HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES UNIT 13 LEGALTgWbIGVAIL 75 S.FRONTAGEROAD VAIL: CO 81657 970-479-2138 owNER ASIINSOIJO, ITEOPOT,DO c. 485L S XENrA ST DET{\rER CO 80237 License: CONTRACTOR ,JEFF LIITZ BUIIJDERS P O BOX 1660 EAGLE CO 81531 I-,icense: 302-B APPIJTCAI\IT iTEFF IJUTZ BUIIJDERS P O BOX 1550 EAGIJE CO 8163 L License r Desciption: basement remodel,tum stairway and add prickets,stone vereen on freplace,remodel kitchen change tile and plumbing hxtures and bathrooms Occupancy: Type Construction: Type Occupancy: Rl Multi-Family V l-HR TypeV l-How,, DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES l-oft,:.-^\r.-^^{ C 4rs Valuation: $150.000.00 FireDlace Informalion: Restrict€d: Y Building.-> Plan Check---> Investigrtion-> Will Coll--> 07/2L/20o3 Phone: 07/2L/2003 Phone: 07/2L/2003 Phone:970-3 90 - 53 53 Add Sq Fr 0 # ofcas l.ogs: 0# of0es Appliances: 0 il,273.15 RestusrantPlanReview--> 9827 .94 DRB FE€------------.-> S0 . 00 R€crestion Fce----> $3.00 Clean-uPDePosit-----> TOTAL FEES----------.> t.i|l'**||'tl*:t'}+*.****i|t|ti|+r++||||**:}||t*+,}*'t||*|:}l|+l|t,}.+**|.|.|*+ ADD/ALT MF BUILD PERMIT JobAddress.: 16T0SLINBURSTDRVAIL Location......: 1660 Sunbunt Dr #13 ParcelNo....: 210109104013 ProjectNo...:'?f{SOf oX<1 Permit #: 803-0194 Status.....: ISSUED Applied...: 07/2112003 Issued...: 07123D003 Expires...: -01/19/2004 # of Wood Pellel 0 Total Cslculaled Fees--> Additional Fees*---> Total Permit Fee--> Payments--._-----P BAl,/{t{cE DUE-> s0. oo $0. 00 90. 0o s2, 104 . 59 s2, 104 .69 $0. 00 $2. 1d4 . G9 92, 104 .59 90.00 Approvals:IECn: 051-OO BUII,DING DEPARTTqENT o7/23/2oo3 JRttt Action: Ap IICm: O54OO PI,ANNING DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 FIRE DEPARTMENT Item: 05500 PI]BIJIC WORKS rtt4t|**|**tf**..|t|**i*t||****l'*|t||{t{.****t|*|*l**t*+*|*tt*|t|*l{t|||l|f|*|i|l|*ti See page 2 of this Document for any conditions that may apply to this perrnit. DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the information as required is correct I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this stucture according to the towns zoning and suMivision codes, design review approved, Uniform Building code and other ordinances ofthe Tovm applicable thereto. R"EQUESIS FOR INSPECTION SHALL BE MADE TWENTY.FOUR OR AT OUR OffiCB FROM 8:00 AM -4 PM. 7 -. *************+1**l*'********+***********t****+**+****f*+++++*+*+++++********************t*'|!** TOWN OF VAIL, COLORADO Srar€Nn€nt 'i*'** 't * ** ***lr'i !t*** * t '3 * * ** r'*t *l' 'i 'i* * *t** * * 't':*r** t* ft*t* +t*** l'*:i** * +t*'} +*+*'tt tt** * +* + ** + 'i*r! f t!r!* * 'tStatement Nunber: R030004320 Amor:nt: 92,104.69 07/23/2OO3O1:5t pM Palment Method: Check Init: DDG Notation: Check 8435 PermiL IiIo: Bo3 - 0194 TyT'e: ADD/AIJT MF BUII,D PERUIT Parcel lilo: 210109104013 Site AddresE: 15?0 SIINBURST DR VAIIJ Localion: 1650 gunburet Dr #13 ThiE Pa)ment: 92, Lo4 -69 Total- Fees: l2,Lo4 -59 Tota1 ALIJ Pmta: S2,LO4 -59 Balance: $0.00*t{ll ++*+a*t t* f+ * *'t*{t{t'}***+***arar'**+tt*+*+l' *'} +l****'}l'** l'} *a*!t"}'ttl'{'***+t++t************ **l*t** ACCOI,JNTITEM LIST: Account Code Current PmtsDescri pti on BP OO1OOOO31111OO BUILDING PERI'IIT FEES PF OO1OOOO31123OO PLAN CHECK FEES t,'lc OO1OOOO31128OO I^JILL CALL INSPECTION FEE L.273.75 827.% 3.00 Parcel Multiple Search Results Elected officials.t Page I of2 E*glF"fi#y.ryw r,"*" lr site indexil .ounr, .on.""." I I sEARcH [=- - County serqi{es?Vlsiters v Community ?I w€nt I Eagle County Assessor/Treasurer Search Results Assessorffreasurer Property Search I Assessor Subset Query I Assessor Sales Search Owner Name Search The following parcels were selected. The records are sl Owner Name. To display detail information for a selecte GRAHAM RD EDWARDS click on the respective Account Number. Owner Name KEN & TJNDA -JT CONDO: VAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES UNIT:13 DESC:BLDG D PHASE I BK-0315 PG-0355 WD 12-08-80 BK-0479 PG-0734 BK-0598 PG-0250 QCD rr-1.2-92 BK-0667 PG-0012 QCD 04-13-95 R806768 EAS 09-10-02 MICHAELA. & BARBAR CONDO: BORDERS LODGE CONDOMINIUM UNIT:307 DESC:UBL 1ST SUPP BK-0597 PG-0425 DEC 12-14-92 BK-0597 PG-O424 MAP LZ-23-92 NETTIE JANE DESC: TRACT: SEC/TWN/RNG: 16-2-83 LOT 11 RICHARD A. SUB:CORDILLERA SUB FIL 27 LOTt53 BK-0728 PG-0914 MAP 06-09-97 BK-0728 PG-0918 DEC 06-09-97 BK-0728 PG-0921 DEC 05-09-97 210109104013 1660 SUNBURST DR VAIL 210524130020 SCOTTHILL RD BEAVER CREEK 168916401003 117 BOND RD BOND 210709406021 http://www.eagle-county.com/Goodtums/assessor/ParcelMultipleResults.asp 07/21t2003 Parcel Multiple Search Results , Page2 of2 R6s7679 MAP 05-26-98 R655215 EAS 08-06-98 R665486 MAP 08-10-98 SCOTT D. CoNDO: PITKIN CREEK PARK UNIT:5-O ROSENTHAL. STEPHEN D. & SALLY Z SUB:SERRY CREEK MNCH FIL 4 BLK:4 LOT:5 BK-0557 PG-O977 DC 05-23-90 6 Record(s) Displayed. 210111105047 31 BIGHORN RD VAiL 210504106006 90 WINSLOW RD EDWARDS Top of Page Assessor Database Search Optlons I Treasurer Database Search Options Contact us by phone: (970)328-8640, in Colorado (800)225-5135 By mail: Eagle County Assessor, 500 Broadway, PO BOX 449, Eagle. CO 81631 or by e-mail: markc@eagle-county,com The Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices make every effort to collect and malntain accurate data. Ho$rever, G Software and the Eagle County Assessor and Treasurer's Offices are unable to warrant any of the information herein cor Copyright @ 2001 Good Turns Software. All Rights Reserved, Database & Web Design by Good Turns Software, http:/iwww.eagle-county.corn/GoodtumVassessor/ParcelMultipleResults.asp 07nrn003 trrFao l-rfi) (.) ..AJEq..l Ir\$!{ao*oo5 O.Bs heavy distressing dlstressing at'lfoTtl3l:t "{t$I oE | ="€lo'Hok ,8 Q5 i * (!fli | .i $$i i- <' ut 9d, $ ists fronts - I - heavy, tb tr,.'\ ^< :itlii^,''*i liiTlI 'e'el ll6i++ttilrls6lilo11t'Bll ,$ -.o I rawer I thtu Brackenridge Door Styls - knoily aldsr - pegs - 5 piece <!r Uppers - *""F btack gtaze Lorors - Btaek witr rub "=QiC.' ---.- --,F*. :;::":Jl:;; F##, :.' | '-'+--r --." 'l;- ' ,. n.'q -; j LrT ,!r.m. ,rri | + J l-- -i, '!t'nrr ii \ I*-T-l [#v, ffi- ,r.siyj.. '') ffi--'''t':;*i.t'' * -===;:"*FAI F-'l-t , l_Jil_;-':l: +*-;----f ..-.t- - -__ .at t__ - $a (o 0- ut GIo I U'to ot\g, sg *R38je 1- g MH : I -L I I I I I d I II 24, I co a,o occo C' c3 fo|, v l-oct Yo gto No ttoE t__-.___ l amctuarJrl l(Uren O.Ja OSKYZIO9 tl TVWT]M 75 S. Frontage Rd. Vail, Colo.ado 81657 , etc.! COMP VALUATIONS FOR BUILDING PERMIT bor & Materials JEqFI'vtz-(3-,Eqp( rN c s:4?-9-lbz JePe Lvrz 3a-6t63 BUILDING: $ /So.oo<) .oo PLUMBING: For Parcel # Contact Assessors Office at 970-329-8MO or visit ******ir******r.******'Hr*********r***FOR OFFICE USE O N Ly**"*********n***{rrrer******iir*r*******r rooruame: (os? x1TA4[ 2zmoorr*Job Address: / 660 H I WorkClass: New( ) ryditi*ja_jemodd}{ Repair( ) Demoffi other( ) Work Type: Interior( Exterior ( ) Both ( )Does an EHU exist at this location: yes ( ) No (X) Type of Bldg.: single-famity ( ) Two-famiry ( ) Murti-famirylO C"rr".i"( ) R*rauranr ( ) other ( ) No. of Existing Dweiling Units in this building:No. of Accommodation Units in this building; O : GasAppliances( ) GasLogs( ) Wood/pellet( ) WoodBurn GasAppliances (o) s (o) woodlpeilet(o) wood Burninq (NorALLoWED Does a Fire ntarm exisr- veJ(/-ffi Exist: Yes ( ) No ( \Wail\databdev\FORMS\pERMITS\BLDGpE RM. DOC 07n6/2002 ROSENTIIAL REMODEL 1660 Sunburst Drive #I3 Yail Golf Course Townhomes Vail, CO 81657 OWNERS Mr. And Mrs. Ken Rosenthal 304 Garfield Street Denver,co ffiS,#H'iiipv CONTRACTOR Jqff Lutz Builders, Inc. PO Box 1660 Eagle, CO 81631 970 328 1622 Cell 970 390 6363 0lqr 'i 6€ " extsrlNb 1,glxo6t^l EltsrlNG - E11s1irto Floor Pt-Ail - r5^ser\[.I]Tst3 Verr. GoLFcounbL TowarHoAoS &t D6lrottl toN A1r.7 ----J--r-- vrsr/NG wr^toow )Lol sd" ,{P b$r-it t I It I I 3) axt" tx uK 3) tt16 v.t -P(O-P-q-Sr.o FAoon Preirt - B,tsc-rr'.ufr . -Scara lk".=. l'-o , UN f I X- --V.ltt_GeL?Cott&s e Tovta thneS J-@ So,,t$qtsT Q(. .MR.tlqg5 Kcat R"o56{TAAL - Ot*tN€LS Jrrr Lwc -Bor;neas rNc - Csxr.AaorL 16TNEN I t. , w Roorv\ F vtsf /Nc w,^/oot^J aTov s{" fur4Cctwo E'i't ./4 Peovtrysh'avPc Y Cv?Stt^ 9*O tt tu wrusr4r,r{J5 EX\5TN6 G^AA6E EAU rr LcAt- P|llN -q t5. VAra C#FGO(-;&1E -fotA$ow\6s €F Da E+ E p vt)u.rr2r 44 Ceu'NG Fet - /-tGHr- TVA Pnoaa L,<'t|T'Fau 6op(|o<.lttAusr. ro oors/de) D wAtA sco"/e V ReceSS ^lorn $ $rroKz Af^cln €.1 HiOS-r't//.t't (2X HtuST "o oort:Srae) awrrc* G"rrrr *C. 