HomeMy WebLinkAboutVAIL GOLFCOURSE TOWNHOMES UNIT 23 LEGALDesign Review Action Form \l& 4u) Project Name Abed Residence ProjectDescription: DeckAddition Owner, Address and Phone: Alberto & Dolores Abed, Box 628. Vail. 476-3486 Architect/Contact, Address and Phone:Zdenek Bauer, Box 2894, Vail, CO 81658, 949-4244 Proiect Street Address: 16l0 Sunburst Ilrive Legaf Description: Lot 23, Block G, Vail Village Filing #2 TOWN OF VAIL Building Name:Parcel Number: Comments: Motion by: Seconded by: Vote: Conditions: Town Planner: Brent Wilson Date: September 10, 1998 Board / Staff Action Action: staff approved F:\IIVERYONE\DRBV\Pl'ROVAI-\98\ABFID.W Pl ) DRB Fee Pre-Paid $20.00 TOWN OFVAIL i Qucstiorrs? a'iltr. Pllirning Stat'i:rr .i7i-l i2lJ APPLICATION FOR DESIGN REVIE}V APPROVAL CENERAL TNFORMATION This applichtion is for any projcct rcquiring Design Rcvicrv appror.al, Any projcct rcquiring dcsign rcvicrv nrust rcccivc Dcsign Rcvi$v approval prior to subnritting for a building pcrnrit- ForipcciRc infomration, see thc subrrritlal rcquircnrcnts for thc particular approval that is rcqucstcd. Thc appiication cannot be acccptcd until all thc rcquircd infornration is subnrittcd. Thc projcct nray also nccd to bc rcvicrvcd by thc Torvn Council and/or thc planning and Envirotttncntal Cotttntis.sion. Dcsign Rcviuv Board approval cxplrcs onc ycar aftcr final approval unlcis a rbuilding pcrmit is issucd and construction is startcd. \^ DESCRTPION OFrHE REQUEST: t)tr. K o A. :/ n ."- .i v. n P^RCEL#dI (Contact Eagle Co. Asscsson Officc at 970-328-8640 foTparccl #) ZONING; NAME OF O}VITIER(S): MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE:F. OWNER(S) SIGNADc.NAME OF APPLICANT: MAILINC ADDRESS: PHONE: TYPE OF REVIEWAND FEE: E Ncrv Construction - $200 Constructiotr of a nerv building. Includcs any.addition rvhcrc sguarc footagc is addcd to any rcsidcntial or comtncrcial building. Includcs nrinor changcs to buildings and sitc inrprovcnrcnts. such as, . 1croofing. painting. rvindorv additions, landscaping. fcnccs and rctaining walls, ctc. DRB fces arc to be paid at thc tinrc ofsubnrittal. Latcr. rvhcrr applying for a building pennit. pleasc identiff thcaccuratcvaluationofthcprojcct. ThcTorvnofVailrvilladjustthefceaccordrngtbtheprojectvaluation. PLEASE SUBMIT THtS APPLICATTON, ALL SUBMITTAL REQUIREIVENTS AND THE FEE TO THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPIVTENT, T5 SOUTH FRONTAGE ROAD. vArL, coLoRADO 81657. e trTtddition - fr nntno, Attcrarion 'a . BUILDING MATERIALS; LIST OF PROPOSED MATERIALS TYPE OF MATERIAL:COLOR:* Roof Siding Othcr