HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL VILLAGE FILING 4 LOT 8 TEXAS TOWNHOMES LEGAL,-t)Planning and Environmental Commission t'il Vlta't- --1.{b-6^n h6mz> 4nry.( /q ACTION FORM Department of Community Development 75 Sorith Frcntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci,vail,co,us ProiectName: LIGHTHALLDORMER PECNumber: PECO4OO77 Project Description: New dormer on north side of townhome with standing seam copper roof; all other materials to match existing and no additional GRFA to result from the dormer addiUon. Participants: OWNER UGHTHALL,DIANEGAMEL LL|IS|?AO4 Phone:303-9854984 5293 W OBERUN DR DENVER co 8023s License: APPUCANT MICIIAEL SUMAN ARCHITECT, LLC1 1/15/2004 Phone: 97O-47 L-6122 MICHAEL SUMAN PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81520 License: ARCHfiECT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECI, LLCILI L5 | 2004 Phone: 970-47 I-6L22 MICHAEL SUMAN PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81620 License: C000001764 Project Address: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Locauon: 483 GORE CREEK D& UNIT #8 l.€gal Descriptlon: lot 8/9 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILLAGE FIUNG 4 Parcl ilumber: 210108235001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION MoUon By: Lamb Action; APPROVED Seond By: Jewitt Vote: 6-0-1 (Kjesborecused) DateofApproval= l2/L3l20M Conditions: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond:300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: ElisabethEckel PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 ,t -. I . Oonditional use Fermit. Floodplainftlodification. Mircr Ederior Alteralion. ilajor Exterior Alteration. Developrnent Plan. Amendment to a Dovelopment Plan. Zoning Code &nendment. \&tur. Siign Variance $6so $400 $650 $800 $15m $250 ,$ljlm-\Q50g/$m0 Application for Review by the Planning and Environmental Gommission Department of Community Development 75 Sorith Frontage Road, Vail, Colonado 81657 tef : 970.479.21 39 tax: 97O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Informatlon: All projecb requiring Planning and Environnental Oommission review must receive appro\61 prior to submitting a building permit appli:ation. Ple6e refur to the submittal requirennnts br the partiorlar apgo\.al that is rcquesfied. An appli:ation for Plannirg and Erwironrrental Cornmission rwieu, cannot be accepted until all rcquired inbnnation is received by the Communig Development Department. The projec{ may also rreed to be reviewed by the Town Courrcil and/or the D€sign Review Board. Type of Appllcatlon and Fee: Rercning $1300 ttlajor SuMivisbn $1500 Minor gibdivision $650 Erernption Pbt $650 Minor Arnendnrent to an SDD $1m0 l,lew Special Development District $6000 Major Amendrnent to an SDo $6000 lvbjor Arnendrnent to an SDD 51250 (no exteior modifications) r0r4il\,# Description of the Requet: parcel No.: 2lolo823$ml (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Owner(s) Signature(s): Nameof Applauil' /4'a44/J4,"14"r, //'/'?/4t/ S^'r"4', Arltkel'., U4 lrlaillng Address: E-mall Address: ruiJr.d 2 <U,rrrt,or'4",' [reh eo,-- 1 F ,r' n$r .'.itrE; . *- I .r0v L 5 2004 I tL--- ',.c()M.DEV. Location of the Proposal: Name(s) of Owner(s): 't /za* 01./in g$ffTJb"Jt' w,No.,/o/b av, A,LQ( +^ ItifeetingDate:='- L2-.lt'Otf peC_\.1 Page I of G04/0liO4 ,tt ************'r***+*+*++++++++f+i*********t**********'t+*'|+l+++*i***+,t**************r.'f{.'r**|t 'tt* TOWN OF VAIL. COLORADO Statement *******lt{t**'t**t ****:}*rl********************************{r{r'}*'l*t *,}**'t**************!****!t******* StaEement Number: R040007131 Amount: $500.00 ll/L5/2OO4O3:29 PM Palment Method: Check Init: iIS Notation: #1015/!.{fCIIAEL, SUMEN ARCH Permit No: P8C040077 Ttpe: PEC - variance Parcel No: 210108235001 Site Address: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIIJ Locatsion: 483 CTORE CREEK DR, ITNIT *8 Total Feea: $500.00 This Payment: $500.00 Total AIJIJ Pmts: $500.00 Balance: $0.00 **{.*'r**{.r.l.**'r.r.**r.*r.rrrr**d.*r.r.**r.'rr.{.******t l. *'l * l. * * 'l 'l l' * * *'f 'l 'lf * {.***** * * * * ********** * * ** * * * **** i * * ACCOUNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descliption Current Pmts PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES 500.00 SUMAN ANCHITECT October 18.2004 Lightholl Residence Addition Texos Townhomes Lots 8 & 9 Voil Villoge 4h Filing A{locenl Properlles Llst WESI Nome: Voll lrollr Eolt Zoning: High Density Mulfiple-Fomily HOA Agent Morsholl Diggs Address: 3981 South Dexfer Slreet Englewood, CO 8Ol l0 Phone: 1.303.753.0054 SOUTH Nome: Zoning: HOA Agent: Address: Nome: Zoning: EAST Nome: Zoning: HOA Agent: Address: NORIH Nome: All Seqsom High Density Mulliple'Fomily Douglos Wesf 100 Sonds Point Rood, #313 Longbool Key,FL34228 Aplllo Pork Oufdoor Recreoiion, Porking Mqnor Vqll High Density Mulfiple-Fomily Bob McCleory 595 Eqst Voil Volley Drive Voil, CO 81657 Gore Creek m ichael@sumanarchitect.com 143 East Meadow Drivg Suite 300 Vail, CO 8165t 970.479.7502 f 970.479.7srr n 970.471.6122 ANCHITECT October 18,2001 Lighfholl Residence Addition Texos Townhomes Lots 8 & 9 Voil Villoge 4rh Fillng Vorionce Applicolion for Side Setbock RE: Secfion l2-6H-6, Setbock, Voil Town Code l. Dercrlpllon of Voriqnce Requesled The vorionce being requesfed will ollow opproximotely 140 sqff of GRFA ond o roof dormer lo be construcled within the side setbock. The proposed shed dormer oddifion will be locoled on lhe norlh side of the existing roof within lhe existing building footprint. The proposed shed roof slopes down from lhe exisling roof ridge to minimize lhe impocl on bulk ond moss. The proposed qdditionol GRFA will be locofed on the fhird floor within lhe envelope of lhe proposed dormer. 2. Precedence The requesled vorionce is similor lo oiher vorionces thot hove been gronted in lhe Texos Townhomes (Units lA, 18,2A,4A,48, ond 68) ond will qllow fhis slruclure to be treoted equolly. Therefore, the proposed vorionce in nol o gront of speciol privilege. 3. Hordshlp The Texos Townhomes were constructed prior to zoning ond were rendered non-conforming ihe doy ihey were zoned. Becouse fhe lots ore only 25'{" wide ond lhe required side setbocks for High Density Multiple-Fomily Districf ore 20'{", it is impossible lo moke ony exlerior or slructurol chonge wilhoul o vorionce. 4. Eftect on llght ond olr, dlrtrlbuflon of populollon, lronrporfolion ond lrofrc fqcllllles, elc. The proposed vorionce will hove no negolive impocfs on these items. michael@sumanarchitect.com 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 970.479.7s02 f 970.479.75rr n 970.471.6122 :!J! zn! t;;i!E;tl IEB 1.,, !"" lrt; qS * {l>i1l i , ,!t;3 t F 'rr @i5 tl |Ii l$ I ;i:!il:iirlt ?q= ;: itir iili Ei;i:gilli rl!;,e Eq: !i I T&ti EIEl I 2## bi d,': > \h Io d, 9t22, t :P :e I .u!t;s il ii r:t!!l-r iiiir !;tii Efiii:>!X .'.aifo =o'14Szg+5ld XgJ=qje9s9ff lii: lIii: . i;3!i\/ |t'iilli t FE t,\ /:EE lsr E :i F6 t s 00 c2 00' E - s4.64 5: 95It i Y a--) =o (,: - o I I ll\l6Y- N dtA(^W WV,h( fn'yrnnt'f fu Wt'wxttWWWl' oRtGtNA/.* Planning and Environmental Commission Gommunity Development Department December 13,2004 A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vaif Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yadances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a dormer addition located at 4tl3 Gore Creek Drive/Unit 8 (Texas Townhomes/Lots I & 9, Vail Village 4h Filing and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Diane Lighthall, represented by Michael Suman Archilect, LLCPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: SUMMARY The applicant, Michael Suman Architect LLC, Texas Townhomes/Unit 8, 483 Gore Creek Drive. . Based upon Statf's review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, the Community Development Department recommends approval of a variance to allow for the proposed construction, subject lo the findings noted in Seclion lX of this memorandum. DESCRIPTION OF REOUEST The applicant is proposing a dormer addition to an existing residence, at 483 Gore Greek Drive, Texas Townhomes Unit 8. The proposed change includes a new shed dormer on the upper floor to the north side of the residence. AD nf"- 't-lt!!^:- 5. The dormer will not encroach into the rear or stream setbac'ks. A vicinity map, the applicant's request, proposed archilectural plans, and photos of the site have been attached for reference (see Attachments A, B, G, and D). The provisions of Chapter 12-'17 (Yariance), Vail Town Code, determine the review criteria and review procedures for a variance requesl. BACKGROUND The Texas Townhomes were originally constructed in 1965. Due to their location on twenty-five foot (25') wide lots with twenty foot (20') side setbacks, the Townhomes are configured in such a way so as lo make new conslruction, renovation, or structural changes impossible without the granting of a variance from the side setback regulations. All of the existing units are already encroaching into the side setbacks and are therefore legally non-conforming in regard to that requirement of the High Density Multiply Family (HDMF) district. The applicant is requesting a dormer addition in the head height and maximizing the usable space on residence. inlerest of increasing the upper level of The Design Review Board was supportive of the aesthetics of the proposal and directed Staff to administratively approve the design review application should the requested variance be approved by the PEC. ROLES OF REVIEWING BODIES Order ol Review: Generally, applications will be reviewed first by the Planning and Environmental Commission for acceptability of use and then by the Design Review Board for compliance of proposed buildings and site planning. Planning and Environmental Commission: Action:The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for final approval/denial/approval with condltlons of a variance. The Planning and Environmental Commission is responsible for evaluating a proposal for: 1. Relationship and impact of the use on development objectives of the Town. 2. Effect of the use on light and air, distribution ol population, transportation facilities, utilities, schools, parks and recreation facilities, and other public facilities and public facilities needs. 3. Effect upon traffic, with particular reference to congestion, automotive and pedestrian safety and convenience, traffic flow and control, access, maneuverability, and removal of snow from the streets and parking areas. 4. Effect upon the character of the area in which the proposed use is to be located, including the scale and bulk of the proposed use in relation to surrounding uses. 5. Such other factors and criteria as the Commission deems applicable to the proposed use. 6. The environmental impact report concerning the proposed use, if an environmental impact report is required by Chapter 12 of this Title. Conformance with development standards of zone district Lot area the the tv. V. Setbacks Building Height Density GRFA Site coverage Landscape area Parking and loading Mitigation of development impacts Design Review Board: Action:The Design Review Board has NO review authorlty on a variance, but must review any accompanying Design Review Board applicalion. Town Council: Actions of Design Review Board or Planning and Environmental Commission may be appealed to the Town Council or by lhe Town Council. Town Council evaluates whether or not the Planning and Environmental Commission or Design Review Board erred with approvals or denials and can uphold, uphold with modifications, or overturn the board's decision. Staff: The staff is responsible lor ensuring that all submittal requirements are provided and plans conform to the technical requiremenls of the Zoning Regulations. The staff also advises the applicant as to compliance with the design guidelines. Staff provides a staff memorandum containing background on the property and provides a statf evaluation of the project with respect to the required criteria and findings, and a recommendation on approval, approval with conditions, or denial. Staff also facilitates the review process. APPLICABLE PLANNING DOCUMENTS Staff believes that the following provisions of the Vail Town Code are relevant to the review of this proposal: TITLE 12: ZONING REGULATIONS Chapter 12-6H: High Density Multiple Family District 12-6H-1: Purpose: The high density multiple-family distrtd is intended to provide sites for multiple-family &vellings at densities to a maximum of twenty tive (25) dwelling units per aae, together with such public and semipublic facilities and lodges, private recreation facilities and related visitor oriented uses as may appropriately be located in the same district. The high density multiple-family district is intended to ensure adequate light, air, open space, and other amenities commensurate with high density apartment, condominium and lodge uses, and to maintain the desirable residential and resort qualities of the district by establishing appropriate site development standards. Ceftain nonresidential uses are permitted as conditional uses, which relate to the nature of Vail as awinter and summer recreation and vacation community and, where permitted, are intended to blend harmoniously with the residentialcharacter of the district. vt. 12-6H-6: Setbacks: The minimum front setback shall be twenty teet (20'), the minimum side setback shall be twenty feet (20'), and the minimum rear setback shall be twenty feet (20'). Chapter 1 2-17: Variances 12-17-1: Purpose: A. Reasons for Seeking Variance: ln order to Nevent or to lessen such practical difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives of this title as would result from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, variances from certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate vicinity; or from other physical limitations, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant of strict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a reason for granting avariance. VAIL VILLAGE MASTER PLAN Staff believes that the following goals of the Vail Village Master Plan are relevant to the review of this proposal: #1 Encourage high quality redevelopment while preserving the unique architectural scale of the Village in order to sustain its sense of community and identity. #3 To recognize as a top priority the enhancement of the walking experience throughout the Village. SITE ANALYSIS Address:483 Gore Creek Drive, Texas Townhomes Unit 8 Legal Description: Lots 8 and 9A/ail Village 4h Filing -;I Land Use Plan Designation: Vail Village Master Plan Current Land Use:Residential Allowed/ReouiredDevelopment Standard Setbacks (min): Rear: Density (max): GRFA (max): Building Height (max) Site Coverage (max): Landscape Area (min) Parking (min): 20 ft. 2 unils 2,385.64 sq. ft. 48 ft. 1,726.45 sq. ft. (55%) 941.7 sq. ft. (30%) 3 spaces Prooosed -33 tt. (no change) 1 unit (no change) 2,385.64 sq. ft. (no change) 30 ft. (no change) 1,726.45 sq. ft. (no change) 941.7 sq. ft. (no change) 3 spaces (no change) 25.1 fl. (no SURROUNDING LAND USES AND ZONING Land Use North: Residential South: Open Space East: Residential West: Residential Zonino High Density Multiple-Family Outdoor Recreation, Parking High Density Multiple-Family High Density Multiple-Family CRITERIAAND FINDINGS The review criteria for a request of this nature are established by Chapter 12-17, VailTown Code. A. Consideration of Factors Reqardino the Setback Variances: 1. The relatlonship of the requested variance to other existing or potential uses and structures In the vlclnity. The applicant has received written approval from lhe Texas Townhome Association for the proposed exterior change. Statf does not believe this proposal will negatively affect the existing or potential uses and structures in lhe vicinig in comparison to the , because of the Townhomes' location adjacent to the Creek, The degree to which relief from the strict and literal interpretation and enforcement ol a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity ot treatment among sites in the vlclnlty or to attain the objectives of this title without a grant of special privilege. Given the previous approvals of side setback variances lor other Townhomes within this developmenl, Statf believes this proposal requests an equally appropriale degree of relief from lhe strict and literal interpretation and enforcemenl of a specified regulation and is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity and to attain the objectives of the Town's development without granting a special privilege. Staff has made the finding, pursuant to Section 12-17-1, that a practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship exists from 'the size, shape, or dimensions of a site" due to the narrow proportions of each of the Texas Townhomes lots. The effect of the requested variance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and tratflc facilitles, public facilities and utllltles, and public safety. Staff does not believe that the further encroachment into the side setbacks will have a significant impact on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traflic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commlssion deems appllcable to the proposed variance. The applicant's proposal was conceptually reviewed by the Design Review Board at its December 1, 2004, public hearing, which was supportive of the proposal. The applicant has represented to the Town of Vail that this proposal will not significantly alter the structures or grounds of the lots or units. The Plannino and Environmental Commission shall make the followino findinos before orantino a variance: 1. That the granting of the variance will not constitute a grant of special privilege inconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. 2. That the granting of the variance will not be detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or materially injurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is warranted for one or more of the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enlorcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this title. b. There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applicable to the same site of the variance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. IX. STAFF RECOMMENDANON TheCommunityDeVe|opmentDepar|ment#ofavariancefrom Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for a dormer addition located at 483 Gore Creek Drive/Unit 8 (Texas Townhomes)/Lots I and 9, Vail Village 4h Filing. Staff's recommendation is based upon the review of the criteria in Section Vlll of this memorandum and the evidence and testimony presented, subject to the following findings: x. ff'rconsistent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same district. jurious to properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variance is wananted for the following reasons: a. The strict literal interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives of this litle. b. There are exceptions or exlraordinary circumstances or condilions applicable to the same sile of the variance that do not apply generally to other properlies in lhe same zone. c. The strict interpretation or enforcement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same district. ATTACHMENTS A. Vicinity Map B. Applicant's Request C. Archilectural Plans D. Photos of the Site E. Public Notice Attachment A IEr ;bv 5EE;83sp3. a6;-r r9 FIN* A€ :i99IP ! ! g ; E OE SUM N Attachment B NCHITECT November 15,2004 Lighfholl Residence Addition Texos Townhomes Lots I & 9 Voil Villoge 4rh Filing Vorionce Applicofion for Side Setbock RE: Section l2-6H-6, Selbocks, Voil Town Code l. Descdpllon of Vqrlqnce Requesled The vorionce being requested will ollow o roof dormer thof increoses bulk ond moss lo be consfrucfed wifhin fhe side setbock. The proposed shed dormer oddition will be locqted on the north side of the existing roof within lhe existing building foolprinl. The proposed shed roof slopes down from lhe existing roof ridge lo minimize the impocf on bulk qnd mqss. 2. Precedcnce The requested vorionce is similor lo othervodonces lhol hove been gronted in lhe Texos Townhomes (Units I A, lB,2A, 4A,48, ond 68) ond will ollow this slructure to be lreofed equolly. Therefore, fhe proposed vorionce in nol q gront of speciol privilege. 3. Hordshlp The Texos Townhomes were conslrucled pdor fo zoning ond were rendered non-conforming the doy they were zoned. Becouse the lots ore only 25'{" wide qnd the required side selbocks lor High Density Multiple-Fomily District ore 20'{", il is impossible to moke ony exlerior or structurql chonge without o vorionce. 4. Efiecf on llght ond olr, dkftlbullon ol populolion, honsporlollon ond frqfic focllllles, efc. The proposed vorionce will hove no negotive impocts on lhese ilems. m ichael@sumanarchitect.com 143 East Meadow Drive Suite 300 Vail, CO 81657 970.479.7502 f 970.479.7srrn 970-471.6122 tr$Elta lltEllrtErrsnoHilnoJ. l.|vHlltctlII||t t/||ri lcari'l olr!lFIol =l<lEI utlzl||llol 6l2lol EI>lrtlEIolot<l o(, Jr( (t --J E IFE DoIL ltlg J.l- .l- d do FtJ -!,:r:t:l!lrli.lttll:r!rrt6tr..!..trr!rIl!rtfu.ia!irrr-!atraglccoEesrrt!,rlr!-Et!!FPrt!'li9 trrciEri{!t:rr9p!r6,AoarlilErtB"strir!.9sitr!!irr.nEttrtsic€ttt!688d;'!lt!*rr!Ilorrrrltl3s 3uE If;EE: gEHH;E qrr:q-.1Itlllt !rtt lir;ii !i; !it 934 Egliill ift llii iift ft fi !! lll lillil' lliii ill llil 3lololTI>lol cl EI HI-t ag a : e : 3 t a ltl () =ltloIoultr JJ ( -F -c'IJ riliiilr,eii,l,rfu!lufu,,ri,iliirli,,i,;,ili,,!iir;Ehstuh,:gllrliriilurE!i,!Eli;*, i'ia t"ttll d,g I @ .. I!iltE ffiNmilil i' @ iltt Eg a Iri Ell,rr ffiffiN8ffic luau,u.lcBuv -vEt6lt !{nmltl[tltsnoHilnor llvHlHct.|rr tatt ttttl ltt t -r rrtl TI=I lii ql z JI 1l >l uJlJltl!,llFIolq 9lZlb trl'rg!t: illi @ so "l o z 5[1 JIurl>lullJl GIutlFIorl<l.l olull 8t: Sli Eli @ illlt;t;'i [" t: t?il:i$? I I2l 5lcltrlololcl ollrtl Blr bli Eli @ dttcloaY^ qnqmrtvlr sSnOHNnOl rrvHrlrgllolt t.lt lrat rva I dr a rlll [----l l,E c'i i iEE <i r-'=r I llE ll l t=Eill tHEil | l l l l i I I &***#ftrr#r Ei =lol FI<l>I|r|IJI uIl ll1-ltlolzl (9l zlb FIi El-i tlr @ ?+s*E :B dd.t H E5t,---ll ^ tftffi ^ !;! llLtll(9 ! | I ll l(9 l; +-, I + : + *fi ff if;r iE If is{; !i E ",irl;ilEilgE oorrq|oolv li|rbrraolattElrsnoHlrnor l1vr{rHcrratuxDE t| ai tdrrrrr zlol FI<l>l u.tlJI uJl FIU'I<l uJl 9lzt4 dIi XI: uJlI -/,1\q9 i r l2tiol iFlr<li>li l|llrJli url ^r FlIol!t <l I I llJlli ol6! l|llri clt.5i ot:I Gt_,i ol_rl dt:i qlE i rE\r t.5{,| !-./ i t; €: t--T I Er tli3: +&ifft,- 1! II ****$tr fl T,ff r ++ssir $' {r5rEiL xrtErtEr SSNOHilNOI I1VHTHOTIrrltt ttFtt tn^ Irr arat z 9 o.ulltrlJI<tzl oltl EIolzlol (9l zlb Ft. 9,1,tli @ 2 9 o UJol JI<l-loltlFI 19l-lolJl ol uJl 8htll Eli @ "L ortrE lrr llElIltEtrsnoHilnol l1vHlHcrl -rttr Dtlt tr ldrllqr zlol FIul u,llol vrl6lolEI(rl (|,l ::lh Etlgt! tlt/L\\P zlol FIolulatl ol aalol E,Iol otull 8t: Sll Eli @ ,a\ ,aI Attachment D SUMAN ApcHtt tc r LIGHTHATL RESIDENCE REMODEL south side imooe i6s 10.1',r.04 TOV REVIEW SU}'IANltcHttEct tIGHIHAtL RESIDENCE REMODET north side imoges t0.1r.u IOV REVIEW RESIDENCEtIGHTHAtT REMODEI north context imoges 10.il.04 TOV REVIEW .:. SUl,lAHancHttEct tIGHIHAtt RESIDENCE REMODET siding ond window design exomple imoges r0.r r.o4 IOV REVIEW sul'laH t/ RESIDENCE REMODET north conlext imoges tIGHTHAtT r0.r r.o4 IOV REVIEW AITACHI{ENT E THIS ITEM MAY AFFECT YOUR PROPERTY PUBLIC NOTICE **#p NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail on December 13, 2004, at 2:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a final review of a conditional use permit, pursuant to Section 12-7H-5, Conditional Uses; Generally (On All Levels of a Building or Outside of a Building), Vail Town Code, to allow^ for a temporary seasonal structure within the Lionshead Mixed Use 1 zone district, located at 714 West Lionshead CircleiParcel 3, Lionshead Penthouses and Lot C, Morcus Subdivision, and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant: Vail Corporation, represented by Mauriello Planning GroupPlanner: Warren Campbell A request for a final review of a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17 ,Variances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition, located at 483 Gore Creek Drive/Unit 8 (Texas Townhomes)/Lots 8 & 9, VailVillage 4'n Filing and setting forth details in regard thereto.Applicant: Diane Lighthall, represented by Michael Suman Architect, LLCPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for review of a minor subdivision, pursuant to Chapter 13-4, Minor Subdivisions, Vail Town Code, to allow for a resubdivision of the West Day Lot, Vail Marriott Mountain Resort, and Gore Creek Residences properties, located at720,724,728 West Lionshead Circle, 730 South Frontage Road West, and 825 West Forest Road/Lots A-D, Morcus Subdivision and Parcel 3 Lionshead Penthouses, and setting forth detail in regard thereto.Applicant: Vail Corporation, represented by Braun Associates, Inc.Planner: Warren Campbell A request for final review of a variance, from Section 12-6G-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, pursuant to Chapter 12-17,Yariances, Vail Town Code, to allow for a variance to allow for a residential addition, located at4242 East Columbine Way/Lot 8, Bighorn Terrace, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Planner: Kathryn Benysh Bill Gibson The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular office hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-21381or additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (97O) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published, November 26,2004, in the Vail Daily. From: To: Date: Subject: Elisabeth Eckel George Ruther fn4l2o041:56:05 PM lots 8/9 texas to\ /nhomes Hi George: From my research of the file, it seems that the extension/expansion of the above residence (without additional GRFA) could be interpreted as allowed OR prohibited. 1) The followinq wording would be suooortive of an addition as prooosed: ftom the non-conforming section: "...provided that no such nonconicrming use shall be enlarged to occupy the greater site or building floor area than it occupied on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chaptef' "...any dwelling unit in a multi-family dwelling shall be eligible for additional GRFA not to exceed a maximum of 250 square feet...provided that no exterior additions or altenations to multi-family dwellings, with the exception of windor skylights or other similar modifications, shall be allowed." from a neighboring homeowner '...1 talked to Rod Slifer before 8AB was sold and he thought that any buyer would not be able to alter the outsidei n any way but they could probably get permission to alter the attic if they did not increase the square footage..." 2) However. the following wording would be less supportive of an addition as orooosed: notes from file: "...perimeter lines not to be exceeded... lefter from file: "...also keep in mind that because this bldg. was a legal non-conforming building, the additional 500 square feet czrnnot, and will not, result in any change to the mass and bulk of the previously existing shell of the building." letter from file: "...staff agreed with your contention that the existing perimeter line of the building establishes the legal extent of the buildings setback nonconformity. Existing and new GRFA (250's) may be rearranged within the shell of the existing building, and underyround, as long as the perimeter lines are not exceeded. Any above grade expansion of the building which would extend beyond the perimeter line established by the existing building walls, or break the plane of the existing roof or chimney lines, would require variances from the nonconforming and setback sections of the Code..." action iorm from file: the building will be "...rebuilt to exactly match the mass and bulk of the existing building. No expansion of the exterior shell of the building is proposed or allowed." letter from file: "the applicant intends to match the mass and builk of the existing building exactly, including all wall locations and roof elevations..." Why have several of the other units been allowed dormer additions (without GRFA) as this unit is requesting, by simply going through the PEC process? Vvhat would make this unit unique from that rule? \Mtat are your thoughts?? Thanks! Elisabeth cc:Bill Gibson; Matt Gennett; Wanen Campbell F"sign Review Action r?t TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: U Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: tot#{ 26tfBtock - zone District / - Project Street Address: Commenls: LI qs "/ t's{-e q G"r-t ,9€cL,#ot r ^ @?taff Action *orrono, RoL &tot {- Vote: s--O seconded ov' -SqC()' 4/o* rffi;# v-ffi , * -(,y Le),,' -le " o;t i - : lf<na;',a q e ehs ti a (v o77n'"' " ;;ffi", 4,t*i:oi*d inn-rt# tffi ';/;: a W;fr# " n: c ba *Pfcz',i',"l S-{qG. (' Lal he(9le fw-*(vtg {1,* CtrApCqT S*arr t-sS,r)Q./refieYg bn'pqiorq q teg-tqs+ €"t /.g to,ta ( *e €€ €ot'J+L,+i i t{/F(Lo q*t.\ aJfrwv4 L.r Toffn Planner ,n*t, /A,, , ,'/------7---T DRB Fee er"-p^to # 2O@' --v- :,, I l. Viele Construction has confirmed that the Manor Vail properfy has been approved for construction staging. A101 1. The stair structure has been changed from slab on grade to wood frame because of structural conditions that became apparent upon excavation. There is now a space under the stair that the owner would like to use as storage. We do not intend to add additional GRFA by limiting the height of this space to 5'. 2. T\elaundry has been moved from the cornmon area mechanical into the lower unit' A102 1. A grate has been added to the front door entry' 2. The tub has been relocated per the revised GRIA calculations submitted 8125194- A104 1. The door to the outside deck has been changed per the revised GRFA calculations submitted 8l2s/94. 2. The wall thickness on the north wall has been reduced from 10" to 6", but the revised GRFA calculations of 8/25194 are correct. L202 1. As submitted by KRM structural consultants 6122/94 per your request, the footings are cantilevered and not spread. As you may be aware, structural drawings always supersede the architectural in regards to foundation design. clarifrcation. A203a ct a-Ca du+*.- 3 / €ereruzu,f ol^u lril. 7.r,*^< ear^*6. :fr --_ _- ,2. ptca*"..;A-X /*"2 S --) - aro-4h. /2"'f -y" &-< = 3- CCIPVF II.E 75 Sourh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2138 / 479-2r 39 FAX 303-479-2452 October 25,1994 D e partue nt of Conununiry D eve lopment Diana Donovan Homestake Circle.co 81657 RE: Response to letter regarding the Thain and Cornice Building redevelopments Dear Diana: . As the planner who handled both of the redevelopment projects referred to in your letter dated october 13, 1994 to the Planning and Environmental commission (pEc), Design Review Board (DRB), staff, and Town Council, I thought I would drop you a note in response to some of the comments made in your letter. As you know, the Thain remodel was reviewed by the DRB on May 4, May 18, and June 1, 1994. The June 1st DRB approval contained six conditions. For your information, I have enclosed a copy of a letter that was written to Lynn Fri2len, the Thains' archilect, which details the DRB conditions of approval. As you can see, Condition 5 of the DRB approval states that "any trees or shrubs on or adjacent 10 the propedy that die as a result of the construction of the Thain residences, must be replaced with like species and size". Once a construction permit is issued for a project, the planning staff relies on the building inspectors to ensure that the building is being constructed per the approved construction drawings. This, of course. includes the construction staging plan and any other elements of the approved building permit set of plans. ln a fetter sent to Ms. Fritzlen on September 2, 1994, staff did point out that it had come to our attention that the contractor was using Town of Vail owned property direcily behind the Thain residence for construction staging. In the September 2, 1994 letter we informed the applicant that the staging of equipment on Town land is not acceptable and was not shown on the approved plans and requested that they desist from using public property for the construction of the Thain residences. I will relay your current concern, regarding compliance with the approved staging plan, to Gary Murrain, Chief Building Official, and request that an inspection be done on the property to assure that Town of Vail land or any other land not shown on the approved construction staging plan is not being used for construction staging purposes. With regard to your comment concerning the applicant's two "250 additions", you are correct in that Units 8A and 88 have increased in size by 500 square feet. However, the applicant was able to show that eqch 250 was direcily attributable to each of the Mrs. 1014 Vail, dwelling units. usly existing Mrs. Donovan October 25, 1994 \ Page Two As you know, lhe Cornice Building Special Development District (SDD) received extensive review by the PEC and Town Council before ultimately receiving DRB approval. At this time, staff has no reason to believe that the Cornice Building is not being constructed according to the approved plans. -: I hope the above information clarifies some of the issues which you raised regarding the two projects. I will discuss your letter with Gary Murrain and request that the building inspectors keep close tabs on the construction of these two proJects to ensure that the approved building permit construction drawings, and all conditions of approval, are being followed. lf you should have any additional questions or comments regarding lhese projects in the future, please feelfree to callme directly at 479-2138. Sincerely, xc: Mike Mollica Planning and Environmental Commission Design Review Board Town Council Gary Murrain/Building lnspectors /1, r f*n \-< Jim Curnutte Senior Planner - ..! F'l.t r'lP]r TOWN AFVAIL 75 Sourh Frontage Road. Vail, Colorado 81657 30i-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 30i-479-2452 September 2, 1994 Deparunent of Conntunity Development Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Clarification of zoning issues related to the remodel of the Thain residence, Lots 8A, , 88, and 9, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing Dear Lynn: This letter is intended to respond to your letter received in our office August 10, 1 994 requesting further clarification on several zoning issues affecting the above-referenced remodel. I have provided a response to each of the items listed in your letter as follows: 1. Cold roof addition up to 6 inches in depth - The Community Development policy dated April 3, 1991 states that a cold roof vent, not exceeding 12 inches in height, measured from the sheathing to the top of the shingles, is considered an architectural projection and will not be included in the height. 2. Plumbino roof ve4ts that proiect above the roof - Staff agrees that it is acceptable to relocate the plumbing roof vents as long as the projection will be the same as what previously existed. Window sill proiections less than 3 inches - As discussed with you previously, window sill projections will not be allowed. ln my letter to you dated May 13, . 1994, 3. Since you did not document the exact locations of window sill projections on the building before it was torn down, there is no way for staff to assure that the new window sill projections exactly match the old. lf you feel that window sill projections are necessary, it would be acceptable lo move the entire buiHing wall in 3 inches. This would allow window sills to project no further than the previous building wallline. ', 1' Ms. Fiitzlen September 2, Page Two 1994 Ornamental brick work proiections uo to 3 inches - Please see response to question number 3 above. Roof gutters and down soouts less than 6 inches in dimension - Staff does not believe that roof gutters and down spouts are integral to the mass and bulk of the building and will allow for them assuming they have received Design Beview Board (DRB) approval. Floof eave extensions uo to I inches - Please see response to question number 3 above. Skvlioht curbs and flashinq - Staff feels that skylight curlrs and flashing would be acceptable provided they are reasonable in size and the projection is kept to a minimum (does not include bubble or dome type) and they have received DRB approval. 8. Status of the exterior soiral stair - As stated on your approved DRB plans and building permit construction drawings, the spiral staircase was not supposed to be removed at any time during the construction. Therefore, you are currently in violation of your building permit. I have spoken with Dan Stanek, Town of Vail Building Inspector, as well as Gary Murrain, Town of Vail Chief Building Official, regarding the ability to replace the spiral stair. Both Gary and Dan agreed that the spiral stair cannot be replaced due to the fact that it does not currently meet building code. However, since the spiral stair was required to remain as a part . of your project approval, Gary and Dan had no objection to you modifying the existing stair or providing a new stair which does meet code and replacing it per the approved plans. A new stair would need to match the old stair in terms of size, shape, circumference, etc. and receive DRB approval. I hope the above information is helpful to you as you proceed with the remodel of the Thain residence. However, if additional information or clarification is necessary, please feel free to give me a call at 479-2138. lf there are portions of this letter which the Thains do not agree with and wish to appeal, they may do so according to the procedures outlined in Chapter 18.66.030 of the Vail Municipal Code. Staff would recommend, however, that if the Thains do not agree with this letter, or any portion of it, you do not proceed with revised drawings or construction of any of the items of this letter until the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) has had the opportunity to review staff's opinion on all items contained in this letter. 4. 5. 6. 7. Sincerely,"fi';*-# Jim Curnutte Senior Planner Tom Moorhead Mike Mollica XC: Ms. Fritzlen September 2, 1994. Page Three P.S. lt has come to our attention that your contractor is using Town of Vail owned land directly behind the Thain residence for construction staging. The staging of equipment on Town land is not acceptable and was not shown on your approved plans. Please desist lrom using public property for the construction of the Thain residences. MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department FII-E. C$PY TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: June 13. 1994 An appeal ol a staff decision regarding nonconforming structures, demo/rebuilds, setbacks, and the use ot the 250 Ordinance pertaining to the Thain development proposal located at 483 Gore Creek Drive/Lots 8A, 88, and 9, Texas Townhouses, Vail Village 4th Filing. Appellant: Jay Peterson, representing Helen ChatfieldPlanner: Jim Curnutte I. INTRODUCTION Jay Peterson, on behalf of Helen Chatfield, owner of Lot 7, Texas Townhomes, is appealing all items set forth in the staff interpretation letter dated May 13, 1994 regarding a proposed remodel of the Thain residence, Lots 8A, 88, and 9, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing (see attached copy). The Texas Townhomes are zoned High Density Multi-Family (HDMF). The Thains own two units located at the easternmost end of the Texas Townhomes. The Thains would like to tear down Units 8A and 88 and construct two new residences in their place (keeping only the western and southern building foundation walls). Because ol the way the Texas Townhomes property has been subdivided, the existing building is considered to be nonconforming with regard to minimum lot size, setbacks, GRFA, etc. The Thains have agreed that the new building would not increase the existing mass and bulk of the building. Additionally, the Thains have applied to use two 250 additions in conjunction with the proposed construction of the new building. Since Mr. Peterson is appealing all items set fortn in the staff letter dated May 13, 1994. Each of the six paragraphs therein will be further discussed as follows: Paraoraph #1 from the Mav 13. 1994 letter: "The Thain property is zoned High Density Multi-Family and is nonconforming with regard to minimum lot size, setbacks, GRFA, etc. lt is considered to be a legally nonconforming building. Staff agrees with your interpretation of the nonconforming section of the Vail Municipal Code which would allow the Thains to remove a substantial portion of the building and build an entirely new building- %The proposed stairs on the rear of the building, as presented at conceptual Design Review Board (DRB) review, would be considered a violation of the non-conforming section of the Gode. Stafl believes that the rear access to the basement must be removed." Staff Response Section 18.64.010 (Purpose) of the nonconforming section of the Vail Municipal Code states that: "This chapter is intended to limit the number and extent of nonconforming uses and structures by prohibiting. or limiting their enlargement, their reestablishment after abandonment, and their restoration after substantial destruction. While permitting nonconforming uses, structures and improvements to continue, this chapter is intended to limit enlargement, alteration, restoration, or replacement Additionally, Section 18.64.040 (Uses) states that: "The use ol the site or structure lawfully established prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this tifle which does not conform to the use regulations prescribed by this title for the district in which it is situated may be continued, .. Staff considered the following elements before determining that the Thains could substantially remodel their unit: A. The intent of the nonconforminq section ol the Code. - Generally, nonconforming sections of zoning codes are created for the purpose of assuring the eventual removal of noxious uses or activities that are not compatible with surrounding uses. Staff believes that the Texas Townhomes' nonionformity was created as a result of the method used to subdivide the property and we would not consider the entire building to be the type ot nonconforming use which should eventually be removed from the property. In light of the fact that the staff believes that the Town is not attempting to require the eventual removal of the entire building from the property, and due to the fact that the Town does encourage the upgrade of older buildings throughout town, staff has looked at the proposed remodel of the Thain residence as something that would be of benefit to the Town provided the new building did not increase the discrepancy between the existing conditions and the development standards established by the property's zoning. h!d4T'" "t^"- ^- 'r-l"l ur"la nrl h^r^^'^^^^- in ]tt lttt e! t lllll!u[ tlu tuilrldt l- In'l hrr ilr new structure as lono as the nonconformitv is not increased? - Section 18.64.060 (Maintenance and Repairs) states that: develooment standards prescribed by this title." B. "Nonconforming uses, structures, and site improvements may be maintained and repaired as necessary for convenient, safe, and efficient operation of the use, provided that the maintenance and repair does not increase the discrepancy between the use, structure, or site improvement and the development slandar:d prescribed in the Town Code." Section 18.64.090 (Restoration) states that: "Whenever a nonconlorming use which does not conform with the regulations of the district in which it is located or a nonconforming structure or site improvement which does not conform with the requirements for setbacks, height, density control, building bulk control, or site coverage is destroyed by fire or other calamity, by act of God, or by the public enemy, its use may be resumed or the structure may be restored, provided the restoration is commenced within one year and diligently pursued to completion." Although the above paragraph does not include reference to the voluntary removal. of a nonconforming building, it does seem clear that a nonconforming use or structure may be restored within one year after its demolition. C. Complete or substantial removal. - The Town has previously determined that a tear down/rebuild is the "ultimate remodel". Because of this determination and the fact that two of the building's foundation walls will remain, staff believes that this application should be considered a substantial remodel of an existing building rather than a complete removal ol a non-conforming structure. Paraoraph f2 from the Mav 13.1994letter: "The proposed remodel of the Thain residence includes two additional 250 square foot applications. Section 18.71.030 H (Additional Gross Resadential Floor Area)r 5 The Thains are proposing to utilize two 250 ordinances for the two dwelling units within the existing shell of the building and construct a basement when the new building is constructed. - since the 250 section of the code does not allow for the pooling of additional GRFA, it is important that each 250 square foot addition be directly attributed to each dwelling unit." Staff Response Since the Thain units (Units 8A and 8B) have been in existpnce for more than five years, theyareentit|edtoapplyfortwoadditiona|250square|ootadditions.% I fi%Additional|y,the250ordinancedoesnola||ow|orthepoo|ingof additional GRFA, iherefore, each of the 250's must be directly attributed to the existing dwelling units. Paraoraph #3 from the Mav 13. 1994 tetter: "Staff does not believe that the bullding will become more nonconforming with the addition of the proposed 250 applications. The 250 section of the Vail Municipal Code does allow for the addltion ot 250 square teet of GRFA per unit in addition to the existing GRFA on a propeny even lf the existing GRFA on the property already exceeds the allowable. This provision applies to all properties throughout town and is not specific to the Thain resldence or the Texas Townhomes. Additionally, statf agrees with your contention that the existing perimeter line of the building establishes the legal extent of the setback nonconformity. ltfhgr ln thA ali^ll ^"L- ^-:-^:-t expansions are permitted provided they do not extend beyond the perimeter lines established by the existing building footprint. Variances would be required for below grade expansions which were proposed to extend beyond the established building footprint." Staff Resoonse Staff does not believe that the existing building will become more nonconforming as a result of the 250 additions because the existing mass and bulk of the building will be unaffected. Also, there would not be any increase in the discrepancy between the existing conditions and the development standards allowed in the HDMF zone district. With regard to the setback nonconformity, statf has made the interpretation that the existing perimeter line of the building establishes the legal extent ot the setback nonconformity. Existing and new GRFA may be rearranged within the shell of the existing building, and unclerground, as lglg_ngllg jglrn -.ter lines are not exceeded. ffi Paraoraph #4 from the Mav 13. 1994 lettgr: "Stafi dbes not agree wlth Jay Peterson's interpretation that the Thain units should lall into the single family dwelling and two famlly dwelling category described in Section 18.71.020 ol the Vait Municipal Code. We believe that the Thain residence must comply with the Multi-Family Dwelling criterla outlined in Section 18.71.030. Section 18.04.090 of the Vail Municipal Gode defines multi- family dwellings as: "A building containing three or more dwelling units, including townhouses, rowhouses, apartments, and condominium units, designed for or used by three or more families, each llving as an independent housekeeping unit." Section 17.08.240 defines a townhouse as: "A building that has one family dwelling units erected in a row or in a clustered fashion as a single bulldlng on adjoining lots, each being separate from the adjoining unit or units by a party wall or walls extending from the basement floor to the roof along the dividing lot line, and each such building being separate lrom any other building by space on all sides.' Glearly, the Texas Townhomes building meets the definition ot a townhouse building and is therefore considered to be a multi-family building, as it relates to determination ol the unit type category described in the additional 250 section of the code." Statf Response For the reasons stated in the May 13, 1994 letter, staff believes that the Texas Townhomes clearly meet the definition of a townhouse and is therefore considered to be a multi{amily building, as it relates to the determination ol unit type category described in the additional 250 section of the Code. Paraoraph #5 from the Mav 13. 1994 letter: "As you know, in order to apply for a 250, evidence must be provided that the unit or units have received a final Certificate ol Occupancy. During our last meeting, you requested that statf review the Town files to determine whether or not a linal Certificate of Occupancy has ever been granted for Units 8A or 88 at the Texas Townhomes. Statf is unable to locate any record ol a final Certificate of Occupancy being issued tor either of the uhits. Therefore, in order to proceed with your 250 application, you must request that the building department perform a tinal Certiflcate of Occupancy inspection on the Thain units and provide a copy of the certificates to the planning statf." 1l ,..,..-:'- : ...,5 Staff Response Staff requested that the applicant provide eith/er a copy of their final Certificate of Occupancy for the Texas Townhomes or reguest a final inspection of the units from the Building Department. Since writing the May 13, 1994 letter, statf has consulted with Gary Murrain (Town of Vail Chief Building Official) regarding the possibility of performing a final Certificate of Occupancy inspection on the Thain units. Gary determined that since these units were built so long ago (in Eagle County) and it is unclear under which code the units were constructed, he would not be,able to perform a final Certificate of Occupancy on these units. Paraqraph #5 from the Mav 13. 1gg4 letter: "Also mentioned during our conversation on Wednesday, please provide a copy of Association approval to temporarily remove the existing landscape amenities (grass, rocks, etc.) currenily existing on the Association property, located directly in front of Lots 8 and 9. Please address how you intend to landscape this area after the construction on your landscape plan." Staff Resoonse We do not believe that Jay Peterson has any objection to this paragraph. c:\pec\memos\chatliel.S 1 3 esign Review Action I ,rm TOWN OF VAIL category rrrrrnu", 6 o^" 6r.r/t /q't ,,r"o*^"' -fAoi^ u4i{t (u*'i ----"-+ Buildins n^^"t -f € Xq S -Gcta L,er,-l,eS Proiect Description: -l-us62' Owner, Address and Phone:gS AL /os ArchitecVGontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description:togllrXA*1 Block ...._ Subdivision ProjectstreetAaaress: u[€3 E Go Zone District HD/4 F Ao taff Action Vote:I esign Review Action I -rm TOWN OF VAIL _-7-* Building N^ ., -I € Xq 5 --f&c,r.tt, frorvtes catesory r.rrrn", 6 ,^" 6,/t/q q "-i"o*^ "' TAa i ^ cs a i{ s (un-,i{s 4*8-\ Project Description: -f"c,ttO' 6s aL R@,r '^q btwk f,/os Architecvcontact, Address and Phone: L /1liO tloX 5 /* Legal Description: tot.94nx1 Block -.._ Subdivision zone District HD/14 F Project Street Address:L(93 E G Cre b":) iop e(wc{. t F IL T COPY TOT{/N OFVAIL 75 Sourlt Fronnge Road Vail, Colorado 81657 3 03 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 D e parr nt e nr of Conun un i ry D eve loprn e nt May 13, 1994 Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, GO 81658 RE: Proposed remodel of the Thain residence, Lots 8A, 8B and g, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing. Dear Lynn: This lelter is inlended lo document the discussion which took place during our meeting yesterday, Wednesday May 11, 1994, concerning the above-referenced remodel. I hope this letter will be helpful in clarifying many of the issues raised by yourself, the Thain's legal counsel, and Jay Peterson, counsel for Helen Chatfield. I have broken out each of the major issues related to the proposed Thain residence remodel and have listed them as follows: 1. The Thain property is zoned High Density Multi-Family and is nonconforming with'regard to minimum lot size, setbacks, GRFA, etc. lt is considered to be a legally nonconforming building. Staff agrees with your interpretation of the nonconforming section of the Vail Municipal Code which would allow the Thains to remove a substantial portlon of the building and build an entirely new building provided the existing nonconformity is not increased. As you have discussed previously with Mike Mollica, proposed stairs on the rear of the , as presenled at conceptual Design Review Board (DRB) review, would The proposed remodel of the Thain residence includes two additional 250 square loot applications. Section 18.71.030 H (Additional Gross Residential Floor Area) states that any dwelling unjt in a multi-family dwelling shall be eligible for additional GRFA not to exceed a maximum of 250 square feet in, addition to lhe existing GRFA for the site provided that no exterior additions or allerations to multi-family dwellings, The Thains are proposing to utilize two 250 ordinances for the two dwelling units within the existing shell of the building and construct a basement when the new building is constructed. Therefore, lhe GRFA attributed to the two 250's shall not alter the exterior of the dwelling units. Since the 250 section of the Code does not allow for the pooling of additional GRFA, il is imporlant that each 250 square {oot addition be directly attributed lo each dwelling unit. be considered a violation of the non-conforming section of the Code. Stalt believes that lhe rear access to the basement must bE removed. f Ms. Fritzlen May 13, 1994 Page Two 3. Statf does not believe that the building will become more noncohforming with the addition of the proposed 250 applications. The 250 sectio4 of the Vail Municipal Gode does allow for the addition of 250 square feet of GRFA per unit in addition to the existing GFIFA on a property even il lhe existing GRFA on the property already exceeds the allowable. This provision applies to all properties throughout town and is not specific to the Thain residence or the Texas Townhomes. Additionally, staff agrees with your contention fhat the existing perimeter line of the building establishes the legal extent of the setback nonconformity. Existing and new GRFA (250 additions) may be rearranged within the shell of lhe existing building, and underground, as long as the perimeler lines are not exceeded. AEy above grade expansion of the building which would extend beyond the perimeler line established by the existing building walls, or break the plane ol the existing roof or chimney lines would require variances from the nonconlorming and setback sections ol the Town Code. Below grade expansions are permitled provided they do nol extend beyond the perimeter lines established by lhe existing building footprint. Variances would be required for below grade expansions which were proposed to extend beyond the established building fooprint. 4. Statf does not agree with Jay Peterson's interpretation that lhe Thain units should fall into the single family dwelling and two family dwelling category described in Section 18.71.020 ol the Vail Municipal Code. We believe that the Thain residence must comply with the Multi-Family Dwelling criteria outlined in Section 18.71.030. Section 18.04.090 of the Vail Municioal Code defines multi- family dwellings as: 'A building containing three or more dwelling units, including townhouses, rowhouses, apartments, and condominium units, designed for or used by three or more families, each living as an independent housekeeping unit.' Section 17,08.240 delines a townhouse as: "A building that has one family dwelling units erected in a row or in a clustered fashion as a single building on adjoining lots, each being separate from the adjoining unit or units by a party wall or walls extending lrom the basement lloor to the roof along lhe dividing lot line, and each such building being separate from any other building by space on all sides.' " .t Ms. Fritzlen May 13, 1994 Page Three Clearly, the Texas Townhomes building meets the definition of a townhouse building and is therefore considered to be a multi-family building, as it relates to determination of the unit type category described in the additional 250 section of the Code. 5. As you know, in order to apply for a 250, evidence must be provided that the unit or units have received a final Certificate of Occupancy. During our last meeting, you requested that staff review the Town files to determine whether or not a final Certificate of Occupancy has ever been granted for Units 8A or 88 at the Texas Townhomes. Slaff is unable to locate any record of a final Certificate ol Occupancy being issued for either of the units. Therefore, in order to proceed with your 250 application, you must request that the building deparlment perform a final Certilicale of Occupancy inspection on the Thain units and provide a copy of the certificates to the planning staff. 6. Also mentioned during our conversation on Wednesday, please provide a copy of Association approval to lemporarily remove the existing landscape amenities (grass, rocks, etc.) currently existing on the Association property, located directly in front of Lots 8 and 9. Please address how you intend to landscape this area atter the construction on your landscape plan. I believe the above information accurately describes our conversation on Wednesday May 1 1, 1994. However, if you are not in agreement with any of the inlormation contained in this letter, please contact me immediately to discuss this matter further. Sincerely,bM Jim Gurnutte Town Planner xc: Tom Moorhead Kristan PriE Rick Rosen Mark Smith Mike Mollica Jay Peterson 7.l Banr-ev, f.Iannntvc & PnrpRSoN A PRoFESSIoNAL CoRPoRATIoN ATToRNEYSATI,Aw LINCOLN CENTER 1O60 LINCOLN STREET. SUITE 3r75 DENVEN. COLORADO 80287 TELEPHONE (803) 83?.r860 FACSTMTLE (303) 88?