've=f-,qf l, .ALT/I,L EXFTTN6 ta I I -E xrsAAG ,(-erttM.e _ FoeqEp CerlrNGAE|3HT g-9" -Catz Lrc*r" -4" Cngnru nrrowrne s/g"DRy!.rAtL Sorrrr *Cove TV- Roon't, " !/4"; l' Lror+T lDer*ru', PK5ca bzr9'bb3'0tq4 ASBESTOSCOITTAIMNG IU^A,TEffALS ITI$FECNION IJNIT #13 GOLF TNNRACE VAIL, COLORAIX} Ftnily Envfu'oucrtd Projcut No. XrO:Lf 32 APRIT.,2OO3 - t.t ^0Vn<a,,rxn^\--I\V'hqttdFor: JETT LUTZ BI'II.,DERE, INC. hqudBY: Farnily Envlrunucntd Compliancr Srrvir"wt Inc. 3650 Ctrostrut Plaoc Denv€t, Colorado 80216 Telcphonc 303-29G60n Fa'r 303-292'1a51 e-mail : Fanrill'Eaviro@aoi.coo oFFicHdtipy APPENDICE$ Appcndir A - A:bostoe Inspection $ailpla Summffy Appendix B - Aeb$tos Conhining Material Inventory Appcndix C - Asbcrtos Arnlytical L,aboratcry Data DsdtAet rivraP t-A! cooE 400!rt.0 April2E, 2003 IeffLutz Buliders Inc. PO Box 1650 Eaglo, Colomdo El63l RE: A,rbcstoc.Coutrining Meterielr Inrpoctior. Unit #13 GoIf T+rmcr !'ail, Coloredo Prci{ctNo. F03-152 Dear Mt Lutzl The purpore of thc attached rep,ut is t0 presont the resutis of an astrestrx-coniaining matcrials inspection performed on April 16, 2003 ct L\e sbor'€-referenccd hrilding. This inspection was aoflducted In gcocral conformancc rvith thc convergation with Mr. Sarrruel Rolf of Faruily Environmontal Compliance Services, tnc. (Fanil.v Environ*'rental) ud Mr. L,uE of Buildrrq Inc.. We understand that fiis in$p€.caiur rvar requested bccal rc of thc planncd dernotitlon and or nenovatior oflbo otuctutc nrbjoct unit. Far4ily Environm.ntrl oppr€cistes th€ opporturilv ir, provide thia srvice to 1;ou. If you have any guoslioos regarding tfiis rcporq dr if you need assl<tancc with pnoject oversight and srnrpling during any nnovation rcdvitrer of thic building, please conta*t me al {303) 29fF6022- $!rr*arely, Ftttdlv Erwinnnnntal-n \TR\L:Y Samuci Rolf Vica Presidat AHERA/Stato of Colorado-,Accreditcd Building Inspectcr Enclocureg 365O Chr+tnur Flrao . Denwr. Colmdo 80216 AIHA (PAT) Fhon: 3O3-29 64022 . Fa.r 3O!l-292-1491 . E rvreil: FamllgfnvirolEcol.com . PRoFlciENr . "}{."+,ij."{.t'il Trl"Fh€or t: ',..Tsm Ara,Jnd rrms Rulh - 2+ hout- 2 cr,1- J-s dryt l/ F.virad 04.1:-2001 cHrllN oF cusToDI t^pc. t OF4- SPECIIi.J$STRUETIO NA: Tot l s trFl.r Aaellaad tl{! pai.: fotrl Strrrpl.c a;aataed.thlr G.ouF-.-SrmFla! grtibr tJrrn 3 Ly.E thls p9:_ Rclinquistrcd By; Rrlinquirhad vesp . rJg cooE.M4 sernor conenron: Oa-o{- , -- nme R.ccrvcc: -.-...'_-Ralfirquis.t.d Ey:Rectn ed By: Raclivad 8y: 3650 Chestnul Pleco ' Derwca Colffido8}216 AIHA (PAT) Phone: 3O3-297-OO79. Faxt 3O3-292-1451 . Ernoil: FarnilgErnriro4laol.oom ' FFoFlclENT. Familg Analgfieal Laboraforg ( tttj lCsgeg RevlsEd 04.J:-20cr qa,. Pll?83 oag,n374t -fA c CHAIN OF CUSTODY 4 r'lPG.^_ cF!_ _ 9ltc4! Hotif 'ggIlaie: Oetej MEthcdi Adalrar s TelcthDnr lr: SamFl. I.CCA(ien OpSCrt!riOn: lclilt Nuflset orlar.n9lag ln|'l3 ptL: ,i A Totrl pagal Totrt S fiFrfi Aneiy2td lhis Fagct_Totd $arnplc:6roup:_Srrnpf.s gr*t"l thrn 3 l.yrrr thir Fgi_ Ralinquisied Ey: Relrnqulsled 8y: REctived Ey: Received Bla 3650 Choslnul PlacE ' Dcnwr. Colorado A0216 AIHA (PAT) Phonr: 303-297-0A79. Faxt303-292-1451 . E-rnail FamilgEnrriro@aol.c,rn . PFoFrclENr - vfl^p' r t rt c60a Q14a4 Family Analytical Laboratory Service, Inc. Report of Test Results PLM Bulk Asbcsms Analysts Client & Projecr ID: Family Environmental Compliance Services, Inc_/ Vail "",1i5;rlJlJ Datgt}4/lil2ffi3 ADDITIoNAL cOMIvf ENTS: AII saparablc prrbor layers ( ixcept paint ) lv'ithin the erme sample aro analyzal andropirtr.d individlelly, Conrposiic a6bosto6 pcroent is nportod if apilitable, ND- None Dacctsd Analvst: ii ... r - i,/LL (- l4-4 Mark Coopenilder Jolur Chis,holm CONTENT: Family Analytieal Laboratory $en ice, Inc. Report of Tent Results PLM Bulk Asbestos Anatysis Client & proJect IDI Page 2 of7 eeF, [no./ Vail Colf Unir #13 compteted: 04/l7103 nDDITIONAL CAMMENTS; All repartblc parb or l*yam ( cxcept painl ) u,tthln fie sarhe rrmpte af.) analyzed andrcportod individualiy. Composite asbestos percerr ig report.i ;n opirti"uH".Nf Nona DsaoteC Date:Q+r172993lt / Jt"i 1// ;, I/k-f-- Mark Cooperdder .Tohn Chisholm ESTIilATE TOS FItsERS Family Analytical Laboratory Service, Inc, Report of Test Results PLM Eolk Asbestol Anallril Completed; 04/1?/01 Page 3 of 7 &!s$,Inc./ VailGolf Unit #i3 Date:04/17/2003 ADDITIONAL COMMHN It: All raparable pqts.or layers ( excepr paiff ) within ge fffnc sanplc atc analyzed andreporred individually, Composila arbcrtor pctccnr is rejorte.i if apitiiable. lr D= l{one Detected FIBROUS: Farnily Analyticrl Lrboratory Service, lnc. Report of Test Results PLM Bulk Asbe$tos Anslysis €ompleted: Pagc 4 of 7 Dxe:04117D,003 ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: All$cp feblo partsor layarc ( cxccpt paint ) r.,ithin fte sarne sarnple are analyzed andreportod individually. Conlposite acbestos pcicart is rcdoftgj if apbtiiafh.ND- None Drtccred I /./ -. //n-F Lt-r7e*.L..-- Muk CooperSidor John Chisholm SAMPLE NO: Frrnily Analytical Laboratory Sen ice, Inc. Report of Test Results PLM tsutk ,{:bestos nnalists A,llDlTlONAL COMMENTST All separable parbor fuycrs ( cxcspt peint ) witirin the sal E simple arg anat!,zed sndgpn3! in{vl.dually, Cornposire asbestos percenr is rcportej if eppllcrbk. ' ND* None DetccEd Page 5 of 7 Date:04/17i2 003Analyst: John Cfrisholm Family Analytical Laboratory Service, Inc. Report of Test Results PLM Eulk A$bestos Analysio Client & Proiect rr, , tnc,t vait .",Tffif ;rT Completed; 04/l7103 Anal1rst: ADDITIONAL CoMMEIiT$: All:cparahla par* or laycra ( except painu ) rithin the same sampte are anrlyzed andreponad indjviduall-v. Composite aEbe$tos percEnt js rcportcd ifapp)ibable. ND- Nonc Daeotsd sURFACE % ASEEST AREA E % NON.ASBESTOS FIEERS /{^t, A-* 'M*k coop.g{dct Dater0zl/17/200;t John Chisholm PLM Bulk Arbectos Analyris Pryc7of7 [ggs, [nc./ Vail Golf Ur,it #13 Complercd: 04i I7loi ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: Ailsepa;a61e pg6sor talers ( excEpt painr ) within the sami samolc ar* anal)zad ifldfeportrd individually. Conposilc asbcltoe pcrcent is reportod if applitabn. ND= None Dceged An8l)-st:!)/-i f,^ lLttfl*,L- Muk Coopgrfider Family Analytical Laborrrtory Service, Inc. Report of Test Results Detei04i 17l2003 John Chishoim APPEITDIXC Asbestor l$bomtor? Anahrtiul Report APPNNDTXB ASBESTOS CONTANIING MATERIAL$ IIIWEfiTONY : ,. ri \rrrFsqs Efls8a0iJ.,- r.:";i ,',.; TJ3":3[qjoiru Kbhcn NDit!-2 rpg-iolnt Kichm Tr3-3 'oJ|e jUint Kinhen NDs\a{t Shr.lrilyi ----=-Kitclrco ND S\f]vl2 Shcst vnvl Kitchen ND SVlvtS Slrcct vil*Kitcbcn lrD sMwS-r St u$ciUc Matcfial eilall Kitchqr ND sMw3-?SHfrsbgMsbialxail I#tcbcn ND sMw3.3 , srEiaqrn8 Mateftal qtrll Kltcb.n NDcBl-eow brsc rchcn ND cB2 Cow base Kitchm NDcBlcove Dase Kiichm lrD sMcs-l $sfinhe rnqtErid csifine Kielcn NP sMcS-2 Surfrrlle fiEt"rhl ccilins Kihhcn ND slvtcS-3 Str&clqs mdcriol oallitrg Kitcicn I..ID svutS-Shea rinyl Mt{ffiffiroom 3iiouo Ctrryc*lle 8W42-?$bpt yinyl M!6ter bst[ ioom t0% ChrysotiF SVM:-3 Sbort vinvl trtactor badr room 309/ir gbrysotile T3-l Tilc rnd mutic l&der bodr ND T3-2 Ttle uld mastic Mascr bdlt l{D T3-3 'l'ilcardm!rr-tlrsErM ND Sf4C1-r SurfrclrS milnid BntSaoogr ND sMC4-2 Sw&chnasiel Brilroonr ND sMc+3 cftE mrerial Breoot l.lD Cau[rl Czulk btotcr bdr ND Caula cndk N46$er baur ND C&ulk3 Csuft l.lEsttr b.l}ND ND - None r:ecctcd .. r | 'r ATfENDIXA .4*'iBE$TOS INSPECTIOTf SAIIIPLE, SUil/trvIARY rr I (.-! ASBESTOSCOI{IAII\IING MATEnIAI.S INSPECTTCN #13 Golf Terece Vail. Colorgdo Projoc{ Nor F0t-t52 Aptil2m3 1.0 INTRODUSTION Family EnvironrnanEl conducted m asbesbs iospection in the incrior of 1he subjcc udt. The inspcciicn rvas condugtcd on April 16, 2003 by in aoorediied Building trspoctor por the vatbal asthorizatior in thc convcrsation wi$ Mr, Samucl Rolf of Famih' Envirqn$cflt*l ind Mt. Jsff Luk. Intcrior building components were inspectod and homogeneou$ anare of suspcr$ asbestos-curtaining matorials (ACM) wsr€ visually identifiod and documeilted. Although reasonahle effofi was made to inrpcct acccssiblc suspccl m8terials, additional suspcct b'ul rm$ro0plod materials could be Iocated in rdls, in voids s il other concealod afcss- $uspccr ACM wes sanpled in geul-al emfurmance wilh thc sampling pmtocols outlio€d in EPA rcgulatioa 40 CFR 763,66 (Aibc$tce llazard Dmcrgsncy Rcrponsc Ac,t, AIIEIIA), Srnrplea lvere dclivcrcd io an aoeredibd labotrtory for aoolysis by polarizad light mionrccopy. l.l Projcct ObJcctivc We |ltrdE{$and thd tt)ls inspecton wali r€qussted b€carl06 of the planned dernolition and on rsnovstion of thc subjcct unit. EPA rygutation 40 CFR 61, l,iaiiooal Enrission $iandords fot Hrecrddus Alr Folluufls OIESHAP). prohibib thc rclcase ofasbcrtor fibors to &e atmotphcro during r*rovatron or danqlffio'n ectivitics, TUc l$b€etos NESHAP requlrcs th*t potentirlly rcgulated {tbcrtog-osntlimng building materials ba identifir4 claseifiod and quantifiad prior to plantted disturbances or demolition activities, 2.0 DUIIJ}tr{GDESCRIPTION$ Thc bnrilding is a ri level wor:d trrme $rucrure atop a por:rcd concteG founda.ion. 