HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 4 LOT 6 TEXAS TOWNHOMES LEGALciz E =E uJo- c'rN r'l !n (Y)U' atJ UJILL =Et!o =JH'ffi#c'r c'r r\ d F = & 14v H l-l B d () HE o\I \o ut F>r.i<-E l< rHl--Fl<F] lHslu. oF1td4# UJF loluJ xl9 EI:tt| ) =t;Ol.6ilzzt= ulz =o uJ F z &@ArtE\OHFr.if @t4 0\E€oNo XEO . P|<<o|<FCIA> Fl ts Al z rdtlc) olr troFo ccFz o Eul23 l! ct Eq, o o q(, .(5 !l o o oo qt q)tto o) ! o E o =f o oo 6; .qt q, .9 U' @E .tioEo() co, att :=Eo o o (E Ol .sco kr =oF a)c o o) .go oo()(t (1) o .9 -c I 0 o !t (g 6 '(E E .got:(l' '=Qr., gEE E# g E:E "0 8E.s;oe:5:sPd'5 =c9d EsE_E> E Ei.*oOeEoeqstq! cE=! O_ a! O- sEE of o-E€: E6:EE EO(g: EdE -€ CG O'- r --c $€€o:; '6>.I(!a.Y:E He ABfe9Eq) eEg -o6 r1.€N (\l.+.f.$tt)N o (\T\ + = = UJ z J x uJ z J E C) u.l E z to =J 2 Io|lt = ul llll!z E u,tG uJg, o =g uJ z 6|rl tqto uJo 2 qJ () x F ulof v,IJ UJ Lt- ts =t UJo J FoF (J z. o =fo J IEF() UJ uJ z.d = Jo- J C)z UJ. H H NO[Vn'M l3lfrlu :IE z z z H ET F.l a t :<e. =zzu- h o- A=Xl>YF9OEur(J.l.z!-C)oarn(JzXr!<oq iH6 s;o= <st(5 (\I N =>E zo F E.(, uJo- F n ca llJE XF J z Eo at9z F- e. llJ FJ 3ulz -{l -.{ I tlatzlzOatrur< (.)o< >E2at xrL6o<z trz. Oz -.': F doBO -l zl X rl<l FI zl .. >l tu ru uJz U)F ul J z Eo uJlJJ lt(t) uJzY i zo F)f (.t)z uJ z YG o. oz at, 5o N I "lxl ,la5tx l(!olS5tdult(, f co \o N H E oJ ah.J 3 F UJ UJo- l!-o rt I4 a I (o @ \,tOO o\o\ ro F E z zH ul EU'clo1zo Fo- UJY ut @ oF F E UJo ILo o.oo I uJFoz UJF o & |4 14 14 o 14& c.l .-40Lti (,z 6 =tJo- E co Ecoo EE .E t E E 8 o tro E to!t E =& lrJo-zIF C)fe 6zo(J EEi-r-lu6d> o2 utG J a lt z3oF I d|!lol El sol ulFI F z HHH v HE 4 ui =z ts aa ac{ F\ \o a uJt -J = u H = (J (J E X tr1Fl ul =2 t\\+ I\o io- H n & E-{z k .J) q v)ulE o = aH oE I.l "tl =l el flol EI Hz 14E 14 &AEl-{ Eo & =g, lr I 5l-j ?l Sl*GIF ill bls el gtr =*&.oz -rO<FE()uJ<zE.l!Fr|l 2-o C) (Jz lo = J trEnX|< IJJz3o lt F oz fiFi E;E EUg|!rG EEE Eg$ 'ic$ s}fl g:€ iFE EE€-oo €:gE:rt EEE !t.'E =vrosEE E gr- EEEEo9o- xoo EOtrE g:e .EoF() at 2oo Eo atulz:lo l!o UJE =F u oo)t 2) Luc uo) E Eut L) L)) I TJ f,z d:eitEC' E8?6 .- !l =0)F5 .EgcL o6€o -q)=Ttg5e9 EErEgEro E.s =9 o6 EE =*EaG'E.-cOoi;5-s -o.r!O5E e.9fi,P EEOatCetiG'E>g.o o,9a eE CD{)it ,-.) e F(t rJraq \hzd sc\ 33 r qtrtr Eg Hg Ro c'zoI @ YI b EggaIED9EEE l=I EFi 8rI Eur E EE!E 3ot ts =E,lrlo.zo F C) =E, 6zoo I i I t ht ;i n il H * 6Sr $ t!. H [\ m H ffi ffi firaa' llE 'ltl EK Q6. =i9=EGa --995i =a1 0E! -l I E 3 En6tIEqE arl =lFI =l 2l .. >la UJo lrJu,z .DF =ar LIJG {zI 6o {T',jt d;'{ .l JI TI .Il ir IT ItIr tq AlrlEqo{Ja- tf { t- 0 { :G Eg rtl I,l g -l a UJEI = .F Jrf $: E /, E C) H tlrl !l rlq =& EI s o dz o UJ|r ttoz F g lrtlII? $l q =Et! Ilcltl r:l tltl Loil1I CrlI Urlllrl t3ta!tq rfl /-7 r': u) r(- ,,---7 -vd cdF t G E 2c ctz o UJE J |roz F il 3u= = Gluz =o C)u,E-(te E -rO.-1 t( l- sg3 "E JE 6PFC)=<fiE;-F troo oz to =3g x ?) I zc L) cz Eou, = ) J I =DI E!ttroz ca EF*-rtr,x :li "l:'\ r , ^ !. It'.t 75 soulh frontage road vail. colorado 81657 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: ottlce ol communlty developmenl ALL CONTRACTORS CURRENTLYL REGISTERED WTTH THETOI.IN OT VAIL TOWN OF VArL PUBLTC I{ORKS/COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT MARCH 16, 1988 CONSTRUCTION PARKING & !{ATERIAL STORAGE rn summary, ordinance No. 6 states that it is unrawfur for anyPerson to litter, track or deposit any soil , r""i, sand, debrisor material , including trash dunpsters, portable toilets andworkrnen vehicles, upon. any streetl sidewaiX, -ifi"V or publicp1?9" or any portion rheieof . The right;i_;;t-;n arl_ rown ofVail streets and.5g.g" is approxinateiy 5 ft. 6ff pavenent,.This ordinance wirl be strillry enforcid by the-rown of vairPubric works DeDartment. pers6ns found viirating this ordi'urr".ril]- be given a 24 hour written i"li""-t"-;;;;;"=aid marerial.rn the event the person so notified does not cornply with a[;--notice within the 2.i hour,time speciii;4,--[rr"-p"[ric worksDepartment wilr remove said mateliat at itre exp""se of personqot.ifief, The provisions of this orainance affiii not beapprl-cabre to construction, maintenance or repair projects ofany street or alley or any utilities in the "ighi_"-ruy.To.review Ordinance No. 6 in full,vaiL Building Department to obtaj-ncooperation on this matter. please stop bya copy. Thank Tolrn offor your tbe you P o s i t i o nrl R e J. a t i o n -h-I-p (i.e. contractor, owner) luwn 75 south lrontage road Yall, colorado 81657 (303) 479'2138 (303) 479.2139 oflice ol community development Plan Review Based on the 1988 Unifom Codes PROJECT NUMBER: 31591 ADDRESS: 483 GORE CREEK DR. VAIL, COLORADO OCCUPANCY: R-3 TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-N DRB APPROVAL REOUIRED: YES NAME: MACCORMICK DORMER ADD. DATE: MAY l-7, 1-991 CONTRACTOR: BAUER HOME IMPROVEMENT ARCHITECT: ARNOLD, GWATHMAY, PRATT ENGINEER: NONE PLANS EXAMINER: MICHAEL WHITAKER coRREcTroNs REQurEaD The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code reguirements in the adopted codes. It is a guide t-o selected sections of the codes. Tbe following is not to 5e construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the pro- ti"i""" "f th" ",t"P iI' 1. MAINTAIN RATING OF FIRE WALL AT COMMON WALL AD.]ACENT ON EACH SIDE OF UNIT UP THROUGH PARAPET. 2. DECK TO BE DESIGNED TO 1OO LB. LIVE LOAD. 3. MECHANICAL ROOM CANNOT OPEN OR BE ACCESSIBLE TO BATHROOM. 4. VERIFY BEARING OF ALL NEW BEAMS TO FOUNDATION' 5. SAFETY GLAZE IN HAZARDOUS AREAS (DOORS AND ADJACENT WINDOWS) AS PER UBC 5406. offlcr ol cotnmunltr dorclopmcnt Btds. permt. * l$t\ ,//-e/,r/ /7/ - >nca< Zlcr 6^?nr?D \Az:/, J</17/sR OPttt=, (rry6 m<nzaaeSl (bus V< . FeFas'r ts vto Uvz- 75 .oulh tront gG rcrd vall. colorado 8165? (303) 479-2138 ot 479-2139 SPEClAL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST Applicant Company: Applicant Phone: Company Representative : Specific Request and Rationale: ht- 1€3 {}e/g qk ,//4,/"74 6G, rcA RAzUAT< ,Baq?2 (>apd' Name/Posltion " Requested Date(s) /Times : Applicant Signature: rPlease return completed form to the Buildlng Department. 7AZ- f/e//E,tt2?,"a/zzze. Town of Vail Approvals: Community Development : Police Department: Date:{/z/7r tl-ftt S-2o --I {?lre Department: Public Works: *" Do pbf 81",,!& /,t-- 1to c<-es- . ,l ^.<t\ i 'l l't. i I Ji: crs, q i.. lcf ! .rL l-oT 6 Y "Cot,-iv?- , sEc[e!- lcr|t '-' to- 06i0ft3 0g €|lGL co|dor t|.[t.Er{? (r ! ...jJ. nl|L INSPECIION'S COUPLBTSD -The lteng below leed to be couplete before glvlng a pemlt a flnal C of O. Please check off la the bor provlded. FINAL PLIruEING DATE3 FINAL UECEANICAL DATE: IUPROVEUENT SI'RVET RESID. NAME: DATE: FINAJ. ELECTRICAL FINAL BUILDING EAST SIDE:BXST SIDE: DATE: T MT [] l l rl TEMPORARY C OF O DATE: CERTIFICATE OF OCCI'PANCY DATE: LAI{DSCAPING DI'E DATE: FILE NAI.{E Brds. Perm " 46!- offic. of connunlty dcvclopmrnl 75 roulh front ga rcrd r!ll. colorado 81657 (303) .479-2138 ot 479-2139 SPECIAL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST Applicant Company: Applicant Phone: Company Representative : Name/Position Specific Request and Rationale: (e+lc-afi or2-rG-r,onL /rF hrT Requested Date(s) /Times : Applicant Signature: \5O .Please return completed form to the Building Department. Pcnce bzrmpcfr=f ,(,Ff f ,6-rarcl) /+7 4"3 GoRe aEK- , Arzruv) u,o7T 6 ts ( fe*S j661t{r/rohLq //6/ry/?/ - Town of Vail Approvals: Community Devetopment : Pollce Department: Fire Department: Public Works:Pu" &r*.r*lt /5'r-o-.l d""r-*,f uls la1 ?5 loulh frontrgc roed Y.ll, color.do E1657 (303) 479-2138 or 479-2139 Btdg. Permr:. * fr6y'_ offlcr ol comnunlty dorclopmont /.6/tHz / - SPEClAL CONSTRUCTION REQUEST Applicant Applicant Company Company: Phone: Representative: Specific Request and Rationale: /zttcg A d2fl)€ ,t't/. lfung Tou,Ufor?es , TO fre/sT €€?4i I Requested Date(s) /Times : Applicant Signature: rPlease return completed (nooe Be@/s7.*"V.^t -{ -74 Name/Position \re,+ to the Bulldlng Department. rzdzut- or a,077- 6 B ,493 @,e-E a,RR^ ,2rzrpt, I,htr t Town of Vail Approvals; Communlty Development : Pollce Department: Flre Department: Public Works: Date:a/thz blrslq I 4' fic,ata-- 7/a./r,v'r*<,y 4r z-f .aaa-.'2->/. -23 "7 / ''i 4uq )tINSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT NUMBE ROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: /lTJ ioL (.,,t JOB NAME CALLER THUR FRIw BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND fI ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER B FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING tr INSULATION . tr POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. P O HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED , v ?/'ome /- d ' '''' tNSpEcroR PERMIT NUMB ECT rlrs#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL . ,l/ /,/ I 24, a O',---,--.1-"tr/&*_,_JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: MON .TUES,-.,WED THUR FRI AM LOCATION:{zk )u, Z- D46;^ -t l-r-r,,)L"u* L 8- Za.a-L't BUILDING:PL tr tr tr tr tr o tr UMBING: tr tr FOOTINGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER FOUNDATION / STEEL PfRAMTNG tr n ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING INSULATION POOL / H. TUB O SHEETROCK NAIL cI tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING D tr o ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR B FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED D REINSPECTION REOUIRED ECTIONS: INSPECTOR Rfiisxop I 'NstcrroN REQU ST PERMIT NUMB OFP OJECT DATE U READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: TOWIU OF VAIL iacJOB NAME MON CALLER S WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB HEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: D TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTO ndil*op I//n -/ "v rNs#ctoNTOWN OF REQUEST VAIL EPERMTT NiJr,tgen op pnoJEET DATE 2-rs-Qr JoB NAME INSPECTIOREADY FOR LOCATION: CALLER WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V, tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING O INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP: POWER MEGHAN!CAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL PPROVED CORRECTIONS: -'tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor.. 1' I kr-Qf INSPECTOR ' J', ii.*. G TNSPECTTON REOUEST TOWN OF VAILPERMIT. NUMBER OF PROJECTR _\\ c\\DATE !\ \_ .-\\ JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLEB TUES WED ,ltl.-.. 4r ' Ir READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr tr tr D tr tr UMBING: UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEE-ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING B INSULATION tr SHEETROCK \POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: - N TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOq!DS tr CONDUIT n. N SUPPLY AIR tr $,*ot D FINAL //APPROVED z,O DISAPPROVED O REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: niGsrmp ll /^) Dare t{'/t V./ rNSPEcroR PERMIT NUMB OFP JECT DATE TNSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAI.L \-rn,c-uC1< <-<) f-, JOB NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:WED THUR FRI AM BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR O FINAL tr FINAL I neenoveo CORRECTIONS: D DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTO nrxi*op n 5z oz 3 o .d oz uJ F 2 = 1ENl I I I I t-,,v,<itlt6 ?eH,o(4)to ,zzt^<.= o IJJ uJu- F =t!