-0097 Ylay 23, L994 Mr. Jim curnutte Town of Vail Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West' Vail, Colorado 81557 RE: Lot 8, The Rowhouses Dear Jim: VAIL NATIONAL BAI{K BLDG. IO8 SOUTE FRONTAGE ROAD WEST: SUTTE VAIL COLCTRADO 81657 TELEPHONE (S09) {?6.0092 FACSIITILE ( g0g) {7S-0{87 On instructions from Helen Chatfield, who is an adjacent property ownerof Lot 8, The Rowhouses, she hereby appeals the Staff interpretation ofall iterns set forth in your letter of May 13, L994 regarding the expansion and alteration to Lot 8, The Rowhouses. If you have any guestions please contact rne at ny office. Sincerely, terson TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Tom Moorhead Jim Curnutte {Z' April 28, 1994 Texas Townhomes tear down/rebuild Lynn Fritzlen has recently submitted an application to tear down two units (Units 8A and 88) and rebuild a unit at the Texas Townhomes. This tear downirebuild includes two additional 250 square foot applications. herefore,theapp|icantisproposingtouti|izethe This property is zoned High Density Multi-Family and is nonconforming with regard to minimum lot size, setbacks, etc. lt is considered to be a legally nonconforming building. Staff has interpreted the nonconforming section of the Code such that the applicant may tear down theexistingbui|dingandbui|danentire|ynewbui|ding%id Tom, would you please review the attached documents and let me know whether you concur that homeowner association approval is not required in conjunction with this proposed remodel. Secondly, please give us your interpretation on whether or not you agree that the applicant may tear down an existing slructure, build a new building, and utilize two 250 square foot additions provided the mass and bulk of the new building exactly matches the previous structure, Late breaking news...Jay Peterson, representing Diana Donovan, who owns the adjacent property, just walked in with a copy of a party wall agreement between Units 7 and 8. He contends that this application cannot proceed further without Diana's permission. However, on Page 2, if says that the party wall may not be "altered, removed or destroyed." What if the applicant claims that the wall will not be altered, removed or destroyed? Please advise. 500 additional square feet as a new basement when the new building is constructed. f Alexander MacCormick 160 East 72nd Street New York, NY,l 0021-4634 5/5/94 Dear Diana, Many thanks for your letter of April 19th,1994. This reached me in Europe so I have just now been able to reply.( returned home to NY May 4th.) I am not in favor of any alteration to the outside of the Texas Townhouses. I thought that this was not allowed by the rules of our +- Association unless there was common consent. Pete Perry put this in didn't he ? lt is also my understanding that any alteration to the backside, ie the side facing the river,was covered by this ruling but alterations here would normally be allowed. Can Rike Wooten check this?We could even call Pete Perry in Denver too . I agree with you that inconvenience to the other unit holders should be kept to a minimum during a remodeling and that the original integrity of the Texas Townhouse look should be maintained. ' !r.Thus, I think that the new owners must have been aware that they would face restrictions.lt seems that they are asking for the moon . Lets hope they cannot have it . All the best for now and many thanks for keeping us informed. Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com October 14,2004 Mr. Mike Suman Michael Suman Architect, LLC PO Box 7760 Avon, CO 81620 Re: Design review application DR8040545 483 Gore Creek Drive, Vail, CO 81657 Lots 8 and 9, Vail Village 4'n Filing Dear Mike, Thank you for submitting an application for design review of a dormer and square footage addition at the above residence. Per our conversations over the last couple of days, the application will require approval for a side setback variance from the Planning and Environmental Commission in addition to approval from the Design Review Board. The PEC approval is necessary due to the fact that the Texas Townhomes became legally non- conforming in regard to the required side setbacks in the High Density Multiple Family district at the time that they were zoned as such by the Town. Because the Townhomes are attached, none complies with the 20' setback required in their district; so, oddly enough, nearly every addition of square footage has to be built in the setback! The following sections of Title 12, Zoning Regulations, Chapter 1 7, Variances, specify sections of the code which are applicable to this variance request. Sectlon 12-17-1 : PUEPOSE: A. Reasons For Seeking Variance: ln order to prevent or to lessen such practicat difficulties and unnecessary physical hardships inconsistent with the objectives ot this title as would resuft from strict or literal interpretation and enforcement, vaiances lrom certain regulations may be granted. A practical difficulty or unnecessary physical hardship may result from the size, shape, or dimensions of a site or the location of existing structures thereon; from topographic or physical conditions on the site or in the immediate viciniU; or trom other physical limitaflons, street locations or conditions in the immediate vicinity. Cost or inconvenience to the applicant ot stict or literal compliance with a regulation shall not be a rcason for granting a vaiance. B. Development Standards Excepted: Vaiances may be granted only with respect to the development standards prescribed for each district, including lot area and site dimensions, setbacks, distances between buildings, height, density control, building bulk control, site coverage, usable open space, landscaping and site development, and parking and loading requirements; or with respect to the provisions of chapter 11 of this title, governing physical development on a site. C. Use Regulations Not Affected: The power to grant variances does not extend to the use regulations prescribed tor each district because the flexibility necessary to avoid results inconsistent with the objectives ot this title is provided by chapter 16, "Conditional Use Permits", and by section 12-3-7. "Amendment'of this title. (Ord. 8(1973) I 19.100) {p ^""r"ur rt"" *ct ion 1 2.1 7-2 : AP PUCAN ON NFO B MATIO N R EQUI R ED : Application for a vaiance shall be made upon a form provided by the administrator. The application shall be suppofted by documents, maps, plans, and other material containing the following information: A. Name and address of the owner and/or applicant and a statement that the applicant, if not the owner, has the permission of the owner to make application and act as agent for the owner. B. Legal desciption, street address, and other identifying data coneming the site. C. A statement ot the precise nature ol the variance requested, the regulation involved, and the practical dilficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives ot this title that would result from stict or literal interpretation and enforcement of the specifid regulation. D. A site plan showing ail existing and proposed features on the site, and on adjolning sites if necessary, pertinent to the vaiance requested, including site boundaries, required setbacks, building locations and heights, topography and physical features, and similar data. E. Such additional material as the administrator may prescribe or the applicant may submit pertinent to the application and to the findings prerequisite to the issuance of a variance as presqibed in section 12-17-6 of this chapter. F. A list of the owner or owners of record of the properties adjacent to the subject property which is subject of the hearing. Provided, however, notitication of owners within a condominium project shall be satisfied by notifying the managing agent, or the registered agent of the @ndominium project, or any member of the board of directors of a condominium association. The list of owners, managing agent, registered agent or members of the board of directors, as appropriate, shall include the names of the individuals, their mailing addresses, and the general desciption of the property owned or managed by each. Accompanying the list shall be stamped, addressed envelopes to each individual or agent to be notitied to be used for the mailing of the notice of hearing. lt will be the applicant's responsibility to provide this information and stamped, addressed envelopes. Notie to the adjacent property owners shall be mailed tirst class, postage prepaid. G. ff the property is owned in @mmon (condominium association) or jointly with other propefty owners such as diveways, NB parels or C parels in duplex subdivision, by way of example and not limitation, the written approval ol the other propeny owner, owners or applicable owners' association shall be required. This can be either in the form of a letter of approval or signature on the application. (Ord.24(2000) $ 2: Ord.4e(1991) $ 2: Ord. 50(1978) $ 15: Ord.30(1978) $ 2: Ord. e(1973) S 19.200) *ctlon 12-175: CRITER,A AND FINDINGS: A. Factors Enumerated: Before acting on a variance application, the planning and environmental commission shall consider the following factors with respect to the requested variance: 1. The relationship of the requested vaiance to other existing or potential uses and struclures in the icinity. 2. The degree to which relief from the strict or literal interpretation and entorcement ol a specified regulation is necessary to achieve compatibility and uniformity of treatment among sites in the vicinity, or to attain the objectives of this title without grant of special pivilege. 3. The elfect of the requested vaiance on light and air, distribution of population, transportation and traffic facilities, public facilities and utilities, and public safety. 4. Such other factors and criteria as the commission deems applicable to the proposed variance. B. Necessary Findings: The planning and environmental commission shall make the following tindings before granting a variance: l. That the granting of the vaiance will not constitute a grant of special privilege in@ngstent with the limitations on other properties classified in the same distict. 2. That the granting of the vaiance will not be detimental to the public heafth, safety, or weltare, or materially injuriousto properties or improvements in the vicinity. 3. That the variane is warnnted lor one or more of the following rcasons: a. The strict or literat interpretation and enforcement of the specified regulation would result in practial ditficulty or unnecessary physical hardship inconsistent with the objectives ot this title. b. There are exceptional or extraordinary ciranmstances or coditions applicable to the site of the vaiance that do not apply generally to other properties in the same zone. c. The stict or litenl interpretation and enforement of the specified regulation would deprive the applicant of privileges enjoyed by the owners of other properties in the same distict. (Ord. 8(1973) 51e.N0) As I mentioned, the public notice must be sent out prior to October 2f in order for the application to remain on the Planning and Environmental Commission's November 8tn agenda. Therefore, please submit the PEC appfication, complete with a letter addressing the criteria for a variance in Section 12-17-6, a check for the appropriate amount,.and addressed and stamped envelopes for the adjacent property owners, by 5pm on Monday, October 18'n. I will have the public notice dratted before I leave town lomorrow. At quick glance, the adjacent property owners would include the managing agents of All Seasons, Vail Trails, and Manor Vail. For a complete listing ot adiacenls, however, I would suggest that you contact Eagle County. Additionally, please feel free to cgntact me before that time regarding any further questions or concerns you might have. Elisabeth Eckel 970.479.2454 D epartment of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgov.com ') October 27,2004 Mr. Mike Suman Michael Suman Architect, LLC PO Box 7760 Avon,CO 81620 Re: Design review application DR8040545 483 Gore Creek Drively'ail, CO 81657 Lols I and 9, Vail Village +'n Filing Dear Mike, Thank you for submitting a design review application for the above residence. However, as I was researching the rire in pieparation ot draning ;;;morandum for the November 8th Planning and. Environmental Commission meeting, i found that there isiurrentty no square footage remaining for the lot. ln June of 1994, the Design n""iri:'eo"rd approved (2) 2S0 square fooi additions f-or Lots 8A and 88. From my research of the file' it ;tp"315ih;i Unit's en ani'eB r"rd owned by the Thain family in '1994 when the application was submitted.. The ;;iG;;r" completely torn do*n and rebuilt, using both 250 multi-family dwelling credits (as basement area) in in" p.""i". Hbwev6r, the project was consistenily referenced as a'remodel" in order to maintain the non- conformity of the residence. I have attached a copy of the final DRB agenda from June 1, 1994 as well as a Planning and Environmental commission memorandum dated shortty ihereafter, both of which are helpful in describing the order of events. lt is unfortunate that these findings do not work in the favor of the current owners. However, I will do my best to refund to you the application fees. Please don't hesitate to let me know if I can be of further help' FILE /.'//PY enclosures {p ^""r"uo rt*" TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission ) Community Development Department June '13, 1994 An appeal of a staff decision regarding nonconforming structures, demo/rebuilds, setbacks, and the use of the 250 Ordinance pertaining to the Thain development proposal located at 483 Gore Creek Drive/Lots 8A, 8B, and 9, Texas Townhouses, Vail Village 4th Filing. Appellant: Planner: Jay Peterson, representing Helen Chatfield Jim Curnutte I. INTRODUCTION Jay Peterson, on behalf of Helen Chatfield, owner of Lot 7, Texas Townhomes, is appealing all items set forth in the staff interpretation letter dated May 13, 1994 regarding a proposed remodel of the Thain residence, Lots 8A, 88, and 9, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing (see attached copy). The Texas Townhomes are zoned High Density Multi-Family (HDMF). The Thains own two units located at the easternmost end of the Texas Townhomes. The Thains woulci like to tear down Units 8A and 88 and construct two new residences in their place (keeping only the western and southern building foundation walls). Because of the way the Texas Townhomes property has been subdivided, the existing building is considered to be nonconforming with regard to minimum lot size, setbacks, GRFA, etc. The Thains have agreed that the new building would not increase the existing mass and bulk of the building. Additionally, the Thains have applied to use two 250 additions in conjunction with the proposed construction of the new building. Since Mr. Peterson is appealing all items set forth in the staff letter dated May 13, 1994. Each of the six paragraphs therein will be further discussed as follows: Paraqraph #1 from the Mav 13. 1994 letter: "The Thain property is zoned High Density Multi-Family and is nonconforming with regard to minimum lot size, setbacks, GRFA, etc. It is considered to be a legally nonconforming building. Staff agrees with your interpretation of the nonconlorming section of the Vail Municipal Gode which would allow the Thains to remove a substantial portion ol the building and build an entirely new building provided the existing nonconformity is not increased. As you have discussed previously with Mike Mollica, the mass and bulk of the building (i.e. building tootprints, height, setbacks, and GBFA - excluding the 250 Ordinance addition) cannot be increased in any way. The proposed stairs on the rear of the building, as presented at conceptual Design Review Board (DRB) review, would be considered a violation of the non-conforming section of the Code. Staff believes that the rear access to the basement must be removed." t Staff Response Section 18.64.010 (Purpose) of the nonconforming section of the Vail Municipal Code states that: "This chapter is intended to limit the number and extent of nonconforming uses and structures by prohibiting or limiting their enlargement, their reestablishment after abandonment, and their restoration after substantial destruction. While permitting nonconforming uses, structures and improvements to continue, this chapter is intended to limit enlargement, alteration, restoration, or replacement which would increase the discrepancv between existinq conditions and the development standards prescribed bv this title." Additionally, Section 18.64.040 (Uses) states that: "The use of the site or structure lawfully established prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title which does not conform to the use regulations prescribed by this title for the district in which it is situated may be continued, orovided that no such nonconformino use shall be enlarqed to occupv the oreater site area or buildinq floor area than it occupied on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chapter..." Staff considered the following elements before determining that the Thains could substantially remodel their unit: The intent of the nonconformino section of the Code. - Generally, nonconforming sections of zoning codes are created for the purpose of assuring the eventual removal of noxious uses or activities that are not compatible with surrounding uses. Staff believes that the Texas Townhomes' nonconformity was created as a result of the method used to subdivide the property and we would not consider the entire building to be the type of nonconforming use which should eventually be removed from the property. In light of the fact that the staff believes that the Town is not attempting to require the eventual removal of the entire building lrom the property, and due to the fact that the Town does encourage the upgrade of older buildings throughout town, staff has looked at the proposed remodel of the Thain residence as something that would be of benefit to the Town provided the new building did not increase the discrepancy between the existing conditions and the development standards established by the property's zoning. Since the applicant has agreed that the building's mass and bulk (i.e. building footprint heights, setbacks, GRFA, etc.) would not be increased in any way as a result of the remodel, the staff has no objection to the proposed tear down/rebuild. Can an aoplicant voluntarilv tear down a nonconforminq structure and build a new structure as lono as the nonconformitv is not increased? - Section 18.64.060 (Maintenance and Repairs) states that: A. B. "Nonconforming uses, structures, and site improvements may be maintained and repaired as necessary for convenient, safe, and efficient operation of the use, provided that the maintenance and repair does not increase the discrepancy between the use, structure, or site improvement and the development standard prescribed in the Town Code." Section 18.64.090 (Restoration) states that: "Whenever a nonconforming use which does not conform with the regulations of the district in which it is located or a nonconforming structure or site improvement which does not conform with the requirements for setbacks, height, density control, building bulk control, or site coverags is destroyed by fire or other calamity, by act of God, or by the public enemy, its use may be resumed or the structure may be restored, provided the restoration is commenced within one year and diligently pursued to completion." Although the above paragraph does not include reference to the voluntary removal of a nonconlorming building, it does seem clear that a nonconforming use or structure may be restored within one year after its demolition. C. Comolete or substantial removal. - The Town has previously determined that a tear down/rebuild is the "ultimate remodel". Because of this determination and the fact that two of the building's foundation walls will remain, staff believes that this application should be considered a substantial remodel of an existing building rather than a complete removal of a non-conforming structure. Paraoraph #2 lrom the Mav 13. 1994 letter: "The proposed remodel of the Thain residence includes two additional 250 square foot applications. Section 18.71.030 H (Additional Gross Residential Floor Area) states that any dwelling unit in a multi-family dwelling shall be eligible tor additional GRFA not to exceed a maximum of 250 square feet in addition to the existing GRFA for the site provided that no exteraor additions or alterations to multi-family dwellings, with the exoeption of window skylights or other similar modifications, shall be allowed. The Thains are proposing to utilize two 250 ordinances for the two dwelling unats within the existing shell of the building and construct a basement when the new building is constructed. Therefore, the GRFA attributed to the two 250's shall not alter the exterior of the dwelling units. Since the 250 section of the Code does not allow for the pooling of additional GRFA, it is important that each 250 square foot addition be directly attributed to each dwelling unlt." Staff Response Since the Thain units (Units 8A and/8B) have been in existence for more than five years, they are entitled to apply for two additional 250 square foot additions. Because these units are located within a multi-family building, the proposed 250's shall not result in any exterior additions or alterations to the building, with the exception of windows, skylights, or other similar modifications. Additionally, the 250 Ordinance does not allow for the pooling of additional GRFA, therefore, each of the 250's must be directly attributed to the existing dwelling units. Paraqraph #3 from the Mav 13. 1994 letter: "Staff does not believe that the building will become more nonconforming with the addition of the proposed 250 applications. The 250 section of the Vail Municipal Code does allow for the addition of 250 square feet ol GRFA per unit in addition to the existing GRFA on a property even if the existing GRFA on the property already exceeds the allowable. This provision applies to all properties throughout town and is not specific to the Thain residence or the Texas Townhomes. Additionally, staff agregs with your contention that the existing perimeter line of the building establishes the legal extent of the setback nonconformity. Existing and new GRFA (250 actditions) may be rearranged within the shell of the existing building, and underground, as long as the perimeter lines are not exceeded. Anv above or below grade expansion of the building which would extend beyond the perimeter line established by the existing building walls, or break the plane of the existing roof or chimney lines would require variances from the nonconforming and setback sections of the Town Code. Below grade expansions are permitted provided they do not extend beyond the perimeter lines established by the existing building footprint. Variances would be required for below grade expansions which were proposed to extend beyond the established building footprint." Staff Response Staff does not believe that the existing building will become more nonconforming as a result of the 250 additions because the existing mass and bulk of the building will be unaffected. Also, there would not be any increase in the discrepancy between the existing conditions and the development standards allowed in the HDMF zone district. With regard to the setback nonconformity, staff has made the interpretation that the existing perimeter line of the building establishes the legal extent of the setback nonconformity. Existing and new GRFA may be rearranged within the shell of the existing building, and underground, as long as the perimeter lines are not exceeded. Staff believes that any above grade or below grade expansion which would break the plane of the existing nonconformity would require variances from the Town Code. Paraoraph #4 from the Mav 13. 1994 letter: "Staff does not agree with Jay Peterson's interpretation that the Thaln units should fall into the single tamily dwelling and two family dwelling category described in Section 18.71.O2O of the Vail Municipal Code. We believe that the Thain residence must comply with the Multi-Family Dwelling criteria outlined in Section 18.71.030. Section 18.04.090 of the Vail Municipal Code defines multi- family dwellings as: "A building containing three or more dwelling units, including townhouses, rowhouses, apartments, and condominium units, designed tor or used by three or more families, each living as an independent housekeeping unit." Section 17.08.240 defines a townhouse as: "A building that has one family dwelling units erected in a row or in a clustered tashion as a single building on adjoining lots, each being separate from the adioining unit or units by a party wall or walls extending from the basement lloor to the roof along the dividing lot line, and each such building being separate from any other building by space on all sides." Clearly, the Texas Townhomes building meets the definition of a townhouse building and is therefore considered to be a multi-family building, as it relates to determination ot the unit type category described in the additional 250 section of the Gode." Staff Response For the reasons stated in the May 13, 1994 letter, staff believes that the Texas Townhomes clearly meet the definition of a townhouse and is therefore considered to be a multi{amily building, as it relates to the determination of unit type category described in the additional 250 section ol the Code. Paraoraph #5 from the Mav 13. 1994 letter: "As you know, in order to apply for a 250, evidence must be provided that the unit or units have received a linal Certiticate of Occupancy. During our last meeting, you requested that staff review the Town files to determine whether or not a final Certificate of Occupancy has ever been granted for Units 8A or 88 at the Texas Townhomes. Staff is unable to locate any record of a final Certiflcate of Occupancy being issued for either of the units. Therefore, in order to proceed with your 250 application, you must request that the building department perlorm a final Certificate of Occupancy inspection on the Thain units and provide a copy of the certificates to the planning staff." Staff Response Staff requested that the applicant provide either a copy of their final Certificate of Occupancy for the Texas Townhomes or request a final inspection of the units from the Building Department. Since writing the May 13, 1994 letter, staff has consulted with Gary Murrain (Town of Vail Chief Building Official) regarding the possibility of performing a tinal Certificate of Occupancy inspection on the Thain units. Gary determined that since these units were built so long ago (in Eagle County) and it is unclear under which code the units were constructed, he would not be Able to perform a final Certificate of Occupancy on these units. Paragraph #6 from the Mav 13. 1994 letter: "Also mentioned during our conversation on Weclnesday, please provide a copy of Association approval to temporarily remove the existing landscape amenities (grass, rocks, etc.) currently existing on the Association property, located directly in front of Lots 8 and 9. Please address how you intend to landscape this area after the construction on your landscape plan." Staff Resoonse We do not believe that Jay Peterson has any objection to this paragraph. c:\psc\memos\ch stlie 1.6 I 3 6' FILT OilPY 75 Sourh Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 8ji657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Department of Connuniry Developnent May 13, 1994 Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Proposed remodel of the Thain residence, Lots 8A, 88 and g, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing. Dear Lynn: This letler is intended lo document the discussion which took place during our meeting yesterday, Wednesday May 11, 1994, concerning the above-referenced remodel. I hope this letter will be helpful in clarifying many of the issues raised by yourself, the Thain's legal counsel, and Jay Peterson, counsel for Helen Chatfield. I have broken out each of the major issues related to the proposed Thain residence remodel and have listed them as follows: 1. The Thain property is zoned High Density Multi-Family and is nonconforming with'regard lo minimum lot size, setbacks, GRFA, etc. lt is considered to be a legally nonconforming building. Stalf agrees with your interpretation of the nonconforming section of the Vail Municipal Code which would allow the Thains to remove a substantial portion of the building and build an entirely new building provided the existing nonconformity is not increased. As you have discussed previously with Mike Mollica, the mass and bulk of the building (i.e. building footprints, height, setbacks, and GRFA - excluding the 250 Ordinance addition) cannot be increased in any way. The proposed stairs on the rear of the building, as presenled at conceptual Design Beview Board (DRB) review, would be considered a violation of the non-conforming section of the Code. Staft believes that the rear access to the basement must be removed. 2. The proposed remodel of the Thain residence includes two additional 250 square foot applications. Section 18.71.030 H (Additional Gross Flesidential Floor Area) slates that any dwelling unit in a multi-family drvelling shall be eligible for additional GRFA not to exceed a maximum of 250 square leet in addition to the existing GRFA for the site provided that no exlerior additions or alterations to multi-family dwellings, with the exception of window skylights or other similar modifications, shall be allowed. The Thains are proposing to utilize two 250 ordinances for the two dwelling units wilhin the existing shell ol the building and construct a basement when the new building is constructed. Therefore, the GRFA altributed to the two 250's shall not alter the exterior of the dwelling units. Since lhe 250 section of the Code does not allow lor the pooling of additional GRFA, it is imporlant that each 250 square foot addition be directly anributed to each dwelling unit. Ms. Fritzlen May 13, 1994 Page Two 3.Staff does not believe that the building will become more nonconforming with the addition of the proposed 250 applications. The 250 section of the Vail Municipal Code does allow for the addition of 250 square feet of GRFA per unit in addition to the existing GRFA on a property even il the existing GRFA on the property already exceeds the allowable. This provision applies to all properties throughout town and is not specific io the Thain residence or the Texas Townhomes. Additionally, slaff agrees with your contention that the existing perimeter line of the building eslablishes the legal exlent of the setback nonconformity. Existing and new GRFA (250 additions) may be rearranged within the shell ol the existing building, and underground, as long as the perimeter lines are not exceeded. Anv above grade expansion of the building which would extend beyond the perimeter line established by the existing building walls, or break the plane of the existing roof or chimney lines would require variances from the nonconforming and setback sections of the Town Code. Below grade expansions are permitted provided they do not extend beyond the perimeter lines established by the existing building footprint. Variances would be required lor below grade expansions which were proposed to extend beyond the established building fooPrint. Statf does not agree with Jay Peterson's interpretation that the Thain units should fall into the single family dwelling and two family dwelling category described in Section 18.71.020 of the Vail Municipal Code. We believe that the Thain residence must comply with the Multi-Family Dwelling criteria outlined in Section 18.71.030. Section 18.04.090 of the Vail Municipal Code defines multi- family dwellings as: 'A building containing three or more dwelling units, including townhouses, rowhouses, apartmenls, and condominium units, designed for or used by three or more families, each living as an independent housekeeping unit.' Section 17.08.240 defines a townhouse as: "A building that has one family dwelling units erected in a row or in a cluslered fashion as a single building on adjoining lots, each being separate from the adjoining unit or units by a party wall or walls exlending from the basement floor to lhe roof along the dividing lot line, and each such building being separate from any other buibing by space on all sides.' 4. Ms. Fritzlen May 13, 1994 Page Three Clearly, the Texas Townhomes building meets lhe definition of a townhouse building and is therefore considered to be a multi-family building, as it relates to determination of the unit type category described in the additional 250 section of the Code. 5. As you know, in order to apply for a 250, evidence must be provided that the unit or units have received a final Certificate of Occupancy. During our last meeting, you requested that staff review the Town liles to determine whether or not a final Certificate of Occupancy has ever been granted for Units 8A or 8B at the Texas Townhomes. Staff is unable to locate any record of a linal Cenificate of Occupancy being issued for either of the units. Therefore, in order to proceed with your 250 application, you must request that the building department perform a final Certificate of Occupancy inspection on the Thain units and provide a copy of the certificates to the planning statf- 6. Also mentioned during our conversation on Wednesday, please provide a copy of Association approval to temporarily remove the existing landscape amenities (grass, rocks, etc.) currently existing on the Association property, located directly in lront of Lots 8 and 9. Please address how you intend to landscape this area after the construction on your landscape plan. I believe the above information accurately describes our conversation on Wednesday May 1 1, 1994. However, if you are not in agreemenl with any of the information contained in this letter, please contact me immediately to discuss this matter turther. Sincerely,l' - ,/+.,l|ttb", ( nz,^-tt-Lal/[.- Jim Curnutte Town Planner xc: Tom Moorhead Kristan PriE, Rick Rosen Mark Smith Mike Mollica Jay Peterson BAILEY, HARRN{G & PETERSON A PROFESSIONAL CORPONATION ATTORNEYSATLA1V LINCOLN CENTER I660 LINCOLN STREET, SUITE 3T75 DENVER. COLORADO 8026,I TELEPHONE (303) 837-1660 FACSIMILE (903) 837-0097 VAIL NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 108 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, SUITE VAIL, COLORADO 81657 TELEPHONE (303) 476-0092 FACSIIITLE (903) 470-040? May 23, L994 Mr. Jirn Curnutte Town of Vail Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West vail, Colorado 81657 RE: Lot 8, The Rowhouses Dear Jirn: On instructions from Helen Chatfield, who is an adjacent property owner of Lot 8, The Rowhouses, she hereby appeals the Staff interpreta.tion of a1I items set forth in your letter of May !3, L994 regarding the expansion and alteration to Lot 8, The Rowhouses. If you have any questions please contact me at rny office. Sincerely, terson iii. : 75 soath Frontage RoadVaiI, Colorado gI657 Deparunent of Connnuniry Deve loptnertt'r?iffi;;'ri;n-"'o October 2\,lgg4 . : Mrs. Diana Donovan .1O14 Homestake Circlevait, co 91657 RE: Response to retter regarding the Thain and cornice Building redeveropments Dear Diana: ' As rhe pranner wno. !3nolgo borh of ,n" ,..:Il:rT:nr proje*s refe'e^d to in your retrer datedoctober 13, 1ss4 ro-theptannin; il'i;;""mentat cdr;i;;;iiru;, oesisn Review "'",?'i J3f f,H,3k "il1li|; ffi ;H, ;'il5ug n' w; ;d ;* ;;;' i;" re in respons e to so me As you know, the Thain remoder was reviewed.by the DRB on May 4,May 1g, and June 1. 1ee4' rhe June 1st DRB "pp';";i;;;;"i#j ,x ".^iil;;r."';;; ilirr inrormarion, I haveenctosed a coov of a.tetter m.t *r. *liir"n? rynn riiai"n. ,n" ril"i"r, archtect, whichdetails rhe DRB conditio"; ;i;;;"";."xr' io, can see, condition ! of the DRB approvalstates that "anv rrees.Esnruos 6n-ol*j".Jn, ,o t rprJp"nv fi;i'; as a resurt of theconstruction of the Thain residences, ;;',rt ; repraced with rike species and size". once a consrruction ?'ulTj ir. issued for a project, the pranning slaff reries on the buirdinoinspectors to ensure in-at *re qrirJ'g ''.'oling .on.tructed perlne approved constructionfl?1lii,l;ff;,1,j,ff',ill#ruy,tfff:ffiu"tion sr"!in! pr"n "i?"nv orher eremenrs or gli{iHldill':? ffi ilf:'.1"?L::',i3#"{"}-'e?1: slarr did poinr out that ' had come torh a in res i d e n "" io | " o n. r,, c ri:'' ; ;6;:, il q i":iqi iry:.,!!T il[":i"j1,I]l[jlTappticant that rhe staoing or equipm6nt;" ;;". ra;d is n;iil;#ki ancr was not shown onffi '1ifJiHilh:'+';:Gi# -;;i il; ll::: r rr,' usins pu6ric pioperty ror rhe*itn tn" "pp.;ff.;#f" resictences' lwill relay yorrcrr"niion.o,i, regarding compriance I're,:;i;6""#il:ft #,,:fi ii,$Til+lt_{,TVxilrg::itfr :tffJ^;lJ";f#:JJ the approved constiuction G;r;s-pr"" is not oeinf Li,iJrJ,, construction stasins wilh regard ro your "orl-":t..:?ncerning the appricant,s two ,,250 additions,,, you are correcttn lhat Units 8A and 88 have increar"oin ,LJrv s99 souaie re.r.-lio'*"u"r, the appricantwas able to show *'"t "a"r' zso-r'iJr;rrrir,'t ;n;iqutaore-r-o-erci-oi ti'Jir"uiousrv existinsowetting units. Arso k":p]n mind lhat '"."i."'ini. ouiroing ;I; I',"g-.inon"onforminglli;1'"i'J,itriT:ffi ,f;tf,,ruS:["."?1il:ft il5,gffi i:;$'i'f :ilchansetothrmass r,rlf.,a.F .., f october 25, 1994 Page Two the apProved Plans' As vou know, the Cornice Bui|ding specia| Deve|opment District SPg) 1:""iu"d extensive review by the pEC and rown corlncit oefore uttimltely receiving.DRB approval. At this time' staff has no reason to o"ri"u" in"t tn" Cornice Building is not being constructed according to I hope the above information clarifies some ol the issues which you raised regarding the two projects. I witt discuss yori i"lt"t with Gary Murrain and request that the building inspectors keep close tabs on the construction of these two proiects to ensure that the approved building p.i,iii.on.iir"tion drawings, and a1 conditions oi approval, are being followed' questions or commenls regarding these projects in the directly at 479-2138. lf you should luture, Please SincerelY, have anY additional feel free to call me /'*^Jim Curnutte Senior Planner xc: Mike Mollica Planning and Environmental Commission Design Review Board Town Council Gary Murrain/Building lnspectors ACTION FORM Deparbnent of Community Development 75 Sorrth Frontage Road, Vail, @lorado 81657 td : 97 0.479,2L39 fax: 97 0.479.2452 web: w,ryw.ci,vail.co. us ProjectName: LIGHTHALLVARIANCE PECNumber: PEC040072 Project Description: NEW ROOF DORMER AND 138.s SQFT USING 2s0 ORDINANCE Pafticipants: OWNER LIGHTHALL,DIANEGAMEL t01L812004 Phone:303-985-{984 5293 W OBERUN DR DENVER co 80235 License: APPLICANT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHIECT, LLCLOI t812004 Phonet 97047 1-5122 MICHAEL SUMAN PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81520 License: ARCHffiCT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECT, LLC10/18/2004 Phone: 970-47L-6L22 MICHAEL SUMAN PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81620 License: C000001764 ProjectAddress: 483 GORE CREEK DRVAIL 483 GORE CREEK D& UNIT #8 Legal Description: Lot: 9 Block Subdivision: VAIL VILI-AGE FILING 4 Parcel Number: 210108235001 Comments: Planning and Environmental Commission locaUon: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: WITHDRWN Second By: vote: DateofApproval: Conditions: Cond:8 (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 300 PEC approval shall not be not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval. Planner: ElisabethEckel PEC Fee Paid: $500.00 16:25 36398866941l1 Surah fiFGh I gecc LIGHTI-AL 9?0-479-?Sl I PAtr €I p." frco laoolotmfrno tEo Appllcatlon lor Revlew by the Plennlng and Envlronmenlal Gommlsslon ItFtrsttl 0t otrr irru o.!bgt||.d 75 so|,| ftnEF nd. rrn, 6b.fb ttFT H: 9lO4?021I h: glD.im-aao2 rUrf.vrlelrqn Gaarr|l |trlbr rllon: A| ptlFcr qdilt Fhrnhg fd srlrqil|rilc 6!|d*n |e,ir ||lt trtF rpcod rril S lldhg r uIrI n rn oan. u trronr rlmr', |:lrtrrr- b.lE trluF +Ft'.11:-tcG.ln-iAct trfttft rrr Efllttntniffitrrm nlir cru bEF'rtr rl rrr|rrt #=ren iltrtd t h"'ond;lty f*on11t 6prrtnr* TL pmld .tr.t rb ng6 to !. 1;vn by 0r Tosr Or'rd .nLhr ilF qrbn ia,h BEd ?tD. ot ADdlodo|t rnd Fro: . bnirE IaiqrAtHtib.tn[ra/EHbrg!r|'t!tP|| llDrArr.ttuttS rnSDo IrFr$rd l)ta!|oFrrinaDbtE IttbrArrrdtrr| 5 nSithAn:rinirt5rrttD($.ffittnffiil,t O;Gdridor ot tlr. ltsqu.{: l-€don of t||. F|!DoI: PhFlG.l&5.8r Frrtel llo.: ;loai|!: l|rne(rt of Orr|.(.l! Ad6nfl: Ownd.l Sl$.lurr(tl: xr||| of Afptc.nc Irlllltg Addnr* 51tOtr& tccog f1{xpsloofr?s g{Grd!rffi Fl6GOl*riefrc-dtrrEHrblblrbrr{orafialr#i(br.b|trilPbnl. arr b. Zonrt CcllrlbrggnVdan Co. AffiC gfGgatfi{O b'r P.rill tE ) RECEIVED TOV-COM.DEV. RCH!TEC' Oclober 18,2@4 Lighfholl Residence Addition Texos Townhomes Lots I & 9 Voil Villoge 4rh Filing A{locent Properller llsl WESI Nome: Voll Trqlb Eorl Zoning: High Density MullipleFomily HOA Agent MonhollDiggs Address: 3981 Soufh Dexfer Slreel Englewood, CO 801l0 Phone: 1.303.753.0054 SOUTH Nome: Zoning: HOA Agenf: Address: Nome: Zoning: EASI Nome: Zoning: HOA Agent: Address: NORTH Nome: All Seorons High Density Multiple.Fomily Douglos West 100 Sonds Point Rood, #313 Longboof Key,FL3/'228 Aplllo Pork Ouldoor Recreotion, Porking MqnorVoll High Density Mulliple-Fomily Bob McCleory 595 Eost Voil Vqlley Drive Voil. CO 81657 Gore Creek michael@sumanarchitect.com 143 East Meadow Drive suite 300 VaiL CO 81657 970.479.7sV2 f 970.479.751r n 970.471.6122 +t+++++*'|t**+****ll|t***ltlaalattlaaa*ala*t**+*l*++t+f+'llla*l*****t*a*ttttrrrr*rrrrr***rtttit+ TOWNOFVAIL, COLORADO StateNnent flf++**'| *'3******lt*1.**********'l'l'|t{r'}lr,llr:l'lrllr**t+***l't:} ****** *****'t* **'t*'l:l:i**tt$t*1r*** t'l *****+*** gtatement lllrmber: R040006916 Anourxt: $5Oo-OO LO/L8/2OO4O1:59 p!! Palment lilethod: Cbeck Init: iIS Notation: *1013/MICIIAEL, ST'MAN Permit No: P8e040072 Tlpe: PEC - Varialce Parcel. No: 210108235001 Sit,e AddregE: 483 GORE CR.EEK DR ITAIIJ IJocation: 1183 GORE CREBK DR, UNfT #8 Total FeeE: $500.00 rtie eayment: $500 - 00 Total AI!tr! thtg: $500.00 Balance: $0.00 ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Descript ion Current ms PV OO1OOOO31125OO PEC APPLICATION FEES s00.00 THIS ITEM MAY AFFECTYOUR PROPERW PUBLIC NOTICE *m NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning and Environmental Commission of the Town of Vail on November 8, 2004, at 2:00 PM in the Town of Vail Municipal Building, in consideration of: A request for a recommendation to the Vail Town Council of proposed text amendments to Section 12-1'l-4, NPDES, Section 12-11-6, Erosion Control, and Section 12-'14-'17, Setback from Water-Course, Vail Town Code, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant Town of VailPlanner: Bill Carlson A request for final review of a variance from Section 12-6H-6, Setbacks, Vail Town Code, to allow for a residential addition to encroach into the required side setback, located at 483 Gore Creek Drive (Texas Townhomes)/Lots I & 9, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing, and setting lorth details in regard thereto. Applicant: Diane Lighthall, represented by Mike Suman Architect, LLCPlanner: Elisabeth Eckel A request for final review of a major exterior alteration, pursuant to Section 12-7A-2, Exterior Alterations or Modifications, Vail Town Code, to allow for revisions to the previously approved development plan for One Willow Bridge Road (previously Swiss Chalet), located at 100 Willow Bridge Road/Tracts K & L, Block 5E, Vail Village First Filing, and setting forth details in regard thereto. Applicant: One Willow Bridge Road, represented by Resort Design, Inc.Planner: George Ruther The applications and information about the proposals are available for public inspection during regular otfice hours at the Town of Vail Community Development Department, 75 South Frontage Road. The public is invited to attend project orientation and the site visits that precede the public hearing in the Town of Vail Community Development Department. Please call (970) 479-2138 for additional information. Sign language interpretation is available upon request with 24-hour notification. Please call (970) 479-2356, Telephone for the Hearing lmpaired, for information. Published, October 22,2004, in the Vail Daily. Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Itail, Colorado 81657 970-479-2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.vailgoucom December 19,2OO4 Mr. Mike Suman Michael Suman Architect, LLC PO Box 7760 Avon, CO 81620 Re: DRB040596, PEQ040077 483 Gore Creek Drively'ail, CO 81657 Lots 8 and 9, Vail Village 4tn Filing Dear Mike, Thank you for attending today's Planning and Environmental Commission meeting, where the PEC voted in favor of the request{or a variance from the side setbacks at the above-referenced property. Additionally, I have staff approved the Design Review Board application, as lhe DRB had instructed at its December 1$ meeting. I have attached the approval forms which will be necessary for you to proceed with the building permit process. Please don't hesitate to contact me with any remaining questions or concerns. enclosures f,,9t""*"t'o"rl1 vYqa4,l+ft6*-t'-''n"*'s+9,l Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of &mmunity Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, oolorado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax: 97 0.479.2452 web: www.ci.vail.co.us Project Name: DRB Number: DRB040596 Project Description:' New dormer with standing seam copper roof to be added on the north side of the townhome, resulting in no additional GRFA. Participants: OWNER UGHTHALL,DIANEGAMEL LUL5{ZOO4 Phone:303-985-4984 5293 W OBERUN DR DENVER co 8023s License: APPUCANT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECT, LLCI 1/15/2004 Phone: 97 0-47 L-6I22 MICHAEL SUMAN PO BOX 7750 AVON co 81620 License: ARCHITECT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHITECT, LLC11/15/2004 Phone: 97 O-47 t-6L22 MICHAEL SUMAN PO BOX 7750 AVON co 81620 License: C000001764 Project Address: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Locationr 483 GORE CREEK DR, UNIT #8 Legal Description: lot: 8/9 Block: Subdivision: VAIL WLLAGE FIUNG 4 Parcel Number: . 210108235001 Comments: BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion By: Action: STAFFAPR Second By:Vote: Date of Approvalz L2lL3l2OO4 Conditions: Cond: 8 (P|AN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PIAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with Town of Vail Building persgnnel prior to construction activities. Cond: 201 DRB approval shall not become valid for 20 days following the date of approval.. Gond:202 Approval of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year following the date'l of final approval, unless a bulldlng permit is issued and construction is commenced and is diligenUy pursued toward completion. Ptanner: Elisabeth Eckel DRB Fee Paid: f2SO.OO t I0t4/1\'# Application for Design Review Department of Cornmunity Derrelopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cobnado 81657 tel: 970.479.2139 tax:. 97O.479.262 web: www.vailgov.com General Information: All projecis requiring design re\riew must reiw appro\ral prior to submitting a building permit application. Ple*e refer to the srbnittal requirernents for the partiarlar approval that b rcquGt€d. An application for Design Review canrpt be accepted until all required information is receiwd by the Cornmuniv DevBlopment Departrnent. The projec{ may also need to be reviewed by the Tourn Ccuncil and/or the Phnning and Erwironrrental @rnmission. Dosign reyiew apprwal lapses unlsss a building permat as issued and construction commenc€s within one year of the spproval. Descrlption of the Request: 4a't Locatlon of the Proposal: t-ot: 8l ? AOck: Physlcal Address: Parcet No.r 7lOl06L-:t50ol (ContactEagleCo.Ass€$sorat970-328-8640forparcelno.) zonfns: H l-.' 'i' Name(s) of Owner(s): lfaflfng eaaress: 52 Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Appllcant: REC-EMFD NOV i 5 2irt4 TOV.COM.DEV. Phone: lrlailing Address: E.mail Address: Type of Review and Fee: . Signs. Conceptual Review . New Oorstruclion. Addition . llrrAbnlbn (multi-family/commerchl) . Minor Alteration (singldamily/dudex) . Changes to ApprovEd Pbrts . Sepamtion R€eest $50 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign area. No Fee $650 $300 cr!250 \ $20 $20 No Fee Fs construction of a new buiding or d€mo/rebuild- For an addition where square footage is added to any r6id6ntial or mrnrcrcbl building (irdudes 250 additions & interior conven*xs). kr minor cfiangre b buildirBs and site impiordnents, such s, reroofing, painting, window additions, bndscaping, ferrces and r€taining walls, etc. For minor clwqes to buiHirgs and site improvernenb, sudr a, rermfing, painting, windol additions, hndscadng, fences and retaining walb, etc. For rwisiom to plans alredy approred by Planning S:taff or the Design Review B@d. For Offlce Uee Onlv:il;;,;,--eni": checkr,ro.: /0!_7 av, Page 1 of I2lMl0'll$ t ****llt't******+*l*****ara**t**il'l'i***'l***r||*r****'l****+***{r*'l***'l*t*'llfiit'l*****+****a****ar**** TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€ment ******l+**'l'l**t't*'l'lt***ttart*';f *ti****tt*tl****f ***l*'***'t't**'t'lttt*a*********t**{r****ta******'f tt Statement lsuriber: R040007130 Anount; $250.0o LLltS/zOO4o3:25 Ptrt Paltment Method: Check Init: ils t{otation: *101?/l.lICHAEr, ST'MAN ARCH Pemit No: DR8040595 T!E)e: DRB-Uinor Alt, Cotun/mrlti Parcel I[o: 210108235001 Sit€ AddreaB: 483 C'ORs CREER DR VAIIJ Location: 483 CIORE CRBEK DR, IrNIT {f8 Total Pees: S250.00fhis Palment: $250.00 Total AIJr PmtE: $250.00Balance: $0.00 ACCOI,JNT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description Current ffis DR OO1OOOO31122OO DESIGN REVIEI.I FEES 250 .00 SUMAN ApcHtrtcl LIGHTHATL l:: .., i;-2 a ii.';"1 RESIDENCE REMODEL soulh side imooe +. I I i r 0.'t 1 .04 TOV REVIEW SU}'IANancHttcct tIGHTHAtt RESIDENCE REMODET north side imoges l0.ll.o4 TOV REVIEW ENCEtIGHTHAtt RESID REMODET north context imoges 10.r 1.04 TOV REVIEW sut{aNarcNttcc? tIGHIHAtt RESIDENCE RE[,IODEt siding ond window design exomple imoges 10.1t.04 IOV REVIEW ffii,;slij ,', T,l' j l r' 1 . RESIDENCE REMOOET north context imoges tIGHTHAIt l0.ll.o4 IOV REVIEW ' "tltiERLitl:_ _. -_. _ - --\ Applp;:("' oF l* -- reou P91 \<-rco YEAR FLgoD PLAIN rs @ 8t68' PER F.E.M-A. f-LOOO INSURANCE STUDY FCR IHE TOW}j OF VAJL a176.7' (NOV. 2. r962) j / '\-"t.N \.) i \o) oo o) I inunir sEV€R I.IANHOLI RIM EL[V. = 8'i80.6' @ rNv. ELEV. = 8168.8 oi' LANOSCAFINC,/OPEN(sEe 8c0K 6r0, SPACE EASEMENT PAGE 26s) TS7 RENOVE ' RELOCATE TEI EXISTINO TRASH ENCLOSI OURING CONSTRUCTION. -oT 7 MANOR VAIL wooD SIAIRS & 17 176,3' at77,o' (GFCUN0) 10 40'cc" TRASH ENCLOSURE "u'uilll;,.- REEK\ DRIVE .Fg.Y.GORE . J\GREET€IN FOR llfs FoRr, ?IO!{ OF rfiE TEXAS rorJllHousE lssoclATlo)i TIIIS lcREEyErf ls erecured €ffecr{ve thls 13t1 day of _jplil , 198419&, by and eEong Che undrlstgned. .\. tha undrrslSned ErG.rll of the ol"Trcr, ln f4e 6Jo?lc of tovnhorEe unlis loaa:od Ln lhe ?exas fownhouaet, eltuatcd on ieJ: propclly locsted j the:Dv:r of Vatl, Fag:c Count:r, Colorado, a,hlch paopclt:l ts tlore fully dcscrlbed on Erhlblt A attsched her€to (h"r.l,nafter 'Texas Tor,nhoute!.). .:. Thc o(,ncrs de€lE. to provl.de for c,!!!aln codron orlntenanc? lnd sc!vlicd and for the acqulsltlon of ccEta!!: reEl pro-.rt7 loc..dd.dJsc"[t tq chc:axes Totfihouses to l€ used f,oE autoDoblla Durkl,ng for thc Orne"8 (th! "Coir:on ReaL Property"). .?. In co-juncrlon thcreul.th,. tr|c Ol1rcrs, chlle dcdlcated to the Gptrir o: lr:lJvlCuiL or.trershlp snd tlrdcpendencc rerrectl.ng thelr otn unltr shlch hs6 Sccn .t trgdltLgn of lhc tenas Tolrnhorrder !Lnc. thclt ldceptton, vtsh to €attcr Ln:o ihle .r€rccolnt for th€ expreas sltd lilt,ted purpose o! 6ana!,lng ccrtatn clos{ly deflnod furcLlons for lhe Areoclattbn ,rt,th i'filch !o beneftt dl o.rners on a unlfora arrC dutual besl!. TIIEP.EFoRE, rhc Jeners agree ae folloec I I . Dcf rirl tlons A. 'ArtlcleE of ltrccrporsltot. ueanr ihe artlchr bf trrcorparr- tlcn of lhc Assoclo llon. B. 'Assoclallon- uears ths Tcxag tovr.ioule Areoclitlon, a colo.ado cor?orstlon, not for proflt, It. ,ncclssora.and aaeignr, the oe[bers of ehtch ,hall be sll Che Oeoe of the Texar ToDnhoue.q. C. "Eoord of lta!sge!!" or .Boatd" leenr the govcttrlng body o! .hc ,!ssoc lJ tlcn, D. "Bykss- BcanJ. Lhc tyt.a"s of lha lssoclltlon. . E. 'col|!on Expentas- cernl nnd lnalude! ell_st!!6 aarcrscd. agbLnrt th! c'rners by !h! Assoctatlon. for expsnrc! .uthorlzad by tht3 &rcrLeo! .. folloes: (l) expcnacs ol edElBlstratlon, (i) cerlaln ealntrnsnce and irurl,r ?97 a97 -* Aat ;;--egq J0qtt!Ei' i t'.lll.LlPl. C,ICLE i' Fatr;''r'' 'i.:v Jl 2 ?2 P}{'8{ i,.: expe"ses ae herel,naft€r deflned; erd (3) cxpcnees incurred lrr acqulrlng, rlalnialnlng aod lnsurlng the Cotloon ltea1 ?iopercy. F, "0ue6t' Deans any ageoe, edployee. tenen:, gtiest, licersec or lnvlloe of En Olrner, G. -l{.ana6ln6 A8ent".E.dns rhe p rson,.lf ;r':;-, caployed by the Borrd co perforE the functlorts plovlded r:o! herc..it. H. 'O!.ner" ueang the pergoq or pe:sons, n: l.arelnsfter deflned. gtnLig a lolrnbouge ln the Texae lounhouses, or a conCo|trldlu! Iocsled ther€ltr, ln fe. slrlple, slong r{{th the helrg, guccessors, .193lg'ls arid repreaen!rtlvcg of sa!.d peroon or peraona. I. "person" Eeans any tndlvtdusl, corporallon, perhefshlp, coo- blnstlon, a36oclat1on, lruscec or aoy orher 1.gal. d,rriry. J, "ReaI Prsperty" ocsns thaE real proFerty descrtbed on Exblbl: A, a t rached he:eto. K, "UnlE" gr "Townhouge Unlt" neans the fee ei,ople tntere6E gnd tlt1e lrl and to one or llole of lhe 16 loe[house unlte localcd r'lthln rhc ?oxas Tolrohousec, lnc1ud1ng fee slElle oeuersh{p of lhe r.al propcrty thar.- unde i, 2.. li::rat! RlBhrs :nd opllgat{ots qf th. Assoclattotr. A. the Asaociatlon ls hereby appolnted attorney h Cac! foE : l't tners, end each of theE, to carry out the ll lted purposea cf thl! AgEe€rte'lt so a6 !o p€mit :hc Assoclatlon to fulflli al1 of lts dutlc! end obl!8.tlonr h€reunder. 8.. ltc .{bsocl6tlon shall bc grgnted al1 poeers [ecesaary tO [aln- telo and repalr the Coroon Re!1 Property! a.rd perfcro al1 th; dutler lequlred of lt, l. The Assoclatlcn. A. Dutles. lhe AE. r.llatlon! thE.rugh the Board or r H.naglnt Agent, shal1 perfor[ functlo', and hold or Eansge property ss pEovtCed Lq lhis .\greeEe.rf so as to further the :elleitlve laterest of al1 of, thc Olltlels ln the proJ.ct. It shsli hlvq thr aulhorlry BccessaEy or dertreble to achleve such purposes. B. Menbershlp.. Tbe Onoer of a Unlc shall euto|llttciil;r 6s , Elr ber of the Assocl8tloa. Setd Deubernhlp ls dppurt€nant co thr Un!.t of Bal,d Olrner entliled to the onne:shl.p of the neuberahlp for chat tnlt aod sh!I1 -2- eutomarlc.l'l pass !.1, Eh fce shple tltle to lh. Utrlt. lf Ehe lec sl&Ple tiElc ro :hc Unlt ls helcl by oore thrn one perfcn, each clFtennni {)I a Untt shnll bc a ncober of che Agsgclatlor, excep! rhat'odci unlt shrl:. have'onc voEc .1s (i.serlbed !n pdrigraph 3D belos. C. Eoard of ilansBerg_. The affnl.s of lhe ,\tnrcirflrn rhall bc $onaged l.l, a 8o!rd of Hendgers lhlch !ry, by rasolutlon, lel,!il.1tn any poltton of lrs ailr.horlt.'r to a l{a[agcr of l{anaglng Agent for che .\e3rclitid.r, thele shnll. no'i be le6i than tlrrc. nor 6ore th8n slx ocllbcrs ,,Jf the Eos rd of Vrndgeis .rna tha leros of st least oo?-thlrd of guch 3oard shall crplre ellnrF nlly. D. VotlnB of Otflrers. Each ODlt shall be ertltled t( onc vote 1n eald q!$cclatlcn shlch shall be catt by the otrnar, or ln proportlon of the ' osnershli' of . U[l! lf tnore than on€ ir€rsou osnr arl,d Unlc. A vote oay be c.rst lti ; r6on or b:r proxy. Such proxy Eay be granted by an Oe.ner ln favor of odly ;i:rothcr o.'rrer, a oenber of the loard of !&nagers or bt ssld Olfncr'e arr(arict'rr nanaSe|lent agcnt, A prory shall .be fully et(ecrrted h l.,rlclng, shoLL be sltoedsed, siall be vElld only for tbe perrtcolar Eeetlttg de8lgnlted thereid rnd m$si b€ flled wlth :hc Secretory of lhe Associatlotr bGfoEe thc appolnteC tloc of rl,c 6ee!tn8. tb. Dosrd o! Itanegerd E6y declde that votr,ng of Che O1,Tlerg ehcll be by Eall lrlth re6pec! to aBy latter or to loy pa!- il.cuhr -Lectlon of tleEber! of the Eoard of llao8gers or lrlEh recpect to idop:Ion of any rroposcd anendment to thls Agre€nent or the Arttcleg of Incorpor:cton or 8yLav6 of Bhe As$oclaclon, provlded that 30 days prlor urltten iorlce of such dec!.slon has bee! dalLvered to a]'l Ownerr.. E, Eylaws snd Artlcles. Thc lrrrpores and porerr of the As6ocla- E!.on and the rlghts and ob:,lgac:on8 t'lth rc.pect !o Onrcrt set forth r.lthln ch16 Agr,lcoan: shall be fornollzed by gtcvlslotl8 of the Artlcles and Bylard8 of !h€ .r'\,ssocla!1on, houever, such Artlcie6 and. !y1se8 shsll 1n no eve!!! be lncon5Lsrent utth the provieloos of thls Aireei[cnr. F. Heetln8s. the annual Eeetl.nga of the Associatlon rhall be held 'rlt:rln 120 deyr folloritng _ths.end of each c8lendar ''.ar. Ar qach annoa1 tcetlng, neobers of the loard of l{rtrsger! ghall be electcd by bsllot of thc otnrcrs lrr sccordance ylth the r-equlre[eBts of paragraph 3D h€reof. The O{nlrs E3y alEo tr8ntec! such othar bu€1neg6 of. Ehe Assocllttotr lis tray properl.v c.r[e ircfora.;hed. Itre 8o.rd of l6nagcr! 6sy clll ! apecLal leetlng: of rhe Otrner8 upon lh€tr om EoElon o! upon prese[tatlon. !o thrn of e perl_ tlon stSnrd by a [ajorlty of lhc O.'lte!s, uo buslnccs shaLl be traRslctcd.!t a tpecldl lleeclng cxc€pt aa scaCed ln llr€ nolice, uilesg b], conrcnt of 100? cf lhe ohre:shlp lnteresla cithGr l'n persoa or by proxy, ollceg of annual and gpectal Eesllngr shsll be ,lven by .the, Bcarj ej &ina8ers addree,red to the tcglst€red eddregses of the O!'ncrs dt least jC d:1:j:, prlor to the date sat for such Deell!8. y'lly guch notlce shall rtnte lhc dntrl, tl-dc .md Flace.of th€ l.l.esing, ard 1l gh€ Ecctl:rg :,.s a apeeLal odellnAr thc prrpor€, lhgredf. ?alge! of ootics, elthe! ltt 1cison or by pr.1yy, ;rn.l slgn€d c..!her b'foie, at or €ftdr sny Bcotlng, ghall !e a velld substit,rte for 3ctvlci. 