Wall Matcrials Fascia Sotlits Windows Windorv Trinr Door.s Door Trint Hand or Dcck Rails Flucs Flaslrings Chimncys Trash Enclosurcs Grecnhouscs Rctaining Walls Extcrior Lighting** Other + Please specifl' the manufacfurer's color, number and attach a srnall color chip +*All cxtcriorlightingnlust.meettheTown'sLightingOrdinancel8,54.050(J). Ifexteriorlightingisproposed, plcasc indicate the nuttrbcr offixtures and locations on a separatc tighting plan. Identi$ cacb Rxture type and provide thc height above grade. lun:cns output, lunrinous arca. and attach a cut s[ett ofthe lighting fixtures. Updatcd 6/97 Eririro!se€ctFIcn"ton{E FRf,FI pr{f,fg I ,. |PEClFrctrtroNlll FOR F3t@rAf toN. Ftolr lH€ roilN oF P€nlill l'lU€T sire -s€e rH€ EXTEiION'DCCK3 HEUE I t€€N TpFnogtD fY untL DEatoN ilvtgll fonao' 16 R€aulFED' STFFT OF coNt- TO "t{aTtl Gt coarat|. FOL.I'OIJI EOMXTI e *irlo Trugf I SltFFt 'lntrtA. Bg ATTAII{€D PRIOR TO 3. +. SRETCH SELO{. lNg aND sTnlt tneq0f-aXe R€UJOOD. i[rER JOr8r6 ni{D,TiIn tmROS-trlDARl EX ISIIN{I STAINED rrqc -OOuO.Rg Frn. STAII{ED T10 lrtTc}l rtNG HOoO El-g'fEl.Tg..TUPPORTS-TO DE CONCRST€ D AND 9NINTED TO IIAfCH 9tEm. expossED conERETg I9 txrsitng gtucco€D ELEI(€NTS' uoop ilgrExre. T0 IrATCll ET T0 8€ 3. $rsl.rned ANIJ LICEIISED'gY rHE TS{N 6'p vnlL.' ogck xercHr-rHe top oF DEcKII{G ttusr Nor $xccgg so" . (7F{IS I5 TO AVOTD ?HE TTEED FOR EdARORIIIL9. BY N L1CENEED FULLY FRO| Ftf.ItSH I.IHICH ARg F I N TSHEq 8E OREf,T.ER R }IANDRAIL, }FTI 9ERIiITTgDI.filrllTTgDf : Tl.rE STEC'5 FROm (}lIT TO OECI{ OR FRO.'| FUST NgT'EXCEED (3) RISERS. ftTsERE B" HIGH €ACH. (THIS IS ?O AVOID TH6 r*ft Ig NOT tr€,R}'ITTTED). Ar|Y DOOR TO BE BDDED sH&JLO THg tlINOOr.l IT IIILL REPuACE; FINI8HED TO MCTCH EXISTIT{g DOOFS r-dl .--,---_. TOTfl. P.A1 Lm-fuL n>o4/ cPogsF - F+rt_77- ,L7. snFct"zr>) ulJlT 'ro w$lvg. DtrQR 3r56F4lAxlr4ut4 6E TsE lsnrEtr sxotiuo ae AND ulNgoHS. 5tz€t HHcl lg l)€cl1 ?0 HUST NOT Ne€o Fon WID?I{ AR BilALLER 163119p AND l+'-b{ '*r!o' 7e V€ 7^44 /*- P. (*r.t FXIJ1 CruESFDRDS REFLTY '1, O."ll"flit' TO :{rt:cr| l-'cL Gt oouracrxftrroi oo S9€CIFTCATIO}IE o rnE isnrE SHoltLO 8E urNgGefS. Fql.tfsl tFgc tFrceTlorwt eSsocrFftoN. Figr Tr{E roilN TiIJgTI 8HFFtr 'lF?lte. 3. c. D, coNlf A. B. FOF EXTETIOR.ECI(3 verL oEStol. iEultt, NTTAIil€D PRIOi TO oF Dg r"' +, 6r SY CL IH 3. rlrc -Dotro-Fo FtrAr irnrn:o rg tiaro{ ?xlstl}1c uooD €Lq{tHTt. :TER JOIS'F RNtD'iiII.I IMRDS.OIDARI STEINED TO I'IFTGH ING HOOO EIIT,E.ITE. !UpPORTS-?O Be COf'lCf,€T€ 9lEru' ExgOqSED 60t\Cig?E 19 Tg 8€ NED AIJD PfiINTED TO iTAfCH EXISTTNG gtUCCOEO ELEI'!