'Ilrc oxtsriot aod nxfing nraterials wrrc rot rotcd, All tnr irnprcgnatcd roofing mnietrals rtrt assumGd aebcstos corrtaining. Thc intcrior of thc subject unlt consisted of finishrd drywall, Fib,rrgiars insulatio,n *'Es abgcrvod insta,lied in locotic,nt. Heating and cooling vendlatioo dueting rrlc obre'en'ed. .'O ACMTIELI}.{CTIVTrIES The tnspection wE6 coflductcd by Mr. Jay Chisholm, a trainrd and acorcdit€d asbcstos Buitdulg Inspcctor. Thr inrpoction was conductcd ln general conformanco with t}e semphng protocols cgtabli$hcd by EPA rcgulation 40 CFR ?63,86, the Asbastos Haznrd Emergency Responsc Act (AHERA). A summary of survcy artivrties i* ptovided below. .t I {'-t Asbi6to0-Cortrhln3 Mrbriab lflrpeciion ttnlt ll3 Golf Tcirrcr Frnifo Envlrolnoriel Project ltia F0}'l#, Apt0 20$f Prgc2 3.1 V-rurt Arcanncnt No blueprints' floor plans or otber building documenutlon were provlded to ltenily Envlrormental preceding the hepeotion. Ou insp€olion aotivitros thereforc bcgur vith vi$ral obsErvatien ofthe intcrior of ftc building to identifu homogcncouo apas of suspcct ACM. A homogoncouo arca cotuict3 of building msterisl which appears shitar Orougholrt ir t€rms of cokrr, texnrrc and date of application. Intorior usessmerf was cmduc'tcd in *re interior arers, Building maErialo wtrish wers nst idcntified ns couctete, glass, wood, masonry, metal or rubber werp aonsid€rtd sus!€st ACM. 3.1 Phyricd Arcoccmenr A phyeical aes€csmcnt of each honogeneous areg of suspect ACM uns wrduc'ted to ass€ss dlc cquditian of the matcrial as &iable or flon-Fieble. Tho EfA dsfiner a friable rnEtcrial as ono which. wbcn dry, can bc crumbled, pulvc'rizcd or ndrload to powdcr by imd prcssurc, Fri$ility wus dsscrsed by pkyricdly muching suspe4l matorisls. 33 $ruplo Collcction Bascd on rcsul$ of the visual obeorvation, bulk sampler of suepect ACM were 0olloot6d in genoral confomrncc with AHERA pn*omls. Randorn rmples of surpect malerials rvcre collected in cach homogcneou area. Appropri$eb, afrired inspector collected bulh s*nples- $unpks wete placed in sealable conttincfg arrd labeled with uaiqrr rarnple numbe'rs ueing oo indeliblc ;marksr. Tuenty Seven bulk srtnptes wete collected Aom fie hornogeneous interior aeas of zuspect ACM. Bulk samples weru osll*c.tod from tho rurfacing matorial, trpe joint. mastic, lnsulatlot1 and drywsll. Sqmplm o1*61ie1 siiliid and or ruofing malorial woro not collec-tod frm the building exterisf, th€se nl#fisls erc assumcd noir-frieble ACM. Homogonoous areas of suspcct .ACM idmtified and sunplod during thir iuspcc.tion ut pE5€nted iTr Appeodlx A. 3.ia Arbertu SrmPle Analyrir Bulk samplos rvcrc gubnin€d undcr chain of otsoS pocdurar to Femily .tnslyticol Lebc'ratory Sewicsq Inc, (fa,nity Analpicrl) of Denver, Colorado, for analysis lry poluizod liEit Eicroscolry with diryorsiotr stdni.rg teobaiques por EPA nethodolos' (10 CfR 763, Subprn F), Microeoopical visu{l cstimatisfl wes u$ed in obtaining thc pora€ilrego of asbe$tos iu bulk saopleo. Family Afialltioal is arcredhed und6r rhe Natimat Volunury Laborutory Ao$rEditation Progrm I'WLAP f20044s.0), . r {.t .Arb€ntor€mtrirint Mrterlch ItrspEction Unlt #13 Gotf Tcrrrcc frmily Environnrcntrl Frorrcr No- Ft}}tJ2 April2003 Prge 3 4.0 nEGULI\TORyOliERvtEIt' Tho arbestos NESHAP (40 CFR Pdit 6l) regilate$ asbe$to$ libsr emissions and eebosto$ rl'esre disposrl practices, It alsu roquires tle ideilillcation and classification of existing building materirls pdor io ctcnolition ot rc,novation sctivity. Uder NESIIAP, asb€stos.contain:ng buitding nr.trerials re olassifiod as cither friatle, Categvry I nod-Fisblc otr cstcgory II non-fisble ACM. Frieblc mstgfi|l$ ilp thosc that, rvhan dty, may ba cnrmbled, pulverizod or rrdrrce'l to powder by hsdd pr€ssurt. Catcgory I non friable ACM ircludes packings, gaskcts, rcsilienr: floor covorrngs and Nsphitt roofing produss. Category tr non-friabtc ALIVI are any roacrinls cther than Carcgary I matcridc $at oofltain morc than lozi' asbe tos, Frlsble ACM rnd Cucgory I and Cetcgory tr non-ftiable ACM which is in pror csndition and hfl$ beconre fliablo cr $'hich wrll be sub.lested t0 trllin& sqn{ing, Einding, cotting or abmding and whidr could be cruched or pulverj;cd during mticipstEd renovctiou or denoliticn activiries are coffiidrr€d regulattd ACM (RACtvf). RACM rnuol bE removcd prior to tan,rvtrio:r or dcmolitian actlviti+E, If the amount sf RACM er.ceeds 260 lincar fbet of pipe inrulation or morr thaa 160 squarc ftcr jtr othcr building componctrts, dre onrner or operutor must pravido ths EPA, thc $into of Colorado Depaff'r€nt of Publlc llealth nnd Environmenf Air Follutioo Coutrol f,livirion with prittrtr notifiiuion of pleurxl rcuroval nctivities at lEa$t 10 wsrking drys prim to the comm€ncsffint of asbeitoe abatEsrefit sctivities, Retnoval of RACII must be conducded by a tnined and appropnet€ly ticriucd asbegbs rbdcmnrlt c ttactor- 'ifre Ocorpatio,ns,l Slfcty asd Hesldr Administetion (OSKA) Asbeslo$ $tsndsrd for the ccmstrctian induetrJ {,29 CFR l9l0.ll0l) rEgulate$ workpiace er$osre to asha$to$, The OSll{ stf,rdsrd raluirrs ther enployce a(po$ure ro airborne asbestos libars bc maintaincd belriw 0,1 asbestop fibcrs per cubic centirnetcr of ut (0,1 flcc). Tbe O$HA sttndsrd classifies qonstruction end maintcnance a$tivities which oould dishtrb ACII urd specifies work pt*ctices rnd precautions which employers muer follow rrhen engaging in oach chls of rcgulatd tork, fO FI}IDINGSANI}RECOMMENDATION$ Accordine to EPA, Colo,mdo Regulation 8, Control of Hszardous Air Pollutants, and $e 0$tlA rcgulation-r, an ACM is considcred a$y rflaterial or produet sotltai,fthg more tlm one perc€nt (>l%) asbes:Fs. Bascd on thp rqsultc of laboratorf analysos, the she+r vinyl in the mastc beth and any otlrer of this homogeneous macrial lias been identifiod as Asbestos Contrining N,tntecist (AcM). liee Appendix B' _r r {-r 4sb$tor-Contabhg $let€ritE lnrpsctier tlnil #]l3 GollTrrncc f,'eally Envfuonacrtel hoj*r No. FOI-I Sz .{pril200,3 Prgc 4 Laboratocy a$elltioal rcport$ aro inoludsd irr Appcndix C. Recommendatiors Farnily Envirooncntal ruomrncads lhat you havc a :crtificd asbcstoe rhatcmedt contractor sbate lhis tn4rrlrial ;rior to any rarovalicn and or denolitfurn acti;'ities thet may impact ACM. tfr'c'r'k satbty and if you oncountor arq,'other suspcnt maiclial not listcd in this roport have it sampled a:td anelyzcd. 6,0 GDII|ERAI.',COMI'IENIS This esbettos inopcction u.as conducted in { marfier cons;st€fit rvrth $rc Isvel of cate and gkiil ordinari Iy er<ercisEd by manbon of thc prufassion ctncntly practicing rurdcr rinrilar oonditions in the same localc. Tlre recults, frndings, conclusions and recomrrreadations cxpressed in this report are bas€d oo conditions obsencd during oru +rn/cv of the builling. The informarion conained in ftis rcport ic rrlwatti to ttc dsc on which this suwoy rvas pctfr',me4 and should not be rclied upor to fepreislt ccnditionr al e later date. Thh report has boen propared c'n bchnlf of arrd exclusively for use h- ftffiffi{ilffi tur specifis application to their prr'ijert ae discus$ed, Thh repon ls rct a bidding doc.ument. Conhactors or coasultants rclriewing thie rcpc't ruugt dmw lfteir own conclusions rcgarding futthcr investiption or rsmcdiation fum€d nooresrrr-v. Family Ervironrncfltnl doec not warn{t thc wurk of t€gultlor,v agencie+, leborstories or other third partier supp}ying informdion which ma_v have been ue€d h the preparetio'n of tlris r€paft. n*u weranty, exprers or implied is mlde. t ,. "-a t l?i?'**o _____ In"Hins1ffiiJfiut?*rng i;,ruo pug" t Requested Inspect O.te: lnspeiuon Area: Slte Address: AIP/O Information Activity: BO}O194 TtD€: AMF Const Typo: Oocupa-rrty: Oirn€r: ASUNSOLO. LEOPOLm G. Applhant JEFF LUTZ zulLD€RS Cqnm€|It ROUTED TO JR FOR REVIEI# . DFLORES Recuested lnsoecton{s} SubTyD€: AliF[he: V l-FR Phona: 9?