(L oo'gEfi-tita il H Eltlz3o l,rJI z $oM s a rsIlKf-* X*, l$$ l$n t!Jl!th ='r Fo GFzo o uJz3o t! ut H H <A A z Fl o (! o o q) == dt E = l o Q' o 6 'q) g 'o oo .i ItE () c .9 att 15 (g o, $ 3oF (l) o) E oo(! q) :t o at .9 = -o Ec(! ui = !t- g oti(!'=O(,)disEUE coo.q; IE9c -.= (!t=c .E SE '-oc:5 iePd 5=c9G'- os B.E 'EEFFoO 3teg=E o.(o 0.$Et(a- cLE*e E6:EE EO (5: EEE - o.; eeC(! 0'- e-E 3,*; EiE '6>o (!;ce=-Y=tr6suhte9Eqr eEg {, LU UJt! F =t uJo J FoF F = IJJ z I co z oJ t0 .. >loulo ur uJzo ts = IJJ o- J z E ltl F 2 F J z ulo o2 ? oz tro) J ; =IL z -() uJ J r.uz =>t -r(nE u.t S =oN zz Eo- 4XlF90.no =,>o2l!<oq o- !{ FO *di lr-(r c3 o IJJ z E z tr uJF) -ulz fa c'r\o(\ I\o e.lo\ lll?lI Oll FT COI{dl(pl FHIzl #'l lElFt -rl$q;+ lr-lUqt2lt3lEOI14 Fl rlIJdJlH5zl flrl flelHt trlQl -rlg3l C)t vl dfl I I I I.il _lol Hl il rl'Iol Zl .,i3t :Ol u.lFI F \T\irN.if Io\.if o\ (4 FTzr{ =r'I Dtoc E T gI J 14E'{I atrl <! F-r\rn Ir\N @ Fl I<FtlqrlH\olF4lnlH-rlqlFllFll"1 | Hel{sl>l (El H3 El bltzl ==lqoiT FI=Jtr co F v HE E i,i =z .I] -) F.( F F Eo JJ 3il Hi l-4b =+&.FL-Oz EOOzl =#JZrro C) z T UJ = c <FG()r,! <zE '^?o() cf)(o c)r- oz t =tu, o- z r^ =Z-.ano =zJO O- t! d* z?-7 =C)idil= Ftrtr E: UJ o- 59E<cf€8B9!ir Edi i* =ul:-E b=o i i'i'iE =FE 66 9 lttrEX(LE X>t q-o.i!; ltl dt ---8trtr .+ o\o\ c.l ts lrJ tr(t) o-zo Fo-ulY IIJ dt oF ts E LLl t!o o I luFoz utF o E =E lrJ o-zIF(JfEFazo(J '- :-:\':-:i-lJ-lRn 'lOl ' tn^?.n? _t I| . 'ggx"li_iill,fiIiff'ff1i,' '"{Uf'R'rr ttql)hs ome: to/zo/qF'" 'cT 2 0 i9g4 r ^, APPLTCATIoN l.rusT BE FTLIJD ouT coupLETELy o+^+F F}y NoFTFE\iFfEprED IUV .UU,,,;,r, [.ilV, UEr r.r*********************** ******* PEIlllfT fNFoRl,tATl6{ 'd**li*****************!r******t\) ,. , ./ ./I ,/ t/ ./[ ]-Buirding -t(i-erunling t(-Electricar l{-uecrranical I J-orher rob Name: ilnc COrZhrcf_ G^72/ Job Addressz 43 @€ €2,< - ,bprrft: legal Description: Lot_ Block_ Filing sugprvrsroN, olrners Name: fZ€.f / .ao-?t?eKAddress: +U *rrr-o*W Architect:Address:Ph. L 7A,E. /u777/ " G-.,45 Qtonal [ ]-Repair I 7l-Other EIJEqTRTCAL: I MECIIANTCAL: I CONTRACTOR Electrical Contractor :Address: Plunbing Contractor: Address: General Descriptiont fl '4c€ €{rszrtI6 7Z/B lfi, $*"t and Tlpe of Fireplacess cas eppliances {* * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * *.* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * VAIJUATTONS Gas Logs_ Wood/pe1let..!- , Number of Dwelling Units: ,/ BUILDING! f:LilrB=r;cz t iaPh-"ttv6 /l[*!r * ** **** * * *** *** **!*** * ****f Eeneral contiactor: ,_Bffi Address: Nurnber of Acconrnodation Units: / ********************************* OTHER: TOTAL: o![ **** * * * * * * * * * *** Town of vail Res. NI.//F-Bphone Number: a**_eT Town of Vail Reg. NI.E-/S<Phone Number: fZf-ST Req. NO.az:-F oFFrcE USE *************** *****t*** ******* BUTLDTNG PIAN cHEcK FEE: AR -PU,!fBING PIAI{ cTIEcK FEE3 _l,lEcttAlrIcAIJ PLAN cHEcK FEE: F-- RECRE.ATION FEE3 CIJAN-UP DEPOSTT: TOTAL PERI.IIT FEES: BUTLDTNG: STGNAIURE: ZONTNG: SIGNAT{IRE: Torrn of VaiI Phone Number: Town of Vail Phone Nunber: Reg. NO. //Mechanical Contractor: -//=-----Address: - * * ** ***** ***** * *** * ** ** ** * BUTLDING PERMIT FEE: PLWBING PERMTT FEE: tlECtlAl{ICAt PER!|IT FEE: EI,ECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: DRB FEE: GI.EAI UP DEPOSIT tgnrm m: W,Tri.''n,n-n TO: FROM: DATE: RE: MEiIORANDUM ALL COI{TFACTORS TOWN OF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MAY g, 1gg4 WHEN A "PUBLIC WAY PERMTT'tS REOUIRED 1) 2l Job Name: Date: Please answerlhe following questionnairC iegarding the ne€d for a "public Way permit': YES ls this a new residence? ls demolition work being perlormed that requires the use of the right of way, easements or public propefty? ls any utility work needed? ls the driveway being repaved? ls ditferent aocEss needed to site other than existing ddveway? ls any drainage work being done affecting the right of way, sasements, or public property? ,NOK ,/ { { ,Yd { K )( I 3) 4) s) 6) 7') ls a "Revocable Right Of Way permit" required? 8) A. ls the right of way, easements or public property to be used for staging, parkirq or fencing? B. lf no to BA, is a parking, staging or fencing plan required by Community Development? !t-v9u- apyet"j yes to any of these questions, a'Public way permitr must be obtained.'Public way_ Permit' applications may be obtained a the'public work,s ofiice or atc9.ry1u1ity Development. .tr yog h.lve any euestions ptease caltCtrarrie Davis, the Townof Vail Construction Inspec{or, at 479-2tSg.' I have read and answered allthe '4a /0 DetoF7o Job Name zd/? PUBUC WAY PERMIT PROCESS How it relates to Building permit: 1)Fill out the our check list provided lf yes was answered to any of the above quesilions then a -pubric way permit" isrequired. You can pick up an apprication at either community Devetopment,rocated at 75 s. Frontage Road or plotic works, rocateo it i-iblVaitvailey Drive. Notice sign offs for ditity companies. Ail utirities musl iietd verify (rocate)respective uritities {tgrrg signing apptication. sil; "tiiity-;il;nies require upto a 48 hour notice to schedule i td,iatet. A construction tratfic control eln pysr__Oe p,rgpal+ or a separate sheet of paper.This plan wiil show rocationi ot arttraflic &ntrotdevices (signs, @nes, etc.) andthe work zone, (area of construction, staging, etc.) sketch of work being perrormed must be sub_mitted indica-ling dimensions (rength,width & depth of work). This may be orawn on the ramc &nirorpran or a siteplan for the job. Submit compreted apprication to the pubric.work.s office for rEview. tf required,tocares wir be schedured forrhe rown oJval ere&ricai'J"io'riigi,on crew. Thelocates are take prace in the moming, uut-r"y require up to 4g hours to perform. The Pubric work's consruction Inspector MlLl:ui.y the apprication and approveor disapprcve the permir. you wiil de contaaeo qs ro tnl ilJt"rlio any changesthat may be needed. Mos permits are rereaieo within 4g r,*i, Ju"ing received,but please ailow up to one'week to p."rr". As soon as permit is proces.sed, a "opy wiil be faxed to community Deveropmentallowing the 'Buirdins p.grmit'to be rireas"i. prr".ri;il;;ire rhe "pubricway Permit'with a'-Buibing permit,io oo *o* on a project site itself. Note: 'The above process ls for work ln a rtght_of-way only. 'Publlc Way permlt'" "* 'A nery publlc Way permlt ls requlred each year. 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7',) hwn 75 routh tronirgc ro.d urll, coloEdo E1557 (303) 479-2L38 ot 479-2L39 olflcr of communlly rlcyclopmanl BUILDING PERI.iIT ISSUANCE TI}IE FRAIIIE If this perylt yequire_s a Town of Vall Fire Department Approval,Engineer'.s..(pub'tic !9IIrI review and ipp"ovat,' a Ftinnini-b.pa"t "ntreview or Hear th Departntnt. review, ani-.-ierie; ;i-li;;";ritaing lsri[;1!'fu"11: .'.r*ted time for a tour ;;;i;.-;"i"L[!'as r6ne All corrnerc-ial ('rarge or smalr ) and alr mu]ti-famlry permits wilrhave to folrow the ibove menti6ned raiiru,n requirements. Residentiarand smal'l projects shourd take a teiier amount or-iimi. However, ifresidential or smalrer.projects rmpiit the various above mentioneddepartnents with reqard' to-necessai"v "eviir,-;h;;; ;;;j;.il' *ya'lso take the three weef perioJ. Every.attempt will be ryle by this department to expedite th.ispermi't as soon as possible. I, the frame, undersigned, understand the plan check procedure and time eet wtt tu/ned TnJoJh'EDate t.lork evelopment Departnent. 75 aouth |rontaga rold r|ll, color.do 81557 (303) 479-21.38 ot 479-2L39 TO: FROM: DATE: suB.TEqr: olflcc ol communlty developmcnl ALL CONERAEIORS CURRENTLYIJ REGISTERED WI!II THETOTIN OF VAIL TOtvN oF VAIL PUBLIC WORKS/COITIMITNITY DEVELOPMENT l4aRcH 15, 1988 CONSTRUSTION PARKTNG & UATERIAL STOR,AGE rn sunrary, ordinance No. 6 states that lt is unrawful for anyperson to litter, traek or deposit. any =Jir,-r".i, sand, debrisor material , includly_!""=1, h,,rnpsters, portable toilets andworknen vehicLes. upon any streetl siaewaiX, -;ll;y or publicplace or any porri-on tneieoi. --,r[" ;i;;;_;i;;-in arr rown ofVait streets and,rg"g" is apfroi-ii.t"iv-s-it.'iti pavement.This ordinance wirr. be "ttiElrv..lnforced by the Town of VairPublic lforks DeDarttnent. perslns found .tri3f"Iing this ordinancewilr be given a 24 hour written n"ti""-ti-;;;;:"="id marerial.fn the event the person so notified.aoes-not-;;;ply with thenotice vithin ttri_-zg rrour tine-lfecitied, the pultic worksDepartment wilr remo.*re said nate;iai-;t-[rr"'I*i!i=e or personnotified- The provisions-or-trri! orainance srrirt not beappricable to c6nstruction, -r"iit"tt-r,ge o-r repair projects ofany street or alley or any utitl€res in the right_a_way. _To.-reyie-y Ordinance No. 6 in full.Vail Building Departnent to obtiincooperatj-on on this natter. please stop by the Town ofa copy. lhank you for your 75 louth konflgc rord vdl, cdondo 8145t Fql)47+2138 (300) a7$2139 office of communlty deyelopment NOTTCE IO CON:TRACTORS/OWIIER BUTLDERS Effective June 20, 1997, the Town of vail Building Department hasdeveloped the forlowing procedures to ensure that new constructj.onsites have adequa!.ely established _propgr drainage from buildingsites along and adjacent to Town of vaiL roads oi streets. The Town of vail public Works Department rill b€ reguired toinspect and approve drainage adjacent to rown of vail'roaas orstreets and tbe installation of tenporar? or pernanent curverts ataccess points fron tbe road or streit on to tle construction site.such approvar must _be o.btained prior ro any request for inspectionby the Town of vaiL Building Department tor tobtings or temporaryel-ectrical or any other inspection. prease cait 47g-2i60 LArequest an inspection from the public works Department, Al1ow aminimum of 24 hour notice. Also' the Town of vail public works Department lrirl be approvingall final drainage and culvert installation with resulting roa6pacching as necessary. such approval must be obtainea piioi-foFj.nal Certificate of Occupancy iisuance.. 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8.1657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX sO3-479-2452 Departnent of Comnuniry Deve lopnent IllFORl|AITOf, TEEDED IIIIEIT EPPLIIXC FOR T IIECEAIIICNL PERI|IT .t 2. HEAT LOSS CALCUI.,ATIONS. TO SCALE FLOOR PIJAN OF MECTIAI{ICAI ROOIT' }IITH EQUIPI,IENT DR,AWN IN TO SCALE, WITH PHYSTCAI, DIMENSIONS AT{D BTU RATINGS OF ALL EQUIPITTENT IN MECHANICAL ROOM. sHovt sIzE AND LOCATION OF COI,iBUSTION ArR DUCTS, FLUES, VENT CONNECTORS AND GAS LINES. NOTE WHETHER ELEVATOR EOUIPI{ENT !{ILL ALSO BE INSTALLED IN MECHANICAL ROOM. 3. 4. FATLI'RE ![o PRovrDE cHrs r[fFoRuAIrotf ]fu.L DELAY rouR PERttrr. Plan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: MACCORMICK BATH DATE: lO-21-94 ADDRESS:483GORECREEK CONTRACTOR: BAUERHOMEIMP VAIL, COLORADO ARCIIIIECT: NONE OCCUPANCY:R.I ENGINEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V.1HR PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CORRECTIONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended io be a complete listing of ill possible code requirernents in the adopted cudes. It is a guide to selected sec{ions of the crdes. The following is not to be cunstrued to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions of the adopted cudes or any ordinance of the Town of Vail. I. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQI]IRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC 1210 OF TIIE 1991 I'BC. 2. FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. 