HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES UNIT 15 LEGAL'hrn of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE TYPE OF PERMIT 1660 SUNBIJRS CONSTRUCTION PERMIT El pr-uMerNc ! rouNoarro 4or, .or" . NOTE DATE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE rN 0N NOV 6, 199r PLANS IN SLOT s\ 0052 i 6 EEn BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANICAL OF PERMIT T DRIVE /'=''*\5.,N .H r. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON rl t rV 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP ABEHI RM DIVISION L22a34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF WORKADD BEDROOM AND BATH AT STORAGE PERMIT NO. z F- fJ BUILOING 6 ,000 ELECTRICAL I5U PLUMBING 3,500 MECHANICAL TOTAL IU, Z5U TYPE GROUP G-F,F.A, VALUATION PERMIT FEES v R-3 0 10,250 BUILDING PERMIT 155 --t.--.g J- :{\ \ JA (---() --iC)r'o r_\ PLAN CHECK 101 ELECTRICAL 50 NEW ( ) ALTERATION+-]I) ADDITIONAL O REPAIR ()PLUMEING s3 / $r3 lt4l334 DWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS .- HEIGHT IN FT. - NO.FIREPLACES MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R.VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARD srcur"su-rf l CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT 100 USE TAX TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ t+tz DAN STANEK NOV 13, 199I utLotNG oFFtctAL DATE ANDY KNTTDTSEN NoV 13, l99l a )NrNc AoMrN rsrRAToR - - o-Ire- - --! BLASTING I l* I ONING & BUILDING NOTES: TMNSPLANTED TO A ONE TREE MUST BE LOCATION IMMEDIATELY IN FRONT OF THE PROPOSED RETAINTNG I^IAT,I PABKING OEMO jlll -- I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, fill completed an accurate plot plan, and state that all the inforr agree to comply with the information and plot plan, tq cpm laws, and to build this structure according to the T$fvfr's review approved, Uniform Building Code aia ot6er1 oly'ifran J out in full the information required, rtion provided as required is correct. I ly with all Town ordinances and state oning and subdivision codes, design es of the Town applicable thereto. A '--- / OWNER OR coNTFAcToR FoR HIMSELF UP RSg,i\oea< k# AND THE LEGAL DESC,FILING VAIL VALLEY 3RD JOB NAME: THOMPSON REMODEL NAME CARSoN T{OMPSoN RR-'#f-8m363- MAIL ADDRESS ctrY DALToN, PA 717-586-0 MAIL AODRESS clrY UTNTURN PH827-5245 G EN ERAL CONTRACTOR rrnu RJBUILDERS, INC. ,o** oruo,a ^an. "o. l3o-A 479-9144 ELECTRICAL CONTRACTO OF VAIL BEG. 827-5918 PLUMBING CONTRACTOR ,o** o, uo,a rro. "o. 116-P 845-97 17 MECHAN I CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACT TOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. TELE. CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE - COPY nATr | | l5l oF-FERMTT TO BE KEPT ON JOBSITE # s^rQ '' . hmtlllill9 department of community clevelopment*****pLEAsE FILL ouR wHERE THE (i) mnrs n TO 8E FTLLED OUT COMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISSUANCE OF PEFI flpeor pERMtr EI eurlorr.rc D ptunrsmlc l-l ELpcrntcar n roir^r.titi..^t opi|E 11/5/91 1 THE FOLLOWING IS NEEDED FOR FILING PERMI.T;r. Lerter rrom condo assn. (IF AppttCAgtl , 2. 2 Sets pf cbmplete drawingsyexplanatit RE! r,llT t" llfill:iJi^"-'- i#$YB" GEN_ERAL DESCR|PT|ON OF WORK : _ Roo sectroqn and Bath at storaoe ofVfSfON ,22131 area behind Garaqe zIF fJ autLo|llc $6,000-00 x ELECTRICAL $750. 00 X PLUMBING $3,s00.00 x MECHANICAI xI uecHentcnr- E.,. \. r TOTAL $10,2s0.00 ) TYPE , GROUP G.R.F.A. VAIUATION PERMIT FEES X X X X LEGAL DESC, LOT 1 BLK_-_.=___ Fl[lNG.,, . #1 - A _r)k BUILDING PERMII /1<, oa l. rJ PTAN CHECK 10t, ao ELECTRICAT €o, aaOWNER MAI At,oREss RR #1 Box 365 g,ry Dalton pA pH.717-586_( - F;RM Calen Aasland - MAIL AODRESS rEwr, ^LtERAt'bffi OWELLING UNITS - ACCOMMODATION UNITS- 'sErcxrrNrt. _ No. FtREpLAcEs AOOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOEO: INSULATION:THICKNESS R-VALLUE N INITIAL FLOOR EXT. WALLS ROOF ELEC. ST. CUT BLASTING PARKING DEMO PLUMBING t1e/k ts1 MECHANICAL RECREATION FEE ARCHITECT I DESIGN REVIEW EOARD CLEAN.UP DEPOSIT USE TAX lao o9l GENERAL CONTRACTOR F'RM RJBuilders, fnc. - rowru orvett nre. ruo. 130-A iELE. n::n9_9144- I ( TOTA! PEEMTT FEES 47&.oa ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Urr&* /tr, onridr |a. ,/d^, '/- lf 'rz4t ISFFIdiir.- 4g=rt \DMINISTRA _ _,tirif 1r, u__, !ez4!!r*-{ ,) ,.r-"r_ _lion-----o;-i; 3 NqTES: 1),,.-,a L,r-:* , ,.,,,-.o I L PLUMBING CONTRACTOR A BUILDIN ''r t?-Lt- ,^ar-^_ ,,: aat ) .-ur,_-,t ; o /" 1, ,4-l ) lz'IeJ ,.L<1 -irrr-rj MECHANICAL CONTRACTOR FIRM - TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE. I hereby acknowledge lhat I completed an accurate plol Fagree to comply with the inf, laws, and to build ihis struc revlsw approved, Uniform Br have read this ao rlan, and slate lhat )rmation and plot rlure eccalrdlnn t.r plication, filled out in full ihe informalion required. aJl the intqrmation provided as required is ciireci. iqlaftJo ccpnly with all Town ordinances and statef hd \?an,-L '^^i^- ^-) OTHER CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TELE, FIRM riroins CJd;;d'Ut a,.s DUUutyrston cooes. oesioninilnces of lhe Town applicable lherelo. ffiE OWNEB. E) OR PREPAiED 8/25/01, L5t22t26 PROeRNT lrR415U Tofrr of vell DEPOSIT REFI'ND NAPORI-UDDTTE CttST-IlD CltglorlR flAllE CSARGE @DA DESCRIPIIO}I DIPOSIT DEPOAIT-IDi' AD'UFTNIENT APTER-REFI'IIDtx-DArE tit-DATE ltaot,xr l||ool|r lltouxr el|ouNT 325 B9L-5216 R it Builders D2 DEPoS Dep-cleaary tltLlg8 8/25103 100.00 1oo.oo 100.00- IOIA! FOR CI'SSOHER TTPE: D2 o/r. aarclt cRErrED: BArcH-02638 2oo3l08 rrssRtD- ror{rct Ap HEI,D c!ut.T-r .00 tltoutrT- .00 100.00 100.00 100.00- Ctl[D 1IOIA': 100.00 100.00 100.00- DEPO9IT @UrT r L .00 100.00 =..- l'--- { Vail. Colorado Deruer. Colorado Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. October 29, l-991- Ga1en Aasland, Architect PO Box 383Vail, CO 81658 Re: Thompson Remodel at Vail GoIf Course Tor^rnhomes, VailColorado (M&N #l-219) Gent,lemen: Monroe & Newell Engineers, Inc. has reviewed the architectural and strucLura.l- drawj-ngs by Shapiro Construction, fnc. and theremodel plans by your firm. To install a ne$r window and a newinterior door as shown, the followinq structural modlficationsare requi-red: 1. A (3)-9 t/2" M.L. beam header with (3)-2x6 postsis reguired above the new door in the interiorbearing wal1. 2. To provide support fot CMU and wood frame walI above the new window opening (2)-L4x3 t/2x3/8steeL angles are to be cut in above the openingwith 4" bearinq each side. Should the top ofthe window opening be above the existing CMUwall, the contractor shall instatl a (2)-12" M.L. beam header in lieu of the double angle. 3. Should the contractor find any structural fram-ing conditions which are different from the ones shown on t.he existing plans t.he engineershall- be informed. If you have any questions or comments, please ca]l_. Very truly yours, rr It1 + r-. Hannes Spaeh, P.E. I HS/kbf 0048 E. Beaver Creek Blvd- o Suite 307 . P. O. Box 1597 . Avon, Colorado 81620 . (GO3) 949-7768 o FAX (303) 949-19i9 'bgtvlla 11s,'t/1gtt&.t1!4,U e* e, b" aa. ztt o.t4a ^rllclJil lne|*+4re1 7b" er1wsw 5/b'l pr'lut,.vv - AL'l-, *f|#J-P 9€ 5?'-*!'--' 'zt' arl2t 6'ftbs * 6lC.rltthe aa*tttL ntE VF'(vlt{L la? 6e*.H1. 1tt .€ 2 * a.ilt> fq>yttq6 % ezJ\/^uL qt 5/St'il.f,{t 4"t(tltT 5E ".,.*.p?lvrL*Sgtt w-f*t>'-L- a1e t, 'r,a4 /v'b, ^V ?O1;tr,-L TD ?? rb" -?E,v A4(€.zteb ae!- V-, AIU- e- | ----.ca - -i> . ttr . :-=,-. : t-- | a, le J".; ,'te'uz? t1 9rff. ';4r*-' 2frce 'u ;&-"Jx+ alA1 -v/ 71.it 14 )t+ T17. t'{r. w?LtoL Liar+ AT IfSPECIION'S C$IPLSTEI) The ltens belor aeed to be emplete before g{ving a permlt a fiagl C of 0. Please check off ir the box provlded. FINAL PLM{BING o L] DATE: FINAL MECEANICAL DATE: IUPROVE}TEI{t SIIRVEY RESI,D. NAUE! DATE: rINAL ELECTRICAI. EAST SIDB:TEST SIDEIFINAL EUILDING I ryl u r-l DATE: l IEI,TPORARY C OT O I\ATF T CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPAIICY DAIEr LIIIIDSCAPING I}T'E l,ti DATE: FILE NAI{E: t' . fz/6 INSPECTIONTOWN OF 2.( o.^ REQUEST VAIL CALLER TUES UMBER OF PROJECT /2 - J '?t JoB NAME READY FOR INSPECTION:MON LOCATION: THUR BUILDING: D FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH i WATER D FOUNDATION / STEE- tr FRAMING ,_ ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING D INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB tr FINAL N HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS O SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL APPROVED COBRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR READY FOR LOCATION: APPROVED CORRECTIONS: INSPECTIO O DISAPPROVED tNs CTION REQUEST TOWN OF VAIL tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED CALLER THUR BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL D FOUNDATION / STEE- trtLFRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING C INSULATION - tr POOL / H. TUB PLUMBING: tr UNDERGROUND ,f,*o'o" ' FFoUGH / h cns prpr ER D.W. WAT NG tr SHEETROCK NAIL -_ tr tr- Y -a tr FINAL tr FINAL O ROUGH D EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR oEl tr FINAL O FINAL DATE INSPECTOR ffisnop -,-: t* 't '- .fz /6 PERMTT Nuveei{ or pRo5Ecr ome /?- /Q.-9/- JoB NAME READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON INSPECTIONTOWN OF (tn o REQUEST VAIL CALLER TUES '22}'}':'.''THUR /- FRI.\-.'WED BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: N UNDERGROUND tr ROUGH / D.W.V. N ROUGH / WATER tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEEF' PLYWOOD NAILING O GAS PIPING O INSULATION POOL / H, TUB tr SHEETROCK NAIL FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT D SUPPLY AIR N FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR I rl .t- ,*. -, INSPECTIONTOWN OF REQUEST VAILPERMITPROJECT DATE READY FOR INSPECTION: LOCATION: -----'-. I r.;jfl- l cALq.EF". 