$S$6363 Frlday, Februrry 27 ,2004 I670 SUNBURST DR VAIL 1660 Sunburst Drfi3 Stltns: ISSUED lnspAr@: JR Itemr g0 BLDG-Flnal Requ$tor: JEFF LUTZ BUILDERS ConimsnB: wlll call 39S3561, rcqu€Et€d a CO Asri$r€d To: JITOI.IDRAGON Adbn: _ Tlrno Exp: Requested Tlme: 08100 At Phone: 3qF356{ EntercdBy: DGOLDEN K hsoec$on Hlstory It m: 225 FIRE DEPT. |\lOTlFlCATlOllIbm: 3{} BLDGF ofiring " A9gpr,!d "1(},23(13 Insooclor: CDAVIS AEilon: AP APPRCIVEDItem: 50 ElLDGhsula[on *Ap$orod - 12t01/(F} lmpsctof: GCD Actlo{l' APAIIPRO\/ED Item: 50 BLDGSheetrock Nall * Apgroved -11/06'fft lnsp€clor: CDAMS Actlon: Pl PARTTALINSPECTPN Comm€nE: SI.{AFT ASSEMEI.Y AT{D AREA BEHIND T.IEW F/P 1ll2eu0g Inspoctor: JRM Actbn: PAPARThLAPPROI/AL CommenE: APPR BATH PARfi WALL ASSEMBLY ONLY 1AO1!O3 Insgedor: GCD Artlon: Pl PARThL hlSPECTlOl.l Comm€nls: PRE-ROCK BEF{ND BA.SEMENT TUB 1z/OiYOg Inspector: JRM Cofiunsnb: ALL COIIPLETE BLDBMlsc. BLDCrFinal PLAI*ILC Foun(btlon Pbn PI-AI$|LC Slte Phn Mioo: APAPPROVED )^tr% tt.|n: 70 ftsm: ql lbm: 21 Item: 22 REPT131 Run Id: 1666 A@! Acltulty: Cooril Typ€:o*ri..: Apptcartr Co|n r.nl: MO&0235 , Type: BmECH Occupeircy: ASUNSOLO. LEOFOLDOG. SCHNEDER T'ECHANNAL ROI'TED TOJR FOR REVE}Y. T)FLORES Sdus: lnsp Aro.: ISSUED JRM Reouesbd Inso€c{on(sl Item: 390 TSECH#lnal R€questo,r: SCtS\EIDER MECIIANICAL Comm€r s: w{l ca[ John 41&&411 A,sslqnodTo: JITONDRAGON- Ac[on:Time Exp: It6m: tlein: n€m: n€m: ll€tn: It€m: 310 MECI-l-Fl€dno 315 PLMBGasPlilm 32O t EcFrExhausl Floods 33[l MECH-suootuAh 340 MECFI-MBc.' 390 llECFFlnsl / TZZTZffiLl lnspectlon Request Reportlng Page 67.O7am--1.--. - - VAIL. Co -TOWI{OF nequesH ffit la:: 5[$fr, February 27, mM SlFAddrusr: 1670 SUttlzuRsT DR vAlL 1060 SunburstDr#13 MO 'fl lmoccdon Hlsbrv hsn: Zfi) i/ECFI-Rough *Appotd" I t /26108' lnrpGdbr: €'cD AcJon: AP APPROT EO CommerG: BATH AT.ID KITCHEN EXI.{AUST I}IJCT AFPRC'I/ED Reguested Tlme: 08:00 Afl- Photr: 970"827.944i1 -or- 41&8All ErSndBS DGOLOEN K ,AQ subrffi: AMF Phofie: 970,8:!7-9.!43 REPT131 Run Id: 1666 NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE CONSTRUCTION PERMIT IN ON SEP L6, 1992 DATE PLANS ATTACHED ,,., 005711-.lmirrW d€pErtmont of community dorelopment TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCE OFPERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EFeutLorr.lc D pluMerNe I elEcrntcru I FoUNDATtoNn MECHANICAL reF suNBURsr DR r. TYPE OFCONSTRUCTTON I ll |ll lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABE H IR M DrvrstoN 2 2a 3 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK : - CONSTRUCTION OF DECK PER PLANS. PERMIT NO. z E BUILDING 3, ooo ELECTRICAL PLUMBING REMOVE WINDOW AND REPLACE I,IITIT DOOR.MECHANICAL TYPE GROUP G.F.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES LEGAL DESC. LoT%\t R-l 0 3 .000 BUILOING PERMIT 75 $s *S fia+ ,5 rrr-rn@ PLAN CHECK 49 }lOBNAME: C9RMASK DECK ELECTRICAL -owNER r'nue GMIG CORMACK _NEW( ) ALTERATTON4X ) ADDITIONAL REPAIR()PLUMBING 610l s 58THMAIL ADDRESS OWELLINGUNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS MECHANICAL clrY LTNCOLN, NE ,".HEIGHT IN FT, - NO, FIHEPLACES RECREATION FEE ARCHITECT plpi, RIPPY SH0P DMWINGS INSULATION: TYE \ THICKNESS F-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO Box 999 MAIL ADDRESS rLoon | f,]/ | \Y4V .r I\.D EAIIJJ CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT r00 ctTy EDI,IAIDS pH.e*-*r.s| *t\ollp- |USE TAX GENERAL CONTRACTOR FIRM ROOF GAS wooD ,o** o, uo,a rau. "o. 124-8 TOTAL PERMIT FEES fi 224 926-3655 uttuuK ! sLDlvlANN StsP I/, LyyZ ELECTRICAL FIRM ffi,I , N rNrrrAL sr. cur I I x I BUITDING OFFICIAL DATE _TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO ,UNrr(AUrur{ IONING AOMINISTRATOR DATE BLASTING ZONING & BUILOING NOTES: - AIL LANDSCEPING TO BE PRESERVED. PLUMBING CONTRACTOR FIRM MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full the information required, completed an accurate plot plan, and slate that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to lhe Town's zoning and subdivision codes, design review approved, Unitorm Building Code and orther ordinances oJ the Town applicable thereto. CLEAN UP TO: RIPPY CONT. PO BOX 999 EDWARDS CO 8L632 SIGNATURE OF OWNEB OR CONTRACTOR FOR HIMSELF ANO THE OWNER. TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VA|L REG. NO. TELE, CONSTRUCTION PERMIT depertment of community davelopment TO BE FILLEO OUT COMPLETELY PFIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERM IT I23 BUILDING U D EtectRtcRl trl' D MECHANICAL D PLUMBING FOUNDATION 'n^'"ttnt u tbbo snnLwf DK4 LEGAL DESC. i o r -L-- s Lx -u/\,-f -lJ- FILTNG S, nlw"ry' E/,;" 4z OWNER iou, &r+,q (lar,'r^A, k- I *, ^"Il*J-bis. sr*l s"*. cnult,uc,r/^-t rV( ,, *!t?Tvo, ARCHITECT ,'ru R, oeu S),oai\""tr,. cnv t/r.,,ta^o/S pn.?26 %55 l' ( GENERAL CONTRACTOR o^u i2,Aart }errrr/-vanh o rowN oF vo,,-.eo-lo- 14! 13 rELE. 72a -gr' s*9' ELECTRICAL DNTRACTOR - FIRM TOWN OF VA|L F EG-j{O. _ : 'PLUMBING CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL FEG, NO. MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONT.RACTOR FIR M TOWN OF VAIL REG. !!o,_ TELE, NOTF -_ COPY OF PERMII'IO oo,, Q -/4--LL BE KEPT ON JOBSITE PERMIT NO. '', ] I T YPE OF CONSTRI-JC I ION 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP Dlvlslo\ ' ERAL pESCR IPTION OF WOSK BUILDiNG EL ECTRICAL PLtJ M BING PERMIT FEEST','PE GROUP G.B F.A. VALUATION AUILDING PERM IT ETECIRICAL NEW O ALTERATION (X ) ADDITIONAL I REPAIR () DWELL ING UN ITS ..-__- IIEIGHT IN FT. ACCOMMODATION i.,JNITS ,. -NO, F IREPLACES INSULATIONT THICKNESS R-VALLUE AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOED IN ITIA L MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE C LE AN. UP OEPOSIT IOTAL PERMIT FEES 'ilrili', I hereby acknowtedge rhar I hav€ read this apptidat'ioi', fiiteo'out in tulrthe in{oriiration required, compleied an accurJte plot plan, and state th;t all the information provided as required is cor-recl. I "!r"L to comply with the iniormalion and ploi plan, to complv with all.Town,olgii3lg?:"9^t^t3^t: ffi;,;;6l; Lrilo tn,. structure according to the Town's zoning €nd subdivision codes, design reviery approued, Uniform Building code and ?ther ordr6?nc es.pl Pe Jown applicable thereto. I6NATURE OF OWNER AND THE OWNER. UQa,w uf lO .1 /) ; / (^ K, f|r/ ( 9alhrnc ra<- -!tu\ CONTRACTOR FOF HIMSELF Plan Rnvier Baeed ontbe 1992 Uniforn Codee NAME:CORMACK DECK DATE:9/L7/92 ADDRESS: 1660 SUNBURST DR. #13 CONTRACTOR:RIPPY CONTRACTORSVAIL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:N0NEOCCUPANCY:R] ENGfNEER:NONE TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN CoRRECTTONS REoUTRED Tbe iteus l.isted belor aae Dot iatesded to be a coopl.eta li.sting of, all possibl€ cod€ r€quirenentg in the adolrted codes. It ig aguide to selected sectiong of- tbe codea. Tbe folloring is not tobe congtnred to be an atrrproval of any violation of any of tbe pro-vigions of tbe adopted codeg or any ordinance of the lorn of Vail . 1_) SMOKE DETECTORS ARE REQUTRED pER SEC.I_210 OF rHE l_991_ UBC. 2) FIELD INSPECTION IS REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. i -' '''i Project Application Project Name: Project Description: Contact Person and Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot h,"W,ffi, Com ments: Design Review Board Date Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL Town Plan ner E statt Approval revis€d 9/4191 DRB .IPPLICATION - TOMT Otr \'IIL, COLOR,ADO DATE APPLICATION RECEIVED : DATE OF DRB MEETING: t*t**t**** TSTS APPLICATION ITILI, NOT BE ACCEPTED ITNTII. AI.I. REQUXRED IIIFORITATION IS SIIBIT{ITTED*****t**** PROJECT INFORMATION: A. DESCRIPTfON: Consftt,at nood doch at Unit l3 at thz GoL6 +n thg lpeation od exittinq window^ to bz henoved. The neu) doont ane to be the d ..,1 ''.r:jL ,r".c:,,i:,, " -;N\ r-' I. (/J4. TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construction (5200.00) Addition (S50.00) X Minor Alteration ($20.00) Conceptual Review ($0) ADDRESS z 167 0 Sunbuntt Dnive, VaiX.. C0 . LEGAL DESCRIPTION: LoI WJ(dd{ ?haae T., Building 4 Subdivision Sunbun,st Fi.Lino No.3 Unit 13 If property is described by a meets and bounds legaldescription, please provide on a separate sheet andattach to this application. 2ONTNG I N /AE. H.NAME OF NAME OF APPLICANT: FEE I ZU. UU $ s0.00 $100.00 s200.00 ss00.00 n LOT AREA: If required, stanped survey showing applicant must provide a currentloL area . N/A Mailing Address: Linco.(.n, NE 65516 Phone 402 -4/ 1-A40n APPLICANT'S REPRESENTATIVE 3Rippt4 Contnaetottt, Inc.Mailing Address 7 Box 999 Ed I.NAME OF OWNERS: STGNATURE(S):Mailing Address J. Condominium Appro if applicable. K. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shor.\rn above, are to be paid atthe tlme of submittal of DRB application, Later, whenapplying for a building permit, please identify theaccurate valuation of the proposal . The Town of Vailwill adjust the fee according to the table below, toensure the correct fee is paid. 8EE PATD: $ FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATTON $ 0 - $ 101000 s l-0,001 - $ 50r 000$ 50,001 - $ 150r 000 $l-50,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000,000$ Over $1,000,000 * DESIGN RSVIEW BOARD APPROVAT, EXPIRES ONE YE.AR AFTER FIT{AI" APPRO\IAIJ I'NLESS A BUILDING PERMIT IS ISSUED A}TD CONSTRUCTTON IS STARTED. **NO APPLICAIION }IITT BE PROCESSED WITEOUT OWNER'S SIGNATURE t N\\':l-'L PROPERTY MANAGEMENT August 24, L992 Town of VaiI Corununity Developrnent 75 S. Frontage Road westVail, CO 81657 Dear Sirs: The purpose of this letter is to convey approvalGolfcourse Townhornes, Phase I, for the addition of arear of Building D, Unit 13. The Association has notified and received approval of of the Vail- deck to ttre the inpactedneighbors. Please call if Association can be of any further assistance. Sincerely, Bill Sargent Managing AgentVail Golfcourse Townhomes, Phase I PO. Box 1292, Vail, Colorado 81658 / Crossroads Shopping Center / 143 E. Meadow Drive - Suite 39lA 303-47 6-4300 / FM 303-479-9534 rii:: ii. ii ::j1 .ii. 'i+ !.Jliii ia ila ii; iiia I'ii:' l+ lI lil r_fI TOWN OF VAIL- I DEPART}'ENT OF COMMINITY DEVELOP}IENT SALES ACTION FORM !:ir.:.i ii: r:firir :lrr l .:;; $.iiiiiiiirii'ilTEM d :,i r.+'\4y,.r. viS(:?.1:rdi:i4it!J.. q 4ii.+r : CoST E^l{##,ir oT,t ul,,1 0l 00004tJ40 ZONDTG /C,}TD ADDRESS MAPS 's5.00 it i 0l 0000 42415 I,}TIFOR\{ B T'ILDING CODE s50.00 0t 0000424!5 UMFOR.V PLUMBNG CODE s36.00 0t 000042415 UMFOR.II ITIECHA}fICAL CODE s32.00 0l 00c€42115 UNIFOfu\{ FIRE CODE s36.00 0t 0000 42415 NANONAL ELECTRICAL CODE . s30.00 0l 0000 424 r 5 OTHER CODEBOOKS 0r 0000.{t54s BLUE PRINTS O'YLARS)s?.00 0l 0000 {2412 XER,OX COPIES / STUDIES s0.25 0l 00co 42371 PENALTY FEES / RE.!.,-'SPECTIONS 0l 0cr00 .r t 332 PLA\ RE\|IEW RE-CHECK FEE IS4O PER HR.I 0l 0000 42322 OFF I.IOURS INSPECTION FIES 0t 0000 {1412 CONTR.ACTORS UCE\SES FEES 0t cr00041330 OTHER FEES 0l 0000 414t3 SICN APPLICATION FEE 320.00 0r 00004t413 ADDmONAL SIGNAOE EE lSl.00 PER SQ.FT.I 0l 0000 42410 lTC ART PROJECT DONAT]ON 0t 0cr00 4r33t PRE PAID DFJIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE -\\)-\! 0t 0000*OI oo00 2llt2 TAX 4Z*ot oooo 4l0lo TAX 4Z t.i ts ill*irifiiii 0 0000 .1 330 ADDITI(NAL GRF,{,s 0l 0000 rl1330 CONDITI )NAL USEPERT t00.00 0000 41330 XTERI )RA ERATION ]LESS TIIAN IOO SQ.FT. 0t 0000:u330 '}rrEruoR ALTERATIoN ITIOREryAN ! OOIQ.FT.0 4 SPECIAI DEVELOP.VL\T DISTRICT NEr''/ 0t 000041330 SPECIAI D VELOP.\!E\T Dl STRICT tlvtA A r.00 0c004r:!30 |sPEc[A[DEVELOPTIENT DISTIITCT TMINOR AM 0l 000041330 SLIBDIV]slo N 0 0000J1330 ivARItu\LE :::'l 0l 0000 41330 ZON]NG CODE A,,VE\TDII nn iiL t 00004t330 IE. ZONI\'G r:. I :ii:i F rl.i :ii 'fi ...l]::liiii':j''.::.it':..::.....''.:'1r:'.'.l:::i''J:1i:i:'l.iv'':.i11:j:}:'':'|'.i:j:rl:'"i:i'ii''t)..'rt::|i{|f::i\|ii; i * * * * * * :t * lr€lr*r EF LII:EIL l'li scel I aneoug f,ash Liit-. :iri *:,rl [1?: i6 ! E? l fi:E ':s i F, 1. + L tJ;[' ]. i; Fl':{EUn t. # i- f. +} '+'l rEl Rl.FFrt r-uNiFrili*TrJFl5. Ii'lf'FF:E i:'L' [rF::Et FEE Ftm,:iun t t.rlndr:, re'l l' , :'€t. ilfl I terrr paid Rrfiount PEid F1fidt:iE.11f,f,1[1tjt1 i:l:1. E':1 rl.h,fingr: F*tlrrr'r*'j i. IJ. [i[l -FHFI}-Il{ 1t'CILJ €FZ_VWilrl,il/C^/ JOBSITE AT Permit TIMES 895-007I NOTE: TH]S PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON ADD/ALT sFR BUILD PERMIT ALL #: APPLICANT RIPPY CONTRACTORS P O BOX 999, EDWARDS CONTRACTOR RIPPY CONTRACTORS P O BOX 999, EDWARDS OWNER CORMACK CRAIG 6101 S 58TIT ST STE B, Description: BASEMENT, BATH AND OFFICE REMODEL co 81632 co 81632 LINCOLN NE 68515 Phone; 3039263655 Town of VaiI Adjusted Valuation:67,000 #0f tfood/Pal,let: 1fof Gas Logs: .00 Totel catcutated Fees---> 1,301.75 100.00 Additional F!cs--*----> .00 .0O Totat Pcriit F.F--> 1,301.75 250.00 Pafrents------- 75 South Fronmge Road vail, colorado 81657 Job Address: 303-479-2138 / 479-2139 Location. . . FAx3o3-47g-24s2 Parcel No' ' of C ommun ity D eve lopme ntgtatus.. i: APPROVED B$pplied. .. 04/14/Lee5tEsued,.. z 04/t8/L995Expires..: Lo/L5/1995 Phone: 3039263655 BUILDING Division: PLANNING Division: 373.75 .00 3.00 DRB Fee------- Recra.tion teF_-_--> CLean-Up Deposit------> TOTAL FEES___ Fireptacc lnformation: Restfictad: lto #Of cas Apptiances: ffi **ir**lr**rnt**fr***tffi*f,f,t t EE SUilttARy Bui tdi ng----> PLan chcck--> Investigrtion> l,lltL caLt----> 575.00 Restuafant Ptln Revieu--> REQUESTS FOR IIISPECTIONS SHALL BE I{ADE TUENTY-FOUR HOURS Send Ctean-Up Dcposit To: RIPPY CoNTMCTORS 1,301..75 BALANCE DUE__---> 1 ,281 .75 *fi rtEM: O51OO BUILDING DEPARTMENT 04/18/1995 GARY Acrion: APPRItem: O54OO PLANNING DEPART!4ENT o4/L8/1995 ?AF{Y Action: APPRItem: 05600 FIRE DEPARTMENT o4/L8/L995 cAFty Acrion: AppRItem: 05500 PUBIJIC WORKSo4/I8/L99s GARY Acrion3 APPRItem: 05700 ENVIRoNMENTAL HEALTH 04/18/1995 GARY Action: APPR trtdr** See Page 2 of this Document for any conditions Lhat rnay apply to this permit. DECLAMTIONS I hereby ackmrtedgc that I hrve read this appLicltion, fitted out in ful,t th! information required, conpleted an accurate pLot p[an, and stste that att the inforn tion pnovided as rcqui red is correct. t rgrlc to colpty yith the inforuation and ptot pLan, to compty tith all Toun ordinances lnd state [avs, and to build this structur! according to the Tovnrs zoning and suHivision codcs, dcsign t.vieu approved, uniform &ri Lding codc and other ordinances of the Tolrn appticrbte th.r!to. Dept: Dept: IN ADVANCE BY TELEPHONE AI 179-2'13 Dept: FIRE Divieion: Deptr PUB WORK Division: Dept: HEAIJTH Division: 'u,'fr'* A[ 5:00 Ptl o **************************;***********************************!r***************** CONDITIONSPermit #: 895-0078 as of 04/L9/95 status: AppRo\/ED******************************************!r*********************:*************:r** Permit Tlt)e: ADD/ALT SFR BUILD PERMTT Applied: o4/L4/L995Applicant: RIPPY CONTRACTORS Issued: O4/L8/L9953039263655 To Expire 2 Lo/$/L995 Job Address:Location: UNIT #13 VAII-, GOLF COURSE T.H.Parcel No: 2101-091-04-013 Description: BASEMENT, BATH AND OFF'ICE REMODEL Conditions: 1. WINDOW WELL MUST BE CONSTRUCTED OF ALL WATTTER WOOD FOUNDATION TypE WOOD, NOT JUST WOLMANIZED.2. WTNDOW SHALL BE A EGRESS TypE AS RBQ. rN SEC. 1204 OF THE 1991 UBC.3. ALL WOOD IN CONTACT $IITH CONCRETE OR MASONRY SHALL BE OF woLMANIzED TREATED WOOD SEC. 25L6 (c) 3 1991 uBC.4. THE DOME SKYLITE MUST BE EQUIPPED VIITH APPROVED RELEASE I'{ECHANISMS WHICI{ ARE OPENABLE FROM THE INSIDE WITHOUT THE USE OF A KEY OR SPECIAL KNOWT,EDGE OR EFFORT SEC. I2O4-L5. A LADDER MUST BE INSTALLED IN THE WINDOW WELL FOR EGRESS.5. A 20 MrN. DOOR IS REQUTRED FROM GAR.AGE TO HOT-TUB ROOM. a TOWN OF VArL, COLORADO Statemnt**************************************************************** Statemnt Number; REc-0013 anount,: 203,00 o4/L9/9s t2225Payment Method: CK3183 Notation: PREPAID Mp FEES Ihitt TT M95-0058 Type: B-MECH MECHANICAL PERMTT 2101-091-04-013 1670 ST'NBURST DR UNIT #13 VAIL GOIJF COURSE T.H.Total Fees: 203.00203.00 Total AL,L Pmts: Balance: Description MECHANICAIJ PERMIT FEES PLAN CHECK FEES WII,L CALI.,, INSPECTION FEE * * * * * *' * * * * * * * * * * * * * ** * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **** * * * * ** * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Permit No:Parcel No:Site Address: Location: This Payment Account Code 01 0000 4L3L201 0000 4L33201 0000 4L336 203 .00 .00 AInount 160.00 40.00 3.00 o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON MECHANICAL Job Address...: 16?0 SUNBURST DR Location......: UNIT #13 VAIL GOLF COURSE Parcel No..... : 2101-091-04-013 Project Number: PRJ95-0049 APPLICANT SNOV' COUNTRY SERVICES P O BOX 15?, AVON CO 81520 CONTRACTOR SNOW COUNTRY SERVICES P O BOX 157, AVON CO 81620 OWNER CORMACK CRAIG 6101 S 58TH ST STE B' LINCOIJN Description: INSTALL NEW BOITER AND HOT WATER HEATERS PERMIT JOBSITE AT ALIJ TIMES Permit #: M95-0058 .: ISSUED.: 04/t4/Lees .! Phone: 3039262590 Phone: 3039262590 7,500.00 ,0f Uood/Pa t tct:tircplacc Infopnation: Restrictcd: FEE SUTTIIARY Rcstuarant Ptan Revictf--> .00 Total catcutated trca--> 26.00tlcchani ca(--) 160.00 Ptan check-> 40.00 Investi qation> tli tt cs t t--> #0f Gas Appl.iances: DRB Fee----->.00 ToTAL FEES---> r.00 #of Gas Logs: Additionat Fecs---.