3. GAS TEST rS REQUIRED AND NEEDS TO BE APPROVED BY TOWN OF VArL. 4. ACCESS PANELS WILL BE REQINRED ON WHIRLPOOB TUB Town of Vail CIFEltii fiOPY /j* a6*zta-"/ el lllil -INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ,^r, //'//-71 JoB NAME it,r' .')'-1 0/////c th, c---'CALLER TUES WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEu tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED GORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR DATE I/QV ,o".ro* CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL I 479-2138 ,2; t PERMIT NUM ROJECT 1' CALLER -/?, t/'( r OF READY FOR INSPECTI LOCATION: TUES WED THUR FR -k I 't PM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING I] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED I D^rE ..,'/ -2,Y' ?y' rNsPEcroR a. *. 'v @ lx'//,> 1/ Vr.l-- {/t. _qnoN REouEsT TOWN OF VAIL I a,t/ rt t ?. ///l/ / PERMIT NUMBER gF PRoJEcT ,, /'t'z lt r/DATE u I L, .' I "t ! JOB NAME CALLER 479-2138'{'h lt L"--[ ,../ 6;c)u'-'READY FOR TNSPECTTOI){: LoCATION: 4'/ ')>./ /:TYES '!r.'-r1 t' BUILDING: I] FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT O SUPPLY AIR FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: I] DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR l INSPECTION: MONt( ')-., I .'., INSPECTION REQUESTI; TOWN OF VAIL l)'itlll'/i''i!, 479-2138It, .: t.-l-t. "' "t i1s-({t4lt ,:ll lt READY FOR LOCATION: WED THUR FRI :AM CALLER BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. EI ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING 'dtns PTPTNG tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK tr POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr tr FINAL 6,FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr cl tr tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR o FINAL FINAL PROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR z ==E, uJ rf) d cco (\ ool() (\l ooAI (n llJ tlJu- F = TIJ bkh.X F o oa F EFIz =o z UJF z z q\sN.=..',x;i::iN;=lii =S =i;:.2\-;;i?;s 7:2 i=\ t i::;\r<!\li:ti' *:1r;{::r jl"t iI;i crf c lr:(\l LO rJ) oo (\I Oo o(r)<f oo rl)(\I cq co I@\ t\l(Y)lf\e toq @sf l- =E L z o!l co I(Jz J trF IJJ z6 f =- LI.J = lrl UJ z tr UJ E o =t uJvz 6 uJ6 uJo ?z tu aul LIJtl- = E uJ F F z o 5 co C) F uJ tr z6 = 2 I IJJ NOrlvn'lVA 14(., (u'tt !o !o+,xo, € =-oo! (u!IE(ud e8*r-lc!l :<t =Zu- A'z>Y c o TJJz UJ = S)tr)_I ztr^ ac)z>oc)a)z ',' ]o-Y z tr f,o o-l o- x Ga E z E o x 2o uJf- 3 z. ||tl) rtttl ZegA E x F6-z=-rio>JlfE:g 3 ida3enZaZ<(DGE)Z)|lllllttrrtl ,nU)Zt>-ut=3 i rHF9 3 =de:<HF&E9uE 955oo(Jrz(J z EJlaz Iul ?t F uJI U) ) uJ o 3 t d FtU) o z qa 0at!F = LIJ F z (J lJl L!zY9 F F I E<t!x30 JF= lt {) dti-'l rq c:.l '.=l I I Jz z ze =z (I r! ."i5\JV= =F3dd= nnn = UJ(! t! UJ E _9qt o .= J E Eo() o oz Fo uJ-1 dcorlc{ 1l 1 uJF o EaElrl o-zo FO :)EFazo() Irtlt-ltplloltoltql| .El-lFl 651 t-llEll- I -llotzF-i Ju- (uvoE(u &. t-q,t4 Eo+, o, CL l,!J z I 2 go I T =E G rl'/ oo = = t- ;9E cct Eo.tJ UI5L' !t o TL = E lu E.oo qJEoo J <hltltl HI 1l <l>l rd L I tro coo a G E UJz =o F ltJF E <F uJ<ZE a3 <o FS 22UJO.ro zt- !!<>& :ztrO <^YF ?() =*I'z -(J E &t; o2 (i J<()a9.l'r |IJ:o a I EE]N /-tz ri l, ll ll." lg tki: ;"rlrl,lrl I,l- I lE 16 19 2 = -) - ',: -1a?t-i : x^99,. :22;: 5 F F :j.! - e n ziiE:l?;<t T ; ;,1 ,.r ri <:-ti a f .rE<3..: NOIIVN']VA :<E BZZtL i o- azYr>Y f Y uir a(58Zs-ooc)?, r!<o1 eur::;()= *NO 4293 f;H sA-2r-.;esEd!*EP3'+0e(J6<h=.(JOurtr.r<OZ<(DEE)z) F L> 2-Lf< ZEl:Eg;: ooo z IJJ_-1 uJ|- o Jzoz zz(D0>z (L r! )."i5 =r3dd= o, o o, ct .t E= o;.ii OLL q,;-c>?r- q'1' E =E lrJ o-zotr(J &,Fazo(J tlt rtl -et a I I t- ='::(D z t! F J LLI z (D I =z IJJ o J = I o- t I E. UJt o I o- ts c LL too = g uJtoo Eo )]J: Ic i O oo ag t L!z = LIJF = d. E <F LJr <ze.L!F(1 Z <o(JF -< 22UJO ^o zt- >d :z <^ YF7()-< iz -O d , !r (JZ O J<O(\a ulr --.lo a tJ[t_] rNstctoN TOWN OF neouesT VAIL Y ._.J DATE READY FOR INSPECT LOCATION: ek /st JOB NAME, j WED THUR FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER O FOUNDATION / STEEL FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR 1i rNstcrroN t \ REOUEST VAIL _l I TOWN OF DATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME CALLER TUESINSPECTION: 4'6 -, BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK f-l O GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D- tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANlCAL: A HEATING tr tr D ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr I rrnnl tr FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR nr,/,( uU n' f-<t A.tlt.a rel ",zfrir rNJPcnoN REouE;r TOWN OF VAIL DATE l,r>.*1 JOB NAME ,( CALL TUES 4// tx!-rH,/,4/ ( a/'--\WED THUR (FRI ) - AM PM\_-4zREADY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC /q. BUILDING: N FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr n tr tr FRAMING INSULATION SHEETROCK D GAS PIPING NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB n {rrnot tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MEGHANICAL: tr tr tr n tr TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR I rNscfcnoN REouEir TOWN OF VAIL DATE READY FOR'I . LOCATION: TNSPEpTTON: JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES rnr ) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D,W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERO FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING E',SHEETROCK NArL tr POOL/ H. TUB tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr tr FINAL O FINAL O APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR rNsPftTroN REeuEsr o /.., i",i, ^ ,, . L, /i l.,wl\ uF vAlL oor= "l/r/ / 0 JoB NAME '' 4'4a,-, {a'rn+iia J CALLER TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: MON - / e..r.. PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND - A( ROUGH / D.W.V. \'noucu / wATER/l tr GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB -D- tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT c suppLy RrR tr O FINAL tr FINAL i neenoveo /coRREcloNs: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ip';,t;r it L, .IL JAI.{ES L. VIELE Col.orado P.E. & L.S. No. 11413 895 Red Sandstone CircleVail, Colorado 81657 September 5, 1980 Mr. Davld M. Floyd Floyd Custour. Bullders P. 0. Box 1084 Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Texas Townhouses, Unic 6A Dear Dave: confirmlng ny recent conversation with you, afEer inspection of the TexasTownhouses, unlt 5A, located at 483 Gore creek Drlve, vail , colorado, l-n whichyou are performlng certain rernodeling work, r would recomnend the foilowing. In the area were you have removed a bearing partltlon, floor joists shouldbe cut and supported from a new bullt-up beam by means of joist hangers. A bearncomposed of three continuous 2 x 10ts, glued and nailed together, will_ be ade-quate co support the loads formerly carried by the partitLon. This beam can besupporced at the end points by posts composed of two '2 .t!*tr " laterally supported. me. No. 11413 -6 &/ 7 rNsP?croN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL -11@' '*' nDATE READY FOR LOCATION: JOB NAME cntLen TUES EDtoN:INSP ,cT.'f yeti,v ,1 ..: ,1l' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING tr INSULATION tr GAS PIPING tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr POOL / H. TUB D D FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E noucn ' ,t,D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL U FINAL APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR l(', lz |J'l I i5"ya | g i:::,, l-3ts=. i l:-':1:: l- -{3t.J l-:iI;=)i. i;ii,ffil:,;,rlu"l,i : < ; : .l : I I;;; A. t- i:: ;i1S'=lili<; i-3i|: t:i " a tta ::iii <l: :t:-;IFii,'1 515l.JlllJ =lcNOrlVntvA €@ -Iiur z F^ u1 0 (J 'JOZtL< ,,, l t(J j(\i o I I I I =z lz 9 oua():i >o ooc) u,<co uiB@o zAa.!\Fc@u1 .<trp '-r., < o z E\ qN ,N,^6;it^q3 '; tH2 g=i- =<)+ iEiE3 35oooxz s\ C:) U: c: !l dz uj oz, t-o tLl-rc)E o. UJF o .tF -}, \9 .:z)a z. r"9za(D0 =z=, 1 \o-.tI-- "39=eQ.!Y(J 'ililrHbbrlr o E o o fs :>Eno i;io; -o c> 'o l-: =E,lrj &.zo Fc) Fazo L) ,. rt E t 0a p rl l- D 2 :E(J LU I I *l)(D F -t 1l q +l (.1 -tG ,J ? oY 4o{^ oY' il =z * .{\n t U 2.L/ o ,Jol \9]\3 ;tq a <E rbl f-fi tdl{t;IO- I I I I It I g F = I ,ilY,,4 ial.)t .2.)v/ \/1 ,i3 2l'*Y A'd-! =1 rrtafit --l tw IFt1Nrtl|o ld I ll.t) v (, d't: 4 4q4 A V1 ;l fl'a- / loaav ,^Fn <l ? >l A g. F I : t- J /l a,l'x vlfiuq J4ul 4 _i iil clat Ioe do c:) n \ I I I I -l-l o.lvl IaA el >lFI ol I |.'lt/ t4t2t4V It4tu6t.4 Vll=lGlr. o a $\|, D- \) I h I ').,r( f4 4 TJ 7 ! I 1r, q n E c<l .I i I o-l l l I . 6 4 Io- b g. u,z o ii,nF0, 3 t'p Y,J 4 <F(E ''JrJr < LUF(1 Zo C) -t &.<o()F l.-{i\ uXF E Eoo7. t-;(J:j<..U3FJZo.O <^ :1 Fr2r_ G. Yzrg &.oErgX+cFFOz oc) -t<o(54ul uJ --r O NL FNU F*$' *$ u N$$aF\xNtitNt*:: Si'\(i \\\ LN\_s;N-..ii\ Ns\ s FIL E COPY 75 south ,ronlage road vail, colorado 81657 (303) 4792138 (303) 4792139 office ot community development February 13, 1992 Alex and Monica MacCormick 160 East 72nd Street New York, NY 10021 Re: Agrll 2, 1991 request lor a setback varlanc€, MacGormlck Resldence, Texas Townhouses 68, Lot 68, VailVillage Fourth Flllng/483 Gore Creek Drlve. Dear Mr. and Mrs. MacCormick: Enclosed is a copy of the minutes of the April 22, 1991 Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) meeting at which your setback variance request was approved. The attached copy of the meeting minutes will serve as your record of the conditions of approval. Please note that the approval of this variance shall lapse and become void if a building permit is not obtained and construction not commenced and diligently pursued toward completion, or if the use for which the permit is granted has not commenced within one year from approval (April22,1992). lf approval of this conditional use permit lapses, an application must be resubmitted for reconsideration by the Community Development Department staff and the PEC. lf you have any questicns or comments regarding this information, please do not hesitate to contact Mike Mollica at 303/479-2138. Sincerely, I t \ i 4r,uh., A(tuk"1 Amber Blecker Planning Assistant Enclosure Il' L{ PLANNING AND ET.IVIRONMENTAL COMMISSION Aplil22,l99l Present Chuck Gist Diana Donovan Connie Knight Ludwig Kurz Kathy Langenwalter Jim Shearer Gena Whinen Staff #*H*, ttLE coPY Andy Knudtsen Shelly Mello Amber Blecker The worksession was called to order at 2:l7PM by Chairperson Diana Donovan. l. A reouest for a worksession to consider an aDDlication to rezone propertv senerallv located west of the Town of Vail Public Works shops from Agricultural and Open Space to Public Use Disrict. The specific description of the oropertv is as follows: That part of the North ll2 of Section 8. Township 5 South. Ranee 80 west of the 6th Principal Meridian. Eaglc Countv. Colorado. lvine north of Interstate Hiehwav No. 70 and beine more particularlv described as follows: Beeinnine at the NE corner of said Section 8: thencc alone the northerlv line of said Section 8. S89 46'27"W a distance of 1500.00 fr thence departine the northerlv line of said Section 8. S00 23'03"W a distance of 529.86 ft to a point on the northerlv ROW line of I-70: thence alons the northerlv ROW line of I-70 followine nvo courses: D S75 28'18"8 a distance of 180.82 ft to a ooint of curvature: A- 1327.90 ft alone the arc of a cuwe to the left. havine a radius of 5580.00 ft. a central anele of 13 38'(M" and a chord which bears N89 36'34"8 1324.70 ft disunce to a