5dA'///7 MON TUES BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: D FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND D ROUGH / D,W,V, N ROUGH i WATERtr FRAMING - ROOF & SHEER" PLYWOOD NAILING tr GAS PIPING fI INSULATION tr POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr FINAL tr FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr EXHAUST HOODS CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr FINAL tr FINAL APPROVED CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED INSPECTOR a a Projecl Application It-s-q r Project Name: Project Description: Conlact Person and Phone Owner, Address and Phone: Architect, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot Comments: c,rurr Date -Motion by: Seconded by: DISAPPROVAL S um mary: (,,o,,,."^, r-l€ Shapiro Realty, Inc. October 8, L99L Leonard Busse L720 Sunburst Drive, #4vail, co aL657 Re: Vail Golfcourse Townhones, Phase I #15 Renodel ApprovaL Dear Leonard: I have received a request from Randy Johnson, contractor andrepresentative for the ohrners of Unit 15, Carson and Sheila Thornpson, concerning the approval of the remodeling of their VaiI Golfcourse Townhome. According to the By-Laws any exterior changes or remodeling to any unit must be approved by the Board of Directors. I have subrnitted a copy of the plans for your review and approvalor denial. Please indicate your vote on this letter and return to me in the self-addressed envelope. fn the event you should have further questions please dontt hesitate to call rne. Sincerely, SHAPIRO REALTY, TNC. Vice President Property lllanagement Reqodgl Approval I r/fl^/ c/''Lt'-Rc/kd '/1P/ Ves - >jvJrd '\r Enclosure -- No d^^!. *g[;hJ. "& -crc ,1 , G*', k'"*-d"-f E" ;^#* ff:f rll-[,*&n$ d*;a:c/4:-td t'"-T- A,uri,H€*'{tr' Center Puilding 'PO. Box 5640 .?.',.By ---4--.-. --4-,4--.Rex G. Gambrell, c C-t'.14--, ,L^\ \t rr . .,^ L-"."L .--*{L. a\ }t- T-rL )r-rffii (e;*m* ?*-,Q-f 100 west BeNer creek 'ou'*u'or,"J#::?:::;ffi}|'"i'"'u,il?30'l;lrl!i t*o xv6n' cororadd'ff,* L w Shapiro Realty, Inc. 100 W. Beaver Creek Boulevard. Suite 230 PO. Box 5640 Avon, Colorado 81620 Business (303) 949-7979 Fax (303) 945-7984 Novernber 4, 1-991 a .qg1 urlt:, o i.i Mr. Andy Knudtsen Town of Vail 75 S. Frontage RoadVail, CO 81557 Re: Confirrnation of Townhomes Phase President of Vail Golfcourse I Dear Andy: I would like to confirm that Mr. Len Busse, ottner of Unit 4 of the vail Golfcourse Townhomes Phase T., is the President of the Association. Shapiro Realty, Inc. d/b/a Century 2L, Shapiro Realty, Inc. effective as of october 1. 1991 is the Managing Agent for the VaiI Golfcourse Townhones Phase I. Please feel free to contact me should you have any additional questions or concerns. Sincerely, SHAPIRO REALTY, INC. Vice President Property Mariagement RGG/kd Each Oftice ls lndependently Owned And Operated to I$IEI-AD troxlfDlm{arg0 nqrn-eAlerqucdro:gltis|EfudcGEt b.doj[Ctotta..qdc*dnroCcr&rr*adrdor**brEGoEF|qidbtr filFAdt til!frd€dDtil. Ilir dd!!|{$a sl rc cqlcd oC ilEd bt t!. ffi od.r) af F!!r (hycrl, ficfs ro 1$f+f040)C! c.ej, frn*y Acfq[cncc $!*ur r gprgrro eoarur ir grrArd Sr rtrodrio rdrboC tlc rlcctr*ioc, rhe dc*rnd eccsdc ndith tbac.4l' rmt$o*fllrdrrdiEdic.urtb'tlntrqaia3tf,rtrbddrrdobrdrdrhhGirg rlr1r. Ftuttt!ld..touheU.ttddiEirynlito.--oriryl|dnf r FdV rf E'.otl e JSS(.00@5) ofrlr rdo pf4 rrfi&r- L lcrlra.: rrb pcrry q tc hg*d Ar rry d;gct r |h3&. t8.. & to st* Oaddodm, udrl & gnrP::rt ir eorrqd qlit Af c4dl Fdtbrncr# tUrlOyrr.-l*cddg n lrtc ts!+feOJOLe.R-8. t telrc&tdilrb;'ecctislbf tbt*f*sttcrdbifthsdrtr C t d.Crsdb& L Adnntralr3d drciDdqolrtrlFo[otr ilhrD.o.tcEr'4 lccrtbmlt3 fit[tddn c lgt dcaigduorlhr ttll ffi.rtt Do rrreuritq .. .: ' .'Untt 13 -, :- , :...r .,.:i-.;-: 2, .Irtltftsusdmruo"tgr*taalD*{t*tf!fid6rtahfrth$llrct0rl[rrlrdd.d.iC$cdprdia&tchdapccarithtl.sr. ],::. :.'irii*.i, f!flr- lidiE-rFll.- cdEE glqrqdo- #ta. fntrel unhn t6.+$d+ toofufl. rnhrdlhr dgrt r|tlr rdry dagnarn d-lwtrdnr&rE*dOrDtqtdartsEarrGarEldcf6.ili.brlEgrtd',ifrry.lfirircr*dr,dEtarftlblcrsricE S, DU tttrhL Fn! i!&dA r EdE o( t!&|[gd ldina. r,tch.r S .|h { {rrl s fcd frqtrit r tdC adsgC || frt of tl.l ffi. kcc|cd* d'lfcf icrrst'lcEdrt dou pqra c if tb rb ldd |4r@, br $Fir ot|ls r!0& fr- Is- ..i,. . nd Etbotc ttclh! raf prrOrl 1cOgrqf il Ee trsdisat lddilq prmi prq:dy rr dncDcd Li73 t=r idd ir6. lcd ,. I. .. .:.'. .,:-.,,.;j.-.'.1 . .;j. ' : I 353,000.00 7. Wor;ifrrnldl$bcbdcdhtcalc! Ileda|tg pdnof ttc ohrnl rftLurrruuhrl to&Bgrrs.. i ifr*h FiEdri!.d rddi. Ud d*Eqsfbg drhr od feirfirp G fi t(b, Ep. Siylrtcrp -trrr&tcdrlrd*a of itede "t- ls- Ityc* tir rnnrchtc Yfr:! f-... .... . .1 . .' ff,Edf tiib L dc5rdo ,-... .:. 1..' ter- t{D- & Wtil ff tt!!t3 llcbdd hth8 sb3 Mr*c ifrry rr d$tr r'rctruff to ]l3 tFE Allrrtllir tldbd ||&6rirEh l$ 63 ggfdr !|brl @ c rdrtEndrEai tfloqh r dirA ccr4 toroA prpoc rr lnljr&t oiri4i 9or4, rdodh rE lVc riib rE F{ Frt*trtilL rrl bc rB drn4crd ryt{ &u 6o La I:r- t{o- 9. tf splcrbh, toEE t hchia loo&rltr ld r fdog budlts& Utfi. nbFlc hrldd rl rE6st foaledfl Cre *ph3 bdm' dntr rfr ffrubla ouftaadn pri{ Gccftil b aoSnd |r rtc tsr&*rdur*|tp af hrriq u ad|6cif bcrb qyiry thc FFt : t CEd;A'qE# llc66rnoLasnths$crttsfricr rrl l!.drr of &. * $* AprertcnlccoasoodtilE 10. Ws t$Orl I00* htrGt*ti! eefld !6ogattt cF etcil? Mnt'Tcf lfoqry rFtti.t lct|'d ir td!! ctr'.wcd. ffi*'!h'ftheyrtlcc boi'D6|!.!.ab,Cf00* irH!|rilqcaagaq. . 1 ' . 1. fir;: ND- ' :' .- . ... '-.' -', : ';. i. '.-. - 'tL DdaelGb&sErhttrdrqotffiec@oftbcpopaywcqud . . ...,t ...-. :. j'l' 06 , 14 'r9l , - .d. dry . .-.: tlc., '........j' .. -....',nfrenOrlnrtl$FEtrl-{t$tllSl$s[lPltlEtrr#15 : ': . t': . " '., a WqilpeoTn .-- 'dr!@cd'," ? &,"iraifG. ?Gltud rs locrrrd |.rfii* Iscc&r Doetv. -;. .,..i,.,.:, ...,. -....:: j:..'. ' ' ;.r :1" i, . ';'' t:t. lnelnrttohEt*dloihhlE? EtlfrtcddlErbrlrrl6bbeef E 6olsu crbd h ltelh3d!3 rtlomt 3 .. .,i: i.,: .i, .:l::.::;,:: *' jr.,u',".;., :: :;if ;;1. . ,;.: t{. WtdiltetEEoEtD!h8?ta6.dt6 CdD$*riIqft.b.h&.b|li1frtrt#nrrrdhrbe'F|rdq+d. . :j;i. - OOI-rZOl-dc.) "" ",:':-,ro .: . 't :.':,:.tr.:1.t. '.. .. .ft, .WFarytoblildr[ttrrhpfqrofilliilcoo*rpoilcLdclrd||r&rctlrttdud!0u9.$.{oflt.girdprlE(|llCbb.i.::: ':.i. .,.,t;.,rr9.!.rt|lDry- : ::._. , '- jrl; lre L.dddl !y tr tdi.tL tb $ctr6 b adc. tf ry fc'hlr rsr frid h H.i{ 6! tq' idiaclor url ruld rad lf6.f.b ,.'iii"+,'. .' . i:::iliilfF?htlq+dtracluL. l,. .- . .j:iii ,,;',.ij'.:':&.-rr-. Ift*lot!|ltt ':'-eidtlfidt 1. .i!ii;:i1 s+: I '.''.:r'r Yi-.!h- .i'..1r " '. .,, "-:'. -ji{..rl'i...:'.-'7+-.M"- ' :,'.'iiffii''l*il , ,.,.i,:' !,'ri.' .. {,}qj:!; WARNANTYDrI) c. E.l-- lbe leEal 4+gF&don is att*cbed, bereto and lncorporated 1.30 hereln as Brb.lblt trAtr ' 'i '' : : ag-lnrgsn by street and nrnb.r asr 1650 Surrbnrr=t Dr. * :16, VaLl, co:ilj'.' ',.,i.91667 : 'i': - ' :-. ': ",--.|.r-L -.. r .'-r---r -- . .l ,t't.. 'menllEsn ulth al1...t16'itngular tlre hcredltancnts and apprultelaaci!r..i:':i'.,: " ':' theretg balonglnE, or J.n aryciee alryertailing, and tha-ierrerelon aad-. . rgyrscions, rEturtnder and renaindare, rentEr-iggues and profitg r.':'"-..tbcrcof ' and all-the ectate, rLEhtr tLtle, Lnterest, clai.u ancl deoandwhrtsoever of tbe gr3ntor, gltner in law or equity, of in and to tbeabove baryatned prEu'l..sssr-$1th tbe hcrecltanentE lirC appurtenancilts., l. , ,. Sg EAI/E AlrD t[o EOID th. eald prehlses abone bargained and descrlbcdr.wltlr tbe appurtenanccs, uJilto -the $rantee, hle h6irs and arrigngfoEeycr. And the girantor, for hlisa].f, hls haLrr, 'nd'personal .i . reprasentativesr. does covalrant, grant, bargaln. and agrEe to and rdtbtbg qrentee, bls hei:F and aeelqna, tbat at th,e tl,ne of.theenseifhg aira acrivcry of thcsa-irinntr, hr is wCIl seLaed of thepreulses above eoByeltad, bas good, sutre,'perfect, abEolute ard lndeteaEt"blE estate of inbcritande, in law, in fce slnple, and hac'good rigbt, full.Ilorer and lawful authority to grant, -bargain, sell and convey the sane in naurer and form as aforesaid, and that ths sape arg-fuec and clear f,rm all fomcr and'otber flrantsr bqrgains,sales, lLens, taxes, agses$leats, ensunbrancee and-restrlcGlons of whatever kl'ud or nature soevetr, eac.pt 't:' :" tboee natters set fostb tn D&lbit rBn attached bereto and nadeapart,bereof..'.,: . .. ..,.-l$r granton shall and uLll IIARRAIWI }lID FC|REVER DEFEIID tbr . alovi-Uargained preuleae L4 the quiei; and. peacqable possersion ol tbe- Eraatee, Els Uelis and arsiEne, dqninrt all and every person orpersons lapfuIly clalnlng Ule sholc sr any par:t ther-of.' lnhebtngular nuuber-ehaIl lnclude the plutalr-the plurel thc alrrgular, and thc use of any gendcr sball be applicable to all genders. It{ IIrDIESS !{EEREoF, the grantor bag cxscuted thls deed on the date Fet . ..,forth above. . . .. i r 4l$ql0cTnfit dt L9g+ t ".70/70/gL 15 i 13 4717 3b2206 NErrRosrrRGIcAL CN -ARANDY JoHNSoN wogt"u {ll nqan .I - Dr|rrEFDr$rSpEDstAcorffit#RCDlMrrp$ElcflGlr.colrEur'TrDcAlcol't{8Er' rEr !* I.E(iALINflngr'qtt E|'r{o|f rNDE3ltooDr tic t'Tr[EoB or@tco4Hl*L fEoEIt F3 COillta'if-DIETOnE sreNlr{c'. IIEMOFIRUST (Drc on Trrorfcr -stsict) IItIs D8ED OF 1B,U5T ir nedo rbil , 1{th cry cf -.rltlEg-' 19 9 t - bchvr.'r ThsFln&d Ddrlrtr * 651ss rpProvC tr thic6l6ao !-l Er*br\-*r-ho otD tLll'8ll ./q fi'l' Thompson urboce addrcer i! R.R.-.