---_) Totat Pcrrit Fee----)PayDents---------> BALANCE OUE-- .00 203.00 .00 205.00 203.00 .00 *'ffi**#ff*ffiffi**ffi Dept: BUIIJDING Division: DeDt: PLANNING Division: rtem: 05100 BUILDING DEPARTMENTO5/L9/1995 CHUCK Action: APPRItbm:' 05400 PLANNING DEPARTMENT CONDITION OF APPROVAIJ ******************************************************************************** DECLARATIONS t hereby acknovtcdge that I have read this appl,ication, fitted out in futt the inforEtion rcquifcd, conpteted rn accurate Ptot pLan, a-nd state thlt att thc information provided as required is corract. I agre! to conpty vith thc informtion and Ptot-Ptan, io clnpty rrith att Torrn ordinanceg and stitc tavs, and io buiLd this stpucturc according to thc Torrnr s zoning and subdivision codes, design rcvi cy appfov.d, Uniforr Bui tding codc and othcr oadinanccs of thc Torn appticablc thercto. REouEsTs FoR INsPEcTtoNs SHALL BE I'IADE TIIENTY-FouR HouRs IN ADVAI{CE BY TELEPHoNE AT 47Y2138 OR AT OUR OTFTCE FROII E:OO ^l| ':OO P[ STG ATURE OT OUNER Oi CONTRACTOR TOR HIIISELF ANO *N FIELD COPY ' Status.. T.H.Applied. Issued.. Expires. NE 68516 Val-uation: o 45.00 11 .25 .m 3.m Restuarant Plan Rcvi.u--> TOTAL FEES_--- .00 Total cstcutat.d Faas--> Additionat Fees---) Tota I Pemit 59 -25 .00 59 -25 Item:.05100 04 /L8 /t9es 1.. ALt PLIJMBING Paynents---- .O0 BUILDING DEPARTMENT. Dept: BUILDING DiVisioN:GARY Action: APPR CONDITION OF APPROVAL TO BE TO THE 1991 UPC CODE. ffi **ffi OECLARATIONS I hereby acknoHtedge that I have read this app[ication, titted out in futt the infoftiation rcqui red, compteted an accurate ptot Ptan, and statc that atl the inforrEtion provided as rcquired i3 correct. I .grer to coDpty eith the infor ation and ptot ptan, to coft|pLy vith al,l, Topn ordinances 6nd strtc [aws, and to buitd this structure according to thc Tovn's zoning and subdivision codes, design revi&, apppoved, Uniform BuiLding Code and other ordinances of the ToHn appticabte theneto. REOUESTS fOR INSPECTIOI{S SHALL BE ]'IADE TUENTY-FOIJR HOURS IN ADVANCE BY SIGNATURE OF OI.'NER OR CONTRACTOR FOR HII.ISELF AND OIINEN n?|f;",6 t NOTE: THIS PERMTT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALL TIMES TqVNaFVAILy pT,TrMRrNc pRRMrr parmir_ *: ps5_0042 75 South Frontage Road Deparnnent of Community Development Vail" Colorado 81657 303-47s-2138/47s-213s i::"tff|:::; l$]fl iYi'$l# 33", .ou*rrilillh::; ffiil?)TB*FAx303-479-24s2 parcet No..: 2101-091-04-013 riEued. ..; oiTtBTtA;;Expires..: Lo/L5/1995 APPLICANT SNOW COUNTRY SERVICES Phonet 303926259O P O BOX 15?, AVON CO 81620 CONTRACTOR SNow COUNTRY SERVICES Phone z 3Q3926259O P O BOX 15?, AVON CO 81620OUTNER CORMACK CRAIG 6101 S 58TH ST STE B, LINCOLN NE 68516 Description: Valuation: PLI'MBING FOR REMODEL ffi**t****r*****f,****f,f,*it* FEE SUlll,tARY *#rlrt****l***li* Ptumbing--> Ptan Check--> Investigati on> Ui ll. cat l,--> BALAICE DUE---------> 59 -25 ffi o NOTE: THIS PERMIT MUST BE POSTED ON JOBSITE AT ALt TIMES ELECTRICAL PERMIT PETMit #: 895-0058 75 South Frontage Road Department of Community Developrnent Vail, Colorado 81657 303-479-2135/479-2139 Job Address: 1670 SUNBURST DR Status...: APPROVED FAXs03-47s-'24s2 Location...: UNIT *13 VAIL coLF couRsEApplied..t 9t/,\!/,\222Parcel No..: 2101-091-04-013 rssued. . .: 04/18/L995Expires..: 1O/t5/L99s APPLICANT EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC Phone: 3038275772 P O BOX 1116, MTNTURN CO 81645 CONTRACTOR EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRIC Phone: 3038275772 P O BOX 1LL6, MTNTURN CO 81645OVINER CORMACK CRAIG 6101 S 58TH ST STE B, LTNCOLN NE 68516 Description: INSTALT ELEC. IN REMODEL *****ffi*****r*ttfiffi FEE SUI IARY ffi Etcctricst---> Ptan Check---> lnvestigati on> lli Lt caLL---) TOTAL FEES_->BALANCE OUE----53.00 ,rf,f,tri*ri**f****t*} dit*,r riff**tf,t*ffr*ffiffift*ffi *ffi***ffi**tr***ffi ffir*ffi ffi oeirt: BUIL,DTNG Division: ***fft****tftt**f,ltffitik****i*ffitl* ***H**ffi COND]TION OF APPROVAL 1 . ALL ELEC. TO BE' TO THE ELEC. CODE. ffi***rrf,*fiik**tnFtff.******'******t r***trffi**ffiffi***#rffiffirffirlrhr|Jhl#,hrffi*rrlitdrt#**rri********** **tffi** DECLARATIONS I hereby acknowtedge that I have read this appl,icstion, fittcd out in futt the information required, compteted an accufate ptot ptan, rnd state that att the infofmation provided as requi rcd is correct. I agree to compty lrith the infofmation and ptot ptan, to.conpLy vith att Tovn ordinances and state [avs, and to buitd this structure accoding to the ToHn's 2oning and subdlvision codes, dcsign reviev approved, thiforn Buitding cod! and other ofdinances of the lovn afpticabte thereto. REOUESTS foR INSPECTIoNS SHALL BE IIADE TI,IEi{TY-FOUR HoURS T ADVANCE BY TELEPHOIIE AT 479-2138 oR AT oUR OFFICE FRO}I 8:0O Ar 5:00 P[ IIem: O510O BUII,DING DEPARTMENT04/78/L995 GARY Action: AppR ;.,.:: Valuation: Totat calcutated tees--->53.00 Add,itionaL Fees-----> .00 Total Pernit Fee-------> 55.@ Paynents------- 50.00 .0{, 3.00 }.l !i v,3)P, ao fir Town ofVrf frl0F c0Py PIan Review Based on the 1992 Uniform Codes NA},IE: CORMACK MECHANICAL DATE: 5/L9/95 ADDRESS:#13 GOLF COURSE T.H. CONTRACTOR:SNOW COUNTRY VATL, COLORADO ARCHITECT:NONE OCCUPANCY:R3 ENGINEER:NA TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V PTANS EXAMfNER:C. FELDMANN CORRECTIONS REQUIRED The itema listed below are not intended to be a complete listing of a1l poaaible code requiremente in the adopted codee. It ie a guide to eelected Eectione of the codee. The followj-ng iE not to be constnred to be an approrral of any violation of any of the pro- vieions of the adopted codee or any ordinance of the Town of VaiI . 1) COMBUSTION AIR IS REQUIRED PER SEC.6O7 OF THE 199]- UMC. 2l ACCESS TO HEATING EQUIPMENT MUST COMPLY WITH SEC.505 and 703 OF THE 1991 IIMC.. 3) INSTAI.,I-,ATION MUST CONFORM TO MANUFACTURES INSTRUCTIONS AND TO APPENDTX CHAPTER 21 OF THE 1991 UMC. 4) GAS LINE TEST AND ]NSPECT]ON ]S REQUIRED BEFORE CONNECT]ON OF ANY EQUIPMENT PER SEC.12O6 OF THE 1.99]. UPC. 5) GAS APPLTANCES SHALL BE VENTED ACCORDING TO CHAPTER 9 OF THE 1991 IIMC AND SHALL TERM]NATE AS SPECIFIED IN SEC. 906 OF THE 1991 UMC. 6) DRAINAGE OF MECHANICAI ROOMS CONTAINING HEATING OR HOT-WATER - SUPPLY BOILERS SHALL BE EQUIPPED W]TH A FLOOR DRAIN PER sEc.2119 0F THE 1991 UMC. 7) BOILERS SIALL BE MOI]NTED ON FLOORS OF NONCOMBUSTIBLE CONSTRUCTION IJNLESS LISTED FOR MOUNTING ON COMBUSTIBLE FLOORING. 8) FIELD INSPECT]ON ]S REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE PER SEC.3O5 THE 1991 IIMC. 9) PERMIT, PI,ANS A}ID CODE ANAI-,YSIS MUST BE POSTED IN MECHANTCAL ROOM PRIOR TO AN INSPECTION REQUEST. o TownotVU yr. +. K COMPONENT LAYOUT a OFFICECOPY K,rft wH-1o-DW HOT OUTLET. 1' NPTM /v{/ follgL) / - 2J" CrA /t eT'r wH-l0 PNznt u - vgnt u|am€let I I t I i I Itlrt Supply Gauge Rame rollout 6r ,i!ch (behind Panel) 193/4' .-l ut------_!ul .A (Flush Jacketp Ir_B_--___-_+ 94' Drain \ C'as Vahr€ G.ound Jolnt Union Fbure 9. controt t9' Covsf (see note) Figure 1. Lafr End VIew ngure 2. Front Vlcw Orifice indicated for sea level above are tactory installed in boiler unlsss otherwisg specified by the local authority. Otlffco table is bas€d on a higher heating value belween l000 Btu/h and 1009 Btu/h lor Natural Gas (seo lll, page g, if local higher heating valuE exceeds these numbers). See lll, pagg 9, tor bumer input adjusfnent. Base Ass€mbly Viclory Boiler Covni"K K,rrv High Umit Contol tltt Relum Tapping 1-1t4' Cir. Flangg Sediment Trap (r6quircd) (DotFd Piping BY Ohers) Rlght End Vlew NOTE: Heigt DinEnsk]n increases lo 30-3/16' and depth dimension increas es lo22-114' when combustblE floor kit is used, Boller Model No. Of S€ctlons Dimenslons (lnches)Approx. Total Wt, Full Ol Watel flb.) Slze ol Gas Llne Connection to Boller (lnches) A B C = Vent Dia. D Horlzontal Venl Chimney Vent Natural Propane v-33 v-60 v-90 v-120 v-150 v-l80 2 3 4 D 6 8v." 1 1 tl"' 1411a' 171/;' 2Ov;' 14518 1751E 2@t 2331a 2&r- 3 3 3 .t ? c 5 or/ |v'2 'l2r; 14v2' '17v2" ,O'/-" 190 250 3'10 365 425 ..--..1€6' 1t2' 1t2' 1r2', 1tz', 1t). 112' 1t2. 112' 1tz', -_1t2-.