€NTS, ed oHr: LTCENSEB Ey rHE ToHN oF ualL'' HSIGHT-TH€ 'OP OF EECKII{G T{UsT NO' qXCgET' -?O". (?HIS I9 TO AVOIO TFIS N€'ED FOR BUARORRTLS. Y DOOR TO EE AODED S!{qX.O IE IIIHOO.I I,T I,IILL REPLACEI ITro ilAfCH EIISTILG DoOfiS eND FR6tt Ftl{tSH I.IHICH ARE F tNrSHqq Ag BRERT.ER A HANDRAIL, t.IIDTH OR IT'IALLER TRIFED 'ND 8" HIGH €ACH. (THIS IS TO RVOIO TH€ NEEO FOfi Tt{t ls Nor p€Rr{lTrED) . Trig EHED . ADJA4qUT 4ql'il'tt' i<firre leex Apptasto lv s6nrn. ls REoutR€D.r' I TflE IIFRT oF coils- 'i i o giruo 9€R rlI IIUST g[zE -sg6 Tt€ e{ErcH BELCI.. :: t|.g nNo srnlR TR€nDt-?X6 n€daOOD. IOil FNAiiING NNO CONCREI€ SUE'PORTS ARE 3tZ€9 BY A LICENFEO CTURAL €TN3T[-IE€R. r.roRx ts To gE cor'IFLErED BY A CgNTRgcloF erHo Ig FULLV ulJrT fo wENe &cR ?t56,F.2Axlr4U|'4 '*l!o' PROPERTY MANAGEMENT September 10, 1998 Community Development Depaxtment Town ofVail 75 S. Frontage Road Vy'est Vail, CO 81657 Re: Deck Addition, Vail Golfcourse Townhome,Unitz3 1610 Sunbwst Drive Dear Sirs: The purpose of this letter is to convey the approval of the Vail Golfcourse Townhomes Association, Phase II, of the addition of a deck to the rear of Unit 23 per the attached drawing. Please call ifyou have any questions. Bill Sargent Crossroads Realty, Ltd. Managing Agent Vail Golfcourse Townhomes Association. Phase II C. Mr. Zdenek Bauer PO. Box 1292, Vail, Colorado 81658 / Crossroads Shopping Center / 143 E. Meadow Drive-Suite 39lA 970-47ffi700 / FAX 97U4794574 email: home@crossroadsrealtyvail.com website: www.crossroadsrealtyvail.com c. 4. GOLF COURSE TOIJNHOMES- trHASE I EXTERIOR DECKS SF'ECIFICATISNS THE FOII'OWING SF'ECiFICATIONS FOR EXTERIOR DECRS HAUS BEEN RF'F'ROVED BY THE CONDOMINIUI{ ASSOCIATIONT 1. AtrtrROVAL FROITI THE TOWN OF UAIL DESIGN REUIEW BOARD' IS REOUIRED. A BtifLDING F,ERI'IIT tqUST BE nTTAINED PRIOR TO THE STnRT OF CONS- TRUCTION. 3. SHAtrE AND SIZE -sEE THE SKETCH BELOI.I. fiATERIALSE. DECKING AND STAIR TREADS-AX6 REDWOOD. B. FRnmHING -DOUGLAS FIR, STAINED TO MATCH EXISTING trOOD ELEmENTS. C. .trERII'IETER JOISTS AND.TRIil BOARDS-CEDAR' STAINED TO FIATCH . EXISTING I.'OOD ELEI'IENTS. D- DECK SUtrtrORTS-TO BE CONCRETE C,IERS, EXFOSSED CONCRETE IS TO 8E TEXTURED AND F.AINTED TO MATCH EXISTING STUCCOED ELEMENTS. t CONSTRUCT ION A. ALL FRAMING NND CONCRETE SUF'F'trRTS ARE TG BE s]ZE]] BY A LICENSED STRUCTUREL EIN6IN€ER. B. NLL LJORH IS Tg BE COMF'LETEO BY A CONTRACTSR I,JHO iS FULLY INSURED nt|D LICENSED'BY THE TOWN OF ufiIL. C. DECY. HEIGHT-THE Tf'F'OF DECKIIJG MUST T.IOT E}:CEEL] =O" FROM FII.IISH GRADE. (THIS IS TO NVOID THE NESD FOR GUARDRNILS. IJHICH ARE