4.. AsBoc.lsttqn luncttoE. The A6soclsttcr,r functlonB dre! A. To provlde snoL. rercy{1 frain the walkusys, pa:ktng sre.s sid CorEofl Redl proper ty, B. To Frovlde trash rcooval froi0 ,l cencral locstion chosm by th€ .lagocla I Ion. C. to provldc &al.tri€nance of the psrklng are! Eod CcrEoc Real Prop€rty. D. lo allocsce parklug.spaces ln th: Co@on R4al piop4rty ln such ^ Eenner elr to lnalrr? petlty qnd equal treaLren! of ell Omers. E. .To eoploy, lf necaasary, o Vanagln3 AE€nE co carry aut ,'rsaoclatlon func tlong. f. To [egotlate and pulchsse the Co@on tsal ?roperty (subject :o ihe t l,nlt€tiona dcscFlbed Ln paragraph 15 hereof). C. To asselE thc Orrners for the coscs of ar: fd4cllons of rhe l-ssoctiElon, provlded thet ouch cgsts ar! kep! :o an absol lte dt1lnrll[ co,:rld_ e.ine :he resonable requl.;e6eots of the As,roclation. t:. To furnlsh to each Olrnerr.at lre3t 30 dly3 pr;or !o each ,n_ nual neeftng of the Assoc!.atlon, a copy of the propoeed dnr.ual budget for the next enaqlog fllcal Derlod, 5. pro?erty of thc -{ssoclation. lir Asloclatlon ,uly lny for, acgulr! aid hold the Co@on RlaI property. SubJrct to tle rq16s anc reguletlolg of the AasoclaElon, csc,h Osner and each Ownlrrg fallly and guesra aa]' u3e sueh c.laon Real lroperty. upon dtsaolutlou of the Ageocratron, tf .,rer, esch . o,"roer shall, be dceoed !o ovn an undl,vlded onFelxteerth lnteregc in eoy luch Cc@on Real pEoparty aa lenantg t-o coEro!. 6, Asseespent for Copoon Exlenses, All Ounors sh6ll be obllga(ed to pay the sssessoeuts tilposed by the ?o3:d of y:lnagets of, the Assoctetlon to l|reet Che Cot'oon ExpOnscg. T:lf Asi{rjc:.len!E strlI.bl. iade pro rdtn accsrdlnS lo the lt6ttn8 of each Olr:rer'o pe:-.4i1tagj. :-: .y.ei as Cona,tlned on Erhiblt g, attachcd hlreto, Asscsrn.: (r :or lhe a.;.r..- .:;;rt.ilie!r shall be due gua!!erly, ln adv€nce, on the flrsr ddy of chc liorrt.i, r.,:;11||nlng cach quart.r. The Venag_ tng Agenf or Bodrd of ynofigcrs shnli ii.na.-. n d delh,er or !-.11 to edch Ovner an lte.ntzed annual state:r'ni s:.o.-lrrg !::e ve:ioug cs!lo,!ted or actual erpenge6 for vhlch thc d.ssess.anls e..! irzea. rioatr{butIon' shalL ba-proraicd tf the ovoersh.l.p of the Unli cotrlences on a doy och$ thaa rhe ftrst day of a qu6rterly pertod. Thc aFscBq'ledts $ade f.'l CoElon Exp€nseg 3h.ll, be based upon ihe cash lec.-rireDents dceaad !o be chc aggrlsate as the BoeEd of :'lEnagcrs 6hall frcE tl.ue to ll.ire pay to provide fdr the payaeot of el1 eotld_ nlcd cxponsc,r grolrlng out of dr conn€cird trlth thc carrylng out of lrs func_ tlon6 under thts Ag;eeneti, :o !rlE: expenses of l{anagellenc, lnouranc,.! prenlrds appLlqsble to the Ccat!,trr Leal pEopcrty (lf 6ny), tta6h collecrlons, sllgr' reEoy8l, nurchase o.f thg Codlon Reel p:operly and capltal e*pendlEures appllteble ro rhe CoaEou Real propclty (e.8., resurfsclng) not excledll8 58,000 p€r year. Further, thc Managhg A8.nt or Bdard Eay eatabllsh, out of gJch a6ss6sEenEo, a hodeEt contl.rgency acd reFerve fund for the reDal,r, re_ plsccEenr and naLntenaoce of thosc portlotrs of the CoEro[ Resl proDerty thdt Du6t ba replaced or repalred perlodlcally, Any Omer na, lnspect the AsEoct_ atlonrs recoads of recetpca sod expendltureE at coovetlent ,reekday or .{€ek€[C buslness hours, and upon l0 daysr notlce to the Bosrd of ltanaglrs or Henagln8 Agent, If any, end any Oeoer o.ry, upon requeat, b. furnlshed a gtatetlrnt of, hls sccou:rt, setttng forah the auount of any unpald eslca6tlents or other charges due aod ouLng .froo cuch O$rer, At lhe eod of any calettder year, Eh€ Eoard of a[agers or the !,tattaglng Agent shsll crsdtt or refuttd to each Olrner th. proportl.onare share of fundr thrn h€ld by thr Assoclatloa noc decEed ro be necessaly !o rleet the Coonon Expen€eg for th€ followtnt yesr. 7. Enforcelent bllqsoclat:on, fte Assocj.atloo 6a:, auspend lny ounels' votlng rl.ghts ln the Assocla!{on durl.ng any perlo.t or perlods dur{ng uhlch the O!.aer f€..i.ls to neet ihe Olrner'o flnanctsl obllgatloas tlrileE th{s Agieeoant. 8. I4enlg!-EgugEglr of coEEon Eipers.. Al1 auns ns8clsed by rheA66oclatlod but unpal.d for the oh.r. of Colntlon Sxpcndes chargeable ro styuntt 9hal1, uhen prop€rly record.ld. conatllule a lien on suctr Ualt prlor todll other llevrs and encurbrancen, cxcept onl)i: (o) rnx and gp?clal ss!"rs_fient uens on the Unlt ln favor ori ony gove r:r_r|n t.1 l. ,ruthortly rnd (b) all, s(nig unpaLd on 6 flrst morrgaf,c.)f ricord, !::.,,,rljlut nlt unpdld obllgalory 6rrng aa n6y be provtded by srrch er:qul!r.rn.:, , If any a!|s nt shall ren.l{n j:.rald ,rjter 60 days froti the ducdate thlreof, tfie Bogrd of uan€Eers or l\hirq,,,ng ,lgan, rnay hpoae a penalty onsuch defrultlng ourrcr equal to 5! of crch such dsse3strent, ehlch penal!7 sha1l te edded to €ach eucceedlnS aagegsdent. To cvlden:e such llen, the Bo€rd of lransgers or Man6glng .tgeiEehall prsp3!,g a vritton not{cc settlng fofrh th? errun t o! such unpald 1r_ debtednesg, the n8tre of the Oener oa the ontt .nd r deecrlpElon of the U.lr. Such notlce sha:l bc 6{gned by one of the Board of llanagers or th. tdlnaglng ASelrt and aay be recolded tn th.e off.tce qf, the Clerk and Recordar of th? Couoty of Eagle,.StaEe of Colorado. Such LIen for Co@on Erpenscs shal.lalElch froa thc date of the fai.L,Jra of pa;nrenc of th! asaeasEeBl. Such ltenEay be cnforced by forecj.ocure of the defartLtlnt Crltorrs Untt by the Assocla_Eton ln llke Ea:ner as e Eortgage on r€al property upo. the r:cordln' of anollce r:r chlfi Eher€of. In .!ry ouch forecloaure, the ovner lrtl.l be requlredto pa)r Eha costg and exp€nseg of such proce€dlngs, and cogts lnd expenaes forftllag thc notlce or clalo of lteD rnd all .rlasonablc atEorneJrs, fcea. ?heY6nag1trg Agent or Board of l{anegerg eha11, ot behalf of lhe Assoclstlon, havethe FoB€! to bld on the U!1t at foreclosurE sale €nd ro acqulr. and hold,lea9e, Dortgage gnd convcl the rane. 9. ri'rrler8 ! Obllgstloo :or pay[ent of As8€ssdencs. Ttr€ aEouot of lhe CotlloD Expense! asaessed egair_e! each Unl,t 6hal1 bc Bhe tndlvldual dabt of. Ehe Owner ther€of at the tlne the asg€scoeut ls asde. Sul! to r.celve . l ooey JudtEen! for [npald Co@on Expedd€s, and coria of gu1! aDd allorsays,fees, shall br Eal.rtatnabl. vlthout for.qloslng or ualvlng che ltcn rclurl,Egthe salqe. No 'saer ,oay exe.pt htdserf fro. ll.brltty for hrs contrrbutron toearC th. Colrqon Expensee by ,ralve! of the use or e!rjo),!eEr of any of the CoEnon Ble[ants or by abandonn€nt of ht8 or her Untt. 10. Llablllty for Co@on Expense Upon Transfer. itc Frnccce of a Unlt ehall be Jotntly ard sevcrally 1tab1e vlth tbc grdntor fqr 611 unE.id a!aes8._ E€nts agalnEc ghe latter for lt6 proportl.on._L share of che Conson Expenses up Co lhe Cltlc of the gr6nt o! conve_ra:tce, lrlihouf lrcjudfce to the grdnte!,s ri8ht to lecovct froE rhe g;anior :lle naoui:{ 3ll,l !\. ihe grintee therefore: provtCei, horever, that upon pa:,,r.1.r'rr,)! s rn.::... ..., :.,,c, ind upon srliten iequesE, any Erlch prorpectlvc tra fi,|e shelj \r- .:;.;...,,r tl' d slaceEonc froo fhe l{snaglng Agent or Bosrd of UanageE€ si.::l..li, f,rt!r c:ie doount of th€ u.i_ paid 4ss'.rlEent6, t!- any, slth respec: !c l:! s,rhj,,.c: Uqlt, thc dr(unt of the currenr nonlhly,ls6es5,ren!, Ehl! .ja!e !ha; s ch nssegsitcnt becDEog due 6nd dny credlts for adralsq psya6rls or for preFEid iteEs. lL, . Eaceoents. For purposes of, carrying cuc dny ard all of the provt_ slons of rhls ASreenent, the Bylarrs and Artlcle6, the Assoclation lay Srant such eaeetlents acaosE the Coruraon. Real prop6rly as EaI be deeEed ncccsasly or deslrrble, plovlded they are beneftclal to ali Omers, 12. Acquj.sl!1on of Coollon Real ploperty. lhe AEsoct8tlon shall bc eEpowored :o rrcgotiate for end purchaee the !q|!rq6. Reel ploperty loceted. !d_ Jacent to the Unlts, Eole full), descrlbed oo Exhlblt C attached heleto and Iocorporated hereln by thls reference. yo purchase conE!.act executed by the Aslioclatlon for such putpcee shall provld€ for d price ln excess of SS,OOO unless 100i of all Ovflers shell conEcnt thereto. Addlltondlly, onc. sald propert7 ts purchased and ouned by Eh. Assocletlon, o! € corporallon accin? oo behalf of lhe A-Escclatlon, the Assoclarioo @ry tahe sEeps to laprove ,ald re€l property as are reasonabry necesssry 30 facllltrte lhe rocdtr.on of notor- ve;rlcle parklng thereou and day take steps necessary to Ea{:rtaln sald ?Eop6rty, all Ia a oanner belefl,ting each of the Or.ness on a falr Bod .qrr1t_ able basIs. 13. f{lsce1l: neous . A. All the-pravls{on8 codtalned id thls &reet eni shBll contlnue or reoaln ln ful.l foEce untll thls .{greeleoL ls tenlnated, revoke.t or aEend ed as hlre{nsfter provlded. B. Th16 Agreeaent EE)r be €qandedr t.rElnated or r€voked by Ehe recordLog of e vrl,tter lnstr.leut speclfy{ng th€ adend'en! or effectlve ter_ olnatl,on or rcvocatlon, exec!:ted by thc Orners, es ehorn by the recordg of the offlce of Clerk iad Recorder of the Counry of Eagl?, state of Colorado, of unr!s repr€sentlng 8n eggreg'te otrnershtp !nieres! of at lcrst 752. C. llre, provl3lcns of thia -.l8ree$ert shall be in addltton !o all other provlrlone of lav of the Stace of Colorado an:t the Eaate! Declara!:.on of ProCectlve Covenanrs rccorded for ya{l V..ll€ge ftrgr F1llng. D. lttencveE uscd hereln, rrnlers ihe coolert shsll oEherrrls. pro_. vld€, Ehe slngular nuDber shall lnalrde :hr l;r!rl, ahe plulal the slngular, and the uge of any gend?r shdlL lncluC. .ril q,:.:,1,,rs. E, Each Or.,ne" shnll rcAister ll..r ;:r{llng ,ddress t l!h th€ Associ_ atloo. Except for oonthly gt6teEeni itnd .):h,r. iou:Ine notlce6, $hlch gha1l be perronally dellvered or seac by reg.-rlar cail, i.r.1 other nortccs or d.nand lnlended to be sareed upoo ao Ol|aer shsll be dellvlred pcrsonell,, o? setrt €lrher by r.glsrered or r,.rtM€d oall, postag. ptepald, aldrcrrcd l'n ebe na!. of the OErer s! such reglrterad eatling 6ddrcsr. ll'l notlc"r, dcEend, or ocher nottces ltrllnd€d to be sereed upon th,. Boltd of Uausgere of, the Atsoc.Lotlon or the Assocl..tlon shell te s.nt b:, certlfied ua{l, postagE prc_650 South Cl,erry Strect, *IOOOpa1d, ro Dcnver, Co1orad.6 J0222 chen8ed by Eollca of addr.ss duly lecorded lrltt! rh! offlcr of, the Secretery of State of Colorado. F. Thtd &recdanE shall te bl,ndlng upon rmd sfiall ,.nqsc ro the beneflE of che AseoclEtlon, €8ch O/net, iitd lhe helrg, personal representa_ t1ves, guqsirrrrr dnd eaa{gng of esch of cher. c, The hralldlty atrd eBforceabtllty of an, pro,rlslon of thls AgreeDent, ln lhole or llt part, shsll not sffect the valr.dtty or enforcc_ abtlJty of a.y other pEovrsr.on or any valrd aad enforceabre parr of a Dro- vtslon of rh16 Agree6ent. R. Ihe captlons and hesdltt6s hrrein sle for convenlence only snd shal:. not be colslderrd Ln consErulng sny provtslon of thta &reeqent. I. Fallure to euforce rny prgvlslon of this AgreeEent ghall lrot operate as a tralver of any such prov{ulon or of 6ry other provls{on of Ehtg ASEecEent. J. nr19 &feeEent nay be cxecutrcd lo gcaeral countarpartr, "achof lrhlch shall be doeoed sn orlglnal for pulposes of etforcerenE. IN Hlf ESS l,|llEruOF, rhlr Agreenent has becn exequled Gffecrtve, and date flt6e above nrllten. VaiL ;nterna t.ional Inc. Vail l:,'.crnaticnal Inc. Darbart.U. Glaser l{arvin J. iubeck & Sue lt. LubeckPaul D. Balstad f, i;r.ta C. Rike n- Wootton 6 3?rb.1r,-: s. lloo i.ten Rike D. vfootten IBartritr-a S. WoDtten Delore.^ B. Coohill fi. ?honrs Cdghil i Char:lds Thor,a s parker June C . parker ',VaJ ter i. - forbe scaren S. Forbes Pejztoh i'. ;'erry RanCall Bell t4ilhoar)Susan Brcwn Mllhoan Johr 1,, Donovai Helen H. Chatf ictd O I Dwlrer-i{a! terllts n Co&pany O' D.,r-ver-l{a term3n Cornpanv HI t",,4zl,l-t Oqnvf( F .{i:la 9) O /- -./ t.. -' "*Y STAIE OT couirY 0P li l:onli P1r"1 ) ) tal ) '^-'.f , r'i3. __, L983, by , .,r- .- ....r. ... - ,,-r^:.t, ,..3/, Thel fote8otng tnstru!€nt6![r .ack:rowledSad bcfore ae r\ts -,?.r day of -. .'e c!,-ner( s) af=TtlFjEex-;-- PI?IIESS Ey hsnd and officldl 6,!al. yy coonlsslon expi:eg; ,tly Camn ttl,ton Erp,.at .t 6-tt1 cou:J'.'Y oF A , r.,lr;*##ilJrLeL Add:ess 'ir: ''. rr,.t-,.- q.n,t rt!.--r :i- -'.rlii-c:. ) ) ss:P;-..r ) Ihe foregoln8 ln5 c ruacn-r- e:rs acknowledged before !e thls _.lg_ day of:"I'" llt = ---, 1e83, by .-,:,'*,r. v,.--t--..,,,,-., =:-"r. " i":..=fr-:-__ - arG;EEj=?-Ii]-ifiE,ffi--rotniouac AtaocLrlElon. *, ,/*{{*, /'4 aq , Address r.^r r. p.r--F- 6^-.. SIATI: OP COL'N:T OF foregolrlg lnstErment rrai ackr-. r oor. ._J9'l'rd8e-d bef :re g .thls ? daw ofaL^[v,r,:qreo o"...u -qJrI, I day of_, 198#'tyM %aE or.ner( s) of unr:7I-6FEIEro0Triloute AtaocIeclon. WII$FJS Ey Ladd dnd o!-flcla! sEsl, ily coool.sslon exptres: W ACdre6r (SEAL) ' . .*" : ....... -lc- - l-,'-v , rsof, ty , ,/ !-- ,1.,.. .. 3C (l!.'narl .:) 'riounhouee Asaoc''a!1on. qIT\TSS try hand and offlclal sea.',. H'' coEElgrlon cnpl,res: vz_* . al ornE(fiFiin-F-I'EEiiG 'ElalESS Ey hand and offlclal see1. U)' cgrnEl.sslon erplres ! . . ' .l,i,,; ^.:::r...'..1.:". .,ri:r:l ili,:heilZ ISg4 n-.,^J J+4q. A,-*^A-*.__i+_,--F-'.-J]!Jr, .,1. aZ-EEz &4.----a4 Aa^...,.-o,-, foregol,ng lnstrurlect 1 STATE OP COUNTI OII ?he foreeqtng I{IINESS ry hand and offlc1al l!j/ c.J|lErlssloD expl.res: tli; $p;i55;;.; 1;i;11 g.t!!rcr ?Z l9g4 )') ss3 ) r.rstrule:lt rae acknowledged befoie The foregotnB lnsrru&ent !rr. s 6cklo?+edaed before qe thls tJi/:f 66y 66'*:_:_ ._. :j-_*A'" .et* .d _J)+# **i ) ) ) Da5 E6: sesl. |Ie thls. No ta{i ::-k"."ltssd, before EelLis gLLg dar of srArs r,F (61ORA0j ) cour\TY oP aeil vaR ) ss I thc flregotng lnstruuent rdrc ,.,,-^,.r^J--J r - .LJ-_ W'- -""::'ir&ifi$.".l;i"f ir'.fl.."1':i,JC_,, aar or #----;"--"*-.l-t;iTit=;f =;-*r*r, ,, hand rrld of f lcr.at seal - Yy corirlggl.on expl.res: STATE oF co<oqAoo couNry oF ftavt R, tl. "inii 6a-Gffi qITNESS ny hrnd an..l offlcl?.I s!at. eo@lsslon erplE"a ; My Corrlolstfon E..plres JunE &, lW :. SIAIE Of cout|lTf oP (S:AL) i;^w:i )) ss: ) W:TITSS oy hgud anC cfllclal 6es]. vy cor1llsston explres: a4 f9-r€golng ltrstt-rqent t'!9.v4 -_, t9a{, :- .*',,'1. 66 i J'?4''/'24' STATE or (t Lvo. .I+ 4oulry op Lry,-4""-_ Tbe foiegolng fuatruruenr, !ra.s acknonledged b.ioFe _Ee tltfe 14 azy otl,,t.,tun+ , t98{, by A "r""-1. P) ==.=---.l-----, @.o[nnou6e Ass0clatlon. HIfli'ES S oy hand nnd offlctal serl, gl: srATE oF {2,* rn.d.o couNrY ot ftLo-f*i^o.- flIT ESS ay hand end offLctal Yy coool.sg{on exPirca:,,"8m,##'"' thtdn.rtL..r,!r.tltlltI3l' g|r"Y "L r|wrbr.@&A Notary l,ubllc .: n, t .!it.|t L' Notary the forcgol,gg L.* Uotary lublG con;ry oF a^fT Ttle foregol!8 lnatluoent uas acknowledgeC befo-re !.E thls tr:/ lo- f.+*f , rrerf ty ,1.:i^ .d a;.,.".-;=/lo-f.+*f , rrerf ty =-_.=--:- -.=.---- ffiroen ilouse Aaaocla flon. FII'NESS Ey hand aod offlctal seal . - t-trt.;"*t""*n ccp:.re'I or*1lffirffi'lmfrt*t -.!;. . ,:,,t,j...- :-{- r'. /r.',,,. ra ' (lYlt. .' STAli: 0F , ..r'...r .,...,..) ) sd: CDLYInY OF /:. ,.-f-.,:- "--^- )J The foregoloS Lnstrurent^rras .acknocledied bcfore,$c tht6 ..2)/r./ .lay of rownhouse Aa'ocratloa. - ffi srArE o! S,l+ttdo ) 4ouNr:/ oF (t, o.rg]c-lu-<, ) ss: ,Ifj foreeotng Ins rruler-E_ nas, _acknovledged before oe znrs ,fij d"y ofI rqa]4-+ . 198tY bv -71,^.- -.. ^'\ -_..:----7-- ' =.r.=-444dlz-C-JrJc&rt"-,.a-^ ---aE-6ffifurt 3A or rexasro$BnolI8e aaaoc1et10n. !'InqESS ry hani aod off{cl,al seal. r:y co'aisston erptres:'hh:$tiffit$fffiff'r'r? -l a- srA:t oF 6to" l')) as: ) Addre6E Z+r, , tt'l , -;\ ,/, . .',,'t.r.*)- t r.( 'r-; i t,,-1 Irora-rv yuifii-- Addrese ', (,t ( ;'I- . - ... .Ll ", aL\ '..r r -_.-- i.... , r.-tt-. I The toflnhouse on LOT gIX, VAIL VILLAGE FOURTE FrIJlNc, accordi;g ,a,:i-.to the recorded plat thereof. county of Eagle, state of 6o1oradc. r- .,'',.,':';: . .;^...'.i '..i'';;i l.:iafhe lonnhouse on !O! ttlo, VAlr. VfLIJAGE FOURTC PILING; accord{ng ',-.'- . to the'recordetl plat thereof. cbunty of eagle, State of iofoiiao' - ...'l': . ,:: .i:.. -:... i;'t;ilij'f;r'.,-ri.i.,r,,,,,-rlk:i ?,.; ..r'ri 1: ''r,' ,,':i':ii, .t. ' "t..' D iir:1 .r" Frl I \itr... ,.,. .,'l!..'1"' 2r 2D 3A 3B IA {E 5A 5g 5A 5B 7A 79 8A 0a 16 Unlt. taiE nt|oa tnt.!.rt 5.153 6;2' 6,2a 6.23 6.2s 5 .21 6.25 6 .25 6.35 5. 25 5. 25 5,25 6.25 5.25. 6.25 6.25 100 | FFI D D d ': EXEIBIT Cto Agleenent for the Porrtratlon'of the fexas Townhouse Association dateal AprLl 13, !984 s9gl9]l_393!_ProE$l Parcels of lanal sltuate in Lhe Courty of Eagle, State.of colDrad,o consiBting ofr (a) that portion of the core creek Drive.Fublic light-of-naylocatc:l ln Vail TiUage Fourth FII-ing whlch ls inurEdiately appurtenant ..: .to the rea]' property desclibed in Exhlblt A to the lrithin Agleenentr .. . (b) that portion of, Tract 8-2, valL viliage Fifth Fillngidentified.by reference to the, shaaled area sholrn on the attached Rider to Exhlbit c. (c). that portlon of the Chalet Road rlght-of-way whlch Ls lfimediately apirurtenant to the p6f,ee1s deacrlbed in (b) and (c) above . srfrq op h&n"a^) se: )GorilrrY oF. (i.47- -"44-<- fle foretolnt i;-uififiaElGliEGEr6i ITIINESS sy hand aod offlclel ccal. Yt co'Ersst'on explres: lrcor*lordctrarnlf'lrlt*ilI.'..ii' '"* ln3trrEent wea aek:ouledgcd bc f. :'-. r98f, by l/:-xtt:. '6). Uj&lt n/4- !E clrher( E) i*? ^i /, r.,-1 )I t ;'"1 -t | |'I' BEST 'rt1is-,i6- COPY AVAfl.ABLE .J. r$. am' ;'r,,i^ ..' ,4; 'I' 'f .. ..,* - ,11 ''- 'bn 't#qir;-o -+t '$r r{' ,tr t I -!',' -rlI ' 'rtr ,l :, .' :. 1.l' e1 'tl;', " $;: P t'* ',rir: '' l| r".i' : ,.i*.i.'i ,-t)Application for Design Review Department of Community Development 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Cobrado 81657 tef : 970.479.2139 tax: {1O.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.om General Informatlon: Al prqecb requidrg design review must r€cehre approwl prior to submitting a building pemit application. Plece refer to the subrnittal requiremenb for the partianlar appro\ral that b rcquested. fui application for Design Revbw cannot be accoptgd until all required information is rcceived by thg Cornmunity De\eloprn€nt Departmsnt. The pmirt may also need to be reviewed by the Torvn Counc and/or the PlannirB and Erwironmental Commission. Itosign roview approval lap6o8 unl6sa a buildlng permit is is8uod and construction commoncG ulthln one year of the approval, Description of the Request: Locationof thepropoeaf: Lot: Bl1 e@r,- f'jw,iui*, Ua/ l/i[4, #fr14 PhysrcarAddress: 141 Foo Cr*-Dlr. - parcel No.: Tlolo/ U9201 (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328-8640 for parcel no.) Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(e): Itaillng Address: RECEIVED N()V 0 8 2ii04 TOV€OM.DEV. I' , ,& Baz-of Phone: Owner(s) Signature(s): Nameof Appf tunt ftclro.|rG*rn, A.r-hir* , ll-f- ,1a) Type of Revlew and. Sigrn ih:,t* t1'00 per square foot of total sign ar€a' $650 For corstruction of a nelv building or demo/rebuild. $300 For an addition where square footage is added to any residenlial or cornrnercial buildirg (indudes 2$ additions & interior oonrorsiors). $250 For minor changes b buildings and site impro\t€ments, $ch c, reroofing, painting, windorv additions, bndscaping, fene and retaining walb, etc. $20 For minor cf nges b buildings and site improrerneflb, sudr a, reroofing, painting, windor additions, bndscapiq, ferrces and retaining walls, etc. $20 For revisions to plans alrcady approved by Planning Staff or the De*Jn Revi€nv B@rd. No Fee a)J' Fee: Canceotml fuvbnr l,lew Oorstnrtion Addition Mhror Altorat'on (multi-family/commercial) Mhor Alteration (single-family/duplor) Changes to Approri€d Plans Separation Reryest For Offfce Use;Onlyr ---.,-'Cfieckl.lp,: - -By: .t.6Y nnri llvleeting Date: l?-- t ' ? }- - DRB 15.: Hanrcr. U-- Ptoject l.lo.: Fage 1 of 12lo4.l01l04 ., Project Name: Project DescriPtion: UGHTHALL ADDMON Proje{t Address: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL 483 GORE CREEK D& UNiT #8 Legal Description: Lot: 9 Block Subdivision: VAIL uLl-AGE RLING 4 Parcel Number: 210108235001 Comments: Design Review Board ACTION FORM Departrnent of Community Devdopment 75 South Frontage Road, Vail, Oolorado 81657 tel 970.479,2L39 fax:' 97 0'479,2452 web: www.ci.vail.co'us DRB Number: DR8040545 Location: NEW ROOF DOMER AND 138.5 ADDMONAL SQFT USING 250 ORDINANCE Participants: OWNER uGHTHALl, DIANE GAMEL IOILLIaOO4 Phone: 303-9854984 5293 W OBERLIN DR DENVER co 80235 License: APPUCANT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCHIECT, LLCl}l tllz004 Phonez 97047 L-6L22 MICHAEL SUMAN PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81520 License: ARCHilECT MICHAEL SUMAN ARCTIITECT, LLCIOI LLIaOO4 MICHAEL SUMAN PO BOX 7760 AVON co 81520 License: C000001764 Phoner 970471-6122 BOARD/STAFF ACTION Motion BY: Second By: Vote: Conditions: Acdon: MTHDRWN Date of Approval: Cond: B (PLAN): No changes to these plans may be made without the written consent of Town of Vail staff and/or the appropriate review committee(s). Cond: 0 (PLAN): DRB approval does not constitute a permit for building. Please consult with iown of Vail Building personnel prior to construction activities' Cond:201 DRB approval shall not become valld for 2Qdary followtng the date of approval. Cond: 202 Appronl of this project shall lapse and become void one (1) year follotttlng the date of final approval, unless a building permit ls issued and @nstuuction ls comrnened and is diligendy pursued toward cornpletion. Flanr|en Ebabeffi Ecld DRB Fee Paid: $3@.oo \,, Application for Design Revie Department of Community Developrnent 75 South Frcntage Road, Vail, Colorado 81657 tel: 970.479.21 3i9 faxj. 970.479.2452 web: www.vailgov.com General Informatlon: Al projs{s rcquiring d€sign revieu, must recei\re approral prior to submitting a building permit application. Pl€6e rofer to the submittal requirernenb for the partioiar approval that is roquesbd. An application for Design Rsview cannot be accepted unlil all required information is receivsd by the Cornmunity Development Department. The project may abo need to be r€|vbwed by the Torvn Gourrcil and/or the Pbnning and Erwirorvrental Cornmission. Deeign review approval lapses unless a buildlng permlt is issued and conctruction oommences within one year of tho epproval. Description of the Request: RECEIVED OCT 1 1 2rii4 TOV.COM.DEV. A+,L,l\ Location of the Proposat: tot: f4f ebck: Physlcal Address: Parcel No.: Zoning: Name(s) of Owner(s): ilalllng Address: Owner(s) Signature(s): Name of Appllcant: Malllng Address: E-mail Addrees:t+id*-/ Type of Revlew and Feel . Signs Cmceotual Review Nlew Oonstnrction Addition Minor Alteration (multi-family/commercial) Minor Alteration (single-family/duplex) Changes to Approved Plans Separation Request S.rbdivision: (Contact Eagle Co. Assessor at 970-328€640 for parcel no.) Phone: Fax: Sttl-s 6 Plus $1.00 per square foot of total sign ^ru@ l3'lE= For construc'tion of a new building or demo/rebuild. For an addition where square footagp is add€d to any residential or oornrnerchl building (includ€s 2$ additiom & interior oonversions). For minor changes to buildings and site improvements, sudt as, rermfing, painting, window additions, landuping, fences and retaining walb, 6tc. For minor changes to buildings and site improvemenb, stlch as, reroofing, painting, windorrv additiors, landscaping, fences and retaining walb. etc. For rEvbbns to plans alread approved by Planning Staff or the Dsign Review Board. +'t, li $50 No Fee $250 $20 $20 No Fee FllS[:*J*t''to(l a\Check l.lo.: l- r' _ By:_ov --DRB'Ilo- lrleetins Date=f -:OY-Hanner:-Roject l'lo.: l%ge 1 of 12lMl01l$ jr-n l.r.ri trct ^tlfceotu DGd|; F3rfr -fr#E'E# tt!-i:ttl-ttl r 7-2 d h,: -ufrrzY-Fdco -:'31-E lr0 r-Gt ?*F Et-- hrfltr-l* r--rF: It5: -cd lFJEtraF..:.iE. c#- .0t'ffi1.El . t hrAbrfia{-{rH . hslffi|.*l . OqrSFh - tF|hd Ibr €b lizls irllfrPrarrtrF. -:-Er-rrlr-l-E -fr i--trt.t I - D -t '-J =-E-d--'-t--g:':=g:E:t-- *.-.FJ-,rgawroDa'trt-flF*rrr' G'-,' -a.J.---E---u*.aEdrDFH/#tt-'rfc-qrhirg5. lp al t&F. I9 SVd br-gm l-lt}|lfpI-l rrI'699S85S9E €E:rI iggztlllal *a*rr*l*aa*lll**arall***'tff++*a*lla'llaa|}ara*******l+*+'3*aa*+a*laaa*rata*aa'a****lf++,'l***t'ttt*a TOWNOFVAIL, COIORADO Stat€Nn€nt**l**alaaaara*a*r!a**a**ttl++fi'tlla*l+tlitr|.*****ltf+{'aa******ar*rra|.***a!a****a+++fl+**l'}*l** ' Statenent Mmber: R0400O6877 AmouDt: $300,00 LO/LL/2OO4O1:52 P!r{ Pal/ncrt trlethod: Check IDit,: itg ttotatio!! *1011/urgIAEL, SI'I{AN Permit No: DRB0405{5 T}Ee: DRB - Addition of GRFA Parc€l [o! 210108235001 site }ddreee: {83 GORE CRBEr DR varrJ Location: 483 GORB CREEK DR, IINIT #8 Total Feeas $300.00 This Paynent: $300.00 Total ALIJ PrrtB: $300.00Balarce: $0.00 ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: Account Code Description DR OO1OOOO31122OO OESIGN REVIE}I FEES Current Prts 300.00 . if-*;,t' FRO,I ': Dr. L, M. Eduards Pfs.E FIl. : 516 759 624? Oct. Ell & l?.UPt'1 PL TE(AS TOUTN HOUSE ASSOCIATION dokeM.Edruerds FO Eox{89 IoarstVdley, NY 11561f 516{71{852 ftx 81G789428, Vril l7}9tl8 cneit L8lsa I 23@nl.^o"rr rut&. Town oI Veil Vdl,Colqedo t1657 DerrTorvn of Veil: On bchrlf of tte onmsc of Tcrrr Town Houges, tlEil Gorc Cnck Ddvc lm VeiL I wouldllkc o infom yoo dutthc orurcnhip hee votedthcirAFPROVAL for lhe propooed dcsigl eacircule4 fur thc remodeling plen for unft ,E. Yorrrs rincrcrly, /-/". o*-Y E{^-4 Irc MecCorrrickEdwrrds hcddmt Texrs Town Housc Asoocirtion PROPOSED I'ATERIALS Type of MaterlalBullding Itatpriale Irt -ru OtherWall Materials F6cia Scffits Windours \Mndol Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Frhhs Chimreys Trash Endosures Greenhouses Retaining Walls Exterbr Lighting Other Color ilA -n,Can - ,t//4 /{/ ,A/ Notes: Pleme specifu the manufacture/s name, the color name and number and attach a olor chip. Fage 6 of 12lMl01lW .4:f r 0.1 1 .04 ESI TOV REVIEW RESITIGHTHAtt REMODEI. north side imoges l0.l r.o4 DENCE TOV REVIEW sul.tANAtctarlcel tIGHTHAtt ,\ RESIDENCE REMODEI north context imoges l0.r r.04 IOV REVIEW L!G}ITHAtt RESIDENCE REMODET siding ond window design exomple imoges to.il.04 IOV REVIEW Land Title Guarantee Company Date: O8-23-2W4 Our Order Number: V50006355-2 VAIL, CO 81657 Buyer/Borrower: DIANE GAMELLIGHTHAII Seller/Owner: JOHN A. THAIN AND CARMEN M. THAIN Wire Information: Banlc FIRSTBANK OF COnOMOO IO4O3 W COLFAXAWNAE LA,KEWOOD, CO 80215 Phone: i03-237-5000 CTCdit: I,AND TITLE GAARANTEE COMPANY ABA No.: t0700SAz Account: 2l6052Ig2S Aftentiott: Ainee Dupottt **:t{r****,}***{r****,t***+****,t*,i**********!t ****,i*{r!i******r*!r**f *i!**** Note Once an original commitrnent has been issued, any subsequenr modifications will be emphasized by underlining or comments.***'*'t**:t'l:****';:f*,|'t***:l,t**:t******'t*:*:i{.*****jt***i!'t**'tlt,t*r***r***,t***d! ilf$fifii"t ll"ollT'lt1"Pil3;fiJ.%".fitf,r"]osing? check out Land ritre's web site at www.rtgc.com torr coratrct 06/0a TtrANK YOU FOR YOT'R ORDERT ESTTI\{ATE OF TITLE FEES Alta Owners Policy 10-17-92 Deletion of Exceptions I -3 (Owner) Deletion of General Exception 4 (Owner) Tax Report fR009410 $6,300.00 $30.00 $70.00 97s.00 If Laad fitla du.lrat.r Copr.rly rJlI ba aJ,orlag th,l,tt.naro!!@, .lov. f.c, aiIZ bc eol,l.ct d rt c.b.t GL!.. TOTAL s6 ,3ss , 00 Chicago Title Insurance Company ALTA COMMITMENT Our Order No, Cust. Ref.: vs0006355-2 Schedule A hoperty Address: 4E3 GORE CREEK DR.. IJMTS 8 AND 9 TEXAS TOWNHOME VAIL, CO 81657 1. 2, Effective Date:Ausust 06. 2004 at 5:00 P.M. Policy to be Issued, and hoposed Insured: "ALTA" Owuer's Policy 10-17-92 Proposed Insured: DIANE GAMELUGHTHALL $3,650,000.00 3.The estate or interest in the land described or referred to ln this Commltment and covered herein is: A Fee Simple Title to the estate or lnterest covered herein is at the effective date hereof vested ln: IOHN A. THAIN AND CARMEN M. TIIAIN 4, 5. The land referred to in this Conrmitnlent is described as follows: ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Sectionl @equirements) Our Order No. V50006355_2 The following are the requirements to be complied rvith: Item (a) Payment to or for the account of the grantors or mortgagors of the firll consideration for the estate or interest to be insured. Item @) Proper instrumert(s) creating the estate or interest to be insured must be executed and duly filed for record,to-wit: Iteru (c) Paynieril of all taxes, charges or assessurents levied and assessed against the subject premises which are due aud payable. Item (d) Additional requiremelts, if any disclosed below: 1. RELEASE OF DEED OF TRUST DATED APRIL 15, 1994, FROM JOHN A. THAIN AND CARMEN M. THAIN TO THE PUBLIC TRUSTEE OF EAGLE COI'NTY FOR TTIB USE OF IJMTED STATES TRUST COMPANY OF NEW YORK TO SECURE TIIE STJM OF $I,25O,OOO.OO RECORDED APRIL 25, 1994, IN BOOK 638 AT PAGE 5I3. SAID DEED oF TRUsr wAS ASSIGNED To NEw u.s. TRUsr coMpAl.Iy oF NEw yoRK IN ASSIGNMENT RECORDED SEPTEMBER 25, I 995, IN BOOK 676 AT P AGE 77 4, 2. EVIDENC]B SATISFACTORY TO TI# COMPANY THAT THE TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF TIIE TOWN OF VAIL TRANSFER TAX HAVE BEEN SATISFIED. 3. WARRANTY DEED FROM JOHN A. THAIN AND CARMEN M. TI.IAIN TO DIANE GAMELLIGHTHALL CONVEYING SU BJECT PROPERTY. THE FOLLOWING DELETIONSiMODIFICATIONS ARE FOR TIIE OWNER'S POLICY. NOTE: ITEMS I-3 OF THE GENERAL ExcEPTIoNs ARE IIERTBY DELETED. IJPON TIIE APPROVAL OF THE COMPANY AND TITE RECEIPT OF A NOTARZED FINAL LIBNAFFIDAVIT, ITEM NO. 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS WILL BEAMENDED AS FOLLOWS: ITEM NO' 4 OF THE GENERAL EXCEPTIONS IS DBLETED AS TO Al.l-Y LIENS OR FUTIJRE LIENS RESIJLTING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FURMSIIED AT TI{E REQUEST OF JOHN A.THAIN AND CARMEN M. THAIN. cHIcAGo TITLE INSURANCE coMpAr.ty SHALL rrAyE No LIABTLITY FoRANy LIENS ARISING FROM WORK OR MATERIAL FIJRMSHED AT TIIE REQUES"T OF DIANE GAMELLIGHTIIALL. ALTA COMMITMENT SoheduleB-Sectionl @equirements)Our Order No. V50006355-2 Continued: NOTE: ITEM 5 OF TIIE GENEML EXCEPTIONS WILL BE DELETED IF LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY CONDUCTS TlrE CLOSTNGOF THE CONTEMPLATED TRANSACTION(9 AND RE@RDS TIIE DOCIJMENTS IN @NNECTION TIIEREWTTH. NOTE: U?ON PROOF OF PAYMENT OF ALL TA)GS, ITBM 6 WILL BEAMENDED TO READ: TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS FOR THE YEAR 2004 AND SUBSEQUENT YEARS. ITEM 7 UNDER SCHEDULE B-?WI].L BE DELETED UPON PROOF THAT TIIEWATERAND SEWER CHARGES ARE PAID {JP TO DATE. ********** NOTICE OF FEE CHANGE, EFFECTM SEPTEMBER l, 2002 ********r* Pursuant to Colorado Revised Statute 30-10-421, "The county clerk:rnd recorder shall collect a surcharge of $1.00 for each docurueut received for recording or fililg in his or her othce. The surcharge shall be in addition to any other t'ees permitted by statute. " ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions)Our Order No. V50006355-2 The policy or policie to be issued rvill contnin exceptions to the following unless the same are disposedof to the satisfaction of the Compnny: l. Rights or clainu of parties in possessio'nor shorvn by trre public records. 2. Easements, or claims of easements, not showtr by the public records. 3 ' Discrepancies, conflicts in bolndary lines, shortage in area, encroacbments, and any facts which a conect survey andiuspection of the premises would disclose and which are not show[ by the public records. 4' Any lien, or right to a lien, for services, labor or nuterial theretofore or hereafter furnished, imFosed by law and ruot shown by the public records. 5. Defects, liens, encumbrances, adverse claims or other nutters, if any, created, first appearing in the pubtc records orattachfurg subsequent to the effective date hereof but prior to the date the proposea insurea acquires of record forvalue the estate or interest or mortgage thereon covered by this Commiment. - 6. Taxes or special assessments which are not shown as gxi5ring liens by the public records. 7. Liem for unpaid water utd sewer charges, if any. 8. In addition' tlte owncr's policy will be subject to the urotgage, if any, noted in Sectiou I of Schedule B hereof RIGHT OF PROPzuETOR OF A VEIN OR LODE TO EXTRACT AND REMOVE HIS ORE THEREFROM SHOI]LD THE SAME BE FOUND TO PENETRATE OR INTERSECT THE PREMSES AS RESERVED IN UMTED STATES PATENT RECORDED JULY 12, 1899, IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. RIGHT OF WAY FOR DITCHES OR CANALS CONSTRUCTED BY TI{E AUTHORITY OF TIIE UNITED STATES AS RESERVED ]N UMTED STATES PATENT RECORDED I]IiLY 12, 1899,IN BOOK 48 AT PAGE 475. RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS WHICH DO NOT CONTAIN A FORFEITI]RE OR REVERTER CI.AUSE,BUT OMITTINGANY COVENANT ORRESTRICTION BASED ONRACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX, HANDICA,P, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN I]NLESS AND ONLY TO TIIEEXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) IS EXEMPT IJNDER CHAPTBR 42, SECTION 3607 OFTHE I]MTED STATES CODE OR (B) RELA,TES TO HANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCR.IMINATEAGAINST HANDICAP PERSONS, AS CONTAII.IED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED AUGUST 10,I962,IN BOOK I74 AT PAGE 179. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF AGREEMENT FOR TIIB FORMATION OF THB TEXAS TOWNHOUSE ASSOCIATION RECORDED NOVEMBER 30, 1984 IN BOOK 4OI AT PAGE249. 9. 10. 11. tL. ALTA COMMITMENT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions)OurOrderNo. V50006355-2 The policy or policies to be issued witl contain exceptions to the following unless the same are disposedof to the satisfaction of the Company: 13. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF ORDINANCE NO. 31 RECORDED JANUARY 26. 1987 IN BOOK 456 AT PAGE 459, 14, THOSE PROVISIONS, COVENANTS AND CONDITIONS, EASEMENTS AND RESTRICTIONS, WHICH ARE A BTJRDEN TO TI{E CONDOMINIIJM UMT DESCR.IBED IN SCIIEDIJLE A, BUT OMITTINGANTY COVENANT OR RESTRICTION BASED ON RACE, COLOR, RELIGION, SEX,HANDICAP, FAMILIAL STATUS OR NATIONAL ORIGIN UNLESS AND ONLY TO THE EXTENT THAT SAID COVENANT (A) 15 EXEMPT UNDER CHAPTER 42, SECTION 3607 OF THE UMTED STATES CODE OR @) RELATES TO F{ANDICAP BUT DOES NOT DISCRIMINATE AGAINST HANDICAPPED PERSONS AS CONTAINED IN INSTRUMENT RECORDED JANUARY13,I97O,IN BOOK 216 AT PAGE793. 15, EASEMENTS, RESERVATIONS AND RESTRICTIONS AS SHOWN OR RESERVED ON THE RECORDED PLAT OF VAIL VILLAGE, FOURTH FILINGAND THE RECORDED MAP OF THE TOWNHOUSE ON LOT 8, VAIL VILLAGE FOI]RTH FILING, 16. TERMS, CONDITIONS AND PROVISIONS OF LICENSE AGREEMENT RECORDED OCTOBER 29, 1999 AT RECEPTION NO. 713360. (THE ABOVE ITEMS AFFECT LOT 9) ALTA COMMITMBNT ScheduleB-Section2 @xceptions) Our Order No. V50006355-2 The policy or policies to be issued will contain exceptions to the following unless tle same are disposed of to the satlsfaction of the Company: (THE ABOVE ITEM AFFECTS 1,OT 8) LAND TITLE GUARANTEE COMPANY DISCLOSURE STATEMENTS Note: Pursuant to CRS 10-11-122, nolce is hereby given that: A) The subject real property may be located in a special taxing disAict. B) A C-ertificate of Taxes Due listing each taxing jurisdiction rnay be obtained ftom the Couty Treasurer's authorized agent, Q The information regardiag special districts and the bouxlaries of such districts may be obtained from tlte Board of County Guuuissioners, the Courrty Clerk and Recorder, or the County Assessor. Note: Eftbctive September l, 1997 , CRS 30-10406 requires that all docurne s received for recording er filing in the clerk iurd recorder's oflice shall coffain a top rurgin ofat least one inch enrr a left, right and bottom margin of at least one half of an inch. The clerk and recorder may refuse to record or fle any document tlat does not conform, except that, the requirement for the top nargia shall not apply to documents using forms on which space is provided for recording 61 filing infornution at the top margin of the document. Note: Colorado Division of Insurance Regulations 3-5-1, Paragraph C of Article VII requires that "Every title entity shall [e 19spo15ible fbr all lratters rvhich appear of record prior to tle time of recording whenever the titlc euticy conducts the closilg aud is resporuible fbr recording or liling of legal docutnettts resulting fiom the rallsactiou which rvas closed". Provided that Lmd Title Guarantee Compauy conducLs thc closing of the insured transacdol and is resporuiblc for recording the legal docurnelts from the transaotion, exceptiou nunber 5 will not appear on the Owner's Title Policy and the Lenders Policy when issued. Note: Affinnative mecbanic's lien protection for the Owner may be available (tlryically by deletion of Exception no. 4 of Schedule B, Section 2 6f ffls Commitmeaf from the Owner's Policy to be iszued) upon compliance with the following conditions: A) The laud described in Schedule A of this s6mnrif6sal 6gst be a single family residence which includes a condominiunr or townhouse unit. B) No Iabor or nuterials have been furuistred by urechanics or ruaterial-men for purposes of coustruction on the latrd described in Schedule A of this Cilnunitment within the past ( n6nths. Q The Company must receive an appropriate aftidavit iuderurifyiug the Company against un-filed mechauic's and material-men's liens. D) The Company must receive payment of the appropriate premium. E) If there has been construction, improvements or major repairs undertaken on the property to be purchased within six months prior to the Date of the Commitment, the requirements to obtain coverage - for urecorded liens will include: disclosure of certain constnrction information; financial information as to the seller, the builder and or the contractor; paymeDt of the appropriate premium frilly executed Indenlnity Agreettreuls satistachry to the company, and, arry additional requirements as nray be Ileoessltry utier itn exarr rration of the aforesaid intbrmation by the Company. No coveragc rvill be given under any circumstances tbr labor or nraterial tbr which the insured has coutracted tbr or agreed to pay. Note: Pursuant to CRS l0-l l-123, notice is hereby given: This notice applies to owrcr's policy commib:aents containhg a mircral severance instrument exception, or exceptions, in Schedule B, Section 2, A) That there is recorded evidence that a mineral estate has been severed, leased, or otherwise conveyed from the surface esnte and that there is a subsatrtial likelihood that a third party holds some or all iuterest in oil, gas, other rninerals, or geothermal energy in the property; and B) That such nineral cstate rruy iuclude the right to entcr ard use the propeny without the surfaoe owner's pennissiou. fl6thing herein csntrined will !s deemed to obligate the company to provide any of the coverages referred to herein unless the above conditions are fully satisfed. Form DISCLoSURE 09101102 JOINT NOTICE OF PRIVACY POLICY Fidelity National Financial Group of Companies/Chicago Title Insurance Company and Land Title Guarantee Company July l, 2001 We recggmze. and rgqre.ct-lhe privacy expectations of today's consumers and the requiremens of applicable federal and sB_[e pnvacy..Iaws., We belleve !ha!. m4lctng yoq awarc of how we use your non-public pg6snel information ("Personal uuonnaEon"), aqg to whom rt is dlsclosed, will form the basis for a rblationshiir of tnist between us and the'public that we serve. This Privacy Statemeff provides llat.explrJr,tti6n. We reserve thd right to change this privacy ^ Statemetrt lrom time to time consistenf with applicable privacy laws. In the course of our business, we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources: * From applicadom or other tbrnts we receive fiol you or your autlrorized representative:I firom your ratrsactions with, or hom tbe services beilg pbrfomred by, us, our affiliates, or others;* Frorn bur iutenret web sites:* Fro.m the putlic records p4intained. by gove-mmental entities that we either obtai-n directly from thoseelrtrues, or trom our amuates or otners; and* From consumer or other reporting agencies. Our Policies Regarding the kotection of the Confidentiality and Security of Your Personal Information ffs meintafur p[ysicalr electronic and procedural s4fgggarrls to protect your Personal Information from unauthorized access or rntrusron. we llDrt access to re persoDal Infbnnauon only to those employees who need such access itr conneotiou with providing products or sgrvices to you or fbr other l6gitimate busineds purposes. Our Policies and Practices Regarding the Sharing of Your Personal Information W_g.uuV s,hare your Persorul lutbrulation wirh our affiliates, such as i\surance conrpanies, agents, and other real escate settlemeDt service providers. We also nuy disclose ytiur Persorul Informatioi: r to agents, brokers or representatives to Drovide vou with services vou have reouested:* to third-party contractois or. service providers who provide servicrls or perform marktiting or otherfunctionb ori our behalf: and* to others with whom we enter iuto joint rnarketiug agreements for products or services that we believe you may find of interest. ,tn additiorr,, wc rvill disclose your Pclsorul Lrfbruutiolr whcn you direct or give rs permission. when we are reoukedby.law to do so, or wltcn wc suspcct ftaudulerrt or criuful aciivitics. We alio mayaisclose vour PersonalInlorrllatrotr whcn odlerwisc pcnuitted by rpplicable plivacy laws such as, tbr exainple, wheir disclosure is needed to efforoe our ngtlts a slng out ot any ngreetueut, uatlsaction or relationship widr you. 9-ry ql- thf ipRgrtant respousibilities of somc of our affiliated.conrpanies is to record documents in the public domain. S\ch documents m4y contain your Personel lnfomution. - Right to Access Your Personal Information and Ability to Correct Errors Or Request Changes Or Deletion Certain states afford you thc righl to access your Personal Inforrution and, under certain circumstances. to find outto whom your Personal Inlbrmation has been disclosed. Also, certain states afford you the rieht to reou6st correction, amendD?nt or deletion of your Persoyl Informat'on. We reserve the rilht, wher; permittid by law, to charge a reasoDable tbe to cover the costs incurred in responding !o such requests. - {t!,1qq-u9sts subrrritted,to the Fidelity,Natiolal.Finarrcill Group of Compauies/Chicago Title Insurance Company snau De rD wntl g, alrd oeltverco to ute tollowlllg address: Privacv Cornoliiurce Ofticer Fidelitv National Financial. lnc. 3HgffiA*i$ii?3' Multiple hoducts or Services [f we prov,ide yog r4th nrore than one financial product or service, you rruy receive more then sas privacy noticeIromus. we apologlze tor any utconveuleDce u s uuy cause you. Form PR I V. POL. CH I trJJ(t3iJ5=ZLgs .t6 l a.{ a cl lt \'. oci I Rci o - B'.I g N I l! F(J .trF r ,,oo,zo.oo N lnt Fo E F. -o.'o .oE.o 9bo .- P."! I FE g: c€J(, t -o s/P':, OVOU 13: ,----"-:;;'-' /' .///l;t"ir',';'..;T\ I _8. GI (, |Jlz / |rlFri J t.ol .NI F'() <l a (\ h c .bo-o'o'o FoPC . o -o?ro < I =ttri ; A-rrxt:- G€J UJ o -oN orO ra) U> 7 1,oo*\Q'"\ z/ Jld(Jtr o-I t9(, tt Lrl J tr,(J (L c. ." ^;$IERLINE__._--\ #tRl.s*-OY\" t;ii,/ -cxc?.le"' -..---{,5&f, \-rm YEAR FLcoD PLATN ts o gt68' PER F.E.M.A. FLOOO INSITRANCE SIUOY FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL (NOV. 2, r9g2i \- RETAINING ru-- Eltlll a1?6'7' qo LANDSCAFING/OPEN SPACE EASEMENT (sE€ BCfi 610, PAGE 269) LOI 7 iYlo)\ (ot! \o) r.) O) RENOVE ' RELOCATE TEI EXISTING TRA;SH ENCLOA DURING CONSTRUCTION. MANOR VAIL z llo0D WALK NRE HYDRANT V/ATER VAL\€ inurr 3EV/ER UANHOLC RIM ELEV- = al8o.6' @ ll'lv. El.Ev. = E166.E 10 40'cc" .IRASH ET.ICLOSURE CAry PE\ \ -*rwD.r DRIVE F.E.Y,GORE T t ... rl 1t t Jt { Ii I aIiIj EiII 3 i.::l E iiEll : l:q ilo iF ;ls;ti. -tt! ti EJE l I II ct:.ri i lt r(l .I t..l r lI rtli!lti'li il lr lqii I lir t nii J" ilil:! .E :E ;qt; :.i 2I I!t 8 b 8 t E a; a I ! t EI5r,{t6t6;g! ,! etItir "Jirs! Fi o; aaul : iitr! 'A 3I 3I t II I I I Ir :Iiiri Bt .ali ii; 1;! ir:!l i ' ,l sE.t!; : iE3 i1;i": ,i!igtt ! El"! r.?3' ;i:i:{ll :!;EE!:l aI t ) i, ll' \rir.il!I \lc! t.:: ,!i Nr-iq = \'rilrt !l:; li o3 ! rv'rd n /- -,rallt- d!c{ \\$N .t a T I, T\ '( li i ]I ,r|'Igo-: I s !trrai# .Je:6at- '^'.-I7i.' -.,t '/ / / r \$,/\ .\ .? 1)aq 3Eg*-E q-"- i .d HE: o=FEZo-o-f EeB FIv-FPdb, 6 Fo (9z J lr- Fa(r L Iri(9 J.J ='=.r - a>b F:- E_<{-F (J EF l!o t- E. (L oz =<Fo EF TLo FE (L Lo lto zI(n E alrJE (9z J F oIL Old(9 JJ J Ia it t3 t:ll ll Ir \\-ti/a\'/,,/ /;//', // .'",/ / .,,. t.,,r, ...-- -.---.-\\ t' I|, I I -l ' *-o QUIT CLAIM DEED THrs DEED, made this tbW day of illt rilfu^- , 1es6, between rhe TOlt|N 0F VAIL, a Colorado municipal Corporation, as Grantor, and the TEXAS ToI,INHOUSE ASS0CIATI0N, a Colorado non-profit corporation acting as the attorney in fact for the owners of the Texas Townhouses more particularly described in Exhibit A, as Grantee. l'rITNEssETH, the Grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of one dollar ($1'00) to the Grantor pajd by the Grantee, the rece'ipt whereof is hereby confessed and acknow'ledged, has remised, released, so'l d, conveyed and quit clained and by these presents does remise, reiease, sell, convey and quit claim to the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever, ail the right, title, interest, clajm and demand which the Grantor has in and to the described real property described in the attached Exhibit B. Subject to the following conditions, covenants,. restrictions and reservatjons agreed to by the Grantee: 1' The Texas Towithouse Associatjon shall be obligated to maintain the surface of the vacated roadway and to keep it in good repair including, but not limited to, asphalt paving, repair of gutters and roadbed and snow removal as shal'l be necessary to keep said roadway in good condition and repair and accessible to authorized pedestrians and vehicles at all reasonable times. No property described herein shall be used or occupied at any time for any purpose other than for limited motor vehjcle ingress and egress to Grantee's townhouses for the sole purpose of parking, non-exclusive pedestrian and bicycre access and the rocation of appropriate landscaping,.signage, walkways and placement of trash containers. 2' No property described herein shall be used or ibnsidered in determining the gross residential floor area or density that the Grantee would be entitled to under Town of Vai'l laws and regulations. 3' An basement twenty (20) feet in width whose center line approximates that of those portions of Gore creek Drive are shown in Exhibit B is hereby reserved unto the Grantor for emergency vehicle and fire access. The Grantee hereby agrees to pay for, insta'l I and maintain appropriate signs provided by the Town of vail Fire Department designating the easement as an emergency vehicre and fire lane. 4. subject to Grantee's:rights to use said real property for the purposes described in paragraph 1 above, the Grantor hereby reserv€s a non-exclusive easement across that portion of the withjn described and granted property used for vehjcular t'.,, O 'parking and access for the purposes of public pedestrian and bicycle ingress and egress' Grantor further reserves a non-exclusive easement for the installation, maintenance, repair, and use of uti'l jty lines by utility lines by utility companies, publ ic or quasi-pub'ljc authoritjes. 5' At the westerly entrance of the property herein described, the Grantee sha11 provide and maintain a sign to advise the pub'lic that, subJect to Grantee's right to use the property for the purpose of vehicular parking and access, that portion of said prbperty qsed for such purposes is open to the public for pedestrian and bicycle lngress "nj "gr"".. This sign shal'l be approved by the Town of vail Design Review Boand. 6' Should the Grantee violate any material restrjction, condition, covenant or reservatjon of this quit claim deed, the property shall revert to the Grantor, subject to Grantee's right to receive notice of any such vio'l ation and be afforded an opportunity to cure same within a reasonable tine. 7- Except as otherwise, set forth herein, the conditions, covenants, etc., herein set forth shall run with the land and shall bjn.d the Grantee, ,i ts successors and assigns; and all parties'claiming by, through, or under it shal'l be taken to ho)d, agree, and covenant with the Grantor of said property, with its successors and assigns, and w'ith each of them to conform to and observe said restrictions as to the use of the property. upon a breach of any one of the conditions, covenants, restrictions, or reservatjons herein set forth, or the continuance of such breach, the above described property shal 1 revert to the Grantor, subject to Grantee's rights as described in paragraph 6 above. 8. Each of the conditions, covenants, etc,, set forth above shal'l contjnue and be bjnding upon the Grantee, upon its successors and assigns, and upon each of them and all parties and a11 persons claiming under them for a period of twenty (20) years from the date of thjs conveyance. 9. Inva'l idation of any of these conditions, covenants, etc., or any part thereof by judgments or court order shall in no wise affect any of the other provisions, whjch shalI remain in full force and effect. T0 HAVE AND T0 HOLD the same, together with a'l 1 and sjngular the appurtenances and privileges thereunto belonging or in anywise thereunto appertainlng, and all the estate, right, title, interest, and claim whatsoever of the Grantor, either in law or equity, unto the Grantee, its successors and assigns forever. -2- o o sea'l the day and " IN l'rITNEss WHERE0F, the Grantee has hereunto set its hand and year first above written. T0l,rN 0F VAIL, a Colorado STATE COUNTY oF C0L0RAD0 )) ss. 0F EAGLE ) of e forego_ir9 Jnstrument was acknowledged before, 1986 by Paul Johnston as Mayor Town ClerkbTlfie T-own of VaIt, a coioriao"muntctial lrtitness my hand and official seal. My commisslon expires: 'I me this /L&'. a^n and by Pamela Brandmeyer corporati on. as -3- lhr -rriei ltiailiarr ir .Ar F ,,...diil BEST C. -', r{ I --\ "'^ffi;\A. 'tr -. ._ -Ir c, , at"o . :'... IAICEL A irt:::,:jfil Sl.lr?I:]";,ri3 :lll:r: ,ry,.h-"lr*", .i""rrrrn8 ro rbr rrp thcro-.crtb.d |. follouri _____J or rh..E!31. County, cotorelo, Glrrk Id n.iJrill,.ii_ lltlT{r "-. p..ot oB .n:i:**:lt,:rrn,-.r*;r* U ,U* n* ,=*r rr,,., i;iil*[T.:I'.il?:J5 :T:huuh;rr-;;;i,i'd. r., r.id v.1r vurrgr ro'rthc"'r Ei..r-oii-i-tii'iil?X'.i#f:;..::lt"lh: l11r':ty..'rgr.*i-".i ri".'*ti'iT.;il3:lli!il,i.!ru*;:ii:.i{li:i';i,'ffi '1- -grg;*$**n**fiffi ii';iu,ii:: . *i,*tfs;ffi ;-:ffi***ffififfii:,ri itu"'n":rts*ti,ry1; *+iittlliifiiii:*;"' *ii,ffi g$$r.;}xT,i;###':tr*$f Hi_"THffij iiil,'*T,.dsT'i#g;"$.1,#lr#,*ft i#ffi*m A-prir ot coa. crc.l Drlt PAR'EL c , :*:i*.t.lillT,illJ,;,"iil #ii:"fiil:,.:,,i,,1i":Ti:1i.ff ,.:IJ*, .LT:_ 'ugfir***$5g*t**.rr*;iruit:l; ^-r.ta of cor! cr.!k Drrvr lARcrL D ::;:1"::"Li#=#il1.;,'iil ;lll'!':# :.#::l!":";i:ll":"j,,:::,i:t, .l$: ffif**ff#$ip',,ffiHiffi' fi***N***ry;.,s***t,i', , ."8 ir '; J(DslJgs =i o ard a '9 r{ \rgR6! R d .,'. :., It o/9' ,b ;o A\,,OO,?Oo0O N,'s '9E I !,, 00,lo.c l"oo.zo.oo53,Oq,? ooo0 s I t, ll, U, -J ,6 .Ro. ( \t ,'.v,J booO,nI i/v el a l"e# ot ./l3rtl o.o / ]} o -ol s, F(J cEF tr,. oo.z0! 00 , ' ..:...;\{ OVOU 1: ----22 /-----1-=--'t-/.r' .//./ F(J- #dF bo-ob-o-o66+,j =NY,lx||E<Jt t4 a, #r /^" lui '(v,'8 I EI I J" a^ Hld J uJoE fl :l /tf,[?h ml- qi tl J ol -(\lolo t.' C) tl<l c.| $F c ?rrrN -a\ / J UJoE o- o _oN o(! toz /I /t, tO rt lr,:o _oN rt)l|to December 13,2004 Mr. Mike Suman Mlchael Suman Architect LLC PO Box7760 Avon, GO 81620 Re: DRB(N(F96,PEC04002 48{l Gore Creek DriwA/ail, CO 81657 tots I and 9, vail village 4h FilirE Dear Mike, Thank you br attsnding todafs Plannlng and Environmental Commission meeting, wher€ ths PEC voted ln faror of the nquest for a varbnce from tho slde s€tbacks at the above-referEnced prop€rty. Additionally, I have staff approved the Deslgn Revlew Boad applir:ation, as ths DRB had instructed at its December 1tr rnesthg. I have attachsd the approval fonns whlch wlll be necessary for you to proceed with the building permit pooess. Please don't hogllats to contact me with any remaining questions or conosrns. Bes't regads, Ellsabeth Edcl 970.479.2454 enclosures TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 8r6s7 970-479-2t38 Valuation: $40,000.m FireDlace Information: Restricted: Y VdrWl4" f,t 3lofrfb f, unil-gDEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMEN ***'l*'i:r:t rr'**'r+t'**{.'t'l*,t'lt **:r**li**i,'rt.**t't,tr'li.*'*'|:.'iai*+ilt+tl**l++i*ta:l** FEE SUMMARY Building---- > 9512.15 ResnDrant Plan Review- > Plan Check-- > 5352 . ?9 DRB Fee----------- > Add Sq Ft: 0 # of Gas Apptiances: O # ofGas Logs: 0 #of Wood Pellet: 0 $0. oo Total Calculated Fees--> $898.54 so. oo Additional Fees------ > S0.00 So . oo Total Permit Fee----- > $898 .54 s0 . 00 PalrFnts----------- > $S98 . 54 s898.54 BAI-ANCE DUE-------- > $0.00 Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIITDING DEPARTMENT oz/zt/z0os cgrurion Action: AP ITeM: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMEIIT Investigation- > Will Call----- > 02/25/2OO5 ee Item: 05500 FfRE DEPARIT'{EIqI 03/09/2oos mcgee S0. 00 Recreation Fee--------> 93. oo Clear}up Deposit------> TOTAL FEES------------ > Actiorx: AP Action: AP Recornmend monitored fire alarm system. Item: 05500 PUBLIC WORKS 03/03/2005 Is Action: AP T:ufaaTo,nhorwt NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE FOSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADDiALT MF BI.]ILD PERMIT Permit #: BO5-OOI7 Job Address.: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status.....: ISSIJED Location......: 483 GORE CREEK DR, UNIT #8 Applied...: 02/23/2W5 Parcel No....: 210108235001 Issued ...: 03l30l2ns Project No...: --?RSOq -o\lE Expires...: w12612005 OWNER IJIGHTI{AJ,IJ, DIAf.fE eAIt{EL 02/23/2OOS phone: 303-985-4984 5293 W OBERIJIN DR DEIiI\IER co 8023s License: CONTRACTOR Future Builders Inc. O2/23/2OO5 phone: (303) 933-8200 7542 S. Carr Ct. Littleton, Colorado 8 0128 L,icense: 803 -B , .r APPLICANT Future Builders Inc. 02/23/2OO5 Phone: (303) 933-8200 7542 S. Carr Ct. Littleton, Colorado_.. 80128 L,icense: 803-B Descipion: NEW DORMER/ADDITION TO ROOF AND MASTER TERRACE. NEW WINDOWS ON NORTH SIDE Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction: V-B Type Occupancy: ?? See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the infonnation required, cornpteted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and stat€ laws, end to build this sftucture according to the towns zoning and zubdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building Code and other ordirunces of the Town applicable thereto. REQUESTS F()R INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE rWnllTy-nOrn HOLJRS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OUR oFFIcE FRoM E:00 AM - 4 PM. CONTRAC'TOR FOR HMSELF AND OWNEI !. PAGE 2 *,lr************:****ti*rf **rt,**!*{.'t****t '****rt***,t!{.****:t*'t({r**:t *{.,t *i.************{.:F*!***r't *****'**********{.*:t ***:**:** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Permit #: 8054017 as of 03-30-2005 Status: ISSUED**|t**'}:t*:**'f*'|.**'t********{t{.'}*'}*'*:}!********!t*,!'t*,t*:t'*'t*!t*,t*******!t*********:t.iti.*!t*'t.*:t.*:l.l.**********!*:t:t****** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BLIILD PERMIT Applied: V2l23l2Ws Applicant: Futrre Builders Inc. Issued: 03/3O12OO5 (303) 933-8200 To Expire: 09126/2W5 Job Address: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL location: 483 GORE CREEK DR, UMT #8 Parcel No: 210108235m1 Description: NEW DORMER/ADDITION TO ROOF AND MASTER TERRACE. NEW WINDOWS ON NORTH SIDE Conditions: Cond: 12 (BLDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE PJQIIRED TO CHECK FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALTS,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERIAL. Cond: 16 (BLDG.): SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLnRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER SEC.31O.9.I OF THE 1997 UBC. Cond: I (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQTITRED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. Cond: CON0006994 shop drawings for the SIP roof panel must be reviewed and approved by the engineer prior to installation. two copies are required to be submitted to building departrnent. *faaffllaa*aaaatallaaalafffalaaaaatftt*aaaffafttaa**a****ttatttttttt*tttt+ttttttfttttttttt*a TOWNOFVAIL, COI,OR.ADO Statcm€nt****'|l*lf++tffaaaaa*fl**ft**ti'l'Saatfaafa*{r+*t++ff+fa{''ll'}'}affff***fft*t'l*a**ataaa*rt}l'}**aaa*+* SEatment mildc€r! R050000310 Pa)m€nt Method: Check Buil.ders 10247 Amount: $898.54 03 /30 /2oosL2z4l PlttInlt: DDG NotsatioD: Future Permit No: Parcel No!Site Addreag: IJocation: ThIe Palment: ACCOI]NT ITEM LIST: AccouDt Code 00100003111100 00100003112300 00100003112800 BTIIIJDING PERIT{IT FEES PIAN CHECK FEES mLIr eeIJIJ INSPECIION FtsE s898 . s{ 9898.54 $0.00 current Ihta 542,75 352.79 3 .00 *llaaftttllaaffft*aaafr.**fffaaaaaal***at*ataaffaaa+**t*t*++ll**l***'}*'}'t'}*+fllll***l*l**taaaa 805-0017 Tylrc: A[)D/ALT Ur BtnlO PBRI,IIT 21010S23s001 {83 C'ORE CRBEK DR \TAIIJ {83 @RB CREEK DR, n[IT #8 Total FeeE: $89S. s4 ToCaI ALL Pmts: Balance: Descrl.ptLon BP PF Itc \ APPLICATION WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED IF INCOMPLETE OR n01rga11p Proiect #: Building Permlt #: t .. ,.i/ mechanical etc.l,- -,,iiu NnlW 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vall, Colorado 8165/ i."-,,i.,t ui) t::llCONTRACTOR INFORMATION General Contractor: pffuiAerc. lnc. Town of Vail Reg. No.: 607A Contact and Phone #'s: tuoh 309.10t.6111 COMPLETE VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT & Materlals BUILDING: $ 19.O$ELECTRICAL: $ 7r0A)OTHER: $ PLUMBING: $MECHANICAL:$TOTAL: S 4O,0M For Assessorc Offlce at 97G32&8610 or visft Frldil 210l8zrtul JobAddress: (& fu. ArnLV, Lesat Descrlpton ll lot:8.r1 ll ero"r'Flllng: Q l:Wti-subdivisron: Va;l Vill.4oT#"U rytrJE:Lt LzHr.Jt h9*8Ti *1,, h r>-.*-! rn b?BC '*82"'tes.+?ic Y'EIWHX'tr|LL.+ ut 'nofb.441.q*, ZfEXf Fu.i^'r.i-..IJL HWT-E" Aa^.co fltub PeBl9cz^.Ht Detailed descfi otion of *ork' n;'$" .{ u.J ryI* t*.- tVa'-,u^)r..t ,, - prt}+t,lc, WorkClass: New( ) Addition( ) Remodel( ) Repair( ) Demo( ) CIherg() 66*rtul$4"- WorkType: Interior( ) Exterior( 1 eothld Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) Uo t.{ Type of Bldg.: Single-family ( ) Two-family ( ) Multi-familV;i{ Commercial ( ) Reslaurar ( ) Other ( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Units in this building: ll-No. of Accommodation Units in this building: y' No/Type of Fireplaces Existing: @s Appliances ( ') Gas Loos ( l ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Buming ( No/Type of Fireplaces Proposedffis Appliances ( ) Gas Loqs ( ) Wood/Pellet ( ) Wood Burninq (NOT ALLOWED) DoesaFireAfarmExist: Yes( ) NoQfi9|r{|co4l IDoesaFireSprinklerSystemExist: Yes( ) No43 Parcel#Contact ffiFOROFFICEUSEONLYffi Othrr Fees: DRB Feeo: Publlc Wav Perrrll Fae: Flus€rs\cdsl^FORMS\PERMITS\BLOGPERM.DOC M.toatzop/. STATRS & 17 l0 40'cc" lEASH ENCLOSURE CA iV PEST \ .'o,v,)-.