#i. tit ouge Hl ead rhr prfiIic Trurrrc of U,o Coil6 in *trich thc ftupr:tt (rro p*rtFph D ir riturtod (tn ttcr)i fot tha b€nc6t of Fenn Securlty Bank and Trust Company North llash'ington Ave, and Spruce St., Seranton' Pennsylvania Bonswcr end l;*rdgr coyeaaat md agtca rt follorir, f . p1oF.rry in Tru41- eotlorprr, in cclidentioo of tbc Msbtodncrr hqein tecit€d artd th! tslrt hcrciq ortsl4dr lateby grrnc md convcys ro Tngtor la uust, rrftl power of rrJa, rlo Stlowint &rorib.d troDdty lood.d h tbc egunty 9f EA9IS - . Stalc of C€Idrrdo: conDsitfrdlrlr( rtflE 15, v:nttr cor.FoottasiE rowlmq*ag, FB5E lr lccgEDrllc ts the Eb{sd SlrlrpllEteBtsl Coailool'tllun' tlE$ iaso rdad €n Fejbr:tre4' 15r t98O i-tr Eook 199 at Pagt 925 at trtceptl,oa Xo. 195217 ead a: d,efir€d and deecr:bsil irr the ccado4ieiu! Daclrrgtioo for llril Oclfcorrsre lowlbosirs CoadeniniruSr recardGd Noveober 2L, L97? {e Book 29e at Page t95,' rg arcrCe{ bI' Fits! err.rrdgeat t:r€oedod Jula 30, lEgg irr Eoo] 361 rt FsgE 989 as AlE.irtion lra. 158317. whishbastheddr?srofl660 Sunburst Drive, #15, Vail, COlOrado 81557 (ntup€cty Ad.trE{s}, lotFtbaf rrthh rll itt El'lrertd|ffcca (Ptgg.tty), L Note ouec Obligrtionr Scsurrd. Thir Dntd of Ttuit b g|'cs to rccue o l*odcn '{.thcr*fyauotofrhehdcbtodnnrcvidcrrcedbyBormvdr.lqts(Nota}dqod Jtne 7. 1991 _ h*rcprincipeisuof l-iv€ iluntlfed Th0uSand t5500.000):.:-:---------------------- U.3. Dgl8rt. witL idselt on thc unpdC prirripf htancc frEo until pid, ar fte SouI evard, (I.cnder), whorc rddteu ir 18503 DtrC o.oa l tiBer rr*r rlrc or 9 . 7.5 { vaf:i fbl e }c*c'rt EGr aotrue, wilh p,itrt&gl r"d i,rtc*" Fycbh rt C'lnrks Surnit, Pennsylvania 18411 4s3oa4 a-ssd P'9ot O6/26let JS:IB FE t OF 4 JOIililNETTE PHTLLZFS EAELE CS|JIITV CLERK, CALtrREDO c tuoh othcr ptree rs the Lsldcr may d+rignrtq h ot Five Thousarrd Dollar {lJ's' t-l*!9fi*gl--} ducon the-lsLdey of oech mcn+h .-bcgiuzing Arrqrrct 1., ]SgL ;ntctprFncfirrI'conthucuotiltsrFtbchddrbdncls€villtdocdw *eid Not+ h flrEy prlil; [owevcr, if not rooncr Feid, thc eorire priooiprl rsro$t ouEhrdiog rnd rsorv+C hbrcct thcmoc, rbrtt bo duerldFltbloor ..JuljL3,,J406 - : with paynents to vary aE set forth inthe nota, ,1C9 20.0o lsd lofto'n* b to pay o l*rdcr r hte chrrlp of * cl rny pryrnant not rcrivrd by thc kndcr s&bi! dayr rftcr p*ymort is duq urd aorm*w hr dra rigfu to prcpay thc prhcip*l rltoftrt ouBtrrdi?t urdcr raid Note. in q,tqle o r h pan. at aly timc vithntt pcsdrt €rce4 B. tbo FyE.ot of all othtf, sdme, ?itJt intssEst trecaon rt 9.75 fVariabl€) * pcr arars, disbu$rd by Isd.d ic eccpr&rrcc qdtb thir Deed of Tnlcg b prqtsct tbc &curity of d$ El€€d of Trud; rEd C. thc rxrfonuaca of tlro wvclaatr ud egucrocar of Borrorltr hqrci[.fillhed. 3- f*!c. EorID\{(r covssratc tba! Bot?o,*cr' r:rs s,r'd hsr the rthf b gFr*lrd clrnv|' tlle PfogEty. afd verraEi tiilc to thc cerns, rub.iact to genrrzl rel cltdc t$aeg for ihe eurreqt JrErr, cqsrrncntr of rccord ot ia cxistcncc, rtd roordcd dcclentionr, tcrtricrions, rerqvrtionc rnd aovonsnts, ifrny, cs ofthie daEand:xeagr NOne +. Pryrncnt of Principat g[rd lBbrtlr Eortower clull proopdy pry nrhur due thc pdncipd af rnd htersn os thc hdcbtraqd. oridcnced by rhe Not+ od lur elr*rgcs rs proddcd rd tle Nda !.[d rbatl gcrfern all of Borrcwef*r r[h.F cgwor*t oonteiocd ia thc Notc. 5. Application of Prgrcuts- All prynentr roccivcd by l-crdpr uodcr the lcnss hereof rhrJl be appEcd by Lcoitcr 6trt b pitarcrt of arnounts duc'prrrsua* to pangrepi ?3 (Eccrow Fuods for TExet and lnruraosc), *tcn b lnrounb disburn€d by latder prrtttrtt o paragt*ph I (Frcrection of LendcCr Sccutiry!. urd he brlucc in Eeeordsrce ctilh rhu tcmtr rnd conditioru of t$e Netc, *.rrtt Tflr "t Fgt Cdtrg. ftc . RL H6ilfO AiirO t** oaT.li'r (Ds. cr T|tntfrf. liricl r0 lll 't s R I s 1.,orq lr)T NEUROSTIRGICAL CN RANDY JOHNSON @ oozLo/10/gL 16:14 i1 o 6. priortrdorfr3er ,rn6 pq€dr ef Tnrtri cbtrlr|t licd. g6Lesg-rlull pedOrd ftr otEo(ro9'rr'r obff31iora udcr rny prior dceC of rl,.l lnt rrtf otlcr prior tieu- - E"J;a-!h,[ itv* uttt' tt***iti;itfi;btryi' sE rd isgo'iriolt astlsublc n ut p1or.rry *hiEh ilt l*r. ot ,r''o iprl*iryi,"o iti p"ol orf**, .t d il;;tiit"fr;; h fttt"f *+i' if snl la tlc ngrncr rc sut id flrqenpb trg (crcru, noa' t'iiii iti'f'*"*.1 *, tr";t i;trinl-6$iitrid ir tt't rmnott' tY Eoro'* nalfta nya*ot g6ea dac, drc.tlt b r!r, Fryec tt r"f. --ilbm t, ftttt't"g.- E*og[ toff *f [t -qqitg 1a rurt' periorarr ah'svil nquircd by &b D6g'ph if Eono*.r, .rct oodlib Lrill, rfrlf ni*O-'hilh todt{ d.E 6bitfucd bf.,. or Aefcud crr15$cs'd of ru{ obli*tl'oa lD,tcgdptrgredirurc,ti.ropo';;'9iffifr'*6diraofuttotr'ar-oor"tiAq,'rif'ttrn'"ttor!dF11tbc4oqooltEgol Bonngcroarbr .rrrnl .o*r".iilillfrri"tt'6it6frcnlli--ocmitvrl" iourt'tot' ice;lrtoftb" ct'urt ilehirh1t'cl Focccdhfl ut f,ld.#eTrtrl!'c. FoEor{r' Grrr FGe q T"PYry- ry-g*y.!',Ijigff ':l *s *frffi.,?#I,i.tffi1?,ll#;'ffi Hf;f; i'.ff ii"il'ffi i#ff ;;'.lo;nF-'**-:'j-.81.,s.'r--T-Lt:Yg{'l::.ail'g5"1*fi,,;r-iffii.Htil'Jilr;til"-;."Loa.r'i.t*tp'irra rottrt- rt 1.*d3'dto &t!o*t6f (l)lb€!11qr$lsvrbEoj frAy;if - .'"'* *ffi;b,";iy d;;;F-6;-[t rur p*r cf Tpl r| *ril rr rry PrhlEcutobilns0l oB |fre B$tclt' rl-.id. foiryiqr rkrJl bs lr*own-rr'Pro!.tty FTff::;:-';f#.'H#firffiinl]h"";fi"ffi|d,.tt firrlified nvrira lmgcrty Imrrurcctocolsorlo ad_drallbcdroscabv F+rps'cr iidri. ra rrndp1'r drar o rcpa uu cbff""r.ier-ioi -niii.rio r.u*, AJI iss;Ecc-po[Elgi !dd. Gdcwrls thoT{thrl-Y^l*::-tS-IEE lrFrr'ss' errnE ssvr'rr$ '- , fl i"rir"ce lollclcr ud raesrrlg rbcrcof rhel iscltde r rtlrtd- albjcct t" i;;J.tf riiaria lcjca-uu *e€cr crrri* for fir:oqbb.clur' lrrt potsrse clrur. rn t votonriilfi-Giiil;''iffi"[i;t"iF;i-fn:*1,:l11ty-?:d:1-'t*#i9**"in5$;ffi"fffi&:;;?;;;l'ilffi;*;;;;; IJ'rdt"f"6;h'!bB tuttnrc.t'tdla.tq rtorbcfo ctotirs' L'dclllrlr o t{ (9q nrv" ifo Xffr ro botd rlrc pollci€ rad rsrtvrlr tlcttof. ra rla ."!!r of lorr. g.n*r.. oiir tn* p.&idirr n 4,. ir"ut *e ornicr srd hadcr. Lcidlr Ear E*3 pmof of lou ilttot nude prrruptly by Boaotvct'-ffi;d ;;*rtr rltrll bc rpplh'rt o oaotnion or ntrlr of lhc Pto?ot{v demrgcd' Prqt'i{tcd ruEh. #'toratioe c rcprit lr tcooolnicdl- y tutL roari"'i.J.riti crUrr 'o"Jr-ogioJiioor ur.iiy toprttof.' tf--"rct o*o..iion o3 rjrir ir aot ccoaoreicsllv fcurab or if thj *.."tr,,;i6r" t*d-o?r".i *''nii ireiiJ, G b"rdro.proc-gg.t! 't'.rt !g 19q94 , 6. 1.rtrt.n1usa !r_ui T{g.TT* }111 tha qx"-*r, if Ey, gaid lo Botrowct. If 6r P:ogcrty k lb|.grro'l€d byB6E9tr,lrr or if Botioqrlf Ailr to H$?o!ld lo l-.Ddlr lrrl!16 JU sryr iiof -rfro O.l" -i,io. ir sivrs io...ord"or. wi&irrJfnpl ]d g,tod;)_by lrudsf rq Eonovc tbrr Uc ianrreffe €arrlctofforlo Ectdt r iuii r{rr ft ntno* Uaaifitr, I*dct ir aEEs"bE\i ro *U.rt u t *pply tbc hlstrnre Prccedr' .t landor'] €otion' iitbEr lo tEdotrtion ot rtrrir oft},e Frtpcty 6l to lh. $Jftlr t"Erlrtd by lbi D.!d ofTrqtl-'Ar,:r-;i{t -#t;'d "fppsecer ro Eirciprl lhdl rut ctcd r poqonc thc drrc dqe of_tfrc lnrtrllraedc re€tad to in Paregrtphr { Orvrrrcnr of &ifo-rort rrr,t Inras*) ud i3 Gtgrow Fundr o Terer ud Isru$icgl or ch5.98E rhc rdrou# Of ttleh isdlldrst|- ii**,ia.r"JG -jrt trs h<ri.l ro rhe cooisqv, if under preSrapf, 18{Ac?.lcntiont Fbrelo$:e; ottet Rcrcdiei)tc Pq?crry-t oqi..d bv l*ndcn al *ltrl rirtr .ol ilr€{Est of Bofio$'rr! rn rad to ary iEsHt}r. po[e'!r! rsd ir .!d to Uc PtEccrCr llr!+of . rlsrltidg fisE ;Ld--ul dr. #;.- prior * &g rale cr ecquiridon rlrrll lauro f*adir o rlrt tnct8 efGo sror rcanrcd bf thb Dc.d ofTnrst irmidiruly D!io!'!o nlcb rrlg or rcQuid{on._- AIt "ffl,a;lthE oF firr*rcr *f furdcr trqruoa* vilh rl'$cr to ianrruce crniart, lmslrnEc policied uld;anmnoc pttc?.dr ut ErbjsEt b &a ;$rr of rny holdlr of r prisr drcd of tflrg wirl rcrge* to nld iwuarrr ctric6, pollcicr rud proecedr' i- h"".n "tloo "ad l'iriarornca of Ftonrtv. Bsnoqcr $rll lrcp tlrG hpG*v in good nfrb rn'r. rftd Dor' r6""tiit erf,' ar Pcnsit pcrutft imlairment or dct+rlorrtloa of 6e lrftrrty md 6l[ coo4ly *i6 Ae prtliioIu of rly tlrre if thit Dird of,Tari L m r lrnrfcld. it .*r=-Ut prfome rn of forroyrr.r oblltrtlao uade W &clrnlisq covcrtdtr by.hc,r, !d€s' qrdbcr ilocudtag 8gv€rlint tl' ure, owncnldp sr o€HrP|nrt of &c Froo€riy. 9, i.or.cdo!;f ksdcris $ceriu. Frc-clt wbca lorowff Lrs FrErsirEd Boffiecdr drtu sldctFngnpft 6 rborct if $e Bqnorlsr frflr ro pcrforrn tlu cownroE rtd -rgracrorr coauhed i! 6ii Dlrlc of Truq orlfr dc&uh _occa iar pd+r!hl, or if rt, y rctioa or?rocridi t! ir comrnsr*d which ortcrirlly rfccts lrodrt't inresr io uc Propcny. 6ea lrrrlEt' tt l2rrdc!'r oPlioa *!h undce to !ot-** F.tqt lred by bw. rary rnr.kc nrebalrlurnnecr. dirburrc nreb srE rnd Lkr ltdr aorioor ar ii Er6€$try lc ptlt;4-Leodct'r bcrlrt, lneludlna, but lot lirniEd fo. dirbur*urrrt ofprroorlle anorlrrt'r fccs red lsfiy $Poathe Fro!fitl to r[r*! ltPrlrt. Bottaw*t leoby rqiAu |d l,aodes rly dtbt Eonsirrr rarl tlvc by rcuoo of rry gdor c$nmt!1|{ps q tle hsFclty or Dy hv or ott+rc,irt ro curr rsJr dlhult uldrr aid lriot rocurnbnocc. A$y ffioEatr dirbsn€d by l*ndor Eororot r! thir grggrrgb p. rvith iotcrl.t 6.tEG dtlll bcsooc lddi6olel iild.blcdtatt 0f Borroir* rcsrad ty tli. D.rd-ofTir* 5no[ rqosatr Sril tc pryrblc ugoa raice td'6 llrdcf to Bonoesl Fqugdius Pr)'EEd, lb*qf. lnrl lradq srEy briag aat to cdrct &q' ldurir ro al'drurrrd lhtr intctrd t!+eifrcd h pangrs$ 2t 0{ctrr othcr OtE$lioal S€ottc0. Itorlirg codtdn€d is 6ir pafi$lph t thlt nquire l*adq tp irar rnt c*Pat c ule rry rcdot bcrcuadet- l0- Iqr!.arion Leodtt sny ur*e c $uF b tG Erdo rtroflbb cuder upm rnd in6retoa of {tl t!rycrtJ, psueidcd &at Laotlct &alt 3ivc -Eonowcr mrloe prioc to rny ruct iupoctim ecclfyb3 r*r*rsbh c$r+ &cnfot rt&rEd to Lsodcr'. Ittlttrt la 6e hopcrty. I | . Cooderidtior. It. t|tocrcalr o?rDy r\r|.d or clria fff drfrrjra dirrct ot coqr6qucolhl, lz coocctioa r,iA fay co6Ctfi!f,lior dr olh* rrtiEg of lbc Fropcdy, 6? !{rt tL3rto(, or for coorcyrncr h lia of cuifaqqtbar rr= hardry rrrfuld rad rlrll trc a|id ru l.qils $ h*o+bp:svidcd. Eor.ctrE, dl oftbc ri3ltr of B0.10B'6 6l lrrarr l4qasia! r,ith l|tlipEst lo dch !'6Baadr rls rfiJret to tl. right5 6fr$ Lold.r 6f r Fris,r rl€ed cf t aL Is trG sycflr sf r tqtd trtinS of 6a Roprty, thc procccdr +.tt Ec rplicd p rlc ns lEalrtcd by this Drd ofl'Gtl' tilb &o 4dr. ifuy. rrid u norcq'gr 1a 1trp gcs'|t of e pll|bl t$ag of 6G Fopcttt, the proccadr eorinirg rltar trlilt ow |ny flrr of thr rsrrd due roy grlor licg Loldcr ftct arrrr$ .hrtr b+ 6r*hd hltflicr! I-rsdar ed Soft$tfl|f, h ths srEc r io fr tbc rnoqat of *e su re{tur,cd by thir' D-cad of Tnd. irntrndilrEly pdor r.ltba dsrG of nliqi bcsrr to BqrlEslrtr c{oity id lhe ProFcrty inurdlsf.ly pri{rr to ltc det of rrliog. Bonrrwrr'r e4uiry b ria Frvp.