NCT F'ERt'IlTTED) . "D. STEF,S-THE STEF.S FRC'M UNIT TO DECR OR FROITI I]ECH Tg FINISHED GRADE 1'IU5T NOT EX.CEED (3) RISERS. RISERS I4UST NOT 8E GREATER THAN A'HIGH ERCH- (THIS IS TO AUOID THE r.lEED FOR A HANDRaIL' WHICH I5 NOT trERIrlITTED). E. DOORS-ANY DCIOR TO BE ADDED SHOULD g'E THE SA'IIE WIDTH OR SMALLER THAN THE tlINDOt, IT WILL REPLACE: IT SHOULD BE TRII4ED AND FINISHED TO MATCH EXISTING DOORS AND t,Il.tDOUS- UNIT TO KJ.,E.VE DECR = N 6) coNsrRucnoN PERMTT*ffifl l;; departmot of cornmunity devrlopment TO BE FILLEO OUTCOMPLETELY PRIOR TO ISAUANCEOF PEFMIT TypEOFpERMn/6// EI euruotr'rc D pluuatxeI elecrRrcel n FoUNDATToN E MEcHANtcAL vF, coi,FcorrRsE TA1v) JOB NAME: ABED ToI{NIIOME ^IIF M&MAI.BERTOARETI IATLADDRESS PO BOX 4L-733 MEXTCO, CrTY ;?p5 570-36 FrRn EAGLE SUMMTTT CONST. TOWI{ OF VA|L REG. NO. 207_B L-7 62-8467 GENERAL CONTRACTOR TOWN OF VAIL NEG. NO.PLUMBING TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. OTHER CONTRACTO TOWN OF VAIL REG. NO. NOTE _ COPY OF PERMIT TO 911g ocT. 29. 1989 BE KEpr oN JoBsrrE \UoX \\l"*.,qX 0041 84 1. wPE OF CONSTRT CTTON I ll lll lV V 2. OCCUPANCY GROUP AEEH I R TI DIVISION r22d34 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OFWORK : - ADD WINDOW IN MASTER BEDROOM AND PERMIT NO. =I tJ BUITOI G 4 ,000 ELESTRICAL PLUtISING TECHAIIICAL TOTAL 4r0u0 ryPE GROUP G.R.F.A. VALUATION PERMIT FEES 4 ,000 BUILDIHG PERTIIT 63 +$<Js l aq; 9'';rD Ut lnS AJ{ \) q.) ,1 I PLAN CHECK 32 ELECTRICAL NEW( ) ALTERATION 6'$'(AOOITIONAI REPAIR(PtUllElt{G DWELLING UNITS I ACCOMMODATION UNITS - MECHANICAL HEIGHT IN FT, - NO.FIREPLACES RECREATIOl{ FEE INSULATION: TYPE THICKNESS R-VALLUE DESIGN REVIEW BOARO 10 CtEAN.UP DEFOSIT r00 EXr. wALLs l nnrr I sl I n-rl USE TAX TYPE OF ELEC. XX SOLABHEAT GAS wooD TOTAL PERMIT FEES $ 205.00 JOE NORRIS FE!.NOV. 1, 1989 ADDITIONAL PERMITS NEEDED: Y N INITIAL ST. CUT DrrircoFFrciAa -6ATE-- BETSY R. OCT. 31, 1989 I{G AOUI ISTRATOR OATE BLASTING ING & BUILDING NOTES: oeuo I I xl Town appl I horeby acknowledge that I have read this application, tillod out in lull the inform completed an accurate plot plan, and stat6 that all the intormation provid€d as r€qui agr€€ to comply with the information and plot plan, to comply with ell Town ordine laws, and to build this struclure according to the Town'-s zoning and subilivision In requir€d, is corr€ct. I rs and state {€s, design \ereto.\ oE\i{'MsEi; revi6u, approved, Uniform Bullding Code and ollfrorl Ht*l#' L . P,c..x>r r...(-.-t,L..--r.^.