point on the easterlv line of said Section 8: Thence deoanine said ROW line of I-70 Nfi) 23'03"E alone the eastcrlv line of said Section 8. a distance of 572.10 ft to the point of bceinnine. containine 20.480 acrcs more or less. described and is not based on a field survev. The basis of bearine for the above parcel is the nonherlv linc of Section 8 beine S89 46'27"W as shown on said annexation plats. Applicant: Town of Vail V .rl-.Tflf"Stry? qated the purpose of this worksession was to discuss the rczoning of the d lt$e} frg$,$$rllulturaVonen Space to Public Use District. The proposed zone has three permitted usei, c6nsisting of public parks, playground and open space; pedestrian and bicycle paths; and seasonal structur€s or uses to accommodate educational, recreational or cultural activities. Any other uses of the zone district are conditional uses, in which case the Planning and Environmental Commission sets the standards. Greg Hall explained the location of the stakes for a proposed snow dump which were seen on the site inspection and where the berm would be located. He also clarified what cuts would need to be made and what the elevations of the proposed snow dump would be. Chuck Crist asked what the typical snow volume for the Town is, and Pete Bumett answered that it is averages 60,m0 cubic yards. Jim Shearer asked why the height of the berm wasn't raised to increase the capacity of the dump, to which Greg answered that the project was still in the planning stages with the landscape architect, and the final berm slope had not yet been determined. A major constraint in this regard, however, was that the slope along the highway portion of the proposed dump could not exceed 2:1, with a | 112:l slope on the Town Shop side. Chuck inquired how much snow typically accumulates. Pete indicated that the high end was 120,000 cubic yards, which was plowed by the Town during the 1982 season. Chuck asked if the proposed dump would eliminate the other dumps around the Town. Greg replied that the intent was to do just that, and to remove the snow storage from the parks. Pete further explained that this dump would be for Town of Vail snow only. Connie Knight clarified that the proposed dump would eliminate dumping into Gore Creek. Kathy Langenwalter asked where the drainage from the proposed snow dump would be. Greg Hall said there is an existing culvert under I-70 which would be utilized. There would be a water quality pond, with a 40 hour retention period, constructed to filter suspended solids from the water. Jim asked if a sand filter would also be used, and Greg replied thc baffels in the filtration system would filter out any oil contained in the water. He continued to say that the pond would not eliminate salts, though the Town does not use much salt in their sanding mixture. Greg stated that Aspen utilized the same type of pond. I I ! future, the property would rcvert back to an AgriculturaVOpen Space zoning. Unfortunately, that could not legally be placcd in the lease agpement. Kathy Langenwalter agreed with Diana and Chuck, and was concerned with the visibility of the high mad. She preferrcd a Lway road along the top. She requestcd the roadline be staked for the next site visit, and to determine if the mad would be visible from the golf course homes. She was very conccrned with any proposcd lighting of the dump, but would accept a condition that it would only be lit when work was being performed. She also statcd her conccrn that the hillside be revegetated with sage. As a taxpayer, she was apprehensive abouta3yearlease. Pete indicated this was about the only suitable sitc for a snow dump which had adequatc drainage. With the curpnt concerns over air and water quality, he felt the move to this location was essential. Greg said thc dump would not be cheap to develop, and he did not feel the Council would allow a $500,000 investment to be wasted. Ludwig Kurz commented he believed the rcar road would be visible, and he asked that thc impacts of this be mitigated in some way. Pete told the C-ommissioners the road had originally been designed at a higher elcvation, and had bcen brought down to help the view impacts. Grcg said they would further examine the view co'rridors to thc proposed site and determine the visibility of the road. Jim Shearer stated rhe site was a definite need, and that the proposal, overall, appeared to be good. However, he was also concerned about the views and the revegetation of the hillside. He asked if juniper, which the Post Office had used, would be an appropriate landscape material. Pete replied it would have to be re-planted every year, but they were planning on rcvegetating for erosion control. Jim continued that, even with the site difficulties, he was in favor of moving the snow dump from its present locations. Jim questioned the $500,000 for site development, and Greg explained most of the cost was for hauling the dirt, design and landscaping of the site. Howcver, if it turned out ther€ was good quality topsoil on the site, it would offsct the cost. Jim said he would like to see an automatic extension in thc lease term with a designated interest escalation (perhaps not morc than l07o). Hc asked staff to investigate if the rczoning could be made conditional on the reverting of the site if the snow dump were moved. Kristan agreed to check that provision with Larry Eskwith upon his return. She felt the rezoning should be considered on its own merits. Jim concluded he would like as little light as possible on the site without endangering the drivers. Grcg noted they would be rcturning to the Commission on May 13 with a request for rezoning, but stated they would not have a final dcsign for the snow dump at that time. Hc asked if the Commission would like to see anyttring else at the May 13 meeting. Diana rcplicd she would like to see the road impacts determined morc clearly, as well as investigating a longer lease term. She stated requiring a longer lease term as a condition of rpzoning may not be the prerogative of the Commission, but that a rczoning for three years may not be appropriate. Gena Whinen joined the mecting at this time, but had no comments as she had missed the site visit. Kristan reminded the Commissioners thcy nccded to basc their decision on the rezoning on whether a Public Use District zoning was appropriate on this site in general. The public hearing was called to order at 3:20PM by Chairpenon Diana Donovan. 1. A request for a setback variance. Forbes Residence. Texas Townhouses 48 and 58. Lot 4Bl5B. Vail Villaee Fourth Filine/ 483 Gore Cte€k Drive. Applicanr Walter Forbes Chuck Clist moved to table this item to the May 13, 1991 meeting. Connie Knight seconded that motion. The Commissioners voted unanimously, 7-0, in favor of the table. Mike Mollica explained that this r€quest was a straight forward variance r€quest. The lot was zoned High Density Multi-Family, which meant there was a 20 foot side setback rcquirement. When the Texas Townhouses were originally suMivided, the lots wcre established as 25 feet wide, with a 0 side setback. Therefore, any changes to the buildings required a setback variance. There was no GRFA or site coverage increase with this request. The request consisted of raising the roof on the north side by 3-4' in order to gain hcad room. Staff recommended approval of this rcquest, as the property was a pre-existing non- conforming lot. There would be no impact on the neighbors from this r€quest. Diana Donovan clarified that these wcrc townhouses, not condos, and there was no property in common. Connie Knight moved that the rcquest for a sctback variance for the MacCormick Rcsidence, Texas Townhouses 6B, Lot 68, Vail Village Fourth Filing/483 Gore Creek Drive bc approved per the staff memo, wittr the finding that the variance was warranted by the fact that the srict and literal interpretation or enforccment of the specified regulation would rcsult in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. Chuck Crist seconded the above motion. The motion passed,7-0. I It In the interpsts of timc, ircm 3 was postpottcd to a latcr timc in thc mecting. 4. Aoocal of calculation of GRFA fu Priman/Secondarv units under l99l reeulations. Aopcllanu Ned Gwathmcv Krisun Pritz cxplaincd thc staff would agrec m calculatc GRFA as rcquestcd by Mr. Gwathmey, and that this itcm was not actually an appcal, but morc a clarification rcqucst from staff to the Commission on the dircction to take with rcgard !o rcquests such as this. Shc explained the rpason thc bonuses werp calculated on a 60/() bagis was that this was how the oiginal language in thc codc had dividcd up credits. Thc codc allowed for crcdis to bc allocatcd pcr unit or poolcd into onc unir Ncd had brought to thc atrcntion of staff 0rat if ttre t50 sq. ft. was addcd to thc otal GRFA and thcn the 60/tl0 split was calculatc4 the sccond unit would not ger the full bcncfit of the crcdits. An cqual allotmcnt of 425 sq. ft. sccmed to be more fair to Ned. Staff was willing to calculate thc GRFA by using the formula based on tot sirc and then add 425 sq. ft. per unit. Howsvcr, staff did not want to be responsible for dividing the 850 sq. ft. of GRFA bctween two ownen. The secondary unit would stipulate the GRFA cap of 4OVo + 425 sq. ft. The bonom line was that total GRFA + 850 sq. ft. shall not be exceeded under any circumstances, and Primary/Secondary lots will not be allowed to have a secondary unit that exceeds 40Vo of GRFA + 425 sq. ft. Staff wanted to ensure thc PEC was clear on this decision. Chuck Gist asked if thc primary unit would be cligible for all 850 sq. ft. if a secondary unit was not built. Kristan replied it would. Aftcr discussions with Jay Peterson, Diana Donovan indicated she was agreement with the staff direction on this issue. Chuck Crisr moved the Commission suppon the staff position outlined in their mcmo. Connie Knight seconded. Thc vote was a favorable 7-0. 5. Apoeal of calculation of GRFA as it relates to substantiallv enclosed soacc. Mindlin Residcnce. I.ot 7. Vail Potato Patclr/800 Fotato Patch Drive. Appellanc Peter Looms Jill Kammerer cluified the bottom linc on ttris appeal was thcrc was a diffcring code interpretation between staff and appcllant. Thc cxisting structur€ had a covcrcd cntrancc with threc floor-toceiling opcnings which wc,le non+ontiguous. The lineal opcnings of tltcsc arcas totallcd 26% of thc space, and codc only rcquircd 225%hneal oPcning. Howcv6, thc codc specified thc openings must b contiguous. Peter Looms, architect for the Mindlins, agrccd ftat thc openings did not mcet thc code requirement for contiguous opcnings, but Orat no onc conncctcd with the house had evcr consider€d the area as enclosed qpace. If it wcre counted in that manner, approximately 350 sq. fr of GRFA would bc lost and the expansion potential for the residence would bc severely impacted. Kathy Langenwalter agreed with the staff intcrprctation of the code, stating this was a massing issue. The Tnning Codc Task Force had specifically addrcssed this issue, with a great deal of time spent thinking and examining what the provisions should bc. The Task Force had carefully looked at whether posts could bc allowed, but had determined they could not. Chuck Crist ag,eed with Kathy's assessment. Connic Knight indicated this proposal was exactly what was to be eliminated. She asked Mr. Looms if the posts werc structural suppofts. He indicated they werc, but also stated they were solely architectural elements. Ludwig Kurz felt the question was a mass and bulk issue and agreed with the staff position. Gena Whitten also agreed. Jim Shearer agreed with staffs position, but questioned the interpretation if the space had turned a corner with a comer post. Kathy Langenwalter indicated the Task Force had specifically talked about that, and decided the space needed to be contisuous. Otherwise, support beams could become 4' posts. Chuck Crist moved to uphold staff's decision regarding the GRFA question for the Mindlin residence. Jim Shearer seconded the motion, and a unanimous, 7-0, Commission upholding the decision. 