- a 23v;'29/r'3 5 2311;1tz',t2' Boiler Model Ge3 Type Orifice Size for Sea Level Orifice Slzes tor Hlgh Altiludes lncludes 4% R.duction for Each 1000 Feet Elevatlon - Fcct 2000 3000 4000 s000 6000 7000 80(x) 9000 10000 v-33 v-33 V-60 thru V-180 V-60 thru V- 180 Natural Propane Natural Propane #rA #56 #50 #57 49 s0 s0 50 51 51 52 52 52 56 56 57 57 57 58 59 59 60 5f 51 s1 52 52 52 52 s3 53 58 59 59 60 60 61 62 63 63 - Gas ManifoH SDUND INSULATI TRT14 BTiLtR NtW -CAST-iRExirrRi 3 znNq rl l/ \ | ,ll'. / | It rnnnn I l- -" \J \_./ \-/ | r trr_|_ -f rn--l-Lr I wH f td AT TXCHANG [M S]Zt 4'1O//\/.)/ I U ,/\ =,,l 9-O Ct]LING MAKTUP AIR 150000\a000=-75000[R 7= SE IN XR 9X9,DUCT +GARAGt AL_LNWANCf BIILIR T! Bt SIZID WITF] F]tAT LNSS CALCIJLATItrNS, TT S[RVI TNLY BASIMINT AND F-]RST tL-XIRS TXISTING tLtCTRIC HfAT TT StRVt TIF TLTTR & GARAGIBIILIR VINT & INTAKT TRAVTL AB!Vt DRTPPTD CTILING EO ,GA[_ TR TNTTI WA TtR W 80 tiAL Ht CLIENT CRA]G CIRMACK / Rr PPy CCNTRACTORS RC. 926--3655 ADDRISS 6101 SEUTH 5BTH IINCILN NIB RINM B ASMfNT BNILfR RIIIV LOCATION 13 GELF CtlURSf TIVN HI]MES PLAN TYPI FLUUR PLANS SCALE 3/8',DATE 5- 15-95!rnTt_pI ll T-.] | L_l\ tXJ-BuJ-ldlng tX1-Plumblng tXl-Electrlcal tXl-llechanlcal t I-Other Job Name: CORI1ACK 7aJob Addreee: 16€'€ SUI{BURST DR..#13, VAfL Legal Deecriptlon: LotBLD3 Block Ftllng 3 PHASE I ovnere Hame: cRArG coRllAcK AddreaE: 6tol s. SBTH STREET.B Ptl..4o?-4zt LIT{COLN, NEBRASKA 5A516 6050Archltect:Add reEe:Ph. Generel Deecrlption:AS PER PLAI{S. FIIIISH BASEIIEI{T. RE}IDEL BATH & OFFICE Work Claee: I l-Ner IXl-Alteration I l-Addltlonal t l-Repal.r t ]-Other Number of Dvelllng Unlte: I llunber of Accomodation Unl.tg: l{umber and Type of Fl.replacee: Gae AppltanceB Gae Loge Uood/Pellet 1 r.**ll;llllll;lll*lltl Qll$r r r r r +ll*l lr ll l llr*; l l * *rr * l *r i BUILDItIG: 55, OOO OTTIER: P TOTAL: 67eoe. >- rr*rr*rrrf,l{fif f Ql{rrr} }} }rr}}}} } }r } }}r r} }r r General Contractor: Ri'ppy Contractore, Inc.Tovn of Vat.l Reg. Ho. _.!}!;!_ Phone l{umber: 926-3655Addreee: P. O. Box 999, Edvarde. CO S1632 Electrical Contractor: EAGLE VALLEY ELECTRICAddreee: BOX 1116, VAIL. CO 81659 Plunblng Contractor:StlOH COUIITRY SERVICESAddreee: BOX 157. AVOll. CO AL62O BUILDING PERIIIT FEE: PLUI{BII{G PER}IIT FEE: I1ECHAHICAL PERI{IT FEE: ELECTRICAL FEE: OTHER TYPE OF FEE: Tovn of, Yei'.l. Reg. t{o. Ji*,-E_ Phone l{unber: 427-5772 Tovn of ValI Reg. l{o. 177-P Phone l{unber | 926-7375 llechanlcal Contractor:St{Ol{ COUITRY SERVICES Tovn of Va!.l Reg. t{o. 177-P Addreee: BOX 157. AVOll. CO 41620 Phone llunrbert 926-7375 **;*l;;+l;l*l**;r***l**)l;r.llll*IFOR OFFICE lJ$Srrrrrr;;li;ll);ll*i;lrlrri;rr DRB FEE:lP fu, BUILDII{G PLAII CHECK FEE: PLUIIBIT{G PLAN CHECK FEE: IIECHANICAL PLAil CHECK FEE: RECREATIOI{ FEE: CLEAT{-UP DEPT]SIT: TOTAL PERIIIT FEES: l=*J GRoUP I sc.FT.l_t_l -t -l a! vALUATTOT{.1 BUILIDNE r SI6I{ATURE: ZONIN6: SI6}IATURE: ELECTRICAL: 1.56O *ttttl, CLEAN UP DEPOSIT REFUND TO:RIPPY CONTRACTORS P. O. BOX 999 EDITARDS. 8T632 5 Project Name: Building Name: \ ., tign Review Action Ftm TOWN OF VAIL Project Description: Owner, Address and Phone: . ' ., ArchitecVOontact, Address and Phone: r- r Legal Description: Lot _ Block Subdivision Zone District I Project Street Address: t,'i-, Comments: J'.e..-/,r---Bolaid'f6taff Action':-=--- Vote: Town Planner DRB Fee Pre-paid a ir I I It d. d-.. {,Nllru r$ \l TE,xhl ilrl NEr \l.rl G6lEo. CHECKREQAEST PREPARED BY: e"-L" VENDORNUMBER .. (/ AO /?O5/ DESCRIPTION OF EXPENSE: CI.,EAN I]P DEPOSIT REFIIND FOR BP #,6q* NAMEOFJOB: ACCOUNTNUMBER 01 OOOO 22002 F AMOUNT OF REFUND: ' -?5V./D DATEAPPRoVED: 2- ?-q b APPROVAL SIGNATURE:.*]/u*tn t Category Number Project Name: : - ..'''*,-..t Design Review Action Form TOWN OF VAIL A - | t.',ro*" *\[rirrl fo * [ f15 \ Buildino Name: Owner. Address and Phone: Architect/Gontact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block Project Street Address: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: n Approval ! Disapproval DRB Fee Pre-paid +^N{onrqprrrcnt Cortqmrrq March 28, 1995 Rippy Contractors P.O. Box 999 Eciwards , CO eI632 Dear Mike: Pursuant to the Blue Prints we received regarding Vail Golf Course Townhomes #13 basement remodel, the President of the Board of Directors, Bob Boyce, and f have bottr reviewed the plans and find them Eo be a great addition to Mr. Cormack's townhome. Please let Ehis letter,-,rept."-"Oq, oJt complete approval of thisffiquestions you might have regarding this matter. Sincere --sr-F_v-e McSpadden Operations Manager 201 Core Creeft Driw o Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 476-4262 . 1-800:944-\'AIL . Denver 893-3853 . Facsimile (303) 479-9624 { T_i-iltll-"| CrF LJFI I i_ |t_t 5r_E I l. dl ll=Lru:f Lclgt ! |i!i __i !. t-_ 1. I i tr: _.ri: {,:, "r_,,_rf r_.1.:.t lr!tri i,;L_fi ii-trl T{:lLrh.{ {}F lJFt I l_ l'liscel lseor.rs Cash ff4-?Er-:{5 16: ffB: ?? F;*c*ipt * ll?966Ecc*r-rnt.* El{*3lgj EIPF'/ CflHgT/'PERttIT 5-BSFBr Hli-qEgr3 gfttrun t. t *n,Jered .l Iterr paid ff 1€r€188413366A9 ElBSErt+1titsE0 Bt8ErBg41311ErBff Els6ES4l::4SSS 81FrAr:1941S1BSEB EIBFBE4lf,f,:FEB BlE1BB64l3f,tggE B t r.rFfft341f,f,1fffi* fil EtBEtg3lgg36qts, BlS0EE4l3l:EsE 01888841sf,:SBF L:h.3nge rF tu rnEd ':;. -I-HErt|l< 'r'Bur cashier HEIDI S€95*EEFB, PTs-EF4:....F? 15?7. gEl fti*trr? paid 12.88 58.BS .45.8€r I1,25 575. AB ?.7? -E.Jl rt. I !r 188. SE -:8. BS ?56.6S 160. Bs 44, gE fi. ffEr 1/(}u t r.vls.A 7174/94 DESTGN REVIEW BOARD APPTICATTON - TOWN OF DATE RECETVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG:****r***** VAIIJ. COLORADO I. A DESCRIPTION:Hot Tub uo,s a,Ln6 a,n atn.tLo on 4n tLL{OCA acL nd in.stall Hot Tub.Remove)Lemod.e oo 2 Ato o ilAR 3 1 r9s5 legal and attach TYPE OF D. * IEH,t?l:'ru;3183,'*'oo 0o) *_-X:trut$fftbffi[QEBT,', ADDRE55. Building D, 1660 Sunbun,st Drtive '1lrt-,1 l? LEGAL DESCRIPTfON: Lot ELda 0 Btock Filing 3Subdivision V a.il Gol{ Counie-ffiltome,s If property is described by a meets and boundsdescripEion, please provide on a separaL.e sheeL.t.o Lhis applicat.ion. ZONING: PRO.IECT TNFORMATION: Lincoln, NebnaaEd NAME OF AppLICANT.S REpRESENTATIVE, Rippq Contttactott,s, Inc.Mailing Address : 8. 0 .Box 999 EduJan NAME oF A''LICAN?. Cnaig Conmacb Mailing Address. Phone Phone NAME oF owNER(s): Ce-o.t ct, Lo -zh;+ OWNER(S) SIGNATURE: Stteet, Suite Phone APPIJTCATT2NS wrrrL No? BE PftocEss.sD wrrHoUT owNER, s srGrvAfuR.E Condominium Approval if applicable.I. 'J.DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shown above,\ are Lo be paid aE thetrme of subnirLal of rhe DRB applilation. l,icer, whenapprying for a bui1ding permit, ptbase identify Lhe accuraEevaruation of the proposar. The ioor' of vair witt adjust thefee according Eo Lhe Lable below, t.o ensure the correct feers paid. 2?;2 FEE SCHEDULE: VALUATION 4 n /+ .i /\ arnziy v 9 TVTUU\/$ 10,001 - $ 50,000 -$ so, 001 - $ 150, 0oo $1s0,001 - $ s00,000 $s00, 001 - $1, 000, 000$ over $1,000,000 DESIGN REVIEW BOARD APPROVAI. EXPIRES APPROVAIJ UNTJESS A BUIIJDING PERMIT ISIS STARTED. FEE $ 20.00 $ s0.00 $100.00 $200.00 $400.00 $s00.00 ONE YEAR AETER F'INAI., ISSUED, AI{D CONSTRUCTION f ,_u ?whil,^ -'?\-lrti*A Z*tD LaDAW- Al Tn 0 iq\;Aa &Lb d Zi=ar a,c, ++Ma -JotbT, utTV+lnierl t: 2 c'";\rtl'c"ej ' I (g) zxt? BEArY LJ l-rV+ +P-t P liltiK li-l'-- ,l &' d CalL?ri't t-':'' ta!') f rt /.t\ * = av+/ '.1) i: 2. \ =' 0'J A. z'-c" ,< i-.- .'.:' toJ(?vt?- r;.P ,; / v + e\ai-| iF.*i z{u. .aJ.rQEtnAF \. -q]EDlA EV- pet:EttJ^ ,, FNhO oF 1 - -":l',YoT. blJlLDl|[, - trrt1't llr- tDrtFq FiF ! t-t .1nf)| { vt/v t- '{-' \b_ 7l'lQ )O!b1q.a LbtI D'I-; btY\NtuA Cg CorJA-oL1a?- ^xit: < , ilr Y1Y )lbtl r\?t.u. I -_"i\l rl ! DACK FR,e- yii bJ4 FLAN t/4'=lr-arr SecT *r.j p $q,#vffi ffit/iu =ll(}t' T"GWI.J CF VAIL gr...- -,...r--.. LW " -.. -...-...DAr T -' I : I [x5TlF& L]lU?rH To &E Ptr*,\4?\/AD --- 1 ?Po?o,:€D 5it214O .14Lffi Drcv I , eX611UA LllFlDoL".lPIE-YtOVED - FILL, r nr gr rT H r{ATtrPtAL+.1o 1,14 ATa l{ aY t:T rNGt D?.Ltrg ELtr.VhTIc i TO\,VN CF VAIL rltXtZ (.cDRR T Rr r,-(l boARO - 5{A1u to ! : r1^t4 fct-{ EXr5-Tl^rLF E,^rl,rrvv I6ur! Dr v c sror*6*:l_, ,r II ??pw+zD t|lADo^+ il i: ;iii ii;:lii i'i :i!._, )oo2, AUD tiirr j I II I -.2. I I , rl ll ll f-- --- -l ii tt? r{ I \:2..47 - ...- -- ,t V+" : il orr 5H EE f Po. '/ *PIW;- 6ffi,D-Aa{z- T|JA)-AFF'< olL EA^H aE *trU D@?- UliA t4ffiE.El'tu? tD ffifrL'A t=/\rb t. ?EaP6ED SJhr'J/ AUi€j " tgr4&-:Jq-gE7;&.4 il]Id:u4&r? = ?LoPa4ED tvL Lc*l' aBYOt=f ZfrAffi ,,r- geLE ||rTU hlFh , i ^ -a',-..IJU I3: i 1c7 CF DftE ro Pft?ffiLffi-'(MAX,) Plan Bulltl B |{ I I 1 H€atth Flro Btr =trtrB N uu,,o',rotfl'fr*K N si.c. 303 t:) 1l7rud " [["d |Jun, ,no Ff; i't-;*ryfi #*i 1$,ffi *',,*q,illjib:i i*i,i**l***'n**+***qiilffiF'ft' dita" ^ t'/. 