+y ir.r'|| 6r ftb E'lft t Y|lu! oftls Pmpcrty Lrl t!3 lEosf,t €f lrtrrr '!art!d by bch thir D*d ofTrq* rad dl prloclir:rir t:Felpt ts*rt) tlEt lte to r*eire .!t 6f.rh! teud. dl r! th+ rrduc l$nredbtely pdo! lo the deu ofcliag. tf Or, Pt{OtCrty is fbandsu.d bI Bqfioi|.er. or i[. rnq lcricE by l*adee b Eoffiecr lh|r ftG coudrmr€tr olfsn b nrke ao rwatd ot rcbls r ehis fsr &orgcs, Edrroqrer frib to $dp6d ro L+ldcr rrrllio 3O days alrf l&a dats sab mtict b rhcnr Lcadct b rstbolized to cdlads |td rpglt tfc pmac€d& rt l-eqdlff opliq!+ cirhcr ro rc*oretho or rqrJf of tha Enpsdt ar to t[g lo|tu glguttd by abi8 Dccd gf Trurt. Ary nrch rgplicath+ ofprocaril5 ro FiDcipsJ dEll qotdcnd or po4er t& duc drtc of 6s in*tllnanB Ffened tt i! pqql|!fu 4 (Pryocat of Pr.incipll ead I!Er{) rfil t3 Grc&rv Fsdr fr Trxcr rnil larunscc} oor thrruc 6+ lmunt of rtch iurllocoB, tL Boffqr,.r Ncr REIGr$d- ECrarton of 6! .t6. fqf geyueat ot aodifisrtios of rpOrdEgtigel Of rh6 errar eoucrrd by t!! Dco{ 6f Tru$ 3!{|I!d bt lJrdcr to iny {uccrr$r jn iatarrt of Formw.( aietl not oFefitE ta lllc|5cr in rFy a$ucr. tlt. Eebiliry of thr oriSiHl Eorttqrr. nor EorroweCr arcccrgoc ir Lfaar, Eoro' 6. odgint tertu of lhit Dr?d ofTrrrt|' Leodcr rhdl oot le Equirld to coEo@cr pto.rcdis8f |griq|B srch grcq48grgr rEfrrc to stcd tiqc lq pelursrc qr otborwLa oorti& uor{zrfioa of ltrc aratr ecslEd by tiir thd of Tnr* by raroa ol ury dcsrnd nrde bl tlc origirul Sorlsw.r not Eormser'r peccaros in iluttcL I5. Foltcrtincc ty l.cdd Not r lfi'rir"r. Aay Sdirnrrc bf Lcpdcr i! crBciring tEy right or rrffdy lqsqdorr or ohcrvirc rffordrd by larv, rirll nat br I qnivlr or p*chda the uaaire qf rry sEh riSht ot !gn!ady. la. friudicr Snulait'- Et"lr ..r,cdl pnr.idld int|lc Notr !.od thir'DGad ofTlurr b didi!€ Aos ud cutrlrlrtirt told otbcr nghu oe $msdicc uffter rhe ltog r5d &t DiA oftr,utor alfordcd by hc or cquity. |ud rnEy ts ?Efteit d cosscrlt y' iDd€?cldrntly or nessrrivcly. I l. succcirorr rac AsriSor Sound; Jain rnd Scrcnl U$ilittr ds*ioas' Tle cwctuor rnd e5"ccsrcc tcleiB cdls'lrlc $rll bi!d, lnd rhs rightr ta"suq[r snrU hi|r(t to, lbs &rycclh e arscirrp ond aliEipt of LaoCrt rrrd. Bo6or-er- a|ijet ro rhe Pdd!.r-tidur of pqllgnph 2C (f-rtlcflr of th! Prdpadyr Arfisptidd), AII cqrtcrr0tr r4d rSnotrrnts of Bo<rower t&tll_b3 joiot rtt{ l+vetd. Tbe crpdoc i* [criiorr il6+ f rn:rcphr ll Utr Oo.l *tn * d br coovialG6t 'ody ud rrc am. to bc Erd ii iiltt |it or da&* $c pncvirioor hcrsof. 16- Norice. Ercspt f6tr |dy no{ic? rqEi|rd bt bwto bc givcn h uo$.r mrnris'. (4 |8f Dslicc !o Bonwrw prorriCcC F'o,F n "a qftotr "rrrn b; tn vdring :nd rtuttb givru rld bc cffec{iw trpo[ O) drfwlty tc Botlowef of (4 tldling sd.h toticc by fi -+hr. tLS. rnrit, rdderred !o Earroftr * Bofior|ef e rddrlls d!&d hc.cis or .t etah O6Cf tddrcrr ra Bgrrs*s fily CtsiE f tC Dy 0glicc to krdfi |s DrovidEd b.r€i!. !!d Ol rny norioe !o I*oder frell bc iE $titidB tdd S.ll Eg Eiveo ild bc GFEElirE uPon (U &iiv+ty lo LcttdE( * Cff rn*io* such mricc-by EJ+trL U,S. rulil, h l.rod.r'B lddrugs dttld trrtin ot !o $rch ortrt ddrtt| |I L.cdcr nry dcriSoa by aorici ro gci"*.r g prorrl6gd tr.t"i+ Arry nothc prwidd for;! $ir Dced ofTa,ntr rlrrll be decsrd ro hrw bctg givlq ro Eotrt** or lradrr rrhcn givcn ir iqy rFTElef dgigtutld hstitr--U. Ocld;iF.I b91-;!"ro1at''try. -Ttc Notr rnd $i: Dtd ofTrusa C t !r Bqrsr*d by thc frw of Colotrdo, tadr cwrs6arrov orouii.ro o. "tr,ri of ibn Dcrd cfTru.1 or tha lrt6tc coaflicrr wirh rhc Lrw, lrsh rolflict ttrrtt Eor rffea ubtr provirlonr of the D+:d of ilirri*.Ai uit, *f,irh canbe gi"*.tf."t wirhsrr rtle sorllisrioE prqy;tiso, end 14 tdr cad $t provirieu of the H qfTnri rld Norc r|t d..lrn!d 10 b! lav+trbh, i,J q:- F4 C} s(h t8. s 1rlIfl Iq r 0. 10. 9l 0l:10 PM b t'l Il\ E.l vl..{ s. { S{ 10s 0\ I a, s rj'l Iq TtlaF $rf NETIROSURGICAL CN T JOf,NSON l4l oucn/L0/sL 15: 15 .t fE. AesElcrdimiFortclo*rrEOdFrEcordier. Bcc?r trtryqFprrneneh?+ GErEf:rlfS: ry: ;4319,Ii*-ry Sorrra'r blrach if ray €6vc pL or r8rE3deGof gor|orsr fuqb- Def o{T-ruG: or upoi CGaoll -rB.r P"ff 51-ql P.:.ITH5.'(slor .Bozcr,ff hrr e*irciraC 393iqwE t gShtr undcr prl8rrpt 6 DT{, I Dcd€dr_ olttiolr dI of tha @I l..sEd_Df llll D{44 Jf tdr* rrrg di UoJllsly au?-iii p.Jib(O"cntrytlml. -$ gercirc Orir o?ths, trridc 6ty isvoka t13 Fo?c! of ltc rad roy a[cr renxdies ocndu.d Uy Lc'. dt'sbrll fi c"rirH Uo foU.ot r[ tgqlblp ci*r rnd r4o""r lwrtd ia pur*iry rf' $Efrrr o-"iUcd i" ttir i*ea "g$4 irchdinr, hlt tot lisiEd b, r $!rbl? rqoflEfl Scr. '-ii-il"ioii*iL- t i-rr* oi*t]'t*na6 161l givcn *rinar norice ro Trud+ of urr! ctrcrios. Tatdac &{ SivG Itb_ ."t!"g;;ii"eB6orrdr riibrr 6 i" povi{.d 6y hw. Ttl$* *r[ ceod 1coly of nch mtioc u rtquied !y |r?' 'rhtccr $rll rcYcrtirg ifr ttr, .aA U.o" o(tlo Elc of lhc }loFclifr fu |tol l+ Sln ftrlf wcb ir r *w-4|tlai oflln+rd .ir4Il'l''t i! Greh fotrlty ln *fi''t Ee 1*oo3v13,i!$1ot1. ,od 6sll E.il;di';;i-"U notic' of sh b Boncyr rd irtor prrrnr tr pnroribcd by lnw. e$crttr lq* of ;;;fi;--.; ""t il r,s"to"d bt t"*, tt""*, witlot rbEld on Eo('v{,6' Srll rll tle Progedt- ir Pubrh ruelio! 10 lbc hrihr* ticCcr il oo"5 ; 6; tfo;-rii pt"r. ifrU.t'nry bc io rlr+ Frogcrry or rnf prn u!ftof rs pormiuca !t lnr4 h ooc ot gronB trrte€l _Thrttc ry $iDt( b6.t rd iR rrrf, oil"r u'tnrdiry ddlEnitE. 'Lc;doE or -I;d.t. derlSncc nry puhrrc tbc hoPGtg |r {iny l.lc. & tsr0 tEt bc oD[crtdy rDdd tlr Dushatr rt |'t 4c.t 'rli to r* F Ge r$fuaaioi cf ths pBtctlli !oFt.-T;-d.-ih;tt$ly dt; ;rocfi".igrc gt+ ta Uc onc,i"g odar: (r) o rll t*ronrble coru eait eqcorcc of thi d.. iocludbg, tst o61 t*itr,i ro-, r*"iir'Ub fiiniaa'r "rd rlomclr'r f*r rnd eul of dttc svti*rl &) Lr dl nlor &drrd li |iit D.cd of tNrq rd (.) tbr r:Gcr!. i(uy, b rhe Pqroo or Denod' Ia8dty erailhd licEio. - ii] 'E"rrt".c; n[iii t" iif, Ornurf 'flaisr".r foeclo"ur ir coruusmrd for lotFstsrllt of roy ruor dui bcnurdef,, 6c o{,!on ofttrc FrooGrtr s. ''nl- firbla hctmn &rlt bc cditLd !c cst! rriit d+ft,tll| by pryirU |lt tlcfrqurol pri*igrl od iorercn pryrcarr dlra || oF atia drtilof cqre. c€tE. e&panl, lqtc chrtir5, ttlen:qr'r (c:r rld otb'l feer dl in the Eia!r!6r PrEYidrC !y I!9r UPoa erch grya:lcot, rhii Dccd ofTrud, rnd ric obliErtions "{utr4 baby drll reorbbfrll fodcc |ad el{c8t d |rctl8b to ^ccgltrr|6lt bt4 occurrti, *d rhs fonclorure groccerliags frell bc diroainued' 20, irrlforarnr oi *,rrrrr-; Agpo'uiu** of Rrccivefi l-coda 'rn nos+rrioc,. At rrtdltioorl rccrvity f,esrnd*, Ecrrorrc lrrrby gd5ur !o i""eif rt ronfi of 'rtr Prop.rtyi trswsvar. forrq*cr rhdl, ptlor lo Accel!{|tiea udcr grrrSugit Jt (ilcldctitio[i ;il.b";r qtpr'!.nr.dj'otrfuaon irr'ot&r Progint brw t!6 drbt-ro tou.cl rnd rcuinqrclr tEslt fit Ltry blcsEe Cu| rlil gryrb'le,' - Leadcr of rba holdrr qfho Tnrxrl'r scrrilhatq of pur,hara rball bc cqtl €d lo r rscolver foc rhe Progerty $ct ArscEdior uodet D|sidao[. lE (Acarl6tioq; Forecloatfcl O6cf Rem:dle0r md drll rho be ra rti ed dudng lbe lirdr covcGC bI fo.eclolnst} ;;;r6"i* lil rhc ocriod-of retlcap.lsn. if uyi rna rliitl ts catitlEd rhttzro 4 e oattrt of cigbt withou c€rd lo lt. lohul or itrotw*i of l*rosei or of [r tu obacr ofthc Progcrrty, td withour rGglld u,6evdqs Ge&ef, SuEb ltr.EiYcr nay bE rygoitrdd bt r!1' -C.'rti of eonrecfm iutirdlsion ulcn c* glltE f9p[a{oE rdd c'i|[on lodcc - trolicE t€hg hcegby Gxpnrrly llwd'-' u;d i;;l*d; -un4ei p"of iopU d (e*ii**ionr Fu*lorrrrg Orlcr RcE ditr) s Grndorsn s! of thc Prtptc!'' Isdcr, in oo.*ir- bt'.u*r * uyiuaieittiv.liloi*€d ddiyE., 6rtrbc.dlrledd crne( upcu' ule go*erioa of and flBAlie ho,Pro9rrly lnd to iolh*t'rfi Gc of Ea i.lspcniioitudiry ttr*o prsr duc. All s?ott rollEdrd by lrodcr or thc ncciva $r[ bc |PPEIA Ercr lo to]EEd oith" "oar of prtr+ruti"i rnd n"orj"-n-r ofrtrt Prop!{yr rcsoldr o prypcor dur ugen prit tlen+. Md $'o to tlE a&rr rccured bl rllr Deed ofTrig- I*dcr rnd drc ."Grlv€f dt64 bc lhbtc 1p rcga16 Orry for lbo* ttdr rGU1"[y !tcde?d, 11. na ru_ UpOa pqmrcrrt of dl rrrag ccdrtEd bt'_6b Dled ofTrurq tEndar rtsu c$!r Tflcrt io rdcelc thit Dcd cf,Tfff |nd .b|n or"ftrn+ trtrtrtr"o-tl; Har. Borronnrr OU gry jU ccd! of ttcqrftEon rFd ,br! F.y hc tEutoty Tnr*ca'l fcer' lf l4tdsi rhall il;;;;-{h. iso16; "ft;id; di LJo. ujci mdrr h r6.co!g!.Ec *irh pcngrrpE 16 Gr'orheJ &oor Borao*ar to l*rdct' r[rll *i"Gl 't iJirr q.oiJ, *itt. -i,loa arrru'rnoar tod nquira by Tnlrtar s Pr D; cod tic.rof io ct&f,. IIE rtlcNrs of ttts D€€d ofTErtt.'- 1a Ul.io.r ot F*rifilioor, Eoltswsr h+nby wakcrrll rtht of htdlEd;d :ad 14y ofti1 crssgtion h thc Pmpcrv u!d.r clr Ot fedcrrl hw pnrralv cxidic o( her*ils rtrclc&-- if -i3gffi 1i1id;tffixrr-6,1i l]rrirfiip- ftr p"rrtnpb zl ir oor 4plieebh if Frnds u d,fiEe{ belq* ril bdag tdd Ptretrr- wsfci- if,- c'r $c :xecurioo-of " tnarer ot "grwmrrl crcli4 e rigbr !o rtgrltt Gr trccivE lwB{rro f-Gy.pcrnat-(F0$]-of thr eonfpltiqg- idma {r oorc 6ra 6ftf Dcrccd (50F) 6frhs bsreficlrl id.r.d in_rho Bcnon*,ar, (v] tba tcoqrni:rtioo,litoide{c9 oq O:ruoforioo *rtr Sofir*.-, ft*b li dcbdrd.r r trugfar rre O rhc crlrligIr ol r liet or onrgnbrrnct nrbotdilrtc o tlb Dcsd of bills tnd ilasstlbti6s1ip11s 6sf, nf,i4g ido rcs dt rqy .$qr FBdr 0$ urcd or dloatssEt. Ib pdooiprl of rhe llrrdr Orll ic lddin r roprrett_ rci:omr, by |tlg Lldcr b urrt ftr rlc bamlh sflb€_Bottowr* !nd_d4o|ia! in rn hatatoa &e dmofrr or rccoudr of rvtlqF rrt Inqad or SrEoUreC ny r fcArnt or aarc agacy. I*'urdcs Crrll agPly Sra FtdCI b Pqy 11111 rt:.1p+ rrrcccpidr ed lffi15ncg Ftrdlunr+ Londrr nry oot :hrqr 6r ro holtfirg ud slthilg tb! FdClr r..lfirE eit |!