- \l It, II,Ifo I ACRES ti79.4', 17.52 N 79 22'Or}'W-:.,42.5 DR|VE -F.Sf..y. PARKING /,'/l\\'' {t/ \! RE;AINING I h,A, II LANDSCAPIIIG,/OPEN SPACT EASEIJ:N I (sEe Bco< 610, PAe€ 26e) CEN TERLI}IE CRE€K SETBAO( 'la 4177.6' (cROrrNo) GY, '^\ ]ti MANOR VA.IL Iz.7?.0F Liailftew NRE HYORANT WAIER VALVE :EV/ER MANHOII RIM E'-Eir. = fi4o.6 @ lNv. ELEV. = 8r66.a' Department of Gomm unlty Development Prdect Name: Proiect Mdress: I ThlsCheddlsd musf he nmpteted before a Butldlng Permil ap,olietlon Is amoted- y' o A| pages of +plicdion is complete y'e l.bs DRB apprwd obtained (if required) Frovkle a copy of approvd form y' e frndominium Association letter of apprwal attadred if project is a Multi-Family complo< ,r/e Ornplete dte plan submitted Nhl RlUicWry ftrmit 4plicatim induded if applicable (refe to RrblicWorkschecldid) y' e SaginS plan iduded (rder to RDlicWorksdnddig) l{o dumpciler.oarklng or materlal gtoraoe allryed on roadwalrs and rhoulders wlthout wrllten aporoval ,VA e ,nsbe€tGtd and rqdtss.brnitted if demlftirn isocurning(l , { Archit€d stamp and signature (All Canmercbl and Muhi family) ,/ e full floor plans induding building sedbns and dwatkrn{s sts of plans for ifulti-Family and Ommercial B.rildings) / , Wlndor and dor dredLde / e R.rll strudural plane induding dedgn criteria (i.e.leds) ,/ e 9rudural Etginee $amp and signature on dructural plans (Al Ommercid and ilulti Family) 4f, e $ils tuport mud be srbmitted prlor to footing inspection ( e Fre reddirre asnblieo speified and penetrations indicated ,/ e gnoke detectors droln on plans ,/ e Type and quantity of fireplaes slrovn Appllcant'c Slgnalure : Date of submittal: FlUseFbdevlFORMS\PERM ITS\BLDGPERM. DOC Recelved By: vzazw BUI LDI NG PERIII T I SSUATTICE TI ME FRATIE lf this permit requires a Torn of Vail Flre Department Approval, Ergineer's (Rrblic Works) revieyv and approval, a Hanning Department revianv or Health Department review, and a revial by the fuilding Department, the estimated time for a total review will take m long as three (3) weeks Al ommercial (large or srnall) and all multLfamily permits will have to follol the above mentioned maximum requirements. fusidential and srnall projeds $rould take a l€sser amount of time. However, if residential or smaller projeds impad the various above mentioned departments with regard to necessary rwieur, these projeds may also take three (3) weeks to revial and approve. Every attempt will be made by this department to expedite this permit a stx)n ai posdble. l, the underdgned, underSand the plan cfied< procedure and time frame. I also understand that if the permit is not picked up by the o<piration date, thet I mu$ still pay the plan cfieck fee and that if I fail to do so it may affed future permits that I apply for. Agreed to by:M;L.lJ;,,-,, Roject Mme: Date: l7'Z?.. o+ Ffint name FlUs€rs\cdov\FORMS\PERMITS\BLDGPERM.DOC 02/03t2004 @edilann: eroFCOraqlnttal: Liaen$i qDO0lE{ __ r|!ftcfod'r* 4st GoRECREB(ORVAIL.iE3 GORE CREEK D& UTUT #8 trgd D-crFdoor f.G qr9 Do.tc grD0unon: VAIL VI.LAGE FIUI{G .1. Farcd ilumbrn .210mg235o0t Go|Inlrbs tl 0|:lln frorT0f,l 0t Vllt ffiltlTY DEVEtOnCiT 0t0ltet$z T-t6t P.00t/008 F-238 Design Rwieur Boed ACTIOT{ FORTII .- *q?qntrt C Cdrltrufry DadoFment/r:rldt-Fimtrge Roirt, Vdf Cobfa& g165l tef: 970.479.2t39 tan im.cn.z+n -' rnb: wm<l!d.o.r.rs On8ffutDcr: DRIO{0S96 g"ffiJ$aff#ffiff copper todb be adttd on tE rp'd' si,. of urc bunil.,nq, hEdFU*lr @lrNER u6{tHA!}^-D_I4ryE GAMH_ ttftst@ prrorc: :b}9$S<e&fszg3WOBERufrt DR DS{\,ER @ 80zts lJcensc: AppucAtrrr tr{rorAEt Sr.tirAN ARorrrEcr, Llclrrwzo* phonq 97G47r€122MIC}|AELSU''IANpoEo(2,60 AVOII @ 81620 LlGtse: ARO{nECr motA+.lltArr ARo{rTEcr. trclvrqnm4 pfpr: 9(}4?r{u2MICI#IEL SUIiIAfl PO BO( 7760 Al/oN @ E1620 lacedon: llodons Slcad By!Y@ O|dffon* SOARD/SrAFF Acllox Adorr; STAFf,AFR Dafrr of Apgrowl-. r2l'3lZDA4 @nd:8 IIS)t-lto *rycs o rheeo pbns qay be nbde ffi.trt ttrc urrngr @nscnt of r-,n dvatt staff and/or the +propntit",e,rloi "#ffie1$.--'Cond;0 (RAN): DRB aFptDwd docs not @nsutrrE a perrrft fbr hrifilng. plese consuft wtdt , lplgal26g4 t6:50 3039884694111 LIGI{THALL PAGE 61 fVi'n;(< ,,9u,fta-'\ l, rX '?za - f ??-- zrt/ fMfiL' D tfi" L{frhfl'7 rl TE(AS TOUrN HOI'38 ASS(TIATIONdoleeM.Edrrrr& FO Boxttll_ Locust Vrllcy, Ny 11560stffin{f67, ttx gtts.73s-61!|l7,Vdl 4t9-952S cueiL LBlwr I 234@eot.on fiHotr Tornof Vdl Vdl,Colondotil657 DcrrTowlof Vri& On bclulf of ttc ownen of Texrc Town Houoee,lllit Gon Crec|r Drivc in VeiLl-woold tit." b inforn yor old ft" onr"un*e-tric vot"a ur"iiffinovll r*thc propocd acftn raarrotc{, fon il-.-;;od-iru ;lei i"" r"l-r i; Yourrdnucdy, 4;*"a"J I.GMrt€fint tEdwrrdrHdent Tcnr Torrn Hou,rcA[ocidon Deryrtn ent of &nmunity Development Building hfetyand Ins@ion *nices 75 South Frontage R@d Vail, Colorado 81657 970-4+2138 FAX 970-479-2452 www.wigov.@m BUITDING SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICES PIAN REVIEW COMMENTS: TO: Contractor/Apolicant Future Builders Inc. Brooks Hayes FAX #: none given (mailed) NUMBEROF PAGES: FROM: DATE: BUILDING PERMIT #: OWNERS NAME: SITE ADDRESS: OCCUPANCY GROUP: TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: NUMBER OF STORIES: BUILDING AREA: Architect Structural Enoineer SumanArchitect WilkensEngineering proj#4O4 479.75L1 proj#04-tt4 845.6324 2 Chris Gunion, Building Plans Examiner 03/08/2005 805-0017 Lighthall 438 Gore Creek Drive #8 R-3 V-B 3 nla The documents submitted for this project have been reviewed for compliance with the The 2003 International Building Code, 2003 International Residential Code, 2003 Intemational Mechanical Code, 2003 International Plumbing Code and 2002 National Electrical Code as modified and adopted by the Town of Vail. Thefollowing otnmenE will ned to beaddrM priortu isuaneof a building prmit: For processing: o Please submit two comolete sets of revised construction documents containing the requested information with all olan revision items clouded or otherwise identified. o Please resoond in writino to each comment bv marking the attached list or creating a resoonse letter. Indicate which olan sheet. detail. soecification. or calculation shows the reouested information. Please send revisions to the attention of the olans examiner with the building oermit apolication number noted, o Please be sure to include on the resubmittal the engineer's or architect's "wet" stamo. signature, rqistration number and date on the cover page of any structural calculations, all structural details and structural sheets of the olans. For commercial or multi-familv proiects all sheets of the plans must be stamoed. 1 An asbestos test and repoft is required for all remodel/addition projects. Architectural Comments: 2 Please include a building cross section cleady showing ceiling height at the proposed master bathroom shower. A minimum of 6'-8" ceiling height is required. Amend plans as necessary. (R305) Please also review ceiling height above the tub. If the tub is to have a shower head, 6'-$" is required above the tub. 3 Specifo stain,ay to comply with the following: (R311.5) -minimum width of stairways shall not be less than 36" -maximum riser height 7 a/e" -minimum tread depth of 10" -minimum headroom clearance of 6"-8" -handrail on at least one side of stairway 34'-38' above nosing of treads -handrail ends to be returned to wall or terminate in newel posts -handgrip poftion of handrails shall be L L/4"-2" in cross sectional dimension -handrails to be continuous between landings (can be interrupted by a newel post at a turn) Structural Comments: 4 Revise design criteria used in structural design. A 100 psf roof live load (snow) is required for roofs with less than 4:12 slope. (TOV snow load) 5 Veriff floor framing for master terrace is capable of supporting the proposed hot tub. 6 Provide written verification from the SIP manufacturer to indicate the 6 1/2" roof panel is adequate for the proposed 17' span with the 100 psf live load (snow) 7 Speciff connections of new 5 V2" LVLfloor and roof beams to the existing beam. Sheet S2.1. I Include floor framing plans for the new stairway area. Please refer to the cover sheet for information on resubmitting plans. In order to avoid delays in issuance of the building permit, please check all requested information is included with the rcsubmitted plans. Chris Gunion I.C.C. Plans Examiner Town of Vail Building Safety and Inspection Services 970.479.2369 cAunion@vailgov.com F:\cdev\CHRIS\PERMIT.COMMENTS\805-0017.DOC Conflrmatlon Reeort -Memory Send Paco Date & T Ine L ine I E-na i I llachlne l0 001 llar-08-05 l2: l6pr 9t04t92[52 Towr{ 0F vAtL c0iluluTY DEVEL()P[f1{T Job nunber Date To llunber of pales Start t ira End t lne Pag6s sent Status Job nurber : 103 : 103 : llar-08 l2:l5pm : E91797511 : 002 : llar-08 l2:lSpn : llar-08 l2:l6pn : 002 :0K *** SEND SUCCESSFUL +:f * *ot -nr a, @t !.24ra* rv@t,-,c Nrdrtet 9t q.-ndtl@, s2+tn .759.tU, l"@r- lW v*. an*.cb €r,t z 92U"9+tta A.x9H29-24fr? ,tyrvltv.t&^c-.arf, Butt-Dlf,G s.atE-rY 'rr{Er rr{sPltcTtclr\l 3ER\trcls Pl-'a RE\ZIEi ', CcrltltE[tEh Ar'chltEct Suarraai ArchltectproJ#4O4479.2stL TC': FAX*: c6ritr.ctoilAqallEa.tlf,FuturG lr.|lldars Inc.Br€oki Hayas arcrnc atvErr (anallGd) S5l'|cblral-EDslnsclVVllksns Errgln.€rlngproj*ao4-144g45-6324 NIJI'IEEF, O' PA€!'I FR('I'i: E A-f!rDL,ILC'ING P!R.}'IIT *: CN'I'IIIERS NAMEI 3lTE AE)E R.IS!-! OCCIJPA GY CROUPT 'FttPE <t? ect. ltrFrlJcTrol.. h|IJIUIBIR. C'F STC'T:IIST BI,II-DI|rlE; AREA: 2Chrls Gu|.|ton, ElualdlnEt Plan3 ExatnlnGr oSfoelzoo5BO5-OO'7Llqrehrll,t3-€t GorE Creak E)rlwG #8 Fr-gv-B3n/- -rtre doc(rft1ent- aufrrnltt€d for ttrtg P..oJGct t1a\rc- b€n r-\rlerrv6d lbr corrrpllancc vr'ltl'l tlrc _rhc 2oo3 lnt inado.r.l Bultdtng Cadc, ZOO3 IntarTretton.l nEibl-Gai € -a-, 2g63-tr'tEinago1.'l M'GlianlcEl Cod., ZOO3 tnlErn.rten-t p]|rrt.tbrng Code q.!d ZO(;'i.r--ifo.tir-fsllai;G.t code.- r|1odtttGd 'nd qdoPbd by the 'fov\rrt qf wlll. ,rr- tdrond.rg, @rrt rqt,.*tttard b b tat&try* b iretttt'G' eet bstHtt'91 f-Tnrrarrrraton v.ltr- -ll olan.-.rrj* ltc TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970479-2138 NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ADD/ALT MF BIIILD PERMIT Permit #: B05-0017 Job Address.: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Status.....: ISSLJED Location......: 483 GORE CREEK DR, UNIT #8 Applied...: Ul23l2W5 Parcel No....: 210108235001 Issued ...: 03130120fl5 Project No...: ,e,, .t - .t ^ a Expires...: 0912612Cfl5r r1 of-ofti ohlNER IJIGI*TIIAIJIJ, DIAIIE GAMEL 02/23/2005 phone: 303-985-4984 5293 W OBERIJIN DR DEN\/ER co 80235 APPIJICANr Future Builders Inc. O2/23/2OO5 phone: (303) 933-8200 7542 S. Carr Ct. Littleton, Colorado 80128 Lricense:803-B CoNTRACTOR Future Builders Inc. 02/23/2005 phone: (303) 933-8200 7542 S. Carr Ct. Littleton, Colorado 80128 Lricense:803-B Desciption: NEW DORMER/ADDITION TO ROOF AND MASTER TERRACE. NEW WINDOWS ON NORTH SIDE Occupancy: R-3 Type Construction: V-B Type Occupancy: ?? Valuation: $,+0,000.00 Fircplac€ Informadon: Resriced: Y Add Sq Ft: 0 # ofGas Appliances: 0 ,r ofcas L,ogs: 0 # of Wood Pellet: 0 So.0o Totrl Calculated Fces- > $938.54 S0 .00 AdditioMl Fees------->s0. 00 so, oo Total Permit Fee------> $938 .54 $938 . s4 s0.oo :r*****'**:.*{.**:}i.*'}{*'}{.*r{.**'r***{.*+i**rrr{'r+rir*t **'r**{r:t*******r*rr*|.rr* FEE slJMl[\Ry t*l'i:a*'aa:t*a'l*at:t|ltttt:tt|aa{n}*a:llatta*|l**at*a*'.,t'tt'a'a't'}'}'t*a't:t:*a Buitding--- > 9542.75 Rcshnrant Plan Review- > Plan Check-- > 5352 -19 DRB F€e----------- > Investigation- > wilt cdl---- > S0.00 Rccr€ation Fee------- > $3.00 Clean-upDepo6iG-----> TOTAL FEES_-__-- > $0. 00 S938.54 BALANCEDUE._-_> Approvals: Item: 05100 BUIIJDING DEPARIII{EIi|II ,3/2L/2OO5 cgunion Action: AP Item; 05400 PLANNING DEPARI'!4EI{I 02/2s/2005 ee Action: AP Item: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT O3/o9/2O05 mcgee Action: AP Reconmrend monitored fire alarm system. Item: 05500 PITBLIC WORKS o3/o3/20o5 La Action: AP **|rfrtrr;*1*.1+o''*'**','.*'.*l{i'a|1*|t'|1|1t*|n||t|t|*||*|r'*l||i|'ll|:tl.{||i*'*| See page 2 of this Document for any coditions that may apply to this permit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, conrpleted an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is sorrect. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, ard to build this stnrctrre according to tbe toums zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Uniform BuildfuE Code and other ordinances ofthe Town appticable thereto. P.FQIIESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 47$2149 OR AT OIJR OffiCE FROM 8:(X) AM - 4 C"TOR FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF PAGE 2 *!t****l.!t*:tl.:*{t*t,ll.'t**'t*'t!t|t*|tlt!*{.,|*{.*'t{.****:F{t,t.:}!t.*!F,}*'i*:}'t!*******.t*{l***'}'F*** CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Pennit#: B05-0017 asof05-18-2005 Sbtus: ISSUED 't+!tl'f*,t.**l.'|***'l*'t|.'f*!i!t!'******:t*'t'}*'t*'|t't*|*'t*|'|.|l.*'|.!t't.**!t****,|'{.,|*********** Permit Type: ADD/ALT MF BLJILD PERMIT Applied: OZtz3tZNs Applicant: Funue Builders Inc. Issued: O3l3DlzC/|ls (303) 933-8200 To Expire: Wt26t}ffi5 Job Address: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL l,ocation: 483 GORE CREEK DR, UMT #8 Parcel No: 210108235001 Description: NEW DORMER/ADDMON TO ROOF AND MASTER TERRACE. NEW WINDOWS ON NORTH SIDE Conditions: Cod: 12 @LDG.): FIELD INSPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO cHEcK FOR coDE COMPLIANCE. Cond: 14 (BLDG.): ALL PENETRATIONS IN WALIJ,CEILINGS,AND FLOORS TO BE SEALED WITH AN APPROVED FIRE MATERJAL. Cond: 16 @LDG.): SMOKE DBTECTORS ARE REQIIRED IN ALL BEDROOMS AND EVERY STORY AS PER S8C.310.9.1 OF THE 1997 TJBC. Cond: 1 (FIRE): FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL IS REQURED BEFORE ANY WORK CAN BE STARTED. lllli**+llllllffffllffflf*tllaat+tllllll**lffa'|llaaal*aat*t'l*'ita*rr*aaf'aaatalttfatafafftla'ra TOWNOFVAII4 COI,ORADO Sratmcnrl|}afaaatatftffaaaaafal*tll*latlfffaaaaaatlaaataaalla**+****l****t**al'*llalllalla+lllfllatt+a gtatesn€lrt l{\rmber: R05000062S Arrcunt: 940.00 OS/L'/2O0SO1 :20 pMMetlrod: check t"t?JA*: nrrureBuilderB 10313 Pcrmlt Nor 805-0017 4?e: ADD,/ALT UF BUIIO PBR![{IT Parcel No: 2101-082-3500-1Slte .lddrege: {83 G|ORE CREEK DR VAIII LocatLon: a83 crc)RE CREEI( DR, tt![IT *8 Total PeeB: $938.54fhJ,e Palmene: $40.00 Total AIJJ Pmtas $938.54Balaace: $0.00t+tfttaaaaaaaaaatatatf*t*rtltffflatffa*afallttlll***+*rrr*tllfllllllltfatffaa'tlaaaafallft'tt+ A@OUNTITEMLIST: Accorrnt Cod€ DeacriptJ.on clrrr€lrt Pmts PF 00100003112300 plreN cHEcK EEES {0.00 May OB 05 12:14p 303 p. eT'- ll AppLrcAnoN wrLL Nor Be AccEprED rF rNconpLErer,:f ,"J:ifI:" @fOOl)t -. r, .rTr.&i+inrt*p.ciioi,;t- d mWN0FUl N(TPERMIT 75 S. Fronlage Vaal, Colorido 8't COINTRACTOR INFORMATIOI.I !'ALUATIONS FOR PERMIT Labor & Materials Fot Parcel ll C rTTfrTT"'T''QROUTING TNFORMATTON FOR OFFICE USE ON Gcne/al Conlractor:To$rtt of l'.cal R*9. lo-:Gonerct atrd Phone lr4s: ATTEHTION; J\ CHr\RLtE, (:R[,c, DORTS REVISED AMOUNT: S oTl-lER;s c) PLUMBING: S (]'REVISEDToTAL: S O ;rrcel # Con_f_a_cl €aE e Coualy.llssessors Olfict at gTO-J.zB-B6d;O or visil wvtv!.eaqle.wunlv. 2t0tof zJgPl Job Ntsme: Llh*"/l /e JobAddrcs5: fr? 6rr" G*l_1.. yW"itl.t 'no"",f7o.,tfl .otlz enonet//p. r2.+fr5 R EAsoN ron neus.rorrfs---7- 1i.n; ,**l f,"l f ,,*L; fu 7l;,9- .jqBq PlJDnet c:vindftyt\Dci&rot\DFLORE$ lNFOHBvigs Btdg pemildes TOWN OF VAIL 75 S. FRONTAGEROAD VAIL, CO 81657 970-479-2138 OI'INER IJIGHTHAIIJ, DIANE GAMEL 5293 W OBERIJIN DR DE\IVER co 80235 APPI,ICANT DEMARK EIJECTRIC COMPAI{Y 5902 EAST 53RD PI.ACE COMMERCE CITY co 80022 License:350-E CONTRACTOR DEMARK EIJECTRIC COMPANY 5902 EAST 53RD PLACE COMMERCE CITY co 80022 License: 350-E DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT Job Address: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL Location.....: 483 GORE CREEK DR, UNIT #8 Parcel No...: 210108235001 Project No , Pd o( - o++E Permit #: E05-0126 $pg- oot/ ISSUED 07t0u2w5 07tryzws OuMt2m6 o? / 0L/2oos Phone: 303-985-4984 07 / 0t/2o0s Phone z 72O-329-146- 07 / 0!/2005 Phone: 720-329-L46- Desciption: NEWDORMER/ADDITION Valuation: $700.00 Square feet: {r*1t{.**d.*rt'||**:t'}**'t{.,ltara'l**,t'****'t't:l**'t*rrtttt{.{.,i:t**t*:tt*'}:t***'t't*r!trt rt,t*'} FEE suMMARy Elechical----- > DRB Fee----- > Investigation-- > will cdl-------- > TOTAL FEES- > t44 s0. 00 $0. 00 $3.00 ss4.75 $s4,7s $0. 00 $s4 . ?5 $s4 . ?s $0.00 Total Calculat€d Fe€s- > Additional Fe€s------..- > Totsl Permit Fee----- > Paymenls---------- > BALANCE DUE-----. > Approvals: Item: 06000 EITECTRICAL DEPARTMBIT o7/os/2oo5 Js IIEm: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT Action: AP CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL Cond: 12 (BI.,DG.): FIEI.ID I}ISPECTIONS ARE REQUIRED TO EHECK FOR CODE COMPIJIANCE. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the towns zoning and zuMivision codes, design review approved, International Building and Residential Codes and other ordinances ofthe Town applicable thereto. REQITESTS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY-FOUR HOT RS IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AT 479-2149 OR AT OLJR OFFICE FROM 8:00 AM - 4 R FOR HIMSELF AND OWNEF i**tlllllltltlftalltffaa+fafaaatafta*allltlt*lflttra*{r*'}'t't'}'}l'**a'}*'}*****aatttr*ftftaffff*ttf TOWNOFVAIL, @IORADO Stat@|ltlll*llllltf*aaaalaaaaaaaaaaaa*+aaaaaaaatlt*+**lffaa'.laaaaaa*a*ta*aaa*a****l'laltaaaaa*aaaaaa* Etatement l{\rfliber ! R05000103 3 Amount : Payment Method: Check Buildere / ck *10250 $s4.7s o7 /LL/2OO'L1 :3? ArYlInit I LrTNotation: Rrturc Perrnit No: Parc€I No: Site Addreee: Location! r.lris Pa]rnEnt ! EP 00100003111100 wc 00100003112800 2101-082-3500- 1 483 GORB CREEI( DR VAIII{83 GIORE CREEK DR, T'NIT #8 ss4 .7s Tlpe: EIJECTRICAIJ PBRUfT Total Fees : Total ALL PmtE !' Balamce: 805-0126 $s{.7s $s4.7s $0.00fat*fttftaa'lltlf*tflaalat+a*aaaaaal**tafat*a**'}f**+r**tt+*tl*'t****'lt*f+{'*'lfl+**++lt'l***tt'}*l AC@IJNT ITEMLIST: Accormt Code DescrJ-pt.iorr Current Pmta EIJECTRTEEIJ PER!{IT FEES HII,L EELL INSPEEIION EEE 51.75 3 .00 APPUCATION WILL NOT BE ACCEP'TED IF INCOMPLETE OR UNSIGNED Project #. 2 J o I ogz3-<- oo) Building Permit #: [a- o.f- OorT Electrical Permit #: _ 970-479-2119 mvtlwYAn 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Golorado 81657 0q$E (O5.otLd ffimJUN2e 200b CONTRACTOR IN FORJIIATION ,3GO - E COMPTETE SQ. FEET FOR NEW BUILDS and VALUATIONS FOR ALt OTHERS (labor & l,labrials) Electrical Conbactor: D c-a4o ",( Ft e'!4;" 4,* Town ofVail Reg. No.: 360-E Contact Person and Phone #'s: N,o tK B$o"s 72-o-32?-ly 6t E-Mail Address:Fax#: ConlRctor Signalure:d)-h;J 4,Gld.4 AMOUNT OF SQ Fr rN STRUCTURE: | .l tl sry + ll eucrnrcnr- vALUArroN: $ 7 oc s at 970-328-8ffi0 or fur Patel # Parcel #*/o l 'Otr^ - 3€o o-t robNamer /,)Xrk"l( Cr.Jo.'&o#*fr" -e a.-T>"- ua,iJg Legal Descrlption Lot:Block:Flllng:Subdivision: ownersST:t^ o Li*rL*Ao.\t IAddress:52?< t/-.obett.-^ D- ]Phone: 3ot-?a--r-.l7sE Engineer:Mdress: o o^.zt,,u 69oLx- ll Phone:t.o- Detailed descripUon of work:K. .o**q E t ..rb" rl*l Z ,'"Ak e -'."/ w,"..i5 *o tt^*Jels QC c,., -roJn{?-+l-* R e,^oJ el, q DA WorkClass: Ne,ar() Artdition( ) Remodel(V/nepair( ) TempPower( ) Other( ) Work Type: Interior ( yf b<terior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: Yes ( ) No X Typeof Bldg.: Singlefamily( ) Duplex( ) Mufti-family(v,/Commercial ( ) Refiurant( ) Ofter( ) No. of Existing Dwelling Unib in this building: V No. of AccommodaUon Units in this building: I Is this permit for a hot h.rb: Yes ( ) No (k) DoesaFireAlarmExlst: Yes(R No( ) [floesaFireSprinklerSystemExish Yes( ) No( ) a ******:r***** *t$(*********************FoR oFFICE USE ONLY***r********************!.*******'t**** F:t.Iev\BI.JII,DING\APPUCATIONS\GLECPT*z*s.*" Nggd @' <- *g;M*4 5N Amendment to the 1999 N.E.C. Town of Vail Ordinance 10-1-6. o Overhead services are not allowed in the Town of Vail.o Underground services have to be in conduit (PVC) from the transformer to the electric meter, main disconnect switch and to the first electrical distribution circuit breaker panel.o The main disconnect switch shall be located next to the meter on the exterior wall of the sfucture easily accessible.o All underground conduits are required to be inspected before back-filling the Fench.o In multi-family dwelling units, no electical wiring or feeder cables shall pass from one unit to another. Common walls and spaces are accepted.o NM Cable (Romex) is not allowed in commercial buildings or structures exceeding three (3) stories.a No use of aluminum wire smaller than size #8 will be permitted with the Town of Vail. TOWN OFVAIL ELECTRICAT PERITIIT GUIDELINES o All installaUons of exterior hot tubs or spa's require a DRB approval from planning. This application will not be accepted without a copy of the DRB approval form attached (if applicable). o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on a new elevated platform or deck over 30" above grade, you must also obtain a building permit. o If this permit is for installation of an exterior hot tub or spa on any existing deck or elevated platform, a structural engineer must review the existing condition and veriry that it will suppoft the added concentrated load, Please provide a copy of the structural engineers wet stamped letter or drawing with this application. o If this is a remodel in a multi-family building with a homeowners association, a letter of permission from the association is required. o If this permit is for a commercial space, two (2) sets of stamped drawings are required. I have rcad and understand the above. 6-z-?- es- ' Signature Date Signed If you have any questions regarding the above information or have additional questions, please contact the Town of Vail Electrical Inspector at97O-479-2L47. The inspectof can be reached on Tuesday, Thurcday and Friday mornings between the hourc of 8am and 9am. You '|nay also leave a voice mail and the inspector will call you back. t ', ' J: F :\cdev\du ILDING\AiP UCetmNbiercCpERM2005. DOC 11. . FAX RE: Corfiaddsdbrr*detsfl. Af fte ddgs b€em rc*nfucement, the conbactor has l€qu€sbd to instatr lhe (4)-lA LV.L. d| tfte sarne side of lho gkdam ddge b€dn, du6 io spc enit'tims of irxfatrng on tho umH|rtod side of tE .idgp. That aagged (bf b nd rlrucfira0y adequac, End the additional LWs n€€d to r€rnain on bofir sides of the rilge as ciirdy d€stned !*ve, a a cddr*ds *nr6, the tuo LVI-b sr tre u&trted ib of the ddgF tnat be $o|bd r? b 2 ft qr edr eld dtE rilsB TIE tF L\rl-b dr ttp |lmodebd S d l|e ridgo b€arn shal sfl f*y be*m sfrd psdcs h fis arbbt*. Ple6ecat rr,ffi any qlestims oroomments. Thank yon, WlkensErg'rcedp, f.LC Ch.btMl(cns, P.E. 6S 'F! o4 :t/t, 70N l.' sr0 r[\ PCI 80(6681 Ayu|, @lordo 8l@O plr S7O.37E /1828 f. Sm8a5.6324 flrffitrffiE@t d.n€r O7-21-?0fl5 tnspecfion Request Reportlng Page 10 4:47 pm vail*cO - Clry Ol - Reguested In3p€ct Dab: Frlday, July 22,20Os Inspecton fu|ai CG Slte Address: 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL 483 GORE CREEK DR. UNIT 6 A,IID lnformatl,on Actlvltv: B(F0O17 Tvoe: A-MF SublVoe: AMF StrtG: ISSUEDCorstTyrrS: Occupah'cy: l3e: V-B InspAr.a: CG Onrier: LIGHTIIALL. DIANE C'AMEL Phon€: 30398$49&4 ADplhrni: Future BulHers Inc. Phone: (303) 93$8?fi1Co'nbrctor: FL r.|Io Bulb€Is lm. Pfione: (3o(]l 93]8?(x)oFcrrprbn: NE_!V_EQ|E![ER/4]q|IOITOROOFANDTTASTERTERRACE.NEWWT.|DOVISONT.TORTHSTDEComINer* RC'TJTED TO CHR]S GI,NIOI.I. ELISABETH ECKEI, FIRE AhID PTJBLIC VI,ORKS. JSUTHERComrnent .ppfoy€d bt pbnnlm and r€turn€d !o Chrb, OZ2g05 - EECKEL Com|mnt: BULDIIT|G PLAN REVIEWCOmTENTS FAXEEIMAILED 3&(F. COttilIENTS lN: F:Kd6rcHRF\PERIffT.COTIMEMTS\BO$OO17.DOC. COT,MENTS MUST BE ADDRESSED PRIOR TC} lSSt AtlCE OF Bt lLD|tlc PERHIT. - CGUNFN Comrnent ros0orr3a to cor nents submltbd aftl ror ad lo chrb (runbn - JSUTHER Comment r.yls.d plaffi.pp.orr€d 32t /O4 - CGUMON Comma : STRI,CTT,RAL'REVISIONS SUBMITTED AND ROUTED TO CHRIS GUMON AND ELISABETH ECXEL - JSUTHER Comrnent neluost Dlans flm bv Dhnnlno 0tog06 EE - EECKEL Comm€nt: .cvhed b2.1 $eet 6ppfowds-16.O6. s€e thls updated sho.t at hana lnsp.cflon. - CGIJtfiON Requesredrnspecdon(sr DttT*0t fi? 5/Y#/ *r/q tbm: 60 BlDcsheetrock Nrlt Requested Tlme: 02:00 Pil " Requesbr: E{R RE zuILDERS, INC Phon€: A)}q}1€SX} CofinrEils:1'AM ,Asslgn€dTo:'€qlvs _ EnbredBy: DGOIDEN K'Adlnn: The Exo:com,ncnt KIrcEEFSGFTT oNLY De) ft" D**h lnspecdon H|story Item: ?26 FIRE DEPT. NOflFICAI]ONllem: 10 BLDC'-Footln$/Ste€llbm: 20 BlDc+oundatbrvsloellbm: 1) ELDG'Frsm|no * ADorov€d " 05/1216 -lnspeclor: JRM' Actbn: Pl PARTIAL INSPECIION Comrr|3'It STEEL BEAM INSTALTEDOdlgtIS lnsD€ctor: JRM Acllon: Pl PAR]]AL INSPECTION Comment GLU LAII KIrcHEN SOFFIT APPROVED Actlon: AP APPROVED Acilon: APAPPROVED O7l12lOS InsD€clor: GCD Acllon: CR CORRECnON REOUIRED Comment: I . ,l 5 1/2 tVL REOO AT l/l/EST SID€ OF EATH PER OETAIL 3S2.1. z.HEADER, CUTTVL NEAR SAME LOCATIOf.IAS'1 ABOVE. o|(TOINSULAIE. 07/15/06 Insg€c,tor: cdayls Comment: CoirgcdonsOomp{et. llem: 5() BlDC'-lmuhllon " Alixov€d " 07/1StF Inrp€dor: cdsits ComnBnt REPT131 Run Id: 34t39 Tz:2t7005-- W -------Faserl- 4'.47 om vrtt ea'- erv oi Aclion: Pl PARTIAL INSPECIION Item: ftem: Item: Item: tb/19/05 Inspoctor: JRM Comment: KITCHEN SOFFIT ONLY 70 BLDG-Mlsc. 90 BLDG-Flnsl 22 PLAN-ILC Slto Plan 533 PI.AN.IEMP, C/O REPTl31 Run 3439 RcqucCbd InT.otDrb: Thursd.y, Scpt mbor 15. AXrs' Inrpec{dr Arct: CG9bAddrusr at3 @RE CREEX ORVAL rr&t CORE CREEK DFU UN|T$ aco.hffih Aafv|MCordTyli:Orihn Amnc.r*cdrbrdfi D.octfiloi:Coflin nt ConrnfitCofirmil Cofirtlnt Conn|nU Comm.|* Coil[tt.t Cocumnl: esl|ht.Eltcfled$ wl2/SComilntwt9'6Cormn* 07t12tg,CofiItrnt EOFA,ILDINGbcommdr$l Pho Pho sccms€a00 tSsr.EDco stoEoi.tNoRltl JSUFGR n nill9hl|tf,E bvgbrr*u(El8g6 EE - EECKEL nt h.d Sz.t |tr.l itip|of,dEl6'dt. r.. |hh up&bd eh.ci at fiam. Inip.cton. - cGthK)N . coiltffiNGltil: COUtI€rrfTs MullT BE ADDRESSED FrcR TC, b chrb gunlon - JStfilER A}TD ROT,IED TO C}Nls 6UT{OTII AND ETJSAAEDI ICKEL . Ac{on: APAPFROVED Acdon: APAFPROVED Acdon: Pl PARIIAL lMlPECTlOll 07/1i/tl6 [Ie.cbr:Co.m.nt C.*tremtbn: 60 BtDo.[nlf0on 07/'14,05 In$.dor: ConurrilI fbm: 6O BtDOSlt .Soct}|S "ADprorrod"'E-IS/S lnrp.cbr: JRtl Actlon: Pl PARTlll' INSPECIKTN REPT131 Bun Id: 3627 Codh|I.d: Comna|*Conm.dt KITCIEN SOFFIT O,iLY O7nrzffi Insp.cb.: SF|A,llN Aclbn: APAPPfiTOVEDColr*n.d: EEDROOM DRYWALL APPROVED.llm: 70 8LD$lff|c.tt m: gl BLDGFlnalllrm: 22 PI"AMLC S!| Planfbm: 503 Ptfl$fElF.C/O \,i ;) t i '' "ti , {l l\:vrt. !\[' i^ ,'] ,. '-'*t h,'i ,\ \ u t\ \'h u t,,r i, REPT131 Run Id: 3627 270 z-101 ' bqql 'ni"ot19 8,zf#o |nrryfi.l8uE* n8f'orttns eagc tg Arf$fn EO5O|26 I!pr: &ELEC SubTvn: AlrF €lrtn APPROI,EDcot*Tyri: Occupriftrc (tc: ln|DAr|.: 8llOwtic LJGlfTllA,lL.DU,rGc fEL - Ptpm: flI3€8${S4ADglc|nt DEITAR(ELECIRICCOIIPAIIY Phonc: ?Zt}&lt}l€lCohhrcbn DElr ,RI(ELECTRTCOilPAI|Y Pftor: 72o-fil9u6lD.sblbn: t€WmRr/ERADOfi|(XlCocinil RCT.'TED TO JOE STITTGR . LCATFEELL Ersls|Jo,$f,crril fuz/' A.=''ct u( P S/4,1, lEm: 120 El-Fcfiough R.q|'nsEdThc: l[r0OAXR.ssG DEt R(EI.ECTRTCOMPANY Ptbm: ttBdx€ cq'rnq6 a4 ltlrtFy|orp.flrrftd t8 A|d9nld.ro: SilAt|l _ EilndBf oootDEN K- Actofi ilnoExp: AEDIo@rgeo ibm: lq! ELEGFImI R.$rcbd lilp.ct 9rbr laonfiy, July !1, m05- lolo.c{on Arsl SHstl Addrur: 4t3 @RE CREEK OR VAIL it8:l 6ORE CREEK DR, UNIT t nlLOvrtUl(-r , = / l, l- l<--'" q (-'' I r-"-e - ARc f A,Lt w'tt r" - .\ cn- ,/ t /t- +Et hf n Q aota,f ar l- lPft.t', D,srr^ O-llcl9't- ^ r 1 ',; /rt ri I 11 I /At\ l"r /tl , r ,,'^'r *' ,' NEPT131 Run Id: 3{03 rv AtrlD lnfbrmafron Acllrdty: E0$0126 CondTypi: Ownsr: ApplhantCohhclor: D.icriplbor NEWDOICommnt ROtttED Recuested Insoecfl ontsl Requested Inspect Date: lngoec0on Area:. Slte Address: Tlne: &ELEC Occuoaircv: GAMEL Thursday, Septemb€r 15, 2005 SH 483 GORE CREEK OR VAIL 483 GCRE CREEK DR. UNTT F SubDfe: AilF us€: Phon€: 30$9854984 Phonc: 1X!3291{61Phots: 72O,32!)-1.{51 Status: ISSUEDlnsp66.' t" Reouested Tlme: 08:30 Alf' Ptrone: t3O3) 90l€96' EnlsredBy: DGOTDEN K JO€ SUTFIER - LCAMPEELL '!, -- ltem: Reque$oc Asslgnrd To:A&n: 190 ELEe-Flnal Futre R,rll&rs sl-rAHil Time Exp: Ftu,rL frYTnuna >+-) Id*t*t tllrlol lnsoec{on Hlstorv ftem: 110 ELEC-Teme. Pouor Item: 120 ELEC-Rough - Approved " 07t1U06 l[|3!€dor: sfEhir- Actton: APAPPROVEDComnant arclbrd prol€cflon wil be lequired for bedroom at llnallbm: 13O ELEC€ondun Item: 14O ELEC-Hbc. It m:. 190 ELEC-F|n l REPTl31 Run Id:'3627 -..'TH.S,tfft+.Urur,* 6Lw.cK*staal ffiffi,wg.n#gsffihH'r.flffi,ffi ftr700.00 L$.eg ffi ffii*'tf.Fi#ffi,gP?g*drsH'-+lunere,"4,ilffiq,?iff'-ril.ffi k*H{HLffi 'HFSlffiHF-,ffi ffi"Hgirgu*+"H'*Ea3.mffi'Ehtr-Fiff ffi +aUtcrbAuE6lffi fi fffi,g1ffi mnt"ff Etff fl ff''**mfF,ffnt|sog o nd h csdtilreffiE5ffib; ffim nlt* Aft S ffid-*{ffi prearacr crlu oueuor ucer &nt rmi! rr! Drdrr!! r$!! F P.? EIaOD.BATE TiIlilFEr-I UFttg,OfA lldnovffiyf AE|5+rrrEtt1. P,02 Boor bla@o- FRo&6 ffiffitr - WfElAg. 6c Dnr!.u, tr ab||.*rt rr r:r- ---rtu o ;mf. ;ffi *ffifif.ffi rh lu{rroar or 6r ;r' . ||fiiqvRrEq t. lsnrye& ec! *tftS&4to{& 1 ndlnIqtd$aslrpbtotea nrrt !trr00,00 .* * Hi,ffiHffil e rmdrkrroodrtccponftrs-"trrevurq .* .o's!turr, rtr mroqpcr l. nnn-ail;i3l'6ij$irr .-FtEr-- ffiffi#ffitr# mlwff ffi mffi ffi'f ,',H"r,H'g-mfu x'"w lffitrffisffis##?ffileffi#* *mffitr" 4. ltetoarrub:trffiffiffiaia,ro*F''frffiilgSla.u'ncrrai&,H"ffi5.mH$ffi trffiffi leaer Try Bra r'!o - *',il'k*n .q{. "*r.-ti"#ffiiffi"*ffiP.ffiHffig. be rrur&rr G,os o's ,o ur!. . Dcd d,r{ry !!d$l't|!t6crr *ijg11, - ,,uffiRE:,$El a.idftU Utr su rroo Er*sD,rrr *l P'o P,04 loor sultroFrGrm ))e,(9lUt*trW tIEt !o+2 ro'h*lgD'{r...e.o'rorrrrmt,or rcr,*dsdt*nu ,ofrvo,x'+ tfir,ltrCrtbbEdqEFE!. "ffi*'ffim#, stAtltotootftdDo , . Cgt$ttTOFEAC'" lrt n 4qt'q: Drr,i*le hrgrtilr J" rr rqrfllCtrrt tdtr lfillryfildeftttrEu. rqt.il4r.Saqtots AUiJt/,r t. I fi (, D-_, ly tlt||t|lngt|rt.d,dldd|eI. xtsrEht8r+tE|_.._rr qr rhb - ot gf }1AR:8-95 IED 15125 P,02 J.LViria Coo:tuoti{:r, l;ic. l(t00 S. Fronags Rord Wcst, Sritc 36? V:ril, l.rrhnda t1L{7 Tclc!O3. 476. 3082 Frx 303. {76, 3425 March E, 1995 Mr. Jim Cumutl€ Toun ofVail Dopartmcnt of Communiry Dcvelopnent 75 S. Frontage Rd, Vail, CO 81657 RE: 'lhnin Rcsidcncc T.C.O. Requirements DcuJim. ' Ps'r ow discussion today, be adviscd that rvs will not be using any bulbs in thc exterior fixlrues exceeding 40 watts. We also acknon{edge thc Lighting Ordinance u'hich allows us a total of 3 exterior.fixtups on the builcing. We undcrsand that more lighting may he added through s.variatrce Frocess. Alsr'r, irt regalr.I tq thctr$,lJlltEi4gBkg ttiiitruretr[ prcviou"-ly snbmilted, rrp have rcvised il pcr our discussion today and r.rc rcsubmirting it rvitlr this correspourlclce for your rcview and approl'al. Regnrding the stairs offthe back dcck, ui: nill shrrrten thc run so that thc stairs do ruol s{uss ovcr iato town prctpr'{rty. A reviscd I.L.C. can be providcd if necessury. The l)eveloFrnent Imorovcmcnt AgreemEryt hrc trccn corrccicd per our discussien today. Rick Roscn will be laxing it to our office tlils aftcrnoon. $v'e rvill hsvc the 'lbqi! s sign olf on the document and rehun it to your ollice rtith the bond amourt. lVe believp we have satisfied all thc 'lbrvn s requirernents for releasing a T.C.O. inspection. \Ve would likc rhis inspectitrn to occur as soon ru possible, as we are teady. Please call us at 476-3082 rvith arry questions or coornents. Tharrk you in odvoncc for yoru cooperstion, Project lvlanagcr cc: Jobn & Canr:en Thain Rick Rosen L),nn Fritzlen ilAR- 8-95 UED 15:28 o P, 03 $530.00 $300.00 $45.00 $50,00 $155.00 $130.00 s200.00 l.LVieto eo;sirustien, tnc. l x'S. Fmnagc ltned lfert, Suirr 201 tfiil Colrrrrdo 81657 Tclc303, 476, 3003 Frr 303. 476. 3423 March 7, 1995 THAIN RFJ,SIDE}{CE; r,A\rnsc^ PFlltrr$ r Sod all disturbcd lawn arcns on Lots 8 & 9 * Revegitatc all othe.r disturbcd lnwn arrras (adjacerrt to construction) with material to match pre-existing r Provido 3 - livc galloo Rcdtwig Dogwooil.shrubs bctwocn cxisling Blue sprucc Trces t Provide 10- oae galloa Clinratis Vine at perirnercr of deck I Provldc amual flo$'cts at all tlower boxcs (@ deck t Reinstall bouldcns @ Association prope$y r Conlraot with profcssional "Arborist'r to consult about "surv.lvablllty" of exisling tr€cs o! site r Deok skirting (u'est side only)$29.p*00lOTAL: $1,700,00 +ue\'@4alm ..i=26-95 THU i?r29 Dnx FITZ & GAYTORD LANDSCAPINGT INC' Iandrcapingr trrlSatlon & malntenanqeP.o. 80X 1315VAI!' OO 81658 303-4?6-31?9 TIIATN R,ESIDENCE I/ANDECAPE PROPOSAL-L / 23 / I 5 snD-?, 404 sQ. f,'T. Cf . 22 Pf,ANt XATERIAI,T 3-5 GAL. REDTWIG DOGWOOD OE15.OO10-1 CaL. CLII(ATIS VINE e$5.00 UISCELLANEOUS LASOR AND EOUIPHENT:2 HRS. OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT e$65.00/HR. TO AND SPREAD TOF SOIL EO HRS, IIANUAIJ I',ABOR TO CIJEAN-UP, SPREAD TUNE AND PIIUNE TREES E$24.001 rroADS OI' TOP SOIL e$1?5.00 TOTAL PROJECT COST MOVE AND PLACE TOP SOIL, PREP 528 ,88 45.00 50 .00 BOUTDERS 130,00 AND FINE,t90.00 r75.00 41. {oe. qs P, 02 ilAR-13-95 l'l0N 14:35 l.L.Viu'!c Constnlct!'on. Inc. luj(r s. lTontqgc l{oad Y/cst, Suire 202 Vril, ColonCo Bl(57 Ttlc303.4?5. 30E2 Fax 303. 476. 342t Mrwh 13, 1995 Jim Cumutta Toqn ofVail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dear lim, Based on today's couveniation bctween Mars Churchill arrd,vourscll', I undcrstand thut sdditiorud comrrrit:mcnts must be made in ordcr lbr the Town to acoept the Thain's Dcvcloper lrnprcverncnt Agreenent (DIA)' I am aware that the $800'00 cost R)r thc spiral siaircasi, iOentifred is the DIA, is of concern to the To*n because it only in0ludes tlie cost of reiostalting lhs sluircsse, t*'hich is in our possc'rsion, and not thc cost ils'rlf' Although we rion't belicve that is likely, rvc arc awiue that if rhe Thains should default on rhelr agreement ro insriill the improvctnenls ideutitied in the DlA, and take the existing stairsasc with them, thc lbwn will not have sufficient fupds to conrplete thc improvements on the Thain prDperty. I realize that thc'lbwn could simply rcquire a new DIA and escrow check, which iucludes the value of the staircaso, prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of OcCulranoy (ICO) lor the Thain rcsidenoo. Ilo*'cvcr, sincc wc wish trr rrbtain a TCO today, I would request that yt:u accept the tbllowing comrnitment fton my cqppany. J.L. Viclc construcrion, Inc. agrccs that if the'lhains should dcihult on their agreem€ut to install the stairpase on the building by Jul)' lst, 1995, my courpany will work with the Toru to complete the irnprovements, nccording to thc procees outliuod in thc DIA, for a total cost n(it to exceed $800,00. Furiher, I undcrstrnd tlre finirrar:cial risk to my company associatcd witlr th.is uururdlrncnt und requc$ that the 'forvn accept tfus letter, as opposed to requiring a ncw DIA and escrow chcck. #iJ' / ru^"r|.- Vieler Presidcnt J.L. VIELE CONSTRUCTION, INC. L-1ATE INVI]If,E t_r3/ !t:r/+J 3?95 DESCT{ IPT I EN94:3 THAIN 3t624 I\JET F'AYI'IENT 31 !5. 00 31 =5. rt,l ;11::5, r:!{:} .J 1::=. {:r(l J. L. VTELE CONSTRUCTION, lNC. l OOO SOUTH FRONTAGE FOAD WESI SUTIE 202 vArL. co 816s7 PH. 303476€082 COMMUNTTY FIRST STATE BANK vAlL co 81657_ 82.25611021- .a-hcf o[-w-gAe76 3L624 OATE AMOUNT / r,^/ AKU't .f !. ,*r[cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUM OJECT 479-2138, DATE READY FOR INSPECT LOCATION: JOB NAME MON CALLER -7ah 2- es-.)wED.4 THUR ^rq t ER OF BUILDING: \ F)FoolNGS / srEEL UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STE o n o o tr E n UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK D POOL / H, TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEH MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS tr n CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED DISAPPROVED REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR \ TOWN OF VAIL?05 ECTION REQUEST PERMIT NU (]AI I FFl THUR FRI oerc 1 / J1 f?</toB NAMEtl READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: ruES (.@ BUILDING: (roorrr.rcs / srEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND N ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr POOL/ H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o_ E n T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEH MECHANICAL: O HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR.l n " ,'r(ir rti{, I tr (rNAl-'- .tr FINAL ED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR -;- 3 t INSPE CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAILI Ef;5ln0 t'" PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT MON 479-2138 -/l ,i,,r-,oo,, 1 f J^t f?'/o, *o'. READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: (; BUILDlNG: d roorrrucs / srEEL\ PL tr tr tr tr tr rl Tl UMBING: O FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND FOUGH / D.W,V. ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r_r FOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o_ T] FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr tr tr TI TEMP. POWER tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR n tr F|NAI-'O FINAL VED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR i r- ,'--. F:-'-C- L--l----, CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE INSPECTION:MON -l 'r' ;JoBNAME rrrA':l fU CALLER TUES | 1,.'t-,\r i i, t,' l. 'i r ('{-h-.I3,-lI l! r / / 7 V t, .t IWED j THUR FRI AM PMREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTTNgS / SrEEL PLUMBING tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-1 ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING D GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL kl l-tl i ) ll.l, C} t tr il.rlt t--a ---r- - - tr FINAL D FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER M tr o D tr ECHANIGAL: HEATING O ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT SUPPLY AIB tr FINAL O FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED D^rE 7* ,; f '/{ rNspEcroR TFlii^( .'' PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR LOCATION: --INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME : i r;i ; CALLER "fL l'.J ON9rlPE L1 ,'@ THUR FRI AM PM i7. BUILDING: .E FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- .- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANIGAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR T] FINAL O FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTOR KRM CONSULTANTS, lNC. P.O. Bo( 4572 vArr, coLoMoo 6165E Gr{ts) 949.939r tAx (303) 9.9.1577 KRl| COHSULTAHTS, I HC.5€59d915""P. Ot olEE NO. CALCUTATED BY CHECKPD BY 60lt€ /tt'r I,*st"noN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 ' \:/.ii THUR 'GE\'t ) \- '- ,7'"AM (ty i PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE READY FOR INSP CTION: LOCATION: CALLER TUES WED , T,I JoB BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr tr tr tr tr b FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERFRAMING ROOF & SHEEF PLYWOOD NAILING C] GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL trItlnl$'tI I il\ C'fty:rLtL]Y r'c't N FTNAL /LOK|/, €A=lq-7-ra-t n trtNAl Et€CTR!CAL:+rc! | rryf Tplz-*MECHANICAL: tr TEMP.tr HEATING u noucx I O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT Ft tr SUPPLY AIR f'l t: ;[ B FINAL tr FINAL ffiyes tr tr DISAPPROVED T] REINSPECTION BEQUIRED CORRECTIONS: ,o',, P- 5^?/ rNspEcroR {t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL INSPECTIO JOB NAME MON CALLER TUES THUR FHIWED /,. READY FOR LOCATION: PERMIT NUMB 479-2138 BUILDING: O FOOTINGS O FRAMING / STEEL FOUNDATI ON / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATER O GAS PIPING O POOL / H. TUB r-'l l-1 tr FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR - - tr FINAL r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING D INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr tr ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER tr ROUGH T] CONDUIT E FINAL ) neenoveo CORRECTIONS: E DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ' //:- l?,,,DAIE .{i/ / J t/',/' 'i |NSPECTOR',// Gi:I ,*ril"TroN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PEBMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES :READY FOR LOCATION: BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NAILING tr GAS PIPING OL / H. TUB rLl MECHANICAL: D EXHAUST HOODS D SUPPLY AIR N FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor. t, \-[ 'ti,{ rNspEcroR rrrilCTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NU READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER . BUILDING: P FOOTTNGS / STEEL. PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr,ROUGH / D,W.V.tr FOUNDATION /,STEE tr FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER r-r ROOF & SHEER 'r . _." PLYWOOD NAILING -tr GAS PIPING tr tr D TNSULATION. SHEETROCK tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr n tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT n D SUPPLY AIR n tr EINAL O FINAL l7l'PPRovED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR * PERMIT NU OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME CALLER TUES. rr.rs*crroN REQuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 \, /n, 'inr"-t -r*,READY FOR LOCATION: /\ ll t,\--/ | BW) i /' .\-^ flo--^o. / srEEL fOt' .i Yffl tr FOUNDATION / STEE- PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATERE FRAMING r-r FOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING o E tr n GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK n POOL / H. TUB NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr tr tr tr ROUGH D tr o tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR 6INAL FINAL | / ttrl}-IDPROVED i6i.rct,o*s, tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR 6soE *,"silctoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT aiy'€5/t ,./ioJ BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr tr D tr tr tr tr ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATEBFRAMING ROOF & SHEER PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL FINAL INSULATION SHEETROCK MECHANICAL: tr HEATING E EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR DATE REAOY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: JOB NAME WED THUR FRI AM@ tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED oor, 9- 2C -?f/ rNsPEcroR ,*#"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL CT JOB ROJEF/P ltl IT NUMBER O t'i r l.l PERM DATE INSPECTION: NAME CALLER MON TUESREADY FOR LOCATION: BUILOING:PL tr tr U tr tr D tr D UMBING: g FooTTNGS / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMfNG f ' ,= . rrBooF&SHEER f-O ,/" i)'- - PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB NAIL o tr FINAL FINAL ELECTRICAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr coNoutr tr SUPPLY AIR tr D B, FINAL tr FINAL Lffiveo O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED COBRECTIONS: t ' '- ', ''.oorc 'l /{ t// rNSPEcroR b oo;CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECTaIDATE ' LocArloN:{€ C\, r-) cnlueR | '1 TUES l.t-l+ READY FOR INSPECTION:' t-o I nr.'lt / pvr*l ^,t^,c-{-,-l \=-*-/ 479-2138 BUILDING:' C)f ii ra PLUMEING: I] UNDERGROUND O FOUGH / D.W,V. D ROUGH / WATEB ' L'l -- ,/ L-/ STEEL l -/ ''- I ) tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING ON / STEEL ROOF & SHEEB PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: D HEATING tr ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS I] CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL PROVED CORRECTIONS: CI DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR "'-E T F' /cs INSPEOTION: Lt (. 'z CALLER NAME QN i '.yi t /, rrv#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 TUES WED THUB-- ') prtr BUILDING: O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL O FRAMING tr ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWooD NA|L|NG tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION E POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL '1^,., r ll/rt tr FINAL tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE r,'" /-l /f INSPECTOR ,"rt"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT 479-2138 1l i-CALLEB i rit'.: flr../ JOB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES WED THUR TNL' irL\ r ,l l ._ i''. Rnl| pM BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK POOL / H. TUB tr tr tr o TEMP. POWER D HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ''.,'.',{INSPECTOR rF -- PERMIT NUMBEF OF FROJECT DATE 11. , r'. rn#cnoN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL ,1 479-2138 ,':,, .t) -----@ PM ;Tt JOB NAME CALLER MON TUES '' . ,;? ,, t, READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ''1'/;i') , THUR_./ FRI t- /- 'y' i WFD BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: ) O UNDERGROUND C] ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING n BOOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS tr INSULATION tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr V D tr tr tr FINAL FINAL !"..T9!Att' # -1. ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEF MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR r't F FINAL tr FINAL n APPROVED )RRECTIONS: tr DISAPPBOVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED rl ]Y1 INSPECTOR * INSPECTION REQUEST<a TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 /'i ', ,r \.f OJECTPERMIT NUMBER OF JOB NAMED^TE / ,,i READY FOR LOCATION: CALLER TUES t- ,'. . ,o,r/rnun)-. inr , '*..(: ./ .'r/ IN:TNSPEt PM , BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMEING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATEB tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- FOOF & SHEER" PLYWOoD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr F]NAL - O FINAL MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: 7- DATE INSPECTOR IN I SPE \l T NUMBER OF PROJECT ,'1,): ' t I t't JOB NAME CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: CALLER MON TUES ,.\ ---------------+ AM 'WED THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMAING: E UNDERGROUND tr FOUNDATION / STEEL D ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING [cns PTPTNG tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tro tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: O TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL O FINAL - (// { /,B6PPRoVED CORBECTIONS: O DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED t ., , '/ ,/ , \ ,\l\ir)u '' PERMTT NUMBFR OF/ PROJECT oor,- (-Ll{/q , JoB NAME lq. - t- INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL ) 479-2199 ':l't ( i.t tCALLER READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: WED s THUR 1-,1 FRI BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS tr FOUNDATI tr FRAMING / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND O ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ON / STEEL r-1 ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr ]NSULATION O POOL / H, TUB T] SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr\-\ ;\tr FINAL '.]tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: .h:rEerrruo tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT D- E] SUPPLY AIR o tr FINAL tr FINAL ).-t7t ffioveo COR'RECTIONS: tr OISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE INSPECTOR .rr- *rINSPECTION REQUEST) PROJECT . /", / i l/ TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT DATE ,. l JOB NAME CALLER NUMBEH OF t ?/tj READY FOR LOCATION: INSPEC THUR FRI BUILDINQ;--'-- O FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V.tr FOUNDATION / STEEL /rnnrurrruo ROUGH / WATEB n ROOF & SHEEB- PLYWOOD NAILING I] GAS PIPING tr INSULATION O POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tro tr FINAL O FINAL ELEGTRIGAL: B TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: O HEATING T] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS O CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr tr FINAL O FINAL tr APPROVED CORRECTIONS: PROVED ECTION REQUIRED |l\leDEryr/,\o /DATE INSPECTOR ' r_-rr.1. :- ---. (r€o{ * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138PERMIT NUMqER QF PROJECTl?lt4 u DATE JOB READY FOR INSPECTION: CALLER TUES LocArloN: l/ ( a 1!,-' BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL tr tr E tr tr o UMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V. ROUGH / WATERprnnrr,rrr.rc n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL o_ tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWEF MEGHANIGAL: tr HEATING tr rl tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIB r:l tr FINAL tr FINAL OVED tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE INSPECTOR t ./.. -' I /^, ti ' PERMTT NOrlreen-F PRbJEcr - t INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 JOB NAME CALLER TUES \ WED oor= llj i- j z\ RdAoY FoR LOCATION: INSPECTION: ,,| 1..- (-( r Mory BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER T] FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING r-r ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING o tr tr GAS PIPING I N tttsuleroru POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL:MECHANICAL: tr TEMP. tr ROUGH tr HEATING O EXHAUST HOODS tr E tr CONDUIT tr o o SUPPLY, AIR FTNAL *rlt_FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORHECTIONS: INSPECTOR tPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 tNs/ t7 '- '-/nJ4/ )t--aJ.t L//'/ r-' --" PERMIT NUMBER OF PROJECT JOB NAME I'f "i ' ,, t INSPECTION: CATLER MON TUESBEADY FOR LOCATION:' '1t )r^- BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH i D.W.V. O ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER- PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: T] TEMP. POWEB O HEATING C] ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR \FINAL N FINAL g/SPPROVED ,CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED INSPECTOR $. -INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NU ROJECT , ..' 479-2138 DATE /JOB NAME INSPECT CALLER TUES.READY FOR LOCATION: l. , N: BUlLDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: O UNDERGROUND E FOUNDATION / STEEL O ROUGH / D.W.V. D ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING fr ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr INSULATION -POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL O FINAL O FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: - tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR D FINAL H lppnoveo CORRECTIONS: , I] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REOUIRED DATE _r-. /{INSPECTOR il ,"#"roN REeuEsr TOWN OF VAIL PERMIT NUMBER/OF PROJECT DATE JOB NAME READY FOB INSPECTION: MO4u-,- tr LocAroN: i - ' r' --.Aln ,.'l '*" /r- " /)a. -@ '* 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PL o tr o tr tr tr UMBING: E FOUNOATION / STEEL UNDERGROUND ROUGH / D.W.V, ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING ,-' ROOF & SHEER " PLvwooD NAtLING GAS PIPING tr INSULATION POOL / H. TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL D- T] FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICALT ) tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: E HEATING O ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS T] CONDUIT E SUPPLY AIR tr p F|NAL tr FINAL AppROVEDt z.{ <).r. Lv /7 at 7:z6lF*OVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: DATE .<.INSPECTOR 58c CALLER 4zl-,tz READY FOR LOCATION: MON--'f:, Y7,THUR PERMIT NUMBER O PROJECT * INSPECTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL tr UNDEBGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING ,- ROOF & SHEER" PLYWooD NAtLtNG tr INSULATION -tr SHEETROCK NAIL tr_ tr FINAL tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB tr tr ]#,*o,- ELEGTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT SUPPLY AIR FINAL FINAL tr APPROVED tr DISAPPROVED A REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: :r1 INSPECTOR tNs a PE u)tfER '/ ./ OF PR9JECT CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138TNPERMI DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION: (-_ , BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATERtr FRAMING n ROOF & SHEER' PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING tr POOL / H. TUB o' D o t FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING C] ROUGH O EXHAUST HOODS C] CONDUIT ,D SUPPLY AIR B tr T] FINAL D FINAL tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED ,/oo.,, x//,r :r;' iJ i rNspEcroR -l \L/05 ,*rt"roN REeuESr TOWN OF VAIL 479-2138 3,9 cl5 Yl^- o t ,- 4)(,-3ctiJoBNAME ll)Curr-) i- t.',r-l p,rr€ - CALLER ,/-ir,r < Cltrrc j'r,ii TUES wED THUR lrat)-+--JEAnu @) DATE INSPECTION:MON PERMIT NUMBER OF PHOJECT READY FOR LOCATION: B cl tr tr u o / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER ION / STEEL EER NAILING tr GAS PIPING LATION tr POOL / H. TUB NAIL (r'ruer- o o FINAL ELECTRIGAL: tr TEMP, POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr cSNDUrr D tr SUPPLY AIB n O F]NAL PROVED C] DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CORRECTIONS: IN a)\ SPECTION REQUE DATE READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:TUES @ THUR JOB NAME MON CALLER FBI AM TOWN OF VAIL 479-213gPERMIT NUMBER OF PFOJECT BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL C] FOUNDATION / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. O FRAMING.tr ROUGH / WATER ,- ROOF & SHEER " PLYWOOD NAILING C] GAS PIPING o rNsul-arloH tr SHEETROCK tr POOL/H.TUB NAIL o tr tr cl ELEGTBICAL: tr TEMP. POWER FINAL t'IECHANICAL: T] HEATING tr ROUGH E] EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR o tl tr FINAL T] DISAPPROVED CI BEINSPECTION REOUiRT,P.FOVED CORFrECTIONS: INSPFCTOR APR- 3 95 l10N 15:13 q I P,01 FA)( TRANSMITTAL FROMr J.L. YrELE CONSTRUCTTON, rNC. 1000 S. F,RONTAGE RD. WEST, SUfTE 202vArL, co 91657 (303) 476 - 3082 FAX: 476-3423 DATE; TO: COMPA}IY: FAXNO: FROM: STIBJECT: PROJECTNO: TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INCLI.JDINC THIS TMNSMIfiAL S}IEET: COI/I,IENTSIIILBSSAGE /'J,tttb - PLEA$F CALL 4?6.l0t2IF,YOUFAVE NOT RECEIYFN ALI, PAGES 02DAPR- 3-gb 1'l0N 15: 14,nFR-ss'gs mctH t- l- | C{,OS,,to lltET 7=6 24?9 Folltfi Pl$r Elftt t r"tpr$,9[o[bu rr Br il o nr D A Ni$,rh€rrff sf,rotni\tl€Nl flIECHAIIIGAI IryTERNATIOIIAT ASEO l!.trEd{tr t:t60[rEtrr JLDl&tGr*rrr nerrrr( I;31!9;'*l'f,8;lli,iiirr-Eo-rf,r iii.ii$;F lirilItlTi,t!st :.ei, i :$: rskn Iffilttrar|+ r,- AFfrrltv. qlaF ri.ra .ICgrsr ornurrfr tglo a l5l8-C-Aa, F, 91 GERTTFfGI'rE br usrrrc Drg[ f dfrnu.riy f tFf Vacuul rt€rler! 4lrr.tltlEh 1 ltrc . bltr e (rq|oaDlttic, x&rlr trala KRM coNsuLTANTs, rNc. P.O. BOX 4572 vArL coLoRADO 81658 t3031s49-9391 FAX 949-1577 RECORD JoB: TH ArN Pegll",euce- JOB NUMBER:14o3 -13 D^rE' to/tqfq+ \ il Rn t t MEETING 'fi neseoHse t l ctARlFlcATloN/cHANGE 3t NoMINAL LAMINAIED PoNDeRosA FtNa-pEcKlNg '9ABLE TO SPAN UF TD 1,-O AT 'THE UPPEF- FLOOR, ADD A W,?*I+ STEEL BEAM B:ET?Jc.'F-,XI THE TilO BEAMS THAT AEe Apppox rMATrLy r"' 4p4g-f- srcueoz Ai, ryTl Ut ,,cowrot vrELE c ',9reo-rloN KRM coNsuLTANTs, tNc. P.O.80X 4572 vArL coroRADO 81658 t3031949-9391 FAX 949-1677 RECORD JOe JOB NUMBER: ttRFt ttMEETTNG (neseorusr ilcrARtFtcATtoN/cHANGE 3E4AND FLOOR FRAMltlq" O 3TONE VENEER' UP TO 1I' THICK MAY 3E THF- trACZ oF THe F|?7PLAC-= FP.Ot'l F,-^OP To c.ElL,Nq. TH= 3" THtcK -qANDgrcNa HEARIU (tb" ueee) le AL3o )u- ro 74 guPPDzr=D c\t rH,3 DcuaLE P/+<t'iz LvL ?LcoF- Jcl3T3 9 l'.c", A tA, THtcK MAY AL+o 3e 4r?.ANlTE COUNTeeT)? SUFPOSTEb CN THA AePutpo ']b IN THE SITC.I]5N LVL FLaOp. rJolS.fS. srcr,reo' klh , _lt, {lrl. rtl , ,,!- 'KRM coNsulrA"rtl,". P.O.8()X 4572 vArL coLoRADO 81658 t3031 949-9391 FAX 949-1577 FIELD REPORT TO! FE'ITZLEN PIIP<.E BTZINEE! DATE: ARRIVE: DEPART: rz/ a/ q+ 3zoo P.M _ 1. 2. 3. f|oo P.t{r WEATHER: ATTENTION: LYNLI FR I T:ZLEN PROJECT: \ JOB NUMBER: This was a final framing observation of the above referenced project. The following items were noted: The 5-1/2' LVL skylight headers are only end-nailed into the transfer rafters. These require a Simpson A35 framing clip at ths inside corner of each header connection. The upper floor framing near the stairs has a cantilevered steel beam that has been extended with wood 2x12'sin the web space. Thiscantilev€r extension needstobetied to the 2x12 rim it is supponing with Simpson ti€ plates lTP57 or equivalentl. Some of the hangers for the double 5-1/2'LVL floor joists at the main floor are still missing. These have apparently been ordered but not received yet. Otherwise, framing appears to b€ in substantial conformance with tho structural drawings and specifications. COPY TO: VIF-LF Col.l6TRDcjrlaN SIGNED: REVIEVI/EO: a KRM coNsulrA"rt". P.O. BOX 4572 vArL coLoRADO 81058 t3031949-9391 FAX 949-1577 TOi. FerrzLEN eree.cE BptNee ARRTVE: 3:Oo p.M. FIELD REPORT DATE: DEPART:|zDo F tyt _ WEATHER: ATTENTION: LYNLI FR I T:zLEN \ JO8 NUMBER: This was a final framing observation of the above referenced project. The following items were noted: The 5-'l/2'LVL skylight headers are onty end-nailed into the transfer rafters. These require a Simpson A35 framing ctip at the inside corner of each header connection. The upper floor framing nea. tho stairs has a cantilevered steel beam that has been extended with wood 2x12's in the web space. This cantilever extension needs to bo tied to the 2x12 rim it is supporting with Simpson tie plates lTP57 or equivalentl' Some of the hangers for the double 5-1/2' LVL floor joists at the main floor are still missing. These havs appa.ently been ordeted but not received yet. Otherwise, framing appears to be in substantial conformance with ths structural drawings and specifications. 1. 2. 3. -{O.- c)SIGNED: RE\IIE\A'ED: a ANTS, INC.t3031949-9391 FAX 949-1577 KRM coNsulr P.O. BOX 4572 vArL coLoRADO 81658 RECORD 'ot' '.rHo,N E-=*'o=^lcE- JOB NUMBER:q+ 0 3-l) t rRFr t r MEETTNG (neseonse tlcLARlFtcATloN/cHANGE €E4OND FLooR FRAMll.16r" groNE yENEER up To ;r' tHtcK MAY BE APPLIED To THtACZ OF THE FIEEPLACE FEOU FIPOP TO 4EIL'N4. rHE 3't THteK SANDsroNa HEARlru (b" >er_n) ls ALao OA To Be AUPPoRfED CN THi= DoUBLE lt/+<i'lz LVL FLooP, JolsTs @ lb". A th' THIcK qpANtrE couNTEeroP lN THE talr4HEN MAY AL+O B;A. ^U?POST:ED ON THq- LVL FLOOP JOIS'TS' =-=-$,.\$i-+e, %ff KRM coNsuLTANTs, tNc. P.O. BOX 4572 vArL coLoRADO 8t6s8 t3031949-9391 FAX 949'1577 RECORD TH AtN Pestbrllce JOB NUMEER:14o 3 - 13 I t RFt t t MEETTNG 'fi neseoruse t t cLARlFlcATloN/cHANGE \ 3t NoMtNAL LAMINAIED FoNDeRosA FtNe-DEcKlNq 19 ASLE TO SPAN UF TD 1,-O AT -THE UFFEF- FLOOR. AoD A W lz xl+ 6T eeL BaAM B:erupa.l THe TteJo BEAM9 THAT ARe AppeoxtMATELy lzt 4p4Ei-- JO8: coPYTo' v t EuE r^sgr eo-tfoN trPITZLEN PIEEAE BEINER. i-i= f -.:: -:---j,'1J-\- ..,j'.l{S srcNEo,z V. 4/fl Ul o + ca cn .