6. Presentation of staff policv decision on calculatins GRFA as it relates to residences in orimary/secondarv zone district. Kristan Pritz indicated to the Commissioners staff had been making interpretations of thc new GRFA policy, and was making this presentation to cnsure they were acting in accordance with the intent of the policy, and the direction the PEC wished staff to take. The Commissioners upheld all of the staff decisions presented. At this time, the Commission returned to Item 3. TO: FROM: DATE: SI]BJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental C.ommission Community Dcvelopment Department AWrl22,l99l A request for a setback variance, MacComick Residence, Texas 6B, Lot 6B, Vail Village Fourth Filing/483 Gore Cteek Drive. Applicant Alexander MacCormick (^ ,r#(w VE q-o L DESCRIPTION OF TIIE VARIANCE REOI]ESTED The applicant, Alexander MacCormick, is the owner of Unit 6B of the Texas Townhouses, and is proposing a remodel of the upper level of the structure. The remodel includes adding a large dormer on the north elevation, of the third floor, of the townhouse. The proposal does not include a request for any additional GRFA over the allowable. The applicant is ablc to accomplish this by raising thc roof on the north side of the ridge beam approximately 4 feet. This effectively increases the head height in this area of the structurc from an existing 5'-0" to 8'-0". This docs not add GRFA to the unit because areas which arc less than 5'-0" in height, in attic areas, arc excluded from the calculation of GRFA. The Texas Townhouses arp zoned High Density Multiple Family, and as such the setbacks are 20 feet on all sides of ttre propcrty. The Texas Townhouses were origrnally suMivided in a way which created non-conforming side setbacks. The lots, and individual units, ale only 25'-0" in width, with each unit's side wall being right on the side prop€rty lines. This configuration results in a zero side setback. It is for this rcason that a side setback variance is always requfued for any modifications to thc Texas Townhouses. Although there is no proposed change to the building footprint of the existing structurc, this request for a side setback encroachment is to accommodate the changes to the roof, on the north elevation of the structure, thercby allowing for the addition of a dormer. The maximum ridge height for this unit is not proposed to be increased, as the ridge beam of the structure will stay as it currently is. ,\ tr. ZONING CONSIDERATIONS Tnrng: High Density Multiple Family Lot Area: 2,325 sq. ft. GRFA: No change to existing Site Coverage: No change to cxisting Heighu No change o existing Setbacls (Requfued ?.0 feet on all sides of property: No change to existing, however, it should be noted that the existing side setbacks are 0' on both the east and wcst sides of the property. III. CRITERIA AND FTNDINGS Upon review of Critcria and Findings, Section 18.62.060 of the Vail Municipal Code, the C-ommunity Development Deparfrnent rccommends approval of the requested variance based on the following facton: A. Consideration of Factors: 1. The relationship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures in the vicinity. The requested side setback variances will have a minimal impact on both the east and west sides of the property, due to the slight incrcase in the height of the north facing roof. However, it should again be noted that the existing side setbacks are currently 0' on both the east and west sides. The proposed alteration to the roof form will create a slightly larger area of encroachment into the setbacks, as indicated on the attached drawings. The staff believes that said encroachments will not negatively impact adjoining or neighboring properties. Because there is no proposal to expand the existing building fooprint, thcre is no encroachment into the 100-year flood plain or into the 50' Gore Geek strcam setback. As a result, the only possible impact the proposal could have would be on thc Town's str€am walk, located on the nonh side of Gore Goek Staff believes that such an impact would be very minimal, in that the additional mass proposed for the top floor of the structure should not be perceived as a ncgative impact on any surrounding properties. I B. 2. The degree to which relief from the stric{ and literal interpretation and enfiorcement of a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of specisl privilege. The Tcxas Townhouses have lot configrnations which make it almost impossible to modify the units without rcquiring variances. In fact, the existing units alrcady cncroach significantly into the rcquired side yard sctbacls. Thesc encroachments are due to the fact that drc lots are very narrow. Thc staff belicves thcrc are cxtraordinary circumstances due to the original lot layourc of thc Tcxas Townhouses, and that approval of the variance request would not be a gant of special pnvilege. A similar situation exists at the Vail Rowhouses, and it should bc notcd that similar sctback variancc rcquosts havc bcen approvcd in the past for the Vail Rowhouses, as well as for the Texas Townhouses. 3. The efiect ofthe requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportstion and traffic facilitieg public facilities and utilities, and public safety. The staff finds that the rcquested variances will have no sigaificant effect upon any of the above considerations. The Plannine and Envfuonmental Commission shall make the followine findinss beforc srantins a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a Fant of special privilcgc inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same disricr 2. That thc granting of the variance will not be detrimcntal to the public health, safety or welfarc, or materially injurious to propcnies or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That Ore variance is warranted for one or morc of the following r€asons: & The strict litcral intcrpretation or enfqcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unneccssary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectivcs of this titlc. b. Therp are exceptions or exraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same sirc of thc variance that do not apply genrally to other propcrtics in the same zone. c. Thc strict inrcrprctation or enforcemcnt of thc specificd rcgulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owncrs of other properties in thc same district IV. STAFF R.ECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the sidc setback variancc r€qucsl We believe thcrc are extraordinary circumstances on this site (i.e., lot layout) which do not generally apply to other properties in this samc zone district It is also felt that the granting of the setback variances would not be dcrimcnal to the public hcalth, safety m general welfale, or to p'roperties tr persons in the vicinity. For these rrasons, staff believes it would not be a grant of special privilegc to approvc thc setback variances. The staff beteves that findings m(B) 1, 2 and 3(a) apply to this variance request. t 4 glgilal--$3-r I' ^(lI I -=.=--._-+-' 6o rl t I i I -l3rt o2o1.q __* -rlrr, ,iirlo bl 16.Z-lf. {.fl*' Cot't' K lqr*: towal^'o'''re iE E{CT:LCI ELT iLEr|{t .|r cr ,rr rrr, |ltr/. 3 f NORTH Vlt r tt- e. [rii,;f#ll iEIIJ,:'E \\arrLrlg.. - -,;r'ntlr* ,?b - (|Gt5!'iab) tr . rtar''t a'r.-ta?a}..-- ,fl -txa tE -- ll rbtE?a ar . -. ?*{A >* C .rt t>t \ I{ N east+t- re?rfi\t etbnvtt-F JAa*)*1-t''|1 ,tra oQ ?t tqiq, ?*c=t .t aHlrrH6r E a.\+.n)L? aw /'r4rJpq., -\)sa. lgtlq .{ a rt!rfl'i,.++ 'i'Sttto cl ?rat@ q+.zL'lt}JJ, J*lar e J|,Lt1tF- c.7 tte ?.o. a}1t .r3ua' e '.lrv Qur JE ,**,/c'rf.eF, - "= €.1_3^,. ..-, ,'.'Ot-o L""n- OCV* +A,tltttt otl9t}' 4r.Y-. fl.'l |.it.E. ./ w ?W E ffiLl S ?r^4 tt-a .SITE PLAN =o,i'*1& a! vca b. r>wv \.*6. ertrlf.4 ;n)8.te.v. .:-,#ffi_at:. --trtft* tr..H ?,trj|tE +tdr.r'lrr.g,, Ebba ,.-l*,_. F.l.l{- t. L ELEVATION lorrrt Alt;$'.r eac-b (e\ iiiT a BUILDING SECNON I I I I \ dit{ tt:. (! I =lrrFtr clr ug = (o FoJ oFazoF () IL6o J''"1 ) March 21 , 1991 Town of Vail Planning and Environmental Commission 75 South Frontage Road WestVaI1, CO 8'l 657 Re: MacCormick Residence Texas Townhouses Lot 6!l 483 Gore Creek DriveVaiI, CO 81657 The variance application reguests reconsideration of Town of VailSection 18.18.060 regarding minimum sideyard setbacks. The Texas Townhouses (VaiI Village Fourth Fillng) are zoned MDMF and as suchthe setbacks are 20 feet on all sides of the property. The Texas Townhouses \^tere originally subdivided in a way which created non-conforming side setbacks. The units and lots are only 25 feetwide, with each units' side walls belng right on the side propertylines, leaving zero setback. It is for this reason that a side setback varj.ance is always reguired for any modifications to the Texas Townhouses. The reguest for side setback encroachments is to accommodate a dormer roof and deck on the north elevatton, and to reconfigure thesitting room on the upper level. The roof height and GRFA isproposed to remain the same. The existing setbacks are currently zero feet on both sides. The proposed alternations will create a slightly larger area of encroachment into the setbacks, as indicated on the attached floorplans. The encroachments will inpact a lower level deck on theunit directly beJ.ow this property. However, this is an j-nherent problem with zero setback developnents such as the Townhouses, andpermission has been granted by thts neighbor. Because the existing buildlng footprint will not be expanded, the variance will have no signiflcant effect upon other existing orpotential uses and structures in the immediate area. Town of Val1 Planning and Environmental CommissionRe: MacCormick Residence - Texas Townhouses Lot 68 Page 2 The Texas Townhouses have lot configurations which make it almost i.mpossible to modify the units without requiring variances. Infact, the existing units already encroach significantly into thereguired sideyard setbacks. These encroachments are due to thefact that the lots are very narror,r. We believe that there areextraordj.nary circunstances due to the original lot layouts of the Texas Townhouses and that approval of the variance requests wouldnot be a grant of special privilege. Other Texas Townhouses havereceived similar setback variances for remodels. The effect of the variance on light and aj.r, distribution ofpopulation, transportation, traffic facilities, utJ-llties andpublic safety is negligible to the adjacent properties. Respectfully submitted, ARNOLD/GWATHMEY/PRATT ARCHTTECTS, P. C. ard M. Gwathmey, EI4G/ad Enclosures 0nr* 6 haowv,Al Perry Proprtbs Ltd. Brokeragenn\estmenls 650 