€rlt * vtrinrilre rA coruitbs aid .rEE*;Esb ind b"ltl. t qddlhS EQt bB tc$lirctl !o Dril EctTo*rr roy ian.E* or rasriaSr o Sr Faa& Lroileri*ritt givc r fut -rT r, *'itout eha4p, ra ronud rccoorrirr oftlc lirodr toqd{8 $Efrb {d dcbiu |6 thl Fundr ud ttc P{rgore tor *t"n crrl aot[ to tha Fuods a'|| oldC fto foAt w pl€d8C |r sdditioflI |.csritt for lJr3 nntr *csttd bl tlir EeEd dTlld. . lf the romrar of rhc Furdf bdd by koihr *all mt bc rr{freiom o pry tarcl urc|stEEll rrd indrruct glrtEiEat |5 lh? f.nd||.t Bormr'ca ttriu pry b l*fu rny rdu* rpcrr*rf tp lnfr lp lhs &6dcd+-t ritbh 30 drya ioo ea dslE ltise b Sivcn it rccordt*o q'irlr pr'sgtlDh t6 G{otice) by l*nder o Bcfit'sEr pquc*ing payacd $eroof. Uior e"ict"t* a fiU if iU ruoe t cr-z--{ Dy rld. Osrd cltruc' l+udec _GeIl rioulqecongly tedtnd lo Borrovctr lttt hsd, ldd It fc"dir. foirrdrtprngoph 18 grecltcatSoo; For:sloarc;06esXrreilid) 6G D$t€{tt b *td ol rlc- hogcrty [r othaodre rcqufu=d by Lsdcr, t-cudr1 oatt rppiy, o" tit+r tr"n lilDcdifiry pd{rr !o urc . Ir of rbc *We*V 6 irt rtquftitioo -by tr3!d!r' $icbrval sl|qt frs, !!r Fuod! EEld by l,|raer rt 6c tids of *pFlirrtioq rs I srEdit Itri!4 the snr securcd by thir D.c.l Ef tn$t.-!d. Tzalftr-of 6c nop*ry3 lllrrirprion r1r folowlog .tccr !hr[ ba rsfcred lo lcsain r: r -frrnsfs'; (D r uofct or cowtyrrc ofli{c 1or gy pirdfr th"*"i'lrfrl u rqutrrlh) ofrhe @ (0t rry Ftrr &!tsf on brcacE 6srEid)r CrD 6? ftlardon of r conir.rt or rfrloo.il;rEsdog r dttt !o thL lor |try gocio thcrccf, lrsd c csuilrbls] ltr_tlc Fr€f.dt (o! rtvlrlt lh.llof or ir'.tt|t trcrdo)r GE) otL rgr.rmatc piruing . po3*dso(y risbt i! tlta Fqpedy (or lDt lordon thcrtc$, 'u qecr* of 6reo C3) yerr:' (lyl r rrt9 ,1 r*r.ret- ir- "" tt'a Lcaurioo-of r tnaacr ot rrlclli.rl clrrdq ! dQbr rtl rtqrlrr ot ncciw, rsetlrro 6Gy pcrsat 60t6) of he r:1t.ri . " lriot *curtFtJr. sutJcct tp rBltlcrblc n-, Eirorni $dl Fryto i*odcton.e.!dlJr inrrltEtflir of ?d_B!Prl rld ist|'r*^!r. orvrlle snilcr ftc !loc. urtil ihe Nob ir paHh full. r arc Orlria nlLrr:tl to r'FxEdr? aqttd !0 otrF-tr Flfth- . ofl.lo ycirty r.*ts &rd u*kua!t| vilch ary rlril ldotity ovci 0ti! P*d oftru.l"- ph|-0ne:fl.(e].fih----:.o-f y+dI PicEhE ioarnrucntr frr ftapccty &tutsocE, rlt |Ererrcflblc r.dinncd itiliilt |!d ftEcl tida tg tfi3 ly lfiidEt oq tbc butf nf !3l.*tHE t0d Tiuq G) rtp ct rUoa ofr purcha*o nroary rr+r*f iqtcrtrt_focttourrlrott rppfrzrcrr"_or (!it * urnrGrby dflir' dc!.cs cn by 00atrtio6 of &e l*or uaol fnr aestt Oijdfd Edrtr- At fitc otrttsoq of L!dd' la thg assat of .|ch rnd cvEdt lr|!5fE!! (r) An srnr rccure by tfur Dtcd of fnr* rFrll bcsooc ltmCi*oly duc rnd psyrbb (A!sdc:rrisq)' - - Oi if s trrorftt o+c+ir rnd shollrt t*{d*r st crercbr LadcCr opiol" 4ry:at to tb! pErrgr.Fl 2{ !o AF8clctlrA T.r!rf.ti. $rn Ua di-rC f" hrvr ararqcd rtl of rhe Obli'tiors of Boqertr udsr thig D.cd ofTo,d idclBdiBE rll.nrrqr rrsrttl hq.oby irhdl.r or Bst lt. i,ra*iinr ."i*r"log ge[ coa*yuce, so trcr oq m1r qgrgly $ p(ovidtr- this soYcamt 6rll. nu w*r $ Plcatl rrd rour[ io firU fo,...anA Jftrr un6 nii arlrti "r" pdd ia frll. Tlrc Igdcf Ety wlihq* ooticc ts tbr Borrocrcr dcal shbTnsrferE io the arde atrscr u rrirh rho Sorrsrcf f'ith r!1sss54j1o oii nunr iicludiq 6e lryttcdi of srrdit toTrrrllfct!€ d[ nodirbur&d rrr+ve Fvpth ,i piiffil"-nrg "f aia **. rrith*t in rat *ey {rcriag cdi*taagirr3 rhi tecowr'* tLbilitr h.$urdet for the oblilrtiolr b.tEbt rccucd. (cl itoufd Lodcr Dor clecrto AecclEnr. upoE thr o€currf,ns! ofrorh Trr fGr 6+tb e$rctq (b) tb('eo, the mslg 6etafr hprcof U"i- oi Ue rccopu"co of prytudrt ETb|rir.n o -y -of a.h.tBcEtr. th(trrr or rq trodir qrd |3tr|dl ortonstnJcil,c adisc otrarsh io*f.", *rff ai,r f. e+.,ori t ,.# oCiia*t .ight u "$L srd 6he do! lot rtetl tradar be err099d rhetafroo by rirnt thcrtof' 1tr; il,i.,'.t; b"5alf of tlrc trlCcrof r Nutine *Erencat 6ry*' tt!_a orsr o€ 6e loel, nrf,cittsr or lol Lr'dcr had rrh.l o' co"*neii"o *Cca of nrcb Trelrfcr, dhdl not bc { wsiyct otr6ggct atlt{dsfr tr'rd dglrtr.-_ ZS--ii--.ri c"py. gorrc*oi clloo-lcd$r rece4t ofr cogy ofhc Nctc '4d thi{ Oc'd ofTrud- tlocr I *l::' ::, "iu iilu,3:i: Lrc v NELTR0SLIRGICAL CN +-', RANDI JUHIiSON FRm'i PENN sso.rnrw cf T-346 P-grs l4i uo.I EX3CUTED BTBORBOWES- IF 9ORROII,ER IS NATUIIAI. PER$ONG}: d.53og4 6-5Sd F-9Ol 06,{26/91 J5:18 IF BORROTIEP, IS CORPOM,TIONIPARINERSI'IP: ATTEST; (sEAt) srArEoFdfrNilrx$nK PENNSYLVAT{IA I)s. corury of LACIOI{ANIIA ) I ) The forp8sin8 hrlrumrat was eahovlcdgld oefora ma this 7th ,, ,-- aey of- June tsJgl,by Yfitacll ary hurd an{ otricial cel.' My cocrmilioo cqpires: Chft,? t... - -i :!- t 4lvyi oo t . L0/01/sL lJi12 E 7L7 342 27,ps O' NtsUI(UI'UKGIUAL !N mB lPPtrclllrof - Iowlc oE T:LI',.t DATE APPTICATION RECEIVED S DATE OF DRB UEETING3 il******t*i' lf,Ig a38&IeHIIOH ltltl, xOI BE E$s!tr lT,! FECFIRED ntfO8llltrIO![ :.-'t la PROJiECJ INFORMMTON: *********t B. Tt?E OF Rg\ilIEWt Net? const:tuctlon (9200-00) -*-!{inor Alteration ($20.00} _ Addttlon (S50.00)_C.pnceptual Revlew ($01 *C. .ADDRESS: D. .r.EGAr, DEscRrPTIot{: iot l- Block - . ,.' Sr:bd:lvLs.lon sa k-':{.*;}i-1- .i. rf propsrty ls descrlbcd bydescrlptl-olf please Provideattach to thLs alrB1ication. a $eets aad bounds on a separate gheet 1cgaI and E. !r H. I, ZONING:5w LOT SREAI Xf requ5.red' stampEd suwey showl-ng $B!,IE OE" Ma111a€r must pr.ovide a currentapplicantlot area. G..hPPTICAT{T; Addregss APPLICA}E'S REBRESEMTATIVE: Addrese: NA}!E OF MaLling $IEUE OE OIII{EBS: *sEaxeEuEE(sl: Mailing AddreEsl ,f. condonlnlum ApProval'if a5rp1icable. DRB FEEI DRB feesr as shown above, are to be pal.d at the t,ilrrc of er:brnl.ttal of, DRB appllcatlon. Later' nhen EIErNEED. K. ' - aLLGati valuation sf ihe proposal. The Town of ValI wlll adlugt t'he fee accot{ing to the table belowt to ensure fhe co==ect fee is paid. rrg rago: S EEE--ggEDitr{EL veIlIxaEIoN FEE$ o-$ 10'ooo $2o.oo' i $rorool-9 5o;ooo $so-oo $ 50;001 ; $ 1s0'000 9100'00 $150;oo1 -$ soo'q9g $2oo-oo *soorool - sl'ooo'ggq $4oo'ooi.-onr= $1;ooo'ooo $5oo.oo *.DESF@[ BT|SIEN BOAI{D J|PP8o|g:lI. ffiIAE8 OFg I.IIR'.Ell1ltEB' TIttrIIJ hppBotaL stflgsi A EIrrIDI*c tEmtMs IsSErn ntn csds.lascEtolr ls *tHo ePPrrEgtrElw irru. ge DffCEgg@ Irc[Et]E .1, '€FEEBt E' Srefiilgrttnl I -i. I I ravireA glUgL ECCETEDIS SUEIIIETED oo hlor( - A"%- W1 Joflxso{ - )L.- Unlna'rttt- qrr(L vlpue F rF+ In 4tcu fu"} n*t| . I'b+o, fif)+,). Po lnoC'^tr'.l' /l',^b' (pt r. LIST OF MATERIAIS -.f., 'nNAl,tE OF FRO,.IECT: -il(orwr<^x f*€rcQ& LEGAL DESCRIPTIO* STREET ADDRESS z %tnrtti-. D ,s*q*t3 DESCRIPTTON OF PRO.]ECT: A. The foLlowing information is Review Board before a finaL BUTTDING MATERIAIS: Roof Siding Other Wall Materials Fascia Soffits I{indows Window Trin Doors Door Trl-m Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses Other LAIiIDSCAPING: Name of PI,AI{T MATERIAIS: PROPOSED TREES EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED reguired for submittal to the Design approval can be given: TYFE OF MATERTAI COLOR Comnon Name Ouantitv Size* t^+D---Dg--449uL LXrrr{.-- _) ,/T *Indicate caliper for deciduous trees. Minirnum caliper for deciduous trees is 2 l-nches. Indicate height for coniferoust.rees. Minimum heioht for coniferous trees is 5 feet. ALlz vuKet4r<vs d> t.xIlZ+I 6*,st\ B.Designer: Phone: La,.,,x Botanical Name coQ&wr Pr_,elrT MATERIT PROPOSED SHRUBS Botanical Narne Ouantitv Size* EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED *Indicate size5 qallon. GROUND CO\IERS soD SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION of proposed shrubs. TyDe Minimum size of shrubs is Scruare Footaqe TYPE OR EROSION METHOD co c.LAI\IDSCAPE LIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, please show the number of fixtures and locations on a separate1i9htin9 plan. fdentify each fixture from the lighting plan on the list below and provide the wattage, height above grade and tlpe of ltght proposed. OTHER LAI,TDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wallsl fences, swimmingpools, etc.) Please specify. Indicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of waLls within the front setback is 3 feet. Maximum height of wa.Lls elsewhere on the propertyis 6 feet. D. I o nrol- '3T* t^W*t*,* UTILITY LOCATION VERIFICATION SITBDIVISION .'OB NAII'E BLOCK FILING ADDRESS The location and availability of utilities, whether they be maintrunk lj.nes or proposed lJ.nes, must be apptoved and verified bythe following utilities for t,he accompanying site plan. Authorized Sianature Date U.S. West Cornmunications 1-800-922-198? 468-6860 or 949-4530 Public Service Company 94 9-57 81 Gary HaIl HoIy Cross Electric Assoc. 