- $ffi '0 L,. "o-, Zooln- S.",ut "t,,+|- ANDTHE -. '.n" 6$ coNsrRucnoN eERMTT lmnllraillV l;"I dcpartment of community davelopment,r****pLEASE FILL 0uR wHrnr'rire-(xj"iinnrs nnErTo EE FTLLED our coMpLErELy pa,on ro rs!ui*ca or rr^"i TYPE OF PERMIT BUILDING ELECTRICAL MECHANI PLUMBING FOUNDATION Do! w!! X X X LEGAL DESC. tot ( BrK_ JqAt3'l4a€a* 33 ARCHITECT GENERAL CONTRACTOR ELECTRICAL frnecro il t).F.clo < MAll AnDRESS PLUMBING CONIRACTOR MECHANICA CONTRACTOR OTHER CONIRACTOI WN OF VAIL BEG. NO. IOWN OF VAIL FEG. NO. NOTE DATE - COPY OF PERMITplzqlaq'i TO 8E KEPT ON JOBSITE qtg,{ X THE 'l 2. FOLLOI,IING IS NEEDED FOR FILIN6 PERMIT:Letter from condo assn..tiF rippliiiisiif2 Sets, pf complete drawings/.rpfunatio,{ I. TYPE OF CONSTRUCIION 2. OCCUPANCY GNOUP lI t tvv eeeHSu | 2 2aO4 OESCRTPTTON OF IVORK , VAI.UATION z tr f aurtot c PLUMSING PERMIT FEES BUILDING PERMIT rrEw( I ALTERAidFI LleejllgNAL ( I-TEeAJR (- ACCOMMOOATION UNITS- NO. FINEPLACES THICXNESS R.VALLUE _11 H ADOITIONAL PERMITS NEEOET "rNo FLOON ETECIRICAL RECREATION FEE DESIGN REVIEW OOARD TOTAL PERMIT FEE -rfl"ff-'o s 4< e:kruG;nrron--=--- ZONING & BUILOING NOTES: 'rE eF nowNER oa cor,,rrni6i6EEETiilsEt-F I hereby acknowledoe lhal l,have read lhis application, ,illcd out::Tlt:j"d an accurJre plor ptan, u.nO .r"ie'in-ollii"tie inrormarionagree to compty with the iniormition;;O piir, jrr",.to comp)rfrrtliilt.3ld to bujtd.rhis strucrure a""o,Oini io-rrie"rreview approveo, unttoril auilding code and other ";ffi:3:,:: _il_lYll tl. information required,pro.vrdect as required is coirect. Ill.Town ordinances "nO ,Lr"rO subdivisjon codes, designTown applicabte f herJf o t "l _ .t (, hwn 75 south lronlage road vail, colorado 8'1657 (303) 476-7000 department ot pu blic works/transporta on T0l FROM: DATE: RE: rn sumnary, Ordinance No. 6 states lhac it Ls unrawful for any person tolitter, track or deposit any soll, rock, sand, debris or material, includingtrash dumpsters' portable toilets and workmen vehicles upon any sEreeE,sidewalk, alley or public place or any portion thereof. The right-of-wayon all Town of vail streets and roads is approxiuately 5 fE. off pavement.This ordinance will be strictly enforced by the Town of vail public worksDepartment. Persons found violating thts ordinance will be given 24-hourwritten notice to remove said naterial. rn the event the person so notifi.ed does not comply vrith the notice within the 24-hour tine splcified, thePublic works Departnent r.rill remove sald material at che expense of personnocified. The provisions of thLs ordinance sha11 not be aptricable toconstructlon, malntenance or repair projects of any street or alley or