1 t '',t.r,rtE' i ! tt f IXHAI]sT F AN SIZED FDR THIS R[]OM OVNIR TB SUPPLY DEHUMIDIFYER FLOIR UNIT DT]TTED LINES\Rr exHnusr AND MAKEUP AIR' RELNCA VATER METER MAIN VINDOV VELL Ci]NISTRUCTTD t]F EX6 STUIIS AND DF TRIATED VILMANIZID PROCESS INTER]OR CI]VIRID ViTH 1X6 TIUNG AND GRDUVE tHIRIZDNTAL .I BUBBLE TYPE SKYLITE CDVER MUST HINGI =ESCAPE LADDER BN GRAVEL BASE VIND[\I/ T0 Bt 3'X 4'V![D METAL CLAD 44'MINIMUM TRDM TINISHED TLODR 3,/4'PLYULlli CEDAR (TAN)CASEMENT ,( I BASEAIEATT 13',-10 3/4', I @ Rl PPf coNrR*roRS . 926--36ss '3 GOLF COT'RSE TOVN HOHES I q I o TRAVEL ABOVT DRIPPID rt o IXHAUST FAN SIZED Ft]R THIS RNNM OVNER TtI SUPPLY DEHUMID]FYIP FLOOR UNIT DOTTED LINES ARE EXHAUST AND MAKEUP AIR VATEP MAIN tt-[ETRICAL-CLIFNT CRAI6 CORMACK RI PP), c0NTRACTORS , nr.5.u.. ADDRESS 6r.0r sottrH 58rH LING]LN NEB LOCANON 13 60LF ctlnsE TO',/ Hr€S PLAN TYPE FLOOR PLANS SCALE DATE3-t4-qq 4I BA"SZ"AIENT TVO DUPLTX OUTLEIS TV CABLE AND ALL FOUR SPEAKERS VIRE HERE 12' ABOVE FLOOR TOR CI]RNER CABiNET o Iv i? E. > !.r 01= <tzul Oa z 5 e o G) Io (^) Io frs f;; iH 2:- 5H I THIS LI6HT CENTERS l. \BVERVINDT]W Ii Ic l*)rlI\:/l- 7',6',-0' i I ALL ELEcTRTcAL [uTlrls I' | | PLACED PeR CEDE r; | 4' CANS 0VER TUB I '?l 7' cANS REMAINDER j kl CANS TE BE CENTEREP r '*. ,_^ _,,- i I AS p0ssIBLE VITH FRAMTNG I $ven run I fii lvntHES D1MMER5 (roG6EL),'t tl t/ tJ , - * *S VPHi]NE FTIJV-4--'--T I,lN'/ | ,'' ld'.r l': | /-\ Z'* ), {---$. NI]TE SVITCH .' I s', FRUM TUB ,' lTilq 7. .. J V rnur\L $ .l a' l-rni[rn : r/-t, Il'..-i I VACUUM pdilfn vENTLD VITH VAIEB IiEAIE^R - - -r NEV GAS HET VATE lv yJ EXISTING TRACK LI6HT4, _0r [,,hr sieiS LIGHTS Tt] BE D]VI EAUAL EN ALL SIDE 3',-0". STERAGE. \3' CEVERED' FLt]URESENT t ----7 .---l-\\- -t F- Z" _) L|JF 'e.(5 FI tJ cq z it it C_tlF LrJt- U' llt! M8 LL F Z-tl tr tl fl IY L_ LJ (U --l+-+I-J tdal = = \ YC t l! v.o F(n v. oz a I a I r.a ulEI zF td oL-J n rb Lri u (,zoJ5 GI u IJJf UIa trJvo [l 6 zo F 6 J lrlLts 3(L t A[A[A[ Fr,}0R DSSIBLE FURRING THIS ENTIRE VALL CLIENT CRAIG CIRMACK RIPPP CONTry\CTORS rc. 926-3655 ADDRESS 6101 SOUTH 58TH LINCNLN NE3 R[[M BATH MAIN LfVEL LOCATION 13 GI]LF COURSE TOVN HOMES PLAN ryPE FLEIER PLANS SCAI F I1l2,DArE 03-16-95 VANITY SINK BASET[ MATCH KITCHEN CABS, COUNTER VILST]NARTtRtsc[ 4?07-5A 4"SPLASH EV ST![L, SINK, TUB,(ALMDND 47> STIIL_VELLVIRTH 1,5 GAL TUB K_713 ? VILLAGIR 3O"VIDE LAVATDRY PTNNINGTIN K_A195 FAUCET CERALAIS K_1518A SHDVER/TUB CIIRALAlS K-l5105 TUB ENCLUSER CHRIME CLEAR GLASS I]LT BACKER VINDTR BIARD [R EOUAL I\lF uE Lr- | ''lz u.ul tr- UPUP FL[[R TILE T! BT AUTUM I661103 BEECH 8X8 SHIV/TR TILE PARFAIT PARMAR MARFIL ACCENT TILEA! SIZZLI STR]P P6?O LINER 155 DUSTY RISI tNTfR FIRE BlX CHAST AND INSULATI VITH RNCK VDIL T[ STUP DRAFTS VALLS-?- - MIRRDR ?4X40, + ABI]VE 4' SP SECTIONTUB/TILE VALL MAIN BATH AND ST 1 rr rn-_TUK rt ,*r.., ,a STE CLOSET DI]I]RS SEE IF IT IS POSS] TO LOCK AND DIVIDE FBR OVNER STORAGE REMIVE'EXISTING TILE DRYVALL AND FLI]ER PAN INSTALL TILE BACKER REPLACE PAN VITII CDNCRETE UNDER AND OVER CBRALT]Y LINER CURB TE 3E PEURED INTEGRAL VITH LINER VON!tR BIARD [R EOUAL VALLS CIILING REPLACE SHOVER VALVE K15114 STEAM UNIT LOCATED ABOVE STT]EL STEAM EUTLET MUST BE ABOVE CURB USE 6MILL VAPI]R BARR]ER BN STUDS BEFERE VENDER BI) TILE PARFAIT PARMAR MARFIL ACCENT DAL B]SOUETTS 1 X 5 CNLER A1 TILE FROM C P I STEAM ENCLOSER CHRI]ME CLEAR GLASS (SEAT BY OVNER) REMEVE HOTUB AND DRAIN PAN PRE AND CARPET REMT]VE EXISTING DAMADGED DRYVALL REMOVE DOOR AND REPLACE VTTH ONE INSTALL ELECTRICAL OUTLETS AS PER REUSE EXISTING LIGHTS AND RETEXTURE TD MATCH EXISTING PLAN CARPET VP GRANITE HEIGHTS P CPI (, I ru nrv srrcrPs*nvi 'i -u 4PLEX DUTLETS FL00R l-EvEL/ iD.\ ,,'' I-JU-In-mJEsx rnr i-' 984 SLATE MATTE FINISH salJARE'€D6E CLIENT RAIG CNRMACK gl PPy CONTMCTORS h.926-:655 ADDRISS 510! SI]UTH 58TH LINCOLN }'EB RNNM EFFICE & SHNVEP LOCATION * 13 Go-F CotnsE TovN{llitEs PLAN TYPE FLooR pLANs scALE J3/8'DATE nr-ra-qs 70tr F[,00R SET TtrP TT] ALLBV trOR STANDARD FILE CABINETS so I o OJ + TB SLIDE UNDER A9' DRILL HILE IN TDP AND SUPPLY GROMMITS FDR CORDS 2'_6' 7'-3' Rr PPf CONTRACTORS RC 926-J655 13 GOLF COI.RSE TOVN HOMES 7 BASME]VT 2 MAI]{ FLOOR td10'[10'!xtl\0l' l\0I fi .strsrYr{ .li T't f u '"' 3 TOP FLOOR INSTALL IIOTUE FIIUSTI BAS}fNT INSTALL BOILER GAS HEAT O I @ [XHAUST F'AN SIZED FNR TH]S RB[]M OVNER Tt] SUPPLY DEHUMIDITYER FLODR UNIT DI]TTED LINIS\Br rxHnusr AND I.4AKEUP AIR i-nou-m-5-lzn pd0fB vrruiEn WITH VATER VINDOV VELL CI]NSTRUCTTII [F E,(5 SIUIIS ANT OF TREATED VOLMANIZED PRICESS INTIR]IR CIVERED VITH IX6 TI]UNG AND GRtUVt bHORIZt]NTAL .I BUBBLE TYPE SKYLITE CDVIR MUST HINGF$EScePE LADDER BN GRAVEL BASE ViNDOV TU BE 3'X 4'VOND METAL CLAD 44'M]NIMUM TROM FINISHED FLDER CASEMINI (IAN) 3/ 4"PLYVUD! CTDAR BASEMIEN T l3'-10 cf, I (,) RELOCA VATER METER MAIN IiEAIER - - -t NEV Gr HT]T VA nr tlT- 3-)l- t ' Rv L"'I rV TO BE SIZTD VI HEAT LESS CALCULATIONS, TO SERVE I]NLY BASEMENT AND FIRST FLNNRS EXISTING ELECTRIC HEAT SERVE TOP FLEI]R & GARAGE BCIILER VENT & INTAKE RELICATE TUE SPACE HEATER TO UNDER STAIRJ BDX IN GARAGE IF NESSESARY RAISED CREATE HOTUB STING FLDER AN HALL FIR REOM TO Rl PPr c0NTRACTORS - 926-365s 13 6II-F CUTJRSE roVN H0HES o I TRAVEL ABOVE DRCIPPED CEILING EXHAUST FAN SIZED FBR THIS ROEM OVNER TE SUPPLY DEHUMIDIFYER FLi]ER UNIT DETTED LINES ARE EXHAUST AND MAKEUP AIR i-norlrn- 5 f l f r^-T-DTf-,'\;L_ L_ L_ r._ | | \. I r.-. -1 L- D-U NOTE SVITCH 5' FROM TUB ---s CI IFNT IIRAIG CDRMACK Rl PP). coNrRffiToRS - 926-"3655 AODRESS 610r soutH 58rH LtNcuLN NE8 I ocATloN 13 60LF CoURSE TOVI rEl€S PLAN TYPE FLNNR PLANS SCALE DATE1-tL-9< ,1r'tI tl BA"Sr&"fufUArT EXISTING TRACK LI6HT STAYS THIS LI6HT CENTERS IVER VINDNV J nir t\\o TVt] DUPLEX OUTLETS TV CABLE AND ALL FT]UR SPEAKERS VIRE HERE 1?' ABI]VE FLOER FER CIRNER CABINETI iir ;? l,!-go )6i ue <tzl! tt .nF E = J E t' I t I '? I I eg [; ;E_.>v dff -') ipdiin vrNrlen WITH VATER VACUUM ALL ELECTRICAL OUTLETS I PLACED PER CEDE I 4'CANS IVER TUB i7' C.ANS REMAINDER i CANS TB BE CENTERED I AS PNSSIBLT VITH FRAMING JL svrrcHEs DIMMERS <rocctl>i I trm .[<?l/ ----T I lruz l,t,' lqtlI z.$ I nll_U HEATER - - r NEW GA: HBT VAT RIPF!- CCI.ITRACTORS rc. 926*J655BATH MAiN LEVEL 13 GOLF COURSE TOVN HOMES r- 6)A[A[A[ Fr,O 0R I\lF u) uE L- z- uul Lr- ISSIBLt FURRiNG THIS fNTIRE !/ALLN VANITY SINK BASET[ MATCH KITCHF.N CABS. CIUNTIR VILSNNART FRISC! 4?07-60 4"SPLASH EV ST[][L,, SINK, TUB,(ALMOND 47> STIIL-VTLLWIRTH i,5 GAL TUB K_713 ? VILLAGIR 3O"VIDE LAVATIRY PINNII{GTIN K-2195 FAUCET CNRALAIS K_1518E SHIWIR/TUB CURALAIS K-15105 TUB ENCLISER CHRIME CLIAR GLASS TILI BACKIR VINIIR BIARD [R IQUAL SECTII]N TUB,/TILE VALL MAIN BATH AND S \.- - - - - -ruR VALLS-?,* - / UPUP FLOIR TILE T[ BE AUTUM T661103 BEECH 8XB SHIWIR T]LE PARFAIT PARMAR MARFIL ACCENT TILTA[ SIZZLf STRIP P6EO LiNER 155 DUST'T RISt MIRR[R 24X40, + ABIVE 4' SP fNTfR TIRT BIX CHASE AND INSULATE VITH RICK VIIL TI] ST[]P DRAFTS ?'_Q.n 5'-4n C'-8',P------:--:-----+ ,+'tl STEAMER V S & CEILING REPLACE PAN VITH CONCRETE UNDER AND T]VER CDRALDY LINER CURB TO BE PNURED INTEGRAL VITH LINER VCINDER BOARD OR EOUAL VALLS CEILING REPLACE SHDVER VALVE K15114 STEAM UNIT LT]CATED ABBVE STNOL STEAM NUTLET MUST BE ABOVE CURB USE 6MILL VAPI]R BARRIER UN STUDS BEFI]RE VT]NDER BD TILE PARFAIT PARMAR MARFIL ACCENT DAL BISAUETTS 1 X 6 CTILBR E1 TILE TRIM C P I STEAM ENCLT]SER CHRT]MI CLEAR GLASS (SEAT BY IVNER) NtV STEAIPSHIVI .l -u \ ^,lcLosrT DI]0RS\ :ISEE IF IT IS PDSSIB\ eltn LoEK AND DTvIDE\ IFBR BVNER STORAGE---r \ '{JtL REMOVE\ EXISTING TILE DRYVALL AND FLI]IR PAN INSTALL TILE BACKER CI IFNT CRAIG CNRMACK ADDRESS 610I STIIJTH SSTH LIilCOLN }E8 PNBM OF-TICE T. SHNVER I oc-ATtoN 113 G|LF CUJRSE lovll{l}rEs PIAN TYPE FLDoR PLANS scr r lsl8'DATE nr-ra-ss T0tr F[,00R SET TDP TO ALLOV FER STANDARD FILE CABINETS Ao I (^) PLAN REMi]VE HOTUB AND DRAIN PAN PRETAND CARPET REMDVE EXIST][.{G DAI.IADGED DRYVALL AND RETEXTURE REMOVE DOOR AND REPLACE VIIH ONE INSTALL ELECTRICAL NUTLETS AS PER REUSE EXISTING LIGHTS TD MATCH EXISTING CARPET VP GRANITE IIEIGHTS E CPI TI] SLIDE UNDER A9' DRILL HILE IN TT]P AND SUPPLY GROMMITS FER CBRDS c-o 4PLEX DUTLETS FL0ER I-EVEL rIN, DESK TOP 9A4 SLATE T'IATTE FII.{ISH sQrJARE'€DGE END PHON LI 13',-O t/4', CLIENI CRAIG CORMACK ADDRESS 1660 SUNBURST DRIVE DATE n3- r 6-05 LOCATION #15 GOLFCOURSE TN HMS Pl-Al.l TYPE DRB,/BUILDING SCALE I 1,/4 EXISTING DE L/ UNIT 12 KffCHEN liNDOl,V UNIT I VItW TFQTM TRT|'] T r--------1 tl tltl ll tltl tl _r_---_-_--=--J+ VINDOV BELOV 6RA!E UNIT /ItW IRTM TTP DOME SKYLITE I I I \/ liT #1a # 14