So. Cherry St.. Suite 1000 Denver. Colorado 80222 (303) 321-1000 January 11, 1990 t. Mr. AIex MacCormick 16o East 72nd Street New York, New York 1OO21 Dear Alex: As a result of our discussions regarding matters of mutual interest with regard to our respective Texas Townhouse Units 6A and 68 in Vail, I thought the following would be helpfut in order to formalize our understanding and agreement. A. The concept of extending the roof out on the north side of the attic space is acceptable ltith ne. It would be irnportant to have the roof sJ.ope designed appropriately for acceptable snow loads and rernoval' tfre ainensions should also be suitable for fire integrity and appearance. To that end, perhaps I should talk-with Ned in order to get the diraensions and details of that addition in order to have a final mental picture of hon this uill look. I am sure that this information wiII be of use to you as well, considering the fact that this nodificatl-on could possibly create additional snow loads and functional considerations wtrich can affect the roof or the other conponents of the structure- I ltould like the understandinq that should anything occur as a consequence of that addition, that this be your responsibility. I donrt envision this to be a problen, but perhaps it i-s best that this be a part of this agreement. l{tren we have the dimensions and other details, which Ned can certainly get to me easily, I witl be happy to run it by the ldesign review committeerl at the Texas Townhouse Homeowner Association, which we agreed to fom }ast meeting, and finalize this approval for you. B. For and in consideration of the addition to your unit, it ls my understanding that it is agreed that you approve an expansion of ny unit into the basement area, or crawl apace of our respective townhouse footprint. The cost and practicality of this I have not investigated at all. Having sone additional area below would be nost helpful in adding nore space and functionality of ny unit. ln't-W Mr. Alex MacCormick January 11, 1990 Page 2 As you would be responsible for any conseqluence of the addition into the roof area on the north side of our roofi the same understanding would apply to rne in being responsible for any conseguence to the addition which I arn entitled to make to rny unit into the basernent area. Naturally, f will keep you advised of the progress of this effort as it takes Place. c. In order to clarify any prior misunderstandings, it is agreed that the nodification which the Milhoans previously nade to your unit by bringing down the entrance to the first landing of the I,CE area is acceptable and approved by me. This area would be exclusively yours, as the storage area and the foyer locker which I currently use would be exclusively nine. These two areas would be lirnited cornmon elenrents (L,CE) inasnuch as I need to have access to your attic area for purposes of going to our jointly owned general conmon element ccE rthere the boilers and purnp eguiprnent is located. By the sarne token, you would have access to my storage closet in the foyer in order to get access to the basement area for purposes of having access to any roechanical , electrical and structural components which we own and use in common. D. Finally, as much as an exterior spiral staircase on the north side of our unlt has not been in existence for some years, if ever, fron the upper part of your unit off of the bedroons onto ny deck, that this area becomesnot an LCE but mine exclusively. I continue to be delighted that you and Monica.are the owners of Unit 68. It is great to have you there and I look forward to nany years of friendship and experiences together. If the above neets with your approval, AIex, kindly execute with the date and appropriate name block. ff thereare any guestions or differences Ln understanding, I hrill bedelighted to correct thern at once. Look forward to seeing HacCorrnick .7i;"'tt' ;' ,o Appr ication 0.,.O**19 9l APPLICATION FOR A VARIAI{CE I. This procedure is required for any project requesting a variance. The applicatlonwlll not be accepted unti'l all lnformatlon is submitted. A. NAME 0F AppLrcANT AlEx 4 t-toFllcA llAcc+t1r..t' ADDREss lbo e. lLNe ++. zlz.^ e gllg IHlNE O).no b-NY B.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE A.N*V (AP:I6WO"^ F'6t,F ooo*r$ l* *. *^ v>i I cto pHoNE_4'? 9 ll _*? ADDRESS PHONE D.LOCATION OF PROPOSAT ADDRESS 1b C*IA e*.nL U".,* bb fr6saq.fuirte LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOT 6>pLocK____.:FILING VV .a*t- E. F. ,a'--'t \FEE ($toy PArD THE FEE-fl65T 8E PAIO 4.5.7 ( BEFORE THE YOUR PROPOSAL. A list of the names of owners of all property INCLUDING PROPERTY BEHIND AND ACROSS !;TN'EETS, THE APPLICANT I.IILL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR CORRE'f II. A PRE.APPLICATION CONFERENCE I.IITH A PLANNING STAFF MEMBER IS STRONGLY SUGGESTEDT0 )DETERI'IINE lF_AN!' ADDITI0NAL INFoRMAiT0N- tl lriiolo..-N0 AppLrcATI0N wria BEACCEPTE0 uNLEss IT_IS C0MPLETE (MUsT INcLUDa Af[ irgNs REquTRED By THE-toNrNG IPI.{N$IR4I9U._ Ir Is THE APPLicANT's nEiFoNSiar[iiV ro NnrE nH AppoiNiNENTI.|ITH THE STAFF TO FIND OUT ABOUT ADDITTOIIAU SUgMiriNI. NCqUTNEMENTJ. -'" PLEASE NoTE THAT_A_!9!!!!IE APPLTCATT0N }lrLL STREAMLTNE THE APPR0VAL PROCESS FoR adjacent to the subject propert and their mai'ling addresses. MAILING ADDRESSES. REqUESTED AI{D THE .}9HR"|$9*I9I-PI^PcgIESIII1HE-lluuqiR-or ionotuons oF-nppnovAL THAT THE pLANNTNc r 5-oi;-m i; iovni- irir s?" ii ianMDl I En l-lr?rr 6FF^^FcoMpLrED tlrrH BEFoRE A ButLDrNd- pEmrii-li-issffi. III. FOUR (4) COPIES OF THE FOLLOI,TING MUST 8E SUBMITTED: , A. {_rlllllFry STATEMENT 0F THE PRECTSE NATURE OF THE VARTANCE REGULATION INVOLVED. THE STATEI'IENT MUST ALSO AODRESS: l. The relationship of the requested variance to'other existing or potentia.luses and structures in the'vicinity. 2. The- degree to-which rgllef from the strict or literal interpretation andenforcement of a specifled resutation is.necessary io alr,ieie-iirilti[ii.'and uniformit-y 9{ treatment atong sites in itri-vi"cinity o, to iiilii'itiobjectives of this Htre withour grant or speiiii-p;irirege.- -t'!"' e"s OVER Q,Vari ance B. 3. The effect of the variance on'l ight and air, distribution of population'!,. i'ri"ii.iiition,"iriirii facilitiEs, utititiis, and public safetv' A topographic and/or lmprovement-survey at a scale of at least ln - 20' stampec'Uv'I'i6i"iioo ticlnseJ iuru.yor lnc]udinq locations of all existlng.'lmprove- ilinisl-.iitiuotng giiils-ina-lii:vitions. -other elements which must be shown. ;;;"il"ii;s-ini-fouiing i;..i,-tngress and esress, landscaped areas and utility and drainage features. A site p.lan at a scale of at least l" o 20r showing existing and proposed bui I di ngs. All preliminary building elevations and floor plans-sufficient to indicate ;h; [i;;;;ions', g.ne"al-appearance, scale and use of all buildings and spaces existing and ProPosed on the slte. A preliminary title report to verify ownership and easements If the proposal is located in a multi-family development.which has a homeowner association, then *iiiiin-.ip"ovai frot the assocJat1on ln.suPport.of.the proJebt must be ""i!irii"Ui'['AuiV authorized agent for said associatlon' Any additiona'l material necessary for the review of the application as deiermined by the zoning adrninistrator'. * For lnterior modiflcations' an lmprovement survey and waived by the zoning administrator. ' c. D. E. F. slte plan maY be IV. Time Requirments The Planning and Environmenta'l-corunission meets on-the Znd and 4th Mondays of each month.'-A-;ffiiil."ippr i;.;i;;'i;--ind a'|1 accompanvins material (as describeo auouej' [usi-u.'iruriiiii i rjnimurn of 4 week's prior to the date of pEC public neariiil'.ii6-inli*iiete-ippticitions (as-determined bv the zonins administrator) will be accepted Ui i'n'.'Piili;S iiaff before or after the desig- nated submittal date. DEFMRTMENTT @F .E@MMUNITV DEVtrLEFMENE Ir2 !l2 S|2 !1" \lr \n2 n'uzs ai zs zs as e-s x SALES ACTION FORM 1 0c00 41330 ccM. DR/. APFUCAIIOTI FE=S t c000 41540 ZONINC A,I,ID ADDRESS UAPS 10c00 42413 19E8 UNTFORII BUIIjINO CODE 1 0c00 42115 1983 UNIFORTI PLUUTINO CODE l ccco 424-15 1SE8 UNIFORU UEC{ANICiL CODE 10cc0 42+15 ISEE UNIFORII FIRE CCDE 10c00 42+15 1967 NAJ]CNAL EJfiiICAL CODE 1 0c00 42115 O]:.|ER CODE BOOKS 1 0000 41548 PRTNTS (un_us; 01,0000 424i2 0x coFtEs / sruDES r ooco lzzzt r4 / RE-INSFESTION oFF HouRs lvsiemoH FL: CONBAS'ORS UCENSES fEES 0t 0000 4t413 .srco APrr,rcrrro* TgKIhI OF L'FI IL- Hiscel laneous Cagh B4*0I-gl 11: B5: Sl F:e,:eiE,t * 8698f,3 Bcrountff f,l';+3b6g ffF:i.lnlti ffEr:HITEt:Tt\1101'l trEu nFF FEE gmgun t t.ende re,J .l lBE. BS Item Paid ffmount Paid BlE8[rg4lf,f,BriBB lBEl' EE l-h.:nge returne,J 1 til' tl1ff -FHFFII{ 1/BlJ 'itou r c.:gh iP r IIHEI -1 X &;- "fu.,,,--*r%,n1* 4e'^2 PUBLIC NOTICE NOIICE IS IIEREBY GMN that the PlannLng and EnvLronnental Conmission of the Town of Vail will hotd a publLc hearing in accordance with Section 18.66.060 of the municipal code of the Town of vail on April 22, L99L at 3:00 p.n. in the Town of Vail lrlunicipal Bullding. Consideration of: 1. A reguest for a setback variance, llacCornick Residence, Texas Townhouses 68, L.ot 68, Vail Village Fourth Filing/ 483 core Creek Drive.Applicant: Alexander l{acCornick 2. A reguest for a conditional use permlt ito expand an existing entry and site coverage variance, Vall Interfaith chapel ,Tract J, Vail Village First Filing/l9 Vail Road.Appllcant: VaiI RelJ.gious Foundation 3. A request for a setback variance, Vail Potato Patch Townhomes Partnershlp Townhone K, Part of Lot 6, Block 2t Vail Potato Patch/ 770 N. Potato Patch Drive.Applicant: Potato Patch Townhomes Partnership 4. A request to arnend the Zoning Code, adding a section to identify all approved view corridors and to set forth details with regard thereto.Applicant: Town of Vail All ltems tabled from the April 8, 1991 PEC lneetlng agenda. The applications and available for public Department office. Town of Vail CornnunJ.ty Development Published in the vail inforrnation about the proposals are inspection in the ConnunJ"ty Developnent DepartmentTrall on April 5, 1991. /ur q's-o/. Willian B. Senner Vail Assocl.atee 1350 Kenilrrood Lane P.O. Box 7 Riverwoods, rL 50015 Vail , CO 81658 B. Jurgen Hintz P.O. Box 599Cincinnatl, OH 462OL Town of VaLI Pete Perry The Wren 650 s. Cherry St., *1000 500 S. Frontage Road E. Denver, CO 80222 Val.l , CO 81657 5 8. Vall ValleyVail, CO 81657 Diana Donovan 1014 Honestake CirclVall, CO 81557 Helen Chatfleld 540 S. Franklin Denver, co ADJACENT PROPERTY OWNERS l1'o4y,'n.,te-til*{tsif Residence t'oL 168 Texas Townhouses 483 Gore Creek Drive Vail, co 81557 Lot 3 Rike Ditzler lfooten 20 Meadow Lane Englewood, co 801 10 Lot 4A tlilliam B. Semmer 1350 Kenilwood Lane , Riverwoods' IL 60015 Lot 5A B. Jurgen Hintz P-O. Box 599 Cincinnati' oH 45201 Lot 6A Pete Perry 650 South CherrY Street' #1000 Denver' Co 80222 Lot 68 Alex MacCormick--- - 160 East 72nd Street New York, NY 10021 Tract P1 AIl Seasons Condominium Association 435 Gore Creek Drive VaiI, CO 81657 Tract P2 VaiI Associates Tract A Town of VaiI The llren 500 South Frontage Road East Vall, cO 81657 Manor Val'I 595 East Vail Valley Drive VaiI, CO 81657 4 L ptjar PoNeVAt\[ - . I F 1;ii Aotn,*t't;t*z' ctvdc' j/-i I ee a,lbsl 1o t-+elrw C'FUqFIEUCT'6-6 4' fr:'vrbtr'r,,r Do4t)^? tCO , ,*-.'ttJu. ltf !0 (r t![v araS to' 3 :l- '*-sc'.eo b 1q-r I b i-qI t"Et*.? tc4!