anyutllitles ln the right-of-way. To revLew ordLnance No. 6 in fu1L, please stop by the Town of vail BuildingDepartment to obtain a copy. Thank you for your' cooperacion in this natter. frli VAIL1989 I4EMORANDIjM ALL CONTMCTORS CURRENTLY REGISTERED WITH THE TOWN OF VAIL TOI.JN OF VAIL BUILDING DEPARTMENT MARCH 16, 1988 ORDINANCE NO. 6 r,lr}}\ t INSPECTION REOUEST TOWN OF VAIL NAME CALLER READY FOR LOCATION: INSPECTION:MON TUES -\\\-l THUR FRI o' tfq) BUILDING: tr FOOTINGS / STEEL PLUMBING: tr FOUNDATION / STEEL tr UNDERGROUND tr BOUGH / D.W.V. tr ROUGH / WATER{rnn",lrc . ,L fi 19.9.1^&^siqFt O GAS PIPINGPLYWOOD NAILING tr D tr n INSULATION EI POOL / H. TUB SHEETROCK NAIL tr EINAL tr E FINAL ELECTRICAL: tr TEMP. POWER MECHANICAL: tr HEATING tr ROUGH tr EXHAUST HOODS tr CONDUIT tr SUPPLY AIR tr o tr FINAL N FINAL -:.tJ.,Appnoveo CORRECTIONS: tr DISAPPROVED tr REINSPECTION REQUIRED DATE INSPECTOR o cT-26-e9 r-HlJ ocT oa ',99 17!03 Ir 6r, ructcr) AgSOC/WtNDO$,. DOC Bgv. to/2/89 Thtt Re'-olutlon corrntcrpertB, each of rffcct{vl rhrn rigned 'u== ltA.tORf IY BONSENT IN LIEU oF EP, fr of thlr ,n, 'at, of .nay be txecutcd StfiUlteneou6ty ln gne which lhall bc cleenad ao artglnll , aod BFECIAL }|EETIMI EOARD OF DIF€ETORg TltE VAIL BtX-FC6ttF6€ tO$$S{(}ttE6 ASAoclaTIoN P}IA8E TI P-A= P.e/ 3 or nort bec ortrlt Tt|E UND€R8I€IG.D, batng a oaJority ol the Dircctora of ThG vrtl Bol{courrr Town}rorn"l nesocirtipni- Fhell lI, e Co}orrdo non-Frofit corporatlanl heraby Faive thc holdtng o+ a meet{ng end edopt the follewing Rrrolutionl REBOLIVEDT thlt thc Diructarr of thl: Aeroclrtion htrtbv roProvr rhe reourst ro.-ipprp"ii lii rxteripr wlnCcw chenge_to_.1-llll"m,-deor lnd r filrf l.rlnctow f;'ihe a'eetef bcdroo6 rt Unlt iU'5r Eullglng. g (rf +ii"a iri{rr Lne oclocrilronl, eub.iecl-ia irte Gendltlo;5 Etrtrd herelnr {l} Apprevtl ir Errntrd br|rd on thr locat{on pt unlt T23 rnd gulldtnq- E and' thEre{orer tht nlhtfitl lfipset thlr chenge nlll hlvc upon netghborr rnd rsridentc of thir *rsl' t?! Approval is q/rntect xitfr "G3pc€t ttt tha xlnrrow ldf|f,r C-hanDi. All dieturbrd la.'ircrplng r,rill br replpctd rld . rrprlred-:l:T,jot- rtructlOn lr .o^'plrlr, "*p"nte. 91 s,.1ctr to be -bptng rxcluelvtly Oy ttti own1r ef iinrt *2S, Sg i'etrlflc.pr l*,pllcd rpPFsval t! qiented {ar lny speclel cr JI'",'t rdcd rlEht rf to FQrFll; lngrrtr or uge ol Asroeirtion ground owned ln common by ltr ocfibefgr (3) Tha lpprovel ranrlnl subjoct trl prl'or ?