949-58 92 Ted Husky/uichael Laverty Heritage Cablevlsion T.V. 94 9-5530 Steve Hiatt. Upper Eagle Valley Waler & sanitation District * 47 6-7 480 Fred Haslee NOTE: These verifications do not. reLieve the contractor ofhis responsiblllty to obtain a street cut permit fromthe Town of Vall, Department of Pubtic Works and toobtain utilitv locations before diqsinq in any public right,-of-nay or easement in the Town of VaiI . Abuildincr permit is not a street cut peFnlt. A Etreetcut permit must be obtained separateLy. This fonn is to verify service availability andlocation. This should be used in conJunction withpreparing your utility plan and schedulinginstallations. * Please bring a site plan, floor plan, and elevations when obtainlng Upper Eagle Valley Water & Sanit,ation signatures. Fireflow needs must be addressed. ZONE CI{ECK R, R P/5olo"" orrr*r.rO |trO1- f JC.rrLot { I Dro $t F.,'- o.'l' +s '+t( (Dt)c6t>gD ur{4- )oxf ss bn*.l"1 **a. Block : Filing $,J*r*i ftr,,u,,#3 DATE: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ADDRESS: fARcHrrEcr alLtex A- Faca*^ro pHoNE %3-8;z1-5743 PHONE Existinq Proposed TotaI zoNE Drsrnrcr 9DD PROPOSED USE **LOT SIZE Height Total GRFA Prinary GRPA Secondary GRFA Setbacks All-owed (30) (33) Front Sides Rear + 425 + 425 20' 15' 15' (30) (s0)l9ater Course Setback Site Coverage tandscaping Retaining Wall Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: View Corridor Encroachment: Yes Environmental/Hazards: 1) 2l 3) 3' /6' Regrd (300) (600) (900) (1200)_ Permitted SLope -.rgl Actual SloPe Date approved by Town Engineer: No I2'' Flood Plain Percent Slope Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalanche b) Rockfallc) Debris Flow 4) Wetlands Previous conditions of approval (check property file) Does this reguest involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with this reguest? **Note: Under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municipal Code, lots zoned Two Family and Primary,/Secondary which are less than 151000 sq. ft. in area may not construct a second dwelling unit. The Community Development Department may grant an exception to this restriction provided the appllcant meets the criteria set forth under Sections 18.12.090(B) and 18.13.080(B) of the Municlpal Code including permanently restrJ.ctlng the unit as a long-term rental unit for full- time enployees of the Upper Eagle VaIIey. 10- CONSTRUCTION PERMIT NOTE _ COPY OF IN ON MAY BE KEPT ON JOB\TF ,r'Lu,, PI,AtrS ATTACtrEX'PEFMIT TO2I, L992 DATE NO. department of community development TO BE FILLED OUTCOMPLETELY PRIORTO ISSUANCEOF PERMIT TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING {E PLUMBING FOUNDATIONELECTRICAL MECHANICAL 60 SUNBURST DRIVE EIf, 1. TYPE OF CONSTRUCTTON | [ t rV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AB E H IR M OIVISION 122a34 G tr$itAhofi Hf ' Tl$ Trfl tltl' PERMIT FEES M \I- /{ U JOB NAME: IE0UPSON REMODEL 15 | $4 #41334DR. CARSON TIIOMPSON BAl,ToN, PA 7 17-586-0649CITY PH. NEW( ) ATTERATION (s4nADDlTlONAL ( ) REPAIR( DWELLING UNITS - HEIGHT IN FT, ACCOMMODATION UNITS .- NO. FIREPLACES INSULATION: GENERAfi 328-1622 TOTAL PERMIT FEES NA'I 22, L992 LECTRICAL FrRM DoUBLE Q ELECTRTC rowN oF vArL REG. No. 190-E 926-367s PLUMBING 524-7s19 I hereby acknowledge that I have read this application, filled out in full lhe information required, compl€ted an accurate plot plan, and slate that all the information provided as required is correct. I agree to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with all Town ordinances and state laws, and to build this structure according to the Town's zoning, and subdivision codes, design review approve* Vtifo,rn; Building Code and nances of lhe f own applicabl€ thereto. TOWN OF VAIL FEG, NO. TOWN OF VAIL BEG. NO. TELE.CONTRACTO E- 'ft1i; coNsrRucnoN PERM tT rrnW l*,.- NOTE DATE PEFMIT TO BE KEPT a i 1992 JOB$TTE PERTIT ON_ COPY OF NO. dcpertmcnt ol community dcvtlopmrnt rO g€ FILLED OI'TCOMPTETELY PNIOF TO ISSUA'{CE OF PEFMIT TYPE OF PERMIT EI eurlotHc d EletecrRrcll D fl MECHANTCAT n PLUMBING .. FOUNDATTO{ .. 1-c\ 16gD ';t'r9$("' I r YPF Of CONSIRUCI|ON 2 OCCUPANCY GROUP Ill tlv Dfvrsfot{ C Ar" -t :ec 1 6t t) J c'(' IYPE GROUP G,R.F A. VALUATIO'{ rrr.rnc @ JOB NAME:6 4-t,ra&/+lf ADOTrIONAL { ) REPAIR( )( ) At-tERAr DWELLING UNIIS _=_ X€IGHT |NFT ACCOMMOOATION UNI'S _- NO. FIR€PLACES INSUI-AIION: AOD'TIONAL PEFMITS NEEOEO: f lRu I hereby acknowledge thsi I hevo reed thls appllcatlon. tlllcd out In full the Informatlon required. con,ptei.A an accurite ptoi ptan, anO state ttrai bt lhe Informatlon prortldod es requlred i3 correcl. I ilil i;-;;pii *irt' idelniormarion an.d plot oLan'1o *.T4!r II-"lt-r-911.3L1,T1"^1t^:"9^"-11t:;:;;, ;;ji; 'ilirJ ittir iriu"ture eccordini to'the Tmn's i6nhg-and subblvlsion codes. design i""f"r "ppto""d, Unitorm Building Code and ot\o(ordlmnces of lhe ToSn apPlicable therelo' IOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. TO$n OF VA]L FEg. NO. o *--1-., J;4,.iilirtiiltii !r. ..-l o 3"tO/6tM. ffi.i;&"*effi A te,'. CIg, , 'JilLdtll) F[00K (utvruc R00i/t) I -i )-, , proEective cover. rURE- ?R00IINc-a-'C,[C0r[ffi--SYST!,1'1 l' 1- S05-0f ). Tlr<,:rouglrly clearr all i Ss co be treatcd. Apply epoxy i t" er, all areas- Attach 6" NeoDrend antl trowel. Vlrtll29 membrane onto wall.,p corner. To 60 nrlls. Add Celotex :ri taE,e si11'r N-7 gl.ue into corner. Rrrrslt rkxct{. eTlf,|-t ..t- ui \il:r Nt ut F x o 0 I 0 tt z o I F 0f It F m z o 0 o tr I 0. ( f, U} Plan Revier Baged onthe 1992 Unif,om Codes NAI'{E :THOMPSON REMODEL #1-5 ADDRESS : 1650 SUNBURST DR.vArL, coLoRADO OCCUPANCY:Rl- TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION:V DATE:5/22/92 CONTRACTOR:JEFF LUTZ ARCHITECT:NONE ENG]NEER:NONE PLANS EXAMINER:C. FELDMANN coRRECtIOlrS nAQI'TRED lhe items listed belor are rrot intended to b€ a conplete listingof aJ.J. possible code requirenents in the adopted codes. It ls aguide to select€d sectiong of tbe codes- The folloring is not tobe constrsed to be an approval of any violation of any of tbe pro-visions of the adopted cod€s or aDy ordinance of the Town of Vail . l") sMoKE DETECTORS REQUTRED pER SEC.I2!0 1991 UBC. 2I FIELD INSPECTION REQUIRED FOR CODE COMPLIANCE. . DEPARTIIEI.iT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOP:LTENT SALES ACTION FORM D^rE7 &/r /.tt TOWN OF VAII; 0r 0000 4t540 I,NIFOR\I B I,'ILDNG CODE0l cs0042415 0t 0000 42415 0r 000042415 NANONAL ELECTRICAL CODE0l 00Ol 42rl 15 OTHER CODE BOOKS0l 0000 42415 0l 00004t543 XEROX COPIES / STUDIES0l cr00042412 PENALTY FEES / RE-NSPECTIONS0l 00co423?l ot 0000{t332 i plexnevtewRE-CHECKFEE PER HR. OFF HOURS BISPECTION FEES0t cr000 42323 CONTRA CTORS UCE\S ES FEES0l 0000{1412 SION APPL]CATION FEE 0l 00004r330 0l 0000 414i3 ADDMONAL SIGNAGE FEE tSI,OO PER SQ.FT.0l 0000 414t3 lTC ART PROJECT DONANON PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEWBOARD FEE0l 000041331 furrx*illL- * t * * * * * t * Dilgn Review Action ForO TOWN OF VAIL Category Number /-l ieroiectNane: \' h rw liov Dt r{t n f l,lt au Building Name: Project Description: owner,Addressanaenone: (m.gort trhowfsou ,AtY lbi T)rtUart, /a. /811/ (';tt ',:, At: ot4l Architect/Contact, Address and Phone: Legal Description: Lot _ Block_ Subdivision ProjectStreetAddress: i Comments: Motion by:Vote: Seconded by: ! Approval n Disapproval E(statf Rpprovat Conditions: Town Planner . / /" , --..t. 'r/ yiDate; t 2 DRB Fee Pre-paid { hti I'1 .; -1.l-' I iams:Lutz Fnl -.4 r, '!. tia DBEION r. A. .,.,,. Minor Alt,eraLlon 4concep[ual Review Elock ($20.00) (s0) If property is describetl by CleBcrlputon, pleaso provlde to LhlE applicaLion. a meebB end boundE on a Eelraraie Fheet legal ilnd r+LLagh TEoL N0.30s 328 1622 Mag 29,72 13:29 P.gt REI/IEI| SOARII APPITICATION . ll0llN Otr VAIIJ, COIJOR.}Do DATE RECEIVED: DATE OT DRB MEETING: ***a***$** INCOTIPITETE APEI.J,ICATI:ANS I',A'r ,I/rtT FF. qcEp,Dttt#p FOR nzvz$W. *aatt**t** FROi'ECT INIIORUATION.I DEscRrPrr opr, Q-{"!-n rr. I*C yh- ql..*O' { ,^.Q .0M 0,' t t c+-l/ht ,' c,{?rxq,/t -_._- B. TYPE OF REVIEW: Nelit Con€truction ($200. 00) .AddrEion (s50.00) anoRE$S: 3 s* IJECATJ DESCRIPTION:I,gE c. lJ. Subrlivision ZONING:E. F. G. H. NA!,TE OFMaillng APPLrICAlitrtrr AddreFF; Phone NAME OFMafllns APPIJICAIiIT' Addrese r RE ATIVE: Phone orr owNER(s) ; OT EEI.gI SIGi/NATT'RB :Mailing AddreEsr Phone vt +-',f5 -o( Y, AFELECATIOIIS lffiJD IYOf .6A FROCEAr5.UD WITEOUT grYICEn,S f.lgNAl,UItE Condominium Approval lf appticable DRE FEE: DRB feeE, aE shovtn above, are go be paid aL Lhetime of Bubmlf,Lal of the uftU applicaLlon. IraLer, whenapplylrrg for a bullding permlL, pleaee identify ghe accuratevaluallun uf Lhe proposal . The To$rn of Va11 will attjugL thefee according ro the table b61ow, to ensura uhe eorrect fee I. ,f. FEE SgdEDUIJtt VAIJUATION$ 0 $ to,ooo S i0,00r - $ l,u, uuu $50,001 -s 150,000 s150,001 - s 500,000 *500,001 .91,000,000 S Over $1,000,000 DESICN REVIEII BOARD AFFRq\TAIJ EXFIRBS f,FPROVAIJ I'NI'IESS A BUIIJDING PEruffiT ISIg StrARTED. FEE s 20,00 $ 50.uu s100.00 $200.00 s400,00 $500.00 ONE YEAN, AFTER, SEP s 10gt.Ifl.CO[,lM. DE\l, DEP' oslLt le. DBSIGN REil'IEIf BOARD liiqli6+.lrtiiFrt|i*:qrry .";"nr APPI,IqATION . TOINT OF VAIIJ, COI'ORADO DATE RECEIVED: DATE OF DRB MEETTNG: *****tt*!tt INCODIPI'ETE APPLICATTONS NY NofT BE SCEEDT'LED r1OR REI{TEN.**+*****a* PROiIECT INFORITIATIOII.:I. A.DESCRIPTI TYPE OF REVIEW: New Construccion ($200.00) Aclclition ($50.00) C. ADDRESS:f _JMinor Alreration ($20.00) ConceptuaL Review (90) B. D. E. I,EGAI, DESCRTPTION: Subdivieion IrO t Bl-ock ff property is described bydescription, please provideto this application. a meetE and bounds on a separate sheet legal and attach F. ZONING: NAI{E OFMailing APPLICANT: Address: H. Phone G.NAME OF APPI,ICAIiM'ENTATIVE: INC'Address: Phone oF olrlNER(s): AWNER ( S) SIGII;IATTIRE :Mailing Address: Phone APPITICAIIONS WIITII NOI BE PROCESSED WITHOW OJTNER'S SIGINATIIRE Condominium Approval if applicable. DRB FEE: DRB fees, as shor'rn above, are to be paid at thetime of submittal of the DRB application. Later, wbenapplying for a building permit, please identify lhe accuratevaluation of the proposal . The Town of Vail will adjust thefee according eo the Lable below. lo ensure the correct, feeis paid. FBB PAID! I , CHBctr #! DATE: BY: FEE SCHEDUI.TE: FEE $ 20.00 $ 5U. U0 $100. 