€ r'D tclrl r" ro Project Application 4,t7,?oDate prolectName: ilo. ( r ", - fr-/-- oott -Qau Proiect Descrip tron: .4 aly,&zh;.-lt Contact Porson and Phone Owner. Address and Phone: Architect. Address and Phone: Legal Description, r-ot 6 -B , etocr rtrinsh/*a To@,1fu-L- .7t^. Comments: Design Review Board Date DISAPPROVAL Summary: .1,/t'70 O 'statt Approval ot '- AaO@(Ara#T 1 4rJ ilFlt-( tfiaff-p +AlAav,€^ ?'4Fe1?\tsU, Ca'r?-) N t*-@W_1e#\b T2y+JHa. *Ce.b I _T*-l i i I-- __ I IItl\9 |'' -'l I Il1!.-li-l Il_i'-flftl/aI?F'41 il I l_ --.1 \ --ll , l,_ SlrerJ ?;a'tg,o*1 t/t 1I attpa 'rawAnoaq)t 14'- $t $l $ IL { nr ,s )t fi 4 .b.qo.?-.2o.1o ,, .rod:f rsrd +,, i t; -9 $F*',9 $'\LF.\T\t-t\zsizqFU *rlll d I $ t $ IL stIN $ T E $ d r$f $ 'n--- rI ,[s '$l u I 5xIt hlfta - e2a1rayryat? blLdJ.' + _rw?(Io W WYTraT \ ' Ex!'l1*r' n**-(to *'rswzxtw)- L;C:e; t tl vitE l--l r_ltill-\ LJ I] f-r.Wt/D>mretga I -*, vlthJt.'.Jrur- 1 I.-IALL ( ?|l-_'- lG*I vavu ffi| *zb+I So, -- *. L U@?+A zxtEtt*v Ybr/*t-16aV 1eW" TarlUr/ctag * G.b FSI'rt APPLICATION DATE: DATE OF DRB I4EETIIIG: DRB APPLICATION BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBIIIITTED**T*******THtS APPLICATI0N btILL NoT I. PRE.APPLICATION MEETING: Apre-applicationmeetingwith.aplannincstaffmemberisstronglysuggestedto determine if any aoiiiioiai inrorhatiot i: ry"9:9:.-19 ll.pll:"!i:l-li]l-?:,::::A pre-apprication {qgti!9-Yi!!.1-lllyl"g.=*ll-T*bf;: l:"il be accepted ffii:['ffi i: ilil'iil"iil;i iiiilii-;ii i!:F-t.::1r1.li-!h.:,:l"in:1Ti3i::]!::)'ll'ii".tl ;;pil:i;il; il;;;";i6iii;{ ie llld q,1tryr:3i'l,il'l ll3"il?lt"*,lll1i,l.'iullii lSSiiiiilJr si,u'iitii-requirements ' l!91-':-19!:.t3.t,:^991!!llE.ll'l*l:ii;"";iii :ru;ii;; ir,i-iipi6uii-prg:"" for your proiggl bv decreaslns the number ---..-r *Lr* +h^ nDR -ev <ti-n[letp^ ALL condi tions of aOorOVal mtl on wi l l streaml i ne the approval process I u]- yvul Pr vr,g[. r. uJ vg\'r gqJ l |15 "'. ..: of conditions of ,prirJuir-[[ii'irre'ong may sti-pulatb. ALL conditions of approval must ue reloivea before'i uuitatng permit ls issued' A.PROJECT DESCRIPTION: lld^ bE I >JAr B. LOCATION OF PROPOSAL: c. NA,{E 0F APPLICANT: A[rxrt^&'- f1w- Carrnaitl''- -,t =telephone 6+E , O1ry Cgore- Cn t)rwe la<p Descri pti on Lot b-b Bl ock Filing fll.c Gfuit rA AppLrcANT,s REpREsENrArrve t Ned Gapafln* laaa +.Frowtagz. t.{. Veit ' telephone The fee wjll be paid at the tlme a building permit is requested. l0 ,0oo 50,000 150 ,000 500 .000 .b Address Legal Zoning Address D. NAME OF \ Address E. MI'IE OF O Si gnature Address F. DRB FEE: VALUATION telephone !ll-{$f-=olo€; FEE $ 0-$ $ 1o,oo1 - $ $ 50,001 - $tr Fo. ool - $ '$ 10.00 $ 2s.00 $ so.oo $100.00 ilbn F zodidJ 2o' g{L*Ks rF O LlsT oF I'IAIERIALS ,rl4E 0F PR0JECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF P The followlng lnformatlon ls-requlred-for submlttal by the app'llcant i;;ri-i;;;e-a-iinat approval can be flven: A. BUILDING I,IATERIALS: TYPE OF }IATERIAL to the Deslgn Revlew COLOR Roof Sl dl ng 0ther tlal I l.laterl al b hbrg - Fascla Soffi ts lll ndols tllndow Trim Doors Door Trim $and or Deck Ralls Fl ues Fl ashl ngs Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther v'6w< .fr NDUf,, 8.LANDSCAPING: Name of Deslgner: Phone: PLANT MAIERiALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanlca'l Name Sl ze*Corrnon Nanle Quani ty o b6 l,{i'l'tl L0r'!r N oo 4.{a [h LE' oo IQWNHOUSE ON L0r 24. ,NT A ELElffi'.tO' lg rf .gug.E"T_.J sL!:* r-evH- 3 ATTIC UNIT 2 $CALE, f'r lO' HONG _rH LoRADo- '--'qEE'--kEEc'{F'.*B sqTffi,t A{ t.*t I SCALE; l"* tO' ,sEgTlgt{ g-,H*- SCAT.€'ln. lO' _ELEY..-_gls8.eo' ----.- Etev-. eEg,rgl.T pG.C,E.- ; \i q Arnci |unrra 9tcK r-.c e TRANSMITTAL ," -FoVrl I .l t o^r", fl u I10 atx*Toui.u,; I ALEXANDER MAC CORMICK 16() EAST 72ND sTREET NEv\' YORK. N. Y. IOO2I TcL. (2rZ) 535'Otoat Feb Tthr l99O Dear- Ned r Encloeed is a letter =igr,=j by Pete Ferry and myeelf Cautld you Flease lc,ok at Par-t A and rlrn the final drawings by Pete. t have pt-evic,ursly qiven hinr a capy af thes ar-chitect drawing yc.u gave me. He_ raiseg a qr-rest ian abc.urt snc'w loads ol-l the rc,af . I wor-tld want this ta furnct ian properly from the start wi tirout later cc,rrectic,nE and wc,uId alsc, asl{ Zednell tc, instal l heater cc, i ls etc Blrch that we have c,n this Nc,rth side already. At the last meeting of the Texas Tc,wn Holrgeg Agsc,cr it r+as voted ta fc.rrn a " design review committee " ta help keep the present aFpesr-ances c,f the front rc,l- 9cLrtlr eider c,f the building as is, Ta my knc,wledge rat thig tiner there is ns Bne appc'inted to this commi ttee vet.It was agreed at the rneet inq that there is .r're BbjectiRn to alterationg of the North gide at this time. Hc,wever r please coltld you rltn the plan by Fett fsr the frnal say sR. Al l the best for nowehopefLtl ly He carr get al l in c,rder tc' start the alter-atians in the Spritrg. tle shall see, Hc,nica and I e>rpect ta next be in !,lc,nder-fr-rl Vail Feb 15' tlill give yoLt a call. Al I the best fc,t- nor'r r Srncet-elyr W o Feb ?th r 1990 Dear Pete r Plonica and I wiEh ts thanlt you fc,r yc'ur cc,nsideration of our requegt tc, c,pen ourt the ncrrth side c,f the ettic sFace. It r+ill nake this area more livable and add much needed light and air . I have counter sigr'red yc,r-rr letter of Jan llr enclosed it with this c,ne, I have aleo forwarded a cc,py ts Ned Gwathmey be in centact with you re yc'ur suggestions in of your letter. Feter many thanl<s for ycLrr coc,Pet-atien to date. We e>lpect to back in Vail somet ime next weell fot- a fevr daye and look forward to seeing you then. FoF rto$r r Gtlr best regardse Sincerelyr l99O and Bnd he shou.ld PartAlpaget P!.ry PtoFrd!. t6. Brokerag€/lm€st nents 650 So. Otery S.. 9rite l([) DrrrvtlLCn/cr:tu@22(gI3)3aLfipo Ur. 160 New Dear January 11, 1990 Alex UacCormick East 72nd StreetYork, New Iork 10021 Alex: As a result of our discussions regarding matters of mutual lnterestUnits 6A and 68helpful Ln order agreenent. wittr regard to our respective texas Townhousein Vail, I thought the following would beto fornalize our understanding and A. lltre concept of extending the roof out on the northside of the attLc apace Ls acceptable with ne. It souldbe lnportant to have ttre roof slope desLgnedappropriately for acceptable snon loads and renoval. The dinenslons should also be suitable for firelntegrity and appearance. To that end, perhaps I shouldtalk wlth Ned Ln order to get the dinensions and detailsof that additlon in order to have a flnal nental pictureof hos tbis s111 look. I aD sure that this Lnformationvill be of use to you as well, considering ttre fact thatthle lodifl.catlon could possibly create additional enosloads and functlonal consl.derations vhich can affect theroof or the other components of the structure. I rould like ttre understanding that should anythingoccur aa a consequence of that addition, that this beyour responsLbllity. I don.t envlslon itri" to b! "problen, but perhaps Lt ls best that thls be a part oftbis agreenent. ffiren ye have the dimensions and otherdetalls, ubLctr lfed can certainly get to ne easily, Iwill be happy to run lt by the -deslgn revLew conmLtteelat tbe Texas Townhouge HoDeowner Assocl.atLon, whl.ch ve agreed to forn last neeting, and flnalize this approvalfor you. B. For and, Ln consideration of the additLon to yourunit, lt le ny understanding that lt J-s agreed thlt you approve an e)q)ansion of ny unit into the basenent area,or crawl apace of our respective townhouse footprint. Ttre cost and practicality of this I have notinvestigated at all. ffaving sone additional area belowsould be nost helpful in adding nore space andfunctionality of ny unit. G-f,W(At ^l Ur. Alex l,lacCotmick January 11, 1990 Page 2 As you would be responsible for any conseguence of theadditlon into the roof area on the north side of ourroofi the sane understanding would apply to me in beingresponsible for any consequ6nce to tle laaition which ian entitled to uake to ny unit into the basement area.Naturally, I will keep you advised of the progress ofthis effort as it takes place. C. In order to clarLfy any prior nisunderstandings, ltis agreed ttrat the uodificatlon whlch the llilhoanspreviously nade to your unit by bringing down theentrance to the first landing of the IfE area lsacceptable and approved by ne. This area would beexclusively yours, as the storage area and the foyerlocker whl.ch I currently use would be exclusLvely nine. These two areas would be liraited conmon elenents (IXE) inasuuch as I need to have access to your attic area for put?oaes of going to our Jotntly owned general cou[on ' elenent GCE where the bollers and punp equipnent islocated. By the sane token, you vould have access to nystorage closet in ttre foyer in order to get access tothe basement area for purlroses of having access to anyueclranical, electrical and Etrrrctural components which we own and use in coumon. D. Finally, as nuch as an exterior spiral stal.rcase onthe north side of our unit has not been in existence for soDe yeare, tf ever, frou the upper part of your unitoff of the bedrooms onto ny deck, that this area beconesnot an I.,CE but uine exclusively. I continue to be delighted that you and Uonica.are the owners of Unit 68. ft ls great to have you there and I lookfonard to nany years of frLendship and e:<periences together. If the above neets rith your approval, AIex, kindly execute rith the date and appioprlate name block. ff thereare any guestions or differences ln understanding, I vilt bedelLghted to correct then at once. Iook forrard-to seeing ,;K valid or binding until AFR; 2-9@ 14ON B:25 r Arrrcrlcrn llrnc Tltl. A$octttlorr Commttmonf drltad 1ol?o P-62 COMMITMENT FOB TITLE INSURANCE' IS!|UED BY exasAT r its ion.n called the Company, ior 'licies i.tle insurance, as identified in Le n; tn or mortgagee of the estate A, upon payment of the Com A an\ B and to the Conditions proposed Insured and the amount le A hereof by the Company, endorsement. or policies of title insurance and all months after the effective date hereof chever first occurg, provided that the pany, This Commitment shall not be agent. to be iigncd and sealed, to 'agent of the Company, all in accordance in Schedule A as "Effective Date," .a:Va4"-H*+' STEWAITT TITLE GUARANTY COMPANY STEWAFT TITLE GUARANTY CO valuable consideration, hereby comm Schedule A, in favor of the or interest covered hereby in premiums and charges therefor; and Stipulations hcreof , This Commitment shall be of the policy or policies €ither st the time of the issuance This Commitment is preliminary liability and obligations hereunder or when the policy or policies co failure to lssue such pol polic IN WITNESS WHEHEOF, become valid when countersig with lts By.Laws This Comm s'r' Chrirmon of rhc BoCrd S nfllt), .t! (h dt, r.1frnl. 5s7d 1 APR- 2_99 FTOh{e=2 o F.E5 Gommitmonl Numbcr: Anoot af h|ttros . 375r000.00 Tax CcrU.s l?srooo.oo I sUSNl BR'!w -\ \ STEi\WART TITT-E CrrAl..rf ?y COl,,l rry ':gcldn SCHEDUIE A dc] Numbu: Zl66-V t, etbcllvr doltl - -- -... - &tf-ch 20' 1986 lt 8t00 A.H. a. Hcil of Folhlor ts be h$ed: A Atlr Ormtu lolhf fto9oodhet||(l: scttEilEctEnAY rR0sr cQHFAilY AS llttUS',t'Fllc. UNDIn rlrf,t 0F BEuunA Dgronssr mrffit t, tho c6r0to or InbBlt In thr lmd dorcrlbod c oterod b h hlt @lfnnttftor md codrod hololn B too rlmplo rd to thorcb b d lto dlodlva (bL hfreof uoelod Inl N$MAT,T gEiLL HILHOAII AI{D 4, flro lond roforrod !o h il{r cofiimltmonl b do0slbod ar Glhwt: ACCONDIN6 IrrE nbrco l}IEf,,EOT Prenl,u, C 9Q7.' 