(oPcr rppltcetloor. rnd trirlFt p+ thr nrce*arv .p1"""{.it' rrquitcd !:r tno T9w1-91--vatl SulidinO Dspi. and D.rtrgn ne"i",u 3eard, l?foQl of sald lPprovtlt t;-bi if lci *f trr l-lrit-firsuuiatlurr F;-i.lt tr.r Lln Lr!,mrrrrtLtrlrrrrL u{ = any irork. ) {{t Any .nd all Eosts, lnctudtng bttt n{lt ltltrltetl to thr coBt of dotng the HBFhI clarnlni .rp O,-,trni end alter tha xorko.Td-It^?:lring or iipr".fni ."y-e".E"fltfott o. lndivldual property do{tcg"d .€s I r**ult af thr *prk1 lhrtl be et tho axpenle of thr rppllcent rna hls rtrtr racpon*ibtlltY. tE) nll rl9htr end ohllgetinnc bltween the rpptlcrnt and thr Alro" clrtl6n, aE tet 6ut lrr inJ Conaomlnluft DEelerltlgn trtd 6tlirl' $oYGrnlngdocurrrentar,ittrrrlpatttothlrapprovrllndthar+orkionternplitra-ittirrby, *arln in {ull forcc rnd rifect. by r mrforltY Pf thr curmnt Dir*etorr' , lqaq, (lcT-26-A9 THLI October 19, 1989 Mr. and Mrs. AlberLo AbedP.O. Box 4l-733 1100 Mexleo' D.F. MEXICO Re: Window/Door Alteratlon Reguest Vai I GnI frollrae Tnwnhom+, TInit 2i Dear Mr. and Mre. Abeclr PIease flnd encloseil for your reference,cuted Eoard of Directors Consent In Lleuthe above-referenced aluerations. Should you have eny quesuions, pleaee doour office. glncerely, a2 a copy of the fullY exe- Of Speclal MeetinE Eranting not hesltate to conuact 'l== SHAPIRO REALTf, INC. C;;)\,*----a$ Debra J, Joirnso-n SecreLary to Ken shaplro /dj Enclosure cc, Louls Gram 100 West Beaver Creek Bo.rl6/ard Surte 930,\ A\.on Cent€r Building P O. Box 56+0 'feleohone (303) 949-7979 FAX (303) 949-7984 Shsplro RealtY, Inc. Avon, Colorado 81690 .. I NAME OF PROJECT: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: STREET ADDRESS: DESCRIPTION OF The following Board before A. BUILDING Roof '4Jt1t0n *JAt/\ t3E:n Rgorr^ |l'.rrA) Ds(, information is required for submittal by the applicant to the Des'ign Review a final approval can be fiven: MTERIALS: TYPE OF MATERIAL COLOR TI O r-rsr oF MATERTALS #3 A tJt\ Yn lF'€zp t'.l.,4 tNtJ^jJ €.fs-T- /AA,az:/ltuno- o.roia.s n11r<4 ex*}lrt$ FRt<<, * '.t f: 4rtrtl N/t S'i di ng 0ther t.lall Materials Fasci a Soffi ts Wi ndows !'lindow Trim Doors Door Trim Hand or Deck Rails Fl ues Fl ashi ngs Chi mneys Trash Enclosures Greenhouses 0ther tvl"ATLqeyi>-rit)G UJ-aD | 1p stAttJt- lt/,IWIA B. LANDSCAPING: Name of Designer: Phone: PLANT MATERIALS: PROPOSED TREES Botanical Name EXISTING TREES TO BE REMOVED \_ Common Name Quani ty Si ze* for conifers. (over) \ -----------.+- *Indjcate caliper for deciducious trees.Indicate height "PLANT MTERIALS: (con't) SHRUBS EXISTING SHRUBS TO BE REMOVED GROUND COVERS Botanical Name Tvpe Cormon Name Quani ty S'i ze .