f', y ti,�� � � j % "I i l � ' � +,� r . / Y J � � . �: � � ' '`.NS -�' ' r ' ' �� .. �_ � `J `y.4�� '!..— �` � . �.a' 'S . � .4 ` � � � � � � - ���i � � , � <1- .+�.(�''��;J.�a. ,� .l �'.♦ � .� �...-i_�'.•..�� /�• �'t 'i r�� _. _ .� . ..� � � 1 � _tryy�� � �. � y,,�� ^' '"'�Ai -.,i.:��—��`�. _ — '. . 1`N /. � d � �Y�� � �i ' /. 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'��NQ' � � ��w � ¢ , �.f. _ � � . r� _ �� � �',.. � � � ' � � � J . /_1�. �.a�� 'f _- , j���a.:.,X'.:��f :,- � s t'�.}�`C � _/..� �- � ..� f�. . , - � � � � ._�_� __ ___.� , _ _ __ -- -- - _ - TOWN OF VAIL xECE�T no. ���/ :;; �_ - � � � PARTAtE:lT OF CqJ41.liLTITI'D6\'F,LOPtiIE�T f�/J TAhSS J Wv� �(/L�Z�ZE� � ��G��L'�-'�� � �f �-�� ` � . � � L/'.7.� T. A�DRESS D.4TE �— !c� s� - � �'/� I �� , � �� � �. TROJF.CT——�b/-t,dV �' ���,�;i' � ._�, w• CHECIi514Afl1E PA�'ABI.E TO T05�7�flF VAIL ACCOUtiI'Na. ' ITEhi PO.' T.� CO5TEA. TOThL � � O1 0000 41�AO ZOh1[I�'G�ND�+,DDRESS MAPS $5.00 * � O1 000�4?41� UNIFORA� �3iJILDING CODE �54.00 * � -- O1 t�000 4241� UNIF(�RI�T I'LUMBI':�'G CODr $�9.40 ''� '- :�� 01 0000 4241� U1VIF�RIv1 MLCHANICAL CODE $��•�� * � _ O1 0�00 4241� UN1F(7RI�4 FiRI:CC1DC 536.00 * >ti O1 O�Od 42�15 NATIOI'�1nL EL�.CTRICAL CODG S37.00 * °' O1 11000=��41� OTIiER CODG I�aOKS * �- O1 0000 415�4r I3LU�PRINTS(�11'LARS) 57.00 * ;�: Ol Ot100 42412 �I:ROX CUPIES $0•25 '" Q1 00�0 42412 STl3D1I:S '" T�� O1 0000 42�12 T(IVFELS COMPUTI:R PROGRAI�"� $5��� '" �> O1 0000 42371 FGNALTY FEL-S/RE-INSP'IrCTjONS �, i:< - 01 0000�1332 PLAN REVilati'+' RL`-C}�i�C�FEL' �4{l PER I3R. _ �� O1 0�00 42332 OFF HOURS �NSPECTION F�ES °"M ^,; O1 0004=�1�1? CONTR�ICT0�5 L1CI�NSES FEES � _ 01 OC100�11413 S1G1'J .hPI'L1C�I,TION �FI: 520.00 � - (l l (1�00 4141� ADDITI()N�1[. SIGI�'11G1' �=1:1: [S 1.00 PI:R SQ.FT.] "` : (}1 (1000 �� VTC'ART PR()Ji:CT I�ONATIO'� ��_ ;�; O1 000 41331 FRi:PAIQ DL"SIGN Rt:VIL"1�% 130ARD FI�E �� = ai a000 I1�1V}��STIGATIUN Fi:�; (13UILC7ING) � �= 31 OG10(�4�1 i0 Tov �n�ultvc t�v�an ;�,. O1 OOQO 22027 TOV �T�;1'JSPAPI:R DISPENSF.R FUND ` * O1 0000 21112 T:1,?tiABLE �`a; 4°/n (S�°ATE) =- x * O1 000(��1014 TAXABLE r 4%a (TO�V\) �? ` (}1 �OC�Q 42371 BUILDING il�Vl�ST1G�tT1p;� OTIIER PEC APP CA O; FEES -� 't O1 OOQO 41330 ADDLTIONAL GRF/i "2a11" ����.�0 5y � O 1 OC100�1330 COND1TiONAL USF:PER1�11T �200.00 �. � Q1 OU4Q 41330 EXTLRIOR hLT�Ri1T10N L�SS �`ICAN t00 S .FT.] ��fl�.Oq � 01 00�0 41330 EXTERIOR AL�'L'RATION [MORE TIIAN 100 SQ.FT.] �5�0.�0 � O] 00�10�1330 SPECIAL DEVELO�'��4ENT DISTRICT NE�V 51,�00.00 �: '` al OOQO 41330 SP�C[AL DEVE�OPMENT DISTRICT MP,JOR hMEND S1,Q00.00 O1 OOOq 41330 SP�CIAL DEVLL�PMENT DISTR[CT [MINOR AMEND S2a0.00 � OI0000413�0 'SUBDIVISIC�N -� Ot 0000=11330 ��ARInNCF �2�0.�� O1 OC100 41�30 ZONII�'G CODE AI�✓t1:NDML•NTS �250.00 ' . Ol 0000 41330 R�-ZONING �200.00 07H1:R OTI I L-:R f1. TOTAL: �� ��-�r!o� �,� � — �;r:j' .COMMENTS: � ��O � ',�� • -� � �: �. CASH 1_—__..T—! eK�I �' � 1 M.41-1 �c.gY: � , t: ! � � � . r __ _ .. _ _ � -�-�����_,��-� �e�� �_:�� z � _.� - � �1i��=��1.�.�;.�,��� �-�_�-� __ __ —��r a_.v�.. -'_'' 1 . r�_ r:,� _, si. {-� _ - ..-.-"-r'.. . _ _L_= t-`C = ;�.... i'_ -'I-i. iy -,_ _ �.tia'l�1��,�'. ^.�t6�rl�. r-�rr ^F _g�F�- . �-.r�r, —rl^' _._ _ . _.� .. . . .� Ji'�. �. . .__3. "-.� _ _..a.. _._ � .. . r .. . ., `. ..... __ � 1 p _r ._�';'�_..: t� ""..�.._.... e _. . ..��_i a!:_�_ j 1 � �y.fsTS� �...'-•�i`� �"E��{'._�F��i�• �e•�iv S l�f'! -ii`-''I,1_ -r 1 ` .:I -� 4A,��_� . __..._., s _.. ___ _ ��'i'', L:Li•:.I-iE�L_ �'•�_'-_.�.I!"F_:t_�.J . I:'Ip�•l{? �'"--t�=-E t--�1=�= '-,-':=s E_� � � __-.---_---------------v.���ri..r..._,�,�.....� RECEIPT— 7'he�'own of Vail �, � c- �'`� � DATE •� � , l� �,� .- -�� �,r � ! RECENED FROM—:' �` ''' f�''� , ADDRESS_ , ' � , ��������� ' '� � '' �,� j",r������ � �,`r__ i r ' • : �` 1� %�r�:� _ ��� /�"�,//�rra ___. __---__. �,,_.�... -–�4L�,�i;S $ ���^-�^^°-4 r � �–_,� ,; Permit Numbers _ Police Receipt Numbers �IOVI/ PAII�—Gash Check , ,' , By _.�.�'