5., 50'' lnpocod hruod: .=.5 fu thslzod Co,nlo|'lgnolul|Prgo 2 ':|PR- z_EY o o r- - g4 SCHEDULET-Sccliont Ordor Numbei; ?169-V Rcqulre ments Th. lollowlng are lhc roquirofiGnls to be compllod vvilh: Itom (r) Peymenl b or lor lhr aocounl of thc grtntors or morlgagors of tho full considefruon for lho cstalo ot inlerest b bo hsu|Ed. llem (b) Proper Instrumenl(s) crealine the astate or interest lo ba lnsured must b0 ex€culod and duly filod l0r record, to wil: l. Etecutlon of attached afftdavlt as to DebtE and Llen! and tta retlurn to thlr offlce. Commitmenr f,lumbcr: 2.thB l)'eed of ILtlOAl{ tor ths uss ot nl0$Ag ll. CURRNI N{D il.nYil F, CURRA'II to q€ure s106r500,00\tn Booh 28?dated iIAtluAAc 31, 1979 recordo{ F}rTlRuASc 21'' 19 Releaca by the hrlrltc Truatee of Englc_!9u4_t1-or[rust froL Renuu.l sE[,|- mrn0nn A$D su$Atf tsROHN ce;tlf lcate f ron Texal to'lnturuae Aesoclatlon verlfylng thgt crrch PaJrnent has been recelved. at Pag€ 199 aa Recep'tlon l!o. 178606. -\*-.- -EOlEr - Arslgnment oi the above Deerr [Trys!- -to -cr"!$Otl^ftFREDl4Atf rec6rded February ?Lt 1979 f\\ok 282 aB Pege 200 aa Reccptlort [o. 1?8607. V 3. Evtd.encc aatlrfactory to grbtwart TiEte \aranty Coup,any that- ttrc real eatate tranif er t\\acgessed by\he_Town of -Vall bas iCen patd or tt1at the t'rans\c\ton ll erefltPt frsn sald tat' l. 5, Executton of Cer€if lcatlon - \nlf ty Tranef eror / Indlvldurl Trenaferor and \ return to fFrtr office. Paynent of any a"d$tr asseaaltentc and exPenseE as ie{utred Dy lhe tgAg)folrrtpuse Agsoctatlon and 6. 7, Deed f rou ve*ted owncr. velUtng fea rlnplg tl!'fe [n P!FE!91!")'nmdr IOTATIOIT oF IfiE i,nCef AtfrRE;ss OF ttIE GRAtlIlre llttsf APPEAR tii-rttu iIEnD AS p€n le?s AIGNDHENT To STATUTE otr nDcoRDIllG oF DElrDg 73 CTS 3835109 (21. DeoO of Trugt fron the Borrorer to the Ptrtrltc frurtee for the use of, the proporee lender to recure the loan, GtrnFI l', rtttr 7rrlt7v,F APR.- 2-9A Fl O h.l ., .. .a 27 . .,, SCHEDULE B-Sec{ionE Excsptions hti sre therelronr thoul\\he sanc De found to ;xrnetrate or trnterlect the preulret tre\e$ Erante.l, at reserved ln Unlted E:o P. E5 5. lnyta! 2166-V Order Number; @tffiitm€nt Numbcr: The polcy or polcies lo be bsued will eontain exceptlonr to the tollowlng unlesr the 3ant are disPoged ot to tho $tisfaotion ol tho Oompaty: 1. RDhb or clairB of parlies In possession ml ghown by th€ publb r€c-orde, 2, Er$emonla, or clrimE of oa$cmsnte, not Bhown by tho public rccordt. 3. Discrepancies, conflicb in boundary linet, rhortage in area, encroachmenls, and any facts which a corl€ot aurvgy lnd irup6clign ot the premigos would diaclorc end which ere not 3hown by lhf public rocorcls, 4, Any lion, or right to s li6n, tor serviceg, lrbor or material h€retofore or hereafter furnBhed, lmpoood by law and not shown by the public records, 5, Ocfecb, llcns, fncumbrancss, advcrso olaimg or othar msltors, if any, orEalecl, first appeating in the public recorde or attaching subsequent !D th6 ctfective dst€ hereof but prior to ihg dete ths proposed Inlur€d rcqulreg of record tor velue ths sstel€ or Inbrest or rnortgagg thereon colercd by his Cofrmltmonl, fflil tll un1\aid, t.arer and asceesnents arr i6,ler.$t unr€deened 7. the effect of l,nclualona tn orry {Ienerol or spec{tc watcr concerueficyr flre Protectlonr sollGon8ervablon \5 otherdlrtrlcE or lnclutlon 1n any $ater\\:vlce or rtreet lnproveilent *ea. V 6. ttlght of the proprletor(E{ a veln or \a* t"- exbrac^t and ren,tve Stater PatentaTcorded rn \l)k tE at Pase 075. 9. Rtght of way t\ cttctres and canals conetrucbed by aublrorlty_of tha gntted Stat\s, as reserved tn onlted statet Pauerrt recorced ln Dooh rB at Pe\e3475. 10. Protectlve covenanta2 whlch do not conlaln a forfelture or- rtverter c!.*uae, l! ieb lorbh tn lnsbrueent r6cordad Sugfuet 10, 1962, ln Booh l?t rt Pagre 179. llr thae$entc, regtrlCttant anal rlElrtt-ot-t{fryr oE ahot*t on Che plat of Vall Vlllager For"rrth Flltng rocorded as Receptlon ilo. 97903. l?. Any and alt rtghtr of tbe osmer(rl of propert'y-adJolnlng ttg gubJect properLy, a,rlrlng fron tlre crlctenc€ af a per0t l'lll ?tdesit'lbei r; A(t;detnenb recorded.tanuari 6, 196+ tn Sooh 178 at I'rgtr rl73 aE RecepDlolr !fo. 98584. 1t. rr(ry ,rnd ell rirlhts ot Ltre ownerts) of property adJolnlng the r.l, , r;' i,r',-,1r. 1f v, .rr irilrvg f ron tlre exlrtenee of a 14rt'y llllf ?g.i r I1,. .i , rr ,,.,ir 1,,iti,+ rr! r'tt:qir.i,,:.| ..larr\ttlt y tl , 1964 tn SOOh 178 at i ,. "!ir.,,, i'J'','liii,iij. r I, are hereby omitled, ..r,i r r1 ir,,d in CondonrlnLun'rrI Urll.age, Fourth.. | ,t | 4qe :10+ as ExceptiorE numbered t-. rr\f.\t , t t t, a7t 7t! t7F F APR- 2-9s i'l g ]-{ cl :2e '' 'r..t O,'.'o : '",, . r -" ' Comlt!€nt Attaohed to and mrd. I part of Stewart TltleGuaranty hnpanyffitfrtfr{fl Continuation ol Schedule B-Sectlon 2 2166*V Recepblon l{o. l??7I2, 15. Terus, condl.f,lons and, resbrlct,lons aJ contalned ln AEreenenBfor the Fornatlon of the llexas ?ownhouse Assoctatlon-recorded llovember 30' lgBa tn Eook 401 at Fage 209 ar RecepBlon No. 29?497, oo? P"9" 2A P. 916 t APR- 2-98 F|OH e :2Et tl $'--r ; ,1.I r'.. t rt f i.t -. t. 2. .i CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS ' ") ,. -}- .) l.- '( :';. 2 1 :r, .:r , I Th'e term mortgadb, when us€,d heriin, shall Include:deed of trust, trust deed, or other securitLanrtrument. ;; t , lf the proposed InsJred has or acquires ectual knowledge of €ny defect, lien, cncumbranoe, edvo,rse claim Or other inatter affecting th€ estate Or interest or mortgage thereon covercd by this Commitment other than thox shown in ScheJuie B hereof, and shall tiit to Cisclose such knowledge to the CompanY in writing, the Company stiall be relieved from liability for any loss or damage resulting from eny act of reliane hdreon to the extent the Gompany ls prejudiced by failuie to so ditclose such knowledge. lf the ProPosed Insured shall disclose srch knowledge tO thg Company, qr if the Company otherwise acqu.ir'e3 actual knowledge of any such defect, lien, encumbran6e, adversp claim Or Qther matter, the Company at h$ option may amend Schedule B of this Commitment accordingiy, but nrch emendment shall not relieve the Company from liability previously in6urred pursuant to paragraph 3 of these Conditions and Stipulations. 3. Liability of the Company udder!this Commitment shall be only to the named proposed InsJred and-such partiis included under the definition of Insured in the iorm of policy or policies committed for and only for ectual loss incurred in reliance hereon in undertaking lh good fahh (al to comply with the requirements hereof, or (b) to eliminate exgeptions shown iF Echedule B, or {c} to acquire or cfeate the estate or interest or mdrtgage therion co\rered by this COmmitment, In no event shall Erch liability eiceed tfriamount stated In Schedufe A for the policy or policies comrnitted for and srch liability ie subiect to the inzuring prwlsions and the Conditions rnd Stipulations and th: exclusions from coverage of the form 6f policy or poligies committed for in favor ol the proposed lnsured which are hereby incorporated by rtference 9n{ a1e ryrade, t patt of this Commitment exoept as ,;*-ols!$ivmoaitLoherein''i:. ' ' -:.i : 4. Any olaim of loss or damage. whetllel or not based on negligenc.e, and-which arises" ilidt-the statu: of itre ttrtti'to the estats or interest oi the lien ol the insured mottgtg" louereO hereby or any action agserting suoh^claim, shall.be restricted to ttre pioiisions and Conditions and Stipulations of this Commitment. J-i STN\,VAR'[ 'fI'I'LIJ GUARANTY COMP.t!gY '.t ' Page 5 I o TaaJtN'L - /4*.&,ent-KGf.^ 7- 7,71 7L I7V.A;-.X^- /.^ /re% ,a;Zl.a.^'br-*r ' fu be8 ,u & .%, hA /4,4^ + N"a e ffi. o@'fr) ?e'/: a'-'J /t' /;g ,l Il--l y'4' o o ?J',--p',--iz ffia- ,//r-1/ ,4A4 r+prs14 #lnJF-r OD?*V 4-1rtVE* dt?l*tV. /'+' a?></+Tcz.J{ Jou* T-f.l-_:.-J-.- >e=f ffiQF:zz:**t ; -'-.tJ? 4 Q4=5a \e,re -) ! ?><raaiJ(a ffi)r4{FZrcIE=, 4 a'r*P' .r\fil tiln W*4@z-:?? ^r/- "!l Buff Arnold Ned Gwathmey Architects, P.C. 1000 South Frontag€ Road Wbst Vail, Colorado 81657 3tr.476-1147 TRANSMITTAL r", -T w^ u,P Vt''( o^r". I .>t-&1 + -T' I ac>- - J6w, L"* ^-l"\'(unw\>.<JE-A,.H- ,. tlw b<t^^/+ TutalTDr$DtlD/tr .6Do *****THIS APPLICATI0N l'IILL NoT I. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING: A pre-application meeting with-a planning staff member is strongly suggested to determine lf any aojiiilfiar intori,iation is needed. No application will be accepted unless tt is comp'r.;;-(il;i iryigq; i!'l itemi required,uy ttre zonins administrator). ii'ii-11J;;pii;[;i;; ieiponsiu'iiiiy to make an dppointment with the staff to find i,it-uuiui ahbittonat-.submittal requirements. Please note that a COMPLETE applica- iiJn-niii streamline lhe approval process for.your proi99.t by decreasing the number of conditions of upp.iuif that ilre'DRB may sti-pulatb. ALL condjtions of approval must be iesolved before'i Uuitaing permit is issued' A. PROJECT DESCRIPTION: APPLICATION DATE: o1 "7o -s") DATE OF DRB I4EETIi,IG:b,lb'b? DRB APPLICATION BE ACCEPTED UNTIL ALL INFORMATION IS SUBI'IITTED***** Srr^t,(.AR_ ttvif5 1e €FS APDIIIDfJA\- 4€c\ OF PROPOSAL:B. LOCATION Addres s 4b3 a cFtw_ pE\rt Descr i pti on Lot L^ P Bl ockLegal Zon i ng Filing C. NAME OF APPLICANT: Address NAME OF I Addres s NAME OF te lephone 417-616qfr D.APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE : telephone 41Ul OWNERS:* uototEa.. Vvc{nY"lt\rtKE. F. Slgnature DRB FEE: The fee wi I l VALUATION $ o-$ lo,ooo ' $lo,oo1 -$ 5o,ooo $.50,001 - $ 150,000 $150,001 - $ ,5oo,ooo $500,001 - $1,000,000$ 0ver $1,000,000 IMPORTANT NOTICE REGARDING ALL SUBMISSIONS TO TIIE DRB: l. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, the applicant must stake the site io inaicate property iines and building corners. Trees that will be removed ihould also be inarfia. This work must-be completed before the DRB visits the si te. 2. The rev'i ew process for NEW BUILDINGS will normally involve tt'lo separate meetings oi-tt. oeiibn Revieh Boaid,-so plan on at least two meetings for their approval. 3. People who fail to appear before the Design Review meeting and who have not asked foqa postponement republ ished. ' ' Address ltoo + 'lTtD E- *1 .1 t@Ul . telephone aft'655 t1* be paid at the time a building permit is requested' FET '$ 10.00 $ 25.00 $ s0.00 $ 100 .00 $2oo. oo $300 .00 Board at their scheduled will be required to be p NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET AODRESS: DESCRIPTION OF Roof Si di ng Other }Jall Materials LIST OF I'IAITRIALS The following lnformation 'ls required for submittal by the applicant Board before a flnal approval can be flven: A. BUILDING MATERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL to the Design Review COLOR Fasci a Soffi ts Ii ndous }{i ndow Tr.im Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chlmneys Avtw'4)_ l.'6wf ltTrash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther 8. LANDSCAPING: Name of NDI-,E, PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES E)(ISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED Des i gner : Phone: Botanical Name Common Name Quani ty Si ze* Indicate height for conifers. (over) *Indlcate caliper for deciduclous trees.