{' i-r I I I lur ,Ft<to I I llg IFt< IFl.tz t= l2 .s I cn I FTts z EHr? IH t3 I I I I I I t_,, to IE \'o\ I (\ I v z F z lr UJo =I ot! lto IIJtr F zo U' \,i tt F ru€ R sEI B s<\ otc6 ottoo o,c E dI E o:=trf do o cl6 3 .9 nt -qtc* 8.9 e3€oc _o6l,r freE.=6F i€:3: o.>i:E aD .v atE!s96;of orEr= E-g* €8E'-ooI --F IEe6 o_- Eae! -o- or *:€66d E5H dEgo.: or.clag, o E.9E€€i'i o EaE FFe EE:clo - EH'E t '= o co 6 E o .s o€ J .g :fo ttg io 6 .g CL (, .9E E(go o 6 : qtE o CDttg =o Joc, oo o e.l F\ 3n uJult! ==E uJd FoF ;e.o3t!ozot-q- E 8 uJo J g, uJz uJo =>E --d|i tr.t ,S =6(\l zz99F^.tq5F9cl'ooz>89l!<o1 o-u 6toFO.ini zl .. >l llJ llJ uJzo ts llJ o. J z 9 Eoo .q 11 rllqHIHEIFl d H JI <l>l tr-lol d dt Ht ?':ttl FlFl I I I I .il =.1 EI ;| bl Fl E txltil lHlJFI aol t€lt>l> $ oP l(5tz Io= F-] E a zH ts L! =z coo-t zlt-{l<l tsl zl hl I Fill D{lHI ill HI!nlllIEI J 3 -s c.)\o I F\.ir 6 F-l 'i alllI{J - d = C! I\or\-t l'l IrnN oz IIJ !c l! z =oF HE Fl Hz =tr gtr =+E l-Oz -rO<Fc(J IJJ <zEt!Fo6 o J IG oIu ul oz @ = d tc,(f @(o i uJF o 9z tr! z oPze coo =z dP J (JozE 36-3ot! t Eutclto EgE<cl€sE9Eir '95EE dtsE 5E! 6tE 9oE iHE ;Iaul €; H F rse\z/J= Ig 8tsts ItlF U>ooazo Fo- utY UJo oF E E UJc ]Lo o-oo I uJFoz E =OElrlo-zIFofE*, zoo uJF z z 6J @ .rt oz Fl-r ,z :i -) -t I \ I an uJ uJt! F = uJ(L .$(f) u'rri ..1 t-1\:i '.. IL uJo = t! rn ft Ft F"l(/! 3J 1 BE!c) qrE€r8* -(t :gE E'$ab !F FE o)-.sp.cloO,AN (:) .r, 5cCr ZEfb EAr-1oo PF E€oo3oooD o.S t'=3d figoo El -rt.9e9 !o. ";s, .9 aoE ! t5 o) '= N :t 3 t- o ,o) o Io o an .2 -c I ,.o ..o (! si,='(! o. t': (g '=O(,*ioxoctro6coo6; 9!EXY E=E e6Ptr-o e:5:€f< >=c9d E sE_E >,gEg ,j; o .Eos ti c.Y- (6 0-(! c! sEE oP dE*e H(/,:EE EO 6: EFE --CG o'-c; (Dr-E st:o=' '6>,o (!= J=EHi e ,3'f e9E qr .e5g -o(! F\o oC'4{ ..< ,': -t\' J o uJ UJ LL ==E UJ FoF >( z3 z F X z H FrF{ .!.: rJl FI tsx .a :l & .{ !< =IL z tro- E UJo J sz UJ =>(r -raaftp& =ao6l zzoo F^AXrF9 0 .to7no2rl-<o* dY>Y iN uJ J z E 6 uJl-) E a zY i tz 9z iF --63fiOI _lrl(') |ql-l I cil =.1ol IJJI 3l H 4 3 I I I .il =.1(9t ullGl JI al>lt!l il 3ol ul L\l(o c1 I I<l .ol LrJl cEl JI <lilol zl =lPI i-1 x t tr I .-.1 rtt INl.-.r I I Iol z.l ol HI -rl <l>I |rIq zl =lolFI ,dH t-ra =tr o\ -<tq at :z ;1 v ts F u 'zr- E 'z,l|-i I<l tsl zl gl'l t4 l!4 1F{lxl!{lHIxlEIFtlirl I il =l4 z, .{ t-< L; =zo -) oz. =tr dl F "F"{ 1 IFoJ l-t I c.ll\tlll\CI f'-t\r I\;.rlt I <)l lco | L^|.: vl.Dur.El'-rclHd< J Ao 4 F{ ,4 =tr EFo LU) UJ E2? =#)z(r-O o z - ul <FE()uJ<zEUJF(aZo oz t =tulo- ED t uJ o- :!{EZE<af€839trL 5gFlr =uJ--E E=c, dtrE =o-E 36I 5tuE XO-f x>t q- €= qJ oF --- x.--g:tLr J<J(J{# ctoU{t =F{ltl z..^o >_zmo =z=r= CL tr za ,'t F:o f,:(DuJ nn (o I rl f- uJF U>ooa:zo.F .L UJY uJ co \' .'l IN -1:) oF F tr UI(L IIo o-oo I uJFoz UJF o F =E lrJ o-zo F(Jf..EFazoo txlJ-Euildlng t l-PIumbing ( l-Electrical ( l-E.lectrical [ ]-0ther Job Narnel Thal$-,Besldence --. ._ Job AddrcEs; 483 VaIl Valley P1..'- JaI1, CO 8165J Legal Deacriptlon: Lot_Q!!_ Blocklexas TrdFilinSW__,_ owners Name, John & csr.nen rhein ,- Aocrresg, ii.,:fr:i:: ii""frfl;:" "n.g14-ff6-sl General Description r work class: t l-New cx:0-Alteration txxc;Additionat E l-Repair t l-other Number of Dwelling Uniter _?Number of Accommodation Unitsr Number and rype of Firepl.acesr Gae Appliances_ Bas Logs-.] wood/pellet_ ****xx)t*t***t***t(t**xt**)fi***txIsil* vALuATIoNg ttrrxrtr*,If**rix)r***rt**[*,**r**txxxl* { t2 -OTHER:BUILD ING ; $eEE'LrOffi-/f 2 PLUI'{BING, -ffiH -ELECTRICAL; MECHANICAL: FOR OFFICE UsE Sfl)tX****x**)trt*t{rtr*f,r**rt*x*xx deuolltion at exlst g- rorAL' :tjilE- * x * * * * * I * * x t t( t * t f t * * * * [ x [ * x x coNTRAcroR I NFoRMAT I oN x x x * * * rr x * I * * * * I x x x x r r x r * r r( * Town.of Vail Reg, NQ. rBBo Fhone Nurnber : _4.7G309?,-...- .Town of Vail Reg. NO.4 Fhone llumbsr r Town of vail.ReE. N0 .IE:P Phone Number: '_ ror^rn or vai r Res .' No, LO-T-a:L)Phone Nurnber: t x x t(**)t * ** xtr )|r t( X * ** )t * * * X t t I Stfr s t * General Contrastorr Duddy Vlele Adc,ress; -1000 S. Fron Electrical Con trsc tor i Actd reFs i Plcchanlcal Con t rac tor rAddress: F s-.--:-r-::..: ri tlt,lJ __.--.__..--__ l l 3.{EbEdI An IPlumbing Contractor:Address! ' -_:'-' BU I LD I NG PERF4I T FEE TPLUMBINB PERMIT FEE:EUILDING PLAN CHECK FEE: PLUMBING FLAN CFIECK FEE: HECHANICAL PLAN CHECK FEE: CLEAN_UP DEPOSIT: TOTAL PERHIT FEES; T4ECHANICAL PERMIT FEE;nsenesl.tarwer D'tl laLL,OTHER TYP FEEs,Dri{: ,r/YpF ! GBoup I So. F-;I- vAIuFfioNuJlfl*j /1-.1 t_' I r _--1 -- ,_.--i i ZONINGI i gna tuq . Signaturer| | _-_<._{r F-rarrqsut 5. BUILDING: ' Attn: Mark Churchill o F? P. 02 f t-f cn Plrrse lrlner ZS64?649.AL 'i' I I I I I '.*"1" ? ?f ..ulh fronbgr ro.d c.n. oal$tdD !1E8t tE03t {79-2138 or {?9-21t9 ottlc olcomnu{ty I it I { 2 I II I I I a J I I TO! PROUr DATE, AUEJECTI al{l.| ooNlntrclloRs CURnE$!L,yIJ RECIaTERED rr4g $tE$onr o?-vtlL .i ,lSoliil OE VAIIJ PIJELTA WORKS/qOI.$TI'NIIY DE'EI/OPDTENT t{ARcg 16, 1088 COWSIaUC:IIoN EARKIIJG & IATARfAL STO&AGa the tdwn ofTo.nvlew OrClnanso.Nc..6. ln _fuLfr plsaee stop by the rdwn of:*l-llllil"l-u:mlg:nr-to ortlr', 'a 'opy. rhank you sqr your.YsJ.. Pu&rclrng DeDarEtrant tcc@paratlon on Utlr nrttar. I rn sumnatyr.ordl.narco No. 6 rtates that lt ls uniauful for anvPjr:?.I to rttt.r, lTack or irpostt any Bol,l, rock, sandri debrigo_I' Srterta+r lncludlng trach duurpstere, portEblE toiletl snd$or}aen vohloles upon any etrsat', rtarr;aik; iii"v-oi-nud,rrd-- .pr?gs gr aty portt6n rhsleof. ,i[o risii:;lj;;n-irI-dlii ocvalr FtaB€te and rg+E La approxlnately E ft. 6fl pavimdnt. 3!l?.g'9lnrnoe rtlt ts itrrElrf-iiiioroia uv irri-roi"'ii'iiiiir lTPl rg wolkc Dep gtncnt . - - Firc6ne-'io[na-vl.3r ifu ne-;ilrl - l-Eiion.Y*ll-!" gtvpn..a- 24 hour trtrtcn nortce to i.nJvii-rild-ilil;ili:rn.tlre ev.cn!, the peison Eaootitl;a-o6ei-not oi'pri-ilrfi lil-'*ll :f_:llb.$. !t :_l 1, 1o9!. fu; -ii."i i iia,' [i" -t6ii.-fr;id" DeparEnent wt lt rcnwe sald uamirii-iE-id-;6."il-oi-ilileon 1ot-fftr-it1 lhc provLsloni-oc- [hti-oralnancc eiilu-not lrePPrrtrabrc to constnrctlonr Pgintgnlnge g-r repa.lr proJccits o!ahy rtrcct ot rLley or any-utllttleg fn ttre-ilg[E-i:w.V; r (L.e. contractor, \ t ; t I ,! I I i'trl I I .i ,!. , t''l'I I I I II l i l' t tI i tItt. t i' { II O arrrzf cn prrro: Erinor )^.,'o"t' 7, sautlt ltcnlrgr rcrd l.lt.Gdoil&||65?iioil tlc-atgo cr {?9-ll'39 If thls pernii.t requt?€s 1 Toq of Va.{l Fira DaPartnent.Approval ' i ilsiliilrq' 'i:i;bi ii-lbiisi fiil.i' 0;e'ipbiivai " i Pl annln! oepartnrnit iliiifr-i"-uiiiih-0ed;tiAnl-ievtew, ani' a-reviaw bv th? Bulldlns : b#ii"iit,-iili"eiiirnitda imi.rtn-a total revlew iuy trke as l0n9 : as'tbreg rietE, i Allcomrncrcl,rl(largrorsmoI!}andallnru]ti-fanrtlyperm|tawl.ll havc to follow tle rbove nentloned maxlmun riquiidtnii. ..Rtsldentlil and 6ml 1 proJects srriuio'iiiii-i"iiii-inbfii:oi - tliii- H:l:::,t'I;ff.#: ;ffiid'Tli;1"i"'Jili"i'iiri,;i-6i liil; ttor'rever' .r'r T' Il'lfrr ii-r-iroiEiir-tmpici ttri vtrious above mentlonrd' ',_94 1gE lbrt4 I cfllcr cl oomnualtt BUILDIi{G PERI{IT ISSUANCE TII4E FMI'iE 'l llii tl,iiiil T' il'ifi t ii-'-iioiEiir- tfrpic i tqr! d1! 111 IPY:-$ nl!...n'd l;p,i;tilii ritt.igilo" to- nei*riiy rcvt ew, rhesa pnJects nry aibo tare the three-week Perfod'' f,very.attemPt wtll be [99€ by thls depantnent to expedlte thls pemtt aq lQon ts PoislDl€. Ir the under$igned, urlderstand the Plan check Procedure and t'lme frame. r €5fR5-trlrned Into06to $0r DeveloFnent DrPartnent. o J'r.rne 3(rr L99r+ 'fawn ,rf Va i I Tha' lrncJersiEned, as secr"etar.y c,f ttre 'fexar; 'f*wrrtrnr_rse lJnnte'rwners .ff9s,:ciati':n, *n behalf ,rf the F'lar.d of Dir.eetnrs hepeby gr.arrtg appt.c,va). fr,t. aeceg!! act!.,:tsg the atas;c'ciati*rrpt'operty lncated to the gnr.rth aJ, I*ts I arrd ? sr.rb.ject tn thec'wrrer of lots S arrd B re+placirrq arty c{arrr*rgec1 landseapefeatures with itenrs 'rf eqr-ral r:r better. qr_rality arrd ,e;ize thanexistinq. Nn living rfatter" is tr tre r"ernc,vecl. flsgc,ciati*npr'trpel'ty landseape featnr.es rrrrrst he r.e:;t nr.ed fnl lnwinq c{tnlrt PUct i firr. "[trie appr.nval isr alsn *r.rbject t,r firra] deeiigrr G.1ppr",3va{1 by the asi$':'L'iat ian l"or. the per.rrrarre*rrt r.enrcval {]J' arry landscape }^t]clr.s ':'rr AgSjr-'r j. Ett iC,rr pr,::,pefty. Respectfr.rllv. t.,n, ra: Lf\ a v' a-.-.' D i ;rrra D,:rr{'Varr Secrnt ar.y-l-g x ag Tgwnhc,r-tge H,:,rnec'r.lrrers Ae,g,c,c i.:t i. r'r: PIan Review Based on the 1991 Uniform Codes NAME: THAIN REMODEL DATE: G2l-94 ADDRESS: 483 VAIL VALLEY DR CONTRACTOR: VIELE VAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT: FRITZLEN OCCIIPANCY: R-l ENGINEER: MCGHEE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION: V-l PLANS EXAMINER: DAN STANEK CoRRECTTONS REQUTRED The items listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of all possible code requirernents in the adopted codes. It is a guide to selected sections of the oodes. The following is not to be construed to be an approval of any violation of any of the provisions ofthe adopted codes or any ordinance ofthe Town ofVail. 1. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQLITRED rN ALL BEDROOMS AND HALLWAYS AS PER SEC 12IO OF TIIE 1991 UBC. 2. FrELD TNSPECTTONS ARE REQUTRED TO CIIECK FOR CODE COMPLTANCE. 3. HANDRAILS TO MEET SEC.33O6 OF TT{E 1991 IJBC. 4. GUARDRAILS TO MEET SEC.1712 OF TIIE I99I UBC. 5. ALL F@TINGS TO BE A MINIMUM OF 48" BELOW GRADE. 6. A STRUCTUAL ENGTNEER WILL BE REQIIrRED TO OKAY ANY STRUCTUAL CHANGES BEFORE FRAMING INSPECTION WILL BE APPROVED BY TOWN OF VAIL. 7. A ILC (IMPROVEMENT LOCATION CERTIFICATE) IS REQUIRED AND NEEDS TO BE APPROVED BY TI{E TOWN OF VAIL BEFORE A FRAMING INSPECTION WILL BE DONE. o K P. 6.(FII{ COHIULTANTS. I HC. t rr*ttt'/tv gfEONh|sdttg c l4td ExrSTlNG .Q' cflu. FARTY SIAIL Elt$|i 'ffi-##?'enAsTeR EEpRoon I cAA. srt SHcRluq 'To-l ,f ex6"rq. FLco F LI|VEL u ^l l-r UFFEe 6l{oB}t{e e lot'o ?NrE\ LfY-?L uvNa I,/ FP?R TACF o e$( : (I': Qlt i AHO FOOTER ol,lAr- THAIN -t!t,rlt EARYcal.lflaE l'Ab Fof, +HoF.lH4 irlortlo x ttol '|-4.-1n)4- l..ocAtl}Nb 0? DIACl FIPE 6FlDfilN,ir - u€ I ro6'gLttot JauIJE .trald u. l-rlJl o KR TI {RM CONSULTANTS, tNC, P.0, Box 4572 vAtr, cot-oRAoo 81658(3ot) 9a$9391r r (303) 949-t6r7 Itit'g l',u I, COHAULTENT9, I NC.a9t9.r915?" o,rsrno.A* oruourrreo a, llFM,, ctiEoftD ?Y t/*" z 1! o 'c^oN5?Rlf-T lot'i gEqurA,cE, l. pFMar-tpr.r EX{frrlH4 aoVE- €,cAbe 'TRUETU|tE ?O ELEVATIQN OFEx*rh, l'AFrY Dr.uu FMTI llc?, A9PgTEaNqO ck6 To araTll|., tr{A+Y 'htALL. )2. D{c^yAfg 2'.O WtFe TiarqF+s At to'-ootE.- T.o ILBVATIAN (- lf lA)/ LEAV,N(t*;irr urier6reRE€a *fi,hrru. U#ee Tfhrlc8ArY 9Hdrlltilq tpoyltr AE lll fL Cl r u+,uh olAqoNAL tciccFq AT 6?Fopt1ir4& Lod,A"ldHS 3', lou* A+o x ?+' Q,eNFOn<.g,o corJcgEfg SrEe$ € l0ro o,e, bsLorJ q(1rq, hj,$l +, g){cAYAtE FFMATNPBG OF eAF.tlE FBoM Itfl,JFBAi PFtrg 5. FAFF hJ^tL LFAVTC Uf rEG Plf E 6HoRr Nc4 EEAC(]Si$ PLAfrq yN?rL FctfrE Acn Cti4oyFbF€qH NFr,J HAU- AHg Lor.rrP ptfa gHoFrlJA bFAcEe AFf tN ?LAC?, aoNTeAcToB- To c@l'trt!,!#rF iV EtFtlltFEC P€FSiFclFtCATrOr.r9 ON SHoEtN4 pl?84 o. coNsTRucTroN gHALL lFacq4|' 46 er,laELy r.g Fn*glaLa ?o Ml|t tMlzE EIFoSJFE Ar AHT €r,rl,69 ' I I t I I I ItI q N o -la o t,l At';o PaVll .LElNFo3cBD CrNcAAAtNgr FrgEE FtE t/it, {o. I I I I rrNgtcAvrreD 6l7Hr*lriJ glgs€, !]jl i. F 'I?nNqA$KaN B*g?q.it cr to'-o Cl',lU ,.IALL Fi.o umr, N Dt,{4,a*Ut FtpE Gnl6.nr6' (uFfEF ilMFF^By suarrHd) 6ON9TFUCTION €EQL,EN4E F{-AN I'rii = I til oPlNq I96'9a'ae9 J.Lr I Jg I "o*.u,-rAHrer INc, KRM CONSULTANTS, INC. P,0. Box 4572 vAtL, c0toR^00 8165e(303) 9{e.e39r rAx (303) 949.t 77 2t-o .pr THAIII EEMdDEL Fr9Tdl, FICI, Fri?zl+h PlrrG. Ilr iner cab,'.^rED,y l{€'M ,, orrr oHlclqo Er tlr' - l! o et86, FLoAP FF Mrilq qrrrno. -. €-l - ct -2'Ol nfe oxo'UU4 e. lo''o -- fo €E lL'$TAtLaP BEFors Iig,+5 DhILE x -ol e i0' sP"xrrD rfiJ t4o5* +"lrolflotlllto l11 F^$t4. Fna. UPFFF 6Id4FiIiCi PIPFb/p6 BtMo/Fe Ar.rOlFFr ll.l fi-^cs uunL FrroF. Fe^.,lll.l(r ,{r,D rl+l t tfl/H ." A..E rH t+,tcV / / t55 g lu vecr, AN9 H,BI", t I I --louB tlAu- A4^lhter e*CAv,.TgE FAFTH I - LrNp- aF z+rx?*' couc..tx- 71as e lolo lEyoHD .t t'EHlitD, RFll"lF. t*l/ &)-*rt VFF''iCAL EAF9 e to"gtil L I I I t I I I i:';il i =g ilIlII l,9 ,. l-.'J' zL<t -to eLo o a. I I \l o # rl I3l Iil E(t CHECK REQUEST DATE: -Z,Z,lZ,/2,PREPARED BY: /r'" DESCRTPTION OF EXPENSE: CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFIIND FOR BP # 4 A<SS' NAMEOFJOB: ACCOUNTN{.JMBER 01000022002 AMOUNT OF REzuND: 5AA A DATE APPROVED, );71- q6 APPROVAL SIGNATURE: ssPr131 GU.nlw' lttln 595 ^ lt) \ \\Vv . ,r r(r.)c,-\. \JtL\..11. '(i-O 34-^a"'-t-r''\--*"-: PagG E 4.0Yff Xr1-{X}3{CordTlrp:Pric.l: ll0tma(E(I(ra s'rblH: ArF Phon: 9TKIAIF S|ltl: (sgtEDhrpln: Jf,frl -+. TVno:tur4drcyc AfDlcstt BAITER FOriECdccfn E l,rER l{O,tE Ottcrt0on: nfgTAtIllEVl, Rccncstcd Thr.: 0l:d) t Ptroft!: 971)-3flL2ff8 -€rt|rrd8f FRCI}IT K ffte6llrrrzT/r-rg f,FfaornPL/(or rr4 rKql/ar ,/efZAtzta 0,fl2t'g ^f 0( (/LL dk /,tlt r. . I \ ' oros O$tX-2001 lnaoecdon Reouest Rcno7flno_S;oo3rn_._ ._ '_vArl.coifOWtbr _l Rcqwsbd Inepect Date: lnrpccuon An}a: Slb Addrogs; APOlnlbrmrdon {gc EDWAROSLEE lbnt: 300 XECHf,ln l lcdon dTo: COAI/!8-\<b,"ry, ln3occ:odr Hlgbrs &m: AXItbm: 3lObrn: 315 tiom: 3El{ll!m: :XlolHn: 3jl0lbm: g) {ffiondl (Cli$c,rtan (Opdoftcl)'S - (Orlisoa[ (OF{rtrutl (C0'{ood) (R.(nmtd} \IENT ATTN !ffiv, trar {N,200t 483 GORE CREEK DR VAIL TEXAS T.H. 5A58 R*I|odoc FRESIIEADOYy Kn lfTAS'l COII|STR( CTCodinort: TEXAS TOffl|}|OfaES |JNT.6 &SgUUlLLi:ALt t__ li r,t. -T*nq flE 12130 aFEPrlG 1lrts i--oL'-'-* *=o -: 5l{ctrnd PrtLdr Ull fTOr* o|ltlar{o13 P,02 Lrt9d7€,54,e5 P.fry@ l?h FaDnnry 1996 Jtt|qrmutc $cnlor Phnn$ Towrsf \tril 76 gorJtr Fronhg. Hord vtn, Oolo|l(h 81097 Daar.Iilt Fo; lllrln Filldrnor, Flnd oortna$ sf Ooeup|noy Itb a6rto hrt dH.dd onc of both of lhr Ehglrmrn Bprucs lr€el In hc ftunt ot q'|r hour db illhh $a noCtrto ymtp ws wlll, b $c.rFntpcctcable, r€place ono or bosr trca with I|o rprdcr am,JrilnO apolotdnuttly hc snc rertleel llnrar trrlage. h b our undcrten&rg tret upon recel$ of thle lefrer, Irntr wlll mlea*a trrr IllA hond ttdhn r Fltnl Carftata ol ftu.F anoy. Vourffircly MrmAChurohlll \ Jdn A" ltcln Tgrf- P. @, t lesign Review Action lrt TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Q Project Name: Building Name: -T-< xct s ,-'nf 1S-/ / e urn ltOrn€€ Owner, Address and Phone: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: LegalDescription:Lor&!fu1'3Bbck - subdivision fi( '(gS (sc'f? Clc,tk Ori-,q zone District //0nlC Projest Street Address: Comments: vote: 5-O ffiirovat,r., ih, *o.-.-l #, 6rO ! Disapproval ! StaffApproval €,il* r o€ Cc feI Ctr, {*,ry rs €az--1- ( Lrr-*( 1,/ --1,^.@ DRB Fee Pre-paid # d,s tlP,b u@ a.\l\- & "*, u f*-Plac,Q- At t g?uz C L,,-Q- (Ctt 4;t' *€*Ffr a- --=Ce@tg ' r- FILE COPY TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Froruge Road VaiL Colorado a1657 970-479-2138fi79-2139 FAX 970-479-U52 Februry 7, 1996 Mr. tvfac A. Churchill J.L. Viele Construction Inc. Department of Community Development F4{5D 1000 S- Frontage Road West, Suite 202 Vail, CO 81657 RE: Thaln Residence, Final Certiticate of Occupancy Dear ltllarc: I have received your recently submitted Design Review Board (DRB) application and have schechrled your request for DRB review on February 21, 1996. Your submittaldid not include the application fee, as referenced in your letter. Please provide the application fee as soon as possiue. The DRB will discuss your proposed stainvay revisions to the north side of the building, as well as your concerns regarding compliance with the previously established DRB condition relating to expert assessment and guarantee of the property's landscaping. You will need to be present at this meeting, and I would suggest you have your landscape specialist there as well to answer any guestions the DRB members may have. As I mentioned in my last letter, it is impossible to perform a landscape inspection in the middle of the winter. The Town will therefore accept your suggestion of reliance on copies of invoices, cancelled checks and a notarized letter lrom the landscape subcontractor indicating that the work was completed per the approved plan. For future reference, it is the responsibility of the contractor to contact the Town and request an inspection when he believes that he has completed items contained in the developer improvement agreement. Hopefully, the Final G.O. can be issued shortly after the February 21, 1996 DRB meeting. lf you should have any questions about this letter or require any additional information please feef free to centact me al479-2142. Silcerely, ^ //ll . f \-- !.rn^t (^",'"W / Jim Gumutte Senior Planner cc: John and Carmen Thain Tom Moorhead File {j *urr"t"r rur^ Printeci bY Jim curnutte 2/ Os/ 96 l-1:53am From: Todd Otr)l)errltelmer To. Jim cr.rrnutte sultj ect: Ttra.l-n Residence :::NOTE::::- ---:::-::::2 / O5 / 96-1 1 : o 6am-: f att ta re\/iewed tl. e letter from pi."i=io-t Tree wolks'- Mark stelae .iuo.ist. I am somewtrat famiaiar wittr iil-=i"i-r" and ]telieve he does have ttte ;;;";i;;;. and knowledse to assess- tlr-e :i!;;;r;; ace''rlaterv' r agrree wl-tlt M'' ;i;ii;;= opinion ofn tr.e aensth of time ii ^-y tak-e a tree irntrtacte dby roo! "orra io*pactiort to succurols to etrat sitrce tlre presert! site conditions do ilf-.rit- ! th'or:ql' inspectio:'r of the c'io,-rata aroLrnd ttre tree or the root :;";.- j-L i3 imPossible to make an Ii.-..a. ."=-"=^.-t of anY darnag€ whic}. may }. aa/e occu.red. obviousll. the retentiorr of these tr'ees ;."-;; iiLportant issue to ttte DRB irt an. .ppi.ir.r of the proj ect ' I r"tould =;;..:t that ttre osner sulcmitt a plan foi-remedial- acEion and folloet-Lrtr> care aiono wicn a letter of credit or bond i;-;;" .^o,-'.'c of rhe aPPraised vaaue of in" t...= for a 30 monctr Period allovtinql time for tla€! trees to Eo De rtto.tlco.5a for sigrts of stress' Tt.at ..{i.. woul-<i allow th€ fitral c'o' to b€ i s.srred trittrotlt delay to the ov'ne r ' I am not a certlfied tree applaiser but if -.= -.."rrtabae Eo the o!.Ilrer and ttre- ttte corlrrcal I could apPly che atr)pra-asa_L formrraa !o l}le trees to determine Ehe ;;i;.. ottr€rwise, an alrpraaser from the counci]- of Tlee atrd landscaPe appraise.r could tre contacted ' r,htk*, fLe,se /W) 'Le{$ty .+4,oe, Page: ,a ,.-?1 n .;f.-Z+J, ! ,.L.viets con*rut. ln.. 1000 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 202 Vail, Colondo 81657 Tele303. 476. 3082 FaxJ03.476.3423 January 31,1996 Mr. Jim Curnutte Senior Planner Town of Vail Community Development 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 RE: Thain Residence - Final Certificate of Occupancy Response to letter dated January 25,1996 Dear Mr. Curnutte. The following is in response to your letter referenced above. Per the Developer Improvement Agreement (DIA) signed & sealed on March 9, 1995, J.L. Viele Construction, Inc. escrowed the amount of three thousand, one hundred and twenty-five ($3,125.00) with the Town of Vail to complete a total of four (4) outstanding items at the referenced property. We had until July l, 1995 to complete these items, as listed below 1) Installation of spiral staircase along with D.R.B. Application for a minor alterafion to the Town approved drawings. The installation is complete and the D.R.B. Application is attached to this correspondence. 2) A professional Arborist's assessment of the health of trees on the project purportedly affected by the construction. This assessment can and has been accomplished in January . I am enclosing the report from our specialist. For the record, it should be explained to both yourself, and the rest ofthe "staff', that no one can be expected to guarantee the longevity of plant life - we are not God and aren't authorized to use crystal balls to determine the future. Our specialist will address the apparent health of trees directly affected by the project and speculate what, ifany, stress to the trees could have occurred during the construction of the proj ect. 3) Completion of the landscaping plan approved by D.R.B. The landscaping on this project was completed well before the "completion date" of July I , I 995. The amount of work performed was actually in excess of the original plans. It is not our responsibility to noti$ your office when our DIA tasks are completed. Moreover, it is your office's responsibility, as Public Officials, to veriff that the items have been completed and are in conformance with the DIA. I can provide invoices, check copies and a notarized letter from the Landscape Subcontractor indicating the performance and completion of this task, upon request. It is unreasonable to wait until the snow has melted from the site to confirm completion and therefore hold up the Certificate of Occupancy until spring. 4) Completion of deck skirting. This item was completed prior to T.C.O. and can be viewed in the field. Jim, thank you in advance for your assistance and cooperation. I anticipate that we will be able to finalize this outstanding Certificate of Occupancy within the next two weeks and expect to receive our DIA Escrow Impound Refund upon issuance of the final Certificate of Occupancy Documents. Please do not hesitate to contact me with further comments or questions. Regards, ttl/n /i -\ +lffituttCpU)Marl A. Churchill Enclosures: D.R.B. Application and Application Fee Precision Tree Works cc:John & Carmen Thain Tom Moorhead Mike Smith James L. Viele rks bx 6(M . Vdl, Cobrado 81ffi . (970) 815-8375 January 30ll 1996 Mr. Marc ChurchillJ.L. Viele Construction 1000 S. Frontage Rd., +202Vai1, CO 81657 RE: Thain Residence, 483 Gore Creek Dr. Dear Marc: Further to our meeting of ilanuary 23, 1996 I am sending you the results of my findings concerning tvo engelmann spruce. The two spruce are located at the S.E. corner and S.W. corner of the Thain residence. Seeing as the ground wasfrozen, this tree assessment only addresses the above-groundportion of these trees. On the day of inspection, both trees appeared to have normalfoliage coloration; relatively succulent buds, needles, andtuigs; and an absence of trunk bark wounds. The only visiblephysical damage evident nas to a felr lower branches(primarily the S.E. tree) which were left tattered from rubbing on objects. In addition, both trees had a smallinsect infestation of needle scale in the Lower canopy(again, primarily the S.E. tree). The onset of scale isusually an indicator of tree stress. Construction around trees usually involves root cutting and al'ways involves soil compaction, both of which contribute tooverall tree stress. If root cutting was limited to that which was descr j.bed, my largest concern would not be rootcutting, rather it would be soil compaction. Soil compaction adversely affects water percolation, root aeration, microorganisms and mycorrhizal fungi. ffi I JM. I I ean be of further aesietance, 2 In conclu8j.on, these trees do have a chance forsurvival. The prospect of eurvival could also be increaeedthrough follos-up care and remedlal action. Hovever, thepresent appearance of these trees does not guarantee Eurvlvability since streseed tree6 rarely die vithin thefiret tro years rather decline is ueually spread over a 3 - 1O year period. If you have any questions orpleaEe give me a eall. Sincerely, a i Mark Stelle DESTEI lSrrtErt ^v DOIRD APEITICATI6 . TOTIE OF VAI[, COLOSIDO . DATE RECEXil DABE OF DR3 IGETIIF: trttl*tt5f J QoFnLEi?E Apz',reilIzau$ ryt'/, Eot zz gwohw Fe n8|drrEfi.**+aa**tt. PROiIEQT E5FORIiIIII(DT:I. l. u.FTPE OF BEVXEI9: c. D. a ne€ts all'd bounds lcaal o|1 a seParate Saeet. a|ld aBEacb New coastEuctioa ({200 .ool -1 vuor AteBrarlon (gzo.0o).a.ddLtiog (950,00) -Coacepr,uat Revler"-igOt ADDREss, 483 6ope hae* Ouye.. uuf? - Vatl, 4o IJECAIJ ElockEubdlvirloa rf pro.perty is deecribed byaelcriDtfon. glease provideto gbiE alrPticetloa, 8. F. ZOIIING; NEUE OFli+tline -/l frui G.APPITICAIW.8 lddregsr r. J. APP',Jc5'rzOeE n:tw w? gE EROSIES,SED ,fismw OrfriER.S SsGmrERE CoudomiaLun aDDroval if agllllcable. DRB FEEI DRB !c66, cg ehon! abovs, ate Uo be paid aB tsheElae of subEdgtal of the pnr apniiciifos. --r,-aEer, truea ry?lyf?g foq a_ bruttdtng persriEl pteagE lcbaelfy rhe aceuratevaLuatsLoD of tbc DJoDesal. trhe iorrn of vetl ri-rt adjust tb8fEe accordlng uo -taCtable below, to rssuri-the coriicE-fu-ls pala. fil DAIDr I . etECE + ___ pa Er _. lT, . _ FEE SCHEDIILET FEEI 20.00i 50.00 s100.00ttnn 6,^l VALUATTOlIt 0.f 10..000;10,001 -$ 50,000f50,001 .f 150,0009150.001 - t i0n.000 t o9 FILEMPY 75 South Fronage Road Vail, Colorada 81657 970-479-2 1 3 8/479-2 I 3 9 FAX970-479-2452 January25, 1996 Mr. Marc A. Churchill J.L. Viele Construction Inc. 1000 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 202 Vail, CO 81657 Department of Community Development BE: Thain Resldence, Final Certificate of Occupancy Dear Marc: This letter is intended to respond to your January 23, 1996 letter to me regarding a Final Certificate of Occupancy for the Thain Residence. As you'll recall, we discussed what we could remember off-hand about what needed to be done at the Thain residence in order for the Town to issue a Final C.O. for the property. We ended the conversation with me agreeing to research the Town's files and determine exactly what needed to be done. I have now completed my review and offer the lollowing information. When you were issued a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy on March 13, 1995 there were a few items related to the redevelopment that had not yet been completed. You entered into a Developer lmprovement Agreement with the Town and provided escrow money to assure the completion of the remaining improvements by July 1, 1995. The remaining improvements included: - lnstallation ol the spiral staircase; - Professional Arborists assessmenVguarantee of the landscaping on the property. The exact wording of the DF|B condition of approval is as follows: -"ln the spring, before the bond is returned, the applicant must have a qualitied expert elsesq tbe cotdition_g!€Ij?U_dsqgpiQg an{gueFltee th ete*lacement pt-atyl€eqlFl-lha-cxpe!:Lbejieqes-Itillno_t su,r-vjy-e, The replacement of any trees determined to have a low chance of survival must be complete before the issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy for the building." - Completion of all remaining landscaping on the property; and - Completion of the deck skirting. Although I have received the revised elevation and site plan drawings, intended to show how you are proposing to replaces the spiral staircase, I have not received a DRB application and submittal fee for this change. Please provide. {,g *"n""ro rur* o Yq0-fu#rhurchirl Page 2 As indicated above, please be sure that the Arborist you have contacted assesses the i".Oiti". "i "f l tand's'capinb on the propery and guarantees the.replacemsnt of any trees that heishe believes will noi survive. Can inis assessment be completed in mid-January? The landscaping that needed to be completed on the Thain propefi included sod, reseeding, shrubs and boulders. How is statf supposed to verify that lhese improvements have been completed with two feet of snow on the ground? Any suggestions? Upon satisfactory completion of the above items stafi will issue a Final Certificate of Occupancy for the Thain Residence. I hope the information contained in this letter is what you were looking for, however, if you have any additional questions or comments, please do not hesitats to contact me at 476- 2142. Sincerely,l. .ltt'w/ Jim Curnutte Senior Planner cc: John and Carmen Thain Tom Moorhead File -; :!f J,L.viele con"tru0,r, ln". 1000 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 202 Vail, Colondo 81657 Tele303. 476. 3082 Fax303.476.3423 January 23,1996 Mr. Jim Cumutte Town of Vail Community Development Vail. CO 81657 RE:Thain Residence Certificate of Occupancy matters Dear Jim, Pursuant to our phone conversation I have obtained the drawings you had requested showing the spiral staircase being elimiaated. I had 2 copies delivered to your ofFlce on Friday. I have also met with Mark Stelle, a Licensed Arborist, on the jobsite to review the condition of the spruce trees on the south side of the home. He will prepare a report for me over the next few days regarding his professional assessment of the state of these trees. Please contact me at yow earliest convenience with any question or comments. It is my understanding that upon giving you the report from Mark Stelle, I have fulfilled the D.R.B.'s requirements for the Certificate of Occupancy for the referenced project. Thank vou in advance for vour assistance. Marc A. Churchill Project Manager ,/"",John & Carmen Thain "'' jiold#:,'',t-gl.\:lfH"1il.lL lt' vArL. CoLoRADO 81657 *d @F TRANsnnrrrAL (303) 476-3082 WE ARE SENDING YOU ll^tb P tr Shop drawings tr Copy of letter n tr E Under separate coveryia./Prints tr/ Plans Change order E Samples JAt l g lgg0 THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: E For approval El lor your use F As requested tr tr n . Approved as submitted Approved as noted Returned for corrections D Resubmit -copies for approval tr Submit - copies for distribution E Return - corrected prints D For review and comment D FOR BIDS DUE o^rElfrtu //, /qqb I'o'"o qfrz Ar-rE'ft'oN )h &lrLrrufr4RE: UT|.ol, Q.r-sraar.cs- tuffat glil>Aub- -fl,evixd0rad"b ",::,Hffi COPIES DATE NO.,nlll nE\l nEg J t hlqe 6lot fb€ R-rarltftF !2(frLt V V ' Vvlfllllr l/LTr Yrr a q/ e/4*Hott ty'c-k ej.uaArb^- 19 -- - PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS tl ',ncrotur?/a er€ not eE notod, klndly notlly ua at onca. 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970-479-213V479-2139 FAX 970-479-2,r"52 February 7, 1996 Mr. Marc A. Ghurchill J.L. Viel6 Gonstruction Inc. 1000 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 202 Vail, GO 81657 Deparunent of Community Development BE: Thain Residence, Final Certificate of Occupancy Dear Marc: I have received your recently submitted Design Review Board (DRB) application and have scheduled your request for DBB review on February 21, 1996. Your submittal did not include the appli'cation fes, as referenced in your letter. Please provide the applicalion fee as soon as possible. The DRB will discuss your proposed stairway revisions to the north side of the building, as well as your concerns regarding compliance with the previously established DRB condition relatingio experl assessment and guarantee of the property's landscaping. You will need to be present at this meeting, and I would suggest you have your landscape specialist there as well to answer any questions the DRB members may have. As I mentioned in my last letter, it is impossible to perform a landscape inspection in the middle of the winter. The Town will therefore accept your suggestion of reliance on copies of invoices, Cancelled checks and a notarized letter from the landscape subcontractor indicating that the work was completed per the approved plan. For future reference, it is the responsibility of the contractor to contact the Town and request an inspection when he believes that he has completed items contained in the developer improvement agreement. Hopefully, the Final C.O. can be issued shortly after the February 21, 1996 DRB meeting. lf you should have any questions about this letter or require any additional information please feef free to contact me al479-2'142. Si4cerely, r /fl. r \JAILn-,t Utat .t-<tillLC) Jim Cumutte Senior Planner cc: John and Carmen Thain ffif File {g *r"nuoru"* 75 South Frontage Road Vail" Colorado 81657 970- 479-2 I 3 8/479r' 2 I 39 F4X970479-2452 January 25, 1996 Mr. Marc A. Churchill J.L. Viele Gonstruction lnc. 1000 S. Frontage Road West, Suite 202 Vail, GO 81657 RE-l Finat certificate of occupancy Dear Marc: This letter is intended to respond to your January 23, 1996 letter to me regarding a Final Certificate of Occupancy for the Thain Residence. As you'll recall, we discussed what we could remember ofl-hand about what needed to be done at the Thain residence in order for the Town to issue a Final C.O. for the property. We ended the conversation with me agreeing lo research the Town's liles and determine exactly what needed to be done. I have now completed my review and offer the following information. When you were issued a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy on March 13, 1995 there wers a lew items related to the redevelopment that had not yet been completed. You entered into a Developer lmprovement Agreement with the Town and provided escrow money to assure the completion of the remaining improvements by July 1, 1995. The remaining improvemenls included: - Installation of the spiral staircase; - Professional Arborists assessmenuguaranlee of the landscaping on the properly. The exact wording of the DRB condition ol approval is as follows: 'ln the spring, before the bond is returned, the applicant must havs a qualified . expert assess the condition'of all landscaping and guarantee the replacement of any trees that the expert believes will not survive. The replacement of any trees determined to have a low chance of survival must be complete before the issuance of a Final Certificate of Occupancy for the building." - Gompletion of all remaining landscaping on the property; and - Gompletion of the deck skirting. Although I have received the revised elevation and site plan drawings, intended to show how you are proposing to replaces the spiralstaircase, I have not received a DRB application and submittal fee for this change. Please provide. Department of Community Development {,7 ""'"uo'u"' Marc Churchill Page 2 As indicated above, please be sure that the Arborist you have contacted assesses the condition of all landscaping on the property and guarantees the.replacement of any fees that he/she believes will not sri'tive. Can inis assessment be completed in mid-January? The landscaping that needed to be compleied on the Thain property included sod, reseeding, snruOi and bouTders. How is staff supposed to verify that these improvements have been corpfeteO with two feet of snow on the ground? Any suggestions? Upon satisfactory completion of the above items staff will issue a Final Certificate of Occupancy for the Thain Residence. I hope the information contained in this letter is what you were looking for, however' if you have any additional questions or comments, please do not hesitate to contact me at 476- 2142. Sincerely,/;M Jim Curnutte Senior Planner cc: John and Carmen Thaint- File John and Carmen Thaln 85 Old Roarlng Brcok Roadllt Klsco, NewYork 10549 (ero 66ees55 April 17, 1995 Ms. Helen H. Chatfield 540 Soulh Franldin Streel Derwer, CO 8O2G) Ms. Dbna Donovan 1014llomestake Circle Vail, CO 81657 Dear Helen and Dbna, Our unit b finaly neadng completion and we wquld like to resolve wilh you the issue of the rear staircase. We have had several cornrersalbns with Diana over the hsl cor.qple of rronths rwiewing a few optbns, irrcludittg reinstalling the $aircase on the other sile of your unit or simply prwlding emergency acc€ss to our deck frcm Helen s dec-lc We rvouH like sonre direc.tion ftrom both of you on how you wbh lo poceed. We upuH also like to confirm thal th€ drafl of the lbensing agre€rnenl is acceptable to you and to &y Peleson. Please call us if you wish to dbcuss eilher issue. We look fonvard to seeing you in July. and Carmen Thain \ cc: Jay Pelerson 7JimCumuttew Tom ilooftead Rick Rosen i/l .: r. t: iuri L - ..,.;*i,. I rcHjH'Btffil { qL'e.K # =t6a./ P." p,M, loor bla@o--.aca6 lt! lfs 5-Iit.3trITl__ DEIIEffiI[GfiKTrErErN|r #ig*Ug*#gf,*frffi,J.;s,H $,'D0.s r-tE0D - - fl3dffi,b rdtrocrft rpor&r* H'r ur .o=-n, * ff Hffi ffi#f&Hffi,gf ?H#.sr=lr-r+qFryHFfiHnEffiE*f,ffiffF-ffircr_.ra tl-(g-igfi fi fr ;'?q-Hffi ffi SHH4uffi;itrr'?ffifi'ShnttaariHf*-l"g;FEffiaT.'# I " #"fiffi,H*,:rn#li {:F* ;il nr m rn*g,Hg'ggll5g=1-,I1ffiffiffh5r"441s995sftHieffiffi-sRffiH.%ilfffiHfiEffiaa'*lrlrffiiu rhr--l+fi. -t* g,F $ ffifi|ffi phur dh d{!uhr* ffi r*a cr lrntqp rtrr F '-,ffifrHffilffiaffituf.tnodr "*"'nffi srHr#rrffi ffi '- .r n.f Arn.*r ilffi ffi #*t?Hffi rogms_y.u,ffi ,ffi . rriFrTrF nE t lffi}ttrffit'*6dr, r. Erl{rl|lrrrdrnUlfu ttrl l. +'u'!laar' I'IFR B9 '9F- .-.|-=h all rtll -a-r. Ielp,rurt "'t to3-, %-jo 0r i.$m"sffiFJ??ffi,;E -ffiffi mi."g.$ffi mffi u,t..g,r*s#*m*w ,-".-L.&H.lAiilP-USffi"3l, b rffir 6E !D !0 b, . lrDlftal' drlrt rrhn l"1ffiH.JH: dl'iffiE ry uf ',!!uo,urrf nifiicErrG ''o P,al loor Wrto . tlq^t lo+2 _, ffi, Itrt rlr hfi lf,rryrtcrcl|s n, rbd{r W n t Xqcru, rqirlt-'uqu. hrrUacttltrt ryGrhahf -fuquff2. tq r?Arro0oo[{ADO sta"totrrct tlr,tr fql*'hlbr bnrr AF_ r rryrh|td Er o t-ryC tlrrryHdtCt|rL r+rrrdlqrra_ir llAR-.8-95 llED 15:25 P, 02 ,.L,Vir:. Coo:tucticn, lnc. 1000 S. Fonngs noad Wcrt, Suitc 202 Vil, Onlandn f,1(67 Tclc303. 47it 30$2 Fu 303, {76. 3423 March E, 1995 Mr. Jim Cumulte Torrn ofVail Dopartmcnt of Commurriry Developmcnt 75 S. Frontago Rd. Vail, CO 81657 RL: 'lhnin Rcgidcnoo T.C.O. Requircments Deu Jirn. Pcr our disoussion todoy, bc adviscd tlat rvc vill not be using urry bulbs in thc exterior fixtrnss excccding 40 watts. We also aoknon'ledgc the Lighting Ordinance n'hich allows us a total of 3 exterior fixturos on fte builCiug. We understaud that more lighting rnay be added tlrrough a variatrce process. Also, ln lcgulrJ to dre-trud&g1;aflgg docuurcut prcviously submilted, rlp have revised it pcr our discussion today and arc rcsubmitting it wilh this oorrespondcrcc for yolu rcvicw and approval. Regarding the stairs offthe back dcck, *'c will shorten the run so that thc stnirs do luet crusu ovcr irto town propcrty. A revissd I.t,.C. can be proviclcd if necessitry. The DFvelo[uncut Improvcmcnt Agreenrent has lrcen corrccicd per our discussion today. Rict Rosan will be lhxing it to our offrce this aftcraoon. \l'e will heve the'ltqio e sign ollon the documeut and rehun it to your otlice u,ith th€ bond amount. \Ye believe we havc sati$cd all thc 'lbwn s requirernents for releasing a T.C,O. inspeclion. We would likc this inspectiorr to occur as soon as possible, as we arc ready. Please call us et 476-3082 with auy questions or coorments. Thonk you in odvoncc for your coopelatiDn,*-W Pmjeet Managu cc: Jobn&CarnrenThain RickRosen Lynn Fritzlen I,IAR-8-95 l,fED 15128 lf Vlelo Cond;rusUoir, Inc. l0ill .S. thonhsc nord V/t*, SlnR ?0? 1Ail, Coloodo 61657 1tlc30t, +76.30e3 ftrt'3.476. 31A3 March 7, 1995 THAINRE$IDENCEI : betwccn oristing Blue Sprucc Trseg $s30.00 0300.Q9. $45.00' - ':_ r\ s50,ug $r5t.00 $130.00 $200.00 i at perimetor of dook ell florer box€$ (gldock + Roin Assrrciation propcrty r Contraot with profcssional ',Arbrristn to cousult about "sullvablllty" of cxisting frecs oD sit€ t"$"1t1 okuting (west sldc orrly)' $?s0,@]'oTALr 8t.700.00 +w'@rW DN? !-zo-eb THU i?:2e AND PLACE SOII, r PREP 528.88 40,00 50.00 BOULDER9 130 . O0 AND FINE ,t 90 ,00 176 .00 rl. ros.q8 Frfz & GAY!,oBD L''ANDSCAPING, INC.landrccDint' lrrlSatlon & uslntenanco E.O. EOX 1315vAI!, 00 81668 30 g-4?6-04?9 TIIATN RFSTI}ENC8 ITANDECAPE PROPOSAL-l / 2S /tta sQD-?,{04 SQ. FT. O+.22 FLAHT MATERIAT 3*6 GAIJ. REDTI|IO DOGIIOOD 0815.0010-1 CaL. CLIXATTS VINE Oi5.00 UISCELLANEOUS LABOR AND NOUIPTiENT: 2 HRS. OF HEAVY EQUTPMENT 9155.00/HB. TO MOVE AND SPR,EAD TOP SOIL a0 HRs, MANUAL, ITAEOR TO CITEAN-UP, SPRDAD TOp ET'NE AND PRUNE TNEES CS44.OO1 LoADS OF TOP SOIL lll?5.00 TOTAL TIROJEOT OOAT P, 02 . llAR- 13-95 t10N 14:35 I'L.Ylu'!e o Conrtrustionl ft J(t S. FrqrtqgE l{rmd rd&sr, Suirc 200 . Vril, Coloaado 81652 rllcru,476,3,()82 Frr 303. 476. 342r Mrwh 13, 1995 Jim CurnuEe Tonn ofVail 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, CO 81657 Dsar Jim, Based on today's conversation bctween Ma,rc Churchill arrd yoursclll I undcrstand thut udditi{luil commitnents must be madc in ordu lbf the Town to accept the Thain's Dcvcloper Tmprcvemcot Agreement (DIA). I am awarE that the $800.00 cost lor the spital sAircase, identifred in the DIA, is of concern to the Town because it only includes the cost of reinstnlling the stnircesc, which is ia our posscssion, and not thc Gost itsclf. 'Although we don't believo that is likely, we flre awit€ thil if the Thains should dcfault on rlrelr agreement to instnlt the irnprovunents id$titied in the DIA, and take the cccisting stairsasc with thau, the Town will not hsvc sufficierit furds to complete thc improvements on the Tbain property. I realizp lhat the 'lbwn could simply rcquire a new DIA and escrow check, whioh includes the valuc of the staircase, prior io the issuancc of a Temporary Ccrtificatc of OcCulrancy (lCO) f6f thc Tfiain rosidenco, Ilowcvrr, sincc urc wish tr ohtain n TCO todny, I wttuld requcst lhat you ococpt thc following sommitment from my company, J.L. Vielc Construction, Ino. agrccs that if the'lbalns should dclhult on their agreemeff to install the staircase on the building by July lst, 1995, rny conrpany will work with the Towu to complete thc inrprovemrnrts, according to thc ptoceus outlinod in thc DIA, for a total cost not to cxceed $S00.00. Furiher, I undotsttnd tJrc fininancial risk to ruy cornpany assosiatcd witl this coruu hnsnl" and requcst ilr&t the fown iloccpt this letter, as opposed to reqtriring a new DIA and ercrow chcck. #"r:, Presidcnt o o t: ':; :; TOWN OF VAIL .4 DEP-rRTl\tg\T OF CO:\L\tLliITl' DE\TLOPME\T *on,- a t -t (- ur r" tt rr/fr - ADDRrss C=+a - l)€ t/ .o^r" { , l3 P ROJE CT CHECXS I{ADE }AYASLE TO TO\TN OF V IL accol)iT \o.ITEII 0 0000 4l 540 ZONING AND ADDRESS ]\4APS (5 0() U 0000 .{:115 UNIFORN{ BUILDING CODE s54.00 0 0000 12115 UNIFORM PLU]I{BII-G CODE s39.00 0 0000 42415 TNIFORT,I I\,IECHANICAL CODE $37.00 0 0000 4l4 t 5 UNIF'ORN{ FIRE CODE s36.00 0 0000 4t4l i NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s37.00 0 0000 4:11 5 OT]IER CODE BOOKS 0 0000 1l 548 BLUE PRlNTS (N,IYLARS)s7.0u 0 0000 .{l1l 2 XEROX COPIES s0.25 0 0000 42412 STUDIES 0000 4?412 TOVFEI]S CO]\,IPUTER PROGRA]\,t s5.00 0 0000 4li 7 t PENALTY FEES / RE-I}{SPECTIONS 0 0000 4l 332 PLAN REVII:W RE-CI{ECK FEE tS40 PER I{R.l c1000 4:_1i2 OFF IIOURS NSPECTION FEES 0 0000 4 t-1t 2 CONTRICTORS LICI:r'SES FEES 0 0000 J I]l 3 SJGN,,\PPLlC.{TION FEE s20.00 n 0000 .1 l4 I i .\DDITION^L SIGNAGE FEI.J ISI.OO PER SQ.FT,] 0 00t)0.1:-+4u VTC ART PROJECT DONATION t,0000 -{ 133 I PRE PAID DESIGN REV]EW tsOARD FEE 0 0000 Jt37l INVESTIGATION ljEIl r BUI LDINC) J 0000 -+5 l l0 TOV PARKI,r-G FUND n 0000 1t027 TOV NE\YSP.APER DISPENSER FUND* 0l 0000 2t I t2 TAXABLE r3]. 1% (ST..\TE) * 0l 0000 ,{1010 T,I\..\BLE @ .{% (TO\\'\) 0l 0000 4li7l BI- I LDINO INYLSTICATION o oaD?aaXb oTIIER- A tsc e(€ue(&Qf qe.e.(l^f laS,oc -ffi'O.o-d--J200-m- --s20-0-:00- -i_t- { 0 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION IMORE TI{AN IOO SQ.I.T.]s500.00 0 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT tNE\\']s 1.500.00 0 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR A]\{END s I,000.00 0t 0000 11330 SPECIAL DEVELOPI\4ENT D I STR ICT tMiNOR AIvIEND s200.00 0 0000 1l i30 SUBDIVISION 9; fi E it 0r 0000 413i0 VARIANCE s250.ocl 0 0000 4l-130 ZONING CO DE AMEI\ DML,NTS s250.00 0 0000 41i30 RE. ZONING s200.00 OTHER OTHER s t5 t lToTn L:d 3/l-e{ 5cC ,.,*'*,,{oLn tCor^e,,Tloin DT4 gEcto,,.J *^p^( v cAsE r._-l cK..r-t !1.0Lt REC. BY:- J.L, VTELE CONSTRUCTION, lNC. trATE INVOICE a7,/ LCt/93 :?95 DESCFIFTlON94!f, TFISIN 3L624 IUE'I F'AYI'JENT31?5.{)0 31?5.0r:) '? { ,1l:i r-!r-r 'i t ,1|:: |-\r I . t. VIELE CONSTRUCTION, INC. TOWN OF VAIL DEPARTIUENT OF COf'TILAiITI' DET'ELOPMENT CHECKS IIADE P YA.8I.E TO TOWN OF VAIL : ACCOUNT n-O.ITEM - No. TAX " CCT E/tj TUIAI 0l 0000 4.1 540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0 t 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODL $54.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLLMBINC CODE $39.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $37.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $J6.0U 0l 0000 424 l 5 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s37.00 0l 0000 42415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 41518 BLUE PzuNTS (MYLARS s7.00 0t 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES $0.2r 0l 0000 424t2 STUDIES 0l 0000 424t2 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM s5.oo 0l 0000 12371 PI:NALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 41332 PLAN REVII:W RE-CHECK FEE t$40 PER IIR. 0r 0000 42_132 OFF IIOURS INSPECTION FI-ES 0l 0000 414r2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEF-S 0 r 0000 41413 SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 0l 0000 414l 3 ADDITIONN L SIGNAGE FEE IS I .OO PER SO.F] 0l 000042440 '/lC ARI PROJECT DONATION 0l 000041331 PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE 0l 0000 42371 INVESTICATION F]]E (BUILDINC 3l 0000 451 l0 TOV PAzuiING FUND 0l 0000 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 0l 0000 2ntz TAXABLE @ 4% (STATE * 0l 0000 41010 T,TXABLE @ 4% (TOW\ 0l 0000 42371 BUILDING INVESTIGATION ot ^qoau7 OTIIER - A,sC -leuetmf qececaf la5,ac PEC APPLICATION FEES 0l 0000 413i0 DDI I'IONAL GR}A "250"l;200.00 0l00004r330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 0l 0000 41330 EXTER]OR ALTERATION ILESS TIIAN IOO SO.FT.$200.0t| 0r 0000 41330 EXTERIOR ALTERATTON [MORts TI{AN i00 SQ.FT.$500.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT D]STRICT INEW s I .500.00 0r 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMAJOR AMEND s 1.000.00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENTDISTRICT IMINOR AMEND s200.00 0l 0000 4t 330 SUBDIVISION 0l 0000 41330 VARIANCE s250.00 0l 0000 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS s250.0u 0l 0000 41330 RE - ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER IToTAL{3rlA5OC ,"'n un ,, 1JoLn t CerAcrt TIo in DD4 €Gr- fvo*) *^oa( V cAsE t__] cK.r r__r 1,1. 0 Ll REC- BY:- \ .(,/ . \t.'A l' \\'/ / \J,/\ -' --a-i-l:-ia: '-r a: i !i-. F i :"r::;--:.'- . -= i.::. 3L624 ''. : ::.. . l --- Li :..'! -, , '. - !- -z .-1a 1 I.L. \'IEI-E CONSTRUCTION, INC. I ,,::i j i; ;;r;t,ii_; i i-li:: i L i, ,i i .'i :,, :l . :i i :r ? .-. :j j:i. .j: ._-1, ]j ii- i:;i-.i:r i ir:' I .i i:iiij :rjj::- l' .j :. i::i,, i.i.i i:r ,...i .j ii.l i-: j\.i j. ,l : ;:t;--l ,, 1_31, .::, i. ":ll:i " i..:i-] ) BATLEY, llnnnnrc & PprpnsoN A PnoressroNAl Conporurror.r ATToRNEYSArLAw LINCOIJ{ CENTER 1680 LINCOLN STREET, EUrIE 81?6 DENVEn COI,oRADO t{r28{ TEIJPHONE (S0S) t87.r880 FACSIMILE (80E) 887.000? TO3 FROl.t3 DATE: RE: UEUORANDU!,7 JII.'I CURNUTTE, TOWN OF VAIL JAY K. PETERSON MARCH 9, 1995 TEXAS TOWNHOUSE/THATN VAIL NATIONAL BAD{K BLDO. 108 sor.,lrl FRoNTACE ROAD WE8T, SUITE vAIr,, cotoRADo tr867 TELEPIIONE (808) {?O.I'OO8 FACSr![rrJ (EoE) t?0.(Xt7 Dear Jim: Pursuant to our telephone conversation you rnay issue the T.C.O. to the Thains. f am giving this approval based on the fact that they are willing to replace the sta j.rway in its original location or in a location to the west. They have also agreed to give us a license agreement pursuant to the original understqpdinq at lhg tine we wipnarew orir variance appgat ai tne p.E.q. $g0q r^, T#a \!i*d"h4,dfo6 DeB \"as^l,r.irp;-, '.5rt vy-.ft XD \^^,u6$.q.^d S-u.-+,x PeB vmnf,rn;E;-, r,)rl v-{^ia XD *r.#0^.^"-s; Yld-{/ ,"/ -ft$\J ,'4 s(l,,ur.,& "' srncerely r - v Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Q ^ /^ , / ,ox. 7/]/ /16 --..-1- i 7 ^ProieaName: '1 hcttt', Vtt,,T> (.'.-nt49 r4f4\ Buildino Name: -T< Xra S '-To tn-rn /,a r',na< Projecl Description: \- l-.,, fu (, Owner, Address and Phone: . r (1<-S u'tbq -. Lt; P @* e'E-4d Archilect/Contact, Address and Phone: zon€ Districr //2/4E Comments: Board / Staff Action Motion by; ErApprovat u.'r{i. c,"-c) Jr6* Vote:5--e I Disapproval I Staff Approval :)'Conditions: / ; t( .:l J'ti.'- i I .,.t-' /-c. C:, ?L*/L1 fh ".;'€c; I 9 )iL:/v-;.t? Qbr, -1 ,o( Lrou(4 .t- 'I t'i ---->-& DRB Fee Pre-paid f!/ ,lL' i Asign Review Action irt TOWN OF VAIL Category Number l? Project Name: ,( J,;a,-/ 5 -n f - J /-Buildingnane: / € Xqq / ec<sat l'ient€S Project Description:€* c/'- Owner. Address and Phone: Legal Descripti on: Logrlath1jlglock - Project StreetAddress' LI F'-:l '? C-r"- Subdivision zone District /llt f .---- Board {Statt Action ., Motion by: Seconded by: n Approval o{ 3,*r^*r, (,, ilAR- 8-gE l,lED i5:25 --ffi"6n^ch. Project Managcr cc: John & Canuen l'hain RickRmen Lynn Fritzlen P, 02 v t.L.Vir:G cqrti;tugtl€n, lft o. 1000 S, Fronngc Rcrd Wcrt, Sritc 202 Vnil. fnlnredn f,1L67 Tile3tt3. 47t5. 3082 Fpr 303, 476. 3423 March E, 1995 Mr. Jim Curnirtte Tov,n ofVeil Depa^rtment of Community Development 75 S. Frontago Rd, Vail, CO 81657 Rb: 'lhninRcsidcnco T.C.O. Requirpments Dear Jim. Ppr our disoussion today, bc adviscd that wc will not be using arry bulbs in thc exterior fixtures exceeding 40 watts. Wo also aoknowledge the Lighting Ordinance which allows us atotal of 3 exterior fixtures on the buildiry. We understard tlnt more lighting rnay he added through a vn.riance process. Also, in r'€gard [u the tardrcurePlun tlosurucut prcviously submilted, we have revised it per our disoussion today and e,rc rcsubmilting it with this col'respondcrcc for your rcvicw and approval. Regarding the stajrs offthe back dcck, u'c will shorten the run so that ttrc stnirs do llol sro$s ovcr into towu prop'rrty. A revisorl I.l..C. can he providcd if necessrry. The DeveloFrnent Inrgrovcnront Agreerrr9.n( has been corcctcd per our discussion today. Rick Roscn wili be laxing it to our o{fice this aft,--rnoon. We will hsvc thc'Its^in'e sign offon the document urd return it to your ollice with the bond amount. We believe we have satisfied all thc 'fown s requirements for releasing a T.C.O. inspection. Wc would likc this inspection to occur as soon as possible, as we are ready, Please call us at 476-3082 rvith any quertions or eomrlleflts. Thork you in odvanoc for your cooperation, t.vt.d,7lLlgl DESIGTiI o REVIEW o OFAOARD APPIJTCATION . TOI{N DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: rt***tt!ti*t Y !r*****t*!rrr ffi jr, JEV, DEPTI. A.DESCRIPTION: B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Nevr Construction (g200. OOI X.uinor Alt,eration ($20.00)Addition ($50. OO) -- -Concepuual Review (g0) ADDREsst 493 horz &eL Drirc; ltuiJs B*) g rr)a;J .Loc. D.LEGAL DESCRIPTION: Lot,Subdivision If property is described bydescripLi.on, pleiase provid-Lo this applicaCion. a meeLs and bounds on a separate sheet. legaI and attach E. I. ZONING: NAME OF Mailing APPLICANT: Address: G.NAME OF APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATTVE:Mailing Address: H.NAME 4FF OWNE I. ,I . Mailing Address, A);u-_a_ 6_4 A-\rt1>e- phone APPLICATTONS WILL NOT BE PROCSSSTD WTTHOT'T OWNER'S STGI'ATUR.E Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are t,o be paid at lhe varuation of Ehe proposal . The iown of vaiL wilt adjust thefee according to the table below, to ensure the correct feeis paid. VAIJUATION$ 0 $ 10.c00$ 10,001 - $ s0, oo0$ 50, 001 - $ 150, OO0 $1s0, 001 $ s00, 000 $500, 001 91, 000, 000$ Over $1, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW AOARD APPROVAL E:XPIRES APPROVAIJ I'NI-'ESS A BUII,DING PERITTIT ISIS STARTED. Lhe accurat,e FFF ' + ZU.UU $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00. 00 ONE YBAR AFTER FINAI, ISSUED AIiTD CONSTRUCTION /tela ulr;rle c"s*aL .QF OWNER(S) : ltc-ral6,rcN. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are t,cLime of submirr.al_of rhe onB apptifat:.on.Lr.ure or suDmlcEal .ot the DRB applipation. LaLer, whenapplyinq for a buiJ.ding permit.,-plbase identify bhe acc rr. "*r-^""orco*rFrrrrr*c, III. A pre-application meeting with a member of the planningsEaff is encouraged to det.ermine if any addit,ional. i application informaEion is neeided. IE is the applicant,sresponsibility to make an appointment wiLh the sLaff todetermine if there are additional submittaL reguirement,s.Please note Ehae a COMPLErE application $rill sLreamline therevi.ew process for your projecc. In-addition to meeting .submittal reguirements, Lheappllcant must. stake and t.ape the project site Loindicat,e property lines, buitding lines and buildingcorners. AIl Erees to be removed must be Eaped. Ailsite capings and st.aking must be completed prior t.o theDRB site visit.. The applicant must ensure Lhat stakingdone during Ehe winter is not buried by snow. The review process for NEW BUIIJDINGS normally requirestwo separat.e meeLings of the Design Review goardi.a conceptual review and a final review. Applicanes who fail to appear before Lhe Design ReviewBoard on their scheduled meeting date and who have noE.asked in advance Lhat discussion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from Lhe DRBagenda unt.il such Lime as the it,em has beenrepublished. The following items may, at the discreLion of t,hezoning adminisLraLor, be approved by t.he CommunityDevelopment DeparLmerit staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore Lhe DRB may noL be required) : a. Windows, skylighcs and similar exterioJ changeswhich do noL alter Lhe exisLing plane of chebuildinq; and b. Building addirions not visible from any oLher lotor public space. At the time such a pioposal issubmitted, appli.canus must, include 1etteis fromadjacenL property owners and,/or from the agenL foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationst.ating Lhe associaLion approves of Che addition. If a property is locaLed in a napped hazard area (i.e.snow avalanche, rockfall, flood plain, debris flow,wetland, eLc. ), a hazard study must. be submitt.ed andthe owner musr sign an affidaviE. recogrnizing the hazardreport prior to the issuance of a building iermiC.Applicants are encouraged t.o check with a-f-own piurrrr.,prior Lo DRB application Lo determine the relationshipof t.he property Lo alt mapped hazards. For a]1 residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on t.he f loor p3_ans the insideface of t.he ex.t.erior st.rucEural walls of thebuilding; and b. Indicate with a dashed line on the siLe plan afour foot distance from the exterior faci of thebuilding walls or supporting columns. ff DRB approves the applicaLion with conditions ormodifications, all condit.ions of approval must beaddressed prior to Lhe applicat,ion- ior a buildinqpermi L . A. B. c. D. I t iil *rarrr-.wT| DAIE I CIIECXS MADE PAYAALE TO TO\}'N OF VAIL /|coaxt{T!to.rrM !(r. trx caxrlr. lurrl, 0l 000041540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0 r 0000 424r 5 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE $54.00 0r 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE $r9.0u 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $37.00 0l 000042415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE $36.00 0l 000042415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE $37.00 I ot 000042415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0t 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)$7.00 0l 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES $0.25 I 0t oo00 424t2 SruDIES 0l 000042412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.0O 0t 000042371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 41332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE t$40 PER HR.1 0t 0000 42332 OFF IIOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 41412 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES 0 I 0000 41413 SICN APPLICATION FEE $20.00 0l 000041413 AL'LII'I'IONAL SIGNAGE FEE I$I.OO PER SO.FT.I 0t 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION .a0l00qo4rtJlDRE+AID DESIGN RIIVIEW BOARD FEE Z)--4)-0r oofiF*?r?T rl,rvEsTrGATIoN FEE (BUt LDING) 3l 0000 451lo TOV PARKING FUND ot ooo0 22027 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPENSER FUND* 0l 0000 2llt2 T4IABLE @ 4% (STATE) * 0l 0000 41010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOWN) 0l 0000 42371 BUILDING IM/ESTIGATION OTIIER f'!;C A.T'fLICATION FEES 0 r 0000 41330 ADDITIONAL GRFA "250'$ZUU.UU 0 t 0000 4r 330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT $200.00 0 I 0000 4l 330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION TLESS TIIAN IOOSOFT:]s200.00 0l 0000 41330 EXIERIOR ALTERATION [MOR.E TI{AN IOO SQ.FT.]$5U).00 0l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENTDISTRIET [NEW-sl.)00.u0 0t 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRATNMJOR ANIEND til.u,o.oo 0t 0000 4t330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT IMINOR AMENDI $200.00 0l 0000 4l 330 SUBDIVISION 0t 0000 41330 VARIANCE $250.00 0l 000041330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS $250.00 0l 000041330 KE. ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER ITOTAL: ..IMMFNT(. /T\.-.&-cAsB r-,,ff4(f'".rt I I '(, TEIJF{ CIF |.JFI I L- Fliscel laneous Cash B3-F7-?5 E3: l6:3? EetrEirtt + 1d,9f,1f, Flc,:f'unt. S f,|.: S 4'-145 I.JIELE I:I:IH5TE\.T!F:E FEE Flrrir,un l. tendered :' I iem paid E1EEEB413]lEEE f,h.:nge r*turrred :: THFI}{l< IE. BA Rmoun t paid ?8. BB i:i, t[1 1/ElJ I ; I E IV*ur cgshi*r F:EFTHII R-ECEIPT - The Town of Vail Permit Numbers 1' llOW PAID-Cash-Check I 46547 RECEIVED FROM P.5 { 2&981 THE G(N,ERNOR Uru.t LTNTERN Hobhtr 29" Widthi tl" Ertendrr 15" tl candehbra bare bulbr a 20-9n IHT GOIYENNOR rAALL |INIERN Hlithls 25" Widthr l01t' htrndr: 13' 3 candel.bra bele bulbr Fnbhl Folished Bra$, Anlique Bns5, Copper tbrde Antique \brde or Elack Pearl Ged page zl) Glarl; Clear Acrylic' 3 f<; Qx-lot€ zs-P dq#) flnbh! Pollshed B|est Atltlqus Ersss, Copper \,€rd€, Antlqu€ ltrde or Elack Pcarl cler$ Cl€er A[rylic - t0.983 ITIE GOVEINOR F(xif LANIIRN Heighk 2Eh" rMdrh 12" 4 endelabra base bulbs finishc Polishsd Brass, Antique Bn$, feppsr \ffie Antigue \,!rde or Elscl Pearl clai$ Cleir Acrylic { 30-973 THE GOVIRNOR POST TANTERN ltclthrr ?6" Widlhr lOlt " 3 q,rndelrbn base bulbc Finish: Pollrhcd 8ra*, Anrique Bras, Coppet \brdq Antlque \&rds or Black Prrrl Gec page 22)0l*l: €lerr Acrvlld l5 (9, 6loU ftrll | .L.tYr'/\. FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY FOR THE TOWN OF VAIL (NOV. 2, 1982) \- nrtatntHc WALL 8176' r 8177,8' (cRouND) {;'...: ,ttlt)cA 8177.O' EDGE OF PAVEMENT qo I LANDSCAPING/OPEN SPACE EI (sEr aoorc 610, PAGE 2t h-uota\ fatlrs 50' J CENTERLINE CREEK SETBACK NOTE: SPAL STAIR IS TO #,Bf8,I#5'f5" HERE d ) 9\ tr a s t D ravag;*qta. ** ar. + V Pva axrahl4 cat)AtcuSr.J I-tl-. T 6 \ TRASH ENCLOSURES BELOW 8197.4' (TOP OF EAVE) 81 78.2'r-ur (GROUND) ,?'l^ut at.t t +' Sl1ae !r+*3 :bae-lt- fp ca^aLitti."r MANOR VAIL PROVIDE HEAT HAAT EXTERIOR UALr LOT 7 oO r., Ot oor;(t, I |rJ oI m F-) O z. oo o o o wooD WALK SEWER MANHOLE RIM ELEV. = 6180.6' llr.M UM &\'*) L*^A+eale 4 yvczA +oA tvstirrcn b flcar<+;6 gufp all a)wf,o* bo,^t/<rr I I / ,,E uorkc[,'oJ|[.