\ ---v -= -7- Square Footage s0D SEED TYPE OF IRRIGATION TYPE OR METHOD OF EROSION CONTROL C. OTHER LANDSCAPE FEATURES (retaining wa]ls, fences, swirruning pools, etc.) Please specify. tL.P. CONSTRUCTION p.O. Box 1191 r Englewood, CO 80110 o (303) 762-U67 EAGLE SUMMIT BUILDERS - dba T0: Town of Vail Community Deve l onment R.E: Building permit for oroposed remodeling at 1610 Sunburst r0 129 189 Unit lt23 Herewith attached is a completed Town of Vail pernit aDDlication plans and elevations and letter of approval from the Vail Goldcourse Townhomes Association for the work proposed. The oroposed work lnvolves installation of a r+indow in the east wall and a patio door in the south wall of the rrnit. f am asking you to issue irnmediate approval of this project on the following grounds: 1. This r.rork has been aoproved in the past on other units in this complex and all of the newer units have these features included as part of their basic design. Please see the attached photos of the tyoe of work which is beinF nrooosed. 2. The scope of work does not require extensive plan revie..r. I will provide erigineers calculations to s stantiate header sizes prior to calline for th 3. Unless the work is started iplfedi z. rne scope oI worK (loes noL requlle cr!LcrrD-LvE pr-ctrt .'7 -.- ftrevie..r. I ;i11 provide erigineers calculations to sgf . ,\{V \) ;: :;ii;' :":;::; I "i: " e s pr i or' " " .' t l"* li^ffii$"T:"t;Irctnr-Luai +rrpvgv -f - z tn\ hv.r' ,. rIl-\^- i, ll-ll 3. Unless the work is started irt'e"ia1gg$\\FL|d11^ry.t hd r-' possible to complete it rrefor" t\nP*{t V:lu*1o @FEoccupancy. \ f\r - .-..\N \\-. \ f t l\'T#E J#S" A Dhl'"l',Ld {i-,J-' DJP / lmp General Contractor o Design-Build r Construction Management . Tenant Finish tErr!$ @hc_ etar. r- r.tr -_" .. -::::r - --. . : :i--. oI frofDr.gT9lf!?erPtDnlnrla&cn;tt,.l Q F|tSLIlCorm- PPcFr,-e.Plna?.arr-Ircnod @lrt,,,,bttsrtt ' I:figtj ?,3 ,q 1UILOING'F], tut$ p*<(s. EW zl NEII ROAP Aaft1/\LT ZO'.WtOe I |,1 ,, LINE ----/9.._ ' ,tt ..--:--.IND'X TO DRATIJ AOI SITE TLAN A,O2 UTIL|TY PLAN AO3 TYftTfLffiPLAN5 AO4 TYTXFLW,PLAN6 Ao5 6tJ|-9fr&',r-' .LOOR 4 A,06 6UtL0*t3 '.F',FVOjR & 1 Ao7 ourLtN fLooR q z- _-.___ ^_- // //// I I z-u a(\l 11J s(\ q .?L -2' -.Ltr N \0 GzaJ\/" 9 u-) \) .(\ v 1irilr )] %€E;,tr Jry, . ., - ...; t /. 4/)oa1 n ^t/)t \tf-D tLl F IT.AVATIaN nR lUSfAL- ..Ut rj}l) ltY*tr,O f fi6f-t-EgzTtvr.l \l{.j. J-c-ef _u a,</-'Lf - { <LL-Z,{L>rL ?t YYtE'tX;toD5 .rf,'4.?Ercto l)ou) p6o{e_ 'frDG- TS3E_gcrrJ -.ew:z- - z q'tr.>; [4tcPo /?'avroryj**e- lLrto Surr€ues;r UDrt * e3 ?b,ez z- !),;J'sto,J Lo"o'oJ <5,) l1:ffi tln+w z ^o[..1""rzettt {t IJ -"TlR ffxr . {"..