00 s200.00 $400.00 $s00 .00 DESIQI RE|IIIEW BOARD APPROVAIJ BIPIRES OltB YEAR AFTBR FIJTAIJ APPRO\IAIJ I'NI-|BSS A BUIIJDINC PBNUIT IS ISSUED AIID CONSTRUCTI(trIIS STARtrED. I. .I. VALUATION$ o $ 1o,ooo $ r0, 00 j. - g r0, uuu $50,001 -$ 150,000 $150,001 - $ 500,000 $500,001 - $1,000.000$ Over $1, 000, 000 II. A pre-alpl.ication meeting with a nerrber of the planningsEaff is encouraged to determine if any addiEionalapplicat,ion information is needed. It is the applicant'sresponsibility to make an appointment with the staff todetermine if there are additional submittal requirements.Please not.e that. a COMPI-,ETU application will sEreamline Ehereview process for your project ITT. IMFORTAIIT NOTICE REGIRDIT{G AI.,L SI'BMISSIOIS TO TIIE DRB: A. In addition to meeting submittal requirements, theapplicanL must, st,ake and tape the project, site toindicate property 1ines, building lines and buildingcorners. A11 trees Eo be rernoved mueb be taped. Allsite tapings and staking must. be complet.ed prior Eo the DRB site visit. The applicant must ensure that staking done during ehe wincer is noL buried by snow, B. The review process for NEw BUII-,DINGS normal-ly requires two separat,e meetings of the Design Review Board: a conceptuaL review and a final review. C. Applicants vrho fail to appear before the Design Review Board on their scheduled meet,ing date and who have not asked in advance that discusEion on their item bepostponed, will have their items removed from the DRB agenda until such t.ime as Ehe item has beenrepublished. D. The following items may, at the discretion of thezoning administraEor, be approved by the Cortrnunity Development Department staff (i.e. a formal hearingbefore the DRB may not be required): a. Windows. skylights and similar exterior changes which do not alter the existing plane of thebuilding; and b. Buildinq additions not visible from any other 1otor public space. At the time such a proposal issubmitted, applicants must incLude letters fromadjacent property owners and,/or from the agenE foror manager of any adjacent condominium associationstating the association approves of the addition. E. If a property is located in a mapped hazard area (i.e. snow avalanche, rockfa11. flood plain, debris fLow,wetland, etc.), a hazard study rnust be submitted andthe owner must sign an affidavit recognizing Ehe hazardreport prior to the issuance of a buiLding permit. Applicant,s are encourabed to check rdith a Town plannerprior to DRB application to determine the relationshipof the property to all mapped hazards. F. For all residential construction: a. Clearly indicate on the floor plans the insideface of the exterior structuraL walls of thebuilding; and b. tndicate wiLh a dashed line on the site plan afour foot d,istance from the exLerior face of thebuilding wa11s or supporting columns. G. ff DRB approves the application with condit,ions ormodifications, all conditions of approval must be addressed prior to the application for a buildingpermit. !rE{ eorrsrRuelP?trrv. A. Three copies of a recent topographic survey, stamped bya Colorado professioaal Liceased Sunr€yor, at a scaleof 1'f = 20, or larger, on which the followinginformation is provided: 1.r,oL area, and buildable area when different thanlot area. 2. IJegal description and physical address. 3. ?wo foot contour inteivaLs unless the parcelconsists of 6 acres or more, in which Lase, 5'contour intervals may be aceepted. 4. Existing trees or grroupE of trees having trunkswith diameters of 4" or more, as measured from apoint one foot above grade. 5. Rock outcroppings and other significant naturalfeatures (Iarge bouLders, intermittent Etreans,etc. ) . 6. Hazard areaE (avatanche, rockfal.l., etc.),centerline of stre€rms or creeks, required creek orst,rean setback, and 100-year flood plain, ifapplicable. SLopes of 40t or more shal-I beclearly delineated by crose hatching. 7. Ties to existing benchrnark, either USGS landmarkor gewer invert. This information must be clearlystat,ed On the survey so t,hat. all_ measurement,s arebased on the sa.ne start,ing point. This isparticularly important for det,ermining buildingheight and driveway slope. See policy On SurveyInfonnation, for more information regardingsurveys. 8. r,ocations of the folLowing must be shown: a. Size and tlpe of drainage culverLs, swales,etc. b. Exact location of existing utility servicelines from their source to the strucLure,including: Cable TV Telephone Sewer wat.er GasElectric c. ALl utility meter Locations, including anypedesLals to be located on site or in theright-of-way adjacent to the site. d. Property lines - distances and bearings and abasis of bearing. e. Indicate all easements identified on Ehesubdivision plat. 9. Provide spot elevations at the edge of asphalt,along the street frontage of the r}roDcrt\r rr twenty-five foot intervals (25,), and a minimum ofone spot elevation on either side of the lot. Site PIan 1. L,ocations of the following must be sbown: a. Exist,ing and finished grades. b. Proposed surface drainage on and off site. B. o ouding the p ssarytoa il Proposed driveway, incl and spot elevations atgarage sl-ab and as nece centerLine of the drive driveway grade. percent sloperoperty Iine,alonq the ccurat.ely reflect c. d. A 4' concrete drive pan at the edge ofasphalt for driveways that exit the street. in an uphi1l direction. 2. A11 existing improvements including structures,landscaped areas, service areas. storage areag,wa1ks, driveways, off -street parking, loadingareas, retaining wa11s (with top and bottom of wa11 spot elevat,ions), and other existing site improvenents. 3. In order to determine proposed buildinq heights elevations of all top roof ridges, and eaves wtren determined necessary by the zoning administrator, shaLl be indicated on the site pl-an with existing and proposed contour lines shown underneath. Landscape Pl-an (1u = 20' or larger)3 copies required1. At a mininum, the following information must beprovided on the landscape ptan: a. Location of existing treeE 4" diarneter orlarger, b. Type, size and location of all existing and proposed plant material, c. L,ocation of all trees to be transplanted, cl . A det,aited }egend of all proposed plant material incl-uding common and Latin natnes. 2. The Location and tl4le of existing and proposed watering systems to be employed in caring forplant material foLlowing its installation. 3. Existing and proposed contour 1ines. Retaininq wa11s should be included with the contourinformation with top of wa11 and bottom of wall eLevations listed. 4. Complete the attached landscape materials list. Sign off from each utilitv comoanv verifying thelocati.on of utility service and avaiLabiliEy (see attached utility verification form) . A preliminarv title report Schedule A and B must accompany all submittalE, to insure property ownership and identify all easements affecting the subjectproperty. ArchiLeclural plans (t/9" - 1' or Larger, L/4" ispreferred scale for review) 3 copies are required. 1. Floor pLans and all elevaLions of Ehe proposed developmenL drar4n Lo scale and fulIy dimensioned. The elevation drawings must show both existing andfinished grades. 2. One set of floor plans must be rrred-Iined', to show how the gross residential floor area (GRFA) was calcul.ated. 3. ExLerior mat,erials and colors shall be specifiedon the attached materiaLs list. This materialslist must be completed and submitt,ed as a part ofthe application. Color chips, siding sanplesetc., shaLL be presenLed at the Design Review Board meeLing. Details inctuding, but not limiLed D. E. F. 't":, ao t"t", rrim, railings, "rrito cap, mererlocabions, etc. must be shorirn qraphically andfully dimensioned. G. Zone check List (attached) must be cornpleted if theproject is located within the Single-Family,Primary/Secondary or DupLex zone dist.ricts. Photos of the existlng site and where appJ.icable, ofadjacent structures. The Zoning Administrator'and/or DRB may reguire thesubmission of additionaL plans, drawings,specifications, samples and other materiaLs (incLudinga nodel) if deemed necessary to determine whettrer aproject wiJ-1- conpl-y with Design Guidel.ines. MIISOR AIJITERATIOI{g TO THE EXTERIOR OF BUIIJDINGS. Photos or sketches which clearly convey Che redevelopmentproposal and the location (site plan) of the redevelopmentproposal may be subnitted in lieu of the more formalrequirements seE forth above, provided all imporE,ant,specifications for the proposal including colors andmaterials to be used are submitted. ADDITIONS . RESIDEIITIAIJ OR EOUUERCIAIJ A. Original floor plans wittr all specifications shown. B. Three sets of proposed floor plans L/8" = 1' or larger(L/4n - 1r is preferred) C. Three copies of a site plan showing existing andproposed construction. Indicate roof ridge elevationswith existing and proposed grades shown underneath. D. Elevations of proposed addition. E. Photos of the existing sEructure F. Specifications for alL materials and color sampleE onmaterials list (attached). At the request of tbe Zoning administrator you may also berequired to subnit: G. A statenent fron each utility verifying location ofservice and availability. See attached utilieylocation verif icaLion f orm. H. R siLe improvement survey, stamped by registered Colorado Professional Licensed surveyor. I. A prelimj.nary t,it,Ie report, Lo verify ownership ofproperty, which lists al.l. easements. VII. FINAI SITE PITAIiI Once a building permit has been i.ssrred, and congtrr-lclion is underway, and before the Buildinq Department wiLl. schedule aframing inspeetion, two copies of an Improvement L,ocationCertificate survey (ILC) stanped by a registeredprofessionaL engineer must be submitted. The followinginformation must be provided on the IL,C: A. auilding location(s) wihh Cies to property corners,i.e. disEances and angles. B. Building dimensions to the nearest tenth of a foot. H. I. v. :: .'r AlL utility service line as-builts, showing tl4pe ofmaterial used, and eize and exact locatj.on of lines. Basis of bearing to tie to section corner. All property pins are to be either found or set andstated on improvenent Eurvey. Al.1 easements. Garage slab elevations and atl roof ridge elevaLionswith existing and proposed grades shown under the ridge 1ines. VIIT . CONCBP'IIIUAIJ DBSIGII REIVIAW A. Submittal recruirements: The owner or authorized agentof any project requiring desigrn approval as prescribedby