( f cou& /e*/ +h=t k ieqwqo\e $s4 o Me( oP 3 €M^fu'Ms <N- a6@ rv /d"z f ,*f Q^f / . i - cq+ /n q rtc er-41/ t - qf feq.r + *'1"/ t-qf sel€ e,r>{fy FIRE HYDRANT WATER VALVE i CREEK DRIVE (40' R.o.w.) 0.05338 ACRES 483 GORE CREEK 8179.2' tYlovc LIGHT POLE 25.00 LOT g 5oD GORE @ txv. ELEV. = 8168.8' Ooesign Review Rctio*orm TOWN OF VAIL Calegory Number Project Name: Building Name: /rtrt-r t i','lr ca ( f ,l k+{s .lo .r Z;'i c.l l'..{-{" t n /<Xql.g- 1c Owner. Address and Phone: ArchitecvContact, Address and Phone: Legaf Description: to6{Fk1 Block * Subdivision Project Street Address:C:r.,fe C-one Comments: Zone Districr l4/ " - *o,onrr, noL *'rPtX]" Seconded by: NrApproval fl Disapproval ! Statf Approval Conditions:lA i *: /v1c,t-t( I-2 -,'(JrL w;{A C., T ( .;1",;r.'* 'o{t bwn Planner -fttt t?ce-s-/ L ,r"' c le +A !t,. I \.1 TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT:An appeal of a staff decision regarding Design Review Board application proceclures, and Temporary Certificate ol Occupancy collaleralization requirements pertaining to the Thain development proposal, located at 483 Gore Creek Drive/Lots 8A, 8 B, and g, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing. Appellant: Jay Peterson, representing Helen Chatfield and Diana DonovanPlanner: Jim Curnutte I. INTRODUCTION Jay Peterson, on behalf of Helen Chatfield and Diana Donovan, owners of Lots 7A and 78, Texas Townhomes, is appealing staff's interpretation of the Design Review Board (DRB) application procedures as well as Temporary Certificate of Occupancy collateralization requirements pertaining to the Thain developmenl proposal located at 483 Gore Creek Drive/Lots 8A, 8 B, and 9, Texas Townhomes. Vail Village 4th Filing. Chapter 18.66.0304 (Appeal of Administrative Actions) states that: "Appeal from any administrative action or delermination by the Town Manager or the zoning administrator pursuanl to provisions to this title may be liled with the PEC by any resident or property owner following such action or determination. In event of appeal. the commission, after receiving a report from the Town Manager or zoning adminislrator, may confirm, reverse, or modify the action of the Town Manager or the zoning administrator. A hearing shall not be required. The failure of lhe commission to act within thirty days of the filing of an appeal shall be deemed concurrence in the action of the Town Manager or the zoning administrator." The Thains own two units localed at lhe easternmost end of the Texas Townhomes. They have received all necessary Town approvals (DRB and building permit) in order to proceed with their tear down/rebuild of Units 8A and 88 on the tot. During the June 1, 1994 DRB meeting, Mr. Peterson, on behalf ol his clients, expressed a concern that the existing spiral staircase, which was localed hall on the Thains' property and half on the Chatfield/Donovan property, not be removed as a result of the proposed redevelopment. Although the spiral staircase would not longer be necessary lo provide access lrom any floor on the Thains property, it is the only means ol egress lrom the second story deck of Helen Chatfield's unit. In response to this concern, Lynn Fritzlen, the Thains' architect, agreed to preserve the spiral staircase in its existing location and provide a privacy screen around it on the Thains property. r''i ir" MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmental Commission Community Development Department February 27,1995 kl, I p@ve lotqtLe On February 6, 1995, Jim Curnutte on behall of the Town, wrote a letter to Rick Rosen, who represents the Thains, for the purpose ol identifying the outstanding items that must be finalized prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) for either of the Thain residences. The Town's letter was also intended to respond to Mr. Rosen's inquiry regarding the possibility of receiving a TCO belore ihe spiral staircase was put on the buildi:;;, since Mr. Rosen indicated that the Thains no longer wished to install the spiral staircase on the building, per the approved plans. on Page 2 of the February 6th letter, (see attached copy), the Town indicated that it was in receipt of the Thains' application to go before the DRB in order to request the complete removal ol the spiral staircase. The Town indicated that if the DRB granted approval of the amendment to remove the staircase, that would resolve the TCO issue, however, if the DBB felt that the staircase needed to remain on the new building, as shown on the approved plans, then stafi would be agreeable to granting a TGO for the Thain residence provided that the value of the staircase, and its installation on the building, be bonded and that lhe staircase eventually be installed within the next few months. Additionally, the Town pointed out to Mr. Rosen that, as currenlly submitted, since half of the spiral staircase was located on property owned by Helen Ghatfield and Diana Donovan they technically were required to be co-applicants in the removal application, and that a letter indicating their approval of lhe reguest was necessary. Based on a previous conversation with Rick Rosen, the Town also included a statement that the only way the Thains could proceed with an application for the removal of the staircase, without the adjacent property owners permission, would be il the Thains request only included that halt of the staircase which was located entirely on the Thains property. On January 28, 1995, Jim Curnutte received a letter lrom Rick Rosen indicating his desire to modify his DRB application to include only the portion of the staircase located on the Thains property. lt was at this time that staff determined that although the request to remove half of the spiral staircase did not make sense functionally, and may not prove to be architecturally acceptable to the DRB, the application was complele and was scheduled for DRB consideralion on February 15, 1995. On February 14, 1995, statf received the letter of appealfrom Jay Peterson disputing staff's decision to allow the Thains to proceed to DRB to remove only that half of the staircase located on the Thains property. lt is Mr. Peterson's contention that even the half of the staircase located on the Thains property is jointly owned by his clients and the Thains, and that no application for removal or alteration could be made without his clients and the Thains review and approval. Mr. Peterson also believes that the Town should not allow the Thains to receive a TCO until the spiral staircase is attached to the building and is fully functional to his clients. For the Planning and Environmental Commission's (PEC) information, staff has recently received a number ol requests for TCOs when certain cosmetic improvements on the building have not been cornpleted. On September 13, 1994, the Town established a written policy (which went into eflect on November 1, 1994) which outlined the requirements necessary al the time a TCO was requested, though certain outstanding improvements were nol completed prior to the time a TCO is requested. This policy (see attached copy of September 13, 1994 memorandum) requires a financial and contractual guarantee at the time of TCO for all outstanding cosmetic improvements, including items such as painting, landscaping, paving, undergrounding utilities, stucco color coats, etc. cipecvnemos\.tharn.227 TOWN OFVAIL o=' F!I-E COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-21 38 / 479-2 r 39 FAX 303-479-2452 February 6, 1995 Deparnnent of Community Developtnent Gk{*e z/r/rs 4p frrK*(furt Mr. Rick Rosen P.O. Box 4137 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Thain Residences, Lols 8 and 9, Vail Village 4th Filing Dear Rick: This letter is in response to your letter to me dated January 20, 1995 regarding the outstanding items that must be tinalized prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) for lhe Thain residence. The following issues are planning related items and do not include Building Department requirements necessary for a TCO: 1. As you know, Lighting Ordinance No.9, Series of 1993 regulates all exterior lighting on a property. To date, no exlerior lighting has been approved for the Thain residences. Although a parlial lighting application has been received from lhe architect, additional information must be provided with regard to number of fixtures, localion. lurrinous area and source lumens belore staff can determine compliance with lhe Lighting Ordinance. As mentioned to you during our meeting lasl week. the maximum number of exterior light fixtures allowed on the Thain property is three. 2. A revised landscape plan must be provided which shows, in addition to the landscaping shown on the original site plan, lhe addition of large shrubs to be installed under the evergreen tree which has been limbed-up during construction. The Thains will then enler inlo a Developer Agreement with the Town in order to bond the value of the estimated cost of the landscaping shown on the revised landscaping plan. The landscape estimate must also include the eslimated cost ol the Design Review Board (DRB) requirement lhat an arborisl assess the condition of all landscaping on the property (in the spring) to determine the "survivability" of the lrees. Also included in the Developer Agreement would be the dollar amount of any asphalt damage to the parking lot, which may have occurred during construction. The anrount of the bond will equal 125% of the wrilten cost estimate provided lor staff review and approval. The Developer Agreement will allow the Thains to delay complelion of the items specified therein untilJune 30, 1995, not the spring of 1996 as indicated in your letter. o Mr. Rosen February 6, 1995 Page Two 3. As you know, I have discussed the possibility of bonding the value of the exterior spiral staircase in order to obtain a TCO prior to its placement on the slructure with Gary Murrain, Chiet Building Official, and Mike Mollica, Acting Director of Community Development. Although staff has agreed that the bonding may be accomplished, we feel that the six month deadline for resolution of this matter requesled in your letter, is excessive. lam aware that you have made an application lor February 1sth DRB review and approval to remove the staircase. lf that approval is granted, the matter will be resolved at that time. Staff would recommend that you do not request a TCO on the building until after the February 1sth DRB meeting when it will be determined whether or not removal of the stairs is acceptable. I understand that Tom Moorhead, Vail Town Attorney, has contacted you recently regarding his recommendation that lhe Thains attend the February 15. 1995 DRB meeting. With regard to the above-mentioned DRB application, staff would remind you that the complete removal of the spiral staircase, as currently described on the DRB application and shown on the drawings submitted by Lynn Fritzlen, requires the approval of Helen Chatlield and Diana Donovan. lf the Thains shbuld decide lo remove only that portion of the staircase located on the Thain's properly, then the application and drawings must be am* . Jed to reflect that desire. In order to stay on schedule for the February 15, 1995 DRB meeting, your amended application must be received by Friday' February 10' 1995. I hooe the infornnation in this letter clarifies our previous conversations, however, if you should require additional information regarding the above isst.res, please teel free lo conlact me at your convenience. Sincerely, ,!;*C**a% Jim Curnutte Tom Moorhead Jay Peterson l/ark Churchhill File XC: TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMOFANDUM conlractors, architects, landscape architects Andy Knudlsen, Senior Planner Mike Mollica, Acting Director ot Community Development September 13, 1gg4iRevised February 14, 1995 Requiremenls at time ol Temporary Certificate of Occupancy Effective November t' 't994 the Town of Vail will be requiring a letter of credit or an escrow account to be established for all outstanding improvements prior to issuance ol a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO). The purpose of this change is to ensure that all of the condiiions made by the Planning and Environmental commission (pEC) and Design Review Board (DRB) during the developmenl review process are incorporaled into the final project and installed or consfucted. In an effort to ensure lhat all improvements are completed, the Town will now require that a financial guarantee be provided at the lime of TCO for outstanding cosmetic improvements. These would include ilems such as painting, landscaping, paving, undergrounding utilities, a color coal for stucco, etc. ltems nol included in this list, and which must be compleled prior to TCO include all exterior siding ancl slonework on lhe building, weatherproof ing, etc. Before a TCO can be issued, the foilorving items must be providect: 1. A @ntraclor's bid {or ail ouf slanding work. 2. A letter of credit or escrow account must be established tot 125aL of the amount shown in the bid. 4. Finally, a Development lmprovement Agreement must be signed by the developer and the project planner. The purpose of the Developer lmprovemenl Agreement is to specify the amount ol money in lhe tinancial guarantee, to lisl the specific items that are covered by the account, and to set the date that all outstancling work must be compteted. Any projects issued a TCO during the monlhs ot October. November, December, January, February, March or April musl have the oulstanding improvements compteted by July 1st. Any projects which are issued a TCO in May, June. July, August or Sepiember must have ihe improvements completed by November 1st of lhat year. Standard forms for the.lelter ot credit and the Devetoper lmprovement Agreement are available hom the Department of Community Development. Please keep copies ot the folms on hand so that you can provide the completed form lo the planner one week prior to requesling a TCO. The planner will then verity that all of the work shorvn on the approved PEC and DRB plans is either complete or accounted for in the Developer lmprovement Agreement. Please call us if you would like to discuss any of the above. This Code section is found in lhe Design Review Guidelines, under Section 18.54.070, which is shown on the back side ol this memo. lf you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact any of the statf in the Community Development Department at 479-2138. Thanks for your cooperation. :{ fis C& , *Y'? Tlr*,lf** cJ^ooy" A Lo^nr o a*, .,-c; i:;;-::,'ir (ereL d*r e,zh,re. v 5*P :,-- L,;,+ "'{,*/o.{l,-- L,;,+ "'{,*./o,, lE*peQ aF b* L fAoE :qt * Gr-( Le#pf"- .{t*rt".- Ge@vist' *q*Aeb -l[i/) 3' ts{-4eel LuqfCS - =,Gz{ ceCe r. . sva.--ts(r; 4 t- Q(o*-tdLqcfr 6'{-qp,g- Fqyp ed{ ./- ,r**J j{.c i rt EJ ':.. ivi *:Ye.'*/' 'bc>{rsru;l(:*,i4 *"il - tuat M,ut At^e *rxk ,,tqi€-q {e 6" *[aF yc-e) .o"i.e ieae(y 4*; d<.y ee t &i} &.,*L\- Fr.bCq {6 paX* rn+, (bh a-oLsQ- Va,pg &14 ,, KucD q.L- oP qp|fo ua L. CI;t ,-.*u.e *l* air *Y -fL,+ r*,6.rc,-c-61 ,Lrqy{-gntt7 ?.nA SC 02/21/96 15:21 ED ooe l1.F l.AW AFFTaE $ Oa 'T<{a{'(" Fcbrurry 24, 1995 SEI\IT VtA F CS|IULE 303ia?9jtlt2 Mr. Iin Curmrtte Coomunity Dev€do[EHtt Towr of Vail ?i Soutlr Frro@e Road Wesr Vail, Colondo 8165? I I ZO LtHcoLN lTilf " gur.rE t Ina C/Fdr tF '-uLor|AFC BOtOt f dL :Ce Al! r 0OO FIX :lOJ O93 O.r I t YIIL to aOia 4t Ct v^r L goLoiADo trGSt tl! tOl dtr rtalJ - t*5 ,+{LA (o -- 6V=u&- S-/ --(.'"rv4L\4'u!? ,'l=t^:@ $c "ry Rc: Thain Resi<leuce Lorq I end 9, Vail Vilhge Fnrrth Filiqg Drnr Jiro: As you rru aw*rp, I lnve suhmltanl rn epplicetiou !o Deeigu Rwieve Boord frrr o rnilor altcratiorl I a prviursly appovcd phn" submissior wa$ rrade on Janury 2lrd for a herring wltb DRB on Febwary 15' 1995. This *pplicatiou wer *ubsequmtly sppr*rled by -\ pctrnon to-tlc fl".;.gad Ervbruueul Comrrirsiou. It mv appean thar Iey aod I tuve resolved the differcrcs betwcco oru clieus. cooocqucady, the apFlicedso to DR.B for Eodiffcrd@ ro tbe rpr extcdor of Uoit E and dc rcrwval rri rr: ipimr staircrse.uow_apptan ro be a noot issuc. Ascordingly, it is wfth rl'rr tomfi th|: t rapcctfollyrxlunt Ae vidqknunl of orrr DnB app[odon. Witlr&rur*l of the qrglicrtiou should void tbc n:cd lior fay's epgcrl sr PEC o! rhc issue ol sulr rpproval fctr scbcdulitg of rhc DRB heariug. The sesoud issur rclative m Jry's appcrl (TCo bonding $quirsooni) should lloo bc a rrno-irsua !ow. ,r$ prrr uf our €rc@ilt, tbC firilc ncvc a3reed m reilslall the spinl slairca"se. Muk Chruchill rd Diate Donovsn arc schcr&led !o Etrr$ tbe di3 to finaliz: placcurctt of thc stairr*c, Aftrr ttu plu:eoenr ls fntr1166, ttrc uilOr modlffcrtions to the sroe witl be urdc. It ir aoricitE&d thnt this work will be cooploccl irnmcdiatcly. Coosequeotly, ir ie ruy uuuug opiniou lbar e bODd is Eot lcceC*ry toi fne rpirslallation 0f tbe strdn$e. I havo diecrssed this sroc inftrcaticr witb Jry. Finally, now drrt tle gaircsse ieore is rcsohr€d, the Tt*im illeod to rtraightco tbe privnsy r,rinll. lf 1ru rr*all, DRB greuorJ uuulitiurral apprcvat o[ Dcceeb€r '/, lgg4 lor s cbrlgu. This wu cooditioned oo resolviry thc stritcs$e i*srr (w[icD hrc beeD cmplobd) and stafi rplwal. Acr:ordiugly, iocoal rcqr*st is tlltdr for approvat for rhe strsig[B1ulg of flre wall, Tbrok for yrow' hclp. YOurS vcry rl|rly, &ICIIARD P. ROSEN, P.C. VtdL- Ricbul P. Roseo /hs ot cOUtl 5EL: E!ftOC, KArZ. PReCO, LggX. titOtgoN t 3tLVtlri^tr. F.B. I BATLEY, Ilennwc & Purunsont A PRoFEssroNAL ConpourroN AFTon\reysArLAw LINCOIN CENTEB 1660 LINCOIN STREET. SUTIE 9176 DEIYVE& COLORADO 8O!8{ TELEPHONE (S0S) 8tt7.t660 FACSIMILE (808) tg?-{r007 TO: FROMs DATE: RE: l'lE!,tORANDUI.f JIII{ CURNUTTE, TOWN OF VAIL JAY K. PETERSON FEBRUARY l_4, 1995 THAIN TOWNHOUSE VAIL NATIONIL EANE AL,DG. l0r gorrfn I'noNTAGE RoAIr WE81 SLTE vAu+ coLoRADo 810!7 TBIJPIIONE (908) a?0.0092 FACSIMILE (EO8) 17S.UC7 Dear Jirn: The undersigned as attorney for Helen Chatfield and Diana Donovan hereby appeal.s your decision to a1low the Thains to proceed to the Design Review Board for the permanent rernoval of the stairway shared between Lots 8 and 9. The undersigned also appeals your decision to allow a letter ofcredit be placed at the time of T.C.O. in lieu of the replacement of the stairway which was wrongfully removed. ,- 02/09/95 10:20 8S2 1900 ;HE LAw oFFtcI5 oF TICHAiD F. i'r: roj$3#'r.C, Jannary 29, l99j SENT VtA tacsIMILE n3.1n2452 Mr. Jim Curnutte Commuaity Dwelopment Tnryn of Veil 75 $outh Froatage Road Wcstotxvt' Vail, Coloratto g-i6s7 I r It LrNcoLN r'HEEr Bel Thsln lcsldcrcc E ,r , y ,i t , oo Lots E eul 9, Vail Villagc Fourth Fitiug DENvTR cfiLoRADo DEAT JiM: to?oi As you f,re aware, I have submitt€d rn application m Desiga Rcvicw Board for a rninor'/32-lloo 1lj1'lation f a^p:vious:!y. arpproved plan.- Submission wu-made on Januuy ZirO for a,!L ie3 r3r , oco beerirg with DRB on Febnrary 15, lyts, f^x sor r'3 0'r" upon rcvicw of you lerwr of February- 0, lg9), pleasc considerthis lener amodific*ionof pc DRB uppticmion. Ir is thc aplicac,s iarent to modifu onty rhe portion of th;--=sBlrcase that i8 dt*hed to thcir prbpcny. If it is nece*sary, tle iaircire *iX U* atouo ya I L to rdlect rhis 15qp61. P e ! o x 4 t 37 The other itcms discu$sed iDctuded the fhllowing: vA I L C O l.O RA E o r r..0 t Thcre will be no requirement to bond tbc danragc rrr drc asptalt, TCI CaDtc causcd thp damage end should be helrt accountahte. I will lavc Muk -Chruchill wrie aleset $tatang thc same, la rbc urcurlimc, I wlll atso try to get someone hom TCI to r r L tor ..7 | | s.o acknowledgc the irstallation of the cablc, 2- The erborisl end additional rarge sbrubs were a later req'irernent of DRBup0u^approval ofsubsequent chugcs to the previouoty approved Uuitaiog plms, ardthcrefore, a noceacary clement oftbe TCO boud procese. 3.. The DRB hearing ir rtill scl*dutcd tbr Fobruary lith. shoultl this ohauge, someone tiom your ofticr will uorify me of the samc. Thalk^c for your help, plerse cell if I missed tornething. Yours very ruly, RICHARD P, ROSEN, P.C.l-t'.Tt lltlJvv t- Richard P. Rasen fts oF cor,rxEEL: ELftoE, KATZ, FnCcE|, LooK, MorSott il itLvEFlt H.,.c. John A. and Carmcn il. Thaln 85 Old Roarlng Brcok Road llt. Klsco, NewYork 10549 (914) 66&9555 January 31 , 1995 Mr. Jim Cumutto Seniq Phnner Town of Vail Depailrnent of Gornrnunity Dwelopment 75 South Frontage Road Vail, CO 81657 By Far (303) 479-2,052 Dear Mr. Gumutte: We would like lo malc clear our posltbn on certain ilems lo be dlscussed at the Febnrary 15,1995 DRB meeting rehting to our Texas Toyrnhome. We intend to hndscape our prop€ty in a rnanor consistent with the +nlily and design of our unil. We are sure the resul wi]l be satisfactory to DHB and the town d Vail. We asked for sugges- tbns on the landscaping fiom our naighbors at the semi-annual Texas Townhome As.sociation medhg hdd h December 1994. We have not received any suggestions. We hope our neighbors wouH communicate directly with us and not use lhe Town of Vail or the DRB as their personal communication channel. We do not intend to reinstall the circular slairuay at the rear of our unit. lt serves m purpose lor r.rs and would be a potenthl liabilily lo ns shouH someone renting the neighboring unit injure themsdves on it. We have offered to give the stairway to our neiglrbors. We have offered to reimburse lhem for the cost of reindalling it. The decisbn on if and where the strairway is reinstalled on Unit 7 is a decisbn of the owners of Unlts 7A and 78. The design change lo the rear dek we are requesting is minor and shouH be non-controversial from DRB s point of view. lf you have any questions, feel fiee lo call us directty or contact our attorney, Rick Rosen. A. and Carmen M. Thain cr: Rick Rosen THE LAW OFFICES OF ircl{.lRD P,l|r Ti!' ' ""dil|.,F. C. OINVER | | 20 LINCOLN STREET sutTE I loo DENVER COLORADO 4o203 'rEL 303 432 r 900 FAX 303 E|63 04 r 2 PO BOX 4 | 37 VA IL COLOFADO al65a TEL 303 471 1940 January 28, 1995 HAND DELIVEREI) Mr. Jim Curnutte Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Thain Residence Lots 8 and 9, Vail Village Fourth Filing Dear Jim: As you are aware, I have submitted an application to Design Review Board for a minor alteration to a previously approved plan. Submission was made on January 23rdfot a hearing with DRB on February 15, 1995. My request is simple. I would like to be placed on the agenda first for this DRB hearing. I have business in Denver that evening that can not be changed. An early agenda item would greatly enhance my ability of making this meeting without being too late. As always, I appreciate your prompt attention to this request. Please call me and let me know if this request will present any undue problems for Community Development or DRB. Thanks. Yours very truly, RICHARD P. ROSEN. P.C. (1,1 ; I LLC RiChard P. Rosen ihs OF COUNSEL: ELROO, XATZ, PREEO, LOOK, MOISON A SILV€RMAN' P C' THE LAW OFFICES OF RICHARD P. ROSEN, P.C. ATTORNEY AT LAW DENYER I | 2() LINCOLN STREET SUITE l IOO D E N V E R C O LO R A D O 80203 TEL 303 432 1900 FAX 303 863 04 | 2 PO BOX 4 | 37 VAIL COLORADO I | 654 TEL 303 471 1940 January 23, 1995 HAND DELTVERED Mr. Iim Curnutte Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 I I2O LINCOLN STREET sutTE I tOO oENVER COLORAOO aO203 TEL 303 agz t900 FAX 303 a63 04 t 2 VAIL TEL 3O3 4'q 4,42 T'.t Re: Thain Residence Lots 8 and 9, Vail Village Fourth Filing Dear lim: I have asked that Susan Freedman from Fritzlen, Pierce & Briner deliver this letter and application to your office. The application is for a minor design alteration to the Thain Residence. The request is for a design change only. I am not asking DRB, not do I believe DRB has the right, to rule on the legal merits as to whether the exterior spiral staircase must be reinstalted. The request is for the elimination of the spirat staircase that was part of the original approval for this property. Additionally, the request includes modification to the exterior privacy wall separating Lots 7 and 8. In talking with Randy Stouder on Friday, it was determined tlat the revised rear elevation as well as a revised site plan would accomplish the submittal requirements. If this is not the case, please let me know asap. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Yours very truly, RICHARD P. ROSEN, P.C. Ltt ,<l/ t Alt I l.{i.tl--F- Richard P. Rosen /hs OF COUNSELi ELROO. KATZ. PREEO, LOOK, MOISON & 9tLVERMAN' P C -_ a 1 AMPAD NO. 23.776 RECYCTED PAP'R AMPAD NO. 2}7?T RECYCLEO PAPER l:' lr filz0tgl lt:tt .rnHN a . aot 1000 raittra t/rart{ DESIOII lllr"rEtf IoARD TI{A I N EI,TOD.TATZ EI.....- DATE OE' URB MIIIII{G: r taaf f att* t o orr0t o t! AAAI??1 P- er uw JAil 2319sb rPPrrrcAlrof ' Tolfll oF vAl&' coton'lDo DA'E Recr:r"-;'-::$V'-00lvl-lrl1' DEV' DEn B. I. A. c. D. t. F. ? TYPI OP REITEW: INff Congtsuction (S20o.uut -31nor AlEeEaciur (130.00) Jaarcloa (3s0.oo) -concepEuar ncvtew (f0l rf eaoperCy ic alescribcd by a tneelt and boundc legrldrslriltiot, ptrase provtdc on a sepateLc sheet' lnd ai'cach co thls rDPlicaLiun. ADDRESS:@ IJEGAL DESbNIPBIONI LOt, 8 TNd 9 subdlvirioa@ ZONTNG: ITAI{E OF APELICAI,ITI Rl.oelc P.c PEE {r ,l.l . lrtl $ s0.00 $100.00 $200. 00 f400.00 0s00.00 OilE r'ElR aFTER fIil I'l rsgsED il|D eofisErucatol{ t"'i c.NAI{E OF Mcriling APPIJICAN'I' S !€FRESENtATIvE: Address: Phone JofllilS'.laqp lI. NN{E qf Oi{}lttr(o) t oilflEE f.S) 5r(iltral'grra: Mailing Addrcil: [ec acsoading co th3 gablc bclo]r, go rnlurc Elrc cortectic paid. //9, ^PPLIeATrCrng YIIlL NOt BE PROCEESUA ttItHOtU OnN:ER't grdnlt0l! Coodonrialun Approval if appll,etble- gRE fEE: DRD fie€, as Fhown above,l aac Co bc pald aL Elrcgiurc of ruburiteal of rhe DRB appltFaEiou. LeEor, rrhea applying for a buildi.nE pernil. Dleasc ld?ntity the accurtBo valuaclon of Ehe proposal , 3he ?orrn ot vail wiII adjurE tbe /t l VAI/UATION$ c $ 1o.c0c$ru,00l-$ 50.000t 50,001 | 1so,oo0 $150,001 . S 500,000 f500,001 . $1.000.000$ Over 11,000,000 NESIGN NtI'IEW BOIID APPROVAIJ EXI.LIG:S AFFROTIAT, ttrtlBSS A lurtOrNg ?E8ICE rC IEE SClltsuuIJEi lod.lt- Urard tax Suomitlll rnomo tlTl rol lrr r I t8 l!rrR'!ED. ,i TOWNOFVAIL RICEIPT NO. DEPaRTtrtEr-TOFCotrttrltrN..lTl'DE\ELOPIIIENT CIIECXS MADE PAYAALE TO TOWN OP VAIL . ACCOI]NTNO.ITEM ' i lto.' ' ' :rl. TAxi "r-:j: coaTll .' II'TAL 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 0l 0000 42415 UMFORM BUILDINC CODE $54.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE s39.00 0l 0000 4241 5 UNIF-ORM MECHANICAL CODE s37.00 0r 0000 424t5 UNIFORM FIRL CODE s36.00 0t 000042415 NATIONAL ELECTRICAL CODE 5J7.0U 0l 0000 4241 5 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 0000 4 548 BLUE PzuNTS (IUYLARS s7.00 01 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES !i0.25 0 t 0000 42412 STUDIES ot 00u) 42412 TOVFEES COMPUTER PROGRAM $5.00 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE.INSPECTIONS 0l 0000 4t 332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE TS4O PER IIR. 0t 0000 42312 OFF IIOURS INSPECTION FEES 0l 0000 4t412 CONTRACTORS LICIJNSES FEES 0l 0000 4l4ll SIGN APPLICATION FEF-s20.00 0l 0000 4 4t3 ADDITIONAL SIGNAGI] FEI-J IS I.OO PER SO.FI 0l 0000 41440 *VTC ART PROJECT DONATION t1 ,-.- ,,0ro000 4 )J tr 4RE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE -{a-4trffi171 INVL,STICATION I. I--E ( I]UILDING) 3l oo0045ll0 TOV PARKING FUND ot oooo 22027 I0V NEwSPn PhR DISPLNSI:R FUNI)r 0l 0000 2l I t2 TAXABLE (o 4o/. (STATE * 0l 0000 4t010 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOW.\.. 0l 0000 42371 BUILDING INVESTICATION }TIIER PEC APPLICATION FEES 0l 0000 4 ADD]TJONAL CRFA ''250'li200.u0 0l 0000 4 130 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT s200.00 0l 0000 4 330 EXTERIOR ALTERATION ILESS TITAN IOO SO.FT.$200.00 0l 00004 330 EXI.I:KIOR AL'l.L.RAllUN MORIr TIIAN 100 SO.FT.s500.00 01 00004 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT [NEW s I ,500.00 01 0000 4 330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMAJOR AMEND s I ,000.00 0l 0000 4 3J0 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT TMINOR AMEND $200.00 0t 0000 4 3i0 SUBDiVISION g 0l 0000 4 330 VARIANCE s250.00 0l 0000 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS $250.00 0l 000041330 RE. ZONING $200.00 OTHER OTHER lloTALi 2( l C()MM 8Nl5 i .J c--\ r t"' ,- , ,*.0,5 'ftU, ,ornr-_,*a.rrt- -W ,'. i ! I i TElrlFt GF Uflll- t'liscel laneous Cash 81-25-95 1: ReceiFt * 1661SF Fccsunt* CH*5llB RITK ROSEH\.DRB FEE Hnrr-run t tendered :l Ites Paid glgEErg4l33l66E f,hange returned 28. BA frroutt paid zg.gs B. EE THFTH|< l/{fIJ Vour caghier REATHF - Thc Town ofVrll DATE ,vf 5 N? {8S88 RECEIVED FROM pcrmitNumbersffi FW PllO-Cash-l page i{ Q E o E I (r) * i\r E B I (\l E s tvI E @ GI N / * 2000 MM (78 94") LONG BAR HAMMEBED ON CORNERS TO GO WITH ABI 42124 + ART. 42liO ,IERCED BAR LENGTH L = 2OOO MM (78 3t4")a-E$( e hot pierced bar, formed rng successlve "dritts" re- esenls the initial utilisationf wrought ion applied to rchitecture. Almost nothing has changed in the method of production nor in the aeslhetic appeal and security that these bars guaranteed to the windows of ancient Rome and many me- diaeval cities throughout Eu' rope, and can now guarcntee IO US, Amazingly lhey possess the ability of marrying equallv with ancient restoralions and also with the most futuristic of ar- rhilpalt trAl arinaE r\l< ra ^.,n ( !' P. I (; II T R I t' It o D U C T I t) N I' o H I li ,r .I: I) .'r ). t !l-E 7 -t't^1COPY TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 1 3 8 / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 February 6, 1995 D e p arnne nt of C ommunity Developme nt 't. 2. 6X"1. -r, zfz/rs -1p B rrk*(/ttrl Mr. Rick Rosen P.O. Box 4137 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Thain Residences, Lots 8 and 9, Vail Village 4th Filing Dear Bick: This letter is in response to your letler to me dated January 20, 1995 regarding the outstanding items that must be tinalized prior to issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) for the Thain residence. The following issues are planning related items and do not include Building Department requirements necessary for a TCO: As you know, Lighting Ordinance No.9, Series of 1993 regulates allexterior lighting on a property. To date, no exterior lighting has been approved for the Thain residences. Although a partial lighting application has been received from the architect, additional information must be provided with regard to number of fixtures, location, luminous area and source lumens before staff can determine compliance with the Lighting Ordinance. As mentioned to you during our meeting last week, the maximum number ol exterior light fixtures allowed on the Thain property is three. A revised landscape plan must be provided which shows, in addition to the landscaping shown on the original site plan, the addition of large shrubs to be installed under the evergreen tree which has been limbed-up during construction. The Thains will then enter into a Developer Agreement with the Town in order to bond the value of the estimated cost ol the landscaping shown on lhe revised landscaping plan. The landscape estimate must also include the estimated cost of the Design Review Board (DRB) requirement that an arborist assess the condition of all landscaping on the property (in the spring) to determine the "survivability" of the trees. Also included in the Developer Agreement would be the dollar amount of any asphalt damage to the parking lot, which may have occurred during construction. The amounl of the bond will equal 125Y. of the written cost estimate provided for staff review and approval. The Developer Agreement will allow the Thains to delay completion of the items specified therein untilJune 30, 1995, not the spring of 1996 as indicated in your letter. Mr. Rosen February 6, Page Two 1995 As you know, I have discussed the possibility of bonding the value of the exterior spiral staircase in order to obtain a TCO prior to its placement on the structure with Gary Murrain, Chief Building Official, and Mike Mollica, Acting Director of Community Development. Although staff has agreed that the bonding may be accomplished, we feel that the six month deadline for resolulion of this matter requested in your letter, is excessive. lam aware that you have made an application for February 1sth DRB review and approval to remove the staircase. lf that approval is granted, the matter will be resolved at that time. Staff would recommend that you do not request a TCO on the building until atter the February 1sth DRB meeting when it will be determined whether or not removal of the stairs is acceptable. I understand that Tom Moorhead, Vail Town Attorney, has contacted you recently regarding his recommendation that the Thains attend the February 15, 1995 DRB meeting. With regard to the above-mentioned DRB application, stafl would remind you that the complete removal of the spiral slaircase, as currently described on the DRB application and shown on the drawings submitted by Lynn Fritzlen, requires the approval of Helen Chatfield and Diana Donovan. lf the Thains shbuld decide to remove only that portion of the staircase located on the Thain's property, then the application and drawings must be amended to reflect that desire. In order to stay on schedule for the February 15, 1995 DRB meeting, your amended applicalion must be received by Friday, February 10, 1995. a I hope the information in this letter clarifies our previous conversalions, however, if you should require additional information regarding the above issues, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, Jim Curnutte xc: Tom Moorhead Jay Peterson Mark Churchhill File T}IE LAW OFFICES OF RICHAFD P. ROg E N, P. C. RFCE/VL-i I il q^ January 28, 1995 HAND DELTVERED Mr. Jim Curnufte Communiry Development Town of Vail Village Fourth Filing Dear Jim: As you :ue aware, I have submitted an application to Design Review Board for a minor alteration to a previously approved plan. Submission was made on January 23rd for a hearing with DRB on February 15, 1995. My request is simple. I would like to be placed on the agenda first for this DRB hearing. I have business in Denver that evening that can not be changed. An early agenda item would greatly enhance my ability of making this meeting without being too late. As always, I appreciate your prompt attention to this request. Please call me and let me know if this request will present any undue problems for Community Development or DRB. Thanks. Yours very truly, RICHARD P. ROSEN, P.C.(tL- Rosen ' -' )-; l^ K] /1 L/* D'NYER | | 20 LINCOLN STREET surlE I roo OENVER COLORAOO ao203 TEL 303 a32 1900 FAX 303 863 04 | 2 PO BOX 4 | 37 vatt coLoflaoo a r 65a TE! 303 47t 1940 75 South Frontage Road West OF COUNSEL. ELROO. KAIZ' PREEO. LOOX. MOISON C SILVERMAN' F C THE LA\M OFFICES OF rffi',. l- O1,,; trcHtRD*4 Ianuary 20, 1995 Mr. Jim Curnutte Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road West Vail. Colorado 8i657 Re: Thain Residence Lots 8 and 9, Vail Village Fourth Filing Dear lim: Thank you for meeting with me yesterday. I wanted to confirm our conversation to make sure I have the facts correctly. Please let me know as soon as possible if any part of the following is incorrect. There are currently three outstanding items that must be finalized prior to issuance of a TCO for the Thain residence. This is not to say that the residence is completed. Those t}ree items included (1) acceptable lighting pursuant to Ordinance No. 9, Series of 193, (2) final landscape plan and applicable bond, and (3) exterior staircase issue. The lighting issue should be resolved by the architect and the owner. Lynn Fritzlen will be providing you the necessary information relative to number of fixtures, location, luminous area, and source lumens. OENl,IR I | 20 LINCOLN STREEI SUtTE l rOO OENVER COLORADO ao203 TEL 303 432 r900 FAX 303 863 04 | 2 YA I L PO BOX 4 | 37 VAIL COLORADO E | 654 TEL 303 4-'1 1940 DRD a '*//7----+ .,r --1 The proposed landscaping will require a final plan and a bond in the amount of 125% of , lt frt'l ' the estimateO cost of ihe iandscaping. Given ihe time of the year, the bond will be . Uf I provided pursuant to a developer's agreement with specific deadlines for completion of Nrf flfl il, the installation of the landscaping. I would ask that as a minimurn the Thains be given ' n . t Lf '- -,tF until Spring 19Jb for finalization of the same. NO I -- \,(.6€ l??t .nF -4 * rtU : * The exterior staircase will not be installed prior to request for issuance of the TCo. As or"l+t" ,. lF you :ue aware, the Thains continue to attempt to resolve the dispute with the adjacent' 1 V- .\ property owner over the location of the staircase. As such, a bond will be provided via t tk ' ,tF I the same instrument to be used above wherein aS-anounlraua\to the installation of the ^h staircase will be provided. A deadline of six (6) months is reqy'ested for a hopeful If the above correctly confirms our conversation, please let me know. I would like to prepiue a draft agreement for the Town's review. Also, I will be submitting an OF COuNsEL: ELROD, KAtZ, PREEo, LoOK, MolSON & StLVERMAN' P c' Mr. Jim Cumune January 20, 1995 Page Two application to DRB for a minor alteration to the previously approved architectural plans. I am only requesting a design alteration. DRB is not being asked tojudge the merits of whether or not the Thains have a requirem€nt to reinstall the staircase. Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter. Yours very truly, RICHARD P. ROSEN. P.C. lt t I TrLt lL__ ___ . Richard P. Rosen /hs a 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303:479-2452 January 11, 1995 Deparnnent of Community Development Ms. Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Documenlation of Design Review Board (DRB) action and condilions of approval regarding changes to the previously approved plans for the proposed remodel of the Thain residences, Lots 8A,88, and 9, Texas Townhomes, VailVillage lst Filing Dear Lynn: This letter is intended to document the conditions attached to the January 4, 1995 DRB approval of the Thain residences amendments to the previously approved plans. Your application 1o add a curved brick arch above the east side window, which is above the enlry door, and to remove the previous condition of DRB approval requiring an awning window to be added to the window above the entry door was approved unanimously by the DRB. However, during their site visit to the Thain residences, the DRB noted that the brick corbelling between the entry door and the window above has not bedn ingtalled per the approved plans. The DRB has conditioned their approval of the above-referenced changes upon the addition of he brick corbelling above the east side entry door, as originally approved. The second condition of the DRB approval has to do with the landscaping changes you have made to the property, including the limbing of the large evergreen lree located near the southeast corner of lhe new building. The stafl and the DRB was assured by the applicant that this tree would be protected throughout the conslruction of the new residences and would not be limbed up, as currently exists. The DRB was also concerned wilh the damage to the bees along the south side of the property, adjacent to the parking lot. As a condition of approval, the DRB is requiring that large shrubs be installed under lhe eyergreen lree and a new landscape plan be submitted which shows additional landscaping to compensate for the damage which has been done during construction. This new plan musl be provided for staff review and approval prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) for the property. At the time a TCO is issued, staff will require a bond in the amounl of 125/o ol the value of all landscape improvements which will not be complete at the time the TCO is issued. ln the spring, before the bond is relurned, the applicant must have a qualified expert assess the condition of all landsqaping and guarantee the replacement of any trees that the expert believes will not survive. The replacement of any trees determined to have a low chance of survival must be complele before the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy for lhe building. Senior Planner xc: John and Garmen Thain Mark Churchill o Ms. Frilzlen January 11, 1995 Page Two lf you have any questions, or need lurther clarification, of any of the conditlons imposed by the DRB on January 4, 1995, please contacl mE immediately, in writing, so that we all have a clear underslandlng of the informatlon whlch must be addressed prior to lhe issuartc€ of a TCO for thE Thain residEncss remodel. Sincerely, $LCz,"^.'.Q,*t|^ Jim Cumutte. Ir Building Name: lsign Review Action *t TOWN OF VAIL catesory trr.o", /7 on" t /q /q S erq"aN^ ", -fi,q ln 0 n, /'; (u^,|/s 4tBl) Project D€scription: ."'!,7a\ C .-t^ Owner, Address and Phone: Architecvoontact, Address and Phone: Legal Descripti on: Uot/i,fu t8 Alock Subdivision zone District /Onf project street A aar"ss' '/ 93 Gof p C' f e:< k 0/ r U Q Comments: Board / Staff Action Seconded by: f;-= .r' gdpproval u:/C.. * c* rl_ r4j. _ O OU"OOr"-n ! StaffApproval Conditions:coil, ,.- |J'/'Y)t'' -r{ =o*-DRB Fee Pre-oaid 7 / +ar=[.' ;tki-, q: ,tti,;; *i,.r'J.'d rY.ua,e,{ *lu&(- a[*J e*rl-u"iet*.n i$/$GAo€r\) .ogq- L-qrte- r 1: pcf f, ,4n*,u^t ?/ 4e- s[srl )q.CC CTJ*A {',i,& ) herss / e kxnffi E u## &? : ryF{,'c €/-}r lf /W,: 4sir*' t.,'ce{ $'Ff *t'l ff.s..s- gg: . L,}q. 6,' c ;4y * q*TgrooO{gq -i kX. ,*it"*4*,nt#o tr +e,tf U €et'Q c(, Frrrse CFrF C?e rF r$ald 0rt,( ute/Cg ,',-,!./ \I rt t/ ii l-ALL- .,\J.; oll | | -'Mtfra.- Cap4 Fe$ irole. ')L CoPFe{- a'*ptreVal I 'l -'it r t / l"\ - . ",i *r,,brcak. uf ry r€$t ,, , /: * ilS {gn, 1sru#r-qlf..rT-, (.-,.. Cr};t ,p ,, iYt,r,'l{:i t\ t-n,f--- tr 1' t t --- 'l )tl'itr tt'' n'.t" {.e\\fG' -i {*e i . 1 uO L i rc 1,", A't'@e.f-. 1/ , t t, .Srtrun,o qLf t c,t a c-da;.:.t/ar +e ; f* "rrorol Co l& T PRo']ECr rNFoRl'ArroN:'' T[.i 1'ilji,ri,ii l:i i, ,ii.piA. DESCRIPTION: Mti11lon ghanoes to window above eritiv lij !"' '; v 'rf T I DATE OE DRB MEETING: ********* IEIS .IPPIICS,TTON !'r!I. NOT BE ACCEPTEDItNtIL nIlL REoUIRED rNrOR!|ArrON rS SUAMr oEC 2 3 199{********** B.TYPE OF REVIEW: Nevr Const,ruction ($200. 00)x Minor Alteration ($20.00) Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) c. D. ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION:I,ot 8&9 Block Subdivlsion - Vail VllLaee 4th Fil If propert,y is described bvdesqript,ion, please providdattach to this applii-ation. ZONING: Condomlnlurn Approval if appllcable. a meet,s and bounds legalon a separate sheet and FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 9200.00 . $400.00 $500.00 t. G. LOT AREA: If required, applicant must, provide a currentstanped survey showing lol area NAME OF APPLfCANT: Carmen and John *-Mailing Address: g ut. K:tsko. liJY 10549 T NAME 9F OWNERS: Garnen and John Thaln *STGIIAIURE (S) :I'rarrj.ng Aoorestr': oJ uJ.q Koarl"nP SrooK Koao 105 ,I. K.p5a rlEr DRB fees, as shown above, are to be paid atthe tlme of, suiinitraL of pne ippiicirio". --r;;;;, whenapptying for a building- permirl'pteas- iaentiiv-iireaccurate valuation of the proposiL. The fown -of vaitwill adJust the fee_accoraing-io-the table-U.fo",'toensure the coriecr fee rs piia.- -^ :"1_"" t/# lel 4l FEE SCHEDULE': YALUATIONt o-$ 1o,oooI 10,001 - $ s0;000I 90,001 - $ 1s0;oo0 1199,001 - $ soo;ooo $500, 001 - $1,000;000$ Over $1r 000,000 ls lsEJ q4 **NO APPEICATfON WfITIJ BE Phone dr\ * DEsrcN REvrElI BoeRD AppRo\rAJ., E(PrREs oNE YEAR Ar.rER FrNALAPPRO\TAI., UNLESS A .BUII.DING PERMI! IS ISSU''- Ir:IP COIISTRUCTTON ISSTAR,ITED. PROCESSED WITSOUT OI{MR' S SIGNATTTRE r-. L o f iiEceIl.3nec'us Ca=h I .-r; -r r_r ; rJ..:, F,=.i-+i ri. + 1 F,f:'Fll t-Ji-r._.r-r'-r IL. it r.-- t.. 'f r;..15 t trE rT:l trt.l E Ttrtri'tr i.::tr'T i.Jtrc". riFE, E:rE:i r-, !. LLL! 1! r .L r-'l.Lii* 5 iir',,-,' rr-, t t.1r,r'i.: r,:,,-i ': ?ri t:lr-r I rem paid lii i firjr:1841. :lf, 1 *i.ll:1 f:i-r.:,nq,i! r,:!i.r-rrnE,,j .: Frrioun t p:id :t. rSil -t-Hslt-{}4 a/{fl-r i r.,!r_r I I._.1 _i..1 | i. i:r i i..EH I nH tcTownof p: l4 I{f f6t?t -I- tfll|t"l rf,F r-_Jtri I l_ RDCEIVEDFROM DOLI.ARS $ Fermit Numbers 't - trlw PruD-crsh-ctrecrlr lill I o FfL t c0PY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 January 11, 1995 Departnent of Community Development Ms. Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Documenlation of Design Review Board (DRB) action and conditions of approval regarding changes to the previously approved plans for the proposed remodel ol the Thain residences, Lols 8A, 8B, and 9, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 1st Filing Dear Lynn: This letter is inlended to document the conditions attached to the January 4, 1995 DRB approval ol the Thain residences amendments lo the previously approved plans. Your application to add a curved brick arch above the east side window, which is above the entry door, and to remove the previous condition of DRB approval requiring an awning window to be added lo the window above the entry door was approved unanimously by the DRB. However, during their site visit to the Thain residences, the DRB noted that the brick cortrelling between the entry door and the window above has not beein iftstalled per the approved plans. The DRB has conditioned their approval of the above-referenced changes upon the addition of the brick corbelling above the east side entry door, as originally approved. The second condition of the DRB approval has to do with the landscaping changes you have made to the properly, including the limbing of the large evergreen tree located near the southeast corner of the new building. The stafl and the DRB was assured by the applicant that this tree would be protected throughout the construction ol the new residences and would not be limbed up, as currently exists. The DRB was also concerned with the damage to the trees along the south side of the property, adjacent to the parking lot. As a condition of approval, the DRB is requiring that large shrubs be installed under the evergreen tree and a new landscape plan be submitte'd which shows additional landscaping to compensate for the damage which has been done during construction. This new plan must be provided for staff review and approval prior to the issuance of a Temporary Certificate of Occupancy (TCO) for the property. At the time a TCO is issued, staff will require a bond in the amount of 125/" ol the value of all landscape improvements which will not be complete at the time the TCO is issued. In lhe spring, before the bond is returned, the applicant must have a qualified expert assess the condition of all landscaping and guaranlee the replacement of any trees that the expert believes will not survive. The replacement of any trees determined to have a low chance of survival must be complete before the issuance of a final Certificate of Occupancy for the building. Ms. Fritzlen January 11, 1995 Page Two lf you have any questions, or need further clarification, of any of the conditions imposed by the DRB on January 4, 1995, please contact me immedialely, in wriling, so that we all have a clear understanding of the information which must be addressed prior to the issuance of a TCO for the Thain residences remodel. Sincerely, $LCr."^'-Q,r/1^ Jim Curnutte Senior Planner xc: John and Carmen Thain Mark Churchill 0EC 1 g 1ss4 10\ -00\I\$l\, Di\l' DtPl' Deeerrrtrer. 14.' 1994 Trrwn *f Vail I nered tt, elarify rny letter nf Jlrne 3tlt, LSEA.. A letter gt"ant ing access for" cnnstr.,rct inn orr l,:t B was l*Fqr.lil'ed by yc,u and that letter was wr"itterr in l.esponse tc,that t"eqr-tert. Hc'wever, ennstr.r-tct inn accegs' is nc't specifieally mentionedn anly r-rndepstc,c'd. Thea aceesri gr.anted in the June $t-)r lg$r+ lettel. wari fof. const ruct i c'n purp,:ses 6n ly. That access n,:' l r,nqer. ex i Bt g when a TtrO is gr.anted. That alg,: nreans al l landscapinqn har.d arrd r;'lft, rnust be back ir' the c,|.ininal c,:,nfi.F ratir'rr at thatt i ftre. Sincerely, Nrn,aA"-aua*J Diana Donovan $ecret ar.y Texasi Tc'wnhc,ttge Ht"rec,wneps Assic'eiat i,:,rr "*a1 ;o \ --"--''-a r.visEd gll/gl DRB aPPIJICSIION - rOWN Otr \rAIIr, COLORADO DATE APPLICATION DATE OF DRB ********** IEIS EPPIjrCA|!rON WrI.I NOI! BE ACCEPTEDttNtIL AIJJ REQSIRED rNroR!{arroN ts sIrBMrttED********** PRO..IECT INFOR}IATIoN :' A. DESCRIPTfON: Changes to plans per FpB lerter. ?EA B.TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction ($200.00)x Minor ALteration ($20.00) ($0)Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Revlew MEETING: T c. D. ADDRESS: LEGALDESCRIPTION: LoT 8&9 Block F r. G. Subdlvlsion I:^f:?f:I!I i:.described.!y, " meers and bounds resalqesqrrptron-, please provide on.a separate sheet aiaattach to this applicatlon. ZONING: I{lgh Density Multi-Family 191_lf{At ff reql:lred, appllcanr musr provide a currencsfamped survey showing IoL area. NAI''E OF AFPLICA}TT: \?irlrs*d$"'":g; H. NAl,tE OF APPLICANTTS REPRESENTATM: Lynn FrirztenMailins AddrvalI, -co 8l'8$s t o'n' Bo* 57 =. , === , =, ,=, = *SIGNATURE (S) :Malllng AddiesE I. NAI{E OF' OWMRS: J. Condomi4lum Approval if applicable. K. PFB lgEl Onn^fte9r. as shown above, are to be paid ar.he tlme of submilrar oi-ons-;#ii"iiioil "=r,!t,.r, when 1q1]VifS fol.-1-puirding. permir, please idenrtfy rheaccurate valuation or ini: proposil. The rown or vail11]r aaJy"t !!i ree_accoiaing t,o rhe rabr.e berow, ro. ensure the correct fee is paia. :^-- ,/4 (rrdg FEE sGHEDULE: rEE PArD: s to -- ' g1\; t2ltvlq+^ iiaLUATroN FEEt 0-$ 10,000 $20.00l19,oo1 -$ so;ooo $so.ool, 99, ool - $ 1so; ooo $100. oo 1199, oo1 - $ soo; ooo $zoo. oo$5001 001 - gI, 000; 000 $400. OO$ . ovbr $rrooorooo $500.00 * DESTGN REVIE!{BOARD .IPPROVAT EXPTRES}PPRO\IAIJ STARTED.TIS * *NO .AtPtrciFJoN wrar, ONE YF"AR EJ.TER ATNATJ TSSUED AITD CONSTRUCTION IS BEPj 199,i WTTBOUT OWNER'S SIGNATSRE0tt 1 o FritzlenPierceBriner Architccarc Ploanfug Intcrbn December L6,1994 Jim Cunrutte Planner Town of Vail 8D6194: thrc walk way to the back enry was deleted. l2ll3l94:thewalk way to the back entry was included in the plan again due to the DRB meeting of 1218194. Sheet Cl02: 8126t94: the property next to Manor Vail was not included in the staging area. l2tl3l94:the property next to lvlanor Vail was included in the staging plan due to the DRB meeting of 1218194. Sheet .{203a: 8D6/94 there is a spandrel in the window configuration. l2ll3l94: the spandrel in the window configruation has been removed. Sheet A203b: 8126194: there is a qpandrel in the window configuration. A window is shown at the back stairs. Thereis a 3'-0" x 3'-6" window at bedroom # 105. There are 9 skylights along the north edge of the north roof. 12tL3194: the spandrel in the window configruation has been removed. There is no longer a window at the back stairs. There is a 3'-0" x 4'j6" window at bedroom # 105. There are 8 skyliChts along the north edge ofthe north roof. Sheet A203c: 8126t94: there is a spandrel in the window configurations at thc living room and master bedroom. There is a 3'-0" x 3'-0" window above the ftont door. There is an opening with a railing on the east facade at the hot tub. )'-o JinCumtfie Pagc2 Dccembc 16, 1994 l2ll3l94:the spandrel in the window configurations has been rrmoved. There is a 3'-0" x 6'-6u window above thc front door. There is no longer an opening on the east facade at the hot tub. L:9418\DOC\121694.WPD oI TOWNOFVA]L REcErprNo.4{oB l5 DEPARTMLNf OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPME$T n^,u F3JTrjJ€;'J Penc e-4.- ""*---lA,-!!e-,9q CHECKS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL ACCOI.INT NO-ITEM NO. TAX COSTETL TOTAL 01 0000 41540 ZONINGANDADDRESS MAPS ss.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILD]NG CODE s50.00 0l 0000 42115 UNIFORN,I PLUI\4BING CODE s36.00 01 000012115 UNIFOR]\{ MECHANICAI CODE s32.00 010000.12415 UNIFORM FIRE CODE s36.00 11000042115 NATI ONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s30.00 01000042415 i OfiER CODE BOOKS 01 0000 41548 BLUE PRINTS (T4YLARS s7.00 0t 0000 42412 xtRoxcoPIEs s0.25 0l 0000 4241?STUDIES 0r 0000 42.fi2 TOVFEES COM PUTER PROGRAN,I s5.01 0l 0000 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 01 0000 4t332 PLAN REVIEW RE-CHECK FEE tS4O PER HR. 0l 0000 42132 OFF HOURS ]NSPECTION FEES 01 0000 11.112 CONTRACTORS L]CENSES FEES 0l 0000.fl1t3 SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 OI OOOO 41413 ADD]TIONAL SIGNAGE FEE IS i.OO PER SQ,FT. 0l 0000121J0 iVTC ART PROJECT DONATION 01 OOOO41.331,PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE E'].- 010000 12374 iiNVEsrrcATlo;.{ FEE (BUILDING) 3l 0000451i0 TOV PARKING FUND -0r 0m0 22077 TOV NEWSPAPER DISPET''\SER FUND '01 0000 21112 ,T.{XABLE @ 1% (STATE) + 0t 0000.11010 TAXABLE @ 1+ (TOWN OI OOOO 42371 BUILDING INVESTICAT]ON ,OTHER APPLICATION FEES 01 0m041330 ADDI'IloNALGR}'A "2-.'0"s200.oo 0r 0000 11-?-10 Co\-DITIoNAL USE PER\'ilT s200.00 0t 0000.r13-i0 EXTERIoR ALTERATION JLESS THAN 100SQ.Ff.l s200.00-TiT0d0lim- ,ElfTE-r{s500.00-TTm0TlRilSPEel,\L DEVELO PI\'l B\T DI sTR IeT- t N Ew I s 1.500.00-T'Imilr33O_'SPECIALTI JVELOPMENT DISTR]CT [I\4AJOR AT{ffiiilan'6R-Ni s 1.000.00ffis200.00-TI-M001-r-r-ro.SfsDIVTIoN 01 000041330 , /ARIANCE s250.00 0l 0000 41330 l ZONING CODE AN4ENDT,IENTS s250.00 01 0000 41330 l rE _ ZONING s200.00 )THER OTHER I r LJ r AL: tlc) -- :OMMENTS: CASH t 1cx* 1 o.nr.'I&l{e,g 4 REC. ItY: o T{fhll-l {fF LJF I l- Hiscel laneous Cash 1?-19-?4 1?:1S;BS Rec*iPt + tEtlSB FlcrBunt X t-:lr' FF;ITELEI.{ PIERIE Fttr*un t tende red + 613S BEtt{EFr...PEEFfl IIr gEE -] ':E' rJE Iterrr Paid BIE1EIBB4l3;lBEF-1 Ehange ret'urned 't Rrount Paid Tl-l€Hr< votj Yc'ur ca=-;hier REFTHH r-r-,.**--e_ J"'---'---_;- ' *CEIPT - rr Tovrn of vail I ?8. BB !:1. EEi iloltn I \T? ,l RECBIVEDFROM 0s8t$ F I!. T COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 December 15, 1994 Department of Contmunity Deve lopment Ms. Lynn Fdtzlen Fritzlen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Thain Residence, Lots 8 and 9, Texas Townhomes Dear Lynn: This letter is intended to clarify your letter to me dated December 15, 1994 as well as to document the telephone conversation which we had shortly after I received a faxed copy of your letter. On December 7, 1994, the Design Review Board (DRB) approved numerous changes to the Thain residence. Part of their approval required the resubmittal of amended drawings to the staff. I received your amended drawings on December'l 3, 1994 and while in the process of inserting your amended plans into the approved set ot drawings, I noticed that several gg changes were added to the drawings, These changes have never been reviewed or approved by staff or by the DRB, nor has an application been made lor that purpose. My discussion this morning with Rick Rosen was to point out the fact that a new DRB application must be submitted and an application must be provided detailing the latest round of changes you are proposing. Upon receiving this application, we will consider your most recent changes for approval. As I mentioned to you during our telephone conversation earlier today, none ol the changes I am talking about in this letter were originally identified in your December 5, 1994 letter, nor reflected on the plans presented to the DRB on December 7, 1994. lf you should have any questions or comments or need further clarification of lhis issue, please feel free to contact me immediately. Sincerely, u(+:l r culrytutu))u L-{Jrl Jim Curn-utte Senior Planner xc: Rick Rosen Carmen Thain !z lcn P i r|.€a Er i har ?64991 Friril,en Pierce Briner ffi 3$1754el/2. Fas: 3o347HM :December 15,1994 :Jim Curnutte :sonior Planner ;Townof Vail Dept. of Community Dev. :75 S, Frontage Road ,Vait Colorado 81657 're: ThainResidencci Lot 8 and gTexasTownhomes , Dcar Jim: . i Ri.k Rorur, r"qu"sted that I follow up on the win{ow cftanges for ths Thain Residence for staff i upprovat. Those changcs were ad6resscd in my letter of l2l5l94 that is referenced on the l2l8l94 I fiftg appli*tion , " changes to previously apprived plans, proposed ohangcs arc identifiod in a letter I tom tynn FriElcn to Jim Cumutte datodL2lSl94'' , I hope this is adequatr, please get baok to me if it istl't Sincerel L Architcct cc: Riok Rosen CarmenThain Fri v s41 o Lt94 l t\Doc\l2t STov.wPD 62 i I 1 I 'I I r I' ':l,_-t- t-: Fri? zlGn Picrc. Erin.r 3O4476494L id Name: Dos$lpllon: Address end Phone: €scf iprlon: tot 4FbtT eb srreerAddress; Ll 83 E G-tV Zone District " | ''.' @t*Actlon 'ovt /1o'b tbfn< ; vots:- sdr,)i , JH wi,IftLo- Wafu ( +1",e' a|;:ti; (dy sv a r t 6nii,q,it 4 tYo*'l e':Yfo::"- |i-t t"J+l,J.i; i(r'r*ur qP^ 4tfi + tPlt,: rJll, s -l r':G DRB Fee Pre'Pald. se I t"ign Review Action tt TOWN OF VAIL Category Number Project Name: Building Name: Project Description: ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: Owner. Address and Phone: /6s Legal DescriptioniLolEt6trBbck - subdivision Project Street Address: Comments: Zone District /om* (; qs 'l t's{-e, € /.R Gu.'s." h,LL,'{ o{ Motion by: taff Action Vote:_s-c) seconded or, -So((rt 4/qroer'.l b,/q,t Q r< v'is<o\ c ba+?fv,i',J s&G. ,r lt I Bdtt,d'tr< L0 s P;( /"J2 L, ^L; ^e neiglrfttrq J<, fe-4.(v( -{l ,c crtkcfci7 Starr lS-SuQ 6vfoY.rr brr'luei,-lg q ivfi-es+ Ctt /V*'touq ( +9 Ttra-+€r tc,rJlh'f ii ['+t'/ML<-/ Q'<'A a'1ftvv4 L't 3:00 P.M. DESIGN REVIEW BOARD AGENDA PROJECT ORIENTATION SITE VISITS 1. 2. J. 4. 5. 6. 7. Drivers: 12:00 p.m. 1:30 p.m. 2. Landmark Lodge - 610 Lionshead Circle. Randall/Reeman - 2865 Snowberry Drive. Stu Brown/Beechwood Sandstone Development Corpoiation - 1330 Sandstone Drive. Fernandez - 5128 Gore Circle. Thain - 483 Gore Creek Drive. Golden Peak House - 278 Hanson Banch Road Covered Bridge Building - 227 Bridge Streel. Randy and George One Track Mind - Sign/awning application. 302 Hanson Ranch Road/Lot I, Block 5-A, Vail Village Sth Filing. Applicant: Alex ParsonsMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: GR Covered Bridge Building - Final review of buildingirailing colors. 227 Bridge StreeVLots C, D and a Part of Lot B, Block 5-B, Vail Village 1st Filing. Applicant: East West Partners MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: Golden Peak House - Demo/rebuild of structure. MM 278 Hanson Ranch Road/Lots A, B, and Part of C, Block 2, VailVillage 1st Filing. Applicant: Golden Peak House Condominium Association/Vail Associates, Inc./GPH Partners, Ltd./Margaritaville, Inc. MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: MM 3. 4.Randall/Reeman - Conceptual review of a new single tamily residence. 