this chapter may submit pLans for conceptual reviewby Uhe Design Review Board to Ehe Department of Cotrurunity Development. The conceptual review isint,ended to give the applicane a basic understanding ofthe compatibility of their proposal witb the TownrsEesign Guidelines. This procedure is recommendedprimarily for applications more complex than single-fanily and two-family residences. However, developersof single-fanily and two-famiLy projects sha1l not be excLuded from the opportunity to request a conceptualdesign review. CompLet,e appLications must be submitted L0 working days prior to a scheduled DRB meeting. The following information shall be subnitted for aconceptual review: L. A conceptual site and land.scape plan at a minimumscale of one inch equals gwenEy feet; 2. Conceptual elevations showing exterior maberiale and a description of the character of the proposed structure or structurest 3. Sufficient information to show the proposal complies with the development standards of the zone district in which the project is to belocated (i.e. GRFA, site coverage calculationg, number of parking spaces, etc.); 4. Complet,ed DRB application f orm. B. Procedure: Upon receipt of an application for conceptual design review, the Department of Community Development shall review the submitted materials forgreneral compliance with the appropriate requirements ofthe zoning code. If the propoEal is in basiccompliance with the zoning code requirements, the.project eha11 be forwarded to the DRB for conceptualreview. If the application is not qeneraLly in compliance with zoning code requirements, theappLication and submittaL materials shaLl be returnedto the applicant with a written oqllanation as to why Lhe ConmuniLy Development Department staff has foundthe proiect not to be in compliance with zoning eoderequirements. Once a complete application has beenreceived, the DRB shalL review the submitted concepEualreview application and supporting material in order todetermine whether or not the project generally compliesrrith the design gruid.elines. The DRB does not vote onconceptual reviews. The property ohmer or hisrepresentative shall be present aL Lhe DRB hearing. c. D. E. G. H. 'r. IJIST OF UATERTAIJS NAI'IE OF PROJECT: LEGAIJ DESCRIPTION: LOT ST'BDIVISTON STREET ADDRESS: A. Ttre folLowing information is Review Board before a final BUIIJDfNG UATBRIAI-rS : Roof Sidinq Other Wa1l Materials Fascia soffits Windows Window Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Flues Flashings Chimneys Trash . Enclosures GreenhouseE Retaining Wal1s ., Exterior lJighting Other required for submittal to the Desigm approval can be qiven: IITPE OF ITATERIAIJ COI,OR Ir [t 1 Ir It Il I l/ l/ Ill ll Designer: Phone: B.LAIiIDSCAPING: Name of o TERIAI., TREES S:Botanical Name o Comnon Name Ouantitv Size* 't PIJAI\TT MA PROPOSED AI{D SHRT'BS *IndicaEe ealiper for deciduous trees. Minimum calioerfor deciduous trees is 2 inches. Indicat,e height forconiferoustrees. Minimum heiqht for coniferoustrees is 6 feet.**Ind,icate size of proposed shrubs.5 qa11on.Minirnum size of shrubs is Tvpe GROtnlD COVERS soD SEED ?YPE OF TRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROI, c. IJAI{DSCAPE LTIGHTING: If exterior lighting is proposed, pLease show the number of fixtures and locations on a separaEelighting plan. IdenLify each fixture from the lighting planin the space below and provide the height above grade, tlpe oflight proposed, lumen ouLput, luminous area and a cut sheet ofthe Light f ixture. ( Secuion 18 . 54 . 050 ,J) OTHER LAI{DSCAPE FEATITRES (retaining walls, fences, swinuringpools, etc.) PLease Epecify. rndicate heights of retainingwalls. Maximum height of waLls within the front eetback is 3 r . Maximum height of wa11s elsewhere on the property is 5' D. SErare Footaqe .)- - i,revlaeo t 8/17 /9r ifOB NAIr{E BOINII OF VAIL UTILITY I6CJA1IIION VERTFIC,ATIOII FORII SUBDTVISION LOT BIJOCK FITING ADDRESS The form is used. to verify service availabiliLy and locat,ion. Thisshourd be used in conjunction with preparing your utility plan andEcheduling insEallations. For any new construction proposal, theapplicant must provide a completed utility verification- form. The Location and availalrility of utilities, whether they be main lrunk lines or proposed lines, must be approved and verified by thefolJ.owing utilities for the accompanying sit,e p1an. AL1 authorizing signatures need to be originaLe. Authorized Siqnature Date U.S. West Conununications 468-5860 or 949-4530 PubLic Service Company 949 - 6135 Gary Hall/Rich Cooley Holy Cross Elect,ric Assoc. 949 - 5892 Engineering DepL. Ted Husky/Michael L,averty **TCI Cablevision of the Rockies 949 -t224 Mark eraves **Upper Eag1e valley Water & Sanitat,ion District * 47 6 -7 480 Fred HasLee *rA giee plan is reguired. Phygieal locaEion of known utilitiesBust be showa on the site Blan. Utility locations may or may Dotsoffer senrice to the property liae. Aay utsility erteasion required,sbaU be tbe responeibility of the property osaer. NOTE:1. If a utiLity company has concerns with the proposed construction, the utility representative should not,directly on the uEility verification forrn that thereis a probLen which needs to be resolved. The issueshould then be spell-ed out in deLail in an attachedletter Lo the Town of vai1. However, pl-ease keep in mind that it, is the responsibility of the utiLity company to resolve identified problems. 2. If the utility verification form has signatures from each of the utility companies, and no comments are made d.irectly on the form, the Town will presumethat there are no problems and Ehat Lhe development can proceed. 3. These verifications do not relieve the contractor ofhis responsibility to obtain a street cut permit from the Town of Vai1, Department of nrblic Works and to obtain utilitv locations before diqginc in any public right-of-way or easement in the Town ofVail. A building permit is not a street cut permit. A street cut permit musE be obtained separately. 4. Installation of service lines are at the expense andresponsibility of Lhe property owner. Single DATE: I,EGAI, DESCRIPTI : Lrot ADDRESS: OWNER ARCHITECT ZONE DISTRICT PROPOSED USE . ZONE CEBCK FOR 1y Residence, Duplex, Pr ZONE DISTRICTS ,/Secondary v].s PHONE /7- PHONE BUILDABLE LOT AREA Existino Proposed Total o Fatni o imary ' --a -6 >,o LOT SIZE Allowed (30) (33)Height ToIal GRFA Primary GRFA Secondary GRFA Setbacks Front Sides Rear Site Coverage Landscaping Retaining WaL1 Heights Parking Garage Credit Drive: Environmental /Hazard s : 3t /61 Reqrd (300) (600) (900) (1200) Permitt,ed Slope * Propoeed YES 1) Flood Plain 2) Percent Slope (< > 30t) 3) Geologic Hazardsa) Snow Avalancheb) Rockfallc) Debris Flow wetl'ancts + 425 + 4E= 20, 15' L5' _Encl Complies with T.O.v. Liqhting Ordinance Yes Water Course Setback (30) (s0) Do Finish Grades Exceed 2:1 (501) Slope NO t NO NDSE 4l view Corridor Encroachment: yes Does this request involve a 250 Addition? How much of the allowed 250 Addition is used with thisPrevious cond.it,ions of approval (check property file) : No--dJA- 10 request? 4h nt cornlrc'q' Aug'ust 18, L995 Jeff Lutz Bullders Ind.P. O. Box l-550Eagle, CO 8L531 Dear Jeff: Pursuant to the Blue Prints presented to Bob Boyce, President ofthe Vail Golf Course Townhomee, Bob and I have reviewed the plans to build a new deck on unit, #15 and feel the deck is a necessary addition Please let this letter represent our complet.e approval of thisproject. We look forward t,o the improvements. P1ease call with any questions you might have regarding this matter. cc: Bob Boyce 201 Gore Creek Drive r Vail, Colorado 81657 (303) 47 G4262 r I-800-944-VAIL o Denver 893-3853 . Facsimile (303) 479-9624 incerely, dve ucspiaaen Operati-ons Manager T=:..-:i-i l=F tjl=; 9- i'r; =: -= i i ari+''U= i'3=h -':-;-:E+i-{Fi- *,i:+;-.*i- F= i,j --'.:: .ir:'l r- -t l-:? ! '.1.-,. . .,-;,; ,t t ,:.--.'r.l t - The Town of Vail ,JATE .TSEIVEDFROM 'd€Lun r{9 )Ifoffi ADRESS TOWNOF VAIL RDCEIPT ItiO. DEPARTMEIYT OF COMMUII|ITI' DE1ELOPMENT IIAT CIIECXS M^DE PAYABLE TO TOWN OF VAIL rcootl\TNo.lrBM N(I TIX : OdTTT TOTAL 0l 0000 41540 ZONING AND ADDRESS MAPS $5.00 01 0000 42415 UNIFORM BUILDING CODE ti34.00 0l 0000 42415 UNIFORM PLUMBINGCODE s39.00 0t 0000 42415 UNIFORM MECHANICAL CODE $t7.00 0r 0000 42415 UNIf UKM }IR.L, CODI tit6.0n0l 0000 42415 NAT]ONAL ELECTRICAL CODE s37.00 01 0000 42415 OTIIER CODE BOOKS 0l 000041548 BLUE PRINTS (MYLARS)S7.UO 0 I 0000 42412 XEROX COPIES s0.25 0 t 0000 4241 2 STUDIES 0t 0000 424t2 fOVF EES COMPUTER PROGRAM $t.000l 0000 4237t PENALTY FEES / RE-INSPECTIONS 0t 0000 41332 PLAN REVII:.W RE-CHECK FEE tS40 PER HR.i 0l 0000 42332 OFF HOURS INSPECTION FEES 0r 0000414|2 CONTRACTORS LICENSES FEES :l 0r 00004l4l3 SIGN APPLICATION FEE s20.00 0i 0000 41413 ADDITIONAL SICNAGE FEE tSI.OO PER SQ.FT.I 0l 0000 42440 VTC ART PROJECT DONATION 0t 0000 4li3l PRE PAID DESIGN REVIEW BOARD FEE0l 0000 42371 I}N/ESTIGATION FEE'FUIL-DINC ) 3 r 0000 451 l0 fOV PARKING FUND 0t 0000 22027 TOVNEWSPAPERDISPEW* 0t 0000 2lll2 TAXABLE @ 4% (STATE)* 01 0000 410t0 TAXABLE @ 4% (TOW\) 0r 0000 42371 tsUILDING INVLSTIGATION -,,7OTIIER //KD &D ae ) 0I 0000413i0 ADDITIONAL GRFA O25OO 5200.00 0r 000041330 CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT tizuu.uu 0t 0000 4t330 EXTERIORALTERATIW $200.00 0l 0000 41330 EXTL,RIOR ALTERATION IMORE TIIAN IOO SQ.F'I 5500.00 0l 000041330 SPECTALDEVELOpMENTDISTRIC-T tNErill ti 1.500.000l 0000 41330 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT MAJOR AIVTEND $ I,000.00 0l 0000 413.i0 SPECIAL DEVI]LOPMI]NT DISTRICT TMNOR AMEND 5200.000l 0000 41330 SUBDIVISION 0l 0000 41330 VARIANCE s250.0u 0r oo00 41330 ZONING CODE AMENDMENTS $z50.uo0l 0000 41330 RL. ZONING $200.00 II-HER OTHER COMMlrr-TS: cAsE r- r,*.r, * a/ ,*^ t REc.w, Y