2865 Snowberry Drive/Lot Lots 2 and 3, Block 9, Vail Intermountain. Applicant: LouiseRandall/CliveFteeman MOT]ON:SEGOND:VOTE: GRg 5.Roundabout - Final review of landscaping and signage. Four Way Stop in Main Vail. Applicant: Town of Vail Public Works Department RS MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: previously approved plans. 483 Gore Creek DriveiLots 8A, 88 and 9, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing. Applicant: John and Carmen Thain 7. Stu BrowniBeechwood Sandstone Development Corporation' New 12-plex LW/AK condominiums/town homes. 1330 Sandstone DriveiLot G-4, Lionsridge Filing 4th Filing. Applicant: The Collaborative Group and Rick Rosen, representing Leslie Lerner/Stu Brown MOTION:SECOND:VOTE: JC LW8.Fernandez - New single family. 5128 Gore Circle/Lot 4, Block 3, Bighorn 5th Addition. Applicant: Ghislaine de Terioyanne de Fernandez, SECOND: represented by Duane Piper VOTE:MOTION: RS9.Holiday House - Modification of lront entry. 9 Vail RoadiLot A, B, C, Vail Village 2nd Filing. Applicant: Bruce GillieMOTION: SECOND: VOTE: Tabfed to December 21,1994. MEMBERS PRESENT MEMBERS ABSENT /*Vr*( tz(z(ty ,le lryc Vr d/fQlvrtQ- \ d- t t- l*h P i'rc' Er incr 4'? 6494 | I Fritzlen Pierce Briner P,O. B4x t7 Vdl Colfrtdo EI6t6 30t47ffi312 Ft: t0i1476.49.1 December 5, 1994 Mr. Jim Curnuttc Town of Vail Planning Deportmeot 75 S. F'rcncage Road Vail Colorado 81658 Ro: Thain Residence Mooting of Novcmber 22,1994 Dcar Jim, .-,.?!1 il,1 CI As we discusscd hcro arc thc changes between the June 7, 1994 approved DRB drawings and the BuildingPermit set application of8/23194. Ourrecordsshow that sheets Cl0l, A00lA,Al02, y'o}l,A202,A203Cwerercsumittcdw/changcs in duplicatcpcryourroqucston 620/94 and Cl0l, A,102, A203B andSl0l on6122/94,Soms of the ctangesdiscussedhereareaddressed in thcse issuances. r, rbttrc**fl-ants iri thc arcas callcd out as planters. On Cl02 shest it is shown graphically and on Clol itiscdledoutverbally, the intent is thesame. 2. 'the nd*ryohr bccnfhssFd la accordance with the GRFA reallocation we submitted 8/25194, 3. Ttilsiitsr*Gun ttr sol*dofibdr barement door has been removed at tre owne/s request, This walkway onlyservedUnits..- ;.r(lt't Ca'(( ,/ :./. ,' i*s.( ,noy he Oft 4. A skylight has been removed fromthe north side of the roof and the south skylight has become smallerandmovcd 1', 5. In rcgards to opcess fiom tho parking lot to the front door walkway, it is the opinion of the Thain's at tomey thal Colorarlo law gwuantecs acccss and no speoial approval is roquirod. Pleasc speak to Mike Smith or Rick Rosen in regards to this issue. .l^\l v-l fft-'L' tt'\ ,l "l r \irei-1 r\'( \"f 4-c. cl02 ritzlcn P i crs. Brinrr Pc,e2 Decembcr5, 1994 li i >. i l. The stairstnrfiuehasbeenchangedfrom slab ong€de to woodframebecauseof structural i / I conditionslhat becameapparcntuponexcavation. Thereis now aspace underthestairthatthe i , I ' owner would like to use as storqge. We do not intend to add additional GRFA by litpiting thei.ri ' height ofthis spacc to 5'. ,"1: i 2. Thc laundry has bcen moved from tho comnon arca mechanical into the lower unit. A102 I i t E) l. Viele Constnrction has confirmed that - i i: rA10l 194. cafculations of 8D5/94we cona;t.=_a( rck to fourdation desigl. t. A grate has been added to the ftontdoor enty. 2. l'he tub has been relocated pgrlhe rcvised GRFA oalculations submittrd 8n5D4, 3- Q.avov4d Ulpdocp weL Al04 A203r 3a{iu64eot ."t/-t - r., ,//' , )-ee& lt( 1.,'|ft?"';gt . The door to the oulsidp deck has been changed per tho revised GRFA calculations submjtted 2. 'Ihe wall thickness on the north wall has be,en reduced hom 10" to 6', but the rcvisdd GR!'A 4202 l. As subrnitted by KRM structrral consultants 6122194 per yorx roqu€st, the footings aro contilevored and not spread. As you may be aware, structural drawings alu'ays supersede the ,/tlru to*t wcrc not prcviously intcndcd pcr your earlior dircction.' It is my most recent meeting with Tom Moorebead that the roof overhangs fall into the as tho brick sill cxtcnsions and is now allowcd. Plcasc call Rick Roscn for ritzlcn PlGr€. Eriner Eo56'4e61 Pago 3 Dooombor 3, 1994 t'4" 'r/r/lt/a-/,/ -1 ,,/ Di t. Per our conversation ofNovemb/ a;,',$fiticdii l_.;"''#, z. Brickwork was removed between ti-e windo$rs and wood was substinrted. We did thisv\ ' thc nciphbor's reouest to increase the amount of wood./\ i thc ncighbo/s request to increase the amount of wood. ,/,/ - j/./l' @riard.rum ay be corhel ed. based on Ak 3. Thebaseofthestairtonerisbrick andthe spandrelsbetweenttrswindowsarewood. Thiswas " l'\ i a clarificarion rather than a change since it was not clear on the originat 6[/94 drawings.',| ' i I ---^ )r^-t-^t.L^a.L^ -.,:-,r^-.- 1. Exterior door at third level has been relocated per the CRFA changes zubmitted 8/25/94. propcrty or public right ofway. A203c f . Irront door now has a window in it. tO t{Z Window at third floor now hos additional mulliols. btst a',.',,c.ct aj* fr-qr ot+'k ef tp'(I the more recently lssued plan to the building shccts for your rcvicw, -:. i >'. itzlcr'l Pi.rce Erlner Eg 6494L Pogc 4 Decembcr 5, 1994 The town's apptication rquirements request '@" forDesighRevicw application. As the construction documents develop it is inevitable that there will be minor ctrangcs antl clarifrcations based on input from coffEctors, the governing jrrrisdiction' e:risting soils and site conditions and input ftom the owner. There have been several minorchanges but based on my review ofthe DRB chapterofthe codo it is my opinion that the entircty of llre changes addrcssal in this letter do not rtquire a.dditional DRB approval. Rich Rosen has also reviewed the non-conforrring section of the code .and ie of the opinion that we are in confonnatroe with it as well . It has beet cxtrcrnely time consriming for the town slaff, ogrsolvos and the applicant to have bad numerous zoning interpretations reversed. It would be Very mwfi apprcciated if you could researoh the status of the cuffent changes as Fro 347o thoroughly as possible before rendering,a decision. 4'|il r Thonk you for your consideration. cc: Rick Rosen CarmenThain L :\94 1 8\DOC\ I 202TOV.1VPD /--_ J:twt..d. 7 /t4l9A DESIGN REVIEW r. A. DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETING:********** INCOAPTJETE APPLICATIONS TTAY NOT BE SCHEDWED FOR RSITIEW.********** PRO.'ECT INFORMATION: DESCRIPTION: 6Z TaV DrP-eaTto TYPE OF REVIEW: NAME OF APPLICA}flI:Mailing Address: )61<(2 H. NAME OF NAME OF OWNER(S): APPLICANT'S REPRES ATIVE:Mailing Address: OWNER(S) SIGNATVRN'| Mailing Address: Lrnnu Fn,r=r-n\ APPIrrcATroNs wrLL Nor BE PRocEssED wrrilott! owNER' s srGNerun.E I. Condominium Approval_ if applicable. J. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above, are t,o be paid at. theLime of submiE.tal of the DRB application. Lat.er, whenapplying for a building penniL, please identify the accuraLevaluaLion of the proposal. The Town of VaiI will_ adjust Ehefee according to the t,able below, to ensure the correct feeis paid.\" (\\ .En0ffe 7,lW BOARD APPLICATION - TOWN OF VAII,, COIJORADO legal and attacb D. New Construction (9200.00) * Minor Alterat,ion ($20.00)Addition ($50.00)Conceptual Review ($0) LEGAL DESCRIPT Subdivision ADDRESS, 433 6-rz. Ce-r=f D'^,,rtu Blq Block E. ff property is described bydescription, please providd a meets and bounds on a separaEe sheeEt.o this application. ZONING: FEE SCHEDULE: VAIJUATION$ 0 $ L0,000$ 10, 001 - $ s0, 000 $ 50, 001 $ 150, 000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over 91, 000, 000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ EXPIRES APPROVAIJ T'NI,ESS A BUIIJDING PERI'IIT IsIS STARTED. FEE + zu. uu $ s0.00 $100. 00 $200. 00 $400 .00 $s00.00 ONB YEAR AFTER FTNAL ISSUED EI{D CONSTRUCTION Fritzlen Pierce Briner 0Ec P.O. Box 57 Vtil Colamdo 81658 30347G6342 Far: December 5,1994 IvIr. Jim Curnutte Town of Vail Planning Department 75 S. Frontage Road Vail Colorado 81658 Re: Thain Residence Meeting of November 22,1994 Dear Jim. As we discussed here are the changes between the June 7, 1994 approved DRB drawings and the BuildingPermit set application of 8125/94. Ourrecordsshow that sheets Cl0l, A00lA,Al02, A201, A202, A203C were resumitted w/ changes in duplicate per your request on 6/20/94 arfl ClOl, 4102, A203B and Sl0l on6/22/94. Some of the changes discussed here are addressed in these issuances. c101 l. It is intended to have plants in the areas called out as planters. On Cl02 sheet it is shown graphically and on Cl0l it is called out verbally, the intent is the same. 2. The roof shape has been changed in accordance with the GRFA reallocation we submitted 8/25t94. 3. The sidewalk from the front door to the basement door has been removed at the owner's request. This walkway only served Unit 8. a. A skylight has been removed from the north side of the roof and the south skylight has become smaller and moved l'. 5. In regards to access from the parking lot to the front door walkway, it is the opinion of the Thain s at torney that Colorado law guarantees access and no special approval is required. Please speak to Mike Smith or Rick Rosen in regards to this issue. ct02 , .t Page2 December 5, 1994 l. Viele Construction has confimred that the Manor Vail propeny has been approved for construction staging. A101 l. The stair structue has been changed from slab on grade to wood frame because of structural conditions that becarne apparent upon excavation. There is now a space under the stair that the owner would like to use as storage. We do not intend to add additional GRFA by limiting the height of ttris space to 5'. 2. The laundry has been moved from the coulmon area mechanical into the lower unit. A102 1 A grate has been added to the front door entry. 2. The tub has been relocated per the revised GRFA calculations submitted 8/25194. A104 l. The door to the outside deck has been changed per the revised GRFA calculations submitted 8/25t94. 2. The wall thickness on the north wall has been reduced from 10" to 6'. but the revised GRFA calculations of 8/25/94 ate correct. 4202 l. As submitted by KRM structural consultants 6122194 per your request, the footings are cantilevered and not spread. As you may be aware, structural drawings always supersede the architectural in regards to foundation design. 2. Roof overhangs at the tower were not previously intended per your earlier direction. It is my impression from our most recent meeting with Tom Moorehead that the roof overhangs fall into the same category as the brick sill extensions and is now allowed. Please call Rick Rosen for clarification. A203a Page 3 December 5, 1994 l. Per our conversation of November 16. all brickwork mav be corbeled. 2. Brickwork was removed between the windows and wood was substituted. We did this based on the neighbor's request to increase the amount of wood. 3. The base of the stair tower is brick and the spandrels between the windows are wood. This was a clarification rather than a change since it was not clear on the original 6/7/94 dratings. 4. After discussing the window sizing with Susan more at length we determined that the windows became 8" shorter based on our conversations with the window fabricator in resaxds to mullion spacing. A203b 1. Exterior door at third level has been relocated per the GRFA changes submitted 8125/94. 2. Window at the third floor has been deleted per the GRIIA changes submitted 8125/94. 3. Upper skylight is smaller. 4. Door at,firstlevelhasbeenchangedto a window. Thiswindowisnotvisiblefromanyadjacent property or public right of way. {203c l. Front door now has a window in it. 2. Window at third floor now has additional mullions. s1 l. The footing design has been superseded by the more recently issued plan to the building departnent by KRM consultants of 6/22/94. Electical Drawings l. Exterior lighting is proposed. We will submit cut sheets for your review. Page 4 December 5, 1994 The town's application requirements request "preliminary architectual plans" for Desigr Review application. As the constuction documents develop it is inevitable that there will be minor changes and clarifications based on input from conhactors, the governing jurisdiction, existing soils and site conditions and input from the owner. There have been several minorchanges butbased on my review ofthe DRB chapter ofthe code it is my opinion that the entirety of the changes addressed in this letter do not require additional DRB approval. Rick Rosen has also reviewed the non-conforming section of the code and is of the opinion that we are in conformance with it as well . It has been extremely time consuming for the town staff, ourselves and the applicant to have had numerous zantng interpretations reversed. It would be very much appreciated if you could research the status of the crurent changes as thoroughly as possible before rendering a decision. Thank you for your consideration. cc: Rick Rosen Carmen Thain L:\941 8\DOC\1202TOV.WPD trf- 7-94 66P 1$:53 JUL-le-'94 t3;52 lDi o 3a36?32g,62 i, ur' EAAU PBz r,p,$i( fi#|l{'.ti$t#,ii$flr' $ $,'r,,,:,it,. l l,'., ur..f,t ' '. | ,At|4aI t&lt. il,vd, ,-0t0 P.t,, erl|tlE ttrrtFrrxtt aot8 cawtv aLEH(l PN'OFDigl0lllA) tlltrttE l. tlillr&r. l!.bt ot_. 1t9tEhbti il \9 $ lrlr orrttsF l| a |[tlt ^grrl|lt: rttec-trtton rr ihlctlDril tn SrcBloo 1 1-1 1, ! -! 0l colctlco rrfdr-iC' i6iitd; - - i; qnnt hf th l-r- tr r't'ht -ovra[ir"i6'oi r r-ir-rnti u,. lsbr;Ji $i:ill":l htT i._1.1 r.#.tfi ]ff f i[iil#!rtfii'Aj!_ff0.!a-""incrrfl wr.rlr.oodir-r-rlk-'c;,-'irctrsara-ri.i+sttat -lla llil .ccl3sr{o lrvlrrl ltrtEB t' :..r ii;riirtiiffiffi'**Tt**Ht'i";.ig'*.l*:r# lirt' wiIGFr-t-BiirFtDltttnllvtdurl. |ho lrdrcrlbd llt tbl.. r €elcrldo no.nPrctl!!ilr Hra r.q.lD3 |nqril oonlrlltllr h.r.qf iiirrrritns tt.tt, oll thr northlllYrl.oot cli tba artt lldr ui x.dr-i. nsrr ccntl!rucsf tc tat ^1. YIU Ylv.lt gltlr|. atl ttltno tr r ltlal|fer..h Drtvr b, tt.00t- on tba ltltOrrits -e-*vr lf-ff'oOi-on tlrl tlr! rti-r,rnd hrdrrniil'dd-r;!ned'i. vrrt'vifieiirtr inrnf on thr D fl |Jl!Sq[s'r-F'lr*rii'h,lT.'T'f ili:*ffi', i r'i'i.lils:otif; tft$iEiEl:iffi ri'1i".'IoryLl$.!-t!lu.sl xrneltlrol rl r|t6rEl ' It, q{ytr. *'nurrP.SNt'+a'*-sqbg, /tz,@F,u ot9 'i adtt0,00' 0,00,,. ,5 -----------^-IlL;[p;'9{ llr54 ID! e n, l[_t\ ,r -, -,utL.,- - |-uq HEU l3'cq o ISPP DENUER 2 TEL NO! o 3rc6234862 P, ()1 s?86 P03 'rlitrili*l # 4\{dtfl*4..,1f r" .r,li$, ' ""r "r,i,i1'!1t' Falott.'t..roaflt E-at' F.tt) otlit/8J tttrt a. @. t!|ttl llLaarrtlB ana th. aarttlstlona.rr! lcy.lrDi-aailEmJF--lr rhrU b. !ov.n.||tr Scuehlno ad ooa--lnr t'b l.na rra tl|nBlm rlth tDr l.i.l rill rhrll Daaor. ttrd l| .rt..t!rnt rpprtrHn! to Fot lr vrll Vtllrlr atlr ttllry ral rbrll lr r Wrd.lt utpn 3bf .uDttrt l|nt. f.f. Ufffe-lfl|fir lhlr t raralt!. etrrr t.{.rtlIrg to Etutoe ororDnl.rr -rnll tl|a !N blndlnt uDoa .nC lnugr tb thr DfDrSlt ot tlFltDr Dtndlng upor! .trd lnugr tirtal r|Draaaltllltr.r!. ruLal.cr t$.trliir. ii rrrr[ctlrr hal$. lr!.1.nd orn.rr of uirdlyllrrtrt)|cBlft halr|r lrlal r|Draaantiltyt!, ruraal.nEr. orrtrtxa, ].rllttrtand orA.rr o! rudlvlful litrFrrta ln tha tt natrl CEden lloanEa ct|ldr.t Vlll r a. _ lllEllllll. _fta D.rtlr hlr rnoutrd thlr Srrurnt rr of tbr dryrid Itar ltrr't rlEwr -GlBt n, |iill{tl Yllt €oiDoltrttt l Altccllltotl tYt !r lE Ct cilAr& ooum er !t!tf ._ aa. tb. tot.gglng lnlgFlrr_,bt r.._lelngyl.dgr! b.Cohr r. trrh UE[- dry elgffi;*i!i'.n 'Ji";ra |ltnrrr W htnl r;l oltlcful rrrl. 'U -_*_9Ll0lt et ___ 0rlrr ct at.oouw oP *.'fiF?P:lttrF: ffig,f:T$?tfid Drf*r r' uitr 4Q cr1 et llltrr|| ry h||d ml sltlelet |.rl. ,tt sol.rlcn blrilr ..-,+||p$rr tlr lrta.,. .,. _, _ I o' TOWN OFVAIL DEPARTMI]Nf OP COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CHECXS MADE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAtr- 42412 RS LICI 0000 4111 l 0000 11113 OI OOOO l21JO VTC ART PROJECT DONATiON 1OOOO413-3I PRE PAID DESI 413.30 SPEC]AL DEVELOP]\4ENT D -il^rcrrn'.-[t cASHr-1.*'1 3,548 o^,*lSft 3 4 I Tchfhl GF LtFl I l- Hiscel lanesus Cash 1l-E1B-?+1 B: 5d: Bf, H*c*ipt. * lE1339 Ftccrunt# r:H+3543 LTf"II.I FEITILE}'hTJFJS FEE Hrrd'un t t.endered .1 ?8. BF Irem paid frtotJnt psid ffl SHErS4l:3188fl lt3. frB [:h.:nge re l.Lr rnrd :] tll . Ell:1 THFII{r< vgl-J iruru r c*Ehier FIERTHFi THE LAW OFFICES OF DENVIR | | 20 LINCOLN STREET SlJtTE I IOO DENVEFI COLORAOO 4o203 TEL 303 432 1900 FAX 303 463 04 | 2 PO BOX zl | 37 VAIL COLORADO at65a TEL 303 4'' | 1940 P.C. * 'Ri.,rrrru Z z tl'ld,, November 18. 1994 Mr. Jim Curnutte Community Development Town of Vail 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: t ot 8. Texas Townhomes. Town of Vail Owner: John and Carmen Thain ("Thain") Dear Jim: As confirmation of our telephone conference of Wednesday, November 16, 1994 with Tom Moorhead and Lynn Fritzlen, the following is provided: 1. The Town of Vail has agreed that Thains have the right to include brick window sills and ornamental brickwork around tlre windows provided all brick protrusions are limited to the window areas. The Town did not agree to any brick protrusions that appear on other areas of the improvements, including the corners of the building or any area adjacent to the ground. The intention is to avoid the appearance of extending the perimeter walls similar to projects such as the Sonnenalp. 2. The Town will assist the Thains in providing a reasonable drainage easement for subsurface foundation drainage ftom the improvements. Either myself or Lynn Fritzlen will notify the Town of the general location of the drainage line, and my office will prepare a drainage easement for the acceptance by the Town and subsequent recording. 3. The License Agreement by and benveen the Town of Vail and the owners of Unit 7A and Unit 78 is not a requirement of the Design Review Board and will not be a requirement for issuance of the temporary certificate of occupancy and ultimately the issuance of the final certificate. 4. The revised construction drawings as provided to the Town by Lynn Fritzlen will be reviewed by yourself and Lynn to determine what changes, additions, and/or deletions will require DRB approval. 5. The staircase issue will continue to be worked on by the Town, thru Tom Moorhead attempting to communicate with lay Peterson, and by myself. A copy of the letter sent to lay Peterson is enclosed. In the event this issue can not be resolved prior to a request for issuance of a TCO, the Town will consider a r€quest for the issuance of the oF coUNsEL: ELROD, KATZ, PREEO, LooK' MOISON & SILvERMAN' P g' Mr. Jim Curnutte November 18, 199. Page Ttvo TCO with collateralization provided by the Thains. A reasonable time period will be grant€d in which the issue can be negotiated. As a separate note, the Town agtees that the removal of the staircase during construction was not a violation of DRB approval. The approval seemingly indicated a requirement to have a stairque in place upon completion of the project. 6. The Town will work with my offrce, Lynn Fritzlen, and Viele Construction, and hopefully avoid the "letter campaign" that took place in the past. No blame has been placed with any party. It has been a$eed upon by all sides that open communication would better assist this project. I trust the above correctly reflects our teleconference. I am sending copies to Tom Moorhead and Lynn Fritzlen. Hopefully, if I have misstated any part of our agreement, it can be corrected immediately. After your review ofthe enclosed, please call with any questions. Yours very truly, RICHARD P. ROSEN. P.C. -T4I I'V t f lLwuv\_ Richard P. Rosen Tom Moorhed Lyn Frialzn John and Cannen Thain o ':. THE !AW OFFIqES OF .1 otNYll | | 20 LINCOLN 9TFI EET surTE I loo DENVER COLORAOO 80eo3 TEL 303 832 1900 FAX 903 463 0a | 2 PO BOX 4137 VAIL qOLORADO a I o58 r€L 303 471 1940 RTCHARO P. ROSEtI , P. C. November 18, 1994 Jay Peterson, Esq. 108 South Frontage Road West Vail, Colorado 81657 Re: Diana DonovaniJohn and Carmen Thain Dear Jay: An attempt to resolve the continued dispute over the staircase issue between our clienB, I have discussed the problem with the Town of Vail (Tom Moorhead and Jim Curnu6e) and my clients. It is the position of the Town of Vail that the existing staircase does not meet current building code requirements. Therefore, in its present condition, it can not be reinstalled. Notwithstanding, minor modifications to the staircase most probably will meet those requirements and allow for reinstallation. Nevertheless, John and Carmen Thain do not wish to have the stailcase reinstalled in the sarne location prior to construction. It is the position of the Thains that the staircase only serves the owners of Units 7A and 78, and co[tinued permission to use the staircase as it existed on the Thains property is no longer satisfactory. As such, I would like to suggest that the staircase, once modified to meet code, be placed back onto the deck area of Units 7A and 78 in a location satisfactory to those owners. It has been suggested that the western area of the building would be an appropriate location. This would serve to eliminate the concern of Diana in the potential of blocking the view to the creek area. I would hope that this can be resolved quickly and amicably. Please discuss the same with your clients. I look forward to a prompt response. Please be advised that I will be out of the country from November 22 - 29. I will be back in my office on Wednesday, November 30th. Thanl$ for your assistance. Yours very truly, RICHARD P. ROSEN. P.C. Jim Curnutte Tom Moorhead OF COUNSEL €LROO KAIZ. PFEEO' LOOK Ml]ISON S S 'VERMAN P C .Lt.r.LLAK-- Richard P. Rosen /hs ! enPierceBrir; Offlce Box 57 all, Colorado 81658 Comparison between Thain plans dated. 8t25 19 4, 8D6l 9 4, 617 I 9 4, & 6n0 /9 4. ENsB4 l. Sheet A104 shows thc north wall of the master bedroom moved north by 3'-0'. The door to the ' hot tub area has been moved to the north wall. This arqiS clouded by Lynn and submitted to the tbwn for approval. /' 2. Sheet Al03 shows an addition and deletion of the sarne).mount of GPSA from unit A and B. Addition of lSsq.ff. to Unit B, deletion of 15 sq. ft. from Ufut A. This is also submitted to the town forapproval. t I 8f26194: submitted to the T.O.V- 6nD4A 6DAl94: submitted to T.O.V. I I 1. Sheet Al04 l. sheit Al02 Master bedroom shows the north wall Master bedroom north wall is south 3'-0" moved 3'-0u to the north and the door to the from the 8126/94location. The door to hot hot tub area on the north wall. Sasre as 8nSD4. tub is off the batbroom. 2. Sheet A20l rcflects the above coditions. 2. Sheet A20l reflects the above conditions. 3. Sheet A203b: north elevation 3, SheetA2O3b: nolth elevation 'The roofon this elevationreflects the changes The roofonthis elevationreflects the above made to the plan submitted on 8125194. condition. 4. Sheet A203c: east elcvation 4. Sheet 4203"' ".rt d.rrutioo Shows a half glass and half wood ftont door. Shows a solid fi'ont door with recessed Shows french casement windows in the panels. mastcr bedroom. Shows the master bedroom window as having one large pane of glass surrounded by a ring ofdivided lights. 5. SheetA203b: section/elevationnortb. 5. SheetA203b: section/elcvationnorth .Shows a window in northeast bedroom. $hows a double door in the northeast bedroom. Shows overframing for the deck Does not show overframing for the deck' 5. Sheet Al0l: basement plan 6. A10l: basement plan Shows storage under north stairs. No storage under the north stairs. Shows no cornmon tauudry. Shows a common laundry. .7. Sheet At02: 2nd level plan 7. Sheet Al0lb: 2nd level plan Shows thc additional GRFA to unit B and the Shows no GRFA changes . ) {aa o d-t*- = / €nret<-ut ,,r5ouu/ 4 zla 2. P',re.L /'4/% '4 *,-I'/-t pr$ / t. a(.ota 4r'4/ ar /#a, =3- ftrrLcl"p = .) -2)' u*roW= /hA,y4r;4 7"r"tt )dF zl hJ % - h. )tu)?t<: Y'44 /2"'f*ffi Gfr" o1 U*- ,^- /ra* Z* L. y'aa M ,(* e'*i4h,"^ P";^ZVL= 7 F [!- t c0PY TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 November 2,1994 Deparnnent of Community Development Mr. Mark Churchill, Project Manager J.L. Viele Construction 1000 South Frontage Road West, Suite 202 Vail, GO 81657 RE: 483 Gore Creek Drive. Units 8A and 88. Texas Townhomes Dear Mr. Churchill: I felt the need to respond to your letter to me dated October 31, 1994 regarding the above- referenced propefi. To say the least, I was quite surprised at the tone of your letter and some of the accusations you make in it. Your letter states that you "never have nor do you intend to have construction equipment staged on Town of Vail owned property". Yesterday I visited the property again with Mike Mollica, Acting Director of Community Development, and we both confirmed that you do have construction equipment staged on Town of Vail owned property. Your on-site supervisor aoreed that you are using public property as a lay-down area. Contrary to the statements in your letter, the Town of Vail is not harassing you with regard to this matter, ws have simply requested that you remove construction equipment from publicly owned property, which you do not have permission to stage upon. Fortunately, I received a verbal commitment from your on-site supervisor to immediately remove all construclion materials lrom public property, so this matter should be resolved. The purpose of the letter to Lynn Frifzlen dated October 27, 1994 was nol to harass the architect, yourselves or the Thains as stated in your letter. lt was simply to inform the architect that the numerous changes that they were proposing to make to the approved construction drawings must be reviewed and approved by the Design Review Board (DRB) before actual implementation of those changes. I am assuming that you are working closely with the architect to receive the necessary approvals before actually implementing any of the proposed changes at the Thain residences. lf you have not done so, lwould suggest that you obtain those approvals prior to construction of the changes. i'\ Mr. Churchill November 2, 1994 Page Two I hope the above information clarifies some of the misconceptions that you have apparently had with regard to the above-referenced construction project. I would appreciate it if in the future you would contact me directly with regard to any questions you might have regarding my correspondence with the architect or other individuals so that we could avoid such confusion in lhe future. ''ffi'Lh Jim Curnutte Senior Planner xc: File Mike Mollica Tom Moorhead Hick Rosen Carmen Thain Lynn Frilzlen Texas Townhomes Association mT-31-94 l{0N 12:5,1 P, 02 ar. l.Lvaclc Coostrustion, lnc. 1000 $. Fronrgc Rnod Wcs. Suir 202 V.il, Ccrlo & 81657 Te1c303. 476, 3082 Frx 90$,.f76. 342-1 October 31, 1994 Jim Curnutte Deporfincnt of Community Dwelopment 75 Sor:lh Frontagc Rd. Vail, CO 81657 RE: 483 Gore Creck Drive; Unils tA and 8B Staging Mr. Crunuth, We have receivcd a copy of your lctler to Lynn Fritzlcn dated October 27, 1994. Conbary to thc allcgatirxrrs containcd in your lcttcr, wc are stagcd on thc Thainrs property and have the owner's penuission and logal right to have our comtrustiotr fcnce located where lt is presently ( refer to "Landscaping/Open Space Easement" Book 610, page 269). S/c havc neverhad. nordo we intend to hsve "constntction e4uipment" slngnd on Town of Vail ownql p$perly. Both yoruself and other Tj2gg employd individuals have physicully vicwctl unl rsvicwed oru jubsitc widr our ficlrl supcrintundcnt and huve verifrsd our lay-down atea. Furthermore, as we have been told by T.O,V, persoilrcl, it is apparcut that thcrc cxist several dcck struotures on Tsxas Townhomcs units wtrich have bcco conetnrclcd within T.O.V. owncd propc,rty- We find it particularly interesting that thc irdividual property ownors have not been hurrused, as wo aJE, with this mattpr. We have alsobeen rccently accuscd of (1) "trashing ouf' the intorior stair towcr of units 7A and 78, (2) damaging lhe parking lot paving and,.(3) nrining lcxns Towohomee Aesocietion Landscaping beyond repair. None of lhe$e accusations have nny truth and w€ wondor if the cnble televisiun company that rcccntly ran a ncw sewice sRble ro thc pedcstal (locarcd on Tbain's property - not direct€d by rs or Thains) wuc bEIa$Sl with thsir con$truction m6thods. (l) They torc up thc parking lot paving, (2) tlrey storgd two enomous spools of cable and their ranohing machinc on Thain's pffkirg spaces for livo daye, inchding a *'soksrd. widr no authorizetion end (3) ttenohcd thsir coble line directly tluough root systcnrs of Texas fownhomcs Association owned rnaturc Aspcn uecs, It is most utrforfiuate that a private oilizen with a ohip on their shoulder, (purptrrtcdly, vin mntempt for finoroially successfirl individutls), aun pcrsondly dictarc how governmcntal proccsscs should be run. If that irrformation wcrc tro become commouly known tfuoug,hout the valley, on€ would tNnk thst the govenrmontal systcm and omployccs would bc very snrbanassed. We have b€6n oonduoting busincsg in fis volloy for ncorly 20 yca,rs. Wc havc had prinoipal rncmbcrs of our company on some past towr governmerrt boards. \[Ic have maintarned a very noteworthy and rcputable reprrtation an{ frankly, do not appraciate the 0CT-31-94 l'10il 12:54 P, 03aI..\ oulrighl, lrartrsulreut bcing dirwtsd ut ttrc cruhitesl uurut{vcs dnd our client. Tt ls ln cwryono's best intcrcst for us to gct on rvlth the project without the weeldy aggravations suppllcd by an lratc local. It's the Archi(ect's, Conhactor's and Town's job to cnforce locnl crx{e and/nr rnning crrmpliance issncr - no onn elges. We would be murc thiur happy to mect you at theJobslte for another look at our lay-doqn arca. At your esdiest cotrvenienrrc, of cnrure. llank you in advancs for you p(ofessional assistanoc in this mattcr. Bcst Rcgards, J,L. Visle Constructioq Inc. cc: Tim Roscu Carmen'lhain Lynn Friulen Toxas Tovmhomes Assosiation FI!- E COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 3e FAX 303-479-2452 October 27.1954 Depamnent of Community Deve lopment Ms. Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen Pierce Briner Architects P.O. Box 57 Vail. CO 81658 RE: Proposed changes to construction drawings for the Thain residence, Lots 8A, 88, and 9, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing Dear Lynn: Quite some time ago, your otfice, or the general contractor for the above-referenced remodel, submitted two sets of revised construction drawings tor proposed changes at the Thain residences, Lots 8A, 88, and 9, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing. lt appeared that the purpose of the proposed changes was to add additional GRFA in a few areas of the building. However, upon closer scrutiny of the drawings, it appears that a significant number of changes are proposed for the Thain residences, boh intemal and extemal. Some of these changes appsar to show violations of the nonconforming section of the Code, other changes may be revioved once a Design Review Board (DRB) application is received. Ralher than have staft try and determine all of the changes on your revised construction drawings, I am retuming those drawings to you so that you may identify exactly what changes to the approved construction drawings you are requesting approval of. When you have prepared that information, please submit it along with a DRB application so that lurther revieut of your proposed changes may proceed. Additionally, as ldentified in a letter to you dated September 2,1994, we have become aware that the general contractor is using Town of Vail owned land directly behind the Thain residence for construction staging. I pointed out to you that the staging ol equipment on Town land is not acceptable and was not shown on your approved staging plan and requested that you remove all construction equipment and or other elements of the job from public property. We have sincs become aware that you are using the Manor Vail prop€rty, and possibly the Texas Townhomes Association property, for construction staging as well. lf it is your intention to use other properties lhan cunently shown on your construction staging plan, then you should amend your staging plan and submit it along with your other proposed changes, for DRB rwiew. lf it is your intention to stage only in the areas originally approved by the Town, then we ask that you remove the construction equipment from the above-mentioned properties immediately. This must be completed by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday, November 2, 1994 or he Town will have choice but to issue a stop work order on the project. tvls. Fritzlen October 27.1994 Page Two lf you should have any questions or comments regarding this letter, please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, 4AJ,n &rLflrnq-,I Jim cumute u?L LC'-l Senior Planner ' xc: File FII-E COPY TOWN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorodo 81657 303-479-2j,38 / 479-21 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Deparnnent of Conmuniry Developnent October2s, 1994 ; Mrs. Diana Donovan 1014 Homestake Circle Vail, CO 81657 RE: Response to letter regarding the Thain and cornice Buitding redevelopments Dear Diana: As lhe planner who handled both of the redevelopment projects reterred to in your letter dated Oclober 13, 1994 to the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC), Design Review Board (DRB), slaff, and Town Council, I thought I would drop you a note in response to some ol the comments made in your letter. As you know, the Thain remodel was reviewed by lhe DRB on May 4, May 1g, and June 1, 1994. The June 'lst DRB approval contained six conditions. For your information, I have enclosed a copy of a letter that was written to Lynn FriElen, the Thains' architect, which delails the DRB conditions of approval. As you can see, Condition 5 of the DRB approval states that "any trees or shrubs on or adjacent to the property that die as a result of the construction of the Thain residences, must be replaced with like species and size'. Once a construction permit is issued for a project, the planning staff relies on lhe building inspectors to ensure that the building is being constructed per the approved conslruclion drawings. This, of course, includes the conslruction staging plan and any other elemenls of lhe approved building permit set of plans. In a fetter sent to Ms. Fritzlen on september 2,1994, staff did point out that it had come to our attention that the conlractor was using Town of Vail owned property directly behind the Thain residence for conslruction staging. In the September 2, 1994 lefier we informed the applicant that the staging of equipment on Town land is not acceptable and was not shown on the approved plans and requested that they desist from using public property for the construction of the Thain residences. I will relay your current concern, regarding compliance with lhe approved staging plan, to Gary Murrain, Chief Building Olficial, and request that an inspection be done on the property to assure that Town of Vail land or any other land not shown on the approved construction staging plan is not being used for construclion staging purposes. Wth regard to your comment concerning the applicant's two "250 additions", you are correct in that Units 8A and 88 have increased in size by 500 square feet. However, the applicant was able to show that each 250 was directly attributable io each of the previously existing dwelling units. Also keep in mind that because this building was a legal nonconforming building, the additional 500 square feet cannot, and will nol, result in any change to the mass and bulk of the previously exisling sheil ol the buitding. _q Mrs. Donovan October25, 1994 Page Two As you know, the Cornice Building Special Development District (SDD) received extensive review by the PEC and Town Council before ultimately receiving DRB approval. At this time, staff has no reason to believe that the Cornice Building is not being constructed according to the approved plans. I hope the above information clarifies some of the issues which you raised regarding the two projects. I will discuss your letter with Gary Murrain and request that lhe building inspectors keep close tabs on the construction of these two projects to ensure that the approved building permit construction drawings, and all conditions of approval, are being followed. ll you should have any additional questions or comments regarding these projects in the future, please feel free to call me directly at 479-2138. Sincerely, [** Jim Curnutte Senior Planner xc: Mike Mollica Planning and Environmental Commission Design Review Board Town Council Gary Murrain/Building Inspectors o rIL E COPY TOTN OFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 8 / 479-2 I 3 9 FAX 303-479-2452 June 3, 1994 Departnent of Connutniry Developntent Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Design Feview Board (DRB) conditions of approval for the proposed remodel of lhe Thain residence, Lots 8A, 8B and 9, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing. Dear Lynn: This letler is.intended to documenl the conditions attached to the DRB approval of the proposed rhain residence remodel which received DRB approval on June 1, 1994. The remodel ot lhe Thain unils were approved by a 4-0 vote oi ine ORs. The DRB attached the following conditions to their approval: 1. The exterior bricks proposed for the new residences shall be of the color and style presented at the DRB meeting. A pholo of the approved brick is kept in the Community Development Department file and is daled June 1 , 1994. The DRB condiiion includes lhe color, siz6 and style of the brick and color of the mortar. 2. All metal railings on the property including the gate at th8 entrance to Unit A wilt not have the decorative features as shown on the plan presented to the DRB. All pickels shall be square or rectangle metal rails. 3. The west side of the rear deck must be linished with a solid redwood skirting. 4. Prior to submitting for a building permit, the plans will be changed to show the lollowing: a. The fire wall betvreen Units 7 and I will be drawn corectly. b. The junipers along the eastern property line of Lot 9 witl be shown in their accurate location. c. Building elevations ol the exisling building will be redrawn lo be the same scale as lhe proposed elevation drawings and will accurately reflect existing conditions on the properly. Ms. Fritzlen June 3, 1994 Page Two 5.Any|reesorshrubsonoradjacenitotne'propertythatdieasaresu|to|lhe constructio-n oitn" rn"in residences musi be replaced wittrlike species and - size. 6. Prior to the issuance of a demolition or builcling permit for the proposed remodel the following items must be completed: a- Statf must be contacted to perform an on-site inspection of the - existing units 1o confirm the GRFA as shown on the drawings of the existing building. b.Theapp|icantmustreceiveTexasTownhomeAssociation approvit for the proposed use a9d'i-mprovements on association pioperty, i.e. the paver walkwa{ amendments to existing iandscaping and use of parking lot for staging purposes' c. The applicant must amend their drawings in order to show compiiance with the nonconforming section of the Town ol Vail Municipal Code. Please contact staff for a description of where the plans presented to lhe DRB would violate the nonconforming seclion of the Code. lf vou have any questions, or need lurther clarification, of any of the conditions imposed by in6 OnA on June 1, 1994, please contact me immediately so that we all have a clear ,no.r.rrnoing of the information which must be addressed prior to the issuance of a demolition oriuilding permit for the proposed Thain residences remodel. Sincerely, l. -//Ilt-*t,. (-rr--,ADr-- Jim Curnutte ./ Town Planner xc: Tom Moorhead Krislan PriE Rick Rosen MichaelSmith JaY Peterson Diana Donovan John Thain {e I hc'pe each ,rf y,:'t-l wi l1 take the t iirre t':' visit ths Th;rirr redeve l r,prrlerr! t,f Unit E in the Texag Tr'wrrh':rrteg. It ig arr c,utstarrcjing exarnplGt trf what happerrs ul[-t err t ':'r:, rflr-tch i5 a1lc'ufed ':'t't fJnF I ':'t . The tr.eeg at thr,r !]treet r:clge *r-e al l c,rr asstreiat inn pr'':perty. The cunstrt-tct i':'rr wa11 is the appr'':'xiritate I':'cat i':'n '--' f the pt'c,penty I irre. Nc,t j.ce the pipal bett'reerr the t'ra11 .er'd the :;treet. N*t ire the L'r,:ken and ntigsirrg hr*n*hlls urr the Lc,tlqerpc,le F:tirr€l arrd A*perr:: p1r-tr; tt'rer ntisgiirrg bar"k ':'rr tirer Oaprer,s. I expect rr:,:::t ':'f tlre ilsperrs t':' d ie r'rith iri f ive yila l- s, Appr',r>lirrr"rte1.y 5 f e--b e?ast {,f thsl d,:,r-rtrl.e Fleperr rrea}" the 1:il-e hyrJl'.lv,1 i:: l:hrl Fr.,rpei'ty l irrtt ,:tf .e pie :+haped ':'pen EFare p*r."*1 Lhat q't'cnri tt, :r pOirr{: 5 frset tle'/,:,rtdr trr-rt irr l irre t"litl-l their derck, 'l'lre ea=.t walI i:: tfie br"rilrlinq ;:r"r'perty Iirre' ft:; y.'r-t rarr see! c,-:rrett'uc.t it,rr ig; ,l'rr fi:irri3r' Vail Ft'':'Fer-ty arrd tht: ''l-r)f,rlr-it.- st r.e_"arrr l;r.*ct, Fls r+e11, pier"s f ':,r. tl-te et:lfilrrl':,rr Fl.1 ll. *ir-rppc,r.t ;tr.r! Lrrr d, r-$" pt.':'Ftet ty wi thr:,-rt per-rrt i :igj i ':'rr €irrd pipe i:i tit,:i.ed r.rndFi. c,r-ri. ti*cl.:., The f ir.e escape st;rir- has bererr g':'rte g' i rrr* i:':,rtgt t'r-tct i. c,rr gt art ed. [3r.r,:itt rfit.r= t..tit ij t,:' be qi.vr*rr t,:, LhP tt+,:, lat'[l{? sJv0]rHr"€r€rr'rs irr tire fr.c,rrt. 'fak*: ;i g':,':'d 1r::trrk,.. y,::'t-l r':,r-tld rr':tt ::ee tht"':'r-tuh tl-lelrl when tlre prr'.j er-'t beg.:rr. f.J,:, c,:,rrstr-r-lct i ':'rr vehicleFj Het*e t,:, Lre par-lled irr the a::5':rc i at i ':'rl pilr,k irlq 1':'t Fr,rr. t-:he stagirrg p:1arr. Y'::r r-r carr ':l'h6eI've the d"-inla!e t,:, thel ;rsiei':lr j. "ct inrrt s, l. ':'t Liltt belc;ir.t'j;e t fre l-hilirt's l"3rttEid rr,::,thirrg l;,:i d,: witlr the al;s':r:ial: j.,:'n i"l el lt*rvt: trt girtlplF rrl€r-e115 tt: have therrt i'epair' the darrtaqe. '1'lri:s prr',:r.jt.lct l'r*i:r.'ivEl ;:l i:i5l:,t iir ;il1 ':f r'rh j.r::h jsi 1':cat*tl irr a r,ew b:r:-.srner,t, F,:,t' r'll-rat j.:i rr,:w r"e.rIl'1r ':'ne ut-rit f ':'r i-rc'1i dtty r.r:;r-r, Tlrey lrsvu+ play-sl,J al l l;he !larrle|] with l':r:k'able d*':r's t': be ca .1. L ed E '-tri i t =. '1 fris,, 1. i l.le tlre llc,t-rr ice i*eldevelc,pnterrtn is .trr E:'xceL lertt exattrtple uJ" wh r..l rr tlre tt,wrr =h,rr-ricl l:e =a.yirrq "err{:'r-tEh" ll lll!ll Ect*i:er 13t L934 T':r^ln ':f Va i I 75 Sar-rt tr Fr*nrrtager Rr:atJ VaiI, CO e1657 Dean FEf,r DRB, f#and r,:utreilt Althc,r-tgfr they have rr':' Fr',::'FEt"'t! y f,r;, pr-rt a cit'cr-tl'ari dlaivF:r ':r11r Afrl sr.lr.Ei they r..r i. l. I be $s,,1{ j.ng 1=,:r. r",:'rl+, l:r"ick fr'r' thnrrtr i"rrt}"y ;:r,l;t*. F,e-r.lr;rps we c,:,rrLd pra5Ei *irr ':'i"dinarrrg3 al l':iwirrg a rlen'-rrl r;ign {:,:,r' pe,:,pl.e likel bhir; thab says "I arrr rir-'h and i InF,:'i- i: ant ' " That rrr i qfr! tr:rve f trtlgr' rrtlLlat i ve i rrrpat:t r:.jA"'P-zc*--ane Iiin1:pr'*Lyt -.rrzd-{a .,ltL-/A<rPAtA<2/'/n?72) owl) o l .., - ' FS This is nat neant tc, get arryorrF in tror-rble but ta call yout attenti,rn to the intpacts of the approvals that are being ii..r*r,. I r-rnderstand it ig crrnntsn praetice anrong ar"chiteets ind devel,rpens to say whatever. is neces$ary ta qet appr''rvals (pat t ier-rlarly arrrctnq the bigger. f il"r'16) and then dc, whatever you want until y|fu get ceught. I have been.q6ssti,rnirrg these professianalg as I ec,roe in cnrrtact with thern so they are trty ;,tr.6.ce for that etrmrr1ent. Thete are not enough inspeetors tn check br.ri lcling endes as wel. 1 ag corrdit irng r,f appPnval. Toa much ig slippinq tht'*ugh the cracks' !tti slL{hv slnft( elt /t1 o F ,1. t r'lPl 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303479-2138/ 479-2139 FAX 303-479-2452 Seplember 2, 1994 Deparrrnent of Community Development Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Glarificalion of zoning issues related to lhe remodel of the Thain residence, Lots 8A, 88, and 9, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing Dear Lynn: This letter is intended to respond to your letter received in our office August 10, 1994 requesting furlher clarification on several zoning issues atfecting the above-referenced remodel. I have provided a response to each of the items listed in your letter as follows: 1. Cold roof addition uo to 6 inches in depth - The Gommunity Development policy dated April 3, 1991 states that a cold roof vent, not exceeding 12 inches in height, measured from the sheathing to the top of the shingles, is considered an architectural projection and will not be included in the height. Wndow sill oroiections less than 3 inches - As discussed with you previously, window sill projections will not be allowed. In my letter to you dated May 13, . 1994, staff agreed with your contention that the existing perimeter line of the building establishes the legal extent of the buildings setback nonconformity. Existing and new GHFA (250 additions) may be reananged within the shell of the existing building, and underground, as as the perimeler lines ars not you did not ment the exact sill projections on the building before it was tom down, there is no way for staff to assure that the new window sill projections exactly match the old. lf you feel that window sill projections are necessary, it would be acceptable to move the entire building wall in 3 inches. This would allow window sills to project no further than the previous building wallline. acceptable to relocate the plumbing roof vents as long as the projection will be lhe same as what previously existed. exceeded. I Ms. Fritzlen September 2,1994 Page Two 4. Ornamental brick work proiections up to 3 inches - Please see response to question number 3 above. 5. Roof qutters and down spouts less than 6 inches in dimension - Staff does not believe that roof gutters and down spouls are integral to the mass and bulk of the building and will allow for them assuming they have received Design Review Board (DRB) apProval. 6. Rool eave extensions up lo 8 inches - Please see response to question number 3 above, 7. Skvliqht curbs and flashino - Stalf feels that skylight curbs and llashing would be acceptable provided they are reasonable in size and the projection is kept to a minimum (does not include bubble or dome type) and they have received DRB approval. 8. Status of the exterior soiral stair - As stated on your approved DRB plans and building permit construction drawings, the spiral staircase was not supposed to be removed at any time during the construction, Therefore, you are currently in violation of your building permit. I have spoken with Dan Stanek, Town of Vail Building Inspector, as well as Gary Murrain, Town of Vail Chiel Building Official, regarding the ability to replace the spiral stair. Both Gary and Dan agreed that the spiral stair cannol be replaced due to the fact that it does not currently meel building code. However, since the spiral stair was required to remain as a part ol your project approval, Gary and Dan had no objection to you moditying the existing stair or providing a new stair which does meet code and replacing it per the approved plans. A new slair would need to match the old slair in terms of size, shape, circumlerence, etc. and receive DRB approval. I hope the above information is helpful to you as you proceed wilh the remodel of the Thain residence. However, if additional information or clarification is necessary, please feel free to give me a call at 479-2138. lf there are portions of this letter which the Thains do not agree with and wish to appeal, they may do so according to the procedures outlined in Chapter 18.66.030 of the Vail Municipal Code. Staff would recommend, however, that it the Thains do not agree with this letter, or any portion of it, you do not proceed with revised drawings or construction of any of the items ol this letter until the Planning and Environmental Commission (PEC) has had the opportunity to review staff's opinion on all items contained in this letter. W'aM Jim Curnutte Senior Planner Tom Moorhead Mike Mollica xc: I o Ms. Fritzlen September 2,1994 Page Three P.S' lt has come to our attention that your contractor is using Town of Vail owned land dhectly behind the Thain residence for construction staging. The staging of equipment on Town land is not acceptabls and was not shown on your approved plans. Please desist from using public property for the construction of the Thain residences. \ August 5, 1994 O trtit"t"rrpi"r""nrirrt ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIOR5 Mr. Jim Curnuttel4r. Mike Mollica Town of Vail Department of Corununity Development 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail Colorado 81657 RE: Thain ResidenceUnit #8 Texas Townhomes Dear Ji:n and Mike, Car:men and John Thain have requested me to obtain fur- ther clarification on several zoning issues affecting the devel-oDment of their residence. 1. Building Envelope Lirnitations for a Structure. Non Conforming Current interpletation of the building envelope' as I understand it linits structure outside of the existingt including minor projections such as window sills, roof eaves and ornamental trim. It appears that several of the other Townhouses have renoviled and i:nproved their units with without having had the burden of ttre variance Processr even though these renovations "punctured" the existing non-conforming envelope. If you could you give us some grridance on what minor projections we can add without a variance and what we can;t it would be very helpful . I have prepared a lj.st for review. Some of these items effect our compJ-iance with the Uniform Building Code. - Cold Roof addition up to 6" in depth Unit #7 has adcied a cold roof which is why the two roof heights no longer match. we wouLd l-ike to match the roof height of Unit #7 with a cold roof. Zoning currentLy al- lows projections above the height ]j:niL for cold roof vents. - Plumbing roof vents that project above the roof we are intending to re.l-ocate the roof vents but the pro- jection will be the same. - window sill proiections less than 3" The previous buil-ding had sill projections of up to 3". - Ornamental brick work projections up to 3" - Roof gutters and downspouts less than 6 " in dimension i,,){ - Roof eave extensions up to I " - Skvl-iqht curbs and fl-ashingSeveral other units within the complex have added lights with curbs that project above the existing line. Pg. 1 0805DRB.DOC sky- roof posT oFFlcE Box 57 1000 LtoNSRtDGE Loop vAtL coLoRADo 81658 303 476 6342 FAX 303 476 4901 ErR(€ fRmLtNN<. O|A nrl4tr Prtic! 8rlNlR Otrtit"l"opi"r".nrint ARCHITECTURE PLANNING INTERIORS 2. Status of the Exterj-or Spiral Stair Mike Churchill of Duddy Viele Construction told me that the spi-ral stair was temporarily removed to Protect it from damage during demolition. During that time Dan Stannick from the TOv building department tofd Mark that he did not want the stair to be replaced due to its non-compiiance with the Building Code. Is this correct and do you have any further direction at this time. As you are ahrare the removal of the stair needs to be ad- dressed with the owner's of unit #7. The Thain's have always intended to giwe the use of the stair to their neighbors. ?hank you for your help. itzlen., en eierr6e Briner \._.._-. cc: Rick Rosen Mike Snith Mark Churchill Carmen Thain Pg, 2 0805DR8. DOC posT oFFtcE Box 57 1000 LtoNSRtDGE Loop vAtL coLoRADo 81658 303 476 6342 FAX 303 476 4901 PrrRct Fn?|En ftc o,A timuN P]flct 8R|!ER \ w\l \\o \t rQ.N \ v) \ \N \- \0t t\ ? $ N ^-R $N l *$J irNF u\\\u R TN \\r \\ \N | 1; I F!I.E COPY 3. An appeal of a staff decision regarding nonconforming structures, demo/rebuilds, 4. setbacks, and the use of the 250 Ordinance pertaining to the Thain devel proposal located at Appellant: Jay Peterson, representing Helen Chatfield Planner: Jim Curnutte Jay Peterson stated that he had appealed a staff decision regarding the issues contained in Jim Curnutte's letter dated May 13, 1994 on behalf of Helen Chatfield. He then stated that he was wilhdrawing the appeal before the PEC, as well as the appeal on behalf of Diana Donovan, appealing the DRB approval ol the Thain remodel. He stated that he had reached a settlement with the applicants on this issue. Kristan Pritz asked Jay to write a letter to the Community Development Department stating lhat he was withdrawing both appeals. Jay agreed to do so. A request for a worksesslon for an amendment to a previously approved plan to allow for four duplexes to be constructed at 1894 Lionsridge Loop/Lot 27, Block 2, Lionsridge 3rd Filing. Applicant: SteveGensler/Parkwood Realty Planner: Andy Knudtsen/Mike Mollica Mike Mollica made a presentation per the staff memo. He stated that the purpose of today's worksession was to review the site plan and to discuss the issues stalf has identified in the memo. Kathy Langenwalter stated that the two main issues they should focus on today was the site planning and the number of units. Peter Koliopoulis, the project architect, stated that grading for the site veered olf towards the southeast. He stated that they were trying to develop a concept around four duplex buildings (eight units), where each of the building forms were unique to each other. He said that the buildings would be accessed off ol Lion's Ridge Loop and that there would be a maximum 8% slope for the driveway. He stated that the roof lorms would all be gables, at 8:12 pilches. Kathy Langenwalter stated that the PEC would like to see the existing stand of trees to the north ol Capslone Townhomes remain on the site. She asked Peter whether it would be possible lo work this project around thes€ trees. Peter Koliopoulis stated that they would like to work with the PEC, as well as with the adjacent property owners, to come up with a solution. Pbooing l|d Environmcolrl Comi{ttion Juno 13, 1994 I June 3O, 1994 Town ,rf Vail The undersigned, as secretary c,f the Texas Townhouge H,:nreowners Ass,:ciat inn, on behalf c,f the Fnard of Directorghereby gt.ante approval fc,t" accese ac!.$!rs ths assc,ciati,rnpr"operty located tc, the gouth rf lnts B and g sub.ject ta theowner of lots I and g neplacirrg arry danaged landscapefeatures with iteme of equal m. better" qual ity arrd size thanexistit"rg, No living matter. is tn be renr,ved. Assnciationproper'ty Iandscape featur.ee must be r"egt r-,r.ed frrl lawingeonstruct i c'n. T'his apprnval is alsa subject tc, final desiqn appr"oval by theasg,:ciat ion for" the permanerrt r-enroval of any landscape rocksorr associat ian praperty. Respectful lv.lD^fr-;O*w"J D i ana Donovan Secretary Texas Townhouge Homeswners Aggnc i.at i orr o 0 1e94 TO\d.CO[I/1IVL DEV. DETT, tlers i grr Review f.r,:ard ctecigicn af June 1t A and H pf the Texag Townhorrteg known ag 4BJ Glc,re Cleek Dt'i ve. June l0r 1994 J i rn Ct-trnt-tt t e 'T,:wn of Vai I C'rtnrnur'ity 75 South Frontage Road Vailn Cn 61657 Dear Jimt We wi.ih tc, appeal the 1994 regarding unit I the Thain regiderree at str'eer*1fi1N D i arra and Jc'hn Dc,rr'trvan Deve I nornent 'f,wnerg ,rf 7A; Texas T,:wnhc,rrtes lt]14 Homestake Circle VeiL, 0o 81657 o MEMORANDUM Planning and Environmential Commission Community Development Department June 13, 1994 An appeal of a staff decision regarding nonconforming structures, demo/rebuilds, setbacks, and the use of the 250 Ordinance pertaining to the Thain developmsnt proposal located at 483 Gore Creek Drive/Lob 8A, 88, and 9, Texas Townhouses, Vail Village 4th Filing. Appellant: Jay Peterson, representing Helen ChatfieldPlanner: Jim Curnutte I. INTRODUCTION Jay Peterson, on behalf of Helen Chatfield, owner of Lot 7, Texas Townhomes, is appealing all items set forth in the statl interpretation letter dated May 13, 1994 regarding a proposed remodel of the Thain residence, Lots 8A, 8B, and 9, Texas Townhomes, VailVillage 4th Filing (see attached copy). The Texas Townhomes are zoned High Density Multi-Family (HDMF). The Thains own two units located at the easternmost end of the Texas Townhomes. The Thains would like to tear down Units 8A and 8B and construct two n6$r residences in their place (keeping only the western and southern building foundation walls). Because of the way the Texas Townhomes property has been subdivided, the existing building is considered to be nonconforming with regard to minimum lot size, setcacks, GRFA, etc. The Thains have agreed that the nor building would not increase the existing mass and bulk of the building. Additionally, the Thains have applied to use two 250 additions in conjunction with the proposed construction ol the new building. Since Mr. Peterson is appealing all items set forth in the staff letter dated May 13, 1994. Each of the six paragraphs therein will be further discussed as follows: Paraoraph #'t from the Mav 13. 1994 letter: 'The Thain property is zoned High Dercity Multi-Famlly and is nonconforming with regard to minimum lot size, sgtbacks, GRFA, etc. lt is considered to be a legally nonconforming building. Staff agrees wlth your interpretatlon of the nonconforming section ol the Vail Municipal Code whlch would allow the Thains to remove a substantial portion of the building and build an entirely new building provided the existing nonconformity is not increased. As you have discusssd previously wlth Mike Mollica, the mass and bulk of the building (i.e. building footprints, height, setbacks, and GRFA - excluding the 250 Ordinance addition) cannot be increased in any way. The proposed stairs on the rear of the building, as presented at conoeptual Design Review Board (DRB) review, would be considered a violation of the non-conlormang sectaon ol the Code. Staff believes that the rear access to the bassment must be removed." COPYF I[.E TO: FROM; DATE: SUBJECT: Staff Response Section 18.64.010 (Purpose) of the nonconforming section of the Vail Municipal Code states that: 'This chapter is intended to limit the number and extent of nonconforming uses and structures by prohibiting or limiting their enlargement, their reestablishment after abandonmenl, and their restoration after substiantial destruction. While permitting nonconforming uses, structures and improvements to continue, this chapter is intended to limit enlargement, alteration, restoration, or replacement which would increase the disgrepancv between existino conditions and'the development standards prescribed bv this title." Additionally, Section 18.64.040 (Uses) states that: 'The use of the site or structure lawfully established prior to the effeclive date of the ordinance codified in this title which does not conform to the use regulations prescribed by this title for the district in which it is situated may be continued, orovided that no such nonconformino use shall be enlaroed to occupv the oreater site area or buildino floor area than it occuoied on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this chaoter..." Staff considered the following elements before determining that the Thains could substantially remodel their unit: A. The intent of the nonconformino section of the Code. - Generally, nonconforming sections of zoning codes are created for the purpose of assuring the eventual removal of noxious uses or activities that are not compatible with surrounding uses. Staff believes that the Texas Townhomes' nonconformity was created as a result of the method used to subdivide the property and we would not consider the entire building to be the type of nonconforming use which should eventually be removed from the property. In light of the fact that the staff believes that the Town is not attempting to require the eventual removal of the entire building from the property, and due to the fact that the Town does encourage the upgrade of older buildings throughout town, statf has looked at the proposed remodel of the Thain residence as something that would be of benefil to the Town provided the new building did not increase the discrepancy between the existing conditions and the development standards established by the property's zoning. Since the applicant has agreed that the building's mass and bulk (i.e. building footprint heights, setbacks, GRFA, etc.) would not be increased in any way as a result ol the remodel, the staff has no objection to the proposed tear down/rebuild. B. Can an applicant voluntarilv tear down a nonconformino structure and build a new structure as lono as the nonconformiw is not increased? - Section 18.64.060 (Maintenance and Repairs) states that: "Nonconforming uses, structures, and site improvements may be maintained and repaired as necessary for convenient, safe, and efficient operation of the use, provided frat the maintenance and repair does not increase the discrepancy between the use, structure, or site improvement and the development standard prescribed in the Town Code." Section 18.64.090 (Hestoration) states hat: "Whenever a nonconforming use which does not conlorm with the regulations of the district in which it is located or a nonconforming structure or site improvement which does not conlorm with the requirements for setbacks, height, density control, building bulk control, or site coverage is destroyed by fire or other calamity, by act of God, or by the public enemyt its use may be resumed or the structure may be restored, provided the restoration is commenced within one year and diligently pursued to completion." Although the above paragraph does not include reference to the voluntary removal of a nonconforming building, it does seem clear that a nonconforming use or structure may be restored within one year after its demolition. C. Complete or substantial removal. - The Town has previously determined ftat a tear down/rebuild is the "ultimate remodel". Because of this determination and the fact that two of the building's foundation walls will remain, statf believes that this applicalion should be considered a substantial remodel ol an existing building rather than a complete removal of a non-conforming structure. Paraoraph #2 from the Mav 13. 1994 letter: "The proposed remodel of the Thain residence includes turo additional 250 square toot applications. Section 18.71.030 H (Additional Gross Residential Floor Area) states that any dwelling unit in a multi-family dwelling shall be eligible for additional GBFA not to excsed a maximum of 250 square feet in addition to the existing GRFA for the site provided that no exterior additions or alterations to multFfamily dwellings, with the exception of window skylights or other similar modifications, shall be allowed. The Thains are proposang to utilaze two 250 ordinanoes tor the two dwelling units within the existing shell ot the building and construct a basemsnt when the new building is constructed. Therefore, the GRFA attributsd to the two 250's shall not alter the exterior of the dwelling units. sance the 250 section of the code does not allow for the pooling of additional GRFA, it is important that each 2!i0 square toot addition be directly attributed to each dwelling unlt." Staff Response Since the Thain units (Units 8A and 8B) have been in existence for more than five years, they are entitled to apply for two additional 250 square foot additions. Because these units are located within a multiJamily building, the proposed 250's shall not result in any exterior addilions or alterations to the building, with the exception of windows, skylights, or other similar modifications. Additionally, the 250 Ordinance does not allow lor the pooling of additional GRFA, therefore, each of the 250's must be directly attributed to the existing dwelling units. Paraqraph #t from the Mav 13. 1994 letter: "Staff does not believe that the building will become more nonconforming with the addition ot the proposed 250 applications. The 250 section of the Vail Municipal Code does allow lor the addition of 250 square teet ot GRFA per unit in addition to the exasting GRFA on a property even if the exasting GRFA on the property already exceeds the allorrvable. This provision applies to all properties throughout town and is not specific to the Thain residence or the Texas Townhomes. Addilionally, staff agrees with your contention that the existing perimeter line of the building establishes the legal extent of the setback nonconformity. Existing and new GRFA (250 additions) may be rearranged within the shell of the existing building, and underground, as long as the perimeter lines are not exceeded. Anv above or below grade expansion of the building which would extend beyond the perimeter line established by the existing building walls, or break the plane of the existing roof or chimney lines would require variances from the noncontorming and setback sections of the Town Gode. Below grade expansions are permitted provided they do not extend beyond the perimeter lines established by the existing building footprint. Variances would be required for below grade expansions which were proposed to extend beyond the established building tootprint." Staff Response Staff does not believe that the existing building will become more noncontorming as a result of the 250 additions because the existing mass and bulk of the building will be unaffected. Also, there would not be any increase in the discrepancy betvveen the existing conditions and the development standards allowed in the HDMF zone district. With regard to the setback nonconformity, staff has made the interpretation that the existing perimeter line of the building establishes the legal extent of the setback nonconformity. Existing and new GRFA may be rearranged within the shell of the existing building, and underground, as long as the perimeter lines are not exceeded. Staff believEs that any above grade or below grade expansion which would break the plane of the existing nonconlormity would require variancss lrom the Town Code. o Paraoraph #4 from the Mav 19. 1994 tettgr: "Staff does not agree with Jay Peterson's lntenretation that the Thaln unlhr should fall lnto the single family dwEiling and two family dsreiltng category described In sectaon 18.71.020 of the vail Municipal Gode. we believe that the Thain resldence must comply with the Multi-Family Dwelllng criteria outlined in Section 18.71.030. Section 18.04.090 of the Vail Municipal Gode defines multi- family dwelllngs as: . "A buildlng containing three or more dwelling unlts, including townhouses, rowhousos, apartments, and condominlum unlts, designed for or used by thr€s or more families, each llving as an indepsndent housekeeping unlt." Section 17.08.40 defines a townhouse as: "A building that has one tamily dwelling units erected in a row or in a clustered fashlon as a single bullding on adloining lots, each being separate from the adlolning unit or units by a parly wall or walls extending from the basement floor to the roof along the dividlng lot llne, and each such building being separate from any other building by space on all sides." Clearly, the Toxas Townhomes building meets the definition of a townhouse building and ls therefore considered to Ue a multFfamily bullding, as it relates to determlnation of the unit type category described in the addltional 250 section of the code." Staff Resoonse For the reasons stated in the May 13, 1994 letter, stafl believes that the Texas Townhomes clearly meet fie definition of a townhouse and is therefore considered to be a multi{amily building, as it relates to the determination of unit type category described in the additional 250 section of the Code. Paraoraph #5 from tho Mav 13. 1994 letter: "As you know, In order to apply for a 250, evidence must be provided that the unil or unlts have received a final Certiticate of Occupancy. During our last meetlng, you requested that stafl review the Town flles to determine whether or nol a final Certiticate of Occupancy has evsr been gEnted lor Units 8A or 88 at the Texas Townhomes. Stafl is unable to locate any record ot a final Certificate of Occupancy beang assued tor either d tho units. Therefore, in order to proceed with your 250 applicatlon, you must request that the bulldlng department perform a tinal Certificate of Occupancy inspection on the Thain units and provide a copy of the certiticates to the planning staff." Staff Resoonse Staff requested that the applicant provide either a copy of their final Certificate of Occupancy for the Texas Townhomes or request a final inspection ol the unib from the Building Department. Since writing the May 13, 1994 letter, staff has consulted with Gary Murrain (Town of Vail Chief Building Official) regarding the possibility of performing a final Certificate of Occupancy inspection on the Thain units. Gary determined that since these units were built so long ago (in Eagle County) and it is unclear under which code the units were constructed, he would not be,able to pertorm a final Certificate of Occupancy on these units. Paraoraph #6 trom the Mav 13. 1994letter: "Also mentioned during our conversation on Wednesday, please provide a copy of Association approval to temporarily remove the existing landscape amenaties (grass, rocks, etc.) currently existing on the Associataon property, located directly in front of Lots 8 and 9. Please address how you intend to landscape this area after the constructaon on your landscape plan." Statf Resoonse We do not believe that Jay Peterson has any oblection to this paragraph. c:bec\memos\cfi atlisl.6 | 3 o o F !!- E C$PV 75 South Fronnge Road Yail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 38 / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Deparnnent of Connnuniry Developtnent May 13, 1994 Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen, Pierce, Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 FE: Proposed remodel ol the Thain residence, Lols 8A, 8B and g, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing. Dear Lynn: Thls letler is inlended lo documenl the discussion which took place during our meeting yeslerday, Wednesday May 11, 1994, concerning the above-referenced remodel. I hope this letler will be helpful in clarifying many of lhe issues raised by yourself, thE Thain's legal counsel, and Jay Peterson, counsel lor Helen Chatfield. I have broken out each ol the major issues related to lhe proposed Thain residence remodel and have listed them as follows: 1. The Thain property is zoned High Density Mutti-Family and is nonconforming with'regard lo minimum lol size, setbacks, GRFA, etc. tt is considered to be a legally nonconforming building. Stalf agrees with your interprelation of the nonconforming section of the Vail Municipal Code which would allow the Thains lo remove a subslantial portion of ths building and build an entirely new building provided the existing nonconformity is nol increased. As you have discussed previously with Mike Mollica, lhe mass and bulk of the building (i.e. building tootprints, height, setbacks,'and GRFA - excluding the 250 Ordinance addition) cannot be increased in any way. The proposed stairs on the rear of the building, as presenled at conceptual Design Beview Board (DRB) review, would be considered a violation of the non-conforming section of the Code. Statf believes lhat lhe rear access to the basement must be removed. 2. The proposed remodel of the Thain residence includes two additional 250 square foot applications. Seclion 18.71.030 H (Additional Gross Residential Floor Area) stales that any dwelling unit in a multi-family dwelling shall be eligible for additional GRFA not to exceed a marimum of 250 square feet in addition to the existing GRFA for the site provided that no exterior additions or alterations to multl-family dwellings, with the exception of window skylights or other similar modifications, shall be allowed. Tha Thains are proposing to utilize two 250 ordinances for lhe two dwelling units wilhin the existing shell of lhe building and construct a basement when the new building is construcled. Therefore, lhe GRFA attributed to the two 250's shall not alter the exterior of the dwelling units. since the 250 section of the Gode does not allow for lhe poofing ol addilional GRFA, it is important that each 250 square {oot addition be directly atlributed lo each dwelling unit. o Ms. Fritzlen May 13, 1994 Page Two 3. staff does not believe that the building will become more noncohforming with the addition ol the proposed 250 applications. The 250 section of the Vail Municipal Code does allow for lhe addition of 250 square feet of GRFA per unit in addition to the existing GRFA on a property even if the existing GBFA on the property already exceeds the allowable. This provision applies l0 allproperties throughout lown and is not specific to the Thain residence or the Texas Townhomes. Additionally, staff agrees wilh your contention that thg existing perimeter line of the building esiablishes the legal extent of the setback nonconformity. Existing and new GRFA (250 additions) may be rearranged within the shell of the existing building, and underground, as long as the perimeler lines are not exceeded. AOI above grade expansion of the building which would exlend beyond the perimeter line established by the existing building walls, or break the plane of the existing roof or chimney lines would require variances trom the nonconforming and setback sections of the Town Code. Below grade expansions are permitled provided they do not exlend beyond the perimeler lines established by the existing building footprint. Variances would be required for below grade expansions which were proposed to extend beyond the established building fooprint. 4. Statf does not agree with Jay Peterson's interprelation that the Thain unils should fall into the single lamily dwelling and two family dwelling category described in Section 18.71.020 of the Vail Municipal Code. We believe lhat the Thain residence must comply with the Multi-Family Dwelling crileria oullined in Section 18.71.030. Seclion 18.04.090 of the Vail Municipal Code defines multi- family dwellings as: 'A building containing three or more dwelling units, including lownhouses, rowhouses, apartmenls, and condominium units, designed for or used by lhree or more families, each living as an independent housekeeping unit." Section 17,08.240 defines a lownhouse as: "A building that has one family dwelling units erected in a row or in a cluslered fashion as a single building on adjoining lots, each being separate from the adjoining unit or units by a party wall or walls exlending lrom the basement floor to lhe roof along the dividing lot line, and each such building being separate from any other building by space on all sides." ,I J Ms. Fritzlen May 13, 1994 Page Three Clearly, the Texas Townhomes building meets tha definition of a lownhouse building and is therefore considered to be a multFfamily building, as.it relates to' determination of the unit type category described in the additional 250 section of the Code. 5. As you know, in order lo apply for a 250, evidence must be provided that the unit or units have received a final Certificate ol Occupancy. During our last meetlng, you requested that staff review the Town liles to determine whether or not a final Certificate of Occupancy has ever been granted for Unils 8A or 8B at fie Texas Townhomes. Staff is unable to locat€ any record of a linal Gertificate of Occupancy being issued for either of th6 units. Therefore, In ordEr to proceed with your 250 application, you must request that thE building department perform a final Certificate of Occupancy inspection on thE Thain units and provide a copy of the certificates lo the planning stafl. 6. Also mentioned during our conversation on Wednesday, please provictg a copy of Association approval to lemporarily r€move the existing landscape amenities (grass, rocks, etc.) currently existing on the Associatlon property, located directly in lront of Lots 8 and 9. Please address how you intend to landscape this area afler the construction on your landscape plan. I betieve the above information accurately describes our conversation on Wednesday May 1 1, 1991. However, il you are not in agre€ment with any of the information contained in this. letter, please contact me immediately to discuss this matter further. Sincerely,t' . -JA!/'?rv \Aarn/ul/Q/ Tl Jim Cumutte Town Planner xc: Tom Moorhead lfislan Pritr Rick Rosen Mark Smith Mike Mollica Jay Peterson Barl,gY, Hennnvc & PBTERSoN A PRoFESSIoNAL CORPONATTON ATToRNEYSATI,AW LINCOLN CENTER 1660 LINCOIN STREET, SUITE 3175 DENVEN. COLORADO 8023{ TELEPHONE (303) $7-r660 FACSIMILE (So8) 837'ooe7 May 23, L994 tt VAIL NATIONAL BANK BLDC. IOt SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, SUITE VAIL, COLORADO 81657 TELEPSoNE (S03) {70.0092 FACSTMILE (80S) {70.040? Mr. Jin Curnutte Town of Vail Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road l{est VaiL, Colorado 8L657 RE: Lot I, Ttre Rowhouses Dear Jim: on instructions from Helen chatfield, who is an adjacent property ownerof Lot 8, The Rowhouses, she hereby appeals the Staff interpretation of alt iterns set forth in your letter of May 13, L994 regarding the expansion and alteration to Lot 8, The Rowhouses. If you have any guestions please contact me at my office. Sincerely, terson COPYFIL T TOWNOFVAIL 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I s9 FAX 303-479-2452 June 3, 1994 Deparunent of Comntuniry Developtnent Lynn Fritzlen Fritzlen Pierce Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Design Review Board (DRB) conditions of approval for the proposed remodel of the Thain residence, Lols 8A, 88 and 9, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing. Dear Lynn: This letter is intended to document lhe conditions attached to the DRB approval of the proposed Thain residence remodel which received DRB approval on June 'l , 1994. The remodel of the Thain units were approved by a 4-0 vote ol the DRB. The DRB attached the following conditions to their approval: 1. The exterior bricks proposed lor the new residences shall be of the color and style presented at the DRB meeting. A photo of the approved brick is kept in the Community Development Department file and is dated June 1, 1994. The DRB condition includes the color, size and style of the brick and color of the mortar. 2. All metal railings on the property including the gate at the entrance to Unit A will not have the decorative leatures as shown on the plan presented to the DRB. All pickets shallbe square or rectangle metal rails. 3. The west side of lhe rear deck must be linished with a solid red'vood skirting. 4. Prior to submitting for a building permit, the plans will be changed to show the following: a. The fire wall between Units 7 and 8 will be drawn correctly. b. The junipers along the eastern property line of Lot 9 will be shown in their accurate location. c. Building elevations of the existing buiHing will be redrawn to be the same scale as the proposed elevation drawings and will accurately reflect existing conditions on the property. Ms. Fritzlen June 3, 1994 Page Two 5. Any trees or shrubs on or adiacent to the property that die as a result of the construction of the Thain residences must be replaced with like species and , size. 6. Prior to the issuance of a demolition or buil3ling permit for the proposed remodel the following items must be completed: a. Statf must be contacted to perform an on-site inspection of the existing units to confirm the GRFA as shown on the drawings ol the existing building. b. The applicant musl receive Texas T-ownhome Association approvaf for ttre proposed use arfimprovemenls on association pioperty, i.e. the paver walkwaf amendments to existing landscaping and use of parking lot for staging purposes. c. The applicant must amend their drawings in order io show compliance with the nonconforming section of the Town of Vail Municipal Code. Please contact statf for a description of where the plans presented to the DRB would violate the nonconlorming section of the Code. lf you have any questions, or need further clarification, of any of the conditions imposed by th; DRB on June 1, 1994, please contact me immediately so that we all have a clear understanding of the information which must be addressed prior to the issuance of a demolition orbuilding permit lor the proposed Thain residences remodel. Sincerely,/1, -/+lLz,' '-r'rrr.rr^rL4)/ Jim Curnutte ./ Town Planner xc: Tom Moorhead Kristan Pritz Rick Rosen MichaelSmith Jay Peterson Diana Donovan John Thain oo Gsign Review Action Ott TOWN OF VAIL catesory Nrru", 6 o^" 6/,/q q p,q"at"^"' --fAain ct q r { s (u'*- i{s 4*8) Buildins n ^", -T-€ XqS -7Gc,,sc, lr"erv',,eS Proiect Description:*f wo' -- | ..\ owner, Address anapnone: ;Jol^n { Lal'tu€yl I harn 65 OL '^ct 4>lw H{/os ArchitecVContact, Address and Phone: L /o /. Legal Description:t-o|flrqet1 Block ........- tubd'u'"'on /4,zone District HD/4 F ProiectstreetA66r"""' ul€3 E Get Cre Motion by:2,L b seoonded ov dg €€ & fl Disapproval ! StatfApproval oQc-o^ra{. taff Action vote: 1l-O Conditions: DRB Fee ere-oaia # O* ZONINC 18.62.090 Related permits and requirements. In addition to the conditions which may be prescribed pursuant to this chapter, any site or use subject to a variance permit shall also be subject to all other procedures, permits, and iequirements of this and other applicable chapters and regulations of the town. ln event of any conflict between the provisions of a variance permit and other permit or requirement, the more restrictive provision shall prevail. (Ord. 8(1e73) $ 1e.900.) Chapter 18.64 NONCONFORMING SITES, USES, STRUCTURES AND SITE IMPRO\IEMENTS Sections: 18.64.010 Purpose. 18.64.020 Continuance. 18.64.030 Sites. 18.64.040 Uses. 18.54.050 Stmctures and site improvement. 18.64.060 Maintenance and repairs. 18.64.070 Discontinuance. 18.64.080 Ctrange of use. 18.64.090 Restoration. 18.64.010 Purpose. This chapter is intended to limit the number and extent of nonconforming uses and structures by prohibiting or limiting (Vail 4-7-92) 4U :..: .. : i....:r:.. :.i :.i..i.-:.-rr:iij,i :..:iii:::ilri: (-i NON('ONI;ORMtN(; St't't:S. USI.:S. STRUCTURES ttrcir cnlurycment. their reestablishment aftcr abandonment,lnrl thu.ir restorution aftcr substantial destruction. Whitc ;urrnitling nonconlirnning uscs. structures. and improvementsIo corrlirruc. this clr:rptr.r is intclrdcrl to limit enlaryr:mcnt, :tllcruliorr. rssloralion. or rL.plJccrlrcnt whiclr woultl incrca:c thc discrcpuncy bctwccn cxisting conditions and thc devclopnrr:nt starrdrrrls prcscribcd hy this rirL.. (Ord.lt(t9?3) S 10.100.) 18.64.020 Continuance. Noncon fonning sitcs. usr.s. structurcs, an<l site irnprovements lawt'ully cstabtishe d prior to the effective date of thc ordinancc codified in this ritle may continue. subject to the limitations prcscritrcd in this chapter. Sites, uses. structures. and sitc improvements lawfully autlrorized by permits or regutations ux,isting prior to the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title may continue. subject to such limitatjons as prescribed by such permits or regulations. (Ord. 8(1973) g :0.200.) | 8.64.030 Sites. Srtcs larvtirlly estahlisherl pursuant to regulations in ctJ'cct pr.ior to the cffective dlte of thr.. ordinance codified in this title which do not conform to the minimum tot area and dimension requirements prescribed .by this title for the disrrict in which they are situated may be continued and shall be deemed legally established building sites, subject to the site development standards prescribed by this title. No such site shall be further rcduced in area or dimensions. (Ord. 8(1973) ! 20.300.) 18.64.040 Uses. The use of a site or structure lawfully established prior to the efl'ective date of the ordinance codificd in this title which docs not conform to the usc regulations prescribed by this title for the district in which it is situated may be continued, provided that no such nonconlbrming use shall be enlarged to occupy a Breater site area for building floor area than jt occupied on the effective datr. of the ordinance codified in this cltuptcr. fury subsr,.quent reduction in site area or floor area ...'ii,#:} . :.- -...'.'1. j:::;: j::i:i{:i.{tt t :lE4- l tVril e.15.78r NONCONFORMING SITES, USES, STRUCTURES occupied by a nonconforming use shalt be Umitation. untj thc usr: shall not thcreafter occupy a greater site arca or floor area limitalion. (Ord. tt(197.1) $ 10.400.) deemed a new be entarged to than such new 18.64.050 Slructures and site improvemenl. Structures and site improvements lawfully established prior , \rP./r'= -'r6o'"8 "e" to do the effective date of the ordinancc codified in this tirte *hich g.o-nfo1m to the devclopment standards prescribed byfor the district in which they are situated may becontffied. Such structures or site improvements may be enlarged only in accordance with thc following timitations:-A. Structurcs or site improvements which do not conform to requirements for setbacks. distances between buitdings, height, building bulk control, or site @verage, may be enlarged, provided that the entargement does not further increase the discrepancy between the total structure and applicable building bulk control or site coverage standards;ard provided that the addition fully conforms with setbacks. dist:rnces betrveen buildings, and height stlndards applicablc to rhe addition. Struclures rvhich do nol conform to density controts may be enlargcd, only if the totat gross residential floor area oirhe enlarged structure does not exceed the total gross residential 0oor area of the preexisting nonconforming structure. Stnrctures or site improvements which do not conform to requiremcnts for uscable open space or tandscaping and site dcvelopment may be enlarged, provided that the useable open space rcquiremenrs applicable to such addition shafl be fully satislied. and provided that the percentage of the totat site which is landscaped shall not be reduced bclow the rninirnum requirement. Structures or site improvements whjch do not conform to the off-street parking and loading requirements of this title may be entarged, provided that the parking urd loading reguirements for such addition shall be fully satisfied and that the discrepancy between the existing off-street parking and loading faciljties and the standards prescribed by this B. c. D. .l 485 (Vril 1.5{2) ZONING title shall not be increased. (ord. 8(1973) 0 20.500.) ft.64.060 Mrinlenrncc rnd rcprin. Nonconforming uses, strustures, and site improvements may bc maintained and repaired as necessary for convcnient, safe, or efficient opcration or use, providcd that no such maintenance or repair shall incrcase the discrepancy bctwecn the use, slructure, or site improvement and the development standards prescribed by this title. (Ord. 8(1973) 0 20.600.) It.6{.fl0 Discontinuance. Any nonconforming use which is discontinued for a period of twclve months, regardless of any intent to resume operation of use, shdl not be rcsumcd thereafter, and ury futurc use of the site or structttres thereon shall conform with the provisions of this title. (Ord. E(1973) ! 20.700.) ft.64.0t0 Chenge of use. A nonconforming use shall not be changed to anorher nonconforming use unless pcrmission has been granted by the town council. Prior to granting such permission, thc council shdl detcrminc that the proposed use does not subsrantially diffcr from the 'existing nonconforming use in terms oi compatibility with thc character of the area in which it is tocated, and the council shdl dacrmine that thc proposed use docs not increase or aggravatc the dcgree of nonconformity cxisting prior to any such change of use. (Ord. 8(1973) 0 20.800.) It.64.090 Rcstontlon. A. Whenever a nonconforming use which does not conform with the regulations for thc district in which it is locatcd or a nonconforming suucture or site improvement which does not conform with the requircments for setbacks, height, * (vril l-5.t2) 4t6 U -YORK-CONTROLLERS \ re. n,-e .rohn A. Thdn C*rnrn lt. Thrlntt otc Fortng Eroot no|d fil|. Kheo, ilY 1064t 'JurE l. l00a Mi J&n Curnile Efilor Phnnrr Tbwn d \hX Dcprnnm d Oormunly Dare|opmcrr 76 gorfi Frotfr€o Bordvt[ oo tlc57 $ FA)(; 0G{29€.153 BE: Rrno,Ihn oa T0(l! Ibxrnnout. UnltEttA rttr #AE Dnr Ma Cumt8a: ryr J! y!$.!9 y,q9, to qelg 9uI d!!trs3t or$ tht tr.stmBil whlch haf besn slvan our rppliodimto tllffftf Utlll tBA rnd tEB of $t Tsol lbvrnhoue!. Arwe began thr deslgn procers'inC prn to qr con$dng thr puctrase cf thc Unhf wr had ou $chhsct, lvnn Filzleri wb* wilt th. i,rMl.lt ftrr aa\r.d tnon|lf o|| 3 dedgn whldr compliccl wlth slt orbtino-lhrn d Vei nquirmeirb. lt b0$ urdrrtmdhg drd our odoinrl proporal rsc€lv.d peilmhaly gtaf rpprwa, How.Yr, r the hr Dcdgn R3lrtd., Boerd medng or* rppllcabn wa! ttbld. $panntly dr to oOlocuonr 0f cad|ll qrftnil t'btrr Tounlrqrse ownea. We 6ilwe $t we trsw mdiraeO ro vlrturttydl-d thdr oqocdotlr. .Candn ol thr concarnr nbd by the anen d Unft 7 apperi to b. n cdldngl00l to? th. aottiued uc of our poperty wifrout en easement t!t" * u rtii trarh erdosuru iliqo B|r{of rp}d crfce|c an piivie naten rha $ould grd coukl hffi basn r36otvrt emlcrHyrlfroty rrriilr u rncl *rould nct hilo cfiumad DF*r ilrnr. A fdltncl omom nbcd.wrr ftt prutGctlqr ol the patty wall and Ore lan<traghg lvs aprntooil&bnbL dme rgvlcluft! locil contrectoft. Wr han h]tba J.L Vlele Consrucdori tdnnorarir'arrunL W. rn conllclcn thl Jlm Vide can qsouts thif profrct wlhort di$urblng any d oof nshhboreA!_{_ttt b#ttrFltg, -r,il1Fc D{c.ptim of ona mrpie rir diresdy ealcrnrio rin uufuhgr-wu b.grov*f. l{b hevr rltcrd thr tortt foundadon Odign to r*Cn rirc tio odrdry lergr mA n 61erFolia rc$rl ot otr nCghbor lhr Town d vrll hi ur|d Vlols Condrucrlon ina in bctinn JlmYrn mriniltil lt trOllLfi hcd rrputdlon whldr rhoulrl mldgete concorfit dufug thc construoiotlpf'lod. ! vrr nqtficd.tlet lht numb€r |I|d ff€a of thc al$,lhhtr st the eouh .fo,rtl6a b. r|drFed Wehrw oornp$rd u,{fi tht Gqufr. JLJN A1 '94 E4I57PI'I NE','-5-CONTROLLERS P,3 It wne rcgurncd ftd th. hont doer br reh€d to €ddng greE € larel Wo hq\re r|bBd trc tront dooi to eddrg grede rnrt ha\r€ rnoved I to a rmn di$rEBt locdbn m [l0 ssst stds d tle bulldlng, h vr rogu.Cilt tld wf we roetlab glmlls| to t|19'e ulsdqg. wb ara urhg a !rlo* odador tl'nller to fF ad*ing Jd d.n to mdch the colorgtbn ol lhr $dsdng bdEl( Wr trc Ptnnhg tO malon thg cadt d1*.t on the rdlacert roof, Wc sn ptanniE to ure woorl de*hg m f€ edsrhf dccks b maoh $lc addng. wr aro uslng aa|em€nl ryP3 vrlndol||| wm 6ivi{lod $ctlonr $mihr to thocr nsxt dq. n mr 3ugEsdad thel moru wood bs Ehoun 0n the bulldng cnd whdowe We han ftn$d tt€ fim rnd lrtlll ffirund ths whdowr to lldwood. lt wrE rEguenod t0 reducr $3 totd qu$c fEdrga 0f glrs m fia aouh hcda. We han nduced ha totel glalr sse on the aornh rEc to rpfodmdely mddr fic drdng ar:a, w. wslu rquadd to rEmoyr sny Eh* rell€f dt the Udldlrlg fid hsr/a Oona tO Wr hrw l€ft th3 b|.h mclozurer In thElr cunrn loottloq enhough Unl 7 h3r no hgal c|tgltert to laa 0roilr Thr bl| bs.E lhl lur bsen niled b th. all bdck souh ft0ad6 $d th3 cun wer the whdorve Thir h nd fte fr.t d..lgrr ard conuualon p|oi6ct wc har. ufid$leftotl' We c8n vis{ralkc whd we erc propofigt Wo hold enginooilng rnd rrchlbclun degroor lrcm M.lL We bo|lan our renordon b compatlble u,ttt rr. qhkrg 1i€n3 Tl'$rnhousce our lnteilbfl It not to chan$ tho chEndsf or apltil d trn rsigFsodrood, hr to cfeEtr a ta*efultadfilonal high rydlty unlr we h$rf coffidanoe in Lym Frilzlrn {|d thr itrecflwn!|t of htr 6e8ign h rE$iling tho frcs.lal d 0ta ChH Bdrthg Texat lbwnho.nt, tso cf sfiiclr m el bdofq then appean lo ba r ri,lde tol.rarsi h lndlrHusl qpres$hn. wb rcdd fhf to bs gi,tn r|s 8em! l8trib[ny h deyolopino our unil. w. bdils wt hrvl gpne to coruidsNble enon tl|d o.p6nl3 l0 b0 l€3pomlys F he ooflcgnr of g mrl gru.p d 0|.r n€lghbofir W. do ncl bellevr nt DRB he3 |'|y bt'b to diny or rbb orr ryplcOsrl Wf would ?Pffcirc your poEitlvf nspol|3. t0 0u epdlcdon il t$ t&n€.ffiF n brn rLU**a'*" ,**'a t< 4- t-)/JlS-n-/at - /-< oz-<:ztzt - )-t-y'o o-Jf e-L!:-*.-d- :ha,.4,-h lL S faw'it y'*a.dzt / Oe B ,i aurr?o,- -p't -t^2 o'u tz/da-cnz--*4 -/7 79-ry-, *@ t'' r' tk/ir' ?f f- t'--- -/--.u .t,o-i..t.+.t Li-:.7, r:;aj 3,9frngr5A' LB, J,,lQO€q ?A A"- <i"u q'<"o'- I 2J t ,/;. t -. c / t' /at pa,8,tt--ak'.tt/ /pi:a.E *t e ftO ry?e,.:fu<-e *l r'el-.d! - t.a. fu- d a4', ", ct- r*.o-b- 3. 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W "f +-t D.Fa-<aJ )J8d Ar,e/ ***: A*/.^."4 cca*,^ezLu/e"'a/' p/z-fu^,, + uzt tdar-l 1)+i,v a. 'F, l:' I Barr-,Bv, llannnvc & Pprpnsox A PRoFESSIoNAL ConpoRrrror.t ATToRNEYSATLAw LINCOIN CENTER IO60 LINCOIJ{ STREET SUITE 8176 DENVER. COLORADO 80284 TETEPHONE (S09) 83?.r860 FACSIMILE (803) 88?-0097 May 23, 1994 Mr. Jiro Curnutte Town of Vail Planner Town of VaiL 75 S. Frontage Road WestVail, Colorado 81657 RE! I,ot 8, The Rowhouses Dear Jim: on instructions from Helen Chatfield, who is an adjacent property owner of Lot 8, The Rowhouses, she hereby appeals the Staff interpretation ofall iterns set forth in your le€ter of May 13, L994 regarding the expansion and alteration to Lot 8, The Rowhouses. ff you have any questions please contact rne at ny office. Sincerely, terson VAIL NATIONAL BANK BLDG. IO8 SOUIH FRONTACE ROAD WEST, SUITE 80? VAIL COLORADO 81667 TELEPHONE (SO3l 47 A-OO92 FACSIMIIJ (909) a?9.0{8? t ! ! w-L7-L994 @:53F['l cllt{t 6 ,r I L fo' 3700 East Dcilv€tr, (3O3) SuilE il It&iIIm Crmfri, Pleuertr ToilniofVdl : ZSbuftnmilr83Roodwest t Vait, CO 8165? ' I rli Mn Cumuttt: i I -- B"yFar: 13g;).4794,157 l , , I rt;i rrpo wec+ ago, my rvtfdmd I r$endcd the nccdng of ttrc D6igF npviE ttDfcr6ufiqg boq oirrclw ad theTerrs Toqmhousq A*sosiatforo of rvlrich I s'n Tb& fu in rcfaeobe b ths drnnorl rernodclins (u rcobnrlnadonl of thThain rctt[&is n lcf,tcoilco ftsdrnnodrprnodcline (q ndrurnrcUonl of tuThain TE*afbrmhou+(463 Es$corcCr€E&Ihiw), i':lll AI dr"t {{r, * stt€rt crrnffiatcfficcflrs dtUorritepuneA rioOg btil dditim and cm*ucrion of e nssr homo.not h r'ndqg wlth tltc tradidon of F Ttxas Twbhurses. SpeA*aUy, xE cmted m romio te exlsdaC frnade cbdhhS; rc d4 sot lhinrr tle Dcw brick cxuior w8s in t&ffilrng wifh tla Cmple ttcc*bec u ttr; riro yrctt conceaned aDout thgry;w Autt dod s; itl *cp*down notl&lnt tbc rcwlof skylighB along rhe frmt of the rmf matc.M other rmft; tlur,rlu.r"r r|.F rufwr l,r qyuS||rl atr[g ulc Inxll o] mB Ilxtf IIEEIEo oulgr xtll, scchod oil gf ecd! with tlnt of tbo otlrs writq urd *e wr gcnerafly conm prtdrrrntm of ilio lsrdEcaling. In gooual, we ftel tho remodeled urdr should othir rrn{fs witbirt tho tuildiDg, rrcognidag ftat ech ls difrcrent thrt u,F ru aot drd rrtat ms dure'widdn Sc na[s of tncnx*i.nce hil sdngly 17,lgln i *Gdrd vidows i Bbout thoi to tuc Wc, H . qthcsowFngoftheTqrsTbvrnhousr+tohavevoinedtheirsinihooade,uioeftOr' wlillam & l,lry lscpna (#4A), Johu & Bortara woodhull (#48), Joh a aonn4 stnun! . (t5A), Als & fioalca mcCormicr (#68), EetEn frtE*t t r/Bi rnd loho mO {trnmDoawaa(fl[r., , i : , Plcso rl*ryhtct orn cdncemr at 60 DcsiEr Rc\dc{u Bohd firccdag on tUt :tg.wltlberrnabhbbn€od. i i I I i .i I I I I I RibD, Woottsn TOTH- P.El Ar \ Helen H. Chatfield Texas Townhouse #78 483 Gore Creek Drive Vail, C0 81658 May .|8, .|994 Mr. Jim Curnutte Town of Vai'l , Plannjng DepartmentVail, C0 81658 Renovat'ion of Texas Townhouse #8A and #88 by Carmen and John Thain Dear Mr. Curnutte: I am writing you at this time to express my concern over the proposed changes (demolition/renovation) to Texas Townhouses #8A and #8B. As the owner of Texas Townhouse #78 since .1978 and one who has enjoyed spending time in Vajl since 1965, I have severql concerns I would ljke to address with regard to the Thain residence noqbeing proposed to take the pl ace of Biddy and Tom 0'Dwyer's former Texas'Townhouse units #8A and #8B. The main issues with which I am concerned are: l) the fire escape, 2) the location of the trash containers and 3) the overall appearance of the exterior structure and its 'lack of conformity with the other seven townhouses with respect to the windows, the brick versus a partial brick and partial wood exterior, and the deck, stairway and ba'l cony rai'l ing materials. The fire escape is located on the balcony in back of my condominium, half on my property and half on the property of unit #88. It is a steel spiral staircase which has been there as long as I have owned Townhouse #78.It is essential to me and to visitors who stay there, including renters who rent the condominium through Vail Home Rentals in the winter as well as in the summer. l,lithout this spiral staircase'i n the back of the building, there would be no way out of the condominium should the front of the building be on fire and the front stairvay be unauailable for escape. The area that contains the enclosures for the garbage cans for units #74, #78, #8A and #88 has always been located on the east side of the deck on Townhouse #8A. This has a'lways been a convenient and out-of-the-way locatjon for garbage cans and serves to eliminate the need for unsightly garbage cans or dumpsters in front of the buildjng. It is of great concern to me that the proposed exterior appearance of units 8A and 88 will not be harmonious with the other seven townhouses. An all-brick exterior is of great concern when the rest of the townhouses' exteriors are of wood or a combination of brick and wood. In addition, the large size of the proposed windows and the quantity of windows and surrounding ornamental brickwork is not consistent with the appearance f r, \ Page 2 of the windows on the other townhouses. I am also concerned over the pFoposed b'lack wrought-iron railing with alternate tt,,isting columns to be used on the deck, the exterior staircase and the proposed ba'lcony. Most buildinEs in the neighborhood have balconies with railings made of uood rather than iron and which b'lend in with the environment w'ith regard to material(i;e. wood) and color. I hope that you as a Planner: for the Town of Vail will take these things into conslderation and pass this letter on to the members of the Design Review Board. I will be in attendance at the meeting on llednesdayif you have any further questions. ResPectful lY submi tted' fu/,r,.^wJ, 4"4*tz-- He]en H. Chatfietd Ou,nern Texas Townhouse #7B cC: Diana Donovan Rike tlootten Jay Peterson FILE COPY 75 South Frontage Road Vail, Colorado 81657 303 -479-2 I 3 I / 479-2 I 39 FAX 303-479-2452 Departnent of Community Developtnent May 13, 1994 Lynn FriElen FriElen, Pierce, Briner P.O. Box 57 Vail, CO 81658 RE: Proposed remodel of the Thain residence, Lots 8A, 88 and 9, Texas Townhomes, Vail Village 4th Filing. Dear Lynn: This letter is intended to document the discussion which took place during our meeting yesterday, Wednesday May 11, 1994, concerning the above-referenced remodel. I hope this letter will be helpful in clarifying many of the issues raised by yourself, the Thain's legal counsel, and Jay Pelerson, counsel for Helen Chatfield. I have broken out each of the major issues related to the proposed Thain residence remodel and have listed them as follows: 1. The Thain property is zoned High Density Multi-Family and is nonconforming with regard to minimum lot size, setbacks, GRFA, etc. lt is considered to be a legally nonconforming building. Staff agrees with your interpretation of the nonconforming section of the Vail Municipal Code which would allow the Thains to remove a substantial portion of the building and build an entirely new building provided the existing nonconformity is not increased. As you have discussed previously with Mike Mollica, the mass and bulk of the building (i.e. building footprints, height, setbacks, and GRFA - excluding the 250 Ordinance addition) cannot be increased in any way. The proposed stairs on the rear of the building, as presenled at conceptual Design Review Board (DRB) review, would be considered a violation of the non-conforming section of the Code. Staff believes that the rear access to the basement must be removed. 2. The proposed remodel of the Thain residence includes two additional 250 square foot applications. Section 18.71.030 H (AdditionalGross Residential Floor Area) slates that any dwelling unit in a multi-family dwelling shall be eligible for additional GRFA not to exceed a maximum of 250 square feet in addition to the existing GRFA for the site provided that no exlerior additions or alterations to multi-family dwellings, with the exception of window skylights or other similar modifications, shall be allowed. The Thains are proposing to utilize two 250 ordinances for the two dwelling units within the exisling shell of the building and construct a basement when the new building is constructed. Therefore. the GRFA attribuled to the two 250's shall not alter the exterior of the dwelling units. Since the 250 section of the Code does not allow for lhe pooling of additional GRFA, it is important that each 250 square foot addition be directly attributed lo each dwelling unit. Ms. Fritzlen May 13, 1994 Page Two 3.Staff does not believe that the building will become more nonconforming with the addition ol the proposed 250 applications. The 250 section of the Vail Municipal Code does allow for the addition ol 250 square feet of GRFA per unit in addition to the existing GRFA on a property even if the existing GRFA on the property already exceeds the allowable. This provision applies to allproperties throughout town and is not specific to lhe Thain residence or the Texas Townhomes. Additionally, staff agrees with your contention that the existing perimeter line of the building establishes the legal extent of the setback nonconformi$. Existing and new GRFA (250 additions) may be rearranged within the shellof the existing building, and underground, as long as the perimeter lines are not exceeded. Aly above grade expansion of the building which would extend beyond the perimeter line established by the existing buibing walls, or break the plane of the existing roof or chimney lines would require variances from the nonconforming and setback sections of the Town Code. Below grade expansions are permitted provided they do not extend beyond the perimeter lines established by the existing building footprint. Variances would be required for below grade expansions which were proposed to extend beyond the established building fooPrint. Staff does not agree with Jay Peterson's interpretiation that the Thain units should fall into the single family dwelling and two family dwelling category described in Section 18.71.020 of the Vail Municipal Gode. We believe that the Thain residence must comply with the Multi-Family Dwelling criteria outlined in Section 18.71.030. Section 18.04.090 of the Vail Municipal Code defines multi- family dwellings as: "A building containing three or more dwelling units, including townhouses, rowhouses, apartrnents, and condominium units, designed for or used by lhree or more families, each living as an independent housekeeping unit." Section 17.08.240 defines a townhouse as: "A building that has one family dwelling units erected in a row or in a cluslered fashion as a single building on adjoining lots, each being separate from the adjoining unit or units by a party wall or walls extending from the basement floor to the roof along the dividing lot line, and each such building being separate from any other building by space on all sides." 4. ,4 Ms. Fritzlen May 13, 1994 Page Three Glearly, the Texas Townhomes building meets the definition of a townhouse building and is therefore considered to be a multi-family building, as it relates to detErmination of the unit type category described in the additional 250 section of the Gode. As you know, in order to apply lor a 250, evidence must be provided that the unit or units have received a final Certificate of Occupancy. During our last meeting, you requested that staff review the Town files to determine whether or not a final Certificate of Oocupancy has ever been granted lor Units 8A or 88 at the Texas Townhomes. Staff is unabte to locate any record ol a final Certilicate ol Occupancy being issued for either of the units. Therefore, in order to proceed with your 250 application, you must request that the building department perform a final Certificate of Occupancy inspection on the Thain units and provide a copy of the certificates to the planning staff. Also mentioned during our conversation on Wednesday, please provide a copy of Association approval to temporarily remove the existing landscape amenities (grass, rocks, etc.) currently existing on the Association property, located directly in lront ol Lots 8 and 9. Please address how you intend to landscape this area atler ths construction on your landscape plan. I believe the above information accurately describes our conversation on Wednesday May 11, 1994. However, if you are not in agreement with any of the informalion contained in this letter, please contact me immediately to discuss this matter further. Sincerely,bM Jim Gurnutte Town Planner xc: Tom Moorhead lffstan PriE Rick Rosen Mark Smith Mike Mollica Jay Peterson 5. 6. TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM Tom Moorhead Jim Curnutte (.C April28, 1994 Texas Townhomes tear down/rebuild Lynn Fritzlen has recently submitted an application lo tear down two units (Units 8A and 8B) and rebuitO a unit at the Texas Townhomes. This tear down/rebuild includes two additional 250 square foot applications. As you know, 250 square foot additions cannot result in any exterior change in a multFfamily structure. Therefore, the applicant is proposing to utilize the 500 additional square feet as a new basement when the new building is constructed. The applicant intends to match the mass and bulk ot the existing building exacfly, including all wall locations and roof elevations. The applicant has submitted documents to show that they do not need homeowner's association approval for the proposed tear down/rebuild. This propefi is zoned High Density Multi-Family and is nonconforming with regard to minirirum loisize, setbacks, etc. lt is considered to be a legally nonconforming building. Staff has interpreted the nonconforming section of the Code such that the applicant may tear down the existing building and build an entirely new building provided the nonconformity is not increased. Tom, would you please review the attached documents and let me know whether you. concur that homeowner association approval is not required in conjunction with this proposed remodel. Secondly, please give us your interpretalion on whether or not you agree that the applicant may teai dirwn an existing slructure, build a new building, and utilize two 250 square tddt aOOitond provided the mass and bulk ol the new building exactly matches the previous structure. Late breaking news...Jay Peterson, representing Diana Donovan, who owns the adjacent property, jusiwalked in with a copy ol a party wall agreement between Units 7 and 8. He bontenOs tnat this application cannot proceed further without Diana's permission' However, on Page 2, if says that me party wall may not be 'altered, removed or destroyed.' What if the applicint claims that the wall will not be altered, removed or destroyed? Please advise' rt o WILLIAM B. SEMMER I.JNCOI.NSHIRT, ILLIIIOIA O{XX|E April 25. 1994 Mr. Jim Curnette Planner-Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail, CO 81657 Dear Mr. Curnette: This letter is being written to express serious concern with respect to the proposed renovation of Unit 8 8t the Texas Townhouses. My primary concern is the dramatic change to the exterior €l€vations of Unit 8, particularly the front (south) elevation. lf this plan is approved, the appearance of Unit 8 would be out of character with the other units in our building, which are quaint, tasteful and unobtrusive. None of the existing units have a ground level entry and none have four stories of living area' Other concerns I have deal with the removal of existing landscaping, pot€ntial damage to the foundation of our building and the substantial increase in square footage of Unit 8. As a Texas Townhouse property owner, I am always glad to see tasteful renovations tak€ place in neighboring units. However, I would like to see that those renovations be confined to existing living areas. Furthermore' renovations should not change exterior elevations, they should not dramatically increase square footage and should be executed in a way that will not harm existing landscaping. Thank you for your time and consideration, Sincerely,.It tn^ It4 L( /K ll)J/--(---y r v'}v \ William B. Semmer Owner- - Unit 4A Texas Townhouses APR ? I 1gg{firF i()\j .(]OMt\lI. DTV. DEPT' Alexander MacCormick 160 East 72nd Street New York, NY,l0021 -4634 5/5/94 Dear Diana, Many thanks for your letter of April 19th,l 994. This reached me in Europe so I have just now been able to reply.( returned home to NY May 4th.) I am not in favor of any alteration to the outside of the Texas Townhouses. I thought that this was not allowed by the rules of our Association unless there was common consent. Pete Peny put this in didn't he ? lt is also my understanding that any alteration to the backside, ie the side facing the river,was covered by this ruling but alterations here would normally be allowed. Can Rike Wooten check this?We could even call Pete Perry in Denver too . I agree with you that inconvenience to the other unit holders should be kept to a minimum during a remodeling and that the original integrity of the Texas Townhouse look should be maintained. I talked to Rod Slifer before 8AB was sold and he thought that any buyer would not be able to alter the outside in any way but they could probably get permission to alter the attic if they did not increase the square footage .Thus, I think that the new owners must have been aware that they would face restrictions.lt seems that they are asking for the moon . Lets hope they cannot have it . All the best for now and many thanks for keeping us in formed. AA/UJA IIj\'ry /' -a' 'R[t]'D t''.AI 3 '1994 BAnROU HANIDr, M$WHINNEY & STRAUSS, INC. 200 cRrscEM couRt lgmt IL00R DALJI\S, ruxAs 7520l . 214{7l.tit00 April 28, L994 Town of Vailc/o Diana Donovan 1014 Home Stake Circle Vail , Colorado 81657 To Whon it May Concern: In our judgment the architectural drawings for the total revigion of unit 8 -of Texas Townhouse are incompatible with the integral concept of thig structure. As owneis of 5A we op-pose the aesthitic destruction of the exterior of thig building as originally intended and conetructed 30 years ago. Vte appeal lothe- town of Vail to deny approval of aII plans to alter the exterior roof design and line; to change the front entry, to add storieg or to remove mature landscape. The unigue architectural integrity of Texas Townhouge must be maintainld aB it contributes to Ltre charm and alIure of Vail Village as well as to ite va1ue. Please help us- and-our neighbors to preserve our existing mountain home. We have been ,r"rf impresee-d with the definitive stand Vail officials have taken to protect Vail's distinctive environment. If there is anything else we can contribute to help defeat the proposed constructioh alteratione of Texas Townhouse pleaee let us know. Thank you for your work.""m"ffi^ p,;t P 9A",*'\ ITWESIIIENTADVISARS JAJTTES P.BARBOW BRYAMM.HANIJY,JR MICHAET C.IMWHINNEY JOH}ILSTMUSS RICHARDA" ENGI"ANDER 0H0LE,I.CONIIIN PEItsRF. BRIDGE DAVIDRHARDIN STEPIIEN M. MIIIINO JOHN S. VIII.JAIIS Bonnie P. Strauss Barr-,pv, Ilannnvc & PnrgRsoN A PRoFESSIoNAL Conpone'rroN ATToRNEYS AT [.,Aw LINCOLN CENTER 1660 LINCOTN STREET. SUITE 3176 DENVER" COLORADO 80264 TELEPHONE (303) 837.1660 FACSIMILE (903) 83?.0097 VAIL NATIONAL BANK BLDG. 108 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD WEST, SUITE VAIL, COLORADO 81667 TELEPHONE (S03) 470-0092 FACSIMILE (308) 470.0487 May 23, L994 Mr. Jirn curnutte Town of Vail Planner Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage Road West Vail , Colorado 8L657 RE: Lot 8, The Rowhouses Dear Jim: On instructions from Helen Chatfield, who is an adjacent property oltner of Lot 8, The Rowhouses. she hereby appeals the Staff interpretation of all items set forth in your letter of May 13, L994 regarding the expansion and alteration to Lot 8, The Rowhouses. If you have any questions please contact me at ny office. Sincerely, terson OrntaenPlercegrln0 ARCI{ I TEC TURE PI.ANN IN€ II.ITERI ORS I.ETTER OF SRAIISUTTTAI, To:.a nEC'D ilAY 5 1994. Date! Job No. 7418 Re. nz$ Attnr Jlfn 1r;rZr.lEFfE- Attached Please Flnd: f Yrogress Prints _ SpecificationsPlans _ Shop Drawings - Other ften No. No. of Copies Description The items listed 1,Eor Review andr' As Requested above are: Corunent y' For Your - Returned UseAfter RevLew_ Other Reuarks: Page I TRANSOOO . DOC z'her4t tr 4 ,.<'rq , ar^rrl , .r- .I- ( vrl^ ru fiLll^ T , '-Btt- 21 ,1114. | 000 Lr0NsRtD6E L00p . vAtL c0t_0RAD0 E | 658 Coples to: POST OFFICE BOX 57 ;lE nrn q rc.Ir 'lmI|ta.t riat 303 476 6342 FAX 30J 476 49ol o Jru cltRlrurrts-zotrrxc--9419 1.) WHERE rS SITE PLAN/r,AI{DSCAPE/(DRATNAGE) cRADrNc PIJAII? RESUBUTTTED 5/3/94 2.) HO!{ UANY FIREPLACES ARE THERE NOW, At{D WHAT IS pRO- POSED? 2 WooDBURNING EXISTTNG (TO BE RE!{OVED) 1 cAS PROPOSED 3. ) NORTH ELEVATTON SHOtfS EXTSTTNG STArR AltD BALCONY RAIIJ ON LOT 7, BIIT SURVEY SHOITS IT ON pROpERTy L,INE AND EXISTING NORTH EIJEVATION SHOtgS IT ALL ON LOT 8. REFER TO 513/94 EI.EVATION 4.) NORTII EIJEVATION DOES NOT MATCH FLOOR PLANS. REPER TO 5/3/94 5.) STATRS ON BASEUENT TJEVEL DON'T }iATCH 1ST tE\rEL. REFER rO 5/3/94 PrAr{S 5.) SITE PLAI{ SHOULD UATCH ALIJ RIDGE AND EA\IE ELEVATIONS AS EXTST. (pUT SPOT ELEVATTON OF NEW BUTLDTNG ON SrTE Pr.AN). DONE - RETER TO 5/3/94 SECTTONS 7. ) DIEED \TERIFICATION THAT BUILDING IIAS RECEI\IED FII{AL,c.o. (1953). NO BUIIJDING OFFICIAT EXTSTED IN 1953 8.) I{EED COPIES OF THREE DOCIJIIiENTS IN TITLE REPORT. 9 . ) ADDRESS PUBLIC WORKS COMI'IENTS, PEDESTRIAII AI,I.,EY - LOWER DECK TS NOlf PROPOSED TO BE RE- UOVED 10. ) GrvE ME EXISTTNG Er_,EVATTON AT SAME SCAr_,E AS pRO- POSED SO THAB I CAIT OVERIJAY. 1/4' PI.AT{S oF ExIsT. SI'B!,TITTED 11. ) NEED PIIOTOS OF EXISTTNG BUTLDTNG. Page I zoNE. DOC 03-l'lay-94 12.) RBIIOVE STATRS AND DECK ON T.O.V. pROpERTy. STAIRS & LOWBR DECK TO BE REUOVED 13.) WHO OI{NS THE OTHER HALF OF THE TRIAT{GLE? }'A}IOR VAIL . ACCESS BASE!,IENT EXISTS COPY SUBIIITTED AT4/30/94 UEETING 14.) NEED CONSTRUCTTON STAGING pr,Ar{. REFER lO 5/3/94 SUBIIITTAIJ 15.) DOES THE ADDTTTONATJ GRFA TNCREASE pARKrNc? NO 16.) wrNDOrs srrLs cANNoT sTrcK oln. WE WOI'LD IIKE TO DISCUSS TIIIS AITD REVIEW 17 . ) EXISEING SITE pIJAt{ IS BIJOT{N Up Al{D NOT TO SCAIE. RESUB}TITTED 5/3194. L/8" SCAI..E SHOI{N 18.) REUOVE WORD STORAGE FROM CRATVL SPACE IN EHE BASE- IIENT. O REFER ro s/3/g4 pr.,ANs Page 2 zoNE.DOC 03-uay-94 19. ) WIrAT rS VOID AREA rN BASEITENT BE:IIVEEN ttNrTS? BACKFII,L FOR FOI'NDATION 20.) wr{ERB IS ACCESS TO THE TWO CRATtr. SPACES rN THE BASE}IENT? REFER TO 5/3/94 PI.A}IS 21.) wHy DoN'T THE WAr.,L IJINE Up BETWEEN LEVELS? REFER TO 5/3/94 PIJANS 22.) CURRENTLY TTTERE rS AppROxMATELy 20 SQUARE FEET OF GRFA ON LOT g.-LYNN IS PROPOSING TO INCREASE GR'PA Olt LOI9 TO 30 OR 40 SQUARE FEET. I{E THINK THE GRFA IS TIIE SAUE. NEEDS DISCUSSION. E4€'T Ltz'/qrrol // - 5te,r ,(-- 6t-6't/ (couni'f, "t-, n ,;kaeTH a-E / ,'-> - Et-t ll patzT// € ct'/ ,aPte. ,"d ot t,' ,2t/ rc c T, /L/Ltf/'6 fiPz',t,t6,t47- IrF=|=i PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS HEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on May 18, 1994 in the Town ol Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for two 250 square foot applications for additional of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Thain Residence located at 483 Vail Valley Drive/Lots 8A, 88, and 9, Vail Village 4th Filing. Applicants: John and Carmen Thain The applications and information about the proposals are available in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL ooMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ..._.0 r ^ , g D) la le+ -Qocurrs err G-lrtl lu subJecr property: o Hdt' bt Lir*d 9:^ wif viltfa8A' Fourth Fi.I-ing, VaiJ. Colorado North Property : Tract A, Vail Village (Gore Creek) Ovner: Town of Vail South Property3 Gore Creek Drive R.O.vl. Owner : lexag Townhouge Agsociation. Rike Whooten Pregident 3700 E. Alaneda Avenue S-500 Denver Colorado 80209 EaEt Property: Manor Vail Ovner: lfanor Vail Condominium Association 595 Vail Valley DriveVail Colorado 81558 WeEt Propertys Unl-ts 7A and 78 Owner Unit 7A: Diana Donovan 1014 Honestake CircleVaiI Colorado 81557 Otrrner Unlt 7Bt Helen Chatfield 540 S. Franklin St. Denver Colorado 80209 4lJ'llq4- Q{rcr-nrs sLrr o=a-j- € tq Pg. I address.doc posToFFlcE Box 57 1000 LtoNSRtDGE LOOP VATLCOLORADO 81658 3034766342 FAx3034764901 *icr l|mlrr ia. D|A linllx *lc€ Lr$ PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICE lS IIEREBY GIVEN that the Design Review Board will be reviewing the following application on ilay 18, 1994 in the Town of Vail Municipal Building. 1. A request for an additional 250 square feet of Gross Residential Floor Area for the Thain Residence located at 483 Vail Valley Drive/Lots 8A, 8B, and 9, Vail Village 4th Filing. Applicants: John and Carmen Thain The applications and information about the proposals are avaihble in the zoning administrator's office during regular office hours for public inspection. TOWN OF VAIL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Published in the VailTrailon April29, 1994.